)^ V "^IMN'ilWV ^ojnvjjo^ %ojiiv3J' ^lOSANGEIij^. ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^OKALIFOJ ^ a itY> *• ^awmih^' y #Aav» tf[JBRARY#/, ^OJIIVJ-JO" ^UIBRARY-0/ ^ ^c \WE-UNIVER% v^LOSANGFL ^OJIIVD-JO^ <^13DNVS01^ ^OFCALIFOft^ ^OKALIFOM^ ^EUN1VER% ^dOS-ANGEl ^■AavaaiHW'' ^Aavnan-^' : #H3NV-SQ1^ ^AMAINf]] 1 ^WEUMIVERX^. ^lOS-ANGEIfj^, ^UiBRARY/^ ^LIBRARY ^KJNV'SOI^ ^flHAINIHWV WVER% ^lOS-ANGELfjv ^QFCAil FO%, •OKALIFOJ ^HIBRARYQ^ ^\i UNIVERV/x ^clOSANGEU Ov y^ ^TUDNVSOV^ "^AHiAINMl Mojito- jo> Mojito-jo* ^LOS-ANGEIfj^. ^OF-CALIFO^ ^OFCALIF(% ^ y 0AavaaiH^ \WFUNIVER; ^AHvyen^ vjs.Lwo nnuLLLj^A ^OJ IWD JO^ ^TJUDNV-SOl^ "^/HI3AIN(1-3\\V> '%0J 1TVD-J ^OFCALIF(% \WE-UNIVER%. ^LOSANGELfr^ ^OF CAIIFO ''O-mW^' ^tllKKAKY^ ^UIMAKW/^ ^EUNIVER %a3AIN!l3\W^ %03!1V330^ %(HnV3jtf^ "%139NVSO ^LOS-ANGFL£j> ,OFCA1IFO% 5& ^ OFCALIF0% .\Vtf-MIVER i %ai\iNfl--3V^ : ^ahv^ih^ 7 ^AHvaan-^ /$ ^OJIWJ-JOt \t-UBRAR> Sift LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGUE OF EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC (BEFORE 1800) BY JULIA GREGORY OF THE CATALOGUE DIVISION PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF O. G. SONNECK CHIEF OF THE DIVISION OF MUSIC 29099 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 L. C. card, 12-35008 For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. Price, 60 Cents ML l 3 G PREFATORY NOTE The "musical renaissance" movement is placing ever increasing treasures of olden time music before us in the form of "Denkmaler" and similar, more or less, monumental publications, edited by com- petent musical scholars. Thus the old masters, of music are again accessible to libraries which could not and can not acquire them in the very costly and scarce original editions, and this remark applies for obvious reasons to practically all American libraries. While therefore the evolution of modern music may be fairly well reconstructed through the medium of these modern editions of old music, it is entirely different with the old books on music in which there lies stored such a great wealth of historical suggestion and fact. They are not accessible in reprint, if we except certain works by standard authors — I mention at random Altenburg, Agricola, St. Augustine, Bach, Blankenburgh, Boethius, Diruta, Glarean, Haw- kins, Mattheson, Parfaict, Praetorius, Quantz, Ramos de Pareja, Schlick, Virdung, Zacconi. Confronted by this fact, the Library of Congress, immediately after the reorganization of the Music Division in 1902, undertook systematically to collect the old books on music in the original (because practically, only available) editions. In the short space of ten years it was, of course, impossible to acquire every rare book of moment and in some instances this was due less to rarity than to prohibitive cost. Fortunately, a few such books are available either in modern reprints at the Library of Con- gress, or they found their way years ago, when prices were less exasperating, to other American libraries, principally the Boston Public, the New York Public and the Newberry Library of Chicago. It would be unsafe to assume that an old book on music is not to be found in America because it happens to be wanting here in the largest American collection of the kind. Possibly, if fortune favors us, certain annoying gaps in our own collections, annoying because of the otherwise comprehensive character of the collections, will gradually disappear. But, whether or not fortune will so favor us, it was felt that the publication of a catalogue of the old books on music already in the Library of Congress — prob- ably more than a third of the entire output before 1800 — had become advisable in the interest of musicology at home and abroad. One point, however, should not be overlooked. It has not been the policy of the Library of Congress to collect every or even many edi- 3 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS tions of a rare book, much less every known translation. The mat- ter embodied in the edition usually decided our choice of edition. Nor did first editions without distinguishing matter tempt us, merely because they were Jlrst editions. Such a complete representation of the typographical history of a book may be and is a legitimate desid- eratum in special collections, but is not necessarily an essential in a general collection as planned by the Library of Congress. This catalogue is practically the work of Miss Julia Gregory of the Catalogue Division, and, with revisions and certain modifications, represents the catalogue cards prepared since 1902. The adoption of the Anglo-American code of rules some years later will account for occasional slight variations in form between earlier and later entries. Suggestions that would naturally be offered from time to time by the chief of the Music Division, in whose custody the books are kept, have not materially affected the character of Miss Gregory's work. He assumes, however, the full responsibility for the form of this book, and for a few minor deviations from the code of "Catalogue rules, compiled by Committees of the American Library Association and the (British) Library Association," published 1908 with the modifications in force in the Catalogue Division of the Library of Congress. In case of doubt as to the meaning of a collation, etc., the user of the Catalogue is referred to that publication. To avoid misunderstanding, it may be stated that the entries have as a rule been restricted to books dealing exclusively or in an essential degree with music. Many of the latter are not shelved in the Music Division, but elsewhere, and this accounts for classification symbols other than M, ML and MT to be found in this catalogue. Books dealing only incidentally with music, such as Forkel, for instance, enumerates, have been excluded for practical reasons, though their incidental musical matter may possess a greater scientific value than treatises devoted exclusively to music. Finally, a subject index has been dispensed with after mature reflection, principally because the old books do not lend themselves satisfactorily to modern subject head- ings, and because a really useful subject index would have involved analytical labor of such magnitude as to be clearly out of proportion to its usefulness for the musicological expert, the person for whom alone it could possess a practical value. At the end of the volume will be found an "Index to anonymous works, including references to special contents" as compiled by me, and entries for books received too late for insertion in the main alphabet. O. G. Sonneck Chief, Music Division Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, May, 1913 > « J. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC A. See Sendschreiben an die herren verfasser der Freyen urtheile, 1750. ♦ A., J. A. See Keinspeck, M. Liliu musice plane [1506] ABC Dario musico. Bath, Printed for the authors, and sold at the rooms; [etc., etc.] 1780. 1 p. I., iii, [5]-51 p. 21} cm . Critical notices of the principal musicians of the period, resident in England. ML105.A2A2 Aaron, Pietro. Compendiolo di molti dvbbi, segreti et sentenze intorno al canto fermo, et figvrato, da molti eccellenti & consumati musici dichiarate, raccolte dallo eccellente & scienzato autore frate Pietro Aron del ordine de Crosachieri & della inclita citta di Firenze. In memoria eterna erit Aron, et nomen eius nunquam destruetur. In Milano, Per Io. Antonio da Castelliono stampatore [ca. 1545] [76] p. 21i cm .' Printer's mark on t.-p. Signatures: 4 1. unsigned, A-C, A-D in fours, E in six. ML171.A11 Libri tres de institvtione harmonica editi a Petro Aaron Flor&itino interprete Io. Antonio Flam. Foro Cornelite. [Colophon: Impressum Bononiae in aedibus Benedicti Hectoris bibliopolae bononiensis. Tempore pontificates domini nostri Leonis pape decimi. mcccccxvi] 62 numb. 1. 20i cm . Title within ornamental border; printer's mark at end. Leaf 39 numbered 38. ML171.A15 Lvcidario in mvsica di alcvne oppenioni antiche, et moderne con le loro oppositioni, & resolution^ con molti altri secreti appresso, & questiom da altrui anchora non dichiarati, composto dall' eccellente, & consumato musico Pietro Aron del ordine de Crosachieri, & della citta di Firenze. [Colophon: In Vinegia appresso Girolamo Scotto. Nel m.d.xlv] 12 unnumb. 1., 41 numb. 1. illus. (port.) 21£xl5£ cm . ML171.A16 Toscanello in mvsica di messer Piero Aron . . . nvovamente stam- pato con laggivnta da lvi fatta et con diligentia corretto . . . [Colophon: Stampato in Vinegia per maestro Bernardino & maestro Matheo de Vitali Venitiani el di v. de iulii mille cinquecento. xxix.] [124] p. illus. 29 cm . Initials. Signatures: a, A-K in fours, L in six, M-N in fours, O in six. On verso of [a iiii] is a full page illustration representing Aaron in his lecture room which appears also in his "Trattato," 1525. In this copy the signature L 6, origi- nally blank, contains in contemporary (?) hand "Versus de ligaturis I musica " an^ commentary. ML171.A13 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Aaron, Pietro — Continued. Trattato della natvra et cognitione di tvtti gli tvoni^di canto figvrato non da altrvi piv scritti, composti per Messer Piero Aaron mvsico fiorentino canonico in Rimini maestro di casa del reve do et magnifico cavaliere hierosolimitano Messer Sebastiano Michele priore di Vinetia. [Colophon: Impresso in Vinegia per Maestro Bernardino de Vitali Venitiano el di qvarto di agosto. m.ccccc.xxv. Con privilegio] [48] p. illus. 30£ cm . Signatures: 3 1. unsigned, a in three, b-d in twos, e-g in fours. Title within ornamental border, consisting of an architectural design supported by columns, with portraits of famous classical authors, and at foot the Muses in two groups; initials. Bound with L. of C. copy of the author's Toscanello in musica, is a supplement to the present work, comprising 12 p., sig. aa-[aa6], with colophon "Stampato in Vinegia per Bernardino de Vitali Venetiano. m.d.xxxi," but without title. ML171.A14 Abbe lejils. See Saint-Sevin, Joseph Barnabe. Abercorn, James Hamilton, 7th earl of, 1685-1744. See Pepusch, J. C. A short treatise on harmony, 1730. Abguerbe, Quentin Godin d\ See Godin d' Abguerbe, Quentin. Abhandlung von den pantomimen, historisch und critisch ausgefuhrt. Hamburg, C. S. Geissler, 1749. 6 p. 1., 81 p. 18i cm . Preface dated: Hamburg, im jennermonate, 1749. Attributed to Johann Mattheson by Paul Trommsdorff (Zeitschrift fur biicher- freunde x 3 beiblatt p. 7) on the authority of the Gesamtkatalog der preussi- schen bibliotheken. In the British museum catalogue the work is ascribed to Johann Christoph Strodtmann. ML3460.A2A14 Abreu, Antonio. Escuela para tocar con perfeccion la guitarra de cinco y seis ordenes, con reglas generates de mano izquierda y derecha. Trata de las cantorias y pasos dificiles que se pueden ofrecer, con metodo facil de executarlas con prontitud y limpieza por una y otra mano. Compuesta por D. Antonio Abreu . . . Ilustrada y aumentada con varios divertimientos honestos y utiles para los aficionados a este instrumento: por el P. F. Victor Prieto ... La da a luz su apa- sionado N. N. Salamanca, En la imprenta de la Calle del prior, 1799. 107 p. 3 pi. (music) 20 cm . MT582.A2A2 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 7 Academy of ancient music, London. Letters from the Academy of ancient musick at London, to Sig r Antonio Lotti of Venice: witn his answers and testimonies. London, Printed by G. James, 1732. 1 p. 1., 41 p. 20 om . The letters are given in the original Latin, French or Italian, with English translation on opposite pages. ML410.L88A2 R. Accademia filarmonica, Bologna. Statuti owero costituzioni de' signori accademici filarmonici di Bologna promulgati sotto gli auspici dell' eminentissimo, e reveren- dissimo principe il Sig. cardinale rietro Ottoboni*. . . degnissimo protettore di detta accademia. Bologna, G. B. Bianchi, 1721. 4 p. l.,52p. 23 cm . ML290.8.B68A3 Adami da Bolsena, Andrea, 1663-1742. Osservazioni per ben regolare il coro de i cantori della Cappella pontificia, tanto nelle funzioni ordinarie, che straordinarie, fatte da Andrea Adami da Bolsena, tra gl'Arcadi Caricle Piseo, maestro della medesima cappella . . . Roma, A. de' Rossi, 1711. 10 p. 1., xlvj, 215, [3] p. illus. (ports.) port. 24J x 17 cm . Title vignette; tail-pieces. Added t.-p., engr. MT88.A2A19 Adgate, Andrew, d. 1793. See Introductory lessons, practised by the Uranian society [1785] Adlung, Jacob, 1699-1762. M. Jacob Adlungs . . . Anleitung zu der musikalischen gelahrt- heit; theils vor alle gelehrte, so das band aller wissenschaften einsehen; theils vor die liebhaber der edlen tonkimst uberhaupt; theils und sonderlich vor die, so das clavier vorzuglich lieben; theils vor die orgel- und instrumentmacher. Mit kupfern und einer vorrede des . . . herrn Johann Ernst Bachs . . . Erfurt, J. D. Jungnicol, 1758. 30, 814, [34] p. vm pi. 18 cm . Pages 551 and 623 numbered 581 and 62 respectively. ML100.A2A2 M. Jacob Adlungs . . . Anleitung zur musikalischen gelahrt- heit, worinn von der theorie und praxis der alten und neuen musik, von den musikalischen instrumenten, besonders der orgel, nachricht gegeben, und die in jedes fach gehorigen bucher bekannt gemacht werden. 2. aufl., besorgt von Johann Adam Hiller. Dresden und Leipzig, Breitkopfische buchhandlung, 1783. 8 p. 1., 976 p. vm pi. 18 cm . The plates, numbered "tab. I-vTII," are on 4 folding leaves. ML100.A2A23 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Adlung, Jacob — Continued. Musica mechanica organoedi. Das ist: Grundlicher unterricht von der struktur, gebrauch und erhaltung, &c. der orgeln, clavicym- bel, clavichordien und anderer instrumente, in so fern einem orga- nisten von solchen sachen etwas zu wissen ndhtig ist. Vorgesteflet von M. Jakob Adlung . . . Aus der hinterlassenen handschrift des seel. hrn. verfassers in ordnung gebracht, mit einigen anmerkungen und einer vorrede versehen, und zum drucke bef 6rdert von M. Johann Lorenz Albrecht . . . Nebst zwey tabellen und vielen figuren. Berlin, F. W. Birnstiel, 1768. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 3 p. 1., [3]— 291 p.; v. 2: 4 p. 1., xx, 185, [13] p., 1 1.) illue., 11 diagr. on n pi. 21| x 18 cm . Title of v. 2 varies slightly. Contains additions by J. F. Agricola, and an autobiography of Adlung (v. 2, p. ii-xiv) ML550.A2A2 M. Jakob Adlungs . . . Musikaliscbes siebengestirn. Das ist: Sieben zu der edlen tonkunst geh6rige fragen, welche derselbe, auf erhaltenen befehl der Churfurstl. maynzischen akademie niitzlicher wissenschaften in Erfurt, anfanglich in lateinischer sprache beant- wortet, nachgehends aber ins deutsche ubersetzet hat. Aus der hinterlassenen eigenen deutschen handschrift des seel, herrn verfas- sers mit einer vorrede ans licht gestellet von M. Johann Lorenz Albrecht . . . Nebst einer noten-tabelle. Berlin, F. W. Birnstiel, 1768. x, [ll]-34 p., 1 1. illus. 22£xl8£ cm . MT50.A2A3 Affillard, Michel 1'. See L' Affillard, Michel. Agricola, Johann Friedrich, 1720-1774. See Adlung, J. Musica mechanica organoedi, 1768. Agricola, Johann Friedrich, 1720-1774, translator. See Tosi, P. F. Anleitung zur singkunst, 1757. Agricola, Martin, 1486-1556. Musica || Chora- || lis || Deudsch. || Mart. Agricola. || 1533. [Colo- pTion: Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch || Georgen Rhaw] [96] p. 14£ cm . Title within historiated border, the sides formed by two figures playing the flute and drum, with the first notes of a Te Deum for four parts above and below. Signatures: A-F in eights (Eij and Eiij signed Dij and Diij respectively) ML171.A24 Musica || Figu- || ralis || Deudsch. || Mart. Agricola. [Colophon: Gedruckt zu Wit || temberg durch || Georgen Rhaw || m..d. xxxij] [240] p. tables, diagr. 15£ c lem EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 9 Agricola, Martin — Continued. Title in red and black, within historiated border with printer's mark. On verso of t.-p.: Musica figuralis mit ihren zugeh6renden exempeln / sampt einem besunderlichen schonen buchlein von den proportionibus / welch e alien gemeinen sengern / instrumentisten vnd anhebern dieser kunst / gantz nutz- barlich zu wissen / auffs einfeltigst vnd vorstentlichst jns deudsche verfasset. In two parts. The second part has special t.-p. with ornamental border: Von den || Propor- 1| cionibus. || Wie dieselbigen inn |f die Noten wircken / vnd || wie sie im figural ge- || sang gebraucht || werden. || Mart. Agricola. [Colophon: Gedruckt zu Wittemberg || durch Georgen || Rhaw] Signatures: A-M in eights, N in four, A-B in eights, C in four (for Cii is printed Bii) ML171.A25 Musica instru- || metalis deudsch jl yrm welcher begrif- || fen ist / wie man || noch dem gesange auff mancnerley || Pfeiffen lernen sol / Auch wie auff || die Orgel / Harffen / Lauten / Gei- II gen / vnd allerley Instrument vnd || Seytenspiel / noch der recht- || gegrundten Tabel- thur || sey abzusetzen. || Mart. Agricola. [Colophon: Gedruckt zu Wit- temberg || durch Georgen Rhaw. m.d.xxx.] lvi numb. 1., 4 1. illus., 4 fold. pi. 15 cm . In verse. Title in red and black. Leaves and first three plates printed on both sides. Leaves xxxviij, xlvij, liij numbered xxxvi, 47, liiij respectively. Part of plate 2 torn off. Ms. note on fly-leaf (by A. Wotquenne?): Edition originale, quoiqu'en dise Eitner, i, 60-61, qui confond toutes ces Editions. < ML171.A26 Rvdimenta || mvsices, qvibvs canen- || di artificivm compen- diosissime complexum, pue- || ris vna cum Monochor- | di dimensione traditur, || per || Mar. Agricolam. || Vitebergae apud | Geor. Rhaw. Anno. || 1539. [62] p. 14£ cm . Title within ornamental border. Signatures: A-C in eights, D in seven (Diiij signed Ciiij) According to Weckerlin's catalogue of the library of the Conservatoire national, Paris, 1885, the work should comprise 40 leaves, the last part being a eulogy 1 ^ the science of music in Latin verse by Johann Spangenberg. ML171.A27 Aiguino, niuminato, o. 1520? La illvminata de tvtti i tvoni di canto fermo, con alcvni bellissimi secreti, non d'altrui piu scritti, composta per il reverendo padre frate Illuminato Aiguino da Bressa . . . venetia, A. Gardano, 1562. 58 numb. 1., [4] p. 22 cm . * Title vignette (port.) initials; printer's mark at end. ML171.A28 II tesoro illvminato di tvtti i tvoni di canto figvrato, con alcvni bellissimi secreti, non da altri pitt scritti: nuouamente composto dal reuerendo padre frate Illuminato Aijguino Bresciano . . . Venetia, G. Varisco, 1581. 2 p. 1., 88 numb. 1., [8] p. port. 22£ x 17 cm . MT55.A2A8 ML1727.3.A2A52 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Alard, Lambert, 1602-1672. Lamp. Alardi . . . De veterum musica liber singularis: in fine accessit Pselli sapientissimi Musica e grseco in latinum sermonem translata, autore eodem . . . Schleusingae, sumtibus H. Grosii jun., excusus typis P. Fabri, 1636. 11 p. 1., 203 p. fold. tab. 12J cm . "WeXXoo Trjc hooocktjc oOvocc r^pc^ioKkvi^i]" : p. 177-189. "Pselli De musica compendium exactissimum. Interprete Lamperto Alardo": p. 189-203. ML169.A2A6 Albar . . . , Comte d', pseud. Lettre familiere de M. le comte d'Albar ... a M me . la ducbesse de L * * * Sur l'opera. [n. p., ca. 1790] 15 p. 21£ cm . Caption title. Alberti, J., editor. See Reichardt, J. F. Geist des Musikaliscben kunstmagazins, 1791. Albrecht, Johann Lorenz, 1732-1773. M. Johann Lorenz Albrecht. Abhandlung fiber die frage: ob die musik bey dem gottesdienste der christen zu dulden, oder nicht . . . Berlin, F. W. Birnstiel, 1764. 32 p. 20* x 17 cm . ML3001.A5 Gnindliche einleitung in die anfangslehren der tonkunst. Zum gebrauche musikalischer lehrstunden nebst einer erklarung der vor- nehmsten sowohl in der vokal- als instrumentalmusik vorkommenden kunstw6rter, und einem kurzen abrisse einer musikalischen biblio- thek, abgefasset von m. Johann Lorenz Albrecht . . . Langensalza, J. C. Martini, 1761. 8 p. 1., 136 p. 21£ x 17£ em . Albrecht, Johann Lorenz, 1732-1773, editor. See Adlting, J. Musica mechanica organoedi, 1768. Musikalisches siebengestirn, 1768. Albrecht, Johann Wilhelm, 1703-1736. Tractatus physicus de effectibus musices in corpus animatum, authore D. Jo. Wilh. Albrecht . . . Lipsise, apud J. C. Martini, 1734. 4 p. 1., 136 p. 15£ cln , ML3820.A2A6 MT6.A2A34 EAELY BOOKS ON MUSIC 11 Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg, 1736-1809. Johann Georg Albrechtsbergers . . . Griindliche anweisung zur composition; mit deutlichen und ausfuhrlichen exempeln, zum selbstunterrichte, erlautert; und mit einem annange: von der be- schaffenheit und anwendung aller jetzt liblichen musikalischen in- strumente. Leipzig, J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1790 2 p. 1., 440 p. 24£ x 20 cm . MT40.A2A34 Kurzgefasste methode den generalbass zu erlernen, von herrn G. Albrechtsberger . . . Wien und Mainz, Artaria compagnie [1792] 1 p. 1., 36 p. 24£ x 35 em . Engraved throughout. "Beispiele iiber alle intervalla " : p. 17-36. MT49.A2A5 Alembert, Jean Le Rond d\ 1717-1783. filemens de musique, theorique et pratique, suivant les principes de M. Rameau. Paris, David l'aine [etc.] 1752. xvj, 171, [1] p., 1 1. 10 fold. pi. (partly music) 20J cm . (With Gresset, Jean B. L. Discours sur l'harnionie. Paris, 1737) ML3815.A2A5 Elemens de musique, theorique et pratique, suivant les prin- cipes de M. Rameau, eclaircis, developpes et simplifies, par M. d' Alembert . . . Nouv. ed., rev., cor. & considerablement augm. Lyon, J.-M. Bruyset, 1762. 2 p. 1., xxxvj, 236, [3] p. 10 fold. pi. (partly music) 20 cm . "Reponse a, une lettre imprimeedeM. Rameau" (p. 211-231) was first pub. in Le Mercure, March, 1762, as "Lettre a M. Rameau, pour prouver que le corps sonore ne nous donne et ne peut nous donner par lui-meme aucune idee dea proportions." ML3815.A2A52 filemens de musique, theorique et pratique, suivant les prin- cipes de M. Rameau, eclaircis, developpes et simplifies, par M. d' Alembert . . . Nouv. efl., rev., cor. & considerablement augm. Lyon, J.-M. Bruyset, 1766. 2 p. 1., xxxvj, 236, [2] p., 1 1. 10 fold. pi. (partly music) 20 cm . ML315.8A2A53 Elemens de musique, theorique et pratique, suivant les prin- cipes de M. Rameau, eclaircis, developpes et simplifies, par M. d'Alembert . . . Nouv. ed., rev., cor. & considerablement augm. Lyon, J. M. Bruyset, 1772. 2 p. 1., xxxvj, 236, [3] p. 10 fold. pi. (partly music) 20J cm . ( With Kalkbren- ner, Christian. Histoire de la musique. Paris [etc.] 1802) ML160.K14 Hrn. d' Alembert . . . Systematische einleitun^ in die musi- calische setzkunst, nach den lehrsatzen des herrn Rameau. Aus dem franz6sischen ubersetzt und mit anmerkungen vermehret von Friedr. Wiln. Marpurg. Leipzig, J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1757. 6 p. 1., 136 p. 22£ x 18£ c l.cm ML3815.A2A54 See also Baton, C. Examen de la lettre de M. Rousseau, 1753. 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Alexis de Sainte Anne, brother] Methode du chant ecclesiastique, qui contient les vraies regies de la bonne modulation, & les premiers elemens de la composition . . . [Paris] i'mpr. de C. J. F. Ballard, 1752. iv, 62, [2] p. 17£ cn \ Signed: Frere Alexis de Sainte Anne, religieux carme de la province de Touraine. MT860.A2A36 Algarotti, Francesco, conte, 1712-1764. Saggio sopra l'opera in musica . . . Livomo, M. Coltellini, 1763. 157 p. 18 cm . Title vignette. The author's name occurs in the caption of the dedication. Includes the texts of Algarotti's librettos "Enea in Troja" and "Iphigenie en Aulide." 1st edition 1755. ML3858.A37 An essay on the opera. Written in Italian by Count Alga- rotti . . . Glasgow, R. Une, 1768. iv, [3]-124, [2], 125-182 p. 16 cin . ML3858.A39 Allacci, Leone, 1586-1669. Drammaturgia di Lione Allacci, accresciuta e continuata fino al- l'anno mdcclv. Venezia, G. Pasquali, 1755. 4 p. 1., 1016 col. 24 cm . Rev. and continued by Giovanni Cendoni, Apostolo Zeno and others. 1st edition Rome, 1666. Z2354.D7A4 Allgemeine musikalische zeitung . . . 1.-50. jahrg., oct. 1798- 1848; neue folge 1.-3. jahrg., 1863-65; [3. folge] 1.-17. jahrg., 1866-82. Leipzig, Breitkopf and Hartel; [etc., etc., 1798J-1882. 70 v. illus., plates, ports. 25J-30 cm . weekly. Engraved title-pages. " Beylagen " (music) on separate sheets. With the first series was issued " Intelligenz-blatt zur Allgemeinen musikalischen zeitung." Founded by Friedrich Rochlitz and ed. by him till 1818; ed. by G. W. Fink, 1827-41; C. F. Becker, 1842; Moritz Hauptmann, 1843; J. C. Lobe, 1846-48. Publication suspended from 1849 to 1862, inclusive. Ed. by Selmar Bagge and others, 1863-68; Friedrich Chrysander, 1869-June 1871; Joseph Muller, July 1871-1874; Friedrich Chrysander, 1875-8*2. From 1866-68 title reads: Leipziger allgemeine musikalische zeitung. Register zu den ersten zwanzig jahrgangen . . . (1798-1818.) Leipzig, Breitkopf und Hartel [1819?] 1 p. 1., 140 p. 25£ c ML5.A43 Almanach des theaters in Wien. Nebst einer abhandlung von der kunst und dem stande des schauspielers, nach dem englischen ubersetzt. [Wien] 1774. [188] p. 6 pi. 17 cm . "G6nnern und freunden des theaters gewidmet von alien mitgliedern der K. K. National-schauspielergesellschaft." PN2616.V5A6 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 13 Almeida Campos, Joao Ribeiro de. See Ribeiro de Almeida Campos, Joao. Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638. Templvm mvsicvm: or, The musical synopsis, of the learned and famous Johannes-Henricus-Alstedius, being a compendium of the rudiments both of the mathematical and practical part of musick: of which subject not any book is extant in our English tongue. Faithfully translated out of Latin by John Birchensha . . . London, P. Dring, 1664. 7 p. 1., 93 (i. e. 94) p. front. 16£ cm . A translation of the 6th part (Elementale musicum) of the author's Elementale mathematicum, Frankfort, 1611. MT6.A2A46 Altenburg, Johann Ernst, 1736-1801. Versuch einer anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen trompeter- und pauker-kunst, zu mehrerer aufnahme derselben historisch, theo- retisch und praktisch beschrieben und mit exempeln erlautert von Johann Ernst Altenburg . . . Halle, J. C. Hendel, 1795. ix, [1] p., 1 1., 144 p. 20 x 18" m . Pages 133-144 ("Concerto a vn clarini con tymp.," "Marsch" and "Minu- etto ) printed on leaves 20 x 35£ cm . MT440.A2A6 Alypius. See Meibom, M., translator. Antiqvae mvsica3 avctores, 1652. Meurs, J. van, editor. Aristoxenvs, 1616. Alypius junior, pseud. Qvid sit mvsice aetatem agere ex Plavti Mostellaria act. in. sc. n. v. 40. Ad componendam controversiam de vita mvsica inter viros mvsicos nvper ortam exponit Alypivs ivnior. [n. p.] 1751. xvi p. 21$ x 17$ cm . The controversy referred to was occasioned by the publication of a pamphlet by J. G. Biedermann, entitled De vita musica ex Plaut. Mostellar. act. m. sc. n. ML64.A5 Amiot, Joseph Marie, 1718-1793. Memoire sur la musique des Chinois, tant anciens que modernes, par M. Amiot . . . avec des notes, des observations & une table des matieres, par M. Fabofc-Roussier . . . faisant partie du tome sixieme des Memoires concernant les Chinois. Paris, Nyon l'aine, 1779. 3 p. 1., 254 p. xxx pi. (partly fold.) incl. tables, diagrs. 26$ cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. Plate xxix is in two states, the figures of the first being reversed on the second. One of a few copies printed with separate title. This copy belonged originally to the Abbe Roussier, and contains many notes in Roussier's handwriting, cf. Matthew, J. E., The literature of music ML336.A2A16 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Analyse critique de Tarare. A Ormutz, et se trouve a Paris, Hotel de Mesgrigny, 1787. 26 p. 20 c lcm Text has caption: A Monsieur de * * * qui reside en province. A criticism of the libretto of the opera Tarare, which was written by Beau- marchais (music by Salieri) ML410.S16A2 [Ancelet, ] Observations sur la musique, les musiciens, et les instrumens. Am- sterdam [i. e. Paris] Aux depens de la Compagnie, 1757. 40 p. 18£ cm . ML270.3.A59 [Andre, Yves Marie] 1675-1764. • Essai sur le beau, ou Ton examine en quoi consiste precisement le beau dans le physique, dans le moral, dans les ouvrages d'esprit, & dans la musique. Paris, H.-L. Guerin, & J. Guerin, 1741. viij, 302, [2] p. 17£ x 10 cm . N63.A55 Andrea di Modena. Canto harmonico in cinqve parti diviso, col quale si pud arriuare alia perfetta cognitione del canto fermo, del p. f. Andrea di Modona . . . Modana, Per gli eredi Cassiani stampatori episcopali, 1690. 228, 90, [2] p. pi., 3 fold. tab. 24£ cm . MT45.A2A6 Andrien, J. F. See Kurtze anfuhrung zum general-bass, 1733. Kurtze und grundliche anleitung zum generalbasse, 1744. Angelo da Picitono. Fior ange- || lico di Mvsica: || Nuouamente dal R. P. frate || Angelo da Picitono, Conuen || tuale, dell' ordine minore, || Organista pre- clarissi- || mo, composto. || Nelqual si contengono alcune bellissime || dispute contra quelli che dicono, la || Musica non esser scienza: Con al || tre molte questioni, & solu- || tioni di varii dubbii: || Pur hora da lui da- || to in luce. || mdxlvii. [Colophon: In Vinegia per Agostino Bindoni. || mdxlvii] [199] p. illus., diagrs. 20£ cm . Title within ornamental border; printer's mark on last page. Signatures: ■, A-Z, &, in fours (versos of ■ 2, P 4, & 4, blank) N and Niv transposed in binding. ML171.A58 Angelo da Conceicao. See Domixgos do Rosario. Theatro ecclesiastico, 1774. Angiolini, Gasparo. Lettere di Gasparo Angiolini a Monsieur Noverre sopra i balli panto- mimi. [Milano, G. B. Bianchi, 1773] 112 p. 20} cm . ML3460.A2A58 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 15 Angleria, Camillo, d. 1630. La regola del contraponto, e della mvsical compositione . . . Con due ricercari l'vno a 4. e l'altro a 5. dell' autore, & vn ricercare, e f' canoni a 2. 3. e 4. da cantarsi in vari modi del Signor Gio. Paolo Cima, al quale la presente opera e dedicata, e nuouamente data in ' luce dal rever. padre fr. Camillo Angleria . . . Milano, G. Rolla, 1622. 4 p. 1., 117, [7] p. lillus. 24xl8 cm . Title within ornamental border. Title vignette, St. Cecilia at the organ, appears again on last page, somewhat altered and enlarged. Signature 0, p. 105-112, irregularly imposed and folded. MT55.A2A6 L'anti-scurra, ou Preservatif contre les Bouffons italiens. [n. p., 1753*] 7, [l]p. 19 cm . Caption title. Dated "6 fevrier 1753." In verse. See also Caux de Cappeval. ML1727.33.A1 Antonio tto, Giorgio, 1692-1776. L'arte armonica; or, A treatise on the composition of musick, in three books; with an introduction, on the history, and progress of musick, from it's beginning to this time, written in Italian by Giorgio Antoniotto, and translated into English . . . London, Printed by J. Johnson, 1760. 2 v. (v. 1: 5 p. 1., 109 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 62 pi., partly fold.) 33 cm . Engr. t.-p. Vol. 2, containing the examples, has engr. half-title only. MT40.A2A6 Antonius, Johann Ephraim, 1702-1749. Principia musices, oder Ersten anfange der music, hat . . . seinen unterhabenden schulern des lateinischen Psedagogei bremensis zu mehrerm nutzen und besserm anwachs in derselben entworffen Joh. Ephr. Antonius . . . Bremen, Gedruckt bey sel. H. C. Jani, E. Lobl. gymnasii buchdruckers, wittwe, 1743. 71 p. 17 cm . Interleaved. "Scala in dur durch alle thone" and "Scala in moll durch alle thone," in ms., inserted opposite pages 25 and 26 respectively. MT7.A2A7 Apligny, Le Pileur d\ See Le Pileur d' Apligny. Apthorp, East, 1732 or 3-1816. Of sacred poetry and music. A discourse at Christ-church, Cam- bridge, at the opening of the organ, on Tuesday, xxi August, mdcclxiv. By East Apthorp . . . Boston, Printed by Green and Russell, 1764. vii, 22 p. 23£ x 18i cm . Arbeau, Thoinot, pseud. See Tabourot, Jean. 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS , Aris tides Quintilianus. See Meibom, M., translator. Antiqvae mvsicae avctores. 1652. Aristo teles. See Gogava, A. H., translator. Aristoxeni . . . Harmonicorvm elementorvm libri m, 1562. Aristoxen der jiingere, pseud. See Mattheson, Johann. Aristoxenus. See Gogava, A. H., translator. Aristoxeni . . . Harmonicorvm elementorvm libri in, 1562. Meibom, M., translator. Antiqvae mvsicae avctores, 1652. Meurs, J. van, editor. Aristoxenvs, 1616. Armonici erudimenti nei quali si contengono le regole e suoi esempj per imparare accompagnare sul cimbalo il basso continovo, il modo di trasportarlo in altri tuoni, un esempio dal quale si conosce qual sia il metodo da praticarsi per acquistare un buon portamento- di mano sopra detto strumento, scale dimostrative per bene impos- sessarsi della proprieta' de' tuoni si di terza maggiore come di terza minore, e tutto per maggiore facilita' e comodo di chi desidera appli- carsi a tale studio . . . Firenze, Stamperia di A. G. Pagani, e comp., si vende da G. Chiari, 1790. 2 p. 1., 24 p. illua. 25 cm . Ornamental borders; title vignette; head and tail piece. MT49.A2A7 [Arnaud, Francois] 1721-1784. Lettre sur la musique, a Monsieur le comte de Caylus, academicien honoraire de l'Academie royale des inscriptions & belles-lettres, & de celle de peinture. [Paris] 1754. 1 p. 1., 36 p. 17£ cm . Signed: L'abb6 Arnaud. Intended to serve as a preface for a work which was never written. An Italian translation of the letter is given by Arteagain v. 3 of his Rivoluzioni del teatro musicale italiano. ML3800.A2A6 La soiree perdue a l'Opera. A Avignon, et se trouve a Paris, chez Esprit, 1776. 26 p. 19£ cm . Attributed also to Pascal Boyer ML1727.35.A7 See also Riedel, F. J. Ueber die musik des ritters Christoph von Gluck, 1775. Arnobat, Charles Pierre Coste d\ See Coste d' Arnobat, Charles Pierre. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 17 Arrhenius, Laurentius, 1680-1730, praeses. . . . Dissertatio mythologico-historica de primis musicaB inven- toribus, quam ... in illustri Upsal. lycaeo, sub praesidio . . . dn. Laurentii Arrhenii . . . publicse censurse modeste subjicit . . . Jo- hannes Christiern. Durseus . . . Upsalise, Uteris Wemerianis [1729] 3 d. 1., 32 p. 14£ cm . ML3800.A2A7 L'art du plein-chant, ou Traite th^orico-pratique sur la facon de le "chanter: dans lequel on propose aux eglises de province les regies & le gout recus dans la capitale du royaume pour le chant des offices. Villefranche-de-Rouergue, P. Vedeilhie, 1764. 6 p. 1., xvj, 204, 226 p. 16 cm . "Pieces de plein-chant choisies, et relatives a cet ouvrage " : 226 p. MT860.A2A7 L'art du plein-chant, ou Traite theorico-pratique sur la facon de le chanter: dans lequel on propose aux eglises de province les regies & le gout recus dans la capitale du royaume pour le chant des offices. Villefranche-de-Rouergue, P. Vedeilhie, 1765. 6 p. 1., xvj, 214 p., 1 1., 226 p. 16 cm . "Pieces de plein-chant choisies, et relatives a cet ouvrage": 226 p. MT860.A2A72 [L'arte del detto contraputo] Per imparare ciascheduno, che desidera approfittarsi nel contraputo, e necessario sapere tutte le cose appartenenti alP esecuzione di ben registrare, e modulare. L'arte del detto contraputo. 3-156 p. 22 \ x 16 cm . Manuscript of the 18th (?) century, arranged in the form of a printed book. In 2 parts, "Libro primo" and "Libro secodo." At end: Fine delle disposizioni a tre uoci. MT55.A2A65 Arteaga, Stefano, 1747-1799. Le rivoluzioni del teatro musicale italiano dalla sua origine fino al presente; opera di Stefano Arteaga . . . Bologna, Stamperia di C. Trenti, 1783-88. 3 v. in 2. fold. pi. (music) 19£ cm . " Osservazioni intorno ad un estratto del tomo secondo della presente opera inserito nel Giornale enciclopedico di questa citta n. xm. . . . 1786, colle repliche fatte a queste osservazioni dallo stesso autor dell' estratto [V. Manfre- dini], e intitolate Difesa della musica moderna": v. 2, 207 p. at end. "Lettera sopra la musica indirizzata al Sig. co. di Caylus e stampata 1' anno 1754" (translation of the Abbe Arnaud's Lettre sur la musique): v. 3, p. 56-91. ML1733.3.A7 Le rivoluzioni del teatro musicale italiano dalla sua origine hno al presente; opera di Stefano Arteaga ... 2. ed. accresciuta, variata, e corretta dall' autore . . . Venezia, Stamperia di C. Palese, 1785. 3 v. 6. pi. on 3 fold. 1. (music) 20i om . 51234°— 13 2 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Arteaga, Stefano — Continued. Plates printed on both sides. "Lettera d'un celebre scrittore francese che contiene 1' idea d' un' opera eccel- lente da farsi intorno alia musica" (translation of the Abbe Arnaud's Lettre sur la musique, Paris, 1754): v. 3, p. 243-284. "Osservazioni intorno ad un estratto del tomo 2°. della presente opera inserito nel Giornale enciclopedico di Bologna n. xiii. del mese d'aprile del corrente anno": v. 3, p. [285]-391. ML1733.3.A71 Stephan Arteaga's . . . Geschichte der italianischen oper von ihrem ersten ursprung an bis auf gegenwartige zeiten . . . Aus dem italianischen ubersetzt und mit anmerkungen begleitet von Johann Nicolaus Forkel . . . Leipzig, Schwickert, 1789. 2 v. (v. 1: x, [2], 344 p.; v. 2: vi, [3]-532 p.) 17| cm . ML1733.3.A72 Artusi, Giovanni Maria, d. 1613. L'arte del contraponto ridotta in tavole da Gio: Maria Artvsi . . . Dove brevemente si contiene i precetti a quest' arte necessarij . . . Venetia, G. Vincenzi, & R. Amadino, 1586. 2 p. 1., 46 p., 1 1. 30 cm . Title within ornamental border; title vignette. L. of C. copy has ms. notes. ML171.A78 L'arte del contraponto, del rever. d. Gio. Maria Artvsi nella quale con ordine, e modo facilissimo si insegnano tutte quelle regole, che a questa arte sono necessarie. Nouamente ristampata, & di molte nuoue aggiunte, dall' auttore arrichita. Con due tauole, vna de capitoli, & Y altra delle cose piu notabili. Venetia, G. Vincenti, 1598. 6 p. 1., 80 p. 28£ cm . Title within ornamental border. ML171.A79 Seconda parte dell' Artvsi ouero Delle imperfettioni della moderna mvsica, nella quale si tratta de' molti abusi introdotti da i moderni scrittori, & compositori. Nuouamente stampata. Vene- tia, G. Vincenti, 1603. 6 p. 1. , 56, 54 p. 30 em . ( With his L'arte del contraponto. Venetia, 1586) Title vignette. Corrections in ms. Author's autograph presentation copy. "Considerationi mvsicali, del r. p. d. Gio. Maria Artvsi . . .": 54 p. at end. ML171.A78 Au petit proph^te de Boesmischbroda, au grand prophete Monet, &c. [Paris, 1753] 13 p. 19 cm . Dated: A Paris, ce 21. fevrier 1753. No. 7 in a volume of pamphlets lettered Quere[lle] dee Bouffo[ns] Attributed to Diderot by Poulet-Malassis and in the catalogue of the Bibliothe- que nationale, Paris. ML1727.33.A1 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 19 [Aubert, Jean Louis] 1731-1814. Refutation suivie et detaillee des principes de M. Rousseau de Geneve, touchant la musique francoise. Adress^e a lui-meme, en reponse a sa Lettre . . . Paris, Chaubert [etc.] 1754. 2 p. 1., iii-vi, 7-98, [3] p. 17 x 10 cm . ML1727.33.A88 Aulnaye, Francois Henri Stanislas de 1'. See L' Aulnaye, Francois Henri Stanislas de. Avella, Giovanni d\ Regole di mvsica, divise in cinqve trattati, con le quali s'insegna il canto fermo, e figurato, per vere, e facili regole. II modo di fare il contrapvnto. Di comporre l'vno, e Faltro canto. Di cantare alcuni canti dimcili, e molte cose nuoue, e curiose. Composte dal padre fra Giovanni d'Avella . . . Roma, Nella stampa di F. Moneta, 1657. 2 p. 1., 167, [1] p. illus. 32£ cm . MT860.A2A94 Aventinus i. e. Johannes Turmair, of Abensberg, 1477-1534, editor. See Faber, N. Mvsicae rvdimenta [1516] Avila, Geronimo Romero de. See Romero de Avila, Geronimo. Avison, Charles, d. 1770. An essay on musical expression. By Charles Avison . . . Lon- don, C. Davis, 1752. 4 p.l., 138 p. 16£ cm ML3847.A95 Azopardi, Francesco, 1748-1809. Le musicien pratique, ou Lecons qui conduisent les eleves dans l'art du contrepoint, en leur enseignant la maniere de composer cor- rectement toute espece de musique; ouvrage compose dans les prin- cipes des conservatoires d'ltalie . . . par il Signor Francesco Azo- pardi . . . Tr. de Fitalien, par M. Framery . . . avec des notes du traducteur pour en faciliter V intelligence . . . Paris, Le Due, 1786. 2 v. 20 cm (v. 2: 21£ cm ) Collation: v. 1, 127 p.; v. 2 ("Exemples") 1 p. 1., 120 p. " Published in the form of a French translation only." — Grove, Diet, of music. MT55.A2A97 Bacchini, Bernardino, in religion Benedetto, 1651-1721. D. Benedicti Bacchini De sistris, eorumque figuris, ac differentia, ad illustrissimum d. d. Leonem Strozza dissertatio. Jacobus Tullius Dissertatiunculam & notulas adjecit, & perillustri Velthusio conse- cravit. Trajecti ad Rhenum, ex officina Francisci Halma, 1696. 36 p. fold. pi. 24£ x 18i cm . Title vignette. 2d edition. 1st edition Bologna, 1691. ML1040.A2B13 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Bacchius, senior. See Meibom, M., translator. Antiqvae mvsicae avctores, 1652. Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1714-1788. Versuch uber die wahre art das clavier zu spielen, mit exempeln und achtzehn probe-stucken in sechs sonaten erlautert von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach . . . Berlin, In verlegung des auctoris, gedruckt bey C. F. Henning, 1753. 2 v. (v. 1: 4 p. L, 135 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 26 pi. on 14 1.) 22£ x 18£ cm (v. 2: 40£ cm ) Vol. [2] has title: Exempel nebst achtzehn probe-stucken in sechs sonaten zu Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs Versuche fiber die wahre art das clavier zu spielen auf xxvi. kupfer-tafeln. MT224.A2B10 Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs Versuch uber die wahre art das clavier zu spielen, mit exempeln und achtzehn probe-stucken in sechs sonaten erlautert . . . Berlin, In verlegung des auctoris, gedruckt bey G. L. Winter, 1759-62. 2v. inl(v. 1:4 p. 1., 118 p.; v. 2: 5 p. 1., 341, [1] p.) pi. 21 x 17 cm . Errors in paging. "Exempel," same as in 1753 edition, wanting. Parti: 2. aufl. Part 2 is here issued for the first time; title reads: . . . Versuch . . . zweyter theil, in welchem die lehre von dem accompagnement und der freyen fantasie abgehandelt wird . . . Nebst einer kupfertafel. MT224.A2B11 Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs . . . Versuch uber die wahre art das clavier zu spielen, mit exempeln und achtzehn probe-stucken in sechs sonaten erlautert . . . Leipzig, Schwickert, 1787-97. 3 v. in 2. 23 x 19 cm (v. 3: 40£ cm ) Part 1: 3. mit zusatzen und sechs neuen clavier-stucken verm. aufl. Part 2: . . . Zweiter theil, in welchem die lehre von dem accompagnement und der freyen fantasie abgehandelt wird. Nebst einer kupfertafel. 2. vom verfasser verb., und mit zusatzen verm. aufl. Part [3] has title: Exempel nebst achtzehn probe-stucken in sechs sonaten zu Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs Versuche uber die wahre art das clavier zu spielen, mit sechs neuen clavier-stucken vermehrt auf xxxi. kupfer-tafeln. MT224.A2B12 Verzeichniss des musikalischen nachlasses des verstorbenen capell- meisters Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, bestehend 1) aus instrumental- compositionen ... 2) aus sing-compositionen ... 3) aus vermisch- ten stilcken, 4) aus compositionen von Johann Sebastian Bach, W. F. Bach, J. C. F. Bach, J. C. Bach (dem Londner), J. Bernhard Bach, 5) aus dem altbachischen archive, 6) aus musikalien von ver- schiedenen meistern, 7) aus instrumenten, 8) aus einer sammlung bildnisse von r>eruhmten tonkunstlern, und 9) aus einer sarnmlung dergleichen silhouetten, nebst angehangtem verzeichnisse verschie- dener vorhandenen zeichnungen des . . . Joh. Sebast. Bach, und einiger andern . . . Hamburg, Gedruckt bey G. F. Schniebes, 1790. 1 p. 1., 142 p. 17£ nm . ML134.B15A1 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 21 Bach, Johann Christian, 1735-1782. Methode ou recueil de connoissances elementaires pour le forte- piano ou clavecin; ceuvre mele de theorie et de pratique, divise en deux parties, compose 1 pour le conservatoire de Naple par J. C. Bach et F. P. Ricci . . . Paris, Le Due [17—] 1 p. 1., 12, 45 p.; 1 p. 1., 48-75 p. 25£ x 32£ cm . Engraved, with the exception of the text, which occupies only 12 pages. MT222.A2B12 Bach, Johann Ernst, 1722-1777. See Adlung, J. Anleitung zu der musikalischen gelahrtheit,, 1758. Bach, Johann Michael, b. 1754? Kurze und systematische anleitung zum general-bass, und der tonkunst uberhaupt, mit exempeln erlautert. Zum lehren und lernen entworfen von J. M. Bach . . . Cassel, Gedruckt in der Way- senhaus-buchdruckerey, 1780. 3 p. 1., 47, [1] p. 17 x 20£ cm . MT49.A2B16 Bacilly, Benigne de, b. 1625? L'art de bien chanter de M. de Bacilly. Augmente d'un discours qui sert de reponse a la critique de ce traits, et d'une plus ample instruction pour ceux qui aspirent a la perfection de cet art. Ouvrage tres-utile, non seulement pour le chant, "mais m§me pour la decla- mation. Paris, Chez l'autheur, 1679. 7 p. 1., 32, 428, [2] p. 15 cm . Preceding the printed t.-p. is an engraved t.-p.: " Remarques curieuses sur l'art de bien chanter et particulierement pour ce qui regarde le chant francois, par le sieur B. D. B." According to Fetis this is the title of the 2d issue of the 1st edition, 1668, the title of the 1st issue not containing the words "par le sieur B. D. B." The main part of work, which follows the Discours, has caption and running title: Remarques sur l'art de bien chanter (caption title adds "et f>articulierement pour ce qui regarde le chant francois") Colophon: A Paris, De 'imprimerie de C. Blageart, rue S. Iacques, a la Cloche rouge, 1668. Last leaf has on recto "Extrait du priuilege du roy," dated "le 23. mars 1668"; on verso, "Errata." MT820.A2B2 Bahr, Johann, 1652-1705. Johann Beerens . . . Musicalische discurse durch die principia der philosophie deducirt, und in gewisse capitel eingetheilt, deren mnhalt nach der vorrede zu linden. Nebst einem anhang von eben diesem autore, genannt Der musicalische krieg zwischen der composition und der harmonic Nurnberg, P. C. Monath, 1719. 7 p. 1., 116 (i. e. 216) p. front. 17J cm . Last signature paged incorrectlv, 109-116. Edited by Peter Wenig? ML60.B27 22 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS Bagatella, Antonio. Regole per la costruzione de' violini, viole, violoncelli e violoni; memoria presentata all' Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti di Padova al concorso del premio dell' arti dell' anno mdcclxxxii. Dal Signor Antonio Bagatella . . . Padova, A spese dell' Accademia, 1786. xxiv p. illus., 2 fold. pi. 29 x 22£ c Title vignette. ML802.A2B14 Bagnall, Gibbons, 1719-1800. The antiquity of music, and the propriety of admitting it into divine worship, asserted from the example of beings above us, and the custom of all the wisest and politest nations. A sermon preached in the cathedral-church of Hereford, at the anniversary meeting of the Three choirs of Worcester, Glocester, and Hereford, on Wednes- dav, September 15, 1762. By Gibbons Bagnall . . . Glocester, Printed by R. Raikes [1762] 22 p. 22£ cm . ML3001.B13 Bailleux, Antoine, d. 1791. Methode pour apprendre facilement la musique vocale et instru- mentale, ou tous les principes sont developes avec beaucoup de clarte, et cent lecons dans le gout nouveau a une et a deux parties, ce qui enseigneen tres peu de terns a solfier sur toutes les clefs, toutes les mesures et tous les tons . . . Composee par M. r Bailleux . . . Paris [etc.] L'auteur [1770] 2 p. 1., 127 p. 34 x 26£ cm . Engraved throughout. MT870.A2B2 Bailleux, Antoine, d. 1791, editor. See Roussier, P. J. L'harmonie pratique [1775] Bails, Benito, d. 1797, translator. See Bemetzrieder, A. Lecciones de clave, 1775. Balliere de Laisement, Charles Louis Denis, 1729-1800. Theorie de la musique, par M. Balliere . . . Paris, P. F. Didot le jeune; [etc., etc.] 1764. 1 p. 1., viij, 177 p., 1 1. diagra. on 5 fold. pi. 26 x 20i cm . ML3805.A2B15 Banchieri, Adriano, d. 1634. Cartella mvsicale nel canto figvrato, fermo, & contrapunto. Del p. d. Adriano Banchieri . . . Nouamente in questa terza impressione ridotta dall' antica alia moderna pratica . . . Venetia, G. Vincenti, 1614. 8 p. 1., 4, [2], 248 ({. e. 244) p. illus. 20" m . EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 23 Banchieri, Adriano — Continued. No. 77-80 omitted in paging. Imperfect, wanting leaf preceding text, and p. 247-248 (supplied in ms.) In 7 parts; each part, except the first, has special t.-p., dated 1613. (2) Brevi et primi docvmenti mvsicali a gli figliuoli, & altri, che desiderano assicu- rarsi sopra il canto figurato ... (3) Dvo in contrapvnto sopra vt, re, mi, fa, sol, la . . . (4) Altri docvmenti mvsicali nel canto fermo ... (5) Dvo spartiti al contrapvnto in corriapondenza tra gli dodeci modi, & otto tuoni ... (6) Canoni mvsicali a qvatro voci ... (7) Moderna pratica mvsicale, opera trentesima settima . . . MT860.A2B2 . . . Direttorio monastico di canto fermo, per vso particolare della Congregatione Oliuetana in preuenire Foffitio diurno al choro ; nuoua- mente registrato dalli libri cnorali alia riforma del breuiario impresso sotto la santita di N. S. papa Paolo V. dal p. d. Adriano Banchieri . . . Bologna, Per gli heredi di G. Rossi, 1615-16. 407, [1] p. illus. 15 cm . Title vignette. Composed* of 2 "books" containing together 4 parts. Each part has special t.-p., as has an appendix to book i. 2d edition, Bologna, 1622, has title: II can tore Olivetano. MT860.A2B21 Organo svonarino del p. d. Adriano Banchieri ... In questa quarta impressione accordato con ogni diligenza e diuiso in cinque registri, libro vtilissimo a qual si voglia organista per alternare in voce chorista alii canti fermi di tutto Tanno nelle chiesi secolari, regolari, monache, e confraternita a secondo Tvso di santa madre chiesa. Et nel fine dopo la tauola generate di tutta l'opera aggiuntoui il sesto registro . . . Opera xxxxni. Venetia, A. Vincenti, 1638. 2 p. 1., 159, [1] p. 24 cm . Errors in paging. MT190.A2B17 Bandeira, Jeronymo da Cunha. See Cunha Bandeira, Jeronymo da. Bandini, Angelo Maria, 1726-1803. Ang. Maria Bandini Commentariorvm de vita et scriptis Ioannis Bapt. Doni patricii florentini olim Sacri cardinal, collegii a secretis libri qvinqve, adnotationibvs illvstrati ad Silvium Valenti . . . Accedit eivsdem Doni literarivm commercivm nvnc primvm in lvcem editvm. Florentiae, Typis caesareis, 1755. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: xx, cxvi p.; v. 2: xii p., 272 col.) front, (port.) vign. 37° rem Title vignette; initials; tail-pieces. Vol. [2] has title: Io. Baptistae Donii . . . Commercivm litterarivm nvnc primvm collectvm, digestvm editvmqve stvdio et labore Ant. Francisci Gorii . . . Florentiae, in Typographio caesareo, 1754. "Autorum omnium nomina . . . qui de Donio nostro honorifice meminerunt, & quorum potissimum testimonio usi fuimus": v. [1] p. xj-xiiij. "Index opervm qvorvm partim Io. Bapt. Donivs evvlgavit, partim absolvit, partim incepit": v. [1] p. cxi-cxvi. ML423.D6B2 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Barca, Alessandro, 1741-1814. Introduzione a una nuova teoria di musica, memoria prima del p. d. Alessandro Barca. (Letta il di xxiii. gennajo mdlxxxiii.) (In R. Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Padova. Saggi scientifici e letterarj. Padova, 1786. 29 cm . 1. 1, p. 365-418) Detached copy. ML3800.A2B2 Introduzione ad una nuova teoria di musica, memoria seconda del p. d. Alessandro Barca c. r. s. (Letta il di xx. dicembre MDCCLXXXVI.) (In R. Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Padova. Saggi scientifici e letterarj. Padova, 1789. 29 cm . t. i, p. 329-362) AS222.P21 Barnickel, See Kurtzgefasstes musicalisches lexicon. Baron, Ernst Gottlieb, 1696-1760. Ernst Gottlieb Barons . . . Abriss einer abhandlung von der melodie. Eine materie der zeit. Berlin, A. Haude und J. C. Spener, 1756. 12 p. 21£xl7£ cia . ML3851.B18 Ernst Gottlieb Barons . . . Historisch-theoretisch und practische untersuchung des instruments der lauten / mit fleiss au%esetzt und alien rechtschaffenen liebhabern zum vergnugen herausgegeben. Nurnberg, J. F. Rudiger, 1727. 15 p. 1., 218, [4] p. illus. 16J cm . ML1010.A2B2 Barradas Muitopao e Morato, Joao Vaz. See Vaz Barradas Muitopao e Morato, Joao. [Barthelemy, Jean Jacques] 1716-1795. Entretiens sur l'etat de la musique grecque, vers le milieu du quatrieme siecle, avant Fere vulgaire. A Amsterdam, et se trouve a Paris, chez les freres de Bure, 1777. 110 p., 11. 21 cm . ML169.A2B15 Bartholin, Caspar, 1655-1738. Caspari Bartholini Thorn, fil. De tibiis vetervm & earum antiquo vsu libri tres . . . Romse, ex typographia P. Monetae, sumptibus B. Carrarae, 1677. 8 p. 1., 235, [5] p. 3fold.pl. 17^ cm . ML169.A2B2 — — Casp. Bartholini Thorn, fil. De tibiis veterum, et earum antiquo usu libri tres. Editio altera, figuris auctior. Amstelsedami, apud JHenr. Wetstenium, 1679. 12 p. 1., 415, [5] p. illue. (incl. port.) 5 fold. pi. 14 cm . Added t.-p., engr. ML169.A2B28 EAELY BOOKS ON MUSIC 25 Bartl, Franz Konrad, 1750-1813. Abhandlung von der tastenharmonika, von Franz Konrad Bartl . . . Mit 5 kupfertafeln. Brtinn, L. Haller, 1798. 8 p. 1., [15]-75 P- v pi. 25i x 20 cm . Engr. t.-p. ML1055.A2B18 Bartoli, Daniello, 1608-1685. Del svono de' tremori armonici e dell' vdito. Trattati del p. Daniello Bartoli . . . Roma, A spese di N. A. Tinassi, 1679. 9 p. 1., 330 p. diagrs. 21 cm . ML3805.A2B29 Bartolus, Abraham. Mvsica mathematica, das ist: Das fundament der allerlieblichsten kunst der musicse, wie nemlich dieselbe in der natur stecke / vnd jhre gewisse proportiones, das ist / gewicht vnd mass habe / vnd wie dieselben in der mathematica, furnemlich aber in der geometria, vnd astronomia beschrieben seind : sonsten genennet die beschreibung des instrumentes magadis oder monochordi ... in deutzsch gegeben / durch M. Abrahamum Bartolum . . . (Jn Zeising, Heinrich. Theatrum machinarum . Altenburg, 1614. 16$xl9 cm . v. 6, p. [89J-174. pi. 21-24) ML3805.A2B19 Baryphonus, Heinrich, 1581-1655. Henrici Baryphoni . . . Pleiades musicae, qvse in certas sectiones distributee prsecipuas qusestiones musicas discutiunt, & omnia, quae ad theoriam pertinent, & melopoeise plurimum inserviunt ex veris fundamentis mathematicis exstructa, theorematis septenis propo- nunt, exemphs illustrant, & coram judicio rationis & sensus exami- nant, studiosis non solum musices, verum etiam matheseos scitu necessaries & lectu jucundae . . . Halberstadi, ex officina typogra- phica J. A. Cotenii, 1615. 8 p. 1., 95, [1] p. 14 cm . ML3805.A2B3 Basili, Domenico Andrea, d. 1775? Musica universale armonico pratica dettata dall' istinto, e dalla natura, illuminata dai veriprecetti armonici; opera utile per i studi- osi di contrapunto, e per l suonatori di grave cembalo, ed organo. Esposta in ventiquattro esercizi da Andrea Basili . . . [Venezia, 1776?] 1 p. 1., [1], 54, 77 p. 24 x 35 cm . Title within ornamental border. Engraved throughout. "L'incisione de rami e fatiha di Innocente Alesandri, e Pietro Scattaglia Veneziani." MT55.A2B18 Bassi, Antonio Benedetto. Lettre adressee a la Societe olympique de Paris, a Foccasion de l'opera boufFon italien de Versailles. Par M. Bassi . . . [Paris] 1787. 2 p. 1., 24 p. 2H cjn . ML1727.3.A2B18 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Baton, Charles] d. 1758. Examen de la lettre de M. Rousseau, sur la musique francoise. Dans lequel on expose le plan d'une bonne musique propre a notre langue. Par M. B. * * * [Paris] 1753. 2 p. 1., 36 p. 17i cm . Georges Cucuel in his Notes sur Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Zeitschrift d. In f ernat. musikgesellschaft xiii, 9) cites from a contemporary ms. (Bibl. nat. ms. fram-ais 22158 in 4° fol. 100 a 203. 1753-1754) a passage to the effect that Baton merely lent his name to the author of the present brochure, who was thought by some to be Rousseau himself, by others, D'Alembert. ML1727.33.B17 Bauderon de Senece, Antoine. See Senece, Antoine Bauderon de. Baumann, Johann Gottfried. Schediasma historico-theologicvm de hymnis et hymnopoeis veteris et recentioris ecclesiae, verae atqve christianae religioni promovendae ac propagandae inservientibvs, avtore loan. Godofr. Bavmann . . . Bremae, apvd I. H. Cramer, 1765. 54 p. 18i cm . Ch. 17. 1896 Bayly, Anselm, 1718 or 19-1794. The alliance of musick, poetry and oratory. Under the head of poetry is considered the alliance and nature of the epic and dramatic poem, as it exists in the Iliad, ^Eneid and Paradise lost. By Anselm Bayly . . . London, J. Stockdale, 1789. iv, [1], 384 p. 22£ cm . Engr. t.-p. PN1066.B3 A practical treatise on singing and playing with just expression and real elegance. Being an essay on i. Grammar, n. Pronuncia- tion; or, The art of just speaking, in. Singing — its graces — their application. — On cathedral compositions. By Anselm Bayly . . . London, J. Ridley, 1771. v, 16, 99 p. 21J cm . MT830.A2B3 Beauford, William. See Walker, J. C. Historical memoirs, 1786. [Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de] 1732-1799. Discours preliminaire de 1' opera de Tarare, appauvri de notes. Par une societe d'indifferens. A Ormus [i. e. Paris] 1787. 2 p. 1., 24 p. 21 cm . Caption title: Aux abonnes de l'Opera, qui voudraient aimer l'opera. ML410.S16B3 Beaumont, Saunier de. See Saunier de Beaumont. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 27 Beauveset, Pierre Honore Robbe de. See Robbe de Beauveset, Pierre Honore. [Beche, ] Abrege de l'histoire de la Menestrandie, dans lequel on rapporte les differents arrets du Conseil & lettres-patentes rendus en iaveur de Tart musical, contre la Communaute de Saint-Julien des men^triers. [Versailles ? 1774 ?] 36 p. 16 cm . Caption title. Line borders. ML270.8.P2B3 Bedford, Arthur, 1668-1745. The great abuse of musick. In two parts. Containing an account of the use and design of musick among the antient Jews, Greeks, Romans, and others; with their concern for, and care to prevent the abuse thereof. And also an account of the immorality and profane- ness, which is occasioned by the corruption of that most noble science in the present age. By Arthur Bedford . . . London, Printed by J. H. for J. Wyatt, 1711. 2 p. 1., 276 p. 20£ cm . "A canon of four parts in one, according to Mr. Purcell's rule of fuging": p. [269J-276. ML285.3.A2B41 The Temple musick : or, An essay concerning the method of singing the Psalms of David in the Temple, before the Babylonish captivity. Wherein, the musick of our cathedrals is vindicated, and supposed to be conformable, not only to that of the primitive Christians, but also to the practice of the church in all preceding ages. By Arthur Bed- ford . . . London, H. Mortlock; [etc., etc.] 1706. 8 p. 1., 253, [1] p. 19£ cm . ML3001.B41 Bedos de Celles, Francois, 1706-1779. L'art du facteur d'orgues. Par D. Bedos de Celles, Benedictin. [Paris, Impr. de L. F. Delatour] 1766-[78] 1 p. 1., xxxii p., 1 1., 676 p. cxxxvn pi. (partly fold.) 43 cm . Paging irregular. This copy imperfect, wanting plates lxxvii and lxxix and a portion of each of plates xxx, xxxn, and xxxiii. Issued in 4 parts. Forms part of a series, Description des arts et metiers, published by the Academie des sciences, Paris. ML555.A2B41 Bekuhrs, Gottlob Friedrich Wilhelm, d. 1795. Ueber die kirchen-melodien . . . von Gottlob Friedrich Wilhelm Bekuhrs . . . Halle, J. C. Hendel, 1796. lp. 1., 154 p. 20 cm . ML3184.A2B2 28 ' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Belli, Lazaro Venanzio. Dissertazione sopra li preggi del canto gregoriano e la necessity che hanno gli ecclesiastici di saperlo, con le regole principali, e piu important! per bene apprenderlo, lodevolmente pratticarlo, ed in esso ancora comporre. Opera diretta alii signori chierici del V. Seminario vescovile tuscolano ... da Lazaro Venanzio Belli . . . Frascati, Stamperia dello stesso Seminario, 1788. xvi, 230 p., 1 1., xxxii, [2] p. 25J x 19£ cm . Special t.-p. precedes the rules: Regole le principali . . . per bene apprendere . . . il canto ecclesiastico gregoriano, con i precetti di ben comporre nuovi sog- getti . . . Same title with slight alterations is prefixed to the appendix. MT860.A2B44 [Belz, Urban Nathanael] d. 1776. Dissertation sur le son et sur Fouie, qui a remporte le prix propose {>ar 1' Academic royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Prusse, pour 'annee mdcclxii. adjuge' en mdcclxiii. Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1764. viii, 139 p. 21£ x 18 cm . Half-title: Abhandlung vom schalle . . . von herrn Urban Nathanael Beltz . . . Text in German. QC222.B5 Bemetzrieder, Anton, d. 1817. Lecons de clavecin, et principes d'harmonie, par M r Bemetzrieder. Paris, Bluet, 1771. viii, 362 p., 11. 24 x 18 cm . Preface by Diderot. MT224.A2B42 . Music made easy to every capacity, in a series of dia- logues; being practical lessons for the harpsichord, laid down in a new method, so as to render that instrument so little difficult, that any person . . . may play well; become a thorough proficient in the principles of harmony; and will compose music ... in less than a twelvemonth. Written in French by Monsieur Bemetzrieder . . . And pub. at Paris, (with a preface) by the celebrated Monsieur Diderot, the whole tr. and adapted to the use of the English student, by Giff ard Bernard . . . London, Printed by R. Ayre and G. Moore, and sold by W. Randall, 1778. vi, iv, 249 p. 29|x22J cm . In 3 parts. Parte 2 and 3 have each special t.-p., not included in paging: Music made easy to every capacity. Part ii[-m] London, Printed by R. Ayre, 1779. "Subscribers to this work", vi p., inserted after t.-p. MT224.A2B44 ; Music made easy to every capacity, in a series of dialogues ; being practical lessons for the harpsichord, laid down in a new method, so as to render that instrument so little difficult, that any person may . . . play well; become a thorough proficient in the principles of har- mony; and will compose music ... in less than a twelvemonth. Written in French by Monsieur Bemetzrieder . . . And pub. at EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 29 Bemetzrieder, Anton — Continued. Paris, (with a preface) by the celebrated Monsieur Diderot. The whole tr., and adapted to the use of the English student, by Giffard Bernard . . . [London] Printed by G. Bigg for Messrs. Birchall and Andrews, 1785. viii, iv, 249 p. 27 x 21£ cm . In 3 parts. Parts 2 and 3 have each special t.-p., not included in paging: Music made easy to every capacity. Part n[— in] London, Printed by R. Ayre, 1779. MT224.A2B45 Lecciones de clave, y principios de harmonia. Por D. Benito Bails . . . Madrid, Por D. J. Ibarra, impresor, 1775. 4 p. 1., vi, 291 p. 1 illus., fold. pi. 22£ cm . A free translation of Bemetzrieder's Lecons de clavecin. MT224.A2B47 Lettre de M. Bemetzrieder a MM. * * * musiciens de profession: ou, R6ponse a quelques objections qu'on a faites a sa methode, pratique, sa theorie & son ouvrage sur l'harmonie. Paris, Pissot- 1771. 48 p. 24 x 18 cm . (With his Lecons de clavecin. Paris, 1771) MT224.A2B42 Nouvel essai sur l'harmonie, suite du Traite de musique . . . Par M. Bemetzrieder. Paris, Chez l'auteur, et chez Onfroy, 1779. 286 p. 20 pi. on 10 fold. 1. 21 cm . "Approbation" dated 1780. MT50.A2B45 Precis d'une nouvelle methode de musique. Les differentes branches du savoir musical sont separees, definies, eclaircies & arrangees suivant l'ordre naturel. Par M. Bemetzrieder. Londres, Se vend chez l'auteur, 1783. 65 p. 20 cm . MT35.A2B47 Reflexions sur les lecons de musique; methode pour enseigner la lecture musicale, l'accompagnement, l'execution & les elemens de la composition, par M. Bemetzrieder ... A Amsterdam, et se trouve a Paris, chez Onfroy, 1778. iv, [51-66 p. 19* cm . MT35.A2B3 Methode et reflexions sur les lecons de musique. Nouv. ed. . . . Par M. Bemetzrieder . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur, et chez Onfroy, 1781. 2 p. 1., 127, [3] p. vi pi. on 3 fold. 1. 21J C Plates printed on both sides. MT35.A2B33 Le tolerantisme musical, par M. Bemetzrieder. Paris, Chez l'au< teur, et chez Onfroy, 1779. 1 p. 1., [5]-32 p. 21 cm . ML3916.B33 30 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Bemetzrieder, Anton — Continued. Traits de musique, concernant les tons, les harmonies, les accords et le discours musical; 2. 6d. Par M. Bemetzrieder . . . Paris, Chez 1'auteuT, et chez Gueffier, 1780. viij, 254, [2] p.; 1 p. 1., 80 p. (engr.) 20 cm . "Exemples du Traite" de musique": 30 p. MT50.A2B43 Bendeler, Johann Philipp, b. ca. 1660. Organopoeia, oder Unterweisung / wie eine orgel nach ihren haupt- stucken / als mensuriren / abtheilung derer laden / zufall des windes / stimung oder temperatur &c, aus wahren mathematischen grunden zu erbauen / samt einer zugabe / wie alle ubel-klingende spinette / clavicimbel &c. zu einem lieblichen klange / ohne veranderung der decke / zu bringen ; ingleichen / wie sie wohl zu bekielen . . . neu aus- fearb. / und an den tag gegeben von Johann Philipp Bendelern . . . ranckfurt und Leipzig, In verlegung T. P. Calvisii, Merseburg, druckts C. Gottschick [1690?] 4 p. 1., 48 p., 1 1. diagrs. 19£ x 15$ cm . ML552.A2B4 Orgel-bau-kunst, oder : Unterweisung, wie eine orgel nach ihren haupt-stucken, als mensuriren, abtheilung derer laden, zufall des windes, stimmung oder temperatur &c. aus wahren mathemati- schen grunden zu erbauen, sammt einer angabe, wie alle ubel- klingende spinette, clavicimbel &c. zu einem lieblichen klange, ohne veranderung der decke, zu bringen; ingleichen wie sie wohl zu bekielen . . . neu ausgearb., und an den tag gegeben von Johann Philipp Bendelern . . . Franckfurt, 1739. 52 p. diagre. 19£ x 16 cm . ML552.A2B42 Benzoni, Donato, 1587-1664, translator. See Secchi, A. Delia hinnodia, 1643. Berard, Jean Antoine, 1710-1772. L'art du chant, dedie a Madame de Pompadour, par M. Berard. Paris, Dessaint & Saillant [etc.] 1755. 9 p. 1., 158, [6], 34 p.(engr.) pi. 22 cm . The 34 p. contain musical examples. Authorship claimed by the Abbe Blanchet, who afterward published his "L'art, ou les principes philosophiques du chant" (Paris, 1756) as "2. edition, corrigee & augmentee." MT820.A2B3 Berardi, Angelo, d. 1693? Arcani mvsicali suelati dalla vera amicitia, ne' quali appariscono diuersi studij artificiosi, molte osseruationi, e regole concernenti alia tessitura de componimenti armonici, con vn modo facilissimo per sonare trasportato. Dialogo del can. Angelo Berardi . . . Bologna, P.-M. Monti, 1690. 32 p. 22$ x 16$ cm . ( With his Miscellanea mvsicale. Bologna, 1689) MT55.A2B50 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 31 Berardi, Angelo — Continued. Docvmenti armonici di D. Angelo Berardi . . . nelli quali con varij discorsi, regole, & essempij si dimostrano gli studij arteficiosi della musica, oltre il modo di vsare le ligature, e d'intendere il valore di ciascheduna figura sotto qual si sia segno . . . Bologna, G. Monti, 1687. 178 (i. e. 180) p. 24 cm . Title vignette : coat of arms; initials; tail-pieces. Errors in paging; p. 67, 97, 132, 133 numbered 76, 95, 130, 131 respectively; no. 95 and 96 repeated. MT55.A2B48 Miscellanea mvsicale di D. Angelo Berardi . . . divisa in tre parti doue con dottrine si discorre delle materie pill curiose della musica: con regole, & essempij si tratta di tutto il contrapunto con l'intreccio di bellissimi secreti per li professori armonici . . . Bologna, G. Monti, 1689. 6 p. 1., 210, [6] p. 22£ x 16| cm Title vignette: coat of arms. MT55.A2B50 II perche mvsicale, overo Staffetta armonica nella quale la ragione scioglie le difficolta, e gli esempi dimostrano il modo d'isfuggire gli errori, e di tessere con artificio i componimenti musicali; opera del canonico D. Angelo Berardi . . . Bologna, P.-M. Monti, 1693. 60 p. 22£ x 16£ cm . ( With his Miscellanea mvsicale. Bologna, 1689) Title vignette: coat of arms. MT55.A2B50 Ragionamenti mvsicali composti dal Sig. D. Angelo Berardi . . . Dedicati all' illustriss. e reuerendiss. Sig. il Sig. abbate Carlo Antonio Sampieri da Givseppe Orsolini . . . Bologna, G. Monti, 1681. 190 p. 14 x 7£ cm . A resume^ of lessons given by Berardi, written by Orsolini. MT6.A2B48 Aggivnta di D. Angelo Berardi . . . alii svoi Ragionamenti mvsicali, nella quale si pruoua, che la musica e vera, e reale scienza . . . Bologna, G. Monti, 1681. 34 p. 14 x 7£ cm . (With his Ragionamenti mvsicali. Bologna, 1681) MT6.A2B48 Berlin, Johann Daniel, 1711-1787. Anleitung zur tonometrie, oder wie man durch hulfe der logarith- mischen rechnung nach der geometrischen progressionsrechnung die so genannte gleichschwebende musikalische temperatur leicht und bald ausrechnen kann; nebst einem unterrichte von dem 1752. erfundenen und eingerichteten monochordum, von Johann Daniel Berlin . . . Kopenhagen und Leipzig, F. C. Pelt, 1767. 1 p. 1., 2, 5-48 p. in fold. pi. 17J em . • ML3809.A2B36 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Berlinische musikalische zeitung. Historischen und kritischen in- halts. Mit funfzig musikstiicken von verschiedenen meistern. Hrsg. von Carl Spazier . . . 1.-52. stuck; 9. feb. 1793-4. Jan. 1794. Berlin, Im verlage der neuen musikhandlung, 1794. 210 p. 25 x 21 cm . weekly. 2 numbers issued for Oct. 19, 26, Nov. 2 and Jan. 4 respectively. ML4.B4 Bermudo, Juan, b. 1510? Comienca el libro llamado Declaracio de instumetos[ !] musicales . . . copuesto por el muy reuerendo padre fray Iua Bermudo ... en el qual hallara todo lo que en musica desseare, y cotiene seys libros . . . 1555. [Colophon: Fin delos cinco libros dela declaracion delos instru- mento [!] musicales los quales compuso el muy reueredo padre fray Iua Bermudo . . . y fuero impressos ela villa de Ossuna por Iuan de Leo ... Y acabarose de imprimir a treze dias del mes de iulio siendo bispera de Sanct Buenauentura ano de. m.d.l.v.] 8 p. 1., cxlij numb. 1. illus. 29 cm . Title within ornamental border; title vignette: coat of arms. The 1st edition, 1548, comprised only the first "book." The sixth was not published. ML171.B52 Bernard, Giffard, translator. See Bemetzrieder, A. Music made easy. Bernardo da Conceigao. O ecclesiastico instruido scientificamente na arte do canto-chao, composta pelo P. P. Fr. Bernardo da Conceicao . . . e dada a' luz por Jeronymo da Cunha Bandeira . . . Lisboa, F. L. Ameno, 1788. 3 p. 1., xii p., 1 1., 1091 (i. e. 1094), [1] p. incl. pi., tables. 20£ cm . "Alguns hymnos selectos, tirados do Psalterio romano": p. 341-360. "Vario canto-chao pratico, para uso dos principiantes " : p. 361-1028. "Psalmos, e licoes dos tres officios da Semana santa; e tambem do Officio dos defuntos" (text only): p. 1029-1086. MT860.A2B4 Bertalotti, Angelo Michele, b. 1665? Regole facilissime per apprendere con facilita, e prestezza li canti fermo, e figvrato, dati alle stampe per comodo delli putti delle scvole pie di Bologna. Bologna, M. Silvani, 1698. 54 p. 21 cm . Tail-piece. MT860.A2B5 # — ■ — Regole facilissime, per apprendere il canto fermo, con vn dialogo che puo servire tanto per esaminare li scolari, che per esser esaminato, ed una spiegazione de' tuoni per chi volesse comporre antifone, o altro in canto fermo; nuovamente per la quinta volta ri- stampate, e ricorrette . . . da Angelo Michele Bertalotti . . . Bologna, Stamperia di L. dalla Volffe, 1756. 44 p. illus. 24J cm . MT860.A2B53 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 33 Bertalotti, Angelo Michele— Continued. Solfeggi a canto, e alto, dati gia alle stampe per comodo delle scuole pie di Bologna da Angelo Bertalotti . . . Nuova ed. con ag- giunta degli elementi, del solfeggio, e de' terzetti. Bologna, Stamperia di L. dalla Volpe, 1764. 72 p. 20£ x 26£ om . MT870.A2B4 Bertezen, Salvatore. Principj di musica teorico-prattica, di Salvatore Bertezen. Roma, Stamperia Salomoni, 1780. 350, [2] p. 16J x 9 cm - MT6.A2B5 Principj della musica, di Salvatore Bertezen . . . Londra, E. Reynell, 1781. iv, xiii, 14-189, [2] p. xvin pi. 20 cm . MT6.A2B52 Extract of the work entitled Principles of music by Salvatore Bertezen. Estratto dell' opera de' Principj della musica, &c. Lon- don, Printed for the author, 1782. 1 p. 1., 5-46 p. iv pi. 20 cm . Italian and English in parallel columns. MT6.A2B53 [Berthet, Pierre] Lecons de musique, ou Exposition des traits les plus necessaires pour apprendre a chanter sa partie a livre ouvert. P. L. S. B. Paris, C. Ballard, imprimeur, 1691. 47, [1] p. 12 x 19 cm . 145 p. of music in ma., by Berthet and others, appended. On fly-leaf at end: " Le 14 avril 1693 . P . Berthet . ' ' MT870.A2B5 Bertouch, Georg von, 1668-1743. See Stryk, E. A. Disputatio juridica [1693] Bethisy, Jean Laurent de, 1702-1781. Exposition de la theorie et de la pratique de la musique, suivant les nouvelles decouvertes. Par M. de Bethizy. 2. ed. Cor. & augm. par l'auteur. Paris, F. G. Deschamps, 1764. xvj, 331, [4] p., 60 p. (music, engr.) 20 em . MT6.A2B56. Beuf, Jean le. See Lebeuf, Jean. 51234 °:— 13 3 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Beurhusius, Friedrich, 1536-1609. Erotematum mvsicse libri dvo, ex optimis hvivs artis scriptoribvs vera perspicvaqve methodo descripti, per Fredericvm Bevrhvsivm . . . Cum prsefatione d. Ioannis Tnomse Freigii. Noribergse, 1580. [126] p. 16 e ?cm Colophon: Noribergse, imprimebatvr in officina typographica Catharinae Gerlachin, & hseredum Ioannis Montani. / Signatures: A-G in eights, H in seven. The first edition quoted is that of Dortmund, 1573. ML171.B55 [Bianchi, Giovanni Antonio] 1686-1758. De i vizj, e de i difetti del moderno teatro e del modo di correg- gergli, e d' emendarli, ragionamenti vi. di Lauriso Tragiense pastore arcade. Roma, N., e M. Pagliarini, 1753. xii, 345, [1] p. illus., 4 pi. (1 fold.) 2 plans. 27 x 20 cm . Title vignette; initials; head and tail pieces. Ch.34.3018 Bianchini, Francesco, 1662-1729. Francisci Bianchini Veronensis . . . De tribus generibus instru- mentorum musicae veterum organicse dissertatio. Romas, impensis Fausti Amidei, 1742. xi, 58 p. viii pi. 25£ em . Title vignette; head-pieces; initials. ML162.A2B6 Bicknell, John Laurence, 1740-1787. See Veal, G. Musical travels through England. Biedermann, Johann Gottlieb, 1705-1772. M. Johann Gottlieb Biedermanns . . . Abgen6thigte ehren-rettung wider die unverschamten lasterungen uber seine einladungsschrifft De vita mvsica. Leipzig, M. C. F. Muller, 1750. 15 p. 21| x 17i cm . ML64.B4 See also Nachgedanken herrn m. Joh. Gottl. Biedermanns, 1750. Birchensha, John. • See Salmon, T. An essay, 1672. Birchensha, John, translator. See Alsted, J. H. Templvm mvsicvm, 1664. Bisse, Thomas, d. 1731. Musick the delight of the sons of men. A sermon preached at the cathedral church of Hereford, at the anniversary meeting of the three choirs, Glocester, Worcester, Hereford, September 7. 1726. By Tho. Bisse . . . London, W. and J. Innys, 1726. 52 p. 20 cm . ML63.B62 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 35 Blainville, Charles Henri, 1711-1769. L'esprit de Tart musical, ou Reflexions sur la musique, et ses diffe- rentes parties, par C. H. Blainville. Geneve, 1754. 2 p. 1., 126, [2] p. front. 21£ cm . A German translation, taken from "Vermischte beytrage zur philosophic und den sch&nen wissenschaften", was pub. by J. A. Hiller in his " W6chentliche nachrichten", 1767. ML1727.33.B63 Harmonie theorico-pratique, divisee en six parties . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur [etc.] 1751. iv, 55, [1] p. 20£ x 27£ cm . Caption title: Regies de composition. Blainville is given as author in the privilege. An earlier edition was published by Ballard in 1746. MT50.A2B5 Histoire generale,* critique et philologique de la musique . . . par M. de Blainville, Paris, Pissot, 1767. xj, [1], 189, [3] p. lxix (». e. 61) pi. (incl. front.) 274 x 21 cm . Plates (partly music) numbered irregularly and in part printed on both sides. ML159.B63 Blanc, Hubert le. See Le Blanc, Hubert. Blanchet, Jean, 1724-1778. L'art, ou les principes philosophiques du chant: par M. Blanchet. 2. ed., cor. & augm. . . . Paris, A. M. Lottin [etc.] 1756. xlviij, 148, [4] p. pi. 16£ em . For the 1st edition of this work see Berard, J. A., L'art du chant. MT820.A2B4 Bland, John. . . . Catalogue of subjects or beginnings of the several works, for the harpsichord, piano forte, & organ, which are printed & sold by J. Bland, n.° 45, Holborn, London . . . Catalogue thematique, ou commencement de chaque ouvrage pour le clavecin, forte piano ou l'orgue qui sont publics & vendus par J. Bland . . . London [1790] 18 p. 25 cm . At head of title: N? 2. Decern 1 - 1790. ML145.A2B41 Blankenburg, Christian Friedrich von, 1744-1796, editor. See Sulzer, J. G. Allgemeine theorie der schdnen kunste, 1792-99. 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Blankenburg, Quirinus van, h. 1654. Elementa musica, of Niew licht tot het welverstaan van de musiec en de bas-continuo. Door regelen, met reden en bewys, gebouwd op een klare ontledinge der eerste beginselen; na een voorafgaande wederlegging van de dwalingen dezes tyds. Waar nevens de vinding en opkomst der konst ; de musiec der ouden ; de redenmaat der klan- ken; de ontdekking van een wiskunstige cirkel, waar in de wet der nature al de toonen verdeelt; de stelkonst; de speeltuigen en de grondlegging van de zangkunst. Door Quirinus van Blankenburg . . . 's Gravenhage, L. Berkoske, 1739. 15 p. 1., 200 p., 1 1. front, (port.) 29 pi. (partly fold.) 26 x 20i cm . MT49.A2B64 Blewitt, Jonas, d. 1805. A complete treatise on the organ, to which is added a set of explan- atory voluntaries composed expressly for the purpose of rendering theory and practice subservient to mutual elucidation. By Jonas Blewitt . . . Op: 4 . . . London, Printed by Longman and Bro- derip [17 — ] 1 p. 1., 9, 59 p. 24 x 324 cm . Engraved, except the treatise (9 p.) which is followed by the dedication (p. 1), 12 voluntaries (p. 2-42) and psalm-tunes with preface (p. 43-59) MT182.A2B6 Bocchi, Francesco, 1548-1618. Discorso di Francesco Bocchi sopra la musica, non secondo Parte di quella, ma secondo la ragione alia politica pertinente. Fiorenza, 1581. 39 p. 16 cm . Colophon: In Fiorenza, Nella stamperia di Giorgio Marescotti . . . mdlxxx. Title within ornamental border; printer's mark at end. ML171.B57 Boch, Jean, 1555-1609. See Straet, J. van der. Enconivm mvsices [ca. 1600] Boecklin von Boecklinsau, Franz Friedrich Siegmund August von, reichsfreiherr zu Rust, 1745-1813. Beytrage zur geschichte der musik, besonders in Deutschland; uebst freymuthigen anmerkungen liber dfe kunst. Von F. F. S. A. von Boecklin. Freyburg im Breisgau, Gedruckt bey N. A. Zehnder, 1790. 150 p. I9 cm . A second title precedes the text: xvm. briefe uber die tonkunst. ML275.3.B73 Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus. Arithmetica, geometria et musica Boetii. Venetiis, Johannes et Gregorius de Gregoriis, 1492. 32™. From Opera Boetii, 1492, '91 (2 v.) v. 1, 1 p. 1., numb. 1. 156-220 (i. e. 222) (According to Hain: 157-222; according to Pellechet: 157-220 (i. e. 175-242)) In Pellechet, f. 157\ col. 1: ' : table"; in Hain and this copy, col. 1: C Inci- piunt duo libri de Arithmetica. Book-plate of James E. Matthew. Complete work listed as follows: Hain *3351, Pellechet 2490, Proctor 4517 (3 Venice 45-16, 17, 20) Incun.1492.B67 EAKLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 37 Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus — Continued. Opera. [Venetiis, Johannes et Gregorius de Gregoriis, fratres, 1497-99] 3 v. in 1. 32 cm . Hain*3352; Proctor 4555, 4559; Pellechet 2491. Incun.1499.B6 Anitii Manlii Severini Boethi . . . opera omnia . . . Accesservnt Ioannis Murmelij in v. lib. De consolatione philosophise commentaria. et in eosdem Rodolphi Agricolse enarrationes. Item, Gilberti Porretae, episcopi pictauiensis, in mi. lib. De trinitate commentarij, ante nun- quam sediti. Praeter reliquos doctiss. uiros, Henricvs Loritvs Glarea- nvs, Arithmeticam & Musicam demonstrationibus & figuris auctiorem, redditam, suo pristino nitori restituit . . . et Martianvs Rota, opus de tota disserendi ratione, hoc est, Organum . . . illustrauit. et huius autorisuitam . . . descripsit. Basilea3,exomcinaHenricpetrina [1570] 23 p. 1., 1546, [2] p. diagrs. 31£ cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. and on last page; initials. Ch.40 Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich von, 1690-1774. See Der eitle musicant, 1760. Boiseul, Jean. Traitte contre les danses. Par Jean Boiseul. La Rochelle, Les heritiers de Hierosme Havltin, 1606. 50 p. 16 cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. GV1740.B7 Boissy, M. A. Laus de. See Laus de Boissy, M. A. Bollioud-Mermet, Louis, 1709-1793. De la corruption du goust dans la musique francoise. Par M. Bollioud de Mermet . . . Lyon, Impr. d'A. Delaroche, 1746. 53, [1] p. 16£ em . Title vignette. ML270.3.B68 Herrn Bollioud von Mermet abhandlung von dem verder- ben des geschmacks in der franzSsischen musik. Aus dem franzd- sischen ubersetzt und mit einigen historischen anmerkungen verse- hen von Ffriedrich] G[otthiK] F[reytag] Altenburg, Bey P. E. Rich- tern, 1750. 78 p. 17i cm . Title vignette. "A. G. Kastners . . . schreiben an den nebersetzer, die ursachen, warum man in den kunsten auf das unnaturliche verfallt, betreffend": p. 69-78. ML270.3.B69 Bologna. R. Accademia filarmonica. See Accademia filarmonica, Bologna. 38 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS Bona, Giovanni, cardinal, 1609-1674. De divina psalmodia, eivsqve cavsis, mysteriis, et disciplinis, deque variis ritibus omnium ecclesiarum in psallendis diuinis ofnciis, tractatvs historicvs, symbolicvs, asceticvs. Sive Psallentis ecclesise harmonia, opus nouum, & curiosum, ac multiplici eruditione illus- tratum. Auctore d. Ioanne Bona . . . Ed. 2. avctior et emen- datior. Nunc primum prodit in Galliis. Parisiis, apud Lvdovicvm Billaine, 1663. 12 p. 1., 534 p. 23i cm . "Notitia avctorvm, et librorvm, qvi in hoc opere citantvr, notantvr, illvstran- tvr": p. 1-48. ML3270.A2B6 Bona, Valeric Essempi delli passaggi delle consonanze, et dissonanze, et d'altre cose pertmenti al compositore. Del r. p. Valerio Bvona . . . Milano, Appresso li heredi di F., & S. Tini, 1596. 28 p. 19 x 14£ cm . ML171.B69 Bonaventura da Brescia. Regula musice plane. [Venetia, Jacomo di Penci da Lecho, 1500] 16 1. 21£ cm . Proctor 5589 (3 Venice 136— 8,9,11) Copinger 1200. NotinHainorPellechet. ML171.B7 Regula musice pla || ne VenerabilisfratrisBo |j nauenture de Bri- xia ordinis || mino- |[ rii. [Colophon: C Impressum Mediolani per Joannem Angelum Scinzenze || ler. Anno dfii. M.ccccc.xiiij. Die xxvij. Mensis Septebris] [40] p. 1 illua. 20i Rm . Title within woodcut border; printer's mark on t.-p. above title; Guidonian hand on recto of third leaf. Gothic type. Signatures: a in eight, b-d in fours. 1st edition pub. at Brescia in 1497 under title: Breviloquium musicale. ML171.B71 Regula musice plane vene- || rabilis fratris Bonauen || ture de brixia ordinis || Minorum. [Colophon: C Stampato in Venetia per Giouanni An- || drea Valuaflore detto Guadagnino || m.d.l.] 145] p. lillus. 15i cm . Signatures: A-B in eights, C in seven. Woodcut on t.-p., Guidonian hand on recto of A iii, printer's mark on last leaf. ML171.B73 Bonlini, Giovanni Carlo, 1673-1731. Le glorie della poesia, e della musica contenute nelF esatta notitia de teatri della citta di Venezia, e nel catalogo purgatissimo de drami musicali quiui sin' hora rapresentati. Con gF auttori della poesia, e della musica, e con le annotationi a suoi luoghi proprij. In Venezia [C. Bonarigo stampatore, 1730] 1 p. 1., 264, [2] p., 11. 18 x 10" m . ML1733.8.V4B5 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 39 Bonnet, Jacques, 1644-1724. Histoire de la musique, et de ses effets, depuis son origine jusqu'a present . . . Paris, J. Cochart [etc.] 1715. 8 p. 1., 487, [1] p. 17 cm . Dedication signed: Bonnet. The work was begun by the Abbe Bourdelot, continued by his nephew, Pierre Bonnet, and completed and pub. by the brother of the latter, Jacques Bonnet. ML159.B7 Histoire de la musique et de ses effets ; depuis son origine 1'usqu'a present: & en quoi consiste sa beaute . . . Amsterdam, C. ..e Cene, 1726. 4 v. in 2. 16 cm . Vol . 2-4 of this edition are a reprint of the ' ' Comparaison de la musique itali- enne et de la musique francoise" of J. L. Le Cerf de La Vieville. ML159.B8 Histoire generale de la danse, sacree et prophane ; ses progres & ses revolutions, depuis son origine jusqu'a present. Avec un supplement de 1' Histoire de la musique, & le Paralele de la peinture & de la poesie ... Par M. Bonnet . . . Paris, D'Houry fils, 1724. xl, 269 p. 15£ cm . Based upon material left in manuscript by the Abb6 Bourdelot. GV1601.B71 Bonnet-Bourdelot, Pierre, 1638-1708. See Bonnet, J. Histoire de la musique. Bonnot de Mably, Gabriel. See Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de. Bononcini, Giovanni Maria, 1640-1678. Mvsico prattico che breuemente dimostra il modo di giungere alia perfetta cognizione di tutte quelle cose, che concorrono alia compo- sizione de i canti, e di cio en' all' arte del contrapunto si ricerca. Opera ottava di Gio. Maria Bononcini . . . Bologna, G. Monti, 1673. 5 p. 1., 164 p. front. 20£ cm . MT55.A2B71 Johannis Marise Bononcini . . . Musicus practicus. Welcher in kurtze weiset die art / wie man zu vollkommener erkantniss aller der jenigen sachen / welche bey setzung eines gesangs unterlauffen / und was die kunst des contra-puncts erfordert / gelangen kan. Stut- gart /P. Treu / 1701. 1 p. 1., 101, [1] p. 20 x 16 cm . Translation of the second part of hia "Mvsico prattico." is MT55.A2B73 40 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS Bontempi Angelini, Giovanni Andrea, 1624-1705. Historia mvsica, nella quale si ha piena cognitione della teorica, e della pratica antica della mvsica harmonica; secondo la dottrina de' Greci . . . e come dalla teorica, e dalla pratica antica sia poi nata la pratica moderna, che contiene la scientia del contrapunto ... Di Gio: Andrea Angelini Bontempi . . . Pervgia, Pel Costantini, 1695. 6 p. 1., 278, [2] p., 1 1. diagrs. 30 cm . Title vignette. ML159.B85 Borde, Jean Baptiste de la. See La Borde, Jean Baptiste de. Borde, Jean Benjamin de la. See La Borde, Jean Benjamin de. Bordier, Louis Charles, d. 1764. Nouvelle methode de musique, par M r . Bordier . . . Paris, Des Lauriers [1760] 1 p. 1., 118 p. 33£ x 25i cm . Engraved throughout. Label mounted over imprint on t.-p.: Chez M elle Cas- tagnery ... . A new edition was published in 1781 under title: Methode pour la voix. MT870.A2B71 Traite de composition, par feu M. Bordier . . . mis au jour par M. Boiiin . . . Paris, Chez l'editeur; [etc., etc., 1770?] 2 p. 1., 86 p. 24£ cm . Engraved throughout. MT40.A2B78 Borghese, Antonio D. It. L'art musical ramene a ses vrais principes; ou, Lettres d'Antoine D. R. Borghese, a Julie, tr. de l'italien par l'auteur . . . Paris, Har- douin & Gattey, 1786. lp. 1., 16, 178, [2] p. 21 cm . Gaspari gives also a volume of 17 plates, published 1785, containing the musical examples for the work. MT6.A2B73 [Borjon, Charles Emmanuel] 1633-1691. Traite de la mvsette, avec vne nowelle methode, pour apprendre de soy-mesme a jouer de cet instrument facilement, & en peu de temps. A Lyon, Chez lean Girin, & Barthelemy Riviere, 1672. 5 p. 1., 39, 19 p. incl. illus., pi. front., 2 pi. 29£ cm . Title vignette; head -pieces; historiated initials. In two parts; the second part, " Livre de tablature," engraved throughout, consists of arias and dance music in tablature with transcription in modern notation on opposite pages, followed by the words of the songs. MT530.B78 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 41 Borromeo, Carlo, Saint. See Carlo Borromeo, Saint. Borromeo, Federico, cardinal, 1564-1631. See Regole d'alcuni capi, 1795. Bos, Jean Baptiste du. See Dubos, Jean Baptiste. Bossier, Heinrich Philipp Carl, d. 1812, editor. See Musikalische real-zeitung [1788-90] Bottrigari, Ercole, 1531-1612. II Patricio, overo De' tetracordi armonici di Aristosseno, parere, et vera dimostratione dell' illustre Signor caualiere Hercole Bottrigaro. Bologna, V. Benacci, 1593. 47, [1] p. 21 x 15£ cm . ML171.B75 Bourdelot, Pierre, originally Pierre Michon, 1610-1685. See Bonnet, J. Histoire de la musique. Histoire generale de la danse, 1724. Boyer, Pascal, b. 1743. Lettre a Monsieur Diderot, sur le projet de 1' unite* de clef dans la musique. Et la reforme des mesures, proposes par M. l'abbe La Cas- sagne, dans ses Clemens du chant. Par M. Boyer ... A Amster- dam, et se trouve, a Paris, chez Vente, 1767. 1 p. 1., ij, 70 p., 1 1. fold. pi. 19J cm . ML432.A2B6 See also Arnaud, F. La soiree perdue a F Opera, 1776. Bradbury, Thomas, 1677-1759. See Practical discourses, 1708. Bravo, Jose de Torres Martinez. See Torres Martinez Bravo, Jose de. Breitkopf, Johann Gottlob Immanuel, 1719-1794. Catalogo . . . [Lipsia] 1762-65. 6 pt. in 1 v. 22J cm . Thematic catalogue of ms. music only. Each part has special t.-p. (1) Catalogo delle sinfonie che si trovano in manu- scritto nella officina musica di Giovanno Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, in Lipsia. Parte ima. 1762. (2) Catalogo dei soli, due tti, triie concerti per il violino [etc.] chi si trovano in manuscritto nella officina musica di Breitkopf in Lipsia. Parte nda. 1762. (3) Catalogo de' soli [etc.] per il flauto traverso [etc.] . . . Parte niza. 1763. (4) Catalogo de' soli [etc.] per il cembalo e l'harpa . . . Parte ivta. 1763. (5) Catalogo de' qvadri, partite, divertimenti, cassat. scherz. ed intrade ... a diversi stromenti . . . Parte va. 1765. (6) Catalogo delle arie, duetti, madrigali e cantate, con stromenti diversi e con cembalo solo . . . Parte vita. 1765. 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Breitkopf , Johann Gottlob Immanuel — Continued. Svpplemento i[-xn] dei catalog^ delle sinfonie, partite, ouver- ture, soli, duetti, trii, quattri e concert! per il violino, fl°,uto traverso, cembalo ed altri stromenti, che si trovano in mancscritto nella officina musica di Breitkopf in Lipsia. [Lipsia] 1766-78. 12 pt. in 2 v. 22J cm . Supplements xiii-xvi wanting in L. of C. set. ML145.A2B83 Bremner, Robert, d. 1789. The rudiments of music : or, A short and easy treatise on that sub- ject. To which is added, a collection of the best church-tunes, canons, and anthems. By Robert Bremner. Edinburgh, Printed for the author, 1756. 2 p. 1., [iii]-ix, [1], 35 p. 12, 52 p .(music, engr.) 2 fold. pi. 16 cm . Page 52 and 4 unnumb. p. following are ruled but otherwise blank. MT7.A2B8 The rudiments of music : or, A short and easy treatise on that subject. The 3d ed. With considerable additions; particularly, Instructions for song; and, A plan for teaching a number of persons collectively the four parts of psalmody. By Robert Bremner. To which is annexed, a collection of the best church-tunes, canons, and anthems. London, Printed for the author, 1763. 1 p. 1., [v]-xix, [1], 59 p., 1 1., 72 p. (music, engr.) 3 fold. pi. 17 cm . MT7.A2B83 [Bretagne, Pierre de] b. ca. 1666. De excellentia musicse antiquse Hebrseorum et eorum instrumentis musicis tractatus ex S. Scriptura, ss. patribus, & antiquis authoribus illustratus . . . Monachii, sumptibus Joannis J. Remy, 1718. 6 p. 1., 100 p. fold. pi. 16 cm . Dedication signed: F. P. de Bretagne, a. s. e. b. c. & t. According to Fetis this is a reprint of the 1st edition, Paris, 1707. ML166.A2B8 Brett, John, d. 1785, translator. See Feijoo y Montenegro, B. J. Three essays, 1778. Briefwechsel fiber Danziger musik und musiker. Berlin, 1785. 71 p. 16 cm . Letters to H. W. Gulden (cj. Reichardt) concerning a pamphlet by J. G. Hingelberg, published anonymously, " Ueber Danziger musik und musiker." ML279.8.D16 Brijon, C. R., b. ca. 1720. L'Apollon moderne, ou Le developpement intellectuel par les sons de la musique. Nouvelle devouverte [!] de premiere culture, aisee & certaine pour parvenir a la reussite dans les sciences, & nouveau moyen d'apprendre facilement la musique. Par C. R. Brijon . . . Deuxieme oeuvre . . . Lyon [A. A. Belion] 1782. xxxij, 264, [7], 64 p. 22$ cm . In two parts. The second part has special t.-p.: L'Apollon moderne. Ou, Principes, exemples et lecons de musique. Grave par Meunier graveur du roy, 1782 a Lyon. MT6.A2B84 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 43 Brijon, C. R. — Continued. Reflexions sur la musique, et la vraie maniere de l'executer sur le violon. Par M. Brijon . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur [etc.] 1763. 2 p. 1., 32, v, 11 p. 26£ x 20£ cm . In two parts. The second part, " Principes de musique, pour parvenir a jouer du violon, is engraved throughout. MT260.A2B85 Brocarte, Antonio de la Cruz. See Cruz Brocarte, Antonio de la. [Brocklesby, Richard] 1722-1797. Reflections on antient and modern musick, with the application to the cure of diseases. To which is subjoined, an essay to solve the question, wherein consisted the difference of antient musick, from that of modern times . . . London, M. Cooper, 1749. l p. 1., 82 p., 1 1. 19 cm . ML3920.A2B76 Brookbank, Joseph, b. 1612. See The organs fvnerall [1642 ?] Brossard, Sebastien de, d. 1730. Dictionaire de musique, contenant une explication des termes grecs, latins, italiens, & francois les plus usitez ... A l'occasion desquels on rapporte ce qu'il y a de plus curieux, & de plus necessaire a scavoir; tant pour l'histoire & la theorie, que pour la composition, & la pratique . . . de la musique . . . Ensemble, une table alphabe- tique des termes francois qui sont dans le corps de l'ouvrage . . . Un traite de la maniere de bien prononcer, sur tout en chantant, les termes italiens, latins, & francois. Et un catalogue de plus de 900. auteurs qui ont ecrit sur la musique . . . Par M e Sebastien de Bros- sard . . . Paris, C. Ballard, 1703. [112] p. 37 cm . ML108.A2B6 See also Grassineau, J. A musical dictionary, 1740. Brouncker, William Brouncker, 2d viscount, 1620 or 21-1684, editor. See Descartes, R. Excellent compendium of musick, 1653. Brown, John, 1715-1766. A dissertation on the rise, union, and power, the progressions, separations, and corruptions, of poetry and music. To which is prefixed, The cure of Saul. A sacred ode. Written by Dr. Brown . . . London, L. Davis and C. Reymers, 1763. iv, [5]-244 {%. e. 248) p. 26£ x 20£ cm . Last page numbered 244 for 248. ML3849.A2B87 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Brown, John — Continued. Dr. Brown's Betrachtungen uber die poesie und musik, nach ihrem ursprunge, ihrer vereinigung, gewalt, wachsthum, trennung und verderbniss. Aus dem englischen ubersetzt, mit anmerkungen und zween anhangen begleitet, von Johann Joachim Eschenburg. Leipzig, Weidmanns erben und Reich, 1769. 7 p. 1., 494, [2] p., 1 1. front. 18 cm . "Die heilung Sauls, eine ode von dr. Brown": p. [395]-43i. ML3849.A2B871 DelF origine, unione e forza, progressi, separazioni, e corru- zioni della poesia, e della musica, dissertazione del dottor Giovanni Brown, tr. in lingua italiana dall' originate inglese, ed accresciuta di note dal dottor Pietro Crocchi ... A cui si aggiunge La cura di Saule, ode sacra delF istesso autore, tr. fedelmente in poesia italiana di metre irregolare a confronto del testo inglese da Oresbio Agieo p. a. . . . Firenze, Stamperia Bonducciana, 1772. 2 p. 1., 248 p. 22 cm . "Oresbio Agieo," academic name of Francesco Corsetti. ML3849.A2B872 Brown, John, 1752-1787. Letters upon the poetry and music of the Italian opera; addressed to a friend. By the late Mr. John Brown, painter. Edinburgh, Bell and Bradfute; [etc., etc.] 1789. 2 p. 1., [iii]-xx, 141 p. 16 cm . ML3858.B87 Letters on the Italian opera: addressed to the Hon. Lord Monboddo. By the late Mr. John Brown. 2ded. London, T. Cadell, 1791. xviii, 141 p., 1 1. 17 cm . ML3858.B872 Browne, Richard. Medicina musica: or, A mechanical essay on the effects of singing, musick, and dancing, on human bodies. Revis'd and corrected. To which is annex'd a new essay on the nature and cure of the spleen and vapours. By Richard Browne . . . London, J. Cooke, 1729. xv, 125 p. 14J cm . 1st edition 1674. ML3920.A2B75 Brace, Thomas. The common tunes; or, Scotland's church musick made plain. By Mr. Thomas Bruce . . . Edinburgh, Printed for the author, 1726. 3 p. 1., viii, 46 p. front., 21 pi. (music) 17 om . Caption title and running title: The gam-ut, or scale of musick explain'd. MT7.A2B92 [Brumbey, Carl Wilhelm] b. 1757. Briefe uber musikwesen, besonders Cora in Halle. Quedlinburg, In commission bey C. A. Reussner, 1781. 109 p. 18 cm . ML410.N29B8 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 45 Brunnelius, Eric, b. ca. 1708. See Btjrman, E. Elementa musices planse [1728] Buly ovszky, Mihaly, d. 1711. Michaelis Bvliowski . . . Brevis de emendatione organi musici trac- tatio. Kurtze vorstellung von verbesserung des orgelwercks. Ar- gentorati, apud J. E. Zetznervm, 1680. 6 p. 1., 121, [11] p. 18 cm . Text in Latin and German on opposite pages; "Register," Latin and German in parallel columns. "Lobspruch dieses grundlichen berichts von verbesserung des orgelwercks," poem, signed Jo. Ernestus Saur: [4] p. preceding p. [1] ML552.A2B9 Buonanni, Filippo, 1638-1725. Gabinetto armonico pieno d'istromenti sonori, indicati, e spiegati dal padre Filippo Bonanni . . . Roma, Stamperia di G. Placho, 1722. 8 p. 1., 177, [1] p. front., cxlviii (i. e. 149) pi. 25 cm . Plates numbered irregularly. ML460.A2B61 Descrizione degl' istromenti armonici d'ogni genere, del padre Bonanni. 2. ed. riv., cor., ed accrescivta dall' abbate Giacinto Cervti. Ornata con cxl. rami incisi d'Arnoldo Wanwesterout. Roma, A spese di V. Monaldini, 1776. xvi, xxiij, [1], 114 (i. e. 214), [2] p. cxl (t. e. 142) pi. (1 fold.) 26£ cm . Title and text in Italian and French, arranged in parallel columns. The t.-p. (engr. and folded) is counted as 4 pages in numbering. Page 214 wrongly numbered 114. ML460.A2B62 Burette, Pierre Jean, 1665-1747. Dissertation, oil Ton fait voir, que les merveilleux effets, attribuez a la musique des anciens, ne prouvent point, qu'elle fust aussi parfaite que la ndtre. Par M. Burette. (In Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris. Memoires. Paris, 1729. 25£ x 19 cm . [i. ser.] t. v [2. ptie.] p. 133-151) Detached copy. ML169.A2B8 Paragone dell' antica colla moderna musica. Dissertazione del Signor Burette. In cui si dimostra, che i maravigliosi effetti attribuiti alia musica degli antichi non provano in niun modo, ch' essa fosse piil perfetta della nostra. N°. xiv. Venezia, A. Groppo, 1748. 12 p. 22£ cm . Title vignette. ML169.A2B82 Dissertation sur la melopee de Tancienne musique. Par M. Burette. (In Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris. Memoires. Paris, 1729. 25£ X 19 cm . [i. ser.] t. v [2. ptie.] p. 169-199) Detached copy. ML169.A2B8 46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Burette, Pierre Jean — Continued. Addition a la Dissertation sur la melopee . . . (In Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris. Memoires. Paris, 1729. [i. ser.] t. v [2. ptie.] p. 200-206) Detached copy. Dissertation sur la symphonie des anciens. Par M. Burette. (In Academie T46. 25* x 19 cn Detached copy (In Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris. Memoires. Paris, 1746. 25£ x 19 cm . [i. ser.] t. iv, p. 116-131) ML169.A2B8 Dissertation sur le rhythme de l'ancienne musique. Par M. Burette. (In Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris. Memoires. Paris, 1729. 25£ x 19 cm . [i. ser.] t. v. [2. ptie.] p. 152-168) Detached copy. ML169.A2B8 Extrait d'une lettre ecrite aux auteurs du Mercure, suivie d'un memoire qui repond a la question proposee dans celui du mois de juin dernier, au sujet du plainchant &c. [Paris ? 1733 ?] 19 p. 16£ cm . Caption title. The memoir has caption title "Memoire sur l'autorite des musiciens en matiere de plainchant," and is signed: Burette et Falconnet, file. ML3082.A2B8 Prima, e seconda memoria per servire alia istoria del ballo degli antichi, del Signor Burette. n°. n. Venezia, 1746. 1 p. 1., 33-44, 33-42 p. 25 x 19 cm . Title vignette. The French original was printed in " Histoire de 1' Academic royale des in- scriptions et belles-lettres", Paris, 1717. GV1787.B8 Burette, Pierre Jean, 1665-1747, translator. See Plutarchus. Ilepl fioooiKf)g, 1735. Burman, Erik, 1692-1729, praeses. ... Dissertatio musica, De basso fundamentali . . . Upsalise, Ute- ris Wernerianis [1728] 4 p. 1., 15, [1] p. 15£ rm . Diss. — Upsala (A. Lofgron, respondent and author) MT49.A2B92 . . . Elementa musices planae exercitio academico . . . Upsaliae, typis Wernerianis [1728] 4 p. 1., 40, [4] p. 15J cm . Diss.— Upsala (E. Brunnelius, respondent and author) MT44.A2B78 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 4 \ Burmeister, Joachim, b. ca. 1560. Musica athooxedcaoTtKT) qvae per aliquot accessiones in gratiam philomusorum quorundam ad tractatum de hypomnematibus musicse poeticse ejusdem auctoris anozddrjv quondam exaratas, in unum cor- Eusculum concrevit, in qua redditur ratio i. Formandi & componendi armonias ; n. Administrandi & regendi chorum ; in. Canendi melo- dias mod6 hactenus non usitatd. Edita studio & labore M. Joachimi Burmeisteri Lunseburgensis. Rostochii, excudebat C. Reusnerus, 1601. [244] p. illus., 2 fold. 1. (music) 18£ x 14£ cm . Title within ornamental border. MT6.A2B96 Musica poetica: definitionibus et divisionibus breviter delineata, quibus in singulis capitibus sunt hypomnemata prseceptionum instar oovoKTiiiibe addita, edita studid & opera, M. Joacnimi Bvrmeisteri . . . Rostochii, excudebat S. MyHander, 1606. 4 p. 1., 76, [4] p. 18Jxl4£ c ™. (With his Musica ajhoax^caarti^. Rostochii, 1601) Title within ornamental border. MT6.A2B96 Burney, Charles, 1726-1814. An account of the musical performances in Westminster-abbey r and the Pantheon, May 26th, 27th, 29th; and June the 3d, and 5th, 1784. In commemoration of Handel. By Charles Burney . . . Lon- don, Printed for the benefit of the musical fund, and sold by T. Payne and son [etc.] 1785. [237] p. vii pi. (incl. front.) 27£ x 22 cm . Various paging. "Sketch of the life of Handel": p. [l]-38. "Chronological list of Handel's works": p. [42]-46. "Abstract of the laws and resolutions of the Fund for the support of decayed musicians and their families": p. 129-136. ML410.H13B9 Dr. Karl Burney's Nachricht von Georg Friedrich Handel's lebensumstanden und der ihm zu London im mai und juni 1784 angestellten gedachtnissfeyer. Aus dem englischen libersetzt von Johann Joachim Eschenburg . . . Mit kupfern. Berlin und Stettin, F. Nicolai, 1785. 14 p. 1., [iii]-lii, 102 p., 1 1. front., 1 illus., fold. plan. 25 x 20 em . ML410.H13B93 A general history of music, from the earliest ages to the present period. Bv Charles Burnev . . . London. Printed for the author, 1776-89. 4 v. fronts, (v. 1: port.), illut,., 10 pi. (4 fold.) 28 x 22 cm . . In L. of C. copy v. 1 is of the 2d edition, 1789. Engraved musical illustrations throughout text. "Chronological list of the principal books published on the subject of music in England, during the present century": v. 4, p. [687]-688. ML159.B96. 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Burney, Charles — Continued. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Abate Metastasio. In which are incorporated, translations of his principal letters. By Charles Burney . . . London, G. G. and J. Robinson, 1796. 3 v. front, (port.) 21 cm . ML429.M4B9 The present state of music in France and Italy: or, The journal of a tour through those countries, undertaken to collect materials for a general history of music. By Charles Burney . . . London, T. Becket and co., 1771. vii, 396, [10] p., 2 1. 21 cm . . ML195.B96 The present state of music in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces. Or, The journal of a tour through those coun- tries, undertaken to collect materials for a general history of music. By Charles Burney . . . London, T. Becket and co., 1773. 2 v. (v. 1: viii, 376 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., v-vi, 352 p.) 21| x 12£ cm . ML195.B962 The present state of music in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces. Or, The journal of a tour through those coun- tries, undertaken to collect materials for a general history of music. By Charles Burney ... 2d ed., cor. London, T. Becket [etc.] 1775. 2 v. (v. 1: viii, 380 p.; v. 2: 2 p. 1., 352 p.) 21£ cm . ML195.B963 Busby, Thomas, 1755-1838. A complete dictionary of music. To which is prefixed, a familiar introduction to the first principles of that science. By Thomas Busby, ll. d. London, R. Phillips [1786] xxxiii, [294] p. 18£ x 10J cm . Scheme of staves ("Treble stave," "Soprano stave," etc.) on one folding leaf, takes the place of p. [xxi-xxii] of the Introduction. ML108.A2B9 Butler, Charles, d. 1647. The principle's of musik, in singing and setting: with the two-fold use therof , < ecclesiasticall and civil. > By Charles Butler . . . Lon- don, Printed by J. Haviland, for the author, 1636. viii, 135 p. illus. 18 x 14 cm . Imperfect, wanting pages 13-14. MT6.A2B995 Buttstett, Johann Heinrich, 1666-1727. Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, tota musica et harmonia seterna, oder Neu- eroffnetes, altes, wahres, eintziges und ewiges fundamentum musices, entgegen gesetzt dem Neu-er6ffneten orchestre, und in zweene partes emgetheilet. In welchen / und zwar im ersten theile / des herrn authoris des Orchestre irrige meynungen . . . wiederleget / im andern theile aber das rechte fundamentum musices gezeiget . . . von Johann EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 49 Buttstett, Johann Heinrich — Continued. Heinrich Buttstett . . . Erffurt, Gedruckt bey O. F. Werthern, zu finden in Leipzig, bey J. H. Kloss [1717] 5 p. 1., 176 p., 1 1. 26 pi. on 25 1. (partly fold.), fold. tab. 20 x 16£ om . Added t.-p., engr. The plates contain musical examples. MT44.A2B98 Der wieder Das beschiitzte orchestre ergangenen oeffentlichen erklarung zweyte auflage. Von dem verfasser nachgesehen / mit anmerckungen erlautert / und mit seinem angebohrnen insiegel bekraff tiget ; auch an vielen orten weit vollstandiger / anders / besser und wahrhafftiger als die erste vom 21. sept. 1718. [Erffurth? 1718] broadside. 20 x 17^ cm . Dated: Erffurth, den 21. oct. 1718. Signed: J. H. Buttstett. MT44.A2B982 C, G. M. See Mattei, S. Se i maestri di cappella son . . . artigiani [1785 ?] Cahusac, Louis de, 1706-1759. La danse ancienne et moderne, ou Traite historique de la danse. Par M. de Cahusac ... A La Haye [i. e. Paris] Chez J. Neaulme, 1754. 3 v. 13£ cm . GV1600.C2 Calderon, Manuel Perez. See Perez Calderon, Manuel. Calendrier musical universel, contenant Findication des ceremonies d'eglise en musique; les decouvertes et les anecdotes de l'annee . . . la notice des pieces en musique representees . . . sur les differens theatres de l'Europe . . . le releve des ouvrages sur la musique et des productions musicales pub. a Londres et a Paris . . . &c. &c. &c. Pour l'annee 1788. Paris, Prault [etc., 1788] 3 p. 1., 3-288, [4] p. 15i cm . By N. E. Framery, who is given as author in the privilege. Framery issued a second calendar, for 1789, after which the publication was discontinued. ML20.C15 Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821. Explanation of the notes, marks, words, & c , used in music, by I. W. Callcott . . . London, Printed for the author [1792] 2 p. 1., 29 p. 26 x 32J cm . Engraved, with the exception of the 2d prelim, leaf and pages 27-29. MT7.A2C2 51234°— 13 4 50 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS Calmet, Augustin, 1672-1757. Tr6sor d'antiquitez sacrSes et profanes, tiroes des Commentaires du R. P. D. Augustin Calmet . . . sur l'ficriture Sainte . . . Amster- dam, P. Marret, 1723. 2 v. inl (v. 1: xl, 131 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 190 p.) fold.pl. 17 x 9 cm . General t.-p. wanting; title supplied from the Catalogue general of the Biblio- theque nationale, Paris. Added t.-p.: Dissertations sur la poesie et la musique des anciens en general et des Hebreux en particulier, avec les figures des instrumens de musique. Tome Eremier. Premiere [-seconde] partie. Amsterdam, D. P. Marret, 1723. (Part 2 as special t.-p.: Dissertations 6ur le Livre des Pseaumes . . .) No more pub. of this edition. Edition of Paris, 1720, in 3 vols., , appeared under title: Disser- tations qui peuvent servir de prolegomenes de l'Ecriture Sainte . . . ML166.A2C2 Calsabigi, Ranieri de', 1714 or 15-1795. Risposta che ritrovo' casualmente nella gran citta' di Napoli il licenziato Don Santigliano di Gilblas, y Guzman, y Tonnes, y Allarace, discendente per linea paterna, e materna da tutti quegli insigni personaggi oelle Spagne; alia critica ragionatissima delle poesie drammatiche del C. de' Calsabigi, fatta dal baccelliere D. Stefano Arteaga . . . Venezia, Stamperia Curti, 1790. 224 p. 20J cm . ML429.C14A8 Calvisius, Seth, 1556-1615. Exercitationes musicse duse. Qvarvm prior est, de modis mvsicis, qvos vulgo tonos vocant, rectS cognoscendis, & dijudicandis. Poste- rior, de initio et progressv mvsices, alijsq\ rebus eo spectantibus. Institute a Setho Calvisio . . . Lipsiae, impensis I. Apebj, 1600. 1 p. 1., 138 (i. e. 139), [1] p. 15 c ;cm Number 75 repeated in paging, p. 77 wrongly numbered 78. Colophon: Lipsiae, Franciscvs Schnelboltz excvdebat. Typis hseredum Beyeri . Anno m . dc . MT45.A2C18 Exercitatio mvsica tertia Sethi Calvisii de praecipuis quibus- i/ dam in arte musica quasstionibus, ouibus prsecipua ejus theoremata continentur; instituta ad . . . Hippolytum Hubmeierum . . . Lipsiae, impensis T. Schiireri, M. Lantzenberger excudebat, 1611. 1 p. 1., 180 p. 24J cm . MT45.A2C182 Campion, Thomas, 1575-1620. See Playford, J. An introduction to the skill of musick. Campos, Joao Ribeiro de Almeida. See Ribeiro de Almeida Campos, J040. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 51 Cantorinus. Ad eorum instructionem : qui cantum ad chorum ptinentem: breuiter & qj facillime discere concupiscunt: & non clericis modo : sed omnibus etiam diuino cultui deditis, perqj utilis, & necessarius. In quo facilis modus est additus ad discendam manti: ac tonos psalmorum: vt sequens tabula indicabit. Nouis- sime castigatus, cui etiam addite sunt Letanie. Venetiis, 1550. 8 p. I., 104 numb. 1. illus. 17J C [cm Rubricated; printer's mark on t.-p. The illustrations are (1) Guidonian hand on verso of 3d prelim, leaf, (2) the Crucifixion, on verso of 8th prelim, leaf, (3) the Annunciation, on verso of leaf 55. Colophon: Explicit Cantorinusmd com- modum nouitiorum cleiicoru f actus: nouissime impressus & diligetissime reuisus. In officina heredu Luceantonij Junte. Venetijs anno salutis. 1550. mense januario. "Compendium musice:" p. 1. [3] v°-p. 1. [8] r°. ML171.C32 — — Cantorinvs pro his, qui cantum ad chorum pertinentem, breuiter et [Choquel, Henri Louis] d. 1767. La musique rendue sensible par la mechanique, pu Nouveau systeme pour apprendre facilement la musique soi-meme. Ou\rrage utile et curieux. Nouv. 6d. . . . Paris, C. Ballard, 1762. 3 p. 1., 19, 10, [xi]-xiv, 213, [4] p. 2 fold, tab., diagrs. 20 cm . Title vignette. Dedication signed: Choquel. "La methode de Choquel consiste a enseigner l'intonation par l'usage du monocorde, et la mesure par le chronometre." — F6tis, Biog. univ. dea musiciens. MT7.A2C54 Christmann, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1817, editor. See Musikalische real-zeitung [1788-90] Cizzardi, Liborio Mauro. II tutto in poco, overo II segreto scoperto; composto da Liborio Mauro Cizzardi ... diviso in cinque libri, ne' quali si mostra un modo facilissimo, per imparare il vero canto fermo con le giuste regole, e con alcune altre osservazioni necessarie ad un cantore . . . Parma, G. Rosati, 1711. 6 p. 1., 166, [2] p. illus., 3 pi. 30£ cra . Title vignette: coat of arms. MT860.A2C54 [Clagget, Charles] '1740?-1820? Musical phenomena, founded on unanswerable facts; and a proof that musical instruments have been hitherto fabricated on [!] the most uncertain, therefore the most improper materials . . . This work will extend to several numbers. No. I. contains an account of the aiuton, and the cromatic trumpets and the French horns, capable of fine tune and regular harmony m all the keys in use, minor as well as major. London, Printed for the author, 1793. 4 p. 1., [7]-22, 4 p. illus. 29£ x 23 cm . Added t.-p.: No. "1 of Musical phenomena. An organ, made without pipes, strings, bells, or glasses ... a cromatic trumpet, capable of producing just intervals and regular melodies in all keys . . . without undergoing any change whatever; a French horn, answering the above description of the trumpet . . . The above instruments . . . may be seen and heard at the Musical museum, Greek street, Soho . . . Prefixed is a portrait of Clagget, which according to Grove was published with his " Discourse on musick," 1793. An advertisement of Clagget's Musical museum is appended. ML1055.A2C5 Clemens XTTT, pope, 1693-1769. Sanctissimi in Christo patris, et domini nostri domini dementis divina providentia papae xin. constitutio svper regimine & direc- tione Collegii cantorum Pontificiae cappellae; cvm opportunis ordina- tionibus. Romas, ex typographia reverendae Camerae apostolicae, 1762. xii p. 25 x 19 cm . Title vignette; head-piece. Signed: N. card. Antonellus. ML291 1762 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Clement, Charles Francois, b. 1720? Essai sur l'accompagnement did clavecin, pour parvenir facilement & en peu de terns a accompagner avec des chmres ou sans chiffres par les principes les plus clairs & les plus simples de la composition. Par M. Clement. Paris, Impr. de C. Ballard, 1758. 22 p. 20 x 25£ cm . MT68.A2C6 Essai sur la basse fondamentale; pour servir de supplement a l'Essai sur l'accompagnement du clavecin, & d'introduction a la com- position-pratique . . . Par M. Clement . . . Paris, Impr. de C. Bal- lard, 1762. 35 p. 20 x 25£ cm . ( With his Essai sur l'accompagnement du clavecin. Paris, 1758) MT68.A2C6 [Clement, Jean Marie Bernard] 1742-1812. Anecdotes dramatiques . . . Paris, Veuve Duchesne, 1775. 3 v. 17i cm . By Clement and the Abbe de Laporte. Title in full: Anecdotes dramatiques, con tenant, 1°. Toutes les pieces de theatre, tragedies, comedies, pastorales, drames, opera, opera-comiques, para- des, proverbes, qui ont 6te joues a Paris ou en province, sur des theatres publics, ou dans des societes particulieres, depuis l'origine des spectacles en France, jusqu'a l'annee 1775, ranges par ordre alphabetique. 2°. Tous les ouvrages dramatiques qui n'ont ete represented sur aucun theatre, mais qui sont imprimes, ou conserves en manuscrits dans quelques bibliotheques. 3°. Un recueil de tout ce qu'on a pu rassembler d'anecdotes imprimees, manuscrites, verbales, connues ou peu connues; d'evenements singuliers, serieux, ou comiques; de traits curieux, d'epigrammes, de plaisanteries, de naivetes & de bons-mots, auxquels ont donne lieu les representations de la plupart des pieces de theatre, soit dans leur nouveaute, soit a leurs reprises. 4°. Les noms de tous les auteurs, poetes ou musiciens, qui ont travaille pour tous nos theatres; de tous les acteurs ou actrices celebres qui ont joue a tous nos spectacles, avec un jugement de leurs ouvrages & de leurs talents, un abrege de leur vie, & des anecdotes sur leurs personnes. 5°. Un tableau, accompagne* d'anecdotes, des theatres de toutes les nations. ML102.O6C6 Bibliotheque des theatres, dictionnaire dramatique . . . Paris, Veuve Duchesne, 1784. 3 v. front, (port.) 17 cm . Caption title: Anecdotes dramatiques. PN2208.C4 [Cleonides] EukMooo Eifayajfrj apjiovcid). Too ainou Kararofiij navbvoc. Euclidis Rudimenta mvsices. Eiusdem Sectio regulse harmonica?. E Regia bibliotheca desumpta, ac nunc primum grasce & latine excusa, Ioanne Pena regio mathematico interprete . . . Parisiis, apud A. Wechelum, sub Pegaso, 1557. 2 p. 1., 5-16, 10 numb. 1. 20 em . Printer's mark on t.-p. The Rudimenta musices is now attributed to Cleonides. ML171.E9 See also Meibom, M. ; translator. Antiqvae mvsicae avctores, 1652. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 61 Clerc, Jean Baptiste le. See Leclerc, Jean Baptiste. Cochlaeus i. e. Johannes Dobnek, of Wendelstein, 1479-1552. Tetrachordu. musices Joannis Coclei Norici . . . Nurnbergae sedi- tum: pro iuuentute laurentiana in primis: dein pro ceteris quoqj musarum tyrunculis . . . Hvivs tetrachordi qvatvor tractatus, quoru quilibet decern capita complectitur. Primus, De musices elementis; secundus, De musica gregoriana; tertius, De octo tonis meli; quar- tus, De musica mensurali. [Colophon: C Finis Tetrachordi musices Nurnbergse impressi in officina excusoria Friderici Peypus anno salutis 1514] [59] p. 20i cm . 1st edition, Nuremberg, 1511. Said to be based on hia "Musica," Cologne, 1507. ML171.C66 Coferati, Matteo. II cantore addottrinato, ovvero Regole del canto corale, oue con breue, e facil metodo s'insegna la pratica de' precetti piu necessarj del canto fermo; il modo di mantenere il coro sempre alia medesima altezza di voce; di ripigliare doue resta l'organo; d'intonare molte cose, che fra l'anno si cantano; ed in particolare tutti gl' inni. Con varie aggiunte dell' autore in questa seconda impressione. Opera di Matteo Coferati . . . Firenze, II Vangelisti [1691] xvj, 391 p. illus. 15 cm . MT860.A2C67 Manvale degli invitatorj c6 suo' salmi da cantarsi nefl' ore cano- niche per ciascuna festa, e feria di tutto l'anno: nell' Vfizio paruo della Beatissima Vergine, e de' morti. Coll' aggiunta delle sequenze, e lor canto, e antifone da cantarsi alia distribuzione delle candele, e delle palme. Opera raccolta da Matteo Coferati . . . Firenze, V. Vangelisti stamp., 1691. vij, 196 p. 15 cm . MT860.A2C39 Coll, Antonio Martin y. See Martin y Coll, Antonio. Colle, Francesco Maria, 1744-1815. Dissertazione sopra il quesito: Dimostrare , che cosa fosse, e quanta parte avesse la musica nell' educazione de' Greci. qual era la forza di una siffatta istituzione, e qual vantaggio sperar si potesse, se fosse introdotta hel piano della moderna educazione, presentata dal Signor Francesco Maria Colle de' nobili di S. Bartolommeo de Colle, e de' conti di Cesana, Bellunese, socio dell' Accademia lette- raria, e georgica di Belluno al concorso dell' anno 1774 . . . Mantova, Per l'erede di A. Pazzoni, stampatore, 1775. 140 p. 27 J x 20 cm . "Coronata dalla Reale accademia di scienze e belle lettere di Mantova." ML169.A2C6 Collier, Joel, pseud. See Veal, George. 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Colonna, Fabio, 1567-1650. La sambvca lincea, overo Dell' istromento mvsico perfetto lib. iij. di Fabio Colonna Linceo, ne' quali oltre la descrittione, et costruttione dell' istromento si tratta della diuisione del monacordo: della pro- portione de tuoni, semituoni, et lor minute parti. Delia differenza de tre geni di musica, de gradi enarmonici et chromatici: et in che differiscano da quelli de gli antichi l'osseruati et descritti dall' autore; con gli esempi di numeri, di musica, et di segni . . . Con l'organo hydraulico di Herone Alessandrino dichiarato dalF istesso autore . . . Napoli, C. Vitale, 1618. 3 p. 1., 116 p. illus., port., tables. 21 cm . Title within architectural border. ML697.A2C75 Comes y de Puig, Bernardo. Fragmentos musicos. Caudalosa fuente gregoriana, en el arte de canto llano. Cuyos fundamentos, teorica, reglas, practica, y exem- plos, copiosamente se explican sobre los ocho tonos, con sus entradas, clausulaciones finales, y diversidad de seculorums, que en la obra se manifiestan. Con la addicion de las processiones mas solemnes, que en la santa iglesia se practican. Por el P. Fr. Berardo Comes, y de Pvig . . . Barcelona] Herederos de J. Pablo, y M. Marti, 1739. 11 p. 1., 197, [3] p. fold. tab. 20 cm . MT860.A2C7 [Compan, Charles] b. ca. 1740. Dictionnaire de danse, contenant l'histoire, les regies & les prin- cipes de ce't art, avec des reflexions critiques, & des anecdotes curi- euses concernant la danse ancienne & moderne; le tout tire des meilleurs auteurs qui ont ecrit sur cet art . . . Paris, Cailleau [etc.] 1787. 1 p. 1., [v]-xvj, 395, [2] p. 17 C1 Dedication signed : Compan. GV1585.C7 Compendiu musices || confectti ad faciliore instructions can- || turn chorale discentiii: necno ad intro- || ductione huius libelli: qui Catorinus || intitulatur: omnibus diuino cultui de- || ditis putilis I necessarius: vt in tabula j| hie immediate sequeti latius apparet. [wdct.] [Colophon: d Finis Cantorini Romani: impressi || \enetijs p dnm Lucantoniu de || Giunta Florentinu3: Anno || dfii millesimo ongente || simo tertiodecimo || die vo tertia || decebris. || . ■ . || Kegistrum. jj A . . . P. [| Omnia sunt quaterna.] || [Printer's mark of Lucantomo Giunta, in red] t.-p., [2]-120 numb. 1. incl. 2 diagr., wdcts. 14£ cm . Printed in red and black; gothic type; initials. Sig. Aij and Bij are wrongly signed Pij, and for Biiij stands Aiiij. The Compendium ends with 1. 16, r°. At foot of page: G Hie modus cantadi revelat' fuit a dno iesu chri- 1| sto sancte Brigide vidue: vt habet in suo volumine Z || in libro extrauaganti cap. iiij. The Cantorinus begins with 1. 17, and has caption: Catorinus. || C Romani cantus vtilissimQ eopedi- || olu: ola dinino ofBcio psoluedo ?cerne jj tia I se includes: clericis oibus Z diuino || cultui dedicatis pmaxime necessariu. MT860.A2C73 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 63 Compendiu musices— Continued. Tractatvs mvsices . . . [Colophon: Impressum Venetijs per Joannem Baptistam Sessa] 81. 2roperly dispos'd for that instrument . . . London, J. Bland 178-?] 1 p. 1., 36 p. front. 17 x 24 cm . (With Entire new . . . instructions for the fife. London [17—]) Caption title: New instructions for the German flute and the method of double tongueing with proper examples. Engraved throughout. MT356.A2E62 New instructions for the German flute and the method of double tongueing, with proper examples &c. [n. p., n. d.] 32 p. 23 cm . Caption title. Title-page wanting? MT342.A2N5 New instructions for the German flute, containing the easiest and most modern methods for learners to play. To which is added a favorite collection of minuets, marches, song tunes, duets, &c. Also the method of double tongueing. And a complete scale and description of the German-flute with all the additional keys, invented by M r Tacet. London, Longman & Broderip [17 — ] 1 p. 1., 42 p. front. 17 x 24 cm . (With Entire new . . . instructions for the fife. London [17—]) Engraved throughout. Frontispiece colored by hand. MT356.A2E62 Compleat instructions for the violin [ca. 1790?] See Geminiani, F. The compleat tutor for the fife, containing easy rules for learners after a new method, with a choice collection of all the celebrated marches that are played upon that instrument which all are in proper keys for the German flute. London, D. Rutherfoord [1756?] l p. 1., 21 p. 23 cm . Engraved throughout. MT356.A2E6 64 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The compleat tutor for the fife — Continued. New and complete instructions for the fife, containing the best and easiest directions to learn that instrument, with a collection of the most celebrated marches, airs, &c. performed in the Guards and other regiments . . . London, G. Goulding [17 — ] 1 p. 1.. 26, [6] p. 17 x 24 cm . (With Entire new . . . instructions for the fife. London [17—]) Engraved throughout. MT356.A2E62 Entire new and compleat instructions for the fife ; containing the best and easiest directions to learn that instrument, with a collec- tion of the most celebrated marches, airs &c perform' d in the Guards & other regiments. N. B. The tunes in this book are proper for the German flute. London, J. Preston [1780 ?] 1 p. 1., 32 p. front. 17£ x 25£ cm . Engraved throughout. MT356.A2E61 Entire new and compleat instructions for the fife, containing the best and easiest directions to learn that instrument, with a collec- _ tion of the most celebrated marches, airs &c perform' d in the Guards & other regiments. N. B. The tunes in this book are proper for the German flute. London, Printed by Longman and Broderip [17 — j 1 p. I., 36 p. front. 17 x 24 cm . Engraved throughout. Frontispiece colored by hand. MT356.A2E62 The compleat tutor for the German flute, containing the best and easiest instructions for learners to obtain a proficiency. Trans- lated from the French. To which is added a choice collection of y e most celebrated Italian, English, & Scotch tunes, curiously adapted to that instrument. London, J. Simpson [17 — ] 30, 2 p. front. 21£ cm . Engraved throughout. Apparently a much altered edition of "The newest method for learners on the German flute" which forms the third part of Peter Prelleur's "Modern musick- master," London, 1738. The "Newest method" is itself a free translation from Hotteterre's "Principes de la flute traversiere," Amsterdam, 1708. MT342.A2C76 The compleat tutor, for the German flute; containing the best and easiest instructions for learners to obtain a proficiency. Trans- lated from the French. To which is added a choice collection of y e most celebrated Italian, English & Scotch tunes; curiously adapted to that instrument. London, J. Fentum [n. d.] 32 p. 25£ cm . MT342.A2C7 The compleat tutor for the German flute, containing the best and easiest instructions for learners to obtain a proficiency. Trans- lated from the French. To which is added a choice collection of y* 5 most celebrated Italian, English, & Scotch tunes curiously adapted to that instrument. London, J. Johnson [17 — ] lp. l.,36p. front., fold. pi. 22 cm . Engraved throughout. MT342.A2C78 EABLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 65 The compleat tutor for the German flute — Continued. The compleat tutor for the flute. Containing the best and easiest instructions for learners to obtain a proficiency. To which is added a choice collection of the most celebrated Italian, English, and Scotch tunes. Curiously adapted to that instrument. Lon- don, J. Johnson [17 — ] lp. l.,36p. front. 22 cm . MT342.A2C79 The compleat tutor for the harpsichord or spinnet; wherein is shewn the Italian manner of fingering, with suits of lessons for beginners & those who are already proficients on that instrument & the organ : with rules for tuneing the harpsichord or spinnet. London, P. Thompson [175-] 2 p. 1., 33 p. front. 21i cm . Engraved throughout. Forms the sixth part of Peter Prelleur's "Modern musick-master, " London, 1738, where it appears under title "The harpsichord illustrated and improv'd." In the present edition the "Rules for attaining to play a thorough bass" are omitted and a part of the musical examples of the earlier edition have been re- placed by others. Copy 2. 23£ cin . Imperfect, wanting last leaf. MT252.A2C76 See also The harpsichord illustrated [174 — ] Conceigao, Angelo da. See Angelo da Conceicao. Conceigao, Bernardo da. See Bernardo da Conceicao. Conceigao, Manuel da. See Manuel da Conceicao. Contamine, Cousin de. See Cousin de Contamine. [Contant d'Orville, Andre Guillaume] 1730?-1800. Histoire de l'opera bouffon, contenant les jugemens de toutes les pieces qui ont paru depuis sa naissance jusqu'a ce jour. Pour servir a l'histoire des theatres de Paris ... A Amsterdam, et se trouve a Paris, chez Grange', 1768. 2 v. (v. 1: 4 p. 1., 266, [2] p.; v. 2: 2 p. 1., 214, [2] p.) 17 em . Vol. 2 dated 1748 by printer's error. "Cet ouvrage est l'amusement de deux freres, qui . . . toujours separes l'un de l'autre, se sont rendu compte des bagatelles qui . . . fixoient l'attention du public . ' '— A vertissement . ML1727.3.A2C6 Contant de La Molette, Philippe du. See Du Contant de La Molette, Philippe. Convercao, Raymundo da. See Raymundo da Convercao. 51234°— 13 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Coqueau, Claude Philibert] d. 1794. Entretiens sur l'Stat actuel de l'opera de Paris. Amsterdam, et se trouve a Paris, chez Esprit, 1779. vi, [7T-174 p. 21 cm . ML1727.35.C67 Suite des Entretiens sur l'6tat actuel de l'opera de Paris, ou Lettres a M. S. ... [i. e. Suard] auteur de Fextrait de cet ouvrage dans le Mercure. [Paris, 1779] iv, [51-48 P- 19i cm . ML1727.35.C672 Corrette, Michel. Le maitre de clavecin pour l'accompagnement, methode theorique et pratique, qui conduit en tres peu de terns a accompagner a livre ouvert. Avec des lecons chantantes ou les accords sont notes pour faciliter 1' etude des commencans. Ouvrage utile a ceux qui veulent fmrvenir a l'excelence de la composition. Le tout selon la regie de 'octave et de la basse fondamentale. Par Monsieur Corrette . . . Paris, L' auteur [etc.] 1753. 3 p. 1., 94 p. 30 cm . Engraved throughout. MT68.A2C7 Methode pour apprendre aisement a jouer de la flute traversiere. Avec des principes de musique, et des brunettes a I. et n. parties. Ouvrage utile et curieux, qui conduit en tres peu de terns a la par- faite connoissance de la musique et a jouer a livre ouvert les sonates et concerto. Par M r . Corrette . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur; [etc., etc., 177-?] 2 p. 1., 50 p. front. 26 x 19 cm . Engraved throughout. MT342.A2C8 Methode, theorique et pratique. Pour apprendre en peu de terns le violoncelle dans sa perfection. Ensemble des principes de musique avec des lecons a i, et II, violoncelles. La division de la corde pour })lacer s'il on veut dans les commencemens, des lignes traversalles sur e manche du violoncelle. Plus une petite methode particuliere pour ceux qui joiient de la viole, et qui veullent joiier du violoncelle. Composee par Michel Corrette. xxiv. e ouvrage . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur; [etc., etc.] 1741. 3 p. 1., 46 p. front,, illus. 29 x 22 cm . Engraved throughout. "Catalogue des ouvrages de M r . Corrette": [1] p. preceding p. 1 MT302.A2C824 Le parfait maitre a chanter, methode pour apprendre facilement la musique vocale et instrumentale, ou tous les principes sont deve- loped nettement et distinctement. Avec des lecons dans le gout nouveau a une et a deux parties, ce qui enseigne en tres peu de terns a solfier toutes sort'es de musique a livre ouvert, et des regies invari- ables pour ceux qui veulent se servir de la transposition . . . Par EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 67 Corrette, Michel — Continued. Michel Corrette . . . Nouv. ed. auguement^e de nouveaux signes de musique et d'airs a chanter. Paris, Chez Fauteur [1782] 1 p. 1., A-B, 61 p. front. 29 cm . Engraved throughout; line borders. Label of Melle. Castagnery mounted over imprint. MT6.A2C56 Corsetti, Francesco, d. 1774, translator. See Brown, J. Dell' origine . . . della poesia, 1772. Corvinus, Johannes Michaelis. See Ravn, Hans Mikkelsen. [Coste d'Arnobat, Charles Pierre] b. 1732. Doutes d'un Pyrronien, proposes amicalement a J. J. Rousseau . . . [Paris] 1753. 1 p. 1., 36 p. 17£ cm . ML1727.33.C68 [Couppe, Marie Angelique] o. 1723. Requeste de deux actrices d'Opera a Momus, avec son ordonnance. A la Haye [i. e. Paris] 1743. 1 p. 1., [5]-21 p. 15£ cm . In verse. Caption title: Requeste presentee a Momus par les Demoiselles Couple & Des- granges, actrices de 1' Opera, tant pour elles que pour celles de leurs compagnes qui se trouvent dans le cas de l'article xx. du Code lyrique, ou reglement pour l'Opera, imprime au mois de juin 1743. ML1727.8.P2R35 [Cousin de Contamine, ] b. 1704. Traite critique du plain-chant, usite aujourd'hui dans 1'eglise; contenant les principes qui en montrent les defauts, & qui peuvent conduire a le rendre meilleur. Paris, P. G. Le Mercier, 1749. xxiv, 69, [3] p. 8 (i. e. 9) fold. pi. 16 x 8i cm . Imperfect, wanting plates 2 and 6; plate 8 (in 2 parts) supplied in ms. ML3082.A2C6 [Coxe, William] 1747-1828. Anecdotes of George Frederick Handel, and John Christopher Smith. With select pieces of music, composed by J. C. Smith, never before published. London, Printed by W. Bulmer and co., sold by Cadell and Davies; [etc., etc.] 1799. 4 p. 1., iv, 64, 34 p. 2 port. (incl. front.) 27£ x 21£ cm . ML410.H13C87 Cramer, Carl Friedrich, 1752-1807, editor. See Magazin der musik [1783-86] / 68 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS Crivellati, Cesare. Discorsi mvsicali, nelli qvali si contengono non solo cose pertinenti alia teorica, ma etiandio alia pratica; mediante le quali si potra con facilita peruenire all' acquisto di cosi honorata scientia. Raccolti da diuersi buoni autori da Cesare Criuellati . . . Viterbo, Agostino Discep., 1624. icm MT6.A2C8 196, [3] p. 15i c Title in red and black; title vignette: ecclesiastical coat of arms. Crocchi, Pietro, translator. See Brown, J. DelF origine . . . della poesia, 1772. Croesse'r, Luis da Maia, pseud. See Carlos de Jesus Maria. Croix, A. Pherotee de la. See La Croix, A. Pherotee de. Crousaz, Jean Pierre de, 1663-1750, praeses. Systematis physici disputatio decima quinta. Quam . . . prseside N. J. P. de Crosa . . . defendere conabitur Gabriel Jacobus Ballivus Lucinensis. In publico Academise lausanensis auditorio . . . Bernae, ex officina illustns. Reipubl. bernensis, 1713. 67 p. 19 x 15 cm . ML3809.A2C95 Crudeli, Tommaso, 1703-1745. In lode del Signor Carlo Broschi detto Farinello, musico celebre, ode di Tommaso Crudeli. Firenze, A. M. Albizzini, 1734. 18 p. incl. port. 20£ cm . ML420.B8C8 Criiger, Johann, 1598-1662. Synopsis musica continens rationem constituendi & componendi melos harmonicvm. Conscripta, varijsqj exemplis illustrata a Jo- hanne Criigero , . . [Berolim] sumtibus Iohanms Kally, 1630. [127] p. 19J x 15" wm Engr. t.-p., illustrated (allegorical figures of the seven liberal arts) with printer's mark. Signatures: A-Q in fours. Several authorities cite an earlier edition, Berlin, 1624, but Fetis considers the present the first edition. MT55.A2C75 Cruz, Joao Chrysostomo da, 1707-1748. Methodo breve, e claro, em que sem prolixidade, nem confusao se exprimem os necessarios principios para inteligencia da arte da musica . . . por Joao Chrysostomo da Cruz . . . Com hum appendix dialogico que servira de index da obra, e head dos principiantes. Lisboa, I. Rodrigues, 1745. 9 p. 1., 75, [33] p. tables, diagr. 20 cm . MT7.A2C95 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 69 Cruz Brocarte, Antonio de la. Medula de la mvsica theorica. Cuya inspeccion manifiesta clara- mente la execucion de-la practica, en division de quatro discursos; en los quales se da exacta noticia de las cosas mas principales, que pertenecen al canto llano, canto de organo, contrapunto, y compo- sicion, con toda brevedad, y claridad. Por Don Antonio de la Crvz Brocarte . . . Salamanca, E. A. Garcia, 1707. 9 p. 1., 234 p. illus. 15 cm . Paging irregular. MT6.A2C95 Cuisse, de la. See La Cuisse, de. Cunha Bandeira, Jeronymo da, editor. See Bernardo da Conceicao. O ecclesiastico instruido, 1788. D. * * *, M. See Dissertations en forme de lettres, 1788. The dancing -master: or, Directions for dancing country dances, with the tunes to each dance for the treble- violin. The 10th ed. cor. ; with the addition of several new dances and tunes never before printed. [London] Printed by J. Heptinstall, for H. Playford, 1698. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1 :4 p. L, 215 p.; v. 2 :2 p. 1., 48 p.) 11 x 19£ em . Vol. 2 has title: The second part of the Dancing master: or, Directions for dancing country dances, with the tunes to each dance for the violin or flute. The 2d ed., with additions. [London] Printed for H. Playford, 1698. The 1st edition, comprising vol. 1 only, was published by John Playford in 1651, under title: The English dancing-master. MT950.A2D3 Dard, Nouveaux principes de musique, qui seuls doivent sumre, pour l'apprendre parfaitement. Auxquels I'auteur a joint Fhistoire de la musique et de ses progressions, depuis son origine jusqu'a present . . . par M r Dard . . . Graves par M el ' e Girard . . . Paris, Chez I'auteur [1769] 1 p. 1., 149, 19 p. 24 x 19i cm . Title within ornamental border, text within line borders. Forms the second part of his "Nouveaux principes de musique, avec histoire suivi du paralelle de Lully et de Rameau et du catalogue de tous les operas repres. depuis 1671," Paris, 1768. cf. Eitner, Biog.-bibl. quellen-lexikon. MT6.A2D2 Daube, Johann Friedrich, 1730-1797. Anleitung zur erfindung der melodie und ihrer fortsetzung. Von Johann Friedrich Daube . . . Wien* Gedruckt bey C. G. Taubel, 1797-98. 2v.ini (v. 1:4 p. 1., [5]-51, [1] p.; v. 2: 2 p. 1., [3]-68 p.) illus. 22£ x 17£ cm . Vol. 2 (Zweyter theil, welcher die composition enth<) has imprint: Wien, In commission der Hochenleitterschen buchhandlung, 1798. Published also under title: Anleitung zum selbstunterricht in der musika- lischen composition, sowohl f iir die instrumental- als vocalmusik. MT47.A2D2 70 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS Daube, Johann Friedrich — Continued. General-bass in drey accorden, gegriindet in den regeln der alt- und neuen autoren, nebst einem hierauf gebaueten unterricht: wie man aus einer jeden aufgegebenen tonart, nur mit zwey mittels-accorden, in eine von den drey und zwanzig tonarten die man begehret, gelangen kann, und der hierauf gegrundeten kunst zu praludiren, wie auch zu jeder melodie einen bass zu setzen, dass also durch diese neue und leichte anleitung, zugleich auch zur composition unmittelbar der weg gebahnet wird, von Johann Friedrich Daube . . . Leipzig, J. B. Andra, Frankfurt am Mayn, 1756. xxii, [2], 215, [1] p. fold. pi. 21J om . MT49.A2D23 Der musikalische dilettant: eine abhandlung der komposition, welche nicht allein die neuesten setzarten der zwo- drey- und mehr- stimmigen sachen: sondern auch die meisten kunstlichen gattungen der alten kanons: der einfachen und doppelfugen, deutlich vortragt, und durch ausgesuchte beyspiele erklaret. von Johann Friederich Daube . . . Wien, Gedruckt bey Johann Thomas edlen von Tratt- nern, 1773. 3 p. 1., [3]-333, [1] p. 22i x 18 cm . MT40.A2D23 See also Der Musikalische dillettante, 1770. David, Frangois. Methode nouvelle ov principes generaux pour apprendre facilement la musique, et l'art de chanter. Par M. r David . . . Paris, M. e la v. e Boivin; [etc., etc.] 1737. 1 p. 1., 142 p. 16 x 24£ cm . Engraved in part. MT835.A2D3 Davy, Charles, 1722-1797. Letters, addressed chiefly to a young gentleman, upon subjects of literature: including a translation of Euclid's Section of the canon; and his treatise on harmonic; with an explanation of the Greek musical modes, according to the doctrine of Ptolemy. By Charles Davy . . . Bury St. Edmunds, Printed for the author, by J. Rack- ham, 1787. 2 v. (2 p. 1., iii-xii, 423 p., 1 1.; 2 p. 1., 541, [1] p., 1 1.) plates, tables, diagrs. 23cm "Balaam: an attempt towards an oratorio, for a private concert. 1769 " (words only): v. 1, p. [341]-352. "Ruth: an attempt towards an oratorio, for a private concert. 1769" (words only): v. 1, p. [353J-368. PN45.D3 De ceteris Grsecorum musices in omnes scientias usu, et energia divinatio. Rem tibi Socraticx poterunt ostendere chartse. Venetiis, typis Antonii Zatta, 1762. 1 p. 1., xxxv p. 30 cm . Title vignette. ML169.A2D3 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 71 Declaration du public, au sujet des contestations qui se sont elevees sur la musique. [n. p., 175-] 7 p. 19 om . Caption title. No. 13 in a volume of pamphlets lettered Quere[lle] de3 Bouffo[ns] ML1727.33.A1 Copy 2. ML1727.33.D2 Dedekind, Henning, d. 1628 ? See Goetting, V. Compendium mvsicse [1587] Deimling, Ernst Ludwig, b. ca. 1760. Beschreibung des orgelbaues und der verfahrungsart bei unter- suchung neuer und verbesserter werke. Ein buch fiir organisten, schulmeister und orts-vorgesetzte. Von Ernst Ludwig Deimling. 2. aufl. Offenbach, Gedruckt bei C. L. Brede [1796] 1 p. 1., x, [13J-216 p., 1 1. 19§ cm . "Etwaa vom choral-gesang " : p. 193-216. ML555.A2D3 Dellain, Nouveau manuel musical, contenant les elemens de la musique, des agremens du chant et de raccompagnement du clavessin . . . Par M. Dellain. Paris, Veuve Ballard & fils; [etc., etc.] 1781. viij, 52, [2] p. 27 x 20£ cm . Given by Fetis as Charles Henri, by Michel Brenet as Charles Louis Joseph, Dellain. MT7.A2D35 Demantius, Johann Christoph, 1567-1643. Isagoge artis musicse ad incipientium captum maxime accommo- data. Kurtze anleitung recht und leicht singen zu lernen / neben kurtzer / doch grundlicher erklarung / der griechischen / lateinischen und italianischen w6rtlein / so bey den neotericis .oder ietzigen neuen musicis hin und wieder ublichen [!] und in gebrauch seyn. Auctore Christophoro Demantio . . . Ed. 9. & ultima, prioribus multo auctior & correctior . : . Freibergse, impensis G. Beutheri, 1656. [192] p. 16 cm . Colophon: Jense, typis Samuelis Krebsi. Anno m.dc.lvii. Text in Latin and German on opposite pages. MT870.A2D37 [Demotz de La Salle, Jean Francois] d. ca. 1741. Methode de musique selon un nouveau systeme tres-court, tres- facile & tres-sur, approuve' par messieurs de TAcademie royale des sciences, & par les plus habiles musiciens de Paris. Dediee a la reine. Par M. * * * pretre. Paris, P. Simon, 1728. 6 p. 1., 3-218, [4] p. 1 illus. 20 om . ML432.A2D3 72 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS Denis, Jean. Traite de l'accord de l'espinette, auec la comparaison de son aauier a la musique vocale. Augments en cette edition des quatre chapitres suiuants. i. Traite des sons & combien il y en a. n. Traite des tons de l'eglise & de leurs estendues. in. Traite des fugues & comme il les faut traiter. iv. La maniere de bien jouer de l'espinette & des orgues . . . Par I. Denis . . . Paris, Par R. Ballard, imprimeur, et se vendent chez l'autheur, 1650. 40 p. fold. tab. 19£ cm . MT252.A2D36 Denis, Pierre. Nouvelle methode pour apprendre en peu de terns la musique et Tart de chanter, avec un nombre de lecons dans plusieurs genres. Par M r Denis . . . Paris, De La Chevardiere [17 — ] 72 p. 20£ x 25} cm . "Grave par M eUe Vendome." MT6.A2D4 Denis, Pierre, translator. See Fux, J. J. Traite de composition musicale [17 — ] Tartini, G. Traite des agremens de la musique [1782] Dennis, John, 1657-1734. An essay on the opera's after the Italian manner, which are about to be establish'd on the English stage: with some reflections on the damage which they may bring to the publick. By Mr. Dennis . . . London, J. Nutt, 1706. 4 p. I., 15, [1] p. 23 x 17 cm . ML1731.3.A2D3 Dentice, Luigi. Dvo dialoghi della mvsica del Signor Lvigi Dentice . . . Delli quali l'uno tratta della theorica, & Faltro della pratica: raccolti da diuersi autori greci, & latini. Nuouamente posti in luce. Roma, V. Lucrino, 1553. [79] p. diagrs. 19 cm . .Title vignette. Signatures: A in two, B-K in fours, L in two. ML171.D47 [Desboulmiers, Jean Auguste Julien, known as] 1731-1771. Histoire anecdotique et raisonnee du Theatre italien, depuis son retablissement en France jusqu'a Fannee 1769. Contenant les ana- lyses des principales pieces, & un catalogue de toutes celles tant italiennes que francaises, donnees sur ce theatre, avec les anecdotes les plus curieuses & les notices les plus interessantes de la vie & des talens des auteurs & acteurs . . . Paris, Lacombe, 1769. 7 v. 18 cm . PX2633.D4 Histoire du theatre de TOpera comique . . . Paris, Lacombe, 1769. 2 v. (v. 1: 1 p. 1., 497, [5] p., 1 1.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 558, [2] p.) 17 c 7cm EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 73 Desboulmiers, Jean August e Julien— Continued. An analysis of pieces represented 1712 to 1761, followed by "Catalogue raisonne des auteurs, des acteurs, et des pieces, qui n'ont point 6te" compris dans l'Histoire de l'Opera comique" (v. 2, p. 133-558) ML1727.8.P2D44 Desbout, Luigi. Ragionamento fisico-chirurgico sopra l'effetto della musica nelle malattie nervose, dedicato all' illustriss. Sig. dottore Giorgio de Lagusius ... da Luigi Desbout . . . Livorno, Calderoni, e Faina, 1780. 40 p. 18J cm . ML3920.A2D4 Dissertation sur 1'efFet de la musique dans les maladies ner- veuses, par Louis Desbout ... St. Petersbourg, Impr. de Breitkopf , 1784. 3 p. 1., 75 p., 1 1. 20° ML3920.A2D42 Descartes, Rene, 1596-1650. Renati || Des-Cartes || Musicse || Compendium. || Trajecti ad Rhenum,|| Typis Gisberti a Zyll, & TheodOri ab Ackersdyck, || cioiocl. 58 p. diagrs. 18i x 15 cm . ML3805.A2D2 Renati Des-Cartes Musicse compendium. Francofvrti ad Moenvm, sumptibus F. Knochii, 1695. 48 p. diagrs. 19$ x 16 c Title vignette. ?cm ML3805.A2D3 Renatus Des-Cartes excellent compendium of musick: with y - necessary and judicious animadversions thereupon. By a person of honour. London, Printed by T. Harper, for H. Moseley, 1653. 8 p. 1., 94 p., 1 1. diagrs. 19£ x 15 cm . The "Animadversions, " p. [59]-94, have special t.-p. A person of honour: William viscount Brouncker. ML3S05.A2D32 Desessarts, Nicolas Toussaint Lemoyne, 1744-1810. Les trois theatres de Paris, ou Abrege historique de Fetablissement de la Comedie francoise, de la Comedie italienne & de l'Opera; avec un precis des loix, arrets, reglemens & usages, qui concernent chacun de ces spectacles. Par M. Des Essarts . . . Paris, Lacombe, 1777. 3 p. 1., 300, [3] p. 20£ cm . PN2636.P3D4 74 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Desforges, ] Memoires anecdotes pour servir a l'histoire de M. Duliz. Et la suite de ses avantures, apres la catastrophe de celle de Mademoiselle Pelissier, actrice de l'Opera de Paris. Londres, S. Harding, 1739. 1 p. 1., 206 p., 1 1., 75 p. front. 16 cm . Title vignette. "Le triomphe de l'interet. Comedie. [Par Laus de Boissy]": 1 1., 75 p. ML429.D88 [Desgranges, Mile.] Requeste de deux actrices d'Opera a Momus, avec son ordonnance. A la Haye [*. e. Paris] 1743. 1 p. 1., [5}-21 p. 15i cm . In verse. Caption title: Requeste presentee a Momus par les Demoiselles Coupee & Desgranges, actrices de l'Opera, tant pour elles que pour celles de leurs com- pagnes qui se trouvent dans le cas de l'article xx. du Code lyrique, ou regle- ment pour l'Opera, imprime au mois de juin 1743. ML1727.8.P2R35 Desperiers, Bonaventure, d. 1544? See Discours non plus melancoliqves qve divers, 1557. Dibdin, Charles, 1745-1814. The musical tour of Mr. Dibdin ; in which — previous to his embar- kation for India — he finished his career as a public character . . . Sheffield, Printed for the author by J. Gales, 1788. 3 p. 1., iv, 443, [1] p. 19 pi. on 15 1. (music) 26 x 20 cm . ML410.D44D5 Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784, editor. See Au petit prophete de Boesmischbroda [1753] Bemetzrieder, A. Lecons de clavecin, 1771. Music made easy. Dingley, William, 1672 or 3-1735. Cathedral service decent and useful. A sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford at S fc Marv's on Cecilia's dav, 1713. Bv W. Dingley . . . Oxford, A. Peisley,"l713. 2 p. 1., 19 p. 19 cm . ML64.D4 Dionigi, Marco. Primi tvoni, overo introdvzione del canto fermo, con Taggiunta d'altri tuoni; del Sig. dottor Marco Dionigi . . . Parma, M. Vigna, 1667. 112 p. illus. 28 cm . Dedication, p. 3—4. wanting in this copy. The present is the 2d edition; the 1st edition was published at Parma in 1648. MT860.A2D59 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 75 Discours non plus || melancoliqves qve divers, || de choses mesme- ment, qui appartiennent || a notre France: & a la fin La maniere de || bien & lustement entoucher les lues & || guiternes. || A Poitiers, || De 1'imprimerie d'Enguilbert de Marnef. || 1557 || Auec priuilege du roy. 4 p. 1., 112 p. incl. tab., diagr. 19£ cin . Title, with printer's mark. — Priuilege du roy, donne a Enguilbert de Marnef. t.-p. verso. — Engvilbert de Marnef imprimevr av lectevr salvt. [3] p. — Table des choses contenues en ce liure. [2] p. — Fautes aduenues en l'impression de ce liure. [1] p. — Text, followed by colophon: Acheue d'imprimer a Poitiers, le 13 de may 1556 par Enguilbert de Marnef. 112 p. The table (Les noma des jours de la semaine) which is counted as page 9, is wanting in L. of C. copy, being replaced by a printed facsimile. Attributed to B. Desperiers by some authorities, by others to Jacques Peletier and Elie Vinet. c/. Notice by L. Lacour in (Euvres fr. de B. Des Periers, 1856, v. 1. ML171.D58 Dissertations en forme de lettres sur differens sujets de literature et des beaux-arts : ouvrage divis6 en deux parties. Par M. D. * * * de Dijon ... A Londres, et se trouve a Paris, chez Brunet, 1788. 150, [2] p. 16£ cm . Contents. — Entretien d'un musicien francois avec un gentilhomme russe, sur les effets de la musique moderne; ou, Tableau des concerts de province. — Lettre a M. d'Alembert, sur la seconde Edition de ses El^mens de musique. — Lettre a M. de Marmontel, sur les nouveaux spectacles de l'Opera. — Lettre a M. Rousseau, dans laquelle on fait le paralelle de ce celebre Genevois, mentor d'Emile, avec son illustre compatriote Lefort, le mentor de Pierre le Grand. — Lettre a messieurs de l'Academie des sciences de Dijon, sur la graisse du vin. — Lettre a M. de Voltaire, sur son histoire de la guerre de 1741. — Lettre a M. B6 * * * sur la force de l'imagination. — Dissertation, ou lettre adressee a M. d'Alembert, sur les honneurs rendus a Rome aux comediens. ML3877.A2D45 Doane, Joseph, editor. See A musical directory [1794] Dodwell, Henry, 1641-1711. A treatise concerning the lawfulness of instrumental musick in holy offices. By Henry Dodwell, m. a. To which is prefixed, a preface in vindication of Mr. Newte's sermon, concerning the law- fulness and use of organs in the Christian church, &c, from the exceptions of an anonymous letter to a friend in the country, con- cerning the use of instrumental musick in the worship of God, &c. The 2d ed., with large additions. London. W. Haws, 1700. 1 p. 1., 84, [3], 143, [1] p. 20 cm . ML3001.D64 Domenjoud, Jean Baptiste. De la preference des vis aux chevilles, pour les instrumens de musique. Et un Essai sur la maniere de changer FA, mi, la, en tendant ou detendant toutes les cordes a la fois, sans detruire l'har- monie. Ce qui donne lieu a des manches d'une forme nouvelle, beaucoup plus commodes que les anciens. Presente a l'Academie royale des sciences, le 13 aout 1756, par M. Domenjoud . . . Paris, Thiboust, 1757. 22, [2] p. fold. pi. 16£ cm . ML845.A2D6 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Domingos do Rosario. Theatro ecclesiastico, em que se acham muitos documentos de cantochao para qualquer pessoa dedicada ao culto divino nos officios do coro, e altar . . . ordenado por seu author o padre fr. Domingos do Rosario . . . novamente disposto com melhor ordem, correcto, e accrescentado com todas as missas de Nossa Senhora, e as que em todos os dias festivos do anno se cantam, &c. pelo padre fr. Angelo da ConceicaS. 5. impressao. Lisboa, Officina de M. Coelho Amado, 1774. xi, 580 p. 21 c MT860.A2D77 Doni, Giovanni Battista, 1593 or 4-1647. Compendio del trattato de' generi e de' modi della mvsica. Di Gio. Battista Doni. Con vn discorso sopra la perfettione de' con- centi. Et vn saggio a due voci di mutationi di genere, e di tuono in tre maniere d'intauolatura: et d'vn principio di madrigale del prin- cipe, ridotto nella medesima intauolatura . . . Roma, A. Fei, 1635. 20 p. 1., 171, [1] p. 5 fold, diagr. 22 cm . Title vignette: ecclesiastical coat of arms. Abstract of a larger work which was never published. The present work was completed by the publication of "Annotazioni sopra il Compendio," Rome, 1640. ML3805.A2D7 Io: Baptistae Doni . . . De prsestantia musicse veteris libri tres totidem dialogis comprehensi, in quibus vetus ac recens musica, cum singulis earum partibus, accurate inter se conferuntur. Adiecto ad finem onomastico selectorum vocabulorum, ad hanc facultatem cum elegantia, & proprietate tractandam, pertinentium . . . Florentiae, typis A. Massae Foroliuien., 1647. 4 p. 1., 266 p. 24| cm . ML169.A2D6 Io. Baptistae Doni . . . Lyra Barberina aiityxopdoc. Accedvnt eivsdem opera, pleraqve nondvm edita, ad veterem mvsicam illvs- trandam pertinentia, ex avtographis collegit, et in lvcem proferri cvravit Antonivs Franciscvs Gorivs . . . Absolvta vero stvdio et opera Io. Baptistae Passeri . . . Florentiae, Typis caesareis, 1763. 2 v. (v. 1: xii, 424 p.; v. 2: xii, 306 p., 1 1., iv, 100 p.) front, (port.) plates (partly fold.) diagrs. 37£ cm . Title vignette; head and tail pieces; initials. Vol. 2 has title: De' trattati di mvsica di Gio. Batista Doni . . . tomo secondo, ne' qvali si esamina e dimostra la forza e l'ordine della mvsica antica e per qval via ridvr si possa alia pristina efncacia la moderna; raccolti e pvbblicati per opera di Anton Francesco Gori . . . Aggiuntovi un lessico delle voci musiche, e l'indice generale, per opera e studio del p. maestro Gio. Batista Martini . . . Firenze, Stamperia imperiale, 1763. "Index aliorvm opervm Io. Baptistae Donii ad mvsicam spectantium " : v. 1, p. 180. ML60.D68 See also Baxdini, A. M. Commentariorvm de vita . . . Ioannis Bapt. Doni, 1755. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 77 [Dorat, Claude Joseph] 1734-1780. Euterpe; or, Remarks on the use and abuse of music, as a part of modern education . . . London, J. Dodsley [1779] 2 p. 1., 28 p. 25£ x 20 cm . ML63.D77 Douwes, Klaas, h. 1668. Grondig ondersoek van de toonen der musijk: zijnde een klaare betooninge van de wijdte of grootheit van octaven, quinten, quarten en tertien, geheele en halve toonen: van de imperfecte, ende valsche spetien. Als mede of in een goed musijk de octaven, ende hoe veel malen de quinten, quarten en tertien met malkanderen mogen gaan. Van de twaalf toonen der musijk; ende eenige exempelen om de musijk-nooten te componeren. Met een tweede deel; handelende van verscheidene musijk-instrumenten. Alles kort en klaar aange- weesen, door Klaas Douwes . . . Franeker, A. Heins, 1699. 5 p. 1., 3-132 p. fold. pi. 16 cm . Added t.-p., illustrated. MT6.A2D68 Dowland, John, 1563-1626, translator. See Ornithoparcus, A. Micrologvs, 1609. Draghetti, Andrea, 1736-1825. ( % Replica del padre # Andrea Draghetti . . . alia Risposta del padre D. Giovenale Sacchi . . . Milano, G. Galeazzi, 1772. 94 p., 1 1. diagr. 18J cm . Half-title: Delia legge di continuita nella scala musica. ML3809.A2D7 Drechssler, Johann Gabriel, d. 1677, praeses. "nib nUD sive De cithara Davidica . . . Ed. 3. ob defectum exem- plarium denuo excusa . . . Lipsiae, Uteris Colerianis, 1675. [48] p. 19i x 15£ cm . Diss. — Leipzig (Casparus Felmerius, respondent) ML166.A2D7 Dressier, Ernst Christoph, 1734-1779. Fragment e einiger gedanken des Musikalischen zuschauers die bes- sere aufnahme der musik in Deutschland betreffend . . . Gotha, C. Mevius seel, erben, 1767. 2 p. I., 8, 36 p. 23$ x 18 cm . Title vignette; head-pieces. ML66.A2D7 78 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Dressier, Ernst Christoph — Continued. Ernst Christoph Dresslers Theater-schule fur die Deutschen, das ernsthafte singe-schauspiel betreffend. Hannover und Cassel, J. W. Schmidt, 1777. 4 p. 1., 200, [14] p. 17 cm . ML3858.D77 Dressier, Gallus, b. ca. 1530. Mvsicse practical elementa in vsum Scholse magdeburgensis edita, a M. Gallo Dreslero . . . Magdebvrgi, excudebat vVolffgangus Kirchner, 1571. [205] p. 14 cm . Signatures: A-M in eights, N in seven. Ms. notes. ML171.D72 Drewis, P. G. Freundschaftliche briefe fiber die theorie der tonkunst und com- position. Von F. G. Drewis . . . Halle, J. C. Hendel, 1797. iv, 88 p. pi. 20£ cm . MT6.A2D77 Dubos, Jean Baptiste, 1670-1742. Reflexions critiques sur la poesie et sur la peinture . . . Nouv. ed. rev. & cor Utrecht, E. Neaulme, 1732-36. 3 v. 16 cm . Vol. 3 has caption title: Supplement aux Reflexions critiques . . . Disserta- tion sur'les representations theatrales des anciens. N63.D8 Reflexions critiques sur la poesie et sur la peinture. Par M. l'abbe Du Bos . . . 6. ed. . . . Paris, Pissot, 1755. 3 v. 16 cm . Vol. 3 has caption title: Reflexions critiques . . . Troisieme partie. Qui contient une dissertation sur les representations theatrales des anciens. N63.D83 Critical reflections on poetry, painting and music. With an inquiry into the rise and progress of the theatrical entertainments of the ancients. Written in French by the Abbe Du Bos . . . Tr. into English by Thomas Nugent, gent. From the 5th ed. rev., cor., and inlarged by the author . . . London, J. Nourse, 1748. 3 v. 21£ cm . Vol. 2 has title: Critical reflections on poetry and painting . . . N63.D88 Dubreuil, Jean, d. 1775. Manuel harmonique, ou Tableau des accords pratiques, pour faci- liter a toutes sortes de personnes, Tintelligence de Fnarmonie & de l'accompagnement, avec une partie chiffree pour le clavessin, & deux nouveaux menuets en rondeau. Par M. Dubreuil . . . Paris, La- combe [etc.] 1767. viii, 60 p., 2 1., [2] p. 21 cra . Four folding leaves of music included in paging. MT50.A2D81 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 79 Du Contant de La Molette, Philippe, 1737-1793. Traits sur la po^sie et la musique des Hebreux, pour servir d'in- troduction aux rseaumes expliques . . . par M. Tabbe du Contant de La Molette . . . Paris, Moutard, 1781. 2 p. 1., 251, [1] p. 18i cm . ML166.A2C67 Diinkelfeind, Caspar, pseud. See Leopold, G. Dufayel, Sophie. Memoire pour la D" e Dufavel l'ainee, actrice de la Comedie itali- enne, pensionnaire du roi. [n. p., 1779 ?] 29 p. 19i c Lcm Written to refute the accusation that she had tried to poison her sister. "Reflexions sur le memoire ci-dessus": p. 17-29. ML420.D93 Dufort, Giovanni Battista. Trattato del ballo nobile di Giambatista Dufort, indirizzato all' ec- cellenza delle signore dame, e de' signori cavalieri napoletani. Napoli, Stamperia di F. Mosca, 1728. 12 p. 1., 160 p. diagrs. 17£ cm . GV1600.D8 Dumas, Antoine Joseph, h. 1705. L'art de la musique enseigne et pratique par la nouvelle methode du bureau typografique etablie sur une seme cle, sur un seul ton, et sur un seul signe de mesure . . . par M r Dumas. Grave par M elle Vandome. Paris, Chez l'auteur [1753] 3 p. 1., 427, 10 p., 1 1. incl. 7 fold. pi. fold. pi. 20£ x 26 cm . "Le bureau typografique musical est compose de trente colonnes con tenant huit cases chacunes. Trois de ces colonnes . . . contiennent 1' exposition des elemens de la musique. Dix huit autres partagees en trois octaves . . . ensei- gnentau moyendel'arrangement des cartes . . . une lecture de la musique prompte et facile. Les neuf dernieres colonnes . . . donnent une parfarte connoissance des transpositions Diezees et Bmolees, et mettent en etat de chanter dans la parti- tion." — Avertissement. MT6.A2D86 [Dumont, ] Le vol plus haut, ou L'espion des principaux theatres de la capitale ; contenant une histoire abregee des acteurs & actrices de ces memes theatres, enrichie d' observations philosophiques & d'anecdotes recre- atives. Dedi6 aux amateurs ... A Memphis, chez Sincere, libraire refugie au Puits de la Verite. [Paris] 1784. viij, [9]-142 p. 17J cm . "Je ne . . ..prfeente que l'histoire du Concert spirituel & de POpera." — ^Avis de l'editeur. Attributed also to Francois Marie Mayeur de Saint-Paul. ML1727.3.A2D88 80 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Dupont, Henri Bonaventure. Principes de musique, par demande et par reponce, par lequel toutes personnes, pouront aprendre d'eux meme a connoitre toutte la mu- sique . . . Par le S. r Dupont . . . Paris, L'Hauteur, 1718. 2 p. 1., 45, [1] p. 25£ x 19i cm . Engraved throughout. MT7.A2D93 Durseus, Johannes Christiern. . . . Dissertatio mythologico-historica de primis musicse inventori- bus, quam ... in illustri Upsal. lycseo, sub prsesidio . . . Dn. Lau- rentii Arrhenii . . . publicse censurse modeste subjicit . . . Johannes Christiern. Durseus . . . Upsalise, Uteris Werneriams [1729] 3 p. 1., 32 p. 14£ cm . ML3800.A2A7 [Durey de Noinville, Jacques Bernard] 1683-1768. Histoire du theatre de l'opera en France. Depuis r^tablissement de l'Academie royale de musique, jusqu'a present . . . Paris, J. Barbou, 1753. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 4 p. 1., 264 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 221, [3] p.) 20 c lem Vol. 2 dated m.lcc.liii. Dedication signed : D * * * By Durey de Noinville and Louis Travenol. ML1727.3.A2D8 Histoire du theatre de l'Academie royale de musique en France, depuis son etablissement jusqu'a present. 2. ed., cor. & augm. des pieces qui ont ete representees sur le theatre de l'Opera par les musiciens italiens, depuis le premier aout 1752. jusqu'a leur depart en 1754. avec un extrait de ces pieces & des ecrits qui ont paru a ce sujet . . . Paris, Duchesne, 1757. 2v.ini (v. 1: 6, [8], 320 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 221, [3], 221-222 p., 1 1., 11 p.) 20 CIn . Dedication signed: D * * * ML1727.3.A2D82 |Du Roullet, FranQois Louis Gaud Lebland, marquis] 1716-1786. Lettre sur les drames-opera. A Amsterdam, et se trouve a Paris, chez Esprit, 1776. 55 p. 19i cm . ML3858.D96 Duval, abbe, d. 1781. Principes de la musique pratique. Par demandes et par reponses. De M. l'abbe Duval. Paris, Cailleau [etc.] 1764. x, [ll]-66, [3] p. 4 fold. pi. 19i fm . In the "Catalogue general" of the Bibliotheque nationale, Paris, this is ascribed to the Abbe Pierre Duval (1730-1797) MT7.A2D98 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 81 Dwight, Josiah, 1671-1748. An essay to silence the outcry that has been made in some places against regular singing. In a sermon preach' d at Framingham, by the Reverend Mr. Josiah Dwight . . . Boston, J. Eliot, 1725. 16 p. 17i cm . Last leaf mutilated. ML3001.D84 Earle, Jabez, 1676?-1768. See Practical discourses, 1708. Eastcott, Richard, 1740-1828. Sketches of the origin, progress and effects of music, with an account of the ancient bards and minstrels. Illustrated with various historical facts, interesting anecdotes, & poetical quotations. By the Rev. Richard Eastcott . . . Bath, S. Hazard, 1793. vii, [3], viii, iv p., 1 1., 277 p. 22£ cm . ML60.E13 Ebner, Wolfgang, d. 1665. See Chiodino, G. B. Arte prattica, 1653. Einige zum allgemeinen nutzen deutlicher gemachte musikalische erwegungs- und andere leichter eingerichtete uibungs-wahrheiten, hrsg. von einem freunde dieser wissenschafft. Leipzig, In commis- sion zu haben bey M. Blochbergern [1750?] viii, 90 (t. e. 76) p. 21 x 17 cm . No. 66-79 omitted in paging. Attributed to Georg Friedrich Lingke. ML3805.A2E4 [Eisel, Johann Philipp] 1698-1763. Musicus duxod'cdaKxoc , oder Der sich selbst informirende musicus, bestehend sowohl in vocal- als ublicher instrument al-musiqve, welcher uber 24. sorten sowohl mit saiten bezogener als blasender und schla- gender instrumente beschreibet, die ein jeder . . . nach denen princi- piis fundamentalibus erlernen kan . . . ans licht gestellet, und mit vielen darzu dienlichen figuren und handgriffen erlautert von einem der in praxi erfahren. Erfurt, J. M. Funck, 1738. 4 p. 1., 108 p. 1 illus., 17 pi. on 16 1. 21 x 17£ cm . MT6.A2E44 Der sich selbst informirende musicus, oder: Grundliche anweisung zu der vocal- und instrumental-music, welcher uber 24. sorten, sowohl mit saiten bezogener, als blasend- und schlagender instrumenten, zugleich auch achtzehen darzu dienliche figuren und handgriffe enthalt . . . Augsburg, J. J. Lotter, 1762. 7 p. 1., 90 p. illus. 17 x 21 cm . MT6.A2E46 51234°— 13 6 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Der eitle musicant und schenkwirth als zwey wunder in der christen- heit, besonders in den itzigen betrubten kriegslauften, nebst ange- wiesener allgemeinen heilsordnung und einer auf die itzige krieges- zeit gerichteten vorrede . . . [Halle, Waisenhaus-b.] 1760. 8 p. 1., 104 p. 16£ cm . By Carl Heinrich von Bogatzky? HV5478.A3E4 filoge de M. d'Acquin, musicien, organiste de la chapelle du roi. [Paris, 1773 ?] p. 191-203. 16 cm . Caption title. From "Le Necrologe des hommes celebres de France," edited by Palissot de Montenoy, Poinsinet de Sivry, and others. m ML416.A37 flloge de Monsieur Duni. [Paris, 1776 ?] 1 p. 1., p. [165]-169- 16£ cm - Caption title. From the same source as the preceding. ML410.D91 Eloge de M. Le Clair. [Paris, 1767 ?] p. 119-131. 16 cm . Caption title. From the same source as the preceding. ML410.L41E5 Elsmann, Heinrich. Compendivm mvsicse latino-germanicum, cum brevi tractatu de mod is, Accesserunt hymni sacri intercalares pro horis scholasticis, georgiani ut vocant, fvnebres: omnia in usum inventutis [ ! ] con- scripta & congesta a m. Henrico Elsmano . . . Wolferbyti, Autore sumptum faciente imprimebatur per Eliam Holwein, 1619. [128] p. 15 cm . MT860.A2E5 Elst, Joannes van der, 1594?-1670. Notse Avgystinianse, sive Mvsices figvrse sev notse novae concinendis modvlis faciliores, tabvlatvris organicis exhibendis aptiores; qvas firmamento ecclesise magno patriarchse divo Avrelio Avgvstino mvsices ecclesiasticse protectori venerabvndvs dedicat F. Ioannes vander Elst . . . Gandavi, typis Maximiliani Graet, 1657. 2 p. 1., 16 p. 11 pi. 23 x 18 cm . In 2 parts. The second part, " Explicatio ad musices voces," p. 9-16, is dated at end, 1659. Bound with " Den ouden . . . grondt vande musiicke." MT6.A2E49 Den ouden ende nieuwen grondt vande musiicke . . . Inde welcke met korte ende klare reghels ende redenen wt-gheleydt wordt het mergh vande musijcke, soo kerckelicke, figurele, als instrumentele, soo voor de theorie als voor de practijcke, door P. I. V. E. A. Ghendt, M. Graet, 1662. xii, 76 p. diagrs. 23 x 18 cm . Dedicatory letter signed: F. Ioannes vander Elst Augustinianus. Plates, same as in the "Notae Avgvstinianje, " wanting. MT6.A2E49 EARLY BOOKS ON MlM6 8* Emmanuel a' Conceptione. See Manuel da Conceicao. Engel, Johann Jakob, 1741-1802. Ueber die musikalische malerey. An den k6nigl. kapell-meister, herrn Reichardt. Von J. J. Engel. Berlin, C. F. Voss und sohn, 1780. 48 p. 15£ c ML3855.A2E5 Engramelle, Marie Dominique Joseph, 1727-1781. La tonotechnie, ou l'art de noter les cylindres, et tout ce qui est susceptible de notage dans les instrumens de concerts mechaniques. Ouvrage nouveau, par le pere Engramelle . . . Paris, P. M. Dela- guette, 1775. 4 p. 1., xxvij, [1], 236,' [4] p. front., v fold. pi. 20 cm . Pages 43-50, "Table des caracteres," are printed on leaves 27 x 20 cm . ML1051.A2E6 Entire new and compleat instructions for the fife. See The compleat tutor for the fife. [Erculeo, Marzio] 1623-1706. II canto ecclesiastico. All' Altezza serenissima del Sig. prencipe cardinal d'Este, d. d. d. Modana, Per gli eredi Cassiam stamp, episc, 1686. 15 p. 1., 3-65, [7] p. illus. 25 cm . Title vignette: ecclesiastical coat of arms. Dedication signed: D. Marzio Erculeo. A second title precedes the text: Lvmi primi del canto fermo, ecclesias- tico, gregoriano, corale, 6 piano, cioe stabile, et vniforme a tvtti gli ecclesiastici. Emendato, composto, & insegnato da S. Gregorio Magno . . . Per M. E. ad vso de scolari chienci delle scuole pie della Congregazione della B. V., e S. Carlo, e per loro essercizio il Confiteor, Fratres, antifone della B. Vergine, Adorna talamum, Si quseris, e messa de' morti con lisuoi cinque responsorij nelle essequie piu solenni, <&c. Modana, Nella stampa delli eredi Cassiani stamp, episcopali, 1686. MT860.A2E65 Erste musikalische preisaustheilung fur das jahr 1791. Nebst vierzig kupfertafeln die aus dem Magnificat beider preistrager ein stuck und die umarbeitung beider stucke vom preisrichter liefern. Frankfurt am Main, Varrentrapp und Wenner, 1794. 2v.ini (v. 1:32 p. 19 x ll£ cm ; v. 2: 40 p. 32 x 2o£ cm ) Vol. [2] engraved throughout, has caption title: Notenbeyspiele zur Ersten musikalischen preisaustheilung fur das jahr 1791. Listed under Abt Vogler in Kayser's "Bucher-lexicon." ML76.V25 Eschenburg, Johann Joachim, 1743-1820, translator. See Brown, J. Betrachtungen uber die poesie, 1769. Burney, C. Nachricht von Georg Fnedrich Handel's lebens- umstanden, 1785. ' b4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Eschstruth, Hans Adolf, freiherr von, 1756-1792. Musicalische bibliothek, hrsg. von H. A. fr. v. Eschstruth ... 1. stuck. Marburg unci Giesen, Bei Krieger dem jiingern, 1784. 152 p. 18£ cm . Imperfect, wanting port, and "zwei stiicke des . . . herrn kapellmeisters C. P. E. Bach." The "2. stuck" appeared in 1785; a "3. stuck" wa3 announced but not pub- lished, cf. Freystatter, Die musikal. zeitschriften. ML4.E74 Espic de Lirou, Jean Francois, 1740 or 41-1806. Explication du systeme de rharmonie, pour abreger Fetude de la composition, & accorder la pratique avec la theorie; par le chevalier de Lirou. A Londres, et se trouve a Paris, chez Merigot [etc.] 1785. 2 p. 1., 239 p. 7 pi. (1 fold.) 21J em . ML3815.A2L7 L'Esprit des journaux, francais et strangers, par une societe de gens de lettres. Paris [etc.] 1783-1805. 6 v. 17 em . monthly. Incomplete collection of the parts of ''L'Esprit des journaux" devoted to theater and music, detached from their respective volumes and bound together. Binder's subtitle reads " Comptes-rendus de musique et theatre." ML270.3.E56 Essai methodique pour apprendre aux enfans a lire aussi aisement la musique, qu'on leur apprend a lire l'ecriture ordinaire. Liege, F. J. Desoer [1763?] 58 p. 16| cm . MT35.A2E78 An essay on the church plain chant . . . London, J. P. Coghlan, 1782. 3 v. in 1. 18 cm . Appended: Antiphons which are sung whilst th« Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the church of the English dames of St. Clare, at Aire in Artois. London, Printed by J. P. Coghlan, 1783. 1 p. 1., 6 p. Contents. — pt. 1. Instructions for learning the church plain song. — pt. 2. Several anthems, litanies, proses and hymns, as they are sung in the public chapels at London. — pt. 3. A supplement of several anthems, litanies, proses and hymns. MT860.A2E8 Essex, John, translator. See Rameau, P. The dancing-master, 1728. Esteve, Pierre. Kouvelle decouverte du principe de rharmonie, avec un examen de ce que M. Rameau a publie sous le titre de Demonstration de ce principe. Par M. Esteve . . . Paris, S. Jorry, 1752. xvj, 54, [3] p. 21^ m . ML3815.A2E8 See also Moraxd, P. de. Justification de la musique francoise, 1754. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 85 Estwick, Sampson, d. 1739. The usefulness of church-musick. A sermon preach' d at Christ- church, Novemb. 27. 1696. upon occasion of the anniversary- meeting of the lovers of musick, on St. Cascilia's day. By S. Est- wick . . . London, T. Bennett, 1696. 2 p. 1., 22 p. 19^ x 15 cm . ML3001.E77 Etat actuel de la musique du roi et des trois spectacles de Paris. Paris, Vente, 1772. 1 p. 1., iv, [12], 140, vj, [6] p. 5 pi. (incl. front.) 13i om . Engr. t.-p. with ornamental border and coat of arms; line borders. Lettered: Almana[ch] du theatr[e] Issued annually 1759-60, and 1767-78. The volumes for 1759-60 have title "Etat actuel de la musique de la chambre du roi et des trois spectacles de Paris ..." In these two issues Vente's name does not appear on the t.-p., but is found in the privilege, cf. Grand-Carteret, Les almanachs francais. L. of C. has only the issue of 1772. ML1727.8.P2S4 Ettmiiller, Michael Ernst, 1673-1732, praeses. Disputatio effectus musicse in hominem . . . Lipsise, litteris J. G. Bauchii [1714] 39 p. 18 x 14£ cm . Diss. — Leipzig (C. G. Jocher, respondent and author) ML3920.A2E7 Euclides. EikAs^ou Wccayajyi) apfxovcKr). Too auxoo Km-nTo/*)) navovof, Euclidis Rudimenta mvsices. Eiusdem Sectio regulse harmonica?. E Regia bibliotheca desumpta, ac nunc primum grsece & latine excusa, Ioanne Pena regio mathematico interprete . . . *Parisiis, apud A. Wechelum, 1557. 2 p. 1., 5-16, 10 numb. 1. 20 em . Printer's mark on t.-p. The Rudimenta musices is now attributed to Cleonides. ML171.E9 See also Davy, C. Letters, 1787. Meibom, M., translator. Antiqvae mvsicse avctores, 1652. Eugenius junior, pseud. See Owen, James. Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783. Tentamen novae theoriae mvsicae ex certissimis harmoniae prin- cipiis diivcide expositae. Avctore Leonhardo Evlero. Petropoli, ex typographia Academiae scientiarvm, 1739. 263 p. plates (3 fold.) tables (2 fold.) 27J- cm . Title vignette. ML3805.A2E8 See also Unger, J. F. von. Entwurf einer maschine, 1774. 86 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Eximeno y Pujades, Antonio, 1729-1808. Dell' origine e delle regole della musica, colla storia del suo pro- gresso, decadenza, e rinnovazione. Opera di D. Antonio Eximeno fra 1 Pastori Arcadi Aristosseno Megareo . . . Roma, Stamperia di M. A. Barbiellini, 1774. 6 p. 1., 466 p., 1 1. illus., 23 fold. pi. (music, tables) port. 27 cm . ML159.E9 Del origen y reglas de la musica, con la historia de su progreso, decadencia y restauracion. Obra escrita en italiano por el abate Don Antonio Eximeno. Y traducida al castellano por D. Francisco An- tonio Gutierrez . . . Madrid, Imprenta real, 1796. 3 v. illus., 22 fold. pi. (music, tables) 20 cm . ML159.E93 Dubbio di D. Antonio Eximeno sopra il Saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto del reverendissimo padre maestro Giam- battista Martini. Roma, M. Barbiellini, 1775. viii, 120 p. 28£ cm . MT55.A2E9 Exmes, Francois Le Prevost d\ See Le Prevost d'Exmes, Francois. Exposition de quelques nouvelles vues mathematiques dans la theorie de la musique. A Amsterdam, et se trouve a Paris, chez Cailleau, 1760. 30 p.' 18°»». ML3809.A2E97 FabbrM, Pietro. Regole generali di canto fermo raccolte da diuersi autori da D. Pietro Fabritii Fiorentino. In questa quarta impressione corrette, & ampliate. Roma, M. A., & O. Campana, 1689. 80 p. incl. pi. 15£ cm . MT860.A2F12 Regole generali di canto fermo raccolte da diuersi autori da D. Pietro Fabritii Fiorentino, in questa quarta impressione corrette, & ampliate. Roma, II Mascardi, 1708. 80 p. incl. pi. 15 cm . MT860.A2F13 Faber, Gregorius. Mvsices practicse erotematum libri n, avtore M. Gregorio Fabro Luczensi, in Academia tubingensi, musices professore ordinario. Basilese [1553] 4 p. 1., 230, [2] p. diagrs. 15£ cm . Colophon: Basileae, per Henrichvm Petri, anno salvtis m.d.liii. mense martio. Guidonian hand on t.-p.; initials; printer's mark at end. Original t.-p. wanting; replaced by a facsimile. Contains musical examples taken from the works of Josquin de Pros, Okeghem, Anton Brumel and others. ML171.F14 EAELY BOOKS ON MUSIC 87 Faber, Heinrich, d. 1552. Compen- || diolvm mvsicse || pro incipientibvs. || Per magistrvm || Henricvm Fabrvm conscri- || ptum, ac nunc denuo, cum additio || ne alterius Compendioli, || recognitum. | Noribergae, || In Officina Ioannis Montani, || & Vlrici Neuberi [15 — ] [32] p. 15 cm . The 1st edition cited is of Brunswick, 1548. In that issue the title reads as in this one, indicating the existence of an earlier edition, cf. Eitner, "Magister Heinrich Faber" (Monatshefte fur musikgeschichte, 2 jahrg., 1870, p. 26 ff.) ML171.F11 See also Gumpeltzhaimer, A. Compendivm mvsicse, 1616. Faber, Nicolaus. • Mvsicae rvdimenta admodvm brevia atqve vtilia . . . Ioannes Auentinus Thurinomarus edidit. [Colophon: Excusa in officina Mil- lerana Augustse Vindelicorii xn. cal. iunias. Anno a natiuitate Domini, m.d.xvi.] [34] p. illus. 21 cm . Title as above taken from first two lines and last line of leaf Aij recto. Frontispiece: Illvstrissimo prin || cipi Arionisto vtrivsgve Boiari- || ae dvci dedicatvm || [woodcut] || Nicolaus Faber Vuolazanus llluetrissimi principis Arioni- || sti vtriusque Boiarise cantor & a sacris. Ad lectorg || [musical canon:] Crede mihi melius nihil est qua musica quae te || Efficiet doctfl magnificuq, virum. Signatures: A-B in fours, C in six, D in three. Printer's mark at end. L. of C. has also another issue, in which the inscription of poem on. recto of last leaf is arranged in six lines instead of seven, as in this issue, and has uni- form type, the first line here being in much larger type. ML171.F13 Faber, Petrus, 1540 or 41-1600. Agonisticon Petri Fabri . . . sive, De re athletica lvdisqve vetervm gymnicis, mvsicis, atque circensibus spicilegiorum tractatus, tribus libris comprehensi. Opvs tessellatvm. Nunc primum in lucem editum. Cum indice rerum ac verborum memorabihum locupletissimo . . . Lvgdvni, apud F. Fabrum, 1592. 12 p. 1., 363, [17] p. 24 cm . Printer's mark on t.-p.; side-notes. GV17.F2 Faber Stajmlensis , Jacobus. See Le Fevre, Jacques, a" Staples.. Fabricius, Werner, 1633-1679. Werneri Fabricii . . . Unterricht, wie man ein neu orgelwerk, obs gut und bestandig sey, nach alien stucken, in- und auswendig exami- niren, und so viel m6glich, probiren soil. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1756 [sic] 86 p. 17£ cm . ML555.A2F12 88 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Falck, Georg, d. 1688 ? . . . Idea boni cantoris, das ist: Getreu und grundliche anleitung / wie ein mUsic-scholar / so wol im singen / als auch auf andern instru- mentis musicalibus in kurtzer zeit so weit gebracht werden kan / dass er ein stuck mitzusingen oder zu spielen sich wird unterfangen ddrffen; aus verschiedenen beruhmten musicis colligirt / und der music-liebenden jugend zu sonderbahrer lust-erweck- und nutzlichen begrerffung zusammen geschrieben / und heraus gegeben von Georg Falcken dem aelteren . . . Nurnberg / Gedruckt bey W. M. Endter / 1688. 16 p. 1., 209, [3] p. 17 x 20i cm . In two parts. Caption title reads " Institutionis musicse practicse erster[- an- derer] theil." MT770.A2F27 * Falconnet, Extrait d'une lettre ecrite aux auteurs du Mercure, suivie d'un memoire qui repond a la question proposee dans celui du mois de juin dernier, au sujet du plainchant &c. [n. p. 1733 ?] 19 p. 16£ cm . Caption title. The memoir has caption "Memoire sur l'autorite des musiciens en matiere ' de plainchant," and is signed: Burette et Falconnet, fils. ML3082.A2B8 Fanzago, Francesco, 1749-1823. Elogi di tre uomini illustri, Tartini, Vallotti, e Gozzi, con una ora- zione gratulatoria. Padova, C. Conzatti, 1792. 212 p. 20 em . "Nel solenne ingresso alia dignita di procurator di S. Marco di S. E. Sig. cavalier Andrea Memmo gratulatoria della magnifica citta di Padova": p. [157]-205. ML390.A2F2 Orazione del Signor abate Francesco Fanzago Padovano delle lodi di Giuseppe Tartini, recitata nella chiesa de' rr. pp. Serviti in Padova li 31. di marzo l'anno 1770, con varie note illustrata, e con un breve compendio della vita del medesimo. Padova, Stamperia Conzatti, 1770. 48 p. incl. front, (port.) illus. 24 x 19 cm . Title vignette. ML410.T18F1 Fayser, Johann, of Arnstein. Ilacdda || Mvsicae. || Kindtliche Anlaytung oder || vnderweysung der Edlen j| Kunst Musica. [| Authore M. Ioanne Fessero || Arnstei- nensi Franco. || _ G. Fabricivs. || Diuina res est Musica, || Mulcet >• Deum, mulcet uiros. || Quicunqb Musicam colunt, || Amat Deus, coluntuiri. | Cum gratia & Priuilegio Imperiali. || Avgvsta3 Vinde- licorvm || Philippus vlhardus || excudebat [1572] [56] p. 1 illus. 15£ cm . Signatures: A-C in eights, D in four. ML171.F27 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 89 Febure, Louis Francois Henri le. See Lefebure, Louis Francois Henri. Fedeli, Giuseppe. . . . Principj di canto fermo dati alia luce da D. Givseppe Fedele . . . Cremona, M. Antonio dal Re intaglia e stampa apresso S. Catterina in Borgheto, 1722. 25 numb. 1. 29 x 22£ cm . Title within ornamental border; title vignette (port.) Engraved throughout. MT860.A2F29 Feijoo y Montenegro, Benito Jeronimo, 1675-1764. Three essays or discourses on the following subjects, a defence or vindication of the women, church music, a comparison between antient and modern music. Tr. from the Spanisk of Feyjoo; by a gentleman. London, T. Becket, 1778. 2 p. 1., 187 p. 21 cm . Translated by John Brett. ML60.F34 Feillee, Francois de la. See La Feillee, Francois de. Feind, Barthold, 1678-1721. Barth. Feindes / It. Deutsche gedichte / bestehend in musicalischen schau-spielen / lob- gluckwunschungs- verliebten und moralischen gedichten/ernst- und schertzhafften sinn- und grabschrifften/saty- ren / cantaten und allerhand gattungen. Sammt einer vorrede Von dem temperament und gemuhts-beschaffenheit eines poeten / und Gedancken von der opera. Erster theil. Mit kupffern und einem vollstandigen register. Stade, H. Brummer, 1708. 7 p. 1., 678, [18] p., 2 1., [10], 651-786 p. plates. 17 cm . Double engr. t.-p. added. Appended is a translation of Jeremias de Decker's "Lof der geldsucht," with special t.-p.: Hrn. lie. Feindes aus dem hollandischen ubersetzte ausbundige satyre vom lobe der geldsucht / an einigen hundert oerthern verbessert und vermehrt, ans licht gestellt von Ferdinand Gasto von Perlensee . . . C&lln / Bey P. Marteau, auf kosten der Societat; [etc., etc.] 1709. ML49.F34 Feldtenstein, C. J. von. Erweiterung der kunst nach der chorographie zu tanzen, tanze zu erfinden, und aufzusetzen; wie auch anweisung zu verschiedenen national-tanzen ; als zu englischen, deutschen, schwabischen, pohl- nischen, hannak- masur- kosak- und hungarischen; mit kupfern; nebst einer anzahl englischer tanze. Von C. J. von Feldtenstein. Braunschweig, 1772. 109, [1] p. vni fold. pi. 17 cm . GV1601.I3 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Fernandes, Antonio. Arte de mvsica de canto dorgam, e canto cham, & proporcoes de musica diuididas harmonicamente. Composta por Antonio Fernan- dez . . . Lisboa, P. Craesbeeck, impressor, 1626. 6 p. 1., 125 numb. 1. fold, pi., diagrs. 19J cm . Title vignette (coat of arms) MT860.A2F36 [Fernandez de Rojas, Juan] d. 1817. Crotalogfa; 6, Ciencia de las castafluelas. Instruccion cientlfica del modo de tocar las castafluelas para baylar el bolero . . . Parte primera ... Su autor el licenciado Francisco Agustin Florencio [pseud.] Madrid, Imprenta real, 1792. 3 p. I., x, 92 p. 15 cm . "Este opusculo, que pasa por ser un tratado de tocar las castafluelas, no es en realidad sino una finisima satira contra el furor enciclopedista que a fines del siglo pasado se nos*Vino de Francia." — Salva y Mallen, Catalogo de la biblio- teca de Salva, 1872. (For history see Pedrell's Cat. de la Bibl. mus. de la Dipu- tatio de Barcelona, 1908-09, v. 2, p. 331) MT720.A2F3 Ferrari, Carlo Antonio Porta. See Porta Ferrari, Carlo Antonio. Ferrari, Ottavio, 1607-1682. Octavii Ferrarii De pantomimis et mimis, dissertatio, in Patavino lyceo publice olim, magnoque cum adplausu recitata, nunc vero primum in lucem edita. Cum duabus epistolis vna Iacobi Facciolati, altera Io. Phil. Slevogtii, & Io. Fabricii ad non neminis dubia de orthographia latina responsionibvs. Wolffenbvttelii, svmtibvs G. Freytagii [1714] 63 p. 16£ cm . Ch.34.3015 Ferte, Denis Pierre Jean Papillon de la. See Papillon de La Ferte, Denis Pierre Jean. Feuillet, Raoul Auger. Recueil de dances contenant un tres grand nombres, des meil- lieures entries de ballet de M. r Pecour, tant pour homme que pour femmes, dont la plus grande partie ont 6te" dancSes a l'Opera. Reciieil- lies et mises au jour par M. r Feuillet . . . Paris, Chez le sieur Feuillet, 1704. 1 p. 1., 5 numb. 1., 128 (i. e. 228), 16 p. diagrs. 24£ cm . Engraved throughout. "Airs des dances contenuee en ce recueil, qui sert de table a ce volume " : 16 p. at end. MT950.A2F48 Fevre, Jacques le. See Le Fevre, Jacques, d' Staples. Feytou, Jean fitienne, 1742-1816, editor. See Framert, N. A Musique, 1791-1818. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 91 Flaminio, Giovanni Antonio, d. 1536, translator. See Aaron, P. Libri tres ... [1516] Florencio, Francisco Agustin, pseud. See Fernandez de Rojas, Juan. Florido, Francesco, editor. See Scaletta, O. Scala di mvsica, 1642. [Fludd, Robert] 1574-1637. . . . De templo mvsicae ... [n. p., n. d.] p. 159-259. illus., fold, pi., diagrs. 31° I cm Full title reads: Tractatus secundi pars II. De templo musica; in quo musica universalis tanquam in speculo conspicitur: in libros septem divisa. Detached from v. 1, "De macrocosmi historia," of Fludd's "Utriusque cosmi . . . metaphysica, physica atque technica historia," probably of the edition of Oppenheim and Frankfurt, 1617-24. Signatures: 1 1. unsigned, X-Z, Aa-Ii in fours, Kk in two. The greater part of the illustrations are printed from engraved plates. ML100.A2F4 Fogliani, Lodovico, d. ca. 1540. Mvsica theorica Ludouici Foliani Mutinensis: docte simul ac dilu- cide pertractata: in qua quaplures de harmonicis interuallis: non prius tentatae: continentur speculationes. [Colophon: . Title vignette: heraldic device. Added t.-p., illustrated. No 161-162 omitted in paging. MT860.A2F89 Frick, Christoph, 1577-1640. Music-buchlein, oder Nutzlicher bericht von dem uhrsprunge / gebrauche vnd erhaltung christlicher music vnd also von dem lobe Gottes / welches die Cnriste . . . verrichten sollen . . . Mit vorher gesetztem summarischem inhalt / vnd zu ende hinzu-gethanem register . . . Durch m. Christophorum Friccium . . . Liineburg / Gedruckt bey J. vnd H. Sternen / 1631. 12 p. 1., 347, [13] p. 14£ cm . Title within ornamental border. In 2 parts, part 2 with special t.-p. 1st edition, Leipzig, 1615, has title: Musica Christiana, oder Predigt iiber die worte Psalm 98: Lobet den Herrn mit harfen und psalmen. In this (2d) edi- tion another sermon is added. ML3001.F73 Frick, Philipp Joseph, 1740-1798. The art of musical modulation rendered easy and familiar, digested in twelve tables; shewing the shortest method of modulating thro' all the keys, in three and four parts. To which is perhxed [!] an explana- tory preface, by P: I: Frike. [London] Printed by W. Napier [1786] 1 p. 1., iv, 33 p. 24 x 33 cm . Engraved with the exception of p. i-iv. MT52.A2F7 A guide in harmony, containing the various manners in which every chord in four parts can be prepared, resolved, or otherwise freely used . . . composed by Joseph Frike . . . London, Printed for and sold by the author, 1793. 1 p. 1., viii, 93 p. 24 x 33 cm . Engraved with the exception of p. i-vi ("Introduction ") MT50.A2F8 A treatise on thorough bass, containing a plain and easy method for the performer by the help of many examples and several new essential rules, the pure manner of figuring and a repertory of every chord in harmony worthy the attention of young composers . . . b} T Joseph Frike . . . London, Printed for and sold by the author [1786] 1 p. 1., 109 p. 23 x 30 CB1 . Engraved throughout. MT49.A2F7 51234°— 13 7 98 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Frischmuth, Marcus HUarius, pseud. See Fuhrmann, Martin Heinrich. Fritz, Barthold, 1697-1766. Anweisung, wie man claviere, clavecins, und orgeln, nach einer mechanischen art, in alien zwdlf t6nen gleich rein stimmen kdnne, dass aus solchen alien sowol dur als moll wohlklingend zu spielen sey. Aufgesetzet von Barthold Fritzen ... 2. verm, und verb. aufl. Leipzig, J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1757. 6 p. 1., 24 p. 22 x 18 em . MT165.A2F5 Anweisung, wie man klaviere, clavecins, und orgeln nach einer mechanischen art in alien zw6lf t6nen gleich rein stimmen k6nne, dass aus solchen alien so wohl dur- als moll-klingend zu spielen sey. Nebst beygefugtem unterrichte, wie man klaviere gehdrig oehandeln soil und gut erhalten kann. Von Barthold Fritzen . . . Wien, Bin- zische buchhandlung, 1799. 2 p. 1., 19 p. 21£ x 17 cm . MT165.A2F7 Frosch, Johann, d. 1533. Rervm || mvsicarvm || opvscvlvm rarvm ac in- || signe, totius eius negotii rationem mira in- || dustria & breuitate complectens, iam || recens publicatum. loan. || Froschio, || autore. [Colophon: Argento- rati apvd Petrvm || Schoeffer & Mathiam Apiarium. Anno Salutis || m.d.xxxv] [78] p. incl. 2 tab. fold, diagr. 28£ cm . Printer's mark on t.-p.; side-notes. Signatures: 1 1. unsigned, 3 1. signed 2, 3 and 4 respectively, 2 1. unsigned, A-D in sixes, E in four, F in five. Dedication has date 1532. "Exempla": 1. E v°-l. [Fv] r°. ML171.F93- Frustabirbe, avvocato, pseud.? Lettera dell' avvocato Frustabirbe, indirizzata al Signor Antonio Sacchini, maestro di cappella. Torrni Vonor cercasti ed il danaro Solo per odio, e senza tuo profttto: Perche non m'hai o pezzo di sontaro Col coltej, di Baretti il cor trafitto? — Badini. In Roma, Alia bocca della Verita, 1774. Jem 94, [1] p. 23 c "Elogj de' congiurati contro il Badini:" p. [79]-88. ML410.S13F8 [Fuhrmann, Martin Heinrich] b. 1669. Die an der kirchen Gottes gebauete satans-capelle; darin dem Jehova Zebaoth zu leid und verdruss, und dem Baal-Zebub zur freud und genuss, (1.) Die operisten und comcedianten mancher orten ihren zuschauern eine theologiam gentilium aus den griechischen und lateinischen fabel-matzen, und eine moral aus des verlohrnen sohns catechismo vorbringen; und (2.) Die menschliche welsche wallachen EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 99 [Fuhrmann, Martin Heinrich] — Continued. und Amadis-sirenen aus dem hohen lied Ovidii De arte amandi, lieb- liche Venus-lieder dabey singen; und (3.) Die Jubalisten mit geigen und pfeiffen nach des alten Adams lust und wust darzu klingen; und (4.) Sylvester mit seiner Herodias-schwester, und Arlequin in einem frantzdsischen kalber-tantz herum springen; in einem wald-discours uber des autoris zwey letzte tractatlein wider die hamburgischen operisten und herrn d. Mayern betrachtet, von Caspar, Baltzer, Mel- cher. Und alien christlichen seelen zur anschau und abscheu vorge- stellet, von Marco Hilario Frischmuth [pseud.] Gedruckt zu C6lln am Rhein, und verlegt von der heil. drey k6nige erben. [Berlin, 1729] 96 p. 15i cm . ML63.F78 Das in unsern opern-theatris und comcedien-buhnen siechende christenthuni und siegende heidenthum, auf veranlassung zweyer wider den Musicalischen patrioten sich empdrenden hamburgischen theatral-malcontenten, Musandri und Harmonii, betrachtet, und . . . in einem gesprach vorgestellet von Liebhold und Leuthold . . . Ge- druckt zu Canterbury [i. e. Berlin, 1728] 32 p. 15J cm . "Zuschrift" signed: N. N. N. Dated: Ascher-mittwoch, 1728. Canterbury, in dem musicalischen haupt-quartir, 36. meilen von Hamburg. Written in reply to an^ anonymous work pub. the same year under title: Ein paar derbe musikalisch-patriotische ohrfeigen dem . . . herrn Mattheson . . . zu wiederherstellung seines verlornen geh&rs und verstandes . . . ertheilt von . . . Musandern und Harmonio. ML63.F821 Musica vocalis in nuce, das ist: Richtige und vdllige unterweisung zur singe-kunst / in wenig blattern / nach welcher ein informator seinen informandis die gantze vocal-music nach heutiger manier bald und leicht beybringen kan / ausgefertigt von Martin Henrich Fuhrmann . . . Berlin / Gedruckt bey J. Lorentz [1715] 64 p. 17£ cm . MT6.A2F91 M. H. F. G. F. C. Musicalische strigel / womit (1.) Diejenige super- lativ-virtuosen aus der singenden und klingenden gesellschafft / so nicht chor-massig als kunstler die grantzen des Apollinis seines musi- calischen reichs; sondern thor-massig als humpler die platze des Apollyonis seiner music-kahlen barbarey vermehren; (2.) Diejenige super-kluge quacksalber aus der musical, guide, so in des autoris Musical, trichter / sine fronte & fonte herum stdhren, sauberlich geputzet werden. Denen canonicis zur nachricht / denen apocryphis zum unterricht / und dem neid zu leid herausgegeben, un. in diese form gedruckt, damit dis tractatchen auf verlangen an dessen auchange- fochtenen Musica in nuce kdnne beygebunden werden. Athen an der Pleisse [i. e. Leipzig, 17 — ] 36 p. 16 x 9J cm . MT6.A2F8 100 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Fuhrmann, Martin Heinrich] — Continued. Musicalischer-trichter / dadurch ein geschickter informator semen informandis die edle singe-kunst nach heutiger manier bald und leicht einbringen kan / darinn vitiosa ausgemustert : obscura erlautert : deficienta[!] aber erstattet / mit einer vorrede / von der heutigen music vollkommenheit / krafft / nutz und nothwendigkeit / hrsg. durch ein mitglied der singenden und klingenden gesellschafft ... In verle- gung des autoris. Franckfurt / an der Spree [i. e. Berlin] gedruckt 1706. tcm 96p. 15J x 18£ c Preface signed: Meines hertzena freude. MT6.A2F9 Funk, Christlieb Benedict, 1736-1786. De sono et tono . . . Lipsiae, litteris Langenhemiorvm haered. et Klavberthiis [1779] 16 p. 20J x 16 cm . Programm (Ad capessendoa summos in philosophia honores invitat procancel- lariua C. B. Funccius) — Univ. Leipzig. ML3809.A2F9 Disquisitionem in doctrinam de sono et tono continvat Christlib Benedictvs Fvnk . . . Lipsiae, ex officina Klavbarthia [1782] 8 p. 20J x 16 cm . Programm (Ad celebrandam memoriam Henricianam, Ridelianam et Seyfer- tianam) — Univ. Leipzig. ML3S09.A2F9 Fusee de Voisenon, Claude Henri de. See Voisenon, Claude Henri de Fusee, abbS de. Fux, Johann Joseph, 1660-1741. Gradus ad Parnassum, sive Manuductio ad compositionem musicse regularem, methodo nova ac certa, nondum ante tarn exacto ordine in lucem edita: elaborata a Joanne Josepho Fux . . . Yiennse Aus- tria, typis Joannis Petri van Ghelen, 1725. 5 p. 1., 280 p. lillus. 32 cm . Added t.-p., engr. MT40.A2F99 Practical rules for learning composition, translated from a work intitled Gradus ad Parnassum, written originally in Latin by John Joseph Feux . . . London, J. Preston [1791 ?] 1 p. 1., 49 p. 35J cra . Engraved throughout. MT40.A2F998 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 101 Fux, Johann Joseph — Continued. Traite de composition musicale, fait par le celebre Fux. On peut en etudiant ce traite avec attention parvenir a bien composer en tres peu de terns . . . Tr. en francais par le S r . Pietro Dems . . . Paris, M. Boyer [etc., 17 — ] 1 p. 1., 272 p. 24 c lcm Engraved throughout. Only a partial translation of the " Gradus." let edition, Paris, 1773. MT40.A2F996 Gradvs ad Parnassvm, oder Anfuhrung zur regelmassigen musikalischen composition . . . ausgearb. von Johann Joseph Fiix Aus dem lateinischen ins teutsche ubersetzt, mit . . . anmerckungen versehen und heraus gegeben von Lorenz Mizlern . . . Mit sieben und funfzig kupfertafeln in quart. Leipzig, Mizler, 1742. 4 p. 1., 197, [3] p. lvii pi. on 29 fold. 1. (music) 21£ x 16£ cm . Title vignette MT40 A2F993 Gabler, Matthias, 1736-1805. Der instrumentalton ; eine physikalische abhandlung verf asset von Matthias- Gabler . . . als Joseph Hubbauer . . . fur den grad des magi- steriums aus der weltweisheit geprufet wurde. Im monate august 1775. [Ingolstadt] Gedruckt bey J. F. Lutzenberger [1776] 1 p. 1., 42 p. 20 x 16 cm . ML3807.G12 Gabriel da Annunciagao, b. 1681. Arte de cantocham resumida, para o uso dos Religiosos Franciscanos observantes da Santa Provincia de Portugal. Composta pelo padre Fr. Gabriel da Annunciacam . . . Lisboa Occidental, Officina da musica, 1735. 6 p. 1., 83 p. 1 illus. 21 cm . MT860.A2A61 Gaffurio, Franchino, 1451-1522. Angelicum ac diuinum opus musice || Franchini Gafurii laudensis Re || gii musici: ecclesieqj MTe || diolanensis phonasci: || materna lingua || scriptum. [Colophon: Impressum Mediolani per Gotardum de pote Anno Salutis Millesimo quin || getesimo octauo die sextadecima sep- tembris . . .] [96] p. illus., diagrs. 28£ c Lcm Signatures: A in four, B-F in sixes, G-H in fours, I in six. 1st ed. Milan, 1496. ML171.G10 C Apologia Franchini Gafurii musici aduersus Ioannem || Spata- rium & complices musicos bononienses. [Colophon: C Impressum Taurini per magistrum Augustinum de Vi || comercato. Anno do- mini, m.d.xx. die xx. Aprilisl [19] p. diagrs. 28 cm . Caption title. Signature: A of ten leaves. Ends with: Cum opera nostra sana sint si sane intelligantur / & sententiae nostrse recta? nisi peruertantur. Quo fit: ut & si incocessa rabie torquearis: harmonia Gafurii & Ioannes Grolierius patronus seternum uiuant (followed by the arms of Jean Grolier) ML171.G105 102 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Gaffurio, Pranchino — Continued. C Franchini Gafurii Laudensis Regii Musici publice || profitentis: Delubriq, Mediolanensis Phona || sci: de Harmonia Musicorum In || strumentorum Opus. || Io. Iacobi Lomatii Epygrama. || Vt quon- dam e Phrygia matrem Nasica Deorum || Aduectam meruit solus ut exciperet, |[ Sic fieri solus noster Grolierius hospes || Coelestis meruit cultor & Harmonise || Et merito: nam cum foueat pascatq* sorores : |j Quae poterat Diuse gratior esse domus? [Colophon: (E Impressum Mediolani per || Gotardum Pontanum Calco || graphum die. xxvii. Nouem || bris. 1518. Authoris praef ectu j| rse Anno trigesimoquinto. Leo || ne Decimo Potifice Maximo : J| ac Christianissimo Francorum || Rege Francisco Duce Medio || lani. Fcelici Auspicio Regnan |l tibus] 4 p. 1., c numb. 1., [4] p. illus., diagrs. 28 cm . Woodcut on t.-p. ; initials ; on verso of 4th prelim, leaf the arms of Jean Groiier; printer's mark at end. lxi omitted in numbering leaves; lxiii repeated. ML171.G11 Practica musicae. [Mediolani, Guillermus Le Signerre, 1496] 28J cm . Hain 7407, Proctor 6067, Panzer, v. 2, p. 83, Copinger. ML171.G12 Practica Musicae vtriusq, || cantus excellentis fran || chini gaf- fori Lau- |]desis. quatuor || libris mo || dulatis || sima.|| [Colophon: Impressa Brixie opera & impensa Angeli Britannici: anno salutis. m.d.viii. || die ultimo maii] [222] p. 3l£ cm . Signatures: 4 1. unsigned, a-b in eights, c in six, A-K in eights, L in five. ML171.G121 Practica musicae vtriusq. catus excelletis Frachini Gaffori Laudesis. Quattuor libris modulatissima : sumaq, diligetia nouissime Ipressa. [Colophon: Musicse Franchini Laudensis : cantoris solemnis- simi pratica quattuor libris compraehesa explicit. Impressa nouissime Venetiis: multisq, erroribus expurgata per Augustinum de Zannis de Portesio bibliopolam accuratissimum. Anno dominic83 incarnationis. m.d.xii. die. xxvin. iulii] 82 numb. 1. illus. 30£ cm . Title-page has woodcut 21£ x 16£ cm , signed "L." 4 large initials, 2 full page illustrations. The woodcut, initials and illustrations are in this copy roughly- colored by hand. ML171.G13 Galeazzi, Francesco, 1758-1819. Elementi teorico-pratici di musica, con un saggio sopra l'arte di suonare il violino analizzata, ed a' dimostrabili principj ridotta. Opera utilissima a chiunque vuol applicar con profitto alia musica, e speci- almente a' dilettanti, e professor! di stromenti d'arco, di Francesco Galeazzi . . . Ascoli, F. Cardi, 1817, 1796. 2 v. (v. 1: xviii, [2], 286, [2] p.; v. 2: viii, xxvi, 327, [1] p.1 14 fold, pi., fold, tables. 21£ cm . EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 103 Galeazzi, Francesco — Continued. Vol. 1: Ed. 2., ricorretta, e considerabilmente dall' autore accresciuta col'- l'aggiunta di molte, e nuove tavole in rame, e specialmente di quattro gran pro- epetti concernenti l'arte dell' arco. "Vol. 2 has slightly varying title,with imprint: Roma, Stamperia di M. Puccinelli, 1796. MT6.A2G15 Galeota, Onofrio, pseud. See Galiani, Ferdinando. Galiani, Ferdinando, 1728-1787. See Mattei, S. Se i maestri di cappella son . . . artigiani [1785?] Galilei, Vincenzo, d. 1591. Dialogo di Vincentio Galilei nobile fiorentino della mvsica antica, et della moderna. Fiorenza, G. Marescotti, 1581. 2 p. 1., 149, [10] p. illus., diagrs. (1 fold.) 32 cm . Title within ornamental design; printer's mark at end. The folding diagram is 7x31 cm . Between p. 40 and 41 in this copy is inserted a pen and ink illustra- tion, headed: Cithara nova et antiqua. Ms. notes throughout the book and the following note on t.-p.: Con le note e correttioni di . . . Don Barttolomeo Cara- sciolo. ML171.G15 Fronimo, dialogo di Vincentio Galilei . . . sopra l'arte del bene inta- volare, et rettamente sonare la mvsica negli strumenti artificiali si di corde come di fiato, & in particulare nel huto. Nuouamente ristam- pato, & dall' autore istesso arrichito, & ornato di nouita di concetti, & d'essempi. Vineggia, Appresso l'herede di G. Scotto, 1584. 4 p. 1., 182 p. 32£ cm . Title vignette (repeated on last page) MT640.G25 Galle, Daniel. See SchurtZfleisch, C. S. De hymnis ecclesise veteris [1725] Galle, Philippe, 1537-1612. See Straet, J. van der. Enconivm mvsices [ca. 1600] Galliard, John Ernest, 1687 ?-1749, translator. See Raguenet, F. A comparison between the French and Italian musick, 1709. Tosi, P. F. Observations on the florid song, 1743. Galliculus, Johannes. Isagoge j| Ioannis |[ Gallicv- || li de || compo- || sicione [| cantvs. |j Lipsise, apud Valenti- || num Scnumannu An. || Christi. m.d.xx. [46] p. 16i cm . (In Rhaw, Georg. Enchiridion vtriusqj musicQ practice^ [Lipske, 1520] [pt. 3J) ML171.R42 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Galliculus, Johannes — Continued. Libellvs de || compositione || cantvs. || Ioannis Gallicvli. || Vitebergae || apud Georgium || Rhau. || Anno m.d.xlvi. [19] p. 15 cm . Title within ornamental border, colored by hand. Signatures: a-B in eights, C in four. "Exemplvm omnivm regvlarvm": [2] p. at end. ML171.G17 Gallini, Giovanni Andrea Battista, 1728-1805. A treatise on the art of dancing. By Giovanni Andrea Gallini. London, Printed for the author and sold by It. Dodsley [etc.] 1772. 2 p. 1., [ix]-xvi, [17]-292 p. fold, front. 20£ cm . Copy 2. GV1601.G17 Ganassi, Silvestro, dal Fontego. Opera Intitulata Fontegara || Laquale Isegna a sonare di flauto ch<5 tutta Parte opportuna a esso Istrumento || massime il diminuire ilquale sara utile ad ogni istrumento di fiato et chorde: et achora a }| chi si dileta di canto, cSposta per syluestro di ganassi dal fOtego sonator d la Ill ma . S a . D. V a . [Colophon : C Impressum Venetiis per Syluestro di ganassi || dal fontego sonator della illustrissima si [| gnoria di Venetia hautor pprio. || mdxxxv] [158] p. 15§ x 21 cm . Title and accompanying woodcut within heavy black border. Signatures: 4 1. unsigned, ■, A-S in fours (last 1. blank) MT342.A2F55 [Garcin, Laurent] d. 1788. Traite du melo-drame, ou Reflexions sur la musique dramatique . . . Paris, Vallat-la-Chapelle, 1772. xxxij, 380, [3] p. 19£ cm . ML1727.35.G2 Gaspar, Michael, pseud. See Michell, Henry. Gasparini, Francesco, 1668-1727. L'armonico pratico al cimbalo. Regole, osservazioni, ed avver- timenti per ben suonare il basso, e accompagnare sopra il cimbalo, spinetta, ed organo. Di Francesco Gaspanm . . . Venezia, A. Bor- toli, 1708. 118, [2] p. 22 x 17$ cm . MT68.A2G17 L'armonico pratico al cimbalo, regole, osservazioni, ed avver- timenti per ben suonare il basso, e accompagnare sopra il cimbalo, spinetta, ed organo. Di Francesco Gasparini ... 4. impressione. Venezia, A. Bortoli, 1745. 4 p. 1., 86 p., 1 1. 24} cm . Title vignette. MT68.A2G175 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 105 Gatta, Marco della. Breve ra'gguaglio delle principali regole del canto fermo gregoriano parte prima divisa in nove dialoghi con breve appendice del canto iratto, opera del rev. sacerdote D. Marco della Gatta . . . per uso, e studio de' convittori del seminario diocesano . . . Napoli, V. Orsini, 1793-94. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: xxvi, [2], 132 p.; v. 2: viii, 85, [2], 137, [2] p.) 1 illus. 26 cm . Vol. 2 has title: Esempj e cantilene di canto fermo gregoriano con appendice di messe, ed officiatura de' morti. Parte seconda . . . MT860.A2G26 Gaudentius. See Meibom, M., translator. Antiqvae mvsicse avctores, 1652. Gaultier, Aloisius Edouard Camille, 1746 ?-1818. Methode pour apprendre a lire la musique, et a battre la mesure en tres-peu de temps, faisant partie du cours d'etudes elementaires de M. l'abbe Gaultier, destine a instruire les enfans en les amusant, par le moyen de plusieurs jeux . . . Paris, Au Cours des jeux instruc- tifs pour la jeunesse, 1789. - " 24 p. 3 fold pi. 18£ cm . Appended: Cours de jeux instructifs pour la jeunesse, sous la protection du gouvernement . . . Par M. I'abb6 Gaultier. 14 p., 1 1. MT35.A2G18 [Gauthier, Francois Louis] 1696-1780. Traite contre les danses et les mauvaises chansons, dans lequel le danger & le mal qui y sont renferm^s sont demontres par les temoi- gnages multiplies des Saintes Ecritures, des ss. pp. des conciles, de plusieurs ev^ques du siecle passe & du notre, d'un nombre de th6o- logiens moraux & de casuistes, de jurisconsultes, de plusieurs ministres protestans, & enfin des payens meme. Paris, Froulle, 1785. 36, 347 p. 17 cm . "Revu par L.-E. Rondet." — Barbier, Diet, des ouvrages anonymes. First edition, 1765. ML3920.A2G19 [Gauthier de Montdorge, Antoine] 1700-1768. Reflexions d'un peintre sur l'opera. La Haye, P. Gosse, 1743. 41 p. 16£ cm . ML3858.G27 Gavinies, Pierre, 1726-1800. See Latour de Fraxqueville, Mme. de. Mon dernier mot [1781] Gebst, Volckmarus Leisringius. Corona musices, qvam ex lectissimis & svavissimis, ac ex musaru charitumejj viridario decerptis flosculis, cum antiquitatis dignitate, et multiphci utilitate; turn concinna jucunditate, e perpetua durabili- tate, sestimandis, collegit, & sub orationis ju^um coegit ac revocavit: et deniq^ publice exhibuit Volckmarus Leisringius Gebst . . . Jense, typis VVeidnerianis, 1611. [16] p. 19£ x 15i cm . Title within ornamental border. Signatures: A-B in fours. ML64.G3 106 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Gedanken uber die welschen tonkunstler. Zur beantwortung des im sieben und dreissigsten stucke der hamburgischen Freyen urtheile befindlichen Schreibens an den herrn verfasser des Kritischen musikus an der Spree. Halberstadt, C. E. I. Weldige, 1751. 23 p. 21* x 17 cm . ML275.3.G26 Gehot, Jean, b. ca. 1756. The art of bowing on the violin, calculated for the practice & improvement of juvenile performers, by Joseph Gehot. London, G. Goulding[179-?] 9 p. 25 x 31 cm . MT267.A2G31 Geminiani, Francesco, 1680 M762. The art of accompaniament, or A new and well digested method to learn to perform the thorough bass on the harpsichord, with propriety and elegance, by F. Geminiani. Opera 11 th .. . London, Preston and son [1753 «] 2 v. (v. 1: 1 p. L, 4, 33 p.; v. 2: 1 p. L, 4, 36 p.) 36i cm . Engraved, with exception of preliminary matter (p. 1^1) in each vol. Vol. 2: Opera 11 th . Part the 2 d . Treating of position and motion of harmony, and the preparation and resolution of discords. MT49.A2G4 The art of playing on the violin; containing all the rules necessary to attain to a perfection on that instrument, with great variety of compositions, which will also be very useful to those who study the violoncello, harpsichord &c. Composed by F. Geminiani . . . Opera ix. London, Printed for the author by J: Johnson, 1751. 1 p. 1., 9, 51 p. 34 x 25$ cm . (With his Rules for playing in a true taste. [Lon- don, 1745?]) Not identical with pt. v of Prelleur's "Modern musick-master." The first edition, according to the Oxford history of music, can not have been issued before 1734. MT262.A2G32 L'art de jouer le violon, contenant les regies necessaires a la perfection de cet instrument, avec une grande variete de compositions tres-utiles a ceux qui jouent le violoncelle ou le clavessin, &c. Par F. Geminiani. Opera ix. Grave par Madame de Lusse ... Paris, De la Chevardiere; [etc., etc., 17 — ] 2 p. 1., 55 p. 34 cm . Added t.-p., illustrated. MT262.A2G31 The art of playing the guitar or cittra, containing several compo- sitions with a Dass for the violoncello or harpsichord ... by F. Gemi- niani . . . Edinburgh, Printed for the author by R: Bremner, 1760. 1 p. 1., 2-51 p. 35i cm . Engraved throughout. MT582.A2G2 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 107 Geminiani, Francesco — Continued. Compleat instructions for the violin, containing the easiest and best methods for learners to obtain a proficiency, with some useful directions, lessons, graces, &c. by Geminiani. To which is added a favorite collection of airs, marches, minuets, &c. with several excellent peices [!] for two violins . . . [London] G. Goulding [ca. 1790?] 1 p. 1., 28, [2] p. front., pi. 17 x 24 cm . (With Entire new . . . instructions for the fife. London [17—]) Caption title: New instructions for the violin. Engraved throughout. MT356.A2E62 Guida armonica, o Dizionario armooico. Being a sure guide to harmony and modulation, in which are exhibited, the various com- binations of sounds, consonant, and dissonant, progressions of har- mony, ligatures and cadences, real and deceptive. By F. Geminiani. Opera x . . . London, Printed for the author, by J. Johnson [1742] 3 p. 1., 34 p. front. 33i cm . Engr. t.-p. MT52.A2G3 A supplement to the Guida armonica, with examples shewing it's use in composition: by F. Geminiani. London, Printed for the author, by J. Johnson [17 — ] 4 p. 1., 10 p. 33£ cm . (With his Guida armonica. London [1742]) MT52.A2G3 Dictionaire harmonique ; ou Guide sur pour la vraie modu- laison. Par F. Geminiani. Dictionarium harmonicum, of Zeekere wegwyzer tot de waare modulatie . . . Amsterdam, Aux depens de l'auteur, 1756. 4 p. 1., 34 p. 34} cm . Title-page, verso blank. — Privilegie. p. 1. [2] — Au lecteur (French and Dutch in parallel columns) p. 1. [3] — Methode de composer suivant ce dictionaire (French and Dutch) p. 1. [4] — [Modulations] 34 p., engr. MT52.A2G32 Rules for playing in a true taste on the violin, German flute, violoncello and harpsicord, particularly the thorough bass; exem- plify'd in a variety of compositions on the subjcts [!] of English, Scotch and Irish tunes; by F. Geminiani. Opera vm. [London, 1745 ?] 2 p. 1., 2-19 p. 34 x 25£ cm . MT262.A2G32 A treatise of good taste in the art of musick ... by F. Geminiani. London, 1749. 1 p. 1., 4, [2], 30 p. front. 37J cm . Engraved, with the exception of 4 pages following t.-p. MT80.A2G32 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Gerber, Ernst Ludwig, 1746-1819. Historisch-biographisches lexicon der tonkunstler, welches nach- richten von dem leben und werken musikalischer schriftsteller, beruhmter componisten, sanger, meister auf instrumenten, dilet- tanten, orgel- und instrumentenmacher . . . enthalt; zusammen- getragen von Ernst Ludwig Gerber . . . Leipzig, J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1790-92. 2 v. (v. 1: xiv, [2] p., 992 col.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 860 col., xvi, 86 p.) 22£ cm . " Verzeichniss derjenigen musikalischen werke, welche bey dem sammeln dieser nachrichten am meisten zu rathe gezogen worden sind:" v. 1, 2 p. fol- lowing p. xiv. "Anhang, welcher nachrichten von bildnissen, busten und statuen beruhmter tonlehrer und tonkunstler . . . desgleichen von beruhmten orgelwerken und ein instrumenten-register enthalt": v. 2, xvi, 86 p. at end. ML105.A2G36 Gerbert, Martin, freiherr von Homau, 1720-1793. De cantv et mvsica sacra a prima ecclesiae aetate vsqye ad praesens tempus. Avctore Martino Gerberto . . . Typis San-Blasianis, 1774. 2 v. (v. 1: 10 p. L, 590 p.; v. 2: 6 p. 1., 409, [29], 112 p.) illus., xxxv pi. (partly fold., incl. facsims.) 26 x 20 cm . Title vignette; head-pieces; initials. "Missa in coena Domini": 112 p. at end of v. 2. ML3002.A2G3 Martini Gerberti . . . Iter alemannicum, accedit italicum et galli- cum. Sequuntur Glossaria theotisca ex codicibus manuscriptis a sseculo ix. usque xiii. Typis San-Blasianis, 1765. 4 p. 1., 519, [15], 144 p. 18 cm . Z1001.G44 Gerbert, Martin, freiherr von Hornau, 1720-1793, editor. Scriptores ecclesiastici de musica sacra potissimum. Ex variis Italia?, Gallise & Germanise codicibus manuscriptis collecti et nunc primum publica luce donati a Martino Gerberto m'onasterii et congreg. S. Blasii in Silva Nigra abbate, s. q. r. i. p. ... Typis San-Blasianis 1784. 3 v. fronts., fold, tables. 26 x 20£ cm . ML170.G3 Gervasio, Giovanni Battista. Methode tres facile pour apprendre a jouer de la mandoline a quatre cordes, instrument fait pour les dames. Avec les regies les plus exactes pour la fapon de se servir de la plume . . . Par M r . J. B. Gervasio . . . GEuvre l r . Paris, Bouin; [etc., etc., 17 — ] 1 p. 1., 15 p. 34} em . Engraved throughout. MT602.A2G3 Gesius, Bartholomaus, d. 1613. Synopsis mysicse practicse, variis exemplis illustrata, et exercitiis ad 12. modos in utroque cantu, regulari scilicet ac transposito ampli- ficata. In usum scholasticae juventutis francofurtensis cis Viadrum conscripta a Bartholomseo Gesio . . . Francofurti Marchionum, typis & impensis Johannis Eichorn, 1609. [240] p. 14 cm . Signatures: A-P in eights. MT6.A2G39 EARLY BOOKS OK MUSIC 109 Gestrinius, Sueno. See Ltjndius, D. Dissertatio gradualis [1707] Gianotti, Pietro, d. 1765. Le guide du compositeur, contenant des regies sures pour trouver d'abord, par les consonnances, ensuite par les dissonnances, la basse fondamentale de tous les chants possibles, & dans tous les genres de musique; avec les moyens les plus surs pour reussir dans la recherche & la connoissance du ton dans le sujet . . . Par M. Gianotti. Paris, Durand [etc.] 1759. xxiv, 310, [6], 39 p. (engr.) 20 cm . "Exemples": 39 p. at end. MT68.A2G43 Gibel, Otto, 1612-1682. Ottonis Gibelii . . . Introductio musicse theoretics didacticse, in qua prsecipua ejus principia, cum primis vero mathematica . . . summa pariter perspicuitate ac brevitate proponuntur; nee tantimi ad mono- chordum, sed aha quoqj hodie usitatiora & nobiliora instrumenta, turn secundum veterem turn novam musices rationem, accurate applican- tur. Pars generalis . . . Bremae, typis & sumptibus J. Kohleri, 1660. 6 p. 1., 128 p. diagrs. on fold. 1. 19 x 14£ cm . (With his Propositiones mathe- matico-musicae. Minden an der Weser, 1666) The second and concluding part mentioned in the preface was not published. ML3809.A2G4 Propositiones mathematico-musicae, das 1st : Etliche f urnehme und gar nutzliche musicalische auffgaben / auss der mathesi demonstriret, und nach beschaffenheit in beygefugten kupfferstucken kunstlich reprsesentiret und fur augen gestellet / alien wahren music-liebhabern zum besten auffgesetzet und an tag gegeben. Von Ottone Gibelio. Minden an der Weser, J. E. Heydorn, 1666. 2 p. 1., 53 (i. e. 44) p. fold, pi., fold. tab. 19 x 14$ c,n . Last four pages numbered 50-53 for 41-44. ML3809.A2G4 Ginguene, Pierre Louis, 1748-1816, editor. See Framery, N. £. Musique, 1791-1818. Glareanus i. e. Heinrich Loriti, ofGlarus, 1488-1563. Glareani JcodeKaxopdov . . . Basileaa. [Colophon: Basileae per Hen- richvm Petri mense septembri anno post Virgihis partvm. m.d.xlyii] 10 p. 1., 470, [6] p. illus., diagrs. 31i cm . Printer's mark at end. Glareanus' autograph presentation copy to Francisco Spinola. Inserted at end are 4 leaves containing in ms. (1) Presentation note: Anno a Jesu Christi natali MDLni. Clarissimo viro P. Francisco Spinola Glareanus a Friburgo Brisgoa.^ D. M. (2) Ode: Ad ornatissimum virum P. Franciscum Spinolam Glareani Trimetri. (3) Codex Glareani manu emendatus in his maxime, quae neces- sitas postulabat, caetera, quae innumera quidem sunt, et a mediocris ingenij cantoribus videri faciliter poterunt, in genere duntaxat ac breuiter hie perstricta conspiciuntur. (4) Alia huius codicis errata quae prima relectione minus anim- aduersa fuere denuo ipsius Glareani cura ac manu hue pernotata conspiciuntur. At end, in a different hand: Decessit anno 1563, aetatis 75. The third part contains examples from the works of Okeghem, Obrecht, Josquin de Pres and others. ML171.G54 8 p. 1., 150, [2] p. 1 illus., fold, tab., diagrs. 15 x ll£ cm . Colophon on p. 103 and on recto of last leaf: Basileae, || ex officina Hieronymi || Cvrionis, impensis Hen || rici Petri, anno || m.d.lix. men- 1| se martio. Guidonian hand on t.-p. (repeated on p. 5) Preliminary leaves 7-8 blank. Printer's mark on p. [104] and on last page. Caption of preface: Ioannes Litauicus Vuonnegger lectori S. "Mensuralis Musices || ex Glareani Dode- || cachordo Compendium": p. 105- 150. ML171.G55 See also Boethitts, A. M. S. Opera omnia [1570] Glaser, Johann Adam. See Weidling, C. Exercitatio philologica [1686] Godin d'Abguerbe, Quentin. ■See Parfaict, F." Dictionnaire des theatres, 1756. Goetting, Valentin. Compendium || mvsicae mo- || dulativae, quale brevitate ordinis |[ commoditate & facilitate nun- || quam visum, || Observatum & in usum puero- || rum jam primum ad Musicam adniben- || dorum Col- lectum a || Valentino Goettingi Witzen- || husano Musicae studioso, || Aimo salutis 1587. editum secund6 in gratiam || tarn docentium quam discentium, J| Accessit Exercitiil Musicum, ad || duodecim Dode- cachordi modos & puerorum inci- || pientium captum accommodatum, [I Cum Praefatione Henningi Deaekindi || Cantoris Salzensis. || . . . [Colophon: Erphordiae Georgius Bauman excudebat] [64] p. 16 c ». EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 111 Goetting, Valentin — Continued. Signatures: A-D in eights. Ms. note on fly-leaf: "Deux exemplaires connus: a la Bibl. Fetis (n 9 5465) et celui-ci. A[lfred] Wfotquenne] " Title, with dedicatory verse "Ad Fridericum Beurhusium" at foot of page. — Insignia nobilium de Sachsa. t.-p. verso. — Poem "In insignia nobilium de Sachsa" signed H. D. N. F. 1. [2] r°. — Aeqvo lectori, bonis viris, et iuvenibus musicae studiosis salutem dicit Henningus Dedekindus Neostadianus. (Run- ning title "Prsefatio") 1. [2] v°-l. [11] r°. — Epistola nobilibvs ingenvisethonestis adolescentibvs, stemmatissui nobilitatem liberalium artium studio illustrantibus: Sigismvndo de Sachsa [et al.] ingeniis musicse amantibus, salutem & plenum liberalium studiorum amorem optat Valentinus Goettingi Witzenhus. (dated 1586) 1. [11] v°-l. [13] r°. — Instrvctio ad docentes initia musicae. 1. [13] v°-l. !14] v°. — Methodus hujus Compendii. 1. [15] r°. — Compendivm mvsicse modu- ativae. 1. [15] v°-l. [19] v .— Ad lectorem. 1. [20] r .— Henricvs Gottingi ludi Gebeseni moderator suo fratri s. d. p. (poem) 1. [20] v°. — Exercitivm musicum {>ro incipientibus. 1. [21] r°-l. [32] v°. — Fragmentum ex Henningi Dedekindi iteris ad autorem missis. [Colophon] 1. [32] v°. ML171.G63 Goeze, Johann Melchior, d. 1727. Der weit-beriihmte musicus und organista wurde bey trauriger leich-bestellung des weyland edlen una kunst-hoch-erfahrnen herrn Andrese Werckmeisters, treu-verdient-gewesenen organistens bey unserer St. Martini-kirche, und kdnigl. preuss. wohl-bestallt-gewese- nen inspectoris uber alle orgel-wercke im fiirstenthumb Halberstadt, welcher am abgewichenen 26. octobr. des 1706ten jahres in Jesu seelig verstorben, in einer stand-rede dargestellet von Iohann Melchior G6tzen . . . [Quedlinburg ?] Gedruckt 1707. [16] p. 19£ x 16 cm . {With Werckmeister, Andreas. Musicalische paradoxal- discourse. Qvedlinburg, 1707) ML3800.A2W4 Gogava, Antonius Hermannus, 1529-1569, translator. Aristoxeni mvsici antiqviss. Harmonicorvm elementorvm libri in. CI. Ptolemsei Harmonicorum, seu de musica lib. in. Aristotelis de obiecto auditus fragmentum ex Porphyrij commentarijs. Omnia nunc primum latine conscripta & edita ab Ant. Gogauino . . . Vene- tijs, apud V. Valgrisium, 1562. 165, [1] p. diagrs. 22i cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. and on last page. ML171.G65 Goldschad, Gotthelf Conrad, b. 1719. Chorvm mvsicvm gloriam Christi celebrantem ex Ps. lxviiI. v. 26. sistit . . . M. Gotthelff Conrad Goldschad. Dresdae, literis Harpe- terianis [17511 [12] p. I9i cm . Programm — St. Annaschule, Dresden. ML3001.G62 Gomes da Silva, Alberto Jose, d. 1795. Regras de acompanhar para cravo, ou orgao, e ainda tambem para qualquer outro instrumento de vozes, reduzidas a breve methodo, e facil percepcao . . . por Alberto Joseph Gomes da Silva . . . Lisboa, F. L. Ameno, 1758. 4 p. 1., 39 (i. e. 47), [2] p. tab., diagr. 20£ x 16 cm . Pages 45-47 wrongly numbered 37-39. Pages [21-24] and [35-42] contain "exemplos." MT68.A2G63 112 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Gonzaga, Silvio Valenti-, cardinal. See Valenti-Gon^zaga, Silvio, cardinal. Gori, Antonio Francesco, 1691-1757, editor. See Bandini, A. M. Commentariorvm de vita . . . Ioannis Bapt. Doni, 1755. Doni, G. B. Lyra Barberina, 1763. Gori Pannilini, Francesco de'. Lettera dell' abate Francesco de' Gori Pannilini . . . sopra l'opera dell' abate Giuseppe Pizzati che ha per titolo La scienza de' suoni e delV armonia, diretta specialmente a render ragione de' fenomeni, e a conoscer la natura e le teggi della medesima, ed a giovare alia pratica del contrappunto. Opera dell' ah. Giuseppe Pizzati divisa in cinque parti. In Venezia 1782. appresso Gio. Gatti. Pisa, J. Grazioli, 1782. 39 p. 15 x 8£ cm . MT50.A2P692 Gorton, William. Catechetical questions in musick, containing a hundred and seventy questions, fairly answered and made plain to the meanest capacity. By William Gorton . . . London, Printed by W. Pearson for the author, 1704. 3 p. 1., 41 p. 14 cm . MT7.A2G7 Gottsched, Luise Adelgunde Viktoria (Kulmus) 1713-1762. See Grimm, F. M., freiherr von. Ici sont ecrits les vingt-un chapitres [17 — ] [Goudar, Ange] 1720-1791. Le brigandage de la musique italienne ... [n. p.] 1777. 2 p. 1., viij, 156 p. 19£ cm . The dedication, "Epitre aux amateurs de la musique italienne du parterre de l'Opera de Paris," is signed: Jean-Jacques Sonnette [pseud, of Ange Goudar] ML1727.35.G6 Goudar, Mme. Sara, d. ca. 1800. De Yenise. Remarques sur la musique & la danse, ou Lettres de M?.G . . . a Milord Pembroke. Venise, C. Palese, 1773. 3 p. 1., 3-136 p. 19i cm . ML3845.A2G68 Supplement aux Remarques sur la musique, & la danse, ou Lettres de M> G . . . a Milord Pembroke. Venise, C. Palese, 1773. 95 p. 16$ cm . ML3845.A2G69 (Euvres melSes de Madame Sara Goudar . . . Amsterdam, 1777. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: xij, 203 p.; v. 2: 2 p. 1., 198 p.) 17 cm . Contents. — t. 1. Lettres sur les divertissements du carnaval de Naples & de Florence. — t. 2. Remarques sur la musique italienne & but la danse, a Milord Pembroke. DG447.G6 EARLY BOOKS OST MUSIC 113 Gournay, B. C, d. ca. 1794. Lettre a M. l'abb(3 Roussier, sur une nouvelle regie de l'octave que propose M. le marquis de Culant; par M. Gournay . . . Paris, Koyez [etc.] 1785. 36, [2] p. 21£ cm . MT50.A2G6 Graaf, Christiaan Ernst, b. ca. 1726. Proeve over de natuur der harmonie in de generaal bas, benevens een onderricht eener korte en regelmaatige becyffering, door C. E. Graaf ... 's Graavenhaage, B. Wittelaer, 1782. 46 p. xi fold. pi. 20£ cm . MT49.A2G8 Grassineau, James, d. 1769. A musical dictionary; being a collection of terms and characters, as well ancient as modern; including the historical, theoretical, and Eractical parts of music . . . The whole carefully abstracted from the est authors in the Greek, Latin, Italian, French, and English lan- guages. By James Grassineau . . . London, J. Wilcox, 1740. xii, 347 p. 4 pi. (3 fold.) 20 em . Paging irregular. Translated, with additions, from the French of Sebastien de Brossard, probably under the supervision of Dr. Pepusch. ML108.A2B7 Gratus, Veridicus, pseud. See Printz, W. C. Phrynis Mitilenseus, 1696. [Gresset, Jean Baptiste Louis] 1709-1777. Discours sur l'harmonie. Paris, J.-N. Le Clerc, 1737. 2 p. 1., 89, [1] p. 20£ cm . Title vignette. "Le manuscrit que je publie aujourd'hui est secret depuis mil sept cens trente- trois. Ce discours fut alors compose en latin, pour etre prononce dans un pays eloigne de Paris. L'auteur le traduisit en meme temps pour une dame, & tel qu'on le trouve ici." — Preface. ML3815.A2A5 Gretry, Andre Ernest Modeste, 1741-1813. Me 1 moires, ou essai sur la musique, par M. Gretry . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur; [etc., etc.] 1789. 2 p. 1., 565, [3] p. 20£ cm . ML410.G83A Memoires, ou essais sur la musique; par le c. en Gretry . . . Paris, Imprimerie de la republique, pluvi6se, an v [1797] 3 v. 21 cm . A reprint of the first edition, 1789, with two additional volumes. "Liste des ouvrages dramatiques mis en musique par l'auteur de ces essais": v. 3, p. [465]-[473] ML410.G83A1 51234°— 13 8 114 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS [Grimaldi, Francesco Antonio] 1741-1783. Lettera sopra la musica all' eccellentissimo Signore Agostino Lomel- lini gia' doge della serenissima repubblica di Genova. [Napoli, 1766] lxiv p. 22 cm . Title vignette. Signed: Francesco Antonio Grimaldi. ML3800.A2G7 [Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, freihefr von] 1723-1807. Le petit prophete de Boehmischbroda. [n. p., 1753] 56 p. front. 19£ cm . Caption title: Ici sont ecrits les vingt-un chapitres de la prophetie de Gabriel Joannes Nepomucenus Fran'ciscus de Paula Waldstorc, dit Wasdstoerchel . . . "Reponse du coin du roi au coin de la reine [par Tabbed de Voisenon] Seconde edition corrigee & augmentee": p. 49-56. ML1727.33.G8 Ici sont ecrits les vingt-un chapitres de la prophetie de Gabriel Joannes Nepomucenus Franciscus de Paula Waldstorch, dit Wald- stoerchel, natif de Boehmischbroda en Boheme ... il les a ecrits de sa main, & il les appelle sa vision. Lat. canticum Cygni bohemici. [n. p., 17—] 58 p. 19 cm . Caption title. No. 11 in a volume of pamphlets lettered Quere[lle] des Bouffofns] In part an imitation and in part a translation by Frau Gottsched of Le petit prophete de Boehmischbroda. cf. Fetis, Biog. univ. des musiciens. ML1727.33.A1 ' Les vingt-un chapitres de la prophetie de Gabriel-Joannes- Nepomucenus-Franciscus de Paula Waldstorch, dit Waldstoerchel, qu'il appelle sa vision. Lat. canticum Cygni bohemici. Imprime a Prague en Boheme [i. e. Paris, 17 — ] 1 p. 1., 43 p. 16£ x 9£ cm . ML3925.G86 Grosvenor, Benjamin, 1676-1758. See Practical discourses, 1708. Grube, Hermann, 1637-1698. Hermanni Grube . . . De ictu tarantula?, & vi musices in ejus cura- tione, conjecture physico-medicse. Francofurti, ex bibliopolio Haf- niensi, D. Paulli, 1679. 7 p. 1., 76, [10] p. 18 cm . RC426.G88 Gruber, Johann Sigmund, 1759-1805. Beytrage zur litteratur der musik, hrsg. von Johann Sigmund Gruber . . . Nurnberg, In commission bey G. W. Gruber; [etc., etc.] 1785. 116, [4] p. 16 cm . Based upon an unpublished list by C. S. Zeidler. cf. Preface. ML116.G88 EARLY BOOKS ON" MUSIC 115 Gruber, Johann Sigmund — Continued. Beytrage zur litteratur der musik, hrsg. von Johann Sigmund Gruber . . . Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1790. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 116 p.; v. 2: 74 p.) 17 cin . Part 2, forming a supplement to part 1 and also to the author's "Litteratur der musik," is here published for the first time. ML116.G89 Litteratur der musik, oder Anleitung zur kentnis der vorzuglichen musikalischen bucher, fur liebhaber der musikalischen litteratur bestimmt. Hrsg. von einem liebhaber der musik. Nurnberg, Auf kosten des verfassers, 1783. 56 p. 16 cm . ML111.A2G8 Gruner, Caspar. . . . Ein ratschlag wider die gotlosen tentz . . . Caspar Gruner. [n. p.] 1525. [11] p. 18 cm . At head of title: "Euangelion Marci. vj." Title within ornamental border. Signatures: A in four, B in two. GV1740.G8 Gualterotti, Francesco Maria. La mvsica, idilio di Francescomaria Gvalterotti. Al m. illustre, e m. reuer. Sig. il Sig. Fabbrizio Alba Bocca. Firenze, Z. Pignoni, 1626. 25, [1] p. 18 cm . In verse. Coat of arms on t.-p.; printer's mark (?) at end. ML64.G9 [Guerson, Guillaume] UTilissime musicales regule neces |[ sarie plani cantus / simplicis contra || pucti / reru factaru / tonoru vsuali || um: necno artis acee- tuandi || tarn speculatiue

— 13 9 130 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS Jacob, d. 1772. M6thode de musique sur un nouveau plan. Par M. Jacob . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur [etc.] 1769. 2 p. 1., 66, [2] p. fold. pi. 20**. MT6.A2J14 Jamard, 1734-1815. Recherches sur la theorie de la musique, par M. Jamard . . . Paris, Jombert; [etc., etc.] 1769. 1 p. 1., xxvii, [1], 296, [4] p. fold. pi. 20£ cm . A development of the theory of Balliere. ML3800.A2J2 Janovka, Tomas Baltazar, b. 1660. Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae, seu Elucidarium omnium fere rerum ac verborum, in musica figurali tarn vocali, quam instru- mentali obvenientium. Consistens potissimum in definitionibus & divisionibus; quibusdam recentioribus de scala, tono, cantu, & genere musicae &c. sententijs, variisque exqvisitis observationibus . . . alpha- betico ordine compositum a Thoma Balthasare Janovvka . . . Im- Sensis authoris, apud quern venalis invenitur. Vetero-Pragae, in tagno collegio Carolino typis Georgij Labaun, 1701. 10 p. 1., 324 p. 16 cm . ML108.A2J2 See also Vogt, M. J. Conclave Thesauri magna? artis musicae, 1719. Jesus Maria, Carlos de. See Carlos de Jesus Maria. [Joao iv] Icing of Portugal, 1604-1656. Difesa | della || mvsica |l moderna || contro || la falsa opinione [| del vescovo | Cirillo Franco || tradotta || di spagnvolo || in || italiano. [Venetia, 16—] 74 p. 20£ cm . Dedication signed: Incerto autore D. B. (i. e. Duque de Braganca) Engr. t.-p. with emblematic border and arms of the House of Braganca. In lower part of border: C. Dolcetta fece in Venetia. "Lettera [del vescouo Cirillo Franco a] Hugolino Gualteruzzi, sopra 1'impro- prieta delli musici moderni nelle loro compositioni delle messe, e canto eccle- eiaetico. Va impressa nella sua lingua toscana, nel terzo libro delle lettere illustri stampate in Venetia per Aldo Manutio 1567 . . . Puntualmente sta tradotta, ma non parola per parola, per il mal suono, che haurebbe fatto nella lingua castigliana " : p. 14-27. "Alcvni essempi della piu antica musica": p. 63-74. ML3920.A2J8 Jocher, Christian Gottlieb, 1694-1758. See Ettmuller, M. E. Disputatio effectus musicae [1714] EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 131 Jones, Edward, Bardd y brenin, 1752-1824. Musical and poetical relicks of the Welsh bards: preserved, by tradition and authentic manuscripts, from very remote antiquity; never before published. To the bardic tunes are added variations for the harp, narpsichord, violin, or flute: with a select collection of the pennillion and englynion, or, epigrammatic stanzas, poetical blossoms, and pastoral songs, of Wales, with English translations. Likewise, a general history of the bards and druids ... To which is prefixed, a copious dissertation on the musical instruments of the aboriginal Britons ... by Edward Jones ... A new ed., doubly augm., and improved . . . London, Printed for the author, 1794. 2 p. 1., 183, viii p. 2 pi. (incl. front.) 34£ cm . A second volume was published in 1802 under title: The bardic museum. "Jones had prepared a thud volume, a portion only of which was published at his death, the remainder being issued subsequently." — Grove, Diet, of music. M1742.A2J77 [Jones, William] 1726-1800. A treatise on the art of music; in which the elements of harmony and air are practically considered, and illustrated by an hundred and fifty examples in notes, many of them taken from the best authors: the whole being intended as a course of lectures, preparatory to the practice of thorough-bass and musical composition . . . Colchester, Printed for the author, by W. Keymer, 1784. 1 p. 1., iii, [2], xii, 61, 40 p. 33 cm . Ms. signature at end of dedication: W. Jones. The music, though paged consecutively (1-40), is inserted throughout text. MT50.A2J79 [Jourdan, Jean Baptiste] 1711-1793. Le correcteur des Bouffons a l'ecolier de Prague, [n. p., 1753?] 20 p. 19 cm . No. 8 in a volume of pamphlets lettered Quereflle] des Bouffo[ns] ML1727.33.A1 Seconde lettre du correcteur des Bouffons a l'ecolier de Prague. Contenant quelques observations sur l'opera de Titon, Le jaloux corrige, & Le devin du village, [n. p., 1753?] 22 p. 18 cm . ML1727.33.J8 Journal der tonkunst. Hrsg. von Heinrich Christoph Koch . . . 1.-2. stuck. Erfurt, G. A. Keyser, 1795. 16, [2], [17]-142 p., 6 p. (music); viii, [143]-261, [1] p. 19 cm . Part 2: Erfurt, G. A. Keyser, und Braunschweig, In dem Musikalischen maga- zin auf der hohe, 1795. ML4.J6 132 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Journal des spectacles, represented devant Leurs Majestes, sur les theatres de Versailles & de Fontainebleau, pendant Tann^e 1765 . . . [Paris] Impr. de P. R. C. Ballard, 1766. 2 v. 21 cm . The "Journal" proper (16 p.), a calendar of the spectacles, precedes the texts (each separately paged) of the following: (t. 1) Intermedes d'amour pour amour. Les Incas du Perou. Prologue des Indes galantes. Les sauvages, entree ajoutee aux Indes galantes. Fragments, composes du prologue des Amours des dieux, de l'acte de L'amour enjou6, et de celui de La danse. Thetis et Pelee. Renaud d'Ast. — (t. 2) Silvie. Palmire. La vengeance de l'amour, ou Diane ,et Endi- mion, pantomime hero'ique. La fee Urgele. Programme du ballet d'Egle. Le triomphe de Flore. Zenis et Almasie. Thesee. Erosine. ML48J7 [Jumiihac, Pierre Benoit de] 1611-1682. La science et la pratique du plain-chant, oil tout ce qui appartient a la pratique est etably par les principes de la science, et confirme par le temoignage des anciens philosophes, des peres de l'eglise, & des plus illustres musiciens . . . Par un religieux Benedictin de la con- gregation de S. Maur. Paris, L. Bilaine, 1673. 1 p. 1., xiv, 400 p. incl. 7 pi. 26i cm . "Exemples": p. 314-397. ML3082.A2J8 Junker, Carl Ludwig, d. 1797. Einige der vornehmsten pflichten eines kapellmeisters oder musik- direktors. Von Carl Ludwig Junker. Winterthur, H. Steiner und comp., 1782. 48 p. 14 cm . MT85.A2J9 Portefeuille fur musikliebhaber. Charakteristik von 20 componi- sten; und Abhandlung liber die tonkunst. Leipziger ostermesse, 1792. lp. 1., 109, 119 p. 19 cm . A reprint of his "Tonkunst" and "Zwanzig componisten." ML60.J95 Tonkunst. C. L. Junker. Wu%rjC eazpefov. Bern, Typographische gesellschaft, 1777. 19 p. 1., 119 p. I9 cm . Title vignette. ML3845.A2J8 Ueber den werth der tonkunst, von C. L. Junker . . . Bayreuth und Leipzig, J. A. Lubecks sel. erben, 1786. viii, 174 p. 17£ om . Title vignette. ML3920.A2J9 Zwanzig componisten, eine skizze, von Carl Ludwig Junker . . . Bern, Typographische gesellschaft, 1776. xvi, 109 p. 18 x 10° m . Title vignette. ML390.A2J9 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 133 Junker, Carl Ludwig — Continued. See also Musikalischer almanach . . . 1782. Musikalischer unci kunstler-almanach . . . 1783. Jussow, Johann Andreas. See Schmid, J. A. De cantoribvs ecclesiae, 1708. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. It. p. Justini Cann. Musicalische arbeith und kurtz-weil. Das ist: Kurtze und gute regulen: der componier und schlag-kunst a 4. Leichte und schware exempelen / und fragen. Voll- und lehr-griffige schlag-stuck. Dem scholarn: zwey hand voll arbeith. Dem lieb- haber: zwey hand voll kurtz-weil . . . Augspurg und Dillingen / J. C. Bencards seel, wittib und erben, 1723. 8 p. 1., 132 p., 1 1. 29 cm . MT6.A2J9 Kalkbrenner, Christian, 1755-1806. Kurzer abriss der geschichte der tonkunst, zum vergniigen der lieb- haber der musik. Hrsg. von C. Kalkbrenner . . . Berlin, F. Maurer, 1792. 128 p. 17£ cm . ML159.K12 Theorie der tonkunst, mit dreyzehn tabellen, von C. Kalkbrenner . . . Erster theil. Berlin, J. J. Hummel [1789] 3 p. 1., vi, 40 p.; 1 1., 13 p. (engr.) 29 x 24 cm . No more published. MT6.A2K2 Kausch, Johann Joseph, 1751-1825. Johann Joseph Kausch's . . . Psychologische abhandlung uber den einfluss der t6ne und ins besondere der musik auf die seele; nebst einem anhange uber den unmittelbaren zwek der sch6nen kunste. Bresslau, Bei J. F. Korn, dem alteren, 1782. xvi, 200 p., 11. 20 x ll^ cm . ML3920.A2K2 Keeble, John, 1711-1786. The theory of harmonics: or, An illustration of the Grecian har- monica. In two parts: i. As it is maintained by Euclid, Aristoxenus, and Bacchius senior, n. As it is established on the doctrine of the ratio: in which are explained the two diagrams of Gaudentius, and the Pythagorean numbers in Nicomachus. With plates, an intro- duction to each part, and a general index. By John Keeble . . . Lon- don, Printed for the author, and sold by J. Walter [etc.] 1784. 3 p. 1., 204, xxiii, [2] p. xxix pi. on 20 1. (incl. tables) 30 x 24 CB >. ML3805.A2K26 134 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Keinspeck, Michael. Liliu musice plane | Michaelis kiinspeck musici Alexa |[ drini. notiis quibusdam additame | tis Per J. A. A. eius discipulum pri || dem illus- tratum. || Hexasticon In comendationem || Fragrantis Lilij. || Discite niic iuuenes Musas celebrare canoras || Atq> animum corpus c^ simul releuare periclis || Candidulum florem spirantem germine leto || In- geniu curamqj dico coniuge loquenti || Hie etenim medicam possis naurire salutem || Corporis ac anime melioris munera vite. [Colophon: ^Explicit Lilium Musice plane Micha || elis kunspeck musici Alexan- drini bene j| meriti. Per Mathiam Hupfuff ciuem || Argentinesi im- pressus. Anno salutis nfe || Millesimo. Quingentesimo sexto] [31] p. 20£ cm . ML171.K34 Keiser, Reinliard, 1674-1739. See Mattheson, J. Das neu-er6ffnete orcliestre, 1713. Keller, Gottfried, d. 1704. A compleat method, for attaining to play a through bass upon either organ, harpsichord or theorbo lute, by the late famous M r . Cxodfry Keller; with variety of proper lessons & fuges, explaining the several rules through-out the whole work; & a scale for tuning y e harpsichord or spinet, all taken from his own copies which he design' d to print. Note in this celebrated work for y e ease of practitioners all y" chords are correctly explain'd both with figures & notes. Lon- don, R. Meares [ca. 1714] 1 p. I., 14 numb. 1. 31§ cm . Engraved throughout. MT49.A2K29 Rules for playing a thorow-bass, by the late famous Mr. Godfrey Keller. (In Holder, William. A treatise of . . . harmony. London, 1731. 20 cm . p. 159-202) ML3815.A2H7 Kellner, David, d. 1748. Treulicher unterricht im general-bass . . . hrsg. von D. K. 2. und verm. aufl. Nebst einer vorrede hn. G. P. Telemanns. Hamburg, C. Herold, 1737. 3 p. 1., 99, [9] p. illus., tables. 22 x 18 cm . MT49.A2K3 Treulicher unterricht im general-bass, worinne . . . allerhand sothane neu-erfundene vortheile an die hand gegeben werden, ver- m6ge welcher einer in kurtzer zeit alles, was zu dieser wissenschafTt gehoret, sattsam begreiffen kan . . . hrsg. von David Kellner ... 3. aufl. Mit einer vorrede des herrn Daniel Solanders . . . Hamburg, C. Herold, 1743. 3 p. 1., 98, [6] p. tables., diagrs. 21 x 17£ cm . (With Eisel, Johann P. Musi- cus auzooidanTog . Erfurt, 1738) MT6.A2E44 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 135 Kellner, David — Continued. Treulicher unterricht im general-bass . . . hrsg. von David Kellner .... 7., mit vierzehn melodien von C. P. E. Bach verm. aufl. Hamburg, J. G. Herold [1796] 1 p. 1., 64, [2], 16 p. illus. 21$ x 27£ cm . The music has special t.-p.: Neue melodien zu einigen liedern des neuen ham- burgischen gesangbuchs, nebst einigen berichtigungen von Carl Philipp Ema- nuel Bach . . . Im verlag der Heroldschen buchhandlung, 1787. According to Gerber, Neues . . . lexikon der tonkunstler, the present edition is the 8th, the 7th edition having appeared in 1782. MT49.A2K31 Kellner, Johann Christoph, 1736-1803. Grundriss des generalbasses ; eine theoretisch-praktische anleitung fur die ersten anfanger entworfen, von J. C. Kellner. Op. xvi. Erster theil. Cassel, Gedruckt auf kosten des verfassers [17 — ] 47, [1] p. 17 x 20£ cm . MT49.A2K35 Kessel, Johann Christian Bertram, d. 1823. Unterricht im generalbasse zum gebrauche fur lehrer und lernende, von Joh. Christian Bertram Kessel. Neue verb, und verm. aufl. Leipzig, C. G. Hertel, 1791. 8 p. 1., 110, [2] p. 20 cm . "Zusatze, von der fantasie": p. 67-106. MT49.A2K42 Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680. Athanasii Kircheri . . . Mvsvrgia vniversalis, sive Ars magna con- W soni et dissoni in x. libros digesta . . . Romse, ex typographia hsere- dum F. Corbelletti, 1650. 2 v. (v. 1: 11 p. 1., 690 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 462, [36] p.) front, (v. 2) illus., plates (2 fold.) port., tables, diagrs. 33£ cm . Title vignette; added t.-p. ^ engr. in v. 1. Vol. 2 has title abbreviated, with imDrint: Romae, typis Ludouici Grignani, 1650. ML100.A2K5 . . Kircherus Jesuita germanus Germanise redonatus: sive Artis magnse de consono & dissono ars minor; das ist / philoso- phischer extract und auszug / aus dess welt-beriihmten teutschen Jesuiten Athanasii Kircheri . . . Musurgia universali . . . ausgezogen und verfertiget . . . von Andrea Hirschen . . . Schw. Hall, Gedruckt bei H. R. Laidigen, 1662. [16], 375, [25] p. 15i om . ML100.A2K55 136 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Kircher, Athanasius— Continued. Athanasii Kircheri . . . Phonurgia nova, sive Conjugium mechanico- physicum artis & natvrae paranympha phonosophia concinnatum; qua universa sonorum natura, proprietas, vires effectuumq> pro- digiosorum causae, nova & multiplied experimentorum exhibitione enucleantur; instrumentorum acusticorum, machinarumoj ad naturae prototypon adaptandarum, turn ad sonos ad remotissima spatia pro- pagandas, turn m abditis domorum recessibus per occultioris ingenii machinamenta clam palamve sermocinandi modus & ratio traditur, turn denique in bellorum tumultibus singularis hujusmodi organorum usus, & praxis per novam phonologiam describitur. Campidonae, per Rudolphum Dreherr, 1673. 22 p. 1., 229, [16] p. illus., plates, port., diagrs. 34 cm . Title vignette; added t.-p., engr. ML3805.A2K58 Kirchrath, Reiner. Theatrum musicse choralis, das ist: Kurze und grundlich erklarte verfassung der aretinischer und gregorianischer singkunst, zusam- mengetragen und in druck gegeben von Reinero Kirchrath . . . K61n am Rheine, Bey J. G. Langen, 1782. 4 p. 1., iv, 88, [2] p. 23 x 19 cm . Title within ornamental border. MT860.A2K58 Kirnberger, Johann Philipp, 1721-1783. Allegro, fur das clavier alleine, wie auch fur die violin mit dem vio- loncell zu accompagniren, von Johann Philipp Kirnberger componirt und vertheidiget. Berlin, Gedruckt bey G. L. Winter, 1759. l p. 1., 13 p. 3l£ cm . The defense of the "Allegro" was written in reply to a criticism by Marpurg in his "Kritische briefe," of July 28, November 24, and December 1, 1759. MT59.A2K59 Der allezeit fertige polonoisen- und menuettencomponist, von Johann Philipp Kirnberger. Berlin, G. L. Winter, 1757. 10, xxix p. 22 x 27£ cm . MT64.A2K3 L'art de composer des menuets et des polonoises sur le champ, par Mr. Jean-Phil. Kirnberger. Berlin, G.-L. Winter, 1757. 10, xxix p. 21 x 28 c MT64.A2K4 Anleitung zur singekomposition, mit oden in verschiedenen sylben- maassen begleitet, von loh. Phil. Kirnberger . . . Berlin, G. I. Decker, 1782. 1 p. 1., 85, [1] p. 28£ x 32 cm . MT64.A2K5 Gedanken uber die verschiedenen lehrarten in der komposition, als vorbereitung zur fugenkenntniss, von Johann Philipp Kirnberger . . . Berlin, G. J. Decker, 1782. 31 p. 22£ x 18 CBl . MT55.A2K59 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 137 Kirnberger, Johann Philipp — Continued. Grundsatze des generalbasses, als erste linien zur composition von Johan Philip Kirnberger . . . Berlin, J. J. Hummel [1781] 3 p. 1., vi, 88 p.; 1 p. 1. (blank), 45 pi. on 25 1. (musical examples) 24 J x 20 cm . Another L. of C. copy of the examples h?.s an engr. title, as above, with the words " nebst xxxxv kupfertafeln " added. MT49.A2K6 Die kunst des reinen satzes in der musik aus sicheren grundsatzen hergeleitet und mit deutlichen beyspielen erlautert von Jon. Phil. Kirnberger . . . Berlin, In commission bey C. F. Voss, 1771-79. 2 v. 20£ x 17 cm . Title vignette. Vol. 2 is in 3 parts, each having special t.-p., with imprint: Berlin und Konigsberg, G. J. Decker und G. L. Hartung, 1776 [-79] Collation: v. 1: 5 p. 1., 250, [5] p. fold, tab., 2 fold. 1. (musical examples); v. 2: 2 p. 1., 153, [1] p.; 2 p. 1., [3]— 232, [2] p.; 2 p. 1.; [3J-188 p. MT40.A2K6 Methode sonaten aus 'm ermel zu schuddeln, von Johann Philipp Kirnberger . . . Berlin, Gedruckt bey F. W. Birnstiel, 1783. 7 p. 37J x 22 cm . MT62.A2K47 Die wahren grundsatze zumgebrauch der harmonie, darinn deutlich gezeiget wird, wie alle mdglichen accorde aus dem dreyklang und dem wesentlichen septimenaccord, und deren dissonirenden vorhalten, her- zuleiten und zu erklaren sind, als ein zusatz zu der Kunst des reines satzes in der musik, von Johann Philipp Kirnberger . . . Berlin und K6nigsberg, G. J. Decker und G. L. Hartung, 1773. 115 (i. e. 113) p. 20J x 17 om . (With his Kunst des reinen satzes in der musik. Berlin, 1771-79. v. 1) Last page numbered 115 for 113. MT40.A2K6 See also Sulzer, J. G. Allgemeine theorie der sch6nen kunst e, 1792-99. Klein, Johann Joseph, 1740-1823. Versuch eines lehrbuchs der praktischen musik in systematischer ordnung entworfen von Johann Joseph Klein . . . Mit kupfern. Gera, C. F. Bekmann, 1783. 12 p. 1., 2G4 (i. e. 164), [12] p. diagrs. (1 fold.) 21£ cm . Title vignette. No. 132-231 omitted in paging. MT6.A2K5 Knecht, Justin Heinrich, 1752-1817. Erklarung einiger von einem der r. g. b. in Erlangen angetasteten, aber missverstandenen grundsatze aus der Voglerschen theorie . . . von Justin Heinrich Knecht . . . Nebst angehangten anmerkungen uber herrn L6hleins einleitung in den zweyten theil seiner Clavier- schule. Ulm, Gedruckt bey C. U. Wagner, 1785. 35 p. 22 x 18 cm . Head and tail pieces. Written in reply to Johann Michael Weissbeck's " Protestationsschrif t, oder Exemplarische widerlegung einiger stellen . . . der kapellmeister Vogleriechen Tonwissenschaft und tonsetzkunst." MT40.A2K7 138 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Knecht, Justin Heinrich — Continued. Kleines alphabetisches w6rterbuch der vomehmsten und interes- santesten artikel aus der musikalischen theorie. Verfasst von Justin Heinrich Knecht. Ulm, Wohlersche buchhandlung, 1795. viii, 117 p., 1 1. 20 cm . ML108.A2K5 Vollstandige orgelschule Mr anfanger und geiibtere, hrsg. von Justin Heinrich Knecht . . . Leipzig, Breitkopfische musikhand- lung [1795-98] 3 v. 31 x 24 cm . Vol. 3: In der Breitkopf- und Hartelschen musikhandlung. Of the six parts announced in the preface of vol. 3 only the first three were published. Contents. — 1. abth. Die anfangsgrunde der orgelspielkunst. — 2. abth. Die kenntnis der vomehmsten orgelregister. — 3. abth. Eine theoretisch-praktische abhandlung uber das choralspiel auf der orgel. MT182.A2K73 Kobrieh, Johann Joseph Anton Bernhard, b. ca. 1720. Johann Anton Kobrichs . . . Grundliche clavierschule, durchge- hends mit praktischen beyspielen erklaret. Augsburg, M. Riegers sel. sdhne, 1782. 2 p. 1., 47 p. illus. 35 cm . Title within ornamental border; title vignette; head-piece. "Kurze anzeige des general-basses": p. 23-32. MT222.A2K75 Koch, Heinrich Christoph, 1749-1816. Versuch einer anleitung zur composition, von Heinrich Christoph Koch . . . Leipzig, A. F. B6hme, 1782-93. 3 v. 18 cm . MT40.A2K76 Koch, Heinrich Christoph, 1749-1816, editor. See Journal der tonkunst, 1795. Koesfelt, Coenraad Zumbag de. See Zumbag de Koesfelt, Coenraad. Koesfelt, Lothar Zumbag de. See Zumbag de Koesfelt, Coenraad. Institutiones musica?, 1743. Kollmann, August Friedrich Christoph, 1756-1829. An essay on musical harmony, according to the nature of that science and the principles of the greatest musical authors. By Augustus Frederic Christopher Kollmann . . . London. J. Dale, 1796. xviii, 128 p., 40 p. (music, engr.) 34 cm . MT50.A2K8 EABLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 139 Kollmann, August Friedrich Christoph— Continued. An essay on practical musical composition, according to the nature of that science and the principles of the greatest musical authors. By Augustus Frederic Christopher Kollmann . . . Lon- don, Printed for the author, 1799. xx, 106 p., 1 1., 67 p. (music, engr.) 34 cm . The 1 1. contains list of works published by the author. MT40.A2K77 Kolof, Lorenz Christoph Mizler von. See Mizler von Kolof, Lorenz Christoph. [Koswick, Michael] Compendiaria Musice [| artis aeditio, cuncta q ad practicam atti- nent || mira quadam breuitate complectens. || C Cum quibusdam nouis additionibus. | [wdct.] || Inuentum Samii modosq vatis || Si paucis cupias habere verbis \\ Me paruum / facito / legas tibellum || Et paruo redimas / vale viator. || C Lipsi impressit Uuolffgangus Monacen. 1517. [30] p. 21$ x 16 cm . Signatures: A in four, B-C in sixes (last leaf blank) Koswick 's name appears in the caption of the dedication. ML171.K73 [Kraus, Joseph Martin] 1756-1792. Wahrheiten die musik betreffend, gerade herausgesagt von einem teutschen biedermann. Frankfurt am Mayn, Eichenbergsche erben, 1779. 142 p. 19 cm . In 3 parts: (1) Erstes stuck (2) Erste fortsetzung (3) Zweyte fortsetzung. ML60.K72 [Krause, Christian Gottfried] 1719-1770. Von der musikalischen poesie . . . Berlin, J. F. Voss, 1752. 11 p. 1., 484, [19] p. 18i x 10£ cm . ML3849.A2K91 Kriner, Joseph, d. 1807. Klavier-meister oder Die durch die theorie aufgeloste practische abhandlung uber den general bass mit beygesetzter finger ordnung vom Joseph Kriner, musick compositeur. [67] p. 28J cra . 18th cent, ms., presumably the author's autograph. MT49.A2K84 Kritische briefe uber die tonkunst, mit kleinen clavierstucken und singodenbegleitet,voneiner musikalischen gesellschaft in Berlin . . . Berlin, F. W. Birnstiel, buchdrucker, 1760-64. 3 v. in 2. 22 x 17^ cm . Published weekly June 23, 1759-Sept. 6, 1760; June 20, 1761-Feb. 6, 1762 (none for Dec. 26); June 12, 1762-Jan. 15, 1763; June 11-Sept. 17, 1763. Edited by Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg, who is also author of the greater part of the letters. ML4.K92 140 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS Kiirzinger, Ignaz Franz Xaver. Getreuer unterricht zum singen mit manieren, und die violin zu spielen. Zum gebrauch und nutzen der anf anger; zur erleichterung deren herren chorregenten, cantoren, thurnermeistern, und andern, die sich mit instruiren beschaftigen. Nebst einem alphabetischen anhang der mehrsten sachen, welche einem rechtschaffenen sanger, oder instrumentisten zu wissen n6thig sind. Zusammengetragen von Ignatz Franz Xaver Kiirzinger . . . Augsburg, J. J. Lotter, 1763. 2 p. 1., 95, [1] p. Mus. 21$ x 17 cm . MT7.A2K9 Kuhnau, Johann, 1660-1722. See Mylitjs, A. Jura circa musicos ecclesiasticos [1688] Printz, W. C. Musicus curiosus, 1691. Musicus magnanimus, 1691. Werckmeister, A. Cribrvm mvsicvm, 1700. Kuntzen, Johann Paul, 1696-1757. See Mattheson, J. Giiltige zeugnisse, 1738. Kunzen, Friedrich Ludwig Aemilius, 1761-1817, editor. See Musikalische monathsschrift [1792] Musikalisches wochenblatt [1791-92] Studien fur tonkiinstler, 1793. Kurtze anfuhrung zum general-bass, darinnen die regeln, welche bey erlernung des general-basses zu wissen n6thig, kilrtzlich und mit wenig worten enthalten. Allen anf angern des claviers zu mitzlichen gebrauch zusammen gesetzet. 2. ed. Leipzig, A. Martini, 1733. 8 p. 1., 80 p. 17 x 10° m . (With Mizler von Kolof, Lorenz C. Anfangsgrunde des general basses. Leipzig [1739]) Dedicated to Mile. Jeanne Eleonore Wolff; dedication signed "A." Has been attributed to a certain Fraulein von Freudenberg, a young girl, pupil of David Kellner in Stockholm, but the general tenor of the dedication would lead to the supposition that the author was of mature age and was the music teacher of Mile. Wolff. In the British museum catalogue the work is ascribed to J. F. Andrien. MT49.A2M68 Kurtze und grundliche anleitung zum generalbasse, worinne die zu dieser wissenschaft nothige regeln kilrtzlich und deutlich enthal- ten. Denen liebhabem des claviers, absonderlich aber den anf angern desselben zum nutzen aufgesetzt. 3. und verb. aufl. Leipzig, A. B. Martin, 1744. 4 p. 1., 70 p. 17 c MT49.A2K9 Kurtze anweisung zur sing-kunst. Vor die schule zur Neustadt an der Orla. Jena, Gedruekt bey C. L. Kempffen, 1651. [14] p. 15x8i cm . MT7.A2K94 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 141 Kurtzgefasstes musicalisches lexicon, worinnen eine nutzliche an- leitung und grundlicher begriff von der music enthalten, die termini technici erklaret, die instrumente erlautert und die vornehmsten musici beschrieben sind, nebst einer historischen beschreibung von der music nahmen, eintheilung, ursprung, erfindung, vermehrung und verbesserung . . . Alles aus derer besten und beruhmtesten musi- corum ihren schrifften mit fleiss zusammen gesucht . . . Chemnitz, J. Christoph und J. D. St6ssel, 1737. 8 p. 1., 430 p. 17 cm . Taken largely from Walther's Musicalisches lexicon. 1732. Eitner gives as editor a certain Barnickel. " Verzeichniss derer autorum und bucher, so zu diesem Musicalischen lexico gebraucht worden: " [2] p. preceding p. [1] ML100.A2K9 Kurtzgefasstes musicalisches lexicon, worinnen eine nutzliche anleitung und grundlicher begriff von der music enthalten, die ter- mini technici erklaret, die instrumente erlautert und die vornehm- sten musici beschrieben sind, nebst einer historischen beschreibung von der music nahmen, eintheilung, ursprung, erfindung, vermeh- rung und verbesserung . . . Alles aus derer besten und beruhmtesten musicorum ihren schrifften mit fleiss zusammen gesucht . . . Neue aufl. Chemnitz, J. Christoph und J. D. St6ssel, 1749. 431, [l] p. 17i om . "Verzeichniss derer autorum und bucher, so zu diesem Musicalischen lexico gebraucht worden " : p. [432] ML100.A2K91 Kurze anweisung das trommel-spielen auf die leichteste art zu erlernen, nebst sieben in noten gesetzte stucke und marsche mit anmerkungen von einem tonkunstler. Berlin, Gedruckt bey G. L. Winters wittwe, 1777. xix p. 17 x 21 cm . MT662.A2K9 Laag, Heinrich, 1713-1797. Anfangsgriinde zum clavierspielen und generalbas, von Henrich Laag . . . Osnabriick, J. W. Schmid, 1774. 74, [2] p. 20 x 17 cm . MT49.A2L15 L'Abbe lefils. See Saint-Sevin, Joseph Barnabe. Labbet, Antoine Jacques, abbe de Morambert. See Morambert, Antoine Jacques Labbet, abbe de. La Borde, Jean Baptiste de, 1730-1777. Le clavessin electrique; avec une nouvelle theorie du mechanisme et des phenomenes de Felectricite. Par le R. P. Delaborde . . . Paris, H. L. Guerin & L. F. Delatour, 1761. xii, 164, [3] p. ii fold. pi. 17* x 10 cm . ML1055.A2L12 142 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [La Borde, Jean Benjamin de] 1734-1794. Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne . . . Paris, Impr. de P.-D. Pierces, et se vend chez E. Onfroy, 1780. 4 v. in 5. illus., plates, fold, tables. 26 x 20 cm . Vol. [5] has half-title only: Parties separees des chansons a 4 parties. "M. I'abb6 Roussier a accompagne ce m^moire d'une grande quantity de notes, de quelques observations, & d'une table raisonnee des matieres." — v. 3, p. 678. "Morceaux de musique du 16. e et 17. e siecle": v. 2, p. 75-108. "Choix de chansons mises a quatre parties": v. 2, 178 p. at end. ML100.A2L2 M6moires historiques sur Raoul de Coucy. On y a joint le recueil de ses chansons en vieux langage, avec la traduction & 1' ancienne musique. Paris, Impr. de P.-D. Pierces, 1781. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 3 p. 1., 108 p.; v. 2: 106, 12 p.) pi., 3 port. 13 x 6i cm . ML410.C85L1 Memoires sur les proportions musicales, le genre enarmonique des Grecs et celui des modernes. Par l'auteur de l'Essai sur la musique. Avec les observations de M. Vandermonde ... & des remarques de M. l'abbe Roussier. Supplement a l'Essai sur la musique. Paris, Impr. de P.-D. Pierces, 1781. 1 p. 1., xiv, 70 p. 25£ x 19£ cm . "Lettre de l'auteur de l'Essai sur la musique, a M. l'abbe Roussier" and "ReponsedeM. l'abbe Roussier": p. [ij-xiv. ML3809.A2L14 Lacassagne, Joseph, b. 1720? Traite general des elemens du chant . . . par M. l'abbe Lacassagne . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur; [etc., etc.] 1766. 4 p. 1., 188 p., 2 1. 22 cm . Engraved throughout; ornamental borders. "Cet ouvrage, imprim6 des 1742, ne fut publie qu'en 1766." — F£tis, Biog. univ. des musiciens. MT835.A2L2 L'uni-clefier musical, pour servir de supplement au Traite general des elemens du chant . . . par M. l'abbe Lacassagne, & pour servir de reponse a quelques objections. [Paris, Impr. de G. Desprez, 1768] 16, xii p. 22 cm . (With his Traits general des elemens du chant. Paris, 1766) Caption title. Line borders. MT835.A2L2 Lacepede, Bernard Germain fitienne de La Ville sur HLon, comte de, 1756-1825. La poetique de la musique. Par M. le comte de La Cepede . . . Paris, Imprimerie de Monsieur, 1785. 2 v. (v. 1: xij, 384 p.; v. 2: 2 p. 1., 352 p.) 20£ cm . ML3845.A2L3 -B. W EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 143 La Croix, A. Pherotee de, d. ca. 1715. L'art de la poesie francoise et latine, avec une idee de la musique sous une nouvelle methode, Omnia in pondere, numero rogressively arrang'd: to which is added, six sonatas . . . with pre- udes, rules for thorough bass, a short dictionary of musical terms. &c. . . . compil'd, compos'd, and arrang'd, by F. Linley . . . Balti- more printed & sold by I : Carr, and by B : Carr, Philadelphia & New York [179-] 3 p. 1., [3]-32 p. 33 cm . Engraved throughout. MT222.A2L70 Lippius, Johann, 1585-1612. Synopsis mvsicse novae omnino verse atque methodical vniversse, in omnis sophise prsegustum Tzapkpycoc invent* disputatse & propositi omnibus philomusis. A M. Joanne Lippio . . . Argentorati, im- pensis PauU Ledertz, typis Caroli Kieffer, 1612. [160] p. diagra. 16£ cm . Signatures: ):(, A-I in eights. Between leaves D8 and E is a folding leaf, "Nova scala syntona eompendiosissima, " 18 x 32 cm . MT6.A2L47 Lippius, Johann, 1585-1612, praeses. Disputatio musica prima[-tertia] . . . Wittebergae, typis I. Gor- mani, 1609-10. 3 v. in 1. illus. 18 x 15£ om . Diss. — Wittenberg (S. Carolus, respondent) Title within woodcut border. Subtitle varies. ML3809.A2L3 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 155 Lipsius, Justus, 1547-1606. See Puteanus, E. Mvsathena, 1602. Lirou, Jean Francois Espic de. See Espic de Lirou, Jean Francois. Listenius, Nicolaus. Mvsica Nicolai Listenii, ab avtore denuo recognita, multiset nouis regulis & exemplis adaucta. Norimbergse, apud Gabrielem Heyn, 1557. [86] p. 16 cm . Signatures: a-e in eights, f in four (last leaf blank) The 1st edition, Wittenberg, 1533, and several of the subsequent editions were published under title: Rudimenta musicse. MT6.A2L77 Liverziani, Giuseppe. Grammatica della musica, o sia Nuovo, e facile metodo per istruirsi nell' intero corso della musica, non per anche posto in or dine da alcuno, ove premesse le notizie istoriche, e le proprieta della medesima, s'insegnano fin dai piu remoti princip j le regole per ben cantare, e suo- nare il cembalo, indi si procede alio studio del contrapunto, e compo- sizione prattica. Di Giuseppe Liverziani . . . Parte prima. Roma, Stamperia P. Cracas, 1797. xvi, 88 p. incl. front, (port.) 20 cm . No more published. MT7.A2L78 Livre de galoubet. 36 unnumb. p. 12 x 20 cm . Anonymous 18th cent. ms. instruction book. Lobos, Mathias de Sousa Villa. See Sousa Villa Lobos, Mathias de. Locke, Matthew, 1630 ?-1677. The present practice of musick vindicated against the exceptions and new way of attaining musick latelyjDublish'd by Thomas Salmon, m. a. &c; by Matthew Locke ... To which is added Dvellvm mvsicvm by John Phillips, gent., together with a letter from John Playford to Mr. T. Salmon by way of confutation of his Essay, &c. . . . London, N. Brooke [etc.] 1673. 2 p.1., 96 p. I7 cm . ML432.A2S22 Lofgron, Anton. See Burman, E. Dissertatio musica [1728] MT720.G3 156 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Lohlein, Georg Simon, 1727-1781. Anweisung zum violinspielen, mit pracktischen beyspielen und zur uebung mit vier und zwanzig kleinen duetten erlautert, von George Simon Ldhlein. Leipzig und Zullichau, Waysenhaus- und Fromman- nische buchhandlung, 1774. 6 p. 1., 136 p. illus. 18 x 21£ cm . Title vignette. MT262.A2L62 George Simon L6hlein's Anweisung zum violinspielen, mit praktischen beyspielen und zur uebung mit zw61f kleinen duetten erlautert, zum dntten mahl mit verbesserungen und zusatzen, auch mit zwdlf balletstiicken aus der oper Andromeda und der oper Brenno verm. hrsg. von Johann Friederich Reichardt. Leipzig und Zullichau, F. Frommann, 1797. 2 p. 1., 123 p. illus. 18^ x 22 cm . MT262.A2L63 Georg Simon Ldhleins Clavier-schule, oder Kurze und grilndliche anweisung zur melodie und harmonie, durchgehends mit practischen beyspielen erklaret. Leipzig und Zullichau, Waisenhaus- und From- mannische buchhandlung, 1765. 6 p. 1., 188 p. 17£x22J cm . Title vignette. In L. of C. copy the imprint date is partly erased. MT224.A2L72 Georg Simon Ldhleins Clavier-schule, oder Kurze und grund- liche anweisung zur melodie und harmonie, durchgehends mit prac- tischen bej^spielen erklaret . . . Leipzig und Zullichau, Waisenhaus- und Frommannische buchhandlung, 1781-82. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 4 p. 1., 190, [2] p.; v. 2: 4 p. 1., 188 p.) 18 x 22£ cm . Title vignette. Vol. 1: 4. und verb, aufl., 1782. Vol. 2 has title: Georg Simon Lohleins Clavier-schule, zweyter band. Wo- rkmen eine vollstandige anweisung zur begleitung der unbezifferten basse / und andern im ersten bande fehlenden harmonien gegeben wird: durch sechs sona- ten / mit begleitung einer violine erklaret. Nebst einem zusatze vom recitativ. MT224.A2L73 Loescher, Caspar, 1636-1718, praeses. : . . Dissertatio historico-theologica, de Saule per musicam curato ... ex i. Sam. xvi, 14. seqq. . . . Wittenbergse, typis C. Schrodteri [1688] 78, [2] p. 19 cm . Diss. — Wittenberg (Heinrich Pipping, respondent and author) ML3920.A2L8 Lowen, Johann Friedrich, 1727-1771 See Hertel, J. W. Sammlung musikalischer schriften, 1757-58. London. Academy of ancient music. See Academy of ancient music. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 157 Loonsma, Stephanus Theodoras van. Muzicaal A, B,-boek, of Den organist in zyn leerjaaren, zynde een kort begrip wegens de behandehng van het clauwier of clavicim- baal-spel. Opgesteld ten dienste voor de eerst beginnende jeugd . . . Door Step. Theod. van Loonsma . . . Amsterdam, A. Olofsen, 1741. 41, [1] p. incl. 6 pi. on 4 fold. 1. 20 x 15£ cm . Title vignette. MT182.A2L86 Lopez, Isidro, editor. See Perez Calderon, M. Explicacion de solo el canto-llano, 1779. Lopez de Velasco, Sebastian, editor. See Montanos, F. de. Arte de canto llano, 1670. Lopez Remacha, Miguel, 1772-1827. Arte de cantar, y compendio de documentos musicos respectivos al canto, por D. Miguel Lopez Remacha . . . Madrid, B. Cano, 1799. 8 p. 1., 118 p. 2 fold. pi. 14£ cm . MT820.A2L7 Lorente, Andres, 1624-1703. El porqve de la mvsica, en qve se contiene los qvatro artes de ella, canto llano, canto de organo, contrapvnto, y composicion, y en cada vno de ellos nvevas reglas, razon abreviada, en vtiles preceptos, aim en las cosas mas dificiles, tocantes a la harmonia musica, nvmerosos exemplos, con clara inteligencia, en estilo breve, que al maestro deleytan, y al discipulo ensenan, cuya direccion se vera sucintamente anotada antes del prologo . . . Por ... el maestro Andres Lorente . . . Alcala de Henares, Impr. de N. de Xamares, 1672. 14 p. 1., 695 p. pi. 29£ cm . MT40.A2L86 Lorenzoni, Antonio. Saggio per ben sonare il flautotraverso ; con alcune notizie generali ed utili per qualunque strumento, ed altre concernenti la storia della musica: opera del d. r Antonio Lorenzoni. Vicenza, F. Modena, 1779. 91 p. illus. (coat of arms) iv fold. pi. 25 cm . Title vignette ; tail-piece. According to Rockstro, this is an abridgment of Quantz's •' Versuch." MT340.A2L7 Loriti, Heinrich, o/Glarus. See Glareanus i. e. Heinrich Loriti, of Glarus. Lossius, Lucas, 1508-1582. Erotemata || mvsicse || practical, ex pro- || batissimis qvibvsqve || huius dulcissimse artis scnptoribus accurate || & breuiter selecta, & exemplis puerili || institutioni accomodis illustrata, || iam primvm || ad 158 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Lossius, Lucas — Continued. usum scholar Luneburgensis, J| & aliarum puerilium in || lucem edita, a || Lvca Lossio. || Item. || Melodise sex generum carminum vsita- tiorum, in primis suaues, in gra- || tiam puerorum selectse || & editae Noribergae, m.d.lxiii. || Cum Priuilegio ad decennium. [223] p. 15 cm . In 2 parts, part 2 with special t.-p.: Melodise sex genervm carminvm . . . Colophon: (1) Noribergae, || Excudebant Ioannes Montanus, & || Vlricus Neuberus. (2) Noribergae, Apud Iohannem Montanum, & || Vhicum Neuberum. || Anno 1563. Signatures: A-L, A-C in eights (versos of [L viii] and [C viii], laBt page, blank) Ms. notes. ML171.L6 Lotti, Antonio, d. 1740. See Academy of ancient music. Letters, 1732. Louet, Alexandre, 1753-1817. Instructions theoriques et pratiques sur Paccord du piano-forte. Ouvrage qui apprend en tres-peu de temps aux personnes les moins exercees, a accorder parfaitement cet instrument. Par Alexandre Louet. Paris, Le Due [etc.] an v (1797) 63, [l] p. 2 pi. 2li cm . MT165.A2L6 Loulie, fitienne, d. ca. 1707. Elements ou principes de musique mis dans un nouvel ordre . . . divisez en trois parties. La premiere pour les enfans. La seconde pour les personnes plus avancez en age. La troisieme pour ceux qui sont capables de raisonner sur les principes de la musique. Avec l'estampe, la description & 1' usage du chronometre . . . par le moyen duquel, les compositeurs de musique pourront desormais marquer le veritable mouvement de leurs compositions, & leurs ouvrages marquez par rapport a cet instrument, se pourront executer en leur absence comme s'ils en battoient eux-mesmes la mesure. Par M. Lovlie. Amsterdam, E. Roger, 1698. 110 p. fold. pi. 16£ cm . 2d edition; 1st edition, Paris, 1696. MT7.A2L91 [Lowe, Edward] d. 1682. A review of some Short directions for performance of cathedral service, published for the information of such, as may be called to officiate in cathedrall or collegiate churches; or religiously desire to bear a part in that service. The 2d ed., with many usefull additions relating to the Common praver-book as it is now established. By E. L. Oxford, Printed by W. Hall, for R. Davis, 1664. 4 p. 1., 72 p. 15£ x8J cm . Dedication signed : Ed: Lowe. MT88.A2L76 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 159 Ludwig, Johann Adam Jakob, 1730-1782. Gedanken uber die grossen orgeln, die aber deswegen keine wunder- werke sind. Bey gelegenheit der im jahre 1761 durch herm Johann Nicolaus Bittern . . . erbauten neuen orgel zu Nemmersdorf, von Johann Adam Jakob Ludwig . . . Leipzig, Gedruckt bey J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1762. 15 p. 22 x 18 cm . ML552.A2L9 Eine helle brille fur die bidden augen eines albern haberechts zu Niemandsburg, welcher vor einiger zeit seine gedanken uber die streitigkeit zwischen dem herm noforganisten Sorge zu Lobenstein und herm secretair Marpurg in Berlin m druk ausgehen lassen, auf- gesetzt von einem am Salstrome wohnenden Sorgianer. Quasi me asinus calcitrasset. [n. p., 1767] [12] p. 23 x 19 cm . Written in reply to an anonymous work (by J. L. Albrecht?) entitled "Ge- danken eines thuringischen tonkunstlers uber die streitigkeit, welche der herr . . . George Andreas Sorge wider den herrn secret. Friedr. Wilh. Marpurg . . . erreget hat." Ascribed also to Sorge. ML63.L95 Lundius, Daniel, 1666-1747, praeses. . . . Dissertatio gradualis de musica Hebrseorum antiqua . . . Up- saliae, ex officina Werneriana [1707] 3 p. I., 65, [1] p. 15 cm . Diss. — Upsala (S. Gestrinius, respondent and author) ML166.A2L9 Luscinius, Ottmar, d. 1537. Mvsicae institvtiones Othmari Nachtgall Argetini a nemine un- qua prius pari facilitate tentatQ, studiosis, qui d/iouooc esse nolint no mediocriter conducibiles. . . Ioannes Knoblouch notis sereis excepit Argentoraci [1515] [19] p. 19 pm . Title in red and black within architectural border. Signatures: a in four, b in six. On t.-p. following title: N. Gerbelij d. d. d. ad lecto || rem hexastichon. || Si tibi prsedulces unqua placuere Camoene. || Si lyra, si citharae te rapuere soni, || Si petis Amphio fieri, uel Thraci' Orpheus || Si te musarum non pudet esse ducem || Non graue praedocti tibi sit legisse libellum || Othmari, tenet has quas memoramus opes . . . ML171.L93 Mvsvrgia || seu praxis Mvsicae. J Illius primo quae Instrumentis agitur certa ratio, ab Ottomaro || Luscinio Argentino duobus Libris absoluta. || Eiusdem Ottomari Luscinij, de Concentus polyphoni, id est, |j ex plurifarijs uocibus compositi, canonibus, Libri totidem. || C Argentorati apud Ioannem Schottura, || Anno Christi. 1536. j| Cum gratia & priuilegio Imperiali, |j ad Quinquennium. 3 p. 1., 102, [3] p. illus. 15£ x 19^ m . Mainly a translation of Sebastian Yirdung's "Musica getutscht," Basel, 1511. The illustrations are reproductions of those in Yirdung's work, and include a motet, p. 40-43, which appears in mensural notation and also in tablature for the clavichord and for the lute. Pages 58-59 contain tables showing the tabla- ture for bass, tenor and discant flute. ML171.L94 160 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Lustig, Jacob Wilhelm, 1705-1796. Inleiding tot de muzykkunde; uit klaare, onwedersprekeolyke gronden, de innerlyke geschapenheid, de oorzaaken van de zender- baare uitwerkselen, de groote waarde, en 't regte gebruik der muzyk- konst aanwyzende. Opgesteld door Jacob Wilhelm Lustig . . . Groningen, Gedrukt voor den auteur, by H. Vechnerus, 1751. 8 p. 1., 340, [20] p. 20i cm . MT6.A2L97 Muzykaale spraakkonst; of, Duidelyke aanwyzing en verklaaring van allerhande weetenswaardige dingen, die in de geheele muzykaale practyk tot eenen grondslag konnen verstrekken. Opgesteld door Jacob Wilhelm Lustig . . . Amsteldam, Gedrukt by A. Olofsen, 1754. 4 p. 1., 206, [6] p. xi fold pi. 21 cm . P MT6.A2L98 Lustig, Jacob Wilhelm, 1706-1796, translator. See Schmidt, J. M. Musico-theologia [1756?] [Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de] 1709-1785. Lettres a Madame la marquise de P. . . . sur l'opera. Paris, Didot, 1741. xix, [5], 166 p. 16| cm . Addressed to Madame de Pompadour. ML1727.3.A2M11 Maccari, Orazio. See Walker, J. C. Historical memoirs, 1786. Mace, Thomas, 1613 ?-1709 ? Musick's monument; or, A remembrancer of the best practical musick, both divine, and civil, that has ever been known, to have been in the world. Divided into three parts. The first part, shews a necessity of singing psalms well, in parochial churches, or not to sing at all; directing, how they may be well sung, certainly; by two sev- eral ways, or means; with an assurance of a perpetual national-quire; and also shewing, how cathedral musick, may be much improved, and refined. The second part, treats of the noble lute . . . directing the most ample way, for the use of the theorboe . . . Shewing a general way of procuring invention, and playing voluntarily, upon the lute, viol, or any other instrument; with two pritty devices; the one, shewing how to translate lessons, from one tuning, or instrument, to another; the other, an indubitable way, to know the best tuning, upon any instrument : both done by example. In the third part, the generous viol ... is treated upon; with some curious observations, never before handled, concerning it, and musick in general. By Tho. Mace . . . London, Printed by T. Radcliffe, and N. Thompson, for the author, 1676. 10 p. 1., 272 p. front, (port.) illus. 31 J x 20 cm . MT640.M14 EAKLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 161 Magazin der musik. Hrsg. von Carl Friedrich Cramer ... 1.-2. jahrg.; 1783-1786. Hamburg, In der Musicalischen niederlage [1783-86] 2 v. in 4. pi., fold, tables. 17£ cln . 2. jahrg., 1. halfte, 1784; 2. halite, 1786. ML4.M2 Le Magazin des modernes, almanach curieux, ou Ton trouve autant d'esprit qu'il en faut pour se faire une reputation aupres des femmes. L'an de grace 1768. 2. 6d., servant de seconde partie, rev., cor., & augm. de la musique complette de la petite comedie: musique exactement neuve & faite pour les paroles ... A La Have, chez Propiee, imprimeur; et se trouve a Paris, chez la veuve Duchesne [1768] 2 p. 1., 100, 67 p. 14 x 7 cm . "Que ne peut pas l'amour? Comeclie lyrique": p. [53]-67. ML20.M14 Maggi, Girolamo, d. 1572. Hieronymi Magii De tintinnabvlis liber postvmvs. Franciscvs Sweertivs F. Antuerp. notis illustrabat. Hanoviae, typis Wechelianis, apud C. Marnium & heredes I. Aubrii, 1608. 98, [14] p. illus. 18 cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. CC200.M3 1608 Hieronymi Magii Anglarensis De tintinnabulis liber postumus. Franciscus Sweertius F. Antverp. notis illustrabat. Ed. novissima aucta, emendata, & figuris seneis exornata. Amstelodami, sump- tibus A. Frisii, 1664. 16 p. 1., 151, [26] p. illus., 2 fold. pi. 13£ cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. Added t.-p., engr. CC200.M3 1664 Magirus, Johann, d. 1631. Artis mvsicae legibvs logicis methodice informatse libri dvo. Ad totum musicse artificium, & comprimis solidum sonorum, modo- rumque musicorum fundamentum, componendi^j rationem, recte, & facile agnoscendum valde accommodi: revisi et recogniti, multis^ in locis emendati & correcti, ab auctore Iohanne Magiro . . . [Bruns- viga3] sumptibus avtoris, 1611. 8 p. 1., 123, [1] p. 14£ cm . MT6.A2M14 Mvsicae rudimenta vere fundamentalia ita ad[or]nata ut inde etiam, modi mvsici, cum notis & pausis, clavibus & vocibus, vel pveris, sine negotio insinuari, visibiles, & palpabiles fieri possint. In vsvm eorum, qui artem hanc divinissimam & breviter, & fundamentaliter, & docere, & discere volunt. Pvblicata avctore Johanne Magiro, pastore. [Guelpherbyti] imprimebatur per Eliam Holwein, sumptibus auctoris, 1619. [54] p. 15 cm . Author's preface dated "Brunsvigae, 1619." MT7A2M18 51234°— 13 11 ' 162 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Magri, Gennaro. Trattato teorico-prattico di ballo di Gennaro Magri . . . Napoli, V. Orsino, 1779. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 11, 9-12, [3], [13]-143 p. ; v. 2: 102 p.) 22 pi. (partly fold.) 22 cm . Title of v. 2 reads: Trattato di ballo teorico-prattico . . . GV1590.M3 Mahault, Antoine. Nieuwe manier om binnen korten tyd op de dwarsfluit te leeren speelen, tot gebruik van aanvangers en meer gevorderden opgesteld, door A. Mahaut. 2. druk, voorzien met 12 nooten tabula's. Am- sterdam, J. J. Hummel [17 — ] 1 p. 1., 36 p. incl. plates. 1 illus. 18£ x 24 cm . Title and text in Dutch and French, in parallel columns. First edition, 1759. MT342.A2M22 [Main waring, John] d. 1807. Memoirs of the life of the late George Frederic Handel. To which is added, a catalogue of his works, and observations upon them . . . London, R. and J. Dodsley, 1760. 1 p. 1., 208 p. 21 cm . ML410.H13M2 [Mairobert, Mathieu Francois Pidanzat de] 1727-1779. Les prophecies du grand proph^te Monet, [n. p.] 1753. 1 p. 1., 16 p. 19 cm . No. 9 in a volume of pamphlets lettered Quereflle] des Bouffo[ns] ML1727.33.A1 Majer, Joseph Friedrich Bernhardt Caspar. Joseph Friederich Bernhard Caspar Majers . . . Neu-er6ffneter theo- retisch- und pracktischer music-saal, das ist: Kurze / doch vollstan- dige methode, so wohl die vocal- als instrumental-music grundlich zu erlernen / auch die . . . blasend- schlagend- und streichende instru- menten . . . durch die deutlichstc exempla, in besondern tabellen, mit leichter muhe zu begreiffen. Nebst einem . . . appendice und erkla- rung derer anjezo gebrauchlichsten griechisch- lateinisch- italianisch- und franz6sisch-musicalischen kunst-w6rter. 2. und viel-vermehrte aufl. Nurnberg, J. J. Cremer, 1741. 3 p. 1., 117, [2] p. front., illus., 4 pi. 17£ x 21 cm . First edition published Hall (Swabia) 1732 under title: Museum musicum theoretico-practicum . MT6.A2M2 Malcior, of Worms. See Reisch, G. De principijs musice [n. d.] Wollick, N. Opus aureum, 1504. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 163 Malcolm, Alexander, b. 1687. A treatise of musick, speculative, practical, and historical. By Alexander Malcolm . . . Edinburgh, Printed for the author, 1721. xxiv, 608 p. 6 fold. pi. 19i c "». "An ode on the power of musick, inscrib'd to Mr. Malcolm ... by Mr. Mitchell": p. [iii]-xii. MT6.A2M23 A treatise of musick, speculative, practical, and historical. By Alexander Malcolm . . . London, J. Osborn [etc.] 1731. xvi, 608 p. 19i cm . "An ode on the power of musick, inscrib'd to Mr. Malcolm ... by Mr. Mitchell": p. [iii]-xvi. MT6.A2M24 IMallio, Michele] 1756-1831. Elogio storico della Signora Maria Rosa Coccia Romana, maestra pubblica di cappella, accademica filarmonica di Bologna, e tra i Forti di Roma Trevia, coll' aggiunta di varie lettere a lei scritte da uomini illustri, ed eruditi, e di varj componimenti poetici consecrati al di lei merito. Roma, II Cannetti, 1780. xcvi p. fold. port. 16£ cm . Caption title: Elogio storico . . . scritto dal Signor abbate Michele Mallio . . . Pages lxx v-lxxvi canceled and replaced by a new leaf containing on recto the "Sonetto di Ulisse accademico Forte" in revised form, and on verso "Sonetto del r. p. Flaminio da Latera minore osservante" instead of "Sonetto di natale Maria Laschi accademico Forte." ML410.C7M1 Malpied, Traite sur Tart de la danse, d6die* a Monsieur Gardel, l'aine, maitre des ballets de 1'Academie royale de musique. Par M. Malpied . . . Paris, Bouin; [etc., etc., ca. 1780] 2 p. 1., A-D, 122 p. diagrs. 21£ cm . Engraved throughout; title-page has ornamental border. GV1590.M4 Mancini, Giovanni Battista, 1716-1800. Pensieri, e riflessioni pratiche sopra il canto figurato. Di Giamba- tista Mancini . . . Vienna, Stamparia di Ghelen, 1774. 3 p. 1., 188 p., 1 1. vign. 22 x 17 cm . Title vignette. MT845.A2M3 Manfredini, Vincenzo, 1737-1799. Difesa della musica moderna e de' suoi celebri esecutori, di Vin- cenzo Manfredini . . . Bologna, Stamperia di C. Trenti, 1788. 207, [1] p. 19 cm . Upon the publication of the 2d volume of Stefano Arteaga's "Le rivoluzioni del teatro musicale italiano," Manfredini published a criticism (Giornale enci- clopedico, April, 1785) of ideas advanced in that volume. The present work contains the replies published by Arteaga in the 3d volume of his work and counter replies by Manfredini. ML290.3.A2M27 164 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Manfredini, Vincenzo — Continued. Regole armoniche, o sieno Precetti ragionati per apprendere i prin- cipj della musica, il portamento della mano, e raccompagnamento del basso sopra gli strumenti da tasto, come l'organo, il cembalo ec. Dedicate a Sua Altezza imperiale Paul Petrovicz ... da Vincenzo Manfredini . . . Venezia, G. Zerletti, 1775. xvi, 78 p., 1 1. incl. front, (port.) 20 fold. pi. (music) 26£ cm . Title vignette. MT49.A2M27 Regole armoniche, o sieno Precetti ragionati per apprender la musica, di Vincenzo Manfredini. 2. ed. cor., ed accresciuta. Vene- zia, A. Cesare, 1797. 2 p. 1., 207, [1] p. xx fold. pi. (music) 22 cm . MT40.A2M27 See also Arteaga, S. Le rivoluzioni, 1783-88. Manuductio ad cantum choralem gregoriano-moguntinum, qua fun- damenta hujus cantus; nee non modus canendi epistolas, evangelia, prophetias, collectas, versiculos, benedictiones, lectiones, capitula, aliaque ejuscemodi plura traduntur & exponuntur, jussu & authori- tate . . . d. Joannis Philippi, sanctse sedis Moguntinse archi-epis- copi . . . edita, ad usum clericorum ac ludirectorum archidicecesis Moguntinse & dioecesium Herbipolensis ac Wormatiensis. Mogun- tiae, typis C. Ktichleri, 1672. 2 p. 1., 143 p. 17 x 19 cm . MT860.A2M29 Manuel da Conceigao, d. 1745. Manuale seraphicum, et romanum, juxta usum Fratrum minorum denuo auctum cum variis processionibus, benedictionibus, & oratio- nibus, aliisque multis ; nee non cum ritibus ad sacramentum baptismi parvulorum, ac adultorum ministrandum . . . Per fr. Emmanuelem a' Conceptione . . . Ulyssipone Occidentali, ex Typographia musicse, 1732. 2 v. (v. 1: 7 p. 1., 317 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 332 p.) 20 cm . Title vignette. Vol. 2 has title: Manuale seraphicum, et romanum, ad usum praecipue Fra- trum minorum, ac monialium ejusdem ordinis, in alma provincia Algarbiorum s. p. n. Francisci. Includens omnia pertinentia ad receptionem habitus novicio- rum, tam fratru, quam monialium, nee non ritus ad exequias defunctorum, &c. . . . MT860.A2M24 Marbach, Christian. Evangelische singe-schule, darinnen diejenigen dinge deutlich geleh- ret und wiederholet werden / welche uberhaupt alien evangelischen christen zur erbauung und bef6rderung der Gott wohlgefalligen singe- andacht zu wissen nothig und mltzlich sind. Wohlmeynend erdffnet von m. Christian Marbach . . . Bresslau und Leipzig, M. Rohrlach, 1726. 9 p. 1., [3J-216, [8] p. 17 cm . Ch. 17. 1896 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 165 [Marcello, Benedetto] 1686-1739. II teatro alia moda, o sia Metodo sicuro, e facile per ben comporre, &esequire [!] l'opere italiane in musicaall' uso moderno, nel quale si danno avvertimenti utili, e necessarij a poeti, compositori di musica, musici dell' uno, e dell' altro sesso, impresarj, stionatori, ingegneri, e pittori di scene, parti buffe, sarti, paggi, comparse, suggeritori, copisti, protettori, e madri di virtuose, & altre persone appartenenti al teatro. Ddtiicato dall' auttore del libro al compositore di esso. Stampato ne Borghi di Belisania per Aldiviva Licante, all' insegna dell' Orso in Peata. Si vende nella strada del Corallo alia porta del palazzo d'Orlando. E si ristampera ogn' anno con nuova aggiunta. [Venezia, 17 — ] 72 p. 16J cm . This edition is not described by Tessier, in the reprint of Venice, 1887, but corresponds to the one called by him the second (1733) except that the t.-p. shows no vignette. ML3858.M28 Marcos y Navas, Francisco. Arte, 6 compendio general del canto-llano, figurado, y organo, en metodo facil, ilustrado con algunos documentos, 6 capitulos muy pre- cisos para el aprovechamiento, y ensefLanza. Dividido en cinco trata- dos, de los que el primero maninesta la teorica del canto-llano: el segundo su practica, con el oficio de difuntos, sepultura, misa, y pro- cesion: el tercero, y quarto la especulativa, y practica del canto figurado, y de organo, segun el moderno estilo; y el quinto las nueve lamentaciones, y la bendicion del cirio, vestidas, 6 adornadas de clausulas sobre su mismo canto-llano. Su autor D. Francisco Marcos y Navas . . . Madrid, J. Ibarra, impresor, 1777. 1 p. 1., xx, 623 p. illus., diagr. 20 cm . MT860.A2M3 Mard, Toussaint Remond de Saint - See Remond de Saint-Mard, Toussaint. Maret, Hugues, 1726-1786. Eloge historique de M r . Rameau, compositeur de la musique du cabinet du roi, associe de 1' Academic des sciences, arts & belles-lettres de Dijon. Lu a la seance publique de l'Academie, le 25 aout 1765, par M. Maret . . . Dijon, Causse; [etc., etc.] 1766. 1 p. 1., iv, [5]-78 P- 19£ cm . Pages [43]-78, "Notes." Published also in Memoires de l'Academie de Dijon, 1766. ML410.R2M18 Maria, Carlos de Jesus. See Carlos de Jesus Maria. Maria, Salvadore, da VerceUi. See Salvadore Maria da VerceUi. Maria, Tomas de Santa. See Tomas de Santa Maria. 166 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Marignan, de. ficlaircissemens donnes a l'auteur du Journal encyclop^dique, sur la musique du Devin du village. Par le sieur de Marignan, comeclien. A Bouillon, et se trouve a Paris, chez la veuve Duchesne, 1781. 30 p. I8 cin . ML410.R86M2 [Marin, Francois Louis Claude] 1721-1809. Ce qu'on a dit, ce qu'on a voulu dire. Lettre a Madame Folio, [n. p., 1752?] 16 p. 19 cm . No. 4 in a volume of pamphlets lettered Quereflle] des Bouffofns] ML1727.33.A1 Marinelli, Giulio Cesare. Via retta della voce corale, overo Osservationi intorno al retto esercitio del canto fermo divise in cinqve parti, oue si da vn' esattis- sima, e facilissima instruttione di quest' arte, con vn nuouo modo di reggere, e mantenere il coro sempre in vna medesima voce, si per la Sarte del corista, come anco dell' organista. Del p. f . Givlio Cesare [arinelli . . . Bologna, G. Monti, 1671. 4 p. 1., 268 p. Mus. 21 c I cm MT860.A2M33 Marinoui, Giovanni Battista, d. 1647. Fiori poetici raccolti nel funerale del . . . Signor Clavdio Monte- verde, maestro di cappella della ducale di S. Marco. Consecrati da D. Gio: Battista Marinoni, detto Gioue . . . all' illvstrssimi [!] & ecceilentissimi [!] sig. procvratori di chiesa di S. Marco. Venetia, F. Miloco, 1644. 70 p., 1 1. I9i cm . Engr. t.-p. with symbolical border and port, of Monteverdi. ML410.M77M1 Marmontel, Jean Francois, 1723-1799. Essai sur les revolutions de la musique en France. Par M. du Marmontel . . . [Paris, 1777] lp. 1., 60 p. 21 cm . ML1704.A2M35 Marot, Clement, pseud. See Senece, Antoine Bauderon de. Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1718-1795. Abhandlung von der fuge, nach den grundsatzen und exempeln der besten deutschen una auslandischen meister entworfen von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg . . . Berlin, A. Haude, und J. C. Spener, 1753-54. 2 v. (v. 1: 4 p. 1., xvi, 192, [4] p.; v. 2: 4 p. 1., xxx, 147, [14] p.) 122 pi. 2U x 18 cm . MT59.A2M35 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 167 Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm — Continued. Anfangsgriinde der theoretischen musik, von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Leipzig, J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1757. 4 p. 1., 176 p. 21J x I7i cm . ML3805.A2M3 Anleitung zum clavierspielen, der sch6nern ausubung der heutigen zeit gemass entworfen von Friedr. Wilh. Marpurg. Nebst xviii. kupfertafeln. Berlin, A. Haude und J. C. Spener, 1755. 6 p. 1., 78, [6] p. xviii pi. (partly music) 20£ x 17£ cm . MT224.A2M35 Anleitung zum clavierspielen, der schonern ausubung der heutigen zeit gemass entworfen von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Nebst xviii. kupfertafeln. 2. verb. aufl. Berlin, Haude und Spener, 1765. 7 p. 1., 3-78, [6] p. xx pi. on 10 1. (partly music) 20J x 18 om . MT224.A2M354 Principes du clavecin, par Mr. Marpourg. Avec vingt plan- ches. Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1756. 4 p. 1., 92, [6] p. xx fold. pi. (partly music) 22 x 18 cm . MT224.A2M36 Friedr. Wilh. Marpurgs Anleitung zur musik uberhaupt und zur singkunst besonders, mit uebungsexempeln erlautert . . . Berlin, A. Wever, 1763. 7 p. 1., [31-171 p. 18 cm . MT7.A2M2 Anleitung zur singcomposition, von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Berlin, G. A. Lange, 1758. 5 p. 1., 206 p. front, (port.) 22 x 17$ cm . Contains only the "l.hauptst&ck, Von dem prosodischen ausdruck eines textes, oder von der niechanik der singcomposition. Ledebur (Tonkunstler Berlin's) states that Marpurg had intended to complete the work with a second volume, but did not carry out his intention. MT64.A2M35 Clavierstucke mit einem practischen unterricht fur anfanger und geubtere, von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Berlin, Haude und Spener, 1762-63. 3 v. in 1. 19J x 32 cm . "Discurs des herrn Quanz fiber das clavieraccompagnement (. . . aus dessen Versuche &c. die fl&te zu spielen . . .)": v. 3, p. [21]-27. MT243.A2M23 Des Critischen musicus an der Spree erster band. Berlin, A. Haude und J. C. Spener, 17.50. 4 p. 1., 406 p. v fold. pi. (music) 21 x 17£ cm . Issued weekly from March 4, 1749, to Feb. 17, 1750. ML4.C93 168 LIBEARY OP CONGBESS Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm — Continued. Handbuch bey dem generalbasse und der komposition mit zwo- drey- vier- Mnf- sechs- sieben- acht und mehrern stimmen, fur an- fanger und geubtere, von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg . . . Nebst . . . notentafeln . . . Berlin, G. A. Lange, 1757-62. 341 p. 35 pi. 22 x 19 cm . In 4 parte, each with special t.-p. pt. [1]: 2. verm, und verb. aufl. 1762. pt. 2: 1757. pt. 3: Dritter und letzter theil, nebst einem hauptregister uber alle drey theile. 1758. pt. 4: Anhang zum Handbuche [etc.] 1760. MT49.A2M35 HerrmGeorg Andreas Sorgens Anleitung zum generalbass und zur composition. Mit anmerkungen von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Nebst vier kupfertafeln . . . Berlin, G. A. Lange, 1760. 6 p. 1., 152 p. iv pi. 21£ x 17 cm . A criticism by Marpurg of Sorge's "Compendium harmonicum." MT50.A2M35 Historisch-kritische beytr&ge zur aufnahme der musik, von Fried- rich Wilhelm Marpurg . . . Berlin, G. A. Lange, 1754-78. 5 v. fold, plates. 18 cm . Vol. 1 has imprint: Berlin, J. J. Schutzens sel. wittwe, 1754. Errors in paging. Issued in 30 parts ("stucke") each with special t.-p. ML4.H67 Kritische einleitung in die geschichte und lehrsatze der alten und neuen musik, von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Nebst acht kupfer- tabellen. Berlin, G. A. Lange, 1759. 5 p. 1., 246, [10] p. front, (port.) vm pi. (partly music) 23 x 19£ cm . Title vignette. ML169.A2M35 Die kunst das clavier zu spielen, durch den verfasser des Critischen musicus an der Spree. Berlin, Haude und Spener, 1751. 27 p. iv pi. 20£ x 17 cm . 1st edition, Berlin, 1750. MT220.A2M3 Legende einiger musikheiligen. Ein nachtrag zu den musikalischen almahachen und taschenbuchern jetziger zeit, von Simeon Meta- phrastes, dem jungern [pseud.] Nebst 2. notentafeln [Canon i-ii] C611n am Rhein, Bey P. Hammern. [Breslau, Korn] 1786. 9 p. 1., [3]-331, [1] p. fold. 1. (music) 16i cm . ML65.M58 Neue methode allerley arten von temperaturen dem claviere aufs bequemste mitzutheilen ; auf veranlassung einer von dem herrn baron von Wiese zu Dresden vorgeschlagenen neuen stimmungsart entworfen von Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Berlin, G. A. Lange, 1790. 6 p. 1., 40 p. 23 x 20 cm . ML3809.A2M37 EAKLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 169 Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm — Continued. Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurgs . . . Versuch liber die musikalische temperatur, nebst einem anhang uber den Rameau- und Kirnberger- schen grundbass, und vier tabellen . . . Breslau, J. F. Korn, 1776. xiv p., 1 !., 319, [1] p. iv fold. pi. 19£ 0B1 . ML3809.A2M35 Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1718-1795, editor. See Kritische briefe uber die tonkunst, 1760-64. Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1718-1795, translator. See Alembert, J. L. R. d\ Systematische einleitung, 1757. Marshall, William. The propriety of singing the Psalms of David in New Testament worship. A seimon preached at Middle-Octoraro, April 13th, 1774. at the opening of the Associate Presbytery of Pensylvania. By William Marshall . . . Perth, A. Sharp [etc.] 1776. 68 p. 17 em . ML3001.M28 Martianus Capella. See Meibom, M., translator. Antiqvse mvsicse avctores, 1652. Martin y Coll, Antonio, b. ca. 1680. Arte de canto llano, y breve resvmen de svs principales reglas, para cantores de choro; dividido en dos libros; en el primero, se declara lo que pertenece a la theorica; y en el segundo, lo que se necessita para la practica, y las entonaciones de los psalmos con el organo. Dispvesto por Fr. Antonio Martin y Coll . . . Madrid, Por la viuda de J. Garcia Infancon, 1714. 13 p. 1., 144, [3] p. illus. 21 x 15£ em . Dedication engraved. MT860.A2M35 Arte de canto llano, y breve resumen de sus principales reglas, para cantores de choro. Dividido en dos libros. En el primero se declara lo que pertenece a la theorica; y en el segundo lo que se necessita para la practica; y las entonaciones de los psalmos con el organo; y anadido en esta segunda impression con algunas adver- tencias, y el arte de canto de organo. Dispuesto por fray Antonio Martin y Coll . . . Madrid, En la Imprenta de musica, por B. Peralta, 1719. 13 p. 1., 340, [5] p. illus. 21 cm . MT860.A2M36 Martinez Bravo, Jose de Torres. See Torres Martinez Bravo, Jose de. 170 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Martini, Georg Heinrich, 1722-1794. Beweis dass der neuern urtheile uber die tonkunst der alten nie zulanglich und entscheidend seyn k6nnen. Womit die feyerliche rede . . . auf das amtsjubelfest herm Christoph Stolzenbergs . . . an- kundiget Georg Heinrich Martini . . . Regensburg, Gedruckt bey H. G. Zunkel [1764] 12 p. 2U x 17 cm . ML169.A2M38 Martini, Giovanni Battista, 1706-1784. Dissertatio de usu progressionis geometricse in musica, auctore Joanne Baptista Martini ... [n. p., 1766] 25 p. 28i CBl . " Questa dissertazione e inserita ne' Commentari dell' Istituto delle scienze di Bologna, tomo v. par n. pag. 372-394 dell' edizione di Bologna per Lelio dalla Volpe." — Parisini, Delia vita . . . del padre Gio. Battista Martini, 1887. ML3809.A2M39 Esemplare, o sia saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto sopra il canto fermo dedicato all' eminentissimo . . . Sig. cardinale Vincenzo Malvezzi ... da f. Giambattista Martini . . . Bologna, Lelio della Volpe, impressore [1774-76] 2 v. (v. 1: xxxii, 260 p.; v. 2: xxxxviii, 328 p.) fold. pi. 30 cm . Vol. 2 has title: Esemplare . . . di contrappunto fugato, dedicato all' illustris- simo . . . Monsignore Gennaro Adelelmo Pignatelli . . . Consists of examples from celebrated composers with accompanying explana- tions; vol. 1 contains a prefatory outline of the elements and rules of counter- point, vol. 2, of the fugue. MT55.A2M38 Storia della musica # . . . alia Sacra reale cattolica Maesta Maria Barbara . . . umiliato,* e dedicato da fr. Giambatista Martini ... Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, impressore, 1757-81. 3 v. fold, front., illus. (incl. ports.) 12 pi. (partly fold.) 2 fold, maps, 2 plans. 46 cm . Large paper edition. Title in red and black; initials; vignettes; ornamental borders. Bibliographical foot-notes. Numerous musical illustrations. Vol. 2: All' Altezza serenissima elettorale di Carlo Teodoro . . . umiliato, e dedicato; v. 3: A Sua Altezza reale Don Fendinando di Borbone . . . The work was not completed. The 3 volumes published all deal with ancient music. The 1st vol., printed 1757, was not published until 1760 or after. ML159.M2 Storia della musica . . . alia Sacra reale cattolica Maesta Maria Barbara . . . umiliato, e dedicato da fr. Giambatista Mar- tini . . . Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, impressore, 1757-81. 3 v. illus. (incl. ports.) plates (partly fold.) fold. maps. 28 x 21£ cm . Title vignette. Bibliographical foot-notes. Same variations of title as in the large paper edition. Numerous musical illustrations. ML159.M3 See also Doni, G. B. Lvra Barberina, 1763. Zanotti, F. M. Lettere, 1782. EAELY BOOKS ON MUSIC 171 Martyres, Verissimo dos. See Verissimo dos Martyres. Mason, William, 1724-1797. Essays, historical and critical, on English church music. By William Mason . . . York, printed by W. Blanchard, and sold by J. Robson, London; [etc., etc.] 1795. 2 p. 1., 264 p. 17 cm . " [The essay on cathedral music] originally prefixed to a collection of the words of anthems, &c. in the year 1782 ... is hereby reprinted with some additions." ML3001.M41 Masson, Charles. Nouveau traite' des regies pour la composition de la musique, par lequel on apprend a faire facilement un chant sur des paroles; a com- poser a 2. a 3. & a 4. parties, &c. et a chiffrer la basse-continue ; suivant Pusage des meilleurs auteurs. Ouvrage tres-utile a ceux qui joiient de Porgue, du clavecin, & du thSorbe. Par C. Masson . . . 3. ed., rev. & cor. Paris, C. Ballard, 1705. 4 p. 1., 127, [1] p. 19 cm . MT40.A2M42 Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. See Walter, T. The grounds ... of musick [17 — ] Mather, Increase, 1639-1723. See Walter, T. The grounds ... of musick [17 — J Mattei, Saverio, 1742-1795. Memorie per servire alia vita del Metastasio, raccolte da Saverio Mattei. Ed. 1. Colle, Stamperia di A. M. Martini, e comp., 1785. 2 p. 1., 3-136 p. 20i cm . Half-title: Metastasio e Jommelli. "Elogio del Jommelli, o sia II progresso della poesia, e musica teatrale": p. 59-136. ML410.J7M2 Se i maestri di cappella son compresi fra gli artigiani, probole di Saverio Mattei. Lettera al Signor Linguet. Guazzabugho Filosar- monico, o sia Miscellaneo sulla Probole, Anti-probole, ed Aneddoto forense dell' abate Galiani. Sulla quistione se gli maestri di cappella son compresi fra gli artigiani, anti-probole di G. M. C. Per D. Leo- nardo Garofalo, risposta alia Probole. Ultima vera per gli probolisti a richiesta per gli antiprobolisti, o sia Spicilegio musico di Michel- angelo Grisolia. Napoh, A spese di S. Palermo [17 — ] 38, [4], 3-16, 28, 43, 47, 47 p. 18 cm . First article has caption: All' illustre Signor cavaliere D. Luigi de' Medici de' principi di Ottajano, giudice della Gran corte e commessario della causa del maestro Cordelia. Second article has half-title: Aneddoto forense, lettera al Signor Linguet, traduzione dal francese. Third article has special t.-p.: Guazza- buglio filosarmonico, o sia Miscellaneo verso-prosaico sulla Probole, Anti-probole, ed Aneddoto forense di D. Onofrio Galeota [pseud, of F. Galiani] . . . Fanta- 172 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Mattei, Saverio— Continued. sianopoli 22. luglio 1785. Fourth article has special t.-p.: Sulla quistione [etc.] anti-probole di G. M. C. Napoli, S. Palermo, 1785. Fifth article (signed: Luigi Serio) and sixth article have each half-title as given on t.-p. Appended: Spaventosissima descrizione dello spaventoso 6pavento che nci spavento a tutti quanti la seconda volta colla epaventevole eruzzione del Vesuvio alii 15. giugno dell' anno 1794., che se ne fece la prima descrizione, che questa e la seconda. Fatta da D. Onofrio Galeota ... 28 p. ML63.M163 Se i maestri di cappella son compresi fra gli artigiani ; probole di Saverio Mattei, in occasione d'una tassa di fatiche domandata dal maestro Cordelia ... [3. ed.] Napoli, G.-M. Porcelli, 1785. 48 p. 20£ cm . ML63.M16 Matthai, Conrad, b. 1610. Kurtzer / doch ausfuhrlicher bericht / von den modis musicis, welchen aus den besten / aeltesten / beruhmtesten und bewerthesten autoribus der music zusammen getragen / auff den unbeweglichen grund der mess-kunst gesetzet und mit beliebung der loblichen Philo- sophischen facultat Churfl. br. pr. universitat zu K6nigsberg / heraus gegeben hat Conradus Matthaei, Brunsuicensis. [K6nigsberg] Ge- druckt durch J. Reusnern / in verlegung des autoris, 1652. 12 p. 1., 124 p. fold. tab. 19£ cm x 15£ om . MT45.A2M18 Mattheson, Johann, 1681-1764. Behauptung der himmlischen musik aus den grunden der vernunft, kirchen-lehre und Heiligen Schrift . . . Hamburg, C. Herold, 1747. 4 p. 1., 144, [8] p. 17 cm . Preface signed: Mattheson. ML63.M17 -• Critica musica. D. i. Grundrichti^e untersuch- und beurtheilung / vieler / theils vorgefassten / theils emfaltigen meinungen / argumen- ten und einwiirffe / so in alten und neuen / gedruckten und unge- druckten / musicalischen schrifften zu finden. Zur muglichsten aus- rautung aller groben irrthilmer / und zur bef6rderung eines bessern wacnstnums der reinen harmonischen wissenschafft / in verschiedene theile abgefasset / und stiick-weise heraus gegeben von Mattheson . . . [Pars i-viii, 1.-24. stuck] Hamburg, Auf unkosten des autoris [etc.] 1722-25. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 368, [16] p.; v. 2: 8 p. 1., 380, [21] p.) diagr. 21 x 17J cm . Title varies. Vol. 2: Gedruckt und zu bekommen bey seel. Thomas von Wierings erben. For full description and contents see Krome, Die anfange des musikalischen journalismus in Deutschland . ML4.M42 De ervditione mvsica schediasma . . . See his Philologisches tresespiel. Exemplarische organisten-probe im artikel vom general-bass. Welchemittelst 24. leichter / und eben so viel etwas schwerer exempel / EAELY BOOKS ON MUSIC 173 Mattheson, Johann — Continued. aus alien tonen / des endes anzustellen ist / dass einer / der diese 48. prob-stiicke rein trifft / und das darinn enthaltene wohl anbringt / sich . . . nihrnen m6ge : er sey ein meister im accompagniren . . . Mit den nothwendigsten erlauterungen und anmerckungen / bey jedem exempel / und mit einer ausfiihrlichen . . . theoretischen vorbereitung / uber verschiedene musicalische merckwurdigkeiten / versehen von Mattheson . . . Hamburg, Schiller- und Kissnerische buch-laden, 1719. 8 p. I., 128, 276 p. front, (port.) fold. pi. 21 x 18£ cm . MT49.A2M43 Johann Matthesons Grosse general-bass-schule. Oder: Der Exemplarischen organisten-probe 2. / verb, und verm. aufl. / bestehend in dreien classen / als : in einer grundlichen vorbereitung / in 24. leichten exempeln / in 24. schwerern prob-stilcken: solcher gestalt eingerich- tet / dass / wer die erste wol verstehet; und in den beiden andern classen alles rein trifft; so dann das darin enthaltene gut anzubringen weiss; derselbe ein meister im general-bass heissen k6nne. Ham- burg, J. C. Kissners buchladen, 1731. 21 p. 1., 484 p. pi. 21£xl8£ cm . MT49.A2M44 A complete treatise of thorough bass, containing the true rules with a table of all the figures' & their proper accompanyments, to which is added several examples of each figure, by John Matheson London, P: Hodgson [17 — ] 1 p. 1., 32 p. 35° ;cm Engraved throughout. The "true rules" occupy only p. 1, the rest of the work consisting of musical examples. MT49.A2M442 Grundlage einer ehren-pforte, woran der tuchtigsten capellmeister, componisten, musikgelehrten, tonkilnstler &c. leben, wercke, ver-' dienste &c. erscheinen sollen. Zum fernern ausbau angegeben von Mattheson. Hamburg, In verlegung des verfassers, 1740. 2 p. 1., xliv, 428, [16] p. 21 x 16£ em . Engr. t.-p. ML105.A2M42. Gultige zeugnisse uber die jungste Matthesonisch-musicalische kern- schrifft, als ein fuglicher anhang derselben, zum druck bef6rdert von Aristoxen, dem jungern [pseud.] . . . Hamburg, 1738. 15 p. 21£ x 18 cm . ( With Ms Kern melodischer wissenschafft. Hamburg, 1737) Three letters, by C. H. P., J. P. Kuntzen and J. A. Scheibe respectively, with notes by Mattheson. MT6.A2M44 Kern melodischer wissenschafft, bestehend in den auserlesensten haupt- und grund-lehren der musicalischen setz-kunst oder composi- tion, als ein vorlauffer des Vollkommenen capellmeisters / ausgear- beitet von Mattheson. Hamburg, C. Herold, 1737. 9 p. 1., 182, [8] p. illus. 21£ x 18 cm . MT6.A2M44 174 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Mattheson, Jo harm. — Continued. Johann Mattheson' s . . . Kleine general- bass-schule. Worin nicht nur lernende / sondern vornehmlich lehrende / aus den allerersten anfangjs-grunden desclavier-spielens / uberhaupt und besonders / durch verschiedene classen u. ordnungen der accorde stuffen-weise / mittelst gewisser lectionen oder stundhcher aufgaben / zu mehrer vollkom- menheit in dieser wissenschafft / richtig / getreulich / und auf die deutlichste lehr-art / kurtzlich angefuhret werden . . . Hamburg / J. C. Kissner / 1735. 8 p. 1., 253, [13] p. 21 x 18 cm . Added t.-p., engr., with date 1734. Additions and corrections for his Grosse general-bass-schule, 2d ed., Heidelberg, 1731, on last page. MT49.A2M45 Der Musicalische patriot / welcher seine grundliche betrachtun- gen / uber geist- una weltl. harmonien / samt dem / was durchge- hends davon abhanget / in angenehmer abwechselung zu solchem ende mittheilet / das Gottes ehre / das gemeine beste / und ekies jeden lesers besondere erbauung dadurch bef6rdert werde*. Ans licht ge- stellet von Mattheson. Hamburg, 1728. 376 (t. e. 384) p. 19 x 15£ cm . No. 73-80 repeated in paging. Issued in weekly numbers as "Des Musikalischen patrioten erste [-drey und vierzigste] betrachtung." ML4.M43 Die neuangelegte freuden-akademie, zum lehrreichen vorschmack unbeschreiblicher herrlichkeit in der veste gottlicher macht. Ange- priesen von Johann Mattheson . . . Hamburg, J. A. Martini, 1751-53. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 2 p. 1., 302, [22] p.; v. 2: 38 p. 1., 322, [17] p.) 18 cm . Vol. 2 has title: Johann Matthesons . . . Neuangelegter freuden-akademie zweyter band, mit vorgesetzter abhandlung betreffend alle freudenstorer und todwunscher. Ch. 17. 1144 Das neu-er6ffnete orchestre, oder Universelle und grundliche anlei- tung / wie ein galant homme einen vollkommnen begriff von der hoheit und wurde der edlen music erlangen / seinen gout darnach for- miren / die terminos technicos verstehen und geschicklich von dieser vortrefflichen wissenschafft raisonniren m6ge. Durch J. Mattheson, seer. Mit beygefugten anmerckungen herrn capell-meister Keisers. Hamburg, Auf unkosten des autons, und zu finden in B. Schillers wittwe buchladen / 1713. 7 p. 1., 338, [11] p. front, (port.) 16 cm . ' ' 9 seiten notenbeispiele ' ' mentioned by Becker not in this copy. MT6.A2M42 — Das neu-er6ffnete orchestre, oder Universelle und grundliche anleitung / wie ein galant homme einen vollkommnen begriff von der hoheit und wurde der edlen music erlangen / seinen gout darnach for- miren / die terminos technicos verstehen und geschicklich von dieser vortrefflichen wissenschafft raisonniren mdge. Durch J. Mattheson, EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC I75'T Mattheson, Johann — Continued. secr. Mit beygefugten anmerckungen herrn capell-meister Keisers. Hamburg, B. Schillers wittwe, 1713. 2 p. 1., 338 p. 14£ cm . "9 seiten notenbeispiele" mentioned by Becker not in this copy. MT6.A2M43 Das beschutzte orchestre,oder desselben zwey te er6ffhung/worinn nicht nur einem wurcklichen galant-homme, der eben kein professions- verwandter / sondern auch manchem musico selbst die alleraufrich- tigste und deutlichste vorstellung musicalischer wissenschafften / wie sich dieselbe . . . eigentlich und wahrhafftig verhalten / ertheilet; aller wiedrigen auslegung und gedungenen aufburdung aber v611iger . . . bescheid gegeben; so dann endlich des lange verbannet gewesenen ut re mi fa sol la, todte (nicht tota) musica, unter ansehnlicher begleitung der zw6lff griechischen modorum . . . zu grabe gebracht und mit einem monument, zum ewigen andencken / beehret wird von Matthe- son. Hamburg, Schillerische buchladen, 1717. 11 p. 1., 561, [1] p. 7 fold. pi. 14 ca . The greater part of the work was written in refutation of J. H. Buttetett's Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, tota musica. MT6.A2M38 Das forschende orchestre, oder desselben dritte er6ffnung. Darinn sensvs vindicise et qvartse blanditiae, d. i. der beschirmte sinnen- rang und der schmeichelnde quarten-klang / alien unpartheyischen syn- tecnnitis zum nutzen und nachdenken ; keinem menschen aber .zum nachtheil / sana ratione & autoritate untersuchet / und vermuhtlich in ihr rechtes licht gestellet werden von Joanne Mattheson . . . Ham- burg / B. Schillers wittwe / und J. C. Kissner, 1721. 23 p. 1., 789, [381 p. front. 15£ cm . MT6.A2M39 Die neueste untersuchung der singspiele, nebst beygefugter musi- kalischen geschmacksprobe, liefert niemit Aristoxenus, der jungere [pseud.] . . . Hamburg, C. Herold, 1744. 4 p. 1., 168 p. 17 cm . ML3858.M41 Matthesons Philologisches tresespiel, als ein kleiner beytrag zur kritischen geschichte der deutschen sprache, vornehmlich aber, mit- telst gescheuter anwendung, in der tonwissenschaft niitzlich zu gebrauchen. Subiuncta nouissima editione Schediasmatis de ervdi- tione mvsica . . . Hamburg, J. A. Martini, 1752. . 16 p. 1., 133, [9] p., 1 1., 29 p. 17 cm . "De ervditione mvsica" has special t.-p. and separate paging. ML63.M18 Matthesonii Plvs vltra, ein stuckwerk von neuer und mancherley art. Erster[-zweeter] vorrath . . . Hamburg, J.A.Martini, 1754-55. 382, [16] p. 2 fold. pi. (music) 17£ cm . Each part has special t.-p. The third and fourth parte, published 1755-56, are wanting in L. of C. copy. ML60.M432 17'Q '\ : ', LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Mattheson, Johann — Continued. Der vollkommene capellmeister; das ist 7 Gnindliclie anzeige aller derjenigen sachen, die einer wissen, k6nnen, und vollkommen inne haben muss, der einer capelle mit ehren und nutzen vorstehen will: zum versuch entworffen von Mattheson. Hamburg, C. Herold, 1739. 28, [4], 484, [20] p. 33J cm . Dedication signed: Johann Mattheson. "NeuSs verzeichniss bisheriger Matthesonischer wercke": [1] p. at end. MT85.A2M43 See also Abhandlttng von den pantomimen, 1749. Mattheson, Johann, 1681-1764, editor. See Niedt, F. E. Musicalische handleitung. Raupach, C. Deutliche beweis-gninde, 1717. [Maupoint, ] Biblioteque des theatres, contenant le catalogue alphabetique des {>ieces dramatiques, opera, parodies, & opera comiques; & le terns de eurs representations. Avec des anecdotes sur la plupart des pieces contenues en ce reciieil, & sur la vie des auteurs, musiciens &acteurs. Paris, L. F. Prault, 1733. 3 p. 1., 369, [3] p. 20 cm . Added t.-p., engr. Z2174.D7M3 [Maxwell, Francis Kelly called John] d. 1782. An essay upon tune. Being an attempt to free the scale of music, and the tune of instruments, from imperfection. Illustrated with plates . . . Edinburgh, C. Elliot; [etc., etc.] 1781. 2 p. i., 290, [1] p. xix fold. pi. 21 cm . ML3809.A2M41 Mayeur de Saint Paul, Francois Marie, 1758-1818. See Dumont. Le vol plus haut, 1784. Meckenheuser, b. ca. 1660. Die so genannte: allerneueste, musicalische temperatur: oder, Die, von denen respective herren capellmeistern Bumlern, zu Onoltzbach, und hn. Mattheson zu Hamburg, gutigst communicirte, 12. rational- gleiche toni minores, oder semitonia in, und zwischen denen 13. clavi- bus, und denen 12. intervallis aller derselben octaven: des . . . herrn hof-rahts Hanflings, zu Onoltzbach. Denen respective herren musicis practicis . . . zu beliebiger censur ubergeben, von J. G. Mecken- heuser . . . [Quedlinburg, 1727] 60 p., 1 1. 20£ x 17 cm . Gerber, Eitner and others give the author's forenames as Jacob Georg; the dedication of the book is signed Johann Georg. ML3809.A2M43 eably books on music 177 Mei, Girolamo. Discorso sopra la mvsica antica, e moderna, di M. Girolamo Mei . . . Venetia, G. B. Ciotti, 1602. [23] p. 19£ cm . Title vignette: printer's mark. Signatures: A-C in fours. An abridged translation, by Pier del Nero, of the second book of an unpub- lished work by Mei, "Deinodis musicis veterum libri quatuor." The original ms. is in the Vatican library, cf. Gaspari, Catalogo della bibl. del Liceo mus. di Bologna, v. 1, p. 234. ML171.M44 Meibom, Marcus, d. 1711, editor. Antiqvse mvsicse avctores septem. Graece et latine. Marcvs Mei- bomivs restituit ac notis explicavit . . . Amstelodami, apud Ludo- vicum Elzevirium, 1652. 2 v. 5 fold. tab. 22£ x 16 cm . Printer's mark: Minerva. Vol. 2 has title: ' Apcaxsidou KolvTiXtavoii IIspl [louoticijc ficfiXia r. Aristidis Qvintiliani De mvsica libri in. Marcvs Meibomivs restitvit, ac notis expli- cavit . . . Contents. — I. i. Aristoxeni Harmonicorvm elementorvm libri m. n. Ev- clidis [i. e. Cleonidse?] Introdvctio harmonica. Euclidis Sectio canonis. in. Nicomachi Geraseni, Pythagorici, harmonices manvale. iv. Alypii Introdvctio mvsica. v. Gavdentii, philosophi, Introdvctio harmonica, vi. Bacchii senioris Introdvctio artis mvsicse. — II. Aristidis Qvintiliani De mvsica libri in. & Martiani Capellse De mvsica liber ix. ML167.M49 Mellen, John, 1722-1807. Religion productive of music. A discourse, delivered at Marl- borough, March 24th, 1773, at a singing lecture . . . By John Mel- len .. . Boston, I. Thomas, 1773. 34 p. 19 cm . [Miscellaneous pamphlets, v. 319, no. 4] Caption title: The service of God, a ground of gladness and singing. Psalm c. ver. 2 . . . AC901.M5 Melody — the soul of music: an essay towards the improvement of the musical art: with an appendix, containing account of an inven- tion . . . Glasgow, Printed in the Courier office, 1798. 82 p. 2(H cm . The invention is a violin with double strings in octaves. ML3920.A2M4 Memoire pour le sieur de Lanove, la demoiselle Gavssin, & consorts, opposans a la reception de la demoiselle Cleron [a la Comedie fran- coise] [n. p., ca. 1750] 20 p. 16 cm . ML1727.3.A2M5 51234°— 13 12 178 LIBBARY OF CONGRESS Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de la revolution operee dans la musique par M. le chevalier Gluck ... A Naples et se trouvea Paris, chez Bailly, 1781. 2 p. 1., 491 p. front, (port.) 22 cm . Edited by Gaspar Michel Leblond. ML1727.35.M5 [Menestrier, Claude Francois] 1631-1705. Des ballets anciens et modernes selon les regies du theatre. Paris, R. Guignard, 1682. 28 p. 1., 232 (t. e. 323), [5] p. 15 cm . The privilege, dated 1679, is for Menestrier'e "Philosophic des images", of which this forms a part. Errors in paging. PN1991.M4 Des representations en musique anciennes et modernes. Paris, R. Guignard, 1681. 12 p. 1., 333, [3] p. 17 cin . ML1700.A2M5 Mengoli, Pietro, 1625-1686. Specvlationi di mvsica, dedicate all' eminentiss. . . . Sig. card. Azzohni da Pietro Mengoli . . . Bologna, Per l'herede del Benacci, 1670. 12 p. 1., 295 p. tables (2 fold.) 20i cm . ML3800.A2M3 Mercadier, Jean Baptiste, 1750-1816. Nouveau syst&ne de musique theorique et pratique, par M. Mer- cadier de Belesta . . . Paris, Valade, 1776. lxxij, 304, [4] p. vni fold. pi. 20£ cm . ML3800.A2M4 Mermet, Louis Bollioud- See Bollioud-Mermet, Louis. Mersenne, Marin, 1588-1648. F. Marini Mersenni . . . Harmonicorvm libri. In qvibvs agitvr de sonorvm natvra, cavsis, & effectibus: de consonantiis, dissonantiis, rationibus, generibus, modis, cantibua, compositione, orbisque totius harmonicis instrumentis . . . Opus vtile grammaticis, oratoribus, philosophis, iurisconsultis, medicis, mathematicis, atque theologis . . . Lvtetise Parisiorvm, sumptibus Gvillelmi Bavdry, 1635. 6 p. 1., 184, 168 p. illus., diagrs. 35£ cm . Title vignette. ItfL3805.A2M5 Harmonicorvm libri xn. In qvibvs agitvr de sonorvm natvra, cavsis, et effectibvs: de consonantiis, dissonantiis, rationibus, generibus, modis, cantibus, compositione, orbisque totius harmonicis EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 179 Mersenne, Marin — Continued. instrumentis. Authore F. M. Merseno Minimo . . . Editio avcta. Lvtetiae Parisiorvm, sumptibus Gvillelmi Bavdry, 1648. 8 p. 1., 184 (i. e. 172), 4, 168 p. illus., diagrs. 36 cm . Title in red and black; title vignette. No. 126-131, 154-1?9 omitted in paging of part 1; other slight errors in paging. ML3805.A2M6 Harmonie vniverselle . . . Par F. Marin Mersenne . . . Paris, S. Cramoisy, 1636-37. 2 v. in 3. illus. (incl. port.) tables, diagrs. 37£ cm . Coat of arms of Antoine Barillon de Morangis, maitre des requeues ordinaires du roi, in gilt, stamped on cover. Many irregularities in paging. Collations of this work differ; the L. of C. copy is made up as follows: Vol. [1] Title (in red and black): Harmonie vniverselle, contenant la theorie et la pratique de la mvsiqve, ou il est traite de la nature des sons, & des mouue- ments, des consonances, des dissonances, des genres, des modes, de la compo- sition, de la voix, des chants, & de toutes sortes d'instrumens harmoniques. Par F. Marin Mersenne de l'ordre des Minimes. [vignette: printer's mark] A Paris, chez Sebastien Cramoisy, imprimeur ordinaire du roy, rue S. Jacques, aux Cicognes. m.dc.xxxvi. Auec pnuilege du roy, & approbation des doc- teurs. — Title-page, v°: note, Les caracteres de mvsiqve sont de l'impression de Pierre Ballard imprimeur de la musique du roy. — Title (Harmonie vniverselle) with an engr. illustration, signed H. Le Roy; below, verse 22 of Psalm 70. Verso blank. — p. 1. [3]-p. 1. [7]: Premiere preface generale av lectevr. — p. 1. [7] v°: Extraict dv privilege dv roy. Approbation des theologiens de l'ordre des Minimes. — p. 1-68: Livre de Pvtilite de l'Jiarmonie, & des autres parties des mathematiques. — Half-title: Traitez de la natvre des sons, et des mowemens de toutes sortes de corps. Verso blank. — p. 1. [2-3]: A tres-havt . . . prince Mon- seignevr Lovis de Valois, conte d'Alais [etc.] (signed by the author) — p. 1. [4]: Preface au lecteur. Fautes suruenues dans le second liure Des mouuemens. — £. 1-84: Livre premier. De la natvre et des proprietez dv son. — p. 85-156: ivre second. Des mowemens de tovtes sortes de corps. — p. 157-228: Livre troisiesme. Dv mowement, de la tension, de la force, de la pesanteur, & des autres proprietez des chordes harmoniques, & des autres corps. — p. 228: Fautes de l'impression des trois liures precedens. Advertissement. — p. 1. [1]: Leaf with 4 diagrams on verso, recto blank. — p. 1. [2]r°: Aduertissement au lecteur. Fautes suruenues en l'impression. Verso blank. — p. 1-36: Traite de mechaniqve. Des poids soustenvs par des puissances sur les plans inclinez a l'horizon. Des puissances qui soustiennent vn poids suspendu a deux chordes. Par G. Pers. de Roberual . . . — Vol. [2] Half-title: Traitez de la voix, et des chants. Verso blank. — p. 1. [2]-p. 1. [3] r°: A Monsievr Monsievr Halle, seignevr de Bovcqveval [etc.] (signed by the author) — p. 1. [3] v°-p. 1. [4]: Preface au lecteur. Fautes suruenues en l'impression. — p. 1-88: Livre premier. De la voix, des parties qvi servent a la former, de sa definition, de ses proprietez, & de l'ouye. — p. 89- 180: Livre second, Des chants (p. 117-128: Varietez des six notes de la sexte mineure, ou maieure. Sept cens vingt chants de l'hexachorde mineur. p. 150- 151: Table des 256 varietez de quatre temps differens) — Half-title: Traitez des consonances, des dissonances, des genres, des modes, & de la composition. Verso blank. — p. 1. [2-3]: A Monsievr, M. Nicolas Clavde Fabry, sieur de Peiresc et de Callas [etc.] (signed by the author) — p. 1. [4]-p. 1. [6] r°: Preface, & aduer- tissement au lecteur. — p. 1. [6] v°: Fautes suruenues en l'impression. — p. 1-112: Livre premier. Des consonances. — p. 113-140: Livre second. Des disso- nances. — p. 141-196: Livre troisiesme. Des genres, des especes, des systemes, & des modes de la musique (Plate bearing diagram between p. 164 and 165, dupli- cate between p. 166 and 167) — p. 197-282: Livre qvatriesme. De la composition de mvsiqve. Title: Seconde partie de 1' Harmonie vniverselle: contenant la pratique des consonances, & des dissonances dans le contrepoint figure, la methode d'enseigner, & d'apprendre a, chanter. L'embellissement des airs. La musique accentuelle. La rythmique, la prosodie, & la metrique francoise. La maniere de chanter les odes de Pindar, & d'Horace. L'vtilite de l'harmonie, & plusieurs nouuelles obseruations, tant physiques que mathematiques: auec deux tables, l'vne des 180 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Mersenne, Marin — Continued. propositions, & l'autre des matieres. Cantate Domino canticum nouum, laus eius in ecclesia sanctorum. Psal. 149. [vignette: printer's mark] A Paris, par Pierre Ballard, imprimeur de la musique du roy, demeurant rue S. lean de Beauuais, a l'enseigne du Mont Parnasse. m.dc.xxxvii. Auec priuilege du roy, & approbation des docteurs. Ver30 blank. — p. 1. [2]: Av lectevr. Errata cor- rigez. — p. 283-330: Livre cinqviesme. De la composition de mvsiqye (p. 300- 303: Fantaisie a quatre, composee par le sieur de Cousu) — p. 331-440: Livre sixiesme. De l'art de bien chanter. — p. 440-442: Fautes de l'impression du 5 6 6 liure, auec quelques auertissemens. Licence du general F. Franciscvs a Longobardis ordinis Minorum corrector generalis. Approbation des doctevrs. — Vol. [3] Half-title: Traite des instrumens a chordes. verso blank. — p. 1. [2] — p. 1. [3] r°: A Monsievr Monsievr de Refvge, conseiller av Parlement (signed by the author) — p. 1. [3] v° — p. 1. [4]: Preface au lecteur. Fautes euruenues en l'impression. — p. 1-40, numb. 1. 41-46: Livre premier. Des instrumens (running title) — p. 45-92, 85-92, numb. 1. 93-100: Livre second. Des instruments a chordes. — p. 101-176: Livre troisiesme. Des instrvmens a chordes. — p. 177-228: Livre qvatriesme. Des instrvmens a chordes (p. 186-189: Fantaisie a 5. composee par le sieur Henry le Ieune) — p. 225-308: Livre cinqviesme. Des instrvmens a vent. — p. 1. [1]: A Monsievr Monsievr Pascal . . . (signed by the author) — p. 1. [2]: Preface au lecteur. Fautes suruenues en l'impression du traite de l'or- gue. — p. 309-412: Livre sixiesme. Des orgves. — p. 1-72: Livre septiesme. Des instrvmens de percvssion (p. [66J-69: Requiem a cinq parties compose par Iac- ques Mauduit) — p. 73-79: Fautes de l'impression, & quelques aduis. Essay des moralitez tirees de la pure mathematique. — p. 1-28: Novvelles observations physiqves et mathematiqves. — p. [1-9]: Table des xix. liures de musique. — p. [10] : Premiere observation. — p. [11-12]: Seconde observation. ML100.A2M3 Les prelvdes de l'harmonie vniverselle, ov Qvestions cvrievses. Vtiles aux predicateurs, aux theologiens, aux astrologues, aux mede- cins & aux philosophes. Composees par le L. P. M. M. Paris, H. Gvenon, 1634. 7 p. 1., 224 p. illus. 17£ cm . ML3800.A2M5 Traite de rharmonie vniverselle. Oil est contenu la musique theo- rique & pratique des anciens & modernes, auec les causes de ses effets. Enrichie de raisons prises de la philosophie, & des mathematiques. Par le sieur de Sermes [pseud.] A Pans, pour Gvillavme Bavdry, 1627. 2 pt. in 1 v. illus., tables, diagrs. 18 cm . Title-page, with printer's mark (?) verso blank. — Epistre (A Monsievr Monsievr de Refvge, conseiller dv roy en sa cour de Parlement. Signed: F. de Sermes) 9] p. — Preface av lectevr, [7] p.— Sommaire des seize liures de la musique, 5] p. — Preface dv premier livre, [2] p. — Table des theoremes dv premier livre, 7] p. — Livre premier de la mvsiqve. Qui contient ce qu'enseignent Euclide, Ptolomee, Bacchius, Boece, Guy Aretin, Faber, Glarean, Folian, Zarlin, Salinas, Galilee, l'lllumina to, Cerone, &c. & plusieurs autres choses qui n'ont point este traitees iusques a present, p. 1-304, followed by Exemples des xn. modes, [4] p. — Title: Livre second de l'Harmonie vniverselle. Oil l'harmonie de toutes les parties du monde est expliquee tant en general qu'en particulier. Par le sieur de Sermes. A Paris, povr Gvillavme Bavdry . . . m.dc.xxvii. Auec privilege du roy. Verso blank. — Epistre (A Monsievr Monsievr Covtel, conseiller dv roy en sa Covr des aydes. Signed: Francois de Sermes), [7] p. — Preface dv second livre, [8] p. — Table des theoremes dv second livre, [3] p. — Livre second des paralleles de la mvsiqve. Auquel on void le rapport qu'ont les sons, les con- sonances, & les autres interuales auec la rythmique [etc., etc.], p. 305-477 (p. 368 wrongly numbered 378, no. 369-370 omitted) — Fautes du premier liure. Fautes du second liure, [1] p. ML3805.A2M68 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 181 Metaphrastes, Simeon, der jiingere, pseud. See Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm. Legende einiger musik- heiligen, 1786. Metodo per suonare il flauto con principj ristretti di musica. [21] p. 30 x 21 cm . 18th cent. ms. On p. [14] "Regole per aprendere la musica," which are extensively explained in the following "Spiegazione degl' antecedenti articoli." ML96.M Meude-Monpas, J. J. O. de. Dictionnaire de musique, dans lequel on simplifie les expressions et les definitions mathematiques et physiques qui ont rapport a cet art; avec des remarques impartiales sur les poetes lyriques, les veri- ficateurs, les compositeurs, acteurs, executants, ect, ect . . . Par J. J. O. de Meude-Monpas, chevalier. Paris, Knapen et fils, 1787. xvj, 232 p. 18£ cm . ML108.A2M2 Meurs, Johannes van, 1579-1639, editor. Aristoxenvs. Nicomachvs. Alypivs. Auctores musices antiquis- simi, hactenus non editi. Ioannes Mevrsivs nunc primus vulgavit, & notas addidit. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Lvdovici Elzeviri, typis G. Basson, 1616. 4 p. 1., 160 (t. e. 196) p. 19£ x 13£ cm . Printer's mark: open music book. Last page numbered 160 for 196. Contents. — ' Ap:ozo£kvoo 'ApfioviKwv OTotxtlcov ptftXia y / . — N.'Kofi&xou repaai}vou IluQayoptKob % AppjovcKt\g lyxeipldcov. BcftX'ca duo. — , AXutz'cod Eiaafwpj {iouockJ). ML167.M57 See also Philostratus. Epistolse, 1616. [Meusnier de Querlon, Anne Gabriel] 1702-1780. Le code lyrique, ou reglement pour l'Opera de Paris. Avec des eclaircissemens nistoriques. A Utopie, chez Thomas Morus, a l'en- seigne des Terres australes. [Paris] 1743. 1 p. 1., 95 p. 15£ x 8£ cm . ML1727.8.P2M59 [Meyer, Carl Gottfried] compiler. Sammlung einiger nachrichten von beriihmten orgel-wercken in Teutschland, mit vieler muhe aufgesetzt von einem liebhaber der musik. Breslau, C. G. Meyer, 1757. 2 p. 1., 112 p. illus. 23 x 18 em . Appended is a description of organs in Dresden (Katholische kirche) Berlin (St. Nikolai) etc. 19 p. ms. ML594.A2M3 [Meyer, Joachim] 1661-1732. Unvorgreiffliche gedancken uber die neulich eingerissene theatra- lische kirchen-music und denen darinnen bishero ublich gewordenen cantaten mit vergleichung der music voriger zeiten, zur verbesserung der unsrigen vorgestellet von J. M. D. [Lemgo] 1726. 70 p. 15} cm . ML3001.M61 182 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Michaelis, Christian Friedrich, 1770-1834. Ueber den geist der tonkunst, mit rucksicht auf Kants Kritik der asthetischen urtheilskraf t ; ein asthetischer versuch von Christian Friedrich Michaelis . . . Leipzig, Schaferische buchhandlung, 1795- 1800. 2 v. (v. 1: 134, [2] p.; v. 2: 3 p. 1., 160 p.) 18 cm . Title vignette. Title of vol. 2 varies slightly. " Verzeichniss einiger neuerer musikalisch-asthetischer schriften und auf- satze": v. [1] p. 125-134. ML3845.A2M62 Michel, Gaspar. See Leblond, Gaspar Michel, called. Michele, Antonio di, d. 1680. La nvova chitarra di regole, dichiarationi, e figvre con la regola della scala. Composta da Don Antonino di Micheli ... Con aggiun- ta d'arie siciliane, e sonate di varij auttori. Palermo, Per P. Cop- pula stamp, earner., 1698. 2 p. 1., 70, [2] p. 1 illus., diagrs. 14$ x 21 cm . Title vignette. An earlier edition was published at Palermo in 1680. MT582.A2M4 [Micheli, Henry] 1714-1789. De arte medendi apud priscos musices ope atque carminum epistola ad Antonium Relhan . . . Ed. altera & auctior . . . Londini, ex- cudebat J. Nichols, 1783. 81, [1] p. 22 cm . Caption of dedication: Viro summo comiti de Shelburne &c. s. p. d. Michael Gaspar [pseud, of Henry Micheli] ML3920.A2M5 Mignot, de La Voye. See La Voye Mignot, de. Milbourne, Luke, 1649-1720. Psalmody recommended in a sermon preach' d to the Company of parish-clerks, at St. Alban's Woodstreet, November 17. at St. Giles's in the Fields, November 22, 1712. and now publish'd at the desire of the hearers. By Luke Milbourne . . . London, J. Downing, 1713. 1 p. 1., x, 35 p. 19 cm . ML3001.M64 Milchmeyer, Johann Peter, 1750-1813. Die wahre art das pianoforte zu spielen . . . von J. P. Milchmeyer ... Zu haben in Dresden beym verfasser . . . Dresden, Gedruckt bei C. C. Meinhold, 1797. 4 p. 1., 72 p. 23x32£ cm . MT222.A2M64 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 183 Milioni, Pietro. Vero e f acil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con Talfabetto, & accordatura ordi- naria, ma anco con vn' altro alfabetto, & acordatura straordinaria, nuouamente inuentati da Pietro Milioni, et Lodovico Monte com- pagni. Con vna regola per imparare il modo d'accordare sei chitarre, per poterle sonare insieme in concerto, ciascuna per differente chiaue. Venetia, G. Zim, 1684. 48 p. 1 illus. 9J x 15J cm . Illustrated t.-p. Earlier editions were published in 1644, 1652, etc. M127.M6 Miller, Edward, 1731-1807. Elements of thorough bass and composition, in which the rules of accompaniment for the harpsichord or piano-forte are rendered amu- sing by the introduction of eight Italian, eight French & twelve Eng- lish songs collected from the works of eminent composers antient & modern. With proper lessons for practise ... by Edward Miller . . . Opera quinta. London, Longman & Broderip [1787] 8, 88 p. 32 cm . Engraved, with the exception of p. [3]-8 (first group) MT49.A2M5 A treatise on thorough bass and composition, in which the rules of accompaniment are laid down and a variety of proper lessons are given — the whole calculated for such performers as are unacquainted with the principles of harmony, by Edw* 1 . Miller . . . Dublin, E. Lee [1787] 1 p. 1., 52 p. 33 cm . Engraved throughout. MT49.A2M52 Mimnermus, pseud. See Printz, Wolfgang Caspar. Mingotti, Regina (Valentini) 1728-1807. An appeal to the publick, by Signora Mingotti. London, Printed for the authoress [1756 ?] l p. 1., 13 p. 20£ x 16 cm . Relating her contentions with the opera manager Vanneschi. ML420.M46 [Minguet e Irol, Pablo] d. 1801 ? Reglas, y advertencias generales que ensenan el modo de tafler todos los instrumentos mejores, y mas usuales, como son la guitarra, tiple, vandola, cythara, clavicordio, organo, harpa, psalterio, ban- durria, violin, flauta travesera, flauta dulce, y la nautilla, con varios tanidos, danzas, contradanzas, y otras cosas semejantes . . . [Madrid, J. Ibarra, 1753-54] [64] p. front., 17 pi. 14£ x 20 cm . In four parts, each with special t.-p. bearing the author's name. The appro- bation of part [1] is dated 1753, the t.-p. of part [4], 1754; the second and third parts are not dated. MT582.A2M3 184 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Biquetti, comte de] 1749-1791. Le lecteur y mettra le titre. Londres, 1777. 95, [1] p. 21 cm . An essay on music. Contains an analysis of a symphony by Raimondi, "Les aventures de Teleniaque." ML3845.A2M67 Minis, Adam Erdmann, 1656-1727. Kurtze fragen aus der musica sacra, worinnen denen liebhabern bey lesung der biblischen historien / eine sonderbabre nachricht gegeben wird / entworffen von M. Adam Erdmann Miro . . . Dresden, J. C. Zimmermann, 1715. 3 p. 1., 180 p. front. 14 cm . First edition, Gorlitz, 1707. ML166.A2M6 Missery, Antoine Suremain de. See Suremain de Missery, Antoine. Mizler von Kolof, Lorenz Christoph, 1711-1778. Anfangs-griinde des general basses nacb mathematiscber lebr-art abgehandelt, und vercmttelst einer hierzu erfundenen mascbine auf das deutlichste vorgetragen von Lorenz Mizlern ..." Leipzig, Zu finden bey dem verfasser [1739] 4 p. 1., 123 (t.-c. 137), [l]p. vpl. 17} cm . Page 137 wrongly numbered 123. MT49.A2M68 Dissertatio qvod mvsica scientia sit et pars ervditionis philosophi- cae . . . Ed. 2. avctior et longe emendatior cvm praefatione nova. Lipsiae et Wittebergae, recvsa in officina Hakiana, 1736. 4 p. 1., 24 p. 19i x 16 em . ML3800.A2M6 Musikalischer staarstecber in welchem rechtschaffener musikver- standigen fehler bescheiden angemerket, eingebildeter und selbst gewachsener so genannten componisten tborbeiten aber lacherlich gemachet werden. Als ein anhang ist des herrn Riva . . . Nachricbt vor die componisten und sanger beygefuget, und aus dem italienischen ins Deutsche ubersetzet von Lorenz Mizlern, a. m. Leipzig, Auf kosten des verfassers [1740] 4 p. 1., 118, [3] p. fold. pi. 16£ cm . Issued monthly (1.-7 .stuck) 1739-40. The appendix has title: Anhang zum Musikalischen staarstecher welcher bestehet in einer Nachricht vor die componisten und sanger, in italienischer sprache aufgesetzt vom herrn Riva, damaligen residenten desherzogs von Modena zu Londen, und daselbst hrsg. bey Tomaso-Edlin anno 1728 . . . Leipzig, 1740. " Verzeichnis der schrifften und bucher, welche M. Lorenz Mizler . . . geschrie- ben": p. 117-118. ML4.M89 Lorenz Mizlers . . . Neu er6ffnete musikalische bibliothek, oder Grundlicbe nacbricht nebst unpartbeyiscbem urtbeil von musikali- EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 185 Mizler von Kolof , Lorenz Christoph — Continued. schen schriften und biichem . . . Leipzig, Im verlag des verfassers und bey Brauns erben in commission, 1739-54. 4 v. fold, plates, 3 port. (inch front.) fold tables, fold, diagrs. 17$ cm (v. 4: 19 cm ) Vol. 1 was issued in 6 parts, 1736-38; vol. 2 in 4 parts, 1740-43; vol. 3 in 4 parts, 1746-52. Of vol. 4 only the first part was published. Contains music. Vol. 2 has title: Lorenz Mizlers Musikalische bibliothek . . . worinn alles, was aus der mathematik, philosophie und den schSnen wissenschafften zur erlaute- rung und verbesserung sowol der theoretischen als practischen musik geh6ret . . . beygebracht wird . . . Leipzig, Im Mizlerischen bucherverlag, 1743. Vol. 3 and vol. 4, part 1, have same title with slight variations. ML4.M37 See also Voigt, C. Gesprach von der musik, 1742. Mizler von Kolof, Lorenz Christoph, 1711-1778, translator. See Fux, J. J. Gradvs ad Parnassvm, 1742. Molette, Philippe du Contant de la. See Du Oontant de La Molette, Philippe. Moline, Pierre Louis, 1739-1820. See Bjedel, F. J. Ueber die musik des ritters Christoph von Gluck, 1775. Momigny, Jerome Joseph, b. 1762, editor. See Framery, N. fi. Musique, 1791-1818. Monnet, Jeah, 1703-1785. Supplement au Roman comique [de ScarronJ, ou Memoires pout servir a la vie de Jean Monnet, ci-devant directeur de FOpera- Comique a Paris, de 1' Opera de Lyon, & d'une Com6die francoise a Londres, ecrits par lui-meme . . . Londres, 1773. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 4 p. 1., 135, [3] p.; v. 2: 2 p. 1., 192, [6] p.) 18£ cm . ML429.M67 Monpas, J. J. O. de Meude- See Meude-Monpas, J. J. O. de. Montanos, Francisco de. Arte de canto llano. Con- entonaciones comunes de coro y altar, y otras cosas diversas, como se vera en la tabla. En todo va acen- tuado el punto con la letra, y algunas cosas remitidas puestas ad longum. Compuesto por Francisco de Montanos, y aora nueva- mente corregido, y enmendado por Sebastian Lopez de Velasco . . . Anadida la Missa del angel custodio . . . Zaragoca, I. de Ibar, 1670. 2 p. 1., 164 p. 21 x 15£ cm . MT860.A2M76 Arte de musica theorica y pratica, de Francisco de Montanos . . . Valladolid, Impresso en casa de D. Fernandez de Cordova, 1592. 6 pt. in 1 v. illus., diagrs. 20 cm . Title-page wanting; title taken from Catalogue de la bibliotheque de F. J. Fetis, Brussels, 1877. ML171.M76 186 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Montdorge, Antoine Gauthier de. See Gauthier de Montdorge, Antoine. Monte, Lodovico. Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare da se medesimo la chitarra spagnuola, non solo con l'alfabetto, & accordatura ordi- naria, ma anco con vn' altro alfabetto, & acordatura straordinaria, nuouamente inuentati da Pietro Milioni, et Lodovico Monte com- pagni. Con vna regola per imparare il modo d' accordare sei chitarre, per poterle sonare msieme in concerto, ciascuna per differente chiaue. Venetia, G. Zim, 1684. 48 p. 1 illus. 9£ x 15J cm . Illustrated t.-p. Earlier editions were published in 1644, 1652, etc. M127.M6 Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de, 1667-1737. Nouvelle methode pour apprendre la musique par des demonstra- tions faciles, suivies d'un grand nombre de lecons a une et a deux voix, avec des tables qui facilitent 1' habitude des transpositions et la conoissance des differentes mesures . . . Par M r . Monteclair . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur [etc.] 1709. 4 p. 1., 64 p. diagrs. 28 x 21£ cm . Engraved throughout; line borders. MT6.A2M77 Principes de musique. Divisez en quatre parties.- La premiere partie contient tout ce qui appartient a r intonation. La n. me partie tout ce qui regarde la mesure et le mouvement. La m. e partie la maniere ae joindre les paroles aux nottes et de bien former les agree- ments du chant. La iv. e partie est l'abrege d'un nouveau syst§me de musique, par lequel l'auteur fait voir qu'en changeant peu de choses dans la maniere de notter la musique, on en rendroit l'etude et la pratique plus aisees. Composez . . . par M r . de Monteclair ... Se vend a Paris, rue S* Honore a la Regie d'or [veuve Boivin, 1736] 3 p. 1., 133 p. diagrs. 31£ cm . Engraved throughout. MT835.A2M68 Montenegro, Benito Jeronimo Feijoo y. See Feijoo y Montenegro, Benito Jeronimo. Montenoy, Charles Palissot de. See Palissot de Montenoy, Charles. Montes, Diego de Roxas y. See Roxas y Montes, Diego de. Morabin, Jacques, 1687-1762. See Chateauneuf, F. de Castagneres, abbe de. Dialogue sur la musique des anciens, 1725. EABLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 187 Moraes Pedroso, Manuel de. Compendio musico, ou Arte abbreviada em que se contem as regras mais necessarias da cantoria, acompanhamento, e contraponto . . . Por Manoel de Moraes Pedroso . . . Porto, Na officina episcopal do capitao M. Pedroso Coimbra, 1751. 6 p. 1., 47, [3] p. illus. 20 cm . MT40.A2M82 Morambert, Antoine Jacques Labbet, abbe de, 1721-1756. See Laugier, M. A. Sentiment d'un harmoniphile [1756] [Morand, Pierre de] 1701-1757. Justification de la musique francoise. Contre la querelle qui lui a et6 faite par un Allemand & un Allobroge. Adressee par elle-meme au coin de la reine le jour qu'avec Titon & l'Aurore elle s'est remise en possession de son theatre ... La Haye [i. e. Paris] 1754 2 p. I., viij, 55 p. 21£ cm . "La deuxieme critique [qui a paru contre Rousseau de Geneve] ... est de Morand le poete et d'Esteve, ce qu'il y a de plaisant, c'est que dans la partie que Morand a faite, il a cite avec eloge des bribes du Livre des beaux arts par Esteve, et dans celle qu' Esteve a faite, il a cit6 des vers lyriques de Morand." — Extract from Bibl. nat. ms. francais 22158 in 4° (cf. note under Baton) ML1727.33.M82 Morato, Joao Vaz Barradas Muitopao e. See Vaz Barradas Muitopao e Morato, Joao. Moreau, Henri, 1728-1803. L'harmonie mise en pratique. Avec un tableau de tous les accords, la methode de s'en servir, & des regies utiles a ceux qui etudient la composition ou l'accompagnement. Cet ouvrage qui est recueilli de tous les meilleurs auteurs, contient des exemples sur toutes les con- sonnances & dissonnances a deux, a trois, & a quatre parties, &c. de m^me que fugues, points d'orgue, chromatique, &c. . . . Par H. Moreau . . . Liege, J. G. M. Loxhay, 1783. 4 p. 1., 128 p. a-i, k-p fold. pi. 20 cm . MT50.A2M83 Moreschi, Giovanni Battista Alessandro. Orazione in lode del padre maestro Giambattista Martini, recitata da Giambattista Alessandro Moreschi nella solenne accademia de' Fervidi 1' ultimo giorno dell' anno 1784. Bologna, Stamperia di S. Tommaso d' Aquino, 1786. 38 p., 1 1. incl. front, (port.) 23 x 16A CB1 . ML423.M29M5 Moretus, Theodore, 1602-1667, praeses. Propositiones mathematicse ex harmonica, de soni magnitudine . . . Vratislavise, typis Baumannianis, exprimebat J. C. Jacob [1664] [20] p. illus., diagrs. 17$ x 14J cm . Diss. — Breslau (Gottfried Fibig, respondent) ML3807.A2F4 188 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Morley, Thomas, 1557-1603 ? A plaine and easie introdvction to practicall mvsicke, set downe In forme of a dialogue: deuided into three partes, the first teacheth to sing with all things necessary for the knowledge of pricktsong. The second treateth of descante and to sing two parts in one vpon a plain- song or ground, with other things necessary for a descanter. The third and last part entreateth of composition of three, foure, flue or more parts with many profitable rules to that effect. With new songs of, 2. 3. 4. and .5 parts. By Thomas Morley . . . Imprinted at Lon- don by P. Short, 1597. 3 p. 1., 183, [35] p. diagrs. 27£ cm . Illustrated t.-p.; initials; head and tail pieces. "Authors whose authorities be either cited or vsed in this booke " : [1] p. at end. MT6.A2M84 A plaine and easie introdvction to practicall mvsicke, set downe in forme of a dialogue: diuided into three parts. The first teacheth to sing, with all things necessarie for the knowledge of pricktsong. The second treateth of descante, and to sing two parts in one vpon a plainsong or ground, with other things necessarie for a descanter. The third and last part entreateth of composition of three, foure, fiue or more parts, with many profitable rules to that effect. With new songs of, 2. 3. 4. and 5. parts. By Thomas Mor- ley . . . London, Imprinted by H. Lownes, 1608. 3 p. 1., 183, [35] p. 29 cm . Illustrated t.-p.; initials; head and tail pieces. ' 'Authors whose authorities be either cited or vsed in this booke " : [1] p. at end. MT6.A2M86 A plain and easy introduction to practical music, set down in form of a dialogue, divided into three parts, the first teacheth to sing, the second treateth of descant, the third treateth of composition, by Thomas Morley ... As printed in the year 1597. Now reprinted for W. Randall, London, 1771. 5 p. 1., iv, 257, [l]p., 11., 29 p. diagrs. 26J x 21£ cm . Engraved t.-p. "Motetts, canzonets &c. ... in score": 1 1., 29 p. at end. MT6.A2M87 Morliere, Jacques Roche tte de la. See Lamorliere, Jacques Rochette de. Mothe Le Vayer, Francois de la. See La Mothe Le Vayer, Francois de. [Moyria, Gabriel, vicomte de] 1771-1839. Lettre sur la musique moderne. Par G***M*** ... Bourg, Dufour et Josserand, 1797. 56 p. 20i cm . ML195.M69 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 189 Mozart, Johann Georg Leopold, 1719-1787. Versuch einer grundlichen violinschule, entworfen und mit 4. kupfertafeln sammt einer tabelle versehen von Leopold Mozart . . . Augspurg, Verlag des verfassers, 1756. 8 p. 1., 264 p., 2 1., [8] p. front, (port.) 4 pi. (1 fold.) 22* x 17i c ». MT262.A2M9 Leopold Mozarts . . . Grundliche violinschule, mit vier kupfer- tafeln und einer tabelle. 2. verm. aufl. Auf kosten des verfassers. Augsburg, Gedruckt bey J. J. Lotter, 1770. 8 p. 1., 268, [8] p. front, (port.) 4 pi. (1 fold.) 22 x 18 c *». MT262.A2M92 Muller, August Eberhard, 1767-1817. Anweisung zum genauen vortrage der Mozartschen c'aviercon- certe hauptsachlich in absicht richtiger applicatur, von A. E. Muller. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Hartel [1796] 1 p. 1., [1], 24 p. 32 x 26 cm . Engraved throughout. MT247.A2M9 Miiller, Johann Christian, 1749-1796. Anleitung zum selbstunterricht auf der harmonika, von Johann Christian Muller. Leipzig, S. L. Crusius, 1788. 4 p. 1., 48 p. 25} x 22 cm . Title vignette: port. MT670.M9 Minister, Joseph Joachim Benedict, Musices instructio in brevissimo regulari compendio radicaliter data. Das ist : Kurzist- doch wohl grundlicher weeg und wahrer unterricht die edle sing-kunst denen regeln gemass recht aus dem fundament zu erlernen ... in druck gegeben von Josepho Joachimo Benedicto Miinster ... 8. aufl. Nicht allein mit denen sieben fundamental- regeln, welche nicht mit worten alleine, wie bey der 1. aufl., sondern in scala musica zu leichterer eindruckung der jugend in der andern aufl. ganz ausgesetzter zu finden gewesen, sondern auch in der 3. mit noch einem denen versiculanten wohlanstandigen anhang vermehret. Augsburg, J. J. Lotter, 1768. 32 p. 18} x 21 cm . MT44.A2M9 Scala Jacob ascendendo, & descendendd. Das ist : Kurtzlich / doch wohlgegrundete anleitung / und vollkommener unterricht / die edle choral-music denen reglen gemass recht aus dem fundament zu erlernen ... in druck gegeben von Josepho Joachimo Benedicto Miinster ... 2. aufl. Augspurg, J. J. Lotters seel, erben, 1756. 38 p. 17 x 2l cm . MT860.A2M83 Muitopao e Morato, Joao Vaz Barradas. See Vaz Barradas Muitopao e Morato, Joao. 190 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Murschhauser, Franz Xaver Anton, 1663-1738. Academia musico-poetica bipartita. Oder: Hohe schul der musi- calischen composition in zwey theil eingetheilt. Per definitiones, divisiones, regulas universales & particulares, explicationes, limita- tiones, & obiectionum solutiones &c. Mit emsiger untersucliung aller zu dieser honen wissenschafft dienlichen materien / und umstanden / auch vermeidung aller unnothwendigen weitlaufftigkeiten &c. nach des welt-beruhmten herrn Johann Caspar Kerlls . . . und anderer approbirten classicorum tradition getreulich . . . beschrieben / und durchaus mit exemplis wohl erlautert / in druck hervor gegeben / durch Franciscum Xaverium Murschhauser . . . Erster theil. Wel- cher handelt von denen intervallis; dann von denen con- und disso- nantibus; nachgehends von denen tonis, oder modis musicis, sowohl choralibus, als figuratis, mit angehangten transpositionibus. Nurn- berg, W. M. Endter, 1721. 7 p. 1., 186, [10] p. 31i c ». No more published. In the present edition the title does not contain the words "Um dem vortreff- lichen herrn Mattheson ein mehres licht zu geben ..." as in the edition of same place and date quoted by Vogeleis (Kirchenmusikalisches jahrb., 1901, p. 11) and in the Augsburg edition of 1721 given by Eitner. Mattheson's reply was published in his Critica musica, p. 1-88 ("Die melopo- etische lichtscheere") MT40.A2M98 Fundamentalische kurz, und bequeme handleithug so wohl zur figural- als choral-music, aus denen alt- und neyen approbierten, uohrnembsten kunst-meisteren underschidlicher nationen herausge- zogen, denen Uebhaberen der edlen music-kunst zum besten, denen instructoribus zwar zum vortheil, dene lehrnede aber, als eine zur Eerfectio hochst-nothwendige wisseschafft zu nuzen uerfast, und eruorgegeben durch Franz Xaueriti Antonium Murschhauser. Munchen, In verlegung des authoris, 1707. [33] p. 19 x 28 cm . Engraved throughout. MT44.A2M92 A musical directory for the year 1794. To be continued annually. Containing the names and address of the composers & professors of music, with a number of amateurs . . . Also the names and address of the principal music-sellers, and instrument-makers . . . &c. Lon- don, Printed for the editor, pub. by R. H. Westley [1794] vii, 87 p. 19 cm . Dedication signed: J. Doane. ML286.8.L5D5 Musices choralis medulla, sive Cantus gregoriani fundamentalis tra- ditio, una cum tonis communibus, hymnis, antiphonis, lectione mensali &c. Ad usum Fratrum minorum strictioris observantise, provincise Saxonise S. Crucis, ordinis seraphici patris S. Francisci. Paderbornse, typis Joachimi F. Buch, 1714. 1 p. 1., 146, 92, 4 p. 13£ x 7£ cm . MT860.A2M87 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 191 Musik. Von Carl Friedrich Cramer . . . Dec. 1788-Apr. 1789. Copenhagen, S. Sonnichsen, 1789. 346 p. 4 fold. 1. (music) 16 cm . ML4.M3 Der Musikalische dillettante ; eine wochenschrif t. Wien, Gedruckt bey J. Kurtzb6cken, 1770. 424, [1] p. 22£ x 18 cm . A treatise on thorough-bass, issued in 53 numbers, each of which is accompa- nied by music. The dedication and index announced on p. 4 do not appear in this copy. Has been ascribed to J. F. Daube. The preface, however, is signed "Die verfasser," and this accords with the advertisement in the Augsburger kunst- zeitung cited by Freystatter, which reads "Der musikalische dilettante. Wo- chenschrif t herausgegeben von einer gesellschaft virtuosen ..." ML4.M40 Musikalische monathsschrift. 1.-6. stuck; jul.-dec. 1792. Berlin, Neue berlinische musikhandlung [1792] cover-title, 172 p. 26 em . J. F. Reichardt, F. L. A. Kunzen, editors. Preceded by Musikalisches wochenblatt. Reissued, Berlin, 1793, together with the Musikalisches wochenblatt, under title: Studien fur tonkiinstler und musikfreunde. ML4.M45 Musikalische nachrichten und anmerkungen, 1770. See W6chentliche nachrichten, 1766-70. Musikalische real-zeitung ... 2. julii 1788-30. junii 1790. Speier, Expedition dieser zeitung; [etc., etc., 1788-90] 4 v. in 1. 21$ x 17£ cm . weekly. H. P. C. Bossier, J. F. Christmann, editors. The musical supplements were issued separately as "Anthologie zur Real- zeitung." Continued as "Musikalische correspondenz der Deutschen filarmonischen gesellschaft." ML4.M48 Musikalischer almanach auf das jahr 1782. Alethinopel [1782?] 20 p. 1., 116 p. 17£ cm . Added t.-p., engr. Facing p. 106 is a second title not included in paging: Musikalisches handbuch auf das jahr 1782. Alethinopel. Attributed by most authorities to Carl Ludwig Junker. Eitner ascribes to Johann Friedrich Reichardt (Monatshefte f iir musikgeschichte, 12, 144) Forkel quotes as a supplement to this: Sichtbare und unsichtbare sonnen- und mondfinsternisse, die sich zwar im Musikalischen handbuch oder Musikalmanach f iir das jahr 1782. befinden, aber nicht angezeigt sind. Alethinopel (Berlin) 1782. ML20.M60 Musikalischer und kunstler-almanach auf das jahr 1783. Kosmopolis [1783 ?] 16 p. 1., [25]-168 p. front. 17$ cm . Ascribed to Carl Ludwig Junker. The third and last issue appeared as "Musikalischer almanach auf das jahr 1784. Freyburg." ML20.M61 192 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Musikalischer almanach fur Deutschland auf das jahr 1782-84, 1789. Leipzig, Schwickert [1782-89] 4 v. 16i-17| cm . Edited by Johann Nicolaus Forkel. ML20.M63 Musikalischer almanach, hrsg. von Johann Friedrich Reichardt. Mit 12 neuen in kupfer gestochenen liedern. Berlin, J. F. Unger, 1796. [177] p. 12 pi. 11 x 8i cm . No more published. ML20.R3 Musikalisches handw6rterbuch, oder Kurzgefasste anleitung, sammtliche im musikwesen vorkommende, vornehmlich auslandi- sche kunstw6rter richtig zu schreiben, auszusprechen und zu ver- stehn. Nebst einem anhange, welcher sehr wichtige musik-vor- theile und eine neue erfindung beschreibt. Ein buch fur jeden, der die musik treibt, lehrt oder lernt . . . Weimar, C. L. Hoffmanns seel, wittwe und erben, 1786. 10 p. 1., [5]-222 p. fold. pi. 18 cm . Ascribed to J. G. L. von Wilke. ML108.A2M9 Musikalisch.es kunstmagasin, von Johann Friederich Reichardt . . . 1.-2. bd. (i.-viii. stuck); 1781-91. Berlin, Im verlage des ver- fassers, 1782-91. 2 v. 29 x 26 cm . quarterly. "Chronologisches verzeichnis der 6ffentlich im druck und kupferstich er- schienenen musikalischen werke von Johann Friederich Reichardt": v. 1, p. 207-209; v. 2, p. 124-125. ML4.M52 Musikalisches wochenblatt. 1.-2. hft. (stuck 1-24); 1791-92. Berlin, In der Neuen berlinischen musikhandlung [1791-92] cover-title, 191, [1] p. 26 cm . J. F. Reichardt, F. L. A. Kunzen, editors. Superseded by the Musikalische monathsschrift. Reissued Berlin, 1793, together with the Musikalische monathsschrift, under title: Studien fur tonkunstler und musikfreunde. ML4.M8 La musique du diable, ou Le Mercure galant devalise. A Paris, chez Robert le Turc, rue d'Enfer, 1711. 11 p. 1., 381 p. front. 13£ cm . Supposed adventures of Mile. Desmatins of the Opera, in the Inferno. Intro- duces Lully and other celebrities of the time. ML1727.3.A2M9 Mylius, Andrteas, 1649-1702, praeses. . . . Jura circa musicos egclesiasticos . . . Lipsise, Uteris C. Banck- manni [1688] [40] p. 19 x 14j cm . Dis3. — Leipzig (J. Kuhnau, respondent and author) ML3795.A2K87 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 193 N., N. See Abreu, A. Escuela para tocar ... la guitarra, 1799. Nachgedanken herrn m. Joh. Gottl. Biedermanns rect. der schule zu Freyberg liber sein programma De vita musica in einem verweis- schreiben an eine nocnwurdige person zu Freyberg entworfen. Freyberg, Auf kosten des verfassers, 1750. 8 p. 21£ x 17 cm . This is in reality a sharp attack on Biedermann, who had published the year preceding a pamphlet "De vita musica," directed against J. F. Doles. The letter ends with the following verse: Wer Biedermannen nennt, wird einen Midas nennen, und Wer Biedermannen kennt, wird leicht den W kennen. In L. of C. copy the name WiliBch has been inserted in the last line with pen and ink. ML64.B42 Nachtigall, Othmar. See Luscinius, Ottmar. Narro, Manuel, d. 1776. Adicion al Compendio del arte de canto llano. Su autor el R. P. F. Pedro Villasagra . . . La escribia Don Manuel Narro . . . Valencia, Impr. de la viuda de J. de Orga, 1766. 12 p. 21 em . ( With Villasagra, Pedro de. Arte, y compendio del canto llano. Valencia, 1765) MT860.A2V6 Nassarre, Pablo, h. 1664. Escvela mvsicaj segvn la practica moderna, dividida en primera, y segvnda parte. Esta primera contiene qvatro libros, el primero trata del sonido armonico, de svs divisiones, y de sus efectos. El segvndo, del canto llano, de sv vso en la iglesia, y del provecho espiritual que produce. El tercero, del canto de organo, y del fin, porqve se introduxo en la iglesia, con otras advertencias necessarias. El qvarto, de las proporciones qve se contraen de sonido a sonido; de las que ha de llevar cada instrumento musico ; y las observancias, que han de tener los artifices de ellos. Sv avtor el padre Fr. Pablo Nassarre . . . Zaragoza, Herederos de Diego de Larvmbe, 1723-24. 2 v. (v. 1: 14 p. 1., 501, [10] p.; v. 2: 6 p. 1., 506 p.) 30£ cm . Vol. 2 has title: Segvnda parte de la Escvela mvsica, que contiene quatro libros. El primero, trata de todas las especies, consonantes, y disonantes; de sus qualidades, y como se deven usar en la musica. El segvndo, de variedad de contrapuntos, assi sobre canto llano, como de canto de organo, conciertos, sobre baxo, sobre tiple, a tres, a quatro, y a cinco. El tercero, de todo genero de composicion, a qualquier numero de vozes. El qvarto, trata de la glossa, y de otras advertencias necessarias a los composi tores. Compuesto por fray Pablo Nassarre . . . Zaragoza, Herederos de M. Roman, impressor de la Vniversidad, 1723. MT60.A2N6 Fragmentos mvsicos. Reglas generales, y muy necessarias para canto llano, canto de organo, contrapunto, y composicion. Com- pvestos por Fr. Pablo Nassarre . . . Zaragoca, T. G. Martinez, 1683. 8 p. 1., 142 p. 15A cm . MT40.A2N25 51234°— 13 13 194 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Nassarre, Pablo — Continued. Fragmentos musicos, repartidos en quatro tratados. En que se hallan reglas generales, y muy necessarias para canto llano, canto de organo, contrapunto, y composicion. Compuestos por Fr. Pablo Nassarre ... Y aora nuevamente anadido el vltimo tratado por el mismo autor; y juntamente exemplificados con los caracteres musicos de que carecia. Sacalos a luz . . . D. Joseph de Torres . . . Madrid, En su imprenta de musica, 1700. 8 p. L, 288 p. 21 em . MT40.A2N26 Nauss, Johann Xaver. Grundlicher unterricht den general-bass recht zu erlernen, worinnen denen anfangern zum vortheil, nebst denen nothwendigsten regeln und exempeln, zugleich auch der finger-zeig mit ziffern sowohl im bass als discant deutlich gewiesen wird. Von Johann Xaveri Nauss . . . Augsburg, J. J. Lotter, 1769. 32 p. 17$ x 20 cm . An earlier edition was published at Augsburg in 1751. MT49.A2N2 Navas, Francisco Marcos y. See Marcos y Navas, Francisco. Negri, Cesare, o. 1546? Nuove inventioni di balli, opera vaghissima di Cesare Negri Milanese detto il Trombone . . . nella quale si danno i giusti modi del ben portar la vita, e di accomodarsi con leggiadria di movimento alle creanze, e grazie d'amore, convenevoli a tutti i cavalieri e dame per ogni sorta di balletto, e brando d'ltalia, di Spagna e di Francia. Con figure in rame, regola di musica et intavolatura di suono et di canto. Milano, G. Bordone, 1604. 5 p. 1., 296 (t. e. 312) p. front, (port.) illus. 29£ cm . The frontispiece is a portrait of the author at the age of 66. Title vignette; full page illustrations, several of which are repeated on different pages; errors in paging. Caption title (Le gratie d'amore di Cesare de Negri . . .) is the same as the title of the 1st edition, 1602. In L. of C. copy the t.-p. is wanting, and is replaced by a facsimile. MT950.A2N3 Neidhardt, Johann Georg, d. 1739. Johann George Neidhardts . . . Beste und leichteste temperatur des monochordi, vermittelst welcher das heutiges tages brauchliche genus .. diatonico-chromaticum also eingerichtet wird / dass alle intervalla, nach geh6riger proportion, einerley schwebung uberkommen / und sich daher die modi regulares in alle und iede claves, in einer ange- nehmen gleichheit / transponiren lassen: worbey vorhero von dem ursprunge der musicalischen proportionum, den generibus musicis, deren fehlern / und unzulanghchkeit anderer verbesserungen gehan- delt wird. Alles aus mathematischen grunden . . . aufgesetzt. Nebst einem darzu gehdrigen kupffer. Jena, Bey J. Bielcken, 1706. 5 p. 1., [3]-104 p., 11. 19 x 15 cm . Plate wanting in this copy. ML3809.A2N26 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 195 Neidhardt, Johann Georg — Continued. Compositio harmonica. Problematice tradita per Joh. Georg Neid- hart, regiae Borussorum musica magistrum. 159 p. 32 cm . Author's autograph, undated. MT40.A2N45 Gantzlich ersch6pfte, mathematische abtheilungen des diatonisch- chromatischen, temperirten canonis monochordi, alwo, in unwieder- sprechlichen regeln und handgreiflichen exempeln, gezeiget wird, wie alle temperaturen zu erfinden, in linien und zahlen darzustellen, und aufzutragen seyn. Den liebhabern grundlicher stimmung mitge- theilet, von Johann George Neidhardt . . . K6nigsberg, C. G. Eckart, 1732. 6 p. I., 52 p. fold. pi. 20J x 17£ cm . ML3809.A2N3 Sectio canonis harmonici, zur v611igen richtigkeit der genervm modvlandi, hrsg. von Johann George Neidhardt . . . Konigsberg, C. G. Eckart, 1724. 8 p. I., 36 p. fold. pi. 21 x 17 cm . The plate is 14 \ x 68 cm . ML3809.A2N32 [Nemeitz, Joachim Christoph] 1679-1753. Von den musicalischen schauspielen, die man opern nennet. (In his . . . Vernunfftige gedancken uber allerhand historische / critische und moralische materien. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1739-45. 18 cm . 6. t., p. 162-189) AC33.N4 Nero, Pietro del. See Mei, G. Discorso sopra la mvsica, 1602. Neue und erleichterte art zu solmisiren, nebst andern vortheilen, die singkunst in kurzer zeit zu erlernen. Denen herren lehrmeistern zu grosser bequemlichkeit, der musikliebenden jugend aber zum sonderbaren nutzen ans licht gestellet von P. J. L. C. R. & B. W. U. Ulm, J. G. Groschopff, 1763. 4 p. 1., 56 p. illus. 17 x 20£ cm . MT44.A2R4 [Neuss, Heinrich Georg] 1654-1716. Musica parabolica, oder parabolische music, das ist, er6rterung etlicher gleichnisse und figuren, die in der music, absonderlich an der trommete befindlich, dadurch die allerwichtigsten geheimnisse der Heiligen Schrift . . . abgemahlet wird . . . [Leipzig, Heinsius erben] 1754. 124 p. 17 x 10 c . m . "Kurtzer entwurf von der music. Den geist der weissheit und offenbahrung zur erkenntniss Gottes und seiner geheimen wahrheit zuvor": p. 90-124. ML3800.A2X2 New and complete instructions for the fife. See The compleat tutor for the fife. 196 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS New and complete instructions for the harpsichord, piano forte or organ, wherein the fundamental principles are fully explain' d . . . 6 by which any one may without the assistance of a master learn to play with taste and judgment in a short time. To which is added a valuable selection of fayorite lessons, marches, airs, songs &c, also the rules of thorough bass by an eminent master . . . London, Printed for G. Astor n°. 79 Cornhill [17—?] 32 p. 18 x 25£ cm . Published between 1798 and 1801. cf. Kidson, British music publishers. Engraved throughout. This copy imperfect, wanting p. 23-24. MT252.A2N3 A new and easie method to learn to sing by book : whereby one (who hath a good voice and ear) may, without other help, learn to sing true by notes. Design'd chiefly for, and applied to, the promoting of psalmody; and furnished with variety of psalm tunes in parts, with directions for that kind of singing . . . London, W. Rogers, 1686. 7 p. 1., 104 p. 18 cm . MT870.A2N4 New instructions for the German flute. See Compleat instructions for the German flute. Newman, John, 1677?-1741. See Practical discourses, 1708. Nichelmann, Christoph, 1717-1762. Die melodie nach ihrem wesen sowohl, als nach ihren eigenschaften, von Christoph Nichelmann . . . Nebst 22. kupfer-tafeln . . . Dant- zig, J. C. Schuster, 1755. 8 p. 1., 175 p. xxii pi. on 12 1. 24 x 19 em . The plates, with the exception of the first and last, are printed on both sides. ML3851.N52 Nicolai, Ernst Anton, 1722-1802. Die verbindung der musik mit der artzneygelahrheit, entworfen von d. Ernst Anton Nicolai. Halle im Magdeburgischen, C. H. Hem- merde, 1745. 12 p. 1., 70 p. 19 cm . ML3920.A2N5 Nicomachus Gerasenus. See Meibom, M., translator. Antiqvae mvsicse avctores, 1652. Meurs, J. van, editor. Aristoxenvs, 1616. Niedt, Friedrich Erhardt, 1674-1717. Friedrich Erhard Niedtens Handleitung / zur variation, wie man den general-bass, und daruber gesetzte zahlen variiren / artige inventiones machen / und aus einen schlechten general-bass prseludia, ciaconen, allemanden, couranten, sarabanden, menueten, giquen EARLY BOOKS OK MUSIC 197 Niedt, Priedrich Erhardt — Continued. und dergleichen leichtlich verfertigen k6nne / samt andern n6tigen instructionen. Hamburg, Auf kosten des autoris, und bey B. Schillern zu finden / 1706. [166] p. 17 x 20£ cm . Unpaged. Signatures: a-x in fours (last leaf blank) MT49.A2N54 Friderich Erhard Niedtens / musici, Musicalische handleitung / oder Grundlicher unterricht. Vermittelst welchen ein liebhaber der edlen music in kurtzer zeit sich so weit perfectioniren kan / dass er nicht allein den general-bass . . . fertig spielen / sondern . . . allerley sachen selbst componiren . . . konne. Erster theil. Handelt vom general- bass, denselben schlecht weg zu spielen. Hamburg, B. Schiller, 1710. [64] p. 17 x 21 cm . First edition, Hamburg, 1700. MT40.A2N46 Friederich Erhard Niedtens Musicalischer handleitung anderer theil / von der variation des general-basses, samt einer anweisung / wie man aus einem schlechten general-bass allerley sachen / als prse- ludia, ciaconen, allemanden, &c. erfinden konne. Die 2. aufl. / verb. / verm. / mit verschiedenen grund-richtigen anmerckungen / und einem anhang von mehr als 60. orgel-wercken versehen durch J. Mattheson . . . Hamburg / B. Schillers wittwe und J. C. Kissner / 1721. 6 p. 1., 204 p. 17 x 19£ cm . MT40.A2N47 Friederich Erhardt Niedtens Musicalischer handleitung dritter und letzter theil / handlend vom contra-punct, canon, motteten, choral, recitativ-stylo und cavaten. Opus posthumum. Deme bey- gefuget Veritophili Deutliche beweis-griinde / worauf der rechte gebrauch der music / beydes in den kirchen und ausser denselben beruhet . . . bessern nackdrucks [!] wegen mit einer vorrede zum druck befdrdert von Mattheson. Hamburg / Sel. B. Schillers erben / 1717. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 2 p. 1., 68 p.; v. 2: 12 p. 1., 56 p.) 17 x 21 cm . "Veritophili Deutliche beweis-grunde," by Christoph Raupach, has special t.-p. and separate paging. The work was not completed. MT40.A2N48 Niemtschek, Franz Xaver. Leben des k. k. kapellmeisters Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart,. nach originalquellen beschrieben vom Franz Niemtschek . . . Prag, Herr- lische buchhandlung, 1798. 2 p. 1., 78 p. 19* x 16 cm . ML410.M9X3 Nierop, Dirk Rembrantsz. van, 1610-1682. Mathematische calculatie, dat is, Wiskonstige rekening: leerende het vinden van verscheyden hemelloopsche voorstellen, en dat door de tafelen sinus tangents of logarithmus wiskonstelick uyt te rekenen: 198 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Nierop, Dirk Rembrantsz. van — Continued. als oock tuyghwerckelick op een liniael uyt te passen. Als mede 't beschrijven en uytrekenen der zonwysers . . . Noch is hier by gevoeght de Wis-konstige musyka: waer in getoont wort de oorsake van 't geluyt, de redens der zangh-toonen, en verscheyden dingen tot de zangh en speel-konst behoorende. Door Dyrck Kembrantz van Nierop . . . Amsteldam, G. van Goedesbergen, 1659. 31, 167, 70 p. tables (partly fold.) diagrs. (partly fold.) 19J cm . Black-letter. Title vignette: portrait of the author. ' ' Wis-konstige musyka " has special t.-p. and separate paging. ML3809.A2N37 Nivers, Guillaume Gabriel, b. 1617. Dissertation sur le chant gregorien, dediee au roy. Par le S r Nivers . . . Paris, Aux depens de Fautheur, 1683. 8 p. 1., 215, [1] p. 18i cm . "Tabula tonorum": p. 175-188. "Cantus ecclesiastici " : p. 189-[216] ML3082.A2N7 Methode certaine pour apprendre le plain-chant de Feglise, dressee par le S r Nivers . . . Nouv. ed. Paris, Impr. de J. B. C. Ballard 1745. 47, [1] p. 19 cm . "Exemples de quelques antiennes et respons": p. 27-47. MT860.A2N58 Traite de la composition de mvsqve [!] Par le S 1 " Nivers . . . Paris, Chez Fautheur [etc.] 1667. 61 p. 17 cm . MT40.A2N73 Noble, Oliver, 1734-1792. Regular and skilful music in the worship of God, founded in the law of nature, and introduced into his worship, by his own institution, under both the Jewish and Christian dispensations; shewn in a ser- mon, preached at the North meeting-house, Newbury-Port, at the desire of the church and congregation, February 8th, 1774. b^ Oliver Noble, a. m., pastor of a church in Newbury. Printed at the desire of the Musical society, in Newbury-Port. And of a number of gentle- men and ladies who heard it . . . Boston, Printed by Mills and Hicks, for Daniel Bayley, in Newbury-Port, 1774. 46 p. 20 cm . ML3001.N75 Noinville, Jacques Bernard Durey de. See Durey de Noinville, Jacques Bernard. Nopitsch, Christoph Friedrich Wilhelm, 1758-1824. Versuch eines elementarbuchs der singkunst; vor trivial und nor- malschulen sistematisch entworfen von Christoph Friedrich Wilhelm Nopitsch . . . Mit sechs erklarungstabellen. Nordlingen, Verlag des verfassers, 1784. 2 p. 1., [3]-35, [1] p. vi fold. pi. 20 x 16 cm . MT935.A2N7 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 199 [Nougaret, Pierre Jean Baptiste] 1742-1823. De l'art du theatre en general, oil il est parle des spectacles de l'Europe, de ce qui concerne la comSdie ancienne & nouvelle, la trag6die, la pastorale-dramatique, la parodie, l'opera-serieux, l'opera- bouffon & la comedie-melee-d'ariettes, &c. Avec l'nistoire philoso- phique de la musique, & des observations sur ses diff^rens genres repus au theatre . . . Paris, Cailleau, 1769. 2 v. (v. 1: xxiv, 382 p.; v. 2: 3 p. 1., [v]-viij, [5]-368, [2] p.) fronts. 17£ cm . Added t.-p., engr.: De l'art du theatre; ou il est parle des differens gens de spectacles, et de la musique adapted au theatre . . . ML3858.N92 Le nouveau theatre italien, ou Recueil general des comedies repre- sentees par les Comediens itahens ordinaires du roi. Nouv. ed., cor. & tres-augm., & a laquelle on a joint les airs graves des vaude- villes a, la fin de chaque volume . . . Paris, Briasson, 1753. 10 v. 19J cm . Added t.-p., engr. Each comedy has special t.-p. and separate paging. "Memoire pour servir l'histoire de la comedie italienne, depuis le retablisse- ment des comediens italiens a Paris en 1716. jusqu'a la presente annee 1752": v. 1, p. viij-xxxij. PQ1231.I5N6 Nouvelle methode pour aprendre le plain-chant parfaitement et en peu de terns, composee specialement pour le diocese de Rouen, con- forme aux nouveaux livres de chant, clans laquelle se trouvent notees les proses & hymnes nouvelles. Rouen, Jore, Dere & fils [1730 ?] 1 p. 1., 90, [2] p. 17£ cm . MT860.A2R88 Noverre, Jean George, 1727-1810. Lett res sur la danse, et sur les ballets, par M. Noverre ... A Stutgard, et se vend a Lyon, chez A. Delaroche 1760. 2 p. 1., 484 p. illus. (coat of arms) 17 cm . L3460.A2N94 Lettres sur la danse et sur les ballets. Par M. Noverre . . . 2. ed. A Londres, et se trouve a Paris, chez la veuve Dessain junior, 1783. viij, 368 p. 20 cm . ML3460.A2N95 Nugent, Thomas, 1700 ?-1772, translator. See Dubos, J. B. Critical reflections on poetry, 1748. Nunes da Silva, Manuel, b. 1678. Arte minima, que com semibreve prolacam tratta em tempo breve, os modos da maxima, & longa sciencia da musica . . . seu author o P. Manoel Nunes da Sylva . . . Lisboa, Na officina de M. Manescal, impressor, a custa de A. Pereyra, & A. Manescal, 1704. 6 p. 1., 44, 52, 136 p. pi., diagrs. 20£ cm . First published Lisbon, 1685; reissued 1704 and 1725 with new t.-p. MT6.A2N97 200 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Observations pour les sujets retires de l'Opera; et pour les auteurs de ce theatre. [Paris, Impr. de Prault, ca. 1790?] 24 p. 21 cm . ML1727.3.P2014 Observations sur la musique a grand orchestre, introduite dans plusieurs eglises & en dernier lieu a Notre-Dame de Paris; & sur {'admission des musiciens de l'Opera dans ces eglises. [n. p., 1786?] 100 p. 16i cm . Caption title. Dated at end: 9 decembre 1786. ML3027.8.P2O2 Odier, Louis, 1748-1817. Epistola physiologica inauguralis de elementariis musicae sensa- tiombus . . . Edinburgh apud Balfour, Auld, et Smellie, 1770. 49 p. 20 cm . Thesis (m. d.) — Edinburgh. ML3805.A2O21 Oelrichs, Johann Carl Conrad, 1722-1798. Johann Carl Conrad Oelrichs . . . Historische nachricht von den akademischen wurden in der musik und 6fFentlichen musikalischen akademien und geselschaften. Berlin, C. F. Voss, 1752. 6 p. 1.. 52 p. 17 cnl . ML63.028 Officium hebdomadae sanctae jvxta formam Missalis & Breviarii romani sub Urbano vni. correcti : adjunctis, italico sermone decla- rationibus multarum rerum, quae fiunt, & dicuntur in ejus recita- tione. Venetiis, ex typogr. J. Antonii Pezzana, 1777. 416 p. 16 cm . Title vignette: rubricated. In case. Ch.17.1854 [Olio, Giovanni Battista dall'] 1739-1823. La musica, poemetto. Modena, La Societa tipografica, 1794. 78 p., 1 1. 21 cm . Prefatory letter signed: Giambatista dall' Olio. The poem is accompanied by historical and explanatory notes. ML64.05 Olivier, Gabriel Raimond Jean de Dieu Francois, 1753-1823. L' esprit d'Orphee, ou De 1'influence respective de la musique, de la morale et de la legislation . . . Par le citoyen Olivier. Paris, C. Pougens, an vi (1798) 2 p. 1., 92 p. 21£ cm . Caption title: Premiere etude, ou dissertation touchant 1'influence de la musique sur les mceurs et le bonheur d'une nation . . . L. of C. has also a title edition of this first "etude," published by Pougens in 1800, and a second and third "etude," issued by the same publisher in 1802 and 1804 respectively. ML3920.A2O4 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 201 [Orazi, Giovanni Battista] Saggio per costruire, e suonare un flauto traverso enarmonico che ha i tuoni bassi del violino, con due trii di genere enarmonico misti. Roma, Stamperia di M. Puccinelli, 1797. 18 p. 3 pi. (1 fold.) 34£ cm . Text and plates followed by 8 1. with the parts of the " Due trii . . . per tre traversi di nuova costruzione. In Roma nella calcografia Franzetti." ML936.A208 Orelli, Diego, originally Aegidius Holler. See Holler, Aegidius. The organs fvnerall, or The quiristers lamentation for the abolish- ment of superstition and superstitious ceremonies. In a dialogicall discourse between a quirister and an organist, an. Dom. 1642. London, G. Kirby [1642 ?] [8] p. 18 x 13J cm . Has been attributed to Joseph Brookbank. ML3001.O72 Ornithoparcus, Andreas, Musice Actiue |j Microlog 5 Andree Orni- || toparchi Ostrofranci Meyningensis, Artiu || Mgfi, Libris Quattuor digest 3 . Oib 5 Mu- || sic8estudiosisn5tavtilisqjnecessarius.il . . . [Colophon: CExcussum est hoc opus, ab ipso authore denuo castigatum, || recognitumqj : Lipsie in edibus Valentini Schumanni, calco- || graphi solertissimi : Mense Nouebri: Anni virginei partus de- || cimi septimi supra sesqui- millesimu. Leone decimo Pont. Max. || ac Maximiliano inuictissimo impatore orbi terrar[um] psidgtibus] • [107] p. diagrs. 21 c I cm Title in red and black within ornamental border. Printer's mark at end. Sig- natures: A-M in fours, except A, C, F, which are in sixes. On t.-p., following the title: Laurentius Thurschenreutinus Ad studio- || sum Musices Lectorem. || Musica: quam rursus medis purgauerit author: || lam redit ante oculos: lector amice: tuos. || la redit ante oculos, Lypsick excussa Schu- mani [| Arte Valentini: qui bene pressit earn. || Arte Valentini facta est nitidis- sima tota: || Et tibi Arionios afferet ilia sonos. MT6.A207 Andreas Ornithoparcvs his Micrologvs, or Introdvction : con- taining the art of singing. Digested into foure bookes. Not onely profitable, bvt also necessary for all that are studious of musicke. Also the dimension and perfect vse of the monochord, according to Guido Aretinus. By Ionn Do viand . . . London, T. Adams, 1609. 4 p. 1., 80 (i. e. 90), [2] p. illus. 28J em . Title within ornamental border; title vignette; initials. Page 90 wrongly numbered 80. MT6.A2072 See also Sebastiani, C. Bellvm mvsicale [1563] Oropesa, Tomas de Iriarte y. See Iriarte y Oropesa, Tomas de. Orsolini, Giuseppe. See Berardi, A. Ragionamenti mvsicali, 1681. 202 LIBRARY OF CONGBESS Orville, Andre Guillaume Contant d\ See Cotnttant d'Orville, Andre Guillaume. Osio, Teodato. L'armonia del nvdo parlare con ragione di nvmeri Pitagorici, discoperta da Teodato Osio, all' ecc. mo S. r Don Fran. co di Melo. Milano, C. Ferrandi [1637] 8 p. 1., 35, [1], 191 p. illus. 17 c rem Engr. t.-p. Half-title: L'armonia del nvdo parlare, overo La mvsica ragione della voce continva, nella qvale a forza di aritmetiche et di mvsiche specvlationi si pon- gono alia prova le regole sino al presente stabilite da gl' osservatori del nvmero della prosa et del verso. ML3849.A208 Oudoux, abbe. Methode nouvelle pour apprendre facilement le plain-chant, avec quelques exemples d'hymnes & de proses . . . Par M. Oudoux . . . 2. ed., rev., cor. & augm. Paris, A. M. Lottin Paine, 1776. 2 p. 1., 72, xevi p. fold. 1. (music) 16£ cm . Contents. — i. ptie. Methode nouvelle. — n. ptie. Lecons propres a former la voix. MT860.A2O93 Overend, Marmaduke, d. 1790. A brief account of, and an introduction to, eight lectures, in the science of music ... in which are proposed, to be demonstrated and to be explained the radical sources of melody and harmony . . . By Marmaduke Overend . . . London, Printed for the author, and sold by Mess. Payne and son [etc.] 1781. 1 p. 1., 20 p. 26 x 2L| cm . ML3809.A2O9 [Owen, James] 1654-1706. Church-pageantry display'd: or, Organ- worship, arraign'd and con- demn'd, as inconsistent with the revelation and worship of the gospel, the sentiments of the ancient fathers, the Church of England, and sev- eral eminent divines, both Protestants and Papists . . . By Eugenius Junior [pseud.] — in answer to a letter about organs . . . London, A. Baldwin, 1700. 1 p. 1., 25 p. 20 x 16 cm . ML3001.O83 P., C. H. See Mattheson, J. Gultige zeugnisse, 1738. Paduani, Giovanni, b. ca. 1512. Ioannis Padvanii Veronensis Institvtiones ad diuersas ex plurium uocum harmonia cantilenas, siue modulationes ex uarijs instruments flngendas, formulas pene omnes ac regulas, mira & perquam lucida breuitate complectentes. Veronae, apud Sebastianum, & Ioannem fratres a Donnis, 1578. 4 p. 1., 99, [l] p. 20£ cm . Title vignette: ecclesiastical coat of arms. Errors in paging. ML171.P22 EAKLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 203 Pagani, Pietro Antonio. Breve trattato sopra il canto fermo, et sopra gli otto tuoni: con alcuni auisi intorno al corista, & cantore. Composto per il reuerendo p. f. Pietr' Antonio Pagani . . . Venetia, G. A. Rampazetto, 1604. 31 numb. 1., [2] p. 22 cm . Title within ornamental border; title vignette; rubricated. MT860.A2P37 Paisley, James Hamilton, baron. See Abekcorn, James Hamilton, 7th earl of. Paixao Bibeiro, Manuel da. Nova arte de viola, que ensina a tocalla com fundamento sem mestre . . . com estampas das posturas, ou pontos naturaes, e acci- dentaes; e com alguns miiiuettes, e modinhas por musica, e por cifra . . . por Manoel da Paixao Ribeiro . . . Coimbra, Real omcina da Universidade, 1789. 1 p. 1., v, 51 p. 8 fold. pi. 22 cm . MT338.A2P2 [Palissot de Montenoy, Charles] 1730-1814. filoge de Jean-Philippe Rameau, compositeur de musique du cabi- net duroi. [Paris, 1765?] p. 39-67. 16£ cm . Caption title. Signature title, p. 57 : "N6crologe 1765." Taken from "LeNe- crologe des hommes celebres de France." "Catalogue des ouvrages de M. Rameau": p. 65-67. ML410.R2P15 Panerai, Vincenzio. Principj di musica teorico-pratici dell' ab : Vincenzio Paneraj . . . Firenze, G. Yolpini [n. d.] [1], 13 p. 28 x 21i em Engraved throughout. Another edition was published at Florence in 1750. MT7.A2P26 Pannilini, Francesco de' Gori. See Gori Pannilini, Francesco de'. Paolucci, Giuseppe, 1726-1776. Arte pratica di contrappunto dimostrata con esempj di varj autori e con osservazioni di fr. Giuseppe Paolucci . . . Venezia, A. de Castro, 1765-72. 3 v. in 1. 10 fold. 1. (music) 22J x 18 cm . Title vignette. MT55.A2P3 Papillon de La Ferte, Denis Pierre Jean, 1727-1794. See Paris. Academie royale de musique. Precis sur l'Opera [1789] 204 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Papius, Andreas, 1542-1581. And. Papii Gandensis De consonantiis, sev pro diatessaron libri y dvo. Antverpise, ex officina Christophori Plantini, architypographi regij, 1581. 208, [22] p., 1 1. diagrs. 18| c 1 rm Printer's mark on t.-p.; initials. The 22 pages at end contain "Pater peccaui tribvs vocibvs" and "Als unverhoetz [Susan' vn iour] met ij. stimmen." A revised edition of his " De consonantiis, sive harmoniis musicis contra vul- garem opinionem," Antwerp, 1568. ML171.P27 Parfaict, Claude, 1701 ?-1777. See Parfaict, Francois. [Parfaict, Francois] 1698-1753. Dictionnaire des theatres de Paris, contenant toutes les pieces qui ont ete representees jusqu'a present sur les differens theatres francois, & sur celui de l'Academie royale de musique: les extraits de celles qui ont 6te jouees par les com^diens italiens, depuis leur retablisse- ment en 1716, ainsi que des opera comiques, & principaux spectacles des foires Saint Germain & Saint Laurent. Des faits anecdotes sur les auteurs qui ont travaille pour ces theatres, & sur les principaux acteurs, actrices, danseurs, danseuses, compositeurs de ballets, des- sinateurs, peintres de ces spectacles, &c. . . . Paris, Lambert, 1756. 7 v. 17 x 9£ cm . By Francois and Claude Parfaict (completed and published by Quentin Godin d'Abguerbe) ML102.O6P2 Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des spectacles de la foire. Par un acteur forain . . . Paris, Briasson, 1743. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 2 p. 1., Ixxxiv, 240 p.; v. 2: 2 p. 1., 162 p.) 16i cm . By Francois and Claude Parfaict. PN2633.P3 Paris. Academie royale de musique. Memoire justificatif des sujets de l'Academie royale de musique, en r^ponse a la lettre anonyme qui leur a ete adressee le 4 septembre 1789, avec l'epigraphe: Tu dors, Brutus, et Rome est dans les fers. [Paris] 1789. 18 p. 20 cm . ML1727.8.P2P23 . . . Petition, pour l'Academie royale de musique, a l'Assemblee nationale. [Pans, Impr. de Laillet & Garnery, 1790] 8 p. 19J cm . Caption title. At head of first page: Supplement a la Chronique de Paris, n° 246, annee 1790. ML1727.8.P2P3 Precis sur l'Opera et son administration, et reponses a differentes objections. [Paris, 1789] 3 p. 1., [3]-92 p. fold. tab. 25 x 20 cm . By Papillon de La Ferte (cf. Pierre, Le Conservatoire national, 1900, p. 40) ML1727.8.P2P4 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 205 Paris. Academie royale de musique — Continued. Reglemens pour P Academie royale de musique. Du l er . avril 1792. Paris, Impr. de l'Opera, 1792. 2 p. 1., 44 p. fold. tab. 24 x 18£ cm . ML1727.8.P2R24 See also France: Paris. Conservatoire national de musique et de declamation. Organisation du Conservatoire de musique. [Paris, Impr. de la republique, brumaire an v, 1796] 2 p. 1., 58 p. 21£ om . MT3.P2C3 Parran, Antoine, 1582-1650. Traite de la mvsiqve theoriqve et pratiqve. Contenant les pre- ceptes de la composition. Par le R. P. Antoine Parran . . . Paris, Par R. Ballard, seul imprimeur du roy pour la musique, 1646. 4 p. 1., 143, [1] p. fold, pi., diagr. 24 cm . Title vignette. 1st edition Paris, 1639. MT40.A2P18 Parrilli, Felice. Lettera villereccia di Felice Parrilli ad uno avvocato napoletano indiritta, in cui si propone un mezzano sistema per la quistione se i maestri di cappella son compresi fra gli artigiani . . . [Napoli ? 1785 ?] xii, 72 p. 20 cm . The letter is dated: Mauro il dl 10. luglio 1785; the dedication, Napoli addl 28. agosto 1785. ML63.P27 Pasquali, Nicolo, d. 1757. The art of fingering the harpsichord ; illustrated with examples in notes; to which is added, An approved method of tuning this instru- ment: by Nicolo Pasquali. Edinburgh, R. Bremner [1760?] vii, 28 p. xv pi. on 8 1. 24£ x 33£ cm . Text, except the first 4 pages, printed on leaves 24£ x 16 cm . Plates printed on both sides. MT252.A2P3 The art of fingering, the harpsichord. Illustrated with exam- ples in notes. To which is added, an approved method of tuning that instrument. By Nicolo Pasquali. London, R: Bremner [17 — ] v, 28 p. xv pi. on 81. 24 x 33 cm . Text printed on leaves 23 \ x 182 cm . Plates printed on both sides. MT252.A2P31 Thorough-bass made easy : or, Practical rules for finding & applying its various chords with little trouble ; together with variety of exam- ples in notes, shewing the manner of accompanying concertos, solos, i^ 206 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Pasquali, Nicolo — Continued. songs, and recitatives: bv Nicolo Pasquali. Edinburgh, R. Bremner [1757] 3 p. 1., [3]-48 p. xxix pi. on 15 1. 24J x 33| cm . {With his Art of fingering the harpsichord. Edinburgh [1760?]) Text printed on leaves 24£ x 16 cm . Plates printed on both sides. MT252.A2P3 Thorough-bass made easy: or, Practical rules for finding & applying its various chords with little trouble; together with variety oi examples in notes, shewing the manner of accompanying concertos, solos, songs, and recitatives: by Nicolo Pasquali. London, R. Brem- ner [17—] 2 p. 1., [3]-48 p. xxix pi. on 15 1. 24 x 33 em . (With his Art of fingering, the harpsichord. London [17 — ]) MT252.A2P31 Passeri, Giovanni Battista, 1694-1780, editor. See Doni, G. B. Lyra Barberina, 1763. Patru, Olivier, 1604-1681. See Hertel, J. W. Sammlung musikalischer schriften, 1757-58. Pecourt, Guillaume Louis, 1653-1729. See Feuillet, R. A. Reciieil de dances, 1704. Rameau, P. Abreg6 de la nouvelle methode [1725 ?] Pedroso, Manuel de Moraes. See Moraes Pedroso, Manuel de. Peletier, Jacques, 1517-1582. See Discours non plus melancoliqves qve divers, 1557. Pemberton, E. An essay for the further improvement of dancing; being a collec- tion of figure dances, of several numbers, compos'd hy the most emi- nent masters; describ'd in characters after the newest manner of Monsieur Feuillet. By E. Pemberton. To which is added, three single dances, viz. a chacone by Mr. Isaac, a passacaille by Mr. L'Abbe, and a jig by Mr. Pecour . . . London, J. Walsh [etc.] 1711. 5 p. 1., 54 pi. (partly fold.) 26 x 19 cm . MT950.A2P45 Pena, Jean, d. 1558? translator. See Euclddes. EunXddoi) Elcaycof^ dpjjovticf), 1557. Penna, Lorenzo, 1613-1693. Direttorio del canto fermo, dal quale con breuita si apprende il modo di cantare in coro cio s'appartiene a coristi, con la maniera di comporre il canto fermo, ad vno, due, e tre cori; dato in lvce da f. Lorenzo Penna . . . Modana, Per gli eredi Cassiani stampatori episc, 1689. 96 p. 24 cm . MT860.A2P41 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 207 Penna, Lorenzo — Continued. Li primi albori mvsicali per li principianti della musica figurata; distinti in tre' libri: dal primo spuntano fi principij del canto figvrato; dal secondo spiccano le regole del contrapvnto ; dal terzo appariscono li fondamenti per suonare Torgano 6 clavicembalo sopra la parte; del padre fra Lorenzo Penna ... 5. impresione. Bologna, P. M. Monti, 1696. 7cm 199 p. incl. illus., port. 22J x 17° "Terzo choro," etc., of example on p. 138 is on separate leaf attached to page. MT6.A2P41 [Pepusch, John Christopher] 1667-1752. A short treatise on harmony, containing the chief rules for com- posing in two, three, and four parts. Dedicated to all lovers of musick, by an admirer of this noble and agreeable science . . . Lon- don, Printed by J. Watts, 1730. 2 p. 1., 84 p. 4 pi. 12 x 18£ cm . MT50.A2P2 A treatise on harmony : containing the chief rules for com- posing in two, three, and four parts. Dedicated to all lovers of musick, by an admirer of this agreeable science. The 2d ed., alter'd, enlarg'd, and illustrated by examples in notes . London "Pointed by W. Pearson, 1731. 2 p. 1., 227„[1] p., 1 1. incl. 4 pi. 11£ x 20i cm . "In 1730 there was published anonymously 'A [short] treatise on narmony . . .' As the rules contained in the book were those Pepusch was in the habit of imparting to his pupils, and as they were published without the necessary musical examples, he felt compelled to adopt the work, and accordingly in 1731 published a 'Second edition' ... It was conjectured that the first edition was put forth by Viscount Paisley, afterwards Earl of Abercorn." — Grove. MT50.A2P22 See also Grassineau, J. A musical dictionary, 1740. Perego, Camillo, d. ca. 1574. La regola del canto fermo ambrosiano, composta gia d'ordine di S. Carlo dal reuer. p. Camillo Perego . . . Ed hora data alia stampa per commessione di Monsignor' illustrissimo, e reverendissimo Fede- rico cardinale Borromeo arciuescouo . . . Milano, Per l'her. di P. Pontio, & G. B. Piccaglia, stampatori archiepiscopali, 1622. 2 p. 1., 161, [5] p. illus. 23 x 17£ cm . Title vignette. Errors in paging. MT860.A2P45 Perez Calderon, Manuel. Explicacion de solo el canto-llano, que para instruccion de los novicios de la provincia de Castilla del real y militar Orden de N. Senora de la Merced, redencion de cautivos, compuso el P. Fr. Manuel Perez Calderon ... A que anade las cuerdas de Alamire, Gsolreut, Ffaut, y la que particularmente usa la santa iglesia de Toledo, llamada {>or eso cuerda toledana. Contiene asimismo todas las antifonas, amentaciones. y responsorios de los tres dias de Tinieblas. Todo lo 208 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Perez Calderon, Manuel — Continued. ^ue para utilidad comun ha dispuesto, y da a luz el P. Fr. Isidro iopez . . . Madrid, Por D. J. Ibarra, impresor, 1779. 1 p. 1., v, [1], 189 p. 1 illua. 21£ cm . Copy 2. MT860.A2P49 Le petit Rameau, ou Principes courts et faciles, pour apprendre soi-meme, & en peu de tenis, la musique; avec tablettes de papier nouveau, pour ecrire ou noter tout ce que Ton desirera. Paris, Desnos [1772 *] 48, 24, 48 p. 12 x 6 cm . Approbation dated " 11 juin 1772." MT7.A2P44 Petri, Johann Samuel, 1738-1808. Anleitung zur practischen musik, vor neuangehende sanger und instrumentspieler, von Johann Samuel Petri ... Lauban, J. C. Wirthgen, 1767. 164 p., 1 1. 17i cm . MT6.A2P47 Anleitung zur praktischen musik, von Johann Samuel Petri. [2. umgearb., verb, und verm, aufl.] Leipzig, J. G. I. Breitkopf, 1782. 10 p. 1., 484, [1] p. 22 x 174 cm . MT6.A2P49 Pfeiffer, August Friedrich, 1748-1817. Ueber die musik der alten Hebraer, von August Friedrich Pfeiffer . . . Erlangen, W. Walther, 1779. lix p. fold. pi. 24£ x 19i cm . ML166.A2P52 Phillips, John, 1631-1706. See Locke, M. The present practice of musick vindicated, 1673. Phillips, John. Familiar dialogues on dancing, between a minister and a dancer, taken from matter of fact, with an appendix containing some extracts from the writings of pious and eminent men against the entertain- ments of the stage, and other vain amusements . . . By John Phil- lips .. . New- York, Printed by T. Kirk, 1798. 39 p. 21 cm . GV1740.P5 Philodemus, of Gadara. Philodemi De musica iv. [Neapoli, ex Regia typographia, 1793] 3 p. 1., 23 p., 1 1., 180 p. facsim. 40 cm . (R. Accademia ercolanese di arche- ologia, Naples. Hercvlanensivm volvminvm qvse svpersvnt tomvs i) Title given above appears as half-title preceding the text. A facsimile of the papyrus, with transcription and Latin translation on oppo- site pages. Edited by Carlo Maria Rosini. ML168.P45 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 209 Philodemus — Continued. ... In Philodemi IJepi ppuacKfjg librum iv. nuper ab academicis herculanensibus editum animadversionum particula I. [auctore C. G. Schuetz] [Jenae] ex officina Goepferdtii [1795] [4] p. 35ixl9| cm . Program m — Univ. Jena (Novi prorectoratvs avspicia . . . indicit Acad, ienensis) ML169.A2P5 Philomela franciscana, clara & brevi methodo decantans has ac certas regulas ad bene, perfecteque cantum ecclesiasticum ad- diacendum & docendum. Una cum tonis communibus, hymnis, antiphonis, lectione mensali, &c. ad usum FF. minorum recollec- torum ordinis seraphici patris S. Francisci . . . Augustas Vindeli- corum, typis Joannis Michaelis Labhart, 1731. 2 p. I., 274 0*. e. 272) p. illus. 13£ cm . No. 134-135 omitted in paging. MT860.A2P55 Philostratus. Philostrati Lemnii sopnistse Epistolse qusedam, partim nunquam, partim auctiores editae. Ioannes Mevrsivs primus vulgavit, & ad- junxit, De Philostratis dissertatiunculam. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Lvdovici Elzevirii, typis Godefridi Basson, 1616. 24 p. 19£ x 13£ cm . (With Meurs, Johannes van, editor. Aristoxenvs. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, 1616) Printer's mark: open music book. ML167.M57 Picerli, Silverio. Specchio primo di mvsica, nel quale si vede chiaro non sol' il . . .. modo d'imparar di cantare di canto figurato, e fermo; ma vi si ve- don' anco dichiarate . . . tutte le principali materie, che iui si tratta- no, sciolte le maggiori difficolta, che ... in essa occorrono, e scoperti nuoui segreti nella medesima circa il cantare, comporre, e sonar di tasti, nascosti . . . Composto dal m. r. p. f. Silverio Picerli . . . Napoli, O. Beltrano, 1630. 81, [9] p., 1 1. 20£ C1 ». The preface announces 3 parts but the third part apparently not published. MT6.A2P59 Specchio secondo di mvsica, nel qvale si vede chiaro il . . . modo di comporre di canto figurato, e fermo, di fare con nuoue regole ogni sorte di contrapnnti [!], e canoni, di fomar [!] li toni di tutt' i generi di musica reale, e finta . . . e di porre in prattica quanto si vuole, e pud desiderare di detti canto figurato, e fermo. Composto dal m. r. p. f. Silverio Picerli . . . Napoli, M. Nucci, 1631. 7 p. 1., 196 p. 20£ cm . (With his Specchio primo di mvsica. Napoli, 1630) MT6A2P59 Picitono, Angelo da. See Angelo da Picitono. 51234°— 13 14 210 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Pidanzat de Mairobert, Mathieu Frangois. See Mairobert, Mathieu Francois Pidanzat de. Pignolet de Monteclair, Michel. See Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de. Pileur d'Apligny, le. See Le Pileur d'Apligny. Pintado, Giuseppe. Vera idea della musica e del contrappunto, di D. Giuseppe Pintado. Roma, Stamperia di G. Puccinelli, 1794. 159 p. 20£ cm . MT55.A2P65 Pipegrop, Heinrich. See Baryphonus, Heinrich. Pipping, Heinrich, 1670-1722. See Loescher, C. Dissertatio historico-theologica [1688] Pizzati, Giuseppe, 1732-1803. La scienza de' suoni, e dell' armonia, diretta specialmente a render ragione de' fenomeni, ed a conoscer la natura e le Ieggi della medesima, ed a giovare alia pratica del contrappunto. Opera dell' ab : Giuseppe Pizzati, divisa in cinque parti. Venezia, G. Gatti, 1782. 2 v. (v. 1: viii, 358 p., 1 1.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., xlix pi. on 26 1.) 31 cm (v. 2: 34i em ) Vol. [2], engraved throughout, has title: Tavole degli esempj appartenenti alia Scienza de' suoni e dell' armonia . . . MT50.A2P69 Planelli, Antonio, 1747-1803. Dell' opera in musica, trattato del cavaliere Antonio Planelli . . . Napoli, Stamperia di D. Campo, 1772. 272 p. 20^™. ML3858.P7 Playford, Henry, b. 1657. See The dancing-master, 1698. Playford, John, 1623-1686 ? An introduction to the skill of musick. In two books. The first: the grounds and rules of mvsick, according to the gam-vt, and other principles thereof. The second: instructions & lessons for the bass- viol : and instruments & lessons for the treble- violin. By John Play- ford. To which is added, The art of descant, or composing musick in parts. By Dr. Tho. Campion. With annotations thereon, by Mr. Chr. Simpson. The 7th ed., cor. and enl. London, Printed by W. Godbid, for J. Playford, 1674. 7 p. 1., 121, [3], 42, 10 p. illus. 17 c 7cm EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 211 Playford, John — Continued. The "Art of descant" has special t.-p. and separate paging. The first edition was published in 1654 as "Breefe introduction to the skill of musick, for song and viall." "Rules and directions lor singing the Psalms": p. 71-89. "The order of performing the divine service in cathedrals and collegiate chappels: " 10 p. at end. MT7.A2P72 An introduction to the skill of musick, in two books. The first contains the grounds and rules of musick, according to the gam-ut, and other principles thereof. The second, instructions and lessons both for the basse- viol and treble- violin. By John Playford. To which is added, The art of descant, or composing of musick in parts, by Dr. Tho. Campion; with annotations thereon by Mr. Chr. Simpson. Also The order of singing divine service in cathedrals. The 8th ed. carefully cor. London, Printed by A. C. and J. P. for J. Playford, 1679. 7 p. 1., 119, [3], 34, 7 p. front, (port.) illus. 16 cm . The "Art of descant" has special t.-p. and separate paging. MT7.A2P73 An introduction to the skill of musick, in three books. The first contains the grounds and rules of musick, according to the gam-ut, and other principles thereof. The second, instructions and lessons both for the bass-viol and treble- violin. The third, the art of descant, or composing musick in parts: in a more plain and easie method than any heretofore published. By John Playford. The 12th ed. Corrected and amended by Mr. Henry Purcell. [London] Printed by E. Jones, for H. Playford, 1694. 9 p. 1., 144 p. front, (port.) illus. 17£ cm . "A brief discourse of the Italian manner of singing . . . written some years since by an English gentleman who had lived long in Italy, and being returned, taught the same here": p. 31-46. MT7.A2P75 An introduction to the skill of musick: in three books. By John Playford. Containing i. The grounds and principles of musick according to the gamut ... n. Instructions and lessons for the treble, tenor, and bass-viols; and also for the treble- violin, in. The art of descant, or composing musick in parts; made very plain and easie by the late Mr. Henry Purcell. The 13th ed. [London] Printed by E. Jones, for H. Playford [etc.] 1697. 2 p. 1., ix, [1], 134 p. front, (port.) illus. 17 x 10 cm . Parts 2 and 3 have each special t.-p. MT7.A2P76 An introduction to the skill of musick: in three books: by John Playford. Containing i. The grounds and principles of musick, according to the gamut . . . n. Instructions and lessons for the treble, tenor and bass-viols; and also for the treble-violin, in. The art of descant, or composing musick in parts: made very plain and 212 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Playford, John — Continued. easie by the late Mr. Henry Purcell. The 15th ed. Corrected, and done on the new ty'd-note. London, Printed by W. Pearson, for H. Playford [etc.] 1703. 9 p. 1., 180 (i. e. 170).p. front, (port.) illus. 17 cm . Parts 2 and 3 have each special t.-p., dated 1700. No. 81-90 omitted in paging; no. 108 and 109 transposed. "The order of performing the divine service in cathedrals, & collegiate chap- pels": p. 53-60. MT7.A2P78 An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books : by John Playford. Containing i. The grounds and principles of musick, according to the gamut ... n. Instructions and lessons for the treble, tenor, and bass-viols; and also for the treble violin, in. The art of descant, or composing musick in parts; made very plain and easie by the late Mr. Henry Purcell. The 16th ed. Corrected, and done on the new ty'd note. London, Printed by W. Pearson, for J. Sprint, 1713. 9 p. 1., 170 p. illus. 16 cm . "The order of performing the divine service in cathedrals, & collegiate chap- pels": p. 53-60. MT7.A2P79 An introduction to the skill of musick: in three books: by John Playford. Containing i. The grounds and principles of musick, according to the gamut . . . n. Instructions and lessons for the treble, tenor, and bass-viols; and also for the treble- violin, in. The art of descant, or composing musick in parts: made very plain and easy by the late Mr. Henry Purcell. The 19th ed. Cor. , and done on the new-ty'd note. London, Printed by W. Pearson, for B. Sprint, 1730. 9 p. 1., 170 p. front, (port.) illus. 17 cm . ' ' The order of performing the divine service in cathedrals, and collegiate chap- pels": p. 53-60. MT7.A2P793 See also The dancing-master, 1698. Locke, M. The present practice of musick vindicated, 1673. The playhouse pocket-companion, or Theatrical vademecum: con- taining, i. A catalogue of all the dramatic authors who have written for the English stage, with a list of their works, shewing the dates of representation or publication, n. A catalogue of anonymous pieces, in. An index of plays and authors. In a method entirely new, whereby the author of any dramatic performance, and the time of its appearance, may be readily discovered on inspection. To which is prefixed, a critical history of the English stage from its origin to the present time; with an enquiry into the causes of the decline of dramatic poetry in England . . . London, Richardson and Urqu- hart [etc.] 1779. 2 p. 1., [13}-179 p. I8 cm . Z2014.D7P7 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 213 Plutarchus. IJXovrapxov diaXoyos Ilepl /xovffiKr/s. Dialogue de Plutarque sur la musique, tr. en francois. Avec des remarques. Par M. Bu- rette. Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1735. 442, 31-126 p. 3 fold. pi. 26i cm . One of 12 copies separately issued. Printed also in "M6moires de literature tirez des registres de l'Academie royale des inscriptions et belles lettres," vol. 10, 13, 15, 17, 1736-51. The last instalment ("Suite des remarques [etc.]", §§ccxlv-cclxxi, and a "Dissertation," p. 61-126) has paging and signature of the "Memoires." "Dissertation servant d'epilogue & de conclusion aux remarques sur le traite de Plutarque touchant la musique; dans laquelle on compare la theorie de l'ancienne musique avec celle de la musique moderne. Par M. Burette": p. 61-126 at end. ML168.P7B6 La poesie et la musique. Satire. A Monsievr Despreavx. Paris, D. Mariette, 1695. 3 p. 1., 14, 8 p. 25 cm . "Cantiques spirituels [composez pour l'illustre maison de Saint Cyr, & mis en chant par Monsieur Moreau]": 8 p. at end. ML270.2.A2P7 [Poisson, Leonard] 1695-1753. Nouvelle methode, ou Traite theorique et pratique du plain-chant, dans lequel on explique les vrais principes de cette science, suivant les auteurs anciens & modernes; on donne des regies pour la com- position du plain-chant, avec des observations critiques sur "les nouveaux livres de chant . . . Paris, Lottin, le jeune, 1745. 4 p. 1., 419, [5] p. 20 cm . MT860.A2P6 Traite theorique et pratique du plain-chant, appelle gregorien, dans lequel on explique les vrais principes de cette science, suivant les auteurs anciens & modernes; on donne des regies pour la com- position du plain-chant, avec des observations critiques sur les nouveaux livres de chant . . . Paris, P. N. Lottin, & J. H. Butard, 1750. 4 p. 1., 419, [5] p. 20 em . MT860.A2P7 Polandus, Nicolaus, d. 1612. Musica instrumentalis, von christlichem brauch der orgelwerck vnnd seytenspiel / bey dem heiligen gottesdienst / eine predigt / gehalten in der domkirchen zu Meissen / als die newe orgel / so das ehrwurdige domcapitul &c. von newem erbawen lassen / allda zu erst gebrauchet ward / Mit einer vorrede / darinnen etwas von bischoffs Bennonis wundern / wider die baierische papisten / beruhret worden / Von Nicolao Polanto . . . Gedruckt zu Leipzig / durch Jacobum Popporeich / in verlegung Johann: Borners J des altern / 1605. • 45, [1] p. 18J x 15£ cra . Line borders. ML3001.P65 214 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Ponzio, Pietro, 1532-1596. Dialogo del r. m. Don Pietro Pontio Parmigiano, oue si tratta della theorica, e prattica di musica. Et anco si mostra la diuersita de' contraponti, & canoni. Parma, E. Viothi, 1595. 4 p. 1., 152 p. 19J cm . Title vignette. MT55.A2P7 Ragionamento di mvsica, del reuerendo m. Don Pietro Pontio Parmegiano. Ove si tratta de' passaggi delle consonantie, & dis- / sonantie, buoni, & non buoni; & del modo di far motetti, messe, salmi, & altre compositioni ; et d'alcvni avertimenti per il contra- puntista, & compositore, & altre cose pertinenti alia musica. Parma, E. Viotto, 1588. 2 p. 1., 161, [3] p. incl. diagr. 20J cm . Title vignette. MT55.A2P81 Porphyrius. See Gogava, A. H., translator. Aristoxeni . . . Harmonicorvm elementorvm libri in, 1562. Porta, Persio della. L'Arianna musicale del Signor Don Persio della Porta . . . Napoli, D. A. Parrino, e M. L. Mutio, 1696. $ p. 1., 88, [4] p. 1 illua. 22£ cm . Rubricated. MT860.A2P8 Porta Ferrari, Carlo Antonio. II canto fermo ecclesiastico, spiegato a' seminaristi di Ferrara . . . da D. Carlo Antonio Porta Ferrari . . . Modena, B. Soliani, stam- pator ducale, 1732. viii, 77 p. pi. 27 x 20 cm . MT860.A2P83 Portique ancien et moderne, 1785. See Le Prevost d'Exmes, F. Lully, musicien [1785 ?] Portmann, Johann Gottlieb, 1739-179*. Leichtes lehrbuch der harmonie, composition und des generalbasses, zum gebrauch fur liebhaber der musik, angehende und fortschreitende musici und componisten, hrsg. von Johann Gottlieb Portmann . . . Darmstadt, Gedruckt durch J. J. Will, 1789. 2 p. 1., 70 p., 11., 64 p. (engr.) illus. 21£ x 17$ cm . Musical examples: 64 p. at end. MT6.A2P85 Die neuesten und wichtigsten entdeckungen in der harmonie, •melodie und dem doppelten contrapuncte. Eine beilage zu jeder musicalischen theorie, von J. G. Portmann. Darmstadt, 1798. 8 p. 1., 270, 19 p. (engr.) 17| cm . Musical examples: 19 p. at end. MT50.A2P76 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 215 Potter, John. Observations on the present state of music and musicians. With general rules for studying music ... in order to promote the further cultivation and improvement of this difficult science. The whole illustrated with . . . remarks, intended for the service of its practi- tioners in general. With the characters of some of the most eminent masters of music. To which is added, A scheme for erecting and supporting a musical academy in this kingdom. By John Potter. London, C. Henderson, 1762. 4 p. 1., 108 p. 20£ cm . "Interspers'd in my lectures read at Gresham-college last Easter and Trinity terms. ' ' — Advertisement. ML195.P82 Practical discourses of singing in the worship of God; preach' d at the Friday lecture in Eastcheap. By several ministers . . . Lon- don, Printed by J. Darby for K Cliff [etc.] 1708. x, 226 p. 17 cra . Contents. — Of the nature of the duty of singing, by Mr. Earle. — Arguments to prove the obligation of the duty, by Mr. Bradbury. — Of the excellence of singing, by Mr. Harris. — Objections against singing consider'd, by Mr. Rey- nolds. — Directions for the right performance of the duty of singing, by Mr. Newman. — Exhortation to singing, by Mr. Gravener. ML3001.P89 Praetorius, Michael, 1571-1621. Syntagma musicum; ex veterum et recentiorum, ecclesiasticorum autorum lectione, polyhistorum consignatione, variarum linguarum notatione, hodierni seculi usurpatione, ipsius denique musicse artis observatione : in cantorum, organistarum, organopceorum, csetero- rumque musicam scientiam amantium & tractantium gratiam collec- tum ; et secundum generalem indicem toti operi prsefixum, in quatuor tomos distributum, a Michaele Prsetorio ... [n. p., 1615-20] 3 v. in 1. xlii pi. on 21 1., fold. tab. 22 x 17 cm . Each vol. has special t.-p. (v. 1) Syntagmatis musici tomus primus com- plectens duas partes: quarum prima agit de musica sacra vel ecclesiastica . . . Wittebergse, e typographeo J. Richteri, 1615 (Part 2 has half-title: Syntagmatis musici tomo primo. Conjuncta pars altera: videlicet, Historia de musica extra ecclesiam . . .) (v. 2) Syntagmatis musici . . . tomus secundus De organogra- phia . . . Wolff enb u ttel, Gedrucktbey E. Holwein, in verlegung des autoris, 1619. (v. 3) Syntagmatis musici . . . tomus tertius. Darinnen 1. Die be- deutung / wie auch abtheil- vnnd beschreibung fast aller nahmen / der italia- nischen / frantz6sischen / englischen vnd jetziger zeit in Teutschland gebrauch- lichen gesange ... 2. Was im singen / bey den no ten vnd tactu, modis vnd transpositione, partibus seu vocibus vnd vnterschiedenen choris, auch bey den unisonis vnnd octavis zu observiren: 3. Wie die italianische vnd andere termini musici . . . zu verstehen vnd zu gebrauchen [etc., etc.] . . . Wolff enb uttel, Gedruckt bey E. Holwein, in verlegung des autoris, 1619. The plates form the last part of vol. 2, with special t.-p.: Theatrum instru- mentorum, seu Sciagraphia Michaelis Praetorii C. Darinnen eigentliche abriss vnd abconterfeyung / fast aller derer musicalischen instrumenten, so jtziger zeit in Welschland / Engeland / Teutschland vnd andern ortern vblich vnd vorhanden seyn ... Wolffenbuttel, 1620. Part 1 in Latin, parts 2 and 3 in German. In the general table of contents, at the beginning of vol. 1, a fourth part is given in outline, which has never appeared. ML100.A2P8 216 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Prelleur, Peter] An introduction to singing after so easy a method, that persons of the meanest capacities may (in a short time) learn to sing (in tune) any song that is set to musick, with a choice collection of songs for one, two or three voices, with a thorough bass to each, by y most eminent masters of f age. London, D. Kutherford [17 — ] 32 p. 22 cm . Engraved throughout. MT870.A2P63 The modern musick-master; or, The universal musician, containing, I. An introduction to singing ... n. Directions for playing on the flute . . . in. The newest method for learners on the German flute ... iv. Instructions upon the hautboy ... v. The art of playing on the violin ... vi. The harpsichord illustrated and improv'd . . . in which is included a large collection of airs, and lessons, adapted to the several instruments . . . With A brief history of musick . . . To which is added, a musical dictionary . . . Curiously adorn'd with cuts . . . 4th ed., flnelv engrav'd . . . London, At the Printing-office in Bow Church Yard, 1738. 8 v. in 1. fronts., plates (partly fold.) 23 cm . Vol. l-[7] have each special t.-p. MT6.A2P93 See also The compleat tutor for the German flute. The compleat tutor for the harpsichord [175-] The harpsichord illustrated and improv'd [174-] Preus, Georg. Grund-regeln von der structur und den requisitis einer untadel- haften orgel, worinnen hauptsachlich gezeiget wird, was bey erbauung einer neuen und renovirung einer alten orgel zu beobachten sey, auch wie eine orgel bey der ueberlieferung miisse probiret und examiniret werden; in einem gesprach entworffen von Georg Preus, organisten an der Heil. Geist-^irche in Hamburg. Hamburg, C. W. Brandt, 1729. 7 p. 1., 104 p. front. 16 cm . ML555.A2P9 Preus, Georg. Observationes musicse, oder Musicalische anmerckungen / welche bestehen in eintheilung der thonen / deren eigenschafft und wirckung / den music-liebenden zum besten heraus gegeben von Georg Preus, organist der stadt Greiffswald. Greiffswald/ Gedruckt bey D. B. Starcken [1706] [24] p. fold, diagr. 20xl5i cm . "Musicalische exempel": 7 p. at end. ML3809.A2P37 Prevost d'Exmes, Francois le. See Le Prevost d'Exmes, Francois. Prieto, Victor, editor. See Abreu, A. Escuela para tocar ... la guitarra, 1799." EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 217 Primcock, A., pseud. See Ralph, James. Primi elementi di musica prattica per gli studenti principianti di tal professione. A' quali si sono aggiunti alquanti solfeggi a due voci in partitura, d'eccellente autore. Venezia, A. Bortoli [170- ?] 68 p. 22 x 16£ c,n . Published 1708 or earlier, as it is advertised in Gasparini's " L'armonico pratico," Venice, Bortoli, 1708. MT870.A2P68 Principes abreges de musique, en forme de dialogue, a Fusage des commencans. Metz, Behmer, an vi [1798 ?] 2 p. 1., 18 p. 2 pi. 21 c cm MT7.A2P84 Principj di musica. Nei quali oltre le antiche, e solite regole vi sono aggiunte altre figure di note, schiarimento di chiavi, scale dei tuoni, lettura alia francese, scale semplici delle prime regole del cimbalo, violino, viola, violoncello, contrabasso, oboe, e flauto. Firenze, G. Chiari [1750 ?] [1], 9 p. 25 cm . Illustrated t.-p.; line borders; engraved throughout. MT7.A2P96 Principj di musica nei quali oltre le antiche, e solite regole vi sono aggiunte altre figure di note, schiarimento di chiavi, scale dei tuoni, lettura alia francese, scale semplici delle prime regole del cimbalo, violino, viola, violoncello, contrabbasso, oboe, e flauto. Venezia, A. Zatta, e figli [17—] [1], 10 p. 28 cm . Title within ornamental border; line borders; engraved throughout. MT7.A2P8 Prinner, Johann Jacob. Musicalischer schlissl welcher aufsparet dass schreibkhastlein dess verstands, darinnen vnterschiedliche ladlein alss capitl begriffen, dar- von jedes nach der ordnung seinen schaz zeiget. Sowoll dass instru- ment vnd clauir zuuerstehen, alss auch singen, geigen der violin, viola da gamba, violon vnd andrer geigen zuerlehrnen, wie auch die com- Eosition von grund auss zuergreiffen, die partitur oder den general ass zum accompagniren zuuerstehen. Welchen schlissl ich der lieben jugendt zum besten auf dass fleissigste an die handt reiche vnd mittheille dise edle khunst auf das leichteste vnd beste zu fassen, vnd khtinfftig das erlehrnete widerumb vergessener massen zuerhollen auch verf asset anno 1677. Joannes Jacobus Prinner. [174] p. 20£ x 15£ cm . Author's autograph. Contains the "Musicalischer schlissl" (13 chapters, 100 p.), teaching the rudiments of music, use and notation of stringed instruments; the "Organische instruction" (21 p.), treating of organ and "clavier"; the "Fuga" (53 p.), treating of fugue and canon. Eitner, in his Quellen-lexikon, gives Prinner's name as Prunier. ML95.P7 218 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Printz, Wolfgang Caspar, of Waldthurn, 1641-1717. Exercitationes musicse theoretico-practicse curiosae de concor- dantiis singulis, das ist Musicalische wissenschafft und kunst-ubungen , von jedweden concordantien, in welchen jeglicher concordantz natur und wesen / composition, eigentlicher sitz, production, continuation und progressus aus gewissen griinden erklaret / und beschrieben werden . . . von Wolfgang Caspar Printzen / von Waldthurn . . . Dresden, J. C. Mieth, 1689. 9 v. in 1. 19£ x 16i cm . Added t.-p., engr.: Wolfgang Caspar Printzens Musicalische wissenschafft [etc.] Contains a "Prodromus" and eight dissertations, each with special t.-p. bear ing imprint: Franckfurt und Leipzig, J. C. Mieth, 1687[-89] MT55.A2P96 Historische beschreibung der edelen sing- und kling-kunst, in welcher deroselben ursprung und erfindung, fortgang, verbesserung, unterschiedlicher gebrauch, wunderbare wurckungen, mancherley feinde, und zugleich beruhmteste ausuber von anfang der welt biss auff unsere zeit in m6glichster kurtze erzehlet und vorgestellet werden, aus denen vornehmsten autoribus abgefasset und in ordnung gebracht von Wolfgang Caspar Printzen, von Waldthurn . . . Dresden, J. C. Mieth, 1690. 3 p. 1., 240 p. v pi. 19J x 17 cm . ML159.P9 Musica modulatoria vocalis, oder Manierliche und zierliche sing- kunst / in welcher alles / was von einem guten sanger erfordert wird / grundlich und auf das deutlichste gelehret und vor augen gestellet wird . . . von Wolfgang Caspar Printzen /von Waldthurn . . . Schweid- nitz / C. Okel / 1678. 4p.l.,79, [l]p. pi. 19£xl5 on ». (With his Phrynia. Quedlinburg [etc.] 1676-77) MT40.A2P95 Musicus curiosus, oder Battalus, der vorwitzige musicant, in einer sehr lustigen / anmuthigen / unertichteten / und mit sch6nen moralien durchspickten geschichte vorgestellet von Mimnermo, des Battali guten freunde. Freyburg / Verlegt von J. C. Miethen / 1691. 333 (i. e. 331) p. 15§ cm x 9 C }em . No. 319-320 omitted in paging. Frontispiece (added t.-p., engr.?) wanting. Ascribed also to Johann Kuhnau. ML410.K97A1 Musicus magnanimus, oder Pancalus, der grossmuthige musicant / in einer uberaus lustigen / anmuthigen / und mit sch6nen moralien gezierten geschicht vorgestellet von Mimnermo, des Pancali guten freunde. Freyburg / Zu finden bey J. C. Miethen, 1691. 1 p. 1., 262 p. 15£x9 om . (With his Musicus curiosus. Freyburg, 1691) Added t.-p., engr. Ascribed also to Johann Kuhnau. ML410.K97A1 Wolffgang Caspar Printzens / von Waldthurn . . . Phrynis oder Satyriscner componist / welcher vermittelst einer satyrischen ge- EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 219 Printz, Wolfgang Caspar — Continued. schicht alle und iede f ehler f der ungelehrten / selbgewachsenen / unge- schickten und unverstandigen componisten hdmich darstellet / und darneben lehret / wie ein musicaliscnes stuck rein / ohne fehler und nach dem rechten grunde zu componiren und zu setzen sey . . . Qued- linburg / C. Okel / 1676-77. 2 v. in 1. front, (v. 2) fold. pi. 19£ x 15 cm . Added t.-p., engr. Unpaged (pagination trimmed off in binding?) Vol. 2 has title: Wolffgang Caspar Printzens/ von Waldthurn . . . Phrynis Mytilenaeus, oder ander theil/ des Satyrischen componistens . . . Sagan, C. Okel, 1677. MT40.A2P95 Wolffgang Caspar Printzens von Waldthurn Phrynis Mitile- naeus, oder Satyrischer componist, welcher, vermittelst einer satyri- schen geschicht, die fehler der ungelehrten, selbgewachsenen, uige- schickten, und unverstandigen componisten h6flich darstellet, und zugleich lehret, wie ein musicaliscnes stuck rein, ohne fehler, und nach dem rechten grunde zu componiren und zu setzen sey, worb^y mancherley musicalische discurse . . . wie auch eine beschreibung eines labyrinthi musici, nebst eingemengten lustigen erzehlungen gefunden werden. Dressden und Leipzig, J. C. Mieth und J. C. Zimmermann, 1696. 3 v. in 1. 4 fold. 1. (music), fold, diagr. 20£ x 16£ em . Title varies. Added t.-p., engr. _ " Wunderbahrliche echo . . . in einer dop- pelten fuga ligata . . . von Ismenia Stratonico :" 2d 1. Vol. 3, although ready for publication in 1679, first appeared in this, the second, edition. A fourth part to the work was written, but was destroyed by fire. In the "prodromus" to vol. 1 of the present edition are included: (1) "Refu- tation des Satyrischen componisten . . . von . . . Matz Tapinsmus . . . und Charia Lausimpeltz written by Printz himself (c/. p. 23 et seq.) and first pub. sepa- rately in 1678; (2) a pretended reply by Printz, "Declaration oder weitere erkla- rung der Refutation . . . von Philomuso Polyandro," 1679; (3) a colloquy by one of Printz's pupils, "Der aberwitzige pickelhering Jean Rebhu, in einem kurtzen gesprach entworffen von Veridico Grato," being a satirical reply to an attack on Printz, which appeared in a contemporary almanac, containing also "Lebensbeschreibung des abenteuerlichen Jean Rebhu." MT40.A2P96 [Prixner, Sebastian] 1744-1799. Kann man nicht in zwey, oder drey monaten die orgel gut, und regelmassig schlagen lernen? Mit ja beantwortet, und dargethan vermittelst einer einleitung zum generalbasse. Verfasst fur die Pflanzschule des furstlichen reichsstiftes St. Emmeram. Landshut, Mit Hagenschen schriften, 1789. 223, [5] p., 1 1. incl. 2 fold. pi. W x 21 cm . The plates are each counted as one page in numbering. MT182.A2P7 Provedi, Francesco. Paragone della musica antica, e della moderna: ragionamenti iv. di Francesco Provedi coltellinajo sanese. [n. p., 17 — ] [107] p. 17 x 9 om . Dedication dated: Siena, 22. novembre 1752. Signatures: A5-[A12], B-D in twelves, E in ten. ML169.A2P7 220 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Provedi, Francesco — Continued. Paragone della musica antica, e della moderna: ragionamenti iv. di Francesco Provedi coltellinajo sanese. [n. p., 17 — ] 4 p. 1., p. 353-451. 16 x 9 cm . Dedication dated as in the foregoing. Signature title: Opusc. torn. L. Originally formed part of volume 50 of Calogera's " Raccolta d'opuscoli scien- tifici e filologici, " Venice, 1754. cf. Lichtenthal, Dizionario e bibl. della musica, 1826. ML169.A2P6 Psellus, Michael. See Alard, L. De veterum musica, 1636. Ptolemaeus, Claudius. KXaod'coo nvokfiouoo ^ApiiovcKujv /fr/Wia j' . Claudii Ptolemsei HarmBni- corum libri tres. Ex. cod. mss. vndecim, nunc primum grsece editus. Johannes Wallis . . . recensuit, ecLidit, versione & notis illustravit, & auctarium adjecit. Oxonii, e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1682. 10 p. 1., 328 p. front., tables, diagrs. 24 cm . Title vignette. Appendix, " De veterum harmonica ad hodiernam comparata:" p. 281-328. ML168.P97 See also Gogava, A. H., translator. Aristoxeni . . . Harmonicorvm elementorvm libri ni, 1562. Puig, Bernardo Comes y de. See Comes y de Puig, Bernardo. Pujades, Antonio Eximeno y. See Exemeno y Ptjjades, Antonio. Purcell, Henry, 1658 or 9-1695, editor. See Playford, J. An introduction to the skill of musick. Purmann, Johann Georg, 1733-1813. Antiquitates musicae . . . [Specimen i] Francofurti ad Moenum, excudebat I. P. Bayrhoffer [1776] 24 p. 23 x 18 cm . Programm — Gymnasium, Frankfurt a. M. ML64.P9 Puteanus, Erycius, 1574-1646. Errici Pvteani . . . Modvlata Pallas, siue Septem discrimina vocvm, ad harmonicae lectionis nouum & compendianum vsum aptata & con- texta, philologo quodam filo. Mediolani, apud Pontianos, 1599. 122, [5] p. illus. 17i cm . ML171.P9 EABLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 221 Puteanus, Erycius — Continued. Eryci Pvteani Mvsathena, sive Notarvm heptas, ad har- monicse lectionis nouum & facilem vsum. Eiusdem Iter nonianvm. Dialogus, qui epitomen Musathenae comprehendit. Eiusdem De dis- tinctionibvs syntagma, cum epistola Iusti Lipsii de eadem materia. Hanovia3, typis Wechelianis, apud C. Marnium & heredes I. Aubrii, 1602. 103, [1] p. 17 cm . 2d edition of the Modulate Pallas. MT44.A2P92 Quantz, Johaxm Joachim, 1697-1773. Johann Joachim Quantzens . . . Versuch einer anweisung die fi6te traversiere zu spielen; mit verschiedenen, zur befdrderung des guten geschmackes in der praktischen musik dienlichen anmerkungen begleitet, und mit exempeln erlliutert. Nebst xxiv. kupfertafeln. Berlin, J. F. Voss, 1752. 7 p. 1., 334, [20] p., 1 1. illus., xxiv pi. on 12 fold. 1. 24 x 19 cm . The plates contain the " exempel " and are printed on both sides. MT342.A2Q2 See also Lorenzoni, A. Saggio per ben sonare il flautotra verso, 1779. Quatremere de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome, 1755-1849. De la nature des operas bouftons italiens, et de l'union de la comedie & de la musique dans ces poemes ; par M. Quatremere de Quincy. (JnL'Espritdesjournaux . . . Paris [1789] 16£ cm . 18. annee, t. ix. p. 281-308) Separate. Reprinted from the Journal encyclopedique. ML3858.A2Q4 Querlon, Anne Gabriel Meusnier de. See Meusnier de Querlon, Anne Gabriel. Quetant, Antoine Francois, 1733-1823. Essai sur l'opera-comique. (In his Le serrurier, opera bouffon. Paris, 1765. 21 cm . p. [43]-47) ML48 S5205 Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome Quatremere de. See Quatremere de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome. Quintanilla, Giacinto. Annotationi, regole e documenti necessarii per direttione del canto fermo estratti da diuerse auttori da Giacinto Quintanilla ad instanza di Suor Clara Maria Donati Monaca professa In S. Huomobono 1'anno mdclvii. I cm 2 p. 1., [16] p. 26X20£ C Unpublished manuscript, probably in author's own hand. MT860.A2Q4 222 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Quintilianus, Aristides. See Aristides Quintilianus. Quirsfeld, Johann, 1642-1686. Breviarium musicum, oder Kurtzer begriff wie ein knabe leicht und bald zur singe-kunst gelangen und die nothigsten dinge darzu kurtz- lich begreiffen und erlernen kan. Nebenst einem anhange unter- schiedener deductionen und fugen, nach den zwdlff tonis musicis. Zusammen gebracht und aufs neue vermehret von M. Johanne Qvirs- felden . . . Dresden, M. G. Hubner, 1688. 6 p. 1., 112 p. 16 cm . 3d edition. 1st edition, Pirna, 1675. MT870.A2Q8 E., P. J. L. C. See Neue . . . art zu solmisiren, 1763. Rafaele, Benvenuto, conte di San. See San Rafaele, Benvenuto, conte di. [Raguenet, Francois] 1660?-1722. Paralele des Italiens et des Francois, en ce qui regarde la musique et les op6ra. Paris, J. Moreau, 1602 [i. e. 1702] 4 p. 1., 124, [12] p. 15 cm . ML1733.2.A2R1 La paix de l'opera, ou Parallele impartial de la musique francoise et de la musique italienne. Amsterdam, 1753. 40 p. 19£ cm . A much altered edition of the "Paralele," with notes by the editor. ML1727.33.R2 A comparison between the French and Italian musick and opera's. Translated from the French; with some remarks. To which is added A critical discourse upon opera's in 'England, and a means proposed for their improvement. London, Printed for W. Lewis, and sold by J. Morphew, 1709. 3 p. 1., 86 p. 21£ cm . "Sir John Hawkins conjectured, from internal evidence, that Galliard made the translation of the Abb6 Raguenet's Parallele, published in 1709 . . . and was the author of A critical discourse upon operas in England . . . printed at the end of that translation; whilst Dr. Burney . . . was of a contrary opinion." — Grove, Diet, of music. ML1733.2.A2R12 [Ralph, James] d. 1762. The touch-stone: or, Historical, critical, political, philosophical, and theological essays on the reigning diversions of the town . . . In which everything antique, or modern, relating to musick, poetry, dancing, pantomimes, chorusses, cat-calls . . . circus bear-garden, gladiators, prize-fighters ... is occasionally handled. By a person EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 223 [Ralph, James] — Continued. of some taste and some quality. With a preface, giving an account of the author and the work . . . London, 1728. 2 p. 1., iii-xxviii, 237 p. 17 cm . Dedication signed: A. Primcock [pseud, of James Ralph] PN2021.R29 The taste of the town: or, A guide to all publick diversions. Viz. i. Of musick, operas and plays ... n. Of poetry, sacred and profane . . . in. Of dancing, rehgious and dramatical ... iv. Of the mimes, pantomimes and choruses of the antients ... v. Of audi- ences, at our theatrical representations ... vi. Of masquerades, ecclesiastical, political, civil and military . . . vn. Of the athletic sports of the antients . . . London, Printed, and sold by the book- sellers of London and Westminster, 1731. xxviii, 237 p. illus. 16 cm . Epistle dedicatory signed: A. Primcock. Reissue of "The touchstone." PN2021.R3 [Rameau, Jean Frangois] 6. 1716. La Rameide, poeme . . . Inter ramos [vignette] lilia fulgent. Prix. 1. 3. 6. 12. 24. 48. 96. A Petersbourg, aux Rameaux couronnes. m.dcc.lxvi. [Paris, 1766] 28 p., 1 1. 19i cm . ML410.R2R2 See also Cazotte, J. La nouvelle Rameide, 1766. Rameau, Jean Philippe, 1683-1764. Code de musique pratique, ou Methodes pour apprendre la musique, meme a des aveugles, pour former la voix & l'oreille, pour la position de la main avec une mechanique des doigts sur le clavecin & l'orgue, pour l'accompagnement sur tous les instrumens qui en sont suscep- tibles, & pour le prelude: avec de nouvelles reflexions sur le principe sonore. Par M. Rameau. Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1760. 1 p. 1., xx, 237, 33 p. front. 26 x 19£ cm . Title vignette. "Exemples du Code de musique pratique": 33 p. at end. MT50.A2R16 Demonstration du principe de l'harmonie, servant de base a tout l'art musical th^orique & pratique. Approuvee par messieurs de l'Academie royale des sciences . . . Par Monsieur Rameau. Paris, Durand [etc.] 1750. xxiii, xlvij, 112 p. 5 fold. tab. 19£ cra . L. of C. has also another copy, with 4 unnumbered pages containing the privilege and errata, which are not in this copy. The two issues show slight typographical differences, e. g. in the second copy the signature letter on first page of each signature is preceded by an asterisk which does not appear in the first copy. "Extrait des registres de l'Academie royale des sciences (rapport des com- missaires nommes par l'Academie sur le memoire de M. Rameau) ": xlvij p. ML3815.A2R17 224 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS Rameau, Jean Philippe — Continued. Erreurs sur la musique dans l'Encyclopedie. Paris, S. Jorry, 1755. 124 (i. e. 128) p. 19 cm . No. 109-112 repeated in paging. ML3805.A2R2 Extrait d'une reponse de M. Rameau a M. Euler, Sur l'identite des octaves, d'oh. resultent des verites d'autant plus curieuses qu'elles n'ont pas encore ete soupponnees. Paris, Durand, 1753. 2 p. 1., 41 p. 19J cm . (With his Demonstration du principe de l'harmonie. Paris, 1750) ML3815.A2R17 Generation harmonique, ou Traite de musique theorique et pratique. Par M. Rameau.* Pans, Prault ills, 1737. 8 p. 1., 201 (i. e. 227), [13], xlvij, [4] p. 12 pi. 20£ x 12 cm . Title vignette. Pages 226 and 227 numbered 208 and 201 respectively. ML3815.A2R19 Nouveau systenie de musique theorique, ou Ton decouvre le prin- cipe de toutes les regies necessaires a la pratique, pour servir d'intro- duction au Traite de 1'harmonie; par Monsieur Rameau . . . Paris, Impr. de J. B. C. Ballard, 1726. viij, 114, [6] p. 2 fold. tab. 25 x 19£ cm . (With his Traite de l'harmonie. Paris, 1722) MT50.A2R17 Nouvelles reflections de M. Rameau. Sur sa Demonstration du principe de Fharmonie . . . Paris, Durand [etc.] 1752. 2 p. 1., 85, [1] p., 1 1. 19£ cm . (With his Demonstration du principe de l'har- monie. Paris, 1750) ML3815.A2R17 Observations sur notre instinct pour la musique, et sur son prin- cipe; ou les moyens de reconnoitre run par Fautre, conduisent a pou- voir se rendre raison avec certitude des differens effets de cet art. Par Monsieur Rameau. Paris, Prault fils [etc.] 1754. xvj, 125, [1] p. 7 fold. pi. 19 cm . ML3845.A2R2 Traite de Fharmonie* reduite a ses principes naturels; divise en ^ quatre livres . . . Par Monsieur Rameau . . . Paris, Impr. de J. B. C. Ballard, 1722. 4 p. 1., xxiv, 432, 17, [1] p. 25 x 19£ cm . MT50.A2R17 A treatise of musick, containing the principles of composition. Wherein the several parts thereof are fully explained, and made useful both to the professors and students of that science. By Mr. Rameau . . . Tr. into English from the original in the French language . . . London, Printed by R. Brown, for the proprietor, and sold by J. Walsh, 1752. 4 p. 1., 176, [2] p. 25J x 20£ om . A translation of the third part of the Traite de l'harmonie. 1st edition, 1737. MT50.A2R173 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 225 Rameau, Pierre. Abrege de la nouvelle methode, dans l'art d'ecrire ou de tracer toutes sortes dedanses de ville . . . mise au jour par le S r . Rameau . . . Ouvrage tres utile pour toutes personnes qui ont scu ou qui appren- nent a danser, puis que par le secour de ce livre, on peut se remettre facilement dans toutes les danses que Ton a appris . . . Paris, Chez l'auteur [etc., 1725?] 2 pt. in 1 v. (5 p. 1., Ill (». e. 109), [2] p.; 1 p. 1., 83 p.) diagrs. 20° urn Running title: Abrege de la nouv. choregraphie. No. 29-30 omitted in paging of part 1. Page 73 (probably "planche du bal") wanting in this copy. Part 2, engraved throughout, has title: Seconde partie contenant douze des plus belles danses de Monsieur Pecour . . . remis en choregraphie suivant la nouvelle correction et augmentation du S r . Rameau . . . (The tune for each dance is given) GV1590.R33 Le maitre a danser. Qui enseigne la maniere de faire tous les differens pas de danse dans toute la regularity de Fart, & de conduire les bras a chaque pas. Enrichi de figures en taille-douce, servant de demonstration pour tous les differens mouvemens qu'il convient faire dans cet exercice . . . Par le sieur Rameau . . . Paris, Rollin fils, 1748. xxiv, 271, [1] p. 60 pi. (partly fold., incl. front.) 19£ c Plates signed: P. Rameau, invenit et fecit. GV1590.R3 The dancing-master : or, The art of dancing explained ... In two parts . . . The whole containing sixty figures drawn from the life, and curiously engraved on copper plates. Done from the French of Monsieur Rameau, by J. Essex . . . London, Printed and sold by him, and J. Brotherton, 1728. xxxii, 160 p. 57 pi. (partly fold., incl. front.) 25 cm GV1590.R4 Ramoneda, Ignacio. Arte de canto-llano en compendio breve, y methodo muy facil para que los particulares, que deben saberlo, adquieran con brevedad, y ?oco trabajo la inteligencia, y destreza conveniente. Su autor el . Fr. Ignacio Ramoneda . . . Madrid, Impr. de P. Marin, 1778. 8 p. 1., 216 p. 21 cm . MT860.A2R17 Rangoni, Giovanni Battista. Essai sur le gout de la musique, avec le caractere des trois celebres joueurs de violon, Messieurs Nardini, Lolli, & Pugnani, par Monsieur le marquis Jean-Baptiste de Rangoni . . . Livourne, Impr. de T. Masi & comp., 1790. vii, 2-91 p. 19J cm . Text in French and Italian on opposite pages. Added t.-p. in Italian. ML3853.A2R19 51234°— 13 15 226 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Raparlier, Principes de musique, les agrements du chant, et un Essai sur la prononciation, 1' articulation et la prosodie de la langue francoise . . . Par M. Kaparlier . . . Lille, P. S. Lalau, 1772. 4 p. 1., 44 p. 1 illus. 26 em . Title vignette; ornamental borders. MT7.A2R17 Raselius, Andreas, d. 1602. Hexachordvm, seu Qvsestiones mvsica3 practicse, sex capitibus comprehensse, quae continent perspicua methodo ad praxin, ut hodie est, necessaria. Pro gymnasio poetico s. p. q. ratisponensis, hoc ordine distinctse, & idoneis exemplis, una cum pulcherrima xn. modorum doctrina illustrata a M. Andrea Raselio . . . Noribergse [in officina typographica Gerlachiana] 1589. [175] p. 16 cm . Signatures: A-L in eights. * ML171.R28 Rauch, Christoph. Theatrophania. Entgegen gesetzet der so genanten schrifft Thea- tromania. Zur verthadigung der christhchen / vornemlich aber / deren musicalischen operen / und verwerffung aller heidnischen und von den alten kirchen-vattern allein verdammeten schauspielen. In druck verfertiget durch Christophorum Rauch . . . Hannover, W. Schwendimann, 1682. 15 p. 1., 15-150 p. 16£ x 9 cm . Against Anton Reiser's "Teatromania." ML3858.R24 [Raupach, Christoph] l. 1686. Veritophili DeutUche beweis-grunde / worauf der rechte gebrauch der music, beydes in den kirchen / als ausser denselben / beruhet; aus der Heil. Schrifft / denen zeugnussen der heil. vater / und aus der theorie der music selbst / mit alt- und neuen / sowol geist -/ als welt- lichen exempeln / nebst der muglichen pflicht eines jeden christen im gebrauch dieser g6ttl. gabe erortert / und mit ungemeinen bissher versteckt-gewesenen doch n6thigen erinnerungen / samt einer vor- rede / heraus gegeben von Mattheson. Hamburg, Sel. B. Schillers erben / 1717. 12 p. 1., 56 p. 17 x 21 cm . (In Niedt, Friedrich E. ... Musicalischer handlei- tung dritter und letzter theil. Hamburg, 1717) " Veritophilus " is the pseudonym of Christoph Raupach. MT40.A2N48 Ravn, Hans Mikkelsen, 1610-1663. Heptachordum danicum, seu Nova solfisatio in qua musicse prac- ticse usus tarn qvi ad canendum, qvam qvi ad componendum cantum, sive choralem seu planum, sive mensuralem seu contrapunctum per- tinet . . . ostenditur. Cui accessit Logistica harmonica musicse tneo- ricse vera & firma prsestruens fundamenta . . . studi6 Johannis Michae- lii Corvini. Hafmse, typis Melchioris Martzan, 1646. 29 p. 1., 209 p., 4 1., 56 p. 2 fold. tab. 19* x 15* cm . Added t.-p., engr. MT6.AR219 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 227 Rawlins, John. The power of musick, and the particular influence of church-musick : a sermon preached in the cathedral-church of Worcester, at the anni- versary meeting of the choirs of Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester, September 8. 1773. By John Rawlins . . . Oxford, Clarendon-press, 1773. 2 p. 1., 29 p. 20 cm . ML3920.A2R18 Raymundo da Convercao, 1601-1661. Manval de tvdo o qve se canta fora do choro, conforme ao uzo dos religiosos, & religiosas da sagrada ordem de penitencia de nosso sera- phico padre Sao Francisco do reyno de Portugal. Pello p. fr. Ray- mvndo da Convercam . . . contem as ceremonias do altar, & choro, em todos os actos solemnes que occorrem em o descurso do anno: conforme o breviario, missal mais correctos. Coimbra, Officina de R. de Carvalho Coutinho, 1675. 4 p. 1., 485, [5] p. 20 x 15£ cm . According to Vieira, this is a translation and revision of an unpublished work of Luiz das Chagas, "Manual para todo lo que se canta fuera del coro [etc.]" MT860.A2R19 Reading, John, 1588-1667. A sermon lately delivered in the cathedral church of Canterbury, concerning church-musick. By John Reading . . . London, Printed by T. Newcomb, 1663. 2 p. 1., 18 p. 21£ cm . ML3001.R31 Reflexions sur la musique, ou recherches sur la cause des effets qu'elle produit. Par M. V * * * *. A Amsterdam, et se trouve a Paris, cnez Nyon 1'aine, 1785. 2 p. 1., iij-xiij, [15]-82 p. 18£ cm . Title vignette. ML3830.R3 Regole d'alcuni capi necessarj, e piu' frequenti per Posservanza delle sacre cerimonie, e del canto fermo ambrosiano, stampate per ordine del card. Federico Borromeo. Milano, Stamperia Puhni, 1795. 76 p. 15 cm . Half-title: Liturgia Ambrosiana. Ch.17.1854 Regole musicali per li principianti di cembalo. Nuova ed. accresciu- ta. Napoli, D. Sangiacomo, 1795. 60 p. I5| cm . MT224.A2R4 Reichardt, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1814. Briefe eines aufmerksamen reisenden die musik betreffend. An seine freunde geschrieben von Johann Friederich Reichardt . . . Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1774-76. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 4 p. 1., 184 p.; v. 2: 134 p.) 16$ cm . Vol. 2 published Frankfurt and Breslau. ML275.3.R34 228 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Reichardt, Johann Priedrich — Continued. Geist des Musikalischen kunstmagazins von Johann Friederich Reichardt. Hrsg. von I. A[lberti] Berlin, Gedruckt und in com- mission bey J. F. Unger, 1791. xii, 195, [1] p. 16i cm . "Aufsatze und urtheile aus dem Musikalischen kunstmagazin." — Pref. ML3845.A2R3 Johann Friedrich Reichardt an das musikalische pubUkum seine franzosischen opern Tamerlan und Panthee betreffend. Hamburg, In commission bey B. G. Hofmann [1787] 55 p. 15£ cm . ML410.R3A12 Joh. Friedrich Reichardt iiber die deutsche comische oper, nebst einem anhange eines freundschaftlichen briefes iiber die musikahsche poesie. Hamburg, C. E. Bohn, 1774. 124 p. 27J em . "Zergliederung der comischen oper: Die jagd": p. 24-96. ML410.H67R3 Leben des beruhmten tonkiinstlers Heinrich Wilhelm Gulden nachher genannt Gughelmo Enrico Fiorino. Erster theil. Berlin, A. Mylius, 1779. 1 p. 1., 258 p. 16 cm . A romance, supposed by many to be partly autobiographical, although Reichardt himself denied this. Only the first part was published. ML3925.A2R3 Schreiben iiber die berlinische musik an den herrn L. v. Sch. in M., von Johann Friedrich Reichardt. Hamburg, C. E. Bohn, 1775. 32 p. 16 cm . "Eine beylage zu dem ersten theile der Briefe eines aufmerksamen reisenden." ML279.8.B2R3 Ueber die pflichten des ripien-violinisten, von Johann Friederich Reichardt . . . Berlin und Leipzig, G. J. Decker, 1776. 92 p. 16£ cm . MT68.A2R35 Reichardt, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1814, editor. See Lohlein, G. S. Anweisung zum violinspielen, 1797. Musikalische monathsschrift [1792] Musikalischer almanach auf das jahr 1782. Musikalisches kunstmagasin, 1782-91. Musikalisches wochenblatt [1791-92] Studien fur tonkiinstler, 1793. Reichenberger, Johann Nepomuk, 1737-1805. Die ganze musikkunst, so, wie sie die weltweisheit und die mathe- matik leichtlich jeden lehrt, der auch zur musik am mindesten taug- EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 229 Reichenberger, Johann Nepomuk — Continued. lich zu seyn scheinen darfte, an das licht gegeben durch p. Johann Nepomuk Reichenberger . . . [Regensburg] 1777-80. 212 p. incl. tab. fold. tab. 18£ cm . i In 3 parts, each with special t.-p. At end of part 3: Die forteetzung folgt. MT6.A2R3 Reinhard, Andreas. Monochordum Andreae Reinhardi Nivimontami [!] Lipsiae,Valentin am Ende imprimeb., typis haeredum Beyeri, 1604. 64 p. diagrs. 15£ cm . Title within ornamental border, text within line borders; printer's mark on t.-p. At end: Lipsiae, sumtibus Iohan. Rosii. bibliop. ML171.R35 Reinhard, Leonhard, b. 1710. Kurzer und deutlicher unterricht von dem general-bass, in welchem durch deutliche regeln und leichte exempel nach dem neuesten musi- calischen stylo gezeiget wird, wie die anf anger in dieser h6chst- nutzlichen wissenschaft zu einer grundlichen fertigkeit auf die leich- teste art gelangen k6nnen, verfertiget von Leonhard Reinhard . . . Augspurg, J. J. Lotters seel, erben, 1750. 60 p. 16£ x 21 cm . An earlier edition is cited by Heinsius, published at Augsburg in 1744. MT49.A2R2 Reisch, Gregor, d. 1525. . . . De principijs musice tractatus I [-n] ... [n. p., n. d.] [50] p. illus., fold, diagr. 22 cm . From Reisch's Margarita philosophica; the signatures and illustrations cor- respond to those of the 3d edition, Strassburg, 1508, as described by W. Eames in his "List of editions of the Margarita philosophica," 1886. The signatures are as follows: 3 1. unsigned, U in eight, X in six, Y in eight. Leaf [1] recto: Illustration, inscribed Typvs Mvsices. — 1. [1] v°-l. [6] v°: Liber quintus de principijs musice. Tractatus I . . . (Running title: Libri v trac- tatus I. Musice speculatiue) — 1. [6] v°-l. 13 r°: Libri quinti tractacus [!] secudus de praxi musicg (Running title, beginning with recto of 1. [6]: Libri V tract. II. Musice practice) — 1. 13 v°: Illustration. — 1. [14] -1. [25] r°: Musica figurata (By Malcior of Worms) — 1. [25] v°: Illustration, inscribed Typvs Geometrie. The folding leaf (part of which has been torn off) bears a diagr. on recto and another on verso, and is inserted between U and Uij . ML171.R37 Rellstab, Johann Carl Friedrich, 1759-1813. Versuch uber die vereinigung der musikalischen und oratorischen declamation, hauptsachlich fur musiker und componisten mit erlau- ternden beyspielen, von Johann Carl Friedrich Rellstab . . . Berlin, Im verlage der musikhandlung und musikdruckerey des verfassers [1786] 4 p. 1., [3]-49, [1] p. 28 x 21J cm . MT67.A2R37 Remacha, Miguel Lopez. See Lopez Remacha, Miguel. 230 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Remond de Saint-Mard, Toussaint] 1682-1757. Reflexions sur Popera. La Haye, J. Neaulme, 1741. 1 p. 1., v-x, 104 p. 16 cm . ML1727.3.A2R26 See also Hertel, J. W. Sammlung musikalischer schriften, 1757-58. Requeno y Vives, Vincenzo, 1743-1811. Saggi sul ristabilimento dell' arte armonica de' greci e romani canton del Signor abate D. Vincenzo Requeno . . . Parma, Fratelli Gozzi, 1798. 2 v. (v. 1: 4 p. 1., xxxix, 347, [4] p.; v. 2: 453, [6] p.) pi. 20i cm . ML169.A2R4 Reynolds, Thomas, 1667?-1727. See Practical discourses, 1708. Reynvaan, Joos Verschuere- See Verschtjere-Reynvaan, Joos. Rhaw, Georg, 1488-1548. Enchi- || ridion vtri- || usqjMusice Practice || a Georgio Rhau- || uo congestum. || C Isagoge Io- || annis Galliculi De ca || tus Composi- tione. [Lipsise, 1520] 3 v. in 1. illus. 16£ cm . Title in red and black within woodcut border. At end of part [1]: Explicit mvsica cho- 1| ralis. Nvnc ad || mvsices men- || svralis || enchi- || ridi- || on || pergamvs, || Valentinvs Shv- || man Lypsia? || impres- || sit. _ Part [2] has special t.-p. (with woodcut border): Enchiri || dion mvsi || cse mensv- || ralis || . . . (Colophon, followed by printer's mark: (I Lipsise ex sedibus Valentini Schuman || Anno domini Millesimo quin- 1| gentesimo vigesimo) _ Part [3] has special t.-p. (with woodcut border): Isagoge || Ioannis || Gallicv- [| li de [| compo- || sicione || cantvs. || Lipsise, apud Valenti- || num Schumannu An. || Christi. m.d.xx. (Colophon, preceded by printer's mark: C. Lipsige ex aedibvs || Valentini Schv- 1| man mense ma- 1| io anno || m.d.xx) Signatures: a in eight, b-1 in fours, m in three; A in eight, B-M in fours, N in three; A in eight, B-D in fours, E in three. According to Fetis, Eitner, and others this is the 2d edition of Bhaw's "Enchiridion musices ex variis musicorum libris," Leipzig, 1518. ML171.R42 Ribeiro, Manuel da Paixao. See Paixao Ribeiro, Manuel da: Ribeiro de Almeida Campos, Joao. Elementos de musica . . . Por . . . Joao Ribeiro de Almeida . . . Coimbra, Real imprensa da Universidade, 1786. 4 p. 1., 92 p. fold. pi. 14 cm . MT7.A2R48 Riccati, Giordano, conte, 1709-1790. Saggio sopra le leggi del contrappunto del conte Giordano Riccati . . . Castel-Franco, G. Trento, 1762. 2 p. 1., 155 p. 18 cm . MT55.A2R49 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 231. Ricci, Pasquale, b. 1733. Methode ou recueil de connoissances elementaires pour le forte- piano ou clavecin; oeuvre mele" de theorie et de pratique, divise" en deux parties, compose pour le Conservatoire de Naple par J. C. Bach et F. P. Ricci . . . Paris, Le Due [17—] 1 p. 1., 12, 45 p.; 1 p. 1., 48-75 p. 25£ x 32£ cm . Title-page and musical examples engraved. MT222.A2B12 Richer, See Iso. Memoire [17 — ] Riedel, Friedrich Justus, 1742-1785, editor. Ueber die musik des ritters Christoph von Gluck verschiedene schriften, gesammelt und hrsg. von Friedrich Just. Riedel. Wien, Gedruckt bei Joh. Thorn, edl. v. Trattnern, 1775. xvi, 96 p. 17 em . Title vignette; head-pieces. Contents. — Brief des herrn von * * an die frau grafin von * * fiber die neue oper. [By the Abb6 Arnaud] — Brief an die frau von * * *, uber die cper Iphigenie en Aulide. Paris vom 26. april 1774. — Gesprach zwischen Lulli, Rameau und Orpheus in den Elisaischen Feldern. Von herrn M * * * [P. L. Moline] — Auszug, aus dem Encyklopadischen journal [May 1774] ML410.G5R42 Riederer, Johann Bartholomaus, 1720-1771. D. Joh. Bartholomaus Riederers . . . Abhandlung von einfuhrung des teutschen gesangs in die Evangelisch lutherische kirche uber- haupts und in die nurnbergische besonders. Wobey auch von den altesten gesangbuchern und liedern so bis zum tode Lutheri heraus- gegeben und verfertigt worden gehandelt wird. Nurnberg, J. A. Endter, 1759. 8 p. 1., 326 p. 17 cm . "Nachtrage dazu in seinen Nachrichten zur kirchen-geschichte." — Eitner, Biog.-bibl. quellen-lexikon. "Abdruck eines seltenen buchleins . . . Von der Evangelischen mess, wie sie zu Nurmberg im Newen spital, durch Andream DSber, gehalten wurdt, caplan doselbst. 1525": p. 313-326. ML3129.A2R5 Riedt, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1710 or 12-1784. Versuch uber die musikalische intervallen, in ansehung ihrer wahren anzahl, ihres eigentlichen sitzes, und naturlichen vorzugs in der composition, von Friedrich Wilhelm Riedt . . . Berlin, A. Haude und J. C. Spener, 1753. 4 p. 1., 32 p. diagr. 21$ x 18 cm . ML3809.A2R5 Riepel, Joseph, 1707 or 8-1782. Anfangsgriinde zur musicalischen setzkunst: nicht zwar nach alt- mathematischer einbildungsart der zirkel-harmonisten, sondern durch- gehends mit sichtbaren exempeln abgefasset. De rhythmopoeia, 232 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Riepel, Joseph — Continued. oder Von der tactordnung. Zu etwa beliebigem nutzen hrsg. von Joseph Riepel . . . Frankfurt [etc., Gedruckt bey J. J. Lotter, Augs- purg] 1752-68. 5 v. in 2. 34 cm . Each vol. has special t.-p. (v. 2) Grundregeln zur tonordnung insgemein. Abermal durchgehends mit musicalischen exempeln abgefasst und gesprach- weise vorgetragen von Joseph Riepel . . . Frankfurt [etc., Gedruckt bey C. U. Wagner, Ulm] 1755. (v. 3) Grundliche erklarung der tonordnung insbesondere, zugleich aber fur die mehresten organisten insgemein. Wieder durchaus mit musikalischen exempeln abgefasst und gesprach-weise vorgetragen von Joseph Riepel . . . Frankfurt [etc.] 1757. (v. 4) Erlauterung der betruglichen tonordnung, namlich das versprochene vierte capitel. Abermal durchaus mit musicalischen exempeln abgefasst und gesprach-weise vorgetragen von Joseph Riepel... Augsburg, J. J. Lotter, 1765. (v. 5) Funftes capitel. Unent- behrliche anmerkungen zum contrap*unct . . . mit musikalischen exempeln abgefasst, und wieder gesprachweise vorgetragen von Joseph Riepel . . . Regens- bure, In commission bey herrn J. C. Krippner, 1768. MT47.A2R55 Bassschlussel, das ist, Anleitung fur anf anger und liebhaber der setz- kunst, dis sch6ne gedanken haben und zu papier bringen, aber nur klagen, dass sie kemen bass recht dazu zu setzen wissen, von Joseph Riepel . . . hrsg. von Johann Kaspar Schubarth . . . Regensburg, J. L. Montags erben, 1786. 5 p. 1., 83, [1] p. 34 cm . MT49.R55 Harmonisches syllbenmass, dichtern melodischer werke gewiedmet, und angehenden smgcomponisten zur einsicht mit platten beyspielen gespracnweise abgefasst . . . Durch Joseph Riepel . . . Regens- burg, J. L. Perile, 1776. 2 p. 1., 51, [6], 54-93, [1] p. 35 cia . Head and tail piece. MT64.A2R3 Rigler, Franz Paul. Anleitung zum gesange, und dem klaviere, oder die orgel zu spielen; nebst den ersten grunden zur komposizion; als n6thige vorkenntnisse der freyen und gebundenen fantasie; mit 2 anhangen: der 33 kir- chenlieder; und 31 charakteristischen tonstucken verschiedener meister dieses jahrhunderts . . . Verf asset: von Franz Paul Rig- ler .. . Ofen, Im verlage der K6nigl. hungar. universitatsbuch- druckerey, 1798. 4 p. 1., 510 p. 19 x 22£ cm . " Verzeichniss der besten musikalischen bucher; und der beruhmtesten kom- ponisten": p. 278-281. MT40.A2R4 Riley, William. Parochial music corrected. Containing remarks on the perform- ance of psalmody in country churches, and on the ridiculous and pro- fane manner of singing practised by the Methodists; reflections on the bad performance of psalmody in London, Westminster, &c, with some hints for the improvement of it in public worship ; observations EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 233 Riley, William — Continued. on the choice and qualifications of parish-clerks; the utility of teach- ing charity-children psalmody and hymns ; the use of organs, and the performance of organists. By William Riley ... To which are added, a scarce and valuable collection of psalm tunes . . . London, Printed for the author, 1762. xix, 34 p. 22 cm . The psalm tunes are wanting in this copy. ML3001.R45 Rio, Antonio Ventura Roel del. See Roel del Rio, Antonio Ventura. Riquetti, Honore Gabriel, comte de Mirabeau. See Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Riquetti, comte de. Risposta di un' anonimo al celebre Sig. Rousseau circa al suo senti- mento in proposito d'alcune proposizioni del Sig. Giuseppe Tartini. Venezia, A. de Castro, 1769. 15 p. diagr. 20£ cm . Neither dedicated to Delia Torre Tassis nor written by him, as internal evi- dence proves. Possibly written by the mathematician "padre Colombo," whom Burney mentions in connection with Tartini. Certainly not by Tartini himself, and is not to be confused with his "Risposta di Giuseppe Tartini ..." ML3805.A2T3 [Ritson, Joseph] 1752-1803, editor. Ancient songs, from the time of King Henry the Third, to the revolution . . . London, J. Johnson, 1790. 2 p. 1., lxxx, 332 p. illus. 18 cin . Title vignette. " Observations on the ancient English minstrels," and " Dissertation on the songs, music, and vocal and instrumental performance of the ancient English:" p. i-lxxvi. PR1187.R5 Riva, Giuseppe, b. ca. 1696. See Mizler von Kolof, L. C. Musikalischer staarstecher [1740] [Robbe de Beauveset, Pierre Honore] 1714-1792. Satire a Monsieur le marquis D . . . [n. p., 17 — 1 22 p., 1 1. 19 cm . In verse. No. 6 in a volume of pamphlets lettered Quere[lle] des Bouffofns] Attributed to "M. Robbe" in the ms. table of contents prefixed to the col- lection. ML1727.33.A1 Rocca, Angelo, 1545-1620. De campanis commentarivs a fr. Angelo Roccha ... ad Sanctam ecclesiam catholicam directvs, in quo multa non minus admiratione, ac scitu digna, quam lectu iucunda, in ecclesia Dei reperiri narratur . . . Romae, apud G. Facciottum, 1612. viii, 166, [26] p. plates (partly fold.) 22" m . Illus. t.-p.; initials; text within line borders. CC200.R7 234 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Rocchi, Antonio, 1724-1780. Istituzioni di musica teorico-pratica di D. Antonio Rocchi . . . Delia teoria matematica, libro primo. Del genere diatonico . . . Venezia, Stamperia Albrizziana, 1777. 60 p. 26 cln . ML3809.A2R6 Rochemont, de] I. ca. 1715. Reflexions d'un patriote sur l'opera francois, et sur l'opera italien, qui pr^sentent le parallele du gout des deux nations dans les beaux arts. Lausanne, 1754. xij, 137, [1] p. 19 cm . ML1727.33.R67 Roche tte de Lamorliere, Jacques. See Lamorliere, Jacques Rochette de. Rochlitz, Johann Priedrich, 1769-1842, editor. See Allgemeine musikaUsche zeitung [1798J-1882. Roel del Rio, Antonio Ventura. Institucion harmonica, 6 Doctrina musical, theorica, y practica, que trata del canto llano, y de organo; exactamente, y segun el moderno estilo explicada, de suerte que escusa casi de maestro . . . Escrita por Don Antonio Ventura Roel del Rio . . . Madrid, Herederos de la viuda de J. Garcia Infanzon, 1748. 18 p. 1., 279, 53 p. 21i cm . "Motetes y obras diferentes al Santissimo y a Nra Sra": 53 p. at end. MT860.A2R6 Rollig, Karl Leopold, d. 1804. . . . Die orphica, ein neues musikalisches instrument, erfunden von hr. E.[!] L. R611ig . . . (In Journal des luxus und der moden. Weimar, 1796. 19J cm . 11. jahrg., februar, p. 87-98. fold, pi.) Detached copy. ML1015.A2R63 Roger, Joseph Louis, d. 1761. Tentamen de vi soni et musices in corpus humanum. Authore Josepho, Ludovico Roger . . . Avenione, apud Jacobum Garrigan, 1758. 117, [3] p. pi. 19J cm . ML3920.A2R72 Rojas, Juan Fernandez de. See Fernandez de Rojas, Juan. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 235 Rolle, Christian Carl, b. 1714. Neue wahrnehmungen zur aufnahme und weitern ausbreitung der musik. Von Christian Carl Rolle . . . Berlin, A. Wever, 1784. 2 p. 1., 106, [2] p. 16 cm . "Ehren-gedachtniss Johann Friedrich Agricola, k6niglich-preussischen hof- compositora (hof-componisten) nach Grauns tode capelldirektors " : p. 92-95. "Ehren-gedachtniss Carl Heinrich Graun": p. 96-106. ML60.R74 Rollet, M6thode pour apprendre la musique sans transposition, avec quatre vingt lecons a deux parties, sur toutes les clefs, toutes les mesures, et tous les tons qui sont usites dans la musique . . . composed par M r . Rollet . . . Paris, Chez M r . Le Menu; [etc., etc., 1780] 1 p. 1., 98 p. 32$ x 26£ cm . Engraved throughout. MT222.A2R7 [Romaine, William] 1714-1795. . An essay on psalmody . . . London, 1775. iv, 5-368 p. 19 om . Preface signed: W. R. "A collection out of the book of Psalms, suited to every Sunday in the year,'" p. [155]-368, has special t.-p. ML3186.A2R7 Romero de Avila, Geronimo. Arte de canto-llano, y organo, 6 Promptuario musico, dividido en quatro partes. La primera trata de la especulativa del canto-llano. La segunda, de la practica del mismo canto. La tercera, de la espe- culativa, y practica de todo hymno, sequencia, 6 prosa. Y la quarta, de la especulativa, y practica del canto de organo, segun el moderno estilo. Su autor Don Geronvmo Romero de Avila . . . Madrid. J. Ibarra, 1762. 8 p. 1., 535 p. illus. 21 x 16 cm . MT860.A2R76 Rondet, Laurent Etienne, 1717-1785, editor. See Gatjthier, F. L. Traite contre les danses, 1785. Rosa, Onorato. Regole del canto fermo detto gregoriano spogliate dell' antica loro oscunta, e registrate con brevita, e chiarezza dal r. p. f. Onorato Rosa da Cairano . . . Napoli, Stamperia degli eredi di Moro, 1788. xii, 96 p. 23 x 18£ cm . MT860.A2R78 Rosario, Domingos do. See Domingos do Rosario. Rosini, Carlo Maria, 1748-1836, editor. See Philodemus, ofGadara. De musica [1793] 236 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Rosseto, Vincenzo, translator. See Vanneo, S. Recanetvm de mvsica avrea, 1533. Rossetti, Biagio. Blasii Ros- || setti Veronensis li- || bellus de rudimentis Musices. De triplici musices specie. || De modo debite solugdi divinti pensum. Et de auferendis nonnullis abusibus in dei || templo. J| Que, omnia sub compendio candidus lector J| inueniet. || (I Cum pnuilegio prout in breue cont. [Colophon: (L Verone., per Stephanum, & fratres de Nico- linis || de Sabio, sumptu & requisitione D. Blasii Roset- || ti presbyteri, in Ecclesia maiori Organistse. || mdxxix. mense Septembrio] [104] p. 22* cm . Title within woodcut border. Signatures: a-n in fours. ML171.R7 Rossi, Lemme, d. 1673. Sistema mvsico, ouero Mvsica specvlativa doue si spiegano i piu celebri sistemi di tutti i tre generi, di Lemme Rossi Perugino. [Colo- ghon: In Pervgia, Nella Stampa episcopale, per Angelo Laurenzi. on licenza de' superiori. 1666] 6 p. 1., 179, [1] p. diagrs. 25 cm . Head and tail piece; initials. ML3805.A2R8 Rossino, Francesco di. Grammatica melodiale teorico-pratica esposta per dialoghi, nella quale . . . insegnasi il modo d'imparare ancne di per se il vero canto ecclesiastico, o sia canto fermo, trattine i primi rudimenti. Divisa in tre parti. Opera del p. f. Francesco di Rossino . . . Con in fine un appendice pratica, la quale servira di direttorio al clero tanto secolare, cne regolare, particolarmente ai religiosi francescani . . . Roma, I Lazzarini, 1793. xxiv, 396 p. 29 x 22£ cm . MT860.A2R82 Roth, Georg Michael, 1769-1817. Ueber die bisherige unm6glichkeit einer philosophie des bildes, der musik und sprache, von Georg Michael Roth. Gottingen, J. C. Die- terich, 1796. xxxii, 95 p. 19 cm Ch.26.2.5479 Roullet, Frangois Louis Gaud Lebland, marquis du. See Du Roullet, Francois Louis Gaud Lerland, marquis. Rousseau, Jean. Methode claire, certaine et facile, pour apprendre a chanter la \J musique, sur les tons transposez comme sur les naturels. A battre la mesure a toutes sortes de mouvemens ordinaires & extraordinaires. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 237 Rousseau, Jean — Continued. A faire les ports de voix, & les cadances sur la musique avec regu- larity ; et a connoitre ou il f aut faire les tremblemens dans les livres oil ils ne sont point marquez. Le tout explique & mis en ordre par Jean Rousseau . . . Paris, Chez Tautheur [etc.] 1683. 4 p. 1., 64 p. 12xl8£ cm . The 1st edition was published by Ballard in 1678. MT7.A2R8 Traite de la viole, qui contient une dissertation curieuse sur son origine. Une demonstration generale de son manche en quatre figures, avec leurs explications. L'explication de ses jeux differents, & particulierement des pieces par accords, & de l'accompagnement a fond. Des regies certaines, pour connoitre tous les agremens qui se peuvent pratiquer sur cet instrument dans toutes sortes de pieces de musique. La veritable maniere de gouverner l'archet, & des moyens faciles pour transposer sur toutes sortes de tons. Par lean Rovsseav . . . Paris, C. Ballard, imprimeur, 1687. 8 p. 1., 151 p. fold. tab. 18J cm . "Modelles povr la transposition . . .": p. 120-151. MT338.A2R7 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1712-1778. Dictionnaire de musique, par J. J. Rousseau . . . Paris, Veuve Duchesne, 1768. jx, [3], 548 (i. e. 556), [2] p. a-n fold. pi. (partly music) 26£ cm . Title vignette. No. 473-480 repeated in paging. ML108.A2R7 Dictionnaire de musique. Par J. J. Rousseau . . . Amster- dam, M. M. Rey, 1768. 2 v. (v. 1: xvi, 504 p.; v. 2: 2 p. 1., 372 p.) A-N fold. pi. (partly music), fold. tab. 18 cm . ML108.A2R8 A complete dictionary of music. Consisting of a copious ex- planation of all words necessary to a true knowledge and understand- ing of music. Tr. from the original French of J. J. Rousseau. By William Waring. 2d ed. London, J. Murray; [etc., etc.] 1779. lp. 1., 468 p. 24 cm . ML108.A2R86 Lettre sur la musique francoise. Par J. J. Rousseau. Sunt verba cfc voces, prsetereaque, nihil, [n. p.] 1753. 2 p. 1., 92 p. 17i cin . ML1727.33.R7 Lettre sur la musique francoise, par J. J. Rousseau ... 2. ed. [n. p.] 1753. 4 p. 1., 92 p. 20A cm . ML1727.33.R72 238 LIBRAE Y OP CONGRESS Rousseau, Jean Jacques — Continued. Traites sur la musique. [Geneve, 1781 ?] 437, [1] p. 24 fold. pi. on 19 1. (partly music) 20 cm . The general title is in the form of a half-title, without imprint; the first essay has special t.-p. with imprint "Geneve, 1781." The plates include "Airs prin- cipaux du Devin du village" (pi. I-X) Half-title, title-page and a slight variation in paging excepted, this issue corresponds to another of the same year: (Euvres posthumes de Jean-Jaques Rousseau, ou Recueil de pieces manuscrites, pour servir de supplement aux editions publiees pendant sa vie. Tome troisieme. Geneve, 1781. Contents. — Projet concernant de nouveaux signes pour la musique. — Disser- tation sur la musique moderne. — Essai»sur l'origine des langues, ou il est parl6 de la melodie & de l'imitation musicale. — Lettre a Monsieur l'abbd Raynal, au sujet d'un nouveau mode de musique, invente par M. Blainville. — Examen de deux principes avances par M. Rameau, dans sa brochure intitulee: Erreurs sur la musique, dans 1' Encyclopedic — Lettre a M. Burney sur la musique, avec fragmens d' observations sur l'Alceste italien de M. le chevalier Gluck. Extrait d'une reponse du petit faiseur a son prete-nom, sur un morceau de l'Or- phee de M. le chevalier Gluck. ML60.R86 See also Baton, C. Examen de la lettre de M. Rousseau, 1753. Framery, N. fi. Musique, 1791-1818. Roussier, Pierre Joseph, 1716-1790? L'harmonie pratique, ou Exemples pour le Traite des accords, par M. Roussier . . . Mis au jour par M. Bailleux. Paris, Chez l'editeur; [etc., etc., 1775] xvj, [2], 111 (t. e. 113) p., 1 1. 21 cm . Engraved, with the exception of the 18 pages preceding the examples. Copy 2. Title-page, half-title and preliminary matter (xvj p.) wanting. MT49.A2R6 Memoire sur la musique des anciens, oil Ton expose le principe des proportions authentiques, dites de Pythagore, & de divers systemes de musique chez les Grecs, les Chinois & les Egyptiens. Avec un Sarallele entre le syst&me des Egyptiens & celui des modernes. Par [. l'abbe Roussier . . . Paris, Lacombe, 1770. 2 p. 1., xxiv, 252 p. illus., pi. (music), fold. tab. 26 cm . ML162.A2R7 Memoire sur la nouvelle harpe de M. Cousineau, luthier de la reine; par M. l'abbe Roussier . . . mis au jour par M. F. Delaunay . . . Paris, Lamy, 1782. 40 p. 18 cm . ML1006.A2R7 Observations sur differens points d'harmonie, par M. I'abb6 Rous- sier ... A Geneve, et se trouvent a Paris, chez Bailleux, 1755. 4 p. 1., 249 p. fold. pi. 21 cm . MT50.A2R86 Traite des accords, et de leur succession; selon le systeme de la basse-fondamentale; pour servir de principes d'harmonie a ceux EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 239 Roussier, Pierre Joseph — Continued. qui 6tudient la composition ou Faccompagnement du clavecin. Avec une methode d'accompagnement . . . Paris, Duchesne; [etc., etc.l 1764. xxviij, [4], 192 p. 3 pi. (1 fold.) fold. tab. 20£ cm . Dedication signed: Roussier. MT49.A2R4 Traite des accords, et de leur succession; selon le systeme de la basse-fondamentale; pour servir de principes d'harmonie a ceux qui Studient la composition ou l'accompagnement du clavecin; avec une methode d'accompagnement . . . Paris, BaiUeux, 1764. xxxij, 192 p. 3 pi. (1 fold.) fold. tab. 21 cm . Dedication signed: Roussier. MT49.A2R5 See also La Borde, J. B. de. Essai sur la musique, 1780. Memoires sur les proportions musi- cales, 1781. Roussier, Pierre Joseph, 1716-1790? editor. See Amiot, J. M. Memoire sur la musique des Chinois, 1779. Roxas y Montes, Diego de. Promptuario armonico, y conferencias theoricas, y practicas de canto-llano, con las entonaciones de choro, y altar, segun la costumbre de la santa iglesia cathedral de Cordoba, y de otras. Compuesto por D. Diego de Roxas, y Montes . . . Cordoba, Impresso por A. Serrano, y D. Rodriguez, 1760. 13 p. 1., 482 p. v fold. pi. 20£ cm . MT860.A2R9 Roy, Pierre Charles, 1683-1764. See Hertel, J. W. Sammlung musikalischer schriften, 1757-58. Rumlang, Eberhard von. See Lampadius, A. Compendivm mvsices, 1554. Ruetz, Caspar, 1708-1755. Widerlegte vorurtheile vom ursprunge der kirchenmusic, und klarer beweis, dass die gottesdienstliche music sich auf Gottes wort grunde, und also g6ttliches ursprungs sey, der gleichgultigkeit in ansehimg dieser art des gottesdienstes entgegen gesetzet von Caspar Ruetz . . . Lubeck, J. Schmidt, 1750. 12 p. 1., 114, [C] p. 19 cm . Title vignette: printer's mark. ML3001.R92 Widerlegte vorurtheile von der beschaffenheit der heutigen kirchen- music und von der lebens-art einiger musicorum, ans licht gegeben von Caspar Ruetz . . . Lubeck, P. B6ckmann, 1752. 8 p. 1., 175, [9] p. 19 cm . ML3001.R93 240 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Ruetz, Caspar — Continued. Widerlegte vorurtheile von der wirkung der kirchenmusic, und von den darzu erfoderten unkosten, nebst einer vorrede von der musi- calischen liebhaberey, ans licht gestellt von Caspar Ruetz . . . Ro- stock und Wismar, J. A. Berger und J. Boedner, 1753. 23 p. 1., 152, [15] p. 18£ cni . ML3001.R94 Ruggero, Francesco Girolamo. Dichiarazione della eccellente musica seguita in Novara coll' inter- vento de primi virtuosi d'ltaglia nell' occasione del famoso trasporto del sagro corpo di S. Gaudenzo, primo vescovo, e protettore di detta citta, spiegata dal prete Francesco Girolamo Ruggero . . . Vercelli, Nella stampa di P. A. Gilardone, 1711. 15, [1] p. 18 cm . ML290.8.N6R9 Rules ; or a short and compleat method for attaining to play a thor- ough bass upon the harpsicord or organ. By an eminent master. Also an explanation of figur'd time, with the several moods & charac- ters made use of in musick. To which is added, a dictionary, or ex- plication of such Italian words, or terms, as are made use of in vocal, or instrumental musick. London, Printed for & sold by I : Walsh [1715?] 42 p. 21 cm . Engraved throughout. The dictionary (pages 10-42) was published separately, London, 1724, as "A short explication of such foreign words, as are made use of in musick books." MT49.A2R9 [Rulhiere, Claude Carloman de] 1734-1791. Jugement de l'orchestre de 1' Opera, [n. p., 175-] 8 p. 16£ cm . Caption title. ML1727.33.R95 Sabbatini, Luigi Antonio, 1739-1809. Elementi teorici della musica colla pratica de' medesimi, in duetti, e terzetti a canone accompagnati dal basso, ed eseguibili si a solo, che a piu voci, di f. Luigi Antonio Sabbatini . . . Roma, Starnperia P. Cracas, e G. Rotilj socio, 1789-95. 3 v. in 1. 23J x 30 cm . Vol. 2 has title: Elementi pratici della musica formati in duetti a canone accom- pagnati dal basso . . . Parte seconda. Ed. 2. . . . 1795. MT55.A2S11 La vera idea delle musicali numeriche segnature diretta al giovane studioso dell' armonia da f. Luigi Ant.° Sabbatini . . . Venezia, S. Valle, 1799. iv, clxxix, [1] p. 29£ cm . ' L J F * MT50.A2S11 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 241 Sacchi, Giovenale, 1726-1789. Del nvmero e delle misvre delle corde mvsiche e loro corrispon- denze, dissertazione del p. D. Giovenale Sacchi Bernabita. Milano [G. Mazzucchelli] 1761. 126 p. 20 cm . ML60.S11 Delia divisione del tempo nella musica, nel ballo e nella poesia. Dissertazioni in del p. D. Giovenale Sacchi Bernabita. Milano [Per G. Mazzucchelli nella stamperia Malatesta] 1770. 4 p.l., 248 p. diagr. 20 cm . (With his Del nvmero . . . delle corde mvsiche. Milano, 1761) ML60.S11 Delia natura e perfezione della antica musica de' Greci e della utilita che ci potremmo noi promettere dalla nostra applicandola secondo il loro esempio alia educazione de' giovani; dissertazioni m del p. D. Giovenale Sacchi Bernabita. Milano [Per A. Mogni nella stamperia Malatesta] 1778. 5 p. I., 207 p. 20 cm . ML60.S12 Delle quinte successive nel contrappunto e delle regole degli accom- pagnamenti; lettera del p. D. Giovenale Sacchi al * . . Sig. Wincislao Pichl . . . Milano, Per C. Orena, stamperia Malatesta, 1780. 183 p. 20 cm . (With his Della natura . . . della antica musica de' Greci. Milano, 1778) ML60.S12 Don Placido, dialogo del p. Don Giovenale Sacchi . . . dove cercasi: se lo studio della musica al religioso convenga o disconvenga. Pisa, L. Raffaelli, 1786. 152 p. 20 cm . ML63.S12 Vita del cavaliere Don Carlo Broschi, scritta da Giovenale Sacchi . . . Vinegia, Stamperia Coleti, 1784. 48 p. 19£ cm . ML420.B8S14 See also Zaxotti, F. M. Lettere, 1782. Sacchi, Giovenale, 1726-1789, translator. See Foxtana, F. L. Vita di Benedetto Marcello, 1788. Sache, fitienne, d. ca. 1724. Traits des tons de l'eglise selon l'usage romain, dans lequel la game ancienne et nouvelle est mise au commencement. Avec plusieurs autres chants pour vespres, complies, matines, la haute messe, &c. . . . Par E. SachS . . . Lisieux, R. Le Boullenger, M. DC. lxciv [i. e. 1676] 8 p. 1., 47, [1], 136 p. illus. 14i cm . ML3082.A2S2 51234°— 13 16 242 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS [Saint Hilaire, Cecile de] pseud.? Lettre a l'auteur des Lettres sur les hommes celebres dans les sciences, la litterature & les beaux arts. Sous le regne de Louis xv. Amsterdam, P. Marteau. [Paris?] 1752. 32 p. 15 cm . Signed: Cecile de Saint Hilaire. Mainly a comparison of the art of Lully and Rameau. ML410.L95S14 Saint-Mard, Toussaint Remond de. See Remond de Saint-Mard, Toussaint. [Saint- Sevin, Joseph Barnabe] 1727-1803. Principes du violon pour apprendre le doigte de cet instrument, et les differends agrements dont ll est susceptible . . . par M r . l'Abbe le fils. Ces principes sont suivis de deux suites d'airs d'opera a deux violons . . . de plusieurs lecons dans le genre de sonates avec la basse chiffree pour le clavecin, d'exemples analogues a ces lecons, de pre- ludes . . . et d'une suite de jolis airs varies pour un violon seul . . . Paris, Des Lauriers [1761?] 2 p. I., 81 p. 35 cm . Engraved throughout. MT262.A2S24 Sala, Nicola, 1701-1800. Regole del contrappunto pratico di Nicola Sala Napoletano, primo maestro nel Reale conservatorio della Pieta' de' Torchini, dedicate alia maesta di Ferdinando rv. re delle Due Sicilie &c. Napoli, Stamperia reale, 1794. 3 v. in 2. 52 x 36 cm . Title vignette. The work consists almost entirely of contrapuntal examples and exercises, which are printed from engraved plates. MT55.A2S2 Salinas, Francisco de, 1513-1590. Francisci Salinae . . . De musica libri septem, in quibus eius doc- trinae Veritas tarn quae ad harmoniam, quam quae ad rhythmum per- tinet, iuxta sensus ac rationis iudicium ostenditur, & demonstratur. Cvm duplici indice capitum & rerum . . . Salmanticae, excudebat M. Gastius, 1577. 2 p. 1., 438, [18] p. inch fold. tah. diagrs. (1 fold.) 29£ cm . Title vignette: coat of arms. Printer's mark at end. ML171.S16 Salle, la. See Lasalle. Salle, Jean Francois Demotz de la. See Demotz de La Salle, Jean Francois. Salmon, Thomas, 1648-1706. An essay to the advancement of musick, by casting away the per- plexity of different cliff s. And uniting all sorts of musick : lute, viol, violin, organ, harpsechord, voice, &c. in one universal character. By Thomas Salmon . . . London, Printed bv J. Macock, and are to be sold by J. Car, 1672. 8 p. 1., 92 p. 5 fold. pi. (partly music) 17 cm . Added t.-p., engr. Preface signed: John Birchensha. ML432.A2S2 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 243 Salmon, Thomas — Continued . A proposal to perform musick, in perfect and mathematical propor- tions. Containing, i. The state of musick in general, n. The princi- ples of present practice; according to which are, in. The tables of pro- portions, calculated for. the viol, and capable of being accommodated to all sorts of musick. By Thomas Salmon . . . Approved by both the mathematick professors of the Vniversity of Oxford. With large remarks upon this whole treatise, by the reverend and learned John Wallis . . . London, J. Lawrence, 1688. 6 p. 1., 42 p. 4 pi. 23 x 18£ cm . ML3807.A2S17 A vindication of an Essay to the advancement of musick, from Mr. Matthew Lock's Observations. By enquiring into the real nature, and most convenient practise of that science. By Thomas Salmon . . . London, Printed by A. Maxwell, and are to be sold by J. Car, 1672. 2 p. 1., 85, 20 p. fold. pi. 17£ cm . Written in the form of a letter to Dr. John Wallis. The 20 p. at end contain a letter to Salmon signed N. E., concerning his Essay and Locke's "Observations." ML432.A2S3 Salvadore Maria da Vercelli. Nelle funebri pompe del Signor arcimaestro in musica David Peres, maestro di camera di S. R. M. fedelissima felicemente regnante ora- zione. Tributo d'ossequio di fra Salvadore Maria da Vercelli . . . Lisbona, Stamperia reale, 1779. 15 p. 20£ cm . ML410.P27S15 Samber, Johann Baptist. Manuductio ad organum, das ist: Grundlich- und sichere handlei- tung durch die hdchst-nothwendige solmisation, zu der edlen schlag- kunst . . . Sambt einer kurtz-verfassten information von denen kirchen- oder choral-tonen, wi3 solche geschwind zuerkennen, und auff denen in cornet-ton gestimmten orgl-wercken abzuschlagen seynd. Alles mit vilen in kupffer gestochenen figuren und exemplen gezieret / und mit sonderbahren fleiss zusamen getragen / auch das erste mahl in den druck gegeben durch M. Joannem Baptistam Samber ... Zu finden bey dem authore. Saltzburg / Gedruckt durch J. B. Mayrs / seel, wittib / und erb., 1704. 8 p. 1., 177, [6] p. 16* x 22£ cm . MT182.A2S2 Continuatio ad Manuductionem organicam, das ist: Fort- setzung zu der Manuduction oder handleitung zum orgl-schlagen ; wo- rinnen . . . begriffen seynd . . . I. Was gestalten die in besagter Manu- ductione vorgezeigte intervalla und concenten in auf- und absteigend- haltend- und springenden noten auff dem clavier sollen genommen und geschlagen werden / sambt beygefugten nutzlichen exercitiis. ii. Wird die natur und namen der registern in verschidenen orgl- wercken zu erkennen / solche zu verwechslen / und zu combiniren / demonstrirt : und zugleich / was in compositione der galantarien / als 244 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS Samber, Johann Baptist — Continued. allemanden / couranten / sarabanden / menueten / &c. . . . zu beo- bachten . . . dem gunstigen liebhaber solcher capriccien hiemit com- municirt ... in. Auff was weise eine gute harmonia . . . zu compo- niren und zu setzen seye ... iv. Wie man allerley fugen . . . for- miren solle / der rechte weeg gewisen . . . auss vilen approbirten authoribus, auch eigner praxi zusamen getragen und verlegt durch M. Joannem Baptistam Samber . . . Saltzburg, Gedruckt bey J. B. Mayrs seel, wittib und sohn, 1707. 4 p. 1., 239, [4] p. vni pi. 18 x 23£ cm . MT182.A2S21 San Rafaele, Benvenuto, conte di. Lettere due sopra l'arte del suono, del Signor co: Benvenuto di S. Rafaele, Torinese. Vicenza, A. Veronese, 1778. 38 p. 15} cm . ML63.S16 Sander, F. S., d. 1796. Kurze und grundliche anweisung zur fingersetzung fur clavier- spieler mit genau bestimmten regeln und beygefugten exempeln. Hrsg. von F. S. Sander. Bresslau, F. E. C. Leuckart, 1791. iv, 24 p. 20J x 25 cm . MT220.A2S2 Santa Maria, Tomas de. See Tomas de Santa Maria. Santoro, Fabio Sebastiano, b. 1671. Scola di canto fermo, in cui s'insegnano facilissime, e chiare regole per ben cantare, e componere . . . Dal sacerdote D. Fabio Sebastiano Santoro . . . Con infine le considerazioni di novissimi, ed altre cose utili a chi spera il paradiso. Napoli, Stamperia di Novello de Bonis, 1715. 8 p. 1., 108, [1], 109-292, [16] p. front, (port.) illus. 22 x 16£ cm . MT860.A2S23 Sanz y Celma, Gaspar Francisco Bartolome, 1640-1710. Instrvccion de mvsica sobre la gvitarra espanola; y metodo de svs primeros rvdimentos, hasta taiierla con destreza. Con dos laberintos mgeniosos, variedad de sones, y dances de rasgueado, y punteado, al estilo espafiol, italiano, francos, y ingles. Con vn breve tratado para acompanar con perfeccion, sobre la parte muy essencial para la gui- tarra, arpa, y organo, resumido en doze reglas, y exemplos los mas Erincipales de contrapunto, y composicion . . . Compvesto por el cenciado Gaspar Sanz . . . Zaragoca, Herederos de D. Dormer, 1674. 3 pt. in 1 v. 40 pi. (partly music), port. 21J x 28£ cm . MT582.A2S2 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 245 Sartorius, Erasmus, 1578-1637. Musomachia, id est Bellum musicale. Ante quinque lustra bellige- ratum in gratiam Er: Sar: nunc denud institutum a primo ejus aucto- re Petro Laurembergio professore academico. [RostochiiJ Richelianis arma suppeditantib. 9 a Johanne Hallervordio toti orbi indictum, 1642. 1 p. 1., 78 p. 15 cm . The 1st edition was published at Hamburg in 1622 as "Erasmi Sartori . . . Bel- ligerasmus, id est Historia belli exorti in regno musico." ML63.S17 Saunier de Beaumont, d. ca. 1750. Lettre sur la musique ancienne & moderne, a Madame la duchesse de * * *. Avec des anecdotes interessantes. Par M. Saunier de Beaumont . . . Paris, Veuve Pissot, 1743. 1 p. 1., 50 p. 15£ cm . ML1727.3.A2S2 Sauveur, Joseph, 1653-1716. Systeme general des intervalles des sons, & son application a tous les systemes & a tous les instrumens de musique. Par M. Sauveur. (In Academie des sciences, Paris. Histoire de l'Academie . . . ann^e 1701. Paris, 1704. 297-364, [2] p. 25i cm . in fold, tab.) Detached copy. ML3809.A2S2 Sayas, Juan Francisco de. Musica canonica, motetica, y sagrada, su origen, y pureza con que la erigjo Dios para sus alabanzas divinas . . . Escnta por Don Juan Francisco de Sayas . . . Pamplona, Por M. J. de Rada, impressor [1761 ?] 10 p. 1., 411, 405-411 p. 20£ cm . ML3000.A2S27 Scaletta, Orazio, d. 1630. Scala di mvsica molto necessaria per principianti. Di Horatio Scaletta . . . DalP istesso ampliata di molti essempij, & auuertimenti molto vtili, per cantar polito, e bene. Et in questa vltima impres- sione da D. Florido . . . corretta. Roma, A. Fei, 1642. 1 p. 1., 29, [1] p. 1 illus. 22 x 16£ cm . MT44.A2S28 Scheibe, Johann Adolph, 1708-1776. Johann Adolph Scheibens . . . Abhandlung vom ursprunge und alter der musik, insonderheit der vokalmusik . . . Mit einer histo- rischen und critischen vorrede versehen, worinn vom inhalte dieser abhandlung, und von einigen andern»musikalischen sachen gehandelt wird. Altona und Flensburg, Kortische buchhandlung, 1754. lxxx, 107 p. 184 cm . ML3800.A2S31 246 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Scheibe, Johann Adolph — Continued. Eine abhandlung von den musicalischen intervallen und geschlech- ten, abgefasset von Johann Adolph Scheibe. Hamburg, Auf kosten des verfassers, 1739. 8 p. 1., 114 p., 1 1. 3 fold. 1. (musical examples) 18 cai . ML3809.A2S4 Johann Adolph Scheibens . . . Critischer musikus. Neue verm, und verb. aufl. Leipzig, B. C. Breitkopf, 1745. 24 p. 1., 1059, [24] p. 20£ cm . Appeared in weekly numbers (irregular) 1737-1740. ML4.C82 Johann Adolph Scheibe . . . Ueber die musikalische composition. Erster theil. Die theorie der melodie und harmonic Leipzig, Schwickert, 1773. lx, 600 p. fold, tables. 20* x 17 cm . No more published. MT6.A2S31 See also Mattheson, J. Gultige zeugnisse, 1738. Scheibel, Gottfried Ephraim, 1696-1759. Zufallige gedancken von der kirchen-music, wie sie heutiges tages beschaffen ist, alien rechtschaffnen liebhabern der music zur nachlese und zum erg6tzen wohlmeinende ans licht gestellet von Gottfried Ephraim Scheibel. Franckfurt und Leipzig, Zu finden bevm authore, 1721. 2 p. 1., 84 p. 16 cm . ML3865.A2S3 Scheid, Johann Friedrich. . . . Dissertatio inauguralis de jure in musicos singulari, germ. Dienste und obrigkeit der spielleuth / Rappolsteinensi comitatui an- nexo, quam solo Deo praeside, auctoritate amplissimse Facultatis juri- dical argentoratensis, pro licentia summos in utroque jure honores et privilegia doctoralia rite consequendi solenniter defendet Jo. Frideri- cus Scheid, Francofurt. ad Mcen. d. xix. maji anno mdccxix. hor. & loc. consuet. Argentorati, Uteris J. Pastorii [1719] 2 p. 1., 52 p. 18£ x 15 cm . This copy closely trimmed in binding. "Documenta": p. 44-49. ML63.S34 Scheyrer, Bernhard. Mvsica choralis theoro-practica, das ist : Ein nutzliche underwei- sung / wie man das choral gesang ... in kurtzer zeit ergreiffen m6ge. Aus vnderschidhchen / sowol lateinisch: als teutschen authoribus . . . zusammen getragen / auch in ein bequeme ordnung redigirt vnnd verfasset / vnnd ... in truck verfertiget. Durch p. f. Bernardvm Scheyrer . . . Miinchen, Gedruckt durch J. Jacklin, 1663. 4 p. 1., 92 p. 19£ x 16 cm . MT860.A2S32 EARLY BOOKS ON" MUSIC 247 Schlegel, Franz Anton. Griindliche anleitung die flote zu spielen, nach Quanzens Anwei- sung. Hrsg. von Franz Anton Schlegel. Graz, J. G. Weingand und F. Ferstl, 1788. 166, [2] p. vin pi. on 4 1. 20 cm . Engr. t.-p. MT342.A2S13 [Schlichtegroll, Adolf Heinrich Friedrich von] 1765-1822. Mozarts leben . . . Gratz, J. G. Hubeck, 1794. 32 p. front, (port.) 18 cm . Printed also in SchlichtegrolTs "Nekrolog auf das jahr 1791," Gotha, 1792, 2. jahr, 2. bd., p. 82-112. ML410.M9S34 [Schlick, Rudolph] Exercitatio qua mvsices origo prima, cvltvs antiqvissimvs, dig- nitas maxima, & emolumenta, quae tarn animo quam corpori humano confert summa, breuiter ac dnucid& exponuntur . . . Spirae, typis Bernardi Albini, 1588. 48 p. 14£ cm . Dedication signed: Rodolphvs Schlick Misnensis, medic, d. The present copy has been closely trimmed in binding, and the author's name is supplied with pen and ink at head of title. ML171.S34 Schmid, Christian Ernst, 1715-1786. Cantandi ritvm per noctes festorvm apvd Ebraeos exponit et viris clarissimis doctissimisqve dn. Ioanni Friderico Wittichio . . . dn. Ioanni Lvdovico Gensekenio . . . [et al.] lavrcam magisterialem ipsis d. xxx. april. cioioccxxxviii. a Levcoride rite impositam sincere gratvlatvr Collegivm examinatorio-dispvtatorivm Deylingianvm, in- terprete Christiano Ernesto Schmidio . . . Lipsiae, ex officina Lan- genhemiana [1739] xvip. 18xl5£ cni . ML166.A2S3 Schmid, Jo[hann] An[dreas] 1652-1726, praeses. De cantoribvs ecclesiae V. et N. T. ... Helmstadii, litteris Hammianis, 1708. 1 p. 1., 44 p. 19 x 16 cm . Diss. — Helmstedt (J. A. Jussov, respondent and author) Ch.16.1193 Schmidt, Johann Michael, 1728-1799. Musico-theologia, oder Erbauliche anwendung musicalischer wahr- heiten, entworfen von m. Johann Michael Schmidt, d. z. h. Bay- reuth und Hof, J. G. Vierling, 1754. 5 p. 1., [3]-312, [14] p. 17 cm . Half-title: Musico-theologia. Oder, Anleitung zur erkanntniss Gottes und seines willens aus der music. ML3800.A2S35 248 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Schmidt, Johann Michael — Continued. Musico-theologia, of Stigtelyke toepassing van muzikaale waarheden; ontworpen door Mr. Johann Michael Schmidt. Uit het Hoogduitsche vertaald door Jacob Wilhelm Lustig . . . Amsterdam, A. 01ofsen[1756?] xxiii, [1], 261, [25] p. 16} c ». The publisher's dedication is dated July, 1756. ML3800.A2S36 [Schmith, Amand Wilhelm] Philosophische fragmente liber die praktische musik . . . Wien, Gedruckt in der K. K. Taubstummeninstitutsbuchdruck., 1787. 7 p. 1., 164, [6] p. 17 cm . Preface signed: Dr. A. W. S. ML3800.A2S34 Schneegass, Cyriacus, 1546-1597. Isagoges mvsicse libri dvo. Tarn theoricae quam practical studiosis inseruire iussi. Annexo ad finem tractatulo, ex poetica desumto: pauciscb de canendi elegantia obseruationibus: nee non solmisandi exercitio. Methodo facili & perspicua ita conscripti, ut ne% neces- saria artis praecepta, cum selectioribus exemplis omittantur, neqj superuacanea discentibus obtrudantur. Autore m. Cyriaco Snegas- sio MouoiKtjv epajc dcddaKse. m.d. xcvi. [Colophon : Erphordiae Geor gius Bauman excudebat. anno salvtis.1596] [189] p. 15} cm . Signatures: A-M 8 (recto of [Mvj], verso of [Mvij] and last leaf blank) 2d edition; 1st edition Erfurt, 1591. "Exercitivm dcodenaxovov discentium captui solerter attemperatum: quo singuli modi elegantibus fugis principales clausulas complexis, & conuenienti textui applicatis, egregie illustrantur. Omnes sunt duarum vocum: in hypodiapason decantanda . . . Autore Philippo A venario" : 1. Hiij-[Hvij] "Fvgae viginti ex solmizandi exercitio Iohannis Steuerlmi descriptae, & ad calcem opusculi in tyronum gratiam & usum, (commostratis modis) annexae": 1. [Ivj>Miijr°. ML171.S36 Schreiben an die herren verfasser der Freyen urteile. [n. p.] 1752. 11 p. 20£ x 16i cm . Signed: M. H. H. Dated: Neustadt, den 26. februar, i. j. 1752. ML275.3.S35 Schroter, Christoph Gottlieb, 1699-1782. Christoph GottUeb Schr6ters . . . letzte beschaftigung mit musica- lischen dingen; nebst sechs temperatur-planen und einer noten-tafel [8 pt. Canon infinitus] Nordhausen, 1782. 4 p. 1., 52 p. 1 1. (music), diagrs. 20£ x 17 cm . ML3809.A2S5 Deutliche anweisung zum general-bass, in bestandiger veranderung des uns angebohrnen harmonischen dreyklanges, mit zulanglichen exempeln: wobey ein umstandhcher vorbericht der vornehmsten vom general-basse handelnden schriften dieses jahrhunderts; von Christoph Gottlieb Schrdter . . . Halberstadt, J. H. Gross, 1772. xxiv, 202, [6] p. 23£ x 18J cm . MT49.A2S38 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIO 249 Schroter, Christoph Gottlieb — Continued. Sendschreiben an hr. hoch-edlen, den herrn magister Lorenz Mizler, preisswurdigen stiffter der langst gewunschten Societat der musicali- scben wissenschafften, in welchem I. der bevorstehenden reformation der music; n. einer aufgabe wegen der temperatur; in. einiger nuz- licher erfindungen gedacnt; und etliche ndtnige erinnerungen fur die tonkunstler . . . eingeschaltet worden, von Christoph Gottheb Schr6ter . . . Nordhausen, 1738. 16 p. 16 cm . Published also in Mizler's Neu er6ffnete rausikalische bibliothek, 3. bd., 3. th., Leipzig, 1747. ML3809.A2S46 Schroter, Johann Georg. Churfurstl. mayntzisches gnadigstes privilegium ; wie auch derer cl6ster und gemeinden attestata wegen derer verfertigten neuen orgel- wercke / ertheilet Johann Georg Schr6tern . . . [Erffurth ?] Gedruckt anno 1723. 24 p. 21 x m cm . ML424.S37 [Schuback, Jacob] 1726-1784. Von der musicalischen declamation. G6ttingen, Vandenhoecks wittwe, 1775. 48 p. 18i cm . ML3849.A2S3 Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel, 1739-1791. Schubart's leben und gesinnungen. Von ihm selbst, im kerker aufgesetzt . . . Stuttgart, Bei den gebriidern Mantler, 1791-93. 2 v. (v. 1: xviii, 292 p.; v. 2: 2 p. 1., iii-vi p., 1 1., vii-xiv, 320 p.) fronts, (v. 1: port.) 4 pi. 17 cm . Title vignette. Vol. 2: Hrsg. von seinem sohne, Ludwig Schubart. PT2510.S5Z8 Schubart, Ludwig Albrecht, 1765-1811. Schubart's karakter, von seinem sohne Ludwig Schubart . . . Erlangen, Auf kosten des verfassers, 1798. viii, 168 p. 16J cm . PT2510.S5Z95 Schubart, Ludwig Albrecht, 1765-1811, editor. See Schubart, C. F. D. Schubart's leben, 1791-93. Schubarth, Johann Kaspar, 1756-1810, editor. See Riepel, J. Bassschhissel, 1786. 250 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter, 1747-1800. Entwurf einer neuen und leichtverstandlichen musiktablatur, deren man sich, in ermangelung der notentypen, in kritischen und theo- retischen schriften bedienen kann, und deren zeichen in alien buch- druckereyen vorrathig sind, nebst einem probeexempel, von J. A. P. Schulz . . . Berlin, KeUstab [1786] 1 p. 1., 57, [1] p. 17 x 9£ cm . ML431.A2S39 See also Sulzer, J. G. Allgemeine theorie der sch&nen kunste, 1792-99. Schurtzfleisch, Conrad Samuel, 1641-1708, praeses. . . . De hymnis ecclesise veteris . . . Wittenbergse, imprimebat J. Wilcke [1725] • [16] p. 18 x 14 cm . Diss. — Wittenberg (Daniel Galle, respondent and author) ML169.A2S3 Scorpione, Domenico, b. ca. 1645. Kiflessioni armoniche divise in due libri. Nel primo de' qvali si tratta dello stato della musica in tutte Feta del mondo, e di materie spettanti al musico specolativo. Nel secondo si da il modo per ben comporre; si registrano con nuovo ordine sotto i loro generi tutte le varie specie de' contrapunti, delle fughe, delle imitationi, delle conse- qvenze, e de' canoni : e si danno le regole per rivoltarli, e roversciarU con ogni facilta per mezzo di numeri. Composte dal padre fra Do- menico Scorpione . . . Opera qvinta. Napoli, De Bonis, 1701. 8 p. 1., 219, [11] p., 1 1. 32£ cm . MT55.A2S32 Sebastiani, Claudius. Bellvm mvsicale, inter plani et mensvralis cantvs reges, de princi- patu in musicse prouincia obtinendo, contendentes. Clavdio Sebas- tiani Metensi, organista, authore . . . [Colophon: Argent, in officina Pavli Machseropoei, anno m. d. lxiii.] [174] p. illus. 21xl6 cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. Signatures: #, A-X in fours. Chapters 31, 32, 34-36 are taken from the "Musice actiue micrologus" of Andreas Ornithoparcus. ML171.S44 Secchi, Anacleto. . . . De ecclesiastica hymnodia libri tres, in quibus de prestantia, effectibus, et modo rite psallendi in choro copiose agitur, avctore Anacleto Sicco . . . Bononiae, apud C. Ferronu, 1629. 10 p. 1., 381 (i. e. 371), [13] p. 21 cm . Engr. t.-p. Numbers 329-338 omitted in paging. Ch. 16.1193 Della hinnodia ecclesiastica libri tre, ne' quali della nobilta, de gli effetti, e del modo, di bene e regolatamente cantare i salmi in choro, copiosamente si tratta: composti gia dal r. p. d. Anacleto EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 251 S ecchi, Anaclet o — Continued. Secchi . . . et hora recati fedelmente di latino in volgare dal p. D. Donato Benzoni . . . Milano, G. P. Cardi, 1643. 14 p. L, 511 p., 12 1. 17 cm . Added t.-p., engr. Printer's mark at end. Ch. 16.1193 Seelen, Johann Heinrich von, 1688-1762. . . . De patribvs edoctis mvsicam Eccles. xliv. 5. collavdatis exerci- tatio philologico-historica, panegyri, qva d. xxvi. april. a. mdccxxxvii. cantor solenni ritv inavgvrabitvr, praemissa a Io. Henr. a Seelen . . . Gym. lvb. rect. Lvbecae, typis I. N. Greenii [1737] 16 p. 20£ x 17 cia . ML64.S33 . . . Principem mvsicvm ex sacra et profana historia exhibet et eximios iwenes Olavm Mollervm, Flensburg. de ervditis mvsicis ac Petrvm Cramervm, Flensburg. de historia pvblice d. avgvst. dictvros patrvm reipvblicae, virorvm sacri ordinis ceterorvmqve stvdiis nos- tris faventivm splendida corona cingi decenter rogat Io. Henr. von Seelen, conrector. Flensbvrgi, operis Vogelianis, 1715. l p. 1., 21 p. 2li cm . ML166.A2S4 Sendschreiben an die herren verfasser der Freyen urtheile in Ham- burg, das Schreiben an den herrn verfasser des Kritischen musikus an der Spree betreffend. Berlin, 1750. 16 p. 21£ x 17 cm . Signed "A" and dated "Berlin, den 28ten august 1750." ML275.3.A3 [Senece, Antoine Bauderon de] 1643-1737. Lettre de Clememt Marot [pseud.], a Monsieur de * * *, touchant ce qui s'est passe a l'arrivee de Jean Baptiste de Lulli, aux Champs Elisees. A Cologne, chez Pierre Marteau, 1688. 119 p. 13 x 7 cm . ML410.L95S4 Senff, Carl Samuel, praeses. . . . De cantionibvs fvnebribvs vetervm . . . Lipsise, typis C. Gvntheri [1689] 16 p. 18£ x 14i cm . Diss. — Leipzig (G. Wezelius, respondent) ML169.A2S4 Sense against sound; or, A succedaneum, for Abbey music . . . This is (strictly speaking) the clerical widow's sermon at St. James's ... on the disappointment in losing advantages expected from Handel's anniversary . . . London, C. Stalker [1788?] l p. 1., 24 p. 24i cm . ML64.S36 Serio, Luigi. See Mattei, S. Se i maestri di cappella son . . . artigiani [1785 ?] Serines, Sieur de, pseud. See Mersenne, Marin. 252 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Serra, Paolo. Introduzione armonica sopra la nuova serie de' suoni modulati oggidl e modo di rettamente, e pid facilmente intuonarla, di Paolo Serra. Roma, Nella stamperia di S. Michele a Ripa, per il Giunchi, 1768. xv, [1], 230 p. front., a-d fold. pi. 28 cn ». MT44.A2S48 Serre, Jean Adam, b. 1704. Essais sur les principes de l'harmonie, oil Ton traite de la theorie de rharmonie en general, des droits respectifs de l'harmonie & de la melodie, de la basse fondamentale, et de l'origine du mode mineur. Par Monsieur Serre . . . Paris, Prault fils, 1753. 4 p. 1., 159, [1] p. 2 pi. 19 cm . ML3815.A2S4 Observations sur les principes de l'harmonie, occasionnees par quelques ecrits modernes sur ce sujet, & particulierement par Particle Fundamental de M. d'Alembert dans 1' Encyclopedic, le Traits de theorie musicale de M. Tartini, et le Guide harmonique de M. Gemi- niani. Par J. A. Serre . . . Geneve, H.-A. Gosse et J. Gosse, 1763. xiii, [3], 206 p. 22 cm . ML3815.A2S48 [Serre de Rieux, Jean de] Les dons des enfans de Latone: La musique et La chasse du cerf, poemes dedies au roy. Paris, P. Prault [etc.] 1734. xij p., 1 1., 330 p., 1 1., 32 p. (music, engr.), [2] p. front., 7 pi. 19£ cm . Souhart, "Bibl. . . . des ouvr. sur la chasse," 1886, gives a full description of this work and adds that it is practically a translation of Jean Savary's " Venationis cervinse. " In the present copy, the " Remarques sur la musique," 14, 4 p. (engr.) are inserted at p. [14] and 28. Contents. — Au roy. — Preface. — Apollon, ou L'origine des spectacles en musique, poeme. — La musique, epitre en vers. 3. ed., rev., cor. & augm. — Catalogue chronologique des opera represented en France depuis l'annee 1645 . . . jusqu'a present. — Diane, ou Les loix de la chasse du cerf, poeme. — Dic- tionaire des termes usit£s dans la Chasse du cerf. — Nouvelle chasse du cerf, divertissement en musique; compose - de plusieurs airs parodies sur les opera d'Angleterre. — Parodies sur les fanfares. — Tons de chasse et fanfares a une et deux trompes. — Remarques sur la musique. ML63.S36 [Servan, Joseph Michel Antoine] 1737-1807. Discours d'un ancien avocat-geneYal, dans la cause du comte de * * [La Suze], et de la Dlle. * * * [Bon], chanteuse de l'Opera. Lyon, S. Grabit, 1772. xxiij, 368 p. 17$ cm . ML420.L2S3 Sevin, Joseph Barnabe Saint- See Saint-Sevin, Joseph Barnabe. Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813. A short introduction to vocal music. By Granville Sharp. The 2d ed. London: first printed in the year 1767, re-printed in 1777. iv, 5-32 p. 20 cin . MT870.A2S4 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 253 Sherlock, William, bp. of London, d. 1707. A sermon preach' d at St. Paul's cathedral, November 22. 1699. being the anniversary meeting of the Lovers of musick. By W. Sherlock . . . London, W. Rogers, 1699. 2 p. 1., 27 p. 19£ x 15 cm . ML3001.S43 Shield, William, 1748-1829. An introduction to harmony, by William Shield. London, Printed for the author & sold by G. G. & J. Robinson, 1800. 3 p. 1., 125, [3] p. 31 x 25 cm . Engr. t.-p. MT50.A2S55 A short explication of such foreign words, as are made use of in musick books. London, J. Brotherton, 1724. 93, [3] p. 13£ cm . Appended: "An account of printed musick, for violins, hautboys, flutes and other instruments, by several masters," and "Books printed for J. Brotherton" (24 p.) ML108.A2S39 See also Rules . . . for attaining to play a thorough bass [1715 ?] Signoretti, P. M6thode contenant les principes de la musique et du violon, par P. Signoretti. Premiere [-seconde] partie. La Haye, Les freres Wil- liams, 1777. 5 p. 1., 3-36 p., 1 1., 41, [1] p. illus., 3 pi. on 2 1. 23* x 18i cm . L. of C. copy imperfect, wanting p. 27-30 of part 2 and all of part 3. Ms. signature at end of "Avertissement de Tautenr": P. Signoretti. MT7.A2S4 Silva, Alberto Jose Gomes da. See Gomes da Silva, Alberto Jose. Silva, Manuel Nunes da. See Nunes da Silva, Manuel. Silva Leite, Antonio da, 1759-1833. Estudo de guitarra, em que se expoem o meio mais facil para aprender a tocar este instrumento: dividido em duas partes. Apri- meira contem as principaes regras da musica, e do accompanhamento. A segunda as da guitarra; a que se ajunta huma colleccao de minuetes, marchas, allegros, contradancas, e outras pecas mais usuaes para desembaraco dos principiantes : tudo com accompanhamento de segunda guitarra .. . Por Antonio da Silva Leite .. . Porto, Omcina typografica de A. Alvarez Ribeiro, 1795. 38, [2], xxiii p. 1 illus. 33£ cm . MT582.A2S53 Rezumo de todas as regras, e preceitos da cantoria, assim da musica metrica, como do canto-chao. Dividido em duas partes. Composto por Antonio da Silva Leite . . . Para o uso dos seus discipulos. Porto, Omcina de A. Alvarez Ribeiro, 1787. 4 p. 1., 43, [1] p. 2 pi. (1 fold.) 20i cm . MT7.A2S58 254 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS Simpson, Christopher, d. 1669. A compendium of practical musick in five parts : teaching, by a new, and easie method, 1. The rudiments of song. 2. The principles of composition. 3. The use of discords. 4. The form of ngurate des- cant. 5. The contrivance of canon. -By Christopher Simpson . . . London, Printed by W. Godbid for H. Brome, 1667. 8 p. 1., 176 p. front, (port.) 17| cm . The 1st edition, London, 1665, has title: The principles of practical musick. MT40.A2S6 A compendium of practical musick in five parts. Teaching, by a new, and easie method, 1. The rudiments of song. 2. The principles of composition. 3. The use of discords. 4. The form of ngurate descant. 5. The contrivance of canon. Together with les- sons for viols, &c. The 3d editio. By Christopher Simpson . . . London, Printed by M. C. for H. Brome, 1678. 7 p. 1., 192 p. front, (port.) 17£ cm . "Appendix: Short and easie ayres designed for learners": p. 145-192. MT40.A2S63 A compendium : or, Introduction to practical musick. In five parts. Teaching, by a new, and easie method, 1. The rudiments of song. 2. The principles of composition. 3. The use of discords. 4. J The form of ngurate descant. 5. The contrivance of canon. By Christopher Simpson. The 4th ed. with additions: much more cor- rect than any former, the examples being put in the most useful cliffs . . . London, Printed by W. Pearson, for J. Cullen, 1706. 7 p. 1., 144 p. front, (port.) 17£ cm . MT40.A2S64 A compendium ; or, Introduction to practical music. In five parts. Teaching, by a new and easy method, 1. The rudiments of song. 2. The principles of composition. 3. The use of discords. 4. The form of ngurate descant. 5. The contrivance of canon. By Christopher Sympson. The 6th ed. with additions: much more cor- rect than any former, the examples being put in the most useful cliffs . . . London, Printed by W. P. for J. Young, 1714. 7 p. 1., 144 p. front, (port.) 18 cm . A slip with printed date 1722 is mounted over imprint date on t.-p. MT40.A2S66 A compendium : or, Introduction to practical music. In five parts. Teaching, by a new and easy method. I. The rudiments of song. ii. The principles of composition, in. The use of discords. iv. The form of figurate descant, v. The contrivance of canon. By Christopher Sympson. The 8th ed., with additions: much more cor- rect than any former, the examples being put in the most useful cliffs . . . London, Printed by W. Pearson, for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch [etc.] 1732. 7 p. 1., 144 p. front, (port.) 18 cm . MT40.A2S68 EAELY BOOKS ON MUSIC ■ 255 Simpson, Christopher — Continued. A compendium, or Introduction to practical music, in five parts. Teaching by a new & easy method, l. 8t The rudiments of song. 2. d The principles of composition. 3. d The use of discords. 4. th The form of figurate descants. 5. th Y e contrivance of canons. By Chris- topher Sympson. The 9th ed. with material additions, corrected from many gross errors in the former editions, the examples being put in the most useful cliffs . . . London, Longman, Lukey and co. [1775 q 1 p. 1., vi, 90 p. front, (port.) 19 x 26 cm . Engraved, with the exception of p. i-vi. MT40.A2S69 The division- viobst : or, An introduction to the playing upon a grovnd: divided into two parts. The first, directing the hand, with other preparative instructions. The second, laying open the manner and method of playing ex-tempore, or composing division to a grovnd. To which, are added some divisions made upon grounds for the prac- tice of learners. By Chr. Simpson. London, Printed by W. Godbid, and sold by J. Playford, 1659. 5 p. 1., 67 p. incl. illus., diagrs. on pi. front, (port.) 30 cm . Pages 51-52 blank in this copy. The 2d edition, London, 1665, has title: Chelys, minuritionum artificio exor- nata, sive Minuritiones ad basin, etiam extempore modulandi ratio . . . The division viol. MT49.A2S4 See also Playford, J. An introduction to the skill of musick. Smith, Amand Wilhelm. See Schmith, Amand Wilhelm. Smith, Robert, 1689-1768. Harmonics, or The philosophy of musical sounds. By Robert Smith . . . Cambridge, Printed by J. Bentham, and sold bv W. Thurlbourn; [etc., etc.] 1749. xv, [1], 292, [13] p. xxv fold. pi. (incl. tables, diagrs.) tables (1 fold.) 20| cm . ML3805.A2S6 Harmonics, or The philosophy of musical sounds. By Robert Smith ... 2d ed., much improved and augm. London, Printed for T. and J. Merrill, Cambridge, 1759. xx, 280, [12] p. xxix fold. pi. (incl. tables, diagrs.) tables (1 fold.) 21 cm . ML3805.A2S62 A postscript to D r . Smith's Harmonics, upon the changeable harpsichord: wbich being supplied with all the useful flat and sharp sounds and tuned in the best manner, is made as harmonious as pos- sible : and yet the execution of music upon this perfect instrument is the same as upon the common harpsichord. London, Printed for T. and J. Merrill, Cambridge; [etc., etc.] 1762. 12 p. 21 cm . (With his Harmonics. London, 1759) ML3805.A2S62 256 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Solano, Francisco Ignacio, d. 1800. Dissertapao sobre o caracter, qualidades, e antiguidades da musica, em obsequio do admiravel mysterio da Immaculada conceicao de Maria santissima, Nossa Senhora, feita por Francisco Ignacio Solano, e por elle recitada no dia 24 denovembro de 1779 paraeffeito de abrir, e estabelecer nesta corte huma aula de musica theorica, e pratica . . . Lisboa, Kegia officina typografica, 1780. 27 p. 20£ om . "Poeziaa que recitarao na mesma occasiao alguns professores musicos": p. 24-27. ML3800.A2S68 Exame instructivo sobre a musica multiforme, metrica, e rythmica, no qual se pergunta, e da resposta de muitas cousas interessantes para o solfejo, contraponto, e composicao: seus termos privativos, regras, e preceitos, segundo a melhor pratica, e verdadeira theorica . . . por . . . Francisco Ignacio Solano. Lisboa, Kegia officina typografica, 1790. 10 p. 1., 289 p., 1 1. 15 cm . MT6.A2S68 Nova arte, e breve compendio de musica para licao dos princi- piantes, extrahido do livro, que se intitula Nova instruccao musical, ou Theorica pratica da musica rythmica . . . Por . . . Francisco Ignacio Solano. Lisboa, Officina de M. Manescal da Costa, impressor, 1768. 2 p. 1., 16 p. 20 cm . MT7.A2S69 Nova arte, e breve compendio de musica para licao dos iprinci- piantes mais purificada, e accrescentada nesta 2. ed. . . . Por . . . Francisco Ignacio Solano. Lisboa, Officina de S. T. Ferreira, 1794. 16 p. 19 cm . MT7.A2S69 Nova instruccao musical, ou Theorica pratica da musica rythmica, com a qual se fo'rma, e ordena sobre os mais solidos f undamentos hum novo methodo, e verdadeiro systema para constituir hum intelligente solfista, e destrissimo cantor, nomeando as n6tas, ou figuras da solfa pelos seus mais proprios, e improprios nomes, a que chamamos ordina- rios, e extraordmarios no canto natural, e accidental, de que procede toda a difficuldade da musica . . . Por . . . Francisco Ignacio Solano. Lisboa, Officina de M. Manescal da Costa, impressor, 1764. 30 p. 1., 340 p., 1 1., [2], 47, [1] p. illus., fold. pi. 23 x 17 cm . MT44.A2S68 Novo tratado de musica metrica, e rythmica, o qual ensina a acom- panhar no cravo, orgao, ou outro qualquer instrumento, em que se possao regular todas as especies, de que se compSe a harmonia da mesma musica. Demonstra-se este assumpto pratica, e theorica- mente, e tratao-se tambem algumas cousas parciaes do contraponto, e da composicao . . . Por . . . Francisco Ignacio Solano. Lisboa, Regia officina typografica, 1779. xvi, 301, [1] p. illus. 20} cm . MT68.A2S68 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 257 Soler, Antonio, 1729-1783. Llave de la modulacion, y antiguedades de la mvsica, en que se trata del fundamento necessario para saber modular: theorica, y practica para el mas claro conocimiento de qualquier especie de figuras, desde el tiempo de Juan de Muris, hasta hoy, con algunos canones enig- maticos, y sus resoluciones. Su autor el P. Fr. Antonio Soler . . . Madrid, Oficina de J. Ibarra, 1762. 20 p. L, 272 p. incl. 28 pi. (partly fold.) fold. 1. (music) 21 x 16 cm . The plates, each counted as one page only, contain music. MT52.A2S68 Some observations on Dr. Brown's Dissertation on the rise, union, &c, &c, &c. of poetry and musick. In a letter to Dr. B * * * * * . . . London, W. Johnston, 1764. 2 p. 1., 59 p. 24* x 18£ cm . ML3849.A2B89 Sonnette, Jean Jacques, pseud. See Goudab, Ange. Sorge, Georg Andreas, 1703-1778. Anleitung zur fantasie, oder zu der sch6nen kunst, das clavier, wie auch andere instrumente aus dem kopfe zu spielen; nach theorethi- schen und practischen grundsatzen, wie solche die natur des klangs lehret, gestellet von Georg Andreas Sorgen . . . Mit 17. kupfer- tafeln . . . Lobenstein, Verlag des verfassers [1767] 4 p. 1., 80 p. xvn pi. (incl. diagr.) 20£ x 16£ cm . MT68.A2S84 Anweisung zur stimmung und temperatur sowohl der orgelwerke, als auch anderer instrumente, sonderhch aber des claviers. In einem gesprache zwischen einem musico theoretico und seinem scholaren. Mit n6thigen mathematischen beweisthumern versehen, und durch frag und antwort, auch endeckung [!] vieler durch lange praxin erlangter vortheile und handgriffe leicht und deutlich gemacht von Georgio Andrea Sorgen . . . Hamburg, Gedruckt mit Piscators schriften, 1744. 56 p. 18 cm . ML3809.A2S7 Ausmhrliche und deutliche anweisung zur rational-rechnung, und der damit verknupfften ausmessung und abtheilung des monochords, vermittelst welcher man die musikalische temperatur . . . nicht nur . . . ausrechnen, sondern auch . . . ausmessen, und folglich auf orgeln und allerhand andere instrumente bringen kan. Nebst einer aus- rahrlichen nachricht von dem neuen Telemannischen intervallen system . . . gesprachs-weise gestellet und ans licht gegeben von Georg Andreas Sorgen . . . Lobenstein, Im verlag des verfassers, 1749. • 6 p. 1., 308 p. incl. tables. 17£ cm . ML3809.A2S73 51234°— 13 17 258 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Sorge, Georg Andreas — Continued. Ausweichungs-tabellen; in welchen auf vierfache art gezeiget wird wie eine iede tonart in ihre neben-tonarten ausweichen konne / ent- worffen von herrn Georg Andreas Sorge . . . Ntirnberg, J. U. Haffner [17—] 11 p. 37 om . Engraved throughout. At foot of t.-p.: N. M lxiv. Pag. x. MT52.A2S71 Compendium harmonicum, oder Kurzer begrif der lehre von der harmonie, vor diejenigen, welche den generalbass und die composition studiren, in der ordnung welche die natur des klangs an die hand giebt, verf asset von Georg Andreas Sorge . . . Mit 24. kupfertafeln. Lobenstein, Im verlag des verfassers, und in commission in Hof bey Ludwig [1760] 8 p. 1., xxiv pi., 121, [3] p. 19* x 16 cm . MT50.A2S71 Genealogia allegorica intervallorum octavae diatono-chromaticae, das ist: Geschlecht-register der intervallen der diatonisch-chromati- schen octav in einem verblumten verstande, nach anleitung der klange so das grose waldhorn gibt . . . von Georgio Andrea Sorgen . . . Hof, Gedruckt bey J. E. Schultzen auf kosten des auctoris [1741] 4 p. 1., 44 p., 1 1. I7 cm . ML3809.A2S75 Gesprach zwischen einem musico theoretico und einem studioso musices von der Pratorianischen / Printzischen / Werckmeisterischen / Neidhardtischen und Silbermannischen temperatur / wie auch von dem neuen systemate herrn capellmeister Telemanns / zu bef6rderung reiner harmonie entworfTen von Georg Andreas Sorgen . . . Loben- stein, Verlag des autoris [1748] 85, [l] p. 16§ cm . ML3809.A2S8 Der in der rechen- und messkunst wohlerfahrne orgelbaumeister, welcher die beh6rige weite und lange aller orgelpfeifen, lhren erf order- lichen raum, die ndthige metalldicke, die grdsse der cancellen und canale, die accurate abtheilung der windladen, u. a. m. genau erforschen und ausmessen kan . . . zum nutzen des gemeinen wesens, wie auch der orgelmacher und probisten neuerbaueter und reparirter orgelwercke, nebst 5 kupfer-tafeln in folio, beschrieben von Georg Andreas Sorge . . . [Lobenstein] Auf kosten und im verlag des verfassers [1773] 64, [4] p. diagrs. on v fold. pi. 22 x 18£ cm . 9 ML552.A2S7 Vorgemach der musicalischen composition, oder: Ausfuhrliche, ordentliche und vor heutige praxin ninlangliche anweisung zum general-bass, durch welche em studiosus musices zu einer grundlichen erkanntniss aller in der composition und clavier vorkommenden con- und dissonirenden grund-satze, und wie mit denenselben natur- geh6r- und kunst-massig umzugehen, kommen, folghch nicht nur ein gutes EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 259 Sorge, Georg Andreas — Continued. clavier als ein compositor extemporaneus spielen lernen, sondern auch in der composition selbst wichtige und gegrundete profectus machen kan. Erdffnet von Georgio Andrea Sorgio . . . Lobenstein, Verlag des autoris [1745-47] 3 pt. in 1 v. 98 pi. on 49 1. 21£ x 16£ cm . Each part has special t.-p. Plates printed on both sides. MT49.A2S81 Georg Andreas Sorgens . . . Zuverlassige anweisung claviere und orgeln beh6rig zu temperiren und zu stimmen, nebst einem kupfer, welches die ausmessung und ausrechnung der temperatur, wie auch das Telemannische intervallen-system &c. darstellet; auf veranlas- sung herrn Barthold Fritzens . . . herausgegebenen Mechanischen art zu stimmen, und zur vertheidigung gegen desselben angrif entworfen . . . Leipzig und Lobenstein, Bey dem autore, und G. F. Authenrieth [1758] 4 p. 1., 28 p. fold. pi. 21 x 17£ cm . MT165.A2S6 See also Ludwig, J. A. J. Eine helle brille [1767] Sousa Villa Lobos, Mathias de. Arte de cantochao . . . Composta por Mathias de Sousa Villa- Lobos . . . Coimbra, Ofiicina de M. Rodrigves de Almeyda, 1688. 8 p. 1., 214, [4] p. 19 x 14£ cm . MT860.A2S72 South, Robert, 1634-1716. Musica incantans, sive Poema exprimens musicse vires, juvenem in insaniam adigentis, et musici inde periculum. Authore Roberto South . . . Oxonii, typis W. H. impensis G. West, 1667. 1 p. 1., 19 p. 20 x 15J cm . First edition, Oxford, 1655. ML3920.A2S7 Spangenberg, Johann, 1484-1550. Qvaestiones mvsicse in usum scholse Northusianse, per Ioann. Spang. Herdess. collects. Norimbergse, apud I. Petreium [1536] [58] p. 15£ cm . Title vignette: coat of arms. Dedication dated: Northusiae pridie idus augusti, anno xxxvi. Signatures: A-C in eights, D in five. "De arte canendi, ex libro decimosexto De subtilitate Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis:" [2] p. at end. ML171.S83 See also Agricola, M. Rvdimenta mvsices, 1539. Spataro, Giovanni, d. 1541. Tractato di mvsica di Gioanni Spataro mvsico bolognese nel qvale si tracta de la perfectione da la sesqvaltera prodvcta in la mvsica mensvrata exercitate . . . [Colophon: Impressa in Vinegia per Maes- tro Bernardino / de Vitali el di octauo del mese di ottobre m.d.xxxi.] [118] p. incl. diagrs. 28i cm . The t.-p., wanting in this copy, is supplied in facsimile. Signatures: 11. unsigned, a in two, A in eight, b-h in sixes (except c in seven) i in five. ML171.S88 260 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Spazier, Johann Gottlieb Carl, 1761-1805, editor. See Berlinische musikalische zeitung, 1794. Spechtshart, Hugo, of Reutlingen, 1285-1359 or 60. Flores Musi || ce omnis catus || Gregoriani. [Colophon: Impssum Argetine p Johan || nem pryss Anno Mcccclxxxviij] 18£ cm . Hain * 7174 (1) Proctor 538. With heliog. facsim. of the "dispositio monocordi," between fol. 27 and 28. cf. Beck, C., Flores musice . . . neu hrsg., Stuttgart, 1868, p. 8. Bound in limp vellum (a fragment of a 15th (?) cent. ms. service book) Of the 2 examples described in Hain, neither agrees with the copy in hand. In this copy the word Argentine in the colophon is printed Argetine, and the last leaf (97) has on verso a full page woodcut. ML171.H84 Speer, Daniel, d. 1693 or 4. Grund-richtiger / kurtz / leicht und ndthiger unterricht der musi- y calischen kunst / wie man fuglich und in kurtzer zeit choral und figural singen / den general-bass tractiren / und componiren lernen soil. Denen lehr- und lemenden zu beliebigem gebrauch / herauss gegeben von Daniel Speeren . . . Ulm / G. W. Kuhne / 1687. 144 p. fold. tab. 16£ cm . Running title: Musicalische fragstuck. MT6.A2S7 Spiess, Meinrad, 1683-1761. Tractatus musicus compositorio-practicus. Das ist, Musicalischer tractat, in welchem alle gute und sichere fundamenta zur musica- lischen composition aus denen alt- und neuesten besten autoribus herausgezogen . . . und deutlich erlautert werden . . . Samt einem anhang in welchem fast alle ... in griechisch- lateinisch- welsch- frantzosisch- und teutscher sprach gebrauchliche kunst- und andere gew6hnlich-vorkommende w6rter nach ordnung des alphabets gesetzt, und erklaret werden. Hrsg. von r. p. Meinrado Spiess . . . Opus vm. Augspurg, J. J. Lotters seel, erben, 1746. 8 p. 1., 220, [8], 11, [1] p. front. 33 cm . "Specification aller meiner musicalischen wercken, so im druck heraus seynd": [1] p. at end. MT40.A2S85 Sponsel, Johann Ulrich, 1721-1788. Johann Ulrich Sponsels . . . Orgelhistorie. Nurnberg, G. P. Monath, 1771. 167 p. 18 x 10J cm . Title vignette. ML552.A2S8 [Steffani, Agostino] 1654-1728. J Quanta certezza habbia da suoi principii la musica et in qual pregio fosse percio presso gli antichi. Amsterdam, 1695. 72 p. 14£ cm . A second title is given on p. 3: Risposta di D. A. Steffani . . .ad vna lettera del S r . march 8 . A. G. in difesa d'vna proposizione sostenuta da lui in vna assem- blea hannoveia sett. 1694. ML3800.A2S79 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 261 [Steffani, Agostino] — Continued. D. A. Steffani . . . send-schreiben / darinn enthalten wie grosse gewissheit die music aus ihren principiis, und grund-satzen habe / und m welchen werthe / und wurckung sie bey denen alten gewesen / aus dem italienischen ins hochdeutsche befdrdert; dann um der wurde und nutzen so darinnen enthalten / mit einigen anmerckungen erlau- tert / und dem druck ubergeben von Andr. Werckmeister . . . Qued- linburg und Aschersleben, G. E. Struntz, 1700. 101, [l] p. I6i cm . ML3800.A2S81 [Steinberg, Christian Gottlieb] 1738-1781. Betrachtungen liber die kirchen-music und heiligen gesange derer rechtglaubigen, und ihrem nutzen. Breslau und Leipzig, L>. Piet- schische buchhandlung, 1766. 125 p. 17£ cm . "Beurtheilung der Allbrechtischen abhandlung von der kirchen-music": p. [7H9. ML3001.S73 [Stillingfleet, Benjamin] 1702-1771. Principles and power of harmony . . . London, Printed by J. and H. Hughs and sold by S. Baker and G. Leigh [etc.] 1771. vii, [1], 154, [6] p. fold. pi. 22$ x 17 cm . An analysis of Tartini's "Trattato di musica. " ML3836.A2S8 [Stolzel, Gottfried Heinrich] 1690-1749. Practischer beweiss, wie aus einem nach dem wahren fundamente solcher noten-kunsteleyen gesetzten canone perpetuo in hypo dia pente quatuor vocum, viel und mancherley, theils an melodie, theils auch nur an harmonie, unterschiedene canones perpetui a 4 zu machen seyn. Der warheit, und einigen music-freunden zu gef alien, dem druck uberlassen, von G. H. S. [n. p.] 1725. [24] p. 20A x 17 cm . MT59.A2S8 Stohrius, Johannes Mauritius, praeses. . . . Organum musicum, historice extructum . . . Lipsise, Uteris J. Georg [1693] [16] p. I7i cm . Diss. — Leipzig (Johannes Schiecke, respondent) ML64.S86 Straet, Jan van der, d. 1605. Enconivm mvsices quod Sacris Litteris concinnabat Philip. Gallseus. Iconibus exprimebat pictor celeberrimus Io. Stradanus. Versibus illustrabat doctissimus Io. Bochius, urbi Antverp. a secretis. Ant- verpise, apud Philippum Gallaeum [ca. 1600] 2 p. 1., 18 pi. (incl. t.-p.) 25£ x 32i cm . 262 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Straet, Jan van der — Continued. Engr. title, with illustration consisting of 3 figures, Mvsica, Harmonia, and Mensvra; in the background musical instruments, mostly those in use in the 16th century, and in center an open book showing a complete motet for six voices, "Nata et grata polo." The inscription is from Psalm 150, "Laudate Eum in sono tubse [etc.]" The title is at top of page, and at foot is the dedication "Amplissimis ornatissimisqve d. d. Edvardo vander Dilft et Carolo Malineo civitatis Antverpiae consvlibvs Philppvs [!] Gallaevs d. d. — Title-page, verso blank. — Preface, "Philippvs Gallaevs ad artis mvsicae stvdiosos," p. 1. [2] r°. Verso blank. — Plates, numbered 3-18, each with Latin hexameter verse para- phrasing a text from the Vulgate at foot. — Unnumbered plate illustrating Luke xv, 7, with the corresponding verse from the Vulgate. Plates 3-15, 17, are signed: "loan. Stradan. inuent. Adrian. Collaert sculp. Phis. Galle excudit" (form of signature varies slightly, and Collaert's name does not appear on pi. 5, 10, 12, 13, 17) On pi. 16: "loan. Stradan. inuent. Theodor. Galle sculpsit"; pi. 18: "loan. Stradan. inuent." Last pi. has "Marti, de Vos inuen. Phis. Gall, excud." ML467.A2S7 Strodtmann, Johann Christoph, 1717-1756. See Abhandlung von den pantomimen, 1749. Stryk, Elias August, d. 1733, praeses. . . . Disputatio juridica de eo quod justum est, circa ludos scenicos operasqve modernas, dictas vulgd operen . . . Kiloni, typis J. Reu- manni [1693] 63, [1] p. 18 x 15£ cm . Diss. — Kiel (G. von Bertuch, respondent and author) ML1703.A2B35 Studien fur tonkiinstler und musikfreunde. Eine historisch- kritische zeitschrift mit neun und dreissig musikstiicken von ver- schiedenen meistern furs jahr 1792, in zwei theilen herausgegeben von F. Ae. Kunzen und J. F. Reichardt. Berlin, Im verlage der Neuen musikhandlung, 1793. 2 pt. in 1 v. (2 p. 1., 191, [1], 172 p.) 25 x 21 cm . Reissue with new t.-p. and preface, of two periodicals, the Musikalisches wo- chenblatt, 1791-92, and the Musikalische monathsschrift, 1792. ML4.S92 Sueur, Jean Francois le. See Le Sueur, Jean Francois. Suire, Robert Martin le. See Lesuire, Robert Martin. Sulzer, Johann Georg, 1720-1779. Allgemeine theorie der sch6nen kiinste, in einzeln, nach alpha- betischer ordnung der kunstw6rter auf einander folgenden, artiKeln abgehandelt, von Johann George Sulzer . . . Neue verm. 2. aufl. Leipzig, Weidmannsche buchhandlung, 1792-99. 5 v. front., illus., fold, pi., 6 fold. 1. 22 cm . The 6 fold, leaves, in vol. 4, contain 39 musical examples. Ed. by C. F. von Blankenburg. The articles relating to music are by J. A. P. Schulz and J. P. Kirnberger. ML3845.A2S9 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 263 Suremain de Missery, Antoine, 1767-1852. ThSorie acoustico-musicale, ou de la doctrine des sons rapportee aux principes de leur combinaison. Ouvrage analvtique et philoso- phique. Par A. Suremain-Missery . . . Pans, F. Didot, 1793. 9 p. 1., [ix]-xxxvj, [37>404 p. fold. pi. 20 cm . ML3805.A2S9 Sweerts, Pierre Frangois, 1567-1629, editor. See Maggi, G. De tintinnabvlis liber. Symmes, Thomas, 1678-1725. Utile dulci. Or, A joco-serious dialogue, concerning regular sing- ing: calculated for a particular town, (where it was publickly had, on Friday Oct. 12. 1722.) but may serve some other places in the same climate. By Thomas Symmes . . . Boston: Printed by B. Green, for S. Gerrish, in Cornhill, 1723. 1 p. 1., ii, 59 p. 15 cm . ML3869.S98 [Tabourot, Jean] 1519-1595. Orchesographie. Et traicte en forme de dialogve, par leqvel tovtes personnes pewent facilement apprendre & practiquer l'honneste exer- cice des dances. Par Thoinot Arbeau [pseud] . . . Lengres, Imprime' ar Iehan des Preyz [1589] 104 numb. 1. illus. 21 cm . Thoinot Arbeau is an anagram for Jehan Tabourot. Includes a large number of dance tunes, with words fitted to the melodies. GV1590.T3 Tacet, Joseph. See Compleat instructions for the German flute. Tans'ur, William, d. 1783. The elements of musick display'd: or, its grammar, or ground-work made easy : rudimental, practical, philosophical, historical, and tech- nical. In five books. Containing, I. An universal introduction to all the rudiments of musick ... n. Of time, in all its various moods . . . in. The structure of musical instruments . . . With sacred lessons; songs in parts; and tunes for instruments, rv. The theory of sound . . . with the principles of composition, in all its branches, v. A new musical-dictionary . . . By William Tans'ur, senior . . . London, Printed for S. Crowder; and sold by the author, and his son, 1772. xiii, [1], 232 p. illus. 21 cm . Preface dated 1766. Books n-v have each special t.-p. MT6.A2T16 A new musical grammar : or, The harmonical spectator. Contain- ing all the useful theoretical, practical, and technical parts of musick. Being a new and correct introduction to all the rudiments, terms, and characters, and composition in all its branches. With several scales 264 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Tans'ur, William — Continued. for musical instruments; and philosophical demonstrations, on the nature of sound. Laid down in so concise and easy a method, as to be understood by the meanest practitioner, whether .vocal or instru- mental, by way of question and answer . . . By William Tansur . . . Printed for the author, and sold by him, and in London, by J. Robin- son, 1746. 1 p. 1., iv, [2], 156 p. incl. 14 pi., diagrs. 17 cm . MT7.A2T16 A new musical grammar, and dictionary : or, A general intro- duction to the whole art of musick. In four books . . . The whole is extracted from the best authors, both ancient, and modern; and methodically digested to every capacity ... 3d ed., with large addi- tions. By William Tans'ur, senior . . . London, Printed by R. Brown, for J. Hodges; also sold by the author; and by his son, 1756. xii, [4], 176 p. illus. 19J cm . Books ii-iv have each special t.-p. MT6.A2T13 Tapia, Martin de, b. 1542 ? . . . Vergel de mvsica || spiritual speculatiua y actiua. del || qual, muchas, diuersas y suaues flores se puede coger. Dirigi- || do al yllustrissimo y Reuergdissimo Senor do Fracisco Tello || de San Doual Obispo de Osmay del Cosejo de su Magestad || C. Autor el Bachiller Tapia Numantino. | C Tratase lo primero con grade artificio y pro- fundidad, las || alabancas, las gracias, la dignidad, Las virtudes y prerrogati- || uas delamusicaydespues,Lasartes deCantollano,Organo y Contraputo, en suma y en Theorica. C Esta tassado cada volume en papel A tres Reales. [Colophon: . . . Se |J acabo de imprimir el presete libro . . . el ql fue impresso ela Incly || ta vniuersidad dela villa del Burgo de Osma por Diego || Fernandez de Cordoua impressor. Acabose a veynte y ocho || dias del mes de Mayo, Ano de nuestra redemp || cion de mil y quinietos y setenta afios] 4 p. 1., cxx numb. 1. diagrs. 19J cm . Contains three approbations, the first undated, the others dated 1559. At head of title the arms of the bishops of Osmay, surrounded by quotations from the Psalms (32, 149, 95, 67) within line borders. Printer's mark following colophon on recto of last leaf. Leaves liv and lxxi numbered lv and lxxxvij respectively. ML171.T17 Tartini, Giuseppe, 1692-1770. De' principj dell' armonia musicale contenuta nel diatonico genere, dissertazione, di Giuseppe Tartini. Padova, Stamperia del Semi- nario, 1767. 6 p. 1., 120 p. 24£ cm . Title vignette; initial; head -piece. ML3815.A2T19 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 265 Tartini, Giuseppe — Continued. Trait6 des agremens de la musique, contenant l'originede la petite note, sa valeur, la maniere de la placer, toutes les differehtes especes de cadences, la maniere de les employer, le tremblement et le mordant, l'usage, qu'on en peut faire, les modes ou agremens naturels, les modes artimciels qui vont a l'infini, la maniere de former un point d'orgue . . . compose par le celebre Giuzeppe Tartini . . . et tr. par le Sig. r P. Denis, Paris, Chez l'auteur [1782] 1 p. 1., 94 p. 23 cm . Engraved throughout. "Never published in the original Italian." — Vander Straeten, The romance of the fiddle, 1911. MT80.A2T2 Trattato di musica secondo la vera scienza dell' armonia. Padova, Nella stamperia del Seminario, appresso G. Manfre, 1754. 4 p. 1., 175, [1] p. fold, pi., diagrs. 24£ cm . Title vignette. Tartini is given as author in a preface by Decio Agostino Trento, who published the work. ML3805.A2T2 [Tate, Nahum] 1652-1715. An essay for promoting of psalmody. London, J. Holland, 1710. 5 p. 1., 38 p. 16£ cm . Dedication signed: N. Tate. ML3001.T16 [Tauber von Taubenfurt, Johann Nepomuk, freiherr] Uiber meine violine . . . Wien, Bey Joseph edlen von Kurzbock [1780] 188 p. illus. 17 cm . Title vignette. "Reflexionen des kapellmeisters": p. 28-188. ML66.A2T2 Taylor, Dan, 1738-1816. A dissertation on singing in the worship of God : interspersed with occasional strictures on Mr. Boyce's late tract, entitled, "Serious thoughts on the present mode and practice of singing in the public worship of God." By Dan Taylor . . . London, Printed for the author, and sold by J. Buckland [etc., 1786] v, 7-72 p. 17i om . ML3001.T18 A second dissertation on singing in the worship of God; intro- duced with two letters to the Rev d . Mr. Gilbert Boyce, in defence of a former dissertation on that subject. By Dan Taylor . . . London, J. Buckland [etc.] 1787. 77 p. 18i cm . F ML3001.T183 266 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Taylor, John, 1704-1766. The music speech at the public commencement in Cambridge, July 6, mdccxxx. To which is added, an ode designed to have been set to music on that occasion. By John Taylor . . . London, Printed by W. Bowyer, jun., and sold by W. Thurlbourn, Cambridge; [etc., etc.] 1730. 26 p. 19£ cm . Ch. 33 Telemann, Georg Michael, 1748-1831. Georg Michael Telemanns . . . Unterricht im generalbass-spielen, auf der orgel oder sonst einem clavier-instrumente. Hamburg, M. C. Bock, 1773. 112 p. 20 x 17 cm . MT182.A2T3 Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767, editor. See Haltmeier, C. J. F. Anleitung, 1737. Telemann, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767, translator. See Castel, L. B. Beschreibung der augen-orgel, 1739. [Teller, Wilhelm Abraham] 1734-1804. Kurze wahrhafte geschichte der altesten deutschen kirchengesange, besonders von D. Martin Luther. Zur heilsamen anwendung auf das fur die k6niglich preussischen lande bestimmte allgemeine gesang- buch. Berlin, Bey Unger dem jungern, 1781. 35 p. 16 cm . Signed: Willhelm Abraham Teller. Ch.17.1896 [Tempelhof, Georg Friedrich von] 1737-1807. Gedanken ilber die temperatur des herrn Kirnberger, nebst einer anweisung, orgeln, claviere, fliigel, &c. &c. auf eine leichte art zu stimmen, von G. F. T. einem liebhaber der music. Berlin und Leip- zig, G. J. Decker, 1775. 37 p. 17 cm . ML3309.A2T28 Teralbo Timate. Gl' elementi generali della musica esposti, e spiegati con metodo sis- tematico per uso de' giovanetti principianti, con diverse figure in rame, da Teralbo Timate, accademico augusto delle buone arti, e socio letterario vmbro; dati in luce da N. N. In grazia de' signori dilet- tanti. Roma, A. Casaletti, 1792. xij, 103 p. 7 pi. on 4 fold. 1., 2 fold. tab. 18 cm . MT7.A2T58 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 267 [Terrasson, Antoine] 1705-1782. Dissertation historique sur la vielle; oil Ton examine l'origine & les progres de cet instrument. Avec une digression sur l'histoire de la musique ancienne & moderne. Dediee a Mademoiselle de * * * par M. * * * Paris, J. B. Lamesle, 1741. 6 p. 1., 104, [4] p. 18 x 10 cm . ML760.A2T38 Tessarini, Carlo, b. 1690. A musical grammar which teaches an easy and short method of learning to play to perfection the violin in parts. Divided in two books. Witn all the necessary figures, lessons, sonnets, for the use of all the tones in music, with the measures and the touches of all the sounds that can possibly be expressed on the violin ... by Carlo Tessarini . . . Edinburgh, N. Stewart [176-?] 18 p. pi. 22J x 31 cm . Engraved throughout. At end: "End of book first." Published originally in Italian, Rome, 1741 (?) MT262.A2T3 Testori, Carlo Giovanni, 1714-1782. La musica ragionata espressa famigliarmente in dodici passeggiate a dialogo; opera di Carlo Giovanni Testori . . . per cui si giungera . . . all' acquisto del vero contrappunto. Vercelli, G. Panialis, 1767. 4 p. 1., cli, [1] p. 22 pi. 24 x 18£ cm . Title within ornamental border. MT55.A2T34 Primi rudimenti della musica e supplemento alia Musica ragio- nata, Opera di Carlo Giovanni Testori . . . Libro secondo. Vercelli, Nelle stampe di G. Panialis, 1771. 2 p. 1., lxxp. 6 pi. 24£xl9£ cm . The third work in the series was published in 1773 as "Supplemento alia Musica ragionata . . . Libro terzo". MT55.A2T35 L'arte di scrivere a otto reali, e supplemento alia Musica ragionata, opera di Carlo Giovanni Testori . . . Libro quarto. Ver- celli, G. Panialis, 1782. 3 p. 1., [iii]-lvi p. 26 fold. pi. (" pag. 1-29 ") 25 x 19£ cm . Added t.-p., engr.: Esempi della Musica ragionata di Carlo Gio Testori. MT55.A2T37 Tettamanzi, Fabrizio, b. ca. 1650. Breve metodo per fondatamente, e con facilita apprendere il canto fermo. Diuiso in tre libri. Nel primo si pongono breuemente le regole del medesimo canto, con il modo di pratticarle. Nel secondo il modo di cantare l'hore canoniche, all' vso francescano, e romano. Nel terzo si pone l'omcio in canto di tutta la Settimana santa. Del padre F. Fabricio Tettamanzi . . . Milano, Per F. Agnelli scultore, e stampatore, 1636 [i. e. 1686] 148 p. illus. 22* x 17£ cm . MT860.A2T31 268 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Tettamanzi, Fabrizio — Continued. Breve metodo per apprendere fondatamente e con facilita' ii canto fermo; diviso in tre libri, nel primo si pongono brevemente le regole del medesimo canto, con il modo di praticarle: nel secondo, il modo di cantare Tore canoniche; nel terzo, si pone l'officio in canto di tutta la Settimana santa. Del padre F. Fabrizio Tettamanzi . . . Milano, Per B. Sirtori, stampatore arcivescovile, ad istanza di G. Galleazzi libraro, 1756. 155, [1] p. illus. 22 x 16£ cm . 3d edition. MT860.A2T34 ' Tevo, Zaccaria, b. 1651. II mvsico testore del p: bac: Zaccaria Tevo . . . Venezia, A. Bor- toli, 1706. 7 p. 1., 366, [2] p. illus., 2 pi. 24§ x 17i cm . Engr. t.-p. with ornamental border. Added t.-p., engr., with port, of the author. MT6.A2T42 Thalesio, Pedro. Arte de canto chao, com hvma breve instrvccao pera os sacerdotes, diaconos, subdiaconos, & mocos do coro, conforme ao vso romano. Composta, & ordenada por o mestre Pedro Thalesio . . . Agora nesta segunda impressao nouamente emendada, & aperfeicoada pello mesmo autor . . . Coimbra, Na impressao de D. Gomez de Louveiro, 1628. 6 p. 1., 136 p. illus. 20 cm . Title vignette : ecclesiastical coat of arms. MT860.A2T42 [Thielo, Carl August] 1702-1763. Grund-regeln wie man, bey weniger information, sich selbst die fun- damenta der music und des claviers, lernen kan, beschrieben, mit exempeln in noten gezeiget und verlegt von C. A. T. Erster theil. [Kopenhagen, 1753] lp. 1., 81 p. 16x21 cm . No more published. According to Fetis this is an abridged translation of Thielo's "Tanker og regler fra grunden af om musiken," Copenhagen, 1746. MT224.A2T43 Thomas, Christian Gottfried, 1748-1806. Praktische beytrage zur geschichte der musik, musikalischen lit— teratur und gemeinen besten, bestehend vorzuglich. in der einrichtung eines 6ff entlichen allgemeinen und achten verlags musikalischer manu- scripte, zum vortheil derer hrn. verfasser und kaufer; wie auch in andern litterarischen abhandlungen, die musik betreffend. Hrsg. von Christian Gottfried Thomas . . . Erste sammlung. Leipzig, Verlag des verfassers, 1778. 64 p. 23 x 19 cm . No more published. ML112.A2T45 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 269 Tigrini, Orazio. II compendio della mvsica, nel q vale brevemente si tratta dell' arte del contrapunto, diviso in qvatro libri. Del r. m. Oratio Tigrini . . . Nouamente composto, & dato in luce . . . Venetia, R. Amadino, 1588. 6 p. 1., 135, [1] p. 21 x 16 cm . Title within ornamental border; title vignette. ML171.T47 II compendio della mvsica, nel qvale brevemente si tratta delP arte del contrapvnto, diuiso in quattro libri. Del r. m. Oratio Tigrini ... Di nouo con diligentia corretto, & ristampato . . . Vene- tia, R. Amadino, 1602. 4 p. L, 135, [1] p. 21£ x 15£ cm . Title vignette. MT55.A2T56 Til, Salomon van, 1644-1713. Digt- sang- en speel-konst, soo der ouden, als bysonder der Hebreen, door een nauwkeurig ondersoek der oudheyd uyt sijn vorige duyster- / heyt wederom opgeheldert : dienende, om, by wege van een voor- looper, den leser tot een beter verstand der goddelijke Psalmen, en netter begrip van haar ware gebruyk onder de beyde Testamenten op te ley den: door Salomon van Til . . . Dordrecht, D. Goris, 1706. 14 p. 1., 533, [15] p. illus. 20£ c Lcm Title vignette. 1st edition, Dordrecht, 1692. ML166.A2T55 Digt- sang- en speel-konst, soo der ouden, als bysonder der Hebreen, door een nauwkeurig ondersoek der oudheyd uyt sijn voorige duysterheyd wederom opgeheldert: dienende, om, by wege van een voorlooper, den leser tot oen beter verstand der goddelijke Psalmen, en netter begrip van haar waare gebruyk onder de beyde Testamenten op te ley den : door Salomon van Til . . . Amsterdam, A. Schoonen- burg, 1725. 14 p. 1., 533, [15] p. illus., 5 pi. (1 fold.) 20£ x 16 cm . The illustrations are printed from engr. plates. ML166.A2T57 Dicht- sing- und spiel-kunst / so wohl der alten / als ins besonder der Hebreer. Durch neusgierige untersuchung der antiqui- tat aus ihrer vorigen dunckelheit wieder auffgeklaret: als vorlauffer d' g6ttliche Psalmen / zu dero besserem verstand dem leser dienend und zum deutlicherm begriff ihres gebrauchs unter beyden Testamenten anleitung zu geben durch Salomon von Til . . . Franckfurt /M. Groot ' 1706. 9 p. 1., 478, [16] p. illus., fold. pi. 21 x 16§ cm . ML166.A2T56 270 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Tilesius von Tilenau, Nathanael, 1565-1616. Christliche vnd grundliche erweisung dass die musica vnd singe- kunst Gott wolgefelhg / vnd mit gleubiger andacht / in kirchen vnd hausern m6ge gebraucht werden. In einer hochzeitpredigt gehandelt . . . Gehalten zu Stroppen / den 13. novembris anno 1596, vnd jetzt ... in druck verfertiget durch Nathanaelem Tilesium ... [n. p.] Gedruckt im jahr 1599. [20] p. 19£ cm . ML3001.T57 Tinctoris, Joannes, d. 1511. See Forkel, J. N. Allgemeine litteratur der musik, 1792. Todd, John, d. 1812. An humble attempt towards the improvement of psalmody: the propriety, necessity and use, of evangelical psalms, in Christian wor- ship. Delivered at a meeting of the Presbytery of Hanover in Vir- ra, October 6th, 1762. By John Todd . . . Philadelphia: Printed A. Steuart, 1763. 40 p. I6i cm . [Hazard pamphlets, v. 10, no. 5] AC901.H3 Topfer, Johann Christian Carl, b. 1740 ? Anfangsgrunde zur erlernung der musik und insonderheit des claviers, durch eigenen fleiss und erfahrung aufgesetzet und mit einer kritischen vorrede begleitet von Johann Christian Carl T6pfer . . . Bresslau, W. G. Korn, 1773. xii, [13]-44 p. 3 fold. pi. (music) 20 x 16 cm . MT7.A2T6 Tollius, Jacobus, d. 1696. See Bacchini, B. De sistris, 1696. Tomas de Santa Maria, d. 1570. Libro llamado Arte de taner fantasia, assi para tecla como para vihuela, y todo instrumeto, en que se pudiere tarier a tres, y a quatro vozes, y a mas . . . Elqual por mandado del muy alto Consejo real fue examinado, y aprouado por el eminete musico de Su Magestad Antonio de Cabecon, y por luan de Cabecon, su hermano. Com- puesto por el muy reuerendo padre fray Thomas de Sancta Maria . . . valladolid, Impresso por F. Fernandez de Cordoua, 1565. 4 p. 1., 90, 124 numb. 1. 28J cm . Title vignette. ML171.T65 Tomeoni, Florido, 1757 ?-l 820. Theorie de la musique vocale, ou des dix regies qu'il faut connaitre et observer pour bien chanter ou pour apprendre a juger par soi-m^me du degr6 de perfection de ceux que Ton entend; par Florido Tomeoni . . . Avec des remarques sur la prononciation des langues francaise et italienne, r6digees par un homme de lettres. Paris, Chez l'auteur [etc.] an vn [1799] viij, 138, 2-5 p., 1 1. 19i om . MT820A2T76 EAKLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 271 Tomeoni, PeUegrino, b. 1729. Regole pratiche per accompagnare il basso continuo esposte in dia- loghi per facilitare il possesso alia principiante gioventti da Pelle- grino Tomeoni . . . Firenze, A. G. Pagani, e comp., 1795. 44 p. 22 c >cm Pages 17-18, 21-22, 25-26, 31-32, 37-38, 43-44 (musical examples) are printed on leaves 31J x 21£ cm . MT49.T65 [Toneellief, Willem] pseud.t Missive van een heer in Leijden, aan zyn vriend in's Gravenhaage, vervattende eenige nieuwigheeden, betreffende de Amsteldamsche en Rotterdamsche schouwburgen, benevens een nette origineele lyst en staat der muziciens, acteurs, actrices, dansers . . . enz. zoo als die voor beide de schouburgen geangageert zyn om het toneel te openen, bene- vens hunne riaamen en de characters waar voor zy in't vervolg zullen speelen, gevolgt van iets het geen de Hoogduitsche en Vlaamsche operas betreft. Monnikendam, By de Gorter; [etc., etc., 1774] 8 p. 18£ cm . Signed: Willem Toneellief. Dated: Leijden den 14 Augustus 1774. ML1735.3.A2T7 Torino, Uluminato da. See Illuminato da Torino. Torres Martinez Bravo, Jose de, 1665-1738. Reglas generates de. acompafiar, en organo, clavicordio, y harpa, con solo saber cantar la parte, 6 vn baxo en canto figurado. Distri- bvidas en tres partes. En la primera, se ensenan los fundamentos, que deben preceder al acompafiar, en la segunda el modo de acom- pafiar, vsando solo de especies consonantes, y en la tercera el modo de practicar las especies falsas . . . Compuestas por Don Joseph de Torres . . . Madrid, Imprenta de mvsica, 1702. 8 p. 1., 143, [12] p. 21 cm . MT49.A2T7 Reglas generales de acompafiar, en organo, clavicordio, y harpa, con solo saber cantar la parte, o.un baxo en canto figurado. Distribuidas en tres partes . . . Afiadido aora un nuevo tratado, donde se explica el modo de acompafiar las obras de musica, segun el estilo italiano. Compuestas por Don Joseph de Torres Martinez Bravo . . . Madrid, Imprenta de musica, 1736. 4 p. 1., 124, [3] p. illus. 21 x 28£ cm . MT49.A2T72 Torres Martinez Bravo, Jose de, 1665-1738, editor. See Nassarre, P. Fragmentos musicos, 1700. [Toscan, G. L. George] 1756-1826. De la musique et de Nephte. Aux manes de l'abbe Arnaud. Paris, Imprimerie de Monsieur, 1790. 2 p. 1., 28 p. 20£ cm . ML3920.A2T7 272 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Tosi, Pietro Francesco, ca. 1650-ca. 1731. Opinioni de' cantori antichi, e moderni, o sieno Osservazioni sopra il canto figurato di Pierfrancesco Tosi . . . Dedicate a Sua Eccellenza My lord Peterborough . . . [Bologna, L. dalla Volpe, 1723] 3 p. 1., 118 p. 18 cm . This copy is without imprint and contains the dedication to Lord Peterborough. For variations in the different copies of this edition see Gaspari's catalogue of the Liceo musicale of Bologna. MT820.A2T72 Observations on the florid song; or, Sentiments on the ancient and modern singers. Written in Italian by Pier. Francesco Tosi . . . Tr. into English by Mr. Galliard ... To which are added, explan- atory annotations, and examples in musick ... 2d ed. London, J. Wilcox, 1743. xviii, [2], 184 p. vi fold. pi. 17 cm . "A prefatory discourse giving some account of the author": p. [vii]-xiii. MT820.A2T73 Anleitung zur singkunst. Aus dem italianischen des herrn Peter Franz Tosi . . . mit erlauterungen und zusatzen von Johann Friedrich Agricola . . . Berlin, Gedruckt bey G. L. Winter; 1757. xvi, 239 p. 21 x 17 om . Title vignette; head and tail pieces. MT820.A2T74 Tovar, Francisco. Libro de mu || sica pratica Compuesto por || mosz Francisco touar: di || rigido al illustrissimo y || reueredissimo senyor || do Enrique de Car || doa obispo d'Bar || celona. y a su insi || gno capitulo. [Colophon: C La presente obra f ue compuesta por mossen Francisco to || uar de la villa de Pareia Imprimida en la insigne || cibdad de Barcelona por maestre Johan Rose || bach aleman a. v. de Janero anyo de mil y || quinientos y diez] 4 p. 1., xxxv numb. 1. diagrs. 28 om . Title in red; printer's mark at end. The musical notes and clefs are in ms. on printed staves. ML171.T73 Towerson, Gabriel, d. 1697. A sermon concerning vocal and instrumental musick in the church. As it was delivered in the parish church of St. Andrew Undershaft, upon the 31 th of May, 1696, being Whit-Sunday, and the day wherein the organ there erected was first made use of. By Gabriel Towerson, d. d. London, B. Aylmer, 1696. 30 p. 18£ x 15 cm . ML3001.T78 Tractatvs mvsices. See Compendiu musices. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 273 [Travenol, Louis] d. 1783. Les entrepreneurs entrepris, ou Complainte d'un musicien opprime" par ses camarades, adressee aux protecteurs et aux protectrices des sciences & des beaux arts. [Paris, Impr. de S. Jorry, 1758] 40 p. 19£ cm . Caption title: Memoire pour le sieur Travenol . . . Contre le sieur Mondon- ville, ex-musicien du roi, le sieur Capperan, ex-musicien de l'Opera, & la dame Rover, tous trois entrepreneurs & directeurs du Concert spirituel. This copy has ms. notes and inscription on t. -p.: "A Monsieur l'abb6 de la Porte." On fly-leaf at end: "Chanson nouvelle, sur l'air, Or ecoutes petits et grands." ML1727.8.P2T8 La galerie de l'Academie royale de musique, contenant les portraits, en vers, des principaux sujets, qui la composent en la presente annee 1754. Dediee a Jean Jacques Rousseau . . . Par un zele partisan de son syst^me sur la musique francoise. [Paris] 1754. 62 p. 17J x 10 cm . ML1727.33.T7 Histoire du Theatre de Fopera en France. Depuis Petablissement de l'Academie royale de musique, jusqu'a present . . . Paris, J. Barbou, 1753. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 4 p. 1., 264 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 221, [3] p.) 20 cm . Vol. 2 dated m.lcc.liii. Dedication signed: D * * * By Durey de Noinville and Louis Travenol. ML1727.3.D8 Histoire du theatre de l'Academie royale de musique en France, depuis son etablissement jusqu'a present. 2. ed., cor. & augm. des pieces qui ont 6te representees sur le Theatre de Fopera par les musiciens italiens, depuis le premier aout 1752. jusqu'a leur depart en 1754. avec un extrait de ces pieces & des ecrits qui ont paru a ce sujet . . . Paris, Duchesne, 1757. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 6, [8], 320 p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., 221, [3], 221-222 p., 1 1., 11 p.) 20 cm . Dedication signed : D * * # ML1727.3.A2D82 CEuvres melees du sieur * * *, ouvrage en vers et en prose, contenant des remarques curieuses sur les mysteres de la confrairie des Francs- masons, sur la Lettre de J. J. Rousseau, contre la musique franpoise, & sur le Dialogue de Pegaze & du vieillard, par M. de Voltaire. Amsterdam [i. e. Paris] 1775. xij, 114 p. 21 cm . ML1727.33.T8 Treiber, Johann Friedrich, 1641 or 42-1719. . . . De cantantium ordinibus Veteris Testamenti: cantico novo Novi Testamenti: ut & de officio civium erga choros, symphoniacum & currentium; & tandem de officio beneficiariorum utriusqj chori, in solennitate Catharinali, d. xxvu. novembr. a. r. s. cio.ioccv. h. 1. q. c. Seroraturos sistet m. Joh. Fridericus Treiber . . . Arnstadia?, Uteris [eurerianis [1705] 8 p. 19xl54 cm . ML166.A2T7 51234°— 13 18 274 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Treiber, Johann Friedrich — Continued. . . . Orationes de musica Davidica, itemque discursibus per urbem cum musica nocturnis, in solennitate Catharinali d. nov. a. r. s. cio.idcci. h. 1. q. c. habendas intimat M. Jo. Frider. Treiber . . . Arnstadiae, Uteris Bachmannianis [1701] [8] p. 19J cm . ML63.T7 Treiber, Johann Philipp, 1675-1727. D. Johann Philipp Treibers . . . sonderbare invention: eine arie in einer einzigen melodey aus alien tonen und accorden / auch jederley tacten / zu componiren / so / dass sie in dem hartesten accord anfangt / in dem weichsten auffh6ret / und dem auffmercker dennoch die abwechselung derer accorde nicht frembde vorkommet. Von wel- cher invention der autor, besage der vorrede ... in nachfolgender arie, worinne die regirung Gottes und der obrigkeit mit der music verglichen wird / eine probe abgeleget . . . Jena, C. Junghans, 1702. [8] p. 12 pi. (music) 30£ x 20 cm . Initial; head -piece. MT47.A2T85 Trento, Decio Agostino. See Tartini, G. Trattato di musica, 1754. Trew, Abdias, 1597-1669, praeses. Disputatio musica de divisione monochordi et deducendis inde sonorum concinnorum speciebus et affectionibus et tandem tota praxi compositionis musicae . . . Altdorffi, typis Georgi Hagen, 1662. [32] p. pi. 19 x 15£ cm . Diss. — Altdorff (T. G. Mayr, respondent) ML3809.A2T8 Trillo, Camille, pseud. See Lesuire, Robert Martin. Tromlitz, Johann George, 1726-1805. Ausfuhrlicher und grundlicher unterricht die fl6te zu spielen, von Johann George Tromlitz . . . Leipzig, A. F. B6hme, 1791. xxiv, 376, [8] p., 1 1. pi. 24£ x 19 cm . Title vignette. MT348.A2T84 Ueber die fl6ten mit mehrern klappen; deren anwendung und nutzen. Nebst noch einigen andern danin geh6rigen aufsatzen von Johann George Tromlitz . . . Als zweyter theil zu meinem Ausfuhr- lichen und griindlichen unterricht die note zu spielen. Leipzig, A. F. B6hme, 1800. x, 140, [4] p. 24£ x 19 cm . ( With his Ausfuhrlicher . . . unterricht. Leipzig, 1791) MT348.A2T84 EAELY BOOKS ON MUSIC 275 Trydell, John. Two essays on the theory and practice of music. In the first are laid down the principles of the science. In the latter are demon- strated the rules of harmony, composition, and thorough bass. To which is added, a new and short method of attaining to sing by note. By the Rev. John Trydell . . . Dublin, Printed for the editor by B. Grierson, 1766. lem xx, 140, 51 p. 21J C "Examples": 51 p., engr. MT6.A2T87 Tiibel, Christian Gottlieb, d. 1776. Korte onderrichting van de musiek, met daar by gevoegde lxxvii. handstukkies, voor het clavier. Beneevens eene korte verhandeling van het contrapunct, door den Heer C. G. Tubel . . . Kurzer unter- richt von der music, nebst den dazu gehdrigen lxxvii. piecen, fur die ienigen welche das clavecin spielen, nebst eine kurze nachricht von contrapunct . . . Amsterdam, J. Covens [pref . 1766] 1 p. 1., 4, 123 p. 17 x 24 cm . Engraved, with the exception of 4 p. following title. Text in German and Dutch, in parallel columns. MT224.A2T8 Turk, Daniel Gottlob, 1750 ?-1813. Klavierschule, oder Anweisung zum klavierspielen Mr lehrer und lernende, mit kritischen anmerkungen, von Daniel Gottlob Turk . . . Leipzig und Halle, Auf kosten des verfassers, in kommission bey Schwickert in Leipzig [etc.] 1789. 4 p. 1., 408, [12], 15 p. 22 x 17£ cm . "Zw61f handstucke zum gebrauche beym unterrichten": 15 p. at end. MT222.A2T9 Kurze anweisung zum generalbassspielen, von Daniel Gottlob Turk . . . Halle und Leipzig, Auf kosten des verfassers, in kommis- sion bey Schwickert in Leipzig [etc.] 1791. 2 p. 1., 307, [1] p. 20£ cm . MT49.A2T8 Von den wichtigsten pflichten eines organisten. Ein beytrag zur verbesserung der musikalischen liturgie, von D. G. Turk. Halle, Auf kosten des verfassers, in kommission bei Schwickert zu Leipzig [etc.] 1787. 211, [1] p. 18£ cm . "Das choralspielen bey den protestanten " : p. 6-109. MT190.A2T9 Turmair, Johannes. See Aventinus i. e. Johannes Turmair, of Abensberg. 276 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Turner, William. Sound anatomiz'd, in a philosophical essay on musick. Wherein is explained the nature of sound, both in its essence and regulation, &c. Contrived for the use of the voice in singing, as well as for those who play on instruments. Together with a thorough explanation of all the different moods used in musick, for regulating time in the different divisions of measures used therein . . . To which is added, a dis- course concerning the abuse of musick. By William Turner Lon- don, Printed by W. Pearson for the author, 1724. 3 p. 1., 80, 7 p. pi. 21 x 16 cm . MT7.A2T95 Tyard, Pontus de, 1521-1605. Les discovrs philosophiqves de Pontvs de Tyard, seignevr de Bissy, et depvis euesque de Chalon. [Le tout reueu & beaucoup augments, depuis la derniere edition] A Paris, Chez A. L'Angelier, 1587. 368 numb. 1., [24] p. fold, pi., port., diagrs. 24 x 17 cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. Contents. — Solitaire premier, ov Discours de muses, & de la fureur poetique. — Solitaire second, ov Discours de la musique. — Mantice, ov Discours de la verite de diuination par astrologie. — Le premier cvrievx, ov Premier discovrs de la natvre dv monde, & de ses parties. — Le second cvrievx, ov Second discovrs de la natvre dv monde, et de ses parties, traitant des choses intellectuelles. — Sceve, ov Discovrs dv temps, de Tan, et de ses parties. Ch.40 Solitaire second, ov Prose de la musique. Lion, Par Ian de Tovrnes, 1555. 160, [16] p. illus. (port.) fold, pi., diagrs. 22£ cm . Title within ornamental border, in this copy colored by hand; initials. On verso of t.-p. is a portrait of the author, with inscription " P. D. T. en son an 31" and on p. [161] is a laudatory poem: "G. Altarij Carolatis, ad Pontum Tyardaeum endecasyllabi." ML171.T9 U., B. W. See Neue ... art zu solmisiren, 1763. Uberti, Grazioso. Contrasto mvsico. Opera dilettevole del Signor Gratioso Vberti . . . Roma, L. Grignani, 1630. 4 p. 1., 152 p. 15£ em . Title vignette. ML3795.A2U14 Ulloa, Pedro de, 1663-1721. Musica universal, 6 Principios universales de la musica, dispuestos por el padre maestro Pedro de Ulloa . . . Madrid, En la Imprenta de musica, por B. Peralta, 1717. 6 p. 1., 104 p. 2 fold. pi. 22i cn >. MT6.A2U42 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 277 Unger, Johann Friedrich von, 1716-1781. Entwurf einer maschine, wodurch alles was auf dem clavier gespie- let wird, sich von selber in noten setzt. Im jahr 1752. an die Kdnigl. akademie der wissenschaften zu Berlin eingesandt, nebst dem mit dem herrn direktor Euler daruber gefiihrten briefwechsel, und eini- gen andern diesen entwurf betreffenden nachrichten. Von Johann Friedrich Unger . . . Mit 8 kupfertabellen. Braunschweig, Furstl. Waisenhaus-buchhandlung, 1774. 5 p. 1., [3]-52 p. vn (t. e. 8) fold. pi. (partly music) 21 x 17 cm . ML1050.A2U5 Uranian society, Philadelphia. See Introductory lessons, practised by the Uranian society [1785] y * * * * i^ See Reflexions sur la musique, 1785. Valenti-Gonzaga, Silvio, cardinal, 1690-1756, editor. See Bandini, A. M. Commentariorvm de vita . . . Ioannis Bapt. Doni, 1755. Vallara, Francesco Maria. Primizie di canto fermo del padre Francesco Maria Vallara . . . Modona, Per A. Capponi, stampatore, 1700. 8, 80 p. 23£ x 18 em . MT860.A2V17 Scuola corale nella quale s'insegnano i fondamenti piu necessarii alia vera cognizione del canto gregoriano, composta dal padre Fran- cesco Maria Vallara . . . Modena, Per A. Capponi, stamp., 1707. viii, 198 p., 1 1. 24£ x 18£ cm . The frontispiece given by Gaspari is wanting in this copy. MT850.A2V17 Teorico-prattico del canto gregoriano, dato alia luce dal padre Francesco Maria Vallara . . . Parma, G. Rosati, 1721. viii, 140 p. 2 fold. pi. 25£ cm . MT860.A2V19 [Valle, Guglielmo della] 1740?-1794? Memorie storiche del p. m. Giambattista Martini, minor conven- tuale di Bologna, celebre maestro di cappella. Napoli, Stamperia Simoniana, 1785. viii, 152 p. 20 cm . ML410.M38V2 Valliere, Lonis Cesar de La Baume Le Blanc, due de la. See La Valliere, Louis Cesar de La Baume Le Blanc, due de. 278 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Vallotti, Francesco Antonio, 1697-1780. Delia scienza teorica, e pratica della moderna musica libro primo. Opera del p. f. Francescantonio Vallotti . . . Padova, Nella stam- peria del Seminario, appresso G. Manfre, 1779. xxxi, 168 p. 7 pi. (1 fold.) fold. tab. 25£ x 19$ cm . "Non fu pubblicato che questo primo volume; ma tutto il rimanente dell' ope- ra conservasi ms. nella biblioteca de' Min. conv. al Santo di Padova." — Gaepari, Catalogo della bibl. del Liceo musicale di Bologna. ML3805.A2V2 Vandermonde, Alexandre Theophile, 1735-1796. Second memoire sur un nouveau syst&ne d'harmonie applicable a l'etat actuel de lamusique. ParM. Vandermonde . . . [Paris, 1781 ?] 18, 4 p. 27 x 21 cm . Caption title. Musical illustrations: 4 p., engr. ML3815.A2V23 See also La Borde, J. B. de. Memoires sur les proportions musi- cales, 1781. Vanneo, Stefano, b. 1493. Recanetvm de mvsica avrea a magistro Stephano Vanneo Reci- nensi . . . nuper ssditum, & solerti studio enucleatum, Vincentio Rosseto Veronensi interprete. Romae apvd Valerivm Doricvm Brixiensem, 1533. 4 p. 1., 93 numb. 1. illus., diagrs. 28 cm . The Italian original was not published. ML171.V26 Vaucanson, Jacques de, 1709-1782. Le mecanisme du fluteur automate, presents a messieurs de l'Aca- demie royale des sciences. Par M. vaucanson, auteur de cette machine. Avec la description d'un canard artificiel; mangeant, beuvant, digerant & se vuidant, epluchant ses ailes & ses plumes, imitant en diverses manieres un canard vivant. Invente" par la mesme. Et aussi celle d'une autre figure, egalement merveilleuse, jouant du tambourin & de la flute, suivant la relation, qu'il en a donnee depuis son memoire 6crit. Paris, J. Guerin, 1738. 11 (i. e. 23) p. front. 25£ x 19J cm . Last page numbered 11 for 23. ML1055.A2V19 Vayer, Fran§ois de La Mothe le. See La Mothe Le Vayer, Francois de. EAKLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 279 Vaz Barradas Muitopao e Morato, Joao, b. 1689. Breve resumo de cantocham, com as regras mais principaes e a f6rma que devem guardar, o director do coro para o sustentar firme na corda chamada coral, e o organista quando o acompanha, orde- nado ao uso romano, por Joa5 V az Barrada Muito Pam, e Morato . . . Lisboa Occidental, Officina da musica, 1735. 2 p. 1., 59 p. 19§ cm . MT860.A2V39 Flores musicaes colhidas no jardim da melhor licao de varios autores. Arte pratica de canto de orgao, indice de cantoria para principiantes, com hum breve resummo das regras mais principaes de acompanhar com instrumentos de vozes, e o conhecimento dos tons assim naturaes como accidentaes . . . por Joao Vaz Barradas Muito Pam, e Morato . . . Lisboa Occidental, Officina da musica, 1735. 6 p. 1., 113, [6] p. incl. pi., tables. 21 c MT860.A2V41 [Veal, George] Musical travels through England. By Joel Collier [pseud.] . . . London, G. Kearsly, 1774. viii, 59 p. 19£ cm . [Miscellaneous pamphlets, v. 1141, no. 1] A satire on Burney. Attributed also to J. L. Bicknell. AC901.M5 Musical travels through England. By the late Joel Collier , . 4th ed. London, G. Kearsly, 1776. 2 p. 1., vi p., 1 1., 102, 28 p. 20£ c ML429.V394 Musical travels through England. By the late Joel Collier . . . New ed. London, G. Kearsley, 1785. xiv, [2], 126, 32 p. 15 cm . ML429.V396 Velasco, Sebastian Lopez de. See Lopez de Velasco, Sebastian. Venceslaus Philomathes, de Nova Domo. Venceslai Philomatis de Nova Domo Musicorum libri quatuor . . . [Colophon: Impressum Viennse Pannonise per Ioannem Singrenium. Anno m.d.xxiii.] . [43] p. 22 cm . Below title, on t.-p.: "Rvdberti Resch Grecensis . . . epigramma extenipo- rale, musicse complectens obiter laudem" (14 lines in pentameter) followed by the sentence "Erne lector et gavdebis" in capitals. Title within woodcut border with printer's mark; initials. Signatures: a-d in fours; e in six. This copy has ms. notes. The present is the 3d edition. According to F6tis, the 1st edition, Vienna, 1512, has title: Venceslai Philomathis de Nova Domo Musicorum libri quatuor, compendioso carmine elucubrati. * ML171.V36 280 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Venezia, Giacinto. Esercizio accademico sulla musica pubblicamente esposto da cherici delle scuole pie nel collegio della ducnesca sotto la direzdone del padre Giacinto Venezia . . . Napoli, 1792. 26 p. 23 x 18i cm . ML64.V3 Venini, Francesco, 1737-1820. De i principi dell' armonia musicale, e poetica, e sulla loro appli- cazione alia teoria e alia pratica della versificazione italiana. Dis- sertazione dell' abate Francesco Venini. Parigi, G. C. Molini, l'an 6 me -(1798) 2 p. 1., 3-165 p. 21£ cm . 2d edition. 1st edition, Paris, 1784. PC1505.V5 Verato, Giovanni Maria. II Verrato insegna con noua e breuissima inuentione facile per imparare per tutte le chiaue, a leggere le notte, cantare & portar la batuda, con cinque sole regole, in dialogo cioue maestro, & discepolo . . . Con vn epilogo breue per li maestri che insegnano. Di f. Gio. Maria Verrato . . . Novamente stampata. Venetia, B. Magni, 1623. 1 p. 1., 18 p. 23 cm . MT44.A2V35 Veridicus Gratus, pseud. See Printz, W. C. Phrynis Mitilenseus, 1696. Verissimo dos Martyres, 1699 M767. Director ecclesiastico das ceremonias da Cinza, Ramos, e de toda a Semana santa, conforme as rubricas do Missal romano, e decretos da S. Congregacao de ritos, com todo o canto-chao que nos sobreditos dias se deve cantar . . . Pelo R. padre Fr. Verissimo dos Mar- tyres . . . Lisboa, Offic. de J. da Costa Coimbra, 1755. 4 p. 1., 407, [1] p. 19i c MT860.A2V51 Director funebre de ceremonias na administracao do sagrado viatico, extrema-uncao aos enfermos, enterro, officio dos defuntos, procissao das almas, e outras funcoes pertencentes aos mortos, com o canto, que em to das se deve observar . . . Dedicado ao . . . Senhor Luiz Cesar de Menezes, n. conde de Sabugosa . . . pelo R. P. Fr. Ve- rissimo dos Martyres . . . Lisboa, J. da Costa Coimbra, 1749. 7 p. 1., 289 p. 20 cm . MT860.A2V5 Veritophilus, pseud. See Raupach, Christoph. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 281 Vermehrter / und nun zum zweytenmal in druck bef 6rderter kurtzer jedoch grundlicher wegweiser / vermittelst welches man nicht nur allein aus dem grund die kunst / die orgel recht zu schlagen / sowol was den general-bass, als auch was zu dem gregorianischen choralgesang erfordertwird/erlernen . . . sondern auch weiland herrn Giacomo Ca- rissimi Sing-kunst / und leichte grund-regeln / vermittelst welcher man die jugend ... in der music perfectioniren kan / zu finden seyn. Wobey auch die eigentliche unterweisung / den choral-gesang zu be- greiffen / alle desselben thon zu erkennen / und sich nach denselben in den introitibus, Kyrie, hymnis, psalmis, Benedictus, Magnificat, &c. wissen auf der orgel mit den prseambulis zu richten. Deme hinzu . geffigt ein in kupffer verfertigter ubungs-plan / bestehend in aller- nand prseambulis, interambulis, versen, toccaten, tastaten, varia- tionen, fugen, und dergleichen . . . Allen / so geist- als weltlichen / welche nothwendig den choral-gesang verstehen sollen . . . abson- derlich denen / so der lateinischen sprach unerfahren / zu lieb in teutsch hervor gegeben / und in druck verfertiget. Augspurg, J. Koppmayer, 1693. 48, 55 p. 1 illus. 16 x 20£ cm . "Prseambula, variationen, &c": 55 p. MT35.A2K87 See also Carissimi, G. G. Ars cantandi, 1693. Verschuere-Reynvaan, Joos, 1739-1809. Muzijkaal kunst-woordenboek, behelzende, de verklaaringen, als- mede het gebruik en de kracht der kunstwoorden, die in de muzijk voorkomen, door J. Verschuere Reynvaan ... [1. deel] Amsteldam, W. Brave, 1795. xxii, [2], 618 p. fold, plates. 21£ cm . Cover dated 1796. Several of the plates are printed on both sides. Only the first part was published, covering the letters A-M. Versuch einer systematischen entwickelung der tactarten und vorschlage zu neuen tactzeichen. (In Deutsches magazin. [Altona?] 1792. 17 x 10 cm . marz, p. [231]-264) Detached copy. ML432.A2V5 Vicentino, Nicola, b. 1511. L'antica mvsica ridotta alia moderna prattica, con la dichiaratione, et con gli essempi de i tre generi, con le loro spetie. Et con Tinyen- tione di vno nvovo stromento, nel qvale si contiene tvtta la perfetta mvsica, con molti segreti mvsicali. Nuouamente mess' in luce, dal reverendo M. Don Nicola Vicentino. Roma, A. Barre, 1555. 146 numb. 1., [10] p., 1 1. illus. (port.) 31J em . Title vignette. Leaf 105 numbered 106. 8 ML171.V43 282 LIBBABY OF C0NGBES8 Vierling, Johann Gottfried, 1750-1813. Versuch einer anleitung zum praludiren fur ungeubtere, mit bei- spielen erlautert, von Johann Gottfried Vierling . . . Neue ausg. Leipzig, Breitkopf und Hartel [1794] 28 p. 25 cm . MT68.A2V66 Vieville, Jean Laurent Le Cerf de la. See Le Ceef de La Vieville, Jean Laurent, seigneur de Freneuse. Villa Lobos, Mathias de Sousa. See Sousa Villa Lobos, Mathias de. Villasagra, Pedro de. Arte, y compendio del canto llano. Brevissimo en su inteligencia para los que quieran aprender con f acilidad : con algunas antiphonas, y missas para la practica. Su autor el P. Fr. Pedro de Villasagra . . . Valencia, Impr. de la viuda de J. de Orga, 1765. 2 p. 1., 136 p. 1 illus. 21 cm . Appended: "Adicion al Compendio del arte de canto llano ... La escribia Don Manuel Narro," Valencia, 1766. 12 p. MT860.A2V6 Ville sur Illon, Bernard Germain Etienne de la, comte de Lace- pede. See Lacepede, Bernard Germain Etienne de La Ville sue Illon, comte de. Villers, Clemence de. Dialogues sur la musique, par M Ue de Villers, adresses a son amie. Paris, Vente, 1774. 64 p. 17 cm . ML1727.35.V7 Vincent, William, 1739-1815. Considerations on parochial music. By William Vincent ... 2d ed., with additions. London, T. Cadell, 1790. iv, 43 p. 20£ cm . ML3001.V77 Vinet, filie, 1509-1587. £eeDiscouRS non plus melancoliqves qve divers, 1557. Viotti, Giovanni Battista, 1753-1824. Memoire au roi, concernant l'exploitation du privilege de l'Opera, demande" par le sieur Viotti. [Pans 1 1789 ?] 50 p. 20 cm . Dated "29 avril 1789." ML1727.8.P2V5 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 283 Virdung, Sebastian. See Lusoinius, O. Mvsvrgia, 1536. [Vismes, Alphonse Denis Marie de, called de Saint-Alphonse] 1746-1792. Lettre a Madame de * * *, sur l'opera d'lphigenie en Aulide. A Lausanne, 1774. 23 p. 18£ cm . For authorship see Pougin's supplement to Fetis' Biographie universelle des musiciens. ML1727.35.V74 Vives, Vincenzo Requeno y. See Requeno y Vives, Vincenzo. Vockerodt, Gottfried, 1665-1727. Missbrauch der freyen kunste / insonderheit der music / nebenst abgenSthigter erdrterung der frage: was nach d. Luthers und anderer evangelischen theologorum und politicorum meinung von opern und com6dien zu halten sey ? Gegen hn. d. Wentzels / hn. Joh. Christian Lorbers / und eines weissenf elsischen hof-musicantens schmah-schriff- ten . . . vorgestellet / und mit einer zugabe: darinne enthalten: i. Eine erinnerung an die censores dieser schrifft : n. Das von den pas- quillanten angefochtene programma: in. Der hochl6blichen Theol. facultat zu Giessen bedencken: iv. Vorstellung des . . . beginnens des weissenf elsischen pasquillanten . . . hrsg. von Gottfried Vockerodt . . . Franckfurt / Bey J. D. Zunnern, 1697. 176 p., 11. 19 x 15i om . The program has special t.-p.: . . . De falsa mentium intemperatarum medi- cina . . . Litteris Reyherianis. ML194.A2V6 Gottfried Vockerodts . . . Wiederholetes zeugnus der warheit gegen die verderbte music und schauspiele / opern- / com6dien und dergleichen eitelkeiten / welche die heutige welt vor unschuldige mit- teldinge will gehalten wissen: abgen6thiget durch die andere von einem weissf elsischen hof-musicanten / im jahr 1697. herausgegebene schmah-schrifTt . . . Hierzu komt als eine zugabe / nebenst andern . . . materien / des herrn von Chanteresme grundliches . . . bedencken von denen heutigen schau-spielen; wie auch des . . . hn. Armand yon Bourbon, printzens von Conty, herrliches tractatlein von denen pflich- ten grosser herren. Franckfurt und Leipzig / Bey J. Bielcken / 1698. 6 p. 1., 148, 59, [1] p. 19 x 15£ om . (With his Missbrauch der freyen kunste.* Franckfurt, 1697) The "tractatlein " has special t.-p. ML194.A2V6 284 LIBBABY OF CONGRESS Vogelsang, Joannes. Mvsicae rv- || dimenta, per loan. || Vogelsangum Lindauiensem, tarn |l fideliter quam compendiose || congesta. || loan. Pedionevs Rhae- || tus, ad literarum tvrunculos. || Qui cupis in teneris, statim per- discere cantum, || Annis, nsec musse prima clementa para: |l Quae tibi cui nomen cantus foecere uolucrum || Succincto tradit colligit atq, libro. [Colophon: Auguste Vindelicorum per Va- || lentinum Otthmar] [88] p. 14i cm . Dedication dated 1542. Signatures: A-E in eights, F in four. ML171.V64 Vogler, Georg Joseph, abt, 1749-1814. Georg Joseph Vogler's . . . Stimmbildungskunst. Mannheim, Kuhr- furstliche hofbuchdruckerei, 1776. [7] p. 4 fold. 1. (music) 18£ cia . Leaves printed on both sides. MT820.A2V6 Vogler's Tonschule, tonwissenschaft und tonsezkunst. Nebst bey- spielen . . . Offenbach a/M, J. Andre [n. d.] 2 v. in 1. fold, tab., fold, diagr. \7\ cm . A reissue, with Andrews engr. t.-p. added, of Vogler's: Kuhrpf&Lzische tonschule. Auf kosten des verfassers. Mannheim, In commission bei herrn C. F. Schwan, und bei herrn M. G6tze [1778] 2 v. in 1 (v. 1 : viii, 96 p. ; v. 2: 4 p. 1., 206 p.) fold, tab., fold, diagr. 17J cm . Contents. — 1. th. Tonkunst. Clavierschule. Stimmbildungskunst. Singschule. Begleitungskunst. — 2. th. Tonwissenschaft. Tonsezkunst. Nuzbarkeit des tonmases. Gebrauch der harmonic Tonlehre. From this it appears that the "Nuzbarkeit des tonmases" does not consti- tute a third part to the work, as is stated in Barclay Squire's "Catalogue of printed music (1487-1800) in the British museum." The "Zweiter theil" is apparently a reissue with the original t.-p. of "Georg Joseph Vogler's . . . Tonwissenschaft und tonsezkunst," Mannheim, 1776. The "beyspiele" refer to the "Griinde der Kuhrpfalzischen tonschule in beispielen" following. MT40.A2V88 Griinde der Kuhrpfalzischen tonschule in beispielen : als vor- bereitung zur Mannheimer monat-schrift, und zu den herausgaben des Offentlichen tonlehrers. [Mannheim, 1778] xxx p. 30 x 24 Pm . Engraved throughout. MT40.A2V883 Verbesserung der Forkel'schen veranderungen uber das englische volkslied God save the King. Nebst acht kupfertafeln. Frankfurt am Main, Varrentrapp und Wenner, 1793. 2 v. (v. 1: 48 p. fold, tab.; v. 2: 10 p.) 19 cm (v. 2: 35 cm ) Preface signed: A. V. Vol. 2, engraved throughout, has title: Kontrapunktische bearbeitung des englischen volkslieds God save the King. MT64.A2V6 See aZsoERSTE musikalische preisaustheilung, 1794. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 285 Vogt, Moritz Johann, 1669-1730. Conclave Thesauri magnse artis musicse [in quo tractatur. Pra> cipue de compositione pura, musicse theoria, anatomia sonori, musica enharmonica, chromatica, diatonica, mixta, nova, & antiqua: termi- norum musicorum nomenclatura : musica authenta, plagali, chorali, figurali: musica3 historia . . . &c. . . . Authore R. P. Mauritio Vogt] . . . Vetero-Pragae, typis Georgij Labaun, 1719. 8 p. 1., 223, [3] p., 1 1. illus., diagrs. 33J C ». Supposed by some authorities to have been written by Tomas Baltazar Janovka and merely edited by Vogt. MT7.A2V75 [Voigt, C] Gesprach von der musik, zwischen einem organisten und adjuvan- ten, darinnen nicht nur von verschiedenen missbrauchen, so bey der musik eingerissen, gehandelt, sondern auch eines und das andere beym clavier- und orgel-spielen angemerket wird ... an das lieht gestellet von einem, der von jugend auf christlich vnterrichtet, und oeffentlich die wahrheit an den tag gegeben. In iv. unterredungen. Erfurth, J. D. Jungnicol, 1742. 5 p. 1., 140 p. front. 20 x 17 cm . Preface by Lorenz Mizler. ML3001.V89 [Voisenon, Claude Henri de Fusee, abbe de] 1708-1775. R6ponse du coin du roi au coin de la reine. 2. ed. cor. & augm. [n. p., 1753] No. 1 in a volume of pamphlets lettered Quere[lle] des Bouffofns] ML1727.33.A1 See also Grimm, F. M., freiherr von. Le petit prophete [1753?] Voltaire, FranQois Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778. See Hertel, J. W. Sammlung musikalischer schriften, 1757-58. Voye Mignot, de la. See La Vote Mignot, de. Wagenseil, Johann Christoph, 1633-1705. Joh. Christophori Wagenseilii De Sacri rom. imperii Libera civitate noribergensi commentatio. Accedit, De Grermanise phonascorvm, von der meister-singer / origine, prsestantia, vtilitate, et institvtis, sermone vernacvlo liber. Altdorn Noricorvm, typis impensisqve J. W. KohlesiL 1697. 4 p. 1., 7-576 (i. e. 588) p. front., vign., plates (partly fold.) ports., fold, plan, tab. 21 x 16£ cm . Between p. 554 and 555 is " Der meisterliche hort, in vier gekronten thonen, " [12] p. „ 1 ' Vrbs Norimberga carmine heroico illvstrata per Helivm Eobanvm Hessvm : »• [393H32 ' ML183.A2W3 286 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Walder, Johann Jacob, 1750-1817. Anleitung zur singkunst in kurzen regeln fur lehrer und in stuffen- weyser reyhe von uebungen und beyspielen fur schuler, zum gebrauch der vaterlandischen schulen. Von J. J. Walder. Zurich, Orell, Gessner, Filssli und compagnie, 1788. xx, 60 p. 20J x 17i cm . MT935.A2W26 Walker, Joseph Cooper, d. 1810. Historical memoirs of the Irish bards. Interspersed with anecdotes of, and occasional observations on, the music of Ireland. Also, an historical and descriptive account of the musical instruments of the ancient Irish. And an appendix . . . By Joseph C. Walker . . . Dublin, Printed for the author, by L. White, 1786. xii, 166, 124, [6] p. front, (port.) illus. 27 x 21 cm . Appendix: no. i. Inquiries concerning the ancient Irish harp . . . By the Rev. Edward Ledwich. — no. ii. A letter ... on the style of the ancient Irish music. From the Rev. Edward Ledwich. — no. iii. An essay on the poetical accents of the Irish: by William Beauford. — no. iv. Dissertazione del Signor cano- nico Orazio Maccari di Cortona, sopra un' antica statuetta di marmo, rappresen- tante un suonator di cornamusa. — no. v. Memoirs of Cormac Common. — no. vi. The life of Turlough O'Carolan. — no. vii. An account of three brass trumpets, found near Cork: with remarks thereon. — no. viii. An essay on the construction and capability of the Irish harp, in its pristine and present state. By William Beauford. — no. ix. Select Irish melodies. ML287.W18 Wallin, Georg, 1686-1760. See Wernsdorf, G. De prudentia [1723] WaUis, John, 1616-1703. See Salmon, T. A proposal to perform musick, 1688. Wallis, John, 1616-1703, translator. See Ptolemaeus, Claudius. 'Apjjovaccov (leftAia f, 1682. Walter, Thomas, 1696-1725. The grounds and rules of musick explained: or, An introduction to the art of singing by note. Fitted to the meanest capacities . . . Recommended by several ministers, [n. p., 17 — ] iii, [1], 25 p., 20 1. (music) 12£ x 18 cm . Imperfect, wanting t.-p. and plate 4. Title taken from that of the 1st edition, 1721, as given in "Catalogue of the American library of . . . Mr. George Brinley," Hartford, 1881. According to Mr. Metcalf, however, our copy is not of the 1st edition, but was published probably about 1740. Contains (1) "A recommendatory preface," dated Boston, April 18, 1721, and signed by Increase and Cotton Mather and 13 other ministers, iii p. (2) Expla- nation of musical characters. [1] p. (3) "Some brief and very plain instructions for singing by note." 25 p. (4) Music (engraved) consisting of "Rules for tuning the voice" (leaf 1) followed by hymn tunes arranged for 3 parts (1. 2-20) M2116.W23 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 287 Walter, Thomas — Continued. — ; — The grounds and rules of musick explained: or, An intro- duction to the art of singing by note. Fitted to the meanest capaci- ties. By Thomas Walter . . . Boston: Printed for, and sold by T. Johnston, 1764. 1 p. 1., 25 p., 24 1. (music) 11J x 17 cm . The first 20 1. of music in this issue correspond to those in the foregoing. M2116.W24 The Sweet psalmist of Israel. A sermon preach' d at the lecture held in Boston, by the Society for promoting regular & good singing, and for reforming the depravations and debasements our psalmody labours under, in order to introduce the proper and true old way of singing. Boston, J. Franklin, for T. Fleet, 1722. 3p.l.,6+p. 16°. Imperfect, wanting p. 7-28. Ch. 17.1063 Walther, Johann Gottfried, 1684-1748. Musicalisches lexicon, oder Musicalische bibliothec, darinnen nicht allein die musici, welche so wol in alten als neuern zeiten, ingleichen bey verschiedenen nationen, durch theorie und praxin sich hervor gethan, und was von jedem bekannt worden, oder er in schrifften hinterlassen, mit allem fleisse und nach den vornehmsten umstanden angefuhret, sondern auch die in griechischer, lateinischer, italianischer und frantz6sischer sprache gebrauchliche musicalische kunst- oder sonst dahin gehdrige w6rter, nach alphabetischer ordnung vorgetragen und erklaret, und zugleich die meisten vorkommende signaturen erlautert werden von Johann Gottfried Walthern . . . Leipzig, W. Deer, 1732. 7 p. 1., 659, [7] p. xxii fold. pi. 22 cm . ML100.A2W2 Weaver, John, 1673-1760. An essay towards an history of dancing, in which the whole art and its various excellencies arc in some measure explain' d. Containing the several sorts of dancing, antique and modern, serious, scenical, grotesque . . . London, J. Tonson, 1712. 4 p. 1., 172 p. 17 cm . GV1601.W36 The history of the mimes and pantomimes, with an historical account of several performers in dancing, living in the time of the Roman emperors. To which will be added, a list of the modern entertainments that have been exhibited on the English stage, either in imitation of the ancient pantomimes, or after the manner of the modern Italians; when and where first performed, and by whom composed. By John Weaver . . . London, J. Roberts [etc.] 1728. 56 p. 20 cm . [Miscellaneous pamphlets, vol. 31, no. 61 1 * * AC901.M5 288 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Webb, Daniel] 1719 3-1798. Observations on the correspondence between poetry and music. By the author of An enquiry into the beauties of painting . . . Lon- don, J. Dodsley, 1769. vii, 155 p. 17£ cm . ML3849.A2W3 Weidling, Christian, 1660-1731, praeses. . . . Exercitatio philologica de instrumentis Ebrseorum musicis martini nUMJn ex psalmo iv. & v. . . . Lipsise, Uteris J. Coleri [1686] [20] p. 17£xl4J cin . Diss. — Leipzig (J. A. Glaser, respondent and author) ML166.A2G56 Weimar, Georg Peter, 1734-1800. Versuch kurzer praktischer uebungs-exempel allerley art fur schuler, die im gesange zum sogenannten notentreffen oder vom blatt- singen angeleitet werden sollen ; ein pendant zu Hillers kurzeren und erleichterten singeanweisung . . . von Georg Peter Weimar . . . Leip- zig, Breitkopfische musikhandlung [1795] 1 p. 1., 110 p. 22 x 17i cm . MT870.A2W3 Weissbeck, Johann Michael, 1756-1808. Protestationsschrift, oder Exemplarische widerlegung einiger stellen und perioden der kapellmeister Voglerischen Tonwissenschaft und tonsetzkunst, von Johann Michael Weissbeck, d. r. g. b. Erlangen, Gedruckt mit Kunstmannischen schriften, 1783. 1 p. 1., 17, [5] p. 21J x 18 cm . Title vignette. Contains another t.-p., undated, and with different vignette, under which the motto: Ich werdekeinenspmch und keine pruning scheuen. Weissbeck is here designated as "juris stud. "Anhang zur Protestations-schrift . . . Im februar 1784": [4] p. at end. MT40.A2W45 Werckmeister, Andreas, 1645-1706. Andrese Werckmeisters . . . Cribrvm mvsicvm, oder. Musicalisches sieb, darinen einige mangel eines halb gelehrten componisten vorge- stellet, und das bose von dem guten gleichsam ausgesiebet und abge- sondert worden, in einem sendschreiben an einem [ !] guten freund dargestellet, dann denen unzeitigen componisten zur nachricht und fleissigern nachsinnen zum druck bef6rdert durch Johann Georg Carln . . . Quedlinburg und Leipzig, T. P. Calvisius, 1700. 4 p. L, 60 p. 19§ x 16 cm . Pages 42-60 contain an extract from Johann Kuhnau's "Der musikalische quack-salber," Dresden, 1700. MT55.A2W48 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 289 Werckmeister , Andreas — Continued. Harmonologia musica, oder Kurtze anleitung zur musicalischen composition, wie man vermittels der regeln und anmerckungen bey den general-bass einen contrapunctum simplicem . . . durch drey satze oder grifTe componiren / una extempore spielen: auch dadurch im clavier und composition weiter zu scnreiten und zu variiren gelegen- heit nehmen k6nne : benebst einen unterricht / wie man einen gedop- pelten contrapunct und mancherley canones oder fugas ligatas, durch sonderbahre griffe und vortheile setzen und einricnten m6ge / aus denen mathemathischen und musicalischen grunden aufgesetzet und zum drucke heraus gegeben durch Andream Werckmeistern . . . Franckfurth und Leipzig / In verlegung T. P. Calvisii, Qvedlinburg, 1702. 13 p. 1., 142 p. 20$xl6£ cm . MT55.A2W5 Hypomnemata musica, oder Musicalisches memorial / welches bestenet in kurtzer erinnerung dessen / so bisshero unter guten freunden discurs-weise / insonderheit von der composition und tem- peratur m6chte vorgangen seyn / zu eigener nachncht auffgesezzet / und denen musical-lernend- und liebenden zum besten / den druck ubergeben von Andrea Werckmeister . . . Qvedlimburg, In verlegung T. P. Calvisii, 1697. 4 p. 1., 44, [3] p. 20xl5£ cm . ML3809.A2W37 Musicse mathematics hodegus curiosus. Oder, Richtiger musica- lischer weg-weiser / das ist, wie man nicht alleine die naturlichen eigenschafften der musicalischen proportionen / durch das mono- chordum, und ausrechnung erlangen / sondern auch vermittels der- selben / naturliche und richtige rationes liber eine musicalische composition vorbringen konne. Benebenst einem allegor-morali- schem / von der music entspringendem anhange . . . Von Andrea Werckmeistern . . . Franckfurt und Leipzig, In verlegung T. P. Calvisii, 1687. 4 p. 1., 160, [12] p. 20 x 15£ cm . ML3809.A2W3 Musicalische paradoxal-discourse, oder Ungemeine vorstellungen / wie die musica einen hohen und gdttlichen uhrsprung habe / und wie hingegen dieselbe so sehr gemissbrauchet wird. Dann wie dieselbe von den lieben alten mit grosser schwurig- und weitlaufftigkeit / welche uns zum theil noch anhanget / ist fortgesetzet worden / und wie man hingegen in vielen stucken / in heutiger musica practica eines nahern weges und vortheils sich bedienen kdnne. &c. So wohl denen so ihre music zur ehre Gottes gedencken anzuwenden / auch andern Gott- und kirchen-music liebenden zum weitern nachdencken mathematice, historice, und allegorice, durch die musicalischen pro- portional-zahlen entdecket / und vorgestellet von Andrea Werck- meister . . . Qvedlinburg / T. P. Calvisius, 1707. 120, [2] p. 19£ x 16 cm . Imperfect, wanting p. 27-28. ML3800.A2W4 51234°— 13 19 290 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Werckmeister, Andreas — Continued. Die nothwendigsten anmerckungen / und regeln wie der bassus continuus, oder general-bass wohl kdnne tractiret werden / und ein jeder / so nur ein wenig wissenschafft von der music und clavier hat / denselben vor sich selbst erlernen k6nne. Aus dem wahren funda- ment der musicalischen composition denen anfangern zu besserer nachricht aufgesezet / u. aniezo merckich [!] vermehret / und mit vielen exempeln erklaret durch Andreas Werckmeistern / m. u. o. z. S. M. i. H. Andere aufl. Ascbersleben / G. E. Struntz, 1715. 75, [1] p. 19 x 16* cm . MT49.A2W48 jJie nothwendigsten anmerckungen / und regeln wie der bassus continuus, oder general-bass wol k6nne tractiret werden und ein jeder so nur ein wenig wissenschafft von der music und clavier hat den- selben vor sich selbst erlernen k6nne. Aus dem wahren fundament der musicalischen composition denen anfangern zu besserer nachricht auffgesezzet und aniezzo mercklich vermehret / und mit vielen exempeln erklaret / durch Andreas Werckmeistern / m. u. o. z. S. M. i. H. Aschersleben / G. E. Struntze [n. d.] 72, [4] p. 18 x 15 cm . As most of the errata in this edition are also in the edition of 1715, it is not possible to determine which is the earlier. Various authorities date the 1st edition 1698 and describe as the third an undated edition. MT49.A2W47 . . . Organum gruningense redivivum, oder Kurtze beschreibung des in der gruningischen schlos-kirchen beruhmten orgel-wercks, wie dasselbe anfangs erbauet und beschaffen gewesen: und wie es anitzo . . . ist renoviret und mercklich verbessert worden . . . von Andreas Werckmeister. Quedlinburg und Aschersleben / G. E. Struntz fpref. 1705] [36] p. 19 x 15£ cin . ML594.G7 Andrese Werckmeisters . . . erweiterte und verbesserte Orgel-probe / oder Eigentliche beschreibung / wie und welcher gestalt man die orgel- wercke von den orgelmachern annehmen / probiren / untersuchen und denen kirchen lief em kdnne; auch was bey verdungniss eines neuen und alten wercks / so da zu renoviren vorf alien m6chte / nothwendig in acht zu nehmen sey . . . jetzo von dem autore selbst ubersehen / mit grundlichen uhrsachen bekrafftiget / und zum druck befordert. Qvedlinburg, In verlegung T. P. Calvish, 1698. 8 p. 1., 84, [4] p. 19 cm . Added t.-p., engr., in this copy colored by hand. ML552.A2W4 Andrese Werckmeisters . . . erweiterte und verbesserte Orgel- probe / oder: Eigentliche beschreibung wie und welcher gestalt man die orgelwercke von den orgelmachern annehmen / probiren / unter- suchen und denen kirchen lief era. k6nne; auch was bey verdungniss eines neuen und alten wercks / so da zu renoviren vorfcillen m6chte / nothwendig in acht zu nehmen sey . . . jezo von dem autore .selbst EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 291 Werckmeister, Andreas — Continued. ubersehen / mit grundlichen ursachen bekrafTtiget / und zum druck befdrdert. Quedlinburg und Aschersleben / G. E. Struntz / 1716. 12 p. 1., 85, [3] p. 21 x 16£ oai . Added t.-p., engr. ML552.A2W41 Andreas Werkmeisters erweiterte und verbesserte Orgelprobe. Leipzig, J. M. Teubner, 1754. 110 p. front. 17 cm . ML552.A2W42 Werckmeister, Andreas, 1645-1706, translator. See Steffani, A. Send-schreiben, 1700. [Wernich, Johann Carl Gustav] d. 1796. Versuch einer richtigen lehrart die harfe zu spielen, wobey die grundsatze nach welchen dieses instrument erlernet werden muss, mit der grSssten deutlichkeit, und solchergestalt vorgetragen wer- den, dass der liebhaber desselben eine hinlangliche geschicklichkeit darauf erlangen k6nne, von J. C. G. W. Berlin, G. L. Winter, 1772. 8 p. 1., 43 p. 1 illus. 21£ x 17 cm . Dedication signed: J. C. G. Wernich. MT540.A2W57 Wernsdorf, Gottlieb, 1668-1729, praeses. . . . De prudentia in cantionibus ecclesiastic 1 ' s adhibenda . . . Wit- tenbergae, Uteris vidvae Gerdesiae [1723] 76 p. 19 cm . Diss. — Wittenberg (Georg Wallin, respondent and author) ML3001.W49 Wiedeburg, Michael Johann Friedrich, b. ca. 1735. Musikalisches charten-spiel ex G dur, wobey man allezeit ein musi- kalisches stuck gewinnet, zum vergnugen und zur uebung der clavier- spieler und zum gebrauch der organisten in kleinen stadten und auf clem lande. Erstes spiel. Von Mich. Joh. Fridr. Wideburg . . . Aurich, A. F. Winter, 1788. 8, 48 p. 22J x 19 cm . No more published. MT68.A2W4 Der sich selbst informirende clavierspieler, oder Deutlicher und leichter unterricht zur selbstinformation im clavierspielen ... so deutlich und mit fleiss weitlauftig abgefasset, dass die liebhaber . . . sich selbst so weit bringen k6nnen, nach noten ein lied auf dem clavier zu spielen, nebst dreyssig bekannten liedermelodien und einer aria, wie auch einer kurzen anweisung alle lieder auch nach clem generalbass spielen zu lernen, aufgesetzet von Michael Johann Fried- rich Wiedeburg . . . Halle und Leipzig, Verlag der buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1765-75. 3 v. in 4. 2 pi. (1 fold.) 24J x 19£ cm . 292 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Wiedeburg, Michael Johann Friedrich — Continued. Vols. 2 and 3 have special t.-p.: (v. 2) Anderer theil des Sich selbst informi- renden clavier-spielers, oder Deutlicher und grundlicher unterricht zur selbst- information im general-bass . . . Von Michael Johann Friedrich Wideburg . . . Halle, Gedruckt und verlegt im Waisenhause, 1767. (v. 3) Dritter theil . . . worm gezeiget wird, wie ein liebhaber der music bey fleissiger selbst-information nicht allein . . . zum fantasiren auf der orgel und dem clavier, sondern auch zu einer geschicklichkeit, allerley musicalische stucke . . . zu verfertigen und zu componiren, gelangen kan . . . Halle, -Im verlag des Waisenhauses, 1775. MT248.A2W64 [Wiese, Christian Ludwig Gustav, freiherr von] 1732-1800. Discours analytique sur la coherence imperturbable de 1' unite du principe des trois premieres parties integrantes de la theorie musicale, et qui sont: 1.) La partie canonique ... 2.) La partie melodique . . . 3.) La partie harmonique . . . Ouvrage enrichi de cinq tables formu- laires . . . Par le B. de W. . . . Dresde, Chez les freres Walther, 1795. 38 p. 5 fold. pi. 22£ x 19 cm . ML3805.A2W5 Versuch eines formularisch und tabellarisch vorgebildeten leit- f ad ens im bezug auf die quelle des harmonischen tonungsausflusses; ferner auf die mechanisch ausfiihrbare stimmungsiibertragung der sowohl rationalstimmung, als auch ungleichschwebenden fixen tem- Seraturstimmung auf der orgel und den tastenjnstrument . . . Dres- en, P. C. Hilscher [1791] 1 p. 1., 33 p. 24 x 36 cm . , Engraved in part. ML3809.A2W6 Wilisch, See Nachgedanken herrn m. Joh. Gottl. Biedermanns, 1750. Wilke, Johann Georg Leberecht von, 1730-1810. See Musikalisches handwdrterbuch, 1786. Wochentliche nachrichten und anmerkungen die musik betrerTend. 1. jahrg. 1. Jul. 1766-22. jun. 1767; 3. jahrg., 4. Jul. 1768-26. jun. 1769; 4. jahrg., 1. jan.-24.dec. 1770. Leipzig, Im verlag der Zei- tungs-expedition, 1766-70. 3 v. 24£ x 19 cm . Each quarter-year has t.-p. 4. jahrg. has title: Musikalische nachrichten und anmerkungen auf das jahr 1770. 1. [-52.] stuck. (Signatures: iv. jahrg.) J. A. Hiller, editor. L. of C. set lacks 2. jahrg. and 24 numbers published July 10-Dec. 25, 1769, as anhang to the 3. jahrg. ML4.W6 Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm, 1735-1792. Auch eine reise, aber nur eine kleine musikalische, in den monaten i'unius, Julius und august 1782 zum vergniigen angestellt und . . . >eschrieben und herausgegeben von Ernst Wilhelm Wolf . . . Wei- mar, C. L. Hoffmanns sel. wittwe und erben, 1784. 64 p. 16 cm . ML275.3.W75 EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 293 Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm — Continued. Musikalischer unterricht. Vom ton; von den tonleitern; von den kon- und dissonirenden t6nen; denen daraus entstehenden akkorden u. s. w.; von den fortschreitungen der t6ne und akkorde; von ihren ausweichungen, aufldsungen und den daraus entstehenden ver- schiedenenkadenzen; vomtakt . . . vom tempo; von der melodie . . . vom generalbass, und von der harmonischen modulazion; vom kon- trapunkt . . . von der nachahmung . . . von der fuge . . . alles durch praktische beyspiele erlautert; vom ausdruk, und etwas von der ein- richtung musikalischer tonstukke . . . geschrieben und hrsg. von Ernst Wilhelm Wolf. Dresden, Hilschersche musikverlage, 1788. 2 v. (v. 1: 2 p. L, 76 p.; v. 2: 1 p. I., 54 p.) 34£ cm . Vol. [2], "Praktische beyspiele," is engraved throughout. MT40.A2W85 Wolf, Georg Friedrich, 1762-1814. Kurzgefasstes musikalisches lexikon, zusammengetragen von Georg Friedrich Wolf . . . Halle, J. C. Hendel, 1787. xiv, 192 p. 20 rm . ML100.A2W8 Georg Friedrich Wolfs . . . Unterricht im klavierspielen . . . Halle, J. C. Hendel, 1799. 2 v. in 1 (v. 1: 104 p.; v. 2: 96 p.) 20 cm . ' Parti: 4., verb, und verm. aufl. Part 2: Zweiter theil, welcher die anfangs- grunde des generalbasses enthalt. 2., verb, und verm. aufl. MT220.A2W85 Georg Friedrich Wolfs Unterricht in der singekunst. Halle in Sachsen, J. C. Hendel, 1784. 123, [1] p. 20£ om . Title vignette. MT820.A2W7 Wollick, Nicolas. Opus Aureum. || Musice castigatissimu (I de Gregoriana et Figura- tiua atq> con || trapticto simplici percomode tra || ctans omib) cantu oblectan || tibus vtile et necessa- || rium e diuersis j| excerptum || Fata regunt finem, spero dij cepta secundent || Qui ducis vultus & non legisista libenter || Omnibus inuideas, liuide nemo tibi | [Colophon: C Explicit opusculu musices oib) volentib) cantum | vtruqb scire necessariu f austo fine Impressum Colo- || nie in edibus honesti viri Henrici Quentell. Anno |] domini. M.ccccc.iiij] [78] p. lillus.,diagr. 21 cm . Signatures: A 6 , B 4 , C 6 , D-E 4 , F 6 , G 4 , H 6 (one leaf, to complete signature H, wanting) In four parts, of which only the first two, treating of the Gregorian choral, are by Wollick; the last two, dealing with florid song, are by Malcior of Worms. The staves alone are given for the musical examples of the third and fourth parts. On the last page is a letter headed : Nicolaus wollick de Serouilla Artiu magister dno Ade Popardiensi sacre pagine licentiato ac in gymnasio Corneliano regenti Salute. P. D. According to Fetis this is a reissue of the 1st edition, Cologne, 1501, with neWt - p - ML171.W75 294 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Wollick, Nicolas — Continued. C Enchiridio musices Nicolai wolici |j Barroducensis de grego- riana et figu || ratiua atqj cotrapucto simplici pcom- || mode tractas / omnibus cantu oblecta || tibus perutile et necessarium. || C Distichon. || Fata regunt musas placidum pertingere callem || Annuet optanti cepta canora deus. || [printer's mark] || G Distichon 'in zostum. | Liuidus americos liuenti murmure tractus. || Vadat: vt inuidiam liuor acerbus edat. [Colophon: CE Impressum Parisii impensa . . . Jo- hanis || Parui ad Itersigniu leonis argentei. z Francisci Regnault ad in- II tersigniti diui Claudii comoratiu. Anno virginei partus. 1512. 14. || kalendas Nouembris] [163] p. illus. 19 em . Signatures: a-i 8 , k 6 , l 4 . Gothic type; rubricated. Lettered: Thesaurus melo- dise. ML171.W86 Wonnegger, Johann Ludwig. See Glareantjs. Musicse epitome [1559] Young, Matthew, bp. of Clonfert, 1750-1800. An enquiry into the principal phenomena of sounds and musical strings. By Matthew Young . . . London, G. Robinson, 1784. 3 p. 1., 203 p. pi., diagrs. on fold. pi. 22 cm . QC225.Y8 Yzo, Lettre sur celle de M. J. J. Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve, sur la musique. Par M. Yzo . . . [Paris] 1753. 24 p. 16 cm . Addressed to "Monsieur Breun de Larcherie, Amencain." ML1727.33.Y97 See also Iso. Zacconi, Giulio Cesare, in religion Lodovico, 1555-1627. Prattica di mvsica vtile et necessaria si al compositore per com- porre i canti suoi regolatamente, si anco al cantore per assicurarsi in tutte le cose cantabili. Divisa in qvattro libri. Ne i qvali si tratta delle cantilene ordinarie, de tempi de prolationi, de proportioni, de tuoni, et della conuenienza de tutti gli istrumenti musicali. S' insegna a cantar tvtte le composizioni antiche, si dichiara tutta la messa del Palestina titolo Lome arme, con altre cose d'importanza & dilet- teuole. Vltimamente s' insegna il modo di fiorir una parte con uaghi & moderni accenti. Composta dal r. p. f . Lodovico Zacconi . . . Venetia, B. Carampello, 1596. 6 p. 1., 218 numb. 1. illus. 29 c }cm Title vignette. Leaves 30, 67, 124, 130, 188 numbered 29, 140, 130, 122, 194 respectively. Leaf inserted before leaf 50, bearing also the number 50, and having on recto the alto, etc.: Beatus author seculi, in measured notation; on verso, canto etc. : Gloria tibi domine, in black choral notation. The original leaf has on recto the alto, etc.: Beatus author seculi, in black choral notation, and on verso, text. According to Gaspari this edition is the same, t.-p. excepted, as the edition of 1592. A second part was published at Venice in 1622. ML171.Z23 EAKLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 295 Zanger, Johann. Practicae mv- |[ sicae praecepta, || pveritiae institvendae || gratia, ad certam metho- J| dum reuocata, per j| Ioannem Zange- J] rum Oenipontanum. || Lipsiae, || In officina Typographica || Georgij Hantzsch. || Anno || 1554. [154] p. 1 illus. 20 cm . Signatures: A-S in fours, T in six (last leaf blank) Guidonian hand on verso ofB2. ML171.Z26 De zangkunst gemaklijk gemaakt; of, Musykaal handboek; met behulp van 't welke men alle de gronden dier loflijke kunst zonder meester kan leeren : benevens eene duidelijke verklaaring van de hoogstnuttige transpositie: opgehelderd met veele voorbeelden, op uitslaande plaaten, zeer zindelyk in 't koper gegraveerd. Amster- dam, H. Gartman, 1788. 40 p. front., 9 fold. pi. 19£ cm . Introduction signed: D. v. H. A new edition of Dirk van der Hooch's Grondslag van 't vocaalmuzijk? MT870.A2Z2 Zanotti, Francesco Maria, 1692-1777. Lettere del Sig. Francesco Maria Zanotti, del pad. Giambatista Martini, min. con., del pad. Giovenale Sacchi, c. r. b., accademici dell' Istituto di Bologna, nelle quali si propongono, e risolvono alcuni dubbj appartenenti al trattato: Delia divisione del tempo nella musica, nel ballo, e nella poesia, pubblicato in Milano l'anno 1770 nella stamperia Malatesta; e all' altro: Delle quinte successive nel contrapDunto, e delle regole degli accompagnamenti, pubblicato nella medesima stamperia, l'anno 1780. Milano, Stamperia de' fratelli Pirola, 1782. 2 p. 1., [3]-59 p. 23 Pra . Pages 9-10, 39-40 (half-titles?) do not appear in this copy. The treatises in question were written by Sacchi. MT55.A2Z2 Zapata, Maurizio, 1640-1709. Ristretto, overo breve discorso sopra le regole di canto fermo, di D. Mavrizio Zapata . . . Parma, G. dall' Oglio, e I. Rosati, 1682. 64 p. 2V m . MT860.A2Z2 Zarlino, Gioseffo, d. 1590. De tvtte l'opere del r. m. Gioseffo Zarlino . . . ch' ei scrisse in bvona lingva italiana; gia separatamente poste in luce; hora di nuouo corrette, accresciute, & migliorate, insieme ristampate . . . Venetia, Francesco de' Franceschi Senese,- 1588-89. 4 v. in 3. illus., diagrs. (1 fold.) 30£ cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. Title varies. Contents. — l.v. L'istitvtioniharmoniche. 1589.— 2. v. Le dimostrationi har- moniche. 1589. — 3. v. Sopplimenti mvsicali . . . ne i quali si dichiarano molte cose contenute ne i due primi volumi, delle istitutioni e dimostrationi; per essere state mal' intese da molti; e si risponde insieme alle loro calonnie. 1588. — 4. v. II trattato della patientia, II discorso del vero anno, & giorno della morte di Christo, L'origine de i r. p. Capuccini, et Le risolutioni d'alcune di- mande fatte intorno la coiTettione del calendario di Giulio Cesare. 1589. ML171.Z33 296 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Zarlino, Gioseffo — Continued. Dimostrationi harmoniche del r. m. Gioseffo Zarlino . . . Nelle quali realmente si trattano le cose della musica: & si risoluono molti dubii d'importanza. Opera molto necessaria a tutti quelli, che desiderano di far buon profitto in questa nobile scienza. Con la tauola delle materie notabili contenute nell' opera . . . Venetia, Francesco de i Franceschi Senese, 1571. 4 p. l. f 312, [10] p., 1 1. illus., diagrs. 30 cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. ML171.Z37 Le istitvtioni harmoniche di m. Gioseffo Zarlino da Chioggia; nelle quali ; oltra le materie appartenenti alia mvsica ; si trouano dichiarati molti luoghi di poeti, d'nistorici, & di filosofi; si come nel leggerle si potra chiaramente vedere . . . Venetia, 1558. 6 p. 1., 347 p. diagrs. 30£ cm . Printer's mark (?) on t.-p., with legend: Excubo ac vigilo. Text, preface and table of contents printed in italics. Page 95 wrongly numbered 87. ML171.Z35 Istitvtioni harmoniche del rev. messere Gioseffo Zarlino . . . di nuouo in molti luoghi migliorate, & . . . ampliate. Nelle quali; oltra le materie appartenenti alia mvsica; si trouano dichiarati molti luoghi di poeti, historici, & di filosofi; si come nel leggerle si potra chiaramente vedere. Con due tauole; Fvna che contiene le materie principali: & Faltra le cose pill notabili, che nell' opera si ritrouano . . . Venetia, Francesco de i Franceschi Senese, 1573. 6 p. 1., 428, [20] p. illus., diagrs. 30 cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. Bound with the "Dimostrationi harmoniche" and "Sopplimenti musicali." ML171.Z37 Sopplimenti mvsicali del rev. m. Gioseffo Zarlino . . . Ne i quali si dichiarano molte cose contenute ne i due primi volumi, delle lstitu- tioni & Dimostrationi; per essere state mal' intese da molti; & si risponde insieme alle loro calonnie. Con due tauole, Tuna che con- tiene i capi principali delle materie, & l'altra le cose piil notabili, che si trouano nell' opera. Terzo volume . . . Venetia, Francesco de' Franceschi, Sanese, 1588. 8 p. 1., 330, [20] p. illus. (incl. coat of arms) diagrs. (1 fold.) 30 cm . Printer's mark on t.-p. Bound with " Dimostrationi harmoniche " and "Istitutioni harmoniche.'' ML171.Z37 See also Cerone, D. P. El melopeo, 1613. Zeidler, Carl Sebastian, 1719-1786. Dissertatio epistolica de vetervm philosophorvm stvdio mvsico, qvam . . . domino Erhardo Andreae Frommanno in anniversario Academiae altdorffinae sacro a. d. xxix. ivnii mdccxlv. dignitatem philosophicam impetranti gratvlationis cavssa dicat Carolvs Sebas- tianvs Zeidler . . . Norimbergae, typis A. Bielingii [1745] 12 p. 20 x 16i cm . ML168.Z34 See also Gruber, J. S. Beytrage zur litteratur der musik. EARLY BOOKS ON MUSIC 297 Zeidler, Johann Georg, h. ca. 1590, praeses. . . . Ternarius musicus . . . Jena[e] typis Henri[ci Rauchmauls? 1615] [8] p. 18 x 15 cm . Diss. — Jena (IT. Fritsch respondent) Imperfect, part of t.-p. torn off. ML64.Z34 Zeno, Apostolo, 1668-1750. See Allacci, L. Drammaturgia, 1755. Zuccari, Carlo. The true method of playing an adagio made easy by twelve exam- ples, first, in a plain manner with a bass, then with all their graces, adapted for those who study the violin; composed by Carlo Zuccari . . . London, Printed by R: Bremner [17 — ] 1 p. 1., xii p. 24 x 33 em . (With Pasquali, Nicolo. The art of fingering, the harpsichord. London [17 — ]) Engraved throughout. MT252.A2P31 [Zumbag de Koesfelt, Coenraad] 1697-1780. Institutiones musicse, of Korte onderwyzingen rakende de practyk van de musyk; en inzonderheid van den generaalen bas. of bassus continuus, benevens de daer uit sprtiitende gronden van de compo- sitie. TJitgegeven door een liefhebber van deze kunst. Leyden, G. Potvliet, 1743. 4 p. 1., 74, [2] p. vm pi. 18£ c L cm Engr. t.-p. Dedication signed: Coenraad Zumbag de Koesfelt, m. d. Based on a work left in ms. by his father, Lothar Zumbag de Koesfelt (1661-1727) MT49.A2Z8 INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS. Including references to special contents. ABC Dario musico. See Title. A. G. Kaestners . . . schreiben. See Bollioud-Mermet. Der aberwitzige pickelhering Jean Rebhu. See Printz' Phrynis Mitilenaeus. Abhandlung vom schalle. See Belz' Dissertation sur le son et sur l'ouie. Abhandlung von den pantomimen. See Title. Abrege de l'histoire de la Menestrandie. See Beche. Abstract of the laws ... of the Fund for the support of decayed musicians. See Burney's Account. An account of printed musick. See A short explication. An account of the institution and progress of the Academy of ancient music. See Hawkins. An account of three brass trumpets, found near Cork. See Walker. Adicion al Compendio del arte de canto llano. See Villasagra. Aggiunta di alcune messe proprie de santi. See La Feillee's II cantore eccle- siastico. Alcuni essempi della piu. antica musica. See Joao IV. Alguns hymnos selectos. See Bernardo da Conceicao. Allgemeine musikalische zeitung. See Title. Almanach des Theaters in Wien. See Title. Als unverhoetz. See Papius. Altri documenti musicali nel canto fermo. See Banchieri's Cartella musicale. Alypii Introductio musica. See Meibom. Die an der kirchen Gottes gebauete satans-capelle. See Fuhrmann. Analyse critique de Tarare. See Title. Ancient songs from the time of King Henry the Third. See Ritson. Anecdotes dramatiques. See Clement, J. M. B. Anecdotes of . . . Handel . . . and . . . Smith. See Coxe. Aneddoto forense. See Mattei. Anleitung zum selbstunterricht in der musikalischen composition. See Daube's Anleitung zur erfindung der melodie. Anmerkungen ueber die musik ueberhaupt. See Hertel's Sammlung. L'anti-scurra. See Title. Apologia delle opere drammatiche di Metastasio. See Franceschi. Apologie de la musique francoise. See Laugier. Apologie du gout francois. See Caux de Cappeval. Arguments to prove the obligation of the duty, by Mr. Bradbury. See Prac- tical discourses. Ariette, mise en musique par M. l'abbe Dugue. See Fournier. 'Apio-reidou KoTvrdeavou Tltpl novowfjg ficfiMa. See Meibom. Aristidis Quintiliani De musica Hbri III. See Meibom. Aristoxeni Harmonicorum elementorum libri III. See Meibom. Armonici erudimenti. See Title. Arrest de la Cour de Parlement. See France. 299 300 INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS Arrest du Conseil d'estat du roy. See France. Arret du Conseil d'etat du roi. See France. $ Arret rendu a 1 'amphitheatre de l'Opera. See Holbach. L'art du plein-chant, ou Traite theorico-pratique sur la facon de le chanter. See Title. The art of composing music by a method entirely new. See Hayes. The art of descant. See Playford, John. The art of playing on the violin. See Prelleur. L'arte del detto contraputo. See Title. Au petit prophete de Boesmischbroda. See Title. Bacchii senioris Introductio artis musicae. See Meibom. Balaam: an attempt towards an oratorio. See Davy's Letters. Des ballets anciens et modernes. See Menestrier. Ballets, opera, et autres ouvrages lyriques. See La Valliere. BerHnische musikalische zeitung. See Title. Betrachtungen ueber die kirchen-music. -See Steinberg. Beurtheilung der Allbrechtischen abhandlung. See Steinberg. Beytraege zur geschichte der musik, besonders in Deutschland. See Boecklin von Boecklinsau. Biblioteque des theatres. See Maupoint. BibliothSque des theatres. See Clement, J. M. B. Der blutige und sterbende Jesus (libretto) See Hunold. Breefe introduction to the skill of musick. See Playford, John. Brevi et primi documenti musicali. See Banchieri's Cartella musicale. Brief an die frau von * * * , ueber die oper Iphigenie en Aulide. See Ritdel. Brief des herrn Boy von der oper. See Hertel's Sammlung. Brief des herrn von * * . . . ueber die neue oper. See Riedel. A brief discourse of the Italian manner of singing. See Playford, John. Briefe ueber musikwesen, besonders Cora in Halle. See Brumbey. Briefwechsel ueber Danziger musik. See Title. Le brigandage de la musique italienne. See Goudar, Ange. Calendrier musical universel. See Title. Canoni musicali a quatro voci. See Banchieri's Cartella musicale. Cantiques spirituels [par Monsieur Moreau]. See La poesie et la musique. n canto ecclesiastico. See Erculeo. n cantor e ecclesiastico, ossia Metodo facile. See La Feillee. Cantorinus. See Title. Cantus diversi ex Gradual! romano. See Title. Cantus ecclesiastici. See Nivers. Ce que l'on doit dire. See Foliot. Ce qu'on a dit, ce qu'on a voulu dire. See Marin. Che sera sed al cielo, d'Alessandro Striggio. See Caus' Raisons. Chelys, minuritionum artificio exornata. See Simpson's The division-violist. Choix de chansons mises a quatre parties. See La Borde's Essai. Das choralspielen bey den protestanten. See Turk's Von den wichtigsten pflichten eines organisten. Chronological list of Handel's works. See Burney's Account. Church-pageantry display 'd: or, Organ- worship. See Owen. Ciencia de las castanuelas. See Fernandez de Rojas. Le code lyrique, ou reglement pour l'Opera de Paris. See Meusnier de Querlon. Comparaison de la musique italienne et de la musique frangoise. See Le Cerf de La Vieville. A comparison between the French and Italian musick. See Raguenet. Compendiaria musice artis aeditio. See Koswick. INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS 301 Compendium musice. See Cantorinus. Compendiu musices. See Title. Compendium regularum generalium cantus. See Title. Compleat instructions for the German flute. See Title. The compleat tutor for the fife. See Title. The compleat tutor for the German flute. See Title. The compleat tutor for the harpsichord or spinnet. See Title. La constitution de l'opera. See Chevrier's Constitution du Patriarche de l'opera. Constitution du Patriarche de l'Opera. See Chevrier. Le correcteur des Boufions. See Jourdan. Cours de jeux instructifs pour la jeunesse. See Gaultier. Der Critische musicus an der Spree. See Marpurg. Crotalogia; 6, Ciencia de las castanuelas. See Fernandez de Rojas. The dancing-master. See Title. De arte canendi. See Spangenberg. De arte medendi apud priscos musices. See Michell. De cantionibus funebribus veterum. See Senff. De excellentia musicae antiquae Hebraeorum. See Bretagne. De i viz], e de i difetti del moderno teatro. See Bianchi. De Part du theatre en general. See Nougaret. De la musique considered en elle-mdme. See Chabanon. De la musique et de Nephte. See Toscan. De principijs musice tractatus I[-H] See Reisch. De sono et tono. See Funk. De templo musicae. See Fludd. De Venise. Remarques sur la musique & la danse. See Goudar, Mme. Sara. De veteris Graecorum musices. See Title. Declaration du public. See Title. Declaration du roi. See France. Declaration oder weitere erklaerung der Refutation. See Printz' Phrynis Mitilenaeus. Deliciae theatrales. See Lambranzi. Dialogue sur la musique des anciens. See Chateauneuf. Dictionnaire de danse. See Compan. Dictionnaire des theatres de Paris. See Parfaict. Difesa della musica moderna. See Joao IV. Directions for playing on the flute. See Prelleur. Directions for the right performance of the duty of singing, by Mr. New- man. See Practical discourses. Discours analytique sur la coherence imperturbable. See Wiese. Discours d'un ancien avocat-general. See Servan. Discours non plus melancoliques que divers. See Title. Discours prglirninaire de l'opera de Tarare. See Beaumarchais. Discours sceptique sur la musique. See La Mothe Le Vayer. Discours sur l'harmonie. See Gresset. Discurs des herrn Quanz ueber das clavieraccompagnement. See Marpurg's Clavierstuecke. Disputatio juridica de eo quod justum est. See Stryk. Disputatio medica ordinaria de musica. See Franck de Franckenau. Disputatio musica de divisione monochordi. See Trew. Dissertation historique sur la vielle. See Terrasson. Dissertation on the origin of the violoncello. See Gunn. Dissertation on the songs ... of the ancient English. See Ritson. 302 INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS Dissertation, ou lettre adressee a M. d'Alembert. See Dissertations en forme de lettres. Dissertation servant d'epilogue . . . See Plutarchus. Dissertation sur la musique moderne. See Rousseau's Traites. Dissertations en forme de lettres. See Title. Dissertations qui peuvent servir. See Cabnet. Dissertations sur la poesie et la musique des anciens en general. See Calmet. Dissertations sur le Livre des Pseaumes. See Calmet. Dissertazione del Signor canonico Orazio Maccari. See Walker. lies dons des enfans de Latone. See Serr6 de Rieux. Doutes d'un Pyrronien. See Coste d'Arnobat. Duo in contrapunto sopra ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la. See Banchieri's Cartella musi- cale. Duo spartiti al contrapunto. See Banchieri's Cartella musicale. Edit du roy. See France. Ehren-gedaechtniss Carl Heinrich Graun. See Rolle. Ehren-gedaechtniss Johann Friedrich Agricola. See Rolle. Einige zum allgemeinen nutzen deutlicher gemachte . . . uibungs-wahr- heiten. See Title. Der eitle musicant und schenkwirth. See Title. Elemens de musique . . . suivant les principes de M. Bameau. See d'Alembert. Eloge de Jean-Philippe Bameau. See Palissot de Montenoy. Eloge de M. d'Acquin. See Title. Eloge de Monsieur Duni. See Title. Eloge de M. Le Clair. See Title. Elogj de' congiurati contro il Badini. See Frustabirb Elogio storico della Signora Maria Rosa Coccia. See Mallio. Enconium musices. See Straet. Enea in Troja (libretto) See Algarotti. Entire new and compleat instructions for the fife. See The compleat tutor for the fife. Les entrepreneurs entrepris. See Travenol. Entretien d'un musicien francois avec un gentilhomme russe. See Disserta- tions en forme de lettres. Entretiens sur l'6tat actuel de l'opera de Paris. See Coqueau. Entretiens sur l'Stat de la musique grecque. See Barthelemy. Epitre aux amateurs de la musique talienne. See Goudar's Le brigandage de la musique italienne. Erreurs sur la musique dans l'Encyclopedie. See Rameau, J. F. Erste musikalische preisaustheilung fuer das jahr 1791. See Title. Esempj e cantilene di canto fermo gregoriano. See Gatta. L'espion des principaux theatres de la capitale. See Dumont's Le vol plus haut. L'esprit de Part musical, ou Reflexions sur la musique, et ses differentes parties. See Blainville. L'Esprit des joumaux. See Title. Essai methodique pour apprendre aux enfans a lire. See Title. Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne. See La Borde, J. B. de. Essai sur le beau. See Andre\ Essai sur l'origine des langues. See Rousseau's Traitds. Essai sur l'union de la poesie et de la musique. See Chastellux. An essay for promoting of psalmody. See Tate. An essay on psalmody. See Romaine. An essay on the church plain chant. See Title. INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS 303 An essay on the construction ... of the Irish harp . . . By William Beau- ford. See Walker. An essay on the poetical accents of the Irish: by William. Beauford. See Walker. An essay towards an history of dancing. See Weaver. An essay upon tune. See Maxwell. Etat actuel de la musique du roi. See Title. Euclidis Introductio harmonica. See Meibom. Euterpe. See Dorat. Examen de deux principes avances par M. Rameau. See Rousseau's Traites. Examen de la lettre de M. Rousseau, sur la musique francoise. See Baton. Examen d'un passage de Platon. See Fraguier. Exemples de quelques antiennes et respons. See Nivers. Exemplum omnium regularum. See Galliculus. Exercitatio philologica de instru mentis Ebraeorum musicis. See Weidling. Exercitatio qua musices origo prima. See Schlick. Exhortation to singing, by Mr. Gravener. See Practical discourses. Exposition de quelques nouvelles vues mathematiques. See Title. Extrait d'une reponse du petit faiseur. See Rousseau's Traites. Des herrn Prerons critik . . . See Hertel. La galerie de l'Academie royale de musique. See Travenol. Gaudentii . . . Introductio harmonica. See Meibom. Gedanken eines Hebhabers der tonkunst. See Leopold. Gedanken ueber die temperatur des herrn Bamberger. See Tempelhof. Gedanken ueber die welschen tonkuenstler. See Title. Gedanken und konjekturen zur geschichte der musik. See Leopold. Gedanken von den tragoedien der Griechen. See Hertel. Gespraech von der musik. See Voigt. Gespraech zwischen Lulli, Rameau und Orpheus. See Riedel. Der gestuertzte und wieder erhoehte Nebucadnezar (libretto) See Hunold. Le gratie d' Amore. See Negri. Grund-regelnwieman . . . sich selbst die fundamenta der music . . . lernen kan. See Thielo. Guazzabuglio filosarmonico. See Mattei. La guerre de l'opera. See Cazotte. Harmonie theorico-pratique. See Blainville. The harpsichord illustrated. See Prelleur. The harpsichord illustrated and improv'd. See Title. The harpsichord preceptor. See Title. Eine helle brille. See Ludwig. Histoire anecdotique et raisonnee du Theatre italien. See Desboulmiers. Histoire de l'opera bouffon. See Contant d'Orville. Histoire du theatre de l'Academie royale de musique. See Durey de Noinville. Histoire du theatre de l'Opera comique. See Desboulmiers. Histoire du theatre de l'opera en France. See Durey de Noinville. L'Hopital musicien. See Title. Ici sont ecrits les vingt-un chapitres de la prophetie. See Grimm. Das in unsern opern - theatris undcomoedien-buehnen siechende christen- thum. See Fuhrmann. Inquiries concerning the ancient Irish harp . . . by . . . Ledwich. See Walker. Dastitutiones musicae, of Korte onderwyzingen. See Zumbag de Koesfelt. Institutionis musicae practicae. See Falck's Idea boni cantoris. Instructions upon the hautboy. See Prelleur. An introduction to singing. See Prelleur. 304 INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS Introductory lessons, practised by the TJranian society. See Title. Iphigenie en Aulide (libretto) See Algarotti. Isagoge Joannis Galliculi. See Rhaw. Journal der tonkunst. See Title. Journal des spectacles. See Title. Jugement de l'orchestre de l'Opera. See Rulhiere. Justification de la musique francoise. See Morand. Kann man nicht in zwey, oder drey monaten die orgel . . . schlagen lernen? See Prixner. Kritische briefe ueber die tonkunst. See Title. Die kunst das clavier zu spielen. See Marpurg. Kurtze anfuehrung zum general-bass. See Title. Kurtze anweisung zur sing-kunst. See Title. Kurtze und gruendliche anleitung zum general basse. See Kurtze anfuehrung zum general-bass. Kurtzer entwurf von der music. See Neuss. Kurtzgefasstes musicalisches lexicon. See Title. Kurze anweisung das trommel-spielen . . . zu erlernen. See Title. Kurze anzeige des general-basses. See Kobrich. Kurze wahrhafte geschichte der aeltesten deutschen kirchengesaenge. See Teller. The lawfulness, excellency and advantage of instrumental music. See Title. Leben des beruehmten tonkuenstlers Heinrich Wilhelm Gulden. See Reichardt. Lemons de musique, ou Exposition des traits les plus necessaires. See Berthet. Le lecteur y mettra le titre. See Mirabeau. Legende einiger musikheiligen. See Marpurg. A letter ... on the style of the ancient Irish music. From . . . Ledwich. See Walker. Lettera [del vescovo Cirillo Franco a] Hugolino Gualteruzzi. See Joao IV. Lettera dell' autore del nuovo cembalo. See Title. Lettera d'un celebre scrittore francese. See Arteaga's Le rivoluzioni. Lettera sopra la musica. See Grimaldi. Lettera sopra la musica indirizzata al Sig. co. di Caylus. See Arteaga's Le rivoluzioni. Letters ... to Sig r Antonio Lotti. See Academy of ancient music. Lettre a l'auteur des Lettres sur les homines celebres. See Saint Hilaire. Lettre a Madame de * * *, sur l'opera d'lphig^nie en Auhde. See Vismes. Lettre a messieurs de l'Academie des sciences de Dijon. See Dissertations en forme de lettres. Lettre a M. Be * * * See Dissertations en forme de lettres. Lettre a M. Burney sur la musique. See Rousseau's Traites. Lettre a M. d'Alembert. See Dissertations en forme de lettres. Lettre a M. de Marmontel. See Dissertations en forme de lettres. Lettre a M. de Voltaire. See Dissertations en forme de lettres. Lettre a, Monsieur l'abbe Raynal. See Rousseau's Traites. Lettre a, M. Eameau . . . See d'Alembert's Elemens de musique, Lyon, 1762. Lettre a, M. Rousseau. See Dissertations en forme de lettres. Lettre au sujet du spectacle des avantures d'TJlisse. See Title. Lettre critique sur les ballets de l'opera. See Laus de Boissy. Lettre de Clememt Marot. See Senece. Lettre de l'auteur de l'Essai sur la musique. See La Borde's Memoires sur les proportions musicales. Lettre de l'evesque d'Agnani. See Carlo Borromeo. INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS 305 Lettre de M. * * * negotiant de Paris. See Title. Lettre de M. Camille Trillo. See Lesuire. Lettre de M. de * * * a Madame de * * * See Title. Lettre d'un amateur de l'Opera. See Title. Lettre d'un Parisien. See Title. Lettre d'un sage a un homme tres respectable. See Lamorliere. Lettre sur la musique, a Monsieur le comte de Caylus. See Arnaud. Lettre sur la musique moderne. See Moyria. Lettre sur les drames-opera. See Du Roullet. Lettres a Madame la marquise de P. See Mably. Lettres de Mr. G . . . a Milord Pembroke. See Goudar, Mme. Sara. Lettres et chansons, de Cephise et d'TJranie. See Levesque. Lettres patentes du roi. See France. Lettres sur la musique francoise. See Freron. La liberta del cantare. See Cattaneo. Libro llamado Arte de tafier fantasia. See Tomas de Santa Maria. The life of Turlough O'Carolan. See Walker. Liliu musice plane. See Keinspeck. Liturgia Ambrosiana. See Regole d'alcuni capi necessarj. Lobspruch . . . Jo. Ernestus Saur. See Bulyovszky. Job. Friedr. Loewens Anmerkungen ueber die geistliche cantatenpoesie. See Hertel's Sammlung. Joh. Friedr. Loewens Anmerkungen ueber die odenpoesie. See Hertel's Sammlung. Lully, musicien. See Le Prevost d'Exmes. Lumi primi del canto fermo. See Erculeo's II canto ecclesiaetico. Magazin der musik. See Title. Le Magazin des modernes. See Title. Manuductio ad cantum choralem. See Title. Martiani Capellae De musica liber IX. See Meibom. Melody — The soul of music. See Title. Memoire justiflcatif des sujets de l'Academie royale de musique. See Paris. Memoire, lettres patentes et arrets. See France. Memoire pour le sieur de Lanove. See Title. Memoire pour le sieur Iso. See Iso. Memoire pour le sieur Travenol. See Travenol. Memoire pour servir lliistoire de la comSdie itahenne. See Le nouveau theatre italien. Memoire sur l'autorite' des musiciens en matiere de plainchant. See Burette's Extrait d'une lettre. Memoires anecdotes pour servir a l'histoire de M. Duliz. See Desforges. Memoires historiques sur Raoul de Coucy. See La Borde. Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de la revolution operSe . . . par . . . Gluck. See Title. Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des spectacles de la foire. See Parfaict. Memoires sur les proportions musicales. See La Borde. Memoirs of Cormac Common. See Walker. Memoirs of the life of the late George Frederic Handel. See Mainwaring. Memorie storiche del p. m. Giambattista Martini. See Valle. Le Mercure galant devalis6. See La musique du diable. Methode de musique selon un nouveau systeme. See Demotz de La Salle. Methode du chant ecclesiastique. See Alexis de Sainte Anne. Metodo per suonare il flauto. See Title. Missa in coena Domini. See Gerbert. 51234°— 13 20 306 INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS Missive van een heer in Leijden. See Toneellief. Modelles pour la transposition. See Rousseau's Traite de la viole. The modern musick-master; or, the universal musician. See Prelleur. n raodo di soli eggiare all' uso francese. See Larghi. Mon dernier mot. See Latour de Franqueville. Morceaux de musique du 16 e et 17 e siecle. See La Borde's Essai. Motetes y obras diferentes al Santissimo y a Nra Sra. See Roel del Rio. Motets pour les piincipales fetes de l'annee. See La Feillee. Mozarts leben. See Schlichtegroll. Museum musicum theoretico-practicum. See Majer. Musica Ubris quatuor demonstrata. See Le Fevre. Musica parabohca. See Neuss. La musica, poemetto. See Olio. Musicae, id est, artis canendi libri duo. See Heyden. A musical directory for the year 1794. See Title. Musical phaenomena. See Clagget. Musical travels through England. See Veal. Musicalische discurse. See Bahr. Musicalische strigel. See Fuhrmann. Musicalischer-trichter. See Fuhrmann. Musices choralis medulla. See Title. Musicus durodidaxroc. See Eisel. Musicus curiosus, oder Battalus. See Printz. Musicus magnanimus, oder Fancalus. See Printz. Musicus theoretico-practicus. See Hartong. Musik. See Title. Der Musikalische dillettante, eine wochenschrift. See Title. Musikalische monathsschrift. See Title. Musikalische real-zeitung. See Title. Musikalischer almanach . . . Sec Title. Musikalischer und kuenstler-almanach. See Title. Musikalisches handwoerterbuch oder kurzgefasste anleitung. See Title. Musikalisches kunstmagasin. See Title. Musikalisches wochenblatt. See Title. La musique du diable, ou Le Mercure galant devalise. See Title. La musique rendue sensible par la mechanique. See Choquel. Musomachia, id est Bellum musicale. See Sartorius. Nachgedanken herrn m. Joh. Gottl. Biedermanns. See Title. Nachricht von Georg Friedrich Haendel's lebensumstaenden. See Burney. Neue melodien zu einigen liedern des neuen hamburgischen gesangbuchs (C. Ph. E. Bach) See Kellner's Treuliches unterricht, 7. aufl. Neue und erleichterte art zu solmisiren. See Title. New and complete instructions for the fife. See The compleat tutor for the fife. New and complete instructions for the harpsichord. See Title. A new and easie method to learn to sing by book. See Title. New instructions for the German flute. See Compleat instructions. New instructions for the violin. See Geminiani's Compleat instructions for the violin. The newest method for learners on the German flute. See Prelleur. Nicomachi Geraseni, Pythagorici, harmonices manuale. See Meibotn. Le nouveau theatre italien. See Title. Nouvelle methode ou Traite theorique et pratique du plain-chant. See Poisson. Nouvelle methode pour aprendre le plain-chant. See Title. INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS 307 La nouvelle Rameide. See Cazotte. Objections against singing consider'd, by Mr. Reynolds. See Practical dis- courses. Observations on the ancient English minstrels. See Ritson. Observations on the correspondence between poetry and music. See Webb. Observations pour les sujets retires de l'Opdra. See Title. Observations sur la lettre de J. J. Rousseau. See Cazotte. Observations sur la musique. See Chabanon. Observations sur la musique a grand orchestre. See Title. Observations sur la musique, les musiciens, et les instrumens. See Ancelet. An ode on the power of musick . . . by Mr. Mitchell. See Malcolm. Oeuvres melees du sieur * * *. See Travenol. Of the excellence of singing, by Mr. Harris. See Practical discourses. Of the nature of the duty of singing, by Mr. Earle. See Practical discourses. Officium hebdomadae sanctae. See Title. Orchesographie. See Tabourot. The order of performing the divine service. See Playford, John. Ordonnance de Sa Majeste. See France. Organisation du Conservatoire de musique. See Paris. The organs funerall or The quiristers lamentation. See Title. Osservazioni intorno ad un estratto. See Arteaga's Le rivoluzioni. La paix de l'opera. See Raguenet. Paralele des Italiens et des Frangois. See Raguenet. Pater peccavi. See Papius. Permission pour tenir Academie royale de musique. See France. Petit discours chrestien. See La Mothe Le Vayer. Le petit prophete de Boehmischbroda. See Grimm. Le petit Rameau, ou Principes courts et f aciles. See Title. Petition, pour l'Academie royale de musique. See Paris. Philomela franciscana. See Title. A philosophical essay of musick. See Guilford. Philosophische fragmente ueber die praktische musik. See Schmith. The playhouse pocket-companion, or theatrical vade mecum. See Title. La poesie et la musique. See Title. Portefeuille fuer musikliebhaber. See Junker. Practical discourses of singing in the worship of God. See Title. Practischerbeweiss,wie . . . unterschiedene canones perpetui a 4 zu machen seyn. See Stolzel. Precis sur l'Opera. See Paris. Primi elementi di musica prattica. See Title. Principes abreges de musique. See Title. Principes du violon pour apprendre le doigte. See Saint-Sevin. Erincipj di musica. Nei quali . . .* See Title. Principj di musica nei quali . . . See Title. Principles and power of harmony. See Stillingfleet. Proclamation du roi. See France. Projet concernant de nouveaux signes pour la musique. See Rousseau's Traites. Les propheties du grand prophdte Monet. See Mairobert. Psalmos e licoes dos tres officios. See Bernardo da Conceicao. Pselli De musica compendium exactissimum. See Alard's De veterum musica. Quanta certezza habbia da suoi principii la musica. See Steffani. Que ne peut pas Pamour? (libretto) See Le Magazin des modernes. Quinque missae pro majoribus festis. See La Feillee's II cantore ecclesiastico. 308 INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WORKS La Rameide. See Rameau, J. F. Recueil d'edit, arret du Conseil du roi. See France. Reflections on antient and modern musick. See Brocklesby. Reflexions d'un patriote sur l'opera francois. See Rochemont. Reflexions d'un peintre sur Popera. See Gauthier de Montdorge. Reflexions sur la musique dramatiques. See Garcin. Reflexions sur la musique, ou recherch.es sur la cause des effets qu'elle produit. Par M. V * * * See Title. Reflexions sur l'opera. See Remond de Saint-Mard. Refutation . . . des principes de M. Rousseau de Gendve. See Aubert. Refutation des Satyrischen componisten. See Printz' Phrynis Mitilenaeus. Reglas y advertencias generates. See Minguet 6 Irol. Reglemens pour l'Academie royale de musique. See Paris. Reglement pour l'Academie royale de musique. See France. Regies de composition. See Blainville's Harmonic Regole d'alcuni capi necessarj. See Title. Regole le principali . . . per bene apprendere. See Belli's Dissertazione sopra li preggi del canto gregoriano. Regole musicali per U principianti di cembalo. See Title. Remarks on Mr. Avison's Essay on musical expression. See Hayes. Remarques curieuses sur l'art de bien chanter. See Bacilly's L'art de bien chanter. Remarques sur l'art de bien chanter. See Bacilly's L'art de bien chanter. Der [!] herrn Remond von St. Mard Betrachtungen ueber die oper. See Hertel's Sammlung. Reponse critique d'un academicien de Rouen. See Castel. Reponse de M. l'abbe Roussier. See La Borde's Memoires sur les proportions musicales. Reponse du coin du roi au coin de la reine. See Voisenon. Des representations en musique anciennes et modernes. See Menestrier. Requeste de deux actrices d'Opera a Momus. See Couppe. Requeste presentee a Momus. See Couppe. A review of some short directions. See Lowe. Risposta di un' anonimo al celebre Sig. Rousseau. See Title. Rules and directions for singing the psalms. See Playford, John. Rules; or a short and compleat method. See Title. Ruth, an attempt towards an oratorio. See Davy's Letters. Saggio per costruire e suonare un flauto traverse See Orazi. Sammlung einiger nachrichten von beruehmten orgel-wercken. See Meyer. Sanctissimi in Christo patris . . . dementis . . . papae XIII constitu- te . .. . See Clemens XIII. Die . . . satans-capelle. See Fuhrmann. Satire a Monsieur le marquis D . . . See Robbe de Beauveset. Schreiben an den herrn von L * s * r. See Hertel. Schreiben an die herren verfasser der Freyen urteile. See Title. La science et la pratique du plain-chant. See Jumilhac. Seconde lettre du correcteur des Bouffons. See Jourdan. Select Irish melodies. See Walker. Sendschreiben an die herren verfasser der Freyen urtheile. See Title. Sense against sound; or, A succedaneum, for Abbey music. See Title. Sentiment d'un harmoniphile. See Laugier. Short and easie ayres designed for learners. See Simpson's Compendium, 1678. A short explication of . . . foreign words. See Title. A short treatise on harmony. See Pepusch. INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WOKKS 309 Der sich selbst informirende musicus. See Eisel. Das . . . siechende christenthum. See Fuhrmann. Sketch of the life of Handel. See Burney's Account. 3Ja soiree perdue a l'Opera. See Arnaud. Solfeggio nuovo. See Holler. Solitaire second. See Tyard. Some observations on Dr. Brown's Dissertation. See Title. Spaventosissima descrizione dello spaventoso spavento. See Mattei. Statuti owero costituzioni de' signori accadeniici filarmonici di Bologna. See Accademia filarmonica. Studien fuer tonkuenstler und musikfreunde. See Title. Suite des Entretiens. See Coqueau. Supplement aux Bemarques sur la musique & la danse. See Goudar, Mme. Sara. Tabula tonorum. See Nivers. The taste of the town. See Ralph. Tavole degli esempj appartenenti alia Scienza de 'suoni. See Pizzati. n teatro alia moda. See Marcello. Terminorum musicae diffinitiorum (Tinctoris) See Forkel's Allgemeine lit- teratur. Ternarius musicus. See Zeidler. Theatralische, galante und geisthche gedichte. See Hunold. The touch-stone. See Ralph. Traite contre les danses et les mauvaises chansons. See Gauthier. Traite critique du plain-chant. See Cousin de Contamine. Traite de l'harmonie universelle. See Mersenne. Traite de la musette. See Borjon. Traite des accords et de leur succession. See Roussier. Traite du melo-drame ou Benexions sur la musique dramatique. See Garcin. Traite theorique et pratique du plain-chant. See Poisson. Trattato di ballo teorico-prattico. See Magri. Trattato di musica secondo la vera scienza dell' armonia. See Tartini. Treating of position and motion of harmony. See Geminiani's The art of accom- paniament. A treatise on harmony. See Pepusch. A treatise on the art of music. See Jones, W. TJeber die musik und deren wirkungen. See Chabanon. TJeber die musikalische composition. See Scheibe. TJiber meine violine. See Tauber von Taubenfurt. TTnvorgreimiche gedancken. See Meyer. TJtilissime musicales regule necessarie. See Guerson. Vario canto-chao pratico. See Bernardo da Conceicao. Veritophili DeutUche beweis-gruende. See Niedt. Veritophili DeutUche beweis-gruende. See Raupach. Vermehrter und nun zum zweytenmal in druck befoerderterkurtzer jedoch gruendhcher wegweiser. See Title. Versuch einer richtigen lehrart die harfe zu spielen. See Wernich. Versuch eines formularisch und tabellarisch vorgebildeten leitfadens. See Wiese. Verzeichniss des musikalischen nachlasses. See Bach, C. P. E. Verzeichniss musikalischer manuscripte. See Forkel's Allgemeine litteratur der musik. WeMoo Trjc pLouocKrje ouvcxpig rj/cpifiwicivj) [!] See Alard's De veterum musica liber singularis. Les vingt-un chapitres de la prophetie. See Grimm. 310 INDEX TO ANONYMOUS WOBKS Vita di Benedetto Marcello. See Fontana. Le vol plus haut, ou L'espion des principaux theatres. See Dumont. Des herrn von Voltaire gedanken von der oper. See Hertel's Sammlung. Von den musicalischen schauspielen. See Nemeitz. Von den proporcionibus. See M. Agricola's Musica figuralis deudsch. Von der dramatischen musik der alten. See Hertel's Sammlung. Von der musicalischen declamation. See Schuback. Von der musikalischen poesie. See Krause. Wahrheiten die musik betreflend. See Kraus. Wis-konstige musyka. See Nierop. Woechenthche nachrichten und anmerkungen die musik betreflend. See Title. Wunderbahrliche echo ... in einer doppelten fuga ligata. See Printz' Phrynis Mitilenaeus. De zangkunst. See Title. Zwoelf handstuecke zum gebrauche beym unterrichten. See Turk's Kla- vierschule. . ADDENDA (Entries for books received too late for insertion in the main alphabet) Artusi, Giovanni Maria, d. 1613. L'Artvsi, ouero Delle imperfettioni della moderna mvsica ragio- namenti dui. Ne' quali si ragiona di molte cose vtili, & necessarie alii moderni compositori. Del r. p. d. Gio. Maria Artvsi da Bologna. Canonico regolare nella congregatione del Saluatore. Nouamente stampato. In Venetia, Appresso Giacomo Vincenti, 1600. 4 p. 1., 71 numb. 1. diagrs. 26£ cm . Title vignette: ecclesiastical coat of arms. "Un motetto a quattro voci del re. Costanzo Porta:" 1. 70 v°-l. 71. ML171.A83 [Freillon Poncein, Jean Pierre] La veritable maniere d'apprendre a jouer en perfection du haut-bois, de la flute et du flageolet. Avec les principes de la musique pour la voix et pour toutes sortes d'instrumens. Paris, J. Collombat, 1700. 5 p. 1., 74 (i. e. 81) p. illus. 16§ x 23J cm . The epistle dedicatory is signed: Freillon Poncein. Printer's mark on t.-p.; paging irregular. Contains, in addition to the usual examples, the author's 6 part "L'embarras de Paris," based on the street cries of Paris, and "Bruits de guerre pour toutes sortes d'instruments." MT362.F8 Gando, Nicolas, d. ca. 1767. Observations sur le Traite historique et critique de Monsieur Four- nier le jeune, sur l'origine et les progrds des caracteres de fonte, pour l'impression de la musique. Par MM. Gando, pere et fils. A Berne, et se trouve a Paris, chez Moreau, 1766. 27, [1] p. 25 x 19 cm . ( With Fournier, P. S. Traite historique et critique. Berne, 1765. Copy 2) "Six morceaux d'ancienne musique . . . pour demon trer les progrfes de cette partie de l'art typographique en France, jusqu'en 1695:" [1] p. at end. Yudin coll. [Goudar, Mme. Sara] d. ca. 1800. Osservazioni sopra la musica, ed il ballo, ossia Estratto di due lettere di Mr. G . . . a Milord P . . . tradotte dal francese. Milano, G. Motta [17—] 110 p. 21 cm . The original was published at Venice, in 1773, under title: "De Venise.^ R6- marques sur la musique & la danse." The translator is given as "F. T." in a ms. copy dated Venice, 1773, belonging to the Liceo musicale of Bologna. ML3845.A2G693 311 812 APDENBA &ilsikeLb&ch& eKarl&tanerien. Von F. W. V. Berlin und Leipzig, 1792. 23 p. 16J cn ». ML63.V2 Observations sur la musique, la flute, et la lyre des anciens . . . Paris, Flahault, 1726. 34 p., 11. pi. 17£ om . (With Chateauneuf, F. de Castagneres, abbe de. Dialogue but la musique. Paris, 1725. Copy 2) A criticism of the Abb6 de Chateauneuf 's "Dialogue sur la musique des an- ciens." Printed also in " Bibliotheque francaise, ou Histoire litteraire de la France," Amsterdam, 1723-42, vol. v, p. 107-125. cf. Fetis, Biog. univ. des musiciens. ML169.A2C41 Regole d'alcvni capi necessarii, e piu frequenti per Fosseruanza delle sacre cerimonie, e del canto fermo Ambrosiano. Stampate d'ordine di Monsig. lllustrissimo, e reuerendissimo Federico car- dinal Borromeo arciuescouo di Milano. Con privilegio. In Milano, Per gli her. di Pacifico Pontio, & Gio. Battista Piccaglia. stampatori archiepiscopali.1622. 46 p. 23 cin . Title vignette. Ch.17.1854 o %)3I1VD-J0' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. MUStC , AN 2 m LIBRARY & \ — «»» *« ^ UMIRI mmu 0l9gb » URL SEP 2 0^ Form L9-Series 444 fJMJtt GCT 3 i W87 OCT 3 1 196? ffECO UHMQ .": JUN4 198S JMIS 1988 ^WE-UNIVER% ^LOSANGELfj^ ^OFCALIF0%, ail-#"