NW - K^ *> ^fsfuwLc cc v Mitemr ^ C K X Vs -S " 1= A :^\ ^MmM^^ Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES \ "^ &fcW CATALOGUE OF THE EXTENSIVE, IMPORTANT AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, AND ENGRAVINGS, OF THE LATE SIB WILLIAM TITE, C.B. M.P. F.S.A. F.R.S. F.G.S. &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Auctioneers of literary '^property anto SHorfes illustrative of tlje J^tne arts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, the 18th of MAY, 1874, and FIVE following Days, and on WEDNESDAY, the 27th of MAY, and NINE following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAT BE YIEWED TWO DATS PEIOK, AND CATALOGUES HAD. DRYDEN PRESS : J. Davy and Sons, 137, Long Acre. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the seller cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than 6rf.; above ten shillings, Is.; above five pounds, 2s. 6d.; and so on. III. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase- money; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. IV. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, immediately after the conclusion of the sale; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but^they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of ONE WEEK after the conclusion of the sale, the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON and HODGE will have the option of reselling the lots uncleared either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. V. AH the books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within ONE WEEK after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be returned. VI. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, ap- pendix, or plates. All the manuscripts, autographs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections, and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VII. No IMPERFECT BOOK, will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. VIII. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale . IX. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; and ij any lt,ss i* sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid far, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this fale. GtHtlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble servants, SOTHEBY WILKIKSON & HODGE, Wellington Street, Strand. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS, t0grap|f lottos raft (Sttgr airings, OF THE LATE SIE WILLIAM TITE, C.B., M.P., F.S.A. F.R.S. F.G.S. &c. PIEST DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. 1 Aberdeen (G. Earl of) on Grecian Architecture, 1822 Burgess (K.) on the Circus on the Via Appia, plates, 1828 calf extra post 8vo. in one vol. 2 Accords (G. Tabourot, Seigneur des) Ses Bigarrures et Touches, avec les Apophtegmes du Sieur Gaulard et les Escraignes Dijonnoises, morocco extra, g. e. by Trautz-Bauzonnet 12mo. Paris, 1662 * # * From this scarce and curious book of drolleries Swift took many of his puns, and from the same source Sterne drew several of his best hits in Tristram Shandy. 3 ACK.EEHANN (E.) MiCEOCOSM OF LONDON, 3 vol. proof and coloured plates by JRowlandson and Pugin, with the OEIGINAL DEAWINGS BY A. PUGIN added, half red morocco extra, g. e. A. Pugin? s own copy, roy. 4?to. 1808-9 4 ACTES OF THE DISPUTACION IS THE COTVNCELL OF THE EMPTEE HOLDEN AT EEGENSPUEa (Ratislon), &c. Translated owt of Latyne into Englissh by Mylys Couerdale, ilacfe Utter, morocco extra, ly F. Bedford, TEET SCAECE, IGmo. M.D.XLTI 5 ACUNA (C. DE) NUEVO DESCUBETMTENTO DEL GEAN Eio DE LAS AMAZONAS,^*? copy in red morocco, super extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, EXCESSIVELY BABE small 4>to. Madrid, 1641 %* This work was rigidly suppressed as soon as published, in order to prevent any copy falling into the hands of the enemy, who had just wrested the province from Spain, and probably not a dozen copies escaped destruction. Col. Stanley's sold for 16 and this copy for 14 at these Booms in March, 1864. B 1 927029 2 6 Adam (R.) Ruins of the Emperor Diocletian's Palace at Spalatro, plates atlasfolio. 1764 7 Adams (J.) Analysis of Horsemanship, 3 vol. portrait and plates, half bound ' Svo. 1805 8 Adams (J.) Anatomy and Diseases of the Prostrate Gland 800. 1853 9 Adams (J. AV. Writing Master, Deptford) Opus Praecipuum, or Com- plete Set of Alphabets, ancient and modern, 2 vol. MANUSCRIPT, a curious specimen ofcaligraphy, calf gilt, Svo. SJEC. xix 10 Addison (J.) Evidences of the Christian Eeligion, 1730 Remarks on Italy, russia, 1736 Miscellaneous "Works, 3 vol. calf, 1753 Dictionary of the Bible, 1796 Towgood (M.) on Dissent, portrait, 1811 12/710. (5) 11 ADDISON'S AUTOGRAPH. Casa (Giovanni della) Rime et Prose, having/ on titlepage " J. Addison, Sep r . 28, 1700," and on fly-leaves 85 pages in his AUTOGBAPH, Venetia, 1563 Casae (J.) Galateus, numerous passages marked by Addison and quoted in Tatler, Guardian, Sfo. Hanovics, 1619, red morocco, g. e. in red morocco case small Svo. in one vol. * # * A most interesting memorial of England's chief essayist. 12 Adelung (J. C.) Auszug aus dem grammatisch-kritischen Wb'rterbuche der Hochdeutschen Mundart, 4 vol. calf extra roy. Svo. Leipzig, 1793-1802 13 Adelung (J. C.) Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde mit dem Vater Unser als Sprachprobe in bey nahe 500 Sprachen und Mundarten, 4 vol. calf^ Svo. Berlin, 1806-17 14 Adolphus (J.) Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian, 2 vol. portrait, with 5 autograph letters of Adolphus and his portrait added, Svo. 1839 15 Adventures of a Valet, 2 vol. calf extra 12mo. 1752 16 Advice to Julia in Rhyme foolscap Svo. 1820 17 Adye (W.) Musical Notes post Svo. 1869 18 Jilfric Society's Publications, 3 vol. half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt Svo. 1843-46 19 JEsop's FABLES, with Life, 2 vol. very fine impressions of the 112 plates, green morocco extra, g. e. by F. and T. Aitken imperial Svo. 1793 20 JEaop's Fables in Chinese, by Mun Mooy Seen-Shang, with a free and a literal Translation by his Pupil Sloth, half calf, folio. Canton, 1840 21 Agassiz (L.) and A. A. Gould, Principles of Zoology, woodcuts, 12mo. Boston, U.S. 1848 Agassiz (L.) and A. A. Gould, Outlines of comparative Physiology, 390 woodcuts, tree-marbled extra, fcap. Svo. 1855 (2) 22 Ainger (A.) on Cast-Iron Trusses, plate, Svo. 1825 Building Act, with Notes and Cases by A. Ainger, plate, fcap. Svo. 1836 calf gilt Svo. in one vol. 23 Akerblad ( J. D.) sur 1'Inscription de Rosette, plates, Svo. Paris, 1802 24 Akerman (J. T.) Tales of other Days, with illustrations by G. Cruikshank, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt crown Svo. 1830 25 Alberti (L. B.) Architecture, Painting and Statuary, translated by J. Leoni, engravings by Picart, calf folio. 1755 26 Albin (E.) Natural History of English Song-Birds, part of E i in MS. calf, sold with all faults small 8vo. 1779 27 Alciphron's Epistles (translated by "W. Beloe) Svo. 1791 28 Alcoran des Cordeliers en Latin et en Fran9ois, 2 vol. plates by Picart, fine copy in green morocco, g. e. by Derome I2mo. Amst. 1734 29 Aldrich (H.) Elements of Civil Architecture in Latin, with English Translation by Eev. P. Smith, portrait and plates, russia roy. Svo. Oxford, 1789 30 ALE. The Ex-Ale-tation of Ale (in Verse), fine copy in red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small Svo. 1671 %* Eare. This copy sold for 2. 6s. in G. Smith's sale. 31 Alfieri (V.) Vita scritta da esso, 2 vol. port. half calf, Svo. Firenze, 1822 32 Alfred (King) Will in Anglo-Saxon and English, 1828 Boethius' Metres in Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred, with English Translation and Notes by Rev. S. Fox, 1835, calf gilt Svo. in one vol. 33 Alfred's (King) Poems in English Metres by M. F. Tapper, 12zo. 1850 34 Allies (J.) on the Ignis fatuus and Fairies, Jialf morocco Svo. 1840 35 ALLOT (E.) ENGLAND'S PARNASSUS : or the choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, slightly cut in margins, but has at end the rare leaf " Fames windy trump," mentioned by Lowndes as frequently wanting (and justly so, as it is undoubtedly inserted from some other work by a totally different printer), calf, sold with all faults, very scarce IGmo. 1600 * # * Containing extracts from Shakespeare, Spenser, Gascoigne, Dekker, Chapman, Lodge, Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Daniell, Drayton and other eminent Poets. The Eoxburghe copy sold for 21, G. Smith's for 14. 5s. and Col. Stanley's for 13. 13s. 30 ALLOTT (E.) ENGLAND'S PARNASSUS : or the choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with the rare dedication signed Robert Allott, red morocco extra, g. e. 16mo. 1600 37 Alphabeta varia, scilicet ; Brammhanicum, Romee, 1771 Indica, ib. 1791 Armenum, ib. 1784 JEthiopicum, ib. 1789 Cophtum, ib. s. a.- Chaldaicum (Estranghelo), ib. 1636 Hebraicum et Samaritanum, ib. 1771 Grandonico-Malabaricum, ib. 1772 Barmanorum Begin Areusis, ib. 1787 Illyricum et Slavonicum, ib. 1783 Grsecum, ib. 1771 Etruscum, ib. 1771 Arabicum, ib. 1715 Persicum, ib. 1783 small Svo. in 2 vol. 38 AMADIS DE GATTLE, written in French by the Lord of Essars Nicholas de Herberay, and Englished by A. Munday, 4 vol. in 1, title mended, else fine copy in blue morocco extra, g. e. a very rare romance of chivalry in prose folio. N. OJces, \Q\S-\Q 39 Amadis of Gaul, by Vasco Lobeira (translated by E. Southey), 4 vol. calf extra 12mo. 1803 40 AMERICA. MUNDTTS Novus, Albericus Vespucius Laurentio Petri de Medicis salutem plurimam dicit, beautiful copy of a very rare edition of the Latin version of Vespucius' 1 s celebrated letter, red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4:to. Magister johdnes otmar; vindelicc impressit Auguste, 150Ji 41 America, or an exact Description of the West-Indies, by N. N. map, calf gilt IGmo. 1655 42 Amoris Effigies, autograph of " Narcissus Luttrell, His Book, 1681 " IS/HO. Excudclat li. Daniel, 9. a. 43 Amory (T.) Life of John Buncle, old gilt russia Svo. 1756 44 Amours des Dames illustres de nostre Siecle, plates, with frontispiece dated 1681, morocco extra, gilt marbled edges, ly jfiiedree, small 12wo. Cologne, 1680 %* This rare edition, which is totally different from any described by Brunet, contains Alosie, Le Palais Eoyal, Histoire de 1'ainour feinte du Eoi pour Madame, La Princesse, Le Perroquet, Junonie, Les fausses Prudes, La Deroute et 1'Adieu des Filles de Joie, and Le Passe- temps Eoyal. 45 Amusemens serieux et comiques 24mo. Amst. 1629 pro 1729 46 Anacreon et Sapho, en Grec et en Fran9ois, avec des Eemarques par Madame Dacier I2mo. Amst. 1716 47 Anderson (C.) Annals of the English Bible, woodcuts, half morocco Svo. 1862 48 Anderson (E.) Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect, with Notes and Glossary, frontispiece, calf extra foolscap Svo. Wigton, 1808 49 ANDBEINI (Gio. BATISTA) L'ADAMO Sacra Eepresentatione, portrait and plates by Cesare Bassani, FIKST EDITION, ExiBEMELY BABE, fine copy, in blue morocco, g. e. with tooled border small 4to. W. Stansby, 1634 %* A very scarce Romance of Chivalry, in Prose. Colonel Stanley's copy sold for 18. 100 AETHUE OF LITTLE BEITAIN, a Romance of Chivalry, translated from the French by John Bourchier Lord Berners. A new Edition by E. V. Utterson, with a series of plates from illuminated draicings in a MS. of the original Romance, COLOUEED, morocco extra, g. e. by J. Mackenzie, THE EDITOE'S OWN COPY small 4sto. 1814 101 Arundale (F.) and J. Bonomi, Gallery of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum, plates (several coloured) to. 1808 171 Bath. Eegister of Folly at Bath and the Hot Wells (in Verse) front. half calf gilt foolscap Svo. Bath, n. d. 172 Bath. Verses on the Death of Sir B. Grenville, slaine by the Eebells on Landsdown-Hill near Bath small 4to. Printed 1643 %* Lowndes mentions two other Editions printed at Oxford in 1643, but not this. 13 1 73 Bath. Verses by the University of Oxford on the Death of Sir B. Grenvill alias Granvill slain on Lansdown Hill, fine portrait, calf extra, g. e. small 4to. 1684 174 Bath. View of Bath, representing Facts, portrait of Allen, View of Guildhall and Market-place on title Svo. Hath, 1813 175 Bath. Wonders of a "Week at Bath, THICK PAPER, calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt crown Svo. 1811 176 Batiasier (L.) Histoire de 1'Art Monumental dans 1'Antiquite et au Moyen Age suivie d'un Traite de la Peinture sur Verre, with illus- trations (those of stained glass coloured}, half morocco extra imp. Svo. Paris, 1845 177 BATTAILE fought betweene Count Maurice of Nassaw and Albertus Arch-duke of Austria, nere Newport in Flaunders, the XXII of June, 1600, with the folding plate, a fine specimen of modern binding in red morocco, ivith joints, Hue leather linings, richly ornamented with gold tooling, g. e. rare small 4to. Printed by P. S. 1600 178 Bay (C. P.) Dansk og Engelsk Haand Lexicon, half morocco, uncut Svo. Kjobenhavn, 1824 179 Bayley (J.) History and Antiquities of the Tower of London, 2 vol. plates, half ' russia, uncut, top edges gilt 4to. 1821-25 180 Beadel (J.) Scraps worth remembering, loith two autograph notes from author's son added, calf extra roy. 32mo. 1864 %* Printed for private circulation only. 181 Beale (T.) on the Sperm Whale, morocco extra, g. e. Svo. 1835 182 Beattie (J.) Evidences of the Christian Religion, crown Svo. 1806 Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical, with 39 Articles, I2mo. 1827 Ingoldsby Letters, Second Series, crown Svo. 1858-59 Bussieres (T. de) Conversion of M. A. Eatisbonne, foolscap Svo. 1855 (4) 183 Beatty (W.) Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson, LABGE PAPEB, proof portrait, calf extra, g. e. Svo. 1807 184 Beaufort (I\) Karamania, plans, views, Sfc. half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt Svo. 1817 185 Beaumarchais (M. de)-Le Barbier de Seville, half morocco, g. e. Svo. Paris, 1776 186 Beaumarchais (M. de) La folle Journee ou le Mariage de Figaro, fine plates^ morocco extra, broad dentelle borders, rare, roy. Svo. Paris,l7S5 187 Beck (T. A.) History and Antiquities of Eurness, plates, half morocco, uncut roy. 4to. 1844 188 Beckford (W.) Biographical Memoirs of extraordinary Painters, portrait added, calf extra, g. e. by Z(shnsdorf post Svo. 1780 189 Beckford (W.) Vathek (in French) front, calf extra, crown, Svo. 1815 190 Beckford (W.) Italy with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, 2 vol. 1834 Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcoba9a and Batalha, portrait, 1835, tree-marbled calf extra, g. e. by J. Mackenzie Svo. (3) 14 101 Beckmann (J.) History of Inventions and Discoveries translated by W. Johnston, 4 vol. calf 8vo. 1817 192 Becon (T.) Eeliques of Eome, fclacfc letter, u-oodcut portrait, title mended and slightly wormed, Hue morocco, g. e. scarce lUjo. John Daye, 15U3 193 BEDJE (Venerabilis) HISTOBIA ECCLESIASTICA GEKTIS ANGLOBUM, riEST EDITION, very fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. by G. Lewis, EXTREMELY R.\ UK, fol. Sine ulla nota sed Argent. Eggesteyn circa 1473 %* Lord Spencer's copy was considered almost unique, and Dr. Dibdin says " This book is at present a desideratum in perhaps every public and private library in England." Heber's copy sold for 40. 194 Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, edited by J. A. Giles, map foolscap 8vo. 1847 195 BEDFORD (F.) PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES made during the Tour in the East, in which he accompanied H.R.H. the Prince of AVales, 175 plates in 3 portfolios atlas folio. 1862 196 Beham (S.) Discs buchlein zeyget an und lernet ein masz oder pro- porcion der Ross, blacfe letter, woodcuts, morocco extra, g. e. small 4;to. Nurmberg, 1528 197 Behn (Mrs.) The Widdow Ranter, or the History of Bacon in Virginia, a Traji Comedy (with a Prologue by Mr. Dryden) FIRST EDITION 4tO. 1690 %* The rarest of all the original Editions of Mrs. Behn's Dramatic Writings, which was not represented till after her death. The plot of the Play is laid at James Town, in Virginia, and the characters present us with a curious picture of the manners, &c. at that time prevalent there. 198 Behn (Mrs.) Histories and Novels, 2 vol. portrait I2mo. 1722 199 Beil ( J. A.) Der neue Friedhof von Frankfurt, plates oblong folio. Frankfurt, 1829 200 Beke (C. T.) Idol in Horeb crown 8vo. 1871 201 Beke (C. T.) Origines Biblicse, vol. I, map 8vo. 1834 202 Beke (C. T.) Enquiry into A. D'Abbadie's Journey to Kaffa to discover the Nile, map, 1850 ; with other Tracts by Beke, and 3 autograph notes from E. W. Bray ley and C. T. Beke added, half calf gilt 8vo. in one vol. 203 Beke (C. T.) British Captives in Abyssinia, maps and plates, with author's autograph note 8vo. 1867 204 Bell (J.) Rhymes of Northern Bards, plates, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1812 Garland of Northumberland Heroes, ib. 1814 Figures in Rhymes, ib. 1814 Contented Couckould, woodcuts, ib. n. d. Garland of Bells, ib. 1815, vellum, uncut \2mo. in one vol. 205 BELLIANIS OF GREECE or the Honour of Chivalry now newly written by Francis Kirkman, 3 Parts in 1, blacfe letter, frontispiece, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4fo. 1673-71-72 15 206 Bellingham (J.) Conversation with D. Wilson, portrait, 1812 Trial, with portrait of Rt. Hon. S. Perceval and Monument added, 1812 Svo. in one vol. 207 Bellori (G. P.) Vite de' Pittori, Scultori et Architetti moderni, portraits and vignettes 4mo. A***** 100070057 (Paris, 1757) 225 Bessoni (T.) Theatrum Instrumentorum et Machinarum, plates folio. Lugduni, 1578 226 Bewick (I.) Looking Glass for the Mind, 74 woodcuts by I. Bewick, green morocco extra, g. e. 12mo. 1825 227 Bewick (T.) New Lottery Book of Birds and Beasts, woodcuts by T. Bewick, very scarce 32mo. Newcastle, 1771 228 BEWICK (T.) GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS, FIRST EDITION, beautiful woodcuts, calf extra Svo. Newcastle-upon-Tync, 1790 229 Bewick (T.) Quadrupeds. A set of the woodcuts of the animals and also of the vignettes on india paper, neatly mounted in a portfolio with leaves, half green morocco, g. e. royal Svo. Newcastle, n. d. 230 Bewick (T.) Natural History of British Quadrupeds, 32 woodcuts by T. Bewick, Alnwick, n. d. Foreign Quadrupeds, 34 woodcuts, ib. n. d. British Birds, 35 woodcuts, ib. n. d. Water Birds, 34 woodcuts, ib. n. d. Foreign Birds, 34 woodcuts, ib. n. d. Fishes, 48 woodcuts, ib. n. d. Keptiles, Serpents, and Insects, 35 icoodcuts, n. d. half calf gilt 2$mo. in one vol. 231 BEWICK (T.) HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, numerous beautiful woodcuts (that at p. 285 of vol. I before the bar but inked over), old calf extra, Svo. Newcastle, 1797-1804 232 Bewick (T. and J.) Poems by Goldsmith and Parnell, woodcuts by T. and J. Bewick, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, roy. Svo. 1804 233 Bewick (T.) Fables of JSsop and others, with designs on wood, fine im- pressions, A Subscription copy, with receipt, calf Newcastle, 1818 234 BEWICK (T. and J.) SELECT FABLES, LARGEST PAPER, woodcuts (first sheet large paper inlaid), half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt imperial Svo. Newcastle, 1820 235 Bewick (T. and J.) Select Fables, with Memoir and Catalogue of their Works, LARGE PAPER, portrait and elegant woodcuts, calf extra royal Svo. Newcastle, 1820 236 Bewick (T.) Day, a Pastoral, and the Stubborn Dame, u-oodcuts by T. Bewick, Alnwick, n. d. Youngster's Diary, woodcuts by T. Bewick, ib. n. d. 24010. (2) 237 Bewick. Series of Vignettes, half morocco 4Jo. Newcastle, 1827 17 238 BEWICK (T.) MEMOIR, written by himself, india proof portrait and numerous woodcuts of fishes and vignettes by the author, JANE BEWICK'S OWN COPT (with her MS. notes), interleaved and extensively ILLUSTRATED with numerous rare wood and copper-plate engravings by Thomas, John and Robert Elliot Bewick (MANY CHOICE PROOF s),yree?z morocco super extra, g.e. 8vo. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1862 *** This unique copy was purchased in June, 1868, for 21. 239 Bewick. Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of "Works illustrated by T. and J. Bewick, with Sketches of their Lives, portraits, plates, and portrait after Romney ly Burnet prefixed, LARGE PAPER impl. 8vo. J. G. Bell, 1851 240 Bewick Catalogue, woodcuts, half calf gilt Svo. 1868 241 Beza (T. de) Life of John Calvin, calf gilt IQmo. Newlie Imprinted 1561 242 Bezse (T.) Icones Virorum Doctrina et Pietate illustrium quibus adjecta sunt Embleuiata, tooodcut portraits and emblems, russia extra, g. e. by F. Bedford 4to. Napoli, 1844-47 252 Biblia en Espanol, a rare edition, known as the Bear Bible, very fine copy in old russia,g. e. by Roger Payne 4to. s. I. 1G22 253 BIBLE. The fyrst boke of Moses called Genesis (translated with Preface by W. Tyndale), Macfe Utter, Emprented at Malborow in the lande of Hesse, by me Hans Luff, 1530 Seconde boke of Moses called Exodus with Prologue by "W. T. woodcuts (the side notes in folios XVIII, XIX and XXI facsimiled), no place or date but pro- bably Hamburgh, 1530 Thyrde Boke of Moses called Leuiticus with Prologue by "W. T., n. p. or d. (ib. circa 1530) Fourthe Boke of Moses called Numeri with Prologue by W. T., blacfc letter, n. p. or d. (probably at Malborow in the lande of .Hesse circa 1530) Fyfte boke of Moses, called Deuteronoraye with Prologue by W. T. n. p. or d. but probably Hamburgh circa 1531, very fine copy in blue morocco extra, g.e. by I. Aitken small Svo. in one vol. *%* A volume of extraordinary rarity, of which the only two copies ever sold by auction were Mr. Dunn Gardner's (said by Lowndes to have been made up with 3 leaves facsimiled by Harris) which sold for 159 and Bishop Daly's which realized 154. In this copy no other imperfection than what is stated is known, but the lot will be sold not subject to collation. 254 BIBLIA THE BIBLE, THAT is, THE HOLT SCRIPTURE OF THE OLDE AND NEW TESTAMENT, faithfully and truly translated out of Douche and Latyn in to Englishe (by MYLES COVERDALE), folacfe letter, ivoodcuts, title, first two leaves of Epistle to Henry VIII, Contents of Genesis, folio ii, last three leaves and map, besides having several letters restored on the margins of leaves, in facsimile, sold therefore not subject to collation, else fine copy in purple morocco extra, joints, g. e. fol. Prynted in the yeare of our e LORDE M.D.XXXV %* FIRST EDITION OF THE BIBLE PRINTED IN ENGLISH, AND so EXCES- SIVELY RARE THAT NO COMPLETE COPT IS KNOWN. The first English Bible and Book of Common Prayer should always form the foundation of a British Protestant's Library. Lea Wilson's copy with several leaves in facsimile sold for 365. 255 BTBLE IN ENGLISHE. Cranmer's Version (Lea Wilson, No. 8) folacfe letter, woodcuts, every leaf genuine, but last leaf and various cor- ners beautifully facsimiled, else fine copy in morocco super extra, joints, g. e. icith Mr. Fry's autograph certificate that each leaf is correct, and that, probably, this and his own are the only correct copies in existence, sold with all faults, fol. JR. Grafton, July, 1540 %* So excessively rare is this Bible that Lowndes rcas unable to quote any copy as sold by auction. * * 20 256 BYBLE IN ENGLISH, with the Prologe made by Thomas [Cranmer] Archebyshop of Canterbury, blacfc letter, CRANMER'S VERSION, title and two leaves in facsimile, else fine copy, with a certificate from P. Fry, Esq. that every leaf is the genuine May Edition, calf extra, g. e. sold with all faults folio. Prynted by Edwarde Whitchurch, 28 May, 1541 %* EXCESSIVELY BARE. See Mr. Fry's autograph note prefixed, in which he states: " It is a remarkable fact that there should not be found a per- fect and correct copy of the May Edition." 257 BYBLE TRULY AND PURELY TRANSZLATED INTO ENGLISCHE BY MAYST. THOMAS MATHEW (Myles Coverdale), fclacfe letter, title and 18 leaves of Augmentes facsimiled from\the only known copy as issued by Froschower, these leaves having been cancelled by Hester when the work was published in London. It has also four leaves at end in facsimile, sold therefore with all faults, morocco extra, g. e. small Ato. Zurych by Chrystoffer Froschower, 1550 This first quarto edition of Coverdale's Bible is quite as rare as the folio of 1535, if not even scarcer, as fewer copies of it are known. The only perfect one is that in the public Library at Zurich. This copy, which represents the work as originally issued by Froschower, may be considered as a real Biblical Gem. 258 BYBLE IN ENGLISH accordyng to the translation that is appointed to be read in Churches, CHANMER'S VERSION (Lea Wilson, No. 23), fcladt letter, portion of title in facsimile, and several leaves mended, sold therefore not subject to collation, morocco super extra, covered with blind tooling, g. e. in the antigue style, EXCESSIVELY RARE, see Mr. Fry's autograph letter prefixed, fol. Edwarde Whykhurche, 1553 259 BIBLE, with moste profitable Annotations upon all the hard Places, TIRST EDITION ofthefamous Genevan Version, usually termed, from the rendering of Gen. iii. 7, " THE BREECHES BIBLE," red morocco super extra, joints, broad borders of gold, g. e. sm.fol. Geneva, R. Hall, 1560 %* Very scarce. Homer's copy sold for 29. 10s. 200 Bible (Holy) Authorized Version, 2 vol. folack letter, ILLUSTRATED by numerous engravings, second issue of 1611, with title dated 1613 (see Mr. Fry's autograph letter), sold therefore with all faults, calf, but requires rebacking fol. 1611-13 261 Bible (Holy) Authorized Version, 1684 New Version of the Psalms by N. Tate and N. Brady, with Hymns from J. Stennet, I. Watts, S. Browne and J. Mason, as used in the English established Church in Amsterdam, and set to music by J. Z. Triemer, Amst. 1772 Hei- delbergh Catechism, ib. 1772, morocco, g. e. 12mo. in one vol. 262 BIBLE (Holy) Authorized Version, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, morocco extra, g. e. by C. Lewis IQmo. Edinb. 1811 %* This edition, termed " immaculate" is very rare on large paper. Two copies at Rev. T. \Villiams's sale were sold for 8. 10s. 6d. and 11. 5s. 263 Bible (Holy) translated by the English Colleges at Douay and Eheims, plates, calf extra, with silver clasps and crucifix, post #vo. Dub. 1847 2C4 Bible. The Hebrew Scriptures translated by S. Sharpe, 3 vol. foolscap 8vo. 1865 21 265 BIBLE. The Golden Legende, conteynynge the Lyves and Hystoryes taken out of the Byble, and Legendes of the Saintes, 2 parts in 1, black letter, WOODCUTS, YERY R ABE, fine large copy, but wanting 6 leaves in the second part (folio 40, 41, 42, 43, 111, and 258 containing colophon), splendidly bound in morocco super extra, g. e. tooled in the antique style, by Hayday small folio. Julian Notary, 1503 * # * This extraordinary work exhibits the earliest printed specimen of an English translation of the Bible, or rather portions, as it confines itself chiefly to the historical Books and Gospels. A very curious fact is that the editor and translator, William Caxton, has used the word ' breches" in the rendering of Genesis iii. 7. "And thenne they toke fygge levys and sewed theym togyder for to cover theyr membres in the maner of breches," showing that the Genevan Version is not the original of this quaint expression. 266 Bibliotheque (Nouvelle) d'un Homme de Gout (par Cbaudon et De La Porte), 4 vol. old French red morocco, g. e. \1rno. Paris, 1777 267 Bickham (G.) Universal Penman, specimens of Caligrapliy, with vignettes folio. 1733 268 Billings (E. "W.) Architectural Illustrations of Carlisle Cathedral, 1840 Attempt to define the geometric Proportions of Gothic Archi- tecture in Carlisle and "Worcester Cathedrals, 1840 Illustrations of Geometric Tracery from the Paneling belonging to Carlisle Cathedral 1842, LARGE PAPEE, plates imp. 4to. (3) 269 Billings (E. W.) Descriptive Account of Durham Cathedral, LARGE PAPER, plates (only 15) sold with all faults imp.4E LA DECORATION DES EDIFICES EN GENEBAL, 2 vol. plates, calf, VEEY SCAECE 4fo. Paris, 1737-38 23 300 Blondel (M.) et M. L. Ser, Kapport aur les Hopitaux civils de la Ville de Londres ' 4fo. Paris, 1862 301 Bloomfield (E.) Farmer's Boy, woodcuts by T. Bewick, Jialf morocco, g. e. foolscap 8vo. " 1802 302 Bloomfield (E.) Farmer's Boy, woodcuts by T. Beiviclc, calf foolscap 8vo. 1811 303 Bloomfield (E.) Poems, woodcuts by T. Thompson, from drawings by 8. Cooper, J. C. Horsleij, J. F. Taylor and T. Webster, fcap. 8vo. 1845 304 Blore (E.) Monumental Eemains, plates, 1826 Simpson (F.) Series of Ancient Baptismal Fonts, engravings by B,. Soberts, 1828, halfrussia, uncut, top edge gilt imp. 8vo. in one vol. 305 Blouet (A.) Architecture, Sculptures, Inscriptions et Vues de Pelopo- nese, des Cyclades et de 1'Attique, 3 vol. numerous plates half morocco, uncut atlas folio. Paris, 1831-38 * # * This forms the Architectural Portion of the " Expedition Scientifique de Moree ordounee par le Gouvernement Francais." Blouet was assisted in the measurements and designs by A. Eavoisie, A. Poirot, F. Trezel and F. de Gournay. 306 Bloxham (M. H.) Glimpse at the Monumental Architecture and Sculp- ture of Great Britain, woodcuts, crown 8vo. 1834 Bloxham (M. H.) Gothic Architecture, woodcuts, I2mo. 1846 Bedford (F.) Chart of Anglican Church Ornament, mounted on cloth, in case, n. d. (3) 307 Boaistuau Launay (P.) Histoires prodigieuses, woodcuts, the Soubise copy in old French calf small 8vo. Paris, 1564 308 Boate (G.) Irelands Naturall History small 8vo. 1652 309 BOCCATIO (loanni) NIMPHALE FIESOLANO, woodcuts, ruled, brown morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4do. s. I. Sf a. * # * An edition in double columns, with signatures a to f, unknown to Brunet and all Bibliographers. This copy sold for 5. 5s. in M. Libri's sale of his reserved portion. 310 Baccaccio (G.) II Decamerone, calf small 4Y0. Vinegia, 1516 311 BOCCACCIO (G.) IL DECAMEEONE, * THE ORIGINAL UNCASTEATED GiTJNTA EDITION, but title and signatures ai, d iiii and d v so beautifully facsimiled by Harris as to defy detection, unless specially pointed out, morocco super eztra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4to. Firenze, Heredi di P. di Giunta, 1527 * # * The excessive rarity of the original Giuuta Edition, by many biblio- graphers considered the best, is too well known to Amateurs to require any comment. Mr. Dunn Gardner's copy sold for 54 and the Earl of Charlemont's for 57. 312 Boccacci (G.) il Decameron, woodcuts, fine copy in red morocco, g. e. by Niedree small 4:to. Venetia, 1597 313 Boccaccio (G.) Decameron, 2 vol. frontispiece, calf extra, g. e. 2imo. Firenze, 1820 314 BOCCACCIO (G.) DECAMEEONE con Discorso storico da Ugo Foscolo, 3 vol. in 1, PRINTED ON INDIA PA PEE (limited to 2 copies only), india proof por- trait and plates *from Stothard's designs, morocco super extra, g. e. covered with rich gold tooling in the Grolier style, crown 8vo. 1825 24 315 Boccaccio (J.) Decamerone (with the suppressed Passages) in English, portrait added, red morocco, g. e. 8vo. 1712 316 Boccaccio (G.) Amorosa Visione, a beautiful specimen of contemporary Kalian binding, covered with gold tooling in the Orolier style, and painted in compartments in various colours small 8vo. Vinegia, 1531 317 Bocace (J.) Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vol. plates by Itomain de Hooge, blue morocco, g. e. small 8vo. Amst. 1G99 318 Boccace ( J.) Contes. Traduction nouvelle, 10 vol. fine plates after Eisen, Gravelot, fyc. half morocco extra, post 8vo. Londres (Paris), 1779 319 Bodenham (J.) Wits Theatre of the little World, red morocco, g. e. 16mo. 1599 320 Bodenham (J.) Politeuphuia : Wits Common- Wealth, russia, g. e. 24smo. W. 8. for J. SmethwicTce, n. d. 321 Boffrand (Sieur) Livre d' Architecture en Francois et en Latin, plates, Paris, 1745 Description de ce qui a etc pratique pour fondre en Bronze d'un Seule Jet la Figure equestre de Louis XIV, plates, ib. 1743, in old French green morocco roy. folio, in one vol. 322 Bohlen (P. von) Das alte Indien mit besonderer Riicksicht auf -ZEgypten, 2 vol. calf extra 8vo. Konigsberg, 1830 323 Bohn (H. G.) Origin and Progress of Printing, privately printed by the Philobiblon Society, presentation copy, half morocco, uncut square 8vo. 1857 324 Bohn (H. G.) Guide to the Knowledge of Pottery, Porcelain, &c. coloured woodcuts, calf extra foolscap 8vo. 1857 325 Bohn (H. G.) Dictionary of Quotations from the English Poets, presen- tation copy 8vo. 1867 * * Printed for private distribution only. 326 Bohun (E.) Diary and Autobiography, plates small 4to. J. Caicood, 1555 332 Bonomi (J.) Nineveh and its Palaces, numerous illustrations, half bound Svo. 1853 333 Bonomi ( J.) Alabaster Sarcophagus of Oimenepthah I, King of Egypt, in Sir J. Soane's Museum, with Descriptions by S. Sharpe, plates, with 2 autograph notes of J. Bonomi added 4to. 1687 455 Buckingham (Duke of) Catalogue of the Library at Stowe, LAI?<;I: PAPEB, 1849 Catalogue of Stowe Granger, LARGE PAPER, 1849 Catalogue of the remaining Portion of the engraved British Portraits and other Engravings, LAEGE PAPER, 1849 Catalogue of British Portraits, Topographical Drawings and Engravings, Caricatures, &c. 800. 1849, half morocco extra 4>to. in one vol. 456 Buckland (W.) Vindicia? Geologic^, Oxford, 1820 ; and other Tracts by Buckland in the volume, plates 4to. 457 Buckland (W.) Vindicia? Geologicse, calf extra, scarce, see Sir W. Tiles MS. note on fly-leaf 4.to. Oxford, 1820 458 Buckland (W.) Eeliquia? Diluviana3, plates, with autograph letter of the author, calf extra 4to. 1823 459 Buckland (W.) Bridgewater Treatise on Geology and Mineralogy, 2 vol. plates 8vo. 1836 460 Buckman (Professor) and C. H. Newmarch, Illustrations of the Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester the Site of Antient Corinium, plates 4to. 1850 461 Buff (H.) Familiar Letters on the Physics of the Earth foolscap 800. 1851 462 Buffon's Natural History abridged, 2 vol. portrait and plates, old gilt tree-marbled calf 8vo. 17.02 463 Bullen (G.) Catalogue of the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society, calf extra royal 8vo. 18i>7 464 Bullokar ( J.) English Expositor, russia extra, g. e. IQmo. 1621 465 Bunseu (C. C. J.) Egypt's Place in Universal History, 5 'vol. plates 8vo. 1848-67 466 Bunian (J.) Life -and Death of Mr. Badman, woodcuts, several leaves mended, sold with all faults, half calf 12;0. 1G9'J 467 Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, 28th edition of First Part, cuts, calf extra, blind tooled in the old style 12i0. 1752 33 468 Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, part I, 2Qth edition, 1755 Part II, 20th edition, 1754 Part III, 27th edition, 1757, cuts, calf extra, blind tooled in the old style 12 wo. in one vol. 469 Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, with Life by E. Southey, LARGE PAPEE, india proof portrait and plates, morocco extra, g. e. by J. Mackenzie royal Svo. 1830 470 Bunyan (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, with engravings in outline and woodcuts, from drawings by H. C. Selous, half morocco, g.e. oblong folio. 18i4 471 Bunyan (J.) Holy War, woodcuts, corner of F2 torn off, sold with all faults 12mo. 1738 472 Bunyan (J.) Holy War, calf, 48/7*0. 1808 Pomfret (J.) Poems, 32wzo. calf, 1805 (2) 473 Bunyan (J.) Solomon's Temple spiritualized, half calf IGmo. Printed for J. Bumyan above the Monument, n. d. 474 BUNYAN (William) EFFECTUAL SIJOVE TO THE HEAVY -A CHRISTIAN, frontispiece, morocco extra, g. e. by Ztehnsdorf, supposed to be UNIQUE Svo. 17G8 475 Burat (A.) Geologie appliquee ou Traite des Mineraux utiles, map and plates, calf extra, uncut, top edge ffilt Svo. Paris, 1846 476 Burckhardt (.T. L.) Travels in Arabia, 2 vol. map and plans, calf extra, 1829 Burckhardt (J. L.) Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, 2 vol. half calf gilt, 1831 8vo. (4) 477 Burger (G. A.) Gedichte, 2 vol. Gottingen, 1803 Gothe (J. W. von) Mahomet und Tancred, 2 vol. Tubingen, 1802 Tiedge (C. A.) Urania, Elegieen und vermischte Gedichte, 2 vol. Halle, 18C4-6 Musaus (J. C.) Nachgelassene Schriften, portrait, Leipzig, 1791 foolscap Svo. (7) 478 Burgess (Bp. T.) Hebrew Elements 12?o. 1813 479 Burgess (11.) Topography and Antiquities of Kome, 2 vol. plans and plates, calf extra, uncut, top edges gilt Svo. 1831 %* Presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription, to Sir W. Tite, who has added an autograph letter from A. S. Goodridge (enclosing a tracing of the Forum), and a printed lecture on the Forum, early Christian Temple and Constantinople, by Eev. E. Burgess. 480 Burgon (J. W.) Life and Times of Thomas Gresham, 2 vol. portrait and illustrations Svo. 1839 481 Burgundia (A. a) Linguae Vitia et Eemedia emblematice expressa, fine impressions of the plates, with Callofs etching " Linguarum Portitor," B. Moncornet ex. added, letterpress title, a facsimile, green morocco, g. e. by Derome, scarce, oblong 32mo. Antverpia, 1631 482 Burgundia (A. a) Mundi Lapis Lydius sive Vanitas per Yeritatem Falsi accusata et convicta, plates of emblems, vellum small 4fo. Antverpice, 1639 483 Burke (Et. Hon. E.) Eeflections on the Eevolution in France, panelled calf gilt Svo. 17:)1 484 Burn (J. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of Beaufoy Cabinet of London Tokens, portrait Svo. 1803 F 485 Burn ( J. H.) Catalogue of London Tokens presented to the Corporation Library by H. B. H. Beaufoy, portrait and plates Svo. 1855 486 Burnet (Bp. G.) History of the Eeformation of the Church of England, with Notes by Bev. E. Nares, 4 vol. LARGE VA.T>EU, frontispiece and 22 portraits, red morocco, super extra, g. e. imp. tivo. 1830 487 Burns (E.) Works, with Life by J. Currie, 4 vol. portrait, 1818 Eeliques collected by E. H. Cromek, 1818 Life by J. G. Lockhart, Edinb. 1828, calf extra 8vo. G vol. 488 Burns (E.) Poetical Works, with Memoir by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 3 vol. BEAUTIFULLY PfiiNTED ON VELLUM, red morocco extra, g. e. ly Hayday foolscap 8vo. W. Pickering, 1839 35 THIRD DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. LOT 489 Burns' Centenary Poems, portrait square 8vo. Glasgow, 1859 490 Burton (J. H.) The Book-Hunter, &c. half morocco, uncut foolscap Svo. Edinb. 1862 491 BURTON (E.) ANATOMY or MELANCHOLY, FIBST EDITION, scarce,Jine copy, in red morocco extra, g. e. by Clarice and Bedford small 4to. Winchester, 1830 555 CARTWRIGHT (J.) THE PREACHERS TRAVELS wherein is set downe a true Journall to the Confines of the East Indies through Syria, Mesopotamia, &c. Containing a full Survew of Persia and a true Relation of Sir A. Sherleys Entertainment there: and the Estate that bis Brother II. Sherley lived in after bis Departure for Chris- tendom, full-length portrait of Cartwright added, morocco extra, g. e. small 4to. 1611 %* Scarce. Jadis's copy sold for 4 and Inglis's for 3. 16s. 556 Gary (H. F.) Lives of the English Poets foolscap Svo. 1846 557 Casas (Fray B. de las) Brevissima Eelacion de la Destruycion de las Indias y otras Obras, THE REPRINT, russia, g. e. sm. 4to. Ano 1552 *** Sold with all faults, as this collection contains only five of the eight works of the original edition. 558 Case (I. de la) Le Galatee en Italien, Fran9ois, Latin et Espagnol, slightly wormed, green morocco, g. e. by C. Smith 32mo. Par Jean de Tournes, 1598 %* From this work Lord Chesterfield took many hints for his Advice to his Son. The French version is printed in " Lettres de Civilite." 39 559 Casimire (Sarbievius) Odes, translated by G. Hils (with Latin Text), frontispiece I2mo. 1646 560 Catalogue of Pictures now exhibiting in Pall Mall, 2 parts in 1, 4fo. 181G 561 Catalogue of the Library of Dr.Kloss, 1835 Catalogue of Dr. Williams' s Library in Eed Cross Street, 2 vol. 1811 8vo. (3) 562 Catalogue of the Preparations in the Museum of St. Thomas's Hospital, 3 vol. 1847-59 563 Catalogue of Stowe Portraits and other Engravings, 2 parts, 1849 ; and other Catalogues 8vo. a parcel 564 Catalogue of Antient and Mediaeval Art exhibited at the Society of Arts, half morocco small Ato. 1850 565 Catechism with a Course of Catechising, frontispiece IGmo. 1664 566 Catechism of the Council of Trent, translated by Eev. J. Donovan, calf gilt 8vo. Dublin, 1829 567 Catherwood (F.) Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucutan, maps and tinted lithographs, half morocco royal folio. 1844 568 CATULLUS, TIBUULLUS ET PBOPEETIUS CUM NOTIS VABIOBUH, very fine copy in green morocco super extra, leather linings, gilt marbled edges 8vo. Trajecti ad Shen. 1680 569 Catullus, translated by Hon. G. Lamb, 2 vol. in 1, calf gilt foolscap 8vo. 1821 570 Catzii (J.) Emblemata : Silenus Alcibiadis sive Proteus, 3 parts, Amst. 1619 Maechden-Plicht, Middlelurgh, 1618, fine plates of Emblems 4to. 1819 * # * Privately printed from the Pepysian Manuscript, as a present to the Members of the Roxburghe Club, by G. Hibbert. This was his own reserved copy, and has added by him four interesting autograph letters from F. Douce (2), E. Heber and G. Neville. Crawford's copy sold for 12. 582 CAXTON (W.) THE GAME OF CHESSE, black letter, woodcuts, admirably facsimiled by V. Figgins, calf extra folio. 1855 583 Caxton. The Gouernale of Helthe. Eeprinted in facsimile by W. Blades, morocco small 4to. 1858 %* Presentation copy, with autograph note of Mr. Blades. 584 Caxton. Morale Prouerbes composed in French by Cristyne de Pisan translated by the Earl River, and Reprinted from the original Edition of Caxton A. D. 1478, with introductory Remarks by W. Blades, facsimile of Caxton's edition, with the same in French and English in Roman letter added at end, autograph letter of R. Thomson added, red morocco extra, g. e. folio. 1859 * # * Only 25 copies printed for presents. 585 Caylus (Comte de) Recueil d'Antiquites Egyptiennes, Etrusques, Grec- ques et Romaines, avec le Supplement, 7 vol. plates, French calf, g. e. 4to. Paris, 1761-07 41 586 Celse traduit par MM. Fouquier efc F. S. Eatier, calf, g. e. 32mo. Paris, 1824 Meade (\V.) Prescriptions, 32mo. 1835 Parmly (L. S.) on the Teeth, fcap. Svo. 1818 Keill (J.) Anatomy of the Human Body, 24w>. 1723 (4) 587 CENT NOUVELLES NOUTELLES, fclacfe letter, woodcuts, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt marbled edges, by Niedree small 4to. 1840 617 Charles 1. The Kings Cabinet opened: or certain Packets of Secret Letters and Papers written with the King's own Hand, and taken in his Cabinet at Nasby-Field, portrait, calf gilt, small 4:to. 1045 618 CHAELES I. Eeliquia? Sacrae Carolina or Works of that great Monarch and glorious Martyr Charles I, with the rare portrait by G-. Lid, morocco extra, joints, g. e. 12mo. Hague, S. Browne, 1650 619 Charles I. Histoire du Procez de Charles Stuart avec la Declaration des deux Maisons du Parlement, calf 24wio. 1G50 620 Charles II. Eikon Basilike or the true Pourtraiture of Charles II (1630-1660), by E. F. 3 parts in 1, slightly cut in headlines, frontis- piece containing 4 portraits, russia, g. e. small 8vo. 1660 621 Charles II. Eikon Basilike Deutera, with his Eeasons for turning Eoman Catholick ; published by King James, port, small 8vo. 1694 622 Charles II. Account of his Preservation after the Battle of "Worcester, and Letters (edited by Sir D. Dalrymple), tree-marbled calf extra, g. e. 8vo. 1766 623 Charles II. Account of his Preservation after the Battle of Worcester, portraits and views ftvo. 1803 624 Charles II. Account of his Preservation after the Battle of Worcester (edited by Sir D. Dalrymple) ILLUSTRATED with portraits and views, calf extra, g. e. by C. Smith Svo. 1803 625 Charleton (E.) on Bath Waters, Bath, 1754 Berkeley (Bp. G.) Siris (on Tar Water), 1744 Eandolph (G.) on Bristol Water, Oxford, 1745 Thomson (J.) Sophonisba, 1744 Agis, 1758, Svo. in 1 vol. 626 CHATTERTON (T.) POEMS, ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT IN HIS AUTOGRAPH, consisting of 17 leaves in a parchment cover oblong Vimo. *** Chatterton's Manuscripts are of the greatest rarity as most of them are deposited in the British Museum. This is evidently the identical volume mentioned by Southey as having been communicated to him by Thomas Hill. 627 Chattertou (T.) Poems supposed to have been written by T. Eowley and others in the XVth Century, with Glossary by T. Tyrwhitt Svo. 1777 628 CHAUCER (Geffrey) BOKE OP THE TALES or CANTERBURIE, blacfc letter, woodcuts, EXTREMELY RARE, but having the first two and last leaf in facsimile by Harris and ivanting only 12 leaves (a iii, vi, vii and viii ; I i, ii, vii and viii ; and K i, ii, iii and iv in Parson's Tale), morocco super extra, joints, watered silk linings, gilt gaufre edge, the side stamped with blind tooling in the antique style, PYNSON'S FIRST EDITION, and supposed to be the first booJc from his Press small folio. B. Pynson, n. d. (circa 1493) %* The only perfect copy known is that at Althorp. This copy (Stevens's) sold for 51 in 1857, since which time Pynson's Eeprint of 1526 sold for 185 in the Savile sale. 44 629 CHAUCER (Geffrey) WOORKES, with diuers addicions, wliiche wero neuer in printe before; with the Siege and clestruccion of the worthy Citee of Thebes, compiled by Jhon Lidgate Mouke of Berie, blaefe letter, very fine copy (with exception of several leaves wormed), in russia extra, g. e. sold therefore not subject to collation Jbho. Jhon Kyngstonfor Jhon Wight, 1561 630 Chaucer (G.) Canterbury Tales, with Essay, Notes and Glossary by T. Tyrwhitt, 5 vol. portrait, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, crown Svo. W. Pickering, 1822 631 Chemistry. Keports of the Eoyal College and Eesearches in the La- boratories in 1845-47 Svo. 1849 632 CHESTER (EGBERT) LOVES MARTYR : OR EOSALINS COMPLAINT. Allegorically shadowing the Truth of Love in the constant Fate of the Phoenix and Turtle. A Poeme enterlaced with much varietie and raritie ; now first translated out of the venerable Italian Torquato Cffiliano, by EGBERT CHESTER. With the true legend of famous King Arthur, the last of the nine Worthies, being the first Essay of a new Brytish Poet : collected out of diuerse Authenticall Records. To these are added some new compositions, of seuerall moderne Writers, whose names are subscribed to their seuerall workes, upon the first subject : viz. The Phoenix and Turtle [i.e. W. Shakes- peare, J. Marston, G. Chapman, Ben Jonson, &c.J morocco super extra, joints, g. e. by C. Lewis, EXTREMELY RARE small to. (1601) * # * Mr. Daniel's copy : and has the following note in his autograph on fly-leaf: "This volume is of the greatest rarity. A copy was sold many years ago and was purchased, I think, by Mr. Miller for 68. The present is a very fine and perfect one. The date is not cut off ; the Title never had one. The date (1601) will be found at page 165. At page 172 is a poem (" Threnos ") by Shakespeare. Bound in his best style by C. Lewis. George Daniel, Canonbury, 1838." In con- firmation of the excessive rarity of this volume see Mr. Halliwell's notes, that of 20 July, 1864, in which he writes, " of extraordinary rarity, and immense literary interest, including the only contribution of Shakespeare to any other author's work ;" and that of 25 July, 1864, in which he again writes to Sir W. Tite : " I was so impressed with the excessive rarity and literary importance of Chester's Loves Martyr that I raised the commission for it on the morning of sale from 160. to 180. It sold for 138. Next to the Shakespeare quartos and Eomeus and Juliet, it is the literary gem of the sale." 633 Christian (E.) Architectural Illustrations of Skelton Church, plates imperial 4to. 1846 634 Christian Soldier's Penny Bible (printed 1693) reproduced in Facsimile with Introductory Note by F. Fry small Svo. 1862 635 Chronicles of the Crusades, by Eichard of Devizes, Geoffrey de Vinsauf and Lord John de Joinville, illuminated front, foolscap Svo. 1848 636 Chronicles, Book III, containing the Eiots of London (1780) New Book of Chronicles, n. d. ; and other Parodies in the volume, calf extra, g. e. Svo. 45 637 Chronicle of London, from 1089 to 1483 (edited by E. Tyrrell) half red morocco, g. e. scarce, only 250 copies printed 4:to. 1827 638 Chronicles of London, translated by H. T. Riley, vellum small 4to. 1863 639 Chronicles of Charter House, by a Carthusian, plates 8vo. 1847 640 Churchill (C.) Poetical Works, with Life by W. Tooke, 3 vol. portrait, foolscap Svo. 1844 641 CHUBCHYAED (T.) EIESTE PAET or CHTJBCIIYABDES CHIPPES, con- tayninge Twelve seuerall Labours, purple morocco extra, g. e. small 4to. T. Marshe, 1578 * # * Very scarce. A copy sold for 14. 14s. at Saunders's in 1818. 642 CICEEONIS RHETOEICOEUH NOVOBUM AD HEEENNIUM LIBEB, FINE MANTJSCEIPT ON VELLUM, with border, initial letter containing miniature and numerous capital letters, finely illuminated in gold and colours, velvet, g. e. Svo. S^;c. xv 643 Cicognara (Conte) Catalogo regionato dei Libri d'Arte e d'Antichita, 2 vol. vellum Svo. Pisa, 1821 614 Cinq Codes, calf extra Q4>mo. Paris, 1827 645 Clarendon (E. Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Life, with the suppressed Passages, 11 vol. red morocco extra, Harleian tooling, gilt marbled edges, ly Clarice and Bedford Svo. Oxford, 1826-27 646 Clarke (A.) Address to Manchester Philological Society, Liverpool, 1804 Use and Abuse of Tobacco, 1805 Narrative of R. Person's Illness and Death, 1808 On the Eucharist, 1808 On the Minis- terial Office, 1812, with autograph letter of Dr. A. Clarice prefixed, calf gilt Svo. in one vol. 647 Clarke (C.) Architectura Ecclesiastica Londini, views of churches, half morocco royal 4fo. 1820 648 Clarke (C. C.) Carmina minima, half calf gilt Svo. 1859 %* Privately printed for presents only. 649 Clarke (C. C.) Riches of Chaucer, portrait crown Svo. 1870 650 Clarke (E. D.) Tour through the South of England, Wales and part of Ireland, plates, suppressed ly the author, 1793 Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, 11 vol. portrait, maps and plates, 1816-24 Life and Remains, by Bp. W. Otter, 2 vol. portrait, 1827, calf extra Svo. 14 vol. 651 Clarke (E. D.) Tomb of Alexander, plates 4to. Garni. 1805 652 Clarke (E. D.) Greek Marbles, plates, calf gilt royal Svo. ib. 1809 653 Clarke (J.) Holy Oyle for the Lampes of the Sanctuarie, frontispiece by T. Cecill, ca If extra, g . e. by H". Bedford, small to. Medolani, ex typog. Mich. Tini, 1584 Relatione fatta da Aldo Mannuci al Duca di Sora, ad X Ottobre, 1581, sopra le ara- mirabili qualita del Nobilissimo Giouane Scozzese IACOMO DI CBET- TONE, small 8vo. Venetia, presso Aldo, 1582 morocco extra, by P. Thompson of Paris small 4to. in 1 vol. * # * The first of these Tracts, a beautiful copy from the Library of Cardinal Imperial!, bears an imprint differing from that given by Brunet ; the volume is described by him as having become rare, and perhaps was never actually seen by him. The copy in the Sapien/a College at Home was, until recently, thought to be unique. The Aldine Tract, detailing the many accomplishments of the admirable Crichton, is no less rare than the other. 776 Crichton (A.) Life and Diary of Lieut. Col. J. Blackader, portrait, half morocco, uncut \2rno. Edinb. 1824 777 Christiano Vigilante, woodcuts 64:mo. Napoli, 1851 778 Croker (T. C.) Popular Songs of Ireland crown 8vo. 1839 779 Cromek (E. H.) Eemains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song, calf extra crown 8vo. 1810 780 Cromwell. The perfect Politician or a full View of the Life and Actions of 0. Cromwell (supposed to have been written by J. Selden), port, calf extra, g. e. scarce Idmo. 1660 781 CEONYCLES OP ENGLONDE with the fruyte of tymes, and also a descrip- cyon of Englonde [Wales and Irlonde] folacfe letter, woodcuts, title mended (a few letters deficient), else fine copy in morocco super extra, joints, g. e. by C. Smith small folio. Wynkyn de Worde, 1528 *,* The last edition printed by "Wynkyn de "Worde, and extremely rare. The Duke of Eoxburghe's copy sold for 27. 16s 6d. 782 Crosby (Brass). Memoir of Alderman B. Crosby, Lord Mayor 1770- 1771, india proof portrait, half morocco, g. e. from Mr. Eytorfs Library 0. Paris, 1822 971 Drummond (Sir W.) Origines, 2 vol. calf extra 8vo. 1824-25 972 Drury (E.) Madagascar, FIRST EDITION, map and plates, calf extra 8vo. 1729 973 Dryden (J.) Indian Emperour, or Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, half morocco, g. e, 4sto. 1668 974 Dryden (J.) Miscellany Poems, 6 vol. green morocco, g. e. 12mo. 1716 975 Du Barry (Countess) Letters 8o. 1780 976 Dubois ("Abbe J. A.) Letters on Christianity in India, 1823 Hough (J.) Reply to Dubois, 1824, half calf gilt crown 8vo. in one vol. 977 Dubois (Abbe J. A.) Moeurs, Institutions et Ceremonies des Peuples de 1'Inde, 2 vol. 2 curious autograph notes from the author (in English) added, calf extra, g. e. 8t>0. Paris, 1825 978 Du Deffand (M. Marquise; Letters to Horace Walpole and Voltaire (in French), 4 vol. portrait, half russia I2mo. 1810 979 Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont ( (MM.) Memoires pour servir a une Description geologique de la France, 4 vol. plates, half calf gilt 8vo. Paris, 1830-38 980 Dugdale (Sir W.) History of St. Paul's Cathedral, with the Daunce of Machabree (in Verse), by Dan John Lydgate, FIRST EDITION, por- trait and plates by HoLLAB )t /&ne copy, in old russia, joints, folio. 1658 * # * Sir W. Tite has added in front the " Private and Confidential Proposal for the Completion of St. Paul's Cathedral," two autograph letters of Dean H. H. Milman, a note of G. Mofiatt, and other papers. 67 981 Dugdale (Sir W.) Life, Diary and Correspondence, edited by W. Hamper, portraits in two states (proofs and INDIA PBOOFS, only 12 copies printed), fine copy in morocco super extra, g. e. from Mr. Ey ton's library royal Mo. 1827 982 Dulaure (J. A.) des Divinite's generatrices ou du Culte du Phallus, calf extra 8vo. Paris, 1805 983 Dulwich College Act crown 8vo. 1860 984 Dumont (Sieur) Eecueil de plusieurs Parties d' Architecture de differents Maitres tant d'ltalie que de France, ^Zafes, calf, royal folio. Paris, s. d. 985 Dunnage (H.) and C. Laver, Plans, &c. of Great Hall at Elthara, plates royal 4to. 1828 986 Dunton (J.) Life and Errors, 2 vol. portrait, naif calf extra, Svo. 1818 987 Dupin (C.) Memoire sur la Marine et les Ponts et Chaussees de Prance et d'Angleterre, half calf gilt Svo. Paris, 1818 G8 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. LOT 988 Duppa (E.) Life of Michel Angelo Buonarroti, with his Poetry and Letters, portrait and plates, russia royal 4/o. 1807 989 Duppa (E.) Maxims 12mo. 1830 990 Duquesne (M.) New Voyage to the East Indies. To which are added Sieur Le Maire's Voyages to the Canary-Islands, Cape- Verde, Senegal and Gambia, maps and plates IGmo. 1696 991 Durand ( J. N. L.) Precis des Le9ons d' Architecture donnes a 1'Ecole Eoyale Polytechnique, 2 vol. plates 4to. 181 G 1022 Enoch, an Apocryphal Production, translated by Archbp. E. Laurence Svo. Oxford, 1838 1028 Epictetus, Cebes and Theophrastus Characters, by J. Healey, morocco extra, g. e. 4i8mo, 1616 %* Scarce. This copy sold for 1. 3s. in the sale of Dr. Bliss. 1024 EPISTEES ET EVANGILES pour les cinquante et deux sepraaines de Ian, fine copy, ruled, in morocco super extra, blind tooled in the antique style, g. e. by F. Bedford, from Mr. MaskelPs collection IQmo. 8. 1. Sf d. 1025 Erasmus (D.) Exhortation to the Diligent studye of Scripture, made by Erasmus Boterodamus. And traslated in to inglissh. An exposition in to the seventh chaptre of the first pistle to the Corinthians, blacfe letter, a few letters in the sixth leaf in facsimile and 7 letters supplied in ink on last leaf, calf extra, g. e. small Svo. At Malborow in the londe of Hessee, M.D.XXIX. xx daye Junii. By my Hans Luff. %* This very rare volume was denounced in a proclamation of Henry VIII, as "contaynyng many detestable errours and dampnable opynyons." The Translation and Exposition were probably made by Friar Roy, if we give credit to Sir Thomas More, who ascribes it to his pen, and not by Tyndale as asserted by Anderson in his Annals of the Bible, vol. I, p. 136, and p. 210 note 3. This copy sold for 6. 6s. in Offer's sale. 1026 Erasmus (D.) de immensa Dei Miserecordia, translated by G. Hervet, I'lncli letter, red morocco, g. e. by Riviere, very scarce IGmo. T. Berthelet, 1542 1027 Erasmus (D.) Apophthegmes, translated by N. Udall, fclacfe letter, russia,g. e. rare IGmo. It. Grafton, 1533 1028 Erasmus (D.) Praise of Folie, Englished by Sir T. Chaloner, fclacfe letter, slightly wormed, yellow morocco, joints, g. e. small 4>to. T. Berthelet, 1569 * # * The date given on Titlepage is Anno M.D. XLIX. 1 029 Erasme (D.) Eloge de la Folie, plates from Holbein's designs, red morocco, g. e. by Roger Payne 12mo. Leide, 1 713 1030 Erasmus (D.) Praise of Folly, translated by W. Kennett, portraits of Erasmus and Sir T. More, with 46 copper plates from designs by Hans Holbein, green morocco extra, g. e. 12mo. 1724 1031 Erasmus (D.) Familiar Colloquies, translated by N. Bailey, portrait added, calf gilt 8vo. 1725 1032 Erasmus (D.) Colloquies, translated by N. Bailey Svo. 1733 1033 Ercilla y Zuniga (Don A. de) La Araucana, folio. Madrid, 1733 1034 Erskine (Hon. A.) and J. Boswell, Letters between, crown Svo. 1763 1035 Erskine (E.) Gospel Sonnets, portrait 12mo. Romsey, 1812 1036 Essays and Eeviews Svo, 1860 71 1037 Essex Ordnance Map, mounted on cloth, in leather case 4-to. 1038 Eulespiegle (Tiel) or the German Eogue, frontispiece added, 1720 Highland Eogue, or Life of Eob Eoy, portrait and views, 1743 Svo. in one vol. 1039 Eustace (J. C.) Classical Tour through Italy, 2 vol. 1813 Hoare (Sir E. C.) Classical Tour through Italy and Sicily, 1819, calf 4*0. (3) 1010 EVANGELIA IV, LATINE. Item Eusebii Canones, Hieronymi Epistolae ad Damasum, Argumenta et Prologi, &c. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM^weZy written in French- Roman Minuscules, with Rubrics and plain Roman marginal initials in scarlet and green, having the Canons of Eusebius written between elegant columns supporting arches of painted Architecture, in which even the kinds of stone or marble are represented, several of the bases and capitals being ornamented with human and animal figures. At end in a different but almost contemporary handwriting are added " Benedictio Yestimentorum ; Oracio quando Abbas ordinatur in Monasterio; Consecratio Manuum;" and a list of Rents due from various places in Lorraine square folio. S^BC. x * # * One of the most ancient and interesting copies of the Latin Evange- lists ever offered for sale. 1041 Evangiles (Les Saints) traduits de la Vulgate par 1'Abbe Dassance, 2 vol. printed within elegant woodcut borders, with illustrations by Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gerard- Seguin and Breviere, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt imperial Svo. Paris, 1836 1042 Evangeli secound S. Luca e S. Giouan, morocco, g. e. Svo. 1838 %* In French and Piedmontese. 1043 EVANGILES des Connoilles, faictes en lonneur et exaulcement dea Dames, folacfe letter, woodcuts, elegantly bound in red morocco, g. e. by Bauzonnet-Trautz \6mo. Paris, 1840 %* Only forty copies of this very curious book were reprinted in the most beautiful manner, upon thick paper, from the excessively rare edition of 1493. 1044 Evans ( J.) Flint Implements in the Drift, plates, author's autograph inscription 4-to. 1862 1045 Evans (J.) Ancient Stone Implements, "Weapons and Ornaments of Great Britain, numerous illustrations Svo. 1872 1046 Evans (T.) Old Ballads, enlarged by E. H. Evans, 4 vol. half calf crown Svo. 1810 1047 Evelyn (J.) Sculptura, portrait and plate, calf extra, crown Svo. 1769 1048 Evelyn (J.) Life of Mrs. Godolphin, edited by Bp. S. Wilberforce, portrait I6mo. 1848 1049 Everard (G.) Panacea or the Universal Medicine, being a Discovery of the wonderful Vertues of Tobacco taken in a Pipe, fine im- pression of the rare portrait, with india proof of Richardson's copy added foolscap Svo. 1659 1050 Exchequer. List of Officers and an Account of their Duties, MANUSCRIPT small 4o. S.EC. xvii 72 1031 Excursions in Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk, G vol. LAEOE PAPEB, maps and views, half green morocco, Svo. 1818-10 1052 Exhibition 1862 Reports by the Juries on Chemical Products and Processes by A. W. Hofman imperial Svo. 18G3 1053 FABLES INEDITEB des XIP, XIII 6 et XIV e Siecles et Fables de La Fontaine rapprochees de celles de tous les Auteurs qui avoient, avant lui, traite les memes Sujets, precedees d'une Notice sur les Fabulistes par A. C.-M. Eobert, 2 vol. VELLUM PAPER, proof por- trait and plates, Provost E. C. Hawtrey's copy, red morocco extra, g. e. by J. Wright Svo. Paris, 1825 1054 Fabliaux et Contes des Poetes Fransois des XI-XV 6 Siecles publics par Barbazan et augmentes par M. Meon, 4 vol. frontispieces Svo. Paris, 1808 1055 Fabliaux ou Contes, Fables et Romans du Xll e et du XII.T* Siecle traduits ou extraita par Legrand d'Aussy, 5 vol. plates, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt royal Svo. Paris, 1829 1056 Fabliaux abridged by M. Le Grand, selected and translated by G. L. "Way with Notes by G. Ellis, 3 vol. woodcuts by T. Bewick, calf extra croion Svo. 1815 1057 FACKTIES. Journal Amoureux de la Cour de Vienne, C. Nodier's copy, in red morocco, leaves uncut, ly Koshler 12mo. Cologne, 1689 1058 Faceties. Les Tetons, Les Yeux, Les Nez, Ouvrages curieux, gallants et Badins, 3 vol. in 1, calf I2mo. Amst. 17GO 1059 Faceties. Response di Gestes de Arlequin en Langue Arlequine, Paris, 1585 Plaisant Quaques et Resjuyssance des Femmes pour ce que leurs Maris nyvrongnent plus en la Taverne, blacfc letter, ib. s. d. Danger de ce JMarier, folacfe letter, Lyon, s. d. Extaze propinatoire de Maistre Guillaume, Paris, s. d. Responce et Complaincte au Grand Coesre sur le Jargon de 1'Argot reforme, &c. ib. 1630 Compte du Rossignol, Lyon, 1547 Testament do feu Gautier Gargville, Paris, 1034 Complainct du Nouveau Marie, blacfc letter, woodcuts, ib. s. d. Estreines universelles de Tabarin pour 1621, Rouen, s. d. Sermon de Sainct Raisin, fclacfe letter, Paris, s. d. Techener's Reprints, half calf, uncut in one vol. 1060 Faceties. Consolation des Mai Mariez, fclacfe letter, Paris, s. d. Surprise et Fustigation d'Angov le vent, ib. 1603 Procez d'un Moulin a Vent contre le Sieur Tabarin, ib. 1622 Songes de la Pucelle, folacfe letter, Avignon, s. d. Dyalogue du Sage et du Fol, Paris, s. d. Vie des Gueux et Boemiens, s. I. et d. Diuers Propoz et Joyeuses Rencontres dung Prieur et dung Cordelier en maniere de coq a lasne, Paris, s. d. Tenebres de Manage, fclacfe letter, ib. s. d. Techener's Reprints, half calf , uncut, IGmo. in 1 vol. 1061 Faceties. Plaisant Contract de Mariage entre Nicolas Grand-Jean et Guillemette Ventrue, Paris, 1627 Ventes Damour, blaefe letter, ib. s. d. Sermon de Sainct Haren, fclacfe letter, s. I. fy d. Moyens d'Eviter merencolye parDadouuille, blatfe letter, woodcuts, s. I. & d. Recueil de tout Soulas et Plaisir et Parangon de Poesie, fclaefe letter, Paris, 1552, Techener's Reprints, half calf, uncut \(5mo. in one vol. 73 1062. FACETIES Plaisant Contract de Manage entre Nicolas Grand- Jean et Guillemette Ventrue, 1627 Tragedie Fra^oise, a huict Per- sonnages, traictant de 1'amour d'un Serviteur envers sa Maistresse, composee par M. Jean Bretog de S. Saveur de Dyve, Lyon, 1571 Les Presomptions des Femmes, Rouen, s. d. Discours facetieux des Hommes qui font sailer leurs Femmes, a cause qu'elles sont trop douces, ib. s. d. Discours joyeux des Friponniers et Fripon- nieres, ib. s. d. Le Debat des Lavendieres de Paris, avec leur Caquet, ib. s. d. Varlet a louer, a tout faire, ib. s. d. Chambriere a louer, a tout faire, ib. s. d. woodcuts, blue morocco, sides and lack richly tooled with gold, in the Orolier style, g. e. from E. V. Utterson's library IQmo. Paris, 1830 * # * Only forty-two copies of these eight excessively rare and most curious early French facetious poems were reprinted, the whole upon THICK DUTCH PAPEB. 1063 Face'ties. Sermon pour la Consolation des Cocus suivi de plusieurs autres, Amloise, 1751 Le Cocu Consolateur, L 'An du Cocuage, 5810 Sermon d'un Cordelier a des Voleurs, 1752, half morocco, uncut I2mo. in one vol. 1064 FACETING. Musarum Deliciae by Sir J. Mennis and J. Smith, with Wit restored and "Wits Recreations. To which are added Memoirs of Sir J. Mennis and Dr. J. Smith, 2 vol. woodcuts, calf extra, g. e. scarce crown 8vo. 1817 1065 Fairfax (Sir T.) Memoirs, calf extra, fcap. 8vo. Knareslrough, 1810 1066 Fairholt (F. ~W.) Costume in England, 600 woodcuts, calf extra, g. e. ly G. Lewis . 8vo. 1846 1067 Fairholt (F. W.) Costume in England, with above 600 woodcuts, calf extra 8vo. 1846 1068 Fairlie (John) Illustrations of Cheveley Church, Cambridgeshire, drawn on Stone by Scandrett folio. 1851 1069 Falkener (E.) Theatres and other Remains in Crete, plates, imp. 8vo. 1854 on the Hypaethron of Greek Temples, royal 8vo. 1861 Ephesus and the Temple of Diana, plan and plates, richly gilt white calf extra, g. e. imperial 8vo. 1862 (3) 1070 Falconer (E. W,) Baths and Mineral Waters of Bath, plans, 1857 Another Edition, 1860 Bath Water Cases, 1861, 3 vol. fcap. 8vo. Account of the Bath General or Mineral Water Hospital, view, crown 8vo. Bath, 1864 (4) 1071 Falconer (W.) on Water used in Diet at Bath, foolscap 8vo. 1776 On the Bath Waters, 8vo. Bath, 1798 Shipwreck, plates ly Stothard, calf, foolscap 8vo. 1806 On St. Paul's Voyage to Puteoli, royal 8vo. 1870 (4) 1072 Farington (J.) Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland, 43 views, half morocco folio. 1816 74 1073 Farltei (Robert!, Scoto-Britanni) Lychnocausia sive Moralia Facum Einblemata. Lights Morall Emblems, 1638 Ejusdem Kalendarium huinanffi Vitro. The Kalender of Mans Life, 1638, frontispiece (with the copy of the second from a private plate also added), and ivoodcuts of Emblems, green morocco extra, g, e. IQmo. 2 vol. in 1 %* Very rare. This copy sold for 3. 5s. in Mr. Corser's sale. Lowndes mentions the second work as having a portrait of the author by Glover, probably an insertion, as neither of Mr. Corser's copies had it. Towne- ley's copy of the first work only sold for 3. 3s. and the second only produced 2. 2s. in Sir Mark Sykes's sale. 1074 Faulkner (T.) Chelsea and its Environs, 2 vol. plates, half bound 8vo. Chelsea, 1829 1075 Faussett (B.) Inventorium Sepulchrale, portrait and plates, 4*0. 1856 1076 Feinagle (G. von) New Art of Memory, portrait and plates, half calf 12010. 1813 1077 Felibien des Avaux (M.) Plans et Descriptions de deux Maisons de Campagne de flme, plates I2mo. 1707 1078 Fellows (C.) Excursion in Asia Minor and Account of Discoveries in Lycia, 2 vol. plates royal 8vo. 1839-41 1079 Felltham (Owen) Resolves, engraved title, blue morocco extra, g. e. by Clarke and Bedford small 4*0. 1631 1080 Felltham (0.) Eesolves, morocco extra, g. e. by Hayday,fcap. 8vo. 1840 1081 Fenn (C.) Compendium of the English and Foreign Funds, 12io. 1838 1082 Fenn (Sir J.) Paston Letters, 2 vol. in 1, calf extra, g. e. by Hollings square 16wi0. 1840 1083 Fenning (D.) Spelling-Book, frontispiece and cuts I2mo. 1769 1084 FENTON (Sir Geffraie) CERTAINE TBAGICALL DISCOURSES, folacfe letter, slightly cut in the headline, a very small hole in folio 262, and last two leaves mended, sold therefore not subject to collation, brown morocco extra, g. e. by Clarke and Bedford small 4fo. T. Marshe, 1567 %* Extremely rare. Col. Stanley's copy sold for 13. 2s. 6d. and Mr. Crawford's for 11. The work which was a favourite with our early Dramatists is commended by "Warton thus : " In point of selection and size, perhaps the most capital miscellany of this kind, is Fenton's Book of Tragical Novels." 1085 Fenton (G.) Form of Christian Policie, folacU Utter, in the original calf binding, covered with gold tooling, gilt gaufre edges, Archbp. M. Parker's copy with his arms in gold on side and his autograph onjly leaf small 4:to. H. Middeltonfor E. Newlery, 1574 1086 Fenwick (Sir J.) Trial and Execution, calf extra 800. 1698 1087 Fergusson (J.) Illustrated Handbook of Architecture, 2 vol. 850 wood- cuts, with author's 3 autograph notes, calf extra, g. e. 8v0. 1855 1088 Ferguson's Astronomy, atlas of plates only, half calf 4*0. 75 1089 Ferrey (B.) and E. "W, Brayley, Antiquities of the Priory of Christ- Church, Hants, LAEGE PAPEE, plates, Jialfmorocco, uncut, top edge gilt, roy.Ato. 1834 1090 Ferriar (J.) Illustrations of Sterne with other Essays and Verses, 2 vol. in ], half morocco post Svo. 1812 1091 Ferrier (Miss) Marriage, 3 vol. calf I2mo. Edinl. 1818 1092 Feuchtwanger (L.) Popular Treatise on Gems, plates (several coloured} 12mo. New York, 1859 1093 Fielding .([.) Works, viz., Joseph Andrews, 2 vol. FTEST EDITION, 1742 Tom Jones, 6 vol. FIEST EDITION, 1749 Amelia, 4 vol. FIRST EDITION, 1752 Life of Jonathan "Wild, NEW EDITION, 1754 Voyage to Lisbon, FIEST EDITION, 1755, calf gilt, by J. Wright 12mo. 14 vol. * # * This fine set sold for 5. in J. D. Lewis's sale. 1094 Fielding. History of Tom Jones in the married State, 12mo. 1750 1095 Fielding (H.) Joseph Andrews, plates by Rowlandson Svo. 1792 1096 Fielding (H.) Amelia, 2 vol. with illustrations by G. GruiJcshank foolscap Svo. 1832 1097 FIGUEIEA (Luis) AETE DE GEAMMATICA DA LINGUA BEASILICA, EXCESSIVELY EAEE, but title and last leaf mended, green morocco extra, g. e. by W. Pratt 16mo. Lisboa, 1687 1098 Filicaia (V. da) Poesie Toscane, 2 vol. portrait, calf extra square B2mo. Venezia, 1812 1099 Finden's Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron, 3 vol. LAEGE PAPEE, India proof plates, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt royal 4fo. 1833-34 1100 Firenzuola (A.) Bellezze, Lodi, Amori et Costume delle Donne, &c. con gli Ammaestramenti che appartengono alia Vita Virginale, Maritale e Vedovile di L. Dolce, 2 vol. in 1, calf small Svo. Venezia, 1622 *#* This rare volume contains all the Novels of Firenzuola. 1101 Firth (J. F.) Historical Memoranda, Charters, Documents and Extracts from the Eecords of the Corporation and the Books of the Coopers Company, London, plates, printed for presents only Svo. 3 848 1102 Fisher (A.) Arctic Voyage, maps and plates, half calf Svo. 1821 1103 FISHEE (KiTTT). A very rare Ballad entitled " The hundred Pound Miss" A very curious and rare Etching by Worlidge, with two lines beneath, commencing "Fun upon Fun" Two Mezzotint Portraits of E. Fisher, after Sir J. lleynolds Curious Map of London shewing Islington, Marylebone and London Tea Gardens all in the Fields, 1726 Song by Miss Faulkner at Marylebone Gardens, toith music folio. (6) 1104 Fitz-Stephen's Description of the City of London in Latin and English 4to. 1772 1105 Flaxman (J.) Lectures on Sculpture, port, and plates royal Svo. 1829 76 HOG Flaxman (J.) Models, Books, Engravings, Drawings, &c. 1862 Eeport from the Council of the Royal Academy, 1860, half calf gilt Svo. in one vol. 1107 FLETCHER (Phineas) PURPLE ISLAND or the Isle of Man: Together with Piscatorie Eclogs and other Poeticall Miscellanies, LARGE PAPER, extremely rare, with portrait of Benlowe by HOLLAR (before inscription), and 2 other engravings, red morocco extra, g. e. small &to. Camb. 1633 1108 Fletcher (E.) England and her Colonies crown Svo. 1857 1109 Flodden Field, an heroic Poem, collected from antient Manuscripts by J. Benson, T. Park's copy, in morocco extra fcap. Svo. 1774 1110 Florio (J.) Worlde of Wordes or Dictionarie in Italian and English small folio. 1598 1111 FLOUDS IN ENGLAND. A true report of certaine wonderfull overflows of Waters now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and other places of England, &c. frlacfe letter, woodcut on title, which is cut slightly in outer margin, sm. 4to. W. I. for Edward White, 1607 * # * Scarce. This copy sold for 2. 2s. at these Booms, 21 Nov. 1863. 1112 Flourens (P.) Cuvier: Histoire de ses Travaux, half morocco 12mo. Paris, 1845 1113 Fog's Weekly Journal, Select Letters from, 2 vol. frontispieces, calf gilt I2mo. 1732 1114 Fontana (Cav. C.) II Tempio Vaticano e sua Origine, plates, calf folio. Boma, 1694 1115 Foote (S.) Memoirs Svo. J. Sew, n. d. 1116 Forbes (J. D.) Travels through the Alps of Savoy, &c. map and plates, calf extra imperial Svo. Edinb. 1843 1117 Forbes (Et. Hon. Duncan) Works, 2 vol. port, calf, post Svo. ib. n.d. 1118 FORBISSERI (M.) NATIGATIO IN EEGIONES OCCIDENTIS ET SEPTEN- TRIONIS in Latinum translata per J. T. Freigium, with the rare woodcut, half morocco small Svo. Noribergae, 1580 * # * Extremely rare. Lowndes was unable to quote any copy of this Latin Version of Sir M. Frobisher's Voyage as sold by auction. 1119 Forsyth (J.) Eemarks on Italy, russia extra Svo. 1816 1120 Fort-Eoyal of Holy Scriptures (Concordance), calf 16mo. 1655 1121 Fortescue (Sir J.) de Laudibus Legum Anglia? in Latin and English royal Svo. 1775 1122 Fosbroke (T. D.) Encyclopaedia of Antiquities, 2 vol. plates, half russia, uncut 4to. 1S25 1123 Foscolo (Ugo) Ultimo Lettere di Jacopo Ortis, 2 vol. in 1, portraits, calf extra, 12mo. 1817 Foscolo (tlgo) Essays on Petrarch, half russia, Svo. 1823 (2) 1124 Fosse-Darcosse (A. M.) Melanges curieux et anecdotiques tires d'une Collection de Lettres Autographes et de Documents historiques, calf extra Svo. Paris, 1861 1125 Fox (Et. Hon. C. J.) History of James II, LARGE PAPER, rmsia, g. e. 4ito. 1808 77 1126 Fox (G.) Journal, 2 vol. with Pamphlet, " George Fox and his Friends as Leaders in the Peace Cause," 1859, added, crown Svo. 1852 Memoirs, Vlmo. 1850 (2) 1237 Fox (J.) Booke of Acts and Monumentes of the Church abridged by T. Bright, blacfe letter, small portion of title torn off small 4to. I.Windet, 1589 1128 France galante ou Histoires amoureuses de la Cour, plates, calf extra 24to. York, 1795-1807 1307 HALL (Arthur) QUARELL WITH MELCHISEDECH MALLERIE. A Letter sent by E. A. touchyng the proceedings in a priuate quarell and vnkindnesse hetweene Arthur Hall and Melchisedech Mallerie, Gentlemen, to his very friende L. B. 'being in Italie. .With an admonition to the Eather of E. A. to him being a Bur- gesse of the Parliament, for his better behauiour therein, bladl letter, fine copy, but six leaves admirably facsimiled by Harris, red morocco, g. e. EXCESSIVELY RARE, and the only copy that has occurred for sale by auction small 4to. (H. Bynneman, 1576) * # * One of the rarest volumes in English Literature, all the copies having been destroyed by the order of Parliament, with the exception of four- teen which had been previously distributed. A long account of this memorable quarell is given in the Journal of the House of Commons, from which it appears that Arthur Hall, the first translator of Homer into English, and at the time Member for Grantham, was the Author of this work, which was declared to be derogatory to the Speaker and ' other Members, charging them personally with drunkenness. Eor publishing it he was expelled the House, committed to the Tower for six months, and fined 500 marks. Independently of its great rarity it possesses the greatest interest as illustrating the manners and customs of the young men of Eamily in the Eeign of Q. Elizabeth. It is also full of curious gossip respecting the then Taverns and Ale Houses, especially in the neighbourhood of St. Paul's and Lothbury. It men- tions as popular literature the Romances of Bevis of Hampton, Knight of the Swan, Eour Sons of Amon, Amadis, Orlando Eurioso, Esplan- 88 dian, \aientine and Orson, Olgarden the Dane, &c. Many portions are highly amusing, and the tale of John the Servingman, the curious Anecdotes of Father Peto, Hobs' Journey to Bartholomew Fair, the Author's Progress with the Earls of Sussex and Leicester to Shooting Matches, and their Visit to Sudeley during the Queen's Sojourn with Lord Chandos, &c. will always be read with considerable interest. 1308 Hall (Bishop Joseph) Virgidemiarum Sixe Bookes. First three Bookes of Tooth-lesse Satyrs, 1602 The three last Bookes of By ting Satyrs, 1599, red morocco, g. e. by Clarke and Bedford 16mo. in one vol. 1309 Hall (Sir J.) Essay on the Origin, History and Principles of Gothic Architecture, LAEGE PAPEE, proof plates, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt royal 8mo. Paris, pour Germain Hardouin (1520) %* This beautiful little gem was in 1583 the property of Ferdinand Arch- duke of Austria, as appears from the following inscription : " Ferdi- nando Quarto Archiduci Austria, etc. Dno suo clementiss DDT Casp. Sitnikh D. MDLXXXIII Cal. Xbris." Prefixed are a modern painting of the Crucifixion and the Archduke's Arms illuminated in gold and colours. 1410 Heures nouvelles ecrites et gravees par L. Senault, engraved throughout with border-lines as specimens of caligraphy, with elegant initial letters, fleurons, head and tail-pieces, Sfc. old red morocco, g. e. Svo. Paris, s. d. (circa 1685) 1411 Heydon (C.) Astrology, frontispiece I2mo. 1792 1112 HEYWOOD (T.) EAPE OF LUCEECE, a true Eoman Tragedie, with the several! Songes in their apt Places, FIBST EDITION, EXCESSIVELY BABE, flne copy in red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small &to. 1(508 * # * With the following autograph note : " Look to the extraordinary Song of the Eoman (London) Cryes at the end. William Tite." 1413 Heywood (Thomas) Second Part of Queene Elizabeth's Troubles, Doctor Paries Treasons : The building of the Eoyall Exchange, and the famous Victory in An. 1588. With the Humors of Hobson and Tawny-cote, FIBST EDITION, olive morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4fo. Printed for Nathaniel Butter, 1609 Of extreme rarity, the Duke of Devonshire's copy having been hitherto considered unique. This second part is quite a distinct publication, and no copy at all of the first part was issued in 1609. 1414 HEYWOOD (T.) FIBST AND SECOND PABTS OF KING EDWABD THE FOUETH as it hath divers times beene publikely playd by the Earl of Derbie his Servants, very fine copy in red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4to. If. Lownes, 1613 %* Extremely rare. This copy sold for 10. 10s. at these Eooms on 16 April, 1863. 1415 Heywood (T.) Londini Speculum : or, Londons Mirror, Exprest in sundry Triumphs, Pageants and Showes, at the Initiation of the Et. Hon. E. Fenn into the Mairolty of London, all the Charge being the sole Undertaking of the Company of Haberdashers, red morocco, g. e. by Winstanley small 4to. in one vol. 1420 Higgins (G.) Hor Sabbaticse, calf extra, 1826 Taylor (I.) History of Sunday, n. d. 8vo. (2) 1421 Higgins (G.) Celtic Druids, plates 4to. 1827 1422 Hill (H. D.) on the Institutions, Government and Manners of Ancient Greece and of the Eomans, 2 vol. half calf I2mo. 1819-21 1423 Hill (N.) Ancient Poem of Guillaume de Guilleville, entitled le Pelerinage de 1'Homme, compared with the Pilgrim's Progress of John Bunyan, portrait and plates 4>to. 1858 1424 Hilpert's English-German and German-English Dictionary abridged, half morocco extra 8vo. Carlsruhe, n. d. 1425 History of the Press-Yard, cut in top margin, 1717 Trip through the Town, n. d. Trip through London, title damaged and stained, 1728 Tricks of the Town, stained, 1732, russia, sold with all faults 8vo. in one vol. 1426 History of the Antiquities of Great Britain relating to the Eeformation, &c. plates 12mo. M. Tracy on London Bridge, 1726 1427 History of the seven Champions of Holland, 2 vol. plates, I2mo. 1755 1428 Histrio-Mastix or the Player Whipt, see curious MS. note ly Sev. JH. J. Halpin, in ivhich the burlesque on Shakespeare's Troylus and Cressida (on C iv) is pointed out, red morocco extra, border of gold, g. e. small kto. Printed for Th. Thorp, 1610 * # * Very scarce. A copy sold for 4. 16s. at these Eooms in 1823. 1429 Hitchcock (E.) Elementary Geology, plates, calf gilt crown 8vo. New York, 1841 1430 Hittorff (I. I.) Description de la Eotonde des Panoramas elevee dans les Champs-Elysees, outline plates 4fo. Paris, 181-2 1431 Hoare (Sir E. C.) Auncient Wiltshire, plates only, royal folio. 1810-11 1432 Hoare (E.) Journal of his Shrievalty (1740-41), only 25 copies printed, half calf extra 4/0. Bath, 1815 98 1433 Hoare (Sir B. C.) Kecollections abroad during the Tears 1785-91, 4 vol. MR. EYTON'S COPT, splendidly bound in purple morocco super extra, broad borders of gold, g. tn. e. Bath, 1815-18 * % * Very scarce, only 25 copies having been printed of vol. I and II, and 50 copies of vol. Ill and IV. This copy was presented to A. B. Lambert, Esq. and has Sir E. C. Hoare's autograph inscription in each volume. 1434 Hobhouse (Sir J. C. afterwards Lord Broughton) "Wonders of a Week at Bath (in doggrel Verse), calf crown Svo. 1811 1435 Hoei-Lan-Ki, Drame en Prose et en Vers. Traduit du Chinois par S. Julien, calf extra Svo. 1832 143G Hofmann (A. W.) Report on the Chemical Laboratories of Bonn and Berlin, plates 4,to. 1866 1437 Hogarth (W.) Five Days Peregrination with Messrs. Tothall, Scott, Thornhill and Forrest, plates, half morocco, g. e. oblong folio. 1782 1438 Hogarth (W.) Genuine "Works, with Biographical Anecdotes, Chrono- logical Catalogue and Commentary by J. Nichols and G. Steevens, 2 vol. portrait and plates, half russia 4to. 1808-10 1439 Hogarth Moralized. A Complete Edition of all the "Works of "W. Hogarth with Explanations by Kev. Dr. Trusler, LABGE PAPEB, india proof plates, J. Major, 1831 Anecdotes of "W. Hogarth written by himself, with Essays on his Life and Genius and Criticisms on his "Works. To which are added a Catalogue of his Prints, Account of their Variations, Lists of his Paintings, Draw- ings, &c. by J. B. Nichols, 1833, morocco extra, g. e. by J. Wright crown Svo. 2 vol. 1440 Hogg (J.) Queer Book, calf extra, foolscap Svo. Edinb. 1822 Queen Hynde, Svo. ib. 1825 Songs, calf extra, foolscap Svo. ib. 1831 Hogg (N.) Poetical Letters and Witch Story in the Devonshire Dialect, I2mo. 1858 (4) 1441 HOLBEIN (Hans) ICONES HISTOBIABUM VETEBIS TESTAMENTI, beau- tiful woodcuts, fine copy in olive morocco super extra, g. e. by Cape, VEEY BABE, small 4 Beatro Mari Virginia secundum Usura Sarum, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, with 24; large MINIATURES, 11 small paintings indented into the text and 8 historiated initial letters, finely illuminated in gold and colours, blue morocco extra, g. e. 12mo. SJEC. xv %* " This little Flemish MS. tho' a good deal rubbed is very curious and contains several Illuminations of very uncommon occurrence. See the Agony in Gethsemane, the Betrayal and the Scene in the Hall of Pilate. At the end there is also a variation Transcript of the Breviate of the Psalter, attributed to St. Jerom, which is very seldom met. W. Tite, Nov. 1862." Autograph note of Sir W. Tite. 1494 HOE^: GLORIOSJE SEMPER VIRQINIS MABLE ALIAQUE OFFICIA secundum Ordinem Carthusiensem, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, finely illuminated in gold and colours in the most finished style of the Flemish School of the Period, and containing 9 large MINIATURES; 3 historiafed borders of great merit (one in grisaille"); 12 borders of flowers, birds (including Peacock) and insects ; and one architectural border, en Camaieu d'Or, black morocco, g. e. ; A PERFECT GEM 16mo. SJEO. xv 1495 HOB.J; BEAT^E MABI.E VIRGINIS, secundum Usum Rothomagensem, cum Calendario, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, with numerous capitals, borders (composed of scrolls, flowers, birds and monsters) on a dead gold ground, 8 large MINIATURES, and 24 small PAINTINGS illustrating the Calendar, depicting the signs of the Zodiac and Occupation of the Months, slightly imperfect, red velvet, with silver clasps, 8vo. S.EC.XV %* On the fly-leaf is written " Ces presentes heures appartiennent a damoi- selle Marie des Champs femme de Mons. de Breuedent Conseiller en La Court." This leaf is followed by another, on which are painted two whole-length figures (Virgin and Child standing on a large silver cres- cent, and St. James the Great dressed as a Pilgrim), with the Brevedent Arms beneath. 1496 HORJE BEAT.E MARI.E VIRGINIS, cum Calendario, Belgice, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, with illuminated borders and initials, orna- mented with 3 very early woodcuts, painted in gold and colours in imitation of genuine miniatures, red velvet, g. e. with engraved silver clasp and corners, a great curiosity ] Qmo. SJEC. xv 1497 HOR.E IN LAUDEM BEATISS.YIRGINIS secudum consuetudenem Roman curiae. Septem Psalmi pcenitentiales cu litaniis, & orationibus. Sacrificium in laudem sanctiss. Virginis. Omnia Graece, in the original vellum, preserved in a morocco case B2mo. Venetiis apud Aldum, 1505 % This second Edition of the Aldine Horse far exceeds that of 1497 in rarity. Bishop Butler's copy of 1505 sold for 52. 10s. that of 1497, in the same sale, producing 35. 14s. 6d. 1498 HORE INTEMERATE viROiNis MARIE secundum usum Bomanum cum Calendario et Almanach (1497-1520), PRINTED ON VELLUM within elegant borders, composed of sacred and grotesque subjects, and ornamented with large and small wood engravings, UNCOLOURED, with capitals illuminated in gold and colours, fine copy in olive morocco, g, e. rare, unknown to Brunei Svo. Paris, xvii Juillet 1501 per T. Kerver par G. Remacle. 105 1499 HOEB INTEMEBATE viBGiNis MABiE Becundu usum Eomanura cum Calendario et Almanach (1505-20), PEINTED ON VELLUM within very elegant ivoodcut borders, and richly ornamented with large and small wood engravings, all UNCOLOUEED, calf, g. e. EAEE royal 8vo. Paris, par G. Ann db at pour Germain Hardouin, 1505 1500 HOEE DIVE VIBGINIS MAEiE secundum usum Eomanum totaliter ad longum cum Calendario et Almanach (1510-30) PRINTED ON VELLUM, with large and small woodcuts (CNCOLOUBED), and numerous capital letters illuminated in gold and colours, very fine copy in red morocco extra, g, e. by Traiitz-Bauzonnet, scarce small 8vo. Paris. Egidius Hardoyin (1510) 1501 HOEE BEATISSIME VIEGINIS MA.BIE secuudu usum Eomanu, totaliter ad longum cum Calendario et Almanach (1522-36), printed within elegant woodcut borders, composed of sacred and grotesque subjects (including DANCE OF DEATH), and ornamented with nume- rous large and small wood engravings, very fine copy in olive morocco super extra, g. e. by Cape, VEEY SCARCE small 4to. Paris, par Thielman Kerver, 1522 1502 HOBJE IN LAUDEM BEATISSIM^E VIEGINIS MARI^: ad Usum Eomanum cum Calendario, printed within exquisitely beautiful arabesque woodcut borders, in delicate outlines, and ornamented with wood engravings very taste- fully designed, though most accurately drawn in an early hard Italian style, by G. TOET DE BOUEGES, and supposed to have been cut in sharp outline on the block by the famous WCERIOT, as many exhibit the Cross of Lorraine. A small portion of title, A iii, A vii, D vii and E v are torn out (sold therefore not subject to collation), else a very fine copy in '.the original calf binding, covered with elegant gold tooling, painted in compartments, gilt gaufre edges, in the Grolier style, for HTMBEETE FAVRE, whose name, in gold capitals, is impressed on obverse and reverse of cover, EXCESSIVELY EAEE sm. 4to. Parrhisiis apud G. Torinum ( Tory de Bourges) 1531 %* This is one of the finest examples of ornamental typography produced by the early Parisian Press, and probably the choicest specimen of that of Geofroy Tory de Bourges, the King's Printer, and a very celebrated artist, whose device of the POT CASSE is on the last leaf. Amongst the ornamentations of the borders are introduced the Eoyal Mottoes and Cyphers crowned, the Device of the Dauphin, the Pot casse, and blank shields for armorial ensigns. 1503 Hora3 Diurna3 Breviarii Eomani, morocco extra, gilt gaufre edges 4-8mo. Mechlinite, 1843 1504 HOEAS DE NUESTEA SEnOEA segun el Uso Eomano con Calendario, printed within woodcut borders, with large and small wood engravings, red morocco extra, gilt gaufre edges, scarce 8vo. Lyon por M. Bonnhomme, 1551 106 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE, SIZES MIXED. LOT 1505 Horapollo. Orus Apollo de JEgypte de la Signification des Notes Hieroglyphiquea des Aegyptiens, spirited woodcuts small 8vo. Paris, 1543 1506 Horapollo Nilous' Hieroglyphics in Greek and English, by A. T. Cory, plates crown 8vo. 1840 1507 Horatii Opera cum Notis G. Baxteri, J. M. Gesneri et J. C. Zeunii, calf royal 8vo. Edinb. 1806 1508 Horatius, His Art of Poetry, Englished by Ben Jonson : "With other Works of the Author (Execration against Vulcan, Masque of the Gypsies, Epigrams, &c.) never before printed, engraved title by Marshall, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, 12mo. J. Okesfor John Benson, 1640 1509 Hornby (W.) Scourge of Drunkenness, a Poem (1614), edited by J. 0. Halliwell, only 26 copies printed, Jialf morocco, uncut . small 4do. 1859 1510 Home (T. II.) Introduction to the Study of Bibliography, 2 vol. with engravings, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt 8vo. 1814 1511 Home (T. H.) Introduction to the critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, 4 vol. in 5, maps and facsimiles, 8vo. 1834 1512 Homes (M.) Uebersichtliche Darstellung des Mohsischen Mineral- systemes, portrait and 260 woodcuts royal 8vo. Wien, 1847 1513 HOKSLEY (J.) BKITANNIA KoMANA, maps and plates, fine copy in russia extra, g. e. folio. 1732 1514 Horsley (Bp. S.) Sermons, 3 vol. calf, 1816 Biblical Criticism, 4 vol. calf extra, 1820 8vo. (7) 1515 Hoskins (G. A.) Travels in Ethiopia, map and plates 4ito. 1835 1516 Hoskins (G. A.) Visit to the Great Oasis of the Libyan Desert, map and plates 8vo. 1837 1517 Houbraken (A. ) Groote Schouburgh der Nederlantsche Konstschilders en Schilderessen, 3 vol. ports, vellum 8vo. Amst. 1718-19-21 1518 HOUSEHOLD BOOKS of the Earl of Northumberland, with Preface by Bp. T. Percy, 1S27 Of Henry VIII and Elizabeth of York, with Notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 2 vol. 1827-30, and of the Princess (afterwards Queen) Mary, with Notes by Sir F. Madden, 1831, LAKGE PAPER (only G copies printed of the first, and 12 of the last three), Mr. El/tori's copy in purple morocco super extra, dentelle borders of gold, g. e. by Ilayday royal 8vo. 4 vol. 107 1519 Howard (J.) on Lazarettos, plates, half morocco, Warrington, 1789 Howard (L.) Papers on Meteorology, 1850- Grove (W. E.) on the Gas Voltaic Battery, 1843 4fo. (3) 1520 Howell ( J.) Familiar Letters, fine frontispiece (containing portrait} by Marshall, calf extra, g. e. by Clarke and Bedford, small 4fo. 1645 1521 Howel (Jam) Londinopolis, portrait by Melan and Bosc, with view by Hollar, calf small folio. 1657 1522 Howleglas, edited by F. Ouvry, privately printed, half morocco, uncut small 4fo. 1867 1523 Hoyle ( W.) Our national Eesources and how they are wasted, Svo. 1871 1524 Hughes (H.) Beauties of Cambria, 60 Views in North and South Walea, half morocco oblong. 1823 1525 Hughes (S.) Gas Legislation 12mo. 1861 1526 Hulls (J.) Description and Draught of a new-invented Machine for carrying Vessels or Ships out of, or into any Harbour, Port or River against Wind and Tide or in a Calm, large folding plate, fine copy with exception of reverse ofCi having bottom line cut off, sold therefore not subject to collation, olive morocco, g. e. by C. Lewis I2mo. Printed for the Author, 1737 *,* An extremely rare and interesting work, of which no copy has been sold by auction except this, purchased in Dunn Gardner's sale for 7. 12s. 6d. The author's scheme of vessels propelled by a paddle- wheel to act as steam-tugs, on Newcomen's principle, is considered the earliest proposal of the sort. 1527 Humboldt (A. von) Cosmos, translated by Mrs. Sabine, 3 vol. 1849-52 Aspects of Nature, translated by Mrs. Sabine, 2 vol. 1849, 5 vol. calf extra, square 12mo. Kosmos, translated by J. P. T., vol. J (all published), crown Svo. 1845 (6) 1527* Humboldt (W. von) Letters to a Female Friend, 2 vol. calf extra I2mo. 1849 1528 Hume (A.) Ancient Meols, or Account of Antiquities found near Dove Point, portrait and plates Svo. 1863 Hume (D.) Life, by Himself, portrait, calf foolscap Svo. 1777 Hume (D.) History of England, 8 vol. portraits, 1789 Smollett (T.) Continuation to the Death of George II, 5 vol. portraits, 1790 Adolphus (J.) History of George III to the Peace in 1783, 3 vol. portraits, 1810, old tree-marbled calf extra Svo. 16 vol. 1531 Hume (D.) Essays and Treatises, 2 vol. autograph of Sir G. Murray, calf Svo. JEdinb. 1800 1532 Humorist (New entertaining) being a Collection of Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, frontispiece, half morocco, 12mo. Berwick, 1770 1533 HUMOURS OF FLEET-STBEET, Covent Garden and the Strand, being the Lives and Adventures of the most noted Ladies of Pleasure, 2 vol. interleaved and illustrated with numerous rare engravings, scarce ballads and curious Advertisements, Cuttings from Neios- papers, fyc. half russia Svo. (1746-48) 108 1534 Humphreys (H. N.) Illuminated Illustrations of Froissart, selected from the M8S. in the British Museum and Bibliotheque Royale, Paris, 2 vol. plates, finely illuminated in gold and colours, half morocco, top edge gilt 4to. 1844-45 1535 Humphreys (H. Noel) Art of Illumination and Missal Painting, illus- trated with specimens of Illuminations and a set of outlines for colouring post Svo. 1849 1536 Hunter (J.) Hallamshire Glossary, LARGE PAPER (only 12 copies printed), morocco extra, g. e. "by Hay day ; from Mr. Eaton's Library square Svo. 1829 1537 Hunter (J.) Eise of the old Dissent exemplified in the Life of Oliver Hey wood (1630-1702) Svo. 1842 1538 Hunter (J.) Connection of Bath with the Literature and Science of England, LARGE PAPER, J. H. Markland's copy, with autograph letters (2) from Rev. J. Hunter t E. Hunt and B. E. Peach added, morocco extra Svo. Bath, 1853 1539 Hunter (J.) Connection of Bath with the Literature and Science of England, LARGE PAPER, presented by the Bath Literary Club, with autograph letter of H. H. Winwood, Ron. Sec. Svo. Bath, 1853 1540 Hunter (J. D.) Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North America, portrait, half calf Svo. 1824 1541 Hunter (W.) Anglo-Saxon Grammar Svo. 1832 1542 Huntington (W.) God the Guardian of the Poor and the Bank of Faith (Autobiography), 1786 Key to the Hieroglyphical Print of the Church of God, 1791, calf extra, g. e. Svo. in one vol. lt>43 HURTADO DE MENDOZA (Don D.) VlDA DE LAZARILLO DE TORMES con la segunda Parte, wants title to part II and several leaves mended, sold therefore with all faults, morocco, g. e. Anvers, M. Nucio, 1554-55 ** Excessively rare, and considered by Mr. Hanrott as the first edition, see his long autograph note prefixed. Mr. Hanrott's copy sold for 20. 10s. 1544 Hurtado de Mendoza (Don D.) Vida de Lazarillo de Tonnes, calf extra, g. e. IQmo. ^Anvers) en la Officina Plantiniana, 1595 %* A very scarce edition. The only copy known to Brunet is that in the French National Library. 1545 Hurtado de Mendoza (Don D.) Life and Adventures of Lazarillo de Tonnes, 2 parts in 1, plates, red morocco extra, g. e. by J. Clarke I2mo. 1726 1546 Hussey (A.) Notes on Churches of Kent, Sussex and Surrey, plates, Svo. 1852 1547 Husson (A.) Etude sur les Hopitaux, plates 4>to. Paris, 1862 1548 Hutchinson (F.) on Witchcraft, 1720 Life, Miracles and Litanies of St. Wenefrede, 1713 Svo. in one vol. 109 1549 Hutchinson (Lucy) Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson, portraits, halfrussia 4/0. 1808 1550 Hutchinson ("W.) Spirit of Masonry, with Notes by Eev. G. Oliver, D.D. 12mo. 1843 1551 Hutton (C.) Course of Mathematics, 3 vol. 1815-11-13 Tracts on Mathematical and Philosophical Subjects, 3 vol. portrait, 1812, calf 800. 6 vol. 1552 Hutton ("W.) Battle of Bosworth Field, portrait and plan, calf 8vo. Birm. 1788 1553 Hutton (W.) History of Derby, plates, 1791 History of Birmingham, plates, Birm. 1783 8vo. 2 vol. 1554 Hutton ( W.) History of the Eoman Wall, plates, calf 8vo. 1802 1555 Hutton (TV.) Tour to Scarborough, calf extra 8vo. 1817 1556 Huxley (T. H.) Man's Place in Nature, cuts 8vo. 1863 1557 Hyak Nin Is'shiu, or Japanese Lyrical Odes, with English Translation by P. y. Dickins 8vo. 1866 1558 Hymns for the Use of the (Moravian) Congregations in Union with the Brethren's Church, rare, see G. Daniel's MS. note on fly-leaf 8vo. 1754 *.* This copy sold for 2. 18s. in the sale of G. Daniel. 1559 IDOLATRY. "Worke entytled of the olde god & the new god, of y" olde faythe & doctryne and of the new faith and doctryne (translated by Myles Coverdale), fclacfe letter, wants title and several leaves mended, sold with all faults, calf . IQmo. lohan Byddell, 1534 %* This work was strictly prohibited. See Pox's Book of Martyrs, Pirst Edition, p. 574. 1560 Ignatius (Saint) Epistles, in Syriac and English, with Notes by "W". Cureton 8vo. 1845 1561 ILLUMINATIONS. A COLLECTION OP MAGNIFICENT ORNAMEN- TATIONS, TEE? RICHLY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS UPON VELLUM, cut from Ancient Service Books, comprising 56 BEAUTIFUL INITIAL LETTERS (each containing an EXQUISITE MINIATUEE), ABOVE 1600 TEEY LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS, upwards of 400 other ORNAMENTS (consisting of BOEDEBS, FLOURISHES, &c.}and innumerable letters of gold, painted capitals, Sfc. neatly mounted on tinted paper, in 2 thick volumes, morocco, g. e. folio *,* These splendid volumes were lent by Sir "W. Tite in 1863 to the Iron- monger's Company for their Exhibition, and were considered by the Committee " of so much importance that they considered it imperative upon them to expend a considerable sum in illustrating four interesting subjects, and they only regret that their funds would not permit them to do more justice to the very beautiful illustrations contained in the volumes." See the Honorary Secretary's Letters on the subject prefixed. 110 1562 Ingelend (Thomas) A pretie and Mery new Enterlude called the Dis- obedient Child, MANUSCRIPT, with MS. notes in the autograph of J. 0. Halliwell, Esq. who printed from it an edition for the Percy Society, calf extra, covered u-ith blank tooling in the antique style, 4fo. SJEC. xviii 15G3 INGHIEAMI (CAV. F.) MONTTMENTI ETEUSCHI CON INDICI, 7 vol. in 5, numerous plates (several coloured}, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt 4ito. Badia Fiesolana, 1821-20 1564 Inglis (H. D.) New Gil Bias, or Pedro of Penaflor, 3 vol. in 1, half calf gilt royal 12mo. 1832 * # * From the Library of the Rev. E. H. Barham, Author of the Ingoldsby Legends, with his book-plate. 1565 Innes (T.) Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland, 2 vol. panelled calf Svo. 1729 156G Innes (J.) on the Muscles, plates, 1804 Osteologia, plates, 1811 12mo. (2) 1 567 Inquisicion. Auto General de la Fe 30 Mayo 1672, scarce small 4to. Granada, 1672 %* Containing names and descriptions of the 90 culprits. 1568 Inwood (H. W.) The Erechtheion at Athens, plates, . . uncut royal folio. 1827 1569 Inwood (W.) Tables for the Purchasing of Estates, &c. 2 editions, foolscap Svo. 1847-59 ; and 3 others (5) 1570 Ionian Antiquities published for the Society of Dilettanti by R. Chandler, N. Revett and W. Pars, 3 vol. plates (vol. land II half russia, vol. Ill in boards') royal folio. 1769-97-1840 1571 Ireland. Ancient Irish Histories: the "Works of Spencer, Campion, Hanmer and Marleburrough, 2 vol. half calf, roy. Svo. Dublin, 1809 1572 Ireland. Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry, Col. T. Colby Superintendent, vol. I, maps and plates, 4to. Dublin, 1837 1573 Ireland 60 Tears ago, Dublin, 1847 Keightley's Outlines of History, 1830 Gilbart ( J. W.) Philosophy of History, portrait, privately printed, 1857 foolscap Svo. (3) 1574 IEELAND. Annals of Ireland, translated from the original Irish of the Four Masters by Owen Connellan, blue morocco, gold tooling, g. e. 4to. Dublin, 1846 1575 Irish Hudibras Svo. 1689 1576 IEISH SOCIETT. Concise View of its Origin, Constitution and Pro- ceedings, 1822 Reports of the Deputation for 1815, 19, 25, 26, 32, 35, 36, 38 and 1841 Report on the Estate of Pelipar, 1853 Judgments in Skinners Company v. Irish Society, 1836-38-45, morocco Svo. (12) 1577 Isaacs (H.) Ceremonies of the Jews, MS. note by If. T. Buckle, Svo. n.d. 1578 Isaiah, a new Translation, with Notes by Bp. R. Lowth, 2 vol. calf Svo. 1795 Ill 1579 Islington Wells (a Poem), edited by J. 0. Halliwell, half morocco, uncut, only 30 copies printed I6mo. 1861 1580 Izacke (R.) Eemarkable Antiquities of Exeter, plan, view of Cathedral and coats of arms, fine copy in old morocco, gold tooling on sides, g. e. 8vo. 1724 1581 Jackaon (J.) on "Wood Engraving, numerous woodcuts, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt royal Svo. 1839 1582 Jacobi von Wallhausen (J.) Ritterkunst, plates, Franckfurt, 1616 Patriciarum Stirpium Augustanar. Vind! et earundem Sodalitatis Insignia, plates of equestrian knights with coats of arms, by R. Custodis, Augspurg, 1613 Schrot (M.) Wappen-Buch, woodcut coats of arms, Miinchen, 1576 small 4>to. in one vol. 1583 JACOBITE POEMS. The Bath Miscellany for the year 1740, containing all the Lampoons, Satyrs, Panegyrics, &c. for that year, Bath, 1741 Armstrong (Dr.) (Economy of Love, 1749 A Collection of Loyal Songs, Poems, &c. 1750 Svo. 3 vol. in 1 * # * Vide note on fly-leaf by Mr. Daniel, at whose sale this volume sold for 10. 5s. 1584 Jamblichus de Mysteriis et Varia Opuscula Procli, Porphyrii, Synesii, Pselli, Alcinoi, &c. FIBST EDITION, fine copy in red morocco, g. e. by Derome folio. Venetiis, Aldus, 1497 1585 James I, King of Scotland, Works, portrait, half red morocco, uncut 12mo. Perth, 1786 1586 James VI of Scotland and I of England Dsemonologie in Forme of a Dialogue, FIRST EDITION, fine copy in purple morocco extra, borders of gold, g. e. by J. Mackenzie, rare, small 4to. Edinb, 1597 1587 James I, Daemonologie, fine copy in calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, scarce, small 4fo. 1603 1588 James II. Remonstrance against deposing him, half morocco small 4mo. T. Cotes for H. Mosley, 1638 * # * " Excessively rare. I know of only one other copy, which Mr. Daniel bought of Lilly for 7. 7s." MS. Note. Mr. Daniel's copy " believed to be UNIQUE," sold for 9. 12s. This was G. Smith's and sold in his sale for 10. 5s. 1608 Jest-Book. Comes facundus in Via the Fellow- Traveller furnished with short Stories, Speeches of Wit and Mirth, &c. calf extra, old style I2mo. 1658 1609 JEST-BOOK. Joe Miller's Jests, or the Wits Yade-Mecum, FIBBT EDITION, morocco extra, g.e. by Clarke and Bedford, 8vo. 1739 %* Scarce. G. Daniel's copy sold for 0. 15s. 1610 Jests. Joe Miller's Jests, facsimile of first edition, half morocco, uncut 8vo. 1739 (1862) 1611 Jest-Book. Joe Miller's Jests or the Wit's Vade-mecum, full-length portrait, calf gilt I2mo. W. Lane, n. d. 1612 Jest Book. Ben Johnson's Jests, port, lialf morocco, post 8ro. 1751 1613 Jest Book. Jests of Beau Nash, portrait, 1763 New Bath Guide, portrait of Nash, Bath, C. Pope, n. d. L2mo. in one vol. 1614 Jest Book. Complete London Jester, scarce, 1764 Life of J. Quin, portrait, 1766 Book of Oddities by Jack Strange, rare, n. d. I2mo. in one vol. 1615 Jest-Book. Festival of Wit (from a volumnious work in the possession of George King, Summer Resident at Windsor) 12mo. Dublin, 1783 %* This very rare work is usually attributed to George IV, when Prince of Wales, but on what authority cannot be ascertained. 1616 Jest Book. Conceits, Clinches, Flashes and Wbimzies, reprinted from the unique copy of 1639 by J. 0. Halliwell, only 26 copies printed, half morocco, uncut 4to. 1860 1617 Jest-Book. Sack full of Newes, reprinted by J. O. Halliwell, half mo- rocco, uncut, only 40 copies printed, with Mr. HalliwelTs autograph letter IGmo. 1801 1618 Jest Book, by Mark Lemon, foolscap Svo. 1864 -Lord Chesterfield's Witticisms, portrait, half calf, 12mo. n. d. (2) 1619 JESUITJE. Brevis Eelatio felicis Agonis quern pro Eeligione Catholica gloriose subierunt aliquot e Societate Jesu Sacerdotes in Ultima Angliee Persecutione sub Annum 1678, a Protestantibus excitata, violenta Morte sublati, portraits of Ireland, Harcourt, Waring, Turner, FenwicJc, Gavan, Evans and Baker, fine copy in blue mO' rocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, rare small 4to. W. Jones, 1572 %* Prelxrd are Latin Verses by C. Carlile and Archdeacon J. Lloyd and Englished by T. Cburcbyarde and T. Lupton, V 115 1638 Jones (J.) Greek and English Lexicon, calf extra Svo. 1823 1639 Jones (J.) Attempts at Verse with Essay on uneducated Poets by E. Southey, calf gilt crown Svo. 1831 1640 Jones (Col. J. T.) Memoranda on the Lisbon Lines, plans, calf extra Svo. 1829 *** Printed for private circulation. 1641 Jones (Owen) Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details of the Alhambra, vol. II, part I, plates, several finely illuminated in gold and colours atlas folio. 1840 1642 Jones (E.) Heraldic Eegister of the House of Commons, numerous coats of arms 4fo. 1866 1643 Jones (E. L.) Eemisiscences of his Public Life, photograph of medal royal Svo. 1863 \* Printed for private circulation only. 1644 Jones (W. B.) Yestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd Svo. 1851 1645 JONSON (Ben) COMICALL SATTEE OF EVEET MAN OUT OF HIS HUMOB, FIEST EDITION, morocco, ff. e. by C. Lewis small 4 plates, 1848 Eichard Wyatt and his Almshpuses at Godaluiing, plates, privately printed, presentation copy with author's autograph letter prefixed, (1865) Svo. (2) 11G 1G56 Juasie (E. Scour Jeanne de) Le Levain du Calvinisme ou Commence- ment de 1'Hereaie de Geneve, plates, Reprinted from the edition of Chambery 1611, red morocco extra, borders of gold, leaves uncut, top edge gilt, by Mertz 8vo. Geneve, 1858 1657 Juvenal's Satyrs with Notes by Sir E. Stapylton, portrait by Marshall and engraved title, fine copy in calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 800. 1647 1658 Juvenal's Satyrs with Notes by Sir E. Stapylton, frontispiece, cut in headlines, small 8vo. 1673 Juvenal and Persius in Verse by J. Dryden, plates, 12mo. 1726 (2) 1659 Juvenal in English Verse by W. Giftbrd, portrait, 1802 Juvenalis et Persii Satyr, Birm. J. Baskerville, 1761, calf 4sto. in one vol. 1660 Kalisch (M. M.) Commentary on the Old Testament with a new Translation, vol. I and II (Genesis and Exodus in Hebrew and English) 8vo. 1858-55 1661 Kallenbach (G. G.) Atlas zur Geschichte der Deutsch-mittelalter- lichen Baukunst, plates oblong royal folio. Munchen, 1847 1662 Kant (I.) Anthropologie, 800. Ko'nigsberg, 1800 Schroter (F. A.) Termino-neologie-Technisches Worterbuch, 8vo. Erfurt, 1803 Moritz (K. P.) Gotterlehre, plates, crown 8vo. Berlin, 1804 (3) 1663 KATEEYNE (SEYNT) LYF AND MABTTEDOM, MANDSCEIPT ON TELLTJM, with capitals richly illuminated in gold and colours, Hue morocco extra, joints, g. e. by Kalthoeber ; from the Totcneley Collection 40. 1855 1668 Kelham (E.) Dictionary of the Norman or old French Language. To which are added the Laws of William the Conqueror with Notes, scarce 8vo. 3 779 1669 KELHAM (E.) NOEMAN DICTIONABY. To which are added the Laws of William the Conqueror, interleaved with NUMEBOUS MS. ADDITIONS BY ALCHIN, calf gilt 8vo. 1779 1670 Kelly (J.) Collection of Scotish Proverbs, wormed, sold with all faults 8vo. 1721 1671 Kelly (J.) Collection of Scottish Proverbs, calf gilt I2mo. 1818 117 Kelaey (Richard) Niagara, Jephthah, Eemarks on Alfred the Great's Defence of Wessex, with other Compositions in Verse and Prose, dedicated to Sir W. Tite, with author's autograph letter prefixed, half calf gilt Svo. 1848 1673 Kelsey (E.) Alfred of Wessex (in Verse), 2 vol. half morocco, g. e. privately printed Svo. Battle, 1852 *** Printed for private distribution only. 1674 KEMBLE (John Philip) Fugitive Pieces, VEEY EAEE, AS IT WAS CABE- FULLY SUPPEESSED, green morocco, g. e. post Svo. York, 1780 * # * Perry gave 15. for this copy at a sale against Mr. Kemble, who as- sured Mr. Jolly that he had succeeded in buying up and suppressing all the copies which had been sold, excepting four, and at the same time offered Mr. Jolly 10. 10s. for his copy, which liberal offer was refused, Mr. J. however, promising that when Mr. Kemble had succeeded in purchasing the three other copies, that he would present Mr. K. with the one in his possession. 1675 Kemble ( J. M.) Horse Ferales, plates, several coloured 4to. 1863 1676 Kennicott (B.) on the State of the Printed Hebrew Text of the Old Testament, 2 vol. fine copy in blue morocco extra, g. e. Svo. Oxford, 1753-59 1677 Kenrick (J.) Eoman Sepulcral Inscriptions crown Svo. 1858 1678 Kent (Countesse of) Choice Manuall of Secrets in Physick and Chy- rurgery. To which is added A true Gentlewomans Delight in Cookery by "W. I., 2 vol. in I, port, last leaves mended, 4to. n. d. 1699 KNOX (John) HISTOBIE OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, ORIGINAL EDITION (pp. 17-560), EXCESSIVELY BABE, fine copy in morocco super extra, gold tooling on sides, g. e. by F. Bedford, small Svo. (1584) %* All the copies hitherto discovered commence on p. 17 and end with p. 560. It having been found impossible to print the work in Scotland, the Manuscript was entrusted to Vautrollier to be executed in England. Before completion nearly all the copies were seized by order of the Archbishop of Canterbury and destroyed. Mr. Hanrott's copy sold for 24. 3s. 1700 Knox (E.) Historical Eelation of Ceylon, with an Account of his Captivity, map and plates, calf gilt small folio. 1681 1701 KOBAN, IN ABABIC, MANUSCRIPT, beautifully written within borders of gold, with elegant illuminations in gold and colours, Oriental binding, richly ornamented with gold square small Svo. 1702 Koran translated, with Notes, by G. Sale, 2 vol. calf Svo. 1801 1703 Koran translated by Eev. J. M. Eodwell crown Svo. 1861 1704 Krafft (J. C.) Plans, Coupes et Elevations de diverses Productions de 1'Arts de la Charpente, plates, uncut royal folio. Paris, 1805 1705 Krafft (J. C.) Gates, House-Doors, Windows, Balconies, &c. in Paris, plates, half calf oblong 4>to. ib. 1810 1706 Kugler's Schools of Painting in Italy, edited, with Notes, by Sir C. Eastlake, 2 vol. plates royal I2mo. 1851 119 1707 La Brocquiere (Bertrandon de) Travels to Palestine and Return (1282-33), translated by T. Johnes, map, russia extra royal 8vo. Hafod Press, 1807 / / / 1708 La Chaize (Pere) Histpire du, red morocco, g. e. by Vogel 2&mo. Cologne, 1693 1709 Lacking (L. B.) Description of the Heart- Shrine in Leybourne Church, with Account of Sir Roger de Leyburn, plates, with author's auto- graph letter to. 1864 * # * Printed for private circulation only. 1710 Lacroix (P.) et F. Sere, Histoire de 1'Orfevrerie-Joaillerie, numerous illustrations (several illuminated in gold, silver and colours), calf extra, g. e. imperial Svo. Paris, 1850 1711 LA FONTAINE (J. de) CONIES ET NOTTVELLES EN VERS, 2 vol. plates by Romain de Hooge, ROUSSEAU'S copy, with his autograph on each titlepage, old French citron morocco, g. e. 1.2mo. Amst. 1685 1712 La Fontaine (J. de) Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, 2 vol. portrait and plates by Romain de Hooge, French calf,g.e. small Svo. ib. 1721 1713 LA FONTAINE (J. DE) CONTES ET NOUVELLES EN VERS (Edition executee aux Frais des Fermiers generaux), 2 vol. portrait and beautiful engravings from designs by Eisen, fine copy in old gilt tree-marbled calf extra, g. e. Svo. Amst. (Paris), 1762 1714 Laing (D.) Plans, Elevations and Sections of Custom-House, London, plates royal folio. 1818 1715 Laing (D.) Early Popular Poetry of Scotland, presentation copy to G. Chalmers, uncut small 4to. Edinb. 1821-22 *#* Only 108 copies printed, of which many were destroyed by a fire. 1716 Laing (D.) Select Remains of the early Poetry of Scotland, half morocco, uncut foolscap 4to. Edinb. 1822 1717 Laing (D.) Early Metrical Tales, including the History of Sir Egeir, Sir Gryme and Sir Gray-Steill, frontispiece by C. K. SJtarpe, por- trait of the Earl of Eglinton, and tailpiece by Geikie, russia, g. e. from R. H.eber's Library, foolscap Svo. Edinb. 1826 * % * Scarce. Only 175 copies printed. 1718 Laing (D.) Early Metrical Tales, THICK PAPER, frontispiece by C. KirJcpatrick Sharpe, green morocco extra, gold tooling, g. e. by Hay day, from Mr. El/ton's collection, foolscap Svo. Edinb. 1826 1719 Laing (D.) Knightly Tale of Golagrus and Gawane and other ancient Poems reprinted from the originals, printed by W. Chepman and A. Myllar in 1508, morocco extra, g. e. 4.to. Edinb. 1827 *#* Of this Reprint only 72 copies wefe saved from the fire in the printer's warehouse. This copy sold for 3. 16s. in E. V. Utterson's sale. 1720 Laing (D.) Biographical Notices of T. Young, Vicar of Stowmarket, portrait and plates, with an autograph letter from D. Laing pre- fixed Svo. Edinb. 1870 1721 Luing (M.) History of Scotland, 4 vol. calf extra Svo. 1810 120 1722 Lamb (C.) Prose Works, 3 vol. 1 838 Poetical Works, 1838 Letters, with Life by Sir T. N. Talfourd, 2 vol. portrait, 1837, calf extra, g. e. by Wickwar 12mo. 6 vol. 1723 Lambarde (G.) Archaionomia sive de Priscis Anglorum Legibus Libri Anglo-Saxonice et Latine, with the rare leaf of Errata (unknown to Lowndes), in the original binding small 4/0. 1568 * # * This copy formerly belonged to the famous Sir Eobert Dudley Earl of Leicester, whose arms partly erased are still visible on the cover. See, respecting the rarity of the volume, Mr. HalliwelFs MS. Note on fly-leaf. 1724 Lambarde (W.) Perambulation of Kent, blacfe letter, map and carde, russia, g. e. small ^to. E.Bollifant, 1596 1725 Lambeth Improvement Act 12mo. 1829 1726 La Motte Fouque (F. Baron de) Der Zauberring ein Eitterroman, 3 vol. frontispieces, calf gilt, post 8vo. Niirnberg, 1816 Undine, I2mo. Berlin, s. a. Matthissons Gedichte, post 8vo. Zurich, 1802 Voss (J. H.) Luise, post 8vo. Reutlingen, 1804 Wieland (C. M.) Oberon, crown 8vo. Leipzig, 1819 (7) 1727 LANCELOT DU LAC (Roman de Chevalerie en Prose) 3 vol. in 1, wood- cuts, fclaefc letter, very fine copy in red morocco extra, symbolically tooled, broad leather joints with gold tooling, watered silk linings, g. e. by C. Lewis, Goldsmith's copy, with his arms in gold on sides small folio. Paris, pour Michel le Noir, 1513 %* An edition of extraordinary rarity, quoted by Brunet, with the remark " NOTTS NE L'AVONS PAS VUE," solely on the authority of the Cata- logue of the Library of Col. Stanley, at whose sale these volumes pro- duced 34. 13s. since which they have been bound in one for Mr. Goldsmith by C. Lewis. 1728 LANCELOT DU LAC (Roman de Chevalerie en Prose) 3 vol. in 1, blacfe letter, fine copy in blue morocco extra, g. e. with the arms of E. V. Utter son in gold on sides, folio. Paris, Jehan Petit, 1533 * # * Extremely rare. This copy sold for 16 in E. V. Utterson's sale, and for 550 francs in Solar's. 1729 Lane (E. W.) Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, 2 vol. with illustrations 8vo. 1842 1730 Laneham (R.) Letter whearin part of the entertainment untoo the Queen's Maiesty (Elizabeth) at Killingworth (Kenilworth) Castle in Warwik Sheer, in this Soomerz Progress, 1575, iz signifiet : from a freend officer attendant in the Coourt, unto hiz freend a Citizen and Merchaunt of London, folaefe letter, green morocco super extra, joints, gold tooling, g. e. 16zo. 1575 %* Very rare. Bindley's copy sold for 9. 15s. and this copy for 9. (since bound), at these Rooms, 21st November, 1863. 1731 Langbaine (G.) Account of the English Dramatick Poets, with appen- dix and the rare errata and label, old calf, small 8vo. Oxf. 1691 1732 Langbaine (G.) Account of the English Dramatick Poets, calf small 8vo. Oxford, 1691 121 1733 Langlois (E. H.) Description historique des Maisons de Eouen, plates, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, 8vo. Paris, 1821 Notice sur I'lncendie de la Cathedrale de Eouen, &c. plates, half russia, 8vo. Rouen, 1823 (2) 1734 Langlois (E. H.) Essai sur PAbbaye de Eontenelle ou de Saint- Wandrille, plates royal 8vo. Paris, 1827 1735 Langlois (E. H.) sur des Tombeaux Gallo-Eomains decouverts a Eouen, plates, half russia, 8vo. Rouen, 1829 Hymne a la Cloche, half morocco, 8vo. ib. 1832 Essai sur la Peinture sur Verre, plates, 8vo. ib. 1832 Notice sur PAbbaye de Saint-Amand a Eouen, india proof plates, half morocco, 8vo. ib. 1834 (4) 1736 Langlois (E. H.) Souvenirs de PEcole de Mars et de 1794, plate, with author's autograph inscription, half calf, imperial 8vo. Rouen, 1836 1737 Langlois (E. H.) Stalles de la Cathedrale de Eouen, portrait and plates, half green morocco, uncut, top edges gilt 8vo. ib. 1838 1738 Langlois (E. H.) Essai sur la Calligraphic des Manuscrits du Moyen- Age et sur les Ornements des premiers Livres d'Heures im primes, plates, half calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt royal 8vo. ib. 1841 1739 Langles (L.) Alphabet Mantchou, calf gilt 8vo. Paris, 1807 1740 Lamb ( J.) Hebrew Characters derived from Hieroglyphics and on the Eights of Bacchus 8vo. Camb. 1835 1741 Lanquet (T.), T. Cooper and E. Crowley's Epitome of Chronicles to the Eeigne of Quene Elizabeth, fclacfe letter, calf small 4ito. In cedibus Thomas Marshe, 1559 1742 Lansdowne (Lord) Poems, green morocco, g. e. 24>mo. 1716 1743 Lanzi (L.) Storia Pittorica della Italia, 3 vol. half calf royal 8vo. Bassano, 1795-96 1744 La Queriere (E. de) sur les Girouettes, Epis, Cretes, et autres Decora- tions des Anciens Combles et Pignons, plates, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt 8vo. Paris, 1846 1745 Laplace (P. S.) System of the "World, translated by J. Pond, 2 vol. calf crown 8vo. 1809 1746 La Eochefoucauld (E. Due de) Eeflexions ou Sentences, et Maximes morales. Cinquieme Edition augmentee de plus de cent nouvelles Maximes, very fine copy, ruled, red morocco, g. e. by Desseuil, I2mo. Paris, 1678 * # * This edition, the last published during the author's life-time, is very scarce. Giraud's copy sold for 59 francs. 1747 Larochejaquelein (Marquise de) Memoires, portrait and maps, calf extra, g. e. by C. Lewis 8vo. Paris, 1S1G 1748 Larwood ( J.) and J. C. Hotten, History of Signboards, with 100 illus- trations in facsimile by J. Larwood crown 8vo. 1866 1749 Lascaris (C.) Grammatica Grseca cum Versione Latina. Accedunt alia Opuscula Graeco-Latina et Alphabetum Hebraicum, fine copy in olive morocco extra, g. e. by J. Clarke, small 4fo. Venetiis Aldus, s. a. B 122 1750 Lasinio (G. P.) Le Tre Porte del Battistero di San Giovanni di Firenze, plates, half bound royal folio. Firenze, 1821 1751 Latham (R. G.) Natural History of the Varieties of Man, calf extra 8vo. 1850 1752 Latham (S.) Faulconry, 2 vol. in 1, woodcuts, fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. by 0. Lewis, from E. V. filter son's library \Qmo. 1658 *#* Scarce. This copy sold for 2. 10s. in G. Smith's sale. 1753 Lathbury (T.) Guy Fawkes, frontispiece foolscap 8vo. 1840 %* John Poynder's copy, with his letter to the Times added. 1751 LATIMEB (Bp. Hughe) FF.RSTE SERMON, Jhon Daye, 1549 Seconde Sermon (with Sermons III to VII in the same volume), ib. 1549, black letter, very fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. old style, by Hayday, TERY BARE iGmo. in one vol. 1755 LATTMER (Bp. Hugh) FRDTEFULL SERMONS, folacfe letter, woodcut of Latimer preaching, very large and fine copy in blue morocco, blind tooling in the antique style, g. e. by Clarke and Bedford small 4>to. John Daye, 1571 %* "With the following note in the autograph of the late "W. Pickering : " This copy of Latimer's Sermon is the largest I have ever seen, and I think the best edition. If not large paper it is the largest that has occurred for sale for years. This appears to be the first and best edition of the complete. Sermons." . 1756 Latimer (Bp. H.) Sermons, fclacfe letter, small 4tto. John Daye, 1584 1757 Lauder (W.) Essay on Milton's Use and Imitation of the Moderns in his Paradise Lost, with preface and postscript by Dr. Johnson, 1750 Letter to Eev. Mr. Douglas (Confession of the Forgery), 1751, old gilt tree-marbled calf 8vo. in one vol. 1758 Laurie (Sir P.) Narrative of Laying the first Stone of New Buildings at Bethlem Hospital, plates, privately printed 8vo. 1838 1759 Lawrence (Sir W.) Lectures on Physiology, Zoology and the Natural History of Man, the genuine edition (suppressed) , plates, calf gilt 8vo. 3819 1760 Layard (A. H.) Nineveh and its Remains, 2 vol. plates, 1849 Dis- coveries in Nineveh and Babylon, being the Result of a Second Expedition, plates, 1853 8vo. 3 vol. 1761 LEABHAR NI MAOLCONAIRE : the Book of Maolconaire (Mulconry) in Irish, containing a Collection of 37 Ancient Legends, Poems, Romances, &c. in Prose and Verse, compiled about the end of the XV th Century (see list of contents by Mr. Gary prefixed), green morocco extra, richly gilt small 4>to. SJEC. xv * # * The rarity of early Manuscripts in Irish is too well known to require any comment. Prefixed is an autograph letter to Sir W. Tite from Sir Robert Peel, requesting permission for Dr. Todd to examine the volume. 1762 Leake (W. Martin) Topography of Athens, plates 8vo. 1821 123 1763 Lear (E.) Views in Eome and its Environs, tinted lithographs, half morocco royal folio. 1841 1764 Lebas (A.) L'Obelisque de Luxor, plates and map, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt royal 4fo. Paris, 1839 1765 Le Brigant (M.) Elemens de la Langue des Celtes Gomerites ou Bretons, I2mo. Strasbourg, 1779 Alonso (J.F.) Spanish Grammar, foolscap 8vo. 1867 (2) 1766 Le Clerc (S.) Pratique de la Geometric, numerous etchings, by S. Le Clerc 12mo. Paris, 1716 1767 LECTIONARIUM, CONTINENS EPISTOLAS ET EVANGELIA, TEBT BEAUTIFUL MANUSCRIPT Off VELLUM, each page richly orna- mented with initial letters illuminated in gold and colours, and having the first line of the Epistle or Gospel of the Day written in capital letters of silver, in the original oak boards covered with stamped leather and protected by clasps, in a brown morocco case small folio. S^EC. xi * # * This magnificent specimen of early Caligraphy and Ornamentation was probably executed in Bavaria, as on the fly-leaf is written " Liber iste pertinet ad Monasterium Ottenburen," that is the famous Monastery of Ottenbeuren in Bavaria. 1768 LECTIONARIUM ECCLESO: ROMANS, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, with initial and border illuminated in gold and colours, russia extra folio. S&c. xiv 1769 LECTIONARIUM ET SEQUENTL3E CTJM ANTIPHONARIO ET ORATIONIBUS PRO FEST1S ECCLESL^ ROMANS, A MAGNIFICENT MANUSCRIPT ON PURE VELLUMjWITIllNTITULATIONS IN LETTERS OF GOLD, BY AN ITALIAN SCRIBE, RICHLY ORNAMENTED WITH INITIAL LETTERS EXQUISITELY PAINTED IN GLOWING COLOURS, HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD, AND 8 EXCELLENT PAINTINGS WITH SUPERB BORDERS EXECUTED IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE FINEST PERIOD OF ITALIAN ART, MOST PROBABLY BY TADEO MINIATORE (Pope Leo XtWs famous Illuminator}, oak boards, covered ivith crimson velvet, with gilt corners and clasps, the centre ornaments being 4 NIELLI (portraits of Leo X and Cardinal JBembo on obverse and their arms on reverse of covers), beautifully engraved and evidently the work of a first-rate artist folio. SJEC. xvi %* THIS SUPERB MANUSCRIPT is said to have been the gift of Pope Leo X to Cardinal Bembo, and is certainly one of the most beautiful specimens of Italian ornamentation ever offered for sale. The eight paintings represent I. Birth of Christ ; II. Christ rising from the Tomb ; III. Nativity of St. John the Baptist; IV. St. Augustin expounding to 4 kneeling Monks ; V. Saint John writing his Gospel ; VI. Visit of the Three Marys to the Sepulchre ; VII. High Priest and Scribes; VIII. Four Monks praying beside the Corpse of a Bishop ; beneath each of which is a magnificently painted border. Altogether these two volumes, formerly in the possession of Count Cicognara, form a gem of the highest value, and would grace even the noblest library. 1770 Lee (J.) Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts, with Prof. Lee's Catalogue of Rev. II. Tattam's Syriac MSS. added, half calf gilt 4to. 1840 %* Privately printed for presents only. 124 1771 Leeds (W. H.) Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London, Sup- plement imperial Svo. 1838 1772 Legrand (J. G.) and C. P. Landon, Description de Paris et de ses Edifices, 2 vol. plates, calf extra Svo. Paris, 1806-8 1773 Leighton (A.) Appeal to the Parliament or Sion's Plea against the Prelacie, with 2 curious engravings, fine copy in morocco extra, a. e. by J. Clarice small 4:to. Printed the year fy monetJi wherein Rochell was lost (Sept. 1628) %* For writing this work the author was twice publicly whipped and pilloried in Cheapside, had his ears cut off, his nose twice slit and his cheeks branded with S. S. (Sower of Sedition), in addition to being imprisoned eleven years in the Fleet. 177-1 Leighton (J.) on Japanese Art, coloured frontispiece, only 50 copies printed folio. 1863 1775 Leland (J.) Itinerary published by T. Hearne, 9 vol. in 5, LARGE PAPER, with autograph letter of T. Hearne added, calf, with gilt red morocco backs royal Svo. Oxford, 1769-70 1776 Le Marchant (Jehan) Le Livre des Miracles de Notre-Dame de Chartres ecrit en Vers au XIII 6 Siecle, avec une Preface, un Glossaire et des Notes par M. Gr. Duples&is, facsimiles illuminated in gold and colours Svo. Chartres, 1855 1777 Lempriere (J.) Universal Biography, calf gilt 4to. 1808 1778 Le Neve (J.) Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, 2 parts in 1 Svo. 1720 1779 Leo of S. Mary Magdalen, Pious Instructions in Meeter fitted to the weaker Capacities, frontispiece, slightly defective in some of the margins, by which a few references to the Bible are deficient, and a small hole in last page, calf extra, g. e. small Svo. Printed (abroad) in the year 1690 * # * An extremely rare poetical volume, apparently unknown to all Biblio- graphers. 1780 Le Pautre (Jean) (Euvres d' Architecture, 3 vol. plates of friezes, foliage, pilasters, grotesques, gates, alcoves, tombs, fountains, fire- places, trophies, grottoes, gardens and other ornaments, calf folio. Paris, 1751 1781 Lepsius (R.) Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia and the Peninsula of Sinai, map and coloured view Svo. 1853 1782 LERII (J.) HISTOBIA NAVIGATIONS IN BRASILIAM, quse et America dicitur, fine copy, ruled, in the original indented binding, covered ivith gold tooling, in the Grolier style (but rebacJced) with the arms of the owner (Due DE SULLY) in gold and colours in centre, gilt gaufre edges small Svo. Geneva apud E. Vignon, 1586 %* This Latin Translation is rarer than the French Original. See Brunet. 1783 Leroux (P. J.) Dictionnaire Comique, 2 vol. BEST EDITION, calf Svo. Pampelune, 178G 125 1784 LB SAGE (A. E.) LE DIABLE BOITEUX, FIRST EDITION, with unlettered proof frontispiece, beautiful copy (Armand Bertirfs) in red morocco extra, gilt marbled edges, by Irautz-Bauzonnet 12mo. Paris, 1707 * # * This copy sold for 202 francs in Solar's sale, and for 10. 10s. in that of J. D. Lewis. 1785 Le Sage (A. E.) Histoire de Gil Bias, 4 vol. FINE PAPER, proof plates before the letters, calf extra, g. e. 24smo. Paris, 1795 178G ,Le Sage (A. E.) Aventuras de Gil Bias restituidas a su Patria y a su Lengua native por un Espanol amante de su Nacion (Isla), 5 vol. calf extra, g. e. foolscap 8vo. Barcelona, 1817 1787 Le Sage (A. E.) Histoire de Gil Bias, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, India proof portrait and map, ILLUSTRATED with a set of Smir'ke's plates, red morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt royal Svo. Paris, 1825 1788 Le Sage (M.) Eecueil des Pieces raises au Theatre Eran9ois, 2 vol. fine copy in red morocco, g. e. by Derome, with the arms of the Comtesse d'Artois in gold on sides 12mo. Paris, 1739 1789 LESSON (E. P.) HISTOIRE NATURELLE DES OISEAUX-MOTJCHES ET DES COLIBRIS, suivie d'un Supplement a 1'Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux-Mouches, 2 vol. beautifully coloured plates, green morocco extra, g. e. Paris, 1829 Les Trochilidees ou les Colibris et les Oiseaux-Mouches, finely coloured plates, green morocco extra, g. e. ib. 1831 royal Svo. (3) 1790 Lesueur (J. B. C.) Chronologic des Eois d'Egypte, plates, Paris, 1848 Gliddon (G. E.) Ancient Egypt, cuts, Philadelphia, 1848, calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt 4:to. in one vol. 1791 Letany (New) for these Times (in Verse), inlaid, half morocco 4:to. (1661) 1792 Letarouilly (P.) Edifices de la Eome moderne 4>to. Paris, 1840 1793 Letters by eminent Persons in the XVIlth and XVIIIth Centuries, with T. Hearne's Journeys and J. Aubrey's Lives, 2 vol. in 3, calf gilt 8vo. 1813 1794 L'Estoile (P.) Supplement au Journal de Henri III. Description de 1'Isle des Hermaphrodites IGmo. Cologne, 1724 1795 Letters of Love, Gallantry, &c. wants all the portraits but that of Butler, sold with all faults I2mo. 1718 126 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE, SIZES MIXED. LOT 1806 Lewis (J.) Life of John Wicliffe 8vo. 1720 1807 Lewis (J.) Complete History of the English Translations of the Bible and Testament, plate, calf 8vo. 1739 1808 Lewis ( J. F.) Sketches and Drawings of the Alhambra, tinted lithographs, half morocco atlas folio. 1809 Lewis (S.) Topographical Dictionary of England, 4 vol. maps and engravings of arms, seals, 8fc. 4>to. 1831 1810 Lewis (T.) Practice and Costs of the Sheriffs' Courts of London 8vo. 1833 1811 LEYLANDE (J.) LABOBYOUSE JOUBNEY & SEECHE FOE ENGLANDES ANTIQUITIES, enlarged by Johau Bale, black letter, fine copy in the original calf binding 16/rao. Emprented by Johan Bale, 1549 * # * Extremely rare. Loscombe's copy sold for 9. 9s. 1812 LEYLAND (J.) LEARNED AND TRUE ASSERTION OF THE OEIOINAL LlPE, ACTES, AND DEATH OF THE MOST NOBLE, VALIANT, AND RENOUMED PEINCE AETHUEE, KING OF GBEAT BBITTAINE, translated by E. Robinson, folacfc Utter, a few leaves slightly cut in headline, russia extra, g. e. VERY RAEE small 4/0. J. Wolfe, 1582 1813 Libellus de venerabili Sacramento et Valore Missarum, with woodcuts of the device of D. Soce and of the Crucifixion, Parisius, per P. Le Dru pro D. Roce, s. a. Tractatus qui dicitur Fructus Sacrament! PenitentiaB editus per Jacobum Lupi Bebello, woodcuts, ib. per Ouidonem Mercatoris, 1494, calf gilt IGmo. in one vol. 1814 Liber familiaris secundum Consuetudinem Monialium Sancti Laurentii Venetiarum : Ordinis Sancti Benedict!, tooodcut capitals and music, a portion 0/4 leaves in facsimile, sold therefore with all faults, morocco, g. e. royal 4/0. Venetiis, 1541 1815 Liber Vagatorum, Der betler orden (Dictiert von eim Hochwirdigen Mayster Nomine expertus in Trufis, dem Adone zu Lob und ere. Sibi in rerrigerium et solatium), fclacfc letter, woodcut, corner of title torn off and mended, ruled small 4/0. s. I. fy a. %* "With a Canting Dictionary in " Eotwelsch." 1816 Liebig (J.) Chemistry of Agriculture and Physiology, 8vo. 1842 Familiar Letters on Chemistry, 2 vol. foolscap 8vo. 1845-44 (3) 127 1817 Lieder eines Malers (R. Einick) inifc Eandzeichnungen seiner Freunde, with borders of beautiful etchings, half morocco, g. e. Dusseldorf, 1838 Deutsche Dichtungen mit Eandzeichnungen Deutscher Kiinstler, 2 vol. with borders, ib. 1839-40 imperial 4to. T. Purfoote, 1581 * # * Eare. Duke of Eoxburghe's and Jolley's copies sold for 5. each. 1822 Lindesay (Sir D.) Works, frlacfe letter, calf 24mo. Glasgow, 1656 1823 Lingard (J.) History of England, 14 vol. calf extra Svo. 1825-31 1824 LINN.EI (C.) SYSTEMA NATTIER, 2 vol. in 3, uncut, interleaved and filled with innumerable notes in the autograph of THOMAS GRAY THE POET, " who (says Mr. Mathias) has often in these volumes delineated with his pen the forms of various birds and insects with minute elegance and with all the accuracy of a professed artist," green morocco super extra, by Clarke and Bedford, in blue morocco cases, lined with velvet 8vo~ Holmice, 1758-59 * # * A most interesting Memorial of the Poet Gray, in which says Mr. Mason " with the greatest judgment, and, what no man else probably could have done, he has made the German Latin of Linnaeus purely classical." Joining in this commendation Mr. Mathias thinks " the whole of these remarks should be printed." This work, forming lot 80 in the sale of Gray's Manuscripts, was purchased by Sir "W. Tito for 40 and was considered a very great bargain. 1825 Lioni (Cav. 0.) Eitratti di alcuni celebri Pittori del Secolo XVII, portraitsf calf 4to. Roma, 1731 1826 LITANIES. The Parliaments Letanie (in Verse), 1647 Universall Maduesse : or a new merry Letany (in Verse), 1647 Presbyte- rians Letany (in Verse), 1647 Armies Letanie (in Verse), 1647 Ecce the New Testament of our Lords and Saviours the House of Commons at Westminster and the supreame Councell at Windsor, extremely rare, the only other copy sold by auction pro~ duced 3. 8s. March 5th, 1855, 1648 Citie Letanie (in Verse), slightly cut in side notes, sold with all faults, 1648, sm. 4o. in 1 vol. * # * A valuable collection of extremely rare Parodies. 1827 LITEEAEY COEEESPONDENCE. A most extensive Collection of Six HUNDRED AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, Original Agreements for the sale of Copyrights, Eeceipts, Bills, and other Literary Docu- ments of the latter part of the last, and commencement of the present, Century, very neatly mounted and bound in 8 vol. half red morocco imperial ^to. * # * This most important and highly interesting Collection of Papers would 128 form a very prominent feature in nny library, public or private. The following is a list of the names of some of the writers, of most of whom particulars will bo found in Nichols's Literary Anecdotes. They are taken promiscuously from the volumes as they are bound : Samuel Denne, Sir R. C. Hoare, Archdeacon Coxe, Alex. Eraser Tytler, Eitson, Ayscough, Geddes, T. Harwood, Sharon Turner, Whitelaw, "Walsh, Dr. Nares, J. Gait, Hudson Gurney, R. Orme, Nathan Drake, J. Bayley, Alex. Chalmers, J. Walker, W. Roscoe, Dr. Ferriar, John Home the Historian of the Rebellion, Bp. Nicolson Author of the Historical Library, "W. Dickinson, Dr. Grey, Belsham, Berington, Bingley, W. L. Bowles, Jonab Barriagton, A. Cayley, D. Lysons, W. Godwin, G. Chalmers, R. Polwbele, Petrie, Garnett, Home Tooke, Thyer, Dallaway, J. Denne, Kirby, Kidd, W. Hayley the Poet, Wraxall, "Walter Wilson, Josiah Walker, W. P. Greswell, Mathew Pilkingtou, Gwillim, De Quincy, Gilpin, Hoole, &c. &c. Much interesting infor- mation on Antiquarian, Historical and Topographical matters will be found in these Letters. As now arranged they form a handsome set of Books. 1828 Litbgow (W.) Most delectable and true Discourse of an admired and painefull Peregrination from Scotland to the most famous King- domes in Europe, Asia and Affrica, with commendatory Verses by Patrick Hannay, Robert Allen and John Murray, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4:to. 1623 %* This rare volume was exhibited by Sir W. Tite in an Exbibition of Printed Books at the Society of Antiquaries, and is remarkable for containing a six-line stanza, supposed to be in Litbgow's autograph, describing the loss of his place in the Charter-House and imprisonment for a year. See Sir W. Tite's privately printed Address on the occa- sion, p. 25. 1829 Lithgow (W.) Rare Adventures and painefull Peregrinations in Europe, Asia and Aflrica, woodcut portrait, Hue morocco extra, g. e. small 4/0. 1632 1830 Litt (W.) Wrestliana, half calf 12mo. WUteJiaven, 1823 1831 Liturgia Anglicana en Espanol, limp morocco, g. e. post Svo. 1823 1832 Liturgy. Directory for the Publique Worship of God, witb an Ordi- nance for the taking away of the Book of Common Prayer, calf small 4fo. 1644 1833 LITUKGY. Collection of the Alterations in and Variances between the Common Prayer Bookes of 2 Edw. VI, 5 Edward VI and 1 Elizabeth and the Scottish Liturgie of 1637. With some Observations or Notes uppon severall Passages in the same Bookes; A Doni 1650, - MA.NUSCBIPT, Hue morocco, g. e. \2rno. S.EC. xvii (1650) 1834 Liturgy and other Divine Offices of the Church, 1853 Sanctuary Common Service Book, Bristol, 1865 foolscap Svo. (2) 1835 Lives of those eminent Antiquaries E. Ashmole and W. Lilly, written by themselves, &c. 2 vol. portraits, russia Svo. 1774 1836 Livingstone (D.) Missionary Travels in South Africa, maps and plates Svo. 1857 129 1837 Livre a la Mode, printed in green letters, green morocco, g. e. 12mo. A Verte-Feuille, PAnnee nouvelle, s. d. Livre de quatre Couleurs, printed in four colours, the two editions (110 pages and H4t pages), bound in calf of four colours, IQmo. Au quatre Elements, &c. 4444 (1757-60) (2) * # * Brunet and Bibliographers did not know tbat there were two distinct editions. This was De Laulnaye's copy, who was probably the author. 1838 Llorente (J. A.) Observations critiques sur Gil Bias, half calf gilt 8vo. Paris, 1822 1839 Locke (J.) on the Human Understanding, 2 vol. Svo. 1805 1840 Lockhart ( J. G.) Life of E. Burns, portrait, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt foolscap Svo. 1838 1841 Lodge (E.) Portraits of illustrious Personages of Great Britain, vol. I to IV, LAEGE PAPEE, india proofs royal 4to. I860 1908 LYDGATE (D.) HEBE BEGYNNETH A LYTELL TBEATYSE OF THE HOBSE, THE SHEPE AND THE GOGS (in Verse), black letter, the woodcut on a a \ is repeated on the reverse, wants last leaf, sold therefore as it is not subject to collation, half morocco, EXTBEMELY BABE small 4>to. Wynlcyn de Worde, n. d. 1909 Lyell (Sir C.) Principles of Geology, 3 vol. plates, with 2 autograph letters from Sir C. Lyell added, calf extra Svo. 1830-33 1910 Lyell (Sir C.) Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, woodcuts Svo. 1863 1911 Lylie (J.) Euphues the Anatomie of Wit with Euphues and his Eng- land, 2 vol. in ], blacfe letter, green morocco extra, g. e. small 4to. 1636 1912 Lynch (P.) Irish Grammar, Dublin, 1815 Catechism in Irish aad English, n. d. ; with Irish Poems and Tracts on the Irish Language in the volume Svo. 1913 Lyon (Capt. G. F.) Private Journal during Captain Parry's Voyage, map and plates, half calf, 1824 Attempt to reach Eepulse Bay, map, half calf, 1825 Svo. (2) 1914 Lysons (D.) Environs of London and Middlesex Parishes, with Supple- ment, 6 vol. plates, calf gilt 179(5-1800-1811 1915 LYSONS (D. and S.) MAGNA BEITANNIA being Topographical Accounts of the Counties of Beds, Berks, Bucks, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derbyshire and Devonshire, 10 parts in 6 vol. maps and plates, calf extra 4to. 1806-22 1916 Lyttelton tenures in Englysshe, blacfe lettering copy in calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford IQmo. Imprynted by W. Myddylton, 1544 1917 Lytton (Lord) The Student, 2 vol. calf extra, g. e. crown Svo. 1835 1918 Lyttelton (Lord) and Et. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Translations, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt small 4fo. 1863 1919 MABINOGION from the Llyfr Coch o Hergest and other ancient Welsh Manuscripts with an English Translation and Notes by Lady Charlotte Guest, 3 vol. facsimiles and woodcuts, half calf extra, uncut, top edges gilt, scarce royal Svo. 1838-49 135 1920 M'Adam (J. L.) on Eoad Making Svo. 1823 1921 Macaulay (K.) History of St. Kilda, map, T. Gray's copy, with his autograph signature and notes, calf extra, by Clarke and Bedford Svo. 1764 1922 Macaulay (T. B. Lord) Critical and Historical Essays contributed to the Edinburgh Keview, 3 vol. russia extra, g. e. Svo. 1843 1923 Macdonnel (D. E.) Dictionary of Quotations, calf extra 12mo. 1811 1924 Macdonnel (D. E.) Dictionary of Quotations, calf I2mo. 1817 1925 Machiavel (N.) Florentine History, old calf, g. e. small Svo. 1674 1926 Mackenzie (C.) Crosby Place, 1842 Laws and Eegulations of Crosby Hall Institution, 1842 Svo. in one vol. 1927 Mackenzie (F.) and A. Pugin, Specimens of Gothic Architecture at Oxford, &c. plates, half russia, g. e. 420. n. d. 1928 Mackintosh (Sir J.) Vindiciae Gallicse, panelled calf gilt Svo. 1792 1929 Mackintosh (Sir J.) History of England, vol. I to III, 1830-31 Life of Sir T. More, 1831 On the Law of Nature and Nations, 1828, calf gilt foolscap Svo. in 4 vol. 1930 Mackintosh (Sir J.) Miscellaneous Works, 3 vol. morocco extra, g. e. l>y Clarice and Bedford Svo. 1846 1931 Mahon (Lord, now Earl Stanhope) History of England from the Peace of TJtrecht to the Peace of Paris, 4 vol. tree-mar tied calf extra Svo. 1836-44 %* "With an autograph letter of Lord Mahon prefixed. 1932 Maidment (J.) New Book of old Ballads, only 60 copies printed, half morocco, uncut post Svo. Edinb. 1844 1933 Maimonides (Eabbi Moses) Eeasons of the Laws of Moses from the " More Nevochim," with Notes, etc. by J. Townley, frontispiece, calf gilt Svo. 1827 1934 MALCOLM (J. P.) LONDINITTM EEDIYIYTJM or History of London, 4 vol. plates, TLLUSTEATEB with numerous additional engravings, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt 4fo. 1803-7 1935 Malcolm (J. P.) Historical Sketch of Caricaturing, plates, calf gilt 4>to. 1813 1936 Malcolm (Sir J.) Political History of India, 2 vol. calf extra, Svo. 1826 Sketches of Persia, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, crown Svo. 1828 History of Persia, 2 vol. calf extra, Svo. 1829 (6) 1937 Mallet (M.) Northern Antiquities, 2 vol. calf Svo. 1770 1938 Malone (E.) Letters to J. Jordan, edited by J. 0. Halliwell, only 10 copies printed, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, small 4>to. 1864 1939 Malvasia (Conte C. C.) Felsina Pittrice: "Vite de Pittori Bolognesi, 2 vol. woodcut portraits and vignettes, half russia, 4to. Bologna, 1678 1940 Mandevile (B.) Fable of the Bees, 2 vol. calf gilt Svo. 1732-33 136 1941 MANDEVILLA (Cavaler Johanne de) TBACTATO DE LE PIU MABAYEQ- LIO8E COSBE E PIU NOTABILE CUE 8E THOYANO IN LE PABTE DEL MONDO, fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. by Lortic s. I. fy a. sed circa 1480 %* An excessively rare edition, with a single leaf in front and signatures A to o vii 'having 31 lines to a full page. Prefixed is the following note in Mr. Gancia's handwriting: "The copy of Mr. Grenville was bought from Mr. T. O. Weigel and cost him above 60." 19 i2 Manley (Anne) Secret Memoirs and Manners of several Persons of Quality of both Sex from the New Atalantis, with Key, 4 vol. 8vo. 1709-10 1943 Mantell (G.) Geology of the South-East of England, plates, with two autograph letters of Dr. Mantell added 8vo. 1833 1944 Mantell (G.) Wonders of Geology, 2 vol. plates and woodcuts, foolscap 8vo. 1838 De La Beche (Sir H.) Geological Manual, woodcuts, 12mo. 1832 Jobert (A. C. G.) Philosophy of Geology, 2 parts, foolscap 8vo. 1846-47 (5) 1945 Mantell (G. A.) Geological Excursions round the Isle of "Wight and Coast of Dorsetshire, map and woodcuts post 8vo. 1847 1946 Mantell (G. A.) Geological Excursions round the Isle of "Wight, tvoodcuts foolscap 8vo. 1854 1947 Manutio (Aldo) Eelatione delle Qualita di lacomo di Cretonne (the admirable Crichton), Tosfs admirable facsimile of an Aldine, limited to 30 copies, red morocco, g. e. small 8vo. Vinegia, Aldo, 1581 1948 Manzoni (A.) I promessi Sposi, Storia Milanese del Secolo XVII, 3 vol. half calf IGmo. Lugano, 1828 1949 Maplet (J.) Greene Forest or Naturall Historie, blacfc letter, calf extra, g. e. IGmo. H. Denham, 1567 1950 Marcel (J. J.) Alphabet Irlandais royal 8vo. Paris (1804) 1951 Marco Polo Opera delle maravigliose Cose del Mondo, E. V. Utterson's copy in olive morocco, g. e. ly C. Lewis small 8vo. Venetia, 1533 1952 Marco Polo's Travels in the Eastern Parts of the World, translated with Notes by W. Marsden, map, calf extra, scarce 4fo. 1818 1953 Margaret de Valoys, Queen of Navarre, Heptameron or History of fortunate Lovers (Novels) made English by E. Codrington, russia, g. e. IGmo. 1654 * # * Very scarce. Colonel Stanley's copy sold for 2. 16s. 1954 Marguerite de Valois, Eeine de Navarre, Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vol. numerous cuts, fine copy in morocco, g. e. by Thompson of Paris, small 8vo. Amst. 1698 1955 MABGUEBITE EEINE DE NAYABBE, LES NOUYELLES, 3 vol. fine plates from Designs by Freudenberger, Dunker, Sfc. calf, g. e. 8vo. Berne, 1792 137 1956 MARIE STUART, SEINE D'ECOSSE, LETTRES, INSTRUCTIONS ET ME- MOIRES, publies sur les Originaux et les Manuscrits du State Paper Office de Londres et des principales Archives et Bibliotheques de 1'Europe, et accompagnes d'un Resume chronologique par le Prince Alexandre Labanoff, 7 vol. LARGE PAPER (only 50 copies printed} presentation copy to Mr. Turnbull, 1844 LETTERS OF MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTLAND, selected from Labanoff 's Collection, and translated by "W". Turnbull, LARGE PAPER, 1845 SUPPLEMENT AU EECUEIL DU PRINCE LABANOFF, PAR A. TEU- LET, LARGE PAPER, Paris, 1859, ILLUSTRATED BY MR. TURNBULL, with numerous Portraits (by eminent Engravers) and Views after TURNER and other celebrated Artists, including many CHOICE PROOFS (several of considerable, rarity) facsimiles of Autographs, ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, Photographs, 8fc. red morocco super extra, gilt gaufre edges, imperial Svo. 9 vol. 1957 Mariner (W.) Account of the Tonga Islands, with Grammar and Vocabulary, arranged from his Communications, by J. Martin, 2 vol. portrait, calf gilt Svo. 1817 1958 Markham (G.) Country Contentments (Hunting, Hawking, Coursing, Angling and other Eural Sports) half morocco, 1633 English House- Wife, 1637 small 4to. (2) 1959 Markham (G.) The famous Whore, edited by F. Ouvry, half morocco, uncut small 4fo. 1868 * # * Privately reprinted from the edition of 1609, for presents only. 1960 Markland (J. H.) Kemarks on English Churches, plates, The Author's own copy, with his autograph corrections and additions, having several printed cuttings on the subject, and a few autograph letters addressed to him added, calf extra, q. e. foolscap Svo. Oxford, 1843 1961 Markland (J. H.) Eemarks on English Churches, woodcuts, autograph letter of author added, calf gilt foolscap Svo. Oxford, 1843 1962 Marks (D. W.) Synagogue Sermons Svo. 1851 1963 Marlowe (C.) Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, with new Additions, title mended, fclacit letter, yellow morocco extra, gilt tooling small 4to. 1619 * w * This rare edition possesses great interest in having on the title a wood- cut of Alleyn in his dramatic costume as Mephistophiles. This copy sold for 7. 7s. in G. Daniel's sale. 1964 MARLOE (C.) AND G. CHAPMAN, HERO AND LEANDER, plates by Faithorne added, beautiful copy in dark red morocco, g. e. from G. Daniel's library, small 4/0, N. Okesfor W. Leake, 1G37 * # * Extremely rare. This copy sold for 8 in G. Daniel's sale. 1965 Marloe (C.) Lust's Dominion, a Tragedie, russia extra, scarce 12mo. 1657 1966 Marlowe (C.) Works, 3 vol. half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt crown Svo. W. Pickering, 1826 T 138 1967 Marmontel (M.) Contes Moraux, 3 vol. pwtrait and plates, calf 12mo. Paris, 1775 1968 MABOCCUS EXTATICUS, OE BAKKES BAT HOBSE IN A TBANCE ; a Dis- course set downe in a merry Dialogue between Bankes and his beast, anatomizing some abuses and badtrickes of this age, written and intituled to mine Host of the Belsauage, and all his honest Guests, by John Dando, the wierdrawer of Hadley, and Harrie Eunt, head Ostler of Bosomes Inne, woodcut, very fine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis, small 4to. Printed for Guthbcrt Surly, 1595 %* A SHAKSPEABIAS" TBACT OF EXTREME BASIIY, and of singular curiosity, giving a remarkably interesting account of Bankea' celebrated dancing horse, immortalized by Shakespeare in Love'a Laboors Lost. This horse went up to the top of St. Paul's, and did a lot of the most astounding tricks, for some of which, when travelling abroad, he and his unfortunate master were condemned and executed for witchcraft. Not the least interesting part of the tract is a large woodcut of Bankes aud the dancing horse, one of the most curious illustrations of Shake- speare known to exist. This copy, which sold in 1800 in Forster's sale for l. 10a. was resold in G. Daniel's for 81. 1969 Marot (D.) (Euvres, plates of Architecture, Sfc. calf, folio. Amst. 1712 %* Marot was architect to William III, King of Great Britain. 1970 Martin (G.) Discoverie of the manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scrip- tures by the Heretikes of our Daies, specially the English sectaries, fine copy, autograph of John Ravenscrofte, red morocco, blind tooling in the old style, gilt gauf re edges, from Mr. MaskelVs Collection, scarce small Svo. Bhemes by John Fogny, 1582 1971 Martin (J.) Bibliographical Account of privately printed Books, Svo. 1834 1972 Martin (M.) Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, map, Svo. 1716 1973 Martins (A.) Handbuch der Photographic Svo. Wien, 1852 1974 Martinius (P.) Key to the Holy Tongue Englished by John Udall, calf \Qrno. Leyden, 1593 1975 Martyr (P.) Historie of the West Indies Englished by E. Eden, calf, rare small 4sto. 1612 1976 Martyrologe (Roman) translated by G. K. of the Society of Jesus, old calf, with brass clasps IGmo. S. Omers, 1667 1977 Mary Queen of Scots, Love Letters to James Earl of Bothwell with her Love Sonnets and Marriage Contracts, by H. Campbell, portrait, calf gilt Svo. 1824 1978 Maskell (W.) Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England according to the Uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, Hereford, and the modern Eoman, uncut, rare, 1846 Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesias Angli- canac, 3 vol. uncut, scarce, 1846-47 Svo. (4) 1979 Maskell (J.) History of Allhallows, Barking, view, small 4>to. 1861 139 1980 Mason (W.) Art of Short-Hand, plates I2mo. 1707 1981 Massenger (P.) Three new Plays, viz. the Bashful Lover, Guardian and Very Woman, portrait by T. Cross, Hue morocco, g. e. scarce small Svo. 1655 *** This copy sold for 2. 14s. in G. Daniel's sale. 1982 Mather (Cotton) Late memorable Providences relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions, calf extra, g. e. 16zo. 1691 1983 Mather (Cotton) Wonders of the invisible World : being an Account of the Tryals of several Witches lately executed in New England, Tialf morocco small 4to. Reprinted by John Dunton, 1693 %* As the pagination is very irregular, and the sheets of the work ap- parently by different printers, this copy will be sold with all faults, although presumed to be perfect. 1984 Mathews (C.) Sketches and Comic Annuals, coloured plates by Cruik- shank, half calf gilt I2mo. 1827-33 1985 Matter (M.) Lettres et Pieces rares ou inedits, avec de Notes, halfrussia extra Svo. Paris, 184G 1986 Matteucci (C.) on Physical Phenomena of Jiving Beings, translated by J. Pereira post Svo. 1847 1987 Mander (J.) Derbyshire Miner's Glossary, frontispiece, calf gilt Svo. Balcewell, 1824 %* Bound up at end is an Article " On English Dialects," from Quar- terly Eeview, Feb. 1836. 1988 Maundrell (H.) Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, plates, Svo. Oxford, 1740 1989 Maurice (T.) Indian Antiquities, 7 vol. plates, half calf Svo. 1792-1800 1990 Maxwell (J. G.) Sighs, Smiles and Sketches : Poems, crown Svo. 1860 1991 May (T.) Eeigne of Henry II (in Verse), portrait of the Icing by Vaughan, 1633 Victorious Keigne of Edward III (in Verse) portrait, 1635, morocco, g. e. by G. Lewis small Svo. 2 vol. 1992 May (T.) Life of a Satirical Puppy called Nim, frontispiece (mended) olive morocco extra, g. e. by W. Pratt small Svo. 1657 *#* Scarce. Nassau's copy sold for 3. 13s. 1993 May (T.) Breviary of the History of the Parliament of England, IGmo. 1680 1994 Mayhew (Brothers) Whom to marry and how to get married, illus- trations by G. CruiTcshank crown Svo. n. d. 1995 Mazzuchelli (Comte G. M.) Vita di P. Aretino, portrait, small Svo. Padova, 1741 140 1996 MEETING OF GALLANTS AT AN ORDINARTS, OR THE WALKES IN POWLES, blacfc letter, in verse and prose, fine copy in calf, EXTREMELY RARE, AND THE ONLY COPY THAT HAS ETER OCCURRED FOR SALE, small 4fo. Printed by T. C., and are to be solde by MatTiew Lawe dwelling in Panics Churchyard, 1604 %* This very rare and curious work is not mentioned by Lowndes in the first edition. It commences with a Poetical Dialogue between Warre, Famine, and Pestilence. The Tales of my Landlord then follow, " where the Fatte Host telles Tales at tbe upper ende of the Table." Mine Host, however, has not all the conversation to himself, the guests coming in for a very fair share. One of the interlocutors, Gingle-spur, alludes to one of Shakespeare's plays : " This was a prettie Comedy of Errors, my round host;" to which my Eound Host makes the following reply : " O, my bullies, there was many such a ptutplaide uppon the stage both of the cittie and the suburbs." , MS. note by Mr. Daniel, in lohose sale it sold for & 81. 1997 Mehegan (Chev. de) sur les Revolutions des Arts, calf 12mo. Paris, 1755 1998 Meiser (F.) Hof-und National Theater, plates, Svo. Miinchen, 1840 1999 Meissonnier ( J. A.) CEuvre, portrait and architectural plates, half bound atlas folio. Paris, s. d. 2000 Melanthonis (P.) Loci Theologici recogniti, stamped pigskin small Svo. Lipsias, s. a. 2001 Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Britain relating to the Refor- mation, &c. plates, calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt, \2mo. If. Tracy on London Bridge, 1723 2002 Memoirs of an unfortunate Queen, portrait of Caroline Matilda Queen of Denmark, I2mo. 1776 Centaur not fabulous, 12mo. 1765; and 4 others (6) 2003 Mengs (A. E.) CEuvres completes, 2 vol. 4*0. Par.is, 1786 2004 Mendez Pinto (Ferdinand) Voyages and Adventures in Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchincbina, Calminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan and East Indies, translated by H. Cogan, calf folio. 1692 *a* Mendez Pinto's Adventures, which rival Baron Munchhausen's, have gained for him the name of " Prince of Liars." 2005 Merewether (Dean J.) Diary of a Dean, plates Svo. 1851 2006 Meschinot (Jehan) Les Lunettes des Princes avec aulcunes balades et additions, folacfe letter, woodcuts, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt marbled edges, by Bauzonnet-Trantz, sm. 4sto. Par. par M. Le Noir, 1505 2007 Messe. Tableaux et Oraisons de la Messe, woodcuts, 64020. Limoges, 1851 Tableaux et Prieres de la Sainte Messe, plates, morocco, 32m0. Tours, 1866 (2) 141 2008 MESSIA (P.) FORESTE, or Collection of Histories Englished by Thomas Fortescue, fclatfe letter, fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. by J. Mackenzie, small 4ito. Jhon Kyngston for W. Jones, 1571 *$* Scarce. Lloyd's copy sold for 5. 15s. 6d. This probably is the work used by Shakespeare in describing Shylock's Sympathies and Antipathies. 2009 Method to understand Eoman History, with additions by T. Brown, GEORGE THE FIRST'S COPT, old red morocco, gold tooling, g. e. ivith the King's crowned cypher in gold on sides ~L2mo. 1710 2010 Metz. Essai philologique sur les Comniencemens de la Typographic a Metz 8w. Metz, 1828 2011 Meursii (J.) Elegantiae Latini Sermonis, fine copy in green morocco extra, gilt marbled edges, by Duru, 24to. Printed by R. B.for Walter Burre, 1608 * # * BARE. This copy sold for 6. 17s. 6d. in G. Daniel's sale. 2018 Middleton (T.) Michaelmas Terme as it hath beene sundry Times acted by the Children of Paules, fine copy in morocco extra, borders of gold, g. e. small 4to. Lubeck, 164S 2073 Moller (G-.) Denkmaehler der Deutschen Baukunst, 2 vol. plates, half calf, uncut, top edges gilt royal folio. Darmstadt, 1821 2074 Moller (G.) Memorials of German- Gothic Architecture, vieio of Mar- burg Church Svo. 1836 2075 MONABDUS (DE.) JOTFULL NEWES OUT OF NEW-FOUND WOELDE, with three other Bookes treating of the Bezaar stone, the herb Escuerconera, the properties of Iron and Steele in Medicine, and the benefit of Snow. Englished by John Frampton, fclatfe letter, woodcuts, fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. small to. E. Allde, 1596 *** Very scarce. An inferior copy sold for 4. 4s. in Bolton Corney's sale. 2076 Mongredien (A.) England's Foreign Policy, presentation copy crown Svo. 1871 2077 Monkland (G.) Literature and Literati of Bath, with Supplement, 2 vol. in 1, with autograph letters added, calf extra, g. e. foolscap Svo. Bath, 1854-55 2078 Monmouth (Eobert Gary Earl of) Memoirs, frontispiece, 8vo. 1759 2079 Monro (D.) Description of the Western Isles of Scotland called Hybrides, calf extra, g. e. foolscap Svo. Edinb. 1774 2080 Montagu (Lady Mary "Wortley) Works, with Memoirs by Eev. J. Dallaway, 5 vol. portraits and facsimiles, calf extra crown Svo. 1803 2081 Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley) Letters and Works, edited by her Great Grandson Lord Wharncliffe, 3 vol. portraits Svo. 1837 2082 MONTAIGNE (M. DE) ESSAIS, 3 vol. portrait, with additional portrait by DC Leu prefixed, very fine large copy in olive morocco, joints, red leather linings, covered with gold tooling, g. e. with arms of Prince d'Essling in gold on sides, ly Mutter (Thouvenin's Successor), a fine specimen of his bibliopegistic skill I2mo. Amst. 1659 * # * Very scarce. Berard's copy sold for 284 francs. 2083 Montaigne (M. de) Essais, avec les Notes de tous lea Commentateurs par J. V. Le Clerc, 5 vol. LAEGE YELLUM PAPEE, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt royal Svo. Paris, 1826 * # * Bound up in vol. I is the work intituled " Documents ine*dits ou peu connus sur Montaigne recueillis et publics par le Dr. J. F. Pay en, india proof portrait and facsimiles, Paris, 1847," of which only 20 copies were printed. 2084 Montesquieu (Baron de) Spirit of Laws, translated by T. Nugent, 2 vol. calf Svo. 1766 2085 Montgomery (H. E.) Specimens of the early Native Poetry of Ireland in English metrical Translations square IQmo. Dublin, 1846 2086 Moody (H.) Sketches of Hampshire 12mo. Winchester, 1846 2087 Moore (G.) Lives of Cardinal Alberoni, Duke of Eipperda and Mar- quis of Pombal, calf extra, ly C. Lewis Svo. 1814 2088 Moore (G. F.) Vocabulary of Western Australia, calf gilt, scarce foolscap Svo. 1842 2089 Moore (J.) View of Society and Manners in Italy, France, Switzerland and Germany, 4 vol. half bound Svo. 1781-83 148 2090 Moore (T.) Poetical "Works of Thomas Little, 1803 Epistles, Odes and other Poems, 2 vol. 1807 Fudge Family in Paris, 1818 Odes upon Cash, Corn, Catholics and other Matters, 1828, 2 vol. in 1 Fudges in England, 1835 foolscap 8vo. (6) 2091 Moore (T.) Life of Et. Hon. E. B. Sheridan, 2 vol. portrait and foe- simile, half calf extra, 8vo. 1825 Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Eeligion and Memoirs of Captain Eock, calf gilt, 8vo. Paris, 1835 (3) 2092 Moore (T.) Suppressed Letters to his Music Publisher J. Power, with T. C. Croker's introductory Letter, views, scarce crown 8vo. New York (1854) 2093 MOOEE (T.) SUMMER FETE, THE AUTOGBAPH MANUSCRIPT OP THE POET, and the printed proof sheets, with the author's autograph corrections, red morocco, g. e. 4*0. 2094 MOORE (T.) SONGS, with Music by Bishop, AUTOGBAPH MANUSCRIPT OF THE POET, red morocco, g. e. ollongfol. 2095 MOBANT (P.) HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ESSEX, 2 vol. . LARGE PAPEE, maps and plates, fine copy in old gilt calf, RARE folio. 1768 2096 Moratin (Don L. F. de) Obras Liricas, portrait, calf extra square 32w0. 1825 2097 MORE (Sir Thomas) WORKES (including the Youthful Poems and the rare Letter to the Christian Eeader), fclacfc Utter, very large and fine copy in Hue morocco super extra, joints, g. e. by J. Clarice, with, the cypher and arms of the Rev. T, Williams stamped in gold on sides folio. Anno 1557 %* This copy, which sold for 15. only in Williams's sale, is probably the finest in existence. 2098 More (Syr Thomas) Utopia, translated by Eaphe Eobynson, blaefc letter, old calf, g. e. IQmo. A. Tele, n. d. 2099 More (Sir T.) Utopia, translated by E. Eobinson, calf small 4>to. 1624 2100 Morier (J.) Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, 3 vol. foolscap 8vo. 1824 Hajji Baba in England, 2 vol. I2mo. 1828, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt 5 vol. 2101 Morin (J. B.) Dictionnaire etymologique des Mots Fra^ois derives du Grec, 2 vol. in 1, calf gilt 8vo. Paris, 1809 2102 MORMONISM. The Book of Mormon, by Joseph Smith, Junior, FIRST EDITION, very scarce crown 8vo. Palmyra, U. S. 1830 2103 Mormonism. Book of Mormon, translated by Joseph Smith, calf extra, g. e. 240*0. Kirtland, Ohio, 1837 2104 Mosely (H.) on Mechanics applied to the Arts, woodcuts foolscap 8f0. 1834 2105 Moseley (W. M.) Essay on Archery, frontispiece, old green morocco 8vo. Worcester, 1792 2106 Moses (H.) Selection of Vases, Altars, Candelabra and Tripods from the Louvre at Paris, 9 plates imperial 8vo. 1828 149 2107 Mosheim (J. L.) Ecclesiastical History, translated by A. Madame, 6 vol. pigskin, y. e. by O. Lewis, with arms of Rev. T. Williams in gold on sides 8vo. 1811 2108 Moxon (E.) Sonnets, woodcuts, privately printed 8vo. 1837 2109 Miiller (C. O.) Ancient Art and its Eemains 8vo. 1847 2110 Muller (W.) Sketches of the Age of Francis I, tinted lithographs, half morocco atlas folio. 1841 2111 Munchhausen (Baron de) Histoire et Aventures de, with illustrations, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt 12mo. Paris, s. d. 2112 Mundy (A.) Briefe Chronicle of the Successe of Times, blacfe letter, russia, g. e. by Hering 8vo. 1611 2113 Murch (J.) History of the Presbyterian and General Baptist Churches in the West of England, calf extra, g. e. 8vo. 1835 2114 Murders. Narrative of the bloudy Murders committed by Sir John Fites alias Fitz, 1605, with an Account of his Suicide at Twicken- ham. To which is added the Eevelation of two horrible Murders done in Lincolnshire, made known in 1604, edited by J. O. Halli- well crown 8vo. 1860 %* Only 26 copies printed for private circulation. 2115 Murillo (B. E.) Life, compiled from various Authors, translated by E. Davies, calf gilt crown 8vo. 1819 2116 MURPHY (J. C.) ARABIAN ANTIQUITIES OF SPAIN, 97 plates, in- cluding PALACE OF THE ALHAHBRA, ANTIQUITIES OF GRANADA, AND OTHER MAGNIFICENT STRUCTURES, very finely engraved by first-rate artists atlas folio. 1813 2117 Murray (J.) Sermons to Asses, calf foolscap 8vo. 1768 2118 Murray (T. B.) Notice of Ely Chapel, Holborn, with an Account of Ely Palace, portraits and views small 4to. 1840 2119 Murray (T. B.) Chronicles of a City Church (St. Dunstan in the East), view, 2 autograph letters of the author prefixed, small 4>to. 1859 2120 Musaus (J. A.) Deutschen Volksmahrchen, 5 vol. foolscap 8vo. Gotha, 1804-5 2121 Muse in Good Humour, 2 parts in 1, cuts, wants title to part II, sold with all faults I2mo. 1745 2122 Muse in a Moral Humour, being a Collection of Tales, Fables, Pasto- rales, &c. 2 vol. calf 12mo. 1757-58 2123 Museum of Classical Antiquities, 2 vol. plates, loith, an autograph letter of Edward Faulkener prefixed, half calf extra, uncut, top edges gilt royal 8vo. 1851-53 2124 N. (J.) Sweet Flowers crown 8vo. 1868 2125 Nadir (Schah) Compleat History of Thamas Kouli Kan, at present called Schah Nadir 12mo. 1746 2126 Napoli e i Luoghi celebri delle sue Vicinanze, 2 vol. plates, with an autograph letter of Achille Pulli added, imp. 8vo. Napoli, 1845 150 2127 Mardini (F.) Roina Antica con Note di A. Nibby, 4 vol. portrait and plates, vellum Svo. Roma, 1818-20 2128 Nares (E.) Glossary to Shakespeare and his Contemporaries, calf extra 4*0. 1822 2129 NASH (J.) MANSIONS or ENGLAND IN THE OLDEN TIME. Three Series, 3 \ol.fine tinted lithographs, "half morocco, not uniform royal folio. 1839-49 2130 NASH (Thomas) FIBST PABTE OF PASQUILS APOLOGIE, uncut, maroon morocco super extra, with joints and green leather linings, broad borders of gold, g. e. by Tuckett, EXTBEMELT BABE small 4tto. Anno Dom. 1590 * # * This copy cost 17 5s. to Mr. Halliwell who. considers it " the rarest of all the works of Thos. Nash, with the single exception of the Terrors of the Night." See his MS. note prefixed. Nasse (E.) on the Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages, and Inclosures of the XVIth Century in England, translated by Col. H. A. Ouvry Qvo. 1871 2132 NAVY. A List of His Majesty's Eoyal Navy, MANUSCBIPT, red morocco, g. e. with silver clasps Svo. 1773 2133 [Naylor (J.)] Pleasant History of Eobert the Fox, privately printed, presentation copy with 2 autograph letters of the author added, half calf extra, g. e. small 4to. Paris, 1843 2169 North (Hon. E.) Lives of the Norths (Lord Guilford, Sir D. North and Dr. J. North), 3 vol. portraits, calf gilt Svo. 1826 2170 Northcote (J.) One Hundred Fables, 280 woodcuts, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt crown Svo. 1828 2171 Northumberland (Henry Algernon Percy Fifth Earl of) Household- Book, edited with Preface by Bishop T. Percy, old calf,g.e. Svo. 1770 * # * Privately printed for presents only. 2172 Norwich. Contemporary Depositions respecting the Queen's Company of Players in 1583, edited by J. 0. Halliwell, only 10 copies preserved, half morocco, uncut IGmo. 1864 2173 Nostradamus Ses Predictions qui vray semblablement se peuvent appliquer au Temps present et a la Guerre entre la France et 1'Angleterre, cuts, morocco extra, g. e. \Qrno. 1673 2174 Nougarede de Fayet (A.) des-anciens Peuples de 1'Europe et de leurs premieres Migrations, maps, half calf extra Svo. Paris, 1842 2175 Novelle otta. Stampate a Spese de' i Signori Giacomo Conte di Clan- brassill, Tomaso Stanley e Wogan Browne, only 25 copies printed, russia extra, uncut, by Purgold ; from Senouard's library, 4to. 1790 %* Very rare'. Baker's copy sold for 9. 18s. ; Steevens' for 9. 5s. ; and Duke of Eoxburghe's for S. 18s. 6d. 153 2176 Noy (W.) Grounds and Maxims of the English Laws, calf extra, g. e. I2mo. Savoy, 1757 2177 Nugae. A Collection of Cuttings from Newspapers, with Franks of Nelson, C. Stuart, Duncan, St. Vincent, and J. Jekyll added, pasted in a portfolio, with leaves, half morocco 4mo. SJEC. xix 2192 Officio de la Gloriosa Yergine Maria secondo la Corte Koinana tradotto nella volgar Lingua, woodcuts, old Venetian red morocco, covered with gold tooling, g. e. I2mo. Venetia, 1555 2193 Officia Propria Festorum Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, calf extra, g. e. 8vo. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1578 2191 OFFICE DE LA VIERGE MARIE a 1'Usage de 1'Eglise Catholique Apos- tolique et Komaine, avec plusieurs Prieres et Oraisons, Printed within woodcut borders, composed of flowers, loith the occa- sional introduction of the royal arms of France, and ornamented tcith plates, olive morocco, covered with gold tooling (devices of Margaret of Valois}, g. e. the fleur-de-lis in gold as centre ornament 12mo. Paris, chez James Mettoyer Imprimeur du Roy, 1580 * # * A very beautiful specimen of the Library of Queen Marguerite de Valois, wife of Henry IV, at whose expense the volume was probably printed, as her device, the Daisy (in allusion to her name of Marguerite) is introduced in the borders. In France, books in this binding, with the " Saint Esprit," Daisy and Lilly in gold, are said to have formed part of the library of Henry III, but in this country are probably with better right considered as Queen Margaret's. At any rate, a reprint of this edition, dated 1590, in a binding exactly like the present, sold for 10 in the Libri sale in 1859. 156 2105 Officium Pentaglotton B. Mariao Virginia (Italian, French, Latin, Greek- and Hebrew), portrait of Benedict XIV, old calf, g. e. covered with gold tooling, painted in compartments in the Grolier style I2mo. Neapoli, 1741 2196 Office of the Church in Latin and English. Evening Portion. a beautiful specimen of contemporary binding in English red morocco, richly ornamented with gold tooling on sides and back, g. e. with the name of " MRS. ANNE ELDRIDGE 1761," stamped in gold on blue morocco, pasted inside the cover small 8vo. 1760 * # * From the Daniel Collection, where it sold for 3. 6s. 2197 Oihenart (A.) Proverbes et Poesies Basques, half calf, uncut 8vo. Bordeaux, 1847 2198 Okeley (W.) Eben-Ezer : or a small Monument of great Mercy appearing in the miraculous Deliverance of W. Okeley, W. Adams, J. Anthony, J. Jephs and John the Carpenter from the miserable Slavery of Algiers, calf extra, g. e. by Zcehnsdorf 8vo. 1761 Oldmixon (J.) Memoirs of North Britain 8vo. 1715 Oldys (W.) British Librarian, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, 8vo. 1738 Olivieri (A.) Select Italian Stories, author's autograph inscription square IGwo. 1869 2202 Oliver (G.) History of Initiation, LARGE PAPER, green morocco extra, g. e. "by Say day, royal 8vo. 1841 2203 Oliver (W.) on Bath "Waters, 1707 Eegister of Folly, or Characters and Incidents at Bath and the Hot Wells, in a Series of Poetical Epistles, MS. title, 1773, calf extra, g. e. by jRiviere, 8vo. in 1 vol. .2204 Olney Hymns, portraits of W. Cowper and Eev. J. Newton added, FIRST EDITION, rare, Wm. Cowper's own copy, with his autograph, blue morocco, g. e. by Hayday 12mo. 1779 * # * This copy sold for 12. 10s. in G. Daniel's sale. 2205 Oppenheim (M.) Umrisse zu Gcethes Hermann und Dorothea, 9 plates oblong folio. Frankfurt, s. a. 2206 Oratio Domin icXL Linguis expressa Cura H. Megeseri 16wzo. Francof. 1593 2207 Ordene de Chevalerie avec Dissertation, Easai, quelques Contes anciens et un Glossaire par Barbazan IQmo. Lauzanne, 1759 2208 ORDINARY OP CRTSTEN MEN, blaefc letter, v:oodcuts,Jine copy in morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, very scarce small 4.to. Wynkyn de Worde, 1506 2209 ORDO SECUNDUM QUEM HEX DEBET CORONARI: id eat: LIBER KE- OALIS, SITE ORDO ET OFFICIA CORONATIONIS REGUM ET KE- GINARUM ANOLI/E, ET DE EXEQUIIS EEGALIBUS, VERY FINE MANUSCRIPT UPON VELLUM, WRITTEN IN THE EARLY PART OF THE XVlH CENTURY, AND RUBRICATED small folio. SJEC. xv IS ONE OF THE MOST CURIOUS, AUTHENTIC AND IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS, RELATING TO THE CORONATION OF THE KINGS AND 157 QUEENS or ENGLAND, WHICH EXISTS. It is quite surprising that it should be found in a private collection. " When Queen Caroline laid claim to be crowned with his present Majesty (George IV), the Dean of Westminster was summoned to attend the Privy Council and produce the Book of the Duties and Ceremonies to be observed at the Coronation of the Kings and Queens of England, preserved among the Muniments of the Dean and Chapter, and considered the most ancient, authentic, and complete book which remains. By the very liberal permission of the Dean, I have been allowed to examine that most curious document. It was used at the Coronation of Eichard II in 1378. By the same kindness I have been permitted to compare this manuscript with the Westminster original, and the Dean condescended to verify my collation. I can therefore state posi- tively that the manuscript is a literal transcript of that most important English historical document. If the scribe has committed the error of a single letter, it has been corrected on the margin. In the original document, some corrections and some additions are made on the mar- gins, these are likewise transferred to the margins of this copy. The volume opens with directions for the mode of fitting up the Abboy for the Coronation. It then directs that the King, the day before the Coronation, shall ride with his head bare from the Tower to the Palace of Westminster, that Tie may be seen of all his people. The various Ceremonies to be observed at the Coronation of the King and Queen follow. Next, the various fees to be paid to the Convent of West- minster, and the nomination of certain persons to perform offices on the day of the Coronation. The Earl of Leycester is to perform the office of Seneschal, though the Duke of Norfolk has claimed the right. This part is very curious, as the Coronation of Eichard II affords the first record of the Proceedings of a Court of Claims. The Court was holden by John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. Next follow the Directions and a Service for the Queen when she shall be crowned alone. The volume terminates with a chapter on the Funeral Solemnities to b~e observed on the demise of the King, in which the minutest directions are given for embalming and attiring the Eoyal Corpse. There is a very curious circumstance in the Eitual relating to the Ad- ministration of the Sacrament to the King and Queen. They are to receive wine, but it is cautiously explained that it is no part of the Sacramental Service. " Osculo autem Pacis a Eege et Eegina accepto descendentes Eex et Eegina de Soliis suis et accedentes humiliter ad altare percipient corpus et sanguinem Domini de Manu Archiepiscopi vel Episcopi Missam celebrantis. Corpore vero Domini a Eege recepto miniitrdbit ei tinum ad utendum post perceptionem Sacramenti." The Queen is allowed to take it " as a sign of unity." This transcript is certainly of the early part of the XVth century. It has been re-bound about a hundred and fifty years since, and bears the arms of a French Duke on the side. These appear to be those of the noble family of Duplessis. It appears extremely probable, that this manuscript was sent to France to satisfy the scruples of Henrietta Maria about our Coronation ceremonies previous to her marriage. " In the case of the Coronation of Charles I," said Mr. Brougham, in 158 his Speech before the Privy Council, " Henrietta Maria was said to have objected to take any part in it, unless she could be assisted by a Popish priest, which the constitution rendered impossible." I have ascertained that Henrietta Maria did not take the sacrament with Charles the First at her Coronation" %* The preceding admirable description by the late Mr. Evans of this most interesting volume is taken from the Sale Catalogue of the Library of the late J. Dent, Esq. for whom the MS. was purchased many years since by my father. I believe it was the intention of Mr. Dent to have printed it as a contribution to the Roxburghe Club, and with that view he placed it in my hands to translate, a task which I had the pleasure of completing ns seen by the fair copy, comprised in the following lot. S. LEIGH SOTIIEBT. 2210 ORDO SITE LIBER EEQALTS. CORONATION CEREMONIES OF THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF ENGLAND, THE TRANSLATION OF THE ABOVE IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS, by Samuel Leigh Sotheby. folio 2211 Orosius in Anglo-Saxon, by ^Elfred the Great, with an English trans- lation by Daines Barrington, map, russia Svo. 1773 2212 Orridge (B. B.) Illustrations of Jack Cade's Rebellion, &c. half calf extra, uncut, fop edges gilt, by Zcehnsdorf 40. 1869 2213 Orsini (Abbe) Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, plates, morocco, g. e. foolscap Svo. Dublin, 1852 2214 Osburn (W.) Monumental History of Egypt, 2 vol. plates (several coloured) Svo. 185i 2215 OTTLEY (W. Y.) INQUIRY INTO THE ORIGIN AND EARLY HISTORY OF ENGRAVING ON COPPER AND WOOD, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, india proof plates, half vellum, uncut, scarce imperial 4/0. 1816 Otway (T.) Works, 3 vol. portrait and plates, calf, crown Svo. 3813 Outhier (M.) Voyage au Nord 12wto. Amst. 1746 Ovide La Metamorphose figuree, woodcuts ly "Le Petit Bernard," fine copy in blue morocco, g. e. ly H. Duru, small Svo. Lyon, 1564 2219 Ovid's Metamorphosis, translated into English Meter, by A. Golding, FIRST EDITION, fclacfc letter, fine copy in old gilt calf, small 4>to. W. Seres, 1567 2220 Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated by Eminent Hands, and published by Sir S. Garth, 2 vol. plates, calf I2mo. 1736 2221 OVID. All Ovid's Elegies : 3 Bookes by C. M[arlow] Epigrams by J. D[avis], FIRST EDITION (including the earliest printed verses of Sen Jonsori), extremely rare having been rigidly suppressed, MIDDLEBOURGH (1396) Remedy of Love (in Verse), 1636 Banquet of Sence, &c. (in Verse by G. Chapman), 1639 De Tristibus, in English Verse by Z. Catlin, 1639 Festivalls, in English Verse by J. Gower, Camb. 1640 Art of Love (in Verse), bust of Ovid by Marshall, but ivants title, Amst. circa 1640, MS. Notes by T. Park on separate slips prefixed) red morocco extra, g. e. IGmo. in one vol. %* A volume of great rarity. 159 2222 Ovid. All his Elegies, by C. Mfarlow] Epigrams, by J. D[avis], red morocco extra, g. e. by J. Mackenzie and Son, IGmo. Middlebourgh, n. d. (1598) * # * Nearly all the copies of this very rare volume were burnt at Stationer's Hall, by order of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London, dated 1 June, 1599. A duplicate version of Elegia XV of Book I, as ascribed to Ben Jonson, and therefore his earliest printed production. Bindley's copy sold for 8 18s. 6d. 2223 Ovid's Banquet of Sence, with a Coronet for his Mistresse, Philosophy and his amorous Zodiack, calf gilt IGmo. 1639 2224 Owen (L.) Key to the Spanish Tongue (including first Epistle of St. John, in Spanish and English) halfrussia 24?o. ]605 2225 Owen (Hugh) Two Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol, plates Svo. 1873 Oxford Sausage, woodcuts, russia, g. e. 1 Gmo. Oxford, 1777 OYANGUBEN DE SANTA IKES (Pr. Fr. Melchor) ABTE DE LA LENQUA JAPONA, fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. by J?. Bedford, EXTBEMELY BABE small 4to. %* There is probably no collection of Novels so difficult to obtain in perfect condition as Painter's Palace of Pleasure, in Black Letter, although there were no less than three editions of vol. I and two of vol. II. From this work Shakespeare probably took the Plot of his Borneo and Juliet. 2230 Paley (F. A.) Manual of Gothic Mouldings, plates Svo. 1845 2231 Paley ( W.) Sermons and Tracts, 1809 Sermons, 1810 Hora> Paulina?, 1810 Moral and Political Philosophy, 2 vol. 1810 Evidences of Christianity, 2 vol. 1810, calf extra Svo. 7 vol. 2232 Palgrave (E. F. D.) Lectures on the House of Commons, crown Svo. 18G9 2233 Palladio (A.) Architecture in Italian and English, by C. Leoni, 4 vol. in 2, portrait and plates folio. 1715 2234 Palladio (A.) Fabbriche e Disegni raccolti ad illustrati da O. B. Scamozzi con la Traduzione Francese e con le Terme dei Ilomani, 5 vol. in 3, portrait and plates, halfrussia royal folio. Vicenza, 1776-85 2235 Palladio (A.) Edifices forming a Selection from his most admired Buildings, by Arundale, India plates in outline folio. 1832 2236 Pallas (P. S.) Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Eussian Empire, 2 vol, coloured vignettes, plates and maps, ealf, 4fo. 1802-3 160 2237 Palmer (S.) Pontaglot Dictionary, 1845 Sillig (J.) Dictionary of Artists of Antiquity, 183G Galignani's Italian Grammar and Exercises, by A. Montucci, 1818 Montucci (A.) Italian Extracts, 18J8 800. (4) 2238 Palmer (W.) Origines Liturgicae, 2 vol. calf gilt Svo. Oxford, 1836 2239 Palomino Velasco (Don A.) 7idas de los Pintores y Estatuarios eminentes Espanoles 8vo. 1742 2240 Pambour (Chev. F. M. G. de) on Locomotive Engines upon Railways, plates Svo. 1836 2241 Papillon (J. M.) Traite de la Gravure en Bois, 2 vol. portrait and woodcuts, calf Svo. Paris, 17G6 2242 Papyrus Magique Harris. Traduction Analytique et commcntee d'un Manuscrit Egyptien, comprenant le Texte Hieratique, un Tableau Phonetique et un Glossaire par F. Chabas, plates, calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt, by Zcehnsdorf, roy. 4/0. Ghalon-sur-Soane, 1860 2243 Paris. Arc de Triompbede 1'Etoile, W plates in outline oblong 4/0. Paris, s. d. 2244 Parismus, the most renowned Prince of Bohemia, with the adventurous Travels and noble Chivalry of Parismenos, the Knight of Fame, 2 parts in 1, fclacfc If tier, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4/0. 1689 %* A very scarce Romance of Chivalry in Prose by E. Ford. 2245 Parker (J.) Church Questions po~st Svo. 1862 2246 Parker (J. H.) Glossary of Architecture, 400 woodcuts Svo. Leicester, 1838 2247 Parker (J. H.) Glossary of Architecture, with Companion, 3 vol. numerous icoodcuts Svo. Oxford, 1845-46 2248 Parkes (S.) Chemical Catechism, portrait and plates Svo. 1834 2249 Parkinson (J. C.) The Ocean Telegraph to India, plates Svo. Edinb. 1870 2250 Paroisien Complet (en Latin et en Francais), plates, morocco, g. e. 32wj0. Paris, s. d. 2251 Perry (J.) Account of the Stopping of Daggenham Breach, plan, calf Svo. 1721 2252 Parry (J. H.) Cambrian Plutarch, half morocco extra Svo. 1834 2253 Parsons (K.) Leicester's Common- Wealth. "Whereunto is added Leicester's- Ghost (in Verse), with both titlepages, and 2 brilliant impressions of the rare portrait by Marshall, russia, 16w0. 1641 2254 Parsons (W.) Chronological Tables of Europe from the Nativity to 1688, engraved throughout, fine copy in old English red morocco^ g. e. sides ornamented with gold tooling n. d. 2255 Partington (C. F.) Manual of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, 2 vol. 4 copper plates and 270 woodcuts Svo. 1828 2256 PASCAL (B.) LETTBES ESCRITES A TIN PBOVINCIAL, FIEST EDITION of this celebrated Work, with several Pieces by Arnauld, &c. on the subject added, very fine copy in the original Jansenist binding, black morocco, g. m. e. 4/0. Paris, 1656-57 %* Charles Nodier's copy with. a long note in his autograph. 161 2257 Pascha (Jan) Devote Maniere otn GheesteJyck Pelgrimagie te trecken tot den heylighen Lande, fclaefe Utter, woodcuts, russia small 8vo. Louen, 1568 2258 Pasqualigo (C.) Eaccolta di Proverb! Veneti, fcap. 8vo. Venezia, 1858 2259 Passingbam (E.) Wild Notes crown 8vo. 1857 2260 Paterson's Eoads, augmented by E. Mogg 8vo. 1824s 2261 Patrick (Bp. S.) Book for Beginuers (Holy Communion), 48mo. 1761 2262 Patte (M.) Monumens eriges en France a la Gloire de Louis XV, plates folio. Paris, 1765 2263 Pattino (C.) Pratica delle Medaglie, cuts, Venetia, 1673 Jobert (L.) La Science des Medailles, Amst. 1693, vellum, 24wzo. in 1 vol. 2264 Paul (W.) Analysis and critical Interpretation of Genesis, preceded by a Hebrew Grammar 8vo. Edinb. 1852 2265 Pausanias' Description of Greece translated, with Notes, by T. Taylor, 3 vol. maps and views, calf 8vo. 1794 2266 Pauw (M. de) Philosophical Dissertations on the Greeks, 2 vol. map, 1793 Dissertations on the Egyptians and Chinese, 2 vol. maps, 1795, calf extra 8vo. 4 vol. 22G7 Peacock (D.) Perth, its Annals and its Archives, plates crown 8vo. Perth, 1819 2268 Pearson (C.) Speech on Corporation Reform, with the Speaker's auto- graph inscription 8vo. 1844 2269 Pearson (H.) Memoirs of Rev. C. Buchanan, 2 vol. portrait, calf 8vo. Oxford, 1817 2270 Pecham (H.) Art of Drawing with the Pen and liraming in Water Colours : with the true Manner of Painting upon Glasse, Anneal- ing, &c. woodcuts, Morocco extra, covered with gold tooling, g.e. by Zaehnsdorf,sm.4:to. 1607 2271 PECOCK (Bp. Reginald) YE DONET or CBISTEN RELIGION and ye gaderid councels of seint ysidre, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, see an account of this volume in C. Banna- ton's edition of Pecock's Repression, morocco 8vo. SJEC. xv 2272 PEELE (George) BATTELL OF ALCASAR FOUGHT IN BABUABIE, very slightly cut in headline, morocco extra, covered with gold tooling and painted in compartments, a. e. by Zaehnsdorf, KAEE sm. 4dt bevvaer de Coninginne Elizabeth 8vo. 2 vol. in 1 *** OF THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF BABiTT. No copies of either of these pieces had been seen by Ames or Herbert when writing the Typo- graphical History of this Country, and the first intimation of such volumes emanating from a printing press at NOBWICH, in England, was promulgated by Dr. Cotton in his Typographical Gazetteer in 1831, subsequently to his discovery of them, existing among the books of Archbishop Usher, in Trinity College, Dublin. The present copies are in the finest possible state, in the original stamped Dutch binding of the period, with clasps, and may probably vie with those in Ireland. The purchaser will now have an opportunity of wiping away the slur upon the sister country, England, which as Dr. Cotton states, with all her boasted libraries has never been able to furnish a genuine volume from the press of this father of Norwich typography. The reader is requested to turn to pages 195-7 of the Gazetteer of Dr. Cotton, whose description is so very exact with the present copies, that further extract is not required here. For the Norfolk historian this volume possesses much interest, no mention having heretofore been recorded by any county or local writer of the existence of this specimen from the Dutch press in the City of Norwich, wherein, encouraged by her Majesty QUEEN ELIZABETH natives of Holland settled and established their manufactures within its walls. The notice regarding the opening of the Dutch Church within its walls occurs among other English histo- rical matters in the calendar page of the month of November : " Den iiii heeft ELIZABETH de ghenadige Coninginne van Enghelant den Vreemdelingen vergunt de stadt Norwitz om aldaer te woonen : en den 24 December is de Duytsche Kercke open ghedaen. Anno 1565." 2421 Pseaumes en Ehythme Francoise par C. Marot et T. de Besze, Printed in " Lettres de Civilite," with music, and having prose ver- sion in margins, russia, a. e. small 4 s. d. 2472 Quinze Joies de Mariage, citron morocco extra, g. e. by Simier square IQmo. Paris, 1837 2473 RABELAIS (F.) SES CEuvnES, fine copy in morocco, gilt marbled edges, by Duru, scarce 8vo. Lyon, 1558 2474 Rabelais (F.) Works, revised from the Edition of M. Le Du Chat, with notes by J. Ozell, 4 vol. portrait and plates, old russia 12mo. Dublin, 1738 2475 Rabelais (F.) GEuvres, avec des Remarques hiatoriques et critiques de M. Le Duchat, 3 vol. plates by B. Picart, red morocco, g. e. by Derome 4>to. Amst. 1741 2476 RABELAIS (Fa.) Les Songes Drolatiques, droll woodcuts, red morocco (five leaves are in admirable facsimile by Harris), fine copy 16mo. Paris, R. Breton, 1565 %* Original edition of a celebrated and exceedingly scarce volume. 2477 Racine (J.) CEuvrea, avec des Commentaires par M. Luneau de Bois- jermain, 7 vol. portrait and plates, calf 800. Paris, 1796 2478 Rafael Sanzio, CEuvre complet par C. P. Landon, 4 vol. plates in out- line 4 vol. 2551 Revolution Fra^aise. Liste des Condemned, 12 Nos. (including the rare Supplement to No. /X), in one vol. morocco extra, gilt gaufre edges, rare Svo. Paris, 1793 2552 Revolution Francaise. Liste des Condamnes, 12 Nos. in 1 vol. red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford Svo. ib. 1794 2553 Reybaud (L.) Jerome Paturot a la Recherche d'une Position Sociale, 2 vol. calf extra, g. e. by Soilings 24w0. Paris, 1846 2554 REYNIKE Vosz DE OLDE, nyge gedriicket, blacfe Utter, woodcuts, fine copy in morocco super extra, by F. Bedford, sm. 4-to. Franc. 1562 %* In the Low- German Dialect, and excessively rare. 2555 REINEKE FTJCHS VON W. YON G. 1866 2572 Riddles. Another copy IGmo. 1866 2572 Ridolfi (Cav. C.) Vite de gP illustri Pittori Veneti e dello Stato, 2 vol. in 1, portraits, old russia small 4to. Venetia, 1648 2573 Rigaud (J.) Vues de France, plates royal folio. Paris, *. d. 2574 Ritson (J.) Collection of old Riddles, copied from an old MS. in the Harleian Library (attributed by Wanley to Holmes of Chester}, AUTOGBAPH MANUSCRIPT 8vo. 1777 2575 Ritson (J.) Remarks on the Text and Notes of the last Edition of Shakspeare, 1783 Quip Modest by Way of Supplement, 1788, portrait added, russia extra 8vo. in one vol. 2576 Ritson (J.) Spartan Manual, morocco, g. e. scarce, foolscap 8vo. 1785 2577 Ritson (J.) Caledonian Muse, portrait and vignettes, russia extra post 8vo. Printed 1785, Published 1821 2578 Ritson (J.) Ancient Songs, woodcuts, russia extra post 8vo. 1790 2579 Ritson (J.) Pieces of ancient popular Poetry, woodcuts, 1791 Roberto the Devyll, a Metrical Romance, 14 curious plates, 1798, russia extra post 8vo. in one vol. 2580 Ritson (J.) English Anthology, 3 vol. cuts after Stothard, russia extra crown 8vo. 1793-94 2581 Ritson ( J.) Scotish Songs, with Glossary, 2 vol. vignettes and music, russia extra post 8vo. 1794 2582 Ritson (J.) Robin Hood, 2 vol. woodcuts, calf gilt pott 8vo. 1795 184 2583 Bitson (J.) Poems on interesting Events in the Eeign of Edward III, written in 1352 by L. Minot, with Notes and Glossary, calf gilt post 8vo. 1795 2584 Eitson (J.) Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food as a moral Duty, half russia, uncut Svo. 1802 2585 Eitson (J.) Bibliographia Poetica, russia extra crown Svo. 1802 2586 Eitson (J.) Bibliographia Poetica, calf gilt crown Svo. 1802 2587 Eitson (J.) Ancient Engleish Metrical Bomancees, 3 vol. russia extra crown Svo. 1802 2588 Eitson (J.) Northern Garlands, russia extra post Svo. 1810 2589 Eitson (J.) Select Collection of English Songs, with Additional by T. Park, 3 vol. half calf extra post Svo. 1813 2590 Eitson (J.) Life by J. Haslewood, portrait, 1824 Bibliographia Poetica, 1802, half russia, uncut crown Svo. 2 vol. in 1 2591 Eitson (J.) Life of King Arthur, morocco, g. e. post Svo. 1825 2592 Eitson (J.) Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls, russia extra, post Svo. 1827 2593 Eitson (J.) Annals of the Caledonians, Picta and Scots; and of Strath- clyde, Cumberland, Galloway and Murray, 2 vol. morocco, g. e. post Svo. Edirib. 1828 2594 Eitson (J.) Fairy Tales, morocco, g. e. post Svo. 1831 2595 Eitson (J.) Letters, with Memoir by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 2 vol. uncut post Svo. 1833 2596 Eituale Eomanum,7worocco extra, gilt gaufre edges, Svo. Antverpice, 1744 2597 Eoberts (G.) Four Tears Voyages, map and plates, panelled calf Svo. 1726 2598 Eoberts (H.) Dwellings of the Labouring Classes, plates imperial Svo. 1850 2599 Eoberts ( J.) Oriental Illustrations of the Sacred Scriptures, Svo. 1835 2600 Eobertson ( W.) Works, with Life by D. Stewart, 13 vol. portraits and maps, calf Svo. 1802-9 2601 BOBIN HOOD. The Noble Birth and Gallant Atchievements of that remarkable Outlaw, Robin Hood, together with a True Account of the many Merry and Extravagant Exploits he play'd in 12 several Stories, woodcut, black letter, fine copy, green morocco extra, g. e. the sides ornamented with rich blind tooling small 4/c. Printed by A. P. and T. H.for T. Vere, 1678 * # * THE ONLY COPY KNOWN. Purchased in G. Daniel's sale for 32 10s. 2602 Eobin Hood's Garland, calf gilt 12mo. Lichfield, n. d. 2603 Eobin Hood. A lytell Geste of Eobin Hode with other ancient and modern Ballads and Songs relating to this celebrated Yeoman, with Life by J. M. Gutch, 2 vol. woodcuts by F. W. Fairholt, Dr. Hawtrey's copy in green morocco super extra, borders of gold, g. e. by Hayday Svo. 1847 185 2604 Eobin Hood. A lytell Geste of Eobin Hode, with other ancient and modern Ballads relating to this celebrated Yeoman, edited by J. M. Gutch, 2 vol. cuts by F. W. Fairholt 8vo. 1847 2605 Eobin Hood. A lytell Geste of Eobin Hode, with other ancient and modern Ballads and Songs relating to this celebrated Yeoman, edited by J. M. Gutcb, 2 vol. woodcuts by F. W. Fairholt, uncut 8vo. 1847 2606 Eobinson (H. C.) Exposure of Misrepresentations in the Preface to Wilberforce's Correspondence crown 8vo. 1840 2607 Eobinson (J. C.) Catalogue of M. Uzielli's Collection of Works of Art, plates, presentation copy with autograph note of M. Uzielli added, privately printed, royal 8vo. 1860 Catalogue of the Special Loan Exhibition at South Kensington Museum, LAKGE PAPER, half calf, uncut, top edge gilt, royal 8vo. 1862 Catalogue of E. Napier's Collection of Works of Art at West Shandon, privately printed, royal 8vo. 1865 Early Portuguese School of Painting, with author's autograph letter, imperial 8vo. Bungay, 1867 (4) 2608 Eobinson (J. C.) Memoranda on fifty Pictures of Ancient Masters, privately printed small 4to. 1868 2609 Eodd (T.) History of Charles the Great and Orlando, ascribed to Archbp. Turpin. Together with the most celebrated ancient Spanish Ballads relating to the twelve Peers of France, with English metrical Versions, 2 vol. half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt crown 8vo. 1812 2610 Eodier (G.) Antiquite des Eaces humaines 8vo. Paris, 1864 2611 Eoe (E.) Short-Hand crown 8vo. 1804 2612 Eogers (S.) Pleasures of Memory and other Poems, vignettes after Stothard, uncut, crown 8vo. 1801 Poems, woodcuts after designs by Stothard, calf extra, foolscap 8vo. 1812 (2) 2613 EOGERS (S.) ITALY AND POEMS, 2 vol. -first 'impressions of the numerous beautiful engravings after Turner and Stothard, olive morocco super extra, uncut, sides ornamented with gold tooling, in the Qrolier style 8vo. 1830-34 2614 Eogers (S.) Table-Talk. To which is added Porsoniana, edited by Eev. A. Dyce crown 8vo. 1856 2615 Eogers (Woodes) Cruising Voyage round the World (including Account of A. Selkirk), maps 8vo. 1712 2616 Eogers (W.) Another copy, maps, panelled calf 8vo. 1712 2617 Eohan (Duke of) Memoirs, half calf 8vo. 1660 2618 Eohault Fils (Ch.) Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, 14 plates atlas size. Paris, 1837 2619 Eoland Le Virloys (C. F.) Dictionnaire d' Architecture, 3 vol. and atlas of plates, half calf 4to. Paris, 1770-7L 2620 Eolt (E.) Lives of the principal Eeformers, mezzotint portraits by Houston, calf folio. 1759 2621 Eomse Urbis Mirabilia, Germanice, cuts, facsimile of a German BlocJc- Boolc, by J. P. Berjeau (limited to 12 copies), with 2 aufograph notes of J. P. Berjeau and 3 facsimiles added, square I2mo. (1864) B B 186 2622 Roman de la Violette ou de Gerard de Nevers en Vers du XIII* Siecle par Gibert de Montreuil public" par F. Michel, VELLUM PAPER, with double set of the facsimiles (India proofs, and illuminated in gold and colours), morocco super extra, joints, broad borders of gold, watered silk linings, g. e. by Hay day 8vo. Paris, 1834 2623 Romancero du Pays Basque 16wo. Bordeaux, 1859 2624 Rome galante, ou Histoire Secrete sous Jules Cesar et Auguste, 2 vol. in 1, morocco 12mo. Paris, 1696 2625 Rome in the XlXth Century, 3 vol. half calf , crown Svo. Edinb. 1822 2626 Roper (W.) Life of Sir Thomas More, with Notes by S. W. Singer, portrait, half calf extra 12mo. Chiswick, 1822 2627 Roget (P. M.) Lecture on Physiology Svo. 1826 2628 Rosa (Salvator) Etchings, 48 plates, half calf small 4>to. s. a. 2629 Rosa (Salvator) Satire, con Vita, portrait, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt Sto. 1823 2630 ROSAEIO BELLA GLORIOSA VEEGINE MAEIA, Printed within woodcut borders and ornamented with numerous elegant wood engravings, illustrating the Lives of the BLESSED VIEGIN and JESUS CHETST, very fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. by Cape, KA HE small Svo. Venetia, 1569 2631 Rosarii (S.) Antithesis Christi et Antichriati videlicet Papae Versibus et Figuris venustissimis illustrata, curious woodcuts, in which the Virtues of Christ and the Vices of the Pope are depicted on parallel pages, calf extra, g. e. by W. Pratt, scarce IQmo. ( Geneves), Apud Eustathium Vignon, 1578 2632 Roscoe (W.) Life of Lorenzo de Medici, 2 vol. portrait, calf, 1797 Life and Pontificate of Leo X, 4 vol. portraits and vignette, Liver- pool, 1805 4*0. (6) 2633 Roscoe (H.) Life of W. Roscoe, 2 vol. calf extra, g. e. by J. Mackenzie Svo. 1833 2634 Ross (A.) View of all Religions, engraved title and portrait by Lombart, fine copy in red morocco, gold tooling, g. e. 12mo. 1653 2635 Ross (L.), E. Schaubert und C. Hansen, Der Tempel der Nike Apteros, coloured view and plates, atlas folio. Berlin, 1839 Atlas zur allgemeinen Bauzeitung, plates, oblong royal folio. Wien, s. a. Architektonisches Album, No. 10, plates, royal folio, Potsdam, 1845 (3) 2636 Rosse (A.) Mel Heliconium or Poeticall Honey^we portrait by Lom- bart, red morocco, joints, g. e. IGmo. 1646 2637 Rousseau (J. B.) Odes, Cantates, Epitres et Poesies diverses, red morocco, silk linings, g. e. 4>to. Paris, 1790 2638 Rousseau ( J. J.) Le Devin du Village, with the music and other music at end (including Macbeth by M. Locke) folio. Paris, s. d. 2639 Roy (W.) Account of the Trigonometrical Operation determining the Meridians of Greenwich and Paris, plates, half calf, 4/o. 1790 187 2640 Roy (W.) Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain, plates, russia extra royal folio. 1793 2641 Roy (W.) Rede me and be nott wrothe For I saye no thynge but trothe, A Satire on Cardinal "Wolsey, fclaefe letter, reprint of 1528 edition IQmo. Chiswick, 1845 2642 Rowbotham (J.) Lectiones Latinse, calf extra, I2mo. 1832 Rowland (T.) Welsh Grammar, post 8vo. Bala, 1865 (2) 2643 Ruding (R.) Annals of the Coinage of Britain and its Dependencies, 4 vol. maps and plates, calf extra, 1817 Supplement to, plates, half russia, 1819 4>to. 5 vol. 2644 Ruiz DE MONTOYA (Padre Antonio) TESOBO DE LA. LENGUA GUABANI que se usa en el Peru, Paraguay y Rio de la Plata, EXCESSIVELY BABE, but a few leaves very neatly mended, red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4>to. Madrid, 1639 * * * This copy sold for 11 10s. at these Rooms, 21 March, 1864. 2645 RUMP : or an exact Collection of the choycest Poems and Songs re- lating to the late Times, 2 parts in I, frontispiece, half morocco, scarce 8vo. 1662 2646 Russell ( J. Earl) Life of William Lord Russell, 2 vol. in 1, portrait, calf extra, by C. Lewis 8vo. 1820 2647 Rusting (S. van) Schouw-Toneel des Doods, 30 plates illustrating the DANCE OF DEATH, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 8vo. Amst. 1726 *** Very Scarce, unknown to Douce and Peignot. 2648 Rutter (J.) Delineations of Fonthill and its Abbey, LABGE PAPEB, proof plates royal 4>to. Shaftesbury, 1823 2649 Rydley (L.) Exposytion upon Epistyll to the Philippians (with Text), folacfe letter, morocco, g. e. scarce IGmo. Canterbury, n. d. 2650 Ryves (Bruno) Mercurius Rusticus the Country's Complaint re- counting the sad Events of this unparraleld Warr and Querela Cantabrigiensis, i ^ow^'s/tece, calf IGmo. (Oxford) 1646 2651 S. (M.) Artificiall Embellishments or Arts best Directions how to preserve Beauty or procure it, scarce IGmo. ib. 1665 2652 Sa (Don Pantaleon) Narration of the late Accident in the New- Exchange from Newgates Prison, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4tto. 1653 * # * An extremely rare Historical Tract, written from Newgate by the Brother of the Portuguese Ambassador previous to his execution for murder. Prefixed is a photograph of Cromwell's Order to provide a frigate to convey the Portuguese Ambassador to Lisbon. 2653 Sabatier de Castres (Abbe) Trois Siecles de la Litterature Francoise, 4vol. calf, La Saye, 1779 Girard (Abbe") Synonymes Fra^ois, 2 vol. Liege, 1787 12mo. (6) 2654 Sacy (S. de) Opuscules. A Collection of Brochures by this eminent Orientalist, most of them of great rarity, only a few copies having been printed for private distribution, in 2 vol. calf 8vo. Paris, v. a. 188 2655 Sailly (T.) Litaniarum ac Orationum Thesaurus sacer, plates (several additional) red morocco extra, g. e. 800. Bruxellas, 1598 2656 Sainsbury (W. N.) Original Unpublished Papers illustrative of the Life of Sir P. P. Rubens, coat of arms emblazoned in gold and colours, with Sainsbury's autograph note added 8t?0. 1859 2657 Saint-Hilaire (E. M.) Les Aides-de-Camp de 1'Empereur, 2 vol. calf gilt 800. Paris, 1841 2658 St. John (J. A.) Lives of celebrated Travellers, 3 vol. calf gilt foolscap 800. 1831-32 2659 Saint-Palaye (M. de) Literary History of the Troubadours, abridged by Mrs. Dobson, calf, foolscap 8vo. 1807 Saint-Pierre (M. de) Studies of Nature, 12wo. 1799 (2) 2660 Salgado (J.) Description of the Plaza of Madrid and the Bull-Baiting there: with the History of Placidus, with the rare folding view, small 4*0. 1683 %* Eichard Ford's copy, with his autograph. At his sale it sold for 2 15s. 2661 Salmincio (A.) il Borbone crudele ouero il Successo della Guerra d' Italia per la Venuta del Duca di Borbone 1'Anno 1526 con il sacco di Eoma (in ottava Eima), a beautiful specimen ofF. Bedford's binding, in citron morocco, super extra, g. e. 12mo. Bologna, 1632 2662 Salt (H.) Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics, plates, 1825 Account of an Egyptian Mummy, by E. S. George, T. P. Teale and E. Hey, plates, Leeds, 1828 Cole (J.) on the Zodiac of Tentyra, plate, Plymouth, 1824 Cory (J. P.) Ancient Fragments, Greek and English, 1828 Mare (w.) on the Egyptian Dynasties, 1829, calf extra 800. in 1 vol. 2663 Salverte (E.) Occult Sciences : Philosophy of Magic, &c. with notes by A. T. Thomson, 2 vol. 800. 1846 2664 SANCTORUM SANCTARUMQDE SUFFRAGIA, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, with BORDERS and 37 MINIATURES, beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, Hue velvet, g. e. with gilt silver clasps, in case 16j0. SMC. xv 2665 SAJTDRART (J. A.) OPERA, viz. Eomse antique et novum Theatrum, Norimb. 1684 Eomanorum Fontinalia, ib. 1685 Insignium Eoina- Templorum Prospectus, ib. s, a. Palatia Eomana, 2 parts in 1, ib. 1693 Admiranda Statuariae, ib. 1680 Giardini di Eoma disegnate da G. B. Falda e dati alia stampe da G. G. de Sandrart, il. s. a. Iconologia Deorum, ib. 1680 Ovidii 1\I etamorphoseon Icones, ib. s. a. Bassi-Eilievi P. S. Bartoli, il. 1699 Altaria et Sacella, ib. s. a. Academia nobilissimae Artis Pictoriae, ib. 1683 Varia, ib. s. a. numerous engravings, Jlne copy in old red morocco, with gold tooling folio. 12 vol. 2666 Sanmicheli (M.) Cinque Ordini dell' Architettura, plates folio. Verona, 1735 189 2667 Sansovino (F.) Cento Novelle scelte da piu nobili Scrittori della Lingua volgare, woodcuts morocco extra, g. e. small 4>to. Venetia, 1566 2668 SAEATE (A.) DISCOVEEIE AND CONQUEST OF PEEU, and also of the riche mines of Potosi. Translated by T. Nicholas, folacfe letter, woodcuts, both titles mended and slightly cut in headlines, sold therefore with all faults, although otherwise perfect, morocco extra, g. e. by C. Lewis small 4 Lettres In^dites de M me . de Se>igne, et M^moires de M. de Coulanges, par M. de Monmerque, 12 vol. PIKE THICK PAPEE, ILLU8TEATED WITH AN ASSEMBLAGE OF 25 ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, by Mesdames de Sevigne, de Villars, de Coulanges, de Maintenon, de Simiane, de Lafayette, de Qrignan, de Bussy-Rabutin, Fouquet, Louvois, le Prince de Conde, le Marechal de Turenne, Gourville, Lafontaine, Boileau, Racine, Bossuet, and OTHEE CELEBEATED PERSONAGES OF THE EEIGN OF LOUIS XIV ; TWO OEIGINAL DBA WINGS BY LA DEGUICHE, and a collection of upwards of 180 portraits, views and vignettes, many proofs before the letters, and on india paper ; 10 portraits engraved by Qrateloup, viz. : Bossuet, Fenelon, Descartes, J. B. Rousseau, Montesquieu, Dry den, M"*. Lecouvreur, et le Cardinal de Polignac ; 24 portraits by Ficquet, of which the 10 following are before the letters : Lafontaine, two proofs before any letters, Gorneille, Descartes, Montaigne, Bossuet, Regnard, J. B. Rousseau, Fenelon, Lamotte Le Vayer, and M. de Maintenon ; 11 portraits by Savart, of which three are before the letters, viz. M 1 ". Deshoulieres, Labruyere, and D'Alembert ; 5 portraits by Marcenay, before the letters ; 3 proofs by Masquelier ; fyc. forming A UNIQUE COPY OF THIS CELEBEATED WORK, crimson morocco, uncut, gilt top edges, by Niedree Svo. . Paris, 1818-20-14, 2710 SEWARD (W.) ANECDOTES OF DISTINGUISHED PERSONS, with Supple- ment, 5 vol. EXTENSIVELY ILLUSTRATED with numerous rare and valuable portraits, russia extra, g. e. post Svo. 1796-97 2711 Seymour (M. H.) Evenings with the Romanists royal 12mo. 1854 2712 Sgrilli (B. S.) Descrizione della Metropolitana Fioreutina S. Maria del Fiore, portrait and plates royal folio. Firenze,VJ&& 2713 SHAKESPEAEES (Ms. WILLIAM) COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES. Published according to the True Originall Copies, FIRST EDITION, portrait by Droeshout and Ben Jonson's Verses, russia, g. e. EXTREMELY BARE folio. Printed by Isaac laggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623 * # * A perfect and most desirable copy of this precious volume, which must always be the foundation stone of an English Dramatic Library, as in the opinion of Home Tooke " THIS is THE ONLY EDITION WORTH REGARDING." Unfortunately for most persons desirous of possessing a copy the yearly increasing price renders it almost unattainable, except by those Collectors to whom its present money value ia of slight consequence. Mr. Gardner's copy sold for 250, G. Smith's for 410, Earl of Charlemont's for 455, and G. Daniel's for 714. 2714 SHAKESPEAEES (MR. WILLIAM) COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES. Published according to the True Originall Copies, The Second Impression, portrait and verses, title inlaid, else very fine and large copy (13 T 3 ^ by 9^ inches), blue morocco super extra, borders of gold, g. e. from Dr. Hawtrey's library folio. Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot, 1632 * % * Very scarce. G. Smith's copy sold for 58., and G. Daniel's, described as 18| by 9, sold for 148. 193 2715 SHAKESPEARE'S (ME. WILLIAM) Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies, The Third Impression. And unto this Impression is added seven Playes, never before Printed in Folio. Portrait with verses beneath, (from Fourth Edition) , title mended else fine copy in russia extra, joints, ornamented with gold tooling, g. e. ; from the libraries of John Philip Kemble and E. V, TTtterson folio. Printed for P. 0. 1664 *** Excessively scarce and probably even more rare than the first edition, most of the copies having been destroyed in the great Fire of London- G. Smith's copy sold for 65. 2716 Shakespeare's (Mr. "William) COMEDIES, HISTORIES, AND TRAGEDIES. Published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added SEVEN PLATS, Never before Printed in Folio, The Fourth Edition, portrait with verses beneath, title backed, else fine copy in russia, g. e. folio. Printed for H. Herringman, E. Breivster and H,. Bentley, 1685 %* Scarce. Mr. Lilly's copy sold for 37. 2717 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, Booth's Reprint of the first collected Edition of 1623, 3 parts, portrait and plates, photographs, presentation copy small 4to. 1858-59 *** Only 40 copies printed, at the expense of the Duke of Devonshire, for presents. 2733 Shakespeare (W.) Hamlet, 1603 and 1604. Exact Keprints, with Pre- face by S. Timmins 8vo. 1860 2734 SHAKE-SPEABE (W.) HISTOEY OF HEKEIE THE FOUBTH, with the Battell at Shrewsburie betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Hotspur of the North, with the humorous conceits of Sir lohn Falstafie, newly corrected by W. Shake-speare, slightly cut in headlines, and the last seven leaves in admirable facsimile, red morocco extra, joints, richly tooled, g, e. small 4to. Printed by S. S.for Andrew Wise, 1599 * # * Second and extremely rare edition. A copy sold in these Eooms in 1857, for 75, and G. Daniel's, in 1864, for 115. 10s. 2735 SHAKESPEABE (W.) SECOND PAET OF HENBIE THE FOUETH, continu- ing to his Death, and Coronation of Henre the fift. With the humours of Sir John Falstaffe, and swaggering Pistoll, corner of E iv and a few headlines carefully restored in beautiful facsimile, red morocco extra, a. e. by F. Bedford, EXTBEMELY EAEE small 40. Printed by V. S.for Andrew Wise, and W. Aspley, 1600 %* From the Library of Mr. Halliwell, who has written on fly-leaf : " There are two editions of the Second Part of Henry the Fourth, 1600, the first with sheet E containing four leaves, as in the present copy, the second with the same sheet consisting of six leaves. Both editions are of the highest degree of rarity. Since Heber's sale, presuming, as I be- lieve is the case that the copy noted in Bohn's Lowndes as sold in March 1856, is the TJtterson copy, only two copies have been sold by auction, namely, I. TJtterson's (sig. E six leaves) sold for 17. 10s. but this copy (now Mr. Corser's) has two leaves in facsimile, and II, one at my sale in May, 1857, also with E six leaves, which sold for 100. It has been usually stated that the second & six-leaved edition is the rarest, but I believe that this is an error, & that this first edition is one of the very rarest of the old Shakespeare quartos. The Bodley copy of it is imperfect. There are two copies of the six-leaved ed. in the Brit. Mus. but only a fragment of the present one. Both eds. are however very rare, & no copy of either was in the Daniel collection. The present 198 copy is substantially perfect but a small corner of one leaf and a few head-lines are in facsimile. It has also a special interest of its own in possessing a few short stage directions in manuscript undoubtedly contemporary with Shakespeare, & in one place, sig B. 2, a plot as it ia probable of the position of the Characters on the ancient stage. J. O. Halliwell. June 1866." 2736 SHAKE-SPEARE (W.) TOE HISTORY OF HENRIE THE FOURTH, with the Battell at Shrewseburie, betweene the King, and Lord Henrie Percy, surnamed Henrie Hotspur of the North. With the humo- rous conceites of Sir John Falstaffe. Newly corrected by W. Shake-speare, red morocco super extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4to. W. W. for Mathew Law, 1G13 %* This, like all Shakespeare's plays printed in his lifetime, is excessively rare. The second edition of it sold at Mr. Daniel's sale for 115. 10s., but it was valued by Mr. Daniel himself at 200. This edition was reprinted by Steevens. 2737 SHAKE-SPEARE (W.) HISTOEIE OF HENEY THE FOURTH, &c. title mended and date restored, else good sound copy, red morocco, g. e. l>y Hayday, small 4fo. Printed by T. P. Sfc, 1622 %* Scarce. This copy sold for 9 in Mr. Halliwell's sale. 2738 SHAKE-SPEARE ("W.) HISTOETE OF HENRF. THE FOUETH, with the Battell at Shrewsbury betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henry Hotspur of the North, with the humorous con- ceits of Sir lohn Falstaffe, fine copy in red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford 4ito. Printed by John Norton, and are to be sold by Hugh Perry at his shop next to Ivie-bridge in the Strand, 1639 2739 SHAKESPEARE (W.) CHRONICLE HISTORY OF HENRY THE FIFT, with his battel fought at Agin Court in France. Together with Auntient Pistoll, EXCESSIVELY RARE, but a portion of the work supplied in a facsimile almost defying detection, sold therefore with all faults, red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4. Printed for T. P. 1608 %* Very scarce. Berry's copy sold for 10 10s. ; Halliwell'a for 18 18s. 6d. and Gardner's for 8 10s. 2741 SHAKESPEARE (W.) FIRST PART OF THE TRUE & HONORABLE HISTORY, OF THE LIFE OF SIR JOHN OLD-CASTLE, THE GOOD LORD COBHAM, FIEST EDITION, fine copy in red morocco extra, g. e. rare small 4to. Printed for T. P. 1600 %* Although printed with Shakespeare's name as the author, it appears from Henslowe's Diary that the Play was written in 1599, by Munday, Drayton, Wilson and Hathway. This fine copy was purchased in Mr. Crawford's sale for 11. 199 2742 SHAKESPEARE (W.) FIRST AND SECOND PART OF THE TROUBLESOME EAIGNE OF JOHN KING OF ENGLAND, autograph of Oeo. Steevens, morocco extra, g. e. small 4/0. 1622 * # * Eare. This copy sold for 7. 10s. in Mr. Halliwell's sale. 2743 Shakespeare (W.) Julius Cassar, as now acted at the Theatre Royal, calf extra 4/0. 1684 2744 [SHAKESPEARE (W.)] TRUE CHRONICLE HISTORY OF KING LEIR, AND HIS THREE DAUGHTERS, GONORILL, EAGAN AND CoRDELLA, EXCESSIVELY RARE, red morocco extra, g. e, by F. Bedford small 4/0. Simon Stafford for John Wright, 1605 * + * From this Play Shakespeare is supposed to have drawn the materials for his own Tragedy of Lear. Only two other perfect copies are known, one in the Library of the British Museum and one in that of Mr. Huth. 2745 SHAKE-SPEARE ("W.) His TRUE CHRONICLE HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND DEATH OF KlNG LEAR, AND HIS THREE DAUGHTERS, autograph of George Steevens, green morocco, g. e. by G. Lewis small 4/0. Printed for Nathaniel Butter, 1608 ** Scarce. Mr. Gardner's copy sold for 20, and Mr. Halliwell's for 20. 10s. This edition does not specify the place of sale. 2746 SHAKE-SPEARE (W.) His TRUE CHRONICLE HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND DEATH OF KlNG LEAR, AND HIS THREE DAUGHTERS, title in facsimile, else fine copy in red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, small 4/0. Printed by Jane Bell, 1655 *** Scarce. This copy cost 10. 10s. Mr. Halliwell's, in 1857, sold for 11. 2747 S[HAKESPEARE] (W.) LAMENTABLE TRAGEDIE OF LOCRINE, the eldest Sonne of King Brutus, &c. green morocco extra, g. e. by G. Lewis, with G. Daniel's initials in gold on obverse of cover small 4/0. Printed by Tho. Greede, 1595 * # * Of excessive rarity but falsely attributed to Shakespeare, as from the autograph note on titlepage, written by Sir G. Buck, Master of the Revels, it appears that Charles Tilney was the real author. By the late Mr. Daniel this volume was always considered one of the choicest gems of his collection. It sold in his sale for 103. 19s., and was purchased for Sir "W. Tite by Mr. Halliwell, who considered it very cheap at that price. See Sir "W. Tite's autograph note on fly-leaf. 2748 SHAKESPEARE (W.) THE LONDON PHODIGALL, FIRST EDITION, red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4/0. T. G.for Nathaniel Butter, 1605 %* Yery rare. G. Daniel's copy sold for 23. 2749 SHAKESPEARE (W.) LOUES LABOURS LOST. A wittie and pleasant Comedy, half morocco small 4/0. W. S. for John SmethwicJce, 1631 * # * This copy sold for 9 in Mr. Halliwell's sale, in May, 1856. 2750 SHAKESPEAEE (W.) LTJCEECE, FIRST EDITION, fine copy in red morocco supsr extra, covered with gold tooling in the Grolier style, vellum linings and jly -leaves, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf small 4/0. Richard Field for John Harrison, 1594 * # * Probably the rarest of all the quarto Shakespeares, not above six copies being known. G. Daniel's sold for 157. 10s. Mr. Halliwell considers the Dedication to the Earl .of Southampton as a precious relic, it being one of the only two letters of Shakespeare that have reached our time. 200 2751 SHAKESPEARE (W.) EAPE OF LUCRECE, COMMITTED BY TARQUIN THE SIXT, and the remarkable judgments that befel him for it. By the incomparable master of our English Poetry, Will. Shakespeare Gent. Whereunto is annexed the Banishment of Tarquin : or the Reward of Lust. By J. Quarles, with the rare frontispiece contain- ing portrait, several leaves mended, morocco extra, by F. Bedford sm. Svo. J. G. for J. Stafford, fyc. 1655 * # * One of the rarest of the Poems in a complete state, but one of the most common without the original engraved portrait of Shakespeare in a medallion which accompanies the present copy. Not more than two or three copies of it are known. Q-. Daniel's copy sold for 40. 19s. 2752 SHAKESPEARE (W.) MOST EXCELLENT HISTORIE OF THE MERCHANT OF YENICE. With the extreame crueltie of Shylocke the Jewe towards the sayd Merchant in cutting a just pound of his flesh, and the obtayning of Portia by the choyse of three chests. As it hath beene diuers times acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Ser- uants. Written by William Shakespeare, FIRST EDITION, of excessive rarity, with folacfe tetter Ballad added at end, red morocco super extra, richly ornamented with gold tooling, g. e. by If ay day Printed by I. R. for Thomas Hayes, 1600 * # * An inferior copy was sold at these Eooms, in July, 1854, for 132. and G. Daniel's for 99. 15s. 2753 SHAKESPEAEE ( W.) THE EXCELLENT HISTORY of the Merchant of Venice. With the extreme cruelty of Shylocke the Jew towards the saide Merchant, in cutting a iust pound of his flesh. And the obtaining of Portia, by the choyse of three Caskets. Written by W. SHAKESPEARE, Jine copy (E. V. Utter son's) in red morocco extra, broad borders of gold, g. e. by Hayday, TERY RARE Printed by J. Roberts, 1600 \* This edition by many is considered as the first. The edition printed by J. E. for Thomas Heyes, also in 1600, sold for 99. 15s. in G. Daniel's sale. " This very cheap and fine copy" appears to hare been purchased for 34. 13s., for Sir W. Tite, by Mr. Halliwell. 2754 SHAKESPEARE (W.) MERCHANT OF VENICE, TERY RARE, but title so beautifully facsimiled as almost to defy detec~ tion,red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4to. Printed for T. P. 1619 * # * Scarce ; G. Daniel's copy sold for 10, and this in Mr. Halliwell's sale for 9 9s. 2786 SHAKE-SPEABE (WiL.) POEMS, with the rare portrait by W. Marshall, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 8vo. T. Cotes, 1640 %* Very scarce. G. Daniel's copy sold for 44. 2787 SHAKE-SPEABE ("William) SONNETS. Neuer before imprinted. Title and dedication admirably supplied by Harris in facsimile, FIBST EDITION, VEBY FINE CLEAN COPY, morocco extra, by J. Clarke small 4/0. By G. Eld for T. T. and are to be solde by William Aspley, 1609 * # * This very rare and interesting volume was purchased at Mr. Utterson's sale for what must now be called the absurdly moderate sum of 30 5s. Chalmers* copy, a perfect one, but scarcely finer than the present, sold for 105 and in G. Daniel's sale for 225. It is one of the most desirable of the early Shakspeariana. 2788 Shakespeare ( W.) Sonnets, reproduced in Facsimile by the new Process of Photo-zincography from the Original Edition 1609, presented by J. 0. Halliwell, with his autograph letter prefixed, half morocco, uncut small 4*0. 1862 %* The original of this facsimile sold for 225 15s. in G. Daniel's sale. 205 2789 Shakespeare (W.) Cupid's Cabinet unlock't, or a new Academy of Complements (in Verse), only the Shakspearian portion of the Academy, calf I2mo. n. d. 2790 Shakespear's Jests, &c. half morocco, wants title, I2mo. circa 1770 * # * " It is difficult to account for the extreme rarity of this quaint but very gross collection, in which a number of anecdotes are fathered on Shakespeare. Only two copies besides the present have occurred to our notice, and one of those also wants the title." This copy sold for 1 15s. in Mr. HalliwelPs sale. 2791 Shakspeare's Jest Book (edited by S. "W. Singer), red morocco, g. e. crown 8vo. Chiswiclc, 1814 2792 Shakspeare's Jest Book (edited by S. W. Singer), 2 parts in 1, fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. by Clarice and Bedford crown 8vo. Chiswiclc, 1814-15 2793 Shakespeare. The Seven Ages, illustrated with beautiful woodcuts by Hilton, Collins, Sfc. edited by Martin, the editor's own copy, in which he has inserted autograph notes of C. _B. Leslie, Lady Callcott and A. E. Chalon 4to. 1840 2794 Shakespeare's "Will, only 15 copies printed for J. 0. Halliwell, half morocco, uncut crown 8vo. 1872 2795 SHAKESPEARE MONUMENT AND TEECENTENAEY. A Collection of Printed Papers, Autograph Letters from W. J. Thorns, J. 0. Halliwell, W. H. Dixon, H. Kingsley, H. Ingall, E. Lee, G. Grove, J. Bainbridge, fyc. fyc. an autograph Ode by T. Wallace, fyc. neatly inlaid, morocco extra, g. e. 4fo. 2796 Shakespeare's Library : n Collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems and Histories used by Shakespeare as the Foundation of his Dramas, with introductory Notices by J. P. Collier, 2 vol. uncut, scarce 8vo'. 1843 20G TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. SIZES MIXED. LOT 2797 SnAKSPEARiANA. A Collection of the Tracts, &c. respecting W. H. Ireland's Shakespeare Forgeries, in 3 vol. with numerous curious and interesting MS. notes ly T. Park, who has also added various printed Cuttings from Newspapers, &c. half green morocco, uncut, top edges gilt Svo. 1796-1832 *** Containing J. Boaden's Letter to G. Steevens, 1796 Familiar Verses from the Ghost of W. Sbakspeare to Sammy Ireland (by Woodward the Caricaturist), 1796 "Webb on the Shakspeare Manuscripts, 1796 F. G. "Waldron's Free Eeflections, 1796 M. Wyatt's Comparative Eeview of J. Boaden's 1795 and 1796 Opinions, 1796 Oulton's Vor- tigern under Consideration, 1796 Precious Eelics, 1796 W. H. Ireland's Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, &c. 1796 Ireland's Vindication of his Conduct, 1796 S. Ireland's Investiga- tion of Malone's Claim to the Character of Scholar or Critic, . d. Catalogue of S. Ireland's Books, Paintings, Prints and Curiosities, 1801 Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of W. Shakspeare, &c. in the possession of S. Ireland, 1796 Play-Bill of Vortigern (very rare, which alone has sold for 2. 2s.) 1796 Vortigern and Henry II by W. H. Ireland, 1799 Eeprint of Vortigern, with an original Preface by "W. H. Ireland, 1832. 2798 Shakspeariana. Beale (M.) Lecture on Eichard III, 1844 Halliwell (J. O.) Curiosities of Modern Shaksperian Criticism, 1853 Halliwell (J. 0.) on the MS. Emendations of Shakespeare and are they Copyright? 1853 Wright (C.) The Stratford Portrait and the Athenasum, 1861, half calf gilt Svo. in one vol. 2799 Shakspeariana. Bell (W.) Shakespeare's Puck and his Folkslore, frontispiece post Svo. 1852 2800 Shakapeariana. Beware the Cat, 1570. An exceedingly rare and curious Ehapsody, containing Matters illustrative 'of the History of the Stage and Shakespeare's Writings, only 10 copies reprinted by J. O. Halliwell, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt small 4?to. 1 864 2801 Shakspeariana. Boaden (J.) on the Sonnets of Shakespeare, portraits added, 1837 Collier (J. P.) Eeasons for a new Edition of Shake- speare's Works, 1842 ; and other curious Shakspeariana in the volume, ILLUSTRATED with portraits, plates, Sfc. half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt Svo. 2802 Shakspeariana. Bottom the Weaver, a Droll composed out of the Comic Scenes of the Midsummer Night's Dream, edited by J. O. Halliwell, only 30 copies printed, half morocco, uncut, I6mo. 1860 207 2803 Shakspeariana. Brown (H.) Sonnets of Shakespeare solved, 8vo. 1870 2804 Shakspeariana. Burn (J. H.) Notices of the Editions of Shakespeare's Plays and of Shakspeariana, AUTOGRAPH MANUSCEIPT 4fo. 2805 Shakspeariana. Capell (E.) Prolusions : or select Pieces of Antient Poetry (Notbrowne Mayde ; Sackville's Induction ; Overbury's Wife ; Edward III a Play thought to be writ by Shakespeare ; and Nosce teipsum by Sir John Davis), with a Preface crown 8vo. 1760 2806 Shakspeariana. Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, &c. relating to Shakspeare, interleaved with printed and MS. additions, having 2 autograph letters from Mr. JLalliwell added post 8vo. 1827 2807 Shakspeariana. Catalogue of the Shakespeare Museum 8vo. 1868 2808 Shakspeariana. Clarke (Mrs. Cowden) Complete Concordance to Shakspere royal 8vo'. 1845 2809 Shakspeariana. Collier (J. P.) New Tracts regarding the Life of Shakespeare, 1835 New Particulars regarding the "Works of Shakespeare, 1836 Farther Particulars regarding Shakespeare and his Works, 1839, morocco extra, g. e. post 8vo. 3 vol. 2810 Shakspeariana. Collier (J. P.) Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays from early MS. Corrections in a copy of the Folio, 1632, Mr. Eyton's copy, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt 8vo. 1853 2811 Shakspeariana. Cupid's Eevenge, woodcut, half morocco oblong 4fo. Broadside * # * A modernized version of a Ballad alluded to in Love's Labour Lost, and reprinted in Mr. Halliwell's edition from the present copy. 2812 Shakspeariana. Davenant (J.) Last "Will and Testament, edited by J. 0. Halliwell, only 10 copies printed, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, IGmo. 1866 2813 Shakspeariaua. Dolby (T.) Shakespearian Dictionary, portrait, calf extra, g. e. 8vo. 1832 2814 Shakspeariana. Douce (F.) Illustrations of Shakspeare, 2 vol. plates, calf extra, uncut, top edges gilt, by J. Mackenzie 8vo. 1807 2815 Shaksperian Drolls from the Theatre of Ingenuity, edited by J. O. Halliwell, only 30 copies printed, half morocco, uncut, ~LQmo. 1859 2816 Shakspeariana. Dyce (A..) Eemarks on Collier's and Knight's Editions of Shakespeare, Mr. Eyton's copy, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt 8vo. 1844 * # * At the end is bound up " Eeasons for a new Edition of Shakespeare's Works by J. P. Collier, 1841." 2817 Shakspeariaua. Dyce (A.) Few Notes on Shakespeare, with Eeinarks on Emendations in Mr. Collier's 1632 folio, Mr. JEyton's copy, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt 8vo. 1853 2818 Shakspeariana. Facsimile of the Indenture respecting Shakespeare's Property in the Blackfriars 1612-13, half morocco, oblong folio 208 2819 Shakspeariana. Field (N.) Bemonstrance to Mr. Button for arraigning against the Globe Players, edited by J. 0. Halliwell, only 10 copies preserved, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, IGmo. 1865 2820 Shakspeariana. Fisherman's Tale (in Verse) founded on the Story used by Shakespeare in the Winter's Tale by F. Sabie, 1595, only 10 copies printed oy J. 0. Halliwell, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt small 4tto. 1867 2821 Shakspeariana. Fortune's Tennis Ball, an early English metrical Version of the Foundation Story of Shakespeare's Winter's Tale, edited by J. O. Halliwell, only 26 copies printed, half morocco, uncut small 4fo. 1859 2822 Shakspeariana. Halliwell (J. O.) Hand-List of the early Quarto Editions of Plays and old Impressions of the Poems, only 25 copies printed, with author's autograph letter, half morocco, uncut J 800. 1860 2823 Shakspeariana. Another copy Svo. 1860 2824 Shakspeariana. Halliwell (J. 0.) Facsimile Copies from the Edition of Hamlet dated 1605, showing it the same Impression as that of 1604, only 26 copies printed, half morocco, uncut, small 4fo. 1860 2826 Shakspeariana. Halliwell (J. O.) Hand-Table of Regnal Tears for Enquirers into the History of the Shakespeares, limited to 10 copies only, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, crown 8vo. 1864 2827 Shakspeariana. Halliwell (J. O.) Extracts of Entries respecting Shakespeare, his Family and Connexions, from Stratford-upon- Avon Registers, only 10 copies printed, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt small Uo. 1864 2828 Shakspeariana. Halliwell (J. O.) Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, the last Residence of Shakespeare, plates folio. ] 864 2829 Shakspeariana. Halliwell (J. O.) Was Nicholas ap Roberts an Acquaintance of Shakespeare and was Shakespeare an Apprentice to Griffin ap Roberts, only 10 copies preserved, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, IGmo. 1864 2830 Shakspeariana. Halliwell (J. O.) Account of R. Chester's Loves Martyr, 1601, including a remarkable Poem by Shakespeare, fac- similes, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, only 10 copies preserved small 4to. 1868 2843 Shakspeariana. Hamilton (N. E. S. A.) Inquiry into the Genuine- ness of the Manuscript Corrections in J. P. Collier's annotated Shakespere,/0W0, 1632, &c. facsimiles small ^to. 1860 2844 Shakspeariana. Herbert (Sir G.) Letter of News to Sir D. Carleton in May 1619, containing a curious account of the Performance of Pericles, edited by J. O. Halliwell, only 10 copies preserved, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt IQmo. 1865 2845 Shakspeariana. Hunter (J.) New Illustrations of Shakespeare, 2 vol. portraits, morocco extra, g. e. Svo. 1845 2846 Shakspeariana. Ireland (S.) Vindication of his Conduct respecting the Shakspeare MSS. half morocco extra (see Sir W. Tite's autograph note) Svo. 1796 210 2847 Shakspeariana. Jordan (J.) Original Collections on Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon, and Original Memoirs and Historical Ac- counts of the Families of Shakespeare and Hart, edited by J. O. Halliwell, 2vol. only 10 copies printed, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt small 4to. 1864-65 2848 Shakspeariana. Knight (C.) Studies of Shakspere, portraits, 8vo. 1849 2849 Shakspeariana. Landor ("W. S.) Citation and Examination of W. Shakspeare, &c. before Sir T. Lucy for Deer-Stealing, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt post 8vo. 1834 2850 Shakspeariana. Literary and Graphical Illustrations of Shakspeare and the British Drama, woodcuts 8vo. 1831 2851 Shakspeariana. Malone (E.) Correspondence with Eev. J. Davenport, Vicar of Stratford-on-Avon, edited by J. O. Halliwell, only 10 copies printed, half green morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, small 4<0. 1864 2852 Shakspeariana. Malone (E.) Letter to Eev. E. Farmer, 1792 Com- parative Eeview of J. Boaden's Opinions in 1795 and 1796 relative to the Shakspeare MSS. 1796 Ireland's Vindication of his Con- duct, 1796 Ireland (W. H.) Authentic Account of the Shaksperian MSS. 1796 "Wivell (A.) Account of Shakspeare's Monumental Bust, plates, 1827 Madden (Sir F.) on the Autograph of Shak- spere, 1838 Boaden (J.) on Shakspeare's Sonnets, 1837 Tra- ditionary Anecdotes of Shakespeare, 1838 Halliwell (J. O.) Shakesperiana, 1841 Halliwell (J. O.) Account of the only known MS. of Shakspeare's Plays, 1843 Eimbault (E. F.) Who was Jack "Wilson ? 1846 Halliwell (J. 0.) Curiosities of modern Shaksperian Criticism, 1853 Halliwell (J. 0.) on MS. Emenda- tions of Shakespeare, and are they Copyright ? 1853 Halliwell (J. O.) on the Emendation, " Who smothers her with Painting," y 1852 Hunter (J.) Keply to Dyce, 1853 The Grimaldi Shak- spere, suppressed, 1853 Hamlet. Was the Queen Accessory before the Fact ? 1856 Catalogues of Shaksperian Literature, 1856-57-58 Ulrici (H.) Die Shakespeare-Literatur, Leipzig, 1854 Corney (B.) on Shakspere's Birthday, 1864, morocco extra, g. e. 8vo. in one vol. 2853 Shakspeariana. Montagu (Mrs.) on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear 8vo. 1769 2854 Shakspeariana. Mullins (J. D.) Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memo- rial Library, part I, English Editions of Shakespeare's Works, half morocco 8vo. Birm. 1872 2855 Shakspeariana. Planche ( J. E.) Costume of Shakespeare's Henry IV, coloured plates, calf extra, g. e. by Zcehnsdorf 12mo. 1824 2856 Shakspeariana. Singer (S. W.) Text of Shakespeare vindicated from the Interpolations and Corruptions advocated by J. P. Collier, Mr. Ey ton's copy, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, 8vo. 1853 2857 Shakspeariana. Songs and Poems from England's Helicon, 1600, con- nected with Shakespeare's Works, edited^by J. O. Halliwell, only 10 copies preserved out of 25 printed, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt small 4tto. 1865 211 2858 Shakspeariana. THE GHOST OF EICHARD THE TIIIED. Expressing himselfe in these three parta. 1. His Character. 2. His Legend. 3. His Tragedie. Containing more of him than hath been hereto- fore shewed ; either in Chronicles, Plays, or Poems (by C. Brooke), a portion of the last two leaves supplied in facsimile, morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small 4to. 1856 2929 Smollett (T.) Novels, viz. Roderick Random, 2 vol. 1748 Count Fathom, 2 vol. 1753 Sir Launcelot Greaves, 2 vol. 1762 Humphrey Clinker, 3 vol. 1771, FIRST EDITIONS, half calf gilt, scarce 12mo. 9 vol. 2930 SMOLLETT (T.) NOVELS, viz. Roderick Random, 2 vol. 1748 Peregrine Pickle, 4 vol. 1751 Adventures of an Atom, 2 vol. 1769 Humphrey Clinker, 3 vol. 1771, FIRST EDITION or EACH WORK, fine copy in marbled gilt calf, by F. Bedford 12 wo. 11 vol. *** From the library of J. Delaware Lewis, in whose sale they sold for 7. 17s. 6d. 2931 Snelling (T.) "View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England, plates (wanting plate 16), 1762 View of the Copper Coin and Coinage of England, plates (wants pp. 3-4), 1766 View of Jettons or Counters, plates, 1769 Seventy-two Plates of Gold and Silver Coin, plates, 1757 4>to. in one vol. 216 2932 Soames (H.) Anglo-Saxon Church, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, 1838 Elizabethan Keligious History, Jia If morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, 1839 Bvo. (2) 2933 Soane (Sir J.) Designs for Public and Private Buildings, plates royal folio. 1828 2934 Soane (Sir J.) Brief Statement of the Proceedings respecting the New Law Courts at Westminster, the Board of Trade and tbe New Privy Council Office, &c. &c. plates, autograph letter of Sir J. Soane added royal folio. 1828 2935 Soane (Sir J.) Description of his House and Museum, portrait and plates, presentation copy, with Sir J. Soane's autograph inscription, half morocco, g. e. folio. 1835 *.* Only 150 copies printed for presents. 293G SOLOMON'S PROVERBS, ECCLESIASTES, BOOK OF WISDOM AND ECCLE- SIASTICUS, IN ARMENIAN, BEAUTIFUL MANUSCRIPT, written as a specimen of caligraphy by an Armenian Scribe within lines of gold, with a large MINIATURE representing the Judgment of Solomon executed in the Hindoo style, and richly ornamented with headings and 111 Bouquets of Flowers, ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, in the Oriental gilt binding, and enclosed in an embroidered damask cover square IGmo. S^c. xvii %* Armenian Manuscripts of Portions of the Bible, especially when illu- minated, are of very rare occurrence. 2937 Somerset (Duke of) on the Ellipse, calf extra, 12mo. 1843 Christian Theology and Modern Scepticism, with autograph letter of W. J. Thorns added, crown 8vo. 1872 (2) 2938 Somersetshire, Natural History of (Portion of a Work), map and plan of Bath 8vo. n. d. 2939 Somersetshire Domesday Book. Photo-Zincograph Facsimile folio. 1862 2940 Somervile (W.) Chase, woodcuts by T. and J. Bewick, red morocco 4to. 1796 2941 Songs of Lady Bessy, eldest Daughter of Edward IV, with Notes by T. Heywood, The Dedication copy to Rev. J. Hunter, morocco, g. e. crown 8vo. 1829 %* Printed for private circulation only. 2942 Songs. A Collection of Songs, calf, scarce 8vo. Edinb. 1762 2943 SONGS. Bacchus and Venus or Songs and Catches in Love and Gallantry, with Canting Dictionary, frontispiece, fine copy in the original binding 12mo. 1737 %* Very rare. This copy sold for 6 in G-. Smith's sale. 2944 Songs. The Black-Bird, a Collection of 31 choice new Songs, Maid, calf extra, g. e. small 4to. Lincoln, W. Wood, n. d. 2945 Song-Book for 1837 (The (Quaver), frontispiece 24mo. 1837 2946 Songs. Calliope, a Collection of the most Celebrated English and Scots Songs, with Music, 2 vol. engraved throughout, and em- bellished with designs adapted to each song, calf extra, very rare 8vo. 1739 217 2947 Songs. The new Calliope, or English Harmony, engraved throughout with music and vignettes, calf royal 8vo. 1743 2948 Songs, chiefly in the Newcastle Dialect, green morocco, g. e. foolscap 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827 2949 Songa. Clio and Euterpe, a Collection of Celebrated Songs and Can- tatas, with music, 3 vol. engraved, throughout and embellished with, designs adapted to each, song, calf extra, scarce, royal 8vo. 1762 2950 Songs. The Convivial Songster, frontispiece and music I2mo. n. d. 2951 Songs of C. Dibdin, with Memoir by G. Hogarth, portrait, half calf gilt royal 8vo. 1842 2952 Songs. Muses Banquet ; a Collection of English and Scotch Songs, 2 vol. in I, frontispiece, but no title to vol. II, morocco extra, g. e. ly 0. Lewis, scarce, 2&mo. Reading, 1752 Songs. National Songster, 24wo. Edinb. 1827 (2) 2953 Songs. National Songster, calf extra 48wo. Edinl. 1827 2954 Songs in the Newcastle Dialect, calf gilt foolscap 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827 2955 Songs. New Merry Companion, with the music, calf extra 12wo. /. Welle, n. d. 2956 Songs. Northumbrian Minstrel, 3 Nos. in 1, half calf gilt 24imo. Alnwick, 1811 2957 Songs. St. Cecilia, or the Lady's and Gentleman's Harmonious Com- panion, frontispiece 12mo. Edinb. 1779 2958 Songs. Selection of Catches, Glees, &c. for Members of the Bath York-House Catch Club, half calf gilt, foolscap 8vo. Bath, 1804 2959 Songs. True Loyalist, or Chevalier's Favorite, (Loyal Songs and Poems), calf, gilt edges ~L8mo. Printed in the year 1779 *#* Extremely rare, and evidently printed secretly in Scotland. This copy was purchased for 7 2s. 6d. in Mr. Corser's sale. 2960 Songs. Universal Songster, 3 vol. frontispieces and woodcuts by G. and E. CETJIKSHANIC, uncut, very scarce 8vo. 1828 2961 Songs. Vocal Magazine, view of Vauxhall Orchestra, and character portraits of singers, very scarce 8vo. 1781 2962 Songs. The Vocal Miscellany 12mo. 1733 2963 Sophocles in English Verse, by Kev. T. Dale, 2 vol. 8vo. 1824 2964 Soprani (E,) Vite de' Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti Genovesi con Note da C. G. Eatti, 2 vol. portraits, old French red morocco, g. e. 4fo. Qenova, 1768-69 2965 Sortain (J.) Eomanism and Anglo- Catholicism 8vo. 1841 2966 Sotheby (S. L.) Memoranda relating to the Block Books in the Biblio- theque Imperiale, 1859 Specimen-Notice of his Work on Block- Books, facsimiles, 1858 and various Facsimiles in a Portfolio imperial 4ito. (3) 2967 Sotheby (S. L.) Eamblings in the Elucidation of the Autograph of Milton, photograph portraits and facsimiles, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt imperial 4to. 1961 218 2969 Souldier'a Pocket Bible (1643) reproduced in Facsimile, with intro- duction by F. Fry, PRINTED ON VELLUM, halfmorocco Svo. 1862 2970 Souligno" (M. de) Old Borne and London compared, calf gilt small Svo. 1710 2971 Southey (E.) Letters from Spain and Portugal Svo. Bristol, 1797 2972 Southey (E.) Life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt foolscap 4sto. Dublin, 1816 2973 Southey (E.) Letters from England, by Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella, 3 vol. interleaved. THE AUTHOR'S OWN COPT, with his curious autograph notes stating what portions are by Duppa, and pointing out the various allusions, russia 12mo. 1807 2974 Southey (E.) Omniana, 2 vol. russia, g. e. foolscap Svo. 3812 2975 Southey (E.) Life of Nelson, 2 vol. portrait, calf extra, f cap. Svo. 1814 2976 Southey (E.) History of the Peninsula "War, 3 vol. half morocco extra 4to. 1823-32 2977 Southey (E.) Book of the Church, 2 vol. 1824 Butler (C.) Book of the Eoman Catholic Church in Answer to Southey, 1825 Southey (E.) Vindicisa Ecclesise Anglicanae, in Eeply to Butler, 1826, calf extra Svo. 4 vol. 2978 Southey (E.) Life of Wesley, 2 vol. portraits, with autograph letter of J. Wesley, and copy of G. Whitfield's letter to De Courcy added Svo. 1846 2979 Southey (E.) The Doctor Svo. 1848 2980 Southey (E.) Common-Place Book, both series, 2 vol. Svo. 1849 2981 SOUTHEY (Eobert) MADOC, A POEM, 2 voL THE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, as re-ioritten and pub- lished, but containing the cancelled verses and lines so marked out as to be still legible, dated Keswiclc, Oct. 29, 1804, russia small Svo. 1804 2982 SOUTHET (E.) CORRESPONDENCE, a volume, containing 140 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, mostly addressed to Southey the Poet Laureate ; among others may be noticed those from Coleridge, Lovell, Wordsworth, Quillinan, Brydges, Walter Scott, Lockhart, De Quincey, C. Lamb, Elliott, Dyer, Allan, Elmsley, Seward, G. Burnett, S. Eogers, Hogg, Montgomery, Bowles, Mrs. Hemans, Opie, Trimmer, Porter, Bp. Heber, Washington Irving, Ed. Everett, Ticknor, and other eminent Literary and distinguished Persons ; there are a few Letters addressed to other Persons, including a Letter of the POET COWPER, forwarding an Epitaph for Q-. C. TJnwin, dated 1786 ; also Letters of W. C. Unwin, Mrs. Unwin, Hayley the Poet, President Washington, a Signature of Bona- parte, &c. &c. A very interesting collection, half bound calf, 4. 1865 3037 Stratford-upon-Avon. Extracts from the Vestry-Book, by J. 0. Halliwell, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, only 10 copies preserved small too. 1865 3038 Stratford-upon-Avon. Accounts of the Chamberlains of the Borough from 1590 to ]597, edited by J. O. Halliwell, half morocco, uncut small too. 1866 * # * Only 25 copies printed, of which 15 were destroyed. 3039 Stratford-upon-Avon. Extracts from Chamberlains' Accounts (1585- 1619), edited by J. O. Halliwell, 2 vol. only 10 copies, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, small too. 1866-67 3040 Stratford-on-Avon Muster Eoll (28 Henry VIII), edited by J. 0. Halliwell, only 10 copies printed, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, \Qrno. 1867 3041 Stratford-upon-Avon, Descriptive Account of a Series of Church- wardens' Presentments, &c. by Clarence Hopper, only 10 copies printed by J. O. Halliwell, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt small 4>to. 1867 3042 Strauss (D. F.) Life of Jesus, 3 vol. calf extra, g. e. 8vo. 1846 3043 Strawberry Hill Catalogue, with Printed Prices and Croker's Satire, cuts, half morocco extra 4ito. 1842 3044 Street (G. E.) Gothic Architecture in Spain, numerous illustrations Svo. 1865 3045 Strutt ( J.) Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England, with Notes by J. E. Planche, 2 vol. coloured plates, half morocco, uncut royal 4>to. 1842 3046 Strutt (J.) Eegal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England, with Notes by J. E. Plunche, coloured plates, half morocco, uncut royal 40. 1833-34 3078 STMON (styled by himself " The Wretched Anker of London Wall") THE FEUYTE OF EEDEMPCTON, woodcuts, fclacfe letter, fine copy, half morocco, small 4/0. Wynkyn de Worde, 1532 * # * Excessively rare, unknown to Lowndes, who mentions only an edition with signatures A to E, dated 1530, which is probably imaginary. This copy has signatures A to F. The only other editions known are those of 1514 and 1517. 3079 Tacitus Annales and Germanie translated by E. Greenwey, 1640 Histories, &c. by Sir H. Savile, 1640 folio, in one vol. 3080 TALES. History of Sir Bevis of Southampton, Southampton, n. d. History of Jack of Newbury, Newbury, n. d. The Duke out- witted or Pranks of Carlo and his Father, n. d. Character of a High-Church-Man, 1768 80. in one vol. 3081 Talfourd (Sir T. F.) Ion, a Tragedy. To which are added a few Sonnets, autograph inscription of the author, blue morocco, g. e. 8vo. 1835 *#* Printed for private circulation only. 3082 [Tansillo (Luigi)] Stanze amorose sopra gli Horti delle Donne et in Lode della Menta. La Caccia d'Amore del Bernia. Quarantadui Stanze in materia d'Amore, woodcuts, fine copy in citron morocco extrajoints, silk linings, g. e. by G. Hering 12i0. Venetia, 1574 * # * The first Poem in the volume is the well-known infamous Work " IL VENDEMMIATOEE," issued under a new name as Tansillo's Verses were strictly prohibited. Eiva's copy of this rare volume sold for 70 francs. 3083 Tansillo (Luigi) The Nurse, a Poem in Italian and English byW.Eoscoe, half morocco, g. e. foolscap 8vo. Liverpool, 1800 3084 Tapia y Salzedo (Don G. de) Exercicios de la Gineta, plates of horse- manship small oblong 4/0. Madrid, 1643 3085 Tarbe (M.) Manuel des Poids et Mesures, des Monnaies, du Calcul decimal et de la Verification, plates, calf gilt, by Hollings 24wi0. Paris, 1846 227 3086 Tardieu (A.) La Colouue de la Grande Armee d'Austerlitz, plates kto. Paris, 1822 3087 Tarlton's Jests and News out of Purgatory, with Notes and Life by J. O. Halliwell Svo. 1844 3088 Tarlton (E. Actor) Papers respecting Disputes which arose from Incidents at his Death-Bed in 1588, edited by J. 0. Halliwell, only 10 copies printed, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt 16mo. 1866 308i) Tasso (T.) il GoSredo, plates, calf 24ano. Padova,17Q3 3090 Tasso (T.) Godfrey of Boulogne or Eecoverie of Jerusalem done into English Heroicall Verse by E. Fairefax, portrait by W. Pass, russia extra, g. e. by f. Bedford folio. 1624 3091 Tasso (T.) Jerusalem delivered, in English Spenserian Verse, with Life of the Author, by J. H. Wiffen, 2 vol. portrait and woodcuts foolscap Svo. 1830 3092 Tassoni (A.) La Secchia rapita, plates Svo. Modena, 1744 3093 Tatam (G. H.) The Buggy, in Ehyme post Svo. 1860 3094 Tattam (H.) Egyptian Grammar with Eudiments of an Egyptian Dictionary, by T. Young, 1830 Young (T.) Discoveries in Hiero- glyphical Literature, 1823, calf extra Svo. in one vol. 3095 Tattam (H.) Lexicon .ZEgyptiaco-Latinum, tree-marbled calf extra, by Riviere Svo. Oxon. 1835 3096 TATJROMAQTJIA. A Collection of very rare Spanish Tracts on Bull- Fights (by Moratin, Pepe Hillo, Gomez, Jovellanos, Eueda, F. Montes, and G. Alenda), formed by the late E. Ford, Esq. who has added at end his own Articles on the subject, written in Quarterly Eeview and Gatherings from Spain, in 2 vol. coloured plates, green morocco extra ] 2mo. Madrid, 1777-1846 3097 Tavern Anecdotes, plates, half calf foolscap Svo. 1825 3098 Tavernier (J. B.) Six Voyages en Turquie, en Perse et aux Indes avec le Eecueil de plusieurs Eelations et Traitez singuliers et curieux et avec la Eelation de 1'Interieur du Serrail, 3 vol. portrait and plates, calf, g. e. IQmo. Utrecht, 1712 3099 TAYLOB THE WATER-POET (John) WORSES, with the rare frontis- piece, containing portrait and woodcuts, last leaf mended, else fine copy in red morocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford small folio. 1630 3100 Taylor the "Water- Poet (John) Journey through Wales in 1852, edited by J. O. Halliwell, only 26 copies printed, half morocco, uncut small 4to. Chiswick, 1848 %* See also under Wycliffe. 3144 Testament (New) translated from Griesbach's Text by S. Sharpe, two editions foolscap Svo. 1856-62 3145 TESTAMENT (NEW). The first printed in the English Language (1525 or 1526) translated from the Greek by William Tyndale, repro- duced in Facsimile with an Introduction by Francis Fry, LAEGE PAPER, fclatfe letter, with capitals illuminated in gold and colours, having 2 autograph letters from Mr. Fry added, royal Svo. Bristol, 1862 3146 Testament (New) in the Negro-English Language, suppressed, see W. Falconer's letter prefixed Svo. 1829 3147 Thames Pollution Report, 1869 ; and 3 other Reports folio 3148 Theological Tracts, in 2 vol. see MS. Lists of the 22 Tracts in the volumes prefixed, calf extra Svo. 1834-61 3149 Thiebault (J. T.) Application de la Perspective lineaire aux Arts du Dessin, portrait and plates imperial ^to. Paris, 1827 3150 Thiers (J. B.) Histoire des Perruques, Horace Walpole's copy, I2mo. ib. 1690 233 3151 Thorn (R.) Chinese and English Vocabulary, printed on Chinese paper, half caff gilt Svo. Canton, 1843 3152 Thomas a Kempia de Imitatione Christi. " Johia Gerson cancellarii parisiensis : de coteptu mudi libri quatuor uno cum tractatu de meditatione cordis felici numie finiut," naif morocco, g. e. small Svo. Tenetiis, 1486 3153 THOMAS A KEMPIS DE IMITATIONE CHEISTI: ET S. BONAVENTUE.E LIBEE AUEEUS DE VITA CHEISTI, Scripti per Franciscum Mont- fordie de Weert, Lovanii, 1530-31 Devotissiraus Libellus de Vita et Beneficiia Salvatoris Jesu Christi cum Meditationibus et Gratiarum Actione, completus per me Franciscum de Weert, 1555 De Modo preliandi contra octo Vicia principalia Ars Moriendi Carmen in Laudem gloriosaB Virginia Marias Carinina de vene- rabili Sacramento, MANUSCELPT, with name of Scribe and date, calf extra, g. e. in ih& old style small to. SJEC. xvi (1530-55) 3154 Thomaa a Kempia de Imitatione Christi, fine large copy in morocco, ff. e. by Lefebure 24to. 1865 3197 Tite (Sir W.) on Discoveries of Eemaius of the Eoman "Wall of London, coloured plates, 6 copies 4>to. 1867 3198 Tite (Sir "W.) Notes on Eoman Architectural Eemaius discovered in Chester in 1863, plates, 6 copies 4ito. 1867 3199 Titi (F.) Descrizione delle Pitture, Sculture e Architetture esposte al Publico in Eoma, vellum small Svo. Roma, 1763 3200 Toldervy (W.) Select Epitaphs, 2 vol. in I, front, calf, 12mo. 1755 3201 Tom Thumb the Little, a Metrical History, edited by J. O. Halliwell, OT? ly 30 copies printed, half morocco, uncut IGmo. 1860 3202 Tooke (J. Home) Epea Pteroenta, or Diversions of Purley, 2 vol. plates, portrait added, uncut 4fo. 1798-1815 236 8203 Tooke (W.) View of the Russian Empire during the Eeign of Cathe- rine II, 3 vol. map, calf gilt 8vo. 1800 3204 TOTANES (S. de) MANUAL TAGALOO Y CASTELLANO,^rwfcrf on paper manufactured from silk, rare small 4sto. Imprcsso en el Convento de N, S. de Loreto en el Pueblo de Samaloc, 1745 * # * One of the rarest of the books printed in the Phillipine Islands. 3205 Touch-Stone for Gold and Silver Wares, frontispiece 16mo. 1679 3206 Toussaint (C. J.) Memento des Architectes et Ingenieurs, tome II, part I. and II, (Code de la Propricte) 2 vol. half calf gilt 8vo. Paris, 1833 3207 Townley ( J.) Illustrations of Biblical Literature, 3 vol. plates, ealf extra 8vo. 1821 3208 Townsend (G. F.) Churchmen's Tear, 2 vol. 8vo. 1842 3209 Tracts on the New Law Courts, in 1 vol. half calf gilt royal 8vo. 1842-69 3210 Tracts, Miscellaneous. Tracts and Opinions to show the Lawfulness of Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister, 1860 Birch (E. M.) on Isaiah LILT, Brighton, 1861 ; and 13 other Tracts in the vol. see MS. list prefixed, half calf gilt 8vo. 3211 Tradescant (John) Musaeum Tradescantianum : or a Collection of Karities preserved at South Lambeth, with 2 rare portraits by Hollar, and plate of arms, with plate of Monument and copies of the portraits added, morocco, g. e. 1656 3212 Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. I, plates 4to. 1836 3213 Transactions of the Loggerville Literary Society, woodcuts 8vo. 1867 3214 Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Society, Plymouth and Devonport Meeting, 1872, edited by E. Pears 8vo. 1873 3215 Travels of foure English Men and a Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, and to the Blacke Sea, and into Syria, Cilicia, &c. blacfe \tliw, fine copy in calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, sm. 4to. 1612 * # * Scarce. Hanrott's copy sold for 2 14s. 3216 Travels of foure English Men and a Preacher (W. Biddulph, J. Kirbie, E. Abbot, J. Elkin, and J. Tyon) into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Blacke Sea, &c. (edited by T. Lavender), black letter, cut in headline, sold therefore with all faults, morocco extra, g. e. small 4to. 1612 3217 TBEASUBE or GLADNESSE. This Booke is called the Treasure of Gladnesse, and seemeth by the Copie, being a very little Manuell, and written in velam, to be made above CC y cares at the leaste, blacfe letter, fine copy in russia, g. e. 32mo. First Imprinted Anno 1563, and newly Imprinted 1577 * # * Excessively rare. Lowudes mentions neither the edition of 1563 nor this of 1577, but only those of 1572 and 1581, and of the latter copies as selling for 5 12s. 6d. in Maskell's sale, and for 6 in Bright's, 237 3218 Treaty se of a Galaunt with the Mary age of the fayre Pusell the Bosse of Byllynsgate unto the London Stone (in Verse). Keprinted from the unique edition of "Wynkyn de "Worde by J. O. Halli- well, only 30 copies printed, half morocco, uncut IQmo. 1860 3219 Tredgold (T.) on the Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals, plates 8vo. 1824 3220 Tredgold (T.) on the Steam Engine, plates, calf gilt Uo. 1827 3221 Tredgold (T.) on "Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings, with Appendix by T. Bramah, plates Svo. 1836 * # * Presentation Copy from T. Bramah, with his autograph inscription. 3222 Trench (Gen. Sir F.) Collection of Papers relating to the Thames Quay and Eoyal Palaces, with Hints for further Improvements in the Metropolis, 2 vol. plates, with author's autograph inscription 4to. 1827-52 Trench (Archbp. E. C.) Select Glossary foolscap Svo. 1859 Trials for Murder, Treason, Eape, Sodomy, Highway-Bobbery, Forgery, &c. 3 vol. scarce I2mo. n. d. 3225 Tryal of the 29 Eegicides the Murtherers of Charles I, port. Svo. 1713 3226 Tryals of the most notorious Malefactors at the Old Baily, 4 vol. half morocco 12mo. 1721 3227 Trial of Lord Cochrane and others for a Conspiracy, LAEGE PAPEE, half calf gilt royal Svo. 1814 3228 Trial of Eev. E. Irving, frontispiece by B. CruiJcshanlc, 1825 Trial of Eev. A. Fletcher, coloured frontispiece, 1825 Svo. in one vol. 3229 Trimen (A.) Medieval Mouldings, plates crown Svo. JBrackley y 1857 3230 TEIOMPHE DE LA MOET, et Eecueil de Gravures d'apres des plus Beaux Ouvrages de Jean Holbein, pub. de Mechel, 4 parts in 1, LAEGE PAPEE, beautifully engraved proof plates, green morocco extra, richly gilt borders, g. e. Dawson Turner's copy, royal 4to. Henrie Denham, 1586 3243 Tusser (T.) "Will and Metrical Autobiography, privately printed by C. Clark small kto. Great Totham, 1846 3244 Tylor (E. B.) Anahuac, or Mexico and the Mexicans, map and plates Svo. 1861 3245 Tyndale alias Hychins (William) Obedience of a Christen Man, fclacfe letter, large copy in olive morocco sm. Svo. At Marlborow in the lade of Hesse by me Sans luff, M.CCCCC.XXYIII 3246 TYNDALE alias Hychins (Wyllyam) OBEDIENCE or A CIIBISTEN MAN, folacfe letter, fine copy in morocco extra, covered with Hind tooling in the old style, g. e. by W. Pratt, EAEE IGmo. At Marlborow in the lande of Hesse, 1535 3247 Tyndale (W.) The Parable of the "Wicked Mammon. Compiled in the yere of our Lorde. M.D.XXXYI. W. T. extremely rare, blatfe letter, good copy in morocco Itimo. W. Copland, 1549 *** " Tyndale's Parable was the favourite book of Anne Boleyn, and is said to have been the means of inducing the king to listen favourably to the tenets of the reformers." In the Address to the Eeader, the character of William Eoy, author of " Eead me, and be not wroth," a satire on Wolsey, is described. 3248 Tyranny no Magistracy, half morocco small 4to. 1687 3219 Tyrrell (J.) Suggestions on the Laws of Eeal Property, privately printed Svo. 1829 3250 TTTHES. Address to Owners and Occupiers of Property in the City of London, 1817 Argument upon Dr. Owen's Application for a Warrant 8 Feb. 1823, under the Statute of 37 Henry VIII, 1823 Tyrwhitt (E. P.) Argument, 1823-Eolph (T.) Address, 1823, half calf gilt Svo. in one vol. 3251 [Udall (E.)] Noli me tangere is a thinge to be thought on (against Sacrilege), EDITION (Pipages, with the errata on the reverse of the lasf), with two titles, one engraved by W. Marshall, and the other a wood- cut, calf extra, g. e, small 4/0. no Printer's name, 1642 239 3252 TJdall (N.) Flowres for Latine Speaking selected out of Terence, fclacfe (ctter, title mended and slightly cut in headline, red morocco, g. e. IGmo. T. Marshe, 1568 3253 Udal (Nicolas) Ealph Eoyster Doyster, a Comedy (1566), THIRTY COPIES ONLY FEINTED, at the expense of the Itev. Mr. Briggs, from the unique copy at Eton College, half calf royal Svo. 1818 3254 Udall (W.) Historie of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart Queene of Scotland, portrait and frontispiece by W. Marshall, panelled calf extra, g. e. I2mo. 1636 3255 TJdall. Another copy, calf extra, g. e. by Fixon I2mo. 1636 3256 Ullathorne (Bp.) on the Immaculate Conception, morocco extra, giltgaufre edges foolscap Svo. 1855 3257 Unedited Antiquities of Attica, by the Dillettanti Society, plates royal folio. 1817 3258 Union, or Select Scotch and English Poems, calf foolscap Svo. Edinb. 1753 3259 Upcott (W.) Original Letters,- Manuscripts and State Papers, fac- similes, with W. Upcott's autograph inscription 4ito. 1836 * # * Privately printed for presents only. 3260 Upcott (W.) Sale Catalogues of his Library, Manuscripts, Prints, Pictures and Curiosities, 3 parts in 1, MS. prices and names, half calf, top edge gilt Svo. 1846 3261 Upham (E.) Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon (Mahavansi, Eaja- Eatnacari and Eaja-vali), translated from the Singhalese, 3 vol. Svo. 1833 3262 Utterson (E. Y.) Select Pieces of early Popular Poetry, 2 vol. woodcuts, half red morocco, uncut, top edges gilt crown Svo. 1817 3263 Vaenius (Otto) Amorum Emblemata : Emblemes of Love, with Verses in Latin, English and Italian, plates of emblems, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford oblong 4y Stothard, portrait ly Vcrtue inserted, blue morocco, ff. e. post 8vo. Tilt, 1S32 %* The illustrations to this copy were coloured by tho artist himself, ex- pressly for Ed. Utterson, Esq. by whom it was presented to his ^'il'.-, on the 23rd February, 1850. This copy sold for 3 12s. in G. Daniel's sale. 3389 "Watts (I.) Horse Lyricee, with Life by K. Southey, calf extra, fools- cap Svo. 1834 Poems, chiefly of the Lyric kind, 24wo. Leeds, 1788 (2) 3390 Watts (W.) Views of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, plates, green morocco, g. e. 1779-80 3391 Webb (J.) Probability that the Language of China is the Primitive, map, panelled calf,ff. e. small Svo. 1GG9 3392 Webster (Lord Provost "W.) Catalogue of Autographs and Letters at the Archaeological Exhibition, Aberdeen (Sir W. Tite exhibited several) royal Svo. Aberdeen, 1859 3393 Wedgwood (J.) Catalogue of Cameos, Intaglios, Medals, Bas-Reliefs, Busts and small Statues, plates, old red morocco, ff. e. Svo. Etruria, 1787 3394 Weinbrenner (F.) iiber Theater, 3 plans of Oarlsruhe Theatre 4fo. TuUngen, 1809 3395 Wellbeloved (C.) Eburacum or York under the Romans, plates royal Svo. York, 1842 3393 Welsh MS. Society. lolo Manuscripts : a Selection of Ancient "Welsh Manuscripts in Prose and Verse from the Collection of E. Williams, lolo Morganing, with English Translations and JS T otes by his Son T. "Williams, lialf calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt royal Svo. Llandovery, 1848 3397 Wenefride (St.) Life and Miracles with her Litanies, calf extra, g.e. Svo. 1713^ 3398 Werninck (J.) Dictionary of the Dutch and English Languages, calf extra square 32mo. 1824 3399 WERMULIERTJS (Otho) SPIKITUALL AND MOST PRECIOUS PEABLE, teaching all men to love and imbrace the crosse translated by Miles Couerdale, blatfe letter, very fine copy in morocco super extra, covered with gold tooling, gilt gaufre edges, ly F. 'Bedford 32mo. S. Sobinson, 1593 %* This work was read by the Protector, the Duke of Somerset, during his confinement in the Tower, and afforded him so much consolation in his misfortunes that on his release he caused it to be printed, he him- self supplying the Preface. 3400 Wesley (C.) Hymns, viz. For Thanksgiving Day, 9 Oct. 1746, Printed (Bristol), 1746 For the Nativity, Bristol, 1750 For the Watch- Night, no title Of Intercession for all Mankind, Bristol, 1758 For the Promise of the Father (by John and Charles Wesley), 1753 Funeral Hymns, Bristol, 1769 For the Fast-Day, 1780, half morocco 12mo. 7 vol. 249 3401 Wesley (C.) Hymns and Sacred Poems, 2 vol. riEST EDITION, calf I2mo. Bristol, 1749 3402 Wesley (J.) Companion for the Altar, half morocco 12mo. 1755 3403 Wesley (J.) Primitive Physick, morocco, g. e. by Hay day 12mo. Bristol, 1762 3404 Wesley ( J.) Narrative of a remarkable Transaction in hia early Life, half morocco, uncut 8vo. 1848 3405 Wesley (S.) Maggots : or Poems on several Subjects never before handled, E. Malone's copy, with long note in his autograph, calf 12mo. 1685 3406 Wesley (S.) History of the Old and New Testament in Yerse, 3 vol. cuts by J. Sturt, calf IGmo. 1701-4 3407 Wesley (S.) Poems, portrait, calf 12mo. Garni. 1743 3408 Westcote (T.) View of Devonshire in 1630, edited by Kev. G. Oliver, D.D. and P. Jones, calf extra foolscap 4fo. Exeter, 1845 3409 Western Martyrology, or Bloody Assizes, with Life and Death of George Lord Jeffreys, frontispiece small 8vo. 1705 3410 Westmacott (E.) on Monumental Sculpture and on colouring Statues, privately printed, 1843-54 ; and other Scientific and Geological Tracts in the volume, calf gilt 8vo. 3411 WESTMINSTER-DROLLERY, or a Choice Collection of the newest Songs and Poems both at Court and Theaters by a Person of Quality, 2 vol. calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford foolscap 8vo. 1671-72 %* Extremely rare. This copy sold for 12 10s. in Windua's sale. Part I only, sold for 11 in Dunn Gardner's sale. 3412 WESTMINSTER- DROLLERY, or a Choice Collection of the newest Songs and Poems both at Court and Theaters, Third Edition, with many more Additions, calf extra, g. e. rare IGmo. H. Brome, 1674 3413 Westmoreland and Cumberland Dialects with Glossary, crown 8vo. 1839 3414 Weyerrnan (J. C.) Levens-Beschryvingen der Nederlandsche Konst- Schilders en Konst-Schilderessen, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, portraits by HoubraJcen, vellum, 4cto. 'sGravenhage, 1729 3415 Wharton (G.) New Almanack for 1666 (the Year of the Great Fire of London) , red morocco, g. e. with, the arms of Charles 11 in gold on sides IGmo. 1666 3416 What and how of the eternal Worker, privately printed foolscap 8vo. 1862 3117 Whately (Archbp. E.) on Difficulties in the Writings of St. Paul and other Parts of the New Testament, calf extra 8vo. 1833 3418 Wheatly (C.) on the Book of Common Prayer 8vo. n. d. 3419 Wheaton (H.) History of the Northmen, calf extra, g. e. 8vo. 1831 3420 Wheler (Sir G.) Journey into Greece with Dr. Spon, map and plates, catf extra, g. e. by Clarke and Bedford folio. 1682 K K 250 3421 WHETSTONE (G.) HEPT^MERON OP CIVILL DISCOUBSES, (Novels interspersed with Poetry), black letter, olive morocco, g. c. very scarce, small 4ito. It. Jonet, 1582 %* This copy sold for 6 IGs. Gd. in Mr. Dunn Gardner's sale. Dr. Farmer is of opinion that Shakespeare took his plot of Measure for Measure from Whetstone and not from Giraldi Cinthio. 3122 Whewell (W.) Architectural Notes on German Churches, plates 8vo. Gamb. 1835 3 423 Whewell C W.) of the Plurality of Words,plate, half calf gilt, 8vo. 1853 3424 Whewell (W.) on the Plurality of Worlds post 8vo. 1854 3425 Whimzies or a New Cast of Characters (attributed to E. Brathwait) from the original edition published in 1031, edited by J. 0. Halli- well, with editor's autograph letter, only 26 copies printed, half morocco, uncut small 4/0. 1859 3 420 Whiston (W.) Primitive New Testament, morocco extra, g. e. by J. Mackenzie, scarce 8vo. Stamford, 1745 3427 Whiston (W.) Memoirs, 3 parts in 2 vol. portrait, calf 8vo. 1753 3428 Whitaker (T.) Discourse of Waters, 1034 Brian (T.) Pisse-Prophet, or Certain Pisse-Pot Lectures, 1055 24wto. in 1 vol. 3429 White (G.) Works in Natural History, 2 vol. plates, half calf 8vo. 1802 3430 Whitefield (G.) Collection of Hymns, half morocco, 12 mo. 1753 Life and Journals, I2mo. 1750 Collection of Hymns, portrait, 24zo. 1801 (3) 343 1 Whitworth (E.) Eeport on Canal from Waltham- Abbey to Moorfields, with Address on its Importance by J. Sharp, plans, cal/,fol. 1773 3432 Wickes (C.) Illustrations of the Spires and Towers of the Mediaeval Churches of England, 2 vol. plates royal folio. 1853-55 3433 Wieland (C. M.) Sammtliche Werke mit Supplemente, 44 vol. small 8vo. Leipzig, 1794-98 3434 Wieland's Select Fairy Tales, 2 vol. Fonthill copy, calf gilt, by Kalthceler I2mo. 1790 335 Wight (J.) Mornings at Bow Street, and More Mornings at Bow Street, 2 vol. India proof illustrations by G. Cruikshank, half morocco, uncut, top edges gilt post 8vo. 1824-27 3430 Wild (C.) Twelve Beautiful Specimens of the Ecclesiastical Archi- tecture of the Middle Ages, selected from the Cathedrals of England, india proof etchings, n. d. Illustration of Lincoln Cathedral, india proof plates, 1819, half morocco, top edge gilt royal folio, in 1 vol. 3437 Wild (C.) Twelve Etched Outlines, plates on india paper, folio. 1833 3438 Wilkins (W.) Antiquities of Magna Grascia, plates royal folio. Cam b . 1807 251 3439 Wilkins ("W.) Atheniensia, plates, calf gilt royal Svo. 1S1G 3440 "Wilkinson (G.) Practical Geology and Ancient Architecture of Ireland, 17 plates and 72 woodcuts royal Svo. 1845 3441 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, 5 vol. plates, (several coloured) and woodcuts, 1847 Modern Egypt and Thebes, 2 vol. woodcuts and map, 1843 Topography of Thebes, and General View of Egypt, plates, 1835 Fragments of Hieratic Papyrus, containing Names of Egyptian Kings, 1857 Dalmatia and Montenegro, 2 vol. plates, 1848, calf extra Svo. 11 vol. 3442 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Architecture of Ancient Egypt, Svo. calf gilt, with tJie plates in royal folio, unbound 1850 3443 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) The Egyptians in the Time of the Pharaohs. To which is added an Introduction to Egyptian Hieroglyphs by S. Birch, woodcuts crown Svo. 1857 34.44 Wilkinson (E.) Atlas Classica and General Atlas, 2 vol. coloured maps royal 4/o. 1808-9 3445 Wilkinson (R.) Londina illustrata, 2 vol. plates, half bound, uncut royal 4to. 1819-25 3446 WILLIAM III. Journal of His Majesty's Eoyal Campaigne in Ireland, &c. wants title and preface, (1690) Walker (G.) True Account of the Siege of London-Derry, 1689 Observations on Mr. Walker's Account, 1689 Walker (G.) Vindication of his Account, wanting 2 leaves at end, 1689 Apology for the Protestants of Ireland, 1689, calf extra, g. e. ly Zaehnsdorf small 4?to. in 1 vol. 3147 William of Malmesbury's Chronicle, of the Kings of England, with Notes by J. A. Giles foolscap Svo. 1847 3448 Williams (J.) London Sub-ways, plates, half calf gilt Svo. 1828 3449 Williams (E.) Biographical Dictionary of eminent Welshmen Svo. Llandovery, 1852 3450 Williams (W. M.) Fuel of the Sun, author's autograph inscription Svo. 1870 3451 Willich (C. M.) Popular Eables crown Svo. 1853 3452 Willis (B.) Survey of the Cathedrals with the Parochiale Anglicanum, 4 vol. in 3, plates, russia 4to. 1742 & 1733 3453 Willis (E.) on the Architecture of the Middle-Ages, plates, Camb. 1835 Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral, plates, 1845 Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, plates, 1849 Winchester Cathedral, woodcuts, 1846 York Cathedral, woodcuts, 1848 800. (5) 3i54 Wills (W.) Adventures and Sufferings, 2 parts in 1, half calf gilt Svo. 1750-51 3455 Wilson (E.) Description of the New Eoyal Exchange, woodcuts foolscap Svo. 1844 252 3450 WILSON (Len) CATALOGUE OP BIBLES, Testaments, Psalms, and other Books of the Holy Scriptures, in English, with 2 autograph letters of Lea Wilson prefixed, vellum, uncut, scarce square royal 8vo. 1845 %* Privately printed for presents only. 3457 Wiltshire Domesday Book. Photo-Zincograph facsimile, folio. 1802 3458 Wiltshire Domesday Extracted and Translated, with Notes and Intro- duction, by W. H. Jones 4*0. Bath, 1805 3459 Wilton (Countess of) Art of Needle- Work, half calf gilt crown 8vo. 1840 3400 WINCHESTER, (W. Marques of) THE LORD MARQUES IDLENES, EXCESSIVELY BARE, unknown to Lowndes and all bibliographers, fine copy in morocco extra, g. e. by J. Mackenzie small 4*0. E. Bollifant, 1587 %* " I believe this to be an UNIQUE edition of a very curious and rare book. The only one hitherto known is the impression of 1580, a copy which is in the British Museum, C. 27, g. 1." Autograph note of J. 0. Halliwell, Esy. 3401 Winchester (Lord) Memorandum of my Mayoralty, half morocco 12mo. Printed/or private circulation among my friends, 1835 3462 Windus (T.) New Elucidation of the Portland Vase, plates, 1845 Wedgwood ( J.) Description of the Portland Vase, with Notes by T. Windus, 1845, royal 4*0. (2) 3403 Winkelraann (J.) Histoire de 1'Art de 1'Antiquite, traduite par M. Huber, 3 vol. cuts, Etruscan calf, by Edwards Leipzig, 1781 3404 Winckelmann (J.) Werke, 11 vol. in 12, portrait and plates 8y0. Dresden, 1808-20, und Berlin, 1824-25 3465 Winkles (B.) French Cathedrals, views by R. Garland 4*0. 1837 3406 Winstanley (W.) England's Worthies, front, calf small 8vo. 1000 3407 WITCHES. Tryal of Witches at Bury St. Edmonds, 100 copies privately printed (on one side only) by C. Clark, Great Totham, 1835 Trial of Six Witches at Maidstone, and of Three at Faversham, 1837 Relation of the late Witches executed in Essex, Reprinted on one side only by C. Clark, Great Totham, 1837 calf gilt 8vo. in 1 vol. 3408 Wits' Recreations refined and augmented with ingenious Conceits for the Wittie and Merrie Medicines for the Melancholie, containing of Epigrams 700, Epitaphs 200, Fancies a number, Fantasticks abundance, curious frontispiece by Marshall, and woodcuts, Jine copy in broivn calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford lOwo. 1054 %* A rare and curious collection of drolleries, &c. seldom found in good condition. 34G9 Witty Apophthegms delivered at severall Times and on severall Occa- sions by King James, King Charls, the Marquess of Worcester, Francis Lord Bacon, and Sir Thomas Moore, frontispiece (con- taining portraits), red morocco, g. e. I2mo. 1658 253 3470 Wolfe (Eev. C.) Remains, with Life by Eev. J. A. Eussell, portrait, calf extra Svo. 1826 3171 Wollstonecraft (Mary) Vindication of the Eights of "Women, russia, 1792 Eesidence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, russia, 1796 Svo. (2) 3472 W[ombwell] (T.) Optick Glasse of Humors, frontispiece and engraved title, morocco extra, g. e. 16wo. 1664 ** One of the works supposed to have been read by Shakespeare, and from which Dr. Farmer thinks he borrowed the antipathies of Shylock. 3473 WOMAN. The Virgins Complaint for the Losse of their Sweet-Hearts and keeping their Virginities against their Wills, 1642 The Maids Petition and Declaration, 1647 Hey Hoe, for a Husband, or the Parliament of Maides, 1647 The City-Dames Petition, 1647 Eemonstrance of the Shee- Citizens of London, 1647 Parliament of Ladies with their Lawes newly enacted, 1647 Parliament of Ladies in Spring Garden, together with certain Votes of the unlawfull Assembly at Kates in Covent Garden, ] 647, A Collection of very curious and rare Tracts, morocco, sm. 4to. in 1 vol. 3474 Womens Advocate: or fifteen real Comforts of Matrimony, half calf gilt I2mo. 1683 * # * Scarce. Perry's copy sold for 1 2s. 3475 Wood (A. a) Athena? Oxonienses, and Fasti of Oxford University, with Additions and Continuation by P. Bliss, 4 vol. calf extra royal Mo. 1813-20 3476 Wood (J.) Description of Bath, 2 vol. plates, calf Svo. 1765 3177 Wood (B.) Buins of Palmyra otherwise Tedmor in the Desert, plates, uncut royal folio. 1753 3478 Wood (E.) Euins of Balbec otherwise Heliopolis in Ccalosyria, plates, russia royal folio. 1757 3479 Woods (H.) Introductory Lecture on Zoology Svo. Bath, 1825 3480 Woodfall (W.) My Note-Book, a satirical Poem, half calf foolscap Svo. 1821 3481 Woodward (B. B.) History of Wales, 2 vol. vieivs royal Svo. n. d. 3482 Woodward (C.) Eeminiscences of an interesting Event at St. Mary's, Islington, presentation copy, with author's autograph letter and inscription foolscap Svo. 1832 * # * Privately printed for presents only. 3483 Woodward (C.) on Polarized Light, woodcuts, with author's autograph letter Svo. 1861 3484 Woolnoth (W.) Graphical Illustration of Canterbury Cathedral, plates 4to. 1816 3485 Woolnoth (W.) Ancient Castles of England and Wales, 2 vol. views (open letters), half morocco, uncut Svo. 1825 3486 Worcester (H. Marquess of) Century of Inventio-ns 24wzo. 1663 254 3487 Worcester Apophthegms or Witty Sayings of the Rt. lion. Heniy Marquess and Earl of Worcester by T. B[nyloy], woodcut frontis- piece \(jmo. 1(J."0 %* With the following note in the autograph of Dr. Bliss on fly-leaf: " Of this book there is a copy among the Kings Pamphlets in the British Museum. I never saw another." 3488 Wordsworth (C.) Athens and Attica, maps and plates 8vo. 1836 3489 Wordsworth (C.) Greece, 28 views on steel and 350 woodcuts royal Svo. 1840 3490 Worlidge (T.) Select Collection of Drawings of curious antique Gems, etched after the Manner of Rembrandt, portrait and plates, red morocco, g. e. 4to. 17G8 3491 Worsaae (J. J. A.) Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, woodcuts Svo. Oxford, 1849 3492 Wotton (Sir H.) Reliquiae Wottonianae, with Life by Iz. Walton, portraits I2mo. 1651 3493 AVotton (W.) Miscellaneous Discourses relating to the Traditions and Usages of the Scribes and Pharisees in Christ's Time, 2 vol. old gilt calf Svo. 1718 3494 WHEN (C.) PAEENTALIA, or Memoirs of the Family of Wrens ; viz. of Mathew Bishop of Ely, Christopher, Dean of Windsor, but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren, portrait and plates, with a fine Draiving by W. Behnes of Sir C. Wren 1 s portrait added by Sir W. Tite, G. Hibbert's copy, russia, joints, gilt marbled edges, rare folio. 1750 *** This copy sold for 7 17s. 6d. in Hibbert's sale. 3495 Wren (Sir C.) Works: Dimensions, Plans, Elevations and Sections of the Parochial Churches erected by Sir C. Wren in London and Westminster by J. Clayton, plates, half morocco, atlas folio. 1852 3496 Wren (Sir C.) London Churches, Palaces, Hospitals and Publick Edifices built by him from 1668 to 1718, views, fyc. engraved by H. Hulslergh, half morocco imperial folio, n. d. 3497 Wren (Sir C.) Letter to Bp. Atterbury, containing an Account of Westminster Abbey and the Repairs thereof, transcript in the autograph of Mr. Gayfere, many years employed on the repairs of the Abbey, half calf 12mo. SJEC. xviii 3498 Wrens Anatomy, woodcut, 1641 Joyfull Newes from the Isle of Ely declaring the Manner of the Apprehending of Bishop Wren, &c. 1642 small 4to. in one vol. .3499 Wright (G. N.) Guide to Bath, map and illustrations foolscap Svo. Bath, 1864 3500 Wright (T.) Collection of old Ballads, viz. Turnament of Tottenham and Feest ; Tale of the Basyn and the Frere and the Boy ; The Nutbrowne Maid ; and Songs and Carols, 4 vol. blatfe letter, half morocco, uncut square 24/wo. 1836 3501 Wright (T.) Early Travels in Palestine, calf extra, foolscap Svo. 1848 255 3502 Wright (T.) Celt, Eoinan and Saxon, map and cuts, crown 8vo. 1852 3503 "Wright (T.) Uriconium, an Account of the Ancient Eoman City at Wroxeter, with illustrations royal 8vo. 1872 3504 Wyatt (M. Digby) on the Pine and Decorative Arts in Italy, n. d. Notes on Slymbridge Church, plates, Bristol, 1845, half calf imperial 8vo. in one vol. 3505 Wyatt (M. D.) Specimens of the Geometrical Mosaic of the Middle Ages, plates, illuminated in gold and colours, royal folio, 1848 3506 Wyatville (Sir J.) Illustrations of Windsor Castle, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, india proof plates, unbound in portfolio, atlas fol. 1841 3507 WYCLIFFE (J.) VERSION or THE NEW TESTAMENT, WITH CALENDAR, FINE MANUSCRIPT ON YELLUM, with capitals illuminated in gold and colours, rebound in 1661 in old morocco, g. e. with clasps, in blue morocco case 8vo. Sa;c. xv * # * On the fly-leaf is written :" " Eobte Arderu of Barwicke owethe me, and did bwye of one Mr. Englatt the M r of the singyng Chyldren in Chryste Churche in Norwiche. I did cost Twentye shillinges May 1576," and beneath " Eichard Shaxton his booke 1661." On the reverse are verses by " Jo. Booker 12 Novembris 1661." 3508 WYCLIFFE (J.) VERSION OF THE FOUR GOSPELS, WITH CALENDAR, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, the last leaf supplied in facsimile by R. Thomson, calf 8vo. S^EC. xv *4,* This valuable Manuscript has the following note at end : " Tbys booke was founde under a payr of Stayers in the Priste Hawlle at Litchefeild Anno 1542." 3509 Wylde (Z.) English Master of Defence, with Eules of Wrestling, with author's autograph dedication to W. Marshall, calf extra, g. e. 8vo. York, 1711 3510 Wyse Chylde and Emperor Adrian, a Dialogue. Eeprinted from the Unique Edition of Wynkyn de Worde by J. 0. Halliwell, only 30 copies printed, half morocco, uncut 16mo. 1860 3511 Wyther (George) Abuses stript and whipt: or Satirical Essayes, with the blank leaves, marked A. and A 2, preceding the title, nearly always wanting, 1614 A Satyre, dedicated to his Majestie, by George Wither, with the blank leaves, marked A and A 2, preceding the title, and one at the end to complete sheet F, nearly always wanting, 1615 The Shepherds Hunting : being, Certaine Eglogs written during the Author's Imprisonment in the Marshalsey, with the blank leaf, marked A, preceding the title, and one at the end to complete sheet H, nearly always wanting, 1615, BEAUTIFUL COPIES, in the original calf binding, IQmo. in one vol. *** This rare volume sold for 13 at these rooms 21 November, 1863. 3512 Xenophon's History of Greece, translated by W. Smith, map, 4fo. 1770 3513 Xenophcm's Anabasis, translated by E. Spelman, 2 vol. Rev. T. Wil- liams' s copy, in red morocco, g, e. with his arms stamped in gold on sides 8vo. Camb. 1776 3514 Yeates (T.) on the History of Ancient Egypt 8vo. 1835 256 3515 Yeowell (J.) Memoir of W. Oldys, with his Diary, presentation copy, with autograph note from W. J. Thorns, half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt 12mo. 1862 3516 York (Duke of). Stratford's Authentic Edition of the Investigation of the Charges against H.E.H. the Duke of York, by OK L. War- die, 2 vol. portraits I2mo. 1809 3517 Yorkshire Glossary, collected in Wbitby and Neighbourhood, 12mo. 1855 3518 Young (E.) Night Thoughts, plates ly Westall, calf extra, I2mo. 1818 3519 Young (E.) Poetical Works, with Life by Eev. J. Mitford, 2vol. 2 portraits, blue morocco extra, g. e. ly Hayday foolscap 8vo. 1834 3520 Young (G-.) History of Whitby, 2 vol. plates, calf gilt Svo. Whitby, 1817 3521 Young (J.) Catalogue of his Autograph Letters, Documents and En- graved Portraits, privately printed, half calf gilt, 4to. 18G2 3522 Young Scarron, calf I2mo. 1752 3523 Yver (Jaques) Le Printemps d'Yver contenant cinq Histoires dis- courues par cinq Journees, en une noble Compagnie, au Chasteau du Printemps, calf gilt IGmo. Lyon, B. Rigaud, 1594 3524 Zabaglia (N.) Contignationes ac Pontes una cum quibusdam inge- niosis Praxibus ac Descriptione Translationis Obelisci Vaticani, plates folio. Romae, 1743 3525 Zoroastre, Zend-Avesta, traduit par M. Anquetil Du Perron, 3 vol. plates, calf &to. Paris, 1771 3526 ZOTJCH (T.) LIFE OF ISAAC WALTON, LAKGEST PAPEB, illustrated with numerous rare portraits, views, fyc. half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt ; from Mr. Eyton's Collection, 4to. 1823 257 FIFTEENTH DAY'S SALE. AUTOGEAPH LETTERS. LOT 3528 ALLEK (E.) A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To his Sister Mrs. Buckeridge. Dated February 25th, 1734, at the Black Perruwigg, nr. Southampton Street, Covent Garden 3529 ADELAIDE, Queen of William IV Signature to a Eeceipt for 25,000. for one Quarter's Annuity. Date 31st March, 1842 3530 ANNE (E.) "Warrant for paying to Sir Clement Cotterell 300. as a present from us to Baron Forstner, Envoy Extraordinary from the Duke of Lorraine, and 22. fees. Windsor Castle, Jan. 5, 1713-14, countersigned by Eobert Harley, Earl of Oxford Another, dated July 1st, 1702, respecting the Establishment for six Eegiments of Marines ; with two portraits of the Queen The House of Lords, on July 2, 1713, addressed the Queen, that the most urgent means might be pressed with the Duke of Lorraine, and with all Princes and States in amity with her, not to receive or permit the Pretender to remain in their dominions. The never-ending variety in the signatures of Queen Anne, arose from the infirmity of gout in the hands, to which the Queen, late in life, was constantly more or less subject. Occasionally unable to hold a pen, a stamp was used ; this paper is so stamped in facsimile of her signature on her accession. These rarely occur. 3531 ANNE OF DENMABK, Queen of James I L. subscribed and signed. 1 page folio. To the Archduke of Austria. Dated London, July 2Qth, 1605 ; A BABE AND TINE SPECIMEN Expresses her high esteem for the Archduke. 3532 ASCHAM (Eoger) Tutor to Queen Elizabeth and Lady Jane Grey Autograph Eeceipt, 3 Julii, 1557, " for my fee, dewe at Midsomer last, the sum of Six Pounds, thirteen shillings, fourpens, E. Ascham ;" VEBT BABE 3533 BACON (Francis, Viscount St. Albans) Statesman and Philosopher b. 1561, d. 1626 A. L. s. 1 page folio. To Sir Ed. Conway. Dated 18*A of 8bre (Oct.) 1623 AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF THIS DISTINGUISHED MAN ARE OF THE GREATEST RARITY. A fair copy, and some very interesting biographical and critical remarks are added. L L. 258 3534 BEATON (David) Cardinal, Archbishop of St. Andrews b. 1494, assassinated 154G L. s. as Abbot of Aberbrotock. 1 page folio. To " My Lord Secretary." Moullingis, Feb. 10, (1538) ; excessively rare, with two portraits and some printed memoranda The King of Scotland's affairs are going on well ; expresses his thanks for assu- rances of friendship, which he has been advised of by David Wood and others. " I will not recompans in words, *. . . . vat it ze do for me sail not be done to ane unthankfull man. " David Wood, of Craig, mentioned in the letter, was at this period Comptroller of Scotland. The King's affairs here alluded to were the negociations for the marriage of James V. with Mary of Guise, which was solemnized soon after. 3535 BEAUCLEEK (Topbara) A. L. s. to Garrick, endorsed by him, " Mr. Beauclerk's Letter from Bath." 5 pages 4to. Bath, Nov. 18 [1776] ; about Chatterton, fyc. curious " I have this moment received your obliging letter, and I assure you, I found myself more revived by it, than by my Glass of Water I did not think it possible to have found a human creature that I did not think happier than myself, but the other night at the Ball, I saw an officer, advanced in years, who was standing all night behind the Princess Amelia's chair, he is her gentleman usher, and has enjoyed that post twenty years ; do not you . think the Gout and Rheumatism better than that ? he is a wretch, however, because he has bread without it. I wish you could see the court belonging to this old maiden Princess, I am sure we should have a very hearty laugh together at it 1 have no doubt the British poems (Chatterton's) are a forgery, I should be glad to see any argument that can convince me of the contrary George Selwyn has two houses taken for him, he is coming down with the Fagnianis and the Child to live in the greatest splend- our imaginable, he has ordered a particular room for M. Fagniani's valet de chambre, to fry pomatum and brains in. I am sure that Family will be a Comedy of itself, without any addition from the rest of the Company." Beauclerk was. a friend of Dr. Johnson, who said that " his talents were such, that he had felt himself more inclined to envy than those of any one else he had ever known." 3536 BEAUFORT (Cardinal) d. 1447 Original Deed acknowledging to have received of Henry Chicheley, Archbishop of Canterbury ; Thomas Langley, Bishop of Durham ; '.Richard de Beauchamp, Earl of "Warwick ; Humfrey de Stafford, Earl of Stafford ; and others, 3050 marks in part of 5,000 marks due from them to the Cardinal. Nov. 23, 1435 ; a most important document, with the AUTOGRAPH AND SEAL or THE CARDINAL, a portrait and some biographical memoranda are added THE AUTOGRAPH OF CARDINAL BEAUFORT IS OF EXCESSIVE RARITY, no Other specimen having occurred for sale, and of great interest, as the handwriting of one of the personages immortalized by the pen of Shakspeare, and the pencil of Sir Joshua Reynolds, in their delineations of the horrors of his death-bed scene. 3537 BECKFORD (W.) Alderman A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To John Curtis, Esq. Dated Fonthill, June 15, 1763 3538 BECKFORD, Eather and Son 1. "W. Beckford, Lord Mayor of London, A. L. s. 1746, and another, 1792, portraits. 2. W. Beckford, of Eonthill, characteristic Note signed " "W.B." 1844, and a page of historical Memoranda written in pencil 259 3539 BECKFOBD (Will.) Mayor of London Signature to an Attestation, Feb. 2, 1770 "Will. Beckford, author of Vathek, Order for Money to be advanced to W. Clarke, bookseller, in Bond Street, April 24, 1824 3540 BELZONI (G.) Traveller d. 1823 A. L. s. in Italian. To his Brother. 1 page 4to. Dated Cairo, 15 April, 1818, with English Translation MBS. BELZONI, A. L. s. To Miss Jane Porter, illustrated with Bill of his Experiments on " Fire and Water," plates and various portraits, including the BABE ONE BT GEOBGE CBTJIKSHANK, exhibiting Ids great bodily strength in Bartholomeiv Fair 3541 BEWICK (Thos.) eminent "Wood-Engraver A. L. s. 2 pages 4to. To Mr. "William Carey. Dated Newcastle, 4 April, 1818 Gives a slight memoir of " poor Summerfield," the engraver. The letter thus closes, " in giving your memoir of poor Summerfield, in which I wish you may be rewarded for your trouble. It will make his name linger a little while longer here, -than it would otherwise have done but that is all, for he is gone, where all will go to the land of forgetfulriess." 3542 BLAKE (Eobt.) A. L. s. 1 page folio. To the Commissioners for ye Navy. Dated 27 July, 1654 Respecting Mr. Bignall's neglect of duty, and other matters connected with the service. 3543 BODLET (Sir Thomas) founder of the famous Library at Oxford b. 1544, d. 1612 A. L. s. 2 pages folio. Delia Haya, Maggio 2-7, ; EXTBEMELY BABE, in beautiful condition This letter, in Italian, was written when Sir Thomas Bodley was Ambassador at the Hague, and is addressed to M. Huygens, Secretary of State for the Low Countries. 3544 BoLiifGBBOKE (Henry St. John, 1st Viscount) A. L. s. 4 pages 4to. To the Duke of Eichmond. Whitehall, June 12, 1714 ; fine and scarce It was upon the publication of Lord Bolingbroke's Essays, under the editorship of David Mallett, that Dr. Johnson is said to have denounced him as t scoundrel who had charged a pop-gun against Christianity, and left half a crown to a beggarly Scotchman to let it off. 3545 BOSWELL (James) Biographer and Friend of Dr. Johnson b. 1740, d. 1795 A. L. s. 4 pages 4to. To David Garrick. Dated Edinburgh, 11 April, 3774; with portrait " When Mr. Johnson and I arrived at Inyerary after our expedition to the Hebrides, and there for the first time after many clays renewed our enjoyment of the luxuries of civilized life, one of the most elegant that I could wish to find, was lying for me a letter from Mr. Garrick. It was a Fine Apple of the finest flavour, which had a high zest indeed amongst the heath covered mountains of Scotia." In this eloquent letter he alludes very feelingly to the death of Dr. Gold- smith, and to many other subjects of an interesting nature, 3546 BOWLES (W. L.) Poet A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To Miss Maria Young. Dated July 9, 1823 Thanking her for a plant which he shall call Youngina pulcherrima if she do not send him the name of it. A touching sonnet of 8 lines closes his expression of thanks. 3547 BBADSHAWE, President to the Commissioners of the Admiralty, . 3 36K.1< Pn ion (MATTHEW) Poet A. L. s. 2 pages 4to. To the Lord Treasurer Ortbrd, n. d. Written probably in 1711, prior to .Tune, when the Toet went to Paris. It requests His Lordship may be set down in his " Chair at my back door, and by so doing give me an half hour to receive your commands." 3685 BABELAIS (Francis) M.D. b. 1483, d. 1553 A. L. s. 3 pages folio. To "William Budeus, in Latin and Greek EXTREMELY KARE AND VALUABLE, and, though undated, may be safely asserted to have been written between 1515 and 1521. With the letter is a long printed statement respecting it. 3686 EEYNOLDS (Sir Joshua) P.E A. A. L. "Written in the third person. 1 page 4to. To Dr. Hunter, Leicester Fields ; very scarce. 3687 EICHARDSON (Samuel) Celebrated Novelist A. L. s. 3| pages 4to. To Miss Grainger. 28 Feb. 1749-50 A most interesting and delightful specimen relating to the different characters introduced in his Clarissa Harlowe. 3088 Kobespierre, Thurcot, and Carnot, Conspirators Their Signatures, with portrait of Carnot, and Newspaper Cutting relating to the difficulties and troubles of the times 3689 ROUSSEAU (J. J.) Eloquent "Writer b. 1712, d. 1778 A. L. s. 1^ pages 4to. in French. To Madame de la Tour Dupin, a Eiez. 26 Aug. 1763. Written in liigldy complimentary terms. 3600 E OWL AND SON (Thomas) Caricaturist, A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To Heath the engraver, March 1, 1804, a characteristic letter, with drawing in colours of two heads. Mne and scarce 2 3091 EUBENS (P. P.) b. 1577, d. 1640 A. L. s. 2 pages folio, in Italian, 1628. LETTERS OF THIS DIS- TINGUISHED ARTIST ABE EXTREMELY HARE ; a fine specimen 3692 EUPEET (Prince) Palatine of the Ehine, April 29th, 1673 ; portrait and printed statement AN ORDER upon Captain Haddock " to saill to meete him on the Dowues." Signed, " RUPERT." 3693 EUSHWORTH (John) Historian A. L. s. 1 page folio. To July 26, 1677. A desirable specimen. A very interesting historical Letter, enclosing his reports of the Trials of Arch- bishop Laud and the Earl of Strafford. It commences "I now send for your I lonors perusall, my last paper, but not the least in value ; viz. The Earl of Straftbrd's Summary Account, att the closure of his Tryall in Westminster Hall, which I tooke in characters, from his owne mouth. Some friends, to whom I have imparted the same, say, it is an excellent piece." 277 3694 SCHILLEII (Frederick von) Dramatic Author and Poet A. L. s. in German, 2 pages 8vo. Oct. 19, 1787 He hopes that the tragedy of Don Carlos will soon be played, as he is in great want of money. Schiller was then in an embarrassed position. Schiller was born in 1759. In 1783 he went to Mannheim as Poet to the Theatre (vide Carlyle's Life. p. 43.) 3G95 SCOTT (Sir Walter) L. s. 2 pages 4to. To Messrs. Cadell and Davis. May IGth, 1830 Respecting his work, the " Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," asking Messrs. Cadell to undertake the publication allowing me one half of the clear profits.' With Cadell and Davis's reply. An Anecdote respecting Adam Ferguson, in the autograph of Scott ; a Letter from Earl Spencer, and another from Wilson Croker, both mentioning the great Novelist by name, are added. 3696 SHELLEY (P. B.) Poet b. 1792, d. 1822 A. L. s. H pages 4to. Sept. 26, 1815. Containing an order for books to be sent him. 3697 SHERIDAN (E. B.) Dramatist and Statesman A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To Mr. Davis. January 25 (1798) Wishing to have an interview with him and Mr. Sadler together on some special occasion. 3C98 SMITH (James) Song for the Infant School at West Molesy, headed " Lyrical Limbs " in his autograph. A very clever effusion by one of the authors of the " Rejected Addresses." 8699 Soane (Sir John) Architect and Virtuoso A. L. s. 1 page 4to. May 26, 1794. Respecting his request to be inserted in the Commission of the Peace for Middlesex. Signa- ture of Lord Lynedoch, loith portrait 3700 SOUTHEY (Eobert) Poet, Historian b. 1774, d. 1845 A. L. s. " E. S." 4 pages 4to. To E. Duppa, [JVb. 22, 1805] Most interesting. He gives particulars of a recent tour in Scotland, visit to Melrose, a day's salmon spearing (" a singular, savage, sport,") visit to Sir Walter Scott (" a pleasant man, of open and friendly manners, so full of topographical anecdote, that having seen him you must be perfectly well satisfied how well history may be preserved by tradition ") ; his meeting with Jeffrey, etc. Relative to the review of Madoc by the latter, he says, " a man who has been reviewed above fifty times, which is my case, is hardened to such things ; besides, by God's blessing, such praise or such censure as can be bespoke for five guineas a sheet can neither help nor harm me now. They who ning dirt at me will only dirt their own hands, for I am out of reach." 3701 SOUTHEY (Eobert) A. L. s. 2 pages Svo. To Mr. Dyer. Dated July 21, 1827. With portrait, and a few characteristic lines written on the lack of a frank. " We both wish to see the remediable evils of society remedied, and those which may be irremediable, mitigated as far as mitigation is possible." 3702 SOUTHEY (E.) A. L. s. 3 pages 4to. To Mr. Cottle. Dated July 28 (1797) Very interesting. " Herbert Croft is in Exeter jail : I am very sorry for it." Is in want of a poem by Madame Boccage, on the Voyage of Columbus ; also of a copy of Giraldus Cambrensis. Is reading a poem by Le Moyne, in which St. Louis is stated to have been healed by the waters of a fountain, in which the Virgin Mary had, on the way to Egypt washed her little boy's clouts." Notice of Rogers, &c. 278 3703 SOUTHEY (E.) A. L. s. 3 pages 4to. To Mr. Cottle. Nov. 1796 A very interesting specimen. Relative to his resolution to finish the Poem of Madoc, of which he writes, " This must be the greatest of all my works." Notices of Danvers and George Burnett. Further on he writes, " Do you know that Muir has made his escape from Botany Bay? Hamilton Rowan, at the expence of 500, pro- cured an American ship bound to China to call there." &c. 3704 SOUTUBT (E.) A. L. s. 4 pages 4to. To Mr. Cottle. August lltli, 1806 A very interesting and pleasing specimen. Relative to his Poem of Madoc, and the reviewers. Is preparing for the press the Chronicle of the Cid>; &c. &c. 3705 SOUTHEY (E.) Four A. L. s. To Mr. Cottle. 1796-7 ; very interesting Relating to his progress in " Madoc," with notices of Dr. Hunter, " the murderer of St. Pierre," George Dyer, Mary Hayes, Miss Christall, Dr. Gregory, Taylor the Pagan, T. Park, &c. 3706 SPELMAN (John) son of Sir Henry A. L. s. 3 pages folio, very closely written. May 6, 1625. A capital historical letter. A detailed account of the trial of John Williams for a libel entitled " Balaam's Ass," the contents of the work, his defence, his sentence and execution. 3707 SHOYELL (Sir Cloudesley) Admiral b. 1650, d. 1707 A. L. s. 2 pages 4to. To Sir Eobert Southwell. Milford Haven, June 16, 1690. Hare, with portrait, etc. Detailing the movements of the shipping employed to aid William the Third's measures for expelling James the Second from Ireland. 3708 STEELE (Sir Kichard) Dramatist and Essayist A. L. s. 2 pages 4to. To a Lady. Dated October Uth, 1715 In alluding to the affair of the Charterhouse " he writes, " If I do not gett it, you will see my opposers report that they would not let me be humble, for I shall then think myself obliged to show them what place among mankind I am really in, and how usefull I can be to the family to whose service I have devoted my life and fortune." 3709 STEBNE (Laurence) Author of " Tristram Shandy," &c. b. 171 3, d. 1768 A. L. s. 1 page 4to. Dated York, June 9, 1760 ; a fine specimen He thanks his Lordship for the generosity of his Protection and advice : " By making a good use of the one I hope to deserve the other." In a postscript he adds, " the scribblers use me ill, but they have used my Betters much worse, for which may God forgive them." 3710 STEBNE (L.) A. L. s. 1 page folio. To Messrs. Toley. Dated Turin, Nov. 28, 1765 ; slightly damaged Has spent a "joyous fortnight" with his friend Sir James Macdonald at Turin, which they leave with regret, having " met with all kinds of honours." 3711 STBADIUABIUS (Antonio) A. L. s. in Italian. 12 Agosto, 1708 ; AN EXCESSIVELY BABE IF NOT UNIQUE AUTOQBAPH This letter is facsimiled in M. Fetis Memoire sur Stradivarius. 279 3712 STEAUSS (G. F. A.) Author of the Life of Jesus A. L. s. 2 pages 4to. in German. Dated Bensdorf, May 6, 1811 an interesting letter 8713 STRYPE (John) Historian and Biographer b. 164:3, d. 1737 A.L. s. 2 pages 4to. To Ralph Thoresby. Low Leyton, July 12, s. a. ; a splendid specimen and very rare, with portrait Wholly on literary matters and highly interesting You are now (thanks be to God) out of fear of the rebels, always the enemies and destroyers of litera- ture. With the best books, I leave you to the busy replacing of your manuscripts and curiosities in their repositories, and wish you long to enjoy and improve them. Obliged to lay aside his other designs, the booksellers concerned being now resolved to hasten the printing of Stow's Survey. 3714 STUART (Henry Benedict) Cardinal of York SIGNATURE to a Receipt of 2000. from Messrs. Coutts. Borne, Jan. 5, 1807 3715 STUART (James) (James III) called " The Old Chevalier " A. L. subscribed and signed. 1 page folio. A Home le 17 de VAn 1743. " A mon Cousin Le Chevalier d'Orleans " Thanking him for his obliging letter, which he designates, " Nouveau temoignage de souvenir et de votre attachement." 3716 SULLY (Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of ) Minister of State to King Henry IV of Prance b. 1560, d. 1 641 A. L. s. 1 page folio. To M. de Willemonter, at Rheims. No date A friendly letter, reasons for his delaying his journey to Kheims. Letters of Sully so fine as the present are extremely rare. BETHUNE (Philippe de) brother to the great Sully b. 1561, d. 1649 Sig. to a quittance, on vellum, 1616 3717 SWIFT (Jonathan) Dean of St. Patrick's A. L. 2 pages 4to. To Dr. Arbuthnot. July 3, 1714; RARE In answer to Arbuthnot on his engaging Pope, Swift, Gay and Parnell to write a Satire on the Abuse of Learning, in 1714. Some letters on this subject have been printed, and the originals are in the British Museum. This letter is very interesting and finely expressed, mentioning his colleagues, &c. The "brothers" named were a club of 16, including Arbuthnot, Swift, Pope, &c. by the " Dragon " is intended the Earl of Oxford. A Letter of Thos. Steele is added 3718 SWIFT (Jonathan) A. L. s. 2 pages 4to. To the Earl of Oxford. Dated 21s* Sept. 1728; a fine specimen of an interesting letter " I hear that myself and one or two more have a share in the Scurrilityes that the Dunciad hath occasioned, as a just punishment for the friendship we have with Mr. Pope." Accompanied by a Poem entitled " Apollo to the Dean," and another Poem, both in the autograph of the Dean 3719 SWIFT (Dean) " A State of ray Affairs," Sept. 14, 1718, being a list of some part of his effects in the autograph of the Dean ; very curious 280 3720 TATLOB (Jeremy, Bishop of Down) b. 1613, d. 1CG7 A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To the Eight Honble. ray Noblest Lord Edward Viscount Conway at his house in Oxmanton in Dublin. No date. A leautiful specimen of the hand-writing of this eminent Divine Returns his Lordship thanks for his letter. " I hope by this time your Lordship hath received nis Majesties letter about the Cathedral and burgesses of Parliament in Lisburne ; It were well if it were so early here, that two burgesses might be chosen before ye dissolution of this Parliament ; it would add reputation to us, and give solemnity to y e new erection of y c Cathedral." Lord Conway was the great friend and patron of Jeremy Taylor, who for a short time previous to his appointment in 1060 to the see of Down, resided with his Lordship in Ireland. 372 1 VANBBUGH (Sir John) b. 1666, d. 1726 SIGNATURE to an " Explanation of the Design." 2 pages folio. No date 3722 VASABI (Giorgio) Painter, Author of "The Lives of Celebrated Painters " b. 1514, d. 1578 A. L. s. 1 page folio. 8 Aug. 1556 ; fine and rare Respecting the transmission of a Banner with singularly minute particulars for the stretching and repairing of it. 3723 VICTORIA (Queen) SIGN MANUAL to a Petition asking permission for Eicbard Godson to plead for Emily Birch, Widow, and Augusta Birch, Spinster, indicted for a Misdemeanour, countersigned by Sir James Graham, Dec. 7, 1843 3724 VOLTAIRE b. 1694, d. 1778 A. L. s. 3 pages folio, commencing " Mon cher editeur," Potsdam, Nov. 28, 1750. A capital literary letter, SIGNED IN FULL ; fine and very scarce, it would le difficult to find a better specimen. 3725 VOLTAIRE A. L. s. 2 pages 4to. To M. Dupont. A Ferney, Ottr. 18, 1758 ; an interesting letter, signed V " Le Sieur Roset me det qu'il a de'pense' son argent a fouiller des mines; mais il allonge beaucoup la mienne. II n'est point dit dans notre marchd qu'il cherchera de 1'or ; mais qu'il m'en donnera ; et le vrai moyen de n'avoir pas a m'en donner, c'est; d'imaginer qu'il y en a dans les montagnes des Vosgea." 3726 VOLTAIRE A. L. s. 4 pages 4to. " Voltaire, gentilhomme ordinaire du Eoy," aux Delices, Oct. 11, 1758 ; YERY RARE, with the signature in full An unpublished letter relative to his purchasing an estate at Ferney. " On me propose une terre dans votre intendance ; c'est un agre'ment dont je sens tout le prix, mais je n'en puis jouir sans votre protection : c'est la terre de Fernex, a deux lieues de Geneve, aux pays de Gex. Cette terre n'est convenable pour moy qu'autant qu'elle peut defrayer en partie ma maison des Devices, et me ddlivrer du coutinuel embarras d acheter les choses ne"cessaires a la vie. Je n'ay chez moi que des fleurs, de 1'ombrage, et quelquefois quarante personnes a nourrir par jour." 3727 WARBURTON (W.) Bishop of Gloucester A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To Mr. Nourae, franked. Prior Park, Oct. 2, 1760; scarce Giving an order for Books. 281 3728 WARBURTON (Bishop) A. L. s. l\ pages 4to. Dated Prior Park, Dec. 26, 1761 Respecting the values of Livings. " Now were I to give way to resignations, I should rarely have an opportunity of presenting, since these resignations are generally exchanges ; a traffic, Incumbents manage to lay their affairs to- gether more compactly ; and I make no doubt the affair in question is of this nature." 3729 WARBURTON (Bishop) A. L. s. 2 pages 4to. Dated Prior Park, Jan. 18, 1758 The Letter closes thus " Still this Ld. Ducie runs in my head. He sticks like a leech where he fastens. If he could be brought over to you, he would at least deliver you up, the D. and the D. bound hand and foot." With learned opinions on Pagan worship and other subjects bearing on Christianity, accompanied by " Extracts of Letters from Dr. Conyers Middleton, Ld. Hervey," from which the following may be cited : " It is my misfortune to have had so early a taste of Pagan soup, as to make me very squeamish in my Christian studies." This paper is justly endorsed " disgraceful to Dr. M. and unfit for ordinary readers." 3730 WASHINGTON (General) Eirst President of America A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To Wm. Heth, Esq. Dated Mount Vernon, 10 Jan. 1799 Alluding to the account of General Pinckney's reception at Petersburgh, which was "judiciously bestowed." 3731 WATTS (DR. I.) Dissenting Divine b. 1674, d. 1748 A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To Mr. D. Turner. Dated Sept. 5, 1738 Regarding the correction of some Manuscript sent him for that purpose, and which he is obliged to return. " Grammar (he says) is the most laborious study I ever engaged in. There are few pages in your book w ch to survey as it ought to be done would not require 3 or 4 days time." 3732 WELLINGTON (Great Duke of) A. L. s. 3 pages 4to. To J. W. Croker. Paris, S Aug. 1815. Referring to the battle of Waterloo ; very interesting and valuable 3733 WELLINGTON (Great Duke of) His Correspondence with the Countess of Blessington, an interesting series of Eleven Letters, entirely in the Duke's autograph, with two notes added, signed W. (13) 3734 WESLEY (John) Curious Portrait of him struck off by Dr. Priestley by means of electricity, accompanied by scientific Letters from Professor Fara- day and Charles Pye bearing on the subject 3735 WORTLET. (Lady Mary) "Ye 9th Ode of Horace Imitated," or a Dialogue between Sir Kobert Walpole and W. Pulteney. The original autograph of this political squib relating to two of the greatest statesmen of the day It is in six four-line stanzas, and occupies the first page of a folio sheet. 3736 William III King of England SIGNATURE to a Warrant for payment of monies to certain persons for seizing and apprehending of conspirators, countersigned by the minister. Apr* 15, 1691 ; very interesting) with portrait after Kneller, ly Smith o o 282 3737 WILLIAM IV King of England SIGNATUEB to a Warrant granting 28 10s. to Mr. John Bicknell. July 9th, 1836 3738 WILLIAM OF NASSAU A. L. signed W. E. 2 pages 4to. Dated IGth Aug. 1698. Probably to the Prince Henri de Vaudemont An interesting Letter on Military subjects, in French. 3739 WEEN (Sir Christopher) Eminent Architect b. 1632, d. 1723 A. L. s. 1 page 4to. To " Mons." Blathwayt. Dated Whitehall, June 21st, 99 Respecting his inability to complete his professional engagements, oY which he assigns the cause. The letter commences " The ready execution of His M tiei comandes is to me soe sacred a thing, that if I am unavoydably hindred in it, I thinke in that case it is my duty to let him know my misfortune." A TEEY BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE 3740 WEEN (Sir Christopher) Warrant to pay Sir Christopher Wren and other officers of the works the amount of their respective salaries. Signed by the Ministers, dated Aug, 5, 1684 3741 LIGONTEE COEEESPONDENCE, ranging from 1759 to 1765 A LAEGE NUMBEE OF IiETTEES FEOM THE NOBILITY AND GENTET AND OTHEE MEN OF NOTE ON VAEIOUS SUBJECTS CONNECTED -WITH THE TIMES, OF CON8IDEEABLE INTEEEST The following, biographical sketch may be deemed worthy of note : JOHN LIGONIER was one of the most celebrated Generals in the English Army during the wars of the reign of Queen Anne, and of those which immediately succeeded them. At the battle of Dettingen in 1742, he was made a Knight- Banneret under the Royal Standard ; and in 1757 he received the Patent of an Irish Peer, as Viscount Ligonier, of Enniskillen, in the County of Fer- managh. In 1762 he became Viscount Ligonier, of Clonmell ; in the next year, Baron Ligonier, of Ripley, in the County of Surrey ; which dignity hi 1766 was advanced to an Earldom. With respect to his Military honours it will be sufficient to state, that he was made a Field-Marshal in November 1757 ; and that he was Commander- in-Chief of the British Army from the same year until 1766. Lord Ligonier died at the age of 92 La 1770, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. 283 SIXTEENTH DAY'S SALE. ENGRAVINGS AND DRAWINGS. LOT 3742 "Westminster Abbey, and others 3743 "Winchester Cathedral, by Coney, &c. 47 3744 The Pantheon, Borne, &c. 8 3745 St. Paul's and various Cathedrals 15 3746 Yiews in Dublin, by Malton 22 3747 Views of Oxford and various County Views 37 3748 Various English and Foreign Topography 62 3749 Views in Eome, by "W. B. Cooke, &c. 23 3750 Views in Granada, &c. 6 3751 Photographs after Michael Angelo 12 3752 Moses with the Table of the Law, after Champagne, by Edelinck, &c. 2 3753 After Wouvermans, Teniers, &c. 6 3754 David with the Head of Goliah, and Christ bearing his Cross, by N. de Bruyn 2 3755 Christ bearing his Cross, by I. K. Sherwin ; and the Good Shepherd, by Murillo, &c. 5 3756 Baising of Lazarus, after Eubens> by Bolswert ; The Last Supper, &c. 4 3757 Virgin and Child, after Vandyck, &c. 3 3758 Large Landscapes, after Bubens, by Bolswert 7 3759 Presenting Christ with the Beed, after Vandyck, by Bolswert, &c. 5 3760 Adoration of the Shepherds, by C. Galle ; various after Bubens, Van- dyck, &c. 12 3761 Small Landscapes, after Bubens, by Bolswert, &c. 8 3762 After Bubens and Salvator Bosa, by Brown, proofs 2 3763 The Waggoner and Watering Place, by Brown 2 3764 St. Genevieve, after Vanloo, by Balechou, proof 1 3765 St. Catherine and La Belle Jardiniere, after Baphael, by Desnoyers 2 3766 The Woman taken in Adultery, after Titian, by Anderloni, &c. 2 3767 St. Michael, after Baphael, by Chatillon ; Madonna de Foligno, &c. 3 3768 Diogenes, after S. Bosa, by Sharp, proof 1 3769 The Bestoration, Cromwell dissolving the Parliament, after West, by Hall and Sharp 2 3770 The Magdalen and Christ crowned with thorns, after Guido, by Sharp, &c. 284 3771 The Doctors of tho Church, after Guido, by Sharp ; and another 2 3772 Niobe, after Wilson, by Woollett, &c. G 3773 Battle of La Hogue, after West, by Woollett 1 377-i Les Offres Keciproques and Companion, by Wille, &c. 8 3775 La Liseuse and Companion, after G. Douw, by Wille, &c. 3 377G Jeune Joueur d'Instrument, after Schalcken, by Wille, proof before letters 1 3777 Battle of the Standard, after L. da Vinci, by Edelinck 1 37-18 The Dismissal of Ilagar, and Companion, after Guercino, by Strange, &c. 5 3779 Liberality and Modesty, after Guido, by Strange, &c. 3 3780 St. Agnes, after Domenichino, by Strange, &c. 3 3781 After Eaphael, by Volpato and Fabri 11 3782 The Cartoons, after Eaphael by Holloway 7 3783 Dance of the Muses, after Eomano, by Massard ; the Aurora, by E. Morghen, &c. 3 3784 Virgin and Child, after Titian, by E. Morghen, &c. 3 3785 The Dilettanti Society, after Eeynolds, by Turner and Say 2 3786 The Shepherd in Arcadia, after Poussin, by Blot, &c. G 3787 After Eembrandt, by Haid, &c. 3 378S Stocks Market, &c. 9 3789 Belisarius, after Gerard, by Desnoyers 1 3790 Venus and Cupid, after Battoni, by Porporati, &c. 2 3701 The Eat Catcher, by Visscher, &c. 4 3792 St. Margaret, after Eaphael, &c. 8 3793 After Harlowe, Linnell, &c. 11 3794 The Three Maries, after Carracci, by Eoullet 1 3795 Canterbury Pilgrim, after Stothard, and various Portraits 5 3796 Various Art Union Prints 4 3797 Canaletto Etchings 31 3798 Hopfer, after A. Durer, &c. 5 3799 Adrienne le Couvreur 1 3800 Various after Teniers, &c. 29 3801 After Drouais, by Beauvarlet, &c. 2 3802 Etchings, by Bous 6 3803 After Eeynolds, by Bause, proofs 2 3804 The Miseries of War, by Callot 18 3805 The Fair, and various, by Callot 12 3806 Grotesque Figures, by Callot 7 3807 Before and after the Firo of London, by Hollar, and Map of the same 3 3808 Hollar's Large View of London on four sheets 3809 Views of Islington 7 3810 Convent Garden and the Tower, by Hollar 4 285 3811 Tootehill Fields, Windsor, by Hollar 1 3812 The Man's Book, by Bergbem 10 3813 Little La Tombe, Cbrist disputing with the Doctors, by Rembrandt 2 3814 Five "Women's Heads, Supper at Emaus, by Rembrandt 3 3815 TJtenbogardus, Rembrandt, A. Durer, &c. o 3816 The Barn Ostade, Ac. 3 TURNER'S LIBER STUDIORUM. 3817 Dumblain Abbey, by T. Lupton, proof before letters, and the Etching 2 3818 Twickenham, by Dawe 1 3819 Lauffenbourg, by Hodgetts, proof before letters 1 3820 Peat Bog Sol way Moss 2 3821 Solway Moss, by Lupton, proof before letters, and tbe Etching 2 3822 Mer de Glace, by J. M. W. Turner 1 3823 Procris and Cepbalus, by Clint 1 3824 Ville de Thun, by Hodgetts, proof lef ore letters 1 3825 From Spencer's Fairy Queen, by Hodgetts, proof lefore letters 1 3826 Junction of the Severn and "Wye, by J. M. "W. Turner, proof lefore letters 1 3827 Chain of Alps, by W. Say, etching 1 3828 St. Gothard, by C. Turner, remark proof 1 3829 Edystone Light House, after Turner ; Yiews in Yorkshire 7 3830 Various, after Turner, by "W. B. Cooke, &c. 10 3831 Falmouth, after Turner, by "W. B. Cooke, proof, &c. 2 3832 Heysham, after Turner, by "W. R. Smith, proof 2 3833 Mount St. Michael, after Turner, by Cooke, &c. 2 3834 From the Southern Coast, by W. B. Cooke, &c. 14 3835 Views of Sussex, after Turner, by "W. B. Cooke 3836 Lewis' Wild Animals DRAWINGS. 3837 The Milk Maid, by Rowlandson 1 3838 The Old Chapel, Guildhall, by R. B. Schnebbelie, &c. 2 3839 Guildhall and the Record Office, by R. B. Schnebbelie 2 3840 Denham Castle, by Buckler, &c. 2 3841 Buildings, by Spornberg, &c. 2 3842 Tintern Abbey, by H. Shepherd, &c. 2 *3843 Views in Edinburgh, by F. Shepherd 5 3844 Landscape, by S. Shepherd, &c. 3 3845 Views in Naples, by Vianelli 2 3846 Landscape, by Varley 1 3847 Various Studies 6 286 ENGRAVINGS. 3848 ANTWERP CATHEDRAL, by HOLLAR, BRILLIANT PROOF before the second and third lines of inscription, with fine margin, gilt frame 1 3849 COLLECTION OF 123 SACRED AND OTHER SUBJECTS, FIGURES OF SAINTS, &c. by Wierix, Galle, Collaert, &c. fine impressions, neatly mounted in 4/0 volume, morocco, g. e. 3850 Paysages dedie"s a M, Watelet par Gessner. 21 coloured etchings, 1764 3851 Berlin, Series of 30 Views of the City of, small oblong 3852 Rome. Antiquities of Rome, 69 fine plates (small size) by Piranesi, oblong, half morocco, m. e. 3853 Lewis (J. F.) Twelve Etchings of Domestic Subjects, india proofs folio, n. d. 3854 Cooke ("W. B. and G.) Views of the Thames, 75 beautiful engravings after De Wint, Havell and Owen (56 large and 19 small size), proofs, no letterpress, in a portfolio 1822 3855 Campbell's Gertrude of Wyoming, by Hicks ; and Thomson's Castle of Indolence, by Bastin, 25 plates in outline, and on wood, 1845-6 3856 Keepsake for 1828, Series of 19 LARGE PAPER INDIA PROOF ILLUS- TRATIONS, and 17 others from different Works 3857 Constable (John) Various Subjects of Landscape characteristic of English Scenery, plates by Lucas, oblong 1830 3858 Various Portraits 9 3859 Earl of Stafford, Lord Brooke, from Lodge, proofs 7 3860 Countess of Bedford and Devonshire, &c. from Lodge, proofs 5 3861 Earl of Arundel, by Basire 31 3862 Various Clergy, &c. 8 3863 Countess of Richmond, and various Ladies, &c. 19 3864 Mr.Leveridge, after Frye, by Pether ; Mr. Gomeldon, by W. Failhorne, &c. 3 3865 Thomas Murrey, by Smith, &c. 2 3866 Faraday, by Cousins, Reynolds, &c. 7 3867 Thomas Gent, after N". Drake, by V. Green, proof 1 3868 Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, by Houbraken, ^roo/ 1 before letters I 3869 Duke of Somerset, by Houbraken, proof before letters 1 3870 Sir Walter Raleigh, by Houbraken, proof before letters 1 3871 Sir C. Wren, by Smith, J. Ward, &c. 7 3872 George Vertue, by Richardson, &c. 2 3873 Comte d'Harcourt, after Mignard, by Masson . 1 3874 Bossuet, after Rigaud, by Drevet 1 3875 N. de la Faille and his Wife, by Goltzius, &c. 3 3876 M. de Marigny and J. B. Masse, by J. G. Wille 2 3877 Comte de Saint Florentin, by Wille 1 3878 Portraits of Boccaccio, Giorgione, Aretin, and Sebastian del Pioinbo, by Van Dalen 4 287 3879 Do Guerin, by J. G. Wille, &c. 2 3880 Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, after Vandyck, by P. de Jode 2 3881 G. de Brisacier, by A. Maason 1 3882 G. de Brisacier, by A. Masson, &c. 2 3883 G. de Nesmond, by Lempant ; Henry de Savoy, &c. 3 3884 Duke of Bavaria, by Delph, &c. 3 3885 Duke de Berry, by Edelinck, &c. 2 3886 F. Quesnay, by H. G. Wille, &c. 2 3887 Various, by Houbraken, JSTanteuil, &c. 11 3888 De Meilhan, by Bervic ; Bignon, by Drevet, &c. 3 3S89 Le Bouthillier, by Nanteuil, Ac. 4 3890 A . de Coster, after Vandyck, by P. de Pont, with the Q. H., &c. 2 3891 Gevartius, after Vandyck, by P. de Pont, with the Q. H. 4 3892 Mereveldt, by Delpb, proof before letters 1 3893 P. Pontius, after Vandyck, by Pont, with the a. H., &c. 2 3894 Van Uden, after Vandyck, by Vosterman, with the G. H., &c. 2 3895 De Gusman, after Vandyck, by Pontius, with the Q. H., &c. 4 3896 Do Mytens, after Vandyck, by Pontius, &c. 3 3897 Various Ladies, after Vandyck, by Pontius, <&c. 11 3898 Ferdinand of Austria, &c. 9 3899 Eigaud, by Edelinck, &c. 2 3900 Louis L'Areraberg, by J. G. MM\\QT, proof 2 3901 Francois Vetroy, by Delaunay 1 3902 F. Mieria, by himself, proof 1 3903 J. G. Wille, by Muller, &c. 2 3904 Schmidt, by himself, proof before letters 1 3905 Various Artists, by Haid 3906 Eigaud, by Drevet, &c. 3 3907 C. Halle, by Larmessin, &c. 8 3908 Silvester, by Edelinck, &c. 10 3909 F. Boucher, by Carmona, &c. 6 3910 Mignard, by Vermeulen, &c. 3 3911 E. Mengs, by Cunego, &c. 14 3912 Pitteri, by himself, &c. 8 3913 F. Girardon, by Ducuange 4 3914 C. le Brun, by Edelinck, &c. 2 3915 Madame le Brun, by J. G. Muller, &c. 7 3916 Houbraken, by himself; Tanje, &c. 6 3917 Goltzius,bySuyderhoef, &c. 10 3918 Vitre, by Morin, &c. 19 3919 G. Flinck, by Blotelingh 1 3920 A. Durer ; Giorgone, by Hollar, &c. 4 3921 Princess of Lorraine, by De Leu, &c. 2 3922 N. Lamberz, by Drevet, &c. 3 3923 A Portfolio of Lodge's Portraits, proofs "before letters 3924 Small Portfolio of Topography 3925 Small Portfolio, Illustrations to Shakespeare, &c. 3926 Small Portfolio of Portraits 3927 Various Topography 3928 A Portfolio of Eoyal Portraits 3929 A Portfolio of Drawings of London Churches, and other Views 3930 Lodge's Portraits 3931 Various Outlines 3932 Arabian Nights, by Smirke 3933 Various English and Foreign Topography 9343 Various Portraits of Royalty, Nobility, by Vertue, Faber, &c. 3935 Eaphael's Erescoes in the Vatican 3936 A large Portfolio with leaves 3937 Two other Portfolios END OP THE SALE. DRTDEN PRESS: J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los J SOUTHERN REGIONA1. LIBRARY FAC.UTY A 000 901 807 8 v \ <