UC-NRLF $C 21 576 KATK CONSTRUCTION GUIDE Ompileii m& fjtUisM By tlEVfiUKO, 0, RATE CONSTRUCTION GUIDE SHOWING HOW TO COMPUTE THROUGH FREIGHT RATES FROM INDIANA, MICHIGAN (SOUTHERN PENINSULA), OHIO WESTERN PARTS OF NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, AND WEST VIRGINIA ALSO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND PEORIA DISTRICTS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES Compiled and Published by F. W. FAIRBAIRN CLEVELAND, O. 1913 Annual Subscription $5.00 Per Copy. Copyright, 1913 by Frederick W. Fairbairn. THE BRITTON PRINTING CO CLEVELAND jforetoorb THE descriptive title heretofore used for preliminary adver- tising having served its purpose, a shorter one has been adopted by which the publication will be known henceforth. The advance subscription list having justified the enlargement since the manuscript first took form, provision has been made for three additional groups of origin, viz: Chicago, Milwaukee and Peoria Districts. For the same reason more detailed information is contained throughout the publication than that indicated by the prelim- inary sample pages which were given wide circulation. Due appreciation of the substantial response to the preliminary advertising matter is acknowledged by the compiler, especially in view of a subscriber's difficulty of accurately prejudging the completeness of a publication of this character by two sample pages. INTRODUCTION This publication indicates the usual method of determining through rates (except on lumber, coal and coke) to all points in the United States, under tariff publications lawfully filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission, or duly published governing intrastate or all-water movement not amenable to the Act to Regulate Commerce, on traffic originating in the following states: Indiana Michigan (Southern Peninsula) Ohio *New York (Western Part) *Pennsylvania (Western Part) *West Virginia (Western Part) ♦Points embraced in the so-called Buffalo-Pittsburg Zone, listed as points of origin in Tariff No. 112 Series published by Eugene Morris, Agent, Chicago, and the remaining points in Pennsylvania west of that Zone. Also Chicago, 111., District Milwaukee, Wis., District Peoria, 111., District In addition to pointing out the construction and thereby simplifying the calculation of freight rates a full description of the tariffs enumerated will be found. This descriptive list in Part 4, Pages 79 to 94, com- bined with the broad reference to individual issues in some cases throughout Parts 2 and 3, will enable those concerned to provide a complete file of tariffs for their requirements and yet guard against indis- criminate requisitions for such issues as would not be of interest. The publication will be reissued annually, shorter intervals being deemed unnecessary for the following reasons : (a) No rates are named, but instead, the information given as to how they may be determined, i.e., whether to use through tariffs or combinations of tariffs and the numbers of such issues, therefore, any fluctuation in rates will not impair its efficiency. (b) New tariffs superseding those enumerated will not detract from the publication, as the reissues of joint agency tariffs, and in some cases the individual tariffs of the carriers, are continued under the same serial numbers as the preceding issues. Thus, for illustration, the present issue of Agent E. Morris' Tariff 15 Series is 1S-F and when next reissued will be 15-G. Therefore, a mere reference to the series is a sufficient clue, as it would be also in the case of individual tariffs of railroad companies not numbered in a corre- sponding manner, by the adoption of the index numerals in this publication as a file reference for such tariffs and superseding issues, it being assumed that a shipper, in applying to the railroad companies for certain tariffs of their own individual issue, will ask to be placed on the mailing list for the reissues, which would naturally be filed under the same index numbers as the tariffs superseded. (c) New issues of joint agency tariffs displacing individual railroad issues, while on the increase, are not of such frequent occurence but that they can be provided for to meet average requirements annually. (d) The basing points (one of the prime features of this publication) do not vary with any degree of frequency. For complexity in rate situations Kentucky furnishes the most striking example, which has necessitated a radically different style of compilation than the remaining states. The Kentucky notes, numerically arranged on Pages 28 and 29, with their marginal outline, afford a convenient plan for analysis of the seventeen different adjustments involved. It has been the aim of the compiler to present all combination factors pertaining to the general move- ment of traffic, and while it would obviously be impracticable to include every obscure basing point having a sphere of influence so limited in commodity or territorial application as to be of little interest for a publi- cation of this character, subscribers are invited to submit information of such seemingly isolated cases coming under their observation which they deem of sufficient importance to justify inclusion, for con- sideration in the compilation of the next annual reissue. 274300 CONTENTS Foreword Introduction Part 1 — Miscellaneous. (Pages 1 to 8.) List of joint agents publishing freight tariffs for common carriers and how their issues may be procured List of gateways, viz. : Chicago Junction Points, Mississippi River Crossings, Missouri River Crossings, Virginia Cities, Car-ferry Ports on Lake Michigan Rule for the application of combination rates Rule for observance in referring to freight tariffs Explanation of the term "Individual issues," as used in this publication Rule for tariff requisitions on common carriers Interstate Commerce Commission rulings State railroad commissions' classification issues Application from Chicago, Milwaukee and Peoria Districts List of freight classification issues with their geographical limitations, territorial directories, and miscellaneous issues Definition of groups as used in this publication Part 2 — Rate adjustment, separately by states. (Pages 9 to 66.) Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia. Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Page No. 11 13 14 15 16 66 66 66 17 19 21 22 23 24 26 27 31 66 66 66 33 35 36 38 39 Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina . . North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania. . . . Rhode Island. . . . South Carolina . . South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Page 3 Part 3 — Tariffs applying to certain basing points {to xvhich specific reference is made in Part 2) Part 4 — Key to tariff index reference Page No. 40 41 66 66 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 66 51 53 54 56 57 66 58 59 60 61 65 67 to 77 79 to 94 PART 1 MISCELLANEOUS JOINT AGENTS PUBLISHING TARIFFS, CLASSIFICATION ISSUES, ETC., FOR THE VARIOUS RAILROADS, AS REFERRED TO HEREIN Name Address Title of Publication or Association ©Cameron, Wm St. Louis, Mo (Ohio River Crossings — St. Louis Lines.) ©Collyer, R. N New York, N. Y Official Classification. ©Conard, G. P New York, N. Y Official Railway Equipment Register. ©Countiss, R. H Chicago, 111 Transcontinental Freight Bureau. ©Fulton, C. E Chicago, 111 (Chicago & Ohio River Committee Lines.) ©Hall, A. D St. Louis, Mo (Southern Lines.) ©Hinton, E. H Atlanta, Ga (Southeastern Lines.) „„ -nr tt r^u- in /Western Trunk Lines. ©Hosmer, W. H Chicago, 111 < 1U - ■ T . ^ s ' , [Illinois Lines. ©Leland, F. A St. Louis, Mo Southwestern Lines. ©Lowrey, L. A Chicago, 111 (Chicago Committee Switching Tariffs.) ©Morris, Eugene Chicago, 111 • (Central Freight Association Lines.) ©Pierce, R. S. Cincinnati, Ohio (Cincinnati Switching Tariff.) ©Poteet, W. A Kansas City, Mo Trans-Missouri Lines. @Powe, W. R Atlanta, Ga Southern Classification. ©Ryan, John A Richmond, Va (Southern Lines.) ©Washburn, M. P . Louisville, Ky (Southern Lines.) ©Applications for publications must be made through the Texas Lines. ■ ©Applications for publications must be made through the southern lines operating from the Virginia Cities. ©Applications for publications must be made through the eastern lines. ©Direct subscription; $1.00 per copy. ©Applications for publications when from shippers located east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line must be made through the eastern lines; and when from shippers in the Chicago, Milwaukee and Peoria Districts, through the western lines. ©Applications for publications must be made through the southern lines operating from Ohio River Crossings. ©Direct subscription; $1.00 per annum. ©Applications for publications must be made through the western or Illinois lines, as the case may be. ©Applications for publications must be made through the western lines. ©Applications for publications must be made through the southern lines operating from Ohio River Crossings or Virginia Cities. LIST OF VARIOUS GATEWAYS, REFERRED TO HEREIN Blue Island 111. Chicago 111. Coster 111. Dolton 111. East Joliet 111. East Burlington. . . East Clinton East Dubuque East Fort Madison . 111. 111. 111. 111. CHICAGO JUNCTION POINTS Englewood Ill . Gibson Ind . Grand Crossing Ill . Joliet 111. Kankakee Ill . MISSISSIPPI RIVER CROSSINGS East Hannibal Ill . East Keokuk 111. East Louisiana Ill . East St. Louis Ill . Savanna 111. Kensington Ill . Momence Transfer Ill . South Chicago Ill . Stony Island Ill . Washington Heights Ill . Fulton 111. Keithsburg Ill . Quincy 111. Rock Island Ill . Atchison Kans . Council Bluffs Iowa Kansas City Kans. Kansas City Mo . Burkeville Va. Charlottesville Va. Farmville Va. Front Royal Va . Kilby Va. Lynchburg Va. Manchester Va. MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS Leavenworth Kans . Nebraska City Neb . Omaha Neb . Pacific Junction Iowa VIRGINIA CITIES Newport News Va . Norfolk Va. Orange Va . Petersburg Va . Pinners Point Va. Portsmouth.' Va. Richmond Va . Sioux City Iowa South Omaha Neb . St. Joseph Mo. Riverton Va . Roanoke Va . Strasburg Va . Suffolk Va. Waverly Va . West Point Va. CAR FERRY ROUTES TO WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS MILWAUKEE, WIS. From Ludington, Mich., direct all-year service across Lake Michigan. From Grand Haven, Mich., direct all-year service across Lake Michigan. From Frankfort, Mich., all-year service across Lake Michigan to Manitowoc, Wis., thence rail service. MANITOWOC, WIS. From Ludington, Mich., direct all-year service across Lake Michigan. From Frankfort, Mich., direct all-year service across Lake Michigan. From Grand Haven, Mich., all-year service across Lake Michigan to Milwau- kee, Wis., thence rail service. KEWAUNEE, WIS. From Ludington, Mich., direct all-year service across Lake Michigan. From Frankfort, Mich., direct all-year service across Lake Michigan. From Grand Haven, Mich., all-year service across Lake Michigan to Mil- waukee, Wis., thence rail service. MARINETTE, WIS.: MENOMINEE, MICH .) From Frankfort, Mich., as follows: Direct service across Lake Michigan, except in mid-winter. All-year service to Manitowoc or Kewaunee, Wis., thence rail service. From Ludington, Mich., all-year service to Manitowoc or Kewaunee, thence rail-service. From Grand Haven, Mich., all-year service to Milwaukee, Wis., thence rail service. MANISTIQUE, MICH.: From Frankfort, Mich., direct all-year service across Lake Michigan. APPLICATION OF COMBINATION RATES (a) An interstate rate made by combination of two or more factors is applicable only when no through rate is published from the point of origin to destination, either specifically on the particular commodity or on the class in which the commodity belongs in the Classification issue governing, or if, in case a through rate is in effect, the through tariff by due provision therefor legalizes the alternative use of such combination. (b) An intrastate rate can be used in combination with an interstate rate on a through consignment only when the tariff cover- ing the former and the classification governing it are lawfully on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission, which will be indicated by an I. C. C. reference number on such issues. (For general rule pertaining to the applicability of combination rates see Rule 5-C, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) APPLICATION OF TARIFFS The following important features, appearing in the front part of tariff issues on interstate traffic, should be closely observed: Restricted application to the list of issuing or concurring lines, as participating carriers; Restricted application, in some cases, to certain routes as indicated in the tariffs under the heading "Application of Rates" or "Exceptions to Application of Rates"; List of commodities, in some instances, on which rates are to be found in other tariffs; Legalization, in some cases, of alternative combination rates; Miscellaneous items of explanatory matter ("Rules and Regulations," etc.) An examination, therefore, of the pages preceding the rate matter in tariffs is essential to a correct understanding of their application. EXPLANATION OF THE TERM "INDIVIDUAL ISSUES" The multiplicity of the points of origin, basing points, carriers and their numerous publications necessitates brevity in some cases under the general term "Individual Issues." The individual issues in such instances would obviously be those published by the logical carriers, depending upon the points from and to which the information were desired, and an observance of the preceding paragraph ("Application of Tariffs") will complete the chain of research. REQUISITIONS FOR TARIFFS Requisitions on issuing carriers for copies of their tariff publications, or those of their joint Agents, should invariably state the commodity, point of origin (or basing point) from, and destination (or basing point) to which the information is desired, unless the selection is made from the list contained herein and the description given exactly fits the case. This will be a safeguard against the possibility of class tariffs being supplied instead of special commodity tariffs and aid in preventing an accumulation of unnecessary issues. An exception can consistently be made, however, in the case of tariffs designated as "Miscellaneous Commodities" in this publication, as such issues, while perhaps not embracing a particular commodity at the time, might eventually do so by supple- ment or reissue under the exceptionally broad scope of their application. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION RULINGS For information as to the rulings of the Interstate Commerce Commission pertaining to the general practice of freight rate and classification matters or the compilation of tariffs, see Conference Rulings Bulletin and Tariff Circular referred to under "Miscellaneous Issues" on Page No. 7. STATE RAILROAD COMMISSIONS' CLASSIFICATION ISSUES The Classification issues promulgated by certain state railroad commissions are of interest in rare instances when an intrastate rate governed by a State Commission Classification is used in combination with an interstate rate. Such combinations, however, can only be substituted for combinations of interstate rates, when the intrastate tariff and Classification are lawfully on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission, which will be indicated by an I. C. C. reference number thereon, and the other conditions surrounding combination rates as explained above under the title "Application of Combination Rates" are complied with. APPLICATION FROM CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND PEORIA DISTRICTS Specific provision appears under the heading "Through Rates", and in some cases to the basing points under "Combina- tion Rates", for: CHICAGO GROUP, which includes points in the Chicago Switching district designated as taking Chicago rates in L. A. Lowrey's Tariffs 20 and 22 (Index No. 905). MILWAUKEE GROUP, which includes Cudahy, Kenosha, Racine, South Milwaukee, Waukesha, West Allis, Wis., and other points in the Milwaukee District. And PEORIA GROUP, which includes Peoria and Pekin, 111. to the following states on their respective pages: Alabama, Kentucky, Ohio, Arkansas (Helena and W. Helena), Louisiana, Pennsylvania (Western Part), Florida, Michigan (Southern Peninsula), South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Illinois, Xew York (Western Part), Virginia, Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia. To the remaining states the rates may be determined as follows: Arizona Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago," or those covering the El Paso, Jerome Jet. and A. & C. Jet. combinations. Arkansas (except Helena and West Helena, which are specifically pro- vided for above) Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago," or those covering the Cairo-E. Hannibal-E. St. Louis-Gale-Thebes and Memphis combinations. California Through tariffs as enumerated. Colorado Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago." Connecticut . .} Delaware \ General adjustment as indicated. District of Columbia J Idaho Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago." Iowa Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago, Milwaukee, and Peoria." Kansas Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago." Maine j Maryland } General adjustment as indicated. Massachusetts J Michigan (Northern Peninsula) Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago, Peoria and Milwaukee." Minnesota Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago." Missouri Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago," or those covering the Cairo-E. Hannibal-E. St. Louis-Gale-Thebes combinations. Also W. H. Hosmer's Nos. 500 and 503, miscellaneous commodities (Index Nos. Ill and 113) to St. Louis. ' i Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago.' Montana Nebraska Nevada Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago," or those covering the Pacific Coast Terminals combination. New Hampshire -. . . 1 New Jersey \ General adjustment as indicated. New York (Eastern Part) J New Mexico Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago," or those covering the El Paso combination. North Dakota Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago." Oklahoma Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago," or those covering the Memphis combination. Oregon Through rates as shown under that heading; tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago," or those covering the "Terminal Points" combination. Pennsylvania (Eastern Part) \ ^ j adjustment as i ndicate d. Rhode Island J ' South Dakota Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago." Texas Through tariffs as enumerated. Utah Through rates as shown under that heading; tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago," or those covering the Salt Lake-Ogden Rate Points combination. Vermont General adjustment as indicated. Washington Through rates as shown under that heading; tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago," or those covering the "Terminal Points" combination. Wisconsin Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago, Peoria and Milwaukee." Also W. H. Hosmer's No. 509 (Index No. 117) (miscellaneous commodities) from Peoria to Milwaukee District. (Owing to the intrastate and localized application of the numerous tariffs from the Milwaukee Group to other Wisconsin points which would seldom, if ever, have any bearing on traffic from Chicago, Peoria or points east of the Illinois-Indiana state line, and the accessibility of such issues to shippers in the Milwaukee Group, only the principal tariffs of the Wisconsin lines are included.) Wyoming Tariffs enumerated as applying "Beyond Chicago." GENERAL ISSUES WHICH SHOULD BE KEPT ON FILE, AS REQUIRED CLASSIFICATIONS Issued By OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION R. N. COLLYER, AGENT Governs the through tariffs applying from points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line to approximately all points in the ITnited States on and east of the Mississippi River from Cairo, 111., to Minneapolis, Minn., inclusive; thence on and east of the Great Northern Ry., through Cambridge to Hinckley, Minn.; thence Northern Pacific R. R. to Duluth; following and north of the Ohio River from Cairo, 111., to Cincinnati, including Henderson, Louisville and Owens- boro, Ky. ; thence north of and including the Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Cincinnati to Big Sandy Jet., Ky.; thence east of the easterly state boundary of Kentucky on and north of the Norfolk & Western Ry., Bristol, Va., to Norfolk, Va. Also from Chicago, Milwaukee and Peoria Groups to the same territory in general east of the Illinois-Indiana state line, including Henderson, Owensboro and Louisville, Ky., as described in the foregoing. In some isolated cases these boundary lines are exceeded. Subject to classification exceptions published by E. Morris, Agent, Chicago, as referred to below under that heading. SOUTHERN CLASSIFICATION W. R. POWE, AGENT Governs the rating approximately between all points south of and including the states of Kentucky and Virginia south of the Norfolk & Western Ry. from Bristol, Va., to Norfolk, Va., and east of the Mississippi River. This classification usually governs all through tariffs from points north of the Ohio River into the southern states. The exceptions are published as notes in the back part of the publication (Southern Classification) and are of interest only when reference thereto is made by note numbers specifically in connection with rates to a given point or by a general reference on the title page of the tariff. WESTERN CLASSIFICATION F. J. HOFFMAN, AGENT Governs the rating of traffic between all points in the United States not embraced in the territories covered by the Official and Southern Classifications. It also overlaps the Official Classification territory by governing the through tariffs from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia to the southwest and far west. Subject to the classification exceptions published by joint agents as referred to below under that heading. VIRGINIA CLASSIFICATION C. E. BELL, AGENT Governs traffic to certain points in Virginia, as specified in tariffs to which reference is made, and to that extent displaces the Official and Southern Classifications. ILLINOIS CLASSD?ICATION W. H. HOSMER, AGENT Governs traffic between all points in Illinois and alternatively with the Western Classification from Chicago, Milwaukee and Peoria Groups to St. Louis, Mo. CLASSIFICATION EXCEPTIONS WESTERN CLASSIFICATION EXCEPTIONS: Circular 1 Series Of general application to the west but displaced by the Rules Circulars insofar as the latter apply W. H. Hosmer, Agent. Rules Circular 1 Series Arkansas, Louisiana (West of Miss. River), Texas F. A. Leland, Agent. Rules Circular 2 Series Arkansas, Louisiana (West of Miss. River), Oklahoma F. A. Leland, Agent. Rules Circular 3 Series Oklahoma F. A. Leland, Agent. Rules Circular 1 Series Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming W. A. Poteet, Agent. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION EXCEPTIONS: Tariff 130 Series Of general application to all points in Official Classification territory E. Morris, Agent. TERRITORIAL DIRECTORIES No. 1 Series Arkansas, Louisiana (West of Miss. River), Oklahoma, Texas. F. A. Leland, Agent. No. 1 Series ;. Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming W. A. Poteet, Agent. No. 3 Series Mississippi Valley, Southeastern and Carolina Territories M. P. Washburn, Agent. No. 3 Series Official Classification Territory E. Morris, Agent. MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES The Traffic Service Bureau, 418 South Market St., Chicago. Interstate f Conference Rulings Bulletin No. 6 (40 cents 1 , c- , « . „ :„„..„ a * in Commerce per copy). (Supplements as issued cost 10 , Commission [ Tariff Circular 18-A (35 cents per copy). J cents per copy> Official List of Open and Prepay Stations in the United States ($1.00) F. A. Leland, Agent. Official Railway Equipment Register (issued monthly showing dimensions of freight car equip- ment) for determining minimum weights and the possibility of tunnel clearances, etc. ($1.00) . R. P. Conrad, Agent. Railway Line Clearances (showing maximum tunnel and weight clearances over all railroads).,' J ° at> kp^ ^"'P 1116 "!: Regulations for the Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles \\ i 1 ? ^V D " cat '? n «-°i. ' •> (Issued quarterly; $2.00 per annum.) H Church St., New York Individual or joint agency Switching Charge absorption tariffs applicable at junction points, especially at large industrial centers in addition to those enumerated in this publication (Index Nos. 900 and 905). For addresses of the joint agents named above, see Page No. 3. DEFINITION OF SPECIFIC GROUPS OF ORIGIN BUFFALO-PITTSBURG GROUP Points of origin in the southeastern part of Ohio and the western parts of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, listed in E. Morris' Tariff 112 Series (Index No. 6). A subdivision used in connection with rates to points in the following states: Alabama Mississippi Florida North Carolina Georgia South Carolina Kentucky Tennessee Louisiana Virginia CHICAGO GROUP Chicago, 111., and other points in that vicinity including those situated in the extreme northwestern corner of Indiana taking Chicago rates, as designated in L. A. Lowrey's Tariffs 20 and 22 (Index No. 90S). A subdivision used as explained on Page No. 6. CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Cincinnati.Ohio, Evansville, Jeffersonville, New Albany, Ind., and other points of origin on or adjacent to the Ohio River ordinarily taking same rates. (The specific reference to this group should not be confused with the title "Ohio River Crossings" as applied in Part 2.) A subdivision used in connection with rates to points in the following states, or those basing thereon: Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Missouri Florida New York (Western Part) Georgia North Carolina Illinois Ohio Indiana Pennsylvania (Western Part) Iowa South Carolina Kentucky Tennessee Louisiana Virginia Michigan West Virginia Minnesota Wisconsin COLUMBUS-IRONTON GROUP Chesapeake & Ohio Ry., Cincinnati Division; Hocking Valley Ry., south of and including Columbus, Ohio; Kanawha & MichiganRy., certain stations; named as points of origin in the following Kanawha Dispatch tariffs: 638, 641, 672 and 679 (Index Nos. 461 to 464, inclusive). Also Norfolk & Western Ry., Columbus and Cincinnati Divisions; T. & O. C. Ry., south of and including Columbus, Ohio; named as points of origin in Norfolk & Western Ry. Tariff No. 25 (Index No. 460). A subdivision used in connection with rates to points in the following states: Florida South Carolina Georgia Virginia North Carolina INDIANAPOLIS GROUP Indianapolis and other contiguous points of origin in Indiana named as taking Indianapolis rates in the following tariffs published by C. E. Fulton, viz.: Nos. 101, 102, 104 and 114 (Index Nos. 75, 87, 80 and 86). A subdivision used in connection with rates to points in the following states, or those basing thereon: Alabama North Carolina Florida Ohio Georgia South Carolina Illinois Tennessee Indiana Virginia Kentucky Wisconsin Michigan MILWAUKEE GROUP Milwaukee, Cudahy, Kenosha, Racine, South Milwaukee, Waukesha, West Allis, Wis., and other points listed as "Milwaukee District" on Page No. 61. A subdivision used as explained on Page No. 6 . PEORIA GROUP Peoria and Pekin, 111. A subdivision used as explained on Page No. 6. PITTSBURG-YOUNGSTOWN- WHEELING GROUP A subdivision used in connection with rates to points in the following states: Georgia Tennessee North Carolina Virginia South Carolina Pittsburg, Pa., Youngstown, Ohio, Wheeling, W. Va., and other contiguous points of origin in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, named in the tariff to which specific reference is made, viz.: E. Morris' No. 145 Series (Index No. 9). SOUTH BEND-BENTON HARBOR GROUP Points of origin in northern Indiana and Michigan (Southwestern Part), taking Chicago rates in the following tariffs published by C. E. Fulton, viz.: Nos. 100, 104, 112 and 114 (Index Nos. 79, 80, 84 and 86). A subdivision used in connection with rates to points in the following states, or those basing thereon: Alabama North Carolina Florida Ohio Georgia South Carolina Indiana Tennessee Kentucky Virginia WESTERN INDIANA "A" GROUP Points of origin in the western part of Indiana (including Gary and Terre Haute as the principal industrial points) named in the tariffs to which specific reference is made, viz.: C. E. Fulton's Nos. 104, 106, 108 and 114 Series (Index Nos. 80, 81, 88 and 86). A subdivision used in connection with rates to points in the following states: Alabama Louisiana Arkansas Mississippi Florida Tennessee Kentucky Virginia and Ohio River Crossings (Proportionately) WESTERN INDIANA "B" GROUP Points of origin in the western part of Indiana (including Gary and Terre Haute as the principal industrial points) and sta- tions on Indianapolis Division of Illinois Central R. R. named in the tariff to which specific reference is made, viz.: A. D. Hall's Mississippi Valley Tariff 3 Series (Index No. 451). A subdivision used in connection with rates to points in the following states: Alabama Louisiana Kentucky Mississippi Points in Indiana, Michigan (Southern Peninsula), Ohio and Pennsylvania not embraced in the specific grouping arrangement are subject to the through tariffs enumerated in Part 2 under the heading "Of General Application from Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line," insofar as such issues apply. For key to tariff index reference see pages 79 to 94. PART 2 RATE ADJUSTMENT 11 TO ALABAMA ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. MOBILE RATE POINTS (New Orleans basis) ©Brilliant Prichards Crichton Robinson Farnell ©St. Elmo Government St. Tacon Magazine Taylor Mertz Terminal Mobile Junction Plateau Whistler Classes and Commodities. E. Morris' No. 15 . Buffalo-Pittsburg . Chicago Cincinnati-Evansville . ©Indianapolis Milwaukee Peoria Western Indiana "A" 437 438 88 89 90 357 358 89 88 88 89 88 89 Various other points . Classes and Commodities. E. Morris' No. 128 (Misc. Commodities). . Buffalo-Pittsburg Chicago ©Cincinnati-Evansville . Indianapolis Milwaukee Peoria . So. Bend-Benton Harbor Western Indiana "B". . . 436 438 82 85 90 451 "82 ©85 10451 82 85 451 82 85 451 82 85 451 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) Ohio River Crossings, viz: Cairo Cincinnati Evansville ©Jeff ersonville ©Louisville ©New Albany DIVIDING TO THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS BEYOND THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS. TARIFF REFERENCE See Page No. 76. M. P. Washburn's- Southeastern Tariff Southeastern Basis Book Petroleum Tariff A. D. Hall's Mississippi Valley Tariff No. 2 C. N. O. & T. P. Ry. S. E. Tariff (to Kellerman and Searles) . Illinois Central R. R. Tariffs Louisville & Nashville R. R. Local Tariffs Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. Joint Tariff. Index No. 350 351 358 450 500 525 / 550 to \S52 inc. 575 TO THE VIRGINIA CITIES See Page No. 77. ©VDAGINIA CITIES (For List see Page No. 4) BEYOND THE VIRGINIA CITIES i Atlantic Coast Line Virginia Cities Tariff Norfolk & Western Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff . Seaboard Air Line Virginia Cities [Southern Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff 400 401 403 404 ©MOBILE. TO MOBILE [C. E. Fulton's No. 108 (from Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria and Western Indiana "A" Groups) I M. P. Washburn's Tariff (from Cincinnati-Evansviile Group) . . [E. Morris' No. 15 (from all other points) BEYOND MOBILE. Louisville & Nashville R. R. Mobile Local Tariff Mobile & Ohio R. R. Tariff 5025 New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago R. R., Rate Issue 42. Southern Ry. Tariffs also Individual issues of water lines operating therefrom. 357 1 625 626 627 628 (Continued on next page) 12 TO ALABAMA-Continued RAIL AND OCEAN ROUTE TO DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Mobile and Interior Points Individual issues of initial lines. . >Mallory Steamship Co.'s Tariffs. TO NEW YORK CITY. NEW YORK HARBOR TO MOBILE h BEYOND MOBILE jfSame issues as enumerated under All-Rail Routes, viz.: Indi Nos. 625 to 628, etc 950 1 ©Brilliant and St. Elmo are Mobile rate points only on certain commodities designated in the tariffs indexed under Xos. 1 and 88. For class and miscellaneous commodity rates from Chicago, Milwaukee and Peoria Groups, see Illinois Central R. R. Tariffs 242 and 152 Series, respectively (Index No. 525). With the exception of the through rates named in these tariffs (Index Nos. 1, 88 and 525), combination rates apply. ©From Indianapolis Proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group are covered by the issues applying "Beyond the Ohio River Crossings" enumer- ated under "Combination Rates." ©Equalization via Cincinnati obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only- such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A). ©Equalization via Ohio River Crossings obtainable (unless prohibited by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series, Index No. 53) on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Virginia Cities). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Applicable except as prohibited from points north of the Ohio River Crossings by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series (Index No. 53). ©For through rates from Buffalo- Pittsburg Group to Mobile and interior points see Index No. 439. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 13 TO ARIZONA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. VARIOUS POINTS Classes and Commodities. . R. H. Countiss' No. 12 302 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO fTO CHICAGO OR MISS. RP/ER CROSSINGS... BEYOND CHICAGO OR MISS. RrVER CROSS- [ INGS 302 [r. H. Countiss' No. 12 MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) EL PASO, (TEXAS) [TO EL PASO 1 BEYOND EL PASO F. A. Leland's No. 1 200 789 790 JEROME JCT /TO JEROME JCT \BEYOND JEROME JCT. R. H. Countiss' No. 12 302 788 A. & C. JCT fTO A. & C. JCT., CEDAR GLADE OR P. & E. JCT [r. H. Countiss' No. 12 .* 302 787 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. No. 8675 CEDAR GLADE BEYOND A. & C. JCT., CEDAR GROVE OR P. & E. JCT P. & E. JCT N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. ' _ 14 TO ARKANSAS THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. HELENA WEST HELENA. (•Classes and Commodities. E. Morris' Xo. 15. Buffalo-Pittsburg. Chicago ©Cincinnati-Evansville . ©Indianapolis Milwaukee Peoria Western Indiana "A" 440 88 89 90 "89 89 88 89 Various Other Points. f f 45 ' IClasses and Commodities..! F. A. Leland's Xos.-(49. (58. I (Salt ' E. Morris' Xo. 57 204 205 206 3 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. TO CHICAGO I TO EAST HANNIBAL OR EAST ST. LOUIS... CHICAGO EAST HANNIBAL EAST ST. LOUIS. CAIRO GALE THEBES 69 . See Page Xo jSee Page Xo. 72 1 (18 Classes and Misc. Commodities. IBEYOND CHICAGO, \Y. H. Hosmer's Xos.-j 22 Furniture. I EAST HANNIBAL OR (78 Lime, Cement, etc. EAST ST. LOUIS Also : (individual issues of Western Lines. 105 106 110 fTO CAIRO, GALE ORl<- p„„„ v - ni ! THEBES.! Z^ 6 Page No - 72 ' \ BEYOND CAIRO, GALE OR THEBES Individual issues of St. L. I. M. & S. Ry. (Iron Mountain Route). St. L. S. W. Rv. (Cotton Belt Route) (St. L. & S. F. R. R. (Frisco System) 703 704 705 ©MEMPHIS. TO MEMPHIS fC. E. Fulton's Xo. 108 (From Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria and Western Indiana "A" Groups) M. P. Washburn's Tariff (From Cincinnati-Evansville Group) [E. Morris' Xo. 15 (From all other points) BEYOND MEMPHIS f« F. A. Leland's Xos.-!49 (58 W. H. Hosmer's Xo. 33 ......... Also individual issues of {C R. I. & P. Ry. (Rock Island Lines) Kansas City Southern Ry Missouri Pacific Ry St. L. I. M. & S. Ry. (Iron Mountain Route). St. L. S. W. Ry. (Cotton Belt Route) St. L. & S. F. R. R. (Frisco System) 88 357 1 204 205 206 107 700 701 703 703 704 705 ©Rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group are published in M. P. Washburn's Mississippi River Points Tariff (Index Xo. 357). ©From Indianapolis Proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Applicable except as prohibited from points north of the Ohio River Crossings by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series (Index Xo. 53). N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page Xo. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. TO CALIFORNIA IS ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. "TERMINAL POINTS" (SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, ETC Classes and Commodities. R. H. Countiss' No. 1 . 300 ©"INTERMEDIATE POINTS" ■Classes and Commodities. R. H. Countiss' No. 12. 302 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. "TERMINAL POINTS". (Combination) TO TERMINAL POINTS BEYOND TERMINAL POINTS R. H. Countiss' No. 1 Individual issues of Pacific Coast lines operating therefrom. 300 RAIL AND OCEAN ROUTES Rail-and-ocean combinations are available, determined by using current rates to New York City and tariffs of the follow- ing steamship lines: American Hawaiian Steamship Co. . . ("Tehuantcpec Route") . California Atlantic Steamship Co Panama Railroad Steamship Line. . . . New York Harbor to . New York Harbor to . Los Angeles... . San Diego .... San Francisco. San Francisco. (Trans-shipment by rail across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Puerto Mexico, to Salina Cruz, Mexico.) (Trans-shipment by rail across the Isthmus of Panama.) ®A list of "Intermediate Points" with the nearest "Terminal Point" indicated is published in R. H. Countiss' Circular No. 16 Series (Index No. 305). For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 16 TO COLORADO THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. Various Points Salt. E. Morris* Xo. 57. COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS {To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO PEORIA MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO CHICAGO, PEORIA OR MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS BEYOND CHICAGO, PEORIA OR MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS. . . See Page Xo. 69 . ©When for the "Common Points," viz: Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, etc. : W. A. Poteet's No. 11 ©When for stations EAST of the "Common Points": 18 (Classes and Misc. Commodities) . . . W. H. Hosmer's Xos.-{ 22 (Furniture) 78 (Lime, Cement, etc.) 250 105 106 110 MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS TO MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS >See Page Xo. 74. TQWhen for the "Common Points": (For List see Page No. 4) BEYOND M I S S O U R I J W. A. Poteet's Xo. 1 1 . RTVER CROSSINGS. . . [When for all other points: I ndividual issues of western lines . 250 "COMMON POINTS"... fT O THE "COMMON (Combination) | ] POINTS" ©Applicable only when for stations WEST of the "Common Points.' BEYOND THE "COM MON POINTS" >Same issues as when for those points proper indicated above. . . /Individual issues of the Colorado roads operating therefrom. ©Salt Lake City-Ogden (Utah) rates, whether made on combinations or under the application of La Grande, Ore., or Butte, Mont., rates as maxima (as provided for on Page No. 57) apply as maxima to all Colorado points directly intermediate with Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah, on the direct lines. N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 17 TO FLORIDA ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO Pensacola . Various other points . APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application | From Points East of the j Index Illinois-Indiana State Line ; No. Classes and Commodities. Classes and Commodities. . E. Morris' No. 15. E. Morris' No. 128 (Misc. Commodities) Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Buffalo-Pittsburg Chicago Cincinnati-Evansville ©Indianapolis Milwaukee Peoria Western Indiana "A" Buffalo-Pittsburg Chicago ©Cincinnati-Evansville . Columbus-Ironton Indianapolis Milwaukee Peoria So. Bend-Benton Harbor. Index No. 437 438 88 89 90 357 358 89 89 88 89 436 438 82 •85 90 464 82 ®85 82 85 82 85 82 85 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Ohio River Crossings, viz: Cairo Cincinnati Evansville ©Jeff ersonville ©Louisville ©New Albany [TO THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS •See Page No. 76 M. P. Washburn' issues for C " £• **ll&Hr ( 9" ^-^(Southeastern Tariff BEYOND THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS. M^ffp 1 R R v * W N Rv R 'nnH Southeastern Basis Book M. & O. R. R., N. & W. Ry. andl Petroleum Tariff / Southern Ry Kanawha Dispatch No. 679 E. H. Hinton's Florida Basis Book (Beyond Jacksonville, Fla.) 350 351 358 464 475 ©Virginia Cities (For List see Page No. 4) St. Paul, (Va.) ©ALEXANDRIA, (VA.). . . . (Of advantage only from points east of the In- diana-Ohio state line to Jacksonville proper or for beyond.) TO THE VIRGINIA CITIES OR ST. PAUL \ VIRGINIA CITIES OR ST PAUL TO JACKSON- VILLE See Page No. 77. BEYOND JACKSONVILLE Atlantic Coast Line Virginia Cities Tariff Norfolk & Western Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff . Seaboard Air Line Virginia Cities Tariff Southern Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff C. C. & O. R. R. St. Paul (Va.) Tariff E. H. Hinton's Florida Basis Book 400 401 403 404 406 475 TO ALEXANDRIA BEYOND ALEXANDRIA. ©Individual Issues of Initial Lines Pennsylvania R. R. No. G. O.-I. C. C. 2710. 435 JACKSONVILLE. TO JACKSONVILLE... BEYOND JACKSONVILLE (Tariffs referred to above under "Through Rates' \ other points" E. H. Hinton's Florida Basis Book to "Various 475 (Continued on next page) 18 TO FLORIDA-Continued RAIL AND OCEAN ROUTES TO DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. JACKSONVILLE KEY WEST TAMPA AND INTERIOR POINTS. TO JACKSONVILLE, KEY WEST OR TAMPA. . fE. Morris' No. 148, Paper (Fruit Wrapping) from Milwaukee, Wis., to Jacksonville Also l©Rail-and-ocean tariffs applying from various points to those ports via Atlantic Seaboard ports, published individually- bv BEYOND JACKSONVILLE ( initial lines ! E. H. Hinton's Florida Basis Book BEYOND TAMPA |fE. H. Hinton's Florida Basis Book N Also [Individual issues of rail or water lines operating therefrom. 59 475 475 ®From Indianapolis Proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group are covered by the issues applying "Beyond the Ohio River Crossings" shown ;r "Combination Rates," and in addition, Kanawha Dispatch Tariff No. 679 (Index Xo. under District to Jacksonville 464) from Cincinnati Switching ©Equalization via Cincinnati obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Equalization via Ohio River Crossings obtainable (unless prohibited by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series, Index No. 53) on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Alexandria or the Virginia Cities, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©For rates to Alexandria, Va., when not specifically published by the initial lines, refer to the eastbound rate bases, guide books, etc., enumerated under through rates to "Various Other Points" on Page No. 58 (Virginia). ©When not published specifically to Jacksonville, Key West or Tampa by the initial lines, through rates may be determined by using the eastbound tariffs applying to Baltimore, New York or Philadelphia, as the case may be, plus the ocean rates provided for in the guide book issues of the fast freight lines, or eastern railroads, in connection with which the eastbound tariffs of the initial lines apply. For through rates from Buffalo- Pittsburg Group to Florida points see Index No. 439. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 19 TO GEORGIA ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO Various Points. APPLYING ON Classes and Commodities. TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line E. Morris' No. 128. . . .. (Misc. Commodities) . Index No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Buffalo-Pittsburg. Chicago ©Cincinnati-Evansville . Columbus-Ironton Indianapolis. Milwaukee. Pittsburg- Youngstown Wheeling Peoria So. Bend-Benton Harbor Index No. ' 436 438 82 85 . 90 ' 460 462 463 . 464 82 .© 85 ' 82 . 85 82 85 82 85 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Ohio River Crossings, viz: Cairo Cincinnati Evansville ©Jeffersonville ©Louisville ©New Albany . . . : TO THE OHIO RTVER CROSSINGS BEYOND THE OHIO RTVER CROSSINGS See Page No. 76 M. P. Washburn's issues for C. N. O. & T. P. Ry. (Q. & C. Route) , [Southeastern Tariff . . . 111. Central R. R., L. & N. R. R.JSoutheastern Basis Book M. & O. R. R., N. & W. Ry. and Carolina Tariff Southern Ry [Petroleum Tariff Kanawha Dispatch Nos. 641, 672 and 679 Norfolk & Western Ry. No. 25. 350 351 352 358 462 to 464, inc. 460 ©VIRGINIA CITIES (For List see Page No. 4) ST. PAUL, VA TO THE VIRGINIA CITIES OR ST. PAUL. BEYOND THE VIRGINIA crrrES or st. paul See Page No. 77 Atlantic Coast Line Virginia Cities Tariff. . . . Norfolk & Western Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff Seaboard Air Line Virginia Cities Tariff Southern Rv. Virginia Cities Tariff C. C. & O. R. R. St. Paul, (Va.), Tariff 400 401 403 404 406 ©ALEXANDRIA, (VA.) . . . (Of advantage #i>nly from points east of the In- diana-Ohio state line to Brunswick and Savannah proper or for beyond) . . . TO ALEXANDRIA BEYOND ALEXANDRIA ©Individual issues of initial lines Pennsylvania R. R. No. G. O.-I. C. C. 2710. 435 (Continued on next page) 20 TO GEORGIA— Continued RAIL AND OCEAN ROUTES TO DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. BRUNSWICK SAVANNAH AND INTERIOR POINTS. TO BRUNSWICK SAVANNAH OR;\©Rail-and-ocean tariffs applying to those ports via Atlantic Seaboard Ports, published individually by initial lines. . . . BEYOND BRUNSWICK OR SAVANNAH Atlantic Coast Line Savannah Local Tariff. E. H. Hinton's Tariffs also Individual issues of the water lines operating therefrom. 813 815 816 817 ©Rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group are covered by the issues applying "Beyond the Ohio River Crossings" shown under "Combination Rates," and in addition, the tariffs indexed under Nos. 460, 462, 463 and 464. ©From Indianapolis Proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Equalization via Cincinnati obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Equalization via Ohio River Crossings obtainable (unless prohibited by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series, Index No. 53) on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Alexandria or the Virginia Cities, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©For rates to Alexandria, Va., when not specifically published by the initial lines, refer to the eastbound rate bases, guide books, etc., enumerated under through rates to "Various Other Points," on Page No. 58 (Virginia). ©When not published specifically to Brunswick or Savannah by the initial lines, through rates may be determined by using the eastbound tariffs applying to Baltimore, New York or Philadelphia, as the case may be, plus the ocean rates provided for in the guide book issues of the fast freight lines, or eastern railroads, in connection with which the eastbound tariffs of the initial lines apply. For through rates from Buffalo-Pittsburg Group to Georgia points see Index No. 439. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 21 TO IDAHO THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. VARIOUS POINTS. Classes and Commodities. R. H. Countiss' Nos :-.-. *r„ /13 14. 303 304 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS {To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO PEORIA EAST ST. LOUIS ©MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO CHICAGO, PEORIA EAST ST. LOUIS OR MISS. RIVER CROSS- INGS BEYOND CHICAGO, PEORIA, EAST ST, LOUIS OR MISS RIVER CROSSINGS... See Page No. 69 R. H. Countiss' Nos.j ..' ' Union Pacific R. R- No. 12980 See Page No. 70 (E. Morris' No. 143 (from points east -of the Ill.-Ind. state line) Also Individual issues of initial lines. R. H. Countiss' Nos.[|| Union Pacific R. R. No. 12980 303 304 325 ST PAUL DULUTH (Lakeand Rail) MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO ST. PAUL OR MIS SOURI RIVER CROSS INGS TO DULUTH (LAKE AND RAH) BEYOND CHICAGO, DULUTH OR MIS SOURI RT7ER CROSS INGS 50 303 304 325 ©Applicable only when for points east of Kuna. N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 22 TO ILLINOIS THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT, GENERALLY, TO ALL POINTS LIST OF JOINT AGENCY TARIFFS FROM TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ALL POINTS Chicago Switching District ... Switching Absorption on car-' load Traffic L. A. Lowrey's Nos. 20,22 905 ALL PRODUCING POINTS EAST OF THE ILLINOIS- INDIANA STATE LINE. . Various Points Salt E. Morris' No. 95 4 VARIOUS POINTS EAST OF THE ILLINOIS-IN- DIANA STATE LINE. . . . Various Points West of Chi- Miscellaneous Commodities. . . E. Morris' Nos. 90, 105, 14 to E. Morris' Nos. |J^ 13 40 CHICAGO GROUP Southern Illinois Points Steel Rails, Fastenings, etc. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 502 112 Springfield and Other Common Miscellaneous Commodities.. . W. H. Hosmer's No. 503 113 Joliet Miscellaneous Commodities.. . VV. H. Hosmer's No. 508 116 Bloomington, Danville, La Salle, Peoria, Streator, etc . . Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 509 117 Aurora, St. Charles, etc Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 507 115 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Billets, Cast Iron Pipe, Scrap E. Morris' No. 91 51 Southern Pig Iron E. Morris' No. 132 (Proportional) 52 Northern Illinois Points in- cluding Chicago Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 101.. 75 Northern Illinois Points, in- cluding Chicago and Peoria. Classes and Commodities (Proportional) C. E. Fulton's No. 105.. 77 (201 Southern Illinois Points Classes and Commodities 1 Wm. Cameron's Nos A 203 [207 95 96 98 INDIANAPOLIS GROUP. . . Southern Illinois Points, in- cluding Cairo i Classes and Commodities, C. E. Fulton's No. 102.. 87 MILWAUKEE GROUP Southern Illinois Points Steel Rails, Fastenings, etc . . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 502 112 Springfield and Other Common Miscellaneous Commodities. . . \V. H. Hosmer's No. 503 113 Bloomington, Danville, La Salle, Peoria, Streator, etc. . Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 509 117 East St. Louis, Jacksonville, Springfield, etc Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 500 111 Chicago District Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 509 117 In addition to the foregoing issues, through rates will be found in the individual tariffs of initial lines, or if none so published to any specific point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 23 TO INDIANA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT, GENERALLY, TO ALL POINTS LIST OF JOINT AGENCY TARIFFS FROM TO APPLYING TARIFF ON REFERENCE Index No. ALL POINTS Chicago Switching District . . . Switching Absorption on Car- L. A. Lowrey's Nos. 20, 22 905 ALL PRODUCING POINTS EAST OF THE ILLINOIS- INDIANA STATE LINE. Salt E. Morris' No. 95 4 CHICAGO GROUP Indianapolis and Contiguous Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 100.. 79 Southern Indiana Points E. Morris' No. 67 55 Salt E. Morris' No. 144 60 Classes and Territorial Group- ing for Commodity Rates. . . W. H. Hosmer'sNo. 56. 119 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 58. 120 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Billets, Cast Iron Pipe, Scrap E. Morris' No. 91 51 E. Morris' No. 132 52 (Proportional) Indianapolis and Contiguous Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 102.. 87 Northwestern Indiana Points. Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 101 . . 75 Southern Indiana Points Classes and Commodities Wm. Cameron's Nos.^q^ 95 96 INDIANAPOLIS GROUP... Northwestern Indiana Points. Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 101.. 75 Southern Indiana Points Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 102.. 87 MILWAUKEE GROUP Indianapolis and Contiguous Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 100. . 79 Southern Indiana Points E. Morris' No. 67 55 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . E. Morris' No. 68 56 Steel Rails and Fastenings. . . . E. Morris' No. 70 57 Grain and its Products E. Morris' No. Ill 58 PEORIA GROUP W. H. Hosmer's No. 41 . 118 Classes and Territorial Group- ing for Commodity Rates. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 56. 119 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 58. 120 Billets, Scrap Iron, etc W. H. Hosmer's No. 59. 121 Grain and its Products W. H. Hosmer'sNo. 68. 122 SOUTH BEND-BENTON HARBOR GROUP Indianapolis and Contiguous Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 100. . 79 Southern Indiana Points In addition to the foregoing issues, through rates will be found in the individual issues of the initial lines, or if none so published to any specific point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. 24 TO IOWA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. Ballingers Bard Becks Bellevue Bettendorf Bricker Brickton Buena Vista (Lee Co.) . . Buffalo Bullard Burlington Camanche Cascade (Des Moines Co.). Clinton Columbus Jet Davenport Dubuque Elrick Jet Fairport Folletts Fort Madison Fredonia Fruitland Galland Garland Gordons Ferry Grand View Green Island Hahn's Switch Huron Iowanna Kemper Keokuk Kingston Lainsville Latty Le Claire Letts Linton Linwood Lyons Media polis Middle Lock Montpelier Montrose Mooar Morning Sun Muscatine Newport Oakville Patterson Pleasant Creek Pleasant Valley Princeton Round House Sabula Sandusky Shaffton Shopton Smiths Sperry Summit (Muscatine Co.) Tile Works Viele Wappelo Wever West Burlington West Keithsburg Classes and Miscellaneous Commodities Salt \ Individual issues of initial lines. E. Morris' No. 95 ICincinnati-Evansville . 51 52 77 Various Other Points. Salt Misc. Commodities. E. Morris' No. 16. E. Morris* No. 147 . 2 10 } >Cincinnati-Evansville . 77 78 51 52 (Continued on next page) 2S TO IOWA-Continued COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) CHICAGO KANKAKEE, (ILL.) PEORIA MILWAUKEE Via Car- Ferry Routes named on Page No. 4. MISS. RP/ER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE TO CHICAGO, KANKA- KEE, PEORIA, MIL- WAUKEE OR MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS. . . BEYOND CHICAGO, KANKAKEE, PEORIA, MH.WAUKEE OR MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS... >See Page No. 69. VV. H. Hosmer's Nos. 1 (Classes and Commodities) . . 5 (Classes and Commodities) . . . 7 (Miscellaneous Commodities). 12 (Sewer Pipe, etc.) 50 (Miscellaneous Commodities). .65 (Bridge Tolls) Also Individual issues of western lines. Index No. 100 101 103 104 108 109 N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 26 TO KANSAS THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. VARIOUS POINTS. Classes and Commodities. Salt Misc. Commodities W. A. Poteet's No. 35. E. Morris' Nos 16. 57. E. Morris' No. 147 . 252 2 3 10 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DTVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO PEORIA MISS. PJVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) fTO CHICAGO, OR MISS. CROSSINGS . PEORIA RIVER See Page No. 69 . BEYOND CHICAGO, PEORIA OR MISS. RfVER CROSSINGS... W. H. Hosmer's Nos. ! 1 (Classes and Misc. Commodities) . 1 18 (Classes and Misc. Commodities) . 1 22 (Furniture) [78 (Lime, Cement, etc.) Also 100 105 106 110 Individual issues of western railroads. MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO MISSOURI RIVER l s p N .. CROSSINGS r ee ™ ge JN0 - /4 - BEYOND MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS.. Individual issues of western lines. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 27 TO KENTUCKY THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT AS INDICATED: For through rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group, see Note 17. From Pittsburg, Wheeling, Steubenville and certain other Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio points on or adjacent to the Ohio River in that vicinity, through rates are published individually by the initial lines on classes and commodities to all branch line stations in Kentucky on the Chesapeake & Ohio Ry., the main line stations being included in the following list. From points north of the Ohio River Crossings through rates are in effect to the following stations, as noted: STATIONS Altamont Amanda Arlington Ashland Augusta Bakers Bardwell Barlow Beagle Beaver Dam Beckett Bellefonte Bellevue Berkeley Big Clifty Big Sandy Jet Blackford Blanchet Bracht Bradford Brent Bruce Buena Vista Buffington California Calvert Caney ville Carntown Carrs Carter Catlettsburg Cayce Cecilia Central City Cerulean Chapman Clay.. Cliff eside Clinton Cobb Columbus Concord Corinth Corydon Covington Crayne Crescent Springs. . Crider Crittenden Crutchfield Cumberland River Davis Dawson Dayton Deanefield Deep Cut DeKoven Delaplain Depoy Note 16 5 1 5 S 2 1 2 5 2 5 5 16 6 2 5 2 9 9 5 16 5 5 9 5 2 2 5 5 5 5 6 2 14 2 2 2 5 1 2 7 5 9 2 16 2 9 2 9 1 2 5 2 16 2 5 2 9 2 STATIONS Note Devon Dixon Donerail Dover Dry Ridge Dulaney East Cairo East View Eddyville Edginton Edgoten Elizabethtown . . Erlanger Fairmont Fayette F. G. Cabin . . . . Fidelio Filmore Pire Brick Flournoy Fordsville Foster Fredonia Frost Fullerton Fulton Futrell Garrison Georgetown. . . . Glenn Glen Park Gracey Grafton Grays Branch . . . Grayson Springs Greendale Greenville Greenup Grove Center . . . Harding Henderson Henshaw Herrmann Hickman Hickory Higginsport Highland Park. . Hillenmeyer. . . . Hinton Hodgen ville Hopit insville Horse Branch . . . Horton Ivor Jonesburg Jordan Kensington Kenton Heights. Kevil 9 2 9 5 9 2 1 2 2 5 10 14 9 3 IS 5 10 1 5 2 14 S 2 5 5 1 2 5 15 5 5 14 1 5 2 9 2 5 2 2 8 2 5 13 2 5 9 9 9 2 14 2 2 5 2 6 9 9 2 STATIONS Note Kosmosdale . . . Kuttawa LaCenter Laketon Leitchfield Lexington Limeville Lisman Little Cypress. . Llovd Louisville Ludlow Manchester. . . . Maceo Marion Mason Masonville. . . . Maxon Mayfield Mavsville McGowan McHenry Melbourne. . . . Mentor Mexico Millwood Montezuma. . . . Morgan Morganfield. . . Moscow Muldraugh Newport New Richmond Normal Norton Nortonville. . . . Nunns Oakton Oneonta Otter Pond Owensboro. . . . Oyama Paducah Paris Pence Peytona Pike Crossing. . Poplar Princeton Providence. . . . Ouincv Red Brush Repton Richwood Riney Riverton Rock Crusher. . Rockport 2 2 2 6 2 IS 5 2 2 S 8 16 5 11 2 9 10 2 2 5 2 2 5 5 2 2 3 2 14 6 2 16 s s 5 14 2 6 5 2 8 3 12 15 5 5 5 5 2 3 5 5 2 9 2 5 5 2 STATIONS Rock Springs. . Rogers Gap Rome Ross Rosine Ruff Ruggles Russell Ruth Sadieville St. Charles. . . . St. Paul Sand Hill Sherman Siloam Silver Grove. . . Smiths Creek. . So. Columbus. . So. Erlanger . . . So. Portsmouth So. Ripley Springdale Spring Lick. . . . Stanley Sturgis. ........ Sullivan Sullivans Tannery Taylor Thompsonville. Thurman Tip Top Tonieville Tulane Uniontown Upper Bruce. . . Utopia Vanceburg Vine Grove. . . . Walton Water Valley . . Water Works . . Waverly Wellsburg West Point Wheatcroft White Plains... Whitesville Wickliffe Williamstown. . Willow Grove. . Wilson Winchester. . . . Wingo Woodside Wright Wurtland TO VARIOUS POINTS: Through rates equalizing via all gateways the lowest available combinations are published to some of the foregoing points, as well as others, in the following tariffs: E. Morris' 128 (Index No. 7) Miscellaneous Commodities from various points in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. C. E. Fulton's No. 107 (Index No. 82) Miscellaneous Commodities from Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria and South Bend-Benton Harbor Groups. N. B. A reference to these tariffs on miscellaneous commodities is in most cases advisable. C. E. Fulton's No. 113 (Index No. 85) Automobiles from Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria and South Bend-Benton Harbor Groups. C. E. Fulton's No. 110 (Index No. 90) Petroleum and its Products from Chicago and Whiting, Ind. (Continued on next page) 28 TO KENTUCKY-Continued NOTES (To be used in connection with the preceding page) Note 1. (All Illinois Central R. R Main Line Stations) From Chicago Group Indianapolis Group Milwaukee Group Peoria Group All other points: combination rates apply. Chicago Group Milwaukee Group Peoria Group All other points: combination rates apply Applying On Classes and Commodities . Classes and Commodities. Classes and Commodities. Classes and Commodities. Index No. Note 2. (All Local Stations on Kentucky and Tennessee Divisions of 111. Cent. R. R. except B. D. & P. Branch) Classes and Commodities. Classes and Commodities. Classes and Commodities. Note 3. (B. D. & P. Branch Stations on Kentucky Division of 111. Cent. R. R.) Chicago Group All other points: combination rates apply. Classes and Commodities. Note 4. (Uniontown, Ky.) Chicago Group All other points: combination rates apply. Chicago Group Milwaukee Group Peoria Group All other points: Individual issues of initial lines All producing points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Chicago Group Indianapolis Proper Milwaukee Group Peoria Group Western Indiana "B" Group All other points: combination rates apply. Buffalo, N. Y All other points: combination rates apply. Classes and Commodities. Note 5. (Chesapeake & Ohio Ry Cincinnati Division Stations) i Classes Misc. Commodities. Classes and Commodities Classes Misc. Commodities Classes and Commodities Salt Note 6. (Mobile & Ohio R. R. Local Stations) Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Note 7. (Columbus, Ky.) Agricultural Implements. Note 8. (Henderson, Louisville and Owensboro) Chicago Group Indianapolis Proper Milwaukee Group Peoria Group .- South Bend-Benton Harbor Group All other points: Individual issues of initial lines All producing points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Buffalo- Pittsburg Group All other points: combination rates apply. Chicago Group Indianapolis Group Milwaukee Group Peoria Group South Bend-Benton Harbor Group Western Indiana "A" Group All other points: combination rates apply. Classes. Misc. Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes Misc. Commodities. Classes and Commodities. Classes and Commodities. Salt Note 9. (C. N. O. & T. P. Ry. Local Stations) Classes and Commodities. Note 10. (Tenn. Cent. R. R. Local Stations) Classes and Classes and Classes and Classes and Classes and Classes and Commodities. Commodities. Commodities. Commodities. Commodities. Commodities. (Continued on next page) 29 TO KENTUCKY-Continued NOTE S— Continued. (To be used in connection with Page No. 27.) Note 11. (Maceo, Stanley, Ky.) From Indianapolis Proper All other points: combination rates apply. Applying On Classes and Commodities. Index No. Note 12. (Paducah, Ky.) Chicago Group Milwaukee Group Peoria Group Western Indiana "A" Group All other points: Individual issues of initial lines All producing points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Salt Note 13. (Hickman, Ky.) Chicago Group Classes and Commodities Milwaukee Group Classes and Commodities Peoria Group Western Indiana "A" Group All other points: combination rates apply. Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Note 14. (Central City, Elizabeth- town, Fordsville, Gracey, Hopkinsville, Morgan- field, Nortonville) Buffalo, N. Y. (to Hopkinsville only) . . . Chicago Group Milwaukee Group Peoria Group South Bend-Benton Harbor Group All other points: combination rates apply Agricultural Implements. Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Note 15. (Fayette, Georgetown, Lexington, Paris, Walton, Winchester) Buffalo-Pittsburg Group; Individual issues of initial lines Girard, Niles, Warren, Youngstown, Ohio, Newcastle, Pa., and other points in the Mahoning and Shenango Valleys; Individual issues of initial lines With the foregoing exceptions, combination rates apply. Classes and Commodities Iron and Steel Articles. . . Note 16. (Cincinnati Switching District in Kentucky) On carload traffic from all points, Cincinnati rates apply in some cases as provided for in R. S. Pierce's Tariff No. 9 (Index No. 900) in connection with tariffs applying to Cincinnati, indicated on Page No. — ; and in other cases (except to Ludlow, Ky., which is subject to com- bination rates) through rates are published by the initial lines. On less-carload traffic from all points, individual issues of initial lines, except to Ludlow, Ky., which is subject to combination rates. Note 17. (Various Points) Cincinnati-Evansville Group. Individual issues of initial lines and the tariffs applying "Beyond the Ohio River Crossings" enumerated under "Combination Rates" in addition to the following Joint Agency Tariffs: E.' Morris' Tariff 91, Iron and Steel Articles to Various Points Wm. Cameron's No. 205 Classes and Commodities to Henderson, Louisville and Owensboro Wm.Cameron'sNo.203ClassesandCommoditiesto Louisville : R. S. Pierce's C. L. No. 9 from Cincinnati to Points in Cincinnati Switching District. (Continued on next page) 30 TO KENTUCKY-Continued COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) Ohio River Crossings, viz Cairo Cincinnati Evansville ©Jeffersonville i Louisville ®New Albany DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE TO THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS BEYOND THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS See Page No. 76. C. N. O. &T. P. Ry. (Q. & C. Route) L. & N. R. R. A. D. Hall's Mississippi Valley Tariff No. 2 Kentucky Junction Points Tariff Tenn. Cent. R. R. Local Points Tariff M. P. Washburn's-) Mississippi River Points Tariff to Hickman, Ky [Petroleum Tariff Cincinnati Local Tariff Cumberland River Tariff Southern Ry. Stations Tariff Kentucky & Tennessee R. R. Tariff Hopkinsville, Ky., Tariff Illinois Central R. R. Tariffs Cincinnati Local Tariff Evansville Local Tariff Louisville Local Tariff Cumberland River Tariff Tennessee River Tariff Green and Barren Rivers Tariff C. F. & S. E. Ry. Tariff Carrollton, Ky., Tariff t u e c. i d /G. F. O. 661 L. H. & St. L. Ky.^ G p Q 83 g N. C. & St. L. Ry. Joint Freight Tariff Southern Ry. Louisville Local Tariff Index No. 450 353 356 357 358 501 502 503 504 505 526 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 570 571 575 580 5, THROUGH-RATE POINTS (Combination) TO THE THROUGH RATE POINTS BEYOND THE THROUGH RATE POINTS llssues shown in the "Through Rates" section of this page. . Individual issues of the lines operating therefrom; Also A. D. Hall's Miss. Valley Tariff No. 2 applying from Paducah.l 450 J BRISTOL, TENN.-VA [TO BRISTOL See Page No. 71 BEYOND BRISTOL Southern Ry. Tariffs. 651 ©Equalization via Cincinnati obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©This refers to the points named under "Through Rates." Combinations so made are prohibited from points north of the Ohio River Crossings in some cases by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series (Index No. 53). ©Equalization via Ohio River Crossings obtainable (unless prohibited by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series Index No. 53), on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Bristol). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) For definition of groups see page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. (Continued on next page ) 31 TO LOUISIANA EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application ; Index From Points East of the n . Illinois-Indiana State Line Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. NEW ORLEANS RATE POINTS Classes and Commodities. E. Morris' No. 15 . Buffalo-Pittsburg. Chicago . Cincinnati-Evansville . ©Indianapolis Milwaukee Peoria Western Indiana "A" 437 438 88 89 90 357 358 89 89 88 89 Various Other Points Classes and Commodities. IE. Morris' No. 128. .. . \ (Misc. Commodities) Chicago ©Cincinnati-Evansville . ©Indianapolis Milwaukee Peoria Western Indiana "B" 90 451 532 451 532 451 532 451 532 451 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Ohio River Crossings, viz: Cairo Cincinnati Evansville (Sljeff ersonville ©Louisville U New Albany TO THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS See Page No. 76. BEYOND THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS... A. D. Hall's Mississippi Valley Tariff No. 2. M. P. Washburn's Petroleum Tariff Illinois Central R. R. Tariffs Louisville & Nashville R. R. Tariffs Southern Ry. I. C. C. A-2804. 450 358 532 550 to 552 inc. 558 581 ©NEW ORLEANS RATE POINTS (Combinations) TO NEW ORLEANS RATE POINTS BEYOND NEW ORLEANS RATE POINTS C. E. Fulton's No. 108 (From Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria and Western Indiana "A" Groups) M. P. Washburn's Tariff (From Cincinnati-Evansville Group) E. Morris' No. 15 (From all other points) Individual issues of Illinois Central R. R Louisville & Nashville R. R Louisiana Railway & Navigation Co New Orleans & Northeastern R. R N. O. G. N, R. R New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago R. R New Orleans, Texas & Mexico R. R Yazoo & Mississippi Valley R. R Also Individual issues of rail or water lines operating from such New Orleans rate point selected, not included in the foregoing list. 88 357 1 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 TO DIVIDING RAIL AND OC EAN ROUTES TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. NEW ORLEANS AND INTERIOR POINTS. TO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA. . OR ©Individual issues of initial lines. NEW YORK OR PHILA- DELPHIA TO NEW ORLEANS BEYOND NEW ORLEANS Individual issues of ^Southern Pacific Steamship Lines from New York. . . . J Philadelphia & Gulf Steamship Co. from Philadelphia. 951 952 Same issues as enumerated under Index Nos. 675 to 682, inclusive, etc. 'All-Rail Routes," viz. (Continued on next page) 32 TO LOUISIANA-WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Various Points Classes and Commodities. . F. A. Leland's No. 58 206 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized- in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ©NEW ORLEANS POINTS RATE C. E. Fulton's No. 108 (From Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria and TO NEW ORLEANS) Western Indiana "A" Groups) RATE POINTS M. P. Washburn's Tariff (From Cincinnati-Evansville Group) (E. Morris' No. 15 (From all other points) BEYOND NEW ORLEANS RATE POINTS Individual issues of Louisiana Railway & Navigation Co M. L. & T. R. R. (Southern Pacific Co.) N. O. T. & M. R. R. (Frisco System) Texas & Pacific Rv Also Individual issues of rail or water lines operating from such New Orleans rate point selected, not included in the foregoing list. 88 357 1 690 691 692 693 RAIL AND OCEAN ROUTES TO DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Various Points. TO NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA Individual issues of initial lines NI t^t du?? ^.^^w Southern Pacific Steamship Lines Tariff from New York ' 'Philadelphia & Gulf Steamship Lines Tariff from Philadelphia. ORLEANS .' 951 952 BEYOND NEW ORLEANS f Same issues as enumerated under "All-Rail Routes," viz.: Index Nos. 690 to 693, inclusive, etc ©From Indianapolis proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group are covered by the issues applying "Beyond the Ohio River Crossings" enumerated under "Combination Rates." ©Equalization via Cincinnati obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©A number of points in the lower Mississippi River Valley take the same rates as New Orleans from the territory north of the Ohio River as provided for in E. Morris' Tariff 15 Series (Index No. 1), and C. E. Fulton's Tariff 108 Series (Index No. 88), but through rates made by combinations on such points are prohibited from points north of the Ohio River in some cases under E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series (Index No. 53). ©For through rates from Buffalo-Pittsburg Group to New Orleans and interior points see Index No. 439. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 33 TO MICHIGAN-NORTHERN PENINSULA ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Index Illinois-Indiana State Line No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. 51 52 78 MANISTIQUE MENOMINEE (Via car-ferry routes named on Page No. 4, or via Chicago junction points.) Various other Points (Via car-ferry routes named on Page No. 4, or via Chicago junction points.) COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalised in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) Classes Salt Salt Misc. Commodities Classes Salt Misc. Commodities E. Morris' No. 140. .. . E. Morris' No. 95 E. Morris' No. 96 E. Morris' Nos. 90, 105,etc Also individual issues of certain ini tial lines. E. Morris' No. 12 E. Morris' No. 96 E. Morris' Nos. 90, 105,etc 40 4 5 14 to 24, inc. Cincinnati-Evansville . 13 5 14 to 24, inc. Cincinnati-Evansville . 51 52 78 DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. fTO CHICAGO, MIL WAUKEE, PEORIA, KANKAKEE, MACK INAW CITY OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHI GAN PORTS CHICAGO MILWAUKEE VIA CHICAGO PEORIA KANKAKEE, (ILL.)... MACKINAW CITY WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS NAMED ON PAGE No 4 See Page No. 69. BEYOND CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, PEORIA, KANKAKEE, MACK NAW CITY OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHI GAN PORTS W. H. Hosmer's NosV, ' Also Individual issues of western lines operating from those gate- ways, viz.: From Chicago, Peoria or Kankakee: Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry Chicago & North Western Ry "Soo Line" From Milwaukee and other West Bank Lake Michigan Ports: Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry Chicago & North Western Ry Green Bay & Western R. R Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western R. R "Soo Line" Wisconsin & Michigan Ry From Manistique: Manistique & Lake Superior R. R "Soo Line" From Mackinaw City: Duluth, South Shore & Atlanti c Ry 101 102 850 851 856 850 851 853 854 856 857 855 856 858 N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. LAKE AND RAIL ROUTES (During Season of Navigation) THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO GLADSTONE HANCOCK HOUGHTON MACKINAC ISLAND MARQUETTE SAULT STE. MARIE . APPLYING ON Classes and Commodities. CERTAIN INTERIOR 1 POINTS VIA THE FOREGOING PORTS, ALSO VIA GREEN BAY, WIS Classes and Commodities. TARIFF REFERENCE E. Morris' No. 143 (from points east of the Ill.-Ind. state line) Also Individual issues of initial lines. (E. Morris' No. 143 (from points east of the Ill.-Ind. state line) \ Also (Individual issues of initial lines. Index No. 50 50 (Continued on next page) 34 i TO MICHIGAN-NORTHERN PENINSULA-Continued LAKE AND RAIL ROUTES (During Season of Navigation) COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. LAKE SUPERIOR PORTS, } VIZ: Gladstone TO THE LAKE SUPERIOR PORTS OR GREEN BAY, WIS ]E. Morris' No. 143 (from points east of the Ill.-Ind. state line.) Also J Individual issues of initial lines. 50 101 Houghton Marquette ( Sault Ste. Marie Also Green Bay, Wis BEYOND THE LAKE W. 1 SUPERIOR PORTS OR GREEN BAY, WIS Hindi I. Hosmer's No. 5 Also kidual issues of the rail or water lines operating therefrom. TO MICHIGAN-SOUTHERN PENINSULA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT, GENERALLY, TO ALL POINTS LIST OF JOINT AGENCY TARIFFS FROM TO APPLYING ON TARIFF Index REFERENCE No. ALL PRODUCING POINTS EAST OF THE INDIANA ILLINOIS STATE LINE. - Various Points Salt E. Morris' No. 95 4 CHICAGO GROUP Various points Classes E. Morris' No. 67 55 Classes and territorial group- ing for commodity rates. . . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 56.1 119 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . \V. H. Hosmer's No. 58.1 120 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILL] GROUP 1 Southwestern Michigan Points. Billets, Cast Iron Pipe, Scrap E. Morris' No. 91 51 E. Morris' No. 132 52 (Proportional) Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 101 . 75 Classes and Commodities (Proportional) C. E. Fulton's No. 105. 77 INDIANAPOLIS GROUP... Southwestern Michigan Points. Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 101 . 75 E. Morris' No. 67 55 MHWAUKEE GROUP Miscellaneous Commodities. . . E. Morris' No. 68 56 Steel Rails and Fastenings. . . . E. Morris' No. 70 57 Grain and its Products E. Morris' No. Ill 58 PEORIA GROUP Various Points W. H. Hosmer's No. 41. 118 Classes and territorial group- ing for commodity rates. . . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 56. 119 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . \V. H. Hosmer's No. 58. 120 W. H. Hosmer's No. 59. 121 Grain and its Products \Y. H. Hosmer's No. 68. 122 In addition to the foregoing issues, through rates will be found in the individual tariffs of initial lines, or if none so published to any specific point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 35 TO MINNESOTA ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Index No. Group Various Points [Salt /E. Morris' No. 16 1 E. Morris' No. 96 fE. Morris' No. 147 | E. Morris' No. 90,105, etc. E. Morris' No. 12 2 5 10 f 14 to \ 25, inc. 13 Cincinnati-Evansville f 51 52 ( 78 I Miscellaneous Commodities Classes COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. J.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO [TO CHICAGO, MILWAU- KEE, PEORIA OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS. .. BEYOND CHICAGO, MIL- WAUKEE, PEORIA OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS . . . See Page No. 69 .■ 101 103 108 MILWAUKEE VIA CHICAGO f 5 Classes and Misc. Commodities. . . . (W. H. Hosmer's Nos.j 7 Miscellaneous Commodities J Individual issues of western lines. PEORIA WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS NAMED ON PAGE No. 4 N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. LAKE AND RAIL ROUTES (During Season of Navigation) THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARD7F REFERENCE Index No. DULUTH Classes and Commodities. . fE. Morris' No. 143 from pointseast of the Ill.-Ind. State line. . Also (individual issues of initial lines. 50 Certain Interior Points via Duluth or Green Bay, (Wis.) Classes and Commodities. . E. Morris' No. 143 from points east of the Ill.-Ind. State line. . Also Individual issues of initial lines. 50 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS [To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DrVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. DULUTH TO DULUTH OR GREEN BAY fE. Morris' No. 143 from points east of the Ill.-Ind. State line. . _ Also (individual issues of initial lines. \Individual issues of the rail or water lines operating from those / ports. so BEYOND DULUTH OR GREEN BAY GREEN BAY The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 36 TO MISSISSIPPI THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application Index From Points East of the n . Illinois-Indiana State Line Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. Vicksburg Rate Points . . (New Orleans Basis) . . Classes and Commodities. . E. Morris' No. 15 . Buffalo-Pittsburg. Chicago. Cincinnati-Evansville . ©Indianapolis ...:... Milwaukee Peoria Western Indiana "A" Various Other Points. Classes and Commodities. . 437 438 439 88 89 90 ' 357 358 89 88 88 89 88 89 E. Morris' No. 128 (Misc. Commodities) Buffalo- Pittsburg. Chicago ©Cincinnati-Evansville . Indianapolis Milwaukee. Peoria . Western Indiana "A". . . Western Indiana "B". . f 436 438 439 83 89 90 451 533 "83 © 89 I ©451 [©533 83 451 [ 533 83 89 451 I 533 ! 83 \ 89 451 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. J.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Ohio River Crossings, viz Cairo Cincinnati Evansville ® Jeffersonville ©Louisville ©New Albany TO THE OHIO RIVER 1^ p N ?6 CROSSINGS J 1 * 6 rage 1NO - '° BEYOND THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS. . . [ Interior Miss. Valley Southbound Tariff. M. P. Washburn'sj Southeastern Tariff [Petroleum Tariff A. D. Hall's Mississippi Valley Tariff No. 2 Illinois Central R. R. Tariffs Louisville and Nashville R. R. Tariffs. Southern Ry. I. C. C. 2804. 354 350 358 450 533 j'550to ^552 inc. 558 581 88 357 1 354 350 450 533 J MEMPHIS TO MEMPHIS. BEYOND MEMPHIS C. E. Fulton's No. 108 (from Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria and Western Indiana "A" Group) M. P. Washburn's Tariff (from Cincinnati-Evansville Group) I E. Morris' No. 15 (from all other points) Iw n u7 ll . (Interior Miss. Valley Southbound Tariff. . JM. P. Washburn s( Southeastem Tariff ' |A. D. Hall's Mississippi Vallev Tariff No. 2 (.Illinois Central R. R. Tariffs f ©VICKSBURG POINTS (C. E. Fulton's No. 108 (from Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria and \ TO VICKSBURG Western Indiana "A" Groups) J RATE ' RATE POINTS |M. P. Washburn's Tariff (from Cincinnati-Evansville Group) [E. Morris' Xo. 15 (from all other points). (Combinations) . BEYOND VICKSBURG t Individual issues of rail or water lines operating from such New RATE POINTS J Orleans rate point selected 88 357 1 (Continued on next page) 37 TO MISSISSIPPI-Continued ®From Indianapolis proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group are covered by the issues applying "Beyond the Ohio River Crossings" enumerated under "Combination Rates." ©Equalization via Cincinnati obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point, (Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Applicable except as prohibited from points north of the Ohio River Crossings by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series (Index No. 53). ©A number of points in the lower Mississippi River Valley take the same rates as Vicksburg from the territory north of the Ohio River as provided for in E. Morris' Tariff 15 Series (Index No. 1), and C. E. Fulton's Tariff 108 Series (Index No. 88), but through rates made by combinations on such points are prohibited from points north of the Ohio River Crossings in some cases under E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series (Index No. 53). The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 38 TO MISSOURI THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Index Illinois-Indiana State Line No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. Alexandria Ashburn Busch Canton Carondolet Clemens Dunsford Gregory Hannibal Helton Ilasco La Grange Lamb LaMotte Louisiana Love Munger's Switch. . . . Reading Santuzza Saverton St. Louis Taylor West Quincy White Rock Various other Points Classes and Miscellaneous Commodities Salt Salt Misc. Commodities. 1 Individual issues of initial / lines E. Morris' No. 95 f 16 E. Morris' Nos.-j 57 I 95 E. Morris' No. 147. 2 3 4 10 'Cincinnati-Evansville . 51 52 95 98 /Cincinnati-Evansville . 51 52 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page Xo. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. TO CHICAGO, OR MISS. CROSSINGS . PEORIA RIVER CHICAGO PEORIA MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS BEYOND CHICAGO (For List see Page No. 4) PEORIA OR MISS RIVER CROSSINGS ... See Page No. 69. W. H. Hosmer's Nos. 1 (Classes and Commodities) . . . 12 (Sewer Pipe, etc.) 18 (Classes and Commodities). . . 22 (Furniture) 50 (Miscellaneous Commodities). 65 (Bridge Tolls) 78 (Lime, Cement, etc.) Also Individual issues of western lines. 100 104 105 106 108 109 110 CAIRO EAST HANNIBAL- EAST ST. LOUIS. . GALE THEBES TO CAIRO, EAST HANNI- BAL, EAST ST. LOUIS, jSee Page No. 72. GALE OR THEBES. •f BEYOND CAIRO, EAST HANNIBAL, EAST ST. LOUIS, GALE THEBES j ST nry ^Individual issues of the rail or water lines operating therefrom I N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 39 TO MONTANA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. VARIOUS POINTS. Classes and Commodities. Salt R. H. Countiss' Nos.|J| ; ' ; ; E. Morris' No. 57 (From all producing points east of the Illinois-Indiana state line) 303 304 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalii in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO i EAST ST. LOUIS MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS NAMED ON PAGE No. 4 'TO CHICAGO, EAST ST. LOUIS, MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHI- GAN PORTS BEYOND CHICAGO,! EAST ST. LOUIS, MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS... See Page No. 69. R. H. Countiss' Nos./13 \14 W. H. Hosmer's No. 78 (Lime, Cement, etc.) Union Pacific R. R. No. 12980 303 304 110 325 ST. PAUL DULUTH (Lake and Rail) MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO ST. PAUL OR MIS- SOURI RIVER CROSS- INGS TO DULUTH (LAKE AND RAIL) See Page No. 70. BEYOND CHICAGO, DULUTH OR MIS- SOURI RIVER CROSS E. Morris' No. 143 (from points east of the Ill.-Ind. state line) Also Individual issues of initial lines. R. H. Countiss' Nos. INGS J Union Pacific R. R. No. 12980. f W. H. Hosmer's No. 78 (Lime, Cement, etc.) . 50 303 304 110 325 N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 40 TO NEBRASKA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. VARIOUS POINTS. Salt Misc. Commodities. E. Morris' Nos 16. 57. E. Morris' No. 147 . 2 3 10 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO PEORIA MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO CHICAGO, OR MISS. CROSSINGS PEORIA RTVERj j-See Page Xo. 69 . BEYOND CHICAGO, PEORIA OR MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS. W. H. Hosmer's Nos. 1 (Classes and Misc. Commodities). 12 (Sewer Pipe). 18 (Classes and Misc. Commodities) . 22 (Furniture) 78 (Lime, Cement, etc.) Also individual issues of Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R Chicago & Northwestern Ry 100 104 105 106 110 828 829 MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO MISSOURI CROSSINGS . . . RIVER BEYOND MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS. >See Page No. 74. [Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Tariffs . i Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Tariffs [St. Joseph & Grand Island Ry. Tariffs 828 829 830 N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 41 TO NEVADA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO VARIOUS POINTS. APPLYING ON Classes and Commodities. TARIFF REFERENCE R. H. Countiss' No. 12. Index No. COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rales, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) PACIFIC COAST TER- MINALS DIVIDING TO PACIFIC COAST TERMINALS BEYOND PACIFIC COAST TERMINALS TARIFF REFERENCE }r. H. Countiss' No. 1 Individual issues of the Coast railroads operating therefrom 302 Index No. 300 CHICAGO EAST ST. LOUIS. (TO CHICAGO OR EAST ST. LOUIS BEYOND CHICAGO OR EAST ST. LOUIS.... See Page No. 69 R. H. Countiss' No. 12. 302 MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO CR M oi!fN G U S RI RIVE ^H Pa g e No. 74. BEYOND MISSOURI RD7ER CROSSINGS. R. H. Countiss' No. 12. 302 N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, sec Pages 79 to 94. 42 TO NEW MEXICO THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. VARIOUS POINTS. Classes and Commodities. . R. H. Countiss' No. 12. 302 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. TO CHICAGO OR MISS RTVER CROSSINGS CHICAGO MISS.^RTVER CROSSINGS BEY0ND CHICAG0 OR MISS. RTVER CROSS- INGS. (For List see Page No. 4) >See Page No. 69 . R. H. Countiss' No. 12. VV. A. Poteet's Nos. r n. \102. Also Individual issues of A. T. & S. F. Ry . 302 250 253 785 EL PASO, (TEXAS) . TO EL PASO F. A. Leland's No. 1 BEYOND EL PASO. fA. T. &S. F. Ry. Tariffs... E. P. & S. W. R. R. Tariffs. Southern Pacific Co. Tariffs. 200 786 789 790 X. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 43 TO NEW YORK-WESTERN PART THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT, GENERALLY, TO ALL POINTS LIST OF JOINT AGENCY TARIFFS FROM TO APPLYING ON TARIFF Index REFERENCE No. ALL PRODUCING POINTS EAST OF THE ILLINOIS- INDIANA STATE LINE.... Salt E. Morris' No. 95 4 CHICAGO GROUP E. Morris' No. 67 55 Classes and Territorial Group- ing for Commodity Rates... W. H. Hosmer's No. 56. 119 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 58. 120 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Billets, Cast Iron Pipe, Scrap E. Morris' No. 91 51 \T Tt ' Southern Pig Iron E. Morris' No. 132 .52 (Proportional) MILWAUKEE GROUP .... Various Points E. Morris' No. 67 55 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . E. Morris' No. 68 56 Steel Rails, Fastenings, etc . . . E. Morris' No. 70 57 Grain and its Products E. Morris' No. Ill 58 PEORIA GROUP W. H. Hosmer's No. 41 . 118 Classes and Territorial Group- ing for Commodity Rates. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 56. 119 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 58. 120 Billets, Scrap Iron, etc W. H. Hosmer's No. 59. 121 Grain and its Products W. H. Hosmer's No. 68. 122 In addition to the foregoing issues, through rates will be found in the individual tariffs of initial lines, or if none so published to any specific point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. TO NEW YORK-EASTERN PART Through rates on classes and special commodities are in effect, generally, to all points in connection with the fast freight lines' issues referred to in the individual eastbound tariffs of the initial lines, but if none so published to any specific point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. From the Milwaukee Group the rates to the eastern basing points are covered by E. Morris' No. 41 (Index No. 54). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 44 TO NORTH CAROLINA ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application Index From Points East of the n 0- Illinois-Indiana State Line Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. Various Points. Classes and Commodities. E. Morris' No. 128 (Misc. Commodities) Buffalo- Pittsburg. Chicago . ©Cincinnati-Evansville . Columbus-Ironton Indianapolis. Milwaukee. . Peoria Pittsburg- You ngstown- Wheeling So. Bend-Benton Harbor. 1 436 | J 438 f 82 I 85 I 90 ! / 460 to \463, inc. \ I 82 I I ©85 / 82 85 82 85 82 85 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS {To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Ohio River Crossings, viz Cairo Cincinnati Evansville ©Jeff ersonville ©Louisville ©New Albany TO THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS BEYOND THE OHIO RTVER CROSSINGS. See Page No. 76 M. P. Washburn's issues for C. N. O. & T. P. Ry. (Q. & C. Route), [Southeastern Tariff . . . 111. Central R. R., L. & N. R. R., I Southeastern Basis Book M. & O. R. R., N. & VV. Ry. andlCarolina Tariff Southern Ry. [Petroleum Tariff Kanawha Dispatch Nos. 638, 641 and 672 Norfolk & Western Ry. No. 25 350 351 352 358 ; ;461 to i ^463, inc. 460 ! ©VIRGINIA CITIES (For List see Page No. 4) ST. PAUL, VA fTOTHEVIRGINIA CITIES OR ST. PAUL BEYOND THE VIRGINIA CITIES OR ST. PAUL See Page No. 77. ©J. A. Ryan's No. I. C. C. 1 Atlantic Coast Line Virginia Cities Tariff M c ii u m .. v> /Virginia Cities Tariff Norfolk & Western Ry-j No 10443 Norfolk Southern R. R. Virginia Cities Tariff Seaboard Air Line Virginia Cities Tariff Southern Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio R. R. St. Paul, (Va.), Tariff. 425 400 401 407 402 403 404 406 ©BRISTOL, (TENN.-VA.). . TO BRISTOL BEYOND BRISTOL. See Page No. 71 E. H. Hinton's Southeastern Carolina Tariff. 653 COLUMBUS, (OHIO) TO COLUMBUS BEYOND COLUMBUS.. See Page No. 74 I Kanawha Dispatch Nos ScaI;>oarcl Air Line Wilmington Local Tariff Individual issues of water lines operating therefrom. 814 818 ©Rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group are covered by the issues applying "Beyond the Ohio River Crossings" enumerated under "Combination Rates," and in addition thereto see Index Nos. 460, 461, 462 and 463. ©From Indianapolis Proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Equalization via Cincinnati obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Equalization via Ohio River Crossings obtainable (unless prohibited by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series, Index No. 53) on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Bristol or the Virginia Cities, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©J. A. Ryan's Tariff takes precedence over the other issues mentioned as applying beyond the Virginia Cities (except on traffic from New York and Pennsylvania), as indicated by Item No. 1, Page XXIV, of that tariff. ©When not published specifically to Wilmington by the initial lines, through rates may be determined by using the eastbound tariffs applying to New York City, plus the ocean rates provided for in the guide book issues of the fast freight lines, or eastern railroads, in connection with which the eastbound tariffs of the initial lines apply. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 46 TO NORTH DAKOTA THROUGH RATES APPLYING ARE IN EFFECT ON TO TARIFF REFERENCE Index From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line No. VARIOUS POINTS fSalt E. Morris' No. 16 2 10 \Misc. Commodities E. Morris' No. 147 i COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DnriDiNG TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO [TO CHICAGO, PEORIA OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS . . BEYOND CHICAGO, PEORIA OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHI- { GAN PORTS [see Page No. 69 PEORIA WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS NAMED ON PAGE No. 4 ST. PAUL TO ST. PAUL OR 50 DULUTH, ALL-RAIL. . . TO ST. PAUL OR n DULUTH, LAKE AND RAH- E. Morris' No. 143 (from points east of the Ill.-Ind. state line.) \ Also Individual issues of initial lines. DULUTH BEYOND ST. PAUL OR v DULUTH X. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 47 TO OHIO THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT, GENERALLY, TO ALL POINTS LIST OF JOINT AGENCY TARIFFS FROM TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ALL POINTS Points in Cincinnati Switching District Switching Absorption on Car- j R. S. Pierce's No. 9 900 1 i ALL PRODUCING POINTS EAST OF THE ILLINOIS- INDIANA STATE LINE.. Various Points Salt E. Morris' No. 95. . CHICAGO GROUP Southern Ohio Points including Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 100. . 79 E. Morris' No. 67 55 Salt E. Morris' No. 144 60 Classes and Territorial Group- ing for Commodity Rates. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 56. 119 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 58. 120 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Billets, Cast Iron Pipe, Scrap E. Morris' No. 91 51 Southern Pig Iron (Proportional) E. Morris' No. 132 52 EVANSVILLE, IND Cincinnati District Wm. Cameron's No. 203 . 96 INDIANAPOLIS GROUP... Southern Ohio Points including Cincinnati C. E. Fulton's No. 102.. 87 JEFFERSONVILLE AND NEW ALBANY, IND ! Cincinnati District Classes and Commodities Wm. Cameron's No. 205 . 97 MILWAUKEE GROUP Southern Ohio Points including Cincinnati Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 100.. 79 E. Morris' No. 67 55 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . E. Morris' No. 68 56 Steel Rails and Fastenings. . . . E. Morris' No. 70 57 Grain and its Products E. Morris' No. Ill | 58 OHIO POINTS Exhibits of Ohio Agricultural Experiment Stations E. Morris' No. 150 J 11 PEORIA GROUP Brick, Clay, etc W. H. Hosmer's No. 41 . 118 Classes and Territorial Group-: W. H. Hosmer's No. 56 ing for Commodity Rates. . . 119 120 Billets, Scrap Iron, etc ! i W. H. Hosmer's No. 59. 121 Grain and its Products W. H. Hosmer's No. 68. 122 SOUTH BEND-BENTON HARBOR GROUP Southern Ohio Points including Cincinnati Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 100.. 79 In addition to the foregoing issues, through rates will be found in the individual issues of initial lines, or if none so published to any specific point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 48 TO OKLAHOMA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. VARIOUS POINTS. (Salt [Classes and Commodities. . E. Morris' No. 57 . F. A. Leland's Xos. IS 45. 3 202 204 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS {To be used in the absence of j through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. TO CHICAGO OR MISS RIVER CROSSINGS CHICAGO MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS BEYOND CHICAGO OR (For List see Page No. 4) MISSISSIPPI RIVER CROSSINGS i See Page Xo. 69. i? * i i a- m / 15 (Classes and Commodities). . . r- . A. Leland s -Nos.^- (classes and Commodities). . . (18 (Classes and Commodities). \V. H. Hosmer's Xos.-j 22 (Furniture) [78 (Lime, etc.) Also Individual issues of Kansas City Southern Ry 202 204 105 106 110 701 i MEMPHIS TO MEMPHIS H^- - ^"" F u ' ton ' s No. 108 (from Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria and Western Indiana "A" Groups) M. P. Washburn's Tariff (from Cincinnati-Evansville Group) ,E. Morris' Xo. 15 (from all other points) BEYOND MEMPHIS W. H. Hosmer's Xo. 33 Also individual issues of St. L. I. M. & S. Ry. (Iron Mountain Route). . 357 1 107 703 ©Applicable except as prohibited from points north of the Ohio River Crossings by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series (Index 53). N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 49 TO OREGON ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. "TERMINAL POINTS" (PORTLAND, ASTORIA, ETC.) Classes and Commodities. . R. H. Countiss' No. 4. 301 ©"INTERMEDIATE POINTS" >Classes and Commodities. R. H. Countiss' Nos. 302 303 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO PEORIA EAST ST. LOUIS WEST BANK LAKE! MICHIGAN PORTS NAMED ON PAGE No 4 (TO CHICAGO, PEORIA, EAST ST. LOUIS OR L p %T 6Q WEST BANK LAKE (^ MICHIGAN PORTS. BEYOND CHICAGO,! PEORIA, EAST ST. „ „ r„„„t.w m^ / 12 - LOUIS OR WEST BANK R ' H " Countlss Nos -\l3. LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS Union Pacific R. R. No. 12980. 302 303 325 TO DULUTH. DULUTH (Lake and Rail) MISSOURI RIVER TO MISSOURI RIVER (E. Morris' No. 143 (from points east of the 111. -Ind. state line.) • Also [individual issues of initial lines. CROSSINGS . (For List see Page No. 4) CROSSINGS . BEYOND DULUTH OR See Page No. 70. R. H. Countiss' Nos /12. MISSOURI RIVER[ ,V, "^ , "'" U! ° 1,US -\13 CROSSINGS II Union Pacific R. R. No. 12980. 50 302 303 325 "TERMINAL POINTS". (Combination) [TO THE "TERMINAL 1 POINTS" BEYOND THE "TER- MINAL POINTS" >R. H. Countiss' No. 4 Individual issues of the Pacific Coast lines operating therefrom. 301 ®A list of "Intermediate Points" with the nearest "Terminal Point" indicated is published in R. H. Countiss' Circular 16 Series (Index No. 305). N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. RAIL AND OCEAN ROUTE Rail-and-ocean combinations are available, determined by using current rates to New York City and tariffs of the following steamship line: American-Hawaiian Steamship Co ("Tehuantepec Route") New York Harbor to . Trans-shipment by rail across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Puerto Mexico, to Salina Cruz, Mexico. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 50 TO PENNSYLVANIA-WESTERN PART THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT, GENERALLY, TO ALL POINTS LIST OF JOINT AGENCY TARIFFS FROM TO APPLYING ON 1 TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ALL PRODUCING POINTS EAST OF THE ILLINOIS-; Various Points Salt E. Morris' No. 95 4 INDIANA STATE LINE Classes E. Morris' Xo. 67 CHICAGO GROUP. Various Points. Classes and Territorial Group- ing for Commodity Rates.. . \V. H. Hosmer's No. 56. 119 Miscellaneous Commodities. . . W. H. Hosmer's No. 58. 120 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Various Points. Billets, Cast Iron Pipe, Scrap : Iron, etc j E. Morris' Xo. 91 . 51 Southern Pig Iron E. Morris' Xo. 132 . (Proportional) 52 MILWAUKEE GROUP. Various Points. Classes E. Morris' Xo. 67 55 Miscellaneous Commodities. ..IE. Morris' Xo. 68 . 56 Steel Rails and Fastenings. E. Morris' Xo. 70. Grain and its Products E. Morris' No. Ill . 58 PEORIA GROUP Various Points. Brick, Clay, etc \Y. H. Hosmer's No. 41 . US Classes and Territorial Group- ing for Commodity Rates.. . W. H. Hosmer's No. 56. 119 Miscellaneous Commodities. W. H. Hosmer's No. 58. 120 Billets, Scrap Iron, etc : \V. H. Hosmer's Xo. 59. 121 Grain and its Products W. H. Hosmer's Xo. 68.] 122 In addition to the foregoing issues, through rates will be found in the individual tariffs of initial lines, or if none so published to any specific point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. TO PENSYLVANIA-EASTERN PART Through rates on classes and special commodities are in effect, generally, to all points in connection with the fast freight lines' issues referred to in the individual eastbound tariffs of the initial lines, but if none so published to any specific point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. From the Milwaukee Group the rates to the eastern basing points are covered by E. Morris' Xo. 41 (Index Xo. 5 ; For definition of groups, see Page Xo. 8. For key to tariff index reference see Pages 79 to 94. 51 TO SOUTH CAROLINA ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO Various Points. APPLYING ON Classes and Commodities. TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line E. Morris' No. 128. . .. (Misc. Commodities). Index No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Buffalo-Pittsburg Chicago ©Cincinnati-Evansville . . Columbus-Ironton Indianapolis Milwaukee Peoria Pittsburg-Youngstown Wheeling So. Bend-Benton Harbor Index No. 436 ' 438 ' 82 ©85 , 90 ' 460 to 464, inc. ' 82 L ®8S ' 82 [ 85 ' 82 85 82 85 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Ohio River Crossings, viz: Cairo Cincinnati Evansville ® Jeff ersonville ©Louisville ©New Albany TO THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS BEYOND THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS. See Page No. 76. M. P. Washburn's issues for ite), fS. r.Js. 111. Central R. R., L. & N. R. R.J Southeastern Basis Book M. & O. R. R., N. & W. Ry., and] Carolina Tariff Southern Ry. (Petroleum Tariff Kanawha Dispatch Nos. 638, 641, 672 and 679 Norfolk & Western Ry. No. 25 350 351 352 358 ' 461 to 464 inc. 460 ©VIRGINIA CITIES (For List see Page No. 4) ST. PAUL, VA TO THE VIRGINIA CITIES OR ST. PAUL. BEYOND THE VIRGINIA CITIES OR ST. PAUL. See Page No. 77. ©J. A. Ryan's No. I. C. C. 1. . Atlantic Coast Line Virginia Cities Tariff Norfolk & Western Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff Seaboard Air Line Virginia Cities Tariff Southern Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio R. R. St. Paul, (Va.), Tariff. 425 400 401 403 404 406 ©ALEXANDRIA, (VA.) . . . (Of advantage only from points east of the Indiana Ohio state line to Charles ton and Port Royal, S. C.) . TO ALEXANDRIA BEYOND ALEXANDRIA ©Individual issues of initial lines Pennsylvania R. R. No. G. O.-I. C. C. 2710. 435 RAIL AND OCEAN ROUTES TO DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHARLESTON GEORGETOWN.... AND INTERIOR POINTS TO CHARLESTON OR GEORGETOWN \ ©Rail-and-Ocean tariffs applying to those ports via Atlantic J Seaboard ports, published individually by initial lines. Atlantic Coast Line Charleston Local Tariff Atlantic Coast Line Georgetown Local Tariff BEYOND CHARLESTON OR GEORGETOWN. E. H. Hinton's Tariffs . 811 812 815 816 817 Also Individual issues of the water lines operating therefrom. (Continued on next page) 52 T CTSOUTH CAROLINA-Continued ©Rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group are covered by the issues applying "Beyond the Ohio River Crossings" enumerated under "Combination Rates," and in addition thereto see Index Nos. 460 to 463, inclusive. ©From Indianapolis Proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Equalization via Cincinnati obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Jeffersonville.Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Equalization via Ohio River Crossings obtainable (unless prohibited by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series, Index No. 53) on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Alexandria or the Virginia Cities, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©J. A. Ryan's Tariff takes precedence over the other issues mentioned as applying beyond the Virginia Cities (except on traffic from Xew York and Pennsylvania), as indicated by Item No. 1, Page XXI V, of that tariff. ©For rates to Alexandria, Va., when not specifically published by the initial lines, refer to the eastbound rate bases, guide books, etc., enumerated under through rates to "Various Other Points" on Page No. 58 (Virginia). ©When not published specifically to Charleston or Georgetown by the initial lines, through rates may be determined by using the eastbound tariffs applying to New York City, plus the ocean rates provided for in the guide book issues of the fast freight lines, or eastern railroads, in connection with which the eastbound tariffs of the initial lines apply. For through rates from Buffalo-Pittsburg Group to South Carolina points see Index No. 439. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 53 TO SOUTH DAKOTA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. VARIOUS POINTS. Salt ■ Misc. Commodities. E. Morris' Nos. 16. 57. E. Morris' No. 147. 2 3 10 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO PEORIA WESTBANKLAKE; MICHIGAN PORTS^BEYOND CHICAGO, TO CHICAGO, PEORIA OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS. NAMED ON PAGE No. ! 4 PEORIA OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHI GAN PORTS See Page No. 69. 1 W. H. Hosmer's Xos-1% £? wer S ipc ' T^ ' : ■ \78 (Lime, Cement, etc.) . Also J Individual issues of western lines. 104 110 ST. PAUL DULUTH (LAKE-AND- RAIL) TO ST. PAUL ALL-RAIL. TO ST. PAUL OR DULUTH, LAKE AND RAIL See Page No. 70. BEYOND ST. PAUL, OR DULUTH E. Morris' No. 143 (from points east of the IU.-Ind. state line.) Also Individual issues of initial lines. W. H. Hosmer's No. 78 (Lime, Cement, etc.) Also Individual issues of western lines. 50 110 MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) (Applicable only on traffic for Level Siding and Sioux Falls, S. D.) TO MISS. RIVER CROSS- INGS See Page No. 69 . BEYOND MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS W. H. Hosmer's No. 1 . 100 N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 54 TO TENNESSEE THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. Bristol (See Virginia) . MEMPHIS Classes and Commodities. . E. Morris' No. 15 . Buffalo- Pittsburg. Chicago Cincinnati-Evansville . ©Indianapolis Milwaukee - Peoria Western Indiana "A". / 437 I 438 88 89 90 357 358 89 88 88 89 88 89 Various Other Points. Classes and Commodities. . E. Morris' No. 128. .. . (Misc. Commodities) Buffalo-Pittsburg. Chicago. ©Cincinnati-Evansville . Indianapolis. Milwaukee. Peoria . Pittsburg- You ngstown Wheeling So. Bend-Benton Harbor Western Indiana "A". . . Western Indiana "B". . . 436 438 439 82 83 85 86 90 451 534 "82 83 i 85 86 ©451 l@534 82 83 85 86 451 534 82 83 85 86 451 534 82 85 86 83 86 451 i COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS \(To be used in the absence of I through rates, or if legalized | in the through tariffs. See I rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. Ohio River Crossings, viz Cairo Cincinnati Evansville © Jeffersonville ©Louisville ©New Albany TO THE OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS BEYOND THE OHIO RTVER CROSSINGS. See Page No. 76. M. P. Washburn's Southeastern Tariff Southeastern Basis Book Interior Mississippi Valley Tariff Birmingham & Northwestern Ry. Tariff.. . Tennessee Central R. R. Tariff Petroleum Tariff A. D. Hall's Mississippi Valley Tariff No. 2 C. N. O. & T. P. Ry.) Cincinnati Local Tariff (Q. & C. Route) \ Tariff R-3660 Illinois Central R. R. Tariffs Louisville & Nashville R. R. Tariffs N. C. & St. L. Ry. Cincinnati-Louisville-Evansville Tariff .... Southern Ry. I. C. C. A-2804 350 351 354 ! 355 356 ! 358 , 450 i 501 504 ! 534 ! 550 to 554 inc. 575 581 55 TO TENNESSEE-Continued COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ©BRISTOL, TENN-VA. TO BRISTOL BEYOND BRISTOL. See Page No. 71 Southern Ry. Tariff Virginia & Southwestern Ry. Tariff. 651 652 NORTON, (VA.) . TO NORTON BEYOND NORTON. See Page No. 72 Louisville & Nashville R. R. Cumberland Valley Div. Local Tariff No. 1 650 ST. PAUL, (VA.). TO ST. PAUL BEYOND ST. PAUL. See Page No. 77 C. C. & O. R. R. St. Paul, (Va.), Tariff. 406 ©MEMPHIS. TO MEMPHIS. C. E. Fulton's No. 108 (From Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria and Western Indiana "A" Groups) M. P. Washburn's Tariff (From Cincinnati-Evansville Group) E. Morris' No. 15 (From all other points) BEYOND MEMPHIS. A. D. Hall's Mississippi Valley Tariff No. 2 '. [Southeastern Tariff M. P. Washburn's-! Interior Miss. Valley S. B. Tariff [B. & N. W. Ry. Local Points Tariff.. Illinois Central R. R. Tariffs Louisville & Nashville R. R. Local Tariff Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. Local Tariff Southern Ry. Local Tariff Yazoo & Mississippi Valley R. R. Tariffs ... 88 357 1 450 350 354 355 600 601 602 604 605 ©PADUCAH, (KY.) . TO PADUCAH. BEYOND PADUCAH (C. E. Fulton's No. 104 (Classes and Commodities) E. Morris' No. 95 (Salt) [individual issues of initial lines if not included in the foregoing (A. D. Hall's Mississippi Valley Tariff No. 2 [Southeastern Tariff. M. P. Washburn's {ferior ^f^' 1 V f'' e X S - *• T .% riff '• B. & N. W. Ry. Local Points Tariff (Tenn. Cent. R. R. Local Points Tariff. . 80 4 450 350 354 355 356 HICKMAN, (KY.). TO HICKMAN BEYOND HICKMAN. As provided for under "Kentucky" (Page No. 27) . Individual issues of lines operating therefrom CHATTANOOGA (Of advantage only to N C. & St. L. Ry. Local Stations) TO CHATTANOOGA . . . BEYOND CHATTA NOOGA See Page No. 73 . N. C. & St. L. Ry. Tariff. 915 NASHVILLE (Of advantage only to L. & N. R. R. or N. C. & St. L. Ry. Local Stations) TO NASHVILLE BEYOND NASHVILLE. See Page No. 75 /Louisville & Nashville R. R. Local Tariff \ Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. Local Tariff. 910 920 ©From Indianapolis proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Rates from Cincinnati-Evansville Group are covered by the issues applying "Beyond the Ohio River Crossings" enumerated under "Combination Rates." ©Equalization via Cincinnati obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Equalization via Ohio River Crossings obtainable (unless prohibited by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series, Index No. 53), on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Bristol). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Com- merce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Applicable except as prohibited from points north of the Ohio River by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series (Index No. 53). The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 56 TO TEXAS ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ALL POINTS. Classes and Commodities. 200 201 203 205 RAIL AND OCEAN ROUTES TO DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. fTO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA.. OR Individual issues of initial lines. GALVESTON (Via New York and Mallory Line or Morgan Line.) ' PORT ARTHUR (Via Phil adelphia and Southern S. S. Co.) AND INTERIOR POINTS... NEW YORK OR PHILA- , r DELPHIA TO GALVES- ^ allor y T S ? eam , shl P Co " s Tanff • ■ A N n P n B T M o r g an Line Tariff 1 Southern Steamship Co.'s Tariff. TON ARTHUR. BEYOND GALVESTON AND PORT ARTHUR J. B. Bartholomew's Tariffs Also individual issues of \ International & Great Northern Ry I Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry [Kansas City Southern Ry 950 I 953 j 954 I 800 to | 805, inc. 778 779 780 For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 57 TO UTAH THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. VARIOUS POINTS Not including Salt Lake City, Ogden or points taking same rates (listed in W. A. Poteet's Tariff No. 20, Index No. 251) which are subject to the combinations named below, with the through rates to LaGrande, Ore- gon or Butte, Mont., published respectively in R. H. Countiss' Tariffs 13 and 14 (Index Nos. 303 and 304) as maxima. Classes and Commodities. '12 R. H. Countiss' Nos.-j 13 14 302 303 304 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. J.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. (TO CHICAGO, MIL- WAUKEE, PEORIA OR s p N , MISS. RIVER CROSS- 3 INGS CHICAGO MILWAUKEE (Via car-l ferry routes named on PEoflA : 40 ijBEYOND CHICAGO, [® W ' A ' Poteet ' s No ' 2 r ° 12 MISS. RIVER CROSSINGS j MILWAUKEE PEORIA mR H Countiss , No J \\ ; (For List see Page No.4)| OR MISS. RIVE R| v \ 1A CROSSINGS 14. [©Union Pacific R. R. No. 12980. 251 302 303 304 325 ©SALT LAKE CITY- OGDEN RATE POINTS (Combination) TO SALT LAKE-OGDEN GROUP POINTS... BEYOND SALT LAKE OGDEN GROUP POINTS Same bases as when for those points proper. fW. A. Poteet's No. 20 Also _ Individual issues of the Utah railroads operating therefrom, 251 MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO CR M I sil S N Gl RIRIVER } S -Pa g eNo.74. BEYOND MISSOURI Rr/ER CROSSINGS. ©W. A. Poteet's No. 20. 251 ©The rates to La Grande, Ore., or Butte, Mont., published respectively in R. H. Countiss' Tariffs 13 and 14 (Index Nos. 303 and 304), insofar as they are operative, apply as maxima to Salt Lake City-Ogden rate points. ©For list of Salt Lake City-Ogden rate points see W. A. Poteet's Tariff No. 20 (Index No. 251). Salt Lake City-Ogden rates, whether made on combinations or under the application of LaGrande, Ore., or Butte, Mont., rates as maxima, apply as maxima to all Utah points directly intermediate with Salt Lake City and Ogden on the direct lines. N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 58 TO VIRGINIA TARIFF REFERENCE THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON Of General Application From Points East of the Index Illinois-Indiana State Line No - Of Limited Application as Indicated Group BRISTOL, (VA.-TENN.) . Classes and Commodities. E. Morris' Xo. 128 (Misc. Commodities). Also Individual tariffs of initial lines or in connection with the following issues: B. Xor. & Western Ry. E Guide Book Southern Ry. E. B. Basis Book 880 881 fBuffalo-Pittsburg. Chicago Cincinnati-Evansville . Columbus-Ironton. . . . Indianapolis Milwaukee So. Bend-Benton Harbor Western Indiana "A". . . Various other Points . Classes and Commodities. E. Morris' Xo. 128 (Misc. Commodities).. . Also Individual tariffs of initial lines specifically or in connection with bases books, tariffs, etc., of the following lines, as indicated : Central States Dispatch . . Cumb. Gap Dispatch. Empire Line Kanawha Dispatch . . Xor. & Western Ry Southern Ry Star Union Line. . . . 875 876 877 / 878 \ 879 880 881 882 Buffalo- Pittsburg. Cincinnati-Evansville . Chicago Columbus-Ironton. Indianapolis Milwaukee. Peoria . Pittsburg-Youngstown Wheeling So. Bend-Benton Harbor Index No. 436 438 ' 81 82 . 90 ' 350 358 460 460 © 81 82 81 82 82 81 f 436 1 438 f 350 358 460 { 462 82 85 [ 90 462 / 82 I® 85 :' 54 82 [ 85 I 82 1 85 82 85 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ©VIRGINIA CITIES (For List see Page No. 4) ST. PAUL, (VA.) TO THE VIRGINIA CITIES OR ST. PAUL. BEYOND THE VIRGINIA CITIES OR ST. PAUL See Page Xo. 77. ©J. A. Ryan's Xo. I. C. C. 1 Atlantic Coast Lines Virginia Cities Tariff Xorfolk & Western Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff Xorfolk Southern R. R. Virginia Cities Tariff Seaboard Air Line Virginia Cities Tariff Southern Ry. Virginia Cities Tariff Southern Rv. Virginia Points Tariff [Carolina, Ciinchfield & Ohio R. R. St. Paul, (Va.), Tariff. 425 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 ©BRISTOL, (VA.-TENN.) . TO BRISTOL BEYOND BRISTOL. See Page Xo. 71 Virginia & Southwestern Ry. Tariffs. 652 NORTON, (VA.) . TO NORTON BEYOND NORTON. See Page Xo. 72 Louisville & Xashville R. R. Local Tariff. 650 ©From Indianapolis Proper and not from other points ordinarily in Indianapolis Group. ©Equalization via the Ohio River Crossings obtainable on traffic from points north thereof (unless prohibited by E. Morris' Tariff 85 Series, Index Xo. 53), provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Bristol or the Virginia Cities, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©J. A. Ryan's Tariff takes precedence over the other issues mentioned as applying beyond the Virginia Cities (except on traffic from Xew York and Pennsylvania), as indicated by Item Xo. 1, Page XXIV of that tariff. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.) For definition of groups, see Page Xo. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 59 TO WASHINGTON ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No "TERMINAL POINTS" (SEATTLE, TACOMA, Classes and Commodities. ETC.) R. H. Countiss' No. 4. 301 INTERMEDIATE POINTS" Classes and Commodities. R. H. Countiss' No. 13. 303 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. Sec rale, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. TO CHICAGO, PEORIA, EAST ST. LOUIS OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS. CHICAGO PEORIA EAST ST. LOUIS WEST BANK LAKEi BEYOND CHICAGO, MICHIGAN PORTS; PEORIA, EAST ST. »ee Page No. 69 . NAMED ON PAGE No. 4 j LOUIS OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS R. H. Countiss' No. 13. 303 fTO ST. PAUL OR MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS ST. PAUL Sr^Q n n ?? ^ v ™' TO DULUTH (LAKE-AND MISSOURI RIVERA tiatt\ CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) RAIL) BEYOND ST. PAUL, DULUTH OR MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS. See Page No. 70. (E. Morris' No. 143 (from points east of the 111.- 1 nd. state line.) I _ Also [Individual issues of initial lines. R. H Countiss' Nos. 13. SO 301 303 "TERMINAL POINTS". (Combination) TO TERMINAL POINTS BEYOND TERMINAL POINTS R. H. Countiss' No. 4 Individual issues of Pacific Coast lines operating therefrom 301 N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. RAIL AND OCEAN ROUTE Rail-and-ocean combinations are available, determined by using current rates to New York City and tariffs of the following steamship line: American-Hawaiian Steamship Co ("Tehuantepec Route") New York Harbor to . Seattle . I Trans-shipment by rail across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Puerto Mexico, to Salina Cruz, Mexico. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 60 TO WEST VIRGINIA THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT, GENERALLY, TO ALL POINTS LIST OF JOINT AGENCY TARIFFS FROM TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ALL PRODUCING POINTS EAST OF THE ILLINOIS-! Various Points. INDIANA STATE LINE. . Salt. E. Morris' Xo. 95 . VARIOUS POINTS IN INDI- ANA, MICHIGAN (SOUTHERN PENINSULA) AND PENNSYLVANIA . (WESTERN PART).... Various Points. Miscellaneous Commodities. . E. Morris' Xo. 128. CHICAGO GROUP. Various Points . Classes E. Morris' Xo. 67 Classes and Territorial Group-: ing for Commodity Rates. . . YV. H. Hosmer's Xo. 56 Miscellaneous Commodities. . \V. II. Hosmer's Xo. 58 119 120 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Various Points. MILWAUKEE GROUP. Various Points . PEORIA GROUP. Various Points . Billets, Cast Iron Pipe, Scrap Iron, etc E. Morris' Xo. 91 . Southern Pig Iron. (Proportional) E. Morris' Xo. 132. Classes. E. Morris' Xo. 67 Miscellaneous Commodities. . E. Morris' Xo. 68. Steel Rails and Fastenings. . . E. Morris' Xo. 70. Grain and its Products. E. Morris' Xo. Ill . Brick, Clav, etc . \V. H. Hosmer's Xo. 41 Classes and Territorial Group ing for Commodity Rates. . . Miscellaneous Commodities. Billets, Scrap Iron, etc . Grain and its Products \Y. H. Hosmer's Xo. 56 \Y. H. Hosmer's Xo. 58 \V. H. Hosmer's Xo. 59 W. H. Hosmer's Xo. 68 51 52 56 57 58 118 119 120 121 122 In addition to the foregoing issues, through rates will be found in the individual tariffs of initial lines, either specifically or by the use of the bases books of certain fast freight lines in connection with which the tariffs of the initial lines apply; but if none so published to any given point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. For definition of groups, see Page Xo. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 61 TO WISCONSIN ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Illinois-Indiana State Line Index No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. MILWAUKEE DISTRICT; Bay View Becher St Berryville Brookfiekl Burlington Caledonia Calhoun Camp Lake Carrollville Chestnut St Chickory Switch Colgate Corliss County Line Cudahy Dover Duplainville Elm Grove Franksville Gatliff Granville Hadfield Honey Creek Ives Kansasville Kenosha Kenyon Kildare Lake Lake Beulah Lannon Layton Park Menomonee Falls Milwaukee Mukwonago North Avenue No. Milwaukee Oakwood Racine Racine Jet Ranney Rugby Jet St. Francis Silver Lake Somers So. Milwaukee Sylvania Templeton Trevor Truesdell Union Grove Vernon Waukesha Wauwatosa West Allis Wheatland Whitefish Bay Via Chicago Junction Points or via Car Ferry Routes Named on Page No. 4. MANITOWOC DISTRICT: Bartel Belgium Cedar Grove Cleveland Deckers Dillmans Druecker Kewaunee Manitowoc Mequon Classes and Miscellaneous Commodities Salt /Individual issues of initial [ lines E. Morris' No. 95 Cincinnati-Evansville . [Indianapolis. 51 52 75 77 75 (Continued on next page) 62 TO WISCONSIN-Continued ALL-RAIL ROUTES THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Of General Application From Points East of the Index Illinois-Indiana State Line No. Of Limited Application as Indicated Group Index No. Mantowoc District — Cont'd: Mosel Newton Oostburg Pt. Washington Seven Mile Creek Sheboygan Two Rivers Ulao Weedens Whitefish Bay Via Car-Ferry Routes named on Page No. 4 or via Chicago Junction Points. GREEN BAY DISTRICT Algoma Casco Casco Jet Clyde DePere Forestville Green Bay Green Bay Jet Luxemberg Maplewood New Franken Rio Creek Sawyer Sturgeon Bay Via Car-Ferry Routes named on Page No. 4: or via Chicago Junction Points. OCONTO DISTRICT: Big Suamico Brookside Duck Creek Elba Little Suamico Oconto Pensaukee Peshtigo Saranac Wilcox Classes. Salt.... Misc. Commodities. Via Car-Ferry Routes named on Page No. 4 or via Chicago Junction Points. MARINETTE: Via Car-Ferry Routes named on Page No. 4; or via Chicago Junction Points. E. Morris' No. 140. E.Morris'Nos-<|g, ' ' E. Morns' Nos. 90, 105,etc Also Individual issues of cer- tain initial lines. 40 4 5 14 to 26, inc. Cincinnati-Evansville . 51 52 78 Various Points not included in the foregoing districts. 'Classes Salt .".. Misc. Commodities E. Morris' No. 12 E. Morris' No. 96 E. Morris' Nos. 90, 105,etc 13 5 14 to 26, inc. Cincinnati-Evansville . 51 52 78 (Continued on next page) 63 TO WISCONSIN-Continued ALL-RAIL ROUTES COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO . TO CHICAGO. BEYOND CHICAGO. See Page No. 69 \V. H. Hosmer's Nos. Also individual issues of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry Chicago & North Western Ry Goodrich Transit Co "Soo Line" MILWAUKEE DISTRICT POINTS :j ViaCh icago Junction Points; or via Car-Ferry I Routes named on Page No. 4. TO MILWAUKEE DISTRICT POINTS.... BEYOND MILWAUKEE DISTRICT POINTS.... See Page No. 69. W. H. Hosmer's Nos. [^ Also individual issues of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry Chicago & North Western Ry Goodrich Transit Co "Soo Line" MANITOWOC DISTRICT POINTS GREEN BAY DISTRICT POINTS OCONTO DISTRICT POINTS MARINETTE, WIS. . Via Car-Ferry Routes named on Page No. 4; or via Chicago Junction Points. TO MANITOWOC, GREEN BAY, OCONTO DISTRICT POINTS OR MARINETTE 1 I BEYOND MANITOWOC, GREEN BAY, OCONTO DISTRICT POINTS OR MARINETTE >See Page No. 69. PEORIA KANKAKEE, (ILL.). \V. H. Hosmer's Nos.j^ Also individual issues of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry Chicago & North Western Ry ©Goodrich Transit Co Green Bay & Western R. R Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western R. R. . . "Soo Line" [TO PEORIA OR KANKA- W e Page No . 69 . &h,h, ! BE k\°N N K D AkII 0RIA . ° R }W- H- Hosmer's No. 6. 101 103 850 851 852 856 101 103 850 851 852 856 101 103 850 851 852 853 854 856 102 N. B. From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. LAKE AND RAIL ROUTES (During Season of Navigation) THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. GREEN BAY. MILWAUKEE SUPERIOR. . Classes and Commodities. . ,'E. Morris' No. 143 from points east of the Ill.-Ind. State line. Also [individual issues of initial lines. 50 CERTAIN INTERIOR] POINTS VIA THE ^Classes and Commodities. FOREGOING PORTS. (E. Morris' No. 143 from points east of the Ill.-Ind. State line. . . 50 Also I Individual issues of initial lines. (Continued on next page; 64 TO WISCONSIN-Continued LAKE AND RAIL ROUTES (During Season of Navigation) COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. J.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. GREEN BAY. MILWAUKEE SUPERIOR. . TO GREEN BAYE. Morris' No. 143, from points east of the Ill.-Ind. State line . MILWAUKEE SUPERIOR. OR Also I Individual issues of initial lines. BEYOND GREEN BAY, MILWAUKEE ORi SUPERIOR \V. H. Hosmer's Nos.{ Individual issues of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Chicago & North Western Ry Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Ry. ©Goodrich Transit Co Green Bay & Western R. R Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western R. Northern Pacific R. R "Soo Line" Also Individual issues of water lines operating therefrom. R. 50 101 103 850 851 858 852 853 854 859 856 ©Season of navigation for Goodrich Transit Cp.'s steamers: Algoma, Wis., and ports south thereof, all-year service; Sawyer and Sturgeon Bay, Wis., April to December; North of Sturgeon Bay, June to September. The term "Of General Application," as it implies, indicates that the tariffs enumerated thereunder apply from all or a majority of the states of origin (Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.). ' For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 65 TO WYOMING THROUGH RATES ARE IN EFFECT TO VARIOUS POINTS. APPLYING ON Classes and Commodities. . Salt TARIFF REFERENCE R. H. Countiss' Nos. 13 14 E. Morris' No. 57 (From all Illinois-Indiana state line) . . . producing points east of the Index No. 303 304 COMBINATION RATES ON THE FOLLOWING GATEWAYS (To be .used in the absence of through rates, or if legalized in the through tariffs. See rule, page No. 5.) DIVIDING TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO MISS. RTVER CROSSINGS (For' List see Page No. 4) WESTBANKLAKE MICHIGAN PORTS NAMED ON PAGE No 4 TO CHICAGO, MISS. RrVER CROSSINGS OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS. BEYOND CHICAGO, MISS. RIVER CROSS INGS OR WEST BANK LAKE MICHIGAN PORTS See Page No. 69. W. A. Poteet's No. 1 1 (To Cheyenne only) . R. H. Countiss' Nos.||| Union Pacific R. R. Nos'/J^jj W. H. Hosmer's No. 78 (Lime, Cement, etc.) . 250 303 304 325 326 110 MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS (For List see Page No. 4) TO MISSOURI RIVERlg p No u CROSSINGS P ee rage iNO ' '*■ BEYOND MISSOURI RWER CROSSINGS. W. A. Poteet's No. 1 1 (To Cheyenne only) . . . R. H. Countiss' Nos.< ..' Union Pacific R. R. Nos-jJ^jj W. H. Hosmer's No. '78 (Lime, Cement, etc.). 250 303 304 325 326 110 From certain points in the extreme western part of Indiana it may be found that the lowest combination is obtained in some cases by basing on the nearest point in Illinois taking Chicago, Peoria or East St. Louis rates to the west. For key to tariff index reference see Pages 79 to 94. 66 TO CONNECTICUT MAINE NEW HAMPSHIRE DELAWARE MARYLAND NEW JERSEY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MASSACHUSETTS RHODE ISLAND VERMONT Through rates on classes and special commodities are in effect, by general adjustment, to all points in connection with the issues of the fast freight lines or eastern railroads referred to in the individual east- bound tariffs of the initial lines, but if none so published to any specific point, can be computed on the most favorable junction point. From the Milwaukee Group the rates to the eastern basing points are covered by E. Morris' No. 41 (Index No. 54). 67 PART 3 TARIFFS APPLYING TO CERTAIN BASING POINTS (To be used only when Specific Reference thereto is made in Part 2.) N. B. — The term "Various Points" as used in this section, referring to points of origin, in some cases includes points which are embraced in the specific grouping arrangement. 69 TARIFFS APPLYING TO CERTAIN BASING POINTS AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66 TO FROM APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. All Producing Points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line.. Salt E. Morris' No. 95 4 Cincinnati-Evansville Group. . E. Morris' No. 132 52 KANKAKEE Iron and Steel Articles E. Morris' No. 91 51 MILWAUKEE DISTRICT. . Classes and Misc. Commodities C.E. Fulton's Nos. 1 .„,.' ' 75 77 Classes and Misc. Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 101.. 75 PEORIA All Producing Points east of the Illinois- Indiana State Line. . Salt E. Morris' No. 95 4 Cincinnati-Evansville Group. . Pig Iron E. Morris' No. 132 52 Iron and Steel Articles E. Morris' No. 91 51 Classes and Misc. Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 105.. 77 EAST ST. LOUIS All Producing Points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line. . Salt E. Morris' No. 95 4 Cincinnati-Evansville Group. . Pig Iron E. Morris' No. 132 52 UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER CROSSINGS Iron and Steel Articles E. Morris' No. 91 51 Classes and Misc. Commodities Wm. Cameron's Nos.< jnr 95 98 | GREEN BAY, (WIS.), DISTRICT All Producing Points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line. . Salt •. E. Morris' No. 96 5 Cincinnati-Evansville Group. . Pig Iron E. Morris' No. 132 52 Iron and Steel Articles E. Morris' No. 91 51 MANITOWOC, (WIS.), DISTRICT Various Points in Ind., Mich., Ohio, N. Y., Pa. and W. Va. E. Morris' No. 140 40 OCONTO, (WIS.), DISTRICT WEST BANK LAKE MICHI- GAN PORTS Misc. Commodities E. Morris' Nos. 90, 105, 14 to 26, inc. Cincinnati-Evansville Group. . (Proportional) Classes and Misc. Commodities C.E. Fulton's No. 109... 78 MACKINAW CITY Various Points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line. . E. Morris' No. 12 13 Cincinnati-Evansville Group. . Pig Iron E. Morris' No. 132 52 Iron and Steel Articles E. Morris' No. 91 51 If the tariffs enumerated above do not apply on the particular traffic involved, refer to the individual issues of initial lines. For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. • 70 TARIFFS APPLYING TO CERTAIN BASING POINTS AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66 TO FROM APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ©ST. PAUL. ©DULUTH. Cincinnati-Evansville Group . Pig Iron E. Morris' No. 132. 52 Iron and Steel Articles E. Morris' Xo. 91 51 Classes and Misc. Commodities C. E. Fulton's Xo. 109. Classes E. Morris' Xo. 12 13 Various Points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line. . Misc. Commodities E. Morris' Xos. 90, 105, 14 to etc 25, inc. Classes. ©MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS Various Points east of the Illinois-Indiana State Line E. Morris' Xo. 12 . 13 Misc. Commodities E. Morris' Xos. 90, 105,! 14 to etc 25, inc. ©Alternative method of determining the rate factors from points east of the Illinois-Indiana state line. East of Chicago: See Page Xo. 69 Chicago to St. Paul or Duluth: W. H. Hosmer's Xo. 5 (Index Xo. 101). ©Alternative method of determining the rate factors from points east of the Illinois-Indiana state line. East of Chicago, E. St. Louis or Upper Mississippi River Crossings: See Page Xo. 69 West of Chicago, E. St. Louis or Upper Mississippi River Crossings: W. H. Hosmer's Xo. 1 (Index X'o. 100). For definition of groups, see Page Xo. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 71 TARIFFS APPLYING TO BRISTOL, TENN-VA. AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66 FROM APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. E. Morris' No. 112 436 BUFFALO-PITTSBURG GROUP.... B. & 0. R. R. and Penna. R. R. Issues CHICAGO GROUP C. E. Fulton's No. 113 85 Classes and Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 106 81 Miscellaneous Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 107 82 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP M. P. Washburn's Southeastern Tariff 350 M. P. Washburn's Petroleum Tariff.. . 358 Norfolk & Western Ry. No. 25 460 COLUMBUS-IRONTON GROUP.... Norfolk & Western Ry. No. 25 460 INDIANAPOLIS GROUP C. E. Fulton's No. 113 85 C. E. Fulton's No. 106 81 C. E. Fulton's No. 107 82 MILWAUKEE GROUP C. E. Fulton's No. 113 85 C. E.Fulton's No. 106 81 C. E. Fulton's No. 107 82 C. E. Fulton's No. 113 85 Miscellaneous Commodities C. E. Fulton's No. 107 82 SOUTH BEND-BENTON HARBOR GROUP Automobiles C. E. Fulton's No. 113 85 Miscellaneous Commodities C. E. Fulton s No. 107 sz | WESTERN INDIANA "A" GROUP. C. E. Fulton's No. 106 81 VARIOUS POINTS IN INDIANA, MICHIGAN (SOUTHERN PENIN- SULA), OHIO AND PENNSYL- VANIA (WESTERN PART) E. Morris' No. 128 7 If the tariffs enumerated above do not apply on the particular traffic involved, refer to the individual issues of initial lines in connection with the following: Norfolk & Western Ry. Eastbound Guide Book (Index No. 880). Southern Ry. Eastbound Basis Book (Index No. 881). For definition of groups, see page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 72 TARIFFS APPLYING TO CAIRO, EAST HANNIBAL, EAST ST. LOUIS, GALE AND THEBES, ILL. AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66. FROM APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. CHICAGO GROUP \V. 11. Hosmer's No. 506 114 MILWAUKEE GROUP W. H. Hosmer's No. 506 114 PEORIA GROUP \Y. H. Hosmer's No. 506 114 Rates from points not embraced in the foregoing groups are covered as follows: To East Hannibal (Upper Mississippi River Crossings basis) and East St. Louis; see Page No. 69. To Cairo, Gale and Thebes; individual issues of initial lines. TARIFFS APPLYING TO NORTON, VA. AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66. FROM APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. VARIOUS POINTS IN INDIANA, MICHIGAN (SOUTHERN PENIN- Miscellaneous Commodities E. Morris' No. 128 7 SULA), OHIO AND PKJNlNSyjL- VANIA (WESTERN PART) CHICAGO GROUP Automobiles C. E. Fulton's \"n. 113. 85 Petroleum and its Products C. E. Fulton's No. 110 90 C. E. Fulton's No. 107 82 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Petroleum and its Products M. P. Washburn's Petroleum Tariff.. . 358 M. P. Washburn's Southeastern Tariff 350 TNTMANAPOT T Index Nos m to 122> inclusive. South Bend-Benton Harbor Group: C. E. Fulton's Nos. ©100 and 104 (Index Nos. 79 and 80). Western Indiana "A" Group: C. E. Fulton's No. 104 (Index No. 80). ©Equalization of the Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany combination via Cincinnati is obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Au- thority, Rule 5-B, Interstate- Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Applicable except as restricted by C. E. Fulton's No. 104 (Index No. 80). For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. • i 74 TARIFFS APPLYING TO COLUMBUS, OHIO AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66. FROM APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ALL PRODUCING POINTS EAST OF THE ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE LINE Salt E. Morris' No. 95 4 CHICAGO GROUP Classes and Territorial Grouping for Commodity Rates \V. H. Hosmer's No. 56 119 W. H. Hosmer's No. 58 . 120 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Pig Iron i E. Morris' No. 132 52 Iron and Steel Articles E. Morris' No. 91 51 PEORIA GROUP Brick, Clay, etc 118 Classes and Territorial Grouping for Commodity Rates \Y. H. Hosmer's No. 56 119 Miscellaneous Commodities W. H. Hosmer's No. 58. . 120 Billets, Scrap Iron, etc W. H. Hosmer's No. 59 121 Grain and its Products \V. H. Hosmer's No. 68 122 1 If the tariffs enumerated above do not apply on the particular traffic involved, refer to the individual issues of initial lines. TARIFFS APPLYING TO MISSOURI RIVER CROSSINGS AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66. FROM APPLYING ON TARTFF REFERENCE Index ! No. ALL POINTS EAST OF THE ILLI- NOIS-INDIANA STATE LINE. . . . East of Chicago, E. St. Louis, or Upper Mississippi River Crossings: See West of Chicago, E. St. Louis or Upper Mississippi River Crossings: W. H. 100 For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. • 75 TARIFFS APPLYING TO CHATTANOOGA, TENN. AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66. FROM APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. VARIOUS POINTS IN INDIANA, MICHIGAN (SOUTHERN PENIN- Miscellaneous Commodities. SULA), OHIO AND PENNSYL- VANIA (WESTERN PART) E. Morris' No. 128. BUFFALO-PITTSBURG GROUP. Classes and Commodities. E. Morris' No. 112 B. & O. R. R. and Penna. R. R. issues. 436 Automobiles. C. E. Fulton's No. 113. 85 CHICAGO GROUP. Petroleum and its Products. C. E. Fulton's No. 110. 90 Miscellaneous Commodities. C. E. Fulton's No. 107. 82 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Classes and Commodities. M. P. Washburn's Southeastern Tariff 350 INDIANAPOLIS GROUP. Automobiles . C. E. Fulton's No. 113. 85 Miscellaneous Commodities. C. E. Fulton's No. 107. 82 MILWAUKEE GROUP. Automobiles. C. E. Fulton's No. 113. 85 Miscellaneous Commodities. C. E. Fulton's No. 107. 82 PEORIA GROUP. Automobiles . C. E. Fulton's No. 113. 85 Miscellaneous Commodities. C. E. Fulton's No. 107. 82 SOUTH BEND-BENTON HARBOR GROUP Automobiles . C. E. Fulton's No. 113. 85 Miscellaneous Commodities. C. E. Fulton's No. 107. 82 If the tariffs enumerated above do not apply on the particular traffic involved, combinations made on the most favorable ©Ohio River Crossing will govern, using the individual issues of initial lines to the Ohio River gateways and M. P. Washburn's South-eastern Tariff (Index No. 350) beyond; except that from the following groups the issues shown apply to the Ohio River gateways : Chicago Group: C. E. Fulton's Nos. ©100 and 104 (Index Nos. 79 and 80). Indianapolis Group: C. E. Fulton's Nos. ©102 and 104 (Index Nos. 87 and 80). Milwaukee Group: C. E. Fulton's Nos. ©100 and 104 (Index Nos. 79 and 80). Peoria Group ./C. E. Fulton's No. 104 (Index No. 80). ©W. H. Hosmer's Tariffs, Index Nos. 118 to 122, inclusive. South Bend-Benton Harbor Group: C. E. Fulton's Nos. ©100 and 104 (Index Nos. 79 and 80). Western Indiana "A" Group: C. E. Fulton's No. 104 (Index No. 80). ©Equalization of the Jeffersonville, Louisville and New Albany combinations via Cincinnati is obtainable on traffic from points north of the Ohio River Crossings, provided that only such carriers participate in the haul as are represented in the tariffs to be concurring lines in the rates to and from the basing point (Jeffersonville, Louisville or New Albany, as the case may be). (Authority, Rule 5-B, Interstate Commerce Commission Tariff Circular 18-A.) ©Applicable except as restricted by C. E. Fulton's No. 104 (Index No. 80). For definition of groups, see page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 76 TARIFFS APPLYING TO OHIO RIVER CROSSINGS, VIZ.: CAIRO, CINCINNATI, EVANSVILLE, JEFFERSONVILLE, ©LOUISVILLE, NEW ALBANY; ALSO TO THEBES, ILL., AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66. FROM APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. ALL PRODUCING POINTS EAST THE ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE LINE Salt E. Morris' Xo. 95 4 i TOLEDO, OHIO Vehicles when destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky., Miss., No. Car., So. Car., Tenn. E. Morris' No. 151 12 NORTH TOLEDO YARD, OHIO.. . . WAGON WORKS, OHIO CHICAGO GROUP ®C. E. Fulton's No. 100 79 Classes and Commodities when destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., No. Car., So. C. E. Fulton's No. 104 80 INDIANAPOLIS GROUP ®C. E. Fulton's No. 102 87 Classes and Commodities when destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., No. Car., So. C. E. Fulton's No. 104 80 MILWAUKEE GROUP ©C. E. Fulton's No. 100 79 Classes and Commodities when destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., No. Car., So. C. E. Fulton's No. 104 80 j PEORIA GROUP Classes and Commodities when destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., No. Car., So. C. E. Fulton's No. 104 80 (118 to \122 inc. SOUTH BEND-BENTON HARBOR GROUP ©C. E. Fulton's No. 100 79 Classes and Commodities when destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., No. Car., So. C. E. Fulton's No. 104 80 WESTERN INDIANA "A" GROUP. Classes and Commodities when destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., No. Car., So. C. E. Fulton's No. 104 SO If the tariffs enumerated above do not apply on the particular traffic involved, refer to the individual issues of initial lines. ®As the same rates apply from the north bank Ohio River Crossings as from Louisville, Ky., to a number of southern points, the Jeffersonville or New Albany combination should obviously be used in such cases if the rates to Louisville are higher than to Jeffersonville and New Albany. ©Applicable except as restricted in C. E. Fulton's No. 104 (Index No. 80) For definition of groups, see Page No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 77 TARIFFS APPLYING TO VIRGINIA CITIES AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66. FROM APPLYING ON TARIFF REFERENCE Index No. VARIOUS POINTS IN INDIANA AND MICHIGAN (SOUTHERN PENIN- SULA) Classes and Commodities when destined E. Morris' No. 137 8 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP Norfolk & Western Ry. No. 25 462 460 COLUMBUS-IRONTON GROUP. . . . Kanawha Dispatch No. 641 Norfolk & Western Ry. No. 25 462 460 MHWAUKEE GROUP E. Morris' No. 41 54 TOLEDO, OHIO NORTH TOLEDO YARD, OHIO . WAGON WORKS, OHIO Vehicles, when destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky. t Miss., No. Car., So. Car., Tenn. or Va E. Morris' No. 151 12 If the tariffs enumerated above do not apply on the particular traffic involved, refer to the individual issues of initial lines in connection with the following eastbound guide books, rate bases, etc.: Central States Dispatch Index No. 875 Norfolk & Western Ry Index No. 880 Southern Ry Index No. 881 TARIFFS APPLYING TO ST. PAUL, VA. AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO ON PAGES 9 TO 66. FROM APPLYING ON TARD7F REFERENCE Index No. VARIOUS POINTS IN INDIANA, MICHIGAN (SOUTHERN PENIN- SULA) Classes and Commodities when destined Ga., No. Car., So. Car. or Va E. Morris' No. 137 8 BUFFALO-PITTSBURG GROUP. . . . B. & 0. R. R. and P. R. R. issues 436 CINCINNATI-EVANSVILLE GROUP M. P. Washburn's Southeastern Tariff Norfolk & Western Ry. No. 25 350 460 COLUMBUS-mONTON GROUP. . . . Norfolk & Western Ry. No. 25 ... . 460 MILWAUKEE GROUP E. Morris' No. 41 in connection with N. & W. Ry. Eastbound Guide Book . . 54 880 TOLEDO, OHIO . . *. Vehicles, when destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky., Miss., No. Car., So. Car., Tenn. E. Morris' No. 151 12 NORTH TOLEDO YARD, OHIO. WAGON WORKS, OHIO If the tariffs enumerated above do not apply on the particular traffic involved, refer to the individual issues of initial lines in connection with Norfolk & Western Ry. Eastbound Guide Book (Index No. 880). For definition of groups, see page»No. 8. For key to tariff index reference, see Pages 79 to 94. 79 PART 4 KEY TO TARIFF INDEX REFERENCE The tariffs enumerated herein are designated by their series, all lettered suffix references (A, B, C, etc.) being omitted. This permits the continuous application of the reference given through a succession of tariff reissues under the same serial number. Such tariffs as are not numbered in series by the issuing carriers might conveniently be given a file number to correspond with the index reference contained herein, and the continuity of such reference afforded by the use of the same file number for the superseding issues. The non-consecutive method of index numbering in this section provides for group expansion incidental to the issuance of new tariffs to be embraced in future issues of this publication, without disturbing the numerical arrangement of those now included. Some tariffs having a broad scope of originating points are grouped under one index number (example, Index No. 525) for more convenient reference than if inserted separately. The same arrangement is adopted in certain other cases (example, Index No. 652) where the localized application suggests the variation in the number of such issues from time to time. A specific reference by foot note is made in all cases where any tariff has been previously indexed (example, Index No. 532). This will serve to prevent duplicate requisitions on the carriers for their tariff publications. Unless specifically^prefixed "I. C. C." the tariff numbers are those of the issuing carriers or their joint agents, and not the numbers under which the tariffs are filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission. For addresses of the joint agents named in this section, see Page No. 3. See "Requisitions for Tariffs," Page No. 5. 80 Key to Tariff Index Reference Index No. Issuing Carrier Tariff or Joint Agent Series Applying on From To 1 E. Morris 15 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., X. Y., Ohio, Pa., \V. Va Helena, Ark., Memphis, Tenn., Mobile, Ala., Xew Orleans, La., Pensacola, Fla., and various Lower Miss. Valley Points. 2 16 Salt Ind., Mich., X. Y.,Ohio, Pa. and W. Va Iowa, Kan., Minn., Mo., Xeb., Xo. Dak., So. Dak. 3 E. Morris 57 Salt Ind., Mich., X. Y., Ohio, Pa. and W. Va Ark., Col., Kan., Mo., Mont., Xeb., Okla., So. Dak., Wyo. 4 95 Salt Ind., Mich., X.Y., Ohio, Pa. and W. Va 111., Ind., Iowa, Ky., Mich., Mo., X. Y. (Western Part), Ohio, Pa. (Western Part), W. Va., Wis. 5 96 Salt Mich., X. Y., Ohio and Pa Mich. (Xo. Peninsula), Minn., Wis. 6 E. Morris 112 Classes and Commodities . Buffalo- Pittsburg Group; Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky., Miss., S. C, Tenn. and Va. 7 E. Morris 128 Misc. Commodities Ind., Mich., Ohio and Pa Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky., Miss., N. C, S. C, Tenn., Va. and W. Va. 8 E. Morris 137 Classes and Commodities. destined Ga., X. C, S. C, and Va. 9 E. Morris 145 Classes and Commodities . Pittsburg, Wheeling, Youngstown, Warren, etc., in Pa., W. Va. and Ohio Ga., X. C, S. C, Tenn. and Va. 10 E. Morris 147 Misc. Commodities Ind., Mich., Ohio, W. Iowa, Kans., Minn., Mo., Va Xeb., Xo. Dak., So. Dak. 11 E.Morris 150 Exhibits of Ohio Agricul- tural Experiment Stations Ohio Ohio Points. 12 151 Vehicles Yard, O., Wagon Uks., O Virginia Cities on ship- ments destined Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky., Miss., X. C, S. C, Tenn., Va. 13 E. Morris 12 Ind., Mich., X. Y., Ohio, Pa., W. Va To points in 111., (West of Chicago District), Mich. (Xorthern Peninsula), Minn., Wis., and pro- portionately to Mo. River Crossings on traffic for points in Idaho, Mont., Ore. and Wash. 14 E. Morris j © 90 Vehicles, Vehicle Parts and Ind., Mich., X. Y., Ohio. 15 Ind., Mich., X.Y., Ohio. 16 E. Morris ®117 Iron and Steel Articles Ind., Mich., X. Y., Ohio. 17 ®126 Brick, Clay, etc Ind., Mich., X. Y., Ohio. 18 E. Morris ®155 Cement, Lime, Piaster,! Ind., Mich., X. Y., Ohio. Sand, Gravel, Limestone, 19 ®156 | Lubricating Oil, Paints, Ind., Mich., X. V., Ohio. i Grease, Disinfectant, etc. 20 E. Morris ®157 Silos and Tanks 1 Ind., Mich., Ohio 21 E. Morris ®159 Paper, Strawboard, etc., Ind.. Mich.. Ohio. N. Y.. Paper Bags, Paper Stock, Pa., W. Va 22 ®160 Soap and Soap Powder . . . X. Y., Ohio 23 E. Morris ®161 Agricultural Implements, Ind.. Mich.. Ohio. X. Y.. Machines and Machinery Pa., W. Va 24 ®163 Tobacco | Ind., Mich., Ohio 25 E. Morris 158 Alcoholic Liquors Ind., Ohio, Pa., W. VaJ 111. (West of Chicago Dis- trict), Minn., Wis. 26 164 Ind., Ohio, Pa., VV. Va.. 111. (West of Chicago Dis- trict), Wis. ®In connection with E. Morris' Xo. 165 (Index Xo. 74). 81 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. Issuing Carrier or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To •to 140 Classes Only Ind., Mich., N.Y., Ohio, Pa., W. Va 111. (West of Chicago Dis- trict), Mich. (No. Penin- sula), Wis. 50 E. Morris 143 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., N. Y., Ohio, Pa., W. Va Mich. (No. Peninsula), Minn, and Wis. Points via Lake-and-Rail Routes. 51 91 Billets, Cast Iron Pipe, Cincinnati-Evansville 111., Ind., Iowa, Ky., Mich. Minn.,Mo.,N.Y. (West- ern Part), Ohio, Pa. (Western Part), W. Va., Wis. 52 132 Southern Pig Iron (Proportional) Cincinnati-Evansville 111., Ind., Iowa, Kv., Mich., Minn., Mo., N. Y. (West- ern Part), Ohio, Pa. (Western Part), W. Va., Wis. 53 85 Classes and Commodities . Ind., Mich., Ohio, N. Y., Pa., W. Va Restricting the application of rate combinations; to points south of the Ohio River. 54 41 Classes and Commodities . Milwaukee Group Eastern Trunk Line Terri- tory. 55 67 Chicago Group, Mil- Ind., Ky., Mich. (So. Western Parts of N. Y., Pa. and W. Va. 56 Milwaukee Group Ind., Ky., Mich. (So. Peninsula), Ohio and Western Parts of N. Y., Pa. and W. Va. 57 70 Steel Rails and Fastenings Milwaukee Group Ind., Ky., Mich. (So. Peninsula), Ohio and Western Parts of N. Y., Pa. and W. Va. 58 111 Grain and its Products . . . Milwaukee Group Ind., Ky., Mich. (So. Peninsula), Ohio and Western Parts of N. Y., Pa. and W. Va. 59 I E. Morris 148 Paper (Fruit Wrapping) . . Milwaukee Group Jacksonville, Fla. (Rail- and-Ocean). 60 E.Morris 144 Salt Chicago Group Ind. and Ohio. 74 E.Morris I 165 Description of Northwestern Territory (List of poin sula], Minn., and Wis. taking St. Paul and Winona ts in 111., Mich. [No. Penin- rates). 75 101 Classes and Commodities . Cincinnati-Evansville Groupand Indianapolis 111. (intermediate with or in Chicago District), Ind. (Western Part), Mich. (Southwestern Part of So. Peninsula), Wis. (Mil- waukee District). 77 105 Classes and Commodities . (Proportional) Cincinnati-Evansville 111. (Northwestern Section, including Chicago and Peoria); Iowa (points on or adjacent to Miss. River); Mich. (South- western part of So. Penin- sula); Wis. (Milwaukee District). 78 C. E. Fulton 109 Classes and Commodities. (Proportional) Cincinnati-Evansville Iowa, Mich. (Northern Peninsula), Minn., Wis. (outside of Milwaukee District). 82 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. Issuing Carrier or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 79 100 Classes and Commodities. Chicago Group; Mil- waukee Group; So. Bend-Benton Harbor Group Cincinnati, O., Evansville, Ind., Indianapolis, Ind., Jeffersonville, Ind., Louis- ville, Ky., Madison, Ind., New Albany, Ind., Hen- derson, Ky., Owensboro, Ky. 80 C. E. Fulton 104 Classes and Commodities . Chicago Group; Indian-i Ohio River Crossings and apolis Group; Mil-' Paducah Ky., on traffic waukee Group; Peoria for points in Ala., Fla., Group; So. Bend-Ben- Ga., Miss., N. C, S. C, ton Harbor Group;; Tenn., Va. Western Indiana ''A" Group 81 C. E. Fulton 106 Classes and Commodities . Chicago Group; Mil- waukee Group; Indian- apolis Proper and Western Indiana "A" Group Bristol, Tenn.-Va. 82 107 Chicago Group; Indian- apolis Group; Milwau- kee Group; So. Bend- Benton Harbor Group. Ala.,Fla.,Ga.,Ky., N. C, S. C, Tenn., Va. 83 C. E. Fulton 111 Classes and Commodities. Chicago Group; Indian- Interior Miss, and western apolis Proper; Mil- Tenn. Junction Points, waukee Group; Peoria Group; and Western! Indiana "A" Group. . .1 84 C. E. Fulton 112 Classes and Commodities . Chicago Group; Mil- Following Ky. points: Cen- waukee Group; So.| tral City, Elizabethtown, Bend-Benton Harbor Fordsville, Gracey, Hop- Group kinsville, Morganfield, Nortonville. 85 C. E. Fulton 113 Automobiles and other Self Chicago Group; Mil- waukee Group; Peoria Group; Elkhart, Ind- ianapolis, La Porte, South Bend, Ind Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky., N. C, S. C, Tenn., Va. 86 114 Classes and Commodities . Chicago Group; Indian- apolis Group; Mil- waukee Group; So. Bend-Benton Harbor Group; Western Indi- ana "A" Group Local stations on Tenn. Central R. R. in Ky. and Tenn. 87 102 Classes and Commodities . Indianapolis Group. . . . Also Cincinnati-Evans- ville Group Henderson and Owensboro, Ky., Cincinnati-Evans- ville District in Ind., Ohio, and a few points in southern 111. Indianapolis and contigu- ous points. 88 C. E. Fulton 108 Classes and Commodities . Chicago Group; Mil- Helena, Ark., Hickman, waukee Group; Peoria! Ky., Memphis, Tenn., Group; Western In- 1 Mobile, Ala., New Or- diana "A" Group leans, La., Pensacola, ' Fla., and Various Lower Miss. Valley Points. 89 117 Hay, Carloads Chicago Group; Indian-i Greenwood. Miss.. Helena. apolis Proper; Peoria Group; Western In- diana "A" Group; Western Indiana "B" , Ark., Jackson, Miss., Memphis, Tenn., New Orleans, La., Meridian, Miss., Mobile, Ala., Pen- sacola, Fla., and Various Lower Miss. Valley Points. 90 C. E. Fulton 110 Petroleum Chicago, 111., Whiting, | Ind Ala., Ark., Fla., Ga., Ky., La., M'ss., N. C, S. C., Tenn., Va. 83 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index ! Issuing Carrier No. or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 95 201 Classes and Commodities . Cincinnati, Jeffersonville, Madison, New Albany, Ind St. Louis, Mo., Evansville, Ind., Cairo, East St. Louis, Gale, Thebes, and other points in Southern III.; also to Upper Miss. River Crossings. 96 Wm. Cameron 203 Classes and Commodities . Evansville, Ind Cincinnati, O., Cairo, III., Thebes, 111., Jefferson- ville, Madison, New Al- bany, Ind., Louisville, Ky., etc. 97 205 Classes and Commodities . Between Cincinnati, O., Jeffersonville, New Albany, Ind., Louisville, Ky. Henderson, Ky., and Owensboro, Ky. Also from Cincinnati, O., Jeffersonville, Madi- son, New Albany, Ind. 98 Wm. Cameron 207 Classes and Commodities . Evansville, Mt. Vernon, St. Louis, Mo., East St. Louis, 111., and Upper Miss. River Crossings. 100 W. H. Hosmer 1 Classes and Commodities. Chicago, Peoria, etc. . . . Missouri River Crossings in Iowa, Kan., Mo., Neb. and So. Dak. 101 !W. H. Hosmer ! 5 Classes and Commodities. Chicago, Milwaukee, etc Iowa, Mich. (No. Penin- sula), Minn., Wis. 102 W. H. Hosmer 6 Misc. Commodities Kankakee and Peoria . . Mich., Wis. 103 W. H. Hosmer 7 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Milwaukee, etc Iowa (McGregor, la., and a few adjacent points), Minn., Wis. 104 W. H. Hosmer 12 Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, etc Chicago, Milwaukee, etc Iowa, Mo., Neb., So. Dak. 105 W. H. Hosmer 18 Classes and Commodities . Chicago, Peoria, etc. . . . Ark., Col. (East of Com- mon Points), Kan., Mo., Neb., Okla. 106 W. H. Hosmer 22 Chicago, Peoria, etc. . . . Ark., Col. (East of Com- mon Points), Kan., Mo., Neb., Okla. 107 W. H. Hosmer 33 Classes and Commodities . Ark., Okla. 108 W. H. Hosmer 50 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Milwaukee, etc Iowa, Minn., Mo. 109 W. H. Hosmer 65 Classes and Commodities . Miss. River Bridge Tolls Iowa, Mo. 110 W. H. Hosmer 78 Lime, Cement, etc Chicago, Peoria, Duluth, Ark., Col. (East of Com- mon Points), Kan., Mo., Mont., Neb., Okla., So. Dak., Wyo. 111 W. H. Hosmer 500 Misc. Commodities Peoria Group E. St. Louis, Jacksonville, Springfield, 111., etc., and St. Louis, Mo. 112 W. H. Hosmer 502 Steel, Rails, Fastenings, Chicago Group; Mil- waukee Group Southern 111. Points. 113 W. H. Hosmer 503 Misc. Commodities Chicago Group; Mil- Springfield, 111., St. Louis, Mo., etc. 114 W. H. Hosmer 506 Classes and Commodities . Chicago Group; Mil- waukee Group; Peoria Cairo, East Hannibal, East St. Louis, Gale, Thebes, 111., on traffic for Ark. and Mo. 115 W. H. Hosmer 507 Misc. Commodities Aurora, St. Charles, 111., etc. 116 W. H. Hosmer 508 Misc. Commodities Chicago Group Joliet, 111. 84 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index | Issuing Carrier Tariff No. or Joint Agent Series Applying on From To 117 W. H. Hosmer 509 Misc. Commodities i Between Chicago Group; Bloomington, Danville, La Milwaukee Group; Salle, Peoria, Streator, Peoria Group and. . . . 111., etc. 118 W. H. Hosmer 41 Brick, Clay, etc Peoria Group Ind., Kv., Mich. (So. Peninsula), Ohio and Western Parts of N. Y., Pa. and W. Va. 119 iW. H. Hosmer 56 Classes and Territorial Chicago Group; Peoria Ind., Ky., Mich. (So. Grouping for Commodity Group Peninsula), Ohio and Rates ! Western Parts of N. Y., Pa. and W. Va. 120 \V. H. Hosmer 58 Chicago Group; Peoria 1 Ind., Ky., Mich. (So. Group : Peninsula), Ohio and Western Parts of X. Y., Pa. and W. Ya. 121 W. H. Hosmer 59 Billets, Scrap Iron, etc. .. .! Peoria Group Ind., Ky., Mich. (So. Peninsula), Ohio and Western Parts of N. Y., Pa. and W. Va. 122 W. H. Hosmer 68 Grain and its Products. . . Peoria Group Ind., Kv., Mich. (So. Peninsula), Ohio and Western Parts of N. Y., Pa. and W. Va. 200 F. A. Leland 1 Classes and Commodities . Ind., Mich., X. Y., Ohio, Texas. Pa., W. Va 201 | F. A. Leland 2 Classes and Commodities . Ind., Mich., X.Y., Ohio, Pa., W. Va Texas. I 202 ! F. A. Leland 15 Classes and Commodities . Ind., Mich., N. Y., Ohio, Pa., W. Va Oklahoma. 203 1 F. A. Leland 22 Salt Ind., Mich., X.Y., Ohio, Pa., W. Va Texas. 204 1 F. A. Leland 45 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., N. Y., Ohio, Ark., Okla. Pa., W. Va. and Mem-! phis, Tenn 205 F. A. Leland 49 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., N. Y., Ohio, Ark., Texas. Pa., W. Va. and Mem- phis, Tenn 206 | F. A. Leland 58 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., N. Y., Ohio, 1 Ark., La. (West). Pa., W. Va. and Mem- phis, Tenn 250 \V. A. Poteet 11 Classes and Commodities . Chicago, Peoria, Miss. River Crossings Colorado Common Points, Xew Mexico and Cheyenne, Wyo. 251 \V. A. Poteet 20 Classes and Commodities. Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria, Miss. River Crossings, Salt Lake- Ogden District Utah Points. 252 \V. A. Poteet 35 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., N. Y., Ohio, Kansas Points. | Pa., W. Va 253 W. A. Poteet ! 102 Classes and Commodities. Chicago, Miss. River. . . Mew Mexico Points. 300 R. H. Countiss 1 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., N. Y., Ohio, Pacific Coast Terminals. Pa., W. Va., also Chi-I 1 cago, Peoria, Duluth, etc 301 R. H. Countiss 4 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., X.Y., Ohio, Ore., Wash. (Pacific Coast Pa., W. Va., also Chi-i Terminals), cago, Peoria, Duluth, 85 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. Issuing Carrier or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 302 R. H. Countiss 12 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., N. V., Ohio, Pa., W. Va., also Chi- cago., Peoria, Duluth, Cal., Ore. (Intermediate Points), Ariz., Nev.,New Mex., Utah. 303 R. H. Countiss 13 Classes and Commodities. Ind., Mich., N. Y., Ohio, Pa., W. Va., also Chi- cago, Peoria, Duluth, Idaho, Mont., Ore. (Inter- mediate Points), Utah, Wash. (Pacific Coast Ter- minals), Wyo. 304 R. H. Countiss 14 Classes and Commodities . Ind., Mich., N.Y., Ohio, Pa., W. Va., also Chi- cago, Peoria, Duluth, Idaho, Mont., Utah., Wyo. 305 Circular 16 Basis for rates to Transcon Ore. tinental Territory "Inter mediate Points" in Cal. and 325 U. P. R. R 12980 Classes and Commodities . Chicago, Peoria, Duluth, Idaho, Mont., Ore., Utah, Wyo. 326 U. P. R. R 13013 Classes and Commodities. Chicago, Peoria, Duluth, Wyoming Points. 350 M. P. Washburn S. E. Tariff Classes and Commodities. Ohio River Crossings,! Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky., Miss., Memphis and Paducahj S. C, Tenn., Va. 351 M. P. Washburn S. E. Basis Book. Classes and Commodities . Destination Common Points named in S. E. Tariff (Index 350).... Ala., Fla., Ga., N.C.S.C, Tenn., Va. 352 M. P. Washburn Carolina Tariff . . Classes and Commodities . Ohio River Crossings . . . Ga., N. C, S. C. 353 M. P. Washburn Kentucky Junc- tion Point Tariff Classes and Commodities. Ohio River Crossings. . . Frankfort and other Com- mon Points in Central Kentucky. 354 M. P. Washburn I nterior M iss. Valley S. B. Tariff Classes and Commodities. Ohio River Crossings, Memphis, Paducah. . . Miss., Tenn. 355 M. P. Washburn B. & N. W. Ry. Local Points Tariff Classes and Commodities . Ohio River Crossings and Memphis B. & N. W. Ry. Local Stations in Tenn. 356 M. P. Washburn Tenn. Cent. Local Points Tariff . . . Classes and Commodities . Ohio River Crossings and Memphis T. C. R. R. Local Stations in Ky. and Tenn. 357 M. P. Washburn Miss. River Points Tariff. . . Classes and Commodities. Ohio River Crossings (Not applicable from points north of Ohio River, for which see Index Nos. 1 and 88) . Hickman, Ky., Pensacola, Fla., Mobile, Ala., Mem- phis, Tenn., and Lower Miss. River Valley Points in La., Miss, and Tenn. 358 M. P. Washburn Petroleum Tariff . Petroleum and its Products Ohio River Crossings. . . Ala., Ark., Fla., Ga., Ky., La., Miss., N. C, S. C, Tenn. and Va. 400 Va. Cities Tariff. . Classes and Commodities . Ala., Fla., Ga., N. C, S. C, Va. 401 N. &W. Ry Va. Cities Tariff. . Classes and Commodities . Ala., Fia., Ga., N. C, S. C. Va. 402 Norfolk Southern Ry. Va. Cities Tariff. . Classes and Commodities . Virginia Cities N. C, Va. 403 Seaboard Air Line . . . Va. Cities Tariff. . Classes and Commodities . Ala., Fla., Ga., N. C, S. C, Va. 404 Va. Cities Tariff. . Classes and Commodities Ala., Fla., Ga., N. C, S. C, Va. 405 Va. Points Tariff. Classes and Commodities . Virginia Points. 406 C. C. &O. R. R St. Paul, (Va.), Tariff Classes and Commodities . St. Paul, Va Fla., Ga., N. C, S. C, Tenn., Va. 407 N. & W. Ry 10443 Classes and Commodities . North Carolina Points. 86 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. Issuing Carrier or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 425 J. A. Ryan I. C. C. 1 [ Classes and Commodities. Virginia Cities N. C, S. C, Va. 435 Penna. R. R CO., I.C.C. 2710 Classes and Commodities. Alexandria, Va South Atlantic Coast Ports in Fla., Ga., S. C. 436 E. Morris Via Ohio River Cross- ings. B. & 0. R. R. and Pennsylvania R. R. Via Eastern Gateways (Separate issues as E. Morris' ©112.J Classes and Commodities. B.& 0. ICC 10421 P.R.R. GO ICC4054 Buffalo- Pittsburg Group (All-rail) Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., N. C, S. C, Tenn., Va. E. Morris' ©112 B.& O. ice 9627 P.R.R. go icc4154 Brick, Clay, etc Buffalo-Pittsburg Group Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., N. C, S. C, Tenn., Va. E. Morris' ©112. Cement Buffalo-Pittsburg Group B.& 0. ICC 10740 P.R.R.go ice 3872 Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., X. C, S. C, Tenn., Va. E. Morris' ©112 B.& O. ice 10924 P.R.R.GO ice 3931 Iron and Steel Articles. . . Buffalo-Pittsburg Group! Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., S. C, Tenn., Va. E. Morris' ©112. Steel Rails, etc Buffalo- Pittsburg Group Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., Tenn. indicated) B.& O. ice 10772 P.R.R.GO ice 3868 E. Morris' ©112. Steel Rails, etc ' Buffalo-Pittsburg Group B.& O. ice 10773 P.R.R.GO ice 3867 X. C, S. C, Va. 437 Same as Index No. 436 E. Morris' ©15.. Classes and Commodities. Buffalo-Pittsburg Group B.& O. ice 10746 (All-rail) P.R.R.GO ice 3785 Helena, Ark., Memphis, Tenn., Mobile, Ala., New Orleans, La., Vicksburg, Miss., etc. 438 B. & O. R. R. and Pennsylvania R. R. Via Eastern Gateways (Separate issues as indicated) B.& O. ice 11295 Locomotives and Tenders . Buffalo- Pittsburg Group P.R.R.GO ice 1421 Ala., La., Miss., Tenn. B.& O. ice 10898 Petroleum and its Products Buffalo-Pittsburg Group P.R.R.GO ice 3919 Ala., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., X. C, S. C, Tenn., Va. 439 B.& 0. ice 8533J Classes and Commodities. Buffalo-Pittsburg Group Same as Index No. 438 P.R.R.go icc 375i (Rail and Ocean) |P.R.R.go ice 4085! Ala., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., S. C, Tenn. 440 E. Morris Via Ohio River Cross- B.&0.©icc 8533 ! Classes and Commodities. P.R.R.®GOicc375 Buffalo-Pittsburg Group (Rail and Ocean) Helena, Ark. ings. B. & O. R. R. and Pennsylvania R. R. Via Eastern Gateways (Separate issues as indicated) E. Morris' ©15.. Classes and Commodities.! Buffalo-Pittsburg Group B.&0.®icc 10746 (All-rail) P.R.R.®goicc3785 B.&0.®icc 10898 Petroleum and its Products! Buffalo-Pittsburg Group P.R.R.©goicc3919 450 A. D. Hall Miss.Valley Tariff! Classes and Commodities . ] Ohio River Crossings, No. 2 J " 1 Memphis and Paducah Ala., Ky., La., Miss., Tenn. 451 A. D. Hall Miss.Valley Tariff No. 3 Classes and Commodities. Chicago Group; Indian- apolis Proper, Milwau- Ala., Ky., La., Miss, and Tenn. kee Group; Peoria Group and Western Indiana "B" Group. . . 460 N. &VV. Rv 25 Classes and Commodities. Cincinnati, Columbus, O., etc Ga., N. C, S. C. and Va. 461 Kanawha Dispatch. . . 638 Plaster, Lime, Cement, etc. Columbus, O., and cer- tain other points on H. V. Ry. and K. & M. Ry. also from Cincin- Nor.Carolina; Sou.Carolina 462 Kanawha Dispatch. . . 641 f Classes and Commodities . Columbus, O., and cer- tain other points on H. V. Ry. and K. & M. Ry. also from Cincin- Ga., N. C, S. C, Va. 463 [ Kanawha Dispatch.. . 672 Ga., X. C, S. C. ©Previously indexed under No. 6. ©Previously indexed under No. 439. ©Previously indexed under No. 1. ©Previously indexed under No. 437. ©Previously indexed under No. 438. 87 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. Issuing Carrier or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 464 Kanawha Dispatch. . . 679 Classes and Commodities . Columbus, Cincinnati, 0., etc Augusta, Ga., and South Atlantic Coast Ports in Fla., Ga. and S. C. 475 E. H. Hinton Florida Basis Book Classes and Commodities . Jacksonville, Milldale Florida Interior Points. 500 C. N. O. &T. P. Ry. S. E. Tariff No.21 Classes and Commodities . Ohio River Crossings. . . Kellerman and Searles, Ala. 501 C. N. O. &T. P. Ry. Cincinnati Local. Classes and Commodities . Local Stations in Ky., Tenn. 502 C. N. O. &T. P. Ry. Cumberland River Landings Tariff Classes and Commodities. Landings on Cumberland River in Ky. 503 C. N. O. &T. P. Ry. Joint Tarifl R-2591 Classes and Commodities . Sou. Ry. Stations in Ky. 504 C. N. O. &T. P. Ry. Joint Tarifl R-3660 Classes and Commodities . Ky. & Tenn. R. R. Stations in Ky. and Tenn. 505 C. N. O. &T. P. Ry. Joint Tarifl R-4183 Classes and Commodities . Ohio River Crossings. . . Hopkinsville, Ky. 525 111. Cent. R. R 146 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossihgsand Memphis Alabama Points. 152 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossingsand Memphis 196 Classes and Commodities . Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossingsand Memphis 242 Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups and Ohio River 526 111. Cent. R. R ©146 All Ohio River Cross- ings and Memphis . . . Kentucky Points. ©152 Misc. Commodities All Ohio River Cross- ings and Memphis . . . ©242 All Ohio River Cross- B-1001 Classes and Commodities. B-1002 Classes and Commodities . B-1005 Classes and Commodities . B-1008 Classes and Commodities. 1728 Classes and Commodities . All Ohio River Cross- 1982 Classes and Commodities. All Ohio River Crossings Uniontown, Ky. ©Previously indexed under No. 525. 88 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. Issuing Carrier Tariff or Joint Agent Series Applying on From To 527 111. Cent. R. R ®146 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Indianapolis,' Milwaukee, Peoria; 1 Groups Kentucky Points. ®152 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Indianapolis, 1 Milwaukee, Peoria 1 Milwaukee, Peoria ('.roups » 528 111. Cent. R. R B-1011 Classes Chicago, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups Kentucky Points. 529 111. Cent. R.R ! 1908 Classes and Commodities. Chicago Group Fairmont, Montezuma, Oy- ama, Providence, Ruff, Ky. 530 111. Cent. R. R ©1982 Classes and Commodities. Chicago Group Uniontown, Ky. 532 111. Cent. R. R ®146 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossingsand Memphis Louisiana Points. ®152 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Iudianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossingsand Memphis 156 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossingsand Memphis 162 Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossingsand Memphis 172 Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossingsand Memphis ®242 Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups and Ohio River 533 111. Cent. R. R ®146 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossingsand Memphis Mississippi Points. t - ®152 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Indianapolis Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio River Crossingsand Memphis 156 Chicago, Indianapolis Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio Rivei Crossingsand Memphis 162 Misc. Commodities Chicago, Indianapolis Milwaukee, Peoria Groups, Ohio Rivei Crossingsand Memphis ®242 Chicago, Indianapolis Milwaukee, Peoric Groups and Ohio Rive a a )Previous1y indexed ur previously indexed ur der No. 525. ider No. 525. 89 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. Issuing Carrier or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 534 111. Cent. R. K ©242 Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Peoria Groups and Ohio River Tennessee Points. ©B-1001 Classes and Commodities . ©B-1002 Classes and Commodities. ©B-1005 Classes and Commodities . ©B-1008 Classes and Commodities . 550 I.. & N. R. R Cincinnati Local Tariff Classes and Commodities. Local Stations in Ala., Ky., La., Miss., Tenn. 551 L. &N. R. R E v a n s v i 1 1 e Local Tariff. . . . Classes and Commodities . Local Stations in Ala., Ky., La., Miss., Tenn. 552 L. & X. R. R Louisville Local Tariff .... Classes and Commodities. Local Stations in Ala., Ky., La., Miss., Tenn. 553 L. & N. R. R G. F. O.-1010. . . Classes and Commodities . Ohio River Crossings. . . Cumberland River Land- ings in Ky. and Tenn. 554 L. & N. R. R G. F. 0.-1415. . . Classes and Commodities Ohio River Crossings. . . Tennessee River Landings in Ky. and Tenn. 555 L. & N. R. R G. F. O.-1099. . . Classes and Commodities. Ohio River Crossings. . . Green and Barren River Landings in Ky. 556 L. &N. R. R G. F. 0.-1222. . . (.'lasses and Commodities. Ohio River Crossings. . . C. F. & S. E. Ry. Stations in Ky. 557 L. & N. R. R G. F. 0.-1538. . . ( lasses and Commodities. Ohio River Crossings. . . Carrollton, Ky. 558 L. &N. R. R G. F. O.-1410. . . Classes and Commodities. Ohio River Crossings. . . La., Miss. 570 L. H. &St. L. Ry.... G. F. 0.-661. . . . Classes and Commodities. Louisville, Evansville. . . Fordsvillc, Ky. 571 I.. H.&St. L. Ry.... G. F. 0.-838 Classes and Commodities . Louisville, Evansville.. . Kentucky Local Stations. 575 N. C. &St. L. Ry. . Cincinnati, Louisville, Evansville, Joint Freight Tariff Classes and Commodities. Louisville, Evansville.. . Local Stations in Ala., Ky., Tenn. 580 Southern Ry Ky. Local No. 5. Classes and Commodities . Local Stations in Ky. 581 Southern Ry I. C. C. A-2804.. Classes and Commodities. Ohio River Crossings. . . La., Miss., Tenn. 000 111. Cent. R. R ©172 Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn Tennessee Points. A-1016 Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn B-1007 Classes and Commodities. Memphis, Tenn 601 L. & N. R. R Memphis Local Tariff Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn Tennessee Points. 602 N. C. &St. L. Ry. . . Memphis Local Tariff Classes and Commodities. Memphis, Tenn Tennessee Points. ©Previously indexed under No. 525. ©Previously indexed under No. 526. ©Previously indexed under No. 532. 90 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. 604 605 625 626 Issuing Carrier or Joint Agent Tariff Series Southern Ry. Applying on From To I. C. C. A-2804. . Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn Y. &M. V. R. R. See Index No. 600 Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn . L. &N. R. R. Mobile Local Tariff M.&O. R. R. 5025 Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities. Mobile, Ala. Mobile, Ala. Miss, and Tenn. Points. Tennessee Points. Alabama Points. Alabama Points. 627 N. O. M. & C. R. R.. Rate Issue 42. Classes and Commodities Mobile, Ala. Alabama Points. 628 Southern Ry. I. C. C.-3295... Classes Mobile, Ala Rate Issue F-2489 Misc. Commodities Mobile, Ala Alabama Points. 650 L. & N. R. R. 1856 Classes and Commodities.: Norton, Va. Virginia Points. Cumb. Valley Div Tariff Classes and Commodities . Norton, Va Tennessee Points. 651 Southern Ry . I. C. C. A-5069. Tennessee Local Tariff. . Classes and Commodities. Bristol, Teon.-Va. Ky. t N. C, Tenn. Classes and Commodities Bristol, Tenn.-Ya . Ky., Tenn. and N. C. Points. 1081 Classes and Commodities . Bristol, Tenn.-Va. Tenn. and Va. Points. 652 Va. & So. West. Ry. 1113 Classes and Commodities. Bristol, Tenn.-Va. Tenn. and Va. Points. 1137 Classes and Commodities . I Bristol, Tenn.-Va. Tenn. and Va. Points. 1081 Classes and Commodities. Bristol, Tenn.-Va. North Carolina Points. 653 E. H. Hinton. S. E. Car. Tariff. Classes and Commodities. Bristol, Tenn.-Va. North Carolina Points. 675 111. Cent. R. R. ©146 Classes and Commodities . ! New Orleans . ®152 Classes and Commodities A- 1044 Classes and Commodities New Orleans . New Orleans . La. Points east of Miss. River. 676 L. &N. R. R. New Orleans Local Tariff. . Classes and Commodities New Orleans. La. Points east of Miss. River. 677 678 679 680 L. R. & N. Co. 1329 Classes and Commodities New Orleans . La. Points east of Miss. River. N. O. &N. E. R. R.. N. O. G. N. R. R... N. O. M. & C. R. R. 681 N. O. T. & M. R. R. 444 178 273 287 742 127 165 444 Classes and Commodities New Orleans . La. Points east of Mis-. River. Classes and Commodities New Orleans . Classes and Commodities New Orleans. Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities Classes and Commodities New Orleans. New Orleans . New Orleans. New Orleans. New Orleans . La. Points cast of Miss. River. Covington, La. l.a. Points cast of Miss. River. La. Points east of Miss. River. La. Points east of Miss. River. ©Previously indexed under No. 525. 91 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index Issuing Carrier No. or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 682 Y. &. M. V. R. R. ... ®156 Classes and Commodities . River. ®162 Classes and Commodities. La. Points east of Miss. River. ®172 Classes and Commodities. La. Points east of Miss. River. ©A- 1044 Classes and Commodities. La. Points east of Miss. River. 208 Classes and Commodities . Baton Rouge, La. 690 L. R. & N. Co 1203 Classes and Commodities . Alexandria, La. 1204 Classes and Commodities. Shreveport, La. 1305 Classes and Commodities . Winn field, La. 1321 Classes and Commodities. La. Points west of Miss. River. 691 M. L. &T. R. R 49 Classes and Commodities . La. Points west of Miss. River. 71 Classes and Commodities. 692 N. O. T. & M. R. R.. 88 Classes and Commodities . La. Points west of Miss. River. 105 Classes and Commodities. 426 Classes and Commodities. 624 Classes and Commodities. 693 T & P Ry LC-20 Classes and Commodities . La. Points west of Miss. River. LC-23 Classes and Commodities. 700 C. R. I. & P. Ry 25640 Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn Arkansas Points. 701 Kan. City Sou. Ry. . . 232 Classes and Commodities. Memphis, Tenn Ark. and Okla. Points. 369 Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn 779 Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn 703 Mo. Pac. Ry \ St. L. I. M. &S. Ry./ 1107 Classes and Commodities. Cairo, Thebes and Mem- Ark. and Okla. Points. 704 St. L. S. W. Ry I. C. C.-3060 Classes and Commodities. Cairo, Thebes and Mem- Ark. Points. 705 St. L. &S. F. R. R... 159 Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn Ark. Points. 2629 Classes and Commodities . Memphis, Tenn 778 Inter & Grt. Nor. Ry. 2000 Classes and Commodities . Galveston, Tex Texas Interior Points. 779 M. K. & T. Ry 1833 Classes and Commodities . Galveston and Texas Texas Interior Points. ©Joint issue with Illinois Central R. R., previously indexed under No. 532. ©Joint issue with Illinois Central R. R., previously indexed under No. 675. 92 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. Issuing Carrier or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 780 1 K. C. S. Ry 382 Classes and Commodities. Port Arthur, Tex Texas Interior Points. 785 A. T. & S. F. Ry . . . . 5896 Classes and Commodities. Chicago, Miss. River, etc New Mexico Points. 6334 Classes and Commodities. Chicago, Miss. River, ctc 7396 (lasses and Commodities. Chicago, Miss. River, etc 786 A. T. &S. F. Ry. ©6334 Classes and Commodities . New Mexico Points. 7466 '• Classes and Commodities. 787 | A. T. & S. F. Ry 8675 Classes and Commodities. Cedar Glade, P. & E. Jet., A. &C. Jet., Ariz. Arizona Points. 788 S. F. P. & P. Lines. . . (Santa Fe System) 13 Classes and Commodities. Jerome Jet., Ariz Arizona Points. 789 j E. P. &S. W. Ry.... 507 j Classes and Commodities . Arizona and New Mexico. 790 Southern Pac. Co. . . . 612 ( lasses and Commodities. Arizona and New Mexico. 800 J. B. Bartholomew. . . Texas Tariff No. 2 Classes and Commodities. Texas Interior Points. 801 J. B. Bartholomew. . . Texas Tariff No. 3 Classes and Commodities. Texas Interior Points. 802 ! J. B. Bartholomew... TexasTariffNo.13 Classes and Commodities . Texas Interior Points. 803 J. B. Bartholomew. . . Basing Book No. 2 (lasses and Commodities. Texas Ports Texas Interior Points. 804 | J. B. Bartholomew. . . Mdse. Tariff No. 3 Classes and Commodities. Texas Interior Points. 805 J. B. Bartholomew. . . TexasTarilTNo.19 Classes -and Commodities. Texas Interior Points. 811 Atl. Coast Line Charleston Local Classes and Commodities. Charleston, S. C Tariff Interior S. C. Points. 812 Atl. Coast Line Georgetown Local Classes and Commodities. Georgetown, S. C Tariff Interior S. C. Points. 813 Atl. Coast Line Savannah Local Tariff Classes and Commodities. Savannah, Ga Interior Ga. Points. 814 Atl. Coast Line Wilmington Local Classes and Commodities Wilmington, N. C j Interior N. C. Points. Tariff 815 E. H. Hinton Port S. E. Com- Classes and Commodities. Brunswick, Ga., Charles- Interior Points in Ga. and mon Points ton, Georgetown, S. C, S. C. Tariff Savannah, Ga 816 E. H. Hinton Port S. E. Local Points Tariff... (lasses and Commodities . Brunswick, Ga., Charles- ton, Georgetown, S. C. Savannah, Ga Interior Points in Ga. and S. C. 817 E. H. Hinton Port Carolina Tariff Classes and Commodities . Brunswick, Ga., Charles- ton, Georgetown, S. C. Interior Points in Ga. and S. C. 818 Seaboard Air Line . . . Wilmington Local Classes and Commodities. Tariff Wilmington, N. (' Interior Points in N. C. 828 C. B. &Q. R. R.... 5000 Classes and Commodities. Chicago, Peoria, etc. .. . Nebraska Points. 829 C. &N. VV. Ry 11000 Classes and Commodities. Chicago, Peoria, etc. . . Nebraska Points. 830 St. J.&G. I. Ry ... 7690 Classes and Commodities. Missouri River Cross Nebraska Points. 850 C. M.&St. P. Ry.. 10000 Classes 2400 Misc. Commodities Chicago, West Banl 3000 Misc. Commodities etc Wis. 1 7018 Misc. Commodities e Previously indexed un der No. 785. , , 93 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index No. Issuing Carrier or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 851 C. &N. \V. Ry 11600 Mich. (No. Peninsula) and Wis. 10567 Misc. Commodities 9363 Misc. Commodities Chicago, West Bank Lake Michigan Ports, Duluth, etc 8747 Misc. Commodities 8115 Classes and Commodities . 5778 Misc. Commodities 7100 Classes and Commodities . 852 ( Goodrich Transit Co. H-269 Classes and Commodities. West Bank Lake Michi- Wisconsin Points. H-404 H-406 H-415 H-423 H-469 853 G. B. & \V. R. R. ... 231 Classes and Commodities. Green Bay, Wis Wis. and Mich. (No. Penin- : sula). 854 K. G. B. & W. R. R.. 231 Classes and Commodities. Kewaunee, Wis Wis. and Mich. (No. Penin- sula). 855 M. & L. S. R. R 7 Classes and Commodities . • Manistique, Mich Wis. and Mich. (No. Penin- ] sula). 76 Classes and Commodities. 856 M.St.P.& S.S.M.R.R. (W C) A-581 Classes and Commodities . Chicago, West Bank Lake Michigan Ports, Duluth, Sault Ste. Wis. and Mich. (No. Penin- sula). 4688 5152 11640 11761 15000 16400 857 Wis. & Mich. Ry 2458 Classes and Commodities . Menominee, Mich Mich. (No. Peninsula). 858 D. S. S. & A. Ry 1544 Classes and Commodities. Mackinaw City, Sault Wis. and Mich. (No. Penin- 3280 11059 11066 11490 11765 12107 12422 12608 859 No. Pac. R. R 413 Classes and Commodities . Wisconsin Points. 875 Cent. States Disp. . . . E. B. Rate Bases. Classes and Commodities. Virginia. 876 Cumb. Gap Disp. . . . E. B. Rate Bases. Classes and Commodities . Virginia. 877 Empire Line E. B. Rate Bases. Classes and Commodities. Virginia. 878 Kan. Dispatch E. B. Guide Book Classes and Commodities. ; Various Virginia. 94 Key to Tariff Index Reference — Continued Index Issuing Carrier No. or Joint Agent Tariff Series Applying on From To 879 Kan. Dispatch . 620 E. B. Guide Book E. B. Basis Book. Basis for Freight Rates | Carload Tariff No. 9 j 20 and 22 i Nashville Local Tariff i I Chattanooga Local Tariff | Nashville Local Tariff 125 171 Local Tariff Local Tariff Local Tariff : 100 Classes and Commodities . Various : Virginia. 880 N.&W. Ry. Classes and Commodities Various Virginia 881 Sou. Ry Classes and Commodities Various Virginia. 882 Star Union Line . Classes and Commodities Various. Virginia. Ohio and Kentucky points in the Cincinnati Switch- ing District, with rules for switching absorpr — on through traffic. 900 R. S. Pierce . Classes and Commodities. Cincinnati. ion 905 L. A. Lowrey. List of industries and point s in Chicago Switching District with application of rates thereto and therefro m. 910 L. &N. R. R. Classes and Commodities. Nashville Tennessee Points. 915 iN. C. &St. L. Ry. Classes and Commodities. Chattanooga. Ala. and Tenn. 920 N. C. & St. L. Ry. Classes and Commodities . Nashville . Ala. and Tenn. 950 Mallory S. S. Co. Classes and Commodities. New Vork Harbor Galveston, Tex. Classes and Commodities New Vork Harbor. Mobile, Ala. ( '51 Sou. Pac. S. S. Lines. Classes and Commodities. New Vork Harbor. New Orleans. 952 Phila & Gulf S. S. Co. Classes and Commodities. Philadelphia New Orleans. 953 Morgan Line. Classes and Commodities . New Vork . Galveston. 954 Southern S. S. Co. Classes and Commodities. Philadelphia. Port Arthur. UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW SEP 22 1915 MAR 2? 1925 ■ ttt 90.103 22Mar*50B7 30m-l,'15 ¥£ T4548 274300 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY