^ Irvi ng Stringhan ■^ MATHEMATICAL TEXT-BOOKS. For Lower Grades. Bacon: Four Years in Number $0.40 Baldwin: Industrial Primary Arithmetic 45 Gay : Business Book-keeping : Single Entry 66 Double Entry 1.12 Complete Edition 1.40 Ginn and Coady : Combined Number and Language Lessons : Teachers' Manual 50 Tablets for Seat Work. Blocks I, II, III, IV Each .08 Page : Fractions : Teachers' Manual 30 Pupils' Edition 30 Prince : Arithmetic by Grades : Books I to VIII Each .20 Teachers' Manual : Teachers' Manual, Part 1 35 Teachers' Manual, Part II 50 Complete Edition 80 Shove: Primary Number Cards 25 Speer : Arithmetics : Parti. Primary. For teachers 35 Part II. Elementary. For pupils 45 Part III. Advanced Wentworth: Elementary Arithmetic 30 Practical Arithmetic 65 Mental Arithmetic 30 Primary Arithmetic 30 Grammar School Arithmetic 65 First Steps in Algebra 60 "Wentworth and Hill : Exercises in Arithmetic : Exercise Manual 50 Examination Manual 35 Complete in one volume 80 Wentworth and Eeed : First Steps in Number : Pupils' Edition 30 Teachers' Edition 90 Part L First Year 30 Part 11. Second Year 30 Partm. Third Year 30 Descriptive Circulars of the above books sent, postpaid, on application. GINN & COMPANY, Publisliers, Boston. New York. Chicago. Atlanta. Dallas. ^ , M ^- SHORT TABLE OF INTEGRALS COMPILED BY B. 0. PEIRCE HoLLis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy LN Harvard University BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1903. The compiler will he grateful to any person ivho may send notice of errors in these formulas to B. O. PEIRCE, Harvard College^ Cambridge. IN MEMORIAM •i U I. FUNDAMENTAL FORMS. ax. 1. ladx = 2. I af{x) dx=:a if(x) dx. Q rdx I +. I a;"*da; = , when m is different from — 1. J m -h 1 5. \edx = e^. 10. , _|^- .= yersin -'*. f ^ ■■ =• - cS«•^i^X ,. Ai» I COS a; aa; = sin a;. ^ / I2» I Uin x dx = — cos x. 86B425 ^ '; ..; ' 'FtridAMENTAL FORMS. 15. ■rtana!seca;(to = seca;. 16. j sec'' a; da; = tan a;. y^ 17. )csc'a;da! = -rtna;. J I„ the following fo.™nlas. «, ., «-, -d y represent an, functions of X'. 19a. Cudv=^uv-ydu, BATIONAIi ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. II. RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. A. — Expressions Involving {a-\-bx). The substitution of y or z for x, where yz=xz = a-^ fee, gives 21. j\a-j-bx)'^dx = ^ Cy^'dy. 22. (x{a-}- bx^dx = -^ fy^'iy — a)dy. 23. (iir(a + bx)'^dx = -^^ i y"" {y — tiYdy. J x'^ia + bx)""" a'"+" V 2'" Wheuce 26. C-^=.\\og(a-^bx), J a-\- bx b 27. r ^^ = ^ J (a + fea;)2 6 (a + 6a;) 28 r ^^ =: ^ ' J (a + &a;)'* 26(a + 6a;)2 29. r_£^ == 1 [a + 6a; - a log(a + bx)\ J a-\- bx b^ J {a-hbxy b'l ^^ ^^a + bx] D RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. ' J (a -h bxy b' [_ a + &a; 2(a + bxyj 32. r_^^ = 1 [^(^ + 5a;)2 - 2a(a + bx) + cr log (a + 6a;)], J a -\-bx 0" S4. r_i^_=_iiog2^t*i^. J ic(a + 6a;) a a; 35 J a; (a + 50?)- a(a-f-5a;) a^ a; f__^^___ = _ J_ 4_ A log ^L±_^. J x^(a H- 6a?) ax a^ x 36. rfa; 1 ^ la; tan ^ — c c ^^ =_Llog^ + ^- B. — Expressions Involving (a H- 6a!f*) , 38. I - ' J c^ — a;^ 2c ^c — a; ^^- f— 7T3 = -^ta'^^'«^\l^' if a>0, 6>0. *^- I , , 2 = .) / log-— -i: -^, if a > 0, 6 < 0. 41, C—^^^—— — ^' L JL r rfa * J (a + 6a^^)^'~2a(a + 6a;2)"T-2aJ a + 6a;2* 4i> r <^a; _ 1 X 2 m — 1 / * (?a? "' J (a + 6a:^)"*+i 27)ia (a + 6a;2)«"*" 2ma J(a + 6a2)' Ja + 6x-2 26 \ hj RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. .. C xdx I C dz , - '*• I 7 , o, ^, = - I r-: — -,, where z = or. 45, I = — log . J x{a + ba^) '2 a a + ba^ r oi?dx _ ^ _ « r dx ' J a-\-bx- b hJa-\-ba? »/ it'^(a + 6.«-') ax aJ a-^-bx^ 48. r '^c^^' _ —^ , I r dx J (a + 60^)"*+^ 2?rt6(a + 6a;2^"' 2m6J {a-^-ba?)"" J ay'ia + b3f)'^+' a J x^{a + bx^ a J (a + 6a;^)"'+i* where bk^ = a, 51. r_^=XJiiog/^^lllMil^ + V3tan-^^^^'l J a-[-ba? ^bk\J \ {k-{-xY J^ h^l ] where bk^=a. 52. f:._^ = -Llog-^. r da; ^1 r dx b r ^ ' J {a-^bx'^y-^^ aJ(a-\-bx''y' aJ{a-\- x^'dx bx") 'dx bx''y+^' • J (^a-{-bx^y+' bJ {a + bx'^y bJ (a + 6: r- r <^a; ^i rda; b T dx J ar^a + bx'^y^^ aJ x'^(a + 6a;'')p aJ xT ""(a + 6a;") IH-I RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. II + I 'h I II a 03 II o A a > ^ > ^1^. o V ?> c + I ^ 1 1 > I + I! § I ^ I I > ^IX ^|>, 72. I == — log (mx + n) . J mx-^n m If any of the roots of the equation f{x) =0 are imaginary, the parts, of the integral which arise from conjugate roots can be combined together and the integral brought into a real form. The following formula, in which i=:V— 1, is often useful in combining logarithms of conjugate complex quantities : 78. log {X ± yi) = i log (x2 + /) ± i tan ' •^. IKBATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. 11 III. IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. A. — Expressions Involving Va -|- hx. The substitution ,of 0. •^^ a' Va + 6a; Va VVa.+ 6a; + Va/ ^^ r da; 2 . _ i la + ^^' i?^ ^ ^ rk \ S2. I =: = tan ^^ — ' , for a < 0. ^ Ja;Vrt + 6a; V — a ^ — « r (Jx _ V a + 6a; 6 r dx •^a^Vo^^" <*^ • -«^ -^Va + da; 32 IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. 84. J{a + bx)^'idx = ^Jy'^-dy = ?-^ hx) (2 ±71) 85. \ x(a-\-hx)~^dx = —\ ^ — ■ ^ ^^ — ' '- — . J ^ ' W\_ 4.±7l 2 ±71 J J ^ x'^dx _ 2x"' Va H - hx 2 7?ict /* x'^-'^dx ^'a + hx~ (27/i+l)& (27?iH-l)6J VoTfe^ / da; _ _ Va + 5a7 _ (2??. — 3) & r da? a'" Va + 6a; 0^-1) «^'" ^ (27i - 2) a J a^'^-VoH^ 88. f " + ^;)^ ^^ = 6 J(a 4- hx)'^d. + a f ^^ "^f ^"^^ ^^^ 86 87 89./- da; = 1 C clx -k C- dx X (a + bx) 2 '^'" a; (a + 6a;) 2 ^""^ (a + 6ic) 2 B. —Expressions* Involving Va.-^ ± a^ and \la-—x^, 90. \^x^± a' dx = i \_x Va;' ± «^ ± a- log (a; + Va;''^±a^) ] . 91. I Va'— ar da; = -J-[a;Va'—a;^ 4- a- sin"^-]* 92 •J; dx ^x'±a? dx log( — cir»~l 94 95 1 !« I -COS ^-» — - -i- Ja;Va2±a;2 a \ a; / jx/iVx- «t »- I - — = — dx = Va- ± ar — a log ^ \ l=^r^ — ^ Va^ — x^ dx _ = -eos -— r=: ~- iec :^ a;Va;2_^2 a a; O- o^ •These equations are all special cases of more general equations given in the next sectioa 97 IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. 13 J X X 98. f . ^^^ = ± -J'oF±^, ' 100. fx Va^ ± o? dx = 1 V(ar^±a2)S. 101. I ic Va"'' — af' dx- = — J V(ct- — a;^)^ 102. Cy/(x' ± crydx = i\ x^ix' ± d'y± ^^\/¥±d' + ^\og{x +y/W±d')^ 103. C'\/{a' — x-ydx if /7~^ — i:^Vs I 3a*.r / -i r, , oa^ . _ix"l = ^ ajV(a- — ar)^ + - va-— :r4-- sin^ . [_ 2 2 aj 104. r ''^ ±" 105, da; _ a; V (a- - ar'p ~ «' -Ja'-a^ xdx — 1 f— ^ ^ -slid' 106. f , , _ 107. r--:^^=.=— i=. 108. rxV(ar^±aO«da; = J V(^^^^ 109. CxyJid'-x'Ydx^^ -\\l{a- — xy. 14 IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. 110. I x^^/af± a^dx = -y/{x'±ay If - {x\/¥±^' ± a2 log (x + V^T^)), 4 8 111. Ix^y/a^ — x^dx 112. f ^^^ = ^' V^^±^ ^F ^'log (X -t- V^db^n. 113. r ^^^ ^_gv,,2i:^+gL%ia-i^. 2 2 a 118 114. I =± ; 115. f ^^ =-:Zg^. J a- a; J ay^ X a r x^dx _ ^ -X 4_iog(a;-l-V^±^V 119. f ^^^ = ^ -sin-^^. C. — Expressions Involving Va -\-hx + cx^. Let X = a + 6a; + ca*^, g = 4 ac — 6", and h=z~ In order to rationalize the function /(a;, yl a + hx -\- ca?) we may put Va ■\-hx-\-cx^= yl ±c\l A+Bx ± a;^, according as c is positive or negative, and then substitute for x a new variable 2, such that IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. 15 z = V^ -^Bx -h ar — x, if r- > 0. where a and yS are the roots of the equation ^+jBic-a^2^0, if c<0 and -^<0. — c By rationalization, or by the aid of reduction formulas, may be obtained the values of the following integrals : 20. f-^ = J^iogfVX 4- oj Vc + -^\ if c> 0. ^ -^X, Vc V 2Vcy a-i r da; 1 . _,/— 2ca;~6\ ... ^^ 21. I-— ==-— =sin M . if c<0. 22. r ^«^ ^ 2(2ca; + &) , 23. f_J^^2(2ca. + 6)/l_^^A ^ X''\fX 2>q\IX \X J 24. r dx ^ 2(2cx-\-b^/X 2k(n — l) r dx J yr-^nt (27i-l)oX^ 2n-l J irn-iJY-' X«VX (2n-l)gX" 27i-l J X^-'^X 25. C^Xdx = i^^^±^l^ + ± f— - J 4c 2kJ ^x 26. fxVXda. = (2-dLaVX/^ AA + 3 T^. J 12c V 4:k^8ky^lwJ sjx 28. rx-vxda;= (^^^+^>^^^ + ^^+^ r^^. J 4(n + l)c 2(n + l)kJ VX '-^ ^/x'" c 2cJ Vx' 16 IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. 130. C ^^^^ = '^(b^-h'2a) -^ X" VX (2n- l)cX" 2cJ X"Vx' r QiTdx ^ {2b' — 4:ac)x-{-2ab 1 f dx r x-dx ^ (26^-4ac)a;+2a6 4ftc+(2yi-8) 6^ T c '-'X'^VX (2w-l)c^X»-WX (2n-l)cg Jx- v .v ^^v vx~l^~r2'c^ 8^"3^y ■^U'^~T^P vx' 1 36. faj VXdoj = ^^^ - - C-s/Xdx. J ■ 3 c '2 c J 1B7. (xX VXdo^ = ^^^ - ^ fxVXcia;. J DC 2cJ '•^ VX {2n + l)c 2cJ Vx * J \ 6cJ 4c 16c^ J V VX 2(n + l)c 4(7i + f)cJ VX a r X^'dx 2(n4-l)cJ VX * 141. Ca^y'Xdx=(x--l^^^-^-^'\^:^. J \ 8c 48c2 ScJ DC IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. 17 .„ r c^a; 1 . ^f bx-\-2a \ .J. ^ .43. I — — = --=sin U — ^ , if a<0. ^a;VX V-a \xyJb'^-AacJ ^ x^JX bx 45. r_^i__= Vx ^ 1 r dx b r dx / ' dx _ \/X b_ r dx ^-^ j c#» '6 + a cosa.' + V6^ — a^ . sma;~| =^fSn -^ 200. f— ^-^ 1 , r 6 + g cos a.' + Vfe'^ — a^ . sma; ~[ ' !_^2 [^ a + 6 cos a; • J + c sin a? — 1 . _ir 6^4-c^ + <^(^ cosa;H-c sina?) n Va^ — W — c^ LV6^+ c^ (a + & cosa; + c sina;) J 1 • log; V6' 4- c2 - a' [ 5^ + c^ + g (& cosa? + c sina;) + V6^ -\- (^ — a^ (b sin a; — c cos a;) "] V6^ + c^(aH-6cosa; + csina;) J 201. j a; sin a; da; = sin a; — a; cos aj. 202. I a^sina;cfa; = 2 a; sin a; — (a;^ — 2) cosa?. 203. j x^ sin a;da; = {Sx^ — 6) sin a; — (a;^ ~ 6 a;) cosa;. 204. j af" sin a;da; = — a;"* cos a; + m j a;"*"* cosajda;. 206. I X cos a; da; = cos x-j-x sin a?. 206. j ar^cosa;da;= 2a;cosa; + (a;^— 2) sina;. 207. j a;^ cos a; (Za; = (3 a;^— 6) cosa;-h(a;^ — Oa;) sinaj. TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. 208. I x"" cos X clx = x"' s\n X — m I ic"*"^ sin x dx. 209. f^lBI clx = L_ . !lE^ ^ _i_ f^2^ ax, J x"" 711 — 1 a;"* ^ m — 1 J a;'"-^ 210. CS2^dx= ^— . 2^^ L_ C^^^dx. J of' m — 1 a?*" ^ m — iJ aj"*"^ 211. C^J^dx = x--^ + -^--^ + -^.,., J X 3.3! 5.5! 7.7! 9.9! -^- Cao^x-i ■, x^ , X* x^ , x^ 212. I dx = \oa^x ..» J X ^ 2.2! 4.4! 6.6! 8.8! aid. I sin ma; smna/*aa;= — ^^ ^ — >^ — — — ^—, J 2{m^n) '2{m-\-n) 214. Ccosmxcosnxdx= ^'"<^ " ""> + "'"^^^ + ">'" ■ J 2{m — n) 2{m + n) 215. I Bm'^xdx== a; sin ^ a; H- V 1 —x^. 216.^ I cos ^ a; da; = x cos^^a; — V 1 — x^, 217. j tan^a;da; = a;tan^^a; — ^log(l +a;^). 218. I ctn~^a;da; = a;ctn~^a;4- Jlog(l -f- a;'0* 219. I versin~^a;da;= (a;— 1) versin'^a; + -sj'lx — x^^ 220. j (sin~^a;)2da: = a;(sin"^a;)^ — 2a;4-2Vl — a;^sin"*aj. 221. j a;.sin"'^a:da; = :^[(2a.*^— 1) sin^^a; + a;Vl — a;"^]. ««^ r » • -1 7 aj^+^sin-^a; 1 Cx^'^^dx 222. I aj'^sin ^xdx= I J n-\-l ?i + 1 . ' V I - Jr «^.» Cn -1 ^ a;"+^cos"^a; , 1 /".f"+*da; 223. I X" cos^ a; da; = 1 I — » ./ w + l w + U Vl — a;^ «^. C n, I ^ a;"+Han ^^' 1 fa^^+i* 224. Ia''*tan ^xdx — I J n-\-\ n + lJ H- dx a?' 24 TRANSCEKDENTAL FUNCTIONS. 225. j log X dx = X log X — .'>;. 220. ril2g^^c^.:._JL(iog.^)«.i. 227, I t/ .T logo; 228. (- J X dx , = log, logic. dx {\ogxY (7i-l)(loga^)"-i 229. i a;™ log ic f/a; = o;-^ i Tl^^ ^— 1 ( ^»* L ( * « ) - ^'*' k 230. re"-f?a; = — . i_ [^^ 231. Cxe'''dx==^(ax-1). 232. ra;-e-d^ = £l!£!-.!'^. fo^-^e-t^a^. *^ a aJ 233. r^d^ = 1_^+_JL_ C_^a^ J xr m-la.— i^m-lJx- 1 234. fe^^ Xo^xdx = ^!!i2S^ _ 1 f^!! ,a- ^^ a aJ X 235. f V-' ^.-n o^^.. - ^"" (« sina^ - coso;^ ^ a^ + l • 236. fe-cos:crfa; = £l(^LS£i^±_SH^. DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 25 DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 2.S7. f -^^_ = '', if a>0; 0, if a = 0; -'', if a < 0. Jo cr + x- 2 2 238. j ic"-ie~''da?= j log- dx = T{n). T{n+l) = n'T{7i). r(2) = r(l)=l. r (?i -f- 1) = w !, if n is an integer T {^)— ^/tt, Jo ^ Jo (l-fa;)'"+" r(m + w) IT IT 240. j sin''a;da;= | cos'^xdx Jo Jo s=__L_: — "•K'^^— — ; . ![ jf jj ig ajj gygjj integer. 2.4.6. ..(w) 2 _ 2.4.6...(yi-l) .^ ^^ jg ^^ ^^^ integer. 1.3.5. 7. ..ii — i /^ V / , for any value of n, r-sinmxdx^^^ if m>0; 0,ifm = 0; - |, if m < 0. Jo a; 2 - r-smx.eosmxdx^^^ if m<-l or m > 1 ; Jo X ^, if m = -l or m=l; ^, if -l'+ (lxlj^^+ ••■} « ^< = /r. 248.J^ -s/l-k^sin^x.dx ■.i[:-<«-*--(HJf-(l±5)-f-...}„^< 249. Jo 2a^ 2a ^^ Jo a"+^ a''+^ Jo 2"+^ a" \a 252. r.-2c?.=^:!:^. Jo 2 253. f e-«*cosma;da; = — -^ — -, if a>D. Jo a^ -f- m^ 254. I e'''^8m'mxdx= ■ ;,, if a>0. Jo a- + 7R- ft2 255. I e-°'''^cos6a;da;= V^-^ ""' . 2a 256. fMf^d^ = -ZL' Jo 1 - a? 6 267. fM^d^ = -^. Jo l-{-a? 12 DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 27 268. r^^dx = -^. Jo 1—x^ 8 259. riog/^i±^V- = ^. Jo \l-xj X 4 261. f '^^ =./i. 262. rVlogAY,^^=^(" + 0. Jo =\^a;y (TO + !)»+' 263. I logsina!da!= | logcosac?a; = — - • log2. ic . log sin oj da; = — — log 2. 28 AUXILIARY FOKMULAS. AUXILIARY FORMULAS. The following formulas are sometimes useful in the reduction of integrals : 266. logu = \ogcu -\- a constant. 266. log(— ^^) = logu -f a constant. - sinWl —u^ + a constant. 267. sin^^w = ■{ —^sin~^{2u^— 1) +a constant. ^sin~^2i* Vl —u^ + a constant. > — tan^ + a constant. 268. tan-^?«=^ ^ tan"^ — — h a constant. L 1 — cu 269. log {x ± yi) = ^log {ay^ + ?/) ± itan"^--- X 270. sin~^t^ = cos~Wl — u^ = tan^ = csc~^ — Vl - u- '" il = sec^^ - 271. cos~^?* = sin Vl— ti^ = tan ^\ — 272. tan^^aj ± tan^2/ = tan V-^^ — ^V Vl q: xyj 273. sin~*ic ± sin" ^2/ = sin^^ (xy/l —y^±yy/l —x-). 274. cos~^ X ± cos~^y = cos ~^ (xy ^: y/{l — x^){l —y^)). 275. sma;= --— 2i e'* 4- e~*' 276. cosa;= '- 277. sina:/ =^i(e'' — e"*)= isinha;. 278. cos xi = ^ (e^ + g-^^) = cosh x, 279. log,;r = (2.3025851) logioa;. TABLES. 29 The Natural Logarithms of Numbers between 1.0 and 9.9. N. O 1 ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. 0.000 0.095 0.182 0.262 0.336 0.405 0.470 0.531 0.588 0.642 2. 0.693 0.742 0.788 0.833 0.875 0.916 0.956 0.993 1.030 1.065 3. 1.099 1.131 1.163 1.194 1.224 1.253 1.281 1.308 1.335 1.361 4. 1.386 1.411 1.435 1.459 1.482 1.504 1.526 1.548 1.569 1.589 6. 1.609 1.629 1.649 1.668 1.686 1.705 1.723 1.740 1.758 1.775 6. 1.792 1.808 1.825 1.841 1.856 1.872 1.887 1.902 1.917 1.932 7. 1.946 1.960 1.974 1.988 2.001 2.015 2.028 2.041 2.054 2.067 8. 2.079 2.092 2.104 2.116 2.128 2.140 2.152 2.163 2.175 2.186 9. 2.197 2.208 2.219 2.230 2.241 2.251 2.262 2.272 2.282 2.293 The Natural Logarithms of Whole Numbers from 10 to 109. N. O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2.303 2.398 2.485 2.565 2.639 2.708 2.773 2.833 2.890 2.944 2 2.996 3.045 3.091 3.135 3.178 3.219 3.258 3.296 3.332 3.367 3 3.401 3.434 3.466 3.497 3.526 3.555 3.584 3.611 3.638 3.664 4 3.689 3.714 3.738 3.761 3.784 3.807 3.829 3.850 3.871 3.892 5 3.912 3.932 3.951 3.970 3.989 4.007 4.025 4.043 4.060 4.078 6 4.094 4.111 4.127 4.143 4.159 4.174 4.190 4.205 4.220 4.234 7 4.248 4.263 4.277 4.290 4.304 4.317 4.331 4.344 4.357 4.369 8 4.382 4.394 4.407 4.419 4.431 4.443 4.454 4.466 4.477 4.489 9 4.500 4.511 4.522 4.533 4.543 4.554 4.564 4.575 4.585 4.595 10 4.605 4.615 4.625 4.635 4.644 4.654 4.663 4.673 4.682 4.691 The Values in Circular Measure of Angles which are given In Degrees and Minutes. 1' 0.0003 9' 0.0026 3° 0.0524 20° 0.3491 100° 1.7453 V 0.0006 10' 0.0029 40 0.0698 30° 0.5236 110° 1.9199 V 0.0009 20' 0.0058 5° 0.0873 40° 0.6981 120° 2.0944 4' 0.0012 30' 0.0087 (P 0.1047 50° 0.8727 130° 2.2689 5' 0.0015 40' 0.01 16 70 0.1222 60° 1.0472 140° 2.4435 6' 0.0017 50' 0.0145 8° 0.1396 70° 1.2217 150° 2.6180 V 0.0020 1° 0.0175 90 0.1571 80° 1.3963 160° 2.7925 8' 0.0023 2° 0.0349 10° 0.1745 90° 1.5708 170° 2.9671 30 TABLES. NATURAL TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Angle. Sin. Csc. Tan. Ctn. Sec. Cos. 0° 0.000 00 0.000 00 1.000 1.000 90° 1 0.017 57.30 0.017 57.29 1.000 1.000 89 2 0.035 28.65 0.035 28.64 1.001 0.999 88 3 0.052 19.11 0.052 19.08 1.001 0.999 87 4 0.070 14.34 0.070 14.30 1.002 0.998 86 5° 0.087 11.47 0.087 11.43 1.004 0.996 85° 6 0.105 9.567 0.105 9.514 1.006 0.995 84 7 0.122 8.206 0.123 8.144 1.008 0.993 83 8 0.139 7.185 0.141 7.115 1.010 0.990 82 9 0.156 6.392 0.158 6.314 1.012 0.988 81 10° 0.174 5.759 0.176 5.671 1.015 0.985 80° 11 0.191 5.241 0.194 5.145 1.019 0.982 1 79 12 0.208 4.810 0.213 4.705 1.022 0.978 78 13 0.225 4.445 0.231 4.331 1.026 0.974 77 14 0.242 4.134 0.249 4.011 1.031 0.970 76 15° 0.259 3.864 0.268 3.732 1.035 0.966 75° 16 0.276 3.628 0.287 3.487 1.040 0.961 74 17 0.292 3.420 0.306 3.271 1.046 0.956 73 18 0.309 3.236 0.325 3.078 1.051 0.951 72 19 0.326 3.072 0.344 2.904 1.058 0.946 71 20° 0.342 2.924 0.364 2.747 1.064 0.940 70° 21 0.358 2.790 0.384 2.605 1.071 0.934 69 22 0.375 *2.669 0.404 2.475 1.079 0.927 68 23 0.391 2.559 0.424 2.356 1.086 0.921 67 24 0.407 2.459 0.445 2.246 1.095 0.914 66 25- 0.423 2.366 0.466 2.145 1.103 0.906 65° 26 0.438 2.281 0.488 2.050 1.113 0.899 64 27 0.454 2.203 0.530 1.963 1.122 0.891 63 28 0.469 2.130 0.532 1.881 1.133 0.883 62 29 0.485 2.063 0.554 1.804 1.143 0.875 61 30° 0.500 2.000 0.577 1.732 1.155 0.866 60° 31 0.515 1.942 0.601 1.664 1.167 0.857 59 32 0.530 1.887 0.625 1.600 1.179 0.848 58 33 0.545 1.836 0.649 1.54Q 1.192 0.839 57 34 0.559 1.788 0.675 1.483 1.206 0.829 56 35° 0.574 1.743 0.700 1.428 1.221 0.819 55° 36 0.588 1.701 0.727 1.376 1.236 0.809 54 37 0.602 1.662 0.754 1.327 1.252 0.799 53 38 0.616 1.624 0.781 1.280 1.269 0.788 52 39 0.629 1.589 0.810 1.235 1.287 0.777 51 40° 0.643 1.556 0.839 1.192 1.305 0.766 50° 41 0656 1.524 0.869 1.150 1.325 0.755 49 42 0.669 1.494 0.900 1.111 1.346 0.743 48 43 0.682 1.466 0.933 1.072 1.367 0.731 47 44 0.695 1.440 0.966 1.036 1.390 0.719 46 45° 0.707 1.414 1.000 1.000 1.414 0.707 45° Cos. Sec. Ctn. Tan. Oec. Sin. Anglo. TABLES. 31 Values of the Complete Elliptic Integrals, K and E, for Different Values of the Modulus, k. sin-iifc K E sin-iA; K E sin-U- K E 0° 1.5708 1.5708 30^^ ].6858 1.4675 60° 2.1565 1.2111 1° 1.5709 1.5707 31° 1.6941 ].4608 61° 2.1842 1.2015 2° 1.5713 1.5703 32° 1.7028 1.4539 62° 2.2132 1.1920 3° 1.5719 1.5697 33° 1.7119 1.4469 63° 2.2435 1.1826 40 1.5727 1.5689 34° 1.7214 1.4397 64° 2.2754 1.1732 50 1.5738 1.5678 35° 1.7312 1.4223 65° 2.3088 1.1638 6° 1.5711 1.5665 36° 1.7415 1.4248 66° 2.3439 1.1545 70 1.5767 1.5649 37° 1.7522 1.4171 67° 2.3809 1.1453 8° 1.5785 1.5632 38° 1.7633 1.4092 68° 2.4198 1.1362 90 1.5805 1.5611 39° 1.7748 1.4013 69° 2.4610 1.1272 10° 1.5828 1.5589 40° 1.7868 1.3931 70° 2.5046 1.1184 11° 1.5854 1.5564 41° 1.7992 1.3849 71° 2.5507 1.1096 12° 1.5882 1.5537 42° 1.8122 1.3765 72° 2.5998 1.1011 13° 1.5913 1.5507 43° 1.8256 1.3680 73° 2.6521 1.0927 14° 1.5946 1.5476 44° 1.8396 1.3594 74° 2.7081 1.0844 15° 1.5981 1.5442 45° 1.8541 1.3506 75° 2.7681 1.0764 16° 1.6020 1.5405 46° 1.8691 1.3418 76° 2.8327 1.0686 17° 1.6061 1.5367 47° 1.8848 1.3329 77° 2.9026 1.0611 18° 1.6105 1.5326 48° 1.9011 1.3238 78° 2.9786 1.0538 19° 1.6151 1.5283 49° 1.9180 1.3147 79° 3.0617 1.0468 20° 1.6200 1.5238 50° 1.9356 1.3055 80° 3.1534 1.0401 21° 1.6252 1.5191 51° 1.9539 1.2963 81° 3.2553 1.0338 22° 1.6307 1.5141 52° 1.9729 1.2870 82° 3.3699 1.0278 23° 1.6365 1.5090 53° 1.9927 1.2776 83° 3.5004 1.0223 24° 1.6426 1.5037 54° 2.0133 1.2681 84° 3.6519 1.0172 25° 1.6490 ].4981 55° 2.0347 1.2587 85° 3.8317 1.0127 26° 1.6557 1.4924 56° 2.0571 1.2492 86° 4.0528 1.0086 27° 1.6627 1.4864 57° 2.0804 1.2397 87° 4.3387 1.0053 28° 1.6701 1.4803 58° 2.1047 1.2301 88° 4.7427 ! 1.0026 29° 1.6777 1.4740 1 59° 1 2.1300 1.2206 89° 5.4349 1 1.0008 TABLES. The Common Logarithms ot r(«) ^o'' Values of n between 1 and 2. n i n s o i n Is n s S ■ n 1 _ _ 1.01 1.9975 1.21 1.9617 1.41 1.9478 1.61 1.9517 1.81 1.9704 1.02 1.9951 1.22 r.9605 1.42 1.9476 1.62 f.9523 1.82 1.9717 1.03 1.9928 1.23 r.9594 1.43 r.9475 1.63 1.9529 1.83 1.9730 1.04 1.9905 1.24 1.9583 1.44 1.9473 1.64 1.9536 1.84 1.9743 1.05 1.9883 1.25 1.9573 1.45 1.9473 1.65 1.9543 1.85 1.9757 V06 L9862 1.26 1.9564 1.46 1.9472 1.66 1.9550 1.86 1.9771 1.07 r.9841 1.27 1.9554 1.47 1.9473 1.67 1.9558 1.87 1.9786 1.08 1.9821 1.28 1.9546 1.48 1.9473 1.68 r.9566 1.88 1.9800 1.09 1.9802 1.29 r.9538 1.49 1.9474 1.69 1.9575 1.89 1.9815 1.10 1.9783 1.30 1.9530 1.50 1.9475 1.70 r.9584 1.90 1.9831 1.11 1.9765 1.31 1.9523 1.51 1.9477 1.71 r.9593 1.91 1.9846 1.12 1.9748 1.32 1.9516 1.52 1.9479 1.72 1.9603 1.92 1.9862 1.13 1.9731 1.33 1.9510 1.53 r.9482 1.73 1.9613 1.93 1.9878 1.14 1.9715 1.34 f.9505 1.54 1.9485 1.74 1.9623 1.94 1.9895 1.15 1.9699 1.35 1.9500 1.55 1.9488 1.75 1.9633 1.95 19912 1.16 1.9684 1.36 1.9495 1.56 1.9492 1.76 r.9644 1.96 1.9929 1.17 1.9669 1.37 1.9491 1.57 1.9496 1.77 1.9656 1.97 1.9946 1.18 1.9655 1.38 1.9487 1.58 1.9501 1.78 1.9667 1.98 1.9964 1.19 1.9642 1.39 1.9483 1.59 1.9506 1.79 1.9679 1.99 1.9982 1.20 1 19629 1.40 • 1.9481 1.60 1.9511 1 1.80 1.9691 2.00 0.0000 "'€!?; RETURN TO Dpt £^^ USE m "^ TO DBSK FROM WHICH BORKOwS LOAN DEPT ^-- ^__»jmmed.a,a recal,. r I. •*^°"»' library ^11 O i 7s- -t is~ U. 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