^ 1 i ^ 1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES I Tl, 1 fiVTR! I N ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE A BIBLIOGRAPHY Edited for The Danish American Association BY J. CHRISTIAN BAY With an Introduction by G. H. W. HASSELRIIS Published by THE DANISH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 30 N. Dearborn Street CHICAGO 1915 Copyrighted 1915 By The Danish American Association FRED KLEIN CO. PKINTERS CHICAGO Introduction The principal demand of Life upon Society and on in- dividuals is organization. Groups of ideas connect, groups of interests unite; and thus social progress in accomplished. Literature is ruled by the same law. The writings in Eng- lish, on the subject of Denmark and on Danish relations, long remained a vast mass without organization, awaiting a general view, an explorative research, tending to render it easy of access and of use. The Danish-American Association is attempting to furnish the highly necessary guide to the study of Danish matters as reflected in the English language. It attempts to answer the question: What has been written in English on Denmark, its history, culture, natural resources, its social and economical relations? The answer to this question naturally takes the form of a bibliography — that is, a list of books and papers, including translations from the Danish. The list here- with presented numbers nearly a thousand titles. Book-lists generally are considered dry reading. There- fore, the present one should be considered from the point of view that its contents denote life and activity extending from one nation to another. In this day, international relations are more cultural than political. The historical culture of Den- mark, in its many aspects and expressions, is subject of inquiry in all the world. Information must be given in one of the main languages. A continuous search is made for facts and ideas; — where may such be found? Libraries and private collections in England, America and Denmark contain a wealth of information on the subject of Denmark. Translations from the Danish are frequent and important. A list of the literature involved in these interrela- tions will assist the inquiry, hence, this Association resolved upon the publication of this bibliography. 677J296 A survey of these titles will show that a large number of general and special subjects within the range of Danish history, culture, social conditions, literature, etc., has been fully and exhaustively treated in English, while many topics, equally important, yet are waiting for an adequate elucidation. These titles demonstrate that some of the greatest treasures of our literature have been translated into English, — and that, on the other hand, some of the typical and most renowned books in Danish still await translation, or even a critical comment. Saxo is found in translation, with a good critical apparatus in English. Of the works of Holberg, Ewald, Ingemann, Martensen, etc., etc., certain works are available in translation. Two of our most remarkable and typical authors, however, viz., Grundtvig and Kierkegaard, are com- paratively unknown in English literature. Blicher never found a translator. The list shows that the English language group reflects fairly well our history and our public affairs up to and in- cluding the period of 1864, and that the recent developments in Denmark have been treated quite sporadically and largely in journalistic form. Danish economics, agriculture, school methods, commerce, etc., have received some attention in late years, commensurate with the increasing communication be- tween Denmark and its Western connections. The literary material surrounding Hans Christian Ander- sen and Bertel Thorvaldsen, the two most international of Danish names in the past, is very extensive. Arts, crafts, architecture, and industrial products seem less known, through literature, than esthetics and tourist topics. Ever since the war of 1657 — 1658, Danish politics have precipitated literary documents in English: the great events of 1801, 1807, the Struensee period, the periods of 1848 and 1864; all have left their evidence in English literature. This bibliography will indicate that most of the literature involved in our inquiry has been produced from a personal initiative. Without doubt, the activity in translating Danish literature into English, will attain to a state of organized effort. Our new social development, and even some portions of our recent literature and economic activity, is in sore need of critical elucidation and translation. The movement of the Danish industries and Danish commerce will require constant and continuous attention. This list shows, briefly, what has been attained in the way of literary interchange between Denmark and the Eng- lish language group. If read with care and attention, it also will demonstrate what voids are yet to be filled. It is complete in the sense that it includes all books and papers of distinct service in view of our inquiry. The neces- sity which arose was a practical one, calling for the inclusion of matter of lasting value, and for the exclusion of matter of temporary or passing interest. It necessarily grew into a selection of the best material available, commensurate with a healthy judgment and a limited space. As presented here, the bibliography has been compiled on the basis of titles and other data collected by Messrs. P. Vig, J. Christian Bay, Miss Ingrid Jarnoe, of the Royal Library of Copenhagen, from the printed catalogue of the Library of Congress, and suggestions received from members of this Association. The Association hopes that this work, the pioneer of its kind, will break the ground for more extensive studies, and pave the way for a far more comprehensive statement of what traces are left by Denmark in the literature of England and America. As it is, the list is expected to assist in a continued, purposeful interrelationship between the limited linguistic group and its gigantic complement. C. H. VV. HASSELRIIS. Chicago, March 1914. Bibliography Aakjaer, Jeppe. The heather; tone-picture. Music by Carl Busch. (In Programme for Dedication of the Danish American National Park. Aug. 5, 1912.) Aarhus. 5 days in Aarhus. Publ. by the Tourist Union, Aarhus. (Aarhus), [1913] 12 pp; ill. (The Danish Tourist Union's Guides.) Aarhus. National Exposition, 1909. Danish-American day. Fourth of July, 1909. Arranged by the Danish-American Association. Aarhus, 1909. 32 pp., illus. Adams, S. H. Solving of the milk problem. (McClure's Mag. 32, p. 200—207, 1908.) Adams, W. T. (''Oliver Optic") Up the Baltic; or, Young America in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 1899. Chil- dren's book. Alexandra, Queen of Great Britain. The Life of Queen Alexandra, by Sarah A. Tooley. London, 1902., ill. Allen, J. R. Early Scandinavian wood-carvings. Part I — IL (In Studio, X (1897), p. 11—20; XII (1897), p. 82—90). American Scandinavian Review, pub. by the American-Scan- dinavian Foundation (Henry Goddard Leach, Mg. Ed.). New York, 1913. Bi-monthly. Continued. Andersen, Carl. Rosenborg. Notes on the chronological col- lection of the Danish kings. Tr. by C. Shaw. With the orig. Danish ed., containing 52 large woodcuts. Pt. 1 — 2: Eng. and Dan. Copenh., 1868. 4°. The chronological collection of the kings of Denmark. Copenh. 1878. IV., 126 pp., ill. Three sketches of life in Iceland. Tr. by M. Fenton. London, 1877. Andersen, Hans Christian. The improvisatore, or Life in Italy. Tr. by Mary Howitt. Vol. I— II, Lond., 1845. — [Another ed.]. Lond., 1857. A Danish story book. Tr. by C. Boner. Lond., 1846. The nightingale and other tales. Tr. by C. Boner. Lond., 1846. A poet's bazaar. From the Dan. by C. Beckwith. Vol. I— III. Lond., 1846. 111. Wonderful stories for children. Tr. by Mary Howitt. Lond., 1846. —Lond. & Edinb., 1897. 143 p. 8°. Picture book without pictures. From the German tr. of De la Motte Fouque, by M. Taylor. Lond., 1847. The true story of mv life, a sketch. Tr. by M. Howitt. Lond., 1847. A Christmas greeting to my English friends. Lond., 1847. The dream of Little Tuk, and other tales. Tr. by C. Boner. Lond., 1848. Rambles in the romantic region of the Hartz Mountains, Saxon Switzerland . . . From the Danish by C. Beckwith. Lond., 1848. Pictures of Sweden. Lond., 1851. The story of my life ; and in Sweden. Lond., 1852. The Ugly Duck . . . versified by G. N. Lond., 1851. 12 mo. Tales and fairy stories. Tr. by Madame de Chatelain. 111. by H Warren. Lond., 1852. A poet's day dreams. Lond., 1853. Picture-book without pictures. Tr. from the German original edition [ !] by H Crump. Celle, 1856. To be, or not to he? Tr. by Mrs. Bushby. Lond., 1857. The sand-hills of Jutland. Lond., 1860. A.'s Tales for Children. Tr. by A. Wehnert. With illus. by E. H. Wehnert, W. Thomas and others. Lond., 1861. — Another ed., Lond., 1869. The ice-maiden (The butterfly, Psyche, the snail and the rosebush). Tr. from the Danish by Mrs. Bushby. W. drawings by Zwecker et al. Lond., 1863. — New ed., Lond., 1875. In Spain. Tr. by Mrs. Bushby. Lond., 1864. Stories and tales. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. With 80 illus. by A. W. Bayes. Engr. by the Bros. Dalziel. Lond., 1864. — [Another ed.] H. C. A.'s Stories for the household. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. 1866. What the moon saw: and other tales. Tr. by H. W. Dul- cken . . . With illus. by A. W. Bayes, engr. by the Brothers Dalziel. Lond., 1866. (Billedbog uden Billeder.) Out of the heart. Spoken to the little ones . . . Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Seventy engr. by the Brothers Dalziel. Lond., 1867. Will-of-the-wisp, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dul- cken. Lond., [1867]. 8°. The will-of-the-wisps are in town, and other new tales. Tr. for the author by A. Plesner and S. Rugely-Powers. Lond., 1867. 16°. Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales. A new translation by Mrs. Paull. With illus. by Mrs. Kemp and Miss Runciman. Lond., 1867. — [Another ed.] Lond., [1875]. —[Another ed.] Lond., 1882. XVI., 512 p, 8°. —[Another ed.] Lond., 1897. 383 p. 8°. The Hans Andersen Library. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Vol. 1—15. Lond., 1869. — [Another ed.] Lond., 1876. Fairy Tales and Sketches. Tr. by C. Peachey, A. Plesner, Pi. Ward, and others. Lond., 1870. The wood-nymph. Tr. by A. M., and A. Plesner. Lond. 1870. (Dryaden.) Pictures of travels in Sweden, among the Harz mountains and in Switzerland, with a visit to Charles Dickens' house . . . Author's ed. Cambridge [U. S. A.], 1871. The story of my life. Now first transl. into English, Author's ed. New York, 1871. XIL, 569 pp. —1872. X., 569 pp., ill. Fairy tales .... illus. by . . . designs in colour ... by E. V. B. [i. e., the Hon. Mrs. Boyle]. Newly tr. by H. L. D. Ward and A. Plesner . . . Lond., 1872. The mermaid ; an amusing story of the deep. Tr. from the Danish. Lond., [1873]. What the grass-stalks said, and other stories. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken Illus London. 1881. The Hans Andersen Library for the Young. (Routledge). Danish Fairy Legends and Tales. Tr, by C. Peachey. Several editions. Bohn's Illustrated Library. Fairy stories ... Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. London, Rout- ledge, [1883]. VIII, 511 p. 8°. "The tinder-box", and other stories. Fairy tales . . . Tr. by H. W. Dulcken . . . London, Rout- ledge, [1883]. VIII, 503 p. "What the moon saw," and other stories. The shoes of Fortune, and other fairy tales. [Tr., with an additional chapter, by C. Boner.] With a biographical sketch of Andersen by K. R. H. Mackenzie . . . Lond., J. Hogg., 1883. 285 pp. 8°. Fairy tales and stories . . . Tr. ... by Carl Siewers. Lond., S. Low & Co. [1887.] IV, 466 p. 8°. Fairy tales and stories. With illus. . . . Manchester, J. Hey- wood, [1889]. IX, 233 p. 8°. A selection, ed. by A. Gardiner. — 1893. Identical with above. Hans Christian Andersen's correspondence with the late Grand-Duke of Saxe- Weimar, Charles Dickens. . . . Ed. by F. Crawford. With portraits and memoir, Lond., Dean & Sons, 1891. 474 p. 8°. Fairy tales and stories . . . Tr. by . . , H, W. Dulcken. Lond., Walter Scott, 1893. IV, 377 p. 8°. Stories from Hans Andersen. Tr by W. Angeldorff. Lond., E. Nister. [1897.] 288 p. 8°. Printed in Bavaria. The little mermaid, and other stories, . . . Tr. by R. Nisbet Bain. 111. by J. R. Weguelin. Lond., Lawrence and Bul- len, 1893. XXIII, 384 p. 4°. Stories and fairy tales. Tr. by H. Oscar Sommer. With . . . pictures bv A. J. Gaskin. Vol. I — II. Lond. and Or- pington, G. Allen, 1893. 2 vols. 8°. Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen. Tr. by Mrs. E. Lucas and illus. by T. C, und W. Robinson. Lond., Dent., 1899. XIV, 539 p. —1902. 320 p. —1910. 398 p. Fairy tales Newly tr. by H. L. Braekstad. Introd. by Edm. Gosse. Illus. by H. Tegner. Vol. I— II. Lond., Heinemann, 1900. 2 vol. 4° and fol. —Popular ed. 1909. 432 p. 4°. Fairy tales told to the children by Mary Macgregor. Lond., Jack, 1906 126 p. 16 mo. Fairy tales, ill. by A. D. Carse, New York, 1912. 374 p. 8°. Fairy tales, told by Kathleen Fitzgerald, New York, 1912. [Jones, Mrs, L.] The eleven wild swans of Denmark. An opera. (Founded on a Danish tale by H. C. Andersen.) Bradford-on-Avon, 1864. 8°. The dialogue is in prose. Bain, R. Nisbet. H. C. Andersen, London (New York), 1895, translation of the works of A. 4dI p. 8°. illus. Contains a critical survey of the English translations of the works of A. Boyesen, Hjalmar H. An acquaintance with Hans Chr. Ander- ' sen. Pg. 785. 8°. (Extr. from "Century", 1892; cf. also Dial (Chicago), vol. 5, p. 159. See also his Essays on Scand. Lit., 1895. Brandes, G. Hans Christian Andersen. (In Contemp. Rev., vol. 87, p. 640 — 656.) Hans Christian Andersen and his tales. (In Bookman, vol. 36, p. 404—409.) Brozvniiig, George. A few personal recollections of Hans Chr. Andersen. Lond., 1875. 8 pp. Gosse, Edmund. Sidelights on Hans Christian Andersen. (In Critic, vol. 37, p. 17.) Cf. also Gosse's books on Danish literary affairs. Gribhlc, P. Hans Christian Andersen, a character study. (In Critic, vol. 46, p. 307—309.) Harboe, Paul. Hans Christian Andersen. (In Outlook, vol. 79, p. 951—955; cf. Bookman, vol. 21, p. 132—135.) 10 The child's story of Hans Christian Andersen. New York, 1907. 277 pp. 8°. Hoimtt, Mary. Memoir of Hans Chr. Andersen, p. 352 — 358; ill. (Howitt's journal, 26. June, 1847.) Hubbard^ D. G. Last days of H. C. Andersen. (In Potter's Amer. Monthly, vol. 11, p. 194.) Mats, B. W. Dickens and Hans Andersen. (In Littell's Liv. Age, vol. 256, p. 57—60.) Moritaen, Julius. The centenary of Hans Christian Andersen. (In Rev. of Revs. (New York), vol. 31, p. 439.) (RatJtoin, John R.) The centenary of Hans Christian Ander- sen. (The Sunday Record-Herald, 3. 26., 1905. Chicago.) Roess, B. A child's recollection of Hans Christian Andersen. (In Munsey's Mag., vol. 33, p. 174.) Sciidder, TJ. B. Fairy legends of H. C. Andersen. (In Nat. Quar., vol. 3, p. 235.) The home of H. C. Andersen. (In H,arper's Monthly, vol. 69, p. 651.) Stimpson, M. S. Hans Christian Andersen, the cobbler's son. (In New Engl. Mag., new ser., vol. 32, p. 495—498.) Wood, A. The friendship of H. C. Andersen. (In Temple Bar, vol. 51. p. 493; also in Littell's Living Age, vol. 135, p. 807.) Hans Andersen's house at Odense, Denmark. Opened to the public Apr. 2., 1908. [Odense], 1908. _ 15 pp. Additional material on the life and activities of Andersen is contained in the following articles: Appleton's Mag., vol. 6, p. 45. Bookman, vol. 21, p. 132. Chamber's Journal, vol. 24, p. 236. Dublin Univ. Mag., vol. 45, p. 605. Eclectic Mag., vol. 35, p. 390; vol. 84, p. 418. Littell's Liv. Age, vol. 16, p. 1; vol. 45, p. 707; vol. 47, p. 437; vol. 61, p. 67; vol. 245, p. 443. Internat. Review, vol. 10, p. 153. Harper's Weekly, vol. 52, p. 21. Outlook, vol. 79, p. 929. Putnam's Mag., vol. 13, p. 92. Temple Bar, vol. 43, p. 387; vol. 131, p. 409. Andersen, Lucy. Copenhagen and its environs ; a guide for travelers. Lond., D. Nutt, 1887. 98 pp. 8°. Andersen Nexo, Martin. Pelle, the conqueror. Tr. by Jessie Muir. New York, 1913. Tr. of first part. . Second part. 1914. 11 Anderson, R. B. America not discovered by Columbus. 1874. 104 pp. Other editions. Norse mythology, or the religion of our forefathers. Chi- cago, 1875. 473 pp. Other editions. Anderson, R. C. Naval wars in the Baltic, 1522 — 1850. Lond., G. G. Wood, 1910. 423 pp. Andrae, P. The Danish West India islands, their present political and economical position. Tr. from the Danish original by J. Jensen. St. Thomas, 1876. 113 pp. Andrews, John. The history of revolutions in Denmark. I— II. Lond., 1774. [Andrews, Sidney]. The St. Thomas treaty. New York, 1869. 2Z pp. Annandale, N. The Faroes and Iceland. Oxford, 1905. 248 pp. 8°. Appel, Jacob. The Danish high schools. Darlington, England, North of England Newspaper Co., 1904. 8 pp. Archer, William. The Danish drama of to-day. (In Fort- nigtly Rev., vol. 53, p. 682.) The Royal Danish theatre. (In Harper's Magazine, Feb., 1892.) Argyll, George D., Duke of George Douglas, Eighth Duke of Argyll (1823—1900); autobiography and memoirs, ed. by the Dowager Duchess of Argyll. I— II, Lond., 1906. Denmark: the Slesvig-Holstein question; II, 214 — 228. Ari the Learned. The book of the settlement of Iceland. Transl. from the original Icelandic by T. Elwood. Kendal, 1898. XXXI, 245 pp. Atherton, Gertrude. Denmark and the treatv. (No. Am. Review, 175, p. 500—505. 1902.) Atkinson, Joseph Beavington. An art tour to northern capitals of Europe. Lond., 1873. 455 pp. 8°. Austin, Gertrude, Danish schools for adults. (In Southern Workman, vol. 40, p. 624 — 635.) Babington, Ch. Cardale. A revision of the flora of Iceland. 68 pp. [Extr. from the Linnean Society's Journ. of Bo- tany. Vol. XL] Baden, G. L. The history of Norv^^ay, from the earliest times by G. L. Baden, and from the Union of Calmar, by Baron 12 Holberg. Transl. . . . and continued to the present time by A. A. Feldborg. Lond., 1817. 8°. Baedeker, Karl, Publisher. Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Numerous editions. Baggesen, Jens. Da jeg var lille. Transl. by H. W. Long- fellow, (Works, Boston, 1893, vol. 5, p. 239—240.) Bain, R. Nisbet. Scandinavia; a political history of Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1513 to 1900. Cambridge, Eng., 1905. 460 pp., maps. 8°. Cambridge Historical Series. Baird, Robert. Visit to Northern Europe, or sketches ... of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland . . . I — II. Re- print. New York, 1841. Bajer, Frederik. How Danish Slesvig was lost. A peep behind the veiled scenes of diplomacy and a warning. Transl. by P. H. Peckover. Lond., 1897. 242 pp ; ill. Balle, Nic. Edinger. Select sermons with appropriate prayers. Transl. from the original Danish by W. Pulling. Lond., 1819. 303 pp. Ballou, M. M. Due North. Bost., 1887. 373 pp. Balslev, C. F. Luther's Catechism, with a brief explanation. Transl. from the Danish by a Committee. Blair, Neb., 1909. 86 pp. 8°. Baring-Gould, S. Iceland, its scenes and sagas. Lond., 1863. Map, 16 pi. (4 col.), 447 pp. Barker, J. E. England, Germany and the Baltic. (Nineteenth Cent. 62, p. 1—15. 1907.) Barrow, John. Excursions in the north of Europe, through parts of Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Lond., 1834. —New ed., Lond.. 1835. 380 pp. Visit to Iceland, by way of Tronyem. Lond., 1835. (Bartholin, Caspar.) A specimen of natural philosophy, con- taining the principles of physics. Written originally in Latin by Caspar Bartholinus, and now revised, corrected and explained by the English editor. Lond., 1754. 33 pp. Bartholin, Thomas. The anatomical history of T. B. con- cerning the lacteal veins of the thorax. (In Pecquet, J., New anatomical experiments. 1653.) Bay, J. Christian. Bibliographies of botany. A contribution toward a bibliotheca bibliographica, compiled and an- noted. G. Fischer. (Naumburg, 1909.) Pg. 332—456. (Sonder-Abdruck aus: Progressus rei botanicae. Vol. 3.) 13 Danish fairy and folk tales, a collection of popular stories and fairy tales. From the Danish of Svend Grundtvig, E. T. Kristensen, Ingvor Bondesen, and L. Biidde, New York and London, Harper and Bros., 1898. 111. 293 pp. 8°. Emil Christian Hansen, 1842 — 1909. (In Scientific Ameri- Supplement, October 23, 1909.) Et Brev. [A letter on the scope and organization of the Danish folk high schools.] (In Dannevirke, Cedar Falls, Iowa, 1912.) The folk high schools and rural life of the Scandinavian countries. (In Proceed. Fourteenth Conference for Edu- cation in the South, 1911, p. 161 — 171. — Also separately, 11 pp. 8°.) The "peasant universities" in Denmark. (In Education, vol. 22, p. 15.) Beaumont, Adalbert de. Sketches in Denmark, Sweden, Lap- land and Norway. Lond., 1840. 25 tables. Behn, H. Ernand. The Danish West India Islands. (Inde- pendent, 54, p. 319—323. 1902.) Balfour, Edmund. The history of the liturgy of the Lutheran Church in Denmark. (In Memoirs, Lutheran Liturg. Assoc, Pittsburgh, vol. II (1900), p. 57—73.) Bergsoe, Vilhelm, The bride of Roervig. Transl. by N. Frances Tinsley. Lond., 1877. 285 pp. Pillone. From the Danish by D. G. Hubbard. Lock- wood. Bost., 1875. 179 pp. (Wayside Series.) Berthelson, Andreas. An English and Danish dictionary con- taining the genuine words of both languages with their proper and figurative meanings. Vol. I. Lond., 1754. X, 630 pp. Bertram, Charles. To the immortal memory of Her most excellent Majesty Louisa, queen of Denmark. Kbh. 1752. 4 pp. Biernatzki, Johann Christoph. The maid of the Hallig, or the unfortunate islanders, by the Rev. J. C. B. from the German, by S. Jackson. Lond., 1843. 8°. The Hallig, or the sheepfold in the waters ; a tale of humble life on the coast of Schleswig. Transl. from the German. ... by Mrs. G. P. Marsh. Boston, 1857. Bille, C. St. A. The Schleswig question between Denmark and Germany. Transl. from the German. Lond., 1873. 8°. Bille, John H. A history of the Danes in America. (In Transact. Wisconsin Acad, of Science, Arts and Letters, vol. XL, also Sep., 48 pp., 1 map.) Bisiker, W. Across Iceland, with an appendix on the plants, by A. W. Hill. Lond., 1902. 236 pp., maps. 8°. 14 Blem, Markus Peter. The Danish Credit Societies, (Copen- hagen), [1913], 8 pp, (Repr. from "Denmark abroad.") Blicher, Steen Steensen. A tale of Jutland (Himmelbjerget, Esben Hosekrsemmeren). (In Bushby, Mrs. A. A., The Danes sketched by themselves. Vol. I and III. 1864.) Blind, K. The prehistoric sun-chariot in Denmark. (Westm, Rev.. 160., p, 552—8, 1903.) Bochmer, George H. Prehistoric naval architecture of the North of Europe. [Washington, 1892.] Pg. 527—647; ill. (Report of the Natural Museum, 1891.) Boggild, Bernhard. Professor Bernhard Boggild, famous Danish authority on dairying and milk supply. Chicago, 1911. 8 pp. Issued by Danish- American Association. The milk supply of Copenhagen. Report of a lecture de- livered before the Chicago Assoc, of Commerce, In Chi- cago Commerce VI (1910), No. 2, p. 14—20.) What the Government has done to develop the dairy in- dustry in Denmark. (In Journ. Brit. Dairy Farmers' As- sociation XII (1898), p. 31—46.) Danish Cow-test associations. (In Transact, Amer, Breeders' Assoc. VI, 297.) Bogh, Erik, The pilgrimage of the truth. English version by Agnes B. Warburg. Sonnenschein. Lond., 1895. 34 pp., ill. The pilgrimage of truth. Transl. from the Danish by Jacob Riis. N, p., 1900. 18 pp., ill, [Extr. from "Harper's Monthly Mag.", Dec. Vol. CIL] Bojesen, Marie, The Danish speaker. Pronunciation of the Danish language, vocabulary, dialogues and idioms. Wil- liams & Norgate. Lond. and Edinb., 1865. 168 pp. Guide to the Danish language. Lond., 1863, 250 pp, 12 mo, Borch, G. The Copenhagen milk supply company. New ed, Transl. with notes, by A. Stewart Macgregor. Copenh., 1889. 15 pp. Repr. from the Med. Weekly Review. 4 series. XVII. No. 8. Borring, F. M. de. Denmark, a prosperous agricultural country. (In Fortn. Rev., vol. 49, p. 707.) Borrow, George, Romantic ballads, transl. from the Danish, Lond., 1826. — New ed., 1913. Oehlenschlager's poems and ancient folk songs. Bosworth, J. The origin of the Danish and an abstract of Scandinavian literature. Lond., 1836. VI, 29 pp. The origin of the Germanic and Scandinavian languages and nations. Combridge, 1886. XI, 171 pp. Scandinavian literature, with short chronological spe- cimens of the old Danish, Icelandic . . . Lond., 1836, 17 pp. 15 Boutell, Charles. The arts and the artistic manufactures of Denmark. Lond., 1874. XV, 156 pp., illus., 6 plates. Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Essays on Scandinavian literature. New York, 1895. 288 pp. 12 mo. Bjornson. Kielland. Lie. H. C. Andersen. Contemporary Danish literature. Brandes. Tesfner. The Scandinavian in the United States. Pg. 526 — 535. (In Amer. Review, vol. CLV. Nov. 1892.) Boyson, Ambrose P. On low set openings in Danish and other Scandinavian churches. 20 pp.; ill. (In The Ar- chaeological Journal. Vol. LXIII. Lond., 1906.) — Some further notes on low set openings etc. 6 pp. [In The Arch. Journ. Vol. LXV. Lond., 1908.] Brahe, Tycho. Dreyer, J. L. E. Tycho Brahe ; a picture of scientific life and work in the sixteenth century. Edinb., 1890. 5 pi., p. 8°. Brandes, Edvard. A visit. Transl. by W. Archer. Lond., 1892. Brandes, Georg. Anatole France. London, 1908. Denmark and Germany. (In Contemp. Rev., vol. 76, p. 92.) Eminent authors of the nineteenth century. Transl. by R. B. Anderson. New York, 1886. 460 pp. 10 portraits. P. Heyse. H. C. Andersen. J. Stuart Mill. E. Renan. G. Flaubert. F. Paludan-Miiller. Bjornson. Ibsen. Ferdinand Lasalle. Lond. and New York, 1911. 230 pp. 8*. Henrik Ibsen. Bjornstjerne Bjornson. Critical studies. Lond., 1899. 171 pp. 8°. Impressions of Russia. Transl. by Samuel C. Eastman. New York, [1889]. 353 pp. 8°. —Lond., [1890]. 353 pp. 8°. LordBeaconsfield. Authorized transl. by Mrs. George Sturge. New York, 1880, 382 pp. 8°. Main currents in 19th century literature. Vol. 1 : Emigrant Literature. Lond., 1901. 212 pp. Main currents in 19th century literature. Vol. 2: Roman- tic school in Germany, 1873. Lond., 1902.336 pp. Main currents in 19th century literature. Vol. 3 : The reaction in France, 1874. Lond., 1903. 308 pp. Main currents in 19th century literature. Vol. 4: Nat- uralism in England, 1875. Lond., 1905. 376 pp. Main currents in 19th century literature. Vol. 5 : The romantic school in France. Lond., 1904. 400 pp. On reading. New York, 1906. 64 pp. 8°. Poland; a study of the land, people, and literature. Lond., 1903. 310 pp. 8°. —New York, 1903. 310 pp. 8°. 16 Reminiscences of my childhood and youth. New York, 1906. 397 pp. 8°. William Shakespeare, a critical study. London, 1898. 2 vol. 8°. — Lond., 1902. 709 pp. 8°. Harhoe, Paul. Georg Brandes. (In Outlook. New York, Dec. 1904, Pg. 852—55.) [Visit of Brandes in America in 1914:] Independent, 78: 348, 484; Literary Digest, 48: 1365, 1546; Outl., 107: 278: 347; Dial, 56: 447; 57: 72; Rev. of Rev. 50: 98. See also p. 38, under Hasselriis. Branson, E. C. Denmark's remedies : education and co-opera- tion. (Farm life conditions in the South, chapter IV.) Athens, Ga., 1912. 10 pp. 8°. BredsdorfiE", Thomas. From the people's high schools in Den- mark. (In Second International Moral Education Con- gress, 1902. Memoires sur I'education morale. La Haye, 1912, p. 1045—1050.) Bremner, Robert. Excursions in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, with anecdotes of their courts. I — II. 1840. Brochner, Georg. Copenhagen studio talk. (In Studio XIV (1898), p. 52; XV (1898), p. 137—139; Winter-number, 1900—01 (1901), p. 184—194; XXI (1901), p. 190—199; XXII (1901), p. 52, 134—135; XXIII (1901), p. 55—56, 134, 288—89; XXV (1902), p. 66—67; XXXIII (1905), p. 7?>, 262—63; XXXVII (1906), p. 81—82, 266—69; XLII (1907), p. 24^-47; XLIV (1908), p. 160—62; XLVI (1909), p. 249; XLVIII (1910), p. 247—49; XLIX (1910), p. 72—74; LII (1911), p. 154—155; LV (1912), p. 145—49; LVI (1912), p. 156—59. A Danish painter: Peter Severin Kroyer, (In Studio, XLIII (1908),p. 37— 40.) Modern Danish jewellery. (In Studio, Winter number, 1901—02.) Modern etching and engraving in Denmark and Norway. (In Studio, Summer number, 1912.) Old Danish carved furniture. (In Studio, LIU (1911), p. 196—209.) Some Northern painters and their homes. (In Studio, XXXVIII (1906), p. 219—25.) Brochner, Jessie. Danish life in town and country. Lond., 1903. 242pp. Also Amer. ed. 266 pp. [Bromley, William]. Several years travels through Portu- gal, . . . Sweden, Denmark and the United provinces. 1702. 17 Brown, Edward. Report on the poultry industry in Denmark and Sweden. Lond., National Poultry Organization So- ciety, ltd., 1908. IX, 112 pp. 16 plates. Brown, John. Memoirs of the courts of Sweden and Denmark during the reigns of Christian V^II. of Denmark and Gustavus III. and IV. of Sweden. Boston, 1900, vol. I— II. 8°. Originally published Lond., 1895. The Northern courts, containing original memoirs of the sovereigns of Sweden and Denmark, since 1766. Lond., 1818, vol. I— II. 8°. Brown, Marie A. (Mrs. Shipley). The Icelandic discoverers of America. Lond., 1887. 213 pp., plates. 12 mo. —Boston, 1888. Brun, Malte Conrad, see Malte-Brun. Brynildsen, John. A dictionary of the English and Dano- Norwegian languages. Part I — II. Copenh., 1902 — 1907. Buchanan, R. Old Danish ballads. (In Fortn. Rev. I, p. 685.) Buhl, Frants. Canon and text of the Old Testament. Transl. by John Macpherson. Edinb., 1892. 259 pp. 8°. Bumpus, T. F. Cathedrals and churches of Norwav, Sweden and Denmark. Lond., 1908. 299 pp., 34 plates. 4°. Bunbury. Selina, Life in Sweden, with excursions in Norway and Denmark. Lond., 1853. Vol. I— II. 8°. Burton, Sir Richard F. Ultima Thule, or A summer in Ice- land. Lond. and Edinb., 1875. Vol. I— II. 8" Bushby, Mrs. A. S. The Danes sketched by themselves; a series of popular stories by the best Danish authors, trans- lated Lond., 1864. Vol. I — III. — Contains translations of short stories by H. C. Andersen, Care Bernhard, Carit Etlar, H. P. Hoist, Ingemann, Oehlenschlager, and Winther. Survey of Danish literature. (In Colburn's Mag. Vol. 94, p. 452; vol. 95, p. 40.) Butlin, F. M. Among the Danes. Lond., Methuen, 1909. 278 p. 8°. 111. Also Amer. ed. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in Northern lands. Boston, 1884. 320 pp. 8°. Campbell, H. S. Care of the aged poor. (World To-Day, 11, p. 879—880. 1906.) Small holdings of Denmark. (World To-Day, 12, p. 215 to 216. 1907.) 18 Canada. Commission on Swine breeding- industry of Den- mark, Great Britain and Ireland. Swine husbandry in the United Kingdom and Denmark. Report of the Cana- dian commission, 1909. Ottawa, 1910. 4, II, 60 pp., illus., plates. 8°. Department of Agriculture. Report of a visit to Great Britain and the continent of Europe in the winter of 1897—98 by I. Duncan McEachran. Ottawa, Gov. Ptg. Bur., 1898. 64 pp. 8°. Part 3: Report on . . . milk in Ger- many and Denmark. Royal Commission on Industrial Training and Technical Education. Report. Ottawa, 1913. Part I— III. Part III, vol. I, p. 834--890: Denmark. Good description, with statistics of social conditions, economics, schools and agricultural conditions. Carlson, I. Outlines of the progress of hygiene in the king- dom of Denmark. Washington, D. C, Gov. Ptg. Off., 1914, p. 24 — 64. Reprinted (with Johansen, A. Public health service in Denmark) from Transact. Fifteenth Internat. Congress on Hygiene and Demography, Washington, 1912. — Also distributed by Danish-American Association. Carlton, William, N, C. The Icelandic sagas, their origin and character. Chicago, 1912. 12 mo. Caroline Mathilda, queen of Denmark. IVUkins, IJ\ H. A queen of tears, Caroline Mathilda, queen of Denmark and Norway and princess of Great Britain and Ireland. I — II. Longmans & Co. Lond., New York and Bombay, 1904. IVraxall, Sir P. C. L. Life and times of Queen Caroline M'a- thilda . . . from family documents and private state archives. Lond., 1864, vol. I — III. The vindication, of innocence. An elegiac poem. Sacred to the memory of Her Majesty Caroline Mathilda. Lond., 1775. Z7 pp. Carr, Clark E. My day and generation. Chicago, 1908. 452 pp. 8°. Chapters on Christian IX. and other members of the Royal family. Carr, John. A Northern summer, or travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden . . ., in the year 1804. Lond., 1805. 4°. Several other editions. Carr, William. Remarks of the government of several parts of Germanie, Denmark . . . Amsterdam, 1688. Carstensen, A. R. Two summers in Greenland ; an artist's adventures among ice and islands, in fjords and moun- tains. 1890. 19 Carstensen, Georg. Editor of The Parlour Review. Philadel- phia, 1837—38. An illustrated description of the New York Crystal Palace, by G. C. and Charles Gildemeister. New York, 1854. 6 plates. Cervin, O. Z. The city hall at Copenhagen. (Arch. Rec. 18, p. 283—299. 1905.) Chambers, R. Tracings of Iceland and the Faroe Islands. 1856. Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition. 1893. The World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U. S. A., 1893. Official catalogue . . . issued by the Royal Danish Commission. 1893. 168 pp. 8°. Christensen, C. T. The St. Thomas treaty. A series of letters to the Boston daily advertiser. New York, 1869. 24 pp. Church Liturgy for Evangelical Lutheran congregations. Decorah, Iowa, 1891. 32 pp. 8°. Clan, J. The Denmark Building, Denmark's Participation in the San Francisco Exposition. (In The Am.- Scand. Rev., July 1913.) Claxton, P. P. A school for grown-ups. (In Proceed. Con- ference for Education in the South, 1909, p. 198—203.) The people's high-schools of Denmark. Clay, Beatrice E. Stories from the saga of "Burnt Njal." Part I. The story of Gunnar. Marschall. Lond., 1907. 187 pp., ill. Cleasby, R, Icelandic-English dictionary, enlarged and com- pleted by G. Vigfusson. Lond., 1869. Coe, E. E. Modern Europe, New York, 1892. "Land of Hans Christian Andersen." Coles, John. Summer travelling in Iceland ; two journeys across the island by unfrequented routes. With historical introduction, hints for a tour, etc. With a chapter on Askja by E. Delmar Morgan, also a literal translation of three sagas. Lond., 1822. 269 pp. 8°. Collingwood, William G. Scandinavian Britain. Introd. by F. York Powell. Lond., 1908. 272 pp. 8°. Coman,, Katherine. Twenty years of old-age pensions in Denmark. (In Survey, Jan. 17, 1914.) Consett, Matthew. A tour through Sweden, Swedish-Lap- land, Finland and Denmark in a series of letters. Stockton, 1789. XVI, 157 pp., ill. Continuation Schools. Continuation schools in Denmark [Editorial]. (Education, 25, p. 119—122. 1904.) 20 Conybeare, C. A. V. The place of Iceland in the history of European institutions. Oxford, 1877. Cook, T. Guide to Denmark. Lond., 1897. 252 pp. Cooke, W. S. The armed strength of Denmark. Lond., H. M. Stationery Office, 1874. 83 pp. 8°. Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Chronicle. Ed. by Godfrey Holmer. No. 1—6. Copenh., 1908. Copenhagen and its environs. Handbook for travellers publ. by the Danish Tourist Society. Copenh., 1898. VIII, 63, 4 pp., ill. — Same. 2. rev. ed. Transl. into English by Joyce Borring. Copenh., 1905. VIII, 84 pp., ill. —3. rev. ed. Copenh., 1908. VIII, 84 pp., ill. —4. ed. Copenh., 1911. 85 pp. —1912. 64 pp., ill. Copenhagen in brief. A condensed guide to the principal sights and amusements of the Danish capital. Copenh., 1912. 160 pp., ill. The Copenhagen townhall. Reception of British guests, June 7, 1907. (Copenh., 1907.) 4 pp. Colonv gardens in Copenhagen. (In Outlook, JZ, p. 901 to 902. 1903.) The new Knippels Bridge at Copenhagen. [Editorial.] (In Sci. Amer. 100, p. 404. 1909.) Corpus poeticum boreale. The poetry of the old Northern tongue, from the earliest times to the thirteenth century, ed. . . . by G. Vigfusson and F. Y. Powell. Oxford, 1883. Vol. I— II. Costa, B. F. de. The pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen, illustrated by translations from the Icelandic Sagas. Albany, 1868. LX, 118 pp. —Same. 2. ed. Albany, 1890. 196 pp. Coxe, William. Travels into Poland . . . Denmark . . . Dublin, 1784. Vol. I— II. 8°. — Travels in Denmark. (In Pinkerton, Collection of voyages and travels. Vol. VI. Lond., 1809, p. 293—372.) Craigie, W. A. The Icelandic Sagas. Cambridge (Engl.) The University Press. New York, G. C. Putnam's Sons. 1913. Crantz, David. The history of Greenland, a description of the country and its inhabitants and, particularly, a relation of the mission Transl. by Benj. Latrobe. Lond., 1667. Vol. I— II. 21 Crichton, Andrew, and Wheaton, Henry. Scandinavia, an- cient and modern, being a liistory of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. —2. ed. Edinb., 1838. Cromie, W. H. The military forces of Denmark. (In United Service Mag., 1883, 2, p. 641.) Crull, J. (pseud. J. C.) Memoirs of Denmark, containing the life and reign of the late king of Denmark, Christian V. Lond., 1700. 8°. Curtis, W. E. Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Akron, O. [etc.], 1903. 505 pp. Well written, but unreliable. Gushing, Caleb. The claims of the citizens of the U. S. on Denmark, examined. Boston, 1826. 18 pp. Repr. from "The Boston Monthly Magazine." Dagbladet, Copenhagen. The St. Thomas treaty. An editorial article, transl. from the Copenhagen "Dagbladet" of . . . April 24, 1869. 3 pp. 8°. Dampier, M. Smith. Ballads from the Danish and original verses. Lond., 1910. 8°. Danish Commerce. Report for the year 1889 on the trade etc. of Denmark. Lond., 1891. 10 pp. (Foreign Offifce 1891. Annual series. No. 814.) The Export Review. Publ. by the Danish export asso- ciation, 1896. Copenh., 1897—1910. 5 vol., ill. Danish Finance. Review of the financial year in Denmark 1912. With the compliments of L. Paulsen & Co. Copenh., (1913). 25 pp. Danish Literature. Beginning with 1886 — 87, a yearly survey of Danish literature appears in the Athenaeum (London), as follows: 1886—87 (Athenaeum, 1887, v. 2, p. 9). 1887—88 (A. 1888, v. 2, p. 8). 1888—89 (A. 1889, v. 2, p. 9). 1889—90 (A. 1890, v. 2. p. 9). 1890—91 (A. 1890. V. 2, p. 11). 1891—92 (A. 1892, v. 2, p. 9). 1892—93 (A. 1893, V. 2, p. 9). 1893—94 (A. 1894, v. 2, p. 9). 1894—95 (A. 1895, v. 2, p. 9). 1895—96 (A. 1896, v. 2, p. 9). 1896—97 (A. 1897, v. 2, p. 9). 1897—98 (A. 1898, V. 2, p. 11). 1898—99 (A. 1899, v. 2, p. 12). 1899—1900 (A. 1900, v. 2, p. 11). 1900—01 (A. 1901. v. 2, p. 11). 1901—02 (A. 1902, v. 2, p. 9). 1902—03 (A. 1903, v. 2, p. 9). 1903—04 (A. 1904, v. 2, p. 297). Danish National Song. Kong Christian stod ved hojen Mast. Transl. by R. P. Gillies (cf. Feldborg, Poems from the Danish, 1815; Denmark Delineated, 1824, p. 33—35. Transl. by H. W. Longfellow (Poetical Works, Boston, 1893, vol. 5, p. 235—236.) 22 Danish Poetry, Den danske Stiidenter-Sangforening-s Ameri- kafoerd 1911. — The Danish University students' choral union; American tour, 1911. 51 pp. 8°. Contains text and translations (by Carl Bratli) of 50 Danish songs. Danish West Indies. The custom's tariff for the island of St. Croix. Transl. from the Danish, publ. by authority by P. B. Hatchett. St. Croix, Christiansted, 1863, 34 pp. Danish-American Association. Press Bureau. Publications as under: Boggild, Bernhard ; Carlson. I.; Egan, Maurice F. ; Johansen, Anders; Sinclair, John F. Danish-American National Park. Program. Dedication of the Danish-American National Park at Rebild Hills, Den- mark, August 5, 1912. 24 pp. Dansk Turistforening — See Copenhagen. Dasent, George W. — See Njala. Debes, Lucas J. Faroea & Faroea reserata : that is a description of the islands and inhabitants of Faroe. . . . Englished by J. S. Lond., 1676. 408 pp. 12 mo. Defoe, Daniel. The history of the wars of His present Majesty Charles XH. of Sweden, from his first landing in Den- mark. . . . Lond., 1715. 400 pp. 8°. Denmark, its medical organization, hygiene and demography. Publ. with subvention of the Danish government. Pre- sented to the 7th international congress of hygiene and demography. Jul. Gjellerup. Copenhagen, 1891. 474 pp., ill. Control of the export of meat from Denmark. Transla- tions of the laws and regulations in force from the Dec. 15, 1908. Ed. at the ministry of agriculture. Public publi- cation. Copenh. 1908. 27 pp., ill. Denmark, Church. Useful material in SchafF-Herzog, Encyclo- paedia of religious knowledge. — Lutheran Encyclopaedia. Fischer, George, P., History of the Christian Church. Kurtz, J. H., Church history. Denmark. Consular Service. Instructions by His Majesty the King of Denmark to his foreign consuls. Edinb., 1860. 12 pp. Instructions to Danish consuls. Issued on the 15th of December 1893. Reitzel. Copenh.. 1894. Supplementary instructions to consuls in the countries, in which Danes are not submitted to the juridiction of the Country. Sept. 1, 1895. Copenh., 1895. 55 pp. Denmark. History and Politics. Official documents. Miscel- laneous pamphlets. Titles arranged chronologically. An excellent . . . discourse prooving . . . what great danger 23 will hang over the heads of England and France ... if it shall happen that . . . Germanic ... be subdued, and the king of Denmarke vanquished... Lond. (?), 1626. 4°. The King of Denmark, his declaration, concerning the English merchant ships lying in Copenhagen. Transl. out of the Danish speech into English by Edm. Smith; May 17, 1653. Lond., 1653. 23 pp. A great and wonderful victory obtained by the Danes against the Sweades in the island of Fewnen at New- borgh the 26. of Novbr. last 1659. Transl. by J. D., Lond., 1659. 7 pp. A more particular and exact account of the totall defeat of the Swedes' army in Fuenen. Written by a person of known integrity to a friend in Lond. N. p., 1659. 6 pp. A perfect relation of the several assaults and storms made by the king of Sweden upon Copenhagen. Lond., 1658. 14 pp. A true relation of the reasons which necessitated His Majesty of Sweden to continue the war with Denmark. Lond., 1659. 38 pp. The state of the case between Denmark and Sweden. (Lond., 1658 ?). (In Somers, J., A collection of scarce and valuable tracts, vol. 2, 1748.) An exact relation of all the transactions and proceedings between the King of Denmark and the King of Sweden and their ministers. From the treaty at Rottshild, con- cluded Febr. 26, 1657/1658. Lond., 1659. 14 pp. Letter from the king of Denmark to Mr. Will. Lilly, occasioned by the death of his patron the king of Sweden. Gustavus Montelion. Lond. (March 4,), 1660. 7 pp. Articles of peace and alliance between Charles XII., king of Great Britain and Frederick III., hereditary king of Denmark and Norway, concluded the 13. day of Febr. 1660. Transl. out of Latine into English. Lond., 1661. 18 pp. Vox pacifica, or a congratulatory poem on the peace between England, France, Denmark... Lond. (?), 1667. Fol. A manifesto, or an account of the . . . differences between the king of Denmark . . . and the Duke of Sleswick and H,olstein-Gottorp Christian Albert. Together with some letters . . . concerning a mediation in these differences . . . [Lond.], 1677. 4°. Instructions for such merchants . . . who shall have . . . commissions for private men of war against the French King . . . Part 2 : The Form of the oaths, as also of the 24 passe, required by the Convention between Great Britain and Denmark. Lond. [1693.] Fol. An account of the differences between the King of Den- mark and the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, with some re- flections upon the present motions of the Swedes, in a letter. Lond., 1700. 4°. The Northern crisis, or impartial reflections on the po- licies of the Czar. Occasioned by Mynher von Stocken's [Minister of Frederik IV.] reasons for delaying the descent upon Schonen . . , Lond., 1716. 4°. A short account of how the kingdom of Denmark became hereditary and absolute. (In Somers, J., A collection of scarce and valuable tracts. Vol. 4, 1748. — Another ed., 1809.) An account of Denmark, ancient and modern, containing its history from Swain, the first Christian king, to the present time. Lond., 1768. 8°. The queen of Denmark's account of the late revolution in Denmark, written while her Majesty was a prisoner in the castle of Cronenburgh, and now first published from the original manuscript, sent to a noble earl. Lond., 1772. 49 pp. General observations regarding the present state of Den- mark, drawn up in the course of a tour made in the year 1776. (Lond., 1787 ?). 4°. Letters from Scandinavia on the past and present state of the Northern nations of Europe. I — II. Lond., 1796. Seidclin, K. H. War for liberty of the seas No. 1, or events of war between Denmark and England from the 30. of March til the cessation of hostilities on the 2nd April s. y. 2. ed., rev. and corrected. Copenh., N. d. 32 pp. —No. 2. K. H. Seidelin. Copenh. 40 pp. Seidclin, K. H. Events of the war between Denmark and England from the 30th April s. y. K. H. Seidelin. Copenh., 1801. 32 pp. Narrative of the expedition to the Baltic, with an account of the siege and capitulation of Copenhagen, including the surrender of the Danish fleet. By an officer employed in the expedition. Lindsell. Lond., 1808. XI, 307 pp., ill. The siege of Copenhagen, or, documents comprehending an official detail of the bombardement of that city, to- gether with a Danish narrative of the dreadful calamities in consequence thereof. Hughes. Lond., 1808. XXIV, 115 pp. A letter on the conduct and situation of Denmark from a Dane to an Englishman. Lond., 1813. 48 pp. 25 Allen, C. F. On the nationality and language in the duchy of Schleswick or South Jutland. Copenhagen, 1848. Not in trade. Who is to blame for the war between Denmark and Germany? Transl. fr. the German. Lond., 1849. 8°. Vindix Germanicus [pseud, of C. F. IVhrm.'] A letter to Viscount Palmerston, concerning the question of Schleswig-Holstein. Lond., 1850. 31 pp. The crown of Denmark disposed of by a religious min- ister, through a fraudulent treaty [dated May 8., 1852]. Lond., 1853. 8°. Wegener, Casp. Ferd. Defence for the full hereditary right, according to the lex regia of the kings and royal house of Denmark, especially prince Christian and his spouse. Transl. from the Danish original [by George Stephens]. Copenh., 1853. 23 p. Reflections on the integrity of the Danish monarchy. Lond.. 1857. 8°. Correspondence respecting the affairs of the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. Presented to Parliament. Lond., 1860—62. On the question of languages in the duchy of Schleswig. A memorandum, transl. from the German. Lond., 1861. 48 pp. The policy of the Danish Government or the "Misunder- standings." A key to the budget-dispute. Rudolphi. Hamburg and Lond., 1861. IV, 74 pp. Succession to the crown of Denmark. Maritime rights. Reason for abrogating the treaty of London of the 8th of May, 1852, and taking such other measures . . . Lond. (1861). Fol. Montagu, Robert. Succession to the crown of Denmark. Speech delivered June 18, 1861, in the house of Commons, on the affairs of Denmark and the duchies. Hardwicke. Lond., 1861. 24 pp. Schleswig — the Danish-German question, by J. Jeffrey. Lond., 1861. Pg. 41—65. (The British Quarterly Review, July 1, 1861.) Danish State papers on the Danish-German question. No. 1—64. March 1861—63. (Transl. into English.) Lond. 104 pp. Memorandum on the negotiations of 1851 and 1852, be- tween Denmark and Germany. (Lond., after 1861.) 22 pp. Correspondence relating to the election of Prince William of Denmark as King of Greece, and to the state of the country. Lond., 1863. 41 pp. 26 Copies of letters from the Prussian and German Pleni- potentiaries respecting the summary of the proceedings of the conferences on Danish affairs, annexed to the 12th protocol. Presented to both houses of Parliament. Lond., 1864. 12 pp. Correspondance between Austria, Prussia and Denmark : 1851 — 52. Presented to both houses of Parliament. 1864. Lond. [1864.] 29 pp. Correspondance respecting the affairs of Denmark 1850 to 1853. Presented to both houses of Parliament. Lond. [1864.] 286 pp. The Danish succession. With a genealogical chart and map, showing the claims which the Czar may renew on certain portions of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein in the event of the dismemberment of the Danish monarchy. Lond., 1864. 32 pp. Denmark and Germany. No. 1. Correspondance respecting the maintenance of the integrity of the Danish monarchy. Presented to both houses of Parliament. Lond., 1864. 3 pp. — Nos. 2 — 7. Correspondance respecting the affairs of the duchies of Holstein, Lauenburg and Schleswig. Presented etc. Lond., 1864. (1 vol.) Protocols of conferences held in London relative to the affairs of Denmark. Presented to both houses of Par- liament by command of Her Majesty. Lond., 1864. 156 pp. Schleswig-Holstein. A second Poland. An appeal to the British Nation. Hamburg, [1864.]. 36 pp. Schleswig-Holstein succession. Official documents. N. p. (1864.) 27 pp. [Allen, C. F.] Appeal to the people of Europe, issued by the March Association at Copenhagen. Transl. from the Danish. Lond., 1864. 32 pp. Report on naval experiments against armour-plating on the isle of Amager in the months of March and tune. Copenh., 1884. 29 pp., ill. Dane versus German in Schleswig. (Rev. of Rev. 32, p. 244—5. 1905.) Denmark. Insurance. Dawson, M. M. The cost of industrial accident insurance, in Denmark. (U. S. Bureau of Labor. Bull. 21, p. 760—765. 1910.) Report on the system of state insurance in Denmark. Presented to both houses of the Parliament by command of Her Majesty. Dec. 1890. Lond.. 1890. 18 pp. 27 Denmark. Kommission for Havundersogelser. Meddelelser fra Kommisionen for Havundersogelser. Serie: Plankton. Copenhagen, 1904.— Vol. I. No. 1. Ove Paulsen: Plank- ton-investigations in the waters round Iceland in 1903. Kbh., 1904. 39 pp., ill.— No. 2. C. H. Ostenfeld : On 2 new marine species of Heliogora occurring in the Plankton of the North Sea and the Skager Rak. 1904. 5 pp., ill.— No. 3. Ove Paulsen: On same Peridineoe and Plankton- diatoms. 1905. 7 pp., ill. — No. 4. Ove Paulsen: Studies on the biology of Calanus fiumarchicus in the waters round Iceland. 1906. 21 pp., ill.— No. 5. Ove Paulsen: The Peri- dianales of the Danish waters. 1907. 26 pp., ill. — No. 6. C. H. Ostenfeld: On the immigration of Biddulphia Sinensis Grev. and its occurrence in the North Sea during 1903 — 07 and on its use for the study of the direction and rate of flow of the currents. 1908. 44 pp., ill. — No. 7. (Ger- man.) — No. 8. O. Paulsen: Plankton investigations in the waters round Iceland and in the North Atlantic in 1904. 1909. 57 pp., ill.— No. 9. (German.)— No. 10. C. H. Osten- feld : A revision of the marine species of Choetoceras Ehbg. Sect. Simplicia Ostf. 1912. 11 pp., ill.— No. 11. J. P. Jacobsen and Ove Paulsen : A new apparatus for measur- ing the volume of plankton samples by displacement. 1912. 6 pp., ill. Serie: Fiskeri. Reitzel. Kbh. Vol. I. No. 1. C. G. Joh. Petersen : On the larval and postlarval stages of the Long Rough Dab and the genus Pleuronectes. 1904. 16 pp., ill. — No. 2. A. C. Johansen : Contributions to the biology of the Plaice with special regard to the Danish Plaice-fishery. I. 1905. 72 pp., ill.— No. 3. Jobs. Schmidt: On pelagic post-larval Halibret (Hippoglossus vulgaris flem. and H. Hippoglossaide.) [Walb.] 1904. 14 pp., ill.— No. 5—6. C. G. Joh. Petersen: Larval eels (Leptocephalus brevirostris) of the Atlantic coasts of Europe. 1905. — A. C. Johansen: Remarks on the Life History of the young post-larval eel (anguilla vulgaris turt.) 1905. 16 pp. — No. 7. Adolf Severin Jensen : On fish-otoliths in the bottom-deposits of the sea. I. Otoliths of the Gadus-species deposited in the Polar deep. 1905. 14 pp.— No. 8. Jobs. Schmidt: On the larval and post-larval stages of the Torsk (Brosmius Brosme.) 1905. 14 pp., ill.— Vol. 2. No. 1. C. G. Joh. Peter- sen : On the larval and post-larval stages of some Pleu- ronectidse, 1906. 12 pp., ill.— No. 2. Jobs. Schmidt: The pelagic post-larval stages of the Atlantic species of Gadus II. A monograph. 1906. 20 pp., ill. — No. 3. Jobs. Schmidt: On the pelagic post-larval stages of the Lings. 1906. 16 pp., ill. — No. 4. Jobs. Schmidt: On the larval and post- larval development of the Argentines. 1906. 20 pp., ill. — 28 No. 5. A. C. Johansen : Contributions to the biology of the Plaice with special regard to the Danish Plaice-Fishery. II. The marking and transplantation experiments with Plaice in the Danish waters in the years 1903 — 06. 1907. 122 pp., ill. — Nos. 6 — 7. Jobs. Schmidt: Marking experi- ments on Plaice and Cod in Icelandic waters. 1907. 111. — Jobs. Schmidt : On the post-larval development of the bake. 1907. 34 pp., ill.— No. 8. Jobs. Schmidt: On the post- larval development of some North-Atlantic Gadoids. 1907. 14 pp., ill. — No. 9. Jobs. Schmidt: On the post-larval stages of the John Dary and some other Acantbopterygian fishes. 1908. 14 pp., ill.— Vol. III. No. 1. C. G. Job. Peter- sen : On the larval and post-larval stages of some Pleu- ronectidoe. 1909. 18 pp., ill.— No. 2. J. P. Jacobsen and A. C. Johansen : Remarks on the changes in specific gravity of pelagic fish eggs and the transportation of same in Danish waters. 1908. 24 pp., ill.— No. 3. Jobs. Schmidt: Remarks on the metamorphosis and distribution of the larval of the eel. 1909. 17 pp., ill.— No. 4. A. C. Johansen: Contributions to the biology of the Plaice with special regard to the Danish Plaice-fishery. III. 1908. 48 pp.— No. 5. A. C. Johansen: Contributions to the biology of the plaice with special regard etc. IV. 1908. 24 pp., ill. — No. 6. Jobs. Schmidt: On the distribution of the Fresh-water eels throughout the world. I. 1909. 45 pp., ill. — Vol. IV. No. 1. A. C. Johansen: Contributions to the biology of the Plaice with special regard to the Danish Plaice-fishery V. 1912. 33 pp., ill. Serie Hydrografi. Reitzel. Kbb. Vol. I. Nos. 1—3. Martin Knudsen : On the organization of the Danish bydrographic researches. 1904. — H. J. Hansen : Experimental deter- mination of the relation between the freezing point of sea-water and its specific gravity at 0° C. 1904. — Niels Bjerrum : On the determination of Chlorine in sea-water and examination of the accuracy with which Knudsen's Pipette measures a volume of sea-water. 1904. 32 pp. — Nos. 4 — 5. J. N. Nielsen : Hydrography of the waters by the Faroe-Islands and Iceland during the cruises of the Danish research steamer "Tbor" in the summer 1903. 1904. — Niels Bjerrum : On the determination of Oxygen in sea-water. 1904. 30, 14 pp. — No. 6. Martin Knudsen : Contribution to the hydrography of the North Atlantic Ocean. 1905. 14 pp., ill.— No. 7. J. N. Nielsen: Contri- butions to the hydrography of the waters North of Ice- land. 1905. 28 pp.— No. 9. J. N. Nielsen : Contribution to the hydrography of the North-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. 1907. 26 pp., ill.— No. 11. J. N. Nielsen: Contribu- tion to the understanding of the currents in the Northern 39 part of the Atlantic Ocean. 1908. 16 pp., ill.— Vol. II. No. 1. Martin Knudsen : Danish hydrographical investi- gations at the Faroe islands in the spring of 1910. 1911. 17 pp., ill. Biological-statistical report on the produce of the Danish sea-fishery in 1909. Comp. by A. C. Johansen and E. Neergaard-Moller. Reitzel. Kobenhavn, 1912. 100 pp. (Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersogelser. Serie: Fiskeristatistik. Bd. 1: for Aaret 1909.) Denmark. Laws. Lex Regia : or the Royal Law of Denmark ; writ in the Danish language by order of Frederick IIL Transl. into English. Lond., 1731. 21 pp. The Danish laws, or the code of Christian the Fifth. Faith- fully translated for the use of the English inhabitants of the Danish settlements in America. Lond., 1756. Translation of the law for the governement of privateers and prize-courts in the dominions of Denmark. Rends- burg, Sept. 14, 1808. Transl. by Peter Frellsen. Kiel, 1809. 8°. Collection of the most important laws, ordinances, publi- cations etc., valid in or referring to the Danish West India Islands and issued since the Colonial Law of the 26th of March 1852. Copenh., 1884. 265, XVII pp. Denmark. New customs tarifiF. Translation of the law establishing a new customs tarifif for Denmark, with comparison ... of the rates of customs duty contained in the new tarifif with the rates at present in force, and the English equivalents of both. London, H. M. Stationery office, 1908. (Great Britain. Parliament. Papers by com- mand. 4267.) 63 pp. 4°. Denmark. Registrerings og Skibsmaalings-Bureauet. In- structions to Danish measuring surveyors. Copenh., 1878. 17, 18, 20 pp. Fol. Denmark. State Testing Laboratory. On the development of testing of materials in the North and on the work of the Danish states' testing laboratory in Copenhagen. (Eng- lish transl.) The Danish States Testing Laboratory. Copenh., 1909. 185 pp., ill. Dicey, Edward. The Schleswig-Holstein war. Lond., 1864. Vol. I— II. 12 mo. Dillon, Arthur. A winter in Iceland and Lapland. Lond., 1840. Vol. I— II. 12 mo. 30 Dodd, Walter F. Modern constitutions. Vol. I— II. 1909. Denmark: vol. I, p. 265 — 281. Dodge, Daniel Kilham. Scandinavian character and Scandi- navian music. Pg. 279 — 84. (Sep. from Sewanee Review.) Drachmann, Holger. The cruise of the "Wild Duck" and other tales. Lond., 1893. 12 mo. 308 pp. (Pseudonym Library No. 24.) Nanna, a story of Danish love; (Poul og Virginie under nordlig Bredde) rewritten in Engl, by Francis F. Pirowne. Chicago, 1901. 208 pp. 12 mo. Paul and Virginia of a northern zone, from the Danish . . . by Francis F. Browne. Chicago, 1895. 208 pp. 12 mo. Robert Burns. Transl. by John Volk. (In Nordlyset, July 19., 1900.) — Transl. bv T- Christian Bay. (In Dannevirke, June 27., 1900.) Wisby, J. H. Through the eyes of a great Dane (In Arena, vol. 24, p. 561.) On Holger Drachmann. Du Chaillu, Paul B. The viking age. New York, 1889. Vol. 1— II. 8°. Dunham, Samuel Astley. Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Lond., 1839—40. Vol. I— III. 12 mo. The Cabinet Cyclo- paedia, vol. 25 — -27. Dunn, M. Mediaeval Danish ballads. (Sewanee, 14, p. 488.) Dymond, T. S. Report on the visit of the Essex farmers' party to Denmark. Chelmsford, 1900. Eddas. There is a number of translations into English, and an extensive literary apparatus. The most important publications are quoted in : Solberg, Thorv. A list of the text-editions and trans- lations of the Eddas. Pg. 74 — 84. (Bull, of the Boston Public Library, winter No., 1884.) Edmison, John P., editor. Stories from the Norseland. Phila.. 1909. Z2>7 pp., plates. The Eddas. Edwardes, Charles. In Jutland with a cycle. Chapman & Hall. Lond., 1897. 291 pp. Egan, Maurice Francis. Notes on agricultural conditions in Denmark. 1913. 34 pp. U. S. Senate. 62. Congr. 3rd. Ses- sion. Document No. 992. — Also distributed by Danish- American Association. Egede, Hans. A description of Greenland, shewing the natural history, situation, boundaries and face of the country . . . Transl. from the Danish. Lond., 1745. 8°. —2. ed. 1818. 31 Eggers, H. F. A. The flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Is- lands. Government Printing Office. Washington, 1879. 133 pp. (Bulletin of the U. S's National Museum. No. 13.) Ehlers, Edvard. On the conditions under which leprosy has declined in Iceland, and the extent of its former and present prevalence. Adlard & Son. Lond., 1895. Z7 pp., ill, ElHott, Charles L. B. Letters from the North of Europe, or a journal of travels in Holland, Denmark . . . Lond., 1832. 475 pp. 8°. E[llis], R. S. Danish ditties done into English; with an original or two. Copenh., 1871. 22 pp. [Ellis, R. S.] The traveller's hand-book to Copenhagen and its environs by Anglicanus. Copenh. and Lond., 1853. 190 pp., ill. Engelhardt, Conrad. Denmark in the early Iron age, illus- trated by recent discoveries in the peat mosses of Slesvig. 1866. 4°. Map, ZZ plates. Ewald, Carl. My little boy. Transl. by A. Teixeira de Mattos. Lond. and New York, 1906. 120 pp. 12 mo. The four seasons. Transl. by A. Teixeira de Mattos. Lond. and New York, 1913. The old room ; transl. by A. Teixeira de Mattos. New York, 1908. 317 pp. 8°. The pond and other stories. Transl. by A. Teixeira de Mattos. Lond., 1909. 320 pp. 8°. The Queen bee, and other nature stories. Transl. by G. C. Moore Smith. Lond., etc. 1908. 125 pp., 7 col. plates. 8°. The spider, and other tales. Transl. by A. Teixeira de Mattos. New York, 1907. 231 pp. 8°. Two-legs. Transl. by A. Teixeira de Mattos. New York, 1906. 148 pp. 8°. Ewald, H. F. John Falk, a novel, from the Danish. Lond., 1868. 3 vols. 8°. The story of Waldemar Krone's youth. Transl. Edinb., 1867. 2 vols. 8°. Ewald, Johannes. The death of Balder. Transl. by George Borrow. Lond. [n. d.] 250 copies. Faber, Peter. [Den Gang jeg drog afsted]. The gallant soldier. Transl. by R. S. Ellis. (In Berlingske Tidende, 1848, No. 228; also in 111. Lond. News, 1851, Nov. 29. Also transl. by John Volk. Faber, Theodor. The system of postage stamps applied to the post office saving-banks. Transl. from the Danish "Tids- skrift for Postvoesen" ("Journal for Postal afifairs"), dated Sept. 1877. (Cph.) 12 pp. 32 Farley, Frank E. Scandinavian influences in the English romantic movement. Boston, 1903. Feldborg, A. Andersen, Denmark deHneated ; or, sketches of the present state of that country. Illustrated with engrav- ings from the designs of eminent Danish artists. Edinb. 182 pp.— 2. ed. 1824. Contents : On Thorvaldsen and the living artists of Denmark. — Description of the North of Zealand. — Description of the City of Copenhagen, and the South of Zealand. — An historical sketch of Danish literature, from 1588 to the present time. Particulars relative to the Danish prisoners of war in England. Lond., 1813. 4 pp. Poems from the Danish. Selected and illustrated with historical notes by A. A. F. Transl. into English verse by W. S. Walker. Lond., 1815. 8°. —Philadelphia, 1816. Poems from the Danish, selected and illustrated. Transl. by W. S. Walker, harmonized and arranged with addi- tional symphonies and accompaniments for the piano- forte by C. Stokes. Lond., 1815, fol. A tour in Zealand in the year 1802, with an historical sketch of the battle of Copenhagen. Lond., 1805. XIII, 114, 67 pp. —Same. 2. ed. Lond., 1805. XVI, 101, 63 pp. — Same. Philadelphia, 1807. Fenger, J. Ferd. History of the Tranquebar mission . . . Transl. from the German of Emil Francke. Tranquebar, 1863. 324 pp. 8°. Ferguson, Robert. The Northmen in Cumberland and West- moreland. Lond., 1856. 228 pp. 8°. Finsen, Niels R. Phototherapy. (1.) The chemical rays of light and Small-Pox. (2.) Light as a stimulant. (3.) The treatment of Lupus Vulgaris by concentrated chemical rays. Transl. from the German ed. and with an appendix on the light treatment of Lupus by James H. Sequeira. E. Arnold. Lond., 1901. 79 pp., ill. —Boston, 1901. Niels R. Finsen, his life and work. By Charles R. Dickson. (In Transactions of the Canadian Institute, vol. VIII, p. 99—131 ; 4 plates. 1905.) Bie, Valdemar, Finsen's Phototherapy. Lond., 1899. 10 pp., ill. (Repr. from the British Med. Journal, Sept. 30, 1899.) Fiske, Daniel Willard. Books printed in Iceland, 1578—1844. First — fourth supplement to the British Museum Cata- logue. [Part] I— IV. Florence, 1886—1907. 33 Chess in Iceland and in Icelandic literature, with histori- cal notes on other table-games. Florence, 1905. 400 pp. Fjord, N. J. A practical trial of centrifugal machines in the dairy at Vestervigkloster. Transl. with the author's per- mission. Copenh., 1884. 55 pp. Flom, G. T. A history of Scandinavian studies in American universities, together with a bibliography. Iowa City, la., 1907. 66 pp. 8°. Bull. Sate Univ. of Iowa. New sen, No. 153. Chapters on Scandinavian immigration to Iowa. Iowa City, la., 1906. 150 pp. 8°. Iowa ^Journal Hist. 1905—06. Foght, Harold W, The educational system of rural Denmark. — U. S. Bureau of Education. Bulletin, 1913, No. 58. Whole number, 569. 46 pp., illus. The Norse discovery of America with some reference to its true significance. Blair, Neb., 1901. 152 pp. 8°. Fonblanque, C. A. de. Five weeks in Iceland. Lond., 1880. Forbes, C. A. Iceland, its volcanoes, geysers and glaciers. Lond., 1860. 335 pp. 8°. Forchhammer, Henrietta. How to learn Danish. Copenhagen, 1906. 92 pp. — 2. ed., rev. Copenhagen, 1911. 99 pp. Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab, Copenhagen. The traveller's guide to the Scandinavian countries and Iceland, . . . Copenhagen, n. d. [ ? after 1900.] Ed. by Daniel Bruun. Foss, Alexander. Industrial Denmark. (In the Amer.-Scand. Rev., Nov. 1913.) 10 pp., ill. Foster, Mary H., and Cummings, Mabel H. Asgard stories, tales from Norse mythology. New York, etc., 1901. 110 pp. 8°. FradersdorfF, J. W. A practical introduction to Danish or Norwegian composed readings accompanied by necessary grammatical remarks and references to Dr. Rasks Danish grammar. Williams & Norgate. Lond. and Edinb., 1860. 114 pp. Frederiksborg. National Museum. The museum of national history in Frederiksborg castle. Guide for visitors. (Hil- lerdd, 1909.) 63 pp. Friend, L. L. The Folk high schools of Denmark. Washington, D. C, 1814. U. S. Bureau of Education. Bulletin. 1914, No. 5. 34 Fuglsang, Niels, An easy and short English grammar, com- piled for the use of young persons. Pt. 1. Slagelse, 1816. 68 pp. Gade, John A. Royal Copenhagen Porcelain. (In the Amer.- Scand. Rev., July 1913.) Gallenga, A. C. N. The invasion of Denmark in 1864. Lond., 1864. Vol. I— II. 8°. Game of Denmark. Rules. Lond., 1883. 8 pp. Gedda, Peter. A general and different special Sea-Charts of the whole East-Sea, and the Schager Rack. Am.sterdam, 1694. 10 charts. Georgeson, C. C. Report of the dairy industry of Denmark. Washington, D. C, 1893. 133 pp. 8°. U. S. Dep. of Agri- culture. Bull. 5. Progress report on the dairy industry of Denmark. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 14 pp. 8°. U. S. Dep. of Agriculture. Report 50. Gerstwohl, M. A. Address delivered on the occasion on the visit to London [1914] of Dr. Georg Brandes. (In Trans- act. Roy. Soc. Litt., XXXII. Sep., 7 p.) Gibbon, L G. Medical benefit, a study of the experience of Germany and Denmark. Lond., 1912. 296 pp. 8°. Gierlow, John. Elements of the Danish and Swedish lang- uages. Cambridge, Mass., 1847. 70, 50 pp. 12 mo. Givskov, E. Germany and her subjected races. <'Contemp. Rev. 87, p. 820—4. 1905.) Gjellerup, Karl. Minna; a novel. Transl, by C. L. Nielsen. Lond., 1913. 340 pp. 8°. The pilgrim Kamanita, a legendary romance. Lond., 1911. 314 pp. 8°. Goldschmidt, M. A. The flying mail . , . Transl. by C. Larsen. Boston, 1870. 8°. The heir. Transl. from the Danish. Bayswater [Lond. ?], 1865. 7 pp. Homeless, or a poet's inner life [Transl.]. Lond., 1861. 3 vols. 8°. The jew of Denmark . . . Transl. by Mrs. Bushby. Lond., 1852. 252 pp. 8°. —Lond., 1864. The society of virtue at Rome. Lond., 1868. 62 pp. [Repr. from the "Victoria Mag."] Gosch, C. C. A. Danish arctic expeditions 160.5 — 1620. In two books. Ed. with notes and introductions by C. C. A. Gosch. Lond., 1897. I— II. 35 Denmark and Germany since 1815. Lond., 1862. 459 pp. 8°. The nationality of Slesvig. Lond., 1861. 48 pp. 8°. Gosse, Edmund. Northern studies. London. [1890]. XI, 268 pp. Contents : Norway : Norwegian poetry since 1814. Henrik Ibsen I— II. The Lofoden Islands.— Swe- den : Runeberg. — Denmark : The Danish National Theatre. Four Danish poets [Grundtvig, Bodtcher, Paludau'- Miiller, H. C. Andersen]. Studies in the literature of Northern Europe. Lond., 1879. IX, 375 pp. Two visits to Denmark, 1872, 1874. Lond., 1911. 371 pp. 8°. Goudie, Gilbert. The Celtic and Scandinavian antiquities of Shetland. Edinb. and Lond., 1904. 305 pp. 8°. Notice of a charter of confirmation by King Frederick the third of Denmark and Norway (1662) and other docu- ments in the Norse language relating to Shetland. N. p. N. d. 33 pp. (Reprint.) Great Britain. Board of Agriculture. Reports on dairy farming in Denmark, Sweden and Germany. Lond., 1892. 73 pp. Great Britain. Patent Office. Key to the classification of patent specifications of Germany, Austria, Denmark and Norway. Lond., 1901. 74 pp. 16 mo. Patent Office Library Series. No. 5. Griffin, G. W. My Danish days, with a glance at the history, traditions and literature of the old northern country Philadelphia, 1875. 297 pp. 8°. Grinfield, E. W. Sketches of the Danish mission to the coast of Coromandel. 1831. Groth, P. Danish and Dano-Norwegian Grammar. Boston, 1894. 143 pp. Grundtvig, Svend. Danish fairy tales. Transl. by J. Grant Cramer. Boston, Badger, 1912. 122 pp. 12 mo. Guide to Northern archaeology by the Royal Society of North- ern Antiquaries of Copenhagen, edited for the use of English readers by the Earl of Ellesmere. Lond., 1848. XVI, 128 pp., ill. Guillemard, A. G. Forest rambles in Denmark. (In Forestry (Eng.), vol. 8, p. 88.) [Guldberg, Ove H.] Letter from an English gentleman con- cerning the late transaction in Copenhagen. Lond., 1772. Attributed to Ove Hoegh Guldberg; the transl. to An- dreas Holt. 36 Hagerup, Andr. T. The birds of Greenland. Transl. from the Danish by Frimann B. Arngrimsson. Ed. by Montague Chamberlain. Little, Brown & Co. Boston, 1891. 62 pp. Haggard, H. Rider. Rural Denmark and its lessons. Lond., 1911. XI, 335 pp., plates. Cf. Amer. Econ. Review, 2, p. 91—93; 1912. Polit. Science Quart. 27, p. 336—38; 1912. Haliday, Charles. The Scandinavian kingdom of Dublin. Ed. by John P. Prendergast. 2. ed. Dublin, 1884. 223+300 pp., maps. 8°. Hallberg. Sentimental sketches, written during a late journey through . . . Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Tr. from the German. 1821. Hambro, C. J. Baron [pseud. Philojuvenis]. Edda, or the tales of a grandmother; history of Denmark from the earliest ages to the accession of the Oldenburg dynasty, A. D. 1448. Lond., 1875. 398 pp. 8°. Hamilton, A. Danish popular tales. (In Macmillan's Mag., vol. 8, p. 43.) Hamilton, Andrew. Sixteen months in the Danish isles. Lond., 1852. Vol. I— II. 8°. Handbook for Northern Europe; including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. New ed. I — II. Lond., 1849. IV, 356 pp. Handbook for travellers in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Russia . . . Lond., 1839. XI, 276 pp. — Same. 3. ed.; rev. Lond., 1871. Hanger, G. W. W. Bureaus of labor in foreign countries. (U. S. Bur. of Labor. Bull. 9, p. 1046—47. 1904.) Hannah, I. C. Capitals of the northlands, tales of ten cities. Illustrated by Edith Brand Hannah. London, 1914. 264 pp. 8°. Hansen, C. K. The North Sea and Baltic canal or the Free Port of Copenhagen. (Lond., 1893.) 47 pp. Hansen, Emil Chr. Practical studies in fermentation being contributions to the life history of microorganisms. Transl. by Alex. K. Miller and rev. by the author. E. & F. N. Spon. Lond., 1896. XIV, 277 pp., ill. Harboe, P. Danish fiction of to-day. (Bookman 20, p. 333 — 339, 1904.) Hare, Augustus. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavian. Lond., 1885. 134 pp. 8°. 37 Hargrove, Ethel C. The charm of Copenhagen. Lond., 1911. 314 pp. 8°. Hartmann, W. Germany and the Danes of North Schleswig. (Nineteenth Cent. 54, p. 55—65. 1903.) Hartt, M. B. Lessons in government, good health, and thrift. (World's Work, 14, p. 8886—91. 1907.) Harvey, W. F. Danish self-taught. With phonetic pronun- ciation. (Thimm's system.) Containing vocabularies — idiomatic phrases and dialogues — elementary grammar- commercial, trading and legal terms, travel talk, shooting, fishing, photography, cycling, etc. Lond., 1903. 120 pp. Hasselriis, C. H. W. Georg Brandes Visit to America. Quarter- ly Bulletin of the Danish American Ass'n. Special number. Chicago. Nov. 1914, 40 p., with portrait. Hiayden, Arthur. Royal Copenhagen porcelain, its history and development from the eighteenth century to the present day. With 5 col. and 104 black and white plates and 70 illus. in the text. Lond., Unwin, 1911. 452 pp., 107 pi., illus. 4°. Headley, Phineas C. The island of fire, or a thousand years of the old Northmen's home, 874—1874. Boston, 1875. 339 pp. 8°. Hegermann-Lindencrone, Lillie de. In the courts of memory 1858 — 1875. From contemporary letters. Harper. New York and Lond., 1912. VII, 449 pp., ill. Heiberg, Peter Andreas. Poverty and wealth, a comedy in five acts. Transl. by C. H. Wilson. Lond., 1799. 8°. Hellfried, C. F. von. Outlines of a political survey of the English attack on Denmark in . . . 1807. Transl. by [A. A. Feldborg]. Lond., 1809. 8°. Hemmingsen, Niels. The epistle of Saint Paule to the Ephe- sians expounded. 1581. 4°. The faith of the church militant . . . described in this expo- . sition of the 84. Psalme. Lond., 1581. 8°. A godlie treatice concerning the lawfull use of ritches. In Caesar, P. A general discourse . . . 1578. 4°. A learned and fruitefuU commentarie upon the epistle of James. 1577. 4°. A postill or exposition of the gospels that are usually red in the churches upon the Sundayes and Feest dayes of saincts. 1569. 4°. The preacher, or methode of preachinge. Transl. by I. H. Lond., 1576. 16 mo. Henderson, Ebenezer. A dissertation on Hans Michelsen's (or the first Danish) translation of the New Testament . . . Copenhagen, 1813. 4°. Iceland, or the journal of a residence in that island during the years 1814 and 1815. Edinb., 1818. Map, illus., p. —2. ed., 1819. Henius, Max. Danish beer and continental beer gardens. New York, 1914. 51 pp., illus. Pub. by United Brewers' Association. Herbert, Auberon, The Danes in camp ; letters from Sonder- borg. Lond., 1864. 221 pp. 8°. Herbert, Will. Hedin ; or the spectre of the tomb. A tale. From the Danish history. John Murray. Lond., 1820. 40 pp. Hermannsson, Halldor. . . . Bibliography of the Icelandic sagas and minor tales. Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell university library, 1908. 126 pp. 8°. (Islandica; an annual relating to Iceland and the Fiske Icelandic collection in Cornell university library, ed. by G. W. Harris. Vol. 1.) . . . Bibliography of the sagas of the kings of Norway and related sagas and tales. Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell university library, 1910. 75 pp. 8°. (Islandica; an annual relating to Iceland and the Fiske Icelandic collection in Cornell university library, ed. by. G. W. Harris. Vol. 3.) Hertz, Henrik. King Rene's daughter, a Danish lyric drama. [Transl.] by the Hon. E. Phipps. Lond., 1848. 8°. — Transl. by Th. Martin. Lond., 1850. 8°. Also other editions. Hildebrand, Hans. The industrial arts of v'^candinavia in the pagan time. Chapman & Hall. (Lond.), 1883. VIII, 150 pp., ill. —New ed. Lond., 1892. VIII, 150 pp., ill. Hill, S. S. Travels on the shores of the Baltic. Lond., 1854. 286 pp. 8°. Hill's Dano - Norwegian - English and English-Dano-Nor- wegian vest-pocket dictionary and self-instructor with conversations and idioms. Comp. by H. M. Raahauge. 2. ed. Siegle, Hill & Co. London, 1912. XXII, 282 pp. Hitchcock, Frank H. Trade of Denmark. Washington, D. C, 1900. 88 pp. 8°. U. S. Dep. of Agriculture. Section of Foreign Markets. Bull. No. 9. Our trade with Scandinavia, 1890 — 1900. Washington, D. C, 1901. 124 pp. 8°. U. S. Dep. of Agriculture. Section of Foreign Markets. Bull. 22. 39 Hindhede, M. Protein and nutrition. Lond., 1913. Hjelm & Witcomb. New guide to modern conversation in Danish and English. New ed. Berlin, 1883. 246 pp. 8°. Hjorth, J. J. S. A new tariff of rates and duty on goods and merchandise, passing through the Sound at Elsinore. Copenh., 1831. 62 pp. Hoffding, Harald. A brief history of modern philosophy. Authorized transl. by C. F. Sanders. New York (and Lond.), 1912. 324 pp. 8°. A history of modern philosophy. . . . Transl. from the German by B. E. Meyer. Lond. and New York, 1900. Vol. I— IL The law of relativity in ethics. Repr. from the Internat. Journal of Ethics. October, 1890. 32 pp. Outlines of psychology . . . Transl. by Mary E. Lowndes. Lond. and New York, 1896. 365 pp. 8°. The philosophy of religion . . . Transl. from the German by B. E. Meyer. Lond. and New York, 1906. 410 pp. 8°. The problems of philosophy . . . Transl. by Galen M, Fisher. Lond. and New York, 1905. 201 pp. 8°. [Hoffding, Denmark's foremost thinker. (Amer. Rev. of Reviews, Sept., 1913.)] Holberg, L. The Babbling barber; a comedy in one act, altered from the Danish of L. Holberg. Lond., 1826. (Geert Westphaler.) The blue-apron statesman, from the Danish by T. Weber. Copenh., 1885. 64 pp. 12 mo. (Den politiske Kandestober.) Erasmus Montanus or Rasmus Berg. A comedy in 5 acts. From the Danish by T. Weber. Publ. by T. Weber's Aca- demy. Copenh., 1885. 104 pp. An introduction to universal history. Tr. from the Latin of Baron Holberg, with notes . . . Lond. 1755. 8°. —2. ed. 1758. —A new ed., revised . . . 1787. XXVH, 354 pp. 8°. Jeppe on the hill, or the transformed peasant, a comedy in five acts. Tr. from the Danish ... by Waldemar C. Westergaard and Martin B. Ruud ; with a biographical sketch of Holberg by Morris Johnson and an introduction by W. C. Westergaard. Pub. by the Mimer Club of the university of North Dakota. Grand Forks, N. D., Evening Times Co., 1906. XIV, 2, 17—51 pp. 8°. A journey to the world under-ground, by Nicolaus Klimius. Tr. from the original. Lond., 1742. 324 pp. —2. ed., Lond., 1749. 324 pp. 40 Journey to the world underground; being the subter- raneous travels of Niels Klim. From the Latin of L. H. Lond., 1828. Niels Klim's journey under the ground ; being a narrative of his wonderful descent to the subterranean lands . . . Tr. from the Danish by John Gierlow. With a sketch of the author's life. Boston and New York, 1845. XIX, 190 pp., front, plates. Memoirs of Lewis Holberg, written by himself in Latin, and now first transl. into English. Lond., 1826. Three comedies. Transl. from the Danish by H. W. L. Hime. Longmans. Lond., 1912. XI, 207 pp. Extracts from several plays, etc., in Library of the World's best literature, cf. also Scandinavia II, p. 70 — 75. Comedies : Jeppe of the Hill ; the political tinker, Eras- mus Montanus. Tr. by Oscar J. Campbell and Frederick Schenck. New York, Amer.-Scand. Foundation, 1914. Hooker, W. J. Journal of a tour in Iceland in the summer of 1809 [Privately printed] Yarmouth, 1811. Vol. I— II. —2. ed. vol. I— II. 1813. Howe, Frederic C. A commonwealth ruled by farmers. (Out- look 94, p. 441—450.) Howe, Frederick C. The quest of a hen's egg. (In Metrop. Mag., Jan., 1914.) Howell, F. W. W. Icelandic pictures, drawn with pen and pencil. 1893. Howitt, William, and Mary. The literature and romance of Northern Europe : constituting a complete history of the literature of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland. London, 1852. Vol. I— II. Vol. I: XVI, 464 pp.; vol. II: XI, 465 pp. Contents: vol. I: Influence of Danish and other Scandin. lit. upon English culture. Icelandic lit. Old Norse. Modern : Denmark from the beg. to Baggesen. — Vol. II : Baggesen — Goldschmidt. Swedish lit. Hoxie, B. D. Hilda's wish : Christmas in Denmark. Boston, [n. d.]. Hunter, Will. A short view of the political situation of the Northern powers, founded on observations made during a tour through Russia, Sweden and Denmark, in the last 7 months of "the year 1800. Lond., 1801. Ill pp. Hutton, W. M. Danish memories. J. Hampton, Mylrea & Allen. Ramsey, Douglas, 1877. 32 pp. 41 Icelandic fairy tales. Transl. and ed. by Mrs. A. W. Hall. With original ill. by E. A. Mason. Warne. Lond. and New York, 1897. 318 pp., ill. Georg-e E. J. Powell and Eirikur Magnusson, Lond., 1864. 111. 2. series; ill. Lond., 1864. 2 vols. Icelandic poetry, or the Edda of Soemund, transl. into English verse by A. S. Cottle. Bristol, 1797. XLH, 318 pp. Icelandic legends. Collected by Jon Arnason. Transl. by Icelandic stories and fairy tales. Transl. into English by Olaf Palsson. Rev. and ed. by David Mackuilay and Andrew J. Synnington. Reikjavik, 1852. 43 pp. Partly taken from "Islenzk Aefintyri." Illustrations of Northern antiquities from the earlier teutonic and Scandinavian romances, being an abstract of the book of heroes, and Nibelungen lay, with transl. of metrical tales from the old German, Danish, Swedish and Icelandic languages. Edinb. 1814. IX, 522 pp. Industriforeningen, Copenhagen. The World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Denmark. Copenhagen, 1893. 163 pp. 8^. Ingemann, Bernhard Severin. All souls' day. The aged rabbi. The death ship. (In Bushby, Mrs. A. S., The Danes sketched by themselves, vol. 3. 1864.) The childhood of Erik Menved. Transl. from the Danish by J. Kesson. London, 1846. Library of Foreign Ro- mance, vol. 7. King Eric and the outlaws, or the throne, the church and the people in the thirteenth century. Transl. by Jane F. Chapman. Lond., 1843, vol. I — III. —1850, vol. I— III. Title varies. The secret witness (In Bushby, Mrs. A. S., The Danes sketched by themselves, vol. I. 1864.) Waldemar, surnamed Seir, or the Victorious. Transl. by a lady [Jane F. Chapman]. Lond., 1841, vol. I — III. [Biog. and critical articles on Ingemann]. cf. Foreign Rev., vol. 2, p. 67. Foreign Quart. Rev., vol. 21, p. 132. Inglis, Henry D. [pseud. Derwent Conway]. A personal narrative of a journey through Norway . . . and states of Denmark. Edinburgh, 1829. 315 pp. 16mo. Constable's Miscellany, vol. XXXVIII. —1835. [Reprint]. —4. ed. 1837. Ireland. Dep. of Agriculture and Technical Instruction. Report on co-operative agriculture and rural conditions in Denmark. Dublin, 1903. 42 Islandica. An annual relating to Iceland and the Fiske Ice- landic collection in Cornell University library, ed. by George Will. Harris. I— V. N. Y. 1908-12. Jackson, Sir Thomas S. Logs of the great sea fights, 1794 — 1805. Lond.. 1899—1900. Vol. I— II. 8°. Part V: Copen- hagen, 1801. IJacobsen, Carl]. The late Dr. Jacobsen, "Denmark's First Citizen." (In the Amer.-Scand. Review, May 1914.) Jacobsen, J. P. Siren voices. Niels Lyhne . . . transl. by Ethel F. L. Robertson. Lond., 1896. 268 pp. 8°. Heinemann's Internat. Library, vol. 19. James, Richard. Copenhagen and its environs. Copenh., 1829. XII, 160, VIII pp. Jantzen, Marius. Reform. A play in 3 acts. [Houston, Texas.] [1903.] 112 pp. Jeaffreson, J. R. The Faroe Islands. Lond., 1898. 272 pp. 8°. Jensen, C. O. Essentials of milk hygiene. Transl. by L. Pearson. Phila., 1907. 275 pp. 8°. Jensen, J. L. How to prevent the potato diseases by a simple and easily performed method of cultivation. Tr. from the Danish manuscript by J. Pedersen. J. Menzies & Co. Edinb. and Glasgow. Copenh., 1882. 64 pp., ill. Jespersen, Otto. Growth and structure of the English lang- uage. Teubner. Leipzig, 1905. IV, 260 pp. —Same. 2. ed., revised.— 1912. IV, 259 pp. The history of the English language, considered in its relation to other subjects. Leipzig. 1905. 18 pp. Repr. from Englische Studien. John Hart's pronunciation of English. (1569 and 1570.) Heidelberg, 1907. V, 123 pp. (Anglistische Forschungen, Heft 22.) A short English grammar. Transl. from the Danish. Adapted into Telugu by Rao Saheb G. V. Ramamurti. Longmans, Green & Co. Bombay and Calcutta, 1913. XIII, 138 pp. Jessen, Jarnc. Iceland. (In Studio. Autumn number, 1910: Peasant Art in Sweden, Lapland, and Iceland, p. 43 — 48.) Johansen, Anders. The public health service in Denmark; its organization and administration ; the more important laws and regulations in force. Washington, D. C, Gov. Ptg. Oflf., 1914. 24 pp. Reprinted from Transact. Fifteenth Internat. Congress on Hygiene and Demography, Wash- ington, 1912. — Also distributed by Danish American Association. 43 Johnson's Encyclopaedia. Articles on Danish subjects by Clemens Petersen. [Johnston, James.] . The robbing of the nunnery or the abbess out-witted. A Danish ballad. Transl. into Engl, in the style of the 16th century. (Copenh.), 1786. 45 pp. Johnstone, James. Antiquitates Celto-Scandicae, sive series rerum gestarum inter nationes Britannicarum insularum et gentes septentrionales. Ex Snorrone, Landnamaboc . . . Havniae, 1786. Lodbrokar-Quida, or the death-song of Lodbroc, now first correctly printed from various Mss., with a free English translation . . . Copenhagen, 1782. Jonasson, Sigtryggur. . . . The early Icelandic settlements in Canada. Winnipeg, 1901. 15 pp. 8°. (Transaction no. 59. The historical and scientific society of Manitoba.) Jorgensen, A. D. The Danish view of the Slesvig-Holstein question. (In Nineteenth Century, vol. 42 (1900), p. 918 — 927.) Reprint: The Dano-German question. Copenhagen, 1900. 19 pp. 8°. Jorgensen, Johannes. The book of Rome. Transl. by J. Christian Bay. (In Ave Maria, 1901—1902.) Pilgrim walks in Franciscan Italy. (Herder), 1908. [Biographical and critical articles on Jorgensen.] Dowd, C. W. The work of Jorgensen. (In Cath. World, vol. 71, p. 648.) Ramsden, H. [On Johannes Jorgensen]. (In Nineteenth Century, vol. 47, p. 281—287.) Jorgenson, Jorgen. The Convict King, being the life and adventures of Jorgen Jorgenson, monarch of Iceland, naval captain, revolutionist . . . retold by James Francis Hogan. With reprod. of five original drawings by Jorgen- son in the British Museum. Lond., 1891. Justesen, Peter. Two years adventures of a Dane in the Californian gold mines. Gloucester, 1865. 78 pp. Jorgensen, Alfred. Micro-organisms and fermentation. Transl. by Alex. K. Miller and A. E. Lennholm. 3. ed., completely revised. 111. Macmillan & Co. London, 1900. 317 pp. Jorgensen, S. M. The fundamental conceptions of chemistry. Transl. by [W.] P. Applebey. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Lond., 1908. VIII, 175 pp., ill. (Manuals of Elementary Science.) Kalmer, P. E. The island of St. Croix as a winter residence for invalids from Northern climates. Also a few remarks on "Biilowsminde." St. Croix, 1874. 62 pp. 44 [Kearie, Annie and E.] The heroes of Asgard and the giants of Jotunheim; or the week and its story. Lond., 1857. VIII, 324 pp., ill. Keary, Charles F, The vikings in western Christendom. New York, 1891. 571 pp. 8°. Keller, Albert G. Notes on the Danish West Indies, fin Annals Amer. Acad. Pol. and Social Science 22, p. 99 — 110. 1903.) Ker, W. P. On the Danish ballads. (Scot. Hist. Rev., 1, p. 357.) Keyser, R. The private life of the old Northmen. Transl. from the posthumous works by M. R. Barnard. Chapman and Hall. Lond., 1868. 177 pp. Kneeland, Samuel. An American in Iceland. Boston, 1876. 326 pp. 8°. Knox, John P. A historical account of St. Thomas, W. I. New York, 1852. 271 pp. 8°. Knudsen, Ivar. A Smokeless Marine. Denmark's Recent Development of the Diesel Motor. (In the Atner.-Scand. Rev. Jan. 1914.) 8pp., ill. Knudsen, Martin. Danish hydrographical investigations of the Faroe Islands in the spring of 1910. Reitzel. Copenh., 1911. 17 pp., ill. (Ssertryk of "Meddelelser fra Kommis- sionen for Havundersogelser, Serie Hydrografi, Bd. 2, No. 1.) K. Dansk Landhusholdningsselskab. A short survey of the Danish agriculture, prepared by professional etperts and published by the Royal Danish agricultural society. Copenhagen, 1913. 62 pp. 8°. Contains lists of agricul- tural literature. K. Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab, Copenhagen. Guide to northern archaeology, ed. for the use of English readers by . . . the Earl of Ellesmere. Lond., 1848. 128 pp. 8°. K. Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab, Copenhagen.. Report addressed by the Royal society of northern antiquaries to its British and American members. Copenhagen, 1836. 188 pp. 8°. Contents : Brief exposition of the oldest Icelandic and Norwegian accounts of Ireland. — On the stone imple- ments of the pagan Northmen. — The Runamo inscription. — Account of some bronze antiquities found in the island of Fyen. — Account of som.e ancient Scandinavian chess- men. — On the Ruthwell obelisk and the Anglo-Saxon runes. 45 Koedt, A. Peschcke, Danish agriculture under the open door policy. Lond., 1912. (From Mag. of the Free-Trade League.) Free trade and protection in Denmark. Lond., Cobden Club, 1908. Why Danish farmers are free traders. Lond., Cobden Club, 1903. 20 pp. 12 mo. Koppen, Adolphus L. War between the Danes and Germans for the possession of Schleswig. (In the Amer. Review, Nov., 1848.) Kiihne, F. T. The masquerades, a comedy written in imita- tion of one of Holberg's plays that bears the same title. Helmstadt, 1782. Kiittner, Charles G. Travels through Denmark, Sweden . . . Transl. from the German. 1805. Laing, Samuel. Journal of a residence in Norway during the years 1834, 1835 and 1836. —2. ed. 1837. Observations on the social and political state of Denmark and the duchies of Sleswick and Holstein, in 1851. Lond., 1852. 446 pp. 8°. Lancashire Foreign Affairs Committees. Succession to the crown of Denmark. Maritime rights. Lond. (1862 ?) 15 pp. 4°. Landt, Jorgen. Description of the Feroe Islands . . . Transl. from the Danish. Lond., 1810. 426 pp. 8°. Lange, Jacob E, The Danish peasant of to-day. Odense, 1905. 12 pp. 8°. The latest revised Sound-TarifT, a manual for merchants and masters of vessels wrought from the best sources. Publ. by T. Thaarup and H. A. Martensen. Copenh., 1821. IV, 122 pp. Larsen, A. Dansk-Norsk-Engelsk Ordbog. Copenhagen. Several editions. Larsson, Laurence M. Canute the Great 995 — 1035 and the rise of Danish imperialism during the viking age. New York and Lond., 1912. 375 pp. 8°. Heroes of the Nations. Laut, Agnes C. Vikings of the Pacific. The adventures of the adventurers who came from the West; Bering the Dane . . . New York and Lond., 1905. 349 pp. 8°. Leach, Henry Goddard. Christmas at a Danish castle. (In Collier's Weekly, vol. 46 (1910), p. 44.) 46 Denmark and the American idea. (In Bookman, vol. 33 (1911), p. 639—643.) Reclaimino^ the heath. (In McClure's Mag., vol 37 (1911), p. 273—287).) Concerning- Scandinavian art. (In Independent, vol. 12i (1912), p. 1492— 1495.) Vilhjalmur Stefansson. (In Amer. Monthly, vol. 75 (1914), p. 30.) Leith, Mrs. Disney. Iceland, with twelve water-colour illus- trations by M. A. Wemyss and the author. Lond., 1908. 69 pp., plates. 8°. Lenker, J. N. Lutherans in all lands. Minneapolis [n. d.]. Contains valuable material on Denmark. Lentzner, K. A. short history of the Danish language adapted to the use of English students. Oxford, 1897. V, 24 pp. Letters from Hell given in English by L. W. J. S. With a preface by George MacDonald. Bentley. Lond., 1885. IX, 348 pp. — Same. A new and cheaper ed. Bentley. Lond., 1889. IX, 348 pp. Levezow, Cornelia. A young girl's history. A translation, originally from the Danish. Lond., 1877. Ill, 219 pp. Liisberg, Bering, The royal castle of Rosenborg, an illus- trated guide to the chronological collections of the kings of Denmark. Copenhagen, 1903. 96 pp. 8°. Lindegaard, Peter. An account of the methods of forcing peaches in Denmark and Holland. Lond., 1823. 12 pp., ill. A new method of forcing grapes and keeping them in winter; transl. by A. A. Feldborg. Lond., 1817. 28 pp. 8°. On forcing grapes as practised in Denmark. In a letter to the secretary ; from the Horticultural Translations. Lond., 1824. 8 pp. On the cultivation of Asparagus during the winter. Lond., 1824. 7 pp. Linderberg, F. Social progress in Denmark. (In Econ. Rev. vol. 11, p. 89.) Lindsay, W. Lauder, The flora of Iceland. A. & C. Black. (Edinb. 1861.) Pg. 64 — 104. Extract from: Edinburgh new philosophical journal. New series. No. 27. July 1861. The Lichen-flora of Greenland. (After 1869.) Pg. 33—67. (From the Translations of the Botanical Soc. of Edin- bourgh, vol. X.) 47 List of lights in the Cattegat, Baltic and surrounding waters, corrected up to the 1st Aug. 1881. Elsinore, 1881. 8 pp. to the 1. June 1882— up to the 15. May 1883. to the 15. April 1900. List of lights in the Cattegat, Sound, Belts and Baltic etc. corrected up to January 1, 1888. Comp. by Alfred Christensen. Odense, 1888. 12 pp. Lister, R. A. Danish small holdings, notes on a visit to Den- mark. Cheltenham, 1909. Lock, Charles G. W. Askja, Iceland's largest volcano, with a description of the great lava desert in the Interior, and a chapter on the genesis of the island. Lond., 1881. Guide to Iceland, a useful handbook for travellers and sportsmen. Lond., [n. d.] The home of the Eddas. Lond., 1879. 348 pp. 8°. Loeb, M. Small gardens for tenement dwellers in Copen- hagen. (Charit. Rev. 10, p. 446—50; 1900.) Longman, William. Suggestions for the exploration of Ice- land. —2. ed. 1861. Lowenorn, P. de. Sailing directions for the Kattegat to be used with the new improved chart. Transl. from the Danish original by Fred. Schneider. Copenh., 1800. 68 pp. Lubbock (Mrs.). Ancient shell-mounds of Denmark. (In Vacation tourists and notes of travel in 1862 — 3, ed. by Francis Galton. 1864.) Lund, H. Danish, Norwegian and English idiomatic phrases and dialogues. 2. ed. Lond., 1875. 128 pp. 16 mo. A new and practical and easy method of learning the Danish and Norwegian language. After the system of Meissner. 3rd. improved ed. Lond., 1872. 133 pp. —Seventh ed. 1890. 137 pp. Lund, L Small holdings ; causes of their success. (Westm. Rev. 169, p. 516—9. 1908.) Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. Dodd, Mead & Co. New York, 1900. 18, 421 pp., ill. —1901. 150 pp., illus. Hamlet and his castle. (Bookman (New York), 23, p. 418—427. 1906.) In the country of Hamlet. (Current Lit. 40, p. 516 — 7. 1906.) McCormick, W, T. A ride across Iceland in the summer of 1891. Lond., 1892. 48 [McDermott, H. F.] Letters on the sound-dues-question. I— VII. New York, 1855. Signed: Pax. 0resunds-Tolden. MacDonald, James. Travels through Denmark ,and part of Sweden . . . 1809, containing authentic particulars of the domestic conditions of those countries, the opinions of the inhabitants, and the state of agriculture. Lond., 1809. Vol. I— II. —Lond., 1810. (In Sir Rich. Phillips. Coll. of modern and contemporary voyages and travels, vol. XI.) McDougal, George G. Nugae canorae, or trifles original and translated. Copenhagen, 1833. Poems in English; orig. and transl. Macgregor, A. Stewart. Milk supply in Copenhagen. Edin- burgh, 1890. Z7 pp., ill. MacGregor, John. The Rob Roy on the Baltic, a canoe cruise through Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Sleswig, . . . Lond., 1867. 312 pp. 12mo. Mackenzie, George S. Travels in the island of Iceland, during the summer of the year MDCCCX. Edinb., 1811. 491 pp., plates. 8°. —2. ed. Edinb. 1812. —New ed., 1842. Madvig, J. N. A Latin grammar for the use of schools. Transl. from the original German with the sanction and cooperation of the author by George Woods. Oxford, 1849. XI, 484 pp. —2. ed. 1851. -A. ed. 1859. XI, 502 pp. Syntax of the Greek language, especially of the Attic dialect, for the use of schools. Transl. from the German by Henry Browne. Rivington. Lond., 1853. XI, 274 pp. Same. 2. ed. Lond., Oxford and Cambridge, 1873. VII, 274 pp. Magnus, Olaus. A compendious history of the Goths, Swedes, and Vandals, and other Northern nations. Lond., 1658. 242 pp. 8°. Magnusson, Eirikr. "Edda" (its derivation and meaning). A separate issue from the "Saga-book of the Viking- Club" of a paper read to that club on Nov. 15th 1895. Lond., 1896. 23 pp. 1) On the Scottish proverb sok and seill is best. 2) On the sailing directions of Landnamabok determining the course from the Hern-Isles in Norway to Hvarf (Wharf) 49 in Greenland. (1880.) 4 pp. (From the Transactions of the Cambridge philol. society. Vol. I. 1880.) Notes on shipbuilding and nautical terms of old in the North. Lond., A. Moring, 1906. 56 pp. Major, Albany F. Sagas and songs of the Norsemen. Lond., 1894. Major, Albany F. and Speight, E. E. Stories from the North- ern sagas, selected from various translations and edited . . with a preface by Prof. F. Y. Powell. Lond., 1899. Mallet, Paul Henri, Northern antiquities, or a description of the manners, customs, religion and laws of the ancient Danes and other Northern nations. Lond., 1770. Vol. I— IL 8°. — . 1809. — . 1847. Mailing, Ova, Great and good deeds of Danes, Norwegians, and Holsteinians. Transl. . . . by the author of "A tour in Zealand". Lond., 1807. 4°. Transl. by A. A. Feldborg. — . Lond., 1822. 8°. [Malortie, Karl von]. Diplomatic sketches. Lond., 1878 — 79. Vol. I — in. Vol. II: Count von Billow and the Danish question. Malte-Brun [Brun, Malta Conrad]. System of geography, with additions and corrections by James G. Percival. Boston, 1828. Vol. I— III. Manchester. Non-intervention Meeting. 1864. Non-interven- tion in the Danish war. Report of a meeting . . . held in . . . Manchester, February 14th, 1864. With a letter from Goldwin Smith ... on secret diplomacy . . . Manchester, 1864. 19 pp. 8°. Manley, Sir Roger. The history of the late warres in Den- mark. . . . 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660. Lond., 1670. 146 pp. 8^ Mantzius, Karl. History of theatrical arts in ancient and modern times, translated. Lond., 1903. — In continuation. Vol. 1 — 6 isued. Marais, J. I. Bishop Grundtvig and the people's high schools in Denmark. — Union of South Africa. Government Printing Office. Pretoria, 1911. 38 pp. Folio. Mariboa, Alexander. The Danish dairy. (In London. Inter- nat. Health Exhib. 1884. Handbooks, vol. I, p. 177—193.) Marryat, Horace. A residence in lutland, the Danish isles, and Copenhagen. I— II. Lond.. "1860. I: IX. 421 pp.; II: IX. 400 pp. Marsh, George P. See Rask, Rasmus Kristian. Martensen, H. L. Christian ethics. Transl. from the Danish by C. Spence. Clark. Edinb., 1873. 468 pp. — Special part, 1st division: Individual ethics. Transl. from the author's German ed. by Will. Affleck. Edinb., 1881. 423 pp. 2nd division : Social ethics. Transl. by Sophia Taylor. Clark (Hamilton). Edinb. 1882. 384 pp. Christian dogmatics ; a compendium of the doctrines of Christianity. Transl. by W. Urwick. Lond., 1865. 8°. Clark's Foreign Theol. Library, vol. 12. Jacob Boehme, his life and teaching. Transl. by T. R. Evans. Lond., 1885. 344 pp. 8°. Mathews, J. L, Hov^^ Denmark is constructing a free port at Charlotte Amalie, in St. Thomas. (Harper's Weekly, 57, p. 32. 1913.) Mawer, Allen. The Vikings. Cambridge (Engl.). The Uni- versity Press. New York. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1913. Meier-Graefe, A. J. Some recent continental bookbindings. (In Studio, IX (1897), p. 37—50.) Includes Danish art bindings. Metcalfe, Frederick. The Englishman and the Scandinavian ; or, a comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse litera- ture. Lond., 1880. 514 pp. 8°. The Oxonian in Iceland. With glances at Icelandic folklore and sagas. 1861. — . 1867. Michaelis, Karin. The child Andrea. Transl. from the Danish by Nielsen Laurvik. Lond., 1904. 146 pp. The dangerous age. [Transl.] Lond., 1911. 218 pp. 8°. Elsie Lindtner. [Transl.] Lond., 1912. 318 pp. 8 = . The Governor. [Transl.] New York, 1914. Mikkelsen, Ejnar. Conquering- the arctic ice. Lond. and Phila.. 1909. 470 pp. ^8°. Lost in the Arctic; being the history of the 'Alabama' expedition. New York, 1913. 399 pp. 8°. [Miles, Pliny.] Nordurfari, or rambles in Iceland. Lond., 1854. 334 pp. 12mo. Amer. ed. : Wanderings in Iceland, by a Yankee. New York, 1854. 334 pp. 12mo. Millet, F. D. A wild-goose chase in Denmark. (In Harper's Mag., vol. 70, p. 663, 71)7^ 51 Milthers, V. Scandinavian indicator-boulders in the quater- nary deposits. Extension and distribution. With 4 plates and dansk resume. Reitzel. Odense, (Kbh.) 1909. 158 pp. (Danmarks geologiske Undersogelser. II. Rakke, Xo. 23.) Mimer. Icelandic institutions with addresses. 1903. Copenh., 1903. VIII, 80 pp. — Supplement. Copenh., 1903. 8 pp. Mitchell, J. M. Mesehowe : illustrations of the runic litera- ture of Scandinavia; translations in Danish and English of the inscriptions in Mesehowe . . . Edinb., 1863. Molesworth, Robert, viscount. An account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692. Lond., 1694. 8^^ — . Another ed., Lond., 1694. — . 3. ed., corrected, Lond., 1694. — . 4. ed., revised, Lond., 1738, — . 5. ed., Glasgow, 1745. — . 6. ed., Glasgow, 1752. King William. Animadversions on a pretended account of Denmark. Lend., 1694. Moltke, Carl, count. The co-operative movement in Danish agriculture and the benefit derived therefrom by the United States. (In Proceed. Fourteenth Conference for Education in the South, 1911, p. 74 — 90. — Also separately, 17 pp.) Monrad, Ditlev Gotthard. The world of prayer in relation to personal religion. Transl. from the fourth German ed. by J. A. Barks. Lond. . . . 1879. 8^ Monrad, J. H. Monrad's Indexed Dairy Library. [Kbh.) (1913.) 20 pp. Moritzen, J. The Danish press. (Rev. of Rev. 31, p. 206—208. 1905.) Denmark the Buffer State of the North. (Rev. of Rev. (New York), 32, p. 30S— 309. 1905.) The greatest lockout in histor}'. (Gunton's Mag. 18, p. 311—322. 1900.) Danish lockout of 1899. Mortensen, Karl. A handbook of Xorse mvthology. Transl. by A. C. Crowell. New York, 1913. 208 pp. 12mo. Morse, Abner. Further traces of the ancient Northmen in America, with geological evidences of the location of their \'ineland. Boston, 1861. 16 pp. Moryson, F. An itinerarv through Denmark . . . 1591 — 97. Vol. I— IV. Glasgow. McLehose, 1907. Munro, Rob. Danish Kjokkenmoddings, their facts and in- ferences. P. 216 — 25. (From the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. XVIII. 1883.) Miiller, Fabricius. A budget of nursery rhymes, jingles and ditties, together with a choice collection as well of proverbs as of sayings, sentences, maxims and phrases. Ribe, 1867. 28 pp. Miiller, F. Max. Last essays. Lond., 1901. 360 pp. 8°. Col- lected works, vol. 17. Contains: The Schleswig-PIolstein question and its place in history (1897). Miiller, Frederik Paludan. The fountain of youth. Transl. by H. W. Freeland. Lond., 1867. 8°. 147 pp. Miiller, J. P. My system. 15 minutes' work a day for health's sake. Copenhagen, 1909. 90 pp. 8°. Other eds. Dorph, Joh. Chart illustrating the exercises in J. P. Miiller's My system". Copenh. and Lond., (1905.) — Same. Copenh. and New York, 1905. Miiller, Peter Erasmus. The origin, progress and decline of Icelandic historical literature. Transl. by G. P. Marsh. (In The Amer. Eclectic, vol. I, p. 446 — 468; vol. II, p. 131—146. 1841.) Munk, Jens. An acount of a most dangerous voyage, per- formed by the famous Capt. John Monck, in the years 1619 and 1620. By the special command of Christian IV. to Hudson's Straits, in order to discover a passage on that side, betwixt Greenland and America to the West- Indien . . . Transl. from the High-Dutch original, printed at Frankford upon the Maine, 1650. Pg. 545—569, ill. (Extract from Churchill: A collect, of voyages. Vol. I. Lond., 1704.) Murray, John (Pubhsher). Handbook for Northern Europe. Lond., Murray. Several editions. Nakskow, Pt. Zachariae. The articles of faith, of the holy evangelical church, according to the word of God and the Augsburg Confession. Set forth in 40 sermons. Transl. from the original into English by Jochum Melchior Magnus. New York, 1754. 5, 75 pp. Nansen, Fridtjof. First crossing of Greenland. Lond., 1890. Vol. I— II. Journey across the inland ice of Greenland from East to West. (In Proceed. R. Geogr. Soc. 1889.) 53 Nansen, Peter. Love's trilogy (Julia's diary; Maria; God's peace) ; from the Danish by Julia Le Gallienne. Lond., 1906. V/7 pp. Julie's diary ; a personal record. Boston, John W. Luce & Co., 1908. In this ed., the author's name is not men- tioned. On verso of t. — p. : Authorized translation 1908, issued by John W. Luce & Co., Boston, Mass.. U. S. A. The publisher has used Julia Le Gallienne's translation without authorization. Narjoux, Felix. Notes and sketches of an architect taken during" a journey in the North-West of Europe. Transl. from the French by John Peto. Lond., 1876. 403 pp. 8°. Nelson, O. N. (compiler and editor). History of the Scandi- navian and successful Scandinavians in the United States. 2. ed. Minneapolis, 1900. Vol. I— II in 1 v. Netherlands. Sailing directions for the coast of Denmark. Lond., 1893. 64 pp. Neville, N. Danish romances. (St. James's Mag., vol. 14, p. 449.) Newton, Alfred. Notes on birds which have been found in Greenland. N. p. (1875.) Pp. 94—115. (From the "Arctic Manual", VI.) Newton, Alfred and Edw. Observations on the birds of St. Croix. West Indies. Lond., 1860. 48 pp. (Repr. from "The Ibis", f. 1859.) Nielsen, Rasmus. The conditions of a powerful will. Six lectures. Transl. from the original Danish by Hermann Jensen. Basel Mission Bk. and Tract Depository. Man- galore, 1882. 90 pp. Nilsson, Sven. The primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia. 3. ed. transl. from his own manuscript, ed. by Sir John Lubbock. Lond., 1868. 272 pp. 8°. Nilsson, Victor. Loddfafnismal. An Eddie study. Min- neapolis, 1898. 47 pp. Njala. The story of Burnt Njal, or life in Iceland at the end of tenth centurv From the Icelandic by George W. Dasent. Edinb.. 1861.. vol. I— II. 8°. Norris, John. A compleat sett of new charts, containing the North-Sea, Cattegatt. and Baltick. Lond., 1723. 20 leaves. The North Atlantic telegraph, via the Fseroe Isles. Iceland and Greenland. Miscellaneous reports, speeches and papers on the practicability of the proposed Northatlantic 54 telegraph. The results of the surveying expedition of 1859. E. Stanford. Lond., 1861. 76 pp. The North Atlantic telegraph via the Fseroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland. Proceedings of the Royal Geogr. Soc. of Great Britain, Jan. 28. and Febr. 11., 1861. — Reports of the surveying expeditions . . . E. Stanford. Lond., 1861. 104 pp. Novi, Cajus Th. Copenhagen old and new from an architec- tural point of view. A lecture delivered to the internat. visits association. Copenh., 1912. 14 pp. Nyholm, S. C. A preliminary project for a canal between the "Ringkobing- Fjord" and the Northsea in connexion with a harbour of refuge and the reclaiming of land by way of embanking the grounds in the Ringkobing-Fjord. Publ. by the commonalty of Ringkobing. Transl. by G. Fistaine. Copenh., 1863. 28 pp. Nyrop, Kristoffer. The kiss and its history. [Transl.] Chicago, 1898. 114 pp. 8°. — . Transl. by W. F. Harvey. Lond., 1901. 188 pp. 8°. O'Donnelle, Thomas. A trip to Denmark. Dublin, 1908. 48 pp. 8°. Oehlenschlager, Adam. Aladdin, or the wonderful lamp ; a dramatic poem, in two parts. Transl. by Theodore Martin. Lond., 1857. 8°. Axel and Valborg, a tragedy . . . [transl.] by R. M. Laing. (In Laing, R. M., Hours in Norway. 1841. 8°.) — . From the Danish by [Jane F. Chapman]. Lond., 1851. 8°. — . Transl. by H. W. Freeland. Lond., 1873. 8°. — . Transl. by P. Butler; ed. by Prof. Palmer. Lond., 1874. 8°. Correggio, a tragedy . . . Transl. from the German by E. L. Boston, 1846. 16mo. Transl. by E. B. Lee. — . Transl. with notes by Theodore Martin. Lond., 1854. 8°. The Gods of the North, an epic poem, transl. ... by W. E. Frye. Lond., 1845. 8°. Hakon Jarl, a tragedy . . . Transl Lond., 1840. 8°. — . Transl. by J. Chapman. Lond.. 1857. 8°. Earl Hakon the Mighty. Transl. by F. C. Lascelles. Lond., 1874. 8°. An English version of Oehlenschlaeger's Hakon Jarl, by James Christian Lindberg. (In Nebraska University 55 Studies. Vol. V (1905), p. 39—103. cf. P. Vig, De, der blev borte, in Julegranen for 1912, The little shepherd-boy. An idyll. Transl. from the Danish by J. Heath. Copenh., 1827. VI, 38 pp. Vaulundurs Saga. A legend of Waylund Smith. From the German by Elizabeth Kinnear. (In Depping and Michel, Waylund Smith. Lond., 1847. p. 1—64.) Ogg, F. A. The new king and queen of Denmark. (Munsey's Mag. 35, p. 242.) Olafsen, Eggert, and Povelsen, Bjarne. Travels in Iceland, performed by order of His Danish Majesty. Containing observations on the manners and customs of the inhabi- tants, a description of the lakes, . . . Transl. from the Danish. Lond., 1805. 162 pp. 8°. Old Danish ballads, transl. from Grimm's collection. By an amateur. Hbpe & Co. Lond., 1856. IV, 228 pp. Olson, J. E. Norwegian grammar and reader. Chicago, 1898. 330 pp. Later editions. Ordinance regarding the reconciling institution in the Danish West India Islands. Dated on the 7th of Decbr. 1798. (Transl. from the Danish.) St. Thomas, 1874. 11 pp. Origines Islandicae. A collection of the more important sagas and other native writings relating to the settlement and early history of Iceland. Ed. and transl. by Gudbrand Vigfusson and F. York Powell. Oxford, Frowde. 1905. 2 vols. Osborne, Roger. The present state of Denmark, in relation to its government, and laws, its trade and manufactures, its revenues and forces ... In a series of letters. Lond., 1762. 388 pp. Ostenfeld, Carl Hansen. Flora Arctica, containing descrip- tions of the flowering plants and ferns, found in the arctic regions, with their distribution in these countries. Pt. I. Pteridophyta, Gymnaspermae and Monocatyledones by O. Gelert and C. H. Ostenfeld. Publ. by the Carlsberg Fund. Gyldendal. Copenh., 1902. 148 pp. Oswald, E. J. By fell and fjord, or scenes and studies in Ice- land. Edinburgh and Lond., 1882. VIII, 280 pp. Otte, Elise C. Denmark and Iceland. Lond., 1881. 267 pp. 12mo. How to learn the Danish (Dano-Norwegian). A manual for students of Danish (Dano-Norwegian). Based upon 56 the Ollendorfian system of teaching languages, Triibner, Lond., 1879. XIX, 337 pp. — Key to the exercises of the manual ... 84 pp. Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Ed. by E. S. Corwin . . . Philadelphia, 1907. History of Nations XVI, Scandinavian history. Lond., 1874. 339 pp. 12mo. A simplified grammar of the Danish language. Lond., 1884. 66 pp. 12mo. Triibner's Collection of Simplified Grammars. Paijkull, C. W. A summer in Iceland. Tr. by R. M. Barnard. Lond., 1868. 364 pp., ill. 8°. Paine, W. Morton. Adam Gottlob Oehlenschlager. (In Sew- anee Review, vol. 8 (1890), p. 129.) Paine, W. Morton. Ludwig Holberg. (In Sewanee Review, vol. 7 (1899), p. 257, 383.) Partington, S. W. The Danes in Lancashire and Yorkshire. Lond., 1909. 246 pp. 8°. Parton, James. The Danish islands ; are we bound in honor to pay for them? Boston, 1869. 76 pp. 8°. Danish West Indies. Paulli, Simon. A treatise on tobacco, tea, coflFee and chocolate. Transl. by Dr. James. Lond., 1746. 8°. Peehl, J. A. Land of our dreams and other verse. Boston, Sherman, French & Co., 1912. 94 pp. 8°. Contains original poetry together with translations and paraphrases of some Danish poems and songs. Peek, Cuthbert E. Across Iceland by the Sprengisandr route. With excursion to Askja by E. D. Morgan. (In Proceed. R. Georgr. Soc. 1882.) Peirce, Benjamin M. A report on the resources of Iceland and Greenland. Washington, D. C, 1868. 72 pp. 8°. U. S. Department. Perhault, E. Danish and Swedish poetry. (In Nat. Quart., vol. 3, p. 133.) Petersen, C. J. P. A Norwegian-Danish grammar and reader, with a vocabulary. Designed for American students of the Norwegian-Danish language. Chicago, 1872. 202 pp. 12mo. Petersen, Clemens. The peasants of Denmark. (In Putnam's Mag., vol. 16, p. 318.) Revival of society in Denmark. (In Atlantic Monthly, vol. 31, p. 679.) 57 Pedersen, Dagny, and Boyd, Neva L. Folk games and gym- nastic play, for Kindergarten, primary and playground. Chicago, 1914. 43 pp., sq. 8°, with music and illustrations. Petersen, M. H. A peasant wedding in Denmark. (In Chau- tauquan, vol. 23, p. 743.) Petersen, O. Riibner, A short Danish grammar for the Danish West-Indian schools. Esbjerg, 1911. 20 pp. Supplement to a short Danish grammar for the Danish West Indian schools. No publ. Esbjerg, 1912. 8 pp. Peterson, C. J. P. A Norwegian-Danish grammar and reader with a vocabulary, designed for American students of the Norwegian-Danish language. Griggs & Co.. Chicago, 1872. 202 pp. Peterson, H. C. Anomalies of politics in Denmark. (Gunton's Mag. 22, p. 527—534. 1902.) Pfeiffer, Ida. Journey to Iceland, and travels in Sweden and Norway. Transl. from the German by Charlotte Fenimore Cooper. Lond., 1852. XI, 363 pp. Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North. Transl. from the German. Lond., 1852. 354 pp. Pickett, Thomas Edward. . . . The quest for a lost race ; pre- senting the theory of Paul B. Du Chaillu . . . that the English-speaking people of to-day are descended from the Scandinavians rather than the Teutons — from the Normans rather than the Germans, by Thomas E. Pickett . . . member of the Filson club, read before the club October 1, 1906... Louisville, Ky., J. P. Morton & Co., printers to the Filson club, 1907. 229 pp. 4°. (Filson club publication. No. 22.) "Alphabetical series of Norse, Nor- man, and Anglo-Norman, or non-Saxon, surnames": p. [141]— 212. Pierce, Edward L, A diplomatic fiasco. The rejected treaty for St. Thomas. Boston, 1889. 18 pp. 8°. Pigott, Grenville. Manual of Scandinavian mythology, con- taining a popular account of the two Eddas and of the religion of Odin, illustrated by translations from Oehlen- schlaeger's Danish poem The Gods of the North. Lond., 1839. Pocket-guide for English visitors to Cbpenhagen. Publ. by the Carlsberg Breweries. Copenh., [1908]. 31 pp. Pontoppidan, Henrik, Emanuel or: Children of the Soil. From the Danish by Mrs. Edgar Lucas. 111. by Nelly Erichsen. Dent. Lond., 1896. Pg. 322. 58 The promised land. From the Danish by Mrs. Edgar Lucas. 111. by Nelly Erichsen. Dent. Lond., 1896. 296 pp. Pope, J. E. The model milk supply of Copenhagen. (Outlook, 89, p. 252—5. 1908.) Povlsen, Alfred. The Danish popular high school. Odense, 1907. 19 pp. Reprinted from Oxford University Extension Gazette. Sept., 1894. Pratt, Edwin. Licensing and temperance in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Popular ed. Lond., 1909. X, 7 pp. Letters on the Scandinavian churches, their doctrine, warship and polity. Masters. Lond., 1865. VIII, 168 pp. Prior, R. C. Alex., ed. Ancient Danish ballads, transl. from the originals by R. C. Alex. Prior. Vol. I — III. Williams & Norgate. Lond., Edinb., 1860. Quin, John T. The building of an island, being a sketch of the geological structure of the Danish West Indian Island of St. Croix, or Santa Crux. Publ. by the author. New- York, 1907. 106 pp., ill. Rafn, Carl Christian. Antiquitates Americana^. Hafnise, 1837. Danish and Latin. The discoverv of America by the Northmen. ( ? Copenh.. 1855.) 8°. Borring, L. St. Notice on the life and writings of Carl Christian Rafn. Copenhagen, 1864. 8°. Rask, Rasmus Kristian. A compendious grammar of the old Northern and Icelandic language, compiled and transl. from the grammars of Rask by George P. Marsh. Burling- ton, 1838. 162 pp. 12mo. A grammar of the Anglo-Saxon tongue, with a praxis. A new ed., enl. and improved by the author. Transl. from the Danish by B. Thorpe. Copenhagen., 1830. LX, 224 pp. — Same. 1865. —Same. 3rd ed. Triibner. Lond., 1879. VI, 191 pp. A grammar of the Danish language. Copenhagen, 1830. 184 pp. Danish grammar, ed. by T. G. Repp, Copenhagen, 1846. 155 pp. Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse tongue. Tr. by G. W. Dasent. Lond., 1843. 272 pp. 12mo. Rasmussen, Frederik. Cattle breeders' association in Den- mark. Washington, D. C, 1911. 40 pp., 11 plates. 8°. U. S. Dep. of Agriculture. IBur. of Animal Industry. BnU. 129. 59 Rasmussen, Knud. The people of the polar North. Lond. and Phila., 1908. Ray, Olaf Ekiward. Memorial essay on some phases of the maritime life of France and England directly traceable to the vikings, being the essay delivered by Mr. Olaf E. Ray at the Historical congress of Rouen, June 6th to 10th, 1911. Enl. and rearranged by Wilhelm Pettersen. Pub. by Olaf E. Ray in honor of the unveiling of the Rollo statue at Fargo, N. D., July 12, 1912. Chicago, 111., 1912. 69 pp., maps. 8°. Readings from the Dane. Collected by John Fulford Vicary. Sonnenschein. Lond., 1885. 163 pp. Readings in English prose and poetry, to w^hich is prefixed an introductory sketch of the history of the English language and literature. With notes by P. Jiirgensen. In 2 parts. Reitzel. Copenh., 1845. CXX, 400 pp. Reddaway, W. F. Denmark under the Bernstoflfs and Struen- see. 1909. Cambridge Modern History, vol. 6. The Scandinavian kingdoms. 17th century. 1908. Cam- bridge Modern History, vol. 5. Reeves, Arthur M. The finding of Wineland the Good ; the history of the Icelandic discovery of America, ed. and transl. from the earliest records. With phototype plates of the vellum mss. of the sagas. Lond., 1890. 4°. Rickert, E. Skagen, the Danish painters' village in Jutland. (Scribner's Mag. 47, p. 715—24; 1910.) Riis, J. A. Children of the Danish heath ; founding of the Danish-American National Park. (Century Mag. 84, p. 450—4. 1912.) Co-operation in Denmark. (In The Craftsman, vol. 23, p. 609—614.) Hero tales of the far North. New York., 1910. 328 pp. 8°. Contents. — A knight errant of the sea [Tordenskjold]. — Hans Egede, the apostle to Greenland. — Gustav Vasa, the father of Sweden. — Absalon, warrior bishop of the North. — King Valdemar, and the story of the Dannebrog. — How the ghost of the heath Avas laid. — King Christian IV. — Gustav Adolf, the snow-king. — King and sailor, heroes of Copenhagen. — The trooper who won a war alone fjens Kofoed]. — Carl Linne, king of the flowers. — Niels Finsen, the wolfslayer. First published serially in the Outlook. The old town. New York, 1909. 269 pp. 8°. cf. Scribner's Mag. Julv, 1891, Outlook, May 6, 1905, and Century, vol. 77 (1908), p. 163—174. 60 Yule-tide in the old town. (Century, 77, p. 163—174. 1908.) A real lucky penny. (Outlook, vol 104 (1913), p. 713. Rink, Hinrich J. Danish Greenland, its people and products. Ed. by Robert Brown. Lond., 1877. 468 pp., 16 plates, map. 8°. The Eskimo tribes, their distribution and characteristics . . Copenh., 1887—91., vol. I— II. Tales and traditions of the Eskimo. Transl. from the Danish by the author. Ed. by Rob. Brown. Blackwoods. Edinb. and Lond., 1875. XII, 472 pp., ill. Rink, Signe. The girl and the dogs, an Eskimo folk tale, with comments. Pg. 181 — 187. (From the Amer. Anthro- pologist f. June, 1898.) Roewade, Alfred J. How Copenhagen was fortified. (In U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers. Professional Memoirs, vol. 3, Washington, D. C, 1911, p. 648—662, w. map.) Rooke, Sir George. The journal of Sir George Rooke, ed. by Oscar Browning. Lond., Navy Records Society, 1897. 272 pp., maps. Publications of the Navy Records Society, vol. IX. Expedition to Denmark, 1700. Rosing, S. Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog. Copenhagen. Several editions. Ross, W. A. A yacht voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. I— II. Lond., 1848, vol. I— II. — . 2. ed., 1849. 432 pp. 12mo. Round, J. H. The alleged debate on the Danegeld in 1163. (In Eng. Hist. Rev^, vol. 5, p. 750.) Rowell, M. Letters from hell. I — II. Bentley. Lond., 1866. Runic odes from the Norse tongue. By Thom. James Mathias. A new ed. Lond., 1790. 40 pp. RuofF, Henry W. (editor). The capitals of the world ... ed. by Henry W. RuofiF. Springfield, Mass., 1902. Standard Home Reading Series. Pt. 1 contains an account of Copen- hagen. Saabye, Hans Egede. Greenland: being extracts from a jour- nal kept in fhat country in . . . 1770 — 1778 Transl. [by H. E. Lloyd.] Lond.. 1818. 293 pp. 8°. Saga Library, ed. by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. Lond., 1891—1905. Contents: Vol. I: Howard the Halt; the Banded Men ; Hen Thorir. Vol. II : Story of the Erc- dwellers (Eyrbyggja Saga), with the Heathslayings. Vol. Ill — VI: Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla. 61 Saint-Aubain, A. N. de (Carl Bernhard). Aunt Francisca. Cousin Carl. Damon and Pythias. The Bankrupt. (In Bushby, Mrs. A. S. The Danes sketches by themselves, vol. 3. 1864.) The queen of Denmark, an historical novel. Ed. by Mrs. Gore. I— III. Colburn. Lond., 1846. Salisbury, Marquess of. The Danish Duchies. (In Essays, by the late Marquess of Salisbury. — Foreign Politics. Lond., 1905, p. 61—148.) Sargent, J. Y. Grammar of the Dano-Norwegian language. Oxford, 1892. 172 pp. — . Dano-Norwegian reader. Lond., 1895. 176 pp. (Sonnen- schein's Parallel grammar series.) Saxo Grammaticus, The iirst nine books of the Danish history of Saxo Grammaticus. Transl. by Oliver Elton. With some consideration of Saxo's sources ... by Frede- rick York Powell. Lond., 1894. Folk Lore Society. Pub- lications, vol. XXXIII. — . Lond., New York, etc., Norrsena Societv, 1905. vol. I— II. Scandinavia. A monthl}'- review in English of Scandinavian history, politics, mythology, literature, science and art. Dec. 1883— Dec. 1885. Chicago. Edited by N. C. Frede- riksen. Contains many excellent translations from North- ern literature and original contributions of great merit. Scandinavian Newspaper Directory, giving a complete list, together with a synopsis of the history of the Scandi- navian newspapers in America. Edited and compiled by H. O. Oppedale. Chicago, 1894, 48, 50 pp. 8°. Scharlach, F. L. L. Norwegian grammar. London, 1888. 67 pp. (Beyer's Tourist Library.) Scharlieb, M. D,, and Ravenhill, A. Physical training in Stockholm and Copenhagen. (Nineteenth Cent., 60, p. 986—97. 1906.) Scharling, Carl Henrik. Noddebo parsonage, a story of country life in Denmark. From the Danish. Lond., 1867. Vol. I— II. 4°. — . Nicolai's marriage. A picture of Danish family life. From the Danish. Lond., 1876. Vol. I— II. 8°. Scharling, William. [Water-supply of] Copenhagen, Den- mark. (Ann. Amer. Acad. Pol. and Social Sci. 31, p. 479. 1908.) 62 SchJegel, Johan F. W. The origin and history of the Danish Sound and Belt-tolls. The sovereignty of Denmark over the adjacent seas and sounds ... (In Merchants' Mag., vol. 10, New York, 1844, p. 218—232.) The other rights of sovereignty over the Sound and Belts, appertaining to the crown of Denmark. (In Merchants' Magazine, vol. 10 (New York), 1844, p. 303—308.) • Schneider, Frederik. Danish grammar, adapted to the use of Englishmen, to which is added a short historical descrip- tion of Copenhagen and various extracts from Danish authors. Copenhagen, 1803. 324 pp. 12mo. Short introduction to the Danish language for English- men. Copenhagen, 1815. Schneider, Christian F. Danish grammar adapted to the use of Englishmen, to which are added a . . . description of Copenhagen and various extracts from Danish authors. Copenh., [1803]. Scholfield, J. F, Catholic revival in Denmark and Iceland. (Cathol. World, 92, p. 353—8. 1910.) Schou, P. Social Denmark. (Quart. Journ. Econ. 27, p. 50—66. 1912.) Schouw, Joachim Frederik. Tie earth, plants and man. Popular pictures of nature. Transl. and ed. by A. Henfrey. Lond., 1852. Bohn's Scientific Library. Schiitte, Gudmund. Notes on the Danish language. Publ. at the Visit of the English Journalists to Denmark in 1907. (Horsens) [1907.] 12 pp. Pan-Germanism and Denmark. A Danish reply to un- justifiable accusation. Publ. by the "Society of 17th January 1908." Hagerup. Copenh., (1913). 80 pp. Schvan, A. Defense problems of Scandinavia. (Nineteenth Cent. 66, p. 898—909. 1909.) Schwartz, T. The Royal family of Denmark. (In Munsey's Mag., vol. 9, p. 640.) Scotland. Commission of Agriculture. Report on Denmark. Edinb. and Lond., 1905. Scott, Charles H. The Danes und the Swedes, being an account of a visit to Denmark . . . with a peep into Jut- land . . . Lond., 1856. 387 pp. 8°. Scrutator (pseud.) A cry from afar, being reflections apropos of the current rumor of the cession of the Danish West- Indies to the United States. St. Thomas (?), 1900, 4 pp. 8°. 63 Scudder, Horace E, The viking Bodleys; an excursion into Norway and Denmark. Boston, 1885. 190 pp., plates. 8°. Sellers, Edith, The Danish poor relief system ; an example for England. Lond., King, 1904. XI, 131 pp. 8°. High school of Danish peasants. (Liv. Age, 261, p. 149_56. 1909.) Sephton, J. Thor and his Sway. A lecture given in Univer- sity College, Liverpool. Liverpool, 1887. 32 pp. Shepherd, C. W, The northwest peninsula of Iceland, being the journal of a tour ... in 1862. Lond., 1867. 162 pp. 12mo. Sidgwick, Charlotte S. The story of Denmark. Lond., 1890. 312 pp., plates. 12mo. Appendix: The death-song of Hagbard the Dane. Tycho's lament. The resolution of the valiant Danes. Song of the militia-man. Sinclair, John, Bart. Travels in Denmark, and correspondence with the natives of that country. (In his Correspondence of Sir John Sinclair... Lond., 1831, vol. 2, p. 201—216.) Treats mainly of agriculture and economics. Sinclair, John F. Agricultural cooperation in Denmark. (Danish-American Bulletin, pub. by the Danish-Amer. Assoc. Press Bureau. March, 1913. — Repr. from Wis- consin State Board of Public Affairs. Report upon co- operation and marketing. Part 1 ; Agricultural Co-opera- tion. 1912.) Sinding, Paul C. History of Scandinavia, from the early times of the Norsemen and Vikings to the present day. New York, 1858. 429 pp., ill. —Same. 2. ed. New York, 1860. 436 pp., ill. —Same. 3. ed. New York, 1860. 436 pp., ill. —Same. 4. ed. Phil. 1861. —Same. 6. ed. Pittsburgh, 1863. 446 pp., ill. — Same. 1. English ed., thoroughly rev. and largely aug- mented. Lond., 1865. 471 pp., ill. —Same. 1. Engl. ed. Lond., 1866. 471 pp., ill. — Same (title: The Northmen, the sea-kings and vikings ... 6. ed. New York, 1884. 493 pp., ill. —Same. New York, 1875. The Northmen, the sea-kings and vikings, their manners and customs, discoveries, maritime expeditions, struggles and wars. New York, 1882. 439 pp. 8°. The Scandinavian races. New York, 1875. 493 pp.. ill. Sinnett, Mrs. P. Sketches of life in Denmark. (In People's Journal, vol. 4, p. 80—274.) 64 Slater, Henry H. Manual of the birds of Iceland. David Douglas. Edinb., 1901. 150 pp., ill. Smith, A. M. Up and down in the world; or Paddle your own canoe. [No place, no date.] Copyr. 1885. 137 numb, p., cover, advertisements. Autobiography of author, who was born in Knudsbol, in 1841. Danish ed. of the same date. Smith, Anna T. Continuation schools in Denmark. (In Edu- cation, 25, p. 119—122. 1904.) Smith, James, The winter of 1840 in St. Croix, with an excursion to Tortola and St. Thomas. New York, 1840. 124 pp. 12mo. Smyser, S, How co-operation has enriched Denmark. (World's Work, 19, p. 12285—8. 1909.) Smyth, Mrs. Gillespie, The romance of diplomacy, historical memoir of Queen Carolina Matilda of Denmark, sister to King George III. 2 ed. Hogg & Sons. Lond., 1861. I— II., ill. Snorri Sturluson. The Heimskringle, or Chronicle of the kings of Norway, transl. with a preliminary dissertation by S. Laing. Lond., 1844, vol. I— III. — . 2. ed., by R. B. Anderson. New York, 1889, vol. I— IV. See also Saga Library. The discoveries of the Norsemen on the northeast coast of America . . . transl. by Gustave Niebaum. San Fran- cisco, 1910. (In Transact, and Proceed., Geogr. Soc. of the Pacific, vol. VI, p. 51 — 81. Also sep.) Spectator (pseud.) Our West-Indian islands. Transl. from the Danish. Copenhagen, 1862. 94 pp. 12mo. Staley, Edgecumbe. A Danish marine painter : Lauritz Hoist. (In Studio, XXX (1904), p. 122—130.) Stampenbourg, (Baron de). A great object lesson from a little land. (In Independent, vol. 55 (1903), p. 1264—1267.) Starcke, Karl. The primitive family in its origin and develop- ment. Lond., 1889. 8°. Internat. Scientif. Series. Starr, Frederick, Archaeology in Denmark. (In Pop. Science Monthly, vol. 47, p. 12.) Stavenov, L. V. A. Scandinavia, 1865, . . . Cambridge Modern History, vol. 12, 1910. Steamship "Denmark". A narrative of the rescue of the pas- sengers of the S. S. Danmark by the S. S. Missouri. Lond., 1891. VI, 76 pp., ill, 65 Steenberg, A. S. Public libraries in Denmark. (Public Libraries, 9, p. 379.) Steensen, Niels. Miller, W. Snow. Niels Stensen. (In John Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, vol. XXV, (1914), No. 276.) Steenstrup, Johannes C. H. R. The medieval popular ballad, tr. by E. G. Cox. Boston, 1914. 269 pp. 8°. Steenstrup, Johannes Japetus Smith. On the alternation of generations . . . transl. from the German version ... by G. Burk. Lond., 1845. 8°. Ray Society. StefTens, Henrich. The story of my career as student at Freiburg and Jena, and as Professor at Halle and Berlin. Transl. by W. L. Gage. Bost., 1863. 8°. — . German university life. The story . . . Phila., 1874. 12mo. Adventures on the road to Paris during the campaigns of 1813 — 14. Extracted from the autobiography of H. Stefifens. Transl. from the German. Lond., 1848. 16mo. Murray's Home and Colonial Library. Stephens, George. Handbook of the Old-Northern runic monu- ments of Scandinavia and England. [Copenhagen], 1884. 4°. Macbeth, Earl Siward and Dundee. A contribution to Scottish history from the rune-finds of Scandinavia. Copenh., 1876. 27 pp., ill. The Old-Northern runic monuments of Scandinavia and England... I— HL [Copenhagen], 1866—1901. 4 v. fol. Queen Dagmar's Cross, facsimile in gold and colors of the enameled jewel in the Old-Northern Museum, Cheaping- haven, Denmark. [Copenh.], 1863. The runes, whence came they. Lond. and Copenh., 1894. VHL 95 pp., ill. The runic hall in the Danish Old-Northern museum. Copenh., 1868. Two leaves of King Waldere's lay, from the originals in the Great National Library, Cheapinghaven, Denmark. Now first publisht with translation, comments, and word- roll. 1860. Stevens, Charles Mc C. Norwegian-Danish and English con- versation teacher. Chicago, 1905. 128 pp. 12mo. Donohue's Complete Self-Teaching Language Series. Streatfield, G. S. Lincolnshire and the Danes. Lond., 1884. 386 pp. Struensee, Johann Friedrich, Graf. Cheichton, Andrezv. Converts from infidelity; or lives of 66 eminent individuals, etc. I — II. Constable. Edinburgh, 1827. (Count Struensee, Count Brandt, Bd. 1, Pg. 85—187.) Miinter, Balthasar. A faithful narrative of the ron version and death of Count Struensee ... to which is added the history of Count E. Brandt. Transl. from the orig. German. Lond., 1773. 308 pp. 8°. — . 2. ed. 1774. 308 pp. — . Lond., 1824, and 1825. — . Lond., 1826. Count Struenzee, the sceptic and the Christian. Transl. from the French by Mrs. J. K. Wilson. Bost., 1853. 12mo. Conversion of Count John Frederic Struensee, Ex- Cabinet-Minister of the Court of Denmark. Transl. from German by E. Gerfen. Lebanon, O., 1882. 213 pp., front (portrait). 12mo. Authentic elucidation of the history of Counts Struensee and Brandt, and of the revolution in Denmark in the year 1772. London, 1789. 301 pp. 8°. The trial of count Struensee, prime minister to the king of Denmark before the royal commission of inquisition at Copenhagen. 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Lond., 1911. 4 pp. Reprinted from Educational Times. The people's high schools in Denmark. (In Sadler, M. E., Continuation schools in England and elsewhere. Man- chester, 1908, p. 483—512.) 68 Recent educational progress in Denmark. (In Special reports on educational subjects, vol. I. L,ond., 1897.) Schools public and private in the north of Europe. (Gt. Britain. Board of Education. Special reports on educa- tional subjects, vol. 17. Lond., 1907.) People's high schools: p. 106—119. Thorpe, Benj. Northern mythology, comprising the principal popular traditions and superstitions of Scandinavia . . . Lond., 1851—52, vol. I— III. Yule-tide stories. A collection of Scandinavian and North- German popular tales and traditions, from the Swedish, Danish, and German. Lond., 1853. Thorup, L. P. Danish grammar with a collection of words, expressions and easy dialogues frequently used in con- versational language. Jacobsen. Randers, 1861. 150 pp. Thorvaldsen, Bertel. Tliiele^ J. M. Thorwaldsen and his works, containing 365 engravings with explanatory text, transl. by Paul C. Sinding. New York, 1869—70. 4 vols. 4°. The life of Thorvaldsen, collected from the Danish ... by M. R. Barnard. Lond., 1865. 8°. 247 pp. 12so. Plon^ Bug. Thorvaldsen : his life and works. Transl. from the French by Isal^hcne M. Luyster. Illus. by two helio- types . . . Lond., 1874. [Also Amer. ed.] — . 2. ed. Boston, 1874. 8°. Plon^ Eu