U 670 C7 UC-NRLF baa mm&& <^ K O *K Q> s -8-O qp 6/' LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received.. PRINCIPLES SQUAD INSTRUCTION BROADSWORD. BY A. J. C O R B E S I E R ; SWORD-MASTER OP THE U. S. NAVAL ACADEMY, ANNAPOLIS, MD. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1872. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in* the year 1869, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I HAVE examined this book, and find it to be what is desired by beginners in broadsword, and strongly recommend the publication thereof. DAYID D. PORTER/ Vice-Admiral. U. S. NAVAL ACADEMY, ANNAPOLIS, N.i>.,Nov. 4, 1868. VICE-ADMIRAL DAVID D. PORTER, U. S. K, Superintendent Sir, In obedience to your order of October 28th, 1868, we have carefully examined the work entitled " Principles of Squad Instruction in Broad sword Exercise," prepared by Mr. Corbesier, and would respectfully recommend that it be published for use throughout the navy. Yery respectfully, Your obedient servants, E. O. MATTHEWS, Lt. Com. EDW. TERRY, Lt. Com. S. P. GILLETT, Lt. Com. Approved. D. D. PORTER, Vice- Admiral. 1* (v) INTEODUOTIOK THE design of this work in the " Broadsword Manual" is not to present anything new or origi- nal, but simply to give, if possible, uniformity to the exercise with a most important weapon of attack and defense. The instructions herein contained have formed, during the past two years, part of the ''Course of Fencing" at the Naval Academy; and the good results there attained have induced the author to put the method before the officers of the navy generally. p He feels the more confident in doing this, be- cause it seems to supply a want long experienced (vii) viii INTR OD UCTION. by naval officers in their instruction of the men. To teach efficiently, there must be some recog- nized system; and, without claiming any extraor- dinary merit for this work, the author feels it will assist both instructor and pupil. CONTENTS. PAQB INTRODUCTION ,... 7 BASIS OF INSTRUCTION. General Kules 11 FIRST LESSON. Attention 15 Carry Saber 15 To open Intervals 16 Half-face 7. 16 Saber in Line 16 The Moulinets 17 To close the Intervals 20 To Dismiss 20 SECOND LESSON. Guard 21 Advance 22 Retreat 23 One Appel 23 Develop 23 The Head Cut 24 Left Cheek Cut 25 (ix) x CONTENTS. PAGE Left Flank Cut 26 Thrust 26 Change Guard 27 Eight Cheek Cut 27 Eight Flank Cut 28 The Head Parry 28 Left Cheek Parry 29 Eight Cheek Parry 29 Left Flank Parry 30 Eight Flank Parry 31 Thrust Parry , 31 THIED LESSON. About-face Cover 33 Guard... 33 Advance or Eetreat (No. I or 2) 33 Cuts for No. 1 (hand in tierce) 34 Cuts for No. 2 (hand in tierce) 34 Change Guard 34 Cuts for No. 1 (hand in quarte) 34 Cuts for No. 2 (hand in quarte) 35 ATTACKS AND EIPOSTES 35 Feints 37 To Dismiss 39 PRINCIPAL EETURNS AFTER EACH PARRY, AND THE MANNER or EXECUTING THEM 40 ADDENDA 45 SABER EXERCISE. THE object of this method is to facili- tate the instruction of the use of the sword in the navy. GENERAL RULES. 1st. The instructor will never cause a movement to be executed before he has given the requisite explanation, and will also execute it himself, in order to com- bine example with principle. 2d. He will always repeat that part of the explanation which he perceives has not been understood. 3d. He will see that the men take the (11) 12 SABER EXERCISE. proper position and execute each motion with correctness and energy, and will not allow them to begin the more diffi- cult cuts and parries before they execute the primary movements perfectly. 4th. For the first two lessons, the men in each section (which is composed of twelve) will be placed in single rank, at a distance of four paces apart. 5th. For the third lesson, the division, composed of twenty-four men, will be placed in two such ranks, these ranks facing each other. 6th. The instructor will place himself ten paces in front, and opposite the cen- ter of the rank in the first two lessons, and on the flank in the third lesson. 7th. During rest, he will explain to the men that the sword is divided into two parts. 8th. The first part, which is that half SABER EXERCISE. 13 next to the guard, is called "Le fort" (or defensive), and is used for parrying. 9th. The second part, which is the upper half, is called "Le faible" (or of- fensive), and is used for cutting. 10th. "Tierce" is that position in which the edge is turned to the right (nails downward). llth. "Quarte" is that position in which the edge is turned to the left (nails upward). 12th. The attack will always be made with suppleness of hand, without which there would result a delay in coming back on guard, and the blow would not have its full effect. For example, take a razor, and, by making a cut down, the wound would not be so long as that caused by drawing the razor along the part: the same with the saber. 13th. The instructor will permit the 14 SABER EXERCISE. men to rest two or three times during the hour, to the command "In place rest." 14th. At this command, the men are permitted to talk, but not to move from their places. 15th. When the instructor shall wish to recommence the exercise, he will com- mand "Attention!" 16th. At this command, the men will take the proper position, and pay atten- tion. 17th. The object of the "moulinet" is to supple the wrist, and give it strength to manage the sword, to make and parry a cut quickly, and should therefore be frequently practiced. SABER EXERCISE. 15 FIRST LESSON. 18th. The men will be placed in single rank, Shoulder to shoulder. ATTENTION ! 19th. The men will take the position of a soldier. The saber will be in the right hand, the nails of the hand down, the arm hanging naturally, the point of the saber toward the ground, and 5 inches to the right of the right toe, the edge to the right. 1. CARRY. 2. SABER. One time. 20th. The saber will be brought up to the right shoulder, the back of the blade against the hollow of the shoulder, the wrist resting against the hip, and the elbow directly to the rear, the little finger on the outside of the gripe. 16 SABER EXERCISE. L BY THE RIGHT FLANK. 2. FOUR PACES, TAKE INTERVALS, 3. MARCH. 21st. Executed per Upton's Tactics, Skirmish Drill. 22d. The instructor may take intervals by the left flank, if he desires. 1. HALF-FACE. 2. To THE L-EFT. One time and one motion. 23d. Make a half-face to the left, turn on the left heel so as to bring the right foot pointing square to the front and the left perpendicular to it; drop the point of the saber so as to bring it in the pro- longation of the right foot, and the edge to the right; bend the left arm so as to bring the left forearm horizontal and in rear of the back; the left hand closed. SABER IN LINE. One time. 24th. Raise the right hand to the SABER EXERCISE 17 height and in front of the right shoulder, and bring the saber and the arm in the same horizontal line, the edge up, the nails turned to the left (position of tierce). (PI. 1.) 25th. From this position the men will execute the "moulinets." 1. LEFT. 2. MOULINET. One time. 26th. (Hand in Tierce.] At the com- mand "Moulinet!" the point of the saber must be dropped and brought up again to the rear, grazing the left shoulder, back to its original position, thus de- scribing a complete circle. (PL 1.) 1. RIGHT. 2. MOULINET. One time. 27tli. (Hand in Quarte.) Executed the same as the last, except that the circle is 18 SAB EH EXERCISE. described to the right of the arm instead of the left. (PL 2.) 28th. Execute the "moulinets" quickly in succession, without stopping between. 1. LEFT AND RIGHT. 2. MOULINET. One time and two motions. 29th. Execute first the left and then the right "moulinet," without stopping between, as per Rules 28 and 29. (PI. 1.) 30th. If the instructor wishes to begin, with the right, he will command: 1. RIGHT AND LEFT. 2. MOULINET. One time and two motions. 31st. The same as in Rule 29, except beginning with the right instead of the left "moulinet." (PL 2.) 1. LEFT FLANK. 2. MOULINET. One time and one motion. 32d. (Hand in Tierce.} Bring the point SABER EXERCISE. ig of the sword up, and then down to the rear, grazing the left shoulder, then de- scribing a complete circle in the opposite direction from "left moulinet.". (PL 1.) 1. RIGHT FLANK. 2. MOULINET. One time and one motion. 33d. (Hand in Quarte.) Executed in the same way as "left flank moulinet," except that the circle is described to the right of the arm. (PL 2.) 34th. Execute the " moulinets" with- out stopping between. 1. LEFT AND RIGHT FLANK. 2. MOULINET. One time and two motions. 35th. (Hand in Tierce.} Same as per Rule 29, substituting the flank for the simple "moulinet." (PL 1.) 36th. If the instructor wishes to com- mence with the right, he will command: 20 SABER EXER C1SE. 1. RIGHT AND LEFT FLANK. 2. MOULINET, One time and two motions. 37th. Executed the same as per Rule 31, substituting the flank for the simple moulinet. (PL 2.) 38th The instructor should cause tae moulinet to be executed with the wrist, without bending the arm. 39th. The instructor wishing to close the ranks, will command : CARRY SABER! As it is prescribed in No. 20. 1. BY THE RIGHT FLANK. 2. C.LOSE INTERVALS. 3. MARCH. 40th. Executed as per Upton's Tactics, Skirmish Drill. 41st. The instructor wishing to dis- miss the section, will command : 1. BREAK RANKS. 2. MARCH. 42d. At this command, the men will SABER EXERCISE. 21 break ranks, and return the swords to their proper places. 43d. After the "moulinets" have been well executed, he will pass over to the second lesson. SECOND LESSON. 44th. The section being in single rank, at a distance of four paces apart, at a half-face to the. left, and the instructor wishing to begin, will command : GUARD (in tierce). One time and two motions. 45th. (1st Motion.) Bring the sword quickly up, the point as high as and opposite the left eye, the hand as high as and opposite the nipple of the right breast (hand in tierce), the arm half bent, the elbow in line with the right hip and 3 inches to the front of it, 22 SABER EXERCISE. the left forearm in rear of the back. (Pig. 1, PL 3.) 46th. (2d Motion.) Bend both legs ; ad- vance the right foot 24 inches before the left foot, the knees bent out, the heels in line, the left shoulder thrown back, the weight of the body resting a little more on the left leg. 47th. The guard "in quarte" is taken the same way, except that the fingers are up, the edge of the sword to the left. (Fig. 2, PI. 3.) 48th. When the men are in this posi- tion, he will cause them to advance and retreat, which manoeuvre he will repeat frequently, in order to produce facility of movement and increase agility of motion. To this effect, he will command : ADVANCE! 4 9 th. Advance the right foot 12 inches, SABER EXERCISE. 23 the foot grazing the ground; follow quickly with the left. RETREAT ! 50th. Retreat the left foot 12 inches, and follow quickly with the right, graz- ing either foot on the ground, and bring- ing down the right foot with a stamp. 51st. The men having executed in succession the advance and retreat, the instructor will cause the stamp of the right foot, so as to bring the weight of the body on the left leg. ONE APPEL. 52d. Consisting in stamping the ground with the right foot flat, without moving or raising the body. DEVELOP, 53d. Advance the right foot 24 inches, grazing the ground, at the same time 24 SABER EXERCISE. straighten the left leg, keeping the left foot in its position, flat on the ground, the right knee direct to the front, and the right foreleg vertical; the body and head erect. 54th. In order to come back on guard, it is first necessary to bring the weight of the body back, by bending the left leg, then bring back the right foot to its original position. In the following commands, the part of the body named will be the command of caution, and the word "cut" the com- mand of execution: 1. AT THE HEAD. 2. CUT. One time. 55th. Drop the point of the saber, and make a complete circle with it quickly, as in the "left moulinet," bringing down saber with the edge down, at the SABER EXERCISE. 25 same time stretching the right arm to its full extent, the hand at the height of the forehead and opposite the eye; the point of the saber directly to the front of and 3 inches lower than the hand, the thumb flat along the handle. (Fig. 1, PL 4.) 1. LEFT CHEEK. 2. CUT. One time. 56th. Bring back the wrist 3 inches, so as to be just able to pass over the point of your opponent's sword; at the same time turn your nails up, so as to bring the edge to the left, and straighten your right arm to its full extent, thus cutting at the left cheek by taking the position of attack, the right hand as high as the right eye, taking opposition in carrying the hand to the left. (Fig. 1, PL 5.) 26 SABER EXERCISE. 1. LEFT FLANK 2. CUT. 57th. Executed in the same manner as the last, except cutting at the height of the left flank, immediately above the hip, which is done by holding the sword hori- zontal, and the hand as high as the right nipple, taking opposition in carrying the hand to the left. (Fig. 1, PL 6.) THRUST! One time and one motion. 58th. Drop the point under the op- ponent's sword, at the same time turning the hand as in 24, the edge up; stretch the arm to its full extent, and point the sword at the opponent's right nipple ; the hand as high as your left eye, and taking opposition to the left, by pressing the hand and sword in that direction. (Fig. 1, PL 7.) 59th. The movements of 55, 56, 57, 58, are executed for tierce engagement. SABER EXERCISE. 27 60th. In order to execute the one which will be described in 62 and 66, the instructor will cause the men to change guard, to which effect he will command : CHANGE GUARD ! One time and one motion. 61st. At this command, the men will take the guard "in quarte," by turning the knuckles down, so as to make the sword edge to the left. 1. RIGHT CHEEK. 2. CUT. One time and one motion. 62d. Draw back the wrist 3 inches, so as to make the sword just pass over that point of your opponent, at the same time turning the knuckles up, so as to bring the edge to the right, stretching out the arm bent in this way as high as the cheek, the hand as high as the left eye. (Fig. 1, PL 8.) 28 SABER EXERCISE. 1. RIGHT FLANK. 2. CUT. One time and one motion. 63d. Executed in the same way as the last, except cutting at the right flank, immediately above the hip, which is done by holding the sword horizontal and the hand as high as the left nipple. In both the above motions, take opposition to the right, by pressing the sword in that direc- tion.* (Fig. 1, PI. 9.) 64th. In order to make the parries, the instructor should cause the men to take guard of tierce. 1. HEAD. 2. PARRY. One time. 65th. Bring the sword quickly above the head, and hold it with as much firm- ness as possible, the arm half bent, the * The develop must always be executed with all these cuts. SABER EXERCISE. 29 edge up, the blade 3 inches in front of and above the head, the hand oppo- site the right ear, the point to the left, and 4 inches lower than the hand, the thumb flat along the handle. (Fig. 2, PI. 4.) 1. LEFT CHEEK. 2. PARRY. One time. 66th. Bring the sword quickly to the left, and hold it with as much firmness as possible, the elbow supported against the right hip, the edge to the left, the blade 5 inches to the front and left of the left ear, the sword vertical, with the point up, the hand opposite and 3 inches from the left shoulder, the thumb flat on the handle. (Fig. 2, PI. 5.) 1. RIGHT CHEEK. 2. PARRY. One time. 67th. Bring the sword quickly to the right, and hold it with as much firmness 3* 30 SABER EXERCISE. as possible, at the same time turning the hand, so as to bring the edge to the right, the blade 5 inches to the front and right of the right ear, the elbow close against the body, the hand oppo- site and 4 inches from the right shoulder, the sword vertical, with the point up, the thumb flat along the handle. (Fig. 2, PL 8.) 1. LEFT FLANK. 2. PARRY. One time. 68th. Drop the point and carry the sword to the left side, the blade 6 inches from the body, the point down, the edge to the left, the hand as high as the nip- ple, and opposite to and 4 inches from the left flank, the elbow in a straight line with the hand, the thumb flat along the handle, the point pointing slightly to- ward the front, so as to bring the sword and back of the hand in one straight line. (Fig. 2, PI. 6 ) SABER EXERCISE. 31 1. RIGHT FLANK. 2. PARRY. 69th. Drop the point and carry the sword quickly to the right of the right knee, the point down and pointing toward the ground, at about 3 inches to the front and right of the right foot, so as to bring the sword in one straight line with the back of the hand, the edge to the right, the blade 6 inches from the body, the hand as high as and 2 inches above the belt, the elbow to the rear, and the thumb flat along the handle. (Fig. 2, PI. 9.) 1. THRUST. 2. PARRY. One time and two motions. 70th. Drop your point to the right of your opponent's sword, and press with "le fort" of your sword le faible" of your opponent's, so as to throw the point to the left of your body, and bring your- 32 SABER EXERVISE. self to the position of "Left flank Parry/' except having the hand a little higher. (Fig. 2, PL 7.) 71st. After each "attack" or "parry," the instructor will command, "On Guard/' in order to bring the men back in posi- tion. 72d. The instructor will close the rank after this lesson, as prescribed in Les- son L, Rules 40 and 42, THIRD LESS03ST. 73d. The division being in two ranks, closed, the instructor will execute what is described in Rules 19, 2.0, 21. 74th. He will then open the ranks as in 21 and 22. 75th, In this lesson the front rank will be called No. 1, and the rear No. 2. SABER EXERCISE. 3$ No. I. 1. ABOUT FACE. 2. COVER. 76th. At the first command, No. 1 faces about. 77th. At the second command, both ranks will make a half-face to the left, per Rule 23, directly opposite to each other. OUARD! One time and two motions* 78th. As explained in Rule 45; but' in this lesson the two motions are to be made without separate commands. 79th. The instructor will place him- self in a position where he can see both ranks, and cause the men to obey the following commands: No. 1. ADVANCE (or RETREAT). 80th. At this command, No. 1 ad- vances (or retreats), and No. 2 executes just the opposite, at the same time. 34 SABER EXERCISE. No. 1. At the headCut Guard. " " left cheek Cut Guard. " " left flank Cut Guard. " Thrust Guard. 81st. The instructor will cause No. 2 to make the correct parry when No. 1 makes the above cuts at him. No. 2. ADVANCE (or RETREAT). 82d. Same remarks as in Rule 80. No. 2. At the head Cut Guard. " " left eheek Cut Guard. " " left flank Cut Guard. " Thrust Guard. 83d. Same remarks for No. 1. as for No. 2 in Rule 81. No. 1 (or 2). CHANGE GUARD One time and one motion. 84th. The number indicated draws back the wrist of his sword 3 inches, SABER EXERCISE. 35 so as to just pass over the point of his opponent's sword; at the same time both ranks turn the knuckles down, so as to make the edge touch (position of quarte). 85th. No. 1. Right cheek Cut Guard. " Right flank Cut Guard. 86th, The same attacks for No. 2, and the same remarks for both as in Rule 81. ATTACKS AND EIPOSTES. 87th. No. 1. At the head Cut. " left cheek Cut. " " left flank Cut. . " Thrust Cut. 2. Parry and cut, left flank March Guard. " " right flank March Guard. " " head March Guard. left cheek March Guard. 88th. Cause No. 2 to make the same attacks and No. 1 the same ripostes. 36 SABER EXERCISE. 89th. The instructor will cause either No. 1 or No. 2 to change guard for the following exercise, as in Rule 84. 90th. No. 1. Right 'cheek Cut. " flank Cut. 2. Parry and cut, left flank March Guard. " " head March Guard. " " left cheek March Guard. 91st. Cause No. 2 to make the same attacks and No. 1 the same ripostes. 92d. The instructor will pay particular attention to see that all the movements are executed correctly, especially the at- tacks and ripostes. Most of the men will not make the attacks fully,, and will not stretch the left leg well ; others will not make the "parries" properly. The instructor will make the attacking party remain on a lunge until he has corrected all the positions. SABER EXERCISE. 37 FEINTS. 93d. In making a feint, it is necessary to stretch the arm to its full extent/ and go through the motion in the same man- ner as with a cut, so as to oblige the oppo- nent to parry, the only difference being in not moving the body in a feint, but only going through the complete motion with the arm. 94th. At first the instructor will cause the men to make the feints by the mo- tions, to the command "One," "Two." At the first the feint, and at the second the attack is made. Example Feint at the Head. Cut left cheek. 95th. At the command "One," a feint is made at the head, and at the com- mand "Two," the cut at the left flank. 4 38 SABER EXERCISE. 96th. More than two feints should never be made. 97th. No. 1. Feint at the head Cut, left flank March Guard. " Feint at left cheek Cut, right flank March Guard. " Feint at left flank Cut, head- March Guard. " Feint at thrust Cut, head March Guard; " Feint at left cheek Cut, right cheek March Guard. 98th. The same as above for No. 2. 99th. The instructor will cause the men to take the guard of "quarte" for the following motions : 100th. No. 1. Feint at right flank Cut, left cheek March Guard. Feint at right cheek Cut, left flank March Guard. " Feint at right cheek Cut, left cheek March Guard. SABEK EXERCISE. 39 No. 2 will execute the same. 101st. The instructor will finish up with some simple cuts, and " advancing and retreating." 102d. The instructor wishing to close the ranks, will command : No. 1 ABOUT FACE. 103d. Executed as in 76. 1. CLOSE ORDER. 2. MARCH. 101th. Execute per Upton's Tactics. 2. BY THE RIGHT (or LEFT) FLANK CLOSE IN TERVALS. 2. MARCH. 105th. Same as in 40. 1. RIGHT FACE. 2. BREAK RANKS. 3. MARCH, PEmCIPAL BETHELS AFTEK EACH PAKKY, AND THE MANNEK OF EXECUTING THEM. AFTER THE PARRY OP HEAD. 1. Cut left flank. Describe a circle with the point above the head, the point first going to the rear, without disturb- ing the position of the hand, then turn the nails up, the edge to the left, and execute the blow per Rule 58. 2. Cut left cheeJc. Executed as the last, only instead of cutting at the "left flank" cut at the "left cheek," per Rule 57. AFTER THE PARRY OF RIGHT CHEEK. Cut left flank. Drop the point quickly to the rear, without deranging the posi- (40) SABER EXERCISE. 41 tion of the hand, so as to bring the sword parallel to and below that of the assailant. This will bring the nails up, the edge to the right, from which position cut at the left flank, the sword passing under that of the opponent. (Rule 58.) AFTER THE PARRY OF LEFT CHEEK. 1. Cut right flanlt. Drop the point quickly to the rear, without deranging the position of the hand, so as to bring the sword parallel to and below that of the assailant. This will bring the nails down, the edge to the left, from which position cut at the right flank, the sword passing under that of the opponent. (Rule 64.) 2. Cut right cheek. Pass the sword quickly along the inside of the oppo- nent's blade, at the same time stretch 4* 42 SABER EXERCISE. the arm, turn the knuckles up, the edge to the right, and execute the cut per Rule 63. AFTER THE PARRY OP LEFT FLANK. 1. Cut at the head. Make the point describe a circle similar to that of "left moulinet," using the wrist alone, then stretch the arm and execute the cut per Rule 64. 2. The cut at the left cheek can be made in the same manner; also the "thrust," if the attack is made with the hand too high, by pointing the sword toward the right nipple ; and the cut at "right cheek" can be made, if the attack is made with the hand too low, by drawing back the wrist and then passing over the opponent's sword. SABER EXERCISE. 43 AFTER THE PARRY OP RIGHT FLANK. 1. Cut at the head. Bring the sword inside the right knee, and then finish as in cutting at head from "left flank, parry." 2. Cut at left cheek, if the attack is made with the hand too low, by passing over the opponent's sword, and then stretching the .arms quickly, nails up, edge to the left, as per Rule 57. NOTE. Generally the cut at the flank is made at the lower part of the leg instead of the flank, and in that case the best- parry is to draw back the right foot quickly against the left, at the same time stretching the arm, bringing the sword in line (edge down) and cutting at the head, without defending one's self otherwise. Sometimes the cut at the lower part of the leg is made only for a feint, in order to parry the head, without drawing -back the right leg from the position of attack, and finally returning the 44 SABER EXERCISE. left flank from the position with almost sure success. In this case the party attacked should not cut at the head, but only feint at it, and then cut " left flank." AFTER THE PARRY OF THRUST. Cut at the head. In the same manner as from parry of left flank. CUT AT THE FOREARM. In order to parry this cut, throw the point quickly to the right, by moving the wrist two (2) inches in that direc- tion, and turning the nails up, and edge to the left, then stretch the arm, and return by a cut at "left cheek." (PL 10.) ADDENDA. AFTER having finished the instruction in the book, it is beneficial for the men to practice the following lessons, com- posed of attacks and ripostes, so as to get used to make assaults between them- selves : FIRST LESSON. No. 1. At the head Cut. " 2. Left cheek Cut. l._Rjght flank Cut. " 2. At the head Cut. " 1. Left flank Cut. SECOND LESSON. No. 1. Left cheek Cut. " 2 Right flank Cut. l._At the head Cut. " 2. Left flank Cut. (45) 46 SABER EXERCISE. THIRD LESSON. No. 1. Left flank Cut. " 2. At the head Cut. " 1. Left flank Cut. FOURTH LESSON. No. 1. Advance. 2. Thrust. " \.-At the head Cut. < 2. Left flank Cut. FIFTH LESSON. No. 1. Feint at the left cheek Cut, right cheek. 2. Left flank Cut. l._At the head Cut. 2. Feint at the left flank at the head Cut. SIXTH LESSON. No. 1. Feint at the head Cut, left flank. " 2. At the head Cut. " 1. Left flank Cut. NOTE. This last exercise is one of the most essential, but it is necessary before commencing- SABER EXERCISE. 47 it to understand each separate part well, and execute it in such a manner as to give it its full effect; if these blows are made quickly, in suc- cession, without letting them be learned well in detail, the instruction will result in failure. The striker will, if the blows are made too quickly in succession, have to come back on "parry" before the blow is executed, and therefore at the expense of it, and also of the guard, to which he will not have time to come properly. The reader will therefore see that, in order to give the attacking party chance of success, each motion must be executed fully and deliberately. PLATli II. 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