GIFT OF HORACE W. CARPENTER -7^ /'"'^HU^^^U^J^ J Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ^ ^ dfc -M- M ENGLISH AND CHINESE DICTIONARY, WITH THE PUNTI AND MANDARIN PRONUNCIATION. BT THE REV. W. LOBSCHEID, KNIGHT OF FRANCIS JOSEPH; C.M.I.E.G.S.A; M.Z.B.S.V., &c., &c., &c. Mtillst till iti bas peiligtljum thtcs Wallxts briiigcit, Sij Imu b^ssen Sj^ratbe. FJLiRrn I. HONGKONG: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE "DAILT PRESS" OFFICE, WTNDHAM STREET. 1866. INTHOBrCTIOX. The struggle of races has from that time been incessant in the south of China. Cruelties of the most savage nature have been perpetrated on both sides, liut the nation at large has made little impres- sion on the aborigines in the mountain fastnesses, whose habits are the same as they were 2,00() years ago. The latter are, therefore, called the ^ shang (green or raw) aborigines, whilst those living along the plains and having partly submitted to Chinese rule, are called the ^ shuk (ripe or civilized) abori- gines. We have not as yet been able to ascertain, whether the language of the Miautsz is monosyllabic or polysyllabic. The few words we have seen of their own langimge incline us to believe, that it is mono- syllabic, like the Tibetan. Ritter, Windischmann and rddhoff, who consider these tribes to be of the same race with the Tibetans, base their opinion chiefly upon the probable route of their migration, and hence conclude, that the language of the Miautsz belongs to the monosyllabic class. The history of the 100 families, so far as we accept it as authentic, constitutes the history of China. Their superior intellect and civilization impressed upon the conquered tribes their own character. Their institutions became the laws of the empire ; and though founded on the patriarchal system, the Hamitic element, or the more democratic form of government, had sufficient weight in their councils to assert the right of the conquered and to make the supreme powers acknowledge the tox populi to be the vox Dei. That the Chinese belong to the Mongolian stock is proved by tlieir complexion, by the pjTamidal shape of their skull, by their oblique eyes, and by their prominent cheek-bones. Whether the hundred families were Shemites or Japhetites, matters little, for their number appears to have been too small to produce a new race approaching nearer to the Caucasian type, than to that of their immediate neighbours. Once establishexl in their present locality and surrounded by wandering herds, they felt little in- clination to go abroad or to mix with their less civilized neighbours. There was little to tempt them to conquest ; hence their Avhole warfare with their neighbours was defensive. The great extent of their country gave to the population of almost each province a peculiar charac- ter, which after being once established, appears in the form of small nationalities, as we meet them in Germany, Japan, and recently in an incipient state in the TJ. S, of America. The difference of climate has also produced great difference in their physical form, the inhabitants of the central and northern provinces being on the average taller and the women more corpulent than those of Kwangtung, Kwangsi and other southern provinces. The physiciil aspect of the country has in the same manner induced them to pui-sue different avocations. The inha])itants along the flats of Pechili, of the south of Shantung and Kiangsu are less enterprising than those of Chikiang, Pukien and Kwangtung; hence the language of the former is more uniform, whilst from Shanghai downwards along the coast almost each port has its own dialect, differing as much from that of its neighbours as the varieties of the Romapic and Gemianic tongues. Whether the striking difference of features of the Manc^hu and Japanese is owing to an early inter- course with the Caucasian race, can only be ascertained after a more intimate acquaintance with their language, legends and history. The many Greek and Gothic words in the Manchu language point to their intercourse with those nations, and lead us to con elude, that they formed a considerable contingent of the invaders of the west between the fourth and twelfth centuries of our era. Before the introduction of Mohammedanism into China, the Chinese appear to have never bad direct intercourse with the west. The potterj', snufl'-bottles &c. found in Egypt have been carried there by pilgrims to Mecca. Even at this moment we find everywhere Chinese who have visited jSIf'Cca, and some under rather precarious circumstances. Those who have not sufficient means to ])ay their ])assag(^ from station to station, take with them curiosities, as snuff- bottles or other valuable articles of small compass, which they sell to theu* fellow pilgiims or to other parties on tlicir route, as opportunities ofler. These articles find theu* way not only to Egypt, but are carried to all the Mohammedan states along the Mediterranean. • The seclusion of the Chinese as a natitm is one of the principal causes of the great vmiformity of their physiognomy. Wo occasionally meet with a person whom a trader has brought fitnn a foreign country, and as these men of mixetl origin are chiefly from Java, Singapore, Uorneo or the Philippines, they seldom differ much from the Chinese except in having a little darker complexion. .The few wi^ luive met with were chiefly in lloklo families, whilst during our short stay in Ja})an we saw several pn-sons with curly hair, a sufficient evidence of their parents' foreign origin. Note. The word Miautsz is equivalent with 2jS TQJ \ Puuti jin, both sifftiifying aborigines. The Cluncso Hpenk of the Miaufsz as we do of uncivilized natives of the noil, whilst Punti jin refers to the civilized natives of the south, i.e., the mixed race, in eontnulistinc^tion of the later intruders from the north. For further information on the^al)origrinal tribes see Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Sodetj, Dec The accounts l>v Julien and others on the snuff-tmttlee and Chinese ]M)tt<>ry have j>ot ri'achetl us. Tl»« |>roce Mecca, IK^RODTJCTION. 3 We cannot conclude this paragraph without giving the resume of Dr. Prichard's * observations on the Chinese or Mongolian race in general. " The stature is nearly similar in all these tribes; the Chinese being, perhaps, a little taller, and the Malays lower, than the others. In all it is below the European standard ; the average height of the Siamese is live feet three inches. The complexion in all this group of nations is lighter than that of most Asiatics on this side of the Ganges, by far the greater number be- ing of a yellow colour The texture of the skin is remarkably smooth, soft, and shining." " The whole race displays a remarkable tendency to obesity. The nutritious fluids of the body are directed towards the surface, distending and overloading the cellular tissues with an inordinate quantity of fat. The muscular textures are in general soft, lax, and flabby, rarely exhibiting that strength or development of outline which marks the finer forms of the human body. In labourers and mechanics, pai'ticularly among the Chinese, the muscular parts occasionally attain considerable volume, but very rarely that hardness and elasticity developed by exercise in Eiu'opeans. A first aspect gives a false es- timate of their physical power. In some the limbs often equal those of Europeans, and particularly the thighs ; they may be said to form a squat race." " The face is remarkably broad and flat ; the cheek-bones prominent, large, spreading, and gently rounded; the glabellvun is flat and unusually large; the eyes are in general small; the aperture of the eye- lids moderately linear in the Indo-Chinese nations and the Malays, is acutely so in the Chinese, bending upwards at its outer end ; the lower jaw is long, and remarkably full under the zygoma, so as to give to the countenance a square appearance ; the nose is rather small than flat, the alae not being distended in any uncommon degree ; in a great number of Malays it is largest towards its point ; the mouth is large, and the lips [moderately] thick ; the beard is remarkably scanty t, consisting only of a few straggling hairs ; the forehead, though broad in a lateral direction, is in general narrow, and the hairy scalp comes down very low. The head is peculiar ; the antero-posterior diameter being uncommonly short, the gen- eral form is rather cylindrical ; the occipital foramen is often placed so far back that from the crown to the nape of the neck is nearly a straight line The hair is thick, coarse, and lank; its colour is always black. The limbs are thick, short, and stout, and the arms rather out of proportion (?) to the trunk The foot is in general small ; but the hand is much longer than that of the Bengalese. The trunk is rather square, being nearly as broad at the loins as over the pectoral muscles. There is in this respect the greatest difference between them and the inhabitants of India, who are in general re- markable for small waists. The diameter of the pelvis is pjirticularly large, and the dimensions of the cavity would appear to be somewhat greater than in other races. " " They appear to be calculated for toilsome and laborious exertions ; but they have not the energy of European labourers ; the greater number are distinguished for mechanical skill and patience rather than for mental capacity ; others are equally remarkable for indolence and aversion to labour. " The population of China is another subject of interest ; for since the days of Marco Polo, people at home are accustomed to look upon everything Chinese as being counted by millions. The best and most carefully written Avork on the population of China is that by Sacharoff, whose long residence in Peking had made him acquainted with the most authentic sources, as also with the value we may attach to Chinese documents of that kind. Sacharoff, whilst admitting that China is densely populated, cannot help entertaining serious doubts as to the number of 412 millions as given by the Imperial government. His doubts are chiefly based upon the fact, that (1) for 1,600 years the population fluctuated between 7 and 75 millions; that (2) the population continued to increase after the amount of taxes and the quantum of crown service had been fixed in perpetuity, on which account the mandarins added to the number of the people ad Ubitimi ; and that (3) no census is taken though the increase and decrease of the population is I'egularly recorded and presented to H. I. Majesty. In accepting, however, a certain number of inhabitants at a certain date, it does not necessarily fol- low, that that number must be doubled every hundred years. Where, we ask, is such a normal state of peace and prosperity to be found, as to constitute an argument pro or contra the number of a population at a given time ? Not a single nation has had peace for a hundred years ; hence the accepted rule has never been tested but on paper. The increase of a nation is intimately related to the average age the people attain. Both proceed from the same source, the relative strength of the constitution, as can be proved from the examples quoted by careful observers. Derham mentions the case of a lady, who died at the age of 93, and had * Natural History of Man, i nmon^' the Euvopeatis, some oftlioui liaving a full beird am} f There is, however, as much difference among the Chinese as i l»'"f all over the bodj-. i tNTKODUCTION. J» given birth to 16 children, of whom 11 married. Upon her death she had 114 grandchildren, 228 great- grandchildren, and 900 great-gi-eat-grandchildren. If we take tlie age of the lady upon her first marri- age at 17, then she had within 76 years 1,258 descendants. Such parents could within 100 years in- crease 800 fold. The convulsions that have now and then distracted the Chinese empire for a period of from 50 to 80 years, set all our European rules of computation at defiance, as may be seen from the table giving the census for the last 1800 years. For whilst A. D. 2 the population of China is given at 59,594,978 in- dividuals, we have 200 years later only 7,632,881 ; and whilst the census of A. D, 1712 gives only 24,621,334 individuals, the one published in 1749 gives the population at 177,495,339, or seven times the number of the one published 38. years pre\'iously. We here give the table of the population of China as published by Sacharoflf : — Table sho^inv the Population of China during the various Dynasties from A. D. 2 to 1578, compiled from historical accounts. Dynasty. A. D. Families. Individuals. Dynasty. A. D. Families. iMDreiDCALs. Han 2 57 12,233,002 4,279,034 59,594,978 21,007,820 1,075 1,080 15,084,529' 14,852.684 23,807.165 33,303,889 75 5,800,173 34,125,021 1,091 18,055,093 41,492,311 88 7,450,784 43,350,307 1,099 19,715,555 43,411,606 105 9,237,112 53,250,229 1,102 20,019,050 43,820,769 125 9,647,838 48,090,789 1,100 11,375,733 19,229,008 144 9,940,919 49,730,550 1,100 12,335,450 25.378,684 145 9,937,080 49,524,183 1,193 12,302,873 27.845,085 146 9,348,227 47,^00,772 1,223 12,670.801 28,320,085 157 10,077,900 50,480,850 1,204 5.696,989 13,026,532 S&n kwo or three State*. 220-242 1,363,000 7.032.881 Tsin or Kin 1,187 6.789,449 44,705,086 Tsin 280 2,459,804 10,103 803 1,190 6.939,000 45,447,900 Sui, 580 3,590,000 9,009,004 1,195 7.223,400 48,490,400 606 8,907,530 40.019,950 1,207 7.684.838 45.816.079 Tana 027 3,000,000 Yuen 1,290 13.196.206 58.834,710 650 3,800,000 1.330 13,400,699 10,654,362 706 6,350,141 Mine 1-381 59.872.805 726 7,009,505 1,393 10,652.870 60,545.812 732 7,801,236 45,431,205 1,402 10.626,779 56.301.026 742 8,348,395 45,311,272 1,403 11,415.829 66,598,337 754 9,069,154 1,404| 9,685.020 50,950,470 755 8,919.309 52,919,309 1,41 ll 9,533.092 51,446.,'534 756 8,018,701 l,412i 10.922.436 65.377.630 700 1.933,174 16,990,386 l,413i 9,084.910 50,950.244 764 780 806-820 2,933,125 3,805,070 2,473.963 * 1,454 1.462 1.463 9,460,288 9,385,012 9,107.205 54.338,476 56.370.260 60,479,330 821-824 3.914,595 1,466 9,202,718 60.653.724 825-820 839 841-840 3,978,983 4,996,753 4,955,151 1.486 1.487 1,491 65.442.680 50,207.134 9.113,446 53,281,168 SuTlff 976 997 1,021 3,090,504 4,132,576 8,677,077 1.504 60.105,885 1 .^SOS 12 972.974 19V93d,320 i!506 d,ro\',77S 46.802,605 1,029 10,102,089 20.054,238 l,513j 63,300,000 1,048 10.723.695 21,830.064 1,522 9.721,652 60,861.273 1,003 12,402.317! 26,421,051 1.578' 10,621.436 60.792,866 1,006 12.917.221 29,092,185 1 1 1 iNTRbitJCTlON. i Those who have ti-avelled through the mountainous part of the empire entertain grave douhts res- pecting the enormous population as given by Lord Macartney and since accepted by the nations of Europe and America. Considering the superficial area, the population can hardly exceed 200 millions, and may at present, in consequence of the rebellion, be even less. The population must continue de- creasing, so long as the convulsions in the interior last, trade and industry will constantly be paralized or fluctuate with the fortune of war. Before we commenced the present Dictionary, we intended to add a short paragraph on the value we may place on the authenticity of Chinese chronology as accepted by western writers ; for we observ- ed with deep regret, that there were men even among the promoters of the Christian Religion, who were led astray by the smooth gloss which certain later writers have cast over the ancient records of China. This duty belonging more to the province of historians, has been ably discharged by the Rev. Dr. Legge in his Prolegommena to the Historical Classic. To him and to the Rev. J. Chalmers, the present and future students are greatly indebted for the unwearying zeal and perseverance displayed in their investigation. Dr. Prichard in referring to this subject says : — " The Chinese have long been the most num- erous and powerful of the Indo-Chinese races. Originally, according to their own historians, a small herd of roving barbarians, who wandered about the forest of Shensi, at the foot of the high mountains of the Tibetan border of China, without settled dwellings, clothed in skins, ignorant even of the use of fire (of which no human race has been discovered to be really ignorant,) feeding on insects and roots, more destitute even than the Bushmen or the Australian savages, it was only, if we might credit the childish simplicity of their sacred legends, by listening to the counsels of their emperors or patriarchs, that they gradually emerged from this state of barbarism and, by repeated victories, extended their power over the petty states which now constitute the empire." Dr. Legge after having waded through their " childish legends " concludes his researches wdth the following words : — " For myself, I had adopted the chronology of the Septuagint as nearer the truth than that of our present Hebrew Bible, more than five-and-twenty years ago, before it was definitely in my plan of life to come to China as a missionary ; but the history of China need not seriously em- barrass any one who follows the shortest chronology of Sripture. Writers like Bunscn, who follow the Will-o-the-wisps of their own imagination, may launch their shafts against the intolerance of churches, and narrow-mindedness of missionaries. On Chinese ground we can afford to laugh at their intolerance, each bolt they discharge is mere bruitimfulmen ; each shaft, imbelle tehim." lyrRODUCTION. THE CHINESE LANGUAGE. The Chinese language belongs to the monosyllabic tongues and is to the nations of eastern Asia what Sanscrit is to the Aryan or Indo-Gerraanic, and Hebrew or Chaldee to the Shemitic races. The monosyllabic tongues are peculiar to those nations, whom we regard as descendants of Ham. Only recently specimens of monosyDabic tongues spoken by nations on the white River in Africa have been published in Dr. Petermann's Geographischen Mittheilungen, of which we give an extract below. In Eastern Asia we have the Burmese, the Siamese, the Anamese and the Loas, whose original lan- guage appears to belong to the same stock as the Chinese. Der Missioniir A. Kmifniau, welclier voile drei .Talire am Weissen Fluss gcltbt Imt, giebt in seinein kiirzlich erschienencii Biiclie : " Das Gehiet dos Weissen Fhissos nnd (lessen IJcwohner " (Brixen 1861) eiiiige Notizen iiher die Dinka-Spache, welche zur Erlsiuterung des obigeii Vokabulars faier am Platze gain inocliten. Er sagt : Die Sprache dieser Neger-Stiimme ist eine gaiiz eigeDtliilmliche. Die Worte derselben siiid einsilbig, wie z. B. ran = Mensch, tik = W(Mb, duk = wiederkehren, lo = gehen, allein n}it vielen Diphthongen iind Triplithongeu, wie nioic = der Mann, Gemahl, kiiac := der Tiger, u6i = der Hauch, Athein, neu = das Zcug. Uiesc Sprnche entbelirt aller Zisclilaute, wie s, sell, z, was wohl aucli (lalier koninien mag, weil sich die Dinka, wie alle anderen Neger des Weissen I'lusscs, die vorderen Sehncidezilhne iin Un- terkiefer ausreissen und soniit beiiiahe unfiihig werden, Zisclilaute auszusprecrlien. Ebcn so felileii die Aspirationslaute, wie li und ch ; dafiir aber haben sie zwei Laiite, W(;lelie uusere Europiiisclien Spraclien niclit gemciii haben. So hat diese Sprache, und alle S])i'a(!hen iiach Osten und Westen des Flusses, so viel wir kennen lemton, den Laiit iig, wie er als Endlaut im Woi-te " Ding " vorkomnit, und dieses sowolil am Anfaiig wie am Ende, z. B. ngai :=befreien, erliisen, leiig = die Tronnnel, iiyaiig = das Krokodil, ngo ! = niinra an ! Ferner hat ilie Dinka Sprache einen Kehllaut (ihnlich deni Arabischen c ; wir bezeiehnen ilin mit gh, z. B. ghen = ich, ghog = wir, ghok =: Kiihe, ghet =bis ; tsch sehreiben wir immer mit e, wiilirend dj gleicli dsch ansgesprochen wird. Die Hauptwiirtcr dieser Sprache haben kein Geschleeht, keine Kasus, keiiien Artikel und bei vielen ist einfache und vielf'nche Zahl gleich, man muss Alles nur aiis der Zusammensetzung abnchmen. Doch findet sich weiter bei den Ncnnw^iirtern die Eigenthiimlichkeit, dass bei Zusainmenstellung mehrercr derselben und in Verbindung mit den zueignendcn FurWortern der letzle Buchstabe gciiiulort wird, und zwar in ein n odcr ng. Z. B. ut heisst Haus ; un-dia, mein Ilaus; pai heisst Dorf, Lar.d, pad-e-beng das Dorf des Hiiuptlings, pan-dia* = meine Heimath, mein Vaterland ; lee = Zalin, leng-cia = meine Ziihne. Nur 1, m, n, p, r bleiben unveriindcrt. Aufl'al- lend ist die Veriindening, welche die Namen der Farnilieiigliedcr in posscssiver Bedeutung annehnicn, •/.. B. mein Vater va, dein Vater ur, sein Valcr un, nnser Vater va-da, euer Vater ur-duen; ihr Vater un-den ; eben so bei Mutter: meine Mutter ma ; deine Mutter mor, seine Mutter mann, unsere Mutter ma-da, cure Mutter mor-dun, ihre Mutter mann-deii. Von BeiwOrtcm giebt ea sehr wenige, denn die meisten derselben sind audi Zeitwiirter. Es felilt dabei wieder jede Anderung, selbst bei Vergleichiingen. Das Beiwort steht immer nach dcm Haupt- worte : z. B. tim adid = ein grosser Baum, ven abi did = er wird gross werden, ran col = ein schwarzcr Mensch, koic-g(^r = weisse Leute. Bei den Zahhv/irtern leldcn die Ordnungszahlen giinzlich, mit Ausnalime der Wiirtcr der Krste iiiid Letzte. Sie steheii nach dein Hauptworte und heisscn : i tok, 2 roii, 3 dyak, 4 ungran, B dyec, 6 detcm, 7 derou, 8 bet, II deuiigvan, 1(» tyer, 11 tjcr ko tok," 12 tyer ko rou, 20 fyor lou, IJO tycr dynk, 100 tyer nyein, 1000 tyer buot, der Erste tueiig der Ii<'tzte cyeng. Wie in alien S])ra('lien sind aueh in der Dinka-Sprache die Fiirwiirter der sehwierigsle Theil. Die personlieheii sind; ghen oderan ^:^ ich, yin = (hi, yen = er, sie, sie, ghog = wir, uck == ihr, kek = sie. Die Kasus der Flirwflrter drilckeii sie (lurch 8uHixe aus, die dem Zeitworte angehiingt werden, welche sowohl im Dntiv als Akkusativ gleich sind. Solchc Snflixe sind : u mir, mich ; i dir, dich ; e ihm, ihn ; a uns ; o eucli ; ke sie. Z. B. yek heisst geben. yek-a = gieb mir oder una, yek-e = gieb ihm u. s. w. Die zueignendcn Fttrwiirter werden ebenfalls (lurch Suffixe ausjedrllckt, und zwar : Plonl := cia = ku = kwa ( kuii (kuon ken euer de meine deioe seine ihre unsere euere = SingoUr mein = dia dein = du seine ihr unser ^ da = dun duon ihr = den ihre Z. B. rap-dia = mein Getreide, guop-du = dein Lcib, buong-da = unser Kleid, ghok-cia = meine KUhc, nir-kwa = unsere Mfid- chen, bain-kun = euere Hiiuptlinge. " Es ist mein " heisst ye- ke-dia, " es ist dein " ye-ke-du u. s. w. Wie die Hauptwfirter kein Geschleeht haben, so fehlt es naturlich auch bei den Fur- wortern. Die Zcitworter leiden je nach Zcit und Bedeutung eine Anderung, (loeh nur in den Vokalen, nnd selbe bleiben thatig und leidend meistens gleich. Die Dinka haben drei verschiedene Zeiten, sie unterscheiden bloss Vergaiigenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. In der gegenwiirtigen setsen sie der Wurzel ein a vor, z. B. a-nin = er sehliif't, a-luoi = er arbeitet. Die vergangene und kiinftige Zeit zeigen sie dureh ein Hiilfszeitwort an, das in der vcrgangeiien ci und in der kiinftigen bi oder ba lantet Z. B. ba lo = ich wcrde gehen, wir werden gehen ; yen aci duk = er ist znrilckgekommen. Ist aber die Eede verneiiieiid, so steht in der gegenwiirtigen Zeil eye, in der vergangenen akei und in der kfinftigen ci-bi vor dem Zeitworte. Z. B. ghog akei dek = wir haben nicht getninken, kek aci bi cam = sie werden nicht essen. eye ring = er liiuft nicht. Ferner war uns Deutsehen sehr auffallen der deutsche Satzbiui in den einfachen Siitzen, z. B. ghen aci ring cam = ich habc Fleich ge- gessen. In den zusammengcsetzten Sfitzen ist er jedoch elwas vcrschieden. Um ein Muster dieser Sprache su geben, so folgc das Pater Noster, Ave Maria und Credo. Pater Noster. — Va-da yin ato nyal, ghog aty/'dj, rin-ku abi le^ ift r''" ^^ ^ ^' Chinese expresses the same. t Den = ^ Tien, Den, betven, or God. INTROBUCTION. AH' these nations, so far as they are unmixed with Indians, speak a language, which we designate monosyllabic. In Siam, China and other states we can apply this term only to the written language ; and even in this we find a great tendency towards the polysyllabic, in the same degree as the style in- clines to the popular idiom. Speaking, therefore, of the language in general, the term syllabic is more appropriate and expresses its character more forcibly than the word monosyllabic. The Chinese being the leaders in civilization in the north, east and north-east of the Himalaya mountains, have by their literatm-e, higher state of civilization and greater originality given to their northern neighbours a syllabary in the form of an alphabet, whilst those nations who were nearer to India, adopted with the Buddhist doctrine an alphabet approaching nearer to that of Hindustan. The syllabic system which extends from China to Japan, and from Japan across the Pacific to Cen- tral America and the western territory, now included in the U. S. of America, seems to be' intimately connected with the hieroglyphics or ideographic characters, in which the ideas of the people petrefled and thus became true symbols of their stationary character. The language of these nations may be divided into three classes : — I. Alphabetic languages with a system of spelling similar to western tongues. Among these we class : — 1. The Tibetan, the Burmese, and the Siamese. The intercourse of these nations with India through the medium of their religion appears to have made them anxious to adopt an orthography of clear, articulated sounds. Hence we not only find in those languages the R immediately following other consonants, but it also seems that they dropped short vowels in words now written with a remark- able accumulation of consonants. This is a prominent featm-e in the Tibetan language, as Mali be seen from the following examples : brdsun, bsdams, bszgrags &c. ; which words Professor Lepsius thinks may formerly have been written bardsun, basdams, basgragas. * 2. The Siamese. In this language we find nearly all the letters of the English Alphabet. The combinations of the consonants resemble those of the western tongues ; and there are, as in Chinese, many synonyms (now mere particlesj used in the formation of dissyllabic words f . We have also in the Siamese, Burmese, Anamese, and the Shan languages a system of intonation similar to the Chinese, which is another proof of their common origin with the latter race and of their probable migration from the north or north-west of the countries they now inhabit. The changes in their langviage, religion and race were gradual, because the influx from India during the political convul- sions and the religious persecutions never threw at once so large a number of people among them as to destroy their nationality or the character of their language. What the changes of the language were, it is difficult to say. Was it a falling back from a richer, polysyllabic language towards the monosyllabic, as Professor Lepsius supposes, or are the present languages the result of a clumsy effort at imitating the Aryan and Shemitic languages ? In the Tibetan language we incline to the views held by Professor Lepsius ; but are at a loss to account for the existence of other monosyllabic tongues among nations of the same origin, as well as for the combinations of consonants in Siamese, because before the intro- duction of Buddhism they not only used the Chinese characters, but must also have had sounds more similar to that tongue, unless we discover a language among the aborigines in the south of China with a monosyllabic tongue and with all the consonants of western languages. If such a tribe still exist, that would give us the key to the changes the Punti and other southern dialects have undergone subse- quent to their intermixture with their conquerors from the north. II. The second class of syllabic languages are the MongoKan, the Mq^nchu, the Corean, the Ja- panese, and most of the languap'-s of the American Indians. 1. The Mongolian and Manchu languages differ from the Tibetan in their combination of conso- nants. The E/ never combines with another consonant either at the commencement or at the end of a syllable. Even in such words as bear great resemblance to the Gothic or Greek, and which it would appear they retained after their expulsion from the west, tliey have dropped the first consonant, when two followed each other, as e. g. in Manchu cholo, Greek -i- 2. The Japanese whose intercourse with foreign nations has been chiefly confined to Corea, China, the Philippines and Siam, have retained a more purely syllabic language than the Mongols and Manchu. They find great difl3.culty in spelling western words, because in their own language, as in northern Chi- nese and in the languages of most of the American Indians not a single consonant terminates a syllable but the N. In all other respects their language is as characteristically Tartar as their own features ; * Lepsius : tjber Chinesische and TibetiSche Lautverhiiltnis- se, &c. f The orthography of the Roinanized Siamese, as introduced and partly clung to by the American missionaiies is truly pitiable and defies even the most ancient German we meet with in books and manuscripts of earlier days. If we can write " Prince Somdeth Choufa chulalon Kom," why should we Mrrite Somdet P'ra Earaes6-6an ? " The latter system of orthography is truly formidable and reminds us of the darkest ages, when the axt of writing was quite a novelty, INtEODUCTIOK. and bears already marks of a transition as met with among the tribes inhabiting the Sandwich and other Islands of the Pacific. For whilst the Chinese cannot pronounce a pure R, the Japanese always substi- tute an R for an L at the commencement of a word. They read ^ ri instead of U, as the Chinese, and ro, instead of lo. The Sandwich Islanders distinguish with great difficulty between the L and R. "Whatever intercourse the Indians of America may have ha 500 Sliong Sliii Shui Shuk Shun Shiin Shung Shut Shiit Sik Sek Sin Seng Sing m 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 530 ||537 #f 538 Song 539 510 511 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 Jf 551 |fi552 ^ 1553 1^ 554 Si 1555 ^556 dbb 13 % Sd Sii SCi* Sui Suk Sun Siin Sung Sut Sijt Sz Td T'd Tai T'ai Tdi T'di Tak Tarn T'am Tdm T'dm Tan T'an Tdn T'dn Tang T'ang Tap « Tdp T'dp Tat Tdt T'dt Tau T'au T6 T6ung T6uk Ti Tik Tek T'ik Tim T'im Tin T'in Ting W 557 558 559 560 561 562 663 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 680 581 582 583 584 585 586 687 588 589 690 591 592 593 594 695 596 697 598 599 600 601 602 603 g| Teng ring T'eng Tip T'ij) Tit T'it Titi T'iii To T'o T6 T'6 Toi T'oi Tok T'ok Tom Tong T'ong jg|604 fjg 1605 ^ 600 iWi 607 ^ 608 Vk «09 7] |610 m 'fill ^ 012 1;,613 7/614 ^615 1^616 ^617 ^619 ^ 620 Ts'ik Tsim Ts'im Tsin Ts'in Tsing Ts'cng Tsip Ts'ip Tsit Ts'it Tsiu Ts'm Tso Ts'o Tso Ts'5 Tsoi Ts'oi Tsok Ts'ok Tsong Ts'ong 653 654 |655 656 ^ 057 j^658 ^ 659 ;^ 660 ^ 061 % 062 ^ 063 ti fi65 ;^ 666 ^067 n G68 .^ 069 ^|070 I?t671 # |G72 ^673 ^674 ^675 ja 676 ^677 Pj|078 ^579 p 980 U 681 J£ 682 ji683 1^ 684 #685 :^ 086 i^ 687 ^ 688 % 689 $ 690 0^ 691 :|g;692 ^j693 tfg'69i l|!^ 095 m\ :tti696 ^ ,697 ^698 % 699 JJ&700 Tun Tun Tung T'ung Tut T'ut X^ Ci Uk Un tn Ung tt tt Wd Wai Wdi Wdk Wan Wdn Wang Wdng Wat Wdt Wik Wing Wit* Wo Wok Wong Yd Yai Ydk Yam Yan Yap Yat Yau Y6 Yduk Ydung Yik Yeng Ying Yui Yuk Yun Yung Zu m m m m * Sounds without characters. —*^SUia^>«f^f::»-»->- — If we add to those the syllables terminating in cng instead of »'h/7, under which head they are at pre- sent placed, tluMi we have 729 syllables or words repivsenting fhe whole material for oral communication. Among these there are for the lirst thi-ee tone's 381; for the loiirth 187; and aspirated words 158. INTRODUCTION. 11 In subdividing the aspirated words and by adding them to the first two classes, we get 498 syllables for the first three tones, and 231 for the second. 498 multiplied by 6 (three upper and three lower tones) give 2,988 syllables; the 231 multiplied by 2 (the higher and lower fourth tone) give 462 syllables, and the two together a total of 3,450 different sounds. Upon closer examination we find, however, a different result; for not half the syllables assume all the 6 tones of the first class, nor the two of the second, as will be seen from the following table: — Table slicwiii* the Exact Nniiiber of Words IN THE A . . i 'd • • • d' • * • . • i ■• . » Total ,3 A^ %i . • . ai' • > . • * . . . . jj 3 c^i . . . 1 * . . di' ... • . • ■ . • j» 2 * . t ... ak. »> 1 . . * j ... ... ... ... ••• dk. ... >> 1 \ 'am ... ... "[ )) 1 ... 'am ... . . • . . . ... >> 1 ... . . . dn' . . ■ ■ . • • . • >9 1 cAng . . . 'ang . . « ang' • . t • . . ... J> 3 ,Ang ... ... ... ... ... ... >J 1 ... ... ... • • • ... ap, dp. ... it 1 1 ... .•• ... * .« . . * at, . . * ft 1 ... ... ... i . . • dt. . . • » 1 3 ,Au . . . 'du ... du' ... ... ... JJ 3 ,Chd ... 'chd ... chd' ... ... ,9 3 ,Ch'a jch'd ■ • * ... ch'd' ... 99 3 ,Chai • • ( . . > ■ • • chai' chai" ... 99 3 .Chai • > * ■ • . chai' chdi' ... ... 99 3 .ChYii ^ch'di 'ch'di ch'di' • . « chak, ch'ak. ... 99 99 99 4 1 1 ... ... • •« . . . chdk, chdk^ 99 2 > . • . ■ * • * ■ ch'dk. . • • 99 1 ,Cham ■ ■ • 'cham ... cham' cham^ . . « ... 99 4 • • « jCh'am 'ch'am ■ • . ch'am' ... ... ... 99 3 * • * 'chdm . • • chdm' chdm- . • . ... 99 3 ■ ■ • jCh'dm . . . ... ch'am' ... . • ■ ■ ■ • 99 2 ^Chan • . • . . ■ chan' chan- . . • > * . 99 3 .Ch'an ^ch'an 'ch'an • * . ch'an' ... ... 99 4 • • • • * • 'chdn . . • . . • chdn' ... • . • 99 2 • . • • • ■ 'ch'an ^ch'dn • • • .-i . • . .... 99 2 ^Chang • * • ... chang' ... * ■ • ... 1 99 2 ,Chdng . . . • >. ■ •• chdng^ ■ . • . * ■ 99 2 .Ch'dng ^ch'Ang ... ... ... ... chap, ... 99 99 2 1 ... ... ... • • * chdp. chdp^ J9 2 ... ••• ... ... ■• . ..• ch'dp. • .« 99 1 ... ••• • «• • * t •• . ■ •• chat. chatj 99 2 ... 9*« • •• ■ • • . »•• • • « chdt, ... JJ 1 . .. • •• >• a • • « • . . • • • ch'dt. . * • 99 1 ,Ch'au • « • *chau '... chau' chau^ , . * ■ • . J9 4 ph'au jCh'au 'ch'au \ai'au tjh'au' ... * . • ■ . * J> 5 phAu • ■ • 'chdu i chdu' »•# »»f f » • ;; 3 15 t^^TI^ODTJctION. Table shewing the Exact Nvmher of Words in the Caaiton Dialect.- —Continued. .Ch'du jCh'Au 1 'ch'du 1 ch'du' Total, 4 .Ch6 'V *ch6 1 ch6* ... ... „ 3 ,Ch'e • • • • • • 'ch'6 1 1 ■ ■ ■ I ch6uk, ch'6uk, i • •• » 2 „ 1 .. 1 ,Ch6uiig ••• 'ch6ung ... 1 cli(5ung' ch^ung^ > > • ... „ 4 jCh'cung jCh'^ung ch'<3ung' ... • . ■ . „ 3 .Chi I *chi ... chf ' chi' • . • * • • ., 4. ,Ch'i jCh'i • • « • • • 'ch'i ... ch'i' : 1 ... chik, ch'ik, . • • chikj ch'ikj „ 4. .. 2 „ 2 ,Chim ... 'ch'fm cliim' i 1 ... ... •! 1 „ 2 „ 1 .Chin jCh'in 'chin ... chin' ••• ... . *« „ 3 „ 1 • „ 5 • ■ ■ ... ... ... i chip, chit, ch'it. • • a „ 1 „ 1 Chiu , . , 'chili ... chill' chiu' ... • • • „ 4 .Ch'id jCh'iu 'cho ... cho' ch6' . ... '" .. 2 ,. 3 ,Ch'o jCh'o 'ch'o ... ... ... ... chokj „ 3 1 " ^ .Chong jChong • ' • * . . . chong' chong' . . • „ 4 .Ch'ong jCh'ong 'ch'ong . ■ . ch'ong' * •■ . . * .. 4 .Chii . . • 'chu ... chii' chii' • . « • • • 1 „ 4 . < . jCh'u 'ch'ii ^ch'ii ch'u' ... ... ... ., 4 ,C>iui • • • ... ... chui' ... ... „ 2 ,Ch'ui • • • 'cli'ui ... ... ... „ 3 ... • • • ... • • • ... ... chuk, ch'uk. chuk J * • • „ 2 ' „ 1 ,Clmn ■ • • 'chun ... chun' ... • . « ... » 3 ,Ch'un . ■ • 'ch'un ... ... ... ... » 2 ,Chun ... 'cliiin ... chiin' ... ... ,. 3 ,Cli'un jCh'iin '(•.h'iin ch'iin' ... ... ... ,, 4 ,Chung 1 ... 'chung . .. chung' chung' ... » 4 ,Cli'ung 1 ch'ung 'ch'ung . . i ch'ung' ... ... „ 4 • • • j * . . . ... • . • ... chut, . . . ,. 1 • •■ • • • ... ■ • « • ■ • . . . ch'ttt. ,. 1 . ... . .. ... chat. ... „ 1 .^" • • • . . . ... ... ... • > ■ 1 • • • ,. 1 .FA • •• ... • . 1 fd' . . • i > . • „ 2 ;j?ai ■ •• ... ... fai' fai' • ■ • > • • „ 3 . • ■ • • « ... ... fdi' • • • • . • . . • i ,. 1 ,Fan jfan 'fan ^fan fan' ... • • • ... ! .. 5 ,Fdn ,fdn 'fj^,Tl fdu' i fan' • • t ■ • • ., 5 • • • • •« ... ... ... ... fat. fat. 1 ,.. 2 • ■ • • « t ... ... • . • • • • fdt. ftt, » 2 ,rau /au 'fan * . . fau' ■ • a ■ ■ • ., 4 ,FI s« 'fi . . . ... n' ... • •• .. 4 • • ■ ... II* • . • \ ftk. • • • i » 1 • •• • • • • > • • >• fins' • • ■ ** • ! » ^ .Fo • • • 'fo ... fo' • • I ... fok, ,Fong /oug fong ... fong'- • •• »•• i! » 4 INTRODUCTION^, 13 Table shewing the Exact Number of JFords in the Canton Dialect. — Continued. .Fiii ,Fun ^Fung cHang .Hdng ,Hau ^H^ung ,Hing .Hid .Ho .H6 ,Hoi ^6m .Hon .Hong ,Hu .Hd ,Huu .Hung Hw6 •i- .In M .Kd .Kai .K'ai Kdi ,Kam /li /ung ;id jhai ,hdi jhdm jhan jhdn jhang jhang I i hau ,ho lioi jhbm jhon hong hung .in ,iti 'f6 fd fdi 'fun 'fung 'hai ••lian 'hang 'hau 'hdu 'h^ung 'hi 'hid 'ho' 'h5 'hoi 'h6m 'hon liu 'hun 'hung 'i 'im 'In 'id 'kd 'kai 'k'ai 'kdi 'k'di 'kam ift'. ■fd ^hd -hdi"' 'hbm ^hon Hn 'id *kai fd' fdi' fdn' hdm' hdu' h6ung' hi' hing' hid' h6'"" h6m' hon' ^ hong' hu'" hii'n' hung' im' In' id' kd' kai' k'ai' kai' kam' .',2 fd fung' hd^ ' hai" hdi' hdm' han' hdn' hang' hau' hdu' ho' W hoi' h6m' hon' hong' i' im' in' id' kai' fuk fdt hok, hdk hap, hd.p, hat hit, hit hok. hot huk hut It. kdk. kam' fuk. hdp^ hat hok. h6p, huk. it Total, 6 3 2 3 4 1 4 3 4 1 1 3 3 3 4 2 1 2 2 4 4 1 3 3 2 1 1 „ 3 4 5 4 2 6 6 4 1 1 3 1 2 3 4 1 1 6 6 G 2 2 6 3 4 3 4 1 1 4 14 INTRODUCTION, Table shewing the Exact Number of Words in the Canton Dialect — Contintted. .K'am ' jk'am 'k'am 'k'am a a • Total, 4 ,Kdm * *kdm . • • kdm' ... , .. 3 ,Kan • ■ • 'kan kan' kan* ... ... 1 1 , 4 • • • pc'an • • ■ a • . ■ • > ... aa. 1 , 1 .K4n *kA,Ti • • % k4ii' ... a.a 1 , 3 2 • a • ... ... « .• k'at, •• c , 1 ,Kau . * ■ *kau kau' kau*' a.a ... 1 1 » , 4 ,K'au ,k'au • • • ^k'Jiu k'au' a a« • • a ... I > 4 ,Kdu sk&u *kdu a a i kdu' ... 1 , 4 ... ... «.« a. a k'du' aa a ... • • ■ , 1 • • • • • ■ • * • k6' **• • a a 1 . , 1 . • • ,k'6 • .« a a a a a a a a a , 1 • f • • •• k6tik, • ■ a , 1 • .• • • • • • • k'4uk ... , 1 .K6ung . • • • • • ... ..a , 1 • • « jk'^ung • • • ^k'^'ung a.a • a • , 2 4 ,K'i ,k'i 'k'i ^k'i"' k'f a a a ... > 5 ... ■ ( • • a a ... a . I kik^' kik^ , 2 * • . • .. • • • a a a ... a a • kik, , 1 .Kim • ■ • Tcim ... kfm' kini"* ... . . • > 4 jk'im ... • a a a •• , 1 .Kin • . ■ Tcin . a a kin'" kin"*' ... , 4 • • • jk'in *k'in a • . , 2 .King ... 'king ■ • • king' king* a • . > 4 3 ,Kon ..• *kon ■ at kon' a a a > 3 .Kong • • • *kong . • • kong' • a a a.a > 3 .K'ong . * • 'k'ong k'ong' • aa . . . > 3 . • • • • * ... ... a.a k6p. , 1 • at • • • a . • a . • ... ■ . a kot , 1 .Kd ..* 'k a ■ a , 3 .Ktt . • t 'kii ' kil' kii* a.a > 4 ,K'tt .k'tt * . * ^k'u" • a a • aa • aa • • , 3 .Ki\ ■ • « • •a a at • a a • •• • •• , 1 ... 'kfxi • • • a.a kdi* • •• , 2 ... • • • ... kuk. kuk, , 2 ,Kttn . . • Tcim • • • kan' kan* ,,. 1 , 4 INTRODUCTION. 15 Table shewing the FuToct Nmvher of Words in the Canton Dialect. — Continued. ^k'lTTI ... • • a Total, 1 .Klin • • • Tciin ,, kdn' * ■ ■ • a ■ « „ 3 Kung .k'ung 'kung • • kung' kung^ kiit. ... » 4 » 1 „ 1 ■ • • • • • ... * ■ ■ kiit, » 1 ,K\vd • ■ • *kwd kwd' a .a ... » 3 .K'w^ • • • ... ... » 1 jKwai • > ■ Tcwai , , kwai' kwai' » 4 ,Kw'ai .kw'ai ^k^ r'ai kw'ai' ... • ■ • ... » 4 ,Kwai 'kwai kwdi' • • a . . . . a a » 3 . ... A ... • > ■ ■ < > kwdk. a .a „ 1 ^Kwan . . . ^w kwan' kwan^ > > • a • . » 3 ^Kw'an jkw'an 'kw'an kw'an' ■ • • ■ • a , , , » 4. ^Kwdn • • « a aa . > . kwdn' a • a ■ • a . . a » 2 ^Kwang ... ... ... kwdng' ... ... ... » 1 » 1 .Kw'ang ... 'kw'dng ■ • • • a . . • ... ... » 2 ... . .. ... , , ■ • a kwat. ... » ^ ... ... ... •• ... ... kwdt, kwik. ... » 1 » 1 ^Kwing ... 'kwing •• ... ... kwit. .... » 2 » 1 ,Kwo • • • *kwo , , kwo' • • • "... » 3 . . - • ■ ■ , , * > • kwok. ..... » 1 ,Kwong .kw'ong 'kwong •• kwong' ... ... ... » 3 „ 1 .m" > ■ • 'Id'" , , Id' ... ■ ■ ■ » 3 jlai *lai -lai • ■ ■ lai^ ..a ... » 4. .Ldi Jdi ... • a idr Idi^ • ■ a ... » 4 • ■ ■ .. ... lak. lak^ » 2 • a ■ . .. , ., Idk, ... „ 1 Jiam .lam ... ^lam lam' ■ • a ■ . ■ ... „ 4 • • • .1dm 'l^m -1dm Idm^ • * ■ ... » 4 .Lan ■ ■ • ... „ 1 ,Lan jldn a a.a adn" Idn^"' ... » 4 .Lang • • a • • t lang' ... ' „ 2 ... -Idng „ 1 lap. laPi » 2 Idp, Idp, » 2 ... lat, » 1 ... • • • ... ... Idi^ » 1 .Lau jlau -lau lau' W ■ • • » 5 .Ldu ... » 1 JA 16'"" ■ • a „ 2 • ■ a ... • * • > > a 16uk, „ 1 .16ung 'l^ung 'l^nng ... leung^ . . a ... » 4. cLi ?i ^li li^ ... ... » 4 ... lik, Ilk, » 2 • ■ • ^llm ... -llm ... lim' ... » 3 . . ■ .lln nin .. • lin^ a . ■ » 3 .Ling sling ... jling ling^ .... » 4 ... • •• ■ *' a a ■ • lip, » 1 • • • • . t • •• • • • • a • • • • lit. lit, » 2 Jiid ,M ^liu . *a Hu' ... „ 4 cLo slo 'lo " lo' lo^ ... .... » 5 P> ,1^ 16 ^0 ... 16^ fc.. t- ... » 5 16 INTRODUCTION. Table shewitig the Exact Number of Word« in the Canton D'uilect. — Continued. a • * ,loi • ■ • 1 . • ■ loi^ . . • > > . Total, 2 • •. A • * ■ lok. lok, ,. 2 ... jlong . • . 'long . * • long* ... 1 „ 3 ... Ju • • • nu lii* ... » 3 M > ■ • • ... lu' ... ... .. 2 . . . ... • • . ^ui lui»' ... ... ,. 2 jLui ... ... ... ... ... luk. luk^ ,. 1 » 2 Jiun jlun nun ... ... lun' ... „ . • ■ • ... lut. ,, 1 • < • J^ • • . ■ > . ... . .. » 1 ,MA jind ... ^A ■ > ■ md*' ... ... „ 4, ,Mai ^mai 'mai * * '% mai* ... ... „ 4, ... ^ndi . • . ^mdi ... mdi* ... » 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... makj j mdk, , ,. 1 „ 1 ,!Man jman ... ^an man' man* . ■ • ,. 5 Mdn jindn ... hndn ... mdn' ... 1 ,. 4, ^Mang jinang • • ■ ^ang mang' mang* • •• „ 5 ,Mdng jmdng . • . ... ... „ 2 • • • • > • • • • . . . ... mat^ matj „ 2 * t ■ ... ... ... mdt. mdt. .. 2 ,Mau jinau jindu ^mau Snau ... mau* mau* ... » 4 » 3 ,M6 • • * w' • • . . • • • • > ,. 2 ... jineng ... . • ■ ... ... . .. mek^ ., 1 » 1 ,Mi ,ml . • . w mi* ... » 4 • • ♦ ... ... ... ... mikj ,. 1 . • • jTnln . . . 'mln ... mln* ... . .. ,. 3 ... ,ming ... 'ming • • • ming* mit^ mit, .. 3 . . * jmili ^mid ... miu* ... ... » 3 .Mo jino *mo • • • mo* ... ... „ i > ■ • jinb ■ • • hah ... m6* ... » 3 ■ • « • • • ... ... • . • mok. mok, .. 2 ,Mong jHiong t ■ ■ hnong mong* . .. . • > ' .. * .Miii ... ■ • • *mui ... miii* ... mukj ,. 4 „ 1 ,Mdn jinun 'mun . •• mi'in* . . • » A ,Mung jinung ... . . • mung* » 3 • • • . .. ... ... ... miit, mdt, ,. 2 ,Nd ,nA VijS • • • *.• nd* ■ ■ . „ 1 jUai . . . • • • . •• * .« . • . ,. 1 ,N4i ... ... *nAi n&i> ndi* • • 1 .. I • •• ... ... ... • • • nak, • • ■ ,. 1 • •« jTiam *nam • . . nam* 1 ' * ' ,. 3 • •• jiidm 'ndm ndm* . ( • ,. 3 ,Nn,Ti • •• *nan • • • ... . • ■ * . • • •• p&D. *nAn • • • n&n* ndn* • . * ... „ A • %• ,nang ^nang • .. ... ■ • • ... ... .. 2 ... • •• • •• • « ■ nap. nap, ,, 2 • • • • •• • • • ... . • • • •• ... ndp, .. 1 • •« • •• • •« • . • . .• • «• nat, „ 1 INTRODUCTION. 17 Table shewmg the Exact Nvmher of Words tn the Canton Dialect. — Gmitinued. ... ndt. ndtj Total, 2 jNau . < < 'nau . ■ • nau^ ... ... » 3 • • * jUdu Tidu ... Tidu^ • . . . » 3 .N6 ... ... > • • ... ... „ 1 ... • ■ • 'neng . . ■ . .. ... ... ... „ 1 ... jiidng ... ... ... ... ... » 1 • ... ■ • . . .. ngdng' ... ... '» 1 ... ... . .. ngap, ngap^ » 2 ... ... ... ... ••• ng% ngat, » 1 „ 1 ... • ■ • . . • ... ... ngdt. ngdt^ M 2 • ... ngoi^ ... T „ 2 ... • • • ..; ... ... ... ngok, „ 1 ... . . • ... ... ... ngon^ ... • • . „ 1 ... jngong . >. . •• ngong' ... ... ... » 2 y 1 ... jnong ... ^ong ... .. i ... ... » 2 . •■ ^ii .. • nil* ... ... » 2 ... ... ... %un ... niin* nuk. nukj » 2 » 2 .Nung jnung ... ... ... ... ... „ 2 ... ... ... ... nutj » 1 P ... . • • ... ... ... ,, 1 ;o % 6' . . • . ■ • „ 3 pi 'oi or • • • ... . • ■ » 3 ... ... • * • ok. ■ ■ * » 1 ,0m •6m ... 6m' . • • • • • » 3 Pn • •• ... on' • . • ... ... » 2 Png ... ... . . . ... ... It • 1 1 „ X ,P6 »»■ ^i r • • pd' pd* ... tff » 4 18 INTRODUCTION. Table shewing the Exact Number of tVorda in tlie Canton Dialect. — Continued. .FA sP'A • . • . . . p'A' ... ... • • • Total, 3 ^ai ... ... pai' pai* a. a • •• .. 3 ,P'ai ... • •* »p'ai ... * •• • a • m mm ,. 2 ... ... *p&i ... pAi' pAi» mm 9 a • a ., 3 .P'di sP'^ • •• • • • p'Ai' ..« ... , , , ., 3 • • • • ■ • • •« • . • ... • a • pak. • a* .. 1 • • « ... • •• • . • ... a • < pAk. pAkj „ 2 ... ... • • a ... a a • ... p'Ak, » 1 ^an ... ^an . • • pan' pan^ ... • a« M 4 • ■ • ^p'an ... 'p'an • . • p'an' • aa a a a « 8 .Pdn 'pAn • . • pAn' pAn» a a a • as ,. 4 .P'6n • • • ... ... p'An' ... m •• • •• » 2 .Pang ... ... ... • *• pang* a a a • •• ,. 2 .P'ang sP'ang ... • • • • * a ... • • • » 2 • •• ... ... *pdng ... pAng* a a a a** « 2 ... jP'Ang ... • . * ... ... a a a ... „ 1 • • • ■ ■ • ... ■ •• ... pat. pat^ ., 2 • • • • • • ... • •• ... ... p'at. „ 1 • • « ... • • • ... ... pAt, p4 „ 2 ,Pau « •■ . « • ... pau* ... • a a .. 2 • •• ■ . • *p'au • ■ • ... ... • mm „ 1 .Pdu . . . 'pdu . * ■ pAu' a a a a a a >. 3 .P'du j)'du •p'Au • • • p'Au' ... • • » • •• .> 4, , 2 ^ 'pi pi* Pi^ ... M 4 .P'l J^'i 'P'i Vi P'i' ... ,,, ,. 6 • '• • •• a • ■ pik. a a a « 1 • ■ • ... ... ... ... ... p'ik. • mm ,. 1 .Pin *pln ... pin' pin' a.. • mm u 4 .P'in ,p'in ... p'in' a a a a • • ,. 8 .Ping ... *ping ... ping' ping* % • • • a a „ 4 cP'ing sP'ing ... • •• p'ing' ... ... ... ., 3 ... ... ... ... pit. pil, „ 2 ... • > . ... . • ■ ... p'it. ... .. 1 .Pid ... 'pid • • • piA' ... ... ,. 8 .P'iii j)'iii ... *p'iA p'iu' ... ... ,. 4, cPo • • • • • . po' • a a ... ... „ 2 .P'o sP'o ^'0 • • . p'o' * a a ... ... ., 4 • sap, ... 1 ... .. ... ... • . • ... sdp. ... if V 1 • • • • . ... • . . • • • sat, ... 1 ... .. ... ... • . a s6t 1 ^u .. *sau ... sau' ... i ... 3 .86 .. *86 ... B& ... ... 3 .Seng •• ... ... seng' • • • a a a ... 2 ... •• • . • ... • • • ... s6uk, ... 1 ,S6ung • • *s4iing ... s^ung' ... ... 3 ,Shd • • *shd ... • • • . . . ... 2 ^ ,Shai .. 'shai ... shai' shai^ ... 4 • ■ • • • ... *shdi 8h4,i' • ■ • ... 2 ... • • ... ■ . • • . • .. • sdk. 1 1 ,Sham ^sham 'sham ... sham sham^ ... 5 .Shdm > «• • • • • • I •L-* • ... 1 ,Shan jShan a • • *shan shau' shan' ... 5 .Shdn jShdn a . • ... shiin' .. . 3 ,Shang >•• ... • • « ... ... . . . 1 *8h^g ... • ■• ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... shap. shdpj 2 ... ... ... • a ■ ... shdp. ... 1 ... ... ... • •• ... shat, shat. shatj 2 1 ,Shau jShau 'shau ... shau' shau^ a a • 5 .Shdu . • • *shdu ... shdu' • . * a a a 3 .Sh6 ,sh6 'sh6 ^h6 8h6* sh6^ a • t 6 ,Sh6ng ... ... ... • •• ... a • • • a. 1 ... ... . . . ... • •« ... shduk. *•• 1 ,Sh6ung jShdng 'sh6ung ^sh^img • • • sh^img' a a a ... 5 .Shi jShi 'shi *shl shf shi^ * * * a a • 6 • . ■ . . • • • • ... «• f a a • shik. shikj 2 . . . jShIm 'shim • *. • • t a ■ ■ ... 2 .Shin jShin ... ^hin shin' shin^ • a • . .. 5 .Shing jShing 'shing ... shing' shing* • •* ... » 5 ••• ... ... ... a •« , , , ship, ... 1 ... ... ... ... . a ■ ... shitj 1 .Shid ... 'shiti ... shiH' shiti* a a« ... 4 .Sho 'sho ... sho' ... . . . 3 ... ... 'sh6 ... 8h6' . . a 2 ... .. ... ... shok, ... 1 ... ... 'shong ... ... a a a a a ■ ... 1 ,Shu jShii •sha ^shii Shu' shii' • aa ... 6 ,Shui jShtu i 'shui ... shui' shvii* ... 6 • . ... • •• shuk. shukj 2 ... jShiin 'shun ... • • • shun' • a a • •■ 3 jShiin «*• *shnn 4 • a * •• ••• 2 jShung • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• 1 • «« • •• • •• ■ •• • • • a * a shutj 1 •«• • •• ■ > • • a • • •• shut. ... 1 ... • •« • •• • • • ... ■ a* sik. ... 1 ^in « •* *»In • «• sin' Bin* lU .w » 4 ti^¥itODUCtlONi Table sheiimg (he Exact Number of Words in the Canton Dialed- —Continued. ,Sing • •• 'sing • • • sing^ ... \ >*• • • • Total ,3 ... • •• ... ... sip. >f 1 ... . . • ... • • • ... sit. 1 1 »» 1 .Siii • •• 'siA • . • siti* • * • • • • 1 »» 3 .So • •• • • • • • • • * a ■ ■ ■ ... j »> 2 .86 • •« 'sb .. •' s6 • . • ... 1 »» 3 ,Soi • *• ... • • . \ . .• ... ... *> 1 ... • . • . . . . • • • ■ • ... 80k, 1 1 >> 1 .Song • •• *8ong ... song' ■ • • • .« ■ •• » 3 ,86 • •• • ■ . ■ . • stl ... • • • • • • » 2 1 ,Sun ... 'sun • • • sun' ... . *• • • • » S .Siin jSiin 'sun ... siin' siin* ... • . • » 5 .Sung 'sung • • • sung' ... • •• ft 3 • • • . • • ... . • • . > • . .« sut. • a • >> 1 • . • • • • • ■ • . . . > . . sat. • •• » 1 .Sz . * • 'sz • • • 8Z' sz* ... ... » 4, • ■ • td • • ■ » • • • • • 9> 1 ,T''^' . . • ... • • a • . • ■ • . ft 1 ,Tai . • • 'tai « • • tfli' tai*" * • . « • • » 4 .T'ai i'ai 't'ai 't'ai t'ai' ■ ■ . • . • • a • » 5 ^{a li tdi ... tdi' tdi* ... ... »> 4 ... .> • • • • t'di t'di' . . . • ■ • • . a }f 2 ..• ... . . . tfl,lc. takj it 2 • • • • • * tarn ... tani* tnm* • •• » 3 • • . jt'am t'am t'am' ... • • • • a. )f 3 ,Tdm . ■ • tdm tdm tdrtt* t^m* • • • • ■• » 5 .T'dm .t'dm t'dtn t'j^,yrt • ■ ■ • • • a •• }) 4 ,Tan * 'tan ... • * • • •• • • • » 2 .T'an « • • ... ... fan' . . • • •• • a • l> 2 .Tdn • •• . • . ... tdn' tdn* ... • • • » 8 .T'dn ^t'An V 4 ... jt'ang ... ... ... ... » 1 ... • • • .-.. ... . . . ... tap. tap, >l 2 • • • ... ... ... ... t'ap. ... » 1 ... • • • • . . • . . ... ... tdp, tdp, >> 2 • ■ • • • • ... • • • ■ . • .. . t'dp. 11 1 • • • ... ... • • • • *•. ... tat^ » 1 ■ • « • • • ... ... td^ >• 1 • • • • . • • . • ... * • • ... fdt. 99 1 ;rau ■ ■• *tau • • • tau' tau* )} 4 ,T'au ,fAu t&u ... t'au' • • • • ■ • 19 4 T6 • • • U 2 < • • • • •» • « • • • • a a • » ,T6ung 1 1 • * * ... ..'. • • • • ■ • ... »» 1 ... • • • ... • •• 1 • . • ... t^nk. ... ' »» 1 ,Ti ... ... • . • • ■ • ti* ... » 2 • • • • f f ... ».v- .. : ... tik. tik," It 2 ... ■ • • ... • »•■ . . i ... t'ik. a . « » 1 • • • »t« Tim • • • tlm*- tim* 3 .T'im jt'lm • • ■ t'im • •• ... >> 3 .Tin • «• tin • • • • «« tin* • •• *• 3 .T'in ,fln t'in • • • ... ■ ... . • • 91 3 ,Tmg •»i tin^ ■ • t ting' ting* • •» • %• >» 4 f^.:-:-_;^r^ ■, INTRODUCTION. 2i Table sheioing the Exact Number of Words m the Ganton Dialect.— Continued^ ,T'ing .t'ing ^'ing ... a .a a ■ a Total, 3 ... ... ... ... ... t'ip," tip, » 1 » 1 ... ... , ... ... tit, fit. tit. „ 2 » 1 .Tiii • . . • • • tiu'' tiu' . . a ... » 3 ,T'iu ^t'i^ ^t'iti t'iu' .. a * a ... » 4 .To 'to"" • • • to' to^ ... ... „ 4 ,T'o /o" . . . ^'o t'o' a ■ a ... ... » 4 .T5 't5 t6' t6^ » 4 ^T'6 ^t'b" 't'6 ^t'6" t'6' ■ > a » 5 • • • • • • toi' » 1 .T'oi jt'oi ^'oi • • a ... ... ... tok^ » 3 » 1 ... ... ... • • a . .. t'ok^ ... » 1 . .. ^6m ■ . . . . a . » 1 .Tong .... *tong tong' tong' . . a a . a >, 4 .T'ong jt'ong 't'ong t'ong' * . ■ ... ... » 4 .Tsd . • * . * • ... » 1 .Tsai • ■ • *tsai ■ • • tsai' tsai^ » 4 ,Ts'ai jts'ai ... ^s'ai ts'ai' . • * » 4 " ■ ■ ... tsam tsam' ... tsak. ts'dk, » 1 » 1 » 2 ,Ts'am .ts'am %'am ... „ 3 .TsAm ^ ^s^m tsdm^ a a t » 3 ^Ts'dm jts'dm 'ts'dm . ■ • a . a ^ . • a « 3 ,Ts'aa ... tsdn ... tsdn' ... ... „ 1 » 2 ,Ts'dn jts'dn ■ > > ■ • a ts'<^,Ti' » 3 ,Tsang jts'dng ... ... tsang' tsang^ ... » 3 » 1 ... ... ... ... ... . . . tsap. a * ■ » 1 ... ... ..." ... ... ... ts'ap. a a a „ 1 ... .••• ... ... ... ... ts'at, ts'dt, tsdpj tsdt, ts'dt, » 1 » 1 » 1 » 2 ,Tsau ... *tsau tsau' tsau^ ... L » 4 ,Ts'au jts'au . . . ts'au' » 3 .T86 * * * ... i^€ \&& » 3 ::: jts'6 ... • ts'6' ... ts6iik, ts'^uk. ts^Tikj » 2 » 2 » 1 ^T86iuig • * . 'ts^ung ■ . . tsdung' ts^ung^ » 4 .Ts'dung jts'dung *ts'6ung : ■ • . ... tsik,' ts'ik, tsikj ., 3 » 2 » 1 ,TsiTn . * • • > ■ ... tsim^ ... » 2 .Ts'im jts'im • * « ... ts'im' ... » 3 .Tsin • • ■ ^tsfn ... tsin' tsln' » 4 ,Ts'in jts'ln ^ts'ln ... • • a a ... » 3 .Tsing ... tsing .-.. tsing* ... » 3 .Ts'ing jts'ing ts'ing ... . • • ... ... ■ a » » 3 ... ..." ..." ... • a a ■ . « tsip. a . . » 1 ... ■•• • . . ... ■ ■ a • 1 % ts'ip. . . a » 1 • •1 m •M •• • • • • • • tsui' • * ■ • ■ • • ■ • ts'ui' tsdi' • • • • • • • • ' .".'.' tsuk, tsuk. ... ... • ■ • ts'uk • • • ... tsim' tsun* • ... !!! tsiin' • • • 'ts'un ts'iin' ... ... ... ... tsung' tsung* ... ... ■ • • • • • tsut. • . • • • • ... • • • • • * tsut^ • • ■ ... tsz' ts'ut, ... ts'z ts'z'" • • • • • • ... • • • tui' • • • • • • . .. • • • tdi' tdi* • • > ... ... t'di' ... tuk, tuifj . .. • • ■ • • • t'uk. ■ * .. tllTl' tun* « • • • • • t'un • • • • • • • < • • • ( ... ti\Tl' tiin* ... « • • tung' . tung . ■ . . • • ... t'ung' ... • • • ... • « • • ■ • ... tatj ... • • • • • • fdt, ... ... d' d* • •• ••. *ii ii' ii* • • • • • • Sii ... di* ••• ... • • • • • • uk. • « • ... • *. • dn* • •• « •• *ftn iin' dn* • •• ••• k •• ung' • ■ • • • • ••• ■ • « • •• ■ • • • «• dt, ■ •• • •• \ • •• H dt, • •• • •« wd* ••• •»• • • • wai' wai* ... ••• • •f ... wai* ■ • • ... Total, 1 4 8 2 2 4 5 4 4 2 1 3 2 3 4 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 3 6 4 2 1 1 1 3 5 1 4 4 2 1 4 2 4 1 4 4 1 1 5 6 4 1 3 6 3 1 2 4 6 3 »» if » »> '»» >> It » » II 11 >> II II II >i II 11 II II II II *i II II II i> •I 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II II II II II II i> H INTRODUCTION. 23 Table shetoing the Exact Number of Words in the Canton Dialect.- — Contintied. ... ... ... • ■ • ... .. . • • • w&k^ Total, 1 ,Waii wan Van Van wan' wan* • .• ... » 6 .Wdn jWdn *wdn ... wdn* ... » 4 ■ •■ jwang ... ... ... ... ... ... » 1 ... jWdng ... ... ... • • ■ ... ... » 1 • • a ... . > . ... . .. ... wat. watj „ 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... wdt. wdtj » 2 ■ • • • • • • • • ... ... ... wik^ » 1 .Wing jWing ■ • • Ving ... wing^ ... ... » 4. . • • • • • ■ • • • • • ... ... wit. ... „ 1 .Wo jWO wo . . . ... wo* . . . » 4 ■ •• • . > . . * . . . ... wok. wokj » 2 jWong jwong ... Vong ... wong* ... ... „ 4> .Y6 • ■* ... 'y^ ... y^^ ... ... „ 3 • •• jyai ... ... ... yai* ... ... „ 2 ... ... ... ... yak. ... » 1 .Yarn ^yam •yam *yam yam' yam* ... ... » 6 ,Yan jan *yan >n yan' yan* ... ... » 6 • ■ . ■ • * . . . ... ... yap. yap, » 2 • •• • ■ . . > t ... ... ... yat, yat, » 2 ,Yau jau 'yau ^au yau' yau* ... ... » 6 ... J^ ... y ... y^^ y6uk. y6ukj » 3 » 2 ,Y6ung jy^ung 'y^ung ^y^ung • . • y^ung* ... ... » 5 ... .. • • •• ... ... ... yik. yikj » 2 .Ying jing Ving ... ying' ying* ... ... ., 5 .Yui ■ • • . . ■ ^yui yui' yui* ... » 4 ... ... ... ... yuk. yuk^ » 2 . . ■ • •. *yun ... ... yun* ... ... „ 2 .Yung jyiing Vung 'yung ... yung* ... ... » 5 /» r>-'Z":iA^'3>i ^ From this table it will be seen that there are only 1755 words in use. If we divide these by 700 or 729, we have only 2^ monosyllabic words for each sound or syllable. This number would answer all purposes of savages ; but not a nation as civilized as the Chinese. We must, therefore, be prepared to meet among the spoken language a large number of compounds forming dissyllabic and trisyllabic words. These are, so far as the uneducated are concerned, almost as unchangeable as the words in western tongues. Hence a person living among the people and learning the language from the women and unlettered, speaks the same with greater accuracy than those who acquire it from a teacher. For the first attempt at learning to read books brings a stranger into the labyrinth of characters of the same meaning and of their constant mutations and combinations. In opening a dictionary he will be quite bewildered when attempting to select the character he wants ; for he may rest assured that half the number he chooses are not understood by the illiterate. His difficul- ties increase as he advances in his study, unless he has a teacher about him to correct every mistake he makes. On the other hand, should he first learn the colloquial and then apply his material to books written and published without a comma or full stop, and in which ho finds different compounds and of a differ- ent signification, he then perceives, that he is as far from a knowledge of Chinese as when he commen- ced his hie hcec hoc of Latin. For he will read almost ev jry period as a person would the following English translation of a German rhyme, when printed without interpunction : — A person wrote upon the sand Five and twenty on hands and feet Ten fingers have I on each hand Let those who doubt with commas read. The 700 syllables or s )uud8 ia the Canton dialect are the result of the combination of tlie 23 initials with tliQ 53 fii*ls, ail givQa hx the foUowiag table. We have arrangqd them alphabetically. 24 INTRODUCTION. Table of Sounds in the ( anton Dialect. Alphabetically Arranged- 1 1 a 8 4 6 6 7 e , 9 10 u Finals Au Chi Ch'ut Fd Hoi Kin K'ing Kwai Kw'd Lam Md ] Ch6 6 ch6 ch'6 h6 k^ k'6 ... ... 16 m6 s ! Ch6uk • < • ch6nk ch'^uk • . ■ . • . k6nV k'6uk > * a ... Idiik . • « 3 Cheung • . ■ ch^ung ch'dung ^i h^rnig kdung k'dung ... ... I6ung ... 4 • . • • > lu a ■ a 6 Fdn dn chdn ch'j^,n fdn hdn kdn • ■ • kwdn . > • Idn mdn 7 Fdt dt chdt ch'dt fdt • • # ... • • . kwdt • . ■ Idt mdt 8 Fo cho ch'o fo ho ko • . • kwo ... lo mo 9 Ftii 6i • ■ • • ■ • fdi . > . kdi • < • . ■ • . >• Idi mdi 10 Hii > < ( ■ • • . . • ■ . * hd kd . * ■ ... » . • Id • • • 11 KA d chd ch'd fd hd kd • « ■ kwd kw'd Id md 12 K<5,i di chdi ch'di fdi hdi kdi k'di kwdi ... Idi mdi 13 Kam am cham ch'am • ■ • > * • kam k'am . . * lam ... 14 Kdm dm chdm ch'dm • • * hdm kdm * . . . . . ... 1dm ... 15 Kap ap chap ... . . . hap kap k'ap ... lap 16 Kdp dp chdp ch'dp hdp kdp ... • . • Idp ... 17 Kdu du ohdu ch'du • • • hdu kdu k'du .. • . .. Idu mdu 18 Kek ■ • • chek • • • • • • ■ . . • ■ • k'ek . .• • . • lek mek 19 Keng . . * cheng . . i heng keng ... ... ... leng meng 10 Ki i Chi ch'i fi hi ki k'i • • • . * . li ml 21 TTfm im chim ch'im * > • him kirn k'im • . • . .. lim a a a 2,2 Kok ok chok • . . fok hok kok k'ok kwok ... lok mok 23 K6m 5m ... > > • • • • hbm kbm . . • ... • • . ... • . a 24 Kon on • * • ■ . • . . • hon kon ... ... . .« 25 Kong ong ohong ch'ong fong hong kong k'ong kwong kw'ong long mong 26 K6p > . • ... hbp k5p ... ... ... ... ... 27 Kot * . . • • • ... . . ■ liot kot ... ... • .. ... ... 28 Kii li ■ • ■ . • • fd ... kd ... >.« ... ... . . . 29 Klin An • •• fdn ... kdn ... • . • • • • • •■ mdn 30 Kdt lit • • < . . . fdt ... kdt ... . • • ■ • • • •• mdt 31 Lip ip chip ... • •• hip kip ... . ■ . . * . Up ... 32 L6 6 • • • • . . • . ■ h5 k6 ... • . ( . . • 16 m6 33 Ngdng dng chdng ch'dng hdng kdng kvrdng kw'dng Idng mdng 34 Ngdk dk chdk ch'dk fdk Uk kdk . . . kwdk ... Idk mdk 35 Pan ... chan ch'an fan han kan k'an kwan kw'an Ian man 36 Pat at cha,t ■ > > fat hat kat k'at kwat ... lat mat 37 Sau au chau ch'au fau hau kau k'au • . • ■ . • lau mau 38 Sin in chin ch'in • * • hin kin k'in ... * • . lin m(n . 39 Sit it chit ch'it fit hit kit k'it kwit ■ * ■ Ut mit 40 Sui ... chui ch'ui • . • . •• • • • ■ . ■ * . « ... lui . • a 41 Siin tin chtin ch'iin • • • hiin kiin k'iin * • • . ■ a liin . • . 42 Siit tit chvit • • * ■ ■ . hdt kut « ■ * > . * 1 Kit ... 43 Sz • . > • . ■ . • . . .. . • • ... * . « . .« 44 Tak ak chak ch'ak * * • hak kak . . • . . . kk mak 45 Tang ang chang ... . • • hang kang k'ang kwang j ... 1 lang mang 46 Tsoi oi • • • ■ • • hoi koi k'oi :.. 1 loi . < ■ 47 Tsun a •• chun ch'un • . • • • • . .. ... . . . ' " \ lun ... 48 Tsut • •• chut ch'ut • . • • •• • . • ... ... 1 ... 1 lut ... 49 Tuk uk ch\ik ch'uk fuk huV kuk k'uk . . ■ 1 luk muk 50 Tung ung chung ch'ung fung hung kung k'ung 1 lung mung 51 Wai ai chad • • • fai hai kai k'ai I kwai kw'ai lai mai 62 Yik • •• chik ch'ik fik * • ■ kik k'ik kwik ... lik mik 63 Ying • *• ching ch'ing { ting hing king k'ing kwing ... ling ming Ng 1 m ft«« ••• •«• ... 1 ... ... ... ... INTRODUCTION. 25 Table < of Sounds in the Canton Dialects. — A Iphabetically r Arranged. — Continued. 13 13 u 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Nam Nga Pa Fo Sam Shing Ta T'oi Tsing Ts'ai Wd Ting ne ... p6 ... s6 sh6 t6 tse ts'6 y^ . . . s6uk sh^uk t^uk . . • ts^uk ts'^iik • . > yeuk ndung s^ung sh^ung t^ung ts6ung ts'^ung • . . y6ung niu • . • piti p'iu siu shiii tiii fill tsiii ts'iu ■ . . • ■ • nil • . > • • • sii shii • < > • • < tsil ts'ii ... ... ndn ngdn pdn p'dn sdn shdn tdn t'dn tsan ts'dn wdn • • • ndt ngat pat t • • sdt shdt tdt t'dt ■ . . wdt ... no ngo po P'o so sho to t'o tso ts'o wo ■ > • ... ptii p'ui sd tdi tii t'lii tsui ts'ui ... ... ... nA ngd p^" p'd sd shd tk t'd tsd • * • wd ya" ndi ngai pai p'di sdi shdi tdi t'ai • ■ • wdi nam ngam • > • > . * sam sham tarn t'am tsam ts'am yam ndm ngdm . > • ■ . * sdm shdm i&m t'dm tsdm ts'dm ydm nap ngap * . • sap shap tap tsap ts'ap yap ndp ngap ■ * • sdp shdp tdp t'dp tsdp *. . ndu ngdu pAu p'du shAu . . • ■ . . ■ . . . . t pek sek shek t'ek tsek ts'ek neng peng p'eng seng sheng teng t'eng tseng ts'eng ni ngi pi P'i shi ti nlm * • • shim tim t'im tsim ts'im • • ■ nok ngok ngon pok p6m p'ok sok shok tok t6m t'ok tsok ts'ok wok nong ngong pong p'ong song shong tong t'ong tsong ts'ong wong ... pop ... ... ... . . . • ■ ■ • • • ... ... ptin p'lin sd ... ... ... • ■ ■ • • • . ... ... ... piit p'ut ... ... ... ... nip ... ... sip ship tip t'ip tsip ts'ip ... ... nb ng6 p6 p'6 s5 sh6 t5 t'6 ts6 ts'6 . • . ... ngdng pdng p'dng . . . shdng . . . . .. wdng ... ngdk pdk p'dk . . . shdk ... ts'dk w^k ydk nan ngan pan p'an san shan tan fan ts'an wan yan nat ngat pat p'at sat shat tat tsat ts'at wat yat nau ngau pan p'au sau shau tau fau tsau ts'au • > . yau nin pin p'in sin shin tin fin tsin ts'in • . . nit ngit' pit p'lt sit shit tit fit tsit ts'it wit . . . nui ■ • • • • * • ■ * • • • shui tui ... tsui ts'ui . . . yui nun ... ... ... siin shiin tiin fiin tsiin ts'un ... . • . • • < ... Slit shut tiit fiit tsiit ts'ut ... • • • ... ... ... sz ... • • • • •• tsz ts'z ... . • ■ nak ngak pak sak • ■ • tak tsak ... .. . nang pang p'ang sang shang tang fang tsang ts'ang wang noi ngoi • • f soi • < • toi foi tsoi ts'oi ... ... • . • ... sun sut shun shut tun fun 1 tsun tsut ts'un ... yun niik . . * puk • . • suk shuk tuk fuk 1 tsuk ts'uk . . . yuk nung pung p'ung sung shung tung fung tsung ts'ung yung nai ngai pai p'ai sai shai tai fai tsai ts'ai wai yai nik ■ > « pik p'ik sik shik tik fik tsik ts'ik wik yik ning ... ping p'ing sing shing ting fing tsing ts'ing wing yi»g ... ... ... ... • • • • • • • • t ... 1 ... ... • •« 26. INTEODTJCTION. Info nation. The tones of the Canton or Punti dialect are called 1- ^ ^ .P'ing .shing, 2- J:. M sli6ung ,shing. The Upi'EE Tones T are marked 3- -i- ^ liii' .shing, and 4- A ^ T'^Vi .shing- The Lower Tones .i:± ±A sh^ung^ jP'iiig tShing sh6ung^ sh6ung^ <8hing sh6ung^ hu ,shing sh^ung^ yap^ ,8hing. arc marked ■j; 2p ^ ha^ j)'mg ^hing "F _h ^ Ld^ shdung^ .shing 4. 1^ A ^ li^^ yaPi <8hing. The .p'ing ,8hing is uttered with a peremptory voice, e.g. Go ! The ^shdung ,shing or rising tone is uttered with an intcrogative modulation of the voice, e.g. Is it nice ? Is the weather fine ? The hii' ,shing is the optative or wish form, e.g. Do love me ? The yap^ ,shing terminates in the Punti and Hakka dialects always in p, t or k ; bencc it is easily distinguished. The High Tones. ,Chin, 'chin, chin', chit, ^ ^ "i?! tif blanket ; to unroll ; to fight ; to break. ,Kam, 'kdm, kum', kap, /l^t ^ ^ l^jJ ^ ^^ 5 ^^ contract ; a mirror ; armor. The Lowee Tones. jLin, Hin, lin\ lit^ )S ^ ^ ^ij to connect ; to remove ; to select ; to arrange. jWan, Van, wanS wdt^ "2^ yt jM i?^ ^x) say ; to gi-ant ; to revolve ; slippery. The 2p gji sP'ing ,shing is called the even tone, and the three others jj^ fleeted tones. chakj ,shing or de- These tones should be carefully learnt ; for if in any dialect they are of great importance, they are certainly so in Punti. Former scholars, and particularly Dr. Morrison, have not only themselves neg- lected this duty, but have also induced others to pay no attention to the same ; hence their failure in speaking the Chinese language intelligibly. How the tones frequently change the meaning of words, may be seen from the following examples. ( ,TJ an interrogative particle ; ^^C to hate; ^ ( jWai to do, to be ; ^ \ Wai^ on account of. »{; H6 good. H6' to love. ( Ok, bad, wicked. The Aspirates. The aspirates are of as much importance in conveying our ideas intelligibly as the tones, and we cannot sufficiently impress the students of the Chinese language with the necessity of paying strict at- tention to them. Examples. ,Tdm ;|:B to carry /r'dm ^ to covet T'dp, ^ a pagoda T'6' fj to vomit P'ik, J^ a prince ,Ch'di ^ a commissioner Tdpj ^ to answer T6' iglj to arrive at Pik, 3[g to oppress ,Chdi 7^ to abstain from In the preceding examples the sound and quantity of the voavcIs are the same, the tones are also identical, the distinction of meaning being conveyed by the aspirates. The Vowel Son ads. The followin<^ examples differ in the sound of the vowels, by which the dilferenco of meaning is conveyed to the car. Examples. 1. Narrow or Common Sound. Ai' j^ to strangle Ak, :g to grasp 'Am ^ to cover with the hand Kau' i^ to save to rescue 2. JJroad Sound. -^^' 1^ ^ P'^8, a defile Ak, ^ a bracelet 'Am ^ an unopened flower Kdu' ^^ to teach INTEODTJCTION. 27 3. Difference in the quantity of Vowels. Examples. Short Sound. ^Sam {(^ the heart ^Kam ^ gold metal Long Sound. jSdm ^ three jKdm ^ to inspect The Vowels. 1. 2. 3. 4. a — as in quota; k — as in father; e — as in men, dead; k — at in they, neigh'; should be a 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 — as in pin; 1 — as ine in machine, feel; — as in long, lord, law; 6 — as in so, hoe; u — as in bull; u — as in school, rule; 11. U — as in German, or L'une in French; 12. ft — as 6 in German, or turn; 13. ai — as in while, high, fly; 14. ai — as in aisle, aye; 16. au — as in German, and broader than round in English. 16. &u — broader than howl in English ; 17. 6u — as in Capernaum ; 18. iu — as if written eeu, different from pew, chew; 19. oi — as in boy, toil ; 20. ui — as in Louis; Proper attention paid to these distinctions at the commencement of study, will enable the student to avoid many errors so frequently fallen into by persons unwilling to follow tlie advice of experienced scholars. ORTHOGRAPHY. The orthography of this Dictionary is, with few variations, that adopted by Dr. WUliams in his Tonic Dictionary and represented in the following table. System of Orthography for the Funti or Canton Dialect. 21. ui — as in woing, chewing; 22. as — zz in the first syllable of dizzy; 23. 'm — less aspirated than the Inteijection hm ; 24. 'ng — like the French nasal in encore; The Consonants. ch — as in church ; f — as in fife ; h — as in have; . , k — as in king: kw — as in quaUty ; 1 — as in lame ; m — as in maim; 11 — as in nun ; ng — as in sing ; p — as in pap ; s — as in sea; sh — as in shut, chaise ; t — as in title ; ts — as in ratsbane, wits; w — as in wing or the German West ; y — as in yard ; It will at once be seen that many diacritical marks can be dispensed with. The accent over 6 in sh^ung, h^ung, over ti in kiii, hiu, and the apostrophe before 'ng, 'm, or after sz' can only serve a foreigner for a short time ; for a native they are utterly useless, and should not be used in Romanized Chinese. In the present Dictionary the (') before m and after sz has been dropped. The population of this province speaking the Hakka dialect is estimated at from 3 — 4 millions in- dividuals. They are a more hardy race than the Pimti and none of their women have small feet. Whenever they occupy a district in common with the Punti and in equal number, their villages bear a great contrast to those of the former, being in every respect inferior and the children less educated. They appear to have been for many centuries in undisturbed possession of the north-eastern part of this province, and are noted for their roving propensity and turbulent character. They have from time to time spread over other parts of this province, where they are almost always living in open hostility with the Punti. But not all those who have left their native place and moved to other parts of this province, belong to the Hakka population. The many thousands who last year fled from Sinning, were Hoklo and not Hakka, and spoke, besides the latter dialect, still their own, though more than five generations had passed by since their migration. The constant hostility in which they lived with their neighbours had induced or rather compelled them to abandon the practice of binding the feet of their children and of allying themselves with the Hakka, though the customs of the Hoklo population differ more from them than those of the Punti. Th« Hakka dialect has 6 tones, only the fii-st and the fourth having the lower tone * . According to the modulation of the voice the ^ ^ of the Hakka resembles the J;: ^ ^ of the Punti ; the Jt ^ of the Hakka resembles the "J\ ^ ^ of the Punti ; the ^ ^ of the Hakka resembles the -i- ^ of the Punti. I here give the syllabary of the Hakka dialect as compiled by the Rev. R. Lechler, who has kindly placed the same at my disposal. Note. The Eomanized Hakka is successfully taught in the I printed according to Dr. Lepsius' new system of orthography, ■chools of the Basel Ev. Mission, and several books are 1 * See page 4 under Accent. 28 INTRODUCTION. TABLE OF SOliXDS !> THE llAkkA DIALECT. Initials. 1 a 2 f 3 h 4 k 5 kh 6 kw 7 kwh 8 I 9 m 10 ny 11 n Finals. 1 a a, /«/ ha, ka. kha, kwa, kwha. la, ma. nya. im, '^ Va kya khya . . . • . . mya 3 e e \ > ■ • A'" he' ke' khe' kwe • • ■ le" me nye' » . > 4 i i fi hi' ki' khi, ... ... l\ mi' iii> fj . . * fo' ho, ko. khOi . . . . . . lo, mo, nyo ivo, 6 yo lax' mai" itai. JO an au^ ... hau'» kau. khau' . . . ... lau' mau. nyau' nau' il yau . . * hyau kyau. khyau, ... • • . lyau' myau. ... V2 en €71 . . • feti' heiC" keu' khen' . . . leu, men, nyeu, J3 oi oil • • • foi, hoi. koi. khoi' ... • * . loi, mot. nyoC iioi. J4 ui tti ■ • • fui, ... . ■ > • ■ ■ kwni' kwhui" lui. mui, iiui. 15 am • > • fani" ham, kam. kham. lam. . . . nyavi' nam. 16 yam ... ... t hyam, kyam. khyam, . .. ... lyam. . . . 17 em hem kem khem ■ . • lem, . . . . . . ... 18 im • > • ... him kirn, khim. ... Urn, ... nyim' ... 19 vm, up, . * ■ . > i . . > . . . ... ... 20 an an . < * fan. han. kan. khan' kwan. Ian, man, , , nan' 21 en . . . fen, hen, ken' khen, kwen, len' men' nyen' ■ • • 22 in • ■ • /'«/ hin. kin, khin, ... liui min, nyin. . • . 23 on ... foil Hon, kon. khon' . . . ... Ion' ... nijon, ■ • . 24 yon • • • *• • . . * • • . * . * ... ... ... 25 im • . * fun, . . . kwun' krvhuTi^ lun. mun. nyun' 26 yun ■ , 4 ... hyun> kyun. khyun' ... ... • . * . * • 27 ail • . ■ ... hah, kail. ■ • . kwafii kwhahf laii, man, nyan, itaii^ 28 xjaii • > 1 ... • • ■ kyan. khyan, ... lyan. ... ... 29 on • > > foil, hoii, kofi, khoii' ... Ion, moil. nyofi, noA 30 yon ... hyofi, kyoii, khyoh. ... lyofi. my oil. «/ i • * • 31 nil n^ ... fuii, kun, khun. ... lun. mun. nyuA, 32 yun * . . hyuii. kyiifi. khyuii. lyufi, ... %f * • • • 33 op • . • M\ hap. kap^ khap^ ... lup. . . . . . . 34 yap ... \' ' ' hyap^ hjap^ khyap. ■ > > lyap. "y«Pv ... 35 tp ! kep ... • . * . . * 1 '("P 36 ip ... hip^ kip^ khip, . i • lip, nyip. 37 at ■ ■ . fck hat^ . . . khat kwat.^ ... lat. mat,^ 38 et • . . fet. het^ ket^ khet. kwet. . . • let. met. nyet. 39 it . . . fi^ hit^ kit^ khit. ... lit. mit. 40 at . > > hot. kot^ \ ... lot, 41 ut M . . . . . . khvt,^ kwut^ lut. mut. ... iiut. 42 ak ... fak /m/^ kak^ khak kwak lak. mak. nyak. ■ ■ . 43 yak • •• . . . hyak kyak khyak. • . . ... lyak . . . ... 44 ok ... • . * hok. knk^ khok, khyok\ • • • ... lok lyok. mok. nyok. iiok. 45 yok • • • » . i . . * kyok ■ • . ... . • . • . * 46 nk M\ . . . ... ... kwuk.^ k^huk^ Ink h/uk. muk^ nyuk. . • • 47 yvk ! ... hyvk^ ... khyid\ ... • >. . . . ... • •• Sounds : 1 ... > * • haiij^ • • . then. tsu' Soii ti' tH, • • • ha. yOi ... •"?/ tmiij * • ■ y', set^^ let. min, //.; kyu' iNTUODUCTION. ^§ Table of Sownds in the Sakha Dialect. — Continued. n 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 p pi I s V s t th ts tsh ts tSh w y pa, pha, sa. Sa, ta' tha. tsa'' tsha, tSa, tsha. wa' yd" pi/a , . * sya, • ■ ( tya tsya' tshya' ...- pe ■ • ■ se' h^ ... tshe. tse' tshe' we ye ■pi, phi, si' si,- ti,'" thi'" tsi' tshi. tsi. tShi, wi yi po. pho, so, syoi' ... to. tho, thyo' tso' tsyo tsho. ... tSho, wo. yo pu' phu^ syti" su. tu, tyu. thiC tsz' tsyu' tshyu' tsu'' tshu. wu. 2/W/ pai'' phai. sai'' • ■ • tai" thai'' tsai. tshai' • • ■ wai pau, phau, sau'^ Sau' tail. than, tsau, tshau' tSau, tshau • • • yau, pyau, phyau, syau, • . • tyau, thyau. . > * tshyau'' ■ . • \f 1 > < • pheu' seu. ... teu' then. tseu' tsheu' . . • poi" phoi. soi. soi'' toi. thoi. tsot' tshoi. tSo? tshoi. woif pui^ phut. sui. sui. tui' thui, tsui'' tshui. tsui. tShui, wut" yui, sam. sam. tanfi' tham. tsam. tsham, tsam. ... ■ . . yam. ... syam. tyam' thy am. tsyam. tshyam, ... ■ • ■ . .. •/ A ... sem. . . . tern ■ • ■ tsem. ... • ■ • ... ... sim. sim' ... ... tsim'' tshini' tsim. tshim, ... yim' pan. phan, san, ' ' ' tan. than. tsan' tshan' r , . ■ * • wan, ... pen, pin. phen, phin. sen, sin Sen} sin. ten, tin' then, thin. tsen' tsin} tshen, tshin. tsen, tsin. tShen, tshin. wen win yen, yin, ... son. son. ton, thon. tson'' tshon. tson, tShon, won. V 1 ... syon' • . • • • ■ tshyon, ■ • • pun'' phun. sun. Sun^ tun. thun, tsun. tshun. tsun' tshun. wun, yun' pan. phah, san. san, tail. than. tsan. tshan, tsan' tShah, wan. yan. pyan' phyaii' syan. ... thyan, tsyah' tshyari. . . • y pofi. phoii. soil' son' ton, thoh. tson. tshon. tson. tShoh, won. yon. pyon syoh. tyon, tsyon. tshyon. ... , . • pun' phun. sun, syuii' ... tun. thun. tsun, tsyun' tshun, tshyun. tSun, tshun. WUii, yun. ... ... sap,_ sap. tap. thap. tsap tshap. tsap. y(^Px ... syap tyap. thyap, tsyap. tsh yap. ... • > ■ sep, sip. sij). tep. ... tship. tSip, ... ... yip^ pat, phat. sat,_ tat. that. tsat tshat. , , , wat. pet^ phet. set. set, tet. thet. tset. tshet. tset. tshet. wet. yet. pit. phit. sit. Sit' tit. thit. tsit. tshit. tsit. tshit. * . * yit. pot phot sot. sot, tot. thot. tsot. tshot. tsot. tshot. . . • • ■ ■ put. phut. sut. Sut, tut. thuf. tsut. ..." tshut. wut. yut. pak\ phak. sak. Sak, tak. thak. tsak. tshak. tsak. tshak. wak. yak. pyak, t phyak syak. syak. tyak thyak. tsyak. tshyak. . . . . . . pok\^ 1 phok, phyok. sok, syok. sok. tok, tyok. th'ok. tsok, tsyok tshok. tsok. tShok, wok. yok. puh\ phuk. suk. stik. tuk. thiik. tsuk. tshuk. tsuk. tshuk. wuk. yuk. f"p^ ... syuk. ... ... ... tsyuk. ... ... ... ... ... tsu' ^- ■ ■ • * • • • • 66 INTUODTJCTION. The Fukien, lloklo and Auio} Dialects. All these dialects are closely allied and noted for the large number of their nasal sounds, or rather a tendency to pronounce the finals N and Ng like the French in chien, go6tien &c. These terminations are in most instances dropped, and the nasal sound is nothing but an open vowel sound uttered with more or less aspiration through the nose. Instead of marking this nasal sound by a small raised n, as has been done by Dr. Medhurst and others, any diacritical marlc above or beneath the vowel would suffice to indicate its pronunciation. Another characteristical difference of these dialects is the substituting of a B for the M of almost all other dialects in China, as also a frequent changing of the Ch into a T, as ^ Punti ch'6, Hakka ts'A, Mandarin ch'd, Fukien t6, or Thee in German. The Fukien and sister dialects belong to the same stock as the other dialects of China. The grammatical construction is the same as in the Mandarin, Punti and Hakka. But wealth and an early intercourse with foreign nations have had considerable influence on the refinement of the collo- quial, as well as on the manners and habits of the people. In cleanliness they excel most of their neighbours, and in their social intercoiirse more polite terms are heard than even among the Punti. These characteristic features being the natural consequence of their intercourse with foreign nations, I am inclined to ascribe the remarkable difference of these dialects from the rest of China to the same source. Any person anxious to learn more respecting the people of Fukien and their dialects, will do well to consult Dr. Medhurt's Dictionary of the Hokien Dialect, and Goddard's Chinese and English Vocabulary of the Tie Chiu Dialect. The Mandarin or Court IMaleet. The Mandarin or Court Dialect has derived its designation from the Chinese term ^ "^ kwan hwd, i.e. official language, because a sentence passed by a Mandarin being only considered vaUd when pro- nounced in that dialect. In the north and particularly among officials, it is called JE ^, i.e. the con-cct sound, and signifying the proper language of the country, it being spoken by at least three fourths of the population. The Mandarin Dialect is divided into the j{^ ^ Peh hwd, northern language, and the ^ fjf , south- em language or dialect. As the dialect spoken at Canton is considered the standard of Punti, so are the dialects spoken at Peking and Nanking respectively regarded as the standards of authority of the Mandarin. The further wc proceed to the north, the more does the Chinese language assume the form of the Japanese and American Indian syllabic system. No consonant terminates a syllable but the N and the nasal Ng. The tones are reduced to four, the smallest number in any dialect of China ; hence for in- telligibleness the spoken language is chiefly dependent on the combination of synonyms. The large number of guttural or fricative sounds and the many diphthongs, which are constantly heard, deprive the Mandarin dialect much of its euphony. If to these defects is added the tendency of the northern people to change the k into a sound similar to tsj (Gei-man pronimciation), little is left that falls gracefully on the ear, or n^moves the aversion of foreigners to acquire this difficult tongue. The following table exhibiting the syllalmry of the Mandarin Dialect, is comiiostxl accoitling to Dr. Williams' orthography as adopted in his Tonic Dictionary. It contains 469 syllables, whilst Dr. Morrison has only 411 and Mr. Wade 397. In order to assist the student in comprehending tlie phonetic differences, I give hert^ first the syllabary of Dr. Williams, and then Mr. Wade's with the corresponding orthography of Williams and Morrison. INTRODUCTION. 31 Syllabary of the Mandarin Bialcet according to Dr. Williams' System of Orthography. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Initials. d ch ch' chw chw' f S h hw J k k' kw Finals. Id d chd ch'd • ■ • • • • • ■ • hwd • . , ■ • • ■ • ■ kwd 2dh ■ • ■ chdh ch'ah fdh ■ • • 1 ■ > • hwdh . . • . • • . . • kwdh 3di ... chdi ch'di ... ... ( ... hwdi ... ... kwdi 4 an ... ... fan gan han hwan ... ... kwan 5 an ... chan ch'dn fdn hwdn kan k'dn kwdn 6ang ■ • • . . . hang ... kang k'ang kwang 7dng chdng ch'dng chwang chw 'ang fdng hwdng kdng k'dng kwdng 8au ... chau ch'au fau hau jau kau k'au 9au > • ■ chau ch'du hdu jdu kdu k'du . .. 10 6 • > < ch6 ch'6 * . . . . • . • ■ 11 6ang ... ... 12 eh • • ■ cheh ch'eh jeh keh k'eh 13 ei ... ... fei . > * • • • ■ • ■ kwei 14 en • ■ ■ chen jen . . • . * • 151 i chi ch'l fi hi ' kl k'l . . . 16 id ... • • • ... « < • hid ■ . * kid k'id • . - I7idh ... ... ... • • • hidh * * ■ > . . . * . . . ■ 18 idng ■ ■ • . • * . . ■ . • ■ hidng kidng . .. 19idu ... ■ > « • ■ • ■ • « hidu kidu k'idu 2016 ... ■ • • ■ ■ 1 • • • . • ■ . . ■ . • ■ . . . 21ieh ... ... • • • . > ■ hieh . . > * 22ien • ■ • • • > hien kien k'ien 23 ih chih ch'ih hih jih kih k'ih 24 m ... chin ch'in Jin kin k'in . .. 25ing ching ch'ing hing king k'ing 26ioh ... ... ... ... hioh . . > kioh k'ioh . . . 27 iueh ... ... ... ... hiueh kiueh . . ■ 28 iuen ... • > * hiuen kiuen k'iuen 29iuh • • * ... ■ > ■ hiuh ... . . * k'iuh 30iun ... • • ■ ... hiun . ■ ■ . . ■ . . ■ . . > 31 iung • • ■ • . « . . . hiung k'iung ... 32 ... • • . ho ko k'o kwo 33 oh choh ch'oh foh hoh hwoh joh koh k'oh kwoh 34 rh • * * > > ■ . . • 35 8z ... ... ... * . • . . * 36 li ... chd ch'ii fu hii ju kti k'd 37 ii ... • * • • • • . . * hii jii kii k'u 38ueh ... chueh ch'ueh 39uen ... chuen ch'uen . . . 40 uh ... chuh ch'uh fuh juh kuh 41 ui • • • chui ch'ui jui ... 42iii ■ ■ • . . • • * * • ■ • ... 43 un • . • chun ch'un jun ... 44ung ung chung ch'ung fung hung Jung kung k'ung 32 INTRODUCTION. Syllabary of the Mandarin Dialect according to Dr. Williama' System of Orthography.— Continued. Initials. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 kw' 1 Iw m mw n i^g nw P P' pw pw' rh 8 Finals. Id kw'd Id md nd pd p'd . > . ... ■ • ■ 2dh Idh . •• ndh ... pdh 1 ' ' ' 1 sdh 3di Idi mdi ndi pdi p'di ... ... • > • 4 an kw'an ... ... pan ... ... ... ■ - • 6dn Idn Iwdn mdn mwdn ndn ngdn nwdn pdn p'dn pwdn pw'dn ... sdn 6 ang lang mang nang ngang pang p'ang ... sang 7dng Idng mdng ndng ... pdng p'dng ... ... 8 au lau mau ... ngau pau p'au . . . ... sau 9du Idu mdu ndu * * * pdu p'du . . . ... sdu 10 6 ■ • ■ ... . ■ • ... . . . ... 11 6ang ... n^ang ... ... ... . . ■ ... 12 eh leh meh ngeh peh ... ... ... seh 13 ei kw'ei mei ... • • . . . . pei p'ei ... ... • . ■ 14 en ... • ■ • . . . . . . • * • . . . ... ... ... 16 i 11 ml nl . . . pi P'i ... si 16 id • • • • • I * > > ... ... ... I7idh . . • ... * . * ... ... ... • • . 18 idng lidng . . . ... ... ... ... ... siang 19idu lidu . . . midu nidu > .* pidu p'idu ... .. . sidu 20 i6 • • • • • * . • > ... ... ... . .. ... si^ 21ieh • ■ • mieh nieh . ■ * pieh p'ieh ... ... 22ien lien ... mien nien • . . pien p'ien . .• ... sien 23 ih Uh mih nih . . • pih p'ih ... ... sih 24 in lin ... ... • ■ • pin p'in ... . . . sin 25 ing ling ming ning ... ping p'ing ... ... sing 26ioh lioh . * . ■ • • • . * ... ... ... sioh 27 iueh liueh • . . . • . ... . . . ... • • • 28 iuen liuen ... . ■ . siuen 29iuh Uuh ... ■ * * ... ... ... ... ... 30iun ... ... ... ... ... ... siun 31 iung ... ... . . . k * " ... ... ... 32 mo no ngo po p'o . . . . . . so 33 oh loh moh . . . noh ngoh poh p'oh . . ■ soh 34 rh ... ... ... ... rh ... 35 sz • • • . . ■ ■ . • . . . . ■ • ... sz 36 li Id md nd pd p'd ... ... ' sd 37 ii m nd ... ... ... 1 1 8d 38ueh • > 1 * .• ••• ... ... • •• 39uen • • • ... . .. . . . ... ... , , , • • . . • • ... 40 uh luh _ muh nuh puh ... • * . 8Uh 41 ui lui nui ... ... . . . ... sui 42 id • •. ... ... ... ... » . . • • • • • • 43 \m lun mun nun pun ... . . . • . • sun 44 ung lung • a • mung nung pung p'ung ... ..• ... sung INTRODUCTION. 33 Syllabary of the Mandarin Dialect < xccordiny to Dr. Williams' System of OrtJiography- — Continued. Initials. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 \ 38 39 40 sh shw sw t t' ts ts' tsw tsw' tw: tw' w y Finals. ! 1 ' Id shd • • ■ . . . td t'd ... ... ... 1 ... ... wd ... 2dh shah shwdh ■ • * tdh t'dh tsdh 1 ... ... ydh Sdi shdi shwdi tdi t'di ! ... ... ... wdi ydi 4 an * . , ... ... . • • ... ... wan ■ . ■ 6 An shan swAn tdn t'dn tsan ts'dn tswdn tsw' an twdn tw'dn wdn ... 6ang . . . ... tang t'ang tsang ts'ang ... ... ... ... 7dng ... shwdng ... tdng t'dngj tsang ; ts'dug ... ... wdng yang 8 au shau tau t'au tsau ts'au ... ... • . . . . . 9 4u shdu . . . tdu t'du tsdu ts'du ... ... ... ydu 10 6 . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... y6 11 6ang ... . • . . . . ... ... ... ... ... 12 eh sheh ... . . * teh . . . tseh ts'eh ... ... ... ... 13 ei > . < ... ... ... ... i , , , • . • ... wci . . • 14 en shen ... . . . . .. • • • ■ ■ . ... ... . . . yen 15 i shi ■ . . tl t'i • • . • ■ * ... ... . .• 16 id , , , . • * ... * . * i ... 1 ... 1 ... ... 17idh • • • • . . ... . . . 1 ... ... 18 idng ... . . * tsidng j ts'idng ... ... ... 19idu • • • tidu t'idu tsidu 1 ts'idu ... ... ... • . ■ 20 16 i shi6 ... tsi6 ts'i6 ... ... ... 21ieh 1 * > • . . . ... tsieh i ts'ieh ... ... 22ien • • ■ ... ... tien t'ien tsien ! ts'ien ... ... ... 23 ih shih tih t'ih tsih ts'ih ... ... yih 24 in shin . •• . . . ts'in ... ... yin 25 ing shing * * • ting t'ing tsing ts'ing ... ... ... yiiig 26ioh ! ... . • . ... tsioh ts'ioh ... ... ... ... 27 iueh • • • ... ... ... tsiueh ... ... ... ... 28 iuen • • • . • ■ ... ... ... tsiuen ts'iuen ... ... ... ... 29iuh ■ • • ... . . . ... ... . • • ... ... ... ... 30iun • ■ • ... . .. ... tsiun ..'. ... ... ... 31 iung • . • ... ... ••• i ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 • * • ... to t'o tso ts'o ... ... wo ... 33 oh shoh shwoh toh t'oh tsoh ts'oh ... ... ... yoh 34 rh ■ •« ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 sz ... * • ■ ... . . . ... tsz ts'z ... . .. ... ... ... 36 u shu . . * ... td t'ti tsu \ ts'u . . . ... wu yu 37 ii ... • . ■ tsii ts'ii . .. ... ... ... 38ueh ... . . * ■ . . , ,. , . , ... ... ... 39uen ... . . . ... i ^,^ 1 ,,, . . . ... yuen 40 uh shuh • . * tnh t'uh tsuh ts'uh . . . wuh yuh 41 ui shwui ... tsui ' ts'ui ... ... ... 42ui • ■ • ... tiii t'ui tsiii ts'ui ... ... ... 43 un shun tun t'un tsun ts'un . . . ... ... ... 44 ung ! shung . • . tung t'ung tsung ts'ung ... ... ... yung 34 INTRODUCTION, The Svllaban of Mr, Wades* with the forrespoiuliiij; orthojsraph) adopted hy hr. >Villiamst and hr. Morrison t. * 1 A. t A. T 0. m 52 Chiian. Kiuen. Keuen. m 88 Hao. Hdu. Haou. 1 2 Ai. « An. Ydi. Ngdn. Yae. An. ^ ^ 53 Ch'iian. 54 Chiieh. K'iuen. Kiueh Keuen. Kcuo. m -?::. } Heh. Hih. ^ 4 Ang. Ngdng. Gang. ^ 55 Ch'iieh. Kiueh. Keue. m 90 H6n. Han. Han. m 5 Ao. Ngdu. Aoa. f 56 Chiin. Kiun. Keun. m 91 H6ng. Hang. Hang. 1^ 6 Cha. Chdh. Cha. +L 57 Ch'iin. K'iun. Keun. s 92 Ho. Ho. Ho. 1^ 7 Ch'a. Ch'd. Cha. 3C 58 Chu. Chu. Choo. m 23 Hou. Hou. How. « 8 Cliai. Tseh. Tsih. m 59 Ch'u. Ch'ii. Choo. m 94 Hu. Hii. Hoo. ¥ 9 Ch'ai. Ch'di. Chae. u 60 Chua. Chdu. Chaou. % 95 Hua. Hwd. Hwa. ^ 10 Clian. Chen. Chen. ^ 61 Chuai. 1. . . • n 96 Huai. Hwai. Hwac. m 11 Ch'an. Ts'an. Chan. Wk 62 Ch'uan. Ch'ui. Chuy. im 97 Huan. Hwan. Hwan. m 12 Chang. Chang. Cliang. m 63 Chuan. Chuen. Chuen. ¥ 98 Huang. Hwdng Hwang ■ m 13 Cli'ang. Ch'dng. Chang. g 64 Ch'uan. Ch'uen. Chuen. ^ 99 Hui. Hwui. H^vuy. 91 14 Chao. Chdu. Chaou. 65 Chuang. Chwdng. Chwdng. ^ 100 ^"*^^- " Hun. TT ivn n TTwAn # 15 Ch'ao. Ch'du. Chaou. M 66 Chuang.Ch'Avdng.Chwan ^m- j_L n ciii* XX TT au. 16 Che. Ch6. Chay. M 67 Chui. Chui. Chuy. m 101 Hung. Hung. Hung. 1^ 17 Ch'6. Ch'(i. Chay. s 68 Ch'ui. Ch'ui. Ch'uy. vk 102 Huo. Ho. Ho. ^ 18 Chei. Ch6. Chay. ia. 69 Chun. Chun. Chun. m 103 Hsi. HI. He. ^ 19 Chen. Chin. Chin. % 70 Ch'un. Ch'un. Chun. m 204 Hsia. Hid. Hea. m 20 Ch'6n. Ch'in. Chin. m 71 Chung. Chung. Chung. ^ 105 Hsiang. Sidng. Seang « 21 Cheng. Ching. Ching. jt 72 Ch'ung. Ch'ung Chung. '/^ 106 Hsiao. Sioh. Seo. M 22 Ch'6ng. Ch'ing. Ch'ing. w Chwa. see Chuan. (60) 107 Hsieh. Hieh. Hee. ^ 23 Chi. Ki. Ke. m Chwai see Chuai. (61) 108 Hsien. Sien. Seen. ^ 24 Ch'i. K'i. Ke. m Ch'wai. see Ch'uai. (62) 109 Hsin. Sin. Sin. >o 25 Chia. Kid. Kea. m Chwan. see Chuan. (03) 110 Hsing. Sing. Sing. 26 Ch'ia. Tsdh. Tsa. ■f> Ch'wan . see Ch'uan .(64) Ill Hsio. Hioh. Heo. m 27 Cliiang Tsidng. Tsiang. m Chwan. soe Chuang. (65) 112 Hsiu. Siu. Sew. n 28 Ch'iang Ts'idng Tsiang. It Ch'wan g. see Ch'uang. (0(5) 113 Hsiung Hiung. Heung • yt 29 Chiao. Kidu. Keaou. ^ 73 fi. Ngo: Go. t€ 114 Hsu. Su. Sew. 30 Ch'iao. Kidu. Keaou. x.^ 74 fin. Ngan. Gan. 115 Hsaan. Siuen. Heuen • Bi 31 Chieh. Kidi. Keae. m 75 Fa. Fdh. Fa. is 116 Hsiieh. Hiueh. Heue. ^ 32 Ch'ieh. Ts'ieh. Tse. m 76 Fan. Fan. Fan. )i Hsiien. see Ilsuan. (115) 33 Chien. Tsien. Tscen. m 77 Fang Fang. Fang. i7 117 Hsiin. Hiun. Heun. m 34 Ch'ien. Ts'ien. Tsecn. =f 78 Fei. Fi. Fe. ^ ^<. ] .1. E. 55c 35 Chih. Chi. Che. ^ 79 F6n. Fan. Fun. ^ 36 Ch'ih. Ch'i. Che. iw 80 F6ng. Fung. Fung ^ 119 Jan. Jen. Jen. H^ 37 Chin. Kin. Kin. Hdng. fianij. ^ 133 Kai. Kdi. Km. INTilODUCTION; y The Syllabary of Mr. Wade, with the corresponding orthography adopted by Dr. Willia)ns and Dr. Morrison. — Continued. 134 K'ai. 135 Kan. 186 K'an. 137 Kang. 138 K'ang. 139 Kao. 140 K'ao. Ke. K'e. 141 Kei. 142 K'ei. 143 Ken. 144 K'en. 145 Keng. 146 K'eng. 147 Ko. 148 K'o. 149 Kou. 150 K'ou. 151 Ku. 152 K'u. 153 Kua. 154 K'ua. 155 Kuai. 156 K'uai. 157 Kuan. 158 K'uan. 169 Kuang. 160 K'uang. 161 Kuei. 162 K'uei. Kuen, Kun. K'uen. K'un. 165 Kiing. 166 K'ung. 163 164 K'ai. Kan. an. Kdng. Kang. Kdu. K'au. see see Kill. K'eh. Kin. K'an. Kang. Kang. Ko. K'o. Kau. K'au. Ku. K'u. KwA. Kw'd. Kwai. Kw'di. Kwan. Kw'an. KwAng. Kw'dng. Kwei. Kw'ei. Kae. Kan. Kan. Kang. Kang. Kaou. Kaou. Ko. K'o. Keih. Kih. Kan. Kan. Kang. Kang. Ko. Ko. Kow. Kow. Koo. Koo. Kwa. Kwa. Kwae. Kwae. Kwan. Kwan. Kwang. Kw'ang. Kwei. Kwei. n # (147) (148) M y% m m Kwan. Kwan. Kw'an. Kwan. 167 Kuo. Kwa. K'wa. Kwai. K'wai. Kwan. K'wan. Kwang. K'wang. Kwei. K'wei. Kwen. Kung. K'ung. Kwoh see see see see see see see see see see see Kung. Kung. K'wen. see Kwo. 168 La. 169 Lai. see Lah. lAi. Kw6. Kua. K'ua. Kuai. K'uai. Kuan. K'uan. Kuang. K'uang. Kuei. K'uei. /Ku6n. iKun. K'uen. K'un. JCuo. La. Ijae. { X m (153) (154) (155) (156) (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) m 170 Lan. Lan. Lan. 171 Lang. 172 Lao! 173 Le. L6a. Leang. Leao. Leeh. L6en. Lei. 174 Lei } 175 Leng. 176 Li. 177 Lia. 178 Liang. 179 Liao. 180 Lieh. 181 Lien. 182 Lin. 183 Ling. 184 Lio. 185 Liu. 186 Lo. 187 Lou. 118 Lii. 189 Liieh. 190 Lun. see also 191 Lu. 192 Luan. 193 Lun. see also 194 Lung. 195 Ma. 196 Mai. 197 Man. 198 Mang. 199 Mao. 200 Mei. 201 Men. 202 Meng. 203 Mi. 204 Miao. 205 Mieh. 206 Mien. 207 Min. 208 Ming. 209 Miu. 210 Mo. 211 Mou. 212 Mu. Muan. 213 Na. 214 Nai. 216 Nan. L^mg. Lau. Leh. see see see see see Lui. Ling. LI. Lidng. Liang. Lidu. Lieh. Lien. Lin. Ling. Lioh. Liu. Lo. Lau. Lii. Lioh. Lun, Lun. Lu. Lwdn. Lun. Lixn. Lung. Md. Mdi. Man. Mang. Mdu. Mei. Miin. Mung. Mi. Midu. Mieh. Mien. Min. Ming. Miu. Mo. Mau. Muh. see Nd. Ndi. Ndn. Lang. Laou. Lih. Lia. Liang. Liao. Lieh. Lien. Luy. Ling. Le. Leang. Leang. Leaou. Lee. m Wi (177) (178) (179) (180) (181) Lin. Ling. Leo. Lew. n.o. Low. Leu. Leo. Lun. Loo. Lwan. Lun. Lung. Ma. Mae. Man. Mang. Maou. Mei. Mun. Mung. Me. Meaou Mee. Meen. Min. Ming. Mew. Mo. Mow. Muh. Man. Na. Nae. Nan. m It # ^ Kl E ^1 m PI m (197) 7^ 216 Nang. 217 Nao. 218 Nei. N^ang. N6ao. N^eh. N^en. 219 Nen. 220 Neng. 221 Ni. 222 Niang. 223 Niao. 224 Nieh. 225 Nien. 226 Ning. 227 Niu. 228 No. Noan 229 Nil. 230 Nu. 231 Nuan. 232 Nung. Nwan. Ng A. Ng Ai. Ng An. Ng Ang. Ng Ao. Ng£. Ng £n. NgO. NgOu. 233 0. 234 Ou. 235 Pa. 236 P'a. 237 Pai. 238 P'ai. 239 Pan. 240 P'an. 241 Pang. Ndng. Nang. ^ Ndu. Naou. # Nui. Nuy. p^ see Niang. (222) see Niao. (213) see Nieh. (214) see Nien. (215) Nun, Nun. ^ Nung. Nung. M. m. Ne. N&ing. Neang. Nidu. Neaou. Nieh. Nee, Nien. Neen. Ning. Ning, Niu, New, No, No, see Nuan, (231) Nil. Neu, ^ Nu, Noo, ^ Nwdn. Nwan. ^ Nung Nung. {^ see Nuan, (237) see A. (1) see Ai. (2) see An, (3) see Ang, (4) see Ao, (5) seefi.(73)&0.(233) see En. (74) see£.(73)&0.(233) see ^ Jtrt. NgO. Ngau. Pdh. P'a, Pih. Peh. Pdn. P'dn. Pdng. P'dng. Pdu. P'du. Ou. Go. Gow. Ph. Pa. Peih. Pih. Pan. Pan. Pang. Pang. Paou. Paou. (234) A ^ n 242 P'ang. 243 Pao. 244 P'ao. Pe. see Pai. (237) & Po. (263) 245 Pei. 246 P'ei. 247 Pen. 248 P'en. 249 Peng. 250 P'eng 251 Pi. 252 P'i, 253 Piao. 254 P'iao, PI, P'ei, Pan. P'in. Pang, P'ang, Pih. P'ih. Pidu. P'iau. Pe. Pei, Pun, Pun, Pang. Pang. Peih. Peih. Peaou. Peaou. ^ m 7B INTBOBUCTION The Syllahary of Mr. W ode, with the correspond iufj orlhoyi^aphy adopted by Dr. Wllliama and Dr. Morrison. — Contintied. 265 Pieh. 256 Fieh. 267 Pien. 258 P'ien. 269 Pin. 260 P'in. 261 Ping. 262 P'ing. 263 Po. 264 P'o. 266 Pu. 266 P'u. Eh. 267 Sa. 268 Sai. 269 San. 270 Sang. 271 Sao. 272 Se. 273 S6ng. 274 So. 275 Sou. 276 Su. 277 Suan. 278 Sui. 279 Sun. 280 Sung. Swan. 281 Sha. 282 Shai. 283 Shan. 284 Shdng. 285 Shdo. 286 She. 287 Shen. 288 Sh6ng. 289 Shih. Sho. 290 Shou. 291 Shu. 292 Shua. 293 Shuai. 294 Shuan. 296 Shuang. 296 Shui. 297 Shun. 298 Shuo. Shwa. Shwai. Shwan. Shwang, Shwui. 290 Szu. 300 Ta. Pieh. P'ieh. Pien. P'ien. Pin. Fin. Ping. Fing. Po. Fo. Puh. P'u. see Sdh. Seh. Sdn. Sjlng. Sdu. Sih. Sang. So. Sau. Suh. Swdn. Sui. Sun. Sung. see Shd. ShAi. Shen. ShAng. Slidu. Sh6. Shin. Shing. Shi. see Shau. Shuh. Shwdh. ShwAi. SwAn. Shwdnf Shui. Shun. Shwoh. see see see see S see Sz. T6. Pee. m Pee. Peen. ^ Peen. li Pin. m Pin. ^ Ping. ^ Ping. ^ Po. ««t Fo. ^ Puh. ^> Poo. m TJrh. (372) Sa. Sai. m San. — Sang. ^ Saou. m Sih. m Sang. ft So. ^ Sow. % Siih. i^ Swan. ^ Suy. m Sun. # Sung. m Suan. (277) Sha. w Shae. IS Shen. m Shang • m Shaou ■ m Shay. ^ Shin. ^ Shing ^ She. m Shuo. (292) Show. >\^ Shuh. M Shwj'i. m Shwae ^ Tscuen. ^ '. Shwang. ^ Shwuy. f^ Shun. /ip Shwo. m Shua. (292) Shuai. (293) Shuan. (294) liuang. (296) Shui. (296) Sze. <@> Ta. i^ 301 T'a. 302 Tai. 303 T'ai. 304 Tan. 306 T'an. 306 Tang. 307 T'ang. 308 Tao. 309 T'ao. 310 Te. 311 T'eh. 312 Tei. 313 Teng. 314 T'eng. 315 Ti. 316 T'i. 317 Tiao. 318 T'iao. 319 Tieh. 320 T'ieh. 321 Tien. 322 T'ien. 323 Ting. 324 T'ing. 325 Tiu. 326 To. 327 T'o. 328 Tou. 329 T'ou. 330 Tu. 331 T'u. 332 Tuan. 333 T'uan. 334 Tui. 335 T'ui. 336 Tun. 337 T'un. 338 Tung. 339 T'ung. Twan. T'wan. 340 Tsa. 341 Ts'a. 342 Tsai. 343 Ts'ai. 34-1. Tsan. 345 Ts'an. 346 Tsang. 347 Ts'ang. 348 Tsao. 849 Ts'ao. 350 Ts6. 861 Ts'A. 352 Tsei. T'd. TAi. T'di. Tdn. T'dn. TAng. T'dng. Tdu. T'du. Teh. Teh. Tih. Tang. T'ang. Ti. T'i. Tidu. T'idu. Tieh. T'ieh. Tien. T'ien. Ting. T'ing. Tiu. To. T'o. Tau. T'au. TA. T'ti. Twdn. T'wdn. Tui. T'ui. Tun. T'un. Tung. T'ung. see see Tsdh. Ch'dh. Tsdi. Ts'di. Tsdn. Ts'dn. Tsdng. Ts'dng. Tsdu. Ts'du. Tsoh. Ts'eh. Ts'ih. 363Tsfen. Tsang. Tsang. ^ 364 Tseng. Tsang. Tsang. -Q* 355Ts'eng. Ts'ang. Tsang. j|^ 356 Tso. Tsoh. Tsq. -f^ 357T8'o. Ts'oh. Tso. jjf Tsi. see Chi. (23) Ts'i. see Th'i. (24) Tsiang. see Chiang. (27) Ts'iang. see Ch'iang. (28) Tsiao. see Chiao. (29) Ts'iao. see Ch'iao. (30) Tsieh. see Chieh. (31) Ts'ieh. see Ch'ieh. (32) Tsien. see Chien. (33) Ts'ien. see Ch'ien. (34) Tsih. see Ts6 (350) & Tsei (352) Ts'ih. see Ts'e. (351) Tsing. see Ching. (39) Ts'ing. see Ch'ing.(40) Tsio. see Chio. (41) Ts'io. see Ch'io. (42) Tsiu. see Chiu. (43) Ts'iu. see Ch'iu. (44) Tsoan. see Tsuan. (367) Ts'oan. see T8'uan.(362) 358TSOU. Tsau. Tsow. ^ 369Ts'ou. Ts'au. Tsow. ^ 360 Tsu. Tsuh. Tsiih. Jg 361T8'u. Ts'u. Tsoo. jft 362 Tsuan, Tswdn. Tswan. ^ Tsw'dn. Tsui. Ts'ui. Tsun. Ts'un. Tsung. Ts'ung. see sec Tsz'. Ts'z'. see see see see see see Rh. Wji. Wdi. llwun. Wang. Wei. Wan. Tswan. Tsuy. Tsuy. Tsun. Tsim. Tsung. m 7n Tsung. Tsuan. (362) T8'uan.(363) Tsze. ^ Tsze. itfc Ya. (391) Yuan. (392) Yiieh.(393) Yuan.(894) Yun. (395) INTRODUCTION. 37 The Syllahary of Mr. Wade, with the corresponding orthography adopted by Dr. Williams and Dr. Morrison. — Contimied. 379 Weng. 380 Wo. 381 Wu. 382 Ta. 383 Yai. 384 Yang. 386 Yao. Ung. Wo. Wii. Yd. Ydi. YAng. Yau. Ung. Wo. Woo. Ya. Yae. Yang. Yaou. 1=1 388 386 Yeh. 387 Yen. Yi. I. 389 Yin. 390 Ying. 391 Yo. } Yih. Yen. Yih. Yin. Ying. Yoh. Yih. Yen. Yih. Yin. Ying. m m 392 Yii Yu. Yu. J^ 393 Yiian. Yuen. Yuen. % 394 Yiieh. Yueh. Yue. H Yiien. Yiian. Yiian. (393) 395 Yiin. Yun. Yun. :zr 396 Yu. Yu. Yew. 397 Yung. Yung. Yung. m Tlie Origin of the Written Lanonage. Few of those who at present use the various alphabets of Europe and Western Asia, ever think that the original form of the same was hieroglyphic. The f^ aleph of the Hebrew language was nothing but the figure of the head of an ox and was rudely written as the following representation "=^. Later it was changed into this ^ form, giving merely the outline of the face and the four extremities represent- ing the ears and the horns. But even this form was found inconvenient, on which account the Greek changed it into the following figixre o(. The Latin races not satisfied with this change, turned the head upside down and wrote simply this -f^-, which form is still preserved in our ornamental ^ If we proceed to India and Tibet we find the ancient Hebrew and Arabic alphabets transformed into the most fanciful characters, but with full phonetic power, such as attracts the admiration of the most profound linguists of Europe. All these nations, however, only used the few hieroglyphics as simple phonetics in the same man- ner as we now draw the picture of a cat in order to teach a child the letter C. The Epyptians, who appear to be of the same origin with the bulk of the Chinese population, per- petuated this system in their hieroglyphics, sounding only the first letter of each word in their phonetic representations . In China the only system approaching to this is the combination of initials and finals, i. e. one character representing the initial and the other the final. Thus the sound of the character %^ pi is represented by -^ pjng, the p being the initial; and by j^ mi, the i being the final, the two sounds combined giving pi, the proper pronunciation of the character ^>. This system did, however, not originate with the Chinese, but was introduced with Budhism, which was first taught in China A.D. 65. This syllabic spelling extended throughout China, was very preva- lent about A.D. 500 and is adopted in the Imperial Dictionary of Kanghi to give the correct pronunci- ation of the characters. From this clumsy mode of representing the living tongue the Egyptians advanced to the ideogra- phic system as we now find the same in China and Central America. The characters formed according to this system are composed of a compound either phonetic or descriptive, having a determinative (radi- cal, key or relative) defining the meaning. The Egyptian word [♦ hat, silver, is composed of white and a spade, the determinative of all metals. In China, silver is frequently called ^ ^ white silver or white currency, and the character is composed of ^, a limit, and ^, the determinative of metals. It is there- fore represented as a metal of limited value, the same having probably at an early date been fixed as a standard of local currency and as distinguished from the coined copper money. We thus see two nations remote from each other first drawing rude pictures as a means of convey- ing their ideas to their fellowmen. But whilst the Egyptians took recourse to a kind of mimic writing, the Chinese at an early period advanced to the ideographic system and carried it to the highest perfec- tion, it being well adapted as a means of intercommunication in public and private life. But with all the encouragement given to the cultivation of letters, the Chinese could never be called a literary nation in the present acceptation of the word, the difficulty of acquiring the ideographs remaining a perma- nent impediment to general education. The ideographs or picture writing of Central America and Mexico cannot be taken into account, because the first inhabitants of that continent having evidently come from Eastern Asia and a few from 38 INTRODUCTIOX. Europe, They brought their knowledge of writing from the place of their former homes and connec- tions and continued the same without improving the art. The recent discovery in Central America of a Dictionary with a key to the composition of the the characters, will greatly assist us in settling the question whether the Mexicans came from the East or from the West, and thus reduce the limits of uncertainty respecting the origin of nations to a smaller compass. But whatever means may have been invented for the cultivation of letters, none has been able to place general education witliin the reach of the poor. This must be accomplished by Romanizing the language. If we take the average number of educated people in China, we shall scarcely yet 10 per cent. Those who have hitherto r(;ad books to any useful piuT;)ose, have been obliged to spend more time on their acquisition than if they had learned two dialects to perfection. The notion now prevalent in Europe and propagated by a few of the students of the Chinese lan- guage, that the Chinese characters are necessary and useful, is not confirmed by practical experience. Eor if we accept a per centage of even 20 educated men, then we have 80 to whom the written charac- ters are as unintelligible as Hebrew or Russian, but two thirds of whom would, l)esides their own, acquire the Mandarin Dialect as easily as most of the Germanic population now learn to read, \\Tite and speak high German. Such a system would enable eveiy man and woman to read a book for edification and improvement, whilst those who now claim any degree of education, would add to the knowletlge of the written language the acquisition of the spoken. The local brogues of Germany diflfer more from high German than the various local dialects do from the Mandarin, and yet there is not a man nor a woman in Germany who does not understand a person speaking high German in its purity. An attempt at Romanizing various dialects and of teaching the same even to aged women has been very successful, though the orthography adopted has been far from practical or satisfactory. The reason of not adopting Professor Lepsius' alphabet has frequently been owing to want of funds for purchasing a fount of types, as also to a lack of farsightedness on the part of the agents who had it in their power to recommend the same to their respective Boards. Many societies and individuals had gone to great expenses in getting matrixes for a complete fount of types and could not so readily prepare or purchase a new set. This is the reason why the author of this work was unable to follow Dr. Lepsius' system of orthography. But each society might get a small fount of Dr. Lepsius' types for the publication of small Christian and Educational works to be used in the schools, and I cannot but earnestly recommend this step to all that are in any way interested in the future welfare of the Chinese. In order to make the new graphic system as intelligible as possible, let all nouns be i^Titten and printed with capital letters, and the synonyms used as compounds be joined into one dissyllabic word. That will greatly assist the native and foreign students in arriving at the meaning of a wortl or sentence and prevent the constant transposition of the characters. After one generation many of the useless synonyms would have become obsolete, whilst those in use would become more stereotyped and hence be more readily understood by the natives and foreigners. Eor further information on this point see Standani Alphabet, by C. R. Lepsius, D.PH., D.D. Second Edition — London and Berlin 1863. WORKS ON THE CHINESE LANGUAGE : 1. Dict.ionairc ChinoiB, Franfiiig et Latin, per M. Do Guignes. i 13. Premoro. Notitia Linf;^ae Sinicae. 2. MorriHon'H Dictionarioa, 6 voliuncH. 14. Dr. Morrison, Grammar of the ChineM Language. 3. Me«. 22. Dr. Sohott, Chinesiscbe Sprachlchre. 23. Elementa QrammaMcao Latino Sinicae ad uium Alumnorum Sinen- 18. Callery, Systoma I'honetioum Scripturae Sinicae. I sium. Typii CoUegii Bomano-Catholici. ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY. A THE first letter of the EngHsh Alphabet, ^ ^^-^"^^ jing wa- tsz' *m6 'shau tsz". 5 Ying hwd tsz mil sliau tsz ; its broad and open sound is expressed by ^ d or |J^ a*. A, the indefinite article, is expressed by the numeral, — • yaty Yih, and is followed by the Classifier defi- ning the nounf, as : — A man, — •f® A 7^*) ^o' jVan. Yih ko jin ; a boat, — • ^ ^ yat, chek, *t'eng. Yih chih t'ing ; a pair of shoes, — • ^ ^ yatj tiii' jh&i. Yih tui hiai ; a double edged sword, "^ P ^j ^sheung 'hau kim'. Shw^ng k'au Men ; a bundle of straw, — ^^^ yat, 'pa ^kon 'ts'6. Yih pa kdn ts'du ; a sheet of paper, — -^MIR; yat, jCheung '^chi. Yih chdng chi ; a pencil, — 'i(^^ yat, ^chi pat,. Yih chi pih ; a river, — ' j^^ yat, jt'iu jho. Yih t'idu ho ; a house, — ^ M y^-t, _^kan uk,. Yih kien uh ; a pagoda, — ■ J^ ^ yat tso' t'ap,. Yih tso t'kh. ; a door, — ^ f^ yat, tb' ^miin. Yih tii mun ; a wall — ijjg Ij^ yat, fuk, jts'^ung. Yih fuh ts'iang; a puff of smoke, — |^ j|@ yat, chan- ^in. Yih chin yen ; a bean, — ^0.^ yat, nap, tau'. Yih lih tau ; a shower of rain, — • MM y^% jCh'eung u. Yih ch'dng yd; a flock of sheep, — M^ J^% jkw'an j^ung. Yih k'iun yang ; a spot of rust, — ^^ yat, tdt, sau'. Yih tah sitt ; a set of instruments, — ^jj :g^ ^ yat fu' hi' ku\ Yih fii k'i kii ; a dress, — ff= # yat,' kiu' ^sham. Yih kien sdn ; a clod of earth, — gj ■j^ yat, jt'iin ^nai. Yih tw'&n ni ; a mosquito cur- tain, — ■ ^ ^ l|ji yat, jt'ong ^man chdung'. Yih t'ang wan chang ; a row of boats, — ■ ff ^ yat, jhong jShiin. Yih- hang ch'uen; a carriage, — -^ [is or f^] ^ ^ yat, ka' ma ^ch'6. Yih kid ma che ; a bouquet of flowers, — ^ :^ yat, 'to [tii] /a. Yih to hwd; a small piece of wood, — 'Jr^K yat, p'ln' muk,. Yih p'ien muh ; a feast, — f^^ yat, tsik, 'tsau. Yih tsih tsiii ; a packet of paper, — ^^ yat, jau 'chi. Yih pau chi ; a bundle of pencils, — :^^ yat^ chat, pat,. Yih ch^h pih ; a letter, — jjj-^g yat, /ung sim'. Yihfungsin; a quire of paper, — JJI^ yat, ^t5 'chi. Yih tdu chi ; Both not these characters are pronounced 5H y'i and ^ o when Ibrminn: the first syllahle of a proper name of a person of the inferior stations in life and of children. t See author's Grammar of the Chinese LanD:uag:e, P. I 16. a volume, ^ ;?ji § yat, 'pun ,8hii. Yih pun shd ; a [large] voliune, — ' oji! ^ yat, p6- ^shii. Yih pu shu ; a set of books, — ' ^ ^ yat, t'6' shii. Yih t'u shti; a horse, — \JC^ pat, p'at, *md. Yihp'ih ma ; a blow of the hand, — ■ ITK ^ yat, "hd 'shau. Yih hia shau; a sedan chair, — ^^ yat, shing- ^kiii. Yih shing ki&u ; a suit of clothes, — ■ [^] yat, t'iit, ^i fuk^. Yih t'oh i fuh ; a game of chess, — ^^ yat, kuk, ^k'i. Yih kiuh k'i; a plant of bamboo, — ^ Ifi yat, ^kon chuk,. Yih kkn chuh ; a cluster [bundle] of incense sticks, — ili^ y^*5 c^^"^' ^heung. Yih chu hiang ; a band of robbers, — ^ |^ yat, 'fo ts'ak,. Yih ho ts'ih ; a cash, — '^^ yat, ^man ,ts'in. Yih wan ts'ien ; a cannon, — H M 7^^, ^miin p'&u'. Yih mun p'du ; a piece of cahco, — /E^ yat, p'at, p6'. Yih p'ih pu ; a pearl, — :^j^^ yat, to ^chan ^chii. Yih ho chin chu ; a piece of ground, — '^x^ J^K *^^' tf. Yih twdn ti ; a section of regulations, — '^j jg yat, fiin ^ch^ung ^ch'ing. Yih kw'an chdng ch'ing ; a gentleman, — ■ ^ ^ yat, wai* hdk,. Yih wei k'eh ; a criminal, — ' "^^ ^E J^^-) s^ieng fdn\ Yih ming f^ ; a dollar, — ■ jlj ^ y^*, jiin jUgan. Yih yxien yin ; a government officer, — ' ^^ yat, (tin ^kiin. Yih yuen kwdn ; a stoiy [of a house], — • ^ yat, ,ts'ang. Yih ts'ang; a leaf [of a book], — ^ yat,ip,. Yih yeh ; a decree, J^ ^ — -^ shdung- u' yat, t6^ Shdng yii yih tdu ; a plaster, — lA W ^ y^^-> ^'^1^ c^^ y^^j« Yih t'ieh kau yoh ; a star. yat, tim ^sing. Yih tien sing ; a burden [of &c. &c.], — • ;|g yat, tkm'. Yih tdn ; a succession of doors, ^ g p^ 'ki jCh'ung ^mun. Ki ch'ung mun ; a row of trees, — '^^t;^ yat, l&t,'shu" muk,. Yih Idh shu muh ; a sword, — ■ P ;^j yat, 'hau kim'. Yih k'au kien ; a gong, — ■ ^ yat, mln^ ^lo. Yih mien lo ; a noljle affair, — • ^ ^ ^ yat, ^tsung "mi sz'. Yih tsung mei sz ; a fish, — ' J^ ^ yat, *mi jii. Yih wi yd; a play (one act of), — ^^^ yat,,t'oi hi'. Yih t'di hi ; a procession &c., — ^^^ yat, 'pan ch'un shik, &c. Yih pdn ch'un sih &c ; a ti*ee, '— 1^ iW «!• W ^ y--^^ cP'« sli^'- Yih p'o shd ; a pencil, — ' ^ ^ yat, 'kun pat,. Yih kwdn pih ; a cap (or hat), — • T^i^g yat, 'ting mb'. Yih ting jmdu ; a sentence, — ' '^ ^ yat, kll' wa'. Yih kii a lamp, — • ^ j)^ yat, 'ch^a ^tang. Yik ABA (2) ABB ch6n tang ; a needle, — BR -^f yat, 'ngdn ^cham. Yih yen chin.* A, a year, — ■ ^ yat, ,nin. Yih nien ; twice a day, — ' ^ ^ yat, yatj 'Mung ts'z'. Yih jih likng ts'z. (vid. Grammar of the Chinese Language). A, after a verb, to go a hunting, -^trli ^^^^ '^^ ^Pi- K'ii t^ lieh. A. D., anno Domini, In the year of our Lord, ^|^ H^ itf: sY6 ^su kong' shai'. Ye sii kikng shi ; A. M., ante meridiem, J* -^ sh^ung^ *ng. Shdng wii ; A. M^., artium Magister, J^ /^ 'ku jan. Kii jin. Aback, ^ ^ hau* ^pin. Hau pien. Abaction, f jj|Jj ^ ^t'au ^ngau. T'au niii. Abactor, j^^ ^ ^ ^t'au ^ngau 'ch6. T'au niu ch6. Abacus, ^ ^ sun' ,p'un. Swan pw'dn ; ^ji ^ sho' jp'iin. Su pw'^ ; to work the abacus, tT ^ ^ 'tfe sun' jp'iin. T&, swdn pw'dn. Abaft, towards the stem, j|gf ^ jShiin 'mi. Ch'uen "^y \^ ^ ^ h6ung' jShun hau*. Hiang ch'uen hau. Abaisance (obeisance) ^ pdi'. P^. Abalienate, to, to sell, ^ -^ mdi* hii'. M4i k'u. (see alienate) Abandon, to, ^ ijj hi' k'duk,. K'i kioh, ^ hi'. K'i; to abandon a wife, ^ ^ hi' ^ts'ai. K'i ts'i ; to abandon one's property, ^ ^ hf ipj. K'i nieh ; to part with, Ij^ $ 'sh^. Sliid; I cannot part with you, pg :j^ ^ fr^ ^m 'slKi tak, 'ni. Wu shi6 teh ni ; to abandon one's right or previlege, to give precedence, ^y6ung*. Jdng: to waive one's right to a throne or post of honor, ^ ^ y^ung* wai'. Jdng wei ; to reject, ^ ^ ^tiu hi'. Tiu k'i ; to leave, ^g ^ ,wai hi'. Wei k'i ; to relinquish entirely, ^ ^ hi' tsiitj. K'i tsiueh ; to abandon one's self, to give one's self up to vice, ^ ^ tsz* hi'. Tsz k'i, g ^ g ^ tsz* p6* tsz' hi'. Tsz pfiu tsz k'i. Abandoned § depi-avcd, f|| ^ ^p'in p'ik,. P'ien p'ih; dissolute, -j^ •fj^ fong' p'ik,. Edng p'ih; dissipated, ^ f^ fong' ts'z'. Mng ts'z ; an abandoned fel- low, 'j^ ff- Idn* 'tsai. Ldn tsz ; unresti-ained, ^ ^ tsung' ts'z'. Tsung ts'z ; lost, -^ f shat, 'liu. Shih Hau ; I am forsaken, ^ A f i ifi ^ s"^^ jan 't'ai kii' 'ngo. Wii jin t'i kd wo. * In the Court dialect the character "X* tsz is added to the noun, or we may say that in that dialect with or without the classifier most nouns end in ^ tsz, as ; — ^ "jp" ffili tsz, a law, a pat- tern ; ^ ^ fiinff tsz, a room ; 'fg "jp" m^'u tsz, a cap, a hat Ac. Writers on this diiiloct should study this subject more carefully and point it out to the students, or commence making a collection of the words which absolutely require the ending in i ^ is more frequently used with reference to proiierty and other objects, ^ with reference to affection. § As an attribute abantionfd is in colloquial expressed by ffy being added to all tho compounds given under this head, as; >fi'C W Qv * virhen A >s added to ^> or ^ subetituted for nv/V> it signifies an abandoned, dissolute, or depraved fellow. Abandoner, ^ ^ hi' 'ch6. K'i ch^. Abandonment • ^ ^ lii' 'ch6. K'i cU, ^ ^ 'sU 'cU. Shi6 chd. Abase, to, degrade, ^ ^ chut, chik,. Chuh chih ; to abuse the flag, ^^ 't5 ^k'i. T&u k'i; to abuse one's self, Q ^ tsz" ^sau. Tsz siii, Q ~Jl tsz' hk\ Tsz hid; to depress, Jg ^ dt, fuk,. Ykh fuh; to bid abase, ^ yikj. Nih, 5^ ngdk,. Abash, to, to make ashamed, i^ ^ H ^ 'sz kin' ^sau 'chl. 8z kien siu chi, J^ A c**^" ty^^' ^^^ jin. Abashed, ashamed, ^ ^ f^ kin' ^sau kw'ai'. Kien siu kw'ei, ^ @^ kin' 'ch'au. Kien ch'au ; morti- fied, JlJlJf ^sau jts'km. Siti ts'dn, f^ tsok,. Tsoh, ^ jlun. Lin. Abate, to, J^ 'kdm. Kien; to abate the price, ^ ^ 'kdm kd'. Kien kid, fsj) ^j kwat, s^uk,. Kwdh sioh; to abate (lessen) a little, ^ |^ 'kdm ti. Kien ti, ^ ^ 'kdm 'shiii. Kien shau, ^ ^ 'kdm ^8^. Kien si6 ; would not abate a mite, — • % ^Wi y*^i 4^^ P^^5 'kdm. Yih hdu puh kien ; to abate one's pride, J^ A 1^ ^ ^^ J^^ (^^ ngb. Ydh jin kidu ngau; to cast down, ^ '^ 't4 't6. Tk tdu ; to shorten (as a task), ^ ^ 'kdm 'shdng. Kien sang; to abate in rigour, f^ §^ 'kdn jlm. Kien yen; the storm abates, Jg^ J^ ^fimg sik,. Fung sih ; to deduct, ^ jCh'ii. Ch'ti, :|fl k'au'. k'au. Abatement ^ 'kdm. kien ; the abatement of taxes, ^ ^ \&m shui'. Kien shwtii. Abater ^ ^ 'kdm 'che. kien che : the abater of price, ^ i]^ ;^ 'kdm kk' 'ch6. Kien kid ch6. Abator t ife ^ p^' 'cU. Pd cU. Abatude J^ D^ ^ ^ sho 'kdm ^chi sz'. So kien chl sz, ^-^ ^ 'kdm 'shiu *ch6. Kien sh&u che. Abbj^^king. King. Abbacy f^^ ,sang Ipj. Sang nieh ; an abbot's re- sidence, ^ tsz\ Tsz. Abbess, gj^ ^ ^sz t'di'. Sz t'di ; ^ M :1 <"< >''» 'ch6ung. Ni kii chdng; mother-ablx'ss, f|^ ^ ^kwai jp'o. Kwei p'o. Abbey, Budhist monastery, ^ tsz'. Sz, ^ ^ ^6m jt'ong. Ngki t'dng; a Tauist abbey, m kdn'. * We roust here once for all remark, that substaotires oan only be recognised by their position and by the predicate. Thus -^ /Q may mean the abandoner, abandonment or abandonins:. In speaking of abandonment in a bad sense, we would say ^ yQ :S ^ ^ '^ WiC "ffit The abandonment (we speak of) is the vice of abandoning one's relatives ; in speaking of the abandon- er, we would say, il^^^^Jfe^^Aife Th« abandoner of his relatives is not worthy to be called man. In a third form of construction the substantive is •zpressed ia the possessive case, as : — ^ ooroes between the Tsrb, adjective he, and the relative pronoun ^ forming the substantive. ABB Kw^ ; a Rom. Cath. abbey, (3) ABE iin". Sill tau yuen, i^ ^^ ^sau to^ jt'ong. Siii tku tang. Abbot, superior in a Budhist monastery, '^'^ jfong Cheung-. Eang chang, ^^ chii^ ,ch'i. Chu ch'I ; do of a Rom. Cath. monastery, fl^ ^ (^ [^] -^ ^sau t5" iin' '^ch^ung. Siii tau yuen chang. Abbreviate, to, in writing, ^ 'kam. Kien, ^ ^ 'kam pat^. Kien pih, f^ ^ 'kdn pat,. Kien pih, ^^^ 'kampat, 'se. Kien pih sie, ^^ ^shang ,man. Sang wan ; to condense, as in an essay, M^M- 's^ tai- 16uk,. Sie td lioh, J^^^^ 'ts'ii leuk, f. Ts'ii lioh i, '^^^kWi'^^ jk'i tai^ k'oi'. Abbreviation, fj^^ 'kam pat,. Kien pih, ^§ 'kam ^shii. Kien shu ; abbreviation, abstract, compen- dium, ;A:^ tai- 16uk,. Tk Koh, ;^^ tai' iii'. Ta yau, ^ ^ iii' leiik,. Yau lioh, ^ ^ y^uk, ^in. Yoh yen. Abbreviator, !^^^^:^ %4i 'kam pat, 'ch^. Si^ kien pih che, ^^^^'86 ts'iit, iu' 'ch6. Si6 ts'oh yau ch6. Abbreviature, ^^^ 'kam pat, ho*. Kien pih hau ; ;A:^ tai' leak,. Ta lioh. A, B, C, to learn the, %J^ ^ch'o hok,. Tsii hioh ; in geometry the letters a b c &c. are represented by the ^ ^, the celestial stems. Abdicant, -^^ jau chf . Hiu chl. Abdicate, to, to give up (as a right), ^ y6amg^. Jdng; to abdicate a throne, ^ fi yeung" wai^ Jang wei ; to resign an office, -^^ jau cM'. Hiu chi, ^^chi'sz\ Chisz, ^>^,ts'zwai-. Ts'z wei, g ^ chi' cliik,. Chl chih, it ^ t'lii' wai-. T'ui wei; to announce one's resignation, ^^ kb' jau. Kau hiu ; other terms for to intimate one's resig- nation are: old age, ^ ^ k6' 16. Kau lau ; ^gj ^kwai jt'in. Kwei t'ien ; attending on one's aged parents, -g-^^ ko' ^chung yeung-. Kdu chung ydng ; to deckire oneself sick, -g- ^ ko' peng'. Kau ping. Abdication ^ ^ yeunj^ wai". Jdng wei, ^ ^ ^ jau chf che. Hiu chi che. Abditory, ^^ ;tM!. '^o c^lian ^chi ch'u'. To sliin chi ch'ii. Abdomen, the, ^i ^ ^t'6 fuk,. T'li fuh ; abdomen, small, yjN ^ 'siii fuk,. Siau fuh, ^ gg tan ^t'in. Tan t'ien ; viscera of the abdomen, |^ ^ ts'ong' 'fu. Ts'dng fu. Abdominal, ^ fuk,. Fuh, ^ ^ 't'6 fuk,. T'li fuh. t * 1^ is sometimes pronounced 'iin in danton. t The adjective terminations cannot be expressed otherwise than by the simple noun. When, therefore, a quality of a noun is to be expressed, another noun with or without thfl possessive ^, ^ or (in Punti) P|E precedes the same and assumes the qua- lity of an adjective, asi-^t ^, the abdomen, 3±^^|^ the abdomiual viscera. ^ belonging to, is often us.fd to change the noun into an adjective. The predicative adjective leaves the noun unchanged, as :— ^ goodness, :^ ^ to be good. Eu- phony and perspicuity, however, demand sometimes the addition of 1^, o: in Punti Colloquial »^, as:-^ ^, ,^. P|l£. Abduce, to, to draw away, ^| ^/yan hii'. Yin k'ii, i^^ jl^i hii'. li&h k'ii ; to seduce, to decoy, ;^-^ 'kwai hii'. Kwdi k'ii, ^ ^ 'kwdi tai\ Kwdi tai ; to mislead (by words), |j kwong'. Kwdng; to decoy and sell, i^ J 'kwai mdi". Kwai mai. Abducents, contracting, ^ shuk,. Shuh, ^i^ shuk, jmai. Shuh mdi ; an abducent muscle, |^ ig ^ shuk, ^mai ^ki. Sliuh mM ki. Abduction, the act of drawing away or apart, ^| ^ 'yan hu'. Yin k'ii, j^ -^ \wki hii'. Kwdi k'ii ; abduction of a person's wife, i^^A^ 'kwdihii' jan ^ts'ai. Kwai k'ii jin ts'i, 1^ J^ X ^ 'kwai tdi' jan ^ts'di. Kwai tai jin ts'i. Abductor ^^^ 'kwai hii' 'ch6. Kwai k'ii che ; abductor (muscle), ^i^]^ shiik, .mai ^ki. Shuh mai ki. A. B. C, the Alphabet, ^ -^ tsz' 'mb, Tsz mH ; elementary learning, ^jj ^ ^ch'o hok^. Tsti hioh. Abecedarian, one who teaches the A. B. C, ^ ^ -^ ^ k^u' tsz' *m5 'ch6. Kiau tsz mu ch6 ; one who learns the A. B. C, ^ ^ -^ ^ hok, tsz' -m6 'ch^. Hioh tsz mu cM; one who acquires ele- mentary knowledge, ^;j ^ ;^ X ^uV&. K'owiijiiyd, pf^. ;^ ^ 'ho iV ^chl y6ung*. K'o wii chi ykng. Abhorrer '(^ ^^ ^ ^tsang li' 'ch6. Tsang wu ch6 ; an enemy, f/L W. (Ch'au tikj. Ch'au tih. Abib p :A: A iE >^ jYau t4i* jan diingiitj. Yu ta jin ching yueh. Abide, to, to dwell, jg ^ ^ku chu\ Kii chii, |^ u*. Yii, "Ig ^ jhang ^ts'iin. Hang ts'un ; to bear, ^ ,tong. Tdng ; abide with me, pj ^^ Jg 'j^ ^t'ung • 'ngo ^kii chir. T'lmg wo kii chu; to abide by one's opinion, IS |/t B ^ kii' chap, 'kl I'. Ku chAh kl I ; to be self-willed, ^ ^ chap, ^mai. Ohdh ml ; to abide in sin, ^ || ^ ^ nikj tsui' I)at, ng-. Nih tsiii puh wii ; to abide by a pei-son, ^^ K .pong cbo* ,yan. Pdng tsii jin, ^ 1^ \ jfii jCh'f ^yan. Fii ch'I jin ; affictions abide ^^>MM^^^ .kan ^ndn ^ts^ung ^lam ^ngo. Kan nan tsidng lin avo ; to abide in virtue, |g ^ ^ jhang jts'iin shin*. Hang ts'un shen ; to abide [to bear] the consequences, ^ ^ ^ i^ c^ong shau* ^kw^n hai*. Tfmg shau kwun hi. Abiding, dwelling, Jg '^ ^kii chii*. Kii chu ; resid- ence, ^ J^ kii ch'ii'. Kii ch'u ; whilst staying, ^^Z^^ M «hii' ,chl jshl. Ku chii clil shI. Abiding-place Jg J^ ^kii ch'vi'. Kii ch'ii; Jg >^ ;^ JS^ jkii chtt* ^chl 'sho. Kd chti chl so. AbiUty, 7J- iH ,ts'oi ,nang. Ts'/ii nang, -j^ ^ ki* ^nang. Ki uang. I^' il # s^ang kon'. Nang kfm ; talent, J||^ ^ c*«'"ng jUiing. Ts'ung ming, 2jj '^ pun Ming. Piin ling, ^fi ^ 'piin sz*. Piin sz ; skillidness, ^ ^ ki* ngai* KI i ; a per- son of gi-cat capacity, A ^ t»^i' li^'- Td k'l ; a peraon of small capacity, yj^ ||§ 'siii lii'. Siaii k'i ; a pei*son of no capacity, ^ ^ ^xxib Idung*. Wii lidng, —)\t^ yat, ^t'6'\s'6. Yih t'li ts'&u; ability to eat and drink, ^ Idung*. Lidng; great ability to drink, '}^ -g 'hoi Idung*. IIfi,i lifiiig. Abintestate, to die, ^' ^ jj^ ^ 'sz ,m6 ^wai ^shii. Sz wu wei shii. Abject, /J'* A 'siu jan. Si&u jin, "]^ 0|i^ A ^'^' i^^" ,yan. Hid lid jin. Abject, low, mean, ^ tsln*. Tsicn, ^ pai*. PI, gg 1^ ^'i lau". P'i lau, 41. Pi pi lau*. Pi lau, gj 'p'i tsin*. P'i tsien ; the nine classes of abjects or the dreg of the nation, ~\^ ;fi jffl h&' 'kau ^lau. Hik kid lid.* Abjdct, to, ^ ^ ,tid hi'. Tid k'l, ^ ^ ^tid hu'. Tid k'u. Abjectedness, ^ ^ ^pi lau*. Pi lau, 1^ pjg ^ j)I lau*'chd. Pilauchd. Abjection, ^ pai*. PI, yj> ^ 'sid hi'. 8i&u k'f ; humiliation [before God], j^ ^ tsz* ^pl. Tsz pi ; depmvity, ^ 3JP ,kdn ^ts'd. Kien sid ; without principles, M M. H ^ i^^ *<>' ^mo 'U. Wd tau wdll. Abjectly, g^ ^ 'p'i tsln*. P'I tsien ; to think and a<:t basely, ^^Z .& ff P'^ tsln* ,chl ^sz ^hang. P'I tsien ciil sz hang. Abjuration, ^ |g shai* tsutj. Shi tsiueh, S^ ^ ^ ^ fat, shai* hi' tsiit,. Pdh shI k'l tsiueh ; the oath of abjmation, ^^J^^ W tsutj ^chi shai*. K'I tsiueh chl shI. Abjure, to, ^ J^ shai* tsut,. ShI t«iueh, ^^^^ shai* pat, jWai. ShI puh wei, ^ '^ ^ shai* pat' jts'ung. ShI puh ts'ung, ^>|>'^ shai* pat, 'bans. ShI puh k'ang ; to abjure a religion, |$ ^ >^ ^ ^ ^ fat, shai* pat, fuk, ^ts'ung kdu'. Fah shI puh fuh ts'ung kiau ; to recant a doctrine, "^ ^ pdi' kau'. Pei kiku, ^ %^ 'fdn kku'. Fdn kiau ; to abjm-e all connection Avith one, ^ /f* ^ Z shai* pat shik, ^chl. ShI puh shih chl. Abjurer, ^ ^ ^ shai' tsutj 'chd. ShI tsiueh chd. Ablactate, to, ^ ^ H'iui 'ndi. Twan nai, ^ ^ i^> %M ^'^'^t 'ndi. Cheh nai. -t'iin'u. Twdn' [Ch'it, .nin]. 16* ,kan 'k'dung. Ld kan Ablaqueation ^ :j|g k'ikng. Ablation and Ablator M"^^ Ts'u hu' 'chd. Ts'u k'u chd, :^ -i- ^ f f % 'ts'u hu' matj kin* 'chd. Ts'u k'ii wuh kien chd. Ablative J^ ^ 'ts'u hii'. Ts'u k'Q. Ablative, the, §fe *fe ^ i^^:g ^ ^1f >^ ^ [^] 'koi Ldtin wd* jmeng tsz* tai* lukj to*. Kiii Latin hwik ming tsz ti luh tso ; fljC ^ 'ts'u tso'. Ts'd tso*. Ts'u tso*. Ts'u tso, i^ j^ 'ts'ii ,lun. Ts'u lun. Ablaze 'X^'/^ ^ ^^ jlra ^ch'ung ^t'in. Ho yen ch'ung t'ien. Able ^1 jHang. Nang, i^ di*. Hwui, P^ 'di, ^ tsun' ^ tak,. Teh ; strength, :^ ;/j Sau lik,. Yd lih ; able, talented, :^ if 'yau ,t«'oi. Y4 ts'di ; able to do, -^ [pf ] ^ dV t«f)' ; able to walk, ^ ^ di* jhang. HAVui hang, ^ ^ (bang tak,. Hang teh ; able to practice economy and diligence, ^ '^ 5^ |jft liak, klm' hak, jk'an. K'eh kien k'eh k'iii ; al)le to sustain (as th« weight of duty) ^ ^ bak, ^tong. K'eh tdng, o Among; the meanest condition in life are counted the nine cloases of men carrying on disbunorable professions, as ere the ,1, puk,. ,sing, st^unjf', ,ynu, .chY-unp, tso', tai', k'oi' ft> p i J^ > /fli> K' ?«» •^' W' ^» ^^ phj-sicians, the diviners, the astrulogtTS, the plivsiognomists, the cuiuinciiiuns, the pros- titutes, the torturers in the Government offices, the underlrap- pers of the same establishments, and the beggars. ABL (5) ABO ^ "^ ^hbm jtong. K'an tang ; able to illustrate eminent virtue, ^ ^ 1^ ^ hak, fining ^tsim tak,. K'eli ming tsiun teh ; able \o manage busi- ness, g| ^ |i$ ^ c^ang kon' pdn" sz\ ,Nang kkn pan sz ; able to drink, y^ ^ ;:^ "^tsau l^ung^ tai". Tsid lidng ta ; not able, Jf>^ pat, tak,. Puh teh, >r» bI pat, .Jiang. Pub nang, ^ j£ fat, hak,. Fuh k'eh. Able-bodied, ^f ^ cbong' kin'. Chw&ng kien; an able-bodied person, Jjjt -^ cbong' sz\ Chwang sz, ^ 2^ kin- tsut,. Kien tsub, ^ -^ ^k'^ung kin'. K'iang kien. Ablegate, to, |g 'sbai. Sbai, ff ^ 't^ fat,.Tk fkh. Ableness, ability of mind, f^ ^ j^ang 'che. Nang die, >t* H^ ^ jts'oi ^nang 'ch6. Ts'ai nang ch6 ; ditto of body, ^ ^ /^ '7^^S ^^i '^^i^- Yung lib cbe, ^ 4: "yui^g sz'. Yung sz. Ablepsy, g" .mang. Mang. Abligurition, ']^ ^ ^ ^ long* fai' ^ka Ipj. Lang fi kia nieh. Ablocate, to, [f{ '^ cb'ut, yam'. Ch'uh jin. Ablocation, tH W ^ ch'ut, yam* 'cb6. Ch'ub jin ch6. Abluent, ^ '^^^ij cbf tseng' tik,. Cbitsingtih; aperient ^ '^ cbl' s6'. Cbi si6. Abluentia, ^)f^^;^^ cbi' tseng' hiit, ^chi y^uk^. Cbi tsing liiueh cbi yob. Ablution, of tbe body, ^ yjgi muk^ yukj. Muh yuh, f^-^ "^sai ^shan. Si shin ; to take an ablution, ^ ^ 'sai jl^ung. Si H^ng, :^ ^ 't'au 16ung\ T'au liang. Abnegate, to, ':^ ^ pat, ying* [yan*]. Puh jin, ^ ^ ^ ^ kii' chap, pat, ^chi. Ku chih puh cbi, ^ jpt ^ pat, jShing ^tong. Puh shing tdng. Abnegation, abnegator, >|>^»^ pat, yan* 'ch6. Puh jin cbe. Abnormal, y^ J£ pat, cliing'. Puh ching, g^ 'ch'au. Ch'au; crooked, ^ hiik,. K'iuh; distorted, ^ jts'e. Si6, ^^ ,^wai'm^;a wry mouth, ^^ 'me 'tsui. Abnormity, irregularity, ^ jE pat, ching'; ^ |J|§ ;^ ^ 'ch'au lau' ^chi mdu'. Ch'au lau cbi mau, |J^ huk,. K'iuh, Jg^ wat, huk,. Kiueh k'iuh, ^^ ,lun huk,. Lwan k'iuh, ^ ^ ^wai huk,. Wai k'iuh. Aboard, to be, :^ ^ tsor ,shiin. Tsdi ch'uen, ^ J^ jShiin sheung^. Ch'uen shang ; to go aboard, ^ ^ tap, jShiin. Tab ch'uen, ~[\ ^ ha' ,shiin. Hia ch'uen, J^ j^J ^sheung ^shiin. Shang ch'uen, ^ ^ lok, jShiin. Lob ch'uen. Abode, ^ j^ ^kii ch'ii'. Kii cli'u, ^ J^ ii' "^sho. Yu so, g J^ ^k'ii ch'ii'. K'u ch'ii, ^ ^ ^kii chak,. Kii tseh, ^ ^ chii' 'sho. Chii so, ;;^ ^ jfong uk,. Fang uh. Abolish, to, ^ fai'. Pei, ^ fai' hii'. Fei k'ii, :^ ^ kak, .ch'ii. Keh ch'ii ; to destroy, ^ ^ fai' rnitj. Fei mieh; to cast aside, ^5lfe fai' 'ch'i. Fei ch'i, 3^ ^ S^^S fai'. Hw&ng fei ; to abolish and destroy, ^^ 'so Vai. So wei ; to abolish the old and establish the new (as laws), ^^^^ kak. ku' 'ting ^san. Keh ku ting sin ; to abolish this and estabhsb that, ^ lt|i ojl ^ fai' 'ts'z l^p, 'pi. Fei ts'z lib pi, to put away, ^ jau. Hiii. Abolishable, '^^ 'ho fai'. K'o fei, ^^%"i^o fai' tak,. K'o fei teh, "^ ^ ^ 'ho kak, ^ch'ii. K'o keh ch'ii. AboUsher, ^ §& ^ fai' 'ch'l 'ch6. Fei ch'l ch6, ^ ^ ^ kkk, jCh'ii 'ch6. Keh ch'ii ch6. Abolishing ^ fai'. Fei, ^ kak,. Keh, ^ ^ kdk, jCh'ii. Keh ch'ii. AboUtion, ^ ^ fai' 'ch'l. Fei ch'l, :^ ^ kak, ^ch'ii. Keh ch'ii, fe ^ ^ fai' hii' 'ch6. Fei k'u cbe, ^ ^ 'wai hii'. Wei k'ii. Abolitionist, ^^^ fai' hii' 'ch^. Fei k'ii ch6, ^ ^ tJC || ^ ^ k^k,^ ^ch'ii ,n6 puk, f^ 'ch6. Keh ch'ii nu puh f^h cbe; one who defends the princi- ples of an abolitionist, "^ :|p^ ^ ^ ;S "^ ^ S ^ ffil ^ nil* tsuk, iit, ^I ^shang. Wi tsuh yueh rh sang ; abortive designs, ^ ^ ^§f pat, jShing ^chl kai'. Puh cliing clil kl, i ^ ;^ ^ jk'l ^mau ^chi pdi*. K'l mau chl pdli; to prove abortive, Jj^ pii*. Pdi ; abortives, ^ ~f^ ^o ^ ^ chl' W t'oi ^chl yeuk,. Chi hid t'di chl yoh. Abound, to, to be in plenty, ^ ^ /ung shing*. Fung shing, ^^ ,ying ,ii. Ying yu, sPng * The adverb and adverbial sentences must be expressed by the object with the possessive case following the verb, as : — he acts abominably ftSi ml Si, I'lQ •^ ^ ' he conducts himself abo» minably ^ pp ^T R RT ^»'- ABO ((5) ARPt jii. Ying yu, IJ ^ tsuk, 'y'^^i S^ [lustre] ^^ ^ with erroirs, ^ jl'ung fau'. Fung f'au, J^ ^ Tsuh yu yu; to abound in tsYm' ldn^ Ts'&n Mn ; to abound ^ to ch'A. To ch'd ; to abound in quantity, :^ 0, sham* ^to. Shin to, ^ ^ kikj ,to. Kih to, ^ ^ tsui' ^to. Tsui to, :^^ sham' %. Shin ho. Abounding, flourishing, ^ >^ mau* shing*. Mau shing ; abovmding in, ^ ^ ,^^^S S"^' I'ung jau, ^ *§ /ung m-. Fung fii, -g| fgl jau u^ Yu yu. About, round about, j^ j^ ^chau ^wai. Chau wei, (J^ sz' min*. Sz mien ; nearly, ^^ tdi* y^uk,. Ta yoh, ^ ^ ^ ^ch'd pat, ^to. Ch'd puh to, ^ ;f:^ ,ch'a pat, 'un. Ch'd puh yuen,^^|i Z^ j^ ^li pat, *iin. Li puh yuen, J^. "F sh6ung' lid'. Shang hia, ^ ^ >-i ,u. KI hii, J[fiF ^ shii' ^ki. Shu ki ; about noon, ^ "^ H$ kan' *ng jShi. Kin wu shi ; about evening, jj^^ ^ts6ung 'mlin. Tsikng wdn; about to depart, ?|^ -^ ^ts6ung hii', Tsikng k'fl ; about, concerning, ^ k'ap,. K'ih; to speak al)out, 1^ ^ lun' k'ap>. Lun k'ih ; to speak about . people, 1^ ^ lun' jyan. Lun jin ; about, respect- ■^ i"-?> ^ tk ^^^' c*- ^^^ y^ > about this affair, ^ ;: ^ fj: ipf. wai' ^nl kin' sz' ; about to die, ^ ^ jts6ung 'sz. Tsi&ng sz, gj§ ^ ^lam 'sz. Lin sz, about to fall, ^ ^ ^tsoung tit,. Tsiiing tieh ; about to tumble down (as a wall &c.), ^^ yuk, to'. Yuh to or tixi ; about one hundred, ^ — ■ "g" y6ukj yat, pdk,, Yoh yih peh ; to walk about, j|| ^ wan' jyau. Yun yau ; to be about, {{^ ; what are you about ? f^i^ -5^ #^ -fe^ 1^ ,ni i6' ts6' mat, *y6 ; about three feet high, ^ ^ H /i c^° y^uk, ^s&m ch'ekj. Kdu yoh skn ch'ih ; scattered about, |/y ^ sz' s^n'. Sz s{in ; about one's person, ^^ isoi' ^shan. Tsdi shin, ^ ■^ ^ ,tid lok^ ^shan. Tid loh shin, '^^^ _t. i^'^^ t^oi' ^slian sh6ung'. HwM ts^i shin sh&.ng'. Above, upon, on, J^ shdung*. Shdng, _t6!l sh^ung min'. Shang mien; above [over] the head, ^B^ h. tsoi' jt'au sh^img'. Tsdi t'au sh^ng ; upstaira, -^t^-h ^soi' j^^au sh6ung'. Tsai lau shdng ; above ten, + ^ j^ shiipj 'yau jtl. Shih yd yd, -p ^ ^ shdpj ^yau ^to. Shih yd to ; not above, ^ ^ pat, kwo'. Puh kwo ; "^ Jt. pat, sh^ung*. Puh shkng ; above my strength, ^ "^ ^ ^\' '>i{?o lik, ^cM ngoi'. Wo lib chi wei ; above gi'ound, 11511 'SE sh^ung' tsoi'. Shdng ts/ii, i|c 'a' jl^ ^ ^ jts'ang kwo' ^shan. Wi ts'ang kwo shin ; he is above board, ^ '0| J^ 'g^ ,k'i hai' Hvan tong'. K'i hi wan tfiug; above bojml, ;^ ^ Q ^kwong ^t'in pdkj yatj. Kwimg t'ien i)eh jih ; to deal above- boai-d, 'g* B5 ^ $ tong' mIn' pdn sz'. Tdng mien pdn sz ; as above cited, ^oJt/^/f ^| ?^ sh^uiig* 'sho 'van. Yd sh6ng so yin, Jl ^ ^ ift shdung' ^man 'sho shiit,. Shfing wan so shwoh ; above and be- low, _t.~f> shdung' hd'. Shang hid ; above, on the surface, J^ ^' 8h6ung' min'. Shdng mien ; above, over the head or on an elevation, ^ Jt ii^ tsoi' sh6ung' ^h. 'M\\ shdng kdu ; oyer and above, ^ ^\ ling' ngoi'. Ling wei ; aljove his capacity. ^ ^JrZ^lk ct'^ 'sho pat, k'dp,. TA so puh k'ih, fg^ pg f Ij 'k'fl ts?)' /m td'. Abracadabra, a magical word or cliarm said in curini^ diseases, ^ % ^fd chau'. Fu chau, ^ fg^ ^fu lukj. Fu luh. Abrade, to, to scrape off, J|J ^ kwkt, 8<;uk,. Kwdh sioh, J^ ^ mdt, ho'. Moh k'a, ^ ^ kwdt, hfl'. Kwdh k'a. Abraid, to, g| ^ 'sing 'lil. Sing k'l. Abrasion, f^*^ kwdt, s6uk,. Kwdh sioh, ^J |f|j :^ kwdt, sduk, 'chd. Kwah sioh cM, |5lJ ^ ;^ i^ kwdt, ha' ,chl mat,. Kwdh k'a chl wuh. Abreast, ^ ^ ping' ^kln. Ping kien ; to walk side by side, t)£ ^ ping' ,hang. Ping hang, ^ jf jfg ^ ping' ^ktn jl jhang. Ping kien rh hang; to stand abreast of each other, ^ jfc ping' lap^. Ping lih. Abrenimciation, see Renunciation. Abridge, to, ^ 'kkm. Kien; to abridge in writing, ^ % 'kirn 's6. Kien sie, ^ ^ 'shdng 's6. San j si6 ; to make an extract, |^ ^ 'kdn leuk,. Kien lioh, fg ^^ 'kin yduk,. Kien yoh, ^ ^ 'shdng 'k4n. Sang kien; to shorten, ^ ^ shuJc, 'tan. Shuli twin; to take off, ^ ^ ,ch'a ha'. Ch'a k'a, ^ ^ tat, ha'. Toh k'a. Abridger ^ ^ 'kdm 'ch6. Kien ch6, %^ 'j^ ^ 'shing 's6 'ch6. Sang si6 ch6; one who makes ex- tracts, %A^^'^^ tii' leuk, 'ch(4. Sie ti Uoh ch6. Abridgment, j^ ^ ts'at, id'. Ts'oh yau, ^ ^ yeuk, ,ln. Yoh yen, |^ ^ 'kdn id'. Kien yau, ^ ^ 'tsan id'. Tswdn yiiu ; a compendium, -^ ^ di^ 'tsan. Ilwvii tswiin ; the quintessence, ^ ^ id* l^ukj. Y^u lioh ; abridgment of things, ^^^ jts'oi 'tan 'chd. Ts'di twdn ch6 ; abridgment of comforts, 1^ ^ p'ok, s6'. P'oh sd. Abroach, to set, ^ fg fiS ^ -i- [rS tflj] on .lung jt'au .mdi ha' ['tsau 't'ung]. Ngdn liuig t'au mei k'a [tsiu t'ung]. Abroad, in another country, ^ ^[^ @ tsoi' ngoi' kwok,. Tsdi wei kwoh, ^^|*7^ tsoi' ngoi' ^yt^ung. Tsdi M'ci ydng ; to go abroad, ttj i ^h H ^'h'ut, ha' ngoi'* kwok,. Ch'uh k'a wei kwoh, ffj ^ ch'ut, .mdn. Ch'uh mdn; abroad, out of the house, {±{ ^ ch'ut, ^kdi. Ch'uh kidi, [Ij ^ ch'ut, ha.* Ch'uli k'a ; goods from abroad, 7^ ^^ .v6ung fo'. Ydng ho, ^ ie& Pgt It >i 1^' ^«' fo'; from abkmd, ^^K^ iffi 5|5 »ts'ung ngoi' ,ydung ,1 ,loi. Ts'img wei yiing rh liii; pn^claimed abroad, [^ J^ ^ ^ sz' ch'a' po' ,y6ung. Sz ch'd i)o ydng ; dispersed abroad, ()lj ^ sz' sin'. Sz sin ; abroad, not at home, Z^^^ pat, tsoi' ^ki. PiUi tsii kii ; out- side, ^ ^|» |5l tsoi' ngoi' mIn'. Tsii wei mien, ^ ^h fiS tsoi' ngoi' ,t'au. Tsii wei t'au, ^\ ^ ngoi' j)in. Wei picn ; to walk abroiid, ^ -^ sin' p6'. Sin pd. Abrogate, to, j^ ^ kik, ,ch'a. Keh ch'a; to abrog- ate an old custom, :^ ^ =g 3^ kik, ,ch'a kau' ABR (7) ABS kw'ai. Keh ch'u kid kwei; to repeal a law, |^ ^ fai' fit. Fei fih ; to anul, ^ jjl fai' 'ch'i. Fei ch'l. Abrogation, :^ ^ ^ kSk, .ch'n 'che. Keh cli'd clie, ^ ^ ^ fai' fit, 'die. Fei fib ch6 ; ^ ^tH ;^ fP fai' 'eh'I ^cbl sz". Fei cb'l clii sz. Abrood, to sit abrood, ^ ^ ^ pb" tan' ^kai ; to hatch ducks, ^ || pdi^ ip,. Pei yib. Abrupt, craggy, i^ ^ Jun ^sun. Lin siun, ^ iljljj jUgim jts'im. Gan ts'an, ^llj^jngcim ^ngai. Gan wei, llj^^ jhim jUgai. Hien wei, ijj^ kwat,. Kiueh, |J|^ ngokj. Yob, ^ ^yam. Yin or k'ien ; abrupt, apruptly, suddenly, in a sudden manner, ^ ^ * tat, ,In. Tab jin, ;^, ^ fat, ,in. Hwub jen, ^ ^ cbi' >. Chi jen, ^ ^ ts'ilt, !H ,shan tsoi^ ^sam jCh'I. Shin tsii sin ch'l. Absent, !^^ pat, tsoi'. Puh tsii ; absent from sight, >1^ -ffi ® lif pat, tsoi- min' ^ts'In. Puh tsii mien ts'ien ; separated, as friends, H^ ^ 'kw'ai jWai. Kw'ei wei, ^ ^ kw'ai kik,. Kw'ei keh ; to be distant from each other, ;j>9Pi^J^ ^seungkik, 'an. Siing keh yuen, :;|§ f^ j£ ^seung ^H 'an. Siing 11 yuen ; absent for a long time, ^ itt ^ :^ jli 'ts'z 'ho 'kau. LI ts'z hiu kid; long absent, soon forgotten, K^W%%^^^ IB jan 'kau ^I pit, tsak, I" ^mong kf. Jin kid II pieh, tseh I wing^ kl; leave of absence, ^^^ ts'im' 84'sz\ Tsin si6 sz. Absent, to, to absent one's self, ^ ^ ^11 ha'. LI k'u; to slip away from, "^^ t'ut, ^shan. T'oh shin ; to betake one's self to a distance, :}^:^ |^-^ ^ch'au ^shan 'an ha'. Ch'au shin yuen k'ii. Absentee, [ij^f*;^ ch'ut, ngoi" 'ch6. Ch'uh wei ch6; one who is from his post, ^ 'fi ^ se' yam" 'che. Si6 jin ch6. Absinthium, see "Wormwood. Absist, fl^ pa^ Jo, ^ 'chl. Chl, g^ 'i. f. Absolute, unlimited in power, free, g ^ tsz" 'chS Tsz clid ; absolute as applied to God, when refer- ring to lus existence &c., g ¥^ tsz- ^in. Tsz jen \ complete, ^ ,ts'an. Ts'iuen, ^ -^ ,ts'ai ^ts'dn. Ts'i ts'iuen ; absolute authority, >^ i "S ^ tuh^ 'chu ^k'i ,k'un. Tuh did k'l k'iuen, g^E* 7^ ± tsz- 'kl tsok, 'chu. Tsz kl tsoh chd, g ± jf #| tsz' 'did jk'an ping'. Tsz chd k'iuen ping, ^ |5^ ;^ ;jg ^ ^mb bin- ^chl ,k'an shai'. Wd Men chl k'iuen shI, g .^;^ |i^ tsz' ^In ^chl ,k'un shai'. Tsz jen chl k'iuen shI ; an absolute estate, /\\ J^ "^ ^ 'sid ^hong ^cbl ^ki. Siiu kang chl kii ; an absolute promise, fe ^ ^■fj ^mo 'shong yeuk,. Wd sbwing yob, ^^^^%\ jmo t'ui' ^wai ^chl 'hu. Wd t'di wei cbi ha ; an absolute refusal, ||f ^ -^ tun' pat, 'hang. Twin pub kang, ^ tjl^ pg- -^ sbl" pit, ,m 'hang ; how absolute the knave is, fi ^ ^ pfr W # ko' ^kwong kwan' kom' ts'6' po' ; ^ teng'. Ting, ^ shat^. Shib ; arbitrary, ^ ^ yam' I'. Jin I. Absolutely, ^^ teng' ^in. Ting jen, ^^ ¥^^ pit, ^In Pib jen, ^ ^v shI" pit,. Shi pih ; ^\ ^^ pit, ^sa. Pih sd, i)is % pit, teng'. Pih ting, ^ ^)l^ m6' pit,. "Wd pih ; it must be so, ;^ ^ -j^l^ 'kwo jin hai' ABS (8) ABS 'k5m ; it can not possibly be otherwise, ^^^ ^ pat, tak, pat, ^in. Puh tch puh jen. Absoluteness, g i?f^ ffil .^ ^ tsz' ^in ^1 ,in 'ch^. Tsz jen rh jen ch^, ^¥}^ZW^ tsz' ,in ^chi ^k'fln shai'. Tsz jen chl k'iuen shi ; Absolution, acquittal, M§f^ '^di tsdi' 'ch^. Ki&i tsdi ch6, ^ ^ 'kdi ^ftn. Kiai yuen ; forgiveness of sins, ^ p sh6^ tsdi^ Shi6 tsdi, || p shik, tsdi'. Shih tsdi, §^:tM ts6i' ,c^i sh6\ Tsdi chl shid. Absolutism, 5^ ^ ;^ 3® ,t'in meng' ^chi '11. T'ien ming chl ^U^WiZM. ^^ sh6' ^chi t6'. T'ien sd chi tiu ; despotism, ^^ '^ jk'6ung pa'. K'idng pd. Absolvatory, ^ p fj^ sink, tsdi' tik,. Shih tsdi till, i^ P ^ sli6' tsdi' tik,. Slii6 tsdi tih. Absolve, to, ^ p sh6' tsdi'. Slii6 tsdi, ^ p 'kdi tsdi'. Kiai tsdi, ;^ p 'min tsdi'. Mien tsdi ; to pardon, as the emperor, J^ |^ .yan sh6'. Ngan shi^ ; to absolve from an engagement, ^ ^ 'k&i iin'. Kiai yuen ; magnanimously to pardon an offence, %f^^M S^^ '^^ ^sui' kwo'. Kw'an mien tsiii kwo ; to absolve from all consequences, W\^M'^ tiin' 'min ^kwdn jhai. Tw^n mien kwan hi. Absolver, |gi^p^ sh6' tsdi' 'ch6. Shi^ tsdi ch6. Absolving, acquitting of a crime, ^ p sh6' tsdi'. Shi^ tsdi, ^ p A^ 'mln tsdi' kwo'. Mien tsdi kwoh, ^ p yau' tsdi'. Yd tsdi. Absonant, dissonant, ^ ^ ^ ^ cShing ^yam pat, hbp^. Shing yin puh hob, ^,=^^^ .^^^^'^g jam pat, jWO. Shing yin puh ho ; unreasonable, ^-^ ^ pat, h6pj 'li. Puh hoh 11 ; very absurd, ^ ^ tii'mau'. Tdmid. Absonato, to, to avoid, ^ 'mln. Mien ; to abhor, t^ Wi c*^"!? j)^ ^ hon' ,1am iin'. Hdn 11 n yuen. Acanaceous, ^ f^ |^ ^y^^ ^^i ^i'^- ^^ ^^"^ *^^ 5 ^ rough, thorny as a bmmble, ^ ^ pf}* ^ (fl lak, k6m' ,hdi. Yd leh k&n hidi. Acanthabolus, ^ ^ ^tslm ,k'Im. Tsien k'ien. Acanthus ilicifoUus, ^ ^ ^ j^oj^g f^ tli afil ^ P*^^ i^^^S .t'^^g 'c^^* Pull nang t'ung ci>6. Acatery, ^ ^ M ^ iit '^un '11 ,wong ,ch'a chik,. Kwdn 11 hwfing ch'd chih. Acatharsia, • jfD. ;^ 1^ 3^ :^ hiit, ,chl pat, tseng* 'ch6. Hiueh chi puh tsing ch6. Accede, to, to consent, jQ^ 'wan chun. Yun chvm, yt ^ 'wan nokj. Yim noh ; to acquiesce in, g^ 'hii. Hu ; to join, ^ ^ fd' ,ts'ung. Fd ts'ung ; to join a party (for good or bad), ^ jffl fd' ,wo. Fd ho, ^|}j^ ,1 fd*. I fd ; to accede to a treaty, ^ ^ M ^ ^^' ,ts'ung ^ch(:'ung ,ch'ing. Fd ts'ung chdng ch'ing. Accedence, fCJl^ '^^Ji 'chun. Yun chun. Accelerate, to, to hasten, ^ j^ 'sz ts'uk,. Sz sub, ^ Jg chduk, ts'uk,. Choh sub, -fg ^ ,t8'di kap,. Ts'di kih, i^ jg ^ts'di pik,. Ts'di pill, {g jg te'di ts'uk,. Ts'di suli, -flp ^ ^ts'di 'kan. Ts'di kin, ff {E ^ts'di tsuk,. Ts'di ts'uh ; to quicken one's st^ps, ^ ^ kap, p6'. Kih pd, ft # jmong p6*. M&ng pd ; tell him [make him] to be quick, ^ ^B 't^ ^ ch^uk, 'k'u fdi' 'tsau ; make him to be a little quicker, ^ ^, ^ ch6uk, kap, tik, [or,tl]. Accelerating, ^ j^ 'Sz ts'uk,. Sz suh. Acceleration, '^ J^ :^ 'Sz ts'uk, 'ch^. Sz suh ch6, fi ^ ^ ct8'm kap, 'ch6. Ts'di kih Che, -^ jj ^ts'di ts'uk,. Ts'di suh, ^ ^ ch6uk,kap,. Choh kih. Accelerative, '^ ^ ^^ 'sz ts'uk tik,. Sz suh tih, ^ ^ 1^ ch^uk, kap, tik,. Choh kih tih. Accend, to, to kindle, |$ A ^^% '^o- ^^^ ^O' ^ A t'au' 'fo. T'au ho, |^ A '^^ '^o. Tien ho ; to set on fire, j^ A ^^ng' 'fo. Fdng ho. Accension, ^ A '^ ^ ^^*> '^° t^^ ^'*- ^^^ ^° ^^^ 8z, ;5J; A ^ i long' 'fo ^chl sz*. Fdng ho chi sz. Accent, a mark upon syllables, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 3fe ,in 'ti jhing chung* ^chi hd*. Yen yd k'ing chung chi h4u; a mark denoting the raising and de- pressing of the voice, ^'^^'i^S^^i^ *u ^k6 ^tai ^shing ^clii ho*. Yen yd kau ti shing chi hdu ; a mark denoting the power of a syllable, W^^MZ^ S^'^ ,ch'6ung 'tun ^chi h6'. Yen yd ch'dng tw&n clii hdu ; the accent* of the Chinese language are tone-marks and constitute an essential part of the spoken vernacular. Tliese tone-marks are (from their form) called circles, ^ ^ t jWai ^hiin. Wei k'uen, and the four tones themselves fi-om their numbers, p^ ^ sz' ,sheng. Sz shing. The latter are subdivided into, ^ ,p'ing. even, and jj^ chak,. Tseh, oblique tones. The 2ji jP'ing, even, is in Peking divided into the higher and lower tones. The _t. sheiuig*. Sh/vng, higher p'ing shing is called the ^ 2p ts'ing ,p'ing. Ts'ing p'rng, the clear [sonorous] even tone, and the "Ji hd*. Hid, lower, is called the j^ ^ cliuk, ,p'ing, the muddy [dull] even tone. The |/^ chak,. Tseh, oblique tones are the J[^ sh^ung*. Shdng and the ^ hu'. K'd, shing, the upper and the departing tones of the Peking dialect. The variation of the number of thesa tones and the mo ,kim ,yau. Pin hioh kien yd. Accompt, ^ g cheung' mukj. Ch^ng midi, ^ g sho' mukj. Su muh. Accomptant, ^-^ siin' 'shau. SwSn shau. Accord, harmony in music, \\ii shinff. Hid,i shing, ^ ^ jam ^wo. Yin ho, |^ ^ ch'^uog' jWO. Ch'^ng ho ; harmony in sentiments, ^ ^ jWO mukj. Ho mull, ^$J ^wo 'hb. Ho hdu, jlp')^ shun- jts'ing. Shun ts'ing, j^ ^ ^seung 'ho. Si- ^n^ hdu ; with one accord, — • ii^ yat ^sam. Yih sin ; of one's own accord, 2JS yl^"* ^ ^tj P^n (Sam fdt, ch'ut,. Pun sin fab ch'uh, g^rfij!±i tsz' s^n ji ch'ut,. Tsz jen rh ch'uli ; agreement, ^[^[ hop^ ^t'ung. Holi t'ung. tsau^ Tso tsiu, ^ tso- cts'ing 'ch'o. Tso Accord, to, to agree, j^ ^ ^s6ung hbp^. Si&ng boh, '^hopj. Holi,:;jig^^seung'h6. Sianghdu; to ac- cord with our feelings, t^pj"^ ^t'au^ki. T'au kf,||;g .ngam, ^ff ^ngam kai', ^H ^kam ,lan ; to ac- cord with reason, ^ 3^ bop^ 'li. Hob li, j|g g| shun- 'M. Shun M, -^ ^ 't'ai to^ T'i tau ; to ac- cord -with others' feelings, |^ A ^ jts'ui ,yan i'. Sui jin i,^KM s^^, syaJi i'.'^Siiib jin i, )|| A'iW s^'^i^' jan ^ts'ing. Shun jin ts'ing, filA A '1^ 't'ai t'ip, jan ^ts'ing. T'i t'ieh jin ts'ing, fg f^ ^sun .ts'ing. Siun ts'ing ; to accord with the ancients, ^ -^ ^ts'ung 'ku. Ts'ung ku, ))^ -^ ni' 'ku. Ni kii ; to accord, as in music, § ^ ^yam jWO. Yin ho ; to accord willingly, ^^ ^ ^ts'ung. "l ts'ung, 'I* ^ jts'ing iin'. Ts'ing yuen ; Jp ^ iin' jts'ung. Yuen ts'ung ; to accord praise, ^^ tsung^ tsan'. Tsung tsan. Accordance, agreement with a person, i^ tJ^P ^seung jWO. Siang ho ; in accordance with reason, >^ ^ bbp, -'li ; conformity, yjg '^ ^seung tdi'. Sidng tdi ; in conformity with, fIS chiu'. Cbiiu. Accordant, corresponding, iH^'^j^xf ^seung bop^ tik^ Sidng hob tih ; agreeable, B8^ chid'. Chau, hopj. Hob. Accorder, ^ ^ ^ ^V^^o ^^^' '^^^- ^'<^^S ^^d che ; 4 't'ai t'lp, 'che. T'i t'ieh che ^ According, agreeing, -^ bop^. Hob ; agreeable to, ^ i^ cP'ang ,i- P'ang i ; according to, H^ chid'. Chau, ^ ^i. t, ^ on'. Ngdn, iiff ^n. Yd ; accord- chid"ni'sho ing to what you say, BSf^ ^jff 'kons. Chau ni so kong, •^ = = ,i ,in. I cording to evidence, ^ i on' yen ; ac- jP'ang kii'. ACC (147 ACC Ng^n. p'ang kii ; accordins^ to established laws, ^ ^ ^ on' lutj fat,. Ngc'm liuh f ah ; according to custom, i^^^ ^I kw'ai 'kii. I kw'ei kii ; ac- cording to former usage, "iJ) -^ ^ ^ jin^ kau' ^kw'ai kii'. Ying kau kw'ei kii ; according to re- gulations, )}^.^J chill' lai\ Chdu II ; according to reason, ^ 9^ ,i to*, 1 tiu ; according to one's wishes, ^p,^ jii iin*. Yd yuen, :^ni|P jii 1'. Yii 1 ; according to order, ^p -^ ^ii ling*. Yu ling ; ac- cording to the emperor's commands, -f^ ^ "^ ,i jWong meng*. t hw4ng ming ; according to your commands, f^ -ap :^ |^ jWai meng* shi' t'eng'. Wei ming shi t'ing ; according to what has been said, ^ 1^ kii' shiit,. Kii shwoh ; according to the light of reason, ^ »^ sut, sing'. Suh sing ; according as, ^p ^ ^ii y6ukj. Yd yoh ; to go ac cording to the times, -^ Q^ I shi rh hanir. n s .«M 1 jhang. Accordingly, :^ j^^ 'iin ^In. Yuen jen, i^^ ,i jIn. I jen ; agreeably, j|^ sui\ Sui, |p tsik,. Tsiii ; the visitor accordingly returns, ^ IP |e] -^ li^>^k, tsik, ,di hii'. K'eh tsih Imui k'fl. « Accost, to, to address one first, "^ Hj" A ^ c^^^ ^^^' jan wd\ 3fcii)" Aift c^^^ ^^^^ J^^ shiit,. Sien tdi j in shwoh, H^^hoijln. K'diyen; to accost one in a familiar style, ^ {^ ^ "^ sbin* tsz* ^hoi jin. Shen tsz k'ii yen, ^ ^ i^^fjf shin* tsz* 'kong shiit, w4*. Accostable, ^-0^ 'h6 hip,. Hiu kiih ; sociable, jtf ^ IS ^ ^ 'h5 ^kdu ^p'ang *yau tik,. Hiu kiiu p'ang yd tih, ^ ^ ^wan ^wo. Wan ho, jt]p ;|i0 |!^ 'h6 ^s6ung 'a, Hiu sidng yd. Accoucheur, * ^ ^ ^ ^ tsip, ^shang ^1 ^shang. Tsieh sang I sang. Accouchement, ^ -^ ^shang *tsz. Sang tsz, ^ ^ ,fan *min. Fan mien, g§^ jlam *min. Lin mien, f^ ^ jlam jp'tiri. Lin pw'6.n, 4^ ^ tso* yuk,. Tso juh, ^ f- 'ch'dn 'tsz. Ch'dn tsz. Account, ^ g ch6ung' mukj. Ch&ng muh, ^ g ch^img' mukj. Chdng muh, ^ g shb' mukj. Su muh; a narrative (journal), pB yatj ki'. Jih ki, 0^ yat, luk,. Jih luh, |ft shut,. Shwoh, ]^ ^ ,iin ,yau. Yuen yu ; to enter an account, ^ ^ >ng p6*. Tang pii, fg >(^ |i ki' chii* 8h6\ Ki chii sd ; to open an account, \\^ ^. hoi p5'. K'di pu ; an account book, ^ ^ ch6ung' p5*. Chdng pu, ^ ^ sh6' p6*. Sii pii ; to settle an account, '^ Ji^ ^ts'ing 8h6'. Ts'ing sii, ^ f^ ^iin sh6'. Yuen su, ^ ^ ^iin ch6img'. Yuen ch6,ng, l!S(^% 'chjlu ^ts'ing 8h6'. Chku ts'ing su, ^ '^ * This office is in China only performed by women, who are called "1^ ^ ^ tslp, ,shan« tp'o. Talch sang p'o, ^ 3®f 'wan tp'o. Wan p'o. Tho Chinese have bcsidt's a Pr J| ^ tp tii ilt, tp'o, i.e. a woman who attends on i)regn!i,ut women during the last month of their pregnancy ; a 'Q J^ ^ ^pftu Ht (P'o, i.e. a woman who attencis on the baby duiing the first month ; or a '^ ^ -^t ^ ,pi'iu vit, .sin ,shang, i.e. a physi- cian, who superintends the nursing of the baby during that period. kit, sh6'. Kieh sii ; to pay off the remaining debt of an account, tfe ^ J^ 'ch&u 8h6' *mi. Chku sti wl ; to make out an account (for payment), SE 1^ siin' sh5'. Swkn sii, ^|^ siin' ch6ung', 8wka chfing, H H. ^hoi ^tdn. K'ki tkn ; to square an account, ff ]^ |^ g kai' ^ts'ing shd' muk^. KI ts'ing su muh, j|;^^g siin' ,ts'ing shd' muk,. Sw&n ts'ing su muh, fg 3^ ,ts'ing kat,. Ts'ing kih ; a record, |* chi'. Chi, ^ chun'. Chuen, ^ 'ki. Ki, ^ lukj. Luh ; to turn to good account, f^fy% 'lio 'td siin". K&n iA swdn, iJtJ ^ ^ 'h6 siin' tokj. H&u 8w&,n toh, j^ ^ PJfi\ 'h6 ,ma li*. Hdu mk ]i ; to give a written account, fg ^ ki* sz*. Ki sz ; to give a verbal account, |ft jj ^ ;^ ^ shiit, kin' ^man ,chi sz'. Shwoh kien wan clii 8Z. ^lll ift — i sai' shut, vat, pin'. Si shwoh yih pien ; I have no account of him, tIc B^ if^ ,§, mi* ^man ^siu sik,. Wi wan sidu sih, ^ ^ -fof i^ ^ ^ pat^ ^chi jho ch'u' cheuk, lok^. Puh clii ho ch'd^ choh loh ; a man of good account, ^ fS Bl ;^ \ *yau 't'ai min' ^clii jan. Yu t'i mien chi jin,^ [lil^P^X'ya^ min* 'tsz kd' ,yan ; a man of no account, yJN \ 'sid ,yan. Sidu jin, ^'^<'^\, jP'ing jShdung kd' jan ; I make no account of it, ^ jj #1* @ pat, tsuk, kwk' 'ch'i. Puh tsuh kwd ch'i, P§ J^ ^ s^n tsuk, 'kong ; I did it upon that account, l^^ltt^ffn;^;^ *ngowai*'t8'zsz',i^wai ^chi. Wo wei ts'z sz rh wei clii, ^MM^^^^ "fg'ngo wai* ^ni ti* sz* chd' ts6* 'k'ii ; on account of, g^ jan. Yin, ^ wai*. Wei, |j|,un. Yuen; upon your account, U) j^ jan 'nl. Yin ni ; upon all account, '^ H$ jshdung ^slii. Chkng shi ; on no account, ^ !^ j{f tiin' pat, 'h6. Twkn puh hkn, Hi :?; ?f tiin' pat, 'ho. Twdn puh k'o, U 1^ '^ mdn* pat, 'ho. Wdn puh k'o ; balance account, 1^ J^ sh6' 'mi. Su wi ; account of charges, ^f^ ^. fai' yung* ^tdn. Fi yung tdn ; accovmt of in- surance, ^ I^ ^ 'p6 'him shb'. Pfiu hien sti ; account of sales, ^ 1^ ^ fdt, fo' ^tdn. F^i ho t&n ; account of settlement, ^ ||. , ts'ing ^tAn. Ts'ing tdn ; accounts agreed upon, ^ ^ "O^ H chfip, shatj kA' ^tdn. Chdh shih kid tJin ; to cast up one's account (to vomit), og 'au. Ngau. Account-book, |g ^ chdung' p5'. Ching pu, gjj ^ chip, p6*. Chfih pd. Account, to, to reckon, gf kai'. KI, |j^ siin'. SwSn, ft ^ kai' 8h6'. Ki su, tT |C *t* sto'- Ti swin, fj" % kai' siin'. Ki swin ; to deem, f^ 'kd. Kd, j^ kin'. Kien, ^f ^ ^ '^on' 'hi ,loi. K'4n k'l in ; to consider, ^ ^ 'i jWai. f wei ; I account (consider) him a good man, ^ #, @ ^ 'ngo *I .t'fi ,wai shin'. AVo i t'/v wei shen ; silver was not anything accounted of in the days of Solomun, mif^^za^^ Am\>^^1^ n 'sho ,io .mdn ^clil jShi, jyan jx\b 'I ,ngan ^wai kwai'. So lo mim chi shI, jin wd I yin wei kwei; to hold in esteem, ]^(='|^)Sit^'ichung*. Tun chung ; to account for, ift ^ IJI ^ shflt, ,k'f ,an jau. Shwoh k'l yuen yd ; he can account for every thing, {^ ^ ACC (15) ACC #^^ ,t'a 'kai tak, kok, sz". T'4 kiai teh koh sz. Accountability, 5^ man-. Wan ; his accountability, #. ^ ^R 59 ^t'i ^cM fukj man\ T'5 cM fuh wan. Accountable, to be subject to inquiry, ^ f^ k'it, man". K'ieh wan, ^ f§ shau" k'lt,. " Shau k'ieh ; you are accountable for every tiling, ^^'^j^ ^ 5§ kok, SZ" jWai 'nl sM- man'. Koh sz wei ni shi wan ; accountable, to bear the consequences, ^ '^ ^ f5^ ^kwSn hai" ^kwai *nl. Kw^n hi kwei iii ; to be accountable, ^^^^ shi" shau" man" tik,. Shi shau wan tih ; to be under control, ^ # If ^ 1^ tsoi- 'kun h&t, ^chi ha". Ts^i kwan hiah chi hid. Accountableness, ^ f^ ^ shau^ man^ 'ch^. Shau wan ch6. Accountant, j^^ 'chu p6\ Chd pd, ^ |§ 'ch^ung kwai". Chang kwei, '^^ sun' '^shau. Swan shau, 1^ J^ ,ts'oi fd'. Ts'ai fd, pig ff nor kwaf. Nui kwei ; accountant's assistant, ^ !§ ^pong kwai\ Pang kwei. Accountantship, ^^m^'^clmpb'chik, fan'. Chu pd chih fan, ^^ZH jts'oi fu' ^chi yam'. Ts'ai fd chi jin. Accouple, to, to unite in pairs, (as birds &c.) i^ ^ 'k&,n tdi'. Kien tdi ; to pair (as in aviaries,) SE^ p'ui'tui'. P'eitui. Accoutre, to, to put on accoutrement, ^ 3^ ^ cheuk, jxmg ^i. Choh jung I, ^ |^ ^ ch6uk, ^kwan .chong. Choh kwan chwang, ^^^ ch^uk, ^kw'ai kap,. Choh kw'ei ki&,h, ^ ;^|^ j'i kwa'. P'i kwS. Accoutrement, armor, ^ ^ ^kw'ai kdp,. Kw'ei kidh, ^ ^ ^kwan ^chong. Kwan chwdng, ^ ^ ^kwan hi^. Kwan k'i ; ornaments, 5^^ 'fan shik,. Fan shih ; trappings, ,^^ *m^ 'y^"^»- ^^ J^^S- Accredit, to, 'fg §^ sun' t'ok,. Sin fob, f^i ^ ^ 'pi ,p'ang ^slia. Accredited, ^ '(^ §£ kin' sun' t'ok,. Kien sin t'oh ; invested mth power, ^ @ ^»J ^jsiu ^k'fln tik^. Yd k'iuen tih ; to have influence, ^ ff jfi] ^^ *yau 't'ai min" tik,. Yd t'i mien tih. (see letters patent.) Accrescent, ^::^^»f ^shang tai" tik^. Sang t^ tih. Accretion, jj\\ ^ ^ka ^tsang. Elia tsang ; accumula- tion, H ^ 'lui tipj. Lui tieh. Accretive, jj\\ ^ ^^ kd, ^tsang tik,. Kia tsang tih, ^#6^ tsik, -lui tik,. Tsih lui tih. Accrimination, accusation, -^ ko'. K^u ; reproach, ^'f^ chak, chii". Tseh chu. Accroach, to, ^||| shin- ,k'un. Shen k'iuen. Accrue, to, to increase, ^ ^ ^kd, ^t'im. Kid t'ien, ^ -Sa, (tsang yik,. Tsang yih ; what good will ac- crue from it, ^^^-^Sp. ^tseung ^avi ^ho yik, jd. Tsiang yu ho yih hd ; to arise from this, {jj ■^ Itt cli'ut, ,d 'ts'z. Ch'uh hu ts'z, ^ [tl: j?q ?g jau 'ts'z ,i 'hi. Yu ts'z rh k'i, ^ jtb # Hj jau 'ts'z f&t, ch'ut,. Yd ts'z fah ch'uh ; no advantage Tvill accrue from it to me, i^^j^^ ^mo yik, ^u *ngo. Wu yih yd wo. Accrument, jj^ ^ kd ^tsang. Kid tsang, jj^ ^ ^ki fim. Kid t'ien. ' Accubation, ^ J^ tso' tsik,. Tso sih, ^ ^ 1 tsikj. Kisih. Accumb, Jlf^ 'i tsik,. Ki sih, ij^f^t^-^'in tsik^ ji shik,. Yen sih rh shih, j^ f^ ^mai tsikj. Mai sih ; to rdfcline and sleep, |^ }L r?5 SV Y^^ '^ S ngo^ Yin ki rh ngo. Accumbent, reclining, ^^^ 'in ,in. Yen jen, ^U^ ^&i shd'. Accumulate, to, to heap up, ^ }^ tsik, ^mdi. Tsih m^i, 1^^ ^ch'a ^mai. Ch'd mai, ^^ tsik, ch'uk,. Tsih ch'uh, i^^ ^ ^tui tsik,. Tdi tsih, ^ ^ tsik, tsii', ^ ^ 'lui ^tsang. Lui tsang, ^ ^ ^ch'tt tsik,. Ch'd tsih, ig ^ ^fiin tsik,. Tw'an tsih, Q ^ jt'iin tsik,, ^ ^ jts'an tsik^. Tswdn tsih, ^ ^ jCh'a ^sa. Ch'd sii, J^ ^ lui tsik,. Lui tsih ; to heap up in layers, ^ ^ ^ts'ang 'lui. Ts'ang lui ; to accvunulate as sand and forming a sand- bank, ^ ^ '(j? ^ tsik, jShing ^shci ^t'5n. Tsih ching shi t'dn, ij?^j^^ ^shi tsik, ^shing ^t'^n. Sh5 tsih ching t'5n ; to accumulate riches, ^ ^ tsik, (ts'oi. Tsihts'^i, ^^ tsik, jts'in. Tsihts'ien, It i :^ 3S 'ch'ii ^kam 'lui yuk,. Ch'fl kin lui yuli; to accumulate merits, ^f^:^^ tsik, tak, 'lui ,kung. Tsih teh lui kung, ^^^^ fit, ut, ^kung jl6. Fah yueh kung 15 u ; to accumulate deeds of charity, iP ^ P^ ^ 'kwong tsik, ,yam ^kung. Kwing tsih yin kung. Accumulating, ^^ 'lui tsik,. Lui tsih. Accumulation, ^^ 'lui tsik,. Lui tsih, ^i^ tsik, jmM. Tsih m^i ; accumulation of secret acts of charity, ^iM.^M ^ ^^^> s^^^ J^^^ t^^^o- ^sih mdi yin kimg. Accumulative, ^ JH ^ tsik, ^mdi tik,. Tsih mdi tih, :^^|^^ 'lui tsik, tik,. Lui tsih tih. Accumulatively, to do things, ^i^t^^J'^ tsik, ^mai tik, ts6-. Tsih m^i till tso, ^i^^ 'lui ^mdi ts5\ Accumulator, ^ ^M ^ tsik, ^mdi 'chd. TsUi m4i che, ^-^^ ch'uk, tsik, 'che. Ch'uh tsili che. Accuracy, care, g^ '|^ 'kan shan'. Kin shin, /J> /(^ 'sid ^sam. Siiu sin, ^ ^|g 'tsz sai'. Tsz si ; neat- ness, 4^ ^.|g yau' sai'. Yd si. Accurate, careful, ^ '|^ 'kan shan\ Kia shin, yj-* iV^^ 'sid ^sam. Sicbu sin, ^JH'Ci' sai' ^sam. Si sin, ^ i(^ yung' ^sam. Yung sin ; without fault, ^ ^ ^mh ts'o'. Wu ts'o, ^^ ,m6 ^cli'd. Wd ch'd, ^ ch6uk,. Choh ; to agree with the pattern, ^ ^ hop, shik,. Hoh shih, "^ ^ ^ hbp^ fit, 'tsz. Hoh fah tsz ; neat, ^ ^Hl yau' sai'. Yd si, ^ ^ 'tsz sai'. Tszsi; nice, T^^jtsingmat,. Tsingmih. Accurately, carefully, /)■» j\j> 'sid ^sam. Siiu sin ; nicely, ^ ^ yau' sai\ Yd si ; without fault, ^ ch^uk,. Choh, ^^ ^mb ts'o'. Wd ts'o ; to speak accurately, ^ ^% ^ 'kong tak, ^ts'eung sai'. Kong teh siang si ; to write accurately, ^ ^ ^ ^ 's6 tak, jts'eung sik,. Sie teh siing sih. Accurateness, carefulness, g^ 'j^ 'kan slian'. Kien shin ; neatness, ^ ^ yau' sai'. Yu si. ACC (16) ACE Accursc, to, to imprecate, ^ gU cliau' cho'. Clmu tsu; to execrate, ^E ^ cliau' md'. Chau md; to doom to misery, ^ ^ "^ |il teng* shau' 'fu luin'. Ting shau k'u nkn; to accurse people, 5£ A chau' jyan. Cliau jin. Accursed, ^ % fuk, cliau'. Fuh chau, ^ % shau^ chau'. Shau chau ; an accursed man, \^ff ^^ to' lokj ^kai ; may you be accursed, ^^1 -f/JJ chit, to' *nl, Chih to nl ; abominable, pf % ^^ 'ho chau' tik,. K'o chau tih. Accusable, censurable, Pf ^ ^ ^ 'ho chdk^ jSlung tik,. K'o tseh ching tih, ^ ^ fe ;^ ^ *yau k6' chong' ^chl kd'. Yd kdu chwfi-ng chi kd. Accusant, }§^ ^ ^ jUn k6' 'ch6. Yuen kdu ch6, ^^M hung' k6' 'ch6. K'ung kfiu chd. Accusation, indictment, -^ Jjjc k6' chong'. Kdu chwdng, i^^ tai' 'pan. Ti pin ; a written indict- ment, ^ -^ chong' 'tsz. Chw&,ng tsz ; the indict- ment (referring to the wording of it), |^ ^ tsung* jts'z. Sung ts'z, gD |^ ^ts'z tsung'. Ts'z sung, ^ ^ jCh'ing chong*. Ch'ing chwing; a false accusation, ^;^ ^iin 'wong. Yuen wdng, ^i t^ jn.6 nipj Accusative, accusative, the fourth or objective case, M iS: W M [^ ^ ckang 'koi_^,in tai' sz' fdt,. Kang kai yen tl sz fdh [tsz], ^ ^ !^ ^ (/^ J^ pin' jin fdt^ tai' sz' tso'. Pien yen fiili tl sz tso, M 5fe # ;S ^^[g 'finr ckang 'koi ,in ^chl tai' sz' lun'. Kang kai yon chi ti sz lun. Accusatively, a" iUc u jkwdn fi. pin' jln fdt, ^cM tai' sz' lun'. Yu kw6ji yu pien yen fdh chi ti sz lim. Accusatoiy, -^ |jjc fKl ^^' chong' tik,. Kfiu chw^g tih, '^ -^ ^i^ ^pdu ko' chong'. Pdu kiiu chw&.ng. Accuse, to, to indict, ^ j^ hung' k6'. K'ung k6,u. Sih kwdn chi vdngr. Accustomance, -jg kwiin'. Kwdn, ^^ kwdn' ts&p,. Kwkn sih. Accustomarily, ^ ^ ,sh6img tsdp,. Chdng sih. Accustomarv, see custoraarv. Accustomed to, used to, f^ kwin'. Kwin, ^ ^ kwin' shukj. Kw^n shuh, ^ ^ tsip^ shuk,. Sih 2t ^ k6' chong*. Kdu chwfing ; to accuse falsely, ti 5^ nip, hung'. Nieh k'ung, ^ ;^ ^vin wong Yuen wdng, |Sg -^ ^mh ko'. Wd kiiu, ^ jf^ ni6' himg'. Mim k'ung, ^^ 'mong k6'. "Wdng kdu; to involve othei's by false charges, ^^ |i§ nip, hdm'. Nieh liien ; to charge a crime on one, ^^ IP nlpj jt'id tsui'. Nieh t'idu tsdi, ^|^ jmbhdni'. Wd hien, |^ ^ ,m5 nip,. Wd nieh. Accuser, plaintiff, j^ -^ ;^ jiin k6' 'ch6. Yuen kdu cU, tr '^ jf^^U 'tf^ kdn 'fd k6'; plaintiff and defendcnt, pj^ij^ '16ung ts5'. Lidng ts{iu; the de- fendant, ^ ^ pi' k6'. PI k{iu. Accustom, to, to habituate, ^ f^ tsdp, kwdn'. Sih kwdn, ^ ^1^ tsdp, shuk,. Sih shuh ; to practise, $ ^ hok/tsdp,. llioh sih, fj'l 1^ kw/m' lin'. Kwim lien ; to accustom others to, ^ -^ J^ ^ kdu' ling' sliukj tsdp,. Kiau ling shuh sih. Accustomablc, Pf ^ ^ '|Jh{ 'bo hok, tsdp, kwdn'. K'o llioh sih kwdn. Accustomably, ^ f^ ;^ ^^ tsdp, kwdn' ^chl ydung*. shuh ; accustomed to do, f^^^ kwdn' tsb'. Kwdn tso ; accustomed to practise, j]?| ^ kwdn' tsSp^ Kwdn sih, 0:^ 'nan tsdp,. Niu sih ; accustomed to frequent, ^ f^ hfl' kwdn'. K'a kwdn ; in the habit of, f|- ^ kwdn' ,king. Kwdn king; well versed in, |g|| 'om lin'. Ngdn lien ; thoroughly aecustomcd to, ^ f^ ^ ^ 'lb ,shing '6m lin*. Ldu ching ngdn lien, ^ g, j^ j^ hok^ 'i ^shun shuk,. Hioh 1 shun shuh ; to get accustomed to, #StHft hok, cM' kwdn' shuk,. Hioh chi kwdn shuli, -^Ml^ft ^ok^ chi' ^shun shuk,. Hioh chi shim shuh ; not accustomed [unused] to, pg- -j^ jn. kwdn'. Wd kwdn ; to do as people are accus- tomed to, ^f^-j^ ^ ^ ^ts'ung ^sh^ung kw'ai 'kfl. Ts'ung chdng kw'ei ku, ^ j^ -^ =^ tsdp, shuk, jSh6\mg ^kw'ai. Sili sliuh chdng kw'ei. Accustoming, ^-j^ hok, kwdn'. Hioh kwdn, ^ ^ ^^^ kdu' ling* hok, kwdn'. Kidu ling hioh kwdn. Ace, m^^ii^^ 'chi ^p'di ^hung ^sam. Chi p'di himg sin ; a small quantity, ^ .lib. Hdu, J| ^11. LI, ^ M ; a very little, —^ij nU ^ yat, ,tl k6m' ,to ; within an ace, ^ — ^ ^chdng yat, ^tl ; not an ace, — ^^M yat, jh6 ,t6 jm6. Yih hdu td wd, %iSL sh6 jnb. Hdu wd. Acephalous, ^^ ^mb ^t'au. Wd t'au, (i^^) Acerb, ^ ,sun. Swdn, ^ |^ 'fd ,sun. K'd swdn, ^Idt,. Ldh; harsh, t^ i^ pok, toi'. Pohtdi; severe, ^ jIm. Yen. Acerbate, to, to make sour, ^ ^ 5f« k&u' ^siin mi'. Kidu swdn wl. Acerbity, a sourness "with bitterness and astringcn- cy, a rough taste, 'ggj^j^ kip, ml'. Kieh wl ; harsh- ness, ^ '1^ pok, jts'ing. Poh ts'ing, ^j ^ hdk, pok^. K'eli poh ; a harsh disposition, '^ '^ ||[U ^ sing' jts'ing ht'ik^ pok,. Sing ts'ing k'eh poh ; capriciousncss, v^ J^ ^ '(^ ok, p'ik, ^chl jts'ing. Ngoh p'ih chi ts'ing. Acervato, to heap up, Ji^ || tdi tip,. Tdi tieh. Acervose, i>(t}^ amboo sprouts, ^ ^ i^ |S- matj tsin' chuk, 'sun. Mill tsien chuh siun, ^^ c^^^S ^sun. Tung siun. Achievable, that may be performed, pf jjj(; 'ho ^shing. K'o clung, pT i^'# # 'lio '1 tso^ tak,. K'o i tso teh, ^1= Jt tak, ^shing. Teh cliing, -^ # ^ ^so' tak^ jShing. Tso teh ching. Acliieve, to, to cany on to a final close, j^ ^ ^shing jiin. Ching yuen, ^^ ^shing tsau". Ching tsid ; to achieve one's object, j^^'^ ^ tso- jiin 'shau ^mi. Tso yuen shau vn, )^^ ,shing ^kvmg. Ching kung ; to achieve a victory, ^ ^ 'ti jyi"g. T4 ying, ^^ Avok, shing'. Hwoh shing ; to acliieve and to lose, ^ $^ shing' ^sliii. Shing shd. Achieved, completed, -^ ^ tso^ ,un. Tso yuen, j^ ^ tso^ jShing. Tso ching ; gained, ^ wok,. Hwoh ; to achieve a great victory, ^jk^ ^^k, tdi' shing'. Hwoh td shing ; he has achieved gi-eat things, ^J^i^^ ^t'i ^shing iii^ sz'. T'd cliing ti sz. Achievement, merit, ^ ,kung. Kung, ^^ ^kung jlo. ^Kung lAu, ^ ,kung ^fan. Kung liiun. ^ ^fan ,16. Hiun l^u ; completion, jj^ f ,shing "liu. Ching li^u ; achievement of great meritori- ous acts, ^ :^ ^ selling tii" ^kung. Ching tA kung, l^jtlif^ sl^a' lap, ^fan ^16. Shd lih hiun Idu, ^i[l.:K'^ kin' lap, tdi^ ,kung. Kien lih t5 kung,|§ jt ^ ^kln'lap, jlotsik,. Kien lili Idu tsih. Achiever, one who accomplishes a purpose, ^^^ jShlng sz- 'die. Ching sz che, ^jt;^^^ :^ kin' lap, tai' kung 'che. Kien lih t^ kung che. Aching, to feel pain, %'^ kok.^ t'ung'. Kioh t'ung'; pain, '^ t'ung'. T'ung. Aclilys, B^^ "ngin ^mung. Yen mung. Achor, j% ^ jjiljl ;g ,u jing ^shan ^meng. Wd ying sliin ming. Achromatic [^^=f Mil] iS^fe M 'ts'oi sink,. Wd ts'^i sih, |»B ^ |1I£ i^ ^sliun shik, ,m6 ^h&. Shun sih wd hid, — j^ it ^M 7^^ V'^^^ ,kwong jDiing. Yih p'ien kwdng ming. • Acid, sour, ^ ^siin. Swdn. Acid, li ts'6'. Ts'd; acetic acid, «^ @g jung ts'6'. Yung ts'd ; citric acid, 'f^t^V'-|' niag .mung chap,. Ning mung' cliih ; crystalized do., ^t^t-j-^Ji* ^ning ^mung chap, ^ping. Ning mung chili ping ; muriatic acid, ^@f ^im ts'6'. Yen ts'd, ^^^* jim jk'eung 'shui. Yen k'idng shwui ; nitric acid, ^ gt ^sid ts'6'. Siau ts'd, ^ ^ i^* ,sid jk'eung 'sliul. Sidu k'idng shwui ; tartaric acid, M ^ '& Sa ^ .P« .t'6' chap, ts'6' ^plng. P'd t'd chih ts'd ping, -^^tt'i^ cP'o st'6 chap, ^sfln. P'd t'd dull swliii. Acidity, pf^ ^sfin. Swdn, g^ ^ ^sdn mi^ Swl,n wl. Acidulate, to, to tinge with an acid, ^j^ kdu' ^sun. Kidu swcin. Acidulated, tinged with an acid, l}^ ^ ^^ ^ kau' i.ti ,siin mat,. KiAu tl swdn wuli. Acidulous, p^^xf (^^ ^^k,. Sav^u tih. AcknoAvledge, to, to own or confess, f^, yan' (coll : ying'). Jin, "^ 'shau. Shau, 'j^ fuk,. Fuh ; to ac- knoAvledge a crime, f^> || yinS' tsdi". Jin tsdi ; -^11 'shau tsdi\ Shau tsdi, 'fell fuk, tsdi-. Fuh tsdi ; to acknowledge a favor, f^^ ^^ tse' jan. Sie ngan, ^ ^^ \im jan. KcLn ngan ; to ac- knowledge an error, |g ^ ying^ ts'o'. Jin ts'o ; to acknowledge a letter, ^ [e] ^ 's6 jdi jam. Sie hwui yin, ^^'^ tdp^ S^t^S snn'. Tdh fung sin ; to acknowledge of one's own accord, Q |^, tsz" ying-. Tsz Jin. Acknowledger, fg ^ ying' 'che. Jin die. Acknowledging, f^. yiiig^ Jin, ^\ tse^ Si6, m It ,ch'au tse-. Ch'au sie, ^ |^ tap, tse'. Tah sie. Acknowledgment, confession, f^, ying'. Jin, "^ 'shau. Shau, fg^ p6' tdp,. Pd tah ; acknowledg- ment of a favor, ^ ^^ ts6' ,yan. Si6 ngan ; ac- knowledgment of a letter, fgj^jdi jam. HisTii yin. Acme, the top, the highest point, J^ 'ting. Ting; the extreme point, ^ kik^. kih ; acme of excellence, }Jt{ ^ ch'ut, jt'au. Ch'uh t'au; the height of danger (disease), ^ :^ peug' kik,. Ping kih. Acolotliist, ^ ;|f ^ tsan' 'lai 'che. Tsan li che. Aconite, ^ ( ? ) 'kan. kin. Acop, i:^ T0 tsoi- 'ting. Ts&i ting. Acorn, ^ ^ lik, shatj. Lih shUi ; acorn, the edible, ^ ^ -f- shekj kap^ 'tsz. Shili kiah tsz ; of an- other kind, fiKitKl^ jShiin 'pan 'tsdi. Ch'uen pan tsdi, f^0if jts'dn ^chdi 'tsai. Acomed, i^ ^ ^ ^ 'pi lik, shat, -y^ung. PI lih sliih ydng. Acorus, calamus, or sweet flag, "^ ^ ^ch'eung ,p'6. Ch'dng p'd, :^!J II klm' \^n. Kien Idn, m^M jShdi klm' ^&n. Chui kien 15n. Acosmy, )^ shau'. Sau, J§§ J^ Jiii yeuk,. Hii job, M jJl jnd hut^. Wd hiueli. Acoustic, pertaining to the ears, ^ ^ shuk, "i. Shuh rli ; pertaining to the sense of hearing, ^ IS ^ ^ W sl^i^k^ ft'ing jman ^chi ^kdn. Shuli t'ing wan chl kwdn ; pertaining to the doctrine of sounds, ^ sB ?^ ^ ^ shuk, ^shing 'hdung ^chi 'H. Shuh shing hieing chl 11. Acoustics, ^ ^ ;^ ^ ^shing 'heung ^chl "U. Shing liidng chl II. Acquaint, to, to inform, * f [^ p6'. Pd, ^ ko'. Kdu, ^ wd'. Hwd, ^ ^t'ung. T'ung, )g tdt^. Tdh ; to Hobaon. * This and all the following verbs are in general followed by ,chi ^, to kiiow, when used in the sense of to inform, to commu- nicate &c. The terminative or the personal object is always placed between the verb ^^ to communicate, and ^ to know. ACQ (18) ACQ acquaint him with it, ^ "fS ^ wd' 'k'ii ,chl ; to announce to one, $g #, ^ po ,t'4 ^cht. Pd t'4 chl ; to state, to inform against, ^ ^ k6' 96'. Kiu sfi ; to explain, jgjr 'k'ai. K'l ; to apprise of, ^^ ,t'ung ^clil. T'ung chl; to announce clearly, 'o'S ko' pikj. KSu peh; to communicate, ^"(^ , t'ung jCh'iin. T'ung ch'uen. Acquaintance, intimacy between friends, f^ H^ ^ Mid ^86ung 'yau. Hdu sidng yfi, $5F;|{I^ ,'ho ^seung ^kixi. lldu siSng kidu, ^ ;|i0 Sii 'h6 ^seung *a. Il4u sidng yd, i^ ^ ^s^ung shuk^. Siing shuh ; knowledge, ^^ kin' shik,. Kien sliih ; very ex- tensive knowledge, ^ ^ ^ ^mb pat, 'hid. Wd pull liidu ; limited knowledge, ^ |St "^ R^ ^^'^ shik, 'y^*^ ^^^"^^* Kien shili yd hien ; slight ac- quaintance with, %^, til yiJig* min'. Jin mien, /J\ ^ 'sid shik,. Sil,u shili ; an acquaintance, a friend, M M. sP'^^g y^^^- I*'^^» y^ ; ^^^ ^^^^ whom we keep intercourse, ^^ ,kiu 'yau. Kidu yd; mer- cenary acquaintance, vf^j^l^^ 'tsau yuk^ sP'ang -yau. Tsid juh p'ang yd, vfel^^^^l^ 'tsau yuk> chl hing tai". Tsid juh cM hiung ti ; an old ac- quaintance, :^^ *lo 'yau. Ldu yd ; old acquain- tances, ||J|9^ kau' jp'ang 'yau. Kid p'ang yu; a very old acquaintance, ^ ■§ ^ ^ 'ho kau' jp'ang 'yau. Ildu kid p'ang yd; very intimate a sP'^^» 'yau. Shuh sliih p'ang yd ; a short acquaintance, -^ M ^ iSc tsim' mln^ ^s6ung shik,. Tsin mien sidng shih ; a thorough acquaintance, ^ ^ tsun" shukj. Tsin shuh ; a friend in need, i^ ^sam fuk, sP'ang 'yau. Sin full p'ang yd ; an out- ward friend (formal acquaintance,) P |i|;(;|5M'hau ^t'au ^seung 'ii. K'au t'au sil,ng yd, P 5^ -i^ ^ MiaUj t'au ^clii ^kdu, p jj^:ifl^'hau ^p'i ^s6ung toi^ Acquainted with, intimate with, H^ j^ js6ung 'yau. Sidng yd, j^ ^ ^sdung ,kdu. Siing ki^u, j^ ^ ^seung 'a. Sidng yd, -)^ ^ ,scung hau'. Sidng liau; familiarly known, f^^ kwdn' shukj. Kwin shuh ; known to each other, ;i|i|3 ^ ^s6ung shik,. Sidng shih, i^^g s6ung ying". Siing jin ; slight- ly known, ^ %. ^ p'o ying' shik,. P'o jin sliih, ^ mln^ shin*. Mien shen, ^ j^ mln' shukj. Mien shuh ; thoroughly versed in, |§ |^ '6m shik, ; thoroughly acquainted vdi\\ this doctrine, '^ ^ lit ^ c^^'^™ s^"k, 'ts'z ty. Shin shih ts'z i^M ; to make acquainted with, to introduce one to another, ^||^ 'yan shik,. Yin shih. Acquainting, infoi-ming, ^ ^ p6' ^clil. Pd clif . Acquest, gain, %\\ ^ 11' yik,. LI yih; conquest, f| fA Z. *dJ P^' t,-hlm' ^chl tl^ Pd Chen chl tl. Acquest, to obtain by purchase, ^ ^ jflj f ^ jau 'tndi ^1 tak . Yd mdi rh teh ; to obtain by present, lUt 1^ ffij # Pt' sung' ,1 tak,. PI sung rh teh, ^ ^ i^ ^ tak, tsz- sung' ,loi. Teh tsz sunir 14i. Acquiesce, to, to rest satisfied, j^ 1^ fong' ^sam. Fing sin, ^ i(^ pn ^sam. Ngdn sin ; to submit to, 1^ fuk,. Puh; to comply with, '^f^ ,1 jts'ung. I ts'ung, ^ :^ t'eng' ,ts'ung. T'ingts'ung; to yield, ^ y^ung*. Jdng, /fc^ 'wan yeung*. Yun jdng; to assent to, j^ 'wan. Yun, ^ ^ 'wan 'chun. Yun chun, "p^ fCt <^ 'wan. I yun, g^ ^ 'hii 'wan. Hii yim ; to agree to an arrangement, ■fi^ ^ i hopj. I lioh ; to acquiesce cheerfully, f^ ^ lit, jts'ung. Yueh'ts'ung; I acquiesce in your proposal, ^i^^U^% 'ngo 1 .t«'ung 'nl ke' t'» '(^ H rfn tr ^ '^ ^^ ling' ^yan fong'^sam. Ling jin iSngsin. Acquirable, that can be obtained, Pf ^f= ^ ho tak tik,. K'o teh till, pT ^ &\J 'ho wok. tik,. K'o hwoh tih ; that which can be learnt, PJT ^ ^ 'ho hokj tik,. K'o hioh tih. Aquire, to, to obtain, ^ tak,. Teh, ^ wok,. Hwoh ; to acquire great fame, ^f:;^^i^ tak, tdi' .shing ^meng. Teh td shing ming ; to acquii-e wealtli, |^ ^ fit, ,ts'oi. Fdh ts'di, ^, g| chdn= ^ts'In. Chiu ts'ien ; to acquire a science, ^ :^ ^ hok, chl' wai". Hioh chl liwui ; to acquire additional know- ledge, Jim ^ ^ ^ clf^ tak, jan ^sam. Teh jin sin. Acquirement, attainment, 7J* 1^ ^ts'oi hok,. Ts'ii hioh; acquirements (in art), tJ" ^ jts'oi ngai'. Ts'ii 1 ; gain, ^Ij^ H* yik,. Ll yih. Acquirer, %^ tak, 'ch6. Teh ch«5, @^ wok 'che. Hwoh ch(^, ^.^ hok, 'chd. Hioh che, fj;^ fit, 'ch6. Fib die, [j^ ^ chin' 'che. Chin che. Acquisition, ^^ tak . Toll, ||[ wok,. Hwoh ; great acquisitions, ^h.f')^^ ^'^i' sho wok,. Ti so hwoh; great attainments, /f* »^ ;Ac jts'oi liok, tii'. Ts'ii hioh ti, ^ fH ,to ^nang. To nang, ^j^ % ^ i^' 'slio tak,. sham' tii'. So teh shin ti; gain, ^J 11'. Ll ; the student's assistant for the acquisition of a language, Jf^ ^ <^ ^ hok, wi' ^tsun Jeung. Hioh bwi tsin liing. Acquisitions, ^f |gl ify tak, 't6 tik,. Teh tiu tih, ^ jf (|(j wok, Mid tik,. Hwoh liiu'tih, ^^j^ hok, kwo' tik,. Hioh kwo tih. Acquisitive, ^f^i^ tak 't6 k«^'. Teh tiu k«5, f^% ^^^ 'sho tak, chl sz' mat,. So teh clil sz wuh. ACQ (19) ACT Acquisitiveness, desire of possession, ^ ^ yuk, wok,. Yuh liwoli, ^f^ 'seung tak,. Si^ng teli. Acquit, to, to clear from a charge of crime, ^ ^J ^f^ ,^^^g p'un' ^mo tsfii". Kung pw'dn wd tsdi, li ^ P 'Ui .cli'ii tsdi-. Ki^i ch'd tsdi; to set free, ^pi shik, fong'. Shih f^ng, ^^ 'kdi shik,. Kiai skill ; to absolve, ^ H she' tsdi". Shie tsdi, ^ f^ shik, tsdi". Shih tsdi ; to acqmt of a debt, ■^ ^ 'min chdi'. Mien chdi ; to acqmt of a pro- mise, ^ ^ tsin- jln. Tsien yen ; to acquit one's self from blame, fjf ^ ^ ^ s6' ^ming ^mo ^kd. Sd ming wd kd ; to acquit one's self towards a person, ^^ 'shau fan'. Shau fan, ^;^^ tsun' 'pdn fan'. Tsin pdn fan. Acquittal, a peraon's judicial discharge from a crime, IPm A^ 'sham ch'ut, ^yan 1'. Shin ch'uh jin 1, ^ ^ ^ p 'k^i jch'ii jan tsdi'. Kidi ch'u jin tsdi ; setting a peraon free, ^ Jj^ fdt, fong'. Fdh fdng. Acquittance, from a crime, ^^|p 'k^i jCh'u tsdi'. Kii.i ch'd tsdi ; ditto from a debt, a receipt in full, '^ H ^ts'ing ,tdn. Ts'ing t4n, ^^i\X^,un kit, ^shau ^tdn. Yuen kieh shau tan. Acquitting, setting free, |p j^ shik, fong'. Sliih f5ng ; pardoning, ^ ^ sh& 'min. Shie mien. Aci-acy, intemperance, ^ "^ 'j^ ^ ^ch'^ 'ch'l t'di' sham'. Ch'e ch'i t'di shin. Acre *, a Chinese land measure, p^X 'mau. Mau. Awid, pungent, ^ Idt,. Lah ; bitter, piquant, ^ ^san. Sdn ; sharp, pungent taste, ^ ^ lat, ml'. lAh wl ; bitter and acrid, ^^ 'fd lat,. K'd Idh. Acridness, "^^ZW^^ l^t^cU tak,. K'd \ih chl teh. Aciidophagus, ^^^^^ sliik, ^wong ^ch'ung 'che. Shih hwang ch'uug che. Acrimonious, sour and pungent, j^^^^^^^I <^^^ .sau Idt, Idt, tik,. Swan sw^n lah lah tih : bitter and pungent, ^^^^ 'fd lat, tik, ; corrosive, ^ ^^^ ,shang sau' tik,. Sang sid tih ; possessing the quality of dissolving bodies, ^ jf^ |§ ^ ^ *yau ^sid jung chi tdk,. Yd siau yung chi teh, ^^^Z^ T^^ ^ 'siu "mo. Siiu wii ; the principal singer, J£ Se. cli^ing' shang. Cliing sang, ||| ^ ""tsung ^skmg. Tsung sang ; secondary do., /\^ ^ 'sin .sliang. Siiusang; the interpreter, ^ ^ to^ pakj. Tau peh; one who represents an old man, S: ^I ^kung keuk,. Kung kioh ; the representative of a TOgue, ;^ ^ [fil tai' /4 min^ Ta hwd mien, ^ )]tp mutj kenk^. Moh kioh ; the representative of ti virtuous person, Zl^jl} ^' S^ nun". Rh Inv^ mien ; fencers, y*^^ luk, fan. Luh fan, JlW-^ *ng ,kwan 'fii. Wd kwan fu ; the rascal, ^ ^ ^nSm 'ch'au. Nan ch'au ; the female characters, who are represented hy hoys, are called, 0. ^tan. Tan; repi-esentatives of douhtful characters, ^0. fS tin. Hwd tin ; representatives of chaste char- actei-s, IF 0. cliing' ^tin. Ching tin; female war- riors, ^]'^ 0. 'ta 'mo ^tan. T4 wu tan ; represen- tatives of old women, ^)^1 ^p'o k6uk,. P'o kioh; tumhlci-s, ^ 0, tit, ^tan. Tieh tan ; a rascally character, ;^ ^ 'nil 'ch'au. Nii ch'au. Actress, _0. ^tan. Tin. Actual, real, ^ >9E 6\/ ^^^^^i ^soi" tik,. Shih tsii tih, ^ "^ shatj 'shau. Shih shau, ^ ^ s^'ii^g shat,. Ching shih, k'ok, shatj. K'ioh shih, j^ | ^chan shat,. Cliin shih, ^ ^ ^»f (tong ^chan tik,. Tang cliin tih ; in actual (milit.) service, ^ £c ^tong jing. T&ng ping ; in actiial civil service. ^ ^ 'g^ ,tong jHian ^kiui. Tfeng wan kwan ; the actual state of affairs, ^ ^ ^ ^ '|h ^ sz- shat^ tsoi* ^chi jts'ing jing. Sz shih tsdi chl ts'ing ying. Actuality, reality, M. W chan shat.. Cliin shili. Actually, rellay, ^ _^ 'kwo ^In. Ko jen, g ^ tsz* jln. Tszjen, ^^^^k'ok^jin. K'ioh jen, •'^:^ shat, tsoi . Shih tsai,'^<|?| tik, k'ok,. Tih k'ioh, [g f^ ku' jIn. Kii jen ; it really is so, ?^ ^ -j^ H^ k'ok, shat, hai- 'kom. K'ioh shih hi kan, i^ '^ tik, ^tong. Tih tang, 5]g ^ -j^ k'ok, shat, hai'. K'ioh shih hi ; at present, 3^ ^ hi' t8oi^ Hien tsii. Actuary, a register or clerk, § ^ shii II'. Shu 11. Actuate, to, to impel, ^ ^f 'sz j;|J yuf If. Jui 11 ; sharp- ness of reasoning or disputing, p ^ ^ ^)J 'hau kok, ,tslm ]f . K'au koh tsien H, = 1^ ^ ^1] > "'ix .tsim If, Yen yd tsien II ; acuteness of sight, 'Mte c^^'i^S "^S^i^- Ts'ing yen, ^l]^ war 'ngin. nwui yen; acuteness of discovery, f^^^il^ ■$|J ^chii sz' jto jUang ch'ong' chai'. Chii sz tu nang ch'wdng chi, %%^%% y(Sung' yeung' tso' tfik, cli'ut,. Ydng yang tso teh ch'uh ; acute- ness of understanding, |g^ ^ ^ts'ung jming. Ts'ung ming; shrewdness, t^ ;^ 'hau tslt^. Kiau tsieli ; penetration, ^ ^ ct'ung tat,. T'ung t^. Ad libitum, \^ % yam' I'. Jin I, ^p % .ii i'. Ju I', \± S^^f ^ 7'^"^' ^' 'sho ^wai. Jin I so wei, ^ % ^ t'eng' jk'I pin'. T'ing k'l pien. ADA (22) ADD Ad valorem, jjS.gffg cliiu' shat^ kil'. Chau sliih kii. Adage, a common saying, j§. ^ tsukj 'ii. Tsuh yii, ^^ ,sh6ung *u, Chkng yu ; a vulgar saying, fg ^ Ul 'ii. LC yu ; an old saying, -^^ 'kii 'u. Kii yii ; a proverb, ^ ^ In' 'ii. Yen yii. Adagio, [to sing or play in] a slow measure, j^ lin*. llwin, {f mdn\ Mfin, MMliuW^ un' un' ,1 ^ko. Hwdn hw&n rli ko, Adam. * TSUiB. Atdn, ^ ^ Atong. Atdng ; Adam- tiler, ^ ^ ^wo ,k^; Wo kid. Adam's-apple, P^ ^ ^hau '1dm. Hau Idn, flQ P^ It^ jhau, Yeh hau. Adamant, ^ [||) ^ ,kam ^kong tsun'. Kin kdng tswan, ^^ijjg ,kam ,kong shekj. Kin king shih. Adamantean, i^ -^m ^ ^ ngdng' ,u yuk, shek^. Ngang ju yuh shih, ^P IS ^ Pfl" ?|| s^ yuk, shek, kom' ngdng. Ju yuli shih kan ngang. Adamantine, ^ ^ ;^ ^ tsun' shek^ ,chl mat^. Tswin shih chl wuh, ^ ^ ^ ^ -gSf ,yau tsiin' shek, 'sho tsbS 1^ ^ ^ ^ Pi^ hai' tsiin' shek, ts6* k6' ; mutual affections as strong that they cannot be broken, AZM^ita^^ Z^ jan ,chl ^ts'an oi' ^ii tsiin' shekj ,chl ,kln. Jin chi ts'in ngSi jii tswdn shih chf kien ; adaman- tine ties, '1^ ^ :^ :^ jts'ing ^t'ung ,kam shekj. Ts'ing t'lmg kin shih. Adamites, ^f^^ZW^ ch'ek, ,shan ,chl k4u'. Ch'ih shin chl kiiiu. Adapt, to, to fit, f^ ^ tsok, hbp,. Tsoh hoh, ^^ ^ lung' ,t'd h6p,. Lung t'i hoh, j^^]^ tsb' to' h6pj. Tso tiu hoh. Adaptability, Pf 'o' M ^ '^o h6p, yung* 'ch^. K'o hoh yung ch6. Adaptable, pf ^ 'ho libp^. K'o hoh, Pf ^ ^ 'ho h6p, yung*. K'o hoh yung, ^-^^ 'ho hop, 'shai. K'o hoh shI. Adaptation, f^^ tsok, lu')p,. Tsoh hoh, ff -^jfl^ tsok, h6pj yung* 'che. Tsoh hoh yung die, Wf -^ ^ 'ho hopj 'shai. K'o hoh shI, -A. jSjji jp h^p^ 'she ,1. Hoh 80 1. Adapted, ^f^ h6p, j'ung'. Hoh yung,^'ggch^uk, 'shai. Choh shl ; suited, ^ ^ hbp, sink,. Hoh shih ; fitted, ^^ h6p, ch(;uk,. Hoh choh ; that wlxich should be taken, j^ J^ )\bm 'ts'ii. K'dn ts'u ; suitable, >^ ^ hbj), ^I. Hoh 1, ^ JU ,hdm ^f. K'dn 1, ?r t 'ho .1. K'o I ; adapted for each other, :^^ ,8eung hdp^. Sidng hoh, iifg-Q; sdung jl. Sidng 1, % '^ tak, ^1. Teh 1 ; mlapted for its use, ^^)^ h6p, ^k'l yung'. Hoh k'i yung. Adapter, ft^# ^^^K '>^Pj 'ch6. Tsoh hoii vM, j^ "^ Z A t«ok, h6pj chl jan. T^oh hoh chl jin. Adays, now adays, ^ fl^ ^kam ^shl. Kin shl, 3^ ff$ In' jShl. Hicn shl. Add, to, to increase in quantity, jj^ kd. Kid, jJjUJQ" ,kd ^tsang. Kid tsang, Jf" ^ ^tsang yik,. Tsaug 'Mt "2l ^■Iw monstrous peraonago, is according to Chinese fic- tion, not himself tlic ancestor of tho human race ; hence camiot ho called " the Chinese Adam " ; for when he died, tho vermin, that woro ui)on his hody, wcro converted into the human race. yih, ^^ kd ^t'im. Kid t'ien ; to add a little, Jjm — ^^ Xt^Z i-^^ 'i 8h6ung' ,chl. JV^u I shdng chl ; to add earth, to heap around, j^ ,p'ui. P'ei ; J# ^ sP'di 'yung. P'ei yung, /jll:^J#f| kd ,nai jP'iii 'po. Kid nl p'ei pd ; to add to (lor protec- tion as to plants), ^^ /u^K k'oi'. Fung k'di; to put in a little more, ^ ^ f^ tdp, ^tl ^t'lm. Tdh till t'ien ; to add and substract, jjp ^ kd kam. Kid kien ; to add grief to people, jjf\^)^\ .kd jau ^ii jan. Kid yu yu jin. Addecimate, -j- ;^ ^ — shap^ 'ts'u ,k'i yat,. Shih ts'ii k'i yih. Added, -f-'jeg ,ts'ang .t'lm. Ts'ang t'ien, ^^^^^ ^ts'ang ,king ^t'lm. Ts'ang king t'ien, ^^g ,t'im kwo'. T'ien kwo; have you added any? }}W ^ j^ Pa 'a' M^ y^^ ^^^'"' s"^ jts'ang; have you added any earth? i^iM^'&Pa'a* sP'^ kwo'^nai ^m ^ts'ang. Addendum (pi. a 'ban ^sam. K'an sin, ^ ^C^ ^ fn) yat, ^sam ^chiin hdung'. Yih sin chuen hidng, — ^ ^ "(^ yat, ml' ^clifln cliii'. Yih wl chuen chu ; to be addicted to wine, |^f@ shl' 'tsau. Shl tsiu, j^ yg hd' 'tsau. Hdu tsiu, I^BtTYH .^^ng ,tdm ^u 'tsau. Hwdng tdn yu tsiu, f^^j^ ,tdm ^ii 'tsau. Tdn yd tsiu, {)£ J@ |^ YJ^ ,ch'am 'mln fl 'tsau. Ch'in mien yu tsiu ; addicted to sensuality, ^^ shi' shik,. sill sih, ^1^ j^ ix: f^ nik, ,ii 'lia sliik,. Nib yd nfl sih, -^^^^ t'dni li\n' 'mi shik,. T'dn Iwdn mei sih, if^^Ztt '^^^ shik, ;$: ^ (nj ADD (23) ADE sam ^cM 'sho heung'. Sin chl so Mang, ^Cl^;^ ^ ^ ^sam ^cM 'sho ho'. Sin clii so hau. Adding, ^Jfl^ ,ka ^tsang. Kia tsang. Addition, increase, jjf\^ ,ki ^tsang. Kid, tsang ; the thing added, ^jf Ju ^ 4^ 'sto ^ka ^clii mat,. So kia chi wuh; addition to length, ^^ ,ki jCh'^ung. Kid ch'ang ; addition (arithmetic,) y^ ^ ^ ^ tsun' sho' ^chi f^. Tsin su chi fah, 1i\\^Z& kd t'im chl fat,. Kia t'ien chl fah ; addition in the 'margin of any writing, ^ ^ ^^^'- ^"^^ ^^^ *'^^' M ^ ^ jmo ,tseng tin'. Wii tsing tdn, ^pg tiin'. Twan ; addle headed (addle pated), i^ ^ ^hiii fuk,. Hiiu fuh, fl$0^ — '4^ jhung^mb yat, matj. Hung wii yih wuh, ^ )J^ ^fan ^no. Hwan niu, ^ gf 'fui (k'ui) mo'. Kw'ai man, i{^ ^ ,mi ^fan. Wii hiun; putrid, ^ j^ ch'au' wdr. Cli'au hwai. Addhngs, X ^ (kung ,ngan. Kung yin. Addorsed, ^ ^ lai pui', ^ "^ :^ "^ '16ung pui' ^s6ung jtong. Liang pei siang tdng. Address, to, to speak or speak to, |^ shut,. Shwoh, U wa-. Hwa, iitj. Yueh, |g wai', Wei, ^ 'kong. Ki^'ng, •as. 'ii Yii ; to speak to a person. §^AU tui' jan wd^ Tiii jin hwd, % \ jan 'kong. Yii jin kidng, Si \ ^ ' u a j^an ^m. Yii jin yen, ^ A HS: *^i' jan shiit,. Tui jin shwoh, ^ A fS" kung- jan wa'. Kung jin hwa, 1^ A !§■ s^'ung jan-wa' ; to address him saying (used in books only), f {| ;^ wai' ^chl fit,. Wei chl yueh; to reply, §^ ^ ^ tiii' ^t'a shiit^. Tiii t'a shwoh ; to address in one's presence, ^ ^ ^tong mln' 'kong. Tding mien kiang ; to address a letter, "MM i$ ik'^^ c^ung sun' ^p'i. Sie fung sin p'l, '^ t^l ^ ^ sun' mln- ^shii ^meng. Sin mien shu ming *, to adress a superior, ^ 'pan. Pin ; to address as a Consul to high Chin, author- ities, ^0^, 1^ chiu' ui'. Chau hwui ; to address as Cliin. officials of equal rank, fy '^ s^ang ,man. Hang wan ; to address the emperor, ^ tsau'. Tsau ; to consign, ^:£ ^ t'ok, pan'. T'oh pin ; to address God, "a" ^ Jt 'rfJ' ko' 'to sheung' tai'. Kdu tau slidng tl ; to address one's self to busi- ness, ^ iiS ^ ^ u' pi' pan- SZ-. Yd pi pan sz. Address, a verbal application, pf-^ mln' ko'. Mien kau, jj0 ^ mln' 'pan. Mien pin, gjf mln^ so'. ^^^'chun Mien sii, ^ min' ^ch'an. Mien ch'in; ditto to the emperor, pj ^ min' tsau'. Mien tsau ; the emperor's address to the people, ^ ||f min' u'. Mien yd ; a message of congratulation, ^ ^ liing' ho'. K'ing ho ; a man of pleasing address, ^'li^ A 'ho 'lai chl jan. Hau 11 chl jin, ^j^ ^ db J^^ ^^i c^hi ^^"- Yu. 11 chi sz ; courtship, ^ j^ ^mau ^fan. Mau hwan ; mutual ditto, :|^ ^ jt'au jUn. T'au yuen ; dexterity, ^ X-^ ^kl 'hdu. Kl k'iau, ^ f f ^ 'ho kai' .man. H&u kl mau ; direction of a letter, "(^ Jl^;^ sun' slieung- _^chi ^meng, ^^\'^^t ^un' ngoi' chl ^meng. Sin wei chi ming ; a person of an awkward address, ^^ ^ ^ syuug luk, jChl pui'. Yung luh chi pei ; to send a letter to one's address, jk^u "mau 'mau. Chuen kiau mau mau. Addresser, |^ ^ shiit, 'die. Shwoh die ; preacher, ^ iM ^ 'kong to* 'ch6. Kidng tau che, ^ ^ 'pan 'ch6. Pin che. Addressing, directing, ^'(g^;g 'sesun'^p'ljmeng. Si6 sin p'i ming. Adduce, to, to cite, :^^| jdn 'yan. Hwan yin, ^| ^ -yan 'hi. Yin k'i, ^| {Ij yan ch'ut,. Ym ch'uh, ^1 'f^ V^^ (Shan. Yin shin ; to adduce proofs, ^11^ -yan kii'. Yin kii. Adducible, Pf ^| # ^ 'ho 'yan tak, 'hi. K'o yin teh k'i. Adduction (said of muscles), |{§;^ shuk, ^mai; cit- ing, ^l^Vau'hi. Yin k'i. Adductive, ^\^^^ 'yan 'hi tik,. Yin k'i tih, ^\ ^J ^ 'yan ch'ut tik,. Yin ch'uh tih. Adductor, ^M^Wi ^huk, ^mai ^chi ^kan. Shuh mai chi kin. Ademption, revocation, gj5[ |^ 'koi k'ap,. Kai k'ih, gj5r ^ 'koi 'a. 'Kai yd ; the revocation of a privi- lege^ :^,^ kak, jan. Keh ngan. Adept, well skilled in, %^ shukj'shau. Shuh shau, ^ ^ shin' 'shau. Shen shau, ^ ^ 'ho 'shau. Hdu shau, ^ ^ lo 'shau. Lau shau, $f ^ ^ 'ho 'shau shai'. Hdu shau shI ; M^ell skilled in mechanical arts, ^^P.^t 'shau shai'.han shuk^. Shau shI hien shuh, \%j^ kwdn' lln\ Kwin lien; very well skilled in, p^ :^ ^ kom' '16 lln\ K&n Idu lien. Adequate to, ^ ,tong. Tdng, % hak,. K'eh, ;^^ hak,>ng. K'eh tang, 1^ , slung. Shing, ^k'au'. K'au, gg ,k'6ung. k'iang, ff M 'tsai ,kln. Tsz kien ; adequate to the office, g^ '«' ^ -fi ^nang ^tong jk'i yam'. jNang tjing k'i jin, >£ M ^ 'fi iiak, ^kln ^k'i yam'. K'eh kien k'i jin ; strength adequate to, 3fjMj^l^ ^k, chi' u k'au'. LUi chi yd k'au ; not adequate to, ^f] 7^^ ^ ^ lik> pat, tsuk, yd. Lib pub tsub yd ; adequate to an un- dertaking, H^ ill # ^ jnang pdn" tak, Joi. Nang pdn teh Idi ; adequate to (deserving of), :^ ^ hom.tong. K'dntdng,;^^ horn, wai. K'dn wei ; an adequate supply, /J: M ^^uk, yung'. Tsub yung, J^-f^ tsuk, 'shai. Tsub shi. Adequately, ^ ^ h6p, shik,. Hob sliib, ^ cheuk, ADTT (24) ADJ Choh ; adequately executed, ^ i^ ^ ts6' kwo' ch^uk,. Tso kwo choh. Adequatoness, justness of proportion or representa- tion, '^ ^ ^ 1i?>Pj shik, 'ch6. Hoh sliih cM, ^ ^ hop^ 'fdn. IToh kw'in. Adhere, to, to stick to, ^}i=^^ chfm C^ntm). Nien, Ifit'lp,. TU'h^jfj^.^x. lid, ji,l,>ft ehlmcha'. Nien, chi\, n^^ t'lp^ chii'. T'ieh chn,|^>^ chip, clifl'. Tieh cln'i, || shl'. Sht, jjtjg chak,. Chili ; to stick fast, ^ ^ ,n 'kan. \b\ kin, jji^g H ,6 shat,. Hii shih, 1^ flfi ^ chlm t'lp, 'kan. Nien t'ieh kin, lA m $ 6 'fli^"^ ^^^. <1<^ ^^'- ^'^'" ^^'^' ^^^^ '^*^' /I^Af^ilS ch(m tdk, 'chii ku' ; to adhere to oh- stinatelv (as to an opinion &e.), ifpj ^k'a. K'a, :fpj^ ,k'uchap,. K'udlih,:fi1I'^'« i^t' pat, .t'ung. K'a ni puh t'un^, |g| iSi^M kd' chap, pat reiice to a person, ^pjij" ,1 fu'. 1 fd; affectionate do., ^ j^ kiin' liin'. Kiuen liuen ; steadiness of mind, '^j ((^ jshevmg ,sam. Chdng sin, fg i^ Jiane sam. Hang sin ; fixedness of purpose, )|; ^^ ten g' 1'. Ting 1. Adh<>rent, sticking, Ijlift chlm chix^ Nien chu, ^ tsik, shatj. Tsili shih; a follower, ^^- jts'ung Adhei-er, follower, ^ ^ ,ts'iine 'ch«4. Ts'uiig die, ^ J^ 1^, ,kan 'ml 'cli.''. Kan wl did. Adhesion, sticking, i}^^ chlm ,d. Nien hu, M|jf tsik, shat,. Tsih shih, i^ ,di'l. Ch'l ; adhesion of two things, ^flj^i[^i^ 'Ic-ung 'hk ch'l ^mii. Lidng Ilia ch'l nidi, pf^ f^ ^ ^ 'leung ch<'«',kdu ^chim. Lidng chc kiau nien; the a^lhesion of iron to the magnet, M ^ ^ ^ HIS ^i fit, 'u 8hlp, shekj ymng ,t'au. T'ieh yu sheh shih si^ng Vim. Adhesiveness, f^ ^fi kdu cliim. Kiiu nien. Adhesive, sticky, /jf -^ jf^ij kau Jin tik,. Kiiu lien til>, rfPiili"^ 'h^ .kdu .lin ke, ^j^l^fiij ^d.chlm tik,. Wd nien till ; tenacious, j^ f^ m ngan*. Adhesiveness, ^ j^ _kau Jin. Kiau lien. Adhihit, to, to use, j (^ ^^ing". Yung ; to apply (as paultice,) f^ a'p, ^ ,fd. Fd. Adhihiticm, j^ yung-. Yung. Adhortation, advice, ^ hiin'. K'iuen. Adianthum, maid(!n hair, " S^ "^ ^ liak k-wat ,mong. Heh kuh mdng, :^':^ ^ shek^ ,ch'dung ,shang. Shih di'dng sang, j:^:^ iV i. Tl 1, :g^ shek, fdt,. Shih fih, m,df< ,dn ,1. IHuen 1; adian- tum nuhulum, ^^^ fung' 'ml 'ts'o. Fung wl ts'iu, /J^^J^ 'sid chl' 'ml. Siiu dil wl. " Adia])liora, fffi i] ^ ^^ ,m6 ^kwan shin' ok,. Wd kwdn shen ngoh, t^^fif. ,^, ^fi shin' ^C ok,. Fi shen fi ngoh. Adieu ! fare well (said hy the remaining party,) — 1^ ^ -^ yat, 16' jp'ing ^on. Yih Id p'ing ngj'm ; thank you! (is the reply of the one avIio dejiarTs.) # Wl (^ i^S) tsik, fuic,. Tsih full, ^ ^Ij tsAra' pit^. Tsh,n pieh; adieu for ever! f]<.'^i^^^ 'wing *an ^sdung pltj. Yung yuen siang pih ; may God hless you ! jp ± ^ (^ |S iin' slaving' tai' kong' fuk,. Yuen slu'ing tl kiang full ; to bid adieu, -^ ^ ko' ,ts'z. Kdu ts'z, ^ ^Ij ko' pit,. Kiu pieh. Adit, i:j)j;p .hang 'liau. Kang k'au. Adjacent, near, ^ kan'. Kin, f^ jg; fd' kan'. FA kin ; not far, %i^ '^^ j^ Jl pat, 'iin. LI puh j-uen ; bordering upon, j^ ^ Jin kii'. Lien ki/ii, ^ |^ kdk, kai'. Keh kidi, ^ ^ Jun kdi'. Lin ki4i, ^ ^ ^kdu kdi'. Kiiu kiM ; to live ang. Fd kin dil tl fing. Adject, to, to add, j|||l^ kd t'im. Kid t'ien. Adjeotion, JJW^ ki J'ini. Kik t'ien ; the thing ad- ded, ^)x jjn Z ,^ 'she .k'i. Yen k'l, ig ^ ,ch'l ^(n. Ch'i yen, jg >^ fih'l chai-. Ch'i chi, :^fl| ^tdm kok,. Tdn koh, ^^ ^ts'f n jfn. Ts'ien yen ; to delay, ^ -f^ ngai" yat, 'tsz. Yai jih tsz, jg |^ ,ch'l dn^ Ch'i liw^n, ^ M S^ ^^ • ^^^ hwAn ; to adjourn to another dav, jg — ■ B (Ch'l yat^ yat,. Ch'i yih jih. Adjom-ning, jg ,ch'I. Ch'i, :jf ^ ^tSm kok,. Tdn koh. Adjournment, ^ -^ ngdi- yat, 'tsz. Y^i jih tsz ; to specify the day of meeting again, ^ ^ ^ 1^ teng' yat, ^k'i tsoi' lii'. Ting jih k'l tsai hwui; a prorogation, jg ^ jCli'I ^In. Ch'i yen. Adjudge, to, ^ ^ 'sham tiin'. Shin twkn, |p *^lj "■sham p'lin'. Sliin pw'in, ^ ^ '1 teng'. I ting ; to award, |§jijf t'eng' tiin'. T'ing twan ; to award to a certain person, ^ ^ ^ \ tiin' ^kwai ^mau ^yan. Twan kwei mau jin, i^lj M ^ ^ p'un' *u "mau 'mau ; to adjudicate, ^ ^ ^ts'oi tiin'. Ts'di twan, ^ ^ ^fan tiin'. Fan tw^n. Adjudged, ilf ^ tiin' kwo'. T^^An kwo, ^^^M 'sham teng' kwo'. Shin ting kwo. Adjudicate, to, ^ ^ /an tiin'. Fan twan, |p ^ 'sham tun'. Shin twdn, ^jM^^ p'un' 'u ^mau 'mau. Pw'an yu mau mau. Adjudication, a judicial trial, |^^ 'sham on'. Shin ng^n, ^ij^ p'lin' tun'. Pw'^n twan. Adjugate, to yoke to, J^ ^ 'sh^ung 4k,. Sh^ng ngeh. Adjimct, jJUl^^'^ (ka /'Im ,chl mat^. Kia t'ien chi wuh, MWii^^ ,s6ung fu" chi mat,. Siang fii chi Tvoih ; an adjunct (in grammar,) Rj^ ^ ^ W fii" 'k^i "ii I'. Eli kiai yd I ; an appendage-, [Sj^ ^ fu' luk,. Fd luh ; an assistant, j^ ^ seung' 'clie. Siang ch6. Adjunction, J!jP i^ ^ ^ ,ka /'im ^chi mat,. Kia t'ien chi wuh, |# ^ ;^ 'j^ fd' ,lln ^chi mat,. Fd lien chi wuh. Adjunctive, Rif ^ ^^ fu' ^lln tik,. Fd lien tih ; hav- ing the quaHty of joining, ^WM'^i§^ V^^^^ ^^' jUn chi tak,. Yd fd lien chi teh. Adjm'ation, a solemn charging on oath, 5^ Al§^ chuk, ,yan fat, shai'. Chuh jin fah shi, |^ -=^ |^ ^ u" ling- fat^ shai'. Yd ling fah shI ; a charging one under the penalty of a curse, ^j^g^^J^^A shai' Tin' ^yeimg k'ap, ^ii jyan. SliI yuen ydng kih Adjure, to charge on oath, 5^^ chuk, shai'. Chuli shi, ^ ^ ling' shai'. Ling shI ; to charge on pain of God's wrath, ]!!X%M.Wi K'^ ^'liau' cho' wo' ^yan. I chau tsd ho jin, /|| ^^ ,shan fat, shai'. P'ang shin fah shi. Adjurer, one that exacts an oath, 5^ ^ :^ chuk^ shai- 'ch(5. Chxoh shl ch6, jjg^;^ pik, shai' 'che. m P'^^>' P'ai p'^i p'eh p'eh ; to adjust an account, ff .^:^ g kai' siin' shb' mukj. KI swdn sd mull, ^ ^ ^ § 'ching ^ts'ai shS' miikj. Ching ts'I su muh ; to adjust a difficulty, Wf- IP sP'^i nan'. P'ai nan ; it is not easy to ad- just [that affair,] ^ ^ :^p ^ pat^ f ji'Ai 'kSi. Pull I p'di kiai, ^||^#J sham' .n^n ^t'id /sai. Shin nan t'iau tsl ; to adjust the various tastes in medicine or eatables, f^ ^ ^fiu mf . T'iciu wl, p5RlS.5l^ jt'id jWO -ng ml'. T'iau ho wd wl, ^ ^ jWO ^kang. Ho kang; to con'ect errors (of conduct,) ^ jl^ ^kw'ai kAvo'. Kw'ei kwo, ^ J£ jt'an ching'. T'dn ching, ^^ ^sliing Jiln. Shing k'ien, ^ J£ 'tau ching'. Tau ching ; to adjust eri'ors (in mechanics &c.,) j^ JE ^kw'ai ching'. Kw'ei ching; to adjust the hair, ;^ ^ ^sho fat,. Su fah, ^^ '11 fat,. LI fdh ; to adjust a balance, ^ ^ 2p: k^u' /'In sp'ing. Kidu t'ien p'ing ; to adjust the principles of nature, ^ ^ P^ |^ sit, 'II jam ,yeung. Sieh II yin ydng, 5|^^|I^|§r ,wo '11 ^yam jeung. Ho II yin yang ; to fit, ^ ^ 'ching hop,. Ching hoh ; to adjust so as to suit one, ^ ^ij -^ i^ 'ching to' hop, I'; to adjust the P'eh kid, 1 .hai kd .-/;5 price, :j^ ^ p'^k, ^^' K'iai kia. Adjusted, fl^^j^ ^sau 'ching kwo'. Sid ching kwo, |g fji ciiam' (In. Clidn jen, 2ji 7^ ^p'ing jts'ai. P'ing ts'I, J^^ Jvwan /s'ai. Kiun ts'I, -^H.^ libp, chek, ts'an'. Hoh chili ts'un, -^ j^ hop, shik,. Hoh shih, ^ 'ts'z. Ts'z. Adjuster, ^0^^ ^sau 'ching 'che. Adjusting, ^ j^ 'ching 'ho. Ching hdu, -^ ^ ^sau 'ching. Siu ching, -^ -^ ^ tso' hop, shik,. Tsa hoh shih. Adjustment, ^ ^ ^sau 'ching. Sid ching, ^ ]£_ ^kwai ching'. KAv'ei ching ; suiting, ^ -^ ^ 'ching hop, i'. Ching hoh I. Adjutage, ^ ;?fc1ij ,cham 'shui /'ung. Chin shwui t'ung, g>| .^^c ^ (Cham 'shui 'tsui. Cliin shwui tsui. Adjutancy, M]"^ ^^^ f'^^' <^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^>- ^^ ^^^^ chi chih. Adjutant, gjj 1^ fu' ^kun. Fu kwkn; adjutant- gen- eral, @|J ^ fii' tseung'. Fd tsiang, gij fS J^ fu' /o 't'ung. Fu td t'ung, f^ ijf ^^ ,ch'ing tslin'. Ch'ing tsin, ^ ^ jio 'ts^ung. Piu tsiing, j^ ^ ^p6 'mi. Piiu mei ; to be surprised at, ^ ^ ,keng I'. King I, .1^^ ^hoi I'. HM i,>^^ kwii' 1'. KavM I, ttl ^ ch'ut, jk'I. Ch'uh k'l ; to ad- mire one, ^^X ,^b'ing tsin' ^yau. Ch'ing tsin jin ; to admire and magnify, ^ ;fz. 'pb tii'. Piu ti ; to delight in, :g: tJJ 'hl'^fdn. HI bwin, ^^ jChung oi'. Chung ngii. Admirer, 3^ ^ ^ ,cli'ing ^k'l 'ch6. Ch'ing k'l chc'', 1^^^ tsdn' shin' 'che. Tsin shen ch6, I^H^ ,keng i' 'ch6. King I ch^. A(imiring, jg| ^ ,ch'ing ,k'l. Ch'ing k'l, ^ H ch'ing 1'. Ch'ing I. Admiringly, admiringly beautiful, ^ if^^^ jk'I jln ,chl 'ml. K'l jen chl mei. Admissibility, pf ^ ^ 'ho shttt, 'che. K'o shwoh ch6, Pf if ^ I'o ^^'^' chc^. k'o hw{i ch6, ^ H 'ho 'kong. K'o kiing. Admissible, Pf Ift ft^I '^o sbflt, tik,. K'o shwoh tih, Pi^ilij 'ho wk' tik,. K'o hwfi tih, ^^ tsb' tak,. Tso teh, H # P]* 'kong tak, 'ho. Kiing teli k'o, pf ^ 'ho 'chun. K'o chun, pf /^ 'ho vap,. K'o jib. Admission, permission to enter, /^ y\ 'chun yap,. Chun jili, g^TV '^^ PPj- Ha jib, pf i|| 'ho tsun'. ADM (27) ABO K'o tsin, 1^ jH 'hii tsun'. Ha tsin ; power to enter, y\. ^ japj tak,. Jih teh, ^ |^ tsun' tak,. Tsin teh ; admission of an argument not fully proved, M ^^ ^ 1^ ,kd 'hti ^k'i shiit,. Kd ha k'i shwoh, fe A ^ fe ^ 0$ nan' 'tsai ko' •J^-^ 'sid 'tsz. Sidu tsz, || ^ chi^ 'tsz. Chi tsz. Adopt, to, to take into one's family as son, l{^ ;j^ ^ -^ ^shau jWai i' 'tsz. Shau wei i tsz, ^'^^'f' nip, jWai I" 'tsz. Nih wei i tsz ; to pm-chase and adopt (as is the custom in China), '^ '^^^-f' 'mii jWai i' 'tsz. Mii wei i tsz, sL^'f' 1^P> ^' 'tsz. Lib i tsz ; to take for an heir (to succeed to the title and property of a family), |^^^ kai' tsz". Ki tsz, jj^ f^ lap, tsz'. Lib tsz, ^ ^ lap, ban'. Lib hau, -|Y|p; lap, kai'. Lib ki, :f^|^ chik, kai'. Tseh ki ; to select, ^ ^ 'kin chak,* Kin tseh ; to adopt an opinion, ]^ A .^ ^ nA^^ Adoptedly, ^,^ 'kin .in. Kin jen. Adopter, j^^' '^^\\ 'che. Lib che, |iSl!^ kai' tsa^ 'che. Ki tsz che, ^ \^ bok, ^yan 'che. Adoption, the act of adopting a son, 'jji^-f' "^ lip, f 'tsz 'ch6. Lih i tsz ch6 ; the state of being adopted, ^ ^ ^ ^ j'^vai i' 'tsz 'che. Wei i tsz cb6, ^ -y* ^ ^ ^ i' 'tsz (Chi fan' ip,. 1 tsz chi ADO (28) ADU fan nich ; cliildren by adoption, ^ ~f' ^^ 'tsz. I tsz, ^^-f' ssliin^ kai' 'tsz. Cliin"n 't^^- Ming ling tsz ; nominal adojjtion of a child, ^ ^ k'ai' 'tsz. K'i tsz ; • brothers by adoption, ife X ^ kai' >ing tai^ KI hiung ti, M )t ^ J^^ Jiing tai^ Ldn hiung ti. Adoptive, an adoptive father, ^ ^ k'ai' ^y^. K'i y6 ; an adoptive child, ^ -^ k'ai' 'tsz. K'i tsz ; * an adoptive child (in reality,) ^ ■?* i' 'tsz. I tsz. Adorable, worthy of divine honors, pj" ^ ^ 'ho jShimg pdi'. K'o ts'ung p^i, ^^f^ ^hom shau' p4i'. K'an shau p{ii, 2}S]^^^ 'pun jing shau* pfii\ Pdn ying sliau pdi, "^'^f^ ^ fj^ A tar hon' tik, .yan. Td iidn till jin, i^ :^ :^ '^. c^o ^ch'eung tii" hon'. Kau ch'dng td lian. Adulter, see adulterer. Adultei-ate, to, to del)ase, ^ H jiz 4^ ,k'au tscip, \k mat,. K'au tsah kii wuh, ^ ^ ^ts'dm 'kci. Ts'an kia, \$^^^ ,ts'dm tsap, \i mat,. Ts'dn tsah kia -wuh, 3j<|t jl^ ^cliong 'ka. Clnvdug kid, ^ ^ ^ts'am tsap,. Ts'in tsah, ; to adulterate mtli copper, Ija ifn! ^k'au jt'ung. K'au t'ung ; to adul- terate wine, |g f^ YlH ^k'au tdm- 'tsau. Adulterate, to, to commit fornication, ^^'j^ i^ang kdn ,yam. Hang kien yin. Adulteration, fJciUM^^ ^^^' '^^ ^o^^' t^^^ ^^"• Tso kid wei clil sz, i^^UM^'^^ c^'au .wan 'kd ngai* .chl mat,. K'au yun kid wei clii wuh, ^^ "f^ 4^ k'au tsdp, 'ka mat,. K'au tsdh kid wuh. AdiUterer, ^ ^ ^kan /d. Kien fd, ^ ;^ ^yam ^fd. Yin fd, ^^ ^ jam ,kung. Yin kung, ^ ^ f^ k'ai' kd lo. K'l kid lau, '^ ^ "ye hon' 'tsz. Ye han tsz, ^ ^ -f- W kon' 'tsz. Ye kan tsz, :^^ 'kau 'tong. Kau tang, ^f^ -ye 'lo. j6 Idu. Adulteress, ^ ^ ^kdn 'fd. Kien fd, ^ ^^ jam "fd. Yin fd, iff i§ ,kdn 'fd. Kien fd, iff ^ ,kan ^ts'ai. Kien ts'I, ^ ^ ^ ^ 'yeung k'ai' ^ka 15. Ydng k'i kid Idu. Adulterine, jg 'kd. Kid. Adulterize, ff^)^ s^^ng ^k&,n jam. Hang kien yin. Adultei'ous, ^ '^ 1^^ ^kan jam tik,. Kien yin tih, ^i} ,kdn tik,. Kien tih. ; idolatrous -gl % ^$ nik, 'kwai ^shan. Nih kwei shin, ^^^^"^ pdi' jP'o sdt, ke' ; an adulterous generation, ^ }^ ^ ^ ^kkn jam chl shai'. Kien yin chl shI. Adultei-y, ^'^ ,kan jam. Kien yin, ^^ ,sz ^kdu. Sz kidu, ^1, jg ^sz ^t'ung. Sz t'ung, ^ ^ .funs ^kan. T'ung kien, ^ ^ je hop,. Ye hoh ;' ditto from mutual attraction, 5jHl ^ ^wo ^kan. Ho kien, tw^ jts'ing ^kan. Ts'ing kien; rape, ^^^ ^k'eung ^kdn^ K'idng kien ; adidteij, ^^ ^ ± # ^ # ^ jji^ pdi' ngdk, sh6ung" taf 'fdn jts'ung ^ts'e jShan. Pei yUi shdng tl fan ts'ung sie shin, ^ ^ gi pai' jp'o sat^. Pai p'd sdh. Adumbrant, giving a sUght resemblance, ^ ^ >£ '(y jing jung kan- "ts'z. Ying yung kin ts'z, '^ @ ffi '^ pat^ sham- ^s6ung ts'id'. Puli shin sidng sidu. Adumbrate, to, to give a faint Kkeness, ^ HS^ Vi"^a cliid'. Ying chdu ; to make a hurried sketch, ^ ^ '^s6 jnb. Sie md, ^ ^ wak, '^p6. Hwa pu. Adumbration, gi^ang a faint resemblance, ^ ^ ;^ 5^ 16uk, 'se ^mo yeung". Lioh sie md ydng ; a re- presentation of an object (in horticulture), J^ "j^ j^ wat, 'kd sha'. K'iuh kd slid ; adumbration of bkds and beasts, ^ ^ -^ ^ wat^ ^shing ^k'am shau". K'iuh cliing k'in shau, J3 ^ 1^ ^ wat, tseung^ shau' Jiiig- K'iuh sidng shau ying. Aduncity, hookedness, Liuen kau clie. ^ ^ ^liin ^kau 'die. Aduncous, Idn kau tik . Liuen kau tih ; shing ^ts'in. Shing |§ f>|i; ,t'ai .shing. an aduncous bill, f^ ^ [^ ch'ing' ^kau 'tsui. Ch'ing kau tsui. Ad valorem, H^^ f^ chid' ka'. Chdu kid ; ad valorem duty, H^ ft Jt ffe chid' kd' 'sheung shui'. Chdu kid shdng sliwui. Advance, to, to move forward, "^yf fj jts'in jhang. Ts'ien hang, ^ f^ .ts'in Vong. Ts'ien wdng, 5^ ■|y: tsun' jts'ln. Tsin ts'ien, J^ ^ 'sheung jts'fn. Shdng ts'ien, fn] ^ heung' .ts'In. Hidng ts'ien, llui sts'In liii'. Ts'ien k'ii; to make progress (in learning), Q ^ jIg yat, yat, tsun'. Jilijihtsin, WiWif^^ tsim- tsim- ^shing ^kung. Tsien tsien ching kung ; to advance in price, ^ ^ ct'ang kwai'. T'ang kwei, ^ ^ B M &' ka? ^at, 'hi. Ho kid jih k'l ; to advance in office, |ii^ ^sliing, Shing, [5f chik,. Chih, (J^^ ts'ien ; to be raised in office, jj^ |.^ . T'l shing; to continue to advance (in office), j^ P^ jlin ^shing. Lien shing ; to advance money, ;5t,{ij^J ^sin cli'ut, jUgan. Sien ch'uli yin; to ad- vance the price, ^ |^ 'hi ka'. K'i kid ; to ad- vance one's own opinion, |^ ^ g^ "^ fdt (Uiing 'ki 1'. Fdh ming ki i, 5{f i a pi^ i ^'tu ^ jtseung tsz- 'kl ke' 1' 'kong ch'ut^ ^loi, ^ {i} 2( -% 'kong ch'ut^ 'ki 1'. Kiang ch'uh ki i ; to advance money, Jl ^ ttj ^ sheung- jk'i ch'ut, jUgan. Shdng k'i ch'uh yin ; to advance a step, |J^ — -^ ^shing yat^ k'ap^. Shing yih kih ; to advance mo- ney on a conti-act, [i{ fj f^ ^ ch'ut, ting' kii' jUgan. Ch'uh ting ka yin ; to advance for assault, ^ ]^ tsun' ^kung. Tsin kung, ^^ ^ tsun' kik,. Tsin kill ; do. for extermination, i^^lj tsun' 'tsid. Tsin tsidu; to advance capital, f^2Ji tse' 'pun. Advance, progression, "1^ ^ ,ts'in Svong. Ts'ien wdng, [hJ I^ heung' jts'ln. Hidng ts'ien ; advance of troops, ^^^ cPiiig (Chl tsun'. Ping chl tsin; advance upon an enemy, ^ ^ ^ts'In tik^. Ts'ien tih, jlilS: ii- tik,. Yd tih, ^fj^ tsun' chin'. Tsin chen; do. in virtue, ^ ^ ts'in shin'. Ts'ien shen ; do. in knowledge. m kwong chl'. Kwdng chi, ^ ^ yik, clii'. Yih chi, ^ ^ ^^, ^tsang chi' wai'. Tsang chi hwui ; daily advance in knowledge, :^ ^ B ^ chi' wai' yaf, ^tsang. Chi hwui jih tsang; the first bid (in auction), ;5t yj 1^ ^sln ch'ut^ kd'. Sien ch'uh kid ; advance upon a contract, ^ ^ teng^ ^ngan. Ting yin ; do. of wages, Jt Jll] §.B sheung- ,k'i ^ngan. Shang k'i yin ; do. upon wages, ^ g^ P|| §.| fong' ^t'au ke' ^ngan ; to be upon advance, ^ ^ 41 hivcL fong' jt'au jUgan. K'ien fdng t'au yin ; to make advances in discoveries, ^^ ^ B Hj ^san ^k'i yat, ch'ut,.^ Sin k'l jih ch'uh, aj n^^mm^uw ch'ut^ 'hii ^to ,sau ^sin ke' 'j6 ; promotion, |I^ ^ ^sliing k'ap^. Sliing kih, JJW0_ ^ka k'ap^ Kid kih. Advance guard, ;5t 1$ (Sin ^fung. Sien fung. Advance-money, (on wages), Jl AQ ^ sheung^ ^k'i ADV (30) ADV ,ngan. Shinj,' k'l yin ; advance money on other work, ^ ;^ ^ ii- ch( ^nj^an. Y6 clii yin. Advanced (in y(^rs), ^ ^ juln ^k6. Nien k4u, -^ ^ '16 mii'. Liu mdi, ^ ^ ,nln '16. Nien liu, ^ IE ^ M s"^'^ '^^ '^" "^^*'- Nien kl liu mii, %^ .k'l '16. K'l Idu, 1^^ ^wonpf'kau. Ihving kau, ^ ^ shau^ 'hdu. Shau k'idu, @ % 'cli'l ^tsiin. Ch'I tsun ; an advanced work, ^ ^ ^^ p'du' jt'oi ,hdng. P'du t'ii kano;. Advancement, ])rof]^ess, i^\ ^^^ ^ts'ln jCh'in». Ts'ien ch'ing ; do. of w^ork, ^ ^ tsun' yik,. Tsin yih ; promotion, \i^^ ,shing k'ap . Shing kih ; Settle- ment on a wife, 5l§ ^ ^ M ^ ^ chuk, ,fan ^ksi 'ch'An ^a ^ts'ai. Chub fan kia cli'^n yd ts'i. Advancer, -^ :^^ ^ ^ts'in 'wong 'che. Ts'ien wdng c\i6 ; promoter, ^ ^ ^ ^ 'kdi ^nong jWai slifn\ Kidi ning wei shen. Advantiige, gain, ^ yik,. Yih, f |J 11'. L(, 3^|J ^ It' yik,. Li yih, |^ ^ sP'l yik,- P'i yiii ; to seek af- ter gain,'|g>^|J ^t'6 li^ T'd 11, ||7^|j ^mau 11'. Mau U, ^ )^|) chuk, ir. Chuli II, 1^ j^lj ,u UK Yd K, ^ ^.|J ,k'au 1I^ K'au 11, ^ ^lj",ts'u 11^ Ts'ii 11; interest, ^|] ^g^ li' sik,. Li sih ; superiority, yj"* ^ ^ X s^s'oi kon' jeng jan. Ts'di kan ying jin, ^ ^ i^ A- P*^^ ^^'^ kwo' syan. Pdn sz kwo jin, ^tJ* ,yeng jts'oi. Ying ts'di ; to have the advan- tage over others, ^ \ shing' jan. Shing jin, ^ A iJ^^S iY^^- Ying jin ; to know to turn everything to advantage, g^"^>^lj^ kai' k'apj 11^ hoi'.* Ki kih 11 hi\, j^ f\] £r ^ ,wai U^ shl' ,t'6. 'W'^ei 11 shi t'u ; it is of advantage to me, ^^j^ ^ 'yau yik^ ,ii 'ngo. Yd yih yd wo ; of no advan- tage to me, M^t^^ i^^ yik, <« 'ngo. Wd yih yd wo ; to show a thing to the best advantage, if 't'' A ^Cj> kai' cliung' ^yan ^sam. Ki chung jin sin ; advantiigc of bii-th, ^^ ^ jjfS p^ tsikj fd' fuk, yam'. Tsih fd fuh yin. Advantage-ground, ^| ^ %\] tak, tl* ll^ Teh t( II, M ^di M je"g ti^ iP'un- Ying tl pw'in. Advantage, to, to benefit, ^ yik,. Yih, 5^|J II'. LI ; it will benefit him, ^\] fg I'i' ,t'»l. LI t'd. Advantaged, benefited, ^ ^^ yik, kwo'. Yih kwo ; distinguished by talent, ^ tJ" ^ -ftfi, 'yau jts'oi shing' ^A. Yu ts'di slung t'd. Advantageous, profitable, 5^ |^ 'yau yik, ; useful, ^f^ 'yau yimg*. Yd yxmg; opportune, ^ hang^ Hing, ^ -^ shl' liang'. Shl hing ; convenient, -^ ^ ^fong pln^ Fang pien, j|p /j^" shun' pin'. Shun pien ; Ijeneficial, j^ljj^i li' ])ln-. LI i)ien. Advantageously, ^Ij \i\ LI ; advantngeouslv placed (as things), *^^ IF^ iH5 f Ij A ,on ehl' mat, '1 11' ^yan. Ngdn ehl vvuh 1 11 jin ; advantageously si- tuated (as a house), ^J- ^jt. '•'» T''^'>' "»i'- Hdu p'd wei ; do. (of a person), fif- J^ jg 'lio 'king u'. lUu king yu, iftjPlill'fe '•»<^ tl' wai'. Hdu tl wei. Advantageousne^s, ?^J^ 11' yik,. LI yih. Advent, a coming down, f^ |^ kong' ,1am. Kiang lin. ~J\^ hd' jlam. Hid lin ; the first advent of QUI- Loi-d. Iff] 6' [^ iii: ,Y»5 ^»u kong' shai'. Y 'tdm. Hdu tan, ^ ^ 'yune 'kom. Yung kdn, :^ ga tdi' 'tim. Td tdn," }^ ^ ^ ,cliau^shan 'tdm. Cliau shin tdn ; rash, ^^'(fy jhang 'him tik,. Hang liien tih, ^ ^ ^ij shai' ^hung tik,. Shl hung tih. Adventurousness, ^ ^ shai' Jiung. Shi hung, ff H^;^ jhang 'him 'chd. Hang hien ch6. Adverb, ^ ^ shai' tsz'. Shi tsz. Adverbial, ^ 'A^^- ^ shai' tsz' tik,. Shl tsz tih. Advei-sary, %\ ^ tdi' tik,. Tdi tih, % S^ tdi' ,t'au. Tdi t'au, % ^ ^ch'au tik,. C'hau tih, % \ jCh'au jan. Ch'au jin, 1^ ||i5; ^ch'au tikj. Ch'au till, it M jch'au ,kd. Ch'au kid, % ^^ ,un ,kd. Yuen kid. Adversative, ^ j^^ |^(; 'fdn I' tik,. Fdn I tih ; ad- versative conjunction, ^ffj ii} ]§:;tM ^ '*'^" ^ts'Inkii' I' ^chi kai' tsz'. Fdn ts'ien kii I chl kl tsz. Advei-se, contrary, 5^ ngdk,, ^ yik,. yih ; calami- tous, |5 111. Ch'uh k'l ; to regard, @ kii'. Ku attend to, ^^ ^ 'seung 'hi. Si^ng k'l. Advertency heedfulnes, ^i^ ^lavi ^sam. Lid sin J^^^ sai' ^sam. SI sin ; regard, ^ kd'. Kd. Advertent, heedful, ^ i\j) ,lau ^sam. Lid sin. Adverting, regarding, ^ ^ Inn- k'ap,. Lun kih. Advertise, to, to give notice, -^ Q ko' pdk,. Kau peh, $^ ^ p5' kb'. Pu kau ; to inform," ^ ^ ko' ,chl. K^u chl, fg ^U po' ^chi. Pd chl ; to communicate intelligence, ^^ |^ J^^ po' sid sik^. Pd sidu sih ; to insert in a paper, ^^r^lK niai' san ^man 'chl. Mdii sin wan chl. Advertisement, notice in a paper, -^ ^ ko' pAk,. Kau peh ; notice issued by the gentry, ^ yf; 'pong shl". P^ng shI, i^ j^ ^piu jhung. Piau hung, ;^ ^vl jCh'eung jhung. Ch'ang hung; a notice (issued by merchants &c.), ^^^^ ^kAi^cliiu. Kial cliiu ; an offer for reward, ^ |x ^ ^f^ jhung ^tflin. Hwa hung tdn, '^ i(^ 'sheung kak,. Shdng keh, 'gl^ 'sheung t'lp^. Shang t'ieh, [y^, ch'ut,, to issue, is the verb, used for all the pre- ceding kinds of notices and advertisements.] Advertiser, ^fi^ k5' pdk, 'che, Hj^f ^^ ch'ui ''pong shl- 'che. Ch'uh p^ng shi che ; as a name of a newspaper, ^ ^^ c^'^iig po'- T'ung pd. Advertising, publishing infoiination, * ^ ^ ^ j^K mii- ^san ^man 'chl. M4i sin wan chl. Advice, counsel or instruction given, ^ kau'. Ki^u, fl^f || k^u' fan'. Ki^u fan, ^ ^ kiu' fui'. Ki^u hwui ; admonition, ^^ hiin' kau'. K'iuen kiau, ^ j^ hiin' kai'. K'iuen ki^i, ^ ^ hiin' ^ii- K'iuen yen ; direction, ^^ j^ 'k'ai tik,. K'I tih, ^^ ,hoi to*. K'ai tciu ; a letter of advice, ^^'(p po' sun'. Pd sin, ^ ^^fg ^k^u ^ngan sun'. Kidu yin sin ; to ask advice, g^ | ki^u ; to take advice, '^^ intelhgence, jf^^j^^ ,sid sik deliberation, ^§- 'i. I. Advice-boat, '^ ^ f^i' *t'eng. Kw'dli t'ing, -^ ^ [^] jch'eung Jung ['t'eng.] Ch'ang lung [t'ing], iW^M 'tsau po' 't'eng. Tsid pu t'ing. Advisable, open to advice, ^ ^ 'ling kin\ Ling kidu ; proper, ]g ^ ^ying ^tong. Ying td,ng, -^ ((^ 'siu ^sam. Siau sin, ^^ g shan' chung^ Shin chung ; be advised by me, ^^^ (t'eng 'ngo kau'. T'ing wo kiau ; to be advised on, ^ ^ ^ c^iung 'chi kau'. Mung cM kiau •, as adidsed, ^ ^ ^tsun Un\ Tsun kiau, ^ fj^ ,1 kau'. I kiau, Hg, g^ pf^J- chiu' ^fan fu\ Chau fan fd. x4.dvisedly, /J>j\j> 'siu ^sam. Siau sin, -^ ^{{j 'tsz sai'. Tsz si, |1| 'l^ 'kan shan'. Kin shin ; to act cauti- ously, ^ ^§, i^ ^ s&m' ^sz jl jhang. San sz rh hang, ^ ,S> ffn ff shuk, ^sz ji Jiang. Shuh sz rh hang ; purposely, [§ ^'ku' I'. Ku 1, 4f ^ tak> I'. Teh I. Advisedness, prudence, |||i^ 'kan shan'. Kin shin; deliberateness, ^ "^ sai' i'. Si 1, |p '|^ 'sham shan". Shin shin. Adviser, ^^^ hiin' kau' 'che. K'iuen kiau che, ^ i jmau 'chii. Mau chu ; a member of the council, ^ ^ Js'Am ^mau. Ts'an mau; do. in the national councils, 0i j^ ^ i^ Js'am ^chl ching' sz^ Ts'dn chl ching sz ; a magistrate's ad- viser, 0f|l^ c^^^ J^- ^^ y^' ^W mok, ^pan. Moh pin, ^ ^ noi" mok,. Nui moh ; a military ad- viser, ^ ^^ ^kwan jSz. Kwan sz ; advisers, ^ :^ ]^ J^ sai*' J cliik, 'chl. Siu 1 chih chl. Advocacy, ^^^H^ tso' Jam 'po. Tso tdn piu ; vin- dication, ^^ 'pid I'. Pidu 1 ; do. from a motive of charity, j^ I* hi'. I k'i. Advocate, one who pleads the cause of another, cfl -f^ ^chung 'po. Chung piu, ;j^a ^ Jam 'pb. Tin pdu, ^^ 'p5 ^U. Piu kii, f^ A 'po Jan. P4u jin, r^X ^chung ,yan. Chung jin, f^^ 'po 'chQ. Piu chd ; a mediator, ^ g^ ^wo J'au. Ho t'au, i^ $ tso- ch'an'. Tso ch'uen ; attorney, ^jc $riJ cliong- ^sz. Chwang sz ; an old hand, (an attorney who is well up in all the tricks of his profession), jik^ chong- kwan'. Chwing kwan ; an advocate for peace, }^ ^ ^ 'ch'a ^avo 'che. Cli'u ho che, ^5^P|£ hiin' ,wo ke'. K'iuen ho che. Advocate, to, to plead in favor o{, ^ \^^ t'ai' ^^^' l^^^*- ^'* chih ohi lun, m'M^M^)rMZm hi' chat.^ k'ap, hi' 'sho chi' ^chi HI. K'i chih kih k'l so chi cM li. Aerography, ^ ^ ;<: f^ hi' '11 ^chl lun^ K'I H chl lun. Aerolite, |J^^ 'wan sliek,. Yun shih, ^'X^ ^^^ '^o. T'ien ho. Aerometer, Jl; ^ ^ J^ung hi' t5'. Liang k'l td. Aerometiy, S Mti^ ^ ^^K '^i' 't'ai ,chl *1I. Toh k'i t'l chi 11. Aerology, ^MZ^ ,t'in hi' ^clil *1I, Tien k'l chi II. Aeronout, an aerial navigator, @ ;^ ^ Pfl 'shai ^fl jhung ^chung, ^ j^ ^ ^ 'shai ^ii ^hung 'ch6. Shi yii k'ung chi6. Aeronautics, the science of sailing in the air by means of a balloon, BM%^UlM^Z^ '^ W' jk'au 'shai ^fl ,hung ^chl 'II. I k'i k'au shI vii k'ung clii li. ® :J^ ^ ^ ^ 'sliai ,ii Jiung ,chi '11. Shi yu k'ung chi II. Aerostatics, J^f^'Z^ ch'ing' hi' ^chl 'II. Ch'ing k'l chl II ; the science of aerial navigation, i^ ^ ^ZM 'shai ,u Jiung ^chl 'II. Shi yu k'ung chi II. Acruginous, ^^Z'^ s^'ung luk, chi mat^. T'ung luh chi wuh, j^^^U "Cut .V^^ jt'ung luk, k6'. Pflu t'ung luh ke. Aesthetics, philosophy of taste, ^^Z^ i^^'^I '"^I ,chi 'II. Kid mei dii 11, ^^ZM 'sham 'ml ,chi 'II. Shin mei ehl 11. Afar, at a distant place, 'iin. Yuen, m it ." 'iin. LI yuen, j^ j|| ^iu 'iin. YAu yuen ; fi-om a- far, ^ j^ ,yau 'un. Yu yuen ; alar olf, gt jit ^ <^ JI Hs'z 'h6 'an. Li ts'z hdu yuen. Affability, courteousness, JjfQ Si ^s6ung '3. Si^ng y'l' ^p i^^^^ 8llIn^ Shun'shen, ^^MZ^^ tak, ts'ii' jChi ,kwong 'king. Teh ts'u chi kwang king. Affable, courteous, ^ :;|!{| M 'h6 ^s<'ung *a. H&u siting yd ; accessible, ^ ^ ,h6 hdp^. Ildu kiih, S J5^ ^ ^ '1»I c^^ M^^ tsip,- lii vd kidu tsieh, ^ ^ luV hdk,. llku k'eh, ^ ^ 'hi hak,. Ill k'eh ; mild, f^ ^ ,\van jVau. Wan jau, ^ ^ ,wan jl^ung, AVan lidng, J^ jf<] wan ,wo. AVan ho, ^ % shin' jl»^'ung. Shen lidng, ^ j^ ^wan hau'. AVan hau ; civil, ^ ^ 'yau 'lai. Yii II ; 1)e- nign ^ ^ jyau 'iin. Jau yuen ; condescending, ^j^ ^him sun*. Rien sun, ^J^ ^hlm ^hu. Hien hu, ^ ^<1 him jWO. Hien ho. Affa1)leness, see Affability. Affably, courteously, ^ ;j;g M 'ho ^sdung 'ii. -Hdu sidng yu ; to treat people courteously, ^ ^ \ shin' toi' jyan. Shen t4i jin, |§.^ 'oi ,In. Ngdi jen. Affair, ^^ sz' kon'. Sz ksln, ]p-^ sz' ipj. Sz nieh, ^ft^ sz- kin-. Sz kien, ^ ^ 'fiin sz'. Kw'dn sz, ^ 'j^ sz' jts'ing. Sz ts'ing, ^ ^ sz' matj. Sz wuh, ^ jf^ sz' m6'. Sz wii, ^ j^ sz' tsik,. Sz tsih, ^ ^ sz' ^ti'in. Sz twdn, j^^ kd'. Kd ; insig- nificant atlairs, yJ^ ^ 'sid sz'. Siau sz ; important affairs, _;^ ^ tiii' sz'. Td sz ; state affairs, [^ ^ kwok, sz'. Kwoh sz ; a pressing affair, ^ ^ ^ 'kan iu' sz*. Kin yfiu sz ; family affaii-s, ^c ^ M^ sz'. Kid sz ; a lucky affair, ^ ^ kat, sz'. Kih sz ; an unlucky affair, ^ ^ ,li"ng sz'. Hung sz. Affect, to, to influence, ^ 'k5m. Kdn, ^ j:^ 'k6m kdk,. K6,n keh ; to affect the heart, ^ |^ 'k^m tung'. Kdn tung, ^ |^ 'kom fdt,. Kin fdii, j|fc ^ kik, fdtj. Kih fab ; to affect (as a diseased limb affects other parts), ^ ^kwhn. Kwdn; to affect (as vices), ^ 'im. Yen ; to affect the olfac- tories, :^ ^ p'ok, pi*. P'oh pi ; to affect (aspire to) the crown, gUj^ ^mau ts'im'. Mau ts'ieu, ^ ^^fi ,maUjCh'iu ts'im' wai'. Mau ch'^u ts'ien wei ; to pretend, |^ f^ chi' tsok . did tsoh, (^ f^ ^yt'^ung tsok,. Ydng tsoh ; to affect ignorance of, tt?# :^ ^ chii' tsok, pat, ,chi. Chd tsoh puli chl, i^-^ yfpi jvcung ,wai pat, ^chl. Y&ng wei pub clii, -g^ pg- ^ ch4' ,m ,chf, i^ sy\ ^mii ^t'au, MM <"^^' ^^- ^^'" ^"' ^^^/^S® »"^"* i"^^^ s^'a" jl6. J\II mai t'au lu ; to affect to sleep ^ 3g)|j chd' fan'. Chi fan, ^ ^ 'kfi mi'. Ki& mei ; to alfect to be clever, ^t^ lung' 'hiu. Lung k'idu, -^X^ ^ :|{i5 lung' 'hfui 'fin chut,. TiUng k'idu fin chueh ; it does not affect this, p^ |^ |J/d |[i^ ^ ,m ,kwin ^nl tik, sz' ; to affect to be virtuous, ^ ^ fj^-f' ngai' ,wai ^kwan ' Wei wei kiun t«z ; to affect niodesty, 1^ ft SSI '^^^ ^^^. s^^"^ 'cl»*au. Kill tsoh wei ehau ; to affect integrity, JSj^ ,kiu jUm. Kiiu lien. Affectation, false pretense, -jg |§ 'ki ngai'. Ki& wei, f^ chd'. Chii, ^ mfiu'. Mau ; artificial ap- AFF pearanco, II5 t^^i^f ^ 'ka P^ri^ c^^ jinan. Kia pan sz wan, ^'^^■^ cliong ^Avai ^kAvan 'tsz. Chwkng wei kiun tsz, ^^ tsii" ,kung. Tsii kung ; fond- ness, ^ '^ jVIn oi'. P'ien ngai. Affected, (with gratitude), ^ ^ 'kom kik,. Kan kill, \i0^ Vb -t'lm. T'an t'ien, \ij]^ ^t'6 ^mting. T'an mung; moved (in either way, good or bad), ^ H^ 'kom tung-. Kan tung, y^ ^ ^chim 'kom. Chen k<4n ; affected with painful recollections, ^ 1'^ 'kom k'oi'. Kan k'ai ; affected with com- miseration, ^ ^ ^sh6ung 'kdm. Shang kan, f^^ ^ j)I 'kom. Pi kan, f^^Ci) ^sheung ^sam. Shang sin; affected with disease, Yi^ ^ ^chim peng-. Chen ping, ^ ^ "im peng\ Yen ping ; to he affected by, ^ ^ ^kom tung*. Kan tung ; false show, 'fg 1^ ka pan-. Kia pdn ; affected with fear, ^ ^ ^ tip, tip, t'iu'. Tieh tieh t'iau ; pre- tended, -fg f^ 'ka tsok,. ICiA tsoh, ^ -^ jeung ^wai. Yang wei ; well affected to the state, ^ ^ ^ IS chung kwan oi' kwok,. Chung kiun ngai kwoli ; affected by external tilings, ^\' ^ f')x Wi ugoi" mat, 'sho tung^ wei wuh so tung ; an af- fected style, = M ^ M s^n kwo' ,k'i sliat,. Yen kwo k'i sliih, '^'^^ ^ \ ^man pat, ts'iu' ^k'i ^yan. Wan puli siau k'i jin. Affectedly, studiously, |^j^ ku\ln. Ku jen, |§^ kti'f. Kui. Affectedness, see affectation. Affecting, ^||| 'k5m tung'. Kan tung, ^^ 'kom fat,, kdn fall, ff| 7^ tung- 'hi. Tung k'i ; an af- fecting scene, ^SM^^ cP^ ^sh^ung ^chi sz". Pi shang chl sz, |^ iO ^ ^ ^sheung sam ^chi sz". Shang sin chl sz, pf ^J ;^ ^ ^ 'lio ,pi ,oi ^chl sz\ K'o pi ngai chi sz. Aifectingly, in a manner to excite emotion, |^ ^ 5^ ^ tung^ 'hi jts'z ^sam. Tung k'i ts'z sin, ^ ^ ^ j\j) 'kom fdt^ shin'' ^sam. Kan fdh shen sin. Affection, love, '^ *||| of jts'ing. Ng;ii ts'ing ; ten- dei-ncss, j^ ^ jts'z oi'. Ts'z ngai ; tender affec- tions (as between husband and wife), |^ ^ 'ch'imsr oi'. Ch'unsj ngdi ; attachment, ^M. Ian" rah'. Liuen mii ; the seven affections, -t'j^ ts'at, ,ts'ing. Tsih ts'ing * ; to have affection, >^ '1"^ •yau jts'ing. Yii ts'ing ; mutual affection, ^ ^ ^seung oi'. Siang ngai, '|^ ^ i^^'^^S s^'^^- Ts'ing t'au, 'l^^ 5Ji| :^ jts'ing ^seung ^t'au. Ts'ing sidng t'au ; to regard with affection, ^ ^ kiin' ku'. Kiuen ku ; a father's affection for his child, ;3c ^Wi ^^' c^^^ s^^'^- ^^ ^^^ *^'^ ' disease, ^ peng^. Ping ; an affection of the heart, v\j>5^ c^^"^ peng-. Sin ping ; to place the affections on, ^ Q^ :j^|> ^ pat J jShi kwd' nlm^ /^ ^ chii' kiin'. Chu kiuen ; lasting affection for one, ^|| P^- ^ ^^ fg 'tsung ^m 'she tak, 'k'ii, ^ # :^ :|^ ,i ,1 pat, 'sh6. I i puh shie, 'I"f^-^ g ^^ ^kon 'tarn ,seung cliiu'. K^in tkn siang chau. Affective, ^ \^ % 'ho 'ts'Am ^sheung. Hdu ts'an shAng. Affector, # # fi ^^ M "1^ A c^ y^^ng^ wAk, ,ii J5 k6' jyan. I yang hwah hii lu [;^] chi jin. Affeer, to, to assess, ^;^^^ T'iiu ch'fi t'ing fdh. Affeeror, :j^^ p'ak, ,ka. P'eh kia, :j^7|^ p'ak^ ^wo. P'eh ho. Affiance, betrothal, g^ ^ 'hii p'ing'. Hii p'ing, ^ gf teng- p'ing'. Ting p'ing, )^^ ^shing ^ts'an. Cliing ts'in ; confidence, ^ sun'. Sin ; reliance, ^^ '1 t'ok,. I t'oh, ^ ^ t'ok, Mi^ T'oh lai ; affiance in God, §£^j[l'^ t'ok, lai' sh^ung' tai'. T'oh lc4i shdng ti. Affiance, to, to betroth, =^^ 'hii p'ing', ^^ teng' p'ing'. Ting p'ing, ^ |,^ ,sliing ^ts'an. Ching ts'in, ^H teng^ >'an. Ting ts'in, #11^ tui' ,ts'an kd. Tiii ts'in kia; to give confidence, -^ * The seven afifections are : -| grief, pleasure, love, hatred and desire. W^'^ joy, anger, jt'iu 'ch'ii teng- fat. ff ^i t'ok,. 1 t'oh, 1^ j^ 'hii Van. Hii yun. ktit. fat,. kung Affianced, betrothed when young, j^ kieh fdh. Affiancing, pledging in marriage g^ ^ 'hii p'ing' Hii p'ing. Affidavit, a declaration made on oath, p -j^ 'hau ^kung. K'au kung, -^ |^ ,kung ^ts'z. Kung ts'z, ^ 1^ ,kung sliiit,. Kung shwoh, ,ch'ing, >gt p± ^kung t'o'. kung t'li Affiliate, to, to receive into the family as a son, j]^ '^^-f' .shau jwai i' 'tsz. Shau wei i tsz, ^ ^ ^-f" ndp, jWai f »'tsz. NMi wei 1 tsz ; to receive into a society as a member, ^ >^ "^ ^ ^ nkp, jWai tii' ^hing tai". Ndh wei liwui liiung ti, l|^;^^ y(i^ jSliau jAvai f ^hing tai'. Shau wei i hiung ti. Affiliation, |^ -^ kai' 'tsz. Ki tsz. Affinity, relationship (not of the same surname), ^ AFF (34) AFF 1^ ^ts'an ts'ik,; ditto of the same surname, ^fi^ ^ts'an shukj. Ts'in shuh, ^ j^ ,ts'an tsvik^. Ts'in tsuli 5 to contract affinity, j^ ^ jshing ^ts'an. Ching ts'in, fj^ ting' ^ts'an. Ting ts'in; attrac- tion of bodies, ^^ <^ ^'^ mat, chat, ^chi Jiin li6pj. Wuli chill chi hien holi. Affirm, to, to arrest, ^ ^ teng* shat,. Ting shih, 1^ ^ shut, sliatj. Shwoh shili, pjf gf tiin' shat^. TwAnshih; to declare, j^gft ^ch'ingshiit,. Ch'ing shwoh, ^ ^ 'kong jKiiug. Kidng ming, |^ ^ shut, jnung. Shwoh ming ; to assure, 'kom shatj. Kidng sliih ; to respond in the affii-mative, 'j^Pg. hai' lok„ ^nokv Noh, ying' nokj. Ying noh. shili shi^ Shwoh slii ; to adhere to a declaration, ^ = chap, ^in. Cliih yen ; to ratify by signature, ^ ^ ^ts'im jmeng. Ts'ien ming ; ditto by affixing the seal to, ^p f p k'ap^ yan'. Kih yin. Affinnable, that may be asserted, ^ ||^ f ^ ^ ho shiitj tak, shatj. K'o shwoh teh sluli. Affirmant, one wlio affirms, ^3f ^ teng^ shat^ 'ch6. Ting shih ch6. Affirmation, the act of affii-ming ^ ^ = sliat^ jk'i. ,ln. Shih k'i yen ; assent, ^ ^ Van nokj. Yun noh ; ratification by signature, ^^ ^ts'Im jmeng. Ts'ien ming; ditto by affixing the seal, ^ fp yung^ yan\ Yung yin, i§ ^ ^ k'oi' ^t'o ^shii. K'ai t'u shu, |^ ^ ^ k'ap, ,t'6 ^cheung. Kih t'ti cliang. Affirmative, ^^ ^ teng* shat^ tik,. Ting shili tih ; to assent in the alllrmative, yJQ^ Van nok^. Yun noh, f^ ^ 'hii nok^. Hii noh. Affirmatively, ff ^ shat. ^in. Shili jen, JS^jfJfi k'ok, ^in. K'ioh jen. AiJirmer, one who affirms, ^ ^ ^ shat^ jin 'die. Shih jen ch6 ; one who maintains, ^-^j^ chap, jin 'ch^. Chih jen che. Affix, to, to unite at the end, |!|fi|- fu\ Fu ; to affix a syllable, |# ^ Jf fiV tsz^ 'mi. Fd tsz wi, j5^ ^ mi. T'ien tsz sub wi ; to mi. Fiiwi, :^ J^ tsip, tsuk,. kai' 'mi. Ki wl, ^ M tsuk ^t'im tsz* tsuk^ * fu*' attach, ^ Tsieh sub, 'ml. Sub wi, ^ J^ tsip^ *mi. Tsieh wi; to tie at the end, 0f>itMi^ 'l^ong chii* 'mi hau*. Pdng cbii wi hau, ^ J^ liai^ ^mi. lli wl ; to connect, Ml^ .s6ung tsip,. Sidng tsieh, H^^ ,s6ung kai'. Siang ki, :;jf| fig ,seung lin. Sidng lien ; to affix one's seal, >H W yunpT yan'. Yung yin, ff fp 't^ yan'. Td yin, ^fp k'oi' yan'. K'&i yin, j^^ffj k'ap, yan'. Kih yin, ^ O ^ k'oi' ^i'b ,ch(5ung. K'Ai t'li chdng ; to aflix one's name, ^ ^ ,ts'im jmeng. Tsien ming ; to affix one's iirivate mark, ^:li,n >'ini /d dp,. Ts'ien hwd ydh. t^' :^ ^ dp, Jii bo^ ydh f/i hdu, ^ ;^ 'chl ^m^. Chi mu. Affixes, ^^':^^ tsukj 'mi ,chl tsz^ Sub wl chl tsz. Affixture, that which is affixed, ^Xl^^^ fi^^ ^1"^^ ,chl mat, Ngfin shih chi wuh. AlUation, B^ ^ A F^ ,<-'li'^ii lii' yaPi noi\ Ch'iu k'i jib nui, U^ ^ A ft 'kd Li' yap^ noi'. Kii k'i jih nui. Afflatus, inspiration, ^ 1$ ^ -{^ jWai jShan 'sho 'k6m. Wei sliin so kdn. Afflict, to, to trouble, IH^ p&a ^wai. Nan wei, ^ Hj jfan ^n6. Fan ndu ; to trouble others, ^ ^ chit, ^mo. Cheh mo, 1^ ^ ts'o' chit,. Ts'o cheh ; to grieve, |^ i{^ ,8h6ung ,sam. Slidng sin ; to harass, |^ ^ ^rao ndn^ Mo ndn ; to disti-ess, jjfp ^^ ,kd 'fu 'ch'o. Kid k'u ts'ii, jjilpi ,kd jdung. Kiaydng; to torment, J!|n3flJ ,kd jVing. Kid ying; to aillict for {he purpose of extortion, |$y\$b0| H6 ^yan lak^ shuk^. Lii jin leh shuh. Afflicted, in body, :^ ^ Sau peng^. Yu ping; af- flicted with pain, Jl ^ kin' t'ung'. Kien t'ung, ^ '^ kok, t'lmg'. Kioli t'ung ; afflicted in mind, ^BM sliau^ wdn' ndn*. Sliau hwdn nan, ^ ^ shau* .tsoi jno. Shau tsdi mo, ^ M shau^ ^mo. nan*. Shau nan ; to suffi;r distress, ^ ^ sliau* 'fu. Shau k'li ; the afflicted, ^^Z A shau* ndn* ^chi jyan. Afflicting, troubling, ^ || ,mo ndn* ; distressing, j}W=^ ,k(i 'fu. Kid k'u, jJH ^ J^ ^a ^ts'ai ^leung. Ki&, ts'I lidng. Afflicting, grievous, ^ ^ ^ts'ai jl6ung. Ts'i lidng, ;#M,ts^ai'ch'o. Ts'its'u. AiUicter, l^^d^PgtA s^ong ,sam ke' .yan, §:f^,Z\ p6* yduk^ ,chi jan. Pdu yob chl jin, f^^^ZX jts'&n 'yan .chl ^yan. Ts'dn jin chi jin. Affliction, ^,^ wan* ndn*. Hwan nun ; distress, ^ ^ .ts'ai .16ung. Ts'i lidng, ^ ^ 'fu 'ch'o. K'u ts'ii ; calamity, j^ || .tsoi ndn*. Tsdi ndn, j^ ^ .tsoi .yeung. Tsfii ydng, ^ ^ .tsoi wo*. Tsai ho, giicf, ^ p| .yau mun*. Yii mwdn, i^ ^ .sam miin*. Sin mwi'm, j^ ^ ^fdn mun*. Fan mwkn, V^ PI .^ mun*. Yen mwdn, ^ ^^ ^sliau miin*. Tsau mwdn, P(| P»| >r» ^ ^uin* mun* pat, lok^. Mwdn mwfin pub lob. Afllictive, causing pain, Ijtt ^ '^ .kn peng^ t'ung' ; causing distress, jjf[ m .kd nun*. Ki^ ndu ; caus- ing grief, J!|P ^ .kii .yau. Kid yii ; adverse, |2<| .Inuvg. Hung ; tormcntiiag, ^ 'ts'fuu. Ts'dn. Afllictively, JJW ^ ,kk t'ung'. Kid t'ung. Aflluence, wealtii, ^ ^ fii' kAvai'. Fii kwei, ^ JJ fu' hau*. Fu hau. Affluent, wealthy, '^ ^ fu' hau*. Fu hau, ^ .yan fii'. Yin fu, j^^ .fung fu\ Fung fu, ^ ji'i ii*. Jdu yii, ^ ^ so' ,fung. Sii fung, ^ /ung fii'. F'ung fu ; abounding in wealth, |^ .fung slung*. Fung sliing, jgg jjg jan chan'. Yin chin, -gggij^^^ .yau jau 'yau ^u. Yu yii jti yii. Affluently, in abundance, |g| ^ /^^"S sliing*. Fung shing. Afflux,'^ ^ ui* Jau. llwui lid, ^ ^ h6p, .lau. Hob liii. Aflmlille, ^ # :^ .chl hnb 'ts'6. Chi mu ts'Au, ^ ■^ ^ jShi "mb 'ts'6. Shi mii ts'du, ^ ^ ,ch'am jfdn. Aflbixl, to, Jl .shI. Shi, 1^ k'ap,. Kih, f^ ts'z'. Ts'z, AFF (35) AFR '^^a J% jg; sit, 'siti %n. Sieh siibu fan. Affronted, opposed face to face, ^ ^.j- Hf min^ tui' min'. Mien tui mien, pi ^ t&J ™^in' ,tong mln'. Mien tang mien ; to have offended, ^ :|[i j^S mo- fan' kwo'. Mdu fan kwo ; to be offended at ill- treatments, "I^A^^^ 'f^n jan ^clii ^sau yuk,. Fan jin chi siu juh, ^^\}^^ pat, ^korn jan Pi" Pi ngan tun mien tui mien cling yuk,. Puh kan jin ling juh, ^ pa ^ || 'ho ^m fan' tak,. Affi-ontee, ^^mM'MW Z^ T>i' ,on tun^ min^ tui' min" ^chi shau chi shau. Affronter, |^^^ A "1^ "mong ^chl jan. Lii m^g chi jin, ^^ Z A ts'o' p6' ^chi jan. Ts'au pau chi jin, /^ :j^ % ^ch'img chong^'che. Affronting, abusing, ^ ^^ mo' fdn'. Mau fan, ^ :|^ ^ch'ung chong'. Ch'ung chwang. Affuse, to, to pour upon, ^ ^ ^cham yap,. Chin jib ; to sprinkle, j^ 'sha. Sha, f^ j|| ,1am lai'. Affused, sprinkled with a liquid, ;^ '^ 'sha kwo'. Shd kwo, ^ ill ;;§ Jam lai' kwo', ^ lf|t ^ kun' k'oi' kwo'. Kwan k'ai kwo. Affusion, sprinkling with a liquid substance, >^ 'sha. Sha, ^ ^ kiin' k'oi'. Kwan k'ai. Afloat, swimming without a guide, ^ '/^ ^fau fan'. Fau fAn; to be tossed to and fro by wind or waves, H B cP'in tong^. P'iau tang, j^ '^ /au ,p'iu. Fau p'iau, ^ >jg M ^ .^ V^^K cmo teng^. I poh wii ting, ^ ^ ^kwong tong^. Kwang tang. Afoot, on foot, ^ fj keuk, .bang. Kioh hang, ^ ff p6^ ,hang. Pii hang, "^ ^ flq ^ xt'o po' f^ hau' fui'. Hau hwiu, M. '1'^ <^'l^^^ ^"^i'- Chui hfl-ui. Aftertimes, :^ yat^ hau'. Jih liau, ^ (jJjp hau' jShi. Hau shi. Afterwards, ^^ hau' ^loi. Hau Idi, ^^ jin hau'. Jen hau, J^^ 'mi hau'. Wi hau, ^^ tsoi' hau'. Tsfii hau, j}^ 'mdn. W^i. After-\nt, ^ ||l7t*^l hau' ,chi jts'oi 'tiin, Hau chi ts'di twdn. Again, || tsoi\ Tsdi, || ^ tsoi' fuk^. Tsdi full, -f^ ^ ^ying fukj. Ying fuh ; to come again or re- turn, H^ tsoi' jloi. Tsdi Idi. ^^ .fdn ^loi. Fdn Idi, ^ 5^ fuk^ jloi. Fuh Idi, 5. JR yau' ^oi. Yii Idi ; to read again, ^ f^ tsoi' tuk^. Tsdi tuh ; a- gain and again, ^ ^ 'fan fuk,. Fdn full, 2 ^ jCh'img fuk^. Ch'ung fuh ; once again, |^ — ^ tsoi' yat, ts'z'. Tsdi .>nh ts'z, ^ — [ej tsoi' yat, jiii. Tsdi yih hwui, ^ — ||^ yau' jTit, ,ts6. Yd yili tsdu ; over and again, ^ ^ tsoi' .sjlm. Ts&i sdn, $f ^ ^ 'h6 'kl .ts6. Hdu kl tsdu, g g ^ ^ jCh'ung jCh'ung tip^ lipj, S ^ ^H cl>i' tsoi' chi' ,sdm. Chi tsdi chi sdn ; do it agam, %^'M yau' ts6' kwo'. Yli tso kwo ; fuitlier, ^ ^\> ling* ngoi' Ling -wei. Against, in opposition, enmity, ^^ tdi' tik^. Tdi till; contrary', ^ yik^. Yih, O^^ngdk^, ;f0 ^ ,s^ung 'fdn. Sidng fdn, j^] ^^ .seung hig. Siiing Mil, f^^ pui' yikj. Pci yih ; against the current, P^ I ^1 jfit "■^'•'K j^^^- Yih lid ; against the wind, ft^^ ngakj ^iing. Yih fuug, :^itM. ^^^^K ji'^u AGA (37) AGG fung. Sliih yii fung ; against reason, ^ ^ yik, "li. Yih li ; to strike against, ^^ cliong' cheuk . Chwang choli ; opposite in place, '^^ tiii' mini Ttii mien, j^ fS] ^seung heimg'. Siang hidng ; a- gainst one (as in a game), ^ J^ tui' 'ting. Tui ting, P^]^ tan' 'ting. Tau ting ; to speak against, 1^ ^ Vai p'ong'. Weip'ang, ;^ A ^1 4 k'it, ,yan 'tiin cli'ii\ K'ieh jin twan cli'ii ; against (as law), ^ kam'. Kin ; to lean against, :^ ^ ^ai ^mai. Yai mai, ^ f^ ^ai pang- ; to lean against a railing, ^^ ;|^ pang^ jlan. Pang Ian ; to place a- gainst the wall, ^ '^ [fij J^ ^ai cliii^ heung' ^ts'eung. Ydi cliii hiang ts'iang ; to hang against the wall (as a picture), ^ ^ ^|^ '^ ^ai ^ts'euug kwa' chii'. Yai ts'iang kwa chu. Agalmatolite, ^ ^ 'fan shek^. Fan shih, ^ ^ ^ ,t'6 ^shii shek^. T'u shii shih. Agamist, ^^ ^ ^tka ^shan 'tsai. Agapanthus, ^ -^^ pak, 'tsz ^lin. Peh tsz lien. Agar agar, edible seaweed, ^ ^ 'hoi ts'oi'. Hai ts'ai ; ditto the red kind, ^ ^ 'tsz ts'oi'. Tsz ts'ai ; prepared ditto, ^ ^ J6ung ts'oi'. Li&ng ts'ai ; ditto the large kind, ;g^:^|^ shek^ /a ts'oi'. Shih hwa ts'ai ; the broad kind, ^ /^ 'hoi tM'. Hai tai. Agaric, a sort of mushroom, :^^^ ,chii ^ngdi ^chi. Chii yai chi ; agaricus, ^ ^ 'ts'o ,ku. Ts'au ku, y H'am. T'an, ^ 'kw'an. Kw'an. Agate, cornelian, J%^ ^ *ma "no shek^. Md ndu shih, ^ J^ ^ pakj Tna hio. Peh ma ndu. Age, an, j^ shai'. Shi ; a generation, — ■ ^ yat, shai'. Yih shi, — j^ yat, toi\ Yih tdi, — ii: f^ yat, shai' toi^ Yih shl tdi ; a generation of rulers =a dynasty, ^ ip^. Yeh, ^ ^ yik, ip^. Yih yeh ; the duration of a man's life, ^ ^£ ^nin 'ki. Nien ki, ^ shau", ^ ^g. Ling, ^^ ^li shau^ Hu shau, 1^ ^ ,u 'hdu. Hii k'au, ^ ^ piii' shau^ Pei shau, y^^ '16 shuk^. Lau shuli ; great age i.e. between 80 and 100, ^ ^ shau' 'h6u. Shau k'au, ^ ^ (k5 shau\ Kau shau, Jr ^ sheung- shau^ Shang shau, ^ ^ ^ha ^ling. Hia ling, ^ gg ,k'l ,1. K'i i ; between 70 and 80, PJ? ^ ^chung sliau". Chung shau ; between 60 and 70, ~[\ ^ ha- shau'. Hia shau ; of tender age, ^ A^ ^nin shiii'. Nien shau, ^^ jUln ^heng. Nien k'ing, ^^2^ jUin 'kiniin'. Nien ki nun; of age, ^ ~X jShing ,ting. Ching ting, ^ |g ij± ^nin 'ki chong'. Nien ki chwdng, ^ ^ y^uk, kiin'. Joh kwan ; in that age, ^ ^ ,tong shai'. Tang shi ; successive ages, ^ >f^ lik^ toi^ Lih tdi, ^ ^ shai' shai'. Shi shi ; former ages, ^ttt c^^^ shai'. Sien shi ; after ages, -^ ^ hau" shai'. Hau shl, :^f^ hau- toi\ Hau tai ; a period of one hundred years, a century, — ~^^ yat, pdk, ^nin. Yih peh nien ; of what age are you ? ;^ J^ kwai' ,kang. Kwei kang, f^* 4^ # ^ A "ni ^am ^nin 'ki tdi^ ^ ^ ^ 'ki ^to sui'. Ki to sui ; of the same age, Isj^ jt'ung^nin. T'ungnien, [^^ ^t'ung ^kang. T'ung kang. In the LikI one is called ^ yau'. Yti, a child, at the age of ten ; ^ ^ yeuk^ kiin'. Joh kwan, a youth, at the age of 20 ; ^jJ: chong', Chwang, a man, at the age of 30; ^ ^k'eung. K'idng, in the full vigour of manhood, at the age of 40 ; ^ ngai^ I, grey, at the age of 50 ; ^ jk'I. K'i, a director or adviser, at the age of 60 ; ■^ "lo. Lau, venerable, at the age of 70 ; ^ mo'. Mau, hoary or infirm, at the age of 80 and 90 ; ^^id ^ SS ^ ^^^^ )^^^S f^ iU^^ toi^ j)'au ,chl chik,. Tdi p'au chi chih, j^MZ^ toi^ pan' ,chl chik,. Tai pan chi chih, M^^^ 'shii -11 ^chl chik,. Shu II chi chih, ^ a. 'shii yam'. Shii jin. Agenda, the service of a church, H '^ ^ ^ "lai ,i ^chl jShii. LI i ^chi shii, ^^fg'] ji. Shing hwiii II I. shing' lii' "lai Agent, an, a substitute or factor, ^ ^ ^ t'ai' 11 'che. T'l 11 che, ^^^ t'ai' pan' 'ch6. T'l pan ch6, 3^^ t'ai' ^shan. T'l shin, ^^^ 'kiin sz' 'ch6. Kwdn sz ch6, j^^ ^ ^ch'l chii'. Ch'I chii, ^ ^ ^ch'l 'kan. Ch'I Kin ; to heal, ^ ^ p ^ ^ii 'hau. I mdi k'au. Agglutination, f^;^ ^ch'I ,mai. C'hl mai, ^ ;^ ,i ^mai. I m^i, ^ ^ j^ ^ /i /an ^iin wai'. I fdn yuen wei. Aggrandization, the act of aggrandizing, ^ ^ ^ ^ chi' jWai jk6 tai'. Chi wei kdu ta. AGG (38) AGI A^f^randize, to, to make great or gi-eater, ^^^j^:k, elii' wai 'kwong tAi^ Chi wei kwdng t& ; to exalt, ^^'^M- ^t ^^^^' i^^^ c**^" kwai'. Chi wei'tsun kwei, lit J^ ,tsun tdi^ '^ g ^tsiin chung^. Tsun chung, ]^ ^^ ^tsiin kwai' Tsun kwei ; to aggran- dize one's-self, :^ ^ ^ ^ 'mong tsz^ ^tsttn t^^ Wdng tsz tsun td, g |^ ^ ;Ac tsz^ ^k6 tsz^ tdi\ Tsz kdu tsz til, ^ g 'fcil .k6 tsz' wai' elii'. Kdu tsz wei clii, :^ ^ g B IP ,:^ s^'^i ^'^ <^«'''' '^^ jShan fW. T'ai kdu tsz ki shin fan, § •^ !^ jl( tsz' ming' pat, jfan. Tsz ming puh fdn. Aggrandizement, self, j^ j^ |^ ;^ tsz' ^kb tsz' tdi'. Tsz kdu tsz td. Aggravate, to, to make more difficult, -^ |^ ^'ui ^ndn. Pei ndn, ^ |^ k6,u' ^nkn. Kiau ndn ; to make worse, ||g, ^ Mu lui'. Ydu lui, i|| Jg #t# nii nil ts'6' ^u. Lii lu ts'du jku, 1^ JIS >^ H chi' wai iitj ^ndn. Chi wei yueh nan, j^ ^ i^ |^ 'lii hii 'kwan 'k&u. Lii lii kwan kidu. Aggravated, '^ |^ |^fj 'p'lii ^n&n tik,. Pei ndn tih, f^ ^ ^ Hu lui' kwo'. Jdu lui kwo. Aggravation, the act of making worse, '^ |^ ^'ui jUdn. Pei ndn ; the aggravation of a crime, ^ ^it^ ^K S'^^^ ^^^ '^c\i6. Ngoh chi yii ch6, ^ ^Wl^ okj ^chi tsui' 'ch6. Ngoh chi tsui ch6 ; exaggerated description of any thing, "^jl^lil^ jin kwo' jk'i shat^. Yen kwo k'i shili, :^^itM .p6 'pin t'6i' kwo'. Pau pien t'di kwo. Aggregate, to, to heap up, ^i^ 'lui ^mdi. Lui mdi; to pile up, ^ ^ tip^ 'hi. Tieh k'i, ^ ^ 'M 'hi. Lui k'i, J>^ ^ ^tui 'hi. Tui k'i ; to unite into one mass (as stores &c.), j|* iS[ kit, ^mdi. Kieh mdi, ^ i^ ^shang ^mdi. Sang mdi, ^ i^ jt'un ^mdi. Tw'dn mdi. Aggregate, the, the sum total, ^ ^^ 'tsung sh6*. Tsung 8u. ^^ h6p^ sh6*. Hoh su, it;^ kung' siin'. Kung swim ; a imited mass, ^J^;^i^ kit, ^mdi ^chi ^6. Kieh mdi chi y6 ; the resum^, ^ ig 'tsung i'. Tsung i. Aggi'cgation, the act of aggregating, ^i^ kit, ^mdi. Kieh mdi, ^^t^M ^^\ ,cl^i kit, ^mki. Wuh chi kieh nuU ; a collection of particulars, ^ t|^ 'tsung i'. Tsung i. Aggress, to, to commit a iirat offence, ^ ^[^ ^ts'am fdn'. Ts'in fdn, jij§5 ^\l cli'uk^ fdn'. Ch'uh fdn, ||(c Jl ,t'iu yan'. T'iau hin, :^|c i^ ^t'iu ffin'. T'idu fdn, ^J^^^^AH kii' i' jliii fdn'.' Ku i lii'm fdn, ^ ^(i m6' fdn\ Mdu fdn, /tjl ^^ ,ch'ung fdn'. Ch'ung fdn ; to assault, -^ ^ ,kung 'td. Kung t4 rjd^. ,k>ing kik,. Kung kih, ^^ tsun' kik,. tsin kih, ^T^ tsun' kung. Tsin kung ; to invtwlo, 'Bt i^ ,ts'am fdtj. Ts'in fdh ; to invade secretly, ^ ^ sit, fdt^. Sieh fdh. Aggressing, conmiencing hostility first, '^'f^ /fs'am fdt^. Ts'in fdh, 'g:^!! .ts'am fdn'. Ts'in fdn, jj^:^E. jliii fdn'. Lidu fdn. Aggression, the iirst act of hostility, ^ ^ ,ts'nm fdt^. Ts'in fdh ; the first act of offence, ^ ^^ ,t8'am fdn'. Ts'in fdn ; assault, j^ ^f ,kiuig td. Kung td; encroachment, ^^ jts'dm shik^. Ts'dn shUi; injury, •^^ ^ts'am hoi'. Ts'in hai. Aggressive, ^ ;^[i ^ts'am fan'. Ts'in fdn ; making the first attack, ^ ^ ^ts'am fat^. Ts'in fdh. Aggressor, one who attacks first, jjn^^ i jJ'*^" ,*'iii s"g'"« s'^ils 't8'6. Pdng t'd jin clii niii shih ts'dn, ^^ A<^ ^ hon' /'d ^yan .chi ^ngau, K'dn t'd jin chi nid. Agistment, the taking and feeding of other men's cattle, ^% KZ^"^^ long' S^ ;ran^^chl jUgau shikj 'tsb. Fang t'd jin chi nid shih ts'du; the price paid for sucli fetiding, ;Jt fffii A -^ 4^ ^ • ^ >^ X f^ long' .t'd jvan .chi ^ngau sliik^ 'ts'd .chi .kung kd'. Fdug t'd jin chi nid shih ts'du chi kung kid. AGI (39) AGU Agitate, to, to move, |^ tung^ Tung ; to move to and fro, ^1^ jiii tung". Yau tung, ^|^ jiii 'pai. Yau pai ; to shake, ^lUl clian' tung^. Chin tung; to move up and down, :^^ |^ ^t'iu tung". T'iau tung; to agitate by pushing ag-ainst, '/^'^J ^ch'ung tung". Ch'ung tun^, :^^ chong' tung-. Chwang tung, :fg ^[J chong- yuk^. Chwang yuli, :(^ J^ chong* /au. Chwang fau, ^^'^J pung' 'to ; to stir up, to unsettle people's minds, ^ j[, 'iu liin". Jau Iwan, ^^ ^ Mu tung'. Jau tung, ^^ |K| ^t'iii tung'. T'iau tung, |^ \'^ 'kau "iii. Kidu jau, ^ iKl ^kau tung^ Kiau tung, f^^ shin' tung'. Shen tung ; to agitate the water, ^^ kik, tung-. Kih tung, ^ ||[| jiu tung-. Yau tung ; to agitate the mind, ^ i\^ tung- ^sam. Tung sin, ^ ^ 'kom tung-. Kan tung ; to agitate by temptation, ^ HJl yau tvmg-. Yii tung, ^| |^ -yan timg". Yin tung ; to discuss, |^ ,^ pin- pok^. Pien poh ; to deliberate, §4®^ ^cham ch^uk,. Chin choh, j^§ ^sheung ^leung. Shang Hang ; to examine, ^ ^ ,ch'a ch'at,. Ch'a ch'ah, ||g ^k'ai ^ch'a. K'i ch'a. Agitated, tossed from side to side, ^ |^ jiu tung'. Yau tung, pj^ "^ ^ 'leung pin- 'pai. Liang pien pai, ^ f^ ^^ -leung pln^ yuk,. Liang pien yuh ; ditto as the ocean, ^^f^l^ ^po jt'6 "^yung fat,. Po t'du yung lah, ^^ jj'iu fat,. P'iau fdh ; ditto as waters in general, y^j^ put, kiit,. Poh kiueh, 2P ^ Vam lik^. Jin lib, yg yjj^ pik, chak,. Pih tseh ; shaken, '^ ||f| chan' tung-. Chin tung ; agitated by the wind, ||[ |K| ^p'iu tung". P'iau tung, |J^ ^ ^ch'ui tung'. Ch'ui tung, ^^^ 'hdm tung-. M, ^ ^ c^^^g '^^ tung-. Pimg ta tung ; agitated as the mind, '^'j^ ,fong jDiong. Hwang mdng, tj§ j^ jp'ong jwong. P'ang hwdng, ^ ^ jfong ^cheung. Hwdng ch^ng, 'j^ j^ (Wong kii'. Hwang kii, f| i^ ^keng ^fong. King hwdng, ^ if^ -kw'ai -kAv'ai. Kw'ei kw'ei, ^ ^ ,su ^sii. Su sii, *}ii£'}^ c^^hing jtsung. Ching tsung; distm-bed, ^ ^ ^ch'un ^ch'un. Ch'un ch'un ; to look agita- ted, j^ ^ kii' shik,. Kii sih, f^f^ cP'ong ^wong. P'ang hwang, ^ ^ i^ tip, tip, t'iii' ; discussed, W^ S\/ ^cham clieuk,. Chin choii ; canvassed, ^ i^ pok, kwo'. Poh kwo, ^M—i^M P^^ ^^'o' yat, jt'iu hi'. Poh kwo yih t'iau k'i. Agitation, ^ ^ ^iu tung'. Yau tung ; commotion, ^ 8L 'iu lun'. Jau Iwan ; disturbance of tran- quility of mind, '^ kwai'. Ki ; excitement, ^ kik,. Bah ; deliberation, '0j -^ ^sheung .leung. Shang liang ; discussion, ^ ,^ pin' pok,. Pien poh ; the project is now in agitation, ^ J§ ]^§; kai' .wan ^sheung .l(5ung. Ki hwan shdng liang, kai' ,wan ,ch'au ,mau. Ki hwan wT 5® ^ t» ch'au mau. .wan jCh'au Agitator, one who excites sedition, ^ ^ ;^ 'ku wak, 'che. Kii hwoh ch6 ; one who stii-s up the people, ^WC ^ K syau shui' ^chi jan. Yau shwui chi jin. Aglaia odorata, H^M (^^^ ^Pi s^^'^- ^^^ V^^ ^^^5 do. variety, 5£ 3^ M ''^S ^Pi }^' ^^ J^^ ^^• Agnate, ^Z^^ fu' ,cM ,nam ts'ik,. Fu chi n^n ts'ih. Agnatic, ^MMm^Z IJ0 cl^wdn shuk, .ii 'tso ^tsung .chi .mill yui'. Kwan shuh yii tsii tsung chi miau i. Agnation, ^JtZWip ^^' c^hi tik, yui\ Pii chi tih 1. Agnomen :fg ;g /a .meng. Hwa ming, y^ ^ wan' .meng. Hw^an ming. Agnominate, to, jjp ]>X^'^ .ka t .fa .meng. lU.k i hwa ming ^f^^;^ 'lo ^fa .meng. Lo hwd ming. Agnus Dei, ±^'^ZMi sheung' tai' ^chi ^kb. Shang ti chi kau. Ago, past, "H" .ts'in. Ts'ien ; a week ago, Ij^ — • /|v ;|i ^ jts'in yat, ko' ^lai p6i'. Ts'ien yih ko li pai, — ^fi^i^ll yat, ko' ^1m pai' 'i .ts'in. Yih ko li pai i ts'ien ; a year ago, "|f — -^ .ts'in yat, .nin. Ts'ien yih nien, — '^Z^ J^K P^''^ S^^^ .ts'in. Yih nien chi ts'ien; long ago, ^;X 'ho 'kau. Hau kiu, ^^^ 'hb noi'. Hau nvii, |^;^ 'hii 'kau. Hii kiu, 3 ;X 'i 'kau. I kiu ; not long ago, >f» ;^ pat, 'kau. Pub kiu, M ^ ;^ .mb 'ki 'kau. Wu ki kiu, ^^[jl]^ .mo 'ki noi' ; no longer ago than, X^^^*"** ZW\ pat, kwo' * * * ^chi .ts'in. Puh kwo * * * chi ts'ien. Agog, ardently to desire, j^ ^ ^ch'i 's^ung. Ch'i siang ; to be agog on food, ^' -^ wai' shik, Wei shih, ^ ^ ^t'6 shik^ ; do not be agog on delica- cies, pg- ^f py- :i^ ^ .m 'h6 kom' wai' shik,. Agoing, in motion, ff .hang. Hang, fj ^ .hang tung^ Hang tung ; to set agoing, ;^ ^=f fong' .hang. Pdng hang, j^fj P^t, .hang. Poh hang. Agonism, f^ tau'. Tau. Agonistic, ^ ^J^" P^ ^kw&n ^li tau'. Kwdn yu tau, f^ p|t ^ tau' ke' sz'. Agonize, to, to writhe with extreme pain, i|^ ^$f ^ J^ t'ung' tak, 'ho ^ts'ai .leung, ^^ 'fii 'ch'o. K'li ts'ii, J|#:g':l| kin' tak, sham' t'ung'. Kien tell shin t'ung ; to struggle with death, jj^ ^|J :^ ^ Jf, ^^ t'ung' to' yuk, 'sz pat, tak,. T'ung tdu yuh sz puh teh, '^ ^H P§- # M i/f oi' 'sz .m tak, hi' ^'iin, ^ ;^ 'sz 'tai. Sz ti, ^ P 'sz ngdi' Sz yai. Agony, the agonies of death, ^ i|^ 'sz t'ung'. Sk t'ung, ^ ^ 'sz ngai'. Sz yai, ^ ^ 'sz 'tai. Sz ti; great pain, ^ ^ 'fii 'ch'o. K'li ts'ii ; agony of mind, i\^^ ^ sam ^tsiu. Sin tsiau, ^ ^ ^tsiii ts'o'. Tsidu ts'au, ^ ^ ^tsiii .sliau. Tsiau tsau, J^j^ ^ts'ai 'ts'dra. Ts'i ts'an; to suffer great ago- nies of mind, ^ |^ 1§^ 5^ .shau .ch'eung pdk, kit,. Tsau ch'ang peh kieh, viUi^'S '^^ t'6 .shau .wdi. Mwan t'li tsau hwai. Agrammatist, ^^^ mi' hok, 'che. Wi hioli che, ij^^ ^ts'iin'lo. Ts'unlau, ij;^^ .ts'un/u. Ts'un fu, ;^fg .ngoi '16. Kgai lau. Agrarian, relating to lands, ^ ^ pg ^kwan ^ii jtHn. Kwdn yu t'ien; pertaining to a division of land, i^^ ffl i .kwan ^lan .t'in 't'6. Kiun fan t'ien t'li. Agrarian, an, ^^i^^ZM. '^^^^ s*^^'^ jkwan ^t'in chi to'. Chii ch'i kiun t'ien chi tau. AGE (40) AGTJ Agree, to, to be of one mind, j^ i\j> ,t'ung ^sam. T'ung sin, 5j<0 0^ jWO muk^. Ho muh, 5^ ^ ,wo hdpj. Ho hoh, ^ fg jWO ,hdi. Ho hidi, |^ ^ hipj jWO. Hieh ho, ^ 5(

^ $pf u/ii. Wuhu, P.|^,u /u. Wii hu, Pf ^ ,hu ^tse. Hii tsie, fj^pl ^i ^i. I hi ; ah me ! i^ Q^jj ai ja. Aha! [g ^i. I, ^VM ctse ,tse. Tsie Tsi^. Ahead, in front, ^ .ts'in. Ts'ien, '^^M. tsoi' ^sin jt'au. Tsai sien t'au, ^ "lu H tsoi" .ts'in ^t'au. Ts4i ts'ien t'au; ahead of another, i^jtM, chim' ^sin jt'au. Chen sien t'au; to sail ahead, ,^;^'^ 'shai ^sin ^t'au. Shi sien t'au, ,^ ^^ B^ 'shai kwo' jt'au. Shi kwo t'au. Ahoy, as, ship ahoy ! |^H^ ,ch'iii ^fau ^loi. Ch'au t'au lai, ,^ iql" ^ 'shai .ts'in .loi. Shi ts'ien lai, iS M. ^ V^\ s^^i A^i- Poll ^'^ 1^- Aid, help, ^ ^ ,pong cho". Pang tsii, |f ^ fu' cho'. Fu tsu. If j^ fvr s6ung\ Fii siang, || .g fu- yik,. Fii yih, ^ ^ tsan' cho'. Tsan tsii, ^ ^ .fii cho-. Fii ts^, ^ ^ ,fu .shing. Fu ching; to aid mutually, TJig^ seung cho". Siang tsu, ^ ^ ^seung ^pong. Siang pang ; to give aid, Si ^ -ii cho-. Yu tsu, ^^ tse' cho". Tsie tsu ; to aid, as assistants, f^ ^ ,p'ui cho'. P'ei tsu, ^ ^ ,pong 'shau. Pang shau, g|J ^ fii' i". Fii rh, j^ 15 tso' i\ Tso rh, If ^ fu^ yau\ Fii yii, ^ ^ cho' yau'. Tsu yii ; to give additional aid, ^ :fi^ ,pong 'p6. Pang pii, Bg ^ ,p'ui 'po. P'ei pu, ^ ^ .t'im 'po. T'ien pu ; to succour, ^ ^ tsai' cho'. Tsi tsii, H •;^ ^chau tsai'. Chau tsi, ^ ^ ,shi tsai'. Shi tsi, .^'[jfil ^chau sut,. Chau siuh, '^ ^ ^shi 'sh6. Shi shie. ,Aid-de-Camp, ^ j^ ^ts'im pb'. Siun pii. Aided, assisted, ^ ^ j^ ,mung cho' kwo'. Mung tsii kwo ; was aided hy him, =ff= M tS ^ ^ t^k, kwo' 'k'u pong cho' ; received succour, ^ ^ tS ,@, J^ shau' kwo' ^k'ii jan 'tin, # M tS M 'M tak, kwo' "k'ii ^chau tsai'. Aider, one who assists, ^ ^ ^ ye, f:$i ^ i^ %I kin' 'tim, ^^^3 S iS? Oa^ -ni kin' ^m ,to tsz' .in ^me. Ailing, indisposed, ^ ^ yau tsat,. Yii tsih, p§- ^ ^ ^m .to tsz' jin. Ailment, indisposition, >^ ^ yau peng'. Yu ping, -^ ^ ^ ■^ S T^^ '^s'oi .san .chi .yau. Yu ts'ai «in chi yii. ^ Aim, the mark or target, 1(f^ 'pa. Pd, ^JT" :fg, 'ta 'pa, Td Pa, ^^ tik,. Tih, ^XiS!^ jhimg ,sam. Hung sin, jE ^ ching' kuk,. Ching huh, ^^ :jg she' 'pa. Shie pa ; object, ig ,g, i' sz'. I sz, -j^ j^ tai' i'. T6, 1, -j^^s tai' chi'. Ta chi ; scheme, ^ ^mau. Mau, ^ ^ kai' l^^i' sY^ii- Yiii *iili li^i Jill ' to aim. at in conversation, Bh^h ^m' 'chi. Ngdn chi; to aim at much, ij^ ^ jk'au .to. K'iii to ; to talk without aim, |^HM29 n&ap, .sdm ngap, sz' ; to aim at excelling, >^ ^ fc ^ 'f^ .k'au .hiii hang'. K'iu kidu Iiing. Aimed, directed against, ^ Jg jmiii ching'. Midu ching ; pointed at, B^ ^ bm' 'chi. Ngdn chi. Aimer, one who aims at a target, |^ lE ffi ^ ciniii ching' 'pd 'ch6. Midu cliing pa die; one who aims at gain, (0 ^Ij j^ X s^'^ ii' c^i^i iS^^- '^'^ ii chi jin, >j< ^ P|E A .i^'au ng. K'i lung, ^B^ hi' 'ngdn. K'i yen, \i\MZ% ^h'ut, hi' ,chi 'hung. Ch'uh k'i chi k'ung. ALr-plant, ^ ^ tiii' jldn. Tidu Idn, ^^ fung Jdn. ^o s' Fung Idn. Air-pump, ^M,Z^^ .c^'a^ S^^S A^ 1^^'- Cb'au fiuig chi k'i, ^\jm W M .t'ung. K'i ki t'ung, tt ^ ^ ,cli'au hi' tsit^. Ch'au k'i tsieh. Air-stone, ^JJ^ jHio /6 shek,. Mo tdu shih. Ail- tight, ^ ^5 cfung mat^. Fung mih. Airing, to take an, ^ J% jau un\ Y\i wdn. Airy, consisting of air, MM,^ <^^^^ ^^' *^^>' ^'^'^" k'i tih ; cool, 1i^ ^, ,ml ,16ung. Wi lidng ; light and airy (as a dress), ^ ^ || 'ki sl6ung 'shong. KI lidng sliwdng ; pleasantly cool, ^ ^ ,heng jl6ung. K'ing lidng; vain, without solidity, ^^ Jiil jfau. Hii fau ; airy talk, ^^ t^i^ng 'i\. Fung yii. IM. W }^^ s^n- Hii yen, — ^ |g W yat, p'in' Jiii jIn. Yih p'ien hii yen ; gay, tA\. ^ ^p'ai jCh'6ung. P'ai ch'dng; sprightly, f^'||^ (l»^ng fdi'. K'ing kw'di ; as light as air, ittttji^PHfi^ jt'ong ^mi yik^ k6m' ,heng, ^ |.f; ^ p^j ^ Idn' ^sz ^ts'in k6m' ,heng, ^ )^ \\i^ )^ ^ ,heng kwo' higdn ,ml ^mb ; acccssibk> to air, jif ^ J^^ 'h6 hi' sik^. Hdu k'i sih, ^f ^ |J| 'h6 ,lcung 'shoug. Hdu lidng shwdng. Aisle, the side portions of a chui'ch, j^^-'^^i^ 1^ Hai pdi' jt'ong ,chl ,p'in ,kdn. LI pW t'dng chi p'ien kien. Ajuga, species of, ^^M '1^ 'f'i ,s6. Ldu hii sii. Akin, related by blood, ^ jQ ,ts'an shuk^. Ts'in f*liuh, j^ ifi:\ts'an kau'. Ts'in kin, ^ i^ >'an ,lun. Ts'in iun. Alabaster, ;A: 3^ ;5 tdi' *K shek^. Td 11 shih, ^ 3£ pdk^ yukj. Peh yuh. Alack ! H|^ H^ ,ai ,yk, ^ ^ ^oi ^tsoi. Ngdi tsdi, pg| ^ /s6 ,ti. Tsi6 hii. Alacrious, cheerful, $1 '^ |^ ,^Png fai' tik,. K'ing kw'di tih, ^ ^ Jiai fok,. Hwui hoh, -j^ ^ fai' 6t^. Kw'di hwoh. Alacriously, '|^ ^^ fdi' >. Kw'di jen, ^ ^ fai' ts'ii'. Kw'di ts'ii. Alacrity, cheerfulness, j^ ^ ikV lok. Kw'di loh ; sprightliness, ^ ^ ,heng fdi'. King kw'ai, || '(^ 'shong fdi'. Shwdng kw'di ; to do a thing with alacrity, /^ ^ pt ^^ t'iu' 'hi kom' hu' ts6^ ^ 5i rfij :J^ 111 yt^uk, ,1 ^wai. hi yoh rh wei. Alai-m, cry of approaching danger, PJ^ ^ [^ hdm' jUgai 'him. Hdn wei liien ; alarm of fire, j|j^ ^ ;^ ^ kau' 'fo ^chl ,shing. Kiu ho chi shing ; a- lai-m of robbers, Pjgc M ^ ^ hdm' ts'dk, ^chl ^shing. Hdn ts'ih chi shing ; alarm of danger of li^e, PJ^ 1^ ^ ;^ ^ hdm' kau' meng* ,chl ^shing. Hdn kill ming chi shing; a tumult, Wp (^ 'ch'du ndu'. Ch'du ndu, Pf Vi/ ^ts'b 'ch'du. Ts'du ch'du, If IJp ^hiin ^wd. Hiuen hwk ; fright, i^ ft /ong jmong. Hwdng mdng, ^ i^ ,keng ,fong. King hwdng; alarm of war, fdi ^ ;^ ^ chin' tan' chi ^shing. Chen tau chi shing ; the call to arms, PJ^^ ttl ^ 1^ hdm' ch'ut, ^kd 'fo. Hdn ch'uh kid ho ; "J^ ^ R ham' fu^ tau'. Hdn fii tau, t^^^ hdm' ii' tik^. Hdn yu tih ; to frighten silly people, ^ # jil ^ 'hung hdk, jii ^man. K'ung hih yd min. Alarm, alarm clock, f^^ ndu' ^chung. Ndu chimg. Alarm rattle, P|bJ §^ 'heung jling. Hidng g{f|| 'hung ku^ K'ung kii, fjfi f|| 'sung kii'. Simg kii, H fH wai' kii'. Wei kii, {f Hfr /'ai ,sai. T'l si, titifrff ,t'ai .fai ,sai sai, f§ 11 ,p'ong jwong. P'dng hwdng, ^ ^ Jbng ,ch6ung. Hwdng chdng, fffi f?ft It # ,fong ,fong ^ch6ung ,ch6ung, Wi§^^ sP'ong ^p'ong ,wong jWong, ^ !^ hdk, ^ngoi. llih ngdi, i^ jft Jons: jmong. llwdng mdng, <^ ^ i'ong fat,. Hwdng hwuh ; to feel uneasy, i\j>'SI-^£l "^"^ P"K V^K t'iu', iCi'^^iSI .S''in^ tip, tipj t'iii'; to be trem- bling with fear, ^ j^ chin' lut^. Chen luh. ^ fP chin' kii'. Chen kii, [^ j^ chin' ,king. Chen king, H j§i chan' tlp^. Chin tieh. Alarming, as a disease, ^ ^ ^ngai ching*. Wai clung, }^ ^ 'him clung'. Uieu ching ; an alarm- ALA (43) ALI 1^ ^ ngok, mung^. Ngoh mung. ngok, (in. Ngoh jen. Hwang t'ang, ^ ing dream, Alarmingly, *j^ Alai-mist, ^ j^ {ong jt'ong. ^P^ 'hung hak, jan ke', 3lEp;^A c^wai mau' jChi jyan. Kwai miii chi jin. Alarum, an, a Chinese bell, yfC ^ muk, tolq. Muh toh. Alas ! :^ ^ ,oi ^tsoi. Ngai tsai, P% vf ^u ,fu. Wii hii, t^vf A ^fu. Wu hu, ^ ^ ^tse ,u. Tsi6 hu, |if pf ^i\hl, i^Pf or ^a. Ngai ya, Pf ^ ^hii >e. Hii tsie, ^ ^ ,tsz ^tse. Tsz tsie, ^ Bi ,i ,tse. I tsie ; alas ! what words are these? ^ :;^ '^ "^ -t^ ^u shi- jho (In 7^. Wii shi ho yen ya, ^i^^'Uj ^ -(^ l^f^ ^hai Tii ko' kii' ^shing mat, shut, wa". Alauda, woodlark, ^J ^^i ^ ^shan ^ma tseuk,. Shan ma tsioh. Albatross, '/^ ^| 'hoi sUgo. Hai ngo. Albeit, g| ^ jSui ^in. Sui jen. Albino, ^ \ pak, ^yan. Peh jin. Albion, ^ ^ "j^ ^ J^^o kwok, 'ku ^meng. Ying kwoh kii ming. Albugo, a white speck in the eye, B^ f|? Q ^j^ -ngdn i^chimg pak, 'tlm. Yen chung peh tien, B^ ^ Q ^{^ Tigan 'hi p4k, 'tlm. Album, an, Q^ pak, po'. Peh pti; a book in which friends or strangers insert autographs &c., ^2 ^ ^ ^ 'ki yau tsap, luk,. Ki yti tsah luh, ^ ^ ^^ tsap, shin- hang^ luk,. Tsah shen hing luJi; a book for inserting photographs, ^ ^ "^ ^ t«ap, -yau tseujig^ po'. Tsdh yii si^ng pu, ^ j^ ^ ^on seiing' po" NgSn sidng pu. Albumen, ^^ tin- pdk,. Tan peh. Albuminous, ^QP|t tdn- pik, ke', ^Q;^^ t^n- pdk, chi lui". Tin peh chi lui. Alcanna, ^ ^ 'tsz ^chli. Tsz chu. Alcea, Avild mallows, 1^ g§ J!R ® T^ ^ 'ho ^siti shau'. K'o sidu shau, /^ ^ ^f ^siti shau' tak,. SiAu shau teh, jtf^'^ 'hb jSiii jlau. Hdu si^iu liu. Alienate, to, to sell, g -^ nidi' hvi', Mdi k'ii; to transfer, as property, -f^ fiV, Fii, ^ ^ kSu 'pi. Kiau pi, ffffii fu- 'ii. Fu yu, j^^ fiV ^ku. Fii kiiu ; to transfer one's property, ^ ^ J^ fu' ^ki 'ch'dn, Fii kid ch'an ; to give away, ^ -^ ^kdu ,t'i. Kidu t'i, 1^ ^ A 1^'ap, .t'd jan. Kih t'd jin ; to withdraw one's affections, ^ ^ ,1 oi*. I »g^i> # H s^ 'ch'ung. I ch'ung, ^ '^? yik^ oi'. Yih ngli, J^ ^ pin' oi'. Pien ngii ; to pass out of one's hands, j^ "fg ^ ,king ^k'ii 'shau, Jfj ^ -^- ch'utj ^k'i 'shau. Ch'uli k'i shau ; to make in- different, ^ '1'^ )^ ^kim jts'ing tsim' *lang. Ki&u ts'ing tsien lang. Alienator, one who transfers property, 'f^ ^ j^ ^ fu- kd 'ch'An 'ch6. F(i kid ch'dn chd. Alienee, one to whom the title to property is trans- ferred, ;ft # ^ H :^ jShing fii' ^kd ip^ 'ch6. Ching fu kii nieh che. Alight, to, from a horse, ~J> ,|| ^hd ^mi. Hid md, ^ ,P| lolc -md. Loh md ; to alight from a car- riage, ~[\ !^ ^ 'hd Tud ^ch'6. Hid md ch'6 ; to alight as a bird, ^ ~f /i 'hd. Fi hid, ^ ^^ /i lok,. Fi loh ; to descend, ~f^ ^ 'hd ^loi. Hid Idi, ^ya lok^ Joi. Loh Idi, "f; ^ 'hd lm\ Hid k'ii; to jump off, as from a can-iage, ^ "JC t'iu' 'hd. T'idu hid, ^ ^ t'iii' lok,. T'idu loh. Alike, resembling, ^ ^ tsdung" Hs'z. Sidng sz, t«r #, 'fong fat,. Fdng fuh, i^ ^ ^s6ung ^'z. Sidng sz, — ^ yat, yeung'. Yih ydng ; alike, in rank, |^[ ^ ^t'ung 'tang. T'ung tang, |^ ^ jt'ung 'pan. T'ung pin, ^^ ^p'ing 'tang. P'ing tang, j}g ^ ping' 'tang. Ting tang, ^^ jP'ing jts'ai. P'ing ts'f, — J^^ yat, ^piin ,k6. Yihpwdn kdu, ^0^ J^ ^ ^s6ung /an ^kwan jp'mg. Sidng fan kiun p'ing ; as, ^ ^ jau yduk,. Yii joh, ;lg ^ ,scung y^uk^. Sidng joh. Alike-minded, |^ t^ jt'ung ^sam. T'ung sin. Aliment, ^i^ shik^ mat^. Shih wuh, ^-^ 'fo shik,. Ho shih, jji ^ ,16ung 'ts'6. Lidng ts'du, ^ ^ shikj yung'. Sliih yung, ^ j|§ Wi jl6ung. Mi lidng. Alimental, nourishing, ^ ^ ^ ^ V*-^"? ,shang ^chi mat,. Ydng sang chi wuh, 4ll :^ ^ ^ P^ shan ^chi mat^. Pu shin chi wuh, ^^f]»J ch'ung ,ki tik,. Ch'ung ki tih. Abmcntary, having the quality of nourishing, ^ ^ ^'^ 'V^ ,^^^^^ S'^^ "la^- P" shin chi wuh, ^ ^ <2 ^ Veun<; sluing ,chi mat. Ydng sang chi wuh, Mj- ^ PfiJt ^ 'ho shik, ke" ViS T/i 111: Kl^L 1^ 'ting 't'6 k6' V6 ; the alimentary canal, fdj ^ ^fX 'yam shik, wan' Jiang. Yin shili yun hang. Alimony, -^ ^ ;^ P H ,yau ,ts'ai ^chl 'hau ,16ung. Hiu ts'i chi k'au lidng, tU ^ ^ # P ^ chut, ,ts'ai jChi 'y^ung 'hau ,ngan. Ch'uh te'f chi ydng k'au yin. Alison, -;ii^ \^ ^u jan jmeng. Nu jin ming Alive, having life, >^ ^ 'yau ,shang. Yti sang, ^ ^ -^ ^au ,shang meng', Yu sang ming, ^ ^ ^ yu ,shang hi'. Yii sang k'i, ^ JQL M Vau hut, hi'. Yii hiueh k'i, 'j^ ^ ^ hai' .sliang tik,. Hi sang tih ; to be still alive, ^ f^ shdung* ut,. Shdng hwoh, "fip^ ^ sh^ung' ,sliang. Shdng sang, jpt 'i^ WJ **ht'ung* lit^ tung^. Shdng hwoh tun?, H ^ Chung' ,8liang. Chung sang, ^^^^ sheung' mi' }b ^nai ; active, T^'^f) ^ chii. Chu, ^ 't^ung. Tsung, ^ chung*. Chung, 15 ,t6. l\i, ^ /s'im. Ts'ien, ^ ,hdm. Hien, ^ ^kii. Kii, ^ tsun'. Tsin, ^ 'tsim. Tsin, ^ sik,. Sih, ^ ,koi. Kdi, it kung'. Kung, ^ mdn'. Wdn, ^' pdk,. Peh, ^ 'ku. Ku, ;j^ 'tsung. Tsung, ^ p'in'. P'ien, — -g ^ vat, kii tau ; all men, X "^ sJ'*^ t^^^- J'*^ l^'^i» :^ A chung' jan. Chung jin, /L A S^^ J^n. Fdn jin, A A jan Jan. Jin jin, ^ j't chung' ,fdn. Chung fdn; all nations, ^^ mdn' kwok,. V^'in kwoh, ^^ mdn' jinan. "Wdn min, ^ ^ mdn' sing'. Wdn sing, ^ ^ mdn' ,pong. Wdn pdng ; all regions, H -^ mdn' ,fong. Wdn fdng ; all people, |f ^ ])dk, sing'. Peh sing, |^ ^ ,kw'an jlai. Kw'an Idi, ^Jf^ Jai sliii'. Ldi shu, ^iV|j^ shii' ,man. Shii min ; all the world, ^ ^ 'kii shai'. Kvi shi ; all over the world, ^ ^ f 'p'd /'in hd'. P'ii fien 1"^' M ^ T /'""^ y^ hd' ; all round, ^ ^ ,chau jWai. Chan wci, {|lj ^ sz' jWai. Sz wei ; all the day long, ^ Q _chung yat^ Chung jili ; all night, ^ ^ ,chung y&. Chung y^, ^^ ^shing y6'. Ching y.^. ^ ^ ch'it, y^'. Ch'eh y6, ^ ^ ^chung tsik,. Cluing tsili, ^^ '^^^S tsik^. King tsih, ^ ^ /'ung ,9iii. T'ung sidu, ^ tif ,chung ,8iii. Chung sidu ; all one's life long, — ^ yat, shang. Yih sang, ^^ chung shai'. Chiuig shi, — tit y^K shai'. . Yih shi, jj^ ^ chung ^slian. Chung shin, ^ ^ pat, ,shang. Pih sang; all wrong, ^ np koi ^m6, ^^^^^ wdi ,wdi 'me 'm6, ^ !Jt^ koi ^lii ; aU the town, Jft g. 'kii yap,. ALL (45) ALL Kii yih ; all sold, ^l^^ mai" sai'; all gone, Pj^(|j^ |J^4 l^am^ Pan# ^^"8^ iiii'' RiH * '^""S '<;Sung hii' ; all spent, j^ t^ 'shai sai' ; all roads unite in the end, all systems agree in one, JJJ^ ^ |rI ^ kwai. Shii t'li t'ung kwei ; all ,shu ,t'6 ^t'lmg mechanical professions, ^ 1^ pdk, ngai^ Peh i ; all the officers, ~^ ^' pak, ^kun. Peh kwan ; to comprehend all, jg ^ jfung 'hiu. T'ung liidu, ^ ^ tsun^ sliik,. Tsin shih ; words cannot ex- press all, 'M\^l 's6 ,m ^iu, p P§B^ 'kong ^m sai' ; I cannot write aU I have to say, ^^^^ ^shii patj tsun^ ^in. Shu puh tsin yen ; all things, M '¥j] inan^ mat,. Wan vrah ; all are the same, # # ^ % — U 1^"^' kin^ ^to hai^ yat, yeung^ ; all at once, ^^ jf^ fat, ^in. Hwuh jen ; all over, jfi i^i c^'^^o \\ii\'. T'ung hi ; he got nothing at all, ^S^JlfiPgff yat, ,ti ,t5 ^m tak„ —%Z^'l% yat, jh6 pat, tak,. Yih h6u puh teh, ^i? ^^ ^ |E ^s6 %m ^to ,m6 ; with all one's heart, ^ {'(^ tsun' ,sam. Tsin sin ; we all, or all of us, ;^^ tai^ Jiik. Ti, kia ; all the family, ^ ^ h6p^ ^ka. Hoh kia, ^$i'^ 'kii jkd. Kii kia ; all trees and herbs, ^ ^ "^ TfC pak, 'ts'6 pak, muk . Peh ts'au peh muh ; aU finished, ^^^^^^ k ^king ts6^ sai', (5 g| ^i tsun^ I tsin ; by all means, ^ ^ ^ts'in man'. Ts'ien wd,n; aU the better, J^^ kang' ^h6. Kang hau; it is all one, ^ji-f^j — ^ ,t6 hai' yat, yeung^. All-fools-day ^^ p\ fij] — ■ /an sz' tit, ^ch'o yat,. Fan sz yueh tsu yih. All-fom*s, to go on, ^ J£ 3^ ^T shau tsuk, ping' Jiang. Shau tsuh ping hang ; to creep, Jf|i^ Jan "ti-. Lan ti; f/M;Ti!l^Hlii]|| sz' k6uk, ^ts'uiti' Jan. Sz kioh sui ti lan. AU-hail II mMi^^ ""' fiik, Mai 'ni. Yuen fuh kwei ni, ,i|, /^g |g ^^, man' fuk, ,kwai Tii. WAn fuh kwei nl. All-heal ^ f^ tuk^ lit,. Tub hwoh. All-judgiug IP ^ij ^ 1^ 'sham p'un' mdn' ^man. Shin pw'an wan min, |p ^ij ^| ^ 'sham p'un' m^n' sz'. Sliin pw'an wdn sz. All-knowing ^ j^B Js'iin ^chi. Ts'iuen chi, M.^jj-'^ ^ Toib 'sho pat, ^chi. Wii so puh chi, ^:^^^ sz- sz- Jo ^chi, fi-f^^^^ kin- kin' Jvdi ^chi. Kien kien kiai chi. All-loving fljljS^^^'^ pxh 'sho pat, oi'. Wii so puh ngdi, M. \^ ^ 'gV ^mb hdn' ^chi oi'. Wu hien chi ngai, ^ 15ff- ^ III oi' ,md pat, p'in'. Ngai wu puh p'ien. All-powerfid fe ^ ^ g^ s™^ '^"^^ Pat, p^^^- Wii so puh nang, ^g| Js'iin ^nang. Ts'iuen nang. All-righteous (God) ^If. ^ ^ ^ .mo pat, ,kung i^ Wti puh kung 1. All-saints-day %t~^^:tBM ^^' '^<^ shing' ^chi yat^ .k'i. Ki kii shing chi jili k'i, # + — ^ ^<7J — • /An shapj yat, iit^ ^ch'o yat, yat^. Fan shih jih yueh tsu yih jih. AJll-souls-day =^|= -f* — ^ f7/ H /^n shap^ yat, iitj ^ch'o i' yatj. Fdn shih yih yueh tsu rh jih, if-j^ H^iWiAMM^Zm^mm '^'^ yat, /'in jWan jk'i 'chii kdu' ^yan wai" 'sz 'chd ^chi Jing to. Ts'z jih t'ien chii kidu jin wei sz che <^hi ling hwan k'i tau. AU-sufficiency ^ g^ /s'iin ^nang. Ts'iuen nang, ^^JI'^B^ ,m6 'sho pat, ^nang. Wii so puh nang, fj=ff:^ il kin' kin'- ,kai, nang. AU-wise ^ ^ Js'iin chi'. Ts'iuen chi. Allah * J2 'ffj' sheung^ tai'. Shang ti. Allay, to, to repress, J^^ sik,. Sili, J|g t\t,. Yali, ^ at,. Ngoh, \\^ 'chi. Chi; to allay one's anger, ^ AZM at, jan chi no'. Ydh jin chi nii, J^ X Z ^. sik, .yan^chi no'. Sib jin chi mi, j^ M 'chi no'. Chi mi ; allay your wrath, P)|t ^ ^ Tiiai ko' nd- ; to allay thirst, j^ '/^ ,sivi hot,. Si4u hoh, ^'l j^ 'kai hot*,. Kiki bob, Jj^ y^ 'chi hot,. Chi bob ; to allay pain, jj- ifg 'chi t'ung', Chi t'ung ; to allay sorrow. ^ ^ 'kdi ,yau. Kidi yu 5 to aUay sufferings, ^ ||| ^ || t'iit, Ji 'fii nan'. T'oh li k'u nan. Allegation, affirmation, fj |f^ ching' shiit . Ching shwoh, VU i^ k'ok, shiit,. K'ioh shwoh, ^ |^ shat, shiit . Shih shwoh ; that which is advanced as the truth, f flj ^ -^ ID 't'ong sak, ^chl /s'z. T'ang seh chi ts'z ; a plea of justification, |^ ^^ J'ui 't'ong. Tui t'ang, 4£ =^ t'ok, J'sz. T'oli t'sz; the passage quoted, j5/f ^| ^ H^ 'sho -yaii ^chi shiit,. So yin chi shwoh, f^ ^\ Z ^ '^1"" yan ,chi kii'. So yin chi kii. Allege, to, to affirm, fiE5||' ching' k'ok^. Ching k'ioh, fj ^ w&' shat,. Hwa shih, 5^ ^ |^ k'ok^ shat, wa'. K'ioh shUi hwa ; to assert, ^ |=| S. ^ lik, pin' jk'i shi'. Lili pien k'i shi ; to advance as ti-utb, ■^^ ^ 't'ong sak,. T'ang seh ; to advance as an excuse, |§ ji^ fi] ^ tsik, Jiin 't'ong sak^. Tsib tw&n t'ang seh, ^6 |^ |i |^ t'ok, Js'z /'lii 't'ong. T'oh ts'z tui t'dng ; to quote, ^| "^an, 1^ ^1 jiin 'yan. Yuen yin, ^ ^| tse' ^yan. Tsii^yin, ^ ^1 Jiin ^'an. Hien yin. Alleged, affirmed, f^ 5IM A W ^^^ 1*^'^' ^'^\ ^l^at,. Hwd kwo k'ioh shih, '^ ^]^^ ^ Js'ang lik, pin' Jc'i shi'. Ts'ang lih pien k'i shi ; advanced as the tmth, %pi^M. ct''ii 't'ong kwo'. Tui t'ang kwo ; quoted, '^| }|^ 'yan kwo'. Yin kwo. Alleging, asserting, fif 5^ clung' k'ok,. Ching k'ioh; advancing as the truth, -^ ^ 't'ong sak,. T'&ng seh ; advancing as an excuse, :j^ ^ /'lii 't'ong. Tui t'ang; quoting, ^| yan. Yin, ^ ^j ^un 'yan. Yuen yin. Allegiance, fidelity to a sovereign, ^ ^ ^chung sun'. Chung sin, ]^ i<^ f^ ^ ^chung ^sam p6' 'chii. Chung sin pu cbii, ^, ii'j f ^ g ^chung ^sani p6' kwok,. Chung sin pii kwob ; to swear allegi- ance to a sovereign, g ^ ^ ti;^ tsz' 'ch'i ^cbiing ^sam. Tsz shi chung sin, ^ ^ ,£, E shai' ,wal ^chung jShan. Shi wei chung cliin ; oath of allegi- ance, § ^ ^ M sl^ai' Js'ung Tiiau ^wong. Shi ts'ung mau hw^g, ^^ ^in ^liai" 's^au ^chung ALL (40) ALL 8urx'. Shi shau chuug sin. Allegorize, to, to use allegory, M i^fl P^ J'^wig^ 'pi ii^ Yung pi vu. Allegory #1^ p'i' ii^ P'( yd, i^^ P^ pi n\ Pi yd, i^t fk 1'^ '""'• ^^ ^"" » ^ spoak by way of alle- gory, i| i;fe 1^ 'kong 'pi u^ Ki/mg pi yu, UJ- j:(; 1^ ch'it, 'pi ii'. Shell pi yii, ^yl^ ls6' (: Pg^ Vn ^ u^ Yin pi yu, ^ P^ ^ tse' u' ^in. Tsi6 yu yen, J^ ^ 'ts'ii p'i'. 'rs'up'i,Ji;$:^^yau, chilli. AUelujah '^^ Jl'rji* tsdn' tsung^ sh^iing* tai'. Tsdn sung shfing ti, \l',{i ^ 1i^ ± "^ ,kwai ^wing ^ii sh^ung" tai'. Kwei yung yii shdng ti. Alleviate, to, to mitigate, ^ \Am. Kien ; to alle- viate pain, j£ ^ ehi t'ung'. Chi t'ung; to alle- viate one's sufferings, ^^iji^^'l^ jCh'ii ,heng ^an jUdn. Ch'u k'ing kien nan, ^ Al^^M ^'^i' J^^ ,ch'i\ nin'. T'i jin ch'ii nan ; to soothe, ^ ^ fii wai'. Fu wel, ^ ^ ^on wai'. Ng4n wei, ^ ^ wai' 15-. Wei Idu ; to rentier lighter or bear- able, ^n^f!% l»i^ 'k'u 'tai ,tong tak„ ^ fg ^ # ^ 'sz 'k'u shau^ tak 'hi, ^ fg +0 ^ fl ^ lin^ ^k'ii ,tam >ig tak, 'hi, mUtMi^M >i 'k'ii ,ngdi tak, 'hi. Alleviated, mitigated, ^ j||^ 'kdm kwo'. Kien kwo ; relieved, j^.^i^ .di'ii hii' kwo'. Ch'ii k'ii kwo ; eased as pain, ^ f^ jl^ .ch'ii Jieng kwo'. Ch'u k'ing kwo ; soothed, ^ 4t M '^^ ^^^' kwo'. Fu wei kwo, ^i^)^ jOn wai^ kwo'. Ngan wei kwo ; rendei-ed lighter or beai-able, '(^ M fB ^ 1S^ |^ 'pi kwo' ^k'ii 'tai ^tong tak^. Alleviation, mitigation, ^^ 'kdm ^heng. Kien k'ing; diminution, ^*^ 'kdm. Kien ; partial relief, j^^ ^ ^ch'u jhcng. Ch'u k'ing ; the rendering (of suffer- ings &c.) lighter or bearable, "^ lWm % ^ linse ^k'u .tong tak, 'hi, -(^ tB tj # a^ pi 'k'u jUgki tak, 'hi ; soothing, 'fuwai'. Fii wei, ^^ ,on wai'. Ng6,n wei ; ditto of pain, ^ ^ 'fu t'ung'. Fu t'ung. Alley, an, a walk, in a gaixien, ^ ^ ,sho ^li. Sii li, ^ W A^ a''^ng- Su p'ang, :^- ^ ^fa j)'dng. ilwd p'ang, :fg :^ /ji king'. Hwa king ; a cover- ed walk as on the sides of the entrance to the ancestral halls, ^^ ^yau >ng. Yii l^ng, ^^^ jts'un jlong. Siim li'uig, ^ ^ ^long ^mb. Ldng wii, pif ^ 'l<5ung jlong. Liang Idng; a narrow passage in a city, i^ ^li. Li, ^ hong^. f liimg. Alliance, family connection by mamage, j^ ^ ^ts'an }iix. Ts'in kid ; affinity, as nephews, |^ ^ pill ^ts'an. Piiiu ts'in ; ditto as the other or more distant branches of one's marriage connections, ^ IS^ ,ts'an siiukj. Ts'in shuh ; a union between nations. 33. mang. Hwui Mang, ^^ nv jUiang, niang, >^i^ \ib\)^ ^mang. lloh mang, J^-ij^ yi^uk, jUinng. Yob mang; to form an alliaiure, j^ ^ kit, ^mang. Kieh mang, |p ^ jliin ^mang. Lieu mang ; '/ the compact of Ts'in and Tsin," ^^<^ ^ jts'un tsun' ,t'hi ^mang ; an alliance in perpe- tuity, ^ ^ 1^ ^ Jvam sliekj ^fung jmang. Kin sbih t'ung mang; an alliance formed by the drink- ing of blood, Sk^.'chu ,clii shai' ip^. Tsz chu chi shf nieh. Allodium, freehold estate, ^ i ^ ^* IH tsz^ chil ^chi .kd ipj. Tsz clui chi kid nieh. Allonge, a pass with a sword, 5$ -^ fdt, 'shau. Fdh shau, ;^ 5^ -^ ,sin fdt, 'shau. Sien fdh shau, ^ ^ 77 ,8in fdt, ,t6. Sien fdh Uiu. Alloquy, see Allocution. Allopathy ^t ^ ^ Ji tiii' ching' ^i fdt,. Tui ihing i fiUi, iK ?PI <: ^ ,k'ii peng* chi fdt,. K'ii ping chi fdh. Allot, to, to distribute by lot, ^ ^ /an p'di'. Fan p'di, ^ f$ fan fdt,. Fan fdh, ^ j^ fon put,. Fan poh; to distribute as soldiei-s, |^^ p'jii'^hoi. P'di k'di ; to give, ^ |^ ^kdu k'ap,. Kidu kih, ALL (47) ALL i^ la fd' k'ap,. Fu kih ; to give to each his share, 'jl^ ig. ^f S ^ 'sz kok, tak, ,k'i fan.- Sz koh teh k'i fan. Allotment ^ '^ /an p'ai'. Fan p'ai ; share, ^ fan". Fan ; that which is assigned to one, fi)x ^^ ^ ^ 'sho tak, ^chi fan'. So teh chi fan. Allotted, distributed by lot, ^'^}^ ,fan p'di' kwo'. •Fan p'ai kwo. Allotting ^ ^^ ,fan p'ai'. Fan p'ai. Allow, to, to permit, ^ 'chun. Chun, ;^ Van. Yun, g^ 'Ml. Hii, ;^i^ -wan lili. Yun hii, if/f ^ying *chun. Ying'diun; to accord, j|^ sui". Siu; to grant, ^% ts'z' "ii. Ts'z yu; to allow to be done, Jg ff ^shi ,hang. Shi hang ; to allow graciously, M ?ll M fr c^^^ 'chun ^shi .hang. Ngan chun shi hang ; to allow one to do as he pleases, 'fi ^ yam- ^ts'ung. Jin ts'ung, fi ^ yam" jau. Jin yu, ^U t'eng' jts'ung. T'ing ts'ung, {^'^ yam' ^p'ang. Jin p'ang; allow you to do as you please, fef$±^ yam- 'ni 'chii 1'. Jin ni chll 1, iii^^'^jx ^ yam- ^ni 'sho jWai. Jin ni so wei; to allow to in- dulge in unreasonable conduct, 'fi '[^ yanr sing'. Jin sing, fi li^ yam" ^sam. Jin sin, ^ '|^ sut, sing'. Suh sing ; allow it to be, ^^ :^ tsung' 'yau ^chi. Tsung yd chi ; would your Majesty al- low it ? i M ^"^ ^ .wong -ii ^chi ^u. Wang yd chi hu. Allowable, that may be allowed, pf ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Pi' ku wakj. Pi kd hwoh. Allurement, that which allures, ^\ ^ ^ 'y^n V^^ 'che. Yin yti cM, ^ sM .^'im ,t'au. T'ien t'au ; bait, fa: ni-. Rh ; pni- -yau. Eh yti ; entice- ment, 4j ^1 ,kau 'yan. Kau yin ; temptation, |^ ^ 'yau wakj. Yti hwoh. AUurcr ^|p# Van 'jslu 'che. Yin yti che ; do. a female, ^A'^ ^mtii jan ^p'o. Mei jin p'o ; do. a male, ^ A ^> s^^^i .jan ,kung. Mei jin kung. Allm-ing, tempting, ^ ^ yau wak,. Yti hwoh ; enticing, ^| ^ ■yan yau tik,. Yin yti tih ; * The preceding terms may be considered so far local, as the peo- ple of this province were the first who learnt the art of debas- ing metal from foreigners : and the Macao alloy may be taken as a proof, that the PortugueBe are up to this moment the prin- cipal manufacturers of false coin, for the Chinese declare them- selves helpless in the art of producing that nicety of foreign letters and designs as wiU ensure deception. f iVlso rpad with the 2d tone. ALL (48) ALO having the quality of temptinj^, f^ Sf "(^t^ s^'im jt'au k6' mat J, yau chi mat. Yin yii chi wuh. Alluringly ^ ^ 'yau ^in. Yii jen. Allusion, a hint, Hg- ;^g 6m' 'chi. Ngdn chi, ^ |^ ,kwfin shiit,. Kwaii shwoh, (^ ^ 'yan 'u. Yin jA; allusion to, ^| |^ 'yan shiitj. Yin shwoh; allusion to a passage in the Classics, i^| j^ 'yan ^king. Yin king, ^ ^ shut, ,king. Shuh king, ^l^ilA 'yan ,king kii' 'tin." Yin king kii tien ; sarcastic allusion, Hg- v^ 6m' chfiu. Ngdn chku ; allusion of an ode, f^ ^^ shi chi mi\ Shi chi wi. Allusive Hb 1^ ^^ 6m' shiit, tik,. Ngdn shwoh tih; an allusive expression, J;(^|^ 'pi shiit,. Pi shwoh. Allusory, see Allusive. Alluvial f^ ^ shjl tl-. ShA ti, ^ f>> ^ f|^ shuk, ,shd ^t'dn tik. Shuh slid t'dn tih, ^'/^^^i^ 'shui ch'ung tsik^ tik,. Shwxii ch'ung tsih tih. Alluvion fp^ shd ti^ Shd ti. AUuvium yr^^j^Mti ^ch'ung tsik chi ti'. Ch'ung tsih chi tl, ^Jjc /ffi 5^;^ ith 'shui ^ch'img tsik, ,chi ti*. Shwui ch'ung tsih chi ti. Ally, to, (with), to unite, |± ^ kit, h6p,. Kieh hoh, j^ ^ jliin h6pj. Lien hoh ; do. by treaty, j^ ^Aj kit, yduk,. Kieh yoh, ^ ^ kit, ^mang. Kieh mang ; to ally one's self with a family, j^ ^ kit, ^ts'an. Kieh ts'in, fj |tj ting' ,t8'an. Ting ts'in. Ally, one united by treaty, ^ J^ ,mang hing. Mang hiung; an allied power, ^^^ g sHin ^mang ^chi kwok,. Lien mang chi kwoh, ^^ ^ kl ^l kit, ^mang ,chi ,pong. Kieh mang chi pang; allied by marriage, ^ ^ ,ts'an ts'ik,. Ts'in ts'ih, ^ ^ ^raang ^ts'an. Mang ts'in. Allying, by marriage, ,^± ^ kit, ^ts'an. Kieh ts'in. m fe ;un ^ts'an. Lien ts'in; by treaty, J^ ^ kit, jnuing. Kieh mang, ^ ^ ^lim ^ang. Lien mang. Almanac jg^ || ,t'ung ^shu. T'ung shu, ^ § lik^ shu. Lih shil; a calendar, M ^ ^^K sP'^*- ^^^ V'^h Pli^W iit^ fan^ j)'di. Yueh tan p'di, f^ g likj yat^. Lih jih, ^ |^. lik, ^tdn. Lih tdn ; Im- perial almanac, ^)^i||^ jWong lik^ ^t'ung ^shu. Hwdng lih t'ung shii. Almighty ^ g(j ,ts'un ^nang. Ts'iuen nang, M p^ >f* R^ J^^ '«lio pat, jUang. Wii so ])uli nang, ■^ nm^ kin^ kin' .kdi ,nang, ^mm ^i"' kin^ .t6 juang, ^ f j ^]l ^g ydung' y<'mng^ ^to ^nang, Hi^'^^L jt^d" ss!* ^kdi ,nang; the almighty God, -^ ^fe ^ i: 'ill* sts'im jnang ,chi sh^ung' tai'. Ts'iuen natig chi shfmg ti. Almond ;j^'(i: hang^ ^yan. Hang jin; sweet almonds, f^^ jt'im hang^. T'ien hang, f^j 7^ ^ndm hang*. Nkn hang, (p\J^^ pdt, t{it, hang'. IMh t^ih hang; bitter abnonds, -^ ::j^ fu hang^ K'u hang, i{l^ pak, hang^. Peh hang, Q J3. ^ ,pa 'eh't^ hang*. Pd ts'i^ hang ; white almonds, §^ :^ jUgan hang'. Yin hang ; emulsion of almonds (sold in the street), ^ ^ ^ hang' ^yan jch'L Hang jin ch'd; the kernel of peach stones ("peach-meats"), mt: it'6 Jan. T'du jin, ^i^i mang' ,t'6. Man- t'du. Almond-oil ^t^yft hang^ ^yan ,yau. Hang jin yti. Almond-tree ;^J5j hang* shii^ Hang shu. Almoner |p^^<:'f*V c^'^" .^hi ,chi ^kun. Cliau shi chi kw&n, ^'\k^A .chau sut, ,chi jan. Chau siuh chi jin, ^ ^ ^shi 'chii. Shi chii. Almonry '^^^f^ tsai' ,p'an ,chi 'kun. Tsi p'in chi kwkn. Almost ^"X^ $, ,ch'a pat, ,to. Ch'i puh to, ^ ^ pjj- $, ,chang ,ti k6m' ,to, ^^-^ ,ch'k pat, 'Qn. Ch'k puh yuen, ^^;^ ,ch'd pat tai*. Ch'd puh tk, jr fx sh6im^ hA\ Shdng hid, ^ ^ ^ ,ch'd ^mo 'ki. Ch'd wu ki, ^ ^ .ki .li. Ki liu, J[^ ^ shu' .u. Shu hu, pM .shii' ki. Shu ki, ^"kanS Kiu, j{^^ ,tseungkan^ Tsidngkin; almost dead, ^ ^ sP'an 'sz. P'in sz ; almost a year, ^^ — ^ ^'oi chi' yat, 'tsoi. T'di chi yih tssii. Alms ^ ^ tsai' mat,. Tsi wuh, j^ i^ ^shi mat^. Shi wuh ; to give alms consi.sting of money, -/^^ tsai'jts'oi. Tsits'di; do. of grain, ^^ tsai'^l^ung. Tsi lidng ; do. of clothes, ^ ^ tsai' ^i. Tsi i ; do. of food, y^ ^ tsai' shikj. Tsi shih ; to give alms, ^ •^ ,shi tsai'. Shi tsi ; to reUeve the hungry. ^ ^ chan' ^ki. Chin ki, ^ g| kau' .ki. Kiu ki, )jc^ ^ kau' ngo^ Kiu ngo ; to relieve the poor, |M 7^ chan' tsai'. Chin tsi, p ^ chan' ,shim. Chin shen ; to beg alms, as priests, ^^ m6' f i . Mu hwd, i§^^ % ,h6ung ^ai. Abns-box, in Chinese temples, ^ ^ ^ ^h6ung .tsz jt'ung. Hidng tsz t'flng, ^ -^ f^ ni6- fd' ,t'ung. Mii hwk t'ung. Alms-chest j^ |t ^ tsai' ^ts'oi .s(^ung. Tsi ts'di siang, ^ ^ j^^ tsai' si)'an ^seuug. Tsi p'in sidng. Alms-deed ^ J^ chau ^slii. Chau shi. Alms-giver ^ ^ tsai' 'chii. Tsi chii, ^ ^ shi 'chii. Shi chii. Alms-house ^ \ ^ jp'au jVan 'kiin. P'in jin kwdn ; do. for old men, ^ A |^ '1^ s^an iin'. Ldu jin yuen, ^ ^ ^ 'yeung ^16 ^t'ong. Ydng Idu t'dng; do. for women, ^^ ,chdi jt'ong. Chdi t'dng; do. for blind })eople, ^ § (^ kii muk^ tin'. Kii muh yuen ; do, for lepers, ^^^ IM, ,fuug iin'. Fdhfungyuen; do. for foundlings, ^^^ yukj ying t'ong. Yuh ying t'dng. Alms-men ^ J|£ ^ shau' shi ch6. Shau shi chd, "^•^^ pi' tsai' 'cbd. Pi cht^. Almug-ti-ee, sandal-tree, ^^i^ jt'dn _h(5ung shii". T'dn hidng shu. Aloe Wi ^^ P'^' s^ong pin. Pd wdng pien, ^ Jtj^ fj 'lo .y^^»%' "K- ^* Ho y'"^?? iii». M. ¥ J*' wai' (kiii'.) Lii wci, JJg § ^ch'am Jidung. Ch'in hidng, ^1^^ jk'i ^ndm ,ht'>ung. K'i ndn hi!'ni.r. Qp^j ^ nut wai'. Nub wei, ^ |f| t«*(''ung' taii. Sidng tdn, ^^ 6m kit, ('oi). Ngdn kih, (nirai), M Vff s^^ wai' k6. Lii wei kdu. 0g||# &' .lo The followiuff terms may be taken at exp rwring tiie nam* of the drug in uie market ALO (49) ALT Puh !tai^ ,k5. A lo kdu ; hemp aloes, ^ H ^i ^po ^lo ^ma, Po lo md. Aloft, on high, -jgb Jt tsor sh^un^. Tsdi shang, :^ h flg tsoi- sh6ung^ ^t'au. Tsai shdng t'au, :^ Jt. •gg tsoi" sh^ung" pin'. Tsai shang pien ; on the mast, ^ )|& ;{;i; _t tsoi' ,shun ^wai sheung\ Tski ch'uen wei shang. Alogy, unreasonableness, '^■^^ pat^ hop, '11. hoh H, ^il pui' 'K. Pei II ; absurdity, ;^| mau". Ta miii, ;^^^ tai- ^ch'a niau\ Ta ch'a miii. Alone, single, ^ ^tdn. Tan, ^ tuk>. Tub ; ditto op- posed to a pair, ■^ chek^. Chih ; alone as an or- phan, ^ ^ku. Kii, lOi^ ^kii tuk,. Kutuh, IJR^ ^ ff kA ^shan 'kwa 'tsai ; alone as a widow, ^ ^ 'kwd -fu. Kwa fu ; do. as a widower, ^ ^ ^wan ^fu. Kwan fu, ^ ^ 'kwd ^kung. Kwk kung ; to live alone, H^ ^ tuk^ ^kii. Tub kii, ^ Jg ^kwdn kii. Kwan kii, 0J§ sok, kii. Sob kii, ^ — -^ A ^^i yat, ko' jan. Tub yib ko jin ; alone, without any connection, as vagabonds (iron- ically used for single men), ^ ^ "(} ^tan ^shan 'tsai, ^^ jtdn shan. T^n shin ; alone, only one, ^ y ^tdn ^ting. Tan ting, ^ ^ ^tan tuk,. T^n tuh, ^ y jling ,ting. ^k'ing tukj. K'ing tuh, ^ T ~r <^^ <*^^» t^ng ; let me alone, pg- it? It mi ^ .^ 'lio Aai 'kiu Hu -'ngo, ^ ^ (iy" '/^ P^ 'mai ko' kom' wan^ cheung' ; I am left alone Zf ^:^:ul k'it, ^in tuk, l^p,. Kieb jen tuh Hh, i^iiM^ ^^K liai- shing- 'ngo. Tuh hi sbing wo, '^^^ ^ '^ jWai "ngo tukj jlau. Wei wo tub liu, ^ fx ^ ffpl tuk, jhang 'kii 'kii. Tub hang kii kii ; alone, by himself, ^ ^ 3 ^^K t^^" 'ki. l\ib tsz ki. Along ^ jts'ung. Ts'ung ; to walk along the road, ^ ^ ifS ff jts'ung ^k^i ji ^hang. Ts'ung ki^i rb bang ; aU along, g W.^^IM ^^^' s^'^^ *^' '^^* ^^^ t'au tin wi ; to lie all along, j^ ^ "5^ :Mfe '^^^ ^o^^ ^ii ti". Yen ngo yu ti, I!||[i;b& ,lai chik, ti^ ; to go along with one, fp; ^ jp'ui ^bang. P'ei bang, ^ ff .k^i jbang. Kidi hang, |^ ^ jt'ung ^bang. T'ung bang, -^^ pun-^hang. Pwdn bang, ^-J^ 'l^ ^ 'ii 'tsz ^kdi jbang. Yii 'tsz ki5.i bang, — • ^ ^ yat, jts'ai jhang. Yib ts'i bang, — |^ tf J^^i tui- jhang. Yib tiii bang ; to walk along band in hand, ^^|Bltt jkWai 'shau ^fving ^bang. Hwui sbau t'ung liang, |it -^ |^ tT }^^ 'shau jt'ung jhang. Ldh sbau t'ung hang ; will you come a- long with me ? i^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ op 'nl iH' ,t'ung "ngo hii' ^me ; along-side, '^jQ ^ pok, ^mSii ; to lay along-side, ig sM. i^^^ .t'au. MAi t'au, f^ *ngai. I, J^ ^ ^mdi ngon-. McLi ngdn, ^ iM IS i^^^ ,mdi jt'au; Take this along with you, ^V]i^^^ ^ t^i' ^ni ti' V^ hii'. Aloof, at a distance, ^ 'iin. Yuen, ^ j^ kl,k, 'iin. Keb yuen ; to keep aloof from, ^f j^ ^li ^iin. Li yuen, ^^ ^^ :^ A '^^\ P^t, ,s6ung yap^. Keb pub si5,ng jih ; met., V^ A ^ i^ jap, tdp„ Y y ^ d ^d Jioi, >)^m% cShiu wdi^ ^ngd. Shdu hw^i yd. Aloud, with a loud voice, ;^^ tdi^ ^shing. T4 sbing, ^ ^ ^ko ^shing. Kdu ^shing ; to cry aloud, J^ ^ ^ p^ tdi' ,shing tsat, ^fii. Td shing tseh hu, ;/^ ^ ttij. P|( tdi- ^shing kiu' hdm', ^ -^ »4 tsun' men^ kiu', ^^^Pj^ p'iin' meng^ Um\JJc^^ fong' shai' hdm' ; to read aloud, j^ ^ ^J |J ^ko ^shing -long tsun^. Kdu sbing Idng sung ; speak aloud, ;^^^ tdi^ ^shing 'kong. Td shing kidng. Alpaca * -f^i^SH^;:^ PHo kwok, j^img jmeng, ^ ^ p6' ^meng. Pii ming. Alpba ^ II H fj ^ # "t ^ # Hilip kwok, wd^ tsz" Tuo 'sbau tsz' jam. Hileh kwob hwd tsz mil shau tsz yin ; alpha and omega, ^ ^ 'ch'i ^chung. Cb'i chung. Alphabet fj ;5 ^ # wa' ^chi tsz^^^b. Hwd chl tsz mu, ^ sf tsz^ ,t'au. Tsz t'au Alphabetical J^ ^ -f^ ;^ ^ 'i tsz' hub ^wai ^t'au. I tsz mu wei t'au, l^^#|J!f:^II 1 tsz^ had tso' ^t'ai jt'au. I tsz mii tso t'i t'au ; the Chinese use the characters of the =|^^ ^ ^Ts'ln-tsz^-^man, as each of the 1000 characters differs from the other. Alpine ^ R^ ^l] 1^ iJj shuk, Alipin ^sbdn ; alpine scenery, ^ ^^ ^ ^ jts'ang ,liin 'sung 'ts'ui. Ts'ang Iwdn sung ts'ui, ^^^^ jts'ang jliin tip, 'sung. Ts'ang Iwdn tieb sung, ^ [Jj 1^ ll|^ jsbung ^sbdn tsun' 'ts'iu. Ts'ung sbdn tsiun ts'idu. Alpinia, a species of, [Jj ^ ^shdn ^k^ung. Sbdn kidng ; alpinia nutans, || ^ dp, k6uk, ^fd. Ydh kiob hwd. Alps ^ (1( j^shung ^shdn. Ts'ung sbdn ; do. moun- tains in southern Europe, ^BM^lPEllj^ c^dm Aulopd ^shdn ^meng. Ndn Aulopd sbdn ming. Already, at this time, ^ :^ In' -yau. Hien yii, ^ ^ ki' "yau. KI yii, g, ^ 'I T^u. I yu ; to have already, B $S ^ c^i^g- ^ ki^S' M 1^ ^P> <^^S- Nieb king, jl^^f ki' ,king. KI king, ^^^ ^ts'ang ^king. Ts'ang king ; before this time, -^ y^ ^sln yau. Sien yii. Alsine ^ ^ ^chung ^kw'ai. Chung kw'ei, ^ ^ ,fdn W. Pdn lii, ^ ^ /dn 'lii. Fdn lii. Also, likewise, :>ff. yik^. Yib, ^ ,klm. Kien, % yau^ Yu, j^ Va. Ye, -t^ :f 'ya -yau. Y6 yu, M. 'ch'e. Ts'i^, i§^ ping' k'ap^. Ping kib, ^ ^ -ya shi-. Y6 shi, ifn R S 'cb'^. Eh ts'ie, 7ff ^ yik, ,in. Yib jen, ^ Jin. Lien, :^ ^ yik, shi'. Yib shi, :^ -^ yik, bai" ; that is also reasonable, ^ -^ ^ ^ yik, bSp^ to- -11. Yib hob tau II, ^^ ^ yik, cb^uk, '; that will also do, :^ ^ ^ yik, tso' tak,. Yib tso teh, :^ pj" yik^ 'ho. Yib k'o. Alt, \V^^^mZM cb'^ung' jam chf ,ko ,chi Alto, ) ^shing. Cb'Ang yin chl kdu cbl shing. Altar, general term for, ^ jt'dn. T'dn ; ditto for worsliipping idols and spirits, f$ ^ ^shan jt'an. Shin fan, f [^ g ^sban ^t'oi. Shin t'ai ; ditto for sacrificing to heaven, ^ 5^ ig tsai' ^t'ln ^fau. Tsi t'ien fan ; ditto to Ceres, f\t^^J^ 'she tsik, ^chi jf dn. Shi6 tsili cbl t'dn ; to set up an altar to the god of the land, at jjfj; ^ lap, -sb6 * Peru. ALT (50) ALT Vkn. Lib shid Vkn; an altar for burning incense, ^ijf^ ,h6ung ch'6uk,. Hidng ch'oh, ^^ ,h6ung on'. Hidng ngdn ; an altar for performing mass for the benefit of those in purgatory, ^ ^ tsiii' ,t'in. Tsidu t'dn ; a stone altar, ^^ shek^ jt'dn. Shih t'dn ; ditto one of earth, ^ Jl 'ch'ung 't'6. Ch'ung V\i ; ditto one as the ancients erected at a distance of five Chinese miles or li, ^ hau\ Hau, ^ jini. Mei. Altar-cloth ^I^ ijlg jshan cheung'. Shin chdng (in Chinese temples). Altarage, profits a^sing to Budhist priests from per- forming mass, ^^ tsiu' ^kam. Tsidu kin, ^^ ,h6ung ^tsz. Hidng tsz, yft ^ ^ jau ^h6ung jts'in. Yu hidng ts'ien. Alter, to, to change partly or entirely, B|Jc *koi. Kdi, M ^ c^^"ff '^^^- ^^^S k^i' ^JC ^ 'koi pin'. Kdi pien, g^; ,kang yik^. Kang yih, gjjr^ fat, ,ln pin' kwd'. H^v^lh jen pien kwd ; to alter one's condition, to marry, '^ ;^ A ^^^^ ^^^ J^^- ^^o td jiu ; to alter (change) from bad to good, gjjf.^ ^ ^ 'koi ok, ,ts'ln shin^ Kdi ngoh ts'ien shen, 1^ jll^ j^ ^ 'koi kwo' tsz' ^san. Kdi k^vo tsz sin, ^ ^) ^^ jfe 'koi .ts'd kwai ching. Kdi si6 kwei billing 5 to alter one's conduct, JEj^O'^.^ jUi^sam 'chiin i*. Hwui sin chuen i. Alterable pf pj^ % 'ho 'koi tak,. K'o kdi teh ; changeable {as the weather), ^Q^^^ ^t'in ^shi jm6 teng'. T'ien shl wu ting, ^ H^ '^ p^ chd' ^ts'ing did' 'u. Chd ts'ing chd yu, ^ (Jf |{|[ ^ chan^ ty*''''^ chan' ,y6ung. Chin yin chin ydng. Alterableness Bfif^^' 'koi pin' 'ch6. Kdi pien chd. Alteration gjjr J^ 'koi pin'. Kdi pien, || pj^ ,l^ang 'koi. Kang kfii, }^ ^ 'koi un\ Kdi hwdn, ^ ^ un^ 'chiin. Hwdn chuen ; change, ^ ^ pin' fd'. ■ Pien hwd. Alterative (in medicine), producing effect, Pjlf 5^ ^ f^ 'koi pong^ chi yeukj. Kdi ping chi yoh, ^^ M ^Z^ 'lio 'i yik, pong' ,cln ycuk,. K'o i yih ping ohl yoh. Altercate, to, to quanel, f^ p ^ tau' 'hau kok,. Tau k'au koh, ^^ :^ ndu^ kdii. Ndu kidii, H P^ tau' 'tsui. Tau tsui, !^[^ pok, 'tsui. Poh tsui, (S ^ ai' ,kdu, |'-*)Ilifc tau' ai', ^\^ ,pun 'tsxu. Pwd.i tsui, Il^flii) 'ch'du ndu^ Ch'dii ndu, 1^^ pok, hi'. Poll k'i, ^I'i .pun tau'. Pwdn tau, ^'^ ,chdng kin<^^ Tsang king ; to dispute, ^ ^ i)in^ pok,. Pien poll, 1p^ p ,chdng pin'. Tsang pien, ^ ^ pin* lun^ Pien Inn. Altercation, wrangle, P f^ 'hau kok,. K'au koh, [^ ^ ndu* ^kdu. Ndu kidu, ^|^ ^chdng lun^ Tsang lun, |Jg ^ ai' >du, Pi H^ teu' ai', ;fg jgfc ,g6ung ai' ; dispute, ^ ]^ pin' pok,. Pien poh, # fi ;1 ^ ,p6n tau' shi^ ,fi. Pwdn tau shi ft, ift :g ^ pok, shi' ,fl. Poh shi fX. Alternate S ifl f^ f^ " .faw ,chi wd'. Hu fau chi hwd. Altitude, elevation, ^ |^ ,k6 ch'ii'. Kduch*d;to take the sun's altitude, jg it ;^ j^ Jg tok, ,k'f yat, ,chi ,k5 eh'ii'. Toh k'i'jili chi kdu ch'iij the ALT (51) AMA altitude of vii-fcue, Wk ^ ^ ^ s"^S^^ s^S^-i 'king ts6ung^. Wu wu king sidng. Altogether —^ yat^ ,ts'ai. Yih ts'i, — ^ yat, 'tsvmg. Yih tsung, — ;f|E yat^ k'oV. Yih k'4i, — ]§ yat, ying'. Yih ying, — ^ yat, Vung,, — Jt yat, kung^. Yih kung, ^■^ tsun' ^kai. Tsin kicii, ^, ^ 'tsung ^kdi. Tsung kiii, ^ ^f, 'lung 'tsung, P^M0 l^a«^' P^^S' l^^S"' ^ «i^/ Sill' fP ct^- Tii, ^^ jts'iin jIn. Ts'iuen jen ; altogether well, m^M'^ 'l^^g 'tsung 'ho s4i\ +^^ shap, ^fan 'ho. Shih fan hciu ; altogether uncertain, ^^^ '^^ 'tsung mi- tengS ^^^^ .ts'un mi- teng^. Ts'iuen wi ting; altogether true, I^E^ft^ jUib pat^ chan shat,. Wu puh chin shih, — ^^^ yat, jhb pat^ 'kd. Yih h^u puh kici. Alum ^ ^ jf^n shekj. F^n shih, Q ^ pdk^ jfan. Peh f^n ; alum ash, or dried alum, ^^ ^ /li /an. K'ti fdn ; crystals of alum, ^ ^ keng' ^fan. Eang fan; an inferior sort of alimi, ^^ 't'6 /an. T'li fan ; impm-e ditto, as found in its natural state, ^^Jp^ shek^ /an ^wong. Shih fdn hw&.ng ; solution of alum, Q ^ -^ p^k^ /an 'shui. Peh fan sh'rnii. Almn, to, >^^:7fC kwo' /An 'shui. Kwo fdn shwui. Aluminous, pertaining to alum, @^^^ shuk^ /i^n tikj. Shiih fan tih ; containing alum, :^^::^ pj yau /an tsoi^ noi^ Yu fan tsdi nui. Alumnus, a pupil at a seminary, ^ |^ ^ ^ ^shu iin- hok^ /'5. Shu yuen hioh t'u. Aluteres, file fish, '^^ ,sha Tnang. Shk mang. Always |f$ H$ f^n$ ii" pat, jShi. Yu puh shi, 'jia Q^ jhang ^shi. Hang shi, "j^ "^ jhang ^sheung. Hang chang. Am ^ shi-. Shi, i|^ hai\ Hi, J^ "ndi. Nai, ^ jWai. Wei; lam, ^ ^ Tigo shi'. Wo shi; lam a merchant, |fe J^ ^ A '^go s^ai ^sh6ung jan. Wo wei shdng jin ; I am here, ^l^ltl^ 'ngo tsoi^ 'ts'z. Wo tsai ts'z ; I am in possession of, ^ ^ Tigo ^yau. Wo yu ; I am 20 yekrs of age, ^ d^ ')jZL~\r 'ago jUin /ong i" shap^. Wo nien fang rh shih, i^rfn^cn-|-^ nigo ^i ^kd i' shap, sui'; so f^ I' ^^.^-fi 'iigo VK i^- Wo yih jen,' |^^# 'ngo /5 hai". Ama or Amah, foreign designation for nurses in China, ^^.^ "nai ^md. Nai ma. Amability, loveliness, ^ ^ ^ 'ho oi' 'che. K'o ngdi chd, :^ \ ^ ^au jan ^iin. Yu jin yuen, ie? A ^ 'hb ^yan ^iin. Hdu jin yuen, ^ A ^■ 'yau jan 8z\ Yii jin sz. Amain, with force, f^ J] yung^ lik,. Yung lib, ^ jri 'min lik^. Mien Hh, ^j ;^ ch'ut, lik^. Ch'uh lih ; strike amain ! "[^ ;j^ IJJ^ ^ha ^wai ^li. Hid wei li. Amalgam, a compound of quicksilver with other metal, i^^%^ii^M^ 'shui ,ngan ^ii pit, ^kam ^seung ^k'au. Shwm yin yu pieh kin sidng • k'ii ; a compound of different things, ^ ^ tsap, mat^. Tsah wuh. Amalgamate, to, ^^ijCiB^^lj;^ ^k'au 'shui ^ngan 'Li pit, jkam. K'ii shwui yin yii pieh kin; to mix different tilings, ^'^^^ ^k'au ^wan tsap^ mat^. K'ii yun tsdh wuh, ^ ^ kap, tsap,. Kidh tsdh; to unite, -^ >^ lii^ hop,. Hwui hoh, i^^^ ^seung h6pj. Siang hoh; ditto as a fi-atemity, ^^ /iin ui'. Lien hwui. Amalgamation, the act of compounding quicksilver with another metal, i^ ^ % %\\ -^^"^ 'shiii ^ngan ^ii pit^ ^kam ^k'au ^wan. Shwui yin yii pieh kin k'ii yun ; the mixing of different things, ^ ^^%% mat^ ^chi kdp, tsdp^. Wuh chi kidh tsdh; the union of two societies, '^ '^i^^ ^ "^ ^ ^ ^ii ch^ung^ ,fu. Nii chdng fd. Amazon, the river Maranon in South America, g^ R^r^ [;fpr:g] Amlsun. Ambagious, cirumlocutory, ?^ ^ 3^ ^ /au ^man t'di' ,to. Fau wan t'ki to. Ambassador, or an imperial envoy, ^^ ,yam ^ch'di. K'in ch'di, ^ ^ kwok, sz'. Kwoh sz ; ditto one from a dependent state, ^ ^ ^ tsun' kung' jShan. Tsin kung chin ; a plenipotentiary, t^^;^ ^ jts'iin jk'iin tdi' ^slian. Ts'iuen k'iuen tii chin. Ambassadress, the wife of an ambassador, Ji^Ji^ t'di' Vki'. Amber ^Jg 'fu p'dk,. Fii p'eh ; yellow [false] am- ber, ^!^Q mat^ 14p^ p'jlk,. Mih Idh p'eh, :^ff hang' jWong. Hang hwdng ; red amber, J^f^ liiit, p'dk,. Hiueh p'eh; bright ditto, ^J^ jmingp'ak,. Ming p'eh ; light yellow ditto, ;jjc ^ 'shui p'dk,. Shwui p'eh ; stone ditto, ^J^ shek^ p'kk,. ShUi p'eh; flowered ditto, ^^ /dp'dk,. Hwa p'eh; amber beads, ^, ^ shat, shat,. Shih shih ; am- ber flower, ^ 'lam. Lin, ^ ^ 'lam ^li6. Lin hdu. Ambidexter, one who uses both hands with equal faciUty, ^ ^ J^ ffi ^ '16ung 'shau ^t'ung yung' 'ch6. Lidng shau t'ung yung ch6 ; a double dea- ler, M. IS tt ^ A «fung 'mang chuk, ^chi ^yan. Fung mang chuh chi jin ; one who takes money from botli parties for giving his verdict, ^ p^ j^ H^^ shik^ Heungts^^ jt'ung 'che. Shih Hang tsdu t'ung ch6, \M(^^'}^^^ 'l<^"ng pin' .tau piii* 'shau 'ch6. Lidng pien tau pei shau vh6. Ambidexterity ^^;^ jqj }^ H6ung 'shau ^chi jt'ung yung^. Lidng shau chi t'ung jiung; tbe taking of bribes from both parties, ^ pf^" lik ^ ^ sh'^^' *l(5ung ts6^ ^chi ^fui. Shau lidng t,sdu chi hwui. i^ii^^^is >u n»5ung ,kd k6"pd, ^mmz ^iij shik^ Mcuiig ts(V ^chl jt'ung. Shih lidng tsuu chi t'ung, fil^fidl^ln] n6ung pin* shik^ jt'ung. Ambiguity, double meaning, ^||]|^ ^shtHmg ,kwdn wd\ Shwkug kwdn hwd ; one expression but two meanings, — ^ M M y^K ^^^ ^l^ung 'kdi. Yih kii lidng kidi ; one word and two meanings, — ^ \M M y^^ ^^^ M6ung i'. Yih t«z lidng i ; —M\^M1)'^^> ,kwdn 'Idungl'. Yih kwdn lidng i ; doubtfulness of signification, P^ =§. 5m' »ii_ Ngdn yu, ^ m P^' '^' m ^ kai^ 'ii. Ki yu. ^ a 'yan 'u. Yin yii. Ambiguous, indistinct expression, -^ij^^^ Jh6m jVi chi 'ii. Hdn hu chi yti, |||||^ ,8hdung ^kwdn shiit,. Sliwang kwdn shwoh, ^ f^ ^ f ^ 'leung pin* 'kong tak,. Lidng pien kiang teh. Ambilogy, language of doubtful meaning, -^ iftS Z U' jh6m jU ^chi wd*. Hdn hu chi hwd. Ambiloquy, the use of ambiguous expressions, ^ mT' ;^ |pj 'kung i' .chi jts'z. Lidng i chi ts'z, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^sh^ung kwdn .chi wd'. Shwdng kwdn chi hwd. Ambition, a dasire of preferment, ^ ^ ^ ^ chi' hi' ^k6 'sung. Chi k'i kdu sung, |g g| A ^ ^t'^ jDiau tdi* sz*. T'li mau td sz. Ambitious, desirous of, ^ mo'. Mu, ^ ,k'au. K'iii, ■^ jt'dm. T'dn ; ambitious of excelling, ^ fj^ jk'au shing'. K'iii shing ; ambitious of fame, ^ ;g ^t'dm ^eng. T'dn ming, ^^^ ,t'dm 't'ai min*. T'dn t'imien, j^^ h6' jmeng. Hdu ming, ^^:^ 'lo cSbi^g i"^eng ; fS :^ -^# ^ku ,meng yik^ ii*. Ku ming yih yu ; ambitious of power, g ^ m6* shai'. Mii shi ; an ambitious statesman, •^^S^^O j^^iii V^K i^^^^^ c^*^ ,^^- Hwdi puh cliin chi sin. Amble, to, to pace, ^ ^ hen^ 'p'du. K'ing p'du, g^^ kuk^ chuk^. Kiuh chuh ; to pace along as small-footed women, ^ %M^[i]\ ^Imng tak, t'dn' t'dn' Hid, ^ :f| |^ [^ f/[T ^lang tak, 'ning 'ning Mid. Amboyna wood, §^;^ 'yiiig muk^. Ying muh. Ambrosia, a plant, ^ ^ ^ i^ong ,fd ^h6. Hwdng hwd hdu ; imaginary foon 'fu. Lin fii. Ambry, an almonry, jj^j^ij^j^ ,shi tsai' mat^ ,fong. Shi tsi wuh fdng; a cold meat safe, ^ ^ .fi^ng ^tang. Fung Tang. Ambulance ^ ^' -^ l||^ ,i peng* jing ch6ung'. I ping ying chdng. Ambulant j^ ff jyau jhang. Yii hang, jg ^ ,chau ,yau. Chan yu. Arabulants ^^ ,king 'ki. King kl. Ambulate, to, ^)^ .ohau ^yau. Chau yd. Ambulation ^v^ chau,yau. Chauyii, "^^ ,ts'im ^yau. Siun yu, ^ ^ jau I'ln'. Yii wan, ^ kwdng'. Kwdng. Ambulatory }^ j;^ {{(j ^chau ^yau tik,. Cliau yd tib. Ambulatory, an aivade, ^ jlong. Ldng. Ambu8ca ^^.H A T'dk't kwok^ jan. Hwdk'i k^voh jin. Amethyst ^ ^ ^ - K'o yueh tih, |^^ ^wan'^wo. Wan ho. Amianthus, earth flax, ^J^ shek^ ^a. Shih md(?). Amicable, harmonious, ^ 0^ ^wo m\ik,. Ho muh, ^ jp ,wo shun'. Ho shun, 5j<0 ^ ^wo ^hdi. Ho hidi; friendly, ^ ^ ^wo oi'. Ho ngdi, ^^ jWO ^au. Ho yu, j^ ^ ^s^ung oi'. Sidng ngdi ; ami- cable arrangement, 5^1^ jWO ^'o. Ho t'o. Amicableness, friendliness, ^ ^ ^wo oi'. Ho ngdi, "M ^ cf'^'^ ^^'- Kwdn ngdi. Amicably 5^ ^ ^wo oi'. Ho ngdi ; to an-ange an affaii- amicably,' j^ fll ^ ^ ^ 'i ,wo oi' t'o sz', |±5f4] kit, ^wo. Kieh ho, ^^ ^ixn'.wo. Lien ho. Amida Budha, |J^?g [5:^ % p ^mi^t'o fat,- O mi t'o fuh. Amid, ■) f^ ^chung. Chung, f^ ^ ^chung ^kdn. Amidst, ) Chung kien ; amidst the crowd, ^ ^ ^ tsoi' chung' ^chung. Tsai chung chung ; amid the garden, ^ JH Pf? tsoi' ;iin ^chung. Tsdi yuen chung. Amiss, wrong, ^ ^ ^au ts'o'. Yii ts'o, :^ ^ ^sm kwo'. Yii kwo, ^ ^g shat, ts'o'. Shih ts'o; to take amiss, ^ »j^ kin' kwdi'. Kien kwdi, ^ »(^ ^ kin' kwdi' chdk,. Kien kwdi tseh; if anything should happen amiss, ^^|5B.y^ J^^i V^^ '^^^^ chai\ Job yu tsii chi, ^ % ^H |i ;t t- J^^K -yau ^tdm kok, ^chi sz^ Amity, friendship, 5(^0^ ^wo muk,. Ho muh, ^^ /s'an mukj. Ts'in muh, ^ g^ /un muk^. Tun muh, ^ ^ jP'ing jWO. P'ing ho, 5|<0 ^ ^wo 'h«>. Ho hdu. Ammium ,^J^ 'mS, ^k'an. Md k'in. Ammonia (^^Pj^jj^ ,d ,mo ^ni ^d [^^]. Ammunition ^^i^^^^f!^ 'fo yeuk, tdn' 'tsz 'tang mat,. Ho yoh tdn tsz tang wuh, ^C^s^"?" 'fo yeuk^ ch'ung' 'tsz. Ho yoh ch'ung tsz ; arms and ammunition, ^ ^^ ^kwan hi'. Kiim k'i ■& ^ j)ing hi'. Ping k'i, ^^ "mb hi'. Wti k'i, ^ |§ hi' hdi\ K'i hidi. Amnesty, a general pardon, ;/c H^ ^ T" *^^ ^^^' /'in hd^ Td shie t'ien hid; the proclamation con- taining the pardon, ;§,§§ jan chiu'. Ngan chdu, M.^^:kfk c^^'OJig cyan tdf sh6'. Hwdng ngan td shie. Amomum cardamomum ;({< ^ 'shui k'au'. Shwui k'au, ^^ hang^ k'au'. Hang k'au; cardamomum rotundum, ^ g ^ 'ts'6 tau' k'au'. Ts'du tau k'au; amomum villosum, ^^^ wok, ^shdjan. Hwoh shd jin ; amomum medium (Alpinia alba, Roscoe), ^ H 'ts'o 'kwo. Ts'du ko; iamomum granum paradisi, ^^ ^ ,shd ,yan. Shd jin, ^^ ^ '^ sai' ^shdtau'. Si shd tau; amomum anthoides, # in ^c^hd jyan hok,. Shd jin koh; the white amomum of trade, fi a ^ P^^s *^^' ^'^^'- ^^^^ tau k'au. Amoy ^ P^ Hdmun. Hidmun, or Amui. jen k'o ts'in ; charming as children, ^^ ^tseng Among, ■) f^ Amongst, J nui, ^ P}l noi chung. Chung, 4* ^ ,ch\mg kien, ::i^ ^ tsoi' noi ^chung. Nui chung, Chung ^kan. Tsai AMO (54) A 311 P jt'au. LI t'au, ^0, noi* Hi. Nui li, 4'j\!i:' :1 g 5I M '^ muk^ sung' ^ts'ing. I muh sung ts'ing, ^ |^ — ^ H ^ -^ ^ cts'au ^po yat, 'chiin pdk, mi' ^kdi shang. Ts'au po yih chuen peh mei kidi sang, ^M'^ffM '^^'^ ™^^' (^hi jhang jWai. Kidu mei ciii hang wei. Amorously ^MZM ckiu rnV dii ydung*. Kidu mei chi yang. Amorousness ^ ^' liin^ oi'. Lwdn ngdi. Amort, dejected, ^ j\^^ song' ,sam. Sdng sin. Amortization ^ ^ hi' ip^. K'i nieh. Amount, the smn total, ^t =-|- kung^ kai'. Kung ki, j|| ^ 'tsung sh6'. Tsung sii, — H yat 'tsung. Yih tsung, |l^ ||[ Hung 'tsung. Lung tsung, PJ^ ^ P^ ham' pdiig' Idng', — • ^ yat, kung^. Yili kii"!,'. |S ^ 'tsung kung'. Tsung kung, ^ f£ t'ung 'ch'd ; what is the whole amount ? ^ h^ '^ ^ kung' kai' 'ki ,to. Kung ki ki to, ^ff^ -J^ kung' kai' yeuk^ ,kon. Kung ki job kdn. Amount, to, to reach, ^ f f- kung^ kai'. Kung ki, ^^ Icung^ Sim'. Kung swdn, j^^ 'tsung siin'. Tsung swdn, jg,:^ ^t'ungsiin'. T'ung swdn, -^^ h6p siin'. lloh swdn ; to amount to (the result, imd, or substance oi" an allivir or narrative), 't^ung hai'. Tsung hi, $ljjfg t6' 'tai. Tdu ti, i^ ■ shau 'mi. Shau wi, |* J^ klt^ 'mi. Kieli wi, ^ t6' 'mi. Tdu wi ; what does it amount to ? ^ kung' kai' 'ki ,to, gjii^^ kai' ^mdi 'ki to ; it amounts to, f^j- ^ kai' ,mdi, — ^ g |* yat hi' kai'. Yih k'i kl. Amounting, [to], ^ ff- kung' kai'. Kung ki, ff ^ kai' ^mai, ^^^^ ^mdi 'tsung 8h6', Mdi tsuni? sii. Amoui', illicit connection in love, 3^ i£ sz t'ung. Sz t'ung, ^ f^ ,sz jts'ing. Sz ts'ing, -^ \^ ^t'au • jts'ing. T'au ts'ing, |kS 4* ^ ^^ <^^S chung ^chi y^uk,. Sdng chung chi yob, ^ ^ ,8Z ,pan. Sz pan, ^ ^ ^sz ^kdn. Sz kien, ijjj ^ ^Vs6 oi'. Sie ngdi. Amour or Amur, the largest river in Manchuria, ^ ^i /X Haklungkong. ITehlungkidng. Ampeloprasum [Jj ^ ^shdn siin*. Shdn swdn. Amphacantus, dory (tish), |§^jS^,bii 'mang. Li mang. Amphibia or | JifC |{^ »i6 ^^ 'shui luk^ ping' ^shang Amphibious, ) 'chd. Shwui luh ping sang chd. Amphibioiogy m^i^^tk^z^mfm^^^"^^^ lukj ping' ^shang ^chi ^ch'ung shau' 'tang lui'. Lun shwui luh ping sang chi ch'ung shau tang lui. Amphibium TJC |^ ^ ^ ^ 'shui lulq ping' ^shang 'che. Shwui luh ping sang che. Amphibological ^ ^ |^ ^sh^ung ,kwdn shiit . Shwdng kwdn shwoh. Ampliisbaena ^ ^ ffe*^ 'Idung ^t'au ^sh^. Liang t'au shie. Amphitheatre ^ [D 1§^ ^ ,chau ,iin hi' jCh'6ung. Chau yuen hi ch'dng. Amphitheatrical, exhibited in an amphitheatre, ^ ^ m ^_^} ^^: ^ tsoi' ,chau ,iin hi' ^ch'eung 'in 'che. Tsai chau yuen hi ch'dng yen che ; pertain- ing to an ampliitheatre, P/J1[0|l|JJ^ ^kwdn ^chau jiin hi' jCh'eung. Kwdn chau yuen hi ch'dng. Ample, large in extent &c., ^ ^ 'kAvong fiit . Kwdng kw'oh, ^ ^ kwong ti'u". Kwang ta, ^ J^ /tin 'kwong. Kwdn kwdng, ^ H /un fut,. Kwdn kw'oh, f^ ^ fut^ tAi^ Kw'oh td; abun- dant, ^ ^ c^^i^g tsuk . Fung tsuh, ^ /^ /ung hau'. Fung hau, X ^ tdi' to. Td to, ■^ ^ gfe kau > $ yau jVi. Kau vii vu ; liberal, '^ A ,f»i" tai' Kwdn td ; ample means, ^ ^ ^ ^ kok, yduni sz' kau'. Ampliate, to enlarge, ^ ^ :^ t«ok, fut, tai'. Tsoh kw'oh td, 'f'^j.^^l tsok, 'kwong fut^. Tsoh kwdng kw'oh. Ampliation, see Amplification. Amplifiicate, to, sec Amplify. Ampliflication, extension, )|}j ^^ hoi fiit,. K'di kw'oh; diffuse comments, g^ J^ |4: f^ jt«'6ung sai' chii' 'kdi. Ts'ihng si chu kidi ; dirtuse narrative, p^^ ■^ ift jts'eung sai' ^chi shiit,. Ts'iang si chf shwoli, ^^Z^ i^'h'am chui' ,chi shiit,. Ch'in cluii chi shwoh ; exaggerated i-epresentation, ;^ 1^ ;^ ■^ kwo' shatj chi jin. Kwo shih chi vi ?,. M'kZ^ kwo' 'fo ,chi Hi. Kmo ho chi yu, ^'g* ZWt ^^''"' tong' ^chi shiit . Kwo tdng chi shwoh, ^^Z%% .hii jfau chi ^ta'z. Ha fan chi ts'z. Amplified, enlarge*!, |^ |^| >§ ,hoi fdt, kwo*. K'di kw'oh kwo ; diffusely explained, ^ s^ f^ iS jts'i^'ungsai' 'kdi kwo'. Ts'idng si kidi kwo; exag- gerated, ^ ^?f :fc jfi 'kong tak. t'di' kwo*. Kikiig tch t'di kwo. AMP (55) ANA Amplifier, one who enlarges, H H ;A; :^ ,hoi fut, t4i- 'die. K'di kw'oh ta ch6, f^ ^ A ^ tsok 'kwong tai' 'che. Tsoh kwang ta che ; one who explains diffusely, ^^fflsifW:^ .ts'eung sai^ chii' 'kai 'ch4. Ts'iang si chii kiai eh6 ; one who exag- gerates, ^ ^ ^ A c*° /°^ c'^^^^ iJ^^- ^^ J^^ *^^i jin. Amplify, to, 1^ "^ fok, ch'ung. Kwoh ch'ung, ^ J^ffy tso" tdi' tik^. Tso ta tih; to treat copiously, |^^|^,^j}| chli' '^kai ^ts'eung sai'. Chii kiai ts'iang si ; to exaggerate, ^^^^^f^ ^kong kwo' tong' ^chi wa^ Kiang kwo tang chi hwa, gJifciiStl^^fJ shut kAVo' shat, ^chi wa'. Shwoh kwo shih chi hwa, ^ # tI^ ^ ^ .i/C 'kong tak, mi- Tnin kwo' ■^fo. Baang teh wi mien kwo ho, fft f^ ^ Jj^ shiitj tak, t'ai' kwo'. Shwoh teh t'Ai kwo. Amplitude, extent, ^ A 'kwong tai'. Kwang ta ; extent of intellectual powers, :^ ^ ^ ^ A ^^^' wai" ,chi 'kwong tai'. Chi hwui chi kwdng t^ ; ditto of learning, |^ ^ pok, hok,. Poh hioh, ^ ^ Mt® ^^^i i^^^^ 'kwong pok^. Hioh wan kwdng poh ; amplitude ortive and occiduous, ^ifl§;|!gp^ ■^ jS. c^^^S c^^^ jSeung kak^ ^chi 'tin. Tung si siang keh chi yuen ; amplitude of range, •5@,'fi^^ ji ifi: ^ ^ p'au' 'ma ^fi 'iin kan' ^chi ^ch'ing. P'4u md fi yuen kin chi ch'ing. Amply, abundantly, "^^ ^fun^in. Kwdnjen; amply provided, ^^Ma^ ^'ai pi' /ung tsuk,. Ts'i pi fung tsuh, ^ ii J£ % ^ jts'ai pf tsuk^ yau X fi /K B tsik, lok; H ^siu Ving yat,. Tsih loh i sidu yung jih, ^ jjIS B -y- i' kwo' yat, 'tsz. I kwo jih tsz ; to spend the time agree- ably, fj|)j ^ ^t'au jhdn. T'au hien ; to amuse with un" playing, ^ ^ ^wdn 'shd. Hwin shd, ^ 'sh^. Wdn sha, ^ ^ lin' 'shd. W^n sh^, ^ ^ %}ii lok,. Shd loh, ^Ij ^ tsak k'ek,. Tseh k'ih, ^ ^^hf lung-. Hi lung, ^ |^ hi' yeuk,. Hi hioh, hJ*=S ^fui (hai. Kwei hidi; to dissipate grief, '\j>^ ,hoi ^sam %. K'd,i sin ho. >^ ^sam miin-. Kicii sin mwdn, f^^ \i\ jShau. Kia tsau ; to amuse \nth idle promises, J^ ^ ^ iH ^liii jin %iong ying'. Hii yen wdng ying. Amusement, sport, ^ ^ ^w^n 'sha. Hwdln sh^ ; theatrical amusements, ^^ '^ ,p'di jau. P'di yii; recreation, ^ |^ Jidn 's^n. Hien sdn ; ditto by walking, -^^ hii' kwdng'. K'ii kwdng, ^^ — ■ |ej kwang' kwdng' yat^ jui. Kwdng kwang yih Invui, ^f^ kwdng' ^kii, ^-^ sl,n' po'. Sdn pu; to seek for amusement, ^ ^ ^t'o ts'ii'. T'u ts'ii, ^ ^ ^t'dm ts'ii'. T'dn ts'ii ; entertainment of a friend, ^ ^ ts'ii' mi'. Ts'ii wi, ^^ ;§ sliik, i'. Shih i, ^^^ i' ts'ii'. 1 ts'ii. Amuser, one who affords agreeable amusements to others, ^^ZK- ^^"k, ts'ii' ^clii ^yan. Shih ts'ii chi jin. Amusing, pleasing, ^ ^ 'ho ts'ii'. Hdu ts'u, ^ ^ 'hb 't'ai. H^u t'i, -^^ 'ho ^t'eng. mu t'ing, % j^^^ ts'ii' ts'u' tik„ ^MJj 'ho ts'ii' /ong. Amygdalate, emulsion made of ahnonds and sold in the streets, '^ ^^ hang' ,yan ^ch'a. Hang jin ch'd ; made of almonds, ^ ^ ■^^fX ^aiig' ^yan tso' ke'. Hang jin tso [;^] che. Amygdalinc :^ '^ ^ hang^ ^ ;^ il pak, 't'ai ^shang ^chi "li. Peh t'i sang chi li ; a discourse on an- atomy, "g* fl ^1^ p^k, 't'ai ^shang lun-. Peh t'i sang lun. Anatron, soda, ^^ ^ts'ingjim. Ts'ing yen [p^jjUj^]; spume, j^ 3fe s^*^ jkwong. Fau kw6ng. Ancestors j|§[ 'tso. Tsu, ^ ^tsung. Tsung, ffl^ 'tso ^tsung. Tsii tsung, the first ancestor, ^ fg^ "^ch'i %o. Ch'i tsii, ^^ t'di' ,kung. T'ai kung, ^1^ pi" "^tso. Pi tsii ; ancestors in general, fg^ -^ 'tso ^sin. Tsii sien, J^ jjjg^ slieung- "^tso. Shang tsu, jjtg Jh 'tso slieung". Tsii shang, -^^ ,sin jyan. Sien jin, ^ \ jts'in ^yan. Ts'ien jin ; the ancestors of three generations above one's own father are call- ed, ^^^ (ko ^tsang *^ts6. Kau tsang tsii ; male ancestor, f§ ^ 'tsb 'hau. Tsii k'au, -j^ ^ t'ai' ^kung. T'ai kung ; female ancestor, fg^^ 'ts5 "^pi. Tsii pi, ^ ^ t'ai' ^p'o. T'ai p'o ; ancestor and kindred, ^ ^^ ^tsung tsuk,. Tsung tsuh ; ances- tor and posterity, ^ ^ ^tsung ^chi. Tsung chi, ^ 0jf ,tsung p'ai'. Tsung p'ai, ^ j^ shai' bar. Shi hi. Ancestral ^ ^tsung, jj^ ,ts'z. Ts'z, «& ^ li|E 'ts5 jtsung ke'; an ancestral temple, ^J|| ^tsung miii\ Tsung miau, ^jji^ ^tsung ^ts'z. Tsimg ts'z, ^ ^ ^ka jts'z. Kia ts'z, ^ ^ ^ka miii". Kia miau, -[tf; ^ shai' shat,. Shi shih, jjf^^ ^ts'z ^t'ong ; ances- tral tablet, )|^ ^ j{^ jShan 'chll ^p'di. Shin chii P'^i' Hfi ^ 'fe 'ts6 ^sin wai". Tsu sien wei, J|^ ^ H Aulopa, Asia, Afilika 'tang ^chau; an ancient family, j^'^ shai' shat,. Shi shih, ^^ shai' ^ka. Shi kid ; an- cient and modern, "^^ 'kii kam. Kii kin; ancient characters or writings, "^^ 'ku tsz'. Kii tsz, -j^ ^ 'kii jUian. Kii wan ; of an ancient shape, -^ ^ ^ 'ku '16 yeungS Kii lau ydng ; the people of the present age are (in morality and integrity) unequal to the ancients, -^ ^ ^ ~^ ^kam pat, k'ap, 'kii. Kin pub kih kii. Ancient, the ancients, "^ \ 'ku ^yan. Kii jin ; an- cient, see ensign. Ancientry, lineage, '^jj^:^^ 'kii tsuk, ^chi ^wing. Kii tsuh chi yung. Ancillary, subservient or subordinate, ^^ A -^ "^ fuk^ jyan ^chi jk'iin. Pub jin chi k'iuen, |^^-f ^ jk'iin t'eng' ^ii ^yan. K'iuen t'ing yii jin, ^ ^i^A t'eng' ming- ^ii jan. T'ing ming yii jin, '^ \ P)X Mi <^^i iJ^^ ^^^^^ chai'. Wei jin so chi. And ^ k'ap,. Kih, ijg ping'. Ping, ^ ping'. Ping, ^ ^kim. Kien, ^ 'ch'6. Ts'ie, jfij ,1. Rh, XjauK Yu,:^ji\. Yih, MHi. Yn, .^'-jL Y6, j^ jlin. Lien, |g] ^t'ung. T'ung, ^ kung-. Kung, ^ jling. Ling, ^ k'i'. K'i ; you and I, f^^f^ '111 k'ap, "ngo. NI kih wo ; he took leave and returned home, "o"^ f?n ^ ^6' .ts'z ^i ^kwai. Kdu ts'z rh kwei ; one hundred and two, — '^^ ZL yat, pdkj (ling l^ Yih peh ling rh * ; and so forth, -^^ jWan ^wan. Yun yun ; and yet, 1^ chung^. Chimg; two and two is four, Hzi'^^ f i" jii sz'. Rh rh ju sz; nine and nine is eighteen, ZL^JU — '-pA i' '^kau yat^ shap^ p6,t,. E/h "kiti yih shih pdh. Androgynal, see Hermaplxroditical. Andromeda, a northern constellation, ^ ^ ^kwai ^sing. Kwei sing, [^ ^ kong' Jau. Kidng lau. Anecdote ^ ^ ^k'l sz". K'i sz, -j^ ^ 'kii sz'. Ku sz> ff # i^ .san^sln 'j6, ^f B# § 'hb ,shi ^man ; 'kong tiin- ,k'i to relate an anecdote. ^ ^man. Kidng twdn k'i wan, ^Ex^i^^ 'kong * See author's Grammar of the Chinese Language P.I. p. 92 &c. ANE (58) ANG tun^ ^san ,8in 'y^, ^ m^tl'^ ^i^^M '1<«°S tiin^ 'h6 siu' w4' Sii ^t'eng; to relate an anecdote about the ancients, ^ ^ "jSf f5^ ^ 'kong tiin^ 'kii 'ni t'eng. • Anemone ^ ^ ^ t'5' ^kw'ai ,hi. T'li kw'oi hi, j^ ^ ^i jkw'ai. llh kw'ei. Aneurism ^ J3)i^ J^ ^ t'iu' mak^ hiit, ^nong. T'iiu meh hiueh ncLng. Anew, over again, |^ tsoi'. Tsii, ^ fuk^. Fuh ; in a new form, |^^ tsoi' ^san, Tski sin, ^ 0f fuk^ ^san. Fuh sin. Anfractuous, full of windings and turnings, j^ ^ ^^ ^chi tsz* 'k6m y6ung*. Chi tsz kkn y4ng. Angariation, compulsion, ^i^ *k'6ung pik,. K'iang pih, Hd^ jk'an ,kung. K'in kung. Angel, a celestial messenger, ^ ^ ^t'tn sz'. T'ien shi, %^ yia ^ch'ii. T'ien ch'di, ^f f ^t'in ^shan. T'ien shin ; a spiritual messenger, %^^ jShan sz'. Shin shi. Angel-fish ^"^ZM A^ i^ ,chi lui\ Slii yd chi lui. Angelic, ") belonging to angels, ^ '^ P|lE ^t'in sz' Angelical, ) k6', ^ ^ '^ ,kwSn ,t'in sz'. Kwin t'ien shi, ^ 5c "^ R^ 1/jl i^ y^^ sz' 'k5m y^ung-. Ju t'ien shi kkn ying. Angelica ^jt pak,'^chi. Peh chi, |^f^ ,keung ut^. Kidng hwoh, ^X M M^^S ^^- Hung li. Anger, wrath, jg; ^ -fan nb\ Fan nu, '|^ ,^ -fan ub\ Fan nil, ^ ^ n6' hi'. Nii k'i, ^^ ^shang hi'. Sang k'i, ftj^ kuk, hi', ^ ^^ pcV n6^ P4u t 'fan ch'i\ nu, ^ iK chan' no'. Chin nu. Fan ch'i, ^ ^, ^nau n6\ Nidu nii; appearance of rage, |lj| jfig ^ch'an n6\ Ch'in nu, ^ i^ han* n6^ Han nii; to be in a rage, ^ ig bin n6\ K'ien nu ; to be in a great rage, -f' ^ 3fig .shap^ fan n6^ Shih fan nu, :^ ^, tiii^ n6^ T4 nu, ^ $•1 7 ^ # ,nau t6' Hiu pat, tak,. Anger, to, to excite anger, ^ ^, kik, n6'. Kih nii, f^^^ ch'uk, n6-. Ch'uh nu, j^iht tung' n6'. Tung "■i, ^ M ^W n^'- Chi nu, ^^ kik, ,nau. Kih nidu, ^ z|g ^, 76 'hi n6\ Yo k'i nu, tf |«5 ,liu ('liii) n6-. Lidu nii, :^\l ^ fim^ n6^ Fdn nii ; to quiet one's ang«ir, ^^ ^. sik, n6^ Sih nu, J^ J^. lit^ n6^ Ydh nu, it i(g 'chi n6^ Chi nii, 7; ^ 'hd hi'. Hid k'i. Angle ^ kok,. Koh, ^^ling. Ling, ^f| ,Ung kok,. Ling koh ; an angle or cox-ner in a room, ^ J^^ kok, lokj jt'au. Koh loh t'au, ^ j^ chim kok,. Chuen koh ; fovu: cornere of a table, |/t| |ip| sz' ^ii. Sz yu, (Jl| ^ ^ fij sz' chekj kok, jt'au; a right an- y;ic, -^'^ ^fong kok,. Fang koh, i|[^ chik^ kok,. Chih koh, ^ 'kii. Kii ; an acute angle, ^ ^ yui* kok,. Jui koh ; an obtuse angle, ^(^ ^ tun' kok,. Tun kok ; a spherical angle, ^ |f^ ^j link, sin' kok,. K'iuh sieu koh ; opposite angles, ^.j-^ tiii' kok,. Tiii koh ; angle (for fishing), ^ kaii. Kau, ^^^ tiu' ,u ,kau. Tidu yti knu. Anlge-rod % ^. tiiV ^kon. Tiau kdn, ■$<| |^ ^ tiii' jU ,kon. Tidu yii kdu. Angle, to, to fish with an angle, -^ ^ tiii' ^u. Tidu yii ; to fish for praise, ^ ;^ tiu' u^ Tidu yii ; to steal (angle for soles), ^^M'^ tiii' t'at shd. Tidu t'dh shd. Angled ^^ -yau ,kau. Yu kau. Angler, one that fii^hes Avith an angle, ffj ^ jf^ tiii' jii jung. Tidu yii ilng. Anglican ^ @ uj^ Ying kwok, k6' ; an anglican, ^ S P # ^ A Ying kwok, shing' lii' ^chi ^yan. Ying kwoh shing hwui chi jin, i^ ^ §9 £ ^"ItA I'ai' Ying kwok, shing' lii^ ke'^yan, J^^ H ^ # ^ ^^^ Ying kwok, shing' ui' 'che. Shuh Ying kwoh shing hwou ch6. Anglicism, an Engl, idiom, ^ ^ Z ^ ff] iP^S shukj ^chi Ying ^ts'z. Yung sl'iuli chi Ying ts'z, Bi^Z^W^ J^T^S shuk, ,chi Ying ^u. Yung shuh chi Ying yii. Anglicize, to make English, ^^^^^ A— ^ ^^»* lin^ hokj Ying jan yat, shik,. Kiau ling hioh Ying jin yih shili. Anglo-American, an, ^ T^ Wi A Ying Fdk'i ,yan ; pertaining to descendants of English- men in America, ^ ^ jpf A "^ Ying Fdk'i jan k6'. Anglo-Danish, pei-taining to the English Danes, ^ A B^ A "^ Ying Taini jan U\ jg $i g ;^ A Vji A shuk, Ying kAvok, ^chi Tdini ,yan. Shuh Ying kwoh chi Tdni jin. Anglo-Norman, an, '^ t^ f^ \ Ying Noman ,yan. Ying Noman jin ; perta,ining to the Anglo-Nor- P»an, ^ ^ ^IS pjj X ^ sliuk, Ying Noman ^yan 'ch6. Shuli Ying Noman jin che, Anglo-Saxon, an, ^ ^ Ig A Ying Saksun ,yan. Ying Sehsin jin ; pei-taining to the Saxons who settled in England, :^^ip^ Ying Saksun ke', M^M'^ K^ shuk^ Ying Saksim j\an 'ch6. Shuh Ying Sehsin jin ch^. Angry, to become, ^ jjgt fdt, n6'. Fdh mi, ^ jgt ,shang nb\ Sang nii, |$ ^ fdt, ^n5. Fdh ndu, 1^ M fat, ,nau. Fdh nidu. |^j(gjr fit, nat„ ^ ^ ,8hang hi'. Sang k'i, ,|ep^ 'hi ok, i'. K'i ngoh i ; to make one angi-y, ^ J99 A ^^ i^^" J^^- Kih nidu jin, fUSj ^ A ^^K hi"g' jVan. Kih hing J'"' WiWl^^ kik, tak, hdp/hd*p, hing', Id X ^. tung' jan ub\ l\mg jin mi, fl^ X jta ch'uk, jan no*. Ch'uli jin nu, ^ B| . A i^i" Cli") ,nau jyan. Lidu nidu jin ; irritate. Hiueh k'i hii joh, ^ ^ ^ ^ hiit, hf -yau Jai. Hiueh k'i yii kw'ei ; abundance of ditto, j^ ^ gM ^ li^^t, hi' ^k'eung chong'. Hiueh k'i k'iing chwang ; animal soul, ^ pak,. Peh, j^^ hiit, hi'. Hiueh k'i ; animal com-age, ^ ynng. Yung, §^ -fan ^yung. Pan yung, ^ ^ ;^ ^ hiit^ hi' ^chi yung. Hiueh k'i chi yung. Animalcule (pi. often animalculae) ^^ ^ ^mi jCh'ung. "Wi ch'ung, jj? ^shd ^ch'ung. Sha ch'ung, j^^s^^^ 'hin ^mi keng' jCh'ung. Hien wi king ch'ung. Animal magnetism, see Mesmerism. Animate, to, to inspire, ^ ^ 'sung tsung'. Sung tsung, 1^ ^ ^yung 'sung. Yung sung ; to urge, ^^ 'min lai^ Mien li, ff f£ Js'iii ts'uk,. Ts'ui ts'uli ; to enKven, ^'^^ chi' fai' lit,. Chi kw'ai hwoh, -jl^ y^ 1^ 'sz utj tung^ Shf hwoh tung ; to animate soldiers, j^ -E lai' ^ping, Li ping ; to animate [cheer] laborers, workmen &c., ^ ^ 'ku Tn5. Kii wii, ^J^ 'tseung laf . Tsiang li, ^ j^ kik, lai^ Kih H. Animate, alive, ^ ;^ ^ ^au lit, tung'. Yii hwoh tung ; animate and organic nature, ^ ^ ^shang mat,. Sang wuh, chik,. Fi ts'ien tung chih. Ji jts'im tung* Animated, endowed with life, ^^ ^ ^shang lit, tik,. Sang hwoh tih, ^ ^ shang mat^. Sang wuh, ^ i^ lit, p'ut,. Hwoh p'oh, ^^mM^ lit, lit, p'ut, p'ut, ti^ Hwoh hwoh p'oh p'oh ti ; lively," '(^-j^ &>f fai' lit, tik,. Kw'ai hwoh tih; vigorous, ^ ^ ^man tsit^. Min tieh, -^ ^ fdi' ts'ii'. Kw'^its'ii. Animation, Life, >^y^ ^shang lit,. Sang hwoh, ^^ utj hi'. Hwoh k'i, ^ ^ .shang hi'. Sang k'i, ^ ^ ^shang ^ki. Sang ki ; the state of being ani- mated, '1^'/^ fai' lit,. Kw'ai hwoh; sprighthness, ^'1^ (heng fdi'. K'ing kw'd.i ; in good spirits, ^ ^H "^ho Jseng ^shan. Hau tsing shin. Animative 'j^f^^^ 'sz lit, tik>. Shi hwoh tih. Animator, one that gives life, ^^^^ ts'z'^shang^ lit, 'ch6. Ts'z sang hwoh ch^ ; that which infuses life> ^)^W)^ '^^ ^*> tung- 'che. Shi hwoh tung che, ^'(^^^W^ 'pi' lit, tung- ke' mat,. Animo furandi ^^M>i^\ yau f 'seung J'au. Yii i siang J'au, ."^ ^ ^7 ^ i' tsoi' jhang sit,. 1 tsai hang tsieh. Animosity, violent hatred, -^ 1® ^ "^ ts'it, 'ch'i ,chi jch'au. Ts'ieh ch'i chi ch'au, ^A^.iJL 'ho tdi- iin' jch'au, f^,^ ban' ok,. Han ngoh ; a slight, ;P;P^' yan' kwik,. Hin kih ; to give a slight, 4^|^' ^sliang kwik,. Sang kih, ;p; iQ yan^ Jiin. Hin twan, ^t ^ kit, iin'. Kieh yuen ; a feeling of animosity, ^(^^ jUn kwik,. Hien kih. Anise seed, star, /\^ pat, kok,. Pah koh ; the large kind, A ^ tai' Jii. TA hwui ; the smaller kind. ANI (60) ANN yj>|^ 'siu jiii. Sidu hwui, yJ>|E&^ 'siii jdi ^h^ung- Sidu hwui hidng ; general name for the seed, "^ ^ jiii ^heung. Hwui hidng, |^ HI -^ ,8hl ^lo 'tsz. Shi lo tsz, -^^ jwdi ,h6ung. Hw^i hidng, jg || ^ jts'z jHiau ch'ik,. Ts'z mau ch'ih. Anisette, a cordial flavored with anise seed, ^^"^ jUi ^h6ung 'tsau. Hwui hidng tsiu. Ankle f^ B^ k6uk, 'ngkn. Kioh yen ; ankle bone, MW^-^ k6uk, Tigin kwat,. Kioh yen kuh, j^g ^ k6uk, mul^ kwat,. Kioh muh kuh, ^ B^ )|^ k6uk, 'ngan ^lau. Anklets f^]^ M\i\ ak,. Kioh ngeh. Annalist ^^ kwok, 'sz. Kwoh shI, ^^ k^m' 'sz. Kien shi, ^ gg 'sz ki'. Shi ki. Annals, a relation of events in chronological order, ffi ^ ^ le liK toi^ 'sz ki'. Lih tii shi ki, ^^ ^t'ung k&m'. T'ung kien, )^^ ^kong kirn'. Kkng kien, g| |2 l^^ok, 'ki. Kwoh ki, ^ ^ 'sz tsik^. Shi tsili, ^JS^ 'sz ch'ik,. Shi ts'eh, |^^ ,pin ^nin. Pien nien ; to write annals, ^ ^ luk^ 'sz, Luh shi, ^^ 'ki 'sz. Ki shi. Anneal, to, ^ ^ kim' ^ fu^ hbp^. Fii hoh, (see Annexation). Annihilable Pf Ji fe^ S 'lio chi' ,kwai ,m5. K'o chi kwei wA, ^ % %'■% 'sz tak, ,kwai ,m6. Shi teh kwei wii, -f^ :ff %% "^ 'pi tak, ,kwai ^h k6'. Annihilate, to reduce a thing to nothing, ^ ^ %^ ^ 'sz ^chi ^kwai ^mb. Shi chi kwei wu, 3^ i^ ^^ ^ chi' mat^ ^kwai ^loa.h. Chi wuh kwei wu ; to destroy the foi-m of a thing, 'f^ ^* ,^ ^ 'sz kwai ,u ^au. Shi kwei wu yii, f^Xl ^% C^^^n- Mieh wdng \ to annihilat,e an army, ^f^-^"^ ,chii mitj jts'iin ^kwan. Chu mieh ts'iuen kiun ; to an- nihilate friendship, ^^ tsiit^ ,kdu. Tsiueh kidu. Annihilated, reduced to nothing, ^^ jShing ,hung. Ching k'ung, ^ J ;^t7 ,kwai Miu Jiung ^mong. Kwei liau k'ung wdng, ^ |g hi' t8un^ K'i tsin, ^ 7 miit^ ^liii. Muh lidu, ^ 7 ^hung Hiu. K'ung lidu ; annihilated as an ai-my, ^"^^^ jts'tin ^kwan ,chu mit^. Ts'iuen kiun chu inicli. Annihilation ^ |[ffi ^kAvai ^mh. Kwei wii, ^ ^ hi' tsun'. K'I tsin. Anniversary ^ ,kl. KI, f.j- ^ tui' ^nin. Tui nien, ^^ tui' sui'. Tui sui, ^.J-ji tui' ^chau. Tvii chau, ^ tj ki iitj. Ki yueh ; a birth day, ^ g ,shang yat^. Sang jih, || |g} sliau' tdn'. Shau tdn.' Anno Domini (A. D.), in the year of our Lord, HD M ^ iM: J^s" kong' shai'. Jesu kidng shi. Annomination, a pun, J]3^S§^^ y'lng* ,sh^ung jkwdn ^chi ^in. Yung shwdng kwdn chi yen ; the use of words nearly alike in sound but of different meaning, U'^T-HM.Z^ ,t'ung jam pat. jt'ung i' chi jts'z. T'ung vin puh t'ung i chi ts'z, n^^^Z^ .t'ung jam i' tsz' ,chi 'ii. T'ung yin i ts'z chi y6. Anno Mundi (A.M.) ^ *ttl fl^ If I^ ^ ,t'In tf ,hoi p'ik, H ,loi. T'ien tl' k'di pih i lii. Annona, a year's production, provisions, ^{^ shik, matj. Shih wuh. Annotate, to make remarks on a writing, %^ sP'o^g ^p'ai. P'4ng p'i, 5||t ^p'ong ehii'. P'ing chii. Annotation, a commentary, |^ ^ chii' 'kii. Chii kidi ; remarks or interlinear explanations, ^ |||| jp'ongfan'. P'dng hiun, 5^:^ ^p'ong^ai. P'ang pi W ii 'c'li" ^'l^ii • Chen chii, Annotator |t ^ ^ chii' ^shii 'che. Chu shu ch6. Announce, to, to give notice, fg^ i)6' chi. Pu chi, ^ k6'. Kdu, ^ Dp k6' 86' (or sii), ^ ^ tat, ,chi. Tdh chi, 5§ ^ t'ung ,chl. T'ung chi; to announce a victory, $^^ p6' jyeng. Pu ying, ^ ^ p6' tsit^. Pii tsieh ; to announce a visitor, ^ ^ p6' ^meng. Pu ming, *§ ^ t'ung ,meng. T'lxng ming; to announce one's intention to leave, ■^ ^ k6' jts'^r. Kdu ts'~ ; to announce to the gods, ^^ 'pan ^shan. Pin shin, ^-g-^^^ pan k6' jShan ^ming. Pin kdu shin ming, )^i^jp$ tatj jii jShan. Tdh yu shin, ^ ^ 'piu ch6ung. Pidu chdng ; to announce to a superior, ^^ 'l)an ko'. Pin kdu, ^ ^ * 'pan pdk^. Pin i)eh, ^ ^ 'imn jming. Pin ming ; to announce a death, f |»^ fii* p6'. Fii pu ; to state, fjf ^ wd' ,chl. Hwd chi, 1^ shiit,. Shwoh, p ^ 'kong chi. Kidng chi ; to declare by judicial sentence, ^ ^ tcng* on'. Ting ngdn. Announcement ^if^ ^siin shi'. Siuen shi, -^Uf k6' s5'. Kki sii, ^ ^ p6' kcV. Pii kdu ; the an- nouncement of a death, ||» ^ fu' yam. Fu yin; to make an announcement, :^ ^f ^t'au sb'. T'au sii ; the annoimcement, |g ^ ^t'au jts'z. T'au ts'z, ff f^ s6' ,ts'z. Sii ts'z. Announcer, one tliat gives notice, ^ "a" ^ P^' ^6' 'ch6. Pu kdu chd, |g ^ ^ ,t'au so' 'ch(j. T'au sii ch6. Annoy, to, fj":^ 'td'kdu. Td kiAu, '^A wan\yan. Hwan jin, '^f^j wan' ndu'. Hwan uau, ify'^ ,ii wan', Hii hwan, fjilf.g: k^iu Hii. Kidu ydu, ^^ Man' cht^ung', Hwan ching, ^)^ pdk, im'. Peh yen, PE ^ pd pai, fl^;^ ,k'iu nau, K'idu niii, f^^jnu iiiu\\ Mo nin, ^|| ,k'iu ,n{in. K'i^u n&n, ^f^ ,Im miin'. Yen mMun, ;f|fvi im ohim. Yen chen, ^ j^ fin Si6. Fdn ndu, ^ j^lj! Jan Mli. Fdn yiiii, ^^ ts'6' Mii. l^u vdu. .f)!^ ,s6 'iii. Sdu ydu, -f^ ^ ,kon ,fin. Kan fdn, 1| Uf ,keng tung*. King tung; to annoy by petitions, ^^f^ ndu' 'pan t'lp,, N4u pin t'ieh ; to annoy * An expression not uavd in the south of China. ANN (61) ANO Lau sau, Annoyer Hp AnnoyinE: B| sui, Dji: Pi superiors, J^ /^ sheung" tuk,. Shdng tuh, ^ jg mo- tuk,. Miiu tuh, ^ ^ sit, t'eng'. Sieh t'ing, ^^1^ sit J man-. Sieh man; to annoy with words, to bother, (fp j^ 'lau 'ts'6. Ldu ts'au, ^ pf ^m pat, h5p, "li,*^ 3^ ngoi' -li. Ngdi li, ^ (D5&) ^ yik, (ngdk,) "'11. Nila 11. Anomalously ^ j|p ^ pat, shun' li. Puh shun IS„ ^ ^ ^ pat, .ts'un "11. Puh siun 11. Anomaly, deviation from the common rule, yf^^JM ^ pat, hop, -11 'did. Puh hob 11 che, f|^ ngof -11. Ngai 11. Anomy ^£^ fan' fat,. Fan fdh, '[f ^ piii'fdt,. Pel fah, ^ ^ .wai fat,. Wei fah, ^ ^ 'miii fat,. Miau fall, ^^ ,kon fat,. Kan f&h. Anon '^ fiij fai' tik,. Kw'ai tih ; now and then,, :^ Bf 'yau jShi. Yii shi ; ever and anon, B$ H$ jSM' .shi. Shi shl, '^ ^ .sheung .shi. Chang shi, ^ .chau .shl. Chau shl, ^ ^ pat, chiit,. Puh chueli. Anonium, dead nettle, ^ ^ tsuk^ tiin^ Suh tw^it^ A NO Anonymity [5^:^ ^ nik, jtucng che. Nih ming ch<;, M^^ jino ,men<> 'ch6. Wii ming che. Anomymous ^^f^ij nik, jineng tik,. Nih ming tih, ;^ pdk^. Peh, ^ P^ (^) pak, k^'. Peh tih, U^ ffy ^mh jmong tik,. Wii ming tih ; an anonymous placard, |ffi;g iji^ ^mo ^meng t'lp,. Wii ming t'ieh, SIMWi^ pakj ^t'au t'ip, 'tsz. Peh t'au t'ieh tsz, ^ ^ pdk^ t'ipj. Peh t'ieh ; to stick on an anony- mous placard, lA ^ ijl^ t'ip, pak^ t'ip,. T'ieh peh t'ieh, lA 3 "^ tip, P'l'^i ,chau. T'ieh peh chdu, ^^■^iti^ "i^ s"ficng k'it, t'ip,. Nih ming k'ieh t'ieh. Anonymously Pg-[U;g ^m ch'ut, ^meng, :f\i\^^ pat, ch'ut, meng tsz'. Peh ch'uh ming tsz. Anorexy :^:g^^ pat, 'hi shik^ 'che. Puh hi shih ch<5, Hoi®^ s"^ 'sdung shikj. Wii sidng shih, '^ 'S>^ pat, ^sz shikj. Puh sz shih. Another ^|j pit,. Pieh, ^ ^A. T'a, || i-. 1, ^ ling^. Ling, ^ yau^ Yii ; another person, ^|j ^ pitj jan. Pieh jin, j^ \ ^t'd ,yan. T'a jin ; ano- ther" one, 5lj>^|^^ pit, ko' tik,.' Pieh ko tih, ^ZL >^P^ tai- i- ko' ko', M¥U Pit> tik, W; another day,^ i^yat,. Ijih, #, g ;t'd yat^. T'ajih, -^ ling'yat,. Lingjih, ^ ts'z' yat,. Ts'z jih, ^- a tai^ i^ yat^. Ti rh jih, ia g yik^ yat. Yih jih ; another affair, ^lj^||^$^ pit, y6ung- sz^ kon'. Pieh ydng sz kdn ; another (difFcrent) affair, ^(Sj-^^ pat, jt'ung ,chl sz'. Puh t'ung chi sz ; to be of another mind, ^,g,yf^|^ i' sz' pat, jt'ung. I sz puh t'ung ; another yet ? — -^^0=^ yat, ko' ^t'im^md. Yihkot'icn [^] mo; one with another, 1^;^ jt'ung ^mai. T'ung mfii ; three days one after , another, ^ ^ jlin ,sdm yat^. Lien sdn jih ; > one another, ^ i^ li' ^s6ung. Uu siang, f^ ^ pi 'ts'z. Pi ts'z, ;;fj ^ tai" ,kd. T^ kia ; another look, 1^ ^ tsoi' 't'ai. Tsdi t'i ; another place, ^|j 1^ pit, ch'u'. Pieh ch'u ; to remove (or move) to . another place, ^ ^ ^ij ;^ ,piin hu' pit^ ch'u'. Pwdn k'ii pieh ch'u, -Anotta ^^XM fe '^^^^ M^^^S i}'^"^^ shik,. Mei hung yen sih. Unsatcd, havnig a handle, :^ /l^ -yau pong'. Yii ping ; take hold of the handle, t^-ffe^^^^" ,chd chil' ko' jt'iu peng'. Chd cliii ko t'iiiu ping. Anscr ^ ^ngo. Ngo. Anserine i/nMJk^kW S^ J shau- man' tik,. Shau wan tih, ^ Pt0 ^ fukj man- tik,. Pub wan tih ; he is accountable for everything, i^^j^jUL^pJ] kok, sz' ^wai V& shi' man*. Koh sz wei t'd shi wan ; be must bear the consequences, 4?^^^ ^cbiin chdk, ,ii ^t'd. Chuen tseh yii t'li, ^J ff. |^,;. fg ,kwan hai' kwai 'k'u, ^ii^M <-'l'ak, vam- tsoi' .t'd. Tseh jin tsdi t'a. % ^'p5 ,kd. Pdu kid, ^ ^ 'p6 'ling. Pi'iu ling; suitable, ^)^ hop^ yung'. Hob yung; coiTCsponding, '^^ i»6pj shik,. Hob shih; suited, ^ cb6uk,. Choh, ^ jfl cheuk, yung'. Choh Answerableness ^A^Plj^ shau' ^van ^ch( man' 'cb(5. Shau jin chi wan che. It ^^^ ^ E tt jtong 'p6 ^kd chi chung' yam'. Tdng pdu kid chi Chung jin, t^^Zmi^i .tong p6 ^kd .chi ^kwdn hai'. Tdng pdu kid chi kwdn hi ; corres- pondent, ^ ^ liop, shik,. Hoh sliih, ^ ^ chduk, yung'. Choh yung, \jl^ ,ngdm. Answerer ^^ tip, 'cbd. Tdh che, [eJ^^ ji'ii wd" 'cht*. Hwui hwd che ; one who gives an answer in writing, 5^ [eJ ^ ^ 'se jUi jam 'che. Sic hwui yin ch(5. Ant iH ^ngai. I ; the white ant, ^ ^ pik, 'ngai. Peh i ; the black ant, ^ ^ hdk, ^ngai. Heh i ; the large red spotted ant, || Jung. Lung, Jj^ ^ ANT (63) ANT ^ch'ang [,ting] oi. Ting i; winged ants, ^^ /I Fi i, S^ yikj "ngai. Yih i, ^ wai'. Wei; a large species of ants, ^ i^ ^p'i /an, $]|^ ^ ^p'i jfu. P'i fu ; the small red ant, ^ ^ ^ ^wong ^sz 'ngai. Hwang sz f ; as numerous as ants (said of banditti), ^ ^ ^ngai tsu'. I tsii ; an ant-hill, ^ §1 *ngai jt'au. 1 t'au, ^ j^ ^ngai ^yau. I k'iu ; ant's eggs, ^ jCh'i. Ch'i, ^ ^ 'ngai ^ch'un. t ch'vm, ^^P 'ngai "^lun. I Iwdn; the ant queen, ^ ^ /^ tai- -ngai ^kung. Ta I kung. Anteater, scaly, Manisor Pangolin, ^^j^ ^ch'iin ^shan kap^. Ch'uen shan kiah. Antagonist ^ tik,. Tih, ^ ^ ^ch'au tik,. Ch'au tUi, ^^ tui' tik>. Tui tih, ^^ tik, 'sliau. Tih shau, ^ H tui' ,t'au. Tui t'au, f/L^ ^ch'au ^ka. Ch'au kia, ^ ^\lm ^ka. Yuen kid. Antagonistic, contending against men, jl^X^lt ^^K jan ke', ^ A&\f ^^i J^^ ^ik,- Tih jin tUi ; an- tagonistic (applied to the nature of things), ^^ tik, hr. Tih k'i ; mutually antagonistic, i^ ^ ^seimg tikj. Siang tih. Antalgic, see Anodyne. Antaplu-odisiac ^ f§* ^ ;^ ^ S c^"™^ c^^^^a -^^^^ y^uk,. I kan ting chi yoh. Antaphrodisiac, or medicine that lessens the venerial appetite, MM^^ '^^j T^K '»«? jkwai 'i'l ShCiung' tai'. J jin ts'ing kwoi yu Shing ti. Ajithropophaari ^ A ^' ^^^^^t siX^^ ^^^- ^1"'' J*" ch6. Anthropophagous ^ A I^ ^" ^^^K 5^*" y^^>^ ^^^^^' Shih jin juh cho, ^ A f^ shik, ,yan V6\ Anti, against, ^ tik,. Tih, ^ 'fdn. Tan, ^ piii'. Pei, jlH jWai. Wei ; in place of, f^ toi'. Tdi, ^ t'ai'. T'i. Antibilious, curing or counteracting bilious com- plaints, ^m&z^ s 't^n^ t'»""??' .^'^'^ t"'*^'- f tdn ching chi tsi. Antic, oldfashionerHlJ^1^ pat, ch'ut, 'sho liu'. Pub eh'uh so lidu; who would have anticipated that? g^ 3|^ ^shui liu^ Shui lidu ; I did not anticipate that. 3|^ ^ ^Ij lid' ^m t6', # [»g fS shai' .m 'kd. Shi wu [pub] ku, 3(^:^i^ liii' pat, k'ap,. Lifcu pub kih, MM^M i' seung pat, t6'. f sidng puh tdu; to make previous arrangements, J| jj^ u' pi'. Yii pi, j^ gjf ii' jfong- Yd fdng ; to anticipate with certainty, ^^ jk'i mong*. K'i wdng; why should we anticipate our son-OMs? jaf -^^ ^ jbo ,sin ^yau mun'. Uo sien yd mwdn. Anticipated, taken before, ^M^M M"^ ^s'a kwo'. Sien ts'ii kwo; foreseen, ^ j^ ii' kin'. Yd kien, m^M <■»' kok, kwo'. Yd kioh kMo. ^^nM u' ,sin lid' kwo*. Yd sien lidu kwo ; concoiveil by presentiment, ^^Vb 9t ^* r*^" ^"^' ^^^ • ^" sien ngdn kioh. Anticipation, the taking l)efoi-ol)and, ^flU sin 'ts'ii. Sien ts'u ; slight previous impression, 5l:5ti^tt a* sin ,mung kok,. Yd sien mung kioli, Vt H 6m' kok,. Ngdn kioh, "^^^ItZ^ ^^' .^<" ^'^' kok, ,chi &z\ Yd sien ngin kioh chi sz ; foresight, ANT ^^ ir kin'. Yu kien, ^^ ir tok,. Yxi toh ; by anticipation, ^^ ii' ,sin. Yu sien. Anticly, in an antic manner, "^:^'j^'kn'lo yenng". Ku Ian yang ; Avith I'ancil'ul appearance, "^'l^;^ ^ 'kn kwai' ^clii yenng'. Kii kw6,i clii y^ng ; oddly, 'l^ ^ ;^ # kwdi' 1- ^chl y^unsf . Kwdi i chi y^ng. Anticontagious, destroying contagion, jj^ ^ ^ ^»J niit, "im peng' tik^ Mieh yen ping till, ^ ^ i^ ^^ ^cli'ii -im tsat^ tik,. Cli'n yen tsih till, ^-f^^ ^ ^ jCli'ii jCli'un 'ini chi lii\ Cli'u cli'ucn yen chi k'i. Antics -^ .|^ ^ ^ 'ku kwAi^ ,chi s/r. Ku kw^ii chi sz> %kM^^ '^^^'^^ '^^^ S^^^ ^^'' M W ^"' luug"- Hi lung, ^^ In" 'shd. Hi sha, p ^ jj'di yau. P'di yu, ^ -J -filJr '1^ P|t ^ '('1»nS 'l^u ts5^ kwai' ke' sz". Antidotal :^ ^ ^<| ,kung tuk, tik,. Kung tuh tih, 1^^^^ ,k'u tuk, tik. ' K'ii tuh till, |^.^ilKj 'kai tuk, tiky Kiiii tuh tih, ^l^^^i^ shuk, init, tuk, ,chi 'li. Shuh mieh tuh chi li. Antidote, an, jfr- ^ ^ ^ kai tuk, ^chi yeufc,. Kiki tuli chi yoh, "j^^-^^J san' tuk, chi tsai. San tuh chi tsi, ;^ ^ -^ ^ ,kung tuk, chi yeuk,. Kung tuh chi yoh ; antidote of sorrow, f^ ^ >^ ^siu ^yau /ong. Siau yu fang, ^-f. ^ '^ 'kdi jau ^fong. Kiai yii fang. Antifanatic, an opposer of fanaticism, ^ '^ ^ :^ tik, nl" kdii' 'che. Tih ni ki^u ch6 ; a tolerant person, ^J^^\y^ /6n tai^ toi' ^yan 'ch^. Kwan td tai jin die. Antifebrile ^^^^^ S ^^> ^lii"o' tik,. I jeh cliing tih, '/p j/C^ ^^^^' 'f° ching'. Chi ho ching ; antife- brile medicine, ^ ^ 0. ^^ ^ ^ itj ching' tik, yeukj. I jeh cliing tih yoh, j^^^l^^^ chi' 'fo ching' k^'yeuk,. Antilithic, a remedy against stone in the bladder, ^ ^Wf^^ i slid, ,1am ^chi y^uk,. t shd lin chi yoh. Antilithic, tending to prevent the formation of stone in the bladder, jt)§m)^^ZM '^^ ,p'ong ^kwong jshing shek, ,chl yeuk,. Chi p'^ng kwdng ching shih chi yoh. Antilogy ^ #" ^ ^ pui' ,ts'in i' 'chc. Pei ts'ien i eh^, ^ U ^' '3=j ^f^n ,ts''in chi .ts';;. Fdn ts'ien chi ts'z. Antimacassar R^ fP i^ ^ k^k, hon: 'i po'. Keh hdn i pu. Antimason, one opposed to masonry, ||^5^^|i^:^ tik, ,kw'ai 'kii ui' 'che. Tih kw'ci kii liwui chc. Antimasonic, opposing freemasonry, ^'^j^.%'^^ tik, jkw'ai 'kii lii^ tik,. Tih kw'ei kii hwui tih, "^ M^^^U Piii' ,kw'ai 'kii ui^ k6'. Antimeter 2; ^ if^ ;^J <^ ^ J^ung tok, .ling kok, ,chl hi', iiidng toh ling koh chi k'i. Antiministcrial, opposed to the ministry, ^@;^^ k'ong' kwok^ tdi' ,shan. K'dng kwoh t& chin, ^ '^ k'ong' ,kun. K'dng kwdn ; opposed to the government, ^ |f ^ k'ong' hat, tik,. K'ang (65) ANT hiah tih, f^ ft |f tik, 'kun hat,. Tih kw^n hidh. Nib men II ^ yik, ^k'iin hat, 'clu^ hiah che, Antimonarchical, opposed to monarchy, "^^^^Q j^ |^ ("^^ong tuk, '^cliii _^chl kwok, 'eh6. Tih wilng tuh cliii chi kwoh che. Antimony ^^^^ an' ti' ,mo jii (^;g). Amtimoralist, an opposer of morality, "^ "^ '^ ;^ \ piii' ^sau tak, ^chi ^yan. Pei siii teh cM jin, ^ tr ^ ^ yik> J^^^S shin' 'che. Nib hang- she n die. Antir omian tit ^ •^ A l"ii' ^^^^ c^lii iJ^^- ^^^ ^^* chi jin, ^^^ yik, fdt^ ,ch6.' Nib fdb ch6. Antinomy, a contradiction between two laws, pj^^ 'is R 'l^^^ii^o ^^tj ^seung 'fiin. Liang fl,li siang fdn, Zl ^i>0 ^ i' f^t jSeung pui'. Rh fdh sidng^ pei. Anti-papal, opposing popery, ^^^iflct^f k'ong" ^t'ln 'chii kdu' tik . K'dng t'ien cliii kidu tih, # ^ ± it "IE P'li' c^'in chii kau' k6'. Anti-papistic, opposed to papacy, ^ 5c i ^ ^^ k'ong' ,t'in 'chii kau' tik,. K'ing t'ien chu kiSu tih, #^±ft''^ P^i' y^ '^^1^ k^^' ^^'■ Antipathetic, ") constitutional aversion to a thing'. Antipathetical, j J\j>J^^^ c^^f^"^ ^^' tik^. Sin yen tih, j^ ^, g(f im' u' tik,. Yen wii tih ; very averse to, ^if j^ P|E '^^^ S^ ^^'• Antipathy, aversion, ^ ^ im* ti'. Yen wu, ,im li'. Hien wii, Im'hi'. Yen k'i, S dt ,yau lii^ Yu lii ; disquietude, ^ ]^ nim^lir. Nien lii ; uneasiness, ^,2!> J^^ i^^' ^" ^^' S55^ jau 5I6. Yu liu, ^. ,g. tsiii ,sz. Tsidu sz, ^jj jtsiii ,yau. Tsiiu yd, i,^^ ^tsiii t«'6'. Tsidu ts'du ; great anxiety, t(^ j^ ^sam ,tsiu. Sin tsian, ^ ^ kw6,' jAvdi. Kwd hwdi, :^ ^ yik, wat,. Yih yuh, tSM ■"' P^it^'Ci'T iin fon?' tak, ^sam hd', ^ # ifip ||g # jau tak, 'hit ,kwdn haiS ^ # ^ 88 rat, yb. Yuh f du. ^ 'Ck* >f^ T^ ^0"g' (Sani |)at, hd*. Fdng sin puh hid, ^'^^% fong' sampat, tak,. Ffingsin puh teh, i ^ I ngai' ,f in 'chii kdu' jwong. Wei f ien chu kidu wdng. Antiquarian, an, one who studies into the history of ancient things, jff "j^ ;^ A ^1^' kii ^chi jan. kii chi jin, III "^ ^ A P^k, 'kii ^chi jan. Poh kii chi jin ; a lover of antiquity, l^'j^jj^ ^ shdung' 'kit tsik, 'ch6. Shdng ku tsili oh6 ; an antiquarian shop, "^ ^ ^| 'kii lin' p'6'. Kii wdn P'^, "i" ^ M 'ku 'tung p'5'. Kii tung p'd ; ditto one where old and rare books can be got, -^ H; ^^ 'ku 'tung ^shii p'cV. Kii tung shu p'u. Antiquate, to, to make old, ^5ill fai"ch'i. Fei ch'i. Antiquated ifr:^)^^ 'kii '16 tik,. Kii Idu tih ; obso- lete, ^ ^ n^ fai' 'ch'i kc'. Antique, old, "^ ^ 'kii 'lb. Kii Idu, "^ ^ j^ 'kii % tik,. Ku lixu tih, -^nif^ 'kii ,shi ke'. Kii siu k(5, -^ B^ffy 'kii ,shi tik,. Kii shi tih ; old-fash- ioned, -^ M^iiE 'kii /ung k6', -^ M,^ 'kii hing tik,. Kii fung tih; odd, -^% 'ku kwai'. Kii kAvdi, »^ ^ kwdi' i\ Kwdi 1; rare (as curios), -^ 3^ 'ku lin-. Kii wdn, -^ ^ 'ku 'tung. Ku tung; sec Antic. Antiquity -^ B$ 'ku ^shi. Kii shi, :fit:-^ ^wong 'kii. Wdng ku ; high antiquity, _t ^ sheung^ 'ku. Shing kii, J: f^ shdung^ shai'. Shing shi ; the time of Wan wdng, about 1100 B. C, Pjl "^ ^chung 'ku. Chung kii ; the time of Confucius, "J^"^ hd' 'kd. Hid'kii; remains of antiquity, -j^ |g 'ku 'tung. Kd tung, -^ g^ 'kii tsik,. Ku tsih. Antirevolutionary, opposed to a revolution, ^ff^'^ ^ k'ong' tsok, liin' tik,. K'dng tsoh Iwdn tih ; opjjosed to a change in the form of a government, ^^■^■i^I^^J "i' 'kii ching' tik,. Ni ku ching tih. Antirevolutionist ^ ff |L ^ piii' tsok, liin^ 'ch6. Pei tsoh Iwdn che, M'^i^ii ^^' 'ku ching' 'ch6. Ni ku cliing ch.6. Antiscorbutic, ) '/jo? 3a ^^ chi* ^tsii tik,. Chi tsii Antiscorbutical, j tih ; counteracting scurvy, ^^ ^ [^ 'chi ,tsii tik,. Chi tsu till. Anti.scriptural, not accordant with the S. S., yfi ^ ^ 1^ pat, h6pj shing' ^shii. Puh hob shing shu, ^ R^^^ ,^^^S 'f^ii shing' ,king. Siing fin shing king. Antiseptic, counteracting a putrcscent tendency, \\- ^Mtj^l 'clii fd' l^n' tik,. Chi fu Idn tih. Antiseptic, a medicine which resists putrefaction, it i^ WjM Z m '^'l^i tsok, tung* Idn' ,chi y<5uk.. •Chi tsoh tung Idii chi yoh. Antislavory, opposition to shivery, ^tB^MA>^ ^ k'ong' *k'ii ^mdi mii* ,yan ^chi sz*. K'dng k'li ANX j^jVl^ ,16 ^sam. Liu sin, ^^ lir nim-. Lii nien, ^^Ci''fe.'t& J^ <®^°^ 't'*^"^ 'fan. Laii sin fan t'an, Aj^it'^'Va^i f»|^ 'fwf ^ pat, lun^ jho ch'ii' ; in any place, i^-J^ kok, ch'li'. Koh ch'u ; above any thing, ^^ tsui' ^sin. Tsui sien ; not any one, iff. — -/j^ jab yat, ko'. Wu yih ko; anywhere, Pal^^lS c^ l^^i" cPiii ch'ii', ^ ^1^J^ pat, jk'ii jho ch'ii'; will you go any fur- ther? i^M'ffM'^^^ '^^ 'scung jhang "un ^ti ^nie; have you any more to say? i^M^Ma^M^}i '^^ chun^ -yau shiit, wa' ^mo ^ni; without any more ado, iH ^j tsik, hak,. Tsih k'eh, :f ^^^^ pat, pit, jto 'kong. Puh pieh to kiang ; is any body here? ^A-jSittS T^^^ J^^ ^^^i' ^ts'z ^mo. Yu jin tsai ts'z mo, ^ APj^^^^ T^^ cjan 'hai ch'ii' ^me ; I do not want any thing, -^ i^ ^ P^ ^ mat, -ye ^to ,m oi', # ^ ^ Pg ^ hai' young- ,t6 ,m iu', WfBMM^X-^1 sham^ ,mo ,tung ,sai ^to pat, iii' -liii. Shin mo tung si tu puh ydu Uau. Aorta, the great artery, |^||)i^^ 'tsung mak, 'kun. Tsung meh kwan. Apace, with a quick pace, ^ fy kap^ c^iang. Kih hang, ^ ^^ ij^ (hang tak, fai' Hang teh kw'di, tf ^^j£ jhang tak, kap, ts'uk,. Hang teh kih suh, ^ # -y^ 'tsau tak, fdi'. Tsau teh kw'di, ft j^ ^mong ts'uk,. Mang suh, '{"t ^ ^mong pik,. Mang pill, ^ft ^ts'ung ,mong. Ts'ung mdng, -^ MM^ ,hung ^hung ^ts'ung ^ts'ung. K'ungk'ung ts'ung ts'ung. Apart, separate, f^ |^ kak, ^hoi. Keh k'ai, j^^p^ jli ^hoi. Li k'di, ^ ^ ^fan ,hoi. Pan k'ii ; separa- tely, f^ ^ kin' ^hoi. Kien k'ai, f^ ^ kin' kik,. (67) APE Kien keh, ^ ^ ,sho kan'. Su kien, p^ ^ kik, hii'. Keh k'ii, j^ ^ ^sho ^hoi. Sii k'ii; to lay apart, ij^ ^ ^sliau ^mii. Shau mii ; to set apart (as a person for an office), ^ -^ on' 'shau. Ngiin shau ; to dwell apart, J^ Jg sik, ^kii. Sih kii» ^^ ling' 'shan ycuk^. Pii shin yoh, PJ^^H .kwai ,lon'„' c-hi ycuk^. Kwei fdng chi yoh ; pills ditto, JjJ: \^)j -j\^ cliong' ,y«^ung .fm. Chwdng ydng hwan. Ai)hro(lite, in China, ^ ^ ^ ^ ,kan» fa j)'6 sat,. Kin hwd p'i'i siih ; a name of vcmis, '^ -^ ^fjl^ ^ 'ku ^kam ^sing ^shan .meng. Kii kin sing shin ming. Aphtous, pertaining to thrush, p pl]^^ hau noi' Idn* ching'. K'au uiii Ian ching. Apiary ^ ^ j^- V^""?? vaa.\ ,tbng. Yang mih fang. Apiastnim, a kind of mint, ^ ^ ^ts'ai (Hing. IVi ning. Apiece ^ — • 'niiii yat,. Mei yih ; to eacl> one apiece, ^^^^ — • Sniii jan tak, yat,. Mei jin teh yih ; a cash a piece, — • "^ — -^ yat, ^nian yat^ ko'. Yih wan vih ko. lau^ Id'. Lau liia ; an aperture Apis, an ox, — "^ ^ yat, chek^ sOgau- Yih chih Sliih wiUi puh hwa, ^^^ |i^ ^ ^. hung kak, ai' chai'. Uiung keh i r.hi, ^ pg jk {^ shik> ^ H^ pat, yap, shing' ,king chi ,shii. Puh jih shing king chi shu ; books ()p])os(xl to the Sacre '>^1\ '*'''"S' k«»g A'I'i .shii. I'uli hob shing king chi sini, '^iE$t.^^F pui' ching' kdu' ,chi ,8hi\. Pei ching kidu chi shu. Vpocryphal, n<)t canonical. If^^^fy pat, ,king tik.. Puh king till. :/f; AWfl\J l»'>r yJM>i ■!<'"" ^^^ ■ '*"•' jih king tih ; f|S\>y kdm6'. Kid nuiu 'kd X%(t, Kid tsie, JIU ^ kd t'ok,. Kid foh ; licti • An expresrion »u<»d by womon whon qiian«ling with weh uUmc. APO (69) APO tious, ^/^ ;fong jt'ong. Hwang t'dng; doubtful, ^^^ij 'yau ,i tik,. Yu i tih. Apodictical, evident beyond contradiction, ^^j $^ ^ tik, k'ok, tik,. IMh k'ioh tih, >Bg ^ ^ij k'ok, shatj tik,. K'ioh sliih tih ; clearly proving, ^^l HJ3 '^hi jming. Chi ining, J^ ^ 'chl shatj. Chi shili. Apodictically ^' ^ k'ok, tsok,. K'ioh tsoh, i^ ^^ k'ok, jin. K'ioh jen, ^ ^' ^ ^ k'ok, k'ok, tsok^ tsok,. K'ioh k'ioh tsoh tsoh, ^ VU }cM^' sk'au ^ts'ing 'che. K'iu ts'ing ch6 ; one who speaks in defense of another, f^ A. ^Ill ^^' J^^ shiit, jts'ing. Tai jin shwoh ts'ing, A ^ tl'i' ^'•■^^' sy*^"^ 'kong jts'ing. T'l jin kiang ts'ing, ^41 ^ X j^'<> s*^^ jan. Ho sz jin. 'kong .ts'ing. K'an ts'ing, t't'lw '*''^ <^s'ing. ij- ^ 't'6 jiu. T'au yAu, >}e "^ ,k'au Apologize, to, to make an apology, jts'ing. Kiang ts'ing, |^ ^ shiit^ jts'ing. Shwoh ts'ing, ^M s^''^" (ts'ing. K'iii ts'ing, ^M '^^^^ T'au ts'ing, ,iu. K'iii ydu, jj^*^ |^- inai* yeuk, .ts'oi 'cIk'-. Mai yoli tsVii cho, || ^|]) j^ ^. vtMik^ p'o' ,siu ,slianj;. Yoli p'l'i sicii sanj; ; uii i apothecary's sJiop, * l^'jjtfilli y<^'"^'. j^^'oi p'lV, ^ ¥i lU y('u\ jts'oi tim'. Y'oh ts'ai tion ; a jjlaee , where (li-iii5:s are prepared, ^ 'J^ ^ 5^ ehai' lin' yeuk^ ^^ox\<^. Chi lien yoli lam;-. Appall, to, to terrify, ^^..'^ liinif; hiik,. K'lmi^ hih, , ^# ^^ ^cheung ,ch6ung. Chdng chdng, ^\^ ^eheungjming. Chdngming, iiaf/.eh'iu ,ch(hing. Ch'du cluing, ^0 16' 'hin. Lu hien, ^3^ 16' in'. Lii hien, JEg |ij in' ch'ut,. llicn ch'uh, pf J^ ^ 'ho 'i kin'. K'o i kion, pf * TUoKC who dcnl in drugs on a largo scaU' uro cuUecl, ^5W*TT y6uk, jts'oi thong. Yoh ts'fti hang, i.e. Hong (mor( luiiit). For- eigners who witth to diBiKtsu of foreign or to i»irohas(> natire •drugs on a large scale, should always use this term. ^ f^ ho kin' tak . Iv'o kien teh, p[ ^ Ik. kin'. K'o kion, |@^^ hill jiii. llion jen ; heir apparent to the }<: fjfj- ^ 'hin ^in jts'ing ,hu. Uicn jen ts'ing hii', 'i^ ff. }^ ^ 'hin liai'" ,hQ jm6 ; seeminglv, jj^- ^ f^ ho 'ts'z hai'. Hau bz W. ti^i' Wy(^uk,. S'//joh, ^ ^s'z. S/„ >|l ip^ 'ts'z ^u. Sz hu, |g */c Mm ,in. Yen yen, >JH 1^ Hs'z shuk . Sz shuh,' ^ ^ 'ts'z kok,. »z kioh, ^ f^. ts'z liai'. Sz hi ; a])pai-ently true, hut really wrong, iiX ^ '\fn §^ 'ts'z shi' /i ,fi. Sz shi i-h ti. A])parition, a glu>st, ^ kwai. Kwei, U ^ 'kwM miii'. Kwei mei, )|g5^ ,li raiii'. Li mei, ^'{^ JA kwai'. Yau kwai, ^/^ ;f| ^iu ,mo. Y4u mo, ^ ^ ^iii mui'. Yiiu mei, ij(^*^ ju tseng. Y4u tsfng, 5|,»j^ 'kwai kwdi . Kwei kwai, ^^ 'mong Mcung. Wdng Hang. >j^ ^. kwai' sui'. Kwdi sui ; ^ g * ^iu hi'. Ydu k'i; ^^ • ,iu /an. Yau fan, ^ ^ • * ^6 ,fan. Sic tafi, .^^ * • ok, ,fan. Ngoh fan, ^ ^ jling ^ikn. Ling fan, ^ ^ ^fan ,wan. Fan yun ; a visihle ohject, ^ ^ in' matj. Hien wuh ; a vision, ^^7 n"m^' wan'. Mung hwi>n. Apparitor ^ \v. Li, -j^^ tso' li'. Tso li. Apjieal, to refer to a superior court. J;^ ^ shoung* hung'. Shang k'ung, J;. ^ sheung' k6'. Shiing k^". M»l\ ^^^i ^^'- Yueh sii, ^ J:,-^ fu' sheung' k6'. Pu shang kiiu, JtJlBj^^lJC 'sheung sheung* jSZ k6' chong', ^ _t. ^ "«" ^F *'^' sheung' sb k6' s6*. Fu shang sz kau su, Wf>j±!^l kwo' ^ngi sheung' hung'. Kwo yd shang k'ung. JlJlS]^ n Mt ^i Wi6ung sheung' ,sz jUgii ^mun tai' 'pan ; to refer to another for the decision of a question, ^^ jt'au s6\ T'au sii, fJ^J^Jf -yeung s6'. Ving su, ^ff fiV s6'. Fu si'i ; ditto in writing, :^ ^ I'au jts'z. T'au ts'z, ff ^ s6' ^ts'z. Su ts'z, ^ f^ kiV 'pan. Kii pin ; I appeal to your feelings. '^ ^ ^oi jk'au. Ngdi k'iu : to apjK'al agixin and JigJUB, ^^M^ tsoi' sdm oi 'han. IVdi siin ngAi k'an.' Appeal, to, to charge with a crime, ^^ k6 chong*. Kdu eliwung. Appeal, the removal of a («uso of suit from an inferior to a higher trihunal. Jl.}$ sheung' hung'. Shang k'ung ; to issue a summons to answer a charge, p'iu! P'idu, ^»^. .ch'ai p'iu', Ch'di p'idu, yy ch'ut, p'iii'. Ch'uh p'iiu, |jj^ ch'ut, ,ts'im. Ch'uh ts'ien ; a very urgent summons (not written, but heing a longitudinal hoanl with the following charactoi-son), SJIiSjii^j ngdng',t'au ts'iin. Ngang t'au ts'ien ; an appeal to arms, :^i ^ jjjl; ,Ui }i& 'fo. Lui kid ho, Uj jg/>Jl; ch'ut, .kd 'fo. Ch'uh kii ho. Jtt ill tP^^ ^"^^- 1*^" '"*'• • These forl)odc evil. * • These two forplKnle luek. APP (71) APP Appealalile, that may be i-emoved to a hie^hei- tri- bunal for decision, f5|" J^ jf^ 'lio slicung' htmg'. K'o sbang k'lmg. Appealed, vemoved to a bigliov coui't, _t. :j^n M sheung' bung' kvvo'. Shang k'ung kwo, J^ >^ Jl "J "o^ ?Uc "sbeung kwo' sbeung" sz ko' cbong^. Shdng kwo sbang sz kau cbwaug. Appealer Jt^^^ sbeung- hung' 'che. Shdng k'ang che, ±j§,^UK sli^Liug- hung' ke' ,yan. Appealing, removing a cause to a higher tribunal, h )^ sheung^ hung. Shang k'ung ; referring to another for a decision, ^xilf.HllilT s^'^'^ s^' '^ts'eng tiln'. T'au sii ts'ing twan. Appear, to, to be visible, ]^ in'. Hien, ^ 16'. Lii ; to become visible, {jj fl^ ch'ut^ ,t'au. Ch'vih t'au, ^ ^ ch'ut, in^ Ch'uirhien, f^i| fat, m\ Fah hien, ^ {f| 16- ch'ut,. Lii ch'uh, ^ fg 16" in'. Lii hien, ^ ill ^'^^^^' ^^ • ^'^^'^ hien, Jj^|§ Jau 16^ liu Id, ijg ^ ^ch'iu chu'. Ch'au chu, ^'^ 'hin chi\'. Ilien (ihu, J^ |^ in' jming. Hien ming, ^ {f} 'bin ch'ut,. Hien ch'uh; to appear in •com-t (to be tried), ^ ^ t'eng' 'sham. T'ing shin, $|J ^ to' 'sham. Tdu shin, j^ |^ hau' 'sliam. Hau shin, ^Ij^ t6' on'. Tdu ngdn; required to appear upon a trial, ^^ ^ ^kwai on'. Kwei ngdn ; to ap- pear in court as a lawyer, ^ :j^ cho' hung'. Tsu k'ung ; to seem, f^ -^ 'ho 'ts'z. Hau sz, ^ ^ ts6ung' *ts'z. Siang sz, ^ -^ 'ts'z ,n. Sz hu, f; p i' ^ts'z. 1 sz, a 'ku. ku, fi^'f^ Pi; 'ku 'ku 'hd; it appears to me, ^f^ 'ngo 'kii. Wo ku; they appear bad (as provisions), ^j^^ hh 'ts'z wdi'. Hdu sz hwdi ; to appear to comply, ^ ^ min' jts'ung. Mients'ung; to appear in pubUc, ^ K [] j A '^^ i™^^ ch'ut, yap^. Yu min ch'uh jib ; to appear in print (to become an author), ^j ^ ch'ut, shik^. Ch'uh shih ^ ditto, to be printed, m ^ yan' kwo' ; it will appear by what follows, i #» f^ ^^ ^ M ^^^' ^^"'' Pi^" <™'"n i^'^ i'- K'dn hau, pierfming k'l i, ^ HF ^, pf # ^f {jj kin' ha^ ,p'in, 'ho hon' tak^ ch'ut, ; to appear be- fore God, $1] _t'^Z\SiM t6''sheung'- tai' ,ehi min' jts'in. Tdu Shdng ti chi mien ts'ien ; an an- gel appeared to him in a dream, ^^^^ }Zt^ -f}^ ,t'in sz' mung^ ,chung in' ^ii ^t'd. T'ien sz mung chung hi(!n yu t'd ; to appear in one's ori- ginal form *, ^|eJ|^^ pin' ^ui ^iin jing. Pien hwui yuen bing, lji||j il^i^ in' ch'ut, 'pun s6ung'. Hien ch'uh piin si^ng ; appears good, '^^^W 'ts'z ^d 'ki 'h6. Appearance, coming to light, {jt}^ ch'ut, in'. Ch'uh hien, ^ 16'. Lu ; personal appearance, ^ ^ .yung mdu-. Yung mdu, ^^ jing jung. Hing yung, j^ Jt)c ^^ing cbong^ Hing chwdng, ^ ^ chong' mdu'. Chwdng mdu, ;^ ^l seung' mdu'. Sidng mdu, ^[ ^ ngoi' ^kun. Wei kwdn, ^ u ^cli'd ts'o'. KAv'ei k'i td shi pieh yu cb'd ts'o ; » frightenetl appearance, ^^^'^^ 'hung kii" ^chi shik . K'ung kii chi sih, Jill @| *|^ ^ Tiiun nii»* ^fong hi'. Mwdn mien hwdng k'i; a dignified and fine appearance, ^'^ .wai ji. Wei i. Appeared [iji^jlj^ ch'ut, in' kwo'. Ch'uh hien kwo; his original shape appeared, i^J^[ti]^ S^n .ying ch'ut, in'. Yuen hing ch'uh hien. Appearing, coming to light, ^ ^ W in'. Lu hion, \^ j^ ch'ut, in'. Ch'uh hien ; seeming, as if, ^H ^' fi yeuk,. Ju job, :ftj- ^ 1x6 'ts'z. Hdu U, ^ ^'tscxmg'- -'ts'z. Sidng sz, ^ ^ jing Hs^t. ^Hingsz, i^i^ 'fong fat,. Fdng full, ^ #s^ ,i ^hx. I hi, ^^ yeuk, 16uk,. Yoh lioh ; appearing like a dream, $f -fi ^^ 'h6 Hs'z fdt,mung', ^ f^|t^-^ 'fong fat, ^k'i yeuk. mun^. Fang fiik k'i job raung. Appeasable, that may be quieted, Pf ^^ 'ho jp'ing tik,. K'o p'ing tih, pf ^ 'ho wai'. K'o wei, pj" ^ ^M 'ho nap^ ^on wai'. K'o ndh ngdn wei. Appeasablcness pj" j^ ^^ j^ 'ho nap, ^wo 'che. K'o ndh ho die. Appease, to, to reduce to a state of peace, ^ sP '*'*€• P'ing, ^-&^^ 'sz ^k'i ,p'ing tsing-. Shi k*i p'ing tsing, ^^^pjj^p ling' ^k'i .p'ing ^wo. Ling k'i p'ing ho ; to conciliate, ^^ chi' .wo. Chi h*, j^jfn 'kai ^wo. Kidi ho, ^^ hiin' ^wo. K'iuenho, m W ct'iu .t'ing. T'idu t'ing, $j^ )g .t'iu 'ch'u. T'idu ch'u, ^^ 'li ^'o. Li t'o, j^^ .wo sz'. Ho '^"* on sz, j^fgf^TJin pi *k'ii fuk, ^wo; to soothe, _ wai'. Ngdn wei, 1^ ^ hiin' wai'. K'iuen wei, g| 1^ .hoi 'kdi, ^ ^ 'fu wai'. Fu wei ; to appease one's wrath, ,^^ sik^ no'. Sih nu, jf;^ 'chind'- ATP (72) APP J^t tsip, tsul(^ fu' p'ui'. Fu p'ei. Appendix (pi. appendixes and appendices), a sup- plement, |ff.j ^ fu' luk,. Fu lull, fj§ jg 'p6 ,wai. Pu wei, |# ^ fu' ,in. Fu yen, ^ |ij 'p6 ts'ap,. Pi'i tsih, ^ ^ 'po luk,. Pu lull. j)'ing jWO. P'ing bo ; the act of appeasing, J^ ^^1 1 Appei-tain, to, to belong to, }%';;^ sliuk,. Shuli ; it ap- hiin' ,wo. K'iuen ho, j^jf>fil 'kui ,wo. Kiai ho, ^jj; | pertains to liini, ^^ shuk^ i'&. Shuh t'd, ff.-^ 5fPchi'.,wo. Chiho. , ! P^ hai' 'k'ii ke', |^ jfi ,kw4n Vii. Kwlin k'u"; it App<5i8cr, consoler, '/r'^!:^ ,on wai"che. Ngfin wei ! does not appei-tain to me, ^. ^ j^ ^f. ^ ,m6 vh6 ; pacifier, ^ >jHl ^ hiin' ,wo 'cli(^». K'iuen ho ! ^k^vAn ship, 'ii 'ngo. Wu kwin sheh yii wo. eh{i, ^ilily'i jWo ^t'au. Uo t'au. Ohi Tiu, -j; J«gt hi^ nh\ ll\i nu, p;|C jg^ -mai ^nau, ~|i ^ hd^ hi'. Hid k'i ; to appease one's hunger, T^^t 'ting ^t'6, Jil^ 'chl ngo^ Chi ngo. Appcasejl, to allow on's self to be, ^J) ^t nap, wai'. Nih wei, ]^ ^ ^ ndpj ,on wai'. Ndli ngAn wei ; rcdu(M;d to a state of pcjacc, 5(Hl ^ jWO H.'o. Ho *'o. ^ 7 't'o '!>"• ''"o IJ^u. ^ T ,wo -liti. Ho Appeasement, the 8t'ui'. F6 p'ei. Appendage, somcithing added to a ))rincipal thing, j^ 4^ fii' mat,. Fu wuh ; an a])])endagc to a girdle «• dniss, (>'(.) fH lu^ p'ui'. Fn p'ei ; an appendage , to a cap, hat &c., pjfj ;fi|. fiV kw4'. Fu kwd; use- ! l«*s appendages, pjf.j ^ liV <'hui\ Fii chui. ■ Appendant, annexed, |^| jjji fti' jlin. Fd lien, ^ Appertaining, belonging to, ^ shuk,. Shidi, U ,kwdn. KAvdn ; belonging to bim, -f^, \^ n^ bai 'k'u kc', gg ^ ,kw4n ,t'd. Kw4n t'4." Appei-tenance, see Apjiurtenance. Appetence, ") carnal desin*, ^^ yuk, 'fo. Yuh ho, Appetencj', ] %^ .s/> yuk,'. Sz yuh, ^ ^ jts'6 yuk,. Sic yuh, ^: j^ ,yam yuk,. Yin yuli, ^^ shik, yuk,. Sib yuh, |^fg: shi' yuk,. Shi yuh, J^ ^ yuk^yuk,. Juh yuh, 'fJj^ ,ts'ingyuk^. Ts'ing yuh, 'jd^ |f jts'ing tau'. Ts'ing tau, ^ )Ji shik, 'tim. Sib t^n ; the natural inclination of the brute creiition, to perform cei-tnin actions, 3|C ^ 'pun yuk^. Pun yiib, |^ ifH Z %l <"'"•' ^''^ «^^ yukj. Tsz jen chi yuh. Appetible i^ jgi Jiom 'stjung. K'dn siang, ^ ^ horn yukj. K'dn yuh. pfj^l, 'bo Wung. K'osiing, Pr^'*'ho yuk,. K'o yuli. "" Appetite, the natural desire «)f ph'asure or good, ^ h6'. Hjui, % ngdu'. Ydu ; a desire of food, y^^ P 'ho wai' 'liau. Udu wei k'au ; hunger, Ijt ^ Vfi ngo^ T'u ngo, f|g^ ,ki ugo'. Ki ngo, >^^ 's6ung shikj. Sidng .sbili, ^ ^ vuk, shik^. Y'uh slHli,',S.:^ ,8/. sliikV ^'- filul', lit #^ T 't'6 Mi ngo' "liu. T'u li ngo lidu ; a craving for a special dish or sensual gititificjition, J^ ^ p'ik, ho'. P'ih »>^i«. 1^ Wg^ P'ik, shi'. P'ih shi, jgp .(4 p'ik. sing'. P'ih sing, %^ ,p'in p'ik,. P'ien p'ih, 1^'^ p'ik, yuk,. P'ih yuh, :^ JpSp sbik^ p'ik,. Shib p'ih ; a craving for brandy, ^ |^ 'tsiui p'ik,. Tsiu ])'ih ; sensual a])petite, %\^^ ,sz yuk>. Sz yuh, ^^ shi* yuk,. Shi yuh, ^ ^ .ts'e yuk,. Sic yuh, [^J ^ ^vukj Yuk,. .luh yuh, "^ ^ shik^ yuk^. Sib yuh, ^ ^2; ram yuk^. Tun yuh, %\\ Jg: li' yuk,. LI yuh, '^i '^\% jam yuk,. Yin yuh ; a desire for (is <'hiefly exjiressed l)y), j^ ,t'am. T'dn ; the thing (Icsirnl, 4>C^' mvA^ .Y"'*',- Wuh yuh ; no appetite, I'f. tut ."» ''^^'""J^' «'"J yung' ^sam. Yiing sin, Tp ^O ^cbtin .sam. Cbuen sin, J|. ^ ,chiin mo*. Chuen wu, ^ J\^^ chi' sam. Chi sin, /^ "^ chu' i'. Chu i, ;^^ ^yan ^k'an. Yin k'in, ^{^ jCh'ant jts'im. Ch'in ts'ien ; to apply the mind in study, '^ bok,. Hioh, If ^ tuk, ,sbu. Tuli shu, ^ % liok, tsdp,. Hioh sib ;.to npply one's strength, ^ ;*; ch'ut "lik,. Ch'uh lib, ^'jg.yan ^k'an. Yin k'in ; to apply undividedly, ^ — • chiin yat^. Cbuen yih ; to apply the car, ■^jji^fi^j^ cliak, ^ ,i ^t'eng. Tseli rli rh t'ing, '^^■§^^ ,k'ing 'i sai* ,t'eng. K'ing rh si t'ing ; to apply water (as to plants), ^f|^ kiin' k'oi'. Kwan k'ai ; to apply the band, ~[C -^ 'b^ 'sliau. Hi^ shau, ^^ pin'. Pien, # 'fu. Eli, H 'fu, Fu. Apply, to, to suit, \^ -^ tsok, bop,. Tsob hob ; to agi-ee, :^^0, ^seung ying'. Siang ying ; to make request, ^ 'pan. Pin ; to solicit, ^ ^k'au, |^ ^ 'ts'eng ^k'au, ^ >jc king' jk'au. King k'iu, ^ ^ p6i' jk'au. Pai k'iu. Applying, laying on, ^ ap,. Hiah, J^ hip,. Hiah, -^ fiV. m, tr 'ta. Ta, 1,5 t'ip,. T'ieh, f^ man-. Wan, >jic jk'au. K'iu. Appoggiatura, a small note iu music, indicating; transition or expression, ^ ^ ship, jam. Sheh yin, ^^^^ (ko ^s6 ^shing ^yam. Kau sie shing: yin. Appoint, to fit, )g teng-. Ting ; to appoint (as the emperor) to an office, ^ /ung. Fung ; ditto as the people, M 'ii.. Yu, 1^ shau'. Shau, |^ k'ap,. Kib ; to appoint a teacher to a private school, ^ ;3t:^^ 'ts'eng ,sin ^shang kau'. Ts'ing sien sang APP (74) APP kiiiu ; to osUiblisli, '§^ j^ cli'it, liip,. Shell lili, ^ jjjf clu' hip,. Clii lih ; to ajjpoiiit l)y a;»recment, ^ ;^ ycuk, teiig'; Yoh tint?, ^ '^ yeuk, shat^. Yoh sliih ; to fix a timo, ^^ tong'- ,k'i. Ting k'i, '^HM tcng' yat, ^k'i. Ting jih k'i; to appoint eac li to his rcsp. duties, f)^^ p'jii' Mi. P'ai li, ^ ' Mcfanpiitj. Fan poh, ^ JH p'di' chik,. P'di chlh, ^ M S'^^ p'ai'- i^an V'^i> M. ^ P'''"' '"'ai- I"6i wei, ^ ^ ,fan ftlt,. Pan fVili, ^ ,|g ^t'ai tiiV. T'i ti4u, ;^^^ p'ai' ,ch'sli sz'. V'i'i ch'ai sz ; to ap- point ofRccrs to the several corps of troops, ^ p ^1^ p'ai' tuk, tili'. P'ai tuh t/ii, p^'^^ p'ai' 't'ung'ling. P'di t'ung ling ; to ordain, [^|^ kong' •u'. Kiting yu, |i^-^ kong' 'chl. Kidng chi ; to or- der, yj 4 cli'ut, ling'. Ch'uh ling, ^j ^ ch'ut, mcng'. Ch'uh ming; to appoint a meeting, j^f^ ^^ ji'i 'ts'eng tsii- iii'. Yau ts'ing tsii hwui, j^ iH^^ n'l 'ts'eng ui' 'i. Ydu ts'ing hwui i. Appointed, fixed, ^ j^ tcng' kwo'. Ting kwo, §^ ^ ,fung kwo'. Fung kwo, '^j;^ p'di' kwo'. P'ai kwo, il^ iipj- ^^ jii 'ts'eng kwo'. Yau ts'ing kwo; appointed by heaven, ^"aj?;^;^ shau^ meng' ^ii ,t'in. Shau ming yu t'ien; to he appointed, ^^ pi^ /ung. Pi fung, f^j^ tak, chik,. Teh chih, ^ ^•^ shau' jWong meng^ Shau hwdng ming; the appointed time, ^ ^k'l. K'i, JgHJ kAi' ,k'i. Kiai k'i. Appointment, degree, -^ meng'. Ming, -j^-^ meng* iing-. Ming ling, || ii'. Yu; to make an appoint- ment, ^ i^ teng- jk'i. Ting k'i ; to receive an appointment, ^f^: Ig^ ^ tak, chik, fan-, -^ '^* j||^- shau* ^kun chik,. Shau kwan chih, iv|- ^ S^^^Sl meng-. Fung ming ; to receive the appointment «f chief justice, '^^^^'ifj shau- on' ch'jlt. ,sz ' ^ham. Shau ng^n ch'ali sz han ; by imperial aj)- pointment, ^ ^ jam meng^. K'in ming ; to purchase an appointment, * Jj^ ^ ^kiin chik,. Kiuen chih, ^1^^^^ ,kiin ndp^ chik, faiA Kiuen nah chih fan ; appointment of improper pei-sons, ^ J^ ^ R A ^iin?' 'kii Ji ^k'i ^yan. Kung kii fi k'i jin. Apportion, to, to divide and assign in just propor- iion, i^ 1^ Jcwan p'ai'. Kiun p'ai, j^ ^ ^kwan Jan. Kiun Ian, ]^^ p'ai' ^wan. P'ai yun, ^2p ^ /an ^p'ing ^Avan. Fan p'ing yun, -g^ ig- ^f ^ j^ 'h'a kok, tak, ,k'i fan^ Shi koh teh k'i fan, -^ 4- A i^ VA" 'pi ^^\ ,ya" c'^^^an ^chim. Pi koh jin kiun chen ; to apportion one's time, ^ flA": />fe X ,ian jShi tsok, ,kung. Fan shi tsoh kung. Apportioned, divided, ^ '^ fan kwo'. Fan kwo ; apportioned in equal shares, ^ ^ ji^ sP'ing tan kwo'. P'ing fan kwo, je^ ^ j^ ^kwan ,lan kwo'. Kiun fan kwo, j^ ]^j^ jl^ ,kwan p'lli' kwo'. Kiun p'di kwo. * Officers are classod under two heads ; — Those who have pur- ekaseJ their lunk or title IhjIoiik to the tH ^» the purchased «laiM ; those who have obtained their iqiiHMntineuts by public •xajninatioii, belong to the ^\ tff ^, or the merited class. Ai)i)ortioning J:!^^ ^kwan ,fan. Kiun Ian. Apporfionment, distributing in just proportions, ^ ^ ^ kwan /an 'ch6. Kiun fan ch6. Appose, to put questions, f|{] man'. Wan ; to ex- amine, :^f|^ Muiu man*. K'Au wan, ^Jh&\x. K'du, ^fig ch'at, man-. Ch'dh wan. Apposer, an examiner, %^^ 'h4u shf ch^. K'au shi cli6, #^^ 'hau kau'^chd. K'du kiii ch6. Apposite, fit, '^;a; hop^ ,i. Hoh i, f^-^ liap, hh]}^. Kiiih hoh ; well adapted ^ 3^ hup^ shik,. Hoh sliih, X^ ,ngdm ; very applicable, i^'^^ ch^uk, kwo' jt'au. Clioh kwo t'au, ^ If tsui' /. Tsui i, ^ ^ tsui' li6p . Tsui hoh, -^ -JJ^ qg shap^ fan ^ngdm, ^' ;|^ '^ .Ht sham' ^wai hop^ ^i. Shin wci I boh i, gg-Mif?f c"Siini kik, lok.. I Appositeness, fitness, ^ 5i[ ^ ii6p^ ,i 'ch6. Hoh i ch6, '^'^^ 'ho 6^^ PeU>r the Great, ftl] the Great ^ Peter ^ Apposition. APP (75) APP Hwoh; to seavch and apprelieud, ^^ ^ 'sau ^iiii. \ hav p'a'. Shih hi p'a ; inclined to betlive, fj^ ^ Sau na; to pureue and apprehend, |q: ^ ts'apj H|J; 'ku hai" 'kom. Ku hi kdn, '|*^-J^ p'a'hai'. P'a jUa. Tsih na ; to surround and apprehend, [§ ^ In. jWai jUa. Wei na ; to intercept and apprehend, | Apprehensively, in an apprehensive manner, f j^ ^1^ ,tau ,k'am. Tau k'in; to apprehend thieves, j -liu g ,sz 'seung. Sz siang, f^ 'ku. Ku ; to undei-stand, ^ ^ J^^^^S V^K- ^iug peh, y ^ -liii ,in. Liau jen, ^ ^ c^'^^^n tat,. T'ung tah, >j^% 'tung tak,. Tung teh, }^% 1ii^ tak,. Hiau teh; fear, j^'|^ 'hung p'a'. K'ung p'a, f^ fH 'hung kii". K'ung kii, ^'|!^ wai' tan". Wei tan ; seize him, :^ ^ fg jUa chvr 'k'ti. Apprehended, seized, |^ jj^ .k'am kwo'. K'in kwo, :g£ ^^ chuk^ kwo'. Chuh kwo, ^ j^^ ,nd kwo'. N^ kwo, :}:f >|1 po- kwo'. Pii kwo, ^ -^ chap, kwo'. Chih kwo, ^ ^ * * ^na wok,. Isa hwoh, ^^ chuk, wok,. Chuh Jiwoh, J^lS .k'arn wok.. m .ts'ung wai\ ^ts'ung jming. Ts'ung ming, Ts'ung hwui, 'S^ ^ ^ts'ung -man. Ts'ung min, ^ ^ ^ 'hb ^t'in ftin-. Hdu t'ien fan, $f ^ ff 'ho ^tsz chatj. Hau tsz chih ; fearfulness, f|| 'j^ kir p'a'. Ku p'a. Apprentice, one who is bound by covenant to seiTe a mechanic with a view to learn his art &c., ^^ « ,t'5 tai^ T'li ti, ^X.^^ hok, ^kung ,t'6 tai'. Hioh kung t'u ti ; to follow a master in a certain profession, t^j^ijj .t'au ^sz. T'au sz, ^$ijj hok, ^sz. Hioh sz, ^ f^ pdi' jmiin. Pai mun, ^ |gj|j pdi' sz. Pai sz. K'in hwoh, :j^ apprehended. p6' wok^. Pu hwoh ; to have , Apprentice, to, :\^ gj]} .t'au ^sz, T'au sz, ^1 jgjg pai' gl jiA 'to. Nd tau, :^ ^ ,nd sz. Pai sz. I kin" chuh tau. ch^uky Na choh, S IM ^ '^J '^ M^S chuk, 'to. j Apprenticeship, the time for Avhich an apprentice is bound to serve his master, ^ ^jjj [J^ ^ hok, ^sz Jian- jk'i. Hioh sz hien k'i : the state in which a person is gaining instruction imder a master, ^ ^ Z Mi"^ liok, tai' ^chi 'king ti'. Hioh ti chl king ti. Appricot ^^ jWong ^mui. Hwdng mei. Apprehender ^^^ ^k'am ^nd 'cli6. K'in na che. Apprehending, seizing, jj^ ^ jk'am cliii". K'in chu, ^>^ ^nachii-. Ndchu; imagining, f^ 'ku. Ku; fearing, '|^ p'a\ P'a. Apprehensible, that may be conceived, pj" f}^ 'ho ^ming. K'o ming, pj" ^ 'ho 'tung. K'o txmg, pf ^ 'ho 'hill. K'oliidu. Apprehension, the act of seizing, |^^ ,k'am ^nd. K'in n-k, |j£ :^ ^ chuk, jia 'che. Chuh na che, Y^ chap, p6" 'che. Chih pii ch<5 ; conception, ,ii|, i' sz'. I sz, ,g,?^ ^sz 'seung. Sz siang*; fear, ^ fH 'hung kir. K'lmg kii, ^ '|^ ,keng hip^. King kieh, ^^?^ jWong 'hung. Ilwdng k'ung, -^ ^ wai' kii'. Wei kLi ; uneasiness of mind, i^ \i2 /ong jinong. Hwdng mang ; to be under great apprehensions, + ^ 'Il5 shap, ^fan p'd'. Shih fan p'd, 1^ # '^ p'a' tak, tsai', % il bJ p'd' kwo' /au. P'd kwo t'au, 'j*|^^^ p'd' ,kau ^kwdn. P'd "kidu kwdn, ^^^ p'd' kwo' shai'. P'd kwo shi, 'If f Ij M ^ p'd' to' jno |^ shat, * This term is used by Government otiicials when they are de- puted to apprehend thieves or investigate a criminal case. * * ^^gj-pic^^ &c. should never be used in the present tense. Though there are some teachers who assert that ^/c ^g &c. means, " to seize, " they have hardly any authority to appeal to but the common people. It is very desirable that this dis- tinction he made by European scholars. Apprise, to, to inlbrm, ^^^ po' ^chi. Pd chf , -^^ ko' jChi. Kdu chi, "^^H Avd- ^chi. Hwi chi. Apprised, informed, ^^ ^ jjS po' ^chl kwo'. Pii chi kwo, ^ )^ ko' kwo'. Kdu kwo, f^ jj^ ^^^•d' kwo'. Hwd kwo. Apprising, informing, f g^ po' ,chi, ^^ wd" ^chi. Hwd chi, jg ^ tdt, ^chi. Tdh chi, jg ^ ^t'ung ^chi. T'ung chi. Apprize, to, to value, fj^ ^ 'ku kd'. Kii kid, ^ fg teng' kd'. Ting kia. Apprized i^i^^ 'kd kwo' kd'. Ku kwo kid, '^^^ ^ teng^ kwo' kd'. Ting kwo kid. Apprizement f^ '^ 'ku kd' ; the i-ate at which a thing is valued, ^ ■^ shat, kd'. Shih kid. Apprizer, a person appointed to mte, i^ ^ ^ ^^^ kd' 'che, fefi"^ 'ku ka' ,kiin. Ku kid kwdn. Apprizing, the act of valuing under authority, fjj ^ 'kd kd'. Ku kia. Approach, to come or go near, ^ jg; tsau' kan^. Tsiu kin, -^jg; hii' kan'. K'ii kin, 3R jg; £ -t 'r^ ^sau' kan' * In Cant. Colloquial read ^ 'tai. APP (76) APP Sh^ung^ tai'. Tsiu kin Slidng ti; to approach near to the ori!,'inal, ^ ySl "^ ^ ,tseung kan^ li5pj shik,. Tsiiing kin lioh shih ; do not approach bad people, P§^Tj5;/Ji A i^ ^^" ^^^'^ '^j" &. P*^5 j^ang tsau' kan'. Pub lumg tsiii kin, : ll&*#5lj .mWtak,t6'. I Approbate, to express approbation, ^ ^ ^ch'ing! shin^ Ch'ingshcn,3|||^f ^ch'ing'bo. Cb'inghjlu. j A))probation, the act of ajiproving, 1^ ^ ^ch'ing shin^ Ch'ingshen, jifljlj ^cb'ing'ho. Cli'inglulu, p|l "^ ^chung i'. Chung i, ^ ^^ l<>"g' ^'- Tang i, i Hob i ; consent, ^ 'chun. Chun, I ^ ^ j^ 'wan Vhun. Yun chun, ^ ^ Yun nob, yt^ Svan yun^ Yun yiien, Hvan nok,. iiyfcyi"^' Svan. Ying yun ; to meet with entire approba- tion, :^. ^ ^ sham' ,cb'ing shinS 1^ ^r^ # sham' shi' jk'i jin. Shin shi k'i yen, -\^ 'f^ f^ } shapj ^fan ^chung i'. Shih fan chung i> ^ '^ sham' li6p^ i'. Sliin boli i ; to meet with appro- bation, ^jijp tsdn' lu'). Tsriale(l, Mf;^tl)l? 'lio ,wai 'ki yung'. K'o wei ki yung, 'iif i^jklk- 'ho jwai *ngo 'shai. K'o wei wo shi, P[ >^ if^ Jfl 'ho jWai 'ngo yung'. K'o wei wo yung. Appropriate, to set apart for, ^ P^ piit^ Jioi. Poh k'^i, U In <«'>t, k'ap,. EWi kih, ^ Jtj ,chi ch'ut,. Chi di'ub, ^lit .tseung 't-s'z. Tsiiing ts'z ; to ap- pn>priate to one's self, jj^^g^^ ^ts(5ung jWai 'ki yung'. Tsidng wei ki yung ; to set apart for a certain object, j^j^ ,cbi yung'. Chi yung, f^|| R^ }^ put^ Jioi ^lai yung'. Poh k'^i lai yung ; to api)rorpiate without license, ^J^ sit 'ts'ii. Tsieh ts'ii ; to appropriate forcibly, j^ ^yeung. Y&ag ; to apj)ropriate a name, ^ ^ tsz' ^ch'ing. Tsz ch'ing. A))propriate, most suitable, ^ ch^iik,. Chob, -^^ hopj shik,. Hob shih, ^ cfj shik^ chung. Shih chung, f^pf bap, 'ho. Kiah k'o, ^^ l»6p^ 'h6. Hob luiu, ^'^ hop, ,J. Uoli i, Ig^ sliik, yung'. Shih yung, ^- ^ ebeuk, 'sliai. Cboii shi, ^ ^ cheuk, yung'. Chob yung, gg^ ,ngam, "^^ S jU. i hu, -^ ^ lu^jp, H. Hob i; an appropriate ex- pression, H |i«) shin' ,ts'z. Shen ts'z. Appropi'iated ^ "i^ put^ kAvo'. Poh kwo, |§ ^^g fit, kwo'. FAb kwo, m& ^ iat, k'ap, kwo'. Fdh kill kwo, -^^-^ ]>li«ition to a special pui-pose, ||^ 1^ ^ Jfi put, ,kwai 'man yung'. Poh kwei mau yung, :i gu ^ ffl c^'l'i kwai 'ki yung'. Chi kwei ki yung, j^ila jfl 'i jwai 'ki yung-'. I wei ki yung; the* a])pro])ria1ion of funds for the building of shiin clii vuiij''. Poh vin wei cbwauij ch'uen chi yung; the ap])ro])nation of fumls for tlie con- struction of a fortification, |^ |^ i^ ^ flS It k'ap, fat "^ >«' A^ s"ija»- I'oli k'/ii chi yin, %\h^ ^Ji .*■''» <">''"t ,^••'1 ."JT'"'- t'hi ch'uh chi yin. ^ui^Zi)^ k'ap, fdt, .chi ^ngan. Kih fah chi yin, ^lu;^^ clii k'ap, ;chi ^ngan. Chi kih chi yin ; to decide on the appi"opriation for a special obj(>ct, m ^t ^ ffl 'i ,kwai 'man yung*. I kwei mau yung. Ap])r()pnator, one who appropriates, |^ |^ ^ pAt^ hoi 'ch6. Poh k'ki che, ^ |$ ^ kap, flit, 'eh<^. Kill Rib che ; one who is ])ossessed of an appro- jiriated IxMiefice, ^ 4^ ^ 'iu'ung ,kung 'ch'6n. iliiing kuiig ciriin, ^^i/:^^ ,on heung kuntr 'ch'An. NgAn hiang kung eb'iin. ApproAxble. that merits apj)n)bation, Pf 3f|| ^ 'ho /•b'ing shin'. K'o ch'ing shen, Pf ^^ 'ho ts&n' 'mi. K'o tsan wi. Ajiproval ]^^ g^ tc f^ yan" (ying^) tsui" ^k'au she'. Jin tsui k'iu shie, i[p}^ 5Jc ;%, (^chiu. kwo' jk'au 'min. Chau kwo k'iii mien ; improvement of common lands, ^ J^ ^hoi fong. K'ai hwang. Approver, one who approves, 3|^ ^ ^ ^ch'ing shin' 'ch6. Ch'ing shen che ; one who confesses a crime and accuses another, |g M^i'^^ J^^^ (ying") kwo' tsui^ ^t'a 'ch6. Jin kwo tsui t'a cli6. Approving, giving approbation, ^ ^ ^ch'ing shin'. Ch'ing shen, =^ 'hii. Hii, j^ 'chun ; expressing approbation, ^gf ^ch'ing 'hii. Ch'ing hii ; liking, 4 'hi. Hi. Approximate, near, jg; kan^ Kin, ^ 'i. I, (see Proximate.) Approximate, to cause to approach, ^ij£ jlung kan'. Lung kin, ^ jg; ^hin kan\ K'ien kin, ^| j^ -yan kan". Yin kin, ^ >f^ kan- 'i. Kin i ; to advance near, j^jg: ^^^^^^ ^^^^- '^^^^ ^^^> Mi jE J ;g .sai y^M'^^mM m-n. renances. APT (78) AEB Aptci-a, insf'ots without wings, ^IA^,J^^ jinb yik, chi /'li'ung. Wu yih cbi cli'ung. Aptoroi ^it^'t^^^^tuk, ^ts'In hau* >u ^t'in. jt'oi ,chl uk, ^u. Tuh ts'ien hau yd t'ien t'di chi uh yu. Apterous iff^,|^»J 5in6 yik^ tik,. Wu yih tih. Aptitude ]^ li}] ^ts'ung jining. Ts'ung ming, ^ |g[ ^ts'ung wai^ Ts'ung hwui, f^^J ^ling 11'. Ling II. M ^ s^'"o ^man. Ling min, '^ -^ ftii' 'shau. Kw'ai shau, jfp ^ miii^ "^shau. Miau shau, X^ -^ 'hAu 'shau. K'islu shau, ^ ^ ^ 'h6 'shau shai\ HAu shau shI, ^ ^ shukj 'shau. Shuh sliau; in- clination, (^ shi'. Shi, jif- h(V. Ildu. Aptly, properly, IC j^ ^l ^in. 1 jon, ^ ^ ,tong ^in. Tang jcn, ^ ch6uk . Choh, ^M^M shin- , in. Shen jcn, ^-^ 't'o tong'. T'o tAng, Aptness, fitness, ^ h6pj. Iloh, ^ chduk,. Choh, f^f^J ^ling li-. Ling li, ^^^ ,ts'ung Avai^ Ts'ung hwui ; tendency, ^ i'. 1, '|;|^ lai'. Kw'ai ; inclina- tion, Jtf ho'. Hdu, Hi shf . Shi. Aptoto, an indeclinable noun, f^^^JC ^ ^ ^ ^rnh jkang 'koi ^chi ^meng tsz\ Wu kang kdi chi ming tsz. Aqua tJc 'shui. Shwui. Aqua fortis V^ ^ ,siu ts'6.' Sidu ts'u. Aqua maiina ^^ ^{ luk^ yuk^. Luh yuli. Aqua vitac 'j?^ v|g ^shiii 'tsau. Shau tsiu. Aquarium HJ '^ ^iin jCh'i. Yuen ch'i. Aquarius ^^ ^nii (Sing. Nii sing. Aquatic, pertaining to water, -^f^ij 'shui tik,. Shwiii tih, tJC"^ 'shui ke' ; applied to animals wliich live in water, ^^7fCf|\f ,shang ^ii 'shui tik,. Sang yti shwui tih, J^t^^l'^ ,shang ^ii 'shui W, J^ y^ ^ shukj 'shui 'ch6. Shuh shwni ch6 ; aquatic grasses, (Rush), ^ 'wai. Wei ; aquatic plants, TJC ^ 'shui ts'oi'. Shwui ts'M ; aquatic fruit, ^Jc f^ 'shui 'kwo. Shwui ko ; aquatic animals y^ ^ "'shui ch' Ilk,. Shwui ch'uh, ^ chi^ Chi; aqua- tic birds, 7J^ ,1^ 'shui 'niu. Shwui nidu. Aqueduct j^ ^kau. Kau, /^'^ ,kau jk'ii. Kan k'ii ; a covered aqueduct, Hg ^ ^m' jl^'ii- Ngdn k'u, P^ ^ cX"'" i^'"^' ^'i" ^'^^' Pi^ M ^ ^ shuk, shik, shii' sing' 'ch6. Shuli shih shii sing che. Arborization, the appearance of a plant in minerals, S ft :^ ^ iit ^ ^^^^K ^oi' ^shang ^shing shii' jying. Shih nui sang ching shu hing. Abuscular, resembling a shrub, ^'^>J^^^ ts6ung' "ts'z 'siii shii'. Siang sz siau shii. Arbute, arbutus, ^ ^ ,yeung .mui. Y^ng mei. Arc, a segment of a cii'cle, ^ ^li. Hii, ^ ^kung. Kung, ^ j^ ^kung ^ying. Kung hing. Area nodulosa, J^ ^-^ 'nga uk, 'tsz. Yd ub tsz, ^^ ^ j^sz ^6m. Sz ngan. Arcade, a walk arched above, Jj^^ ^ 'kung jlong. Kung lang ; a long, arched building, lined on the side with shops, ^Jr^^jI 'kung jlong p'o'. Kung lanff p'ii. Arcadia -^-^fAWl"^^ 'i^'i Hillp kwok, 'shdng ^meng. Kii Hilieh kwoh sang ming. Arcanum, or secret, (pi. arcana, mysteries), )|5J> ^ pi' matj. Pi mill. Arch, a segment of a circle, ^ ^u. Hii ; ditto of a bridge, ^ :^. jk'iii 'kung. K'iau kung ; ditto of heaven, %'^ .k'ung Jung. K'ung lung ; a trium- phal arch, J^ JH jp'ai Jau. P'ai lau, ^l^ j^ ^'4i ,fong. P'ai fang, f| ^ Jung tin'. Lung tien', j||^ ^ ^ i^ ^yau 'kung. Yd kung ; made with a curve, ^ |^»j ^wdn tik,. Wdn tih, ^^^^ ,win ^kung 'k6m y6ung', 4>^^ H|!tm pun' ^pin iitj 'k6m y^ung*. Pwdn pien yueh kdn ydng; arched door, ^f^ 'kung ^miin. Kung mun. Archer, a bowman, ^ij- ^ Pf^ ^ sh6* tsln' ke' ^yan, ^ ^ ^ ,kung tsin' 'shau, 1^ ^ ,kung 'shau. Kung shau, ^ \ kung jan. Kungjin, ^ =f- tsin' 'shau. Tsien shau ; mounted archers, ,|}y ^ hni tsin'. Md tsien ; foot ditto, ^ ^ po^ tsin'. Pu tsien ; an archer's thumb-ring, fj^^i] J)'dn 'clii. P'dn chi, ^ p^ Up, ,kau. Tieh kau, ^ ^^ kiit, shap^. Kiueh shih, »^4,'| ,kung 'chi, || tip,. Tieh. Acheress, a female archer, jfc ^ ^ ^nii tsin' 'shau. Nil tsien shau. Archery, the art of shooting with a bow and arrow, ^t S ^''*^^ ^^^^.- ^^'^*^ ^^^^ 5 ^o practise archery on horseback, ^ ^]' ,k'i sh6'. K'i 8lii6 ; to practise archery on foot, -^^^ p6' 8h6^ Pii shi6 ; the prac- tice of archery, ^^;^^ sh6' tsin' ,chi sz^ Shi6 tsien chi sz, $i^;?:\^ lit, 'ch'i .chi sz'. Pdh shi chisz, ^^f^f^^l ,kung tsin\chi 8Z^ Kung tsien chi sz; good archery, jlj^Di' 'h6 pong ^fau. Archetype, the orignal model, ^^ >^i^-f- jiin 'ptin fdt, 'tsz. Yuen pi'm l4h tsz, I^TJlkilH^ .ii" 'pun jkw'ai jm6. Yuen pun kw'ei mu, /^ ^-i^^^ ,uii 'pun ^mh yc^ung*. Yuen pun mu ydiig, )^^ /^ ^ ^ jiin 'pun kiik, sink,. Yuen pi'in kch shih. Archfelon |^^ Isui^fui. Tsiii kwei, /g";"^ ok, 'shau. Ngoh shau, tC.^ jiin f'K- Yuen ngoh. Archfiend \Ji ^ jCh'au /lii. Cli'au kwei, |^ "gf tik, 'shau. Tih shau. Archflatterer ^MZ^^ 'ch'im mi' ^chi tsui' *ch6. Chen mei chi tsui che. Arclifo<' j^«^ tik^ .fui. 'Kb kwei, ^fUC^MA ^^' tikj ke' jt'au ,yan. Archheretic, a chief heretic, |^ ffj^j <^ ^ i' ,tun .chl /lii. 1 twin chi kwei, ^^'^Z^'S^ jts'e to' chi .fiii 'ch6. Sie tiiu chi kwei cli6. Archhypocrite, a great or chief hypocrite, -^ff*-^ ngai' .kwan *tsz. Wei kiim tsz, l§'fj^^-J^ 'shau ngai' .kwan 'tsz. Shau wei kiun tsz. Archidiaconal ^l^m^^ ^ .kwdn .u fu' ,kdm mukj .sz. Kwdn yii fu kien muh sz, p^ gj d^ pjg |i|^ fii' .kam mukj ^sz ke'. Arehimagus * , ^ '^ -^ tsai' ^sz 'ch^ung. Tsi sz chdng. Archimandrite t, the chief of a monastery, fff^^f^ ^ .sau to' iin' 'ch6ung. Siii tdu yuen chdng, j^ ^ t5' 'cli6ung. Tau chdng, ^ j^ iin' 'ch^ung. Yuen chang. Archipelago ^-j^ .kw'an 'tb. K'iun tiiu. Architect, a builder, X ^ ,^^iiog tseung*. Kung tsiang, ^ M ^ifl '^ 'l»i »K ,sz fu'. K'i uh sz fu» '^f^JL K ^1"' tso' .kung jyan. Kien tsdu kung jin, jjHiji!i|5ir}'(# '111 tso' .sz fu'. K'i tsdu sz fu, (at Hongkong they are called t^ ;t^ ^ifi '(^ jtiai 'shui .sz fii'. Ni shwui sz fii : lit. master masons), JC ^[5ijj'(6| .kung tsdung'.sz fu'. Kung tsiang sz fii, X ^ SM it, ,sam. Jeh sin, ;^|| y\^^ lit^ ^sam. Lieh sin, ^ ;\^^ 'han jSam. K'an sin. Ardent, fervent, ^ it^. Jeh, 'r/!;\^^ It^ .sam. Jeh sin, M^CO lit, .sam."Lieh sin, ^ 'Ian. Pan, ^i ^|| lit, lit,. Lieh lieh, 'J^i^j^ 'fan far. . Fan fah, ^ :)} 1ian ts'it,. K'an ts'ieh, ^ ^ ,han in. llieu jcn, lU ^Jk k'oi' jin. K'ai jen ; ardent effort, ^ ;/j "fan iiif,. Fan lib, ^ ^ 'fan 'min. Fan mien, ^J ^ jkw'ong kiln.' Kw'.lng kiuen ; ardent couvage, % ^ 'fan -yung. Fan yung, |^ ^ =mang "yung. Mangyung; ardent mind, f;hi\;^ it, .sam. Jeh sin, ^i|,\];i^ lit, ^sam. Lieh sin ; ardent love or affection, M'Cj?^'^' it, .sam ,clu oi'. Jeh sin chi ngai, -^J '^' ts'it, oi'. Ts'ieh ngai, ^^ li■m^ Liuen ; ardent spirits, -j;^ /f.j ,shiu 'tsau. 8hau tsiii. Ardently, fervently, ^ it,. Jeh ; to love him [her] ardently, fib^g fg it, oi' 'k'ii. Job ngai k'ii, )j fg jli fjfc jmi 'k'ii. 'ho it,. Mu k'ii hau jeh, fj§ /^f | j ;^ jts'ing 'ho yat, tuk,. .Ts'inghau jib tub, f;^x ^> ^ kiin' liin' put^ 'she. Kiuen liuen pub shie, ^ ^' (t'ang oi'. T'ang ngai ; ardently desire, ^ 7^. ^ham- 'seung. Shin siang, :^ ^[ sham' xin'. fehin yuen. Ardor, warmth, ffe it,, Jeh ; zeal, ffe i\;^ it, ^sam. Jeh sin, ^ ;^' 'fan chi'. Fan chi, '^ ^ 'fan hi'. . Fan k'i ; bravery (longing to fight), ^^ yui' hi'. Jui k'i ; great ardor, ^ i\^ ^ch'i ^sam. Cb'i sin, ^.Cl' 'han ,sam. K'an sin, || 'yung. Yung. Arduous, high, lofty, p^ilif^ tsun' 'ts'iu. Tsiun ts'iau ; difficult, ^t ,nan. Nan, ^ -^ ^san 'fu. Sin k'u, ^^ ,san .16. Sinlau, ^}^\- ^16 'fu. Lau k'u, ^^ ^ .kan 'fii. Kien k'ii ; very arduous, -|)|}i^||ji- ^ pi' ,shcung ,kan 'fii. Pi chang kien k'ii, f/^^i^ ^ jUgai * tsun' .san 'fii. Yai tsin sin k'ii ; ar- duous duties, §i -^ <^ X 5^ ^nan ts6' ^chi ,kung /u. Ndn tso chi kung fu, 'f]\ ;^ ;^ ^ ^nan ,sbing ,chi s'iK Nan ching chi sz. 1^ \>i ^ Tf'. ,nan 'i 'van • In botks read n^jfu*. i/u'. .shing. Niin i yu ching, fji f;^ .nan .Avai. Nia wei, 'ji;!^. rf .nan chang. Nan hang, ^^ ');f( .nan tsol Nan tso, ^ f^ ok, tso'. Ngoh tsa, f/^'>)^f ^nan .shing Miii. Nan ching liiiu, ^^^^^fcll^ san '^fu ke' .kung fii. Arduously ^ jVj> c}^ .sam. Lau sin, ^ ;^^ 'fu ^sam. K'ii sin. Arduousness, difficulty, ^ ^ .san 'fii. Sin k'ii. Are, the plural of the substantive verb to be, ^ shi^ Shi, ^^ \yau. Yii, Q^ tsoi'. Tsai, Tjr '^aL Nai, f^j hai'. Hi; we are here t , ^|^^'H' 'ngo 'tang tsoi' 'ts'z. Wo tang tsai ts'z, ^| 'l-fe^jl^ 'ngo ti- 'hai ch'ii' ; we are also come, ^ ^ ^^) ^^ 'ngo .miin t6 .loi. Wo mun tii lai, ^ pjj^ ^. P^ 'ngo tf yik, .lai ; these things are excellent, (^ }f^ ^ -|->^ n] ni ti^ 'ye shap, /an 'h6, it >^ ^ |)tj ^ ^ 'che ko' tung sai sham^ 'mi. Che ko tung si shin mei ; what arc you? f^t f,^^ 'ti X ^ '^^ ^^' mat, .kung .fii; who are you? if]'^Jc\i^K 'nitso* mat, ye ,yan, f/j', |fr :^- ^^^^ A '"i slii' sham'- mo .yan. Ni shi shin mo jin, f/j' ^^ (of \ 'ni shi' ^ho .yan. Ni shi ho jin ; are there any ? ^y flil !l/3 'yau jm6 ni ; are you able ? f^j; (^jllgl!^ 'ni tak,.m ii'. Ar^a, any plain or surface, |,'i', ;^ 'kwong tai'. Kwang ta, \ii] miu^ Mien, ^- .ch'eung. Ch'ang, i|ig ^ fuk, iin. Full yuen ; its superficial area is 100 square miles, Iviff ft 7+-' I? ^7 !li M^"^? s^''"^o kung- kai' yat pak, .fong 'ii. Tsung hung kung ki yib peh fang Ii ; the area is, |^^| ;^ ^>^ fiit, tiii' yeuk,. Kw'oh ttl yoli ; a level space, ^ |^ ^ 'ife .p'ing .iin ^chi ti'. P'ing yuen chi ti, ^ i}^ cP''^S ,ch'eung. P'ing cli'ang; the area about a build- ing, l^ i^ uk, .ch'eung. Uh ch'ang. Aveal, pertaining to an area, jr^i miir. Mien, ^ ^ 'kwonci: ti'ii'. Kwang tii. Areca, palm and nut, i^^^l .pan .long. Pin lang, ^ ^ .pan .long. Pin lang, tr f^, .yau .p'an. Jin p'in \ prepare:! botel-nnt, ||i f|i .bam ,pan. Ilicn- pin; the dry ditto, {\l^x kon .pan. Kan pin; the wild ditto, i^ -f n.-ip, 'tsz. Nab tsz. Aren palm, the coir palm, f|i :j:jf .tsung .ye. Tsung ye, if^ ;|^ .tsung shii". Tsung sliii. Arefaction, the act of drying, \i^% shfii' kon. Shai^ kan ; the state of growing dry, ;% ^ 1^^ ts^n^ ^shang .kon. Tsien sang kan. Arefy, to dry, ^p long'. Lang. Arena, an open space of ground, J^ .ch'eung.' Ch'ang ; literary arena, f-\ i^j /o .ch'eung. K'o ch'ang, %i|f 'ban .ch'eung. K'an "ch'ang, %^^ shi' jCb'eung. Shi ch'dng, 3^ ^ .man .ch'eung. Wan ch'ang ; the military arena, ^ i^ 'm6 jCh'eung. Wii ch'ang ; the arena for military ex- ercises, ^^ i^)j ksiu' .ch'enng. Kiau cli'ang, ^ ^ Z ifK' # ,ts'6 Iin- chi kaiV .ch'eung. Ts'au Hea I,) chill' chi kiiiu ch'ang; the arena of war, PgJ^ .cli'eung. Chen ch'dng, §^ J^- keung .ch'eung. .1 4*L chn n\^\.^^r.r, Sllil ch'iinjr; Kiang ch'jinj^. ^ ^shii .ch'eung. t lor further informaticn on the i Jural Ac. see authors Craia- inar of the Chinese Language, P. .1 & II. AEE (62) ARG the arena of contest, ^ i^)j tau' jCU'eung. Tau Arenaceous, sandy, ^^ fi\A. Slid, ^f fj'' ^au (Shd. Yu slid, jfj/'PfJ',; ,8hd ke'; sandy (sand mixed with flower and getting between the teeth), j^|^||| ,8h4 ngitj Qgitj. Shd nieh nieh. Arcoation *, a sand hath, y\ '/gi ^shd yuk,. Shd yuh. jftrenulous ^^;lHf'j'^ ^yan sai' ,shd. Yu si slid. Areometer ^(-ji ^!K fi^ M 'S ^' s^^^'^o '&\\\n ^heng chung' jChi fat,. Liang shwui k'ing chung chi fdh; the measuring the specific gravity of fluids, ^/j^ >^$^M tsng* ^shui ,chl ,heng chung^. Areopagus, a sovereign tribunal at Athens, ^ ^ , nZM^ Ngdtin ^shing ,chl ,>-ing p6'. Ydtien •lung chi liing pii. Areotie, a medicine which attenuates the humors, ^ I& % fat, sdn' yduk^. Fih san yoh, ^ H ^ flit, piu yeukj. Fdh pidu yoh. Arctology ^\^,Z^ jjan tak, ^chi lun^ Jin teh chi lun. Aigemone mexicana, ^^^ *16 'shii lakj. Ldu shii leh. Afgf^nt, silvery, ^nlRpH'^ jii s^gan k?)m'shik,. Jii yin kdn sih ; the white colour in coats of arms, j^ ^ pj? ;^ Q jinan yan' ^chung ^chi pdk^. Wan yin chung chi peh. Argcntal, pertaining to silver, gD ^ ^ ^kwdn ,ii jigan. Kwdu yii yin, %P^ ^ngan ke', ^i)^ ^^ ,ngan tik^. Yin tih ; consisting of silver, ^ j^gan. Yin, ;PEr:jngank6', Argentiferous, containing silver, ^|B jts'ong ^ngan. Ts'dng yin. Aigcntine, like silver, ^n^}Jp|J' ^ ^ ^W^^ ^^^' shik,. Ju yin kdn sih, ^\ ^ ^ts'z ^ngan. Sz yin ; sound- ing like silver, It^^ j;JJ ^k'i ^sliing yeuk^ jDgan. IL'I shing joh yin. 'Argentine Republic, Buenos Ayres, in South Amer- ica, 1^ ^l! ^ M U^U^ ,^^^ Amilikd h6p^ p6' ^meng. Nan Aniilika lioli pu ming. Argn, potters clay, ^ ±^ ,t'6 't'6. T'du t'u, |^ % ,t'5 ,nai. T'du ul; adhesive clay, |^ '^ ,kdu ^nai. Hidu ni. Argillaceous, jicrtaning of the nature of clay, ^"^ 1^ ^kdu ,nai tik,. Kidu ni tih, "^ n(^ ^nai k6\ JH j|g shukj ,nai. Shuh ni, '^ ^ ^nai lui'. Ni lui ; consisting of argil, or argillaceous clay, j|| 'kan. Kin or k'in. Argue, to n^son or dispute, ^ ^ piu' pok,. Pien lun, ^rf^ kdu' lun^ Kifiu lun, !j$|^ ql kdu' ,16ung. Kidu lidiig, 1^ P pok, 'hau. Poh k'au, ,^ pok^ P^li, III li'lK 't'"N' 'kt'"!,'- Ting king, |^j !^ du' 'kxjng. Ydu king, || % tau' du'. Tau ydu. tau' pok,. Tau poh; to argue angrily, '^g^ ^chdng lun'. Tsang lun, j] ^^ lik, pin'. Lib pien,' il ^ likj pok,. Lib poh ; to argue by interrogation, i^ fg iP'iin k'it,. Pw'dn kieh, ^^ pok, k'it^. Poh kieh, ^ ^ cP'dn pok . Pw'dn poh ; to argue clearly, .^f^'pok, .ming. Poh ming, ^fljffjlg pok, t6' ,ming eh'u', ^ ^ pin' pdlc. Pien peh, IM ^ 'ti"S i™i"?- Ting ming, U/J p ,ming pin*. Ming pien ; to argue consecutively, ^ |^ ^ch'ui lun'. Ch'ui lun ; to prove, ife ^ ^ Idp, ,p'ang kii'. Lib p'ang kii, ^ |^ tcng' lun'. Ting lun, 5f 1^ k'ok, lun'. K'ioh lun, @ |^ shat^ lun'. Shih lun ; let us argue together, ^3^ — -^ pok, kwo' yat, hi'. Poh kwo y\\\ k'l. Argued, debated, ^^^%_ pin' pok^ kwo', J^.vg^ 'ting kwo' 'keng. Ting kAvo king, ^ i^ P^ pok, kwo' 'tsui. Poh kwo tsui, "^ |^ V^ ^chdng lun* kwo'. Tsang lun kwo, |^ jl^ ^ du' kwo' 'keng. Ydu kwo king ; proved, jjl J^ ^ |^ hip^ kwo* jP'ang kii'. Lib kwo p'ang kii. Arguer, a disputer, ^^^^ b5' pin' ch6. Udu pien ch6, ^,^^ pin' pok, 'ch6. Pien poh ch6, ^^ ^ tau' pok, 'die. Tau poh che, ^^^ du' 'keng 'ch6. Ydu king cb6. Arguing, discussing, ^ |^ pin' lun'. Pien lun, j^ ]^ pin' pok,. Pien poh, ^|^ M lun'. I lun ; dis- puting, ri m, 'ting 'keng. Ting king. || ^ tau* pok,. Tau poh. Argument, a reason offered in proof, ^ ^j^ .p'ang ku'. P'ang kii, 51 \j^ k'ok, kii'. K'ioh kii, ^ ||g shat, kii'. Shih kii; beads of a subject, ^@ ^t'ai muk^. T'i mub, ^ ^ ^t'ai 'chi. T'i chi, ^ -g- ,cb6ungclii. Chdngchi, ^|i}| jt'ai'kdi. T'ikidi; controversy, ^ ^ pin' lun'. Pien lun, ^!i% du* 'keng. Ydu king; i-eady at argument, ^^^| man pin'. Min pien, ^ ^ ,ling pin'. Ling pien, ^ P ^=1 ^^ li' 'hau pin' jts'z. Li k'au pien ts'z, ^ ^ kap, pin'. Kib pien, ^ ^ wdt^ 'tsui. Uwih tsui, ^, P §p kap, 'hau ,ling. Kib k'au ling, — tilyffii^ yat, 'P'^ jjau '.tsui. Yih pd yu tsui ; rea- son, ^^ to' 'li. Tdu li ; subtle at argument, ^ "^j 'tsin 'tsin. Tsien tsien. Argumental, consisting in argument, ^^^ V^u ebing' kii'. Yu ebingkii; belonging to argument, ^ ii S 'yau t6' nl Yu tdu 11. Argimientation, reasoning, jt ^ ^ Idp, iP'ang ku'. Lib p'ang kii, Ji |^ 'li lun'. Li lun, ^ fi 3g pok t6' Hi. Poh tdu li, ^| ^^ 'van kii". Yin kii, ^^,unku'. Yuenku. Argumentative, consisting of argument, ^ ^ ^ ^yau jp'nng kii'. Yii p'ang kii ; showing nvusons for, jt M t^ I'^Pi iP'""" kii'. Lib p'ang kii; ad- dieted to argument, ^) f^ ^ 'I16 pin' pok,. Udu pien poh, irltP^"!^ wdt^ 'taui k^', ^i^mi&. »<*, ^\i pin' pok,. Lob yu pien |H)b. Argumentatively, in an argumentative manner, ^| 1^ 'yan kii'. Yin kii. Argus pheasant ^ ^ jliin ,kai. Lwdn kl; feathers of ditto, ^ IS^ % ,lun ^kai ,m6. Lwdn kl mdu. AUG (83) ARM Argute, sliarp, f^ f^J ,ling If, ^ 0)j ,ts'ung ^ming. Ts'ung ming, |^^ jling -man. Ling min, '^-t^ fai' 'hau. Kw'ai k'iau. Arid, dry, ^^ ^kon. Kan ; parched, j)^ ts'o'. Ts'au, $i^ ^konts'o'. K&n ts'au, Pji^^ puk^ ^kon. Puh kan. Aridas, a kind of taffety, ^^^^M^ T'in- chuk kwok, pok, tiin- jUaeng. T'ienchuh kwoh poh twan ming. Aridity, dryness, ^jfc^ ,kon ts'6'. Kdn ts'au, ^J^ ^ idj (kon ts'6' ^chi ti\ Kan ts'au clii tl. Aries, the ram, a constellation of fixed stars, .^ ^ ^ ^ jeung ^sing suk, ,meng. Arietation, the act of hutting as with a hattering ram, :f^^ chong- kik,. Chwang kih, 1(^JI^ chong' ,ch'ui. Chwang ch'ui ; ditto as a ram, :j^ fl^ chong'- jt'au. Chwdng t'au ; assault, j^ fy ,kung 'td. Kung t^. Arietta, a short song, ^ ,ko. Ko, ^^ ^ 'tiin ^ko. Twan ko. Ariight, rightly, ^JE ,kung ching'. Kung clung, "[£ jg ching' chik,. Ching chih, {|^ ^ ngang- chik^. Ngangchih, ^%\^ 'kangchik^. Kang chih; with- out mistake, M ^ ^mo ts'o\ Wii ts'o ; to set aright, ^^ 'ching 'ho. Ching hau, Jjjf ^ tso' 'h6. Tso hau ; set him aright, 5P IE tS s^'an ching' ^k'u. T'an ching k'ii, \}^ s£ fg kau ching' 'k'u. Kiau ching k'ii ; to judge aright, f^PJI 'kii chung'. Ku chung. Ariman *, the evil genius or demon of the Persians, ^^^ 'kwai /lii ^meng. Kwei kwei ming. Arise, to get up, ^% 'hi ,shan. K'i shin, ^^ 'hi ,loi. K'i lai, jE^ ^ 5}^ cP'a 'hi ,loi. P'a k'i lai ; to arise from death, ^ife fukj ^shang. Puh sang, ^ 1^ fuk, ^su. Fuh sii, ^/fc. S^^ ,shang. Fan sang, |0j^ t-An ^su. Fan su, ^f^ fuk, lit,. Fuh Hwoh, ^^E^i^ jau 'sz fuk^ lit^. Yti sz fuh hwoh ; it arises from this, ^ itt; rff) 5l5 jau 'ts'z ji ^loi. Yii ts'z rh lai, [±| ^ jit ch'ut, .u 'ts'z. Ch'uh hu ts'z, ^^l[:(^ jau ^ii 'ts'z. Yii yu ts'z ; to stand up, -^ ^;k'i '111, jt >|B ^ lap, 'hi ^loi. Lih k'i Idi ; to commence a journey, ^^ 'hi ^ch'ing. K'i ch'ing, ^ ^ 'hi ^hang. K'i hang, j|f| ^ tun^ ^shan. Tung shin ; to begin to act, ^ "^ 'hPshau. K'i shau, ^^ (hoi 'shau. K'ai shau, ^ fl^ 'hi ^t'au. K'i t'au ; the day arises, {i{ yat^ ch'ut,. Jih ch'uh ; to arise against one, ^ j^ 'hi tik^. K'i tih ; to assault, :j^ ,kung. Kung ; to invade, ^ (ts'am. Ts'in ; to rebel, >ff ^ tsok, 'fan. Tsoh fdn. Arising, ascending, ^ 'hi. K'i, j^ 'sh^ung* Shdng, ^-h (Sliing 'sheung. Shing shang. Aristocracy, the nobility, ^ "^ tseuk, wai'. Tsioh wei, J§ ^ ^ ^ ,kii ts^uk^ wai^ 'che. Kii tsioh wei che ; a form of government, in which the supreme power is vested in a privileged order, ^ 'fc 7^ If tseuk, wai^ 't'ung hat^. Tsioh wei t'ung hiah, Pi'^'^H^ ts^uk, wai^ ,chi ching'. Tsioh ni^mtB^zm- wei chi ching, ^ (;/ /p, g tseuk, wai^ chf kwok,. Tsioh wei chi kwoh, fg >^ |g ^ ,chu ^hau "lam ,k'un. Chii hau Ian k'iucn, W^0i^' ni ^chii jhau lung- ^k'un. Chii hau lung k'iuen. Aristocrat, one who favors an aristocracy, |{| '^ •& ^ ^ W ^ lok, tseulv, wai* ^chi 'kun hat/ 'ch6. Loll tsioh wei chi kwan hiah che ; one who be- longs to the aristocracy, ^ ^ -^ :^ ,kii ts6uk, wai' 'che. Kii tsioh wei che. Aristocratic, ") pertaining to aristocracy, ^ ^5^ ^ Aristocratical, ) ^ ^kwan ,ii tseuk^ wai'. Kwdn yii tsioh wei, ^(i ^»J tseuk, wai' tik,. Tsioh wei tih, ^^ni!E 'yau tseuk ke', ^ fe Pgl tseuk, wai* ke'. Aristocraty, see Aristocracy. Aristolachia, name of a herb which promotes parturi- tion, ^^^ jiin jU sok . Hiuen hu soh. Arithmetic, the art of computation, ^ ^ siin' fdt,. Swan fall ; the science, of ditto, ^ ^ sho' hok,. Su hioh, ii ^ 'kau kwai. Kiii kwei ; thie four rules of arithmetic are called, j'JUj^^iS ^ka 'kdm jShing ^kwai. Kia kien ching kwei: addition, sub- traction, multiplication and division ; to learn arithmetic *, ^ ^ ^ hok, siin' fat,. Hioh swdn fah, .^ II 4^ hok^siin' jp'un. Hioh swdn pw'att, '^' If $i hok, siin' sho'. Hioh swan su, ^f{- f^ hok, kai' sho'." Hioh ki su. Arithmetical, pertaining to arithmetic, |^ |^ ^ ^ ^kwan ^ii siin' fat,. Kwdn yu swan fah ; according to the rules of arithmetic, -j^^^ S^"^^^ fat,, f swan fah, H3:^^ chiii' siin' fat . Chau swdn fah. Arithmetically, according to the rules of aritlimetic, "t^M.^ S ^^^' f^t,. I swan fah. Arithmetician, one skilled in arithmetic, ^ ^ siin* 'shau. Swan shau, ^ ^ -|^ stin' siin' 'che. Shen swan ch6, ^ 1^ % ^ ^ shin' u siin' fat, 'cM. Shen yii swan fdh che, ^ ^ ^ ^ ,tseng ii siin' fat,. Tsing yii swin fah, ^'^l^ifiif ^un' sh5' fi% {a-. Swan sii sz fii, ^ ^J % 'M ^liuk, 'ta sun* ^p'lin. Ark, a vessel, ^ chau. Chau ; the great ark, g J^ kii- ,chau. Kii chau, g >|i t kii' ^ch'a. Kii ch'4,. -;^ ^ /ong ^chau. Fang chau ; the ark of con- venant, ^^^ ^ y^uk, ,seung. Yob siang, ^■^ |g yeuk, kwai'. Yob kwei ; the constellation of the ark, ;^|. ^ i^ kwa' ^sing ^ch'a. Kwa sing ch'a, # ^ =11 kwa' iit, jCh'a. Kwa yueh ch'a. Arm, the limb of the human body which extends from the shoulder to the hand, -^ ^ 'shau pi* ; the fore-arm, ^ pi' ; humerus or arm bone, Jt ^ '^ sheung- pi' kwat,. Shang pi kuh ; ulna or fore-arm bone, It^t'^ ching" chau kwat,. Ching chau kuh; radius or turning hand bone, |f ^# fii- 'chau kwat . Fii chau kuh ; the upper part of * Subtraction is frequently called ^ jCli'u. Ch'u, and mul- tiplication, I^^ ,yan fat,. Yin ikh. f This term, " the great raft, " is by some supposed to refer to- the ark of Noah. ARM (84) ARM the arm, ^ ^ -^ yau" 'shau. Yii shau ; (he left ditto, ^ ^ 'tso 'shau. Tso shau ; an aim of a sea, ^ in hau^ 'hoi. llau hai, M Z^M '''oi ^- I*'"^" '^'^ ^ arms and legs, |;L| ^ sz' ,chi. Sz chi, [/U fff sz' 't'ai. Sz t'i. Arm, to, funiish with weapons of offense or defense, ^ll 1'4i ^'^ P'^^' ^^^ '^^- ^"' ^^'^^ ^" ' ^^ prepare for war, ;y^|j^ ,p'lii hai^ Fai hlai, fj i" :fe tung' ^on ,kHO. Tung ksin ko, ^( ]^i(;k hi ,ka 'lb. K'i kia ho, ||j j^ fji ch'ut, ,ka 'lo. Ch'uh kia ho, % fit' 1^ ("k t^hap, pin' ,ka 'fo. Chih pien kia ho, $ji fil' 4'- jilv '^lii"n pi"' ,kwan hi'. Ching pien kiun , k'i ; to provide against, \ijj jl\[\ ,fong pi'. Fang pi, ;^ 15?/ ,t'ai ,fong. T'i fang, ^ ^Jf u' /oug. Yu fling, ^\ijj ,kwan jfong. Kwan fang. Armada, a fleet of aimed ships, — ^^ ^ |l;f[\ yat, jpong ,ping jShun. Yih pang ping cli'uen, ^ \^\\ 'M il^ cP'^D jShiin jWan tsap,. Ping ch'uen yun tsih. Armadillo >^jl |^ .k'au ,xi. -K'iu yu. Armament, a body of forces equipjjed for war, IJt J; ,kvvau sz'-. Kiun sz, -f| ^ j)ing sz^ Ping sz, i 2^ sz' tsut^. Sz tsuh ; the aimament of aship, fiH'. ^ W2^ jshiin chi kwan hi\ Ch'uen chi kiun k'i. Armature, aimor, \\\ kap . Kiah. Arm-chair I^<1^ t^ him 'shau 'i. K'iuen shau i, \^ fillt, 'p'o ,lung 'i. P'du lung i,^±i0i \\o\ sz' *i. llioli sz i. Armed, furnished with weapons of offense and de- fense, 'ip^ffV'ii'd'i'i ,kwan hi' ^ts'ai pi'. Kiun k'i ts'i pi. Ailiyj'/^lilll ,y»" ■'"'"' <^^'"^ P^^- "^"^ "^" *^'^ P'' ii^ pi\ Yu pi, 'ching pi' ^ki 'fo. Ching pi kid ho, ^l^ |it< Ji ^j, tiii' pin' ,ping hi' 'Idi pien ping k'i; an armed man, ip J: kap, sz'. Kiah sz, qij^ J- chin' sz^ Chen sz ; armed, as trees and shrubs, '^\^ ^au lak^. Yu leh. Armenian »;|ii ^- ^ )i,^ K Aimini kwok, ^yan. Arhmini kwoli jin; pertaining to Armenia, ^)fS^ ^ALl'-^ft'J Aimini kwok, tik,. Arhmini kwoh till, i;|i ^^^)\ y|P^ Aimini kwok, k6'. Armful, as much as the arm can hold, — f(£ yat^ ^p'6. Yih p'au, - \\l yat. Mam. Yih Idn. Armhole, axilla or armpit, li/ji'IJ^lK' ,kd lak/tai. Kid leh ti, H8t 1' y'k. hd'. Yih hia, '^z. fk iVft f^K .c''" ,wo ; a hale for the arm in a garment, -p||j S| chau' ,lung, ^^ S'J^] tJ pui' ,sam chau' 'liau. Armiger, a title of dignity next in degree to knight, ■)^\^ seung' ,kung. Sidng kung. Annigerous, bearing aims, •'.j'}' -ir. ^ tdi' jiing hi'. Ttti ping k'i. 'ts'z 'shau sik,. Siang sz shau ngeh ; the armil- lary ijpherc *^% iH ,sun ,ki. Siuen ki, J||| ^ -gl wan' ^t'in ,i. llwan t'icn i, ^J$^ lik^ tseung'. Lih sialng, ^ -^ jts'iin ,i. Ts'iuen i ; a tube in ditto, T; ^'Jlj yukj .hang. Yuh hang. Arming, equipping with arms, ^"^ ^f ^ jts'ai pi' ,kwan hi'. Ts'i pi kiun k'i ; to prepare for de- fense or attack, j^ & 'hi ^ping. K'i ping, ^ ^ filing ^ping. Hing ping, ^^ gjg hing ,sz. lling 8», ^ifW^^^ ii' pi' cPJnf? '^^- Yu pi ping md. Armings, in China old nets arc used for that pur- pose, which are callcnl, J^J^^j^ ,u 'mong, Yu wdng. Armistice, a cessation of hostilities for a short time, ^ JJ2 -j^ ;;fe tsam^ 'chi ,kon ,kwo. Tsdn chi kiia ko, ^f?^ 1^ tsdm' jt'ing ,kau ,fung. Tsan t'ing kiau fung, -^ iJc®,© ^o" <'<^wo tsJim' sik,. Kan ko tsan sib, ^ H,^ ^ )(^ tsam' ^shi ^chi jWO. Ts-in shi chi ho. Armless, without arms, ^.(-^ jmo 'shau. Wu shau; destitute of weapons, M jjfj- ;|^ ,m5 hi* bai^ Wu k'i hiai, fllL '^i g|;- .m<\kwan hi'. Wu kiun k'i, J^ f i|l ^[f mutj *yau ^kwan hi'. Muh yu kiun k'i. Armlet, a small aim, i^'Jii -^ sai' 'shau. Si shau, — • i^ ^- f T yat, chek^ 'shau 'tsai, /\^=\-^ 'siu 'sbau pi'. Siavi sbau pi ; a bracelet, -^ ^ 'shau bky Shau ngeh, ^ glj pi' ch'iin'. Pi ch'uen, ^ ^ 'shau ch'iin'. Shau ch'uen, J^ ^ jWan p'lii'. Hwan p'ei. Armor, for the protection of the body, g^ ^ kw'ai kiip,. Kw'ei kiiih, 1}! ^ kap chau*. Kiah chau, ^^^ Ip chin' kap,. Chen kiah, ^ 1^ ,ping k&p.. Ping kiah, p t^ ^ham kap,. Han kiah, Ip |i kap^ 'hoi. Kiah k'ai, ^^ kap,. Kiah, ^ ,t'6. T'au; ditto made of leather, ^i|». ,ping kak,. Ping keh; armor for the head, ^ ,kw'ai. Kw'ei, "g"^ 'shau 'hoi. Shau k'ai, si{ ^ ,t'au kw'ai. T'au kw'ei, *jt H 'i|i ^ % tai' kwan hi' 'che. Tdi kiun k'i che, PJ ^:^ \\i JJ};- >g jts'ui tiii' ,kwan hi' 'die. Sui tai kiun k'i clu5. Armorer, a maker of arms, 51! HI' E ,kwan hi' tseung'. Kiun k'i tsiang ; a maker of armor, j^ \ jhdm ,yan. llan jin. Armory, an arstMial, T|7 }^^ ,kwan hi' kuk,. Kiun k'i kiuh, ^i^ ,ping fu . Ping fu, ^ }^ 'mh fu'. Wu fii ; a place where armor is deposited, tfl ^ klip, fiV. Kiiih fu. Armpit, the hollow place under the shoulder, |^B/Qf Jf^, kak, hik, 'tai. Keh leh ti, ^)0I^^ ,kd \i\\ 'tai, ill W. '<"'>a«> yik,. Chau yih : the plac/c ^;Jc ^^K ,kon ,kwo. Sih kan ko, H -& pa' j)ing. Pa ping, H ^ pa- chin'. Pa chen, ^ ^ ^ P^ sz' i kon' -t'o lok, ; to arms, \^ IT ch'ut, 'iL Ch'uh t^. UMf f^ cl^X ,ka 'fo. Ch'uh kia ho, ^""^^ chap, hi' hai'. Chih k'i hiai; a coat of arms, j^ j: ;^ ^ 'm6 sz- ^chi ho'. Wu sz chi hdu, ^ ± to bear arms, ^ ^ tso" ping. Tso ping, g .;£ ^tong ,ping ; to lay down one's arms, :|^ [^ ^t'au ^ong. T'au hiang ; inspector of arms, |p! ^ '^ kwan hi' kam'. Kiun k'i kien ; to carry in the arms, fg "'p'6. P'au ; to take up in one's arms, i^ f^ jlau ■p'6. Lau p'au ; to throw one's arms around one, to embrace, |^ njj ^ ^ "Idm jt'au *ldm 'keng. Lan t'au Ian king. Arms-length, to keep one at, |^ ^ iin^ ^chi. Yuen chi, j^ ^ jSho ^kau. Su kiau. Army, a collection of men araaed for war, ^ * kwan. Kiun, ^j]j t ^sz. Sz, ^ ijf J ,sam ^kwan. San kiun ; a body of troops draAvn up in battle aiTay, P^ chan\ Chin, fr ^ .bong *ng. Hang wu, |^ ^fi tui' -ng. Tui wii, ^ fj jung ^hong. Jung Mng, "^ffi. jying'ng. Yingwu; the encampment of an army, ^ ^ ^kwan ^ying. Kiun ying ; to raise an army, of volvii';eers, ; \^. hi J)ing. K'i ping; an army I ping ; to enter the ,pmg. army, :f5 W s^'^^ ,kwan. T'au kiun, ^^ ^ ^t'au jinS. A -ft yaPj jing. Jib ying, ^ ^ ^ts'ung ^ung. Ts'ung jung ; genei-al orders in an army, f|7 16- p6'. Lu pii ; General Directors of the Army and State, ^^U^H^ 'tsung ^chi ^kwan kwok, sz*. Tsung chi kiun kwob sz ; master con- troler of the army, ^ ^ ;^^f s'^^ng ^kwan kl,u' wai'. Hang kiun kidu wei. Aroma ^ ^b^ung. Hiang, ^ ^ ^b^ung hi'. Hidng k'i, ^ ^ filing ^b^ung. Hing hidng, ^ ^ ^fan ^hdimg. Fan hidng. Aromatic, fragrant, ^ ^ -yau ^b^ung. Yu hidng, ^ # ,fong i^^^ s+s'ing. Kih jin ts'ing ; to arouse to action, ^ ^^ ^hoi fi'it,. K'ai fab, flJS:^^ kik, fdt,. Kih fdh, ]^J^ 'k5m fdt,. Kdn fall ; to rouse one's self to action, |^ ^ fat, 'fan. Fdh fan, ?r|'J^ fat, 'fan. Fab fan ; to arouse one's self or others, .j§ fp chan' tsok,. Chin tsoh, :^^ chan' fan. Chin fan, ^j^^ 'kii lai'. Ku li, 15 % 'kd Tn6. Kii wu, flj^ Id kik, tun^. Kih tung, jgft 'yung 'sung. Yung sung, f||{| 'king tung-. King tung, ^ t§ pdi sdt,. Pai sdh ; to arouse one's fear, BJIf f f #, bak, ,kcng /'a. Hih king t'd ; to arouse to self-consideration, gg f^ 'sing ng'. Sing wu, f| f^ kok, ng'. Kiob wii ; to arouse to self-rer ovation, -f'^^;) ,K tsok, ^san ^man. Tsoh sin min. \f^^ also MTitten 'seng.] Aroused, excited lo action, fj^ ^ i^ Idt, "fan kwo'. Fdh fan kwo, \^ f| -;^ kik, idt^ kwo'. Kih fdh kwo, IfJi f!; i^ kik, tung' kwo'. Kih tung kwo ; awakened, fl4 || ;4 kiu' 'sing kwo'. Kiau sing kwo, ^51^ li® ,t'ii\ 'sing kwo'. T'idu sing kwo; awakened, alive to one's real condition, §§ f^ smg n^ o^. Sing wu. m Arousing, awakening from sleep, B^ SI kiu' "^sing.. Kidu sing, rfj" j|g 'td 'sing. Td sing ; ditto one's feelings, ^ kik,. Kih ; enlightening one, ^^t, ^t'iu 'sing. T'idu sing ; arousing one's fear, bdk, (keng. Hih king. Arquebuse -^^ sbau cb'ung'. Shau ch'ung, "^Im ^ ^ 1^ 'ku jlun cb'ung' .chi jUicng. Ku lun cb'ung chi min g, ^^ kau cb'ung'. Kau ch'ung. . Arquifoux (^ A ^ ^§1 s^'o jan .cbl ^iin kwong'. T'du jin chi yuen kwitng. Arrack |^ jjij; yg d' lik, 'tsnu. A lib tsiu, |f 7v® J^ 'tsz 'tsau. Ye tsz tsiu, ^ yg Tuai 'tsau. Mi tsiti, WJ^ll^ }• ^ 't'6 tsui'. T'du tsui, pj| p man* tsui*. Wan tsui ; to set a prisoner at the bar of a court, ^:^|i$lj^ kdi' ftin* t6' on'. Kiai fan tdu ngan, ^ i^i] ^ ^ kdi' to' on' jts'in. Kiai tdu ngdn ts'ien, ^ 5|J ^^ f^ kdi' t6' jUgd ^miin. Kidi tdu ya muu, M^^ ARR pj[f. kiii* on' 'sham pJln^ Kisii ngsin shin pdn, ^ j^} ft\ ^ dp, kii' t6' on'. Yih kidi tdu ngdn, j^ jk^ij'tV kdi' sung' t6' ^kun. Kidi sung tdu kwdn. Arraigned, called before a tribunal to answer, jff jl^ f Ij'g' kai' kwo' to' ^kdn. Kidi kwo tdu kwdn. Arraignment, the act of airaiging, |^jf JlJ ^ ^ kdi* t6' on' 'ch6. Kidi tdu ngdn ch6 ; accusation, -^fp ^ k6' tsui' 'ch6. Kdu tsui ch6. Arrange, to, to put in order, ^ ^"jp ,chai 'ho, ^ ^ chap, 'h6, j^kl- fong' 'hb. Fang hdu, ^^ ffl p'di ^hoi. P'di k'iii, j^^ ^il ,p'di lit^. P'di Ueh, ;ti '^ll 'pdi lit,. Pdi lieh, ^j^}f. jy'b ^p'ai. P'd p'di, ^fg" ,p'6 ch'it,. P'u shell, ti IS* 'pjii ch'it,. Pdi sheh, ^ It ,p'6 ^ch'an. P'u ch'in, ^ ^|J eh'an lit,. Ch'in lieh, tT^fi 'td 'tim. Td tien, ^^ 'td tip,. Td tieh, ^ ^/j 'kim 'tim. Kicn tien, i^ §p^ ,t'ai Siirn. T'i tien, ^\^ chap, shap,. Chili sliih, ^j^^ on ^p'ai. Ngdnp'ai, ^|| po' chi\ Pu chi, ^^ j)'^i jts'ai. P'di ts'i, ^ ^|J clian lit,. Chin lieh, ^^ij /an lit,. Fan lieh, ^\^\] >u lit,. Liu lieh, Hi ^Ij ;6 lit,. Lu lieh, fl|^ ,16 ,ch'an. Lu ch'in, W J^b .P''" 'pi' ^ ^'! il« "tr Lo lieh, s^ g ^t'iil 'ch'u. T'iau ch'u, iijij -/^ ,t'iu chi^ T'idu chi, || i® ,t'ii\ -It. T'idu li, =1 jf ,t'iu jt'ing. T'iiu t'ing, P^iJ .t'iii /sai. T'iau tsl, gc|| /s'oi 'tsin. Ts'di tsien, ^15^ ,ts'oi tok,. Ts'ai toh, ;f: ^ ^ch'autok,. Ch'au toh, ;^{^. jT/jf ,p'di 'kdi. P'di kidi ; to an-ange the ofterings, =)[,'• ^ ch'it, ,kung. Sheh kung ; to arrange the table, i^^ \§ j)'di jt'oi. P'di t'di, j^ ;ja^ jp'di eh'euk,. P'di ch'oh ; to an-ange hastily, ^ put,. Poh ; to arrange one's dress, ^''f^fji% ^chong 'h6 i fuk,. Chwdng hdu i fuh ; to aiTange into pages, 'l^ f&^-M 'V^^ s^'^^S c®^'^ 'P^°- ^^^ ching shu pan ; to arrange a difFiculty, \}\\^} ^hoi 'kdi. K'di kidi, ^^ 1^1 ,p'di 'kdi. P'di kiai, :^^ ^| j)'di ndn^ P'di nan ; to an-angc nicely, :^^ |/|£ ^^ :j^ jP'di ^p'tii p'dk, p'ak,. P'di p'di p'eh p'eh ; to arrange in a scries, jEjt ^l] j)in Ht,. Pdn lieh ; to . arrange materials in order, |)gj ,i)in. Pien ; to arrange marks or letters in order, ^p\]'-p%t tP^"^ lit, tsz' hh\ Pien lieh tsz hdu ; to arrange or set- tle about earnest money, fj ting'. Ting ; to ar- range an affair in order, sif ^j^iljlj "i sz' 'i chai*. I sz I chi ; to arrange (initiate) that affair, ^ ^ it ^ Jiu 'li Xi 'sii. Liau li k'i sii ; to an-ange and speak of points in order, fi^ ^ |3c ^i^ s^'^'^ ,fan nil sik,. T'idu fan lu sih. Airanged, put in order, 1^^^ ^ ^chai kwo' 'hb, ^ M $JF ^^^^\\ ^^<^' '^'^- ^*"'' '^''■^ ''^"' ^^ ^'J *^ ^p'di lit, kwo'. P'di lieh kwo, U^\]i^ ,lo lit, kwo'. Lo lieh kwo, }^\. 5*^^ i^ ,p'ai /a'ai kwo'. P'di ts'i ■ kwo, %^ ti},^ i^ jts'ai pi' kwo'. Ts'i pi_^kvvo, ^ }^ '^ ,p'di hoi kwo'. P'di k'di kwo, ^ ^|J j^ ,pin lit, kwo'. Pien lieh kwo, tT ^A M 't» 't''" k«'o'. ^ Slii' '^''^^1 c^wai ch6uk,. Yu kwei ehoh, :^^ ^ 'yau ch6uk, lok,. Yu ehoh loh, :f;j j£ 3t >u teng' ch6uk,. Yu ting choh, ^ ^ Is'z' Uii'. Ts'z ti, #;g ^- ,i .ts'ang ts'z'. I ts'ang t«'z, ^^^ 5^ \vau jts'aug V^w ts'z'. Yd ts'ang yu ts'z, ^^ (86) ARE ts'z' t8u^ Ts'z tsu, 7 ^ 'liu tong*. Liau tdng, jjg 5^ 'lu ts'z'. Lii ts'z, 4*-# sP'iag tit,. P'ing chih. 3^ 3^ tit, tit,. Chih chUi ; well arranged, fg ^ pin' tong'. Pien tdng ; evenly arranged, ^ <£| ^t'ing ,wan. T'ing yun, fi^ ^ "p ^ts'ai ,k'i lid*. Ts'i k'i hid ; everything arranged in it« order, j? ^ <2if- Hr tsii' ts'z' H'o tong'. Tsu ts'z t'o ting, 5^^^^ ^au jt'iu pat, lun*. Yu t'iiiu puh lun, # # ^ i^ 'tseng 'tseng ^au ,t'iu. Tsing tsing yu t'idu, ^ 1^1 # ^ ts'z' tai' 'tseng ^In. Ts'z ti tsing jen, ^^^^\ ts'z' tsii^fan ^ming. Ts'b tsii fan ming ; arranged (in a serrated manner), EU ffl .^^ s^'i'i i^'i" s^"- '^"^^^ *'**^" J®*^' ^ ^ ^ ^ jts'ai jts'ai 'ching 'ching. Ts'i ts'i ching ching; arranged (equalized) their strength, JJj ^ -& il 'pi ,ts'ai ,k'i lik,. Pi ts'i k'i lih, J:[j ^ |yLj ^ 'pi mat, sz' Ji. Pi wuh sz li ; the throe are equally arranged, ^ ti ^6 ^ ct^'am 'clie ^s^ung ch'ing'. Ts'dn che sidng ch'ing; that affair is set- tled, ^^7 sz' Vo 'liu. Sz t'o lidu. Arrangement, the act of putting in order, j^ ^|) ^ ,p'di lit, 'ch6. P'di lieh ch^, ^,(t^|) ,lo lit,. Lo Ueh, tX f^ ^ 'ta 'tim 'ch6. Td tien che ; the state of being put in order, ^^ ,ts'ai pi'. Ts'i pi, ^^ ts'z' tsii'. Ts'z tsu, 5^ ^4 ts'z' tai'. Ts'z ti, ^ ^|) jCh'an lit,. Ch'in lieh ; the arrangement (disposi- tion) of an army, ^5 ^ p6' huk,. Pu kiuh ; set- tlement, @^ fj* cheuk, ting'. Choh ting, g^ U jCham ting'. Chin ting ; classification of facts re- lating to a subject, ^ §3 ^ M sts'un ^t'ai p5* chi'. Siun t'i pii chi, j^ ^\] ^ j)in lit, 'ch6. Pien lieh c\\6. Arranger, one who arranges or puts in order, j^ ^ ^ ,p'ai lit, 'ch6. P'di lieh che, 1^^^ ^chaima^ 'chd, II ^Ij ^ ,\o lit, 'che. Lo lieh ch<^. Arrant, infamous, 3]^ f^ .kwdi p'ik . Kwii p'ih ; wicked, ^ ok,. Ngoh ; an arrant knave, ^ ^ jkwong kwan'. Kwang kwan ; an arrant hypocrite, M "X.^-^ c*'^ s"^'^ ,kwong kwan'. Sz wan kwdng kwan, i^ ^^ -jr ngai' ,kwan 'tsz. Wei kiun tss ; an arrant liar, \^ Hjjgj^^ ^ming ^mingshiit, ,fong. Ming ming shwoh hwdng, Q S^ AaJ V^K V^K 'kong tdi' wd'. Peh peh kidng td hwd. AiTantly, impudently, ^ :f^ hnong chong'. M^g chwdng, ^^ '16 *mong. Ld mfing. An-ay, oi-der, ^j^ ts'z' tsii'. Ts'z tsii; disposition of an army (battle array), ^}fj[>^Z§^ iP'«" «1»*'^"' c*^ shai*. P'iii chin chi shi ; to set in array, J^ ^|J ,p'di lit,. P'di lieh ; to put in battle array, f^ |^ 'pdi chan'. Pai chin, ^|J j^ lit, chan'. Lieh chin ; di-ess, ij^gjj chong shik,. Chwdng shih, ^];tj)> 'ti pdn'. Td pdn ; to impannel, j^P^Hl^ p'ai' jP'ui 'sham ,kun. P'di p'ei shin kwdn. Array, to, to draw up, as troops for battle, ^^ ^^ chan', ^ij^ lit, chan'. Lieh chin ; t« dross, ^f^ ^chong 'ching. Chwdng ching, ^ ^'tli. pdn'. T4 pin, ||g)j 'ching shik,. Ching sliih, ^^ chong sliik,. CLwiug shih ; to deck, |^ ^ ^sau shik,. Sill shih. ARR (87) AIIR Arrayed, drawn up in order for attack or defense, ^aM^ ^p'ai kwo' chan^ P'cii kwo cliin ; dressed or decked, ^ |^ i^ ^chong shik, kwo'. Chwdng shih kwo, tr # M 'ta p^n' kwo'. Td pan kwo ; arrayed in gloom, '^^^^ "miin ^slian pai' ai'. Mw^n shin pi i. Arrayer, one who arrays, :^^^|J ^ j)'ai lit, 'ch6. P'ai lieh che ; one who has to put the soldiers of a county in a condition for military service, ft] ^ ^^ ,sz -li ^ s^^"^ fi^^ ft 'chi chii'. Chi cliu, jf ^ ,t'ing chii-. T'ing chii, Xt i, 'chi sik,. Chi sih; to obstruct, fff^ chai- chii'. Cbi chii, ^U^ ,tam kok,. Tan koh, |5Jiy^ 'cho chai'. Tsu chi ; to im- prison, ~J^ ^ -ha yuk,. Hid yoh ; to arrest uni yersal attention, ^ \ li^ @ tung- jan jSam muk,. Tung jin sin muh, ^^js; p^ ^ M (kai ^t'am hon^ -i. Kidi fan hiang i, ?|J Jtg # ^ to' ch'u' jCh'iin 'kong. Tau ch'ii ch'uen kidng ; to arrest . attention, ^ Q kik^ muk^. Kih muh. ,, Arrest, the apprehending of a person by virtue of a warrant from authority, ^ ^ chuk, ^na. Chuh ni,, ;j^ :tj£ p6' chuk,. Pu chuh ; to send under ar- rest, ^ j^ ap, sung'. Yah sung ; to escape from arrest, jgj^ ,p6 ,t'5. Pii t'au; delay, :^0 |f| tarn l^ok,. Tdn koh; imprisonment, ~f\ ^ *hd yuk^. Hia yoh, ^ ^ ^tiu ^kam. Tiau kien. iArrested, apprehended, {{£ jj^ chuk, kwo'. Chuh kwo, ^ -^ ,n^ kwo'. Na kwo ; stopped, j]^ ^ 'chi kwo'. Chi kwo, ^±M kam' 'chi kwo'. Kin chi kwo ;. it arrested my j.ttcntion, ^ ^ § kik, 'ngo muk^. Kih wo n;iub. ^jregting, seizing, ^ $£ p6- chuk,. Pu chuh ; stay- "' ing, ll/^ 'chi,^ii'. Chi chti,^ ± kam' 'chi. Kin chi. Arrestment, an arrest, ^ ^ hau* 'sham. Hau shin, ■@ ^ 'M ^ jlau jkam hau' 'sham. Liu kien hau shin, ^|^ ^ ngoi^ ^ki. Wai ki. Arret, the decision of a court, ^ ^ij 'sham p'lin'. Shin pw'dn ; a degree published, ^ iyi ko' shi*. Kau shi ; the edict of a sovereign prince, J^ ^ sheung- ii'. Shang yu. Arriere, the last body of an army, ^ jj^ 'mi chan'. WI chin, ^ 1^ hau- chan'. Hau chin, |^^ tin^ ,kwan. Tien kiun, ^ J^ 15$ ^p, ^mi chan'. Ydh wi chin ; arriere-ban * , ~|^ |^ ^ ||jj ha' ii' ,hing ^sz. Hia yii hing sz. Arriere-guard J^ j^ 'mi chan'. WI chin, ^^ tin' ^kwan. Tien kiun. Arrival, the reaching a place, ^ chi'. Chi, ^|j t6*. T^u, ^^ chi' 'che. Chi che, %\\^ to' 'che. Tau che ; the attainment of any object by effort, ^ tak,. Teh, ^ k'ap,. Kih ; the arrival of the Mail at Hongkong, yc^j#^^lj#i# 'fo M.^ 'yau 'ch'i 'ch'e kdk,. Yu ch'I ts'ic keb ; arrive at puberty, ^ 7" ^shing ^ting. Ching ting ; has the steamer arived ? X^^\]^ 'fo jShim t5' 'fau. Ho- ch'uen tau fau ; to arrive at perfection (as fruit)» ^Ht chi' shuk,. Chi shuh ; to arrive at by prac- tice, ^^Ij^ hokj to' shukj. Hioh tdu shuh ; to * ^^i^itm^^m^y^'^^^ ARR (88) AET arrive at tlic meaninf^ of a passage, ^ Hj 1»J ,^ 'sdunfj ch'ut, kii' i'. S\hng ch'uh kii i ; to arrive at the door, ^Ij P^ to' ^mun. Tau mun, ^ ^^ 'chung ,muTi. Cliung mun ; to be about to arrive, ^f\\ ^ts^ung t6'. Tsiang tku. Arrived, reached, $1] ^ th' kwo\ Tau kwo, ^l] T to' 'Jill. Tau liilu; our ancestors have arrived, ^ III "F ^ <^^^ **^^ (^ ,ts' tsz^king. Tsz lii"^'. M JiS "S^' ^^"'- ^8^^ ^'"' BR :^ ^ 'ngdn kok, ,k6. Yen koli kAu ; insolence, ^ ^^ ng6' nidn*. Ngau rakn, JJg ^ kii' ng5^ Kii" ngau, JQ ^ ngat^ ng6'. Wuh ngau ; pride, 0j ^ ,k6 ng6\ Kau ngau, g^ X Po i'. BR '^'^i jan s^ 'sh(5ung *ngan. T'i Jin wii shdng yen, ^ BR :1{I A ^"^^ *ngkn sdung' ,yan. Arrogancy, sec Arrogance. Arrogant, haughty, ^i^k M^"^ "S^^- ^^^^ "gau, ^ ^ ^kiii king. Kiau king, BR ^ ^ ^ngan kok, ^6. Yen koh kilu, ^fL |g BR 'hung ts6uk, 'ng/m, 1^ \ P§: J: BR 't'ai jan ,m^sh(^ung ^ngsln, ^ ^ ngo^ slu^ Ngau shi ; boasting, [^.| g^ ts?/ kw'a. Tsz kw'd ; insolent, ^j;^ ngo' mdn'. Ngau miln, i?JK # kii^ ng6^ Kii ngau, # !# A 10 # ck6m k6m' tdi' ko' pi^ Arrogantly, with undue pride or self-importance, -j^ p^ ngo' shl*. Ngau shi, |^||, 'miii shi'. Midu shi, ■^ ,^ ng^^ M- Ngau jen ; aiTOgantly offend, f§ ^ ^t'ong tat,. Arrogate, to, to lay claim to more than is proper, f^ ts'im'. Ts'ien, ^ ^ ts'im* ixt^. Ts'ien yueh, ^ :^[i ts'im' fdn'. Ts'ien fan, ^ ^ ts'im' fan'. Ts'ien fan ; to arrogate a name or title, j^ ;^ |j| ts'im' ^mcng ho'. Ts'ien ming hku, ^ ^ ts'im' ch'ing. Ts'ien ch'ing; to arrogate to one's self honor or respectability, "^^^ ts'im' ^tsiin. Ts'ien tsun, -(^ ,tl ts'im' 'lai. Ts'ien li, -^ ,ii«i ^(l ^ iit, *lai fan' fan'. Yueh H fan fan. Arrogated \^ ji^ ts'im' kwo'. Ts'ien kwo. Arrogation, the act of arrogating, f§ ts'im'. Ts'ien, ■jf ^ ts'im' ch6. Ts'ien c\\6, 3^ ^ kwo' fan'. Kwo fan. Arrogativc, making undue pretensions, ^^ifUn'^ pat, 'shau Mai tik,. Puh shau li tih, :?^ ^' ^ P^ pat, jts'un fan' k6', :iJ^^|'l^ t'di' kwo' fan' tik,. T'jii kwo fan tih. Arrondissement, a district, ^ iin'. Hien. Arrosion p^ *ngdu. Ngdu or ydu. Arrow ^ tsln'. Tsien, ^ 'ch'i. Shi, ^ ^ tsln' kon'. Tsien kdn, ^ ^ ,chan kwai. Chin kwei ; an iron pointed arrow, ^ ^ 'pi tsin'. Pi tsien, f^jg^ t'dp, jl6. T& lu ; to set off an arrow, |$ — ^ fat, yat, 'ch'i. Fdh yih shi; to shoot an arrow, ^ §§ sh6' tsin'. Shi6 tsien ; every arrow hits, fj ^c|? tsin* tsln' chung*. Tsien tsien chung, ^■^ ^ 'ch'i 'ch'i chung'. Shi shi chung, ^M^^, l^y^vCfl (fij 'ch'i ^mb hii fat,, ffct, pit, chii'ng' tik,. Shi wu hii fdh, fah pieh chung tih; a shower of arrows, (arrows fell like rain), ^Vnf^T^ tsin' jU 'ii hd'. Tsien juyu hid, ^fm^i [. 'ch'i ^u Mi hi'. Shi ju yu hid; time flies like an arrow, ^tP^'lEl ^ ,kwong jam Hs'z tsln'. Kwdng yin sz tsien ; when the mind is bent on returning home, it is like a flying arrow, ^J ^\^^ ^ ^ ^kwai ^sam *ts'x tsin'. Kwei sin sz tsien ; a whirring arrow, p|iij ^ 'h6ung tsin'. Ilidng tsien ; a fire arrow, ^ ^ 'fo tsin'. Ho tsien ; to injure one with a se- cret arrow, to slander. Be ^ ^ X ^"^' ^^^^* ^shdung jyan. Ngin tsien shdng jin, ^^j'/'i^f^ sho* 'lang tsin'. Shi6 lang tsien ; an arrow flying, ^ ^ 'ch'i 'kiu. Shi kiau ; as straight as an arrow [upright], ^ gr 'ch'i chik^. Shi chih, ^ (ti; 4n ^ ,k'i chiicj jii 'ch'i. K'l chih jii shi ; the point or head of an arrow, ^ \^ tsin' 'tsui. Tsien tsui ; do. of iron, ^ ^ tsin' tsuk^. Tsien tsuh ; do. of stone, ^ M16. Nu ; an arrow-bag, or quiver, ^ ^ tsin' toi'. Tsien tdi, ^ ^ tsin' ,nong. Tsien nang; an arrow-maker, ^ \ 'ch'i ^yan. Shi jin, 4^ A tsik, jan. Tsih jin. Arrow-head, a plant, ^ ^ jts'z kii. Ts'z kii. Arrow-root |/§ !(^ 'ngau 'fan. Ngau fan. Arrow-shaped ^ h^ H|!i[ ^|^ "ts'z tsin' 'k6m ydung*. Sz tsien kdn ydng. Arse, the buttocks of an animal, ^ ^t'lin. T'un, ^ ^ hau' jt'iin. Ilau t'un ; a short arse, ^ M ^ jUdm 'ts6 fat,, Ndn tsii fuh. Arsenal, a repository of arms and military stores, |^ f^ ^ ."^wan hi' kukj. Kiun k'l kiuh, ^ J^ 'mb 111'. Wii k'li. Arsenic fg ^ sun' shekj. Sin shih ; ditto ore of, ig^j i^ ,p'ai ,s6ung. P'i siang, 5J}; ^ ji'ai shck,. P'l shih; ditto sulphuret of, A ^ * > s^^" i^"- J'** yen, j^jf^ j^ung sun'. Hung sin ; yellow arsenic, ^ "^ shekj jWong. Shih hwiing. Arsenic acid -l-'^Jgjj^ sun' shek, t8'6'. Sin shih ts'ii. Arsenical, belonging to arsenic, J^f^^ shuk, sun' shekj. Shuhsin shih ; consisting of irsenic, -f^^ fli] sun' shekj tik,. Sin shih tih, "fg .^ I^E sun* shek, k6'. Arsenicate, to combine with arsenic, |@ ^ ^ ,k'au sun' shek,. K'ii sin shih. Arsenious ^$^'(^ sun' shck^ tik,. Sin sheh tih, ^ ;g|i|5t sun' shekj k6,. Arsis, in prosody, that pari of the foot on which the stress of the voice falls, ^ ^ ^ (k5 .shing tsa*. Edu shing tsz. Arson, the malicious burning of a house of another man, iji^ A •"""-'' ''"'>• *''^"g '"^' ^ 'K tsung' 'fo- Tsung ho, ti 'K^Km^ f"ns' 'fo .«^»'i J^ jfong uk,. Fdng ho shfiu jin f&ng uh. Art ^§^ 'shau ngai'. Shau 1, ^^ kl' ngai'. Ki I, * 'lliiB a ia alaag, meaaing " man's word," the two characten when ooinbino ^ pf fat,. Pi fah. Artabotrys (Uvaria) J|f| /|V ,ying 'chdu. Ying chdu. Artemisia, or mugwort, ^^ ngai' 'ts'6. I ts'au, ^ ^ts'au. Ts'iu. Arterial ^M-^^ ^''^^' ^^K ^'^y T'iau meh tih, j^ 1^ P^ t'iu' mak, k6' ; pertaining to an artery or arteries, 1^ ^ j^^ M ^kwdn .ii t'iii' makj. Kwdn yu t'idu meh ; arterial blood, 0fe J3^ J^ t'iu' mak. hiit,. T'i6,u meh hiueh. Arteriology, a treatise on the arteries, ^ t'iu- mak, "li lun-. T'iau meh li km, Mk (89) AET Kiau hwdh p'o ; seducing, ^ M ^ s^^ jli ^tseng. Hu li tsing, ^)^ j^ fi. mf . Hii mei ; artful talk, t'iii' mak^ ,chi 'li. T'iau meh chi li. Mm hiit,. K'di Arteriotomy \^ ^ M .^ c^oi mak^ fon| meh fdng hiueh. Artery, a vessel or tube which conveys the blood from the heart to all parts of the body, ^ makj. Meh, ^ ^ mak^ 'kun. Meh kwan, 1^ ^ t'iu' mak^. T'iau meh, m^Zk^'^^^'WM'a E^§. mak, 'kiin chi hixt. , jau ,sam ch'ut. wan' -hang pdk, 't'ai. Meh kwdn chi hiueh yu sin ch'uh yun hang pell t'i ; doubtful terms are, ^^ hiit, mak Hiueh meh, ^ ^ kan makj. Kin meh M HI .kinj: mak^. King meh. Artesian, artesian wells, ^ ^ tsiin' 'tseng. Tswdn tsing. Artful, skillful, ^X.^{^ ki' 'hdu tik,. Ki k'iau tih, X^ j^ 'hdu miu'. K'iau niiau ; cunning, |^ ^ 'kwai kwat,. Kwei kiueh; crafty, :^|f 'nau kai'. Niu ki, ^ 3|« 'kiiu wat,. Kiau hwah, ^ Jf ^kan wkty Kien hwah, ^^^f 'kau 'kui. Kiau kwai' ^§ )f 'kui wat,. Kwai hwah, ^f ||^ ^kdn 'kau. Kien kiau, :^g^ 'kau chd'. Kiau cha, j(f^ ^k^n clid'. Kien ch4, ifjf ^1 M-at; ^k'ai. Hwah k'i, ^^ ^ts'im ,ts'ii. Sieu ts'ii, ^ f;;^ t'ai' t'ut,. T'i t'uh, 7] ,titi. Tiau, ^^ ^- kdu wdt,. Kidu hwHh, |^^ ^ mak^ ni^ Meh ni ; then I see an artful lad, 7^ ^ ^ g; Tidi kin' 'kdu jt'ung. Nai kien kiau t'ung; an artful woman, ^f -^ ^ ^ ,k&n ning^ ^chi -fu. Kien ning chi fu, ;^ ■§• ^ A jCh'^ung shit^ -fii ^o,n. Ch'Ang sheh f(i jin, ;fe|t^^ 'kdu wdt, ,p'o. tsin ^tsin. Tsien tsien ; artful words, X^ = 'hdu jin. K'idu yen, ^ |jg k'it, 'kau. K'ieh kau, ^^ ,iu jln. Ydu yen, ^ |§ ^liu lik,. Lidu lih ; fascinating smile, ^'^ '^^^ 'hau siu' ^ehi ^ts'o. K'idu siau chi ts'o. Artfullj', with art, X'5 ^ 'hdu miu\ K'iduniidu; skillfully, -\^ T^ ,ki 'hau. Ki k'idu, % j^ ^mi mill'. Wi miau. Artfulness, art, :^ 3^ ki" 'hau. Ki k'iau ; cunning, 1^ Wi kwai kwat,. Kwei kiueh. Arthritis, gout, y^M,^ %dLVL ,fung ts^t,. Tsiii fung tsih, ypl ^ f^\ 'tsau /ung keuk^. Tsiii fung kioh. Article, a section (in a treaty, ordinances &c.), ^ 'fiin. Kw'an, ^ 'i. I; an item (in an account), j^ jt'iu. T'iau ; article, the definite, ^ ;g 1^ teng" ^meng tsz . Ting ming tsz it is expressed by, ,^ ,k'i. K'i, f^ y. Pi, \[Y, ^ts'z. Ts'z, ^ ^koi. Kai ; ditto the indefinite, * ^^^^ pat, teng^ ^meng tsz'. Puh ting ming tsz, — yat,. Yih, ^ "mau. Mau; articles of war, ^ ^ ^kwan fAt,. Kjun fah ; articles of trade, Y{ ilij] fo' mat^. Ho wuh; an article (of trade), -^ kin'. Kien, jg hong^ Hiang, ^ shik,. Sih, ^ y^img'. Ydng, ^ 'fiin. Kw'an ; articles of faith, f^ iS ^-(^ sun' to' ^chii jt'iii. Sin tku. chii t'iau; an article of faith, i$f^—i^ sun' ,king yat, jt'iii. Sin king yih t'idu; articles of food, ^!J^|§ shik, mat^ lui'. Shih wuh lui ; articles of furniture, ^ JflL hi' ^ing. K'i ming; in the article of death, 'i^^-^B^ jlam 'sz ^chi jShi. Lin sz chi shi, ^ ^ ^lam ,chung. Lin chung, ^^ J.^ 'sz tf. Sz ti ; one article of trade, — "ff t^ y^^i k^^ ^"^ • Y^^ kien ho ; each article, ^ -f^ 'miii kin^ Mei kien ; all the articles are spoiled, ^ # ^ y kok, yeung' wai^ 'liii. Koh ydng hwdi liau. Article, to, to draw up in distinct particulars, ^ ^|J ^^ ,hoi lit, kok, 'fun. K'ai lieh koh kw'an, ^ ^|Jig.j^ /an lit, kok, jt'iu. Pan lieh koh t'iau ; to stipulate, or bind by articles of covenant, ^ ^ kit, yeuk,. Kieh yoh, fjfv^ ting' yeuk,. Ting yoh, ^ ^^ j^mang yeuk,. Mang yoh ; to agree by arti- cles,' gl/i|^^ cheuk, -i kok, 'fiin. Choh i koh kw'an. Articular, belonging to the joints, ^ 5^|ff ^kwdn /i tsit,. Kwdn yu tsieh, ;^'^shuk,tsit,. Shuh tsieh, |iJii|)£ tsit, M\ Articulata, animals having a jointed structure, but no internal skeleton, I^M^c^^M '^»^i Vong, kwan jCh'ung 'tang lui'. Iliai p'jing kwan ch'ung tang lui, ^^%fSL^:^^%t{ yau tsit, .mo tsek, chi ^shang lui'. Yii tsieh wii tsih chi sang lui. Articulate, jointed, ^f0 'yau tsit, ; clear, !^ .ming. Ming, \i}\ Q ^ming pakj. Ming peh ; an articulate pronunciation, '^ ^J '/^ kii' kii' ,ts'ing. Kii kii ts'iug, ^HR^BiJ tsz- -'ngan /an ^ming. Tsz yen fan ming, ^Hj^ ^ 'koug ^ming pdk,. Kidng ming See under A pp. 1 & 8, ' aut peh, -fft 3f f^PJ ]i ,linf? ,n-a W 'cli'i. Ling ya li cU'i ; an articulate voice, f^.m"^^ ,shing jam jts'ing leung'. Shiag yin ts'ing liang. Articulate, to spoak, i^"^ Hj) 'kong jming. Kiang m'rg ; to form into distinct elementary sounds, ^ Ijl) '-^"^ rj /an ,ming tsz' 'mo yam. Fan ming tsz mil yin ; to form into syllables or Avords, fj^ W^ jShing jts'z ki'i'. Clung ts'z kii ; to stipulate, juT. yi ff^ 1'4'i ,kw'ai .t'iu. Lib kw'ei t'iau ; clear enunciation, gfj; fl] f^ -^ shut, tak, jts'eung sik,. Shwoli tell ts'^'fi ig sill. Articulated, uttered distinctly in syllables or words, ^ f|}= i^ ^ 'kong tak, ,ts'ing 'cli'o. Kiang teli ts'ing ts'u, . Ki mau che, J^^g\^{ 'hdu kai' 'che. K'iau ki ch.«; an inventor. ^^' f-^ l^i 'ch'i t30k, 'che. Ch'i tsoh clu', if, iji] ^ ^- ,8an 'hi 'shau 'che. Sin k'i shau chi', f,l\ \^ ^ chai' tsok, 'che. Cbi ts:)h che, /j;j i'.l^ ^ ,iin tso' 'ch6. Yuen tsdu che ; a cunning fellow, W.Wi^ K 'kwai kwat, chi ,yan. Kwt>i kiueh clii jin, g|V Jj'j' ^ X 'kwai Wiitj ,ehi .yan. Kw(>i hwah chi jin, i^>^^ A 'kdu 'kill ,chi ^yan. Kiiiu kwai chi jin ; a cle- ver fellow, a per5o:i full of contrivances and re- sources, l^l'VvH^:! A P"k, sling ^chi ^yan. Peh ling clii jin, iJiM ' tik,. Chi tsau tih, ^ I^fff; ,ki 'hau tik,. Ki k'iau tih, K%%^3^ i' ch'ut, ke', if;A^.!l1''(5t I'ai' jan 's^ung ch'ut, ke', I/? m- tl Hi "1^ .san ,sin 'sdung ch'ut, k6*; feigned, ^J^ '^ |g^ jVeung ^Avai tik,. Y^ng wei tih, # Jg; "flJt^.yeung ,wai k6', gfi ^ chd' ,wai. Chi "*^'ci. f>^ ^^ ngai' ^wai. Wei wei ; not genuine or i natural (as a pcreon's conduct), ^^ m4u' ,wai; cultivated, not indigenous, as flowers &c., ^ Jjf^ (fy ,p'ui 'yeung tik,. P'ei ying tih, }%^li^ .p'ui ^yeung ke', J^|i|n^ ,p'ui chik^ tik,. P'ei chih tih; artificial flowers, |k H, 1^ '«hi - Ho pei ydh. Artillerist i^^- p'du' 'shau. P'du shau, %^ p'du' ,ping. P'au ping; a corps of artillerists, — |i|t% ■^ yat, tiii^ p'^u' 'shau. Yih tiii p'du shau. Artillery, ordnance or great gims, ;^ {g tdi^ p'du'. Td p'du, A^ tdi^ ch'ung'. Td ch'ung; a park of artillery, :k^^-^ tdi' p'du' yat Jui'. • Td p'du yih tiii, — I5|jtA*k yat, tui' tdi' p'du'. Yih tiii td p'du ; a train of artillery, ^ ^^ p'du' hi'. P'du k'i; to practice artillery, ^ ?@. shi' p'du'. Shi p'au, fjH *a 'shai p'du'.* Shi p'du, ^ A *& .ts'6 tdi' p'au'. Ts'du td p'du, j|^ ^ kdu' p'du'. Kidu p'du ; artillery men, see Artillerist. Artisan, a l:and-crafts-man, X U ,kung ts6ung*. Kung tsidng, X. i^ ^ J^^i^ ^ |2<| im- shau- ^ch'eung puk, kat^ Jiung. Yen shau ch'ang pub kih bung, Ejl ^ ;^ ||g. ^j» shau^ jCh'eung ^chi im' kwa'. Shau ch'ang chi yen kwa. As ^ ^ 'ho -ts'z. Hau sz, ^ yduk^. Joh, ^ri ,u- Ju, ^m"^^ sii yeuk,. Ju joh, ^^1^- jau yeuk,. Yu joh, ^ Vz. Sz,' ^:\ % -ts'z ,u. Sz hu, <^ m, 'oi jin. Ngai jen, f^ ^ tseung' "ts'z. Siang sz, t^ f^ %ng fat,. Fang fuh, -f^ f|. Hs'z hai^ Sz ^^> y& ^ 1^^\ slii'- Joli sill, ^\k %1 chong- ,ii. Chwang yu, 1^ ^/^ 'iin ^in. Yuen jen, H Jr^; chi' 'pi. Chi pi ; as long as broad, ^ f^^p — ' sCL'eung flit, ,ii yaf . Ch'ang kw'oh ju yih, — i|M fl 7^]'. yeung- jCh'eung fiit,. Yih yang ch'ang kw'oh, jflj ^ |h) f^ jf ung jCh'eung ,f ung fiit,. T'ung ch'ang f ung kw'oh, %i \^ — ^ ^tsung ^wang yat, shik,. Tsung hung yih shib ; as much as you please, ^ d^^'iii^^i.M cto 'shiii yam' 'ni 'chii 1'. To shdu jin ni chu 'C$> ^p ^ f^* ^to 'sbiu tsoi- ni, ^ 4> ^ j^ ,to 'sbiu ^to 'ho. To shau tii hau, M |^ ^ '^ ^mo lun- ^to 'shiii. Wu lun to shau ; as clear as crystal, ^n 7|c p^ py- ^ ,ii 'shui ^tsing kom' ^tw'ong. Ju shwui tsing kan kwdng ; as black as a devil, ^^rtJ\^ * mak^ 'kwai kom' hak^.JIeh kwei kdn lieh j as black as Un fan t , ^ i^ pjj' II tiTiH M jiin jf dn kom' hak . Iliueu t'an kail lieh ; as black as the devil, /|| % \i\\ M mo 'kwai kom' hak,. Mo kwei kaa heh ; mad as I was, ^i^^^,^ p^ ^sui jin *ts'z ngong'. Sui jen sz chun ; were fas you, ^1^ ^l fl f^ 'f ong ^ngo 'ts'z -'ni. T'ang wo sz ni ; do as I bid you, |j§ fj^ 3 J p^/fC pat, /lii mukj. Puh hwui muh, j|# ;^ ^ wai* ,ch'6ung 'siu jCh'ung. TVei ch'dng siiu ch'ung. Ascend, to, to move upward, J^ 'shdung, Shing, Jt -i- ^sh^ung hii'. Shl>ng k'u, ^ ^tang. Tang, K- .sliing. Shing, [^ ,shing. Shing, fj- J^ ^shing 'sh^ung, f |- ^ (Shing ^kb. Shing k4u, \i}p chik,. Chih, ^4 ^shing. Sliing, ^ ^ >ng ,k6. Tang kdu, ^^ nlj)j tang. Nieh tang, ^^^ nip^ k6uk,. Nieh kioh, ^ ,shing. Shing, ^|f kik,. Keh, J^ .tsai. Tsi, ji'^ ,tsai. Tsi, ^ yduk,. Yoh; to ascend a mountain, J^. [U ^sh^ung ^sh^n. Shdng shin, -^llj ,tdng ,8hin. Tang shin; to ascend a throne, ^ ^ g[ tsiu' wai\ Tsien wei, {^ p^ tsin* ts6'. Tsien tsii. ^ S ,tang ,ki. Tang ki, |5# -^ -fe chik. tai' wai^ Chih ti wei, g(] '(i tsik, wai^ Tsieh wei ; to ascend the nine hills, ^ ^ ;/l [^ c*^^^^ c^ 'ka^ jling. Tsi yu kiii ling ; to ascend a carriage, ^ ^ jShing kk'. Ching kill, ^r^L jShing ^kii. Ching kii, ^ '|l kd' ,ku. Kid ku ; to ascend a horse, ^ .^ ^shing Wi. Ching md, Jt. ,^ ^sh^ung *mi. Shdng ml ; to ascend a hall, (^ ^ ,8hing ,t'ong, Shing t'kng; to ascend as vapor, ^ .ching. Ching; to ascend daily (rise in honor and rank), ^^ (J Jt, ,ching ,ching yat, 'shdung. Ching ching jih shfeug ; to ascend and descend (as the sim and moon), ff (^ ,shing kong'. Shing kidng, |I>^ [^ chik, kong'. Cliih kidng, J^ f^ 'sh^ung lok^. Shkng loh ; the spirits (souls) ascend to heaven, ^^1J^^ jwan jShing ,u ^t'ln. Hwan shing y\i t'ien ; to ascend steep places, ^ ^ ,V^^^ t^sai- P'kn tsi ; to ascend one degree in rank, ^ — ^ ^shing yat, k'ap,. Shing yih kih ; to ascend high trees, ^^^^ ^ts'ia ,u ,k'iu muk,. Ts'ien yd k'i&u muh ; we daily ascend to loftier ideas, Q ^ (^ ^ yatj tsun' ,k5 i'. Jih tsin kiui i ; to pro- ceed from modem to ancient times, Q '4^ ^ "^ tsz' ,kam chi' 'ku. Tsz kin chi kd ; to tower, J^ ^ ,k6 'sung. Kdu sung. 1 Ascendant, superiority, ^^ ,ch'id iit,. Ch'du vuoh, j ^ 4 ,ch'id ch'6uk^. Ch'iu ch'oh, slung'. ' Shing; commanding influence, tt ^ j§ ^ 'vau jk'un ,ch'iu ,t'd. Yd k'iuen ch'du t'd, -^ ^i^j^ ^ \ 'yau jk'un ^ch'id ut^ kwo* jan. Yd k'iuen ch'du yueh kwo jin ; an ancestor, or one who precedes in genealogy, ^J |^ ,ts'in pui'. Ts'ien pei, ^ A c^^^ jyaii- Sien jin ; to be in the ascen- dant, ^ ^ *yau jk'iin. Yd k'iuen. Ascended, ri.sen, ^ '^ (Shing kwo'. Shing kwo; mounted, ^ }J^ ^^ang kwo'. Tang kwo ; gone to heaven, ^ '^ ^ .shing kwo* .t'in. Shing kwo t'ien, Jt >^ ^ *sh^ung kwo' ^t'in. Ascendency, authority, ^ ^k'un. K'iuen, ^ jk'un shai'. K'iuen shi ; to get the ascendency, ^^ lung^ jk'un. Limg k'iuen, ^^ '1dm ,k'un. Ldn k'iuen; to have iniluence, ^ ifll "5^ *yau min* 'tsz. Yd mien tsz, ^ ff jiif 'yau 't'ai mln'. Yd t'i mien, ^^^ ^aii shing shai'. Yd shing shi. Ascending, rising, ^ Jl .sliing 'shdung. Shing shdng, ^.tang. Tang, 1^- , shing. Shing, ^ ,tsai. Tsi, ^ jshing. Ching, ^ kk\ Kid ; ascending to the sky, ^ ^ ^ts'dm .t'In. Ts'dn t'ien ; ascending vessels, mJl^M^^ ^^^' shdimg^ .chi mak^ *kdn. Chi shdng chi raeh kwdn ; ascending latitude, ^ ^^ <: # ^ ,Ki tuk, ,chl .shing .t'fn. Ki tub chi shing t'ien ; the feast of ascension, ^ ^ZpM .sliing .t'in ^chi tsit, ^k'l. Shing t'ien chi tsieh k'i ; ascension-days, ]^|I ,^ ^ ^ J^ F| .Y6 ,8d ,shing t'ln chi vat,. Y6 sd shing t'ien chi jih. Ascent, the act of rising, ^ J^ ,shing *sh6ung. Shing shdng, ^ ^ ,tang J;6. Tang kdu ; accli- vity, f^^ jts'd ^po. Sie po ; an eminence, \\\^ kb konsr. Kdu m Kidi kih ; the as- .shdn 'ling. Shan ling, kdng ; steps, jjg ^ kdi k'ap,. cent to a hall, |^ ,kdi. Kidi ; an ascent of three steps, H IS ^ f^ ,s^ni k'ap, chi ,k6. Sin kih chi kdu ; the nine ascents, ^ }^ 'kau ^koi. Ascertain, to make certain, by examination. ^ ,ch'd. Ch'd, ^ ch'dt,. Ch'dh, M 'hdu. K'&u, |i .k'di. K'i, ^ hat^. Heh. % g 'hdu hat^. K'ku heh, ^ kau'. Kid, %^ 'hdu kdu'. K'du kid, -^ ^ .sham kau'. Shin kid ; to ascertain by measure- ment, U',16ung. Lidng ; ditto by calculation, ff 1^ *td sun'. Td swkn ; to ascertain by interoga- tion, ft^ man*. "Wan ; to ascertain the meaning of a word, ^^^ 'hdu tsz' i*. K'du tsz I ; to ascer- tain clearly, ^9J '^^^^ jming. K'du ming, ^^ plu* ,ming. Pien ming, ^ ^J ;^ pin' t5' ,ts'ing. Pien iiin ts'ing ; to ascertain the truth, :^' i^ i|| "i *hdu ,k'i k'ok, ku'. K'du k'i k'ioh kd, ^'UVi ,ch'd ,k'I k'ok, shat,. Ch'fi k'i k'ioh shih, tl' Sin '\k t'dm' k'ok, shat^. Td t'dn k'ioh shih ; to ascertain the cireunistanccs, ^ ^^ fj^ ^ *tA ,^' ,ts'ing jing. Td t'dn ts'ing hin?, tT ^ tit 5r''^ t'dm' .hd shat^. Td t'du hti shih. ^J^ ^ H ASC (03) ASH -fg t'am' t'eng' ^chan 'ka ; to ascertain liow many, l^ung ^to 'kwd. Liang to kwa ; to ascer- T'li man" fo' shatj kd' jming ka' man tain by reckoning, it^rfilHiii^S kai' siin* ^ shik, chl. Ki sTran rh sliih clil ; to ascertain the price of a commodity, ^ '^ ^ Wan ho shih ki^, f^ BJ[) ^ jts'in. Wan ming kia ts'ien ; not to be ascertain- ed, f^^ ffii # J^^t, jau ,1 'hdu. Muh yii rh k'au, |tt pf^ ,m6 'ho 'h£u. Wu k'o k'au, Mff ^ ,m6 tak, 'hdu^ Wu teh k'du, -^ ;^ shat, 'hdu. Shih k'du. Ascertainable, that may be reduced to certainty, pf % ^^ fi 'ho 'hau tak, ^chan. K'o k'iau teh chin, if U. %% 'ho jCh'a tak, k'ok,. K'o ch'a teh k'ioh, "^^^^ft 'ho ^chi tak, ^chan. K'o chi teh chin, ^^tf W ^'^^' ^'P"?' tak, shat^. T'an t'ing teh shih. Ascertained, reduced to a certainty, "^^^^^^ 'hdu kwo' ,chan '\k. K'au kwo chin kia, %\ ^Ij ^ % ,chi t6' k'ok, shat,. Chi ttiu k'ioh shih, :^ ^ ^ J^ ^ t'Am' t'eng' kwo' ^hu shat^. T'dn t'ing kwo hii shih ; I have ascertained the signification of the word, ^aM^^ W^ '1>^^ ^^^' *^^^^ t^^^ ^^^*> 1\ K'au kwo tsz chl shih i, :^;^^^B5lJfi tsz' ^chl i' jChi tb' ^chan. Tsz chl 1 chl tau chin. Ascertainer, the person who ascertains, :^ ?^ ^ ^ 'hdu k'ok shat^ 'ch6. K'du k'ioh shih ch6, ;^ || ^ 1^ ^ t'am' t'eng' ,chan 'ka 'che. T'an t'ing chin kia ch^'. Ascertaining, reducing to a certainty, ^fij^ 'hdu jChan 'kd. K'ku chin kia, ^ 5g ^ ^ch'a k'ok, shat,. Ch'd k'ioh shih, tJ ;^''tat'dm'. Td t'in, ;^^ t'am' t'eng'. T'an t'ing. Ascertainment, the act of ascertaining, ^ '$^ '^ 'hdu k'ok, shatj. K'du k'ioh shih, g^-fg^ jCh'd ^chan 'kd 'ch6. Ch'd chin kid che. Ascetic, retired from the world, J^ fii: ^^ pi^ shai' trk,. PI shi tih, ^ p |^^ ^kwai Van tik,. Kwei yin tih, jg f^fj^ pf tmk^ tik,. Pl'suh tih. If ^ 'yan yat^. Yin yih ; rigid in devotions and morti- fications, ^f^ sukj tseng^. Suh tsing, ^ iji^ mi^ jShln. Wi shen ; ascetic (devotional) books, ^j\j> ^ 'y^ung jSam ^shii. Ykng sin shu. Ascetic, an, a recluse, y^\\t^\ pi^ shai' ^chi jan. Pi shl Chi jin, m 1 M ^ ^^K jShi ching' 'ng ^mb 'ying 'ch6. Hwoh shl ching wli wd ying ch6, M ^^ ^ ,mb 'ying 'ch6. Wli ying chd. Ascites, dropsy of the belly, ^^ 'ku ch6ung'. Kii chdng, ^ ^ 'sliui 'kii. Shwui kd, H ^ ^16 ! Ku ch^ung*. Lu chdng, ^i ^ ^'b chdung'. chang. Ascitic, dropsical, ^ ^ "It 'ku ch^ung' k6'. chdng [^^] tih; belonging to an ascites, ^[ shuk^ 'ku ch6ung'. Shuh kii chdng. Ascribe, to attribute, ^ ,kwai. Kwei, ^ M. ^kwai 'ii. Kwei yu ; to ascribe the crime to him, ^ ^ ^' ^ ^kwai kau' ^ii ^t'a. Kwei kiu yii t'd ; the people ascribe it to you, \l^'^i^ jan *i ^wai ^1. Jin 1 wei ni, X^^^i^,^^ ^^ jan v^k'hai' ^ni tsb' k6', KKMm<]WAi^^ jai^ cja" ,kwai i^ni ^ti sz ^u ni. Ascribed, imputed, ^3|^ ^kwai kwo'. Kwei kwo, |^ M^ll^ ^kwai 'ii kwo'. Kwei yu kwo ; it is ascribed to you, AM'^^i^^iXM syan wd^ hai^ -'nl tsb'- kwo'. Asellus ^^]^ tf 'p'b. Ti p'd, i=jjJ^ ti' ^cliii. Tl chu, ±^ 't'b pit,. T'i\ pieh. Ash color y^ ^ ^fiii shik,. Hwui sih. Ash hole ^ '^ tsb' fat,. Tsdu kuh. Ash tree ^ jjfj^ ^M^di shu'. IJwai shu, ^J^ (?) ,woii^ jWdi. Hwang hwdi. Ash, to, to strew or sprinkle with ashes, j^ 0i sht^ /lii. Sdh hwui. Ashamed, to be or feel, ^ ^i, ^sau 'ch'l. Siu ch'i, ^^ kin' ^sau. Kien siu, il^^i* kin' ^sau 'ch'l. Kien siii ch'i, ^^'^ kin' ^sau kw'ai'. Kion siii kw'ei, J^^ jSaUjts'am. Siii ts'un, ^^ 'lii^sau. K'l siii, ^ ^ ^hbm ^sau. Hdn siu, |^ ^ ^ts'dm kw'ai'. Ts'an kw'ei, i^^ tai' kw'ai'.'Tai kw'ei, tStt 'P'^ kw'ai'. P'du kw'ei, Jg-p ,sau uik,. Siu nib, H if^ ^sau lun'. Siii lun, '^ ^ ^wdi ^ts'am. Hwdi ts'dn, J||| kin' 'ch'au. Kien ch'au, ^ ^ ,chl 'ch'au. Chl ch'au, ^ || kok, 'ch'au. Kioh ch'au, Ui ]§^ jts'am nuk,. Ts'dn nuh, WJJ ^ ^t'b 't'lm. T'du t'ien, "l^ nuk,. Nuh, ^{a ^U nuk, ,nl. Nuh nl '^m ci M'- I tsz, ig;--^ sap, ^tsz, f^f^ hak, ^t'ai. Heh t'l, ff '^ .mo 'io. Mo lo, ^ f|^ .pi ^tsau. PI tsau, ^ ^lun. Lin, j^ "^ tat^ tsut,. l\ih tsuh, |g nik,. Nib, j^ 'tin. Tien, ^ ngai'. I, it kii'. Kii, ^ 'sin. Sien, g^ nuk,. Nuh, i% kw'ai'. Kw'ei ; are you not asliamed ? @|, P^- 1|, 'ch'au ^m 'ch'au; do you not feel ashamed, f;5»Pa M J^^ii> ^nl ^m kin' .sau 'ch'l ; i feel ashamed of my stupidity, ^^^^f' kw'ai' 'ngo ^mb ^ts'oi. Kw'ei wo wu ts'di, ^'t^^ffig^ tsz- kw'ai' ^mb ^nang. Tsz kw'ei Wli nang ; to feel ashamed of receiving so many favors, PpJJ ^ ^t'b 't'lm. T'au t'ien ; not feel ashamed for telling a lie, A ^ ^ M t^'i* s^ii pat, jts'dm. Td yen piih ts'dn ; to feel qmte ashamed, ^M ^ h. sit, tuk, ,chl chl'. Sieh tub chl chl, il ^ i^ M tsz' kok, jwdi ^ts'am. Tsz kioh hwdi ts'dn ; ashamed to be seen, ^ff ,l'n ^mb 't'ai mln'. Wli t'l mien, g ^MM tsz' kok, 'n&n ^ngdn. Tsz kioh ndn yen, nij ,fi-^#fe mln' ^hung ^1 It^. Mien hvmg rh jeh, '^ nij ^ ^ Tniin min' kw'ai' shik,. Mwdn mien kw'ei sih ; lo make ashamed, (<§■ f^ p|f ^m 'pi mln'. Wii pi mien, ^^ ^sau yuk^. Siii juh, ^A5^MM. Jl ^ii> liog* ^^^ kiu' ,sau 'ch'i. Ling jin kien siu ] ch'i. # n m W\ ¥ 'k'ii ,m6 minS ^^UM ling* y& 'ndn ,ngAn, Ling V& n^n yen, ^ ftj^ g ^Jl chl* .t'k tsz* kw'ai'. Chi t'd tsz kw'ei; I am ashamed of him, ^^ flU '/^ ;^ |lc ,im t'A ,u hntii *ngo. Hien t'd wii mei wo, fflfBt-t^^ P'«i' 'k'ii ,t'o 'ch'au ^ngo. P'a [f{|l] ,t'd t'o ch'au wo; bash- ful, as Chinese women, 'j'^ g^ p'a' 'ch'au. VA ch'au, "^1^ jWAi ^sau. Hwdi siu, ^^ tAV kw'ai'. Tdi kw'ei, -^ J^ jh6m ,sau. Iljin siu; to be asham- ed of bad clothes, fli^^;5f< 'ch'i ok, ,1. Ch'i ngoh i ; not be ashamed to learn from an inferior, "^ m, 'JC [|{] pat, 'ch'i h6} man*. Puh ch'i hiA wan ; to be ashamed on accoimt of any one, "f^JSl^SllJt toi^ jwai 'p'6 kAv'ai'. Tai wei p'au kw'ei, f^\e.^ 3!^ tang' 'k'ii kin' 'ch'au. Ashery, a place for ashes, ^C |^ M '^^ S^^ ^^- -^^ hwui uh, j/C;^M ^^^ '^^^ ^^k- ^^^ ^'^^ ^^^ > ^ place where potash is made, ^^^'Ij^^]^ 'cliing 'kdn ,sh4 ^chi ch'ii'. Ching kien sha chi ch'u. Ashes 'Z;;^ 'lb /ui. Ho hwoii, ^ Un. Hwui, ]^^ ^fdi 'tsun. Hwui tsin, ^:^ ,yau. Iliii, ^)^ ^ 'fo 'shi. Ho shI ; the ashes of opium, ^^^^^ * ,A p'ln* ,in 'shi. Yap'ienyen shi, jft^jpc ,lnii. Yen hwui ; the ashes of charcoal, ^^ t'dn' ^fui. T'dn hwui, i)^')^^}^ 'fo ,shiu ^chl ^fiii. llo shku chi hwui; to sit in dust and ashes f , ^^"^^ tso* ,u jt'6 t'dn'. Tso yu t'li t'dn. Ash- Wednesday ^ ^ shing' /lii yat^. Shing Hwui jib. Ashore, on shore, ^f^Jl tsoi* ngon^ sh^ung^. Tsdi ngdn shdng, j^ _t. ngon^ sh(5ung^. Ngdn shdng, Pjl ^: Jt 'hai ngon^ sh^ung^ ; to go ashore, Jt. ^ 'sh^ung ngon^ Shdng ngdn, ^ ^ ,tang ngon^ Tang ngdn, ^ ^ ^mdi ngon^ Mdi ngdn ; to go ashore first, ^ h ^ ^^^^ 'shdung ngon^ Sien shdng ngdn ; to pull ashore, ^ ^ ^J^ chau^ mdi jt'au. Chau mdi t'au ; aground, as a ship, »J^ y]^ hong' ,shd. Hdng shd, >j(Ji j^ hong' 'ts'in. Hdng ts'ien ; to run ashore, f|[ '^ hop^ ^sha. K'oh shd, ^ f^> 'ho ,8hfe. K'o shd. ■A-shy p^f|(j ,fui tik,. Hwui tih, J^ Pf^f ^fili k(5' ; ash- colored, 01'^ fi'ii sliik,. Hwui sih. Asia, the continent, ^ ^^ i|Ji j]] Asaid ,chau. Asid chau ; nations of ditto, >Jii ^\]\ i^^^ Asaid ,chii kwok,. Asid chii kwoh. Asiatic, an, a native of Asia, ^ -f;!!! »]jf |^^ \ Asaid tik, jyan. Asid tih jin, ^\i ^^\^ v^ /^ Asaid k6' jan, ^,^ri;;t A Asaid ^yan. Asid jin. Asiatic, pertaining to Asia, ^ Ult^'W ?u' shuk^ Asaid. Shuh Asid, ►Si|lllS'6'I Asaid tik,.' Asid tih, ^.^jfl .^'■^ Asaid k(i' ; it comes from Asia, -j^.^i^HH^S* ^P^ hai' Asaid ,loi k6' ; it grows in Asia, -j^ ijji • Thii is the moat yul(?ar term, bnt frequently hoard among the people and even made use of iu lott^rB &c. f This scutance is found ill Mcnciua and meanii that to speak vith a bad man would hsvo boeu to Pehi the same as sitting with his court rvW and oourt cap in mire and ashM, 'M'^A^U • bai' Asa-^ ^hang k6', Ji^g^H^^ |§^ shl' Asaid ,shang tik,. Shi Asid sang tih. Aside, on one side, ^^ ,p'ong^pin. P'dngpien, ^ ^ chak, ,pin. Tseh pien ; to lay aside, Ijj^i^ fong' ^mdi. rdng mdi, ^ jg on ^mdi. Ngdn mdi, ;^ i§ ,chai ^mdi, JS^JC^ ^ ^ fong' tsoi' ,p'ong ^pin. Fdng tsdi p'dng pien, ^ ^\\\^^ ,on chak, tik,. Ngdn tseh tih, 3^ ^ ^^J li ^mdi tik,. I mdi tih ; to lay aside (out of sight), jj^^ ,shau ^mdi. Shau mdi; go aside, ff ^ A\l i^^^S s"^^^ ^^^.- Hang mdi tih, ^M ,hang Jioi. Hang k'di, 'rj^'^ jhang ^p'ong pin. Hang p'dng pien, ^7 i^ &\I }^^^S '™^ ^^K- Hang wdi tih, ^| ^ f ^hoi 16". K'di lu ; to take one aside, (for private conversation) i| Jjifl ^ 'kong sai' wd'. Kidng si hwd, ^ 3^ U koug ^sz wd^ Kidng sz hwd, ^11^^ sai' ,cham. Si chin, ^ gf| mat^ ch6uk,. Mih choh.'^^^p'ong'u. P'kng yii, Bb pq- ^m' -ii. Ngdn yu ; lay aside your cdp and your robes, Pg ^ 'E ^ A"^S M^^ S'^^ S- Shing kwdn k^^-^dn i ; lay one aside (to neglect one), ^^Ji^ tsut, pat, ^11 iii^ Tsiueh puh II hwui ; to lilt aside, |t§ f|{J tau ^hoi. Ask, to inquire, ^ man\ Wan ; to inquire about, f^ W^ 'fong man'. Fdng wan, if} ^ 'fong ch'at,. Fdng ch'dh, ^ pj) ^ch'd man*. Ch'd wan ; to in- quire into, ^]{ |{^ sun' man^ Sin wan, p)P,n ,sun man\ Siun wan; to inteiTOgate, PjJHtJ k'au' man*. K'au wan, gppjj k'au' man*. K'au wan; to hum- bly inquire, ^^ f{|j 'ts'eng man^ Ts'ing wan, ^ f,f\ 'pan man*. Pin wan ; to inquire by sending an envoy to a suzerain, ^f,^ p'ing'man*. P'ingwan; to interrogate with autliority, f^ k'it,. Kieh, 3? fg ,p'un k'it,. Pw'dn kieh, ^ j!^ jP'tin man*. Pw'dn wan ; to seek, to request, j^ jk'au. K'iu, Wr >}c ,k'i ,k'au. K'l k'iu ; to solicit, ^ ^ 'ban jk'au. K'au k'iii, -g >J^ hat, ^k'au. K'ih k'iu; to demand of, t.jpn 't'6 man^ T'du wan, ^l.f 'ts'tt 't'6. Ts'u t'dn, fj|:|.| ,ts'ui 't'6. Ts'ui t'du; to ask leave or permission, l^^ 'pan meng*. Pinming, m'^ 'ts'eng mcng^. Ts'ing ming; to ask the price, ^ f^ man* kd*. Wan kid ; to ask one's pardon, ^ ^S ,li'au shii'. K'iii shu, >Ji # jk'au sh^*, ^ !^ jk'au yau*. K'iu yii ; to ask a question, ||{) — (r|\ man' vnt, Mid, f,\\ man*. AVan; to ask (demand) back, Pl'il'ij man* 'lo fkn, pj] JR [e} man' 'ts'ii jiii. Wan ts'ii hwiu ; to ask advice, ^^ t^ 'ts'eng kdu'. Ts'ing kidu, ji,{j5l] 'ts'eng man*, jjc^ ^k'au kdu'. K'iii kiiui; to ask by divination, p{] |> man* puk,. Wan j)uh ; to ask of the spirits, >Jc^$ jk'au jShan. K'iii shin ; to ask of inferiors, "]i P^ hd* man*. Hid wan ; to ask a favor, ff. ^ pdi' hnui. Pai mei, ^ ^ pdi' t'ok . Pdi t'oh, ^ :J^ hnui t'ok,. Mei t'oh, ^ 4£ ,k'au t'ok,. K'iu t'oh ; to ask respectfully, l)^ 5)< king' ,k'au. King k'iii ; to ask for water, ^ ;|c jk'au 'shui. K'iu shwui. \skance, ") toward one corner of the eye, Jij- ts'i^. Askant, j Si^ ; to look askance, ^ j^ ^ts'e shl*. • In books ^ • ft oorruption of thi* t«m. ASK Sie shi, ^ jjfl 'me shi'. W£i slii,^t ^1 sh6' shi^ Shie sM, ;y:^i|!|Rl^@i 'cli'e 'm6 tui' -ng&n ^lai 't'ai, ^ i[t| jts'e shi^ Sie shi, |^ Jijl ^ngai slil\ I shi, li^ .ngdLi tsV. Yd.i ts'z. Asked f^ J man- kwo'. Wan kwo, nfiW^^^ 'fong man- kwo'. Fang wan kwo, pp ^ ;,;i^ k'au' man- kwo\ K'au wan kwo, |rPw^)^ 'ts'eng man' kwo'. Ts'ing wan kwo, gglt^jj^ ^p'un man' kwo'. Pw'dn wan kwo. Askew, with a wry look, ^^ jfj|^ sh6' shf. Shie shi, ^ jf£ 'me shi-. Wai shi. Asking I man-. Wan, =^ f^ 'foiig man*. Fang sun' man-. Sin wan, ^f^ 'pan man^ (95) ASP of [the situation] of a house, [rt| ^ h6ung' shai'. Hidng shi, ^ |h] tso" h^ung'. Tso hiang ; a beau- tiful aspect, ^^ ^i ^kun. Mei kwiln, ^g|^ %h 't'ai. Hau t'i, f^^ ^ts'ing 'king. Ts'ing king, §^ ^ 'ho 'king. . Hau king, ^ fr ^kdi 'king. Kia king ; a man of good appearance, i^ ^ i^ X ^^i mau^ ^chi jyan. Mei mau chi jin; a maid of sweet aspect, :rg # n^ ic /a jung k6' 'nil, ^ \ 'mi ^yan. Mei jin 5 aspect of affairs, ^ ^ ^ ^ sz' ^chi jying shai'. Sz chi liing shi, ^ ^ -^ ^ s'/} chi ,kwon2^ 'kin;?. Sz chi kwang king, ^ ^ '[|| wan, p/x,|B, Pin wan Aslant, on one side, obliquely, ^ ^wai. Wdi, ^ ,k'i jts'e. K'i sie, ]7CM ^^^K ^^K Tseh nih, ^ ]X ,k'ing chakj. K'ing tseh. Asleep, sleeping, ^ ^ shui" cheuk . Shwui choh, plJll ^ fan' cheuk,. Hiun choh, g\ ngo^ Ngo, -^ ^ ^on shui". Ngdn shwui, {}gg\ shui' ngo^ Shwui ngo, B|)ll^10; fan' ^mai 'ngan. Hiun mdi yen, ^{}g shukj shui". Shuh shwui ; sound asleep, B|'1A'^ fan' yap^ ^sham. Hiun jih shin, ^^^—^ shui^ ch^uk, 'sz yat, yeung'. Shwui choh sz yih yang ; to fall asleep, 0\ A BR fan' ydp, 'ngAn. Hiun jih yen ; you are half asleep, j^ Qfilj 'j^ ^ni fan' ^wan. Ni hiun wan, {j^'ljOa^ ^^n' ^m 'seng. Hiun wu sing; to make asleep, as babies, ^ p|i|| '5m fan'. Ngan hiun; to fall asleep again, ^i^i\ /an fan'. Fan hiun, J^ ^ tsoi' shui^ Tsai shwui ; at rest, to repose, ^ 'ts'am. Ts'in, ^ ^ ,on 'ts'am. Ngan ts'in ; I cannot get asleep, H ^ ^ndn 'ts'am. Ndn ts'in ; to rest, ^ 't'au, i^|| 't'au Jo, ^ \l\; ^ i^ 't'au 'hd /seng jShan ; to have fallen asleep (to be dead), ||l|(^ * fan'chikj. Hiunchih, ^^f 'sz'liu. Sz liau ; both hands and feet are asleep, ^3^^^, ^ 3C ^ "^shau yau- pi', keuk^ yau^ pi'. Shau yu pi, kioh yu pi. Asp, a small poisonous serpent of Egypt, ^iffe tuk, jShe, Tub shie, /]> ^ 4ffe 'siii tuk^ ^sh6. Sidu tuh shi6. Asparagus, a kind of sparrow grass, f| ^ ^ M^S ,86 ts'oi'. Lung sii ts'ai, ^P'|i^ /'in ji^ ^ ASP (9«) ASS (5^ ^sMn jts'ung ^h^ung tik,. Sh^n sung hidng j tih, \[\^k "it c«J^^n jts'ung .h^ung k6'. • j Asphodel, the day-lily, ^ |'*i yatj .kwong ^lAn. i Jih kwing \kn. ' Asphyxia, | cessation of motion in the heart and Asphyxy, ) arteries, ^ ^ kuk^ hi'. Kiuh k'i, p^ i ^Zlt /u Ji'ap, u hi' ,chi W. Yu k'i chi hdu. Aspiitited, uttered with a strong emission of breath, Bi ^ Wn W :S ch'ut, hf ,i ^in .chi. Ch'uh k'i rh ven clii ; marked with an aspirate, "^^ ^yam hi'. Yd k'i, $g hi'. K'i, ^4 ^ Z It >u hi' chi IkV. Yd k'i chi hau. Aspirating, pronouncing with a full breath, yj ^ ^ ^ ^ ch'ut, hi' ,i ^in 'cU. Ch'uh k'i rh yen ch6. Aspiration, the pronunciation of a letter with a full emission of breath, |^ :/t ^ rffi ^ fdt tai' hi' ^I ,in. Fdh ii k'i rh yen, Uj A M iflj W ^ <^^''^\ tdi' hi' ji jin 'chc. Ch'uh td k'i rh yen die ; the act of aspiring, ^ ^mau. Mau, ^ ,t'4m. T'an, (^ jling. Ling; an ardent \;v'ish or desire, vCl^^i^ jSam jt'au ^k6. Sin t'au k^u, ^sM ^ 's^ung ^t'au tJiiS ^- 01 y^K M^- Yuh kdu, ^, ^ chi' ,k6. Chi kdu, %;;fc^. V^i tdi' chl'. Yd ta chi, ^vl^fleij ;^ ^sam ,hung tdi*. Sin hiung td, >\^n f^ ^ ^sam ,kon tdi^ Sin kdn td, )jS) "^ ;A: ;^, ,hung ^wdi tki^ chi'. Hiung hwdi td chi, ^. M ^ H chi' hi' jUgong jUgong. Chi k'i ngdng ngdiig. Aspire, to desire vnth eagerness, ^ ,t'dm. T'dn, 1^ jling. Ling, ^ 'lo. Lo ; to aim at something elevated, %^ inau. Mau, ^ ts'im'. Ts'ien, j^,^ f[f--$i chi' hi^ 'h6 ,k6. Clii k'i hdu kdu, ij $\ $i ho' ts// ,k6, ii^MM i^^^ s*'^" c^^- Si'i ^'"-u kdu, MM.^ 'scuug ,t'au tdi*. Sidng t'au td; to aspire after fame, ^ ^^^ :^ ,t'dra .shing ^mcng. T'dn shing ming, ^ f | ii'n ^t'jim 't'ai^min*. T'dn t'i mien, ^^ ^ ^, *lo ^shing ^meng. Lo slxing ming, MM^ 'lo ^shing kd'. Lo shing kid, f^ ^ f^ ,t'dm ,shing shik,. T'dn shing sih ; to aspire to the throne, jf jli ts'im' wai'. Ts'ien wei, gjf ^ ^mau jch'iu. Mau ch'du ; to aspire after immor- tality, ^^'t\: ,t'dm jch'eung ^shang. T'An ch'dng «»"S' Pi >f> ^H Z % '•'"' P"^ 's2 ,*'•'! shutj. Lien puh s/. chi shuh, >^-^ ^ jk'au jCh'eung ,shang. K'ii'i ch'jlug sang j to aspire after somotliing un- attainable, Jli: ;^, '/^ '^* chong' chi' ling ^wan. ChwdngchI ling yun, ;^|li^i^ chl u ,t'in Jib. Chi yd t'ien kdul i® f Ij i^ ^ pU" ^ 's^ung t^' .t'in 'teng kbm' ,k6. Sikug tau t'ien ting kdn kdu, M—^^$mw^ '«^«°g yat, p6^ tdp^ td' >u ,t'di 'teng. Sidng yili pd t:' h tad lau t'i ting ; to aspire after excelling, ^ f^ ,k'au shing'. K'iu shing, ^ ^ ^chdng ,yeng. Tsang ying. Aspirer, one who aspires, '^ ^ ^ ^t'dm ^k5 *ch^. T'dn kdu ch^, ^ 0j ^ jmau ^k6 'ch6. Mau kixM chd ; an aspirer to the throne, f^&^ ts'im' wai' 'chc. Ts'ien wei ch6 ; one who aims at something elevated, i(^8ji^ ^ ,sam jt'au .k6 'ch^. Sm t'au ki\x ch6, ,^ k^M^\ chi' tai' ^In tii* ,chi jan. Chi td yen td chi jin. I Aspiring, ambitious, ^:^^ ^mau tdi" sz'. Mau td ; sz, ||^ ^ ^mau ^k6. Mau k4u, §f Q ^ hb' tsz* ,k6. Hku tsz kdu, li^ gj| ^ ^sam jt'au ,k6. Sin t'au kau ; aspiring after greatness, ^ -^ hb' ti?. Hdu td, ^; ^ ^ ^ chi' hi' ,k6 'sung. CW k'i kdu sung ; an aspiring mind, t\^ jfe -B^ ,^ -S^™ chi' k'ok, jin. Sin chi k'ioh jen. Asplenium >^J^^ ^^^^^ ^^ 'ts'6. Fimg wi ts'Au. Asportion, a carry iiag away, i^ ^ ^pun hvi'. Pwkn k'ii ; a felonious removal of goods, Uft i^ j^ 4^ jpdn wan* t6* matj. Pwdn yun tdu wuh, -^^^ ts6* ,wo ^kd. Tso wo kid, i^ ^ ^chid ,tsong. Chdu tsdng, ^^ ,wo ^tsong. Wo tsdng. Asquint, to look, l^ipji 'ngai shi\ t shi. Ass, an, |^ ^lii. Lii, f^ ^au. Lii ; a ^vild ass, E^I|| *y^ ,lii, Y6 lii ; a slow ass, ^ |g 'kin ^n. Kien Id, [li^ ,shdn Ju. Shan lu, ^ 'yan. Yin ; ass's glue, (5^ IP ,0 ^kau. O kidu ; a stupid, ^ ff pan' 'tsai. Pin tsz, i^^^ tai' pan' tscung*. Td pin siiing, j^^ pan' .ngoi. Pin ngdi, ^^ jBgoi pan'. Ngdi i)in, ^glilf^ .chu k6m' ^ngoi, ^^ /^ tun' hon'. Tun hdn, ^-f^ 'J^ijj tun' matj. Tun wuh, ^yf 'ch'un jts'oi. Ch'un ts'ki, ^!}\^ J«^'ung 'ku. Ydng ku, [ii^ ,shdn tuk^. Shan tub, \i\^^ ^sU4n jUgau. Shdn nid, [Jj^ ^shdn jShii. Shdn shd, ^ ^ tdi' tun'. Td tun ; to ride an ass, ^1^ ^k'i Jii. K'i lii, ^ Ig kwd' Jii. Kwd 1(1, ^ |g ^shing ,lii. Ching lu. Assafoetida, sec Asjvfoetida. Assail, to assault, -^ ^' ,kmig 'td. Kung td, j^ tjj^ ,kung kik,. Kung kih ; to attack, j^ ^ ,kung fdtj. Kung fab, ^ ^j^ ,kung chin'. Kmig chen ; to assault a city, J^l^ ,kung ,shing. Kung cliing i to attack an enemy, j^ }j^ ,kung tik,. Kung tih, ^ i|)Jc 't'6 ts'dk^. T'du t«'ih ; to fall upon, fg|| ^ J^J ^ 0$ ,kung fdt,. Kung fah, i^'^.^^^ p'di' pat, shi' 'che. P'dl puh shi ch6 ; invasion, ^ >^ ^ts'ani fdt,. Ts'in fah ; to make an assault upon a city, j^ ^ (kung ,shing. Kung ching; to make an assault upon an enemy, ^ j|it c^utig tikj. Kung tih ; to make an assault upon a person, ^ A ^^a^ Jan. Md jin, *^j^ A ^ ^ ^ p'ai' jan pat, shi' 'che. P'di jin puli shi che. Assault, to attack, j^ ^ 'td keuk, kwat,, ;JT fil 'td kdng'. Td kdng, fj^ 'td kdng'. Td kdng; to assault at night as large bands of x'obbers do in China, ^TH)\>)^ 'td fining 'fo. la ming ho ; to in- vade, ^ ^^ ^ts'am idj. Ts'in fd 1 ; ditto sscretly, m i^ sit, fdt,. Tsieh idb, fjfi) fU ^ A ,t'au ,t'au Idtj jan, If^fiffi ft J3t (ts'im .sz Svong fd'j. Ts'ien sz wang fdh ; to encounter, ^.j [^ tui' chaa^ Tiii chin, §.J- -^ tiii' tik,. Tui tih, f^ ^ tui' 'iui. Tiii lui, :^ i^ ^kau /ung. Kiau fung, Z^ rjlj; kda chin'. Kidu chen, §.]■ fy tiii' 'td. Tiii td ; to assault un- successfully, :^ p§ ?^ ^kung ^m p'o', :pSc ^ 7* jkung pat, hd'. Kung puh hid. Assaulted ;^ ^^ ^kung kwo'. Kung kwo, ^7 j^ 'td kwo'. Td kwo, H>t jll 't'6 kwo'. T'du kwo, ^ )^ fatj kwo'. Fah kwo. Assay, the determination of the quantity of metal in an ore, '(l^^ ^k'ing kwong'. K'ing kwdiig; the determination of the quantity of gold or sil- ver in coin or bullion, i^ ^ ^ c^'ing ^siii 'ch^. K'ing siau che, "^ ^ ck'ing ^kam. K'ing kin, j^ ^^^ ,k'ing ,kam ^ngan. K'ing kin yin, ^^ shi' ^kam. Shi kin, ^ i$ ^k'ing lln'. K'ing lien, |§ ■^ fM i^ J^^S ^1"-' ,chd 'tsz. Yung k'ii chd tsz, l# S ^ vi J'^ig ,kam hii' ^chd. Yung kin k'u chd. Assay, to determine the amount of a particular metal in an ore, alloy &c., '(^ ^{^ ^k'ing ^siii. K'ing sidu, f% ,k'ing. K'ing, ^^ shi'. Shi, ^ jung. Yung ; to assay silver, j^l^ll .k'ing .ngan. K'ing yin, j^ Jk' :tWi% <^'^^S .^gau ^chi ,k6 ^tai. K'ing yin chl kau ti ; to apply to, to try on the touchstone, ^ \i\\ shi' ^hd. Shi hid, gj^ ^ shi' hon'. Shi k'dn. Assayed, examined, ^ )^ jk'ing kwo'. K'iiig kwo, 1^:^!^ shi' IcAvo'. Shi kwo, f^^^M shi' hon' kwo'. Shi k'dn kwo. Assayer '^^i<^^ k'ing ^siii 'che. K'ing sidu ch6, ^ ^^MlM (k'ing ,siu ^sz fvi'. K'ing siau sz fu, ^l^f^ (?) (kung 'kii. Kung kii ; an officer of the mint whose business it is to determine the amount of gold and silver in coin or bullion, i^%\l)^i'\ ;^ 1^ chii' (Ugan kuk^ .k'ing ,siu ,chl ^kiin. Chii yin kiuh k'ing sidu chl kwdn, -j^ 0^ ^ '^ ck'ing jSiii jChI jkiin. Assaying, the determination of the amount of any metal in a metallic compound, f^ ^^ .k'ing ^siii. K'ing sidu ; a shop ditto, f^flfii!) .k'ing .siii p'6'. K'ing sidu p'li. Assay-master, see Assayer. Assemblage, a collection of individuals, ^' .kw'an^ K'iun,'-^ lii-. Hwui, ^[4^,^ tsir chung'. Tsii Chung, y^i if — |>^ tsir ^mdi yat, tiii'. Tsii mdi yih tui, ^ ^M — 1^^^ jkw'an ji0 ^ s6uii^ tsii'. Sling tsii, ^ "^ tsii* 'ehau. Tsii sbau, ^ ^ kiin' tsii'. Kwan tsii, ^ 1^ ,fun tsii'. Hwdn tsii, ^i^ in' lii'. Yen h^Tii, ^ ^ ts6,pj sui'. Tsii I sui, ;^ ^ tsdp, sui^ Tsih sui, ^p.^ pat, sui*. Pih siii, ^^ ^ wai' sni^ Wei sui, i^ ^ jts'ung Isii^ Ts'ung tsii, ^ ^ ,wan ts&pj. Yun tsih, ^ |^ chat^ chat^. Cliih chih, ^ ^pok^tsdpj. Poh tsii), ]^^,pautsii^ Pan tsu, ^- wan' (or Svan.) Yun, .^ iii'. Yau, ^j\ ^k'i. K'i, ^ h6p^. iloh, J^ chuk,. Chuh ; to convene, tS M .«'"'i ^«^i'- <^1*^^^ ts'i' tS ^ .^hiu ts%. Ch&u tsih, ^ ^ ^iu tsii'. Yau tsu ; to assemble all nations, ^4 ^ ^ l^ ^^^' tsAip^ ni/m' kwok,. Tsii tsih wan kwoh ; to assemble all the people of the world, ^^tlt A '^"i tstip^ shai' jan. Lui tsih shI jin ; to assemble on a plain, f^^lf^^ ^ ^\xa tsdpj ^fau ^I. Yuen sib fau (pau) 1 ; to assem- ble at court, ^^ jCh'iu ui'. Cb'siu hwui. Assembled, congregated, ^^ jts'ai tsdp^. Ts'i tsih, m ui^ ts'ai. Hwui ts'i, tsii' jts'ai. Tsii ts'i ; assembled together from all quarters, ^ ~]\ §^ ^t'in hd- jAvan tsap^. T'ien hia yun tsili ; all sorrow is collected within my heart, ^ i^^^ ^ *ngo ^sam wan' kit, jhai. Wo sin yun kich hi; it is but proper, that you should have so many Yingching; concurrence, ^^ ^chimgi'. Chimg i, g^ ,ngdni ; to express one's concurrence, ^ cheuk,. Choh, % P^ hai' lok,, ¥}s ,in. Jen, |f 'kwai. Kwei, ^ ^L J6, j/;(p ^y6. J6; royal assent, ^ ^ J)'ai 'chuil. P'i chun ; he will give his as- sent, ^ iit')^ shi' pit, 'chun. Shi pieh chun ; would not give his assent, p§- ^ ^ 'chun, ~J(\ ^ pat, Svan. Pub yun, ^"^ pat, 'hang. Puli kang; the assent of one thousand men is not equal to that of one scholar, =PA^^I^^^— ±^ 1^1^ (ts'in jyan ^chi nokj nok^ pat, ,ii yat, sz' ^chi ngokj ngokj. Ts'ien jin chi nrni nob pub jvi yih sz chi ngoh ngoh. Assent, to admit as true, ^^ ^ 'hii ^chan. Hii chin ;'to concede, "j^ 'wan. Yun, ^ g^ ^k^ ,ch'ing hai\ ^ ^ ,ch'ing ch6uk,. Ch'ing choh ; to assent to a peti- tion, :|yj ^t S shat-, shiit, kwo'. Shih shwoh kwo, ff -^ jig shat^ wd' kwo'. Shih hwd kwo, i^^ ^ ^^ k'ok, shiit, kwo'. K'ioh shwoh kwo. ^ |g I Asserting, declaring with confidence, Hf f^ shatj lii. kang, g^ gJ5 'hii nok^. llii nob, )g ^j^ ymg Ying hii, ]§|g ying' nok^. Ying nob, Jgj^ ying' Van. Ying yun, ^{i sf( 'tim ,t'au. T'ien t'au, |^ IfingaPtAu, Jgjying'. Ying, |§^ jing. shing. Congoo is a corruption of ^ ]^)f 1ly. To l,„Id u Consoo is to nieotat tho kungso for deliboration. shiit,. SbibslH\oh.fij^|^ k'ok,8hiity K'ioh shwoh. Assertion, [jositive declamtion, Hf fj^ shat, shiit,. Sliih shwoh, jj| |ft .<'ban shiit . Chin shwoh. ^ * ^ 1i^' UK w»i' sz' ,<'«'an hai' 'k6m, ;^ W ^ :! lik, ,{n ,k'{ shi'. Lib yen k'i shi. ^^M ^^''K «^»"^- K'ioh shwoh. ^tj^- ^ k'ok, jin. K'ioh yen ; asser- tion of right , fijll^lj- ngiing' ill'. Ngsing ydu, |g^ tJ. kii' 'shau 'ki. Kii shau ki. ASS li .. • I I II II II -i.iii III I Assertor, one who affirms positively, (99) ASS shiit 'ch(^. Shih shwoh che : one who sticks to ■ ^ shat^ I ^ i^ it^ ^sam. Jeh sin, $^ X jk'an ,kung. K'in 'i his own opinion, !^ H ^ pat, 1' t'dng, ^ g,^, ;^ Zl -mo jin^ inr r, tsz' jt'ong. Puh rh kung, ^i ,wai shi-. ying^ ts'o'. Tsz i wei shi, ^ M ^ "mo ^ "min likj. Mien lih. Assiduous, constant, jjJf^Cl^ noi- ^sam. Ndi sin, 6^ ,hang: ,sam tik,. Hang sin tih ; '^';Cx'>^»f ^sh^ung fejO B(u.> teng^ shui'. Ting shwni, to value f^ ^ 'ku k4' Assess, to fix a tax, Jg ^ ^ Ift 'i shui'. 1 shwui Kti kid. Assessable, that may be assessed, Pf^*^ 'ho teng- ka'. K'o ting kia, pfft^'K 'ho '^^^ ka'. K'o kii ki^, ^^ teng^'tak,. Ting teh, -f^ ^^. ff 'kii tak, k^'. Ku teh kid. Assessed, charged with a certain sum, ^j^^^ teng' kwo' shui'. Ting kwo shwui ; valued, f^ "^^ 'ku kwo' ka'. Ku kwo kia. Assessment, a valuation of property for the purpose of taxation, f^ff^lS^ 'kii M' teng- shui' chd. Ku kia ting shwui che ; the act of assessing, ^ HJ^ teng" shui' che. Ting shw^ ch6 ; the act de- tex'mining the amount of damage, /||f §§^ teng^ "^p^ jUgan. Ting pu yin ; ditto to do so by a jury, l^il^^^l^. Cheli pun kia chl ch'cin nieh ; estate of a deceased per- son, subject to the payment of liis debts, i^~J^<2 ^ ^ jWai ha- ^chi "^cli'dn ip^. Wei liid chi ch'dn nieh, jg^ .wai ip>. Wei nieh, ^^ jWai 'ch'dn. Wei ch'dn. Assever, | to, to declare positively, ^'^ ^^ Asseverate, ) k'ok, shat, ,chi shiit,. K'ioh shih chi shwoh, ^ 1^ shat, shiit,. Shih shwoh, ^ ,^ |^ teng* jin shiitj. Ting jen shwoh, M|^ ^chan shiit,. Chin shwoh, ^ p^ ^ 'kwo ^in shiit,. Ko jen shwoh; to declare with solemnitv, fj^fdt shai". ! Fdhshi. ^ « . ^ Asseveration, positive affirmation, fig^ ^chan shlit,. I Chin shwoh, W W: shat, shiit . Shih shwoh ; ^ solemn declaration, |$^ fat, shai'. Fdh shi. Ass-head ^RciJE A. ngong' 'ch'un k6' van. Assiduity, constancy, fg jCi» i^^i'^g ^sam. Hang sin, ! jSam tik,. Chang sin till ; diligent, jk'an. Yin k'in, ^jj ^ ^k'an lik,. K'in lih. jan 'min lik^. Mien lih, ^ ;\j> it, ^sam. Jeh sin, ^j lik,. Lih, ^ li^ 'fii ,sam. K'li sin, ^ ^, 'fii chi'. K'li chl ; persevering, ^j)^ ,k'an 'han. K'in k'an, M X sk'an ,kung. K'in kung, ;^ ff hk^ ^hang. Lih hang, H,^ 'man 'min. Min mien, ^j^ ,yau 'chl. Hill chi, jf^ gjf pat, tvm'. Puh twdn, ~J^ ^ pat, chiit,. Puh chueh, ^^ pat, hit,. Puh hieh, ^ if pat, jt'ing. Puh t'ing, M f^ gft i^^ kdn' tiin-. Wvi kien twdn, fit Q B$ ^mo 'i ^shi. Wu i shi; sedulous, f|J -^''hoi ts'it,. K'di' ts'ieh, ^)l; -'miii (mok,). Midu (Moh), ^'^ Tnan ts'it,. Min likj hokj. Lih Jeh sin tub k'an 'ban. K'in k'an, ^ ^i^ 'fii ts'ieh ; assiduoiTs in study, ^J hioh, #; /\j> ^ i| it, ,sam tuk^ shu, =^'^ 'fu hok,. K'li hioh, =g^>^,:^# 'fu chi' ^kung ^shii. K'li chi kung shu, ^ ^ jk'an hok,. K'in hioh ; assiduous in application, ^ ^ 'fii ^kung. K'li kung. ^yan ^k'an. Yin k'in, sam. K'li sm ; to study assiduously, ^jCi»^ 'fii ,sam hok^. K'li sin hioh, ^ ^-^ f f ^ 'shau pat, shik, *kiin. Shau puh shih kiuen, -^^^^f^^jP ^i^ffi^ 'shau pat, jt'ing jp'i, 'liau pat, tsiit^ ^yam. Shau puh t'ing p'i, k'au puh tsiueh yin ; to labor assiduously, ^ ;^ # X ^ jk'an lik, tso* ^kung fii. K'in hh tso kung fii, ^ ii: # X 5^ pat, hit, tso* kung M. Puh hieh tso kung fii, X^'^'^M P^t, jt'ing hii' tso*. Puh t'ing k'li tso, ^lE 0$^ £, s^o s^^^ ^^K sik,. Wii shi hieh sih. Assign, to, '^ ^ p'ai' wai. P'ai wei, ^ |^ teng* k'ap,. Ting kih, ^ <^ cheuk, ling*. Choh ling, g^p^t ,fan fii'. Fan fu ; to limit, \<,^^ ban* teng*. Hien ting ; to determine, J^^ kiit, teng*. Kiueh ting, }^^ kiit, shat,. Kiueh shih ; to specify, || ^ij ^hoi litj. K'di lih ; to assign a cause, fi^M^ ^ shut, ,k'i ,iin kiV. Shuh k'i yuen kii, )^|-^/^ ^ 'kai X'i jiin ku'. Kiai k'i yuen kii, §t^^^ shiit, jk'i jan jau. Shwoh k'i yin jvi, ^ M ^ M shiit, ,k'i jloi lik^. Shwoh k'i Mi lih, ^] ^ ■yan kii'. Yin kii ; to make over to another, ^ kki. Kiau, :^ :^ ^kau t'ok,. Kidu fob, ^ f^ ^k&u lok^. Kiau lob, ^ 'f^j- ,kau fu*. Kiau fii, f^ '% fii* t'ok,. Fut'oh, ^ :^l ki't'ok,. Ki fob, z^ f^t'ok, lok,. T'oh lob, 5§ 4£ f'liA t'ok,. Chuli fob, ji i^ M #, ,wai mat, 'ii ,t'd. Wei wuh yii t'd ; to assign a false cause, |^ (^ ^t'lii kii'. Tiii Tiii wei ; to assign false kii, Ite if ,t'ui 'wai. judgement, ^BJ^^^^^V 'chi pning 'sham pat, 'ping ^kung. Chi ming shin pub ping kung; to assign a post. p'ai' wai*. P'di wei '^i^ sSh6img jSam. Chdng sin ; diligence, _ _ vyan^k'an. Yin k'in, g} ^J ^k'anlik,. K'in lib,' to assign a piii;e, ^^4^ teng* 'shdung mat^. Ting shdng wuh, ^^fefe^ teng* 'sheung mat, ^iwai hnau; to assign (make over) a lease, ^^^{^ «k6u ASS (100) ASS ,p'ai 'li jl'a. Kiau p'i yii t'4 ; to set forth with particularity, ^n n|] 'cbl stning. Chi ming. Assign, a person to Avhom property is transfeired, i^ ^^ A shau' ipj jChi ,yan. Shau nieh chi jin, ^ ■^{^MZA shall' t'ok, 'kun ip^ ,chi jan. Shau t'oh kwiln nieh chi jin, -^i^-^^ ctong 'kun ip^ 'chc. Tang kwan nieh che. Assignable, that may be assigned, pf ^ 'ho tong*. K'o ting, pj ^ 'ho ,kriu. K'o kidu, pf ^^* |;| 'ho teng' k'ap,. K'o ting kih, 'Hf % 'ho t'ok,. K'o t'oh, ;^ # teng* tak,. Ting teh, ^£ f^j t'ok, tak,. T'oh teh, ^ JTJ- -^ ^kau fiV tak,. Kiau fii teh, SfCfp'di' wai tak,. P'ai wei teh. Assignats, paper-money, ^ ||^ j^gan 'chi. Yin chi. Assignation, an appointment of time and place for meeliog, ^{^ -%[ y6uk, lii^ Yob hwui, ^v]'^^-^ yeuk, teng^ ,seung lii'. Yob ting siang Invui, "^jf VS] W, # ting' ,k'i tsii' lii'. Ting k'i tsii bwiii. Assigned )g |^" V^ teng^ k'ap, kwo'. Ting kih kwo, ^ ^ 1^ tcng^ ,kla kwo', ^ ^ )§ ch^uk, ling^ kwo'. Choh ling kwo, '^ ^ jl^ p'di' 'wai kwo'. P'ai Avei kwo. Assignee, a person to whom an assignment is made, ^^^lj jy ^ ts6' to' 'ts'z tsuk,. Tso tau sz tsuh, 2^ ijj^ — ^ ^chong jSliing yat^ shik,. Chwang ching yib shib, f^-f^jf/iiTifiiJ f|;; % id' ,sbaug. Hwd sang, f^ jj||; |^j j^ fa' jshing ,t'iu g 'c'ai. Hwd chinj t'ung t'i. Assimilated j!^ -^ i^ i^ tsb' kwo' ^s^ung Hs'z. Tso kwo sidng sz, tj^^^i^ 'cbing kwo' tsuk, H«'z. Ching kwo tsuhsz, ^t^k^^^m ^^' i^^^^ ^^^"' ,t'ung 't'ai. Hwd ching kwo t'ung t'i, '^i4t*f'^ tso* kwo' 'fong fat,, Tso kwo fang fuh. Assimilation, the act of bringing to a resemblance, ^Wi — "^ 'sz ,kwai yat, shik,. Shi kwei yib shib, #f">iSlHl^ 'cbing tak, ,s(iung Hs'z 'ch^'. Ching teh siang sz ch6 ; a state of resemblance, ij^ '^ ^s^ung Hs'z. Sidng sz, ^^^% fong fat,. Fang fuh, ^l-jy lui' *ts'z. Lui sz, ^% te^ung* 'ts'z. Sidng sz ; the process by Avbich bcKiics convert other bodies into their own nature and substance, ^ j;J^ JHj'^fl fd' jsbing ,t'ung sing' 't'ai. Hwd ching t'ung sing t'i, >f^ Id'. Hwd, f^ i^ ,siii fa'. Assimilative, having the power of converting to a likeness, ^^ify^^, 'ho ts6* ,s6ung 'ts'z. K'o tso sidng sz, pj'jl^ — ^ 'ho 'sz yat, shilv,. K'o shi yih shih, pj*|j^ — 'f^ 'ho chi' yat, yeung'. K'o chi yih ydng, ;;;} <^ ^% U*S.Z'W V*^ f''^' *^^j"o 5^'"*^^ lui' ,cbi sing'. Yu hwd ching t'ung lui chi sing. Assist, to, to lend aid, f§ ^) Jjong eb(^^ F&ng tsii, H/j cbo\ Tsii, ^^rij/j joongcbo'. Pdngtsii, ^^ /u cho'. Pii tsu,' .jfiji \\]] fd' cbo\ Fu tsi'i. If 4IJ fii' seung'. Fu sidng, f;^\i{. tsdn' tso'. Tsdn tso, ^^ tsdn' cho'. Tsdn tsu, BJtfit a>'i ^'<^^' ^'^ ^'^' W # ^p'ifu^ P'ifu,|:«jin/j.p'icbo'. P'itsu, |r&ij;;a>'[^ ^chmig seung'. Chung siang ; assistant censor, ^lj§f,f|pj;^ fii' ,t5 ii" 'sz. Fii tii y\i shi ; assistant examiner of literary candidates, wlj i ^ fii' 'chii 'hau. Fii chu k'au ; assistant commissioner, ^|J ^ fu' 'sz. I'd shi ; assistant commissary, -G jf^ -g ^ping pi- tb'. Ping pi tau ; assistant minister of the sacrificial court, ^ '^ ^d^M *'^i' jSheung tsz^ shiii' ,hing. T'ai chdng tsz shdu k'ing ; assistants in public offices, ^ ^ noi^ mokj. Nui moh ; assistants of officers in gen- eral, i^y^ t 'tso yau\ Tso yii, ^jjijl 'shau keuk,. Shau kioh ; assistant to a superintendent of edu- cation, U|| ^ fan' to'. Fan tdu ; assistant or a sub-prefect, |5] ^ , jg ^ij ^f ung p'lin'. T'ung pw'an ; assistants of a prefect, jg} ^-p jf ung ,chi. T'ung chl. J»|J^^ kM^an' ^shing. Kiun ching, 1^ ^ i- jhau. Rh hau, ^ j^ /an 'fii. Fan fu ; assistants of salt commissioner, j^jsj wan^ jf iing. * This and the following are the designation for the Superiuten- dent of Police of a distiict. f In a more extended sense the term ^I^ET comprises the whole ■uite of a mandarin. Yun fung, j^glj^ wan^ fii' 'sz. Yun fii shi ; as- sistants of the provincial judge, ^^u]^lj'}|^ on' ch'at, ^sz fii' 'sz. Ngan ch'ah sz fti sz, ^ gjj bin' fii'. Hien fii ; assistants of the provincial trea- surer, 'fli i^ ^ ^ i^ P^' ching' ^sz /s'dm ching'. Pii ching sz ts'an ching, ^|$ /s'dm 'i. Ts'an i ; assistant or Ueutenant general, ^ij ^ (^ fti' Jib 'fung. Fu tii fung ; assistants to a general, ad- nural, or a commander-in-chief next to the Tartar General, glJ|^-G fiV 'tsung ^ping. Fii tsung ping, j^ ^ hip, chan'. Hieh cliin, ^] t|f- fii' tseung'. Fii tsidng; ti^^:i hip,;iing. Hieh ling, ^ J(f - /s'am tseung'. Ts'an tsiang * . Assisting ^ cho'. Tsii, ^^ cPO^a cho'. Pang tsii, ^ /li. Fii, glj fii'. Fii, ^ fiV. Fii. Assize, I a court iii England, licld in evcrj^ county Assizes, ) by at least one of the judges of the super- ior courts for trying criminal cases, ::^ ^ ^ P^ it, jf oi jUga ^miin. Nieh f ai ya mun, ^ |:| tdi' kot,. Ta koh ; the time of holding the court of assize, i^lj [gf ^ B$ p'lin' tiin' ,chi ,shl. Pw'an twan chi shi. Assize, to, to fix the rate of, to assess, j^'f^ 'kii ka'. Kii kid ; to fix the iveight and measiu-e, price of commodities, ^W-'lk'^ #^ ^^^S^ s^'iin, leung', kii' 'tang sz'. Ting k'iuen, hang, kid tang sz, gg* ^^fi'l.1l#¥ c^'^'it, fiit, teng^k'iin, leung^, kd' 'tang sz^ Shell fah ting k'iuen, liang, kid tang sz. Assizer, an officer who has the inspection of weights and measures, ^ f^ ^' <^ '^ teng' jk'iin leung' ^chi ^kiin. Ting k'iuen lidng chi kwdn. Associable, that may be joined to, "pj" ^ 'ho hop^. K'o hoh ; sociable, Pj" ^ J4 'ho ^kdu ^au. K'o kiau yu, pf :;ji{3 ^ 'ho ^seung ^kau. K'o sidng kidu. Associate, to join in company, as a friend, :^ ^ _.kau T^au. Kidu yii, "^ \Jf^ ^kdu .yau. Kidu yii, >l'0 ^ ^seung jkau. Sidng kidu, ^* ^ kit, ndp^. Kieh ndh; ^'^^^ tai''h5. Ti hau, H^^i ^seung 'ii. Sidng yii, ^ |^ ^kau tsip,. Kidu tsieh, ij^ ^ j^seung pun'. Sidng pwdn, jj^^ -p^ ,p'iii piin\ P'ei pwkn, TJigPn (Seung (P'ui. Sidng p'ei, ^'f^ jkw'an piin', ;|^ f^ ^ ,s6ung 'wong ^loi. Sidng wdng Idi, l^fX jf ung jhang. T'ung hang, J5j4^ ^f ung tso'. T'ung tso, 1^ yjT^ jf ung ch'ut, yap^. T'ung ch'uh jih; to unite, ^-^ ui' hop^. Hwui lioh; constant- ly to associate with, ff — '^ ^ — '§^ jhang yat, ^sh^ung "'k'i yat, tiii' ; to associate with the an- cients (to spend one's time in studying their works), -^ X ^l li 'kii ^yan 'ii ^k'ai. Kii jin yii k'i; to associate with the lowbred, }]^^ 1dm' ^kdu. Ldn kidu ; to associate indiscriminately, §[ V^i^ M liin^ kom' ,s^ung ^u. Lwdn kdn sidng yii, ^ * The respective rank of theoi'licevB is : — District Magistrate, 7th rank, Inspector of Education in his district, dilto; that of a ioub-prelect, 6th rank; tliat of a Prefect, t^M 'f''i' c^J^i 'ch'i. Pu chl ch'i. Associated, united in company, ^ ^ ui- hbp^. Hwui hoh ; associated in business, ^ -f^ hbp^ pun^ lloh pwdn ; associated in friendship, jj^^ jS6ung 'h(). Sidng hdu, ^ ^ 'h6 -yau. Hiiuyii ; to be associated with in government, :^ JJ^ ship, ching'. Nieh cliing. Associating, uniting in friendship, ^ ^ ^kdu ^au. Ki^u yu, ^ ^ ,k^u jyau. Kidu yii ; ditto in in- terest, -^^^ h()pj pun\ Hoh pwdn ; ditto in com- pany, -^ 1^ hh\\ ui^ Hoh hwui. Association, the act of associating, -^ -^ ui' h6p^. Hwui hoh, i^ -^^ ^seung ^fau. Sii'mg t'au, ^ ^ jt'au hcipj. T'au hoh, ^ ^ tsii' lii'. Tsii hwui, ^ "^ tsii' 'shau. Tsii shau, ^^ ^ ch'^ung' tsii'. Ch'dng tsii ; a society or club, i^ lii'. Hwtii ; to form an association, ^""^ ,hoi tii'. K'di hwui, |g; 1^ ch'it, lii'. Sheh hwui ; to join an association, A ^ y^P- ^i^- Jil^ hwui, ^ -^ jliin ui'. Lien hwui, ^ ^ ts6' lii'. Tso hwui, ^ -^ * pdi' ui'. Pdi hM'ui ; a private association (similar to a sav ings bank), ^|; £M. ,ngan ui' Yin hwui ; the " Longevity Association", -^ ^ "^ jCh'6ung ,shang tii'. Ch'dng sang hwui ; a literary associa- tion, "^ 1^ ^man lii'. Wan h-naii ; the poet's as- sociation, 1^ 1^ ^shi lii'. Shi hwui ; the associa- tion for mutual protection, 1^ ]|f ""^ 'p<^ jl6ung tii^ Pdu liing \v\x\\\ ; the Masonic Association, j^ W^ ,kw'ai 'kii lii^ Kw'ei kii liwui ; rules of an association, -^ -;^ lii' ,kw'ai. Hwui kw'ei ; inter- course, ^' ^^i ,kdu ^ts'an. Kidu ts'in, ^ i^ ,kdu tsip,. Kidu tsi'ch, ^ |t?^ ,kdu tsai*. Kidu tsi, ^ g'^kdu kit,. Kidu kieh, ^^ Hong Mi. Tang yii, ^^ mat^ ,kdu. Mih kidu. Assoilmcnt, act of assoiling, ^*/J; ,sau ^li. Siii wii ; i absolution, |f?p shilc, tsiii'. Shihtsiii, ijj^p sh^'*' tsiii'. 8hi6 tsfii. . • This term is only ajipliiHl to joiuiii^j iin ii»8.iation fornieil for. rcrohitiouary or other unhiwfwl purposes. Its vpi-y sound frigh- j tens <. iiiucso otliaTs, heiico should d« used with great discre- ' liion «ven iU coi. serration. I Assonance, resemblance of sounds (term used in poetry), ^ ^ dp, wan'. Ydh yun. Assort, to, to separate and distribute intf) classes, ^ # #^ Wi chuk, y6ung' ,p'ai >i. Chuh ydng p'ai k'di, ^^^}^ chuk, y^ung' /an ^hoi. Chuh ydng fan k'di, ^ ^p ,on ^p'di. Ngin p'ii, ^ g p6' cbi'. Pii Chi, ili^J^^fi\] S lui' ,p'di lit,, t lui p'di lieh, :^^lj:^p^ ,fau pit, ^p'di hoi. Fan pich p'di k'd,i, ^ ^f ^ M >n !"•' j^ gjj, pat, p'lii'. Pub p'ei. Assortment "f^M^^^]^ S 1^"' .P'^i ^^^^ '^'i*''- ^ !"» p'dfi lieh che; assortment of coloi-s, g£ -^ p'lii' shik,. P'ei sib ; assortment of numbers, ^'^^ hb* shb\ Hdu sii. Assuage, to, to reduce, as pain, ^ ^ 'kdm ,beng. Kien k'ing, g^^ chi' ,beng. Chi k'ing, -g^^ 'sz ^hcng. Shi k'ing; to soothe, ^ 'fii. Fu, ^ 'kii. Kidi ; to assuage grief, ^ ^ 'kdi jau. Kiii yii ; to assuage wTath, i^.^-M T^'P^ l^'^ ^^' ^d'.' Pi k'i k'i hid, f^ttiH^iPtljiS '^^' 'k'i:. 'mai k6m' nau, M #- P ^ 'kam ^t'd nau hi'. Kien t'd niau k'i, MM ^^K II"'- Sib nu. Assuage, to, to subside, j|J t'lii'. T'lii. Assuaged, mitigated, ij^ f^ ;^ chi' ^heng kwo'. Chi k'ing kwo ; eased, :|^f jijS 'lii k^-o*. Fii kwo. Assuasive, mitigating, ^ j^ ^]i] chi' ,heng tik,. Chi k'ing tib ; tranquilizing, ^^^J 'fd ,on tik . Fii ngdn tib. , Assuetude, custom, |^$^ kwdn* .king. Kwdn king, Wi l^i k^^"^* lai'. Kwdn li ; habitual use, '^ \f^ jSh6ung kwdn'. Cbdng kwdn. Assume, to, to take upon one's self, ^ shin'. Sben, g ^ tsz' shin'. Tsz sben, g 9^ tsz' ^chun. Tsz chuen, ^ \m>'. Mdu, ^ chim'. Chen, -^^ chim'. Chen, ^ ts'im'. ts'ieu ; to assume to one's self, ■^^ ts'im' fan'. Ts'ienfan; to assume precedence, fei ts'im' ,tsiin. Ts'ientsun, j^ -^^^ chim' ^sin hii'. Chen sien k'ii, r^ ;^ ^ cbim' ^sin 'kong. Chen sien kidng, ^-^ chim' .sin. Cben sien, ^ -^8J^ cbim' jSin ^t'au. Cben sien t'au; to assume more for one's self. ^^ ^"^ cbim' ^p'in ^i. Chen p'ien i; to assume a false name, ^ ^ m6' ^meng. Mdu ming, fi W ^ ^ ^d m6' ,meng tsz'. Kid mdu ming tsz; to a.ssume a feigned manner, ^ -^ '('^ t/J! ,chong ^nio tsok, y^ung'. Chwdng mii tsoh yjing, i^^j^fj"^^ 'kd p^n' ,hang jWai. Kid pdn bang wei; to assume credit to one's self, ^^ tiitj ,mcug. Toh ming; to assume mer- i<. if '^ ^ tilt. ,kung ,16. Toh kimg Idu, ^Ji ^ jt'iii jkung. T'idu kung ; to assume power, ^ ^ lung'jk'iin. Lung k'iuen, ^;^ shin', k'iin. Shen k'iucn, S^ ^f^ cliiin ,k'iin. Chuen k'iuen, fl[| ^ Mam jk'iin. Ldn k'iu(>n ; to assume command (as the empemr), U^fitp ,1am ii'. Lin yii ; to suppose. ^l 'kd. Kifi, I"- ^t' ch'it, yiHik,. Sheb job^to as- sume too muoh to one's •self, j^ @ -kS ^ tsz' 'cb'ing kwo' ^fau. Tsz cb'ingkwo t'au. f^ .^ ^jjc jljft tsz* chiin t'^' kwo'. Tsz chuen t'Ai kwo ; to ASS (103) AST assume to effect public works, l^ii^f^ shin" tso* tsok^. Slien tsau tsoh ; to assume appearance, J^ ^ 'ts'ii mdu". Ts'ii mdu ; to assume the form of man (said of spu'its and apparitions), ^KjB ^^' .yan ^ying. Hien jin hing, -^^A^ pin' ,yan jing. Pien jin hing. Assumed ^ i^ chim' kAvo'. Chen kwo, ^j^ shin- kwo'. Shen kwo, ^ j^ ts'im' kwo'. Ts'ien kwo, P^ m6- kwo'. Mdu kwo, -^^j^ pin' kwo'. Pien kwo, J^)^ 'ts'ii kwo'. Ts'ii^kwo. Assuming ^ chim'. Chen, |g shin'. Shen, ^ mo'. Mau ^ ngo'. Ngau ; assuming the appearance of virtue, ^ 3^ -fH shik^ 'ts'u ,yan. Sih ts'ii jin ; ar- kiu kw'a. liiaukw'a; taking for rogatmg. granted, gg* ^ ch'it^ yeuk^. Sheh joh ; jJ^tend- iiig. 1^ M '^^ i"^^^- ^^^ ^^'^i' # M syeuug jwai. Yang wei. Assuming, arrogant, ^ ^ ^kiu ngo'. Kidu ngau, ^ ^ ^kiu ^king. Kiau king, ^ H ngo^ shi'. Ngau shi, A W. t^i' y<^ung^ Ta ydng, ;^ ^ tai^ 'kd. Ta kia, ^ ^ ^chong ^hong ; assuming and insolent, 'f^ Wii Wl ^^ ^^^^' s*^'^^ "S^" "^^^r ^^^ ts'ai ngau wuli, '[^ ^ ft5j A ^^^^' ^^^'^^' ^^^ i}'^^- Shi shi k'i jin, '[^ ^ '^k 'h ^^^' '^i Jing mat^. Shi ki ling wuh. Assumption, the act of taking upon one's self, ^ :j§ ^ tsz" shin^ 'die. Tsz shen che ; the act of taking for granted, ^g^ ,ku "^hii. Kii hii, ^^ i>J[ '^p^ sun' 'i jWai ^in. Sin i wei jen, ^^ g^- ii ^ ,ku 'hii jk'i shat,. Kii hii k'i shih ; Christ's asump- tion of our flesh, ^^^"^^^ ,Ki tuk^ ^chi t'ok, ^shan. Ki tuh chi t'oh shin ; the taking up a per- son into heaven, ^ ^ ^shing ^t'in. Shing t'ien ; a consequence drawn from a proposition of wliich an argument is composed, f*}x J^ ^ M^ '^'^o 'ts'ii ,chi i\ So ts'ii chi I, f>)\^^^, 'slio chap, ^chi i'. So chih chi i. Assumptive, that may be assumed, p]" ^ 'ho 'ts'ii. K'o ts'ii, pf ^ 'ho shin-. K'o shen, ^f^l^ 'ho ^kii 'hu. K'o kii hii. Assurance, the act of assuring, ^g^ shat^ wi'. Shih hwd, iS^^ k'ok, shut,. K'ioh shwoh, j^^^ff 'sz shat, sun'. Shi shih sin, ^ -B^ j^ Hng^ k'ok, sun'. Ling k'ioh sin ; firm persuasion, ^'fg shat, sun'. Shih sin, ^ ^ ^kin sun'. Kien sin, ^ '(g tuk, sun'. Tuh sin, ^ j^ k'ok, sun'. K'ioh sin, ^ ^ ^chi shat,. Chi shih, ^ ^ teng^ ,chi. Ting chi, ^ shat, ^chi. Shih chi ; freedom from doubt, ^mo ji. Wdi; certain expectation, ^.lHl^\ ^ k'i' .k'i'pit, -yau. K'i k'i pieh yii, ^^Jj^^ k'f mong^ plt^ 'y^u. K'i wang pieh yu, ^ ^ shat, mong^. Shih Avang, '^iff^'^] shat^ mong' tak, 'to. Shih wdng teh tau ; full confidence, ^ ^^ijl<^ kii' sun' pit, yau. Kii. sin pieh yu ; the utmost certainty, ^^It'^ ten^ ^chi ^k'l sliat^. Ting chi k'i sliih ; firmness of mind, ^ ^ ^ jVj) ^kin teng^ ,chl ^sam. Kien ting chi sin ; certain knowledge, ^^ fl|*i^ ;^ tik, k'ok, sliik, ^chi. Tih k'ioh shih chi, % '^ ^{l $|J k'ok, shat, ^(^hi t6'. K'ioh shih chi tdii, H ^ ^ :f| 'kwo sliat^ shik, tak,. Ko shih shih teh ; insurance, -^ [|^ 'p6 'htm. Pau hien, ^^ntl)ft * "mai in' ^sho. Mai yen sii ; impudence, M ^ ^l, ^mo ^lim 'ch'i. Wu lien ch'i, :A:p tai^ 'tam. Ta tan, M-^ )kZ K liau^ min^ jp'i ^chi jan. Hau mien p'i chi jin ; full confidence in Christ and of final salvation, ^- |g WUW^'ML sl»at, sun' ^Ki tuk, ,i tak, kaii'. Shih sin Ki tuh rh teh kill, :^ -fg g- '^ tuk sun' ^KI tuk,. Tuh sin Ki tuh. Assure, to, to make certain, •^5||^ ling- k'ok, shat,. Ling k'ioh shih ; to insure, |^''Oi^|)j^ 'mai 'p6 'him. Mai pau hien, %^^ 'mai in' ^sho. MAi yen sii ; to give confideilc'e by a promise, f^ ^ tsok, 'p6. Tsoh pan, |^ f^ A ^«o' 'po jan. Tso pdu ji^' tSr "0^ ^C tso- 'po ^kfi. Tso pau kia ; to make confident, ^A^SM chi' jan ^m5 ,i. Chi jin wu 1' 1^Ai5jp5 's!5 .jan ^kin sun'.' Shi jin kien sin ; to aver, ^- fj shat, Ava'. Shih hwa, iS^ |^ k'ok, shiit,. K'ioh shwoh ; he assured us of it, ^|^|^ ^P shatj shiit, 'ngo ^clii. Shih shwoh wo clli ; to assure one's self, t^ ^ ^fl k'ok, shat, ^chi. K'ioh shih chi, ^ ^ ?t ^ ,ch'a ,k'i k'ok, "shat,. Ch'a k'i k'ioh shih, g ^^^j"^ tsz^ ,ch'a tik k'ok . Tsz ch'd tih k'ioh. Assured, made certain, flj^flf ^ 'sz k'ok, shat^. Shi k'ioh shih ; certain, ^£ pit, teng-. Pieh ting, -^ ij^s shi' pit,. Shi pieh, ^^ teng' pit,. Ting pieh, jg/fHf tun' tiin'. Twantwan, >(Jj|/^^ k'ok,sIn. K'ioh jen, ^4^ 'wai ,in. Wei jen, ^ ^ 'wai shat,. Wei shili, |g ^ Svai 'kwo. Wei ko ; indubitably, M. ^ nio j. Wu i, % Jf. ^14 ^ jno pat, ,ii shi-."'Wu puh jii shi, ^ ^- .^ f^ shatj shat^ lok^ lok,. Shih shih loh loh, ^ {£ shat, tsoi'. Shih tsai," ^ ^ shat^ 'shau. Shih shau. Aster cliinensis, yX ^ ^ (^,^ kwdi' jd. Kwdi hii, ^^ 1' ,t8oi. I tsdi. HI "^ "i" # ch'ut, ,k'i 'ku kwdi'. Ch'idi k'i kii kwdi ; how very wonderful I ^ It ^ -(^ ,ho jk'i ,k'i 'yd. Ho k'i k'i y6, />jFt}j^ 'h6 ch'ut -^k'i. Astonishingly, in a degree to excite amazement, n f; c« .Cheung. Fi Chang, ^ '^ i^ ,shdung. I chdng, .^ ^ •' I'rovincial or otlicr cities eiercxsw, ac- t'ordiiiji; U> Cliiiioxo notions, the fuui-tioiw usiTilxtl Ui AstxuMu AST (105) AT dog, ^ tong- sliat^. Tang sliih ; to go astray as a child, ^^^^^ ton^ sliat^ 16'. Taag shih lii ; to lead astray, ^j j^ 'kwai jinai. Kwai mi ; you run astray, i^^^ *ni 'kong ts'o'. Ni kiang ts'o, i^^M '^1 i"^ chcuk,. Ni puh choh ; to go astray from a company, ^^ Jiang shat,. Hang sliih. Astrict, to bind fast, )^* ^" kit, sliat,. Kieh shih ; to contract, f^i^ shuk, ,mai. Shuh mai. Astricted, bound fast, M 'M M. P^ng s^iat, kwo'. Pang shih kwo, ^ ^ ® kit, shat, kwo'. Kieh shih kwo ; constricted, ^i^^^ shuk, ^mai kwo'. Shuh rjiai kwo. Astriction, the act of binding close, |^^ kit, shat,. Kieh shili ; contraction, ||giM sliuk ^mai. Shuh mai ; constipation, ;^ f^ ^» |S *^^' P"^' P^' ^^^• Ta pien pi kieh. Astride, wit!i the legs open and across a thing, ^ ^ ,k'e ,in. K'i jen, ^]^mM y^ '^^ 'kom yeung". K'i ma kan yang. Astringency, that quality in medicine which causes contraction of the soft solids, '^^y^^ 'sz kit, shik, 'die. Shi kieh shih che, -^ij^^^ 'sz ^shau "lini 'che. Shi shau lien che. Astringent medicine i\jC'^ ^ ^ ^shau 'lim ^chi yeuk^. Sliau Ken chi yoh, ^ Fa ^ ^ kit, sliik, ,chi yeuk,. Kieh shih chi yoh, ^^^^:tM 'sz kit, pat, ^chi yeuk,. Shi kieh pih chi yoh. Astrography, description of stars, ^^|^ ^sing suk, lun". Sing suh lun ; the science of describing the stars, M?^^^ t^i^s ^^K c^^^^ '1^- ^^^S ^"^^ ^'^^^ ^^• Astrolatry, the worship of the stars, ^^^^ p^i' ^sing ^clii sz\ Pai sing chi sz, jj^^ J^ung ^sing. Jang sing ; the worsliip of the north star, jjjg ij- 'lai 'tau. Li tau, ff- J^ p&i^ 'tau. Pai tau. Astrologer, ") one who professes to foretell future Astrologian, j events by the aspects and situation of the stars, ^ Jt ^ ^»J (Sing hok, tik,. Sing hioh till, ^^-vfX <^^^S l^ok, kc'. Astrology ^^ ^ms; hok,. Sing hioh, MM^ c^^^o lii' hok,. Sing k'i hioh, M ^ '^ ^ <^^o M^ ^^^t fat,. Sing kia hioh fah, |> M^l^^^ P^k, ,sing kat, ,hung ^chi fat,. Puh sing kih hiung chi fah, ^ M -S JlE (Cbim ^sing .chi li. Chen sing chi li. Astronomer, one who is versed in astronomy, ^^ ^t'in kam'. T'ien kien, ^ ^ lik^ Jca. Lih kiii, 3^ ^ ^ jt'in ^man ^shang. T'ien wan sang ; im- perial astronomer, $X^^ jam ^t'in kd,m'. K'in t'ien kien ; a student of the heavens, ^ Jt ^t'in sz-. T'ien sz, ^gijj ^t'in^sz. T'ien sz, ^%\% hon' ^t'in tseung^. K'an t'ien siang, 5||^^'^ c^'^^^o ^t'in ^man 'che. T'ung t'ien wan che, ^z^MM ^t'in jUian ^sz fii'. T'ien wan sz fii. Astronomical H^^ Jcwan ^t'in ^man. Kwan t'ien wan, ^ ^ ^t'in ^man. T'ien wan, ^ ^; ffy ^t'in jioan tik^. T'ien wan tih, ^ ^ f^ ^t'in ^man ke', ^ likj. lih ; astronomical calculations, ^^ po* lik,. Pu lih, :}^ ^ ^ch'ui hk,. Ch'ui lih ; astro- nomical number or calculations, ^ ||j; lik, sh6'. Lih sii, ^^ lik^ fat,. Lih fah, ^f^ tseung- slio'. Siang su ; astronomical instruments, ^'^^^ ,t'in ^man hi' kii'. T'ien wan k'i kii, ^ i^ * ,sun ^ki. Siuen ki, ^J^ * ^siin ^ki. Siuen ki, Jfj * yuk, Jiang. Yuli hang, g '^ ^siin ye'. Siuen ye, W%% ^^an^ ^t'in J. Hwan t'ien i. Astronomically, by the principles of astronomy, H^^ ^^ chili' lik, fat,. Chau lih fah, Bg ^ ^ chid' ^t'in jman. Cliau t'ien wan. Astronomy, the science wliicli teaches the know- ledge of the celestial bodies &c, ^ ^ ^t'in jman. T'ien wan, f§^ lik, fat,. Lib fah. Astute, shrewd, |(g 1^ ^ts'ung ,ming. Ts'ung ming ; cunning, ||; ^ 'kwai kwat,. Kwei kiueh ; crafty, ^Jf 'kau Avat,. Kiau hwah. Astutely, subtly, I^ ^^ 'hau Jn. K'iau jen. Astuteness, shrewdness, ^,^ ^ts'ung ^ming. Ts'ung ming. Asunder, apart, ^(f^lj Ji pit,. Li pieli, |^p^ Ji kak,. Li keb, ^ |[|| ^fan Ji. Fan li ; to take asunder, ^ ch'ak,. Ch'ih, f/p ^ ch'dk, Jioi. Ch'ih k'ai ; to break asunder, :^ \^ 'au 't'tin. Yau twan, ^ ^ 'du chit,. Yau cheh ; to tear asunder, ^ j^ mak, l^n'. Pih Ian. Asylum, a sanctuary, or place of refuge, '^^^pjf 'to ^shan ^chi 'slio. To shin chi so, ^%^^ on ^shan ^chi ch'ii'. Ngan shin chi ch'ii t ; an or- I)han asylum, '|ifii '^^ ^ sut, ^ku ^t'ong. Siuh kii fang, ^^^ -yeung ^kii ^t'ong. Ydng kii t'ang ; an asylum for old men, y^Sj^ '16 jan un'. Lau jin yuen, ^ ^ [5% ku' 16 iin'. Kii lau yuen, ^ yit^ 'yeung '16 iin'. Yang lau yuen, ^ ,ts'eung. Ts'iang, :^^^^ ^tung ^k'au. T'ung k'iii, :g^i^ ^ ^ts'ai 16 ,kung kuk^. Ts'i liu kung kiuh, a foundling asylum, ^ ^ '^ + yuk, ,ying jt'ong. Yuh ying t'cing. Asyndeton, a figure which omits the connective §, ^ j^ ^ ;^ >^ Jdi ,lin tsz' ^chi kii'. Lai lien tsz clii kii. At :^ tsoi', ^ ^ii. Yu, ^ u. Yii, ^ ^chu. Chii ; at home, ^ ^ tsoi" ^ka. Tsai kia ; is he at home? ''^ M ft Po'^ ^^^^ ^k, noi" jUi 'hai ; yes, he is at home, v^^ )^ liai ch'ii' ; at table, or at dinner, ^ 1^ shik, fan'. Shih fan ; at noon, ]£ ^ ching' *ng. Cliing wii ; at the gate, ^ P^ "U tsoi' ^miin ^ts'in. Tsai mun ts'icn ; at sea, ^v^ tsoi" jeung. Tsai yang ; at hand, ^ ^ kan' ^loi. Kin lai, ^ _^ * * These are a kind of axmillary sphere, said to have been in- vented by Yau. See ^^^^^ vol. 14. f In China where murderers are exempted from capital punish- ment upon their becoming a priest of Budha or a Tauist, the expressions, M^'M^^U-I' ov KB^\h >^e equiva- lent to refuge, aaylum, and to flee to a refuge. I As in China only girls are exposed, thrown or given away, the above term cannot properly be applied to estiiblishments of infants of mixed sexes. § The sentence; Veni, vidi, vici, ^Nj^j^j [I] came, [I] saw, [I] conquered, is an asyndeton. AT 5J5 H. loi. Rh ]ki ; the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'^g^^ .t'in kAvok, 'i H. Turn kwoh rh i ; at large, ^ ^\}^ ,ts'eung sai'. Ts'iang si ; to be at large, ^ ^jf jau tong'. Yu tfing, ;5ft ^ 'i^ ^ ,lau jli long^ tong^. Liii li Mng tfing ; at pre- sent, 1^'^ in' tsoi\ Hien tstli, "^^ ,tong ,kam. ! Tdng kin, ^-^ i»^ kam. ilien kin, g "J\ muk^, hi'. Muh hid ; at this day, ^ 3 'ts'z yat^. Ts'z I jih ; at that time, ^ f!.^ ,tong jshl. Ting shi ; at i no time, M B# jrib ^slii. Wii shl ; at last, jj^ ^ ,shau 'ml. Shau vvi, ^ ^ kau' 'king. Kiii king, Z^ ;^ tsut, ,elii. Tsuh chi, ^ ^^ ,chung ^in. \ Chung jen, ^ ^^ 'king ,in. King jcn, f ij j^ td' ^i. Tiu wi, #j J^ t6' 'tai. Till ti, ^ % pat, 'king. Pih king, j^ ^ ngat^ 'king. Yih (heh) i king, ^ ^g ,kwai ^kan. Kvvei kin ; at first, ;^|g ; ^sin jt'au. Sien t'au, :^. ^ tsoi' ,sin. Tsai sien ; at the very fii-st, i^;^ tsui' ,sin. Tsui sien, ;^5g ;^ B$ 'hi 't'au ^chi [shi. K'i t'au chi shi, ^ ^ , 'ch'i ,ch'o. Ch'i ts'u, ^ "t |a |5j^ H$ 'hi 'shau ko' chan' jShi. K'i shau ko chin shi ; at midnight, p|? "^ ^chung ye^ Chung y6, ^^ pun' y6'. Pwin ye, ^ ^ 'ng yc'. Wii ye ; at full speed, r^? '{^ chi' fii'. Chi kw'ai ; at least, ^ ^y chi' 'shiu. Chi shau \ at a stand, ^gj, ^ ^sz ^1. Sz i ; at a loss what to do, >j^ ^n -ffif ^ ])at, ,chi ^ho ^wai. Pub chi ho wei, Pg- ^^Jfl^y^.v^ ,chi tso' mat, V^ 'ho, Pg ^ ^1^ >i ^ ,m ,chi ^ ^ kin' ,chi tsak, shat, jWan. Kien chi tseh shih hwan, |KJ ^ ! ^ i^ "^ 't'ai kin' jWan ^t6 'mo ; the whole pro- ! perty isatstake, ^U^^'^UlU ^o' fii' ,shan .ki | pai' shat^, # ^ 15^ ^ .shan .ki 'him teng*. Shin ' kid hien ting ; at the same time, — • gj yat, min*. j Yih mien ; at peace, ^^ tsz' ^in. Tsz jen, ^^ j 'h6ung ,on. Iliing ngin, :;|i|3:^]p seung 'ho. Sidng ; hiu, ^jfP iP'ing ,\vo. P'inglio ; they are at peace \ now, l^^y Hz' 't'o 'liii. Sz t'o liau ; at war, ^ ' ^ 'td ch6ung*. Td chkng ; at unawares, f,'jj ^ 'ngau jin. Ngau jen, ^ ,^ tat^ jin. Tub jen ; to i .'.1 Ate, the goddess of mischief, j^jj^ |$ ^bung jShan. lliung shin. Atempo, or atempo primo, B8 ^ B^ chiii' ^sin ,sbi. Chau sien shi. Atempo giusto, to sing or play in an equal, true or just time, i^^B^^^f^lil^ S '^bim ,shi '6m jk'am wdkj ch'dung' jam. Atheism, the disbelief of the existence of a God, ^ in^ Jl^^^Wl P»^ »^' Vau Sheung* tai' ,cbi kiu'. Pull sin yu Shing ti chi kiiu. Atheist, one who disbelieves the existence of a God, ^f^'W Jl'ifi* pat, sun' \vau Shdung' tai'. Pub sin vu Shdng ti, iCk*^-±'^ ,sam,m6 Shcf-ung' tai'. Sin wvi Shdng ti, T-j;i±',t,'j|^ti# I'at/i Slu^ung* tai* jWai 'yau 'cht5. Pub i Shing ti wei yii ch6 ; an irreligious jjcrson, i^ HJ ^ ^ ^ t^iit^ ,chu fit, kiu* *chd Tsiueh cliii fib kiiu cIk'-, 5J^ ^ ^ ^ hi' t«tttj chung' kdu'. K'i tsiueh chung kidu ; an impious pei-son, ^ ?§ _h 'i^f ^ sit, tukj Sheung* tai"che. Sieh tub Shdng ti ehe, W^Jiij^:tA piii' ngiik, Shilling' tai' ^chi jan. be at law, ^ ^ li* tsung'. 116 sung, :ffl ^^ ^s6ung Atbeneum, a public irading room for {Miriodicals, tsung*. Sidng sung, *^ ,kiin tsung'. Kwin W\'^^P)X .sz jnian kung'sho. Sz wan kung so. sung, ^*^}^'t& ,kiin 'fii. Td kwdn fu, 7^ J^ Athenian, j)ertaining to Athens, IJH ;^ ^ Ngitin ^ ;^ 6' ,86ung t8«5uk, kok,. 11 li siing tsioh koh ; | tik,. Ydtien tih, Si'^l"!^ Ngitin k6\ to be laughed at, ^ ^ kin' siiV. Kien sidu, ^ ! Athenian, an, a native of Athens, ^|I(*|C A Ng6 ATH iMMBJIMWha (107) Ann ' iiniiii>"'i-riT:iff'iimin"iianr tin k6' jan, ^^^\ Ng^tin chl jyan. Yatien chl Jin. Atherina, Smelt (fish), J^^ ,shoi tsiin'. Slid tswan. Athirst, thirsty, p ^ 'hau hot,. K'au k'oh, ^ y^ 'keng hot . King k'oh, p ^ 'hau ^kon. K'au k&n ; athirst after virtue, v@i^;^^ ,^z c^^^ J^^\ hot^. Sz yen joli k'oh. Athlete, a contender for victory, [**] ^ ^ K tau' "yung ^chi ^yan. Tau yung chi jin, p-*) ^ tau' -yung. Tau yung, ^j]:^\ king- lik, chi J <^t'in hi' tik,. T'ien k'i tih, ^W^ c^'itt hi' ke' ; atmospheric air, ^@^^ ^ ^ ^chau jWai ti' ^k'au ^chi hi'. Cliau wei ti k'iii chi k'i; atmospheric stones, meteoric stones, i^ 5 "wan shekj. Yun shih. Atocarpus, jack-fruit, ^ ^^ ,po Jo mat^. Po lo raih. Atom, a particle of matter so minute as to admit of no division, ^'0.'^^ kik, ^mi ^chi mat,. Kih wi chi wuh, /J"* ^ g^ t^ ^ ^ 'siii mok, ^nang p'o' jChi mat,. Sidu moh nang p'o chi wuh, j^ ;^ ^ pj" ^ ^ts'im sik, ^mo 'ho ^fan. Sien sih wii k'o fan; a particle of dust, — ■^j^lH yat, 'tim ^ch'an. Yih tien ch'in, — ^i \^ ^ yat, nap, ^mi jch'an. Y'^ih lih wi ch'in ; fine dust, such as is observed floating in the air, ^ i^ ^ch'an oi. Ch'in ngdi ; a very small particle, ^ ^ ^sz jh6. Sz hku, '^ Athletically, powerfully (made), ^ i^: -^ ^M tI^ ' jmiii. Mei, ^ mat,. Muh. ,shang tak, 'ho ^k'dung chong'. Sang teh luiu k'iang chwdng, :t#^Aff ,sliang tak, 'ho tai^ kin-, ^% *T^ A ^ ^shang tak, 'h5 tdi' chck,, ;^ (Jjf^ll^^ til' ,shdn '16 'kom yeung'. Athwart, across, ^^ ^wdng. Hang (or hung), |^j jwl,ng. Ilung (or hang), ^ 'ng. Wi'i; to place across, ^J ^ 'ti ^wAng. Ti hung. Atilt, in the position of a man making a thrust, :^|J 'M ^ '^ chdp, shat, 'md po'. Chdh shih ma pii, jjIW-^;^ Idp, shat^ k(3uk, po'. Lih shih kioh pu. Atlantic, pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean, -^ gg y^^ij tdi^ ^Sai ^veung tik . Ta Si v^ng tih, :^ ^ yf P|E tai^ ,Sai jeung ke'. Atlantic, the, ;^ \J§ y^ tdi' ^Sai ^yeung. Td Si yang; Atlantic Ocean, J^^^^i^ Atlantik 'hoi. Atlas, a collection of maps in a volume, i-tfaj^^ ti' jt'6 ^sliii. Ti t'u shii ; a genci-al chart, ^ ~\\ Q ^t'in ha- J'5. T'ien hia t'u, ^ "j: ^ ® ,t'in hi' jts'iin jt'6. T'ien hia ts'iuen t'u; an atlas of China, 5^ "j; H g * ,t'in hi^ Ji J'6. T'ien hia yu t'u ; an atlas of a countiy or the globe, Mfe^ ^ ti' ^ii jt'6. Ti yu t'u ; an historical atlas, _^|B^^ 'sz ki' ts'iin ^t'5. Shi ki ts'iuen t'u ; a general histor- Atone, to expiate, ^ shuk,. Shuh ; to atone for a crime, ^ |^ shiik, tsiii". Shuh tsui, |^ j^ shuk, kwo'. Shuh_ kwo, 1^ p 'tai tsui'. Ti'tsui ; to make amends, ^{| ^^ 'po kwo'. Pu kwo, ^ ^ * jp'uijCh'eung. P'ei ch'ang, Bg^;g ^p'tiipat, shi". P'ei pull shi ; to reduce to concord, ^ tJsU. chl' ,wo. Chi ho ; to atone for a crime bv meritorious actions, jf^ j'j ^ fp ^tseung ^kung shukj tsui". Tsiang kung shuh tsui ; fines are imposed to atone for offences, ^ f^ ^ ?FlJ ,kam tsokj shukj jying. Kin tsoh shuh hing ; you have nothing wherewith to atone, ^ Pf ^ jnio 'ho shuk^. Wii k'o shuh. [* read also ^slidung.] Atonement, expiation for sin, ^ |Jh sliuk^ tsui\ Shuh tsui, ^ p ^ shuk, tsui' che. Shuh tsui cli<^, ^P^^ sJiuk, tsui'- chi sz'. Shuh tsui chi sz ; satisfaction made by giving an equivalent for an injuiy, ^^^^^ shiik^ tsui' ^chi ki'. Shuh tsui chi ki^, (in China) :^ ^X :^ ^X kw'd' ^fa .hung ; to receive satisfaction, -fi ^ il 'leng /a jiung. ical atlas, "H @ J^ IH man' kwok, 'sz .t'6. Wan \ Atoner, one who makes atonement for others, j\^ kwoh shi t'u ; a satin, |g tiin^ Twdn, ^foCS.^^ I M ^^^' ^^^^K '«h<^- ^'^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ' ^^^ ^'^" atones 1,^ jts'd .man 'ng ^sz tiin'. Sie wan wu sz twan ; | atlas, fine (a term applied to paper), ^ |^ IR | silt, p^ik, 'chi. Siueh peh chi. Atlas butterfly :^ || ;^ J^ /d Jo tdi' kik ti kih. Atmosphere, the aeriform fluid surrounding the earth, ^^}^WlZM. ti' ck'au ,chau .Avai .chi hi'. Ti k'iu chau wei chi k'i, ^^ J'in hi'. T'ien k'i; vapour, ^ '^ jan ^wan. Yin yun ; air, ^ hi'. for the sin of others, f^ A ^ P toi' jan shuk, tsui\ Tai jin shuh tsiii, |St£|l^ P<^ S^ M^S 'ch6. Pii hwd hung che. ITwd lo Atonic, debilitated, |^ ^ Hin yeuk^. Yuen joh, J^ I m M yeuk,. Hu joh, mk.M .n^« hiit, hi'. Wu liiueh k'i, J^ ^ .shan yeuk,. Atoning for sin, ^p shuk, tsui'. Shuh tsui ; mak- ing amends, p^g^ ^p'ui ^ch'^ung. P'eich'Ang, ^ ^fX 'V^ .fd .hung. Pu hwa hung. K'i; pei-vading influence or moral atmosphere, ^ Atop, on or at the top, :^ J^ tsoi' 'teng. Tsdi ting, ^ /ung hi'. Fung k'i, ^ j^ Jung tsuk,. Fung ^\fllB\ tsoi' min^ J'au. Tsdi mien t'au, :^±^ — ^ isoi- Kli('nno-' miTi' Tsai shdua- mien. • Tbis sentence should only be used by foreigners as a title to a map of the whole world; for the Chinese must be practically disabused about their notion of the vastness of their empire. tsoi- shcung' min'. Tsai shdng mien. Atraphaxis ^ Jai. Li. Atrabilarious, affected with melancholy, '^^^ ath (iofe) Aft -"'■"" yau^samtik,. Yii sin till, ^P,^ ^sliau mun". Tsau mwdn, *^Jg|lEP^ ,ts'im ,ku ^p'6 mun^ Ts'ien ktt p'du mwdn, ^Tp ^ M J^ yik, wit, ^m?) Jiu. Yih yuh wti lidu. Atrip, as an anchor, j^jj^ 'hi kwo'. K'( kwo ; ditto as the topsails, ^ }^ g^ ijlf 'ch'6 kwo' ^t'au '11. Ch'6 kwo t'au 11. Atrocious, horrible, f^fQ, ^ts'An 'yan. TsYm jin, Jg ^, jlong ok,. Lino; ngoh ; outragious, ^^ jts'in hoi-. TsYm hdi, ^^ ^hung hon'. Iliung hdn, ^ ^. ,hung ok^. Iliung ngoh, f^ /§ ,ts'dn y^uk,. TsYin yoh (nioh), |§ ^ huk^ hoi'. K'uh hii, ^ ^ |^<| p(V y6uk, tik,. Pdu yoh (nioh) tih, jT^ ^ ,hung p6^ Hiung pAu, ]^^ ^ts'dn p6'. Ts'jin pilu, '^f^ ^k'eung J6ung; very atrocious, :^Jj^^Pf'){; 'h6 ,tsYin hoi' k6'. H.^u ts'An hdi tih. Atrociously, in an atrocious manner, ^ ^ ^» 'h6 jts'in 'yan. Hdu ts'cLn jin. Atrocity, enormous wickedness, ^ fQ, jts'an 'yan. Ts'dn jin, ^ ^ ,hung ok,. Iliung ngoh, ^ ^ ,tsYin y^mk,. Ts'sin yoh, Ml^M^Z^ tsui' jts'dn hoi' ,chl a?}. Tsui ts'an hai chi sz, ^ ^^- Zff *^^' <^^""» '^"^^ <^^'^ s^3,ng. Tsui hung hun chl hang, ^ ^. ;^ ^ kik, ok, ^chl s/A Kih ngoh chi sz. Atrophy, a consumption or wasting of the flesh, ^ ^^ ^kl yuk^ shaia'. Kl yuh sau, p^ ^ ^ jam ,kon ching'. Yin kin ching, 0^ -^ij ^ yuk^ s^uk, ching*. Yuh sioh ching. Attach, to, to arrest, ||g||£ pJ)' chuk,. Puh chuh, ^ ^ p6- jTii. Pu nd ; to lay hold of property by writ, ^^j^ S^^S ,k^ 'chYin. Fung kii ch'in ; to attach, as to a document, pjji)- fiV. Fii ; to at- tach at the end, |?f.| Jf fu" tuI. Fii wi, jfjf ^lin 'ml. Lien wi, ^J^ tsip, ^mi. Tsieh wi, ^^ tsuk^ 'mi. Suh wi ; to gain over, ^^ wok^ Joi. Ilwoh Idi ; to attach a supplement to a document, /^ft^ chim ^ch'du. Nien cliYiu ; to attach people's aflec- tions to one, ^-^I^jO ,"'1 kit, ^man ^sam. Ydu kieh min sin, )|^ ^-^ ^ jCj> ,shau shap, ^man ,sam. Shau shih min sin ; to attach to one's pei-son, ^ AWiM. 1'"??^ ja" ckwai fuk^. Ling jin kwei fuh, ^A^Vl'If'.ljlSJ ti ling' jan ,sam ,kwai heung' 'ki. Ling jin sin kwei hiiing ki, -^ X ^ IP '^^' J^^ ^kwai shun'. Shi jin kwei shun, |,fj ^ t'lp, ^shan. T'ieh shin, IS| )^ A jC> ku' kit. ^yan ^sam. Ki'i kieh jin sin; to win peoi)le's affections, ^'^^iCl^ 'mki fuk, jman ,sam. Mki fuh min sin, ^^f A 'jSf tak, jan oi'. Teh jin ngdi ; to attach a seal, to attiich to a girdl(% ^ p'ui'. P'ei ; to attach im- portance to, ■^'§^ ,tun cluing'. Tnn chung, f{ijK kwai'chung'. Kwei chung, fftjill slu'ung' chung'. Sh{mg chung, ^)^ 't'ai chung'. T'( chung. Attache, one attaclicd to the suite of a higlj ofTlccr, IJH ^ jts'ui ^iin. Siii yuen, |^^ ^- jts'ui jts'ung 'che. Sui ts'ung die, ^ |^ ^ ,kan .tsYii Vh6. Kin sui ch<^. Attached, taktMi by writ, jf-,]- j| ^fung kwo'. Fimg kwo ; connected Avith, ^ j^ ^lin ^ii. Lien yu, j^ jH ^s^ung jlin. Sidng lien, j^ ^ ,s6ung tsip . Sidng tsieh, ^ ^ tsip, chii'. Tsieh chii, gf -^ tsukj chii'. Suh chu ; appended, pf.f jl^ fiV kwo'. Fu kwo, 1^ J§ :^ kai' Tni kwo'. Ki wi kwo ; to be ardently attached to one's kindred, M 1^ ^ tuk, ,u jts'an. Tuh y«i ts'in ; mutually attached, ^ ^ ,seung oi'. Siilng ngii, :ffi^ seung ^ts'an. Sidng ts'in, ;^0^ ^scung liin'. Siung liuen, ;f0j^ pt ,s6ung ^ts'an it^. Sidng ts'in j(!h, j|| |^ ^ch'i ^cii'in. Ch'i eh 'en, ^ j^ ,ch'i ^mai. Ch'I mi, jsi ^ ^wan jUrmi. Wan mi, ^Bl_ ^ sz Hin'. Sz liuen, ^^ liin' 16'. Liuen Idu ; when brother live to- gether in harmony, they feel mutually attached, ^l^^MM s^'o lok, 'ch'c- ,ii. Holoht.s'i^ jii; fond of, Hi' shi'. Shi ; attached as a, %4^ ki' ^shang. Ki sang; attached to an ofllce, ^ 'shfi. Shu ; attached to an embassy, ^ ^ ^ s^**'""? jam ,ch'di. Ts'ung k'in ch'ai ; iirmly attached as tilings, D^-^^^ ^m tak, lat, ; ditto as one is to another, ^^ jk'iin jk'iin. K'iuen k'iuen, ^- ^ liin' m(V. Liuen mii ; he attached importance to what was said, ^M.{^^]^)Xvk.Z^ .♦"'^ chung' [kwo'] 'sho shiit, ^chi sz'. Tun chung [kwo] so shwoh chi sz. Attaching, taking by writ, ^ Jiuig- F^^ni "in- ning the affections, ^^ tak,. Teh, ^ wok,. Ilwoh; fastening, ^ ^lin. Lien, ^ {^ ^lin chii'. Lien chu; appending, Pj^ fu'. Fil ; attaching import- ance to, 1^12 (^^"^ chung'. Tun chung. Attachment, a taking by writ, ^ ^ ,f""S ,kd. Fung kia; a writ of attachment, ;j»L ^ chat, u'. Chdh yu, ^ % /ung ^fiii. Fung t'idu ; atfec tion, ^ 'H^ oi' ,ts'ing. Ngdi ts'ing, ^ 'g' Inn' oi'. Liuen ngdi, ^ ^ liin' mo', j^iuen mii, ^ ^ ,ts'an Itj. Ts'in jeh ; to feel atf«H'tion for, .S 'i- '.sz oi'. Sz ngai, W. |^ sz mo'. Sz mu, ^ '\^^ liin' ts'ing. Liuen ts'ing, ^ ^ hai' liin". li'i Uuen, 5^ ^ kiin' liin'. KiiieV liuen, ^ '^ hdpj oi'. llidh ngdi, ^ "^ kiin' ,wdi. Kiuen luvdi, ^j^ hai' nim'. Hi nicn ; great or invinci- ble attachment, ^^^^^ k*'"' kiin' i>at, '.she. Kiuen kiuen puh slue, "fj^ i^ ^ ^ ,» ,i pfvt, 'sh«^. I i puh shi^, %1^^^^, liin' liin' pat, .mong. Liuen liuen puh wdng, ^^^%^ 'tsiing ^m 'she tak,. Tsung wu shie teh, '^ fjft ^^^f<^ oi' iQn' 'she pat, tak,. Ngdi liuen shic puh teh, ^ |^ ch'i .ch'in. Ch'i ch'en ; attached to each other in friend.ship, ^^ 'hin kiin'. K'ien kiuen; attach- ed to one as a butterflv is to the flower. A ^ ^^ '^^hm^ZWi'^ sy«" s^'^ ii'»' oi',ii ,u tip, ,chf liin' ^fd. .lin chi liuen ngdi jii hd tieh chi liuon hwd ; some adjunct attached to an instrument &c., jg ^ Jill mat,. Lien wuh. ^\ ^ fii' mat,. Fu wuh, 1^ ijjj cliiii' mat,. Chiii wuh. BA ^ 4^; t'lp, ,chi mat,. T'ieh chi wuh. Attack, to. toas.s;uilt, j^ ,kung. Kuiig, ^jj ,kung 'td. 3^*^* .kung kik . Kung kih, JCJii-fJC kung fKit^. Kiin^' Idli^ ^,1^ kik, p'o'. Kill p'o, j^ ;^ .kung ATT (109) Atl? pV. Kungp'o; to invade, ^^ ^ts'ain fat,. Ts'in fah, ^ i^ sit, fat,. Tsieh fah, B^ ^^ 6m^ fkt,. Ngan fah, pilfli A^^ sts'im ^sz ydp, 'king. Ts'ien sz jih king, ^^ ^^ tseng' tseng' hii' f^t,. Ting tsing k'u fah, ^ ^^ ^ts'am fdn'. Ts'in fdn, ^-^ ^ts'am Jing. Ts'in ling, :^M fln^ lip^. Fdn lieh; to attack one's reputation, u}\^^\ 'fi p'ong' jan. Fip'angjin, fi^^A^'^^aip'ong'syan. Wei p'ang jin, XJC \ M ^ c^^ng jan ^shing ^meng. Kung jin shing ming, ^A^'ft P^^' J^^ s^^eng tsit . Pai jin ming tsieli ; to attack on both sides, ^^ klip, ,kung. Kiah kung, pf^^^j^:^ "leung pin k^p, fkung. Lising pien kiah kung; to attack with unfriendly words, ^ A. ^^' sJ^^- ^^ i^ 5 to attack with the fist, ^ ^^ 'shau kak,. Shau keh, ^.^^< A '1 '^^^^^^ kik, jan. I shau kih jin, J(]^B^ Ha ,k'un ^t'au. Ta k'iuen t'au; to attack a city, :g^^ fkung ^shing. Kiing ching; to attack as robbers, pj .j^ T)'iu leuk,. P'idu lioh, ^ :^ kip, leuk,. Kieh lioh ; to invade or to make a raid, ^ ;}^ ,ts"'am leuk^. Ts'in lioh ; to rush to the at- tack, ^'^ ,ts'am yat,. Ts'in yih ; friends should protect and not attack each other, ^ ^ :t9 ^M^^^-M sP'^'i"? 'yau cS«^ung wai- ,1 pat, ,s6ung ,ts'un. P'ang yi'i siang wei rh puh siang "o c smn. Attack, the assault, :p^ ^ ,kung ^cho. Kung che ; to advance to the attack, ^:P^ tsun' ,kung. Tsin kung. >:(/-: PS t'^un' kik,. Tsin kih, ^ tT ^ts'in Ha. Ts'ien ta^ ^ti 1^ Ik c^^'ut, ,k^ 'fo. Ch'uh kia ho, >;g J£ tsun' ^ping. Tsin ping, JlPs^! "sh^ung chan-. Shdng chini jig v^ tsun' chin'. Tsin chen ; they I made one attack, tf — ■ J^ 'ta yat, .ch'^ung. Td I yih ch'ang, ||^— 'IeJ chin' yat, ^ui. Chen yih hwui, j '^ — ^ 'til yat, chan^ Ta yih chin ; he made an ' attack upon his character, u#^{tll '^'^ P'o^g' ^'^■ Pi p'ang t'a ; they rushed to the attack, — '^tn :iP§^ yat, jts'ai ^ts'in kung. Yih ts'i ts'ien kung ; a great attack, A "i^ — # *^i" ^^'^^^ 1^'^-, jch'eung. Ta chen yih ch'ang ; a feigned attack, f^ ;^ :tT jeung ^wai 'iL Y^ng wei ta, tlx ."^ jH jfe 'ka i' tsun' ^kung. Kid I tsin kung Attacked, to be. pi- jkung. Pi kung, ^^T W ta. Pi td, ^^ pi^ kik.. Pi kih ; attacked, ]^ii ,kung kwo'. Kvmg kwo, tT>^ ta kwo'. Td kwo ; he attacked me, tB^Jt*^^ 'k'u ,kung kwo' 'ngo. K'ix kung kwo wo ; I was attacked, ^^J^ "ngo pi' ,kung. Wo pi kung. Attacking, assaulting, j^ ^J ^cliiin ^sam. Cliuon sin, @;C> -jau ,sam. Liu sin, @^^ ,lau i'. Liu i, yi. ii^ ciiii' ,sam. Chu sin ; to be pi-esent, on the spot, :^ tsoi^ Tsdi. (Tg Ig 'hai cii'ii', f|j Pg- t6' lok . Tau loh, ^Ijj to' Miu. Tdu liau ; to attend the sick, M S ^ A 1"1<, sz^ peng' ,yan. Fuh sz ■^ — ^ 1 ■ — • kvv'an' j( ^chl ,chl. K'iun rh chi chl ; great at- ' kwo\ Shi tso kwo. tainments, j^^ pok, hok^. Poh hioh, fi)j^^$l Attempter, one who attempts, iJ^fTf:^ shi' 'hd'ch^. 'sho hokj tsoi' 'ngo. So hioh tsdi wo, ^^^ ^ Shi hid ch6. ^ ^yau hokj lik, 'sho chi'. Yii hioh lih so chi. Attempting, trying, ^ shi'. Shi, ^li\\ shf 'hd. Attaint, to, to taint, ^'/^ ^im ^u. Yen wd, '^1^ ,u Attend, to, to accompany, p^ ^ ^p'ui jhang. P'ei yuk^. Wii yuh, /?f '^ ,d ^ui. Wu mei, J^ j^ hang, f^j^ ^p'ui pdn\' Fei pwdn, ^^fe shi^ .p'di. tim' yukj. 'IMcn yuh; to find guilty, |||p ^i tsdi'. Shi p'oi, [^ ^ ^fung ^hang. T'ung liang, ^ ^ T tsui. Attaint, a stain, pj^ ,u yuk^. Wu yuh, J^^ tim' yuk^. Tien yuh ; anything injurious, ^ ,^ wdi' niat^. Ilwdi wuh ; a wound on the legs or feet of a horse, .% }i. ^ '^ 'mfi tsuk, chi ^sheung. Md tsuh chi shdng; a writ which lies after judgement I against a juiy for giving a false vei-dict in any i court of record, -^ ^ ^ ko' hnong tun'. Kdu wdng twdn, f)p ^Jf j)'in tiin'. P'ion twdn. Attainted, stained, J,!} '^fj ^^ tim' ^u kwo'. Tien wd kwo, 'fi^J^'^i} ,ii yvikj tik^. Wu juh tih. Attainture, a staining, 'ffj^ u y^^- Wu juh ; im- putation, tS"^ nip, ko'. Nieh kdu. Attar of Hoses ;^|^t(:vd] J^^^^^ kwai' fd jau. Mei kwei hwd yd. Attemper, to, to modify by the mixture of cold wa- t'M', ;j^ ^ ^k'au tung'. K'ii tung; ditto by the admit*si(jn of cold, j^iMl -t'^^^ng ^fung. T'ung fung; to mingle in just pi-oportion, ^J 5^1 ^t'iu ^^o. T'idu ho, II ^ ,t'iu ^wan. T'idu yun, 5^ ^ wo' jWan. IIo yun, :j^ ^ k'au ^wan. K'ii yun, ^^^ g^ ,k'au tak, ngum, :f^ ^ ^ ^k'au tak, ^wan. K'u teh yun, ^ ^^ f. .ts'dm tsdp^ sink, ,i. Ts'dn tsdh shih i. Attempt, to, to try, ^ shi'. Sli'i, ^ \^^ shi' 'hd, ^ shi' hon'. Shi k'dn ; to attempt to do, ^ shi' tsb'. Shi tso. shi jWai. Shi wei ; to at- 1 .your efforts, ^|tj ping jiu ; to attend to business, ^ ^ Mi sz'. Li sz, ^ ^ pan' s/A Pan sz, J|2}- Jjg ^ lid' '11 sz'. Lidu 11 sz, tr JJ 'ta ni. Ti 11, if ^^ p4n' ni sz', .^^ k6n' sz'. Kdn sz, ff^ M^S sz'- Hang sz, if ^ tsok, sz'. Tsoh sz, Jg ^ ^wai sz'. Wei sz ; to stir up one to attend to business, ^ ^ ^ ^ kwai' kwai' ^ts'ung sz'. Kwei kwei ts'ung sz ; not to attend to business, ^ ^ ^ pat, sz' sz'. Puh sz sz, fiffijS^^^ ^mo 'sho sz' sz'. Wd so sz sz ; to attend one as a servant, ^^ ^ ^ fuk^ sz' jan. Fuh sz jin, ^^ fimg' sz'. Fung sz, ^ ^ lung^ jShing. Fung ching, 'f^J ^ tsz" hau'. Tsz hau ; to attend to one's own affairs ^^^ 'shau 'pdn ip^. Shau pun nieb. ^^-fi> 'shau 'pun fanS l^ij^y^ kd' ^kan 'pun. Kd kin pun, ^ ^ ^ n\b' 'pun ipj. Wu pun nieb, ^y^ m6' 'pdn. Wu pdn ; my wishes shall attend you, ;Cj.">'|^,'(^f^ ^sam jShcung kdi %i. Sin chdng kiai ni ; niav success attend mong^ tak, ,& un'. Wdnjj tempt all means, f^^'^^ shi' kok, ,fong fat, Shi koh fdng fdh, /H^li-ifr^ y""g^ lf»^ s'*'^"" ^^P> P^^ sui'. Hang kieb pub sui ; to venture, ^ j^ *kwo 'kom. Ko Vim, ^ |^ 'kom ^wai. Kdn wei. Attempt, an, an eH'ort to gjiin a point, ^ — ^ shi' yat, Mid. Sill yib bid, f^ — '^ shi' yat, sbi'. Shi yih shi; no attempt at (lis|)ly, iBr; \i^ V&, M. i™^ mat, king' 1' ; a i-asb attempt, |^ fj 'blm jhang. Jlien bang; they ninde no attempt, tt^lP§-^|5 'k'ii ,m yuk,, Id p?i tj|) $/j '•<'<■' s'» y»l<, tung'; they failed in tlieir attempt at stealing, fj^ Pfi" '^ c^'^" ,m't(). T'au {X- 1 pub tdu, ffjljPp.liJI; ,t'au ,m jSliing. T'au [^.1 pub clung. ^ )^ * /S J"^»? ^^K "^'«' jShing. llaiig sieb \vi cliing; they I'aib'd in their attempt upon bis life, |3'|1J'j'^J shdt, ,m 't.6, f^j^j ^aJ^ jbang ts'z' pat, sui'. Hang ts'z pub sui, g^ ©'^T*:^ (Uiau sbdt, pat, 'kwo. Man shdh pub ko. Attempted, tried, ^ % shi' kwo'. Sbi kwo, ^ g^ jg shi' 't'ai kwo'. Sbi t'i kwo, ^ ^ Jl shi' ts6' i teh jd yuen ; envy attends prosperity, f^A^^ ^tsang jVan I'd' kwai'. Tsang jin I'd kwei ; to attend to more than one affair, j^ 3^ ^kim Mi. Kien 11, ;^{g! ship, '11. Sbeh 11 ; to attend to the word of God, '^tS^^^^M jlau^sam ^t'engshing' t6'. Liu sin tMng shing tdu, '^i^^^^. ,lau ^sam tukj shing' ,king. iJu sin tub siiing king ; to attend at church, -J- f^ f^. ^ ^ ^ bu' 'iai pdi' ^t'ong ,t'eng ^shii. K'ii 11 pi'ii t'dng t'ing shu ; to attend diligently to on's office, ^$. ^ g B "^ IhIc '^^^ 'shall tsz' 'ki k»'' cbik,. Kin shau tsz kl tih chih ; to attend upon a gui.'st, p^ ^ ^p'ui sbik,. P'ei shih, p^ ^ jp'di hiik,. V\n k'eh ; to attend a funeral, j^l^sung'^song. Sungsdng, ij|^ sung' tsong'. Sung tsdng, ij|j^ sung' Mim. Sung lien, 5^^ sung' pan'. Sung pin ; to be within call, jj; -ft kan' chii'. kin chu ; to attend upon one ano- ther, A ^ fli #J- t'^i' t'hung' fuk, sz'. Td cliung fuh sz ; to att^^ ni«^' v»n'»" .''^1 1'. Wu min chi i. ATT (111) ATT Attendance, a waiting on, ^^^ fuk, sz', ^^ ^m^ i Attention, care, /\^i^ 'isiu ^sani. Siiiii sin, ^tlfj^ sai' Bz'. Fung SZ-, the persons attending, '\^^^ shf i ^sam. Si sin, ^j\^> tsoi" ^sam. Tsai sin, '^i^ Jau hau^ 'die. Shi hau die, 'f^ ^ ^ 'shai fun' 'che Shi hvvan che, '^^ A '*^^^'" ^'^"^^ iT'^^^- S^^i hwan jin; a large attendance, A^l^^p- j^Hi]F ^Wi^ hokj ^shang pat, ^shi ^ts'ai ^fan hok^ ; he died for \vant of attendance, 1;^ ^ ^ |^ %'/. ^mo 'sho ^kwai. Sz wii so kwei, ^f^fiff X^M '^'^ ^^^"^ jah jan '11. Sz hiau wu jin 11 ; attention, ■^ v^^^ jlau ^sam. Liu sin; audience at Coiu-t, ^^ miir tsau'. Mien tsau. Attendant, accompanying, {^ ^ kan "mi. Kin wl, ^W. <^^" s^*^'^^- ^^^ ^"^' ^^ M^ ,ts'ung. Kin ts'ung, i^ ^ ^cliui jts'ui. Chui sui, ^ ^ ^ts'iii "'mi. Sui wi ; connected Avith, j^ Jin. Lien, j^j t'ung. T'ung. Attendant, one who helongs to a train, Jfg ^ kan ^pan. Kin pan, Jg ^ kan yik,. Kin \ah, ^ ^ je jmiin. Ye niun, ;|]3§^ tsung-'che. Tsung che, ^ 1^- ^ch'eung Js'ui. Ch'ang sui, >'J^f/^ 'siii kai'. Siau kiai, ^]^ ^ -^ 'siii ^hai ^no. Siau hi nii ; a waiting hoy, ^^ff shi' 'tsai; one who waits upon another, ^^:^ A ^^ik^ sz' ^yan. Euh sz jin, ^ R^ A 'shai fiin' ^yan. Shiliwanjin, ^f^j^A ^'^^^ shf ^chi jan. Kin shi chi jin ; master attendant, ^^ ^clii SZ". Chi sz ; official attendant, ^^ li" jiin. Li yuen, ^j ^ ^nga yik,. Ya yih ; chief dit- to, 1^ g If muk,. Li muh ; attendants to H. I. M. on horseback, -^ ^ '^ '(^ san' k'e' ^sheung shf. San k'i chang shi ; attendants on H. I. M., j 'i^M i.^ ^' y«ng" ,sam. Yung sin, ij^ j^ jjjlp 'ho yung' ^shan. llau yung shin ; to pay attention to "VAhat is said, ^ i\^ ^- Jau ^sam tso' Ve 'bo ,m ^slieung ^sam ; divided attention, j\j>P§-^ ^sam ^m tsoi% jd^!^:^ ^sam pat, tsoi'. Sin pub tsai, M J\^^ ^ ^mo ^sani ,kon. AVii sin kan, i\^ ^^ ^sam 'san, j\^^ g^ sam Kin'. Sin Iwan, j\^N^^p0 ^sam sz' ^ii ^ma. Sin sz jii ma, ,^^ pS. ^n 9j^^ ^ |& sam ,m ^cbi hai ^pin cli'u' ; to attract attention, 3^ g ;^^ kik, muk, ^chi sz'. Kib muli chi sz, g^ A jCa* S timg' jan ^sam muk,. Tung jin sin muh ; to turn one's at- tention to other duties, ^ ^ 'koi ip,. Kai nidi, ^P^ chiin' jmiin. Chuen mun ; to pay attention to the poor, Ig^ft^HA kii' chii^ ^p'an ^k'ung jan. Kii chii p'in k'ung jin, HS,^^^^^ cbiii' leu' ^p'an fat, 'die. Cb^u kii p'in fab die ; pay at- tention to him, g -(^ jg kii' chii' 'k'u. Kii cbii k'ii, il^ig ^ "fg seung' 'kan 'k'ti ; to dii-ect attain- tionto, ;^:irr,t'aicSZ- '■•-"i sz. Attentive, heedful, yjNjj^\ 'siii ^sam. Siau sin, ^]^ ;^^^ sai' ,sam. Si sin, ^ ^;|H 'tsz sai'. Tsz si, jfl )i^ yung' ,sam. Yung sin, ^ i'(^ ,lau ^sam. Liii sin, :j£;\j^ tsoi' _sam. Tsai sin, ^;\j> ,cbiin ^sam. Chuen «in, |^y^> du' dif. Chi chi, •;±;§ cliii' i'. Chii i, ^ ,^ Jau i'. Liii i, H ^ 'kan"shan'. Kin shin, ^ ^ king' shan'. King shin, ^ gg king' 'kan. King kin, 1^]^ ^yan ,k'an. Yin k'in, >^^ k'ok, ,kung. K'oh kung, ^ g shan' chun^. Shin chung, |§ ^ 'kan k'ok,. Ivin k'ioh, ^ ^chiin. Chuen, -^ ^chiin. Chuen, ^ "^ jk'ii jk'ii. K'ii k'ii, ^ ,king. King, mM^ chin' cbin'^king ^king. Chen cben king king, 5^ ^ || || king ^king ip^ ip^. King king nieb nidi, >J^ ^i;;^ g ^ 'siu ^aam yik, yik^. Sidu sin yih yih ; an attentive ear, '^ ii^ ^ .lau ,sam ^t'eng. Liii sin t'ing ; to be attentive to business, SI '^ #■ ^ 'kan shan' ATT (112) ATT diins, f^ i'lEli <«"!<, <:liinfj' kii'. Tsoh chin? kii, iS^P {ft- ^•'^" ''^" <•<»"«• Tso k'au kung ; aHirni- ing in support of, jjT ^ ^ lap, ^p'ang kii'. Lili p'ang kii. Attestor, one wlio attests, ^ A. t'lii'ig' Jan. Chin"; .j'"» i^ P^ ^ tHi)\ cliing' 'cJie. Tsoh diing clii^, i^M^fi tso^ chin-' ka' che. Tsoh cliiru,' ku che, ^ M^$^ tso^ kin' ching' 'chc. Tsoh kien ching ehe, f^ p (H:^ tso" 'liau kung 'die. Tsoh k'au kung elie. 'kan slian\ Kin shin, '£^ p)^ huk, ^In. lliuli jen ; Attic, pertaining to Attica, ^;i >tij //fl * Mfe Pf5t Af ika tsb' 8Z'. Kin shin (so sz, ^^tfl- king' u sz'. King yil sz, ^ii^^k^ ^m ,sam Uh' sz'. Liii sin tso sz ; to 1)(! attentive; to one's (^)nir> with fixcul att(!ntion, f^ ^chiin ^sani. Chuen sin. Att jhiu ^sam. Liii sin. Attenuant, making thin, as fluids, flHlif,;^ 'shai ^hi 'ch6. Shi hi die, fi^, P^ 'shai Jii ke', ||||P|t 'ching jhi ke'. Attcmuate, to make less consistent, 'fHi |i(^ ^ 'shai hi ti; I wish it more diluted, ]^^^^>f iu' ,hi ^ti, '^ )^ I'l^ iu' tAm' ^ti, ^ jfj ify iu' ^ts'ing ,ti ; to pulverize, ff^j^ ^ngan mut,. Yen moh, ^j^^ 5J^ jUgan Ian' jWai miit^. Yen Ian w(n moh. Atteriuiited, made thin, as fluids, -(^ i^ i^, [^»J 'shai kwo' ,hi ,ti ; attenuatixl with grief, '^ $\\ ^ jau t6' shau'. Yd tau sau, ^ §5 ,"i '^vixi. Ngai wei ; comminuted, ^ ^ M^'^^S **^i'- Tseng si, ^ ^ yau' sai'. Yii si, f^ ^gj^ ^tseng ^mi. Tsing wi, §f A^ tIc i^n^'^^ ^^'0* railtj. Yen kwo moh ; growing slender toward the extremity, ^ a^ ^1^ i^liang kwo' tsim. Sang kwo tsicn. Attenuation, the act of making thin, as fluids, -j^ Jl^ ^ 'shai Jii 'ch6. Shi hi die, ^'/^^ 'shai tdm' 'die. Shi tdn ch6; making fine, as solid sub- stiinc(!s, ^^:^ s^Saii nult^ 'die. Yen moh ch6 ; the act of making lean, '^5/'^ 'shai shau'. Shi sau; do. of growing slender, ^^^ ^shang ^tsim 'ch6. Sang tsicn die ; do. of making slender, ■j^ ^^- 'shai tsim 'die. Shi tsien di(5. Attenition, the fomiing of land hy the wearing of tlie sea, 3fJ[ '}i]^ ^ tsik, ^slia ^t'j'in. Tsih slid t'An, ^r&^-i^ Isik, "^shing Mion tV. Tsili diing lian ti. Attest, to testify, l)(!ar witness, |g ching'. Ching, ■^ ^*iE ts6' ching'. Tso ching, f^ fit tsok, ching'. Tsoh ching, f^0lE|^ tsok, ching' ki'i'. Tsoh ching !*''» i'^ M flE l^"k> 1^1"' ching'. Tsoh kien ching, ft Sf fit tsok^ sliatj ching'. Tsoh shili ching, fi£ I^ diing' 'ting. Ching ting, ^ '^ Tjf| H ^t'ong jt'ong 'ting shat^. Attestation, testimony, fiEU^ ching' kii'. Ching kii, llfHiE '^I's^^j ching'. Shih ching, ^'^ ching* 'ch6. Ching die, P (}1: 'hau ,kung. K'au kung, |g ^ ching' kin'. Ching kien, ^ |g ^kon ching'. K^ ching. Attested, proved hy testimony, -^ |^ {^ 'yau shat, kii'. Yu shih kii, "6:^1^1^11 lap^ kwcT ching' kii'. Lih kwo ching kii, lj|'l.!j;jliri tingsliatj kwo'. Ting shih kwo. Attttsting, witnessing to, f^ U tsok, ching*. Tsoh ti' kc', ^mij^l^ Atika tik,. Atika tih, '^fpM ^^ Ngdtin ,shing tik,. Yatien ching tih. Attical, pertaining to Athens, J^^i^'j Xgiiliii lik . Yatien tih, SiftPfJE Ngatin k6' ; classical, Ifljfj .king tik. King tih, ^(j chi"mi tik,. Chi mci tih. Attire, to dress, ^^ cheuk^ ^1. Clioli i, ^^ ch'iin ,i. Ch'uen i, ^ ^ ^ chcuk, ,i jsheung. Choh i cluing, ^ 5?c ^ cheuk, ^i fuk^. Choh i fuh ; to adorn, Jj^ ^ ^cliong shik,. Chwang shih, % \^ ^chong pdn'. Chwang \)in, ^ |j| ^chong ching. Chwdng ching, P^ Jj^- im' ^chong. Yen chwang, f^fflj ,sau shik,, Siii shih. Attire, dress, ^^ ,i fuk^. t fuh, :^ ^ ,i ^shcung. f cliang, ^^|f^ fuk^ shik . Fuh shih. AtUrcd, dressed, ^ i^ :^ M c'heuk, kwo' ,i fuk,. Choh kwo i fuh, ^ jjIS -i?c ^ chcuk, kwo' ^i jSheung. Choh kwo i ching ; decked with orna- ments, ^^|i^\|^ ^chong shik^ kwo'. Chwing shih kwo. Attitude, the posture or position of a person, ^ -^ young* 'tsz. YAng tsz, ^mo yeung'. Mii ying, ^ ^ ,ying tseung'. Uiug siang, ^ ^ ^kw'ai jUio. Kw'ei mu, j^ ^ J^"?? jX^i"??- Hi"? yung, ^ %\i .kw'ai 'kii. Kw'ei kii, ^ J|^ ,ying chong'. King chwang ; a kneeling attitude, ^Jj^ UK ^ kwai^ ch'ii' 'kbui ycung'. Kwei cli'ii kAn yang ; in an erect attitude, -^l^'S^^ 'k'i di'ii' 'kom ydung^. K'i ch'ii kan yiing, ^» ^ — ^ ,ii *k'i yat, shik,. Yu k'i yih shih ; a firm attitude, jj^ 5|| 'ting ngiing'. Ting ngsmg ; to i)rescrve a firm attitude, >r^ f^i .<: ^ pat, kii' ,dii miu'. Puh kii dii mau, XB-Zi^ <•'*>' '^^'" f :^ toi' pan' 'ch6. Tili pin chcC i^M'M *o'' '" 't:he, Tai li ditS igt U^ t'ai' psln' 'die. T'i r]x6, ^^^ 'kiin sz' 'die. Kwan sz eh«5, f^^?^P|?t toi' pin' sz' ke', #^^fKl t'ai' 'li sz' tik,. T'i li sz tih ; one who is legally qualified to act for another in courts of •""■. i^Wi^ ^ ^^ ^ toi' P^n' tsung* sz' 'dit^. Tiii pan sung sz die, j{j^ fjjp chong* ,8Z. Chwing ss ; ditto in Chinese coiu-ts, ^jjj ^ ,sz ,y6. Sz y'un. Tai li chi k'iuen, J^^+L^ t'ai^ -11 chat, u'. T'i li chah yii. Attorneyship, the office of an attorney, f^^^m toi- ^11 ^clii chik,. Tai li chi chih. Attorning, acknowledging a new' lord, i^ ^ fj/f i jing ,ts'ung ^san "^chii. Ying ts'ung sin chu, Jg Wi-^yi. <1^ ^ying fukj ,san 'chii ^chi sz\ Ying fuh sin chu chi sz. Attract, to, as magnet, :^ ship,. Sheh; ditto as other matter, ^ ^ ^hln hbp^. K'ien hoh, ^| ^ *yan ^rndi. Yin mai, ^j ^ 'yan hop^. Yin hoh, ^ ig jhin ^mki. K'ien mai, >j^ ij]: ^ ^seung 'ch'e ^mai. Si^ng ch'6 mai, ^ i^ ^kwai ^mdi. Kwei mki ; to attract one's eyes, ^ g kik, muk^. Kill muh; to attract universal attention, i^ ^J K '^ ^ ,p'iii tung^ jan ^sam miik,. P'ien tung jin sin muh ; to attract all hearts, ^^:^ K'^ tak, kok^ ,yan ^sam. Teh koh jin sin, :^ :|4f ^ j\j> sham^ tak, chung' jSam. Shin teh chung sin, ^fli^f§ (n] chung' ,sam ,kwai h^ung'. Chung sin kwei hiang ; he attracts the eyes of all the world, ||^^7^A^9 tung^ ,t'in hd^ ^yan ^i muk^. Tung t'ien hia jin rh muh ; to allure, ^I ^ -yan ^au. Yin yii, f^ ^:j- ^\ 'pi 'y6 >n, '(^ ^ "![• 41 A 'pi s^'^^ .*'a^ Van jan. Pi t'ien t'au yin jin ; ditto by words, ^ s- ^| ^ jt'im ^in ^yan jan. T'ien yen yin jin ; to entice by beauty, ip^ jShin un\ Shen yuen ; to attract by breath, Pg^^| k'ap, *yan< Kih yin, j^j ^ -yan hi'. Yin k'i. Attractable, that may be attracted pf J^ 'ho ship,. . K'o sheh, "pj' ^j :^ 'ho -yan ^mdi. K'o yin mdi, ^ff -A. iiin tak, hop,. K'ien teh hoh, ^\^M H^ Van tak, ^ai k^'. ' Attracted, di-a\^-n toward, as by magnet, ^ ^ ship, kwo\ Sheh kwo ; ditto as by other matter, ^ ^ ^^ ,hln hop, kwo'. K'ien hoh kwo, ^\MM. Van ^mai kwo'. Yin mdi kwo, ^^jj^ ^kwai ^mai kwo'. Kwei mdi kwo ; drawn toward, as men's hearts, ^^>^ A^Cl' tak, kwo' ^yan ,sam. Teh kwo jin sin ; it attracted my eyes, ?^ ^ fi^ @ kik, kwo' 'ngo mukj. Kill kwo wo muh ; it attracted universal at- tention, ^:^Aj\j>@ tung- kwo' jan ^sam muk,. Tung kwo jin sin muh ; attracted by beauty, ^ ^Wi '^ ^kiu Tui tung" ^ts'ing. Kiau mei tung ts'ing, ig M 3^ g im'- lai' tilt, muk,. Yen 11 toh mull, jrH'^iilg^f #^i^ kom',kiuW pat, tak, pat, 't'ai. Kan kiau yen puh teh puh t'i ; allured, ^1 ^ aM Tan 7au kwo'. Yin yu kwo, 4\W}i^ ^an tung- kwo'. Yin tung kwo. Attracting, as magnet, ^ ship,. Sheh 5 ditto as other matter, ^ ^ ^hin hop^. K'ien hoh, i^I i^ *yan ^mai. Yin mai ; ditto as something unusual, ^ g kik, muk^. Kih muh, ||{| g tung^ muk,. Tung muh ; alluring, 4|^ T^an "yau. Yin yii. Attraction, the force or law which draws bodies to- wards each other, ^ -^ ;^ Ji ,hln hbp^ ^chl "li. K'ien hoh chi H, ^ ^ ^ fi ,hin hop, ,chi lik^. K'ien hoh chi Hh, ^MZ.:f] .l^in ^mai ,chi lik,. K'ien mdi chi lih; elective attraction, ^i^^^ jlin ^mdi ^chl '11. Lien mai chi 11, j^^M^^ ^chlm jmai ,chl li. Nien mai chi II, i^^^i^:^^ mat fii- ^mai ^chi "11. Wuh fu mai chi II, ^j^ ;^ ^ ^ch'I .mai ^chl 'li. Ch'I mai chi II ; allure- ment, 4||j|:^ Van Van 'che. Yin yu ch6, ^\ ^ ^ Van tung* 'che. Yin tung ch6 ; a woman of great attraction. ;^ A c^'^ '^^ t^hl Jan. Kiau mei chi jin, f.^^ :t A c^n ^kiu ,chl jan. Yau kiau chi jin, ^ ^ <^ :^ ,iu ,tsz ^chl hiii. Ydu tsz chi nil ; a person of great attraction, ^ m-^ -mi ,1 ^, yung che. Mei I yung che. # ^ A '"^i s^ iJ^^S cChi Jan. Mei I yung chi jin; mutual attraction, as men, j^^^ .s6ung ^t'au. Siting t'au, i^ % ,sdung tak,. Siang teh, ;i|i| ^ ,seung liin\ Siang liuen. Attractive, as matter, ^^^i^ ^hin h6p^ tik,. K'ien hoh tih, 41 ^ [j^UM y^y^ chi pat jlau ^sam pdn' Mi. T'a wei chi puh liu sin pan li; to attribute tt) the conflagration, '^^j^ ^Zhk toig' l»ai' 'fo <1»»1<, ,clii kii'. Tdng hi ho chuh chi kii ; to attribute to instability of charac- puh kien sin ; to attribute to one's self, ^ f^ 2* ^ tong' hai' 'ki tsb'. Ts'ing hi ki tso, MA^\±^ yan' tsok, *ki tso'. Jin tsoli ki tso. Attribute, the, that wliicli is considered as belong- ing to or inherent in, ^ ^ ^ tsoi' ^\i 'chc. Tsdi Auction, by notes, ^^^tt ^^K cP'" j*'*^ ^^ • ^^ piiu t'au ho, Up ^ ^ ^m' ,piu ^t'au. Ngdn pidu t'au, If} :^ tS ^''''"t, -Pi" jt'au. Ch'uh pidu t'au, Wi tit .P''^ jt'au. IMi'iu t'au ; a public sale of pro- perty to the highest bidder, ^ W ^t'au fo'. T'au j'o> fe ^ ^ ,t'au yd' Mang. p^ ^ Ji^ him' y6' Mang, Jl^ ^ p'^K nis'ii"- l''t'h mai, JfJ :^ ch'ut, ^t'au. Ch'uh t'au, ^ :f5 imi"o jt'au. Ming t'au, }t^M% Ju hot^ ^ho mdi'. Ydu hob ho mai, Jf" ^ ,tsang mai'. Tsang mki ; to sell by auction, IH ^ ch'utj ,t'au. Ch'uli t'au ; oitlcred to he sold by auction, ^1^^^ fu"8^ .k'l" 'tun mai'. Fung kwdn tun mai, "ffj TjV |i} ^ Ming shi' ch'ut, m4i'. Ling shi ch'uh m^ii ; auction room, ^ '^ |f ye' Mang 'kun. hii die, Jg ^i ^ .kii ^11 'che. Ku hu ch6, jg ^ iSuctioneer :^ ^ ye' Mang. Y6 lang, !^ ^^ it ^ shukj ,11. Shuh yii : pp '^ 'pan sing'. Pin sing, 'cheung jt'au fo' 'die. Chang t'au ho die, yj :^ tipli 'P^" <'^'^<^>- l'""^ ''^'i^^' *I4M ^i"S' *'^''A- Sing '^:^ ch'ut, ^t'au fo' 'ch6. Ch'uh t'au ho ch6, \W »'hih;reputJition, t%-^ ^sliing^meng. Shingming; tS^ eh'ut, ,t'au 'ch6. Ch'uh t'au ch6, [Ij ^ "^ the atti-ibutes of God, ±.^fZ.^ri'W Sheung' tai' di'ut, ^t'au kc'. ^chi 'pan sing'. Sliiing ti chi pin sing ; a distin- Audacious, very daring, ^ i^ 'kwo 'kom. Ko t»m, guishingniark, ^^ ho'. Hau; an adjective, ^^ shai' ts/i'. Shi tsz ; the attribute good may be ap- plied to him, •ftlL Pf jj^ ^ ,t'a 'ho M ^wai shin', # ^"PTlfili^S. «l'i"' 'cl'e 'Jio ,kwai ,n ,t'a.' Attributed, ascribed, ]^'^ M jWai. I M'ei, ^^ 'wai jii. AVci yii; every body attributed it to the storm, KK\>X'^m^Z^ J'"i ..van M ,wai kii! /ung ^chi kii'. Jin jin i wei kii fung chi kii. Attributing j^ ;^ M jWai. 1 wei, ^^ ^ ^kwai ,ii. Kwei yii, f^ ^ Svai ,il. Wei yu, ]^ -ff. 'ku hai'. Kii hi. Attribution, the quality ascribed, %\]1j^Z^ ,kwai ,ii ,chi 8z'. Kwei yii chi sz, ^:;^^>\^^^i^ ^in tsoi' jii sing' tik,. Yeii tsdi hii sing tih, ; commenda- tion, ^^Z^ ^^^i"' '"1^ c^''^ sz^ Tsan mei chi sz. Attributive, pertaining to an attribute, ^ ^j^ |5p'|?t shuk, ^ii 'pan sing'. Shuh yii pin sing ; a wonl significant of an attribute, ^ ^ shai' tsz'. Shi tsz. Attrite, worn by rubbing or friction, ^^ jiuo lair. Mo Ian. Attrition *, abrasion, |^-^ jno hii'. Mo k'ii, |Sij§ ,mo wdi'. Mo hwai, jj"* ^ ,\\w liin'. l\ro Ian ; the ^ 1^ 'tiim 'k6m. Tdn kdn, ^ ^ "yun^ 'k6m. Yung kan, ^ ^ 'tarn tai'. Tan td, f^ ^ 'kom 'tam. Kan tan, j^ ■ff 'kom tsok . Kan tsoh, |^ ^ 'kom jWai. Kan wei ; impudent, ^"^^ Z \ jnh 'ch'i ^chi jan. Wii ch'i chi jin, pg ^ H P^ ^m sliik, 'ch'au ke'. Audaciouslv, in an im))udent manner, fiff I|i» ^ ^ ^mo 'di'i\dii hang'. Wii di'i dii han?, — $^ ^ m. # yat, .P'o Idn' 'k6m ydung', j^ ^ ^{j 'kom 'tam tik,. Kan tan till, ^^EtlJ!^ p'lin' 'sz 'k6m ycung'. Pw'an sz kdn yang ; to act very auda- douly, -^^M^i^ p'lin'* 'tdm shiit, ts'dk^.* Pw'dn tan shah ts'ih. A udaciousness, see Audacity . Audacity, boldness, ^fi f^ 'tani 'kom. Tan kan, Jl^ I f^ 'kom tsok,. Kail tsoh, i^ ^ 'kom ^wai. Kan ' wei, ^-n^^ P'A"' 'sz hii' U6\ P&lg^plj -i- ^m kii'meng' kom' hii', ^ )}B. rt*^ ^y^^ '^^"^ shik,. Yii tan shiii ; impudence, ^ \iS ^ ^nxb m(n' ^p'i. AVii mien p'i, ^ J^ fli> ,ni6 ,sau 'ch'i. Wii siii ch'i. Audible, perceivable by the ear, |^^^ h tdu, (i|| ^^ |2. i'"''" ^''^^, '^''^'- ^^ '"^ *^'l» ^i*^"* tsz' ,pi. llwui tsiii tsz pi, "j^^ ^ Z ^. <''»' t^ui' r41f.j#] s'''^'" ^'^^K '<•'• ^^'"^ ^^^^ 1*^"- ,chi kik^. ilwui tsiii chi kih, Hh ^ 'Ifi ^ shapj Audience, reception to an interview witli a sovereign, ,fan ban' ts'o'. Sliili fan ban ts'o, ■^^f.Zf^ "!"' tsiii' ^chi sliam'. AVei tsiii chi .shin. Attune, to tunc, iji^^ i^ ^ ^ kau' 'cliun ,in sok,. Kidu chun liieii soli, ^ ?H^ ^ "^ jfiii ,wo .sliing ,yam. T'idu ho sliiiig yin. Attuned 1^ 'i$. jl^ )^>^"^ kdu' '<-lmn kwo' ,in sok,. Kidu chun kwo hien sob, ,^)iiV^^l^ ,t'iii ^wo kwo' (Sliing ,yaiii. T'idu ho kwo shing yin. Auburn 58" ^ ^ ,^''>" ,kon shik,. Chii kan sih, ^ ^ 'cli6 siiik,. Ciie sih, ^^ hot, sliik,. lloh sih. * ^i^Mmnrnzm- j^ ^ ,di'iii kin'. Ch'du kien, p ^ ts'dm kin'. Ts iiii kien, f^ f^ pai' kin'. Pdi kien, |3^ ^ pai' kin'. Pi kien, ^^ ^ch'iii .ts'dm. Ch'au tsYui, A illi y'»Pi l£ it, kin'. Ych kien ; to have an audience of the emperor, 3^ -^ kan' ^kwong. Kin kwdiig, jgf ^. iniii' shing'. !Mien '^'»«"f.N SS m it. «>'i"K'- Ydi'shing, ^)i%^ jCiriii kin' ,t'in 'tsz. Ch'du kien t'ien tsz ; to have an audience of a king, ^ ^ kin' jWong. Kien wdng, i^ ([ kan- kwan. Kin kiun, ^' miii' kwiui. Mien kiun ; to nujuest an audience with a superior, 'f^i)^ 'pan kin'. Pin kien, Sf|^ 'ts'eng i\]Jj (ii;g) AtJG -iaf It,. Ts'ing yeh, 3Jc ^ s^'au kin'. K'iii kien ; to have a private audience, j^ M* ^ ^ in' kin' ^sz chdk,. Yen kien sz tseh, ^^ ,sz tik,. Sz tih ; an assembly of hearers, ^ ^ ^ A t'^ii" t'eng' ^chi jan. Tsii t'ing chi jin, ^ |^ ^ tsvi' t'eng' 'che, Tsii t'ing che. Audience-hall ^ ^ tin' jt'ong. Tien fang, ^ ^ kam jliin. Kin Iwan, ^ |'^ ,kani tin'. Kin tien, '|§^ ^ch'iu ,t'ing. Ch'iUi t'ing, -f-^IS;^^^ ui^ ^kw'an ,shan ^chi 'sho. llwiu k'iiin cliin elii so, Ml^ shf ,ch'iu. Shi ch'au. Audit, to, to examine an account or accounts, ^ Vat, nap,. Yih lih ; for aught I know, B?,^^^ chili' Tigo 'sho kin'. Chau wo so kien; never does aught, ^J^J^ ,fi 'sho ^wai. Fi so wei. Augment, to enlarge, -^ ^ ^ch'eung ^chi. Ch'dng chi, ^ ^ chi' ^ch'6ung. "Chi ch'ang, ;^ ;^ tdi'- ^chi. Ta chi, jj; :^ chi' tai'. Chi ta, Jljfl ;^ kd tai". Kia ta, j}]\ add to, Jjjp j^ Jeng tik . T'ing tih; auditory nei*ves, JSf^ "i ,kan. lib kin, ^ Wi t'eng' ^kan. T'ing kin ; auditory fommen, J^^ 'i 'hung, lib k'ung, ^f^ 'i ^lung. lib lung, Jf P^ "i jmun. lib mun, ^^ 'kw'an. Kw'an. Auditory, an audience, |^ ^ :^ tsii^ t'eng' 'che. Tsii t'ing che, #^^ ui" t'eng' 'cb6. Hmii t'ing ch6; a place where discourses arc delivered, ^^ ^ 'kong ^shii ^t'ong. Kiang slid t'dng, ^ § J^ 'kong ^shli jfong. Kiang shu fang. Auditi'ess, a female bearer, ^ ^ :^ 'uii t'eng' 'ch6. Nii t'ing che. Auf, see Fool. Auger ^.tsiin'. Tswan, 4,^^ ^ ^ ,\q ^sz tsiin'. Lo sz tswan. Auget, a tube filled with powder, used in exploding mines, ^^^'^o yduk, jt'ung. llo yoli t'ung, ^^ ^I '*" y^^'^) '.yai- Ho yob yin. | Aught, any thing, ^ ^ iuf 4^/j pat, luir ^bo mat,. I Pub lun lio wuh, Pg-ffJa-iii^ ,m hnr mat, ye, X^ , f^^JSiK© P^*> 1""' '^'^i'"^i — ^ yat^ *tim. Yili tien, — ^i j chi' jCb'eung ^chi sz'. Chi ch'ang chi sz, ^ AZ^ «^hi' tdi- ^chi sz'. Chi ta chi sz, ^^^ chi' ^cb'eung 'che. Chi ch'ang clu^, ^A^ chi' tai' 'che. Chi td che ; the act of increasing, jj\]^ ^kd tsang. Kid tsang, JJWJ^ kd ^t'im. Kik t'ien ; the thing added, J«/f 1^ ;^ 4^ "sho ^t'im chi mat,. So t'ien chi wuh. Augmentative, having the power or quality of aug- menting, j[;B^fj[>J ,kii ,t'im tik,. Kid t'ien tih, % ^^ij ^tsang yik, tik,. Tsang yih tih, JJW^P^ ,ka ^tsang ke'. Augmentcr, be who augments, ^^^^ clii' tai' 'ch6. Chi td che, f^^^ elii' ,cb'eung 'che. Chi ch'dng clie, i^^^ 'pijCb'6ung'cb6. Pi ch'dng che, jjfj ^^ ^kd ^tsang'che. Kid tsang ch6, 1}W^^1^ ,kd ^t'im 'che. Kid t'ien che, ^ ^, ^ ,tsang ^t'im 'che. Tsang t'ien did. Augmenting, increasing, JJW^ ,kd ^tsang. Kid tsang; enlarging, ^ ;^ chi' tdi'. Chi td, f^ -^ chi' jCb'eung. Chi ch'ang. Augur, to fortell future events by the flight of birds, t#.%^ h^^ ,J^^ 'niu Jit pule, ^bung kat,. Yii nidu fi pub hiung kib ; to conjecture by signs and omens, %^|SSSr?ij ilj *12 ^\\ puk, kwd'. Pub kwd, ^ ^ ^cb'di sz'. Ch'di sz ; it augurs well, f^^^M. h*") chili- ,t'au. lldu chau t'au, ^ ^}^ kat, chill'. Kib chdu ; it portends evil, p§- f^ ^IS SM J^ hii chid' ^t'au. Wii hdu chdu t'au, () '^ puk, kwo'. Pub kwo, ^j^ ^chim kwo'. Chen kwo Aiigurer, an augur, |> ^j> ^ puk, kwd' 'che. Pub kwd cb^, ^ ^1^^^ ^chim kwd' ^sln shang. Chen kwd sien sang, ^.%J\^ h#^' , fWa^i jya^ fChi jfung. Wan jau chi fung. Auratcd, resembling gold,^ ^ ^kam shik,. Kin sih. Aurelia, chrysalis, ^ 'kdn. Kien ; the chrysalis of a mantis, ^fe^' ,p'iu ^shfiu. P'iku shdu. Aureum malum ^35^ /an ,k'6. Fdn kid. Auric, pertaining to gold, ^ '^^ ,kam tik,. Kin tih, ^P^ ^kam kc'; auric acid, ^f{^ ,kam ^siin. Kin swdn, ^@^ kam ts'b'. Kin ts'ii. Auricle, the external ear, 'S^^^i 'to. Rh to. Auricled^ having appendages, like ears, ^ 'S^ ^yau 'i. Yii rh. Auricula J^t^^ jWong ,fd ts'oi*. Hivdng hw{i ts'di. Auricular, pertaining to the ear, ^ ^^ H tik,. Rh tih, ]^P^ 'i k6'; auricular confession, Iiif>[IEp'tj |f?- fii' ^I k6' 'kdi. Fii rh k&u kidi; socivt, ^ ,8Z. Sz. Auriferous, that yields gold, ^ ^kam. Kin, ^ i^ ,kam k6', :^ <^ *yau ^kara. Yii kin, ^■,'^^ jShang^kam tik,. Sang kin tih, ^ti[llTT'^\''^*^"n ch'ut, 'yaii kam. Sang ch'uli yu kin, Hi :^ f}«I ch'ut, ,kam tik,. Ch'uli kin tih ; auriferous ore, ^ ^5 ,kam shekj. Kin shih, ^ ^ ^kam kwong'. Kin kwdng; looking like gold, ^ ^\ ^ -jt t^'' 'yau ,kam ^kwong. Tdi yii kin kwdng. Aurora, the rising light of the morning, ^ ?|^ ^ /'in /s6ung ^sii. T'ien tsidng shii, Ji^% ,t'in fdt, 16ung^. T'ien fdh lidng, Jf ,chan shatj tik,. Chin shih tih, ^?^^xJ ^^^\ ^'^^^ *^^v Shih k'ioh tih, ^'^PU A^^ s^^at, k6', ^^51^^ tik k'ok, tikj. Tih k'ioh tih ; of approved autho- rity, ^^W'^^ 'ya^ ^^^\ k^' ^iky Y^ shi^ ^^ tih, ^ fi II Tau ,p'ang kii'. Yii p'ang kii, 5^ j^ 1^ 'yau k'ok, kli'. Yii k'ioh kii, ^ ^ |^ P^ 'yau shatj kli' k6', "^ |§ |fj "ya^^ ching' kti'. Yu ching kii ; authentic history, _^ ffi ^ ^ 'sz kf shat, luk^. Shi ki shih luh ; authentic records (a terra used by the Tauists, fi^ ^chan ,king. Chin king, 5 #^ ^ yuk> ,ling ^king. Yuh Hng king ; authentic documents (deed of sale), ^ ^ jb^ng k'ai'. Hiing k'i, ffj ^ yan' k'ai'. Yin k'i. Authentically, in an authentic manner, 5^ p^ k'ok, in. K'ioh jen ; with the requisite authority, 'j^ ^^ ; fat,. I fah, mkW^ .p'ang f^ 'ch'ii chf . P'ang fah"ch'u chi, S^J^'/^ sP'ang ^k'iin 'ch'ii chi-. P'ang k'iuen ch'ii chi. Authenticate, to render authentic, jt ^ |^ l^Pj jp'ang ku'. Lih p'ang kii, f||5§^ 'sz k'ok, shat^. Shi k'ioh shih ; to determine as genuine, ^^^5l| ^ jCh'd tak, k'ok, shat,. Ch'd teh k'ioh shih, ^ ttj-^]^ jch'4 ch'ut, k'6k,8hat^. Ch'd ch'uh k'ioh shih. Authenticated, rendered authentic, as a deed, ^'J^ fp k'oi' kvvo^ yan'. K'di kwo yin, |^ ^^ f p k'ap, kwo' yan'. Kih kwo yin, tT >^ f (1 '^^ ^'^^^ y^^'- Td kwo yin ; determined as genuine, ^^^^^/^ ,ch'd kwo' tik, k'ok,. Ch'a kwo tih k'ioh, j^a^^ 1^ Mp^ kwo' j)'ang ku\ Lih kwo p'ang kii, ^ ■^Wl^ 'hin T^au shat^ kii'. Ilien yii shih kii. Authenticating, giving authority by the nessessary signature, as the emperor, 1^ ^ ^chii ^p'ai. Chii p'i, ^;g ^ts'im ^meng. Ts'ien ming, ^^ ^ts'im tsz^ Ts'ien tsz ; ditto by aflBxing the seal, |^ fj] fii- yan'. Fix yin, ^ ^ k'oi' van'. K'Jii yin, ^ fP k'ap, yan'. Kih yin. Authentication, the act of authenticating by signa- ture, ^M^ jk'im. Kih k'iuen. ,ts'an 'sliau 'h6 ke', ^^%1^ .ts'an pat, 'se 'ch6^ Ts'in pih si^ cM, ^ 1^ '4 ^ tik, pat, 's^ 'ch6. Tih pih si6 ch6, jj^^ ,un ^shii. Yuen shu, ^^ ^ ts// .shii 'eh6. Tsz shu che, g B ^^ 5^ "^ is// 'ki ,king 'sliau 'sd \i6' ; the king's autograph, ii^ pat,. Yii pih. iT sljii. Yu shu. Authorize, to give authority, -f^ ^ 'pi ^k'tin. Pi j Autogi-aphic, pertaining to an autograph, ^ ^ j'jf^j k'iuen, M || Hi ^k'un. Yu k'iuen, i^-^ ^ shau' .ts'an ,shu tik,. Ts'in shu tih, ^% ^ ,ts'an 'se ^k'un. Shau k'iuen, ^^^\ tsdung ^k'un ^kAu tik,. Ts'in si6 tih, %^%^ ,ts'an 'siiau 's6 k«^'. ,yan. Tsidng k'iuen kiau jin, ^^^a K ^ ,k'un Automatic, ") having the power of moving itself, k'ap, ,yan. I k'iuen kih jin, -f^. \^M. lU^'V^ Automatical, ) jk'im kvvo' ^k'ii ,chd. Pf k'iuen kwo k'ii chd ; to issue a warrant for apprehending a thief, |JJ :^ ^® ch'ut, ^na jan p'iu'. Ch'uhnil jin p'iau ; to give legal power, |^^ Kit, p'iu'. Fdh p'iAu. Authoi-ship, the quality of being an author, ^ ^ Z^ t'li'ut, shik, ,chi sz^ Ch'uh sih chl sz. Auto))iogi-aphy, ra(;moirs of one's life written by S B nW}^ tsz^ .in >ng tung' tik,. Tsz jen hang tung tih, g \±Vbi ,k'iin. Tub chu chi k'iuen, U^\iZM .1"^ 'i^n^ .chi ^k'iin. Wu bien chi k'iuen. Autocrat, ■) an absolute sovereign, ^ ^ Z M. * Autocrator, ) tsz* 'chii ,chi jWong. Tsz cbii chi hwang, ^^Z^ ,chiin jk'iin ^chi ^wong. Chuen k'iuen chi hwAng, ^^^ZU. ^^K >'^ i^'"" ,chi ^wong. Tub ts'iiu k'iuen chi bwiing, ^-|llE|{^ ^'^»m^'»'in' ,('hi jk'iin 'ch6. Ts'a'uwii liien chi k'iuen ch^, ^iiff'■'» i^t'"!^ .t'l'i .J^»^j,' tung* pi* 6m' ,ki 'sho chi'. Hang tung pi ngcin ki so ehi ; self mov- ing images, fgif}^ 'kwa'i 'tsjii hi', (^j^ fdi' 'lui. Kw 'ei lui, ^\, gp^ ^ muk^ ^t'au hi'. Muh t'au hi. Automatons, having in itself the power of motion, @P^il''f5t tsz* 'ui tung* k6\ g n^ ^ o/^ tsz* 'ui yuk, ke'« Q ^^ Kf [)^ tsz* ^in tung* tik,. 'IV. jen tung tih. Automasy, a word of common signification used for the name of a particular thing • , jfl ^^fl ;<^ ^i^^j^^-P yung* lui* ,meng tsz' toi' 'pun ^meng tsz*. Yung lui ming tsz tai pun ming tsz. Autonomous, independent in government, Pf g ^ ^ 'ho tsz* 'kun 'li. K'o tsz kwin li, g ci^# tsz' 'ki Ui tak,. Tsz ki li teh, g ti il # i^ tsz* 'ki lip^ tak, ching'. Tsz ki bh teh ching. Autonomy, the poM er of s(>lf government, ^ i^ Z ^ tsz* ching' chi jk'iin. Tsz ching chi k'iuen. Autopsy, ocuhir view, U ^ ^kw'ai ch' ^t'am ^sam. T'an sin, ^^ /'am lun\ T'an lun, ^^ ,t'am Jam. T'an Ian, '1^^ Jian luir. K'ion fun, ^§|^\t'am 'p'i. T'an p'i. Avaricious, covetous, ;^;Ci> /'am ,sam. T'tin sin, ^ ^ /'am lull-. T'an lun, ^ ^ luir shik . Lun sill. # P c^'ani /'o. T'an t'li, fj )^ /^ 'mo im' tsuk,. Wii yen tsuh, ^^. — ■ ^, Zl f ak. yat, 'seung i-. Teh yih siang rh, i& ^ Z ^ s^"" ™^' c^lii jk'au. Wii yen chi k'iii" ^ ,i^ M. ^l /'am ,sam ,m6 im'. T'an sin wii yen, ^^'^ /'am ^p'in ^i. T'an p'ien i, \^^ ts'ut, /s'oi. Ts'oh ts'di, .^|J $ li- tuk^. Li tuli, ^J f^ hak. pok,. K'eh poll, ^^ % 'p'au hAk,. P'au k'eli^^ [^ /i 16. Wii lii, 9^g^ Jiau /au. Hau lau, 1^);'^ Jong hong. Lang hang ; an avarious fellow, 5^|J ^ ^ li" tuk, 'kwai. Li tub kwei, ^J^^ hak. pokj 'kvA^. K'eh poll kwei; greedy officers, ^^Z'\^ /'am /s'oi ^clii ^kiin. T'an ts'ai chi kwan, ^ ^l'^ sbik, /'ung Jviin, ^^'^ sliau" ^cliong Jciin. Shau cliwang kwan, ^ ^ "g' /'am Jam ^kiin. T'an Ian kwan, y^ W Ifini' cli'in- Lan kwan, f^|^ /i»li'. Wu li, j^l^ /s'an li'. Ts'an li ; greedy of wealth, ^|| /'am /s'oi. T'an ts'ai. Avatar, the incarnation of a Deity, fi^ ^ ^ jslian /'au ^slian. Shin t'au shin. Ave, or Ave Maria, hail Maiy, 0g ^^ ,|| ;^lj ^\i fuk, /soi Mdlid, ifS -^ ^# f^ik, /soi shing' ■m6. Avedavat, brown with red spots, (Eringilla amandu- "V^)' l^-fE^ (^"ii c^^ ts6uk,. Mei liwa tsioh ; red and black with red spots, /]-> ^ ^ 'siii Jiung ^neung. Sidu hung neang. Avenge -f(^ ,shan. Shin, ^^[^ ^ p6' ^cb'au. Pii ch'au, Wi ^ P^' "■^'- ^^ yu^n, $g ^ p6' jCh'aii. Pii ch'au, ^i'^ Slit, ban'. Siueh ban, ^||i^ p6' fuk,. AVE (120) AVO Pii fuh, ^ i)i fuk, ,ch'au. Fuh ch'au, -j^ % jihan ,im. Shin yu«n. Avfingnd $^ j© f^L P^' ^^'^^ tcli'au. Pu kwo ch'au, i^'M^ ,shan kwo' ,un. Shin kwo yuen, ^^^fg 8ut, kwo' han^ Siiicli kwo han. Avcngoraont, vongrancp, ^K "f^ ^ P^' s«l''iiii '«^lie. Pii ch'au ch^:-, ^ f^ ^ siit, han' 'chc. Siuch han ch6. Avenger, one who avenges, ^-^^ p^' jCh'au 'chd. Pii ch'au che, "^^^ ^shan ,un 'che. Shin yucu ch6, S 'in ^ A ^''^ ^^^' <^^^^ J^"- Siueh han chi jin, % ^ ,un ,kd. Yuen kia. Avenging, executing vengeance, fg % p6* ,ch'au. Pii ch'au. Avens, the lierh bcnnet, Ht ^ ^ 'shii kuk, 'ts'5. Shii kuh ts'au. Aventurine | ^ M ^ y^^^ <^^^p shek^. Kin sing Avantiu'ine J shih. Avenue, a passage, \^ ^ 'yung t6'. Yung tdu, jg ^ ,t'ung ihK T'ung tau, p^{^ j^am W. Yin lu; an avenue between trees, 1^^^ "^^ shii* yam' ,chi 16'. Shii yin chi lil, 'M)^Z^ ,che jam ,chi 16'. Che yin chi hi. Aver, to affirm with confidence, ^ fj shat^ wa'. Shih liwa, 5^ f*^ k'ok, shut,. K'ioh shwoh, ^|ft shatj shut,. Shih shwoh, ^ ^ shat^ jin. Shih yen. Average, a mean proportion, :^;y;g-|- ^hli 'ch'e kai', A ^ tf t^' y^"k. ^ai'. Td yoh ki, A ^ -^ t^' y6uk, siin'. Td yoh swdn, ^ # t^i' 1^-"^,. Td lioh, A ^ ^^^^ kau'. Td kidu ; on an average, A 5^ t^i' sut,. T»& suli, ;^ fSE tai' k'oi'. Ta k'di, ^ -^ y<5uk^ 16ukj. Yoh h'oh ; take the average, *ft ± # T «l^" s^x'""?* 'P« l>a'' ML^m^P" .I'^i .to 'p6 'shiii, ;y:^|t 'ch'6 .p'ing kai', %^ZU tak, ^chung ,clii sh6'. Teh chung chi sii ; average price, PJ^ ^ cliung kd'. Chung kid ; petty aver- age, a small duty or bonus paid to the master of a ship for his care of the goods, ^| ^ ts^' j^igan. Tsie yin. Averment, aflirmation, ^"^ ^^ k'ok, shat, ,clil wd'. K'ioli shih chi liwd. Avenuiciate, to root uj), ;|^ i^ put^ ,kan. Pah kin ; to prune, jj^ ^ ^sho hii\ Sii k'ii, ^IJf ^ 'chdm jSho. Chdn sii. Averrhoa, cammbola, ^^\, jeung jt'6. Ydng t'du, = :t^. ,8*dm nim'. Averse, liaving a repugnance of mind, ^^ jim ii'. Hien wii, ^f 5j(i ^im hi'. Hien k'i, J^ vjr im' hi'. Yen k'i, g»t ^ 't'6 im'. T'du yen ; to dislike, pg ^ ,m '86ung, pg f> jn oi', % '^ pat, oi'. Puh ng''". P& M. I? s"^ ,<"'^ 'I'i- >vii hwdn hi, ;?; ^ pat, Ipk^. Puh loh, pg- \^ ,m ,ngdm ; he is averse to writing, Pg ^^51 itn ,to 's^ung 'st^ -X-:k ^ Wi M P«t, Uxi' 'hi ,fun 'se. Puh td hi hwdn si6 ; be not disinclined, ^ f^ mat^ tdn'. ;Mih tdn, yfC ^ liat, p'/v'. Puh p'd; averse to, ^ j^ M{in ^ii. I Ijdn yii ; averse to poetry, l5^;J^B4»ff 'l-idity, greediness, ^ wai'. Wei, ^^ ^t'dm vuk,. T'dn yuh, $f ^|^ h6' .t'dm ^\im. Uku fdn* Ifin. Avic-non beiTv, the fi-uit of the Rhaniniis infector- ills, used as a yellow dye, ^^^ (r) ,^vong .chi 'tsz. Hwdng chi tsz. Avocado, the name of a west India fruit, |J§ ^J |g ^ ^ Saiyant6 'kwo ,mcng. Siyintii ko ming. Avocat, see Advocate. Avocation, the business which calls aside, ^ ^ sx' kon'. Sz kdn, yj>^^'siu sz' kon'. Sidu sz k4n ; his daily avocation, ^^ sz' ip^. Sz nieh. Avoid, to keep at a distance from, ^ 'min. Mien, ^ i >£ V^K ^^^' l^a"'- I*"J» ^'^ J*'" '•> to flt^. M pi'. Pi, i^ M ,f 6 pi'. T'du pi, ^ 'to. To, g| 3^ ,wai pi'. Wei pi, ^ |^ ^kwdn jfong. Kwdn fdn- ; evaile, |J') 'shim. Shen, |j^ [XJ 'to'shim. To shen, IJ^iifil shim pi'. Shen pi, ^^ 'tsau'shim. Tssiu shen. j^\: ,fi. Fi, ^. ki'. Ki ; to avoid cala- mity, igm pi''ndn'. PI ndn, ^|j| pi' wo'. Pi ho. wai'. Wei, ^ ,t'dm. T'dn, jgi AVO (121) AWA ilBj t'iit 'mill tsoi wo^ T'oh mien tsAi lio ; to evade a blow of a sword, f5^ ^J 'shim kim'. Shen kien, i^TJ pi^ t6. PI tdu ; to avoid a blow of the fist, ^ ^ 'shim ^k'ttn. Shen k'iuen ; to avoid danger, ^ ^ 'nn'ii ^ngai. Mien wei, jg (^ pi' 'htm. Pi hien ; to avoid the hot weather, ^ ^ pi' 'shii. Pi sliii ; to avoid one's creditors, ^"^ pf- chai'. Pi ehdi ; to avoid luckily, ^ ^ hang^ 'min. Hang mien, ^^ hang' pi'. Hang pi; coniide in the virtuous, but avoid the mean, 3^ -f-^if^'^J^ Kf'fsW^ ^ [^ (#±) Z # yat^ pong^ -yau shap^ luk^ 'leung (dn' sz') ^chi ch'ing'. Yih pdng yii shih hxh lidng (ngdn sz) chi ch'ing. Avouch, to affirm, If^ shat^ wa'. Shih hwa, Jf |g; shat^ shut,. Shih shwoh, ^q^ k'ok, shiit,. K'ioh shwoh, ^^1^ shat, tsoi^ shiit,. Shih tsdi shwoh; to affirm in favor of, f-^ |JE |^ tsok, ching' kii'. Tsoh ching kii, 5| fiE ^ Van ching' kii'. Yin ching ku, i^ ^| %i.\^ ^un 'yan ching' kii'. Yuen yin ching ku, ^ f H: ^ shut, ching' kii'. Shuh chiui? kii. Hwd Avouched, affirmed, U ^ wa^ kwo' shatj. g a :$: tr y»» s p^^ ^' t^z^ 'ki ^chi ,hang. Jin jh pidu i tsz kl chi hang, Mffyf^ifJi^ ^ Z yan' jhang pat, fat, ^i piu r ,chl. Jin hang puh fdh rh pidu I chi. Avowable, that may be avowed, pf f^, 'ho yan'. K'o jin, PTlSff'l^'^yan- tak,. K'o jin teh, f^ff yan^ tak,. Jin teh ; that may be acknowledged with confidence, ^ |f. ^^^ ^ming yan' tak,. Ming jin t^h' jQl!l^l# chikj shiit, tak,. Chih shwoh teh. Avowal, an open declaration, ^ Hfc j^ s°iin^ shiit, 'che. Ming shwoh ch6, //^ -^ ,kung k5'. Kung kau, ^ -g- ;^ ,niing k6' 'chd. Ming kdu chd, ]f; ^ chik^ pakj. Chih peh. Avowed, openly declared, ^ -^ jj^ skiing k5' kwo'. Ming kdu kwo, ^|8;j^ c'^ing shiit, kwo'. Ming shwoh kwo, ^ ^>^ jUiing wd' kwo'. Ming hwd kv^'o, iICI^jI^ cldk^ shiit, kwo'. Chili shwoh kwo. Avowedly, in an open manner, ^ ^j^ (kung in. Kung jen, ^ ^ming. Ming, 1^ jf^ ^ming ^in. ^ling jen. j^,^ 'hin ^In. Hien jen, {jfjj^ tik, ^In. Tih jen ; with frank acknowledgment, ]§^^ chik >. .Chih jen, l^BMZ chik, >yan' ^cliL Chih jen jin chi, ^ gj gg chik^ ,t'au yan'. Chih t'au jin. Avowing, openly declaring, ^g|^ ^ming shiit,. Ming shwoh, B^^ sining wd'. Ming hwd, ^^ jming 'kong. Ming kidng. Await, ambush, ^f/^ ^mdi fuk^. MM fuh, Bg 'j^ 6m' fuk^. Ngdn fuh. Await, to wait for, ^ -^ 'tang hau". Tang hau, ^ ^ t'eng' hau'. T'ing hau, ^ ^ tsz' hau'. Tsz hau, ^ ^ 'tang toi'. Tang tdi, j^ toi'. Tai, ^ ^ ,kung hau'. Kimg hau, ^ j^ 'k'l hau'. K'l hau ; to be in store for, -^ ^ ii' teng'. Yii ting, f^ -jil ii' pi'. Yu pi, ^ -jl .ts'ai pi'- Ts'I pi ; to look for, ^ H ^hl mong'. HI wdng, ^ g| k'l' mong'. K'l wdng, ^ ^ 'k'l mong'. K'l wdng ; to attend, 'ffjt shI' Idp,. Shi lib, ^f 'jglj shf chak,. Shi tseh, j^ j^ shI' hau'. Slii hau ; I will await you, ^^i^ "ngo 'tang Tii. Wo tang nl ; I will await your return, ^^i^\WA^ '^S^ 'tang 'ni ^fdn >i. Wo tang nl fdn Idi, |^ ft f^i ^ |i^ 'ngo t'eng' 'ni 'fan ,lai. AWA (122) AWF Awaiting, waiting for, ^j^ Hang hau*. Tanghau. Awake, to rouse from natural sleep, W\^ kiu' 'seng. Kidu sing, Pj^g^ li^im' 'scng. Hdn sing, pf-Qg /d 'seng. Pu sing, R^ gg fiin' 'seng. Hw&n sing, p§ |g hot, 'seng. Hoh sing, tTgM '^'^ 'seng. T^ sing; ditto from spiritual slt.ep, g^ fg^ 'seng ng*. Sing yra, ^ gl 'king 'seng. King sing ; to rise from the dead, f^ ^ t7n |^ jau 'sz ^i ,su. Yu sz rh su, A^rfijf^ .yau 'sz ,i ut . Yii sz rh hwoh, ^ ^r 'fdn ,shang. Faif sang, Jg^ fuk^^su. Fuh sii, ^ >^ /dn ,shang. Fan sang ; to arouse to action, ^ % ''yung 'sung, Yung sung, \^ K| kik, tung*. Kih tung, [gjr kik,. Kih, ^^ 'ku "mb. Ku wd ; awake your sister, B4®-f^»''f!5Li^^ ^ ^^^' '"^^"o '^^ k6' d' miii', Pf-^^^ ,fu 'seng '1 miii". Fii sing rh mei. Awake, to cease to sleep, ^ 'seng. Sing, ^ ng^. Wu, gi ^ 5t5 'seng 'hi jloi. Sing k'i Idi, ^ J 'seng livL. Sing lidu; to aAvake from spiritual sleep, jjg'j^ 'seng ng'. Sing wu, |||{; 'seng kok,. Sing kioh, ^ f§^ kok, ng^ Kaoh wii, '[^^ fg^ 'seng ng*. Sing wu. Awake, not sleeping, ^ 'seng. Sing, ^ ng^. Wu, Pg Ri s«i shui\ Wii shwui, pg B|i] ,m fan', || ^ ^ij 'seng 'seng ^in. Sing sing jen ; keep awake, P|i"f 3tlll i^ 'li^ fan', :;f:"pf ® pat, 'ho shui^ Puh k'o shwui. Awaken, the same with awake ; to awaken the age, ^ lii: 'king shai'. King shI, ^ \\t kok, shai'.' Kioh shl, @| (Ih 'seng shai'. Sing shi ; to awaken from sin and repent, '|^ f^ fiii' ng^. Hwui wu, ^tf n^ '1^ IH 'seng ng' ,i fui' tsui^ Sing wii rh hwui tsiii ; to aAvaken gratitude, ^\^ 'kbm kik,. Kim kih ; to arouse, sun o» ^yunj 'tau 'sau. Tau sau. simg. Yung Awakened, roused from natural sleep, B^SS^ ^^^' 'seng kwo'. Kiau sing kwo ; ditto from spiritual sleep, ^^ji^ 'king 'seng kwo'. King sing kwo ; roused mentally, Ijlf^jl^ 'seng ng^ kwo'. Sing wii Ifwo, ^ ^^S. ^^^, ^a k'wo\ Kioh wu kwo, f§ ng^- Wu, H 7 'seng 'liu. Sing lidu, -^ J ng' 'liu. Wu liau, fl J kok, %u. Kioh Uau. Awakening, rousing from natural sleep, B4 j@ kiii' 'seng. Kiau sing ; ditto from spiritual sleep, ^ j!^ 'king 'song. King sing; awakening words, gg i0 'seng jin. Sing yen. Awakening, a rivival of religion, Jfilc ^ ^ f^ ^hdm jto 'senj ng\ lldn to sing wii, A ^ BM t^ jan ,to 'seng ng*. Jin to sing wii, iSjitifc^ti^ '^ii shai' 'serg ng^. Kii shi sing wu. Sir 'sham tiin' Awarded, adjudged, ^i^ tiin' kwo'. Tw^n kwo, ^ j^ teng* kwo'. Ting kwo, ^Uri^ kut, tiin' kwo'. Kiueh twin kwo. Awarder, one who awards, ?^ ^ ^ kiit, tiin' 'ch6. Kiueh tw4n ch6, J^ iff ^ 'ch'u tiin' 'ch^. Ch'u twdn ch6, ^J ifr ^ p'lin' tiin' 'ch6. Pw'dn twin ch^;. Awarding, adjudging, ^ ^p tiin' k'ap,. Twdn kih, ^Ws teng* ^kwai. Ting kwei. Aware, informed, ^^ij ^chi t6'. Chi t^u, ^% jChi tak,. Chi teh ; having previous knowledge of, ^ ^ ii' ,chi. Yu chi, ^ ^ ,sin ^chi. Sien chl ; to be cautious, yj\ j^ 'siu ^sam. Sidu sin, ^ t^ sai' ^sam. Si sin, |^ 'j^ 'kan shan'. Kin shin ; I wa« not aM'are of it, ^^.n^-^^lj ^go ,sin ^m clii tV. Wo sien puh chi tau, ^ ^^ ^ 'ngo ^sin pat, ,chi. Wo sien puh chi ; I am aware of it, ^ ^ ^ 'ngo chi chi. Wo chi chi ; I was aware of it, fWcti^v'Z^ s^i ki' "^ .^"Jii <^b^ '»• Yu ki i chi chi i ; are you aware ? i^^^^^ 'ni ,chi ,chi ^u. Nichichihii, f5;^P§ ^ 'ni ,chi ^m ,chi. Ni chi puh chi. Away, absent, pg- '^ ^m tsoi^ "^ ^ pat, tsoi*. Puh tsdi, PgO^lj^ ^m 'hai ch'ii' ; gone away, ^nfij hii' ,14, ^ J hii' 'liu. K'ii lidu, W* ^ ch'ut, hu'. Ch'uh k'ii, ^ :^ hii' kwo'. K'ii kwo, ^ ttl i jhang ch'ut, hii'. Hang ch'uli k'ii, ^^^ 'tsau hii' Uivi. Tsau k'ii lidu, g|| ^ ^li hii'. Li k'ii ; go away ! -^ 11^ hii' lok,, ^ Rg hu' ,16 ; send away, ^ i ki' hii'. Ki k'u, i^ ^ fii' hii'. Fu k'u ; to make away wdth, ^ |3 pM* 'wai. Pdi wei ; take away, ^^ ^ ^nim hii', i^ ^ tfii' hu'. Tdi k'ii ; carry away, ^B^ ,t&m hii'. Tdn k'ii ; move away, ^i ,pun hii'. Pwdn k'ii, ^^ ,i hii'. I k'ii; to sail away, |^ ^ 'shai hii'. Shi k'ii ; move it a little away, 5^ ^H "p .i ,hoi 'hd ; to throw away, ^^ 'tam hu', ^:gJ5i kik, chak^ hii'. Kih chih k'ii, i^^ p'ek, hii'. P'ih k'u. Awe, fear mingled with admiration, ^ ]^ ,wai ,fung. Wei fung, j^^ ,wai hi'. Wei k'i, J^^ wai shai'. Wei shi, ^-^ king' wai'. King wei ; fear, ^^ wai' kii'. Wei kii, ^^ ^keng ngok^. King ngoh ; awe-inspiring, j^ M. ^ ^ c^"^* S^^S '^^m 'lam. Wei fung lin lin, J§J;pf ^wai chan'. Wei chin, fg^ Ig ,wai jim. Wei yen ; awe-struck, >jf| ^ *lam lam. Liu lin, {||L^ ^lam 'lam. Lin lin, f^^ , sun lut,. Siun lih, wai' tdn'. Wei tdn. Awe, to strike with fear and reverence, ^ hdk . Wei hih. w&i Awed, struck with fear, -J wai' ku'. Wei kii, Award, to give by sentence, ^^ 'sham tiin'. Shin ' ^j^ftJIi^ ^wai hdk, kwo'. Wei hih kwo. twdn, ^\] llff p'liu' tiin'. Pw'an twdn, \^ ?JP tiin' \ Awful, that strikes Avith awe, ^ jjg ^wai ^im. Wei yon, j^ ^ ,im suk,. Yen suh, ^ jEg ,chong ,1m. Cliwimg yen, ij^jjgg ^tun ,im. Twdn you, p] P^u\ ,kau. Twdn kiau, |^|o tiin' k'ap,. Twdn kih ; to assign by sentence, J^!^,|^ teng^^kwai. Ting kwei; to give retribution, ^[i ^ pi)' tdp,. Pu tdli. Award, a judgment, ipjj jiyf p'lin' tiin'. Pw'dn twdn, }^}^f^ kiit, tiin'. Kiueli twdn, ^|^ ^fan tiin'. Fan twdn ; the decision of arbitrators in a given case, Ig^f 'ch'ii tun'. Ch'ii twdn. ■^ 'ho king' 'ho wai'. K'o king k'o wei ; august, _^_ ^ jUgai jUgai ,ii. Wu wii hii ; sublime, fff^ ,ngdjn jUgdm. Ngiin ngdn ; terrible, ^-ft 'ho I wai'. K'o wei. I Awfully, in a manner to fill with awe, ^^ -^^ AWM Hi ^ chan ^ho wai' 'ho ku^ Chin k'o wei k'o kii, ^i&'lj,"'^ t,'it, '^t6ja ,sam ^hon. T'ieh tan sin hdn, jCi' ^ flB. !^ ^sam jkeng 'tdm chan'. Sin king tdn chin ; in a reverential manner, ^,^ suk, ^in. Suh jen ; awfullj'^ grand, ;Ac ^ tdi* ^tsoi. Td, tsdi, >^ ^ tong^ tong^. Tdng tdng. Awhile, a space of time, ^ D^ tsam" ^shi. Tsan shl, >^B# p'in' ,shi. P'ien shi, ^ |?$ sdp, ,shi. Shah shi, — P]^ yat, 'hd. Yili hid, — [^ yat, chan\ Yih chin, ^ J^ yat, sik,. Yih sih, — J^ f^ yat, sik, ,kan. Yih sih kien, — '^ yat, 'chiin. Yih chuen, — ^J yat, hdk,. Yih k'eh ; rest awhile, $M '^ IlK tun' chii' 'ha, i^ — ^ hit^ yat, hit . Hieh yih hieh, ^ Pl^ ^I "hit, 'ha k6uk,. Hieh hid kioh. Awkward, unhandy, Pn$f -^^ jHI 'ho 'shau shai'. [X^] Puh hku shau shi, pg ^f 4"- InX .^ 'l^o 's^au tiin-. "Wu hdu shau tw6,n, Jf>^^ pat, 'hb 'shau. Puh hdu shau; stupid, ^-^ pan' ^ngoi. Pinngai, ^U pan^ 'tsai. Pin tsz, ^^ 'ch'un pan'. Ch'un pin, ;^ ^ ^ tai- pan'' ts^ung*. Tk pin sidng, ^ ^ jii pan-. Yu pin, ^ ^ ^16 pan^ Lii pin, ^ ^ pan^ ^'ai. Pin t'i, ^ ^ pan^ jShii. Pin shii ^ an aM'kward gait, ^^ ^^ kuk^ chuk^. Kiuh ehuh, '# tin .P'«i .^; P'ei li^^^. ^ # '^ ^ JliP W] jhang tak, tarn- tarn' k6uk, [^t'ai] ; coarse, ^^ ^ ^ts'6 n6. Ts'u lu, ;gffg 16 tun^ Lu tun; an awk- ward situation, ^J P§- ^ ^ 'hb ^m ^on lok^. Hdu wu ngan loh, $ffeU.^ 'h6 ^m tsz' ^in. Hdu wu tsz jen. Awkwardly, in a rude manner, ^^ 15 'mong. Lu mdng, f|[ '^ ^ts'6 '15. Ts'u lii ; to sit awkwardly, g[ ^ Kin" tso\ Lwdn tso ; inelegantly, 1^ jjji ^ ^ pat, lai ^chi y^ung^ Puh li chi ydng. Awkwardness, clumsiness, ^^^^ 'ch'un ^ngoi. Ch'un ngai, ^ ^ 'ch'un pan'. Ch'un pin, ^^ife 'ch'un tun'. Ch'im tun ; ungracefulness in manners, ^^ ^ ,ts'5 tsuk,. Ts'u suh, ^ffl ^ ^ts'5 '15. Ts'u lu. Awl, an iron instrument for piercing small holes in leather, $^ ,chui. Chui, ^ tsui'. Tsui, |g ^cliiii. Chdu, ^ pai'. Pi. Awn, the heard of corn, ^ ^ kuk, ^ts'^ung. Kuh ts'idng, ^^ kuk, ^cham. Kuh chin. Awning, a cover of canvas, to shelter from the sun's says, ^ -^ ^t'in ^che. T'ien che, f fc jg it, ^che. Jeh ch6, ^ ijjg po' Cheung'. Pii chdng, ijjg ^ ch^ung' jWai. Chdng wei, Y/j >^-|' yik, jts'e. Yih si6 ; ditto one of bamboo, Yi^ chuk, /im. Chuh lien ; a stiff cover over Chinese boats, ^ jP'^^'^S- P'ungr Wi% jl6ung ,p'ang. Liang p'ang ; awning- maker, :^jj sP'ang ts6ung'. P'ang tsiang, :f|::^ gjlj-^ tdp, jp'ang ^sz fu'. Tdh p'ang sz fii. Awoke ^ 3;^ 'seng kwo'. Sing kwo, tT @i j^ 'td 'seng kwo'. Ta sing kwo' ; see Awake. Aworking, at work, lE-^X;^ ching' ts5' ,kung /u. Ching tso kung f u ; in a state of action, jI:tTl|& cliing* jhang tung^ Ching hang tung, IE ^(J ^ ching' yuk, tung^. Ching yuh tung. Awry, not straight, ^ 'm6, ^ ^ ^wdi 'm6, Jf. ][£ pat, ching'. Puh ching, ^ ,ts'6. Si6, ^{ ^ts'6. Sid, fl jUgo. Ngo, ^1 ,pi. Pi ; to look awry, ^ ju| jts'e shi^ Sie shi, ^ jfjl 'ngai shi'. I shi ; to go awry, ^f^'l^JiB'J:^' s^^^ig tak, chak, chak, ^shan. Hang tell tseh tsch shin, ^'f ^^ ^ts'e jhang. Si6 hang ; to talk awry, §[,1^ liin^ 'kong. Lwdn kiang, ^1^ mau- shiit,. Miii shwoh, i^'^'X^^ tdi^ ^ pat, jts'dm. Td yen puh ts'dn. Ax, I ^ 'fii. Ed, ^ If 'fii ,t'au. Pii t'au, ^ ^ Axe, j 'fii iit^. Pii yueh, |fe^^ ^fu lit^. Fii yueh, ^ ^kan. Kin, i^ ts'ik,. Ts'ih, ^ chat,. Chih ; a but- Cher's ax, ^^Jf^Tj ft'oDg ^chii^tb. T'angchii tdu, ^ 77 ct'5 ^to, ^^ jCh'ui. Ch'ui ; ancient axes, ^* ^ ^5 ,15. -Lau 111, ^1^ >z ^pi. Tsz pi. Ax-head ^gj 'fii ,t'au. Fii t'au. Ax-helve, the handle of an ax, ^ n^ :j'^ 'fii ,t'au peng'. Fii t'au ping, ^^ 'fii ^o. Fii 0. Axilla, armpit, |[^ f^j) ]v^ kak, Idlc^ 'tai. Keh leh tf, ^ l^ 'chau yatj. Cliau yih, 1% "[^ yat^ hd'. Yih hid. Axillar, ") pertaining to the armpit, ^^j- ^ ^^ 'chau Axillary, J yat^ tile,. Chau yih tih, ^ ^ P^ 'chau yat, \e, l^'f; yat, hd'. Yih hid. Axiom, a self-evident truth, lij ,^ :^ ^ tsz' ^in ,chl li. Tsz jen chi li, ^ B^ ;^ -g tsz' ^ming ,chi t5^ Tsz ming chi tdu, Z^^ ^ 'i^^ pat, yik, ^chi lun'. Puh yih chi lun, ;f: ^ ;t Jl pat, yik, ,chi li. Puh yih chi li, fif M J^ fjn it Vi)\ pin^ ,m5 1 ,kd jk'i jming. Pien wii i kid k'i ming, jM ^ ^ ^ ^t'ung jhang ^chi ^ii. T'ung hang chi yii, -^ ^ 'kii -u. Kii yu, -ji" ^ shai' 'ii. Shi yii. Axiomatic, ) having the nature of self-evident Axiomatical, j truths, @ ,^ :^ M '^^^ tsz' ^in ^chi li ke', il^^^il^fi^J tsz^ ,iu ^chi li tik,. Tsz jen chi li tih, P g,^;^Ji ,kwan tsz' ^in ,chi li. Kwkn tsz jen chi li,' -^ ^ |^^ 'kii 'ii tik,. Kii yu tih. Axiomatically g fji Hfij }^^ tsz* ^in ^i ^in. Tsz jen rh jen. Axis 1^ jCh'ii. Ch'ii; the axis of the world (the pole star), %^ ,t'in jCh'u. T'ien ch'ii; axle, ||j) chuk. Chuh ; the axis of the earth, ^ gg chik^ ku' Chih kii. Axis, the spotted deer, ^ ^ J^ ,kam jts'in luk,. Kin ts'ien luh. Axle f|l) chuk,. Chuh, fj^ ch6uk,. Choh, |g fuk,. Fuh, 1^ lukj. Luh, ^ 'kwai. Kwei ; an iron dit- to, Ifij 't'ong. T'dng ; poles of the axle, |^ wai*. Wei ; axle-cheeks, |^ puk^. Puh ; axle-tree, ^ chukj. Chuh. Ay, ^ a word expressing assent, -f^ hai'. Hi, ^ Aye, ] jin. jen, ^ shf. Shi, pf 'wai. Wei, ^ nok^. Noh, ^ chduk,. Choh. Aye, alway, *^ ^shcJung, Chdng, '[f. jhang. Hang; for aye, fbr ever, ^ ^|J 'wing pit,. Yung pieh. Azalea Indica ;|tt |j| f^ tb^ .kiin ^ik. Tu kiuen hwd. Azimuth, an arch of the horizon intercepted between the meridian of the place and the azimuth, or vertical, passing through the centre of any object, i' kto {Hi) MAS Sing wd shi kwo king sien chi .p'6,k'iu. sin' ,chi ch'u' cb'u. Azolla, (luck-weed, ^ jP'ing. P'ing, P'li k'idu. Azote, nitrogen, /^ ^ * tdm' hi'. Tdn k'i, ^ kukjhi'. Kiuhk'i. Azotic, pertaining to azote, ^^ ^ |({{| t6m' hi' tik . Ikn k'i tih, ^^ ^ P|E tdm^ hi' W. Azure, the fine blue color of the sky, ^ ^ts'eng. Ts'ing, ^ ^ts'ong. Ts'dng.; a light blue.'^^ ^ tdm* ^ts'eng. Tan ts'ing, ^ H 'ts'in ,ts'eng. Ts'ien • Hobson ^ mmm^mm:=^Ux^^zn ts'ing, ^ ^p'id. P'idu ; a deep azure or blue, ^ ,tsau. Tsau, ^ kam'. Kin, §^ .ts'ung. Ts'ung ; a mixture of azure and yellow, ^^ ,seung ,p'iu. Sidng p'idu; the azure heaven, ^^ .ts'ong ^t'in. Ts'dng t'ien, || % ^ts'eng ,t'in. Ts'ing t'ien; azure sea (^Ko-ko-nor), ^ j^ ,Ts'eng 'hoi. Ts'ing hdi ; azure blue, ^ || t'in .ts'eng. T'ien ts'ing. Azymite, a term applied to christians who adminis- ter the eucharist with unleavened bread, ^cK'Pi M#^MB?#^M 't«'« jan sink, ^mdn ,ts'au pat, yung^ kdu' 'm6 chi 'peng. Ts'z jin sbih wan ts'in pub yung kidu mu chi ping. Azymous, unleavened, ^gf;f^('({| ^m^ kdu' hn6 tik,. Wu kiiu rau tih, )^ tkm'. Tdn. B BTHE second letter of the Engl, alphabet, ^^ ^- # ^ z: ^ Ying wA^ tsz^ ^m5 tai' 1' ts?/. g Ying hwd tsz mii ti rh tsz ; B. A., Bachelor of^arts, ^ yf sau' ^ts'oi. Siu ts'ii ; Bt., Bart., Baronet, %'^ ^nam ts6uk,. Ndn tsioh ; B C, be- fore Clu'ist, IfPM#|li:<:igo Je^sukong' shai' _chi jts'in. Y6 sii kiiing shi chi ts'ien ; Bp., Bi- shop, ^ i{i |jj5 kdm' muk^.^sz. Kien muh sz ; B. v., blessed virgin, ^ p^ ^ shing' ,ching ^nii. Shing ching nii. Baa, the bleating of sheep, ^ /^ H^ ^ J^ung ^chi ,m6 ^shing. Ydng chi m6 shing, ^ P^ R^ ^ ,y6ung k6' ^m^ ,shing. Baal, name of an idol * , ^ ^^ sp'" sit^ ^meng. P'u sail ming. Babble, to talk idly or iiTationally, ^ ^^ "g^P, ngkm', ^HUSP-H "gap, .sfim ngap, sz", ^ H ^ |ll| jin Slim 'il sz'. Yen siln y\'i sz, |^ gft ^ fiit ngap, ,fung, f$ 1^. 't^ fat, ,tin ^shiu, ^ „^ ^^ fat! ngdm' wd\ j^^ ^'{ ,»i«nif .«ai. Sz hdi t-h chi hang wri. Dengiuttion for Uibiot of the aj^ of one month. BA'B (126) BAG Baboon, several large species of monkeys with short I tails, ^^^^ tdi- jhau lui". Ta hau lui, ^^ 5| 1 ;^ J^ 'kau jt'au ^chi ^hau. Kau t'au chi hau, |Jj ^ (?) ,shdn siu'. Shan sidu. Baby, an infant or young child of either sex, ^ |^ A' ^su. A sii, H ff ,su 'tsai. Sii tsz, |{I) ^ ff sai' ^man 'tsai ; babies male and female, ^ ^ ,ying ^hoi. Ying- hai ; to feed a baby, P|| ff wai' 'tsai, #^ PJI f? pi 'ii wai' ^tsai, # fL f? :^ 'pi 'ii 'tsai shik,. Pi jii tsz shih ; a doll, ^ 'j'-p ,kung 'tsai. Kung tsz. Babyhood ^fl|H# sai' ^shi. Si shi, ^ l^g .^ fl$ 'shau y6 ^chl ^shi. Shau p'au chi shi, 4-^t^a# 'shau ^'6 ko' jshi. Shau p'au ko shi, ^^y^Q^ yam 'ii ko' jShi. Yin ju ko shi. Babyhouse, a liouse for children's dolls and babies, f^^ jShan ^6m Shin ngan. Babyish, like a baby, '^^^ "ts'z ,ying ^i. Sz ying rh, ^ ^ 1^ l!j|i[ ^ -ts'z jing ^i 'kom y6ung^. Sz ying rh kan yang. Babylonian, an inhabitant of Babylon, Q J;[j ^i^ ^ Papilun jan. Papilun jin, GirtfifflP^A Bapilun k6' jan ;" pertaining to Babylon, g, j:(j ^^p^ Pa- pilun k6', ISJ:li^fi^ Papilun tik,. Pdpilun tih; Babylonian captivity, ® AAfJ^Gi^B^iM^^ ;^ ^ Y'autai jan pi- Papilun ^wong '16 leuk, ^chi ch'ing. Yiita jin pi Papilun wdng lu lioli chi ch'ing. Babyroussa, the Indian hog, ^ ^ ^ ^6 chii ^meng. Ye ciui ming, ^ (?) ^ki. Ki. Bac, I a feriy-boat, ^;^i}^ c^^aug 'shui to-. Himg Back, ) shvvm tti ; a large tub or vessel used for holding liquors, Affi tdi' 't'ung. Td t'ung, AvS ij^ tai" 'tsau 't'ung. IVi tsiil t'ung. Baccased, set or adorned with pearls, ^i^ 30 ^ ^s6ung kwo' ^chan ^chii. Siang kwo (diin chu, :^ f^^M?^ Van ,chan ^chii ^s^ung kwo'. Yu chin chu siang kwo. Bacchanal, | one who indulges in drunken revels. Bacchanalian, ) yg f^Ij 'tsau ^sin. Tsiii sien, ^ ^ 'tsau ^t'6. Tsiu t'li, ^ vi f^ lan^ 'tsau '15. Mn tsiu lau, @$^ tsui' jung. Tsui ung, g^ |g tsui' ,mau. Tsui man. 1 reveling in intemperate drinking, ]yg nik 'tsau. Nili tsiu. Bacchanal, Bacchanalian, Bacchanals, | drunken feasts, fjf^ ch'^ung' ^yam. Bacchanalia, ) Ch'ang yin ; feasts in honor of Bac- chus • , ^± J^ 15 to- ^hong tsit,. Tu kdng tsieh. Bacchic, jovial, A'fey^ tdi' fai' ut,. Td kw'di kw'oh, ^ ^ 0^ -mb jau -yd ; drunken, @^ tsm\ Tsui, S$|^ tsui' ^mau. Tsui mdvi. Bacchus, the God of wine, yg jjjlp ;g 'tsau shan ,meng. Tsiu shin ming ; the name of the Chinese Bacchus is ^^ th^ J^ong. Tii kang. Bachelor, an unmarried man, ^^^ mi' ts'ii'^ch^. Wi ts'ii ch^., IS. :§' ff PtJ^j their Bacchus, but have selJom such revpling feasts and proceBsions in hia honor as the an- cients had in honor of B. tsz, ^ ^ ^f^ ^tdn jShan 'kwa 'tsai. Tdn shin kwa tsz, ^ ^kwan. Kwan, ^^ ^kwdn /u. Kwan fii, % ^ 'kwa '15. Kwa lau, ^ ^ 'kwd ,kung. Kwa kung, H^ ,tan ^kung. Tdn kung, ^1^^ t'uk^ jt'au jkung. T'uh t'au kung ; a Bachelor of arts, ^^ sau' ^ts'oi. Siu ts'ai, /^ ^ ^shang iin. Sang yuen, 5^^ jman ^shang. Wan sang, ^^ jts'eung ^shang. Ts'iang sang 5 a competitor for the B. degree, ^^ ^nian jt'ung. Wan t'lmg, ^ 4^ jt'ung ^shang. T'ung sang. Bachelor's button, gomplu'ena globosa, ^ ^J pdk^ yatj jhung. Peh jih hung, :JkM^^ "nii s^^u ts'oi'. Nil lau ts'ai, ^ ^ ^' man' shau' kuk,. Wdn shau kiuh. Back, the upper part of an animal, "^ pui'. Pei ; the back of a man, "^ pui'. Pei, "^^ pui' tsek^. Pei tsih; the back bone, "^^'pj* piii'tsek, kwat,. Pei tsih kuh, ^ ^ 'lu tsek,. Lii tsih, ^g •^ 'lii kwat,. Lii kuh, #^p 'i* tsek, 'lii kwat,. Tsih lu kuh ; the muscles of the back, ^ "^ ^fui pui'. Hwui pei, "^^JX P^^' S^- ^^^ hwui; the vertebral bones, ^ 'W M P^i' ^wat, tsit,. Pei kuh tsieh, ^S^ tsek, ^mau. Tsih mau ; back to back, p^f^'^f* 'lai piii', tk§i^ P^i' ^^^i' P^'- ^^i tiii pei, :;jiyff ^s^ung pui'. Siang pei ; a pig-back, ^ "^ liin pui'. Linen pei, i'j^'^ jt'o pui'. T'o pei ; a saddle back, ^"^ 'fan piii'. Pan pei; to turn one's back on one, )^rfn^t$ s^igai ^ ^ S J^^^ shing' ^ii 'ki. Jin shing yii ki, M4H^a§^ yan^ Vix 'hb kwo' ^ngo. Jin k'ii h&,u kwo wo, "fe^i^^ ^k'il jyeng kwo' Tigo. K'ii ying kwo wo ; behind the back, ^'^^ m "^"o' chiin' pui' 'kong. Ning chucn pei kiang, ff* ^ ^ V^' ^^^" i^- B^i hau yen, il ^ ^^ # t'lii^ ^yau hau' ^in. T'ui yii M- ^ c^^ ^^^'^ 'kong k'apj. Sz back wall, ^ ^p'ui. Pei, ^ Hau ts'iang; to turn the back hau yen, ^ ]> . hia kiang kill ; a hau' jts'6ung. iJat! m 6AC (1^6) feAC on, ^ ptii'. Pci, ^ ^ .s6ung ptii'. Sidng pei; to carry on the back, j^ I'li^ ¥u, ^ ^ pf^ ^ t5* jan pftt shi'. Tau jin pub shi, ^ X ^& ll^ tV ^yan 'tiifi ch'ii'. Tdu jin twdn ch'd. jan. sih> *^ijxi=- s'" .t'au 'tsz. ts'dm Backbiter, obe t^ ho shuidcvors, p^ /^ ^ Ch'An jin, ^\ ch'ani' jan. Tsin jin. Backbiting, the act of sland(u'ing the absent, ^^ ^ 'ft p'ong'. Fi p'ing. Backbone, the spine, 'ff i{f pui' ^ ^m 'sdung. Wu sidng, 7^^ pat, oi'. Puh ngdi, Jf^ ^ pat, lok^. Puh loh, >j^ ^ P^t, yuk,. Puh yuh, iff ,Im. Hicn, J^ Im'. Yen, ^ 5^, im' u'. Yen wu, 'fg- ^^ ^tsang li'. Tsang wii ; hesitating, ^|^ .im ^i. Hien i ; slow, ^.'|^ ^yau no'. Jau no, i\jc ^ ,shau jau. Shau jau, jg \^ oh'i mdn'. Ch'i man ; late, behind in time, j^|§ jCh'i man- ; dull, ^^ ^11 'ch'un. Yii ch'un, :f|ij7j- chiit, jts'oi. Chueh ts'di. Backwardly, unwillingly, )^ ^ Im' ^in. Yen jen, p2- f|? ^ ,m ^chung i'. Wu chiing i ; perversely, 1^1^;^^ 'kwai cha' ^chi y^img^. Kwei chd chi ydng. Backwardness, reluctance, ^ ^ Im' li'. Yen wu ; dilatoriousness, f^ |'^ "l^n to\ Ldn to. Bacon, the sides and belly of a swine, ||^^§^ jham ^chii Urn. Hien chu ldn, ^^|]f Idp, ^chii ^dm. Ldh chd ldn, ^ % |f| ,Im ^chli -1dm. Yen chii ldn ; a flitch of bacon, — "^ 1^^ ^ If yat, .fong Idpj jChii 'Idm. Yih fdng ldh chu ldn ; a gammon of bacon, g^ ^ ^im 't'lii. Yen t'ui ; a slice of ba- con, — ^l^^jl^ yat, p'in' jhdm ^chu 4am. Yih p'ien hien chu ldn ; to save one's bacon, "^f^^ ^ 'hb 'ts'oi lat, ^shan. Hdu ts'di lih shin, -^ jjflj :ff^ hang' / tak. t'iit,. Hang rh teh t'oh, ff)^ jB.^ tak, t'iit, ^mo hoi'. Teh t'oh wu hdi. Bad ^ ok,. Ngoh, ^ ^ pat, shin'. Puh shen, ^ ^ pat^ 'h6. Puh hdu, |2(| ^, ^hung ok,. Hiung ngoh, 7] 1^, ,tiu ok,. Tidii ngoh, ^ 'tdi. Tdi, ^ ^ ok, tukj. Ngoh tub, /J^ ^tiu tuk^. Tidutuh, /) jj^ ^tiu jWdn. Tidu hwdn, 3|B ^ ,kwdi lui'. Kwdi li, 3}B ^ ,kwdi p'ik,. Kwai p'ih, ^ paP. Pi, ^ pai'. Pi, ^M ^K Pai'- Ngoh pi, ^ wdi\ Hwai, ^ok,. Ngoh, ^ sam', |ff Sni. Mi; to keep bad hours, ^"fs^'^ ^^' t^iang y6' 16'. Hdu hang ye lu ; bad fortune, ~^ ^ pat^ kat,. Puh kih, jf. jji^ pat, jts'eung. Puh ts'idng, ^ |S ^fi fuk,. Pi fuh, ^ ^ pat, hang^. Puh hang, ~^ ■^\] pat, li'. Pull li, ^ ^ c^i^^S meng-. Hiung ming, ^"Hp 'fu meng'. K'u ming, ^•^ 'sz men^. Sz ming, ft|^ pok, meng'. Fob ming ; reading is bad for the eyes, p^^BR tuk> wdi' 'ngdn. Tvih hwdi yen, ij§:^il^ tukj ,shxi war 'ngdn. Tub shii hwdi yen ; it is very bad with him, jS^^ ^k'i chung' peng-. K'i chung ping, ^ ^ peng^ chung'. Ping chung ; a bad man, ^ ^ ok, jyan. Ngoh jin, ^ A 'tdi jan. Tdi jin, -^ f^ o\ je. Ngoh ye, j^ ^ ldn'-\sai. Ldn tsz, ||:^ 'fi ,t'6, ^% 'fi lui^ FI lui, ^'^ wdi- kwat,. Hwdi kuh, ^^ ch'au' jCh'ung. Ch'au ch'ung, ^^ ch'ik, ch'au'. Ch'ih ch'au, /\\\ 'siu^yan. Sidujin, -^tJp ch'au"pan. Ch'au pin; a bad name, ^'^ ch'au' ^meng. Ch'au "^J^s' )^ ^ c^ ,meng. Wii ming, ^ ^ wai' jmeng. Wei ming, ^;^ ok, ^meng. Ngoh ming; a bad omen, |2 tuk, ^sam. Tub sin, ^^iCi> slong ^sam. Ldng sin, ^j\)^^ jts'e j^sam. Sie sin, M^j\j) hak, sam. Hih sin ; bad behavior, P§-$f ^nf jf5 5«i '^^ c^ang ^wai. Puh hau hang wei, 3|E ^7 ^kwdi han^. Kwai liing, ^ ^ jts'e hang'. Sie hing, 1^Vj ""'ai' hang'. Wei liing, M^ 'tiin hang', ^f^ 'mong tsolt,. AVang tsoli, ^ wdi'. Hwdi ; a bad hai-vest, ^ ij^ hip, ^shau. K'ieh shau, f^ ^sho. Sii, -^ i\jc shat, ^shau. Shih shau, ^ij^^ 'mo ^shau .shing, %^ ,fong ^nln. Hwdng nien, |>y ^ liS" ^ ,hving /ong ^shi sui'. Hiung hwdng shi sui, pQ-j^H^f ^ jHi 'ho ^shl ^nin, P '^ ^ki fong. Ki hwdiig, f^ i\jC pok, ^shau. Fob shau ; bad effluvia, j^ ^ wai' hi'. Wei k'i, ^ ^ ch'au' hi'. Ch'au k'i ; a bad business, ^ 1^ ^ pai" cka 'fo. Pi kid ho, ^ ^ chong* pan. Chwdng pdn, ^^ wdi' sz'. Hwdi sz ; bad times, p^ ^f ii: ^ ^m 'ho shai' kdi'. Puh lidu shi kidi, ^MW i^^^ ^^'^^i' «hai'- Sh^ y^^ ^h^' ^ M chai' wan'. Chi ynn, ^ f^ ;^ R$ ai' chai' ,chi .shi. t chi chi shi, H^ \i^ ^ ^ ,shi wan' pat^ ^ts'ai. Shi yun puh ts'i, H$ 3fS jShi .kwdi. Shi kwdi, H^ fl^ jShi fui'. Shi hwui ; bad or evil influences, ^ ^ jts'e hi'. Sie k'i ; bad dcsease, '^ -^ ok, tsat,. Ngoh tsih, '^- ^ .ho tsat,. Ho tsih ; a batl ap- pearence, as weather, ^, ^ fat, wat,. Full yuh; ditto, as a person suffering, ^ J^ kuk^ ch'uk,. Kiih ch'uli, ^ ^^j p'ik, sik,. P'ih sih ; ditto, as something, mean, ^ ^ 'ch'au lau'. Cli'au lau; BAD (128) BAG bad government, J^ jj^ ^fong ching'. Hwfi,ng ' ching, f^ j^ y<^ukj ching'. Yoh (nioh) ching, ^ jgj; ho ching'. Ilo ching, fjj^j^ ,ts'dn ching'. T.s'dn ching ; had food, [)§■ jif '^ ^ i^ ''i<^ **'»kj niat^. Puh liAu shih wuli, pg- ^J ^ ^m 'h6 shik^. Puh hdu shiJi, ^ ^ ok, shik^. Ngoh shih ; a bad im- itation (said of imitating each other), ^ ^ hku' ,p'an. lliiiu p'in, ^ ^ hok^ siii'. Ilioh siau, "^ X ^ 'lokj jyan siu', Hioh jin sidu ; it is so bjid kwo, trlJlA^ 1^1 y<^'ukj kwo'. Ta nioh kwo ; ditto by shifts and turns, fj^j^Jg 'shim pi' kwo'. Shen pi kwo ; conloundcd, g^ ^ ;^ kwai pi' kwo*. Kwei pi kwo, f^ |L j^ 'iu lim' kwo'. Ydu Iwdn kwo ; deceived, ^|gj^ hung' p'in' kwo'. Hung p'ien kwo. Baffler, one that eludes, ^ ^- \ ^ bi' lung' ^yan 'did. Hi lung jin che, %.^K^ '^'^^ '"".?' J*" 'ch6. Wu lung jin ch6 ; ditto by shifts and turns, that it must soon better, ^^^^ 'p'i kik^ t'ki' ; P^ 3^ ^ 'shim pi' 'ch'^" '*'^'''- ^'^" ^ ^ t!ip ckan wdi' 'pan. Kin hwdi pin, , Iwan jin ch6 ; one that deceives, ^ ^ Xi ^'^^ Badge, a mark, ^ \\h\ Hdu, t^ ^ tsz' h6'. Tsz j 'kau 'ch6. Kien kidu ch6, s| ^ ^ 'J^"""' kwat, hdu, l^'^l ki' h6': Ki hau ; a secret mark, X^^ \ 'che. Kwei kiueh ch(^, H^Pgt A 'kwdi kwat, kd' 6m' hb'. Ng^n hdu ; a badge of office, ^^ 'shau i jan, ^%\ ^ X. '°^" ^'' f^^i^ cy^"- ^'''^ '^^ ^^^ 'pdn. Shau psln, ;^ ^ ^ngd 'kAn. Yd kien, fat,. Hwuli, a badge of merit, ^ ^ ,kimg jp'di. Kung p'ai. wakj h6 . Hwah hdu. M Badge, to mark, ^ dp, hh\ Ydh hau. ! Badger ± ^ *t'6 ,chu. T'u chu, ^ -f- ^h6 'tsz. I Hiu tsz", J)l ki. Ki, 1^ st'ung. T'ung ; pirates, | Tf: 1^ 'sluu ts'&k^. Shwui ts'ih, i^^B* 's^^i ''^ i 'shii. Shwui lau shu. Badger, to pursue with eagerness, B^ 3j^ ^chiin m6'. Chuen wu, H^ i^ ^ ,chun sam ts6'. Chuen sin tso. Badger-legged ^ffP^ Jun keuk^ k6', ^^jll|l|^^ Jiin k6uk, tik,. Liuen kioh tih, [pang^ 'pi]. Badigeon, a cement used to fill up holes, ^ ^]^ ^fui ,sh4. Ilwui slid, ytft ^ jau fui. Yii hwui ; a mixture of putty and chalk, fl^ yft j9^ j^ >5 ^ jt'ung ^yau ,fui ^k'au shek^ ,fui. T'luig yii hwui k'ii shih hwui. Badly, in a bad manner, ^f-i ^ pat, 'ho. Puh hau, pg$f ,m 'li6, pa^ ^lu cheuk, ; badly done, ^^ i^ ts6' ,m 'h6, ^'J(^^ ts5' pat, 'h6. Tsoh puh hdu, ^^^7^ tso' ^m ch6uk, ; badly wounded, ^ ^ chung^ jShdung. Chung shdng. Badness, the state of being bad, ^ wdi^ llwdi, p§- frP jm 'h6 ; evil, ^^ ok,. Ngoh, ^|'ch'au. Ch'au, J^ 'tdi. Tfii. Baockia fructescens, ^ |^ ^^ jy^ng ,shai /d. Yung shdi hwa. Balletas, ") Indian cotton cloth, or plain muslin, ^ Baftas, ] M ® i^ # ;g T'Inchuk kwok, ^mln ,8hd ,mong. T'ienchidi kwoh mien slid ming. Baflle, to elude, ^ l^-- ^ hi' lung^ jan. Hi lung jin, :f7 lll^ 'td yeulc^. Td nioh ; to elude by shifts and turns, (a]^: 'shim p(^ Shen pi ; to confound, fj^ij^ 'kwai pi'. Kwei pi, ^ ^ 'kdu t'iit,. Kidu foil, fig, gL Mu liin'. Ydu Iwdn, f^ ^[ 'kiu liin'. Kidu Iwdn ; to practice deceit, lllt|j|^ bung' p'in'. Hung p'ien, IJ|1^' i|g ,mun p'in'. Mun ji'ieii, (^ Ifi ngak, p'in'. Balfle ^ ^shii. Sliii ; to conic off with a baffle, ^ Ihi td ,shii. Td shu, fr^i^. 'td ,fu sho'. Td k'ii BallhHl, eluded, )^^'^ lii' lung' kwo', Ul lung jm. Baffling, see Baffle ; baffling wind, ^^"^M. .^hau jWai ngdkj ,fung. Chau wei [^] nih fung, jgj^ M^M. t^' t^' 'teng jt'au /ung. Tu tii ting t'au fung. Bag, a sack, ^ toi'. Tdi, ^ ,nong. Ndng, fli^ p6' toi'. Pii tki, If 'chu. Chu, ^ ch'uk,^ Ch'uh, ^ ,kon. Kdn ; a bag without a bottom, ^ t'ok . T'oh; a leather bag, ^^ ^p'i ^pau. Ff pau, ^ P'i ndng ; a ,p'i toi'. P'i tdi, ^i jP 1 ,nong. hand bag, ^^ 'shau ^pdu. Shau pdu, ^-^ 'shau toi'. Shau tdi ; a small bag, y\\ ^ 'siii toi'. Sidu tdi, /j\ -^ 'siii pdu. Sidu pdu, |^ tlt^. Chili, ^ toi". Tdi, ^ kiin'. Kiuen ; a double bag, ^ ^ jliu toi'. Lien tdi, j^^ tap, toi'. Tdh tdi, $g ,t'o. T'o ; a hair-cloth bag (a not), ^ \\] ^ong ,kan. Wdug kin, i^^ fat,. Fuh.; a silken bag, ^^ 'k?) ^pau. Kdu pau ; a coarse bag, ^ ^ ^ma ^pdu. M6, pdu ; a straw bag, ^>^ tsik^ pdu. Tsih pdu, ^ ^ 'ts'6 ^pdu. Ts'du pdu ; a traveling bag, ^ ^ jbang ,nong. Hang ndng ; a bag to tie on a horse's head, |^ ,shan. Shin, ,% P -^ Sua 'hau toi'. Md k'au tdi ; a hawking bag, ^ ^ Up^ toi'. Lieh tdi ; a small money bag, ^ ^ 'ts'6 toi'. Ts'du tdi, ^ ^ jngfiu toi'. Yin tdi : an empty bag (l)oor), |!g ^ tUong ^hung. Xdng hung; you wine sack and rice bag (you lazy lubber), VS m tS ^ 'tsau jnong f4n' toi*. Tsii'i ndng fdn tki; the Gwen Bag (a work on g«»oniancy). It ^ i^s'cng jnong. Ts'ing ning; a bag of money containing 100 Tales is cnlled — \^^ yat, ,chd toi'. Yih chd tili ; half a bag ditto, ^|g j^ pun' ,chd toi'. Pwdn did tni ; a bag of money (amount not defined), — i^ ^jk y»t., toi' ,ngan. Yih tdi yin, — ^^^-f' yat, toi' jUgan 'tsz. Yih tdi yin tsz ; a satchel, |jf || jP'un ,nong. Pw'An ndng, ^ ^ ^p'lin tit^. Pw'dn cliih, ^^^ ,p'lin tit J. Pw'dn chill ; an em])roidere air blag BAG (120) BAI jii pan. Yi'i psiu ; bag around the heart, pericar- dium, li^ 3Q 3^ sam ^pau loV,. Sin pau loh. Bag, to put into a bag, 7^ ^i^ ^ yap, lo'<, toi'. Jil fob tai, ifjc ^^ ^ fong' lok^ toi^ Fang loh tai, % f^M M^ ^^\ toi'- '*''^" ^^^ ^^^' ^AM .^''0"J- yap toi^ Chwang jili tai : to bag the hair, ;j^ ^ kut'fiit,. Kwohfdh, Jji^ch'ukjat,. Ch'uhfah; to give the bag to any one, ^ \ hi' jVan. X'l ji"> Jtji A M J^^- ^^'^ J'" ' ^° ^'^» clothes, T^ ch'ulc_. Ch'uh ; to truss bag and baggage, ^ j^ y^ 'hi 'ml chii'. K'i wi chu. Bagasse, the refuse stalks of the sugai'-care aftci they have been ground, ^ ^ che' ^cha. Che cha. ■jr>j^ che' /u. Che k'li. "" Bagatelle, a i;ame played on a board having at tl;e end nine holes, ill/ ^ ,po ^1^' lan'^ehi'i. Liin t'lii, pj !fip ,u 'fLi. Wu fu; a playful female, ^ Bagging, tl c < 1 )1h or materials for bags, f^ 4i til ts6* ^] au p-)'. Tso pau pu. Bagnio, a bathing-bouse, y^ 'jj? yuk^ s^'^'ig- ^ I'l' tVing, yj^ ^ jf/ 'sai ^shan /ong. Si shin fan<: : a brothel, ^g '^ ^ch'eung .liii. ChVmg liiiu, ^ ^ ^ "'16 'kii Jill. Lau kii liau; iu Turkey, an in- closure for slaves, -fyji j^ ^no Jan. Ki'i bin. Bagpipe, a musical instrument, us(d chielly in Scot- land and Ireland, ^4 ^ £^ 'kun ,fung ,k'nm. Kwfin fling k'in, ^' |i^ |j| J^ 'kiin ,fung 'kau jk'am. Kwi'm fiing ki.iu k'in. Bagi'use, Silure, |fT ffi kfim' jii. Kien yu ; ditto dusky green, if; ^^ Jim ji. Lien yu ; ditto dark green, ^ ^^ s'^gau J'- ^in y^i '. ditto, small sil- very green, ^ ff jmong 'tsai. Mang tsz ; ditto purplish black, ^^ JVi kam'. llwa kien. Bahar, the native country of Budha, ^ fiin'. Tan. Bail, to liberate from arrest on security for a person's appearance in Court, '^ ^ fjj 'se 'i)6 'iing. Sie pau ling, ;}^Qf^c Jam 'p6. Tan pau, f (" |gi toi' yan^ Tai jin ; to bail out a prisoner, iXi "^M W f/'i P^ ^ling shik^ foug'. Pau ling shih fang ; to bail out a woman, l!|^ff :^ A 'po shik 'nil jan. Pau shih nil jin, ^^ ^kii. Kii ; to bail out a boat, ^ ;(]< fu' 'shui. Hu shwui. Bail, the person or persons who pj-ocure the release of a person from custody, by becoming security for his appearance iu Court, fjj^'^ 'p6 ^kii. Paukiii. Bailable, that may be admitted to bail, p]" (^ (Vf \\\ 'ho 'p6 tak^ ch'ut,. K'o pau teh ch'uh, uj ^^ ii ■j^ 'ho 'p6 long' tak,. K'o pau fang teh. Bail bond fti til 'p6 Jan. Pau tan. Bailed, released from custody on bor.d> forappearanco in Court, \\l f!|t i^ tarn 'f 6 kwo\ Tiin pjiu kwo, fi€^^^ ii 'po 'ling shik, fong' kwo'. IViu ling shih A\ng kMo; freed from water, ^ i^ 7J^ fu kwo' 'shui. Hu kwo shwui. Bailer, ") one who deliveis poods to another in trus*", Bailor, j f j :f£ f, fu' t'ok, 'che. Fi'i t'.;h che, >> 4£ ^f kiiu t'ok, 'che. Kiiiu t'oh ehe, ^(i, J^£ ^ ^niii t'ok, 'the. Mei fob che, i^ ^\ /|>y; ^ 4£ ftH A Jsc'ung i-hap^ mat, 'miii t'ok, J'si ,yan. Tsiang shili wuh mei t'oh t'a jin. Bailiff, an cfficer apjiointcd by the sheriff for arrest- ing pci sons, :|-f g p«V J'eng. Pu t'ing, 1^^''^ yau* J'ong. Yu fang, ;}B In/ 'pji Jigf<- la ya; an agent of a manor, to direct its husbandry, collect eucs &e., "^ ^< JoJ'a .'<''• Tsmg kia. Baili\\ick, the precincts in Avhich a bailiff has juris- diction, i|^ inr. Yuen. Bailment, a dcliveiy of i;oo(ls in trust upon a con- tract, either ex] resscd or imj)li<'d, that they shall be kr])t and deliveied safe, :\l ^ \^ fj^ X ^ t'(>k kau fo' ii ,vau 'shau. T'oh k'l'iu ho vu iin shau. Bail am, the name of two IMaliommedan festivals, li' \l/4i^^ ![)) /, n nan wei, ^^ ^{tj a^ R||- pi' 'kau ,keng hiik,. Pi k:iu king hih. BAI (isa) BAL Baitin£», ancrling, ^ ffi tid' ,u. Ti6u yii ; feeding, ^ iii'. K'i; refreshing, ;^|£ ^ shik, ,kon ^Idung. Sbih kdn lidng, ^ -^ ahilCj 'peng. Shih ping; stopping on a journey, ^ Jlip hit^ k6uk,. Hieh kioh, tff^ 'K 't& ,chung 'fo. Td chung ho ; bait- ing place, ^ J^ hit, tim'. Hieh tien, |^ ^ chii' pat,. Chu pill. Baize, a coarse woolen stuff, f^B.^^^ (^'^ '^i- Ts'ii ni. Bake, to, as a pig, ^ kuk,. Kiuh ; ditto, as bread, ^ hong'. Ildng ; ditto in the ashes, t}^ p'du'. P'du, j^ yau. Yu ; to bake before the fire, ^ chek^. Chill ; ditto as tiles &c., j^ ,8hiu. Shdu. Bake-house fs) M ^^k^ ,fong. Kiuh fdng, j^^ ,8luti jfong. Shdu fang ; a bake-pan, ^ {^ kuk^ ^16. Kiuh lii. Baked J0f ^^ k\i\ kwo'. Kiuh kwo, >J^ ^^ hong' kwo'. Hang kwo, 'J^i^ ^shiii kwo'. Shdu kwo. Baken, see Baked. Baker, of bread, ^sf^iffi'^ jHidn ,t'au ,sz fu'. Mwft.n t'au 8Z fii, p{ lii]) ^ ^ tso' min' pdu 'ch6. Tsdu mien pdu ch6, J^i^t^lS ^' hong' ts6' min' ,pdu *ch6. Hdng tsdu mien pdu ch6, ')(fi$^3p^ hong' min^ jt'au 'ch6. Hang mien t'au che ; a small tin oven, in which baking is performed, ^ 'J^ kuk^ ,16. Kiuh lu ; the baker of spice-bread, J^ fj^ g)'f ^ kukj min^ 'peng 'ch6. Kiuh mien ping ch6 ; a baker's shop, fi |^ ^[| min' j)du p'6'. Mien pdju p'u. Baker-legged, having legs that bend inwards at the knees, ^ jUJl 'fdn kduk,. Fdn kioh, /\ ^ pdt, tsz* keuk,. Pdh tsz kioh. Bakery, a place occupied with the business of bak- ing biexd, cakes &c., i'lfi^^ijj min^ ^pdu p'6'. Mien pdu p'li, $^ ^ ^il min^ shik, p'5\ Mien shih p'd. Baking ^ kuk^. Kiuh, i^ hong'. Hdng, j^ ^shi6. Shdu, ^ chek^. Chih. Balance *, a paii* of scales, for weighing commo- dities, ^ ^ ,t'in jp'ing, T'ien p'ing, ^ ,hang. Hang, lljZp, hang p'ing. Hang p'ing; standard bal- ances, o] f.',!^'^ ,sz md sP'ing. Sz md p'ing; foreign balances, 7^ ^p j^ung ji'ing. Ydng p'ing ; the balance of an account, {^^ ^ sh6' SnI. Sii wi, ^ ^ (Ch'^ung jts'in. Ch'dng ts'ien; to make up the balance, ^i 7}^ 'po 'shui. Pii shwui, ))\] ;^ ^kk 'shui. Kid sliwui ; the surplus balance, ^ -^ jCh'<'ung 'shui. Ch'dng shwui ; the balance due to. Bt ^^ ^ 1^ y^^S '<^li'iii s^gan '16ung. Ying chdu yiii linng; be paid the balance, fH^ .ts'ing sh6'. Ts'ing su, ^^ (^ ^i kit, ,ts'ing sh6'. ' Kieh ts'iug sii ; equal weight, J:^ ^ ,kwan chung*. Kiun chung; balance of power, j^\^ ,kwan ,k'Qn. Kiun k'iuen ; balance of trade, \\\ AU Y( ^ ^ij ch'ut, yap, 'hau fo' chl pit^. Ch'uh jib k'au ho chi pieh ; balance wheel in a clock, ^ m kong' 'pdi. Kdng pdi. Balance, to weigh goods, \^^ jk'iin. K'iuen, ^. \^ ching' fo'. Chiiig ho ; to balance reasons, g-'ji ^ _ i P'^pg '^^- P'ing 11, p^mMM. tP'"^g ^^q' t"' '^ ; * S«e Soalea. to balance an account, ^ ^ tui' sh6'. Tiii sd, ^ ^i 'tai 8h6'. Tf sd, fe g ;|fl ^ 8h6' muk. j86ung 'tai. Sd muh sidnj; ti ; to balance merits and short-comings, i^^l}})^ ,seung jp'ing ,kung kwo'. Sidng p'ing kung kwo, ^)^i^^ M^^S kwo' ,s6ung jP'ing. Kung kwo sidng p'ing. Balance, to have on each side equal weight, ^ ^ j;^ ^ Ueung pin' ,kwan chimg'. Liang pien kiun chung, ^ '^ j;^ ^ *16ung 'ch^ Jtwan chung'. Lidng ch6 kiun chung, ^q sM. i^ — ^M. ^l^i"»g jt'au hai' yat, y^ung* chung^. Lidng t'au hi yih ydng chung ; to preserve the equipoise of the bo- dy, IE li! rfii 'rf ching' chik^ ,i ^hang. Ching chih rh hang; to move towards a person and then back, 5^iS. t^s'in t'di'. Ts'ien t'di; to fluctuate between motives which appear of equal force, i(^ ^ ^ jSam pat, teng*. Sin puh ting, ^ ^ ,@,^ Hdung pin* jSZ ji. Lidng pien sz i. Balanced, charged Math equal weights, i^^ ,kwaa jP'ing. Kiun p'ing, %)^j:^^ 'ching kwo' ,kwan chung*. Ching kwo kiun chung ; regulated, so as to be equal, fft^^j;^^ 'leung 'ch6 ,kwan jP'ing. Lidng ch6 kiun p'ing, "f^'^J^^ 'sz kwo' ^wan ^p'ing. Shi kwo kiun p'ing, i^ ^ ^ ^ ,kwan jP'ing jm6 ,p'in. Kiun p'ing wd p'ien. Balancer, the person who weighs, ^ ^ ch'ing' 'shau. Ch'ing shau, ^ '^] ^ ch'ing' mat^ 'ch6. Ch'ing wuh ch6, ff J^jK^ ch'ing' mat, ke'. Balance fish, hammer-headed shark, Zygaena, -^-p tW^ ,kung 'tsz m6* ^shk. Kung tsz mdu sh4. Balance knife '^^^ Jii^ , on peng' ,chi ^ib 'tsai. Ngdn ping chi tdu tsz. Balancing, charging with equal weights, fi|^^ J;^ ^ 'cliing 'l^ung 'ch6 ,kwan chung*. Ching lifeag ch^ kiun chung ; settling, as an account, '^ !^ ^ts'ing sh6'. Ts'ing su ; hesitating, ^ ^ ,wdi ,1. Hwdi i. Balaustine, the wild pomegranate-tree, ^ ^ ^If^ ^ ^6 shekj jlau shu* ,meng. Y6 shih lid shd ming. Balbucinate, ") to stammer in speaking, ^ nut,. Balbutinate, ) Nuh, P0J 'hau nut^. K'au nub, |i- HP£ shltj ,t'au chung*. Sheh t'au chung, |^ p jlau "hau. Lau k'au, |^ ^ chat, ,in. Chih ven, m MKil >'i .k'i ngdi* ngdi*. K'i k'i f i, p pg 'hau hat,. K'au k'ih. Balcony ^ ^ ,t'in jt'oi. T'ien t'di. Bald, a bald head, -Jts^, ,kwong ,t'au. Kwdng t'att, m ,t'ui. T'di, j^ B^ t'uk, .t'au. T'uh t'au, gg hat,. K'ili, (5^ kw'an'. Kw'an, ^ ^ 5^ ^wo sh^ung* jt'au. Ho shfing t'au ; without hair, ^ t'uk,. T'uh, ^:^| t'uk, k'it,. T'uh kieh, ^ tat,. Tub, fl hat,. K'ih, |j^|g ,t'dn wan*. T'un hwan, 1^ hot,, iloh ; p. bald forehead, fg kon. Kdn ; partially bald, |^ 'chan. Chin, flji^i^ ,t'au fdt, ,8ho. T'au fdh sd ; a bald pate, j/^ -^ t'uk, 't«8. T'uh tsz, ^ ^ t'uk, ,yung. T'uh ung ; a bald pated priest, ^S)t-^ t'uk, ,n6 'tsz. T'uh nd t«z ; a bald headed crane, || t'uk,. T'uh. ;f||f t'uk, BAL (181) JgAL ^ts'au. T'uh ts'iu ; naked, |^ 'lo. Lo, ^ i^^^ 'lo ch'ik^. Lo cb'ih, ^ fl 'lo 't'ai. Lo t'i, ^ ^JJ/; t'ut, ch'ik, Mk,. T'oh ch'ih leh, ^.% ch'ik, ^shan. Ch'ih shin ; audacious, ff^ 'k5m. Kdn, ^Hl[j[ 'tdm 'k6m. Tin kan ; without ear or awn, ^^ ^ ^ jHid jS6 jm5 ^ts'^ung. Wu sii wu ts'idng. Baldachin, a structure in the form of a canopy, sup- ported by columns, ^ jt'ing. T'ing ; canopy (in China), $$^ 'kam jt'ing. Kin t'ing. Balderdash, mean, senseless prate, §1, jilt S^ liin' k5m' ngap^, ^ H ?K 1^ ^S^^, ,^^^ ^^gap, sz'. U »KM. fat, ngap, ^fung. Balderdash, to mix or adulterate liquors with wa- ter, iit ;4^ ^ V® ^^ '^^"^ <^'^" 'tsau. I shwui k'ii tsiii. Baldhead, a man bald on the head, -^ gj^ ^kwong jt'au. Kwang t'au, ^ sM, t'uk^ ^t'au. T'uh t'au. Baldmony, gentian, ff^^ jlu'^g 't6m *ts'5. Lung tdn ts'du. Baldness, loss of hair through disease, j^W ^ ^^^^ jt'au j^ung. Ldn t'au ydng, ^ 'pi. Pi, j{/^ ^kii. Ku, ^ 'fo. K'o, ^ ^nga. Ya ; loss of hair, :5t IS ^ jkwong jt'au fat,. Kwdng t'au fab ; meanness or inelegance of writing, j^, -f^ chiit, tsok,. Cbueh tsoh, ^ ^ liit, jUian. Liueh M^an. Bald pated, see Bald. Baldrick, a richly ornamented belt, ^ ^ ^ ^J^^S jhung tdi'. Ying hiung tai. Bale, a package, '^ |-^ ,pau Hsai. Pdu tsz ; a bale of goods, — -^ ^ yat, ,pdu fo'. Yih pAu ho ; a bale of. cotton, — '^tS^ yat, ,pdu ^min /a. Yih pdu mien hwd ; a bundle tied together with ropes, — ffl yat, 'kw'an. Yih kw'an. Bale, to make up in a bale, ^J '^^ 'td ^pdu. Td pdu. Baleful, producing mischief or misery, ^Sj^ ,shang ,tsoi. Sang tsai, ^ SJl chi' ,tsoi. Chi tski, ^ ,hung. Hiung, ^ jeung. Ydng; pernicious,^ ^ ^^ 'siin hoi^ tik,. Sun h&,i tih, ^ ^{j tuk^ tik^. Tub tih ; baleful influence, ^ :^ (hung ^kdu. Hiung kidu, V^f[f^'P^p^ 'hb ^kw'an pun', M.'^Plt .sh^ung ,fung tsuk, k^', ^ ^.1^ ,f«ng tsukj tik,. Pdi fung sub tih ; a baleful star, ^ ^ shdt, (Sing. Shdh sing, |2<| ^ ,hung ^sing. Hiung sing. 3alefully, sorrofully, ^ jfA jau ^In. Yu jen ; per- niciously, j^ ^ ^^ 'sun hoi' tik,. Sun hdi tih ; in a calamitous manner, ^."^ ^bung^In. Hiung jen. Balefulness, destructiveness, '^ ^ ^ ^sh^ung hoi' 5ch6. Shdng hdi 'ch^, S^ ^ ,tsoi hoi'. Tsai hdi, j^fjS c^soi wo'. Tsdi ho. Baling ^ ^ 'td ^pau. Ta,pdu, ff ^ ^ 'td ^pdu 'ch6. Td pdu ch6. Balister, a crossbow, 1^ 'nb, Nu ; to shoot a balis- ter, j^ ^ fong' %5. Fdng nu. Balistes, file-fish, ^] ^y^ mok,,jp'i;jyj^ung. Moh p'i y&,ng. Balistic platform ^^ 'n5 ^t'oi. Nii t'di. Balize, a sea-mark, ^\ f^ |^ 'yan jShiin h5\ Yin ch'uen hdu, s^,;i^^ 'ts'in 'shui h6^ Ts'ijen shwui pdi' hdu, ^ ^ 1^ shek, ^p'ai h6'. Shih p'ai hdu. Balk, a gi'eat beam, H^^i^ tung' jleung. Tung bang; a frustration, ^^ ^ 'cho chai'. Tsii chi ; disap- pointment, ^ H mitj mong'. Mieh wdng, |^i| tsvitj mon^. Tsiueh wdng, ^ P§- tj^ 'td ,m chung', ^ [I§ ^ jmau ^m ^shing. Mau [;f ] puh ching; a thing left untouched, like a ridge in ploughing, ^ i^ shat, tf. Shih ti, 7|^7i^^^i% mi' ^chlm 'shau ^chi mat^. Wi chen shau chi wuh. Balk, to disappoint, ^PS,^W, t^'o jin p'dn' mong*. T'li jen p'an wdng, ^ A t'am' j-an; to frustrate, tM ^M (tarn kokj. Tan koh ; to miss or omit, g|| jlai. Ldi ; to pile up, as in a heap, *^^ ,tui tsik,. Tiii tsih ; to turn aside, "ff i^ jhang ^mdi. Hang mdi; death balks no creature, ^T^li^:^ 'sz pat, man' ^meng. Sz puh wan ming, '^^ jf^ \ 'sz pat, shi' jan. Sz puh shi jin, ^'g .^^ ^ J/^ \ 'sz pat, ^p'in ^ii ^yan. Sz puh p'ien yu jin. Balked, disappointed, ^ V^ ^ pdi' kwo' mong*. Pdi kwo wdng ; frustrated, |H ^ ^^ ^tdm kok, kwo' ; omitted, p|| '^ jlai kwo', ;S gg ji^ jmong kf kwo'. Ball, a round body, ^ -^ jk'au 'tsz. K'iu tsz, 1^ kuk,. Kuh,* ^ kuk,. Kuh, ^ % kuk jiin. Kuh yuen, |^ jk'au. K'iii, j^ ^ ^p'i jk'au. P'i k'iu ; a silk or cotton ball, ^ ^ ^ jmin ^slia jk'au. Mien slid k'iu ; an India rubber ball, i0^ )l^ ^ shii' chap, jk'au. Shu chili k'iu ; a ball made of thread, ^^^ ^ sin' ^k'au. Sien k'iu ; afoot ball, ^% t'ek, jk'au. T'lh k'iu; to play at ball, tj- ^ 'td jk'au. Td k'iu ; to kick a ball, ^ % t'ek, jk'au. T'ih k'iu, I^D tsuk, kuk„ (^ ^ t'dp, kuk,. T'ah kuh ; to throw the embroidered ball (to choose a husband), ||^ ||| ^ ^p'au sau' jk'au. P'du siu k'iii ; the globe or earth, i^^ ti^ jk'au. Ti k'iu ; the eye ball, 8^ gj^ 'ngdn jk'au. Yen k'iii; a cannon ball, -5^ ^,^ p'au' 'ma. P'au md ; a musket ball, ^^ ^ tan' 'tsz. Tan tsz, ^ ^ jiin ^md. Yuen md, ^ JH s^^"^ ^^^n' ; an iron baU or bullet, ^5f fit, tan% T'ieh tan ; the ball of the hand, |||^|| ,kai pi ,ch'ui. Ki pi ch'ui; to roll into a ball, :j^ jt'un. T'un ; do not roll your rice into a ball, M^^ ^mb jt'iin fan'. Wd t'un fan. Ball, an entertainment of dancing, ^^^ t'iii' 'td jShan, i^^ t'iu'yeuk,. T'idu yob, # flij ,sin ^sin. Sien sien. Ballad, a song, ^ huk,. K'iuh,^ ,ko. Ko, ^ |^ ,ko ,8hi. Ko shi, ^ tt ,ko jiu. Ko ydu, ^pf ^o kung' ; juvenile ditties, ^ fg s^'u^g jiu. T'ung ydu; satirical ballads, ||,!^IJ fung'ts'z'. Fung ts'z; strange ballads, '|^ |^ kwdi' jiii. Kwdi ydu ; a little ballad, il# ts'6' lung'. Ts'du lung, /\^ ^ 'siu huk,. Sidu k'iuh ; a cheerful ballad, ji^ ,^ 'kai ^sam. Kidisin; to sing ditties and ballads, Pi^ /{v #. cli'^ung' mukj ,ii. Ch'ang muh yu. Ballad-maker, a composer of ballads, \^ ^ ^ tsok, ,ko 'ch6. Tsoh ko cM, ^^Z k ts^' ,1^0 ,chi ,yan. T»o ko ghi jia. r.\L (132) HAM lJalbul-siiig:cr, a femulo wliosu einploymeiit it is to sing balbds ^k ,1<" '"»• ^^^ "'•' ^%Wi S^ '^"• 3vo fi'i ; Ji prostitute soiv«»trcs.s, ^); j^ ,ko ki' ; a in lie balhid-siiiij'er, ^ -f- ko 'ts/. Ko tsz ; ju- v.jiiilc ditto, ^ % ko jt'img. Ko t'ling ; a band o." female ballad-singoi-s, — Jj| ^ :^ yat, .pan ,ko 'nil. Yih pan ko nil. Ballast f^k f^\ ^i at. ^ts'ong shck^. I'i'i Is'/mg sliib, f;H 11^^ /liiin chui'.' Cb'iicn clini, g] j^ :^ .ts'ong 'tai slick,. Ts'ang ti s'.iib, -"'U rff ,slia eliuui;'. Slia clmng, •<,] ten.i,'. Tiiig, -J^^ ten-'. 'Jin-, ii\ ^ jsliin teng'. Cl.'iicn ling, J)^ * , Jli. Ballast, to place heavy substances in the bold of a ship to keep it fro-.u oversetting, ^ fj', teng',shim. Ting cli'ucn, J§ ff' tang' jShi'in. Tang eli'uen ; to steady or keep a lliiiig steady, *^ \^ teng' ebii'. Ting chu -, ditto a ship, ^ji.f;{fj teny' chiV , Ting chu eirucn. Ballasted, furnished \vithballa.«:t, '^Wf\ ^ 'fan tan' yix. Tan t ii pan. Ball-cock %i^\ y-Aw chat,, |g| \iX ^im chat,. Yuen chill, 'j^ /j< p ^ sak, 'shui 'liau jk'au. Sell slnvui k'au k'iu, ff. ,j^ ui{ ,fau jUiug ^t'au. I'au lung i'au. Ballet, a dance, 1^1^11 Rl ^''i^' '^''^ ,«!»""• Ballistic t , pciiaining to the balista, or the art of shooiing davls, 1j^^ ^ ^ fong' 'no ,ehi fat,. IVing nii ihi li'.i. Balloon, any spherical, hollow body, /^ ^ ,li"i^,? jk'au. Hung k'iu ; a gla^s receiver, of a splierical, mi ^^( j'ln tsang'. Yuen tsang; a game, ^1 ^Ij^ 'la jk'uu hi'. Til k'iu hi; an air-balloon, ^ "^ hi' ,k'au. K'i k'iu ; a balloon filled with hy- d.ogen gas, j|i^ ^ l^ Jicng hi' ,k'au. K'iug k'i t'ung, ^ $9. ^ shau' p'iu' jt'ungr Shau p'iau t'.mg. Balloting, voting by ballot, ^^J- ,t'au ^k'au 'tsz. 'I'au k'iu tsz; ditto by ticket, J(JX j^H »t'»" P''"^'- T'au p'iaii. Balm, the juice of shrubs or trees remarkably odori- ferous, :gp !JJ'|- heung liu*. llijing liau, ^ i^ (?) ,lsai ,ning. Tsz ning; balm of Gilead, a plant of the genus amyris ^, ^ ^ , heung yeuk,. Uiang yi'h, ^ yt^ , heung , van. Iliiingyii; any thing which soothes pain, ^^|j^ 'fu t'ung' yeuk^. Fii t'ling yob ; anything which mitigates sorrow, |te fl;t south buldom lucd for buIluBt. 1 Como write tlas word with only one 1. Balsamic, a warm, stimulating, demulcent medicine, of a smooth and oily consistence, ^ '^ 'i)6 'fo. Pu ho, m%^ Z^ .V""' .cli'eung wai' ^ehl ycukj. Yun cirang Avei chi yob. Balsainine |^ fjlj V\ fung' ,sin ,fa. Fung sicn hwft, i^ ^ ^^ ^tang 'cban ,fii. Tang chan hwii, ^'j i\\ ^fi Ipchi klip, ,fj\. Chi kiiiU hwii. Baltic : ^m ,tung'lioi. Tung hai, .*Jf,^ni)J$ Po lotik Mioi. Polotih liiii. Baliistmde ^yff jhin kon. lAw k4:i, |g lam'. Lin. Bamboo, a plant of the reed kind, or genus arundo, Yi chuk,. Chub, fi ^ chuk, shu*. Chub shvi ; fixodiia 80, 34. Kzck. If .0. Ts. 133,3. \ [ lowc) « used Uy tlii» CLincee to stnin the naU of their finfj. crs w.lh, hour iiil lUid name, tliougU bcluDjjing to diffcxeut B|H!Ci. ■. I imsi,zz^^M'^z,n' BAH (133) BAN joiutless ditto, Mffj ft (mo tsit, clmk,. AVii tsieli chuh, ■%^'^Yf Jcwoiig kwan' eliiik,. K\\ ang kwan cliuh, if-k^Yf ,kAAong ^slian chiik.. IvAvAng shin chuh, j;|.^fitt 'fi'i ,yau chuk^. IIu k'iu chuh : em- press [spotted] ditto, J^ft cP'"^ chuk^. Pan chuh, ytl ^B "tt ,s<^'iina ffi chuk,. Slang fi chuh ; hlack ditto, ^ YS '^^^ chu'c,. Tsz chuh ; yellow ditto, ^ Yf kam cliuk^. Kin chuh ; Whanghi ditto, ^ijli lit tt ^»t, 't'6 chuk,, Fuh t'li chuh ; pencil- tube ditto, ^'Yf .TOHU cliuk,. Mau chuh ; bamboo ware, Yf^ cliuk^ lii'. Chuh k'i ; bamboo shoots, Yj ^ chukj 'sun. Chuh siun, ^ 'sun. Siun, ^ juin. Pwan, ^ ^ (tung 'sun. Tung siun, ^ ^• jtung ^kwan ; bamboo screens, Yf 1^ chuk^ ,l{ni. Chuh lien ; seeds of the bamboo, Y^ ^" chuk, shat,. Chuh shili, Yi iE /I^ chuk, ,fa luai. Chuh hwa mi ; bamboo splints, Yfl^ chuk, mit^. Chuh mieh ; bamboo poles, Yi ^ chuk^ J chuk, Isek^. Chuh tsih ; outer rind of the bamboo, Yi )'m chuk, /u. Chuh fii ; internal coat of ditto, 3^ ^fii. Fii ; a bamboo plantation, Yi^ chuk, ,t'in. Chuh t'ien ; a bam- boo garden, Yi\^\ chuk, ,un. Chuli yuen ; a bam- boo forest, Yi tt^ chuk, Jam. Chuh lin : bamboo arrows, 'j^^ chuk, tsin'. Chuh tsicn, Yl ^ chuk, 'ch'i. Chuh shi ; tabasheer, Yi ^ chuk jWong. Chuli Inviing ; bamboo shoots jji-oservcd in sugar, ^g| 'sun 'fi'i. Siun fu, ^ $^^ mat, tsin' 'sun. Mill tsieu siun : slips of bamboo sprouts ready for cooking, ijjj ^ s^ing 'sun. Ming siun ; split bamboo sprouts dried for keeping, 'X ^ 'fo 'sun. llo siun, ^ fi^ 'sun ,kon. Siun kan ; fermented (acidulated) sprouts, |^§^ 'siin 'sun. Swan siun; the sheath of the bamboo which covers the joints of the plant, if^ t'ok,. T'oh : the green tough sldn of the bamboo, which contains silex, ■^ Jvwan. Kiun. Bamboo, to, to punish witli the bamboo, tT IR 'iF' • 'ta 'pan 'tsz. Ta pan tsz, Yi\^ chuk, 'pan. Chuh pan, ;J5§ ;|;|> ^ch'ui p'ok,. Ch'ui p'oh. Bamboo-rat Yi Mk ^1'"K shil. Ciiuh shu. Bamboozle, to deceive, lj|!)||;| ^mun p'in'. Mwan p'ien, B^li li^"S' p'in'- Hung p'ien. Bamboozler, a cheat, [jla, A^lt ""'"^Is jyan ke', HA ^ p'in' jan 'che. P'ien jin clie. Ban, a public proclamation or edict, •^ tjV ko' shi^ Kau shi, J^. p^ sheung' ii'. Shang yi'i ; an edict of interdiction or proscription, ^ ||j^ kam' i''. Kin yu, ^ 0g kam' chiu'. Kin chau ; curse, ^ gg. chau' clio'. Cliau tsu j excommunication, ^ "l* ^ -^ chuk, ch'ut, ,kung ui'. Chiih ch'uh kung hwui; a fine muslin, imported from the East Indies, ;j^ ^ ,rain ,slui. Mien slia. Banana "g ,pa. Pa, "^ ji^ ,pa ^tsiii. Pa tsiAu. Banco, a coui't sitting in banco, |P o] ^ '^ 'sham ^sz jts'ai ui'. Shin sz ts'i hwui ; a bank, ^ ^ ^ fy ui' '11 ,ngan (hong. Hwui li yin hdng. Banco, a term denoting the bank money of Ham- burg, Pj^ th ^^ m M m 'ii f)i \\\ t^^mn^:^ banco, Hamp'ok lii' "li ^^ 'siii tki'. Siau tai, —%^\ if yat, .t'iii tai' 'tsai. Yih t'idu tai tsz ; a wrist baud, ;fj^ k'ii. K'ii. Band, to bind together, |j f^| 'ta /li. Ta hu: to unite in a troop, ^ ,kw'an. K'iun, ^ $ Jeople of sou- thern latitudes, and those who have seen men from the north, generally call tlie bandages for the legs }ii}i> f^- BAN ' ^ ' ' Bandage, to bandage the feet, jj^ j^ jCh'in k^uk,. Ch'en kioh, ^ ^ ,pJiu k^uk,. Pdu kioh, ^ ^ *kwo k6uk . Ko kioh, :^ ^ 'kwo tsuk . Ko tfluh. Bandana, ') handkerchiefs, ^ ^ rfl hokj ,yung Bandanna, ) ,kan. Hoh jung kin. Banda-soap tf ^ytft tau' k'au' jau. Tau k'au yii. Bandbox, a slight paper box, ^ ^ 'chi h6pj. Chi hoh ; a hat or bonnet box, i)>'^ ^ m5' h^P^- Mdu hoh. Banded, bound with a band, ^j^ 'pong kwo*. Pdng kwo, li i^ ,ch'In kwo'. Ch'en kwo, ^| ^ /d kwo'. ilu kwo, Ifg j;^ 'kw'an kwo'. Kw'an kwo, tr i^ ^ 'tA kwo' ,fu. TA kwo hu ; united in a band, ^. ;Hg — • f^ tsii^ jmdi yat, 'fo. Tsii mdi yih '^O' Jii^^ — ^ c^hing jmdi yat, 'tong. Ching mdi yih tdng, ^ ^Jj^ ^kau ch'iin' kwo'. Kau ch'uen kwo. Banding, binding with a band, |^ ^^ ^ '^ 'i tdi' 'pong chii'. I tdi p6ng chii ; uniting in a band or company, ^ ^ — !j!| tsii* ^mdi yat, 'fo. Tsii mdi yih ho, ^;^ — ^ tsii' ^mdi yat^ ui*. Tsii mdi yih hwui. Bandit (plural, Bandits, Banditti), a robber, ^ ^ Ti lui^ Fi lui, |j{ H ts'ak, 'fi. Ts'ih fl, || ^ 'fi ,t'6. Fi t'd, ^ Ijj^ t6' ts'kk^. Tdu ts'ih, ^ IJ^ k'au' ts'fek^. K'au ts'ih, || ^' 'fi 'tong. Fi tdng, ^ gl di^ 'fi. Hwui fi. 111 ^ ^shfm ts'dk,. Shdn ts'ih, ^^ ye^ ^mo. Y6 mo, JK, ^ 'shii ^rao. Shu mo, ^ ^ 'shii sit,. Shii tsieh, ^ #J 'kau ,t'au. Kau fan, ^ji) '^ 'kau t5'. Kau tdu, g % pdk^ chong^. Feb chwdng, ^ g| Jau 'fi. Lid fl ; a highway man, % 5$ 16' ts'dk^. Ld ts'ih, tT^'i* Pit 'td k6uk, kwat, k^', tT iS "^ 'td kang' \€, fj" ^ P^ 'td kang' k6', Ife Jil§ PiJt tsit, 16' \e, ± H 't'6 'fi. T'd fi, 2tS llli B ^ 'P^^ ti' ok, j6. Pdn ti ngoh y6 ; a burglar, fT ^ ^^ P^ 't& ,ming 'fo k^' ; a pirate, % \^ 'hoi ts'ak,. Hdi ts'ih, -jjC ^ 'shui k'au'. Shwui k'au, % % 'hoi k'au'. Hdi k'au ; a marauder, 5§'^ ,k'6ung tb^ K'idng tdu, "A '^ tdi* t6^ Td tdu, ^ ^ 'ts'd k'au'. Ts'du k'au, Hp.p; kii' 'fi. Kii fi, %% tsik, 'fi. Tsih fi; an old robber, ^ ^^JJ '16 ts'dk^. Ldu ts'ih, %^ ^ ts'dk, ,kung. Ts'ih kung ; one who enters a house by, getting over a wall, ^^^ ^tang ,t'in ts'^k,. •-Tatig t'ien ts'ih ; house-breakers, %\ f| fijjf ,hoi . .^luhg ts'dkj. K'di lung ts'ih ; a rascal, ^ff ts'dk^ 'tsai. Ts'ih tsz ; to tura bandit, ^ ^ tsb^ ts'dk,. Tso tsMh. Bandlet, \ any little band or flat njolding, |g| ^ t£ Bandelet, / ji^,n ttt^ ,fii. Yuen yueh.hwd. Btipdog, a large, tierce kind of dog, ;Ac J^ ^ tdi* | 'mang '^kau. Td mang kau, •)ecame a blessing to ten thou- sand, — fct^ Wll ttt;^5^i * vat, shai' ,chi hoi' mdn' shai' ^chl 11'. Yih shi chl hdi win shi chi 11 ; gaming is the bane of all youth, ^ ^ ^ |^ ^ ittfil l^a"' ,8hang ^chi hoi"ch6 't6 pok, 'yd. Hau sang chi hdi ch6 td poh y^ ; extravagance is the bane of evil society, ##^ J^ j^^.f .-tfe, ,ch'd 'ch'i 'ch^ pdi' tsuk^ ^chl ^-Im^yd. Ch'd ch'i chd pdi sub chl hwKn y^. Baneful, poisonous, ^ tuk^. Tuh, ^ P^ tuk, kd' ; destnictive, ^ hoi'. Hdi; a pernicious fellow, if^ ^"i^ A c^am tukj kd' ^yan. Sin tuh tih jin; bane- ful influence, H A ""iE t^^j ^^"^ k^'. ^ ^ ^lau tukj. Liu tuh ; a baneful star, ^ ^ ,hung ,8ing. Hiung sing, ^ ^ shdt, ^sing. Shdli sing. Banefulness, poisonousness, ^ tuk,. Tuh, '|^ hoi'. Hdi, 1^ ^ ^sliidung hoi'. Shdng hdi. Bang, to beat, as with a club or cudgel, ^ 'h6m. Hdn, ;gJC 'h6m. Hdn, tl 't^- Td, ^ 't6. Tdu, ^ 'tam, -^1^ ^kwang k'oi'. Kwangk'di ; to thump, # i P'ung' chduk,. P'ung choh, ^ ^ p'ung' chduk,. P'ung choh ; to beat or handle roughly, ^^ 'tam ,shan, ^"^ 'tam kwat, ; to treat with violence, |g Hi' ^ JJQ jCh'ui jt'au 'tam ^6 ; bang up, 4^ # ^ ^^ :^ hok^ jShi ,hing chong pdn'. Hioh shi hing chwdng pdn.^Uf .te'ii ^shi. Ts'a shi. Bang, a blow with a club. ^J" — m 'ti yat, ,ch'ui. ■ Td 'ui, tT-^ H 'td yat, .ot'ui. Td* yih ch^^i ; soimd of the discharge of a cannon, ^ kwang. Kwang, ^^'^^ kwang ,kwang ,shing. Kwaag kwang filling. Banging ;A: tii'. Td, ^_% ,ts'6 tsuk^. Ts'd suh. Bamgle, to waste by little and little, to squandor carelessly, % J^ fai fok,. Hwui hoh, :^ ^ ^\\ fai'. Hwd fei, :|^-^ long* fai'. Ldng foi, ;^ )[| long* yung*. Ling yung. Bangle, an ornament worn upon the arms and ankles, ^dk. Ngeh. ; r-7- •■■•iij r— ^ -— * Said of the Orcat Wall. irh'oM construction De«rlr zuined a gencntion, but became a bles&ing to maxt^- fHitm* seatntioac. B.A.^"r- Bangiue, ") the leaf of a kind of hemp, used for its Bangi ) narcotic qualities, ]^^ jind ip^. M^ yeh. Baniah, a class of Hindoo traders, ^ ^ ^ ]^ ^ T'inchuk kwok^ ^sh^ung hdk^. T'ienchuh kwoh shdng k'eh. Banian (banyan) tree, ^^ Jung 8hu^ Yung shii; a baniian with long rootlets, ^ ij^ -^ J^t^S ^^^^ jkung. Yung shii kung ; banian days, days on which seamen are allowed no meat, ^ ^ ^chdi ,k'l. Chdi k'i. Banish, to condemn to exile, ^ 5§; ff teng^ '^hln t8ui^ Ting k'ien tsiii, ^|^ f^ teng- ^kwan tsui". Ting kiun tsiii, ^;$fgfp teng^ ^lau ts1ii^ Ting liii tsiii, ^ ^ 'hin fong'. K'ien fang, ^^H teng^ jt'6 tsiii". Ting t'li tsiii ; to banish to the military colonies or colonial garrisons, 5^ ^ man^ 'hin. Wan k'ien, ^ ^ man* ^kwan. Wan kiun, ^ ^ ^ch'ung kwan. Ch'ung kiun, |^ ^ ^ fat, kik^ jpin. Fab kih pien, P j(f|»^^ 'hau ngoi' ^^ch'ung jkwan. K'au wai ch'ung kiun ; to banish to an- other province, f^ ^ man' ^au. Wan liii ; to banish to a neighbouring district, 5^^ man- jt'6. Wan t'li ; to banish the devU, ^ ^ chuk, 'kwai. Chuh kwei, ^ J^ 'kon 'kwai. Kan kwei ; ditto malign spirits, ^ /]■» ^ ^1^ sung' 'siii ^sing jshan. Sung sidu sing shin, j^f^ P |ft shiii ^miin 'hau 'chi. Shdu mun k'au chi, ^^ 'kdi 'sai. Kiai si; to expel one from one's own country, ^tt|2fS^ chukj ch'ut, 'piin 'king. Chuh cli'uh piin king ; to banish (as Imd men from one's society), '^ ^ fong' jlau. Fang liii; to banish virtue, j(^ |ffi chdk^ tak^; Tseh teh ; to banish one's self, ^^ 2ji i^^i 'piin 'king. Li piin king, %^^^m ^ ^ man' 'bin 'che. Wan k'ien che, f^ ^ man' ^kwan. Wan kiun, B0 ^ :^ man^ ^kwan *ch6. Wan kiun ch6, ^ M .ch'unsr ,kwan. X 1, Ch'ung kiun, ^^ '^ man ^lau. Wan liii, f^ ^ man* jt'6. Wan t'li ; the banishment of danger from fire, j^ j/C j^ sung' 'fo ^tsoi. Sung ho tsai ; the banishment of devils, ^ ^ chukj 'kwai. Chuh kwei ; expulsion from one's own country, ^ {jj 4C i^ chuk^ ch'ut, ^piin 'king. Chuh ch'uh piin king. Bank, of a river, ^ ngon*. Ngdn, j^rJ" ^ ^ho ngon*. Ho ngdn, i^ jngdi. Ydi, ^^ ^ho^kon. Ho kan, jX -T" ^ ,pan. Pin, j^ jp'an. P'in, 'i^Jasi. Pan, i^ ^fan. (136 5 BAN' Pan, '^ 'li. Hii, '■}j^^ ^kong ^k6. Kidng kdu, ^^^ koi. Kai, :^ || ^shd sin'. Sha sien, y^ ^shun. Shun ; a dam for water, ^ pok,. Kioh, ^ ^ki. Ki, P^ /ong. Pdng, "^ 'fdn. Pdn, ^ 'In. Yen, M 'fan. Pdn, ;% 'chi. Chi, i^ ^^ ,po 'fdn. Po fdn, j^ ^t'ai. T'i, j^ f^ ,t'ai ngon*. T'i ngdn, ^ |55r ,t'ai /ong. T'i fang. '^ g .ki jWai. Ki wei, ]^ ^k'i. K'i, ^ 'lung. Lung, j^f ^ .ii ngon*. Yii ngdn, |^ jling. Ling, ^ piii'. Pei, ffl SJ^ ,t'in ^ki 16*. T'ien ki lu, fy .ting. Ting, ^ lik^. Lib ; a company of persons concerned in a bank, @ ^H ^ ^7 ^i" "^1 i^S'^^^ j^ong. Hwui li yin hdng; the place where the collection of money is deposited, §^|7 jiigan jhong. Yin hdng, ^^^ ^ngan p'6'. Yin p'li, §J| ^ ,ngan ho*. Yin hdu, #1 ^ jts'in p'6'. Ts'icn p'li, ^ |£ jts'in ^chong. Ts'ien chwdng, §^ jj ciigan tim'. Yin tien ; the Bank of England, A^HlBtT Tdi* Jing kwok, jUgan jhong. Td Ying kwoh yin hang ; bank for loans, ^ ^ fj tse' ,ngan .hong. Tsie yin hkng, ^iStr k'it, ,ngan jiong. Kieh yin hdng, ^ ^ ^1 mdi* ,ngan p'6'. Mdi yin p'li, ;^ ^^ g| k'it, ,ngan p'6'. Kieh yin p'li ; a stand on which pa- per is laid in the process of being printed |f^ ^ 'chi kd'. Chi kid. Bank, to raise a dike, ^^j^ chuk^ ^ki pok,. Chuh ki kioh, ^ hap^. Hidh. Bank-bill, bank-note, )^ j^gan 'chi. Yin chi ; a bill of exchange, 1^ ^. ui' .tdn. Hwui tdn, ^|^ jUgan ^tdn. Yin tan, g ^ ui^ .tan. Hwui tdn ; notes issued by native bankers, §^ ^ jUgan p'iii' Yin p'idu, ^ ^ jts'in p'iu'. Ts'ien p'idu ; notes issued by imperial authority, ^ ^ jts'in ch'du'. Ts'ien ch'du, ^U^ ch'au' 'chi. Ch'du chi ; those used during former dynasties, jj^ ^ ^ch'ii pai*. Ch'ii pi. Bank-book, a book in which the officers of a bank enter the debit and credit of a customer, ;^|2^ ^ .tang ki' ^ngan p6*. Tang ki yin pii, j^ ^ jp'ang p6*. P'ang pu. Banker, one who keeps a bank, §J tr ^ ») '^ i^S^^ .hong ,kung ^sz. Yin hdng hung sz, ^jj ^ ^ BM. ^ngan hong* sz* ^t'au. Yin hdng sz t'au, ^^ ff ^ ^ sUgan jhong ,tung ^kd. Yin hang tung kia ; native ditto, #^'^'|^^ s^gan p6' ,tung ^kd. Yin + The two charaters 4V t»J are at present applied to both a com- pany, a hong, or the proprietor of such an establishment. BAN (130) BAN p'li tunc; kiii, ^'^^Dp jtigan p'6' sz' ,t'au. Yin p'li sz t'au, ^. ^it ifl ^; .ngati p'o' ,tunj? 'chu. Yin p'li tung chu. gj- %{ ^ts'oi ,tung. TsVii tung. Bank-note, a promisory note, payable on demand, issued by a banking company, ^ j(i\ ,ngan 'chi. Yin chi'; (see Bank-bill): Bankrupt, an insolvent debtor, ^ 'ij ^ 't6 jliong 'ch6. T4u hing ch4, :}^ ;^i #. ^7 chit, 'pun ke^ jhong. Cheh piin tih hang, ^] ^ P|E • 't?) ,p'un k&\ m IPlt 't6 tsJ)' ke', ^^^ pjii' ,p'un 'cli6. Pai p\rdii die, i5^'(l)t .fai .hung ke', ^ HJj; t'ui' k6uk,. T'ui kioh ; to be bankrupt, -^J ?7 n^ 'to ,hong k6\ ^ A (if'f chit, 'pun fik,. Cheh pun tih, ^J >}± ili) 'to tso' tik,. Tau tsilu tih. Bankruptcy, the act of becoming a bankrupt, |^ 'rf H6 jhong. Ttiu hang, ^\ >)± 'to ts6\ Tau tsau, ^ ^ pdi' jp'i'm. P.'ii pvvVm ; he has failed, fBl^Xt ^k'ii 't6 tso'. K'ii tiiu tsau. Bankrupt-law, ^;^'i^ ^\ chit, 'pun lut, lai*. Cheh piin liuh li. Bankrupt-system, a system of laws and legal pro- ceedings in regart to bankrupts, ifff :^i ^ ^ i^\ chit, 'piin ,chi ,k\v'ai lai*. Cheh pun chi kw'ei li, i i^ ir ^' "fc 'ili I^J teng' chit, 'pun ke' ,k\v'ai lai\ Ting cheh pun tik kw'ei li. Bank-stock, a share or shares in the capital stock of a bank, ^^ ^7 ;jjij ^ ,ngan jhong 'kii fan'. Yin hiing ku fan, |;(t HI ^}i 'ff Z 'M 0> ^'^i' '^' «"San jhong chi 'ku fan'. Banner Jgl ,k'i. iCi, jg ^ .tsing ^k'i. Tsing k'i ; a superstitious banner with dragons and tortoises on it, ^ chili*. Chau ; banners carried by a son at his father's funeral, i^'^ jj^ chiu' /an Cliau fan, 1^ ^ .fan ,kon. Fan kan, ^J{ i^ }j$ .cliiii ,wan ,fan. Chau hwan fan, V?s j^ ,ling .h'\u. Ling fan, ^ in .ts'eng ,fan. Ts'ing fan, 1^ ^ ,fan ,kon. Fan kan ; a banner used AvheU calling statesmen, jjg ,chin. Chen, f^ ^mb. Mau, ,chin. Chen ; a Td fii is ordered by a plain banner, ^ J^ IJ ;^ ^ chin 'i ,(!h'iu tai- .fii. Chen i ch'au td fii ; a banner used in hunting, ^ ,fai. Hwui ; when hunting in the fields is to com- mence the tdi' ,fai is raised, 5^ :;^ 1^ ffl kin' tai' fai ji ,t'in. Kien ta hwui i t'ien ; the great banner of an anny, ^ tuk,. Tub, £| tuk,. Tub, ± J^ tai' ^k'i. Ta k'i, iz ^ B t^i' tuk, ,k'l. Ta tub k'i ; a banner used by the liter- ati upon their appointment to an office, ]|fe t tsii'. Tsli ; a banner with bells attached to it, and used by ofiicers of high rank, jfjj- ,k'i. K'i ; a banner having plumes and used when raising an army or for encouraging the troops, jj^ .tsing. Tsing, "^ sui'. Sui ; banners and streamers floating in the ^•ind, iti m y^ ."«• K'i "^ mum ts^ 'p'" *pdi 'ha. KM pfii pW hifi ; a banner unfurled, ^ .ahi. Shi, MPj^J <:)^ '^1'^" .^'o> <^'''' y^' Chen k'hi chi k'i ; a banner signalizing a victory, m ^ 16* po'. Lu pu; banncrmcn, //)i ~I» ,k'i lia'. K'i l»i^; to belong to a certain banner, j^ /ai. Ilwui ; a streamer borne at the end of a lance or elsewhere, ^ 'k'ai. K'i, J^ p'lii'. P'ei ; a pennon at the top of the mast of a Chinese boat, ^ SL J^ tcng* ,fung ,k'i. Ting fuug k'i, prize banneis, ^ 1§f^ 'kam .piii. Kin pidu, ^i^ ch'ik, ch'i\ Ch'iii ch'i ; variegated banners, used at weddings, ^fjj^ 'ts'oi ,k'i. TsVii k'i. Bannered, furnished with banners, ^i /^ *yau jk'I. Yi'i k'i. Bannian, dress worn for absorbing perspiration, g^ |^y<^ t'ip, yukj shdm. T'ieh juh sdn, ff f^ hou' jShum. Han san, ^ ff ^<^ kak, lion* ,8ham. Keh hdn san, ff i^ hon' jii. lliin jii, :^ ^ ts'am' ^u. San jii, Ifl fl klip, ,ii. Kiah jii, g^ ^ 'p'i 't'an. P'i fan, |A| ^ noi' ,i. Nui i, ^ << sit, ,i. Sieh f, M f^ tiin shiim. Twdn san, |^ lam^ Li'm. Banquet sj^^ ^ in' 'hcung. Yen hiang, ^ ^* in' jam. Yen yin, ^ \^, 'pai 'tsau. Pai tsiii, |j^ ^ 'tsau in'. Tsii'i yen, |^ jin. Yen, ^^ 'tsautsik,. Tsiu Isih, lil /j^ ,in tsik^. Yen tsiii ; an imperial banquet, fitfJ^ ii' in'. Yii yen; to confer one (as II-I. M.), IJ^ )<^ ts'z' tsik,.* Ts'z Isih ; a banquet given l)y the emjjeror to the tsin sz graduates, j^ 'N^^ jk'ing jlam in'. K'ing Ijn yen; a feast given to the military kii jin graduates, Jj^^ ^^ ^ J'"a ,yeung in'. Ying yang yen ; ditto one given to the literary kii jin graduates, |ijJI|6j'^ luk^ .ni'ng in*. Lull ming yen ; to give a banquet, llfe^ Is'z' in'. Ts'z yen ; to go to a banquet, ^ ^ lii' in'. Fii yen, ^fi ^ 'leng in'. Ling yen : to sit at a banquet, ^ )^ tso' tsik,. Tso tsih, ;^ ^ ,tang tsikj. Tang tsih ; to invite to a bj r.q let, 0^ yg 'ts'eng 'tsau. Ui&i Ui'eng 'yam. • In books /^.\ sliould be substituted for 'b^* t Birds &c. ure i)aiutcd ouit, Ts'ing tsiii, Ts'ing yin. Banquet, to feast, fj^* yg 'yam 'tsau. Yin tsiii, l)"^ ^ ch'eung' 'yam. Ch'jing yin, t^^ 'ht'ung 'tsau. lliang tsiii, •^ ^ shik^ in'. Shili yen. Banqueter, a fei, ^T ^ ^ "Ivt A hu' 'yam shik^ ke' ,yan. Hau yin shih tih jin, flt j^ Y@ ^ ,tdm jii 'tsau shik,. Tan yii tsiii shih. Banqueting, a feast, ^ yg pai 'tsau. Piii tsiii, ^ ^ in' 'yam. Yen via, y^ *yl 'tsau in'. Tsiii yen; principal director of the Banqueting House, -^ Jj^ ^ ^ jk-wong luk, tsz' ,hing. Kw/ing luh tsz k'ing ; vice dii-ector of ditto, -^It^^^}^^ ,kwong lukj tsz' shili' Jiing. Kwiing luh tsz shau k'ing; principal overseer of the Banqueting Ilouse, -^ j|i|c ^F 41 IE ,kwong lukj tsz* 'shU clung'. Kwdng luh tsz slui ching; assistant ditto, -^|^^i|[^ jkwong lukj^ tsz' *shii ^shing. KMong luh tsz sUii ching. Banqueting-housc or hn.ll, ypf |^ 'tsau ,t'ong. Tsiii t'ing, Y^ )i;r 'tsau 'sbo. Tsiii so, yfl ^^ 'tsau ,lau. Tsiii liii, ^^ in' ^dlat,. Yen shilu Banquette, a little raised way running along the inside of a parapet, on Avhieli musketeers stand to iii-c upon the eut;my, ijjg ^ jshiug ^ki. Ching ki. BAN (1 57) BAH cliapj. Shi'mof clia'i ; lock the bnvs, || ^ 'so cluipj. So cliali ; shut the hai*s, [i^^ ,shan cinin,. Swa 1 cliah : arowofhavs hehjw a Aviiirlow, f^ li:iv. Liin, |3|^ u' h'lIn^ 11 u bin ; bar of a ^''''^te, 1^ j^ fit, ^eh'ii. T'ich ch'ii ; a bar or sand bank, y\f ;|| ,sh:i ^t'/m. Sha fan ; a rock in the sea, llff ^^ 6m* jp'iii. Ni?an pMi ; l)ar-boats, Xi| •{'C iSli tuk, 'slnii ,shun. Tub shwui ch'iipn ; bars in ransic, ^ 'k'i. K'i ; a bar of cjokl, -^(^ ,kam jt'ii'i. Kin t'iau, -^ ^.j( kam chiln. Kin cliucn ; a bar of silver, (ct'f^ i^iS^'i f^ Vj>;^ \ fit' ngoi' ^clii ,yan. ilwa wai chi Jin; the foui- bar- barian tribes who formerly surrounded the "^[id- die Kingdom," 0^.^^.^,[^^] ,i,,min,jnng, tik,, [makj]. I, man, jung, tih, [m^h]; the barbar- ians ( and mak) do not know their country, ^|3-'«^n|l) imau mak^ ^m ^clii ,pong. Mau mch Bans, notice of an intention of man'ia<;e, given in a church &c.,^^|^^ ko' kd' ts'a"chd. Kiiukia ts'ii che. Bantam, a (short-legged) cock, ^ ^ 'ai ,kai. Yui kl. Banter, to sport or play, }^ f^ hi' lnng\ Hi Inng. I^.lf fiii wan^ Ilwui hwan, m^f siii' wiV. Siau hwd, HI] ill tsak, k'ek,. Tseh k'lh. Banterer, one Avho laughs at with pleasantry, ^j^^ ^ hi' siii' 'die. Hi'siau che. Ulj f ij \ P|^ tsak, k'ek^ jan ke', ^^ A. ,hi siiV ,yan. lli si.'ui jin. Bantering, laughing ut with a good humor, |^p^| ,fui jbdi. Kwt i hiai. Bantling, an infant, UTt ^ a' ^su. A sii, |^ff ,su 'tsai. Sli tsz, /J^ ^ 'siii ji. Siau rh, yj^ ^ 'siii jhoi. Siiiu hiai. Banyan, see Banian. Baptism, the sacrament of immersion, '^ ifil® tsani' *lai. Tsin li, ;{a jjjii| ^van 'lai. AVan li, ^'^:^n1' slung' tsam' ^chi ^lai. Shing tsin chi li; sprinkling, ^ ilif 'sal lai. Si li, ^ ^ shing' 'sai. Shing s\. y® TJC '^ i[i§ 'sha 'shui ,chi 'lai. Sha shwui chi li. Baptist, a, one who denies the doctrine of infant baptism, ^I'jj^ A K '}^< tuk, tsam' tai" ,yan 'che. Tuh tsin ta.jiu che, ^ j^i '^" //t A A fi tuk^ ,shi tsam' jii tiii" ,yan 'che. Tuli shi tsin yii ta jin che. Baptistical '^i\§^^ tsam' 'lai tik,. Tsiii li tih, ^ .; ^i- Yih pdng kiueh cli'uli lai ; ignorance of letters, 1^^ Vf^ ts'b i6 U\ ^#P^ {i 1^ .hung ok,. Hiung ngoh, ^ |^ ^hung ^mang. Hiung mang, ^Jg ^, P^ ,ts 'un "yan k6', ^ ;i P^ p6- yduk^ ke', 7} ^ /iu ^mdn. Tidu mdn, |f^ |g jlong tsikj. Ldng tsih, J^ ^ jlo^g tuk^. Ldng tub, ^ jl^ 'ts'am huk^. Ts'^n k'uh, ^^ 'ts'dm y^ukj. Ts'an nioh ; savage, Slf Al^ 'y^ (J^^ ^^K- Y6 jin tih, ^ H P^ ,mdn ,i k6'; brutal, ^J ^ hdk, pok^. K'eh poh, f^'I^Pj^t pok^ sing' k6', ^ $\\ ,ho hdk,. Ho k'eh ; ignorant, i^ ^ jii 'ch'un. Yu ch'un, ;|t :^ ^ii chut,. Yu chueh, ^ ^ ^ii miii\ Yu mei ; a barbarous disposition, ^ 'j^ ,mdn sing'. Mdn sing, |g j^i* ^long ^sam. Ldng sin ; a bai'barous wife, a Xanthippe, ^,^ ok, ^fii. Ngoh fii, ^, ^: ok, .ts'ai. Ngoh ts'i, 7} l§ ,tid *fu. Tidu fu, ^ ^ ,radn ,ts'ai. Mdn ts'f, ig ^^ ok, jp'o. Ngoh p'o; unlet! (?red, 'filE jjr ^mb ^man. Wii Avan, ^Itrm^ kang ^fin 'lo.'kang t'ien ldu, PS iilfe -t "ll!t .m shik, tsz' k^', ^.^^yf^^-.-y ^ts'iin ,fu pat, shik, yat, ^ting. Ts'un fii puh shih yih ting, ^ '4'.' pg ,|j]fe ,m{ing tsz' ,m shik,, ^ %^ 5fT »j^ ^ 7JC 't6 tiii' 'm6 tik, mak, 'shui, ^ :^ ^ *in6 tsz' mak,, ^ i"gan. Yin. Barbarously, in tho manner of a barbarian, ^i§f ^H^J; jj^ Ai ,m{m ( 'kbm ydung'. J\i mdn i kin ydng, -^^ S? r "'^■15' ts'z ^mdn 'tsz yat, ,ptin. Sz mdn tsz yih • The aborigines of China aro said \o belong to tho -^aiiino tribe, BOtno haviiif? tails mid some not ; about 80 tribes of thorn have been described by tho Drs. Neumann and liridgmun. pw4n, i? ^ P^ ,mdn ^i k6'; cruelly, ^ m ^ta'dn 'yan. Ts'dn jin, ^MM, .ts'dn 'yan k6', ^^J^lj^ jts'dn 'yan 'k6m ydung* ; to act barbarously, ^ M^'fiM 'ts'«i"i lioi^ jm6 ^lim ch'i. Wu hen ch'i, jf (fa J^ hau'min- ^p'i. Hau mien p'i, j^|^ hau' ^ngan. Hau yen, 'X^^W^ pat, ^chi ,8au kw'ai'. Pub chi siii kw'ei, p§ ^ |,| jm shik, 'ch'au. Barefacedly, impudently, ^J[^ tatj ngat,. Tub wuh, /I ^ jf ong tat^. T'ang tub. Barefacedness, effrontery, ytjt ^ ^ch'ung chong^. Ch'ung chwang, ^SM^-il^ im6 jl'im 'ch'i. Wu hen ch'i. Barefoot, without shoes and stockings, ^ ^ ch'ik, tsuk,. Ch'ih tsub, ^jj^^ ch'ik, k6uk,. Ch'ih kioh, 3fe M ,kwong keuk,. Kwdng kioh, ^ ^ 'sin k6uk,. Sien kioh, ^ ^ 'sin tsuk,. Sien tsuh, ^ ^ pat, 'li. Pub li, j^ ^f 6. T'li, ^ tok,. Tob, ^ tok . Tob, ^ Jf 'sin ,t'd. Sien f u 5 barefoot and bareheaded, ^ 51^ ^ "|J ^f 6 kii' ,fo ^f au. T'li kii k'o f au. Also pronouaced tun. | Alee pronounced pok. Poh. Barefoot, to come barefoot, ^J^ j^.|| ^ ch'ik, k^uk ,loi. Ch'ih kioh Mi, jjg;}^^ f lit, keuk, ^loi. T'oh kioh Idi, pg- ^ ^ ^ jm cheuk, jbai Joi. Barefooted, having the feet bare, ^5^^ ch'ik k^uk . Ch'ih kioh. Baregnawn, eaten bare, fj":^ 'ta ^fa. TS hwa, P^fg 'ngdu ^fS. Yau hwa. Bareground ^]^ sP'i^S *^"' I'i^o t^- Bareheaded, having the head uncovered, ^^ ^mfn ^kun. Mien kwdn, ^ g^ ^kwong ^f au. Kwdng t'au, ^ HJ[ /o jf au. K'o t'au. Barelegged, having the legs bare, ^ ^ ^kwong k^uk,. Kwdng kioh. Barely, nakedly, |5^ ch'ik,. Ch'ih, ^ ^kwong. Kwdng, ^ ^ ch'ik, ^shan. Ch'ih shin ; without decoration, ■^^ sP'iiig . T'li jen, jflK ;§ 'cbl shi^ Chi shi. Bareness, nakedness, ^^^ ch'ik^ ^shan. Ch'ih shin, ■^^ ,kwong jSban. Kwdng shin; poverty, '^'^ jP'an jk'ung. P'in k'ung. Barepicked, picked to the bone, p^ )^ '^ bJ{ ^lun tsing^ kwat, ^t'au, []^ )^ P^ '^' 5M M^ tsingr ke' kwat, jf au. Baret, a cardinal's cap, [^C ± f^] # i^ fiilJ ^ ^ [jt'in 'chii k6,u'] ,kwan muk, ,sz ^chi ^kiia. [T'ien chii ki^u] kiun muh sz chi kwan. Barewalls ^^^jt c^a s^'^ V^K ^^Vi- ^^-^ t'u pih lih, ^ ^ ^ ^ jWdn 't6 ^sid jin. Hwda td siau jen. Bargain, an agreement between parties concerning the sale of property, ^ ^ t^ ^ ten^* shatj ka' jts'in. Ting shih kid ts'ien, f J^ '^^ ting' shat^ fo' kd'. Ting shih bo kid, ^^ ti ^ '^°^S kd' jts'in. Kidng kid ts'ien, ,%| ^ ^ || 'i teng^ kd' jts'in. I ting kid ts'ien, g^ 'j^ j^ ch6uk, shatj kd'. Choh shih kid, ^ j§ y£ |^ 'mdi mai' teng' jtdn. Mai mdi ting tdn, ^ ^^ teng^ yeuk,. Ting yob, MS ^^^ ^^^' y^K <<^bi y^uk,. Mau yih chi yob ; an excellent bargain, |^ ^f fat, jts'oi. Fdh ts'di, pfl -^ chung' 'shau. Chung shau ; to make the best of a bad bargain, ^i^^ ^ (hid hang* lat, ^shan. Kidu hing lih shin ; to sell one a bargain, |^A ^S^\ sJan, |^,|i ngdk, p'in'; to strike a bargain, ^'j^^f^ cheuk, teng* fo' ka'. Choh ting ho kid, ^ j^il ^i ka' ,ts'in. 1 kid ts'ien, MW)k^ 'kong shat^ fo' kd'. Kidag shih ho kid; a bad bargain, Jl^ 'sh^ung tong'. Shang tang; nAt (UO) iSAti M. bai'gain money, 'j^ ^Jj tanyf jn!,'an. Ting jin, f= ^ • sun' tens^ Sin ting ; to sell one a good bar- gain, V^ 2p. 'mai jp'ing. Miii p'ing; a dtad bar- gain, ^ ^^. -^C ^ ni'^^i' tak, t'ai' ,p'ing. Mai tcb t'iti p'ing, ^ -f ''f ^p i^ 5/' raui' tak, ^p'ing kwo' ,t'au. Mai teh p'ing kwo t'au ; by bargain, fju^v] ,u y^uk,. Ju yob, -f^ ^.} ,i yeiik,. I yob, ll« ^'.j cbiu' yeuk,. Cbau yoh. Bargain, to sell, f^ mru\ Mai, ^ -^ mii' lui\ Mi'vi k u; to trades ^( man*. Man, \( 4,) mau' yik^. Man yili, ^ ^ i^: tso' ,shang i'. Tso sang i ; to make a contract, jV. f J" ^ lap, ting' ^tj'in. Lib ting tan ; to negotiate about tbe price, \^ ^ ^ ^f ,slieung jltning ka' is'in. Sbhng Using kia ts'ien; to fix a bargain, JYi'^ lokj teng^ Lob ting, "f*^ 'bii teng^. Ilia ting, i|4/£ ,sbauteng'. Sbau ting, ^'^ (sip, teng'. Tsicb ting; to bargain for, IJ-^Q^ ,cbam cbeukj. Cliin clioli, [V^ ^ ^sbeung Jeung. Sluing liiing, g^ ^ cbcuk, Jeuug. Cboli liang ; uill you bargain witli me? M ^|^ $t ^J ^ '•' *ngo mau' yik, 'fau. Yii wo man yili fan, [^j ^j^ Vi ^-? "fT PM jt'i'"o '"go ^'"'^i n^^'^i' 'iii^ <"^- Bargained ^ }|^i teng^ kwo'. Ting kwo ; goods con- tracted for, ^ij \\ ebap, fo'. CbAb bo. tifij'f^tl'j ,cba chap, ko' fo', )x* ^ ;^ ^^ teng' 't'o ^chi fo'. Ting t'o cbi bo : fixed tlie purcbase money, /j- i^ IM ^ *^"o' *^"'^' ^'^^' s**'*"- '-^'^"o ^<^'o kia ts'ien, W^^m ,sli^'J^ j^ lam' ,ts'am. Lan ts'an. Barked, stripped of tbe bar'<, -i'^!^ hii' kwo' jp'L K'ii kwo p'i, ^Ji;??!^ mok, kwo'sp'i. Mob kwo p'i. Barker, one who strips trees of their bark, -i- (^ ^ f, hii' sbii' ,p'i 'che. K'li shii p'i che, ^J ^ ^ if> mo'<, shii* jp'i 'che. Mob sbu p'i che. Barking, stripping off bark, ^ i^] ^ hii' shii' ^p'i. K'ii sbu p'i, ^J f^j ^ mo'<, shii' j)'i. Mob sbu p'i ; making tbe noise of dogs, IjA fai'. Fei, |^ ^ )Y^ \\{\.u ,hau ,shing. Hiau hiau sbing. Barking-irons, instruments used in taking ofif the bark of trees, ^WilkM. ^'^' s^'^' iP'^ 'cL'^^' ^''^ shii p'i eh 'an. Barley ^ ^ tali' ma'c^. Tii meb, $$ ^ ^mau mfikj. Mau meb ; pearl-barley, ^ '^i 'i *mai. I mi, J>{ lyitr.'i'i i)'!^^^- I i .jiii. ^ t i' ^yan. I jin, ^jf: i"mai. I mi, ^^% 'ts'o^cbii'kwai. Ts'au chd kwci, [e] IQJ ^ ,1'ii jiii *mai. Hwui hwui mi, ^^ kon' ,chi'i. Kan cbu, j»l| ^ igj ii^ ,sai ^fan shuk^ jlam. Si fan shuh lin ; barley bread, :^ ^ $M ^ tai' niiik, mm* ^"pi'm. Tii meb mieu pau 5 barloy broth, 0^ yfl ,pe 'tsau. P6 tsiii. H'eng 'chii. T'ing chii, fjl) ^ f^ ,shuu 'chii '16. ' Bmley -sugar ;A; ^ :ft| tii' mi'c, ,t'ong. T4 mch t'Arg. Ch'ueu clui 14'j. I Barley-water, a deeociion of barley, :h^M,y^ ^^'■' Barilla + , m ^ 'kan ,p'ung. Kicn p'ung, |jjlj 'kin. 1 mi'Cj 'chii 'shui. T4 meb chii sbwui. • The :att,r e.xpr..Bsio« i. the. used when ouly «..o co,.por cu.h | ^^J^^' '^f J' Sf kiu' Kilu ; br.vm cck^S. ^^ ^ in gu.n as earnest money. tsaukiu. IsiU k-i J, y^] Qj: ,"Jf tsau kau pcng. t Ihoso atti.- three namcj arc thicfly used in coiinccUcn rrith Tsili kiau pine:, bout* 01 bad veputution. | jj^^.^^^ containi^ug larm or vcast. 0^ Pgt kdu' kuS Kiiu [fj{j] tUi, fB fiji Hgit 'tsau kda' k-'. ; mj^'A-^^,iis'^mtm^n^i(^tm):>- ^AE (l4l) HA'Si Barn, storehouse for grain, ^-^ kuk, ^ts'ong. Kuh •, ts'ong, ^ ^d, jfong. mai lam. Mi fing, Mi lin ; a stable, ,|]| k'au'. K'iu ; a cowhouse, ^ j^ jUgau Jdn. Niii Idn. Barnacle, a shell-fish, which is often found on the bottom of ships, 4,^ ^lo, Lo ; a species of goose, ^1 ^ ,'^SO jmeng. Ngo ming. Barometer, an instrument for measuring the weight or pressure of the atmosphere, ^ \^ ■0-j- ,fung 'ii ,cham. Fung yu chin, i^M.M1i^^\ A^^ ^t'in hi' At lik, ^chi ^cham. Chen t'ien k'i y^h lib chl chin, ^ ^ -^ f J M. ^ }^^^S .^'^^ ^^' t^^ng chung' jCham. Li^ng t'ien k'i k'ingchung chin. Barometrical, pertaining to the barometer, ^p}f $f V^ iung '•u. ^cham ke', M,nli^+^\I .f^iig'ii ^ 1^ cPinS 'ch'ong. Ping ch'ang, -^ ^ jing jfong. Yiug fang, j^ 'u. Wu, J?§ f: ^tui chap^. Tui ts^h; ditto for oflBlcers, "^ j|| ^kiin ,tui. Kwan tui. Barrack-master, the officer who superintends the barracks of soldiers, ^^ -^ f^ ^ *i^ 'kiin ^ping jfong jChi ^kiin. Kwan ping fang chi kwdn, 3i| ■^fMZ'^ ^li (Ping jfong ^chi ^kun. LI ping fdng chi kwan. Barracoon, in Africa, a fort, ^'^ i^ p'du' ^t'oi. P'du t'di ; a place where slaves are kept, ^ f^" ^nb 'kun. Nu kwdn ; in China, the place where the deluded or kidnapped men are kept until they are shipped for Cuba, Peru &c., ^§ f^ |'g chii 'tsai 'kun. Chii tsz kwdn. Bari'as, the resin which exudes from wounds made in the bark of fir trees, vji^ ^ jts'ung ^h^ung. Sung hiang, j;^ ^^ shu' ^kdu. Shu kiau. BaiTator, one who frequently excites suits at law, ^ ^ (^^ 'P^^- So pdi. Barred, fastened with a bar, ^ {^ ^shan chu\ Swdn chii ; hindred, |g f| tarn kok,. Tan koh, |5JL f^ 'cho chai". Tsii chi ; forbidden, ^ P|i£ kam' ke', ^ 1^^ kam' tik,. Kin tih. Barrel, a cask, H g |jf] ^p'i ^p'd 't'ung. P'l p'd t'ung, ;Js; ;j.|j tai' 't'ung. Td t'ung ; the quantity which a barrel contains, — t%\^' ^ J^^, 't'ung kom' ^to. Yih t'ung kdn to, - -^^ yat, 't'ung. Yih t'ung; a barrel of flower, ^^^ — H^ min^ ^fd yat, 't'ung. Mien hwd yih t'ung; the barrel of a quill, ^^ ^mb 'kiin. Mau kwdn ; the barrel of a gun, §g }^ jts'eung yukj. Tsidng juh, ^ ^ ^ts'eung ,shan. Ts'idng shin, P 'hau. K'au, ^ 'hom. Kdn; a wine barrel, v^^^ 'tsau 't'ung. Tsiii t'ung; a water barrel, ^JC /|i^ 'shui 't'ung. Shwui t'ung ; a cavity behind the tympanum of the ear, ^ j^j ^ 'i noi- k'iii*. ilh nui kiau ; a tube, ^ j^'ung. T'ung ; an iron cylinder, $^ "^ fit, jt'ung. T'ieh t'ung. . Barrel, to put in a barrel, as powder, ^ ^ yapj yeukj. Jih yoh. Barrel-bellied, i^ ^ tai^ fuk. Tdfuh, ^ijgg fuk, jP'ia ,p'in. Fuh p'ien p'ien. Barreled, a six-barreled pistol, y^T P {ll^ luk^ 'hau p'du'. Luh k'au p'du, t*^ ^ if^ luk^ 'h5m p'lu'. Luh kdn p'du ; a two-barreled ditto, ^ P >f^ ^sheung 'hau p'du'. Shwang k'au p'du, |<|f ^ jJliii Heung 'horn p'du'. Lidiig kh-n p'du ; a tAvo-bar- reled gun, [ijf ^ i^ leung 'hom ,ts'eung. Liing kdn ts'idng, "^ ^ |g ^sheung 'hbm ^ts'eung. Shwang kdn ts'idng ; to put in a barrel, A "j^l^ yap, lok, 't'ung. Jih loh t'ung, ^f^^% fong' lokj 't'ung. Fang loh t'ung, ;i^ ifi: ^ PJ fong' tsoi* "■fung noi^ F'dng tsdi fung nui. Ban'en, not producing offsprings (applied to beasts), ijg 'f 6. T'au, :f /J^i -f fl^i ((^ P paf ^shang 'tsz tik, ^shang 'hau. Puh sang tsz tih sang k'au, ^ ff 4t "is ^mo 'tsai ^shaug ke' ; a barren mare, '^ f ||d) I'jij pat, -hd ,k'u tik^. Puh hid k'ii tih ; a barren cow, |fe^^^'^ j^^ ^^K c^^^^ ji^gau. Wii tub chl niii ; a barren A\'omb, ^ ^ shek^ ^f oi. Shih f di ; a barren woman, fj|f f^ iV c^^^ *P'*^ ,kung. Sin p'du kung, fj,^§>2S ,san*fu^kung. Sin fii kung, ;g ^ shek, 'nii. Shih nu, ^ ^ ^ ^ni BAR (U2) BA8 ,ku ,p'o. Ni kil p'o, ^ >^ ^ ;^ it^i ,m6 ^ghang P^Pgf^A .8^611 ,mun ,m 'pi yap^. Sw6n mun wu 'cli'an .chi ^fi'i. Wu sang eli'dn chi fu, 2?^ ^ ;<>: pi jih. ^i? P^^ y^^j c*^'^^ '^"- ^'^'"^ y^^^ ^^'^ ^"» '^T' ^' -^I Barrister, a counselor, learned in the laws, qualified and admitted at the bar, Jjjt^jg chong* ,8z. Chw6ng •^2. 9J Jjjc ^rli lining chong* ^8Z. Ming chwdng sz ; native ditto, gjfi^ ,sz j6. Sz ye ; pettifogger, ^ ^ chong* kwan'. Chwang kwan, |^ -jg tsung' kwan'. Sung kwan, ^^ ,pdu tsung*. Pau sung. ^Pi5 tsung^ ^z. Sungsz, ^HJ^gip^ ,p&u chong^ ^^ pat, *yani ,chl fu. Puh jin chi fu ; not fer tile, as land, ^ J^ ,hku kok,. Ki^u koh, ^ j^ ,hau ti'. KlAu ti, j% tjjj shau' ti'. Sau ti, ^ j^ tsik, tI^ Tsih ti, ^^ ± tsik, 't'5. Tsih t'u. ^ ki M^^ *'•'• J^" ti ; "^aste, j^ ^fong. Ilwdng, 1^ ^ jliin ,lun. Lwan Iwan, ^ jUiong. M^ng; a 1)an-en mountain, ^ (Jj t'lik, ^shfin. T'uh shdn, ll^ jiii. Hwui ; a barren year, J£ d^ .fongjnin. Ilwung nicn, |2<|4|^ Jmng ^nin. lliung nien, H ^ ^i ^nin. Ki nien, ^ i^^ hip^ jUin. Hieh nicn ; barren, uncultivated land, ^^^^ pat, .m6 ^chi ti'. Puh m^u chi ti, J^^J^Mfe J^ong 'yd ^chi ti\ Ilwdng y6 chi ti ; barren of interest, ilEg^l^ ,m5 1' mi'. Wi'i iwi,'MWiM^ tdm^ ^i ,m6 mi'. Tan rh wu wi ; barren matter, fS^^^ ^ jUio yik, ^chi sz\ Wu yih chi sz ; baii'en of news, ^-{iirr^] ^mo mat, ,san ^man, %^ ^fong ,man. Hwdng wan. Barrenness, applied to women, ^ ^ shekj ^t'oi. Shiht'di; inifertility, ^i^ shau'tf. Sauti; w^ant of the power of producing anytliing new, ^ tun*. Tun; barrenness of spiritual feelings, ^'|^|§' ^mo jts'ing *sii. Wii ts'ing si'i. Barricade, a fortification made in haste, f^ chdung'. Chang, ^ |J^ ^p6 ch6ung'. Pdu chdng, g^ % /ong 't6. Edng tii, 1% 'u. Wi'i, ^fct-ii ch'ak, ,ldn. Ch'/ih Idn, K^f"^ sfoJ^o P^,- I'^ng pih, ^^tg hon^ jiin. Hdn hiuen ; to set up a barricade, ^ ^ J§ chuk, hon' ^un. Chuh hdn hiuen, ^l^^f^ chuk, jfong ch6ung'. Chuh chdng, |j^ j^ ch'it, 'pdn. Sheh pdn. Barricade, to .stop up a passage, ^^ 'hi chdp^. K'i chdh, j^l^ 'hi ch6ung*. K'i chdng ; to banicade a street, pj^ ^fongsak,. Fdngseh, ^^^ sak, chil* ,k&.i. Sell chu kidi. Barrier, a kind of fence made in a passage, ^ ^ ,kwdn chdp^. Kvvdn chdh ; a wall for defense, ^ jt';ii. T'i, :^ .fan. Fan, |^ ^ /ong pik,. Fdng pih, |f$^ clidung' sak,. Ch&ng seh; a fortress on the frontier of a countiy, st^i^^Sl^ chan' 'king p'au' ,t'oi. Chin king p'du t'di, ^^^^-^ 'shau ■him p'du' ,t'oi. Shau hien p'au t'di, ^^^-^ '.shau ai* pYiu' jt'oi. Shau ydi p'du t'di ; a fort on a pass, BiJRji^rj ,lJifi^^'{ fo' lin' fo'. 1 ho hwdn ho, j^^ tui' lin^ Tiii hwdn, ^ ^ lin' yikj. Hwdn yih, '^ ^ 'chun chit,. Chun cheli ; to take cloth and barter it for silk, t@ fl^ $^ ^ 'p'6 p6' mau' .sz. P'du pu mau sz. Bartered, given in exchange, ^ ^ yikj kwo'. Yih kwo, ^^^'^ tiii' un' kwo'. Tui hwdn kwo. Barterer, one who traffics by exchange of commodi- ties, ^^^ mau^ yikj 'chd. Mau yih che, ^^ ^ ^kdu yik^ 'ch6. Bartering ^ ^ mau' yik,. Mau yih, ^ ^ .kdu yilq. Kidu yih. Bartholomew-day ^A ,^11+53 H Ying pdt, Qt^ i' shapj sz' yatj. Ying pdh yueh rh shili sz jih, }g ^ ch'ii' 'shii. Ch'u shu Baryta, the heaviest of the earths, M ^ ^ jb chi' chung' ,chi 't'6. Chi chung chi t'li. Barytone, a grave, deep sound, f^ ^ ^ch'am y&va. Ch'in yin. Barytum, a metal, the basis of baryta, ^ ]^ .kam lui'. Kin lui, 3* g £ ;^ TJS |f chi' chun^ Vb ,chi 'pun chaty Chi chung t'li chi pun chih. Basalt, a rock of igneous origin, J^ ^ |§ Jjj(J <1 ^ *l 'fo jyung jSliing ^cht shek,. I ho jning ching chi shih. Basaniti", Lydian stone, or black jasper, S^ ^ -^ hak, yukj shek^. lleh yuh shih. Basbleue, a blue stocking, ^ ^ *nil 'sz. Xashi. Base, mean, ^ ^ j)i tsin'. PI tsien, gg ^ >'! tsin*. P'l tsien, "j; ^ hd' tsin'. Hid tsien, ^ 'p'l lau'. P'l lau, jfg RH Hai tsin'. Ti tsien, .tai tsln\ TI tsien, "7; ^ hd' >u. Uiii liii, 7V if hd* tsok,. Hid tsoh, ^ ^ t'dp, ^j-ung. BAS (143) BAS T'ah Jung, % g t'% jung, ^|||f pni^ ^f=z. PI sz, 7; ^ P|t hd- 'tang U\ Hia tang [Q^] tih ; base actions, Ip M ^ ^1 M P'^ ^^^^^ c^^^^ cliang ^wai. P'i lau Chi hang wei, ^ ^ P^E ^7 A .P^ t^in^ ke' ,hang ,wai, f^Z^M ^''^' ^sin' . P'ih jen. Basement, the ground floor of a building, ^ ^jj^ ^ki 'chi. Ki chi, i^ ^ ti" k6uk^. Ti kioh ; basement room, {§ 7; P^ f I ti- ha' ke' ,fong. Baseminded, mean, ^'^ 'p'i p'ik^. P'i p'ih. Baseness, meanness, ^^ ,pi tsin^ Pi tsien, ^'jf^ ^pi u. Pi wu ; baseness of metal, j^ ^ ngai' jUgan. Wei yin, ||^] ^ jt'ung ^ngan. T'ung yin. Basenet, a helmet, ^ ^kw'ai. Kwei. Base-string, the string of an instrument, which pro- duces the lowest note, !^^|^ ^ch'am jam sin'. Ch'in yin sien, -j^ ^ ||^ ^tai ^shing sin'. Ti shing sien, ife^^,tai>. Ti hien. Bashaw, the title of the prime vizier of Turkey, ^ ;ji|f pdi' seung'. Pai siting ; the title of viceroys, or governors of provinces, ^,^ 'tsung tuk^. Tsung lang luk^ shing tsih ; very o ji^ieng ^ Ions common. 1'.;' o\ : yung jlau. Luh luh yung ,yung luk, ke', j^^ ,fan /u. Fan fu, ji |f ,fan ,yung. Fdn yung ; bom out of wedlock, ^ -^ ■y6 'tsz. Y6 tsz, ^^fj- tsap, 'chung 'tsai. Tsah chung [-f'] tsz ; the child of a concubine, ^ ■^ ff d' -nai 'tsai, ^^ff ts'ip^ shi' 'tsai. Ts'ieh shi tsz, J[ff {jjP^ shii' ch'ut, k^' ; bom of a prostitute, :^^'ff 'h^ 'kii 'tsai. Lau ku tsz, ^g ^ ^ch'eung 'tsz. Ch'ang tsz, j^ it§ ^ ki' 'fii 'tsz. Ki fii tsz, ~]r ® ~f' shap^ 'chung 'tsz. Sliih chung tsz ; the base (in music), ^ ^ ^ch'am jam. Ch'in yin. Base, the bottom of anytliing, }^ 'tai. Ti ; founda- tion, ;g ijt ,ki 'chi. Ki chi, ^ ti^ k6uk,. Ti kioh, ^ ^ tf ,ki. Ti ki, i^ ilt tr 'chi. Ti chi ; the base of a pillar, jj^ ^ 'ch'ii k^uk . Ch'u kioh, j^ IS -ch'ii 'tai. Ch'u ti, i^ ^ -ch'u ^tim. Ch'ii tun, ^ ^chan. Chin, J^ ,song. Sang, i^ 'ch'o. Ts'u, i^ % ^ch'ii 'tai. Ch'u chi, f^ ,k'in. K'ien, ^ sik,. Sih, ^ tsan'. Tsan ; the base of a plougli, ^JS 'lin. Wan ; a vessel used in sacrificing, ^1 jing kang. Hing kang, IfJ ^i ^jVing 'ting. Hing ting, ^ ^ 'kwai 'lin. Kwei wan; a brass basin, |jn|^ ,t'ung^p'un. T'ung pw'dn ; a circular valley, ^ lU ^ jWdn ,8hdn kukj. Hwdn shdn kuh ; the tract of a val- ley, drained by some river, '}_£ ^ .kong kuk,. Kidng kuh ; the scale of a balance, ^^^ c^^ini ^u 16^ ,chi jan. Chen yu lu chi ngan, v,!,' H QU ^^ ,chlm yat, chili' jChi jan. Chen jib chdu chi ngan. Basket, a basket with square sides, -^ ,hong (^kw'fing) . Kw'j'mg, >f^ -^ ,k'ing;hong. King kw'dng, ^ ,t8'dm ; a round ditto, ^ 'li. Pi, ^ 'kii. Ku ; basket for sending presents in, -^ ^ urot' Binnll fiioires of cattle umler- iiouth li.i. '.uuntluticii, lioiuwLich the £rst ilouo Ucvivoi its uamo. jldm. T'ang ldn ; a refuse paper basket, ^^ 'chi lap,. Chi lih ; a round osier basket, '^ ,t'im. Tw'dn, ^ ,chun. Chuen, %^ ch'u'. Ch'ii, a sprout basket, ^ t'iu*. T'idu ; a tall ditto, f| kwai'. Kwei ; a sunning basket, ^^ shdi' ,p'un. Shdi pw'dn ; a tary basket, ^ ,li. Li ; a wheat basket, ^ ^ mdk^ ,lung. Meh lung ; a basket scuttle, ^% fat, 'ts'am. Puh ts'dn, ^;g ,lui U Lui li ; a dirt basket, ^ ^ ^ Idp, sdp, 'ts'am. Lieh sfeh ts'dn, jg ^. ,pun ,ki. Pwdn ki, ^ 'chu. Chii, W^^l^i fat, ,nai 'ts'am. Puh ni ts'dn, i ^ V6 kwai'. T'li kwei, % Mui. Lui, |^ ,fu. Fu; a basket for taking fish, f| ^ ,ii kau. Yii kau, ^ f. ,lung chau'. Lung chau, ^ 'ku. Ku ; a basket for containing sacrificial fruits, ^ g ^pin tau^ Pien tau ; a basket used in sacrifice, i^ jliii. Lidu ; a basket for rice, .j^ ^ 'tau ^shau. Tau shau, ^ft. ,shau ,ki. Shau ki, % .tdn.' Tdn. ^ kdk,. Keh ; a basket for washing rice, ^ jeung. J^ng, ^ ^ '^^ 'sai 'mai ,lo ; a scholar's basket, H*^ hdp^ tsz'. Kieh sz; a wicker basket, ^ ^ 'h&u U6. K'du Idu ; a grain basket, ;)jt ^ *mai jt'iin. Mi tw'dn ; a basket for chopsticks, ^ ^ chu' ^t'ung. Ch'u t'ung, ^ ^ ,ts'im ^jnng. Ts'ien ying ; a fruit basket, iif ^ ff chuk, hip^ 'tsai ; a basket for poultry, ^^f| ,kai 6p, ,lung. Ki ydh lung ; baskets made of flowers :^ ^ ^fd ,1dm. Hwd lim ; a basket to carrj- pigs in, ^g- ^ ,chu lap,. Chii lih, ifg- f^ ^ ,chu 'tsai lap . Chii tsz lih, i§ m jCbvi jlung. Chii lung ; each basket of coal, j^ — ^ ^ t'dn' yat, bp, bp,. T'dn yih lih lih. Basket-maker ftgKOili^ chuk, hi' sz fd'. Chub k'i sz fd, fi.^eifif# chik, ,lo ,sz fd'. Chih lo sz fd. Basket-liilt, a hilt of a swoixl which covers the band with a kind of basket work, 0] ^ m kim' ,t'au jlung. Kien t'au lung. Basking, exposing or lying exposed to the continued action of the sun or beat, ^ shdi'. Shdi. Bas- Belief, see Bass- Relief. Bass, in music, the base, ^^ ,tai ,5'am. Ti yin, ^ ^ ,tai ,8hing. Ti shing, -j^ ^ ,tai wan'. Ti yun, JJC ^ jCh'am jam. Ch'in yin. Bass-relief, sulpture, whose figures do not stand out far from tlie ground, H^V^Z'Vi .tiu in' ,chi ,fd. Tidu hien chi hwft, ^ -\^ ,fau la. Pau hwd, ^ m^ t^ /a« tat, W ,fk, mff^^^^h .y^ung .fau tik, ,1a. Ydng fau tih hwh, '^j^ i^ |^j :^ ^sham ti' lik, fd. Shin ti tih hwd, j^ iilifiij V^ 'ts'iu ti' tik, ,fd. Ts'ien tltih hwd, j^^p^fh^i i>^i jiuiug shii' ch'ut, ke' j to beget a bastard, /|r ^/, ^ shang _sz 'ts/,. Sang sz tsz, ^ 1^ lT jShang ye 'tsai. Sang yo ts;:. Bastardly, spuriously, ^|i| ^ ff^ cliak, .shang ke'. Bastard-parsley p^ Jiii. II ii. Baste, to beat Avith a stick, ^j.^ ^J kwan* 'la. Kwan t^> l^ tt -JT A 'i Cheung- 'ta jan. J chang la jin, 41'^ P'o'^'i cliak,. P'oh tseh; to moisten M'ith ixt or other li(puM, i'/^ f/^] |jt: yijj shiu yu'c, joli'a ,yaxi. Shau juh ch'a yu, ^ |^vj ^J| .;.lI^ chek, yuk, kiin' jau. Chih juh kuYiii yi'i. Baste, to sew Avitli long stitches I[|f Ji'i'^. L'uon, H^ ^ pV 'kii. 'Jd p'i ku, ^r ^ 'j^ 'ta 'shi fat,. Ta shi kuh, i^ ^ '])ong .ch'l. Pang ch'f, -^ f^ ,ch'( ^t'iin. Ch'i t'un, f^ •^ V*^"? (Ch'i. Pang ch'i ; a beating an offender on the soles of his feet, tff] iS '*" ^*^^^K 'pan. Ta kioh pan, ^ H'jl ,ch'i keuk,. Ch'i kioh, ^ jfipl^ Jiivu keuk, 'pan. K'au kioh par. Bastinade, ) to beat with a stick or cudgt-i, ^^ ^J Bastinado, J kwau' Ha. Chiing ta. Basting, beating with a stick, ^ tj]" kwau* 't&. Kwan tii ; moistening Avith dripping, ^ kiin'. KA\an ; scAving together Avitli long stitches, A;^ Ijlf tiii^ p6' jliin. la pii liuen. Bastion P|y ,tsau. Tsau, ^^ ^shing'po. Clung pan, ^ m M i»'''"S s^i 'po- ^-'J'inS yu pau, ^ Kit ^ \V jShing ,t'ai. Hii cliing t'i. Baston, ) a round moulding in the base of a co- Batoon, ) lumn, [JJ J^ jiin tun. Yuen tun. Basyle, any electro-jiositivc ingredient* of a com- ])ound, performing the functions of an clement, ^ M 1^ n ^i'l' Jii' Jt^unS Jiang. Tien k'i yang hang. See Itadical. Bat, a heavy stick, broad at the lower end, and used to strike the ball in game of cricket, ^J ^|^ ta jk'au 'pan. lYi k'iu pan. Bat, a mammife:oui animal, having a body rescrii- bling that of a mouse, 7|^ ^ ^fi 'shi". Fi shu, ^ /I, fuk, 'shii. Fuh shu, ^ ifi^ j)'in fuk,. P'ien fuh, fl^ fl, fuk, 'shii. Fuh shu, J|<^ ifeg ^fi fuk,. FI fuh* , j^ /{: /i shang. Yi sang, ^ ^ hi\ yik^. Fuh yih, ^ ^^ 'iui 's!iii. Lui shu, ^ Jf chik, mnkj. Chih nieii, f|I||^ ^sin 'shii. Sien shii, ^|^ ,m6 'sliii. Mstii shii, ;^'pl ^^ ^^ in' ji'in ^li. Yeu p'ien lui, ^| i)j| jlau chung^ Liii chung. B.itardean, a eotfer-dam, Avhich see. BataA'ia, the capital of Java, |jJ!/p pjjii] PQ Kalapd. Kiiilapii, V\^ HfJ |^ jj^t P.itafia. Patdfia. Batavian, [.ertainiiig to Holland, fi5MIi."lif Holan kwok, kc', fH} Bl Ii {]'} llolan kwok, tilc^. Uolan kwoh till. Batavian, a native of BetaAA", or Holland, (!|j j^ gj /\ lloli'm kwok^ J'''"- llolau kwoh jin. Bat-fowling, a mode of catching birds at night, by hoLling a torch and beating the perch Avhere they rocst, :^ |["ij ;{j£ LL y6- ^kan chuk, 'uiu. Yc kien chub niiiu. llie /i (sIliiii? miJ . g "jliii are said to be tbe '' fljii g Rc^iiiirel" Uioiigll HA ig I :i:ul{.3 a3 suclt disii.iciiunt BAT (UG) BAT W> ^ '^^^ s^'^^i".- bathin^ poiul, j^ j^ Uh body was bathed in tears, -^ '^^ '^ ^ lui* ^lau ^inun ^slian. Li lii'i mwJln shin ; t'jai-s bathed las cheeks, ^ ^>J /Ig, lui' jing ^soi. Li ying sdi. Bathing, Avashing by immersion, ^ '/g: muk, yuk^. Muh yuh, ^^t ^ 'sai ^slian. Si shin ; bathing- room, ^jl; ;^ J^ *sai ^slian /ong. Si shin fang, '^ ^ yuk^ shaty Yuh shili, J'g "/igi pik^ yuk. Pih yuli ; men and women should not bathe in tho same bathmg-room, ^ ^ ::f; Jh -/g yg; ^nclm *nu pat, kung' pik, yuk^. Niin nil puh kung pih yub; batliing-tiib, ^(;- ^ j^j^ 'sai ,shau ,p'un. Si sliin pw'iin, Y^ ^ yuk^ ,p'uu. Yuh pwMn, j^ ^ 'ts5 jP'uu. Tsau pw'an,'jjf ^ii. Yii, ^ Mm'. Ldn ; it was engraved on his bathing-tub, jjj^ ^ ,p*un ^ming. Pw'Aa ming ; the festival of batliing Budha "" r/^i^W yuk, fut^ tsit,. Yuh fuh tsieh, y§^ i^i lS y"kj ii^K ^^^'- Yuh fuh tdu ; bathing- dress or gown, ij^ ^^ *sai ,shan ,sham. Si shin sdn, ^ :jj^ jShan ^^i. Chin i ; water for bathing, ifj|jJ^P^7j< 'sai ^shan ke' 'shui ; water for bathing the head, '/j^sM'^ '^^^ ^^^ 'shui. Si t'au shMOii, TM^ jlin 'shui. Lien shwui. Bathracites !^ i^ ^' jShim jCh'ii shckj. Chen ch'u shih. Bath-room, an appartment for bathing, '(^ % ^ 'sai ^shau ^fong. Si shin fang. Bating, excepting, |^ J jCh'ii 'liu. Ch'ii li^u, ^ itk^ ^'h s«l''ii 'ts'z ,chi ngoi^ Ch'u ts'z chi wai ; sec Abating. Batist, a fine linen cloth, ^ § tif Y^^ ^^ P^'- Yd Ilia pii. Batlet, a square piece of wood for beating linen, ^ f^ la 'tarn ^shsim ^ch'ui, ^^ZW^^'^^ c^ii ^oh'ui. Tiiu i chi ch'ui, :|g ?<^|^ 'to .i ^ch'ui. TAu i ch'ui, if. 5^ mukj ^ch'ui. Muh ch'ui ; a batlet for beating silk, ^Tj^,:^ 'tarn ^sz jCh'ui, ||[ jt'am. T'un. Batman, one who has charge of the cooking utensils, ^>* ll^ ]§\ {^!t ^ 'sl»au ,kwan .ch'ii hi' 'che. Shau kiun ch'u k'i che. glfc^ i|i M g§ ^ chap, shap, jkwan jCh'ii hi' 'che. Chih shiii kiun ch'u k'i chd. Baton, ■) a staff, ^ cheung'. Chang ; a marshal's Batoon, j staff, t jt fi||| Z t^ s^^" s''^"' c<^'" peng'. Yuen shwai chi ping, tC ^lll fe 1^ J^ ^ tt /"i shui' 'chi ,fal ,ping ,chi chdung'. Yuen shwai chi hwui ping chi chAug; "a batoon hold in thD hands of ancient stites-mcK, ^ fat,. Hwuh ; the ba- toon of a king, ^ ^ chan' Jcwai. Chin kwei; ditto of a duke, ^ ^ ,un ,kwai. 11 wan kwei ; ditto of a marquis. \%4k. sun* ,kwai. Sin kwei; ditto of an carl, ||5i .'^""o ,k\vai. Kung kwei ;" to hold the battoon, "^ ^ chap, kwai. Chih kwei ; a mark denoting illegitimate birth, ^ \]\ Z ViE ^ ,cliang,kau. Tsang kiau, [J)t] -f^ nau' ,kau. Nau kiau 5 a make bate, ^i|^ kiV jl6ung. Kiii liang. Bate, to lessen, sec Abate. Bateau, a light boat, J|^ ^ j|i ,fi ,lung 't'cng. Pi lang t'ing. Bateful, contentious ff ^' 'l"^ pilk ,kd ,tsang. Peh kia tsang, ij]f- %^ 'h6 hi", ilau k'i, ^7' |1^ h6' iii'. Batenites, ) a sect of apostates from Mohammcdism, Batenists, [ ft fel lc] ^ ff" .P^''i' «^i ."^^ t^"' 'cl"^- Batcnians, ) Pci IIw ui hwui kiau che. Bath, a place for batliing, ^{j ^ ^- 'sai ^shan ,fong. Si s'.iin fang, '/^'^.^ yuk, ^t'ong. Yuh fang, ygl^ ynVj shat,. Yiili shili, yg:)/j yuk, ,fong. Yuh fang, y^^Jr y^^'j '^Im. Yuh so; a vessel for bathing, ^ ^ )jj2 's^i ,shan ^p'un. Si shin pw'an, -/gi j;g yuk, jP'i'in. Yiili pw'iin; ditto one for cold bathing, ^ j])'rin. Si liiing pw'an ; a little \}f y|i), 'sai 'ts6 ,t'ong jch'i. Si tsilu t'iing ch'i, -/g: jf'^ yuk, jCh'i. Yuh ch'i; to take a batli, )^\ ygi muk^ yuk^. Muh yuh, ;?j[; ^ 'sai ^shan. Si sliin, ^\ f }j^ 't'au ,leung. T'au lidng, 4^ J^ ii^^'^t, Ji^"Uo- Moll liang. [t tS is used by the llakkii.] Bath, Order of tlic, a high order of British knight- hoo.l **, ;^' 1^ jUani tseiik . Nun tsioh ; the first class of tho Oi'Jer is : Knight Gmnd Cross, ^ — ^ )9 ff tai' yat, 'tang ^uAm tseuk,. Ti yih tang n:V.i tsioh; tho sDcond class of the Order is: Knight Comman:lcr, ?/} r.^#)lj^tai' i''tangjn!imts(;uk,. Ti rh tang n:i;i tsioh ; the third class of the Order •ii : Knight Companion, :^ ?^ ^ ;^ ^ tai" ^siim 'tang ,n;im tseuk . Ti san tang nan tsioh. Bath-bi-ick, a ])rcparatio:i of calcareous earth in the form of a brick, used for cleansing knives, )^ ^ $} ,fiii shek, 'fan. Hwui shih fan, '^^ ;5 ^> 'fo shckj 'fan. Uo shili fan ; cakes ditto, ^ ^ ff/f 'fo shckj "pong. Uo shih ping. B.vthe, to wash the holy, j^{^ ^ 'sai ,shan. Si shin, ^ yg: mnkj yuk^. ]^Iuh yiili, ?jlj 'i^ 'w'i yul^r Si yuh, ^ if^ 'fun yuk,. Kmuu yuh, ^ j>,\^ 'fun 'sai. Kwi I si, n\: /Tl ^-^^i til\- Si till, ^ y|g 'sai chok,. Si choh, i^jld Inn chok,. Kwanchoh, /Jtj^'sai 'tso. Si tsiiu, ^-[]fji t'au ,lcung ; to bathe a corpse, V^ P yuk, .Shi. Yuh shi, '^ ,ni (mi). Mi; to' bithc a woniul, J^ i\^ lip, 'shui. Uiah shwui, J^ j^ up, jCh'ong. lliiih clnv'ang. Bathed, washed, as in a bath, jJJlj '^ 'sai kwo'. Si k\vo, l^vyg^i^^'i inuk, yuk, kwo'. MuhyiihkAVo; • Knia:Ut O.'.inl C.-jt«o? tho B;ifh (K. G. C. B.) : Kui>{ht Com- mtivLr of th) IJ.i'.'.i (If. C. r.) ; Conii-anlo I of the Tulh (C. B. or K. D ) B'A« (147) SAl' ^ ll^ Jv'am ,k'ii kop, kai' 'tang liii'. K'iu k'ii koli kiai tang lui. Batrachian, pertaining to frogs, ^ ^fi iJt I'fjJE jk'am ,k'd liu- ke\ K'in k'ii lui [f\i}] tih." Batraclioid, having the form of a frog, $^ 4§ ;^ ^ -Jp jk'am jk'ii ^chi yeung' 'tsz. K'in k'ii chi yang tsz, ^^6^)^*5 tseung' ^ts'z jk'am ^k'ti. Siting sz k'in k'ii. Batsman, in the cricket game, the one who wields the bat, '^%^:t A chap, ^k'au 'pan chi ,yan. Chih k'iii pan chi jin. Battalia, the order of battle, ^^ chin' chan^ Chen chin. Battalion, a division of troops of 590 men, ^^ ^lii. Lu. Battalioned, formed into battalions, ^ ^j^ 'pdi ^lii. Prti 111, ^^^^ chan' lu. Chin lii. Battel, to grow fat, see Batten. Batten, to fatten, ^ ^g 'y<^nng ^fi. Yung fi, ^ ^ JE !k Ve""S y^K jft 'fan. Yang yah fi fan. Batten, a piece of board a few inches breadth, ^^ chdk, 'pdn. Tseh pdn, — |^ filJ ^J< yat, st'iii pok, 'pdn. Batten, to fasten or nail down with battens, ^ * tiir jCh'ui. Tidu di'ui, :§^ ^i^}^ p'o' ^shing jCh'iii. T'o ching ch'ui, ^ t^ chong'- ^cli'e. Clnvdig ch'o ; batter- ing pieces, -j^ i}^ -j;^ ,kung ^shing p'du'. Kung ching p'du, -/rJj^TIi tdi'^tseung Jvwan. Tdtsidng kiun, ;/(; ffi^ ^V tai^ ,sheng ,kung; battering train, W-^^<1 'fM ,kAvan Jcung ^shiug ^chi p'du'. Kiun kung ching clii p'du. Battery, the act of battering, q/,|i |T J^wang 'td. Hung tn, j^ ^X (kwug 'td. Kung ta ; a place of defence or assault for large ordnance, ^^^ p'du' jfoi. P'au t'di; a small place ditto, i^ 'p6. Pdu; a defence raised on IcatI ground, •j^ \.^J( ^t'oi ^tun. T'di tun ; an electrical battery, f{f 4V o t ^'^^^ ^kung jf oi. Lui kung t'di, 'f^ ^ -^ tin' hi' ,+/oi. Tien k'i t'di ; a galvanic battery, ;j|| ,fj) ^^j^ <^ lEM n Kdliwdni { ^chi tin' hi' ,t'oi. Batting cotton, in sheets, prepared for quilts, ^f^ ,sung ^fd jmin ^t'oi. Sung hwd mica t'di. Battle, an encounter between enemies, Ipj^ — • J^- chin' yat, jCh'cung. Chen yili ch'ang, fjij^ --' |>!^ chin' yat, chan^ Chen yih chin, :J J — 1{^( 'td yat, chan'. Td yih chin, ^X — |["j 'td yat, ^ui. Tii yih hwui ; contest, Fpi^ ^j chin' tau'. Chen tau ; to join in battle, ^ i^, \iAu ^fung. Kidu fung, 0.]" '(§ tui' -lui. Tui lui, f.| [lijf lui' diair. Tiii chin, :^^ kdu chin'. Kidu chcn, '^.] f^ tui" tik^. Tui tih ; to offer battle, ~|^ Ppj^ |1= 'lid chin' ^sliii. Hid chen shu, ^ fy^ ^ ^fau chin' ^shii. 'I'au chen shii, ^Ipit^ tai' chin' ^shi'i. Ti chen shu; to pro- voke to battle, :^||i nlk, chin'. Nih chen, Ji%^^ ^f ill chin'. T'idu chcn ; to gain a battle, 'iXUl^fi" 'td shing' cheung-. Td shing chdng, ^X Mk ^^'^ jyeng. Ta ying; to lose a battle, -fX il'jiij '^^ fShi'. Td shu, J\y ^ 'td pdi'. Td pdi, ^J ^ fjr 'td pdi^ cheung'. Td pdi chdng, ^ \l\\i. p li' chan'. Pdi chin, l]X :\t pai- pak,. Pai peh, ffji :{(;; jian pak . Pan pdi ; uncertain issue of the battle, )j^ j^ ^ )^ shing' fd' mi' teng'. Shing fu Avi ting, 3^^ ^ H^M P^t, ^fan shing' fiV. Puh fan shing fu; rush- ing into battle, i^^ yat^. Yili ; to go into battle, ^^ ^ dp, chan'. Yd chin ; to set in battle array, ^^1^ ,p'aiclian-. P'di chin, >'|'|>i{i litj dlan^ Lieh chin ; battle arrry, \^ ^ chan' shai'. Chin sLi, IB, i»3|i cbi'^' chan^ Chen diin, ^^ f^ )$ ^ ^p'di jShing chan' shai'. P'di ching chin slii ; to decide the issue of the battle, }jiM\l^fi kiit, liin' shing' fu'. Kiueh tAA'dn shing fi'i, jji; ^/> i)fj]ij |^ kiit, ,fan * Ihis is still use /i^ .81' » ,ycng pat, tong^, Sliu ying puh ting ; battle field, ^ i^ eliiu' jeli'eiing. Chen ch'aiig, .^ /^ chin' .i)'un. Chen pAvVvn. Battle, to contend in fight, i|^ chin'. Chen, ^ ^ ^Vidu chin'. Kiiiu chen, j^;^ ,seung chiu'. Siaug chen, "J^^ ,!<"",? chin'. Kung chen. Battle-anay y^^ [^ chin' chan'. Chen chin. Battle ax, ") a Avcapon of war, -)^ ^ tiU" 'fii. Ta Battle axe, j fu, ^^ /li ut.. :?u yucli, |||ll[ ts'lk, lit,. Ts'ih yuch. Battle-door, an ii.slrumcnt of flny, |T^,|j^ 'ti'i ^Vau 'pAn. Tii k'iii pan, f J j^j^ ^ 'td in' 'pan. Ta yen pAn. Battlement, a wall raised on a building with embra- sures, j^ tip^. 'J ieh, f^j 't6. Tu, ^ 'ch'i. Shi, ^ A i'^l'ii'g Jan. Chingjin. Battle royal, a fight with fists, :^fT jl<'i'in'tit. K'iucn l ^i)i ,(hong leng' ^cl.i mat,. Chwang ling d.i wuh. Bauhinia, mountain cbonv, ^ If I luu kap,. Lun ki/»h. Bawble, a gewgaw, tH ^X "PJt 'h 'Ung l-'i' k«i' mat^. Ttl ^'. ® 'ting kiV 'y^'. Ting kin ye. Bawd, a person who keeps a Louse of \ r stitution, Ifefl// ,k\vai ,t'au. Kwei t'aii, ,^^ /i kwai. AVu Lwei, J A ,^vong piU,. Wang i)j;h, ^ i^' /\ \h ,mong pat . Lau wang pah, /^ /jjj £)] pat^ man^ ,l')iu ; a woman ditto, |||^ ^kwai jp'o. Kwei p'o. Bawd, to provide Avomen for lewd purposes, ij^ 7^ i^ ^fihau '16 'kii. h'lu kii. BaAvdry, the practice ofprociuing Avomcn for the gratificatiQu of lust, ^ ^- ^ 'mdi '16 'ki\. Mai liiu ku, ^^ III ^ ts6' .kwai j)'o. Tso kAvei p'o: obscenity, pj'fj^ u yuk^. AVi'i yuh ; unchaste lan- guage, ^ |(|f^ i^ ^^ 'ch'au hiu' ,chf avjV. Ch'au lau chi hAvii; illicit intercom se, %L -^ ,8Z ,kdu. Sz kiiiu, %i igj ,8z ,t'ung. Sz t'ung; loruicatiou, tr fl^ /$ ,baug jts'e ,yam. Hang sic 3 iu. Bawdy, obscene, /j|)*^ ,1s c jVam. Sic jia ; unchaste, yf* ^ pat, ,ching. Tub chijig. Uawdy-housc, a Louso of jirosUluticn, ;^ ijp: ^ '16 .^iivS 'kii ,liu. J^u kii liiui, "^ ^. ;K '16 'ku chong. Liiu ku chA\4 ig. ^ -^ j)'ju Rhe'. P'iau sliid, ^ i!fi';0 '16 'ku chi;'. Lau kii chai, ^^ ,p iu chdi'. I'lau chiii, :?g ;jvf{ ,fu lam. lliva lin, ^ik^Hi^S^ 'Jan ti*. Ilwjifanfi, ^1| j|f ,ts'ing, lau. Ts'ing lau, ^ (?y 'j)i.i ,ki 1. Piau kien, ^ p ^ch'cung u'. Ch'ang hii, ^. ff Is'ui' 'kiin. Ts'ui kwdn, 4^ ^ .chVung 'kiiu. Ch'dng kwan, ^ ki' 'kun. KI kwdn. BaAvl, I0 cry out AA'ilh a loud, full sound, p^ v^ ^fd hiim'. llii ban, n^ PJlJ kiu' ham'. Kiau hdn, p^ n^ .fii hot,. 11 u boll, p^ ^)i^ .Iu J16. llii bdu, ve{ yt kiu',h6. Kiau ban, np; Jji)( hot, kai\ Hob kidi, 0ii-p^ him .fu. Iliuen hii, Ij| j. I, ^ ,h6. Hku, V'V ^ 'kAVong k'oi'. IvAvdng kdi, (^ li'. IIu, Ij^ .hail, niau, !}^ bau. lliaii, pjljj^ .bdupuk^. Ilidu l)uh : to bawl in anger, fffejts'iii. Ts'idu, ** ,ch'£. Ch'i, %^ jUdu. Ndu, P^ |5 bun ^ndu. Diueii nan. BaAvling, crying aloud, :A: ^f. ^ P^ tdi* .sliing tsat^ ^fii. Td shing tsih hii. BaAvm, I to adorn, j^ ^ .chong shik,. Chwdng BaAvn, J shib. BaAVsin, a badger, l^ i]^ ti' .chii. Ti cbu. Bay, reddish, inclined to a chestnut color, ^ ^ ch'ik shik,. Cb'ih.sih; a bay horse, ^ ,sing« Sing, :5^ ,|ij ch'ik, 'ma. Ch'ih md ; a bay colored cow, .^ ^ ,"'"0 i"S^"- Sing niii. Bay, an arm of the sea, extending into the land, ^ M liau' hoi. ITau hdi, j^.wdn. Wdn, j^^'l.oi 'ku. llai ku, i% h\ Ngdu, ^ 6'. Ngdu, i% ^ 'hoi jii. llai yti, ^fq \i^ 'hoi 'shim, lliii slien, yC fj kong'hau. Kiang k'au ; the bay of a wall, J,^^P .ts'eung'hau. Ts'iang k'au, ii| f| .ts'cungf .lun?. Ts'iang lung. Bay, to keep at^iay, ^||B ii'. Yii, ;Hl 'k'li. K'u, ^ -ft tik, cbii'. Tib cbu, 4*V^ bon' iV. lldn yu ; to keep an enemy at bay, ^ j^ ii' tik,. Yii lib, ^ ^ 'k'ii tik,. K'li lib.* Bay, to bark, '1^ fai*. Fei: to encompass, sec Embay. Bay window i 'ndi. Nai, 'j^ hai^ m, -It j^vai. AVei, |f .wai. Wei, Ji sbukj. Shuli, :{£ tsoi^ Tsdi, -^ Vau. Yii ; to be well, ll ^Jji tsz' jin. Tsz jen, g :^ tsz' tsoi*. Tsz Isdi, '^ ^4 ^on jin. Ngan jen ; to be umvell, p§- ^ || pA^ '-m ^to tsz* jln, Pg- S- ^ )B s"^ c^o sbau- yung' ; to be well done or suiting one's wishes, ^ chduk,. Chob, ^ ^ngam, ff P^ 'l>o lok„ -^ 1^ bbp, lok^ ; to bo at home, f^, ^jfE ^ bai' tsoi' .kd. Hi tsdi kid, n^^ 'hai ch'u' ; ^^ tsoi* lok,. Tsai lob, 9^ M ^ '^^^ "^5 s^^i 5 to be within, :^ pj tsoi' noi^ Tsdi nui, (I^* ^<^ sM. '^^^^ '^^ s^'^" > to be without, -g: ^|> tsoi^ ngoi'. Tsdi Avai, tif^^ il^ S^ 'hai ngoi^ ,t'au ; to be on the table, Pj^ \^ Jt. 'hai jt'oi sbdungS >gE j"^ Jl tsoi* ,t'oi sheung' ; to be rich, ^ 1^ 'yau ^ts'in. Yu ts'ien, -^ it i hai' jts'oi 'chvi. Hi ts'di chu, i| Ml ± ft ^bi' ^ts'oi 'chu'16. Shi ts'di chu Idu; to let be, ^,i^- ^kii 'hii. Kii hu, ^IL ^kii 'ch'e. Ku ts'ie; it must be, ^ k}i>. sbl* pit,. Shlpieh, j^-yji* teng'pit,. Tingpieb; to be (exist, or to have absolute existence), pj ^ ifli pk tsz' ,ln i ,{n. Tsz jen rh jen, H ^^>j ;^ ':^ ,cbl 'yau. Tsz jen chi yu ; to be tired, tsz'jin kui^ ^ kiin'. Kiuen ; to be very tired, jjtf^f^ 'h5 kau' kiin*. Hau kau kiuen ; to be present, ^ tsoi^ Tsdi ; to be good for nothing, M f{i )^ jUio jChung yung*. Wu chung yung ; to bo of use, :^ 5^ 'yau yik,. Yu yih ; to be in office, ^ 1^ tso' ,kiin. Tso kwdn ; to be angry, ^ ^ ^sliang hi'. Sang k'i. /± ^^ ,8bang n6^ Sang n'u, || ^. fdt, n6'. Fdh nii ; to be pleased at, H^ "^ ^fiin 'hi. Ilwdn hi ; to be pleased with, i]^ ^ngdm ; be care- ful, ^ Cl^ sai' ^sam. Si sin ; be off, ^P^ hii' lok,, ^ fijjj hii' ,1a, -^ fl hii' pd*. K'ii pa ; to be with child, '^^ Vau ,shan. Yiishin, ^2^^ ^yauyanS ■^ ^ jWdi yan\ Ilwdi ying, ^ ^ shau' yan', Shau ying ; be silent ! ^ ^ matj ,ia. Wuh yen, I'/jt ^ ^ *iiiai ko' jSbing ; be, the passive form of the verb, is expressed by ^ kin'. Kien (to see), ^ pi^ ri, ^ shau*. SJjau, ^^ tak,. Teh, ^| ^wai. Wei; to be happy, ^jifg h<5imgfuk^. Ilidngfuh; to be poor, ^ [^ shau' tsin*. Shau tsien ; to be ill-treated, ^ lH shau' ndn'. Shau ndn ; to be taught, as a pupil, ^ ^ shau' ip,. Shau nieh ; to be loved, ^ -^ pi' oi'. Vi ngai, ^ ^ ,mung oi'. Mung ngdi, ^ '^ kin' oi'. Kien ngai ; to be seen, % j^ tak, kin'. Teh kien ; to be laughed O-U M,^ kin' siii'. Kien sidu ; to bo made, ^ j^ shau' tso'. Shau tsau ; to be hated of men, j^ \ • III writing or literary exercises tlie verb to bo must lie sparingly used, "tii is in the CLissii-s frequently substituted for to be in its various forms, as :— Eenevolence is humanity, t^^ ^ A "Ui jjan 'che ;jan 'yA. Jin cht' jin yc ; the Duo Medium is the fundamental law, \^hich all thouldcb^y, 'Piil^^ F'^ y^ 7J£ -til ,'-hung Vi'i 'oh6 ,t'5n ha' ^ j^ ^{ang sui'. Pung sui, ^Mii^^fo>iua. Ho yen tun, ;/^ fi 'fo ,tun. Ho tun, i),'|ft|i|i5' M^ ^:-i-=|'{^JE ^ luk^ sbapj ,sdm tik, nim* ^chii. Lub shih san tih nien chii ; to say one's beads, ^ 3^ nim' ^cliii. Kien chu, jf^r i^ jk'i 'tb. K'i tdu, (See itosary) ; a string of aromatic beads, — $ ^ 3^ yat, ch'im' ^beung ^cbii. Yih cb'uen bidng chu. Bead tree, sapindus, iSJ^ 'j^, yf^l s™^ ^'^n* shu'. Wii wdn shii ; the seed of ditto, ^ l^, -^ muk wdu' 'tsz. Muh wdu tsz. Beadle, a messenger or a crier of a court,' ^ ^ BEA (160) ntA ^ch'diyikj. Ch'diyih, ^^,un,ch'di. Yucnch'di, ^^ tsb' tai^ Tsdu tl ; an officer, whose businc s it is to punish petty offenders, ^ J;j£ ts6' ^pdn. Tsdu pdn. Beadleship, the office of a beadle, ^^^^ ^ch'di yikj jChi chik,. Ch'di yih chi chih. Beadmaker, one who makes beads, -^ 3^ Bj^i "(i^ ts6* jChii ,8Z fii*. Tso chii sz fii. B«ul -proof, as spirit, -^ 'jg 'chi 'tsau. Chi tsiu, ^ ^yjg 'hi ^chu 'tsau. K'i chii tsiii. Bead-roll, among Rom. Cath., a list of peraons, for the rest of whose souls they are to repeat a cer- tain number of prayers, which they count by their beads, i^^.i^Z^W- toi' nim* ,chu .chi ,meng ^tdn. Tdi nien chii chi ming t&n. B«id8-man, one praying for another, dropping a bead at each prayer, ^ ftfii j^ 3^ ^' toi' ,t'd nim^ .chii 'ch^. Tdi ,t'd nien chu ch6. Beads-woman, a praying woman, i^ ^ ^ I^ A nim' ,chu ^chi *nii jan. Nien chu chi nii jin. Beagle, a hunting dog, |^4^ lip, 'kau. Lieh kau. Beak, the bill or nip of a bird, p^ 'tsui. Tsui, ^^ ts^uk, 'tsui. Tsioh tsui, ,^ pj^ *niu 'tsui. Isldu tsui, ,^[|| ^niiits'ui'. Niduts'ui, [^ chau'. Chau, g^ chau'. Chau, p^ 'tsui. Tsui, ^ 'ts'ui. Ts'ui, f^ jk'im. K'ien, ^ 'tsui. Tsui ; to pick up grain with the bill, ^ tduk,. Choh ; I would rather be a fowl's beak, than a cow's tail, ^M^]^>^M «4|=. ^ • 5ning jWai .kai 'hau, mat^ jWai jUgau hau^ Ning wei ki k'au, wuh wei niii hau ; the beak of a galley, f^ (^ jShiin 'tsui. Ch'uen tsui. Beaked, having a beak, ^| ^ *yau 'tsui. Yu tsui. Beal, to swell and come to a head, ^ Tp 'hi 'ting. K'i ting, -^lUg^ 'hi jUung ^t'au. K'i nung t'au. Beam, a principal piece of timber in a building, that lies across the walls and serves to suppoi't the principal rafters, ;A; ^ tdi^ ,l6ung. Td Hdng, ]£ ^ ching' ,16ung. Ching lidng, || ^ tung' ,16ung. Tung lidng, ;j|| ^{i jWang ,16ung. Hung li^ng, |5^ H ,0 tung'. A tung, § ^ uk, tung'. Uli lung, ;^ /an. Fan, ^ ,fan. Ean, ;j^ ,iin. Yuen, j^j jhang. Hang, |^ tsat,. Tsih, ^ ^ ,mong jlau. Wdng liu ; the carrying beam, ^^ tdm' ,kon. Tdn kdn ; beam of the nose, pj. ij((^ pi' jl^ung. PI lidng ; beam of a sliip, |.gj^ ^^ kwai' chan'. Kwei chin, ^^ ^^ \^ tfj iShiin 'pdn ,chl ^vr&a.g ,h6,ng. Ch'uen pdn cbl hung hang ; the beam of a plough, ^ ^ jlai ^im. Li yuen ; a beam under the eaves, ^ i^ ^sliira ling '■) a beam of light, -^^ ^kwong sh6' shid ; tlie beam of an anchor, f g ;j^ ^ndu peng'. Midu ping. Beam, to send forth or emit, as light, ^ -^ fdt, ,kwong. Fdh kwdng, ^.j- -^ 8h6^ iV^vong. Shie kwdng ; to beam with delight, y^ (til 7^ ^ *m\in min* .kwong hi'. Mwdn mien kvydng k'i, ^ ifli ^ "^ 'miin min' 'hi shik,. MAvdu mien k'i sih, ling. Chen ' Kw&ng HI sih ying ^ ^ M ff^ 'lii ehik, jing ^mau. mau. Beam-feather, one of the long feathers in the wing of a liawk, MM^ ^ f^^S 7^K jCh'dung ^mb. Ying yih ch'ang mdu. Beaming, emitting rays of light, f$ ^fe ^*^^ ,kwong. Fdh kwdng. Beaming, radiation, f}^ -^ 'shim .kwong. Shcn kwdng, ^^± aW ,kwong. Shi6 kAvdng, ^PgP>g .kwong 'shim 'shim. Kwdn^ shen shen; the beam- ing of genius, ^^^,$^[ ,ying .kwong fdt, ngoi'. Ying kwdng fdh wdi, $^ # # 7^ jing ,wd fdt, iit^. Ying hwd fdh yueh. Beamless, emitting no rays of light, yf^ fj ^ pat, fdt, .kwong. Puh fdh kwdng. Bean, a kind of pulse, ^ tau'. Tau, ^ "^ ,ts'dm tau'. Ts'dn tau ; long bean, dolichos, ^ ^ tau' kok,. Tau koh; broad bean, ^a P"^ ^"'- ^^^^ tau; ensiform bean, 77a <^^ ^^^'- ^du tau; black bean, M^ hak, tau'. Heh tau; soy beans, |5^ pdkj tau^ Peh tau ; small red bean, :^ /]> W ch'ik, 'sill tau'. Ch'ih sidu tau ; red bean, ^ ^ jhung tau^ Hung tau ; large beans, ;^ g; tdi' tau*. Td tau ; small ditto, yj\ ^ 'siii tau^ Si&u tau ; horse beans, ^ 1^ chan* tau*. Chdn tau; bean pods, ^^ tau* kdp,. Tau kieh ; bean sprout greens, ;^ S ^ |^ tdi* tau* ^nga ts'oi'. Td tau yd ts'M ; bean curd, ^j^ tau* fii*. Tau fu ; bean curd jelly, ^^tp^ tau' fii' /d. Tau fii hwd; bean tt ^L tau* fii* jkon. Tau fii kdn ; kl. curd cakes, ^ bean stalks, ^ ^ tau* jhang. Tau hang, KI. Bean-cod, a small fishing vessel, j^Ji^ jU jShiin. Td ch'uen, ^^ ^ fi. .chau. Yii chau. Bean-goose ^^ ^ngo lui*. Ngo lui. Bear, to caiTy (on the back), ^ fii*. Fu, ^ ja6. M.6, ^ piii'. Pei, ^ ^ pui' fii*. Pei fii, i:^\t'o. T'o, ll jU. Yii, ^ jk'in. K'ien ; to cany on the shoulder, :{^ .tdm. T&n, ^ ^ .kin .t'i^. Kicn t'ifiu, ^ tang*. Tang, ^ ho*. Ho, f[ ^^ fu' ho'. Fii ho, ^^ ,tdm fii*. Tdn fii, ^ hong*. Hidng, |§ ,tdm. Tdn, ^ ho'. Ho, ^ k'it,. K'ieh ; to carry on the head, ^ tdi'. Tdi, ^ |[j^ fii' tdi'. Fii tdi ; to bear fruit, ^^ ^ kit, 'kwo. Kieh ko, ^fc -^ kit, 'tsz. Kieh tsz ; to bear children, ^ 'mIn. Mien, ^ -^ ,sbang 'tsz. Sang tsz, ^ ff ,shang 'tsai, ^ -^ 'ch'dn 'tsz. Ch'dn tsz ; to bear a son, f^3^ l»ng' ,cheung. Lung chdng; to bear a daughter, |^ % lung' *ng/i. Lung yd ; to bear witness, f^ §g tsok, ching'. Tsoli ching ; to bear the responsibility, ^tt-F-'0fj tdm ,k'i ,kon hai*. Tdn k'i kdn hi, ;g.^ j^ 1. li [llj kok, sz' ,wai .f d shl* man'. Koh sz wei t'd shi wan, '^^j^^^JT [lij yduug' sz* ,wai .t'd 'sho man*. Y6ng si wei t'ii so wan ; I bear the expenses, ^ ^ 5K t^"^^ ^ngo sho'. Kwei >vo sii, A *lfe ^ yaPi 'ngo sh6'. Yih wo sii, g^; 1^ (^ .kAx-ai *ngo 'pi' Kwei wo pi, ^tH^ ^"aO ch'ut, jUgan. Wo ch'uh yin; to bear ono company, f^ ^ j)'ui tso*. P'ci tso, ^ j!^ BEA (151) BEA ,p'ui piin^ P'ei pwau ; to bear a s'vord, -(^ ;^j | p'lii' kini'. P'ei kien ; to bear a name, ^ ^ 'yau jVneiig. Yu ming ; to bear a date (as a letter), ^ -^ 'yau yatj 'tsz. Yu jih tsz ; to bear a price, ^ "M^ 'yau kd' ,ts'in. Yu kid ts'ien; to bear resem- blance, [gj^ st'ung lui', ^^ tseung^ 'ts'z. Siang sz, ^^{y ^^^' 'ts'z. Lui sz; to bear a good face, ^^ ^ ^ T'^^^ '^^"^ <^^' sluk,. Yu tan chi sih; to bear one good will, @ ^ ^cliung oi'. Chung ngai ; to bear a grudge, '^ f^ jWdi lian^ HwAi ban, f^f^ ^p'6 ban-. P'au ban ; to bear a burden, :j^0 ^ ^ ^tdm tam' -ye. Tan tan ye ; to bear in mind, J^ i^ ^skdung ,sam. Sbang sin, -^ ^ Jiom ch'uk,. H^n ck'ub, j\^^ ^ ^sam ^ts'ong. Sin tsang, ^ i^ ^ ^ ,ckung ^sam jts'oug ^ckl. Chung sin tsang chi, nC ^ ki' 'kan. KI kin, |g ^, kl' nim^ Ki nien, 'j^ ^ jWai nim\ Hwai nien, ^ iij^ jv^'* ^lau tsoi^ jSam. Liu tsdi sin, ^|«~^j\a'fli kwa' tsoi' ^sam jt'au ; you did not bear it in mind, f^ P§ _t. ii^ 'nl ,m ^sh^ung ^sam. Ni puh sbang sin ; to bear the loss, "g* j|5 -^ ^tong /ai kiit,. Tang kw'ei kiueh ; to bear patiently, fQ^ jj^ 'yan noi'. Jin »^i» fS- M 'yaii 111'- Ji^i k'i, ^ ,^, jung 'yan. Yung jin, ^ ^ Jidm jung. Hkn yung, ^ 1^^ *yan ^ts'ong. Jin tsdng, ^ ^ ^Tpku Jtibm. Pdu bin, ^ ^ ^p'o so'. P'o so, f ? ^j-^ pi k'au'. Pi k'au ; bard to bear it patiently, '|^if |^n^"^, jts'ing ,ndn a 'yan. Ts'ing nan yd jin, pg^ iQ, ^| ^ ^m 'yan tak^ chii- ; to bear fatigue, f3: ^ yam" ^16. Jin lau ; to bear cold, ^ }J^ u^ tung'. Yu tung, ^^ iv ,hon. Yu ban, ^\^ 'tai 'lang. Ti lang, jj|^ '{^ yioi' 'lang. Nai lang ; cannot bear bis tyr- anny, T'f^ :^ it ^ pat, ^bom jk'i yeuk,. Pub ban k'i yob ; it is difficult to bear these bardsliips, ^ ^ i^ ^ y^ '^'^ s^an ^liom. K'i k'u nan ban ; to bear difficulties, ^* f^ ,tong n{in'. Tang nan, ^ ^§ shau- nan". Shau nan, ^ ngai". Yai ; this word does not bear that sense, vj^ \)i} ^ Pa 1% 1^ j^ ^ni ti' tsz' jra hai^ 'kom 'kdi ; to bear aAvay, ^ ^- tai' bti'. Tai k'vi, % tak,. Teh ; to bear down, M a ^^'-^ chii". Yah chii ; to bear [offer] up, :j^ ^^ 'lung chii". Pung chii ; to bear a blow or mis- fortune, iQ^ m 'yan nan'. Jin ndn, ^g* ^ ,tong nan". Tang nan ; to bear hardships, 'g^ ^ ^ jtong jlo 'fii. Tang lau k'li ; to bear on a subject, •tH {l!l lii 'chi t'i'i shut,. Chi t'a shwoh ; to bear with, l^ifi ngai" chii*. Yai chii, ^ shau' ; I can no longer bear it, p§- 1^ f^ j^ ^xo. ngai^ tak, chiv, P^-tJfcf^'tfe <™ '^''^i ^ak^ clili" ; to bear as well as I can, i^ '^^ 'tai ngai', Ti ydi ; to bear the blame, ^ikW '■^^ tsui'. Ti tsiii ; to bear up under calami- lies, ^ ij^ ;fu ^tsoi. Fii ts4i ; to bear interest, ^ M\ .sbang sikj. Sang sih ; to bear misery, ^ ^ shau^ 'fu. Shau k'li ; to bear pain, i^ '^ 'tai t'ung'. Ti t'ung, ^ ^j^ ngai- t'ung\ Yai t'ung ; to bear an injury, p£j|^' hat, /ai. K'ih kw'ei, ^ j^ 'tai /ai. Ti kw'ei ; to bear in a certain direc- tion, ;f|[(H] 'chi h6ung'. Chi hidng ; to bear down, j^ 1» jts'iii 'h&. Ts'ui hid' ; to bear heavy respon- sibility, fi^ yam^ chuug^. Jin chung, ;^^ fti* chun^. Fii chung ; when you bear heavy respon- sibility, punishment will be equally severe, f$;^ ^ M yam^ tai" chdk, chung'. Jin td tseh chung ; worthy to bear office, ^ _h. 'fi ^h6m ^sh^uBg yam^ Hdn sbang jin ; to bear away, to sail be- fore the wind, ,||i A ^- ijli 'shai pdt^ tsz' ll. Shi pdh tsz li ; to bear up, as a ship, ;^ jg; ^mdi kan\ Mdi kin, 5|jtiM 'shai ^mki . Shi mdi; to bear against, © tt^r 'shai jts'in 'ta. Shi ts'ieh t^; to bear hard upon an antagonist, ^ j^ kw'an' tikj. Ew'an tih; to bear with, or be indulgent, ^::^ ,fiin tdi*. kwan ta. Bear, ursus, f| jhung. Hiung, ^ J^ jhimg jan. Hiung jin; the red bear, ^f | ch'ik, jhung. Ch'ih hiung; the white ditto, ^ ^pi. Pi; a bear's palm, (a delicacy), f6i^ jbung 'ch^ung. Hiung chdngi H^{^- (bung jfdn. Hiung fdn; gall of bears (a me- dicine), ^^ ^ s^ung 'tdm. Hiung tdn ; the con- stellation of the Ursa major, i\^i\- pak^'tau. Peh tau ; to worship the Ursa major, ^ i|- pdi' 'tau. Pdi tau, fji§ i\- Uai 'tau. Li tau. Bear, | a kind of barley, -j^^ || tdi' mtik^ lui^ Td Bere, ) meli lui. Bearable, that can be borne, ^ ^ ^^ 'ho 'tai tak,. K'o ti teh, pT ^" # 'ho ngdi^ tak,. K'o ydi teh, =}^ # If 'tai tak, .tong. Ti teh tdng, |i # >^ ngdi" tak, chii'. Ydi teh chu. Bearably, in a bearable manner, -^^^ ts5^ tak,. Tso teh, %J^ ti:# 'ho 'i ts6' tak,. K'o i tso teh. Bear's-breech "^V^y^ jlong ,fd lak^. Ldng hwd lih. Bear's-ear ^^ jiQg 'ts'5. Ying ts'du. Bear's-garlic |1| ^ ^shan siin'. Shdn swdn. Bear's grease, bear's fat used for promoting' the growth of hair, ^^ y^ jbung jyau. Hiung yii. Beard, the hair that grows on the chin, ^ s6. Sii ; the beard around the face, ^ i$ ^ ,u ^" shai' teng' ^shiin 16'. K'un shan shi ting ch'iion hi, ^ ^\l \\\ }^ ^ mong' chit' shim 'slni hii'. "Wang chii shdn shi k'ii; a ' dowiiwnrd bearing, as iu child-birth, )J^,» ^^ ^ ,t'oi tsok, t'ung'. T'l'ii tsoh I'uiijjj the regular bear- j Y6 shau, iJjflt ,8hdn shau*. Shdn shau ; ferociou* ditto, f^ j^ 'mang shau'. Mang shau, ."g ^ ok, shau*. Ngoh shau ; any four-footed animal, ^f^t 'tsau shau*. Tsau sliau ; a beast of burden, ^^ f^ jt'o shau*. T'o shan ; a brutal man ^ i\: ch'uk, .shang. Ch'uh sang, ^ \ jts'dn ,yan. Ts'an jin, ^ A 'mong jan. AVdng jin, ^ ^ 1^ A mau» mong ke' ,yan ; he who acknowledges no father nor prince is like birds and beasts, ^ 3^ fit ^ ;^ ikWiiil j™^ fii' M ckwan shi' jk'am shau* "jL ^\'u I'd wii kiun shi kin shau y6 ; men who will not practice virtue, differ but little from birds and beasts. KZffrl>XUMtmf^^^ ja^ ^chi 'sho 'i I* .11 .k'am shau* 'chd ,kl ,hl. Jin chi so i I yu k'in shau chd ki hi. Beast-like, like a beast, ^ Wi ^ — Wt *" ^^^^* ch'uk, yat, ,pun. I'u sliau ch'uh yih pwdn, ip ^ 1^ ^ jii shau* 'k6m ydung*. Ju shau kdn ydng, ^« ra^ 4 M H i^'i ch'uk, jShang ,m6 I*. Jii ch'uh sang wu i ; brutal, ^^,p(^ ^ts'dn 'yan ke', ^ ^ ,hung ok,, lliung ngoh, ^^ij;^\ (lij Jong ,sam lik,. Lang sin tih. Beat, to, tr 'i^- Td, ^ kik,. Kih, ^ ,hfiu. K'du, :^ p'ok,. P'oh, |£J tT 'au 'td. Ngau tl\, ^ ,ch6. Chd, |j5[ ch'euk . Ch'oh, ^ ^ 'chi ,pd. Chi pd, Ut kid- Kidu, f^ h6p,. lloh, ^,yan. Yin, ^ kik,. Kih, ^lai*. Lib, ^ chong*. Chwdng, ^ kik.. Kih, ^ .pin. Pien, ^ tduk . Choh, ^tj- .ts'dn. Ts'un, ^f ni*. 1th, j^ kl'. Ki ; to beat with the whip, ^^ ^ j)in t'dt^. Pien tdh, ||f :g| ,pin p'ok . Pien p'oh ; to beat, as clothes, ^ 't6. Tdu, 4^''t6. Tdu; to beat clothes, ^ fc 'ti> .<• Tdu i, ^^ ,ch'ui ,i. Ch'iii i ; to beat tire, :||ji| *i6 Idn*. Tdu Idn ; to beat or tap, ^ ,hdu. Kiku; to beat or rap the block Avhen chanting, HJc h^ .hfiu pukj jii. Kidu pub yd ; to boat to pieces, ^ ^ .hdu Idn*. Kidu Idn, fl ^ 'td Idn'. Td Ian, fl ^ 'td sui'. Td sui, ^ ^ ,hdu sui'. Kidu sui, ■J^^ p'ok, Idn'. P'oh Idn, ^ if^ p'ok, iui'. P'oh sui ; to beat the watch, {2^ ^ .hdu ,kanj-. Kidu l^anj?. iT Mi '<'^ M^S- 'ia l<^ang, gg ff kik, t'o\-,. Kih t'oh ig i^ kik, t'ok,. Kih foh, tf ^ ^ 'td ,kang ,ii. IVi kang yd, |7 ^^ 'td .lang 'kii'. Td kang kd ; to beat or clap the wings, -|^|» ^, p'ok, yik,. P'oh yih ; to beat clean (as clothes), J^\> ^ )^ p'ok, ,kon fseng*. P'oli kdn tsiiig ; to beat M ith the hand, ]^l pok,. Poh ; to beat with a pes- tle, ;^ cluing. Chung, irf ^fining. Chung; to beat luiul walls, :^ >*j- .chung jls'iiung. Chung ts'idng, ^ J^ }^] ,chun }. .nai ,ts t'ung. Chung ) i ts'iang ; to beat chunaiu, ;^ T^y}^ ^chung ,fdi .shi*. Chung hwui slid, jj' f.Jl jf-j,' 'td fdi ^shd. Td hwi i slid ; to beat rice, i^jjt .cliuug 'inai. Churg mf ; to beat time, fy ^ 'td 'pdn. Td pdn, fg ^ ts«>, ngok,. Tsieh iigoli, jfij j^ t6' sho'. Tu sd, |g |Uj SUA (163) JBfiA td^ huk,. Td k'iuli, -^- |f| jam tsit^. Yin Isieb ^^ tsit, p'ilk,. Tsielip'el/, f^j^ ^t'ui .Imu. Tii kidu, P|p]|^'lieimg 'p^in. Hhing pan ; to beat flat :f]" J^ 'tk 'pin. Td pien ; to beat gold into leaves i^il iCb'ui ,kampok,. Ch'ui kinpob, tT^^ 'td ^kam ip^. Ta kin yeh ; to beat as a drum, ^u tsung. Tsung ; to beat the drum, ^J yj^ 'ta 'ku. Ta kii, tr H uk 'ta ,lo 'kii. Ta lo ku, if ^ kik \t. Kih ku, :g ^ ,ch'ui 'ku. Ch'ui ku, >f^ -^;i f^ 'kii. Tall kii, ^^ Jidu 'ku. Iviau ku, :|f Aj^ Mi 'kii. Lni kii, |;§§J ^cha 'kii. Cha kii ; to beal the enemy, fy0-^ 'td shing' ch6ung'. Td shing chdng, ^T^ 'td jyeng. Ta ying ; to beat against, or smash, ^J "^ 'ta sui'. Td sui, ^ ^ 'tarn sui'; to beat the breast, ^ f^ fu" jing. Pii ying, f] 'ta liun^. Ta hiung, ^ fl&J tarn ^hun ch'ui ,hung. Ch'ui hiung ; to beat the breast ^ jCh'ui jhung 'tam 'keng and neck m^ m to beat on the mouth, ^f]" ^ P^ 'ta 'tsui j)d. Ti tsui pd ; to beat back, tl M. 'td t'lii'. Td t'lii, ^ ^ kik, t'lii'. Kih t'lii ; to beat (knock) at the door, ^ P^ ,h&u jmun. Kidu mun, :j|| PI k'au' ^mun. K'au mun, ff f] 'td .miin. Ta mun; to beat one's head about a thin ^ ^Ij ff 's6uns to' mung. SidnsT tdu mung, seung jUi ch'utj. Siang wii [puhj ch'uh ; to beat into (to teach), ^ gl^ ,hdu 'seng. Kidu sing ; to beat before a magistrate, P^ I']" ,hdu 'td. k'du td ; to beat with a bamboo, <^ ^ ,ch'i ch6ung^. Ch'i chdng, fj %(; Jiang cheung'. Hang chdng ; to beat 80 strokes, y^j ^ ^miin ch^ung". Mwdn chdng; to beat Avith the fist, l^X ^ gtJ- -1 ^k'iln ,t'au 'td. I k'iuen t'au td, i^ ^ tf 'pi ^k'iin 'td. Pi k'iuen td, -f^ ^ ff 'pi 'shau 'td. Pi shau td ; to beat with the hand, ^i ^Wtff 'pi 'shau 'pdn 'ta. Pi shau pdn td, ^ kwdk,, ^ 'chdung. Chdng, |§ " ' Q ^ kwdk^ yat, ,pd 'ch^ung, -^ :f§ 'shau kdk,. Shau keh ; beat and reviled him, 4T ^ tS ^d md' 'k'li ; cannot beat it out of his herd, ^^ g^ ^ fij'| pat, ^nang Jioi 'kai. Puh nang k'di kidi ; to beat to death, :^X ^ 'td 'sz. Td sz, %% ^ 'au 'sz. Ngau sz, g'j^ ^ 'au pai'. Ngau pi, ^ nt" kik, j'^ong. Kih wdng ; to beat together (as mortar), ^ |^ ^chung lin^ Chung lien ; to beat, as the heart, |^| t'iu'. T'idu, ^ ^ ^ tipj tipj t'iii' •, to beat silk or other tilings in the water, ^^,7 pai^ Pi ; to beat gently, ijig fj" Jieng'td. K'ing td, ^i^.4'|» Jieng p'ok,. K'ingp'oh; to beat A\^th a cane, '(^-''^^tT 'pi .pi'i td. Pi pien td j to beat severely, ijfj ^tj. -^^ ^^ 'td tak, Jcau ^kwdn. Td teh kidu kwdu, -J^J f^ -^ fg 'ta tak, ^sham ^sheung. Td teh shin shiing, ff f^ ji^ ||-^f^ 'td tak, 'ho ^kwi'in hai^ Td teh hau kwdn hi, ff # iif ^ f# 'td tak, 'h5 ,ts'ai 'ts'&m. Td teh hdu ts'i ts'dn, ^^ tJ' chung- 'td. Chung ta, it| ts'uk,. Ts'uh ; to beat in a game, ^ ,ycng. Ying, ff .yens- 'td jhang sh6'. Td liang sii, ^J ^ 'ta Td ying; he'll take less if he is beat down, m^tit 'lai 'i5hau dMMt beat against the wind, ,^" :fg jg 'shai ^k'au jp'ung. Shi k'ii p'ung, ^ Tg Bl M, 'shai 'ting jt'au ,fung. Shi ting t'au fung ; to beat the price, j^ f^ 'kdm ka'. Kien Li i ; to beat or dash, as the waves, ^f^ ^ ,iu h5m'. Ydu kan, iSlk^^ j^ ,po jt'6 kik, ngon\ Po t'du kih ngdn, 'j^ :J7* long' 'td. Ldng td ; to fluctuate, ^^ ^ Jd tung*. Ydu tung ; to beat about, jf| u chau Avai 'wan. Chau wei wan, p|^ nj :|'^ Heung ^t'au 'wan. Liang t'au wan, [/Lj |^^ sz' ch'ii' jts'am. Sz ch'd ts'in ; to beat up for soldiers, ^ J* 'hi ,ping. K'i pm kwo'. Fan shih kwo, Tik^M. ^chong 'chingkwo\ Chwdng ching kwo, %^/j-i^ ,chong pdn' kwo'. Chwdng pfm kwo. Beautifier, he that makes beautiful, }|^|jl|^ ,chong shik, 'ch6. Chwdng shih ch6, f^ 1$ ^ (Sau shik, 'ch6. Siii shih ch6, Jj6(> f^ :;|- 'fan shi^ 'ch6. Fan shih ch^. Beautiful, having the qualities that delight the eye, H 'mi. Mei, H ^ 'mi lai'. Mei li, ^ %^ sau' lai'. Siu li, ^ j/ti >J" lai^ Kidu li, ^ ^ .kiii im*. Kidu yen, -^ ^kdi. Kid, ^^'h6 't'ai. Hdu t'i, j^ ^ 'hh hon'. Hdu k'dn, d^ g tiit^ muk^. Toh muh, ^(^ -^ ,ts'ing sau'. Ts'ing siu, ^ ^ jP'in jkun. P'ien kiuen, f^ ,shin. Shen, ^^ 'h6 y^ung'. Hdu ydng, 1/i ^ jing ying. Ying ying, gE jShan. Chin, ^ ,sui. Sui, jing. Ying, ^ nip,. Nieh, ^ jj>^ 'yau ^ng. Yu wii, ^ ^J 'chin 'tin. Chen tien, ^ y^ lai' 'hhk LI tseh, B^ ^ 'in'iin. Yenwdn,^,iu. Ydu, ^^^ ^p'ing ^fing. Fing t'ing. j^ ^ ,fang .yung. Fung Jung, j}| jleung. Lidng, ^ 1'. I, ^^^ /ai. Hwui, ^^ § 'kdu 'kku. Kidu kidu, ^ ^^ 'iii tiu'. Ydu tidu, jg ch'eung. ChYmg, ^ ,ch6ung. Chdng, |^ ch^ung. Chdng, ^' miu^ Midu, ^if^ 'mi miji\ Mei midu, ^ ^ ,ying ^wd. Ying hwd, ^ j^ .tseng chi*. Tsing chi, ^j^ Jjjg .shun lai^ Shun 11, Ifl j^ ,piu chC. Pi&u chi ; a beautiful thing, j^ fS^mr 'li6 't'ai ke' Ve. !t^^ZM\i^ '^^ ^ou! ,chl ,tung ^sai. Hdu k'dn chi tung si ; a beautiful female, ^, -^ yuk, 'nu. Yuh nu, ^ \'ml .yan. Mei jin, ^ 35c ^^^ *nii. Mei nu, |^ \ lai' .van. LI jin, ^ A '^^^" jy^°- ^^^" J'"' 5. A .vukj ^yan. Yuh jin, ^ A c^^ Jan. Kid jin, ^ ^ ,iu ^tsz. Ydu tsz, j^^ 'niii W Nidu no, ^^ ,kiu ^6. Kidu jdu, ^^ ,0 'no. O no, 3^ k'ong', K'dng. il^, fau'. Fau, $f # P^ ic 'b^ y^ung" k6' hitt, jg #^f|i 'k'ii ydung^ 'h6 leng'. K'ii ydng hdu ling, ^fl^f^ ^shang tak/h6 'ts'iu. Sang teh hdu ts'idu ; enchantingly beautiful, ^ 4|l 'iin ,liin. Yuen liuen ; extremely beautiful, ^|^ kik^ 'ml Kih mei, |g^ tsut^shik,. Tsiueh sih, ^^ ,t'In ,tsz. T'ien tsz, @ ^ kwok, shik^. Kwoh sih, -|- ^ j^ ^ shapj ,fan 'h6 yeung'. Shih fan hdu ydng ; a beautiful countenance, ^J jg; ^ 'h6 min' mdu'. Hdu mien mdu, 3S M y^^j niln\ Yuh ™i«i». 3«. 1^ yuk, jUgkn. Yuh yen, ^ ^ yuk, ,yung. Yuh yung, ^ ^ 'ml ^ ^ jan 'ni 'ngo hii'. Yin ni wo k'ii; he entered the government service, because he was poor, ^ r?n tfc jan sP'an ^i sz*. Yin p'in rh sz ; he served the government not because he is poor, pi^M^^ sz* /i wai* ,p'an '^L Sz fi wei p'in y^. Bechance, to happen to, ffl^jH 'ngau ii*. Ngau yii. Becharm, to captivate, ^^ .mai jWan. Mi hwan. Becharmed, captivated, ^ z^ |J^ jmai ^wan chan*. Mi hwan chin. Beche-de-mer, see Biche-de-mer. Bechic, a medicine for relieving coughs, chi* k'at, y^uk^^ Chi k'ih yob. Beck, to nod, l^sM^M ^g^P^ s^'au .chi i', ^ sj ^ i^ ngap, ^t'au ,chi 'kai, ifi fl^ # ;§ 'tim ,t'au lii* i\ Tien t'au hwui i ; to make a sign with the hand, tr^H 'td 'shau hb*. U shau hiu, J^ :^ 'chi ,fai. Chi hwui, ^ >jt 'chi shi*. Chi shf , :jf l/j 'chi 'tim. Chi tien, 4* tS 's^au ,chiii. Shau chdu ; to beck and call, flJI^^B^ ngap^ 'shau kiii', ^^^^Pf ngap^ 'shau ^chiii fu. Becking, directing by a nod, l^| sj ngap^ ^t'au, |^ Hg 'tim ,t'au. Tien t'au, (|| M ^ ^f ^^gaPi »t'au 'chi /ai. Beckon, to make a sign to another by a motion of the hand, 1!^ ngap,, P^ ^ ngap, 'shau, ^t ^ ,fai 'shau. Hwui shau, ^ ,piu. Piiu, ^ ,ch'iii. Ch'du ; beckon him to come, PjltE^ ngap, 'k'ii jloi; to beckon mih the eyes, ^ ^ sung' mink,. nfe (is^) ijfciJ Sung muh, j^ flft sung' ^ngdn. Sung yen, ^ g ,kw£n mukj, Kwin muli, ^ i|{^ "g'^Pj 'igi'i, -^ BR^ ,tiu ^ngiu kok,. Tidu yen koli, 0. g 7jVf ; ^i muk, shi' i'. :^muh shi i, Sf-^W'^^^id) "gap^ 'ngdn shut, 'kai, ^sJiW M^ t^'a^ ^""o^ "i"K- 'I'i^u t'au lung mull, l^jl^ljg ^ ngap^ *ngdn ngap, pi', ^MW^ lung' 'ngdn lung* pi'. Lung yen lung pi ; ditto with the head, \^ s^ ngap^ jt'au, ^jS sjt 'tim ,t'au. Tien t'au, liX^jfM '^ 'sli^i" sl'i' i*. I shau shI i ; he beckons me, fgil^^l^^ 'k'ii ngap^ Vo .lai, 1U ^k M m fic 3k 'k'u 'tim ,t'au ,chiu *ngo ,loi. K'ii tien t'au chiu avo lii ; to beckon and call, tg Pf ^chiu ,fu. Chdu hu. Beckon, a sign made without words, ^T M '^^ 1^^'- Td hiu. Beckoned Ijg ^ ngap^ kwo', pg^ ji^ 5^ ngap, kwo' ,t'au, ^^:iiiSM 'tim kwo' ^t'au.' Tien kwo t'au, j>j( @ ^ ^ ,"§; ^1 mukj sung' kwo' i'. I muh sung Vwo i, ^J j;^!!^^ 'td kwo' 6m' hb'. Td kwo ngdn hdu. Becloud, to obscure, ^ A ^ ^ I'^g^ ,yan ^mung pai'. Ling jin mung pi, ^A^i^ 'sz ^j an /an mi'ii'. Shi jin hwan mei, ^ \ f^ t\^ 'sz jan ,mung miii'. Shi jin mung mei, '^AOd ^ 'sz jan 6m' m\ii'. Shi jin ngdn mei. Beclouded, clouded, ^^j^^ ^fau ,wan 'miin ^t'in. Fau yun mwan t'ien, M'^"^^ hak, ,wan mat^ p6'. Hih yun mill pu, ; darkened as the mind, ^ ^ ,mung miii'. Mung mei, ^ ^ jWiung 'tung, -g; ^ /an jmai, Hwan mi, ^ jmung. Mung, ^ ^mung. Mung, ^ ^ iHiung pai'. Mung pi, ^ ^ /an imung. Hwan mung, -g; ^ /an mui'. Hwan mei, -g; Hg- /an 6m'. Hwan ngdn, ^ y^ ,mungwan'. Mung hwan, '/J^Jtfe wan' tun'. Hwan tun, Hg^^ 6m' mui'. Ngd:i mei, vCi)-^ ,sam /an. Sin hwan, j^^i^ ^ ,sam /an. Sin hiun,' ;^ j^ i' ,mai. I mi, t^ ^ ^sam ^mung. Sin mung, ^ ,nku. NAu. Become (pret. became; pp. become), to pass from one state to another, J^ jShing. Ching, j^ Ub\ Tso, ^ chi'. Chi, /^ .shang. Sang, ^j^ Idt,. rdb, j§| .ts'in. Ts'ien, jjg 'hi. K'i, -f^^ Id'. Hwd, j; tdp,. Tdh ; to become king, ^^ Jl ts6' ,wong. Tso wdng, ^ ^ ^wai ,Mong. Wei wdng, -^ -^ /ang wai^ Tang wei ; to become good, ^ H ^ts'in shin'. Ts'ien shen, ^ ^ 'sui shin'. Si shen, ^ -^ /s'ung shin*. Ts'uiig shen : to become wealthy, |jif |j| iut, ^ts'oi. Tdh ts'di, /^^ .shang jts'oi. Sang ts'di, flj$| slung' .ts'in. Slung ts'ien, ^ 'g chi' fu'. Chi fii ; to become angry, ^ ^. lat, n6'. Fah nu, ^ ig ,shang n6'. Sang ud, ^ *C 'hi n6'. K'i nu, ||/j ^^ tung' n6'. Tung nti, |$Jj| fdt, ,ndu. Fdh nidu, ^ ^ ^sliang hi'. Sang k'i ; to become mad, §^ ^ Idt, ,tiu. Fdh tien, ;^^ fdt. .kw'ong. Fdh kw'iing ; to be- come leprous, f^ ^ flit, /ung. Fdh fung ; what will become of him ? j|^ ^ ^11 'fpf ,t8eung jloi ,\i ,ho. Tsidng lOi j\i ho, ^MM .^s*^""? »^oi 'tim y^ung*. Tsidng Idi tien yang ; what became of it in the end ? j\\^ s*'*"' jCh'ong. T'au ch'wdng; to get out of bed, /j^ 'H; lok, ^ch'ong. Loh ch'wilng, 7: ^ 'hk ,ch'ong. Hid ch'wdng, ^ ^ 'hi ,shan. K'I shin ; to be abed, ;^Jjj; tsoi' ^ch'ong. Tsiu ch'wAnj, g\ BED (167 5 Md ^^ ngo^ tsoi- jCh'ong, Ngo tsM cliVdng, ^^ il^ ngo' tsoi- t'ap,. Ngo tsdi t'dh, B|i) >j^ ^ fan' lok^ jCh'ong; to make up a bed on the floor, :^J til? ^ 'tA ti' ,p'6. Ta ti p'u ; to be sick abed, ^ ^^^ 'yau peng- tsoi' ^ch'ong. Yu ping tsdi ch'w^ng; to be brought to bed, g§^ Jam jp'un. Lin pw'an, ^^ ^ /an ^min. Pan mien ; to make the bed, ^ j^ ^p'^ jCh'ong. P'u ch'wkng ; a fire warmed bed, ^ (^ 'lb k'ong'. Ho k'ang ; a stra- tum, — ^ yat^ "lui. Yih lui, — ^ ijll yat^ *lui ti^ Yih lui ti ; to make partaker of the bed, ^ ^ ts'ii' /s'an. Ts'ii ts'in ; to lay the bed for a pavement, ^ 5 J^ 'P'^ shek, keuk,. P'u shih kioh ; bed in a miU, ^ (j^ ^ mo- 'tai shek,. Mo ti shih, ^^^ mo- jp'un shek^. Mo pw'an shih; I will go to bed, gglll id' fan'. Yau hiun, ^^ hii' 't'au. K'ii t'au, -^ ® hii' shui^ K'u shwui, fy ^ 'tA shui'. Ta shwui ; go to bed, ^ gil] \t§^ hii' fan* lok, ; early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise, ^_h^,-^^ ^'p.AilJ^'mM^B' Y"^ 'sh^ung ^ch'ong. 'ts6 'hi ^shan, 'sz jan 'h6 kin' fii' kwai' chi' wai^ Tsdu shdng ch'w^g, tsdu k'i shin, shI jin hdu kien fii kwei chi hwui. Bedabble, to sprinkle (with water), j^ 'shd. Shd, yH^ylC 'shd 'shui. Sh.a shwui, j^ jlam. Lin, j^^fC jlam 'shui. Lin shwui. Bedabbled, sprinkled (with water), ^^ 'sha kwo'. Shd kwo, ^J^i^TJC 'shd kwo' 'shui. Sha kwo shwui, 1^ }jS jlam kwo'. Lin kwo, ^ jj^ ^j^C jlam kwo' 'shui. Lin kwo sliwui. Bedabbling, sprinkling (with water), ^ 'shd. Shd, P^ jlam. Lin. Bedaggle, to soil, ^'/^ 'ching ^u. Ching wii, ^"^ 'im ^li. Yen wu; to bespatter, ^ tsin^ Tsien, ^ ^ tsin^ ^u. Tsien wu. Bedarkened, obscured, If^ ^ 5m' mui^ Ngdn mei, ^ ^mung. Mung, ^ §| ^mung Jung. Mung lung. Bedash, to wet, by throwing water upon, ^ ^ p'ut^ 'shui. P'oh shwui. Bedashed, bespattered with water, ^ >i|i ^fC p'tit^ kwo' 'shui. P'oh kwo shwui. Bedaub, to daub over, y^ 'p'5. P'li, v^ f^ ,chlm ^d. Chen wu, ^ '/^ *im .li. Yen wii, -^ »/3^ jt'6 ,u. T'li wu, ^ fff jch'd ,u. Ch'd wii. Bedaubed, besmeared, '^'j(^}^ ^'6 ^li kwo'. T'u wii kwo. Bedazzle, to confound the sight by too strong a light, ^ B^ ch'^uk, ^ngan. Ch'oli yen, fljlt B^ 'y^ung -ngdn. Ydng yen, ^ g wan^ muk^. Yun muh, ^ Bf^ 'shim 'ngdn. Shen yen. Bedazzling, confounding by a too brilliant luster, Pga^ 'shim 'ngdn. Shen yen, ^|^ yeung'ngdn. Ydng yen. Bedazzlingly ^ ^fj 'shim Jn. Shen jen. Bedbug tK H muk^ shat,. Muh sih. Bedchamber ^ ^ 'ts'am shat,. Ts'in shih, ^Dfl ^ fen' jfong, I^H ngo' /ong. Ngo fdng, fli^ shui' jfong. Shwui fdng; the empress' bedchamber, ^ ■^ /siii jfong. Tsiau fang. Bedclothes, coverlets, ^^ ,p'6 k'oi'. P'li k'ai; sleeping clothes, BH z^ shui' J. Shwui i. Bedded, laid in a bed, fg. ')^ jj^f; 'p'6 lok, ,ch'ong. P'au loh ch'wdng ; stmtified, ^P^^ 'lui ke"', |||^ 'lui tik,. Lui tih. Bedding, a bed and its furniture, ^^ jCh'ong p'5. Ch'wdng p'li, ^ ^ 'p'i y5. P'i p'u, ^ ^'^p'i ^wo. P'i wo; tie up the bedding, ^J^^ 'ta, j'5 k'oi'. Ta p'u k'ai; bedding taken in ti-aveling, g^ ^ shui' ,p'5. Shwui p'li. Bedeck, to deck or adorn, ^^fj^' ,chong shik,. Chwang shih, -^ ffli (Sai-i shik,. Siu shih. Bedel, a messenger or crier in a court, ^ ^ tso* ^pan. Tsdu pdn. Bedevil, to thi'ow into utter disorder or confusion, it iL I^Pj 1"^"^- Lih Iwan, g|^ ^md liin'. Ma Iwdn. Bedew, to moisten as with dew, ^ yun'. Jun, ^ }Pi ,t8Z yun'. Tsz jun, J^ J^ yun' chdk,. Jun tseh, yPI ^ yun- yuk^. Jun yuh, -]^ f^ ^chim yun^ Chen jun, ^^ kiin' yuk^. Kwan yuh, ^ JPI jSii yun'. Jii jun, )^^^ tsam' yun'. Tsin jun. Bedewed ^/g J[^ ^^ Jsz yun' kwo'. Tsz jun kwo, ^ '/p 3^ y^^ chak^ kwo'. Jun tseh kwo. Bedfellow ^^'^^ ,md ,p'o ke', ^M^ J'ung fan' 'che, 1^ )j^ ;^ J'ung 'ts'am 'che. T'ung ts'in che, U%^ jt'ung t'dp^ 'che. T'ung t'dh ch^, |^ ^ ^ ,t'ung ,p'6 'che. T'ung p'u cM, ^^^^ tdp, ,p'o 'che. Tall p'li che. Bedhangings, cui-tains, ^ ijjg ^ch'ong chdimg'. Ch'wdng clidng. Bedight, to adorn, ^ |fjg ^chong shik,. Chwdng shih. Bedim, to obscm-e, ^ ^ jiiaung chii'. Mung chii, 'f^ ^ 'pi jmung. Pi mung. Bedizen, to deck, ^^ ^ ^choug shik,. Chwdng shih. Bedlam, a madman, U ^ ^^ fdt, /In tik,. Pdh tien tih, ^ f^ /in '15. Tien lau. Bedlamite, ^% /in '15. Tien Idu. Bedmate, see Bedfelhw. Bedouin, wandering Ai-abs, ^ ^ ll^ij '(j^ ^ ^yau A- Idpdk jyan. Yu Aldpeh jin. Bedpost 7^ j^ jch'ong 'ch'ii. Ch'wdng ch'd. Bedpresser, a lazy fellow, ^ \, 'Idn ^yan. Ldn jin, Hf $i "iJt lio' fan' k6\ p^ 4- '^ a' 'tau ,kun. Bedquilt jj^ ^ ^min 'p'i. Mien p'i Bedraggle, to soil, ^^ "f^ /'o. ,u. T'o wd. Bedraggled % f^ ^^ /'o'^d kwo'. T'o wd kwo. Bedrench, to drench, or soak, |^y^. Jam shap,. Lin shih, ^ '^^ 'u shapj. Yd shih. Bedrendhed, drenched, |^ 3|^ '^^ Jam kwo' shap,. Lin kwo shih, ^ '/j^ jjS 'u sliap, kwo'. Yd sMli kwo. Bed-ridden, confinened to the bed by infirmity, ^ g\ ^ ^ peng' ngo' tsoi' jCh'ong. Ping ngo tsdi ch'wdn-, ^gA.^Hl J:S peng' ngo* pat, ^nang 'hi. Ping ngo puh nang k'i. BED (158) BEf Bedroom 9|i|) ^ fan' ^fong, g§ ^ shui' jfong. Shwxii fdng, 0^ 'ts'am shat,. Ts'in shih. Bedrop, to sprinkle, as with drops, ^ll^fc 'shd 'shui. Shd shwui ; to sprinkle evenly, j^ -^ ^shd ^wan. Shd yun. Bedropped, sprinkled as with drops, ill >^ TJC 'shA kwo' 'shui. Shd kwo shwui; sprinkled evenly, '^ -^ }|^ 'sha ,wan kwo*. Sh^ yun kwo. Bedstead, a fi*ame for supporting a bed, ^^ ^ch'ong 'pAn. Ch'wdng p&n, |^ ^ k'ong' ,ch'ong. K'kng chiwdng, g\ ^ ngo' t'dp,. Ngo t'dh, p\\ ^ fan' jCh'ong, ^ ^1 jCh'ong kd'. Ch'wdng kid. Bedstraw, straw laid under the bed to make it soft, j^^ jCh'ong *ts'6. Ch'wdng ts'du. Bedswerver, one who is unfaithful to the marriage vow, '{^ ^ J^^^ S^- Yin fii. Bedtime, the time to go to rest, ^ ^ 11^ '{^ ^lam ngo^ ^shl hau'. Lin ngo shI hau, ^ ^l| -^ B^ jlam fan' ,chi ,shi, ii ^ B# # jing shui^ ^shi hau'. Ying shwui shi hau, 8|)|| p|[ fj^ ^jjl fan' k6' ,8hi hau'. Bedust, to cover with dust, ^^ jCh'an p'6. Ch'in p'n. Bedwarf, to make little, as trees, jg jj^ wat, shii*. K'iuh shii, ^ ^.{fl 'ching sai'. Ching si. Bedye, to dye, ^ Hm. Yen. Bee, generic term, ^ ,fung. Fung, ^ ,fung. Fung; tame bees, ^ ^ ^ ^kd mat^ /ung. Kid mih fung; wild bees, 0^i^ 'y^ mat^ /ung. Y6 mih fung; the honey bee, ^'4^ mat, /ung. Mih fung; bee's honey, ^ ^ ,fung mat^. JPung mih ; queen bee, ^i ,fung jWong. Fung wdng, ^^ raat^ jWong. Mih wdng; drone ditto, ^jj^ mat^ ^nb. Mih nti; a bee-hive, ^ i^^. /ung tau'. Fung tau, "g" ^ pdk, ^ch'iin. Peh ch'uen, ^j^ /ung ,fong. Fung fdng, i^^ /ung ^t'ung. Fung t'ung, ^^ .fung jCh'du. Fung ch'au, ^^ mat, jlung. Mih lung; the sting of a bee, ^H /ung ch'M'. Fung ch'fd, ^ -^ jfiing ^cham. Fung chin ; a species of bee, !)f ^ ^mung jung. Mung ung, ^ijl ^^ du' tiii'. Tiiii tui, !fe|$f, nik, yik,. Nih yih, || fdn'. Fdn ; a swarm of bees, ^^ /""g jkw'an. Fung k'iun, J^ M iS^i°S jkw'an. Ching k'iun, ^ (^ ^shing tiii*. Ching tdi; a swarm(crowd of men) like bees, ^ ^ ,fu"g tsdp,. Fung tsih ; cells of a hive, ^ ^ ,wo matj. Wo mih ; the " Bee, " a periodical, ^Ij'i^ JiiRi ^ (^^ J^^^ 'chi meng. Sin wan chi ming ; a meeting of ladies, ^ ^ ^^ shin' *n\i jkung di'. Shen nil kung hwui. Bee-master ^^ ^ V<''""S ,f""g 'ch6. Ydng fung ch6. Bee-moth ^ ^ /ung tip^. Fung tieh. Beech-tree )^j^ (?) ^chui shU'. Chui shu. Beef, an animal of the bovine genus, ^^ jngau. Nid ; the flesh of an ox, or a cow, ^ |^ ,ngau yukj. Niu juh, g^ h?)m'. Kdn ; boiled beef, >)^ 4- \^] shdp, jTigau yukj. lliiih niii juh ; roast bcof 'J|^ ^ pjjj ,8hiu ,ngau yuk^. Shdu ni\i juh ; rolled beef, ^ 1^ ^ 0^ 'kiin ,t'ung ,ngau j\^. Kiuen t'ung nid juh ; salt beef, ^ ^ |^ ^hdm jUgau yukj. Hiennitijuh; beef-steak, ^|C4^|^ fit, jP'd ,ngau yukj. T'ieh p'd nid juh ; beef suet, ^ ^^ jHgau kwat, 'sui. Xiu kuh sui. Beef-eater, a stout, fleshv person, ;^|JL|^ tiii' .shkn '16. Td shdn Idu, flE f^ /I '16. FI lliu, ± "^ ^ tdi' chekj '16. Td chih idu ; a mere beefeater, |if A 3E sliik^ ^yan ^wong. Beef-witted, stupid, ^ ngong*. Ch'un, J^f^ fi^ ngong^. Yd (h'un, ^^ 'ch'un pan'. Ch'un pin. Beelzebub, a prince of devils, 51^'kwai ,fui. Kwei kwei, J^^ ,mo /ui. Mo kwei, %sM 'kwai /'au. Kwei t'au, ^ J 'kwai,wong. Kwei wdng, ^j^ 'kwai .kwan. Kwei kiun, J^ 3E (™o ^^ong. Mo wdng, J^I^I^ ^mo 'kwai /'au. Mo kwei t'au, J5f| 1^ ^mo 'shau. Mo shau ; the principal Budhist devil, ^ 1^ 5 /m ,lo jWong. Yen lo wdng. Been, part. perf. of to be ; I have been there, ^ "^ •i-fA'l£ ^ngo jts'ang hii' 'pi ch'ii'. Wo ts'ang k'u pi ch'ii ; I have been struck, ^ffttHtT '"go P^* 'k'ii 'td. Wo pi [fill] t'd td. Beer Q^yg ^p6 'tsau. V6 tsiu, :k^fS <^^i' ^^^K '**^"- Td meh tsiu, ^ fg mdk^ 'tsau. Meh tsid ; a fer- mented, bitter beverge, made in some parts of China, ^ vg 'fii 'tsau. K'u ts'ii, gf ,u. Yu, ^ ,0. O. Beer-barrel f| ^ t^i iP'^ «P'^ 't'ung. P'i p'4 t'ung, ¥t tC M .p'i .P'^ 't'ung. P'i p'd t'ung. Beer-house, a house where malt liquors are sold, D^ VS J^ cP^ 't^^^ tim'. V6 tsiu tien, IS^^^ S>^ 'tsau jfong. P6 tsiu fdng. Beestings, see Biestings." Beeswax, yellow, ^ ^ j^ong Idp^. Hwdng Idh ; white ditto, ^ ^ pdk^ lap^. Peh l&h ; general term for ditto, matj Idp^. Mih Idh, .chiin Idpj. Chuen Idh. Beet, a sweet esculent root, 'SB'jM^^'^ jt'lm jhung jlo pdkj. T'ien hvmg lo peh, ^ f^ j>o ^ling. Po ling, [" >X 'M ^" A 'fo ^' ts'oi'. Ho yen ts'di. Beet-radish |l! ^ jhung ,lo pdk^. ITung lo peh, M. ^ ^? t^" P^ tsjii. T^ pph t«z. Beetle, the msect beetle, ^ff ^ ,chu 'tsjii jch'ung. Chd tsz ch'ung, ^^ kdp, ,ch'ung. Kidh ch'ung, i^ ^ Sk. ^^^n ^^^K (Ch'ung. Ngang koh ch'ung ; gold green beetle, ^ ^ -J^ ,kam ,kwai 'tsz. Kin kwei tsz ; the timihlo diuig (aleochara), ^^ kat, ^k6ung. Kih kidng, ^^ ,k(^ung ,long. Kidng Idng. 4^|^0 ,ngiui 'shi ^ch'ung. S'id shi ch'ung, -^^ ^ ^ jngau 'shi ,k\vai. Niii shi kwei, M ^ ^ 'shi Imp, ,neung, ^ ^ ku' Iduk^. Kd lioh ; a farmer's beetle, |^ jau. Yd. Beetle-head, a stupid fellow, ^ ^ ^ pan' 'shi jCh'ung. Pin shi cli'ung, -^fg ,ngau '16. Nid Idu. Beeves, quadrupeds of the 1)oviiie genus, 4^5^ ,ngau lui'. Nid lui. Befall (pret: befell; part, befallen), to happen to, E§ jlam. Lin, ^j^ jlam ,\i. Lin yd, ^^ u' ch^uk,. Yd choh, ^ 3Jf /ung ch6uk,. Fung choh; to come to pass, |||^ shik, ^fca^. Shih fun^, ff^jf^ BEF shik, ii^ Shih yu, ^ ^ p'u^g' ch^nk^. P'ling choh, ^ ^ p'ung' (ts'an. P'ung ts'in. Befalling, happening to, p^ ^ jlam ,u. Lin yii, jg ii^ Yii, j§ ^ ii^ ch^uk . Yu choh ; coming to pass, ^jII shik, u*. Shih yu. Befit, suitable, ^'g hbp^ ^1. Hoh 1. Befitting, becoming, '^^ hbp^ ^i. Hoh i, '^lif hbp^ 'lai. Hoh 11, a p^ ,1 ,in. 1 jen, ^ ^g ^h6m ,1. K'kni, jgf ,ying^tong. Yingtdng, M'B Mbm .tong. K'd.n tdng. m Befool, to fool or make a fool of, ^ \ t'am' jyan, 1^ K ng^k, jan, ^^ hi' lung^ Hi lung, f |^ m^' lung'. Mai lung, ^ff ^n6 lung^. Wii lung, ■j^f^ -mb lung^. Wulung,_^^ hfjan. Hijin, ^ A (ii jyan- Yu jin, || -^ po' lung^. Po lung, K'i ^ A ^^^^ k'^^ iJ^^- Ts^h k'ih jin ; is that the way to befool others, I®! 'HI I^ A "It 'k5m y6ung^ ng6,\ jVan ke'. Befooled, fooled, 'fj A ^|§j pi' ,yan t'am' 'tb, ^\ I^ m pi' jan ngdk, 'tb, fj^ A ^^ # pi' sJa^i hi' lun^. Pi jin hi lung, ^ A Ml) B\ pi' jan tsak, k'ek,. Pi jin tseh k'ih, || A ^/f M s^^^ s^^^^ '^^o jii. Wei jin so yu, j^^ ^mai wak. MI hwoh, ^ jmai. MI. Befooling ^ A t'am' jan, [Jjl A ngdk ^van, ^^ A hi' lung^ jan. HI lung jin ; he is befooling you, -fg^f^ ^k'ii t'am' ^nl. Before, in front, -gg ^ts'In. Ts'ien, :^ ^ tsoi^ jts'In. Tsdi ts'ien, ^ ^ ^^ ^t'ln tl' ,chi jts'In. T'ien ti chl ts'ien ; as before, -^^ jing kau'. Ying kiii, "inW Ji"g jts'In. Ying ts'ien, $n|iF ^^ jts'In. Jii ts'ien, ^ ft ,1 kau'. I kiii, ^ ^ chiii' kau*. Chdu kiii ; before the time appointed, |[ij"Ji§ jts'In jk'i. Ts'ien k'i ; before and after, ^ ^ ^sln 'hau". Sien hau, |^ f^ jts'In hau'. Ts'ien hau ; before this (time), =^ sik",. Sih, ^ Q sik, yat^. Sih jih, ;$t nff ,sln jshl. Sien shI, |f H# jts'In ^shl. Ts'ien wong ,shl. Wdng shI to go before, wong. shI,f±Bf ..„„,^„„. ,.„„,_, „.^ •^ ^7 c^i^ ihang. Sien hang, ^ f^ ^sln Sien wang, j^^ tsun* jts'In. Tsin ts'ien ; to lead on before, -^ sin'. Sien ; before done, ^ ^ j^ jts'in ,king ts5'. Ts'ien king tso ; you are born before me, f^ {^ jW; ^ 3;^ || -^nl ch'ut, shai' ^sln kwo' *ngo. NI ch'uh shI sien kwo wo, f/jt Ai^^ 'nitdi'kwo'' " 'ch^ung ^ii •ngo. NI td kwo wo, ^ ^ 1^ ^ 'I ngo. E,h ch^ng yii wo. Before-cited, cited in a preceding part, ^U ^pjj; ^j ,u jSin 'sho 'yan. Jii sien so ym. Before-hand ^ ii'. Yu, ^ :$fe ii' ,sln. 'Yu sien, :^ ^ tsoi' jSln. Tsdi sien ; I wall let you know be- fore-hand, Jg ^ ii' ^man. Yu wan, ^^M.^ U' jSin ,t'ung ^chl. Yii sien t'ung chl ; to prepare before-h:ind, JK 'JH ti^ pi'. Yu pi ; to give money before-hand, -^ ^ il .sin ^kku ^ngan. Sien kidu yi"^' -h^ til is sheung' ^k'l ch'ut, ^ngan. Shdng k'i ch'uh yin ; to know before-hand, ^ ^ yik, ,chl. Nih chl ; I knew that before-hand, ^^ ^^ ;^ 'ngo ,sln ,chl ^chl. Wo sien chl chl, ^^^^\\ ^^ *ngo jSin ^chl to' ko' sz'. Wo sien chl ttiu ko sz ; at first, ^ -^ tsui' ^sin. Tsui sien. Before-time ^ B^ sik, jShl. Sih shl. Befoul, to soil, ^fl^l^ 'ching ^li wai'. Ching wii wei, ^ 'Sf^ 'im ^ii. Yen wii, fy ^jf^ )f|[ 'ta ,u ^tso, IT M 'ta nan. Befriend, to favor or aid, ^ ^ tPong ch'an'. Pdng ts'in, ^ ^ (?) ,pong ch'an'. Pdng ch'in, ^ ^ ,pong cho'. Pdng tsii, ^ Ijj[| yau' cho'. Yii tsii, ffliS 't'ai t'lp,. T'l t'ieh, fl II 't'ai kii'. T'l ku, m il chili' ku'. Chau kii. Befriended, favored, ff Mi!i a^ 't'ai t'lp, kwo'. T'l t'ieh kwo, ^ )^ ,poDg kwo'. Pang kwo. Befringe, to furnish with a fringe, ^ ^ Jiin sui'. Liuen sui. Befringed, adorned as with a fringe, ^ jj^ j^^ liin kwo' sui'. Liuen kwo sui, ^^P^ "yau sui' ke'. Beg, I from the Chinese, '(j^ pdk,. Peh, begh or bey; Bey, ) in the Turkish dominions, a governor of a town or district, ^ W^ tuk hin'. Tub hien ; in Tunis it means the prince or principal ruler of the state, ^ ^kwan. Kiun, _J jWong. Wdng, "^ 'chii. Cliii. Beg, to supplicate in charity, -^ liat,. K'ih, "^ ,hung. Hiung, ^ 'chl. Chl, ^ i^ hat, k'oi'. K'ih k'di ; ditto as priests, ^^ mo' {k\ Mii hwa, B^ ^y, kiu' fd'. Kidu hwa, -g ^\^ hat, fd'. K'ih hwd, gj^- ,t'un to'.- T'un to, ^^ fa' ,iin. Hw^ yuen ; (180) BEG to beg for food, -g^ hat, shik^. K'ih shih, T k'oi'shikj. K'di shih, 5Jc:A jk'au shik^. K'iii shih, t,t ^ 't'6 shik^. T'du shih, ^ ^ 'lo shik,. Lo shih; to beg rice as priests or nuns, ^^ fd' ^mai. Hwd mi ; to beg money, -fj^ ^ fd' ^ts'in. Hud ts'ien, ^^ 'lo ^ts'in. Lo ts'ien, -g^ hat, jts'in. K'ih ts'ien, T§ ^ k'oi' ^ts'In. K'di ts'ien ; to beg aid, tr tt ^ '^^ ,('h'au ,fung. Tu ch'au fung ; to beg a loan, -g'^ hat, t'di'. K'ih t'di; to go about and beg rice, J^. P^ K^^ 'sh6ung ^miin 'shb ^chu. SHdng mun su chii; to beg for skill (of Arachna), 'g r5 hat, 'hdu. K'ih k'idu ; to solicit, ^ 'ban. K'an, 1^^ 'ban ^k'au. K'an k'iu, ^ X^u. K'iu, jflfr 3^',k'i ,k'au. K'i k'iii, ^ J^ 'pan ^k'au. Pin k'iu, ^ H 'ban yduk,. K'an yob, fijj ^ 'y^u^g hat,. Ydng k'ih, jjjj ^ V«^u"g y^^- ^''^^S k'iu ; to implove, ^ ^ fuk^ hat,. Full k'ih ; to beg a favor, 5^,g[ 'ban jan. K'anngan, -^^ bat, jan. K'ibngan; I beg pardon, [Ig-^ ,m^koi, ^^p tak, tstii^ Teh tsiii, \f)^^ 'mai kwdi', :^»|^ mok^ kwdi'. Mob kwdi, ^S 'li sl'u' kwdi'. Shu kwdi, ^. p shu' tsui^ Shii tsiii, 0? ;l^ iE, t^ i^'i t^^'ai kin' l^ung*. K'i wei kieu liang ; may I beg leave to Jisk, ^ P^ 'k6m man^ Kan wan, g^ ft^ 'ts'eng man\ Ts'ing wan, f^ P^ tstV man^ Tsie wan ; to beg leave to retire, -^ ^ k6' ^ts'z. Kdu ts'z, |^ ^ 'ts'eng jts'z. Ts'ing ts'z ; to beg for instruction or information on a subject, >|c^-|y /fc jk'au ^wai 'chi shi'. K'iu wei chi shi, ti S ^ yj^ hat, ,wai jming shi*. K'ih wei ming shi, "(ji ^ :^< ^ hat, jWai shi' ,chi. K'ih wei shi chi, ^x '^ if^ ^ ik'I ^wai shi^ ,chi. K'i wei shi chi, §ij^^^ ^k'i jWai 'chi kdu'. K'i wei chi kidu ; to ask for or- ders, ^ -^ 'pan meng^ Pin ming, gj!j -^ 'ts'eng meng^, Ts'ing ming. Began, see Begin. Beget (pret. begot, begat ; pp. begot, begotten), to procreate, ^ ,shang. Sang; to produce, ^ ^shang. Sang, ^ 'cb'dn. Ch'dn, ^ ch'ut,. Ch'uh, ^ [fj ,8hang ch'ut,. Sang ch'uli, ^ |;jj 'cb'dn ch'ut,. Ch'dn ch'uh, f| ^ fdt, .shang. Fdh sang, ^ \^^ fat, ch'ut,. Pall ch'uh, fj"^ 'td 'chung; to beget one's first-bom, ^ ^ -^ ,shang "ch6ung 'tsz, ^ ^-f- (Shang 'ch'ung 'tsz. Sang ch'ung tsz, ^^ fj ,shang tai' 'tsai. Sang td tsz ; to beget a son, ^ -^ ^shang 'tsz. Sang tsz, ^ J^, lung* ^cheung. Lung chdng, jjg T ,t'im ,ting. T'ien ting, ^ f| jShang'tsai. Sang tsz ; to beget a daughter, ^-^ ,8hang 'nil. Sang nil, f|^J£ lung' *ngd. Lun 4^ t^ ^ ^ ^shang tjik, ^ts'in ^kam. San ts'ien kin, >^^^tlT^it ,shang tak, cliit,'pun fo'. Sang tell cheli piin ho ; to beget and bring up, -tj^^ .shang Cycling. Sang ydng ; to beget strife, i^ i^ ,shang sz*. Sang sz, ;^ ^ tsz sz'. Tsz sz. Beggar, a, one who lives bv asking alms, "^^E. ^**'> Y K'ih rh, -g -ip- hat,*'tsz. K'ih tsz, :?^ ^ ,fd W.. Uwdtsz, l5^k'oi"t8z. K'ditsz, T^ ^ k't.i' ^i. iv'di rh, "^J^ ;^ A ^^^K '^^"k, ,chi jan. K'ih ahih chi jin, ^-^ Pgt \ 'lo shik, k^' jau, BEG teh M ^ # 't'6 shik, 'ch6. T'du shih ch^, ^ ^ ^ k'oi' shikj 'ch6. K'ai shih c\x6 ; an importunate beggar, 5M "2 ^ jk'dung hat, ,i. K'idng k'ih rh, ^$i ^ 'k'dung 't'6 'ch6. K'idng t'du chd ; a beggar woman, -g Ig hat/fu. K'ih fu, -g Ig.^ hat, ji p'o. K'ih rh p'o ; a beggar boy, ^ %ii- hat, ^i tsai ; a beggar's clapdish, ^ put,. Poh ; to back a longeared-basket (to be a beggar), ^ #:^^,m6^ch'eung'i,ldm. Beggar, to reduce to beggary, ^ A ^ ^ iui* ^yan ,p'an 'fu. Lui jin p'in k'u, % Km\^^ lui' jan 'tai 't'5 ngo*. Lui jin ti t'u ngo ; to beggar all description, ^ ^ h| |^ ^ jin pat, ,nang tsim' ,chi. Yen pub nang tsin chi. Beggared, reduced to extreme poverty, ^^jul^ ^ ^ iP'au jm6 Idpj ^chui ^chi ti^ P'in wti lih chui chi ti, ^ ^ kw'an' kikj. Kw'an kih. Beggarly, mean, ^P0 'p'i lau\ P'i lau ; a beggarly fellow, ))||ff Idn' 'tsai, Ldn tsz; a beggarly scamp, who tries to involve one, ^ fj ^ (^ Idn^ ^chin ,t'5 Jai. Begging, asking alms, ^ V^ hat, k'oi*. K'ih k'ai, '^ ^ hat, shik^. K'ih shih ; to go a begging, ^ ^ hat, shik^. K'ih shih ; ditto as priests, ^ -fk m6^ fd'. Md hwa ^^ kiu' fd'. Kidu hwd, >ffc^ fd' 'mai. Hwd mi ; begging priests, B^'fli^ kiu' fd' 'tsz. Kidu hwd tsz, ^ ± bat, %?}. K'ih sz, ^ ft ^at, cSaug. K'ih sang, 'f?vS|ft ^wan ,yau ,sang. Yun yii sang, ^k -ft flp :^ mo' fa' .'^''an fu'. Mli hwd shin fii ; a begging nun, {j^ylf^Ji,^ fa' *mai ,ni ^kd. Hwd mi ni ku ; asking a favor, igl ^ 'han ^yan. K'an ngan. Begin, to, (pret. began; pp. begun), ^"^ 'hi 'shau. K'i shau, |g ^ 'hi 'shau. K'i shau, ^ FH '^ t'au. K'i t'au, ^^ ^mdi 'shau. Mdi shau, ~f^ hd 'shau. li\k shau, ^-^ ^boi 'shau. K'di shau, ^ ^ yuk, 'shau. Yuh shau, Hd ^ tung' 'shau. Tung shau, jglj ch'ong'. Ch'wdng, ^ ch'ong'. Ch'wdng, ^ 'cb'i. Ch'i, ^j ^ ch'ong' 'ch'i. Ch'wdng ch'i, "g" 'shau. Shau, ^^ ,t«oi. Tsdi, || .shiii*. Shdu, ^ -^^ tsoi' ^hk 'shau. Tsdi hid shau ; it has a be- ginning or foundation, ^ ^^ :4^ 'y^u ,kan 'pun. Yii kin piin ; the beginning of a sentence, ^ ^ kii' jt'au. Kii t'au, ^ '^ kii' 'shau. Kii 8haiJ.i Begird (pret. begirt, begirded ; pp. begirt), to bind with a girdle, ^^ 1^ ch'uk, tdi'. Ch'uh tdi, |f i^ 1dm' tdi'. Lan tdi, fp ^ 'pong tki'. Pdng tdi ; to surround, 3^ ^ .Avdn 'iii. Hwan jku, § ^ ,wai chii'. Wei chii, ^ ^ ^wai 'iii. Wei y&u, ^ g ,chau jWai, Chau wei, l/^ M E ft ^^' '^^^^ i^^, chii'. Sz mien wei chii ; to besiege, ^ ^ jWai' ^kung. Wei kung, ^:^ jWdn jkung. Hwfenkung, ® s^^i kw'an'. Wei kw'an, ^ ^ kw'an' Kw'an ching, g ^ jWai jShing. Wei chins, 1^ M ^ '/jh^ jWai 'iu jShing ^ch'i. Wei ydu im ,shing. ching ch'i. Begirded, ") bound with a girdle, ^i^^i ) tdi'. Ch'uh kwo tdi ; surrounded. xfs>. S jWdn 'ill kwo*. . ^^ ^, ch'uk, kwo' Begirt, ,wai kwo'. Wei kwo, Hwdn ydu kwo, |^^^ jWai 'iii kwo'. Wei ydu kwo, jf) IS ji^ ,chau ^wai kwo'. Chau wei kwo, I^H jfi] iSliM. s'''' ^iJi' j^^'''^i kwo'. Sz mien wei kwo ; besieged, j^ jl^ ^ jAvai kwo' jShing. Wei kwo ching, ^ i||[ ^ kw'an' kwo' ^shing. Kw'an kwo ching, !^i^ !^ jWdn kwo' ^shing. Hwdn kwo ching. Begirding, binding with a girdle, ^ ^ ch'uk, tdi'. Ch'uh tdi, 1^ ^ lam' tdi'. Lan tdi, ^ i^ 'pong tdi'. Pang tdi ; surrounding, ^ |^ jWai Hii. Wei ydu, ^^ kw'an' "id. Kw'an ydu; besieging, ^ jC^ jWai ,kang. Wei kung, [g ^ kw'an' jShing. Kw'an ching. Begone ! depart ! ^ vM hii' le', ^ Pf hii' ,lo, ^ ^ hii' pd'. K'ii pa, ^^ hii' la', {ilipfij ch'ut, hii' )^> ^T m "i" jhang ch'ut, hii'. Hang ch'uh k'ti, it tb * t'ui" ch'ut, hii'. T'lii ch'uh k'u, ^ ^ 'ch'e ,lo, J^\W^ 'ch'e ch'ut, hii'. Ch'4 ch'uh k'u. Begonia, discolor, ^y^^ ^ch'un 'hoi jt'ong. Ch'un hai t'ang. Begot, i procreated, ^ jj^ ^shang kwo*. Sang Begotten, j kwo, j^ ^ 'ch'dn kwo'. Ch'dn kwo. Begrease, to soil with grease, -f^ y^tl ^ f^ 'pi jau 'ching ^u. Pi yii ching wii, j^yfi tT'/t 'pi sjau 'td .11. Pi yii td wii ; to daub with grease, '^ y{& jt'b jau. T'u yu, :^ vft ,ch'd jau. Ch'd yu, >(f yft fu' jyau. Pu yii, ^ y^ niiit, ^yau. Moh yii. Begrime, to soil witli dirt deep impressed, ^ f^ $|- f^ ^ 'ching tak, 'h5 .u wai'. Ching teh hdu wu wei. Begrudge, to grudge, Hf^fj: 'ngkn ^hung. Yen hung, RP.^Jt -ngdn it,. Yen jeh, ^,g, to' ki'. Tii ki, (^ ^ tsat^ to'. Tsih tii, f^^ ^g, tb' ki'. Tu ki, '^ ^^ jWai ki'. Hwdi ki. Begrudged, having excited envy, ^ ,S^ jl^ tb' ki* kwo'. Tii ki kwo. Beguile, to impose upon, ^jj A. ,hi jyan, K'i jin, ^ ttH,hichd'. K'ichd, ^^li hip'ln'. K'i p'ien, *uf ^W ^miin, K'i mwan, pj^lg ugdk, p'in', ^ hung' p'ia', Hung p'iea, H || 'kwai p'ia'. BEG Kwei p'ien, gi^|§ jinun p^ia'. Mwan p'ien, g^|g chd' p'in'. Chd p'ien, j^^^ shin' p'in'. Shen p'ien, ^1^ shin' p'in'. Shen p'ien, Jtj;^ ,Mmdn^ K'i mdn ; to delude, j>jf ^ ,mai Avakj. Mi hwoh, ^ ^ 'kii wdk,. Kii hwoh, j^^ ^ shin' Avdk^. Shen hwoh ; to amuse, ^ \ lung* ,yan. Lung jin, ^ ^ hi' lung*. Hi lung ; to beguile time, f^ ^^ |^ ,t'au jhdn t5' yat,. T'au hien tii jih, ^^%, 'hi lin^ kwo' yat^. II i wdn kwo jih. Beguiled, deceived, ^:5c!^j ^^^^ ,hi p'in' kwo'. K'i p'ien kwo, Pj^l^i^ hung' p'in' kwo'. Hung p'ien kwo ; to be beguiled, ^ ^ shau^ p'in'. Shau p'ien, ^ ^ ,mungp'in'. Mung p'ien, $^^ pi^ ,hi. Pi k'i, ^ lips j^ pi' ^miin kwo'. Pi mwdn kwo ; who be- guiled you ? f^ll 'f;5t jShui p'in' ^ni. Shwui p'ien ni, m^i^^^M .«bui ,hi %i ,ni; ^m n U niat, jShui jhi 'ni ; misled by craft, |i;|^;^ 'kwai p'in' kwo'. Kwei p'ien kwo, fl!J§^|^ pi^ 'kwai p'in'. Beguiler, he that beguiles, [jIe, A "^ "S^K J^^ k^'> ^A^ ,hi ,yan ;ch<5. K'i jin die, |i A ^ P'in' ^yan 'ch6. P'ien jin ch6 ; he that misleads by craft, it Si A ^ 'kwai p'in' ,yan 'ch6. Kwei p'ien jin ch6, »^ ^ A ^" 5°^^ vfix\ ^yan 'ch6. Mi hwoh jin che. Beguiling, deceiving, gj: || }\{ p'in'. K'i p'ien ; ditto by craft, f^ ^ 'kwai p'in'. Kwei p'ien ; misleading, ^'^ jmai wdk^. Mi hwoh ; amusing, f^^- hi' lung^ Hi lung, J^lJ f i) tsak, k'ek^. Tseh k'ih, ^ ^ hi' lin^ Hi wdn ; making game of other people, f$|f-A^ ^^'^ liiiiS^ ,yan ^kd. Wii lung jin kid. Beguilingly, in a manner to deceive, ^gj^ p'in' ^in. P'ien jen. Begum, ) in the East Indies, a princess, ^ ^ Begaum, / ,kwan 'chii. Kiun chii, ^2!^^ jkung 'chii. Kung chii. Begun, commenced, j||BJlS 'hi kwo'. K'i kwo, ^J^ hoi kwo'. K'di kwo, ^^^Ify 'hi kwo' ,t'au. K'i kwo t'au, ^\iS^ 'hi kwo' 'shau. K'i kwo shau, Bra^ <^ioi kwo' 'shau. K'di kwo shau, ^^ ffj^j;^ 'ch'i ts6^ kwo'. Ch'itsokwo; originated, l/ff^jljfci ,san ts6' kwo'. Sin tso kwo, W, fjj j^ ^sz ch'ut, kwo, ilf]^|jj|i;i^ ,san ^sin ts6' kwo'. Sin sien tsAu kwo, (see to Begin). Behalf, in behalf of. ^^ toi^ Tki, ^ t'ai'. T'i, "^ wai*. Wei ; in behaU" of you, ^ -f^v wai* 'ni. Wei ni ; to risk one's life in behalf of one's country, ^iS S^^ ^^'iii' kwok, chi' rneng*. Wei kwoh chi ming, ^^ ^\t :f^ || wai* ,raan kun ,k'u. Wei min kiueu k'ii, :^(^;|^li wai' kwok. kau' \\(m\ Wei kwoh kill nj'ui, ):i^j^ji^\^ 'i ^slian ,sun kwok,. 1 shin siun kwoh, i^^:j^^ wai' kwok, 'sh6 ^shan. Wei kwoh shic shin. Behave, to conduct, fyj^ ,hang ,wai. Hang wei, ^jc f^ ts6* tsok,. Tso tsoh ; to behave well or wnth civility, ^f ^7 %^ 'Ii6 ,hang ^M-ai. HjIu liang wei, ^^if jliang ^wai 'h6. Hang wei hau, 1^ tt ^ shin' ,hang ^wai. Shen hang wei ; to behave well towards others, ^. f^p \ shin' toi* ^an. Shen (162) BEH tdi jin, $f ^ # 'hb ,hon toi^ Ildu k'dn tai, ^ ^^f A ^ toi' tak, ,yan 'h6. Tdi teh jin hiiu, ^ jjif A shin' 8hi^ jan. Shen shi jin, ^^^K 'ho 'fun toi' jan. Hdu kw'dn tii jin, j^ ^ hau' toi'. Hau tdi; to behave towards, f|§[^^ kun toi'. Kwdn tAi ; to behave civilly towards each other, m '»9 :© # 'i 'lai ^seung toi'. I H sidng t4i. Ig ^ f$ A 'ku mau' toi' ,yan. Li mdu t

  • f^ ^ tsok, jWai. Tsoh wei ; manners, ^ i^ ^kw'ai jm6. Kw'ei mu, ^^ ^. ,kw'ai 'kii. Kw'ei ku, H ^ t'di' tb'. T'di tii, f§ H 't'ai t'Ai', T'i t'di, ^ ;^ ,fung tb'. Fung tu, ^^ ,i ^yung. 1 yung, ^JJ: ^yung 'chf. Yung chf ; a dignified behavior, J^ ^^VfM r^^ai ,im ^chi ^hang ^wai. Wei yen chi hang wei, S^MZVtI^ .^^ suk, ,chi Jiang ^wai. Yen suh chi liang wei, i^ jH @ Jun Jm ,chi jhang ,wai. Twdn yen chi hang wei, jtEM-^ tf 1i»$ ,cliong chung- ,clii ,hang ^wai. Chwdng chvmg chi hang wei, ^ ^ <: ^T « 8 <*^ P^^ Vi'i' ,hang jWax. Behead, to cut off the head with a sword or knife, ^S^i 'chdm ,t'au. Chdn t'au, ^"^ 'cham 'shau. Clidu shau, ^3; sji. sl»dt, J'au. Shdh t'au, }^ ^ ti'm' J'au. Twdn t'au, '^\\$ kot, 'shau. Koh shau, '.Vijiifi kot, ,t'au. Koh t'au, gfj-gf tftn' 'shau. Twdn ahau, }g ?^ 'ch'a kiit,. Ch'ii kiueh, J|g ^ 'ch'u 'chdm. Ch'u Chan, }g ^ 'vWn shdt^. Ch'u shdh. I^'l Dii M '"'^y- 'J^^ ^»"'- ^"'^ """ t^i? ^^^^' ""^^'^ an axe, ^' sj{ 'hbm J'au. K'dn t'au. BEH (163) BEH Beheaded, having the head cut off, j|5! j§ IS shat^ kwo' ^t'au. Shah kwo fan, ^Jfi^Bfi 'chdm kwo' jt'au. Chan kwo t'au, §ij "^ ^^ kot, kwo' jt'au. Koh kwo t'au, ^ ^ M 'ch'ii kut, kwo'. Ch'ii kiueh kwo. Beheading, severing the head from the body, ^ B^ 'chdm jt'au. Chdn t'au, ^Hf shdt, ^t'au. Shdh t'au. Beheading, the beheading, ^||^ 'chdm jt'au 'che. Chdn t'au chd. Beheld, pret. and pp. of Behold, which see, kii^ ^ Behemoth * '/§ ^ 'hoi 'ma. Hai mA, g _ shau^ Kii shau. Behest, command, ^ u^ Yti, -^ meng'. Ming, j, ling'. Ling, -^^ meng' Hng". Mingling, ^pj^ ,fan fu^ Fan fu. Behind, at the back of, ^ ^ hau' ,pln. Hau pien, :gE ^ tsoi' hau^ Ts6i hau, ^ ^^ pui' hau'. Pei hau, ^ ^ hau^ mln^ Hau mien, ^ hau'. Hau, ^ hau^ Hau, ^ ^ hau^ ,t'au. Hau t'au ; he left me behind him, ^ ^J^ :^ ^^ M^ ^^E^ tsoi' hau^ jpin. Liu wo tsai hau pien, ^'^H^^^gja ,lau chii' "ngo tsoi' hau' ,t'au. Liu chu wo ts4i hau t'au ; I have left him behind, ^xM.fB-''^^M. ^ 'ngo jwai ^k'ii tsoi' hau' ,pln. Wo Avei [fttJ,] t'a tsdi hau pien, ^jg^flil^# "ngo ,wai ,lau .t'a o- s — s- Wo wei liii t'a tsdi hau ; to leave be- ^^ jlau tsoi' hau'. Liu tsai hau, ^ wai. Wei, ^~^ — ' '■ tsoi' hau hind, ^ :^ [~fi jWai 'ha. Wei hid; to follow be- hind, ^ AJ^ (kan ^yan 'mi. Kin jin wi, ggj ^kan 'mi hau'. Kin wi hau, RW^ ,ts'ui hau'. hau, -ts'ui 'mi. Sui wi, kan Sui mi. Kin wi; behind one's time, -^O^ shat, jSlii. Sliih shi, i^ B$ kwo' ,shi. Kwo shi, ^^ #J kwo' ,k'i. Kwo k'i, -^ |J^ Jig kwo' ban' ^k"'i. Kwo hien'k'i, ^ 1$^ ,ii hdn'. Yu hien, ^ B$ ^u ,shi. Yii shi, 5^p ,vi ^k'i. Yu k'i; left behind, ^/^ ^wai lok,. Wei lob, ■'^j^ jlau lok^. Liu lob; to stay behind, ^ ^ ^ jlau chii' hau'. Liu chu hau, ^ ^ch'i. Ch'i, j^^ ^kii hau'. Kii hau; before and behind, ■fj ^ jts'in hau'. Ts'ien hau, ^ ^ ^sin hau'. Sien hau ; to be behind others (in accomplish- ments &c.), yf^^^ pat, k'ap, t'a. Puh kih t'A, ^nn.T^ k'ap, 'k'u, ^fj^i' ^1. A yu, ^ f| -ft^ pat, Hs'z ^t'a. Puh sz t'a, ^ a^ tE c^^^^ ^^^o' 'k'ii. Shu kwo k'ii ; no traces of him are left be- hind, -fg if^ i|^ P§ ^ 6^ 'k'ii .tsung tsik, ,m ^lau ti'. K'ii tsung tsih [^] puh liu tih ; to look be- hind, ^ ^ hau* shi'. Hau shi, |eJ ^ jui kd'. Hwui kii, fgj jg£ jUi shi'. Hwui shi ; gave it be- hind Ms back, ^§^ =^ ^ 'lai 'shau 'pi ; to slander one behind the back, ^j\ ^ 'fi p'ong' yoti are so much behind, "^^iJl^^J:^^ tik, sh6' 'mi. Liu shing tih sii wi, ^ 9h6' 'mi hai' kom' ^to. Su wi hi kan to, |pf {|j^| ^ -f- sh^ung^ jii sho' 'mi y^uk^ ^^kon. Shang yu sti wi job kdn, pj |^ shing* sh6'. Shing su. Behindhand, a state of poverty, ^ ^ jp'an ^k'ung. P'in k'ung, ^^ 'ni6 jts'in ; in arrear, fiM."^ *cho • Job 40, 15. Pi pang ; \ jlau shing' ch^i'. Tsu chdi, -^ fj ^lau sh6'. Liu sii ; behind- hand with a thing, llif ^^^-jf ko' kin' 'y6 ts6^ tak, man'. Ko kien [^ gtj ] tung si tso teh mdn, f^ ^4 jIE ^ *soK tak, jCh'i mdn'. Tsoh teh ch'i mdn, tirf|i§^g tsb' tak, ^ch'i lin*. Tso teh ch'i hwdn ; to be behindhand in the world, ^ jg chai' wan'. Chi yun, ||^ iMi^ s^'^^ ^^^^ chai*. Shi yun chi ; unequal to, ~^ ^^ pat, ^nang. Puh nang, '^ 2^ pat, k'ap,. Puh kih. Behold, to see with attention, jjj^ shf . Shi, ^ ^kiin. kw^n, ^ bon'. K'an, ^ kin'. Kien, |^ 't'ai. T'i, If ,chim. Chen, g| jji^ ^chim shi'. Chen shi, ^ 'lam. Lan, ||§ 'lam hon'. Ldnk'dn, ^ 't5. Td, |g kam'. Kien, ^ ^ miii' miii'. Mei mei, ^ 'sing. Sing, g^ ^u. Yau, ^l kip,. Kieh, || ,k'i. K'i, II /li. Fu, fl ts'ii'. Ts'ii; behold the lamb of God, ^]i%-Z M c^^^ Sh^ung' tai' ^chi k5. Kwan Shang ti chi kdu. Behold ! to direct the eyes to an object, jjj^ -^ shi ^tsoi. Shi tsai, g^ nj| 't'ai la', t\i k'euk,. Kioh ; behold he arrived, ^, ^x ^ f\\ fat, ,in Joi tb'. Hwuh jen lai tdu, ^.<:>'/<3\'J fat, ^in t5' 'liii. Hwuh jen tdu lidu ; behold he is here, |^ i^ fj^ ^ P§- tsau' hai* 'hai ch'u' lok,, iP ^^ [tt; ^ k'euk, tsoi' 'ts'z 'i. Kioh tsdi ts'z i ; to behold one another, ffi jf^ jSeung shi'. Siang shi, ;^ ^ ^s^ung hon'. Siang k'dn, @I jSj ;^ ^ min' min' ^s6ung ts'ii'. Mien mien sidng ts'ii. Beholden, bound in gratitude, J^ J^ 'kbm %-^f^ 'js.n tsai' yung'. Yii tsi yung. Behoovable, needful, ^^ ,sii. Sii, ^ ,sii. Su, ^ iti'. Ydu, '^ J^ fiii. yung'. Sii yung ; profitable, ^ ^ Vau yik,. Yii yih. Behoove, to be meet for, j^^ ^ying ^koi. Ying kM, ntn (164) B£t tYing tdng, ^t ^^ .i ^^ 'piin ,koi. Pun kdi, jEg^ ching' ^koi. Clung Ui, l: ,i. I. 'g p^\ .1 .in. I jen. ^ :g h6p, .i. .1. Ying i, ii ^ jing ^tong. .u. 1 hu, ^ >^ .ying fan^. '■ Ying fan ; it behooves him to act thus, ^ ^'^ ^i^ 'pun jing hai' 'k6m tsb*. Piin ying hi kdn tso ; let him behave as it behooveth, ^ i^Jl J^ ^ J2!tT^ ^^"' 'i ,yi"S f'^^* .chi jhang ^wai. Kiau i ying fan cM hang wei, ^Mi^^'rfM^^l^ chuk, fti^ jhang jing fan' ,chi sz'. Chuh fii hang ying ,,jj/au chi sz. Behove, see Behoove. Be^ng, existence, '^ t8oi^ Tsdi, ^^5- V^u tsoi*. Yii tsdi ; absolute being, ^ ^ -i^ ^ tsz' tsoi* ,chl » *||^u. , Tsz tsdi chi yu, g ^;^^ tsz' ,ln ,chl *yau. , Tsz jen chi yti ; an immaterial, intelligent being, '^^%^^ tsz' ,in ,chi ^au. Tsz jen chi yu, Ijlt hing wii ying chi yu ; the Supreme Being, ^ ^^ t it ^ -W ™^'^' "^^a^j sh^ung* ^chi 'yau. WAn wuh .,)B^6ng chi yu, M Jl^^S chi' shdung' ^chi ^au I -ch^. Chi shdng chi yu ch6; the being of any creat- ,jed thing, ^^^ naat- .chi \vau. Wuh chi yii, 4^ -:j2:3gfi matj .chi in' =t'ai. Wuh chi hien t'i; all liv- jb^ beings, ^f^^:t,4^ °i^n' ut, tung' .chi mat^. ',,Wdn,hwoh tung chi wuh, ,^ ^'(J |||| ^ /\^ man' yuk, tung' .chi mat^. W6n yuh tung chi wuh, ^| ^ ^ ;^ ^ .fi jts'im tung* .chi mat,. Fi ts ien tung chi wuh; an intelligent being, ^^^ (ts'ung "'jing. Ts'ung ling, ^j ^ ^ming ,ling. Ming ling, |g ^ .t'ung ,Hng. T'ung ling ; before anything had a being, ^j ^^'^'^^^t ^^"^^ ^^^i ^i' V^u ,chl .sin. Wfen wuh wi yii chi sien ; being and nqn-existence, ^ ^t 'yau ^rab. Yu wii ; I liave no settled being, t|i ^ ^ jm6 teng' tsoi'. AVii ting tsdi, feji^ig ,m6 teng' ch'ii'. Wii ting ch'li, .#1^^ Lb 1^^ shat, chii' 'chi. Wu shih chii chi, ;^^ ^ jm6 teng' 'sho. Wu ting so ; there is no being for me here, >f» hI 'ft^llt P^^, ^^^^ chii' j^oi' 'ts'z. Puh nang chu tsdi ts'z, fj/& |^ P§ 'ft f ^ , ,nl ch'ii' jm chii' tak,. Being ^ tsoi'. TstU, ^^ ^au. Yu, ^ ^wai. Wei, ■^ hai'. Hi; being here, iE|Ellt ching' tsoi"ts'z. ..,Ching tsdi ts'z, f^ V)i )^ 'hai .ni ch'ii', vf^^]g 'hai ch'ii'. Hi ch'u ; being a man, jji| \ ,wai ,yan. Wei jin; being a son, ^ A'iF i""'ai ,yan 'tsz. Wei ^^jin tsz ; it being then cold, JE^ \{^ ;^ n^ ching' j^ iong 'lang .chi ,8hi. Ching tdng lang chi shi ; it ' being thus, ^ 'j^< R^lS: sz' hai' 'kbm. Sz hi kdn, ^ ,^ i^ sz' y^uk, 'ts'z. Sz joh ts'z, $• /fp lit sz' ,u Sz ju ts'z ; he was near bring killed, ^ % ,ki j\i ,m6 meng'. KI hu wu ming, ^^|| jki ,u song' meng'. KI hu sdng ming, ^ ^j -M"^ ,chang .tl ,m6 meng'. Tsang tih wu ming, ""# A ^ # 'kan tak, t'iit, ,shan. Kin teh t'oh Bhin, B^ ^ 31 ^ 'i^ini ,s6 song' meng'. Hien sid Sling ming ; to keep a thing from being done, |Ifl. M X^ 'cho qhai' ,kung. .fu. Tsu chi kung fu. fii ; the time being, 3^^ in' tsoi'. Hien tsai. Being that I promised it, jil |^ |^ ^ ;^ .yan 'ngo .ying jShing .chi. Yin wo ying shing chi. Be it so, suppose it to be so, fj^ H^ i^^ ,ku 'ha hai' 'k5m. Ku hu hi kdn, ^i^^-i^^ ch'It, y^uk, hai' 'k6m. Sheh joh hi kdn, |^ ^f $n ji^' ch'it^ y6ukj jii 'ts'z. Sheh joh ju ts'z ; let it be so, ^ rp Z ^<^ 'hii .chi. Kii hii chi, -^BE^Z 'ho H 'hu .chi. K'o i hii chi, pf ^ fg 'ho 'chun *k'u. K'o chun [^] t'd. Belabor, to beat soundly, ^ ^ chung' 'td. Chimg t^, tr # ^ ^ 'td tak, .kdu .kwdn. Td teh kiAu kwdn, #TJi^fe^ 'tang ^id .shau shap^ 'ni. f^ Ifp it ^ f^. 'tang -hu kai' hoi' 'ni. Tang hid kl hdi ni, % nf^ H^ # i^ ^ '^^5 '^a 'ngo tsok, chi' ^nl. Tang hid wo tsoh chi ni. Belace, to fasten as with a cord, ^ ^ 'pong shat^. Pdng shih ; to beat, ^ 'td. Td ; to fasten as with lace, ^^-^^ jliin lok, sin' UiV. Liuen loh sien tdi ; to whip, ^ ^% .pin t'dt,. Pien t'dh. Belaced, adorned with lace, )^j^^%Z 'i sin' tdi* sink, .chi. I sien tdi shih chi, ^ >i^ |^ '^ shik, kM'o' sin' tdi'. Shih kwo sien t&i. Belated, too late for the hour appointed, ^ jl^ g^ y^' kwo' jt'au. Y6 kwo t'au, j^^ kwo' ,k'i. Kwo k'i, ^ 1: H.^ pat, kok, 'cho y6'. Puh kioh tsu y^, ± ^ t'di' y6'. T'di y6, :^ '^ yd' .sham. Y6 shin, Jg '^ ^ ,™*^i ^^\ kwo'. Mai fuh kwo ; made fast, ^ i^ ^ pong kwo* shat. Pdng kwo shih. Belaying, blocking up, g| ^ sak, chii'. Seh chti ; laying an ambush, i^f^ ^mdi fuk^. Mdi fuh ; mak- ing fast, ^ ^ 'pong shat^. Pdng shih. Belaying-piu t}^ ^ mukj sut,. Belch, to eject wind from the stomach Mnth violence, 1^ J. Pf 'tfi Rik, it,. Td sih yeh. ^ ^ oi' hi'. Ngdi k'i, tr 0^' M '^ oi' hi'- Tfi nsriu ki, tT ^ 'td .1. Td i, ^^hl' yik,. K'i nih, ^ k'at,. Keh, 1^ k'at,. Keh, 1^ wai'. Wei ; to b(>lch forth cur- ses, % ^ chau' md'. chau ma, Ati%^^* .shing chau' md'. Td shing chau md. Belch, eructation, P^ ^ .oi hi'. Xg{ii k'i, ff J^^ 'td sik, It,. Td seh yoh. Belched, ejected from the stomach, tT *& .& 1^ *td kwo' sik, It^. Td kwo sih yeh. Beldam, an old woman, ^-^ U6 'fii. Lfeu fii, :^S5i ' '^ ^5 jk'Im ^'o. Ldu k'ien p'o. BEL (165) BEL Beleaguer, to surround with an army, ^ ;^ ^wai ^kuug. Weikung, @^ ^wai kw'an'. Wei kw'an, J^ 3^ jWdn ,kung. Hwjin kung. Beleaguered, surrounded with an army, f^ ]i^ jj^ ,wai ,kung kwo'. Wei kimg kwo, [3 0® s^'^^ kw'an' kwo'. Wei kw'an kwo. Belemnite, finger stone, thunderbolt, a genus of ex- tinct fossils, 4h ^ '<^^i^ shek,. Chi shih, ^- 5 tJC ^ * pin' shekj 'shui 'no. Pien shih shwui nii. Bel esprit (pi. Beaux esprits), $f ^|* TJ' ^ A ^^^ ngoi^ jts'oi ^chl ^yan. Hau wai ts'ai chi jin. Belfry, that part of a l)uilding, in which a bell is hung, (0\^ ^chung ^lau. Chung lau, fj^ ^chung kd'. Chung kia. » Belgian, belonging to Belgium, J;(^ ;i^|] g^ g v^ Plli- shi kwok, k6\ l\^ ^\] a# g ^^ Pilishi kwok, tik,. Pillshl kwoh tih. Belgic, pertaining to the Belgae, J:[j M^i^^^ "^ Pilishi tv ,fong k^'. Pilishi ti fang [{^ij] tih. Belgium J;{;^ljB#^;g Pilishi kwok, ^meng. Pilishi kwoh ming. Belial, unprofitableness, i& j^] ^ ,m6 yung^ 'ch6. Wu yimg ch6, ^M.^^ /n^ y^^^S' t^^^^ sz*. Wii yung chi sz ; wickedness, ^ ^ ok^ ^che. Ngoh ch^ ; name of an evil spirit, ^ ^ ^t ok, 'kwai ^eng ; worthless fellow, || ^ "fi lui^ Pi lui, >:ig BZ-^ZW. jau tong^ pat, 'ch'ing ^chi ,t'6. Yu tang puh ch'ing chi t'u ; name for the devil, J^ ^ _^mo 'kwai. Mo kwei, ^^' ok^ 'ch6. Ngoh die; wicked men, sons of Belial, |^ $^ 'fi lui'- Pi lui. Belie, to tell lies concerning, f^^ ^ Ti p'ong'. Fi p'dng, 115^ Vai p'ong'. Wei p'ang; to fill ^^dth lies, 1^ 1^ shiit^ /ong. Shwoh hwang, ^ A fS^ 'kong tiii' wd.^ Kiang td hwa ; to belie one's self, ^16^ 'kong ^seung 'fan. Kidng siang fan ; his looks belie liis words, ^ ^^ ^^ ^in mdu^ pat, ,fu. Yen mdu puh fu. Belied, falsely represented, |^ji^|^ shiit, kwo* ,fong. Shwoh kwo hwang, ^ jjS A ^ 'kong kwo' tdi^ wa^ Kiang kwo ta hwa. Belief, faith, -(g sun'. Sin, jgf^ sun' tak . Sin teh; religious tenets, ^ kdu'. Kiau, ^P^ kdu' ^miin. Kidu mun, ^ t6'. Tau, Jg g| t5' 'li. T^u H; a firm belief, 'jiffg shat^ sun'. Shih sin, ^ ^^ ^kin sun'. Kien sin, ^ gj P|t JL^ "ngo sun' fuk^ Sheung' tai'. Wo sin fuh Sliang ti ; I believe in Jesus, ^ i$ ai ^ ^ %go sun' fuk, ,Ye ^sii. Wo sin fuh Y6 sii ; I cannot believe in Budha, p§- jg ^^ -^ ^m sun' tak, fat^. [^] Puh sin teh fuh ; would Your Majesty believe it? 3Ea^/$l-^ wong 'hii cLI jU. Wang hii chi hu ; I believe so, ^f^ f^ higo'fg jg ^y sun' to' 'che. Sin tdu ch6 ; a professor of Christianity, ^^^^^ sun' ,Y6 ^sii kau' 'cU. Sin Y6 sii kiau che, If(Jj5|p^^ ,Ye ^sii ^miin ^t'6. Yd sii mun t'li, ^ ^PM^ Jf pfc ^ts'ung Y6 .su t6' Hi k6'. Believing fg sun'. Sin, \% ^ sun' fuk,. Sin fuh. Belike, probably, ^y^ wak, 'chd. Hwoh che. Bell, a, ^ ^chung. Chung, || ^chung. Chung ; a large bell, H jung. Yung, ^ ^ t&,i^ ^chung. Ta clumg, ^ tsun'. Tsiuen ; a small bell, ^ jling. Ling, if chuk,. Chub, ^ ,ching. Ching ; tinkling bells on the neck of a horse, ^ §^ 'ma jling. Md ling; bells hung from pagodas and pavilions, ^f^ 'hdung ^ling. Iliang ling; a hand bell, ^ ^ 'shau ,chung. Shau chung, ^ -j^ ^chung 'tsai. Chung tsz; sistrum bell, ^fe ^kam ^tun. Kin tun; Avind bell, JH.i^ l^>^>l|)>^>f^ TaJ, ngok,, she', ii', ,8litl, sl)6'. Li, yoh, shle, yii, slifi, b{i, etiquette, m UBic, archery, chnrioteeriDg, writing and arithmetic. In an extended sinse of the word tiiej may be included. ke', I^H^ chin' tau' 'ch6. Chen tau ch6, {fj-gf ^^ ch'ut, ,kd 'fo 'che. Ch'uh kid ho cU, tH^ ^ ^ 'td tdi' .kdu 'ch<:-. Td td kidu cU. Belligerent rights ^^l}^ chin' lut^. Chen liuh, ^yfj^ M^i s^^^o chin' .t'lmg lai*. Hang chen t'ung li, '^WkWM c^^" fhin' lut^ hu\ Kidu chen Uuh 11. Belling, growing like a bell, ^ ^ ^ I® ^ .shang ^shing .chung 'k6m yeung*. Sang ching chxing kdn ydng; growing full and ripe, 4^^ ffi jjj^ .shang takj ^iin shuk,. Sang teh yuen shuh. Bellon, the lead colic, :^lli:)^ 'nan H'6 fung*. Niti t'u t'ung, ^Ht'l/w 'f^" '^-'^ <^'""o'- ^^» t'" *'"°§- Bellow, to make a hollow, loud noise, as a bull, |^ .hau. Hau, ^ P,^ ^ngau jming. Niu ming, ^ ,ngau. Niii, :^ .k'ii'. K'u, ^B^ ,ngau kiu'. Xiii kidu ; to vociferate or clamour, p^ pj^ /li hdm*. Hii hdn, ffij-Pj^ kiii' hdm'. Kiku hdn, Pf ^ ,t8'6 ndu*. Ts'du nku, ff pf- .bun /li. Hiuen hii, I^Pg Pf .hii .pd ,ts'6, D«f[f ppg ,ts'5 ,ts'6 pai', f^^ liin' jy6ung. Lwdn jdug ; to roar, as the sea in a tem- pest, ^^W^.MviW lo"o' .shing jU ,lui. Ldng shing jii lui, }^%^^ (hung .htmg .shing. Hiung hiung shing. Bellower, one who bellows, p^- pJ^ ^ .fu hkm' 'che. Hii hdn che, ^^ .hau 'ch^. Hau ch<5, p^Pfil^ P|E .hit .pd jts'5 k6'. Bellowing, a loud, hollow sound, as of a bull, l^$ ^hau .shing. Hau shing ; as the roaring of bil- lows, J^ ^ 5^ t^^"^© <^iung .shing. Hiung hiung shing, %,^tuM lo'^S* .shing ,ii ,lui. Ldng shing jii lui. Bellows, a machine for blowing fire, Jg[_ ^ .fung .s^ung. Fung sidng, ^ |g .fung kwai^ Fung kwei, ^1^ 'fo kwai*. Ho kwei; water bellows, -^ ^ 'shui pi'. Shwui pi ; to work the bellows, ^ M.^ 'ch'e .fung ,s6ung. .Ch'6 fung sikng, ^ JS, ^ jhin .fung .s6ung. K'ien fung sidng, ^ ;k |S .iiin 'fo kwai'. K'ien ho kwei. Bellv Ht Vh. T'ii, ^ fuk,. Fuh ; a punch or pot ^^'Jy. Wi '^<' f"k,. Ku fuh, i^i^^^V. .chi ,ehii 'k6m 't'6. Chi chii kdn t'li, l^^^lii: 'shi jlo 'k6m *t'6. Shi lo kdn t'u, ^ ^ jp'ang'.hanj;. P'ang hang; a full belly, ||i ^ *t'6 'pdu. T'd p/iu ;'^ belly cloth, ^^ *pdu fuk . Pdu fuh, fg^ pdk, fuk,. Pell fuh; a luingr)- belly has no ears, |^ llt^:^fr! ngo' V6 ^m6 H ^leng.* Ngo t'd wii rh ling, ^^^ ^16 H *leng ; to be given to one's belly, :^ -t 1^ :^ shikj ts'at, 'k6m shik^. SBih ts'ili kdn sliih, ^S ^ "A A ^^'^i' 8^"^ 1^<^' H^^^- Wei shih [^] tih jin ; he robs his belly to cover his back, ^ ^ qg \g] ^ kd' chi^uk ,m*kii' shik,. Kii choh wu ku shih, 51^1} flh^, tfijM^f^ .tseimg jk'i H.'6 shikj, ,i k'oi' ,k*i piii' tsek,. Tsidng k'i t'li shih, rh k'di k'i pei tsili, ^ ^ ||lj v^ Hgi, n» HUU'l^^ 'keng *ling tsak, hii ^vung, H'6 fuk. tsjikj mdkj ,hong. King ling tseh ni jung, t'ii fuh tseh meh hang; his eves are bigger than his belly, flR l§ fli: ^ *ngAn f^t, H'6 chak,. Yen kw'oh t'd chill ; a dropsical belly, ]^ ^ 'kii chdimg'. Ei^ BEL (167) BEL cMng, gf ^ ,p'ang chdung'. P'ang cMmg, If^ ^15 ch^ung'. Lu chung. Beily-ache ]\± ^ H'6 t'ung'. T'u t'ung, ^ =^ fuk, tsat^. Full tsih. Belly-band, a band that encompasses the belly of a horse, !^^t^ "md -t'6 tai'. Ma t'li tdi. Belly-bound, costive, P^U pai' kit,. Pi kieh, :k.^ ^ j|* tai" jCh'eung pai' kit,. Ta ch'ang pi kieh. Belly-fretting, a violent pain in a horse's belly, caused by worms, ,{| :^ ^i i|| 'ma ^chi -t'6 t'ung'. Ma clii t'li t'ung. Belly-god, a glutton, —l^M^^ J^K ^^' ^^' Vam shik^. Yih wi kii yin shih, ^ fl 1^ ^- ,t'6 ,p'o chiit, 'che. T'li p'li chueh ch6. Belly-pinched, pinched with hunger, ^ItH"^ 'kwai k6m' ngo". Kwei kan ngo, ^ f § (lji| ^4 ngo^ tak, ^tsiii kiu'. Ngo teh tsiau kiau. Bfeily-worm fji ^'o ^ch'ung. T'li ch'ung. Belly-full, as much as fills the belly, || ^ 'pau fuk,. Pau fuh, ^ 'kwo fuk,. Ko fuh, ^ ^ kau' shik,. Kau shih. Belock, to fasten with a lock, :^|>:jtS^ kwa' 'pa 'so. Kw& pa so, ^.^ 'so ^mai. So mai, ^^ 'so chii^ So chu, ^ ^ 'so 'kan. So kin. Belone, gar-pike, ^ '^ hok^ tsam'. Hob ts^n. Belong, to be the property of, ^ shuk^. Shuh, -^ ^ ^ hai- Tnau 'ch6. Hi mau ch6, || ^ ^kwan shuk,. Kwan shuh; to be the concern of, ^ ,kwan. Kwan, ^ ^ ^kon ship,. Kan sheh, -^ hai\ Hi, ^ ^kon. Kan ; it does not belong to me, i&i^W]^ (t'd pat, shuk^ ^ngo. T'a pub shuh wo, 1EP§)lS 'k'ii .ni shuk, 'ngo, Pg#f^Pi)£ ^ hai^ 'ngo ke', yf^^^'^i} pat, shi- 'ngo tik,. Pub shi wo tih ; it does not concern me, P§- ^ ^ ^ jin ^kwan 'ngo sz'. []^] Pub kwan wo sz, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^m6 ^kon ii 'ngo. Wii kan ju wo, M^M-=p 'ii 'ngo ,m6 ^kon. Yii wo wti kdn, P§ ;t'0 ^ J^ ^s6ung ^kon. Wti siang kdn, ^ ^ ^ 'loab ^kon higo, M^M^ nj 'u 'ngo ,m6 ,kon ship,. Yii wo wu kan sheh, ^ -^^ ^ jin5 ^kon ^lln 'ngo. Wii kan lien wo ; to be appended to, [J^ ^ fii' shukj. Fu shuh, j^ ^ Jin shuk,. Lien shuh ; to belong to the same genus, |nIIM ch'ung lui'. T'ung lui ; to relate to, ^ 'chi. Chi ; it does not belong to this order, P§All^h# c^^ Y^Vi '^^'z 'tang. Wii jih ts'z tang ; to be suitable for, g^ ^koi. Kai, ^ ^cJing jkoi. Ying kai, ^ ^i. I ; this hovise be- ings to me, pj^ f^ ^ -J^, ^'P^E ni ^kan uk, hai' higo \&, itl: Tm^ M^Hc 'ts'z ,kan uk, shuk, 'ngo. Ts'z kien uh shuh wo ; to belong to a certain clan, ^ ^ ^ shuk, 'mau tsuk,. Slmh mau sub, ^ ^ '^ "fe liai' 'inau ^ka ke', 'ff, J^ j|^ P|t hai' 'mau sing' ke' ; to belong to a certain officer's jurisdic- tion, M^'^Z^M^ shuk, Wiu ^un ,chi 'kdn hat . Shuh mau kwan chi kwdn bidh ; he belongs to Hongkong, -f^^j^A ^^i" 'ng pak, ^nin H. hd'. Wu peh nien i hid ; he is below, tS'^T^JS '^'ii hai' hd' 'tai ; to die below fifty is called 'iii (short- lived), 5E Hh J^ T il ^ ^ '^g shap, 'i hd' wai' ^clii 'iu. Wii shih i hid wei chi yau ; below (ben- eath) the table, "^^Z^ tsoi' ^t'oi ^chi ha'. Tsdi t'di chi bid, ^ tS !> tsoi' ^t'oi lid'. Tsdi t'di hid ; beneath the table (on the ground), ^^^ZJSi~J^ tsoi' ,t'oi ^chi 'tai hd'. Tsai t'di chi ti hid, :j^ ^ )[g ~i\ ch'euk, 'tsz 'tai hd'. Ch'oh tsz ti hia ; con- tent to be below others, ^J^A~F ^^' j^'^^ i^^^ ha'. Yuen wei jin hid, "tt*^ AT* t'^om ^wai jan ha'. Kdn wei jin hid, ^ ^ A T^ ^ tsoi' jan hd'. Yuen tsdi jin hid; in heaven above and earth below, ^ 5c Jl ^ ill! "F tsoi' J'in sheung^ k'ap, ti' ha' ; in hell, ^tlfe^ tsoi' ti' yuk,. Tsdi ti yob; in a court of inferior jurisdiction, ~f^@|^P^ hd' shuk, ^ngd ^lin. Hia shuh yd mun. Belt, a girdle,';^ tdi'. Tai, ^ g^ ^j*? pok, J'au tai'. Poh t'au tai ; one made of an untanned skin, ^g fuk,. Fuh, 5|| ^ ^ ngdnj^ ^p'i tdi'. Ngang p'i tdi, ^i^ kak, tdi'. Keh tdi, J^ J^ ^ ^shang ^p'i tdi'. , Sang p'i tdi ; one ditto of leather, |;e 'bin. K'ien, ^ ^ ,wai tdi'. Wei tdi, ^]^^''nn j)'i tdi'. Yuen p'i tdi, |^ ^ 4^ shuk, ^p'i tdi'. Shuh p'i tai, ^^ -f' (P'i tdi' 'tsz. P'i tdi tsz ; a large belt or sash, ^l^ ^shan. Shin, A ^ tdi' tai'. Td tdi, gf '1f hi tdi'. Yau tdi ; a sword-belt, ^\ ^ kim' tdi'. Kien tdi, ^M^ P'"^"' ^im' tdi'. P'ei kien tdi ; the shoulder-belt, ^ §^ -^ kwo' pok, tdi'. Kwo poh tdi, j^' ^ ,kin tdi'. Kien tdi ; belt BEL (168) BEX mong^ ornament, ^ p'ui'. P'ei ; a champion's belt, 1^ i| ^ J'n^' s^luns: tdi'. Yinj; liiung tdi ; t/) f^rd on a belt, t)fi,^ ch'uk, tai'. Ch'uh tdi, ^^^ \km^ tdi'. Mu tdi; Tsz ch6ung wrote [Confucius' words] on his belt, -f-^^g^^^ "fsi' ,cheung ^shii ,chu ^shan. Tsz chdn<^ shii cliii shin ; a belt thonfjf, -^ ^ p'ui' jWai. P'ei wei ; a narrow passage at the entrance of the Baltic, ^ :}(^ •/§ |l^ p ,tung pak, 'hoi Mpj 'hau. Tung pih hdi hisih k'au ; a band- age, ^ ^ jWai tAi'. Wei tdi, ^ ^ ^cli'in tosci8), Hf i^ 'kiin ^mdi. Kiuen mdi, ^ Tciin. Kiuen ; \o l)ond sails, ;^} t|lfl kwiV fdn. Kwd fdn. ^ jeuk^ ching' ^chi hd". Yoh (nioh) ching chi hid. Benedict, ) a newly married man, ^ ^|5 ^ (S^n Benedick, ) jlong ,kung. Sin Idng kung. Benediction, the act of blessing, jg^ fjig chuk, fuk,. Chuh fuh, j^£^ chuk, 'ch6. Chuh che, jf^ |S Z ^ chuk, fuk, ^chi sz^ Chuh fuh chi sz ; expres- sion of gratitude, jg|J, ^j- chuk, tse'. Chuh tsi^ ; prayer in favor of any 2)erson, jf(^ |^ chuk, 'tb. Chuh tdu ; the form of instituting an abbot, i^ •^ on' 'shau. Ngdn shau. Benefaction, the act of conferring a benefit, ^ J^, ^sbi Jan. Shi ngan, Jjg ]^ ,shi vm\ Shi hwui ; a 'pong shat^. f A - I*'^ sdh, universal benefactors, from the belief, that they are conferring univer- sal benefits on mankind. Benefactress, a female who confers a benefit, ^ -flj; jan 'md. Ngan mii, ^^-^ wai' hub. Hwui mu. Benefice, an ecclesiastical living inferior to that of a bishop, i^ ^i^ ^yit ^ muk, ^sz chik, ip^. Muh sz chih nieh. Beneficed, possessed of a benefice, ^ ^ |§j|j |^ ^ 'heung muk, ^sz chik, ip^. Hidng muh sz chih nieh ; ditto of church preferment, ^ i^'^^ ^f^ ^ ^yau mukj ^sz ,clii chik, fan'. Yii muh sz chi chih fan. Beneficience, the practice of doing good, ^ ^=f shin' hang'. Shen hing, flff jan hang'. Jin hing, ^ ff tak, hang'. Teh hing, ^, f§ jan tak,. Ngan teb, ^ffi ,kung tak,. Kung teh, figy^ tak, chdk^. Teh tseh, ^"^ wai' chak,. Hwm tseh, ,§,yp jan chdkj. Ngan tseh, j^, ^^ jan wai'. Ngan hwui, J^^ jan 'tin. Ngan tien, Sl^ wai' oi'. Hwui ngdi, "jj^ /ong pin'. Fang pien, J!;p|| ,kd shin'. Kid shen, %^ ,kd jan. Kid^ngan; charity, g j^ wai' tsai'. Hwui tsi, 1j^ -^ ^ ^shi tsai' 'che. Shi tsi ch6, 1^]^ wai' k'ap,. Hwui kih. Beneficient, doing good, jj^ ^ ^shi jan. Shi ngan, JJW^ ,kd shin'. Kid shen, ^;/c /"in tdi'. Kwdn td, "^0. jfdn hau'. Kwdn hau, ^'^ jts'z jSam. Ts'z sin, ^ )^ ,p'o ^sam. P'o sin, ^ i^ shin' ,sam. Shen sin, 'f^ j\j> ^lin ^sam. Lien sin, :^ vv;;^^ 'sh6 ^sam. Shie sin, ^ i^ tsai' ^sam. Tsi sin, ^.^P^jCI^ wai' oi' k6' ^sam. Beneficial, conferring benefits, ^ ^ 'yau yik,. Y\i yili. Ijn ^ M yik,. Kid yih, ijg ^ ^shi yik,. Shi yih, ^^\] Vau li'. Yd li, ^f.^ Vau ,p'i. Yii p'i, W ^ .p'i cbo'. P'i tsu, ^$ ^ ^p'i yik,. P'i yih, ^ }$Ji^ -yau cho' yik,. Yii tsu yih ; veiy bene- ficial, A ^ f^ ^ tdi' Vau ,p'i yilc,. Td yu p'i yih, g^ll sham' 'yau yik,. Shin yd yih, ^^ ^ 'ho -yau yik,. Hdu yu yih, g :^ ^ kik^ 'yau yik,. Kih yu yih ; beneficial to man, -^j ^ ^ A -yau yik, ^ii jan. Yu yih yd jin, ^%ilf/^A ^au li' ,11 Jan. Yd li yu jin, ^^ f^ ^ A T^u ,p'i ix jan. Yu p'i yu jin, ^J|J ^^ ;{^ A .^ P^, ,li jan. Kid yih yu jin ; beneficial to the whole world, ^ m^ fit 'yan yik, ,ii shai'. Yu yih yii shi, ^ ^ t^ M: 'yan yik, .u chung'. Yii yih yu chwng. Beneficially ^ ^'yau yik,. Yii yih. BEN Beneficiary, holding some office in subordination to anotlier, "]V ^ hA^ shuk^, Hi^ shuh, ^ ^ shuk^ jiin. Shuh yuan. Beneficiary, one who holds a benefice, ^ i^ 6i5 ^ ^ ^ 'h6ung inuk^ ,8Z ,chl chik, ip^. lliang muh 8Z chi chih nieh, ^i!l^l^:^^^ V^u muk ,sz ,chl chik, 'chd. Yu muh sz chl chih ch6, ^i^^jj ,tong mukj ,sz. Tdng muh sz. Beneficiency, kindness or favor bestowed, ^^ jyan wai^ Ngan hwui, ^ '^ ^yan oi'. Jin ngai, fll^ jyan 'ch6. Jin ch6. Beneficient, doing good, fy ^ jbang 8hln^ Hang shen, fi^ @. ,shi .yan. Shi ngan, )}]\ ^ ,kd yik,. Kid yih. Benefit, that which is useful or beneficial, ^rt^ ,yan 'tin. Ngan tien, Jjg, ^ jan wai^ Ngan hwui, Jg, f^ jan tak,. Ngan teh, ^ yik,. Yih, ,g.y^ jan cliAk^. Ngan tsch, yP| y^ yun^ chdk^. Jun tseh, Ji. M J'^" ^K ^'gan "li. ifl ^ 'ch'ung sik,. Cli'ung sih, Jg. |§ jan ts'z'. Ngan ts'z, >f;|J ^ H' yik,. LI yih, j^ -$ Z Jl y»^' chdk^ .chi ch'ii'. Jun tseh chi ch'ii ; of no benefit, ^ ^ ^mb yik,. Wu yih, % f^ Ig ,m5 yik, ch'ii'." Wii yih ch'u, P^ :^ ^ ^ kdk, y6^ ^ang ian' ; of what benefit will it be ? ^^\^^ ^au ^ho yik, .tsoi. Yu ho yih tsdi ; of great ben(;flt, :^ ^ ^ tai^ ^yau yik,. Td yu yih ; a performance at a theatre, for the benefit of one of the actors, ^ )§t * 'sh^ung hi'. Shdng hi ; ditto for the benefit of some indigent, •/^i^ tsai' hi'. Tsi hi ; benefit clubs, ^ # i' ui^ I hwui, ^^ j"gan ui^ Yin hwui; benefit to all ages, %^ 2i^ t^ IM: li^ k'ap^ man^ shai'. Li kih wdn shi. Benefit, to do good, ^ yik,. Yih, ^ij li^ Li, ;^n ^ ^kdyik,. Kiayih, [^>t^ fu^yik,. Puyih, \^ yun^ Jun, y^ % yun^ chak^. Jun tseh, )^ ^. ,shi jan. Shi ngan, /j|| ^ ,kd jan. Kid ngan, ^ ^ .tsz yun'. Tsz jun, ^| ^ ,tsz cho^ Tsz tsu, f^ij/j ^p'i cho^ P'i tsii, |:i>,l ^,1 j)'i yik,. P'i yih ; to benefit the people, y^ }P^ L\^ ^ clidk^ yun^ .shang jUian. Tseh jun sang min, ^^f^^^f^K ^ P^^ .shang. Yih yii min sang; It does not benefit me, % iill ^ ^ fie VA >^^ yi^ c*'^ '^go- J'uh kid yih yd wo ; to benefit the world, :^ jU; yik, shai'. Yih shi, -^ lit tsai' shai'. Tsi shi, ^^f/^^ *yau yik, ,u shai'. Yu yih yd shi; to benefit one's self and injure others, i^lj(5|^ \ li' 'l^i 's^"^ jyan. Li ki sun jin ; to benefit by, ^^ 4^ tak, yik,. Teh yili, { ^ wok, yik,. Hwoh yih, % i^J tak, li». Teh li, ^ *|J wok, li'. Uwoh li ; to benefit the trade, f^ ^^ i^ yik, .shang i'. Yih sang i; to benefit one's health, )^ '^ jp'ui '^^ung. P'ei ydng. Benefited, profited, ^ %_ yik, kwo'. Yih kwo, ^;|J %^ li' kwo'. Li kwo ; profited threefold, H ^ M ^ , p'ui li' jts'in. Sdn p'ei li t^'ien ; I have benefited by it, %\ % ^ 'ngo tak, yik,. Wo teh • ttJaB^^JJIlll*^^^;^-:^.^^ benefit. (170) BBN yih, fl^ ^ ^ ^ngo wok, yik,. Wo hwoh yih. Benefiting, doing good to, ^ yik,. Yih, JJIP ^ M yik,. Kid yih; gaining advantage, ^^ tak, yik,. Teh yih, ^ ^ wok, yik,. Hwoh yih. Benevolence, the disposition to do good, ^ jan. Jin, fr ^ jan oi'. Jin ngdi, ^ ^ jan 'ch6. Jin ch6, '(rfj^ jan tak,. Jin teh, -frj^ jan wai'. Jin hwui, Jg[Tg jan wai'. Ngan hwui, ^t^ jan ,6am. Jin sin, ^ j^ jan ^ts'z. Jin ts'z ; man himself is benevolence, fH^Aifet ^'^^ *ch6 jan ^yd. Jin ch6 jin y6 ; the heart of heaven is bene- volence, ^Ji^iZ'^ ,t'in ,8am jan oi'. T'ien sin jin ngdi ; an act of kindness, ^ ^ jan hang*. Jin hing, ^ ^ shin' hang*. Shen hing, Jg, ff jan hang*. Ngan hing, ,^ '!^ jan ^lau. Ngan lid ; to rest in benevolence, Jg ^ .kvi jan. Kii jin, J^ t: 'c-h'ii jan. Ch'u jin, ^^ chdk, jan. Tseh jin, '^^ pn jan. Ngan jin; benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and truth, ^, MM''^'iS jya°» ^^ ^^^y chi', sun'. Jin, i, li, chi, sin; affection, ^j^ jts'z .sam. Ts'z sin, j^|l^, ^ts'z ,pi. Ts'z pi, ^ j^ oi' jts'ing. Ngdi ts'ing ; men should preserve the sense of benevolence and jus- tive, jZ^Zi^A^J\'m'^j7^p^ i^ .cW >SttttMimmmmmmmitmm ni^ BBirraO'rr'in ^ri>iii-T"'irniiitim» of silk and half, for woflien'i apparelj ^ ^ ^ Hi ^shd jmehg. Yil slia toing. Bengal stripes, ^ j^jjl fv|J # j^ ^ PInkali W jt'iu p6'. Pienkidli lau t'iau pii. Bengalee, the language spoken in Bengal, ^ jjjp >j?|J g^ Pinkdli wa'. Pienkidll hwa. Bengalese, a native of Bengal, ^ JJW %\] \ PInkMI jan. Pienkiali jin. Benight, to involve in darkness, ^ Bg 'sz 6m'. Shi ngdn ; to overtake with darkness, ^ ^ y6^ Jam. Ye lin, :^ ^Ij ye' to'. Ye tau, :^ ^ ye' Joi". Ye Mi, ^ ^{ ye' ^ai ; to involve in moral darkness, ^ H^ 'sz om'. "Shi ngan, -^ ^ fl^ 'sz 5m' mui^ Shi ngan mei, ^ ^ chi' ^mung. Chi mung, J^ ^ /an mui". Hwan mei. Benighted, involved in physical darloiess, H§ f^ 5m' jkdn. Ngankien, BgCfl om' ^chung. Ngan chung, ^ l4? ye^ ^chung. Y6 chung, :^ ^^ y6^ ^kdn. Y6 kien ; involved in moval darkness, ^ ^ ^mung mui\ Mung mei, ^3|| jmung ^lung. Mung lung. Hg- ^ 5m' mui". Ngan mei, -^ i|;j^ /an mui'. Hwan mei ; overtaken hy the night, ^ f^ ye' Jam. Y6 Un, — - PT ^ ?tfi ^1 jat, -hd, ye' 'hi Jai, is PM M ^ fat, > ii^ ye^ Hwuh jen yii ye ;' he was overtaken by the night, ^ |j^ 25^fg y6^ Jam k'ap^ ^k'ii. Y6 lin kih [^] t'a. Benign j^jj^ Js'z Js'^ung. Ts'z ts'i&ng, jg.1Hl wan jwo. "Wan ho, ^ ^^wan .yau. Wan jau, ^ |^ ^au "iin. Jau yuen, ^ ^ jau oi'. Jau ngai, fl '^ ^yan ^sam. Jin sin, fz ]^ t"^an Js'z. Jin ^^\ M if^ .*»'== cPi- Ts'z pi, ^^ ^ Js'z oi'. Ts'z ngdi, ^ ?4l /tin ^wo. Kwdn ho ; a benign coun- tenance, i^^P^ @I ,wan ^wo k6' min', jg^^^j^^ fgj' jWan ^yau tik, min\ Wan jau till mien, ^ ^ P^ [gf /un ^yung k6' min^ ; benign influence, ^ ^ ^ VC <^^a°^ s'"^^ c^^^ f^'- Wan ho chi hwa, j^ 5f«P j5/f ^ ^wan ^wo 'sho chi'. Wan ho so chi, '^ ^ ^ ^ jAvan jWO 'sho 'k5m. Wan ho so kdn ; a benign disease, ^ ^ Jieng ching'. K'ing ching, ^ ^ ^heng tsat^. K'ing tsih, || ^ ^heng peng^. K'ing ping, /J^ ^ 'siu tsat^. Siau tsih ; the Be- nign Emperor, ^ ^ '^* yik^ ^wong tai'. Yih hwdng ti. Benignant, kind, ^^ /s'z /s'^ung. Ts'z ts'idng. Benignity, goodness of disposition or heart, ^ ^ ^ /s'z /s'6ung 'ch^. Ts'z ts'iang ch6, ^ ^ /s'z shin^ Ts'z shen, fm. ^ ^ ^Ij) jts'z /s'^ung ^chi ^sam. Ts'z ts'iang chi sin, '^ ^ffl ;^ ti^ /tin ^wo jChi ^sam. Kwan ho chi sin, J§, ^ jan wai^ Ngan hwui; salubrity, :7fCjii^^ 'shui 't'5 ^wan jWO. Shwui t'u wan ho, ^ ;?fc J^ 'h5 'shui 't'5. Hdu shwui t'li ; wholesome quality, of i^ :^ 6t 'ho 'p5 ^shantik,. K'o pdu shin tih, ^%%^^ 'p5 tak, ,8han k6', ^^#:^P|[ y^ung tak, ^shan k6'. Benignly, kindly, ^ p^^ ^yau ^in. Jau jen, |^ ^ 'oi jin. Ngdi jen ; to act benignly towards those from afar, ^ j^ A ^^^ '^ ^^^- ^^^ yuen jin. Benjamin, benzoin, ^ J|^ ^ ,on sik, Ji6ung. Ngdn mms sih hidng, # ^|^ j ^wdn ^wdn tik,. Wdn wdn tih ; a bent bow, ^ ^ ^wdn ^kung. Wdn kung, ^ ,yeung. Jang, ^ ^y^ung. Ydng, g$ ^p'i. P'i, ^ 'wai. Wei ; can be bent, "pf ^ 'ho wat,. K'o k'iuh, pj ^ 'ho huk,. K'o k'iuh, ^% wat, tak,. k'iuh teh ; bent with age \'jI ^g /'o Jii. T'o ydu, ^ II kuk, tsuk,. Kuh tsuh, ^^ /ai '15. Li Idu; bent down, as the head, f|^ )^ g^ ^tai kwo' /'au. Ti kwo t'au, |§ 3^ b// ^shui kwo' /'au. Chui kwo t'au, [|y|j| ^ ]]>{ ngap^ ^tai ^t'au, ^ sham^ Shin, l^p '(^ /am sham\ Lin shin, j^ -j^ 'ii Jau. Yu lau ; bent, not straight, as a person inclined to one side, ji^^ % fong' 'm6 ^shan. Fdng m6 shin, :fX '(Jl!) ^^ 'td cl)ak, ^shan. Ta tseh shin, ^ pjS ^ fong' 'lai jShan, |^ ^piri. Pien ; bent for- wards, ^ ;^^ kuk, ,kung. Kuh kung ; bent dou- ble, |^j^ ch'uk, suk,. Ch'uh sub; forced or bent, as the mind, f|y wat,. K'iuh, ^ =}{{ ,iin wat,. Yuen k'iuh, j^ |^ 'wong wat,. Wang k'iuh. Bent on, having a fixed inclination, }^ i^ kiit, i'. Kiueh i, ^ ^ teng^ i'. Ting i ; bent on death, M *^ n chi' 'J 'sz. Chi yii sz, ^ ^ ^ teng^ iu' 'sz. Ting ydu sz ; bent on war, ^jfj- ^ ^ kut, id' chin'. Kiueh ydu chen, ^ ^ tT ft teng^ iu' 'td ch^ung^ Ting ydu td chang, ^^ttl/^l5/C ^^ng* iii' ch'ut, ^kd 'fo. Ting ydu ch'uh kid ho ; bent against reason, D^ 3® Ifll ff ^gdk^ ^li / jhang. [^] Nih li rh hang, Hgli^ c^ shun^ % ^ ^ M pat, /s'ung % )^ .1 Pg # ^ kiit, f ,m /s'ung % ^ .t T> # # ^ kiit, i' pat, 'hang /s'ung -li ; bent on one thing, fg '^ ,p'in id', p'ien ydu, ^ [h] ,p'in h^ung'. P'ien hidng, ;^ ^ — ^ chi' ,ii yat, sz^ Chi yd yih sz, ^ ,sun. Siun, B|_. ^chiin yat,. Chuen yih, ^ i'. I ; bent on food, ^ ^ wai^ shik^. Wei shih. Bent of mind, the, '^ sing'. Sing, \^\^ sing' /s'ing. Sing ts'ing, ;\;i> ^, ,sam chi'. Sin chi, ^, |bI chi' heung'. Chi hidng ; fixed purpose, ^ i^ teng^ f. Ting i, ^."^ kiit, f. Kiuh i ; the bent of a river, ||.j^ chiin' jlau. Chuen lid ; the bent of a moun- tain, iJj {HI ^j^ pxA pi'. Md pi, fH ^ jmd pi'. Md pi, 5^^ ^md muk^ Md miih, ^ ^^ jmd ^md pi'. Md md pi, j^^ 'wai pi'. Wei pi ; my foot is benumbed, ^ j^ k6uk, pi'. Kioh pi ; my hands and feet are benumbed, -^J^^^ 'shau tsuk, ^md pi'. Shau tsuh md pi ; benumbed with cold, ^ ^ ,kdu ^k'au. Kidu k'iii, ^ ^wdn. Hwdn, ^ ,kw'an. K'iun. Benumbedness, destitution of feeling, ^^% jtnd pi' 'ch6. Md pi ch6, ^^f -:g^ ^md muk^ 'ch6. Md muh ch6, f^. ^ p§ ^ hai^ y^ung^ ^m kok,. Benumbing, depriving of sensation, ^^^ 'sz ^md pi'. Shi md pi. Benzoic, pertaining to benzoin, ^ M>^^ ,on sik, .h6ung k^', ^M^^^ij .on sik, ,h6ung tik,. Ngdn sih hidng tih ; benzoic acid, ^ .§> ^ |^ ,on sik, ^h6ung ^siin. Ngdn sih hidng swdn. Benzoin, gum benjamin, 4^ J^^ § ^on sik, ,h6ung. Ngdn sih hidng. Bepale, to make pale, ']^ ^ tdm^ shik,. Tdn sih. Bepinch, to mark with pinches, ^ mit^. Mieh, |^ ts'iit,. Ts'oh, ^4 5lJ ^j: mitj t5' ^hung. Mieh tdu hung. Bepowder, to sprinkle with powder, [^ ^j^ 'sham miit^. Shin moh, j^^j^ 'sh^, miit^. Shd moh. Bequeath, to give by will, f^ ji. I, j|^ ~1^ jWai hd^ Wei hid, Rl chuk, .wai. Chuh wei ; to leave ? i by will, §( "f; ;au hd^ Liii hid, ^ ^ ^lau ^wai. Lid wei, ^f^ jwai lok^. Wei loh, ■gj^ ^lau lok^. If jWai. Wei; to bequeath to posterity, |^^-^ ^ jlau lokj 'tsz jSiin. Liii loh tsz sun, f^ f^i^^ jlau lokj 'tsai ,siin, ^"[^^itj: jWai hd^ hau^ shai'. Wei hid hau shi, #^#f| jch'iin lok^ hau' toi\ Ch'uen loh hau t^i, f^ ^ 4^ -^ ji kiit, tsz ,siin. I kiueh tsz sun ; do not bequeath to him a single hair. >57J ^ T 5ji tg — -^ % mat^ ^wai hd^ kwo' *k'ii yat, jt'iii ^mb. Wuh wei hid kwo k'a yiht'idu mdu. P&it?M'j^Mtg-(^% ,ni 'h6 jwai lokj kwo' 'k'ii yat, /,'iu ^b, — ^ % pg- *T m >;^ i§ tB yat, ^fiu ^m6 .m 'h6 shing^ lok, kwo' ^k'u. Bequest, a legacy, ^ |^ ^wai ip^ Wei nieh, jg ^ jwai t8z^ Wei tsz, ^ 5 /^ || jlau W mat^ Ip^. Liu hiii wuh nieh. Berate, to chide vehemently, ^^^%rak^ tak, ,kdu ,kwdn. Md teh kidu kwdn, ig ^ chimg* md'. Chung md, f?^ -^ ndu* ,pdu. Ndu pdu. Berattle, to fill with i-attling sounds, tT j-* |> *td puk, puk„ n* A^ ,ts'6 ,yan M. Ts'feu jin rh, m Pf PP^ Pf^ jts'6 jts'6 pai' pai'. Bereave (pret. bereaved, bereft; pp. bereaved, bereft), . to deprive of, 5^ tttt^. Toh, jf .^ tiitj hii'. Toh k'ii. i^^ Hs'dung tiitj. Ts'idng toh, %:^ ^'6ung hii'. Ts'idng k'u, ^ $J Hs'<5ung kip,. Ts'idng kieh, $-^ ^nd hii'. Nd k'u, ^^ kip, hu'. Kieh k'vl, $Jj^ kip, tiitj. Kieh toh. bereaved, deprived of, ^ ^ tiit, kwo'. Toh kwo, H Jg 'ts'eung kwo'. Ts'idng kwo, # ^ ^ tut^ kwo' hii'. Toh kwo k'ii, $!/ jig -^ kip, kwo' hu'. Kieh kwo k'ii, :^ ^ -J- .nd kwo' hu'. Nd kwo k'ii, $!/ # -i kip, tiit^ hii'. Kieh toh k'u ; to be bereaved of property, ^ J pdi' *lili. Pdi lidu, 1^ HiT .kd ip^ hii'*niu. Kid nieh k'u lidu, ^^ J ^ ^ shat, 'liH ,kd ip^. Shih Udu kid nieh, ||^ ^ ^ song' shat, ^kd ip^. Sang shih kid nieh, — &\lfi P& yat, ,ti hnb lok,, tTj^ ^mong mut^. Wdng muh, ;^ y mut^ ^116. Muh lidu ; bereaved of one's parents, JU ,ku. Ku, I^ k'it,. Kieh, ^ ^ it-^ ph fu' ^mo ^6. Wu fu wii'mu, .^ 5| ^ i§ 'tab song' fu' 'mb. Tsdu sdng fu mri, ^^^ ^ 'tsb shat, ti' shi'. Tsdu shih hii shi ; bereaved of friends and kindred, ^ ^ — ^ k'it, ^in yat, ,8han. Kieh jen yih shin, ^J^ f^ ^ ® k'it, 'ying ,ku .tang. Kieh ying ku tang, Itt ^ ^ j^ ^mb sP'ang ^mb ^au. Wii p'ang wii yii, it| "^ ^ Jg jli jkw'an sok, ^ii. Li k'iun soh kii. Bereavement, loss of a friend by death, ^ ^ song' 'ch6. Sdng ch6, ^ ^ shat, 'ch6. Shih ch6 ; bereavement of parents, H;^^^ song' fu' haab 'ch6. Sdng fii rnu cU, H^fl^ song' .sh^ung ^ts'an 'ch6. Sdng shwdng ts'in ch6 ; in your pre- sent bereavement, f5^j^jg||^ 4ii in' ^kii ,song *ch6. Ni hien kii sdng ch^. Bereaving, depriving of, ^ ^ tu\ ha'. Toh k'u ; stripping, :|t*^ 'ts'6unghii' sai', tT^^^J td ch'ik, mok,. Td ch'ih moh. Bereft, deprived of, ^^^ tut^ kwo' hii'. Toh kwo ^'^' ^ 'M 'ts'6ung .ts'ing. Ts'idng ts'ing ; made destitute, ^ff — ^ tsun'.hang yat, ,hung. Tsin hang yih k'ung, ^ ^ ^ts'iin ^mb. Ts'iuen wu ; without parents, ^ ^kd. Ku. Bergamot, a variety of pear, ^ ^ }i ^meng. Li ming ; a species of citron, ^^^ ,h6ung ,ning ,mung. Hidng ning mung ; a perfume from the citron, ^ ^ # ;^ jning ,mung ,h6ung 'shui. Ning mung hidng shwui ; a species of snuff per- fumed with bergamot, # p. jfl^ ht''ung pi' ,in. Hidng pi yen ; a coaree tapestry. ]f:{i itfc JJl .ts'b ti' ,chin. Ts'ii ti chen. Bergander, a burrow duck, 1^"^^^ .ts'ai tau' at^ dp,. Ts'i tau yueh ydh. Bergmote, a court held on a hill in Derbj-shire in England, for deciding controversies between the miners, A^H^X*^;gTdi' Ying kwok. kwatj ,kung 'sham on' jmeng. Td Ying kwob kiueh kung shin ngdn ming. Berlin blue, Prussian blue, f^|i£ jy<5ung tin'. Ydng tien. Bcrmo, a space of ground of a few feet in width. left between the rampart of a fortification and the moat, |gi)||^|^ ^Ht ^shing jt«'^ung ngoi' ,ki pok,. Ching ts'idng wdi ki kioh ; the slanting bank of a canal, 7fc|i Jlf}-^ 'shui ,k'a ^ts'^ pok,. Shwui k'ii sic kioh. Bermudas [g^|g] G.^M^n±^% [Saiyan- tb] Pdimbtdsz ^kw'an tb. [Siyintii] Pdrhmlitlajj BER (173) BBS k'iun tau ; a refuge of pirates, ^^ ts'dk^ ^ch'Au. Ts'ih ch'aii. Bern-owl yJ^E^;^ 'siu ^ch'l ^meng. Siau ch'i ming. Berried, fm'nished with berries, ^ ^^ T^u ,ying 'kwo. Yti ying ko, ^ ^ |^ yau chii 'kwo. Yu cliu ko. Berry, a succulent fruit containing naked seeds, -^ 'tsz. Tsz, ^ 1^ ^chii 'kwo. Chii ko ; red berries, ^I^'F' cbung chii tsz. Hung chu tsz ; mulber- ries, ^-f- (Song 'tsz. Sang tsz; strawberry, ^^ jeung ^miii. Yang mei; raspberry, ^■^-f- fuk, j)'un 'tsz. Fuh pw 'an tsz. Berry, to bear or produce berries, ^ -J" ^ ^shang 'tsz shatj. Sang tsz shih. Berry-formed, formed like a berry, ^ ^ -f' ^'^ ^shang jSong 'tsz 'kom yeung'. Sang sang tsz kan ydng. Berth, a station in wliich a ship rides at anchor, ^ ifl-^^ ^wan pok, ^chi 'sho. Wan poh chi so, y^ W ^^ pok, ,shiin ^chi ti^ Poh ch'uen chi ti, AUtt^Mt-dl .wdn ,shiin ko' tdt, tt ^m^^ ys'&n jShiin ko' ch'ii'. Wan ch'uen ko ch'ii ; in a ship, the box or place for sleeping, at the sides of a cabin, ^W'~f'^^ .shiin /ong 'tsz ^chi^ch'ong. Ch'uen fang tsz chi ch'wang ; a place or employ- ment, ^ jj^ jt'au 16". T'au lu, JC ^ }c * 'fii ,k'au. K'd k'iu, ^^ m6- ,k'au. Wu k'iu, ^^ hat, .k'au. K'ih k'iti; I beseech you, ffeig^'^ higo 'ban jk'au hii. Wo k'an k'iu ni. Beseecher, one who requests, ^ 5}c ;^' 'ban ^k'au 'ch6. K'an k'iii ch6. Beseeching, entreating, ^^ 'han ^k'au. K'an k'iu, _j^^ ^^1^ sk'a u. K'i k'iti. * The last three expressions are chiefly used in business and in the common occupations of life. Beseechingly, in a beseeching manner, -^ ^ ts'it, ,k'au. Ts'ieh k'iu. Beseem, to become, iC ^ c^ .in- I Jen. M ^ ^^^^^ ,i. Shih i, ^ t: h6p^ ^i. ■ Hoh i, '-^ flk ^tong >. Tang jen. Beseeming, jSff'^g^,^ 'sho ^tong ^in. So tang jen, A g h6p^ ^i. Hoh i. Beseeming, comeliness, /[}§ -^ 'lai ,i. Li i. Beseemingly, in a beseeming manner, 1[ jl^ ^i ^in. I jen, ^ ^ shin- ^in. Shen jen. Beseemly, fit, t p^ ,i ^in. l' jen, ^ g hop, j. Hoh i. ■ Beset, (pret. and pp. beset), to encircle, @ j^ ^wai chii". Wei chu, g j^ ^wai 'iii. Wei yau, g ^ jWai ch^uk,. Wei choh, g| j^ ^wan 'iii. Hwan yau, ^ '^ jWan chii". Uwan chii, ^ (g ^hiin jWai. K'iuen wei ; to beset on all sides, j^ ^ g^ ^ ^chau ^wai kw'an' chu^ Chau wei kw'an chii, (/y ifi S ft sz' min' jWai chii'. Sz mien wei chii ; to press on all sides, so as to perplex, ft] |^:mT}- sz' ^wai 'pd 'shau. Sz wei pa shau, fll tJ* ft ps^ 'shau chii\ Pd shau chu, [g g ^wai kw'an'. Wei kw'an, g| ^ ^wai sak,. Wei seh, g^ ^ kw'an' sak,. Kw'an seh ; to emban-ass, g^ kw'an' nan'. Kw'an ndn ; to waylay, ^ ^ tsit, 16'. Tsieh lii, P ^ Jan tsit,. Lan tsieh, ^ ^ ju tsit,. Yau tsieh, ;^ ft tsit, chii'. Tsieh chii ; to fall upon, ^ .^ *1 J^ tat^ Jn tsun' ,kung. Tub jen tsun kung, f^ ^^ ]^ fx -ngau Jn ,kung 'ta. Ngau jen kung ta ; she is beset with flatterers, ^j^^\ SffetB 'ch'im mi' ^chi jan ^wai chii' 'k'u. Chen mei chi jin wei chu k'ii, # fg j^ ^ A S ft pi' 'ch'im mi^ ^chi ^yan ^wai chii\ Pi chen mei chi jin wei chu ; grief besets her hard, ^Pi|xgtS:feM- jau mun^ pik, 'k'ii t'ai' sham'. Y^ii mwan pih k'ii t'Ai shin, ISfe ^ jM ^ pi" *fi!^ kan' ^pin. Kin pien, ^)^ kan' ch'ii'. Kin ch'ii, ^]^ kan' ti'. Kin ti ; beside one's self, out of wits, 1^ ^ fiit, Jin. Pdh tien, ^ ^i fat, jkw'ong. Fdhkw'ang, ;\a'8L cSamliin\ Sin Iwdii, >Ci* Wi Wi SL ?^^^ c^^ i"^^ Inn'. Sin ma ma Iwan, '^ '^ a ^i Jin JiD^ (kw'ong ^kw'ong. Tien tien kw'dng kw'ang, j^^g^ Jin 'kan J'au. Tien kin t'au, ^^^^ Jin Jin fai' fai', ^^^^^ Jiu 'kau 'k6m yeung'. Tien kau kdn ydng ; sit down beside him, ^ '^^^ tso^ lok^ jP'ong ^pin. Tso loh p'ang pien, ^ ^ ^\ ^ tso^ lok, chak, ^pin. Tso loh tseh pien ; iDeside the mark, Jf p|? pat, chung. Puh chung. B18 Besides, ] 'liu. Ch'ii lidu, ^ ^l iin) B Beside, ) escIUBive of, gfe .ch'ii. ,ch'u ncjoi'. wdi, Ch'ti wdi, -^ ;^f« ling^ ngoi^ Lirif? wdi, [^^ Jp jCh'il k'euk,. Ch'ii Kioh, \l^^ ^ ,ch'u /i. Ch'ii fi, p^ 'chi. Chi ; over and above -^ ^ ling^ 'yau. Ling yu ; moreover, ^^\> ling^ ngoi^ Ling wYii, ^^|* ^ii ngoi\ Yu wili, jj:{; ^f. 'ts'z ngoi^ Ts'z wdi, j^ ;^(v ^i ngoi^ f wai, jj^'l^ jWdn Vau. Hwdn yu, |g ^ chung' 'yau. Cliung yii, ^ /^ shcxmg^ 'yau. Shdng yu, ^ ^ fong' *ch'^. Hwang ts'i^, ^ ;^ k6' ; a beuleging anny, JSil^:tM j^An ekting ,chi ^wan. Hwdn kung chi kiun. Besiegingly, in a besieging manner, ^ ^ ,wdn ^In. Hw^n jen, ^ ^>^ ^wdn ,in. Hwdn jen. Beslaver, to defile Avith slaver, jjfe f^, ^lau *nan ; to beslaver one's dress, '^y]^^"^^ jlau 'nan sdi' kin^ ,sh&m. Beslavered, defiled with slaver, J^fe ^> jlii s^^" ^^ kwo'. Beslubber, to soil with spittle, jj^ jj^ ^lau *nan. .ch'ii hiii 'iii ,mo long' Vau. Hwang yu, ]^^ 'ch'6 'yau. Ts'i6 yii, | Besmear, to bedaub, -jijl '}^ fu' ^vau. Fu yu, j^ y|jj 3(.yau^ Yu, Htsoi'. Tsdi, ||^ tsoi' 'chi;. Tsdi ! mut, jau. Moh yii; to soil, J^pj 'ching ,u. che ; how many pounds beside the tare, ^^^\ Ching wu, -^ y^ *^t'6 ,u. T'u wu, -j^ fiV. Fii, ^ If- ^ch'ii j)'i *kl ,to ,kan. Ch'ti p'i ki to kin ; I ^ yft s«li'a jau. Ch'd yii, fjc yik^. Yih. nobody can do it beside you, ^l^f/jt^A'fe5!"f^ Besmeared, bedaubed, j^ j|^ vft fii^ kwo' yau. Fu kwo yu, 1^ '^ vtt inut, kwo' ^yau. Moh kwo yii ; ^PiM '^•I'ing <'i kwo'. Ching wu kwo, ^* /?^ jit jt'6 ^u kwo'. T'd wii kwo, ^ '^ Jig ^ch'd .li kwo'. Ch'd wu kwo. Besmearer, one who bedaubs, '(^vft:^ fii^ jau 'ch6. Fu yu ch6 ; one who soils, ^ f^ ^ 'ching ,li 'ch6. Ching wii ch6. Besmearing, bedaubing, f^y^ fii^ jau. Fii yii; soil- ing, ^ f^ 'ching /i. Ching wii. Besmoke, to foul with smoke, ;^4 ^ .ts'au hak,. Ts'iu heh, ^ m ii'Am hak,. T'dA'heh ; dried in the smoke, ^ j^^ ^in ^ts'au. Yen ts'iu. Besmut, to blacken with smut, ^'XW^'^M P^' 'fo jt'dm ^miii 'ching hak,. Pi ho fan mei ching heh. Besmutted, blackened with smut, ^^'Xf^'^c^'^ M pi^ 'fo jt'dm ^miii 'ching kwo' hak,. PI ho t* dn mei ching kwo heh. Besnowed, covered with snow, ^^^ j)'6 'mtin siit,. P'u mwdn siueh ; sprinkled with white blos- soms, S :ifS 'ly S i^ % V^K S^ ^'2 siit, *mtin ti^ Peh hwd sz siueh mwsin ti. Besom, a broom, ^^ :}g, s6' 'p6. Sdu pd, ^ j^ s6' 'kon. Sdu kdn, if^ ^ s6' 'chau. Sdu chau, ^ 'chau. Chau, ^ ^ ^chiii 'chau. Chdu chau, ^ pdt,. Pdh, — :tfi :fe :tS V^K 'r«i s6' 'pd. Yih pd sdu pd ; a round, straight besom, |^ ^ so' 'chau. Sdu chau ; a flat besom, ^ ^ ,chid 'chau. Chdu chau, (see Broom). Besomcr, in China, a wife or conbubine, ^ ^. f^ chap, ,kl 'chau. Chih ki chau. Besort, to suit, ^-^ilP 'ching h6p^ i'. Ching hoh i, i^ f IJ ^ <§; t86^ t6' h6p^ i'. Tso tdu hoh i, -0: rtS ts6''ch'un. Tsoch'uen, ^Jljpj?^ ts64tV ,chung i'. Tso tdu Chung i, ^M^i^ ts6* 16' h6p] shik,. Tso tAu hoh shih. Besot, to make sottish, -^ j^ X -^'*" -^^^ -5^"- ^yan tso" tak, ; tiicre was no body besides himself, ^Z^l'^'^M K ^ch'ti 'ts'z ^chi ngoi'. Ch'u ts'z chi wdi ; except yourself, ^ j/S^ ^^ ^\> jCh'ii 'ni ,chi ngoi^ Ch'ii ni chi wdi ; moreover he said, ^^^f^'^gj ling^ngoi^ 'yau wd^ Ling wdi yd hwd ; besides that, -^ ^|v ling^ ngoi^ Ling wdi ; there is one tribe besides, ^Ij ^ — ^ pit^ 'yau yat, 'chung. Pieh yu yih chung ; there is no- thing else, besides what is comprised in them, :|^ ihLlTn^b. MMi^'^ 'sh6 'ts'z ^i ngoi^, kang' ^m6 ,t'd 'i. Shi6 ts'z rh wdi, kang wd t'd rh. Besidery, a species of pear, ^ :g ^11 ^meng. Li ming. Besiege, to lay siege to, ^ |g ^wai k^v'an'. Wei kw'an, ^ -^ jWai ,kung. Wei kung, ^ j^ ^wdn ,kung. ilwdn kung, ^ -^ ^wdn ,kung. Hwdn kung, jJlj P :fCi ^ sz' ^wai 'pd 'shau. Sz wei pd shau, pt| P^>f^ sz' jWai 'shau chii^ Sz wei shau chd, ^li^jgjjg ^chau ^Avai kw'an' pik,. Chau wei kw'an pih, [/j-j sz ^pin w&n 'id. Sz pien hwdn ydu, (/Ij \^\ ^ j^ sz' min^ kdp, ,kung. Sz mien kidh kung, IJilJl^'fi ^ch'ung ^ch'ung ^wai chii^ Ch'ung ch'ung wei chu ; to lay siege to a city, ^^?fetr i'^'^^ jShing ,kung 'td. Wei ching kung t». M ffl ^ ifl^ jwai kw'an' ^shing ^ch'i. Wei kw'an ching ch'i, l^^tl^i^ s^^^'^ 'i" s^hing ^ch'i. Hwdn ydu ching ch'i ; to throng round, and press upon, |JL| (H] ^ \'i$ sz' min' ^tsai 'yung. Sz mien tsi yung, !'i'!'|i'iii:^j)"ilg sz' niln^ 'yimg sak,. Szmien yung sob. /i^l'i'li^?^' chau ^wai pik, mat^. Chau woi pih mill. Besieged, suiTouiided with hostile troops, ^ :^ ^ jWdn ,kuug kwo'. HM'dn kung kwo. Besieger, one who lays siege, j|^ ]pfe ^' ,wai ,kung 'ch(''. Wei kung clu5. Besieging, hiving sioge, \lf\j.j( jM'ai ,kung. Wei kung, 60 ?fe j^^^'i ,k^i"g- Hwdn kvmg. Besieging, employed in a siege, g|:|^i|t i^dn ^ung Hwan mi jin, <^ A ^ 'p^ iV^^ "Jfong*. Pi jin ch'un, ^ A ^ li"?:* sJ'aii jmai. Ling jin mi, ^ mung*. Mung, ^ ^ ^mai wdk^. Mi hwoh. Besotted, made sottish, -^ ^ >^ fan ^mai kwo*. Hwan mi kwo; besotted on, infatuated with foo- Ush aifection, j}^ ^^ ni' ,u. Ni yu, fSt ^ .cb'i ^. Ch'i mi, ^ ;^ nik^ ,\i. Nih yd. BES (175) BES Besottingly, in a besotting manner, i^'^''^^ ,ch'i jDiai 'k6m y6ung-. Ch'i mi kdn yang. Besought, entreated, ^^a|^ 'tan ^k'au kwo'. K'an k'iii kwo. Bespangle, to adorn with spangles, ^''(^^^ ,teng 'miin ^shan /a. Ting mwan shin hwd, |^ ^ ^ -3^ j^ sau' 'miin ^shan ^kwong 'ts'oi. Siii mwdn shin kwiing ts'di. Bespangled, adorned with spangles or something else, )^^yt^ 'mun ^shan ^kwong 'ts'oi. Mwdn shin kwang tsdi. Bespatter, to soil by spattering, y|^ tsin'. Tsien, ^^ ^'^ 'slid 'nan, y^ tsdn'. Tsan ; to bespatter one's reputation, '/^ -# ^ ;g ,u yuk^ ^shing ^meng. Wu juh shing ming. Bespattered, spattered over, -^ jj^ tsin' kwo'. Tsien kwo, -[^^^ii^ tsdn' 'nan kwo', f^'il^,^ tsan' shap, jShan. Bespattering, spattering with water, y|^ fj^ tsin' 'nan, f^y^. tsdn' shap,. Tsan shih, 'j'^-^ :^ tsin' Til 'shui. Tsien k'i sliwiii; soiling, f^'f^ tsan' ^li. Tsdn wu ; calumnating, f^^ ^ 'fi p'ong'. Ei p'^ng, ||lj ^ shan' p'ong'. Shan p'ang. Bespawl, to soil with spittle, |^ f^ t'o' vl. T'o wu, l4 JM t'o' 'nan. Bespeak (pret. bespoke; pp. bespoke, bespoken), to order or engage, fj ^ wa' lok,. Hwd loh, fj ^ wa' teng^. Hwd ting, 5^-J^ chuk, lok,. Chuh loh, g^ Pit ^ /an fii^ teng^ Fan fu ting, Pj vj^ ^^ chukj fii'' lok^. Chuh fu loh ; bespeak a chair, ^ "j^^^^ ^'^' ^^K ^^' <'''l^^^o '^"^- Hwd4oh ngai ching kiau ; forbode, [> puk^. Puh, ^ ^chlm. Chen ; to forbode danger, \\ |2<| puk, ^ 'ching yat, 'tim 'tim. Ching yih tien tien. Bespeckled, marked with speckles or spots, ^M^ jj^ 'tim kwo'. Tien kwo, |j| ^JJt ^sing sdn'. Sing san. Bespew, to soil with spittle, pj^ '/^ t'o' ^li. T'u wd, ^^'M t'o' '^ 'mdn. P'li mwdn, g ^ k'oi' ^mdn. K'ai mwdn. Besprinkle, to sprinkle over, yjg 'shd. Shd ; to be- sprinkle with water, >^:^ 'shd 'shui. Shd shwui, M^ p'lit, 'shui. P'oh shwui; to besprinkle with dust, W.m^^ k'oi' ^i ^ch'an .oi. K'di i ch'in ng^. Ml^M^ k'oi' H. /h'an 'kau. K'di 1 ch'in kau ; to spurt water, as a tailor over clothes, p# ;fC p'an' 'shui. P'in shwui, }^ '/f. ^mi shap,. Wi shih. Besprinkling, sprinkling over, yg 'shd. Shd. Besputter, to sputter over, f^ f^ t'o' ^u. T'o wii. Best, the best, ^ $f chi' 'h6. Chi hdu, )^ ^ kik 'h6. Kih hiiu, ^i ^ tsui' 'ho- Tsui hdu, Jp ^ teng 'ho. Ting hdu, ^^—^ tai' yat, 'li5. Ti yih hdu, :g: ^]^ sham' 'ho. Shin hdu, J2. jCf sheung' 'h5. Shdng hdu, ^^jj^ 'han 'h5. K'an hdu, J^^ kik, shin'. Kih shen, $f ^^^ 'h6 tak, 'han. Hdu teh k'an, ^ ^ tsui' shin'. Tsui shen, J^ || kik, hni. Kih mei, ^ || tsui' 'mi. Tsui mei, || ^ tsui' ,kai. Tsui kid, ;^ ^ kik^ ^kdi. Kih kid, :^ -11 sham' ^kdi. Shin kid, ^ Jj? kik, miii'. Kih midu, |g ilp chi' miii'. Chi midu, jp ^ 'teng miii'. Ting midu, |g ^j; tsiit, miu'. Tsiueh miau, Jl ^y sheung' 'ho. Shdng hdu ; the best quality of rice, J: ■$: sheung' 'mai. Sh^ng mi ; the best old wine, Jl$f ^y^ sheung' 'h6 '16 'tsau. Shdng hdu Idu tsiii ; the best wine, "g-y^ 'chi 'tsau. Chi tsiu, SH;^ vg kik^ -mi ^chi 'tsau. Kih mei chi tsiu ; the best way or plan, Tj^^fj pat, ^ii. Puh ju; to do one's best, ^ )} tsun' lik,. Tsin lib ; to make the best of a thing, ^ |^^ ^ -^ ^)] shinf jki ^t'6 tdi' li' ; to make the best of one's way, ^ '(^ jhang fdi'. Hang kw'di, jf ff chik, Jiang. Cliih hang ; to the best of my reraemlirance, ^ ^ f>f( IE ci ;nSO 'sho ki'. I wo so ki, BS ^ ig :ff 11^ ^ chiu' Tigo ki' tak, 'kom yeung'. Chdu wo ki teh kan ydng; speak to the best of your know- ledge, nSf^^jf^^ll^ chili' ^ni 'sho kin' tsun' 'kong. Chau ni so kieu tsin kiang, fi^* ^ ^W ^ '^llli!^ ^^^ 'sl'O ,chi 'kong sdi' ch'ut, Joi ; which do you like best? if^.^ ^'r^^^^^^^iji 'ni ^cliung i' j)in ko' M ,ni, -^rgft^ ^ni 'hi shuk, ^li. Ni hi shuli hii ; to love one best, ^^5 '^fg oi' 'k'ii. Wo chi ngdi k'ii ; most coirectly, ^ chf clieuk,. Chi choh ; what do you tliink had best be done? WA f^jt fj ^^ij^-Vji chiii' ^ni 'tim yeungj tso' 'h6 ,ni,J^-/^^,^| fiji^ J ^ni 'cliam y6ung' jWai 'h6. I ni tsaug yang wei hdu; best of all, ^ ^ chi' 'h6. Chi hdu ; bcstarranged, ^ iii ^M &1^#.^it W V^' ^^K shin' ^chi kdu' yuk,. Pj kih shen chi kidu yuh, ^^^% sliau\' BES (176) BES 'h6 'lai ^i. Shin hAu 11 i; best-writton, ^MWf^' chf 'h6 ,8hu fdt,. Chi hau shu fah, f^ f # ^ ^J | '8(4 tak, kikj 'h6. Si6 teh kill hau, >g^if^^ kik^ ' lib pat, fdt,. Kih hAu pUi Mh. | Bcstain ^ )f^ Hm ^u. Yen wii. Bestead (pret. and pp. bestead), to profit, ^J li^ Li, ^ yik,. Yih, ijn^/^ .kd yik, .ii. Kid yih yu. Bestial, brutish, |fe;Cl^B|5t shau^ ^sam k6\ ijoWiMM jii shau^ ^mb iK Ju shau wu i ; vile, ^P (^||^ 'p'i lau'. P'i lau ; depraved, ^ H^ 'mong k^', ^ >(^ ,p'in p'ik,. P'ien p'ih ; sensual, ^ shi^ yuk,. Shi yuh. " ' Bestiality ^i^fiff|| ^k'am shau^ ^mo i^ K'in shau wu i ; unnatural eoraection with a beast, A^^frB ti 1 ts'di ndng ts'z jin ; to bestow much labor on a thing, m^^^^^m^^f^m y^^^ *»»o <*« ,sam ,ki ts(V ko' kin^ 'ye. Yung hau to sin ki tso ko kien y6. Bestowal, act of bestowing, f^ ts'z'. Ts'z, ^^ ,sln' 'ch6. Shi che, >^ ^ sung* 'che. Sung die. Bestowed, given gratuitously, ^ j(^ }i^ pak^ ,shi kwo'. Peh shi kwo, jj^j!^ sung' kwo'. Sung kwo; given, ^ 'pi. Pi, f^ 'pi. Pi ; bestowed, as chari- ^v, Mik^M <«hi '.sh('' kwo'. Shi shid kwo, ^ ig tsV; kwo'. Ts'z kwo, ^ M i^ ts'z' 'ii kwo'. Tsz yti kwo ; bestowed a benefit, Kf^f ^ fu^ yik,. Fii yih ; deposited for safe keeping, J^^ ,shau jindi. Shau mdi, i\^ ^ ,shau .ts'ong. Shau tsang. ^yan shau^^seung ,t'ung. Jin shau siang t'ung. ; Bestower, a giver, ^ ^ ts'z' 'ch6. Ts'z che, ^ ^ Bestially, brutally, ^|^ , hung W,ng. Hiungmang, I ,shi 'ch6. Shi chi, ^ % 'pi 'che. Pi che, ^ ^ ^M^M ^^^^ ti* c'"- ^''^^^ niwdn ti hwd. jm6 yik,, II ii fi wu yih, if^^^P^ ^ }]] fa ^ts'in I Bestride (pret. l)estrid, or bestnKle ; pp. best rid, he- rn .Chung yung*, l^fi^^ <«i fai' ^ts'in ;s'oi. | stridden), ^ • ^k'i. K'i, jj^ ti" ^^ '^^l'^""? »»*i'- Hwd fi ts'ien ts'di ; to bestow a charity, ^ ^ K'i shdng k'ii, bestride a horse, h jk'i 'sheuug. K'i .shdng; to .l?y) t>'^'M Man 'tsz ,pan ^long, hat, ^i >. Kiun tsz pin lang, k'ih rh yen. Bethink (pret. and pp. bethought), to call to mind, ^ ^ 'seung 'hi. Sidng k'i, fg ^ kf 'hi. Ki k'i, le # kf tak,. Ki teh, le ^ ki' nim*. Ki nien, ^ ^ yilc, cheuk,. Yih choh, ^ ^ nim* ^ha. Nien hid, if ^ yik, 'hi. Yih k'i, |B ff ^i' yik,. Ki yih, it tt cCliui yik,. Chui yih, ig ,g. ^chui ,sz. Chui sz, ^§, ^ ,sz 's6ung. Sz sidng ; to bethink one's self, § ^ tsz' n^. Tsz wu. Bethlehem, a town in Judea, -fj^ t^J jg Pdklihang. Pehlihhang ; an hospital for lunatics (see Bed- lam), 1® f^ 1^ jtin '16 'kiin. Tien Idu kwdn. Bethlemite, a lunatic, i^ ^ ^tin '16. Tien Idu ; an inhabitant of Bethlehem, 'fj^ ;^|] "jg \ Pdklihang ^yan. Pehlihang jin. Bethought, see Bethink. Bethrall, to reduce to bondage, 'H^ ^ ;^ 'shai tong' ^n6. Shi tdng nii, ^ \ 'M'^X '^^^^ J^^ c^^^ ^^■ Shi jin wei nii, ^^^-^-^ fdt, ^ch'ung ,wai jn6. Fdh ch'ung wei nii. Bethump, to beat soundly, ^ # $J '^ H ,chung tak, 'h6 ^shani ^sh6ung. Chung teh hdu shin shdng. Betide, to befall, gg >m. Lin, J^ k'ap,. Kih, ^ kong'. Kidng; woe betide thee, P%V^,^^^i^ Tti /u, wo* ,tg^ioig k'apj ^i. Wu hil, ho tsidng kiJj irxi • ir ]„.< wv.^.^ fUi^j yfhii \^oUld tv..f,irtt5 HfiHpV n^n^miai^ '^'^ y^uk^ 'sz ^igo tsak, ,u ,ho. K'u joh sz wo tseh jti ho, tg ^ (^ |^ i^ ^ i5tf 'k'ii 'sz ^iu 'ngo 'tim siin"h6. Betide, to come to pass, ^ ^ shik, yau. Shih yu, i^ j§ Tigau ii*. Ngau yli. Betime, ") in good season or time, y^ B$ '^ flS^^-''^ Betimes, j ^shi hau* ; before it is late, J^ 'ts6. Tsdu, ;j^ ^ t'di' ts6. T'di tsdu, |^ f. 'han 'ts6. K'an tsdu, -^ ^ j^ puk, kwo'. Puh kwo, |J^^ jChim kwo'. Chen kwo ; indicated, ^^^ 'chi shi* kwo'. Chi shi kwo. Betony J^ J^ !^ 'shii 'mi 'ts6. Shu wi tsdu. Betook, see Betake. Betom, torn in pieces, ^ ^ aI^ mdk, Idn* kwo'. Meh Idn kwo. Betoss, to agitate, ^ ^ ^iii timg*. Ydu timg ; to disturb, j^ ^ 'iu liin*. Yau Iwdn ; to put in vio- lent motion, :^ ^ 'kdu tun^. Kiau tung ; my betossed soul, i^^^^ilV^.t^ c^am ^li ^iti jii ,iin ^tsing. Sin ydu yau jvi yuen tsing. Betossed, tossed, ^^jl^ ^iu tung* kwo'. Ydu tung kwo ; violently agitated, as one's mind, t^ ^ gj^ ^am jiii liin*. Sin yau Iwdn. Betray, to dehver into the hands of an enemy by treachery or fraud, ^ mdi*. Mdi, ^ ^ mdi* fu*. Mdi in,^Xm.jji fu* ^yan 'u ^ch'au. Pii jin yu ch'au, ^ ^ t6* mdi*. Tdu mdi ; to violate by fraud, ^^ ^hip'in'. K'ip'ien, |^|| ngdk, p'in'; to violate confidence by disclosing a secret, ^ ^ ^ sit, 16* sz*. Sieh lu sz, ]^ ^ ^sho sit,. Sii sieh, ^'MW^ s^*. ^^^ ^^\ ^^^- ^^^^ ^^ ™^ sz> ^ ^ ^ P sit, p'o' ^ki ^wdn. Sieh p'o ki kwdn ; to permit to appear, what prudence would conceal, ^ ^ fdt, sit,. Fdh sieh ; to mislead, ^ ^ ^mai wdk^. Mi hwoh ; to show, to disclose, J^ ^ 'chi ch'ut,. Chi ch'uh, ^i^ sit, p'o'. Sieh p'o, # ^ {±1 'pi shik, ch'ut,. Pi shih ch'uh ; to fail in an engagement, ^j^ shat, sun'. Shih sin, ^^ 'shong yeuk,. Shwdng yoh ; to fail in one's engagement and injure others, -^ i^ ^ ^ \ shat, sun' hdm* hoi* jan. Shih sin han hdi jin ; to betray a prince, ^ ^ ,hi ^wan. K'i kiun ; to betray one's country, to forsake one's flag, ^ g mdi* kwok,. Mdi kwoh ; to betray one's coun- try into the hands of foreigners, ^ ^ $ @| ^t'ung /an mdi* kwok,. T'ung fan mdi kwoh ; to betray one's master for the sake of glory, g ^ 5^ '^ mdi* 'chii ^k'au .wing. Mai chu k'iu yung ; to betray a friend, ^^^^ 'ku fu* ^p'ang S^rau. Ku fd p'ang yii ; to betray one's self, g ^ tsa' ,hl; Tsz k'i, BET (178) BET closed, ^ IS x3 8^^ ^^^ kw'o'. Sicli lii kwo; per- mitted to appear, ^jj ^iM ^'^K ^'^ kwo'. Fdh sieli kwo; failed in an engagement, ^'^^^ shat, kwo' sun'. Shih kwo sin. Betrayer, one who betrays his master, ^"^^ mdi^ *cha 'ch6. Mdi elm clu!, f^ piR ^ mdi^ ,8Z 'did. Mdi 82 cU, It^ i ^ ,hi 'chii 'did. K'i diii did; one who discloses secrets, ^ dg f^^ ^^ ^ sit, lau^ ,kf Jtwfm 'chd. Sidi lau ki kwan die ; one who fails in an engagement, ^ \^^ ^ shat, sun' *chd. Shih sin did. Betraying, delivering up treacherously, H "M" J^^i^ fu^ Mai fii; violating confidence, ^y)^5|fi^ s't, lau^ matj sz*. Sieli lau raih sz ; exposing, |^ ^ fdt, sitj. Fdh sieh ; failing in an engagement, ^ ^ shat, sun'. Shih sin. Betrim, to deck, |ji ^ ,chong shik,. Chwfeng shih, ^ ^T # ^ cheuk, 'h6 ^pYii ^ch'eung. Clioh hdu p'di ch'dng, ^^ ,chong pfin^ Chwdng pdn, ^ ^ ,chong 'ching. Chwdng ching, ^'J .{^ 'tiv pdn'. Td pdn. Betrimmed, adorned, j^ ^ i^ ,chong shik, kwo'. Chwdng shih kwo, tT # JM 'td pdn' kwo'. Td pdn kwo, ^li'i^^^^t^ chduk, 'h6 j)'hi ^ch'eung kd'. Betrimming, decking, ^ ^ ^chong shik,. Chwdng shih, tl ^ 'td pdn'. Td pdn. Betroth, to espouse, ^^ ^ 'hii p'ing'. Ilii p'ing, )j^ ^ jShing .ts'an. Ching ts'in, ^ || ^ tui' >'an ,kd. Tiii ts'in kid, |.^ || ^ kit. ^ts'an .kd. Kieh ts'in kid, $lj^ ting' /an. Ting hwan, ^%j^ ^liin /an. Liuen hwan, ^^ -^ j^ j0 yduk, ^wai /an jan. Yoh wei hwan yin, jj^ ^0 j'^hing jan. Ching yin ; to promise a daughter in marriage, ,i'j j^j^ •^ 'hii wai kd' 'nil. Ilii wei kid nii, ^\il^^ ^ iin' ^i 'nil ts'ai' /'d. Yuen I nu ts'i t'd, j§ ^ # :^ ^ tB «ying ssliiog 'pi ^nii kd' Vii ; to be- troth an unborn child, ^ ]^ 0f ^f *chi fuk, ^lun /an. Chi fuh liuen hwan. Betrothed, espoused, g| ^ v^ 'hii p'ing' kwo'. Ilii p'ing kwo, ^•;^U'^ kit. kwo' /s'an .ka. Kidi kwo ts'in kid, |jj'i|i4i§ ting' k^vo' /an. Ting kwo hwan; betrothed wifi!, SE^ p'ui' sliat,. P'ci shih, j^^ jiin /an. Yuen hwan, ]^ [igli ,i\n p'l'ii'. Yuen p'd, if;^^^ kit. fj'it. .Is'ai. Ivieh liihts'i; second betrothed, ||| ^ kai' shut.. Ki shih, Ijji )J) ^t'in /ong. T'ieii fang. Betrothing, espousing, i-,^ 5^ 'hii p'ing'. Ilii p'ing, Betrothmcnt, a contract between two poisons, for a future marriage between the parties betrothed, n'^^^ r. '»'ii l'''"S' '^•'«<5. llii p'ing did. Ijtgi -. I^ kit. /s'an .dii sz*. Kieh ts'in dii sz. Betrust, to intrust, fjt [4£] t'"l^',- 'i"i>l'. ^ f G '"I'ii t'ok,. Mei t'oh. Betrusted, intrusted, '^"E jj^ t'ok. kwo'. T'oh kwo, i$^M:M '"!"' ^'^K l^""'- ^^''' ^'^''» '*"■"• Betrustmcnt, the aet of intrusting, j"-^ |J\ 1^ 'siii ii'. Sidu yi. i:[::5t]tf-ri^ 'P« <««« 'hbyat; .ti, i:[:5t$?^ I 'pi .sin 'h6 .sd. Pi sien hdu sid ; better die, .^ {ffi j ^ pat. jii 'sz. Pub jii sz, ^ ^^ s^^"» **^- -^ •"? sz, ^H 1^ iT '^'^' diung' 'lio. Sz diung hdu ; it is liettor for me to die, ^ ^ ^ ^ pat, ^ii 'sz ptf. Pub j.i sz pd, r^^^J^\y^'''K ""S" 'f pd' lok.. Pub job wo sz pa [ ]' ] liau ; bettor die than depart, 'tji ^^^^ j'""}? '^^ pat. hii'. Ning sz pub k'ii ; beft^T commoncc the attack, than to wait and bo killed, fiil II: ^ f;^ ^ ^. ^^ pf ^ ~]% -^ 'ii Jv'i 'tang toi shan' shat., ^ning 'ho .sin *lia 'sliau. Yii k'i tang tdi slum shdh, ning k'o sien hid shau ; a word fn)m Wei ching is better than a hundred tliousand toadiers, _ _ '\"i%^ M ^f' '«liing kwo' chung^ 'h5. Ching kwo chung hau, g^ 3!^ ^ 'koi kwo' 'ho. Kdi kwo hdu, ^ ^ i^ ^^ tsoi' 'cliing kwo' 'h6. Tsdi ching kwo hau ; to better one's conduct, JE g ching' 'ki. Ching ki, pj^r J£ «koi ching'. Kai ching, ^^i^ 'koi kwo'. Kdi kwo, P^'^> 'koi pin'. Kdi pien ; to better one's condition, g£ Hf^ woag^ s^ung'. Wang siang, ^ j^ Jii"g seung'. Hing sidng, ^ [5^ (liing jlung. Hing lung. Better, a superior, _t. ;^ shdung^ 'ch6. Slidng clie ; one who has claim to precedence on account of rank, Jl ^ ^ sheung^ 'tang ^yan. Shang tang jin, -j^ )J(j!e Ig tdi- nap, '16, ^ ^ ^tsiin 'che. Tsun ch6, ^ % 'ch^ung 'ch6. Chdng ch6 ; ditto on account of his age, 0\ ^ ^ ^^ jiiln 'ch6. Kau nien ch6, /j^'^ "15 tdi^ Ldu td ; ditto on account of his office, _|l^ '"^ sheung^ 'tang ^kun. Shdng tang kwdn, y^ '^ tai^ ^kiln. Td kwdn ; our bet- ters, A Jl ^ "iJt tdi^ kwo' ^ngo k&, A ® f^ ^ tdi^ kwo' -ngo 'che. Td kwo wo che, Jt iM || :fe sh^ung- kwo' ^ngo 'ch6. Shdng kwo wo die, '^ Mfi^^ ,tsun kwo' ^ngo 'che. Tsun kwo wo che, ^^^'^ 'ch^ung kwo' ^ngo 'che. Chdng kwo wo ch6. Bettered, improved, ^ M M ^ 'ching kwo' kang' *h5. Ching kwo kang hdu, ^ (t? ji^ ^/c 0$ 'ching 'h6 kwo' jSin ^shi. Ching hau kwo sieu shI, ^ # ^T- >^ it 11.^ 'ching tak, 'I16 kwo' ^siu ^suT. Ching teh hdu kwo sien shI, tS^ f# ^ M # H^ Tso teh hdu kwo kiu 'hb kwo' kau^ ^shl. tsb' tak shi Bettering, making better, ^ ^ ^f ts6'- kang' 'h6. Tso kang hdu, ^ H ^ 'ching kang' 'ho. Ching kang hdu; improving one's circumstances, 4^ \\\ ,hing s^ung'. Hing sidng, [)£ ;f«0 wong^ seung'. "Wdng siang. Betterment ^ ^ ^ 'chins 'h6 'ch6. Ching hdu Tu, lit ^^, Shu ;^\shu't6 cbe, E^ It -^ ^ 'koi ching' ,chi sz^ Kdi ching chi sz, p^ ^ 'koi 'h6 'che. Kdi hdu che. Betting, laying a wager, {l§ 'to. 't6 jts'in. Shu tu ts'ien. Betting, the laying of a wager, jts'in 'che. Shii tii ts'ien ch6. Bettor, one who bets or lays a wager, ^ ^ 't5 'che. Td che, ^ ft 'to /s'in '16. Tu ts'ien ldu, |t| ff 't6 'tsai. Tu tsz. Betty, a small instrument to break open doors, ^ tsok. Tsoh. Betumbled ^$ ^ ]g tiii^ 'chiin ch'ii'. TidU chueii cb'u, ilL ldp^luQ\ Lihlvvan, 3t|L|f %Jua* 'ch'un. Lih Iwdn ts'wan. Bet wattled, confounded, fi| ^ ,keng jngoi. King ngai. y^ hdk, jUgoi. Hih ns;ai. Between, in the intermediate space, FJ7 ,chung. Chung, pjl |pj jChung ^kdn. Chung kien, |^ ^kdn. Kien, p^ noi\ Nui, ^ p|l ^tong ^chung. Tdng chung ; between you and me, pj^ 4i -^ Pp H^ung ,kd jChi jChung. Liang kid chi chung; what is that between you and me? (between friends), 1^^ -^ i^n^'^-^ni^ '^^ 'xigo .s6ung 'h5 ^chung Vau mat, kai' tdi', :^jl^Z^ "k/^^^ jSeung 'ho ,chi ^chung ^yau mat, kai' tdi' ; divide it between the tliree, ^ E: Ifp f^ ^ A -" t^}" 'an ,chi ,song. Kuh ts'in ehi sdng. Bewailable, that may be lamented, mT ^ ^ ^ ^o ^oi ,chl s/A K'oh ngdi chl sz, Pf ^^ !^ P|^ 'ho j)i ,oik^!'. Bewailed, lamented, J^ ^^ ;^ ,oi huk^ kwo'. Ngdi kuh kwo, PJ^ jj^ hdm' kwo'. lidn kwo. Bewailer, one who laments, ^ ;5^ ^ ,oi huk, 'ch6. Ngdi kuh ch6, ^%^ huk, ,song 'ch««' .ehi. Shin ehi, ^ ^ "king kdi'. King kidi, ^ kdi'. Kidi, i^ Iring t'ik,. King f ih. m^ t«It, kdi'. Tsieh kidi, |(| ^ 'kan kdi', Kin kidi ; to take eare. yj\ f(^ 'siti .sam. Sidu sin, ^ j(^ sai' .sam. Si sin ; beware of it ! J^ Z M ^ ^^^' «chi kdi' ^chi. Kidi ehi kidi ehi, ^;^ shan' ^chi. Shin ehi ; beware of wine, ^ yg kdi' 'tsau. Kidi tsiu. Bewhore, to corrupt with regard to chastity, j^ ^yam. Yin. Bewilder, to perplex, ^ ^ 'kdu lun'. Kidu Iwdn, # fl # py- IL 'ching tak, .shd kom' liin^ Ching teh shd kdn Iwdn, ^g[ 'ching liin*. Ching Iwdn, ^IL "^^ liin'. Wuhviin, ^^, tong' chl'. Tdng ehi, gj, \ )}^ lan' jan ,sam. Lwdn jin sin ; to lead astray, ^ ^ ^mai wdk. Mi hwoh, ^ 1^ \vau wdk. Yu hwoh, ^ ^ shin' wdk^. Shen hwoh, ^ 1^ 'ku wdk^. Ku hMoli. Bewildered, perplexed, gf m6'. Mdu, ^ j(^ lun' ,sam. Lwdn sin, i^ Idp^ liin'. Lih lwdn, ^f^ Pff it c^"^ s™^ k^"i' li'in^ Sin md kdn lwdn, i(^ # & it X^>M^A 1 jnb shutj ^yau ^yan. I mu shuh yu jin ; to fascinate, \^^M A 'i sl'ik, mi' ^van. 1 sih mei jin, ^ ^ jmai jWan. Mi hwan, ijl ^^ A 'yan 'sz ^yan. Yin sz jin, ^^ ,kau ^wan. Kau hwan, ^i^PI ^mai jWan chan'. Mi hwan chin. Bewitched, fascinated, ^^'^ pi' ^mai wdk^. Pi mi hwoh, >^ ^ p^f & s^^ai shik, 'sho ^mai. Wei sih sho mi ; deceived l)y tricks or imposture, 4^ ^%^S Vi pi' jts-d shut^ ^mai wdk kwo'. Pi I si6 sliuh mi hwoh kwo, 0^^]^jg \ ,16 shutj ! wdkj kwo'. I ydu shuh hwoh kwo. j Bewitcher, one who deceives by tricks or inipostunv i ^^♦r^ A .'" shut^ ,chf jan. Ydu shuh ehi jin. ^ t*r ^ s*"'^ "'"It, *ch^- Si^ shuh ch6, SL^Z A i^^ sbutj ehi ^^-an. Md shuh chl jin ; one who fa.scinates, ^A^^ jinai ^>-an ^wan 'ch<^. Mi jin hwan ch^', ^| >t A "^ Van 'sz ^van k^', tt A ^ # ■'^au jVan ^wan 'ch6. Kau jin hwan ch<^. Bewitchery, fascination, }^^Z^ s™a' i«an .ehi sz'. Mi hwan ehi sz ; deception by tricks or im- posture, ^ ^ ,m6 shut,. Mu shuh, ^ '^ .id shutj. Ydu shuh. SEW (181) BIB Bewitchful, aUuring, f§ ^ ^^ 'yau wdkj tik,. Yd| hwoh tih, if ^ B|C Tau wdk^ ke\ ^ ^ i Bewitching, fascinating, ^I ^ |1[\I 'van 'yau tik,.| Yin yii tih, ^^P|t s^iai wdk^ ke', $^^ m ^kiu. i ydu kiau, ^ |^ fung ,so. fung su. ^ ! Bewitchingly, in a fascinating manner, ^ z^ I®1 # jtnai ,wan 'kom yeung^ Mi hwan kan yang. ^ BewTap', to wrap up, ^ ^ .pAu ^mai. Pan mai. K'( p'ien jin ; to go beyond (to penetrate furthej' or deeper), fj j^ jj^ ^ c^ia^g ,shani kwo'. Hang shin kwo, g^ ^ shing' ^t'a. Sliing t'a, ^ ;^ kwo' ,ii, Kwo yd ; to exceed the truth, jj^ ^ kwo' shat,. Kwo shih. Bezan, a cotten cloth from Bengal, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;g T'lnchuk kwok, ^min p6' ^meng. T'ienchuh Bewrayed, betrayed, ft^ ||b j^ ^hi p'in' kwo'. K'ij kwoh mien pu ming p'ien kwo ; disclosed, ^'^'^ sit, lau^ kwo'. Sieh j Bezoar, an antidote, ^ ^ ^ 'kai tuk, yeuk^. Kiai lau kwo. Bewrayer, a divoilger of secrets, P ^ "^ A '^au ^sho kd' jan. Bey, in the Turkish dominions, a governor, tulf, liln'. Tub hien, (see Beg). Beyond, yonder, :^ |^ tsoi' 'pi. Tsai pi, ^^ ^ 'na ,pin. Nd pien, ^R }^ 'nd ch'ii'. Nd ch'ii, ^ p ko' ch'ii'. Ko ch'u ; at a place not yet reached, j^ ^ 'iln kM'o'. Yuen kwo, || jg kan?' "un. Kans yuen ; in a degree exceeding, ^^ kwo'. Kwo, ^\- ngoi^ Wai ; beyond the sea, y^ ^^ J»iung ngoi^ Ydng wai, y^ j^ '^ ^[ J^ung 'hoi ^chi ngoi\ YAng hjii chi wai ; beyond measure, jj^ J^ kwo' tb\ Kwo tu, ^^ ^ kwo' ,Uwag. Kwo~lidng, ^ ^ kwo' fan'. Kwo fan, "^ ^|^ fan' ngoi^ Fan wAi, ^^\> kak, ngoi". Keh wAi, ^^\> ngAk^ ngoi'. Geh wai ; beyond what is proper or right, jj^ ^ kwo' tong'. Kwo tang, ^^ ^ kwo' ,i. Kwo 1, jj^ m "sT M kwo' *sho tong ,ln Kwo so tdng jen ; tub yob ; ditto from oxen, ^ -^ j^igau ,wong. Niu hwang ; ditto from dogs, ^^ ^ * ^ Ttau 'p6 shekj. Kau pau shih. Bias, a weight on one side of anything, fj^ g ^p'in chung\ P'ien chung; a leaning of the mind to- ward an objet, ^ p'ik,. P'ib, ^ ^ j)'in p'ik,. P'ien p'ih, i^^ ,p'in heung'. P'ien hiAng, Jy^^[n) ^sam heung'. Sin hiang, f^ ^ j'in ho'. P'ien iiau, U|- 1^ shi- p'ik,. Shi p'ih ; prejudice, p ^ j)'in chap,. P'ien chih, ^^ chap, ^mai. Chih mi, ^|fj; ku chap,. Kd chih, ^— chap, yat,. Chih vib ; the bias of a discourse, |^ ;^ i^ lun' ^chi i'. Lin chi ht^ZW^ ^^'^' fi ^ i$ pat, tsuk, sun'. Puh tsub sin, P§- '(^ # j^ jiTti sun' tak, kwo' ; not be- yond this, ;^^|*^i{:fc: pat, ngoi' ^d 'ts'z. Puh wdi the breast, P :^ ^ 'hau 'shui .kin. K'au shwui kien, P ^ :^ 'hau 'shui .1. K'au shwui 1, P ^fc tg 'liau 'shui .wai. K'au shwui wei, ^ -^ .in .i. Yen i, ^ g > .wai. Yen wei, ^^ .h6m tsik,. Han tsih, P ^(fC fp 'hau 'shui .k'ii. K'au shwui ■k'ii; name of a fish, ;^;g .ii .meng. Yd ming. hd ts'z, Pg j;^ # ^ Iri[C 1^ "^ s"^^" 'sz k6', '^ ^ (l^] ^man 'sz tik,. Wan shi tih, -^1^ ^ V^ .slid 'sz k6', ^^» fi'j j™an chi' tik,. Wan chi tih. Bibliography, a history or description of books, '^ ^ ^man 'sz. Wan shi, ^ ^ .shii 'sz. Shd shi, ■^ <^^^ 'kd ,kam luk^ 'sz. Kd kin luh shi, -jjf 4- ^ /"fe '^^ y^^ ^A cl=i'- Kd kin luh chi, § jjlj ^ J» <8ha 'k6 jts'un chi'. Shd kdu ts'iuen obi. Bibliolatry, worship or homage paid to books, ^|^ Z ^ P^i' cS^ii .chi sz^ Pdi shd chi sz, ^ ^ ^ pdi' .shii 'ch6. Pai shu ch6, ^ § ^ king' .shd *ch6. King shd chd. Bibliomancy, a kind of divination, performed by means of selecting passages of the Sacred Scrip- ture at hazard, and drawing from them indica- tions concerning things future, ^^>j^^ .king tsit, jk'au .ts'im. King tsieh k'id ts'ien. Bibliomania, book-madness, § ^ .shu ^kw'ong. Shd kw'dng; a rage for possesing rare and curious books, g i^ .shu .ch'i. Shd ch'i, M "i" H # n^' 'kd i' .shu. Ki kd i shd. Bibliomaniac, one who has a rage for books, ^ ^ .shu jkw'ong 'ch6. Shd kw'dng che. Bibliomaniacal, pertaining to a passion for books, ^ ^iPiJE .shu ^kw'ong k6\ # S &^ .shu ^kw'ong tik,. Shd kw'dng tih. Bibliopole, ") a book-seller, ^^^ mdi^ .shu 'ch6. Bibliopolist, j Mdi shd ch6, '^ ^^ ^ yuk^ mdi* .shu 'ch6. Yuh mdi shd ch6. Biblothecal, belonging to a library, ^ 1^^ P^ .shii jlau k6', ^ ^^ [^^ .shu ^lau tik,. Shd lau tih, ^ M "^ .sliii /ong k6\ Bibliothecary, a librarian, ^ § ^ 'ch^ung .shft 'ch6. Chdng shd che, jr § ;^ 'chu .shu 'ch6. Chd shd ch6, ± II ^- 'chu tsik. 'ch6. Chd tsih oh6. Bibliotheke, a library, ^ ^ .shu /ong. Shd fdng, MWi^ jts'ong .shu 'fd. Tsdng shd fd. Biblist, one who makes the Scriptm'es the sole rule of faith, ^^MU^ t"K jts'ung shing' .king 'ch6. Tub ts'ung shing king che; one who is conversant with the bible, ^^^ ^ shuk^ shing* .king 'chd. Shuh shing king chd, ^ ^ .king .shang. King sang. Bibulous, spongy, ||)^p(^ .heng /au kd', ^M^ I^ ^ ^ts'z 'hoi jjung 'k6m ydung^ Sz hdi jung kdn ydng, ^y\<.}^ lui^ 'shui 'p'5. Lui shwui p'du ; that has the quality of imbibing fluids, (^ TJC B^ tsut, 'shui kd', 0^ 7t^ fi^ tsut, 'shui tik,. Tsiueh shwui tih, '^ /^^ ^ tsam' shap, tik,. Tsin shih tih. Bicalcarate, aimed with two spurs, as the limb of an animal, - i^E ^i] 1' 'k'd tik,. llh k'd tih, ^ ;f|iP^'ldung Vdke'. Bicapsular, having two ctipsules containing seed to each flower, t|f ^ bSE .shdung hok, kd', f? ^ |^ .shdung hok, tik,. Shwdng hoh tih. Bicarbonate, carbonate, containing two parts of car- boniij acid to one of base, ^ ^ j!^ pjc .shdung t'dn' .sdn mut^. Shwdng t'dn swdn moh. Bice, ") a pale blue color, )^ ^^ ^ tdm' ^Idm sliik,. Bise, j Tdn ldn sib, '^t^^ 'ts'iu Jdm shik,. Ts'ien ldn sill. Bicentenary gQ ^ pdk, 'chd. Pch chd, H'S A'flL i' pdk, sui' kd'. Bicephalous, having two heads, ^^^ .shdung ^t'au kd', ^ fi^ ^ .shdung ,t'au tik,. Shwdng t'au tih. BIG (1^,3) BIE Biche-de-mer, tripang or sea ginseng, ''ff. ^ 'hoi ^sliam. Hdi shin ; white ditto, ^ jiii ^ pdk^ 'hoi ^sham. Peh liai shin ; black ditto, S -^ ^ hak, 'hoi ^sham. Heh hdi shin. Bicipital, | having two heads, •^ 5^ V^ ^sh^un/^' ' Bicipitous, j ,t'au ke' ; muscles having two origitiS i (biceps), •^ -^^ III ,sheung ^kan ^ki. Shwdng kun j ki. I Bicker, to quan-el, H P :^ tau' 'hau kok,. IJau ; k'au koh, ^ |^ ^chang lun". Tsang lun, :^ ^ | ^sdung ,chdng. Sidng tsang, ^^ ^ ^seung kV : Sidng yai, ^^ ,chang king^ Tsang king, ^ ^ \ ^chdng pln\ Tsang pien, ^ ^ ^ ^^ .pun. tau' shi^ /i. Pwdn tau shi fl, f^\ 9^ tau' 'tsiii. Tau tsui ; to scold, 'j^, ^ chau' nla^ Chau ma, ^ | ^ tau' md^ Tau md ; to quiver, as a flame, |f ^ B^ im 'y^ung. Yen ydng ; ditto as water, ^ yt ung'. Ydng. Bickerer, one who engages in a petty quarrel, '}^^ ^ wdt^ 'tsui 'ch^. Hwdh tsui ch6, ^ P PgJt A to 'hau k& ,Yan. Bickering, quarreling, PJ P -^ tau' 'hau koj^-^. Tau k'au koh, ^ =^ ^chdng lun^ Tsang lu\n, j|^ ^ /an jln. Fdn yen, 0^^ ^^ ch'au' ndu^ Ch''au ndu. Bickering, contention, ^iJjjn ,chdnglun^ Tsang lun. Bickem, an iron ending in a beak or poin t, ^ ^^ 'tsui ^cham. Tsui chin. Bicolor, having two distinct colors, ^^^J" ^sh^ung shik, 'che. Shwdng sih ch6, p(| ^ t^L "It ^l^ung y^ung^ shik, ke'. Biconjugatc, in pairs, {^ ^ 'ngau til.c,. Ngau tih ; placed side by side, ij^^i. piJig' ldp>^. 'Ping lih, 3^ i "^ ping' Idp^ k6\ Bicorn, ") having two horns, ^ ^j ^^ ^sheung .} Bicornous, j kok, tik^. Shwdng koh tih, ^" -^ ^i yap^ jloi, Yau jih lai ; to bid larewcll, ^t. ^ ]^5' jts'z. F.du ts'z, gj ^ 'ts'eng /s'z. Ts'ing ts'z, ^ ^f5 'pan /s'z. Pin ts'z, j^ j|{? ^seung /s'z. Sidn^, ts'z, ^ )jlj kiV pit^. Kdu pieh, p: ^|J wd' pitj^- Hwd pieh ; to bid good bye, ^p| -^ 'ts'eng ,on/ , Ts'ing ngdn ; to bid wel comej ^ :^ ,k>' mg 'hi. Kung Li, :§: ;^^ 'hi tsip,; Hi tsich, :g. jQj 'hi jing. Hi ying, f^ i([I /un ^ying. Hw^n ying, #j M J^ *Sl '<^^ 'sdi -i .ying. Tdu si i ying ; to bid beads, ^ ^ nim'- ^chti. Nien chii ; to bid prayers, ^^i'^:^'^ ^J\ jf| /an fu' ^wai 'mau sz' .k'i 'to. Pan fu wei mau sz k'i tdu ; to bid the bans of matrimony, -^ ^ ^ k6' kd' ts'ii'. Kdu kid ts'ii ; to bid to a feast, ^w ^ S!i ^ 'ts'eng hdkj fu' in'. Ts'ing k'eh fii yen ; to bid to do a thing, gJ5» t»{^ /an fu'. Pan fu, ^ ^ 'shai fdn'. Shi hwdn ; to bid defiance, (g^ A, ngdk, ^yan, ^ ■^ yik^ meng^. Nih ming ; to bid fair, ^ ^JS U 'h6 chid' /'au. Hdu chdu t'au, fif-^^ 'h5 shai' /'au. Hdu shi t'au. Bid, I commanded, 5^|i{| jj^ /an fu' kwo'. Pan Bidden, ) fu kwo, V^PitJk c^uk, fu' kwo'. Chuh fu kwo ; invited, f.^ j^ 'ts'eng kwo'. Ts'ing kwo ; offered, \^^^ ch'ut, kwo'. Ch'uh kwo; it bid fair to our prospect, ^ ^ ^IS g^ V^u 'h6 chiu' /'au. Yu hdu chdu t'au. Bidale, in England, an invitation to drink ale at some poor man's house, and there to contribute in charity, 11^^ ^ ^ fc #: D^ V@ iflj M -J^ ffl ^ 'ts'eng tsoi' ^p'an ^kd 'yam ^p6 "tsau / ^chau ^k'i kw'an' fdtj. Ts'ing tsdi p'in kid yin pe tsid. rh chau k'i kw'an fdh. Bidder, one who offers a price, }jj ^' ^ ch'ut, mdi' 'ch6. Ch'uh mdi die ; ditto by tickets, t^^ /'au ^piu. T'au pidu, {[J® ch'ut, ^piu. Ch'uh pidu; to sell to the highest bidder, {f{ :i[^ ch'ut, /'au. Ch'uh t'au, ^ /'au. T'au, ;fg^ p'dk, mdi'. "P'eh mdi. Bidding, commanding, -^ -^ meng' ling'. Ming ling, \^pii /an fu'. Pan fu ; inviting, ^^ 'ts'eng. Ts'ing ; offering, \\i ch'ut,. Ch'uh, ^ /'au. T'au; announcing, -^ k6'. Kdu. Bide, to dwell, Jg f^ ^kii chii'. Kii chu, ^ ^ hit, chii'. Hieh chu, '^ ii'. Yii. Bide, to endure, ^ /ong. Tdng, jfjj^ noi'. Nui, ^ ngdi'. Ydi ; to suffer, ^ shau'. Shau ; to wait for, ^ 'tang. Tang, ^- endure hardsliips, 'tang hau'. Tang hau ; to m .tong nan , Tang ndn ; to endure cold, j^^ '(^ noi' 'lang. Nui lang ; to suffer reproach, ^^ shau' yuk^. Shau juh ; able to endure, "^^^ /ong tak,. Tdng teh, jj^>)' f ^ noi' tak,. Nui teh, '^ f'J= 'tai tak,. Ti tch ; able to suf- fer, ^ ff shau' tak,. Shau tch. Bidental, having two teeth, p^ ^ \i^ 'Idung ,ngd ke, ^ ]ff] 5f -yau 'leung ^ngd. Yu lidng yd. Bidet, a small horse, yj\[|| 'sin 'ma. Siau md, .^fj- -mh 'tsai ; a bath for infants, f^ ^ f-^ 'sai jing ,p'un. Si ying pw'dn '^. Ying rh muh yuh m $1 v^ '^ jmi / muk^ i ing, dwelling, ^^ /ii chii'. Kii chu, Biumg, residence, ^ )^ /li cli'ii'. Kii ch'u. Biennial, continuing for two years, ^4 ^ Tj^J ^leung ^nin tik,. Lidng nien tih, p}^^-"|1Jt ^l^ung ^nin k^'; blossoming once in two years, j^jij ^ {jj — 3^ -ft 'leung jUin ch'ut, yat, te'a' /a-i Lidng nien ch'ub yih ti'fc hwd. Biennially, once in two years, 31 ^ — ^ 'Iciung nin yat, ts'z'. Lidng nien yih ts'z. Bier, a frame of wood for conveying dead human })odics to the grave, +]|i^^ ^kiin ^ts'oi ka\ Kwan ts'di ki4; a carriage for ditto, ^;|:;J'^ ^kiin jts'oi ,ch'6. Kwdn ts'ai chY-, jg +t ^ wan' .kun .ch'e. Yun kwdn chY;. Biestings, the first milk given by a cow after calv- ing. ^^nViZa s°f?a" <«^i'o P^' <«^^ '^- Niii ts'u pii chi ju. Bifarious ^ ^sli6ung. Shwdng, ^ 'p'ui. P'ei ; am- biguous, tl^i'lt i 'ch6. 1 Id k'di ch^ mwt^ ^li la' U\ Biflorous, bearing two flowers, ^ ^ "^ ,sheung ,fd k^', ^^^'^J ^sh^ung /d tik,. Shwang hwa tih Bifold, double, J| ^ch'ung. Ch'ung, jCh'ung. Shwdng ch'ung, M 1^ .ch'unj; fuk,. sh6ung Ch'ung fuh, ^ >^ jCh'ung tlp^. Ch'ung tieh, |g |g jCh'ung 'p'ui. Ch'ung p'ei. Bifoliate, in botany, having two leaves, ^ ^ ^ H6ung ip^ tik,. Lidng yeh tih, p^ ^ P^ Heung ip, k^'. Biforate, having two perforations, '^'^(fy ^ch'ung ,ch'iin tik,. Ch'ung ch'uen tih, Jf ^ P|E ^ch'ung jCh'iin ke'. Bifomi, having two fonns, ^ ^ ^»f ^sheung ^ying tik,. Shwang hing tih, j»j«j ^j^Pf^t "icung ^ying ke'. Biformed, having two forms, ^^$[^»J ^sheung jing tik,. Shwang hing tih. liiformity, a double form, ^ j^ ^ ,sh6ung ^ying 'ch6. Shwdng hing chc, ^^^P^ ^leungycung^ke . Hifronted, having two fronts, ^ |^f, |i^ ,sheung min^ k6', ^ (fil 6\| ^leung rain^ tik,. Lidng mien tih. Bifurcate, ") forked, X c^^i'*^- Cli'd, Y ^C^ <«^ Bifurcated, ) ,ch'a ke . Bifurcation, a forking, ^^ ,ch'd 'ch(5. Ch'd ch6. Big, large, ^ iM^. Td ; growing up, ^ ^ 'chcung tdi'. Chang td; a woman big with child, 2^ yan\ Ying, ^]^ jwdi ,t'oi. llwdi t'di ; to look big, g ^ tsz* ,ch6ung. Tsz chdng, ^^^ ,kiu ng6\ Kidu ngau, H^^^ higiin 'hung ^k6. Yen k'ung kdu ; how big he gn)W8, ^f^pU';^ ,shang tak, k«^m' tdi^ the big or front giite, ^ P'^ tiii^ jnu'm. Td mun ; a big-headed pmwn (a fool), ;^ sH ^jx tdi' ^t'au ,hd. Td t'au hid; you thing youi-self rather big, ^^m^ 'lio tdi^'min^ d', [^i^PA tsz^ H ,wai tdi*. Tsz I wci til; to talk big, ^\ ^^ tsz' ,kw'd. TUz kwMj g f^ tsz' iking. Tbsj king, ^ ^ tSK* %i\i Tm hU) gf pt ^WA 'htiU'. ^w'A k (Ml ( %n fo (184) BIG big with a project, g \ii1^^:ks\ ^^ "^ j^ai ^&u tdi^ kai'. Tsz i wci yii td ki; to lie big with pride, ^ :k ^w'd tdiS 1^ |i^ ^ ^iu ^ing tik,. Kidu king tih ; big words, ,|^ ^ jcw'd ^in. Kw'd yen ; a crisis big with great events, j|^% A^ ,t«eung 'yau tdi' sz^ Tsidng yu td sz, ^ ttj $f A ^ ,sliang ch'ut, 'h6 tai' sz' ; he looks big ui>on others, M A Pa -t BR kin' ^^'an ^m 'sheung Tigdn. Kien jin wii shdng yen ; a big face, ^ p'un'. P'wan, "|gj ;A: min' tid'. Mien td ; full of grief, jj|g fl: H ^ Tnun 't'6 jau ^shau. Mwdn t'li yii tsau ; brave, ;^ tdi' 'tdm. Td tdn ; lofty, Jg ,ko. Kdu ; great in spirit, ^ ^ jh6 hi'. Udu k'i. Bigamist, one who has two wives at once, if ^ y^ ^sh(5ung shat, che. Shwdng shili che, ^^^- Plt A 'yau a^ung /ong kd' ^yan. ^ ^ >h ^- ^ P|!E 'yau n^ung ko' '\b ^p'o ke'. Bigamy, the crime of having two wives at a time, ^ ^ ^ jSheung shat, 'che. Shwdng shih ch^, ^ ^ ^ 1^ ' ,sheimg shat, ,chl tsui'. Shwdng shih chi tsui. Big-bellied p ^f ^ff jP'ang ,hang tik,. P'ang hang tih, ■kB.^&i tdi' fuk, ke', ;^31:fli tdi' V6 Tidm, |?#'^)11: ho' sliau' 'kom 'fb. Ho shau kdn t'u, M II im Hi 'shi ;o 'kbm ^'6, m^^m^i. ^j. 'chung tdi'. Chung td. Big-uddered, having large uddere, A 1P3 "it ^^ ^°*i U\ Biggin, a child's cap, i|ip -^ mo' 'tsz. Man tsz, ^ ^rjl ,kung 'tsz .kan. Kuug t«z kin, '^ M ^ )(> jt'au ,lVi. Bight, a small bay between two points of land, jiff ff ^wdn 'tsai. Wan \s>/.; the double part of a rope when folded, f^^ ^P|^ |^ chip, ,mju ke 1dm'. Bigly, in a swelling, blustering manner, ^ ^ ngo' jin. Ngau jen, I^#;^t7i| .kiu ngo' .chi ^hang jWai. Kidu ngau chi hang vei. Bigness, largnoss, ^ ^ tdi' 'cV6. Td che ; bulk, Ijt ^ hau' 'ch6. llau c\\6. Bignonia gi-andifloni ^ ^ ^ jUng siit, /d. Ling siueh hwd. Bigot, a pereon wiio is obNiinalcly iiid unrrasonab- Iv wedded to a particular creiHl \c., ^^ ^ nV kdu' 'ch^. Ni kidu chi^, p) 'Ji^ ^ ^u ni' kdu' 'ch6. K'ii ni kidu chtS [g] |^ ^ ku' chap, 'che. Ku chih cho, ^^^ chap, ^nuii Vhe. Chih mi che, ijjjtyfiy^ pan chai' 'che. IVui tin che, ^ ^^ZUi 'ha]), ^mai .chi jt'6. Chih mi "hi t'd. Bigot, ") obstinately, and l)lindly attached, to some Bigoted. ] creed, ))l '^ ni' kfeu'. *NI kidu, ti{i^ff>i -^ii»«iifiHHy,A^< \ BIG (185) BIL ni' k^u' tik,. m kidu tih, % f^ p|E ni' kau' k^', n u "IE y^ ni' ke , m ^ ti^j}'^^' cimp, tik,. Kii chill tih, ^ ^ ^»J chap, ^mai tik,. Chih mi tih ; very bigoted, :|Ti]t^^iJ ^k'ii ni" pat, ,t'ung. K'ii ni puh t'ung, ^ — • chap, vat,. Chih yih. Bigotedly, in the manner of a bigot, '^ nf. Ni, :^] % yix ni-. K'vi ni, ^ chap,. Chih ; bigotedly attached to geomancy, 'M 1^ ^ ^ ni^ J^K cP'^'i <^^^ l^^'- Chili i yih p'ien clii kien. ' Bigotrj^ blind attachment to a particular creed, ^jj^ ! it ^ ¥ ni- kdu ,chi SZ-. Ni kiau chi sz, '^ ^ \ ^ nf- kau' 'ch6. Ni kidu che ; excessive preju ^ Jfg .shiin 'tai. Ch'uen tU^^Z^ j^'c^hun 'tai ,chi flit, ch'u . Ch'uen ti chi kw'oli ch'u. Bilge, to suifer a fracture in the bilge, ^^^ ^ }^ p'ung' ^ch'iin jShiin 'tai. P'ung ch'uen ch'uen ti. Bilge water ^ ^ 'sam 'shui. San shwui, '^ /\ Z ;5fJC lau' yap, ^chi 'shui. Lau jih chi shwui. Bilged, having a fractiu-e in the bilge, ^ }^t^)^ ^ ^shiin 'tai p'ung' kwo' ^ch'iin. Ch'uen ti p'ung kwo ch'uen. Biliaiy, belonging to the bile, J§ ^ shuk, 'tarn. Shuh tan, ^ ^^ 'tarn tik,. Tan tih, ^ p|f 'tarn \i€; the binary ducts, ^ 'ikm 'k^in. Tan kwan; biliary calculus, ^^ 'tarn shek,. Tdn shih. Bilingual, | in two languages, ^^JPj^ "leung m-4- Bilinguous, j ke. Liang hwd [^] tih, pj^ gj |^{j "leung wa' tik,. Liang hwa tih. Bilinguous, having two tongues, p^^|^^ "leung sliit^ tik,. Liang shell tih, ^ %\\ 9^ neung li^ ke' ; speaking two languages, ^ ^^^ p||g J 'kong tak, Kiang teh lidng hwa, ^^%^ ^ -leuns: wa\ dice, ^ ^ :^' chap, ,mai 'clie. Cliih mi did, ^ | ''1^ ^ 'kong tak, Meung yeung- ke' w4' ^B|E^ (;hap, ;nai k^ siii ^chau. Siau chau, /\\ ^)^ 'siu ^sliiin. Siau ch'uen. Bilateral, having tAvo sides, P^ ^ ifi] P^ 'leung j)in min- ke', ^ p^* j0 yau 'leung min', ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^au "leimg jiin tik,. Yu Mng pien till. BilbeiTy iJj^^ (?) ,shah song 'tsz. Shdn sang tsz. Bilbo, a rapier, ^ kim'. Kien, — :Jf5 ^Ij yat, 'pa kini', Yih pa kien. Bilboes, long bars of iron, with shackles, used to confine the feet of prisoners, ;j^ chat,. Chih, j^ 5^ keuk, 'kau. Kioh kiau, ^^ tsuk, hai'. Tsuh hiai. Bilboquet, a toy called a cup and ball, ^ ^ 'p'au ,k'au. P'au k'iu. Bile, a yellow liquor, s<^pai-ated from the blood in the bVer, ^ 'tarn. Tan, gft 'tdm. Tan, -^ ^ jWong 'tam. Itwdng tan, ]^ ^ ^Jc .wong 'tam 'shui. Hwang tkn shwui ; to vomit bile, fl|ro8B.:;!|C 'au 'tdm 'shui. Ngau tan shwTii. Bile, an inflamed tumor (see Boil). Bileduct, a vessel to convey bile, ^ ^ 'tdm 'kiin. Tan kwan. Bilestone, a concretion of viscid bile, ^B. ^ 'tdm shek^. Tdn shih, P^ ^ :^ 'tam /au shek^. Tan fau shih. Bilge, the protuberant ])art ol" a cask at the middle, ^ J^ 't'ung hau". T'ung hau ; the bniadth of a ship's bottom on which she rests when aground, excess of bile, gB. 'J'f ^ ^ 'tam chap, t'di' ^to. T&n chih t'di to, ^T^i^^ 't^™ 'shui t'di' ,to. Tan shwui t'di to ; a complaint, ^ j^ ^ 'tam ^chi peng-. Tdn clii ping ; bilious calculi, ^ ^ 'tdm shek,. Tan shih ; bilious fever, |i^ ^ ^ ^[p fat, it, jWoug ching'. Fab jeh hwang ching. Bilk, to deceive, ^,|§ hung' p'in'. Himg p'ien, ^ li ^mun p'in'. Mwan p'ien, ^^ ^ Jiii p'fn'. K'i p'ien. Bill, the beak of a fowl, [^ 'tsui. Tsui, .|^ [^ ^niu 'tsui. Nidu tsui, .1^ P 'niii 'hau. Niau k'au, ^ P ts'euk, 'ban. Ts'ioh k'au, .|^[1^ 'niiifai' « . Nidu hwui ; an in.strument in tlie form of a crescent, and fitted with a handle, used in cutting, prun- ing &c., a bill-hook, ^ chat,. Chih, ^ Jim. Lien, ^ |§ ai' ^lim. I lien, ^JJ ,liin Jo. Liuen tau, ^ J) ^wdn Jo. Wan tdu, ^ JJ huk, Jo. K'iuh tau, ^ij 'ki. Ki, ^Ij 'ki. Ki, ^,J ktit,. Kiu6h ; a kind of battle-axe, ^ fy '^^ c^an. Pu km, ^ ^ 'fu J'au. Pii t'au ; a hedge bill, ^ kit,. Kieh. [* also read fui' & ts'ui'.] Bill, a written paper, ^ Jdn. Tan; a bill of excliang(>. -^ Ip. lii" Jdn. Ewui tan, g ||. I'li^ Jdn. Hwui lii' p'iu'. Hwui p'iau, ig||. jUgan Jdn, ^ ^ngan p'iii', ^ ^ /s'in p'id'; apromiso- ry note, §^||. - J i /^'"i <*""• Yoh tsVii tdn ; a biU of iadictmjnt, ^ \\}^ ko chong^ Kiiu cliwiing; to mako out a bill, |jfj^ ,1ioi ^ti'iu. K'Ai tda; make out a bill for the paving off of all debt, RtJ ^|] /f f. .hoi lit, ,ls'ing*.tdn. K'di lieh ts'ing tdn ; to bring a bill in parliament, J^ jS Ij^ '^^ bin' eh'dk, .ii ,kung ili'. llicn ts'eli yii kung hwui ; bill of mortality, %,% ^, i'l'i. kwo' ,8han ^meng .tdn. Kwo shin miiig tdn, ^ ^^ ^^ ^ .shan ku' jmcng ,tdn. Shin kii ming tdn, f^^ ^. 0. cliii' *s/< jmong .tan. Chu sz ming tdn ; is the bill past? M >ll 1*? ^^"'o' ch'dk 'fau. Kwo ts'eh fau, /ffi ^ ^ 'chun ch'dk, Yau. Chuu ts'oh fau ; bill of entry, ift^ 5|f,) It !|l sliui' .kwdn fo' .tdn. Shwui kwdn ho tdn ; a bill of sight, f/|'^ 'k5 .tdn. Kau tdn ; a bill of rights, Jg[ ^ .yan chiu'. Ngan chdu, ^ fig i" chid'. I chdu ; bill of health, ^'^^. sP''i"n P"^ <^»'^"- T'ang ngdn tdn. Bill-sticker % ^ ^'\ t'ip, shi' 'che. T'ieh slii ch6, U^^"^ t'lp, jch'eung ;mug 'chc. T'ieh cli'ang hung ch6. Bill, to join bills, ^ P^ h6p, 'tsui. Hob tsui, ^ P^ .ts'an 'tsui. Ts'iu tsui. Bill, to advertise by a public notice, |ij ^ ^X ch'ut, jCh'6ung jhung. Ch'uh ch'dng hung. BiU-book ^^^^ h|( tsun' .chi ^ngan p6^ Tsin chi yin pu, i(fl ;^ ^ '^ f^j> tsun' .chi ^ngan .tdn p6^ Tsin chi yin tdn pu. Billet, in China, a separate note accompanying offi- cial documents, 3JI5 ^ kap, .ts'im. Kidh ts'ien ; a small note in writing, IJJ^ t'ip,. T'ieh, ^ ff- .tan *tsai, if^ J- t'ip, 'tsz. T'ieh tsz, )'^ ^p'di. P'di. Billet, a small stick (of wood), i^ j^ muk, p'in'. Muh p'ien, — f^ ^ yat. ^fiu ^ch'di. Yih t'idu ch'dl, ^ s^ jCh'di ^fau. Ch'di t'au. Billet, to direct a soldier by a ticket where to lodge, ^^ W bit, Guk, jp'di. llieh sub p'di. Billet-doux, a love letter, \'^,j ^^ j'di hieh sub p'di yu ping, '('?» ^I-J ft fff '1^^ iiR ii :i^ 'l» .ti hit, suk, jp'di p'di' kwo' .ping. BilliiU'd. pertaining to the gJime (if billinrds, iT vT Pf»?t 'Id .po kj'. -I) Hi Jij^ ('j jlau. I'o lau . billiard tjiblc, '!{[ 'J^ .])o t'oi. To I'di ; billiarv ball, ilV ,po. To, :}J ijX ^ '(d .po jk'au. Tap. k'iu ; billiard stick, ^J ijX^ll 'id .po kwau'. Ti ])o kwan. Bill! irds, the game of, >;V 1^1 . -IT Vl' j^ '.d .po hi'. Td po hi, IJ Jijf Hjf '.d .po 'to. T: ])() tii; 'tho Chini's.' gium*, " <*< rj- 'ndn iH\'u\ K'du ts'un; to pl:iy at billiards, ^j' j/Jt *id .po Td po. Billing, cnrrs^ing, ^]l^ .ts'an 'tsui. IVin tsui. Jiillion, a millio:i pf millions, — ^>^ yat, *tsz. Yil Tsiu ts'di tdn; I Billot, gold or silver in the bar, ^ iji^ .kam ^ngan jt'iu. Kin yin t'iau. Billow, a great wave of the sea, "j^ long*. Ldng, ^ jt'6. T'au, ?$^ .po^t'6. Pot'du. ^^ tdiMon? Td ldng, g 'i^ ku^ long^. Ku ldng, ij^i % .po long^. Po lang, '^k ijf ^hung .po. Hung po, '^t^ jhuug jt'6. Hung t'au, f^ ^ ^yung yui\ Yung i, '^[Bj ch'eung'. Ch'dng, pf, jhung. Hung, jf$ ^ *hoi long^. Hdi ldng. Billow, to rise and roll along in large waves, ^ "j^ ^ j^ .fung long- j)'iii tong^. Fung ldng p'idu tang, ifjl 'J^ ^ Uil .po long^ .pan ^t'ang. Po ldng pan t'ang. Billow-beaten, tossed by billows, ^ 'i^ i^ ^ pi' long^ .p'iii tong^. Pi ldng p'idu tdng. Billowing, swelled into large waves, 7^ jl^ :Ac JpJ. *hl kwo' Idi' long^. K'i kwo td ldng, ^ A ^1^ 'lii tdi^ .fung longS i^A'iR 'ku tdi' long^. Ku td ldng. Billowy, swelled into large waves, :^ jl^ ;A: 'Jj^ *hl kwo' tdi^ long^. K'i kwo ta ldng ; full of billows, ^M')^)^ ^'""'^ 'lioi .po jt'6. Mwan hdi po t'du. ^ )^ lim^ .sin • . Lien sien, -^ f^ noi' p'ui' Ndi P'ei, Wi Pai'- ^i' :^2fti^J 's^*" .kwong .sheung. Shwui kwdngshdng. ['.ts'im. Tsien.] Bilobed, divided into two lobes, pJ5^f?"li!E 'leung ip, ;tsai ke'. ^nmW4 r;- /an ,«-ai ^leung Ip, 'tsai. Fan wei lidng yeh tsz. Bilocular, divided into two cells, f^ ^^ |^ ^l^ung .wo tik,. Lidng wo tih, ji}" ^ ^ M S'"'^ j^*^^ ^leung ^fong. Fan wei lidng fang, [4^R^p|t *16ung *ngdn ke'. Biluehi r^ ^ 'j^ [g ;g] Pilochi [kwok, ^meng]. Pilucbi [kwoh ming]. Bimaculate, having two spots, ^ J^ l"^ Mdung *tim. k«i', m^(l^ 4cungt'dt,tik„ ^^^ \vau ^Idung t'dt,. Bimana, a term applied to the highest order of mammalia, of which man is the sole genus, ^ •^- ^ .sheung 'shau tik,. Shwdng shau tih, f^ 4- 'A 5sh ^Icung 'shau ke' lui^ Bimanous, having two hands, ^ "^ ^^ .sheung 'shau tik,. Shwdng shau tih, -fj f^ -^ ^^ *yau ^ieung 'shau ke'. Bimarginate, having two margins, ^ ^ ^ 3 .bung pak,. Li;ing pien k'ung peh, f ^tt A^ ^ 'tso yau* .hung .piu. Tso yd k'ung pien., occ«irring once in two months, ^ ^ — :){ Mcnni; i>t vat, ts'z'. Lidng vuch vih Is'z, ^ J J -^Pl^tMenngut^yat.ts'ii'ki;'. * Uimuscular, ^ }% fi^j .«*heung .kl tik,. Shwdng kl tih, <^ jjflrf;-; .slicung ,kl ke . Jin. a wooden box or chest, used ns a repository of corn, ^ ^ kuk, .si'ung. Kuh sidng; separate i*ooms for ditto, ^ jj^ kuk, jfong. Kuh fang, iinnelo, a wooden case or box in Mbieb the eom- ]Kis8 is kept on board a ship, l^!|'| $^? ^/] f T' jl" X^^S ^ ^lung 'isai. Lo kingfauj tsz, '^ifi^\i- ^lo ^king I51N (IS?) flIK ^s6ung 'tsai. Lo king siang tsz ^ A i?S sliing' jVaii ,6m. Shing jin iigan. Binary, compounded of two, ^ ^sliuung. Sliwang, t jCli'ung. Ch'ung; binaiy compound, pl^ ^i P^ 4^ -leung jhong ke' mat^. Lidng L^ig f^^] till vruh, R^ ff ^ fi ^l^""g j^ong f^^^ 't'ai. Liang Mngchit'I, ^iStf^ ,pau -Jeung Jiong ke' ; binary star, jf /^ ,md ,sing. MA sing, ^ ^ ^sli^ung ,sing. Shwdng sing, ^^ ^ch'ung ^sing. Ch'ung sing. Binary, the constitution of two, ^^ ^sheung 'che. Shwdngche, |f ^ ^ma'ch^. Mache, pf^;^ "leung 'che. Liang ch6, H ^ i^ 'che. llli chc. Binate, being double, ^ fl^J ,sheung tik^. Shwang tih, IJ n|)[ ^a ke'; growing in pairs, 0- ^ ,ma ,sbang. Ma sang, IJ- ^ (]ij ,ma ^shang tik,. Md sang tih, ^J- /% P^IJ^ ^ma ^shang ke'. Bind, to, (pret. bound, pp. bound), ^ *pong. Pdng, P ^ 'pong chii'. Pang chii, ^ fok,. Fob, |g *kw'an. Kw'an, :^ ch'uk,. Shuh, || ]lai^ HI, i^l chat,. Chah, || || ch'uk, fok,. Sliuh fob, ^ jliin. Liuen, ^fl|g 'kw'an fok,. Kw'an fob, tilf 'kw'an fok,. Kw'an fob, |i ,ch'in. Ch'en, ^ ^ 'chin shin^ Chen slien, ^^ ^^ ^wan lok,. llwdn lob, ^j] lak^. Leb, JD ^Avan. llwdn, ^' kw'an'. K'iun, t^ ch'uk,. Shuh, f^;^ 'ch'e. Ch'c, ,t^ hii'. K'ii, ^ kun'. Kiuen, |i| sit,. Sieb, ^ sit,. Sieb, ^^ ^p'ang. P'ang, f i 'kwo. Ko, ^^ 'kwo. Ko, i^ -leung. Liang, || ^wai. Wei, ^ lui'. Lui, ^^ha^lui^ Hi lui, i(^| Xai. K'i, ^ ,U. Li, ^ tit,. Tieb, ^^| k'it,. Kieb ; to bind with cords, ^ >^ sok, chti'. Sob cliu, i^ ^ sok, cbu^ Sob chu, ^ ^^ Idm^ cbu\ Ldn cbii ; to bind up. •t^s fok. 'kw'an pong. . Kw'an fob, Kw'an 'kim. 'kw'an Kien ; to bind fast, pang. ^ 'kung. Kung ; to bind together, ^Jl i^ 'nau mai. Isiumai, ^iH 'pong ^mdi. Pangmai; bind it, H i^ -fg l»ai' chu- -k'ii. Hi chii k'ii ; to bind the'ttet, li ,ch'in keuk,. Ch'en kiob, ^ jjj^! chdt, keuk,. Chah kiob, J^- J^ 'kwo keuk"." Ko kiob, ^ ^ 'kwo tsuk,. Ko tsub, f^ jl):|i ,pau k6uk,. Pau kiob ; to bind the bead, ^ pji ,pau jt'au. Pau t'au ; ditto with a bandage, l^^j ^jj lak^ jt'au. Leb t'au ; to bind the bands behind the back, llfl ^ fP 'lai 'shau 'pong, ^ ^ 'fan tsip^. Pan tsieb; to tie up into a sheaf, 3|t cli'iik,. Shuh. ^ -fi ch'uk, chu-. Shuh chu, f j >f^ lak^ chu'! Leb chii, pj\^ lak^ chii'. Leb chu, ^ 'ft PfJ i^ chdt, cbi'i^ ^cliung ^sam. Chah chu cliung sin ; to bind close, ^g ^ fok, 'kan. Fob kin, j^^ ^ kit. 'kan. Kieb kin^ ^T^.^ 'td 'sz kit,. Td sz kiebi P ^'"E IS 'pong 'sz kit,. Pdng sz kieb ; to land loosely, t[ ^ ^* 'td ^shang kit,. Td sang kieb. ^^^ PO"g c^liang kit,. Pdng sang kiob ; to bind the neck of a dress, |0 f^ 4^ 'kw'an ^sbdm Heng. Kw'an sdn ling, j^fB 'kw'an 'leng. Kw'an ling; to form a border, ^^ 'kw'an ,pin. Kw'an pien ; to bind with rattans, ^ j^ 'kw'an jt'ang. Kw'an fang, fjf^ Hd ^t'ang. Td fang, chdt, jf ang mit^. Chdli fang mieb ; to bind on the girdle, j^ijg ch'uk, ,iu, ,|g^i}l 'kw'an ,shan. Kw'an shin, ^ ^ ch'uk, tdi'. Shuh tdi ; to bind close and straight, ^^^ 'kw'an chik^. Kw'an chib ; to bind up the hair, JJX fl ch'uk, fdt,. Shuh fab, ^ p^ chdt, jf au. Clidh f au, ^ ^ Jung fdt,. Lung fab, |>^ ^ kit, fat,. Kieb fdh ; to enwrap, -^ ft ,pdu chtr. Pau chu, '^ ig ,pdu ^mdi. Pau mdi; to enwrap a corpse, ^fJ 'kwo ,sbi. Ko shi; to bind books, ■^j' ^- ,tcng ,shii. Ting sbii, $J^ ^teng ^chong. Ting chwang; to bind by covenant, la SI kit, ^mang. Kieb mang; to bind by an agreement, ^J^I^J 'td hop^ jf ung. Td boh f ung, ^^^ kit, ycuk,. Jvieb yob, jft^f.-^ Idp^yeuk,. Lib yob ; to bind with an oath, ^^ ^ fat, sbai\ Fdh sbi; to bind a bargain with earnest, ^/^^ ,kdu teng^ c^gan. Kidu ting yin ; to bind one an ap- prentice, juL'^UiTj -^ Inj Idpj bokj ,sz bop^ jf ung. Lib biob sz hob f ung; to bind ovei% j^ $'|J ^ ^ Idp, to' on' ,tdn. Lib tdu ngdn tdn ; to bind two to- gether, ^^ ^ tai' kit,. Ti kieb ; to bind in friend- sliip. ^ M}^^K V^"- I'^i^^i )■"' la ^ kit, nap^. kieb ndh, |'^ ^ tai' ,kdu. Ti kidu ; to bind to- gether, as glassware, ,(j.} ^J ^md ,teng. Md ting; to bind as prisoners, ||^ hai' lui^ Hi lui, |^^ Jui sit, Lui sieb; to bind into a small compass, ^WkM kan ,tsau ,tsau, fj^ ^ts'au. Ts'iii; to seize and bind up, as a sheaf, %f'^i ,ts'au ch'uk,. Ts'iii shall ; to bind the bowels, |^J ^^' pai' kit,. Pi kieb, A)J| f^'fjn tiii' jCb'euiig pai' kit,. Td cli'ang pi kieb, f^fjij' kit, chai\ Kieb chi; he was bound hand and foot, ^ =f^/j^ 'pong 'sliau tsuk,. Pang shau tsub, ^ 4" # iW' 'po"g 'sl>au 'pong keuk,. Pang shau pdng kiob ; to be bound in gratitude, ^ jij, 'kom jan. Kan ngan, VJ] ^ ,f 5 'k6m. T'au kan, 10 ^ ^f o ^mung. T'au mung ; I will be bound, ^J^jH's* "ugo ,tam ,tong. Wo tdn tdng, ?^ jU ^ '^'go c^'^*^^ jShing. Wo tan ching, ^' •j^ sbatjiai". Shiii III, '^^ sliat^shi'; a wind-bound ship, :fn^^}%<^\:H\ pat, ^nang tung' ,slian ,chi jShiin. Pub naug tung shin chi ch'uen, j5^ M ^ 1*11 <1 f-^> ^\'ai" /ung 'sho 'cho ,chi jSbiin. Wei ^j »cii ,'""5 ^"" ^"" c*''>^ jSbiin. fung so tsu chi ch'm n, ^n^jap§|j}j ^ f V^d) war ngakj fling ,m hoi tak. .shall ke' .sbiin. Bind, to contract, lij'j .f.^.j kit, yeuk,. Kieb yob, fj* n* IhJ 'td liop^ jfung. Td bob fung; to grow stiff, ^< 4g pill' 'kang. Pien kang, !^ B# ^^ nj^ pin' 'chc 'kaug ke', ^>}<^^i^^ pin' jShing 'kang ke' ; to grow hard, )}^ tj^ jibing ngdug*. Ching "gang. ^|Sjy'"gkity \' in g kieb. Bind-wecd, a troublesome weed, of the genus con- volvulus, itjf^Ml^M '^'g '^'^^" i^^^o S^ 'chung. Wu chdu lung hwd cbung. Binder, a person who binds, .pi^' 'pong 'cbd. Pdng ch6, ^ ^ ch'uk, 'chc. Shuh che ; a book-binder, #!#:# .teng ,shii 'che. Ting shu che, fj § gf|J -1^ /eng ^shii ,sz fu^ Ting sliii sz fii ; anything tiiat binds, ^ tdi'. Tdi, f^, ^ ,f iii ^shing. T'idu shing. BIN (188) Blf chuen; biography of eminent statesmen, ^^'0^ chung jNimn chiin*. Chung chin chuen, ^>^lJf^ ^ehung lit^ ehiin*. Chung lieb chuen ; biography of clans, i^^H sing' shi^ 'p'6. Sing shi p'd, ^ it ^^^K 'P'^- 'I'suh p'u. y^tik,. Kieh yob; making stiff, J^ip^ jShing 'kang. '\ Biology, the science of life, ^ y^ .^ ^ ^shang dt^ Cbing kang.'jjJt i^ .shing ngAng^. Ching ngang. ^chi Mi. Sang hwoh chi li, ^fg-jggg^ ^shang tit^ Binding, that binds, ^^ 'pong 'ch(''. PAng ch6, 'tsung IW. Sang hwoh tsung lun. Pff^Z^ '^1^^' 'l'""f? <«»'^ 'y*'- '^^ P"^"- ^^^ y"' ' ^^•^^'^«' I see Bivouac ^/r ^^^Ai- 's^o 'pong k6' sz\ Biliovax;, ] ^^^^ iJivouac. Binding, the act of fastening with a band, ^'J^^ Biparous, bringing forth two at a birth, ^ JJ" "ft 'binding, fastening a band, ^^ *i)ong chii'. PAng! chd, H ^ liai' chu^ Hi chu, ^ 'pong shat^. j Pang sliih ; confining, jj^ ^ hftn' chu^ Hien ; t^^h". -fMj 1^ ,k'ii liAn'. K'u hien ; covering as a| book, ^ ,teng. Ting ; contracting, j^ ^ kit, 'pong sbat^ Vlit^. Pdng shib chc* ; bookbinding, ^ Ifi .ra/i ,t'oi ,chi lui'. M4 t'ai chi lui ; ditto, as applied to plants, ^ ^ ^ ,sh6ung kjip, tik,. Shwang kidh tih. Bipartible, ■) that may be divided into two parts, "^ Bipartile, ) j^ ^ nj^ Tio /an '16ung 'h6. K'o fan liang hid, ^ ^ ^ H Tio /an ,wai i^ K'o fen wei rh. Bipartinent, dividing into two parts, |i^^ kdk, ,hoi. Keh k'lli, ^ ^ ^'pT^^I /»" ung /ung tik,. I leaf, %\^ZM ^^^' /^n ,chi ip^. Tui fan chi yeh. Shwdng lung tih, jxt^f^"!!)!: 'l*'"!^'? J''^^: ^^' ^ '»^^- ' Bipartition, the act of dividing into two parts, \^ ing two tubes (as an opera glass), ^fUP^ ,shcung I :^ ^ p"]\ ,kwan /an Heung 'ha. Kixm fan lidng /'ung ke , ^ f^' ^J ,sh6ung /'ung tik,. Shwdng I hid, ^^ ^ kdk, ,hoi 'ch(5. Keh k'di ch6 ; the t'ung tih ; a binocukr telescope, ^^:^ .sh^^ung act of making two correspondent parts, 'glj ^ ^ jP'du >oi 'chk P'du k'di che. Bipectinate, having two margins toothed, ^ ||^ |S md keng . 'ch'6 keng'. ShwAng ch'('^ king, fp Md king. Binoculate, having two eyes, ^1^0^ .sbif'ung h^gjin tik,. Shwdng yen tih, ^ ^ llf<. \vau ,sh6ung 'ngdn. Yu shwdng yem. Binoitiial, a root consisting of two members, con- nected by the sign plus or minus, as : a t b or 5 — 3. Binoxyd, see Deutoxyd. Biocellate, markcvl with two eye-like spots, ^Bll^ ,sh<^ung 'ngdn tik,. Shwdng yen tih, ^ W^ »i^ ,sh(^.ung 'ngdn k<^' ; a biocellate peacocks feather, ^ BP< ^ w11 .sheung Sigdn ,fd ^ling. Shwdng yen hvvd ling. Biographer, a writer of livens, ft #' ^ 1^ ^^ ^^^K in hang* ohiin' *ch<^. Tsoh yen hing chuen ch<^, ft -^ ^ tsok, chiin' 'ch^. Tsoh chuen che. Biographic, ") pertaining to biogi-aphy, ■^t7'^&»| Biographical, ) /n hang' chiui' tik,. Yen hing chuen Biography par Mau _ _ „ . . hang* chttn'. Mau jin yen hing chuen, -^ ff '^ /n hang* chiin'. Yen hitig chuen ; biography of a clan or individual of the same. ^ [If; ^ ,kd shai' chiin'. Ivid shi chuen ; biography of distin- ^ished ladies, ^^ ;;;^ ^ lit^ *nii chiin'. Lii^h nft raphy, history of the life mid character of a Bipinnated, j the petiole, rticular person, ^ X Wh" '^«"> !>'»" i^" ^ung*. '^^^y v;,u' chi Hi ip,. Kt au jin yen hing, ^ X %'. tl jl> 'mau^^an /n ^ f,j^ ^j, '(p^ i^jV. f\^ Meung ,pin 'ch'i tik,. Lidng pien ch'i tih, p^ <§ ^ P^ 4eung ,pin ^ngd U\ Biped *, an animal having two feet, as man, ^ ^ i' tsuk, '(;h6. Rh tsuh ch6, - A^ ;^ ^ 4ft i' tsuk, ,clii ,shang mat^. Rh tsuh chi sang wuh, ^ ^^^ ItSung chek^ k6uk, 'ch6. Lidng chih kioh ch6, ^4 )l_ ^ M6ung tsuk, 'ch6. Lidng tsuh ch<^. Bipedal, having two feet, ^^1^ Heimg tsuk, 'che. Lidng tsuh cM, ^Jitl^ Heung tsuk, tik,. Liilni: tsuh tih, mM^t^ 'l'-""f? ^,^"'s ^«^'. "^'f^^Mn ^au 46ung chekj keuk, k^'. Bipennatc, having two wings, ng ^ i' yik^ Vhd. Rh yili ch6, PIM^ 'leung yik^ 'cM. Lidng yih ch6. Bij>etalous, having two iiower leaves, Zl ^ ft^ + <* ip tik,. Rh yeh tih ; having t^^-o petals, Zim^'i i' pd«' [fdn'l tik,. Rh pdn tih, ^ ^ ^ fi M f& cCh'i tseuk, 16. Ch'i tsioh Idu. Bird-cherry, a species of prunus, whose fruit is pecu- liarly gi"ateful to birds, ^i^-f- tseuk, jing 'tsz. Tsioh ying tsz. Bird-eyed, quick-sighted, JH ^ || Bf^ ^ ^ lokj' J'oi. Loh t'di, ^ f^ to' J'oi. To t'di, ^ ^ to' yan\ To ying, /)>, 'siu 'ch'dn. Sidu ch'dn, ^^ pun' 'ch'dn. IVan ch'dn, tI^V^ ^ rffii^ Hii^ 'mun lit, ^1 ^shang. Wi mwan yueh rh sang ; natural birth, J£ j^ ching' 'ch'dn. Ching ch'dn, ||p^ ffij^ shun' iit, J ^shang. Shun yueh rli sang, ^ ^ \fn^ tsuk, iit, J ^shang. Tsuh yueh rh sang, ^ H ^^^ kau' iit^ ^shang k6'; supernatural birth, [^^kong' ^shang. Kidnu- sang, ^ ^ kong' shai'. Kidng shi, ^ )\^ koug' ntn (190) fits ■•■■■•■••■i"^ —■ - ^ ^ ■■■■"■ .- . . . _ .. fdn. Kidng fdn ; the birth of Christ, ^f^l^^ | Birth-place, the place where a person is bom, ^Jj^ Y^sd kong' .shang. Y^sii kidng sang, :^J |^ f^ ilt Y6sii kong' shai'. Y^sii kidng shi, ]|jl ^ ^ Itf Ydsii jlam shai'. Y^sli lin shi ; to be re- born (as in transmigration), ^ ^ ^t'au t'ok,. T'au t'oh, :t£ 4 jt'au .shang. T'au sang, 7^^ ^ t'ok, .shang. T'oh sang, jl \ti: t'ok, shai'. T'oh shi, :^ ^ jt'au .t'oi. T'au t'di ; a person of high birth, ^ ^ .kung 'tsz. Kung tsz, ;^ ^ {fj ^ kwai' .kd ch'ut, *ch6. K^ei kid ch'uh ch6, 'g -^ /A-^ fu' kwai' ,kung *tsz. Fd kwei kung tsz, ^^ (ill ^ ^' f^tj ut^ .chi ,kd. Fah yueh old kid, -^^ ^ 'fP^ shiu' ^6 jHidn. Shdu y6 mun ; a person of mean birth, |@| p^ -^ ^hon ^mun *tsz. lEdn mun tsz, Ig -^ jhon 'tsz. Han tsz, ^ ^ jfl^ tsin' .kd tik,. Tsieti kid tih, ^ ^c -^ ^p'an .ka 'tsz. P'in shang ch'ii' Sang ch'u, ^ jj^ ,song 'tsz. Sang tsz, ^ m c^^a .heung. Kid hidng, j^ ;fi; kti' ;i(5ung. Ku hidng, ;j^ ig, 'tsz ^i. Tsz li, ^ ff jun tsikj. Yuen tsih, [Jj lif P}!)E I'd! ch'ut, shai' k6' ti'. tti ill: ^ )i ch'ut, shai' ko' ch'u'. Ch'uh shi ko ch'u, 2Ji ^ ;^ % 'pun .shang .chi 'sho. Pun sang chi so. Birth-rigbt, any right or privilege, to which a per- son is entitled by birtli, 2{: ifij ^^ .shang ^i tak,. Sang rh teh, ^^rffj # tsikj .shang ^1 tak,. Tsih sang rh teh, '^z^^^ jWai ch'ik, 'tsz. "Wei ch'ih tsz, ^ ^, ^ <; ^ 'h^ung ch'ik, 'tsz ,chi i^ Hidng ch'ih tsz chi i, ^ ^ i' .shang, I sang, 2^ ^ ^S 'li^ung f tsitj jWai i* fan*. Tsieh wei rh fan. Bisected, divided into two equal parts, $|J jl§ 'p'au kwo'. P'au kwo, ^'MLW)ik ^^^^ ^wo' Udung tsltj. Fan kwo lidng tsieh. Bisecting, dividing into two equal parts, ^|j 'p'au. P'au, ^^^ .fan M(5ungtsltj. Fan lidng tsieh. Bisection, the act of cutting into two equal parts, *|J % 'p'au 'ehc^. P'au ch^, ^^ ^ #|J ^ .fan jWai Heung tsitj 'chd. Fan wei lidng tsit-h ch6. Biseriate, existing in two series, ^^ ^ "l^t Hdung jhong k6', j^t7^ *l^ung jhong tik,. Lidng hdng tih, - ^ ^{j i* jhong tik,. Bh hdng tih. Bisexual, in botany, hermaphrodite, ^Q^^I^I^ — ^ jam ,ydung 'yui jt'ung .shang yat, ch'ii'. Yin ydng jui t'ung sang yih ch'ii. BIS (191) BIT Bishop, a spiritual superintendent * , ^'!p J}i slilp,, ^ i^ ^ijj kam' muk, ^sz. Kien muli sz ; the term used by Catholics is, ^^ 'chii kdu'. Chti kiau, ^'Wii. ^^K ^^^' '<^^i^- '^"^ ^^i^'^ ^^'^'' i^ ^^^ primitive church, an elder or overseer, ^ o] kdm' ^sz. Kien sz, ^ ^ t\i\ 'che. Tuh che, ^^ ^ t kdm' tukj 'che. Kien tuh clid. Bishop, a mixture of wine, oranges and sugar, :j^y^ ;^ ^ jk'au 'tsau ^chi ^meng. K'ii tsiii chi ming, W- k V^' tf 7m ^ 'M bishop, ,k'au ^wan 'tsau, jCh'aug k'ap^ jt'ong ^ch'ing ^wai bishop. K'ii yun tsiu, ch'dng kih t'ang ching wei bishop. Bishop, to confirm, g| ^ ^kin sun'. Kieu sin. Bishopric, a diocese, ^ ^ fijjj ffx ^ |f ^ ^ kdm' muk^ jSz 'sho 'kun hat^ ^chi ch'ii'. Blien muh sz 80 kwdn hiah chl ch'u. Bishop-weed ,1^ :^ -ma kai'. Md kidi. Bisk, a, soup or broth, made by boiHng several sorts of flesh together, || |^ ^ tsap^ yuk^ ,t'ong. Tsdh juh t'dng. Bisket, see Biscuit. Bismuth, a metal of a yellowish, or reddish-white color, ^ ^^ ^kam lui\ Kin lui. Bison, a quadrupede of the bovine genus, |^ -^ ^y6 jUgau. Ye niii. Bissextile, leap-year, ^ ^ yun* ^nln. Jun nien. Bister color, " pig's liver color" ^ ^ ^ ,chii ^kon shikj. Chii kan sih. Bistort, snake- weed, ^ ^ 'kiin ^sham. Kliuen shin. Bistoury, a surgical instrument for making inci- sions, ^ P ^ 7/ t"^^'^"^ 'hau jtsim ^t6. Wdn k'au tsien tau; sharp pointed ditto, ^^7? 7"^" <""'^'^ ,t5. Jui wdn tdu ; blunt pointed ditto, §^^ JJ tun* jWan ^t6. Tun wdn tdu ; straight ditto, ^ [^ JJ yui* chik, ^to. Jui chih tdu. Bisulcous, cloven-footed, as swine or oxen, ^ ^^ /ai tik,. T'i tih, |?f P^ t'ai ke'. Bit, of a bridle,' j§ p |f ^md 'hau ^k'im. Md k'au k'ien, ,[]| f^ -ma ^hdm. Md hdn, ,^ ^ "md lak^. Ma leh, ^ ^lim. Lien, ;f^- ^ ^ch'ui ^kau. Ch'ui kau, l]j^ /an. Fan, ^ yf^ shin' hon*. Shen hdn, :^p^PI# kwd' 'hau ^k'lm. Kwd k'au k'ieu. Bit, a small piece, — )^ yat, p'in'. Yih p'ien, — ■/j'lIU ^ yatj sai'fai'. Yih si kw'ai; a jot and whit, — -Ifo yat, 'tim. Yih tien, — |^^ yat, tik,. Yih tih, —^ yatj ^se. Yih sie ; he is not a bit wiser, f^ ^ — • fl^ifli^ -k'ii ^mo yatj tik, tsun' yik,. K'ii wii yih till tsin yih ; a small coin of the value of four pence, |5I ^ i P/d sz' ko' ,pin 'nl ; a bit of bread, — ^t 'p'an 'hiin. P'in k'iuen ; the bitch goes, ^^ |§ ^ TJC 'kau 'nd 'hi 'sliui. Kau nd k'l shwui ; a prostitute, ^^ ^ *kau 'nd, '/^ ^ ^li ^nii. Wii nii; son of a bitch, ^^ Ijg ff 'kau 'nd 'tsai, }§ llf ff ,chii 'nd 'tsai. Bite, to, 1^ 'ngdu. Ydu, ^ ^ngdu. Ydu, ^ nglt^. Nieh, 1^ shai\ Shi, pg tseuk,. Tsioh, |^ chiit,. Chueh, Ujg hbp^. K'oh, p^ 'tsii. Tsti, flj ^i. 1 ; to take a bite, pj[ P^ p]\ 'tsii tseuk, 'hd. Tsii tsioh hid; bite oflfa mouthful, |^ — ^p^j^ 'ngdu yat, tdm*. Ydu yih tdn ; to bite in two, |^ |^ ^ngau ,hoi. Ydu k'ai, |^ [^/f 'ngdu tiin*. Ydu twdn, |^ 1^ ^ngdu p'o'. Ydu p'o, 1^^ 'ngdu tslt^. Ydu tsieh, ■@ )^ 'ch'i kiit,. Ch'I kiueh ; to bite or tear a hole, 15^^ 'ngdu ^ch'iin. Ydu ch'uen; to bite the lips, f^ J^ ^ngdu jShun. Ydu shun, f^ 'ts'dm. Ts'an; to bite small, p§^ ts^uk, Idn*. Tsioh Ian, p^ ^ ts6uk, sui'. Tsioh sui ; to bite and chew letters, (pedantry), f^^p^^ 'ngdu ^man ts^uk^ tsz*. Ydu wan tsioh tsz ; this dog will bite you, PJS'^^fO IfJ^f/f* c»i chek 'kau iu' 'ngdu ^ni. NI chih kau ydu ydu nl, ttyt^^i^'^ '*^s'z 'hiin ill' 'ngdu ^ni. Ts'z k'iuen ydu ydu ni ; to bite one's nails, I^^^l^ 'ngdu 'shau 'chi kdp,. Ydu shau chi kiah ; it bites, is very pungent, ^J- ^, 'h6 Idt^. Hau lah, ilj ^ ts'z' shit^. Ts'z sheh, ^^ ]^i) Idt^ 11*. Ldli 11; to pinch with cold, '(^ %%'n' 'lang tak, ch'it^ kwat,. Lang teh ch'eh kuh, 1^ ^^ ^ j^ 'lang tak, /s'ai 'ts'dm. Lang teh ts'i ts'an ; to reproach with sarcasm, |j^ ^'ij ^kl ts'z'. KI ts'z, ii M <^^^ ^s'lLi'. KI ts'idu; to cheat, [^ X ^^^K .yan, tt^ li A 'ing tik,. Lib ts'ing tib, jjlg y|| P|t bk^ K'li yen, ^ ^ "^ Sn sham' 'fil. Yen shin k'li ; ,ts'ing k^', H^^^^ H' jts'ung .beimg tik,. Ti bitter weeping, ^ ^ 'fii huk,. K'vi kuh, ^ ^ \ sung hii'ing till, t'ung' huk,. T'ung kub, ^^]j< jhO ^t'o. Hau t'slu; | Bivalve, a sb(>ll consisting of two parts, which open bitter enemies, f^ ^ t'ung' llan^ T'ung ban, -^ ^ ts'It, ban^ Ts'ieh ban ; bitter repentance, ^ '1^. t'ung' fiii'. T'ung hwui ; SAveet and bitter, -^ \ ^ ,k6m 'fii. Kan k'li ; bitter to the taste, but '■ wliolesome physic, ^ p ]^ |^ 'fu 'ban jl6ung y6ukj. K'li k'au liiing yob ; bitter p(!ach, }^ ^ >|^^ Mang fan' ^Vb. lAing fiin t'Au ; bitter almonds, ^Ij ^ P^k> hang'. Feb bang ; bitter dates, ^j ^ | wai' sit,. Wei sieli ; the bitter cucumber, or egg- plant, ^ j!R 'lii .kwil. K'li kwjl ; a bitter vegeta- and .shut, ^^ ^ 'bin bok,. Hien bob; "bivalve shells, thick and furrowed, as Area, $y ,k6m. Kan, ^ ^ /lii kop,. Kwei kob ; ditto thin and colored, as Tclliua, Canlium, i^ k6p,. Kob ; dit- to thick and smooth, ius Mya, Mytilus, ^ 'bin. llicij, J^j^ 'pin jlo. Pieu lo; fresh water bivalves, broad and thin, as Unio, $^ p'ong'. P'ang. " Bivaultcd, having two vaults or arches, ZL^^ i' 'kung 'che. lib kung ch6, ^^^"^ Meung 'kuiig kti'./ ble, a species of Eruea, ^ ^ ^ 'fii bitj ts'oi'. I Biventral, having two bellies, ^ IJi: |^'j ^shi'iing H'o K'li bib ts'ili ; bitter vegetables, ^ ^ 'fii ts'oi'. | tik,. Shwang t'li tib, ^ ^ )Jt ff^E Hau Meung H'6 K'li ts'j'ii. Bitter, a substance that is bitter, see Bitters. Bitter-salt, opsom salt, ^ ^ 'fii ^im. K'd yen, ^ Bitter-sweet, a slender climbing phiiit, ^^^ shik^ jyeung jts'iin. Shib yiing ts'iuen, ^ ^ ^ shuk^ jy6ung jts'iin. Sbub ydng ts'iuen. Bitter-wort, gentian, ^jH jWo^g Ji"- UwAng lien. BiLUu-isb, somewhat bilt(>r, ^ -'^ leuk^ 'fii. Liob k'li, =^ ^ 'fii tik,. K'li tib, ^PI^ 'fii kd', ^^\ fl^ 'fii 'fii tik,. Bitterly, in a severe manner, ^ 'fii. K'li, ijj^j t'ung'. i T'ui'ig, Ig sham'. Shin ; to weep bilteriv, -^ ^ 'fd luik,. K'A kuli, Jf,f,5{i t'ung' bilk,. T'imgkuh, i •'JtJ{ f^ ;^. ^ hjlm' tak, .ts'ai jl6img. HAn t.>b ts'l ' k6\ Bivious, having two Mays, ^f ^q ^ "yau Meung 16'. Yu liiing hi, ^ ^ vf% M(:«.ing hV k6\ Bivouac, tbe guard or watch of a wbol(> ai-my, ^^ K^ ^ # jts'iin .kwan /ong 'sbau 'ch6. Ts'iuen kiun fang sbau cb«^ ; tbe encamping of soldiers fov tbe night, without covering or tents, in n«ji- diness for immecUate action, :^ A ^ ^ *© i'^ j)ing jjan 16' ,t'in kwo' ye'. Ping jin hi t'ien kwo ye. Bivouac, to watch, tSLS! .^'^ *"' ,kang. Ts'un kang; to be on guard, as a whole army, ^ j^ "g pi'- Fang pf. 1^ ^? /ong 'sbau. Vimg sbau. ^ '0^ Pj ^^ ts'im kwan fon£» pi'. Ts'iuen kiun fang pi. ' BEZ (193) BLA Bizarre, odd, ^ »|5 *ku kwai'. Kii kwai. Blab, to tell in a thoughtless manner, ^ p ^sho 'hau. Sii k'aii, |^ 1^ shiit, p'o'. Shwoh p'o '^ ,sho. Sii, ^m sit, lair. Sieh lau ; don't blab, [)§ it? ^ ii 1^ cin 'ji^ c«lio c'loi ;ai. Blab, to tattle, ^ rr. 52i^ 15^ ^S^V, ^ f^j kam' 'td pk min^ ^chi lai'. Kin ta hwa mien chi li. Black-art, conj umtion, ^^ ,m6 shut,. Wu shuh. cealed, ^ ^ ^sho ^in. Su yen, ^ a^ A 1^ ^^'^ Black-ball, a composition of tallow &c., for black- kwo' jan ^t'eng. Sii kwo jin t'ing, ^1^ sit, lau" Sieh lau. Black, dark, M hak,. Heh, Mi u. AVii, ^ ts6\ Tsau, ^ .iin!'Hiuen, y^ ,tsz. Tsz, ^ ,k'im. K'ien ^ >i. Li, fl^ ^ch'e. Ch'e, S| \xx\. fuh, fh kat. ing shoes, Myffi^ hak, jau ^k'au. Heh yu k'iii, ^ ^ jhai mak,. Hiai meh ; a ball of a black co- lor, used as a negative in voting, S ^ ^ hak ,k'au 'tsz. Heh k'iu tsz, 1(^^ K ii^ pat, chak^ jan ^chi ^k'au. Puh tseh jin chi k'iii. Kih, 1^ 'kim. Kien, ^ /an. Hwan, ^ ,16. Lu, j Black-ball, to reject in choosing, by putting black- J^ jlo. Lu, g^ jam tat,. Yin tub ; hair-black, balls into a ballot box, :^^ ® ^-^ ^. @ Jiii. A ^^' '^'^'^1 shi^ Jan. Nu muh shi jin ; a black mourning dress, ^ ^^ ,u fuk,. Wii itk^T^Wl^if- apple roasted till black, 'I^Hfix/^H *'^P> t«<5«'»g^- i'airi'icb tsiang. Black -mail, money paid to robbers, to be by them protected from pillage, fT H ^fi '^^ <^''^^ ,ngan. Td tdn yin ; to levy black-mail, fj ^ 'ta ^t/in. Black-monks, a name given to the Benedictines, ^ ^tl^^%m^^^ Plnitikt'ln ^mang ^shan fu' jmeng. Pinitiht'ien mang sliin fii ming. Black-moor, a negro, f^ ^ X mo }o '« ''^a^ ^^^' sy»"- Ts'u k'au ndu jin. Black-guardism, the conduct or language of u black- guard, ;ip)llll;^tTJi ^^^^'^^ ^^^K <<•''' s^'angjwai. Kwan kioh chi hang wei. Blacking, a substance used for bhieking slioi's, |^ ;JC mak, 'shui. Meh shwui, ^^ ,hdi mak^. lliai meh. Blackish, somewhat black, J^ ^ leuk^ hak,. Lioli heh, ^ 4 leuk^ ,ii. Lioh wii, ^fi 1^ 'shau hak,. Shall heh. Blackly, atrociously, ^,^^^1 s**'^" V«" ^'^K Ts'dn jin tih, ^ iQ, P^ jts'dn 'yan k6\ Blackness, dark color, S| ^ hak, sink,. Heh sih ; the quality of being l)lack, ^ % hak, 'che. Heh eh^, ,^^,\u 'ch6. AVii chtS ^# ,nn \Ai6. Hiuen clu5 ; darkness, .^Bh ^ hak, 6m' 'ch«S. Heh ngdn ch^; atroeiousness, 3^,^,^ jts'dn 'yan 'ch«S. Ts'dn jin ch6, ^U<^*- Uiung mang ch6. Blad-apple, prickly pear, |$fllj^ jShan ,sin 'ehc-ung. Shin sicn chdng. Bladder, urinary, |j^"5)t ^p'ong ,kwoiig. P'ling kwdng, '^ )f!f 'shui Tii. Shwui fii, |^fl^ niii' jiau. Niau pdu ; gsill ditto, )JU.^':^' 'tain ^nonur. Tdn ndng; air- bladder of birds and "fishes, ^Uti hf\lM'iU. K'i ))du, ^ ^ hmg ,pdu. Fung pan ; a water blad- der or blister, ^ ]^ 'shui p'du'. ShMui p'au, -^ J3^ 'shui j)du. Shwui pdu. ^LA (19SJ ^lA Bladdered, put up in bladders, ^'^ ^ jts'ong ^ii jau. Tsang yu pau. Blade, the, of grass, ^ ^ 'ts'6 ip^. Ts'au yeh ; the blade of a knife, J} |^ ,t6 yuk^. Tan juh, JJ ^ ^to ^shan. Tau shin ; a knife of three blades, ^ gg Jj skm ^cheung ^t6. San chang tdu, ^ P 77 ^sara 'hau ^to. San k'au tau, ^ ^ JJ ,sam Jioi ]t6. San k'iii tau ; tlie shoulder-blade, ^ fp "^ kin kap, kwat,. Kien kiah kuh, Igjlb-f* fan' ^shi kwat,. Ean shi kuh, "^ ^^ pui' kap,. Pei kiah, ^ ^ kin kap,. Kien kiah, |^ i^ >^ kap, ^sam kwat,. Kiah sin kuh, f^ ^ "^ cP'ing init, kwat,. P'ing niieh kuh ; a fine blade, f^^l^ A P A ^^sui" Jan. Tsui jin, -jf^ \ jau jan. Yii jin ; to disparage, '4/^ |£ ^ 'shiii 'pin 'siin. Shau pien sun ; to upbraid, gjlj shan'. Shdn, ^ If. Li, )j: ch'ik,. Ch'ih, r^ ch'ik,. Ch'ih ; to blame one's self, ^ ^ tsz' chdk,, ^ -^ tsz' kau'. Tsz kiu, g^ tsz- iln'. Tszyuen, g|J tsz' 'pin. Tsz pien, lll^ tsz' kiit,. Tsz kiueh, ^§f ^chiti tsui'. Chan tsui, jJi^ § ^ noi' tsz' tsung'. Nui tsz sung, ■J^ S ^j M' ^'^^^S" t^2" ^^K chak,. T'ung tsz k'eh tseh ; I must blame you for it, ^^j^ — '^ iii' chak, "ni yat, /an. Ydu tseh ni yih fan, ^M.^"^ f5t ,sii iu' chak, 'nl. Sii yau tseh ni, ^ -^ — ^ ndu' 'ni yat, fan. Nau ni yih fan ; my conduct was blamed, ^H^ 'king chak, 'ngo. King tseh wo, # K ^ "It ^ >i 'king chak, 'ngo k^' ,hang jWai.' King tseh wo [;^] chi hang wei; cannot (or ought not to) blame him, |^ »|^ fg ,nan kwdi' 'k'ii. Nan kwai k'ii ; to blame one an- other, S ^S ^ ^ '^" ^ H ^seung chak,. Siang tseli ; to blame another without reason, ^ ji^ K^ A tsikj /iin chak, jan. Tsih twdn tseh jin, ^ j^ ^ X ^sik, kd' chdk, jan. Tsih kii tseh jin; to praist! and blame, j^ |£ jj6 'pin. Pau pien , to blame superiors, ||i ^ kan' chak,. Kien tseh. M hiin' chak . K'iuen tseh. Blamed, censured, ^ -^ chak, kwo'. Tseh kwo, ^ ^ nan- kwo'. Nau kwo, ^ ^ )Mi '^^g '^^'^K kwo'. King tseh kwo ; to l)e blamed, ^ ^'^ shan' jt'dn. Shau fan. Blameful, faulty, ^p jau tsui'. Yu tsiii, ^^M. jau ts'o' kwo'. Yii ts'o kwo, ^i^-^ V^ kwo' shat,. Yu kwo shih. Blameless, without fault, ^ p .m6 tsili'. "Wu tsui, iff- p i u ts'o' kwo'. Yii ts'o kwo, ^ ii :^ 'yau kwo' shat/. Yu kwo shih. Blaming, censuring, ^ chdk,, Tseh, |j| =^ 'bin chdk^. K'ien tseh, ^\ tsiii^ jan. Tsui jin ; dis- paraging, ^ A s^'an jan. T'dn jin, MAM^ 'kong jan 'tiin ch'ii'. Kidng jin twdn ch'u. Blamelessly, without fault, ffi^)^ ^mbchslk, ch'ii'. Wdtstii, ^j;^ Wu tseh chii, M p ^m6 tsdi^ mb kwo'. Wd kwo. Blancard, a kind of linen cloth, manufactured in Normandy, ^J^^ P^'- Md pu. Blanch, to whiten, ^Q ^p'iu pdk^. P'idupeh; ditto in the sun, j^-t)® J)'iu shai'. P'itiu shdi ; to make white by peeling, as to blanch almonds, ^j ^ fi; :^ mok, hang^ jan j. Moh hang jin U M.^ t'lii' hat^. T'lii heh ; to blanch linen cloth, ;^ ^^ ^ j)'iu ^md p'6'. P'idu ma pii ; to avoid, as : do not blanch Canton on your way, yf»pj y|\J|j^"^ pat, 'ho pat, t6' 'shdng ^shing. Pub k'o pub tdu sang ching. Blanch, to evade, ^ 'shim. Shen, '^ pf . PI; books will speak when counselors blanch, A y^ ^> ^ v^»-s- ^^an y6uk^ mak^, ^shii pit, *in. Jin job meh, shii pieh yen. Blanched, whitened, i^;J^Q j)'id kwo' pdk^. P'idu kwo peb, ;J|| Q@ )^ ^p'iii shdi' kwo'. P'idu shdi kwo. Blancher, one who whitens, ^^i^^^'^ ^p'ii'i pA' ^sz fii^ P'idu pu sz fu. Blanching, the act of whitening, }^^^ ,p'iu pdk^ 'ch6. P'idu peh cb^, if fi;^^ ,p'iu pdk^ ,cbi8z^ P'idu peh chi sz. Blanching liquor if fi ^ .p'iii pdk^ y^uk^. Fifeu peh yob. Blanc-mange, | in cookery, a preparation of dissol- Blanc-manger, ) ved isinglass, milk, sugar, cinna- mon &c., fJ^tHi^Jj^ jU ,kdu jli^ung. Yi'i kidu lidng. Bland, mild, soft, i^% ,wan ^yau. Wan jau, fl^jfip ,wan jWO. Wan ho, ^ ^ ,wan yun*. Wan jun ; bland woi-ds, ^% ^yau ^In. Jau yen, ^^^^ wan jWO ,chi ^in. Wan ho chi yen. Blandiloquence, fair, Hatteriug speech, jj^ ^ mi' 'ii. Mei yti, t^MZI^ 'ch'im mi' .chi w&K Chen mei chi hwd. Blandish, to soften, to caress, ^' j^ 'ch'im mi'. Chen mei, ^ ^ .iu ,kiii. Ydu kiau, |g ^ »p'6 %eng. P'du king, j^pjl ,ts*an tsui. Ts'ia tsui. Blandisher, one who flatters with soft words, |g jjjg ^ 'ch'im mi' 'ch6. Chen mei ch6. Blandishing, soothing with fair words, ^ jf^ 'ch'im mi'. Chen mei, ^ ^ .iii ^in. Ydu yen. Blandishment, soft words, ^ j^ 'ch'im mi'. Chen mei, ^^ fung* jShing. Fung ching; actions ex- pressive of affections and tending to win the heart, ?^# Ve ^ung. Y^ yung, ^MZM 'ch'im mi' ,chi t'di'. Chen mei chi t'di, gg M Z ^ 'ch'im mi' ,chi sz'. Chen mei chi sz, ^^ ,iu ,kiu. Ydu kidu. Blandness, state of being bland, ^^ ^ ,wan ^wo 'ch^. Wan bo ch6. Blank, empty, ^ ,bung. K'ung; white, Q pdk^. Peh, ^ s6'. Sd ; a blank paper, g |K P^^ 'chi- Peh chi, ^QIK .hung pdk^ 'chi. K'ung peh chi ; a blank book, ^ ^ .hung p6'. K'ung pu ; a blank account book, ^ H^ ^ .hung sh6' p6'. K'ung su pu, ^ ^ 8h6' p6'. S(i p«i, ^g ig ^ .tang ki' p6'. Tang ki pu, |g^ ch«^ung' p6' ; the blank moon, Q ^ pdk^ ut^. Peh yueh ; pale from fear or terror, j^ ^ kii' shik,. Kii sib, f^^ p'd* shik,. P'd sib, ifel^lj 55 ^ ^fong t6' min' pdk. Hwdng tdu mien peh ; confused, ^O^ .sam lun. Sin Iwdn ; a blank (white) card, Q ijjf^ pdk^ t'ip,. Peh t'ieh, !^ J^ flf^ .hung pkk^ t'ip,. Hung peh t'ieh ; a red (Chinese) ditto, ^^^ .h^ng jhung t'ip,. K'ung hung t'ieh, ^ ^ ;^ .hung ^hung 'kdn. K'ung hung kien ; a blank lease, ^ ^ I .p'ai shik,. P'i shih ; a blank deed, ^ ^ k'ai' I shik,. K'i shih ; the white part of a target, ^ I tik,. Tih; a blank verse, Z^^^Z^ V^K h«in' I wan' .chi ,shi. Pub hien yun chi shi, 1^1(ri]$^Z I 1^ pat, .k'ii wan' .chi ^shi. Pub k'u yun chi shi ; a blank falsehood, — ^U A ^ yat, k'oi' tAi' wa'. I Yih k'di td h^vd, —WlM Wj^K k'oi' .fong ^in. I Yih k'di hwdng yen, ^Q^^ tsun' shuk^ niau' Hi. Tsin shuh miii yti ; a blank cartridge, fS. ^ ^^ AH'M^ jnb tkn' 'tsz .chi foy^uk^ p'du' *tsz. Wii tdn tsz chi ho yoh p'du tsz ; point blank shot, — ' ^ i^ yat, jP'ing .shiii. Yih p'ing shau, ik^^ fong' ^p'ing .shiii. Fdng p'ing shdu, ^ PM C^ ')l^ sP'ing s^n .shiii p'du'. P'ing jen shdu p'du. Blank, any void space, ^ i^ .hung ti'. K'ung ti, J^ ^ .hfi ti'. Hii ti, S >tli pdk^ ti'. Peh ti ; a void space on paper, J^ J||[ .hung ti'. K'ung ti, ^I8T chung teng* ; a blank in a book, ^^ .hung Id'. K'ung bid, $ (J^ ^hung kwik,. K'ung kib"; leave a blank between, ^ H !|^ hung .hoi 'se. K'ung k'di si^, m—^ s" yat. 1^'- Li yih hid. ^ -nm >u yat, fdt. teng*, ^^ ^^ J^h^^K jt'iii Id'. I.i yih t'idu hid ; a blank (a paper con- taining the substance of a legal instrument, with spaces left to be filled). ^ shik,. Shih, t^^ kdk, shik,. Keh shih. Blank, to anul, .1^ $^ kdk, ^ch'ti. keh ch'ii, jg fgSi, fai' mlt^. Fei mieh ; to dispirit or confuse, f^ A ^ 'pi j-an p'd'. Pi jin p'd, ^ A'C>«| ling' jan itjA (laf) iiiA YiinVr'Tr''rf'-'^C 'Si! ^yan ^sam ,king. Ling jin sin king, ^K'^ ^sam lun\ Sz jin sin Iwan. Blank-verse, a kind of verse in which there is not rhyme, ^|5^^^f|^ j™^ han" wan" chi ^shl. Wu hien vun chi shi. ' Blanket, a cover for a bed, made of wool, Q ^ pak^ i ^chin. Peh chen ; imported ditto, j^ y^ ^ pak, jeung ,chin. Peh yjing chen ; a cow blanket, -^ :^ ^ngau ^i. Niu 1. Blanket, to cover with a blanket, ^ ^ k'oi' 'i ^chin. K'ai i chen, ^ H ,p'o "i ,chin. P'u i chen, ^J^H fan- 'i ^chin. Fan i chen, g^ iiiig 'k'am -i ,chin, #^ll^fi 'pi Sheung' tai'. Sieh'tuh Shang ti, "^^ h*^ n^"" tuk, Sheung- tai'. Mau tub Shang ti, :^^±'^ ■mong ^ch'ing Sheung" tai'. Wang ch'ing Sliang ti, ^P^Jl^ -mong ^fu sheung' ^t'ln. Wdng hu shang t'ien, %^ ^^ chau' md' ,T'ln 'cliii. Chau ma T'ien chi'i ; to speak irreverently of the idols, 1^ \^ ^ ^ 'kan man' ,p'6 sat,. Kien man p'u sab ; ditto of the spirits, f^.'|'^|$B^ "mo man^ jShan ^ming. Wii man shin ming, ^"g ^ |f ^ 'w^ai p'ong' ^shan fat,. Wei p'ang shin fub, ^ ^ )p^ -mong ^ch'ing ^shan. Wfing ch'ing shin ; to blaspheme Budha, '^^^j^ 'wai p'ong' fat^. Wei p'ang fub ; to speak evil of, Sj^ ^ 'fi p'ong'. Pi p'ang, lllj If shan' p'ong'. Shan p'ang, |^ ^ 'wai p'ong'. Wei p'ang. Blaspheme, to utter blasphemy, ^'^ sit, tuk^. Sieh tuh, ^ ^ 'mong ch'ing. Wang ch'ing, f^ \^ ■mb man^ Wu miln; to aiTogate the prerogatives of God, f^^ ±%^ ts'im' ,ch'ing ShtSung' tai'. Ts'ien ch'ing Shang ti, j^M±fi'Z^ ts'im' ^ch'ing Sheung^ tai' ^chi ^meng. Ts'ien ch'ing Shang ti chi ming. Blasphemer, one who blasphemes, ^ /^ ^ sit, tuk, 'che. Sieh tuh ch^, %'i'i^ JCf^ ^ ^'^K ^uk, Sheung- tai' 'die. Sieh tub Shang ti che. Blaspheming, uttering reproachful words concern- ing God, ^ ^ Jl If'i* sit, tuk, Sheung' tai'. Sieh tuh Shang ti, '/(^ P ^, "g- % ^^ shat, mong'. Shih wang, ^-^ffff^ tai^ shat, 'sho mong'. 1':i shih so wang, J^ ^ hii mong'. Hii wang; to Chu kwang blast, as a name, ^^ ^ ,mung tuk,. Mung tub ; to blast a design, j^ — ^^jOI^ f'^i' 7^^, /an ^sam ^ki. Pei yib fan sin ki, ;|tE |^ X ^ 'wong lai' ,kung Jill. Wang fei kung fu, |^/^jCi>^ }^^ '•"' ^sam lik^. Hii fei sin lib ; to confound, ^H^ ,keng • hak,. King bib. If IL 'iu liin-. Yau Iwan, :^| |t *kau liin'. Kiau Iwan, ^§L chi' liin'. Chi Iwau; to blast rocks, 'Jf^ ;gj j^ ^shiu shek^ piiu'. Shau shih pau. Blast-furnace ^^'|^ chii' kwong' ^16 ,lu. Blast-pipe, a pipe in locomotive engines to convey waste steam up the chimney, ^ t^ TJC ^'Inj '1*^* ^ki 'shui hi' B X |j£ '^" *niang. llo mang, ^ ^ To ^im. Ho yen, ^ ||^ ^kwong ,im. Kwilng yen, ^ iiip^. Nieh, ^^ /ai. llwui, J^^ 'yeung. ' Yang, jt^ ,hoi. llai, 'Jl^ Svai. AVei, ^j^^ •svai. Wei, !ff^ yik^. Yeb, '}^ yuk,. Yuli, .)^ ,bau. lliiu, j^ ehT. Ch'i, ^ fat,. Puh ; wide dilFu- sion of report, 1^. ^ ^^ Wt c«'""d' s'"*'"» ''"^ JK)'. Shing ining yuen po, ;^ ^ [1^ ^ ^meng ,y6ung sz' 'hoi. Ming yiing sz luii, ^. i^ y^ '{^ ,shing ^meng J<5ung yat^. Shing ming yiing yili. ^ M li ^ J^^^^^S I'i' 'i'n jyeung. Sliing k'i yuen yaiig; a white s})ot on the fonjhead or face of a horse, ,% ^ f^j ^^^ hnA ngak^ pAk^ 'tim. MA geh peh tien ; a white spot made on trees by re- moving th(! bark with a hatchet, ^ij^'j til iffi ^^' ;^ 'X .ch'ung ,t'in ,chi To. Ch'ung t'ien chi ho, i^^iit'X 'mang lit^ cLi To. Mang lieh cbi ho. f;^ yik. Yih, jB tdt,. Tab, j^ ^shin. Shen, jj^ Vai. Wei, ^ J»i. Hi ; publishing far and wide, ^ \}fj |/.Lj ^ po' ^,6uJlg 87/ .fong. Bo yAug sz fang, lilazon, the act of drawing coats of arms, ^ ^ ioL pfj Tui jt'6 jUian yan'. llwui t'll wan yin, j^ Q 3) §J1 '^"i it'6 yan' ho^ llwui t'u yin bdu ; the act of explaining coats of arms, ^^jff ^^^a.<1M. *kong 'kai yan' bo" ^chi i'. Kiang kiai yin hau chi i, f^'liriJ^' 'kiii jnan yan' 'die. Kiai wan yin cbe, WfWijl '•<'» ya"' '»'''• l^i«" yin l'^"; publication, #^7 P"' sy<^ung- 1*0 y^ng. x£^ ■'"" po'- ^'"^" po ; ])ompous disjday of on(»'s merits, ^it ^Hfj ,eheung ^k'i ^16 tsik,'. Chang k'i lau t.sih, i^^:^ ^ j)'6 ^cheung ,kung Jib. Vu cluing kung lau, %^j^W} po sy<^""» Jcung t,sik,.^ Pu yilngkung tsih ; ditto by recording one's ments on a banner, ^^ uv po . Lii i,u, ^j^ii^m Dg .ti ^k'i. Kung ming yii k'i, B Ml Hfr Ifi t,sik, tsoi' jk'i jSheung. Tsih tsAi k'i chang; embellish- ment, -p ^ ^ ,sau sluk, 'cbe. Siu sliih c\\6, §| ■|fg ^chong shik^. ChwAng shih. Blazon, to exi)lain in proper terms the figures on ensigns armorial, M^'^^M^ '^^^ y^"' ''"^ <^''^ i'. Kiai yin liau chi i, ^f ^jt^ ;^ fe 'kai ,>»«" sbii^ pdk 'tim. Lu sliii peh tien; the blaze of noon, yan' ,chi i'. Kitii wan yin chi i ; to deck, f^ lai^ Li, l^fA: 'mangit^. Mangjeh; noise, B;^ 15^ 'ch'au nau". Ch'au nau ; agitation, ji^t ^L 'iu _^ >o ^ts'an. Tsi'iuts'an Blaze, to'llanie, ^^ ^im. Yen, ^ im^ Yen, -J^ ^Uu. LiAu ; to blaze uj), 'K ^ JL '^o j^"^ shc'iung^. Jlo yen shAng, ^'^'/^ % 'io jim ,ch'ung ^t'in. llo yen ch'ung t'ien, 'XM< t^ 'fo hi' sbeung^ ^sbing. llo k'i shAng shing, fe ^ ^ 5J5 im' ,kwong 'hi jloi. Y''en kwAng k'i lai, ^ 'chin. Chen, ^ ^san. Sin; send forth a bright light, |^ ^ fat, jinv Mb yen, ^^^ 'A, ch'i'. llo ch'i ?t A ^ i^ l'^<> tAi" ^kwong ^im. iVih ta kwang yen, 'j;*'^ ,wong. llwAng; to be conspicuous, j^ i\)\ 'hin jming. llien ming, ^ i^ 'bin ^yeung. llien vAng. Blaze, to make jjublic I'ar and wid(% ^^/) [J'J'l ~)j !>"' ^«^ung sz' ,fong. Po yAng sz lang, ^ % ^^ ^ 'kwong po' jii chung'. KwAng pu yu chung. Blazed, published lar and wide, ^t^ jl^ |/_4 ~)^ po' jy<5ung kwo' sz' ,fong. I'o yAng kwo sz fAng; marked with a white spot, {fit m 15 |f /j hiV H pjik^ 'tim. llAu i peh tien. BlaztT, one who publishes and sjireads r(>poi1s, ^ •t?'^' po' s.veung '<'he.^ Po yAng (-he, ^^^^ Hin jCh'un 'che. Yuen ch'uen cbe, ^'[^ fjj ;|^ 'kwong po 'cluS. KwAng pu cbe, \g f)f ^^^ Hm piV 'che. Yuen j)u che. • Blazing, naming, ^ ^im. Yen, f^ tm'. Yen. ^ ^ jWong jWong. II w Aug huAng, J{^ mok^. Mob, f^ lAp^. LAh, 5(1^ ,tun. 'Pun, fj^ \\\. Lib, ^ yik,. ^sau shik,. Siu shih, ^ ^ ^chong sink,. Cbwang shib, ^0S jinan sink,. Wan shih ; to display, ^ lu'n\ YAu 1 wan; tumult, ;;^|L tAi' liin". TA IwAn, | i^ ^ nAu' j)'Ai ^cb'eung. NAu p'ai ch'Ang; to blaze about, :^ ^ po' ^yeung. Po yAng, ^ ^ po ^yeung. Pu yAng ; to display meritorious deeds, ^ J!^ 5?| Sd p6' j.v6ung .kung tsik,. PA yang Jcung tsik, % % lo' po'. Lu pu, i^ ^ ^ 'bin k'it, ,kung .16. llien k'ieh kung lAu, SS 'h'y id jfj '•'!» k'»t,>n )h. llien k'ieb biuen lAu. Blazoned, described in the manner of heralds, f^'^ ^1 g|t 'kai kwo' van' luV. KiAi kwo yin bAu, ^ MiX^l ^ ^i pVu ^yan pat, .sbi* 'che. P'Ai jin puli Yih; a blazing fire, ^^ ^im 'fo. Yen ho, y»|l^ | shik,. ChwAng shih. shi che. Blazoning, explaining, as heralds, ^^ j^Jt W <1 M- 'kAi jUian van' .ehl i'. KiAi wan yin chi i ; pu- blishing, il, ^ p6' ^yeung. Pu yAng, ^ ^ 'bin k'it,. llien k'ieh ; embellishing, ^ ffy .choug BLA Blazonry, the art of desiu-ibing or explaining coats of arms, f^t\i^^ c'^a" yan' ^clii -11. Wan yin Chi 11, ^1 fjl It ^ 'kai yan' ho' 'die. Kiai yin hau chc, tic ffj ;^ 11^ jinan yan' ^chi ngai". Wan yin chi i ; the science of coats of arms, |^ ^\] ^ ^ jnan yan' ^chi hok^. Wan yin chi hioh, fp H; ;^ ^ yan' ho' ^chi 'li. Yin hau chi li. Blea, the part of a tree, which lies immediately un- der the bark, ^% ^kwong ^shan. Kwang shin. Bleaherry, a British plant and its fruit, X^^l 'ts'6 ,meng'. Ts'au ming, ^ ^ ^ 'tsz 'kwo 'tsz. Tsz ko tsz. Bleach, to whiten, ;^. ^p'iii. P'iaii, ^Q ^p'iu pak,. P'idupeh, ^^'0 j)'ingp'ik,. I'rngp'ih; to bleach in the sun, ;^Ijj>^ J)'iu shai'. P'iau shai, ^p p'iu . P'iau, 0^ 0p fai' shai'. Fi shai ; to bleach cotten, ii€.P'iuV- Fian pu, ^ ^, p'ik, ^sii. Fih sii; to bleach as wliite as snow, i^ ^§0 ft ft^" fri ,p'iu J\ silt, kom' pak^. P'au ju siueli kan peh. Bleach, to grow white in any manner, '^- ^ pin' pak,. Pien peh, ^ (^ chun' pak^. Chuen peh. Bleach-lield, a field where cloth or yarn is bleached, m ^ ffl a^'i^ p» st'i"- i"i^^« P"! t'i«"' 'M'ffi^M j)'iu p6' ^ch'eung. P'ij'm i)u ch'ang. Bleacher, one whose accujiation it is to Avhitcn clotli, if ^ Sill # cP'iLi P^>' <«2 f^'i'- l''i:^u pu si^ fu. Bleacliery, a place for bleaching, ^^^^M cP'^*^ P" ,ch'eung. P'iau pu cli'ang. Bleaching, making white, ;^ ^p'iii. P'iau, ^^ ^ j)'iu pak^. P'iau peh; bleaching-ground, ^^J^- ^p'iu po' ^ch'eung. P'is'ui pu ch'ang. Bleaching, the act of whitening, j^^;^ ,p'iu pak, 'die. P'iau peh chc. Bleaching powder, a powder for bleaching, consist- ing of chloride of b'me, i^ |^ !?)• ,p'iu pak^ 'fan. P'iau peh fan, |^ jj^ ^^ ^ pj^k^ /ui ^p'iii yeuk,. Peh hwui p'iau yoh, ^^ Q ^ ^p'iu P'ak^ yeuk^. P'iau peh yoh.' ■. Bleak, pale, 'j'^\^ tam^ ps'ik,. Tan peh, H Q .ts'eng pakj. Ts'ing peli, '^ (^ 'ts'in pak^. Ts'icm peh ; open, ^ ^ W t'uk,. Lu t'uh; cold, }i^ 'lang. Lang, ^ 'if^ " 'shui ^chi (199) bl:e lan* higan. Liu shwui chi lan yen ; dim, -^ gg- /an 6m'. Hwan ngan, ^ ^mung. Mung. ngan Bleared, dimmed by a watery humor, |}^ ^ ^mung. Yen mung. Bleareyed, having soi-o eyes, j^ g^ lan' 'ngan. Lan yen, -/^.{j^ sliap, 'ngan. Shih yen, ||^ jau. Iliii ; having the eyes dim with rheum, [|^ ^ 'ngan ^mung. Yen mung. Blearing, dimming with a humor, j^ BR ^ ^ B^ 'I 'ngan 'slii ^mung 'ngan. I yen shi nmng yen. Bleat, to cry as a shci^p, D^ ^me, flg 'mai ; to make the noise; of a sheep, fSf n^ H^ ^ tso' ^me ^me ^shing ; the sheep bleat, ^ d^ JGung ^me. Yang me, ^p[^ ng' hiit,. Pjing hiueh ; los- ing sap or juice, {Jj ff- ch'ut, cliap,. Ch'uh chih, M uH '& tik, ch'ut, chap,. Tih ch'uh diih. Bleeding, a running of lilood, "^ jjjj Jau hiit,. Liii hiueh, '^^'/^^ hiit, ^clii jau 'clic. liiueh chi liii chc, ^ jjj^ hiit, Jau. liiueh liii. Blato' I ^^^^^^^'^^^' i^ &I P'^' '^li'^^i- ^"'^ ch'au. Blemish * , any scar or defect that diminishes lieau- ty,§ii 'tim. Tien, ^iA ^li 'tim. Wii tion, ^/^^^A u 'tim. Wu tien ; a flaw, J|^ Jul. Ilia, ^ Js'z. Ts'z ; deformity, ^ 'me. Wai, ^ -^ ^^"dl 'me. Wai wai, f ij ^ chak ^slian. Tsi^h shin, ^ f® ^wai 't'di; defut, $^^ /ai kii*^,. Kw'ei kiueli, ;|^ ^ /ai 'siin. Kw'ei sun, ^ ^ him' kiit,. Hien kiueh ; a stain, J|5 ^ tim' yuk^. '1 iyu jiih, J(|j /?f tim' ^u. Tien wu ; dishonor or defilement, '■jfff ^ /i yuk^. Wu juh yji^/^ ^chim u. Chen Avii, '^ffj "im ^u. Yen wii ; an injury, -^ ^sheung. Shting ; to throw a blemish on one's reputution, f^ f^ |g <'^M. ^ A y"k, 'k'uke' ^shing^ming; t "a blemish in a fair gem, may still be ground down, • See Exodus. 12,5. Deuteronomy, 6,2f• ^^'^^ ^-^'o^'' ^^ <*'"'^, ^"S- '^'s'oh wu, ^ chdk, ch'ii'. Wu k'o tscli cli'ii, M Pf ^ J^ M 'ho M ch'u'. Wu k'o i ch'u, ^ f((j Jg^ g^ ^niolik, ,ha ^ts'z. Wu tih liia ts'z ; liis conduct is without blemish, ^ tf ^ ^ 1'"" hang^ ^ib jha. Pin hing wii hia. Blemish, to mark with any deformity, ^ ^ 'ching 'm^ sit,. Sieh, j^^ ^ jChiin ,un. Chucn hwan; to blend the influences of nature, '^^ ,kau 'kau. Kidu kidu, '^•\^ Jj^ :f5 sing' ^ts'ing ,seung ^t'au. Sing ts'ing siang t'au, ^ M. ^ ^ ^' ^i' ^seung k'ai'. I k'i siang k'i. jncng. Wu juh jin chi shing ming, J^ f^ A "^ Blende, an ore, the native sulphuret of zink, [^ ^ M ^ ^1"^' A iV^^ ^'^' .sl^'^f? g| ,p'ong tstip^. P'dng tsdh; confounded by mixture, HjJ^LaI^ ''^''" '^"^ kwo'. Kiau Iwan kwo; wait till they are blended together, #^^41^ toi' ,k'i wo' .m*ai. 'Ui k'i ho mdi ; severity and liberdlity blended together, jQi c|l i^ ^ ^mang ^ehung tai' /lin. Mang chung tai kwan, '^ f^ \^ "gf ,fun 'mang tak, ^i. KwAn mang tch i, ^i^M'M )^^^^ j^^" .seung tsai'. Kiang jau siang tsi. Blender, one who mingles, ^^:^ k'au tinip^ 'che, K'ii tsiih die, ^^^ .t'iu ,wo 'ehe. T'iku ho che, 5^1 ^ ^ wo' jUiai 'che. llo mai ehe. kiity Wu ticn wu kiueh, M pf ^ ^ij ^xoh 'ho , Blending ;fg ^ ,k'au tsdp^. K'ii tsah, ^ ^ .ts'arn chak, tikj. Wii k'o tseh tih. Blench, to start back, ^ ^^ fan' haii', JUi ^ t'lii' ban'. T'lii liau, ig |f^ t'lii shuk,. T'lii sliiili, Bj|^ )^ bilk, shuk,. Hill shuli. Blench, to hinder, or obstruct, \ili^^ 'clio chii'. Tsii chii, |{I1# 'cho ngoi'. Tsii ngrii, jfB^^\ \Am kok,. Tdn kioh ; to render inelfectiial, ^ [,••,,'{ J^ ij^. 'sz ,kwai ,hii ^mo. Shi kwei hu wii. Blenched, shrunk, ^ji^^ fan' kwo' ban', ill|?Si^ t'lii' shuk, kwo'. T'lii sbub kwo, l^ ^^ j^ b:ik, shuk, kwo'. Hill sbub kwo; rendered inelVectual, j kwei hii wii. Blcncher, that which frustrates, (5]| ^5*1* '^''x' t'hai'. Tsu chi, |{li^;^$. 'cho ngoi''. Tsii ngdi chi sz. Blenching, shrinking, ^ |^ fan' ban', ii^ ^ f lii' shuk,. T'uishuh. Jilend, to mix or mingle together, ^j^% ,k'au Isdp^. K'ii (si'ili, ^ Id ,ts'am tkp^. Ts'iin tsah ,^ ^ ,k'au jWuu. K'ii yun, ^^ ,kim isdpj. KiontsAli, tsiipj. Ts'iin tsah, 5j«D ^ wo' ^miii. Ho mAi ; con- founding by mixture, •j^^^ 'kau liin'. Kiiiu Iwan. ]ilenny ^ ^ jii .nieng. Yii ming. Bless, to confer hapi)iness, as (irod, jfH chuk,. Chub, Ifli J^ chuk, fuk,. Chub fub, ^ $§ kong' fuk,. Kiang fub, |g iffg ^ik, fuk,. Sih fub, ^ ^ ts'z fuk,. Ts'z tub, J^ JUS .shi fuk,. Shi fub, ^ tik^. Tih, |f^ ts6'. Tsii, T^^ ^chan. Chin ; to pronounce a wish of happiness to one, j^ ^ ehuk, fuk,. Chub fub. j^fl chuk, ho'. Chub ho, j^^ chuk, 'ka. Chub kiii, m m s^'i l'"k,. Ki fub, fji ^ chuk, jlau. Chub liu, |^ (^ ^k'l ,sx. K'i sz ; to make happy, )j\\ ^^ ,kii fuk,. Kid fub, |^ ^ Mi fuk,. Yii fub; to make happy in a future life, ^^H^ Is'z' Ving fuk,. IVz yung fub, f^^Jci^ ^ flii'ii 'pi Sving Min ^chi fuk,. PI yung yuen chi •uh, ^|^>I' Mdng Idu, ^^ 'ku 'che. Ku che, ^ @ A 'J^u muk, jan. Ku muli jin, ^^-^ hat^ 'tsz. Hidh tsz; blind "man's cakes, "g" ^ f^- .mdng .kung 'peng. Mdng kung ping ; a blindman's stick, '^ ^ Yf .mdng .kung chuk,. Mdng kung chidi, "^ f^ t^ mdng '16 'pdng. Mdng lau pang; one bhnd man leading onother, ^^ M ^ 'leung 'kii ^seung * The insects that are said to occasion blight, are the SKS, !{ iming tt'ang cm4u ts'iikj. Ming t'ang mau ta'ih. BLI (202) BLI /li. Lid-ng ku siang fii, BW^W'^ '^^^ sdung* Tcii. t kii sidng kii ; thoush physically blind, he has a clear mind, '^M^Wi^^^M^^ ^chung ^ming jHiing. Sib cbung ming ming, \^^ pff ^ ^yan ^wai shik, 'sho ^mai. Jin M'ei sih so ml ; a blind wall, |ff 1? ;^ Hf ,mb ,ch'6ung ^chi ,ts*(iung. Wu chw'kng chi ts'idng; an asylum for blind people, "^ f^ |J^ ^mdng '16 un^ Mdng Idu yuen. Blind, to make blind, # "q ff HR 'cbing ^mdng ^b^ung ^ngdn. Cbing mdng shwdng yen, '^\ "^ i^ ,cham ^mdng higdn. Chin mdng yen, ^lJ"pPH; kat, ^mdng ^ngdn. Kih mdng yen; to darken the understanding, -^ ^ A JVj) /^^ j^^^i iJ^^^ jinung pai' jan ,sam. Mung pi jin sin, ■^A^d^^ 'sz ^yan ^sam 'kii. Shi jin sin ku. Blind, bamboo Yf M <^'^i^i^> j^'^- Chub lien ; Vene- tian ditto, ^'^ ^M jiigau phk, ip^ ,cb'6ung. Nid peb yeh chw'dng, UMMf^ ^^ s^^i^ ^ch'6ung ^mun. Pdn lien chw'dng mun, ^^"^ muk^ 'pdn ^lim, Muh pdn lien ; a screen, ^ ^i( jP'ing /ung. P'ing fung ; open the Venetian blinds, ^ 4- ^ ^ .^ ctoi ,ngau pdk, ip^ .ch'6ung. K'di niti peh yeh chw'dng ; let down the blinds, ~l^'^ %d jlim. Hid lien, ^ ^ \o\ ^lim. Loh lien ; a blind for a sedan chair, ^ i|i§ ^kiu mdn^ Kidu mwdn, ^j^ ^kiu ^lim. Kidu lien ; a cover for the eye, ip ^ming. Ming. Blinded, deprived of sight, "^ ^mdng. Mdng, ^ fpj sbat, jming. Shih ming, ^l]|j song' ^ming. Sdng blinded by gain, ^1] ^ :^ -^ H^ ling^ chi' Li ling chi hwan, .^f>IJT^iy.:^ ^^^' li' pat, nung; fan. mok, fan ,8Z i^ Kien If puh sz i, y^. |S f;^ ,,.., ^ li'. Mob hwan yd li, >|cvf;ljto|g^\k'au li^^mb im'. K'iu li wii yen ; blinded by dust, ^ ^mai. Mi ; deprived of intellectual discernment, ^ ^mai. Mi, ^i\^ s^t^^i^-? mui'. Mung mei. Blindfold, having the eyes covered, 'J^ ^]X n^% ,che *ngdn ke', ^ g {\(} pai' muk^ tik,. Pi muh tih, ^>IR6>I '^^ 'ngdn tik,. Ngan yen till ; having the mental eyes darkened, i\^ ^ {'Kj ^sam jUidng tik,. Sin mdng tih, ^ 1[|< jUuuig nuii^ Mung mei; to go on blindrold, Yi '""^- Mau, ^ tdp^. Tdh, ;j(/^fj -{^ J: -^f jU jt'6.Sihi5ung .ts'in. Hd t'd shdng ts'ien, j|«/j) ^ |fij ^^ ^d lid md hidng ts'ion. Blindfold, to covci' (ho eyes, ^ g pai' muk^. Pi ^mo hdung' jts'in. muh, jBS 'ft ^ HR .ch6 chu^ ^sh^ung ^ngan. Ch6 chd shwdng yen, ^ 'ft ^ B^^ '^m chu^ ^shdung ^ngdn. Ngdn chd shwdng yen ; to lead one blind- fold, {j(^A jUidn ^yan. Mwdn jin, ^^ A J'"^^ p'in' ^yan. Mwdn p'ien jin. Blindfolded ^ m6^ Mau, ^flij^ m6* mdi*. Mdu mei. Blinding, depriving of sight, 'f^ A W ''^ i^^^ ^ m d n g. Shi jin mdng, -^ g" A ,^ham ,mdng ^an. Chin mdng jin; obscuring, ^ Klfk ^ '^z ^yan 6m' mdi^ Shi jin ngdn mei, ^\'^ S^ 'sz ^yan m6' mdi^ Shi jin mdu mei. Blindly, Avithout understanding, ^ Ifjc mo' mdi'. Mdu mei, ^ ^ j^iung mdi^ Mung mei, ^ s^ H jUiai jt'au ^mai 'n6. Mi t'au mi ndu, ^ J^ ^mang mo 'mo. Mdng mo mo, sz s^.°- Sz jen, ft] jfJi ^mong jin. Wdng jen; rashly, ^ ja^ 'kau 'ch'I Kau ts'i^, ^ ^ tat^ ^in. Tub jen, ^ B tifn ^ pat, ,sz ji ^aiig. Pub sz rb hang, lit fi^ M i ^^^i i^'^^ chong^ hu'. Chih t'au chwdng k'u. Blindman's Buff ^£ A 'mo ^ ^yan, f^ ^Offi^ ,mdng jkung 'mo * 'd '16. Mdng kung mo yd lau, "^ Wis '^^ £™^°o .^^- (* Otherwise read mok,.) Blindness, want of bodily sight, ^ jQidng. Mdng, ^ H^ ^mdng 'ng&n. [Mdng yen, ^ g 'kd muk^. Kd muh ; ditto, or closed eyes, ^'B^^, mat^ ^gdn. Mih yen ; blindness of heart, ^^' ^ j^ung mdi*. Mung mei, Hg ^ 6m' mdi^ Ngdn mei, ^ ^ ^mung pai'. Mung pi; now your mind is benight- ed, 4^ ^i ^ ^ <^ t^ ^ ,kam ^mdu sak, 'tsz ,chi jSam H. Kin mdu seh tsz chi sin 1. Blinds, Venetian, ^ ^ ^ ,ngau pdk, ip^. Nid peh yeh, see Blind ; a defense make of osiers or bran- ches intei-woven, to shelter and conceal the work- men, ^1^ ^ying ch^ung'. Ying chdng. Blindside, the side which is most easily assailed, j^ ^ Z }K cSlio i^ cClii ch'u'. Sd jTi chi ch'd. Blind-vessel, with chemists, a vessel with an open- ing on one side only, ]^ p |^- ,tdn 'hau hi'. Tdn k'au k'i. Blink, to avoid, f^ Wn. Mien, je| pi^ Pi ; to wink at. m^Sl chd' ^m kin', i^^^f^ ^y^ung ^wai pat, kin'. Ydng wei puh kien, y!(^ ^ pat 'kdn. Puh kwdn, l#[g ii chi' y6uk^ hnong kin'. Chi job wdng kien, p/) {jf^ ;fC Ji pai' *Dgkn pat, kin'. Pi yen puh kien. Blink, to see with eyes half shut, ffij^^ $ |^ iff ^ tsau' ^mdi ^shcSung'ngdn jlai 't'ai, Ibl^fjHti ,mi ,mf ^iigdn ; to twinkle with the eye, 1^ * ^ BR yap, yap, 'ngdn, ^ \]l{ yap, 'ngdn, 'M^^Wi jP'an yap, ,sheung 'ngan, ]^ shun'. Shun, '^ 'shim. Shen, tj^ kap,. Kidh, ^ g ship, muk^. Slieh muh, Iji^sliun'. Shun, g:i^ shdp,. Shah, [•also wad ngitp,.] Blink, a glimpse or glance, ^ 'shun. Shun, — jj| yat, shi'. \ih shi. Blink, blink of ice, \*A\ \]i] ^^ 'shim 'shim ,kwong. Shen shen kwdng,.||i){. ^ 'yeung ,kwong. Ydng kwdng, 4'^(X)f5^j ^h6 .kwong 'shim 'shim. Hdu kwdng shen shen. BLI (203) BLO Blinkard, a person who blinks, |^ BR ^ yap, *rigdii 'ch6, lillllBRPi^ yap, yap, -'ngdu ke' ; that trhich twinkles, ^ 7^ ^ ^ 'shim ^kwong ^clii mat^. Shen kwdng chi wuh, ^3fe4l 'shim ^kwong 'ch6. Shen kwdng ch^. Blinkers, blinds on a horse's bridle to cover his eyes on the side, g^ -^ -ngdn ^ch6. Yen ch6. Blinking, winking, f^^^ chd' pat, kin'. Chd puh kien, ^ ^ pat, 'kun. Puh kwan ; twinkling, [^ BR yap, ^gan; avoiding, j^ pi'. Pi, ^ ^mln. Mien. Bliss *, the highest degree of happiness, jjig fuk,. Puh, jjjg jji^ fuk, jts'eung. Puh ts'i^ng ; heavenly bliss, 3!^ -^ Iw .t'in ^chi fuk,. T'ien chl fuh ; eter- nal bliss, ^^|§} -wing fuk,. Yung fuh, ^jf^iriS ^wing -iin ^chi fuk,. Yung yuen chi fuh ; every kind of bliss, /| jj^ mdn^ fuk,. Wan fuh, ^ jjig pak, fuk,. Peh fuh ; joy, ^ lok^. Loh ; to be in a state of bhss, ^ jjJS 'heung fuk,. Hidng fuh ; to enjoy eternal bliss, ^ ^ 'S. ^ Wm 'heung Ving "iln ^chi fuk,. Hidng yung yuen chi fuh. BUssful^ full of felicity, ^ JSfg -yau fuk,. Yii fuh, ^ jjiS 'heung fuk,. Hidng fuh, y^ jjjg ^miin fuk,. Mwan fuh, ;|| ^hi. Hi, |S ^^ fuk, tik,. Fuh tih, p^ P|^ fuk, ke' ; fuhiess of joy, y^ ^ 'miin lok^. MwAn loh. Blissfully, in a blissful manner, IS,^ fuk, ^in. Puh jen. ^ ^ Blissfulness, exalted happiness, jjfg fuk,. Puh, jfig^ fuk, 'che. Puh ch6, H lok,. Loh, gl ^ 'hi lok. HI loh. Bhssless, destitute of bUss, M^ ^b fuk,. Wii fuh, 5^ Is Tn6 fuk,. Blister, a thin bladder on the skin, containing serum, :^ j^ 'shui p'du'. Shwui p'du, ^ ^g 'shui p'au'. Shwui p'fiu, ;f^ p'du'. P'au, ^ p'du'. P'au, j^g p'Au'. P'au, ^g,|£ p'au' un'-. P'au hwdn, ^ ^chan. Chin, ^g, p'au'. P'au; blisters underneath the feet, MJ&tU keuk, 'tai p'au'. Kioh ti p'au, jil|]J[g^^ k^uk, 'tai p'au'. Kioh tl p'iiu; blisters on the feet, ^ {fg k6uk, p'au'. Kioh p'du, ^ y^ k^uk, p'au'. Kioh p'au, ^ 'kin. Kien ; a tumor made by the separation of the skin, ^ j|^ fat, Jan. Puh liu ; blisters or pustules, |^ ^ 'yan chan. Yin chin, ^h ?fi 'siu p'au'. Siau p'au, j^ -j^ p'au' 'tsai ; a vesicatory, a blister of Spanish Hies or other mat- ter applied to raise a vesicle, iJCj^*^^ 'hi p'au' ^k5 y^uk,. K'l p'au kau yoh ; blister plaster of Spanish flies, J^ ^ '^ ^ ,p6n ^raau ^ko yeuk^. Pan mdu kau yoh ; to raise a blister, ^ i{^ 'hi p'du'. K'i p'au ; to apply a blister plaster, tJ" ?^ '^^ U p'au' ,k6 yguk^. Ta p'au kau yoh, |AM ii'R'^ t'lp, ^pan ^mau ,k6 yeuk^. T'ieh pan mau kdu yoh, fr^^ 'td tiu' ^ko. Ta tiau kc4u. Blister, to rise in blisters, ^i'T^ 'hi p'au'. K'I p'au. Blister, to raise a blister, ^ f^ ^shang p'du'. Sang * a W'inS^ and similar expressions are merely lucky omens or indications of a prospering destiny. p'du, ^ ^g ,suang p'du\ Sang p'6u, j|| g£ 'hi p'du'. K'i pdu, ^ j% 'hi p'du'. K'l p'du. Blister-fly, the Spanish fly, J^ ^ j)dn ^mdu. Pdn mdu. BHster plaster ^y^^^ 'hi p'du' ,k6 y6ukj. K'l p'du kdu yoh, J^ ^ *^ ^pdn ^mdu ^5. Pdn mdu kdu. Blistered, having blisters, ^j^ "vau p'du'. Yd p'du, 3^^^g 'hi kwo' p'du', :^^pk -yau p'du' k^'. Blistering, raising a blister, ^ f^ 'hi p'du'. K'I p'du ; applying a blistering plaster, ^^^SM:*^^ t'ip, ^pdn ^mdu ^ko y^uk^. T'ieh pan mau kdu yoh. Blistery, full of blisters, ^ H ^ J'Q ,chau ^wai 'hi p'du'. Chau wei k'i p'du, ^^^}^ ^chau ^shan *hl p'du'. Chau shin k'l p'au, V^ :^ ^ i^ 'mlin ^shan 'hi p'du'. Mwan shin k'l p'du. Bute ^ ^ (?) In^ ts'oi'. Hien ts'di. Blithe, gay, merry, '|^ f^ fai' ut^i Kw'di hwoh, '^ if^ fdi'lok^. Kw'di loh, f^'^^ch'^ung'fdi'. Ch'dng kw'di, 1^ il^ 'shong fai'. Shwang kw'di, ^ gj ^^ 'miin mln^ 'hi shik,. Mwdnmien hi sih, ^ .5?! 'hi lok^. HI loh. Blitheful, full of gayety, jj^'^^ 'h5 fdi' ut^. Hdu kw'di hwoh. Blitheness, gayety, '^ fg- ^ fdi' utj 'ch6. Kw'di hwoh ch6. Blithesome, merry, i\j^ ^ fdi' dt^. Kw'di hwoh, '^ ^ fdi' lok,. Kw'di loh. BHthesomeness, gayety, '^ ^ ^ fdi' lok^ 'ch6. Kw'di loh chd, iglfl^ 'hi lok^ 'ch6. HI loh cU. Bloat, to swell, ^ 'chung. Chung, ^|^ 'hi 'chung. K'I chung, [sui'j ; to puff up, ^ ^ ^king ^kw'd. King kw'd, ^ X ^kw'd tdi\ Kw'd td ; to pufiF one's self up, ^ §^ tsz^ ^kw'd. Tsz kw'd, ^ ;^ tsz' tdi-. Tsz td, g If ;^ tsz' ,kw'd tai'. Tsz kw'd ta, S Pl^ S ^^^^ s^ung chung-. Tsz lung chung ; to swell with water, f^ /jf ^ch'ui cheung'. Ch'ui chdng, P^:7[C jCh'ui 'shui. Ch'ui shwui; to dry by smoke, ;§t }^^ f^ 'pi ^In ^ts'au. Bloated, swelled, §^ 'chung. Chung, g|| ^ 'chung 'hi. Chung k'l, M^^ 'chung 'hi ^loi. Chung k'i lai, ||f ^ Cheung' 'hi. Chdng k'l; inflated, PX M .ch'ui chdung'. Ch'ui chdng, pX M M ^ch'ui Cheung' kwo'. Ch'ui chdng kwo ; inflated or bloated with pride, |f ;^ ^kw'd tdi\ Kw'd td, ^ fUJ: ,kiu ngo". Kiau ngau, g ^ — • ^ muk^ ,hung vat, ts'ai'. Muh k'ung yih ts'I, gf^ ^ gg j*^ ^ngan Jiung sz' 'hoi. Yen k'ung sz hdi, g Cfl ^&\ muk^ jChung ^mo ^yan. Muh chung wii jin, Hji ^ ^ngdn ^kb. Yen kau ; a bloated face, @ @ min' 'chung. Mien chung, [min' sui'. Colloquial.] Bloatedness, a turgid state, gg ^ 'chung 'ch6. Chung ch6, f\^^ cheung' 'che. Chdng ch6. Bloater, a dried herring, ^ -fi| ^ ^wong ^n ,kon. Hwang yii kdn. Bloating, swelling, ^^ 'chung. Chung, ^ cheung'. Chdng, [sui'j ; inflating, P^]^ ,ch'ui ch^tmg'. Ch'ui chdng. Blobber, a bubble, ^Jcf^ 'shui p'du'. Shwui p'du, ^ 33LO (204) fiLO :J!g 'shui .fd. Shwui hvrl, ^ miit,. Mob, ^ ^• ,t'ong /A. T'dng hwd. Blobber-lip, a tbick lip, j^Jp bau' ^sbun. Hau shun, ;^ P Jp tdi^ 'bau ,8bun. Td k'au shun. Blobber-lipped, j^ -ff (i^ bau^ ^shun tik,. Hau shun till, J? J^ "iJt ^»au' jSbun k6'. Block, a heavy block of timber, ^ ^ S^ tdi^ muk^ jt'au. Td mull t'au ; a block of 'wood irrespective of size, 7)\: 5^ muk^ ^t'au. Muh t'au, ^ g^ ^ch'di jt'au. Ch'di t'au, ^ |3^ ^cli'di tun^ Ch'di twdn, ^ ^t'ung. T'ung, f^ lip^. Lieh, tK^^ muk^ luk,. Muh lub, ^ \% jCh'di luk,. Ch'di luh, \^ f-^ ch'dm' luk,. Shdti luh ; the block on which cri- minals arc beheaded, ^ "^ '^ SM '(-'hdm 'shau muk^ jt'au. Chdn shau muh t'au, ^ M. ^^^ 'chdm ,t'au muk^ ^cham. Chdn t'au muh chin ; a block for printing, ;^ i^ muk^ 'pdn. Muh pdn, m 'j^ yan' 'pdn. Yin pdn ; a block (continuous row) of buildings, — ^f M yat, ^hong uk,. Yih hdng uh, — 1^1^ ^ yat, p'di' uk,. Yih p'di uh ; a block of stone, :k^'i M t^i^ ^^^' shek^ ^t'au. Td kw'di shih t'au, J; ;^' sM tai^ shek^ ^t'au: Td shih t'au ; a block for chopping meat on, |^ J^^ yukj jCham. Juh chin, Jq^ ^ ^cham 'pan. Chin pdn ; a hatter's block, iji^ 1^ mo^ ^kw'ai, Man kw'ei, i|ip i^ mo^ ^rao. Mdu mii ; any block for beating on, "^h^^ muk^ ^cliam. Muh chin, 1^^ ,cham. Chin, :^ ^cham. Chin, iflj' ^tsai. Tsl, Ijf • t'6. T'au, ^^ un\ Hwdn ; the stump of a tree, mMW \vl sliii' jt'au kwat, chiit,. Shu t'au kuh chueh ; a hindrance, |5f[ ^' 'cho chai^ Tsti chi ; a stumbling-block, ^^: ^ ngoi^ shek^. Ngai shih, i^^ .ki. Ki, fil >r^ ngoi^ .ki. Ngdi ki. Block, to stop up, ^ ^^ sak, chii^ Seh chii, (Jfl. ij|| 'cho ngoi^ Tsu ngdi, |^[5fl, ^Idn 'cho. Ldn tsu, ^ 'yung. Yung, j^ ch(3ung'. Chdng ; to block up the road, 1^ 'ft {^ sak, chii' W. Sell chu lu, ^ ii 'yung to^ Yung tdu, W:MM.^ >°g sa^ t6'" ■ ~" ■ Block-house yf; ^ mukj kd' uk,. Muh kid uh. Block-like, stupid, ^^^ ^u 'ch'un. Yu ch'un, ^^j^ tun' chiit,. Tun chueh, fj^^ ^^ wan' *t'un. Hwan tw'dn, fg ^ p'di' Idi', ^ ;g| ^wdn 'kang. Hwan kang. Block-printing, a mode of printing from engraved wooden blocks, i^ pp 'pdn yan'. Pdn yin, |]| ;?fv tR f n ^ yuJig^ iiiuk^ 'pdn yan' ,shu. Yung muh pdn yin shu. Block-tin, pure and unwrought tin, as it comes from the foundry, if- i^j 'tau sck,. Tau sib, i^ ^ /d sek,. Hwd seh. Blockade, tbe shutting up of a place, by surround- ing it with hostile troops or ships, ^ ^ /"Wg 'kong. Fung kidng, §^ J^ ^ /ung 'kong 'ch6. Fung kidng ch6, ttjl^P ^ /ung 'hoi 'hau 'ch<5. Fung hdi k'au die. Blockade, to shut up a place by troops or ships, ^ "■ ^fung 'kong. Fung kidng; to blockade a town, 16'. Yung seh tdu lii. muk^ uk. Muh uh, ;^ ^ g) ^ jWai jShing. Wei ching, ^ #£ :?C *§ ^wai jShing pat, ,t'ung. "Wei ching puh t'ung. Blockaded, shut up, ^ J^ /"^g kwo'. Fung kwo ; surroimded, ^-ft ^wai chii'. Wei chii, ^^ jWai kwo'. Wei kwo, ^ j^ -ft ^wdn Hd chu'. Hwdn ydu chii. Blockading, besieging by a blockade, ^ - Hiuch, ^ /ong. Hwdng; blood and breatli, ^ ^ hiit, hi'. Hiueh k'i, -^ % ^wing wai'. Yung wei ; man's blood is his glory, and his breath his protection, if their circulation is im- peded, the viscera do not act, A ii^ M ^ ^^ IM ^.Jiii. "^m'^^n, ili^f^ii .yan H hiit, ,wai jWing, *i hi' ^wai wai', ^wing wai' pat, jhang, hig tsong' pat, ,t'ung. Jin i hiuch wei yung, i k'i wei wei, yung wei puh hang, wii tsdng puh t'lmg ; blood is divided into red and white, warm and cold, ^^U^%%ZM hiit, Vau ,bung pdk, jhon itj ^clii plt^. Hiueh yii hung peh ban jeh chi pieh ; kindred, [^ J^ JIR ,t'ung hiit, makj. T'ung hiueh meh, — JiJl^;^!)^ yat, mak^ ,chl .ts'an. Yih meh chi ts'in, ^ ^ Z^x. jf ung hut, .chi p'di'. " blood, I^Ji-Jt/f^jfj^ ,t'ung .chi p'di' tik,. T'ung chi p'di tih, \n\ ^v^ /'uTig ,kd k6' ; kinsmen of half blood, ^^i^^ /an .chi p'di' tik,. Fan chi p'di ^'•'' ^^M^ /an .chi p'di' 'clic. Fan chi p'di che ; blood vessels, [JiL J3J|^ <^ hiit, mak^ Tcdn. Hiueh meh kwdn, ^ J^jj^ .king mnk^. King meh ; capillary blood vessels, \^ ^ ^ ^ ^nii .sz hat, 'ktin. AVi sz hiuch kwdn ; arterial blood, £||9II^[^ t'iii' makj hiit,. T'idu mob hiueh, Hitillfi. ^'V*^' niak 'kiln hut . T'idu meh kwdn hiueh, J^ ^ T'ung hiueh chi p'di, Igjfj'l^ /'""g k^\-at, T'unjr kuh juh ; kinsmen of the whole BLO ,'O'aSiiifaltrw iu'wAtihM (20fe) BLO jhung liiit,. Hung hiueli ; venous blood, ^^]^ jldm 'kun hiity Ldn kwan hiueh, ^J^ jlam liiit^ Lan liiueh ; circulation of the blood, ^ ^ j£ jM hvit, ^chl \± lit^ sing'. Lieh sing, f; '[^. kap, sing'. Kih sing ; man's life is in his blood, )\^ ^ ^'m'^M.P^ jyan cCti ,shang meng^ tsoi^ hiit, noi". Jin chi sang ming tsdi hiueh nui ; to shed blood, '^K:^'^ jlau jan ^chi hiJt,. Liu jin chi hiueh, ^ X shdt^ jan. Shah jin ; to shed one's own blood for some good cause, :f| |g ^kiin ^k'ii. Kiuen k'vi, ^^Zk. 'sh« 'kl ^chi hvit,'. Shi6 ki chi hiueh ; the juice of any thing, ^^^ chap, ; the blood of the grape, ||^^;^v'f jP'^ c*'^ 'tsz ,chi chap,, P'u t'du tsz chi chih ; to weep blood, yji ^ yap, liiit,. Kih hiueh ; a letter written in blood (at the last extremity), jjj ^ hiit, ^shii. Hiueh shu ; blood and matter, |^ jj^ ^nung hut,. Blood-baptism ^^'^H hiit, ^chi tsam' ^lai. Hiueh chi tsin li ; a name given to the martyrdom of those who had not been baptized, ■^jc 4 ^ I^ /Is ffp -ling 'sai 'lai ,i wai' Y^su chi 'ch6 .ch'in" ,wai 'Hnff hiit ^meng chi tsam' 'lai. shau" 'sz Wi Ung si li rh wei Y6su chi ming shau sz ch6 ch'ing wei ling hiueh chi tsin li. Blood-bespotted, spotted with blood, 0^ '^ ^^ P^ 'i hiit, 'tim k6', j^ ^ ^j^ ^ "i hiit, 'tlm kwo'. 1 hiueh tien kwo. Blood-brother, brother by blood from the same par- ents, II )l ^ts'an ^hing. Ts'in hiung, ^g Jlj, ,pau jhing. Pau hiung. Blood-colored, having the color of blood, ^^ hiit, shik,. Hiueli sih. Blood-consuming, wasting the blood, ^J^ fai' hiit,. Fi hiueh. Blood-dru^nk, drunk with blood, ^ g^ hiit, tsui'. Hiueh tsui. Blood-dyed, dyed with blood, J^^ hiit, 'im. Hiueh yen, ^ ^ "ini 'i hiit,. Yen i hiueh. Blood-flower, haemanthus, ^J^^ jliung jts'z ^kti. Hung ts'z kii. ^m^Amt^ Blood- guiltiness, the guilt or crime of shedding bloocl, IS: A ^ P shat, jan ,chi tsiii^ Shdh jin chi tsui, '/^^^Z inl. s^'au ^mb ^kii ^chi hiit,. Blood-guilty, guilty of murder, ^ -^ n. Ts'an jin, ^ f^ ,hung ^rnang. Hiung mang, 5lL ^ ,hung i)(V. Jliungpau; a bloody battle, jjji ^ hiit, chin', iliiudi chen, A © t'di' shdt,. TjI shah; a bloody fellow, VjL^"- ,hung 'shau. Iliung shau; a bloody atlair, ^#"(!;t^ ,1">"J? h«n* ^^' s'-'. yi Ui^i%'-\1 .bung 'mang ke sz.^ Bloody-cvedi, having cruel eyes, ^ |1{\ f|{j .hungr Bloom, a blossom, :^ /d. Hwd; the opening of floM ers in general, ^ ^ ^ :^ /a ^chi ^hoi 'ch6. Hwd chi k'di ch6, il:^j^^ S^ .^hi fong' 'ch6. Hwd chi fdng che. :I^Z^^ S^ i /a lok, ,m6 jan kin'. Hwd k'ai hwa loh wu jin kien. Blossoming, putting forth flowers, ^ '^ Jioi /d. K'di hwd. Blot, to spot with ink, ^A 'tim. Tien, tT'/zS '^^ 'f^^T^, I . ^ yif 'tim ^u. Tien wii, ^ ^ 'ching^u. Ching wu, tr li^ M * 'ta 'tim mak, 'shui, y^ ,}^ g ;;i}C tik, lok^ mak^ 'shui. Tih loh ;neh shwui, •f^ M ^h 'i^ V^ mak, 'tim 'nan ; to blot out, to obli- terate, ^^ ^t'6 rnut,. T'li moh, f/S}j} 'tim ch'ut,. Tien ch'uh-, '^ ^ ^ch'ii hu'. Ch'u k'ii, ^ 'hii. K'ii; to erase, j|J^ kwat, hii'. Kwdh k'ii, jpj-^ ,shdn hii'. Shan k'ii, §1) -^j ^shan seuk,. Shan sioh ; to obliterate and correct, H^J f^ ^shan *koi. Sluin kdi, -^ pjr ^t'5 'koi. T'li kdi, p^ ^|J 'koi sduk,. Kdi sioh; to oblitai-ate and add a new character, j^ g^ ^t'im 'koi. T'ien kdi, -^ ^ ,t'o ut,, T'li yueh ; to cancel, J^J^ -^ miit, hii'. Moh k'ii ; to disgi-ace, 'fij l§. ^\i yuk^. Wii juh ; blot out all mine iniquities, '^^^^^ ^t'o miit, 'ngo ^hin. T'li moh wo k'ien ; to blot a man's reputa- tion, '/^ ^ ^ I] ^u yuk^ ^shing ^meng. Wii juh shing ming. Blot, a spot or stain on paper, ^fi^ 'tim mak,. Tien meh, ,^ ii'A ^11 'tim. Wu tien ; a spot in reputa- tion, y^ ^ VL ,meng. Wu ming, ^ ;^ ch'au' ^meng. Ch'au ming, ^ Jfi ^ ;^ 'ya" tim' /ong ^meng. Yu tien fdng ming ; a diBgrace, ^ffj ^ ^li. yuk^. Wii juh; a blemish, ^ ^ )^ 'yau chdk, ch'ii', Yiitsehch'ii. Blotch, a pustule upon the skin, f^ p'du'. P'au, ^ ^ li ff it> tuk^ nap, 'tsai, ^Jn ^ 'siii >u. Sidii liii; wine blotches, 0JJ ,chd. Cha, 0'ij^ 'tsau ^cha. Tsiii cha, l^f^ ^ ^ 'au. Ts'iu. Bloted, smoked and dried, M jj^ ^ ^fan kwo ^kon'. Hiun kwo kdn, i^j{ )^ /s'au kwo'. Ts'iii kwo. Blotted, stained, i6^ >/^ •;^ 'tim ^li kwo'. l^en wii kwo ; erased, '^^i^ ,t'o miit, kwo'. T'li moh kwo. Blotter, a waste book, ^ f{5 'ts'6 po". Ts'du pii'; Jg |[i:^f$ !]') yat, ^6 'chdm /'au. Yil^tdu chdn t'au, — • 7J Pl^ ^X yat, (to "leung tiin'. Yih tdu Udng twdn ; a fatal blow, — ' ^ j?j^ •^ yat, 'td chf mengS — (0^ tT ^ yat, ^hd 'td wdiS — 7C M BLO (208) BLTT jg yat, hok^ Md *hi ; to break a blow, ^ i^^ 'tons kA\. Tdng keh ; a severe blow, ^J ^J j^ ;y^ A 'h6 ^ts'ai 'ts'dm ,chl sz^ Hdu ts'I ts'iin chi sz, ^ ^ ;^ ^ ^du ,kwdn ,chi sz'. Kitiu kwdn chi 8Z, ^^Zkttt ^^^^K 's^' m yat^ mat, i^ /ung ,ch'ui ^ni ^ai .ni, ^ g ^.JILP^f^ ^Ijlhb c^^"^ ya^> 't*^™ /"°o ,ch'ui ^ni th' 'ts'z. Kin jib tsang fung ch'ui ni tdu ts'z ; to burst, ^ ^ pdu' sdn'. Pau sdn ; to blow one's fingers, IfiJ -^ ho 'shau. Ho shau. hi'. Ch'ui k'i, p^ ^ ,ch'ui 'ch'un. Ch'ui ch'un, ! Blow, a blossom, :^ /d. Hwd; a gale of wind, ;^ ^ Ii)Z5 .ch'ui pit,. Ch'ui pieh, I); hap^. Hidh, fj(| ^ tdi\fung. Td fung. yiJt,. Yuh, 1^ p'dn'. P'in, D^J ,hii. Hii ; to blow Blo^vpipe, a, p^ ^ ^ ,ch'ui 'fo /ung. Ch'ui ho gently, ^ P^ jau ,ch'ui. Jau ch'ui, (]&) g^ .hii t'ung, '^p^ .tang .ch'ui. Tang ch'ui. .hii. Hii hii, p^f^ .ch'ui .hii. Ch'ui hii, ^^SR;fj Blower, one who blows, p^ ^ .ch'ui 'ch^. Ch'ui ^ sai' sai' lik^ .ch'ui. Si si lih ch'ui ; to breathe, ; ch6 ; a fender or plate of iron used to increase the ij^ ^ 't'au hi' ; to blow as the wind, ^ p^ .fung .ch'ui. Fung ch'ui ; to blow a gale of wind, ^|g^ 'td .fung kii^ Ta fung kii, tT ^ M. 'td p6' draft of a chimney, ^jp .fung shin'. Fungshen; an organ blower, S^^% 'ch'di ^k'am 'che. Ch'di k'in che. jfung. Td pdu fung, ^ ;Ac f^ J^ung tdi^ tsok,. Blowing, making a current of air, ^ .ch'ui. Ch'ui ; Fung td tsoh, tX I'll #: 't«^ /^^o P^^- '^'^ ^^^S : pdu ; it blows, ^ f^ S^^S tsok,. Fung tsoh ; to blow over, P^"^ .ch'ui kwo'. Ch'ui kwo; to pass away without effect, P^ j^ ^ ^ ^ ,ch'ui kwo' ^mb jlau tsik,. Ch'ui kwo wu liii tsih, [/tj {^ sz' sdn'. Sz sdn, i^ f kwo' ^liii. Kwo liau ; to blow up, as gunpowder, i^ ^ pdu' sdn'. Pdu sdn ; to • blossom, fl^ :^ .hoi .fd. K'di hwa. Blow, to drive by a cuiTent of air, |i^ .ch'ui. Ch'ui; to blow the flute, P^^^ .ch'ui tek^. Ch'iu tih, pjf^ ' " .ch'ui .siu. Ch'ui sidu, P^j^ .ch'ui ^ch'i. Ch'ui breathing quick, P^^ p'an' hi'. P'in k'i ; inflat- ing, P^^ .ch'ui cheung'. Ch'ui chdng; impelling by wind, 1^-^ .ch'ui hii'. Ch'ui k'U; sounding a wind instrument, P)l^-^'^ .ch'ui ngok^ hi'. Ch'ui yoh k'i. Blowing, the act of blowing, ^^ .ch'ui 'ch6. Ch'ui ch6. Blown, blown by the wind, P^j^ .ch'ui kwo'. Ch'ui kwo; inflated, P^jlf ^ .ch'ui ch6ung' kwo'. Ch'ui chdng kwo; ditto as a blossom, p^J^^ .hoi kwo* ts»6 fa. K'di kwo hwd. ch'i ; to blow the sumpitan, p^ "^ .ch'ui jt'ung. > Blowso, a light loose garment, ^ ^^ .fun .shdm Ch'ui t'ung ; to blow the trumpet, t*^^^ .ch'ui j Kwdn sdn. h6^ jt'ung. Cii'ui hdu t'ung ; to blow the honi, j Blowzc, a ruddy, fat-faced woman, tI^B. i^ '^ P^ ;^ .ch'ui kok,. Ch'ui koh ; to blow the alarm, tsuk^ ^p'o. Ts'fi sub p'o. ^ # A '1<'"S ln'^1^, jyan. King hih jin, P^ ^ ;^j Blowzy, ruddy-faced, ^^^^ ^hung mln' tik,. Hung .ch'ui h5^ kok,. Ch'ui hdu koh, p^f^ .ch'ui .ts'au. I mien tih, j^ ifil P|5t jhung min' ke'. Ch'ui ts'iu ; to deposit eggs, as flics, ~p f^ Mid Blubber, the fat of whales and other largo animals, .ch'un. Hid ch'un, ^ ^ .o .ch'im; to form bob- bles by blowing, p^ j^ .ch'ui p'du'. Ch'ui p'aii ; to blow the nose, ^^ .^.). sang' pi\ ^ ^. * sang' pi'. * # ^ 1»^' pi' t'ai'. K'ii pi t'i, ^ 'yau. Yd ; to blow out the candle, F»^ ,|, ifi. ^ .ch'ui §M vft jl^'inr? jyaii. K'ing yu ; a soa-blubbor, the medusa, ^jc ^ 'shui hnb. Shwui uui, ;^ ^ 'hoi chit,. Hdi cheh, ^ (t*^ 'hoi jSh6. Hdi shi6 ; the dried skin of the blubber fish, ^ ^ chit, 'jp'i. Cluih p'i. sik, Idpj chuk,. Ch'ui sih Idh chub, ji^ M ^ ^ Blubber, to weep in such a manner as to swell the .ch'ui .u Idp^ chuk,. Ch'ui wu hih chuli, pt^J^ijjf^ cheeks, ^5JM UiJ ^^K *chung min*. Kuh chung ^ .ch'ui hak, .tang 'fo. Ch'ui boh tang ho; to mien, PJl^ UijV ^ hdm' 'chung min^ Hdn chung blow glass, P^^'fj),} ob'ui .po ^li. Ch'ui po li ; to mien. blow away, pjf^ ^ .in ui hii'. Ch'ui k'ii, p^ \^i Blubbered, swelled, fl^ 'chung. Chung, @<>^ 'chung .ch'ui sdn'. Ch'ui sdn ; to blow down, P^|0j .ob'ui ke, g^ ^ 'chung kwo*. Chung kwo. 't6. Ch'ui tdu ; to blow oil", P^^ ,oh'ui lok^. Ch'ui Bludgeon, a short stick Mith one end loaded, or lob ; to blow olf tvjship, ^'^J^\^^ '*'* <"hokj jShiiu thicker and lioax-ior than and used as an ofionsivo hii'. Td chib oh^ien k'ii ; to blow a bladder, p^ ; weapon, i^ sA^ ^- s^° j^'^" cP^^ <^"^- Yuen mm BJ Ani chW ,p'ong kwong Ch'ui | r^e ia^;,.^t^,. tho'^gh'ok^^^r^ by tcHcherm doe. chdng p dng kwdng ; to blow the fire, P^^ ,ch Ul ; „„t «.nvcy the meanioi; int..«dHd , Uw» .hould not be OMd. HLV (200) BITT ^ts'eng. .ts'eng. t'au pien kan, ^g* jl^ J^ jiin ^fau kwau'. Yuen t'au kwan, ^ vMWi ^^^' s^'*'-^ kwan'. Ta t'au k^van. Blue ^ jlam. Lan ; light azure blue, fH. ^ T^\ jlam. Yub lan, ^ jj^ niiii^ jlam. Nun lan ; light blue, ]^^ 'ts'iu Jam. Ts'icn lan; azure blue, ^ ^ ^t'in ^ts'eng. T'ien ts'ing; sky blue, ^.^ ,sam ,ts'eng. San ts'ing ; pure blue, ."II '^ i" ^ts'eng. Kb ts'ing; deep blue, f^ i^ ^iin ^ts'eng. Yuen ts'ing ; Prussian blue, y^-. |j^ jeung tin\ Yang tien,. 7^ pf jY^i^Do c^s'eng. Yang ts'ing ; ultra marine, fi/jj -^ fat^ c^s'^Jig- 1'''^'^^ ts'ing ; smalty [smalts or smalt] blue, ^f) |p^ pj fat^ ^t'au Pub t'au ts'ing ; dark blue, '^ j^j ^sham Shin ts'ing ; blue black, -^^^ '16 jlam. Lau lan ; cerulean blue, ]f|- i^ ,ts'eng Jam. Ts'ing lan ; a blue indigo color, ^ ^ Jam shik^. Lan sib ; for- eign blue, 7^ ^^ f< '^'^ i^'^^ ^^^'- ^^'^ ^^^ siei^. Blue vitriol, sulplatc of copper, Qg. ^ 'tdm jfdn. Tan fan, ^ ^ Jam shek^. Ldn shili. Blueness, the quality of being blue, ^ ^- Jam 'chd. Ldn che ; a blue color, ^ ^ Jam shik,. Lda sih, W Hi c^^'^^E shik,. Ts'ing sih. Bluff, a high bank, presenting a steep front, |1|^ ^ 'ts'iii pik . Ts'iau pih, ^ ^ tiii' pik,. Tidu pih, ^ ^ ^k'i pik,. K'i pih, t5l til :^ Ul Pjl tat^ cli'ut, ^chi ^shan 'tsui. Tub ch'uh chi shAn tsui. Bluff, rough and svirly, ^ :{'^ 'mong chon3^ Mdng clnvang, |^ ^ '16 'mong. Lu mkng, fjl |g Js'6 '16. Ts'u lu, :^ Jl 'kau 'ch'e. Kau ts'ie, ^ ^ *ts'6 sutj. Ts'au sub, iffifS Js'6 'mang. Ts'u mang. Bluff-bowed, having broad and flat bows, ^i^ |^ v^ tun^ J'au ke'. Bluffness, bloatedness, 3£ 'chung. Chung, |gi §^ min^ 'chung. Mien chung; surliness, ^ ^ ^ ts'uk, jyung 'che. Ts'uh yung che, ^ ^ ;^ ok, p'ik, 'che. Ngoh p'ih che. Bluffy, having bluffs, |l||tM6\f '^s'iu pik; tik,. Ts'idu pih tib, i^ II ng| 'ts'iu pik, ke'. Bluish, blue in a small degree, j^ ^ '(s'in Jdm. Ts'ien lan, ^ ^"* ^ ^se 'siiiu Jam. Sie shau lan, - li^ ^ yat, Ji Jam. Bluishncss, a small degree of blue color, ^ ^ '^ ^ ^s6 'shii'i Jsim 'che. Sie shau lan che. Blunder, to mistake grossly, '|J^ ng^ Wu, |g= ts'o'. Ts'o, ^ ^ tai' mau^ Ta miu, ;^ |^ tai' ts'o'. Ta ts'o, i |g= .ch'd ts'o'. Ch'a ts'o, ^ ^ ts'o' ng-. Ts'o wu, 1^ ^ ng' man'. Wu miu, '^"{. :jf ng' chong'. Wu cliwang, ^ ^ ts'o' shat,. Ts'o shih ; he has made a blunder, -ftji'l^^ J'a ng' sz'. T'a wu sz, fg '^ ^ 'k'ii ug' sz' ; to make a blun- der, :^'|^t 'y«w ng"- Yii wu, ^^ 'yau ts'o'. Yii ts'o, ^ -^ 'yau shat,. Yii shih, ^ »^ shat, ng'. Shih wii, ^ ^ 'yau ^ch'a. Yii ch'a. Blunder, mistake, '|^t ^^- Wu, ^ ts'o'. Ts'o, ^^ ts'o' rg'. Ts'o wu. Blunderbuss, a short gun capable of holding a large number of balls, ^ p ^^ tai' 'hau 'shau ch'ung'. Ta k'au shau ch'ung ; a stupid, blundering fellow, i|i ^ ^ Jieng ts'o '.5he. K'ing ts'au che, ^ ^ ^ Jau ts'V 'ch6. Fan ts'au che, ?f ^I'PjtA /au ts'o' k'c' jan. Blunderer, one who is apt to blunders, J^ ^ "It A. ^feu t6'6' ke' ,yan, jtlLf^©"!^ ^^p^ liin' tso' ^6 ke' ; a careless man, !)1|0. i^ Jieng ^kw'ong 'chd. K'ing kw'ang che, 'I^^Plt A, 'i" "mong k6' jan, ^Mfl\J A 'mong chong' tik, ^yan. Mimg chwdog tih jin. Bhmder-head, a stupid felloAv, ^M^^ K 1^ 'ol^'uu kc' jyan, [^ # pfe A '^^ ''^ong ke' ^yan. LLTJ (210) BLTJ Blundering, mistaking grossly, fj ^]\ jhang ts'o'. Hang ts'o, il^cd'^} jkw'ong 'mong lik,. Kw'ang ■n-iing till ; lie -is always blundering, tB '^' il ^7 'k'ii jSliuung liiii^ ,lia"g- K'ii cliAng UvAn liang, tg ^ ©• :^5|i Vu tso' -yo 'ls'6 sut,. K'u tso ye Is'au suli. Blunderingly, in a blundering manner, ^ ^ pU t^ ^ ts6^ 'yd k6m' 'ts'6 sut,. Tso y6 kdn ts'du 8uh. Blunt, having a thick edge, ^^ tun^ Tun, ^ jt'6. T'du, >fC 5^] pat, li^ Tuh li ; dull in understand- ing, g^ife 'ch'un tun*. Ch'un tun, ^^'j^ U6 tun^ Lii tun, ^ :|{U 'ch'un chut,. Ch'un chueh, ^ ^^ ngoi tun^ Ngai tun, ^ if^ tun* mat^. Tun Avuh, ^^ Jit s»i tun*. Yutun, J^ ,ch'i .oh'i. Ch'I ch'i, ^ jWdn. Ilwiin, ^ )^ ^wan jp'i. Iludn p'i; wanting the forms of civility, )|'|[ .ts'6. Ts'ii, ^^ 1^ ^ts'6 'lb. Ts'u 111, Miiilfl^ ^mb 'lai tik,. Wii li lih.'te iSfi ^mo -lai sl.o. Wii li sii, ;|^.-g ^ch'ui *16. Ch'ui hi, i(^ fS- .ts'A tsuk^. Ts'u suh, ]g g^ chikj 'kau. Chili kiau, Rj^ in*. Yen ; plain, j^'f^ *kong jP'ong. Kiang p'ang; rude but honest, ^ 2J^ chung* jp'i. Cliungp'i, :j;|'^ p'ok, shat^. P'oh shih, f^ ^^ hau* p'ok,. llau p'oh, fjf Q^ /ui ,hu. Ilvrui hii, f| ^l' ^^^^^j P'^k,. Chih p'oh ; blunt, straightforward advice, g>| ngok^. Ngoli, |^ g^ ngokj, ngokj, ^H?| 'kin ngok^. Kien ngoh. Blunt, to dull the edge or point, ^^^ ^mo tun*. Mo tun. Blunt-wittcd, dull, ^^ tun*. Tun, ^^ 'ch'un ^ngoi. Ch'un ngili; to repress carnal desires, ^|^ chat^ yuk,. Chihyuh. mBJ'Ky^K Yahyuh,'^;^^ tun* yuk^. Tun yuh. Blunted, made blunt, ^ '^ (x^ ^mo kwo' tun*. Mo kwo tun; repressed, \^)^ at, kwo'. Ydh kwo. Blunting, making dull, f^ ^'.^ ^rao tun*. Mo tun; repressing, J^ lit,. Y'ali. Bluntly, in a coarse manner, if^H.^ ,ls'6 ^onff *k6m ydung*. Ts'u miing kaii yaiiir. Bluntness, want of edj^e, i% Y> ^'"^^ '^'"'- Tun olid; coai-sencss of address, f^ fg. ^- ^ts'6 Isuk^ 'che. Ts'ii suh elie; rude sincetitv or plainness, ;|;j» ^j' :^ p'ok, shat^ 'did. VW.x shih ch.', jf ^|. ^ hau* ji'ok, 'chd. ][au ])'oh chd, fl :j;l» i< chat, p'ok *clid. Chih p'()hch«. Blur, a dark spot, ^ % l.:ik, 'lini. Heh ticn, ,% vl- ,u 'titn. AVuiieii; a stain. '/// JbA /i 'rim. NYi'i tien ; a stain cu ojc'd leputaliou, '/// ^ ,u yuk . "NVu juh. Blur, to obscure by a dark spot, ^ M 'ching hak,. Cliiiu; hell, ^ ^J' Vliin- jnumg. Cliinj; nmng. ^ p'j ffi 'ohiiig ,u 'lini. Cliing wi'i tien ; to blui- ill iirinting, f^ .cli'am. Ts'Am, i^jQ 'pau ,mung Pan mung, f i '^f ^ ^ 'lion ,«hu ng* »;vd. K'dn sliu \vu yd; lo cover wiili disgniee, jlj^ \'\ yuk. ■\Vu juh, i^pj lini' /i. Tieu wi'i, J^^J^ tiiu yukj. Tien "juh. Blinied, d likened, i^jf ^^^ .f-J Miing kwo' ,ii. Ching kwo wii, ^"1 jl^ -^ 'thing kwo' ^mung. Ching kwo mung ; stained, ^ )|^ pj 'ching kwo' ^tL Ching kwo wii. Blurring, darkening, $|,^ 'ching ,u. Ching wu, ^ 'ching jmung. Ching mung ; staining, 'ching ^u. Ching wu. Blurt, (with out) to utter hastily, ^^ liin* ngap,; to utter inadvertently, '^^ 'tsii sit,. Tsii sieh, ^ # .heng jin. K'ing yen, ;f^,@.rfn W P^^. .^^ j^ s^' don't speak hastily, ^^^^ ^nib i* ^yau ^in. Blurting, uttering hastily, ^^ i^ jin. I yen, ^^ ,heng jln. K'ing yen. Blush, to redden in the cheeks or face, ^ ^ pin' jhung. Pien hung, ^ ^ pin' shik,. Pien sih, fj ^I fdt, ^hung. Pah hung, g^ !^X f^ ffi fat, ^hung jt'iu mln*. Pah hung t'idu mien, ^i§^ 'ndn ^ngdn. Ndn yen, pJJ[ ^ 'koi shik,. Kai sih, pj[ ^ 'koi ^yung. Kki yung; to redden from a sense of shame, ^ Mi s^^™ ^sau. Han siu, ^ ^ Ji6m ^sau, ^ ^ hoi' ^sau. Hdi siu, ^ |^ kin' ,sau. Kien siii, 'I'j^ 1^ p'A' ^sau. P'd siii, ^ Ht^ kin' ,sau kw'ai'. Kien siu kw'ei, ^ || ^» kin' ,sau 'ch'I. Kien siii ch'i, j| H kin' 'ch'au. Kien ch'au, J0k ifjg nuk^ ^ni. Kuh ni, ij/g ^ ^ni shik,. Ni sih, ^ IlIJi jWdi jts'dra. Hwdi ts'dn, |t tJl *P'^ ^^'ai'- P'du kw'ei, ^tJl tdi' kw'ai'. Tai kw'ei, ^ 'ndn. Nan, |8 'ndn. Nan, t|^^ hak, ^t'ai. Ueh fi, H j^^md)o. Md lo, i| 't'in. T'ien, ^ 't'in. T'ien. ^'^Tfl^ ,hung chdung' Miii 'lim. Hung chdng lidu lien, ji f ^ ^^ pfil jM 5^ c^" ^^K ^"^'^^ ^^^ ^t'ung jhung; to bear a blooming red color, g| ^ ^ min* tai' jhung. Mien tdi hung, ^T I6L fe 'li6 hut, shik, ; she blushes, tg ^ ^ 'k'ii pin' shik,. K'ii pien sih, tgHTfli^ 'k'u pin' niii 'h'm. K'ii pien lidu lien ; they blush at each other, iHQ Si \4. Ifi: Jl ^ 'sz jYan kill' .sau. Shi jin kien siii, ^ tS M fife l'°?V'k'tt kill' 'ch'au. Ling k'ii kien ch'au; at first blush, — ii yat, kin'. Yih kien, — ^ vat, hon'. Yih k'dn; to get a blush of a thing, |)^ jl^ g 'shim kwo' muk^. Shen kwo muh, \]i] ti|> IIR 'shim 'hd 'ngdn. Shen hid ven ; he has a blush of ano- ther, II ^^^lil^ ,k'i mdu* Iduk, Us'z .t'd. K'i mdu lioh sz t'd, tS ^ # 'Itt fltL 'k'u ko' ydung* ha'z .t'd. BLU (211) DOA sail jio. BiushfuUy, in a hlushlul manner, ^ 4f^ Sid jen, |g,^ 'nan ^in. Ndn jen, ^,'m, nuk^ ^In. Null j en. Blushing, reddening in llie face, ^ ^J pin' jliung Pien hung, f^jSil^gil fat, jhuog s^'iii ni»n\ Pah liung t'idu mien ; blushing from shame, ^J^ kin' ,sau. Kien siu, ^^ kin' kw'ai'. Kien kw'ei, ^ ^ ^hbm ^sau. Han siu ; a blushing face, J^fflJV^ |gj ,sau jts'am Tnun mln^ Siii ts'an mwan mien, si<\ ch'i, V^ j^ |I "^ ^mun min^ jhung shik,. Mwdn mien hung sih, |g *t'in. T'ien, ^ nik^. Nih. Blushingly, in a blushing manner, ^i, ^ 'ch'i ^in. Ch'ijen. Blushless, unblusliing, P§^|| jtn shik, ,sau, pg-^ II ^m ,chi 'ch'au, ift ft Pg- ^ J^ min' j)'i ^m tdi' hiit,, *E||^i, jm5 ,sau 'ch'i. Wii siu ch'i, jf ^ hau^ jtigdn. Ilau yen, jfi] ^ j? min^ ^p'i hau^ Mien p'i hau ; impudent, :g ^ ^16 'mong. Lii mdng, f^] \'^ 'kan man^ Kien man. Bluster, to be noisy, ^£^ jkw'ong ^In. Kw'ang yen. If IS'jj .ch'e jud. Ch'e nd, pf p|,^ ,ts'5 pai'. Ts'au pi, Pf fftj^ ,ts'6 ndu-. Ts'du nau, \^ P£ Pf ,1m ,pd ,ts'6, Pf P^Pfj! sts'6 ,pd pai'. Ts'du pd pi, Pf .ifff^^ jts'6 jts'6 pai'. Ts'du ts'du pi ; to swagger, ^ ^ ,kw'a tai^ Kw'd td, f?^^ ,king ,kw'd. King kw'd, g ^ tsz^ ^cheung. Tsz chang, |^ ^ tsz' ,kw'd. Tsz kw'd, 1^0i ,king 'hii. King hii, f^ ,kw'd. Kw'd; to roar, |j^ ^ ^hb ^hb. Hdu hdu, a^ 1^ Jio hdk,. Hdu hih ; boisterous, ^ ^ ts'6' p6\ Ts'du pdu, 4i ^ jkw'ong ts'6'. Kw'dng ts'du ; to be windy, VfPfM /^ S^ c'^liiDg- Hii hii shing. Bluster, roar of a tempest, M^^im'^ /^ng .shing ,ii jlui. Fung shing ju lui, M^i^M p ^0 S^^S .shing chan' ^ii ^lui. Fung shing chin jii lui; a violent wind, ^^ po^ /ung. Pdu fung, ^J^^ \bi .fung p6^ Td fung pdu, fTUB.'^^ kii^ /ung. Td kii fung ; noisy, ^ Pg Pf hu .pd jts'6, pf p|^ jts'bpai'. Ts'du pi, g^^ .ch'e^nd. Ch'end; swag- gering, I^A^ c ^du ,kdu ^in. Kidu kidu jeE; ls'6' p6» Ts'au ndu ditto in a boisterous manner, 'k6m yeung'. Ts'du pdu kan ydng. Blusterous, noisy, Plf/iiJ f|'j jls'6'nau* tik tih. If l^lt^J .ch'e j.ia tik,. Ch'c nd till, ^^^.^ Pfvt Ji^ ,V^ s^s'o ko'; tumultuous, fl'^fl^ jkw'ong tong' ke', :Jgtt!t>J cCh'enng jkw'ong tik,. Ch'ang kw'ang tih ; boastful, ^ sf |^ p6'. I'd ; the six Boards, 7^ ^) luk^ p6'. Lull pu ; the Jioaid of llevenue, p fl5 u' p6'. lid i)d ; the Board of Punishment, jp] *" jing p6'. lliug pu ; the Board of Bites, ;-||^ lliu-^ ^^^^^ ^ ^lai p6'. Li pd; tho Hoard of War, J?-Jf|; .^in| p6'. Ping pd ; the Board of Works, X "Sli .kung p6'. Kung pd ; the Board of Civil OflBce, *|^-^{ U^ p6'. LI pd; the Foreign Boaid, ^ ^ n^^ *4 flOA (£12) UOA fdn iin*. Lf fdn yuen ; the IJonrd of Exchequer. ^ ^i fu' p5'. K'u pu, ^^ ^kam foK Kin pu; the Board of Agriculture, o] ^^ i^ ,sz jUung p6^ Si nuilg pu ; the Board of Accountants, j:[j ^i 'pf p6^ Pi pu ; the Board of Sacrifices, j^ |fj. jts'z p6'. Ts'z pu ; the Board for H. I. M. Car- riges, ^ ^{ ka' p6^ Kia pu ; the Board for the Itegulation of 11. I. M. Gardens, j^ -jKJ ^u p5\ Yd pu ; president of one of the Supreme Boards, |Sj^ s1i6ung' jShii. Shdng shii ; Board of Educa- tion, ^ ^ hokj p6^ Ilioh pu ; a member of one of the Supreme Boards, ^ Yf|i '^ ^kwai p6* ,kd. Kwei pu kia ; officers not memhera of one of the Supreme Boards, pi(5~p p6' hA^ Pu hid ; to go on board a ship, ^^,^\ tap, jShiin. Tab ch'uen, }^{^\ lok, shiin. Lob ch'uen ; to be above boards, J^ ^ 'wan tong\ Wan tang, ^|§ ,on Svan. Ngan wan ; above board, "^ [^ .ts'ing j)ak^. Ts'ing peh; to deal above board, ^ ^k rfn f^ ,l^ung Jn ^i (s6^ Knng jcn rh tso, ^^ZflM M^S ^' .chi ^hang jWai. Kung i chi hang wei. Board, to cover witli boards, ^ ^ \p'6 'pdn. P'u pdn, ^]' ^ (tcng 'pan. Ting pun ; to board a room, ^ llli ^ ,teng ti^ 'pan. Ting ii pan ; to board a ship, Jif^\ ^shdung^shun. Shdng ch'uen, :^ lijflf cliuk^ jShiin. Chub ch'uen ; to place at board, |«: ^ Idp, shik^. Tub shih, ^>^ ^ tsip, 'ts'an. Tdh ts'wan, ;f>t: || tap, wok^. Tab hwoh ; to board at a tavern, ^S }^ s^'^" t^°i'- 1"au tien, tS W, yi-^ u^ T'au yii, A SJl i^J jap, hit, tim'. Jih hieh lien. Board, to receive food as a lodger for a compensa- tion, :f|{:^ tdp,8hik,. Tab shih, :f>f^ tdp, 'ts'un. Tah ts'wan. Board-wages, wages allowed to sen-ants to keep themselves in victuals, ^ jfl 'ts'im yung^. Ts'wdti yuiig. "l^M^ shik^ 'mai fdn^ Shih'ml fdn, ^{iS ^ *mai Idn^ jts'in. Mi fdn ts'ien ; to receive ditto, ^ JR ^' "^ sliil^'i §ij| tdp, kMo"ts'iin. Tdh kwo ts'wdn, :}|<: ^ ^ tdp, kwo' shik^. Tdh kwo shih, tif i^il^ tdp, kwo' Avok^. Tdh kwo hwoh. Boarder, one who has food and lodging in another's family for a reward, ||}:^^ tdp, shikj 'chd. Tdh shih did, tff # ^ tdp, ts'iin 'ch\^ tsz' shi'. Tsz shi, (I ^ tsz'''ch'ing. Tsz ch'ing, ^ ■= ^did ^in. Chd yen, ^ it J^^v'd ^t o. Kw'd t'o, it 'ii^m- Kdn, || mai'. Mdi, f^ ^ ,kw'd tdn'. Kw'd tan, »|^ ^ kwdi'tdn'. Kwdi tdn, ^^ fong' Idn'. Fdng tdn, ^ ,kw'd. Kw'd, 2§: ,kw'd. Kw'd, ^ 'di'd. Ch'd, =p ,hu. nil, ^ jiin. Iliuen, n|| wdk^. Hwoh, jg jP'ang. P'ang, ^ p ^ ch'dng 'haukok, ; to boast of one's attainments, [^:| ^ jl tJ' tsz' 'ch'ing ^k'l jts'oi. Tsz di'ing k'l ts'di, ^f f?^^ 1L ^^ tsz' ,king jk'i jiiang. Tsz king k'i nang; to boast of one's riches, nin^J( ^ tsz' .kw'd^k'i fii'. Tsz kw'd k'l fii ; be was not fond of boasting of his virtue, JP ^It ^ ^ iin' jinb fdt^ shin'. Yuen wii fdh shen, ^^ r.v li #- •pa^ cl^w'd 'ki shin'. Pub kw'd kl shen ; to boast of one's self, f . ^ ['l iif[ tsz' .ch'ing tsz' tsung'. Tsz ch'ing tsz sung, (|| fil^ ^ ji^ tsz' ,kw'd tsz' 'ch'ing. Tsz kw'd tsz ch'ing. Boast, ostentation, f^-^ ^ ,1^'"b .kw'd 'chd. King kw'd chd, 3^ A -^ .kw'd tdi' 'did. Kw'd td ch^, 511 A ^ .dieung tdi' 'did. Chdng td chd, 3^ ^ ^ .kw'd .clicung 'did. Kw'd chdng chd ; pride, ^ M c^'^^i "S^'- l^iii" "S^"!". ^ ^ .^i" .^ng- Kiuu king. Boaster, one wlio boasts, f^f^ ^ ,^'"o ,kw'a 'did. King kw'd did, f ( ^ -j^ if^- tsz' .kw'd tdi' 'cb6. Tsz kw'd td chd, |^ ^ .kw'ji ^p'i. Kw'd p'l, Jf P ^ .kw'.i 'hau 'did. Kw'd k'au chd, sf jf ^ .kw'd 'tsui 'chd. Kw'd Isui chd. Boastful, given to boasting, "^P .kw'dliau. Kw'd li'""> ;i^.»jBS: ,kw'd 'tsui. Kw'd tsui, f,'4:ht\^ .^^v'd tdi' tik,. Kw'd td till. I^.j p PCt tsz' .kw'd kd', 5|^ BOA :r;i?s*s;s;kiiii MNMiMMliMiAMiiiM Boastfully, in a boastful manner, ^ ^ ,ch^ung yeung^. Chdng yang, ^^:t^ <^^'^ .cheung ,chl yeung^ Kw'd chdng chl y^ng, ;;^ ^ tdi* y^ung'. Ta ydng. Boasting, talking ostentatiously, f^ ^ ^ki^g ,kw'd. King kw'a ; boasting language, ^ ^ "^ f^ ,king ,kw'd k6' waS f^ fjjj; /li ^kwd. Hii kwa, ^ jg huk, buk,. Hiuh hiub, ^ 'bii. Hii, |f ,hu. Hii. Boastingly, in an ostentatious manner, ^^ ^ch^ung ydung\ Cliang yang, ^ A ^^ ^ ^ ^ ,sdm 'pan -feng. San pant'ing, 4§^/^ ^h& 'kau # IK sbdm' 'pdn. Sdn 1*.' t'eng. Hid kau t'ing, pdij ; a small boat, ^ sai' t'eng. Si t'ing, /\^ 'siu 't'eng. Sidu t'ing, Hff -t'eng *tsai. T'ing tsz, '^^}Ik ,ngau 'nd ,kwd, |^ ^ tip^ 'tsz. Tieh tsz, ^]^^: 'siu tip^. Sidu tieh, |^ pb'. Pu, ^1 /au. Fau, ^fuk^. Full, Iftai'. Tai, |^ suk,. Sub, ^(^ chdk, ^mang. Tseh mang ; a two-oared boat, if^M ng 't'eng, ^ |?E chdu' 't'eng. Chdu t'ing, ^ ^ J|i jii tip^ 't'eng ; a ferry-boat, ^:^i^ jWang 'shui .t5^ Hung shwui tii, || jwong. Hwang, )^ ^wong. Hwdng, ^ ;?^ ^^ t5' ,tsun 'fong. Tu tsin fdng ; a Tankd boat, ^ ^ ^ tdn^ ,kd 't'eng. Tan kid t'ing; a rice-boat, ^Ij m jWd ^shvin. Hwd eh'uen. wa . t eng, Hwd t'ing; the long, narrow boats used by fisher- men along the coast, J^ ^ ^t'iu 't'eng. T'iau t'ing, ^ II jCh'eung jlung. Ch'ang lung; a dragon- boat, §1 ^ jlung jShiin. Lung eh'uen, f| ^ jlung 't'eng. Lung t'ing, ^^ ^^^S c^hau. Lung chau ; lodging-boats, ^ */|^ ^ 'tsz tung^ 't'eng. Tsz tung t'ing; cargo-boats, ^ ^ jP'^^i ^t'eng. Pw'^n t'ing, f j| ^ ^ pin- ^tdn 't'eng. Pien tdn t'ing, ^ JJkM'^ <^^^ c^wd 'pin 't'eng. SI kwd pien t'ing, ^ jj^ fi^\ jP'iiig 'tai jShiin. P'ing ti eh'uen ; a pleasure-boat, ^ ^ch'd. Ch'd ; [at pressent called] floorer boat, :^ ^ /d 't'eng. Hwd t'ing ; a passage-boat, ^ f^ t6^ jShiia. Td eh'uen; market-boats, :^^ ^hu t6^ Hu tu, :^|i ,hu 't'eng; an officer's travelling-boat, ii^f^ chdm^ jShiin. Chdn eh'uen ; a mail-or advice-boat, ^f^ jH ,8hu sun' 't'eng. Shii sin t'ing, ^i$^ 'tsau sun' 't'eng. Tsau sin t'ing ; a fast-boat, '|^ ^ fdi' ^t'eng. Kw'di t'ing ; boats let to travellers, f[lj ^ ,sln jShiin. Sien eh'uen ; a salt-boat, ^ ^ ^Im ^hiin. Yen eh'uen ; a boat smuggling salt, ^ ^^ .sz jim 't'eng. Sz yen t'ing ; a flat-bottom- ed river-boat, *^ ;fc ^ 'ts'In 'shui tb\ Ts'ien shwui tu ; a brothel boat, ^^|i 'tan ^p'b 't'eng ; a fast paddling boat, ^ ^| ^ ^p'd ^lung 't'eng. P'd lung t'ing ; a hong-boat, ^ ^ jhong 't'eng. H^gjt^t'in^; a fishiag boat, ^ ^ ,kii^hi^tn. Kii (218) BOA eh'uen, tT H )l& 'td ,u jShiin. Td yd eh*iien, ^ ■Plg j)'du 'mong 't'eng. P'du-wdng t'ing; large ditto, jj^^ ^t'OjShun. To eh'uen; a fish-boat with water in, ^^,^ mdi^ ,u t'eng. Mdi yd t'ing, '/^ j^H 'hoi ^siii 't'eng, ^^.tlfE 'kon .sin 't'eng. Kdn sien t'ing ; a boat for angling, ^ ^ tid' 't'eng. Tidu t'ing, j^^^;^ jU .chau. Yd chau ; a skin-boat, & US jP'i jShun. P'i eh'uen ; a guard-boat, ^ ^ jts'uu jSliiin. Siun eh'uen, |^ ^ f|gf ts'ap, .sz jShiin. Ts'ih sz eh'uen, ^ ^ ^ts'un 't'eng. Siun t'ing, 5^ ^ ^ ^ts'un ^ho 't'eng. Siim ho t'ing; a crab-boat, swift boats, used by smug- glers,'!^ ^ fdi' 'hdi. Kw'di hidi, ^Mf^ 'tsau .sz jShun. Tsau sz eh'uen ; a gun-boat, ;j|^ ^ .kan put,. Kin poh, ij;^ ^ p'au' jShiln. P'du eh'uen ; a square boat, ^ /ung. Fung, ^^ wdng^ Hung ; a boat used for the transhipment of pro- duce, as used in the North, ,^ |S}|Jf pok, jShiin. Poh eh'uen ; double boats, or two boats tied toge- ther, ^ ^ .sh^ung .shun. Shwdng eh'uen, ^ Jig ping' jShiin, Ping eh'uen, ^ ^ /ong ^ehau. Fdng chau ; a boat-race, f^ ^ tau' .shiin. Tau eh'uen ; the dragon-boat festival or race, ^ ^ king^ t6^ King td, PI ff ||§ tau' jlung ^shiin. Tau lung eh'uen, f^ ^ :)^ tau' jlung .chau. Tau lung chau ; to pole boats, ^ |iJ{J .ch'dng ^shun. Ts'dng eh'uen ; to fasten a boat, ^ ^ hai^ .chau. Hi chau, ^ ^ ^ ndi' 'kan ^shun ; to go into a boat, ^ ^ lok^ 't'eng. Lob t'ing, -^ -jiy .tang .chau. Tang chau, ^ f^ ,tang ^shun. Tang eh'uen ; call a boat, 1*4 ^ |^ 1^ kid' .sdm 'pdn jlai, B4 "^ ^ 1^ kid' chek^ 't'eng ^lai ; the boat- people, ^^ tdn' .kd. Tdn kid, ^^ tdn' d', p^ ^X sz' jhang^yan. Sz hang jin, ^[C,^ 'shui 'md. Shwui md, |g ^ t'eng .kd. T'ing kid. Boat, to transport goods in a boat, j^ ^ ^ ^ "pi 't'eng jp'dn fo'. Pi t'ing pw'dn ho. Boat-bill, a genus of birds, "^^^ ^k'am lui' ^meng. K'in lui ming. Boat-hook, an iron hook with a point on the back, fixed to a long pole, ^^ .kau .k6. Kau kdu. Boat-rope, a painter, a rope to fasten a boat, ^ J|gE 131 hai' 't'eng ^shing. Hi t'ing shing. Boat-shaped, having the shape of a boat, j5§ ^ jShiin y^ung'. Ch'uen ydng, Hg ^ Ch'uen hing. Boating, transporting in boats, I^Jli^^ *pl t'eng jP'dn fo'. Pi t'ing pw'dn ho. Boatman, "> a man who manges a boat, rr>|^HA Boatsman, ) .sdm 'pdn ^.t'au ^yan. Sdn pdn t'au jin, ^^'SM 's^^i 'shau jt'au. Shwui shau t'au, ^-f- ,chau 'tsz. Chau tsz, ^ \ 'pong ^yan. Pdng jiii. ^ A 'pong jyan. Pang jin, f^ ^ ^shun .fd. Ch'uen fd, %'jf f^ ^shun '16. Ch'uen Idu ; a rower of a boat, ^^^ chdu' 'tsdung 'ch6. Chdu tsidng ch^, ^;^^ ,id '16 'eh(S. Ydu Id eh6, :^^ 'shui 'shau. Shwui shau ; one who lives in a boat, ^ ^ jShun .kd. Ch'uen kid, ^ ^ tdn' .kd. Tdn, ki^> II ^ t^eix§^,,Hd. T'ing^kid. jShiin jmg. BOB (214) BOB Boatswain, (pronounced bo'sn), an officer on board of ships, who has charge of the boats, sails, &c., ~Wt'^^^ ,R6m 'pdn d' jt'au. S4n pdn d t'au, ||j ^ jt'au 'tsz. T'au tsz. Bob, a short, jerking action, pob, bob, ^ ^ p'dk, ,shing. P'eh shing; a bob of the head, ?3t|^ p'ung' jt'au. P'ung t'au, :f^ ij/i chong' ^t'au. ChwAng t'au; the ball of a short, quick -moving pendulum, M%^ 'pdi jk'au 'tsz. T&i k'iu tsz ; in jewels | dressed, and at each end a bob, J^^ ^^>f$^ ' Inii^^T' ^^"^^ i^^^^^ k'^i^' «c^^» '^^^'i' ^^K M '^ ! k'au 'tsz. Mwdn shin k'di chti, mei koh kid i k'iu tsz ; a knot of worms, at the end of a line, used in catching eels, — ^^1? yat, jt'un jCh'ung nl*. Yih tw'dn ch'ung rh. Bob, to move with a short, jerking motion, ^ ^ ^id *pdi. Ydu pdi, ^^^^ jiu loi ^iu hu'. Ydu Idi ydu k'ii, j>^f^t(i '^^"ng V^^^ P^i- Lidng pien pdi; to bob one's head, ^SM p'ung' ^fau, P'ung t'au, ^5^ chong^ ^t'au. Chwdng t'au ; to beat or bang, ^^ p'ung' chii^ P'ung chu, ^/^ chong' chii^ Chwdng chti, ^ ^ p'dk, cllu^ P'eh chu ; to bob up and down, yg; yuk^. Yuh, ^ Jt. ^ "[» chd' ^sh^ung cha' Mid. Chd shdng did hid ; to bob, as a piece of meat falling in boiling soup, ^ jts'im. Sien, fl^ il5 fl^ U£ shuk, ,k6 shuk, ,tai. Shuh kdu shuh ti ; to bob as fishes, or rocks, that are now exposed and then suddenly covered with water, ^ \!i\ ^ )^ ehd' ch'ut, chd' miit^. Chd ch'uh chd muh, ;^ '/^ ^ch'dm ts^uk,. Ts'dn tsioh ; to cheat, |5JQ. ngdk,, '^1^ .hi p'ln'. K'i p'ien ; to mock, ^ ^ ,ki ts'iii'. Ki ts'idu; to cut short, ^M 'chdra 'tiin. Chdn twdn. Bob, to play backward and forward, ^ (gj ^ M6ung pln^ 'pdi. Lidng pien pdi ; to angle for eels, -§^11 tiu' ^shln. Tidushen. Bob-cheiTy, a play, in which a cherry is hung so as to bob against the mouth, and be caught with the teeth, W^^i^ 'P^ .<^1^^ sin' tdi'. KI chilx chi sien tM. Bobbing, playing back and forth, ^ fQ? ^ 'l^ung pin* 'pdi. Lidng pien pdi ; strikin?, ^ -f^ p'ung* chu'. P'ung chti; cheating. ^ fg .lii p'in'. K'I p'ien ; angling for eels, ^^ tiii' 'shin. Tiau shen. Bobbish, to be in good spirits, (tj |^^ 'ho ndu' it^. Hdu ndu jeh, ^jrj^^ *h6 hing^ ndu^ Hau hing ndu, ^^fii 'h5 ,k6 hing'. Hdu kdu hing, jj^U; ^ 'h6 /lin lok^. Hdu hwdn loh. Bobolink, the rice-biixl, 7^§^ jWo kuk,. Ho huh. Bobstays, ropes to confine the bowsprit of a ship downward to the stem, I^ ^ j^ jt'au pat^ 1dm*. T'au pih Idn. Bockelet, ") a kind of long-winged hawk, -^ R flS Bockeret, ) ^ch'^ung yik^ jing. Ch'dng yih ying. Bode, to portend, |> puk,. Puh, 1^ ^ sh chong* shai' jt'au. Cliwdng shI t'au, :(^p ^j> chong* 'hau kwd'. Chwdng k'au kwd, ^^if chiii* ^t'au. Cbdu t'au ; it bodes no good, P§^ i]p J)li M s^ '^^^ ehiii* jt'au; his language bodes no good, ^f^P^^P ^|> chong* tak, ^m 'h6 'hau kwd'. Chwdng teh [T*] puh hdu k'au kwd; to meet something which bodes evi], :f|; f| Pg ^Jp # M chong* tak, ^m 'hd shai' jt'au. Chwdng teh ['^] pub hdu shi t'au, M l^ ^b. ^^^ .^lung chili'. Yti hiung chdu. Boded, presaged, |> ^ puk, kwo'. Puh kwo. Bodice, stays, waist-bands, used by native women, ^ B^ ^man >ung. Wan hiung, ^"^ ,hung ,tong. Hiung tdng, ^ |^ 'ii tdp,. Jii tdh, '^ ^ ,pdu ,fu. i'du fii, ^, ch'it,. Sheh ; ditto those used by foreign ladies, ^^^ 'kang tdp,. Kang tdh ; a waistcoat, quilted with whalebone, worn by wo- men, ^^'^'f^ j^'iug kwat, tdp,. K'ing kuh tdh. Bodied, having a body, ^ ^ 'yau ,shan. Yii shin; big-bodied, ;^ ig ti'u' chek^. Td chih, ;;*: ff "gt tdi* 't'ai k^'; able-bodied, Jji ^ chong' kin*. Chwdng kien. Jit ^ nj^t chong' kin* k6'. Bodiless, having no material form, f|!t ^ ^ ^ jUib ^ying ^mb 'ying. Wii hing wu ying, ^ iQ ,hung wdn*. K'ung hwdn, ^^HJ^^^S ^'u^, s^ung' ,k\i ,hung. Sih sidng kii k'ung, ^ f^ tit ^ jying 'ying .kii ^rab. Hing ying kii wti ; having no body, ^ :^ ^ fS jKib .shan ^b 't'ai. Wvi shin wii t'i. Bodily, corporeal, ^^fa 'yau jying *t'ai. Y'uhing t'i. % "^ .sl»an U\ % % ^ 'yau .shan U\ '^ fgpjt .shan 't'ai k6', ^\%^ yukj .shan tik,. Juh shin tih ; having a material form, Y^ ?1^ (j^ V*^ ving tik,. Yti hing tih, ^ ?^^fifej Vau ^ving Vau 'ying tik,. Y\i hing yii yjng tih, ^ ^ -^ ffi 'yau jjing 'yau 't'ai. Y'li hing yii t'i ; real, |(^ |f ^ .chan shat^ £ik,. Chin shih tih, ^ nf^t ,chan k^' ; a slight bodily indisposition, ^ flf ^ (j^I Pa 1^ .shan 't'ai 'yau tik, ^m 'shong. Shin t'i yd tih [^] puh shwdng. Bodily, corporeally, ^ ^ pH 'yau .shan ke' ; entire- ly, ^ jt«'iln. Ts'iuen, ^ tsun*. Tsin ; to set bo- BOD dily upon a thing, J^^^^Z:^ 7^^^ tsun^ ^shansf jP'ing ^cUi lik^. Yung tsin sang p'ing clii lib, f>i= fat-, -'fan. Pah fan, m±%Z:li J^^^ jts'iin ^shan ^chi lik^. Yung ts'iuen shin chi lih ; to carrv away bodily, — > ^ :^ z^ yat, ts'ai' t4i' hii'. Yih ts'i tdi k'ii. Boding, foreshowing, |> puk,. Puh, ^ ^|S H T^u chiu^ ^t'au. Yii chdu t'au. Boding, an omen, ^l^sM. chiii^ ^t'au. Ch&,u t'au. Bodkin, an instrument for making holes by piercing, ^^ ^chui. Chui, ^^ ^kam tsiin'. Kin tswdn ; an instrument with an eye for dramng thread &c. through a loop, ^ff ^ch'iin ,oham. Ch'uen chin, ^1 ^ 'yan ^cham. Yin chin. ^I jSi^ ^f jan taf ^cham. Yin tai chin ; a printer's bodkin, ^ ^ kdp, nip^. Kiah nieh ; a hair-pin, ^ ^ch'di. Ch'ai, ^ fih'A. Ch'a, ^ ,tsdm. Tsan. Body ^ ^shan. Shin, f| 't'ai. T'i, ^f| ^shan ^t'ai. Shin t'l, 1^ ^ jn\ ,shan. Juh shin, [^ f| yuk^ *t'ai. Juh t'i, f^lg yuk^ ^k'ii. Juh k'ii, ^ ,kung. Kung, % 'to. To, ai ,kw'an. Kw'an, ^f| ,ying 't'ai. Hing t'i ; matter, as opposed to spirit, i^ mat,. Wuh, ^ chat,. Chih, ^ ^ mat^ chat,. Wuh chih, j^ ^ jing chat,. Hing chih ; a per- son, \ ^ ^yan ^shan. Jin shin, \ ^ ^yan 't'ai. Jin t'i ; the collective parts of the body, ^ f| pflk, 't'ai. Peh t'i ; a dead body, ^ ^shi. Shi, ^f ^ 'sz ,shi. Sz shi, ^^ ai. Pdukl,;|;^||shj^p kai. Hidh ki. Bi II c^in >i. Ngdn ki, ^ i| y^uk, ,kai. Yoh kl ; to boil again, |^ {^ tsoi' ,p6. Tsdi pdu, g ^ jCh'ung ,p5. Ch'ung pdu, ^ ^ ^ch'ung jtsin. Ch'ung tsien, |^ j^ ,fdn ,p6. Fan pdu ; to boil vegetables, ^|^ ,p6 ts'oi'. Pdu ts'di ; boil a cup of custard, ll|t— ^4^^^ H$ R^ tun' yat, ko' j)ui kat, jShl Jai ; to boil a pudding, ^ |^ |)^ ,ching 'fan ,k6. Ching fan kdu, 'J^ )^> i^ cli'iii 'fan jts'z. Ch'ui fan ts'z ; boil water and make shdpj kwo'. Hiah kwo ; done, ]|Jt shuk^. ShuU ; a boiled egg, j^ f^f^ US shuk^ tik, ,kai tdn'. Shuh tih kl tkn, %v^ ^ g shuk, k6' .kai tdn'. ^ ^ •^ il ® l^i' .P^ k6' ,kai tdn' ; both boiled and fried eggs are good, ^^^)l^i^U^ .kai tdn' 'ch'du shdpj ,t6 'h5. Ki tdn ch'du hidh td hdu ; boiled cow's feet, .^"^"^^l ,pi) k^' ,ngau k^uk, ; hams thoroughly boiled are very good, 'XMI,^j|| ^ ^ 'fo 't'di shdp^ t'au' chi' 'h6. Ho t'lii hidh t'au chl hdu ; Yams when boiled soft are very mealy, A^tftfts:^^ tdi' jShii tsang' ^nam kik^ ,8ung. Td shu tsang jin kih sung ; boiled to rags (overdone), ^ ^ J>6 Idn'. Pdu Idn, 3|)^jg shukj t'au'. Shuh t'au. %^^Ii\ shuk^ kwo' jt'au. Shuh kwo t'au, "Y '^^, shapj /an shuk^. Shih fan shuh, -^^ 'kwan 'idn'. Kwan Idn. ^ 'mui. Mei. ^ ,ml. MI, ^ t'dp,. T'dh. ^ U shat, ^yam. Shih jin, ^ ^ 'yam shuk^. Jin shuh. Boiler, a person who boils, ^ ^ ,p6 'ch6. Pdu ch6, ^^ 'chii 'ch6. Chu oh^,";f;^ .p'ang 'ch^. P'ang ch6 ; a flat vessel in which anything is boiled, ^ wok^. Hwoh ; deep ditto, ^ ,wo. Ko, ^ 'fu. Fii, ^ 'fii. Fii, ^ *ch'i. Ch'i, Ig lau'. Liii ; a boUer for distilling, ^ tsang'. Tsang ; boiler and cat, ^^ 'fti tsang'. Fii tsang; a boiler for boiling ■water, j^ j^ 'shui ,p6. Shwui pdu, ^ ^ ^ch'd ,p6. Ch'd pdu ; a large ditto. 4^5^!^ ^ngau jt'au ,p6. Niu t'au pdu, ;^ i^^ tdi' ,p6. Td pdu; a smaller ditto, Zl'f^ i^ u kduk, ,wo. Yu kioh ko ; a three-legged boiler, ^ 'ting. Ting. ^ Boiling, swelling with heat, ^ Tvwan. Kwan ; boil- ing water, ^ tJc 'kwan 'shui. Kwan shwui. ^-^ tun' 'shui. Tun shwui. 1^ )J^ fat, .t'ong. Fuh t'dng; boiling point [of water], '^^Wi^i^'^ jhon 'shii ,cham- 'kwan 'shui ho'. Hdu shu chin k"»'an shwui hdu ; boiling with rage, ,^ j^ 'fan n6'. Fdn nu, — fll:;j^ yat, 't'6 'fo. Yih t'll ho. some tea in covered cups, ^j T^C ^ ^ ,p6 'shui [ Boiling, the act or state of ebullition, ^ *kwan. kukj jCh'd. Pdu shwui kiuh ch'd Boil. a. ^ jCh'ong. Ch'wdng; small boils, :us seen on the foi'chcad of Chinese childnm, ^jjr fj- nap, tsai, 'X^^^ 'fo kwo*. Pdu kwo,i Kwan. Boisterous, violent, ^ p6'. Pdu, f^. hon'. Hdn, §5 # ik'<''«ng p6'. K'iang pdu. g^ p jk'«Sung ok,. K'idng ngoh, 7] §fi ,tiu ^mdn. Tidu mdn. ^ ^ ok, hi'. Ngoh k'i, Ij^ 'maug. Mang, J^'ft 'mang sing'. Mang sing, ^. ^ ts'o' p6'. Ts'au ])du ; noisy, g^ ^ 'kii ts'o'. Ku ts'au, ^ ^ ^kw'an ts'6'. K'iun ts'du, ||j || hdu' ts'iV. Hidu ts'du. pH^ ,hun wd. Hiuen hwd, ^yi'dPlSJ 'h6 j)dpai'; roaring, l**- i|/j^ ^ts'«i 'ch'du. Ts'iiu ch'du, ^ ^ ^ts'6-ndu'. Ts'du ndu. nj/ |^ 'ch'du ndu'. Ch'du ^u, j£ $ 0, P^ 'mang .shing liln' hot,. Mang BOI (217) BOL shing IwAn hoh ; clumsily violent, ffll^ ,ts'6 *16. I hau chi tsz ; I was bold to speak, ^ Ifj^ ^ 'ngo Ts'u lu, ^ ^ .ts'6 ts'6', Ts'u ts'au ; boisteroiis [ 'kom 'kong. Wo k4n kidng, ^f{^^ "ngo 'k6m weather, ^.M^ft S^^S ^^ ^^^^ tsok,. Fung yii \ shiit,. Wo k4n sliwoh ; to be so bold as to, ^|^ ta tsoh, M, ii ^ ^& A^^S '^ P^^ ^^^- Fung yii : 'tarn 'kbm. Tan kan, |^ *k6m. Kan. pdu chi, ^ Amps '^^ ^^' ^^^^S ^*i- K'i ta fung | Bold-face, impudence, |ffi[io^^ ^mo min* ^p'i 'ch6. yti; a boisterous wdnd, |^^ Tnang /ung. Mang Wu mien p'i ch6. Bold-faced, impudent, ^ |^ ^^ hnong chong^ tik,. fung, ^^ p6' /ung. Pau fung, ^^ tsat^ /ung Tsih fung, ^i ^ ^kw'ong /ung. Kw'ang fung, Jt A /ung tdi^ Fung ta, ^EA /^^ ?» 'hS ^ patj p'a' tik,. Puh p'a tih ; intrepid, ^ ^ 'sz 'tdm. Sz tdn, ^^ ,kin 'yung. Kien yung, ^M^ ngang^ 'tdm. Ngang tan ; impudent, ^^ 'mong chong^ Mdng chwang, ^ ^ 'ts'5 ^ong. Ts'au mdng, MpJ^ ^mb mln^ j)'i. Wu mien p'i, ^ §^ miit, 'lim. Muh lien, ffl. ^ /s'6 ^5. Ts'u lu ; a bold face, i^ ^ ;^ huun min^ ,ch'un ^kwong. Mwdn mien ch'un kwang, ;;A^ [1| f $ tai^ min^ jShan. Ta mien shin ; a bold shore, j^ f^ ^ngai ngon\ Ydi ngdn ; bold, precipitous moun- tains, j^ ^ ;$! I U ^ ^ ^^ ^au 'tdm tik,. Yu tdn tih. Bolden, to make bold, jfjp ^ ^kd 'tdm. Kid tdn, ^ ^ 'chii 'tdm. Chu tdn, ^±^ chong' 'tdm. Chwdng tdn. Boldly, in a bold manner, ^yung 'mang. Yung mang, ||^|j ^ ngai^ ,in. I jen. >ng ,k'6ung. Kdng k'idng. ^^ '^ 'him ^in. Hien jen, X E ;^ ^ tdi^ 'tdm ,chi mdu^ Td tdn chi mdu ; im- pudently, ft gi ^ P|E ^m6 min^ ^p'i k^', ^^g •^ W P'un' /iu min^ hii' ts6^ Pw'dn tidu mien k'ii tso; to act boldly, — '^^^ yat, Vong mok^ ^i^ Yih wdng moh yii, ^^^Z^'fi"^ Vu^g 'mang ^chi jhang ^wai. Yung mang chi hang wei, ^^ ^^ p'lin' 'sz ^chi jhang. Pw'dn sz chi hang, ^ -^;^^ p'lin' meng^ ^chi ^hang. Pw'dn ming chi hang, — ^ ^ ^a yat, ^p'5 'sz 'tdm. Yih p'li sz tdn ; to speak boldly, ^ ^ 'kom ^in. Kdn yen, ^^ 'kbm 'kong. Kdn kidng. Boldness, freedom from timidity, ^ ^ ^ 'yau tdm shik,. Yii tdn sih, ^ ^ 'yau 'tdm hi'. Yii tdn k'i, i|± ^ chong' hi'. Chwdng k'i, i| Jli: jhung chong'. Hiung chwdng, ^ ^ ngai^ hi'. I k'i, §^ fan 'yung. Fan yung, ^^ 'tdm tdi^ Tdn td, ^ ^ 'tdm 'kbm. Tdn kdn; impu- dence, ^ ® ^ :^ jUib min^ ^p'i 'ch6. Wii mien p'i ch6; confidence, '||»[^ tsz^ shi^ Tsz shi, ;^0 tdi^ 'tdm. Td tdn ; prominence, ^^ s^gai ^ngdm. Wu ngdn, ^^ ,k6 jUgai. Kdu wu, |l^ ^ ^ts'dm jUgdm. Ts'dn ngdn ; boldness without contrivan- ces, ^t§: ^ ;^ ,t'6 shi^ 'yung lik^. T'li shi yung lih, ^ ^ ^ ^ 'yau 'yung ^mb ^mau. Yii yung wii mau. Bole, the body of a tree, i^^ shii^ ^shan. Shu shin. Bole, a kind of fine clay, "^^ yau' ^nai. Yu ni ; dit- to colored by iron, ^ -^ ch'ik, ^nai. Ch'ih ni. Bole armeniac, :^^3p ch'ik, shek,| ^chi. Ch'ih shih chi, i M Sb 'ng S^j^ 'li jin 1dm*. T.i pien Ian, ^'fflljllj^ sai' Mi lam'. Si li Idn. Bolt-sprit, see Bowsprit. Bolt-upright, perfectly upright or gootl, jjiiQj|[ jShun chik^. Shun chih. Bolted, made fast Avith a bolt, ^ ')^ ^ lok^ kwo' isut,. Loh kwo sub, ^ "^ ^ yap^ kwo' sut,. Jih kwo suh ; shot forth, ^i^l|q .ch'ung kwo' ^ts'ln. Ch'ung kwo ts'ien ; sifted, ^i^ ,shai kwo'. Shdi kwo; examined, :^^ 'hau kwo'. K'au kwo. Bolter, a kind of sieve, |^ .shai. Shai, |^ ^. ,shai ki. Shdi ki. strong cylindrical pin of iron, ^ j0^ fit, sut,. Bolting, fastening with a bolt, f^l^ lok^ sut,. Loh T'ieh sub; a thunder-bolt, |f Jg ^liii shek^. Lui •bill, ^ jt'ing. T'ing, ^J p'ik,. P'ih ; a stream of lightning, fj^ ^ 'shim tin'. Shen tien ; bolt upright, fg i|[ shii' chikj. Shu chih ; the horizon- tal bolt of a door, P^ ^ ^miin .shdn. Mun swdn, P^^ jmun ,kwdn. Mun kwdn, f^j^ ^lin hdn'. Mwdn hien, ;^ ^ du' ktin'. Ydu kwdn, f^ ^ mlin ^mau. Mun mau, |^ 't'dn. T'dn, _ kin' kien, J^ k'ap^. Kih, ^ y^uk^. Yob, :J^ jts'iin. Ts'iuen ; the bolt of a plough, ^ i^ ^lai kin'. Li kien ; a bolt for the feet, J^]jf^ kcuk, kdu'. Kioh kidu; he has shot his bolt, -ftiL^ J±g^|{5 .t'd tsun' jk'i ,fui jhdi. T'd tsin k'i kwei hidi. Bolt, to fasten with a bolt, ^Ml lok^ sut,. Loh suli, "l^f^ Mid sut,. Hid suh, ^J0 yap^ sut,. Jih suh, jtpi^ 'sh^ung .sbdn. Shdng swdn ; to shackle, ^ j^ 'so chii'. So chii ; to bolt, blurt out, ^|^ tat shiit,. Tuh shwoh, Wt^^VJH tsau' .t'eng tsnu^ agap,. ^# ^^K $in. Suh yen ; to bolt out, [^ [j} ch'ong' ch'ut,. Ch'wdng ch'uh, ^'[(i^ Uit^ cirong'. Tuh ch'wdng ; to bolt as a horse, ^ ff^ j^ t«'ut, jin 'tsau. Tsuh jen tsau, ^ f^JfJi ^ ia\ ^in 'tsau! Tuh jen tsau, p hon'. Udn,' !|f hon'. Hdn ; to bolt away, ^^^r^^ tjit^ ^in jt'6 'tsaxi. Tub ym t'du tsau ; to bolt, as an apprentice, ^ ^ jt'6 t'M,. T'du t'oh, ^ ^ 'kdu fiit,. Kidu t'oh ; to bolt in, upon, ^^ ^t'ong tat^. T'dng tuh, fj^ififf .ch'ung ebong'. Ch'ung chwdng; to rush precipi- tately fon\-ard, ^ ^ \- '^ tat^ in 'shdung jts'in. Tuli jen shdng t^s'icn, '^ jfji \^ ^ tat. ^(n h6ung' ♦sMn Tub jen hidng ts'ien; to bolt food down suh ; blurting out, ^ |^ tat^ shiit,. Tuh shwoh, ^ ^ ^"^> <^'^- ^"^^ y^" » shooting forth sudden- ly, ^ ^ IS) TM H s^" ''^""S jts'in. Tuh jen hidng ts'ien, ^ ft/c ^ |m tat ^in .ch'ung ^ts'in. Tuh jen ch'ung ts'ien, ^ {j[j ch'ong' ch'ut,. Ch'wdng ch'uh ; separating bnin from flour, ^ .shai. Shdi ; examining, ;^ 'hau. K'au, ^ ^ 'hdu kau'. K'du kiii ; discussing, 5^ f^ Mi lun'. Li lun. Bolting-cloth, cloth, of which boltrrs are made for sifting meal, |^fjj .shai po'. Shdi pii, ^# ,shai .shd. Shdi slid, ||4'# s'^ '*«" ^^^^- ^ ^*'" ^^^• Bolting-house, the place where meal is bolted, ^ >j^ ffy .shai 'fan jfong. Shdi fan fang. Bolting-buteh, a tub for bolted flour, ij^ ^ fan .s6ung. Fan sidng, ^ \^ .fan kwai'. Fan kwei. Bolting-mill, a machine for sifting meal, ^^ .shai ,ki. Shdi ki, ^>P(^^Hil^ 'fan ke' ,fung kwai'; an engine for ditto, ^j/ct^ .shai 'fo ,ki. Shdi bo ki. Bolting-tub, a tub to sift meal in, f$ f^' tS .s'^** 'fan jts'6. Shdi fan t.s'du. Bolus, a larg(» pill, ^^ yeukj jiin. Yoh hwdu, ;Ac tt X tdi' imp, jun. Td lib hwdn, :k ^ % tdi' vc^uk, ,iin. Td voh hwdn. Bomb, a great noise, ji^ni • ^ .pom .sbing, b6m j^^ .b6m .sbing, flj|^ p'ung' .sliing. P'ung sbing, ^ pang* + ; a large shell of east iron, round and hollow, with a vent tni ,shing, ^ ^- p'ung' jShing. P'ung shing. Bomb-chest, a cliest filled with shells, IJH ^ ?.^ ^ jiin hok, Tna ^s^ung. Yuen koh ma sidng ; ditto one filled with gunpowder, Jill ^ -5^ ^ ti^ Jiii p'du' ^seung. Ti lui p'6u siang, ^^'^ To yeuk^ ^s^ung. Ho yoh siang. Bomb-ketch, ) a small ship or vessel, constinicted Bomb-vessel, J for throwing bombs, [Hj^^^l^ fi-^ hok, ^ma ^shiin. Yuen koh md ch'uen, jf^ (g| ^ fi.§ j^ ^^%lilW '^ s"" hok,^A ,kung kik,. 1 yuen koh mk kung kih, 'jf^jg^^l -J^ ^shiii ^im hok, "ma *tsz. Shdu yuen koh ma tsz, ^ p5m -^ fong' ^p6m p'du'. ^^'n ^sha. YH shd, ^ # ff 'u ,shd 'tsai, figured ditto, :3^^zM^ 'ch'^ /d -ii ^shd. Ch'6 hM yii shd. ^ ^ /au ,in. Fau yen, ^ f% Z ^ /au ,ts'z ^chl sz^ F'au ts'z chi sz. Bombay ^ ^ Mangmdi. Mangmai. Bombay ducks, dried fish from Bombay, ^^ jrt ^ 'kau t'6' jkon. Kau t'u kan. Bombax, cotton tree, >tv^yj^ muk^ ^mln shii^ Muh mien shu. Bombazet, Bombazett, Bombazettes, Bombazetts, Bombic, pertaining to the silkworm, 5f ^^^ jts'dm ^ch'ung tik,. Ts'dn ch'ung tih, ^ ^ P^ jts'dm jCh'ung k^'. Bombic acid, an animal acid, obtained from the silkworm and from raw silk, ^ ^ gf ^ta'dm jCh'ung ts'5'. Ts'dn ch'ung ts'u. Bombite, a bluish black mineral found in Bombay, ^M'X'S Mangmdi 'fo shek^. Mangmdi ho shih. Bombycinous, silken, ^ ^^ ^sz tik,. Sz tih, ^ ^ ^sz k^'. Bombyx, the silkworm, ]g ^ ,ts'dm jCh'ung. Ts'dn ch'ung. Bon (bong), a good saying, ^ |§ shing' yii, ^ ^ shin^ 'ii. Shen yu; a jest, ^ Hi yu, •^ f^ siu' wd'. Sidu hwd. u. Shing ^hi' nn "A PH 'U. Bombarded, attacked with bombs, )^|lj^f,|^:^ji|^ Bona fide, with good faith, ^ ^ ,chan shatj. Chin —-■-■' gjj jjj jjj . without fraud, ^ Wu kid wei, ^ B5S fi ,m6 M jiin hok, 'md ^kung kwo'. I yuen koh md kung kwo. Bombardier, one whose business is to attend the loading and firing of mortars, ^ ^ p'du' 'shau. P'au sliau. Bombarding, attacking wnth shells, :g5r]^[gj^:^l|^ ^kung T jiin hok, 'ma 'tsz. Kung i yuen koh ma tsz. Bombardment, an attack with, ]^ 'mk jkung *ch»^. 1 vuen koh md shat^ hai 'kd ngai^ ;^ % 'i jVin hok kung che. Bombai'do, a musical instrument of the wind kind, much like the bassoon, ^ fl f|f ^' .ch'ui ho^ jt'ung lui^ Ch'ui hdu t'ung lui. Bombasin, | a twilled fabric, of which the warp is Bombazine, ) silk and tlie weft worsted, ^J^ ||j] 'u ^ch'au. Yu ch'au, ^ |^ "u ,ch'au. Yu ch'au. , Bombast, a stuff of soft, loose, texture, used to swell garments, g|| ^ yeung- mat^. Nidng wuh ; high- sounding words, ^ iji) /au ^ts'z. Fau ts'z, |g |^ i Jui shiit,. Hii shwoh, ^ = fan' Jn. Fan yen, ' A IS tdi' waS Td hwd, ^X Z # c^w '*i tdi' ,chi i jin. Kw'd td chi yen, ^ ^kdu. Hidu (kidu) ; an inflated style, ^ ^ /au ^man. Fau wan. Bombastic, swelled, ^ P|E y^uug^ k6' ; high-sound- ing. It Afllt kwatj. Kien ki^h kuh ; humerus or arm bone, Jl ^ "pf* sheung" pi' kwat,. Shang pi kuh ; ulna or fore-arm bone, IE ^f '^ ching' 'chau kwat,. Ching chau kixh ; radius or turning hand bone, ff ^^ '^ fu" 'chau kwat,. Fu chau kuh ; carpus or wrist bones, 0| >^ 'un kwat,. WAn kuh; metacarpal or hand bones, ^ "^ 'ch^ung kwat,. Chang kuh ; phalanges or linger bones, J^ '^•''chi kwat,. Chi kuh; pelvis, ^ -^ ^ ^hdu kwat, ^p'lin. Kau kuh pw'an ; ischium or sitting bone, %'||* ,t'iin kwat,. T'un kuh ; the symphisis pubis, H* M # # ^ H kwat, j)'un jWdng kwat, ,k^u ,fung. Kuh pw'an hung kuh kidu fung; the acetabulum, ^^"^E^ kw'a' kwat, kau^ Kw'a kuh k'iii ; femur or thigh bone, ;^ ^ -^ tdi- 't'lii kwat,. TA t'ui kuh ; patella or knee-pan ; ^^"jl* sat, k'oi' kwat,. Sih k'ai kuh; metatarsal or foot bones, ^ ^ l|yf ^ "^ k«iuk, 'ch6ung ^ts'in hau' kwaty Kioli chang ts'ien hau kuh ; phalanges or toe bones, ^ ^ *^ k^uk, 'chi kwat,. Kioh chi kuh ; the shape of bones, ^ ^ ^ ^ kwat, kiikj jChi jing. Kuh keh chi hing ; the shaft or body of ditto, # ^ PfJ )1^ kwat, ,chl ,chung ^tiin. Kuh chi chung twan ; the superior extremity, 'p* J<^ Jt iJjffi ^wat, ,chi sheung^ ^tiin. Kuh chi shang twan ; the inferior extremity, '^ -^I T* ^ kwat, ^chi ha^ ^tiin. Kuh chi hia twdn ; there are long and short bones, "^^-^j^S, kwat, *yau jCh'eung 'tiin. Kuli yii ch'ang tw4n ; there are round and flat bones, 'h* ^ H) J^ kwat, ^yau jUn 'pin. Kuh yu yuen pien ; there a)'e tliick and thin bones, '{|*^J[^yi^ kwat, "yau hau^ pok^. Kuh yu hau poh ; bones have either a smooth, or rough surface, -^ '^'^' l|| kwat, mln- wat^ ^hai. Kuh mien hwah hidi ; the form of the bones is either straight or crooked, *^^ |i[ [Hj kwat, ^ying chik^ huk,. Kuh hing chih k'iuh ; the external surface of the bone, '^ <^ ^|» kwat, ^chi ngoi^ mIn^ Kuh chi wai mien ; the medullary canal, >^ ^ 1^^ kwat, ^chi 'sui 15^ Kuh chi sui lu ; depres- sions and eminences of bones, "h* ^ [HJ f?!l kwat, ^chi au' tat^. Kuh chi yau tub ; foramina or holes of bones, "^ .^ ^ kwat, ^chi 'hung. Kuh chi k'ung ; periosteum or covering of bones, '|^* :^ kwat, ^i. Kuh i ; uses of the bones, ^ :^ ^ ^ kwat, ^chl ,kung yung^ Kuh chi kung yung ; a large frame [of bones], 'pi* f§ A kwat, kak, tai'. Kuh keh td ; flesh and bones, -^ |^ kwat, yuk^. Kuh juh ; all the bones, ^ -^ pak, kwat,. Peh kuh ; the bone handle of anything fg pa'. Pa ; to give one a bone to pick, J^ ;;^ A. P^^ j^ai jan. Ndn wei jin ; to make no bones, qg 5^ ijx ii^ p. man- 'pun ^sam, '^^;^i^ pat, man' piin ,sam. Puh wan piin sin ; to pick a bone, p| •^ ^lun kwat,, fig'^g^ ,lun kwat, ^t'au ; you lazy bones ! -^ :^ 1^ # yat, ,shan ^Idn kwat,. Yih shin Idn kuh, ^^ ^ tso^ ^Idn ,shan. Tso Idn shin. Bone, to take out bones from the flesh, as in coo- Bonnilass, a beautiful girl, ^ -it *mi *nii. Mei aii, kery, ^^ hli' kwat,. K'ii kuh, 1^'^>^ ,ch'u ^ts'ing kwat,. Ch'ii ts'ing kuh, ^ >^ 'hi kwat,. K'i kuh, ^ "^ ch'dk, kwat, ; to put whalebone into stays, ^M'W^^^^U .""^'^^ ,^'^S kwat, ii. 'kang tdp,. Ch'uen k'ing kuh yu kang tah. Bone-ache, pain in the bones, -^ ij^ kwat, t'ung'. Kuh t'ung. Bone-black, animal charcoal, "^^ kwat, hak,. Kuh heh. Bone-dust, bones ground for the purpose of being used as manure, "^^ kwat, mut^. Kuh moh, "^ 1^ kwat, 'fan. Kuh fan. Bone-earth, the earthy residuum after the calcina- tion of bones, •§* j; kwat, 't'b. Kuh t'u. Bone-set, to set a dislocated bone, 3)^*^ kap, kwat,. Kiah kuh ; to unite broken bones, ^ '^* pok, kwat,. Poh kuh, ^"^ tsuk^ kwat,. Suh kuh, ^ •p* tsip, kwat,. Tsieh kuh. Bone-setting, the act of setting bones, ^ "^ pok kwat,. Poh kuh, ^'^ 1^ pok, kwat, 'che. Poh kuh che, ^•h*# tsuk^ kwat, 'ch6. Suh kuh ch6. Boned, deprived of bones, ^ ji^S '^ hii' kwo' kwat,. K'ii kwo kuli. Boneless, without bones, ^'^lilt ^mo kwat, k6', ^ •^ '^ jUio kwat, tik,. Wii kuh teh. Bones, dice, ^ ^ ^t'au 'tsz. T'au tsz, ^ ^ shik,. 'tsz. Sih tsz. Bonetta, a sea fish, || -^ ^ii ^meng. Yu ming. Bonfire, a fire made as an expression of public joy and exultation, @ ^ ,in 'fo. Yen ho, ^ 1^ (n M. Yenhwa, ikMZ'X^^^^K '1" g xaU. Mau ; dit- to for females, ;;^i|jg Tiii m5^ Nii mdu; ancient court bonnets, ^ pin\ Pien ; an ancient bon- net, ^ ^kuu. Kwdn, -^ ^ 'kii ,kun. Ku kwan, ^ pin\ Pien ; bonnet-strings, i|)g ^f m6* pdn'. Mau pdn, ijjg i^ mo^ tdi'. Mau tdi ; bonnet-ring, ijjg PI m6^ ^hiin. Mdu k'iuen ; bonnet-cyhnder, ijig ^ mo^ ^ §^ 'pt) 'ts'oi ^ngan. Pi'i ts'di yin ; an extra divident to the shareholders of a joint stock corapanv out of accummulated profits, f.I^ jbung «ki\. Hung ku, ^XWtM shung 'ku ^ngan. Hung ku yin ; bonus of a month's rent, l^sM ^ ji^ ^wo sh^ung^. Ho shdng. Booby, a dunce, ^ ^ ,ngoi pan\ Ngdi pin, ^ ^ ^ngoi To. Ngdi Idu, 4 ^ ^ngiiu *16. Niu Idu, ^ f^ ngong^ '16, ^ jjj| chiit, ,kau. Chueh kiu ; a silly booby, ^ ^ -^ ,shii ^tdi 'tsz ; a water fowl, ^MM ^ st'""g s"SO lui'. rang ngo lui. Booby-hutch, a clumsy, ill-contrived, covered car- riage or seat, ^^^ ^md ^ch'e ^meng. Md ch'e ming, IHi^i'^JiL it; ngat^ ke ,ch'6. Nieh wuh [^1 tih ch'e. Bootlii, name of Budha, ■^ fat^. Fuh. (see Budha). Boodhism, the system of the rijligion of Budha, ^ ^ fat^ kdu'. Full kidu, ^. ^ sink, kdu*. Shih kidu. Boodhist, a believer in Boodhism, '^ ^ fat^ ^Vb. Fuh t'u, ^^^ fat, tai' 't»sz. Fuh ti tsz, \$ ^ ^ sun' fat^ 'ch^. Sin fuh che, i^ j^f, -^ ^ts'ung fatj 'die. Ts'ung fuh cln'', ^^^^!^ ^ts'ung shik, kdu' 'ch^. Ts'ung shih kidu clu; ; a Boodhist priest, ?pO^ jWo shcung'. Ho shdng, f^ A i^^^S ^yan. Sang jin, ^ -^ t'uk, 'tsz. T'uh tsz, J:^ X sh^'ung' jan. Shdng jin, ;A; Orii ^'''^ <'*''• Td sz. Book, a, # ,shu. Shu, )^ ch'dk,. Ts'eli, ^ ch'dk,. Ts'eb, % ^ ,shii ch'dk,. Shu ts'cb, ^ fg ,shii tsik^. Shu tsih, m |g 'tin tsik^. Tien tsih, f^jj ^ 'kan ch'dk,. Kien ts'tli, fS\ >j| 'kdn ch'dk,. Kien t"'**!'. fS\ h 'kun ch'dk,. Kien ts'ch, ^ '^ ^shii 'kiin. Sbii kiuen, ^ ^^ ^man tsik^. Wan tsih, IS 1^ tsoi' tsikj. Tsdi tsUi, H luk^. Luh, ^^ ^ ip^ 'tsz. Vt'h tsz, ;^ ^ ch'dk, "tsz. Ts'eh tsz; a single book (volume), — n^ |^ yat, p?»' ,shu. Yih pil shii ; a set of books, — ^ ^ yat, t'6' ^shii. Yih t'du shu ; bamboo books, ^ fg ,kon tuk^. Kdn tuh. ^ fg) chuk, 'kdn. Chub kien ; a bamboo book basket, ^ ^ ^shu lukj. Shii luh ; a book-case, ^ ^ ,shu tsz'. Shu tsz, ^ ^ ,shu ,seung. Shii sidng, ^ ;j§ ^shii kwai'. Shu kwei, g: ^ ^shu hdp^. Shd kieh, f|: (£ ^shii hdp^. Shii hidh ; a cover of a book, ^^ ^shu .p'i. Shu p'i, ^ :fl ^shii ,i. Shii 1, ; a bound book, #X^»J^ ,t^ng tik, ^sliii. Ting tih su, ^Pgj[ ^ ,teng ke' .shii ; a book envelop, ^3!^ ,shu kdp,. Shii kidh ^ l^ .shu tit^. Shii ehih ; a pa- per book, 7ft#I<:# »'»{' ,teng ,chi .shu, Wi ting chi shii, j^-^^ri^W- ^'' st*'ansr ,teng k^' ^shii ; a book of accounts, |g ^ ch^ung' p5'. Chdng pii ; a waste book, ^ -gp 'ts'6 p5'. Ts'du pu ; the Red-book, ^J^fr^^ tsun' .shan luk^. Tsin shin luh, ^ ^ ^ # tsuii' .shan ^is'iin .shii. Tsin shin ts'iuen shii ; to mind one's books, ^ ^ k'an hok^. K'in hioh ; without book, ^ff [1{ nim' tak ch'ut,. Nien teh ch'iih, ^ # [Ij piii' tak, ch'ut,! Pei teh cli'uh, ;^ti| nim' tak,. Nien teh ; without book, >j^ g; pat, .shii. Pub slui, ^ ^ pat, 's^. Pub si^, pg f|^ ^ ^m 'shai tuk^ ; without book, "^^W. "^'^ ^y^^^ jk'iin. Wi yii k'iuen ; in books, •jg ^, ^wdi nim'. Hwdi nien, j^ i^ :^ :^ nim' nini' pat, ^mong. Nien nien pub waug; in favor, 1^ ^ 'ch'ung oi'. Ch'ung ngdi ; to be in one's books, ^ ^ him' ,t'd ^ngan. K'ien t'd yin, ^ IB Ifi him' 'k'ii ^ngan. K'ien k'li yin ; to get out of one's books, ^ ^^ ^^'^^S '''*"'• Ts'ing s6, M M ^ s^^'"" .t'S'ing jUgan. Hwdn ts'ing yin ; to read a book, ^ojj^ tuk, p6' .shii, Tuh pii shii ; to recite a book, ^ ^ nim' .shii. Nien shii, "^ ^ pui' ^shu. Pei shii, "^ =| piii' tsung', Pei sung; a sacred book, ^ ^ shing' .shii. Shing shii, ^j^ shing' .king. Shing king, |5^ jking 'tin. King tien ; a bciok that dare not be altered, ^^f\\:^^ pat, 'hon ,chi .shii. Pub k'dn chi shii ; to revise books, j^ kdu'. Kidu, j^ f J" kdu' ting'. Kidu ting, j^ J£ kdu' clung'. Kidu ching, ^ IX .ts'iwi ting'. Ts'dn ting, ^JJ "hdu ting'. K'du ting; to cut out blocks for a book, flj igi 'hon 'pdn, K'dn pan ^J ;fe' hak, 'pdn. K'eh pdn ; to print books, ^ ^ yan' ,shii, Yin slui; to distribute books, ^§ p'di' .shii. P'di shii, j^v'^ sung' .shii. Sung .shii; to burn books, ^ ^ jfan .shii. Fan slui ; to write books, f-f ^ t*^ ^ .tsirn t'au ,hu. Tsien t'au hiueh ; water boots, ;jc (|j[; shui .hu. Shwui hiueh ; boots reaching up to tlie thigh, ^ Jiu. lliueh; to put on boots, ^'^ft ch6uk, .hu. Choh hiueh, ^!gj(; .ch'iin ,hii. Ch'uen hiueh; to take off ditto, ^ ^^ t'iit, ,hu. T'oh hiutih, g^ 1^ jCh'ii ,hii. Ch'u hiueh ; the boot of a sedan chair, l^\fi ^kiu kwai^ Kiau kAvei, ^Jlj^-f-lt' "kiu 'tai kwai^ Kiau ti kwei ; the boot of a carriage, ^ fuk^. Fuh ; a leathern cover for a gig, ^ fjj jP'i jkw'an. P'i kw'an, )^ 0^ keuk, 'k'am ; boots, a servant at hotels who blacks the boots, |^|^^ ts'At, ^hAi 'ch6. Ch'dh hidi ch6. Bootcrimp, a frame used by boot-makers for draw- ing in and shaping the body of a boot, i^|; ^ Jiu mang\ Hiueh mang. Boot-jack jjg; ."Jl^l; |g t'iit, ,hu 'pan. T'oh hiueh pan. Boot-tree, ) an instrument to stretch and widen the Boot-last, J leg of a boot, r^j; ^ hii him'. Hiueh k'iuen. Booted, having boots on, ^- jjl^ i|ljt cheuk, kwo' Jiii. Choh kwho hiueh. Bootee, short boots, ^^ ^|^ 'tiin Jixh. Twdn hiueh, •Wk SR i^^ jt'au. Hiueh t'au. Booth, a house or shed, built of slight materials ^ 8h6'. Shi6, ^ J5. Lu, ^ ^p'ang. P'ang, i^ ^ 'l)dn sh6'. Pdn shi^ ; a market booth, ^ /^ sz' tim'. Sz tien ; a booth for vending liquor, y|^ ^ tsau jlim. Tsiu lien. Bootless, imavailing, ^ J^ jnb yung^. Wti yung ; unprofitable, ^j^ ^ ^mb yik,. Wu yih. Booty, spoil taken from an enemy in war, g|| ^tsong. Tsdng, ^ ^ ,t8ong mat,. TsAng wuh, ^ <^j tiitj matj. Toh wuh ; that which is scM'zed by vio- lence, ^ 4J5 kip, mat,. Kieh wuh, ;^ .j^i jfy /j*; kip, louk, tik, mat^. Kieh Uoh tih avuIi, f^ ^ it ^ 'ts'^ung kip, chi raat^. Ts'iang kieh chi wuh. Bopeep, to play at, :g£f^ A '"liuk, .ni jan, ^fj^i^. M tsh^ j\i ,mdi hi' ; the game of hide and seek, ^ m A^ ehuk, .ni jan hi'. Borable, that may be bored, pj* ^ 'ho tsiin'. K'o tswdn. Boracic acid j||§ ^^ gg jP'ang .shd ts'6'. P'ang shd ts'ii. Borate, a salt formed by boracic acid with any base, M # lS$ ^ <'^"' J*^"- ''■'*''* ^''-'" P^*-^" ' ^' boi"der round a vase or porcelain, iS; i'. t ; a gilt border of a ditto, ^ j^ .kam jiin. Kin pien ; the raised border of a coin, ^ j^ .pin ^Idn. Pien Idn. Bonier, to be contiguous to, -^ kdi'. Kidi, ^ vhV. Chi, ^ jlin. Lien, ^ tsip,. Tsieh, ^^ ]^ .kdu kdi'. Kidu kidi, ^ |g tsip, jdung. Tsieh jdng ; to ap])rf)ach near to, fffl fu^ Fu ; U) l)onler on China. P|l |g^j g, ChUng kw o k, ^u kAi'. Chirng * found in Tib«t. BOE (225) BOR kwoh ki^u kidi ; on the East it borders on China, ^;^[:|:}g ^ tsoi' ^shang. Tsai sjmg, ^ J^ ,ch'ung ^shang. Ch'ung sang; the firtit-born, -^ ^ 'ch^ung 'tsz. Chang tsz, ^ ^ 'ch'ung 'tsz. Ch'ung tsz, 1^ ff jt'au 'tsai, X. f? ^'^ ^sai ; the first bom * , ^ ^ iin* /sun. Yuen tsun, ^^ yap, Borough-holder, ) *tsoi. Yih tsdi, ^ '^ yap, ^hau. Yih hau. Borough-master, governor of a borough, J^ ^ iin* 'chii. Yuen chu. Borrow, to take from another by request with a view to use the thing and return it, "f^ ts^'. Tsie, f^ ^ ts^' jloi. Tsi6 Idi, ^ t'ai'. T'di, -f/|^ tse' t'di'. Tsi6 t'di, -fg ^ 'kd ts6'. Kid tsi6, ;^p ^ no ts6'. No tsi6, II tsik^. Tsih, ^ chai'. Chdi, ^ shai'. Shi, ^ t'ik,. T'ih, ^ ^' hat, t'ik,. K'ih t'ih, gj 'kd. Kid, :;|^ f^ ^s6ung tse'. Sidng tsi6 ; to bor- row money, -^ §}i ts6' ^ngan. Tsi6 yin, ^ |^ ^h6 jts'in. Shie ts'ien, ^ ^ ^ ts6' jUgan Joi. T8i6 yin Idi, :^ -^ k'it, tsd'. K'ieh tsie, ^ fgf ,8hang ts6'. Sang tsiiS, ti^ Jdi mang', f^.{f|:| ^^ ji jUO jts'in jUgan. I no ts'ien yin ; to bor- row of, ;|ig f^ ,s6ung tsd'. Sidng tsie; to bor- row for another, ^ "^ jP'ong t'di'. P'dng t'di ; to beg a loan, -g ^ hat, t'di'. K'ih t'di, j}^ -fgf jk'au t86'. K'id tsi6 ; to copy, ^ jAi'nu. Cli'du ; to imitate, ^ hau^ Ilidu, S^ hok^. Ilioh, ^ ^ hokj hdu^ llioh hidu; to assume, ^ mb^ Mdu ; to borrow aid, ff ^} tsd' lik^. Tsit^ lib, '^•||J!| tsd' cho^ Tsi^tsa, \U\J} 'kd ^yan lik^. Kid jin lib, ^ ts'ing'. Ts'ing ; to borrow a name, ^ i^, m6' jUiong. Mdu ming, fj| ;g tse' jniong. Tsie ming ; to borrow or buy on credit, ^,^ ,8h6 hndi. Shi6 mdi, ^ ^ ,sh6 ^loi. Sh\6, hii ; borrow or credit me for a M'bilc, ^ j^ \]]{ ^sli6 chii' Mid ; to borrow and lend, fj| ^ iu ^ tse' ^loi tse' hii'. Tsit^ Idi tsi6 k'ii ; to borrow or use a metaphor, fg P^ ts6' ii^ Tsi6 yu. fg «| f^ ts6' p'i' ii\ Tsie p'i yi'i ; to Iwrrow troops, ^ ^ tsik^ ,l>'"g- 'l'**'l' ping, f^ -^ tse ,ping. Tsie ping ; to borrow a knife to kill a man, (to make a thiixl party tlie instrument of injury), f[J JJ ^ \ tse' ,t6 shdt, ^yan. T8i6 t-du shdh jiii t to borww clothes, -^^ tsd' ^kwong. Tsi^ kwdng; wisliing to Ijorrow they became enemies, ^fy^f/L J^^ ts6* ^shing ,eh'au. Yin tsi<5 ching cli'au ; to borrow without letuming, ^J j^ f{^ ^\ j]] ^ fg M ^ Laupi t«6' Kingchau ^yau ts6' ^mo ,wdn. Ijiiipl tsie King- ehau yu tsi6 wii hwdn. Borrowed, taken by consent, of another, to be return- ed. fH i^ ts6' kwo'. Tsie kwo, f{^ ^ ^^ tse' /oi kwo'. Tsi6 Idi kwo, ^ 5fJ i^ .8h6 Joi kwo'. Slii6 Idi kwo; a.ssumed, ^ i^ m?j' kwo'. Mdu kwo ; copied, J^ j^ ,ch'du kwo'. Ch'dii kwo ; imitated, ^ i^ hdu' kwo'. Hidu kwo, ^ v^ bok^ kwo'. Hioh kwo. Borrower, one who borrows, f|| j^ tse' 'che. Tsi^ che, ^^ ,sh6 'ch6. Shie ch6 ; a borrower's note, j^ ^ ts^' ,tdn. Tsici tdn ; one Avho assumes, ^ ^ m6* 'che. Mdu ch6 ; one who copies, ^ ^ ^ch'du 'ch6. Ch'du ch6 ; om; who imitates, ^ ^ hau' 'chd. Hidu ch6, ^^^ hok^ /'a 'che. Hioh t'd ch6. BoiTOwing, taking by consent, to be returned, f^ ts6'. Tsie, -(gfg 'kd tse'. Kid tsi(^, g,^ ,slie. Shi^; assuming, ^ mb\ Mdu ; imitating, ^ bdu\ Hiau. Boi-sholdcr, the head-borough, whicli see. Bos, the ox and allied quadrupeds, ^^ j^gau lui'. Niu lui. Bosa, an intoxicating drink among the Egyptians, obtained from tlie meal of darnel and hempsecd, |§ji f^ ^md 'tsau. Ma tsiii. Boscage, thickets of wood, ^ i^ man' ^lam. Mau lin. Boscbas, the common wild duck, gf ^ 'ye dp,. Y6 ydb. Bosh-bock, a species of antelope in Soutli Africa, ^ ^ m s^*''"o jeu'ig li'i^- Hwang yang lui. -n \ I ^ compailment formed by branches of Buskct, ' i ^^^^^' ^ ^ 5^^"^ ^^'^"^" -^'^ ^''°°- Bosom, the breast of a human being, and the parts juljacent, fl^ 'o tsoi' ,wAi 'li. P'au tsai hwai li, '{^ ^ '|^ P|l cts'iin ^ii 1". Ts'un vu Invai chung : to liido from 'yan. Yin. Bosomed, inclosed in the Ijreast, '|^ ;i^ )jpi] 4* c^vCii ^ii hung ^chung. Hwai yu hiung chung. Bosoming, putting into the bosom, '|^^|6j jWai ^ii ^hung. Hw.4i yii hiung, M^l]"^] M <'^i' c^ ^^^'^^ jts'in. Chi yii hiung ts'ien, ^ ^ ^^ fong' ^ii jWai ^chung. Fang yu hwai chung; embracing, as a fond mother her child, ^|S ,wai -p'6. Hwdi p'au, It T'^- ^''lu ISfi t'o chii-. P'du chii, ^ -^ ,Avai chii". Hwf'ii chu. Boson, see Bootswain. Bosporus, a strait, Sy^gS^l'^ Hakhoi ^sai ^uam h%. Hehhai si nan hiah, S ± ^J^ {iJ§ ± Po- szpol5sz. Poszpoliisz, Boss, a stud, knob, or protuberant ornament, ^T^ 5jp jUgan 'ting ^t'au. Yin ting t'au, l%.^i^ ,chu 'ting jt'au. Chu ting t'au, :^^rl /^ 'nau 'ting. Hwa niu ting, 'i^^l^^Z^ tat^ ch'ut, ^wd shik, ^chi mat,. Tub ch'uh hwa shili chi wuh ; a prominence, y^ f^lj ;^ #J /au tat^ ^chl mat^. Pau tub chi wuh, (fi {Ij ;^ 4^ tjit, ch'ut, chi mat^. Tuh ch'uh chi vrah. Boss, the master workman, pjjj -^ ^sz fii'. Sz fii. Bossed, ornamented with bosses, ^^ ^seung kwo'. Siang kwo, J^ ^ ^^ 'ang kwo' /a ; ornamented Avith gems, j^i^^ ^seung kwo' ^chii. Sidng kwo chii, ^ ^ ^ n^ -yau chii shik, k€ ; ditto with silver ornaments, ^ §^ X^ 3^ -gjj Pf^ -yau ^ngan 'ting jt'au shik, ke'. Bossive, crooked, ^ huk,. K'iuh, ^ -^ ^wai 'me. Botanic, | ^^T^fi^ 'ts'6 muk, tik,. Ts'au muh tih, Botanical, ]^:^v^ 'ts'6 muk^ ke', ^ ;ji ^ P^ chung' chikj lui^ kc . Botanist, one versed in the knowlege of plants or vegetables, ^^"^ 'ts'6 hok^ 'ch^. Ts'du hioh chc, ^:^;^^ ^- shik, 'ts'6 muk^ 'che. Shih ts'du muh che, \fl.^^:^^ pok, hok 'ts'6 muk^ 'chd. Poh hioh ts'du muh che, TJi ^ ^ 'pun 'ts'6 ^kd. Pun ts'au kia. Botanize, to seek for plants for the purpose of bo- tanical investigation, ^^^^ 'kdn chdk, /d 'ts'6. Kien tseh hwd ts'du. 'ts'6 po'. Ts'au pfi, which includes under-shrubs and Botanizing, the seeking of plants for botaincal pur- poses, ^Wi&-^ '^^^ ^"^^^K S^ 'ts'6 'ch6. Kien tseh hwd ts'au ch6. Botany * , the science of the structure of plants and their classification, ^ TJ^ j^l! ^ 'ts'6 muk^ 'tsung -li. Ts'du muh tsung li, .^ i^ :^ ^ 'ts'6 muk, chi hok,. Ts'du muh chi hioh, t$ ^ ^ tK V^K hok, 'ts'6 mukj. Poh hioh ts'du muh. * That Botany has never been studied by the Chinese as a science, and that up to this moment they have the crudest notions re- peeting the classification of plants, may be seen from an ex- tract made from the Chinese iMateria Medica. The same is found in Morrison's Engl, and Chinese Dictionary, pp. 48 and 49. "In the Pun-ts'iiu-kAng muh (the best Pharma/K>poeia and Botanical book in China), the following are the division of plants. The word o|> pt)'. P(i, is used for class or order, |^ lui*. Lui, for genius [generaj, and ^ 'chung. Chung, for species, or variety. Of the Poo, or larger divisions, there are live. herbs. II- ^ ^ kuk, p6'. ICuh ])(i, Gramina, or grains that serve for food. III. ^ op ts'oi' \)b'. Ts'&i pft, edible herbaceous plants. IV. ^ n^ 'kwo p6^ Ko pu, fniits. v. /^^ ^ muk; p6'. Muh pu, trees. These general terms must be understood with a good deal of latitude. Of the 51^ lui'. Lui, divisions, or genera, there are but 32 promised, and of these oidy 30 ai-e given. Of the ^g 'ch>mg. Chung, division, or the species, there are 1094. Under the class. 1. UJ JP- ,shan 'ts'o. Shan ts'6u, hill or mountain plants, such as grow wild or without cultivation, including liquorice, gin- seng, narcissus, &c. 2. ^ ^ ,fong 'ts'6. Fang ts'au, odoriferous or fragrant plants ; the same idea seems expressed by ^ ^. ,heung 'ts'b. Hiang ts'au. This division includes Mow-tan, poeony, turmeric, and other species of Amomum Daphne odorata, mint, and some varieties of Epidendrum. 3- feft -^ tsftp, 'ts'6. Sih ts'au, plants growing in marshy, wet places. In Du Halde called Field plants. This division in- " eludes Chrysanthemum ; cockscomb, plantain, varieties of hibis- cus, plantago, canna, &c. 4. -(^ -^ tuk; 'ts'6 Tuh ts'au, poisonous or noxious plants ; plants, the use of which is attended with danger. The English edition of Du Halde, calls them " venomous plants." This di- vision includes rhubarb, hemerocallis, impatiens (balsam), &c. 5. ^ ^. man' 'ts'6. Man ts'iiu, scandent plants that want sup- port. Included are some species of convolvulus and rose, cu- cumber, china root, and honeysuckle, &c. G. yj^^. 'shui 'ts'6. Shwuits'&u, water plants; acorus calamus, &c. 7. 'ij ^ shck, 'ts'6. Shili ts'au, plants growing on stones or rocks ; as saxifraga sarmentosa ; sedum ; and some ferns. 8. ■^ ^^ ^t'oi lui'. T'6i lui, the moss genus, including lichens. 9. ^^ ^ tsap, 't8'6. Tsfth ts'au, miscellaneous, or plants of a mixed kind ; to which are added 153 plants not used in medi- cine. 11. Class. 10. fi^^^M i">^ mak, t6' lui'. M6 meh tau lui, hemp, wheat, 11- W:^^ tsik, suk, lui'. Tsih suh lui, millet, maize, Ac. Ab- solute certainty respecting these grains is not possessed. 12. ^ -H ^ shuk, tau' lui'. Shuh tau lui, Leguminous plants. 13. *a lis >?n tso' y^ung" lui'. Tsau nifing lui, Grains capable of femientat ion ; or plants of whose grain is made wine and other drinks. III. Class, herbaeeous or kitchen plants. 14. ^L •^ 3^ ,fan ,san lui'. Hiun sin lui ; Alliaceous pungent and bitter pknts. BOT (228) BOT Botch, a large ulcerous affection, '^ ^lau. Liu, |^ j Botcher, a flumsy workman at mending, ^ ^ ^ chl ch'ft*. Chueh pti chi ch'u ; ill-finished work, | a female botcher, ^ # ^ p6 ^shdm' j)'o. Pti :||i{I chat, ,kung. Chueh kung, J^X p'o* .kung. sdn p'o. P'o kung, ^ X p&i^ ,kung. .Pdi kung, ^ ^ gtj , Botchery, that which is done by botching, fi^i^ pai' ,tung ,8ai. Pi tung si ; a part added clumsily | X.^'p^ *im k6' ,kung /u. or unsuitably, :f»ij ^j^ p|£ chttt, 'p6 U\ ^ ^ P^ Botching, mending clumsUy, :(tij||§ chut, p6. Chueh lut, 'p^ k&, :fii{^^g§ chiit, 'p6 ,tung ,aai. Chueh pd tung si, ^^^U^ liit, 'p6 k6' y. Botch, to mend in a clumsy manner, ^^ liit, *p5. Liueh pii, :f{U ^ chiit, *p5. Chueh pu ; to put to- gether unsuitably, ^ Pg- ^ 3^ 'p6 ^m h^p^ shik,, ^Pal^i^ 'p<^ jn jt'ung y^iing^; to botch a copy of verses, ^ ^ ^ ^k'^ung ts'au' ,shi. K'iAng ts'au shi; to mark with botches, ^ J^ ^ h6* M jCh'ong. Hdu i ch'wdng. Botched, patched clumsily, :f{i{^^ chiit, 'p6 kwo'. Chueh pu kwo, ^li^if ^n^ 'p6 kwo' *h5 chiit, k6' ; marked with botches, ^ ^ 'yau ,ch'ong. Yu ch'wAng, |j|;j® 0^ h5^ kwo' H ,ch'ong. H6u kwo i ch'wdng. Du Halde says such as have a strong smeLl and taste, such as leeks, onions, garlic, mustard, ginger. &c. 15. ^ ni ^ jau wilt; lui». Jau hwfth hii. Soft and slipjjery plants, Muoilaginous. This genus is omitted in Du Halde, it includes Lilium condidum. and tigrinuni, bamboo roots, &c. 16- (W ^ 'lo ts'oi'. Lo ts'fii, plants producing fruit upon the ground ; includes solanum ; gourds ; melons &c. 17. TNsfe 'shui ts'oi'. Shwui ts'ai, Water edible plants. Fuci? 18. tzMXi enjiimin, lusufirtida, aloes, &c. 26. ^>fC ,k'iu muk,. K'iAu muh, tall-stemraes, a» varnish trees, sterculia, hyperanthera, sapindus, willow, tiunarix, itc. 27. fS A^ ki'in' muk,. KwAii muh. luxuriant or fre«> growing trees ; mulberry, gardinia, cercis, calycanthus, hibiscus, bonibax. 88. ^ 7^ i\' muk,. Y6 muh, parasitic plantj*? Pavetta pumsi- tica, and amber ! 29. -^ 7^ ,priu muk, Pfiu muh, flexible plants; bamboo and ta- bauhoer : from this and the preceding genus, it would seem tbnt the supposed profi tsAp, muk,. TsAh muh, seven miscellaneous s})ecie»,j fMul *^vi notices of twenty- mora" pii, ^ li Hit, 'p6. Liueh pii. Bote, ^old orthography of Boot), in law, compensa- tion, ^^ 'p6 ^ngan. Pd yin, f.S:^j^Si 'p6 /A jhung jngan. P6 hwA hung yin ; a compensation for wounding a pei-son, ^^^ 'p6 ,t'ong y^uk^. Pii t'dng yob ; a compen.sation for a man slain, :^ U S^ jhung. HwA hung, fSg?^^ 'P^ .<>" M ^ngan. Pu ngdn kia yin, :^|l(^ .fa ^hung ^ngan. Hwd hung yin, ^■^';^ shuk^ meng^ jiigan. Shuh ming yin ; a allowance of necessaries, ^ ^ ^^ ,sii. Pu sii, ^ *p6. Pti. Both, two •, ^ n.^ung. Lidng, - i'. Bh, -g ,k6i. Kiiii, ^ .kii. Kii, ^ ping'. Ping; both men, ^M A 'leung ko' ^van. Liang ko jin, ^ ^ n^ung .kii. Lidng kia, ;^^ tM5 ^ M^ung ko' .t6 hu'. Lidng ko tii k'u ; both arrived, ^ 'JS ijpi $lj Moung ko' ping' ib\ Lidng ko ping t:iu ; both sides, ^ ^^ '16ung pin*. Lidng pien, ^ ^ H^ung j)in. LiAng pien ; both ways, p^ ^ M^ung y(5ung^. Lidng ydng, ^ |fp '16ung 'hii ; both hands, ^ ^ .sheung 'shau. ShwAng shau, ^ ^ M6ung 'shau. Lidng shau, — f^ -^ yat, tui' 'shau. Yili tiii shau ; both that and this, f^ ]j:\^ *pi 'ts'z. Pi ts'z ; they attacked both by land and wafer, ;!|C P^ ^' J^ 'shui luk^ . ping' ,kung. Shwui luh ping kung; both perished, ^ ^ "&( XH *K^"ng 'ch6 ,ku ,mong. Lidng ch6 kii wdng; both are right, f«f«j;^^j^ Heung 'chd ,kai shiS Lidng che kidi shi, pi^ ^ SH ^ *l^ung ko' ^tb chtiuk, ; to take water with both hands, ^ ^[C kuk, *shui. Kiuh shwui, :^ ^ 'p^^S 'shut. Fung shwui ; to gi*asp with both bands ; to seize with both hands, ^ -^ :f^ ,sheung 'shau .chd. Shwdng shau chd, |i^ ^ f^ 'li'-ung 'shau ,chd. Lidng shau chd, ^4S<.^|^ife 'U''ung chek^ 'shau .«rhd'chu\ Liang chih shau chd chii, ^4 ^ ^^ ^ Ueung chckj '.shau ,chd 'kan. Lidng chih shau chd kin ; both died, p^ ^ ^ ^^ J 'It^ung ko' ,t5 'sz ^liii. Liang ko tti sz lidu; embracing with both arms, ^-^^^ ,sh<''ung 'shau 'Idmchtt'. Shwdng shau Idn chii ; husband and wife both li^^ng to a gooil old age, ^U"^^ .fii 't^i M^ '^^- ^^^ ^"^ kidi Idu; both standing fogetlier, ^' jt P'"?' l*Pj- Ping lib. Pfg>^ - ^>^ M^ung ko' yat, p'dk. Vi ; both g<'ntlemen have dined, f^j^"^^^ ^l^ung wai' shikj fdn' Uiu. Lidng wei shih fdn lidu; both The ClsMifier defininir llie Noun, must slwHVf follow the Numer- al. Vid. pp. 1 and s! . and Author's (iramuiar of the ChiDc«« L«u- yuagt pp. 6—16. BOT (229) BOT are clever, p >M5 # f^ M '^eung ko' ^tb hai' ,ling li". Liang ko tu hi ling li ; we both have one, i^^^ — f\^ 'ni 'ngo kok, yat, kin'. Ni wo koh vih kien ; both pieces are very dirty, p]f fj^ ^ J5I 1^ 'leung kin- h5' la' *cha. Bother, to tease or perplex, j^ f^ /an raun'. Fan mw^n, v^ p.^ ^im mun'. Yen mwan, ^ 0^ ,km lut,, PIRI: ^un ,chun, tig p;|t c^^a Tnai, |^^ /un ,na. Hwan na ; do not bother me so much, \f}^^ ^ P^ ^ Tnai ko' ^ira mun' 'ngo ; you must not bother him, ^ ^ f^ f^ tH pat, 'ho ^im mun' ^k'u. Bothnic, ") pertaining to Bothnia, ^ v/£ ^ j^ ^>I Bothnian, ) Patnia ^wan tik,. Puhnia wan till, ^ Vt ^ M "^ Patnia ^wan k6'. Botryoid, | having the from of a bunch of grapes, Botrj'oidal, ) ^%%]Wi^m% yat, ^k'au ^p'6 ^'5 'tsz 'kom ycung'. Yih k'iii p'li t'au tsz kan yAng, — % ^'^ -f- ^ ^ y^t, ,k'au ^p'6 ^t'6 'ts'/ ,chi jing. Yih k'iu p'o t'au tsz chi lung. Bots, a species of small worms found in the intestines of horses, ^^^^ ^mA ^ch'^ung ^chi ^cli'ung. Mii ch'ang chi ch'ung. Bottle ^ ^tsun. Tsun, ^ ^tsun. Tsun, ;t^ .tsun. Tsun, P'ins, >un. Tsun, i^ ih\ Tu, ^ .p'ing. ,l)'ing. P'ing, ^ ^p'ing. P'ing, ^ 'im. Yen ; a glass-bottle, i^ J^ ^ j)o Ji ^tsun. Po li tsun, ^ J|^ ^ ,po jli kun'. Po li kwiin; a large bottle, -f^ jij^ tiij- ^tsun. Ta tsun ; a small glass- l)ottle, ^ i% SI ff JO Ji ^tsun 'tsai, ^01 ^ ^% ^ sai' JO Ji ^tsun. Si ])o H tsun ; a porcelain ditto, K lift ff 'ngd ,tsun 'Isai. Ya tsun tsz, f^ §^ ^ jts'z hi' ^tsun. Ts'z k'i tsun; a leathern bottle, J^ bottle of ale, — '^J^yg' yat, ,tsun je 'tsau. Yih tsun pe tsiu; a bottle of wine, — ^S^Hj^vM y^t, ,tsun ,p'6 ^'6 'tsau. Yih tsun p'u t'au tsiu ; open the bottle, ^ ^ \\oS isxxa. K'4i tsun ; a bundle (bottle) of hay, — ■ iii !^ ^ jat, jau ^kon 'ts'6. Yih pau kan ts'Au, — ■ |ltl ^ ^^ yat, 'kwan ^kon 'ts'5. Yih kw'an kan ts'tiu. Bottle, to put in bottles, ^;5^^P^ chong ^ii ^tsun noi'. Chwdng yu tsun nui, y\, ^ S^ |M yap^ lok^ ,tsun "lii. Jib loh tsun li. Bottle-ale ^ ^ Pi)E J>^- v@ ^chong ^tsun k^' jc 'tsau. Chwdng tsun [j^^] till p6 tsiii. Bottle-companion, ) ^ ;^ 'yam 'yau. Yin yii, y^ Bottle-friend, j ^ 'tsau 'yau. Tsiu yu ; to be- come bottle-companions, ^ff^^ kit, 'tsau ^yau. Kieh tsiii yu. Bottle-flower ^ j^ 'lam Ji6. Lin hua. Bottle-glass It "It g^ J^ .tsun k6' jo ^li, P^ S^ fit ^JC J{^ ,ch'ui ,tsun ke' jo Ji. Bottle-gourd, cucurbita, ^ ^ jii ^lo. Hii lu, §Ii j^ j'au J?). P'au 111, ^ ;K. j'au ^kwa. P'Au kwd. Bottle-hihel ^ J{|^ ,tsun j'di. Tsun p'ai. Bottle-nosed, having a bottle-shaped nose, ^ H^i; p. ^tsun 'kom pi'. Tsun kan pi ; a red nose, ^j; ^ Jiung pi'. Hung pi, «jg^ 'tsau pi'. Tsiu pi. Bottle-rack J^. ^ ^tsun kd'. Tsim kid. Bottle-screw, a screw to draw corks out of bottles, ^^ chat, tsiin'. Chih tswAn, ^^ ^tsun tsiin'. Tsun tswdn. Bottle-squash ^ ^ ,kong u^ Kang yii. Bottled, put into bottles, ^'^'^^ ^chong kwo' J ^tsun. Chwdng kwo yu tsun. Bottling, putting into bottles, ^'^'^ ^chong ^ii jtsun. Chwdng yii tsun. Bottom, the lowest part of anything, |g 'tai. Ti, jj^ 7; 'tai hA'. Ti hid, J^ ^ 'tai min'. Ti mien, J^ 'mi. Wi, ^ 'tong. Tang ; the ground work of an edifice, :^i^^ ^ki 'chi. Ki chi; a dale, |1|^ ^shiin kuk,. Shdn kuh ; flat lands adjoining the rivei-s % ^ ^tai ti-. Ti ti ; the bottom of a ship, ^ jg jShiln 'tai. Ch'uen ti ; to reach the bottom, ^Ijjjg to' 'tai. Tdu ti, g(Jg ch'it, 'tai. Ch'eh ti; to fall to the bottom, 1% $\\ J^ tit, to' 'tai. Tieh tdu ti ; at the bottom, ^[j^^ tsoi' 'tai hd^ Tsdi ti hid; the bottom of a basket, j:^ kwai'. Kwei, ^ J^ ^hong 'tai. Kw'dng ti ; to examine to the bottom, '^tkfM}& " '«''• ^^1 °gai so shi, j^ ,@, fiJx ^ ^seung ^sz 'sho chi'. Siang sz so chi ; at the bottom of the stairs, >^ t§ ^ ^ tsoi' /au /'ai keuk,. Tsdi lau t'l kioh, :^^^ tsoi' /'ai keuk,. Tsdi t'i kioh ; the bottom of liquor, y^ ^ 'tsau keuk,. Tsiu kioh ; the bottom of a lane, ^ ^ hong- 'mi. Hidng wi, ^ ;^ "J^ |^ hong^ ^chi hd' ch'ii'. Hidng chi hid ch'u ; the candle does not show the bottom, ''^^^^ chuk, pat, in^ put^. Chuli pub yen poh. Bottom, to build upon, j|lj fetjl ^ ch'ong' ti^ ,ki. Ch'wdng ti ki, it ^ j^ lap, ti' k^uk,. Lib ti kioh, ^ jjf kin' lap^. Kien lib, |^ ^ kin' chi'. Kien chi ; to furnish with a bottom, ^ >|^ J[^ 'ching 't'ung 'tai. Ching t'uug ti ; to wiud round something, as in making a ball of thread, ||5[ ^ -k'iu ^k'au. K'idu k'iu, ^ %% 'k'iii sin'. K'idu sien. Bottom, to rest upon, ^ ^ ^on chf. Ngdn chi, ^ I' ,on "sh^ung. Ngdn shang. Bottomed, as. a flat-bottomed boat, ^]§^^ iP'i^S BO'r ( 230 ) feotj 'tai jShiin. P'iiif^ ti cli'iicii, !>> ffc .sli/". M'eng. Shd t'ing. Bottoming, founding, 5j| jV. kin' lap^. Kicn lili, 5j[[ j;\\- kin' 'chi. Kicn chi; furnishing with a hottom, l^'ljg 'ching 'tai. Ching ti, -fi^jlj,^ ts(V 'tai. Tsoti. Bottomh^ss, without bottom, fjH j[j§ ^mo 'tai. Wii ti, iKJI '^ M: >^') <^"^ ,sham mok^ ch'ak,. Yuen shin moll ts'c^h ; fathomk'ss, ^% p] -^1] f^ pat, 'ho cli'ak, tokj. Pull k'o ts'eh toh, :j(^ p[ ifllj pat, 'ho ch'ak,. Puh k'o ts'eh ; the bottomless pit, iD; J[g ;^ -^^ ,mo 'tai (;h{ ,un. Wii ti chi yuen. Bottomry, the act of borrowing money, and pledg- ing the ship itself, -^i/ijfl; 'tin ^shiin. Tien ch'uen, "^ ^ tong' jShiin. Tang ch'uen. Bouchet, a sort of pear, ^l^ jli jni<^ng. Li ming. Bout, a weevil, ^^, kuk, ^ch'ung. Kuh ch'ung. Bough, tlu! branch of a tree, ij^ ^chi. Chi, |^j jlf^ shii' ,chi. Shu chi, — f|^ |^ yat, ^fiu ,chi. Yih t'iilu chi, if^ f^ chi ^fiu. Chi t'ii'iu; trunk and boughs, :|'^ ^^ chi kon'. Chi kan ; the topmost bough, :^ j)iri. Piuu, |^ 'pjing. PAng, |^ 'mi. Wi, til ,shiiu. Shiiu, f^ ,tin. Tien, 1^ 'miu. Midu, i^ i^ shii^ 'miu. Shu miuu. Bought, see Buy. Bought, the pai-t of a sling that contains the stone, mm <« st'<^ 'tai. Yi t'o ti, ^M:^ <« .fo j,'i. FI t'o p'l. Bougie, a wax taper, ^^ fjjj lap^ 'p^'^n- ^-"''^^i V^^S > a long slender instrument, tiiat is introduced through the un^thm into the bladder, i^\ (^ liip^ jt'iii. Uih t'iJlu. Bouillon, broth, <^ |^ ^ ^ngau yuk, .t'onir. Nii'i juli t'ang. a bold lie, ;A:"|Jffj tai' wa^ ,tsing. Ta hwil tsing, UWiZM jnb ,k'ai ,chi .film. Wd k'i chi t'dn ; that was a bounce, (rlj )^ f^ k<)m' /ong jt'ong. Kan hwjing t'Ang, ^^^^ ^ mau' ,tsoi ,k'( jin 'ya. Miu tsiii k'i yen y»'. Bouncer, a boaster, ^^Xi <'^i"^ ,kw'd 'did. King kw'si che. Bouncing, leaping, f^j^ ^ch'ung t'iu'. Ch'ung t'i6u; bouncing with violence, ^ ^ P*"ng' chduk,. P'ung choh, \%;^ chong^ cheuk,. Chwdng choh, fi^ t^ jt'l'iiiii? cliong-. Ch'ung cliwiing. Bouncing, stout, Jjj: j^ chong' kin\ Chwang kien, ae Jl± /i t;hong'. J-i chwang. Bound, a limit, ^ |5i kai' han^ Kiai hien, ^ jj^ kdi' h}in\ Kiai hien, J^^ 'king kiii'. King kidi ; the limit of indulgence or desire, ^^^|^ yuk, .chi kiii' han\ Yuh chi kidi hien ; a leap, — ■ |^ yat, t'iiV. Yih t'idu; a rebound, :f^-^ ^ chong* .fan 'ch6. Chwang fdn chd, f^ ^ "^ ff^ chong^ .fdn chiin' ^t'au. Chwang fan chueii t'au ; the bounds of a country, @<^i;^^ kwok, .chi Tcing kai'. Kwoh chi king kiai ; to set bounds, |^ ^ lidn^ chii". Hien chu, ^ ^ lap^ han^ Lib hien ; ambition has its bounds, i^ ^ <^ W KR <*^"" .^^ .chi 'yau han^ Sin kau chi yii hien ; it has its bounds, ^ 1^^ ]% 'yau hdn' th\ Yvi hien iii ; vn- thin l)ounds, ^^ ^ J!^ pat, ^ii liV. Puh yii tii. Bound, to set limits to a thini;, ]^ Mxr^. Ition, ^ ban' ■ i <■ Boulder- built of flints or pebbles laid er-wall, ") a wall Bowlder-wall, j in a strong mortar, ^ ^j )jj§ 'lb shek^ jts'evmg. ]Io shih ts'iang, yj^^')!^ "si A shek^ i jts'eung, ^ ^ Hl^ jnian shek^ jls'eung. Boultin, a moulding, the convexity of which is one i iburth of a circle, (JUj!^ f^ jiin ^iau .fd. Y^ucn fau i hwa, [H|t*i^ (i'li tat^ .fa. Yuen tub hwd. Bounce, to leap or s])ring, ftfljlj^ .ch'ung t'iiV. Ch'ung t'idu, ^ ^ tat^ t'iu'. Tub t'iau, ':f,f ^ chong^, t'iii'. Chwang t'idu,, jf^ ^ch'dng ch6uk,. Ch'dngi choh ; to rush ()\il suddenly, \^]W\ ch'ung cb'ut,. Ch'ung ch'uh, '^i>/iW^\\ tat^ ^iu t'iii' ch'ut,. Tub jen t'idu ch'uh ; to tliunip ov bounce against, ^ ^ p'ung' ch6uk,. P'ung choh, ;f^|f ^^ chong* chcuk,. Chwdng choh; to leaj) suddenly, ^^ jff^ jg| ^ fat, jin t'iiV 'hi. llwuh jen t'iaii k'i; to bounces into one's presence, [ijj ^^ 'ch'ong yap^. Ch'wdng jib, :|^ y\ chong* yap^. Chwang jih ; to boast, f^ ^ (king .kw'd. King kw'a. Bounce, a heavy blow, :f$- ^ chong' 'che. Chv'dng «!'«. ^^ P'""S' '*•!'<'•' l""Tit? H.e, ^f^ ch'ong' *ch^. Ch'wdng ch6, ^^ ^^ pang' .shing. Pang shing; a tluuu]) willi a large, solid body, — !^ yat, p'ung'. Yih p'ung, — ^ yat, cbong*. Y'ih chwdng ; a boast, ^J^g^P^f J ,ki»g ,kw'd k6' wfiS ^ -^ ;^ ^ ^kw'd tdi' chi ^in. Kw'd td chi yen ; cliu'. Hien chu, ^ |{^ kai' han^ Kidi hien, j^l \^ lap^ hdn^ Lib hien ; to set limits to one's desires, jj| |g: kai' yuk^. Kidi yuh, ^ ^ tsit, yuk^. Tsieh yuh ; to mention the boundaries of a country, iJt ^ ;^ i^ ^ shiit, kwok, ,chi 'king kdi'. Slnvoh kwoh chi king kidi ; to restrain, I^H^ 'cho ngoi^ Tsu ngdi, [Jfl. '^ 'cho chii\ Tsu chu, ff >(t ngoi' chii^ Ngdi chii, ^ ^ dt, chu^ Yah chii, ^Ij -f^ chai' chii^ Chi chu ; to bound upon, 3i chi'. Chi, ^ tsip,. Tsieh, jg Jin. Lien ; to hem in, [^ ^ ^wai chii*. Wei chii. Bound, to jump, ^ t'iu'. T'idu, j^ ]i^ t'iu ycuk,. T'idu yob ; to Ixmnd upwards, ^ ^ t'iu 'hi. T'iiiii k'i, ^l]^ j.veung 'hi. Yang k'i ; to rebound, 1'K WH ^-'"'"S' <''J"-, Chwdng fan. tl H 4^ £>A cliong' .fiin chiin' j'au. Chwdng fdn chuen t'au, |3J -[ik 'to chong*. Tau chwang. f^ Wi^Stl t'iu Ian chiin' .t'au. T'idu I'an chucn t'au; to flv back, as a door, :j|'ll{i1j'j»',i5Ji p'^k, .fdn chiin* ,t'au. P'eh liin chuen t'au; to (ly back, as a stone, 7|^ Wi 'W flJ'! .*"' «*"'"^ ^'^'""' s^''^^'- ^''^ f'"> <•'!»*'" *'»"• Bound, made fast by a band. ^ "J" Yong 'lili. Pang lidu, ^ j^ 'pong kwo'. Pdng kwo, j^ J ch'uk, 'lili. Shuh lidu, ^^ f 'kwan Miu. Kwan lidu, j^ y 'kwan Miii. Kwan liiiu ; bound with fettci's, ^ \^lf^.J^ hai' M chat^ kuk,. Hi i chih kuh, P J 4- j^ 'pong 'lili 'sliau keuk,. Pang lidu shau kioh ; bound, as a book, ^ ^ 1S pi^ ct'^J-ng 'pong | kwo'. Pi t'ang pang kwo ; bound hand and foot, | ^a£^^ 'sliau tsuk, 'pong Ibk^. Shau tsuh pang I fob ; Ijound and without resources or plan to ex- tricate one's sell", ^ .^ ^ ;^ cli'uk, 'sliau ^nio cli'ak,. Sluih shau wu ts'eh ; to be bound, as se- curity, f^ ^ ^c tso- 'p6 ,ka. Tso pau kia, f^ \B ^ tso- ^tani 'po. Tso ttin pan, ^ -fj 'po 'leng. Pau ling ; obliged by moral ties, ^'fjx'm M f^'*^' 'she jtong jin. Fan so tang jen, ^ ^ [{§ «" ^^'^^ 'sho ,ying ^tong. Pan so ying tang, 4^ ■^ ^ ^ 'pun fan" ^chi sz". Pun fan chl sz, ^-^^^^ J^^^s fan' ke' sz", ^- ^ "fcj" ,nio noi" Jio. Wii nai ho ; Iiound for, as a ship, ^^ -^ 'sliai hii'. Shi k'ii ; what port are you bound for? i^ ^ ^^}^9)^ -ui 'shai hii' ,pin ch'u ^ni, .||^ ^ f}^ fi 'shai hu 'na -li. Shi k'ii na li; ice-bound, lil^K^J^g^trUft jan j)ing pat, ^nang .bang jShiin. Yin ping pub nang hang cli'uen, ^ ^J>C :?^ H^ ^ l|JR jan jing pat, jUang j^eung /an. Yin ping pub nang yang fan ; wind-bound, ^g^,^^a^^ > yik, /ung pat, jUang j6ung ^fan. Nib fung pub nang yang fan. ^ M."P§ ^ # # >igak> .fung ^m hoi^tak, ,shan. Boundary i^^ 'king kai'. King kiai, ^^ .keung kiii'. Kidng kiai, ^ ^ ^kau kai'. Kiau kiai, ^ ^ kai' chi'. Kiai chi, ^ kai'. ICiai, ^ ^ .pin kai'. Pien kiai, ^|§ J)in ^keung. Pien kiang, ^ U gan. K'i yin, ^ j-\\: kai' 'chi. Kiai chi, ^ yik,. Yih, ^ ,koi. Kai, tj/(; chiu^ Chau, fjj[ ^kwa. Kwa, i^^ 'king .yeung. King jang, ^ k'it,. K'ieh ; the southern boundary, ^ ^ .nam kai'. Nan kiai, ^ ^ ^ ^ .nam .chi 'king kai'. Nan chi king kiai ; the boundaries of China, P|l ^ ^ J^ -^ Chungkwok ^chi 'king kai'. Chungkwoh chi king kiai ; the adjoining Itoundary, ^ ^ .kau kai'. Kiau kiai, IJjij- ^ fu- 'king. Pii king, ^ ^ .lin kdi'. Lien kiai, ^^ tsip, .yeung. Tsieb jang; a boundary stone, ^^ kai' siiek^. Kiai shib, ^ i^ kai' 'cb'ii. Kiai ch'u ; to guard the boundary, K^ T? ^ I?- c^ong 'shau 'king kdi'. Fang shau king kiiii, ^^ ^ ^ ii chan' 'shau j)In ^kwan. Chin shau pien kwan, |ft J^ chan' 'king. Chin king ; a boundary pass, f^ p ^kwan 'hau. Kwan k'au; a boundary bander, ^ ^ ^kwan chap,. KM^an chah ; the boundary of a field, ffl ^ ^ tung". Fi li wuh tung; to overstep tlie boundary of propriety, ;^'ji^ iit, %i. Yueh 11 ; the boundary line between reason and ])assion is the Due Medium, tf^l^^SM^^ -{jjj ^chung .yung 'che 'li yuk, ^chi ^kwan ^a. Chung yung che 11 yuh chi kwan ye; the bound- ary line between reason and passion (or eqidty and selfishness), -^^i, ^^ c^^i^g c^z .chi kai'. Kuug sz chi kiai, ^ JE ^ :^ li'^'^'- -L^^^ lii^ri ; restraining, \i^ f^ 'clio ngoi'. tsu ngai, \i^j^ 'cho chii'. Tsii chu, |$^:^ ban' ^chi. Ilien chi ; leaping, ^ t'iu'. T'iau, f^f ^^ ^cb'ung t'iii'. Ch'ung t'iau ; advancing with leaps, ^ ^J^ ^ ^ tat, .in t'iii' .ts'in. Tub jen t'iiiu ts'ien ; rebounding, i(% ^ chong' 'IVin. Chwang fan, ^^ chong' ^fan. Cliwang fan. Boundless, without bound or limit, filfc |$^ .mo ban'. Wu hien, M -}^ jno .ng4i. Wu yiii, M y^ .mo ngoir. Wii ngan, fc ^ .mo j)in. Wii j)ien, M. 1^ .mo tsai'. Wd tsi, M ^ .mo .ngan. Wu yin, fS: ^ .mo .k'ung. Wu k'ung, M. |^ ^mo tsun\""Wu tsiii,"M@ .mo kik,. Wd kih,'fift m .mo ^kcung. Wu kiang, i& i^ .mo .k'i. Wii ^'^' M!^ -i^ ■™''i .mong. Miau mang, ^S^ 'i^i) ^^ ^ 'mid 'niiii .mong .mong. Mian miau inang mang, ^ '/|^ kong' tung'. Kiang tung ; immea- surable, ft£ m ,m6 leunjir. W^u liauG: ; the bound- less ocean, ^/M. y^ .ming 'hoi. Ming hai, j|| ^^ .ying .ming. Ying ming, •/=£ y!^ ^wong ^yeung. Wang yang, y^ l^ /in mln'. Tien mien, ]^ j^ yeung- yeung'^. Ydng yang ; boundless power, fc f^.R'^'IM ("lo ban' jChi .k'iin. Wu hien chi k'iuen ; boundless duration, ^|5^'-^il$ /»i6 ban' .clii .shi. Wii hien chi shi, ^ j^ 'wing 'tin. Yung yuen ; boundless in his desires, ^ ^^ j^ .sz yuk, .mo to^ Sz yuh Avii tii, ;\^^ ^ ffi |$^ .sam yuk, .mo ban'. Sin yuh wu hien ; to enjoy boundless hap- piness, ^IS^-H' 'k^ung fuk, .m6 .k'ung. Hiang tub wii k'ung ; to obtain boundless happiness, ^ Is M §i wok, fuk, jii5 ,k6uug, B0T7 (232) BOW Boundl('ssn(;ss, the quality of being without limit, | Bourgeon, to sprout, ^ ^- jinang jHgll. Mang ya, M^^ i^^ hAn* cli6. Wii hicn die, ^ H ilg j \^ ^ ch'ut, ,ng}i. Ch'uh ya. mti ^keung 'eho. Wii kiang clie. ' Bourn '^ ^ ^kau ks'ii'. Kiau kiai. Boun.tcous, liberal in charity, H ^ 'kwong ^shl. ; Borunonite, an ore consisting of lead, antimony, Kwang shi, j^ ^ pok, ,slu. Fob sbi, f^ ^ pok, copper and suli)hur, || :^^ tsj'ip^ ,kam kwong'. tsai'. I'ob tsi, ^ -/^ 'kwong tsai'. Kwang tsi ; TsAb kin kwang. disposed to give freely, ^ jf^ lok^ ,shl. Lob sbi, Boui-se, the French name for an Exchangt;, ^ ^ ^jf^^ji^i^ ,fun jin ^shi tsai'. Hwdn jen shi tsi; ,kung 'sbo. Kung so, j^ A ^V ^ ,shcung ^yan generous, "^^{l^ ,fun 'kwong tik,. Kw^n kwang! ,kung 'sbo. Sbilng jin kung so. Bouse, I to drink freely, ;A: ^ fg tai^ 'yam 'tsau. Boose, j Til yin tsiii, j^ ^ Ian' 'yam. J^n yin. Bousy, drunken, ^ ^^ \An^ tsui'. Ldn t«ui, jg g^ 'tsau tsui'. Tsiu tsui, ,A ^^ t^i^ tsui*. Td tsui. Bout, a tui-n, — ^ yat, 'nau. Yiii niii, — ^ yat, 'cbiin. Yib cbuen; attempt, — |j^ pat, sbi*. Yib sbi ; for this bout, it—^ 'ts'z yat, ^shi. Ts'z yih sbi ; do it all at one bout, — MH^ V'^K ^^' ^86' jiin. Yib k'i tso yuen ; a single part of an action carried on at successive intervals, ^ P]* f^ bit, "hti ts6^ Hieh hiii tso. Cb'un i, il A tib, % :k <'un tai^ Kwan ta, % '^ .fiiii .bung. Kwan bung; kind, ^j^ jts'z .sam. Ts'z sin, jp ^ jan ^ts'z. Jin ts'z, ^^ f^. ^ts'z ^ts'<;ung. Ts'z ts'idng, ^^ % jts'z .Icimg. Ts'z Hang. Bounteously, lib(!rally, '^ ^ .fun ^in. Kwan jen, ^ ^ /ui jin. Kwei jen, ^ J^ 'kwong tai\ Kw'ang ta, »^ A ^''""S tai\ Hung ta, ^ ]j^ ,^^- /lii /lii jin. Kwei kwei jen. Bounteousness, mimificencc, ^ ^ 'kwong ,sbi. Kwslng shi, ^ ^ 'kwong ts^'z'. Kwang ts'z, ^ tdi^ 'sbeung. Ta sbang, ))b? :^ '^ ^ .^«ng ^k'am .fun fut,. lliung k'in kwan kw'oli ; Kind- 1 Boutade, a whim, ^ i ness, ^^ jjf^ jts'z ^ts'eung. Ts'z ts'iang. "o^ng^ sz\ Cb'un sz Bountiful, free to give, ^ ^ 'kwong .sbi. Kwang ; Boutefeu, an incendiary, ^ ^ :^' fong' 'fo ngong shi, ^ ^ 'kwong ts'z'. Kwdng ts'z, ^ J|| tdi' .shi. T4 sbi ; generous, ^ ^ .fun tdi\ Kwdn td, '^ J^ 6^ .fun 'kAvong tik,. Kwan kwang tib. Bountifully, liberally, ^^l ^^ .fiii ^in. Kwei jen, '^ ^ .fiin .in. Kwjin jen, P ^ ,^ 'kwong 'kwong jin. Kwang kwi'mg jen. Bountifulness, liberality in the bestowment of gifts and favors, 0f |il^ :^ 'kwong .shi 'ch6. Kw>lng shi cbe, Jf^ f^ ^ 'kwong ts'z' 'che. Kwdng ts'z ^•>'^^ ^ # ^ /"^i" i'l' '«he. Kwan yii clu';, % >t: .fun jan. Kwan jin, ^Hg^.^ 'kwong .sbi jan 'che. KwAng sbi ngan che. Bounty, liberality in bestowing gifts and favors, ^- ^•:j| 'kwong .sbi 'ch6. Kwang sbi die, y'cJffi/^ :^ tai' .sbi .yan 'di6. TjI sbi ngan che, ^t^^ hau' .shi 'che. Hau sbi cb6, A ,©. t'^i' .T'^n. Ta ngan, @ ,g, bau^ jan. llau ngan, '^- ,@. ^bung .yan. Hung ngan, ;^^,sbing^ , yan. Sbing ngan, 1^ }§. li^' i^^ ^cha^kung. Chakung; to bend the bow, ^ ^ ^hoi ,kung. K'ai kung, jfil ^ Jai ,kung, i^ t^ ^cheung ,kung. Chang liung, :yb '(^ 'ch'e ^mdn. Ch'e mwan ; bows and arrows, ^ ^ t^^img tsin'. Kung tsien, ^ ^ jkung 'ch'i. Kung shi ; a bent bow, ^ ^veung. Ydng, ^ ^k'iin. K'iuen, ^^^ p'i' 'wai. P'iwei; a bowstring, ^5 jln. Hien, ^^^^kung^in. Kung hien, ^p pat,. Pili, 5=^ 'ts'am. Ts'an ; the handle of the bow, ^ 52 ,kung pa'. Kung pa, 5f 'fii. Fii; a bowshot, — f^ S§ yat, tsin'lo^ Yih tsien lu ; a painted bow, ^^ ^tun. Tun, ^ ^ wak, ,kung. Hwdh kung; the ends of a bow, ^^ tsun'. Siun, ^ 1^ jkui'g jt'au. JCung t'au ; a slackened bow, ^ jHii. ]\f 1; genew^ ^re uqed for bow strings, ^Wir^ ,nKftw l^m tsqV, jlft, Niii Hia tspfe hien ; to discharge a bow, j^^ fong' tsin'. FAng tsien. Bow, the, of a violin, W^^^ sz' jln ^kung. Sz hien kung ; to draw a fiddle bow, ^- [ilj ^^ jng^n sz' jin. Yen sz hien ; the bow of a ship, |,^f\ b^ jShun ^t'au. Ch'uen t'au ; the bow of a junk, ^ [^ ch'eung' 'tsui. Ch'dng tsui ; a support on a ship's bow, 1]^ patj. Pih ; a rain-bow, fc jhung. Hung, ^ to: ,t'in jhung. T'ien hung, 1^!^ ^ngai. I ; the bow of a ring. 'so ,slu hiin. So shi k'iuen; an instrument for taking the sun's alti- tude at sea, |^ R f|| tok^ yat^ ^1. Toh jih 1; a cot- ton bow, 5p ^ tdu' J^ung. Tan kung. Bow-bearer, an underofficer of the forest, whose duty it is to inform of tresspasses, ^ jvj^ ;^ 'cheung lam 'che. Chdng lin clie. Bow-bent, crooked, ^ |1^ ^wdn huk,. Wdn k'iuh, ^^ ,lun huk,. Liuen k'iuh, ^^n|i[ ^wdn huk, ke'. Bow-case ^ ^ ,k^^"g toi^ Kung tdi, ^ sui^ Sui, ^ ^ jkung ji. Kung f, ;»g ch6ung'. Chdng, ^ cheung'. Chang, l)(,|jj' ts'uk,. Ts'uh, ^ |^ ^ p.^ii' kwo'. Pdi kwo, :^ 5;§ yap, kwo'. Yih kwo, Rr^i^ ngap, kwo', i^[i^ 'kung kwo'. Kung kwo, jEf§ j^ kwai* kwo'. Kwei kwo; like a bow, ^ ^ Hs'z ,kung. Sz kung, ^p ^ I^ ti! i" }^^^S '^^^"^ y<^ung^ Jii kung kdn ydng ; they bowed to one another, -ftil i^ ^. ,t'd ,s(iung yap,. T'd sidng yih, -ftjl, >jy f-fi .t'd .sdung pdi'. T'd sidng pdi. Bowel, to take out the bowels, ^|| []{ ^ 'lo ch'ut, jCh'^ung. Lo ch'uh ch'ang, ^|j [^ % 'p'au ch'ut, jCh'cung. P'au ch'uh ch'dng. Bowelless, without tenderness or pity, ^jCi'Ji^ ^^ ,8am jCh'eung. "Wu sin ch'dng, f|ll j^fjf, ^mo ^ts'z .pi. Wii ts'z pi, ^^WM. ,^^ .^s'z P^^ cPi- Wu ts'z wu pi. Bowels, the intestines of an animal, ^ j^ shau^ ch'^ung. Shau ch'dng; the entrails, especially of (234) BOW yin ; containing bowers, 1q ^ Pf^ Vau ,t'ing k6', ^^t/.} Vu jt'ing tik,. Yu t'ing tih, ^^Z^ ,to jt'ing ,chl ch'u'. To t'ing chi ch'u. Bowes, ) a young hawk, ^W^H' jtnd jing 'teal. man. jCh'eung. Ci 1 an »' tsong^ Tsdng, Uowet, / Ma ying tsz. Bowie knife, a long knife or dagger used by hunters and others in the western statet-, ^ J] p'ui' ,t6. P'ei tdu. Bowing, bending fonvards, ^ 'fu. Fii, ^ ^ kuk, ,kung. Kiuhkung; ditto the head slightly, ^ yap,. Yih, Ul ngap^, ^5^-^^ 'pa ,t'au yat, .tai. Pa t'au yih ti ; bowing in reverence, f^ jidi'. Pdi; incessently bowing, like parties who cannot part with each other from sheer civility, ^ ^i |^ B| jjj^ jkai jt'au ngap^ dp, ^t'au ; bowing d la chinoise, ;j=it 'kung. Kung; joining the hands and bowing, |lt^^ 'kung pdi'. Kung pdi, ||ff yap, pdi'. Yih pdi; bowing and parting, :^ ^ij yap, plt^. Yih pieli. Bowl, a concave vessel, J^ *un. Wdn, ^ 'lin. Wan, >^ • *un. Wdn ; a large ditto, ^ jP'dn. Pw'dn ; a wooden bowl, 7]K J^ muk^ Sin. Muli wdn, i^ hdm. Ilien, j^ hiin'. K'iuen, ^ hun'. K'iuen, ^ jts'un. Ts'iuen, || ^t'ong. Vdng, ^ wdn*. Jlwdn, f^ jhdm. llien ; a drinking bowl, 1^^ jpu\. Pei, ^ jj'eung. Ydng ; vessels that may bo ren- dered both cup or bowl t , ^ chung. Chung, ^ ,u. Yu, 35: ^ ,ii 'dn. Yu wan, l^ /an. Fdn, ^put^. Poh, ^- If ,on ^ts'dn. Ngdn tsVm, ^ chuk,. Chub, |^ ,mo. Mo, ^ yau*. Yu, ^ ,tun. Tun ; a lacker bowl, ^ ••.f.f ti»'at, ,p'un. Ts'ih pw'dn ; a soup bowl i^j^ ,t'oug 'un. T'dng wdn; a paint bowl, ^ ^ ^ s"S''n •'^bik, put,. Yen sili poh; a dessert bowl, ^ ^ ,ping jp'un. Ping pw'dn ; a rice bowl, ^Ji ^ fan* 'lui. Fdn wkn ; a ]mnch bowl, :^ '/Pj ^ tdi^ 'hoi 'un. Ta lidi wdn ; a lamp bowl (for a native lamp;, i^ ^ ,tang 'chdn. Tangchdn; silver lamps, having a top-bowl of the same metal + , ^ ^I jUgan .kong. Yin kdng; a golden ditto + , :^ ^ .kam ,kong. Kin kdng ; a fish bowl or basin for gold fishes, ^ ^ iil fkam ^tl ,kong. Kin yu kdng; a bowl for measuring grain, ^ ^ kuk, jP'un. Kuh pw'dn ; the bowl or basin of a fountain, Pj^ i}C ^ p'an' 'shui jP'un. P'in shwui pw'dn ; the l.ollow part of any thing. ^ ^p'un. Pwun, jf|^ ^ch'f. Ch'i, ^ jShrtn. Ch'uen ; a bowl of rice, — ^ ^ yat, 'un fan*. Yih wdn fdn, — % "^ yat, .tdn t*z*. Yih tdn tsz; a ball of wood, usetl to play on a level plat of ground, i}jl ]^ ,po jk'ju. Po k'id, ;^ ^ muk^ jk'au. Muh k'iu. Bowl, to roll as a bowl, J^E^ luk, ^k'au. Luh k'iu, tl ill! ^>C 't'i ^^^ .po- '1'*^ t( po ; to play at bowls. ^T iljL 't'^ ,spm Sin, JiT ,kou. KAn, j^ ^y'i made of porcelain, glass or wood. P'l. )Ji|j fai'. Fi, '^5" Wh^:}. 3hiii, heaft. Uv«:-, ptomach, lungs ^ 'fhe application of tUo word differs in ftlni<«t mirh dUiriot I ) Ibo^c «re mimes |Ktotic«ll| twed for ]fuan\ IJli jCh'eung tsong^ Ch'dng tsdng, ||t)|^ -t'6fuk,. T'u fuh, SiUf tsang^ 'fu. Tsdng fd, j^JJi ^ch'^ung V6. Ch'dng t'u, j\)^. HI Si .chiin. Fi chuen ; the five viscera*, 7/' p^ 'ng noi^ Wu nui, 3l.^ '"? tsong*. Wu tsdng ; the interior part of the earth, *l|t <;^ 4* ^ ti* .chi ^chung j6ung. Ti chi chung ydng, itJij^iCi* ti* ^chi ,sam. Ti chi sin; bowels of compassion, j^^-| jts'z ,ch'dung. Ts'z ch'dng, ^ JVj> J^ 'hb'^sara jCli'eung. Hdu sin ch'dng, 1^ ;\^% jts'z ,sam. Ts'z sin ; bowels in disorder, |ji: ^ ^-i 4^- ^t'6 fuk, pat, ,on. T'u fuh pub ngdn, Ijij^pg i^ ^t'6 fuk, ^m 'h5, ]\tWf^ 't'6 fuk, pat, ,ning. T'd fuh puh ning, Jji j§ 'j|', i^ 'Vb fuk, fat, 'ho. T'u fuh fuh liau ; engraved on the inmost parts, (in gratitude or afTection), l^iK'?' |^ .ming .cbu Ming chu wu nui, v^ ^ 3l j^ ,sham Shin ming wu nui, '^ ^ )Ji|j ^ ,sham jUiing fai' 'fi'i. Sliin ming fi fu. Bower, an anchor carried at the bow of a ship, $/iS jt'au jUdu. T'au midu, jf, }if| | jUdu. Cli'ncn t'au miau. Bovver, a shelter or covcrol place in a garden, made with bows of trees &c., -1^ jt'ing. T'ing, ^^ ,fjS jt'ing. Uwd t'ing, \u^ J^ ^iin jt'ing. Yuen t'ing, iM '■?• s^*^""? jt'ins. L'iinit t'ing; a bod-chamber, l^i] j^ fan' jfong. H^ ?/7 ^bui* ^fong. Shwui fang; a shady recess, ^ ()JJ ^«j^ ki' ^lidu ^lam. Ki hien lin. Bowery, shading as a bower, 'j^ \i^ ,cbd ,yam. Ch*^ *ng noi* ^ming *ng noi*. jShlin jt'au IlU'. ftpd kidnoyp, BOW T'ih k'iu ; the carriage bowls along, .% ^f^i^ hnA ,ch'6 luk, kwo'. Ma ch'6 luh kwo. Bowlder, a moderately sized stone, of a rounded form, [^ ^ jiin shek^. Yuen shih, :^^ gj ^ tdi^ jt'iin shek^. Ta tw'dn shih, ;^|3j^ tdi^ A^ shek^. Td yuen shih ; a block of stone borne by ice &c. from its original position, ^ ^ J. shek^. I sliih. Bowler, one who plays at bowls, fj i'ljj ^J^ -^ 'ta ti^ j)0 'ch(5. Til ti po cli^ ; one who rolls in cricket, f^^^ l"k, ,k'au 'ch^. Luh k'iii cU, ^^t^ t'ek, ,k'au 'ch<;. T'ih k'iu cU. Bowline ^^ ^ *siu ^s^ung. Sidu sidng; a compass box, ^f M. ^ s^o .^'°D ^^Vi- 1-0 ^^S bob ; ditto the one on board a ship, M^ |§ Jo ,king ,6m, Lo king ngdn ; a money chest, ^ ^ jtigan ^dung. Yin (236) BOX — 11 II..II.* ■■■■«iMi .III —■■■I ■ ■ I ■M.^M^M^g— *M««*W sidng; a strong chest, as used by the Chinese in the interior, ^ tsong\ Tsdng; an iron safe, ^5p| fit, ,seung. T'ieh sidng, ^Ifl/i^ fit, kap, mdn^ T'ieh kidh wdn, f§ ||| fit, kwai'. T'ieh kwei ; a bamboo box, '^ ,bong. Kw'dng; the box of a couch, l|i ^ ^ch'e ,seung. Ch'e sidng, ^ luk. Luh, Ij^ jp'di. P'di ; the box of a wheel, ^^ ^ Jun chdu'. Lun chdu, :^_ Jing- Ting; a seat in a play-house, |^^ '^ kdn' wai\ Kien wei, j^ ij^ kdn' jP'ang. Kien p'ang; a box on the ear, with the open hand, — • |p yat, kwdk,, ^^ — B kwdk, "I yat, ,pd, — • ^^ yat, 'chdung "I. Yih chdng rh, — Gf^J^i y^*-. i1 jjlj ^ kdn' Jioi Js'ong. Kien k'di ts'dng; to box a tree, ^ijl^l ,ch'iu shu^ Ch'du shii ; " to box one's Avay through the Avorld, IT \^ % 'td 'pd shat^. 'J'd pa shih," -}(\ ^^\k jk'iln keuk,. Td k'iuen kioh ; to learn to box, ^ :n^hok^'tdJc'i;in. Hioh ta k'iuen, ^f #fi hok^ jk'tin jf au. Box-coat, an overcoat used first by coachmen, -^ ^^ tdi- jShdm. Td sdn, \^ ^ ^ii J. Yu I. Box-drain, an underground diain, boxed up on tho sides and on the top, and covered Avith earth, |[g ^ kwai' Jc'ii. Kwei k'ii. Box-elder, the ash-leaved maple, |^| ^ shii' ^meng. Shu ming. Box-lobby, tho lobby leading to the boxes, [3] ^ |||5 kdn' wai' Jong. Kien wei Idng. Box-tree, the box, ^^ ^Avong jeung. Hwdngydng. Boxed, inclosed in a box, fj^ %^ f^ |f^ Js'ong kwo' lok^ ,s6ung. Tsdng kwo loh sidng ; struck on the head with the fist or hand, |§ jl^ — G kwdk, kwo' yat, ,pd. Uoxen, madeof box-Avood, ^i|t^;tcf|{j ^wong^yeung mukj tik,. Hvvdng ydng muh tih, ^^i( P|^ jwong jyeung muk k(3', %^ ^ ngf wong .ydung BOX (286) BAA Boxer, one who fights with the fist, tT ^ S^ ^ 't^ k'un ^t'au 'ch6. lYi k'iuen t'au cli6, tf # jll i^ U jk'iin kduk, 'ch6. Td k'iuen kioh chd, ^^| ^Au jk'iin 'ch6. Kidu k'iuen ch6, p^*) ^ ^ tau' jk'tin *ch6. Tau k'iuen ch6 ; one who teaches box- ing, ^ ^'flj kdu' ,sz. Kidu sz, ^ sM ^^^' j^'^^- Kidu t'au. Boxing, inclosing in a box, ^f^^ j^s'ong lok^ ^s^ung. Tsdng loh sidng, ^ ^ ^chong ,sdung. Chwdng sidng; striking with the fist, '^ ^ ,kdu jk'iin. Kidu k'iuen, f] ^ sj^ 'id ^k'tia ^t'au. Td k'iuen t'au ; boxing one's cars, j^ \ ^ kwdk, jan % I^^HJii^ftlL sung' jk'iin ,t'au kwo' ,t'd. Sung k'iuen t'au kwo t'd; to return a blow or box, jg ^ jWdn jk'iin. Ilwdn k'iuen. Boxing, the act of fighting with the fist, fy ^ p ^ U jk'un jt'au 'che. Td k'iuen t'au clic, ^ :^ . ^ .kdu jk'iiu 'che. Kidu k'iuen chc, p^'J ^ ^ tau' jk'iin 'ch6. Tau k'iuen chc, ^^jlifl 'td Jv'un k6uk,. Td k'iuen kioh, tJ % 'ta ^m6. Td wi'i, ^ :^5^ kdk, jk'iin ^t'au. Keh k'iuen t'au; to teach boxing, ^ ^ Hijl kdii' ^k'iin keuk,. Kidu k'iuen kioh, It tr ^ aS kdu' 'td ^k'tm ^t'au. Kidu td k'iuen t'au, ig^ ^T tE W ^^^' '^a 'pd shat^. Kidu t& pd shih, It tl X :^ l^du' 'td ,kung /li. Kidu td kung fu; several hands at boxing, ^jtl-^ 'ki *pd 'shau. Kl pd shau; to learn boxing, ^ ix^ hokj 'td jk'iin. Hioh td k'iuen, <^ tT ^ I^ I'ok^ *td jk'iin jt'au. Hioh td k'iuen t'au ; boxing-mas- ter, ^ gJU kdu' ,sz. Kidu sz, ft =fT I^il: M ^^^' '^d ,8Z fii^ Kidu td sz fu ; the act or rule of boxing, ^^ jk'lin fdt,. K'iuen fall ; boxing and kicking, ^ tr j!i|l ^ y^n 'td kduk, t'ek,. K'iuen td kioh t'ih ; a combat with the fist, p^j ^ ^ tau' jk'iin *chd. Tau k'iuen ch6. Boy, a male child, in general under twelve years of age, ^-f- jHtim *tsz. Nan tsz, yj>-p 'siu'tsz. Sidu tsz, ^ 'tsz. Tsz, ^tH !^ f? sai' .man 'tsai, y]> ^ 'siii ji. Sidu rh, ^^ ^hoi ^1. Hdi rh, ^^l vau' ji. Yii rh, ^i jhoi jfung. Hdi t'ung, /Ja^^ sid jhoi 'tsz. Sidu hdi tsz, -^ -^ $'''"'^0 *^^^* T'ung tsz, ^^ jl 'tsz. Bh tsz, ^ ff nun^ 'tsai. Nun tsz, ^ -|^ chi^ 'tsz. Chi tsz, -(jg ^ chan' jt'ung. Chin t'ung, f^ f^ ,hung ,t'ui.g. K'ung t'ung; a waiting boy, '(^ f )'- shi^ 'tsai, -^ ff sz^ *t8ai, ^ ff ^t'ai 'tsai, ^ 4" s^'^' 'tsz. Shu tsz, ^1 ^ sha* 'tsz. Shu tsz, /Jn ^ 'siu ,sz. Sidu sz, 4^ ^ 'siu kdi'. Sidu kidi, '[•ji 1^ X 's^'^i ^"^1' ^an. Shi Invdn jin, ^ft ^ P(5t A fuk^ sz' k6' ,yan, gg ^ ,kan ,pdn. Kin pdn, ^ -gji ^t'ung sz*. T'ung sz ; a slave boy, -fg; jt'ung. T'ung, ^ 4^ ^ ,kd jShang ^t'ai ; n serving boy in a school, W "tel .shii jt'ung. Shu t'ung ; a house-boy, '^ ffi ,kd jt'ung. Kid t'ung; a term used in con- tempt for a young man, ^^, hau' .shang, ^^ ff hau' jShang 'tsai, y^ ^ \ shiu' jUin jyan. Slidn nien jin ; to bo i»ast a boy, );j^' "J* jf'hing ^ ,tjng. Chiug ting, f^ X ^'^^^^S Jon- Chingjin; bovs and girls, -f-j^ *tsz *uii. Tsz nii, ^j^ jing ,i. Ying rh ; how many boys have you '- i!^^^ ^. ^ §[5 Pj£ *Di >^ '^i ^ai' ^^i jlong .ni; I have one poor boy, — iS ^'J"' ^ yat, ko' 'siii jCh'ung. Yih ko sidu ch'ung, — 1|j^j>J^^ yat, ko' 'siu ji. Yih ko sidu rh ; a worthless boy, ^ ^ Idn' 'tsai, ^ jg, Idn* 'tsoi. Lan tsdi ; a herd-boy, i^]g; mukj jt'ung. Muh t'ung; a bright boy, f$ ^ jShan jt'ung. Shin t'ung, ^ "^ jling jt'ung. Ling t'ung ; to add a boy to a family, f^ "J" ,t'im ,ting. T'ien ting; a lad, ^ -^ jt'ung 'tsz. T'ung tsz, ^ ^ hau* ,shang. Hau sang. Boy's f)lay, childish amusement, ^41] ^ iT "^SE ^ sai' ^an 'tsai ke' jWdn, •,'> ^ ^ ^ <: )tic *si>i ji ^^' 'shd ,chi chong^. Sidu rh hi shd chi chwdng. yj> ^ <: K'l fij 'siu ji ,chi tsak, k'ek^. Sidu rh chi tseh k'ih, /J^ J^I®: ^7 :S 'siii ,1 'k6m jhang jWai. Sidu rh kdn hangwei; anything trifling, ^ ^ jmi matj. Wi wuh. Boyau (pi. Boyaux), a ditch covered with a parapet, in^ <: Iflli c<^ hd' .chi jch'i. Tii hid chi ch'i. Boyer, a nobleman of llussia, |l^,t!(|. j|lfi^^ Ngolosz kwok, .chii jhau ^clii ,ch'ing. Ngolosz kwoh chu hau chi ch'ing. Boyhood, the state of a boy, A/" ^ shiii' jnin. Shdu nien, 4^ 4f yau' jUin. Yii nien, ^ niin^ Nun; "up to boyhood, /^^ ^|5A T .l^ung jlong tdi^ '116. Kung lang td liau." Boyish, childish, ^-f I®;^|? jt'ung 'tsz 'k6m ydung*. T'ung tsz kdn ydng, H^)^ chi' hi'. Chi hi, ^^ 1^^ jt'ung 'tsz tik,. T'ung tsz tih, ^ ^ Pf^ jt'ung 'tsz ke', <# ff P^ niin' 'tsai k6', 'i\\\ ^ ff P|t sal' .man 'tsai ke' ; boyish conduct, t^^^\i^fj'^ sai' .man 'tsai 'kbm jhang jWai ; bovish ideas, i^ ^, yau' chi'. Yii chi^, mii^%^'^. "un' 'tsai k6' .sam .sz, ^i^^PXM^k "^11^ 'tsai ke' 'sdung jt'au, ^H ^ ^ 'Ci,* jy^^ ^au jt'ung .sam. Yii yu t'ung sin. Boyishly, childishly, ^"^ ^ 1^ ^ shiii' jUfn 'k6m ydung^ Shdu nien kdn ydng, %-^^-% Hs'z jt'ung 'tsz yat, y6ung'. Sz t'ung tsz yih ydng. Boyishness, childishness, ifi;^^^.'^ jii jt'ung 'tsz jm6 i\ Yu t'ung tsz wu i, M |^ //^ m ^ jm6 i' .ii jt'ung tsz. Wu i yii t'ung tsz, Jt^Z^U^ jt'ung 'tsz .chi jhang jWai. T'ung tr.z chi hang wei, M^i^iifi^ sai' .man 'tsai .chi jhang jWai, Ifi^d'^^^ft jt'ung .sam mi' ,li. T'ung sin wl li. Boyuna, a large serpent of America, ;Ac ife*^ ;g t£i* jSh«5 jmeng. Td shid ming. Bp. an abbreviation of bishop, ^'i^ j^^ "^ ^^Ullt .pi ship, jmeng tsz' .chi 'kdm pat,. Pi sheh ming tsz chi kien pih. Brabble, a wrangle, ^>\; \^ 'ch'du ndu'. Ch'du n&u, pf I'lg jts'6 ndu'. Ts'du ndu. Uraccate, having feathers which descend to and cover the feet, YiM^i^ ^^^^. .'^ j"^^ tik,. Chuh sz mdu tih, ^ p ^ P^ 'k'am k»iuk, jm6 k6', :^ % I^JWl^ V" i^^ 'k'am k^uk, 'chd. Brace, a, in a building, ^'^ ch'dng' kok, ; a brace of a carriago, i^ ^ngai. I ; a brace of iron, j^ ^ ftM "^'"^ ---'r (287) BRA ii f in nft ■ -J,?-- ,:, ■ ■-,..-,. fit, 'md. T'ieh m&, ; brace of a drum, ^ ji^l 'ku jShing. Kii shing ; a bandage, i^ tdi'. Tdi, ^ft 'ndu. Ndu, |^ kit,. Kieh ; a pair, — ff yat, ^sb^ung. Yib sbwang, — §^ yat, tui'. Yih tui; a brace of birds, — i| ^ yat, tui' tseuk,. Yib tiii tsiob, ^^ jCb'au. Ch'au ; a brace of ducks, — ^ || yat, ^sb^ung dp,. Yih sbwdng ydh, — ^ ^| yat, tiii' dp,. Yib tui ydh ; a brace of partridges, — fe ^ ^-i yat, tui' cb6' ,ku. Yib tui che ku ; a crooked line in printing connecting two or more words or lines, j^ -^ ^lin "k'i. Lien k'i, ^ 5^ ^ ^kau jlin ^k'i. Kau lien k'i, ^^^ J pi' tik,. Pitib, ^P|t pi' k6' ; brachial artery, Jl^^^ sbeung^ | pi' mak^ 'kiin. Shdng pi meh kwan. ; Bra-ehiate, having branches in pau's, ^ ilf^^^ ,tnd i • liraoelets made of gems arc considered the most efficacious amulets against injury £:om falling &o. i ,cbi k^', ^i^^i} tui' ^cht tik,. Ttii cbi tib, ^ J(^ »^ tdi' ^chi ke'. Brachiopod * , a class of molluscous animals, having, instead of feet, two fleshy arms, which they can protrude or withdraw, -^ J^ ^ 'shau tsuk, tik,. Shau tsub tib, # 1^ -^ >4 ^ c^^an shuk, 'shau tsuk, 'ch6. Brachman, Bramin, f one of the sacerdotal order in India, ^ Mi ^ M M T'incbuk kwok, miu' chuk,. T'ienchub kwob midu chub, ^^^ 'chii tsai' 'ch6. Chu tsi cb^. Branchygrapher ^ J^ ^ ^ 's6 'kdm pat, 'ch6. Sie kien pih cb6, ^^ $: § :^ 's6 'ts'6 ^shii 'cb6. Sie ts'du sbii ch6, !^ ft ® ^ '^^ jliang ^sbli 'che. Sie hang sbii che, ^ ^ 'ping pat,. Ping pih. Bracbygraphy, the art of writing in short hand, M^^^' 's6 jbang ^shii 'ch6. Si6 hang sbii che, ^ ;ic^^ 's6 'kdm pat, 'cb6. Si6 kien pih ch6, ^^ 'ts'6 ^shii. Ts'du shu, ^^ 'ping pat,. Ping pih. Brachylogy, the expression of anything in the most concise manner, ^ 3^ 'kdn ^ts'z. Kien ts'z, ^^J ;^ p)ij 'kdn ts'it, jChi ^ts'z. Kien ts'ieb cbi ts'z. Brachytypous, of a short from, j^ '^ij 'tiin tik,. Twdn tib, ^1P|E 'tun U\ M^U^ 'tiin jing tik,. Twdn bing tib, ^^ ^ V^ 'tiin lui^ k&. Brachypterous, a term denoting that the wings of a bird, when folded, do not reach the base of the tail, ^Ig Pit 'tiin yik^ke'. Brachyurous J, short-tailed, a term applied to a tribe of Crustacea, comprehending the crabs, ^^ J^ ^(j tiin ^mi tik,. Twdn wi tib, ^^J^^ 'tiin 'mi lui'. Twdn wi lui. Bracing, the act of bi-acing, ^^ Pdng kin ch6, J^ tt ■^ mang' Bracing, making tight or firm. Pang kin, j^ ^ mang' 'kan ; |;^ ^^ 'p6 y^uk^. Pii yob; bracing air, j 'shong hi'. Shwdng k'i |)| ^ 'shong /ung. Brack, an opening caused by the parting of any solid body, gp Id'. Hid, ^^ lit^ Id'. Lieb hid. Bracket, an angular wooden stay, in foi-m of a knee bent, to support shelves &c., ^^ ^ ^ 'kau 'pi ch'dng'. Kau pi ts'ang ; inprinting, nooks, in- closing one or more words, "^ ,f^ ^ ^sbeung ^m:i h5^ Shwdng md hdu ; to place with brackets, ,^ -j^ tg 'md chti^ ^k'ii, \>X^\%^^Z 'i <8h^ung hnd b5^ kdp, ^chi. I shwdng md hdu kidh chi. Brackisli, salt in a moderate degree, ^ ^bdm. Hien, ^ 'kdm. Kien, l^^j^P^SE ^bdm mi^ ke' ; brackish water, -^ |^ ^{j 'shui ^bdm tik,. Shwui hien tib, [^ 7JC jhdm 'sbui. Hien shwui. Brackishness, saltness in a small degree, vj^ ||^ mi^ jh^m. Wi hien, |)| \^ ^hdm mi^ Hien wi, ^ ^ ,hdm 'che. Hien che. ^ 'pong 'kan 'cb6. jbang 'che. % ^ 'pong 'kan. bracing medicine, '£U BE A (238) BRA Bractea, ■) an irregularly doreloped leaf, differing jBragless, without bmffgius: or ostentation, ;;f^ £4 ^fi Bract, ) from other leaves in color glowing out | ^ pat, ,king pat, fat^. Puh king pub fdh, i^ |^ from the peduncle of a flower &c., ^% '/^^^^ | p'ok, shat^. P'oh shih, ^ j^ ^sbun bau'. Shun ip^ fi. tai' ,sbang 'ch6. Yeb yg kw'd ko' wd*, ;j.:r. \^\. "fSt II s^'ong .P'»i l'^' >vd*. Braggingly, b(Mvslingly, ^ ^}j^ ,kw'd ^In. Kw'd jen. tsai'. Chu tsi, olfii ^sz chuk,. Sz chub, ^iJfiJf ^ S ft ^ jts'ung Pdidmd kdu' *ch<:'. Ts'ung PdrhAmd kiau ch<^. See Braclimin. Braid, to plait, j^ pan', ^^ 'pin, |X 'td. Td; to braid the cue or queue, ^ ^| pan' .pin, ^ |^^ 'td .pin. Td pien, ^ |^| .sho .])in. Su pien ; to braid the hair, ^ ^ 'pin fdt,. Pien fdh, ^ || .kdu fdt,. Kidu fdh ; to braid stai-ch, ^ ^ 'kdu .ts^ung. Kidu tsidng; to braid rushes, ^.^^ff^ chik, *ts'6 tsek^. Chill ts'du tsih, ffljf ping'. Ping; to braid a tape, band &c., ^^ chik, 'ts6. Cbih tsu. Braid, a string, ^ ^ pan' ^shing, ^ ^ pan' tdi' ; braid of hair, ^^^ pan' fdt,, |f || ^in fdt,. Braid, deceitful, p|^P[^ 'kwai kwat, k6' ; hasty, fickle, ff i^ .heng /au. K'ing fan. Braided, formed into a braid, !^ j^ pan' kwo*, |^ ^^ 'pin kwo' ; mingling by rubbing, :^ -^ 'kdu ,wan. Kidu vun. Brail, a piece of leather to bind up a hawk's wing, ^ .H ij^ hai* yikj tdi'. HI yih tAi ; ropes passing through pulleys, ^^i ^^ j^ kwo' .bun 1dm*. Kwo k'iuen Idn. Brail, to, j^ .Idi, p mang'. Brain, that soft whitish mass, inclosed in the cranium or skull, ^%Jnb. Ndu, jg^ ^ 'nb .tsdung. Ndu tsidng, JJjg -f- 'n6 'tsz. IVdu tsz, ^ JJg ^t'au 'nb. T'au ndu; the form of the brain, J9^<1^ ^|g 'siu ^b. Sidu nAu ; the lateral lobes of the small brain, yj> |g| Hr >fi fP ^^k '^i" *"^ 'tso yau* ^l^ung jmiii. Sidu ndu tso yd liang mei ; the three investing mem- l)ranes of the brain, J9S US H J^ 'jii> .pdu .sdm jts'ang. Ndu pdu sdn ts'ang; to blow one's brains out, 1^ \ 5JV>C 1^ '^' $>■•''" jt'au hok,. P'o jin t'au koh ; to ha\e cracked brains, f^ ^ ngong* hi', ^ H ng^inp' s<^ng'. ^ Jla» '^ song' .sam peng*. Sdng sin ping ; that is beyond my brains, ^ "pf ^ it P»f> *1»" 'k'i k'ap,. Pull k'o k'i kih, pg Jfft n^\\ ^m k'ap^ tak, to ,'p§^ ^j ,m 'hiu tak,, Pg M. ^% i^ ^ ,t'au hok^. T'au koh ; ditto without skin or flesh, 1^ ,lau. J>au ; the upper part of ditto, f^fH tuk^ Jau. Tub lau. Brain-sick, disordered in the understanding, ^ H ngong^ song', ^^^ fat, ,tin. Fah tien. Brain-sickly, with a disordered understanding, f^ a^sglL^^t'au ^6 ^hii liin'. T'au ndu hii Iwan, ^ ^j, /an lun\ Hwan Iwan. Brain-sickness f^^ fat, /in. Fah tien. Brain-stone, madrepore, jEB|i?f /ong ,kon. Ldng kan. Brain-throb, the throbbing of the brain, gp[ ^g ;/||j jt'au -co t'ung'. T'au nau t'ung. Brainish. hot-headed, ,^. ?f-; >ff ^ flSE fat, /n tsok^ shik, k<5'. Brainless, without understanding, ^.B^^g ,m6 /'au *no. Wti t'au nau. Brake, name of A^aiious sjjccios of fern, ^^^ til fung^ 'mi 'ts'6 lui'. Fung wi ts'au lui, # ® |^ jy6uag 'ch'i lui". Yang ch'I lui ; a place over- grown with brake, ^^ ^ ^ i^ kiit, ,ts'ung ^shang ^chi ti\ Kiueh ts'ung sang chi ti; a thic- ket, 1^ /s'ung. Ts'ung; a cane brake, ^ |^ jt'ang /s'ung. T'ang ts'ung. Brake, an instrument to break flax or hemp, ^y 1^ ^ ch'ii' ^ma ,sho. Ch'u mA sii, ^j 1^^^ ch'ii' md ,sho ka]),. CJi'u ma su kiah ; a baker's kneading-trough, X 'M M ^^^' *'"' V^^- '^^ ngan pdn, gg ^ |f 'ch'ai ^wan /s'b ; a smith's brake, }Xj ^l 'ma ka'. M.4 kia ; a heavy harrow, SIC chung^ ,p'a. Chung p'd; a machine at- tached to wheels, to relaird their motion, |^ ^Ij lun chai'. Lun chi. ]^i Braky, full of brakes, ^ jts'ung. Fung wi ts'.iu ts'ung, ,ma, ) see Brahma. fung^ 'mi 'ts'o n^ /s'ung kc'. Brama, Jh'unaa, Brahma, Bramberry jlj^-J^ ,shan ,song 'tsz. Sh^n sdng tsz, ^'^ -f- 'p'in jtnui 'tsz. P'iau mei tsz. Bramble, a general name of the genus rubus, ^- ,miii. Mei, ^ |r| 'p'iu 'p'iu. P'iAu p'idu ; rough as a bramble, f ^ pjj' '\^~^ lak^ k6m' Jiai. Bramble-bush, a collection of brambles growing together, ^ H ^ /s'ung 'p'iu ^mui. Ts'upg p'idu mei ; full of prickly slirubs, ^j ^i^ ^king kik,. King kih, |t f^j to' ^ing. Tw lUntr. |ij^^ Kijc, ,Hn, Wi ynen, ^ f| /s'ung kik,, Bramble-berry, jj}^-)^ ,shdn ^song 'tsz. Shdn sdng tsz, ^:Su-f^ fuk^ jP'iin 'tsz. Fuh pw'an tsz. Bramble-net, a net to catch birds, ^ "mong. AVang. Brambled, overgrown with brambles, J^ ^|{ ^ts'ung kik,. Ts'ung kill. Brambling, ") a species of fringilla, the mountaiu Bi-amble, j finch, ^ :^ ts^uk, ^meng. Tsioh ming. Bramin, see Brahmin. Braminee, | the wife of a Brahmin, ^fi^^Jliifi'^ Brahminess, ) Paidmd ^p'o. Parhama p'o, ^ B^ ^ M-^ ^ Paiiimd ^chi /s'ai. Parhdma chi ts'i. Braminical, pertaining to the Bramins, ffi 3|^ iff» j|ji|, ^^ Paiamfi tik,. Parhama tih ; do. pertaining to their doctrine, tfi^^&flC&^J Pai^imA kau' tik,. PdrhamA kifiu tih. Braminism, the religion of the Bmmins, :m 1^ ^ Bid^ WC Bai^nia tik, kdu'. Parhamd tih kiau. Bran, the proper coat of wheat, rye &c., ^ ^ *, mak^ jp'i. Meh p'i, ^|^ mak^ ,hong. Meh kang; bran bread, ^^|^ c^ong min^ /'au. K4ng mien t'au. Branch ^ ,chi. Chi; branch of a tree, jl[^ ^chi. Chi, jjlf j;^ shii' ,chl. Shu chi, |^ /'iii. T'idu, ^pJ ^o. 0,ikW> cCbi jt'iu. Chi t'iau, ^^ /'oi ^chi. T'Ai clii. 1^- 'chi. Chi; a branch of a familv, ^ ^It ,ci., ij'ai'. Chi p'di, 1^ p'ai'. P'ai, ^ '^ /an p'ai'. Fan p'ai ; a branch of the ocean, 'i1$ ^ '^ 0j^ 'hoi ,chi ,chi p'di'. HAi chi chi p'di, ^0{J3t 'hoi 'kii. Hai ku ; the branch of a river, jj^ p'ai'. P'iii, }-pT Z^M J'o .^-lii /'I"' P''«'- Ho chi chi p'ai, '1^ /'o. T'o ; a road diverging into three branches, '^ "jf ^ ^s&m ,d 16\ San ya lu ; ditto diverging into two branches, f ^ /i 16". Ya lu, ^M^ kau' 'tsin 16^ Kiau tsien lu. y ^^ ^a ,ch'a 16^ Ya ch'A hi, itj^^ ,k'{ hV. K'i lii, it^^^ ^k'i /'6. K'i t'u, pff 1^ -leuiig ,k'i. Liang k'i, ^ ^ ,f^ ^sheung ^ch'a 16". Shwjing cli'a lii ; tnnik and branches (of a tree), ^j"^ ^^ ,clii kon'. Cbi kan, ^ ^^ /'iu ^mui. T'idu mei ; branches and leaves, i('^ ^ ^chi ip^. Chi yeh ; the topmost branch, "^ jiii'i. Pidu; the main branch of a tree, j£|^ ching' ,chi. Ching chi; ditto of a river, "[£ ^ ching' ^chi. Ching chi; the branch of a tribe from the principal wife, j}^ {{j ching' ch'ut,. Ching ch'uh; the secondary brandies of a ti-e(% ^ >fi^ cP'ong <^^^- B'iing chi ; a side branch, des- cending from a concubine, ^^ -^ ^wfing ^ch). Huug chi, ^ ^ jp'ong ,clii. P'ang'chi, ^\\ W\ chak, ch'ut,. Tseh ch'uh, f^jf j)'in ch'ut,. P'ien ch'uh, jU; [Ij shii' ch'ut,. Sliuciriih; root and branch, ^^ 'pun ^chi. Pun chi, \^^^ ,un /;hi. Yuen chi; the family is divided into many bran- ches, -'^i^f^^-^i'll yat, .ka .fan /oi /o .clii p'di'. Yih kia fan k'ai tochip'di, ^'^f|l^^t/j' .chi p'di' jfan 'in. Chi p'di fdn yen; ol' tlui same branch, (i^J j^ ^t'ung .chi. T'ung chi, |g| ^ ^})^ /'ung .('hi p'ai'. T'ung chi p'di ; the Canton * This is iRoro strictly appljfil to brpn, whilst the ;»e!^t is mor^j BEA (240) BRA branch, ^M^ '^^^S jShing ,chi. Sang cMng chl ; the twelve branches of the cycle, 4" — !i shap i* ,chl. Shih rh chi ; the celestial stems and the terrestrial branches, %^i^^ ,t'in .Icon ti^ ,chi. T'ien kdu ti ohi ; branches of the bridle, ^ j^ ,kdung 8ut,. Kidng suh, ^ ^% ,k^ung ,chi. Kidng chi ; a pilot's branch, ^ ^ A ^ W <^' *shui yan ,chi jp'Ai. TAi shwui jin chi p'di ; to establish a branch business, H ;^ ^ ,^oi ,chi p'b'. K'Ai ohi p'li ; a branch business, ^ '^ ^ /an ,chl p'6'. Fan chi p'li. Branch, to shoot or spread in branches, ^ -^^ /an ,chi. Fan chi, ^ ^ /an .chi. Fan chi, ^ ^^ /loi ,chi. K'di chi, ^ ^ .hoi .chi. K'di chi, J^ ^ /an p'di'. Fan p'di, ^ ^ .hoi .ch'd. K'di ch'd, Jtjc^X^c^^- K'i chi, ^ i§ .fan 'kong. Fan kidng, '^ p'Ai'. P'Ai; to branch off, ^ .fan. Fan, ^ ^ .fan ,hoi. Fan k'Ai ; to branch off or speak diffusively, H^ ^ jg^ffi ngap, .tung ngap, .sai, g^ t^'^M shiit, wd' .chi ^li. Shwoh hwd chi li, ^ ^ jts'z .chi. Ts'z chi ; to branch off as a river, ^ Wt /^^ P'^^'- ^''^^ P'^^ ' ^^^^^ ^^ ^ stream, ^ ^ .fan *kong. Fan kidng, ^ '^ .fan jlau. Fan liu ; to branch off, as a road, Y ^ .d 16^ Ya lu, Y 31SS A cCh'^ 16'. Yd ch'd lu, #lf P 1^ kdu' 'tsin 'hau 16^ Kidu tsien k'au lii. Branch, to adorn with needle-work, |^ :f^ ^^ sau' .fd .chi. Siu hwd chi. Branch-leaf, a leaf growing on a branch, t:J Jt ^ t^M <^^^ sh^ung^ .shang tik, ipj. Chi shdng sang tihyeh, :|$P|E^.chik6'ip^. Branch-peduncle, a peduncle springing from a branch, i^^^;^^ ,chi .shang ,chi tai'. Chi sang chi ti. Branch-pilot, see under Branch. Branched, divided into branches, ^ i[^ ^ij .fan .chi tik,. Fan chi tih, g^ YKit .hoi .d ke', ^i^^M .fan kwo' ,chi p'di'. Fan kwo chi p'di ; adorned with branches, MliX^ shik, "^ .«'^^- Shili i chi ; furnished with branf-hes, fJV^ \>X ^ fi^ ,^»- ^ ,^^^ tik,. Kid i chi tih. Branched work ^ |f6 .^^^ <^^^K ^^^ ^^^^^ i$ -^ .chi .kung. Chi kung. Branchcry, the ramifications or ramified vessels dispersed through the pulpy part of fruit, "^ ;^ ^ ^ 'kwo ,chi yau' .chi. Ko clii yii chi, Zjr ^ ;^P^ .shang /s'ung .chi k6\ Branching, shooting in branches, ^^ ;j'^ .hoi .chi. K'di chi, ^ j^ ,hoi .chi. K'di chi, ^ j^ .shang .chi. Sang chi. Branching, furnished with branches, as treCvS, ^^ |g|■«" .'■'"' <'^>- Branchless, destitute of branches or slu)ots, fi^ ^ ,m6 .chi. \Vu chi, ia^ iiJi (f.j ,m() .chi tik,. VVu chi tih ; naked, ^ ^ j^jf^j .kwoug .shan tik,. KwAng 8hi^ tih, ^ ^ P^ .kwong .sliau k(5' ; without any valuable pro^HPf'i 1^ #J |HJ' JUi^t^. Branchlet, a little branch, a twig, ^ -f^ .chi 'tsai, ^ j{^ yau' ,chi. Yu chi. Branchy, full of branches, ^i^^ jtfi'ung ,cJii tik,. Ts'ung chi tih, ^i[^^ ^.^ ehii* .chi mau* shing'. Shu chi mau shing, ^^^^ % shu^ .chi sham' /an. Shii chl shin fdn, ^ .tsun. Tsin; wide- spreading branches, 1,'lj ;^ ;[j^ ^ij 'kwong tdi* .chi tik,. Kwdng td chi tih, '^ ^ ^ji ^ ^yung mat^ .chi tik,. Yung mih chi tih. Brand *, a burning piece of wood, j^^sM s^^ jCh'di /'au. Jen ch'di t'au, 'X M 'fo^«ni- Howl; a stiSk of wood partly burned, ^ 5^ ^ch'di /'au. Ch'di t'au, ^ 'tsun. Tsin ; a thunder-bolt, ^-^ /lii shek^. Lui shih ; a branded mark, $lj'4^ ts'ik, tsz^ Ts'ih tsz ; mark made by burning, |f^ ^ ^ ndt, yan' hb\ ^if^ ndt, ^han, ;^g| 'fo ^han. Ho ban, ^ ^ chek, ^han. Chih ban ; to deface a branded mark, fe^^'lj^ 'hi ^ch'u ts'ik, tsz^ K'i ch'ii ts'ih tsz ; a torch, •/cfll 'fo 'P^-* Hopd, — iffi >X yat, 'pd 'fo. Yih pd ho, X^ '^o ku\ Ho kii ; a stigma, i^^ tim' yuk^. Tien juh, ^ ^ ^t'im yukj. T'ien juh ; a mark of disgrace, X ^ '^^ lok,. Ho loh, ^ ^ mak^ p'ik,. meh p'ih ; a di- sease in vegetables, ^ j^ ts'oi' .nung, ^ ^ ts'oi' ching'. Ts'di ching ; to cast a brand upon one, ^^ X tim' yuk yan. Tien juh jin, f^ ^ X A y^K ^ M ^k <8an .sin k6\ ^ft]|- ^ .sin ,ming. Sien ming. Branded, marked with a hot iron, ff "j§k W i^ '^^ kwo' yan' lok,. Td kwo yin loh, ^^^ lok, kwo' van'. Loh kwo yin, iTjUaiJ^M! ''^ ^wo' van' h6*. Td kwo yin hdu; tattooed or marked as criminals, ^•lli^ ts'ik, kwo'. Ts'ili kwo, ^'ij ^^ ^^ ts'ik, kwo' taz^ Ts'ih kwo tsz ; ditto with ink, ^ i^ makj kwo'. Meh kwo; stigniafized, ^S^j^ Vim yuk^ kwo'. T'ien juh kwo, ^f^)^ tim'yukjkwo'. Tien juh kwo, jTj /^ )^ .u yukj kwo'. W'u juh kwo; branded marks, ^ij ^ ts'ik, tsz^ Ts'ih tsz. Bninding, in)i)ns.sing a mark with a hot iron, tf^l ')i^ 'td yau' lok,. Td yin lol», tT^M 't*^ y*"' ^^'''■ Td yin hdu ; tattooing or marking as <*riniinals, tUA (241) BRA f|| ts'ik,. Ts'ih, ^j'-^ ts'ik,tsz\ Ts'ihtsz, g mak^. Meh ; stigmatizing, ^ ^ 't'im yuk,. T'ien juli, ^^ tim' yuk^. Tien jiili, f^^ ,u yuk,. Wii juh. Branding-iron, an iron to bi-and with, ^ fp t'it^ yan'. T'ieli yin, 'J;§ lok,. Loh, §^ 'fiin. Kw'an. Brandied, mingled with brandy, ^ yg ^k'au 'tsan. K'u tsiii, ^i^M ^M c^'au Pelanti 'tsau. K'u Pelanti tsiu. Brandish, to flourish, as a sword, ^ /ai. Hwui, ^ hnb. Wu, ^ \\'ik, ; to raise and move in various directions, as a flag, j^ ^ wik, ^k'l, :j^ j^ ^fai jk'i. Hw ui k'i ; to brandish a spear, :f^ ^ /ai ^ts'eung. Ilwui ts'iang ; to play vWth, ^ ^ ^11^ lung^ liiau lung ; to brandish the sword, :^ ^J ^fai kim\ Hwui kien ; to brandish the arms, ^ ^ -m6 Vhau. Wii shau ; to brandish and rub the fists, ^ i'^ U liitj ^k'iin ,t'au. Brandished, raised and waived in the air with a flou- rish, ^'^ /ai kwo\ Hwui kwo, ^}||^ 'mo kwo'. Wu kwo, ^^ jj^^ wik^ kwo' ; he brandished his sword, #,liJt j;,lj ,t'a /ai ^k'i kirn'. T'a hwui k'i kien. Brandisher, one who brandishes, :^ ^ /ai 'che. Hwui che, ^ ^ TOO 'che. Wii che. Brandling, a kind of worm. '"JJ yuen. ill wong un. Hwang t o ,lung. T'lllung, !J{g i^l jau 7an. K'iii yin, |1^ ^^ huk, shlQ\ K'iuh shen Brandishing, flourishing, ^ /ai. Hwui, ^ hno. Wu, j^^liit,. Liueh/ Brandy, an ardent spirit, *^^ ^sliiu 'tsau. Shau tsiu, ^ fM ^ VS Pelanti 'tsau. FeMnti tsiii, H % Y^ ^samng6" 'tsau. San ngau tsiu, E-.^y^ ,sam ^ehing 'tsau. San ching tsiii ; peach brandy, ^yg' ^mui 'tsau. Mei tsiii ; cider brandy, ^ |^ ylS jP'ing 'kwo 'tsau. P'ing ko tsiii; bi-andy from milk, gl^lg^sulolv Brandy-wine /Jj^ II' ilfcf^ Pelanti 'tsau. Pelanti tsiii. Brangle, to squal)ble, '^^^^ 'ch'au nau^ Ch'au nau, ^ f^ ^chang tau\ Tsang tau, p^ (^^ jii' nau\ Brangler, a quarrelsome person, ^ |ig Ian' ai', ^ ^ P|[ ntiu' ^kau ke\ Nau kiau till, |tf Hifc ^ n|t \ ho' ai' ^kau ke ^yan. Brank, buck-wheat, a species of polgyonum, ^ ^ ^ ^sam kok, mak,. San koli meh. Brank-ursine ^ ;^, 'ts'6 ^mong. Ts'au ming. Branlin, a species of fish of the salmon kind, 3^ pj[; ^^ ^ 'kau t'5' .ii lui^ Kau t'li yu lui. Branny, having the appearance or consisting of bran, ^Jj^P|t inak, ji'i ke', f^l^^^ mak, >ng tik,. Meh kang till. Brant, see Brand-goose. Brant, steep, ^ Jt^ ^ts'e ^po. Sie po. Brant-fox, a small species of fox with black feet, /Y ^ IM ^ 'siu jU jli ^meng. Siau hii li ming. Brasen, made of brass, |f |j^ P|t ,wong ^t'ung ke'. Brash, hasty in temper, ^j^ kap, ts'uk,. Kill suh, ^ 3^ kap, ts'iit,. Kih tsuh, ^, j^ kap, kii'. Kih kii. JSrasier, an artificer who works in brass, 1^^ jt'ung tseung^. T'ung tsidng, tl ^ Bi6 '(^ 'ta ^^^% ^ ^ ^'i )\h hi'. I hdu k'i i| ii;;;^^ jhung ,sam. lliung sin, ^ ^ p'un' /n. Pw'dn jen, •ji iV^-* chong' ,sani. Chwang sin, Jjt ;^ chong' chi'. Cliwdng chi, pg^ ^m p'd', :^ pat, p'd'. Puh p'd ; he defended him bravelv, fmi'^ '^Kai' ,in *p6 .fd. I jen pdu t'd, \1i'^% jg p'un' mong* 'p6 Vu; to act bravely, g:^^ _^ Bham' jWivi 'fan lik^. Shin woi fan lih, ^%j] ,m sik, likj : to act heroically, Wli^^fi^ jing jhuiig ,ehi ,hang ^wai. Ying liiung chi liang wei, Wi.^^Z'fi'^ ngai' ^In ,chi ,hang jWai. I jen chi hang wei, pijij j^;^ tt ^ }^^^Z ng»i' c^hi ,hang ,wai. Kdng i chi hang wei. Braverv, fearlessness of danger, ^ 'y""g- ^""g, mWlZM. .kong ngai' ,chi hi'. Kdng i chi k*f. ^ ^ yui' hi'. Jui k'i, 15 ^ ngai' hi'. I k'i || ^ 7ung hi'. Yung k'i, A ^ tdi' Vung. Td yung, ^ ^ <: ^ jing Sung .chi hi'. Ying yung chi k'i, 1$^ ^ jing ^yung- Ying yung, ^ M cyii^g l»i'- Ying k'i; gallantry, ^ ^ ,hb hi'. Hdu k'i. Braving, setting at defiance, ^ p'lin'. Pw'dn, ^ mb\ Mdu, .^ >fi 'tai chu'. Ti chu. Bravo, a daring vilkin, ^ ^ ^k'dung /'6. K'iang t'u, g^l^ ^k'eung ts'dk,. K'idng ts'ih, iH^ Idn' /'6. Ldn t'li ; a murderer, j^ -^ c^ung 'shau. Hiung sliau. Bravo ! well done ! jtjf ^ miu' /soi. Miau tsdi, fff- p^jj 'hb jd, $ft^ 'hb idk,. j^^-q|: .bdi, 'hb idk„ ^US ^M c^iiDg- Ming ; to make a harsh, disagreeable, grating sound, D^ j)^ ^ ngit^ ngit, ,shing. Bray, the harsh sound of an ass, j^ ^ jlii ,ming. Lu ming, || II4 ^lii kiii'. Lii kiAu, '^ P^ ^lii hiim'. Brayer, one avIio brays like an ass, tt{ |§ R^it ^ fi*I cli'ut^ ^bi 'kom ^shing tik^. Ch'uh lii kAn shing till, Pfep^^"^ A cP'-^ Pai' ke' jan. Braying, pounding, ^ ^chung. Chung, ^^ ^chung 'che. Chung die; making the sound of an ass, 111111® 11 ch'ut, ;ii 'kom ^sliing. Ch'uh lii kan shing ; noise, Pg|l]^- ^hiin ^wa. Hiuen hwa. Braze, to soder wth an alloy of brass and zink, '(^ I^M&^uifP 'pi s^ong s^'«"S V^K M hon^ 'hau. Pi hwang t'ung peh yuen hdn k'au, \^ ^ iwlfi^if P 'i cWong jt'ung pak, ^iin hon' 'hau; to harden to impudence, ^ ^ J^ J|£^ ^shang ^mb 9.a.\i 'ch'i. Sang wti siii ch'i. Brazen, made of brass, ^ ^ ^^ 5"^ong ^t'ung tik^. TTwAng t'ung till, ^ ||i| P|E ^wong ,t'ung ke', ^ iSl^^^ ,^vong ^t'ung tso'- M\ ^fsl^^^J ,wong ^t'ung ts(V tik,. Hwang t'ung tso tih ; impudent, n\Si:^^U ,«!<> mill' sP'i ke', Pg-^||P|t s"^ sliik, 'ch'au ke' ; the brazen age, ||^ IJJ; ^t'ung sliai'. T'ung shi, ^ {Hr ke' ^yan. Brazen-faced P§-^||^ ,m ^chi ^sau 'che, ^j®^ P^ ^m6 min- ^p'i ke', J^^g^ mtit^ 'lim tik,'. Muh lien tih, )^lfil^|^ hau^ min' ^p'i tik^. Hau mien p'i tih, ^ ^ 'p'i liit,. P'i liueh. Brazenness, appearance like brass, ^H^IJ^S;^ jWong ,t'ung 'kom y6ung\ HwAng t'ung kun yslug; excess of assurance, ^ :(§ 'mong chong^. Mdng chwdng, ^ ^ ts'6' p6\ Ts'du pdu. Brazier, tT iSI "IE A 'ta ^t'ung k6' jan ^TM^^M 'td jt'ung ^sz fu^ TA t'ung sz fu ; a warming pan, ^ ^ 'fo ^chung. Ho chung, ^ ^ Tiiin ^chung. NwAn chung. Brazil, the empire of, g, g§ (^ Pdsai kwok,. PAsf kwoh. Brazil-nut, Juvia, or large walnut, ;^ ;(^^ h6pj ^Vb. Hoh t'au, ^ i^l ,u /b. Hu VAu. Brazil-wood, a heavy wood, used for dyeing red, ^ ^ ^su muk^. Sii muh. Braziletto, an inferior kind of Brazil-wood, TV^^ 7J\; hd^ 'tang ^su muk^. Hid tang sii muh. Brazilian, pertaining to Brazil, B B§ (H j^ Pdsai kwok, tik,, G. g§ g| P^ Pasai kwok, k6'. Brazing ^ hon^ Han. Breach, to make a breach, 1^ p'o'. P'o, ^ ^ p'o' wai'. P'o hwAi, 1^ ^ p'o' pAi'. P'o pAi, j^ ^ ^kung p'o'. Kung p'o, ff 1^ 'tA p'o'. Td p'o ; to breach a wall, ^^ p'o' ^shing. P'o ching, ^^ wAi^ jShing. HwAi ching, T^^^ n fAt,. KAn fAh, ^^ ,kon lai'. KAn li, ^^ k'ong' fAt|. K'Ang fAh, ^^\ k'ong' lai^ K'Ang li, ^^ ^wai i'At,. Wei fAh; a breach of peace, ^^ pui' 'fAn. Pei fAn, % ^ pun' 'Ian. PwAn fAn, ^ :^^ pui' yeuk,. Pei yob, ^ ^ pui' ^mang. Pei mang, ^ B3. jhon ^mang. Han mang ; a breadi of duty, jj^ ^ kwo' fan\ Kwo fan, J^^ iit, fan'. Yueh fan, Pa ^ ^ :^ ^m 'shau 'pun fan' ; a lireach of pro- iiiise, ^ P 'fAn 'hau. FAn k'au, ^ P ^' Tnb 'hau 'ch'i, ^ ^ shik, ,in. Shih yen, -^ '\^ shat, sun'. Shih sin, ^^}:] 'shong yeuk,. ShwAng yoh ; a breach of friendship, ^ ^ tsut^ ^kAu. Tsiueh kiAu, ^^ tiin^ ^kAu. TwAn kiAu, ^\\J^ kot, tsik^. Koh tsih, ^^(^^ ^shang ^im kwik,. Sang hien kih; there is a breach [of friendship] between them, i^^WiW. <^'« T^u yan' kwik,. T'a yu bin kih ; a breach of morality, '^ ^ 'ffc ^slieung /ung fA'. ShAng fung hwA, ^ ^ '^ pAi^ jW^eng tsit,. PAi raing tsieh, 'f^ ^^ ^sh^ung ^meng kAu'. ShAng ming kiAu, ^ 'fjj shat, tsit,. Shih tsieh, ^ '^ pAi^ tsit,. PAi tsieh ; a breach upon the kingly power, ^ ^ shin' jhang. Shen hang; bereave- ment, ^^ song' 'yau. SAngyu; a rent or cleft, ^ la'. Hia, J5^fe lA' kwik,. HiA kih, |i|^ kAn' kwikj. Kien kill ; a misunderstanding, ^'|^ ^au ng'. Yti wii ; a breach on an enemy, k'it. K'ii k'ieh. ,k'u HM (244) Breachful, full of breaches, 1^^^^$^"^. P'"' wAi' 'h6 to t'At . yung'. \\|(i'('5(;f|fi ^ J)iiu ! 'chung ke min* jmu, ^fi^v^^Mi^l kiiu' 'iiio ke i min^ ,pAu; unleavened bread, p}.^-»^'M^ H^^l k6u' k6' min' j)du ; the feast of the iinleav^^ sz' ^man shat, ipj. Sz min shih nieh ; give us tliis day our daily bread, ^ H ^114 H ^'^ "mui yat^ yung^ jleung ,kam yat^ ts'z' ^ngo. Mei jih yuug liAng kin jih ts'z wo ; a slice ofbread, — ■ j^ fffi '^ yat, fAi' mill* ,pAu. Yih kw'Ai mien pAu. Bread-basket ||fi ^ min* ^pAu ^lAm. M ien pAu lAn, ^j(!^^ pi^"^ . e. the literati, the laiiui.i.i, tlie mecLanicii, uud the merclumts. to side, \^f^ ^wAngfiit,. Hungkw'oh, ^f- fut. 'ch6. Kw'oh die, f^ j^ fiit, ch'u . Kw'oh ch'u, (g H 'k^^'ong fut,. Kwiing kw'oh, ^ 'kwong. kwAng, fj^}^ tim* fut,; the breadth of calico, ^ Z}^B)B< V^' .chi flit, .fung. Pii chi kw'oh fung. ffi^'W.>K P^* c«*'i '«^i ^^'- P^ ^^^ «'^* t" ' ^o""^ rooms in breadth, ^:y^|/9^ sP'*'^" $P'^ ^''' <^^*"- P'ing p'Ai sz kien; the length and breadth, j^-jfj' ,tsung jWAng. Tsung hung, ^ ^ ,king 'wai. King wei, ^ ^ ^ch'cung fut,. Ch'Ang kw'oh ; the breadth of the river is 1,(XK) feet, M^^'^ ^ jlio fut, yat, pak, eh«jung*. llo kw'oh yih peh chAng ; not a hair's breadth, — ^ ^) ^ft yat, jh6 jt6 ^mb. Yih hku tu wu. Break (pret. broke; pp. broken), to rend, J^ p'o'. P'o, tr Jb» 'tA .pang. TA pang, tT M '^^ l^r TA lieh, ^^ lit^ la . Lieh liiA, tJ"!^^ 'tA lit^ ^lian. TA lieh ban ; to kreak to pieces or shatter, :J7' ^ 'tA sui'. TA sui, tr ^ 'ta lAn\ TA \An,l^^ p'o' siii'. P'o sui, t] rt^Ptl^ 'tA tak, .im kom' sui'. TA teh yen kAn sui, t] ^^^i^ 'tii tak, ^ung ^yung lAn*. TA teh yung yung lAn, |^^ p'o' Ian*. P'o lAn, ^ ^ 'tam sui', ^ ^ ^ ^ 'tam jung 'tam lau* ; to rent apart, fj^^ lit^ ,hoi. Lieh k'Ai; to break asunder, ^ mAk,. Pih, ^^ mAk, Jhoi. Pih k'Ai, ^ (tij mAk, .hoi, ^^ chit, tiin*. Cheh twAn, ^^ 'Au tim*. Ngau twAn, ^^ 'Au lap,, ^ ^ 'Au chit,. Ngau cheh, ^fr ^ ^liit, 'siin. Cheh sun, ^J ^ 'tA chit,. TA cheh, fit lap,. ^V pAi'. PAi, ^ fat^. Fuh, ^ hnan. Wan, 7J|J .tiu. TiAu, ^1 ch'At,. Ch'ah, y^ .tui. Tui ; to break, spoil or destroy, tT ^ 'tA wAi*. TA hwAi, ^ ^ 'sun wAi*. Sun hwAi, ^^ 'wai chit,. Wei cheii, ^^ 'wai lAn*. Wei lAn, ^J^ 'wai po'. Wei p'o. S ^ p'o' «'<^i'- I*'o ^^^^^' S ^ "^tin p'o'. Sun ji'o; to nuike breaches, as in a wall, tJ-^ 'tA p'o'. TA p'o, ^ p'o'. P'o; to break one's power, ^JL -I'i^ # ts'o' jk'i jk'iin shai'. Ts'o k'l k'iuen shi", it^^M. ts'o' s^'i .V"i' I'l'- 'f s'o k'i jui k'i ; to break hue's courage, ^ ^ |^ ^ 'kAm ^k'i yui* hi' ; to Ijiiiie, as a hoi-se or bii-ds, y^l^ jt'iu jts'un. T'iAu ts'un, J0 j|i{y ^y6ung ^shun. YAng shun ; to make Iwinkrupt, ^ 4^ chit, 'pun. Cheh pun ; to break the law, :||». ^ fAn' fAt,. FAn lAh, f jj- ,kon fat,. KAn fall, -\' ^l .kon lai*. KAn li ; to break a contract, '^jjjrj pui' yc^uk,. Pei yoh, ^^ jWai yc-uk,. Wei yoh, ||j(ttj 'shong y6uk,. Shwkng yob, fif SJl pui' ^mang. Pei iiiang, ^ gg. ,hon maiig. Uim inang; to bivak an engagement, "^ ■0 pAi' sun'. Pei sin ; not bn'ak an angag<'ment. >^ ^ ift pat, yikj i' ; to lin-ak a promise, ^ ^ shat, sun'. Shih sin, ^\^ 'fan sun'. FAn sin, ^ ig'shikjjin. Shih yen, 2xiP 'fan 'hau. FAn k'au ; to break an oath, "^ ^ piii' shai*. Pei shi; to BEti (245) BRE break the ranks, ^^ ^ -jB. shat, ,hoQi!: "ng- Shih h&ng wu, ^1^-^ shat, tiir 'ng. Sliili tui wu ; to break a stick, |^J ^ 'au tiin". Ngau twan, ^ ^ chit, tiin-. Cheh twan ; to break bread, ^ f/f mak 'pcng. Pih ping ; to break, as a glass (by accident), ^ -f- fY ^ ts'o' 'shau U lan^ Ts'o shau til liin, ^^^J')^ shat, 'shau 'ta lan^ Shih shau ta Ian ; to break intentionally, fjj^ 'ta Imr. Td Ian ; to break open a door, ^ ^ H 'td ^hoi ^mdn. Td k'ai mun, $^ ^ }^ f^ t'ek, ,hoi tb" ^mun. T'ih k'ai tu mun, ^^^'\ p'ek, hoi ,mun, ^ ^ H P^ 'tarn Jioi tir ,mun ; to break open, ^ (lij p'ck, hoi. P'ih k'ai ; to break one's neck, WM'W cWt', "keng kwat,. Cheh king kuli, ^frlg chit, 'keng. Cheh king ; to break bad habits, pj^r ^ 'koi ok,. Kdi ngoh, ^ ^, tsiit, ok,. Tsiueh ngoli, ^ ffi jCh'ii ok,. Ch'ii ngoh ; to break silence, ^ |jt"p'o' mak,. Fob meh, N^ ^ ,hoi 'kong. K'ai kiiing, ^ gf| P ^sln ^lioi 'Iiau. Sien k'ai k'au, tij^;5t <^l*'"t, ^sliing ,sin. Ch'uh shing sien; to break one's sleep, J^\^ p'o' shui^ ^.-j^l!, ^ ,keng jt'a 'ts'am. King t'a ts'in ; to break a match, ^ it t'ui' /an. T'ui livvan, "g. || t'ui' ,ts'an. T'ui ts'in, ^ ^f ch'ak, /an. Cli'ih hwan; to break one's vows, ^ j|g 'fan iin". Fan yuen, ■^ ^ pui' un". Pei yuen ; to break the seal of a letter, ^ ^ ,hoi /ung. K'ai fung, ^ff ^ ch'ak, /ung. Ch'ih fung, ;^ \$ ch'ak, sun'. Ch'ih sin, f^T^ ^hoi ^kam. K'ai kien; to break the ground, to plough, ^ yy jlai /'in. Li t'ien; to break ground or escape, j^ ^ /'6 'tsau. T'au tsau ; to break prison, J^ ^ rfn ^ p'"' )± Vo tsu'. Tdu tsdu, ^\ff Vo /long. Tau hang ; to break, as one's voice, ^ ^ chiin' ,shing. Cliuen shing, ^ ^ p'o' ^shan. P'o shin ; ditto, as a bu- siness, pS. f^ ^m tso-, H ^ pd- 'shau. Pd shau ; to break, or lade, as one's beauty, ^|^ /iii ts^'. Tiau si6, ^ i^ /iu /s'dn. Tidu ts'dn, }J^ ^ /id Jing. Tidu ling, ^ f^ Jing lok,. Ling lob ; the day breaks, ^ :^ ^ /'in p'o'" 'hiu. T'ien p'o hidu ; the weather breaks, ^f^ /'in tsok . T'ien tsoh, ^'^ /'In pin'. T'ien pien; the wine breaks, M ^ ^ '^^^^ Pi^' ^^'- Tsiu pien wi ; to break down in a carriage, ^ ^ fuk, ^kii. Full kii ; to break forth, as light, ^^ chd' /s'eng. Chd ts'ing, -p^ chd' ^kwong. Chdkwdng, -p.^ chd' jeung. Chd yang ; to 1)reak from a company, ^^ .^ tsing^ 'tsing hii'. Tsing tsing k'ii, yf^ ^ /s'lm hii'. Ts'ien k'ii, Jg;lj /s'im ch'ut,. Ts'ien ch'uh; to break in, as a thief, :j^ f| A wdt, /ung yap^. Wdli lung jih,^ l^/C ffi A tsiin' iit, / yap^. Tswdn yueh rh jih, ^ £t i?rj A ^sok, pik, / yap,. Tsoh pih rh jih, ^fl^ rftJA P'ek, .hoi / yap,. P'ih k'di rh jih ; to break loose, ^ ^ lat, .slian, ^ ^ t'iit, ^shan. T'oh shin; to break off, as a flower or twig, :(^ chdk,. Tsch, |fr chit,. Cheh, ^ 'ts'oi. Ts'di; to break out, as a disease, |^ fdt,. Fdh, ^ 'hi. K'l ; to break out into joy, ^, ^- g: ^ fat, /n 'hi /un. Jlwuh jen hi hwan, p. ^ chd' 'hi. Chd hi ; to break out into tears, p. ^ chd' huk,. Chd kuh, ^,^J^,:k^ fat, /n tdi' huk,. IIwuli jen td kuh ; to break out into laughter, ^, f^:^^ fat, /n tdi^ siu'. Hwuh jen td sidu ; to break out into pimples, ;^!|?itff 'hi nap, 'tsai ; to break out with the small-pox, ^j^ ch'ut, tW. Ch'uh tau; to bi-eak out as Are, -^ >J^ shat, 'fo. Shih ho, *)^ ^ 'lb fdt,. Ho fiih, >X, hi 'fo 'hi. Ilo k'l, ^ j^ l^ 'hi'fochuk. K'lhochuh, JEg^i7C chuk, ^yung -'hd. Chub yung hid; to break out, as a rivei-, ;>|C jlii iffi]' -^ 'shui kwo' ,ho ,kl. Shwui kwo ho ki, ^pj ;^ -j^ y^ Jio 'shui fdn' lam*. Ho shwui fdn Idu, ^j^'i^l^ p'o' ngon^ fdn' ldm\ P'o* BRK (216) RRE ngaii fill! liin ; to break out, as war, \[i jg ^ ch'ut, .kA 'fo. Ch'uh kh'i lio, fj ^- :^ tun-' kon ,kwo. Tung kAn ko ; to hi-cak through all ro- sti-aiiit, ]^ffMi9i skiing ^hang ^mo t(V. JIung hang wu tu ; ditto, to sliako off restraint, -j^ ^ jWang jhang, |^ ff s^-' s^^^^S- ^'^' '''"*"' *^'* '^^*'^^ tlirough all diflliculties, ^^ fl M \^. ^'""S' P''^'^. ^kdn 'him. Shing peh kien hicn ; to hi-eak up, as k company, {^ san\ SAn, ^ \]li /an san'. Fan san ; to break up, as an epidemic, [j; 'chi. Chi, Jj- J^^ chi sik, ; to br(!ak with one, $g ^ tsut^ ,kau. Tsiueh kitiu, J|| ^' iin' ,kau. Yuen kii'iu. ]Jreak, a state of being open, ^ la . Ilia, 3|||^ lA' kwik,. Ilia kill, :^ii^: p'o' kvvik,. Fo kih, ^)Jj^ lit^ jhan. Lieh ban, ^ Jjf lit^ hi'. Lieb bia ; an opening made by force, l^f^ pVch'u. Focb'u; a paus(^ 1^ — ,g. bit, yat, sik,. Hieh yih sih, ^ P bit, 'hau. llieb k'au, {|^ StI 1'^^, 'kong. Hieh kiiing, f^P .t'ing 'bau. T'ing k'au, f^ ^ /ing 'kong. T'ing kiiing, ^ ^ hit, 'shau. JJieh sbau, ^^1 hit, k6uk,. Jlicih kiob ; a line in writing or printing, noting a stop in the sentenc(>, /^itf jj^ 'kdm kii' luV. Kien kii liau, — ^^yat, "k'i. Yih k'i, —^: yat, wak^. Yih bwah, —ff^, yat, ^bong 'tim. Yih hAng tiim ; the break of day, 0. tan'. Tiin, ^l^lM /'ifi ^ 'tso .ts'An. Tsau ts'An, |^ ^{ .chiu shin'. Chan shen, ^^^ ,ebiu Ian'. Chan fan, ^ Jung. Yung; breakfast and supper, j|^ ^ <.vi>ng ,^iin- Yung sun, f^ fi)^ ij^ f'i^ ,cbiu i'An' 'man fan'. Chau Ian wan fan ; is brrjiklcjtst ready r f . ^ fiJi ^ ''^ «iJf 'ts6 jcb'a pin' mi' /s'ang a', J?- Jjt ]j«^ fi[i -^ 'l,s6 jCb'A 'cbing pin' nil'. TsAu ch'A ehing picn wi. Breakfast, to eat the first meal in the day, f^^^ sink, 't85 jCb'A. Shih tsAu eb'A, :^i^l^Jishikj 'i»h fAn'." Shih tsAu fAn, jfl ^ yung* shin'. Yung shen, )p f gt yung' 't*;6 fan'.* Yung tsAu fan. Breakfasting, taking the first meal of the dav, ^ ^- ^ sbik^ 't86 jCh'A. Shih tsau ch'A. Breaking ^ Ifin'. LAn, ^Jf tiin'. TwAn, ^ p''eng kwat,. Breakneck, a fall that breaks the neck, 9^^^"^ tit, cliit, 'keng kwat,. I'ieh eheli king kuh ; a steep place endangering the neck, ^^, Z ^ ^ngai 'him ,chi ch'u'. Wei hien chi ch'u, ||^ ^ Z ^ 'ts'iu pik, ,chi ch'u'. Ts'iAu pih chi ch'u. Breakwater, a mole or other obstruction at the en- trance of a harbour &c., to break the force of the waves, -^ Jg 'sbui ^t'ai. Shwui t'i. Bream, a fish, cyprinus, gjp ^ tsik, .u. Tsih yu ; cyjjrinus gibelioides, ffifijjfl tsik, ,\i; the blunt-head- ed bream, cyprinus aljbreviatus, j^ "j^ Sf p shuk, kwat, tsik,. Shub kuh tsih ; the red-tailed Iji-eam, cyprinus aui-atus, -^ gjjp ^kam tsik,. Kin tsih. iream, to burn off the filth from a l)oat or ship's bottom, 1^ i^ jt'Am ^shiin. T'An cb'uen. Breast, the, of a Moman, ifft^ 'nAi. NAi, ^ 'nAi. NAi, 3{';f;'nAi. NAi; do. of a man, general term, ^^ Jumg. Hiung, B^l Ijf ^bung /'ong. Iliung t'Ang, |j^ ^ ^bungkAk,. Iliung keli, fl^H Jiung /s'in. lliung ts'ien, ^ jing. Ying, j^ jing. Ying, ^ ,S^ ,bung ,sam. Iliung sin, flg yik,. Yih, fl*^ .hong 'tsz. K'iAng tsz, f\\^ ^ yik, jrnng. Yih hiung ; the heart, i^ .sam. Sin ; the conscience, ^ ^ Z ^d'' slii' c'i .chi ,sam. Shi fi ehi sin ; the affec- tions, 'l^- .ts'ing. Ts'ing, 'l^-j^^ sing' ^ts'ing. Sing ts'ing, ^Bji "j^ hung ,wai. Hiung hwAi ; a fine breast or bosom, ^ ^^ 'mi ,bung. M(>i hiung, ^^ 'mi 'nAi. Al(>i nai, ||^ 'mi 'ii. Mei jii ; to expose one's breast, ^ )j^ lu' ,hung. Lii hiung, P^^ Jjoi .k'am. K'Ai k'in; to open one's, olj 4> 1^ 'P '*" 'P"" ' '*■> <<'l»i »v'"g- 1*" .J» ''I'i ying; to take from tlu- br(>ast, ^^ cb'it, 'ii. Cheh ju ; to beat one's breast * , !^]f^ 'fu ,ying. Fu ying ; to heat the breast and stamp, for sorrow, ^ J^ pik, 'yung, ^ fl^^ .ch'ui bung, ff ,^s p 'ta ,sani 'hau ; to rest on one's nu)ther's breast, ^ ^ -f^ "l^ p|? .on ti«oi' 'mi) ^wAi .chung. NgAn tsai mii liwai chung; to keep carefully in one's breast, ^^fSkl^ jk'iin .k'iin I'uk^ jing- K'iiUMi k'iuen fub ying, ^YTfl^4^ jSlieung jts'iin .bung .chung. ShAng t^'un liiung chung, "j^," :^ t^ sft ^sheung tsoi' .sam ^t'au. ChAng tsAi sin t'au ; diseases of the breast, ^ ^ 'ii peng^. JU ping ; acute in- • Luko 18.13, Luko, '2:\,A8. For l.n-ast 8«>e Exotlus. 4'M?.'i. J..b 3.12, Ezokiol «3.3, 8 and 21. I's. 22.10. Lauicutations 4,3, Uosea 9,14 i Lniah C0,16, chapt. 66.11, BRE (247) BRE flammation of tlie breast, f/j^ ^ ,sa]i "ii 'fo. Sin [ Breast-plow, a plow driven by the breast, used to jii ho ; chronic ditto, ^^'X- ^^^' '^ '^^- ^^^ i^ I P'*'"'^ ^^"■^' ^ 16 ^ M^ sP'^ ^mcng. ho ; neuralgia of the breast, ^ fl^ ;^ ^ 'u. ^no j Breast-work, in fortification, a work thrown up for ,kan t'ung'. Ju nau kint'ung; milk abscess of : defense, |^ Jg chcung' ^lin. Chang hiuen, -^ ^ the breast, ^ |r ^ 'ii .nung ^ch'ong. Jii nung p6 cheuug'. Pau chang, |^ i^ yik, ^un. Yili ch'wang ; enlargement of the breast, ^ "ff :^ :^ ! liiuen, ^| ^im. Yen. ^ii *t'ai ^shang tai\ Jii t'l sang ta ; tumors of the [ Breasted, having a broad breast, f^ ^^ fiit, ,hung. breast, ^ ^ |^ ^ 'ii fM tsoi" jSam 'li. Tsai sin li ; to walk a- breast, — :j^ff yat, P'a^ t'^'^'^o- ^^^ P'^^^ li^ng, MM M 'fr pins' M^ S M^S- ^'^^S kien rh | hang ; he keeps his secret in his breast, ^^J: ;ji|| i P§ ^ ^tiii ^'6 '11 ^m 'konir. Tiau t'li li puh kiang, | ^9i:fll# ctiii 't'6 ^i Jai, ^;C>fI ,tiu ^sam ^i. • Tiau sin li ; it lies on his breast, ^ f^ ^ fg : jkwiin hai" ^kwai "k'ii. Kwan hi kwei k'ii, |^ "^ ^ jd^ ^ tsui' kwo' till sam lai ; a base and un- 1 generous breast, -^ P|P§ ;^ A. 'p'i lau^ ^chi jan. P'i lau chi jin, ;^f i^ |J|g u^ A '^o 'p'l laii^ ke' .yan. Breast-band, a rope or belt of canvass passed round j the body of the man who heaves the lead in I sounding, jl^ fl^ ^ kwo' ,hung tai'. Kwo hiung tai. Breast-bone, the bone of the breast, fj^ *^ M^^S kwat,. Hiung kuh, ^■^ yik^. Yih, flff hot, kon'. : Hob kan ; the thorax or chest, ^^^ ,hung ^t'ong. Hiung fang ; ensiform cartilage, fl^ ~[^ flji ^ Juing ha^ ts'ui' kwat,. Hiung hia ts'ui kuh. Breast-casket AIJH'Cli ^^^' sP'^ .P'^ '^'ung. Ta p'i p'a t'ung. Breast-deep, breast-high, ^ fl^ pi' sik>- Pi sill. 11 hi'- K'l, p| .tun. Tun, n[?g hi'. HI, P^ hot,. Hob, ^ .fan. T'an, gj^ ^ki. K'i; to be out of breath, ^P^ hi' ^ts'o. K'I ts'au, ^ p^ hi' 'ch'iin. K'I ch'uen, ^ fj[ chip, chip,. Cheh cheh, ^Pffipf hi' .ts'6 .ts'6. K'I ts'au ts'au ; shortness of breath, ^ ^ hi' 'kan. K'I kin, ^ {ghi'ts'uk,. K'lts'uh', ^^ .ha hi'. Kia k'i, ^ ^^ lat, .hd hi'. Pah kid k'l, ^ ^ fat, hop,. Pah boh ; to let a horse take breath, :^ .^^ 't'au 'ma. T'au ma ; foul breath, ^ ^ ch'au' hi'. Ch'au k'i ; to hold one's breath, ^ ^ 'kii hi'. Ku k'i, 3^ ^ fuk^ hi'. Puh k'i, fU ^ chai' hi'. Chi k'l ; to the last breath, $\\ ij? ^ ^ iJ|: to' -f iin hi' ko' chan'. Tau twan k'l ko chin, ^ Mi M^ k'ap, .k'l hi' tsiit^. Kih k'l k'i tsiueh ; whifst there is yet breath, — M,1^^' y^^> ^ik, shcung^ .ts'iin. Yih sih shang ts'un, ^ ^; ^»JM chung^ 'yau .tl hi'; warm breath, t^ 'oi. Ngai ; to take a breath of air, ^Hl^^ 't'au 'ha hi', ^^— (5|:^ 'fan yat, chan' hi'. T'au yih chin k'i, ^^ — '^ 'fan hi' yat, chan^ T'au k'i yih chin ; life, [f|]^ hiit, hi'. Hiueh k'i, •^■^ .shang meng'. Sangming; a breeze, ^. ^^ ,>'au .fung. Jau fung, ^Hi f4 s^ii' .fung. Si fung ; there is not a breath of air, — '^^ M. U M y^t, .tl /ung .tb .mo. Yih till fung td wii, ^ il£ j^ ^ .ho .mo .fung hi'. Hau wii fung k'l, ll M ^ J/tsiit, .mo .fung sik,. Tsiueh wii fung sill ; a breath can make them, — ' ^ ^ \^ fj^ ;^ yat, hi' 'ho -I ^shing .chi. Yih k'i k'o I clung chi ; to take a long breath, "f^ :^ '^ .shan tai' hi'. Shin ta k'i — ' P ^ vat, 'hau lii' ; to fetch brc^ath, W^ ^ k'ap, hi'. Hih k'i, ^X ^ A ts'uk,. Wu ts'uh, ^ [JJ^ hit, -hii. Breathable, that may be breathed, uf :^|- 'ho 'fan. K'o fan, pf fcf 9]^ 'ho .fu k'ap,. K'o hii hih, p]" blX e^ 'Iio cliu Jiii- K'o hii hu. Breathe, to, ;^f^ 'fan hi'. T'au k'l, pf9j^ .fu k'ap,. Hii hill, 0^ S .hii .hii. Hii hii, ^ hap], Kiah, !?^ .lui. Hiii. [\] J, oh'ut, sik,, Ch'uh sih ; to ex- hale, m ^ ch'i]t, hf . Ch'iVh k'l. P^ ^ .fii hi'. H^ k% as ,UU. UiX, fiyj ,hU. Htt, ^ ,fii. HA, BRE (248) BRE p^ p'an'. P'in, gf, h6p^. KiAli ; to iiilialr, (^ ^ k'ap, hi'. Hih k'i, ^Xm «'•«!<> !»'• Soh k'f, |g^ shuk, 111'. Shuh k'i, ^ hip^. Hicli, g^ yap,. Yili; to breatlic hard, '^ 'eh'iin. Cli'ueii, $^1^^ lat, .ha hi'. Fall kiah k'i, p^ ^ 'cli'un lii'. Ch'ucn k'i ; to breathe throuj^h the nose, p. 'j[^* :^'|. ^ pi^ fat, Vau hi'. Pi kulj t'au k'i, Ip^ liAp,.* KisUi, |^ .tin. Tien : as long as I breath, J^\- ^ |tj)' ^ *t'au hi' k6m' 'kau. T'au k'i kan kiii, ^|->jaii|r# Van hi' k6m' noi^ T'au k'i kdn ndi ; lie bniathes no mo>^' ^ M t«"^ hi'. Tsiueh k'i, ^ ^ tiin' In". Twdn k'i ; he siifferwl them not t^o brcathtr, [l|j^ Iff. ling^ ^k'ii hi' .tb jHi 't'au tak, ^ha, ^^^^^i MM^ '^'■^' y^ V^^, s"^"n ^1^' ^^^,- Shi t'a puh nan!> k'i sill ; to breathe after, ^ .t'am. T'an, n^}^ ^ ^ jm hit, .t'dm jlani ; to breathe in, BBfA I^HA ^ho yap^ noi^ ^t'au. Ho jih nui t'au, f»^ A ft SS .ch'ui yap^ noi^ ^t'au. Ch'ui jih nui t'au ; to breathe af^ain, ^ .su. Su, ^ ^ .fjln .shanf^. Fan sanj^, ' ^ ^ fuk^ ,slian;^. Fuh sani,'; to breathe a litth; while, ^ (J|: hit, clian^ Hieh chin, :^j-|I]; 't'au ^hd. T'au hid, ^ nT — (5f hit, Mid j-at, clian\ ^ — ■ .i» ^ hit, yat, sik, .kdn. Ilieh yih sih kien, ^y@>-^PT hit> sik, yat, -hd. Hieh sih yili hid; to rest from action, ^ ^, liit, sik,. Hieh sili, ^ rfp ^ hit, -hd 'shau. Hieh hid shau, ^ fij^ hit, Mid keuk,. Hieh hid kioh. Breathe, to inhale air, :^ ^ 't'au hi'. T'au k'i ; to breathe pure air, p\- ^ 't'au jl^unpf. T'au lidng, W^,M 't'a" cts'inj? »>i'- T'au ts'ing k'i; to breathe nothing but vengeance, p^ jfet ^ p'an' n(V hi'. P'in nu k'i, 1^ Jte ^ fat, n(V lii'. Fdh nii k'i ; to breathe on anything, I©/ .^ .ho hi'. Ho k'i, nj/j ,hu. llii, v^ fat,. Fuh, a^ 'oi. Ngdi ; to bn^athe on one's hand (to warm them), P^ i)^ ^ .ho ^niin 'shau. Ho nwdn shau, g^^ .hii 'shau. Hii sliau, PBf ^ .lio 'shau. Ho shau ; to breathe a word to one. 1^ -1:111 U 1^M T<'>ni? ^ai' vvd' ^k'u .t'cng. Kidng si hwd k'ii t'ing, &iM^^^ Hi .t'd sliiit, matj 'ii. Yu t'd shwob mih yii ; to breathe one's last, to expire, ^ ^ tiin^ hi'. Twdn k'i, |g ^ tsutjii'. Tsiueh k'i; to breathe a vein, j^^i^ long' hilt,. Fdng liiu(>h ; to bnvithe out a sigh, ^ g fan' sik,. T'dn sih, ^ ^ t'dn' hi'. T'dn k'i, ± g^ t'di' sik,. T'di sih. Breathed, inhahnl and exhaled, ftf VJ^ '^ fa k'ap, kwo'. Hu hih kwo, ^ j;^ 't'au kwo'. T'au kwo. Breather, one who breathes or lives, p-p \t)^ ^ .fu k'ap, 'che. Hii hih did, rfi ^ ^ lit^ tung' 'che. Hwoh tung che, ^ t\!l\ M. ^ V^"" ''iit, hi' "cln«. Yii hiueh k'i che, ^^^^ ^u .shang meng' *cb6. Yii sang ming die ; one who animates by inspiration, ^ K| ig 'k6iu tung' 'chd. Kdn tung *5h6, ^ ^ ^ 'yung 'sung 'die. Yung sung die, ^m M 's""g tsung' 'die. Sung Isung di6 ; one who w jiitna anything by breathing, P6J ^ ^ ,ho 'nun 'die. Ho nwdn cM. Breathing, respiring, pf ^ .fii k'ap,. Hu hih, ^-^ 't'au hi'. T'au k'i; whilst breathing, pf- gft <^ fg] .fu k'ap, .ehi .kdn. Hii hih dii kien ; breathing vengeance. ^ ^^ fdt, no^ hi'. Fdh nu k'i, p^ jte M P''*'"* "^' hi'. P'in nu k'i ; breathing hap- piness, S^MP^ 'hi hi' jying ^mun. Hi k'i ying num. .Breathing, respiration, ftf- X^ Jj^ .fii k'ap, 'di«>. 11 li hih die; a genths motion of the air, ^ ^ sai' .fung. Si fung, :fgfc ^ ^nii .fung. Wi fung; the breathings of the S[)irit, ^ |$ <^ ^^ ^ Shing* jShan .ehi 'kom tung^. Shing shin dii kan tung; aspiration, M> ^ ^ Vung 'sung 'die. Yung sung che, ^ ^ ^ 'sung tsung' 'che. Sung tsung die. Breathing-place, a pause, ^ \n\\^. Tau. Breathing- time, pause, i^ ^ ^ 't'au 'shau ^shi. T'au shau slii, ^ \i\s «$ hit, 'hd ^shi. Hieh hid shi, {|J:;i(f$ hit, k6uk, ^shi. Hieh kioh shi, ^^ B.^ hit, 'shau ^shi. Hieh shau shi, §t .^ ff$ chii' hnk jShi. Cliu ma shi, -^ -^ ff;^ jt'ing 'shau ^shi. T'ing shau shi. , Breathless, being out of breath, ^ D§ 'oi yap , p§- m%m s^ S^^ tak, hi', Pg:^ f§^ ^m 't'au tak, hi'. ^ # PsS M pat, tiik, 'di'an hi'. Puh teh ch'uen k'i ; dead, ^ ^ hi' tsiit^. K'i tsiueh, ^ y 'sz Mill. Sz lidu ; to be breathless with joy, ^5lJM^1^ieshVt(Vhi'.t6tsut,. Breccia, red (marble), ^,^^ ,fd 'yui shek^. Hwd jui shih. Bred, generated, ^ ^ .shang kwo'. Sang kwo, ^ ^ 'cli'dn kwo'. Cli'dn kwo ; well bred, ^ f|| '<}-'i pf^@ 'yeung ch'uk, lukj 'iii. Ydng ch'uh luh jau; to breed cattle, ^ ^ 'y^ung jUgau. Yang niii, |^ 'ch'dn. Ch'an ; to breed horses for the government, ^ ^ ,^ C5 ^tsz ^shang "ma p'at,. Tsz sang m4 p'ih ; to breed horses, ^ ,^ 'y^"'^!? ^^^- Yang md ; to breed animals, ^^ ^ ^ ^ ch'uk, y^ung ^k'am shau^ Ch'uh yang k'in shau, ^-^.^^ /an ch'uk, 'niii shau^ Fan ch'uh niau shau, ^ -^ >^ ^ 'yeung ch'uk, luk nii. Yang ch'uh luh j^u ; to breed vermin, ^ ^ ^shang shat,. Sang sih, ^ ^ ,shang ^ki. Sang ki ; to breed trouble, |^ f ^ ^'i liin^ Jau Iwan ; to breed mischief, i^ ^ ^shang sz^ Sang sz ; to breed enmity, ^ ^ kit, (^li'au. Kieh ch'au, |J^ kit, iin'. Kieh yuen, |ift kit, yan^ Kieh hin ; to breed children, ^ ^ ^shang *tsz. Sang tsz ; to bring up, ^ 'young. Yiing, # W Veung yik^. Yang yuh ; to bring up and educate, ^ ^ kau' 'y6ung. KiAu yang; to bring up and train, as animals, ^ j^ 'yeung jShun. Yang shun ; the hawk breeds the hawk, H ^fe il -iF- fy^^ .shang jing 'tsz. Ying sang ying tsz. Breed, to producej as a foetus, ^ ,shang. Sang ; to bear and nourish, as in pregnancy, ^ yan\ Hing; to breed in and in, ^ |^} ^ ^shang jt'ung lui^ Sang t'ung lui, >|^ jnj f^ kwo' /'ung hii^ Kwo t'ung lui ; to breed on the ground, ^^ttfe ,ts'ai ^ii ti'. Ts'i yu ti ; to breed in the trees, 1^-^i^ J;s'ai ^ii shu^ Ts'i yu shii ; this worm breeds in the wood, '^l >tc ;^ "IE ^ 'hai muk^ ,shang k6' ,ch'ung. Breed, a race or progeny from the same parents or stock, ^ 'chung. Chung, ^ lui^ Lui ; mixed breed *, H ^ tsdp^ 'chung. Tsdh chung, H |p[ tsAp, lui^ Tsdh lui ; a dog of good breed, j^-^^^ 'h6 'chung 'kau. Hdu chung kau, ^^^^ *mi 'chung jChi 'hun. Mei chung chi k'iuen, -^^^ ^kdi 'chung 'hiin. KiA chung k'iuen ; a number produced at once, — ^^>J yat, ^t'oi tik,. Yih t'di tih, — 9a 4"^ yat, ,t'oi ^shang k6' ; a hatch, — •^ ^ y^t, tau' ^kai ; offspring of man, -^ -^ 'tsz 'nil. Tsz nii, ^ ^ / 'nii. E-h nii ; ditto of birds and beasts, -j^ *tsai ; the offspring of cattle, ^ tuk^. Tuh ; crossbreed, jl^ ^ kwo' 'chung. Kwo chung ; to cross onother breed, '^{{^^^ kwo' ,t'd 'chung. Kwo t'4 chung. Breed-bate, one who breeds or originates quarrels, $y Pj; ^ ^ ho' 'ch'du ndu' 'ch6. Hdu ch'&u ndu cM, ^ ^ ^ "IE A h^' .shang sz^ k6' ^yan. Breeder, tte female that breeds or produces, ^ ^ ^shang 'ch6. Sang ch6, j^ ^ 'ch'dn 'ch^. Ch'dn ch6, ^ ^ pb^ 'ch6; the person who educates or brings up, ^^ ^ kdu' 'y^ung 'ch^. Kiau ydng ch6, ^'^ ^ kau' yuk^ 'ch^. Kidu yuh che; one who trains animals, ^ j^f^ ^ V^^^g jShun 'ch^. Ydng shun ch4, ||| ,||| J ,t'iu ,ts'un 'ch6. T'idu tsiun ch(? ; a breeder of horses. .i ^ 'oh^ung ^^ung ^ma 'ch6. Chang ydng ma ch6. f?l .kwong \ 'ii ^yan. Yii jin ; she is a good breeder, ^ to 'tsai j'o. To tsz p'o, ^3^0^^ H t'in jlo. Yueh kwdng t'ien lo. Breeding, bearing and nourishing. ^ ^ ^shang 'ch'dn. Sang ch'dn, ^ ^ ^shang ^eung. Sang ydng, ^ ^ ^shang yuk^. Sang yuh ; educating, ^ ^ kdu' yuk,, Kidu yuh. Breeding, the act of generating, ^ ^ ^ ,shang 'ch'dn 'ch6. Sang ch'an che ; the raising of a breed, ^^^ 'ch^ung ^y^ung 'ch6. Chdng ydng che ; the raising and training of birds and beasts, ^^"^^ -y^ung jShun ^k'am shau^ Ydng shun k'in shau ; education, .^^ kdu' yuk^. Kiau yuh, ^ ^ ^ kdu' yuk^ 'ch6. Kidu yuh ch^ ^^ Z ^ kdu' yuk^ ^chl sz^ Kidu yuh chi sz ; a person or persons of good breeding, ^ /ji§ ^ ^|| 'pin jU- Pi en yu. Brethren, plural of brother. It is used in solemn and Scriiitural language, in the place of brothers, J?,^ .bing tai^ Hiung ti; brethren by covenant, Bi X ^J i™^"S y^^S tai^- ^^^S liiung ti, ^^^ f^ y<5uk, ,bing tai*. Yoh hiung ti; brethren by religion, '.riJ^X^ s^'^^R k^"' c^^^S ^ai^ T'ung kidu hiung ti ; brethren by patriotic sentiments, ifeytllfi ^ <^'''^n ^"^'' ^ hiung ti; members of one society, ^ )t j^ ui' .bing tai^ Ilwui hiung ti; gen^'.omcii and brethren ! Hj^lSLi^) -^ ^^\ wai* ^ing tai* jii. Lioh wei hiung ti hii ; brethren 1 j^ ttt f- ,bing tai' jti. Iliung ti h»i. Brettices, the name given by min.^rs to the wooden supports for the roof of a coal mine, ^ i^ iit^ »ch'vi. YueU ch'vi. Breve, brief, a writ directed to the chancellor, jud- ges, . sheriffs, or other oflBcers, whereby a person is summoned, or attached to answer in the king's court, ^|| p6* u\ Pu yu, #1^^ ^ch'un 'sham p'iu'. Ch'uen shin p'idu (see Brief). Brevet, in French usage, a document without seal, by which the king grants a Cavor, privilege, title or dignity, ^ ^ .van chili'. Ngan chdu, ^ |g .fung chili', i'ung chau ; a conunission to an of- ticer, which entitles him to an honorary rank in the army above his' actual rank and pay, ^ ^ ch'ik, .fung. Ch'ili fung. Breviary, a compend, ^ -§. 'kdn leuk^. Kien lioh, %% tsit, l^uk,. Tsieh lioh, ^^ iu' leuk,. Ydu lioh, /\-\ ^j 'siii *yan. Siau yin; a book contain- ing the daily service of the Koman Catholic Church, ^^ B Wk tsau^chan vat^ fo'. Siii chin jih k'o, [^ ± it] Hii ^ # .T'in 'chii kdu' V6 k6' .shii. T'ien chu Iddu t'au kdu shu. Breviat, ") a short compend, ^ ^ iii' Iduk^. Ydu Breviate, ) lioh. Breviature, see Abbreviation. Brevier, a small kind of printing types, t|l ^ ^^ .chung y^ung^ sek, tsz^ Chung ydng sih tsz. Breviped, having short legs, as certain birds, 3^ j^^»J 'ai kduk, tik,. Ydi kioh tih, ^)i^ii'^ 'ai keuk, k.". Brevipennate, denoting grallatory birds, having short wings, as the ostrich, ji3, ^ f^^ * 'ti'in yik^ k^', M M i5\l 'tiin yikj tik,. Twdu yih tih. Brevity, shortness, ^ B$ tsdm* ^shi. Tsdn shi ; con- ciseness in speech, ^ ^ 'kdn ,ts'z. Kien ts'z, f3{ ■^ 'kdn /n. Kien yen, J^^ yjuuk, /n. Yoh yen, ^ W '^^^ /'^- ^^^^ y^^> ^vk W ^'ut, jin. Ts'oh yen, |^f[I^# 'kdn tsit, ,chi ,in. Kien tsieh chi u yen, .^ jjjt) ^ ^ 'shdng y6uk, .chi ^in. Sang yoh chi yen ; brevity in writing, ^ ^ 'shdng ^an. Sang wan. Brew, to make beer, ^D^yj^ .ching j)e 'tsau. Ching p6 tsiii, ^ Dj^ Y© ng6* j)6 'tsau. Ngau p6 tsiu, dl 0^ V@ y^ung* .pc 'tsau. Nidng p6 tsiii, ^ D^ 1/gl" Van .p6 'tsau. Wan pe tsiii ; to mingle, ^ -^ .k'au jWaii. K'ii yun, ^"^ wo^ .wan. Ho yun, ^ H .ts'dm tsdpj. Ts'dn tsdh, ^'^% .k'au tsdp,. K'ii tsdh ; to plot or brew mischief, ^ ^ pnau hoi^ Man hdi, ff H kai' hoi^ Ki hdi, g| || ^t'b hoi^ T'li hdi, j^ |^ .tsz hoi^ Tsz hdi ; to brew wines, ^ ^ ,k*au tsau. K'ii tsiii. Brew, to be in a state of preparation, ^|f| ii' pi*. Yii pi ; to be collecting, or formini!:, as, mischief is l)rewing. M^Mik «'o' ^^' >n fuk^. Uo ki yin fuh, |g i^ /^ wo' in* .shang. Uo hien sang ; a storm is brewing, ^Mi^f^ p^^ /ung wat, tsok,. Pdu fung yiih tsoh ; to perform the business of brewing beer, ^ ^ f^ ng6* jio 'tsau. Ngau p6 tsiii. Brow, the mixture formed by brewing, ^ ^ ^ |S 'sho ,ching ,chl %axL. So ching chi tsiA, j^f^^ BRii (25li .^RI j^ 'sho ngo^ ^chi mat^. So ngau chi M^uh. Brew-house, a bi-ewery, ^nl^ygH ,ching j)6 'tsau jfong. Ching pe tsiu fang. Brewage, malt-liquor, ;;^ ^ vg tdi^ mak^ *tsau. Td meh tsiu. Brewed, mixed, :}^ ^ jl^ k'au ^wan kwo'. K'ii yun kwo; fermented, ^^^ yeung^ kwo'. Nidng kwo; made by brewing, ^ '^ ng5^ kwo\ Ngau kwo, ^ }^ ^ A shau' 'fui ,un wat, jan. Shau hwui yuen k'iuh jin, ^|^^:^ shau''jk'au 'wong fdt,. Shau k'iu wdng fdh ; to seek for by means of bribes, ^Ifj- .k'au ts6'. K'iii si^; bribes are every- where used, ^^^i§ fj 'ftii 15' ,t'ung ^hang. Hwui lu t'ung hang ; bribes are openly employed, R6 !§• ^ft 'fiii ^^' Bribeless, that cannot be bribed, yp» ^ |^ ^ pat shik^ jt'ung tik,. Puh shih t'ung tih, pg- ^ |f ^m shau' .tsong. Briber, one who bribes, f^H^ 'sbai 'fui 'che. Shi hwui cb6, j^ 'j;§ ^- -yj^^ yung' pui' 'shau 'ch6. Bribery, the practice of giving or taking rewards for corrupt practices, ^ f|p j^ ^ ^ts'in ^shan yung' sz'. Ts'ien shin yung sz, ^^ ii ^ ff .^ .ts'in pat, .hang. Pi ts'ien puh hang, |f |g- ;^ ^ 'fui 16' ^clii sz'. Hwui lu chi sz ; guilty of bri- bery, ^2, i^ f^^" .tsong. Pdn tsdng ; bribery is openly practiced, ^^^ff 'fui 16' .kung .hang. Hwui lu kung hang ; the corruption of bribery, ^^'\^W 'f^i 1^' s^s'ing pai'. Hwui lii ts'ing pi ; to get a degree by bribery, ^ ^ HJ ^mdi ^kwdn tsit,. Mdi kwdn tsieh. Brick ^ .chtin. Chuen, f^ ^chiin. Chuen, ^ .chiin. Chuen ; a kiln-burnt brick, j/c J^ 'fo .chiin. Ho chuen, H ^ .ts'eng ^chiin. Ts'ing chuen, jj^ 'J^ |^<| ^ 'lb ,shiu tik, .chiin. Ho shau tih chuen ; sun-dxied or adobie bricks, ^ |^ ^nai .chiin. Ni chuen, ±^ ff 't'5 .chiin. T'u chuen: bricks BRI (252) BUI moulded but not burat or dried, ^^ ,chun ^p'ui. Chuen p'ei ; a square brick, -)^ ^ ,fbng ^chiln, F^ng cliuen, ^itfl^ J^m ^ H .chiin kin' tik,. I chuen kien tih. Brick-clay, clay used or suitable for making bricks, ^^ .chun jUai. Chuen ni. Brick -dust, dust of pounded bricks, ^^ .chiin .ftii. Chuen hwui, ^ 1^ .chun 'fan. Chuen fan. Brick-earth, earth or clay used for bricks, -^ j^ .chiin ^nai. Chuen ni. Brick-kiln -^ ^ .chiin jiu. Chuen y6,u. Brick-layer, a mason, ^ijg the happj comple alpoe. jlim. Chwdng lien, j£^»^^ sung' kd' k6' mat^, ^ i$. ^J 'J^ jP'ui kd' tik, mat^. P'ei kiA tih nnxh ; bridal visit to her parents, [eJ P^ jiii jmun. Hwui mun, ^^ ,kwai jUing. Kwei ning ; bridal letter, J^l^ fung* 'kdn. Fung kien, i^ ^ .kw'an .shu. Kw'an shu ; J^^ fung* .tsin. Fang tsien ; bridal chair, ^ j^ ^ /d ^hung *kiii. Hwd himg kidu. Bride, a woman newly married, ^ ^ .san ^n^ung. Sin n6ang, f^^ .san ^fii. Sin fu, ff jt ^S 'aid k'iu. Sidu k'idu; the bridge of a guitar, i^^ ch'u 'md. C'bu md; the bridge of the nose, ||J|^ pi' ,16ung. Pi lidug ; au usse's bridge, ;^-,^ ,tsua BRI (253) BRI ,16ung. Tsin lidng ; a bridge for carts, ^ ^ fi. J^ung. Yvi lidng ; to pass over a bridge, ^ f^ kwo' jk'iu. Kwo k'iau ; to pass over a bridge and raise the plank, j|^^:fjft^ kwo' ,k'iu ^eh'au 'pdn. Kwo k'idu ch'au piin ; to construct a bridge, ^ ^ 'hi ,k'iu. K'i k'iau, 5i^ kin' ,k'iu. Kien k'iau; to construct a wooden or temporary bridge, :}^^^^ tdp, jk'ixi. Tdh k'idu, ^ f^ kd' ,k'iu. Kia k'idu ; to mend bridges and repair roads, ^ -f^ jP ii?§ 'ching jk'iii ^sau 16'. Ching k'iau siu Id. Bridge, to build a bridge over, ^^ kin' ^k'iu. Kien k'idu, ^^^ 'hi ,k'id. K'I k'iau, :{«: ti tdp, ^k'iu. Tdh k'idu. Bridge-head, a fortification covering the extremity of a bridge nearest the enemy, ^ 5^ i|;^ ij^ ^k'ivi jt'au p'du' jt'oi. K'idu t'au p'du t'di. Bridged, covered with a bridge, ^ ^ ^^f T^^^ ^'iu tik,. Yii k'idu tih. Bridging, erecting a bridge, ^^ ^ kin' ^k'iii. Kien k'idu, ^^ tdp, ,k'iu.^ Bridle, the instrument with which a horse is governed by a rider, .^^n^ 'md Jung ^t'au. Md lung t'au, ^ ,k6ung. Kidng, ^ pi'. Pi, f| |^ Jung lok„ shuk,. Shuh, ^ ki. KI, |g -min, Mien, .ki. Ki, 1^ tik,. Tih ; the bit of a bridle, ,|i^ 'md lak,. Ma leh, .^ ^ 'md Jidm. Md hdn, !^ |§ -'md"^piu. Md pidu, ,%sMM ""^^^ c^'au lok,. Md t'au loh, ^ 1^ -md ,k'im. Md k'ien ; bridle-path, .%j^ Snd hit,. Md liueh, ^f @ Js'iu king'. Ts'idu king ; the reins <>( a bridle, ^ pi'. Pi, |S ^kdung. Kidng; a check, j^ ^\\ kam' chai'. Kin chi, ^ f,|J dt, chai'. Yah chi, *H ^ kam' dt,. Kin ydh. Bridle, to put on a bridle, j^ ^ -shenng Jung jt'au. Shdng lung t'au, J: |§g_|^ 'sheung lok, ,t'au. Shdng loh t'au, Jl^fl^ "shdung pi' J'au. Shdng pi t'au ; to bridle, ^j] ,^ lak^ 'md. 'Leh md, ^ ,ki. Ki, fi j:^ \-^K <''ii''- l-^h ^liu, fd kik,. Leh, i\X ^ ,shau ^keung. Shau kidng ; to bridle or curb one's passions, J^^ dt, yuk,. Ydh vuh, -^J ^ chai' yiik^. Chi yuh, ^{i'X'li kam''chii^ 'fo sing'. Kin chu ho sing; to bridle one, ^ -("t A. dt, chij- ^yan. Ydh chu jin, -^Ij ^ fg chai' chii^ 'k'ii. Chi chu k'ii, l^fl^fi at, fuk, ^t'd. Ydh fuh t'd. Bridle, to hold up the head and draw in the chin, W^ f\ M 'ng^i^ kok, ,ko. Yen koh kdu. Bridle-hand, the hand which holds the bridle in riding, ^ |§ ^ chap, ^k(5ung 'shau. Chili kidng shau, ^ ^ 'tso 'shau. Tsoh shau. Bridle-way, a path for travelers on horseback, :^ king'. King, tl U Js'iu king', ^ ^ 'mA thK Md tdu, j^ liit,. Liueh. Bridled, having a bridle on, J^. Jj^ |fl| sM. "slu'ung kwo' Jung J'au. Shdng kwo lung t'au, ^ ^| P|| *yau Jung k(i' ; restrained, ^ jl^ dt, k^vo'. Ydh kwo, ^ 1^ ^ kam' dt, kwo'. Kin ydh kwo. Bi-idler, one who bridles, ^ iJc. ^ l^k^ chii' 'cM. Leh chu ch6 ; one who restrains and governs, ^ %]\^ kam' chai' 'ch6. Kin chi che, ^M^ ^am' dt, 'che. Kin ydh ch6. Bridling, putting on a bridle, _t.t^g| 'sheung Jung J'au. Shdng lung t'au ; restraining, ^ ^ kam' chai'. Kin chi ; curbing, ]^^ at, chii'. Ydh chu. Bridoon, a light bit of a bridle, .P| ^ ff 'md ,hdm 'tsai, ,||ftff 'md ^k'im 'tsai. Brief, concise, as writings &c., |^ 'kdn. Kien, |^ ^ 'kdn tsit,. Kien tsieh ; a short time, )if- (J^ p'in' ^shi. P'ien shi, ^ B$ tsdm' ^shi. Tsdn shi ; a brief style, ^ ^ 'kdn ^man. Kien wan ; a brief expression, ^ ^ 'kdn ^ts'z. Kien ts'z ; a brief note, jr'f^ P'l'^' ^^^'- B'ien sin, Jr® P'^^^' jhdm. P'ien hdn ; a brief discourse, ^ |^ l^uk^ lun\ Lioh lun, ^ |^ l^uk, shiit.,. Lioh shwoh ; to be brief, ^ ^ 16uk, 'kong. Lioh kidng, ^ ^ 16ukj wd'. Liohhwd; a brief introduction, yj> ^| 'siu 'van. Sidu vin. Brief, an epitome, ^ ^ iu l^uk^. Ydu lioh, "^ ^ tsit, l^ukj. Tsieh lioh ; a short or concise writing, ^ ^ 'kdn ^man. Kien wan ; an apostolical brief, ^i^3E^^ c^'^^ '^^lii kdu' jWong Jiang ^man. T'ien chu kidu wdng hang wan; an abridgment of a client's case, :^tlf'^|jjc l^uk, s5' k6' chong'. Lioh su kdu chwang ; a summons, ^ p'iu'. P'idu ; a letter-patent, ^ § ch'ik, ^shii. Ch'ih shu. Briefly, concisely, |^ itk 'kdn Jn. Kien jen, ^^ jf^ 'tiin Jn. Twdn jen, ^ ^ l^uk, leuk,. Lioh lioli, in a few words, ^.^ 'shdng ^raan. Sang w^an ; to state briefly, ^ ^ 16uk, shiit,. Lioh shwoh. Briefness, conciseness, ^ :^ 'kdn tsit,. Kien tsih ; conciseness in discourse or writing, |^ ^ 'kdu leuk,. Kien lioh ^ |^ 16uk, lun^ Lioh lun ; briefness of time, ^ H^ p'in' ^slii. P'ien shi, ^ B$ tsdm- ^shi. Tsdn shi. Brier, in a general sense, a prickly plant or shi-ub, ^J 1^ ^king kik,. King kih, ^ lak^. Leh ; in a limited sense, a prickly plant or shrub, ^ ^miii. Mei, ^- ^ fuk^ jyun. Fuh pw'dn, ^ ^ kiit, jP'iin. Kiueh pw'dn, ^ ^kwai. Kwei ; the wild brier, ^ ^ l'^ J'6 ^mi lak^. T'u mi leh. Briered, set with briers, ^^ 'yau lak,. Yu leh. Briery, full of briers, ^ ^ P^ Jo lak, ke', ^ ^. '^^ Jo ^mui tik,. To mei tih, ^ ^ ^ Jo fuk, jp'iin. To fuh pw'dn ; thorny, ^JI^P^ king kik,"ke'. Briery, a place, ^^'here briers grow, ^ ^ lak^ ti'. 1^1' ti, ^J i^j^ Z Mb .king kik, chi ti^ King kih chi ti. Brig, a vessel with two masts, pj^ ;j*j^ ^/a ^ '16ung ^chi ^wai ^shiin. Lidng chi wei ch'uen. Brigad<% a party or division of troops or soldiers, ^ jing. Ying, ^% ^k'i. K'i, |^ tui\ Tui ; a brigade of troops, —^&^ yat, ^k'i ,ping 'md. Yih k'l ping md, — H^ yat, jing ,ping. Yih ying ping, . — 1^ :^ yat, tui^ cPiig. Yih tixi ping ; a brigade of artiller^ * , —\^l^^ yat, tui^ p'du' .ping. AMv^P^ m^-^n^-^' %M a brigade of artillery. fiRI Yih tui p'6u ping, a brigade of sappers, — • X yat, tiii* kwat^ .'^"ng- Yih tui kiuli kung, Brigade, to form iuto a brigade, ^ ^ 'pai ^ying. j P6i ying, HI J^ # 'p^^i jShing ^ying. YM clung j yi"s- Brigade-major — ^ ^ ti] yat, jing ,t6 ,8z. Yil» i ying tu sz. Brigadier, tlie general officer Avho commands a liri- gade, ^ i{^ ^ts'dm ts6ung'. Ts'an tsiang, ^ 3^ ^ts'dm jyung. Ts'dn jung. Brigand, a robber, "^ Vo\ Tiiu, '^ ^ tb^ ts'dk^. Tau ts'ili, 5«^, "^ jk'eung t6^ K'iang lau ; a laAV- j less fellow, |^ ^ 'fi ,t'6. Fi t'li, 'JT^^^Z^ P^*' I fat, .chl jt'6. Pub fab chi t'u. Brigandage, tbe employment of a brigand, |f4";^j ^ ^ 'ts'^ung kip, jWai ip^. Ts'dng kieb wei nieli ; robbery, :^7 ^ 'ts'eung kip,. Ts'iang kich, ^ f^ kip, leuk^, Kit^li lioh, tT i/J 'ta kip,. lYi kich. Brigantine, see Brig. Bright, full of light and splendor, -^ ^kwong. Kwang, J^ Hj) ,kwong-jming. Kwdng ming, |$ :5fe f^t, ,kwong. Fall kwang. ^t 1]^ ,kwong /ai. Kwdng hwui, ^ ^ jming leung^ Ming liang, ^ ^l| ^kwonglit^. Kwj'ing lieh, |J3 IjJ^ ,ch'iu ^ming. Ch'au ming, m %% chill'' iiV. Chau ydu, gj; hdk,. Hih, g| ^ 'iulk, hak,. llih hih, ll 11 hdk, iu^ Hih yau, j;!^ ^wong. Hwang, ^^. -j^ ^i'ai ^w^ong. Hwui hwdng, fe^ll jling ^lung. Ling lung, jf^fj^ ^hung jhung. Hiunghiung, ^ h6^ Hau, fj|i h6'h6^ Hau hdu, f§ ij(| 'tong Hong. Tang Mng, ^ ^^ *kang ^kwong. (264) BRI light, 6^ hb'. Hau, ^ 'un. Yuen, ^ ship,. Sheh, fl^ ;5\[; ho' ^kwong. iJaukwdng; bright, as the moming, ^ huk, yat^. K'iuh jib; dull bright, *$ 5)S|: .tun .tun. Tun tun, ^_ \\)\ ^mi ^ming. Wi ming, /\\ -^ *siu ^kwoiig. Sis'tu kwdng; dazzling bright, P^3 ^ 'shim ^kwong. Shen kwdnsr, ^ -JiH^; V^ung .kwong. Yilng kwdng, ^ ^ {^ P4 ,h6 .kwong 'shim 'shim. Hau kwdng shen shen ; bright and transpai-ent, ^ B/j ,tsing ^ming. Tsing "^'"n» M '!^ ,t'ung jHiing. Tung ming; bright, or possessive of an activve mind, I^ ^ .ts'ung ^ming. Ts'ung ming, f^ fl3J ^Ung li'. Ling li. Kang .kwong. .«. .^^-s, kwang, }jg ^ Kw'ing kwang, [^ n|J jy<^ung 'kw'ing ^ming. Yang ming, ^^ ^cheung. Chdng ; bright as a blazing fire, •>^ 'wai. Wei, ^ im^ Yen, ^ ^im. Yen, '^ fuu^ Hwdn, ;|g .liun. Jlixien, K'ii .hi. K'i. '):§ yap,- Yih, jfe^" ^tin. Hiuen, .)§ u^ il'A, .J;^ ch'dukj. Ch'oh, j[^ fong'. Kw'dng, ^[{J chiit,. Chueh, /Jjg chili'. Chau, 'j^^ ^kw'ai. Kw'ei, j^|; ^iii. Ydu, ^ 'ping. Ping; bright or shining, as the s"". Ij^.li chili' iii'. Chdu ydu, ^ 'yeung. Yang, It in^ Yen, g^ .yung. Yung, B,t 'iin- Yuen, |^- 'king. King, ^ij^ ,fai iii^ Hwui vdu, fl£ wong^ Wdng, I}^ k'wong'. Kw'dng, ^, pin^ Pien, Jg- yuk,. Yuh, j^' shing^ Shing, ^ Svai. Wei, |g- ^u. Ydu, III 'king. King, ^f ^liii. Lidu, Bj^jt 'kiu. Kidu ; bright, as a stir, |^ 'iin. Yuen, ^^ fe h6^ h{i^ Hdu hdu, ^ j^ jWong jWong. Wang wdng, ^# jyi^b' syi"«- ^""S .V""S. B^t^ «''«i' ^I'ai'- Chi chi ; refulgent, §^ j^ ts'dn' ldn\ Ts'dn Idn, flf? ,ch'iu, ij« chili', m |g chiu' iu\ Chdu ydu ; bright, sparkling like gems, ^ .ying, ^. j^ ^^J H^ yukj .kwong .seung 'yeung. Yuh kwang sidng ydng, .tsung wai' i n\ Ts'ung hwui. .ling 'sing. Ling sing. .ts ung *man. Ts'ung min, ^^ jmi'ig 'man. Ming min, ^f^ .ts'ung jling. Ts'ung ling, ^^ jling ^man. Ling .tseng min, ^ j^^ jx...^ -"•(,. — a — c» jling. Tsing ling ; a bright day, ^ ^ .kwong .t'in. Kwdng t'ien, ^ ^ ho' .t'in. Hdu t'ien, i^X 1»^' c^^'i"- H^'u t'ien, ^^^Q (^ .ts'ing .fin pdkj yatj. Ts'ing t'ien peh jib ; a bright sky, ^ jts'eng. Ts'ing; beaming forth light, ^ 7^ ''h^' .kwong. Sbie kwdng, ^ ^ t'au' .kwong. T'au kwdng ; as bright as the day, ^ R flti'^t ^^^^ 7^\ k6m' kwong. Hdu jih kdn kwdng ; to scour bright; ^^fn ts'dt,leng'. Ch'dh ling, :|^^ ts'dt, .kwong. Ch'dh kwdng, 9§* ||, 'shdng leng'. Sang ling, ^ ^ ^mo leng'. Mo ling ; bright, burnished, as metal, ^ 'sin. Sien; exceeding- ly bright. If: ^^ tsiit^ 'sin. Tsiueh sien ; bright yellow, ^ '^ jWong kit,. Hwdng kieb ; clear, bright eyes, ^ Hiii. Lidu, j^ i^ 'ts'iu Sigdn. Siau yen, M^Z B .ts'ing ^15 .chi muk^. Ts'ing lu chi muh, |xjxj g '^^ *leung muk^ .ts'ing ^ying. Liang muh ts'ing ying, ^ W< f^ ^ .s^i^ung ^ngdn 'h6 .ts'ing. ShM'dng yen hdu ts'ing, ^ fl^ g -^ tui' ^ngdn sham' .kwong. Tiii yen shin kwdng, f\^ @ 8§ 81- 'Idling muk^ .hi ,hi. Lidng muh k'i k'i, ^ ^ ;^ @ -tsing .ling ,chi muk. Tsing ling chi muh ; a bright boy, f^flJJP^^lfeJ: ff jling ii' k^' sai' .man 'tsai, ^ yli Z ^ ji"o jling .ch( 'tsz. Ying ling chi tsz. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ jk'ing jling tik, jt'ung 'tsz. Ying ling tih t'ung; bright resoning, Ujj |^ i@ jDiing lun' 'li. Ming lun li ; the bright moon, ^ ftij .kam j)o. Kin po ; a bright gem, Ji§§ ts'dn'. Ts'aln ; the light is very bright, ^ f^ .kwong *mang. Kwdng mang; you area bright fellow! ^Q^ ts'dn' jt'au. Ts'du t'au. Bright-burning, burning with a bright flame, -/i^ ^ 'fo jim. Ho yen, ^X ^ '^'' ^•^'^'- ^^ <^^*^' ^ fe ii} ^ .«!"» 'I'^ '•'»> .l^wong. Shdu k'i hdu kwdnj. 'O" jlun Idn'. Lin Idn ; bright, as a pe^rl, i Bright-eyed, having bright eyes, R]^ § "Bit 'HA mukj ^ *ijc nil" ^ ,('l>an .ehii k6m' .kwnng. Chiu clui kc', Hjj g ^ ^ming muk^ tik,.' :Ming muh tih, kdu kwdng. J^ f^ tik, lik^. Tih lib. (lij ^'^ tik, lik,. m Bii P|5t jming higdn k6', f^m^ 'ts'i.i higdn Tih lib ; bright and luMtmus or glossy, ^ y|3 ke .kwong yuu'. Kwdng jun, J^ if'j'j- yun' wdt^. Jun ' Brigbt-hain^d, having hriyht hair. K ^ j^ jWong hwdh, ^ -^ .kwong ehdk^. Kwdng tseh, f^ j$ fdl, tik,. Hwdng fdh tih. wdtjchdkj. Hwdh tseh; bright, or white silvery Bright-hued, having a bright color, ^i^felW jming BRI (255) BRI in- shik, tik,. Ming liien sih till, ^i^t^"^ ,ming in' shikj ke'. Bright-harnessed, having glitteiing armor, -^- Pp .kwong kap,. Kwaug ki^lh, pg ^ Pg^ fp 'shim ^kwong ke' kap^. Bright-shining, shining with splendor, |^ 3fe %%. /!€ fiit^ kwong iu' iu'. Fah kwang yau yau, P^;|p,^^ ^ 'y^u^o chili' ,wong ^wong. Ydng ehau hwang hwang. Brighten, to make bright or brighter, ^^ -^ ping' ^kwoug. Ping kwang, ^ ^ .mo ^kwong. Mo kwang, W^ ^ 'shang ^kwong, 3f H 'shang long', J^ liitj, j^ ^ ts'at, ^kwong. Ch'ah kwang ; to make luminous by light from without, Hm chiu'. Chau, H8 -3^ chiu' ^kwong. Chau kwang, ^ )^ ^kwong iu\ Kwang yau, ^ ^ /ai iii'. Hwui yau, ^ 3fc c^*^^ jkAvong. Hwui kwang ; to cheer, •^^ ^on wai'. Ngan wei, ^^ 'fii wai'. Fii wei, P|'|5^ ^hoi 'kai. K'ai kiai, ^ j^ ^k, Jioi c^am 'fo. K'ai sin ho, ^Wl^ 'sz /lin 'hi. Shi hwan hi, ■^ 4:Kv '*'' P^ ^^^i- ^''^ ngan loh; to make illus- trious, or brighten one's fame, :5t/^^^ ^kwong id^ jShing ^ming. Kwang yau slung ming, -^ JJJ: ^ i^ ^kwong chong' ^shing ^ming. Brighten, to gi-ow bright, ^^ -^ fat, ^kwong. Fah kwang, ^. 3fe '^^^ Jvwong. Hien kwang, ^ ^fe 'piu jkwong. Piau kwang, |j^ ^ fat, .ming. Fah ming, ^3fe '^^ ,kwong. K'i kwdng; the weather brightens or clears up, ^ [|| ^ ^t'in ^hoi hi'. T'ien k'di k'i, "^ ^ ^ ,t'in >i j6ung. T'ien k'di yang, ^ M fi^ M <^'^^ ^^i' >i %ng. T'ien k'i k'ai lang; our prospect brightens, ^^^j]|^ jWan mo^ cha' ^hoi. Yun wii clia k'ai, ^^i^ ^ ^wan jhd tun' 'k'ai. Yun hia tun k'i. Brightening, making bright, 1^ ^fe V^^S' .l^wong. Ping kwang, 5^^ 'shang ^kwong ; making lum- inous, HB ^ chiu' jkwong. Chau kwang ; grow- ing bright, ^ ^ fat, ^kwong. Fah kwdng ; dit to, as one's prospects, 1^ ^hoi. Yun wii cha k'ai. Brightly, with lustre, '^ '| Sliin ts'an Ian, ^ i 1^ ,wan mo^ ch4' ,Avong sham' ts'an' Ian'. Hwang hwang, )jg fj^ iu' ^in. Yau jen, ;,l^ ^^ 'ping ,in. Ping jen. Brightness, the state of being bright, ^)^^ ^kwong iu' 'che. Kwang yau che, ^ ^ ^kwong /ai. Kwang hwui, ;J^ %^ 'pi^g ^long. Ping lang, ^fe gj ^kwong ^long, fj^^ ^ming. Ming, ^ ,tsing. Tsing; brightness of intellect, ^'j/j ^ts'ung ^ming. Ts'ung ming, B^^ ^ming 'man. Ming min, ^^ jniing jling. Ming ling ; lustre, ^fc ^ ,kwong 'ts'oi. Kwang ts'ai; raxiiance, P^ ^ 'y'^^'^o ,kwong. Ydng kwdng ; glory, ^% ^ ^wing ^kwong. Yung kwdng, ^ ^ ^wong ^wa. Kwans hwd; the brightness of gems, ^ eying. Ying, ^ ts'dn'. Ts'dn, 3S ""^ 3fe y^K ^^' .kwong ; transparency, B^ ^ «tsing ^miiig. Tsing ming, ^ ^ ^tsing ^kwong, Tsing kwang, ;fji3t }< =^ ^k'au 'ts'ing. K'iii ts'ing, ^ |^ 'pan 'ts'ing. Pin ts'ing. Brill, a fish, ^^ ig ^u ^meng. Yii ming. Brilliancy, splendor, ^ gj ^kwong 'long. Kwdng l^^^g. ^. ;lffi: jWong ^M^ong. Hwang hwang, ^ jing. Yung, ^ ^ jing jing. Yung yimg, ^ hdk,. Hill, ^ ^ ^kwong 'ts'oi. Kwdng ts'di ; brilliancy or lustre, @ ^ gj sham' ^kwong 'long. Shin kwdng lang, ^ # ^ :^ jing ,ying jWong ^wong. Yung yung hwang hwang ; great brightness, :^ ^(^ ^ sham' ^kwong ^w^d. Shin kwang hwd; glitter, ^ ^t 'shim ^kwong. Shen kwdng, ^^fc V^^^S ^kwong. Ydng kwang, f>^ f>^ ;3fc 'shim 'shim ^kwong. Shen shen kwdng ; it came off with great brilliancy, ^^^^ '^^ ts6' tak, sham' /ai ^wong. Tso teh shin hwui hwang, i^ ^f^ gl^ ^ tso' tak, 'ho ^wai /ung. Tso teh hdu wei fang; brilliancy of gems, ^ ts'dn'. Ts'dn, ^ jing. Yung, f^ /an. Fan. Brilliant, sparkling with lustre, ^ 1^ jing jing. Yuiig yung, ^ ^ ^wong ^wong. Hwang hwdng, 3fe ^j3 c^wong 'long. Kwdng Idng ; shining with lustre, f^J^ /ai iu'. Hwui yau, )^'j^ /ai ^wong. Hwui hwang, ^^fe t^'^^o Jcwong. Y'^ung kwdng, 3fe 'J^ ^kwong ts'dn'. Kwdng ts'dn, ^ jing. Yung, g^ ts'dn'. Ts'dn, ji^ -^ ts'dn' Idu'. Ts'an Idn, ^ ts'dn'. Ts'dn ; brilliant, as lacquer, ^ ^ ^ming leung'. Ming liang ; brilliant, as colors, ^t jf^ ,kwong 'ts'oi. Kwdng ts'di, ^^ ^kwong im'. Kwang yen, ^^ ,kiu im'. Kidu yen, j^^ 'hin hdk,. Hien bib ; brilliant, as fire, ^ im'. Yen, '^ ,im. Yen, ^^ jeung. Ydng, ^ -j^ ^iin iu'. Hiueu yau ; smooth and brilliant, as silk, ^ f^ jkwong wdtj. Kwdng hwdh; very brilliant, as chandeliers, ^ ^[-^ fan' ngoi' ^kwong. Fan wai kwdng, ^ ^[^ ^ ngdk, ngoi' ^kwong. Geh wai kwdng ; brilliant speech, W ^ ^W jShan ^k'i ,chi jin. Shin k'i chi yen, ^ T^ Z W ^^ 'liau chi wd'. K'i k'au chi hwd, ^%'^Z^ .}^ c^'i ,chi wd'. Li k'i chi hwd ; a brilliant achievement, H)\ ^ ,ming ,kung. Ming kung, ^ ^ Z l^J 'l^iu hak, ^chi ,kung. Hien hih chi kimg, ^^^ shing' sz'. Shing sz. Brilliant, a diamond of the finest cut, having a flat table in the middle on the top, ^ (^|J ^ ^kain jkong shekj. Kin kdng shih, ^ ^ tsiin' sliek^. Tswan shih, ^ tSj^ ^ iP'i^o ^^^^ tsiin' shek^. P'ing mien tswAn shih. Brilliantly, splendidly, :^ ^ sham' 'mi. Shin niei, ^ j(p sham' miu'. Shin midu, j^ ^ miu' /soi. Midu tsai ; she was brilliantly attired, '^ ^ ^(^ y^ ^lin ^shan ^kwong 'ts'oi. Mwdn shin kwdng ts'di. Brilliantness, brilliancy, ^%]^ ^kwong Uong. Kwdng BRI \Anf;; splendor, ^^ ,k\vong 'ts'oi. Kvvkng ts'^i; glitter, m^± '«J'^"^ '«*'"" «'*«'""f?' %^^^ ,h6 ,kwong 'shim 'shim, lldu kwAng slien shen. Brills, the hair on the eyelids of a horse;, |j|^ ^ % %gdn yap, ^mh, .^^^^ 'ma muk^ yap, ,m6. Ma muh yih mau. Brim, the rim ol- hroad border of any vessel or other thing, ^ ,pin. Pien, p^'hau ,pin. K'au pien; khe brim of a hat, ff^^ mb' ^pin. Mau pien ; the edge or brink of a fountain, ^ ^ 'tseng ,pin. Tsing pien, ^ Ji 'tseng ^mi. Tsing mei ; ftll to the brim, ^ ^Ij P :^ 'miin t6' 'hau ,pin. Mwdn tau k'au pien, "^ $|J P yat. t5' 'hau. Yih tau k'au. Brim, to fill to the brim, y^ $|J t P ^'"'iii ^^' 'sh^ung 'hau. Mwan tdu shang k'au, v^$lj P ^ ^un tb' *hau j)in. Mwdn tau k'au pien. Brim, to be full to the brim, -^ ^ 1i\\ P ^ liiii' hnun t6' *hau ^pin. Hi mwdn tau k'au pien. Brimful, full to the top, J^ $lj P # ^mun tb' 'bau j)in. Mwdn tau k'au pien, ^ ^ jing 'rniin. Ying mwdn, '^'/^ yat^ ^miin. Yih rawdn. Brimless ^ ^ ^mo ,pin. Wii pien, ^ ^ ^ mut^ ^au ,pin. Muh yii pien. Brimmer, a bowl full to the brim, ^5^ '^ ^Ij P ^ 'un 'mun t6' 'hau ^pin. Wan mwan tdu k'au pien. Brimstone, sulphur, ^ ]^ ^lau ^wong. Liu hwang, H # ^ i^^^ <^vo"g 'f^^- ^^ hwdng fan, ^ j^ ^ jlau .wong miitj. Liu hwdng moh ; brimstone mine, ^;P^5a! jlau ^wong ut^. Liu hwang yueh ; a lewd woman, ^ ^^ '16 'kii. Ldu kii. Brinded, market with spots, ^ ^ f ^ 'yau /a 'tim. Yu hwii tien, ^^^PM '•»! S'^ '^im ke', ,^^P^ pok, shik, U\ H ^ P|fc tsdp^ shik, k6\ Brindlc, the state of being brindled, )^@,:^ pok, shik, 'ch6. Poh sih chc, ||^^ tsap^ shik, 'ch6. Tsdli sih eh6. Brindled, spottexl, l^^^f^ pok, sink, ko\ || ^ |g[{j tsdp^ shik, tik,. Tsdh sih tih, :^ ^ jft^ /A shik, tik,. Ilwa sih tih ; a brindled cow, "^ f^ ^ /li shik, jngau. Ilwa sih niii, 1^4^ pok, ^ngau. Poh niu, j^ ^^ tsap^ shik, ^ngau. Tsah sih niu, ^ 4. >i ^ngau. Li niu, !}^ ^t'b. T'u, ^2^^^ jWong jHgaU 'fu man. llwang niu hii wan; a brindh^d horse, 1^,1^ ])()k, 'md. Poh md, ^^f% /d shik, 'md. llwd sih md, ^|^, ,fd ^ts'ung. II wd ts'ung, H^.IH tsjipj shik, Wi.Tsdh sih md, |g jan. Yin, % ||, Al^ j^^a' >'ung 'md. Ni ts'ung md. Brine, water sattirated with salt, ^ ^fc jhdm 'shui. Hien shwui, ^v^ ^hdm chap,, llien chili; brine- pan, ^ B ^im jt'in. Yen t'ien, ;A: M tdi* 'hoi. Td hdi ; the foaming brine, ftjj 'JfJ. <^ /^ 'p'b long* ,ehi 'hoi. P'du Idng chi hdi ; the brine of saltinl vegetables, jfelc^iir jhdm ts'oi' chap,. Hion ts'di ohih ; the brine of salted prunes, \^ ^^^ ij]- Juim ,t'6 clin]),. Hion t'du chih, j"^ yf^) f\- ,sun ^mui ohap,. 8vvdn moi chih ; the brine of salted bam- (256) BRI boo shoots, ^^^ .si'in 'sun. Swdn sun; the brine of mi, }^ 1^ nik, lai, ^ ^ ,ning ,loi. Ning Idi, ^^ tiii' i"? in. Sliing k'ien ; to bring forward, as evidence, j^^ la]>,. Lib ; to cHwae to advance, -j^j^n 'sz jts'in. Shi ts'icn, ^^ "sz tsun'. Shi t.sun, fJI ^ 'yan jts'in. Yin ts'icn ; to pro- duce; to view, if^HI .ts^ung ch'ut,. Tsidng ciruh, ^tU^ ,ts6ung ch'ut, jloi. Tsidng ch'uh Idi; to bring in, to import, as goods, ^ ^ tdi* .loi. Tdi BRI 16i, ^ A ^ tdi' yap, ;oi. Tdi jih Idi, ^ A 1 t^' yap, jkwdn. Tdi jih kwdn; to indroduce, ^ A ^ t^r yap, ;oi. Tai jih 1^, ^ A c^s'in yap,. Ts'ien jih, ^I A ^ Van yap, ^loi. Yin jih lai ; to bring in, as gain, 4:. ,shang. Sang, J^ 'ts'ii. Ts'ii, ^ tak,. Teh ; to bring in, as prisoners of war, ^ 4: :j^ ^ 5J5 tai' ^shang ^k'am 'ch6 ,loi. Tai sang k'in ch6 lai, ^ 5^ ^na ,loi. Na lai ; to bring on, as an action, -^ kb'. Kdu, jg &. tai^ 'pan. Ti pin, ^ ^ jf^ 'ta ,kun 'fu. Ta kwan fii ; to bring off, <|^{±j kau' ch'ut,. Kiu ch'uh, ^f^ kau' t'iit,. Kill t'oh ; to bring on, as trouble, ^ \ lui^ .yan. Lui jin, )(|1 ^ jka ^nan. Kia nan ; to bring on one's self, g ^ tsz^ 'ts'ii. Tsz ts'ii, ^ :fg tsz^ ,chiu. Ts/. chau, {=J ^ tsz^ \6. Tsz y6 ; to procure to be acquitted, ^^ )^| ^p'ai Tcai. P'ai kiai, ^ |^ *kdi shik^. KiAishih; to clear from condemna- tion, ^ i^ 'piu 1^ Piau i, ^ ^ 'piu pdk,. Piau peh; to aid in advancing, ^S}} ^pong cho'. Pang tsu ; to bring over, to bear accross, '^ i^ ^ tdi' kwo' jloi. Tai kwo lai, ^i§,'M jtw'ai kwo' ^loi. Kw'ei kwo lai ; to convert, ^ ^-fc 'kbm fa'. Kdn hwa ; bring over to another opinion, '^.^ .^ 'sz chiin' i'. Shi chuen i; to bring out, to expose, ^ ^fj jCh'a ch'ut,. Ch'a ch'uh, ^ ^J ch'at, ch'ut" Ch'ah ch'uh ; to bring out, as a book, }jj ch'ut,. Ch'uh, ^] [\\ hak, ch'ut,. K'eh ch'uh ; to bring to light from concealment, ^ [fj 'piu ch'ut^. Pidu ch'uh ; to bring under, to subdue, J|^ ^^ at^ fuk,. Ydh fuh, ^fll wat, fuk,. K'iuh fuh, 5f ^ jt'dn at,. T'an yah ; to bring beneath any thing, Jl^m^mT^ fong' lok, Ve ke' ha^ ,pin, j^ ^ ^J<1 h ^'^^o c^ ^^at, ,chi ha'. Fang yii wuh chi hid ; to bring up, to nurse, ^ ^ "y^^'^o J^\- Yang yuh ; to educate, ^ ^ kdu' 'yeung. Kidu ydng; to introduce to practice, ^^^ kau' hok, tsap,. Kiau hioh sili; to convey upward, -^.'^ j;* ^ tdi' ^sheung ^loi. Tai shang lai ; to cast anchor, ^ fffi cP'au jUau. P'au miau ; to bring down, to cause to come down, '^T^^i}^ 'sz "ha ^loi. Shi hid lai, 1^ kong'. Kidng ; to humble, ^ fj^ kam^ ,tai, ^^^ kam' at,, ^i yik,. Yih; to bring to, ^ ^^ 'shai t'ip,. Shit'ieh; to bring along, ^ ^ ,hin jloi. K'ien lai; to bring a thing to perfection, }j^ ^ jShing sz\ Ching sz, ^ |^ ^ ^shing tsau^ sz^ Ching tsiu sz, -R^ yuk, jShing. Yuh ching; to bring one into a fool's paradise, j^ \ ^ ^ t'am' ^yan /lin 'hi ; bring me a morsel of bread, ^-Pipti"^|!fitii3^ tai' yat, tam' k5m' ^to min' ,pdu ^oi ; bring him with you, f^ joj fg 5J5 ^ni jt'ung 'k'u Joi. Ni t'ung k'ii lai, |/jt rj| -fg j^ 'nl Van ^k'ii ^loi. Ni yin k'u lai, iiliflftllS 'i jt'ung ,t'd chl'. E.h t'ung t'a chi; bring me a coach, ^ ,%^^ tdi' 'ma ,ch'e ^loi. Tai ma ch'6 Idi, flij-.^ ^ ^ kiu 'ma.,ch'e ^loi. Kiau ma ch'6 Idi; to bring close to, ^^ ^ tdi' kan^ Tdi kin, i^j j^ *yan kan^ Yin kin ; to bring word to one, if]^ \ ^ p6' ^yan ,chi. Pdu jin chi, -^^g, ,t'ung ,siu sik,. T'ung sidu sih; to bring witnesses, i^giEA (267) BRI ^ tai' ching' ^yan ^loi. Tdi ching jin Idi; to bring an action against one, ^T '^ )f^ ^^ 1S kung fat, tstii' kwo'. Kung fdh tsiii kwo; to BRT (268) BRI bring out a story, ff ^M^ ^sok, hii tdn .shii. ' Tsoh hii tdn shu, ^^M '*^ong /ong tAn\ Kidng ^ hw6ng tdn ; to bring ovor, as a rebel to tLe Im- 1 perialists, ^ ^f% fl|l 'sz kwai fuk,. Shi kwci fuh, i^^^ 'sz jt'au jhong. Shi t'au hidng; to bring! to mind, @ ^ ^t'ai 's.'ung. T'l sidng, g^ ^ ki' yik,. Ki yih ; to bring up in conversation, ^ ^ili ,t'ai 'hi. T'i k'i ; to bring to notice, ^^ ,t'ai 'hi. ; T'i k'i, :^ un^ Yuen; to bring together, *^ ' ts'au'. Ts'au tsdp. ui' tsii* tsdp^. Tsa tsih, ^| Tsih hwui, jj^ ts'iit,, Ts'oh ; to bring within bounds, ^ kit,. Kieh ; to bring one for- ward, ^ :^ kit, un^ Kieh yuen ; to bring to a speedy undei-standing, ^"^'^^ ,^^ li°g^ ts'uk, 'hid. K'ien ling suh hidu ; to bring to an end, ^ ^ jttn pat,. Yuen pih, ^ ^ jShing ,iin. Ching yuen, ^g ^ ^un sz'. Yuen sz. Ning Bringer, one who brings, :f:^ ^ ,ning 'ch6 chd, ^ f, .nim 'ch6. Nien ch6, f^ ^ t^' 'ch^. Tdi ch6, ^l^ jloi 'shau. Ldi shau, ^X jloi jyan. Ldi jin ; bringer up, ^ i^ ^ kdu' ^y6ung 'ch6. Kidu yang ch6; one who is in the rear of an army, WM^ .kwan ^ni 'che. Kiun wi chc, g^ # # tin' hau^ 'ch6. Tien hau cho ; a bringer of good tidings, ^tl f|: ^ ^ p6' ^kdi ,yam 'chd. Pu kiii yin ch6, ^ jpg ^ % p5' fuk, jam 'chc. Pu fuh yin ch6. Bringing, bearing to, :j^ ^ ,nim ^loi. Nien ldi, ^ ,ning. Ning, ^ tdi'. Tdi ; conveying, as news, $g p6'. Pii ; causing to come, ^ ^ chi' ^loi. Chi hii, ^ ^ 'sz Joi. Shi ldi. Bringing forth, production, ^^ .shang'chd. Sang cU, ^ f, 'ch'dn 'che. Ch'dn ch«i. Brinish, like salt, '^ ,hdm. Hien, |^ ^ ^hdm ke', 1^ 1^ jhdm tik,. Ilien tih. Brinisliness, saltness, '^i^ jhdm mi^ Hien wi. Brinjal, or egg plant, ^ JfJ^ 'fu ^kwd. K'li kwd, ^ j5X jl^ung ^kvva. Liang kwd ; squash, ^ ^k'c. K-'J^. ^ ;Q:1 'ai .kwd. Ydi kwd. Brink, the edge or border of a steep place, |||^ f^. 'ts'iu ngon\ Ts'idu ugdn, ^ ^pin. Pien, Jf§ jngdi. Ydi, B^ fg 'him ch'ii'. llicn'fch'u, lll^ ^ :^ jg 'ts'iii pik, ,chi cli'ii'. Ts'idu pih chi ch'u; the brink of a river, lllf^yj^ ts'iu ngdi. Ts'idu ydi, ^ y/J jho ^ngJii. llovai, TJC ^ 'shui .pin. Shwui pien, ^ jp'au. J*'in, f^^ j»au. Pin, -^ ^ngili. Ydi ^j^ .fan. Pan, ^ ^ngui. I. ^ tsai'. Tsi, v,|l| 'p'6. P'li, Jjg jUii. Mei ; the brink of a well,' ^f^ ^ jts'iin ^nii. Ts'iuen mei ; to bo upon the brink of ruin, ^ ^ .tsif-ung pdi^ Tnidug pdi, ^ ^y ^- tang^ 'h6 jUgai. 'I'ang hau wci ; on the brink of getting marriwl, !|^ ^ii ^^ .tseiing ch'ut, kd\ Tsidng ch'uh kid; on the brink of death, ^ ^ .tsiiuug 'sz. Tsidng sz, ^ ^fc* ^p'an 'sz. P'in sz knp ts'uk,. Kih suh, ^^ fdi' pin'. Kw'di pien, ^'il|g ^ 'hi ,tsung. K'i tsung, /^ jjl^ ^ .shang kwo' .tsiuig. Sang kwo tsung; furnishetl with Itristles, -fj ^^l^ 'y^u .tsung ^mo k6'. Bristling, rising in bristles, ^ ^ liI .t«ung. K'i tsung ^1^ .shang .tsung; bristling, as weapons, Briny, pertaining to brine, ^ f|(j ^hani tik,. Hien f ^ j^ .fung 'hi. Fung k'i tih; pertaining to the sea, ^ Vf^ 'hoi ko', '/^. fjij Bristly, thick set witli bristles, ^^ ^ ^ij mat, 'hoi tik,. Htli tih. ,ts"»S j"^^ t'k,. Mill t*ung mdu tih ; haire like Brisk, full of life and spirit, active, ^tll '"'i>'> txlt . bristles, ^ m^ --£- ,t«ung 'k6m ,m6. Tsung kdn Umi Isioh, |g ^ .heiig fdi'. K'ing kw'di, j(^ Jg , uuiu. BLil (ii58j >' r* '> BUO Bristol-stone, ) :^ ^ 'shui ,tsing. Shwui tsing, Bristol-diamond, ) '^ ^ ^ 'kd tsiin' shek,. Kia tswdn sliih. Britain, Great, :^^^ Taiying kwok,. Taying kwoh. Britannia metal, a metallic compound or alloy, con- sisting chiefly of black-tin, with some antimony, and a small proportion of copper and brass, ^^ ,Ying sek,. Ying sih, ^ H :^ ,Ying tsdp, ^kam. Ying tsdh kin. Britannic, pertaining to Britain, ::^ ^ @| P^E Tdi- ying kwok, ko', A ^ @ ^\f Tdiying kwok, tik,. Tdving kwoh tih. Brite, | to be or become over-ripe, as wheat &c.. Bright, J 1^"^ ^ ^nam shuk^. Jin shuh, jj^ ^ kwo' shuk^. Kwo shuh, -j^ ^ t'ai' shuk,. T'ai shuh. British, pertaining to Great Britain or its inhabitants, ;^ ^ ^»J Taiying kwok, tik^. Tdying kwoh till. ;^ ^ ii A "^ Taiying kwok, jan U\ ^ ^Wi K{^ Taiying kwok, .yan tik,. Trying kwoh jin tih. British gum, a gum made from starch, used for stiffening goods, ^ 0. ,Ying ^kdu. Ying kidu, ^ ^ y^^' ^tseung. Yu tsiang, J^ ^ shdung' ^tseung. Shang tsiang. Briton, a native of Bi'itain, A ^ ® A Taiying kwok, ^yan. Taying kwoh jin, ^ |^ A Ying kwokj ^jan. Ying kAvoh jin. Brittle, fragile, ^j| ts'ui'. Ts'ui, ^ ,mui. Mei, ^ ts'ui'. Ts'ui, III ts'ui'. Ts'ui, ^ ^ i' sui'. I sui, S^^U i- P'o' ke', mM^^ ts'ui' ts'ui' tik,. Ts'ui ts'ui tih, /(f- ^ Pit 'ho p'au' ke', (If ^ ^ui p'du'. Brittleness, fragility, |g ^ ts'ui' *che. Ts'ui che, ^^^ i- sui' 'ch.5. I sai ch6, f^j^V^ 1i6 p'au' ke'. Britzska, ") a long carriage so constructed as to en- Britchka, ) able travelers to recline at tlieir length, ^ ^ jCh'eung ^kii. Ch'ang ku, ^ Ip. shui^ ^kii. Shwui kii. Broach, a spit, f^^ fit, ^ch'a. T'ieh ch'd; an awl, 0, ^chui. Chui; a musical instrument, -^^ 'kdu jk'am. Kidu k'in. Broach, to spit, ^j5( .ch'a. Ch'4, ^^ ^ ,ch'a ^ch'un ; to pierce, as with a spit, ^^ ^ch'd. Ch'a; to broach, as a cask, \}^ '^^ |^^ ^hoi Vung 'ngan. K'lii t'ung yen, ^-g^ tsdn' ,t'ung. Tsw^n t'ung, ^jg tsun' t'au'. Tswan t'au, '^ fl^ ^ch'iin 'ngjin. Ch'uen yei^' ^ fl ^ fi 5Fi .ch'un Jung ^on Jung ^t'au. Ch'uen lung ngan lung t'au ; to broach a matter, M T IS ^ B^ tsiin' J'ung kwo' 'ngdn. Tswdn t'ung kwo yen, ^ 5^ \^ Bf^ tsiin' t'au' kwo' higdn. Tswan t'au kwo yen, ^ >^ f| H ^on kwo' jlung ^t'au. Ngan kAvo lung t'au ; ut- teret fu-st, ^^^IM. c^'^i kwo' ^t'au, ^j^ic shiit, kwo' jSin. Shwoh kwo sien, fj^j!^3t ^^" 'hi kwo' jSin. , Broacher, a spit, ^ 3C ^'it, ,ehd. T'ieh ch'd ; one who utters, ^'J^M^ c^'ai 'ha ^t'au 'ch6. T'i hid t'au cM, JtMiUM .^^"^ 'k'ai 'hau 'ch6. Sien k'i k'au ch6 ; one who divulges, ^ )^ ^ sit, lau* 'ch6. Sieh lau ch6, ^ P »!£ A ,slio W k& ^yan. Broaching, piercing with a spit, ^ ,ch'd. Ch'd, j^ ^ ^ch'd ^ch'iin. Ch'd ch'uen ; tapping, -^ f | ^ ^on jlung jt'au. Ngdn lung t'au, '^^{ij 'sz *sam ch'ut,. Sbi san cli'uh. Broad, extended in breadth, §^ fut,. Kw'oh, ^^ f^ jWdng fut,. Hung kw'oh, fj^f/^ tim* fut, ; extend- ed in all directions, ^ 'kwong. Kwdng, ^ f^ 'kwongfiit,. Kwdng kw'oh, '^f^ /lin fiit,. Kwan kw'oh, % A /un tai^ Kwdn td, p -j^ fdt, tdi^ Kw'oh td, ^ jWang. Hwang, |^ fong'. Kw'dng, ^ ^ u* vi\ Hii hu, iB Van.'T'dn, ^ P Jid fut,. Lidu kw'oh ; broad or open, as in broad day, B^^ jHiing ,kung. Ming kung, ^ pJi ,kung ^in, ^^^ jHiing jin. Ming jen, Q^ pdk^ chau' ; not restrained by delicacy, coarse, M^j^l^^J ,ts'6 tsuk^ tik,. Ts'ii suh tUi, ^ ^ n|5^ 'ts'5 *mong k& ; ob- scene, ^ -^ ^^ Js'6 ^yamtik,. Si6 yin tih, ^^ ^^ ^kdn jts'e tik,. Kien si4 tih ; as broad as long, ^^—^ .ch'eungfut, yat, jP'ing. Ch'dng kw'oh yih p'ing, -^ f| zp ^ ^ch'dung fut, ^p'ing ^ts'ai. Ch'dng kAv'oh p'ing ts'i, — ^ yat, y4ung^ Yih ydng ; to make broad or wide, ^ f^ ^hoi fut,. K'di kw'oh ; to make broader, or Avider, f^ f^ ^^ tsok, fut, Ji. Tsoh kw'oh tih, ^f||^^ 'ching fut, Ji ; at broad daylight, ^ ^ EI tl Js'eng J'in pak^ yat^. Ts'ing t'ien peh jih, g g pdk^ yat^. Peh jih ; a broad expanse of water, '^ y3E ,wong ^wong. Wdng Avdng, y^ -/^ J^ung J^u^g- Ydng ydng, yfg yflj ^t'in J'in. T'ien t'ien ; the great ex- panse of the universe, fj/p^H t'ok, 't'dn. T'oh t'dn, ■$ 1^ Jiung 'kwong. K'ung kAvdng ; broad locust, i^ jShin . Shcn, ijig] ^fiu. T'idu ; broad beans, J^ ;g 'pin tau\ Pien tau, g,^ g ^p'i tau'. P'i tau, g^ S 'lii tau\ Hwdn, tau, 5g ;a jlau tau\ Liu tau, ^ ^ 'pin tau^ Pien^u, ^MB. jOgo ^mi tau'. Ngo mei tau, •^g' ^f jg. jlin Ji tau\ Yuen li tau, ^M pat, tau^ Pih tau; a broad conviction, ?f ^ k'ok, ,chi. K'ioh chi; a broad foot, ffi -f^ P^A cts'^ tsukj k^' jan ; broad supporter, ^^ j)'i jkin. P'i kien ; a broad forehead, ^ ^ 'kwong 'song. KAvang sdng, ^ ^ 'song fdi'. Sdng kvv'di ; broad, as soles of the shoes, -^ ^p'o ; make the soles a little broader, ^J[£'^5^§^ jhdi 'tai ts6' j)'o ,ti. (260) BEO Broad-axe, a ^ iit^. Yueh, ^ 1^ 'lu iit^. Fu yueh, | 'tin ^lau ,chl ok,. Yuen liu chi ngoh, J^^i^,^. 1^ /lin. Fan. I *un ^lau k6' ok,. Broad-backed, having a broad back, ^ ^ 'kwong Broad-sword, a sword with a broad blade and a cut- pui'. Kwdng pel, ^^Pfl^t f"t, pui' U\ Broad-bottomed, having a wide bottom, ^^ IS &^I flit, 'tai tik,. Kw'oh ti tih, ^ j^ ^i} j)'o 'tai tik,. Broad- breasted, having a broad breast, |yH&ll5\I f^K\ ,hung tik,. Kw'oh hiung tih, J^ HbD dI^ 'kwong , Broad-wise, in the direction of the breadth, j^ ^ )mng U\ [ Pi)t .tsung ^wdng ke', j^ j^ (\ij ^tsung ^wdng tik,. Broad-brimmed ^j^^nj^t ^^K .V^^ ^^' > ^ broad-brim- , Tsung hung tih, ^^^^ .tsung jWdng 'k6m ting edge, woni by Chinese officers, ^JJ ju ,t6. Ydu tdu, ^ 77 jCh'^ung ,t5. Ch'4ng tdu, "^ Jj ^kiin jt6. KwAn tdu. Broad-tailed, having a broad tail, ^^ J^ P^ fut 'mi med bamboo hat, ^ lap,. Lib, fj* "H chuk, m6' Chub mdu Broad-cast, a casting or throwing seed from the y^ung*. Tsung hung kdn ydng. Broaden, to grow broad, ^ ^^ ^shang fut,. Sang kw'oh, ^ p 'ch^ung fiit,. Clidug kw'oh. ■'hand for dispersion in sewing, ;j^ sdt,. Sdh, ^ Broaden, to make broad, ^^ ts6* fut,. Tso kw'oh, --' ^*- ^ ^ 'ching fut,. Ching kw'oh; to extend in breadth, -^H^l ts6^ kang' fiit,. Tso kang kw'oh. Broadish, rather broad, ])^ f^ 'p'o fut,. P'o kw'oh, 4 fl l^uk^ fut,. Lioh kw'oh, ^ H 'shdu ftit,. Shdu kw'oh ; grossness, ^|[ -^ ,ts'5 tsuk^. Ts'li po'. Po Broad-cast, by scattering or throwing at large from the hand, i^^ sdt,. Sdh. Broad-chested, having a broad chest, |^ ^^ P^ fiit, ^ung k6* Broad-cloth, a, species of woolen cloth, so called ! suh. from its breadth, -jr^ ^ tdi^ jTung. Td Jung, X. Broadness, breadth. p;S tdi* 'ni. Td nl, ^ P|| pjg. Tolo 'ni. Tolo ni ; fine broad-cloth, ^< ^ :;A; ^ ^i ch6uk, tdi^ 'ni. i choh td nl, ^ |g ^^ \'i ^t'au jung. K'i t'au Jung. Broad-eyed, having a wide view or survey, ^ § |^ Wong mukj tik,. Kwdng muh tih, B^' f| P|^ *ngdn tut, ke', g^ g ,tsing jling. Tsing ling. Broad-fronted, having a broad front, ^ |fij ^ fdt, min' tik,. Kw'oh mien tih, ^ jfi] P|t 'J^wong min^ k6'. Broad-headed, having a broad head, ^ 4^ ^ fut, ^t'au tik,. Kw'oh t'au tih, f^ ^ P^f fiit, ^t'au k6', g- ^ Pgt 'kwong ngdk, M\ Broad-horned, having wide spread horns, ^ ^^ P^ ;$! ch'd' ,hoi k6' kok,. Broad-leafed, ") having broad leaves, ^ ^ ^ Broad-leaved, J 'kwong ip^ k6', ^ |^ |^»I 'kwong ip^ tikj. Kwdng yeh tih. Broad-mouthed, having a wide mouth, ^^ p P^ fiit, 'hau k6'. Broad-seal, the public seal of a country or state, ^ flit, 'ch6. Kw'oh ch6. ^ 'kwong 'ch6. Kw^dng ch6. Brocade, silk stuff, variegated with gold and silver, or raised and enriched with flowers, foliage, ^ ^ ,fa tiin^ Hwd twan, ^ |g 'kam tun^ Kin twdn, ^ |g kukj tun^ Kiiili twdn, fyj |g 'shim tiin^ Shen twdn. Brocade-shell, a tri\-ial name of the comus geogra- phicus, ^ ^ :^ *hin hok, jmeng. Hien koh ming. Brocaded, woven or worked, as brocade with gold and silver, ^WVi^UWi c^am sin' .fd k6' tan*, i!i i' J^i'iJE sau> ,kam siu' ke'. 1 Brocage, the premium or commission of a broker, j^] ^)J yung* jngan. Yung yin, j^ 5J ,ch'au ^t'au. Ch'au t'au ; the hire given for any unlawful office, 111 ^ §H ^oX 'shau jHgan. Mdi shau yin, ^ -^ ^ pui' 'shau jUgan ; the trade of a broker, i^^ ^^^ ,king *ki ,shang T. King ki sang 1; the act of pimping, il^MZ^ P'^ .kA .chi 8z\ P'eh kid chi szr. Brocatel. *) a kind of coarse brocade, used chiefly ti|J 5g ii' 'pb. Yii pdu, ^ 'sdi. SI, f||J ^ u' 'sdi. ' Brocatello, ] for tapestrv, iffl. ^% Wi .*s'^ "kam tun' Yu'sl. Broad-shouldered, broad accross the shoulders, I??; Hlfi^J 'kwong pok, tik,. Kwdng poh tih, ^|^P^ 'kwong pok, k6'. Broadside, a discharge of all the guns on one side of a ship, above and below, at the time, — ^^ M §3: yat, .pin p'du' ^ts'ai fat,. Yih pien p'du ts'I fdh, —^^%t^ yat, ,pln p'du' ^ts'ai .shiii. Yih pien p'du ts'I shdu, — ^^ 'J5| — j^ ?& yat, jts'ai . ,shii\ yat, jIn p'du'. Yih ts'i shdu yih pien i)'du ; a sheet of paper containing one large page, or printed on one side only, ■— jft ffl Sl A tJ| IR yat, ^plu yan' tik, tdi' fdi' 'chi. Yih pien vin tih td kw'tti chi. Bioacl-fipcad, wide-spread, as an evil, 1^ ^ ^ ,^ io,j Ts'li kin twdn ; brocatel marble, ^^^^^ ,fd *yui shekj. Hwd jui shih. Broccoli, a subvariety of the cauliflower, '^^^ .fd jr^ ts'oi'. Hwd y6 ts'di. Broche, the true, but not common, orthography of broach, ^ ^^ ^\ tdi' ,shdm ,cham. Td sAn chin. Brock, a badger, i }§ \'b ,chu. T'u chi. Brocket, a red deer two years old, i^ J^ ,hung luk^. Hung luh, ^ IS ift ft: M 'l^ung sui' W ^hung lukj. Brodekin, a buskin or half boot, ^St IR .bii ,t'au. Hiueh t'au, ^f :J^ {^^ 'tOn peng' ,hil. Twdn ping liiueh. Brogue, a coarse shoe, ^|[ 1^ ,ts'6 ^hdi. Ts'd hidi ; a wooden shoe, i^^ muk^ ^hdi. Muh hidi. ^ fuk,. ^U(5 (261) Hub Fuh, 1^ si\. Sih, ^ ^ muk^ k'ek^. Muh k'ih ; a cant word for a corrupt dialect or manner of pronunciation, ± $^ 't'6 ,t'6ni. T'li t'dn, ^ ^hong. K'iang, fl*p Jiong tiu\ K'iang tiau, ± ^ 't'6 jam. T'li yin ; the village brogue, ^\ =j^ ^h6ung jt'dm. Hi4ng t'dn ; the Pekin brogue, J* Jiong. K'iang ; the northern brogue, :\[^ ^ pdk, ^hong. Peh k'i&ng. Broider, to adorn with figures of needle work, |^ff^ sau /a. Siu hwa, ^||^ ^cham sau'. Chin siu, ^J ^ ts'ik, sau'. Ts'ih siii. Broiderer, one who embroidt^rs, |^ :^ ^ sau' /a 'ch^. Siu hwd ch6, |^ X sau' .kung. Siii kung. Broidery, embroidery, fg |Jf B,^ ^ ku sau' ke' S'e, W ;^ i^ kii' sau' chi mat^. Ku sidu chi wuh, ® 1^ ;^ X ku' sau' ,chi ^ung. Kii siu chi kung. Broil, a noisy quarrel, f^P^ tau' 'tsui. Tau tsui, ^ 1^ ^chdng luir. Tsang lun, ^ ^ ^chAng tau'. Tsang tau, H P P*] f§- tau' 'hau tau' shit^. Tau k'au tau sheh, [1^^ hi ^kau, ^11^ ^chdng ai^ Broil, to dress or cook over coals, ^ chek^. Chih, ')j| piii'. Pei, |f( ^tsin. Tsien, ^ ,^ chek, shuk^. Chih shuh, f||;^ tun' ngoS '),^ 'hoi. Hai, |f 'Uii. Liiiu ; to broil meat, ^ [^ chek^ y^^^i- Chili juh, i'i .tsang. Tsang, ^g pik,. Pih. Broil, to be subject to the action of heat, ^ ts'o'. Ts'du, Ag 'hAu. K'au, || hing'. Hing. Broiled, cooked or dressed by heat, ^ ^ chek, kwo'. Chih kwo, |||[ jl^ .tsin kwo'. Tsien kwo. Broiling, cooking over coals, ^ chek^. Chih, '^ ^tsin. Tsien, ]^ pik^. Pih. Broke, to transact business for another in trade, f^ffi^ tsb^ p'ak, ,ka. Tso p'eh kid, -^If #£ ts6^ ^king 'ki. Tso king ki. Broke, pret. and pp. of break. Broken, parted by violence, ^ ^ sui' sai', j^ ti^ laii^ sai', T^ J* p'o' -lid. Po liau, ^ J Mn^ 'liii. Ldn liau, ^ J sui' "liu. Sui lidu, :g^ ^ J p'o' sui' 'liii. Po sui liau. Broken, smashed, ^ ^ f 'ta sui' 'liu. Td sui lidu, ^^ sui' sai', j^^% Idn' sdi'; parted by violence, tr ^ T 'td p'o' -liii, ;^ ^ J p'o' sui' 'Uii. P'o sui lidu, ^ J Ian' liii. Ldn liau, i^ ^ 'du sui'. Ngau sui ; broken asunder, ^ ||/f Y chit^ tiin' *liu. Cheh twan liau, ^ j|/f jf 'du tun' 'liu. Ngau twan lidu, |^ tfr T '^^^ ^^"^' ^^^^- ^S^^ cheh lidu; broken open, tTi^ T '^^ <^^^ '^'''^" '^^ k'di lidu, tT^7 'td p'o' 'liii. Td p'o Udu ; brok- en down, ^^ y chitj Svai 'liu. Cheh wei lidu; ditto as the seem of a dress, ^ f lat^ 'liu; crack- ed, 7^ ^ p'o' lit^. P'o lieh, ^^J lit, la' 'liu. Lieh hid lidu ; broken down, ^^ ^ c^'iiig jt'ui. K'ing t'ui, '^ §5 c^'ing 'wai. K'ing wei ; broken down or failed in business, -^l f ^7 't6 'liu jhong. Tdu lidu hdug, '^\.>}± J U ts6' 'liu. Tdu tsdu lidu, :^ 2jS chit, 'pun. Cheh pun ; broken down, as one's health, ^ |^ ^ngdi .sh^ung. Ydi shdng, lM ^ 1*^8^ ^^^' ^'^^ ^^^ ' ^ broken heart or spirit, ^ ^CI^N ^ll ^[^ jau ,sam lit, lit,. Yii sin lieh lieh, '|^j\i> fiii' ^sam. Hwui sin, j|^^\^^ ^shau ^sam. Tsau sin, ^ f^ p|£ ,\;^ t'ung' fiii' k6' ,sam ; to die of a broken heart, ^ rfij ^ jan jau ^i 'sz. Yin yu rh sz, ^^fj^ ^ jau ^shau chi' 'sz. Yii tsau chi sz, J^t^^^ 'sz fi. jau ^shau. Sz yii yd tsau; a broken voice, 5^^ shd' .shing, f}^^ ,shd .shing, ^ ^ p'o' ,shing. ' P'o shing, 1^ ^ ^sai J wdi' tsek, tik,. Hwdi tsih tih, ^^pfc/^^ wdi' tsek, k6' .shiin. Broken-bellied, having a ruptured belly, /J\ J^ 'J^^ 'sid jCh'eung shdn'. Sidu ch'dng shdn. Broken-hearted, having the spirits depressed by grief or dispair, g ;\;^'> ^i| ^i| jau ^sam lit, lit,. Yd sin lieh lieh ; to die broken-hearted, ^ ffij ^1^ jan jau ^1 'sz. Yin yd rh sz. Broken-meat, meat that has been cut up, j|^ 'kdi. Kwdi, §§ nip,. Nieh. Broken-winded, having short breath, as a horse, ^ Pf hi' ^ts'o. K'i ts'du. Brokenness, a state of being broken, J^ ^ p'o' 'che. P'o ch6, ^ ^ lit, 'ch6. Lieh ch(5, ;^f ldn' 'ch^. Ldn che ; un evenness, as a mountain ridge, ^' 'ling. Lmg, ^ |l^ ,ngdm ^ts'dm. Gan ts'dn ; un- evenness of a surface, l^ ^hdi. Hidi ; contrition, '}^'H t'ung' fdi'. T'ung hwui. Broker, an agent or negotiator, who is employed by merchants to transact business, ^ j^^ )dng 'ki. King ki, Tjj ff 'shi 'kdi. Shi kwdi, '-^ ff .ngd Tcdi. Yd kwdi, ^ ^ ,ngd .kd. Yd kid, :j^ ^ p'dk, ^kd. P'eh kid, |a"ff ts'ong 'kdi. Ts'dng kwdi, ^ Tfjf tok, 'shi. Toh shi : to act as broker, n f g lli shang .king 'ki. Hang king ki, ^f ^ If- tsok, ^gd 'kdi. Tsoh yd kwdi, fS: rfi" ft ts6' 'shi 'kdi. Tso shi kwdi, ft :f^ ^ tso' p'dk, ,kd. Tso p'eh kid; one who deals in old household goods, ij^ ^ @ 3j^' .shau 'mdi kau' lid'. Shau mdi kid lidu, i\^ ^^ ^ .shau 'mdi kau' hi'. Shau mdi kid k'i. Brokex-age, the employment of a broker, ^^E^^ .king 'ki sz' ip,. King kl sz nieh ; the fee or com- mission given to a broker, ^ ^ .ch'au ^t'au, f^ yung' ^ugan. Yung yin, jf ^ yung' ^ts'ln. Yung ts'ien. Broking -gfc'^lli ^o' ,kLug 'kl. Tso king ki. idlH '■'^^'- Bromal, a fluid formed from l)romine and alcohol, ttJ >i^ :^ ^'f s''^"' '**''"' ch'au' lid^ llien shwui eh'aa lidu, '^ ^i] ch'au tik,. Bromate, a compound of bromic acid with a base, '{k fia ^1 ^^''^"' ^^'^' ^^K Ch'au ts'u tih. Bromc, see Bromine. Brome-grass, foddgr g;ras9, ,B| ^ 5tM '"^^ ^'''^ 1"''- MA ts'au lui. Bromelia, custard apple, ^ '^ ^^ /6u lai* ,chl, FAn 11 chl. Broraid acid '^ ^ ch'au' ts'b'. Ch'au ts'6. Bromid, a compound of bromine with a metallic or combustible base, ^^6»J cb'au' chat, tik,. Ch'cu chih tih. Bromine, an elementary acidifying and basifying substance. It is a fluid of a deep-red color, f^]|l ch'au' jhung. Chau hung, |^j ^ ch'au' chat,. Ch'au chih. Bronchial, belonging to the bronchine, ^ iQ- ^»J hi' 'kiln tik,. K'i kwan tih, ^^Ci^ hi' 'kin kc . Bronchic, the same as Bronchial, which see. Bronchiae, ^ the mmifications of the trachea in the Bronchia, V lungs, ^^ hi' 'kun. K'ikwdn, P^i^ Bronchi ) Jiau 'kiln, llau kwan. Bronchitis, an inflammation of some part of the bronchial membrane, P^^^ ^hau 'kiin 'fo. Hau kwan ho, ^ ^ 'X. hi' 'kiin 'fo. K'i kwiin ho. Bronchocele, an enlarged tyroid gland, ^ P^ ^ngo ( '^6'1 ) BILO jhau. Ngo hau, liau 'lAm tai^ ^hau j)i. llau pi |tf;^ ^ ^ Hau lAn td. Bronchotomy, an incision into the windpipe or larynx, ^|J Pf/i p^ ^ts'im ^hau jlung. Ts'ien hau J^inS. plJPl^cl^l ^^K s^i'i" slu"{?- Klih l»Ji" lung- Bronchus, the windpipe, ^^ hi' *kun. K'i kwan, Pf^ ^ jbau 'ki'in. Hau kwdn, V^^ '^ Jiau jlung. Hau lung. Brond, a sword, j^ kim'. Kien, — P iSJ y^*'> *'*^" kim'. Yih k'au kien. Bronze ♦, a compound of copper and tin, ^ ^ jWong jt'ung. Hwdng t'ung, |g^ ^chung ^fung. Clmng t'ung, ^ || ^wo tsdp^; a color prepared for the pjirpose of imitating bronze, ^ jl^ & jt'ung jttgAn sliik,. T'ung yen sih ; any copper medal, ail$^|jnl|il ki' sz^ jt'ung ^ttn. Ki sz t'ung yuen. Bronze, to imitate bronze, $l|f|nl t6^ j^'ung. Tu t'ung, ^ ^ & hau' jt'ung shik,. Hiiiu t'ung sih. Bronzed, made to resemble bronze, |§jl^^ t(V kwo' jt'ung. Tu kwo t'ung, t&%.%^^ ban* kwo' jt'ung shik,. Hiiiu kwo t'ung sih. Bronzing, imitating bronze, ^ |^ ^ bdu^ jt'ung shik,. Hidu t'ung sih. Bronzite, a variety of hornblende, having nearly the lustre of bronze, ^| Kn] ^ lui' jt'ung shek^. Lui t'ung shih, Jl^^^ ngai' jt'ung. Wei t'ung. Bmoch, a broncli, A Bf*9 1i\ !^ ^tseung. Tsiaug ; a kind of broth, gg^ ^ ,ts'o ^mo. Ts'o mu ; to make broth, j^ ^ ^p6 ^t'ong. Pdu t'ang ; snovv-brotli, ^ tJc siit, 'shui. Siueh shwui. Brothel, a house approj)riated to the purpose of pi-ostitution, 7^ :^ ^ 'lo 'kii jbii. LAu kii liau, y^^^M '1^" 'kii ehdi-.' Liu kii chai, ^^ ^ch'eung ^liii. Ch'aug lidu, i^ fii> kv 'kiin. Ki kwan, ^^ tig Ym 'kiln. Piau kwan, ^.'jf ^p'iu 'kiin. P'iau kwan, ^ ^ ^p'iii she'. P'iau shie, ^ ^ ,p'iu chdi'. P'iau ch6i, ^^'f^ ^ch'eung ,wo. Ch'dng wo, ^^ ^' .ch'eung ,ka. Ch'aiig kia, ^ ^ ^ch'eung uS 1^ ^ lok^ U-. Loh hu, ^ 'eh'o 'kdn. Ts'u kwiin, :^;jv{t /a Jam. Hwa lin, |^-^ ct^'^^'^g .lau. Ts'ing lau, fig X n'i, ham^ ^yan ,hang. Hien jin kang, j)ji ^ Mii fi^^^i c^van ti^ Mi hwau ti, j^ -ih Mil .1" c^a ti^ Yen hwa ti, t^^\ii^:^ ,fa lau | ti^ ,fong. Hwa liii ti fang; a brothel boat, ^^g • J|gE \fii '^'eng. Hwa t'ing, ^::^ ^ /a Tong. II wa i fAng, tif^ .fa .chau. Hwa chau, ^J|l|i 'lo 'kiij \'eng. Liiu kii t'ing, ^^ # |g ,wang >u h,'eng. | Hung ku t'ing. ^-f-^ 'ri*! 'tsz ^'eng. Piau tsz . t'ing, ^' ^ ^ 'tan ^p'o "t'eng ; to frequent bro- ! thels, "t^ ^ suk, ^ch'cung. Sub ch'ang, ^ ^ ,pAu ^ch'eung. Pau ch'ang. ; Brothelcr, one who frequents brothels, ^ % ,p'iu hak,. P'iau k'eh, -^W^M '^^ ,V'^<^ '". k % -ai^ '15, -h 'Ik ^^'i' .k^«' '^''» 'i^^ ■• •''inS- ^ "i hiung ; wife's younger broth(;r, ^.jj] H sai' ^k'au. S( k'iu, H ^ *k'au tai^ K'iu ti, [k^ ^ noi^ tai^ Kui ti; a husband's elder brother, i^]^ tdi^ pdk,. Ta peh, iU ^ 1"^^» jy*^' ?^ .chung. Chung ; husband's younger brother, ^^ shuk, ^ye, ^i\\:^ sai' shuk,. Si shulr, elder sister's husband, ^^^ 'tst; cheung^. T8i(5 chdng, $|i 5/^ 'ts6 /li. Tsi6 fu ; younger sis- ter's husband, ^^ mui' sai'. Mci si, ^ ^ miii^ /li. Mei fu ; wife's older sister's husband, |* ^ ,k'am ,hing. K'in hiung, j^ ^ 4' ,hing. Ya hiung; wife's younger sister'a husband, ^^, ]^j ,k'am tai^ K'in tl, j&^ a' tai^ Yd ti ; brothers- in-law, general term for wife's elder and younger brothers, (5^ ^ d' 'k'au. A k'iu, ^\^ yi'^ ngoi' hing tai^ Wai hiung ti; wife's sister's husbands, ^X^ ck'am .hing tai^ K'in hiung ti, .^^ a' sai'. A si, ^}l'^j d' Jiing tai^ Yd hiung ti. Brother-lover, brotherly affection, 'j^ tai^ Ti, Jjj,^ :^'^ ifi jWai ,hing tai^ Wei hiung ti, ^ J^_^ '"^ s^'^ng yung\ Kiuen ts'ien hdng yung; to become a member of one of the secret brotherhoods, f^^ pdi' lii^ Pdi hwui ; to become a member of the Masonic Bro- therhood, A ^ ^f'- # yaPj .kw'ai 'kii ui^ Jih kw'ei ki'i hwui. Brotherless, without a brother, ^J^f^lf;^ ,m6 ,hing jm6 tai^ Wvi hiung wii ti. Brotherliness, state of being brotherlv, ^ K tai' 'ch6. Ti cU. Brotherly, pertaining to brothers, }l,})(i(\ij .hing tai' tik,. Hiung ti tih, ^ ^}, »^ ,hing tai' k('-' ;^bro- therly love, j^, tai'. Ti, ^ f^ 'ymi .kiuig. Yd kung, iti^fj-^'g' ,hing tai' ,cUi oi'. Hiung ti cUi • AsBociiitioHs gtill in oxistenco. They are the port of society tmd the liuiror of every well-diBposud uativi', ■f Thii aiNouiation wu ertablished at the end of tl»e Ming dynasty. (264) BRO ngdi ; brotherly obligations, ^ ^ :^ ^^ ^ liing tai' .chi 'pun fan'. Hiung ti chi jji'm fan, J^ ^ ^ ^ch'ii shii'. Ch'u shu. Brow, the prominent ridge over the eye, forming an arch above the orbit, ^ .mi. Mei, B^^ 'ngdn ^mi. Yen mei ; the forehead, |^ ngdl^. Geh, ^ 'song. Sdng, ^ ^ .t'in jt'ong. T'icm fang ; the eyebrows, H^^^ ^gdn mi m6. Yen mei mdu; .^«s ngdi. Hiuen the brink of a precipice, ^ ydi, |l|^ M j^ ^ 'sheung jtsung shikj. Shang tsung sih. Brown-coal, see Wood-coal. Brown-mad; in ^^ ^tsung ^p'o. Tsung p'o, |J^ i}^ vam mat,. Yin wuh. Brown-spar, a magnesian carbonate of lime, tinged with oxyd of iron and manganese, ;^|^^ jtsung jfiii sliekj. Tsung hwui shih. Brown-stout, a superior kind of porter, jl |iJ jtfT vM sheuni^ j)0 'ta 'tsau. Shang po ta tsiu, I". >t^ fe |}^ \^ sheung- ^tsung shik^ ^pe 'tsau. Shang tsung sih pe tsiii, '^1^ v^ J^^'^o cP^ 'tsau. Yung pe tsiu. Brown-study, gloomy study, B§ J^ 6m' lir. Ngan lii, l^l;^ lii" nim-. Lii nien, ^ =j||t!^ .shau mak^ mak^. Tsau meh mch, p^ ^ ^yam lii'. Yin lii. Brown-wort, a plant (prunella), ^ ^ 'ts'o ^meng. Ts'au ming Brownie, in Scotland, a goodnatured spirit, who was supposed often to perform important services around the house by night, such as thrashing, churning &c., |^ jp^ '^^ ^ling ^shan ^meng. Ling shin ming ; in China, the ^ ^ ^t'in hauK T'ien liau, queen of heaven, the ^ q"^^ ^kun jam jP'o sat,. Kwan yin p'u sah, goddess of grace, and the ^ ^ ^ ^ ^kam ^fa ^p'6 sat,. Kin hwa p'li sail, Juno Lucina, are said now and tlien to perform certain services in the families or other departments. Brownish, somewhat brown, ^ ^»J >^ "^ T^^ J .se ^tsung shik, tik,. Si6 tsung sih tih, ^./J>;^, ^Pj^ ^se 'siu jtsung shik, ke'. Brownness, a brown color, ;^^ ^tsung shik,. Tsung sih, f^^ jtsung shik,. Tsung sih ; brownish red, 1^^ 'che shik,. QM sih. Browse, to eat the ends of branches of trees and shrubs, or the young shoots, []g Jun, (]g;] j^^ ^ ^lun shii' "iin, [I|3^)^ ^lun niin' "iiu. Browse, to feed on the tender branches or shoots of shrubs and trees, as cattle, \^ ^ wai' 'iin. Wei yuen, P^^ij^jf;^ wai' yau' shii' ,chi. Wei yu shu clu, PJI^ wai' 'ts'5. Wei ts'au. Browse, the tender branches of trees and shi-ubs, ^ ^iin. Yuen, ^^ niin'- "iin. Nun yuen, "^^ 'ts'o tl^ Ts'au ti. Browse-wood, shrubs and bushes on which animals browse, ^ jj^ yau' shii\ Yii shii, ^ j^ *ai shii*. Yai shu. Bruise, to crush by pounding, ^ ^ ^chung sui'. Chung sui, ^ ^ 'to lan^ Tau lan,' l^ ^ p'o' sui'. P'o sui, §: $]] ^ ^ ^chung to' ^shing miit^. Chung tau ching mob, ^ %\\ ^ pg-^ ^chung to' 'fan kom' yau'. Chung tau fan kan yii ; to hurt by a blunt instrument, ^'^ |^ 'ta ^sheung. Ta shang, ^ j^ 'ta 'siin. Ta sun ; to bruise by a fall, Ik^ tit, 'siin. Tieh sun, ^'% tit, ^sheung. Tieh shang ; to bruise one's arm by a fall, {^ 5lJ ^ ^ tit, t5' 'siin 'shau. Tieh tdu sun shau ; to bruise severely, ^^IJH^tIB 'siin to' 'chung 'hi. Sun tau cliung k'i, i^ $|J M ^ ^sheung t6' hak, 'chung. Shang tau lieh chung, j^ ^|J j^ ^H ^sheung tb' ii' 'chung. Shang tau yu chung; to bruise one's hands and feet, ^t^^-^j^l 'siin 'shau 'siin keuk,. Sun shau sun kioh ; to bruise by a blow, ^X 5iJ ^ M 'td to' ii' hak,. Ta tau yii boh ; to bruise one"severely, tX $lj iff ^ ft ^ 't'^ to' 'h6 .to jSh^ung Jian. Ta tau hdu to shang ban. Bruise, a contusion, :^ |^ ii' ,slieung. Yu shdng, ^M *i' 'cliung. Yd chung, '^J^ ^sheung ch'ii'. Shang ch'u, ^ ]g_ 'siin ch'ii'. Sun ch'u, || ^ .sheung ^ban. Sliang ban, ^ ^ 'chi 'fui. Chi hwui ; a black and blue bruise, }^^ ^^ bak, shik,. Yii beh sih, M^j^ hak, ^ban. Heli ban, J^ W Ml- A ^ ^if* «tsung min' ,chi -'nii. Tsung BEU mien chl nft, ;^ p| j^ .tsung min* tik,. Tsung mien tih. Brunswick green ^^M^ i^'^^S 1"^ J^S^^ li'i'- T'ung lull yen liau. Brunt, the heat, or utmost violence of an onset, § ^ %n ^un<^. Fan yung, ^^ yui^ hi\ Jui k'i, ^ ^ 'mang hi'. Mang k'i, |i Sf 'mang /ung, ^W^.Z.W' .ch'ung /ung ,chi shai'. Ch'ung fung chi shi ; to bear the brunt of an attack, i^M.^ ^^ sliau^ tik^ ^chi yui^ hi'. Shau tih chi jui k'i, ^ M ^i ^ '^''^^^ ^^K .cli'ung /ung. Shau tih ch'ung fung; the brunt of battle, ^ ^ ^f ^ ,kd,u ,fung ^ch'ung kik,. Kidu fung ch'ung kih. Brush :^ ts'dt,. Ch'ah, ^, ^ fat, 'tsz. Fuh tsz ; a hair-brush, ^ ^ fiit, ts'at,. Fdh ch'dh ; a tooth- brush, yf- f^ jngd ts'dt,. Yd ch'dh; a shaving brush, ^jj^ ^sbts'dt,. Siich'dh; abrass-wire brush, ■ inl^lf^ jt'ung ,8Z ts'dt,. T'ung sz ch'dh ; a prim- ing brush, ^^ ;fjg ,sz ,kan. Sz kin ; a small ditto, yj>|}ij 'siu ^shdn. Sidu shdn ; a lacker ditto, 0|fllj ts'at, ,shan. Ts'ihshdn; a clothc's brush, ^fl^:^ I fuh ch'dh, ^ fl^ ;^l] ^i fuk^ shdt,. ,hdi ts'dt . i fuk^ ts'dt. t fuh shwdh ; a shoe-brush, ^ ^ , ^ flilj jbdi shat,. Hiki shwdh ; a printer's brush, ^ JljlJ jShii shdt,. Shu shwdh ; a painter's brush, ipE pat,. Pih; a brush or pencil to write with, ^ pat,. Pih ; branches of trees lopped off, ^ ^ch'di. Ch'di ; a slight encounter, ^j^ — ^ tat^ ^in yat, chin'. Tub jen yih chen, ^ |j^ — [J| tat^ chin' yat, chan*. Tub chen yih chin ; they had a brush together, ^ ^ ;t9 t® ^l^ung ,kd ,s6ung chong^. Lidng kid sidng chwdng, ^ ^ ^ ^ '16ung ^kd ,kdu .fung. Lidng kid kidu fung, j|^ ^ ;!§ PI ^leung .kd .s6ung tau'. Lidng kid sidng tau ; we are going to have a bmsh, '^^ — ^ iu' chin' yat, jCh'6ung. Ydu chen yih ch'dng ; an assault, :^^ ckung kik,. Kung kih; rude treatment, -^ \%^ A. ^S^^ ^''^^^^ <^"i^ iJ^^' Ngau mdn tdi jin ; the brush of a fox, ^g J^ ^ ig. ^K ^mi jCh'6ung jm5. Li wi ch'dng mdu, ^^ s(j' ^mi, Sdu wi. Brush, to sweep or rub with a brush, 1j^, fat . Puh, ^ s6'. Sdu, ;}^ ts'dt,. Ch'dh, i^ p'ok,. Fob, ^ fat,. Hwuh, j^lj sbdt,. Shwkh, 1^ 'liii. Liau, |h V&n. T'dn, pf^ ^p'dn. P'dn, ^ pat^. Pdh, ^ p'ui'. P'ei, f'^ slnm. Shdu ; to brush away dust, |i)|! i'M^k ^»t, lii'i' s«'»'an ,oi. Euh k'ii ch'in ngdi, :^|]l^lat,jCb'an. Pub ch'in, ^^'/l^ so' ^ch'an. Suu ch'in, .|l| ;g| 't'dn ^ch'an. T'dn ch'in ; to brush clean, U{'%y^ s6' ,kon tseng^. Sdukdn tsing, ^ ^ /^' s6' jk'iu kit,. Sdu k'ien kib, ^jV/ yf ^ s(V .ts'idg 'ch'o. Sdu ts'ing ts'ii ; to brush away, ^^ :^ fat, shik,. Puh shih, \p!^, fat, ^ch'u. Fuh ch'u; to brush and rub, \;liJ^ su' mut,. Sdu mob, J^^^^ mut, sbdt,. Mob shdb, ;^ JjJ mut, k'cuk,. Moh k'ioh ; to brush oil", ^iff^ so' hil'. Sdu k'u] ;f^j;^ fat, hii'. Fuh k'ii, ^^^ ts'dt, hii'. Ch'dh k'u, #(J ■i- sbdt, hii'. Shwali k'u, f^ shin'. Shcn; to brush the slioes, :j^^ ts'dt, ^hdi. Ch'dh hidi, !^\] ^ shdt, ,hdi» Shwdh Uidi { to brush one's clothes, (266) BRU ^ ^ 86' ^bdm. Sdu sdn ; to brush the hair, ^ B^ ^ 'liu jt'au fdt,. Lidu t'au fdh ; to brush the ears, as Chinese barbers, ^ ^ *liu *I. Lidu rh ; to brush the teeth, :}^ ^ ts'dt, ^ngd. Ch'dh yd, J^lJ^ shdt, ^ngd. Shwdh yd ; to touch slightly, as a swallow does the water, "^ 'tsin. Tsien, jjp^ ^t'o. T'o; to brush the water with' the wings, ^ -ff, 'tsin *shui. Tsien shwui ; to brush M'ith the sleeve, ^ z^ p'it, ,i. P'ieh i, |^ tsau^ Siu ; to brush away the spider's webs, ^^^^ 'lid ,chl ,ch\i *mong. Lidu chi chu wdng ; to brush away, 5^ i^ ,sz jt'6. Sz t'du; to brush by one, ^f^WMi tsing^ 'tsing ,king kwo'. Tsing tsing king kwo, jt ® A c^iii kwo' ^an. K'idi kwo jin, ^f ili ft T^i A J^^'^o k^°' <^^^ ,ts'an ^yan. Hang kwo k'idi ts'in jin ; to brush up one's spirit, to move nimbly in haste, 7^. ^ jlp ^ kap, kap, kcuk, jhang. Kih kihkioh hang, ^^ tsat^ .ts'u. Tsih ts'ii. Brush-wheels ^f^ ^mb Jun. Mdu luu, y^^^Xm <^"iig jlun. Tsung lun. Brushed, rubbed with a brush, )^ jl^ ts'dt, kwo'. Ch'dh kwo, :f^,5^ fat, kwo'. Fu'h kwo, \1}'^ 'liu kwo'. Lidu kwo, ^'i^ so' kwo'. Sdu kMO ; struck lightly, as a swallow with her wings, '\^ j^ tsin kwo'. Tsien kwo, 4^^j!^ yau' ^mo kwo'. Yii mo kwo. Brusher, one who l)rushes, )^ ^ ts'dt, *ch6. Ch'dh chc, 1^ ^ fat, 'che. Fuh'ch6. Brushing, sweeping or rubbing with a brush, :}^ ts'dt,. Ch'dh, m fat,. Fuh, ^ so'. Sdu ; moving nimbly, ^ ^ tsat^ .ts'ii. Tsih ts'ii ; skimming over lightly, ^ 'tsin. Tsien. Brushlike, resembling a brush, :}^ltS!i;=^ ts'dt, "kbm y6ung^. Ch'dh kdn ydng. Brushwood, a thicket of small trees and shrubs, ^ ^ts'ung. Ts'ung, ^ ij^ 'ai shii\ Ydi slu'i, ^ \^^ ^p'i .sai. P'i si, ^ .tsun. Tsin. Brushy, shaggy, having long hair, ^ ^ qfj; U| .tsung jm5 'k6m y6ung*. Tsung mdu kdn ydng. Brusk, rude, ^ ^ ^16 ^mong. Lu mang. Brussels-sprout ^ "^y ts'oi' ^meng. Ts'di ming. Brustle, to make a small cracklini^ noise, y); y^ ^ ,shd ^shd .shing, i> 8^ Di .shd^ngit, ngit,, ^ ^ if jSO jSO .shing. Brustling, rustling like silk, ^ sui*. Sui, )^^ sui* ts'oi'. 'Sui ts'di. Brutal, pertaining to a brute, |^ shau'. Shau, jk'ani shau' tik^. K'iu sliau tih, "^Sl^li^l koni yo.un;''. K'in sbau kdn vdng ; ing. *#|A- 'is'dmhuk^. Ts'dn k'ub, ,11)^7 fe? pokj hang' lik,. Poh hingtib, j'ljjHPj^C pok^ liang' jk'am shau' unfeo k6'; cruel, ^ ,^, ^ts'dn 'van. Ts'dn jin, ^ ;g ^ks'dn y6uk^. Ts'uji yob ; sjivago, 52, f.S <'>»"" mang. Hiung mang, VH, J^f; .hung j)i/. ILiung pdu ; a l)rutal jierson, ^ ^^ oj^t A 1^*'"" Van kc* ^an. jliL # ofi!t A clim'i? hon' W ,yan. Brutality, inhumanity, ^^, jts'dn 'van. Ts'dn jin; savagenessj ^ ^ ^ .ts'an yiSuk^ '«'hd; Ts'da BRU iSiC (26f) ■<-» 'T-t: •« BUB yoh ch6, ^^^ c^i^ng 'mang 'ch6. Hiung mang die, ^'^^ c'l^^g hon- 'clie. Hiung ban clie, ^%^ c^ong ok,. Lang ngoh ; insensibility to pity or shame, j^^ 'ts'dm huk^. Ts'an k'uli, ^ ^P^ pok^ hang" ke' ; to act with great brutality, M U ^U n ^ ,ts'an Van ke' ,hang ,wai. Brutalize, to make brutal, ^'^^Wi '^^ <"^^^ ^k'am shau-. Shi wei k'in shau, If fg J£ f± 'lo "k'ii Jiung -mang; to become brutal, ^ "^ ^ 1^ ^ bok, ,k'am sliau" 'kbm yeung'. Hiob k'in shau kAn y4ng, J^^^y calling jts'dn 'yan. Ching ts'an jin, ^ # JtL 1^ ,shang tak, ^hung -mang. Sang teh hiung mang, ^ ^ 'j'^ P^ ^shang ^mo ^ts'ing ke', '^ jjJc i{f ii lioC cSWng 'ho Jiung. 'Hiob ching hdu hiung ; to become coarse, ^ J|^ M -^ bok, ^shing ^ts'6 "15. Hiob ching ts'ii lu, ^^fffi. 'M shang tak ts'6 "15. Sann; teh ts'ii lii ; to be- come churlish, :^^^|pf ^shang ^sliing ok, p'ik,. Sang ching ngoh p'ih, ^ ^ ^ |^ ok, ^shing ok, p'ik,. Hiob ching ngoh p'ih. Brutally, cruelly, ^ jj ^ts'ai 'ts'am. Ts'i ts'dn, ^ ^ tak, 'ts'am. Teh ts'an, j^ ^ 'ts'Am buk,. Ts'an k'uh, ^ ;2l ^ ^ ^ts'an yan 'kom yeung^ Ts'an jin kan yang ; to treat one brutally, ^^ jg ^ ^ toi- -k'ii 'ho 'ts'am. TAi k'ii hAu ts'an, \^ A $? ^M ^^^' cyan 'bo .long. Tai jin hdu lang. Brute, a beast, -^^ ^k'am shau". K'in shau, ^Zj^ ch'uk, jSbang. Ch'ub sang, % ^ .mo ,ch'ung. ^ ch'uk, lui-. Ch'ub lui, % ^ m m .k'eung m MAu cb'ung, ,mo mat . Mau wuh ; brute force ■mans. K'iang mang, |^|J ^^ sam. K'in shau chi sin, ^ Jong .sam. LAng sin, |g 'j^ Jong sing'. Lang sing; ignorant, ^^ .ii 'ch'un. Yu. ch'un, pg^ ngong' 'ch'un, ^^^ ^ngoi pan^ Ngdi pin, 7^ fi| jWAn tun^ Hwdn tun ; savage, ^ ^ .liung hon-. Hiung ban ; carnal, [|^ ^ sbl" yuk^, Shi yuh ; a brutish person, ^X 'mong yan. Wdngjin. Brutishly, in the manner of a brute, §/c l®[ -^ shau^ 'kbmyeung^. Shau kan. ydng, i^MMji, 'iisbau^ .mb i". Yu shau wu 1 ; stupidly, pg ^ ngong- song' ; savagely, ^^ ^ hon' .in. Han jen, J^ ^J^ .bung .In. Hiung jin. Brutishness, stupidity, ^ ^f .ii ngong^, j^ ^ ii 'ch'un. Yii ch'un; brutality, 'J^«|!f^ .bungbon^ 'ch6. Hiung ban che ; the qualities of a brute, ^ ;Vj) sbau^ .sam. Shau sin. Brutum fulmen, a loud but harmless tlireatening, P^ lH cb'ik, bak,. Cb'ih bib, pf i^ /d hak,. Hii bib. Bryonine, an alkaloid obtained from white bryony, one of the most virulent vegetable poisons, ^ j^ k^'f'^ pak^ 'kwai .ying 'tsz tuk,. Peb kwei ying tsz tub, Q^^-J^^ pakj 'kwai .ying 'tsz chat,. Peb kwei ying tsz cbib. Bryony, white, }^ %^^^ pak^ 'kwai .ying 'tsz. Peb kwei ying tsz. Bryopbyllum calcynum, ^ || :f£ .tang .lung .fa. Tang lung liw6. Bubble, a small bladder or vesicle of water or other fluid, }^ -p'b. P'au, j^ .au. Ngau, ^^^ ^fau .au. Pau ngau, -^5^ rniit,. Mob, ^^ '^ ^fau miit,. Pau mob, TfC ^ 'shui .fa. Shwui hwa, ^ f^ 'shui 'p'6. Shwui p'au, y^;{^ .p'ui ^au. Pei ngau; any- thing that wants firmness or solidily, f^ ^ p'au' mat^, ^ P^ .fau ke', 5g 'i^ .hung fan'. K'ung fan, J^ jl^ .hii .fau. Hii fau, ^ J^ Jiung ^hii. K'ung hii ; a vain project, J^ ^ ^bii ^mau. Hii mau, ^If Jmng kai'. K'ung ki; a fraud, ^,|§ bung' p'in'. Hung p'ien, lt^|^ Jii p'in'. K'i p'ien, M. Hl'^ Jii .miin. K'i mwan ; a person deceived, ^'^M s^i^^' ^'^^' '^'^le, ^\ .ngoi .yan. Ngdi jin, ^\ ^ngau .yan. Niu jin, ^^^ pi" t'am' 'ch6 ; to catch a bubble, (^ \ t'am' .yan, (^ ^ ngdk, .yan. Bubble, to rise in bubbles, ^^^ p'an' 'hi. P'in k'i, ri h 'yung 'hi. Yung k'i, ^ y^ p'an' 'yung. Fin yung, ^^ '^^ .hung 'yung. Hiung yung, >^ f^ fat, 'yung. Euh yung, -^jg 'kwan 'hi. Kwan k'i, ^^ fat,. Pub, yf fat,. Pub, ^-ifc: kwai^ .hung. Kwei hiung, ^ ^ shap^ tsap^. Sliih tsib, |^ ^fan. Pan, ^ jWdn. Hwdn, '/^ tsilp,. Tsdh, ^^' pit,. Pieli, ^ tsdpj. Tsah, '^ nap,. Nib ; to bubble up, as boiling water, ^ 'kwan. Kwan, ^ .t'ang. T'ang; to bubble up, as a stream, ^^ put^ kiit,. Pob kiueh, ^ tap,. Tab, yj] lak^. Lib. Bubble, to cheat, ^Jg X ngak, ^yan, ^ /^ t'am' .yan. Bubbler, one who cheats,. [^ X ""^ ngak ^yan k&, MK^ M ^yan 'ch6. K'i jm ch6. Bubbling, rising in bubbles, ^^ ^ 'ynng 'hi. Yung k'i, -^^ 'kwan 'hi. Kwan k'i, }^'{^ .Imng 'yung. Hiung yung ; running with a gurgling sound, yh la\. Lib, i^^^ pok^ pok^ .shing, '/^^^ 'hdu pok, .sbing. HAu pob shing ; cheating, '^^ |g ^b£ p'in'. K'I p'ien. Bubbly, abounding in bubbles, ^^A^ ,to S'6 tik , ^f^l^ ,to.^'5 k6\ BUG (268) BUG Bubby, a woman's breast, ■'^ *ii. Jii. Bubo ^ P jii 'bail. Yu k'uu, ^ ,teng. Ting, ^^y ^ jeuag ^miii ^ch'ong. Ydng mei cb'wang, ^^ P 1^ ^ jii 'hau pin* tuk^. Yu k'au pien tub. Biil)ukl(>, a red pimple, ^ ijy ^ 'lb ,teng ,ch'ong. Ho ting cb'wdng. Buccaneer, | ^ .^^ ^ ^ ^ ^shdn ^y^ung ,kung. Shdn ydng kung, {Ij ^ !^ ^shdn ^y^ung 'ku. Shdn ydng ku ; a gay, dashing young fellow, S 1^ ^ d' ,kun 'tsai, ffi 1 ^. 1^ ff .sal ^wdn d' ,kjfj 'tsong 't'ung. Tsing t'ung; the vespol in whicb water is earned, TJC ^ 'shui t'ung. Shwui t'ung ; irrigating buc- ket, ^£\- fiV tail. Hi'i t.'ui; the brewer's bucket, tlSp Vg J^> j^ 4 'l)i^ tsau jfong fii' 'tau. Po tsiu fang hu tau; a bucket full, — ;|^ yat, 't'ung. Yih t'ung. ^ • ga It. t iiji hi ±m- { Dr. Medhurst Buckeye, n tree in tlie W. States of America, i^ i^ shii* jUieng. Sliii ming; an inhabitant of Uliio, 7:^-'/S'r|| n|5 A <^hoi6 p6- jVan. Ngauhdingau pii jin. Bucking, soaking in lyo, '^ ^ ijijl ^}*C tsam' ^u 'kdn 'shui. T.sin yu kien sliwui. Bucking-stool, a washing block, fj^ 'fi ^ 'sai ^ ^cliam. Si i chin. Buckish, foppish, ^ ^ P^ ,i ka kc'. Buckle :\i\ k'au'. K'au, -jj^n ^ k'au' 'tsz. K'au tsz, ^n y}. ^ k'au' pi^ 'tsz. K'uu pi tsz ; the tongue of a buckle, |(5 kiit,. Kiueh ; a golden buckle, <^ :|TJ -^ ^kam k'au' 'tsz. Kin k'au tsz ; a curl, ^ % ^liin ^mb. Liuen mau, ^ -"£• P^ ,lun ^b ke'. Buckle, to fasten with a buckle, :j"n k'au'. K'au, :|ti ^ k'au' chii^ K'au chu, ±^^ 'shdung k'au' 'tsz. Shdng k'au tsz ; to buckle one's self for war, ^ il IT ^'■^ pi' 'ta. Yu pi t/i, ^ ^ cheuk, kap,. Choh kidli, ^ fjji ^ ^ 'cbing pin^ ,shan shai'. Clung pien sbin slu, ^i.'j^^ ^chong teng^ ^shan. Clnvdng ting shin ; to confine or limit, PH j^ han^ cbu^ Hicn chu, [^ ^ ^wai chii^ "Wei cliii. Buckle, to bend, ^ wat,. K'iuh ; to bend to, Jp^ ^ wat, ^shan. K'iuh shin ; to engage with zeal, f^ ^ fat, fan. Fdh fan; to buckle with, tB tT ,scung 'ta. Siang td, f] % 'td kd'. Td kid, H 1^ tau' *au. Tau ngau ; to encounter with embrace, ^ ^ /u chii^ Hu chu, ^ >f^ 'lam chii^ Ldn chu. Buckled, fastened with a buckle, 4u'Q:>^ k'au' chii* kwo'. K'au chii kwo, Jl jtiS :tn "F 'sheung kwo' k'au' 'tsz. Shdng kwo k'au tsz. Buckler, a shield, i;^ ^p'di. P'di, -^ j{$. 'shau j)'di. Shau p'di, ^ j{^ ^t'ang ^p'di. T'aug p'di, %% -^ jt'ang ^ch6. T'ang cht', ^ tun^ Tun ; brass ditto, 'di. T'uni »• nj }^ jt ung J) ai. 1 ung p ai. ^ Buckler-thorn, Christ's thorn, ^ ^ lak^ ^men Leh ming. Buckling, fastening with a buckler, Jl^flJ-^ ^h^^xmg k'au' 'tsz. Shdng k'au tsz. Buckram, a coarse linen clotli, stifFened with glue, m «I ^ /an. Ean, ^ 'hbrn. Han, ^ ^ 'sun ^ngsi. Sun ya ; a flower bud, \tJI^ >m, :l^ ^ /a ^lam, ^ -li6m. Han, ^ ^ -p'ui "liii. P'ei lui ; the leaf bud, ^ -iin. Yuen ; mulberry buds, ^ ^ c^ong "uu. Sang yuen ; a rose bud, i^ ^B^ kwai /a Jam. Kwei hwa Iin ; cassia buds, ^^ kwai' 'tsz. Kwei tsz; tbe calyx of a bud, ^ fu. Pii ; tbe opening of a l)ud, Efl ±Jj: kap, ch'ak,. Kiali cb'ili, ^ ^ Jam Jioi. Bud, to put forth or produce buds, [f{ -^ ch'ut, ^nga. Ch'uh ya, ^^ ^mang ,nga. Mang ya, |^^ fat, ,nga. Fah ya, p£ :^t t'^' /A. T'u hwa, -^ ttj ^ pau' ch'ut, ^nga, ^ |ii ^^ 16^ ch'ut, ^nga 'tsz. Lii ch'uh ya tsz, ^p Tnau. Mau, |j| cbat,. Chah, ^ jing. Ying, ^Jj M ^^^'^*> "'^'^- ^^'^^^ y^^"' '^ jM ;?^^ft t$ P cmi J'o fat^. b mei t'o fuh ; oh Buddha ! •<% ^ '^ ,ndm m5 fat,. Nan wd fuh ; hear us, oh Buddha,']^ fit, (5^ 5Sj^# ciiam jinfj, ^o ^ml J'o fat,. Nan wii, o mi t'o fuh ; a priest of Buddha, "^^p*^" ^sha ^mun. Slid mun, ^l fpf jWO sheung'. Uo shang, f^ J^ ^sang jan. Sangjin, ^sang ^k'e. Sang k'ia, _tX sheung'jan. Shang jin, |^'-^ ni%), 'tsz. Nab tsz, f'^ ^ nap, tai'. Nah ti, ^ p*^ ^song ^miin. Sdng mun, ^f^J- fdn' ^sang. Fdn sang, ni||fjj ^shin ^sz. Shen sz, yg ^ ^ ^^^"^"^^ c^'^^ng 'tsz. K'ling sdng tsz, ,j^. ^ pit, Js'o. Pieh ts'o, -mWiW 'l^oi cSl»« Jai. Hdi shie II, X W^ tai' ^sz. Td sz, ^ ff t'uk, ,sang. T'uh sang, ^ ^ t'uk, 'tsz. T'uh tsz ; to meditate, as Buddhists do, 0_ ^shin. Shen; to recite prayers to Buddha, '^^ ^ ^ nim' fat^ Jving. Nien fuh king; principal instructors at- tached to the monastery of tlie priests of Buddha, ft ^1 5] i # li" c^ang luk, ^sz 'tso shin' shai'. Sang luh sz tso shen shI ; assistant ditto, f^ f^ H] ^i # ttl: ,sang luk^ ^sz yau' shin' shai'. Sang, luh sz yu shen shi. Buddhism, the doctrine of Buddlia, ^ ^ shik, kdu'. Shih kidu, y^ (gj /au J'o. Fau t'li. Buddhist, a follower of Buddha, ^^ fat, kd. Fuh kia, ^ ^ Pi!t A H ,kd ke' jan. Buddhist priest, a, 5^ |^ ^wo sheung'. Ho shang ; principal Buddhist seal keeper, j^ ^ a'] j£ ffj ^sang luk^ ^sz ching' yan'. Sang luh sz ching yin; assistant ditto, ff- ^'^i W] g|J f |j ^sang luk^ ^sz fu' yan'. Sang luh sz fu yin. (see under Buddha). Buddhistic fish j> ^^ puk, ^ii. Pub yii. Budding, inoculation, ,^ ;j:^ pok, shii'. Poh shii. Buddie, a large square frame of boards used in wasldng tin ore, -XifJ^ tdi' muk^ Js'o. Td muh ts'du, i^^^fl J'6 sek, kwong' Js'o. T'dusih kwdng ts'du. Buddie, among miners, to wash ore, jrj^ ^ tik^ kwong'. Tih kwdng, 'J^ ^ ^'h kwong', ^T'au kwdng. Bude light, an intense white light t , i|jt t-^ »j!^ piit * According to Kanghi's Dictionarj trine of Buddha. m signifies the doc- BtTD (270) BUG ti' 'fo. Poh ti ho, %^^ kik^ pdkj 'fo. Kih peh ho. Budge, to move oft', 3^^ ji htf. I k'u, |fj;^ tung^ 'tsau, Tung tsau. Budge, the dressed skin of Lambs, ^. ^ ,kf) ^k'au. Kmi k'iu, i:)^ ij^ .kc, ^p'i. Kdu p'l. Bud*e-l)achelors, a company of men, who accom- pany the lordmayor of London at his inaugura- tion, (^ ^ jts'ui Vung. Budge-barrel, a small barrel with only one head, used for canning powder, j/c^f^LtCl'lTl '^"^ y^^K p'i jp'A Tung. Ho yoh p'l p'a t'ung, .% p ^^ ^rad 'hau fit, 't'ung. MA k'au t'ieh t'ung. Budger, one who moves from his place, ^ ^ ,1 'cl.6. I ch6, ^i^ ,i hu' 'ch6. t k'ii ch6. Budget, a bag, ^ toi\ Tdi, ^ ^ p6' ^nong. Pd ndng ; a little sack with its contents, — ■ :^ ^ yat, toi^ *y6. Yih tdi yd; a stock or store, '^ tsong^. Tsdng ; tlie papers respecting the finances of a nation, ^ ^ ^kung hong^ Kung hAng, ^ ^ ,king fai'. King ti ; to open the budget, ^^ ^ j^ jCh*ing tln^ ,kung hong^. Ch'ing tien kung hong, ^UU^ s^l^'^^S ""' .^"S ^"^^'- C^^''"S tien king fi. Budlct, a little bud springing from the parent bud, Buft", buftskin, soft leather, ^)^ 'iin ^p'l. Yuen p'i, ^ i^ tJ^^^ r, a cushion, J|ft jifi 'cham ^t'au. Chin fan. Buffet, a cupboard, |5^ iln ''"^ kwai^ AViln kwei ; si(le-l)oar(l, glj ^j^- fc E i^ c<^o muk^ shat, ch'ii'. To muh sih cli'vi, ^ tK H, 6^ c^o muk, shat, tik^. To muh sih tih. Bugis ^ 1^ ^ Mbkattsz. Wukihtsz. Bugle, I a hunting horn, H j^ h5^ kok,. H6u Bugle-horn, j" koh, § ;^ 'heung kok^. Hiang koh, PJi^ltl ham' jlo. Hien lo, ^% 'heung ^lo. Hiang lo ; a military instrument of music, P^^f^ ^ch'vii ,hiin ,t'ung. Ch'ui k'iuen t'ung. Bugle, a glass bead of various colors, t^ ^^ J^Jjj^ 'ts'oi shik^ ^po ^11 ^chii. Ts'di sih po 11 chii ; black ditto, S^jjfjljc hak, ^po }i ^chii. Heh po li chu. Bugloss, anchusa, ^ -^ ^ yik, 'mo 'ts'6. Yih mil ts'du, ^ If ^ch'ung Vai. Ch'ung wei, ^ %M 76 ^t'in jna. Ye t'ien ma, g |i ^ ha' /u 'ts'b. Hid k'li ts'au, >|^ * ^chui. Chui. Buhl, the name of light and complicated figures of brass, imbiu'nished gold &c., let into surfaces of ebony or other dark wood, !^^>J^if£ ^scung tik^ kam fa. Sidng tih kin hwa. Buhrstone, a subspecies of silex or quartz, ^ ^ Q ^ ^ ts'z' 'tang pak^ shek^ jing. Ts'z tang peh shih ying. Build (pret. built; pp. built), to erect, as a house, ^ 'hi. K'i, ^ kin'. Kien, jgig kin' tso", ^5^ 'hi tso-. K'i tsau, -^31^ jing ts5\ J^f <^ ^king jing, # # tap, k'oi'. Tab k'ai, ^ ^ kin' lap,, ^ 1^ kin' chi' ; to build, as a wall, ^ chuk,. Chub, fg ^lau. Liu, tr 'ta. Td, M ,chung. Chung, ^ lam', ^ 'lui. Lui ; to establish, j^ lap,. Lib ; to build upon, '(^ ^ 1 lai^ I Idi ; to build up, as a theory, {ij ch'ut,' Ch'uh, $^ cli'it,. Shch ; to build, as ships, ^ ^chong. Chwdng ; to build a house, ^ |l^ M '^1 c^an uk,. K'i kien uh, |^ J§ kin' uk,. Kien uh, ^^ chuk, shat,. Chub shih, ^ Wi ^ ^ kin' ts6' fong uk . Kien tsdu fang uh, !>>: jfj ^ tap, /ong 'tsz. Tab fang tsz, ^ ^ kd' uk,. Kid uh, ^ l^* lam' uk, ; to build a chapel, ^ 'ta ^ "k '*»i 'iai pdi' ^t'ong. K'i li p'di fang ; to build a temple, |b \^ ^ 'hi ^kdn miii'. K'i kien miau, ^ j^ ||] ^ kin' tso' rniil' 'ii. laen tsdu miau yu, ^ j^jj k'oi' mid'. K'di midu ; to build a wall, ^/j^ chuk, ^ts'dung. Chub ts'idng ; to build a wall by piling up stones, bricks &c., ^\^ lam' ^tc'eung, ^^ 'lui ^ts'eung. Lui ts'idng; to build mud w^alls, ^^ ^chung ^ts'euug. Chung ts'idng; to build a city, ^^ chuk, ^shing. Chub ching to build a siiip, ^ ^ .chong shiin. Chwdng ch'uen; to build upon another, ^^f|^ 'i k'du' t'd. I k'du t'd ; to buUd castles in the ^i^5 ^ ^ ^^»' ^^^- Ung swdn, ung * All these names are very apocryphieal; jiaughi's Dicli'inaryi They are taken from 'seung. Ung siang, ^ ^ i^ /I p- 'seung. Fi fi sidng. Builder, one who builds, ^ jig ^- 'hi tso' 'che. K'i tsdu chc, 1^ j^ "^ kin' tso' 'die. Kien tsdu che, % :^ ^iU # c^ai 'shui ^sz fu'. Ni shwui sz fu, ^ ^ht'yt^ >hing tsip, 'hi tso' 'che. Ching tsieh k'i tsau cbd. Building, framing and erecting, ^ ^ig; 'hi tso'. K'i tsdu; resting on, ^^ *ilai'. I Idi; ship-building, ^f^y^ ^chong ^sliiin 'che. Chwdng ch'uen ch(5; building material, ^f^ uk, liu'. Uh lidu. Building, a dwelling house, j^ uk,. Uh, j^ ^ ^kdn uk,. Kien uh; buildings, "^^ u. Td lau, :k fM ^ai' bd'. Td hid, ^ 1^ ^k6 Jan. Kdu lau, |?tf j^ 'kwong hd'. Kwdng; hid; a large [high] building, — P^i^t"^ yat, ^kdn ^ko /au. Yih kien kdu lau. Built, constructed, ^ ^ tso' kwo'. Tsdu kwo, ^ ^^ 'hi kwo'. K'i kwo, ^^^ kin' kwo'. Kien kwo, ^ ^ chuk, kwo'. Chub kwo. Built, as : English built, A ^ ® xt (i^ Tdiying- kwok, ts6' tik,. Tdying kwoh tsdu tih ; frigate built,'fj^l!gid|i:|^^ chin' ^shiin 'kom yeung' 'tsz. Chen ch'uen kan yang tsz, ^^^\^j^^ chin" jShiin 'k5m ^ying tseung'. Chen ch'uen kdn hing- sidng. Bui, the common flounder, ^ p ^'^j; 'tso 'hau t'dt, ^shd. Tso k'au t'dh slid. Bulb, a round body, applied to many different ob- jects, §f| jt'au, ^^ S^ ^ts'ung ^t'au. Ts'ung t'au ; the onion bulb, ^^ ^ ^ts'ung pak,. Tsung peh ; the bulb of garlic, ^ ^ siin' ^t'au. Swdn t'au, ^P ^ *luu siin'. Lwan swdn ; the bulb of the narcissus tazetta, ;?fcf|l^^ 'shui ^sin ^t'au. Shwui sien t'au. Bulbaceous, see Bulbous. Bulbed, round-headed, dH^I^^ ^iin ^t'au tik,. Yuen t'au tih, jflflgPiJC^s^n ^t'au ke , '^MMW- J ^t'au tik,. T'au tih, SM. ^^ s'-i'i c^'au ke', ^ ^^ ^tin tik,. Tien tih ; growing from bulbs, g^ i]^ j^^ ^t'aii ^shang tik, T'au sang tih, ^ Dg!^ ^t'au ^shang ke'; round, UJ ^iin. Yuen, [gj ]};^ [^{j ^iin ^t'au tik,. Yuen t'au tih ; the bulbous part of a plant, :^ |j^ /d ^t'au. Hwd t'au ; the bulbous part of herbs in general, ^ ^tin. Tien. Bulbul ^ i^ ts'6uk, jmeng. Ts'ioh ming. Bulchin, a young male calf, ^^i^i^ff ^ngau 'kii 'tsaj. Niu kii tsz. Bulge, a different ortliography of bilge. The bilge of a cask, g^ j^ 'yimg ch'ii'. Yung ch'u. If ^ BUL (272) BTJL chdung' ch'u'. Chdng cli'u, ij^ j^ 'ku I'uk,. Ku | JJuU-calf, a male calf, '^ ^ti if ^n^au 'kii 'tsai ; a stupid fellow, ^(^ >\f/} tun' mat^. Tun wuh. Bull-dog, a species of dog of remarkable courage, 1^^^ ^raang 'kau. Mang kau, |^;^ 'mang 'hiin. Mang k'iuen. Bull-faced, having a large face, :^ ^ tai^ mm\ Xa mien, Tffl iBif .ts'o min^ Ts'u mien, jj^ iTij Ian* min\ Li'in mien. Bull-fight, a combat with a bull, J^ ^ tau* ^ngau. Tau niu, A ^ #1 4" ^ H ^yan 'ii ^mang ^ngau ,scung tau'. Jin yu mang niii si^ng tau. Bull-bee, j ^^'^ g^l-fly' H^ cfi s"^o"S- ^^ m.-ing. Bull-frog, a large species of frog, A ffl ^ ^* jt'i'* ,kai. Tsl t'ien ki. Bull-head, a genus of fishes, H ^ i^^ jii lui' ^meng. Yii lui ming ; a stupid fellow, ^ ^ 'ch'un pan'. Ch'un pin. Bull-weed ^-^ 'fii 6'. K'li ngdu. Bull-wort }J^ ^ 'mA kai'. Md kiai. Bull's-eye, the target, (]^ tik,. Tib, |g 'pji. 1% ]f 'j^l ^k 'yun? tdi'. Yung td. Bulimy, ") a voracious appetite, ^ ^ |£ fit, shik^ Bulinxiji, ) ching'. T'ieh sliih ching. Bulk, magnitude of material substance, ^ J^ hau' tdi'. llau td, jf[ic^# ^^^^^ t^i^ .«lii shai'. Hau td chi sin, ffi /^ 'kwong hau'. Kwdng hau; the gross, H y^ 'tsung shcV. Tsung su, J^ |i 't'ung 8h6'. Tung sd; the majority,' A ^ tdi' piin . Td pwdn, i^ ^ kwo' pun', Kwo pwdn ; the whole content of a ship's hold for the stowage of goods, Jift fij^ jShiin ^ts'ong. Ch'uen ts'dng ; in bulk, i^ ^ ^ ngdng' jt'au fo'. Ngang t'au ho ; pork in bulk, X-f}^ C^ pit, ts'it, ,hoi ,chl yuk^. Pub ts'ieh k'di chi juh ; sale by the bulk, ^ff^ 'i tiin' 'ku mdi'. Twdn ku mai ; laden in bulk, jJJt ^ ]^ 'sdn i i^] m 4'- Z .^, '' 'kau eb'uk, ^ngau ,chi n,V. 1 kau cli'uh niii chi nu, ^liSJi i.4^ ^^"^ c"au chekj jUgau. Fan niii chili niii. BuU-beef, the fiesh of a bull, ^f^ ^ngau yuk^. Nid juh, /fft'^'-- 1^1 .ts'i") j"gauyukj. Ts'u niu juh. Bull-b( . •, something terrible, ^ "^ -f* jk'eung hat, 'tsz. K'idng k'ih tsz, ^fi^ .hi ,t'au. K'i t'au. turned and hicquei-ed, |§] S^ ^ jVin ^t'au ,tcng. Yuen t'au ting, ^1 [g| 5i^ $T *tuo jiin jt'au ,tcng. ! Twdn yuen t'au ting. Bullet, a ball of iron or lead used to load muskets, $P ^ tdn' 'tsz. Tdn tsz, ^ ^ 'md 'tsz. ^[d tsz, ^ ^ ch'ung' 'tsz. Ch'ung tsz, ^ %% ch'ung' tdn'. Ch'ung tdn, ||^| ,t«'eung ^d. Ts'idng md, ^ 51^ "F" ,t«'<^*iing t^»' 't«z. Ts'iiing tiin t*z ; an iron bullet, ^§P fit, tdn'. T'ieh tdn; a lead bul- let, $[V^^ jiin tdn'. Yuen tiin; bullets for cannons, !jl^^ p'du' 'tsz. P'du tsz; a bullet-hole, ^^H p'du' tdn' ,lung. P'du tiin lung. Bulletin, a report of a state of facts, issued by au- thority, ^ /£* ^{<|i jam teng' p6'. K'in ting pu, M i*t s^^""g ^- Hwdng yu, J^ |^ slu^ung* ii'. Shdng yu; a public notice or announcement, from one of the Boards, ^ |g pf)' chiu'. Pu chdu, »X ^ 'fo p'iii'. Ho p'idu ; ditto one issutxl by infer- ior authorities, ^ j^J! jCh't^ung jhung. Ch'ttng hung, ^$|i .kung p6'. Kung pu. BUL (273) BUN Bulletin-board, a board for posting up recent intel- ligence, -^^^XM sCh'eung ^hung 'pan. Ch'ang hung pan, ^ tS ^ c^^^ ,chiu 'pan. Kiai chau pan. Bullied, insulted, |^ f^ \'^ pi^ 'mo man^ Pi wii man, ^ ^ ^G, pi' n^o^ fan'. Pi mau fan, ^ ^^ ^ mo' fan' kwo'. Mau fan kwo, f^ \% % hub man' kwo'. Wu man kwo. Bullion, uncoined gold or silver in bars, ^ ^ |^ ^kam jUgan ^t'iii. Kin yin t'iau, ^ ^ /ong 'p6. Fang pau; ditto from the treasury, ^J$^^ /an fii' ting'. Ean k'li ting ; ditto large shoe-shaped iagots of sycee, 7]^ = jiin 'p6 ting'. Yuen pau ting ; ditto ingots issued by the hoppo at Canton, ^ ll^ 1^ ^kwan lieung ting'. Kwan hidng ting ; ditto ingots issued by the Salt Commissioner, ^ ||p|^ jim 'heung ting'. Yen hiang ting ; gold and silver, both corned and uncoined, Zl ^ i" ,kam. E,h kin. Bullirag, to insult in a bullying manner, -f^ j^ 'm6 man'. Wii man, /^ f^ t^ jP'an ^p'an -mo mdn'. P'in p'in wu man. BuUist, a writer of papal bulls, ^^^^^ErS^ 'ts'o ,t'in 'chii kdu' ^wong chiii' 'che. Ts'au t'ien chu kiau wang chdu ch^. Bullock, ar castrated bull, ^ij ^ ^^ ^im ^ngau 'ku. Yen niu kii ; a young bull, -^^ff j^gau 'tsai. Niu tsz, (^ tuk^. Tub ; a full-grown bull, ^ 'au. Ngau, pj ,kong. Kdng, ^jg ijr. 'au ^ngau. Ngau niu, 1^ kin'. Kien, ^ kai'. Kiai, |^ ^shun. Shun, ^^. 'ku. Ku ; a bullock without horns, ^ (t'ung. T'ung ; a bullock of one color, such as are used in sacrifice, ^ ^hi. Hi, ^ ^ ^hi ^shang. Hi sang, JI'B fe ^ 4^ jShun shik, ^chi ^ngau. Shun sih chi niu ; the emperor sacrifices a bullock of one color, %^ )>XWl.^ c^^'in 'tsz H ,hi jUgau. T'ien tsz i hi niu. Bully, a noisy, blustering, quarrelsome fellow, ^ # P^ A ts'6' p6' ke ^an, gg ^ ^k'eung /d. K'iang fu. Bully, to insult and overbear with noise, ^ ^ ts'6' p6'. Ts'au pau, gg(^ A ^k'eung hak, jan. K'iang hih jin, I^Hl^ A }^ ^^^^ tj^^ '■> to domineer, ^J ^ hdk, pok,. K'eh poh, "^^J ,ho hdk,. Ho k'eh. Bully, to be noisy and quarrelsome, |l^|j^P^ 'ch'du ndu' k6'. Bullying, insulting with threats, ^gl K'iang hih. Bulrush, a large kind of rush, growing in wet land jk'dung hakj. or water, 16 'wai. Lii wei, ^ 11'. LI; lampwick bukush, ^ ^ ^tang *ts'6. Tang ts'au, Wt''^^ (tang ^sam 'ts'o. Tang sin ts'du ; a water rush, ^ ^p'6. P'u, ^ ^p'5. P'u, ^ ^ ^ch'eung jP'o. Ch'dngp'ii. ^ Bulwark, in fortification, a bastion, or a rampart, %_ 'p6. Pau, ^ 1^ 'po ch^ung'. Pau chang, i^ 1^ jShing Cheung'. Ching chdng, ^ j^ ^shing jts'6ung. Ching ts'idng, ^ -^ sSWng 'po. Ching pdu, 15^ Jg .shing ^un. Ching hiuen, ^j^ ^shing i'oi. lltlP'au^r t wai' cheung'. jCh'i. Ching ch'l ; a fortification, P'au t'ai ; a screen or shelter, ^^ Wei chang, ;j^ ^/^ wai' 'sho. Wei so, ^ |5f 'p6 Cheung'. Pau chdng, i^ f| ch'ak, ^an. Ch'dh Ian, ^^ ^ "hon ^p'ong. Han p'ang ; a rampart, ^ f^ 'pdn cheung'. Pan chang, ;fc |^ muk^ cheung'. Muh chang, ^ f^ ^nai cheung'. Ni chang ; the bulwarks of a ship, ^ lam'. Lan, ^ ^ 'hon (P'ong. Han p'ang. Bulwark, to fortify with a i-ampart, ^ ^ chuk, jShing. Chuh ching. Bum, the buttocks, ^ /'im. Tw'an, J^j^ p'i' 'ku. P'i kii. Bum, to make a noise, ^ pung'. Pang, ^ ^ pung' ,shing. Pang shing, bom shing. Bum-bailiff, an under-bailiff, ^ ^ tso' tai'. Tsdu ti, '^ ^ tsb' jan. Tsau pan, :^ 5^ ^ pb' t6' jCh'ai. Pu tau ch'ai, /Ja ^ 'siii li'. Siau li. Bum-boat, a small boat carrying provisions to a ship at a distance from shore, ^^ j;^^ tsap^ fo' 't'eng. Tsdh ho t'ing. Bumbast, see Bombast. A cloth made by sewing one stuff upon another, '^ ^j /a po'. Hwd pu ; patchwoi'k, ^ X ^^S^ 'so jSlii; a bunch of incensesticks, — ^^ yat, 'kw'an jhdung. Yih kw'an hidng, — j^^ yat, 'kii Ji6ung. Yih kii hidng, — twl # J^K jt'ung ,h6ung. Yih t'ung hidng ; a bunch of hair, — -^ % yat, chap, ^mb. Yih chih mdu; a bunch of grapes, — ^'^ ^ ^ yat, jk'au ^p'J) ^t'6 'tsz. Yih k'id p'li t'du tsz ; a bunch of feathers, — ^^ yat, chap, ^5. Yih chih mdu, — ■ fll ^ yat, 'pd ^mb. Yih pd mdu ; a bunch of flow ers, — ■ ^ ^ yat, *to ,fd. Yih to hwd ; —%t^ yat, ^k'au /a. Yih k'id hwd, — flE?^^ yat, 'pd /d 'to. Yih pd hwd to, —i^ :l^ yat, chdt, /d. Yih chdh hwd. Bunch, to swell out in a protuberance, ^^ *hi ^lau. K'i 11 li, 4S>^^ *hl watj. K'i heh ; to be protuberant, ^ l>t% Jau U\ it §^ fl^ kwat, kdk, tik,. Bunch, to tie in a bunch, ^ ^ — ' iJJl 'poi^g i^n^i yat, *pd. Pdng mdi yih pd, :j^ ig — • _^ 'kw'an ^mdi yat, ch'uk,. Kw'an mdi yih shuh, H^i^ — •j^ chdt, ^mdi yat, chdt,. Chdh mdi yih chiih. Bunch-backed, having a bunch on the back, \!^ "^ ^t'o pui'. T'o pei, %t # jt'o pui'. T'o pei, ^ § jlau pui'. Lau pei ; crooked, i^^ ,liin ptii'. Liuen pei. Bunchiness, the quality of growing bunchy, ^ ^ Pgt jt'o .shang kc', %^vU j^'au .shang U\ ffc Jt^ fjfj chap, ^shang tik,. Chih sang tih. Bunchy * , like a bunch, JtjJI; ^ Rli ^ jS'iinf? Xau 'k6my6ung^. Ching k'iii kan ydng, fJ^M^^M ^hing chdt, 'k6m y^ung*. Ching chdh kdn ydng ; having tufts t, ^^ ^JB,\x kai'. Yli kl, ^|^|^ kai' 'k6m ydung^. Ki kdn ydng. Bundle, a number of things tied together, — - ■^ yat, ,pdu. Yih pdu, — ^ yat, ch'uk,. Yih shuh, — IS yat, 'pd. Yih pd, — ;p yat, 'kw'an. Yih kw'an, — ^ yat, jt'iin. Yih tw'dn, |^ wan\ Hwan, f^ chun'. Chun ; a small bundle, ^ ^ ,pdu 'tsai. Pdu tsz, '^ ^if ff j)du fuk^ 'tsai ; a bundle of clothes, — '^ :j?c ^ yat, ,pdu ,i fuk^. Yih pdu i fuh, l}]g p'd'. P'd: a bundle of grass, — :^^yat, ch'uk, 'ts'b. Yih shuh ts'du, ~^^ yat, 'kw'an 'ts'6. Yih kw'an ts'du, —^^ yat, 'pd 'ts'6. Yih pd ts'du, — fg yat, wan*. Yili hwan ; a bundle of straw, — :ffi, ^ yat, 'pd 'kon. Yili pd kdn, ^f chun'. Chun ; a bundle of fuel, — tii:^« yit, 'P'^ iCh'a Yih pd ch'di, jf ,chdng. Tsang; a bundle of sodgo, || ts'iit,. Ts'iueh;a bundle of rattan, — |iJ|jJ^ yat, 'kw'an jt'ang. Yih kw'an fang ; a bundle of papers, — jj^L ^ yat, ch&t, 'chi. Yih chdh chl, — :^^ yat, ch'uk, 'ch(! Yih shall chi ; a bundle of ii-on rods, — ^ '^H (}^ yat, 'kw'an fit, ^fii'i. Yih kw'an t'ieh t'idu ; make it up in a bundle, jfL — jjc^ chdt, yat, clidt,. Chdh yih chdh, ff—"^ td yat, .pdu. Td yih pdu. Bundle, to bundle up or tie in a bundle, ^^iffi ,pdu ,mdi. Pdu mdi, ft} j^i ,pdu kut,. Pdu kwoli', |ffl jJH 'kw'an jmdi. Kw'an mdi, ^ ^ — -f^ 'l)ong • This and tho following sentence express more tkanoven a large bouquet of flowers. J Applied to birds. ^mdi yat, j)du. Pdng mdi yih pdu, ^ ilg — '^ 'kwo jmdi yat, ,pdu. Ko mdi yih pdu, tl — ^ td yat, j)du. Td yih pdu ; to bundle off, ^ ^-^ 'kon 'kan hii'. Kdn kin k'u ; tie them all up in one bundle, —^"^^^M yat, 'hi j)du 'kwo ^i. Yih k'i pdu ko mdi. Bung, the stopple of the orifice in the bilge of a cask, i^ ;^ 't'ung chat,. T'ung chih ; brother of the bung, ^ ^ .kang /u. Kang fd; bvmg. up- wards, -^jjr fuk^ ti^ Fuh tl. Bung, to stop the orifice in the bilge of a cask with a bung, i^^ ^ chat, chii^ Chih chu, |g ^ sak, chii\ Seh chu. Bung-drawer, a wooxlen. mallet, ^, ^ chat, tsun'. Chih tswdn. Bung-hole ;{§ p 't'ung- 'hau. T'ung k'au. Bungalow, in Bengal, a country house, erected by Europeans, and made vOf wood, bamboo, &c., ^ jliii. Lidu, -^ she'. Slii^; a one-storied house with a verandah around it, ^ ^^ ^ d, clumsy manner, ^^ liit, tsb\ Liueh tso. Bungle, to make or mend clumsily, ^ ^ ^ ts5* tak, liit,. Tso teh liueh, tlf #P^ ts i>' taJc, ^yai, -^ #^ ts6* tak, shamS -^ # Pg ^ ^^ ts5* tak, ^ hopj 'fun. Bungle, a botch, ^ X ^^K <^^^S- Liueil' kung, ^ Xchiit, ,kung. Chueh kung, Pg$f ^^^ j™ '^^ 'shau shai' ; gross blimder, i\,^ tdi* ng*. "^^ ^'^M pat, 'tung ching' 'ch6. Puh tung ching ch6. Bunglingly, clumsily, ^ liit,. Liueh ; awkwardly,, ffg :|{I} tun* chut,. Tim chueh, g j^ 'ch'un ^in. Ch'un jcn. Bunion, a com, ^flR ,kai higdn. Ki yen. Bunk, a case or frame of boards used for a bed, ^ jOh'ong. Ch'wdng, f^ ^ ^ch'ong kd'. Ch'wdng kid. Bunker, a largo bin for various things, ^ ,ts'ong. Ts'dng; a coal bunker, j^;}^^ jDidi t'dn' .ts'ong. Mci fan ts'dng. Bimn, I in China, a small cake, or a kind of sweet Bun, ) bread, 3t SR @^ ,kwong jfau ,su. Kwdng fau sd, 3tflRfUf eng. T'ion ping; ditto fried in oil, ^\i(ij^ jVau ,tui. Yii t«ii. M ^ l |i ^li ch^ung'. Li chdng. Bunt, to swell out, |f ;A: eh^ung' tdi'. Chdng ta ; to push with the horns, |^ ch'uk,. Ch'uh, ;g? (?) ^ch'du. Ch'au. Bunter, a woman who picks up rags in the streets, ^'^W^ chap, lan^ -ye ,p'o. Chih Idn y6 p'o; a vulgar woman, ^^'^ 'la 'cha ^p'o. Bunting, ") a thin woolen stuff, of which the flags Buntine, j are made, M^'^ P^'- ^^ P^- Buntlines, ropes fastened to cringles on the bottom of square sails, M^^ff 'li lam' 'tsai. Buoy, a floating mark, ^ y^ ^fau -p'6. Fau p'au, ^ ^ ^fau h5^ Fau hau ; ditto made of wood, as used in China, ^ ;f^ M^ /o^S 'tsz. Fang tsz; a cottage, ^^ Bor, ) jlii she'. Lii shie. Bur, a rough prickly covering of the seeds of certain plants, ^ lak^. Leh ; the bur of the covering of a shell, ^^1^ hok, k'oi' lak^. Ko k'ai leh ; bur- reed, ^ ^ 5I6 'wai. Lii wei ; a roughness in sounding the letter H, ft R ;^ # shiit, R ,chi jam. Shwoh R chi yin. Burbot, a fish of the genus gadus, shaped like an eel, M.^ i^ i^^^S- Yu ming, ^ H ;g 'shin ^ii ^meng. Shen yu ming. Burden * (also written burthen), ^ ^tam. Tan, ifH ,t4m. Tan, ^ fii^ Fu, ^^^ ^t'iu. T'iau, '^ .kin. Kien; that which is borne or carried on the shoul- der, — ' :^ yat, tdm'. Yih tan, — ■ ^ yat, .kin. Yih kien; that which is carried accross the shoul- der, — :^^ yat, .t'iu. Yih t'iau; that which is car- ried on the back, — -^ yat, fu^ Yih fu ; that which is borne with difficulty, ^ ^ 'fii nda^ K'u ndn, ^ -^ .san 'fii. Sin k'li ; that which is grievous, |^|^ .kan ^nan. Kien nan; a birth, ^ Uj ^ .shang ch'ut, 'ch6. Sang ch'uh ch^; a heavy burden, g ^B chung^ tam'. Chung tan, ^ j[U tai^ tam'. Td tdn, ^ ^ chung' fu\ Chung fu ; a beast of burden, Jf^ §^ ^t'o shau^ T'o shau, ^ g^ ^t'o shau\ T'o shau; the burden of a ship, f^ j^ jShiin fo'. Ch'uen ho ; a ton (ship's measure- ment), — • ^ yat, tun'. Yih tun ; to carry a bur- den, ^B — ■ ^ (tdm yat, tam'. Tan yih tan ; to be a burden to me, M ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^S^ tdi' jUdn. Kien wo td ndn, ^ A '§5^ 4^ ^'^i' iJ^^ tso^ jUgau. T'i jin tso niii ; to bear a heavy burden, or to have a responsible situation, ^ ^ fii' chung'. Fii chung, ^fi chung' yam'. Chung jin. Burden, to load, as a ship, ^ "^ lok^ fo'. Loh ho, "]\'^ 'hd fo'. Hid ho ; to encumber a person with weight, ^fl g fi .kd chung'- yam'. Kid chung jin, JJW ^ jkd jlo. Kid Idu ; to oppress with any thing grievous, ^ .fdn. Fdn, >Jk|^ /sin ^16. Fan l^u, H :J^ A i^^^ jWai jan. Nan wei jin, ^^ A ^ ^ 'pi cyan .san 'fil. Pi jin sin k'li, jj\\ ^ .kd jUdn. Kid ndn ; to surcharge, ^jd lak^. Leh ; to burden with heavy taxes, t^j ^^ lak^ ,ching. Leh ching, '^ i\^ lak^ .shau. Leh shau, "^ ^ lak^ kd'. Leh kid ; to burden with contributions, "^ ^ lak^ .kiin. Leh kiuen. Burdened, loaded with weight, ^ .tdm. Tdn, ^ fii'. Fii ; oppressed, ^ ||| shau' ndn'. Shau ndn, ^ ^ ^ shau' .san 'fu. Shau sin k'li, ^ f j ^ shau' lakj sok,. Shau leh soh ; burdened with lazy fellows, ^j^K^=- ^ 0^ .Im miin' tik,. Yen mwdn tih ; burdensome ceremonies, ^ jj^ /dn ^ai. Fkn 11, ^ ,11 .to 'lai. To li. Burdensomness, the quality of being burdensome, * In the Delegates' version of the O. Testament the word " Bur- den " has often been omitted, or ^IS &c. been substituted. We think, M'^Jr^U ZM>f!fr 'M^'^a^M would more agree with the S. text and with the Oh. idiom. BUR (276) BUR w ^ ^n&n .tong 'ch6. Niln tdng ch6, |K ^ JdnT'fu. Kien k'li, ^ ^ ,san 'fu. Sin k'u ; op- pressiveness, ||g HI ,kan jHdn. Kien nan. Bureau, a chest of drawers, for keeping papers &c., 'j^ ^ |,g 's6 tsz' kwai^ Sic tsz kwei, ^ ^ ^ 's6 ts// ^^ung. Si6 tszsidng; ditto for keeping clothing, ^ lla ,1 kwai^ 1 kwei ; department for the transaction of business by a public func- tionary, ^ p6^ Pii ; the olTicc or comptoir, ^ fEJ ^ngd jHiun. Yd mun, fj ^ -^ 's6 tsz' ^lau. Si^ tsz lau. Bureaucracy 'j^ j^ ,kun ching', Kwdn ching ; ar- bitrary government of officials, ^;^'^i^ ^chiin clii kun clung'. Chuen chi kwan ching. Burette, an instrument for dividing a fluid into hundredth or thousandths, ^pljc^^ /an 'shui hi'. Fan shwui k'i, ^ il^^ /an 'shui ^cham. Fan shwui chin. Burg, a city, ^ ^shing. Ching. | Burg-mote, a borough com-t, ^fj'j^P^ j^Wng tik, jngil ^mim. Ching tih yd mun, ^ ;^ ^ P^ yap, \ ) j|^ ff ^ ^mi n g jCh'6ung 'td kip,. Ming ch'dng td kieh, i^ MKr^P'o'uk, 'ts'eungkip,. Burgomaster JP^ iin^ 'chii. Yuen chu, ^^ yap, *ch6img. Yih chdng. Burgout, a kind of thick gruel used by seaman, J^ ^ kilt, chuk,. Kiueh chuh. Burgundy, a kind of wine, so called from Burgim- dy, in France, ^ ^ i^ yg P6kunti 'tsau. Pu- kwdnti tsiii. Burgundy pitch ^^)^^^^ Pbkunti /s'ung - shii^ ^kdu. Piikwdnti sung shii kidu. Burh, burg, ^ jShing. Ching. Burial, the act of burying a deceased person, ^ ^ ,song tsong'. Sdng tsdng, {f} || ch'ut, ,song. Ch'uh sdng, ^ |1( tsong' ^shdn. Tsdng shdn, ^ ^ ^on tsong'. Ngdn tsdng, ^ ^ ^mdi tsong'. Mdi ts^ng, 5^ ^ i' ^mdi. 1 mdi, ^ ^J ch'ut, ^shdn. Ch'uh shdn ; to bury in a shallow grave, ^^ ^ pan' tsong'. Pin tsdng, [fj ^ ch'ut,'pan'. Ch'uh pin; the church service for funerals, ^^ ^ jli§ ^mai tsong' ,chi ^lai. Mdi tsdng chi li, || ^^'1^ c^ong tsong' ,chi ^lai. Sdng tsdng chi li; the act of placing anything under earth or water, ;^|^ ^mdi tsong' ; to attend a burial, ^ ^ sung' ^song. Sung sdng, ^^ sung' pan'. Sung pin ; to prepare for burial, ^^ pan' 'lim. Pin li«n. Burial-place, a place appropriated to the burial of the dead, ^ \{] tsong' ,shdn. Tsdng shdn, ^ >t{i 'ch'ungti^ Ch'ungti, ^(^ 'ch'ung ling. Ch'ung ling. ^^ sJing ^i^- Ying yih, ^^ /dn ^gnn. Fdn yin, ^^ ,kdi jShing. Kid ching, Jtft|l( /an ,shdn. Fan shdn, ^" ^ y6' /'oi. Y6 t'di, ^ ^ ,chun tsikj^. Chun tsih, ^ 'pin. Pien ; the chris- tians' burial place, ^ [^ 'ch'ung jiin. Ch'ung ynen, ^^ /dn jying. Fdn ying ; a family burial ground, -^ ^ ,sin jying. Sien ying ; a public burial ground •, ^ ^ i' 'ch'ung. I ch'ung; a general burial-place, §[*f jSj lun^ tsong' ,kong. Lwdn tsdng kdng ; a burial-place for strangers, J^ ^ Mil /an. Lu fan. Buried, deposited in a grave or in the earth, ^ ^ j|§ tsong' ^mdi kwo'. Tsdng mdi kwo, Alfi^SS yapj jWong ^nai ,lung. Jih hwdng ni lung, X. Mfa fl yxy^ ix' .lung. Jih ti lung, ^^ OS i' j\\\. I juh, Jj^iJEv^ ^' ^^^^ kwo'. I mdi kwo; buried in obscui'ity, ;^ j^ ^mdi miitj. Mdi muh. The burii round purchased and presented to the communitT for tho of tho poor. BUR JtJurier, one who buries a deceased person, ^ ^ 'chii tsong'. Chii tsang, ^f|:^ 'chiitsong' 'che. Chii tsang clie ; natives, who guard the graves and bury the dead, ^h ^ '^'^ M^^S- T'li kung, |X| ^^ ^shdn *kau. Shan kau. Burin, an instrument for engraving, ^77 ^^sdm^ ^tb. Tsan tau. Burke, to miu'der a person with the intention of selling the body for desseetion, ^ A i^ M M shat Aan 'i mai" shi. Shah iin i mai shi. Burked, murdered, ^ rfll ^ ji^ shat^ ^i mdi" kwo\ Shah rh mai kwo. Burl, to pick burls, or knots from cloth in the pro- cess of fulling, 1^ ^ >JJJ£ sliap^ p6' nap,. Shih pu lih, ^ ^ 5J>Jt 'kim po' nap,. Kien pu lih. Burlace, a sort of grape, ^ ^ -^ ^ 'j)'b ^t'b *tsz ^meng. P'u t'au tsz ming. Bui'laps, coarse shirtings, 7f^ ^ ^ts'6 p6'. Ts'ii pii. Burler, a dresser of cloth, ^^SJfi^ shap^ po' nap, 'ch6. Shih pii lih che, ^ 'j^ 5|>]i ;^ 'kim p6' nap, *ch6. Kien pu lih ch6. Burlesque, jocular tending to excite laughter by ludicrous images, '^ fp ^yau ,ling. Yu ling, |^ 1^ hf yeuk^. Hi yoh, ^ ^ siii' ^in. Siau yen, M i? M M'^'- Ki ts'2- Burlesque, satire, Q P^ pdk^ ^chAu. Peh chau, Q Ijl,!^ pak, t'ip,. Peh t'ieh, Q ;fj? pilk, ^ch'au. Peh ch'du ; buffoonery, ^ ^ lung- hf . Lung hi, -^ ^ jau hf . Yu hi, f p f^ ,p'ai hf . P'di hi. Burlesque, to turn into ridicule, ^ ^ ^ki sili'. Ki siau ; to make ludicrous by representation, ^ ^ hmg' hf . Lung hi. Burlesquer, one who burlesques, |^,||A. 'kwai 'md ^yan. Kwei ma jin, ^pfp A. jP'^i ^^S jy^'^- ^'^^ ling jin. Burletta, a comic opera, ^p ^ ^p'ai jau. P'ai yu. Burliness, bulk, )^^^ hau" tai^ 'ch6. Hau ta ch6. Burling-iron t^^/jfiL^ shap^ p6' nap, ^k'lm. Shih pu lih k'ien. Burly, great in bulk, J0.;^ hau^ tai^ Hau td, ^;^ 'kwong tai'. Kwdng ta ; timid, -^ ^ wai' shuk,. Wei shuh ; falsely great, ^;^ y^ung^ tai^ Niang td ; boisterous, P^ pj^^ P[^ ^pa pai' ke\ Burmah, the Kingdom of, |§ '^ @ Mintin kwok,. Mientien kwoh ; the capital of Burmah, |J^ ^ Ongd. 0yd. Burn (pret. and pp. burned and burnt), to consume with fire, 'J^ ^shiii. Slmu, ^ /an. Pan, ^^ % ' /an. Ho fan, >X 'f^ '^ A^'^- Ho shdu, '^ ^ % fa'. Ho hwa, ^^ 'Jt^ /n ^shiu. Jen shdu, ^ 'iu. Ts'idu,]g 'hdu. Hau, 0J^ sit, /siti. Seh tsiau, ^ ch'f . Ch'i, ij^ ch^uk,.' Choh, ^ /an. Fan, ^ y^uk,. Yoh, j(g hf . Hi, f^ 'chin. Chen, '^ chdu. Chdu, ^SifMm.^ Ldn,^fung'. Fung, .);f ,hi. Hi, if fau^ Pau, j|§ siu\ Sidu, if ^ts'6. Ts'du, j)^ ^du. Lidu, 'Ji^ tsun'. Tsiun, |^ ngW. Yin, ^^ ,k'ung. K'ung ; to burn charcoal, 'j^^ ,shiii t'dn'. Shdu t'dn, il^^^ ,shid ch'dm' t'dn'. Shdu shdn t'dn; (277) IBUR to burn jungle, ^(ij!^ /an ^shdn 'ts'o. Pan shdn ts'du, i)^[lj^ ^shiii ^shdn 'ts'5. Shdu shdn ts'du, ;^ 'sin. Sien, fg^ hi'. K'i, f^ lii'. Lii ; to burn the grass in the field, cut or otherwise, 'jf^ gj ^ ,shiu /'in 'ts'6. Shdii t'ien ts'du, *f /an. Pan, ^ jldu. Ldu ; to burn lime, 'Jt^ 0^ ^shiii /lii. Shdu hwui, ll^ 5 M t^hiu shek, /ui. Shdu shih hwui ; to burn bricks, 'j^^ f^ ^shiii ^chiin. Shdu chuen, '^ ^J| ^shiu ^cliiin. Shdu chuen ; to burn tiles, !^^ ^shiii 'nga. Shdu yd; to burn earthen- ware, 'J^ ^ :^ ^shiii 'ngd hf . Shdu yd k'i ; to burn crockery ware, 'J^^^fj: .shiii /s'z hi'. Shdu ts'z k'i; to burn books, ^^ /an ^shii. Pan shu; to burn the moxa, ^ ^ chek, ngai^ Chih ydi, ^ jj{>J ngdi' cheuk,. Ydi choh ; to burn a dead body, ^^^ /an ^shi. Pan shi, ^ /. 1, ^^ fd' jShi. Hwd shi, X^ '^° <^b^- Ho shi; to burn the body of a priest, ^ ^ ^she ^wai. Shi6 wei, ^ fBjj; ^ch'd^p'i. Ch'dp'i; to burn paper-cloth, '^^ :^ >hiu / Shdu i, {t ^ fa' /. Hwa i, '):^ ^ ^ ^shiii / 'pb. Shdu i pdu ; to burn incense, '^^ ^ ^shiu ^heung. Shdu hidng, ^ ^ /an ^heung. Pan hidng; to burn paper, when worshipping their ancestors, 'Jt^ $J.^ ^shiu 'chi. Shdu chi ; to burn up, 'jf^ ^-fc <^bi^^ f^'- Shdu hwd, ^ /f[j /an fd'. Pan hwd, ^^^ ^ 'fo fa'. Ho hwa ; to burn out, ^'^% tsun^ ^shiu. Tsin shdu, '^^}^ jSliiu sdf . Shdu sdi, f^ tr ^ 'i^^ tsun^ jt»ang /an Svai. Tsin hang fan wei; to burn in, to brand, ');§ lok,. Loh; to burn the filth of a ship's bottom, j[p ^'^ /'dm jShiin. T'dn ch'uen; to burn one alive, 'Jt^ ^ ^shiu 'sz. Shdu sz, ^ ^'^^^ kdp, ^shang ^shiu *sz. Kiah sang shdu sz ; to burn a few additional faggots of grass, ^^ ^ >)± X s^'dm 'ki tso' 'fo. T'dn ki tsau ho; burn it! >^& ;^ ^shiii ^chi. Shdu chi, X Z 'fo cClii- Ho chi, j^i Z /n cChi. Jen chi, ^ Z. S^^ S'^^- ^^^ '^b^ ' ^'^ burn wood, 'j^ ^ ^shiii ^ch'di. Shdu ch'di ; to burn coal, 'j^ ^ jShiu t'dn'. Shdu fan; to burn the ken, ^^ji. 'hi ^mi chii'. K'i wi chii, [5j^ ^ ngdk, shik^ ; to burn the flowergun, ')^i^^^ ^sliiu /d p'du'. Shdu hwd p'du. Burn, to be on fire, 'J^ ^ ,shiu cheuk,. Shdu choh, 'jf^ y^ y ^shiu cheuk, 'liu. Shdu choh lidu ; to burn, as a house, -^ X ^^^^K 'f°- ^hih ho, X 'M 'fo chuk,. Ho chuh, jfj)t [fife "7^ clmk, ,yung 'ha. Chuh yung hid, ^ jej f^ ir. ^ui luk,. Yu hwui luh, ^^Ji^t^ik, V^^, l^^i' A 'fo- Puh "kidi yii ho ; to shine, ^^ fat, ^kwong. Pdhkwdng; to be in- flamed with passion, ^ ^C -1^ IS * J^K '^^ cCh'i jCh'iu. Yuh ho ch'i ch'en, ijf^-^ t'ung' of. T'ung ngdi, ^ *j^ t'ung' sik,. T'ung sih ; to burn dim and faint, f^ ^ 6m' ^kwong. Ngdn kwdng, :(^ T^ ,mi ^kwong. Wi kwdng; to burn with rage, Wj^^M'M'M s^'^^ bo^> '*''^"o P*^^^' '^^' '^'^^^ ^^^ ting pdu yen, ^i| ^ litj no'. Lieh nu, X M 'fo 'hi. Ho k'i, i^ '4? li X csam .chung fdt, 'fo. Sin chung fdh ho ; to be in a glow, ^ /(^ it^ ^sam. • The first sentence is chiefly used in a vulgar sense. BtJR (278) BUR Jeh sin, ^ti'Mi^ 'lb hi' tsim' 'hi. Ho k'i tsien k'i ; to be allcctct with a sensation of heat, |$^ fdt, i\. FAh jeh, ^ ^ fdt, ^shiii. Fdh shsiu/to • burn out, 'jf^ $|J ^ .s'liii ^^' sik,. Shdu tdu sih ; to make the fire burn, ^ f^ lau^ ^16, jg *X. t'^^' *ib. Tau ho ; to burn incessantly, j|^ ^ ^lim ^i. Lien iA^Wi!K s™ hit, To. Burn, a small stream or rivulet, -^ ,k'ai. K'i. Burn, burns, a hurt or injury of the flesh, caused by the action of the fii-e, ;)c ^ '^o ^sh^ung. Ho shAng, ^X Wi 'fo J^iinS- Ho y^"?' 'K fe '^^ chduk,. Ho choh, ^ ^ 'fo chek,. Ho chih ; the operation of burning or baking, 'Jf^ ^ ,shid 'ch6. Slidu che. Burned, ") consumed with fire, >^ j^ ^shiii kwo'. Burnt, ) Shdu kwo, ^1 * .shiii Miu. Shdu lidu, ^ ,tsiu. Tsiau. Burner, a person who sets fire to anything, 'Jf^ ;^ ^shiii 'ch6. Shdu ch6, 5§:^^ t'au' % 'ch6. T'au ho ch6, ^X% fong' 'fo 'ch6. Fdng ho ch6. Burnet, pimpinella, ijfc ;|^ (?) ti^ ^ii. Ti yii. Burning, consuming with fire, ^^ ^shiii. Shdu ; burning with rage, ^}\ ^, lit^ n6^ Lieh nu; a burning mirror, ^- ^ jy«ung sui^ Ydng sui ; raging as fire, ^i| X. ^\ '^o. Lieh ho ; glowing, ^X'K s^^"? 'fo. Hung ho, ;^'^ *fo hung^ ; burn- ing wells, "X ^ 'fo 'tscng. Ho tsing. Burning, much heated, f^ ^ 'h6 it^. Hdu jeh ; ar- dent, ^/\j> it^ ,sam. tfeh sin ; a fiery disposition, */C^ 'fo hi', X^ 'fosing'. Hosing; the burning deserts, jj^lijl ^im ti^ Yen ti; burning hot, j^^i^ ts'6' lit . Ts'du lieh ; a smell of burning, j^>k^ ^kwong kwo' ; made glossy, ^ ^ ^kwong wat^. Kwang hwdh, -^ ^ ,kwong Icug'. Kwdng ling ; burnished metal, ^ 'sin. Sien, ^ -^ yduk, ^kam. Lib kin, -)^ ^ ^kwong ldn\ Kwdng lAn; burnished, as a gem, ;3t fH' 6^1 3R ,kwong ^dt^ tik, yuk^. Kwdng hwdh tih yuh, ^ wing'. Ying, 7t JS |^ ^ .shiii 'fan jt'ung. Shdu fan t'ung. Burrel, the red butter pear, J^ ^ ydl ^ jhung ^^ ^yau jli. Hung jii yii li. Burrel-fly, the gad-bee, |^ I5 .fi jUiong. Fi mdng. Burrel-shot, small shot, as nails, stones &c., ^ $j^ sui' fit,. Sui t'ieb, ^ ^ 'sdn hnd. Burrow, see Burgh and Borough. Burrow, a hollow place in the earth, ^ iit^. Yuch, ^ tau*. Tau, ff *^ tau* iit^. Tau yuoh ; a rabbit's buiTOw, ^ ^ t'6' iit^. T'u yueh ; a subterranean residence, such as the poor ancient Chinese used • Vid. Qenena 82, 2-13 : Numben 2S. 1. ff ; 2 Sua. 6, 17. 18 ; Job 1, 6. Pi. 20, 9, P«. 60, 8. Ps. 61, 18. BUR (279) BUR to inhabit, [^ ^ jt'6 fuk,. T'au fuh, ^ ^ tf shat,. Ti shih, ^ % fuk, fat,. Tuh kuh, ^ % ti'fat,. Tikuh. Burrow, to excavate a hole under ground, ^ tjjj |^ 'td ti' ,lung. Ta ti lung, |g % kwat, fat,. Kiueh kuh, ^ ^ kwat^ tau^ Kiueh tau, f|f Jjfe || ^hoi ti' Jung. K'ai ti lung, ^ ^ '§^ ^ch'tin tau' kau'. Ch'uen tau kiau, ^ /^^ kwat^ iit^. Kiueh yueh, K itb H yC ts'ui' ti' ,wai iit^. Ts'ui ti wei yueh, M"' JiS ch'ik, /lii. Ch'ih hwui ; to burrow like a Pig> m^^,V'^ «' Jung. Fd ti lung, ^^± 'ch'i fat, 't'6. Ch'i fah t'u, Jfi^ ^ ,p'a wat, ; to burrow like insects, ^ chat^. Cliih, ^^ /ui. Hwui; to lodge in any deep or concealed place, ^ ^ ^ |§^ wat, jhung tsz' ^ts'ong. Wah k'ung tsz tsang, ^ it It ^f wat, J'ung Jai .mau, ^X ^ "^K ckii- Yueh kii, H^ 1^ *A: jts'ong .ii iit^. Tsang yii yueh. Burrowing, lodging in a burrow, H^ ^ j^ ^ts'ong ,ii iit^. Tsang yu yueh, ^ :J^ f| oi, \^^ chdng' lit^, gf p'o'. P'o; to burst to pieces, ^ ^ p'o' sui'. P'o sui ; to break away, ^^ 't'iin kiit^ ; to burst upon with violence, f^ ,^ ifil ^ ^^\ s^^ ^ Joi. Tub jen rh l^i, ^^n1^ ^ tat^ jii jk'i'joi. Tub ju k'i lai; to rush upon suddenly, ^^ j|b ^ ^ch'ung tat^ ^ts'in jloi. Ch'ung tub ts'ien lai, ^ M M S ^^\ i^^ chong' chi'. Tuh jen chwang chi ; to issue sud- denly, ^ ,^ Rn yj tat^ jin ^i ch'ut,. Tuh jen rh ch'uh, ^,^^|i| tat^ Jn ^ch'ung ch'ut,. Tuh jen ch'ung ch'uh ; to burst forth, as a stream, ^ tsin'. Tsien; to burst forth, as fire, :^ kau'. Kau, ^ 1^ ^fan fat,. Pan fah ; to burst, as an abscess, ^ jCh'iin. Ch'uen; to burst, as a shell, »l pdu' sdn'. Pau sdn; to burst, as a bud, E^l^ kap, ch'dk,. Kiah ch'ih, ^^ hoi. K'ai ; to biu-st with laughing, ^f Ij^^,^ siii' to' hi' Jo tsiit^. Siau tau k'i tii tsiueh, ^ ^Ij |g -^j siu' tb' tsiit^ 'to. Siau tau tsiueh tau, ^fll^fe^ siu tb' hi' J6 k'at,. Sidu tau k'i tii keh; to burst into" laughter, M^i^>:^y^ f*^> ji'i ^^^' siii'- Hwuh jen ta siau, 1^ ^ fat, siii'. Pah siau ; enough to make one burst, ^l>i^^ tsuk, "i tsiit^ 'td. Tsuh i tsiueh tdu, ^ ^ -^ ]:iil tsuk, ling' 'to ti'. Tsuh ling tau ti; to burst into tears, ^^f'^-^i^ fat, Jn tai' huk,. Hwuh jen td kuh, ^, ^ »^ 7"» ^^K 7^^ l"i' ^1^^- Hwuh yu lui hid ; to burst forth, as the sun, ^^ ^Mn H Jn ^hoi jeung. Hwuh jen k'ai ydng, ^^ 911 i^'^^o c^^^a- T'ung lung ; to burst forth, as vegetation, H i^ |^ ^ mdn' mat, fdt, ^shang. Wdn wuh fdh sang, ^"tK HI ^ 'ts'6 muk^ 'kdi kdp,. Ts'du muh kidi kidh ; the tub's hoops have bm-st, ^J II !Ji 7 't'ung /d pdu' ^liu. T'ung hii pdu lidu ; to crak, ^ lit^. Lieh ; to bm'st in the dike, ^ ^ [^ cP^i^s c^i jWai. Pang ki wei. Burst, to break open by force, ^ |^ p'o' hoi. P'o k'di, tr m '^^ M- Td k'di, ^ ^ p'ek, hoi, :ff B3 chong' Jioi. Chwdng k'di ; to open suddenly, ^ m tilt hoi. Tuh k'di. Burst, an explpsion, j^ ^ pdu' sdn'. Pdu sdn ; a violent rending, J^ ^ p'o' lit^. P'o lieh ; a rup- ture, or hernia, /JnJ^^ 'siu ^ch'eung shdn'. Sidu ch'dng shdn ; to have a burst, to have a rupture, '^ ^J"* J^ ^ ^J^^ 'si^ jCh'eung shdn'. Yu sidu ch'dng shdn. Burst, rent asunder by violence, ^ ^ p'o' kwo'. P'o kwo, ^ )^ litj kwo'. Lieh kwo, i^ ^^ pdu' kwo'. Pdu kwo, i)^ ^ >^ pdu' sdn' kwo'. Pdu sdn kwo. Burstenness, the hernia, /j^|^^ 'siu ^ch'eung shdn'. Sidu ch'dng shdn. Burster, one who bursts, j^ ^ pdu' 'ch6. Pau ch6, !)1 t5c ^ pau' sdn' 'ch6. Pdu sdn cM, T^f^H^ p'o' .hoi 'ch6. P'o k'di ch6, gtl^^ p'o' lit, 'ch6. P'o lieh chd, tT^i^ 'td Jioi 'che. Ta k'di che. Bursting, parting by violence, ij^ ^ pdu' 'ch6. Pdu ch6, ^ ^ pau' sdn'. Pdu sdn, 1^ ^ p'o' 'che. • P'o che, ^ lit,. Lieh ; bursting into teai-s, ^, '^^ }\ ^ fat, Jn tdi' huk,. Hwuh jin td kuh ; burst- ing like a shell, (^{^ pdu' sdn'. Pdu sdn; burst- ing into joy, %% .hi. Hi, %>^}^mM H > /dn 'hi. Tuh jen hwdn hi ; bursting forth like a tor- rent, ^ y^ \^ {ij tat, ^in 'yung ch'ut,. Tuh jen jui; : chiuh ; bursting, as a bud, ^ 'yung. Yung, 1^ Jioi. K'di, Jbfj^ ch'dk,. Ch'ih. "■■■ tip,. Tieh, Burt, a flat fish of the turbot kind, J;|j g ^ 'pi muk, lui'. Pi muh lui. Burthen, see Burden. Bm-ton, a small tackle formed by two blocks or pul- leys, ^ ^ lut, Jo. Bury, see Burg and Borough. Bury, to entomb, ^J;S| ,ung ^mdi, ^^ tsong' ^mdi. ;^^ jmdi ^ts'ong. Mai ts'dng, ^ i'. 1, ^^|p pan' BUR (280) BUS tsong'. Pin tsdng, )|g^ i' '6m. t ngdn, ^ 'kan. Kin, Jtn; .hang. Kang, ^1 p'ang^. P'ang, ^ p'ang^. P'ang; to cover with earth, ^ jindi. Mdi, M.}j^^ ^mai ,u ti^ Mdi yd ti; to hury in obliv- ion, ^ llij .tiu ,hoi. Tiiiu k'Ai, gfe # ^ iJft tsun' fd^ ,tung jlau. Tsin fu tung liu ; to bury the hat- chet, ^ Jf.\\ kit, jwo. Kieh ho. ^ jfO ,liin ,wo. Liuen ho; to bury one alive, ^f| .shang tsong'. Sang tsAng, :© tB ^ ^IIP 'P''^ 'k'ii ,kara .sl)ang tsong', J^^^ kdp, ,shang tsong'. Kiilh sang tsdng ; to bury alive, as the ancient Chinese, ^ P j)'ui tsong'. Fei tsdng, ^ H 'sun tsong'. Siun tsAng ; to bury one's self alive, ^ ^ jmdi jineng. Mdi ming, H ^ ;«g ;g 'yan scng' ^mdi meng. Yin sing mai ming; to bury in rich dresses and a costly coffin, jf;|| hau^ tsong'. Hau tsdng; to bury in a mat, ^ ^ 'k6 tsong'. Kdu tsdng ; to bury in a shallow grave, J^ pan'. Pin; to bury in another grave, ^H .ts'in tsong'. Ts'ien tsdng, E^ ^ 'koi tsong'. Kai tsdng ; to bury the bones of the dead, ^^ 'im kdk,. Yen keh, ^f|; ^mai *ts'z. Mdi ts'z ; to burn the books and bury the literati, ^ # it '^ /^n .shii Jiang ^ii. Fan shii kangju; to i3ury by the roadside, J^ i\ I, ^ ^ M. IB'J tsong' ,ii t6- chak,. Tsdng yu tdu tseh ; to conceal resentment, ^ ^ ^mdi ixn'. Mdi yuen ; to bury paper wiMi writing on it, a super- stitious practice, ^^ ^ ^mai tsz^ 'chi. Mdi tsz chi ; to carry out to bury, {j{^ ch'ut, pan'. Bury-pear, butter pear, ^yft^ ^ii jyau ^li. Jii yu li. Burying, intemng, p !^ tsong' ^raai. Tsdng mdi, ^^ jHidi jts'ong. Mdi tsdng; burying in obliv- ion, ^ ^ .till ,hoi. Tiau k'di. Burying, the act of intemng the dea^l, ff ^ ^ tsong' ^mdi 'che. Tsdng mdi ch6, H ^ # tsong' 'sz *ch6. Tsdng sz ch6. Burying-ground ^lU tsong' ,shdn. Tsdng shdn, ^ ii jing ti\ Ying ti. Burying-place *J[ ^ /an ^ying. Fan ying; grave, ;^ ^ Jan m6\ Fati mii ; see Burial. Bush, a shrub with branches, 'f^^ niau^ shii^ Mau shd ; a cluster of shrubs, || ^ts'ung. Ts'ung, ^ jts'ung. Ts'ung, ^ Js'ung. Ts'ung, |^ Jsau. Tsau,"!^ ,tsau. Tsau, ^\i^ Js'ung Jam. Ts'uog lin, jfg .p'du. P'du, ^ 'ch'6. Ts'u, )^ % Jam po\. Lin poh, j^ pule,. Puh, ^^ ,shang tsuk,. Sang tsuh, ^^ mak^ ^mung. Mih mimg; a bramble-bush, ^ 'ch'o. Ts'u, ^j ,king. King ; a fox tail, M.^% jli 'mi jp'ung. Li wi p'ung ; a branch of a tree fixed or hung out as a tavern sign, vp^ U; i(^ 'tsau tini' .chi. Tsiu tien ehi, fg' }^ f /^ 'tsau tim' W. Tsiu tien hdu ; a circle of metal let into round holes or orifices to prevent their wearing, ^^ ,knm t'lV. Kin t'du, ||<1^ ^ Jung ,chi ,kam Jiun. Lung ehi kin k'iuen; a bush of hair, — ^ ^- yat, chap, ^h. Yih chih mAu; good wine needs no bush, iJi'l^lVl^A'^BR Jung ^sl.iin fdi' jan *yau *iigdn. Lung ch'uen kw'di jin yd yen. Bush, to grow thick or bushy, ^f^^ .shang tak, jts'ung. Sang teh ts'ung, ^^^^ .shang tak, mau^ shing^. Sang teh mau shing, ^ ^ ^ ^ .shang tak. mau^ mat^. Sang teh mau mih, ^ ^ ^M ^ c«liang tak, ^-ung mat^. Sang teh-yung mih, ^'^^^ .shang tak, sau' mau^ Sang teli sid mau. Bush, to line an orifice with metal to prevent its wearing, ^^I^^P .seung Jung H. Jd Hope, ^ ^, # m lin Z^ht s'l^Di Afilikd .chi ^6 tsuk^. Ndn Afilikid chi ye tsuh, ^ \ S'6 ^yan. Y6jin. Bushel * — H yat, Jo. YUi lo, ^ ff pdn' huk^. Pwdn hoh ; a dry measure, containing eight gal- lons, or four pecks. In the U. S. A. it is equal to 2150 and in England to 2218 cubic inches; a large quantity, ^ J#. ^shing .tdi. Ching tdi ; the box of a wheel, ^ ^ kuk, t'5'. Kuh t'du, j^ ^ kuk, .hiin. Kuh k'iuen. Bushelage, a duty payable on commodities by the bushel, ^ ^ Jo jl. Lo li, ^ 1^ Jo shui'. Lo sh^vui. Bushet, a wood, |^ j^ shu^ Jam. Slid lin. Bushiness, the quality of being bushy, |^:^ Js'ung 'ch6. Ts'ung che, ^i^'^ mau^ .shang 'ch6; the bushiness of bamboo and firs, 'tt ^ ^ ^ chuk, jpdu /s'ung mau\ Chub pdu sung mau. Bushy, full of branches, ^ Js'ung. Ts'ung, J^ jts'ung. Ts'ung, ^ Js'ung. Ts'ung ; full of bu- shes, ^ pok^. Poh, ^ Jsau. Tsau, ^ ^ mau' .shang. Mau sang, •^ ^ .pdn .shang. Pdu sang, Wi ^ jts'ung .shang. Ts'ung sang ; bushy like a foxe's tail, ^ jP'ung. Fung, j£ ^ Ji'img hni. P'ung wi ; a bushy beard, >^ ijfi ^f^ tAi* 'pd .sb. Td pd sii, §^^ jp'di .soi. P'ei sdi.^j^ j)du. Pdu. Busied, pp. of Busy. Busiless, without business, ^ fip( ]?§ jni6 J'au 16'. Wd t'au Id, ^ ^ ^ ^mb 'shau ngai'. Wd shau i, ^ ^ ]^ ^mb sz' kon'. Wd sz kdn, fll^ ^ ^mb sz'."Wd sz, U^JiM s"^^ '•''''" M- ^^'^'so kr; lei- sure, [^ Ju'ui. Hien, ^ ^ .on Jidn. Ngjln hien. Busily, with constant occupation, -^f^ sz' jfdn. S» fan, ^ 5i^ sz' 'yung. Sz jung, % % /dn 'yung. Fdn jung ; busily employwl, ^ ^ ^ f^ sz' mb' /an "fiin'. Sz wd fan fdn, J^ ^ ]g ^ sz' m6' .ki .shan. Sz wd ki slim, j^ f^ ^ ^ tsin' m6' .ki ,shan. Tsien v,u ki shau, j|jl^^||[^ tsln' "j-ung .ki .shau. Tsien jung ki shin, ^^|^^ sz' nnV .fan jWan. Sz wd fan yun ; with an air of hurry or importance, jg ^t] ^ 5l '^'h'ing jk'i sz' 'yung. Ch'ing k'f .sz jung; with too much curiosity, ^ 0£|^ h6' Jcw'ai sz'. Hdu kw'ei sz, ^i^^\^ 'ta Bushel; :ttA$^H. zif-- M— hA:^¥^]^ iSi — Buiihel. fetts t'fim' sz^ jts'ing. Td t'dn sz ts'ing, ^^ 'fong sz\ Fang sz ; importunately, ^ (^ Jo ^so. Lo so, ^ l|^ yfe P.| sP'an >i .im mun^ Business, affair, employment, ^ sz'. Sz, ^ ^ sz' ip . Sz nieh, ^ ^ sz^ kon'. Sz Mn, |g ^ ^fau Ibl T'au lu, ^ ^ 'shau ngai\ Sliau 1, X ^ ^kung ^fii. Kung fu, ^ ^ *shau shai'. Shau slii, ^ ^ sz' m5-, ^ ^ sz- kin\ Sz kien, ^ -|* sz" jts'ing, ^'j^ sz' mat,. Sz \at.i1i, ^^ 'ts'oi sz'. Ts'ai sz, ^ tsik,. Tsih, ^^ tsoi'. Tsai, ^ f^ sz' kii', j^^ ku . Kii, $$ 'tsoi. Tsdi; trade, ^^^ ^sliang f. Sang i, ^^ ^ mail' yik^. Mau yili, ^ g| ^shang ^li. Sang li ; concern, j\j> ^ ^sam sz'. Sin sz ; im- portant business, ^ ^ iu' sz'. Yau sz, ^ 1^ ^ Ttan iu' sz'. Kin yau sz, ;A; ^- tai' sz'. Ta sz ; pressing or urgent business, ^ ^ 'kan sz'. Kin sz, ^ $^ kap, sz'. Kib sz, ^ ^ kap, m5'. Kih wii; rules of business, ^f^lj sz' lai'. Sz li; I will make it my business, -^ jCa* |j$ ^ J^^^^ cSam pdn' ni. Liu sin pdn li, ^ j^^ j^ ^ sbi' pit, toi' ^li. Shi pieli tdi li, "^ ^ ^ jC^ jWdi sz' tsoi' ^sam. Hwdi sz tsdi sin ; not to attend to business, ^ M> ^ P^^j t^z ^^^- ^^^ ^^ sz ' public business, ^ ^ jkung sz'. Kung sz, ^ ^ (kung kon\ Kung kdn, /^ ^ kung mo'. Kung wii ; a trifling bu- siness, ■'j^|^ *siu sz'. Sidii sz, /j^/J'>^^ 'siu 'siii sz' kon', Sidu siau sz kdn, ^ ^ ^ ,s6 tsin' sz'. Si6 tsien sz ; tbe business of the world, \\t ^ shai' sz'. Shi sz, ^ ^^ shai' mb'. Shi wii ; it is your business, ^ f^ ^$ ^kwan 'ni sz'. Kwdn ni sz, "^ i^ tsoi' -ni. Tsdi ni ; it is none of your bu- siness, p§ ^ f;j[t $ ,m ^kwdn 'ni sz', M-j^^M^ 'li 'ni jinb ^ou. Yu ni wii kdn, ^ f- f^ ^ pat, ^on "i sz'. Pull kdn rh sz, iffi ^ ;^ j/^ ^mb ^kon ,ii 'ni. Wii kdn yd ni ; to clear off business, jj^ ^ pit, t'lit,. Pieli t'oh ; to do the business for a man, ^ \ slidt, ^yan. Shah jin, ^ \ wdi' ^yan. Hwdi jin, ^ ^ ^ pdi' ^yan sz'. Pdi jin sz ; a bad business, ^^"-J>jl; pai' jid 'fo, j§^ fai' sz' ; much business, ^ ;^ ^ sz' kon' Jo. Sz kdn to, ^ ^ Jo sz'. To sz, ^ ^ sz' jfdn. Sz fdn, ^ 'Iw ^ sz' jts'ing Jo. Sz ts'ing to ; overran Avith care and business, ^ ^ jl^ :^ sz' Jo kwo' Tuai ; to have no business, ^-^ jino sz'. Wii sz, ^^ ^ ^m5 J'au 16'. Wii t'au lii, M ^ j^ ^mo 'ye ts6' ; an extensive business, ^ ^ ,^ tdi' ^shang i'.. Td sang i, A :^ ^ tdi' mau' yik^. Td mau yih ; a prosperous business, ^ ;^, HI \^ ^shang f wong' seung'. Sang i wang siang, ^ i^ ^^ B£ ,shang i' Jiing wong'. Sang i hing wdng ; great success in business, ^ ^ ^ tdi' fdt, Js'oi. Td fall ts'ai, ^:k^ chdn' tdi' Js'in. Chdn td ts'ien ; a low business, '(ij;^^ Jai ngai' sz'. Ti i sz ; to commence business, |j^ ^^M ^^^ P'^' ^t'au. K'di p'u t'au, ^ff >i ^hong. K'di hdng, ^^M tsb' ^shang i'. Tso sang i; to commence a new bu- siness, ^ 3J^ Jioi /ong ; to become partner in a business, A U3l "^ V^Vi 'kii fan'. Jili ku. fan, -^ -it hbpj pun'. Hoh pwdn ; to manage a business. (^§i) tit7§ W^AiiUttaililiai Ji^ '11 sz'. Lisz, P^M^ Ku' 'li sz'. Lidu 11 sz, MM.^ P^n' 'li sz'. Pdn II sz, i^ ^ ff. 'kiin '11 sz'. Kwdn li sz ; to be qngaged in trading bu- siness, ^ g 'mdi mdi'. Mdi mdi, ^ ^ ,^ ts6' ^shang f. Tso sang I ; I have no business, ^ ^ ^ ^mb J'au lb'. Wii t'au lii ; what is your bu- siness ? -^ ti: -^ g,^ 'nl tsb' mat, 'ye, f^J^^ ^^ ^ 'ni 'yau mat, sz' kon', ^ @ ^* ^ 'j^au sham' ^mo sz'. Yii shin mo sz, ^j ^;^^ 'yau Jio kwai' kon'. Yu ho kwei kdn, % ^ ^ '\^'( 'yau ^ho sz' Js'ing. Yii ho sz ts'ing, % "(B}" ^ ^ 'yau ^ho sz' ip,. Yu ho sz nieh, ^ -{i ^ -$^ T^^ ^^t, shing' sz' ; what is your profession ? '^-{i JC^ tsb' mat, ^kung /li, ^-{i^^ tsb' mat, 'shau ngai', f^-^ ^ ^ tsok, ,ho sz' ip^ ; this is my business, ^ ^ 1i ffe ;$: ^' c^i tl' hai' 'ngo 'piin fan', ^^^ ^ ^ hai' 'ngo fan' noi' sz'. HI wo fan nui sz. Business-like, being in the true manner of business, i^mmm^i lai; pdn' 'H. l H pdn li, iJS^^^^ chili' lai' pdn' sz'. Chdu li pdn sz. Busk, a piece of steel, or whale-bone, worn by wo- men on the breast, ^ f ^ ^ *^ 'kan tdp, ^k'ing kwat,, ^ 1^ {|| ^ 'kan tdp, ngdng' ,kong. Kin tdh ngang kdng. Busk, to busy, ^ ^ 'yau sz'. Yu sz ; to prepare, ^^i ii' pi'. Yd pi. Busked, wearing a busk, ^ ^ f^ ch6uk, 'kan. tdp,. Choh kin tdh. Busket, a small bush, /]n^ 'sid ^ts'ung. Sidu ts'ung, — ^1^ yat, chap, shii'. Yih chih shd. Buskin, a kind of half boot, ^[^ U Jiii ^t'au. Hiueh t'au, ^M^t pun' kiit^ ,hu, ^g jg pik, kii'. Pih kii, ^^ ;j^ r^jjl; 'tiin peng' Jiii. Twdn ping hiueh, ^ ^hii. Hiueh, ^'fg Js'6 pik,. Sie pih ; buskins worn by actors, !^^ J'ai kii'. T'l kii. Buskined, dressed in buskins, ^ ^fc |^ ch6uk, ^hii jt'au. Choh hiueh t'au. Busky, bushy, ^ Js'ung. Ts'ung, ^ ^P^ mau' ^shang k6'. Buss, a kiss, ^P^ Js'an *tsui. Ts'in tsui, ^1^ chiit, 'tsui. Chueh tsui. Bust ^^^ pun' ^shan tseung'. Pwdn shin sidng, ^ life pun' kiit,ts6ung'. Bustart ^ ^ ts'(5uk, ^meng. Ts'ioh ming. Bustle, to stir quick, ^ft kap, ^mong. Kih mdng, M ^ iP'an Jan, -^ ^ ft ^t ,fong /ong ^mong ^mong. Hwang hwdng mdng mdng, ^ ft jfiP §L 'shau ^mong keuk, liin'. Shau mdng kioh Iwdn, ft ft -^ -^ jniong ^mong luk, luk,. Mdng mdng luh luh, -f^^P^lrJc^ tsb' 'shau ^m ^shing shai', ^ ^ ^pan ,po. Pan po, ^ ^ ,p'in ^p'ln. P'ien p'ien; to be very active, -^^^ tsb' Jo sz'. Tso to sz, f^i^^^ tsok, 'hii Jo sz'. Tsoh hii to sz ; to bustle about for a living, ^ p ^litfc '"'ai' 'hau ,pan jCh'I. Wei k'au pan ch'i, I^P l^>^ ,u 'hau sz' Jong. Hd k'au sz fang. Bustle, hurry, ^ I^ ^'an Jan, ft J^ jniong ts'uk,. Mdng suh, i^-jt /ong ^mong. Hwdng mdng, ^ j^ kap, ts'uk^, Kih swh, ^ ^ ,hung ,ts'un^. fits (382) nvt K'ung ts'uiig, )^^ ,chau ,ch6ung. Chau chdng, ft ^ ^ ^mong kap, *che. Mdng kill ch6 ; great stir or fuss, jif f,'|jj ^ 'h6 ndu^ it^. Udu ndu jeh, ^ ^ f'i»I #?^ * *li^ pat, ndu^ It^. Hdu puh ndu jeh, ^y- ^ |,Y,) '1»^ liing' nAu^ l£uu liing ndu; a great noise and tumult, jtj \^ f^] P|^ ^ *li6 'ch'du ndu' ke' s-/}, Uj/f^ 'ch'du ndu^ Ch'du ndu, $f Hat f?!^ 'In^ dr nduS ^f If P^3 'h6 ^ts'b nduS Hdu ts'au nau, if^ P^J p^ 'lib ^pd pai' ; bustle and confusion, J^> |[. /an liln^ Fan Iwdn, jj(^ jjj^' g[ /an /an lun^ Fan fan Iwdn; bustle of a mar- ket, Pfhif/PPi] /s'6 /s'6 pai', Og hung'. Hung, pf jtsang. Tsang, || ,liid. Hidu, Pf |I^ ^ /sang /sang ,shing; do not be in such a bustle, ||t ^ ^ ^rab kwo' 'ts6ung. Wu kwo tsidng, M)^^ vab kwo' u'. Wu kwo yii ; to make a bustle in the world, ^A^il ling^jyan ,pb -mi. Lingjin pau mci, <^ A ^ il li"f?' ^yan .ch'ing tb'. Ling jin ch'ing tdu, ^ A 1^ ^ ling'^^yan /'dm lun'. Ling jin fan lun ; no bustle, ^ ^ ^ tsing' ^sili ^siu. Tsing sidu sidu ; joyful bustle, ^. jjjfi hing' /'au. Hing t'au ; bustles, ^ ;^ ,iu 'cham. Ydu chin. Bustler ^^ ft ^' ,pan ^mong 'ch6. Pan mdng ch6, m^^^A .P'an >n k6' ,yan. -^^ Z A kap, ts'uk, .chi jyan. Kih suh cbi jin, #J^>|L^ /an /an IvLn' 'ch6. Fan fan Iwdn ch6. Bustling, stirring, ^^^ tsb' /o sz'. Tso to sz, ^ It jl^l^l *shau ^mong keuk, liin'. Shau mdng kioh Iwdn, iH 5:^ ^ ^ ,chau ,cli6ung /o sz'. Chau chdng to sz, ^)^^^ /an /an /o sz'. Fan fan to sz, /^}^ /an jWan. Fan yun, ^ft j)an ^mong. Pan mdng, f^ ,^, ,bung /s'ung. K'ung ts'ung, ^ jQ lj Jiing iitj. Hing yueh ; busy at work, Kjljlf^ jk'an tsok,. K'in tsoh, ^^ jk'an tsb'. K'in tso ; busy at pi-ayers, vexatious, ¥i P^ A S^^ ^^'^ jyan- Busy, to employ with constant attention, J^ yung*. ITung ; to keep engaged, f^. pi PfJ \)i ^mb li^. PI wu hien, 'ife ^ BS 'sz ^mb lid', ^ ^. j^ JL ling' pat, /'ing ,kuug. Ling puh t'ing kung, * Xbis i«&t«DC« cannot b« used in Punti. . Busy-body, a raoddling person, ;J^ ^ (j{j \ ^tsz sz* tik, jyau. Tsz sz tih jin, ^ ^ ^ ho' sz' 'ch6. Hdu sz ch6, ^ ^ ;^ A /" sz' ,chi ^yan. To sz chi jin, \^i^%^ ,kdi /ong 'pb 'ch6ung. Kidi fdng pdu chdng ; one who officiously concerns himself with the affairs of others, ^ ^ A ^ "^ .kw'ai t'dm' ^an sz' V&, ^UA^^ .^^ t'dm' jyan sz' 'chd. Sz t'dn jin sz ch6, ^ ^ ^ A /s'am sz' tik, ^yan. Ts'in sz tih jin, ^^^^ "It A 'kdu shi' 'kdu /i k^' jan. Busy-minded, having an active mind, ^ i^ i^ %h ,sam ^. Hdu sin ki, ^jf i^ ^^ 'hb Hdu sin shin. But, except, ^ J ^ch'ii ^lid. Ch'ii Udu, ^(^ ^ch'ii ^B. /t .ch'ii ^ni ko' ko' /b 'hai ch'ii', |^ f5i — ^ U Pfl 1^ s«li'>i "ni yat, ko' /b 'hai ch'ii' ; the last but one, ^ # |1f Zl >^ 'mi hau' tai' i' ko'. Wi hau ti rh ko, fjljf ^ ^ /s'in hni 'ch^. Ts'ien wi ch6 ; you cannot but know, ^, ^ Jlj 'tsung ,chi tb'. Tsung chi tdu, "^^"^^^^ pat, hnin pat, ,chi. Puh mien puh chi, -;^^^^^i^ pat, tak, pat, .chi. Puh teh puh chi; I could not but, J(^%J(^ pat, tak, pat,. Puh teh puh, '^^ pat, hnin. Puh mien ; not one but is provided, fcT — "jf, ^fjj ^mb yat, pat, pi'. Wii yih puh pi, pyif.^% ^mb pat, ii' pi'. Wii puh yti pi; what reader but knoAvs, ^ :^ li ^ ^ tukj 'ch6 jShui pat, ,clii. Tuh ch^ shwui puh cbi ; she does nothing but cry, ^ f4;.P$ ^ tsing' hai' /'ai huk,. Tsing bi t'i kuli, ^"fi Pjg^ tsung hai' hdm'. Tsung hi bien, fi ^ ^ '^ jWai ^yau huk, yap,. Wei yii kuh kih — 1^ P$ ^ yat, mi' /'ai huk,. Yih wi t'i kuh ; it is no- thing but fear, 1(. ^J^ fff ^ pat, kwo' p'd' ,chd, ii /'eng 'ngo Tiong. Chi t'ing wo kidng, j;^ :^ ^j^ ^wai /.s'ung higo. Wei ts'uug wo ; but for you, ^- ^ ifH y^uk, fi. 'ni. Joh fi ni, id^^i^ Vong /i hii. T'dug fi nl, |{^ ^f$ ch'it, '82 /i 'ni. Sheh shi fi ni. U^t^ ^ '^^ BUT (283) BUT sz /i ^i. Kid shl fi rh; but just now, ^)Ji^ jkong ,ngam, ^\\ |^|) ^kong ,kong. Kslng kang, -j^ "Sf hdp, 'ho. Hi.ih k'o, "^^ /ong ^ts'oi. FAng ts'ai; but a while since, ^ ^"ij 'k'ing hak,. K'ing k'eh, ■ft^ i^^^ ehan^ Sien chin, ^n^H^ ,sin ^shi ^kan. Sien shl kien ; but here again, '|^ ^ ^ [{"t; jWai /an tsoi^ 'ts'z. Wei fan tsai ts'z, 3^ C^ /^ yau^ 'hai ch'xi', % $' i^t jau' tsoi' 'ts'z. Yu tsai ts'z ; but yet, •(pj' sheung'. Shang, ^ JL sheung^ *ch'e. Shang ts'ie ; but also, "l^ ^ yik^ "y^^* Yih yii, X# y^^' ^ai'- Y^ ^^' X% yau^ Vau- Yu yu; but as to, 7^ ^ Siai yeulq. Nai joh, ^ ;{;^ chf ,u. Chi y d ; but at present, jj^ ^ tai^ ^kam. Ti kin, ^^ tan^ ^kam. Tan kin; but if, ^^ tan^ y^ukj. Tiin joh ; but then, ^ ^|| ^In tsak,. Jen tseh ; but there are, ^ ■^ tan" hai". Tan hi ; but 1 don't know, ^ ^ ^ tan^ pat, ^chi. Tan puh chi, 'fH P§- ^B tan^ ^m ^chl ; he has not only the courage to do so, but, ;^^I^,7jr pat, tdn^ 'kbm, *nai. Puh tan kan, nai; not only this, but, >^ ^ {{:[', 75r pat, tuk^ 'ts'z, %ai. Puh tuh ts'z, nai; not only couiageous, but also skilful in contriving, :^ p.^ ^, ]fn R^ ^ pat, tdn^ ^yau ^mag, ^i *ch'e ^au ^mau. Puh tan yii yung, rh ch'e yii mau ; they have feet, but cannot walk, '^ ^ 'f^ ^f' H^ tr T^^ k6uk, jWai pat, ^nang jhang. Yu kioh wei puh nang hang ; mouths have they, but speak not, :^]pijf^^^ ^yau 'hau ^i pat, ^in, Yu k'au rh puh yen ; I should like to go, but only ffir, ^M^H^^ -ngo 's^ung hii' 'chi p'4\ Wo sidng k'ii chi p'd; I have nothing to say, but, -^ ^fi-ift Ta J^^ ,t'a shiit,. Y4> wu t'a shwoh, -g P, ^ tan' 'chi shI^ Tan chi shi ; but for this man, I must have perished, ^ ^ itB A ^ M'J Ji^ ^ yeuk^ /I 'ts'z ^yan 'ngo tsak, pdi" M. Joh fi ts'z jin wo tseh pdi i ; I wish it, but another per- son is master, ^ ^ jCi) ;§ M' B ^ ^IJ A # ± ^go jP'ing jSam i \xv}, ^in ^au plt^ ^yan tsok, 'chii. Wo p'ing sin i yuen, jen yu pieh jin tsoh chu. But more ^ fong'. Hwang, J^ 'ch'6. Ts'ie, ^ JL fong' 'ch'e. Hwang ts'i6, ^ ^ 'ya ^au. Y6 yii, 2 '^ chung' ^SM. Chung yu, Jg :^ kang' ^au. Kang yli. But, an end, g^ ^t'au. T'au, Jp tuk,. Tuh ; a limit, ^ kai'. Kiai, jj^ han^ Hien, ^ ^ kdi' chf. Kiai chi ; the end of a plank in a ship's side or bottom, which unites with another, /^fi? ^ H jShiin 'pan jt'au. Ch'uen pan t'au. But, to be bounded by, ^ chi'. Chi, ^ tsip,. Tsieh, P^ fu-. Pu. But-end, the largest or blunt end of a thing, A H tai' jt'au. Ta t'au, f^ tuk, ; the but-end of a mus- ket, ^Iq ^ts'eung tuk,. Ts'idng tuh ; the but-end of an arrov , ^ ^ tsin' 'k'ui. Tsien k'ui, ^ ^ tsin' at,. Butcher j^ ^ ,t'6 ,fu. T'u fu, ^ A s*'^ J^"- '^'"^ jin, ^p ,t'6 u-. T'u liii, ^^ /6 'tsz. T'li tsz, T'li ^ '4i ,t'6 .kd. T'u kid, ^ ff ,t'6 ^honc . hang ; ^ pork-butcher, gij ^ % ,t'ong ,ohii '16. T'dng chii lau, ^^ ^ 'tsoi .chii 'ch6. Tsdi chii ch6, ^ 'tsoi. Tsai ; one who kills men, or com- mands troops to kill them, y^ ^ c^i^^ng shdt,. Hiung shah, |3: ffe ^- sluit, luk, 'chd. Shdh luh ch6, ^ ^ jeung shat,. Yang'shdh, ^ ^ sz' shat,. Sz shall; butcher's shambles, ^|^j|;g ^chii yuk, jt'oi. Chii juh t'di ; the butcher's trough, fij ^ W ct'oiig cCliu ,ts'6. T'ang chii ts'du. Butcher, to slaughter or kill animals for food, &c., gij.t'ong. T'ang, ^- ^t'6. T'li, f,J ^ ^t'ong ^t'6. T'ang t'li, ^ 'tsoi. Tsdi ; to butcher people, ^ pjl ,t'6 luk^. T'u luh, ^^ shdt, luk^. Shdh luh, %^^ sz' shat,. Sz shah, ^fj^ jeung luk,. Ydng luh ; to murder or put to death with cruelty, ^J A ,t'ong ^yan. T'dng jin ; to butcher cattle, *|J 4=- ,t'ong jUgau. T'dng niii, ^ ^ tsoi ^ngau. Tsdi niu ; to butcher pigs, ^J ^ ,t'ong ^chii, ^ /fg- 'tsoi ^chii. Tsai chu ; to butcher the people, MW.^1^ s^'o l^ilS P^K sing'. T'li lull peh sing, ^^^,^ jt'o li^K du. Shdng jii yd tih kw'di mien pdu ; butter of lead, ^ i^ jUn ^6. Yuen kdu ; butter of antimony, ^J^J^ ^*^ Antimoni ,k6. Ngdntimoni kdu. Butter-lump, the bittern, ^'^ ts'ang jshd. Pang slid; large butterflies from the Lofau moun- tains, ll'i'^fllj^ Lofau ,sin tip^. Lofau sien tieh. Butteris, an instrument of steel scit in wood for par- ing the hoofs of a horse, ^ ^ 7/ ^^ kdp, ,t6. Md kidh tdu, ^ \]i ^ 'md kdp, ts'o'. Ma kidh ts'o. Buttcnnilk 1^ yft i^ ^u ^yau ,chd. Jii yd cha. Butter-nut, the fruit of an American tree, the jug- lans cinerea, yft;^-^- jVau wat^ *tsz. Yd heh tsz. Butter-print, ") a piece of carved wood, used to mark Butter-stamp, J the cakes of butter, f^ vtt ^^ ^ ^»i ^yau /d yan'. Jii yd hwd yin. Butter-tooth P*^ ;^ ^mdn ^ngd. Mun yd. Butter-wife, Butter-woman yd fd. Butter-wort ^^;^ ,fd ^meng. Hwd ming. Buttery, having the qualities of butter, ^ yft j^ 'ii ^yau tik,. Ju yd tih, t^ytlji'l^E Hi ^yau k^'; having the appeamnce of butter, ^iltllI$5[|iJ 'ii jyau "kbm ydung*. Jii yd kdn ydng, l^ytfill|J[^ *u ^yau "kom shik . Ju yd kdn sih. Buttery, store-room, ^ ^ }f) 'lb shik^ /ong. Ho shih fdng. Butting, striking with the head, ijg tai. Ti, .^ tai. Ti, ^ ch'uk,. Ch'uh. Buttock, the rump, ^ ^t'dn. Tw'dn, jg tuk,. Tub, JK )\X p'i' 'kd. P'i kd, ^ 'j^^ 'shi fat,. Shi kuh, ^^ hau' jt'dn. Han tw'dn, J^ ^p'i. P'i. ^ ,kun. Kiucn, M jt'uu. Tw'dn, -^ 'tai. Ti, ^ ^shui. Shwui, ^ ,i. I, ^ ^ jfiin ,tsim. Tw'dn tsien, )^ jt'un. Tw'dn ; the convexity of a ship behind, under tlie stern, ^^ jShiin tuk,. Ch'uen tub. Buttock-broker j^J^ ,mdi ^yan. Mei jin. Buttock-mail ^^ j^l ^ ,fd jiiung ^ngan. Hwd hung yin. BUT (286) BUY Button ^ 'nan. Niii, ^ §P 'nan k'au'. Niti k'au, ^ ^ 'nan 'tsz. Niii tsz, :fn ^ k'au' 'nan. K'au niu ; button or knob of a lock, ^ ^ wat, lit,. K'iuh yueh, §i| ^ 'so 'nau. So niii ; buttons that can be taken off like studs, ^^^W ^shang 'nau k'au'. Sang niii k'au; an oflBLcial button, — ^ix^ yat, nap, 'teng. Yib lib ting, 7^ -^ 'teng 'tsz. Ting tsz, ifjf r^ mo- 'teng. Mau ting, Tl^ 'teng tai'. Ting tai ; a bud, ^ ^nga. Ya ; a window button, ^ ^ jCb'eung 'nau. Cliw'ang niii ; a brass button, ^ ^ §fl jt'ung 'nau k'au'. T'ung niii k'au ; a plain button, ^^M: ^kwong ^shan 'nau. Kwang shin niii ; ornamental buttons, :f^ ^ fd 'nau. Hwa niii ; hollow, ornamental but- tons, M ^ & <^'ung /a 'nau. T'ung hwa niii ; gilt buttons, 1^^^ to- ^kam 'nau. Tii kin niii ; chrysoprase buttons, as worn by the rich, || |^ 3i ^ /i 'ts'oi yuk^ 'nau. Fi ts'ai yuh niii ; crys- tal buttons, worn when in mourning, :^ ^^ ^ 'shui ,tsing 'nau. Shwui tsing niii, ^ ^ jUgan 'nau. Yin niu ; glass buttons, ^i%^^ J50 li k'au' 'tsz. Po 11 k'au tsz ; to wear a button, as Chinese officials, ^ 7^ tdi' 'teng. Tdi ting ; to make a cloth button, $X ^ ^ tso^ kit, 'nau. Tso kieh niii, ^' ^ IH kit, p6' 'nau. Kieh pii niu. Button, to fasten with a button, :|^n ^ k'au' chu^ K'au chii, :|'uJg k'au' ^mai. K'au mdi, ^;^ 'nau ^mdi. Niii mdi, Jl^-j^ ^sheung 'nau 'tsz. Shang niii tsz, \\\ — ^ k'au' yat, k'au'. K'au yib k'au, ^ Jt ^ ■?* k'au' 'sheung 'nau 'tsz. K'au shang niu tsz, iliw ^'^^u.^ k'au' chii' ko' nap, 'nau. K'au chii ko lib niu; to unbutton, f^^^H 'kai 'nau k'au'. Kiai niii k'au, ^|^ — ^i^ 'kai Jioi yat, nap, 'nau. Kidi k'ai yib lib niii. Button-bush, a North American evergreen shrub, :g ^ ^ (?) .ch'eung ,ch'un 'ts'o. Ch'ang ch'un ts'du. Button-hole, native, ^ I^ 'nau 'I. Niii rh, ^ |^ 'nau p'an'. Niii p'an, ^ P^ 'nau ^miin. Niii mun ; foreign ditto, ^ P 'nau 'hau. Niu k'au. Button-maker, one whose occupation is to make buttons, triB:Bfli'(# 'ta 'nau ^sz fii'. Ta niu sz fii, if5 l1l&^ififi| (mun p6' 'nau ,sz fii'. Mun pii niu sz fii. Button-stone, a species of figured stone, ^ j^ ^ 'nau 'fo shek^. Niii ho shih. Button-tree, conocarpus, ^ ^ 'nau shu\ Niii shd. Button- wood, plantanus occidentalis, ^j^-f'^ ,k'au 'tsz shu^ K'iu tsz shu. Buttoned, fastened with a button, -)(WM.^Ml k'au' ^mai kwo'. K'au mai kwo, Jl^fp-^ ^sheung k'au' 'tsz. Shang k'au tsz. Buttoning, fastening \^dth a button, ^w ^ k'au' chii^ K'au chii, ^\\^ k'au' ^mai. K'au mai. Buttress, a prop, j^ 'ch'ii. Ch'ii, \^ 'ch'ii. Ch'ti; a wall or abutment built archwise, serving to sup- port another wall on the ouside, i^ j^ 'kung Wii. Kung ch'u, :^i^ pik, tdi'. Pih tai, ^ |^ ^ ^po ^kdn -ch'ii. Po kien ch'u, ||;^ pik, 'ch'ii. Pih ch'ii, \% pok^. Poh, Ifi J|^ ;g^ t'fp, ^ts'dung ^ch'ii. T'ieh ts'iang ch'ii, ^J^^ ,ai ^ts'eung -'ch'ii. Yai ts'iang ch'ii ; a support, {^^ ^ p'ong jts'^ung. P'ang ts'iang, ^ j^ ^chi ^ng. Chi wu ; an inclined wall, Jtjj^ :^ jo /ai. Po t'i : the but- tress of a bridge, ]^ 5J ^k'iii ^t'au. K'iau t'au ; the buttress of a wall, )j§ p ^ts'eung k^uk,. Ts'iang kioh, j^ ^ ^ .ts'eung 'to 'tsz. Ts'idng to tsz ; buttresses of a state, J^ i^ Cheung ^ch'ii. Lidng ch'u ; a buttress of a state, g j^ kwok, 'ch'ii. Kwoh ch'ii. Buttress, to prop, ^ ;^ ^ch'ii ^chi. Ch'ii chi, ^;^ 'ch'ii ^chi. Ch'ii clii; to support by a buttress, j^ TJitt ^ 'i .ts'eung ^ch'ii ^chi. 1 ts'iang ch'ii clii, i^feXi^^ '1 "cli'ii 'teng ^chi. I ch'ii ting chi. Butttressed, supported with a buttress, ^ i^ ^yau ^ch'ii. Yii ch'ii, :^ H -'yau 'to. Yii to, ^ i^ ^ yau j)o jt'ai. Yii po t'i. Butts, a place where archers meet to shoot at a mark, ^ ^ tsin' t6'. Tsien tdu ; short ridges often left at the angles of field in plowing land, M^ W^lil lek, ,chi shat. ti' ; sides of the thickest and stout- i. < est soleleather, ^ ,p'i. P'i ; butts and bounds, . ^ ^ kai' chi'. Kia'i chi. But- wink, a bird, ^Jg ts'^uk, ^meng. Ts'ioh ming. Butyraceous, ") having the qualities of butter, -i^yg Butyric, J ^^ ^u jau tik,. Jii yii tih ; resem- bling butter, ^vftH^^ 'ii jau 'kom yeung\ Jii yu kdn ydng. Butyric, butyric acid, ^ y^ g| ^ii jau ts'6'. Jii yii ts'ii. Butyrine, a peculiar oily matter in butter, ^yft^ ^ii ^au chat,. Jii yii chih. Buxeous, belonging to the boxtree, ^ ^ |^^ wong ^yeung tik,. Hwdng ydng tih. Buxina, | an alkaloid obtained from the buxus sem- Buxine, / pervirens, or common box, ^^||, ^wong ,yeung 'kdn. Hwdng ydng kien. Buxom, obedient, ^jp^^ jau shun^ tik,. Jau shun tih. Hi M sli^Ji^ jleung. Shun lidng, J|j| ;^ p|£ shun' ^ts'ung ke' ; lively, /|^ fg- fdi' lit^. Kw'di hwoh; wanton, ^^i\^ ,shang yuk^ ,sam. Sang yuh sin, ^ i^ shik, ^sam. Sih sin. Buxomly, wantonly, ^ ^ ^hau ^in. Buxomncss, briskness, '^;r^^ fdi' ut^ 'ch6. Kw'di hwoh chc, '^^^ fdi' ch'eung'. Kw'di ch'dng; amorousness, ;J5i,@.;^^ ^seung ^sz ^chi sz'. Sidng sz chi sz, ^^ jhdu 'ch6. Buy (pret. and pp. bought), to purchase, ^ ^di. Mdi, ^ 'kii. Kii, ^^ ^mdi ;oi. Mdi Idi, ^A -mdiyap^. Mdi jib, ijj -'shi. Shi, ff tek^. Tih, y^ ,kii. Kii, g chi'. Chi, ^ kau'. Kau, ^ ^ ^mdi shau^ Mdi shau, ^^ kau' '^mdi. Kau mdi, :f| ,kiin. Kiuen; to buy and sell, ^^ Tndi mdi^ Mdi mdi, ^ ^ fdn' mai^■ Fdn mdi ; to buy upon trust, ^ Pf ,she ^mdi. Shie mdi, ^^ ^she chi■l^ Shie chii ; " to buy fear, " bribe, or buy one off, ^ f ll *mai p'd'. Mdi p'd ; " to buy water, " to BUY (286) BY throw some cash in the river when fetching wa- 1 ter to wash a dcaceased parent with, ^ ^fc *mdi \ 'shui. Mai shwui ; to buy an office, ^ 1^ ^un j ,ki #( y^ 'ii ^t'd 'mdi. Yu t'd mdi ; to buy up goods, ^ % pdn^ 'mdi. Pdn mdi, ^ \\ pdn^ fo'. Pdn ho; to select and buy, X^% 'ts'oi'mdi. Ts'di mdi ; to buy out or off, ^ {Ij 'mdi ch'ut,. Mdi ch'uh ; to purchase the share or shares of a per- son in a stock, ^^ 'mdi jts'iin. Mdi ts'iuen, |^ ■^W/) ^mdi jts'un 'kii fan^ Mdi ts'iuen kii fan; to pay dear for, ^ ^ 'mdi kwai'. Mai kwei, ^ #t^{^ 'mdi tak, kd' ,k6. Mdi teh kid kdu Buy, to negotiate about a purchase, |^f§ 'kong kd'. Kidng kkl, f^^^ 'I kd' ^ts'in. I kid ts'ien. Buyer, a purchascsr, % ^ 'mdi 'chii. Mdi chii, % ^ 'mdi .kd. Mdi kid, ^ ^ 'mdi 'ch^. Mdi ch6, ^ ^- 'ku 'ch6. Kd ch6, ^ % 'mdi hdk,. Mdi k'eh, ^ ^^ shau' 'chu. Shau chd, ),% j^f; A ""^di tik, Jan. Mdi tih jin. Buying, purchasing, ^ 'mdi. Mdi, |^ ,ku. Kii, j^ tekj. Tih ; buying and selling, p( |'^ 'mdi mdi^ Mdi mdi. tek, t'iii'. Tih t'idu. Buzz, to make a low, humming sound, ns insects, ^ng. Ying, ^ ^ying. Ying, m^\ ts6' jing jing ,shing. Tso ying ying ahing ; to buzz, like a crowd of i)Cople, j^ ^ ^^) /i'f tsh' jtsang jtsang .shing. Tso tsang tsangshiug; to speak with a low, humming voice, .^fCj^^H ,':l!|^^ 'kong tak, aai' sai' ,shing. Kidng teh si si shing, ^ ^ ^ f^ ts6' s^gam jHgam .shing ; to buzz about, gLn,'4 Uiu' 'kong. Lwdn kidng, gLgj^ lim' ngap,; buzz of .1 crowd, Plp Pjj^ ^ hap, \x\n\^ ^ch'd. BuzZi to whisper^ or spread, n(i tt iH^port, p|p )|^ "(llf tsing' 'tsing jCh'iin. Tsing tsing ch'uen, f| ^ tsing' 'tsing ,t'ung .chi. Tsing tsing t'ung chi, i^^^ jCh'iin piii' wd'. Ch'uen pei hwd, ^ %, g^ jCh'iin .sz wd\ Ch'uen sz hwd; abuzz like musketocs, ^pfl^U^ ,man k6m' ^ts'b ; the buzz of muskctoes, |^ ^ .man ^lui. Buzzard, a species of hawk, ^ fuk^. Fuh, J||^ .tiu. Tidu, ^ (?) tsau'. Tsiii ; a block-head, ^ j^ tun' mat^. Tun wuh. Ch'un Buzzard, senseless, stupid, 3§f^ 'ch'un tun' tun, ^ 1^ 'ch'un chiit,. Ch'un chueh. Buzzer, a whisperer, ^^^% jCh'iin pui' wd' 'ch6, i$ ^IM i^ ,ch'iin .sz wSi^ 'ch6. Ch'uen sz hwd ch6, ^j^Mil^^ tsing' 'tsing .t'vmg jCh'iin 'ch6. Tsing tsing t'ung ch'uen ch6. Buzzing, making a low, humming sound, ^ ^ '^ ^ tsb' jing ying .shing. Tso ying ying shing; whispering, -^^^ jCh'iin piii' wd'. Ch'uen pei hwd, i^^^ jCh'iin mat^ wd'. Ch'uen mih hwd ; a buzzing green fly, ^'^'^i§^ jVing ^ying .ts'eng ^ying. Ying ying ts'ing ying. Buzzing, a noise, as of a crowd of people, ^ ^ ^ jhbm jhbm .shing, ^ 1*^ ^ jts'5 jts'6 .shing ; a buzzing in the ears, jf R^ 'i jming. Rh ming, ^ ^^ jts'iii jts'iu .shing, ^ jliii. Lidu; the buzz- ing or hum of insects, ^ ^ .kwang .kwang. Kwang kwang By, near, close, j£ kan'. Kin, ^ 'i. Uh, |{jif jg; fu' kan'. Fii kin, ^^ t'lp,. T'ieh ; near in motion, j^ ^ fking kwo'. King kwo, j|^ jg; kwo' kan'. Kwo kin ; instrument or cause, j^ 1, I, ^ pi'. Pi, ^ yung'. Yung ; through, ^ jau. Yii, ^ jts'ung. Ts'ung ; to sit by one, g^ 4^ t'ip, tso'. T'ioh tso, jg; 4^ kan' tso'. Kin tso ; by the town, jj;^ kan' jShing. Kin ching ; by the river side, :^ j^J ^ tsoi' jho .pin. Tsdi ho pien ; to pass by the Church, I? '}^ in^ ff- ^ !i^^^ kwo' kan' 'lai pdi' jt'ong. Kwo kin li pdi t'dng ; day by day, yatj yatj. Jih jih, ^ % .t'in .fin. T'ien t'ien ; year by year, 4^ ^ ^nln ^nln. Nien nien, j^ ^ jUn jUin. Lien nien ; it has been so year by year, M ^ 1^ I®! likj s"^^ ^ai' 'k6m. Lib nien hi kdn, ^ 4^ ^0 ^ lil^ ^nin ^u shI'. Lib nien jd shl, j^ i^ il[\ ^ 'lii ^nin jii shl'. Lii nien jii shi ; article by article, % % tsit, tsit,. Tsieh tsieh, ^ ^ 'fiin 'fun. Kw'dn kw'dn, j^ j^ .ch^ung .ch^ung. Chdng chdng, {1| ^ tun' tun'. Twdn twdn ; by the space of seven years, -b ^ ^ ^ ts'at, ^nin .chl 'kau. Ts'ih nien chi kiii, -t 4^ >^ PJj ts'at, jnin .chi .kdn. Ts'ih nien chi kien, -fc ^ |ltt IJ5f ts'at, jUin kom' noi'. Ts'ih nien kdn ndi ; by tliis time, lit: HV 'ts'z ^shl. Ts'z shi, ^ ft$ .sz ^shi. Sz shl ; by or according to, l}^ chiu'. Chdu, (^ .1. I, {{|^ kii'. Kii ; this appears bv his own account, f^ %Z-^'^\>A^Z} J>^ vS P]^ #1 'M. ^ V^^ 't'ung 'tsau 'hai chak, ^pin ^lai, >^ MMithZ"^ Tau 't'ung 'tsau tsoi' ,t'a ,chi jP'ong. Yu t'ung tsiu tsdi t'd chi p'dng; to sit by one's self, ^ ^ tuk^ tso'. Tub tso ; to stand by one's self, Q jj^ tsz' lap^. Tsz lib ; set it by itself, ll^[>^ — PT Mil ^chai ^hoi yat, "hd, ^^ — ]^ tukj chf yat, ch'il'. Tuh chi yib ch'ii ; he is by himself, fg:^^ ^k'ii tuk^ tsoi'. Kii tuh tsdi, :^ tS M i^ tuk^ ^k'ii 'hai ch'ii', 'It #, :^ ,wai .t'd tsoi'. Wei t'a tsdi; to be present by attorney, |^ ;|t^^ fat, chdt, toi' "li. Fab chdh tdi li; north by west, :|B^^»;|hJ pj pak, ,kim tik, h^ung' ^sai. Pih kien tih hidng si ; the cause by which, ^ J^ ^ *sho ^i jin. So i jen ; I have no money by me, ^ ^ ^ ^ jab ,ngan tsoi' ^shan. Wii yin tsdi shin, ^ ^ ^^ :^ _h. iiii' 'yau ^ngan tsoi' ^shan sb^ung'. Wi yii yin tsdi shin shdng, tIc '^ §fi '^ ^ mi' ^yau /igan tdi' ^loi. Wl yii yin tdi Idi ; to stand by one, ^^ A X ,hoi 'fo. K'di ho, |^ ^ ,boi ,tang. K'di tang ; to work by candlelight, P^jl^ftX;^ ,lioi ^tang tsb' (287) BY ,kung /li. K'di tang tso kung fii, ^ ^ X tsb* y6' jkung. Teo y^ kung ; by the favor of nightj ^ ^ sSliing ye'. Ching y6, ^ M ,shing hak,. Ching heh ; by night, ^ ^ y6' ^kdn. Y6 kien, M^ .sing y6'. Sing ye; by chance, f^^ ^ngau jin. Ngau jen, 7f> 3^\ pat, liu'. Pub lidu, Z^ ^^ pat, f . Pub 1 ; by the name, ]>Xttj& ^ 'ts'z ^meng. 1 ts'z ming, ^^t^ .ch'ing ts'z ^meng, B^B'&lft ^ kiu' .ni ti' .meng ; to subdue people by virtue, J^ f^ -3^ A ^ tak, fukj ^yan. I teh fub jin ; seize him by force, ^^fg .nd chii' "k'ii. Nd chuk'ii, B:^^Z 'i liK chap,\chl. I lib chih chi, }^ ^ ^ f|{i yung' lik^ ^nd .t'd. Yung lib nd t'd ; to keep people down by force, 0.^1^ A ^i likj at, .yan. 1 lib ydh jin ; killed by the sword, ^^J^ ^ pi' .tb shdt, 'sz. PI tdu shdb sz ; to attack by fire, ]^)Kr^:t 'i 'fo ckung .chi. I ho kung chl; by the way, ^^ lo' .pin. Lii pien; ditto, to re- mark, ^ — f^^ 'yau yat, kin' sz'. Yu yib kien sz ; by the bulk, |^ i)^ lun' .tiii. Lun tui ; by re- tail, l^ff^ lun' kin'. Lun kien, ^^ chuk^ y^ung*. Chub ydng, ^ f|: chuk^ kin'. Chub kien, by the piece, ^ — ■ chuk^ yat,. Chub yib ; by stealth, im im c^'au /'au. T'au t'au, ^ ^ tsing' tsing. Tsing tsing, p^ \i^ .yam .yam. Yin yin; by virtue of, '^ ^p'ang. P'ang ; by dint of, |^ '1. I, by what means can it by effected, M "fa* ^ ^ '/^ tg yung' mat, ^6 fdt, chi' ^k'ii, mn^'}^ ^ yung' .ho fdt, chi' .chi. Yung bo fdh chi chi ; one by one, yat, yat,. Yib yib, ^ ^ ^mui ^mui. Mei mei ; by turns, |^ ^ ^lun ^lau. Lun liii ; by degrees, )|If j^ tsim' tsim'. Tsien tsien, ^ -fg tsam' 'ka. Tsin kid, >^ ^ tsim' ts'z'. Tsien ts'z ; I shall be back again by one o'clock, — ■ ^h^ W^W^ yat, tim .chung 'ngo .fdn ^lai ; by that time, y^ pj^' D-^ ko' chan' .shi. Ko chin shi, -^H^ ^ ko' .shi hau'. Ko shi hau, y^ g^^ ^ ko' ^shi .kdn. Ko shi kien, ^Y^ |^ ts'z tsai'. Ts'z tsi; by tAventy years younger, ^HI^^ "h^ sai' ^yau 1' shap^ sui'. Si yu rh sliih sui, ■^ -^ H -\^ ^ shiii' .t'd i' sbap^ sui'. Shdu t'd rh shih sui ; it is three by my watch, H^^|^|^l'^^;^/>® chiii' 'ngo .piii hai' .sdm tim .chung. Chdu wo pidu hi sdn tien chung, Hg ^^fi^ ^^j^ cliiu -ngo .piii shi' .sdm tIm. Chdu wo pidu shi sdn tien, -f|c^^^ ^ ,i jUg .piii .kau .shan. I wu pidu kidu shin ; by all means, ^ || .ts'In mdn'. Ts'ien wdn, =f- $r .ts'In jk'I. Ts'ien k'l, || ^ mdn' mdn'. Wdn wdn ; by no means, ^ ^ tiin' pat,. Twdn pub, 'M^ ^ pit, pat,. Pieh puh, ^ pg tiin' ^m. Twdn wu, ^ ^ ping' /I. Ping fl, ^ X- Piug' pat,. Ping puh, ^ 3f. fat, ^li. Pub hii, Jf^ % pat, ^In. Puh jen, ^ ^ .fl Vd. Fij6,^^Z^^ mdn' mdn' pat, 'lio. Wdn wdn puh k'o ; by means of it, ^ ilt tsik^ ts'z. Tsih ts'z, ^ i^ 'sho 'I ; hard by, i£ kan'. Kin |A t'lp,. T'ieh, l^jg; t'ip, kan';.by and by, ^ — ITJC tang yat, ^hd. Tang yib hid, '^ {fflB^ tang ^hd ch6', i^\% mdn' mdn'. Mdn mdn, iLtl 'ch'^ mdn'. Ts'i6 mdn, ^|l|Bg 'tang chau' fetfi (^88) feY^ ch6', ^ M, ^ 'tang sik, ,kdn. Tang sili kien, ^ ^B$ kwo' ,8d jshi. Kwo sid shl, TjE ji^ H$ ching' kwo' jShi. Ching kwo shi, j^i^Hf ,king kwo' ^shi. King kwo shi; by the by, |W> W^J'^ft^"^ P> 7^'* 'siu kin* 8z^ O, yii sidu kien sz. By-blow, a side-blow, f^ ^ jW6ng 'td. Hung td ; bastard, ^ -^ 'yd *tsz. Y6 tsz. By-business, business aside of the common mode, 1^ ^1^ ^ jii ngoi* sz^ Yu wdi sz, ^(» -^ ngoi* sz\ Wdi sz. By-coffee-house, a coffee-house in an obscure place, >j(^^PJf/^pui*kd\fltim\ By-concernment, an aifair distinct from the main business, ^\> ^ ngoi* sz^ Wdi sz, yj> ^ 'siii szK Sidu sz. By-concern, a private comer, ^ ts'z'. Ts'z. By-dcpendance, an appendage, \if^ ^ fu* mat^. Fii wuh, ^^ jlin matj. Lien wuh, ^4^ chui* mat^. Chui wuh; that which depends on something else, |§ ^ ^ shuk^ .t'd 'did. Shuh t'd ch6, M-^^ fuk^ ,t'd 'ch6. Fuh t'd ch<:«. By-design, an incidental design, ^ i^; did' f. Chd 1, \^ f.^: ,^ ^ 'ngau tak, ,chi i'. Ngau teh chi i. By-end, private end, ^ ^ ,sz i'. Sz i, ^l, li^ ,8Z jSam. Sz sin. By-gone, past, i^^'^ kwo' hii' tik,. Kwo k'ii tih, tLM 'i kwo'- I kwo, ^i^\^'i kwo' lok„ a^ Ml 'i .king kwo' Hiu. 1 king kwo Hdu, j^- f-fc ki' 'wong. Ki wdng ; by-gone times, ^i]ti: 'wong shai'. Wdng shi, ^ [it hii' shai'. K'ii shi; by- gone ycai-s, Btt^^ ^^ Vong ^chi jUln. I wdng chl nien ; let by-gones be by-gones, }^i^~f ^ j^ ^ sz* kwo' 'liii ^mb yung* 'kong. Sz kwo lidu wu yung kidng, ||5t#^ii ki' 'wong pat, shiit,. Ki wdng puh shwoh. By-interest, private interest, ^ j^^ ,sz i', Sz i, 7^ i\i) ,sz .sam. Sz sin, ^ ;^J B i' H' 'ki. f 11 ki, ^ ^d'' It ilj c«'' .sam sh6*'"li*. Sz sin slue li. By-lane, a lane out of the usual road, j^ ^ pui* hong*, pfi % p'ik, hong*. P'ih hidng. By-law, the law of a city or private corporation, -^ lai*. LI, f^l ^J ,kw'ai lai*. Kw'ei li ; supplement- ary laws, f5|^J I'll* lai*. Tu li. By-matter, something incidental, {jilj ,^ <;1 ^ Sigau jln jChi sz*. Ngau jen chi sz. By-name, nick-name, :f^ ^ /d ^mcng. Ilwd ming, wan ^meng. Ilwan ming. By-name, to give a nick-name, ^•f^i^ 'lo ^fd jneng. IjO hwd ming, jjjl '/j^ ^^ ^kd wan* ^meng. Kid hwan ming. By-i)assag(>, a passage by the way, ^ king*. King, 'dTO ^••iJ^k, 16*. Tsol/lu. Bv-path, a private path, @ king'. King, ^ king'. * King, is king'. King, ^ Jiai. Ui, ^]\\}f^ chak, 16*. Ts.'h Ivi, ^ "^ ,HZ 16*. Sz lii ; do not walk in by- pallis, tr ^ til S^ M^n V^K jja" king'. Hang puh yii king, V^^'fj^h^ ^m ,hang 'siu 15*. pg^y tr^i^S 1^ 'h6 jhang sai' 16*; attending a funeral procession, do not go in a by-path, j£$>f^^^ sung' ,8ong pat, ^yau king'. Sung sdng puh yii king. By-purpose, a concealed design, ^ t^^ ^z f. Sz i, 1^ ^ 'yan I'. Yin i, ^, ^Vj.^ ^sz ,8am. Sz sin. By-respect, private end, ^ t^;^ ,sz ,sam. Sz sin, ^ M> csz i'. Sz i. By-road, an obscure road, j^^ p4i* 16*, ji^^ p'ik 16*. P'ih lu. By-room, a private appartment, ^ ^ chak, ,fong. Tseh fdng, -dM cP'in s''«"f?- ^"'^^ ^^""S- ' By-stander, a spectator, ^ \ jP'ong jjan. P'dng Jin, ^±:^ iP'ong lap^ 'd.6. P'dng lih ch<^, ^ # # sP'ong shl* 'chd. P'dng shi chd, ^^^ jP'ong ,kun *ch6. P'dng kwdn chd. By-street, an obscure street, j^ fff p'ik, ^kdi. P'ih kidi, ^§ ^^ pdi* ,kdi. By-stroke, an incidental or sly stroke, ^ :J7' 'ngau *td. Ngau td, ^^ tr jWdng 'td. Hung td. By-turning, an obscure road, j^\^i^j pui* jWdng ,kdi. By-view, self-interested purpose, ^ ^^ ,sz i'. Sz i, ^i^ ,sz ,sam. Sz sin. By- walk, a secluded walk, j^^ f)ui* king'. Pei king. By west, westward, ffi] |Hj hdung' ,sai. Hidng si. By-word, a common saying, '^^ tsuk^ 'ii. Suh yu; to become a by-word, ^ ^ ttt P 1^ s^"" l*^^^* shai' 'hau shat^. Wei hau shl k'au shih, ^ \^ ^ ts6* ^yan wd* pong'. Tso jin hwd ping. Byard, a strap accross the breasts or those who drag the sledges in coalmines, jl^fl^-^p' kwo' ,hung tdi'. Kwo hiung tdi, jj^^^;^ kwo' pok, tdi'. Kwo poh tdi. Bye, a dwelling, Jg |g ,kii ch'ii'. Ku ch'u, ^ ^ uk, 'u. Uh yd; good bye, ^^ jP'ing ,on. P'ing ngiin, gf^ ts'eng ,on. Ts'ing ngdn, ^;^f^ 'ts'eng d' ; said by the one who departs, — ^ ^ ^ vat, 16*^p'ing ,on. Yih lu p'ing ngdn, ^M.^^ ^"k, ,sing 'kung chiu'. Puh sing kung chdu, jjiSM^ g fuk, ,sing tsoi' t6*. Puh sing tsdi tdu, — S^ SS M y^K 1^^ f"k, ,sing. Yih lu fuh sing. Byre, a cow house, ^ ^^ ^ngau jldn. Niu Idn. Byssin, | a silk or linen hood, ^ i|i^ ,sz m6*. Sz Byssus, j mdu, j^ ijif tun* m6*. Twdn indu, Jg |£ ^md hnin. Md mien. Byssine, made of silk, J^ ,8z. Sz, ^P^ ,sz kd'. Byssus, exceedingly fine linen, cotton or silken cloth, jy; ^ ^ yau' sai' p6'. Yu si pii, ifj^f^ yau' sai' ,s6. Yd si sii. Byzant, | a gold coin of the value of about £15 Byzantine, J sterUng, ^ ^ ^, '^ ^x''] ] S. f^ ^ ,kam jts'in jUiong, kd' yduk, shap^ 'ng pong* ,kam. Kin ts'ien ming, kid yoh shih wu pdng kin. Byzantine *, "> pertaining to Byzantium, n^^ilij',^^ Byzantian, j Pdts'antln tik,. Pdts'intien tih. CAA (289) CAB C Cthe third letter of the English alphabet, :^ f^ ^ -^ ^ ^ ^ .Ying wa- tsz^ Tno tai' ^s^m • tsz". Ying hAva tsz mu tl san tsz ; C, — ~^ yat, pak,. Yih pch ; CC, H "g" r pak^. Rh peh ; C.S.==Custos sigilli, ^f^ J^ chiu ^mo. Cliaii mo; C.B.=Coinpaiiion of the Bath, see Bath. Caaba, a square stone in the temple of Mecca, ^ shing' shek^. Shing PE Kfipa. KiapA, g :g shih ; the most sacred temple of the Mohamme dans, [eI fEJit \^M tM s^i s^i ^au' jan chf shing' ^chi miu^ llwui hwui kiau jin chi shing chi miau. Cab ^'^P^ff y^^\ ^^^ jShing. Yoh sz shing. Cab, a covered carriage with two or four wheels, drawn by one horse, ||.,^^ ,tan ^mk ^ch'e. Tan ma ch'e. Cabarl, a number of persons united in some close de- sign, usually to promote their private views in church or state by intrigue, i^f ^' ^kan 'tong. Kien tang, ^ '^ ^kan 'tong. Kien tdng, ^ ^' Ngoh 'kwai *tong. Kwci tang, ^ ^ ok, 'tong tiing, 5PIII lb 'tong. Ho tdng^'^^;f ^p'ang 'tong. P'ang tang, ^ ^ 'fi 'tong. Fi tang ; to com- bine ill cabals, ^'^ J 't'li'an ch'uk,'chek. Ch'uen wi ta fang; ditto ,kan. Ch'an ch'uh chih kin ; cabobs, ^ ch'uk,. shid; an ai)partment in a ship for officers and jKissengers, f^ ^ jShiin /ong. Ch'uen fang, f^ ^-y- jShuii /ong 'tsz. Ch'uen fang tsz, ^jj^-fir hdk, jfong *tsai; ditto cabins or appai-tments M'ith- out doors, as in Chinese junks, ^ K'eh ts'ang, "j^ f^ ^kiin ,ts'ong. Kwi'in ts'ang;| cabin or saloon at the stern of a ship, l^flifJ^Aj^) shiin mi t6,i /ong. one on deck, ^ ±,}^ Ch'uen shiing wi lau, jShiin slidung^ 'mi ^lau. Ts'uh. Ling wi fling ; a poor w oman's cabin, -^ ^ luk^ ! ch'eung. Jjuh chw'ang. Cabin, to live in a cabin, 'f^ yj> J^ chii^ 'siii /ong. Chii siau fdng. Cabin-boy, a boy whose duty it is to wait on the officers and passcng(!rs on board of a ship, f'^\ ^ f^f jShiin 't'ai 'tsai. Ch'uen t'i tsi. Cabinet, a closet, Hi] ts'z'. Ts'z ; a small room, ^ j0 /ing 'mi /ong. < Caboose^the cook-room or kitchen of a ship. jShiln jCh'ii. Ch'uen ch'ii; a stove for cooking in .funj, ;16. Tung lu, -^ a small vessel, ^ 'shau jl5. Shau lii. Cabriolet, a one-hoi-se chaise, — ^ yat, 'leung. Yih liang, ^ i^ ^ ,sh6ung jlun ^ch'e. Shwdng lun eh'e, — '^1^ ,vat, j^'^no .^-'b'e. Yih ching ch'e. Caburns, small lines made of spun-yam, to bind cables, seize tackles «fcc., ^-f- jshing 'tsz. Shing tsz, yJ^j|3I *siu jShing. Siiiu shing. "f-^ ^^ Chakulut ^ ,seung jfong. Sidng fang, >J^ ^ 'siu /ong Sidu fdng, j^- -j^ /ong 'tsai ; the select or secret Cacao, the chocolate tree, council of a prince, pAj jljj noi^ kok,. Nuikoh; shii^ Chdkuluh shii the Imperial council chamber, ^ ^^ |^ ^kwan Cachalot, a spemiaceti whale, f«y, ^ j^'i'ig l*^*- ,ki ch'ii'. Kiun ki ch'u ; a member of ditto, \^ K'ing lui. ■^ kok, 'R). Koli Idu, 71 [Hj y^l\ kok,. Jili koli. Cache, a hole in the ground for hiding and preserv- P^l^^fe noi^ kokj tai" ^shan. Nui koh td chin; ing provisions which it is inconvenient to carry, ^ kdu'. Kidu. Cachet, a seal, ^l yan'. Yin, ^ 'po. Pau; lettre na de cachet, pgg tsui chiiV. Tsiii chdu, p'iu'. Na p'iau. ^g W p6^ j,'i,V. Pu p'iau, t^'j^ m. * /a Jun 'chi. II wd lun chi, i^ ,t'au ,ts'im. Ngang t'au ts'ien. m I ^ ngang" the president of the cabinet, ^ [It] ;^ »^ i noi' kokj tdi^ hok^ sz^ Nui koh td hioh sz ; a piece of furniture, consisting of a chest or box, with draw- ers and doors, \^ H ts'at, ^seung. Ts'ih sidng ; a hut, 3^ ^ 'ts'6 sh6'. Ts'du s\n6. Cabinet-council ^|^j noi^ kok,. Nui koh; the mem- bers of a ])rivy couu{;il, fk] ||}J ;^ f^ noi^ kok, tdi" Cachexy, a deranged state of the constitution, ^^ jShan. Nui koh td chin. i^ ^ ^shan ^hii hiit, tuk^. Shin liu hiueh tuli. Cabinet-maker, a man whose occujjation is to make Cachination, loud laugliter, B^ cabinets, tables, bureaus &e., ^ ,^ fflj f^ kdp, PBf npf ^ho ^ho. mdn' ,sz fu^ Kidh wdn sz fu, '^^ nmk^ tseung^. Cacholong, an opacpie or milk-white chalcedony, ^ •Muh tsidng. o. O. Cabirian,^ pertaining to the eabiric, cci-tain deities Cacique, see Cazicjue. Cabirie, /greatly venerated by the ancient pagans Caek, to case the body by stool, |^|{^' ch'ut, ,kuni in Greece and Pheniciu, ■^J^MSflJ^H^f ''^''i i'l" ^\i'uh kung, tr^j^'.ha'ng kung. Uang kung. }m jhd. Hid hid, Id)) kwokj jShan ^nienj ming Cable, a large, strong rope to i-etain a vessel at an- chor. ,nau l.uii Ian, Tin ■nr* jTidusok Midu Midu soh, i^lJJl teng' ^kong. Ting kdng; a chain ditto, f//|^ ^ndu lin^ Midu lien ; the Atlantic ca- ble, Mi^l^B. kwo' j6uAg tin* sin'. Kwo yrtng tien sien ; a small cable, -/fj- ^ ,ehau sok,. Cliau soh ; to cut the cable, jjjlj: ^ 'chdm lam'. Chan Idn ; a cable's length ♦, — $//j j^ <: ^^ yat, ^ndu 1dm' ^ehl ^ch'eung. Yih midu Idn chi ch'dng. Cable-tier, tli(< ])lace Avhere the cabh^s are coiled Kii Hildh kwoh siiin Cackerel, a species of lish, ^^:^ jii^meng. Yu ming. Cackle, to make a particular noise, as a hen, V^ P^ kokj kok,, f*f(J5§ ngdkj uk, ; to cackle, as a goose, §f IS J'K y'K- ^^''1' •"■>'. i3 I'/B ,ng'> ngiik,; to giggle, M^ p^ ,hi ,h>. Hi hi, n^ ag hi ,hd. Ul hid; to talk in a silly manner, ^ftHBft |/lj "g^'M^ ,sdm ngaj), sz'. Cackle, the broken noise ul' a goose or ln-n, Pg. P^ ri'^i kok, kok, ,shing, Pj\i @ ny ngj'ik, uk, ,sbing, fj'il IS ^ y**^. yi'^, .sl>'»g- ^'>'» nil» shing; idle t«ill^'> fUJ W W) mt j''"" s'n i^'^^n *"• lii^n yen bien vi'i ; silly prattle, f|[ [i]x li'in' "gtip,. ^-'^^'\'fil^^^m\^ViR- • This its tlu! wun\ uiH'il for wiirniiit aiul is an iitU>tnbt Hi giring the foivign huhiu], VAC g^ ( 291 ) (J A I) ii WftifMa^iSilUt^ Cackling, making the noise of a goose or hen, ||2 1^ yik, yik,. Nih nih, il^d^ kok, kok,. Caco-chymic, ") having the fluids of the hody vit- Caco-chymical, ) iated, especially the hlood, ^ J^ ^^ wdi^ liiit, tik,. UwAi hiueh tih, :^ I^ P^ wai^ hilt, k6'. Caco-chymy, a vitiated state of the hlood, :^J^ wai" hilt,. Hwai hiueh. Caco-clemon, an evil spirit, JS j^ ok, 'kwai. Ngoh kwei. Caco-ethes, a bad habit. Pa" $? 5^ ^^ jin -ho ^kw'ai *kii; a had disposition, ^.'(^ ok, sing'. Ngoh sing, Wi '14 'Iw ^\ ^^"o' jt^'ii^s- Ngoh sing ts'ing, gjg i\'^- i^ Wi c^^^'^^i P'i^j ^i"o' jte'ing. KAvai p'ih sing Is'ing; an incurable ulcer, ^ |^ tuk, ^ch'ong. Tub cli'wang. Caco-ethes scriliendi, a diseased propensity for writ- ing. M^M 's^ ^^' P'''^'^- ^i« *»^ P'i'^' ^M ^sz' ,ch'i. Tsz ch'i. Cacography, bad spelling, ^ |^ 's6 ts'o'. Sie ts'o, Wi&^ 'se pak, tszA Si6 peh tsz. Cacology, had speaking, Jf^ ^ f.|J ;^ fj^pat, ,lau li' ^chi v,'6}. Piih liu li chi liwa, gj =" chat, ^in. Chill yeii. Cacophonic, ") sounding harshly, yj^^ ^sha ^yam, Cac'oplionical, j f^ ^ ^ts'o ^yam. Ts'u yin, if^ ^ ^t.s'6 ^sliing. Ts'u sliing. Cacophonous, harsh-sounding, ^ ^ [J^ ^ts'6 jam tik,. Ts'u yin tih, j'^^^n^.sha '^sliing ke. Cacophony, a disagreeable sound of Avords, ^^ ^ scent, ft^^^M '^'' M fh'au' mi*. Sz shi ch'au wi. /s'6 sliin; Tarn. Ts'u vin. is'o sbin2:. Ts'ii Cacotechny, a coiTupt art, §|,^ 'ch'au ngai^ Ch'avi 1. Caeotrophy, bad food, ^ ^ wai^ shik^. Hwai shih, W-'^ ok, shik,. Ngoh shih; bad nutrition, ^^f^ it ^|] li\ Li. Cat], a boy at the door of an omnibus, ijip^^ ^ch'6 ,mun 't'ai. Ch'e mun t'i; a runner, oi- messenger, ^ ^M '^^^^ ^'■'K' ^W. '^^^^ ^^''' "^^^^ ^^^^• Cadaver, a corpse, ^ ^shl. Shi, j^ "^ ^shi 'shau. Shi sliau. Cadaverous, having the appearance or color of a dead, human hody, ^"^[(^ ft 'sz ^shi 'k6m sliik,. Sz shi kdn sih, ^ Pgt .shilTe', ^ ^ ,shi tik,. Shi till ; pale, '^ ^]^ W %z ^slii 'kbm min'. Sz shi kAn mien, -^ ^|] ^ yj^ J^ ^cham kat, ^mo tik, hiit,. Chin kih wii tih hiueh, ^ ^ tr ^chin. Ts'u tl chen. Cadent, falling doAvn, "JC Mid. Hid. Cadenza, the modulation of the \-oice in singing, ^ ^ chun' wan'. Chuen yun, '^)^ ^ ^t'iu Avan'. T'idu Aim. Cadet, the younger of Iavo brothers, ^ tai'. Ti; the youngest son, ^ fj('j kAAai' tai'. KAvei ti, ^ f^ mut tai'. Moh ti, ^^ ^Idi tai^ ; a volunteer, ^ 3t i sz^ I sz, .^db T'^ng sz'. Yung sz; a young man in a military school, 3^ ^ 'mo jt'ung. Wu t'ung. Cadew,= case-worm, see Caddis. Cadge, a market man or huckster, ^ ff fan' 'tsai, I tM m fF t^"^' /'^^^ '*s^^- I Cadge, cheerful, \% f^ fdi' lit^. Kw'di hwoh, ^ ^ I J: 'hotak, i'. Hdutehi. I Cadi, in the Turkish dominions, an inferior judge, a justice of the peace, -^ sz.' Sz. I • la borsinanship. t ^^ heraldry. CAD (292) CAJ Cadillac, a sort of pear, ^^ ^li jmeng. Li ming. Codmia, an oxirle of zink which collects on the sides of fu maces where zink is sublimed, Q^^ p^ ^lo. Uu, i}^ ^ ^\b chu'. Ldu chu. Caged, as birds, ^ 'ffe i^ kw'an' chii' kwo'. Kw'an chfi kwo, tH A # 1^ kw'jui' yapj Jam noi'. Kw'au jih liu nui, ^ f kw'aiV 'liii. Kw'an tdi shih, miit.-^M^MZm 'i JAi shek, jWai Jan ni \ 'siii ^van. Sidu jin. Caitiff, base, >|$i ji| Pj^ kwan' k6uk, k^', ^ ftg V'i lau'. P'i lau. Cajeput, cajuput, an oil from the East Indies, jj\j\^ y^ vtt Kditpiit jVau. Kidjehpoh yu. Cajole, to flatter, fg jjj| 'ch'im mi'! Chen mei, Up :^ ,no 'nan, ^ iQJ ^ ^ /ung ^ying shik, siu'. Pung ying sih sidu, |^ 'ch'im. Chen, J^ ^ ^ ^ ,o jii fung' jShing. O yu fung ching, ^ j^ 'mo mi'. Wu mei, ^ ^ ,wd .cbdi. Wd chdi ; t.) deceive, fi \^ 'mai hung'. Mdi hung, rn" CS? IS ^ wdt 'tsui kwan' p'in'. Hwah tsui kwan p'ien, ri'[l»^il»J^ A wdt^ 'tsui t'am' ,yan ; to soothe. ^^ 'fA wai'. Pu wei. Cajoler, a ilalteror. ^^^^\ 'cl.'im mi' ,chi ^vau. Chen mei chi jin, |lf #»^ A <"o 'nan k6' ^van, CAJ H A mi' jan. Mei jin, ^Wl^ 'eh'im ^u V,he. Chen vu ch^. Cajolery, flattery, ^^ JM ^ ^ 'cli'im mi^ ^chl sz\ Chen mei chi sz, :^jif^P|E^ ,no 'nan k^' sz\ fg Jl^ ^ 'eh'im mi' 'che. Chen mei ehe ; a wheed- ling to delude, iff pH M li wat^ 'tsui hi p'in'. Hwah tsui k'i p'ien. Cajoling, flattering, ;^|5 ^Ji ^no 'nan, |g j^ 'ch'im mi^ Chen mei; deceiving, f^^^K wat, 'tsui t'am' jan; skillful at cajoling, ^i Cake ^"'peng. Ping, 'f,^ /m. llM-an, pm^ 'chiin. ko. Kau, C«w*l c k6. Kau, 1^ k%.' KiAh, ^ /u. Fu, jwan. Hw^n, ijf| ,t'un. Tvv'an, |M. 'ts'e. Ts'i6, 0, fj^ ^ehing 'peng. Ching ping, IjI ^tui. Tui, ^- 'king. Iving, |^ 'yi^S"- Ying ; wheaton cakes, ^ ^/f mln' 'peng- Mien ping ; octo-angelic cakes, /\ fill ^ p^t, jSin ^k6. Pah sien kdu ; white rice cakes, ^ ^ fif pAk^ -mai 'peng. Peh mi ping ; hard, yellow, sweet rice cakes, »jf^ ^ f^ 'ch',4u -mai 'peng. Ch'Au ml ping ; sugar cakes, fp |g ■^ ^shA jt'ong 'peng. Sha, t'fing ping ; steamed rice cakes, ^ ^ -pjl * ^kon ^ko 'peng. KAn k^u ping; iruit cakes, j^ ^ ^c^ pak, 'kwo ^ko. Peh ko kdu ; white, square rice cakes, ^ ^ j[3^ ^wan p'in' ,k6. Yun p'ien kau, ^J^ jl^j.^ 'chi ,p'ii ^k6. Chi p'iii kdu ; hibiscus cakes, ^ ^ ^fafe /u ^vung .k6. Pu yung kau. ^^ f^ M^B. i'^«' c^lul /ti ^yung jk6. Tau sha fu yung kdu, ^ ^ ^ tau' ,yung ^ko. Tau yung kau ; cassia flower cakes, ^ -?£ ^ kwai' ^fa ^ko. Kwei hwA kdu ; aster flower cakes, ^ f^li^ kak^ /A ^ko. Kuh hwA kau; rose flower cakes, ^ |^ 1=6 ^mui kwai' ^k^. Mei kwei kiiu ; green pease cakes, |^ ^ |;^ luk^ tau' jk6. Luh tau kdu ; ciu-d cakes, ^ ^ jj:^ tau' fii' k5. Tau hu kdu ; spongy cakes, ^ ^3l sung ko. Sung kdu ; sponge cakes, ^ ^ )(^ ,kai tdn' ^kb. Ki tan kdu ; new year's cakes, ^ ^ ^nin ^ko. Nien kau, ^^^^ kwo' ^nln ^ko. Kwo nien kdu, jC^ jiin jUung. Yuennung; cocoa-nut cakes, ^ -^ ^ jy6 'tsz ^ko. Y6 tsz kdu ; water-chest-nut cakes, ,{j| ^^ '^^ 'md ^t'ai ^k^. Ma t'i kdu ; taro cakes, ^ ^ i^ u' ^t'au ^k6. Hii t'au kdu ; trian- gular cakes, ^ -^ij^ ^sdm kok^ ^kb. Sdn koh kdu; sugar cakes, ^J^Hg^ ^ ^ ijf: ^kb ^su 'peng. Kdu su ping ; red bean flour cakes, ^ ^ ^ jhung ^ling ^sii. Hung ling sii ; white olive seed cakes, Q ^ ^ pdk, jling ^su. Peh ling su ; crane cakes, ||^^ hok^ Jing ^sii. Hob ling su ; goose-fat cakes, j|| vft^ c^go jau ,su. Ngo yu su; sesamum cakes, ^Mlil^ ,clu ^ma ^su. Chi md si'i ; almond cakes, ^iiz^ hang' jan ^su. Hang jin su ; flat peach cakes, ^ \^i ^ lib[)^ ^t'b ^su. Hoh t'du su ; Tnk- hing cakes, |t| g ^i Takhing ^su. Tehbing sii ; currant cakes, ^^^^ 'u. Ts'z ku. Calaite, see Turquois. Calamanco, a woolen stuff of a fine gloss, and check- ered in the warp, liWl^m^:^^)^ K.'ildmdngko tdi^ jUl. Kidlamdngko td ni. Calamandrina jt'iR^ (?) ^^Vi long^ 'ts'b. Lib Idng ts'du. Calambour, a species of the agalloclmm-tree, used in cabinet-making, ij^j^ sbu^ ^meng. Shu ming. Calamiferous, a term applied to plants having a long, hollow, knotted stem, ^|^'ni Ms'dm. Ts'i ts'un, f T ^ *'^'i^ ji"f>- Cheh mo; adverse, |)<| .bung, lliung, n»- iy f^ ^m %b 'ts'oi, ^IF. ^ ^i jmo 'ts'oi sh(V. AVu ts'di su, >p pat, jtsN'nmg. Pub ts'idng, "^jf^^^ pat, kat,. Pub kih, >f;^ pat, hang^ Pull hang, 5^ 'iu. Ydu; misenible, ^jpjS ^tsoi wo'. Tsdi ho, j^g^fj^J .tsoi ,y«5ung tik,. Tsdi ydng till, ,^, fjlj wdi? wo*, llwdn bo ; calamitous times, ^1 njf ^hung ^shi. lliung shi, ]^ D.^ .tsoi jShl. Tsdi shi; a calamitous year ^\ ^ Jning ^nin. Hiun^ nien ; calamitous affixir, ^ ^ ,hung s//. lliung sZj yf>^ Z^ V^K ^^K <^"'ii **''*• ^*^^^ kih chl 8Z, Jf^Y^^-Z.^^ 1*^^ jts'iSung .chi sz^ Puh ts'idng chi sz. Calamitously, in a manner to bring givat distress, W^ .hung jln. Hiung jen, ^^^^^ .hung 'k6m ydung*. lliung kdn ydng. Calamitousness, deep distress, ijl^ ^ .tsoi n&i\^. Tsdi ndn, ^ ^ .tsoi j^ung. Tsdi ydng, ^ f^ .ts'ai 'ts'dm. Ts'I ts'dn ; the quality of producing misery, |?<| .hung. Hiung, ^ f^ Z ^ ^^^' ^0* .chi 8z\ Chi ho chi sz. Calamity, a great misfortune or cause of misery, j|D wo^ IIo, ^^, wdn^ llwdn, i^ ^ .tsoi ndn^ Tsdi ndn, li^,^, wo* wdn*. IIo hwdn, ,^.^ wan* ndn*. IlAvdn ndn, ^ |^ .tsoi hoi*. Tsdi lidi, ^ ^ .tsoi .y^ung. Tsdi ydng, ^ kau'. Kau, [)<) .hung. Hiung, ^ 'iu. Ydu, gt '»'i- Ydu, J^ .fix. K'l'i ; distress, ^ H 'fu ndn*. K'li ndn, ^ j^ .ts'ai 'ts'dm. Ts'i ts'dn, ^ ^ 'fu 'ch'o. K'u ts'u, g 1^ kw'an' dk^. Kw'an ngeh ; infelicity, ^Jf^Z ^ pat^ .ts'^ung .chi sz*. Puh ts'idng chi sz, Z{^ "ai.^ pat, kat, .ehi sz*, ^^ 'id it^. Ydu nieh, ^^ 'id hoi*. Y'^du hdi, \^^ .hung hoi*. Hiung hdi ; an unexpected calamity, \^ f^ j^vdng ^^ o . Hiung ho, :|^ j^ jWdng .tsoi. Hung tsdi, %:^Z ij^ ^mo 'mong .chi .tsoi. Wd wdng chi tsai, j^^ .tsoi pin'. Tsdi pien ; to induce calamities, ^ jj^ V^ wo*. Y6 ho, %inS 8l»"kj ^nin ^nin 'yau, .tsoi j6ung kok, ti* ^t'au. Fung shuh nien nien yd, tsdi ydng koh ti t'au. Calamus, the generic name of the Indian cane, call- ed also rotang, ^f^^ .slid jt'ang. Slid fang; ditto the cmmatieus, or sweet-flag, "^^ .ch'6ung jp'6. Ch'dng p'l'i, :^7V i"^' .ch'i^ung. Ni ch'dng. Calandm, a spocitN of lurk, ^^ ^ling ts'tJuk,. Ling ts'ioh. CAL (295) CAL Calangay, a species of white parrot, ^ §^| ^ pAk, jing ^mo. Poll ying wii. Calash, a light carriage with very low wheels, ^ }^:M. ,heng ^md ch'e. K'ing md ch'6: a hood on the top of a carriage, wliich can be thrown back, ^U^ ^kil Tc'am, :^^Jvu k'oi'. K'li k'ai. Calcadis, Avhite vitriol, Pjg^ 'au yeuk,. Ngau yoh, QlJilH pdk^ 'au Pell ngau sliwang. Calcar, in glass-works, a kind of oven, >)^ ^15. Lii, Calcareous, partaking of the nature of lime, ^ P^ /lii ke', jj^'^^ /ui tik,. HavuI tih; calcareous spar, l^pfCJg ,hon 'shui shek,. Han shwui sliih, ^^ ^ ^im ^tsing shek^. Yen tsing shih, ^^:^^ tai' /ui ^chi shek^. Tai hwui chi shih. Calcarcousness, quality of being calcareous, |J^ »j^ /lii sing'. Hwui sing, ^ ^ ^fui clie. Calcavalla, a sweet wine from Portugal, ^y§ ,t'im 'tsau. T'ien tsiii. Calceated, shod, '^^'^ yau ^hdi ^ch'im. Yii hiai ch'uen, ^^^-P^ 'yau ^hdi cheuk, kc'. Calcedon, a foul vein, like chalcedony, found in some precious stones, ^ ^ ,wong ^kan. Hwang kin ; see Chalcedonv. Calcedonic, ) pertaining to Chalcedony, JpJ 3S ^^ Calcedonian, ) ^o yuk^ tik,. O yuh till, i"^ 5g P^ ^o yukj ke'. Calcedony, see Chalcedony. Calciferous, containing calx or lime, |^ P^ ^fiii kc', 1^ 1^^ /ui tik,. Hwui tih. Calciform, in the form of calx, ^j^ ^ lui' ^fiii. Lui Invui, JTCI®;^ /'ii 'kom .ying. Hwau kan lung. Calculable, that may be calcined, pf ^ |J< 'ho tiin' /ui. K'o twdn hwui, pf 'ffc ^ 'ho fa' /lii. K'o liwa hwui, Pf jJiJc i^ 'lio calling /lii. K'o clung hwui, pj" ^ 0^ 'ho pin' ^fiii. K'o pien hwui. Calcinate, to, see Calcine. Calcination '^j>^^ tun' /ui 'die. Twan hwui che, 'Jf^^^ jShiii jShing /ui. Shau ehing hwui. Calcine, to be converted into a friable substance, ^')^ji^0i pi^ tiin' jShing /ui. Pi twan ching hwui, ^ ^ fa' ^fui. Hwa hwui. Calcined, reduced to a friable state by heat, ^ jj^ . 0^ tiin' kwo' /iii. Twan kwo hwui. Calcining, rendering friable by heat, ')1^0l tiin' /lii. Twan hwui. Calcium, the metallic basis of lime, !0i^^^ /ui jChi ^kam chat^. Hwui chi kin cliih. Calc-spar, calcareous spar, ^:^^ ^hon 'shui shek^. Han shwui shih. Calc-tuff, calcareous tufa, ^ f^ Jiui ^clui. Hwui cha. Calculable, that may be calculated, "pf ^ 'ho siin'. K'o swan, % ]^ % ^ 'ho 'i siin' tok,. K'o i swan toll, pT J^ ^ It # i^ 'ho -i siin' tok^ tak, ;ai, ^ sf 'ho kai'. K'o ki, pf ^ 'ho tok^. K'o toh, pfft 'ho ^ch'ui. K'o ch'ui, pf^ 'ho ,ch'au. K'o ch'au, ^# siin' tak,. Swdn teb, ff ff kai' tak,. Kl teh, ^^ tok^ tak,. Toh teb, ^^ iiii^ takji Lidu teht Calculary, a congeries of little stony knots dispers- ed through the parenchyma of the pear &c., by concretions of the sap, jjfji ^ nap, . Swan toh, f-|-^ kai' siin'. Ki SAvan, f^ ^ ^ch'ui siin'. Ch'ui swdn, ^ ^ jCh'au sun'. Ch'au swan, ^^ ,ch'au tok^. Ch'au toh, ^ yik,. Yih, '^Jg yik, tok^. Yih toh, p^^ liu- tok^. Liau toh, '|^ ^ 'ts'iin tok,. Ts'un toh, M M ch'ak, tok,. Ts'eh toh, |g ^t'o". T'u, f^ 'ii. ^^' ^ ^ ^P> ^^\- Yeh toh, }^ ^ 'ch'ui mo. Ch'ui mo, ^"^ ^I tok^. I toh, ^ lii^ Lii, % tsit,. Tsieh, i^ 'hai. Hiai, {^ liiin'. Hiun ; to consider, ^ ^ 'ta siin'. Ta swan g^ Wi ,cham cheuk,. Chin choh, ^^ .fiiitok,. T'iautoh,^; J^ J(5ung tok^. Liang toh", |fj lai''. Li, ^ kwai'. Kwei, ^ f- ^ts'z J^ung. Ts'z liang, ,g, g ^sz jleung. Sz liang ; to calculate destinies, ^ •^ siin' meng^. Swdn ming, |^ ^ /\ :!^ ^ch'ui siin' pat, tsz^ Ch'ui swan pdli tsz, ^ y\ ^ hon' pdt, tsz'. K'an pah tsz ; to calculate or take a survey with the eyes, ^ kin'. Kien, ^ ]g ^kun tok,. Kwdn toll ; to calculate astronomically, |^ ^ ^ch'ui lik^. Ch'ui lib, jQ] ^ying yat^. Ying jib, ^ 5^ ^ siin' ^t'in ^man. Swan t'ien wan, -^ ^ p6^ lik^. Pii lib, ^ ^ ^ch'ui ch'ak,. Ch'ui ts'eh ; to calculate upon one, as for help, ^^ ^ {{fl, tsik, lai' ^t'ti. Tsih lai t'a; to calculate ahead, gf^ljj^ kai' to' 'iin. Ki tau yuen ; I will calculate it, ^ ^TJMB|5* ^go '^'^ ^^^^' ^'li^' ' to calculate correct- ly. ^ E^ tok^ ,ngam, %%7^ siin' tak, chcuk^. Swan tell choh, ^ f ^ 'a' ^^^^' ^^\ 1^^P>- Swan teh hob, %%\^ siin' tak, ^ngam, '^pju yik, chung'. Yih chung, ^ FJI liu' chung'. Liau chung. Calculated, computed, ^ j||^ siin' kwo'. Swan kwo, :ff ^^;^ 'ta siin' kwo'. Td swan kwo; considered, ^ ^ liii- kwo'. Liau kwo, ^^ tok, kwo'. Toh kwo. Calculating, computing, ^ siin'. Swan, i^ ^^ 'ta siin'. Ta swan, ^|t siin' tok^. Swan toh, =j- ^ kai' siin'. Ki swdn ; considering, j^ ^ liu' tok^. Liau toll, ^ tok,. Toh, ^g^ ^cham cheuk,. Chin choh. Calculation g-|- kai'. Ki, ^ :^ siin' fat,. Swan fdli, fj- ^- kai' 'die. Ki ch6, % gf ^- siin' kai' 'die. Swan ki die, ^^ siin' tok,. SAvan toh; the cal- culation of one's destiny, ^-^ siin' mcu^. SAvan ming, jl^^/\^ ^chim siin' pat, tsz'. Chen swan pdh tsz ; the calculations of the calendar, jg ^^ wan* ts6^ Yun tsii, ^^ lik^ sho'. Lib su; to be out in one's calculation, ^ ^ siin' ts'o'. SAvan ts'o, ^ P§ ^ siin' ^m .ngam, ^ ^ siin' ,ch'at SwAn ch'6i CAL Calculative ^l^fj% cliiin ^ii 'tA sim'. Chuen yii id swAn, UmWi^ ''"' '^'' ^'i" •*''•'' ?t fl' ^ ^ tsing^ liai^ 'td sun'. Tsing hi td svvdn. Calculator, one who computes or reckons, ^ gjg sun' ,8Z. Swan sz, t|f ^ siin' s//. Swan sz, ff |r iig- kai' Sim' 'die. Ki Bwan che, |f ^ sim' 'shau. Swiin shau ; a calculator of destinies, %^^^ siin' mcng^ ^sln ^shang. Swdn niing sien sang. Calculatory, 1)elonging to calculation, ^ ^ siin' tik,. Swdn till, % P|^ siiu' ke, gf P|^ kai' ke. Calculi, see Calculus. Calculous, stony, ^^ slick^ tik,. Sliih tih; affected with the gnivd or stone, ^ ^ ,slia Jam. ShA liii* ^1^ shek^ jlam. Siiili lin. Calculus (pi. (ialculi), the stone in the bladder, ^ ^ shekj jlam. Shili lin, ^i^ .shil ^lam. Shd lin; calculi in the gall-bladder, ^^ 'tain shek^. TAn shih ; calculi in the kidneys, ^ ^ 'slian shek^. Shin shih. (296) CAL offices, ^^ >J fj) jl.41 Wd Ying iit^ fan' ^p'ai. HwA Yingyueh fan p'ai; the Imperial Calendar, ^^ j^ ||: jWong likj .t'ung ,shii. Uwdng lih t'ung shu; a'kind of Court Calendar ("lied Book"), mii^^ tsun' .Shan .shu. Tsin shin shu, ^f^^ tsun' .shau luk^. Tsin shin luh; a c!alendar, as issued in Courts of Justice, ^J|$ on' ,p'di. Ngdn p'ai ; calendar month •, solar month, as it stands in almanacs, — ^ H vat, ko' iit^. Yih ko yueh, — ^ yat, utj. Yih yueh. Calendar, to enter or write in a calendar, ^ lik , Lih, ^i^lukjik^. Luh lih. Calender, to press between rollers for the purpose of making smooth, glossy, &e., ^ shin'. Shen, ^ f shin'. Shen, f^ t sli'in'. Shen, j^ :& tt la '^ sliekj hon^ .^f^i"??- I shih han tsang ; to calender smooth, ^ 1^ shin' wat^. Slum liwdh, J^ 3^ fH shin' .kwong p6'. Shen kwdng pii, ^g^ |^ .ngdn Icng^, Yen ling. Caldron, chauldron, a three-legged kettle or boiler, Caleiid(!r, a machine, a hot press, ^fli-j^ shin' p6' ^ 'ting. Ting, ISf'i. f, ^ 'ch'i. Ch'i; without feet, ^wok^. Uwoli, :^ 'fii. Tu, |^ .wo. Wo. Calechc, see Calash. Caledonia • MM^)i^"f' Kalitonia. Kidlitouid. Caledonian, a, jj\l ^Ij ^ J5< A Kdlitoni ^yan. Kidli- toni jin. Caledonian, pertaining to Caledonia, )i\\%\\ ^ ^^i'^ Kdlitoni k6'. Calefacient, warming, ^ it^. Jeh, f^ ^ (}{j 'sz it^ tik,. Shi jeh till, |^ffc|^ chi'it^tik,. Chijehtih. Calefaction, the act or operation of warming or heat- i"n. ^ ^ '«z it^- Shi jeh, ^^ lung^ it^. Lung jeh, ^ f;ii 'diing it^. Cliing jdi", j^^^ 'pi it.. Pi jell, $|f ^ fiit, it^. Fah jeh ; flu- act of getting heated, Ja % 'hi it^. K'i'jeh, ^ ^ fat, it^. Fah jeh, /f: ^ .sliang it^. Sa'^'j: jeli ; the state of be- ing heated, ^ ^ it^ 'ch«5. Jeh die, ^ ^ liing' 'chd. Calefactive, ") that makes warm or hot, '(||^^|^»J 'sz Calefactory, ] it. tik,. Shi jeh tih, ^p^ Vz hing' k6'. Calefy, to grow hot or warm, U^ fdt, it^. Fdh jeh, 1^ %% fdt, hing' ; to be heated', % i\. Jeh, ^ hing'. Iling. Calefy, to make warm, ^- ^ lung^ It^. Lung jeh, #f^'piit,. Pi jeh. Calendar, a register ?)f the year, &c., ^^ Hk^ ,shii. Lih shii, ^ Q lik^ yat^. Lih jib, jjg^ ^ pj|} )^ gjjj ^ 'p6 lau^ .sz fu\ Pii lau sz fii. Calkin, a calk or sharp point of a horse's shoe, to prevent slipping, ,^^^^ 'md kdp, .tsim .teng. Md kidh tsien ting. Calking, stopping the seams of a ship, \^ ^^ 'td chdng^. Td tsang. Calking, copying a picture, ^ :;;j^ ^mb seung'. Calking-iron, an instrument like a chisel, used in calking ships, ^TJ^^^ 'td chdng^ tsok,. Td tsang tsoh. Call, to name, B^ kiu'. Kidu, B^^ kiu' ts6^ Kidu tso, ^^ 'lo.meng. Lo ming, ^fH .ch'ingwai^ Ch'ing wei, ^ .ch'ing. Ch'ing, 1^ fun'. Hwdn, ;g jmeng. Ming, ;g;g ^meng ^meug. Ming ming, p^ ;g .fii ^meng. Hii ming ; to convoke, :fg -^ .chili 1ii^ Chdu hwui, :fg ^ .chiii tsap,. Chdu tsih, ^ ^ fiin' tsap,. Hwdn tsih, ^ ^ jCh'iin tsap,. Ch'uen tsih ; to invite, ||| 'ts'eng. Ts'ing, 5^ .iii. Ydu, ^ jin. Yen; to bid, fjij- kiii'. Kidu, |J^pi^ .fan fiiS Fan fii; to invoke, ^ ^k'au. K'iu, §X ik'i. K'I, ^ J^ 'han ^k'au. K'au k'iu; to ap- CAL (298) point, ^ ,fung. Fung, ^ meng*. Ming, ^ Svai. Wei ; to call back, to revoke, j^ t)iji fai' 'ch'i. Fei ch'i ; to call back, as a person, W\- ^ kiu' *fdn. Kidu fdn, f4iB^ ^^'^^ .fan loi. Kidu fdn Vm, Pf fBl /"i i^ii Il>i l'^^'"i' »4lGllf^ l^i'i' i<^ s^i^ to retract, ^ ^ shik^ ^in. Shih yen ; to call down, as judgement, Ij^i ,chid. Chdu, i^^ .chiu kong'. Chdu kidng, :fj{ ^ ,cbiu jlam. Cbdu lin, ^{ 7; ,chiu 'hd. Chdii bid, Pf~\^^ /u Mid ^oi. Hd bid Idi ; to call down, as a person, W^ "F ^ kiu' 'M jloi. Kidu bid Idi, tt^^^ kiu' lok^ ^oi. Kidu lob Idi, VfT^^ S^ '^^^ s^oi- Hu bid Idi; to call for, g.t 't'6. T'du, JjCg^t 'ts'ii *t'5. Ts'ii t'du, 5!] man\ "Wan ; to call in, as a person, ft^ A 1^ kiu' yapj ^lai, 1^51^ 'ts'eng tsun'. Ts'ing tsin, jg^ >\^ .iu yapj jloi. Ydu jib Idi; to call in, as debt, il^ ^sbau. Sbau, g.j- Y6. T'du, i\t J^ .sbau 'ts'ii. Sbau ts'ii ; ditto, as notes from circulation, i\jc [e] I ,sbau jiii. Sbau bwui, ^ [gj 'kiu jiii. Kidu bwui, j ^ ^ 'kill ,fdn. Kidu fdn ; to call fortb, to bring | to action, :^ ,cbiu. Cbdu, Z^ |f} .sbang cb'ut,. j Sang cb'ub, ^^^ ^cbiu *y6. Cbdu yd ; to call oil", i to summon away, ftij- ^ kiii' bii'. Kidu k'ii, :^ I .^ .cbiii hii'. Cbdu k'ii, p^ .^ /u bii'. llu k'ii, | ^4- ^■'i^' liii'- Hwdn k'u ; tUtto, to divert, »4^ i kiu' pd^ Kidu pd, II4 %^ kiii' ^11. Kidu 11, Rif ;j$ kiu' fong'. Kidu fdng ; to call up, to bring into recollection, 7^ ^ 'sdung 'bi. Sidng k'l, ||§ ^ ch'uk, 'bi. Cb'ub k'i, ^ ^ 'seng 'bl. Sing k'i, tR )^ ki' 'bi. Ki k'i, ff j^ ng^ 'bl. W^ k'i, 11^ yik, 'bl. Yib k'l; ditto, to call one up, t4 ii, Jt ^ kill' ,t'd 'sbeung ,loi. Kidu t'd sbdng Idi, J^ -ffe Jl ^ / u ,t'd 'sbdung Joi. Hu t'd sbdng Idi ; ditto, to bring into action, pf- t^ .fu cbln'. Uu cben, ^ fy fiin' td, Hwdn td, ■^ ]||y meng\ts'ln. Ming ts'ien ; to call over, to read a list, ^J^ tiik kwo'. Tu^ kwo, ^ ^ ff]^ tukj kwo' ^bd, ^ — ^ cbukj yat, tuk^. Cbub yili tub; ditto, as names, §^^^ 'tim jmeng. Tien ming, V^^ cb'6ung' ^meng. Cb'dng ming ; to call out, n^ jau. lliii ; ditto, to summon to tigbt, B^Hl \^^ '< kid' cb'ut, tui^ Kidu cb'ub tiii, ^^^ ,t'iu chin', j T'idu cben, ^ % m\ cbln'. Nib cben; ditto, to summon into service, :^-^ ^cbiii ,ping, ^-^ mo^ .ping. Mi\ ping, tSAfe^ .cbiii jan ^t'au ^ying. Cbdu jin t'au ying, ^ /^^^ ^ ^ebiii jan ,tong ,ping. Clidu jin tdng ping; to call to mind, ^^ ^t'ai 'bi, M^^ 'seung 'bl Joi, jijSj^jf* cb'uk, 'bl jloi. Cb'ub k'l Idi; to call away, Bij- ^ kiu' bii'. Kidu k'u. pi^ ^ /li bii'. Ilii k'ii, n4 ^H kill' jll. Kidu li, W{\^^ kiii' ^t'ung bii'. Kidu t'ung k'ii; to call a council, ^Ji^^^ ,cbiu tsap^ .kung iii\ Cbdu tsili kung bwui, ^ ^ ^ ^ jcb'iin tsap, ,kung ui^ Cb'ueu Isib kung bwui ; to call one to witness, n^Xif.^ kiii' ^yan tsok, ^kvrng. Kidu jin tsob kung, ^ KHM kiii' jyan tsok, clung'. Kidu jin tsob cliing ; to call a tbing to remem- brance, Mi^'^f\'^ 's«5""g 'J'i ko' kln» sz'. Sidng k'i ko kien sz, ?g j|g JJ: ff: ^ 'sdung 'hi CAL ^mau kin^ sz*. Sidng k'l mau kien sz ; to call one to account, ^ ^ 9§ ^ <«biu ling^ t'eng' 'sbam. Clidu ling t'ing sbiu, "^^i^^ fh'im ^loi hau* sun'. Cb'ueif Idi bau sin, \l\%ti% <<^l'i .to 'bau sbiit,. Sang hdu to k'au sbwob, -ft^^^ t'd sz cliiii matj H.. T'd sz cbdu wub 1 ; tbey call in all their debt, #, ^4 H J> Jj" ^ 'siu .ting .tong. Sidu ting tdng; a blind fort- tunc-teller's call, ^ ^ iit^ cti^^o- Yueh ting ; a fowler's pipe, p|qj ^ 'heung .kai. Hidng ki ; the call of the house, ^^^ P;^ tim u' 'hau ^meng. Tien hu k'au ming ; to give a friend a call, ^ MM t'am' p'ang 'yau. T'dn p'ang yd, ^ J^ ^ hau' jp'ang ^au. Hau p'ang yu, jl^H^^ A kwo' Tong 'yau ^yan. Kwo fdng yu jin, ^ ^ 'wong hau'. Wdng hau ; to invite one, |^ A 'ts'eng jan. Ts'ing jin, |f ^ 'ts'eng hdk,. Ts'ing k'eh, ^ A c^^ jyan- Ydu jin ; mutual calls, visits, j^ * Vid. 1. Timothy 6, 12. ^0^^^;}^-^^-^^ 2. Timothy 1. 9. ^jf ;^^^-^AIiJ-. ^ .chiu 'ch6. Chdu chx^fnnM-nmn- Matth. 20, 16. .^ A — ' "h ^ "f" xTjftf- 2. Timothy, 1, 9. ^ ^ :fc # #^ ^ ;^ Iff- 1. Peter, 1, 15. f^ # # # — i^ + 51 |jj. do. 2,21. XHM^"^-^ W- do. 5, 10. 31 3^ i + IP- Hebrew 3, 1. # ^[6 3i|5 H ^ — - lU- Eevel. 19. 9. ^ 7J^ + ;/L ^ A #•. 6AL (300) tJit Callid, cunning, 'kwai kwat . Kwei kiuh, M 3f 'kwai kai'. Kwei ki. Callidity, skill, X^ ^ 'hdu kl^ K'idu ki ; discern- ment, 1^ ^ jiog jDii^g- Ying ming ; craftiness, f^ ^ Tcwai wdt^. Kwei hwdh. CalUgraphy, see Caligraphy. Calling, naming, 1^^^ .ch'ing ^meng '6h6. Ch'ing ming ch^ ; a reciting of names, §l\ ^ ^ 'tim ^meng 'cb6. Tien ming che ; usual employment of life ♦, g^ -^ chik, fan^ Chih fan, f^ ^ chik, sz*. Chih sz, ^^^ chik, yik^. Chih yih, ^^ sz^ ipj. Sz nieh, -^ ^ *shau ngai^ Shau i, sM ^ jt'au 16^ T'au lu ; divine summons t, Ji'^J^^ \ ^ Sh6ung^ tai' .chl chid* ^yan 'ch6. Shdng ti chi chdu jin ch6. Calliope, the muse that presides over eloquence and heroic poetry, |$ f l|) ;^ ,shi ^shan ^meng. Shi shin ming. Callisthenics, see Calisthenics. Callosity, hardness of skin, or homy hardness $, |}^ ^ 'cham *ch6 ; the hardness of the cicatrix of ulcers, ^ 'im. Yen ; callosity of mind, ^ '|"^ jmb jts'ing. Wii ts'ing, i(^ ?|^ ^sam ngdng*. Sin ngang. Callous, hard, ^ ^ 'cham tik,, {jg P^ ngang* k6', J^ j)'In (p'ing). Fien, |g .ch'i. Ch'I; the cal- lous part of the hands, -^^Hljj 'shau 'pAn 'cham; ditto of the feet, ^ ;^|)G keuk, 'pdn 'cham ; the callous parts of the hands and feet, ^ >£ ^ JJfi 'shau tsuk, j)'in ^ch'i. Shau tsuh p'ien ch'i ; cal- lous in mind, i^ i\^ ng^ng* ^sam. Ngang sin, J\^^ ?f ,sam ngdng*. Sin ngang, ^'|^P|E ,m6 ^ts'ing Callously, in a hardened or unfeeling manner, ^ 'lis'fi^'li^ jUib /s'ing 'kbm ydung*. Wu ts'ing kdn ydng, ^^ mok^ ^in. Moh jen. Callousness, hardness, {|| ^ i^g^ng* 'ch6. Ngang ch6, ^ -^ 'cham 'chd ; insensibility of heart, ^ ]fj ^ ^mb ^ts'ing 'ch6. Wii ts'ing ch6, i^ ,i^ j^ ngdng* ,sam 'ch6. Ngang sin ch6. Callow, destitute of feathers, ^ ^ ^wong ^mb. Kwdng mdu, ^Iv^^^^l mi* ^shang ^mb tik,. Wi sang mdu tih, ^ t^i % "^ ^^^ c^'"t> s^^ ^^'' Callus, any unnatural hardness of the body, f^ 'cham ; ditto of the feet, 0f ^in. Yen ; the new growth of osseous matter between the extremities of fractured bones, $^ »^ *iin kwat,. Yuen kuh, i/r ^ ^ "^ .san ^shang ,chi kwat,. Sin sang chi kuh. Calm, still, ^ tsing*. Tsing, ^ tsik^. Tsih, ^ ^ tsikj tsing*. Tsih tsing, >|^ ^ ^t'im tsing*. T'ien tsing ; calm, as wieather, ^ J^\ jixb /ung. Wii fung, ^ ^ ,fung tsing*. Fung tsing ; calm and » • 1. Corinth, 7. 20. ^i# ^iKir#-b^zn-||i. t 1. Corinth, 1, 26. ^i # ^ llj 1|— :5tZl -p Eph. i,is.\>Ji^f>)x—M-^Afi^- serene weather, M. .i. 31 B^ S^^^'o ^'^K ^^ jt^'eng. Fung sih yu ts'ing; calm, as the ocean, ftJlf^j^ ^ ^ M^ <^°^ sP'i"g ^' j^o- Sin p'ing i ho ; composed, ^pt =J^ jP'ing ^wo. P'ing ho, J^ ai*. I ; undisturbed by passions, Jj^.^^H^ tsik^ ^in pat, timg*. Tsih jen pub tung ; to become calm, ^ J^^ /ung sik,. Fung sih ; ditto as the mind, J^ ^ sik, hf. Sih k'i; undisturbed, as a lake, 9]^ ^ming tsing*. Ming tsing; calm retirement, ^!^ jts'ing jhdn. Ts'ing hien ; to enjoy calm retire- ment, ^ '^ ;fs 'h^ung ,ts'ing fuk,. Hidng ts'ing fuh, 1$.^ Is 'h^ung jhdn fuk,. Hidng hien fuh; very calm, ^ ^Ij f ^^ ^^ tsing* t6' *liu pat, tak,. Tsing tdu lidu pub teh. Calm, stillness, ^ tsing*. Tsing, ^ ^ ^ iP'i^g tsing* 'ch6. P'ing tsing ch6, ^ ^ tsik^ tsing^. Tsih tsing; tranquillity of mind, ^f^ ,on tsing*. Ngdn tsing, ||^ ^ tsing* 'ch6. Tsing chd, ii^ ^ jg ^ .sam ^p'ing 1' ^wo. Sin p'ing i ho, ^^ ,t'im tsing*. T'ien tsing, ^ ^ f $ ^ hi' tsing^ jShan jhdn. K'i tsing shin hien; stillness of night, ^ ^ y6* tsing*. Yd tsing, ^ mok . Moh ; free- dom from motion, '^ |^ pat, tun^. Pub tung, ^^ tsikj ^in. Tsih jen, ^^ teng* tsing*. Ting tsing. Calm, to, as the mind, ^ t^ pn ^sam. Ngdn sin, j^ t\^ fong' ,8am. Fdng sin, ^ )£ ,on teng*. Ngdn ting; to appease, 4^' ^ ^on wai'. Ngdn wei, iEgJ'fuwai'. Fu wei, :i^ i^ 'fu .sui. Fu sui, ^ ^ 'fu tsz*. Fii tsz, ^ ^ 'fu ,on. Fii ngdn ; to calm one's wrath, ^^ ^ sik, n6*. Sih nu, || ^ ,hoi *kdi. K'di kidi ; to calm one's mind and passions, ^ i^ ^ ^ sik, ,sam tsing* hi'. Sih sin tsing k'i. Calm-browed,, wearing the look of calmness, ^ 2fc ^ ¥^^ jViing 'chi ,on ^in. Yung chi ngdn jen, ^ ^ P^ tsin^ jung k6'. Calmer, the person that calms, ^ j^ ^ ,on wai* 'ch6. Ngdn wei ch6, ^ ^ ^ 'fu wai' 'ch6. Fii wei ch6 ; the thing that calms, ^^^ chi' ,on 'ch6. Chi ngdn ch6. Calming, stilling, ^ ,on. Ngdn, J^ sik,. Sih ; ap peasing, ^^ .on wai'. Ngdn wei, %^ 'fii wai*. Fu wei. Calmly, in a quiet manner, ^^ ,on ^in. Ngdn jen, ^ jf^ tsik^ ,In. Tsih jen, ^ >^ tsing* ,in. Tsing jen, It^^ it'im ^In. T'ien jen. Calmness, a state of rest, 4^ ^ .on tsing*. Ngdn tsing, ^ ^ jP'ing ,on. P'ing ngdn, ^ ^ ,on teng*. Ngdn ting, -f^^ t'di' jp'ing. T'di p'ing. Calograpby, elegant penmanship, see Caligraphy. ; Calomel ^1^ ^heng 'fan. K'ing fan, r^^ife' ^.v<5un^ CAL (301) Clt ,heng 'fan. Ydng k'ing fan, jgi^:)jt M 16' 'mai. Kid lu mi. Caloric, the simple element of heat, ^ ^ it^ hi'. Jeh k'i, >)^^ 'fo hf. Ho k'i. Caloric, pertaining to the matter of heat, ^ ^ ^>| It^ hf tik,. Jeh k'i tih, ^^B|t % hf k6\ Calorifere, an appartatus for conveying and distri- buting heat, ^If^^^ "jan itjhf ki^^ Yin jeh k'i kii. Calorific, that has the quality of producing heat, ^ ft ^^ chf it^ tik,. Chi jeh tih, f^ f^ |^^ fat, It^ tik,. Fah jeh tih, ^ ft PiJE chf it^ ki, ^ fl ^ chf it^ 'ch6. Chi jeh ch6; calorific rays, ft^^j" it^ sh6\ Jeh shie, ^^ it, t'au'. Jeh t'au. Calorification, the production of heat, |$ ft ^ fdt, it/che. Fah jeh ch6. Calorimeter ft ^ It^ ^chani. Jeh chin, ^ ^ ^ teng- it^ hf ^Ting jeh k'i. Calorimotor, a galvanic instrument for evolving ca- loric, ^^ZMMM, f^t> K .chl tin' hf kii'. Fdh jeh chi tieu k'i kii. Calotte, ") a cap, /]> ijig 'siu m6'. Sidu mdu, ijig ff Calote, ) mb- 'tsai, tjjg -^ mo' 'tsz. Mdu tsz, j^ ijig sun' mo'. Sin mdu ; in architecture, a cavity or depression, [H| au'. Ngau. Calotype, a name given by Mr. Fox Talbot to his invention for making pictures on paper or other surfaces by the agency of light, ^t >I>B ^kwong seung'. Kwdng siang, ^ i^ *yi^» s6ung\ Ying sidng. Caloyers, ") monks of the Greek Church, ^^^^ Calogeri, J f# ^ ^ Hlldp shing' ui' ^sau to' 'ch6. Hlldh shing hwui siii tdu ch6. Caltrop, caltrops, used in military affairs, ^ ^ ^ jldn 16' ^kau. Ldn lii kau, j^ ^ ti' ^kau. Ti kau, ^ ^ ^T t^^Di ^ok, jteng. Sdn koh ting ; water- caltrops, trapa bicornis, ^ ;^ ^ling kok . Ling koh. Calumba, a plant growing in Mozambique, jfjR^^Q, ^^ ^ Kdlunpd, y^uk^ ^ts'oi ^meng. Kidlunpd, yoh ts'di ming ; the root, a bitter tonic, ^^ 'fu y^uk^. K'd yoh. Calumet, among the aboriginals of America, a pipe for smoking tobacco, used in making treaties, jj^ M M s^o .^ jt'ung. Ho yen t'ung. Calumniate, to slander, gilj ^ shdn' p'ong'. Shdn V'^^g, Wi W '^ai p'ong'. Wei p'dng, '^ ^ 'fi p'ong'. Fi p'dng, ^X s*^'^"^J^^- Ch'dnjin, ^ A tsam' jan. Tsin jin, ^X p'ong' jan. P'dng jin. Calvminiate, to charge falsely and knowingly with a crime or offence, ^^ 'fl p'ong'. FI p'dng. Calumniated, slandered, ^ ^ ^ts'dm kwo'. Ch'dn 1<^^^^' MW^^ 'fi P'oiig' kwo'.' Fi p'dng kwo. Calumniation, false accusation of a crime or oflFense &c., Itz^ Vai p'ong'. Wei p'dng, ^A"^ ^ts'dm ^yan 'che. Ch'dn jin ch6. Calumniator, one who slanders, ^A^ P'^^g' ^^^ 'ch6. P'dng jin ch6, |^ X ^ ^ts'dm ^yan *ch6. Ch'dn jin ch6, gllj A% shdn' jan 'che. Shdn jin Che, ^PVUA P 'hau ke' ^an, ^f^fi^X shi' ,fi k6' jan. Calumniatory, slanderous, |llj^P|E shdn' p'ong' k6\ M W ^^ '^^^i P'o^S' tik,. Wei p'dng tih. Calumnious, slanderous, ^\l>^ P'ong' ^yan k6', ^ A^vf p'ong' ^yan tik,. P'dng jin tih; injm'ious to reputation, '/^ Kili^^U A ^^^^ si^^g' s^ieng k6'. Calumniously, slanderously, %^fj^ p'ong' in. P'dng Jen, ii ji^ ,ts'dm ^In. Ch'dn jen, l^^^^^'i Ti p'ong'. I fl p'dng. Calumniousness, slanderousness, flij^ shdn' p'ong'. Shdn p'dng, |^ ^ Vai p'ong'. Wei p'dng. Calumny, false accusation of a crime or olTense, ma- liciously made or reported, |^^ ^ts'dm ^In. Ch'dn yen, ^ tuk^. Tub, ^ |^ ^ts'am shiit,. Ch'dn shwoh. Calvary, a place of skulls, f^ff ^ shuk, ^lau ch'ii'. Shuh lau ch'ii, gj || ^^ ^t'au ^16 ti'. "T'au lu ti, M%Z^ .t'au hok, ^chl ti'. T'au koh chi ti, "^ MZi^ 'siiau k'ap, ^chl ti'. Shau kih chi ti, § *^<^]^ jlau kwat, ,chl ch'ii'. Lau kuh chi ch'ii, ^M^^ ct'in Ms k'of ch'u'. T'ieu ling k'di ch'u. Calve, to bring forth young, as a cow, jt\: ^ ^ ,shang jUgau 'tsai, 4^-||)§;;|4 J^S^^^ '"'^ ^^K ^^^^'' "J*!^ 'hd tuk^. Hid tub. Calves-snout, a plant, '^^ 't8'6 ,meng. Ts'du ming. Calville, a sort of apple, ^^ jP'ing 'kwo. P'ingko. Calvinism, the theogical tenets of Calvin, j}]\ 5^|J f^ ^ZaB^ Kdlifini ^chl ching'kdif. Kidlifini chi ching kidu. Calvinist, a follower of Calvin, ^MM^^^^ jts'ung Kdlifini kdu' 'did. ch^. Ts'ung Kidlifini kidu Calvish,") like a calf, J^ ^ ii^ ^ jUgau 'tsai 'k6m Calfish, /y6ung', .?fi ^ p^ ^ngau ^ying k^'. Calx (pi. calxes, calces), lime or chalk, ^ pi shek^ ^fui. Shih hwui. Calycinal,") pertaining to a calyx, ^ P|^ ngok^ k6', Calycle, J #|^^ ngok, tik,. Ngoh tih, :^^f^ ,fd t'ok, tik,. Hwd fob tih. Calycle, a row of small leaflets, at the base of the calyx, on the outside, ^ ^|» ^^ ff ngok^ ngoi' *kang 'tsai, ^ ^^ f^ ngok, 'ngang 'tsai. Calyculate, \ having a calycle, ^ ^ f ^ ^yau ngok^ Calycled, J 'tsai. Calyptra, the calyx of mosses, ^:^^ shek^ ^1 ngok^. Shih I ngoh, :5:^:ffi^£ shek^ ,i /d t'ok,. Shih i hwd fob, ^iZi^ ^ j| # P^ ngoi^ chduk, Mi .shdm ke'. Camlet f, camlets, English, ^ ^ 'ii ,shd. Yu shd, MWiii''^ tiin^ 'tsai; Dutch ditto, ^^ 'ii tun*. Yii twdn ; imitation of camlets and bombazets, ^ ID -ii jCh'au. Yu ch'au; silk ditto, ^^'u tsau'. Y'^ii tsau, |$^ sin' tsau'. Sien tsau ; superi- or plain, black camlets, J^^^M|j^^ shdung* 'tang s6' hak, sin' tsau'. Shdng tang su heh sien ms-^^^\itit^s^ tsau. Camleted, colored or veined, tik,. Hwd tih. Camomile, see Chamomile. Camous, ") flat, dcpi-essed, as the nase, Jf^ ^i P^ Camays, j 'pin pi^ ke . Camously, awry, ^ .wdi. Wdi. Camp, the ground on which an army pitch their tents, ^^ jing j)'un. Yingpw'dn, ^^ yfing jCh'dung. Ying ch'dng, ^ ^ ,ying chdi^ Ying chdi, f^ jts'un. Siun ; a fortified camp, jj^ 'u. Wu ; an anuy or body of troops encamped on the field &c., ^ jying. Ying, ^ ^ ,kwan ^ying. Kiun ying ; to spy out a camp, tf ^^m"^'^ t'dm' ^ying jp'un. Td t'dn ying pw'dn ; a flying camp, ^ ^ jhang jing. Hang ying, ^ ^ fi ^ying. Fi ying ; to surprise a camp, |j^ ^ .t'au jying. T'au ying. Camp, to rest or lodge, as an army or ti-avelers in a wilderness, ^ ^ ^ |^ 1^^ suk, jP'ing ^iin. Lu suh p'ing yuen, |^ |g ^^ g- hit, suk, fong' \6. llieh suh kwdng y6; to pitch a cam]), ^^ chdp, jing. Chdh ying, "f; ^ Mid chdi'. Hid chdi, ^ ^ .on jing. Ngdn ying. Camp-bedstead ^ ^ jyl"g jCh'ong. Ying chw'dng. Camp-boy, a boy that serves in a camj), ^^ jj'i'^g jt'ung. Ying t'ung. Camp-fight, a trial by duel, or the legal combat ot two champions, jrj; ^ 'pi hn6. PI wii. Camp-stool, a stool with crosslegs to fold up, ,B| ^(yj *md chdpj. Md kih. Camp-vinegar, a mixture of vinegar with cayenne pepper, soy, walnut ketchup, anchovies, mid gar- lic'. ^ Ba jying t«'^*- Ying ts'ii. Canipagnol, a species of short-tailed rat, 'ton ^1 M6 'shtt. Twdn wl Idu shu. i M^imm^Mz CAM (303) CAN ,un. P'ing Campaign, an open field, ^ ]^ cP'iiig yuen, ^^ j)'mg tr. P'ing tU^t^j ".p'ing ^t'in. P'ing t'ien ; the time that an army keeps in the field, ttl ^(ll ch'ut, .sz. Ch'uh sz, \jj gflj ^ ch'ut, ^sz 'che. Ch'uh sz che ; the first campaign, -^ UJ ^ifi ^ ^sin ch'ut, ,sz 'che. Sien ch'uh sz che ; a field of battle, ^ ^ chin' ^ch'eung. Chen ch'dng. Campaign, to serve in a campaign, |^^ ^ts'ui chin'. Sui chen. Campaignei*, an old soldier, y^ ^ -16 jung Jung, :^ ^ ± 'lo ,V^^S sz^- Lau piiig sz. Camrana, the pasque flower, i^:^ ,fa .meng, Lau Hwa ming. Campaniform, in the shape of a bell, ^| ^ .chung jying. Chung lung, ^0\^^ .chung Tvom yeung". Chung kan yang, |^ ^ P|t ,chung ^shang ke . Campanile, a clock or bell-tower, ^^ ^chung t'ap,. Chung t'ah. Campanology, the art of ringing bells, P^ ^; ^ ^ming .chung ngai^ Ming cliung i. Campanula, the bell-flower, fft^^ tiu' .chung .fa. Tiau chung hwa. j Campeachy-wood, see Logwood. I Campestral, pertaining to an open field, gg f\^ ^t'ln tik,. T'ien tih, (gP^t .t'in ke'; growing in a field, | mM^ ,t'in .shang tik,. T'ien sang tih, B^^U jt'in .shang ke'. Camphene, a name for pure oil of turpentine, f^^ »/{J3 .ts'ing jts'ung .yau. Ts'ing sung yu. Camphogen, a hydrocarbon, |ij\]^ 'shui fan'. Shwui t'dn. Camphor, ") ;fi| JJ^ .cheung -n5. Chdng nau, fg JJ^ Camphire, ) .lung ^n6. Lung nau; ditto, Baroos or Borneo, }^ }^ .ping p'in'. Ping p'ien, ^ |g ^ ,po jlo .heung. Po lo hiang, ffJl ^ ^ .po lut^ .heung. Po liuh hiang; clean Malay camphor, ^M W- Pr .ts'ing .ping p'in'. Ts'ing jjing p'ien ; refuse ditto, ^ ^J'C )^ ^nai j)ing p'in'. Ni ping p'ien ; aromatic camphor, ^ ;j^ .h6ung ^cheung. Hiang chdng. Camphor-oil ^^Jl^yft ,cheung ^6 .yau. Chang nau yu- Camphor-tree, Laurus comphora, dryol)alanops aro- matica, ^ j^ .chcung shii^ Chdng shu, Jjf^ ^ .nam muk^. Nan muh ; ditto, a different species, 1^ ;^ ii- .Cheung. Yli chang. Camphoraceous, of the nature of camphor, ^§^^P^ .Cheung 'no ke , ;|f U|l^^ .cheung no tik,. Chang nau tih. Camphorate, to impregnate with Camphor, |I|;j^J5g .k'au .Cheung 'no. K'ii chang iiku, ^^MWM noi^ .k'au tik, .ch6ung -no. Nui k'ii tih chang ndu ; partaking of camphor, ^ J3i :fg Pf^ .clieung -no .k'au ke', '^ ^ i^ /j tsuu' .sam k'it, lik,. Tsin sin kieli lih ; can do it once, n^ — If ^^ '^ .nang yat,^at, .nang i'. Nang yih puh nang rh ; can it be ! i^ -^, UJ "^R^i .chan chi' ch'ut, .k'i .la, ^y^ i' .tsoi. I tsai; how can it be ? ;g ^ ij-f^ Jij! 'lii 'yau 'ts'z 'li. K'i yu ts'z li, ^Ifi^PDt^lflli 'yau 'kom ke' to' 'li, f^\^ ii 3ag Pgt 'yau 'kom t6' 'li M\ g| ^p ^t ^' ^nang jii 'ts'z jii. Nang ju ts'z hu; can rest, g^^ jnang tsing'. Nang tsing ; can enjoy tranquil repose, H^^ jUang .on. Nangngdn; can investigate, j|^ ^ juang lii'. Nang lii ; can attain to, ^^ ^nang 6a^ (304) CAN tak . Nang teh ; he can (has the power to) do it, ^'M'^ ^ ^au jk'iin ^wai ,chi. Yu k'iuen wei chi ; can illustrate brilliant virtue, ;^ ^ ^ =^ hak, jining jining tak,. K'(!h ming raing teh ; he can 'read and MTite, ^JtM^^M^ j"a°n ^^K ^shtt ^nang 's6 tsz^ Nang tuh shu nang 8i6 tsz ; p^ Ig |1^ ^ -lii tukj 'ui %6 ; he can write essays, flfii f^ ^^ ^ ^ <*'^ ^^^^ ^^' j"^^*^ ,ch6ung. T'A tsoh teh wan chJlng ; can compose and perform miUtary exercises, i^^M'^ s"^"g j"^^» j"^"? ^6. Nang wan nang wu ; see Cannot. Can-buoy, a buoy in the form of a cone, ^ j^ ^ TJC ^ ^man t'dp, jt'au 'shui ^p'6. Wan t'4h t'au shwui p'du. Canadian, pertaining to Canada, j!in ^ #, ^iSE Kdndt'd k6'. Canadian, a, inhabitant or native of Canada, jj\H ^ j^X Kdndt'd ^yan. Kid nd t'd jin. Canailla, the rabble, "p ^ Pjlt A 1"'^' ^"^^ ^^' jan, -f^\ hd' Hang ^yan. Hid tang jin, ~f M ^ h6} >u 'ch6. nid liu ch6, flg'tff A ^sin' kdk, jan. Tsien keh jin. Canakin, a little can or cup, ^ ff sP'ing 'tsai, ;^ -j^ j)\ii 'tsai. Canal, a passage for water, '^ ^ts'h. Ts'du, ;7fC ^ 'shuit6\ Shwui tdu, ygi king . King, jfpj" ^ho. Ho, ^ 'shui. Shwui ; the Grand Canal, i^^jfRj ^'^"^ <16ung jho. Yun lidng ho, vfi^M s^s'6 wan^ ,ho. Ts'du yun ho, fifp^ll ix' ^lo. Yii ho, vf fitp^R]" >'6 ii' jho. Ts'du yu ho ; a channel of the sea, y^ il^ 'hoi hdpj. Udi hidh ; a canal with locks, ^ jpj chdpj jho. Chdh ho ; a canal for boats, y^ J)ang. Pang, /\\ ^ *siu ^ho. Sidu ho ; canals, gutters or aqueducts, ^ jk'ii. K'u, j^ ,kau. Kau, ^fc ^ 'shvii ,kau. Shwufkau, ^^ ^ -J?J- 'sid ^ho ^chau. Sidu ho chau. Canal-coal, see Channel coal. Canabiculatc, ") in botany, furrowed, Jt^^ff Pj^ <^ang Canabiculatcd j 'tsai ke , jjfi i/j; P|^ 'hi ,hang k6'. Canary, wine made in the Canary isles, ^J|| ^ ;f;|] ^ Yg Kdndli 't'6 'tsau. KidndU t'du tsiii. Canary-bird, a species of fringilla from the Canary islands, 11$ J^^ jShi ^shan t86uk,. Shi shin tsioh, 1^ ^ pdk^ in'. Peh yon. Canary-fruit, a species of, ^ 'tsJi. Tsdu. Canary-gmss, the phalaris, jj^ ^ ^Ij ^ Kdndli 't8'6. Kidndli ts'du. Canary-seed U^ ^^-f- jshi ^shan ts6uk, ^z. Shi shin tsioh tsz. Cancel, to cross the lines of a writing and deface them, ^ ;j|l .kdu ,kd. Kidu kid, ^J g^ 'td .httn. Td k'iuen ; to set aside or render invalid bv any means, ){g 5tll If^i' '«li'f- l''*^i ^'l^'^ )& "iv ^ai' hu'. Fei k'a, j^ ^ fai' mlt^. Fci mieh, % p| fai' hi'. Fei k'l, ^ l^-Js kdk, jCh'ii. Keh ch'ii ; to cancel the old and establish the new, ^ ^ ^ ^\ kdk, ku' 'tint,' ^san. Keh k»i ting sin, ^ ^^ i; ^ ^^^i' kau^ lapj ,8au. Fei kid lih sin ; to cancel a debt. ^ ^ ^iu chdi'. Sidu chdi, ^ f| "mia chdi'. Mien chdi, ^ ^ ^ ,siu him' hong*. Sidu k'ien hdng ; to cancel a law, ^ ^ ^ ^ fai' 'ch'l lut^ fdt,. Fei ch'l Uuh fdh, |fj §3 ^ jfe .siu 'wai fdt, t6^ Sidu wei fdh tu. Canceled, crossed, ^JJW'^ ;t )§_ fai' 'ch'l kwo'. Fei ch'l kwo. Canceling, crossing, :^ jj[\ ^kdu ^kd. Kidu kid, ^ ^ 'td ,hun. Td k'iuen; annulling, f§ ^ fai' 'ch'l. Fei ch'l. Cancellate, in botany, having a net-work of veins, like some leaves, without the intermediate par- enchyma, ^^ ,8hd k^', ^fl^ fihA tik,. Shd tih. Cancellated, cross-barred, ^f{ j'pj ^ jWang ^kan tik,. Hung kin tih ; cellular, ^ ^ P^ .wo .shang k' >'• <« T'^K- ^'•'^^ Idu peh; glowing wilh h(>at, jif- ^ 'h6 hing'. Udu hing, :|f ^^ sham* hing'. Sliin hing. CAN (305) CAN inai jWai Candid, wliite, [^ pak^. Peh; disposed to think and judge according to truth and justice, J^^ ching' chik^. Ching chih, ^ [|[ ^chung chik^. Chung chih, ^ X£ ^chung ching'. Chung ching ; open, j3[ ^ chik^ jin. Chih jen, ||[Q chik^ pak^. Chih peh; frank, artless, ffi-^ ^mo ngai'. "Wd wei, ffi :IZ jg ^mb /a ^ka, Em^ s^« ^ mat^ tsin' ^heung ^iin. Mih tsien hiang yuan. Candify, to become candied, J^ ^ ^sbing ^t'lm. Ching t'ien, ^ ^ pin' ^t'im. Pien't'ien, ^ g 'ching pak^, Ching peh, ^ Q pin' pak^. Pien peh ; to make candied. t'dng. ■sam ,t'ong. San Candle ^ chuk,. Chuh ; a wax candle, ^ 'jl^ lap^ chuk,. Lah chuh ; oil candles, ytJj j^ ^yau chuk,. Yu chuh; tallow candles, -^ ^ ^ngau chuk,. Niu chuh ; painted candles, :jfg '^ ^fa chuk^. Hwa chuh ; foreign candles, y^ 'j^ J^^t^S chuk,. Ydng chuh ; to dip candles, f^ ^ 'J!^ "yam lap, chuk, ; show candles, ^ j)^ hon' cliuk,. K'an chuh ; dragon candles, f| i^ ^lung chuk,. Lung chuh ; wedding candles, |j| '^ j^ ^lung fung^ chuk,. Lung fung chuh ; longevity candles pre- sented on birthdays, ^ ^ shau^ chuk,. Shau chuh ; to light a candle, ^^ ijj^ 'tim chuk,. Tien chuh, ij^ ^ pi chuk,. . Jen chuh ; to hold a can- dle. ping cliuk,. Ping chuh ; to hold a can- dle when going out at night, ^^^^ 'ping chuk, y<^- ^yau. Ping chuh ye yii ; put out the candle, P^J,'j^ ^cli'ui sik, chuk,, Ch'uisihchub, i^ ^^ li « j^J^'w ,u l(%_ Pbi^, Oli'wi w4 m chuh ; candle moth, j)^^ c^ang ^ngo. Tang ngo ; candle shade, 1^ ^ chuk, ch^u'. Chuh chau. Candle-berry tree, the wax-bearing myrtle, ^ -^ ij^ lap^ 'tsz shii'. Lah tsz shu. Candle-bomb, a small glass bubble, ^J^j^-f- ,po jH pau' 'tsz. Po li pau tsz, ^'^j^-f' chuk, hok, pau' 'tsz. Chuh koh pau tsz. Candle-holder ^'j^ ^ chap, chuk, 'che. Chih chuh che ; one who remotely aids another, ^^ ^V^^o 'shau. Pang shau. Candle-light ^ ^ chuk, ^kwong. Chuh kwdng ; to work by candle-light, ij^ ||^ ^ X ^ 'tim chuk, tsb^ jkung /li. Tien chuh tso kung fu, ^ ^ |^ J^ /an ^kb kai' 'kwai. Fan kau ki kwei. Candle- waster, a hard student, ^ ^ ^ *fu hok 'che. K'u hioh che ; a spendthrift, J^ -^ lon^ *tsz. Lang tsz. Candle-wick >^i^ chuk ^sam. Chuh sin. Candle-mas, a feast of the Rom. Catholics, cele- brated on the second day of February, ^ |^ ffi sliing' chuk, tsit,. Sliing chuh tsieh, ^ H ^ Zl -If /an i- iit^ i' yat^ tsit,. Pan rh yueh rh jih tsieh. Candle-stick ^ g chuk, /'oi.- Chuh t'ai, ^ ^ chuk^ jUb. Chuh nu, ^ ^ chuk, ^p'un. Chuh pw'an, ^ If; chuk, /an. Chuh tun, |^ /ang. Tang, ^'^^^ lap, chuk, ^p'un. Lah chuh pw'an; a silver candle-stick, ^ 'J!^ ^ c^^gan chuk, /'oi. Yin chuh t'ai ; tin ditto, i^'^^ sek, chuk, /'oi. Sill chuh t'di; foreign candle-stick, 7^ ^ ^ ^y^ung chuk, /'oi. Yang chuh t'ai; a three-bran- ched candle-stick, ^ M ^ S <^^°^ t^i^S chuk, /'oi. Sdn sing chuh t'ai ; to scour a candle-stick, '^'ji^fi 'shangchuk, /'oi. Sang chuh t'ai; scour that candle-stick bright, 5^ ^| 'O *j^ fi 'sliang leng' ko' chuk, /'oi. Sang ling ko chuh t'ai, ^ Hi'l^S ts'at, leng^ ko' chuk, /'oi. Candor, a disposition to treat subjects with fairness, ^ :^ jg ^ ^mb /a 'ka 'che. Wii hwa kia ch^, aE It ching' chik^, ^ ^ ^chung chik^. Chung chih, IIjSW i^hing shat^. Ching shih, ^f jShing shat^. shing shat, ^mb ngai^ Ching shih wii wei ; im- partiality, ^ (g jmo j)'in. Wu p'ien Candy, to conserve with sugar, •^ |^ tsik, /'ong. Tsih t'ang, 'g;^ tsam' /'ong. Tsin t'ang, J^ jf W.^ ^i mat^ tsik, 'kwo. I mih tsih ko ; to boil in sugar, ^ ;^ H 'chii ^ii /'ong. Chu yd t'ang. Candy, to form into crystals, j^^ kit, ,ping. Kieh ping, M ^ .yi'io cPing. Ying ping, ^ ^ ^ying kit,. Ying kieh, j^^ kit, ^seung. Kieh shwang. Candy sugar, ^|C|t jiing /'ong. Ping t'dng, ||^ /'ong jSeung. T'dng shwang; molasses candy, J^ ^ /'ong ^ping. T'ang ping. Candy-hon's-foot, n plant, ^^ 'ts'b lui'. Ts'du lui. Candy-tufts, a plant, ^ ^ ^ pak^ shuk^ ^kw'ai, Peh shuh kw'ei. Candying, conserving with sugar, ^ j^ ^ t^jk, ^i; /'png. Tsihyut'^ng. CAN (306) CAN body, ^^ nuW shik^. Mdn shih; to pollute,-^ f^ tim' .u. Tien wii. Canker, to grow corrupt, /j: ^ ^hang wAi'. Sang hwdi ; to decay or waste away by means of any noxious cause, ^ ^ tuk^ Avai^ Tub bwdi ; to grow rusty, ^ ^ 'hi sau'. K'i siu, ^ ^ fdt, sau'. Eab siii, ^ ^ ^sbang sau'. Sang siti. Canker-like, eating or corrupting like a canker, ^ ^ mdn^ shik^. Sldn sbih. Cankor-worm ^>JI55 ,chlin ^sz. Chen sz. Canker-bit, bitten with a cankered or envenomed tooth, ^^ tukj shai^ Tub sbi, ^P|t Jiing k6*, j^^^ jungtik,. Yung till. Cankered, eaten, ^ ^ i^ mdn^ shik^ kwo\ Mdn shih kwo ; corrodetl, ^j "0^ ^ f sau' sbik^ wdi* ^lili. Siu sliib bwdi liau ; uncivil, ^ /(§ "^ jinb ^lai k6' Cankerous g|pg!£ jung k6\ ^^ jung tik,. Yung tib. Canna indica, Indian shot, ^^ -^ pat, 'kiin *tsz. Pib kwdn tsz, ^ ^ ^ 'shui ,tsiu /d. Shwui tsidu bwd. Cannabine, pertaining to hemp, ^ P^ ^md k6', Ji||| 1^^ ^md tik,. Md tib. Cannabis, hemp, J§^ ^md. Ma, :^ JH tdi^ ^md. Tdmd; cannabis sativa, 'X^'^ 'fo ^md ^yan. Ho md jin. Cannarium, olive, ^ |^ 'k6m '1dm. Kdn Idn ; can- narium album, Q |^ pdk '1dm. Peb Idn ; can- narium nigrum, pimela, <^|^ * J J^^ ^^' yat, iit^. Kid hdu yih yueh. Canine, pertaining to dogs, ^ liiin. K'iuen, ;^P^ 'hiin kc', ^6j P(^ 'kau k6', ^^ ^ij 'kau tik,. Kau %i ^ ^ lui^ jU 'hiin. Lui bu k'iuen ; a canme appetite, ^ ^ wai' shik^. Wei sbih, ^ |^ ^^ wai^ tsui 'kau. Wei tsui kau, — ' ^ ^ "^ y^K mi* ,t'dm shik^. Yih wl t'dn shih ; canine mad- j Cannon A^Q. tAi' p'du'. Td p'du, AP^i^S. tAi' jmiin ness, ^^J^ 'kau ,tin. Kau tien ; canine teeth, ^ ^ 'lu jigd. Uu yd, ^^ i^ ^ngd. llh yd. Caning, beating with a stick, ]X:k^^^iT '^ tai^ p'du' ,kung 'ta. I ta p'au kung ta. Cannonade, to discharge cannon, 'j'^:^^'^ ^shiii tai' p'du'. Shau ta p'au, || A^ fat, tai" p'du'. Pah td p'au. Cannonade, the act of discharging cannon and throw- ing balls, for the purpose of destroying an army &c., ^ ^ ^kwang kik,. Hung kih, |>( ;;A; ^Q, iP^ ^^ ^ tai^ p'du' ^kung kik, *ch^. I ta p'au kung kih che. Cannonaded, attacked with cannon-shot, ^ ^ j!^ ,kwang kik. kwo'. :■} Hung kih kwo. a man who manages cannon, •^ -^ shau. P'au shau ; an engineer. p'au tsung 'leng ' jt'oi tai' kai' P'au t'ai tsung P'au t'ai ta Cannoneer Cannonier, ^SSIilM P'au^ ,t'oi Hng, ?S fi A sf p'au' ki. Cannot !!^j|^ pat, ^nang. Puh nang, P§-g^ ^m ^nang, p§ % ^m tak,, ^ ^ pat, tak,. Puh teh, X^^ pat, 'ho. Puh k'o, ^ j|^ fat, ^nang. Puh nang, % ^ fat, hak,. Puh k'eh, % ff fat, tak,. Puh teh ; it cannot be said, fj p§- ^^: wa' ^m tak,, ^ Pg-^ 'kong ^m tak,, pg fj {^f ^m wa' tak,, pg ^ ^f ^ ^m 'kong tak, hii', g^ Jf^ # shut, pat, tak,. Shwoh puh teh, ^ f | |<^ pat, ^nang shiit,. Puh nang shwoh ; cannot but, ^^^^ pat, tak, pat,. Puh teh puh ; he cannot come, p§- ^ f^ ^m ^loi tak,, ^^f^ jloi pat, tak,. Lai puh teh, ^^^^ fat, jUang chi'. Puh nang chi; it cannot be done, P§iir# cm tso' tak , f^fe^l ts6' ,m tak,, >f^ X- ^ tsok, pat, tak,. Tsoh puh teh, :^g^:3^^ pat, jUang jWai ^chi. Puh nang wei chi ; cannot man- age (complete) it, -^ p§- ^ tso' ^m ^loi. Tso puh lai, ^^ ^ ts6' ^m ^sliing, j^jc p^ ^ tso' ^m W, i^^^ tsok, pat, tsau'. Tsoh puh tsiu ; cannot mderstand it, Pg-^lf ,m 'hid tak,, Pgil # ^m .t'ung tak,, n§,ii|f jn shilc, tak,, ii#ff ,t'ung pat, tak,. T'ung puh teh ; cannot go quickly, p§- n#'|^ s"i cl>ang tak, fai', ^7p§^ ,hang ^m 'hi, tr # ^ '1^ jliang tak, pat, fai'. Hang teh puh kw'ai, tf ^f^'^t S. s°^ ^^' ^ak. ^un. Hang puh ^iin, tr >r # xE cl^ang pat, tak teh yuen ; cannot long, pg- ^^ i||^ ^m ^nang noi', >r»H^:A pat, jnang 'kau. Puh nang kiu, Jf^]!iX ^ pat, 'ho 'i 'kau. Puh k'o 1 kiu ; cannot avoid it, ^ ;%, pat, ^min. Puh mien ; cannot for less, ^ pg ^f 'shiu ^m tak,, 4/^ J(^ % 'shiu pat, tak,. Shdu puh teh ; cannot part with it, P§ ^ f^ ni '8h6 tak,, Pg 1^ # ?n ;i tak,, :t^ ^ # 'she' pat, tak,. Shi6 puh teh ; cannot part with you, pg- ^ ^% ^ 'sh^ tak, *ni, -^||:7^§fW .li P^t, % mai' pat, tung'. Mdi puh tung ; cannot on any account, «I Pg # iig^^g' ^^ tak,, %%%^ man' mdn' pat, jUang. Wdn wan puh nang, ^ ^ ^| shai' pat, jUang. Shi puh nang ; I cannot believe you, ^m%W^ J^ sun' tak, %i kwo', H ft T^# f^ ^ngo sun' pat, tak, 'ni ; cannot subdue him, P§Mfl^tB P- at, tak, chu' 'k% Mi^Z^i^ ^t, jt'd pat, chii'. Yah t'd puh chii ; cannot do with- out it, \i^p^mja 'ho wa' ^m6, ^ pg f^ ^ ^6 ^m tso' tak,, !^ ^ ^ ^^ pat, 'yau pat, tak,. Puh'yii puh teh, ^ ffj M ^ pat, 'ho ^mo ^chi. Puh k'o wii chi ; cannot reach it, pg ^ ^^: $1) ^m .mo tak, t6', f^ pg ^IJ j)'dn ^m to', ^ %]e Wj U pat, jUang ^ko j)'an. Puh nang kdu p'dn; cannot see it, PgM# s^ kin' tak,, |^pgM 't'ai ,mkin', ^^ Jl hon' pat, kin'. K'an puh kien, ^Pg|@J hon' ^m 't6 ; it is because you will not, not be- cause you cannot, ^^ ^'^'^^^'^■^ ^hi' pat, jWai yd, /i pat, ,nang ^yd. Shi puh wei j6, fi puh nang ye ; words cannot be relied on, p fS' M ^ 'hau wd' ^mo jp'ang. K'au hwa wii p'ang. Cannular, tubular, ^ P|^ ^t'ung k6', j^ ^ ^t'ung tik,. T'ung tih, ^mM jt'ung 'k6m yeung'. T'ung kdn yang. Canoe ^|E^J|S 'kang muk^ 't'eng. Kang muh t'ing, ^^ >jjK ^sham 'pan. Shdn pan, /]% ^ 'siii 't'eng. Sidu t'ing, j^ ^liii. Lidu. Canon, a law, m 'tin. T'ien, ^ f^ fdt, lut^. Pdh Uuh, ^ m ct'iu lai'. T'idu li, ^ % ^kw'ai ^t'iu. Kw'ei t'idu, %^ ,t'iu 'fiin. T'idu kw'an; ^ ^j lut^ lai'. Liuh li, f^ m fat, 'tin. Pdh tien ; the genuine books of the Sacred Scriptures, |g ^ shing' jking. Shing king; a dignitary of the church, i^ ^jji muk^ ^sz. Muh sz ; in monasteries, a book containing the rules of the order, ■j^ ^ 1^ ^\ iSau t6' iin' lai'. Sid tdu yuen li ; ditto of a Buddhist monastery, ^ P^ ^ (^ tsz' ^mdn .kw'ai jt'id. Tsz mun kw'ei t'idu; a catalogue of saints canonized, -^^ M. ^sin shing' 'tin. Sien shing tien ; the canon of the mass, ^ :^ ^ ^mi sdt, 'tin. Mi sdh tien ; a rule for com- pounding medicines, ^^tift y6uk, 'tin. Yoh tien; canon-law, H^"^^ j^ shing' di' lai' ^t'id. Shing hwui II t'idu. Canon-bit, that part of a bit let into a horse's mouth, ^ ^W^ ^'^ Jidm sut,. Md hdn suh. Canoness, woman who enjoys a prebend, without (JAiJ (§08) tJA^ being obliged to renounce the world, ^ ^ ,chdi ku. Chdi ku, Canonic, ) JjBi P^ 'tin U\ ^ Qij 'tin tik,. Tien Canonical, J tih, X ^ J'^Pj '^^"- ^^^ ^^^^ ' ^^^' nical books, ^ ^ shing' 'tin. Sliing tien, g j^ sliing' ^king. Sliing king ; the canonical books of Buddiia, ^ m shik, 'tin. Shih tien, -^^ fatj 'tin. Fuh tien ; canonical hours, among Buddhists, ^ # B$ .ts'dm fat^ ^shi. Ts'dn fuh shi ; ditto, among Roman Catholics, J^ $? B# nim^ ,king ^shi. Nien king shi, ^- t. "^ H$ p^i' Shu6ng^ tai' ^shi. Pai Shdng ti shi; canonical obedience, fl^H^ fuk^ 'tin. Fuh tien, ^ ^ 'shau 'tin. Shau tien ; canonical sins, ^ =^ 'sz t8ui^ Sz tsui, ^ P|5t 11^ 'sz k6' tsiii^ ; canonical letters, TEWi^W oiling' kau' jP'ang ^shii. Ching kidu p'ang shu, JB^^^ ching' kdu' ^man ^p'ang. Ching kiiiu wan chdng. Canonically ^M. on' 'tin. Ngdn tien, '(j^^ ^ 'tin. 1 tien, ^ ^ ^tsun 'tin. Tsun tien ; to speak or write canonically, ttl $^ A 1^ ch'ut, ,king yap^ 'tin. Ch'uh king jih tien. Canonicals, the full dress of the clergy, worn when they officiate, i^gfifS ^'^K c^^ ^lai fuk^. Muh sz li full, -1 :^ t6\i. Tau i. Canonicatc, the office of a canon, i|^^iB<^^ muk^ ^sz ^chi chikj. Muh sz chi chih. Canonicity, the state of belonging to the canon, M^^ shing' ,king 'ch6. Shing king ch6, :^^ li % Vau 'tin kii' 'ch6. Yii tien ku ch6, j^ ^ ^ shuk^ 'tin 'cli6. Shuh tien ch6. Canonist, a professor of canon law, ^^^i^ 'kong tin sz. Kidng tien sz ; one skilled in the study and practice of ecclesiastical law, j^ ^ ^ ^ ^ pok, hok^ 'tin ^shii 'ch6. Fob hioh tien slid ch6, 1^ M. gj]j pok, 'tin ,sz. Poll tien sz. Canonization, the act of declaring a man a saint, ff|:fe.t^ ch'ik, .fung 'ch6. Ch'ih fung cU, f| §^ i^^ A ('h'ik, ,furig jWai shing' jan. Ch'ih fung wei shing jin, ^ ^ ^ A % j»|| ^ .tai 't'ung jt'au. Ti t'ung t'au ; to sell by auction, ttl tk ch'ut, ^t'au. Ch'uh t'au, ^ g ^t'au mdi^ tt W P'^^> "^^i^' l*'ch mdi ; to bid a price at auction, ^j \^ cli'iit, kd'. Ch'uh kid; to speak with a whining voice, or an affected, singing tone, ^ 3^ ^ jOi ^k'au ^sliing. Ngdi k'iu shing, ■^'l^i^ bat, Jin ,shing. K'ili lien shing. Cant, a thrust, — Jj^ yat, luk,, |^ ^ luk, *ch6, — :|f| yat, J'ui. Yih t'lii, :|tfe^ ,t'ui 'ch6. T'lii cU; an inclination from a horizont^il line, ^j- jt8'6. Si6; a whining singing manner of speech, ^ f^ ,oi ^shing. Ngdi shing, '^'^^ hat, Jin ,shing. K'ih lien shing ; the peculiar words and phrases of pro- fessional men, '^f^^ J»ong ^chung wd^ lidng chung hwd ; phrases often repeated, or not well authorized, R^ =^^ Jun ^chun ; out-cry at a public sale of goods, :|5 ff,^ ^ ^t'au hdm' ^sliing. T'au hien shing. Cant, an external angle or quoin of a building, |^ ,u. Yd, MPS^jtt. Uhyu. Cantaloupe, ") a small, round varii^ty of muskmelon, Cantaleup, j yJ^ JIl ^ 'siu ,kwd ,meng. Sidu kwd ming. Cantata, a poem set to music, ^ Jio. Ko. Canteen, a tin vessel used by soldiers for carrying liquor for drink, yS^ tsau kiin'. Tsili kwdn, || (JAN (309) CA^ P ^ V® ^ -ma 'hau fit, 'tsau ^tsun. Ma k'au t'ieli tsiii tsnn. Cantel, ) the liind bow of a saddle, ,1^ ^ ^ ^ 'ma Cantle, j ^on hau^ c^ung. Ma ngan hau kung. Canter, to move, as a horse in a moderate gallop, i?S 11 1^ 'p'au man- ^t'ai. P'au man t'i. Canter, a moderate gallop, -^"^J?^ 'hi ^sheung ^t'ai. K'i shwang t'i, ^^^ p'au ^sheung ^t'ai. P'au shwdng t'i ; one who cants or whines, |^^'|^^ ^ fat, ^oi jlin ^sbing 'che. Pah ngai lien shing che. Canterbury, a receptacle for music, port folios &c., ^W^ ngok, 'p'o ka'. Yoh p'li kia. Canterbury -bell, a species of campanula, r^f^^^^ till' ^chung jfa lui\ Tiau chung hwa lui. Canterbury-gallop, a moderate gallop of a horse, ^ ■^ {^ 'hi ^sheung ^t'ai. K'i shwang t'i. Cantering, moving with a moderate gallop, ^ "1^ ^ 'p'au man^ ^fai. P'au man t'i. Cantharides Jjft^ j^an ^mau. Pan mau, ^|§ ,pan ^mau. Pan mau, ^ ^ |§, /a ^kam ^kwai. Hwa kin kwei, f|jF|§ jan ^mau. Pan mau, ^1^^ jl^J^S ts'z'. Lung ts'z. Cantharidin, the peculiar substance in cantharides which causes vesication, ^^^ ,pan ^mau chat,. Pan mau chih, ^ |j^ ^ 'hi j'au chat,. K'i p'au chih. Canthus, an angle of the eye, ^ ^s'ai. Ts'i, BR % ^ngan kok,. Yen koh ; external canthus, |R ^ Tigan Tui. Yen wi, ^[» ^ ngoi^ ^s'ai. Wai ts'i ; internal ditto, HRH^ ^ngan ^t'au. Yen t'au, p^^ noi' -ts'ai. Nui ts'i. Canticle, a song, ^ ^ko. Ko, (J^ huk,. K'iuh; Can- ticles, the Song of Solomon, ^ ^ ^ga ko. Yd ko. CantLllate, to chant, f^ ch'^ung'. Ch'ang, ^ ko. Ko. Cantillation, a chanting, ^ ^ko. Ko, ^^ ,ko 'ch6. Ko ch6, V^ ^ ch'eung' 'che. Ch'dng che. Canting, giving a sudden thrust or impulse with the foot, ^ t'ek,. T'ih ; ditto with the hand, :f^ jt'ui. T'lii ; ditto, as when pushing a barrel, -j)^ :|^ 5^ pxi 't'ung jt'au. Ti t'ung t'au. Cantingly, with a cant, |^ ^J^ ch'eung' ^in. Ch'ang jen. Cantle, a fragment, }^ p'in'. P'ien, ^ fai'. Kw'di; a comer or edge of anything, ^'^'^ mat^ ^chi kok,. Wuh chi koh, >^;t^ ^^\ ,'^^^ j^. Wuh chi yu. Cantlet, a piece, ^ p'in'. P'ien, ^\\ ^ 'siu fai'. Siau kw'ai ; a little corner, y\^ ^ 'siu ^li. Siau yu, yjN ^ 'siii kok,. Sidu koh. Canto, a part or division of a poem, ^ tsit^. Tsieh, ^ ^ # ^ |< A ^ ,^^ j^^'au jan ^kwan chili'. K'iu jin kwan chau, >^\^^ ^k'au jan jt'ai pat^. K'iu jin t'i pah. Canvass, to go about to solicit votes or interest, jJc^jJJK jk'au ^kwan chiii'. K'iii kwan chau. Canvass, examination, ^ ^ 'hau kau'. K'au kiti ; close inspection to know the state of, ^ ^ k'ai ch'at,. K'I ch'dh ; discussion, ^|^ 'i lun'. I lun; debate, ^ |^ piu^ lun^ Pien lun, ^ pok^. Poh ; iiii ^A^ (810) solicitation or efforts to obtain, ^ ^ B8^ ^k'au ,kwdn chiu'. K'iii kwdn chdu. Canvasser, one who solicits votes, jj^ ^ HJ? ^, ^k'au ^kwdn cLiu' 'cli6. K'id kwdn chdu che; one who examines the returns of votes for a puhlic officer, * #^;^;^ 'hau kau' ^meng 'ch6. K'au kiii ming che. Canvassing, discussing, hH 1^ ^ ^^^^- ^ ^^^ 5 ex- amining, i^ ^ *hdu kau'. K'du kiii ; sifting, |0 ^ jk'ai jCh'd. K'i ch'd ; seeking, ^ ^k'au. K'iu. \ Cany, consisting of cane, ^ P^ jt'ang ke', ^ fj^ I jt'ang tik,. T'ang tih. j Canzonet, a short song, ^|^ tslt^ ,shi. Tsieh shi. j Caouchouc, India rul)l)er, j^ |p. shii^ ^kdu. Shii I kidu. ! Caouchoucine, the highly inflammable, volatile oily liquid, obtained by distillation from caouchouc, chih. Cap, a cover for the head, ijig m5^ Mdu, ijig -^ mb^ tsz. Mdu tsz, — ■ 7^ ijjg yat, 'teng m6^ Yih ting mdu, — ■ ^ i|)^ yat, kin^ m6^ Yih kien mdu ; a cap worn i)y the ancients, ^ pin^ Picn ; square ditto, -^ f|j /ong ^kan. Tang kin ; round ditto, ijl^hdp^. Hidh; cap of manhood, ^ ,kun. Kwdn; a summer cap, v!^"|»^ jlcii"? ^i^^^- Lidng mdu, ^ ijipj jShd m6^ Slid mdu ; a winter cap, 'J^ ijig ^niin m6\ Nwdn mdu, ^ i|»g ,tung m6\ Tung mdu, # ^ 'I'm iX^ ^^K ^^'- Y6 koh mdu, ^ rj>^ 'un m5^ Wdn mdu; a red fringed cap, ^T|^^'|'n jhung ^ying m6^ Hung ying mdu, ^^ijij^ Hvai mbK Wei mdu ; a felt cap, i^^ i|i^ ^ehin m6^ Chen mdu ; children's caps AA'ith ornaments, /\kfll|rj>g pdt, ^sin m6\ Pdh sien mdu ; a woman's hempen mourn- ing cap, S([J^ jt'au pdkj. T'au peh; a la^ly's cap, ij/l^ kwok,. Kwoh ; a night-cap, U^ i|»J^ shui^ mS^ Shwui mdu ; a fancy cap, ^ ^k'au. K'iu ; a cap adorned with feathers, ^^ jWong ^kun. Hwdng kwdn ; a cap and bells, ^ )^ iji^ 'kwai ^md m6\ Kwei md mdu ; a soldier's cap, Yf i[^ i|»^ chuk, ch'dp, mb\ Chuh eh'dh mdu, ^ p'uk^. P'uh ; a cap worn by ofliccrs, i|l^ hdp^. llidh ; a cap with flaps covering the eai-s, j^ ^ iji^i ^niin 'i m6^ Nwdn rh mdu, ^ Jet '^bam ^kun. Shin kwdn ; a cap of ceremony, ^^7^ ^lai ,kun. Li kwdn, ^j]^ jCh'iu ,kun. Ch'du kwdn, ^ hdp^. Ilidb, ^ ^11. LI ; a royal cap, in the form of a crown, ^ *hu. llii, 3^^^ ,kun ^min. .Kwdn mien; a foreign eap, # r|jy jy^ung mbK Ydng mdu, -ffir A'^ri S^^ jy^" m5'. Fdn jin mdu ; the cap of a mast, |/^'i|>'fi jWai m6*. Wei mdu; apiM-eussion eap, tj^.fjF kip, 'tsai, ^J ijij^ -^ jt'ung nuV 'tsz. T'ung mdu tsz ; ditto waterproof, ^ J[£ n£ .kam 'tai kip,. f{ii) f;^ qf. | jt'ung *tai kip, ; the knee-cap, ^ ,pan. Pin ; tlie topmost part of any thing, |^| 'teng. Ting, TflJ'. ' 'ting sh6ung^ Ting shdng; to wear a eap, ^ iji'ij -f" tdi' m6^ *tsz. Tm mdu tsz ; to tak(^ off a civp, or remove yoxir cap, f^ ^"^ t'ut, mo*. T'oh mdu, * Tbia application of tlie word iit doubtful. dAf ^ ^ chdk, m6» 'tsz. Tseh mdu tsz, ^ «}^ -f- hu mi/ 'tsz. K'ii mdu tsz, ^^ 'min ^un. Mien kwdn, ^ rjj^ jCh'u m6^ Ch'ii mdu ; to put on a cap, jj[\ tS ,kd ,kun. Kid kwdn, ^ i|i^ tdi' m5*. Tdi mdu; to cast one's cap at any one, |^.^ y^^o ^shi'i. Jin shu, Q |^, ^ tsz* ying^ ^hii. Tsz jin shii; a considering cap I||^l|^j ,ts'ung jOiing. Ts'ung ming. Cap, to, ^ kun'. Kwdn, ^ rj)^ tdi' m6*. Tdi mdu, h_ ijijj ^sheung m6*. Shdng mdu ; to cap a yoimg man, jjp^ ,kd ,kun. Kid kwdn ; to cap a bottle, M^sSi S^^S <*sun jt'au. Fung tsun t'au. Cap-a-pie, from head to foot, ^ fi^ ^ >£ tsz* ^t'au chi' tsuk,. Tsz t'au chi tsuh ; armed cap-a-pie, VSS:^'^^f 'niun ^shan ^p'i kwd'. Mwdn shin p'i kwd, ^ ^ ^ # jts'un ,8han j)'i kwd'. Ts'iuen shin p'i kwd, j^ :^ 3^ ^^ ^chau ,shan ^yung fuk^. Chau shin jung fuh. Cap-paper, coarse paper, 7^ ^ Jis'b 'chi. Ts'ii chi, :^j^ft'ts'6'chl. Ts'duchi. Cap-squares, strong plates of iron which come over the trunnions of a cannon and hold it down, ^^ ^ ■^ P'^u' '1 '"^- 1"^" rli yen- Capability, the quality of being capable, /f'gl jts'oi jUang. Ts'di nang, 3I ^ jiang kon'. Nang kdn, 7f j^ jts'oi kon'. Ts'di kdn, 2JJ ^ 'pun 'leng. Pun ling. Capable, having the requisite capacity or ability, g| ^nang. Nang, ^ tak,. Teh, |t^ ^ui, ^ ^ ^nang kon'.' Nang kdn, ^ ^lo. Lo, ^ j|g ^in jUang. Yen nang, ^ "^ ^ V^u jts'oi tiii*. Yd ts'di tidu, ^tJ^I^ ^au ^ts'oi kon'. Yu ts'di kdn, ijg jk'eung. K'idng, ^1 ^ jk'6ung kon*. K'idng kdn, ^^^ jk'dung ^naug. K'idng nang, pf ^ 'ho jUang. K'o nang, P] |^ ^ 'ho ^i ^nang. K'o i nang, Pf ^ % 'ho ^i tak,. K'o 1 teh, ^ :^ ^f- ^au 'pun sz*. Yii pun sz, ^ tJ" h| ^^vl jts'oi ^nang. Yu ts'di nang ; capable of holding, as a vessel, ^^^^^ J^^^S ^^Vi ^K- Yung ndh teh, Pf # Ji^ 'ko ^yung ndp^. K'o yung ndh, pj" ^ ^ f^ 'ho jUang ^chong tsoi'. K'o nang ehwdng tsdi ; a capable man, 3^ \ jUang ^yan. Nang jin, ^Hl"!^ A sts'oi ,nang ke' ^yan, ^ g| Pgt A Vau ^nang k6' jan, tJ^ -f- jts'oi 'tsz. Ts'di tsz. pf A 'ho jan. K'o jin ; capable of doing, hIe "^ ^ jUang ts6* ,chi. Nang tso chi, j^^ ^^ j^ang ^wai ,chi. Nang wei chi, f^ ^^ ts6* tak,. Tso teh, >ff # tsok, tak,. Tsoh teh, ^J^^ lik^ tsuk, ^wai. Lib tsuh wei; capable of managing, 3|i-f^.fl|= lid* Hi tak,. Lidu lib teh, f)| ^ ^ ^nang pdn* sz*. Nang pdn s/„ P^ tT J'^ '"i 'tti 'li; capable of teaching, T^^ ^lii kdu', ^^ ^nang kdu. Nang kidu, ^jj;!^ kdu' tak,. Kidu teh; capable of com- l)rehending, ^ ^ 'bin tak,. lliau teh, ^ ^ ,t'ung tak,. T'ung teh, i^ ^ .ts'ung ^ming. Ts'ung ming, f^fSpJ ^ling 11*. Ling li ; capable of drinking much, AlfW jbl" *'^i' 'tsau kHmg*. Td tsiu liang, A tfc S t^i' 'ya™ l»^unp'- Td yin lidng, 1^^ 'hoi l^ui^. Ildi lidng ; capable of devising. CAP -(^0 ki- l^ung-. Ki lidng, -j^ X^ kr lidu. Ki k'idu ; capable of base actions, jt^ '^^^ bo' jWai 'cb'au hang^ Hau wei cb'au bing ; capable of murdering one, P^^ A. 'ui sbat, jan; capable of generous actions, '^ *^ :^ m /^"^ ^^^^S ^^i" leung-. Kwan bung ta liang. Capableness, capacity, yf' g| ^ts'oi ^nang. Ts'ai nang, j|^ ^ ^nang kon . Nang k6n ; power of understanding, ^^ ^ts'ung ^miug. Ts'ungming; knowledge, :^ ^ cbi' wai". Cbi bwui. Capacious, tbat will bold mucb, ^ ;^ fut^ tai^ Kw'oh td, )§ ;:A; Tvwong tai'. Kwang td, ^ || /un fut,. Kwan kw'ob, ^ sbf . Sbi ; capacious intellect, ^f-^fj^ 'h6 ,ts'ung ,ming. Hdu ts'ung ming, ^ f^ m 'lio .liiig li'- Hau ling II, ^ ;^ |g ^ 7au tai^ to' tik,. Yu td tu tib ; capa- cious, or bulky, as a cask, J^ ;A: fuk^ tai^ Fub ta; equal to great tbings, ^^ "^ ';^ H ^tong tai yam ^nang ^cb'ung tai^ yam^ ^nang Nang tang td j in, g^^^^fi Nang cb'ung td jin, g^ cbung jin. jnang ^sbing cliung^ yam\ Nang sbing Capaciousness, wideness, f^ -^ fut, tai\ Kw'ob td, J^ -^ 'kwong tdi^ Kwdng td, ^ ^ /lin tdi^ Kwdn td, ^ 1"^ Tiwong fut,. Kwdng kw'ob, ^ ^ /un 'kAvong. Kwan kwdng, '^ ^^ /un fut,. Kwan kw'ob ; comprebensiveness, or power of taking a wide survey, ^ ^\ ^ts'ung ^ming. Ts'ung ming, 0^ ^ ^ming kin'. Ming kien. Capacitate, to make capable, j^^g^ 'sz -yau ^nang. Shi yu nang, f^^tl cbf ^au ,nang, ^fgPfi^ ^nang, f ^I "fg ^ ;^ ^ pi 'k'u -yau PI k'ii yii pun sz ; to fmniisb one witb legal powers, ^ j-^ ^^ fg 'pi ,k'un kwo' "k'u. PI k'iuen kwo k'ii, ^f||ii|fifc <^^" s^'iln kwo' ^t'd. Kidu k'iuen kwo t'd, ^ ji^ J^ {tS. sbau^ ^k'iin ^ii jt'd. Sbau k'iuen yu t'd. Capacity, passive power, or power of containing, # ^ jyung nap^.Yung ndb,^ ^ ^yung sbau^ -pi 'k'ii 'ill *piin sz^ Yung sbau. to' leuns^. Tu lidng, # jhdm ^yung. Hdn yung; extent of room or space, fl :k f'it, tdi'. Kw'ob td', ^ fl 'kwong flit,. Kwdng kw'ob, ^ ^ /An fdt,. Kwdn kw'ob, ^ \^ /un 'kwong. Kwdn kwdng, ^- ^ 'kwong tdi^ Kwdng td ; ability, ^ ^ ^ts'oi ^nang. Ts'di nang, 2Ji ^ 'pun sz^ Pun sz, ^| ^ jUang kon'. Nang kdn, 2JS -fg 'pun 'leng. Pun ling, -^ ^ jts'oi cbat,. Ts'di cbib, ^^ bf. K'l, ^ g; kuk^ leung^. Kiub lidog ; pbysical power, ^J ^ lik^ leung\ Lib lidng, ^ ij sbai' lik^. Sbl lib ; legal power or right, f^ ^k'tin. K'iuen, ^ji^ ?f} ^k'iin shai'. K'iuen shI ; the solid contents of a body, P X flit, tai^ Kw'oh td, j^ j)^ hau' tdi^ Hau td; profession, ^ |" mb^ Sz wii, X ^ character of, ^ pdn SZ' Ip^. Sz nieb, ^ f^ sz' ,kung . Pdn, .fii. Kung fu ; in the Mdu, ^ i^ mh\ jShing. Pan pdn^ tsok,. Pan tsoh, |^ }^ pdn* ching, j$, "^ ngai^ ^wai. Wei wei; capacity to drini wine, v@ § 'tsau leungf. Tsiu lidng ; ditto (311) CAP to drink or absorb, "f^p" 'yam leung'. Yin lidng; a person of small capacity, ;5I^*^^ Idung^ t6^ 'ts'In chdkj. Lidng tu ts'ien tseb, ^^l^vj^ kuk^ leung^ 'pin 'siu. Kiub lidng pien sidu. Caparison, of a horse, ,^^ 'md 'p'l. Ma p'l, ^:^ -ma /. Md i; armour, ^tp 'hoikdp^. K'dikidb, 1^ ^ kdp, chau^ Kidb chau. Caparison, to cover witb a cloth, as a horse, :j^ J^ ^ kwd' -md ^l. Kwa ma i, ^ 1>J, :^ k'oi' H. /. K'di i I ; to dress pompously, ^^ ^ ^chong shik^. Chwang shih, ^ ^^ -^ cheuk, ^p'di jCh'eung. Choh p'di ch'dng, -^^^ cheuk^ ^wd lai^ Cboh bwd II. Caparisoned, covered witb cloth, :^|» jj^ ,^ ^ kwd' kwo' Tnd /. Kwd kwo md I ; dressed pompously, H^ flli M (Chong shik, kwo'. Chwang shih kwo, ^ M.M^ M cheukj kwo' ^p'di ^ch'eung. Choh kwo p'di ch'dng. Cape, a head-land, [Jj ^ ^sbdn ^t'au. Sbdn t'au, [Jj ^ ^shdn 'tsui. Shan tsui, lljfp kdp,. Kidb ; the cape of a garment, ^ M ^ ^ ^^^' ^^^ P^' c^- Pau kien pei I. Capelan, a small fish of the northern seas, "^ ;^ jli ^meng. Yii ming. Capella, a bright fixed star in auriga, ^ ^ 'ng ,ch'e. Wu cb'e. Capellet, a kind of swelling, like a wen, growing on the heel of the bock on a horse, ,|| ^ j!0 Tud keukj ^lau. Md kiob liii. Caper, to leap, ^ t'iu. T'iau, |g| jff t'iu' yeuk,. T'idu yob, M M >ng yeuk,. Yung yob, f| % t'iu 'm6. T'idu wu, ^ J^ j)'In ^sln. P'ien sien, ^ ^ jk'iu jSln. K'iau sien ; to caper for joy, 0^ S5I A J^^ '^^ y^^S y^^^K Yin hi yung yob ; to prance, ^^ ^ yeuk, 'hi. Yob k'l. Caper, a leap, — f fe yat, t'iu'. Yib t'iau, /^^ t'iu' 'cb6. T'idu ch6; a spring as in the frolic of a goat or lamb, J?g ^ 'yung yduk,. Yung yob, S^ ^ t'iii' ycuk^. T'iau yob ; a privateer, |^ j^|f ts'dk^ jShun. Ts'ih ch'uen ; cross-capers, ^ ^ chat^ ngoi'. Chih ngdi. Caper-bush :^)AM.Wi '^^^^ c^^'^ '^^^^ ^^^^- Shwui kwd niu sbu ; caper-sauce, :^JA^('\' 'shui ^kwd 'nau cbapj. Sbwui kwd niii chih. Caper-cutting, leaping or dancing in a frolic &c., $k -& U M <^^^ '^1 V^^S y^^^K Hwfin hi yung ybh. Caperer, one who leaps and skips about, ^}^ ^ ^ t'iu' yeuk, 'cU. T'idu yob che, Mi M ^ V^S y6uk, 'ch6. Yung yob che. Capering, leaping, ^% ^g t'iu yeuk,. T'idu yob. Capias, a writ of two sorts, ^ :?^ ^ 'H" P ^ ^nd ]>'iti' k'apj ^bang tsui^ ^.man ^shii. Nd p'iau kill bang tsili wan shii. Capillaceous, having long fllamants, see Capillary. Capillaire, syrup from maiden hair, ^ 'h* t5 |§ TJC hak, kwat, ^mong ^t'ong 'shui. Heh kuh mdng t'dng sbwui ; any simple syrup, flavored with or- ange»flower water, ^ 4iB ^ M ijfC jCh'dng ^i, CAP h6ung jt'ong 'shui. Ch'ang hwd hidng t'dng shwui. Capillament % ^ ,\ib 'cli6. lldu ch6; one of the fine fibres of which the nerves are composed, ^ ^ jh6 ,kan. llAu kin ; a filament, that grows in the middle of a flower, ^ ,^ /a ^ui- Hwdjui. Capillarity, the state of being capillary, % ^^ jh6 .shang 'c\\L Udu sang ch6, % ^ jh6 'cli6. Hdu ch6. Capillary, resembling a hair, ^ jh6. IlAu, (^ % t'iu \mb. T'iAu mdu, ^ .sz. Sz ; capillary pbnts, M^^^ '^^' c^^^''« ''^' '^'^' capillary vessels, J^ j'j^ ,8Z ,kan. Sz kin, % % .hb ^kan. Ildu kin, % Ij^ jrab ,kan. Mdu kin, yj> ;^ 'siu ,kan. Sidu kin ; capillary veins, ^ [bJ jjl Jjf jhb Ai hiit, Tidn. Hdu hwui hiueh kwdn. Capillary, a fine vessel or canal, % ^ }ib ,kan. Ildu kin, % ^ jh6 'kiin. Hau kwan, yj> ^ ;^ 'siu hiit, .kan. Sidu hiuch kin. Capilliform, in the shape of a hair, ^ Rlt # i^^ 'kbm y6ang^. lldu kdn ydng, ^ % "ts'z ^hb. Sz hdu, i^'^% ts^ung* Hs'z ^hb. Siang sz hdu. Capital, first in importance, ;^ ^ |^^ chung^ tdi^ tik,. Chung td tih, ^ A fi\I t^^i' ^^^^ til^>- Tsui td tih, ^^P^ tsui' iu' k6', M^^P^E chf 'kan iu' M ; a capital letter, ^-^'X^ tsz' ^b tdi' t8z^ Tsz mu td tsz, J^ ^^ ^ * 'tcng kak, tsz\ Ting keh tsz, ^^ |j| ^ j>VjS/f ])b' .chi .kung 'sho. Pd chi kung so. Capitolian, ") pertaining to the Capitol in Rome, Capitoline, ) HeH^ AM'^ ^'"«^ *^»' °^'"' ^*>- Lomd td midu tih. Capitular, ") an act passed in a chapter, either of Capitulary, j knights, canons, or religious, ^ ^ .kw'ai lai'. Kw'ei li ; the body of laws or statutes of a chapter, ^ tin. Tien ; the member of a chapter, ^ ^ di' Van. II>>iu yd; tho J^ws CAP (313) CAP hiang, kings, ^^-^ ^ F^t kwok, 'kii 'tin. Tab kwoh ku tien. Capitulary, relating to the chapter of a cathedral, ^^^^ ui^ 'chdung tik,. Hwui chdng tih, ^^ ^ lii^ 'ch^ung k6'. Capitulate, to draw up a writing in chapters, heads or articles, )% ^ ^ 'se .hong 'piu. Sie hiang piau, ;^|^^ 'ts'6 jhong 'piu. Ts'au hiang piau; to surrender, as an army or garrison, ^^ ^ ^t'au T'au hiang, ^ [^ ^kwai ^hong. Kwei tSlJc jt'au jShing. T'au ching. Capitulation, the act of capitulating, or surrender- ing to an enemy upon stipulated terms, ^ [^ ^ jt'au jhong 'die. T'au hiang che; the treaty of capitulation, [^^ J^^ong 'piu. Hiang piau, |^^ jhong jShii. Hiang shu. Capitulator, one who capitulates, ^ [^ :^ jt'au jhong *che. T'au hiang ch6. Capivi, see Copaiba. Capnomancy, divination by the ascent or motion of smoke, ^'j,'@^ hM* ^^^^' c^^ ^in puk^. Yen pub. Capnomor, a transparent, colorless oil-like fluid ob- tained from the smoke of organic bodies, jfj^ ytt 7[C jin ^yau 'sbui. Yen yu sbwui. Capoch, a monk's hood, j^ ^ to^ ^kiin. TAu kwdn, ^ i|»g t5^ m6\ Tau mau ; the hood of a cloak, ^ t^g ^lau mb^ Lau mAu. Capon, a young, castrated cock, ^\^ sin' ^kai. Sien kl, ^^ sin ^kai. Sien ki, ^|| ^im ^kai. Yen ki. Capon, ■) to castrate, as a cock, ^J sin'. Sien, ^ Caponize, ) sin'. Sien. Caponiere, a passage from one part of a work to another, protected on each side by a wall or par- apet, ^^ ii^ p'au' jfoi jlin 16^ P'du t'di Hen lii. Capot, to win all the tricks of cards at the game of piquet, ^ ^ ^ *, 'ta ^ts'iin ^yeng. Ta ts'iuen yi^S' M^ jyc^S sai', ^^ jts'iin shing'. Ts'iuen shing. Capper, one whose business is to make or sell caps, ^ A M^ /an. KwAn jin, ^ i|j| ^^ ,sz fu^ Tso m4u sz fu, Mdi mdu tih. Capreolate, t having tendrills, or filiform spiral claspers, |f )\\^ \it} jni, 'cbdu tik,, ^ >^ P^ kf ^shang ke', ^^^1} ki' ^shang tik,. Kl sang tih. Capriccioso, a free fantastic style of music, fi'^ff 1^ yam^ sing' tsok^ ngok^. Jin sing tsoh yob. Capric acid, an acid obtained from butter, ^ y^ Qg Jii yii ts'ii; ditto crystallized, ^y^S Jii yii ts'ii ping tso^ mo^ mar mo^ tik 'u ,vau ts 6 nm iX ,vau ts'6 cPlUg- Caprice, a sudden start of the mind, ^ ti^ ^to ^sam. To sin, fj '^ kap, sing'. Kib sing, fr '(4 Pg!E ^ kap, sing' ke' sz', ^ 'J!^ |^ sut, sing' 'che. Sub sing ch6, fi'l^ffll 'ff 7^^^ si^g' S jbang. Jin sing rh hang, 1^'|^ 'ku kwdi'. Kii kwdi, i^^ ngang^ 'keng. Ngang king, ^^ ^u' 'keng. Ngau king, ^ ^ K 'fan du' 'ch6. Fan ngau che, ft |^ ^■ chap, au' 'che. Cliih ngau cb6. Capricious, whimsical, ^ »|^ kap, sing'. Kib sing, ^ jVj) cto ,sam. To sin, -|^ »|^ !^ij 'ku kwai' tik,. Ku kwai tih, i^ gf| n^ ngang' 'keng ke', ^ ^ 'fan au'. Fan ngau, ^^ au' 'keng. Ngau king, j^^ 'pdn 'keng. Pan king ; unsteady, M. ^ 'ft P|t ,fung ^ang chuk, ke', MM^^^ /an fuk, pat, teng^ Fdn fub }*ub ting, J^ % ^ i^ mut^ -yau 'chii f. Mub yii cbii i, ^ -^ ^ /S^sVau ,i mok^ teng^ Yii 1 mob ting ; a capricious fellow, t: '[^ ^U A kap, sing' k6' ^yan, -^%9^K 'ku kwai' ke jan, i^^^^K ngang' 'keng ke' jan, ^,^'(4 "it A sin6 tcng' sing' k^' jan, #[E±f: P^ A s^o 'c'l^ i' ke' jan, -WH^M^UK ,sAm /an sz' fuk, k6' ^yan, ^^te^fjf (g^ ,ch'6ung 'leng. Ch'dng ling, -fg -^ ,ch'6ung 'shau. Ch'dng shau, ^\ ^t'au ^yan. T'au jin, ^ g jt'au muk^. T'au muh, ^^M^-^ Heng tsau^ 'ch6ung. Ling siu chdng, ^ -f^ 0. kdp, pi^ tdn\ Kidh pi tdn ; the captain of a ship, ^■^ jShiin 'elm. Ch'uen chu, -^^ ,chau muk^. Chau muh, ^S^ jShvin ^t'au. Ch'uen t'au, ^j;^ shiin ,tung. Ch'uen tung; a military captain, ^ ^ 'shau pi^ Shau pi, ^ }^ 'shau 'fu. Shau iu ; the captain of thousands, =f- ^ ,ts'in 'tsung. Ts'ien tsung, ^f" ^ ^ .ts'in /u 'ch6ung. Ts'ien fii chdng; the captain of hundreds, ^ pdk,. Poh, {S ^ P^^> '^^^""S- Peh tsung, H 5^ :fc pdk, ,fu 'ch6ung. Peh fu chdng ; the captain of a depart- ment, ^ }{^ j ^ ^ fu^ jP'ang ,sbii. Fu p'ang .shu. Captious, caviling, $f ^ b6' ^clidng. Hau tsang, §f ^^ ^ b6' .chdng king'. Hdu tsang king, ^ ^ M .chdng ,h6 ;i. Tsang hdu li. ^ M 6-1 .cMng king' tik^. Tsang king tih, ^ P 'fdn 'hau. Fdn k'au, f^^ ho' pin', lldu pien ; fault-finding, ^ ^mA'U li^' t'lk, ^^au .sam. Teh jin sin ; to bind in love, ]>J[ ^ 3^' A ^ "i' ^^K jyan- t ngdi fub jin, #A^'^' tak, jvan .chi oi'. Teh jin chi ngdi, # AhI'E' ^K i'an 'eh'ung oi'. Teh jin cb'ung ngdi. Captivating, taking prisoner, ^ :|^ .sliang ^k'am. Sang k'in ; engaging the affections, % K^'^ tak, .van 'cb'ung oi'. Tob jin cb'ung ngdi; having the power to engage the affections, ^ S^ 1^^ jmai jwan tik,.' Mi bwan tih, ^ ^ |^ i^ jUiai jWan chan' k^U tsoi^ tik^ kwok, ^Avai ^nb. Tsai tih kwoh wci mi ; sold into captivity, j'-j -^ ^ mAi" ^wai ^no. Mai wei nu ; to capture men and sell them into cap- tivity. WAWMPM ';« /an 'chiin mdi^ ^wai ^nb. Lii jin chuen mai wei mi. Captor, one who takes, as a prisoner, |f^* A "l*^ jy^^- ^^ jin. H ^ ^ '1" i»-^nk^ 'che. Lii lioh ch6, -^ ^ /li ^ts'au 'che. Fii ts'au che, # ^ ^ .fii wok, 'ch^. Pu hwoh che ; one who takes, as a prize at sea, ^^^ tiit^ wok, 'che. Toll hwoh cU. Capture, the act of taking, as a captive, ^ .ji^ ^ ^6 l^uk, 'die. Lii lioh che, $| ^ "16 'ch6. Lii ch6, # (21 ^ /a cts'au 'che. Pii ts'au die, # ^ ^ /u wok, 'die. Fii hwoh che ; ditto, as a • prize at sea, dp ^ ^ tiit^ wok, 'che. Toll hwoh ch6 ; the act of seizing, as thieves .fee, i^ ^, po" ,nd. Pii mi, ^ i ^i .k'am ^na 'die. K'in na ch4, :f^ ^ ^ p6" wok, 'che. Pii hwoh che, :^ :^ ^ p6- chuk, 'ch6. Pii chuh che, $ ^ ;^ ^ nd wok, ^chi sz'. Na hwoh chi sz ; the thing taken, fij\^Z^ 's^o tut^ ^chi ^d,' ^^ ff #J tiit^ wok, shap, mat^. Toll hwoh sliih wuh. Capture, to take by force, as prisoners in war, ^;}^ ^shang ^k'am. Sang k'in, H ^6. Lii, |f j;^ ^6 16uk^. Lii lioh, ^^^ -16 leuk^. Lii lioh, f^ [J) /u jts'au. Pii ts'au, "^^ /li wok,. Fii hwoh ; to take by force under the authority of a commis- sion, :^ '^ jfld chii^ Nd chu, :tj£ ^ chuk, chi^^ Chii chuh, j^^ ^k'am chii^ K'in chii, ^^ ^nd wok, Nd hwoh, ^ ^ p6- wok,. Pii hwoh ; to capture a stardand in fight, ^ ^hin. K'ien. Captured, taken as a prize, ^ jj^ tilt, kwo'. Toh kwo, ^ 3^ j!^ tiit, wok* kwo'. Toh hwoh kwo. Capturing, taking as a prisoner of war, ^|^ ^shang jk'am. Sang k'in, |^;^ '16 leuk^. Lii lioh ; ditto, as a prize, ^ tiit^. Toh, ^ ^ tiit, wok,. Toh hwoh ; ditto, as thieves, ^ ^ ^nd chii". Nd chii, -^ IB ,nd wok . Nd hwoh. Capuccis, a capuchin, or hood, j§] ^ t6^ ^kiin. Tdu kwdn. Capuched, covered with a hood, ^ 9^ ^ tdi' t6* jktin. Tdi tdu kwdn. Capuchin, a garment for females, consisting of a cloak and hood, j}]l "^5 g^ ^ Kap6chin ^lau. Kidpiidien lau ; a pigeon whose head is covered with feathers, ^^Q^^ (k6 kai' pdk^ k6p,. Kdu ki peh koh. Capuchin, one of .the monks of the order of St. Francis, who cover their heads with a capuchon or cowl, J!jH^-|5^f!tl^ Kdp6chin kdu' ^t'b. Kid- puchen kidu t'u, jJn||i||P|tP1^ Kdp6cliin W ^miin jt'6. Caput, a council of six persons, annually chosen in the University of Cambridge, by whom every grace must be examined and approved before it can be acted upon by the senate, A -^ 13 ^ 'N'^ {0g ^ tai^ Ying kwok, hon' ^lam iiu" 'cheung, Td Ying kwoh hdn lin yuen clidng. Caput mortuum '^ ^chd. Cha, J|l k^uk,. Kioh. Car, a cart, ^ ^cli'6. Cli'e ; the great or emperor's car, A ^ tai^ 16'. Td lii ; a sword car, JJ ^ ^t6 jCli'6. Tdu ch'e ; a war chariot, -£ 1^ ^ chdm ,hoi kwo'. Chdn k'di kwo. Carbonate ^^^ t'dn' ^siin ,im. T'dn swdn yen ; carbonate of lime, ^ ^ Jj^ t'dn' .siin ^fui. T'dn swdn hwui. Carbonated, combined with carbonic acid, '^ j^ f^ ^M. flO cP^" t'^^"^' ^ ^ pin' kwo' t'dn'. Pien kwo fan, ^^ f}^ jifi ,shiu ^sheng f dn'. Shdu ching fan. Carbonizing, converting into carbon, ^^ j^ .shiu f dn'. Shdu f dn, ^ ^ pin' fan'. Pien fan, ^ II ^ fd' ^wai t'dn'. Hwd wei t'dn, ^% ^ ^heng fdn'. Ching fan. Carboy, a large globular bottle of green glass, pro- tected by basket work, gj^ ^ ^k'au ,tsun. K'iu tsun, ^ ^ S^ jt'ang lap, .tsun. T'ang lih tsun, Wi9kf§M M J^ ^rJl" *^^ ^*^^S ,ch'ong. IIo ting ch'wdng; a beau- tiful gem, :i^ ^i^ y6^ j^iing .chu. Y6 ming chti, -tk^^ y6^ ,kwong ,chu. Yd kwdng chii. Carbunclcd, set with carbuncles, s^ ^ ^ J5ji (^ ,s(iung y6^ jming jChii tik, 'tim tik. Sidu Tien tih, ^^ ,sing (, ye ming chu i Briilgiuitii. till ; spotted, tik,. Sing tih. Carbuncular, belonging to a carbuncle, ^^^^ ye^ jining .chii k6' ; belonging to a painful, gan- grenous boil, ^-J/^Pj^E tuk^ .ch'ong kd' ; inflamed, X'^ 'fo tuk^. Ho tub. Carburet, a con1)ination of carbon with some other substance, ^ ^ fdn' tsdp^. T'dn tsdh. Carcanet, a chain or collar of jewels, — M flf ^ yat, fii' 'pb ^chii. Yih fu pdu chu. Carcass, the dead body of an animal, g^ J^ shau* ^hi. Shau shi, 51 ts'z'. Ts'z, .^ gfe i^ -'^ ^iii shau^ jts'dn kwat,. Nidu shau ts'dn kuh ; a de- caying ship, j^f^ Idn^ jShiin. Ldn ch'uen, i^^ /u shvin. K'li ch'uen ; you carcass ! ^ ^ ^ 'sz '16 ,kon. Sz Idu kdn, ^ ^E ^ di'au' 'sz '16. Ch'au sz Idu. Carcass ^Hij^^ ,yd hok, ^d. Yd koh md, :^^^ ^ fong' 'fo hok, ^md. Pdng ho koh md. Cai'cekige ij P ^ .kdm 'hau jts'in. Kien k'au ts'ien. Carccl-lamp, a lamp in which the oil is raised through tubes by clock-work &c., ^ -^ {^ ,chimg .ki ,tang. Chung ki tang, JJIH^^M ,^^ .sz «tang. Kid sz tang. Carceral, belonging to a prison, gj [^ ,kdm tik,. Kien tih, ^v^^ .kdm kc'. Carcinoma, a cancer, ^ .Jti^- Yung. Carcinomatous, cancerous, ^P^ Jung kd'. Card, a visiting, ;g If^ jmeng f ip,. Ming f ieh, ^ ^IJ ^mcng ts'z'. Ming ts'z, f^ p^ pdi' f ip,. Pdi f ieli, f^^ pdi' Tcdn. Pdi kien, :g^ jHicng Tcdn. Ming kien, ;^ /^- jOaeng p'in'. Ming p'ien ; a single card, ^. ijl,^ .tdn f ip,. Tdn f ieh ; a five folded card, ^ iji^ ,ts'un f ip,. Ts'iucn f jeh, -f- MM **''''^P» tsJik, "kdn. Shih tseh kien; the card whicli an infeiior officer present to a higher, -^ ;^ 'shau 'pun. Shau pun, f^ 1f^ pdi' f ip,. Pdi f ieh ; to send a card, ii^ ij^l, ,ch'an f ip, Cli'uen fieh, ^ 1^ ^fau fip„ rf W ,haug fip,. Hang CAR (817) CAU t'ieh, :^^ij ^t'auts'z'. T'auts'z, p^ljj^ sung' t'ip,. Sungt'ieh, ]^^^ taiH'ip,. Ti t'ieh ; a base-card, or a notice to let a house, f>g. 'Ijf^ Jtsb t'lp,. Tsu t'ieh ; a card or note published by some one in the papers, containing a brief statement, explana- tion, request &c., 4" i^ te ^shang f t'ip,. Sang 1 t'ieh, feji$lj),^ ,chiii '^p'ai t'ip,. Chau p'ai t'ieh ; playing cards, ^ IR ^ lung^ 'chi ,p'ai. Lung chi p'di, ^y^ jau 'u, i^-f-^ jau shap^ 'u, j{$ -^ jp'ai 'tsz. P'ai tsz ; a pack of cards, — glj ^|t J^ yat, fu 'chi ^p'ai. Yih fu chi p'ai ; to play at cards, tT IR. ji$ 'ta 'chi ji'ai. Ta chi p'ai, ^ ji$ tau' jP'ai. Tau p'ai ; a card for wool, ^ % i^ ^ydung pyh ^sho. Yang mau sii ; a card-case, Ijj^lj ^ t'ip, hop^. T'ieh hoh ; a large case for Chinese visiting cards, ||l^ ^ t'ip, t'o . T'ieh t'au, l])^ ^ t'ip, toi-. T'ieh tai. Card, to play at cards, tTlKJI? '^^ 'chi j)'di. Td chi p'ai. Card, to comb, or open wool &c., with a card, ^ Jgl] chan' shat,. Chin shwah, ^ij shat^. Shwah, J^lJ^^ shat, .yeung ^mo. Shwah yang mdu, ^ ^^ jSho ^yeung ^mb. Sti yang mau. Card-match, a match made by dipping pieces of card in melted sulphur, j^ ^ 'fo ^ch'ai. Ho ch'ai. Card-table, a gambling table, |j^ ^ f^ 'chi ^p'ai jt'oi. Chi p'ai t'ai. Cardamon, a plant of the genus amomum, ^ a^ pak^ tau^ k'au'. Peh tau k'au ; powder of car- damon, (^ W^Wl V^\ tau- k'au' 'san, Peh tau k'ausan, ^^ yik, chi'. Yih chi, ^•^ ^tokwat,. To kuh ; tinctm-e of cardamon, Irl a ^ VS V^\ tau^ k'au' 'tsau. Peh tau k'au tsiii ; oil of car- damom, Q ^ ^ vlfi pak, tau^ k'au' jau. Peh tau k'au yii, ^ \Z viS ^shd jan ^yau. Sha jin yu. Carded, combed, j^lj ^^ shat, kwo'. Shwdh kwo, j^ ^^ ^shokwo'. Silkwo. Carder, one who cards wool, J^iJ^^ -^ shdt, jy6ung ^mb 'ch6. Shwah ydng mau c\\L Cardiac, ^pertaining to the heart, ;\j>^\f ^ kwa' lii". Kwa lii, ^ ^^ nim' lii\ Nien lii, M^ jiin nim^ Yuen nien, ^ ]^. ^lin lii\ Yuen iii ; caution, |^ |^ /ai /ong. T'i fdng, ^ |^ ti' fong. Yii fang ; watchful regard and attention, I 't'ai ku'. T'i ku, %^ chid' kA'. Chau kii, ii kwan ku'. Km an ku, 1-3 H8 kwan chiu'. Kwdn chau ; concern, ^ i^ Jo ^sam. Lau sin, ^ jVi' f^i' ^sam. Fi sin, :^|> ii^ kwa' ^sam. Kwa sin, ^ ^ iCl^ /in ^ii ^sam. Yuen yu sin, :^|. ^ kwa' nim'. Kwa nien, ^IjCa^J^^: kwa' ^sam nim' tsoi'; management, :j7'Ji 'ta 'li. Ta li, f^Ji liii' -li. Liau li, ^ Ji ,t'ai '11. T'i li; to take care of a thing, ^M.^)i WM.&^ t'ai '!> c^^ ^"^^ ^jS/J>-^ chiu kii' 'siii 'tsz. Chdu ku siau tsz ; to take care for a thing, #|'itS5#iS* kwa' lii' wai' kin' Ve; to take care, /]-\ i^ 'siii ^sam. Siau sin, i[^ i^ sai' ^sam. Si sin, g[| 'PI 'kan shan'. Kin shin, @ j\j) /au ,sam. Liu sin, ^ ^^ ,lau f. Liu f, -f^ i\^ |^ 'pi ^sam ^kl. Pi sin ki; take care how you do that, -f^ j\^^ 1^1 ^ 'pi ^sam ^ki tsb'. Pi sin ki tso, M JVj) fi^ yung' ^sam tsb'. Yung sin tso; take care lest you spill it over, g^'^jT^ 't'ai ton^ se'. T'i tani? sie ; to have a care, f j? '|^^ 'kan shan'. JBMi Kin shin ; I am obliged for your kind care, fj f^^ >— ^ 'lia -^ fe ' Benevolence, justice, propriely, wisdom and fid«litj. CAR (518) CAR Ai> 'ni fai' .sam. NI fi sin, f^ f^jt ^ jfiljl fai' ^i jtsing shan. Fi ni tsing shin ; endless cares, =^ ki'^M \)^ 'tsau tak, fdi'. Tsau ti-h kw'di, 1\^ ^ I'll if| ]f. kwd' lii'. Kwd lu, J^,^ ^i 111'. Sz lii, ^ tZ^ lii' ^sam. Lii sin ; cautious, ^\\ i^ 'siu ^sam. Sidu sin, ^\f(^ sai' ,sam. Si sin, ^ ^ 'kan shan'. Kin shin, -^ ^ 'tsz sai*. Tsz ai, ff7fS\ 'tsai sai', ^^ shan' chung'. Shin chung, ^ i^ jlau ,sam. Liu sin, ^H jj^ sai' 'kan. Si kin, §||king"kan. King kin, ^jj^gl kdi"kan. Kidi kin, jj5 ^ kdi' shan'. Kidi shin, ^ Lien lau, f^f§ 'kan k'ok,. Kin k'oh. jts'iin tsit. jlin jlau. ^k'iin jk'iin. K'iuen k'iuen, ^ ^ ^man shan'. Min shin, ^2e k^K- ^i'^' ^ k^P>- ^^'•' i^ fi- Yu, ^ Ts'iucn, ^ kuk,. Kub, f^ 'ts'z. Ts'z, ^ Tsieh, .^ k'oi'. K'di, ^ 'ku. Kii, ^, pi\ Pi; he is very careful, "fUUKiM^ '^'"^ ^ai' 'h5 'kan shan'. K'u hi hdu kin shin, tSitf^sISI 'k'd 'h6 'tsz sai'. K'u hdu tsz si, j^^^^i^ .t'd sham' 'siu .sam. T'd shin sidu sin ; to be careful of our words, il^^lJi'^ 'kan shan' 'kong shiit, wd'. Kin shin kiang shwoh hwd, ^^ shan' ^in. Shin yen. ?S # ^ ^^'"' s"^ '^i- i^i'" yen yu. ^ ^ # pat, Jieng ^in. Puh k'ing yen, ^>^^ pat, i' ^in. Puh i yen, |^ pi'. Pi ; to be careful and circum- spect, ^ ^ king' chung'. King chung, ^ ^ 'chung 'chung. Chung chung; careful and atten- tive, 1^^ 'kan chung'. Kin chung, ^^ ch'eng* chung'. Ch'ing chung, ^ ^ .chong chung'. Clnvdng chung ; to bo careful of one's time, "J^ 3feP# sik, ^kwong jam. Sib kwdng yin, ^^j^ 1^ /an jam shi' sik,. Fan yin shi sih ; to be careful of one's respectability, §| jgj -^ ku' min* 'tsz. Kii mien tsz, 'f§' jS "F sik, min' 'tsz. Sih mien tsz, ^ *|^ §1 '6l ku sik, "'t'ai min'. Ku sih t'i mien ; to be careful of one's capital, ^^ kii* 'pun. Ku pun, M '^ '^ ^ ku' chii' 'pun jts'in. Kii cliii pun ts'ien ; to be careful in doing things, M^Oi^ yung* ,sam tst)'. Yung sin tso, ^i^^ sai' .sam ts6'. Si sin tso, -(^ <\^^ (^ ^ 'pi ^sam ,ki ts6'. Pi sin ki tso, ^{0;^ ^lau i' ts5'. Liu i tso, f? j\a» '^ sai' ^sam. Si sin, '^.^ shan^ chung^. Shin chung, /j\j(i> 'siii ^sam. Siau sin, :^|g yau' sai'. Yu si. Careless, having no care^ fSi ,@, ^ ^mo ,sz lii^ Wu sz lu, fe #1« ^ ,ni6 kwa' lii'. Wii kwa lii; negli- gent, \i^ 'I'f ^lan to\ Lan to, 'lH '^ ^lan kwat,. Ldn kuh, ,-gti toi-to^ Tai to, -^.-p; -hai toi-. Hidi tdi, |^ ^ ch^ung' ^ehun. Chang chun ; heedless, ^ /]> j\^^ ,m 'siii ^sam pg. |U| )\^ p. sai' ^sam, pg- ^ ii^ ,m >u ^sam, M /J^ ;0 ^mo ^siii ^sam. Wii siau sin, P§- ^ i^ ,m tsoi" f, P ^ Tiau ,heng. K'au k'ing ; incautious, pE- ^ '|^ ^m Ttan shan^ ^^-^.g pat, shan' chung\ Puh shin chung, ^ j^ pat, shan". Puh shin, ^ |g pat, *kan. Puh kin ; forgetful, ^,^ fat, leuk,. Hwuh lioh ; inconsiderate, -^ ^ i" toi". I tai, ^^ /^ man' i\ Man i, ^. ,-§. fat, fat,. Hwuh hwuh ; thoughtless, ^ ^ /au ts'o'. Fau ts'au, ^ iCi» ,heng ,sam. K'ing sm. hens fat. K'ina: hwuh ; remiss, rude, ^ ^ "16 Tiiong. Lu mang, :^ J^ 'kau 'ch'e. Kau ts'ie, g"^ tsung'. Tsung, ^ ^ 'kau 'kdn. Kau kien, ^^ || to' man'. To mdn, ^ ^, ^sho fat,. Sii hwuh, ^-j^^ ,sho man'. Sii mdn, ^ ^ 'ts'o sut,. Ts'au suh, ^ ^ 'ts'6 'ts'6. Ts'au ts'au; a careless servant, 7fii.^ii|t ^^ \ jts'o sut, ke' 'shai fun' jan. Ts'au suh tih shi hwan jin; a careless manner, "^^ ^mong chong'. Mdngchwdng, ffl^ ,ts'6ts'6'. Ts'u ts'au, #^i?^ ts5' 76 /au ts'6'. Tso y6 fau ts'du, fSf ^ ^ tM ^^^' ^^^ Tnong chong'. Tso sz mang chwang ; a careless life, ^ ;Va> '^ ^ ^ ^heng ^sam tso' ^shang i. K'ing sin tso sang i ; careless of things, ^ ^ ,tiu t'at, ; " careless stowage in- vites thieves," -j^ ^ ^ ^ man' ,ts'ong fui' to'. Man tsang hwui tau ; a careless scholar, ^ ^ ^ i P^*, f» vJn jV^'' pat, 'siu ^sam. Puh sidu sin, p§- fi| '^ ,m 'kan shan', ^ |^ '|^ pat, 'kan shan'. Puh kia shin; maimer without care, ^jH.^ ,ts'5 ts'6'. Ts'u ts'du ; forgetfulness, fit ;\^n ^^ ^mo ^sam ^ki. Wii sin ki. Carentane (quarantaine), a papal indulgence, * ^ ±|ti#P# cT'in 'chii kdu' ^wong she' tsiii' ^shii. T'ien chu kiau hwang shie tsiii shu. ' Caress, to treat with fondness, as a parent a child, 'J^ »|f t'ung' sik,. T'ung sih, i|^ (if t'ung' min'. T'ung mien, ^ )/g 'ho t'ung'. Hdu t'ung, ||l£ ^ 'fii tsz'. Pii tsz, _t. ffi sheung' seung'. Shang siang, ^ ^^ ^kii sik,. Ku sih, '^ fg ^wai t)'6. Hwai p'au, ^f ^^ ,t'ai ,ngai. T'i i, -^j^ oi' mi'. Ngai mei ; to caress a cliild, ^'[^llHl^f? t'ung' sik, sai' ^man 'tsai, 'j^ }^ -■]> ^ ^wai ^p'6 'siii 'tsz. Hwai p'au siau tsz, _t.;i|>9|tll^f? sheung' seung' sai' ^man 'tsai. Caress, an act of endearment, _h :t0 ^ sh6ung' s6ang' 'che. Shang sidng che, "^ ^ ^ ,wai ^p'6 'ch6. Hwai p'au che, ^(ij^^ t'ung' min' ^chi sz'. T'ung mien chi sz ; to load with caresses, "l^ WC^^ ,wai ^p'6 pat, ^i. Hwdi p'au puh i, -^^ yf t5 cts'an tsui pat, 'i. Ts'in tsui piih 1, gg H ^ gi 'ch'im mi' pat, 'i. Chen mei puh i. Caressed, embraced with affection, "l^^jli^ ,wai ^'6 kwo'. Hwai p'au kwo ; treated with affection, ^ ^ i^ t'ung' sik, kwo'. T'ung sih kwo, ±^M sheung' s^ung' kwo'. Shang siang kwo, ^^^ 'fii tsz' kwo'. Pii tsz kwo, ^MM 'ch'im mi' kwo'. Chen mei kwo. Caressing, treating with affection, J^. ^ sheung' seung'. Shang siang, i|^ *{§ t'ung' sik,. T'ung sih, '^ 1f^ ,wdi ^p'6. Hwai p'au, ft ^ ^p'o oi'. P'au ngai. Caressingly, in a caressing manner, 'jj5'|*§^i^ t'ung' sik, ^in. T'ung sih jen, Jt ^@ l®[ ^ sheung' seung' 'k6m yeun^. Shang siang kan yang, 1M ■f^ R^ 1^ jWdi 'p'6 'kom yeung'. Hwai p'au kan ydng. Caret, a mark ( a ) which shows that something has been omitted in the line, which should he read at another place, ^ li ^ |,E ,t'im chii' ^chi ho'. T'ien chii chi hau. Cargo, the lading or freight of a ship, ^ "^ ^shiin fo'. Ch'uen ho, (^, ^ ^shiin tsoi'. Ch'uen tsdi, ^^ fo' mat^. Ho wuh, ^l)*iZ^ s^h^n ,chong ^chi fo'. Ch'uen chwang chi ho, ^^^>j1i^ jShiin tsoi' tik, fo'. Ch'uen tsai tih ho ; lawful cargo, JE^ ^ chiiig' hong' fo'. Ching hiang ho, JE ^ "^ ching' _.tan fo'. Ching tan ho; to send cargo to a ship, ^ \^ lok^ fo'. Loh ho ; to go with the cargo, In' ^ dp, fo'. Yah ho ; to discharge the cargo, ^ ■^ 'hi fo'. K'i ho ; to return with a full cargo (to have been lucky in an undertak ^S)' i^ ^ Hn rh kA\'ei. Cara:o-boat ^ 'mun tsoi' ^i ^kwai. Mwan tsdi sP un -t ens'. Pw'dn t'ing, -{jg JJi ^ ^sai ^kwa 'pin. Si kwa pien, A 4^ {jli iEl tai' ,ngau 'nd ,kwa, Ta niii na kwa, ^'^ ^ pok, $"&" m-^^m.M-m- CAR (320) CAR fo' ^'eng. Poll ho t'ing, ^^ pok, H'eng. Cargoosc, a water-fowl, ;^ ,% 'slmi ^niii. Shwui nidu. .Cariboo, a quardrupod of the stag kind, J^ f^ \n\ lui^ Lull lui ; ditto, the new gold region in Br. Columbia, 1}\l fMlfj ^\U Kdlipb ^kam .shdn. Kidllpu kin shdn. Carica, papaw, /^i % ^ mdn^ shau' 'kwo. Wdn shau ko, :^ jA mukj .kwa. Muh kwd. Caricature, a figure, in which beauties are conceal- ed and blemishes exaggerated, |^ ,^ ^ 'kwai Wa 86ung'. Kwei md sidng, "^ •!$ j^- 'ku kwdi' wd'. Ku kwdi hwa, >^|t M ^s'u' chi' wd^ Ts'ii chi hwd, ^?B't^# s^'i s>''ngkwm' s6ung\ K'l hing kwdi sidng; a description, in which &c., P^ ^ Ito cCli^u siu' t'ip,. Chdu sidu t'ieh, ^ f^ tf^ hi' lung^ t'lp,. Ill lung t'ieh, ^ Ijl^ ,kl t'ip,. Ki t'ieh, Ijl «f^ ts'iu' t'ip,. Ts'idu t'ieh. Caricature, to make or draw a caricature, ^gt.^^sQ wdk 'kwai hnA s6ung'. Hwdh kwei ma sidng, ^. -Jj- 1|5 ;jig Avdk^ 'kii kwdi' s^ung'. Hwdh ku kwdi sidng, ^Mi^i'i^ ^v^i t«'"' «'i^' ^^^'- 1^^^^^ ts'ii chl hwd, y^- pf tfr ^ wdk^ .kl ts'iu' wd^ Hwdh ki ts'idu hwd, i^4\ ^ W ^sok, ,chdu siii' t'ip,. Tsoh chdu sidu t'ieh. Caricaturing, making ridiculous by grotesque re- semblance, g- $g ^ :#! wdk, 'kwai 'md seung'. Hwdh kwei md sidng, ^"^'tiffi wdk^ Ttti kwdi' s6ung'. Hwdh ku kwdi sidng, ^^%^i^ wdk^ ,ki ts'iu' 86ung'. Hwdh ki ts'idu sidng. Caricaturist It.B^^X 'kwai ^d wd^ ^ung. Kwei md hwd kung. Caricous, resembling a fig, ^lE^:^^!'!^ ^rnh /a Tcwo ke , U t£ M (i^ i^^ S'-^ 'k^^o ^'^K ^'^ 1^^^'^ ^0 tih, ^i ^ (U! ig ^ lui^ Hs'z jm6 /d 'kwo. Lui 8Z wii hwd ko. Caries, an ulcer of a bone, ;f.i f|* /A kAvat,. K'u kub, f^ fj' Idn' kwat,. Ldn kuh, ^ •§* ch'au' kwat,. Ch'au kuh. Carillon, a little bell, ^ jT .chung 'tsai. Chung tsz ; a simple air in music, — H ^ y^K chek^ ,ko. Yih chih ko, — "g" ^ yat, 'shau ^shi. Yih shau shI. Carinate, ) shaped like the keel of a ship, ^"f-f^j Carinatcd, ) ^ lui* ^ti jShun tsek,. Lui hu ch'uen tsih, ^{ ^ /:jft ^ 'h6 ^s'z jShun tsek,. Hdu sz ch'uen tsih. Cariole, a small open carriage, yj> i^ 'sili ^kii. Sidu kii, U B^ Ip. jUib 'k'am .kii. Wii k'in ku. Caridsity, mortilication, or ulceration of a l)ono, '|^ '}^0^ kwat, ldn* ehing'. Kuh ldn ching, i\;Zk kwat, ,chi ,fu. Kuh chl k'li. Carious, ulcerated, as a bone, ^^ ,fu. K'u, j^ ldn*. Ldn ; a carious tooth, f]^] 3f ldn* ^ngd. Ldn yd, ^ ^ wdi* jttgd. Hwdi yd. Cork, care, ,|y, jg .sz lil*. Sz Itt ; cark and care, ^ Ig kwd' lu*. Kwd m. Carle, a rude, brutal man, g^ !^!f: f(Jj X ^s'l)' p6' tik, jan. Ts'du pdu tih jin. Carlinc Carling ', ) a piece of timber in a ship, ranging fore ?, ) and aft, from one deck l)eam to another, MV^^ jShiin jl<5ung. Ch'uen lidng ; carline knees, ^^WW 'kau 'pi ch'dng'. Carline-thjstle ^ ^ 'ts'b jmeng. Ts'au ming. ^^'•J!'*!^' I see Churlish. Carlishness, } Carman, a man whose occupation is to drive a cart, $^ ,ch'6 /u. Ch'6 fii. Carminative, expelling wind from the body, ^ ^ ^ .k'ii /ung tik,. K'ii fung tih, ^ HL Pgt hu' /ungk6'; warming, 'J^^ {]^ ^niin wai* tik,. Nwdn wei tih ; antispasmodic, ^f j"^^ .shii ,kan y<5uk^. Shii kin yoh. Carminative, a medicine which tends to expel wind, iMM i'*i' S^^s y^^v ^'^ fling yoh, mm.M jk'ii ,fung yeukj. K'ii fung yoh. Carmine, a beautiful lake-red color, used by painters, ^^M c^an^ s^ M^S- Kin yu hung, yf ^ (?) ^y^ung jhung. Ydng hung. Carnage, slaughter, ^ fj^ shut, luk,. Shah luh, ^ ^ sz' shdt,. Sz shdh, ft tt©i£ sz' i^^^^S ^^^K luk^. Sz hang shah luh, g^ ^ liin* shdt,. Lwdn shdh, -^ ^ wan* shdt,. Hwan shdh, ;^ ^ tdi* shdt,. Td shdh ; the carnage lasted for three days, ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ shdt. ,sdm yat,. Lwdn shdh sdn jili; the carnage continuei' .vuk^ tik,. Shi yuh till, 3^ M l^\I <«2 Ml tik,. Sz pxh tih ; depraved, ^) /s'e. Sid, ^, ok,. Ngoh, ^^ wdi. Wdi, ^ wdi*. Hwdi ; carnal desires, |^] ^ yiik^ yuk^. Juh yuh, ^ ^ ,sz yuk^. Sz yuh, |^ ^ shi* yuk^. Shi yuh, "^ ^ ^yam yuk^. Yin yuli, ^ ^ shik, yuk*. Sih jnib, A ^ ^y^" J'^K ^^ yuh, ^ 1^ jts'6 yuk^. Si6 yuh ; a carnal mind, *^ ^\a» jts'c .sam. Si6 sin, ^ ^ jts'6 ,sz. Si6 sz ; carnal eyes, |^ HR. yuk^ higdn. Juh yen, ^BR yii^i ^ngdn. Juh yen; eanial thoughts, 3f|i f . ,ts'd 1'. Si6 I. ^,g. >'6 .sz. Sid sz, jts'd ,sz, Sid sz ; carnal intercourse, ^ ^jS kau*. Kidu kau, ^ >^ kau' h^p^. Kau hob, ^ >|^ kau' ,tseng. Kau tsiug ; carnal mirth, j^ ^^ * jyam lok^. Yin loh. Carnal-minded, wordly minded, ^^ /(^ jts'd ,sam. Sid sin, ^ ^ nikj shai'. Nih shi, f i ^ ^ ^ • Carnal, that which hiia Kvn awomplishod by huiiuui skill or ingeuuitv, 2. C«r. 1, 12 luid 17; that which is imiHitfut, 2. Chr. 82,'S, 2 Cor. 10. 4; that which is ixmruj't aud sul.jwt to the infirmitios of nature, Rom. 7, 1-4 ; carnal minded, Kom. 8, 5, 6 and 7, 2. Cor. 10, 3, Rom. 73, 13 ; Jamet 3, 16, Judae 19. kdu CAR (321) CAR yam' tsung' ,sz yxik^. Jin tsung sz yuh, -^^^l ^ fong' tsung' ^sz yuk^. Fdng tsung sz yuh. Carnal-mindedness, grossness of mind, ^ j(j) ^ts'e ^sam. Sie sin, ^^l ^ts'e f . Sio i, ^ jVj> lo"^*^ of sensual pleasures, ^ ^ jjt h6''sliik, che. Hau sih che, Jl^ ^ Z ^ shi\ shikj ^chi sz'. Shi sih chi sz. Carnalize, to make carnal, '^^^;Ci' 'sz ^ts'un ^ts'e ^sam. Shi ts'un sie sin, # ^ ^ )^ 'pi jts'ung jts'e ^yam. PI ts'ung sie yin, 'i^^^'j^ 'pi hok^ jts'6 ^yam. PI hioh sie yin, ^ A^ i^ "^^'^i" J^^ ^sam. Hwai jin sin. Carnally, in a carnal manner, f^^ yuk, yuk^. Juh yuh, ^ ^ ^sz yuk^. Sz yuh ; carnally minded, # ^^ 1^ fc cts'ung ,sz yuk^ tik,. Ts'ung sz yuh till. ^ ^ ^ ^ sz' ^ts'ung ^sz yuk^. Sz ts'ung sz yuli. fleshy, see Carneous. Carnose, > *' Carab ^| ;g shii' .meng. Shu ming. Caroche, a carriage of pleasure, ^ ,^ ^ ^wa ^d .ch'6. Hwa ma ch'^. Carol, a song, '^ .ko. Ko ; a song of devotion, Shingf shI. ^ f^ sliing' .shI. o Carol, to sing, 1^ ch'eung'. Ch'dng, ^ ^ko, Ko, au .k'o. Ngau ko. ko tsung ,shl. Sung shI. ^f^ Carol, to praise or celebrate in song, ^ tsung^ Ko sung, ^ ^ ch'duug' ^ko, |^ '^ ^ ch'6ung' shing' .shI. Ch'ang shing shI. Caroling, a song of praise or devotion, ^ ^ tsung' .ko. Sung ko, ^f shing' .shI. Shing shI Caromel, a smell exhaled by burned sugar, ')^^^ ^ .shili .t'ong ch'au' mi'. Shau fang ch'au wl. Carotid arteries ^ M ^ 'keng mak^ 'kun. King meh kwan. Carousal, a feast or banquet, yg ^ 'tsau In*. Tsiu yen, ^ ^ ch'eung' 'yam. Ch'ang yin. Carouse, a drinking match, :^^^ tdi' 'yam yau. Ta yin yu, ;/c #: Jjtt t'li" 'yam .pan. Ta yin pdn ; a full draught of liquor, ^^ — ^ tai' 'yam yat, jCh'eung. Ta yin yih ch'ang ; to spend the night in a carouse, ^ ^ .siu ye'. Siau- ye. Carouser, a drinker, y^ f[lj 'tsau .sin. Tsiu sien, yg ^ 'tsau ^au. Tsiii yu ; a bachanalian, ;{^ v^ j^ Ian' 'tsau '15. Lan tsiu lau. Carousing, drinking hard, ^ ^ ch'eung' 'yam. Ch'ang yin, ^ ^ lok, 'yam. Loh yin. Carp, to censure or find fault without reason, ^ X jt'an ^yan. T'an jin, ^'^^ ^ pin' pat, shI'. Pien puh shl, ^ 'I. I, |t^ i§ .fi "i. PI I, ^ ^ jt'dn lun'. T'an lun ; to carp at, ^|^^^ 'kong jWang 'kong tim'. Carp, a species of cyprinus, §^ 'II, j^ #^ 'H .li. Li yu ; ditto, with dark red fins and large, ^ ^ l^J jfii .yung 'II. Pu yung II ; ditto greenish brown, ^ ll luk^ -II. Luh II ; ditto with reddish fins and" whitish brown body, ^ |i ,t'ong 'II. T'dng II ; red ditto, ^. M ^^'^K 'li- Ch'ih II, jc ^ .iin .k'ii. Yuen k'ii; white ditto, Q|| pak^ ^k'l. Peh k'l ; ditto, with black tail, broad body and head somewhat emarginate, jj^ fj hak, '11. Heh II ; ditto, greenish and red tail, j^^ 'hoi 'II. Hai II, ^-MM cb'ik, 'ml 'K. Ch'ih wl II ; ditto, ivith red tail, angular body, and notched Spines, J;.^ ^ Sheung' 'hoi lap,. Shang hdi Idh J dittos fed* c A n (322) C A K dish fj^nT.n, with rod <;audal and pocjtoral fins, 'X M '*'" ^''- II" ^^ ' ^'*^^"' ^^*''' '^''^'■^' ^^"'^''^ ft"^' blunt body and serrated spine, j^^ f j* |2P ^^^^, kwat, tsik,. Shuh kuh tsih ; ditto, broad body, angular, light green, and very small mouth, ^ ^ k'ek^ jU. K'ih yu ; ditto, yellowish red, ventral before dorsal, and reddisli blinded tail, ^ figP jkam tsik,. Kin tsih ; a species of earp, S^ k(^p,. Koh, If jling. Ling, (i^ yau'. Yu. Carpal, pertaining to the wrist, 0g P|^ 'tin k6'; car- pal bones, ^fj* 'un kwat,. Wan kuh, ^ it sui' kwat,. Sui kuh. Carpathian, pertaining to the Carpatcs, Jj/fl i^ £2. ^^;^PgCkdipdtinengk6'. Carpisl, \ a small seed vessel or pericarp, that is Carpellum, ) one of a group, produced by a single flower, ^ff hok, 'tsai. Carpenter, an artificer who works in .timber, yf; ^ muk^ tscung^. Muh tsidng, yf; X muk^ ^Itung. Mull kung; a carpenter's line, ^ i\- ^ ^^^^ 'tail sin'. Meh tau sien, 5?^ jt'dn makj sin'. T'dn meh sien, ^ ^ jShing mak^. Shing meh, '^ 131 'chvm jShing. Chun shing ; a carpenter's square, ^, 'kii. Ku, ^ X ^^\ ch'ek,. K'iuh ch'ih; carpenter's compasses, 7^ }^ ^ muk^ tscung^ ^kw'ai. Muh tsiang kw'ci; carpenter's tools, TfC E t& :^ ^^K ts6ung^ hi' kii^ Muh tsiang k'i kii. Carpentry, the art of cutting, framing, and joining timber, in the construction of buildings, ^ \^ ^ JH^ muk^ ts6ung^ ^chi ,kung ngai^ Muh tsidng chi kung i ; the work of a carpenter, ^ ^V^X. ^ Tau\ ts6ung^ k6' ,kung /d. Muh j Quarrel, tsiJlng tih kung fii, j^l) tok^. Toh. ' Potn-Jncrn Cai-per, one who carps, ^^ \ ^ ^t'dn jan 'did. T'dn jin die, ^ A ^' ^^ J^'^ '^^^^- ^ i^^ ch6, H i|- j^ makj 'tau sin'. M(!h tau sien, ^ ^ ,^ P(5t h6' pin^ pok, k6'. Carpet, a covering for floors, tables, stairs &c., ^ /!hin. Chen, ^ ,chin. Chen; a carpet for the floor, i^ m ti^ .chin. Ti Chen, ^ Mb ^ .p'6 ti^ ,chin. P'u tl chon, Sf'^ jViu ,8iu. K'idu sidu ; foreign Carpeted, covered with a (rarpet, ^ j^ ^ k'oi* H. /•bin. K'di 1 chen, 0||5£^ig 'i ,chfn j)'6 kwo'. I chen p'u kwo. Carpeting, cloth for carpets, ^ ,chin. Chen, ^ 't'am. T'dn, %i^ .ts'6 jung. Ts'u Jung. Carping, c(!nsorious, 5^ A "I^E s^''^" s>'an k6', ^ A 1^^ -i ^yan tik,. T jin tih ; caviling, ^ ^ pin* pok,. Picn poh, ^^1 ^ jk'<5ung jts'z. K'idng ts'z; captious, ilT-^C^'h6' ,chdng ke'. Carpmeals, a kind of coarse cloth made in EngLand, M^^ '^> cChIn / tl». Pii chin yi'i ti. Carpet, to cover with a carpet, -(^ fl| ^ 'pi ^chin .p'6. Pi chon p'd, ^ i^ ftt k'oi' ^i ,d.In. Carpet-strip, the piece under a door, ffg ^ .chin jt'iu. Chen t'idu, |^ ff .chin 'tsai, f^ i^ ^mun .chin. Mun chen. Carpet-walk, a walk on smooth turf, ^ j^ |^' kwong' luk^ ,yan, MH^ |l fi< c.v«ung sui*. Ydng sui, g ^k'ii. K'u, ^ jlyj ^ 'lo jldn .kii. Lo Idn kii ; the em- peror's carriage, A^ tJ\ ^ 1^ 'siii Snd .ch'e. Sidu md ch'e, |,^ .ii'in. P'ien ; a carriage dravni by men, ^ *lim. Lion ; took his motluT in a can-iage, J^ ^ ?j^ ^ *i ,ku Mim ^m6. I kii lien mii ; how unusual was the Duke's carriage I H ^ ^ ifS ^* j^ ,kung 16*. I hu kung lu ; a carriage-box, 0. ^ .kii .scHmg. Ku s.a.. t, 4tfl|i V'»" liikj. P'in full ; a gun carriage, ^ 5^11^ p'du' kd'. P'du kid. i){Q 0. p'du' .kii. P'du ki> • - railway tairriage, ^^^ ^ fit, 16* .litt. T'ich lu kii ; tho price or expense of the carriae^e of goods, CAR (323) CAR tsoi' keuk. .ehon£: keuk . Chwaiigr /ung ^I. Eung I yung ; the graceful carriage wan^ keuk,. Yun kioh, ^^^tW cP^'^ kioh, «g ^ fo' k6uk,. Pwan ho kioh ; ditto by water, -^ ^ 'shui k6uk,. Shwui kioh ; carriage by land, ^0 ^ ^tam keukj. Tan kioh, ;|=0X^ c^dm ^kung ^ts'in. Tan kung ts'icn, i(^^ j^ ^t'iu Avan^ T'iau yu^n ; ditto by water, 1^^^^ ,shun ^chong tik,. Ch'uen chwang tih, llg'^^^ ^shiin tsoi' tik,. Ch'uen tsAi tih ; carriage, gait or deportment, ^ jj;; Tiii 'chi. Kii chi, ^it Jung 'chl. Yung chi, j^^^ ^kw'ai ^mo. Kw'ei mu, ^ ^^ 'pan kak,. Pin keh ; a dignified carriage, as assumed by the gentry, -^ -)jik^- /ong. Td fang, ■^'^^± /ong .ka 'kii 'chi. Fang kid kii chi ; a proud carriage, ^ "]^ ^ngong 'shau. Ngang shau, ^^^ ,kiu t'ai'. ICidu t'ai ; graceful carriage, ^ '^ ^ 'ts'<;ung tiit^. Ts'Mng toh. sycng. Ying, ^ shing'. Shin D' tiit^. Chen Toh, '^' wok,. Hwoh, ^^ |^ chim' kii' kii; carry this box, :{^H V)i^ % ,tdm ^ni ko' ,s6ung. Tdn ni ko sidng ; to entrap and carry off girls, ^^^ \U 'kwdi tai' jan 'hau. Kwdi tdi jin k'au ; to carry goods to the fair, ^5 H" ^ ^ yim fo' ch'an' .hu. Tdn ho ch'in liu, ^ |/lj :^ 'tsau sz' bii. Tsau sz hii ; to carry one to jail, fP i^ M'^P> ^'^"S' M'^' ^^^ ^"'^S ^^^^' ^ 1^ ^ ap, ,kdm hii'. Ydh kien k'ii ; to carry a horse into a stable, ^^ A^ Wt tfii' ^d yap^ 'md /ong. Tdi md jib md fdng, ^Wi^^A }J^ }/, tdi' ,ftin chek^ 'md yap^ hnd /ong. Tdi fan chill md jib md fdng, ^ ,% ^ ^ *^i' ^^ ui kau. Tdi md hwui kiii ; to carry one's self, ^ |fj 'kii tung'. Kii tung, g^ f^ tung' tsok,. Tung tsoh, fj ^ jbang ^wai. Hang wei; he car- ries himself well, -fj^ ^j ^^ ixf ,t'd ^bang ^wai 'h6. T'd hang wei hdu; this wall must be carried thus far, lth'.Vi^^f>{]flIf^ 't>.'z fuk, ^ts'(5ung 'hi ,boi t6' 'pi. Ts'z fuh ts'idng k'i k'di tdu pi ; to carry a jest too far, ^j^#:fc^ '^i' j^n t'di' ,to. Hi yen t'di to, ^WiizM /"li s^''" t'di' kwo'. Kwei hidi t'di kwo, ^ tj- :JJC ^ siu' wd' t'di' sham'. Sidu hwd t'di shin; be never carries money about him, 'k «^ ^:-M°%^^ ,8h6ung ^shi ^h ^ngan 'hai ,8han jlai, '^ m ^ ^;fe ^sh^ung ^mb ^kw'ai ^ngan. Olidng wii kw'ci yin ; to carry a price, ^ ^ kd' jngong. Kid ngdng, ^ ^ kd' ,k6. Kid kdu ; to carry the prize, ^-^ tiit^ ^piii. Toh pidu; to car- ry a mind worthy of prnise, ^iCa* /'•'I'l ,sam. Kwdn sin, fl^^.^fl] .bung ^k'am 'kwong fiit,. Hiung k'in kwdng kw'oh ; to carry a bunlcn, ^U^ ,tdm tdm'. Tdn tdn ; to carry one to the grave, J[^ ^ ^ H jt'oi ,kun bii' tsong'. T'di kwdn k'ii tsdng, JH >H^ •i- II wan' kau' hii' tsong'. Yun kiii k'ii tsdng; to carry to and fro, ^ jjji ^piin wan'. Pwdn yun, |^^|fti ^t'oi Joi ^t'oi hii'. T'di Idi t'di k'ii ; to carry tlie case, tT M 'g^ ?>) *td jyeng ,kun ,sz. Td ying kwdn sz, |^ ,ji^ sbing' tsung'. Shing sung ; to carry a town, JJC^^^^ )1^ ,kung wok, jShing jCh'i. Kung hwoh ehing ch'i, f,^ ^ f^in, chim' kii' jShing jUn. Chen kii cliing hiuen, S^ ^ ^ liit^ wok, jShing. Toh hwoh clung ; to carry fruits, i^H^I^ i jt'in. Ti t'ien, 2p ^ ^ ^p'ing yuk, jf^ung. P'ing yuh jdng. Cart, a carriage with two wheels, — ■ f^ ^ yat, leung- ^kii. Yih liang kii, ~]^ }^ ;^ -ha chdk, ^kii. Ilia tseh kii, ^ ^ ^t'ln ^kii. T'ien kii ; a cart drawn by oxen, ^ j^ c^gau ^kii. Niii kii ; a cart for canying fuel, ^ ^ ^ch'di 'kii. Ch'di ^^> ^ ^ pat, 16'. Pih lu ; a prisoner's cart, or cart for transporting felons, :j^ |^ lam^ ^kii. Lan kii ; a child's cart, -^ ^ 'shau ^kil. Shau kii ; a carriage in general, M M. "md ch'e. Ma ch'c. Cart, to expose in a cart, by way of punishment, ^ ^ JflJ lam^ ^kii jing. Lan kii ying. Cart-horse, a horse that draws a cart, ^ ,t^ ^ch'e 'mk. Ch'6 md. Cart-jade, a sorry horse, ^ ^ t'o -ma. T'o md, ^ li^ ,n6 ^t'oi. Nu t'ai. Cart-load, a load borne on a cart, — ' ^ ^ yat, ^kix fo'. Yih kii ho ; cart-load of fuel, — ■ ||l ^ yat, ^kii jCh'ai, Yih kii ch'<4i, — 0.^ yat, ^ch'e ^san. rill ch'e sin. Cart-rope ^ ^ ^kii lam'. Kii Mn. Cai-t-rut, the track of a cart-wheel, f^ch'ity Ch'eh, ^- ^^ ,kii ch'it,. Kii ch'eh. Cart-tire, the tii-e, or iron bands, used to bind the wheels of a cart, ^ f^ ||Jj ^pdu Jun fit,. Pau lun t'ieh. Cart-way, a cart, or a caniage-road, ||f ^ kii 16'. Kii lu. Cart-wheel, the wheel of a cart, ^ |j^ ^ii Jun. Cart-whip, a large whip used in driving animals in carts, ^ j)in. Pien. Cart-wright, an artificer who makes carts, |^ jan. Yujin. Cartage, the act of caiTying in a cart, |^ ^^ *i jkii jpun wan\ I kii pwan yun, -f^ 1^ _ *pi jkii j)un wan^ Pi kii pwan yim ; tlie price paid for carting, jg jl!|I wan^ k(iuk,. Yun kioh, ^ ^ ^ii k6uk,. Kii kioh. Carte-blanche, a blank paper signed at the bottom with a person's name, given to another person to superscribe what conditions he pleases, or, un- limited power, :^ IM ^ ^ jts'iin ^v'iin ^chl ^shii. Ts'iucn k'iuen chi shu, ^|5^;^|^ jmo hdn^ ^chl jk'iin, Wti hicn chi k'iuen. Cartel, an agreement for the exchange of prisoners, ^fi yeuk, ,shii. Yoh shii, :^ -j^ (Aj # unyd jts'uu ^shii. J3 wdn fii ts'au shu ; a cartel ship, A l'- ^ 'tsau ^man /hu "t'eng. Tsau wan shii t'ing. Carter ,^5^ A ii" cjan. Yu jin. Carthaginian, an inhabitant or native of Carthage, ^ A "^ A Kataiko jan. Kiatako jin. Carthaginian, pertaining to ancient Carthage, ^ A ^ ^^ Kdtaiko tik,. Kidtdko till, %XWi^^ Ka- taiko ke'. Carthamine, a red coloring matter obtained from the flowers of the safliower, ^^f^j^X tau' k'au' /d ,hung. Tau k'au hwa hung. Carthamus, a generic name of bastard saffron, from whose flowers is produced tlie rich red dye, "flx.^ ^ 1^ 'kd tau" k'au' /a. Kid tau k'au hwd. Carthusian, one of an order of monks, so called from Chartreuse, jjp |5 f|ij f^ g; ^ Kdtosin ^sau to' 'che. Kiatiisien siu tdu che. Carthusian, pertaining to the order of Carthvisians, JljBtfifllj^&xJ Katosin kdu' tik,. Kidtusien kiau tih. Cartilage ^f »^ ts'ui' kwat,. Ts'ui kuh, iJCi'Il Hin kwat, ,t'au. Yuen kuh t'au ; ensiform cartilage, IS) 7^"fjg »P* Jiung hd^ ts'ui' kwat,. Hiung hid ts'ui kuh, jy^ ^ ^^ J ts'ui' kwat,. Hieh ts'ui kuh ; cartilage of the nose, ^ j^ pi' ^ch'ii. Pi ch'ii ; tarsal cartilages, g^ ^ B|; if tsit, ^pin ts'ui' kwat,. Tsieh pien ts'ui kuh. Cartilagenous, pertaining to a cartilage, ^^ »^ {\i] ts'ui' kwat, tik,. Ts'ui kuh tih. Carting, conveying in a cart, 'f^ ^ ^ iH 'pi ,tii ^pun wan\ Pi kii pwdn yun. Cartogi-apher, a person who prepares charts, ^ [^ ^ Yui ^t'6 'che. Hwui t'u che. Cartographical, pertaining to cartography, ^ [gj fl^ ' 'fui jt'6 tik,. Hwui t'd tih, II ^ P|^ 'fiii t'6 ke'. Cartographically, in a cartographical manner, M iH ^ 13 chili' ycung- 'fui jt'6. Chdu ydng hwui t'd. Cartography, the art of preparing charts, |^ |§ ^ ^ 'fui ,t'6 ^clii ngai'. Hwui t'u chi 1, ^^ZS: 'lui ,t'6\chi fat,. Hwui t'u chi fdh, ^ jij ^ 'liii J^ ^ "S"^^ '^" y^^K cP^i" 'tsz li6p^. Ho yoh pdu tsz hob. Cartridge, a case of paper &c., holding the exact CAR (326) CAS char<'o for a ftrc-arm or musket, cannon &c., •/^ ^ >Q ^ 'fo ydukj j)du 'tsz. Ho yoh pdu tsz, $ki}L~f' '^''^ cP^^ '*^''' ^^'^ P^" ^^^' Cartridgo-box, a case usually of wood, covered witli leather, with cells for cartridges, '^ ^ ^ ^P^" 'tsz toi^ Pdu tsz tdi, ^^^^ lk '^o 7^^ ^pdu 'tsz h6p^. no yoh pilu tsz hoh. Cartridge-paper, thick stout paper, of which car- tridges are made, ^M"^^^ 'foy6ukjj)Au 'tsz 'chl. Ho yoh pdu tsz chi. Cartulary, a register l)ook, or record, as of a mo- nastery, ^ 'p'6. P'li. Carucate, as much land, as one team can plow in the year, — f^ ffl yat, 'ngau ^t'in. Yih ngau t'icn. _ .^ Canim, carraway, /J> ^ ^ 'siu ^tli ^h6ung. Sidu hwui hidng. Caruncle, a small fleshy excrescence, either natural or morbid, |^ !)?& yuk, nap,. Juh lib ; wattles of fowels, T ^ il ^i 'li^ ckun ,kai nap,. Hid kwdn ki lih ; caruncula lachrymalis, H^ |§ |^ ^gdn jt'au yuk^. Yen t'au juh. Caruncular, in the fonn of a caruncle, 0^ |i P|t yuk^ nap, k6', |^'^iilt5:# yuk^ nap, 'k5m y6ung^ Juh lih kdn ydng. Carve, to cut into small pieces or slices, as meat at table, -^ ts'it,. Ts'ieh, -^ ^ ts'It, ^hoi. Ts'ieh k'di, ' -f ij ^ kot, ,hoi. Koh k'di ; to cut wood, stone &c. into a particular form, H ,tiu. Tidu, ^ jLid. Tidu, % t6uk,. Tioh, in 3f ^tiii t6uk,. Tidu tioh, ^J hdk,. K'eh, H^ ^J ,tiu hdk,. Tidu k'eh, ^ 'hon. K'dn, flJ^J 'hon hdk,. K'dn k'eh, ^ jining. Ming, flj wdk,. Hwdh, )|| ^ ,tiu Mau. Tidu lau, ^] ^ hdk, nau. K'eh lau, |^ ^ chdp, nau. Sdh lau, ^j k'it,. K'ieh, $^ k'ai'. K'i, ^ ,sau. Sau, ^ ^^ .tiu ,sau. Tidu sau ; to carve flowers, j5^ ijj^ ,tiu /d. Tidu hwd, $}] :^ hdk, ,fd. K'eh hwd, |g :^ chdp^ ^'i. Sdh hwd; to engrave on metal, ^ jniing. Ming, ^ Hau. Lau ; to carve ingeniously, ^ ^ ,tsf^n^g t6uk,. Tsing tioh ; to carve blocks for books, 5^J i^ 'hon 'pdn. K'dn pdn, ^\ $j\ 'hon hdk,. K'dn k'eh ; to carve flowers in stone, ^t£ ^^"^i c^"^- '^^^^^ hwd; to plan, @ U^ jt'6 jmau. T'li mau. Carve, to cut up meat, -^ ^ |^ ts'it, ,hoi yuk^. Ts'ieh k'di juh ; to exercise the trade of a sculp- tor, '^ ^) X ts(V hdk, .kung. Tso k'eh kung, H^ ^ jtiu tseung^. Tidu tsidng ; to cut figiu-es, ^ ^ M"^ S^^- '^•''''^ hwd; to engrave figures, M 7^ ^''^K h- K^'^1' ^"^'''^' ^i"^ s"""S S^- Ming hwd ; to carve or cut, as battel's, ^ ^ ,tiu tsz^ Tidu tsz, ^j ^ hdk, tsz^ K'eh tsz, ^ ^ 'hon tsz'. K'dn tsz, 1^ ^ teuk, tsz^ Tioh tsz. Carval, cut or divided, VJ HH ® ^^\ .''"• ^^^'o'- Ts'ieh k'di kwo, '^\]WA ^''K c^'"' ^■^^'"'- ^oh k'di kwo; engraved, ^j j^ lu'ik, kwo'. K'eh kwo, Jj^ JK ,tiu kwo\ Tidu kAvo ; car\ed lotus, 3$|J3| lidk, Jin. K'eh lien ; canixl work, ||$ X ,<>" ,kung, mMm.'^ .tiuhdk, k6Mv, ii^j;t :^*3 Caryates, ") figures of women dressed in long robes, ,tiu hdk, ^chi fo' mat^. Tidu k'eh chi ho wuh. Carver, of wood, @^ X ,tiu ,kung. Tidu kung, ^ 12 E M^ S^ tsdung^. Tidu hwd tsidng, i^lt^ (^ sai' /d mukj ts^ung^. Si hwd muh tsidng; one Avho cuts meat at tabh-, "^ [^ ^ ts'it, vuk^ 'che. Ts'ieh juh ch6, -^ ^J 1^ ^ ts'it, >i *yuk^ 'ch6. Ts'ieh k'di juh ch6 ; a large talile knife for carv- ing. ;'C # 7J tdi' ^An ^ib. Td ts'dn tdu. Carving, cutting, as meat, -^ ^ ts'it, ^oi. Ts'ieh k'di, ^) ^ kot, ^loi. Koh k'di ; cutting in wood, stone, &c., J^^J ,tiu hdk,. Tidu k'eh; engraving, ^ jming. Ming, @|| ^ ,tiu Uau. Tidu lau ; a carving knife, ^ J) /an ^6. Fan tdu, ;^ ^ 7/ tdi' /s'dn ^to. Td ts'dn tdu ; carving tool, ^ :^ ^^ ,tiu /d hi' kii-. Tidu hwd k'i kii, Jg^JJ .tiu ^6. Tidu tdu, ^JJ tsdm* ,t6. Tsdn tdu ; carving figures, J|^ :fg /iu /d. Tidu hwd ; carving and polishing, ^ ^ teuk, ,mo. Tioh mo. Cai-vist, a hawk oi" proper age and training to be earned on the hand, ^j^"^ jftJBI ^^ung shuk^^ k6' ^md jing. es, ") Caryatides, ) after the Asiatic manner, serving to support entablatm-es, ^ ^ Siii tsdung'. Nii sidng. Caryatic, pertaining to the Caryans or Caryatides, :^'^6\I ^"^ ts6ung' tik,. Nii sidng tih. Caryophyllaceous "y ^ fj(j ,ting Jidung tik,. Ting hidng tih, T ^Ptt di' t'ip, hdp^. Pdi t'ieh hidh, fX^^^ pdi' t'ip, hbp,. CAS (327) CAS Pai t'ieh hoh; a case for a fan, J^^ sliin' ch'ap,. Shen ch'ah, jp ^ shin' toi". Shen tai ; case for Chinese types, :^\]^^^ lit, tsz" tai^ ka'. Lieh tsz td kia; type-case, ^^ tsz' jP'un. Tsz pw'an; case-knife, •^'^^J ^ngau yuk^ ^t6. Niu juh tau; a pistol-case, jfc^ ^ p'au' toi^ P'au tai, ^ ^ ^ts'eung toi'. Ts'iang tai ; a pillow-case, '^ HK ^ 'cham jt'au toi'. Chin t'au tai ; a case for a bow, ^^ ^kiing toi^ Kungtdi, ^^ kung ^i. Kung i, i^ ^ (kung shat,. Kung shUi ; a case or cover for books, ^ ijijl^ ^shii tit,. Shu chih, ^ ^ ^shii t'6'. Shii t'iiu; a dressing-case, ^^ keng' ^seung. King siang, ^ ^^ keng' ^chong. King chwang, -g jlim. Lien ; a toilette-case, ^ -^ keng' Jim ; a case for chopsticks, '|^ -^ ^ fai' 'tsz ^fung. Kw'ai tsz t'ung, ^ -jlj chii' ,t'ung. Chii t'ung ; a case of surgical instruments, ;^|*^;^^ ngoi^ fo hi' hdp,. Wai ko k'i hiah ; a pocket case, |^ ^^"^ jts'ong hi' jp'i j)au. Tsang k'i p'i pan ; a case of eye instruments, H^ ^^ ^ (M 'ngan *fo hi' hap,. Yen ko k'i hiah ; a case for tooth picks, ^ ^ 1^ jHgd ^ts'im jt'ung. Ya ts'ien t'ung ; a case for a knife, JJ ^ ^to hok,. Tau koh, JJ ^ ^to shat,. Tau shili, ^ 'ts'iu. Ts'iau ; an outer case for a coffin, ^J5 kwok,. Kwoh ; a case for ink, ^ [g mak, hdp^. Meh hiah ; a case of com- mon glass, — '^i^f^jjr ya<^> cS^iiiig cPO cli P'in'. Yih siang po li p'ien. Case, to cover with a case, 'f^ :3^ A '^ 'pi ^oi^ yap^ chii'. Pi t6i jib chu, i^ it. M "t^ 'pi ^op^ t^oi' chii". Pi hoh tsai chu ; to put in a case or box, W^^ ch'ap, lok^ toi-. Ch'ah lob tdi, ^ A^ ch'ap, yap, toi^ Ch'ah jib tai, A M ^ J^Pj ^^K toi^ Jib lob tai, |^^^ - Ji^i 1^^^ k"^^^- Case, a, in law, ^ on'. Ngdn, ^f|^ on' kin'. Ngan kien; the circumstances of a case, ^'|p| on' .ts'lng. Ngdn ts'ing, ^ ^ on' ^yau. Ngan yu ; a case in court, — • -fl^ ^ yat, kin* on'. Yih kien ngdn ; an old case, -^^ kau' on'. Kiu ngdn ; to try a case, IP ^ 'sham on'. Shin ngdn ; to decide a case, *^% teng* on'. Ting ngdn, ^ij^ p'un'on'. Pw'dn ngdn, ^^ tiin' on'. Twan ngdn ; to revise a case, ^ ^ /dn on'. Fan ngdn, ^ |j| bat^ pan'. Hib pdn, ^ ^ tsoi 'sham. Tsai shin ; to hear a case, ^i& t'eng' tsung*. T'ingsung; a case of murder, •^^ meng'on' ; papers relating to a case, ^^ on' kiin'. Ngdn kiuen; in case of plaint, ^^^ ^JC 't'ong y6uk^ ko' chong*. T'dng job kdu chwdng; put the case to be so, |^ ^ cli'it, ycuk^. Sheh joh, %% 'kd 'sz. Kid shi, ^p-j^ ^ii bai'. Ju hi; a strange case, {Ij ^ P^ ^ cb'ut, k'i ke' sz', ^ ^ jk'i sz^ K'i sz, ^ ^ i^ sz^ I sz ; a case of conscience, ^^^ i^ :^^ slif pi. ^sam ^chi sz^ SM fi sin chl sz, |£ j\^\ p||f ^ jleung ^sam \€ szS ^ itjc 4^ P|E ^ '16ung ^k'l jUgau k6' sz^ ; the state or condition of affairs, -3^ ^ ,kwong 'king. Kwdng king, ^ ^ ^ying sbai'. Hing shi, <(^ ^ »• ^kwong 'king. .m 'hb ,ts'ing ^ying : Sz ts'ing hi kdn jts'ing 'king. Ts'ing king, ^ ^ ^ts'ing Ts'ing lung ; a bad case, ^^ ^^ pat, 'ho du kwdng king, P§^'|^^ to act according to the cir- cumstances of the case, ^ :^ ^ f^ kin' 'king ^shang jts'ing. Kien king sang ts'ing ; the case being thus, %$Pl(-(^ sz' ^ii 'ts'z. Sz jii ts'z, ^^ f|^ ^R^^"^ ko' kin* sz* 'kom young* 'tsz. Ko kien sz kdn ydng tsz ; so the case stands, ^ sz* (ts'ing bai* 'kom yeung*. ydng, %\n^^%M^ sz" (ts'ing shi* ^che yeung* tik,. Sz ts'ing shi die ydng tib ; do it in no case, ||fbp:pf tiin' pat, 'bo. Twdn pub k'o, ^^i^pf mdn* mdn* pat, 'ho. Wan wdn pub k'o, ^ yjf^ pf ts'it, pat, 'bo. Ts'ieb pub k'o ; to argue the case, ^,^^ Ji pin* pok, sz* -li, Pien poh sz li, ^ i^ tra ^ P^^^ ^^^' s^^'^^a '^^- ^^^"^ lun ts'ing II ; a particular instance of disease, ^^l^ peng* ching'. Ping ching, ^ ^ ching' hau*. Ching hau ; a case of fever, ^ |£ It, ching'. Jeh ching ; to be in good case, itX /i tdi*. EI td, ^E^ /I cbong'. Pi chdng; a dangerous case, §^ cbun^ peng*. Chung ping, ^^ chung* ching'. Chung ching; a bard case, |^ ^ ^ndn sz*. Ndn sz ; in the case of swearing, ^^|^^ chi' ^ii fat, sbai*. Chi yii fdb shi, Wt^%^ ch'It, y6uk^ fdt, sbai*. Sheh job fab shi ; in the case of religion, |^ ^ ^ ^ lun* k'ap, t6* 'II. Lun kib tdu II, ^. ^ ^ cbf ^li kdu'. Cbl yii kidu ; were I in your case, ^j^^f^. % 't'ong yeulv, bai* ^nl. T'dng job hi nl, -fg^f r 'kd y^uk, shi* 'I. Kid job shi rli; the inflection of nouns, ^ tso*. Tso, ^ ^lun. Lun ; a box in which merchandise is packed, ^ ^seung. Sidng ; several cases of merchandise, ^ ^ ^^ 'ki ^s6ung fo'. KI sidng bo; having first quoted several cases, tB >t ^1 j^ IS; 'k'ii (Sin T^n 'kl shiit,. K'ii sien yin kl sbwob ; an ui-gent case, ^ ^ 'kan sz*. Kin sz ; a serious case, ^3^ H "J^ "^E ^ 'ho ^kwdn bai* ke' sz*. Case-harden, to harden the outer part or superficies as of iron, by suddenly immersing it, when red hot, into ice or snow, ^ ^ lln* fit,. Lien t'ieh, ^ ^ lin* kong'. Lien kdng, Jg j^ tsdn' 'shui. Tsdn sbwui, ^ j^ kin' 'shui. Case-hardened |^ jj^ |^ lin* kwo' fit,. Lien kwo t'ieh, ^•^'^^if, tsdn' kwo' 'shui. Case-knife, a large table-knife, ^ 77 t^^^ (to. Fan tau, ^'^'J] (iigau yukj ^to. Nili jub tau. Case-shot, musket balls, old iron, stones &c., put in cases to be discharged from cannon, "^ ^^ 'sdn "md. Sdn md. Cased, covered with a case, |i^3l^J^^ ^ts'ong kwo' -I toi*. Tsdng kwo 1 tdi, #^1^3^ 'pi toi* (ts'ong kwo'. PI tdi tsdng kwo, \^h.Wk^ 'pi ^^Pi ^ts'ong kwo'. PI bob tsdng kwo. Casein, the curd or coagulable jjortion of mUk '^^ ^ K\ 'peng chat,. Jii ping chih, ^ g^ 'ii, lok,. Caseman, a compositor, ^ ^ ^ chap, tsz* 'ch6. I Chih tsz cb6i CAS (328) CAS Casemate, a vault of mason's work in tlu; flank of a bastion, ff^ >),^ ^ jam p'l'iu' ^t'oi. Yin p'uu t'iii ; a well with its subternineous branches, dug in the passage of the bastion, jl:fi ^ |?^ # p'^u' jt'oi jam 'tseng. r'au t'ai yin tsing. Casement, a portion of a window-sash made to open or turn on hinges, ^g ,eh'cung yik^. Chw'dng yili. Caseous, pertaining to cheese, ^ f^- |f|^J /au *peng tik,. Eau ping tih, ^ fj|f: Pj^ ^fau *peng ke ; like cheese, ^fJi-V^^ /au 'peng 'kom yeung^. Fau ping kAn ydng ; the caseous principle, jj^ ^f ^ jfau 'peng cliat^. Fau ping chih. Casern, barracks, -KJ^ ^ping /ong. Ping fang. Cash, money, ^ ^ts'ln. Ts'ien, ^^ jUgan. Yin,^ |g jts'in ^ngan. Ts'ien yin, ^^ ^ ngan '16ung. Yin liAng ; ready money, 3^ Sji in^ ^ngan. Hien yin. 3^ ^ ii^ >'in. Hien ts'ien ; a copper cash, — A '^ ^ yat, ko' jts'in. Yili ko ts'ien. M ^l yat, ko' jt'ung ,ts'in. Yih ko t'ung ts'ien, — ' ^ ^ y^*. c™^"^ jts'in. Yih wan ts'ien ; the value of one copper cash, — }^ yat, jli. Yih li, — 1^ yat, jli. Yih li; to scatter, 'at fune- rals, cash or slips of paper with six holes in each as a compensation for the capricious lit- tle devil, the guide of the soul to hades, [f{ lij ^E ^ ch'ut, ,shiin ^k'ai ^ts'In. Ch'uli shdn k'i ts'ien, ^^ ^ fong' 16^ ^ts'In. FAng Id ts'icm ; the large cash of Kdnghi, :/t ^ 01 ^'^^' ,kong jts'in. Ta kang ts'ien ; bad cash, j^ ^^ ian' ^ts'in. Lan ts'ien, j^ % i| Idn' ,sz ^ts'in. lAa. 8Z ts'ien ; good cash, ;Ac K| ^§ tdi^ jt'img jts'In. Ta t'ung ts'ien, ^ §| tsing^ ^ts'ln. Tsing ts'ien ; a string of cash, — • ((^ ^| yat, ^t'iu ^ts'in. Yih t'iau ts'ien, — $ ^ yat, ch'un' ^ts'in. Yih ch'uon ts'ien, — • rfj vpJ| yat, tiii' ^ts'in, — ^ ^ yat, jts'in jts'in. Yih ts'ien ts'ien, — ■ ^ ^ yat, kun' jts'in. Yih kwdn ts'ien ; to exchange into cash, ;j^ ^ 'chiiu ^ts'In. Chdu ts'ien ; destitute of cash, U. ^ ^mb ^ts'in. Wii ts'ien. ^%iiiko(. ^chau jShan ^mb ^raan; not a single cash, — '-^^^ IJj^fer: yat, ko' jts'in ,t6 ^mh. Yih ko ts'ien tu wu, — ^CltH'Tl y^\ iP'^^'^ <^^ ^"^^ ■' ^^ "'" "^^^ of cash, t^ tif'l ^ 'shai siii' ^ts'in, t^ Pf ^ ^;| l^^P, '^o 'shai sdi', |J|] ^ I'ii ^ ,kong ,ngam 'shai jiin ; to win cash or mak(! money, p^_ ^ chdu^ ^ts'in. Chdu ts'ien ; as thick as a cash board, ^| j^ p^}' )?^ jts'in 'pan kom' hau^ Ts'ien pdn kdn hau ; a mint for coining cash, ^ ^ ^ts'ln kuk^. Ts'ien kiuli. Cash, to cash a bill, ij^^f §^' .sliau ,tdn ^ngan. Shau tan yin; to cash an account, ij^^ ,sliau ciieung'. Shau ehdng, »(jC %i ,8hau shb'. Shau si'i. Cash-account, an account of money received, paid or on hand, |^ g cheung' muk^. Chdng muh. Cash-book ^^ Jjji ehcung' jxV. Chdng pu, (^ ^ cheun?' ptV. Chdng ])u, ^ ^ ■?,'({ tsun' ,chi p6^ Tsia (•:,( pu, i|4 ^ l^j; ^Glmu ,chi p6'. Shau chi pii, ^ ^i bh6' p6*. Sa pii. Cash-keeper, one entruste Jeung ch'ak,. Yuli liang ts'eh, %\ ^ fii- ib\ Fi'lii, fij -^ kok, t5^ Koh tau, ^^ hak, ,sing. K'eh sing. Cassius, purple of, J^ '^^ ^ fj)' sheung^ 'tang 'tsz 'fan. Shdug tang tsz fan, [JliHP3.^ iSfife] ^^- szusz ^ngan shik,. Cossock, a cloak or gown worn over the other gar- ments, ^ Jau. Lau, ^ ^ ^kil ^sha. Kia sha. Cassocked, clothed with a cassok, ^ ^ cheuk^ ^au, ^ ^ ^ f Q cbeuk, ^ka ^shd j)'6. Choh kia slid p'au. Cassowary, cassiowary, ^ •}, \5 || shik^ 'fo .kai. Shih ho ki, ^ ,^£ ^ jkun ^t'o 'uiu. Kwan t'o niau. ^t .% M s^'o '^i^ lui-. T'o niau lui. Cassumunar, an aromatic root of the ginger kind, ^ ^ ^k^ung lui'. Kiang lui. Cass-weed, shepherd's pouch, ^ tsik,. Tsih. (?) Cast (pret. and pp. cast), to thro-v, 1^ chdk,. Chili. ^ p'ek,. P'ih, ^ 'tarn, ti^ ,t'au. T'au, :f| ^kiin, Kiuen; to sow, |^ sat,. Sab; to cast, as a net, J^ sat,. Sab, |lt^ j)'au. P'au ; to cast, as a tree does its fruit, ^ lok^. Lob ; to cast, as a dice, ^ chak,. Tseh; to throw on the ground, as in wrestling, ^ kam^ ; to be cast, as a horse, ^ ^ shat, jt'ai. Shih t'i ; to throw away, as worthless, |gfjp"p'ek, ^mdi. P'ih mai, ^i^ ^tiii ^mai. Tidu mai, ^-^ ,tiu hii'. Tiau k'ii ; to emit, {Jj ch'ut . Ch'uh, 1^ fat,. Fab ; to extend, as a trench, M fM l^wat^ ^hoi. Kiuh k'ai, ^\\ f|^ ^ts'iu Jioi. Ts'iau k'di ; to put, or set in a particular state, QL^ liin- 'tarn, §L^ liin' ^tiu. Lwan tiau, :^g[ ^chai liin'. Clii lwan ; to condemn, J^ ^ teng^ tsui^ ; to overcome in any contest of strength or skill, sliing'. Shing, ^ jeng. Ying, ^ % kam^ ^tai ; to cashier or discard, I^^fj kak, ^ch'ii. Keh ch'ii, |§ -^ fai' hii'. Fei k'ii; to lay aside, as unfit for use, ^ i^ ^tiu ^mai. Tiau mai ; to throw into one scale, as a vote, ^g ^ po' ^meng. Pii ming, tic^ J^'^^ ,meng. T'au ming ; to com- pute, reckon, or calculate, g [- j^ kai' ^mdi. Ki iH'Uj i^M 't'ung siin'. T'ung swan; to contrive, to plan, -fy ;|r 'ta siin'. Ta swan ; to throw, as the sight, 1^ ^ ^chim kin'. Chen kien, 3jS B^ kwo' 'ngan. Kwo yen ; ditto, as the light, y • ch'ut,. Ch'uh, 1^ fdt,. Fab ; to found, ^ chii'. Chii ; to cast a net, :fj^ |^ }c ^ jk'au ^ts'im. K'iil fs'ien, f^f ^ ^k'i ^ts'im. K'i ts'ien, Priji^ man' ^ts'im. Wan ts'ien; to cast iron, ^ ,^ chii' fit,. Chii t'ieh ; to cast copper cash, ^ ^ chii' ^ts'in. Chxi ts'ien ; to cast seed, fj^ sit, kuk,. Salt kidi. ^gj: a^; po' 'chung. Pochuni;-; to cast audi or. 1fj^(f^i j)';-- ^ndu. P'du midu ; to cast a model. §^j ^i c! ii' ^mo. Chii mu ; to cast one's self at one's feet, '# ik 'fil fuk,. Fii fub, ^i)t H 'fu fuk, ti^ Fii fub ti; to cast one, "f^ >t '-I'li^i' cSi"- Ciicn sien, -^^ jj^ Q^ chim' kwo' ^t'au. Clini kwo t'au ; cast thy eyes eastward, \h, ■ ^ beung' ^tung mong^ Hidng tung wa^g, |SJ ^ ^ fl^ beung' ,tung ^pin 't'ai. llidng tuiig pien t'i ; to cast a look l)ehind, fg] jf[§, .ui shi\ Hwui chi, fej 1^ jiii ku'. Hwni ku ; to east the blame on him, pf4 tsui' .t'd. Tsui t'd, ^ f^ kau' ,t'd. Kid t'd ; to cast a block in one's w;ty, ])][ f§ \ 'cho ngoi^ ^an. Tsii ngai jin, \\ • \^\ X 'an 'ngiln, fJja A "S^K ^^''^IJ (;ast desis", ^M ""S' "s^nn^- Unj? siilng, ^%i f)^ pdi^ kit *fo. Pi kid ho ; to cast off the clothes, Jjg; ^ ^ fiit, ,i ^sh6ung. T'oh i chang, ^s^'M un^ ,i sh6ung. llwan i chdng; to cast the horns, f/f ^''kdi kok,. Kisli koh; to cast the skin, ij^ ^ t'ui' hok,. T'ui koli ; to cast the feathers, >^ j^ t'ui' jm?).'T'ui mAu, ;^% un' ,m6. Hwdn mau, ^% ,hi jnb. Jli mdii; to cast one's teeth, ^^ lok 'cii'i. Loh ch'i, "^^ lat, ^ngd; to cast lustre, # ^ ftit, .kwong. FAh kwdng, fj{ ^ ch'ut, ,kwong. Ch'uh kwAng, $1^ -^ sh& ^kwong. Shi6 kwdng ; to cast heat, ^^ fAt, %. Eah jeh, 1^ j^ fdt, ,shiii. Fah shdu; to cast an ill smell, account, {|{j'^ .hoi chdung'. K'di chdng, ^ |'^ ,hoi sho . K'ai su ; to cast one's nativity, ^ D.^: teng^ jShl. Ting shi, % /\^ siin pdt, tsz^ Swdn pdh tsz; to cast about, M^^I^F ^'^K ^'^K ^^"^ 'l>«i. (MH^ s<^«'^" 1'^"' <^^"- ^^^ P^'''' *''^'^' ^ ^^ (330) CAS foi-th, to eject, Qp ft\- *au t'o'. Ngau t'u ; to emit a ilame, \\\^ ch'ut, 'fo. Ch'uh ho; to emit light, M 7t f'^ .kwong. Fdh kwang; to cast forth beams, f^'j^ ^'^^K .kwong. Pah kwdng, ^j^ shc';^ kwoni,'. Shi6 kwang; to east in (into), ^ f^ 'tarn lok^, :fiti P> j)'au lok^. P'au loh, Jg^j^ p'ek, lok^. Fib loh, ^ A p'ek. yap^. P'ih jib, :t2 A jt'au vap^. T'au jib, ^^ vAnk^. Chih ; to cast into the water, ^ f^ ^fc p'<'k, lok^ 'shui. P'ih loh shwui, ^ ^ -^ 'tiim lokj 'shui ; to cast into a sleep, ^^ 3|j|j 5m' fan' ; to cast in one's mind, ^ ^ 'ta Sim'. Ta swan; to cast off, j^g^ p'ek, ,hoi. P'ih k'di, ^ H^ p'it, hoi. P'ieb k'di, ^ ^ hi' tsut^. K'i tsiueli, :ff^ ^h .kiin hi'. Kiuen k'i, ^ jau. Hiii, ^ .k'i. K'i ; to cast off clothing, ^ % ^ # ^tiu .mdi lan^ ^shdm. Tidu mdi Idn sdn, ^"^Wfil^M ctiii 1»^' kau' .i ^sbeung. Tidu k'u ki|^ i cbaiig ; to cast off a ship, ;^(:}ft fong' ,shun. ^, liin^ kom' ,tiu. Lwan kdn tidu ; to cast aside, ^ M M^ i^^^- '^^^^ '^^' ^ ii -^ # M^ c»i^^ yat, ,pin. Tidu mdi yih pien, ^ |j5 f j] j§ tiii ,kwai chak, .pin. Tidu kwci tseh pien, |/fe ^ *p'du .pin. P'du pien, i>it i^ ^tui ^mdi ; ditto, to , dismiss as useless, ^^ fai' hi'. Pei k'i, t^M ^^ '^^ p'ek, lok^ 'shui ^lau hii'. P'ih loh shwui liii I k'ii, #if^'/ift fii' A^ c^^^S jlaii- I'li ^hu tung j liu ; to cast one aside, Pg jf jl, ^m yung' .t'd, pg ' If! t5 1^ yung^ ^k'ii; to cast away, to reject, ^| i hi'- K'i, ^ ^ .tiA hi'. Tidu k'i, ^ ^ .tiu hli'. Tidu k'ii ; to throw away, }jBf -^ p'ek, Im'. P'ili k'ii, ^ i 'tarn hii', :ft M cP'''^^ l»i'- l^'^i^* k'i, j :^ 3^ ^t'au hi'. T'du k'i, ^^ ts'6'. Ts'ii, ^ yat^. ' Yih, :f|i- .kvin hii'. Kiuen k'ii, ;ff 'sbdu. Sbdu; to cast away one's money, fgf ^ p'ek, ^ts'in. P'ih ts'ien, ^^f;^ '«bai .ts'in toug' p'ek,. Shi ts'ien tdng p'ih, jIl^ll^H long^ fai' ^ts'in ^ngan. Ldng fi ts'ien yin ; to cast one's self away, g ^ & ^ tsz' p6' ts// hi'. Tsz pdu tsz k'i ; to be cast away by shipwreck, ^f^\ p'o' shiin. P'o eh'ucn; to cast back, to throw l)ack, j^ jg p'ek, ^wdn. P'ih hwdn, Jg^ -fj, ij^i fi/i p'ek, 'fdn chun' ^t'au. P'ih fan ebucii t:ui, ^ [iij ebuk^ ^lii. Tseh hwui ; to eiist back, as a sliip, |i^ ^ ^eb'iii .fan. Cli'ui fdn, [^ [uj .ch'ui ^ui. Ch'ui bwui ; cast with age, ^^ y&n y6xi\. Ts'dn job, ^^ ^g ^sbdn y6uk^. Tsdn job, -^^ '16 yduk^. Ldu job ; to east by, to discju-d iis useless, -^ J^i <*•'' ji'idi. Tinu mdi; to cast down, ^~f ])'ek, hd*. P'ih hia, ^J!^ \i ^p'du hd^ P'du bid, ^'f 'tarn bd\ ^f^^; ^t'au bd'. T'au hid, \^-\: kam' bd\ ij^f^ ,piu lok^. Pidu loh, ^j|^ '^J ciruk, 'to. Shuh tdu; to be cast down in mind, ^ PJ.J ,yau mun*. Yu mwdn, ^ i^ song' ^sam. Sdng sin ; to cast down one's eyes, 3^ "OJi ^ BH jShui ,tai .shc^ung higdn. Chui ti shwdng yen, |^ @ jSbuimuk^. CImi mub, |Ij^ ^min. Mien, ^^^fin. T'ien, Ijf tdp,, Tdh. ^^ P'"' «i'' ^'^ ''^) ^ocdHt •O J" Pdng ch'uen, f^ f^\ 'kdi jShixn. Kidi ch'uen ; to cast off restraint, ^^ fong' sz\ Fdng sz, J^ ^7 M /B> jWdng jhang ^mo ki^ Hung hang wu ki, ■^ */jit fong' jlau. Fdng liii ; to cast off a burden, ^\n fong' tdm'. Fang tdn, ^-^t^^ ^""S' ^^K tarn' 'ye. Fang loh tdn y6 ; to cast off, let loose, hunting dogs, ^^j^^^ fong' lip^ 'kau. Fdng lieh kiu ; to cast the feathers, i|^ % t'lii' ^md. T'ui man, ;{^ % un' jab. llwAn mdu, -^ % .hi jnb. Hi mdu ; to cast the skin, as a snake,' ^^ t'fit, hok,. T'oh koh, ig.^ t'ui' bok,. T'ui koh ; birds cast their feathci-s and beasts their hair, ,^g^|^ ^ ^niu sbau' .hi kdk,. Nidu shau hi keb; to east off a servant, f^^^^ ^ts'z hii' ,sban yik^. Ts'z k'ix shin yih; to cast out, ^ ^j chuk^ ch'ut,. Chub ch'uh, j^ W\ 'kon ch'ut,. Kau ch'uh ; to cast out devils, j^ 5lL chuk^ *kwai. Chub kwei, ^ 511 'kon 'kvvai. Kan kwei ; to cnst up a Iwink, ^^ ebuk, pok,. Chub kiob, j^^ 'hi ^t'ai. K'i t'i ; to cast up earth, lifi ±^ ^fin 't'5. T'ien t'li, i# ^ jP'^'ii s"'^i- P'^'^ "^» ^ ^ jP'"' 'y^^s- P*^» yung; to cast up one's eyes, ^^ 'ku muk . Kii muh ; to east up, to vomit, P^ 'au. Ngau, ll|g irt 'au t'(V. Ngau t'u ; to cast up, to comi)ute, §\^ kai' s]ib\ ki sii, J^ % 't'ung siin'. T'ung swdn, ^t,t; kung'siin'. Kungswdn, ^t,^ sQn' cb«hmg'. Swdn ('bang; to cast one's self upon a friend, ^2 ^€ lA au k jt'au t'ok, .u j)'ang ^au. T'au t'oh vii i)'ang vii ; to c^st the blame on others, 5^ ^fj, tsui' .t'd, *]^ 5^ ^;^ ^.J- M tsui' 'ying s\x&. i tsui ying shie ; to cast young, to miscarry, ^^ jlau 'cb'dn. Liu ch'dn, i^ )JY> .sbang ^p'l'ii. Sang pei ; to cast in the teeth, to upbraid, ^ \ chdk, ^yan. Tseh jin, ff|jj \ ^"^^^^^^ jy-'i"- Ndu jin ; to cast a gun, $^^ >fj^ ebii' i)'du'. Clui p'du; to cast sheep's eyes. fijlHR^|u^ V '"S=in she' ^id. j^fe^jj jlau p'dn'. Liu ])'dn, |}^ ts'ui'. Ts'Ai ; cast your cares to the wind, ^J^^f),^ yeung^ sz* ,tii'i ,hoi. Yang sz tidu k'di; OJist tbv burden upon the l^on\, ^l^± -^f * t'ok, Idi' Sheung' tai'. T'oh fioolssiMtivt 11,1. 6a^ (yi) CAS itr^f ■ -,-■• lai Sliang ti ; to cast an image, '^ )^ ^^^^ se . K'ing sie, ^. ]^ chti' ts6img-. Cliu siang ; the die is cast, ^ /^ f sz' tcng" 'liu. Sz ting liau, ■¥■ S ^ 1^ sz- 'i teng" shat,. Sz i ting sliili. Cast, to throw forward, as the thoughts, with a view to some determination, ^ ^ 'ta siin'. Til swan, ^\ ||t kai' ^mau. Ki man, =\ ^ kai' siln'. Ki swan ; to tmst ii'om regular shape, as a board, |i^ au'. Ngau ; to cast about, ^^ 'chiin. Chucn ; our ship was cast away, f^ ||»J f,^-^ ^J^ ~f 'ngo tik, ^shiin p'o' "liu. Wo tih ch'uen p'o lisiu. Cast, the act of casting, ^^ chalc, 'cho. Chili ch6, # ^ cP'au 'che. P'au die, ^^ ^tid 'ch6. Tiau die ; a stone's cast, ^ -^ ^ shek, hii' lo'. Shih k'ii lii ; a cast at dice, — " -^15 @, y^it, diak^ shik^. Yih chih sih ; a winning cast, :^|5 ^ chak, ^yeng. Chih ying; the first cast, "^^^ 'shau chak,. Shau chill ; you make the first cast, f^ ^ ^ ^^i ^sin chdk^. Ni sien chih ; to make a cast, ^ ^^ fong' 'kau. Fling kau ; to be at the last cast, ^ ^ij ^ ^sliii to' kik^. Shu tau kih, IgjJ^IjTlf; ,shu to' ^kwong. Shu tau kwiing ; the cast of periods, ^ 'i=^ ^man fiit,. "Wan fall ; the cast of the eye, 0^ ;^ ^ ftp clii ving ,shan. Yen chi liing shin; to "ngan => i have a cast with one's eye, ^^|- jjj^ jt8'6 shi\ Sie slii ; a cast of gi-een, |^i|j< 'ts'in Ink. . Ts'ien luh, "i?A l"^ ^^"^' ^^^\- '^^"^ l^ili ; manner, air, ^ ^ ji ^yung. I yuiig, ^ ^ jung mau'. Yung mau, ^ ^ jyiig cJ^'^o- Hing yung ; a strange cast of countenance, ^ ^ ^ ^ jk'i i^ ^J^ung mau\ K'i i yung mau ; a cast of hawks, — ■ |5|^ |^ yat, tui^ jing. Yih tiii ying ; a number of hawks let go at once, ;fe!cl^ II M ^o^s' ^lii' lip^ jing. Eang tui lieh ying ; a small stature of bronze, ^ ^ jt'ung tseung^. T'ung siang; a cylindrical piece of brass or copper, slit in two, lengthwise to form a canal or conduit, for conveying metal, ^ ^ jt'ung jts'6. T'ung ts'du ; in another cast and ■figure, "j^ ^Ij ^ jjjc 'i pit, jing chong^ 1 pieli hing chwang, \>X ^Ij ^ ^ 'I pit, jung mau\ I pieh yung mau ; the assignment of the parts of a play to the difterent actors, ;^ f^ ^ ^ p'tii' keuk, shik^ 'che. P'ai kioh sih che. Cast, the cast skin of snakes, insects &c., ^ tiii'. Tui ; ditto of a cicada, '^^ ^shin tui'. Shen tui; cast clothes, ^^^"1^^^ t'6' ^tsun 'tsai. Yih tau tsun tsz, — MlJ^J^i^ J^K f'i' 'sid ,tsun. Yih fu siau tsun; casters or rollers of furniture, ^ Idl -j^ ^kii luk ^tsai. Casters, a stand with bottles for oil, vinegar &e., ^ et^ ^ hig mi- kd'. Wii wi kid. Castigate, to chastise, ^^ 'king chak,. Kingtseh, tf^ 'td chdk,. Ta tseli, =j| ^ 'bin chdk,. K'ien tseh, ^ ^ jiin t'dt,. Pien t'ah. Castigated ^ ^ i^ 'king chdk, kwo'. King tseh kwo, p^^'ta chdk, kwo'. Ta tsdi kwo. Castigating, punishing, ^ ^ 'king chdk,. King tseh, fr ^ 'ta chdk,. Ta tseh, || ^ 'hin chdk,. K'ien tseh. Castigation, the infliction of stripes with a view to correction or punishment, ^ ^ ^ 'king chdk, 'ch6. King tseh che, ^ '0; ^ 'td chdk, 'ch6. Td tseh ch6, M "M M '^^^ «'^ak, 'ch6. K'ien tseh che ; severe animjidversion, by way of chastise- ment, either in writing or speech, ^ W 'bin chdk,. Hien tseli, ^ ^ jining chdk. Ming tseh. Castigator, one who corrects, ^ ^ ^ 'king chdk 'ch6. King tseh che, tf ^ "§)£ 'td chdk, ke'. Castigatory, tending to correction, corrective, ^ K ^ ^^ 'king chdk, tik,. King tseh tih, 'hin chdk, ke'. Castile-soap, a fine, hard soap, white or mottled, made of olive oil and soda, ^ j^ lap, 'kdn, gg (JA^ j.)l ^ (lij^ Saipunngil 'kdn. Sijjiinyd kicn, JI/JJ ■± lib 'R Ul Kdsztili 'kdn. Kidsztill kien. Castiliaii, an inhabitent of Castile, in Spain, ^JjJ j- tth M A * Kusztill ^yan. Kiasztlll jin. Casting, tlirowing, ^ chdk^. Chih, ^ 'tarn, ;f;|^ j)'du. I"du, -^ ,tiu. Tidu ; computing, tff 1^ 'td siin'. Td swdn ; calculating, %\ ^ kai' sluV. Kl si'i ; ninning into a mould to give shape ^ ^ vung chii'. Yung chii ; assigning parts in a pl'-iy. M.M^ P'»i' '^•''"K sliik,. P'di kioh sih ; casting a net, \^^ ^ sat, ^mong. Sdh wdng ; casting plates, ^\ ^ J^ 't6 sck, 'pdn. Tdu sih pdn ; a casting vote, ||/f ^ ;^ {^ tiin' sz^ ^chi jk'iin. Tw'dn sz chl k'iuen. Casting net, a net which is cast and drawn, ^ ^ j)'du ^mong. P'du wdng, % -g- j)'du .ku. P'du l^ii. i^. ^ fi '"^o"f?- Yu wdng. Casting-vote, ") the vote of a presiding officer in Casting-voice, j an assembly or council, which de- cides a question when the votes of the assembly are equally divided between the affirmative and negative, 'f^\ ^ <^ W ^^^' ^z" ^chi jk'iin. Twdn 8Z chi k'iuen ; to give the casting-vote, {fj ;^ Hff ^ ch'ut, jmeng tiin' sz^ Ch'uh ming twdn sz. Castle, a house fortified against an enemy, a fort- ress, <);^'^ p'du'^t'oi. P'dut'di, ^^^ wai^^shing. Wei clang, ^J^^ fjf wai^ 'sho. Wei so ; the house or mansion of a nobleman or prince, ^ ^kung. Kung ; the forcastlc, f:\l\ sM M jSliiin i'au /ong. Ch'uen t'au fdng ; castles in the air, ^ /^ ung' 's6ung. Ung sidng. Castle, to, in the game of chess, to cover the king with a castle, by a certain move, jtifc^ ^sh6ung sz^ ts6ung^ Shdng sz sidng, ^ 3E ^^ ^wong. Hii wdng. Castle-builder, one who forms visionary schemes, ^IWMA wdn^ 'seung k6' ^yan, ^^MA ung' 'seung ke' ^yan. Castle-building, the act of building castles in the a»"> H ^ ^' U"g' 'sdung 'ch6. Ung sidng cli6. Castle-ward, an imposition laid for maintaining walch and ward in a castle, 'i\l ^r\ }i\\an 'lieimg. Kiim hidng, ^* il;^^ ^ -K ^|.J 'sliau p'du' ^t'oi ,ping 'lieung. Shau p'du t'di ping hidng. Castled, furn lulled with castles, "^ >k^ rt i"'5(; Vau ])'du' jt'oi ke'. Castlet, a sniall castle, yj^'^ 'siii ,kung. Sidu kung, ')>i^ O if P'»»' ,t'oi 'tsal Castling, an abortion, /J\fl7 *siu ,p'ui. Sidu pei. Castor, a beaver, )fii ^^g 'hoi ^li. 11 di If, \[\ ^ ^shdn ch'dt,. Shdn ts'dh ; a reddish brown subsUincje of a sti-ong, penetrating smell, taken from bags or cods in the groin of the beaver, ^; ^gi ^ lioi li ^I'm. lldi li kidu; tincture of castor, }{9^M^)^ *hoi jll ^kdu 'tsau. lldi 11 kidu tsiu. Castor, or caster, =ff. Ij|< ^ ^ng mi» kd'. Wi'i wl kid. Castor-oil, the oil of the vicinus, or palma Christi, (882) bi.S ■■■.— ■■I- I— ^— i« ■ II I.I ■ l^^i— ■^■^■^il^i— M*a— ^^^^ ^M'Si ,V^ j^'^ s>^u- ^^ "1^ y^ ' tlitto the plant, ^ ^ j.i ^md. Pi md, g^p ,pi ^md. Pi m6; the seed of the plant, ^ ^ -^ ^pi jUid *tsz. PI md tsz. Castoreura, see Castor. Castorine, an animal principle, prepared by boiUng castor in alcohol, y^ ^M HM- M '^"' ^^ <^^" chat,. IJdi If kidu chih. Castrametation, the art or act of encamping, ^ ^ ^ chap, jing fdt,. Chih ying fdh. Castrate, to geld, ^ ^im. Yen, i|)J ^im. Yen, ^^fij ,im kot,. Yen koh, ^\ 'im. Yen, ^ 'ira. Yen, •^ 1^ hii' shai'. K'u sbl, f ij ^ kot, shai'. Koh shi, ^sin'. Sien, ^ij sin'. Sien, ^ kdi'. Kidi, ^J ^k'ln. K'ien, ^ t6uk,. Tioh, (^ t^uk,. Tioh ; to castrate a man, [^ \ ^m ^yan. Yen jin ; ditto a pig, ^I %" .^ pat, ,k'i ^in / ^in. Puh k'i jen rh jen, # ^\'^^i' ngoi' ^chi sz\ I wai chi sz ; the casualties of an engagement, fl^- 7^ ^ :^ ^sheung k'ap^ 'sz 'che. Shang kih sz che, HM^^^ ,sheung -ii pai' meng- 'che. Shdngj yu pi ming che; misfortune. Hung ho. Casuist, one who studies and resolves cases of con- science, ^ |,i -^ ^ kiit, ,i sz^ 'ch6. Kiueh i sz 2]^e, ^jCi'M^ ^^°o' c^^^i / '^^^•^- Ting sin i che, ^;Ci:*^|irIi jlcung ^sam ^clii ^sz. Liang sin chi sz, ^^^$1^ ct'in jleung chi ^sz. T'ien liang chi sz, ^^'^^^]^ shi- /i ^sam ^chi jsz. Shi fi sin chi sz. Casuistic, ") relating to cases of conscience, ^ i^ Casuistical, ) P^ ^Icung ^sam k6', ^ ^ B^ t'iu ;6ung ke', ;,-> II 9^ ^sam ,i kc', .t^ ^J |^^ ^k'i ^i tik,. K'i li tih. Casuistry, the science or doctrine of cases of con- science, M ^^"^ ^ ^ ^leung ^sam ^chi 'li. Liang sin chi li, ^^^ JM ,t'in ^leung ^chi 'li. T'ien liang chi li, i^ -1 ;^ Ji .k'i to' ,chi 'li. K'i tdu chi li, ^ f^ i\^s ;^ Jll shi' /i ^sam ^chl 'li. Shi fi sin chi li ; the science of determining the law- fulness or unlawfulness of what a man may do, J^ :^ # ^ ^ kiit, shi- /i ^chi 'li. Kiueh shi fi chi li, ?^ «^ ^ ;^ ^ kilt, ^k'i to' ^chi 'li. Kiueh k'itduchili, ^,\-»§^;^3 ^chi 'li. Ting sin sung chi li. Casus foederis, the case stipulated by treaty, ^ ^ y^uk, teng- ^chi sz^ Yoh ting chi sz Catfg^mau. Mdu, ^Z M M M- Kia li, |g |2. ^mdu ji, j^ ^ ^u jiin. Wu yuen ; a tom cat, |p5 ^ .mdu J '±an chiii' Catadioptrieal, jtik,. Pdn chdu tih,"^ jl« P|)t 'fan uu ke . Catamatic, that has the quality of consolidating broken parts, |^ J^l^ P^J^ ^nim mat^ ke . Catagraph, the first draught of a picture, ^^^ 'fvu eA* c^ (834) ei* Catandromous, ") in itcbtliyology, moving once a Catanadromous, ) year from salt water into fresh, Mmt<'^ )'^^ t4m' 'sJ>"i k6', m^^yi^'&t #. jhdm tdm* *sbui ke' ^H. I Catapasm, a dry powder for sprinkling the Ixxly, ^ I ^ ;^ 'sam y6ukj 'fan. San yoh fan. Catapeltic, pertaining to the catapult, DJJ i^ p'au' k6', |Jg|^ p'du' tik,. P'du tih. Catapetalous, an epithet applied to petals of a flow- er, held together by stamens, which grow to their bases, as in the mallow, .^ j|j|i ^ P{^ yui' ^lin \s.6\ 'ying. Uwui ying, tT Mil 'td ti^ Td tl. Catalcpsis, ") a sudden suppression of a motion and Catalepsy, ) sensation, in Mbich the patient is speechless, senseless, ^d fixed in one posture, it WJ -^E '^^'^ ^^^o filing'- Chi tung cbing. Cataleptic it Ift |M fi'j '<^'l»i tung" cbing' tik,. Cbl tung cbing till. Catalogue, list, j^ ^ ^t'id kin^ T'iilu kien, ^ g jt'iti muk^. T'idu mub, Q ^ muk^ luk^. Muli lull, :^ g jinirio muk^. Ming mub ; catalogue of books, ^ g ^shii muk^. Sliii mub, ^ ^ fihii ^raeng. Sbvi ming ; a list of names, ^ g jmengmuk^. Ming mub, :^^ jWieng ^tdn. Ming ■ tdn ; a list of goods, 1^ ^ fo' ,tdn. llo tdn, ^ ^ ^ mat^ kin' ,tdn. Wub kien tdn, -(-j- /^ ^ shapj matj ,tdn. Shib wub tdn ; a record, or gen- ealogical table, jj^^ tsuk^ 'p'6. Tsub p'li ; make j out a catalogue of books, ^ ^l] ^ @ choi lit^ Catapult, a military engine used by the ancient <8banj. Catapbonics, the doctrine of reflected sounds, ^jB ;^ Ji ying' ,shing ,cbi Mi. Ying shing chi I'i, ^ WZ^l 'fdn 'h6ung ,cbi Mi. Tan bidng chi li. Cataplasm, a poultice, r^ "lyt i^ ^H\ k6' V^, ^ ^ dp, mat^ ; apply a cataplasm, ^ ^ dp, ^ye, jSbii mukj,. K'di lieb shu mub ; a general catalo- 1 Greeks and Romans for throwing stones &c.. gue, ^Ijj^ g jts'un ,sbii 'tsung muk^. Ts'iuen ; p'du', ;g^ sbek^ ,ku. Shib ku, jf^:^^ ,fi shek^ shu tsung mub. Catalysis, dissolution, ^ ^ ^siu 'cb6. Sidu cb(5. .kii. Fi shib kii, ^ 5i ^ p'ik, lik, ,ku. Fib lib kii, HM ^ p'ik, lik, ^ku. Fib lib kii. ^ jyung fd'. Yung hwd ; in chemistry, a de- Cataract, a great fall of water over a precipice, -^ composition of the proximate and elementary principles of compounds by the presence of subs- tances which do not themselves so combine, ^ {t)&Zi^ chi' fa' ^slieng ,cbi Mi. Chi hwd cbing chi li. Catalytic, relating to catalysis, ■(^ fj^ fi^j fd' ^sbeng tik,. Hwd cbing till, glj-ffc/^l^^j ,kwdn fd' ^sbcng tik,. Kwdn hwd cbing tib. Catamaran, a kind of raft used in India and Bra- zil for fishing and landing goods from ships, ^ .fu. Fd, ^4" /u. Fu. Catamenia, the menses or monthly courses, ^ ^ iitj ,king. Yueh king, ^ ;»fc ^^\ *sbui. Yueh shwni, ^ ■;^ M^^S 'shui. King sliwui, ^ ^ ,t'in kwai'. T'ien kwei, ^ ^J^C kwai' *sbui. Kwei shwui ; the time of the catamenia, |>({ i^ M^^S yi King k'i, ^ 5||j iit^ jk'i. Yueh k'i ; to have the menses, j^ J^ p^ |£ ^sbf ngoi' 'k5m cbing'. Shi Avdi kdn cbing ; to sutler of a catarrh, |^ ^ tak, ,sh6ung ,fung. Teh shdng fimg, T<5m .sli6ung ,fung. Kdn shdng fung; a chronic discharge from the mucus membrane of the nose, 55ft hft- 7^^ M^ P^^ 'sbui. Liu pi shwui ; catarrh caused by the weather, i^ ^ JiL 1^ 'k6ra mo* /ung jbon. Kdn mdu fung hdn. Catarrhal, \ pertaining to cataiTh, ^M.^ ,shcung Catarrbous, / /ung k6', ^^^^ .slieung ^liou tik,. Shdng hdn tih ; produced by a catarrh, fi^ ^ f:jx ^ P|^ .sb^ung /ung 'sho chi' k6'. ^i^m.^V(% ^yau ,sh(5ung ,func ,loi k6'. ^ shat, jWan jii. Sliib hwan yu, ^j ^ ^ "lit Catastrophe, the change mIucIi protluccs the final jbang jiidm shik, ke, ^ J]// ^ P|^ keng' ,cbong tii' k(5', J^})(^ k'ai' tai'. K'i ti, ^f- t\V *tsz. T'li tsz, H it pi' ^t'ung. P'i t'ung, ^- ^. f({j r{i ki ,kdn tik, ^t'uug. Ki kien tih t'ung, ^J ^ Pf^t ,i\ .kai .kdn k«S' ^fmig, ^M^'i)() ,luiig ^yeung W. tai'. Limg ydng tsz ti. Catamount, ) the wild cat, ^ |^ ^6 ^mdu. Y6 Oatamountain, J mdu .} event of a dramatic piece, ijsS ^ ^ ^ ^^K ^"^i .cbl 8z'. Kieh kiub chi sz, j^ ^ j^ ^ kit, Tvwo .cbf sz*. Kieh ko chi sz, gg j^V^^ ,k«ai kit, ke szS j^ M fl^ ^ kit, Hiii tik, sa*. Kieh wi tih sz, ^^^^ s'in kit, tik, sz*. Yuen kieh tih sz; a disaster or calamit v, i)^^ ^ .tsoi hoi'. Tsdi bdi, i)i H .tsoi ndn'. Tsdi ndn, ^ Ji ^ ^ kau' 'king ^tsoi hoi'. Kiii king tsdi bdi, ^ ^ i^ |^ CAT (335) CAT "mong te'euk. j,% fti pat, 'king ^tsoi hoi". Pih king tsai bai ; the con- clusion or result, ^ ^a ^^ ^ s^^ ^^K ^^5 ^^"• Yuen kieh tih sz ; a violent convulsion of the globe or part of it, Mb ^ ^ E!^ ti' ^cbl tun' 'koi. Ti chi tun kdi, \^^JC<^0- tun' 'koi ^chi sz^ Tun kiii cbi sz. Catch (pret. and pp. catcbed and caught), to seize with the band, :Jj£ chuk,. Chub, |£ 'ft chuk, chii". Chub chii, ^ chap,. Chih, ^ j^ chap, chii-. Chih cbu, ^ p6-. Pu, ^ nik,. Nib, j^ ^k'am. K'in, :f^ {^ ^k'am chu\ K'in elm, ^ $. jk'am ^na. K'in na, ^ pok,. Poh, ;j^ ^ pok, chap,. Poh chih, :^ f^ ^na wok,. Na hwoh ; to catch in a net, ^ chdu'. Cliau, ^ Jo. Lo ; to catch, as birds, :3j^ fok,. K'iob, ^ po^ Pu ; to catch a thief, i^ fljj^ chuk, ts'ak,. Chub ts'ih, ^ ^ ^k'am ts'ak,. K'in ts'ih, ^ |^ ^nd ts'ak,. Na ts'ih; to catch fish, ^^# 'lo ^ii. Lo yu, :|^^. p6' ,ii. Pd yu, tr M 'tJi'^ii!' Ta yu, ^ ^ Wng ,ii. Wdng yu, ^@, tiii' ^u. Tiau yu; to catch birds, ;^ t| chuk, Ts'euk,. Chub ts'iob, :fg ^ {o\ ,k'am. K'iob k'in, :|^,||^ p6- ^niii. Pu niau, |Pb| Wang ts'iob ; ditto with bird-lime, ^cb'l ts'euk,. Cb'i ts'iob ; to catch fire, -^ >X shat, 'fo. Shib ho, ^ 'X cheuk, 'fo. Chob ho, ;j^ ^ ^shiu cheuk,. Shau chob, f^ ^X ^^t, 'fo. Tab bo, ^ '>C '111 'fo. K'l ho ; to catch cold, ^ ^^ tak, ^sheung /ung. Teh shdng fung, }^^ 'lang cheuk,, pf? ^ chung' ^bon. Chung ban, ^rjl ^ ^cb'ung jhon. Ch'ung ban ; to catch a disease, ^ ^ -im peng-. Yen ping, "(^ ^ ^chim peng'. Clien ping, ^^ ^liin clung' ; to catch the truth, H^ M ^^^'^\ cheuk,. Ch'uh choh, M^k MM. ch'uk, cheuk, ^chan to'. Ch'uh choh chin tau ; to catch one in a lie, ^^'^^'j^'^ ^chong 'to 'kong tai' wa' ; to catch a sceiit, ^ ^ ^man hi'. Wan •'^'i' K-M>§> jinan hi' sik,. Wan k'i sib ; to catch one's death, }^ Jt '^ *lo ,k'i 'sz. Lo k'i sz, |j ^ ji ^ tsz' 'ts'ii jk'i 'sz. Tsz ts'ii k'i sz ; to catch one's fancy, Pf?^^ ^chung f. Chung i, ^^ ^t'au jiin. T'au yuen, -^ "^^ bop^ f. Hob i ; to catch at, ||^J$C cP'an 'ts'ii. P'an ts'ii, ^^^ j)'an chap,. P'an chih ; to catch up, ^ '^j chap, 'to. Chih tau, ^ '^j kam- 't6, p^ ^j * t'am' 'to ; to catch people's words, ^ ^ chap, sun'. Chih sin; to catch one by his word, ^ A ^ chap, ^yan ^in. Chih jin yen, W^^ti^M 'pi^hiit, wd' >u 'ts'ii. Pi shwoh hwa kau ts'ii, )^^ ^ ^'^ jin ■fim ^chi. I yen t'ien chi ; to catch one in his own trap, i^%%\ .nidi ^shan kai'. Mai shin ki; to catch one in a basket, •^ -^ jg lap, 't5 'k'ii. Lib tdu k'ii, ^ :f^-^ tdi' /a lap,. Tai hwa lib ; to catch or overtake, as a storm, ^ 5}v ^3- Joi. Ta Idi, trM^ 'ta ^mai .shan. Ta mai sliin ; put it where it will catch your eye, ^]^ gg g ^ij ^tiu 'seng muk^^ tik,. Catch, to communicate, ^ ^ ^lau jCh'ttn, Liii ch'uen ; to spread by infecting, »^ ^ Jau 'im. * Tb« latter laid of dog«. Liu yen, ^ 7^ >u ^chim. Liu chen, >^ ^. Jau jCh'iin. Liii ch'uen. Catch, seizure, ||£ ^ chuk, 'che. Chub cho, ^ ^ ^nd 'che. Na che, j^ ^ ^k'am 'che. K'in che ; a hook, a catch, ^ ^kau. Kau, ^^ sut,. Suli, ^ 'man. Mau ; a sudden advantage taken, ^ ^f^ ^sbuig ^ki. Ching ki, ^ ^ ^shing shai'. Ching shi ; the thing cauglit, ^ff % ;^ ^ 'sho tak, ^chi Ve. So teh chi ye, ^)x$iZ^ 'slio chap, ^chi V^; to sing by catches, ^ ^ tslp, ^ko. Tsieh ko, ^ ^1^ ,kan chii' cb'eung'. Kin chu ch'dng; a lucky liit, ||( -(^ Jiiu hang'. Hidu hing. Catch-drain, a' drain on a hill side, to catch the sur- face water, |Jj ^ j^ ^sbdn 'shui Jiang. Shan shwui kang, ^{i} ^^ tsip, ^shan 'shui Jiang. Tsieh shdn shwui kang ; a ditch on the side of a canal to catch the water escapes, :j^ Jt/j] Avdng Hung kang, %f ^ ^wdng k'ii. Huni Jianc:. k'u.^ Catch-meadow, a meadow which is ii'rigated by wa- ter from the hill-side, [liy\(,^^l^ ,sbdn 'shui kun' 'ts'6 ti^ Shdn shwui kwdn ts'du ti. Catch-poll, a bailiff's assistant, ^ ^ 'pa ^ngd. Pd yd. Catch-word, among actors, the last word of the pre- ceding speakei*; which reminds one that he is to speak next, ^^j ^ ch'uk, ^in. Ch'uh yen, ^ =" chap, ^in. Chih yen ; among printers, the word placed at the bottom of each page, under the last line, which is to be inserted as the first line on the following page, :^J[g^^ ,p'in 'tai tsip, tsz\ P'icn ti tsieh tsz. Catcher, one who catches, |£ ^ chuk, 'che. Chub che, ;f^^ ^k'am 'che. K'in che, ft # chap, 'che. Chih che. Catching, seizing, |E chuk,. Cbuli, 1^ j:^ chuk, chii^ Chub chu, ^ {^ ^na chu'. Na chu, ^ ^ chap, chii'. Chih chu; insnaring, ^5^ ^mai ^wan. Mi hwan, ^2^ ,kau ^wan. Kau hwan, f^^P^ "yau wdkj ke'. Catching, infectious, ^ 'im. Yen, ||^ p|£ 'im ke', Yjlf ^chim. Chen, ^^^ P^ ^chim ke'. Catching-bargain, a bargain made with an heir-ex- pectant for the purchase of his expectancy, at an inadecpiate price, ^ V4 ^ ^if ii a^ H ^J^^ ^^^' hau' 'sho mong' ^chi ip,. Yii mai ban so wdng chi nieb, ^^^^ 'tin ban' tsz' ip^. Tien hau tsz nich. Catchpcany, something worthless, particulary a book or pamphlet, adapted to the popular taste, and intended to gain money in market, f^{|^ ni' mat,. Rh wuh, ^S^of^^ Js'iii 16' ke' ^e. Catchuj), I a liquor extracted from mushrooms, to- Catsup, j matoes &c., used as a sauce, ^^ t kat, chap . Kib chih, + 1^ ^ 't'o 'kw'an tseunp:'. T'li kw'an tsidng, ^ % Ki tsung tsidng, ;^ S^ rh tsidng. g: jkai Jsung ts^ung'. muk, 'i ts^ung'. Mull mB t,T)i« word tued b^ lei-vanti and oompradorii CAT (336) CAT .souug man. "1 man tdp, Catechetical, 1 relating to, or consisting in asking Catcolietic, /questions and receiving answei-s, (1^ ^is^ man^ tap, kc', [JlJ^flJj man4% tik,. Wan tdh till. Catechetically, by question and answer, J^ [[{J ^ "I man^ tap,. I wan tslli. Catechisation, the act of catechising, H«l^^ ^^^^^ tip, 'ch6. Wan tdh die. Catechise, to instruct by asking questions, receiving answers, and oflering explanations and correc- tions, (lifi >|f5 PH ^ c^'^' ^^'" ""^"^ ^H\- '^^ ^^ ^'^^" tiib. j^ ii!) ^;^?i 'i ^^^^ ^'^V, s^>i' ^^^'- i wan td.h slii kiilu ; to question, examine, or interro- gate, 5^- P,|] 'hdu mall^ K'au wan, pjj |]!^ 'fong man^ Fdng wan, ^ |j{] ,ch'a maa\ Ch'ii Avan, ^ ||jj kau' man^. Kiii wan ; to catechise a pupil, # Pi] ^ JTJ '^'''^" ^^^'' '^^^ ^^- ^^'^^ w^^ *s^ *^' # (t^ ^ ^ 'lulu man' liok^ ^i'b. K'au Avan hioh t'li; to ask (questions concerning the doctrines of the Christian religion, fUj UlM^ZW "aan' k'ap^ Y6 su jChi kda'. Wan kill Ye sii chi kiau ; to catechise mutually, jf\^ ^\\ iyi shi' kdu'. Sidng Avan shi kiau. Catechised, instructed, l^fi^^^ kdu' kwo'. I wan tab kiau kwo. Cateehiser ^^ jH] ^ 'hau man' 'ch6. K'au wau ch6, fi^ f!!j 3j^ 'long man' 'cli6. Pang wan c\i6. Catechising, instructing by questions and answers, j^ fill ^'t ^ ^ -i nian' tdp, kau' jan. I wan tdh kiau jiu, np ^ Tj; It 'i i^a'^' '<#, sl'i' kau'. I wan tiih shi kiau. Catechism, a form of instruction by means of ques- tions and answers, PJlHH-o'^t^ ^ man' tap, shi' kau'. I wan tab shi kiau ; a catechism for the young, :^^f{{J^ Villi' hokj man' tap,. Yii hioh wan tdh, f;; ^ |||J '^ .ch'o hok^ man' tdp,. Ts'ii liioh wan tdh ; ditto one for people of advanced ago, :A:''^|1i)^ ti^ii^ I'ok^ mail' tap,. Td hioh wan tdh ; a catechism of the christian religion, ^ ^ 5^:^ sliing' kdu' man' tdp,. Shing kidu wan tdh; a book containing a summary of princij)les in science, art or religion, ||lj ^ ^ man' tdp, ^shil. Wan tdh shu. Catecbist, one who instructs by question and an- swer, 0,^^\\W7i<^i^ 'i 'hdu mail' shi' kdu' 'ch^. 1 k'du wan shi kidu ebe, ~^^- |j|] ^ (^jjj Midu man' ,chi fi'i. K'du wan chi sz ; one appointed by the Church to instruct in " t principles of religion, f^ iE Z kdu' t6' 'clui Kidu tdu clu';, f^ ^ ^ jCh'iin to' 'cIk';. Ch'uon tdu die. Catediistic, \ pertaining to a catecbist, ^^ ^ {^(j Catechistical, Jkdu' t6' tik,. Kidu tdu tih, f^-jiii'pi jCb'iin t6' k6' ; pertaining to a catechism, |!|j ^ .1^ Ii|^ man' tdp, ,shu k6\ Rlj ^g|'f|'j man' tdp, ^shii tik,. AVan tdh shu tih. Catechu, also called terra japonica, a brown astrin- gent substaiu!e brought from India, ^)^^ ji jCh'd. Kb ,-W,\, |{S|J)H^4^ ^o .tsin yeukv O tsien yoh, |^ M ^ .« <\^ lio 'hau ,chi mat^. K'o k'au chi wuh. Catgut, the intestines of sheep and other animals dried and twisted, used as strings for musical in- struments, ^^^$i ^ch'eung mok, sin'. Ch'ang moh sien, ^ ^ '^f^ ^ch'^ung hok, sin'. Ch'dng hoh sien ; a kind of linen or canvas with wide in- terstices, |§ ^ Jo po'. Lo pii. Catharine wheel, a circular, ornamental window, Igl fe ^ A^ shik, jCh'eung. Yuen sih chw'ang. Catharist, one who pretends to more purity than others possess, g 1>X M m ^ ^ ^ M t^^" '^ jWai ,ts'ing shing' ^ii jan 'ch6. Tsz i wei ts'ing shing yu jin che, f\ i>XM^^^ ^ ^^'^' '^ j^^i kik^ .ts'ing 'ch^. Tsz i wei kih ts'ing did. Catharsis, purgation, -^ s6\ Sid, ^ ^ se 'chd. Sid chd. Cathartic, ") purging, ^^^ sd' tik,. Sid tih, ^^ Cathartical,/|^^ chi' sd'"tik,. Chi sid tih, ^ ^ pft chi' ^o ke. Cathartic, a medicine that promotes ahvine dis- charges, and thus cleanses the stomach and bow- ^'IS' M M ^^' y^uk^. Sid yoh, ^ ^ ,o yduk^. or office of a teacher, ^ 0r|j Ht ""It ^^^' ,^^ ^^^\ ^^'' WC ^i ^ li 6\l k^^' cSz ng. Kung, 'S,^^U ^ (kung ha' yduk^. Kung hid : Catholical, general, i^^»; 't'ung tik,. T'ung tih, jg yoh, '^ ;|^ ;^ f^\\ sit, sd' ^chi Jsai. Sieh sid chi tsl. Cathartically, in the manner of a cathartic, Jj^ y^ (^<| chi' sd' tik,. Chi sid tih, y|| ^ '{fy Js'ing hiit, tik,. Ts'ing hiueh tih. Catharticalness, the quality of pi'omoting discharges from the .^ow^ls, '$X^ ^i^, chi' sd' ,chl tak,. it Ii|£ J'ung kung' kd', ^V "It .kung kd'. Catholicism, universality, or the orthodox faith of the whole church, 7^^ 't'ung kdu'. T'ung IJdu, MtT^iit (t'ung , hang ^chl kdu'. T'ung hang chi kidu; the religion of the Roman Catholic .Church, 5^ift ^ J^ ^an hni. Yu wi, Ching kiiiu chd ; the religion of the Roman Ca- \ Caudated, i Jf P^ 'ml ke*, ^f}^ "mi tik,. Wi tih. tholics, ^ifit .T'in 'chii kdu'. T'ien chu kidu, Caudex, the st«m of a tree, i^ % shu* ,shan. Shii ^(^ ,^ ^ Lomd kdu'. Lomd kidu. j shin. Catholican, a remedy for all diseases, M ffl "It ^ Caudle, a kind of warm drink, yf| )^ 'tsau ,t'ong. .t'ung yung' k6' y6uk^, % || % mdn^ ying' ^tin. I Tsiii fang, ^ ]n| i^}j \)h hiit, ,fong. Pd hiueh Wdn ying yuen, l^''^ZM ^^'^^' s^^^S ^^E'!s]il5^ l^^^i s^'^ ^^^^ 'sin. Heh t'du shu sien. Catmint,^ ^ ^ ^h6ung ts'oi'. Hidng ts'di, |§j ^ lip, / Catnip, J ^mdu ts'oi'. Mdu tsdi. Catonian, grave, severe. ,im. Yen, ^ m sukj. Yen sub, if,'^ j|^ ,tiin ^Im. Twdn yen Cat-o-ninetails, a whip with nine lashes, ;/(, ^ .'kau jt'iu ^pln. Kiu t'idu pien. Catoptrics, that part of optics which explains the t'dng, ^J/Jv®^ '^1*'^" S^^S 'tsauchuk,. Ch'dn fang tsiu chub. Caudle, to prepare caudle, ^^W^ J>^ 'tsau ,t'ong. Pdu tsiii t'dng, ^^ v® Wt X M '^l^o 'i ,in. So i jen. Causalty |^ ^^ :^ f j'* kwong' tik, ^nai ^sha. Kwdng till ni slid. Causation, the act of causing or producing, ^ ^ 'sz 'ch^. Shi clie, ^i ^ chf 'che. Chi chc, Jl^^^ ^ 'sz ,in 'ehe. Shi jen ch6, ^ ^ ^ leng- 'yau 'ch^. Ling yu ch6, -(^. ^ ^ 'pi 'yau 'ch6. Causative, that expresses a cause or reason, ^ ^^ {]ij shiit, kiV tik,. Shwoh ku tih, ^ ^^ nf^ shiit, ku' ke', ^1 ,^ ['(^ "jan ku' tik,. Yin kii tih ; that effects a cause, fjff ^ 'sho chi'. So chi, ^ '^ 'sho 'sz. So shi, f^ 1^^ 'sz tik,. Shi tih. Causator, one who causes, 'j^ -^ 'sz 'che. Shi che, ij^^ chi' 'ch6. Chi ch6, '^W^ le"^§' Tau *che. Ling yu che. Cause, a suit in court, ^ on'. Ngan ; a cause, or indictment, -^Sjjc k6' chon^. Kau clnvang; that which produces an effect, ^ ^ 'sho 'sz. So shi, fi)X^j(_ 'sho chi'. So clii, Jfff^- 'sho leng'. Soling; tliat by virtue of which anything is done, J^j ^ 'sho H. ^in. So 1 jen ; that from Avliich any- thing proceeds, j^ ^ ^iin jau. Yuen yu, ^ ^ jin ,yau. Yuen yii, ^ ^ jiin Joi. Yuen lai, j^ ;?j^ jiin 'pun. Yuen pun, 2JS 5|* 'pun ^loi. Pun lai ; the reason or motive that urges, moves or ^ impels the mind to act or decide, ^^ ku. Ku, ^ ^ fin ku'. Yuen kii, (^ jan. Yin, [^ ^ jan ^iin. Yin yuen, ]>J, 'i. I, -j^f^ jeung jing. Jdng ying ; the incipient cause, jj^/^ sM <^^^^ jt'au. Twdn t'au ; the first cause, ;?jj 'piin. Pun, 2JS j[^ 'piin fin. Pun yuen, jq ^ ^iin 'ch'i. Yuen ch'i, fcTJ^j: ^ch'o kii' j[^lijc 'ch'i kii'. Ch'iku; the secondary cause, ^ j^ ts'z' ku. Ts'z ku, ^ |jg ts'z' jiin. Ts'z yuen ; for the cause of truth, ^J^ ^ wai^ jChan t6'. AYei chin tdu, @ ffl j!}! wai' ^chan 'li. Wei chin li; for what cause, '^-{J^ tso" mat,, ^JC-{1^ tso'- mat, sz^ :^ -|i i;^ ^f^ wai^ mat, jiin kii', ^t^ ^ ^ho kii'. Ho kii, -f^i fijf |1| Yau Jio jan, ^) -ftj jan ^ho. Yin ho, ^fi] wai' jho. Wei ho ; for this cause, ^ fl|^ ff^ ^f Avai' ^ni kin^ szS |i)[l:h^ jan 'ts'z s/}. Yin ts'z sz, |ii) iJt jan 'ts'z, (7^ |i[^ ^ jan 'ts'z ku'. Yin ts'z kii, iMitZ^k ^^'-^i' 'ts'z ,chi kii'. AVei ts'z chi kii, ak A ku 'ts'z. Kii ts'z, gr iijc sW- ku. Shi kii, >^ ii ^ ^1^ A:^ shi- che ko' jiin kii'. Shi che ko yuen ku ; Avithout a cause, filt f^ jnb kii'. Wu kii, p^ f]Jx '^ jiiio 'sho wai". Wii so wei ; every thing must have a cause, ^ ^ >j^i :^ |2c| sz' sz' pit, ^au Jan. Sz sz pieh yii yiu, }\j ^ ^j^^ ^ jfan sz' pit, ^au jan. Pan sz pieh yii yin ; to iiate one without a cause, 1^ ^ f^ ^ jUi^ kii' han' Jan. Wu kii lian jin ; not M'ithout a cause, ^f^mf^ sz' /i ^mb kii'. Sz fi wu kii, ^ j^ fSL I^J sz' /i jm6 jan. Sz fi wu yin ; there must be a cause, ;^ >t^» ^ J^ f^ shi' pit, ^au jiin kii'. Shi pieh yii yuen kii, ^ ^t^^ ^ j^ sz' pit, ^au ku'. Sz pieh yu ku, jJ^^-^^Jxl^ pit, "yau 'sho '1. Pieh yu so 1, M^ ^^ ^mo pat, 'yau kii'. Wii pill yii kii ; an orginal cause, /^ ^ ^iin jau. Yuen yii, ^ fjj M jau. Yuen yii, ;j>g vM .^^n .iin. Kin yuen, |^ ^ ^kan jau. Kin yu, ;f;^ 2Jv ^kan 'pun. Kin pun, ;^)]^ 'piin ^iiu. Pun yuen ; a cause of quarrel, ^ yan'. Hin, -"^i^ yan' ^tun. Hin twan, ^ Pj|; yan' kwik,. Hm kih, ^ ^^ chdng tiin. Tsang twan ; a cause of hatred, AB \i1^^ iin' kwik,. Yuen kih ; a cause of dislike, ^ |5^^ jlm kwik,. Hien kih ; to seek a cause of quarrel, ^^^^ ^ts'am kwik,. Ts'in kih ; to raise a cause of quarrel, ^ ;p; 'hi yan'. K'i hin, ^ ^jj^ 'hi ^chang ^tun. K'I tsang twan ; there is a cause of quan-el, ^ H; jau yan'. Yii hin, ^f/L Wi 'yau jCh'au kwik,. Yii ch'au kih ; a good cause, ^y ^ 'h6 sz'. IIjIu sz, ^ J^ hni sz'. Mei sz, .^ ^ shin' sz'. Shen sz, ^ ^ tuI 'kii. Mei kii ; to investigate into the cause, :^ |gj ^cli'ui jiin. Cli'ui yuen, |{^ fjjn ^ch'ui kii'. Cli'ui ku, ^t ^ .ch'ui 'piin. Ch'ui pun, ]g jl: j^ tok^ ^k'l jiin. Toll k'l yuen; the cause of a disease or complaint, ^ )^^ peng' ^iiu. Ping yuen, ^ ^^^ peng' jkan. Ping kin ; he did it not without a cause, ^ ^j( j,^lj ;;f; :J^ ^mo kii' tsak, pat, ^wai. Wii ku tseh puh wei, i^'^^PAlii'^^^fJC jiub wai' k6' pit, ^m tso' ; the cause or circumstances of an affair, f^ ^ ,ts'ing jau. Ts'ing yii, 'j^ (JJ jts'ing jan, Ts'ing yin, ^ ^^ sz' ku'. Sz kii ; to give cause of suspicion, ^ ^ chi' ^1. Chi 1, ^ ^ IS leng' ^shang ^i. Ling sang 1 ; to stand for a good cause, ^ ^ 3^1: cho' 'ml 'kii. Tsii mei kii, fi itf ^ cho' 'h6 sz'. Tsii hau sz, ^J ^ ^ cho' shin' sz'. Tsii shen sz, ||jfj ^ ^^ ^seung ^1 'kii. Jang mei kii ; to gain one's cause, ^ 1^ o J jeng ^kiin ^sz. Ying kwan sz ; to plead a cause, f^ jSliing pdn' on' kin'. Ching pdn ngdn kien ; it is for this cause, li'f, ]j;\^ ^ wai' 'ts'z sz'. Wei ts'z sz ; the cause of aU material things, -j^ ^ t'ai' kikj. T'ai kih ; wliat is the cause of your grief, ^ -f^ ^ :^ i^jC yau ^ho jau ,chl ku'. Yii ho yu chi ku. Cause, to occasion, ^ 'sz. Shi, ^ leng'. Ling, Jj^ chi'. Chi, # 'pi. Pi, ^ 'pi. Pi, ff^ ,p'l. P'i, R4 kiu'. Kiau, p^ ^p'ang. P'ang, fQ ^ts'im. Siuu, ^ yung'. Yung, ||| ^kwai. Kwei, J|jg 'tai. Ti, ^ /ung. Fung, ^$J(_ ^vau chi'. Kau chi, f^$^ wai' chi'. Wei chi; to produce, ^ ^shang. Sang, ^^ tsok,. Tsoh ; to cause, bring or provoke, ;fj^^ .chili. Chdu, ^ j6. Ye, ;|g ^ ,chiii j6. Chdu ye, ||{|^ tung' je. Tung y6 ; to cause to be, ^ '^ 'sz ^au. Shi yii ; to cause sorrow, ^ ^ chf jau. Chi yii, -^^i^^leng' jau ^shau. Ling yd tsau; to cause joy, "f^^^^ 'sz /lin 'lii. Shi hwdn hi, ^^i'^ Ifing^ 'hi ut^. Ling hi yueh ; to cause misery, 'l^ f^ chi' wo'. 'Chl ho, ^^ ||| ,chiii wo'. .Chduho; cause him to depart, '^{(^^ 'sz t'd hii'. Shi t'd k'u, -f^fg^ 'pi 'k'ii hii'. PI k'ii k'ii, cAt; (340) cAtr ^ |g ^ Icns^ ^k'ii hii'. Ling k'ii k'ii ; cause him to come, ^^M^ chi' 'sz ^k'ii ^oi. Chi shi k'u \{i\, ]% tS ^ *P^ '^'^ ^^^- ^^ ^'^ ^^'^' ' *^ cause death, ^ ^ clif 'sz. Clii sz, }^^ \ tir? 1"^' sJ'an meng^. Lui jin ming; to cause people to feel un- comfortable, 04 A^^ ^'"' $y^"^ p^*. p^' ^'^^ jin puh ng^m, # A ^ i^ *P^ sJ'^^ P^^> .O"- ^^ jin puh ngdn ; to cause a quaiTcl, ^ g^ ^shang iun^ Sang Iwdn, |i^ $[ chf lun^ C'hi Iwjln ; to cause dissensions, ^ ^- i^ leng^ ^chdng ^tiin. Ling tsang twdn ; to cause mischief, ^^ P^ ,t'iii so. T'idu so ; commiseration causes affection, and affection causes partiality, fl^^^', '^'^^ j,lin ^shang oi', oi' ^shang ,ch'i. Lien sang ngai, ngdi sang ch'i; to cause sleep, ^IjRjJ^'ll chf ^ngdn fan , ^ {ig chi' shui\ CliI shAvui ; cause him to rise, #-[E^ 'pi 'k'ii 'hi. I'i k'ii k'i ; to cause to groAV, '^ -^ 'sz ^shang. Shi sang, ^ ^ chl' 'ch6ung. Chi chdng ; to cause happiness, f^ f\ji, tsok, fuk,. Tsoh fuh, -fj^ijls ^shangfuk^. Sang fuh; [ Causticity, the quality of acting b'ke fire on animal tik,. Shdu tih ; coiToding, ^ ^ |'j{| shik^ ,kam tik* Shih kin tih ; destroying the texture of ani- mal flesh, *j;^ 1^ (j[X0<, lok^ 'fo chek^. Loh l»o chih, }]] ^ j_^ yung^ chek^ fdt,. Yung chih fdh. Causeway, a way raised above the level of the ground i Caute^zation, the act of buniing some morbid part by stones, earth &c., A.R|i^ t<»i' ^md lo^ Td md by the application of fire, ^ A ^. ^ok^ 'fo 'clu'. lu, J^ -^ .chau t(V. Chau tdu, '^^ -^ chdn' t5^ Loh bo eh6, ^ ^ ch«5uk, 'ch6. Choh chd, *|,"^ ^ Cbdn tdu, ^ \^ chdn' hV ; to make a causeway, | J^ ^ chduk, Idn* ch'ii' 'clu^. Choh Idn ch'u cluK M ,\l^ {^ 'ching hnd \b\ Ching md lu, ^ ^ -ft j Cauterize, to burn with a hot iron, ^ ebekj. Chih, 'ching ^chau tiV. Ching chau tdu, '^ ts'/"'. Ts'z, ^ cheuk,. Choh, j^A ^f^K^o. Loh ho, ^ pok,. tsik,. Tsih ; a road laid regularly with stones, ;j5'f^ shck^ hV. Shih Id. Causewayed, | having a causeway or a mi.sed wav, Causeyed, ] A .\\> ^ "^ ^^^' 'j"<^ ^^' ke', J^ ^ ^{j ,chau tS* tik,. Chau tdu tih Poh ; to cauterize with moxa, ^ kau'. Kid, ^ A kau' 'fo. Kill ho ; to cauterize a morbid place, ji'.j jlgg Ig chduk, Idn' ch'ii'. Choh Idn ch'u, ^j^ chekj fiV. Chih fu ; to cauterize a sore, ^ ^ kau' .ch'onff. Kiii ch'wdng. Causidicnl, pertaining to an advocate, JjjJ (Sijj P(|!f Cauterized, burned with a hot imn, ^ }|^ ehduk, chong' ,8z k6\ ^ pjjj {\i} cliong' ,sz tik,. Chwdng sz tih. Causing, producing, ^ chi'. Chi, ^ 'sz. Shi, ^ leng'. Ling, f^ tsok,. Tsoh, ^ ^shang. Sang, |^ . Fdh. Caustic, ") burning, (j^'j f|»j clieuk, tik,. Choh tih, Causticol, j ^ |(|(j chek^ tik,. Chih tih, ^t}^ (j{j ,shiii kwo'. Choh kwo, J^I^^J:;^ 'i fit, ch)^^^ yung^ chcuk^ J^uk^. Yiing clioh yoli. Caution, provident care, f^'j^ 'kan shan^ Kin sliin, 'I^V^ shan^ chung'. Shin chung, ]^^ shan- 'ehe. Shin ch^, /J^ ji^ 'siu ^sam. Siau sin ; prudence with regard to danger, j\^ f^ kai' shan-. Kiai s^ii"' t^ tl A^^S jShing. Shing shing, ||g ^ jShing ,shing. Shing sliing, $^ ^ ^king ^king. King king ; measures taken for security, f^ jj^ ii^ pI^ Yu pi, I^Sriii /ong pi"- Fang pi; exhorta- tion, ^f^ hiin' kai'. K'iuen kiai, 5^^^ chuk, kAi' 'che. Chuh kiai che ; anxiety, :^|> ^ kw4' lii\ Kwd lii, ^|*i^ kwa' nim^ Kwd nien. Caution, to warn, ^ Qg ^t'ai 'seng. T'i sing, ^ gg 'king 'seng. King sing, :fj^ gg ^t'iu 'seng. T'idu sing, jj£ kai'. Kiai, ^^ hiin' kai'. K'iuen kiai, ^ jjg 'king kai\ King kiai, ^ 5^ 'king kdi'. King kiai, |g 'king. King, nj p^ ^ting ^ning. Ting ning ; to exhort to be careful, ^ -^ /J^ j\^^ hiin' jWai 'siii ^sam. K'iuen \rei siau sin, ^.l^gH '1^ hiin' jWai 'kan shan'. K'iuen wei kin shin, -^ J^/i^i^ k6' kai' 'siu ^sam. Kdu kiai sidu sin; to caution against lasciviousncss, Jj^ y^ kai' jam. Kidi yin, jjg-^ kai' shik,. Kiai sih, %^^ hiin' kdi' shik,. K'iuen kiai sih ; to caution against wine, J^ vM kdi' 'tsau. Kidi tsiii, ^ Jjj v®' hiin' kdi' 'tsau. K'iuen kidi tsiu ; caution him, ^ gg tg ,t'ai 'seng 'k'ii. T'i sing k'll, f J ^f^ -fg l^tm' kdi' -k'ii. K'iuen kidi k'ii. Cautionary, containing caution to avoid danger, ^ ^pg!E 'king kdi' k6^1l5|£P^ hiin' kdi' k6' ; cau- tionary words, jjj = kdi' ,in. K'di yen. Cautioned, Avarned, '(S^ ^ jj^ 'king kdi' kwo'. King kidi kwo, ^ ^ ,^ luin' kdi' kwo'. K'iuen kidi kwo; previously admonished, @^i^ jt'ai 'seng kwo'. T'I sing kwo, ^i ^ '^ 'tim 'seng kwo'. Tien sing kwo, :^^ || '^^ ^t'iii 'seng kwo'. T'idu sing kwo. Cautioner, in Scotch law, the person who is bound for another to the performance of an obKgation, ^ K 'P^ i^ ^ni 'h6 'siu ^sam. Ni hdu sidu sin ; a cautious person, ^^^^ \ shan^ chung^ k6' ^yan. Cautiously^ with caution, /J^ i^ 'siu ^sam. Sidu sin, 'ii^.^ shan^ ^In, Shin jen, |g ^. 'kan shanS Kin shin ; act cautiously, /]> 1^ fj ^ 'siu ^sam ^hang jWai. Sidu sin hang wei, ^. f^J^. ^ ^ shan' ^In 'li sz'. Shin jen II sz. Cautiousness, the quality of being cautious, |^ ^ 'kan shan'. Kin shin, '^^ shan^ 'ch6. Shin ch6, 'i^ S ^ shan' chung^ 'che. Shin chung cl\6 ; prudence with regard to danger, ^^^ ^^ jt'ai /ong 'ch6. T'I fang ch6, ^ [^ ^ iv /ong 'ch6 Yii fang che. Cavalcade, a procession of persons on horseback, — 'W-\^ y^ ^^li^ J^'^ ""^i^- Yih tiii jin md, — fi^ A .^ yat, clian^ ^yan 'md. Yih cliin jin md, 'i^ ,1^ ^kAvan Tiid. Kliun md, ^ kd'. Kid, — -'^^.^ yat, ^kwan 'yung k'i'. Yih kiun yung k'i ; the Imperial cavalcade, flp ^ ii' kd'. Yii kid. Cavalier, a horseman, ^^^\ Jv'e 'md fh'i jVan. K'I md chi jin, ^ ,f^ ^ ^shing Tnd 'che. Ching md che; a knight, Q^i^ * ^pd ^to '16. Pa tii lu, tH ^ # t cP'^ st'6 '16. Pd tii lu ; a gay, sprightly military man, ^% ^ J^^E <^'^"o- ^^^S hiung, jj^f '^i '1x6 hon'. Hdu han, ^ fH ^ung hon'. Yung han, J^ ^ ^wai j'ung. Wei yung, ^ ^ jing V^i^g- Ying yung ; a gay fellow, ^ f^ ^ ^16 hdp^ 'ch6. Hdu hidh che, T^:IZ^'f' fa fa ,kung 'tsz. Hwd hwd kung tsz ; one who understands horsemanship, f^p \ i'l' ^yan. Yu jin, ^t K ii^ cyan. Yu jin. Cavalier, gay, ^"l^^xJ jh6 hap^ tik,. Hdu hidh tih ; haughty, #-11 Pi!£ ng6^ Wke', -(^ ff ngo^ mdn^ Ngau man, -(Jg jU; kii' ngo". Kii ngau. Cavalierly, haughtilv, ^p^ ng6- ^in. Ngau jen, -j'Jg ^^ kii' >. Kii jen, ■^"('g q|^ 'jg ngo'^ mdn' 'k6m y6un^. Ngau man kan ydng. Cavalierness, haughtiness, f^'|^^' ngo' mdn' 'che. Ngau mdn che. Cavalry, a body of military troops on horseback, J^ -£| 'md ,ping. Md ping, ,^ j^C 'md ^kwan. Md kiun, ^ -G k'i' ,ping. K'I ping, ^ ,§| jii k'f. Ydu k'i ; Hght cavaky, ft| ^ /i k'f. Fi k'i, || ^ (heng k'f. K'ing k'i; heavy-armed cavalry, |v^ ^ fit, k'f. T'ieh k'i ; infantry and cavalry, ^ ^ p6' k'f. Pu k'i, ^ .% p6' -md. Pu md ; gen- eral controller of cavalry, ,|^ ^, ^f k'f ,t6 'wai. K'I tu wei. Cavate, see Excavate. Cavatina, a short air, /]■> ^)j 'siu ^ko. Sidu ko. Cavizion, the underdigging of the earth for the foundation of a building, ^ ^ j'J^ kwat, ^ts'eung keuk . Kiueh ts'idng kioh. Cave, a hollow place in the earth, ♦^ iit^. Yueh, ^^ ^ngdm. Gan, ^ fuk,. Puh, ^ fuk,. Pub, tjg wat,. Kiueh, ^ lit,. Yueh ; ditto in a mountain, |!|^ jt'ung. T'ung,'^ ^ngdm. Gan, [lij tsau'. Sid; a cave in the field, ^ ffif t'iii ^au. T'idu liu ; to live in the caves, ^ Jg iit^ ^kii. Yueh kii, ^ ^ ^ngdm ^li. Gan kii. * A distinction confarred upon Manchui and is equivalent to knight, j- This charMter ii said t* appear in some «dicts. CA V (342) 8^ A ^- Mm\ Cavea, the stable or den for wild beasts, L&n. Caveat, in law, to stoi) proceedings in a court, jjh IJV 'chl tsung^. Chi sung, fli^g^ kok, tsung^ Koh sung ; intimation of caution, ^ J\ bun' jj'an. K'iuen jin, % ^ hiin' kdi'. K'iuen kidi, f§ ^ hiin' ii^ K'iuen yu ; notice of intention for the patenting of a particular invention, tt.. ih ^H^^it ^^' cbong' ,8an fdt,, pat, 'chun hau' ^au. Kdu chw'dng sin fdh, pub chun bidu yii. Caveat emptor, "let the purchaser beware," ^ ^ -^ ;^ Wii 'ch6 shan* ,chi. Mdi ch6 shin chi. Caveating, in fencing, the shifting of the sword from one side of an adversary to the other, ^ ^J /ai kim'. Hwui kien. Cavern, a deep, hollow place in the earth, '^ tung^. Tung, ^^ ,t'ung. T'ung, jA: iit^. Yueh, ^^ j^ tung^ iit^. l\ing yueh, ^^ kdu' iit^. Kidu yueh, *^ ^wo. Wo, ^ ,wo. Wo, ^ ^ 'hung iit . K'ungyueh, [ii^^ ,shdn du'. Sbdn ngau, |I}^ tsz\ Tsz.^'cb'i. Cia^.ngai. Wei, 5^ , ling. Ling, ^ ^shan. Shin, ^ ^md. Md, ^ ^lau. Liii, ^ 'k6m. Kan, j^ 'kim. Kien ; the entrance of a cavern, ^ P " iit^ 'liau. Yueh k'au, ^ P kdu' 'hau. Kidu k'au ; caverns are the habitations of spirits and monsters, ^^'l^ftlllji^c <^^ ^^^^i' ^^^^ ,sbdn jUgdm. Ydu kwai chii sbdn gan, ^ t|^ ^J[ jjj ^ ^iu kwdi' ,mau .sbdn ^ngdm. Cavernous, full of caverns, ^ ^ ;^ illl .to ut^ .chl tl^ To yueh cb6 ti, j^ ii%. Yueh, ^ ^iigdm. Gan, ^ 'j^ ^ngdm fat,. Gan kub. Cavetto, a hollowed molding, jg]^ ^iin 'b6m. Yuen kdn. Cavezon, \a sort of nose-band, which is put on the Cavesson, j nose of a horse, used in breaking the animal, J^ '^p^ 'md pl^ tai'. Md pi tdi. Caviare, l^tlie roes of certain large fish prepared Caviar, /and salted, ^i| ^^ ^ ^hdm ^ii ,ch'un. Cavicorn jgi ;^ ^ <^'""» ^^K 1^"^- '^"^^S ^o^^ ^^^i- Cavil, to raise captious and frivolous objections, ^ ^ pln^ pok,. Picn poh, ^| |^ piii^ lun^ Pien lun, ^ ^ .chdng lun^ Tsang lun, ^ ^ tau' ^sui. Tau tsui, ,|^p pok, 'liau. Poh k'auj ^|^ pok, 'tsui. Poh tsui, ^/j f^ kok, 'tsui. Kob tsui ; to cavil at the price, i^fp( pok, kd\ Poh kid. Cavil, false or frivolous objections, g^ |i=| ^k'dung pinS K'idng pien. Caviler, one who cavils, ^Ji ^ ^ 'k'eung pok, 'ch6. K'idng poh cli6, jxi)^f^ b6' pok, 'ch6. JIdu poh cb6. Caviling, raising frivolous objections, ^ ^ pin* pok,. Pien poh, j^ P pok, 'ban. Poh k'au. Cavilation, the act of caviling, i|5' f^f ^ *k'6ung pin* 'cbt^. K'idng pien ch6, fjj^ %t^^ 'kwai ^z cbl* pin*. Kwei ta'z cbl pien. Cavilous, captious, dffS'j^J tau' *tsui tik,. Tau tsui tib, |g^pP|5t pok, 'liau k6', jtJS^^tSt 1»V pok, U\ 5S m "^ 'k'6ung pin* k6\ Cavilously, in a cavilous manner, ^ ^ pin* ^In. Pie» jen. Cavilousness, captiousncss, f ^ ^^ ^ pin' pok, *cb6. Pien poh ch6, ^^,f^ ^ 'k'cung pin* 'chd. K'idng pien ch6, jl^^l^^ h6' pin* 'ch6. Hdu pien chf^ ^ pat, hit,. Pub llieh, :f fj pat, ^t'ing. Pub t'ing, fal (1.^ jj^ ,mb ^shl ^t'ing. Wii shI t'ing, S— U.V f?S^ ,»"^ G£A (343) CEL yat, ,shi ^t'ing hit,. Wu yih shi t'ing hieh,^:;^: ^^ I 'ch6. Tidu k'eh ch6. pat, 'sik,.'Puh sih, ^^ ^ pat, jau. Puh hiu, iff j Celebrant, one who performs a public religious act, t^ a^ ^mb -i ,shi. Wu i shi. Ceaselessly :^ 1^ pat, hit,. Puh hieh, >^ g, pat, "1. Puhi. Ceasing, stopping, ^ hit,. Hieh, it 'chi. CM, J^^ sik,. Sih, ^,§, hit, sik,. Hieh sih ; Avithout ceas- ing. ^ ^ P^t, hit,. Puh hieh, yf ^ pat, ,t'ing. Puh t'ing ; without ceasing day and night, (1 ^ % M^ j^\ 1^' pat> ^K Jill y^ P'^iii ^ieh, x^ J, ft-?^ pat, sik, chau ye'; the four seasons revolve without ceasing, n# iM ^ .i> s^^^^ ^^'^^^ P^*'> ^i^>- Shi yun puh sih, ^\?^'M.^^M ^^' j^^^ ^^^' P^*> ^k'ung. Sz shi yun puh k'ung. Ceasing, cessation, -ff ^- ^t'ing 'chd. T'ing che, ^ ^ hit, 'che. Hieh che, J^ ^ sik, 'che. Sih che, it^''chi'che. Chichi. Cedar ;jj^ 1^ pak, shii". Peli shu, \^ ^ pdk, shii". Peh shii, 4^ ¥]i ,kam ^ts'ung. Kin sung. Cedar-like ;f^ tMt®:# V^\ shii' 'kom ycung". Peh shii kan yang. Cede, to yield up to another, |g yeung". Jang, |o ^ k'ap, -il. Kih yu, /fjil shin^ Shen, |i |g ^t'ui yeung-, T'ui jang; to deliver, fj-^ fii^ ^kau. Pu kidu ; to cede territory, ^ij i^ kot, ti". Koh ti, ^ i^ yeung" tij. Jang ti. Ceded, yielded, gp ^^ yeung^ kwo'. Jdng kwo ; transferred, |a -^ iM kap, ^ii kwo'. Kih yu kwo, # ^ ^^ ^^' y^^ kwo'. Fii kiau kwo. ^ Ceding, yielding, ^ yeung\ Jang, |^ ^^ ,t'ui y6ung". T'lii jang ; transfemng, ff ^ fir ^kau. Fu. kiau. Cedrine, belonging to cedai-, ^ pak,; cedrine wood, ^ tK pak, muk,. Peh muh. Ceduous, fit to be felled, pf ^ 'ho fat,. K'o fah, pf 7^ 'ho 'horn. K'o kdn. Ceil, to, Mdth boards, ^%'i^1^ ,teng ^t'in /a 'pdn. Ting t'ien hwa pdn, #J" j^ ^ ^ c^eng f^^^ c^au 'pan. Ting che siii pan. Ceiled fS^^^m. cteng kwo' .t'in /d 'pdn. Ting kwo t'ien hwa pan. • Ceiling, covering the top of a room or building with boards, ^%TiWi c^eng ,t'in /a 'pan. Ting t'ien hwa pan. Ceiling, the upper horizoiital or curved surface of an apartment, opposite the floor, ^ ^ M. <^'^^ S'^ 'pan. T'ien hwd pdn, )^ tit^. Tieh, ^ cha'. Tsa, ^ chi^i^ Chdu, J^ tsan^ Tsan; the inside planks of a ship, ^^ ^ J^, .shiin j)'ong 'pdn. Ch'uen p'dng pan. Ceilinged, fm-nished with a ceiling, ^ ^ if£ IK"!^ 'yau ^t'in /a 'pdn k6'. Celandine ^ -^ ^ * ,chi Tn5 'ts'6. Chi mii ts'du, ^ -^ ^ * shi" ^10 'ts'6. Shi mu ts'du, ^^* > ts'oi'. Yen ts'ai, Q|g^ * (?) pdk^ wat, ts'oi', Peh k'iuh ts'di. Celature, the art of engraving, Hf^ ^ ,liu ngai". Tiau i ; the a«t of engraving, ^ ^if ^- ,tiu hdk, ^ Medhurstt rr II ^ ^hang shing' *lai 'che. Hang shing li che ; a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, ^ ± it II ^ cT'in 'chu kdu' ^shan fu'". T'ien chu kidu shin fu. Celebrate, to praise, ^ p^ tsung" tsdn'. Sung tsan, 1^ 1^ tsdn' ^mi. Tsan mei, ^ ^ ch'inj: Ch'ing yu, m 'mi. Tsdn mei, ^ ^x ,cn mg u I 1^ ,ch'ing tsdn'. Ch'ing tsdn, ^ ^ tsan' 'mi. Tsdn mei, ^ |^ tsimg" jdung. Sung yang ; to make famous, fj^ ^ ^^ je^nng ,shing ^meng. Ydng shing ming, f^^;g .ch^ung ^shing^^meng.' Chdng shing ming; to celebrate divine service, f^Ji"^ pdi' Sheung" tai'. Pdi Shang ti, ^ f^ ± ^ ^shung pdi' Sheung" tai'. Shung pdi Shdng ti, ^.f^^t'^ ^ts'dm pdi' Sheung" tai'. Ts'dn pdi Shang ti ; to celebrate a festival, fif fjj tso" tsit,. Tso tsieh, ^^ |jj kwo' tsit,. Kwo tsieh, f$ IJJ pdi' tsit,. Pdi tsieh, ^j ^ j^§ ^hang tsit, ^lai. Hang tsieh li ; to celebrate a birthday, fj^4: El ts6" ^shang yat^. Tso sang jih, §1^^ chuk, shau" tdn'. Chuh shau tdn, •^ ^ yQ' 'yam shau" 'tsau. Yin shau tsiii ; to celebrate the em- peror's birthday, ^i' ^ U. '^ '^ B jWing hing' jWong tai' ^shang yat,,. Yung hing hwdng ti sang jih, # )f}{£ H # c^ung chuk, mdn" shau". Kung chuh wdn shau. Celebrated, praised, ^ mei kwo, ^ f^ ;^ tsdn kwo, MW"^ ^ tsung" tsdn'. t H :^ tsan' Tni kwo'. Tsdn I ^ch'ing tsdn' kwo'. Ch'ing _ tsung" tsdn' kwo'. Sung tsdn kwo; ditto, as a festival, -f^jj^ tso" kwo'. Tso kwo, f^ \i^ pdi' kwo'. Pdi kwo ; famous, ^ P^ ,meng k6', ^^ Tau (^ ^ ,chung ^shan pat, kd*. Chung shin pub kid, — ' ^ tJ* 'fJJ yat, ^ahang 'shau tsit,. Yib sang shau tsieh. Celibate, the state of being unman-iod, ^ ^ ^' pat, ts'ii' 'chd. Pub ts'ii cbf'-. X^ ^ ^ !>»<-, kd' ch6. Pub kid che, % ^ tsit, /u. Tsieh fd, fjj /4- tsit, 'fii. Tsieh fu. Celidography, a description of spots on the disk of the siiu, or on planets, ff \^ jWi ^ yat^ sh6ung* 'tim Mi. Jib shdng tien II, tlMf^!^.^ s^^°? t^i'^g 'tlm 'li. Hang sing tien H, \\ J:^ ^ yat^ sb6ung^ 'tim 'kdi. Jib shdng tien kidi. ^ jg tso- tak, kap, ts'uk,. Tso teb kib sub, fjf '^J| ,|.^ |;| tsf)^ tak, fdi' tsit^. Tso teh kw'di tsieh, ft -Ja^Mtyl ^^^\ ^'^^ ^"^^" *^^*i- "^^"^ ^^ "^'"^ ^^^^^' Celery /f- ^ ,k'an ts'oi'. K'in ts'di, ^ to jt'ong ,h6. T'dng hdu, ^ f^^ bon' ^k'an ts'oi'. Hdn k'in ts'di, ^ ^ jWan ^wan. Yun yun, ^ 'ch'i. ; Sbl, llf kan\ Kin ; wild celery, f^ f^ * tuk^ vit^. Tub hwob. Celestial, heavenly, ^fl^J .t'in tik,. T'ien till, %^^ t'in k6' ^ V ftvj jt'in sheung^ tik,. T'ien shdng 1 Cell, a small or close apartment, as in a prison &c., tih; celestial blessings, ^ IjiS ,t'in fuk,. T'ien | 1^-ff /ong Hsai. Fdng tsz, yjN )^ 'siii /ong. Sidu fuh, % P^ IS .t'in k6' fuk,; celestial messengers (angels), 3^ f& ,t'ln sz'. T'ien sbi ; celestial spir- its, ^ jjil|l .t'in jSban. T'ien sbin ; celestial ruler, % ^f t'in tai'. T'ien ti ; celestial globe, % ^ | ,t'in ,k'ku. T'ien k'iu, ^fl^ .t'in 't'ai ,i. T'ien ' t'i U'^l^^ "^van^ .t'in ^k'au. llwan t'ien k'iii ; celestial stems, or borarj- characters, % -=f- .t'in ^kon. T'ien kdn ; the celestial dynasty, % |fj !t'In jCb'iu. T'ien cb'du ; celestial emperor ; ^ ^t'in wong. T'ien bwdng ; celestial court, ^ ,Vln |t'ing. T'ien t'ing; celestial king, ^ 3£ j .t'in ,wong. T'ien wdng ; celestial mount ains, % lung; a cottage, '^ sb6'. Shie; a cave, ^ ut^. Yueh, "/fl^ tnng^. Tung; a small ca^•ity in the ground, ^? fat,. Kuh ;* cells of the pericarp, in which seeds are lodged, ^ -^ ^yan .ts'ong. Jiu ts'dng, fl! ^- jj'an /ong. Jin fdng; cells of a hive, ^ ij^ mat^ ^wo. IMili wo, ^ ^ S^^S c^^^- Fung Avo, ite^ //y .fung /ong. Fung fdng ; cells of convents, ijjip j^ jShin /ong. Shen fdng, fg' ^) .sang jfong. Sang fdng ; cells for literary candi- dates, ^l -^ h(V sb6'. Hdu shid, jjg -^ tsik^ she'. Tsib sliid; the cave of a recluse, p^'/[4 'yan tung^. Yin tuug, |5§.|^^ Van .wo. Y'in wo. ^ ^t'in ts6ung^. T'ien sidng, ^ ^ lik^ ts^ung^. Pib shih. Lih'sidng, % ^ .t'in man. T'ien wan ; celestial Cellarage, charge for storage in a cellar, g'f' ^ ^ doctrine or truth, '^^jj .t'in ib\ T'ien tdu, ^|g ^ch'u kdu' .ts6. Cb'u kidu tsu. t'in lun. T'ien lun ; celestial endowments, or : Cellaret, a case of cabinet-work for holding bottles the principle of truth given to man, % ^ ,t'in of liquor, (8^;^ .tsun h6p^. Tsun hob, ^f^ ,tsun ,cban. T'ien chin, ^\^ .t'in .ki. T'ien ki; celes- kd'. Tsun kid. tial, or from heaven, % (^ (fy .t'in kong' tik,. Cellarist, 1 an oflicer in a monastery who has the T'ien kidngtib, ^ (Lf fk .t'in kong' U\ CeUarer, J care of the cellar, ^ ^ ^ 'kun kdu' Celestial, an inhabitant of heaven, # ^ :?i" t^l»i^* j *«^^- Kwdn kidu ch6. .t'in 'che. Chd t'ien ch6, ^ ^ 'M ^ <^8oi' ,t'i^ i Cellifenms, bearing or ])i-oducing cells, ^ ^^ l^ jVoiig Vhe. Tsdi t'ien t'dng ch6. j ,shang ,wo ke', ^-^{l^ .shaug .ts'ong tik,. Sang Ceiestialize, to make celestial, p^^Ji^U ts^* jWai | ts'dng tih. .t'in ko', {fj^^tf^i *^^' s"*''** «^'^" ^^^>' ^^^^ ^^'^^ Cellular, consisting of cells, ^^ ,ts'ongtik,. Ts'dng t'ien tih. tih, ^ P(?!|; .avo ke' ; the cellular tissue, ^ !f^ Celestialized, made celestial, '^'\ ^'\^'^'yan ^Vin 'mong ,k6. AVdng kdu; the cellular tissue of sing' kc', it'^U ^^^ ^''^' ^*" »' s" '" «t'^" ^«-'- Pl^»ts, t^ -^ii %1 fy 'ts'6 .fd ,wo tsai. Ts'du hwd Celestially, in a heavenly or transporting maimer, wo tsz; cellular dropsy, ;^ B£ *s^"" 'chung. % 11^ t,'^ .t'in 'k6m y^^ung^ T'ien kdn ydng, — Sbwui ebimg. Pf-.^M: y^K V'^^' A'^" ,cban. YiU p'ien t'ien i Cellulifei-ous, ])»*oducing little cells, ^i^fT .sbang ** Medhunti I jWO tsai. CEL (345) CEN Cellulose, containing cells, |^^ n^ ^wo ke', ^ ^ ^ts'ong tikj. Ts'ang till. Cclosia cristata ^^ ^ Jvai ^kun /a. Ki kwan hwa. Celsitude, height, j^ k5. Kau, ^^ ^ko 'clie. Kau clic. Celtic, pertaining to the primitive inhahitants of the South and West of Europe, ^^ ^ j}^ ^ Aulopa tsuk, ^meng. Ivgaulop^ tsuh niing. Celtic, the language of the Celts, ^ )f:!j l^ij fj Szli- tik Ava". Szlitih hwa. Cement, mortar, jj^ fj^ /lii ^sha. Hwui sha ; a glu- tinous substance, capable of uniting bodies in close cohesion, ^ Jvdu. Kiau, f^ ^ ^ch'i _.kau. Ch'i kiau, ^ |v|!{ ,kau ^nim. Kiau nien, ^^ ^kau ^u. Kiau hii ; bond of union, ^D ^ ^wo hop^. Ho hob, 5f^ ;fjfj jWO yeuk,. Ho yob. I Cement, to unite by the application of matter that ; produces cohesion of bodies, ;;jf|!j ^ ^nim ^mai. Nien mai, '^ i^ ^ch'i ^mai. Ch'i niai, ^ ^ ^u ! chir. Hu chu, ^^ ^kau. Kiau ; to cement them, ; ]}X ^ i^ f'ii 'i c^au jSeung ^nim. I kidu siang i nien ; to cement with mortar, 0> 01'}'}^ ^ 4^ "i ' ^fui jSha'i mat,. I hwui sha ch'i wuh ; to cem- ent friendship, |± ^ kit, ^yau. Kich yu, ^|f J|^ ,liin jP'ang. Liuen p'ang ; to unite closely, f\^^ jUim 'kan. Nien kin, ^'^ ^cli'l shat^. Ch'i shih. Cement, to unite or become solid, ^ ^ ^ch'i shat,. Ch'i sliili, jf^ ^ ^nlm. 'kan. Nien kin, J^ ^0 ^shing shat^. Clung shih. Cementation, the act of cementing, |^ :^ :f^' ^ch'i ^mai 'die. Ch'i mai ch6, ;i|f|5i5^ <^^^^ s"i^i "che. Nien mai ch^, |p.;H|l ,kau ^mai. Kiau mai, ij^ ^^ .ch'i t'ip,. Ch'i t'ieh, mBirl'm^^ 'i ):&^^ .shiii .ts'z. Shau ts'z. Cementatory '((^ i^ ^ij .ch'i ^mai tik,. Ch'i mai tih, PW^ .kdu .mdi ke'. Cemented yj^i'}.^;^ ^nim .mai kwo'. Nien mdi kwo, ^MM cCh'I jTiiai kAVo'. Ch'i mai kwo ; united by mortar, liX ^ '}j^ '^^y '^ ^ /ui .sha .ch'i kwo'. 1 hwui sha ch'i kwo; firmly united, ^^^^^ ,ch'i kwo' shat . Ch'i kwo shih, Mk i^ .nim kwo' 'kan. Nien kwo kin ; consolidated, fj jl^ ^ kit, kwo' shatj. Kich kwo shih. Cemcntcr, the person that cements, Sj^ i|| ^ .ch'i jraai 'che. Ch'i niAi che ; the thing that cements, '1^ ii ^ cf^ .ch'i .mdi .chi mat^. Ch'i mai chi wuh. Cementing, uniting by oeraent, ';ij-^ j^ .ch'i .mai. Ch'i mai, j(i^i^ ,nim ^mai. Nien mai, ^i^ ,kdu ^mai. Kidu mai, ^^ ^^ .nim t'ip,. Nien t'ieh ; uniting closely, '|f| Jg itf ' ^ .ch'V.mai %h 'kan. Ch'i mai hdu kin. Cemetery i]^ }■% /an ti^ Fan ti, 1^' ^ .fan jing. Fan ying, ^ 'cli'ung. Ch'ung, ^jr-jjl, 'ch'ung ti'. Ch'ungti, [jjtijj .ghanti^ Shan ti, :^(^ 'ch'ung jling, Ch'ung ling, ^ ^ ^ying wik^. Ying yih, n Jin?" .fan. Fan ; a family cemetery, ^ ^ .sin Sien ying. ^. ^.^.. ^,...^, ,|ia ^ 'ts6 .ying. Tsii ying; a public cemetery, ^ ^ i^ 'ch'ung. t ch'ung, ^ J;{^ i' ti'. I tl; the christian cemetry, ^ ^ I 'ch'ung .iln. Ch'ung yuen. Cenobite, one of a religious order who live in a con- vent, or in community, f^ ^ ^ .sau t5' 'che: Siu tau che, "^ '^ ^ ui' chii' 'die. Hwui chu cM. Cenoby, a place where persons live in community, fl^Mf^ .sau to^ tin'. Siii tau yuen, ^ tsz', Tsz, J^ ^ ^ tsli- diii- .t'ong. Tsu'diu fang. Cenotaph, a monument erected to one Avho is buried elsewhere, ^ ^ shek^ .pi. Shih pi. Cense, to perfume Avith odors from bui'ning sub- stances,^^ .fan .heung. Fan hiang. Censer, a vase or pan in which incense is burned, ^ . jl;^ .heung .15. Hiang lu, ^^ .heung .16. Hiang lu; a set of censers, stands &c., — ■ g|J ^ ^ yat, fu .heung on'. Yih fu hiang ngan ; a set of a censer and a jar, f^ ^% .15 jP'ing. Lu p'ing ; a swinging censer, ^^^ tiu' .15. Tiaulii, ^>^ /'ai .15. T'i lu ; the copper censers, sold as curiosities, m^^ si'nng 'ting. T'ungting, ^fji /'ung 'ting. T'ung ting, *^ <^ .siin .15. Siuen lu. Censing, perfuming Avith odors, ^ ^ .fan .heung. Fan hiang. Cension, a rate, tax, or assessment, ^ shui'. Shwui, ^ ||p) shui' 'li6ung. Shwui hiang. Censor, one who is empowered to examine all man- uscripts and books, before they are committed to press, ^^^1^ 'hau 'k5 .kun. K'au kau kwan, ^ '^ 'ja 'hau kau' .kun. K'du kidu kwan ; an Imperial censor, * f^p ^ ii^ 'sz. Yu shi, ^ _^ ^ ^ v^ *sz tai" .fu. Yu shi ta f u ; censors in attendance on the emperor, -j^ f^ ^ shi^ ii^ 'sz. Shi yu shi, P^4l#f^|& tin' .chung shi' ii' 'sz. Tien chung shi yii shi ; censor in waiting, f;^ ^ #iP^ chr .shii shi' li' 'sz. Chi shii shi yu shi ; censor to H. I. Majesty, ^ '^ kdn' .kun. Kicn kwdn, ^ 'l^ .In .kun. Yen kwdn ; one given to censure, ^ ^ ^ chap, chak, 'cli6. Chili tseh che, i{f ^ ^ h5' chdk, 'che. Hau tseh ch6. Censorate ^ ^ ^ /5 ch'dt, iin'. Tii cli'dh yuen ; the tribunal of the censorate, f^P^^ ii" 'sz .t'oi. Yu shi t'ai ; keeper of records in the censorate, fP ^ ^ ^ ii' 'sz 'chii p5'. Yli shi chii pli ; in the censorate, ;^ ^ .king ch'dt,. King ch'ah. Censor-like, censorious, ^ ^ ^>I diap, chdk, tik,. Chih tseh tih; austere, j||^ jlin suk,. Yen sub. Censorial, \ belonging to a censor, or to the correc- Censorian,/tion of public morals, ^ "^ ^ij kdn' .kun tik,. Kien kwan tih, ^B.^^^ '^hing .fung tsukj tik,. Ching fung suh tih. Censorious, addicted to censure, ^ ^ ^xJ ^hap, chak, tik,. Chih tseh tih ; apt to blame or con- * Historiographers' wliose duty it is to recwd and criticise the doings of the emperor, under wliom Ihpv hold their office, ftre censors to H. L M. CEX (3i6) CEX M .P'inf,' ke\ mi^t^ .P'^^i Y^ ^^^' MM^ <^^ H tik,. Ki i tih, ai ?f . ''i^ ckl ,t'dn k6'. Censoriously, in a ccnsoiious manner, ^ ^ ^i ^in. T jcn, ||£ ^^ 'pin jif^- I'icn jen. Censoriousncss, disposition to blame and condemn, Centra hundred, 1^ pdk,. Peh ; per cent? f^ '^ cli'au jt'au. Cli'au t'au ; five per cent, — • j^" ^ fi\ yat, psikj ^cli'au 'ng. Yiirpeb ch'au wii ; a cent (coin), — ^^^ ^ IIV y^*, J^"' M^ j^^^- Yih ko sien slii, — ^ ^ d: yat, ko' ^in sz*. Yih ko sien sz. " Centaj^e, rate by the cent or hundred, :|^ 5J1 ^cb'au t'au. Cb'au t'au. Censorship, the office or dignity of a censor, ^ ^ j Centaurizc, to be a man and act like a brute, \ ^ ;> 0- u^ *8z chi chik,. Yii shi chi chih, ^ '^ ^ t(^ ^yan min' shau^ ,8am. Jin mien sliau sin. ;^ j},|[ kiin' ,kun ,chi chik,. Kien kvvdn chi chih. Centaury, a plant, ^^ 'ts'6 ^meng. Ts'du ming. "^' >^ <1 It ''*^'" '^''^^' c*^''i chik^. K'du kidu chi | Centenarian, a pei-son a hundred years old, ^ gg :-hih, ^tiZ%k 'hiiu ting' chi chik,. K'du ting chi chih. Censual, relating to a census, f^ |g Pf^t 'pdn tsik^ ke'. Censurable, blamable, pf ^r^^nfjjt '5>o ^t'dn k6', '^ % '(fy lie chdk, tik,. K'o tseh tih, PTH^j^^ 'ho 'pin ,k'i /. K'i i, — ■§■ ^ :^ yat, pdk, sui' 'cb6. Yib peh sui ch6, _t,^ sbdung^ 8bau^ Sbdng shau. Centenary, the number of a hundred, "g" ^ pAk, sh6'. Peh sii. Centenary, relating to a hundred, — ^"^ jTit, pdk, ke', y^' ^i i\ii pdk, sho tik,. Peh sii tih. * tik . K'o pien tih, ^ ff 'vau tsui^ Yii tsui, ^ | Centcnial, consisting of a hundred years, 1^ ^ ^ pAk, jUin *ch6. Peh nien che ; pertaining to a hundred years, or happening everj' hundred years, W f!i "f^* V^'K 'tsoi k6\Ji^vU pak, ,nin k6\ Center ) fp ^chung. Cluing, fp -^ ^chung j«^ung. Centre * j Chung ydng, ^t^ ^chung ,sam. Chung ^ ^au kwo'. Yu kwo, ^^J^ V^-ii ^h^^K ch'ii'. Y''u tsoh ch'ii. Censurablcncss, blamableness, Pf ^ :^ lio chdk, ! 'ch6. K'o tsch ch6, li\ |j^ ^ 'ho 'pin 'che. K'o pion che, '{^ ^ }^ V''^" ^'^^^K ^^^'^'' ^^ ^^eh ch'u. • Censurably ^ jf^ .ki Hn. Ki jen, ft^ ,^^ 'pin ^in. Pien jen. Censure, the act of blaming or finding fault, ^ ^• Tiing chdk,. King tseh, |j^ |j| 'pin cbdk,. Pien tseh, ^ ^- 'hin chak,. K'ien tseh, ^ ^ chdk, 'u. Tsch yii, P A ^ tsiii^ ^yan 'ch6. Tsiii jin <-h«5, :jjl: :?^ ^ ff d>'ai pat, chduk, 'ch6. P'i pub choh che, ^f. Pg ^ jt'dn ^m chduk,. Censure, to blame, ^ chak,. Tseh, ^f^t'dn. T'dn, chduk,. P'i pub (^hoh, ii^ ^> ^ 'i pat, 8hi\ t pub shi, ftj ^ 'pin chdk,. Pien tseh, ^ |j)§ 'pin chdk,. Pien tseh, p^ t8ui^ Tsui, p ^ tsiii^ chdk,. Tsui tseh, ^ ts'id'. Ts'idu, H ts'iu'. Ts'idu, 10, "^ fung' kdn'. Fung kien ; to censure by judicial N(>nlonc(\ ^^ chdk, tslii^ Tseh tsiii. Censured, blamed, ijlf i^ ^t'dn kwo'. T'dn kwo, ^ ^ chdk, kxvo'. Tseh kwo, j^^ 'pin kwo', ^^- M 'king chdk, kwo'. King theh kwo, pj;^ tsiii' kwo'. Tsui kwo, :Ui: jIM ^ ^'- cP'a« kwo' pat, ch^iik,. P'i kwo puh choh. Censunng, blaming, ^ chak,. Tseh, I|;£ ^ 'pin chdk,. Pien tseh, ^ '^ 'king chdk,. King tseh, ^k ^ ^ j»'ai pat, ch6uk,. P'i pub choh. Census, an enumeration of the inhabitants taken by public authority, p jj^ u' 'ban cb'dk,. Ilii k'au ts'eb, R '^i jiian shtV. Min si'i, ^ ^g- ^man tsikj. Min tsib, j',^ fg 'pdn tsik^, f^R |i| 'pdn jt'6. Pdn t'li, ^ 1^ S ff^ iV 'pdn jt'6 tsik^. Hu i)dn t'u tsib, ^^jk > 11' i-'i'^ik,. Yen hu Is'ch; to take a census, ^ [^ liii' jUuiu. Lidu niiu. sin, fp |f53 ,chung ,kdn. Chung kien, J^§ ,yan. Yin, ^ jtiung. Ydng; in the centre, ^4^ ,tong .chung. Tdjig cluing; the very centre, J£ cjl clung' ,chung. Clung chung, fp ji^ .chung ching'; the centre of a target, ^J i^ jbung .sam. Hung sin, ^^ f|»J sh6* tik,. Shie tih; the centre of a bouse, J^ rjl Ilk, .chung. Uh chung, ^ lau^ Liu; the centre of the earth, i^ i^ ti^ ,sam. Ti sin ; the four cardinal points and the centre, ^y ^ pfj -Jlj; sz' /ong ,chung ,yeung. Si fdng chung ydng ; the centre or axle, :|^ .k'ii. K'ii ; the cen- tre of a circle, ^ i(^ ^wdn ,sam. Hwdn sin ; the centre of the globe, ^ J$ ii^ ti^ ,k'au ,sam. Ti k'iu sin ; the centre of an army, V^ cjl ^kwan. .(•bung. Kiun chung; centre of gnivity, JE cfl ching' .chung. Ching chung, ^ j(i> chung^ .sam. Chung sin ; to unite in a centre, >^ ^ cji J\^^ h6pj .11 .chung .sam. Hob yu chung sin, ^ ff^ cjl I'li' .i'l .('bung. Ilwui yu chung ; to rest in the centre, ^ -j^g ^\^ t^ t'bii* tsoi^ .chung .sam. Chu tsdi chung .sin, ^ f/^fp .kii .ii .chung. K'ii yii chung; to place in the centre, |§^4*'C1^ ^^'* tsoi^ .chung .sam. Chi tsdi chung sin, '^^fpi(^ .on tsoi* .chung .sam. Ngdu tsdi chung sin ; to hit the centre, J^Jfp 'td chung'. Td chung, cfi;^ chung' .chi. Chung chi. Center, | to, gl ijl f/, \;p ui' ^mai .ii .chung. Hwui Centre,) nidi yii c! "~ .pin. •hung, Bl iM — J5 "^^ i"^-^' y''*^ h6pj jHidi Jhvui mdi yih pien, ^ ^ — ■ , • Tbou);h Wobater's ortho)?raphv ia the mo«t ooirect one, we have folliiw<»d tho mode of 8(H^lUn!; this word as ia generallT uU ill Eit|i(lunU Hiid AiiU'riw. ClEN (34?) CEN yat, ^h'u . Holi mai yih cli'u; to centre one's affections, <^ # T-- ^ S c^ V^K 'she. I'i puli shie, f^;M^^ ^^^' ^°" P^^> '^^^^- I^iuen mu pull shie. Center, ~) to be placed in the middle, ^ ^ 1j^ ^ Centre, j pi" chf ix ^chung. PI chi yu chung. Centre-bit, an instrument turning on a centre, for boring holes, ^ ^ ^shing tsiin Shing tswan. Centered, ") collected to a point or centre, ^ jj@[ Centred, J ^ t^ uf- kwo' ii ^chung. Hwui k^vo yu chung, ^ i^i^ f\i ^ hop^ ^mai kwo' ^chung ch'ii'. Hoh nidi kwo chung cli'ii. Centering, the temporary form on which an arch is supported during its constniction, ;^ }^ 'kung cliang'. Centering, \ placing on the centre, § i^. Pf' ^^^^^ Centring, J tsoi' ^chung. Chi tsai chung, ^ ^ FJI }\^ chf tsoi' ^chung ^sam. Chi tsai chung sin ; collecting to a point, -^i^^ ^ li^P> jinai tsoi" jChung. Hoh mai tsai chung, ^ ^ ^ ui" ^u jChung. Hwui yu chung. Centesimal, the hundredth, — ' ^ ^ — ■ J^^, P'^k, ^chl yat,. Yih peh chi yih, ^ f^ ^ — • pdk, ^chung ^chi yat^. Peh chung chi yih. Centesimation, a military punishment for desertion, mutiny, or the like, where one person in a hun- dred is selected for execution, ^f^:}]lj — ^tfij|P^ pakj ^chung ^ch'au yat, J 'sham tiin'. Peh cliung ch'au yih rh shin twan. Centicipitous, having a hundred heads, ^^^vj pak, 'shau tik^. Peh shau tih, "g""^!"^ pdk, 'shau k6\ Centifidous, divided into a hundred parts, ^ — • ^ ^ /an yat, pak^ fan'. Fan yih peh fan, ^ — • l§f P]^ /an yat, pak, 'ha. Centifolious, having a hundred leaves, ^%%P^ pak, Ip, ke', "§■ ^ ^i} pak, Ip. tik,. Peh yeh tih. Centigrade, having a hundred degrees, ^ ^ ^ pdk, to" 'che. Peh tu che ; centigrade thermo- meter, ^ ^^UMM- '^\ V^\ tc)- ke' ^hon 'shii ^cham. Peh tu [^^] tih hiln shu chin. Centigramme, the hundredth part of a gramme, ^ H W ^ ^ -^ ^^*^ ^^'ok pdk, fan- ^chi yat,. Pah kwoh peh fan chi yih. Centime, the hundredth part of a franc, ^ |^ P^iE :$t ± * Fat kwok, ke' ^sin sz^ Centimeter, ") the hundredth part of a metre, ^ ^ Centimetre, j rji t sz' fan' pun'. Sz fan pwdn. Centimorbia ^^^ ^wong /an W. Hwang fan lii. Centinodia ^ ^,- n'in cli'uk . P'ien ch'uh. Centiped, \a scolopendra, ^ ^ pdk^ tsuk,. Peh Centipede, J tsuh, ^ ^ ^ng ,kung. Wu kung, ^p ifeji tsik, /sii. Tsih tsii ; ditto scutigera, ^^ ^^ ^yau 'in. Yii yen, ^||f^ jan 'in. Yin yen, ^^ ch^ung' lai". Chdng li, ^ ^ tsat^ Jai. Tsih li ; centipede shrub, ^ Jsg" ^ pg ^kung 'ts'6. Wu kung ts'du. Centner, a weight divisible first into a hundred parts and then into smaller ones, — • "g* ^ yat, pak, pong". Yih peh pang, — \U yat, tdm'. Yih tdn. Central, relating to the centre, pfl P^ ^chung k6', i&^ ,sam k6', f^f^^^ ^chung ^kan tik,. Chung kien tih; containing the centre, fft ^chung. Chung, ;Ci> ,sam. Sin ; central forces, jj^ ^ ^^ ^ Z ^ jSiin 'chiin Ji ^chung ^chi lik,. Swan chuen yu chung chi lib, f|^/>^4'^ij 'sz ,siin /i ^cliung ^chi lik^. Shi swdn yu chung chi lib ; Central Asia, ^^ ^sai wik^. SI yih, rfl ES B5 ES ^cbung Asaid. Chung Asia; the central road, pfl jg ^chung to'. Chung tau; a central line, ^ ^^ ^chung sin'. Chung sien; central parts of the body, i ^ -ng noi'. Wu nui. Centrality, the state of being central, pfl ^ ^chung 'che. Chung c\i6, ^ ^ J<5ung 'che. Yang c1i6, B-i^ — l^^ ^^^' S^ yat, ch'ii' 'che. Hwui yu yih ch'ii ch6. Centralization, the act of centralizing, @ ;5^ l4? :^ iii" fi. ^chung 'che. Hwui yu chung cb6, ^^|^ ^ ^ li^Pi jTOai /i ^chung 'che. Hoh mdi yu chung che ; the centralization of power, ^ — ^ m ^kwai yat, ^chi ^k'lui. Kwei yih chi k'iuen, ||| M ^ ^ s^'^in ^kwai yat, 'ch6. K'iuen kwei yih die. Centralize, to draw to a central point, ^ ;J^ r|l (^ lii^ ^ii ^cbung Jtdn. Hwui yu chung kien, -^ j^ FJI J^ bop^ i\ ^chung ch'ii'. Hoh yu chung ch'ii, MM.^f^ tsu" ^mai yat, ch'ii'. Tsii mai yih ch'u, ^ S 4* i^ tsii" ^mai ^chung ch'ii'. Tsii mai chung ch'ii. Centrally, with regard to the centre, t^ j^ J^ij ^chung ^sam tik^. Chung sin tih, f^ n|£ ^chung ^^'' M i^ ^ ,kwan ^ii ^chung. Kwsin yii chung ; in a central manner, J^ F^ 'I ^cbung. I chung, ^ pfl tsoi" ^chung. Tsai chung. Centric, placed in the centre or middle, r^ f^ij ^chung tik^. Chung tih, t^ ^^ ^sam tik,. Sin tih, 'g j^ r^ 1^^ chi' ^ii ^chung tik,. Chi yii chung tih, § M ^Ci* 6x1 chi' /i ,sam tik,. Chi yii sin tih. Centrifugal, tending to recede from the centre, ^ 4* In] ^\' 6^ tsz^ ^chung heung' ngoi" tik,. Tsz chung hiang wdi tih, g p^ j|^ ^ -^j, tsz^ ^chung jk'au jii ngoi". Tsz chung k'iii hii wai ; centrifu- gal force, ^ ff >t^ ^h ^ 3^ jau ^chung ^k'au ngoi^ ^cbi lik,. Yii chung k'iii wai chi lib, >j< ^t ^h^;^i jk'au^iingoi' .cbl lik^. K'iii bii wai chi lib, 1\lt^Zjl A san' .chi lik,. Pi san chi lih, 1^^\'Z:ti /^' ngoi^ .chi lik,. PI wai chi lih ; in botany, expanding first at the summit and later at the base, like a flower, ;^^Wi^^ c^In .hoi /'au j)In tikj. Sien k'di t'au pien tih, ^M ^ :9t g| P|t /'au .pin .sin .hoi k6\ Centripetal, tending towards the centre, [h] tij fjii baling' .chung tik^. Hidng chung tih, ffj ^S (^ Ff^lE iJa^ 'igoi- heung' .chung k6\ >fc ^ ^f ^^ I jk'au jU .chung tik,. K'iii hu chung tih j cen- CEN (348) CER tripetal force, |h]4*;^^J licunR ,cliung ,ch( lik^. Hidng Chung (;lii lili, >Jc ^ ff ^ ^J i^'^^ i^ ,chung ,chi lik^. K'iii liii cluing chi lih ; " in bo- tany, expanding first at the base and afterwards at the summit, as a floAver, J5£ :^ p^ "^ k<5uk, *tai jSln jhoi ke . Centumvir ^ a] 'sham ,8Z. Shin sz, ^^^ 'sham on' 'chd. Shin ngdn ch6. Centumvirate, the office of a centumvir, ^o];^IfHit 'sham ^sz ^chi chik,. Shin sz chi chih. Centuple, a hundred fold, ^^-jg jShing pdk, ^'di. Ching peh p'ei. Centuplicate, to make a hundred fold, jjjl'g' ^ ,kd pAk, ^p'ui. Kid. peh p'ei, J^ pf •^- ^shing pdk^ ^p'ui. Ching peh p'ei, ^ — W iw <^^ J^K V^K ^'lii. To yih peh p'ei. Centurial, relating to a century, "g* |^ V^ pdk, sui' k6'. Centuriate, to divide into hundreds, ^ ^ — ■ ^ /an ^hoi yat, pAk,. Fan k'di yih peh, ^ |lvj ^ ^ »'>& tdi'. Hung tai. Ceraeoous, wax-like, ^ ^ Hs'z Idp^. Sz lah, f^>{y ^ ts6ung* *ts'z lapj. Sidng sz lah ; partaking of the nature of wax, ^ vf^ ld]i^ k6'. Cerambyx ^^ jiig^^i i^^^S- ^'*' '''•"g- Cerasin, any gummy substance which sw(>lls in cold Mater, but does not readily dissolve* in it, j^ jjjyi 5^ shii* ^kdu chat,. Shu kiau chih. Cemsito, the native muriate of lead, ^^^l]^^^ jini ts'cY rhi ,im. Yen ts'i'i chi vuen. Cerastes, a genus of poisonous African serpents Avith small horns, ^ j^ ^^ luk^ kok, ^sh^. *ih koh shi6. Cerate, a thick kind of ointment, composed of wax and oil, with other ingredients, ^'j^^ Idp^ )cb y^ukj. Ldh kdu yoh. C(-'rated, covered with Max, j^V^ Idp^ k6', JtlJ^H'^ ^sh6ung Idpj k6'. Ceratrin, the bitter principle in Iceland moss, ^^ M ^ ^ "^ M ^^'^^^^ ^^^K S 'f" chat,. Iszldn shih i k'u chih. Cerberus, in mjiihology, a monster in the form of a dog, who guarded the entrance to the infernal regions &c., ^ ^ s| ^^ ,to /'au /ung chat^. To t'au lung chih. Ccrcis siliquastrum ^ ^j 'tsz ^ing. Tsz king. Cere, to wax, J^ i^ ^shdung Idp^. Shdng ldh. Cereal, pertaining to edible grain, as Mheat, rve &c., |g;p|t kuk, k6', ^ng kuk k6\ Cerealia, edible grains, ^ ^ ^ng kuk,. Wii kuh, ^Wt P^^> kuk,. Peh kuh. Cerebellum, the little brain, /]•» JJQ 'siu ^n6. Sidu ndu, /\\ 3^ ^ 'sill *n6 /seung. Sidu ndu tsidng. Cerebral, 7 pci'tfviiihig to the cerebrum, or brain, Cerebrine, Jjl (lij 'nb tik,. Ndu tih, 8§l^ "116 U\ Cerebrum, the brain, JJ^ 'n6. Ndu, ))§^ *n6 ^ts^ung. Ndu tsidng. Cerecloth ^ ^ lap^ p6', Ldh pu. Cered, spread over M'ith melted M'ax, Jl jl^ ^ 'sheung kwo' Idp^. Shdng kM"o ldh. Cerement, clothes dipped in melted wax, 1^ ^ Idp^ p6'. Ldh pu. Ceremonial, relating to ceremony, or external rite, m m "^ '1'" S !«'''. f§ HI &^J *l«i ^ tik,. Li i tih ; fornal, ^|» ;]j^ ngoi^ Mai. Wdi li ; obsen-ant of old foi-ms, %iijf4ti'^} I'i' T ^j^ cbii' L4p^ puk, kw4'. Chii Mh pub kwa. Ceroon, a bale made of skins, — ' ^ :^ J^ yat, ^pdu ^shang jp'i. Yih pau sang p'i. Ceroplastic, the art of forming models in wax, ^ 41^^ tso- lap, ^m6 ngai'-. Tso l;4h mix i, ^ ^f ;|^^ tseung- lap, ^mo ngai'. Siang lab mu i. Cerrial, pertaining to the cerris, or bitter oak, ^ m ^U 'f^ 1% ke'. Certain, that cannot be denied, ^ ^ teng' shat,. Ting shib, — • ^ 6»J yat, teng' tik,. Yih tiug tih, ^ ^[> ^ (1110 pat, sliat,. Wu pub shib, M ^ jChan shat,. Chin shib, ^ ^ k'ok, shat,. K^iob shib, ^^;B^ tik, k'ok,. Tihk'ioh,'.|i|g k'ok, tsok^. K'ioh tsob, ^ ]^ 'wai shat^. Wei shih ; to be certain of, or have no doubt, ^ ^}l shat, ^chi. Shib chi, ^ ^p teng' ^chi. Ting chi, ^ # ^ cClii tak, teng'. Chi teh ting, M^ ;mh ji. Wu i, ^*^Jf> $j yat, teng- pat, yik,. Yih ting pub yih ; plain, ^/j -j^, fining hai'. Ming hi ; unfailing, ^ ^ -m5 ts'o',*]^^ Jj/^ f^ shi' pit, hai'. Shi pieh hi ; really existing, ^ ^ shat^ tsoi^ Shib tsdi; cei-tain of victory, J^^^fl^ pit, shing' Pieh shing, ^ ^ sbat^ (J^'rio- Sliib ying ; es- tablished and settled, ^ ^ teng' cheuk,. Ting chob; particular, ^ Tnau. Mau, /^ 'mau. Mau, :^ "yau. Yu, '^ wak,. Hwah ; I have no certain abode, f J^ ^ /£ ^ '"go ,mo teng- 'sho. Wo wii ting so, ^ flit ^ 'f;]^ jj^ 'ngo ^mo shat^ cbii' 'chi. Wo wu shib chu chi ; a certain truth, ^ ^ ^ ^ teng- shat, ^chi sz'. Ting shib chi sz, :^ ^ ;^ ^ k'ok, shatj ^chi sz'. K'ioh shih chi sz ; certain news, ;f^ ^ p^ ^^ ^|j k'ok, shat^ k6' ^san ^man ; I am certain to go there, f j^ ^ ^ -^ f^ 'ngo shat^ tsof hii' 'pi. Wo shih tsai k'ii pi; a cer- tain quantity, ^ ^ teng' ngak,. Ting ngeh, ^ ^ shatj ugak^- Shib ngeh ; a certain thing, ^ ^ 'mau sz^ Mau sz ; a certain person, ^ ^ 'mau ^yan. Mau jin, ^ \ wdk, jan. Hwoh jin, -W A. 'ya^ cyaii' Yu jin ; a certain person asked, ^ 5^ wak, man\ Hwoh wan ; a certain person said, ^ m wak^ wai'. Hwoh wei, ^ A f ^ 'ja^i jan wa'. Yii jin hwa ; a certain day, ^ Q wak^ yat^. Hwoh jib, ^ [J 'man yat^. Mau jib, ^ — ■ wak^ yat, yat^. Hwoh yih jih. Certainly >i^\^ pit, ^in. Pieh jen, )j^ B^ kwo' ,t'du. Kwo t'au, ^ ^ 'kwo ^in. Ko jen, ^ ^ teng' ,in. Ting jen, |J^ ^ tik, jn. Tih jen, g ^v tsz' ;in. Tsz jen, ^ f^^ k'ok,'/n. K'ioh jen, gf ^^ tiin' ,in. Twdn jen, ^,^ ku ^in. Kii jen, ^ ^/x shatj jin. Shib jen, ijl\ ^ pit, teng^ Pieh ting, ^j^- 'wai jin. Wei jen, JE^^ ching' shi'. Ching shi, '^ •% shat, bai^ Shih hi. 5g -J^ k'ok, hai'. K'ioh hi, 5t:^'k'ok, shi'. K'ioh shi, ^j^^ teng^ hai^ Ting hi ; it certainly is so, ^ •^ 1^ shat CER (350) Ci!8 liai^ 'kom. Shihlilkdn; it is certainly liim, jj ^j^ chinr,'' slii' ^L Clung shi t'ii ; most cer- tainly, i^ ej^ (JipJ kwo' jt'au ^(';. Certainness, see Certainty. Certainty, truth, ^^ ,chan shat^. Chin shih, ?m§f ^ k'ok,shat^ 'ch6. K'ioh shih chd, ^W^^eng* shatj 'ch6. Ting shih ch6, H^:^ shat^ tsoi^ 'ch\kU f - 'lioi 'kwdn pun' shui' ,shau shui' ^tdn. Hdi kwdn pwdn shwui shau shwui tdn; exemption certificate granted at Shanghai, J^ j^ iji^ln j^Etift/Hl Shdunghoi ,kwdn fdt, k'ap, ^in ^ch'ung ^ching chap, chiu'. Shdnghdi kwdn I'dh kih mien ch'ung ching chih chdu; drawback certificate, ^f ^ ^ts'iin p'iu'. Ts'un p'idu ; certificate of a traveling priest, ^ ]^% tb^ tipj. Tdu tieh ; certificate of health, M^'^^ ^mo ching* jP'ang ,tdn. Wii ching p'ang tdn. Certificate, to give a certificate, f$ ^u WlW" ^^^> k'ap, jP'ang ^shii. Fdh kih p'ang shu, |^ '|^ |^. J^ fat, k'ap, im^ ,tdn. lYih kih yen tdn, f^ |^ ^ .^ fdt, k'ap, jP'ang ,tdn. Fdh kih p'ang tdn ; to verify by certificate, jt ^ |3- ^^Pi jP'^"o c^*^*^* Lih p'ang tdn, il ^ ^ lap^ jP'ang ,shi'i. Lih p'ang shu. Certificated, verified by certificate, |^ /f u a^ ^ ■§ fdt, k'ap, kwo' j/ang ^shii. Fdh kih kwo p'ang shu, jjL ;i|^ ^ ^ lapj kwo' jP'ang ^shii. Lih kwo p'ang shii. Certificating, furnishing with a certificate, U^»i^ § fdt, k'aj), jP'ang ^shii. Fdh kih p'ang shu, ^ J?||^ fdt, k'ap, Im^ .tdn. Fdh kih yen tdn. Certified, testified to in M-riting, |u >^ j® § k'ap, kwo' j)'ang ^shu. ICih kwo ])'ang shu, !|j{ jli^ ^ }^ 'sd kwo' jl)'ang .tdn. Si6 kwo p'ang tdn, fjf^ flE jl^ tiii' ching' kMo'. Tiii ching kwo, ^lE "J" ching' *liu. Ching lidu; made certain, at ;i(^ ,^ ^^ lapj kwo' jp'ang ki'i^ Lih kwo p'ang kii, j^ >MtiI;fi|j ^'n\ ^^^'"' fhi"s' k^^- -l^'^^ kwo ching kii, '^ Mil: M sP'a"^' ching' kwo'. P'ang ching kwo; informed, ^'^ P fjfc k'ap, kwo' 'hau .kung. Kih kwo k'au kung, f^jj^fiE tsok, kwo' ching'. Tsoh kwo ching. Certifier, one who certifies, |u,^^;^ l^'ap, jp'ang .shu 'chd. Kih p'ang shii chc, ^I^W-Z' k'ap, im^ .tdn 'ch6. Kih yen tdn ch^, jt ^ (^ ^ lap^ jl)'ang kii^ 'ch6. Lih p'ang kii ch^, ^|jE^ jP'ang ching' *ch6. P'ang ching chd. Certify, to testify to in writing, ^u |J ^ JIL k'ap, fdt, jp'ang .tdn. Kih fdh p'ang tdn, |* j^ |^ ^ fdt, k'ap, Im^ .tdn. Fdh kill yen tdn ; to make known or establish a fact, jjl ^ {^^ l^^Pj jP'^^g kii^ Lih p'ang kii, j^l |^ lap^ kii*. Lih kii, -^a ching'. Tsoh ching, /g fiE jP'ang ching'. P'ang ching, ^.f fl tui' ching'. Tiii ching, ;fy |i£ 'chi ching'. Chl ching; to give certain infomiat ion to, filg^ po shat^ s?}. Pii shih sz, i^^ZW ^iE tsok, sz^ .chi shat^ ching'. Tsoh sz chi shih ching ; to give certain information of, jjf^ ^^ ^ lap^ kii^ k'ap^. Lili kii kih, {^ fiE ^ tsok, ching' k'apj. Tsoh ching kih. Certifying, giving a written testimony, ^ j^ i^ H. fdt, k'ap, ji)'ang .tdn. Fdh kih p'ang tdn, |^ ^^ ^^ fdt, k'ap, ku^.shii. Fdh kih kii shu; giving certain notice, f^ |iE tsok, ching'. Tsoh ching ; making certainly known, jji^t^ lapj jP'ang kix*. Lih p'ang kii, ^ ^ ||^ lap^ shatj kii*. Lih shih l iitS:^^ laPj ching' k\x\ Lih ching kii. Certitude, certainty, ^ ^ j<^ ^ shat^ tsoi^ .chi sz'. Shih tsdi chi sz*, "^ \)^ Z ^ sl'^t^ kii' .chl sz'. Shih kii chi sz. Cerule, blue, ^ ^ c^s'cng shik,. Ts'ing sih, ^ ^ .ts'ong .ts'ong. Ts'dng ts'dng, ^ ^ .t'in shik,. T'ien sih, ^ j^ .t'ln 'p'iu- T'ien p'idu. Cerulean, ^sky-colored, ^ ^ j^ ,ts'eng shik, tik,. Ceruleous, / Ts'ing sih tih. Cendific, producing a blue or sky-color, f^ ^ ^ fdt, .ts'eng shik,. Fdh ts'ing sih. Cerulin, Indigo dissolved in sul])huric acid, used in dying Saxon blue, ^ if^^ 0Jf p^ ^lau jWong ts'o* tin'. Lili hAvdng ts'ii tieu. Cerumen, the wax or yellow matter secreted by the ear, :Sf^'i Idp . lih Idh, :^ ^ 'i 'shi. Eh shi ; defective ditto, ^ Tf .kon 'i. Kdn rh, excessive ditto, <;^ :^ shap, 'i. Shih rh. Ceruse, white lea out of all cesse, or excessively, -J^ ^^ t'df Cesse, j kwo'. T'ai kwo, i^^ kwo' V&i. Kwo t'ai. Cess-pool ^ -t'am, ;^ ^ 'shui ^'am, ^ ^ 'shi ^'am. Cessant, intermitting action, ^ ||^ §5c it ""iJE wak, tung^ wdkj 'clii ke'. Cessation \j^ J^^ 'chi sik,. Chi sili, it J^^ ^ 'chi sik^ 'che. Chi'sih che, "jf jt^ .t'ing chl 'clie. T'ing chl che, ^^-^ jt'ing hit/'che. T'ing hieh clie, if^ M, M ct'ii^S sik, 'che. T'ing sih che, p ^. pa' 'che. Pa clie ; cessation of arms, Jt'f'ife 'clii ^kon ^kwo. Chi kan ko, ^ :^ ^ ^ on' ^ping pat, tung-. Ngan ping puh tung, ^^^^ on' jping pat, 'kii. Ngdn ping puh ku; cessation from work, ^ 31 pa' ,kung. Pa kung, 'j^ X jt'ing ,kung. T'ing kung, |^X ^lit, M^g. Hieh kung, ^ ^ hit, 'shau. Hieh shau, H f^ pa' tsok,. Pa tsoh, ^ -^ fong' 'shau. Pang shau, j^X fong' ,kung. Fang kung, ■§' X ;^ |t pak, ^kung ^kai hit,. Peh kung kiai hieh, i^ ^ ^ HI jt'ing hit, pak, ^ung. T'ing hieh peh kung. Ceshavit ||i; ^^ :|^[, 'kiii kwo' chdt,. Kiau kwo chdh. Cesser, a neglect to perform service or payment for two years, ^^^^fy ^ pat, 'shau k'ai' yeuk, 'ch6. Puh shau k'i yoh che. Cessibility, the act of giving way, ^^ yeung' 'ch6. Jang che, PTInT* ^ '^^^ k'ap, 'ii 'che. K'o kih yu cli6, Pf^^ 'iio hi' 'che. K'o k'i chd; reced- ing. pT %^ 'lio t'ui' 'che. K'o t'ui che. Cessible prj" |g 'ho yeung^. K'o jdng, "pf ^ 'ho hi'. K'o k'i, pf ^ 'ho 'pi. K'o pi, "Pf ^ 'ho t'ui'. K'o t'ui. Cession, transfer, %n ~f' ^ ^'ap, ^ii 'ch6. Kih yu ch^, ^ M ^ ^kau 'ii 'che. Kidu yii ch6; a jaelding, or siuTonder, as of pi'operty or rights J;o another person, ^ ^ yeung^ 'che. Jang che, 11 ^ shin' 'che. Shen che, ^| ^ shin' 'ch6. Shen ch6; retreat, j^ ^ t'lii' 'che. T'ui che; the cession of Hongkong to, ^0""^^^^^ k'ap, Hi H^ungkong Hi. Kih yu Hiangkiang yu. Cessionary, having surrendered effects, ^^ ^ ''IS k'ap, -ii k6\ ^ ffi ^^ ,kdu 'ii tik,. Kidu yu tih. Cessment, see Assessment of tax. Cesser, in law, he that neglects, for two years, to perform the service by which he holds lands, &c, '^ ^^^^ ^ pat, 'shau k'ai' y^uk, 'che. Puh shau k'i yoh ch6 ; an assessor of taxes, f^^ 18; ^ 'kii shui' 'che. Kii shwui ch6, Cest, a lady's girdle, ^ AZ^^ '^'-^ J^^ c^lii ^iu tdi'. Pii jin chi ydu tai. Cestracian zebra |§52.^ ^mau ^i ^sha. Mau rh sha. Cestus, the mandage girdle, ^^ ^^ ^viag fung' tdi'. Lung fung tdi. Cesui*a, a pause in verse, so introduced as to aid the recital, and render the versihation more me- lodious, ^ {i^ c^'ing tun\ T'ing tun. Cetacea, 1 in natural historj^, terms applied to the Cetacean, / order of cetaceous animals, |i|» ^, ^^ k'ing jii tile,. K'ing yii til>; marine mammalia, '/^ ^ 'hoi shdu'. Hai shau. Cetaceous, belonging to the whale kind, ^^ -^^ V^ ,k'ing ^ii k^', II ^^ ^ ^k'ing ^u tik,. K'ing yii tih. Cetic, pertaining to the whale, H # |^^ c^'ing ^ii tik,. K'ing yu tih. Cetirs, pure spermacety, H ^ t f^^ Fu. Chaff-cutter, a machine for cutting up, ^ chat,. Chdh, ^\'^ chAp^ .ki. Sali ki. Chalf- weed, a plant, ^"^ 't8'6 ^meng. Ts'du ming. Chaffer, to treat about a purchase, ^ ^| 'kong kd'. Kiang kid, j^ flHi (1.1 .sh6ung jleung kd' ^ts'in. Shdng lidng kid ts'ien, ^|fj(| ^ kd'. 1 kid. Chafferer, one who chaffers, f{ ^ |? |£ ^di 'chii .king 'ki. Mdi chii king ki, if ^ ii^ \ ^^^K .ngd .chi ^yan. Tsoh yd chi jin. Chaffering, bargaining, ^f*^ 'kongkd'. Kiang kid; a buyer, j^\i\'^ ts6^ p'dk, .kd. Tso p'eh kid Chaffinch ^ ^ ^ a^ .kam .sz ^ts'z ts'6uk,. Kin sz ts'z ts'ioh, #^j^ B$ Mm .sz ^wong ts'^uk,. Kin sz Invdng ts'ioh. Chaffless % Ijl pHE ^m6 .bong>6', M i^ ^ni6 .hong. Wu kdng. Chaffy, like chaff, ^V^ ,hong ke', ^R^ lui^ .hong. Lui kang, ^ I®; #^ .hong 'k5m y6uug^ Kdng kdn ydng ; full of chalf, ^ |g f^ .to .hong k6' ; light, $1 .hcng. K'ing, Ml )\\ ^n 'so cChi- ^ !>«" so chi, B^"^^ H Jin hai' cllu^ I lien hi chu, ^ ^ Jeng jlin. Ting lien ; chain the prisoner, ^ ft ^G. A 'so chii' fdn^ ^yan. So chii fdn jin ; chain him, ^ ^ fg 'so 'hi 'k'u. So k'i k'ii ; to guard with a chain, "(^ $l| p^ ft 'p^ J"^ chdp^ chu^ Pi lien chah chu, \>X M #'( ^ 'i J»n s^^dng .chi. I lien hung chi; to unite, j^ ^lin. Lien, j|g -ft Jin chii^ Lien chu. Chain-shot ^ ^% Jin 'md. Lien md, ^ *§ tS§ Jin p'du' "md. Lien p'du ma. Chained i^^^i^ 'pi ^lin hai' kwo'. Pi lien hi kwo, ^^i^ 'so 'hi kwo'. So k'i kwo, \>XM^ »S 'i lin 'so kwo'. [ lien so kwo. nu. Chafing-dish 'J^ >^J[ ^niin J6. Nwdn hi, J6. Siii hi, 4- M *«'»'i" /iin. Shau hiun, -f- §^ 'shau J6. Shau lii. Chagrin, vexation, ^ ^ wat, hi'. Yuh k'i, ^^ ^ n6' hi'. Nd k'i, y^ )Jt ^^ ^ 'miin 't'6 wat, hi'. Mwdn t'li yuh k'i, ^Ci'l'a^flR c^^"^ s"^ c^^^^*^ f"^- Sin wd shii fuh, ^^ ^ 'kii hi'. Kii k'i, — S ^ yat, .pdu hi', ^ |?vJ.J Avat, mun^ Yuh mwdn, f^ ^ miin' hi'. Mwdn k'i, ^ ^ ^ |^ wat, Avat, pat, lok^. Yuh yuh pub lob. Chairrin. to excite ill-humor in, |^ ^^ kik, nb^ igrin, Kih mi. ^ kik, wat, hi'. Kih yuh k'i. Chagrined, vexed, i^ |l^- ^(jlj fl^ .sam ^m .shii fuk^. Sin wii shii full, i\;^ p^ ^'^ .sam jin lok^. Sin wii lob, iCi'>r»0'>l'}^ J*^^ V^^i <^'*^^ cb'c'Ming'. Sin pub shii ch'dng, ^ ^ .shang hi'. Sang k'i, ^ ^ wat, hi'. Yuh k'i, ^ jf^ hniii Jn. Mi&u jcn, t^ ^" cheung' Jn. Chung jon. Chaini a, ^ Jin. Lien, ^ iin'. Lien, — fi^ ^ tl yat, ,t'iti 'so Jin. Yih t'idu so lien ; a gold chain, •^ ^(? k;im Jin. Kin lien ; an iron chain, $^ ^ fit, j'in. T'ieh lien; a watch olmin, ^ jjj^ .piii |lin. Pidu lien ( a chain for prisonci'S, ^ JH 'so i, ^ ij^ .kdu 'i. Kidu i ; an easv chair, ^ i: ^ bok^ sz' 'i. Iliob sz i, 4^^^t k'du' tsz 'i. K'du tsz i ; chairs with marble backs, ^^:|^ 'au Jdn 'i. Ngau Idn i ; square arm-chairs, as usixl in ])ub- lic halls, ^ 4^. :f^ ^ jE ^ c^'ai ching' ^t'ong. Wei ching t'a;ig ; a seat for a professor, ^ dt ^ Jfillc hokj sz- /!hi chikj. Hioh sz chi chili ; a speaker's chair, %' m ^ "&■ c^ong 'kong ^chi wai". Tang kiang chi wei. Chair, to, as a Kiijiu, ^ ^^ jau ^kai. Yu kiai ; ditto, as a Hanlin, ^ ^ ^^ jau ^kam ^kai. Yu kin kiai ; ditto, as a successful candidate in Eng- land, :^ #$ ;;g ^^7 1' 'kam jau ^kai. I kin yu kiai. Chairman, a presiding officer of an assembly, ^ 'chdung. Chang, ^^ ui" 'cheung. Hwui chang; the porter of a sedan-chair, ^^ 'kiu ^pan. Kiau pan, 1^^ "kiu M. Kiau fii. Chairmansliip ^ ^!^ 'cheung chik,. Chang chih, '^ M ^Wi ^^i' 'cheung ^chi chik,. Ilwui chang chi chih. Chaise .{l^^ 'ma ^ch'e. Ma ch'e, ||f. ,P| ^ ^tan 'ma ^ch'e. Tan ma ch'e. Chalcedony IpJ ^o. O, Q J!| J| pak^ 'ma 'no. Peh ma nau. Chalcedonyx, a variety of agate, J||^ 'ma 'no. Ma nau. Chalcitc, sulphate of iron, ^ ;^ ^ ,lau ,wong fit,. Liu hwang t'ieh, ^X^W. s^^^ng Jau t'it,. Hung liu t'ieh. Chalcography jpj^Hsl^ ,tm ^t'lmg ngai". Tiau t'ung U^m^ ctiii ct'ung 'che. Tiau t'ung ch^. Chaldaic, pertaining to Chaldea, j&O ^ J^ H &>/ Kalaktai kwok, tik,. Kialehti kwo tih. Clialdaism, an idiom in the Chaldee dialect, ^ ^ )^±.M kalaktai 't'6 J'am. Kidlehti t'u t'iln. ^ Chaldee, the language of the Chaldeans, jJP ^ jjg; ^ Kalaktai wa'. Kialehti hwa. Chaldron, a measure of coals consisting of 36 bu- shels, or 77100 cubic inches, ^-^ -b H -t =f- pg g- 2p: ^ :^ ^j- * yfi lui' pak, /lii. Lui peh hwui, ^'J'C^^ ^ui' 'fo shek, 'fan. Lui ho shih fan, jAl^gl^Plt 'lb shek, 'fan"k6'. Challenge, a calling upon one to fight, ^ ^ ^ nik, chin' 'che. Nih chen che, ^jfcH^- J'iii chin' 'che. T'iiiu chen che, ^^^ Jiu chin'. Liau chen, tM ^ ^^^ '^'^- I'iau ta ; a challenge to a public debate, :fg ^| ^- ^cliiii pin' 'che. Chau pien che, tS ^f '^ ^ c^'^'^*^ P"^^ V^K '^^^- Chdu pien poh che ; a claim or demand made of a right or sup- posed right, f.j- ^ 't'6 'die. T'au che, f.j- J^ ^ 't'6 'ts'ii 'che. T'au ts'ii die; an exception to jurors, r^^^m^'^tp^KZ^^V^K 'chun ji'ui 'sham ^kiin tiin' 'man ^yan ^chl sz' 'che, Puh cliun p'ei shin kwaii twan mau jin chi sz die ; the letter containing the summons, ^ ^ chin' ,shii. Chen shu, f ^ ^ § /'iu chin' ,shii. T'iau tdien shu. Challenge, to call to a contest. nik chin'. ^fkZB,' Nib dien, 1^\. f(^ J'iu chin'. T'iau chen, ^ |j^ Jiu chin'. Liau chen, J^ ^J^ Jiu 'ta. Liau ta, if^ m ^cliiu tau'. Chau tau; to challenge to a public debate, ;fg^ ^chiu pin'. Chdu pien, f4 [jj |=f ^ kill' ch'ut, pin' pok,. Kidu ch'uli pien poh ; to challenge a man's promise, W-^ Ai^W ^^^^ $7^^ tsin' Jn. Kiau jin tsicn yen ; to challenge, as a sentinel, ^f^ ^cli'^ man'. Ch'a Avan. Challengeable, that may be challenged, Pf ^ ip| 'ho nik, chin'. K'o nih chen, pf i)^ ij^ 'ho /'iu chin'. K'o t'iau chen, ^ ^ i^ 'ho Jiu 'td. K'o liau ta ; that may be called to account, ^ ;jg fa. tr ^ 'bo ,chiu 'u 'ta siin'. K'o chdu yii i& swan. Challenged, called to combat or to contest, ^ jj^ fi^ nik^ kwo' chin'. Nih kwo dien, ^1%^ J'iii kwo' ehin't T'idu kwo chen ; claimed, fsj- jj^ f '«> CHA (354) CHA kwo'. T'dukwo, i^M'M. 't'5'ts'ukwo'.-,T'du ts'u kwo; objected to, Pg tjl f ; |f& gi -g Hff ^ A -^ ^ ^m ^cliuni,' i' jp'iii 'sham ,kun tiin' *raau ^yan ,clii sz^ Challenger, one who cliallouges, ^^^ nik^ chin' 'ch6. Nih chen chd ; one who claims suptM-iority, ! ^K ^ .chiu tau' 'chc. Chdu tau che, tS ^ # ^chiu ts'oi' *ch6. Chdu sdi ch6. j Challis, a fine woollen fabru!, used for ladies dres- ses, ^"ffj^ yau' p5' ^meng, Yu pu ming. Chalybeate, impregnated with particles of iron, ^ M 6^ s^s'ong fit, tik,. TsAng fich tih, ^ || P^ ^ts'ong fit, ke'; chalybeate water, ^.^"I^^JC jts'ong fit, k6' 'shui. Cham, khan, the sovereign prince of Tartary, ^-^ M ^ ^ f dt, tsz jWong ^chi ,ch'ing. T'dh tsz hwdng chi ch'ing. Chamber, a, fjj /ong. Mng, ^^ /ong 'tsz. Fdng tsz, ^ \^ jlbng ,kiin. Fdng kien, |^ ^ noi' shat,. Nui shih, yj> ^ 'siii /ong. Sidu fdng ; a guesVchamber, ^ f| hdk, ,f eng. K'eh f ing ; a bed-chamber, 0§ ^ shiii^ ^fong. Shwui fdng, ^\\ fl fan' /ong, j^ ?/> ngo^ ^fong. Ngo fdng, g\^ ngo^ shaty Ngo sliih, g ^ 'ts'am shat,. Ts'in shih ; a side-chamber, f§ ;/;- .p'in /ong. P'ien fiing, -01 fi] .p'in ^kdn. P'ien kien, flfl ^^ ,s6ung jfong. SidHg fdng, [^ ^ 'shim shat,. Shen shih ; the side-chambers of an office, 'j^^T^^ 'tso yau^ long. Tso y\l Idng ; ante-chamber, pi| ^- ^miin fohg. Mun fdng; chamber of audienc(>, nj] ^' ^ming jf ong. Ming fdng ; chamber about the court, ^ tsz^ Tsz, ^ tsz^ Tsz; the miptial ,kwdn ,ki. Kwdn ki. Chamber-counsel B^ \\X (lifi om' chong^ ,sz. Ngdn chwdng sz, if$i)Jim ili: .'••''^"S t5» m ^ B ti' Jui p'du' yeuk^ /ong. Ti lui p'du yoh fdng. Chamber, to, ^ ^} chi'i^fong. Chu fdng; to be wanton, '^-^7 ^yam hang^. Yin hing, j^^\\. fong' sz'. Fdng sz, ;^ Jjj fong' tong*. Fdng tang; to indulge in lewd and immodest l)chaviour, ^ ^ fong' yat^. Fdng yih, y$ y^ ^yam yat^. Yin yih, Chamber-council, a |)rivate or secret council, ^ ^ Chamber-pot f}^ ^ pin^ jU. Pien hu, ^ Nidu hu. Chamber-practice, the practice of counselors at law, who give their opinions in private, but do not appear in court, Hg- ,^} |^ -^ 6m' pdn^ tsung* sz*. Ngdn pdn sung sz. Chambered, shut up, as in a chamber, ^ ^ fong' /ong. Fdng fdng, jj^AMWf ^ong' yap^ kwo' /ong. Fdng jib kwo fiing ; divided into compart- ments by walls or partitions, ^^] )^ ^ kdn' kwo' /ong. Kien kwo fdng, ^ J^Pgf kdn' /ong k6\ Chamberer, one who intrigues, iff A c^*^^ jy^*^- Kien jin ; one who indulges in wantonness, y^ ' ^T yti iJ'^^^ hang^ 'clu'^. Yin hing ch6. Chambering, wanton, JJ^ ^ nf^f fong' sz' ke', j^ ff ,vam hang^. Yin hing. Chamberlain *, Imperial, of the bed-chamber, fp^^ ^ slieung^ 'ts'am kuk^. Shdng ts'in kiuh ; an olficer charged with the direction and manage- ment of the private apartment of a monarch or noble, ;?|^f|^ hong* pak,. Hidng peh; Lord cham- berlain, ^ ^{ fij # il* p6* sh«5ung* .shii. Hd pd shdng shu ; the great chamberlain, ^ ^ t'di' kam'. T'di kien ; a sort of female chamberlain in a i)alace called ^ ^ tslp, jii. Tsich yd ; the ])orson who has the care of the chambers in an inn or hotel, ^]t^,^M^ hdk, tim"kuu /ong 'ohe. K'eh tien kwdn fdng ch i)f llii" \ nKiiw iidices at c"oiirt. eunuchs, are in CHA (365) CHA ^ *f i'fe W\ Pii^' shik, ^shin ^sh6 lur. Pien sih shien sliie lui. Charaeleonize, to change into various colours, ^§| ^ pin' tsap^ shik,. Pien tsdli sih. Chamfer, to smooth down an edge, ^ ^ hii' kok,. K'ii koh, ^i\^ jUn kok,. Yuen koh ; to channel, mjtjt ,tiu ^hang'. Tiau kang. ^ Chamfered, cut into furroAvs, -^ ^^^ "yau ,hang k6', ^i > 'che. Puh k'i jen rh jen che, -ppj^'^^. chd' ^in .chi sz^ Cha jen chi sz, ^^ ^^ ;^'^ fat, ^In ,chi sz'. Hwuh jen chi sz ; fate, -^ mengf . Ming, H^ jg jShi wan'. Shi yun, <|| ^ wan' hi'. Yun k'i ; by chance, j^^ "ngau .in. Ngau jen, ^^^ shik, .in. Shih jen, ^^ cha' .in. did jen; by a lucky chance, ^ ^^ hang^ tak,'. Hang teh, ^ ^ 'h6 'ts'oi. Hdu ts'di, ^ 'f^ ^hiii hang'. Kidu hing, itT >S 'f-fc '^^o tso' fd'. Hdu tsdu hwa ; the chance of fortune, ^f ^ fjf 'ho ts'oi sho'. Hdu ts'di sii, ^ B# ^ 'ho .shi hi'. Hdu shi k'i ; to try the chance of war, % i|g 'hdu kwok, wan'. K'du kwoh yun ; the chance of arms is uncertain, ^ ■^^ |> shing' fu" mi' puk,. Shing fu wi puh; to take one's chance by acting, ^ \rf shi' ^hd. Shi hid, ^ iTfV 'hdu -hd. K'du hid, ^ H$ .shing ^shi. Ching shi, ^ |j| ^shing .ki. Chingki; ditto by waiting, ^^^ 'tang teng' sho'. Tang ting su, ^Q^M 'tang .shi hl\ Tang shi k'i. Chance, to happen, ^{^ 'ngau. Ngau, f/ij ^ Tigau ,in. Ngau jen. shik, in. Shih jen; to chance to meet, {Pg J^ Tigau u: Ngau yd, ^ jg Shih yd, jj^ ^ shik, /ung. Shih fung. shik, u" ^ ife M ^ pat, i' ii' chduk,. Puh i yd choh, T> ta \in Ji pat, ,k'i / n\ Puh k'i rh yd, f^ ^ ffi^ Tigau 'I .seung .fung. Ngau rh siang fung, » J® ?M ffi tM '^^^ ^^au" .s6ung u'. Hidi hau sidng yd ; the thing may chance to happen, ^ ^ J^ 5|c ^ sz^ wdk^ jShing mi^ teng'. Sz hwdh ching wi ting. Chance-game ^ ^ 'to hi'. Td hi. Chance-medley jf^ ^ /^ "ugau shdt, .yan. Ngau shdh jin, ^ ^ A ^o s^^t, .yan. Wd shdh jin, il ^ '^ S A tsz' 'V^'^S' sh^t, jan. Tsz pdu wd shdh jin. Chanceable ^^ ^ 'ngau ^in. Ngau jen, ^ p^ ^^ pat, lid^ tik,. Puh lidu tik, j^^ ^\> |^^ f ngoi' tik,. I wdi tih. Chanceably {^ p^ 'ngau .in. Ngau jen. Chanced, of chance, f|^ 'ngau. Ngau, ^ shik,. Shih; chanced to meet him, i^j^ 'ngau u^ Ngau yd; he chanced upon the enemy, -fi^^l^ 'ngau u^ tik,. Ngau yd tdi ; the thing chanced to hap- pen, '^^^^ Ji^ pat, lid^ sz^ jShing. Puh lidu sz ching. Chanceful, hazardous, |^ ^^ 'him tik,. Hien tih, 1^ P|t 'him M\ Chancel, that part of a church where the altar or communion table is placed, jfl ^ ^ ^ :® ^ J^ -lai pdi' .t'ong shing' ^t'dn .chi ch'u'. Li pdi t'dng shing t'dn chi ch'd. Chancellor, president of a Board, "j^ ^ sh^ung* CTIA shu. Shilng shu; Lord Iligl), Chancellor of Great Britain, ;^ % tS W\ M *"''' ^int? kwok, cl.iu' jno. Til Ying kvvoh cliiiu mo; in China, Chan- cellor of the Exchequer, p 1^> ^ % ^^ p^' Rh6ung^ ,8hu. IIu pu sh/ing shii; High Chancel- lor, :k^± ^''li' ^^^\ ^'f- '^'^ !""'» ^'' ' ^^^^' ii'n'' Chancellor of the Inner Council, ^ ^J :A: ^± noi' kok, tAi^ hokj, s?}. Nui kioh t.4 hioh sz; Chancellor of the Imperial Palace, ^ ^ Jr tin^ hokj s'/}. Tien hioh s/ ; Literary Chancellor, ^ ^hok^^t'oi. llioht'ai, -^^ |5^' hok^ un*. Hioh" y lien, ^j|!^ hokj chin g'. Hiohching; Chancellor and Director of the Imperial Academy, ^ ^ (^ ^ 1^ "^ ± hon' ^lam im' 'cheung tin' hok^ sz^ lliin lin yiicn chang yuen hioh sz ; chancel- lors, Receivere of H. I. Majesty's pleasure and Members of the Imp. Acjulcmy, ^ ^^^^ 't ^ -^ hon^ ,1am iin' hok^ s// jShing 'ehi. UAn lin yuen hioh sz cliing chi ; chancellors, Readers to H. M., and Members of the Imperial Academy, # # U # M ^' ± l'"'^' sl«."^ ^'i^' shI' tuk^ hok, sz^ HAn lin yuen shi tub hioh sz ; chancellors, Lecturers to H. I. M., and Members of the Imp. Academy, ^ ijiji [^ # ^ f^ ± hon^ ^lam iin^ shi' *kong hok^ sz'. Hdn lin yuen shI kiang hioh sz ; cbancellor of a university, \^ i^ >^ i: hon' jlam hok^ sz'. Hiin lin hioh sz, ^t'l'^f^tH I'^n' lam sheun"' shii. lT/»n lin shdng shu ; chancel- lor, or judge of a court of chancery, ^ ^ It^ ^sz. Nieb sz, -|'c fi K s^'^^- ^'i^'' ^'^'^■ Chancellorship, the oflictr of a chancellor, ^ i ^ ^ bokj sz' ,cbi cldk,. Hioh sz chi club, |i^ ^ ;^ l(iU^ sb^ung' ,shu ,chi chik,. Shdng shii chi chill. Chancery, in Great Britain, the highest court, of justice, ^J ^5 jing p(V. Hing pu. Chancing, happening, j|^ ^ sink, 'yau. Slab yii, ^, ^ fat, \vau. Hwub yu, -p % chd' 'yau. Chj^ yii, -fP!, ^ Higau ^yau. Ngau yii. Chancre ify ,teng. Ting ; to liave the chancre, ^ Jj^ jSbang ,teng. Sang ting. Chandelier if^ji >^jt ,ehi ,tang. Chi tang, ^ j^ ,slng ^tang. Sing tang. Chandler, a, >||'jfi!j(!irj# ,kiii chuk, ,sz fii'. KiAii chub sz fu, 'ji^Qt^ <'''uk, ts6ung'. Chub tsiiing; ditto, a general term for a dealer, ^^ Yx M ^^^Vi f"' P'^'- Tsiih ho p'li ; a ship-chandler, ^) Y( ^^| jShiin fo' p'5'. Cb'ueu ho p'l'i. Chandlery, the commodities sold by a chandler, 1(1 \t tsdp^ fo'. Tsali ho. Chandry, the place where candles aro kept, ^ J^ cbidv tim'. Chub ticn, 1^^ ^\] chuk, p'6'. Chub p'li. Chanfrin, the for(« part of a horse's bead, .fK^'flS ^^^ n\(n'. Md mien. Change, to cause to turn or pass from one state to another, f^ l^s 'koi pin'. K
  • "g 'koi. Kang kJli, ^ '^ pin' r.i'. Pien hwii, \:J( ^ *koi fu . KAI liwd, (350) CHA j^ 'kwai. Kwei, ^ ,siin. Swdn, j^ chi. Chi; to make diffrrent *, pj^ 'koi. KAi, ^ kiik,. Keb, 5J| t'ik,. T'ib, ^ fik,. T'ih ; to put one thing in the place of another, 1^ un'. Hwjin, ^^ un' 'chiin. lIwAn chuen, E^i|rV 'koi *chun. KAi chucn, ^ ^ ,kang un'. Kang liwAn, ^ yik^. Yih, ^ t'ai'. ^"i, ^ jbai. Hi ; to use alternately, ^^ tit^. Tieb, ^ tit^. Tieb, |g 3^ ,kang tit^. Kang tieb, jg tai'. Ti, f^ 3^ kiln' tit^. Kien tieb, 5^ /W tit^ yung*. Tieb yung; to exchange, ^ ^ ,k<4u yik^. Kidu yih, -^-^ ,kau lin'. Kiiiu bwiin, ^-^ ,kjiu 'sbau. KiAu shau, :}^ ^1 'chAu tin'. CbAu bwdn ; to quit one place for another, |JJ ^ ,pun ^ts'in. PwAn ts'ien, ^;^ .ts'in ,i. Ts'ien U J^ ^i. I, ^ ji. [ ; to change color, ^ (^ pin' sink,. Pien sib, Pj^r ^ 'koi shik,. Kiii sib ; ditto to blush, ^ fj| kin' kw'ai'. Kien kw'ei, ^pJt^M^ 'ts'iii ^in pin' shik,. Ts'iAu jen pien sib, ^ ^}i \f. ^ piit, ^in tsok, shik,. Poll jen tsob sib, ^ ^ ilU -^ shik, put^ /i VA. Sib pob ju y6, ^yf ,t^.,^ffnlfe shik, chakj fat, ^in ^i pin'. Sib tseb hwub jen rb pien ; to change the style, p^ ;j^ 'koi lin'. Kiii hwAn ; to change the official dress, as is done on the change of seasons, ^^ lin' kwai'. Hwan kwei ; to change one's apparel, ^ ^-j^ un' ^i jSh(5ung. HwAn i chAng, ^ ^^ ^ Vin' ^sbiim fii'. Hwan san fii, M^^^'M kang ,1 lin' ^sbdung. Kang 1 hwdn chang ; to agree to change, ■^^ n wAng t'A ch'ii. K- ^ts'in ,kii. Ts'ien kii, 5|^Jg- ji ,kii. I kii; to change one's mind and pui-pose, |cj i^ ^ jjj fl 18 added, the seii{ence is' eiflier in flie unperaliv* iiKMxl or ill 'Uie past tense. CHA (357) CflA ^cliung sing' ^nan 'koi. Chung sing nan kai. Change, to, as the moon, ^ pin'. Pien ; the moon changes, ^ ^; iit^ pin'. Yueh pien, ^] ^< [^ ^ lit, pin' ^im kiit,. Yueli pien yuen kiueh. Change, a, ^ ^ pin' 'clie. Pien ch6, J5 E^" :^ ^kang 'koi 'che. Kang kai chd, ^ i^t 'koi pin'. Kai pien, ^ ^ pin' fa'. Pien hAva ; a political change, ^'^^ kwok, ^chi pin'. Kwoh chi pien, HiM'^^ kwok^ wan^ ^chi pin'. Kwoh yun chi pien ; there will be a change, ^ tjl^ ^ sz' pit, pin'. Sz pieli pien ; a change of climate, -^ J^ ^ '^> 'shui 't'6 ^chi pin'. Shwui t'li chi pien ; you require a change, ^ ^ tK J; i"^' ^^ 'shui 't'6. Yau liwan shwui t'u ; a change for the bet- ter, ^ ^ Hi itf un" kwo' kang' 'lio, Hwdn kwo kang hau, ^ ^ M'J '^ yi^ 'chiin tsak, ^kai. Yih chuen tseh kia ; haye you any change? '^ TfC ^ ^ 'yau 'shui ^ts'in 'fan. Yii shwui ts'ien fau, ^ -M ^% ^ T^^ ^^^' c^g^^ '^^ > Can you give me change for this? ^ % (l/^ ^^ ^ 'chau tak, ^ni ti' hnb ; a change of fortune, ilig <1 ^ fnk, ^chi pin'. Fuh chi pien, |^ rffj '^ f i fuk, J pin' wo^ Euh rh pien ho ; a change of circumstances, ^ ^ ^ ^ sz' shai' jChi pin'. Sz shI chi pien, -^ J^ ;^ ^- ^kwong 'king ^chi pin'. Kwang king chi pien, B$ j^ ^ ^ jShi wan' ^chi pin'. Shi yun chi pien ; a change of mind, ;\j) ;^ ^\ ^sam ^chi pin'. Sin chi pien; a change of purpose, ^^^^ i' ^chl pin'. I chi pien, i^ >f^j ^ ^ ^sam ^ts'ing ^chi pin'. Sin ts'ing chi pien disease, jf^ ^ ^' ching' ^chi pin pien ; a change of countenance, ^ ^ ^ pin' shik, 'ch6. Pien sih che, "^ ;^ ^ shik, ^chi pin'. Sih chi pien ; given to change, ^ g^ ^^ pat, ^shi pin'. Puh shi pien, y^ ^ ho' pin'. Hau pien; a thorough change, ^ '^* un^ kwat,. Hwan kuh, ^f^^ -P* t'iit, ^t'oi un^ kwat,. T'oh t'di hwan kuh ; a slight change, j^ ^> ,t'ung pin'. T'ung pien ; an exchange, ^ /»/f ,kung 'sho. Kung so, j^ X 4^ f^)X cSheung jan ,kung 'sho. Shang jin kung so ; a change of master, ^ ^ un^ 'chii. Hwdn chu ; the Book of Changes, ^ ^ yik^ ,king. Yih king. Changeability, see Changeableness. Changeable, that may change, of^s *ho pin'. K'o pien, pf gjjr 'ho 'koi. K'o kai, pj ^^ 'ho fa'. K'o hwa ; subject to alteration, :^ ^ J5 ^ '^^i ts'z' ^kang yik^. Lui ts'z kang yih, ^ ^ ^topin'. To pien, §, gjj^ ^to 'koi. To kdi, ^ ^ ^to un'. To hwdn ; to be able to change, Pf j^^^^- 'ho ^ 'koi tak,. K'o i k4i teh ; changeable, as the colors of silk, ^ -^ 'shim shik,. Shen sih; constantly changing, =f-J^. ^ ^ ^ts'In pin' mdn^ fd'. Ts'ien pien wdn hwa ; given to changes, or unstable, 0^i&U cto cSam k6\ :ftf ^^^ ho' pin' tik,. Hau pien tih; changeable weather, ^ B{| ^ ^ wdk, jts'eng wdk, ^ii. Hwoh ts'ing hwoh yu, ^ p^ -p. 1^ ch4' jam chd' j^ung. Clia yin ch^ ysing ; a changeable bmnor, §^ J^ ^ ^ 'hi n5^ pat, jSheung. Hi nu puh chang. Changeableness, fickleness, ^ ^< t^ ^ yik^ pin' ^sam 'che. Yih pien sin ch6 ; inconstancy, iili '^ li^^ ^mo jhang ^sam 'ch6. Wu hang sin che, $,^ /£ ''^ ^ <"^^ **^°o" c^^'^ '<^^i^- ^ 'i ting sin che, M *^" jO ^ sino ^sh^ung ^sam 'ch6. Wu chang sin che ; susceptibility of change, ^ ^^ ^ yik, pin' 'che. Yih pien che, ^ \>X%-^ 'ho H pin' 'che. K'o i pien che, m>l\;Jc^ 'ho H. 'koi 'ch6. K'o i kai che, ^ ]>X'^% 'ho ^i fd' tak,. K'o i hwa teh. Changeably, inconstantly, ^ ^ |^^ ho' pin' tik,. Hau pien tih, pg- ^ ^m teng', J(^ >|'g pat, Jiang. Puh hang, '^^'^^ pat, ^sh^ung. Puh chang. Changed, altered, ^^^ pin' kwo'. Pien kwo, {^'^ 'koi kAVo'. Kai kwo ; converted, ^ ^^ fa' k^o'. Hwd kwo, ^ Jl: ^ 'koi ching' kwo'. KAi ching kwo ; you have much changed, j&l ^ ;;^ £)<[ niin^ mau^ ttli^ 'koi. Mien mau ta kai, ^ ^2 >^ ^' jung mair tai' pin'. Yung mau ta pien ; ho changed it, f{^ p^^ ^t'd 'koi kwo'. Tk kai kwo ; changed by him, -ffj fg p^ }^ nj^ hai' 'k'tl 'koi kwo' ke', ff}fg-^^;4 hai' 'k'Li un' kwo'; they are changed, |^ |vg \ik ^^ 'i ^king un' kwo'. 1 king hwan kwo. Changeful, full of change, ^ -^ ^^ ^to pin' tik,. To pien tih, ^ '^s ['j^j ^sheung pin' tik,. Chang a change in a Ching chi i\^i ,sheung 'koi pin tik,. pien till, '^' ^k _^ Clidng kai pien tih, Jp^J ^mo jhang ^sam tik,. Wu hang sin till, ^H^'yCi'^^ c^^^ teng' ^sam tik,. Wii ting sin tih, V^'(^,ii^'^^ ^ni ^sli6ung jSam k6'. Changeless, constant, ^ Jiang. Hang, '^^^J jSheung tik,. Chang tih; not admitting alteration, ^ Ttf gC Tcah 'ho 'koi. Wii k'o kai, M pf ^, ,m6 'ho pin'. Wu k'o pien, pg- pjr ^^. '^ 'koi tak,', qg ^ ^ ,m pin' tak,. Changeling, a child left or taken in the place of another, ^ ^ yik, 'tsz. Yih tsz. Changer HJC ^ ^ 'koi un' '«he. Kiii hwan che ; a money-changer, ^ §^ ^ un' jigan ;§ Js'6. Ts'du, ^ ^ kau 'tsz. Kau tsz ; place where a river flows, ^^ k'ok,. k'oh, i^n]"^ jho k'ok,. Ho k'oh, •/XiCl' ,kong ^sam. Kiilng sin; that through which any thing passes, ^ 16'. Lii; by what channel did you learn that? ^# {?§ li l# cPin ,t'iii 16' J'eng Jai; an arm of the -sea, a strait or naiTow sea, between two CHA (358) CttA continents, '/$ |lj^ 'hoi hdp^. IMi liidh, ^ '/^ ! mung; disorder, or a state in which the parts are chdk, lioi. Tseh hdi ; the British Channel, ^ j undistinguished, j^ ^ wan^ liin^ Uwan hrdn, ^ Yinglun /an, Yinglun fan, A ^ '/$ wan^ ts^p . Uwan tsdh ; an. immense chao- Tdi^ Ying 'hoi ^iu. Td Ying hai ydu; the channel tic expanse, ^ ^ jOiong ^man. Mong wan; the of a column, 3^ ^ JtJt ^ch'ii ^chl ,hang. Ch'ii chl i original chaos, yj^ J^ ^iin ^man. Yuen min. kang; a water channel between two hills, ^ Chaotic, resembling a chaos, '/l/Jrfl/l^ wan^tunHik.. Hwan tun tih ; confused, ^ §[, [)»]> |§ #f ^ shing' ui* ,chi 'siu 'lai i)di' /'ong; a printer's work shop, fp^J^ yan' .shii /ong. Yin sliii fang. Chapel, to deposit in a chapel, "^^j^^^ ^ fong' lokj Uai pdi' /'ong. Fdng lob li pdi t'dng, Chapeless, without a chape, fift ^ (jjfj ^mh .kau tik,. \Vu kau tih, ^ ^ P[|)t ^mci'^kau kc . Chapelet,\a pair of stirrup leathers, with stirrups, Chaplet, S j^^ ^d ,tang. Md tang. Chapeling, the act of taking a ship i-ound, when taken aback, without bracing the headyards, ^ lljflf ^ chiin' jShiin /'au. Chuen ch'ucn t'au. Chapeli-y, the jurisdiction of a chapel, fe«i ^ ^ fK 'tsai. Yii t'idu kang tsz, ^^iJiH- 'hi /'iu Jiang 'tsai. Channeling, cutting water channels, ^^ ^fC 5^ to chant books, pifi ■^ tsung* .sbii. Sung slm ; to chant poetry, J^ l# s"S^ c^^'i- ^S^ sW- Chant, to make melody with the voice, |^ ch'cung'. Ch'dng, ^ .ko. Ko. Chant, a song, ^ .ko. Ko, ||j .ko. Ko ; a peculiar kind of sacred music, in which prose is same with less variety of intonation than in common airs, ^ 20; shing' .ko. Shing ko. Chanted, sung, |^ ^ ch'cung' kwo'. Ch'dng kwo, ^^ .ko kwo'. Ko kwo, j^ '^ nim* kwo'. Nien kwo. Chanter, one who chants, ^ ^ .ko 'cli6. Ko ch6, V^ ^ ^ eh'6ung' .ko 'ch6. Ch'dng ko dx6; a chanter of prayei-s, ^ ^ ^ nini* .king *ch(5. kwai ui* 'kiin hat^. Kwei hwui kwdn hidh. Nien king ch6 ; the chief singer, or priest of the Chaperon, one who attends a lady to i)ublic plac( chantry, ^ ^ .ko 'chdung. Ko chdng, Chanticleer, a cock, i,'({: ^ jhung .kai. lliung ki, ^,J ^ .kai .kung. Ki kung. Chanting, singing, f\*| ^ ch'6ung' .ko. Ch'dng ko ; performing as a cliant, ■^ nim*. Nien. Chantrcss, a female singer, "^ ^ ^ 'nii .ko 'ch6. Nil ko chd, ^ -j^ .ko ^nii. Ko nii. Chaology, a treatise on chaos, or chaotic matter, ^^ Jtfe^l^ wan* tun* Mi lun*.. Hwan tun li lun. Chaos 'i^^ wan* tun*. Hwan tun, ^^ wan* tun*. Hwan tun, '^^ilJl ^niung hong*. Mung hidng, ^ wan ,lun. Uwan lun, ^mung /lung. as guide and protector, ^ j^ :^ A ^ 'i* sung' .fii ^an 'ch6. Uu sung fu jin chtS ^ ^ ^^ j)'iii .fii van 'die. P'ei fii jin ch6, ^^ ^ tsiV jP'iii pun . Tso p'ei pwdn. Chaperon, to attend on a lady to public places as a guide and protector, |^^ A $P''^i /" j.^'*"- ^'^^ fd jin, ^ i^ ^ A u s"ns' /" jan- il" sung fii jin. Chaperoned, waited on in a public assembly by a male or female friend, ^ ^ Mff {& >^iC ^ 4^ ^'^^' ,kung 'sho pi* Van fuk^ sz*. TsAi kung so pi yn fuh sz. Mung himg; confusion, 2^)^ wan* /nung. Hwan | Chaperoning, attending on a female in a public as- CHA (869) CHA sembly, ^j^Aj^^PJr .p'ui /u ,yan ^ii ^kung *sho. P'ei fu jin yu kung so. Chap-fallen, having the lower chap depressed, [H| P au' 'hau. Ngau k'au ; dejected, -^ ^ shat, yur. Shih jui, pf|^ min- hak^. Mieu heh, |^ '^ ^ min^ ^sham mak^. Mien shin meh. Chaplain, an ecclesiastic who has a chapel, or who performs the service in a chapel, ij^ ^jjj muk^ ,sz. Muh sz, i^ 1^ ;^ ^ nioi" <^iiig ^sin ^shang. Nien king sien sang ; a military chaplain, -^ ^ i^ j^ijj (Ping cyan muk, ^sz. Ping jin muh sz ; a naval chaplain, yj^ (*f^ ^ j^jfj 'sliui ^sz muk, ^sz. Shwui sz muh sz.; a private chaplain, ^ ^ i^ ^jjj kii ^ka muk^ ^sz. Kii kia muh sz ; colo- nial chaplain, ^l't[id^^r[j shuk, ti" muk^ ^sz. Shidi ti muh sz ; a Budhist chaplain, i^4? ^ ^iU nim^ jking fdtj ^sz. Nien king fah sz. Chaplainship, the office of a chaplain, i^ |§i|) <^ 1^ muk^ ^sz ^chi chik,. Muh sz chl chih, Chaplet, a wreath to be worn on the head, '^ ^ /a jWai. Hwa wei, ^ ^ /a ^hiin. Hwd k'iuen ; the circle of a crown, ^tS '«iio ^wai. Mien wei; a rosary, -^ ^ nim^ ^chii. Nien chu ; a little molding, carved into round heads, pearls, olives, or the like, ^ ^ ^ ,tiii /d ,hiin. Tiau hwa k'iuen ; a tuft of feathers on a peacock's head, •?L ^ ^ 'hung ts6uk, ^kun. K'ung tsioh kwdn ; a small Christian chapel, /J^fiff-^ 'siu 'lai pdi' jt'ong. Siau 11 pai fang, ^ A. ^ shing' ^yan jh5m. Shing jin k'an ; a pagan shrine, i^ A ^ shing' jVan ^h6m. Shing jin k'dn. Chapman, a purchaser, ^ -J^ ^mai 'che. Mai cli6 ; a seller, ^^ mai^ 'che. Mai ch6; a marketman, ^ -^ mai' 'shau. Mdi shau. Chapped, opened, as the surface of the skin, ijf )^ ^ ch'ak, kwo' la'. Ch'ih kwo hid, i^ i)f ^ pau' ch'dk, kwo'. Pdu ch'ih kwo, Jt^ 5^ ^. ^shing jmeng, ^ Pull ku mien tsz, IJ^pg p'in'',tiu mln^ Pw'dn tiilu mien, -^^ ^ ^t'a ^mb 'pan. T'd wu pin ; of high character, jjtjj '^ A k^"^, ^^K ^^^^- ^"^ ^^^ *^^' ^^ injure one's character, :^ \ f^ ;g wAi^ jyan .shing ^meng. Hwai jin shing ming, ^ \ |^|( -^ ,tui ^yan mln' 'tsz. Tiau jin mien tsz, ^Anigif c^iu yan *t'ai min^ Tiau jin t'i mien ; the chai-acter of sanctity, MKZMfi ^^^ng' ^yan ,chi .shing meng. Shing jin chl shing ming ; to trifle with men's characters, ^ pj^ A to^ tsim^ ^yan, g^ A. ^^^ shiit, jan .ch'^ung 'tiin. Shwoh jin ch'ang tvvan ; to give one a had cliaructer, iS| A ^ ^ *kong ^yan pat, *ho. Kiang jin puh hau, |^ A^ ji^ shiit, ^yan i)at, 'ho. Sliwoh jin puh hsiu ; spe- cific character, ^^ f^ 'piu lui^ 'che. Piau lui che, ^M^ ^^^S^ ^"^^ '^^^^- '^'^^o ^"' ^^^^ ' *^*^ eight rules of writing the Chinese characters are cxpr(>ss(d by the character ^", 'f,^ ^^ A ^ A. :^ ^ ^ 's6 tsz^ .chl piit, fdt, h6pj ^u "vvin;r is'/}. Si6 tsz chi pdh filh hoh hii yung tsz ; character, Vji^'-^ ,ni ko' tsz^ Ni ko tsz. Character, to cngi-avcj, Ji^ ^ .tiu tsz^ Tidu tsz, $^\ ^ hak, tsz^ K'eh tsz. Charactered, engraved, }^)^'^ ,tiu kwo' tsz\ Tidu kwo tsz, $\]'M.'-'Jr hdk, kwo' tsz^ K'eh kwo tsz. Characteristic, ^ that constitutes the character of Characteristical, / a num, ^ ff }}j^ ^ .piii hang^ chang" tik,. Pidu hing chwdng tih, '^ ff ^k "ik teng^ hang* ehong* k6', ^ jg /i )% 'pid ^k'u t'di' t(V. Pidu k'ii t'di tu; that constitutes the char- acter of a plant, )g %\^U t«»g' l"i' k(')', ^/ftf^^J teng* 'chung tik,. 'l^ng ehung tih, A ^ mU "I^ yap, ^mau p6* ko', ^ 5[g j^'j 'piu lui* tik,. Pidu hii tih, ^5*gp|Dt 'pill lui* k6'. Chanicteristic, that which constitutes a chamcter of a plant &c., i£* ^ ^ tcng* lui' 'chb. Ting lui eli«. ^Wi V<^ l"i h6'. Pidu lui lidu, 5(£^i£ teng* lui* luV. Ting lui hdu ; that which cons- titutes the character of a man, ^ K'fi^\^^\ 'pi" jyan hang* chong* *ch6. Pidu jin liing chwdng c'n'>, ^ )f^ hang* chong*. Iling chwdng, ^ )% t'di' tc)*. T'di tii; the principal letter of a word, which ia prosoi*ved in most of its tenses, in its derivatives and compounds, '^ ^ -i^ ^ ^ jin pat, yik, .chi tsz*. Yon puh yih chi tsz. Characteristically, in a manner that distinguishes character, ^ ^ 'jJc j^J 'pi" hang* chong* tik,. Pidu hing chwdng tih, ^ 5tfi ff^ pi'^ ^"i* ^.ik,. Pidu lui tih. Characteristicalness, that state or quality of l)cing chai-actcristic, ^ 5S ^ teng* lui* h6*. TiDg lui '•''i". 5S^.iR^ l"i' c^'W ki' ho*. Lui chi ki hdu, -^ ^tt ^ 'pin lui* 'che. Pidu lui che. Characterization, the act of characterizing, *^ |^ ^ teng* Mi* 'ch6. Ting lui ch6, H^'ff^ 'P'" 'pan hang* 'ch6. Pidu pin hang ch6. Characterize, to give a character of a person, ^ \ ^tr '^^n? jan 'pan hang*. Kidng jin pin hing, gftAifttr sliiit, ^yan 'pan hang*. Shwoh jin pin hing, ^ A tSp ^ 'pin ^yan 'pan hang*. Pidu jin pin hing, || A tT JiJC 'pin jjan hang* chong*. Pidu jin hing chwdng ; ditto of plants &c., ^)^ 'pill lui*. Pidu lui, ^ Hj teng* lui*. Ting lui ; to distinguish, to mark or express the character, ^ ^ 'piii ho*. Pidu hdu, ^%t^ 'pin ki' h5*. Pidu ki hdu ; to mark with a peculiar stamp or figure, :jT?t 'td h6*. Td hdu, tTst!^ 'ta ki' h6'. Td ki hdu, 1,^ ;^ h(V .chi. Hdu chi. Characterized, as a person, ^ i^ A "Ivt pp t T ^^^^n kwo' ^yan ke 'pan hang*, "^ J A fl\J ffp 'ff sl»ut, 'liii ^yan tik, 'pan liang*. Shwoh lidu jin tih pin hing; ditto, as plants &c., ^j|^j|[f[ 'piu kwo' lui*. Pidu kwo lui, ^ji^^ teng* kwo' lui*. Ting kwo lui. Characterizing, describing or distinguishing by pe- culiar qualities, ^?tHJJ 'piu hang* chong*. Pidu hing chwdng, ^ pp ^ 'kong 'pan hang*. Kidng pin hing, ^ |p[ 'piu lui*. Pidu lui, '^ jj^ teng* this lui Ting lui. Characterless, as a pci-son. Ittp jnio ■pan. AVii pin. 1^ ^'^ ^ tr s"^ '1><^ 'pan hang* ; ditto ;us plants &<•-. '^ ^ ;^ ^Ij snio Ini* .chi pit,. Wu lui chi pieh, js^^^.mh lui* ho*. Wii lui hdu. Charade || ml*. Mi. Charcoal, coal made by charring wood, ^ ^ ^cli'di t'dn'. Ch'di t'dn, ^K^ muk, fan'. Muh fan, ^ ^ 'fo t'dn'. Ho t'dn, iff. ^ fau t'dn'. Fau t'dn, ^ Bf\ t'dn' jt'au. T'dn t'au, |^ chdu*. Clidu ; to burn charcoal, j^ f^ .shiu t'dn'. Shdu t'dn, ^ ^ d^ /an muk, ^u. Fdn muh yu. Charge, to rush on, to attack, §^ ^ .ch'ung ,fung. Ch'ung fung, '/^ ^ .ch'ung .fung. Ch'ung fung, ^r #r ^ .eh'ung jts'in 'ti'i. Ch'ung ts'ien^ td, /iff (^ .ch'ung chan*. Ch'ung chin ; to load, as a musket or cannon, A ^ ^ yaPj 'fo y^^^^' J'h ho yoh, A ^ 5?i yap, y<'5uk, tdn*. Jih yoh tiln, }>Ji iKI^A^ 'i 'I" V'^nk, yap, ch'ung'. I ho yoh jih ch'ung; to load or Imnlen, as the stomach, ^J^*' shik, chai*. Shih chl; to charge, to impose, as a tax, ^ fUJ fd' shui'. Fu shwui ; to charge, ns a building with ornaments, ||£ m .chong ,ts'«5ung. Chwdng ts'idng; to impose, as a task, CHA ^ Vai. Wei, 5§P^^ chuk^ fu^ Chuli fu; to charge, as with a duty, |l^|vft S^^ ^^'- ^^^ ^^' ^fi '^^i yam-. Wei jin, ^ ^4 '^^''"^i ^'^K- ^^i ^'o^^' 5fl 4t chuk, t'ok,. Chuh t'oh, E^ ^ ^shan shik,. Shin chih, ^ ^ chak, ^shing. Tseh ching ; ditto, to entrust to, ^:^% kf t'ok,. Ki t'oh, fg t'ok,. T'oh, ft fC fu- t'ok,, Fu t'oh ; ditto, to enjoin, itj p^ ting (Uing. Ting ning ;• to charge to, to set to, as a debt, ^^ ^tang sh6'. Tang su, ;^m c^^^S kf. Tang ki, -^ ^ ,t'lnhf. T'au jih t'ien k'i ; to charge, as interest, Tf M\^ ^ jhang sik, yeuk^ ^kon. Hang sih joh kan, ^ ^|J J^^ siin' li" sikj. Swan li sih ; charge it to my account, A ^ ^ J^Vi ^S^ ^^i^'- Ji^^ ^o sii, ^ ^ Hi; jtang -ngo slio'. Tang wo su ; how much do you charge for that? Pj& fl^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ni ti' Tcl ,to ^ts'ln ^ni, ^m^f ka' ^ts'in yeuk^ >n. Kia ts'ien joh kan ; charge this gun, TVI^-^IJ/S P ^ y^P> J^^^\ lok, ni 'hau ^ts'eung. Jih yoh loh nl k'au ts'iang; he charges me with the crime, -j^ ^P^ll .t'd^kwaitsui'^ii^ngo. T'a kwei tsui yu wo ; he charges me with it, p^ ^^^ Vai ^chi ,ix -ngo. Wei chi yu wo, ^^tiM^ Mai ^chi ^ii Tigo. Kwei chi yii wo; charge him with it, charge him with the business, ^:^^fg|i$ ,k4u t'ok^ "k'ii pan\ Kiau t'oh k'ii pjin, ^ fi M. tS '^'^i yam^ ^ 'k'ii. Wei jin yii k'ii, fg ^ M" A ^'o\ ^z' -ii ,t'd. T'oh sz yii t'a, -($ -fg ^ SY 'k'ii Hii' 'H. PI k'ii liau H, ^ #, i$ Jil Vai ,t'd pdn- -II. Wei t'a pan II ; charge so much a year, ^^^ii^l]^ ■^ -mui ^nln siin' 11^ yeuk^ ^kon. Mei jiien swan II joh kan, ^^tr^^i^^ 'miii ^nln ^hang sik, y^ukj ^kon. Mei nien hang sih joh kdn; to charge (enjoin) repeatedly, ^ff ^^^p^t ^soi' ^sdm /an fu.\ TsAi san fan fii, PXP^ JJ^'JM c^^^» P^^S ^'^^i' chuk^. Ting ning chi chuh. Charge, office or trust, -f^ yam^ ^jy-^^'H 'slio fu^ ^chl yam^ So fii chi jin, fijfi \l\ '^ H 'sho /am ^chl yam^ So tan chi jin ; to take a great charge upon one's self, •^ J|' fii^ chung^ ; a charge of powder, — -P j/C^ 7^, 'liau 'fo yeuk,. Yih k'au ho yoh ; the charge of an enemy, |^ ^ ^cli'ung /ang. Ch'ung fung, Hf f^ ^ch'ung tik^. Ch'ung tih ; an order, given to one, •^ <^ meng^ ling^. Ming ling ; that which is enjoined, ^ ft -^ ^ V^ai t'ok, ,chi sz^ Wei t'oh chi sz, f>)x ^ ^ % 'sho jkau t'okj 'ch6. So kiau t'oh che, -f^ 4t <^ (361) CHA ^ fii^ t'ok, ^chl sz". Fii t'oh chi sz ; the charge of a judge to a jury, ^*^ a) i^5ftp{t on' ch'at, ^sz jChI chuk, fii*. Ngan ch'ah sz chi chuh fu ; a bishop's charge, ^i^^jfi t.WiW< ckam muk^ ^sz jChI hiin' ii'. Kien muh sz chi k'wen yii ; impu- tation, ^^"^ ,iin Vong 'cli6. Yuen wang che, y^ ^ ^ Vong Avat, 'ch6. Wang k'iuh che; ac- cusation, "^ f^ ^ k^' tsui* 'ch6. K6u tsui ch6 ; an entry of money, -^ J^ him' hon^. K'ien hiang ; charges, j|| ^ 'shai fai'. Shi fi, ^ j^ ^ 'shai yung- 'che. Shi yung cli6 ; charges and expenses, ^,? ^ 'jlj^ jfl j)'un fai' 'shai yung*. Pw'an fi shI yung ; it must be done at your charge, fsfj^* "jy^l^ ||l JM ^kwai "nl tsz* '11. Kwei nl tsz II; imposition on land or estate, j^ |jj tl* shui'. TI shwui ; rent, f>g_ J^ /so hong*. Tsii hidng ; a signal to attack, ^ Ef: ^ §^ ^ch'ung /ung ^chl ho*. Ch'ung fung chi hau ; a cer- tain quantity of electrical fluid, ^ ^ A ^ 5^ ^ 'sho t'au yap^ ^chl /'In hf. So t'au jih chi t'ien k'l ; a charge or overcharge of color, y^ ^ jau chung*. Yii chung, Hf ^ ^ M IS fiS^^ sliik^ /o kwo' /'au. Yen sih to kwo t'au; a charge of lead,'^^ il^ ^^ J^^K 'kau /s'ln pong^ ^iin. Yoh kiii ts'ien pang yuen ; I am at the charge of it, fUJf l^|^|i{ 'shai yung* ^kwai ■ngo ch'ut,. Shi yung kwei wo ch'uh ; to put one's self to charges, ^ ^ ;^ /ii fai' tai*. Hwd fi t&, 4:| fij- ^ i^ fai' 'h5 /o ,ngan. FI hdu to yin ; honorable charges, ^ ]^ tai* yam*. Ta jin ; he gave it in my charge, ^ ^ ^^ ^ .kau t'ok, kwo' -ngo. Kiau t'oh kwo wo ; give them their charge, 5§ \^^ ftHi chuk, fu* /'d. Chuh fii t'd ; to go to the charge, "jl^ :f7* /s'ln 'ta. Ts'ien ta; to sound the charge, 1^ ^ :;^ ^ch'ui tsun' j)ing. Ch'ui tsin ping. Chargeable, that may be laid on, imputed or attri- buted, nf^^M 'ho ^kwai 'u. K'o kwei yii, Pf'^ 'ho 'wai. K'o wei ; censurable, pf ^ 'ho chak,. K'o tseh, :^|| 'yau tsui*. Yii tsiii; to be charge- able to one, % K^^ ^^"^^ M chukj fii* kwo'. Chuh fii kAvo ; imputed, |^ M i^ 'wai -'ii kwo'. Wei yii kwo, ^ % )^ ^kwai 'ii kwo'. Kwei yii kwo ; accused, "^ p >|^ ko' tsui* kwo'. KAu tsiii kwo ; placed to the debt, ^ jj^ ^ /ang kwo' p6*. Tang kwo pii; ordered, g^ p{sj* CHA (862) CHA -^ fun fii^ kwo'. Eiin fii kvvo ; commanded, ^ ■^ ^ meng^ ling^ kwo'. Ming ling kwo ; entrus- ted, ^ ^j-^ M }^^^ *'o^> ^^^'^'' ^^^^ *'^^ '^^^^• Charge d' Affaires, ^mk^MZ^^ '^^'^ '1^ S^ 'siu ^sam. Sidu sin. Charing, doing chores, '^ X ts6' yat^ ^ung. Tso jih kung. Chariot, a half coach, ^ .^ ^ pun' hud ,ch'6. Pwdn md ch'6 ; a carriage with four wheels and one scat behind, used for convenience and pleasure, ,fi| % ^md /;h'e. Md ch'6 ; a war chariot, ^ ^ chin ,ku. Chen kii, ^ ^ j)ing ,ku. Ping kii, %%^ /an 'iin. Fan yuen, |g ,pd. Pd; a general v^ar chariot, ^ ^ jung ,ku. Jung kii ; the Im- peral chariot, ^i Mim. Lien, ^% jlun ^ii. Lwdn yu. % ^ sl^^ ^^'- ^^^"^ 1^. ^ tr SS /i s'^ang tin\ Fi hang tien, ^ff^ jWan ^liii ,kung. Yun lui kung; the noise of many chariots, |^^^^ chung' ,ch'6 /un ^lun. Chung ch'6 lin lin. Chariot-man, sec Charioteer. Chariot-race, a race \\ath chariots, H .Ro ^ *^u' hnd ,ch'6. Tau md ch'6. Charioted, borne in a chariot, 4fc ,P| ^ tso' ^md ,ch'6. Tso md ch'6. Charioteer, the person who drives or conducts a chariot, 1^ u^ Yv'i, {|^ ^ ii' *ch6. Yu cht-, \ jii jyan. Yd jin, H ^ ^u /'oi. Yu t'di, ii* puk^. Yn puh, f^ A ^^"^ i^^^- Kwdn jfn, ■'^ 4 |&^ il' ^ii tik,. Yu ku tih, f,^ ^ ii' 'ch6. Yu chc, ^^ |f|fr ii:i^ tfy ^van ^m tik,. Jin sin tih, j^yCi'^J j^^'^ .s*"^' tik,. Ts'z sin till, |$i\!i^i'(^ n^t, .sam k6', ^^C^P^ ^p'o .sam k6'. K # 6^J ««^i' oi' ^'1<,- U^'ui "g^i tih, tr B "^ jyan /s'z k6', ^tgi)^ Van ch'ak, tik,. Yin ts'eh tih ; liberal in benefactions to the poor, j^ ;|fi£ ^^ pok, .shi tik,. Poh shi tih, 1^}^ify 'p'6 .shi tik,. P'u shi tih, ^^^^ .shang ^p'6 sdt, k6'; form- ed on charitable principles, ^, t^ p^ shii' ^sam k6', '^i^'^ /un ,sam tik,. Kwdn sin tih ; dicta- ted by kindness, ^ ^^ ti^ jfij ^Ij ^jau /s'z ^sam / ch'ut,. Yd ts'z sin rh ch'uh, ^ j^ i^ ^ |j ^yau /s'z ,sam 'sho fdt,. Yd ts'z sin so Idh ; charitable construction of words, Jiji ^ ;Ac |p ^ ^ ^ /un tdi' 'sham ^yan /n. I kwdn td shin jin yen ; a charitable disposition, j^ 1^ ^ts'z ^sam. Ts'z sin ; thinking charitably of others, ^ \ shii' jVan. Shu jin; charitable schools, ^|^ i' 'kun. I kwdn, ^ ^ i' hokj. I hioh ; charitable institutions, J^ ^If ,shi tsai' 'kdn. Shi tsi kwdn, if //^^ pok, .shi 'kun. Poh shi kwdn, ^ig|t 'p'6 tsai' 'kun. P'u tsi k«'an. Charitableness, the disposition to be charitable, j^ i(^ /s'z ^sam. Ts'z sin, ^ti^ ^j'an .sam. Jin sin; the exercise of charity, ^ -^ .shi tsai'. Shi tsi, ii ^ ^ J jVan oi' tik,. Jin ngdi tih ; to be charitably disposed, ^ j^ ii^ ^yau /s'z .sam, ?^ :}^ jv]2» 'yau 'she .sam. Yd shid sin; deal charitably with him, j^jj^ffp shii' kwo' -hd. Shu kwo hid,*^.^;^.?^ shu' .ni ts'z'. Charity, that disposition of the heart which inclines men to think favorably of their fellow-men, and to do them good, ^^^ jan oi' 'ch6. Jin ngdi ch6, ^ ^ ^yan oi'. Jin ugiii, ^ j^ ,yan .ts'z. Jin ts'z, ^ ^ ^yan tak,. Jin teh. m zy. ch'ak, '^•an .chi .sam. Ts'eh yin chi sin ; love, ten- derness, f^^ jts'z oi'. Ts'z ngdi, '^i^ ,ts'z .sam, Ts'z sin, ^%^^, /s'z .pi. Ts'z pi, j^,^ .j^n chdk^. Ngan tseh; liberality to the poor, to bestoM- chari- ly. IP^ .chau. Chau, ^ ^ .chau .slii. Chau shi, ^ 'M .t'li'*!" *sjii'. Chau tsi, ^ ^, .chau sut,. Cliau siuh, ^ :|^ .shi 'sh6. Shi 8hi6; to bestow charity in a liberal manner, j{||i|^ pok, ,shi. Poh shi, y^i t^ 'kwong .shi. Kwdng shi, ^^ |s| p6' .shi. Pd shi, ^-iH 'p'6 .shi. P'u shi; candor, % i^ .fun .sam. Jvwdn sin, f^'^^ Z 'Vj!* /^n shii' .chi .sam. Kwdn shu chi sin, ^. i^ shu' .sam. Shu sin; to ask charity, '^ ^ hat, shik^. K'ih shih, I^ :^ ^'oi' shik . K'di shih ; to live upon (rharity, J^t;l^>S5l ^ J»f^t, shikj jwai ip^. I k'ih shih wei nieh ; Sister of Charity •, |£ ^ j[^ ^ .slii tsai' .ku ^ndung. Shi tsi ku n6ang, ^ :|p| ^ <^ ^ ^ 8z' peag' 'chd ,chi Jk.u ^ndung. Sz ping ^±^f CHA (363) CHA f^' ^chau tsai' ^kii. Chau ch6 chi ku n^ang, tsi ku. Charity-school ^ ^ i" hok^. I hioh. Charivari, a mock serenade of discordant music, kettles &c, designed to insult and annoy, P^ ^ V^ ^ ^chdu siu' k6' ngok,, 7(^1^:^ f| pat, ,wo ^chi ngok^. Puh ho chi yoh, ^ ^ ^ ^m6 tsz" huk,. Wu tsz k'iuh. Charlatan, one who pretends much in his own fa- vor, and makes unwarrantable pretentions to skill, -/X y^ P :^ cl^^ong jU 'hau kok,. Kidng hA k'au koh, 'jjj^f^^'^ kong ^li ^sin ^shang. Kidng hu sien sang, ^ P ;^ "^ mai" 'hau kok, k6', ^ -^ ^ ^ 'kong 'kii ^sin ^shang. Kiang ku sien sang, ;^Xy^-^^ ckong ^u 'tsz tai". Kiang hu tsz tl ; a quack, ^ ^ Jung ^i. Yung i ; mounte- bank, ilr^l^flgt A tso' 'kwai hf k^' jan, ^% M, "^ A lun^ 'kwai hak ke' ^yan, ^%mZK 'slid 'kwai ,11 ,chi jan. Sha kwei li chi jin, fp A jling jan. Ling jin. Charlatanical, quackish, ^gP|E jv.n<^ ,i ke' ; mak- ing undue pretensions to skill &c, ^ P ;^ "^it mdi' 'hau kok, ke', M'^ it'^ti^ 'kong 'ku ,sin ^shang tik,. Kidng kii sien sang tih. Charlatanically, after the manner of a charlatan, $0 M P ^ "^'S^i^ s^ mdi^ 'hau kok, k4' 'k5m y6un^. Charlatanry, undue pretensions to skill, ^ P ;^ ^ ^ mdi^ 'hau kok, ,chi sz^ Mai k'au kioh chi sz. Charles's-wain :|[^ 4^ V^\ '*^^- ^^^ *^"- Charm, words, characters or other things, imagined to possess some occult or unintelligible power, ^^ ,fd. Fii, f^5£ /u chau'. Fii chau, ^^^ /li luk,. Fii luh, ^ ^ jfd sho'. Fu su ; to write a charm, # ^ shii fu. Shu fu, * wak^ jfu. Hwah fu; an efiicacious charm, ^ ^ jli^g /u- Ling fu ; a charm suspended in a bag about the neck of children, ^ ^ ^^ ,sam kok, /li, San koh fu ; the Vermillion charm, ]^^^ ,chii ^sha /li. Chu shd fti ; a charm that averts evil influence, y^f ^^ chi- ,ts'^ /d. Chi si6 fii, mM^^ ck'ii ,ts'6 ,fu. K'ii si6 fu ; a charm that protects the body from harm, ^#^ li^ .s^an /u. Hu shin fii, f^ ^ p'ui' .king. P'eiking, ^^^ .koi ,t'oi. Kai t'Ai, ^ij ^p ,kong -mau. KAng mau, A M tai' ,kin. Ta kien ; the peachleaf charm, :^l ^ ,t'6 .fu. T'au fu ; the charm for the pacification of the womb of a woman in confinement, ^ ^ ^^ P^ jt'oi jfu. Ngdn t'ai fu ; a charm for the protec- tion of the house, ^^^ clian' chdk /u. Chin tseh fu ; to recite charms, j^ ^ nim /u. Nien fii ; that which has the power to subdue opposi- tion and gain the aifections, ^ s^ ^ jUiai ^wan 'ch6. Mi hwan ch6, ^ 5^ ^ ^ jn^iai jWan .chi sz\ Mi hwan chi sz, ^ z^ ^ .kau .wan 'ch6. Kau hwan ch6 ; that which delights and attracts the heart, ^ ^ ii^ ^ lok^ jmai .sam 'ch6. Loh mi sin ch.6. Charm, to subdue by incantation, ^ ^ '/^ yung^ /li chi^ Yung fu chi, 1>X ^ y'^ ^i /u chi\ I fu chi ; to charm away, j^ ^ |^ vung^ ^u .k'ii. Yung fii k'ii ; J^ i^ |§E ^i .fd ^k'ii' I fd k'ii'; to subdue by secret power, fff ::^t'RT y^^g^ S^ shut^. Yung fd shuh, )^ ^^ % yung^ .fu chaii'. Yung fd chau, j^ ^ :^j yung- .id shut,. Yung ydu shuh ; to allay, to appease, :|te ^ 'fd wai'. Fd ■^ei, ^ j^ 'fd .sui. Fd sui ; to give exquisite pleasure to the mind, to captivate, ^ ^ .kau .wan. Kau hwan, ^ z^ .mai .wan. Mi hwan, ■^ j^ .id mi-. Yau mei, '^ j^ .kid mi". Kiau mei, 3^ j^ 'mb mi\ Wd mei ; to summon by in- cantation, ;j=g % .chid 'kwai. Chau kwei ; to de- light, 1^ lok,. Loll. Charmed, subdued by charms, ^ j^ pi' ^mai. Pi mi, ^ ^ yi^ pi' ,fd chi^ Pi fd chi ; enchanted, '^g: .sham 'hi. Shin hi, ;g^ kik^ 'hi. Kih hi; defended by charms, ^ ^ -g^ P^^ pi' .fd 'p6 k^'. Charmer, one who uses or has the power of en- chantment, ^t'tj:^ /d shut, 'ch6. Fd shuh chd, ^ ^ ^ /^ fdt, 'ch6. Fd fdh ch fn ''"^ ^"'^' M jdiui 'tsau kwo'. Chui tsau kwo. Chaser, a hunter, |^ ^ lip, jVan. Lieh jin ; a pur- suer, jfi j^ ^ .chui 'kon 'ch6. Cliui kdn ch6 ; a gun at tho head or stenx of a vessel, i!f^ ^ |£ ^ Z itiil jShiin jt'au wdk, hni .chi p'du'. Ch'uen t'au hwoh wi chi p'du. Cha.sing, pursuing, ^ .chui, j^ 'kon. Kdn, iQ^ ^ .chui 'kon. Chui kdn ; hunting, ^ lip,. Lieh ; chasing of metals, see Embossing. CHA (seS) CSA Chasing, the art of embossing on metals, ^^^ seung kam 'che. Sidng kinche; embossed work, X ,seung Jvung. Siang kung. sham Chasm, a cleft, '^ ^ ^sham la'. Shin hia, '^ ^ ^sham ^hang. Shin kang, [Igjtfl[] ham\liang. Hien kang, ^L ^M 'li^J^S kwik,. K'ung kih, [Ig p ham^ 'hau. Hien k'an, \\ | ^ ^shan Jiang. Shan kang. Chasmed v^ ^ v^X cSlia^i la' ke', '^ iji ^i] ^sham hang tik,. Shin kang tih. Chasseur, one of a body of cavalry trained for rapid movements, |^ J^ />irig Tua. Fung ma. Chaste, pure from all unlawful connection of sexes, ^||i ^ching tsit,. Ching tsieh, ^J<^^ ^ping ^ching. Ping ching, p^ '/^ ^ching kit,. Ching kieh, ^ ;^i| ^chiug lit,. Ching lieh, ^ tsnk,. Tsuh, §^ shli\ Shii ; free from obscenity, y^ ]£ (fi] ,ts'ing ching' tik,. Ts'ing ching tih, '/^ JEi'f^ c^s'ing ching' k6' ; a chaste female, ^ -^ tsit, "nii. Tsieh nli, ^[| -^ lit, 'nu. Lieh nli, J^ fjj ;<^ ^ tiling tslt,' ^chi Lieh fti, J. Tsin % yaPr Hil^. ^B "SOU' M'ho refuses to marry again, tJ^ 'ffj <^ ^^ 'shau tsit, jChi "fii. Shau tsieh chi fu, '^ ^^ tsit, "fu. Tsieh fu, p,%:^ ^ ,ching tsit, ^chi -fii. Ching tsieh chi fu; chaste and quiet, ^j nli. Ching tsieh chi nli, ^fij[ it'^ lit^ 'fii ^ ^ tsing- Tiii. Tsing nli, ^'^ tsin^ . ^....^, N gan ; a chaste widow, Ching tsing ; a chaste style, ^ ^ tsik, chi ts'/i. Yun tsih chi ts'z ; ,ching tsing". wan' .ts'ing kit,. Ts'iner kieh. pure, Chaste-eyed, having modest eyes, '^ 3p; 'ngan. Ts'ing yen. cts'ing ching ,in. Chastely, in a chaste manner, p^ P^\ Ching jen ; chastely dressed, ^ ^ ^ ^ 'shau ■lai jChi J. Shau li chi i; chastely written, ^f^ ^T M. Ih 's^ ^^K ''i^ ^'^^i' tsik^. Si6 teh hdu yun tsih, '^] ff: ^ \iXi 's6 tak, 'yau ml\ Sie teh yu wl, 15 # fi IM 's6 tak, ^ts'ing 'seng. Sie teh ts'ing sing. Chasten, to correct by punishment, ^^ 'td chak,. Ta tseh, )g '/^ 'ch'u chi'. Cli'u chi, H |j^ 'hin chak,. K'ien tseh, ^^'^ 'king chak,. King tseh, ^ -^ chdk fat,. Tseh fall. Chastened, coiTected or punished, fT^jIM 'tachdk, kwo'. Ta tseh kwo, ^f^j^ 'bin chdk, kwo'. K'ien tseh kwo, ^ f J )^ clu4!v, fAt^ k-vo'. Tseh fah kwo. Chastener, one who punishes for the pui-pose of cor- rection, ^ -f^ :^ chak, fiitj che. Tseh fah ch6, H li ^ 'bin chak, 'che. IC'ien tseh cM. Chasteness, chastity, ^^ '^ ^', ^ching tsit, 'che. Ching tsieh chd, '^^{;^- ^ching kit, 'ch6, Ching kieh che. Chastening, afflicting for corr(^ction. .^. Tseh fdh, tJ ^ 'ta chak,. Ta tseh 'bin chilk . K'ien tseh. ^ chak. &^ Chastisable, desei-ving of chastisement, ^ ^ ,ying shau' chak, tik,. Ying shau tseh tih, 2|S |g ^ ^ 'pun jing shau^ clidk,. Pun ying shau tseh. Chastise, to con-ect by punishment, ^^ chdk, fdt^ Tseh fdh, ^ tr chAk, 'ta. Tseh ta, |i f^ chak, fat,. Tseh fdh, ^ ^ 'king chak,. King tseh, =j| g^ 'bin chak,. K'ien tseh, ^=$] ^pin chak,. Pien tseh, '^ 5t£ '^ing kdi'. King kiai, ^ ^ tuk, chdk,. Tub tseh, -^J:[; chak, pi\ Tseh pi. Chastised, punished, ^^ j^ chak, fdt, kwo'. Tseh fah kwo, tT V: M 't^ chak, kwo'. Ta tseh kwo ; corrected, ^ ||^ -^ 'bin chak, kwo'. K'ien tseh kwo. Chastisement, pain inflicted for punishment and correction, ^J ^ ^ 'ta chak, 'che. Ta tseh ch6, H III 'bin chak,. K'ien tseh, tJ" ^ 'ta kau'. Ta kiau, 'j^ ^ 'king chak,. King tseh, JfiJ -^ jing fat^. Uing fall, || fX ^ jiin 'ta 'che. Pien ta ch6; death would not be a sufficient chastisement for your crime, ^^^^ 'sz "y^"^ A t^^*'^- Sz yu yu ku, ^ ^ ^ ^ 'sz -yau ^ii chak,. Sz yii yii tseh. Chastiser, one who chastises, ^' "^ ^ chdk, fdt^ 'che. Tseh fah cli6 ; a corrector, |j| |^ :^ 'bin chak, 'ch6. K'ien tseh che. Chastising, punishing for correction, ^ pj chAk, fat^. Tseh fah, |jf |j^ 'bin chak,. K'ien tseh. Chastity, freedom from all unlawful connection of sexes, ^ '^0 ^ching tsit,. Ching tsieh, ^ 'fjj ^ ^ching tsit, 'che. Ching tsieh che, ^ ^ ^ .k'in ^ching 'ch6. K'ien ching che, fff JE :^ ,ts'ing ching' 'ch6. Ts'ing ching che, ^ jj^ ^ ^ching kit, 'cb6. Clung kieh che; freedom from obsceni- ty, y^ -^ ^ cts'ing kit, 'ch6. Ts'ing kieh ch6 ; a widow's chastity, ^ '^ :^ 'shau tsit, 'che. Shau tsieh ch^. Chasuble, an outward vestment worn by a E,om. Cath. priest when saying mass, -p ^ |^ shap^ tsz^ tap,. Shib tsz tslh, |lp 5c + ^ fe A^^ i^' shap, tsz^ tap,. Shin fii sbili tsz tab. Chat, to talk in a familiar manner, |^|j^ ,t'am lun\ T'dn lun ; to talk idly, {J|j |^ ^ban ^t'am. Hien fan, ^ fH] ^ 'kong Jian wa'. Kidng hien hwd ; to chat and laugh, ^ ^ ^t'am siii'. T'dn siau, |j^ ^ shut, siu'. Shwob sitiu, 0f |^ dk, chak,. Ngeh tseh. Chat, tree, familiar tall', $^^ ^t'am lun^ T'dn lun; idle talk, ^$^ Jidn ^t'am. Hien fan, |^^|5( Jidn ts^i^ Hien tsu ; let us have a chat together, ^ij %tMk kiing' '»i ^'''^^ ct'dm. Kung ni f dn t'dn. Chateau, a castle, "^ ,kung. Kung ; a seat in the country, %\{ "^ }\ kung. Li kung. Chatelet, a little castle, *§' -f^ ,kung 'tsai. Chatted, talked familiarly, fj^|^}|j^ ct'''ini lun^ kwo'. T'dn lun kwo, ^ %_ (^|j fg" 'kong kwo' ^ban wd'. Kidng kwo hien hwd. Chattel, movable property, ^ ^ f ^ i^ ,ka ^sz shap^ matj. Kid sz shib wuh, ff-^l? shap^ hi'. Shib k'i, ^ f^( ^kd 'fo. Kid ho ; the emperor's chattels, ^ ^ u' mat^. Yu wuh. Chatter, to utter sounds rapidly and indistinctly, as amagj)ie or a monkey, n^Pj^PJUp/iil ,chi ^chi ^chau CHA (366) CHE ,cliau. Chi clii chau ehau, f^ ,cbim. Chen, n^ Pgl nipj .8u. Nleh ju, |T* n^ ts'6 ^sb. Ts'du sdu, ^ p^ ,to 'tsui. To tsui, f ^ f^ ,chim jBdm. Chen ndn; ditto like a swallow, ^ 'u. Yu, to chatter like children, V^ a^ PJf ^ S S fiS^ ^S^- ^ ^ y^ J A, ^f^ kwo' ,so. Kwo so; to chatter like birds, pjgj p^J ^ ^chdu ,chdu .shing. Chdu chdu shing, .^ ^ '"iu* .so. Nidu 80, V^] ^f\ .chdu chit, Chdu cheh, pj^ n|ff ,chau chit,. Chau cheh, o|| P^ ^lau lui*. Lau lui ; to chatter with the teeth ^ ]^ trfl i^gd 'ch'i 'td Chan'. Yd ch'i td chin, ^ jj^ ch'dp, ndpj. Ch'dh ndh ; to chatter Avith cold, p^ 1^ ^ tsap^ tsapj .shing. Sih sih shing, ng tsap^. Sih ; to jabber, ^ P #: !§• kap, 'hau kap, shit^. Kih k'au kih sheh, ^ Sidi. Ndi, -(^ ^ tslt^ ^u. Tsieh yu. Chatter, the, o^ 9% vj^ pj^ ^ .chi .chi ,chau .chau .shing. Chi chi chau chau shing. Chatterbox, one that talks incessantly, "j^ "g* "^ pdk, shit^ k6\ tan' ^ ^ tan' hi' '16, ^## .to jin *cli6. To yen ch6. Chatterer, a prater, |J^ \ ts'6' ^yan. Ts'du jin ; an idle talker, M^U^^ '^ong /au wd' k6', ^jg ^ ^ 'kong .hii \vd^ 'ch6. Kidng hii hwd ch6 ; name of a bird, g" ^,|^ pdk, shit^ ^niii. Peh sheh nidu. Chattering, uttering i-apid, indistinct sounds, Oj (^ vM 'l/r^ <^^'^ ^ ^ tai kd'. Ti kid, fig t: ^p'in ^i. P'ien i. fg ^ « B kd' jta'in .seung .ying. Kid ts'icn sidng ying ; com- nion, }^ P|^ tsin^ U\ 1^ R§ P(^ hd* tsin^ k6', 2p ^ *^ '^ a'''"S jP'inS jShCmng sh6ung. P'ing p'ing chdng chdng; very cheap, ^J-^p Mi6 jP'ing. Hdu p'ing, ;tD| zp Idn^ ^p'ing, ^ \\^ ldn» tsin\ ^ j^ sham^tsin^ Shin tsicn, ^^(i^ sham^ ch6uk, kd'. Shin choh kid; it can be got cheap, ^f^^ ^di tak, jp'ing. Mdi teh p'ing ; yet cheaper, j^ U 2p iitj fdt, jp'ing. Yueh fdh p'ing. Cheapen, to attempt to buy, |ij 'f]^! ^ eh'ut, kd' jts'in. Ch'uh kid ts'icn, ^ ^ 'kong kd'. Kidng kid; to lessen value, [ij ^^ ^ $^ cirut, 'sbiii kd' jts'fn. Ch'uch shdu kid ts'icn, [|{ %^ ch'ut, .tai kd'. Ch'uh ti kid. Cheapened, bargained for, (jj )i^ {^ ^ ch'ut, kwo' kd' ^ta'in. Ch'uh kwo kid ts'icn, i| j® fg 'kong kwo kd'. Kidng kwo kid; beat down in price, WillUiiR ch'ut, kwo' ,tai kd', Ch'uh kwo ti kid. Cheapener, one who bargains or cheapens, g 'kong kd' 'chd. Kidng kid chd, [Jj fg ^ ch'ut, kd' 'cU. Ch'uh kid chd. Cheapening, chaffering, }]} -j^ ^- eh'ut, kd' 'ch6, Ch'uh kid ch6, ^^^ 'kong kd' 'ch6. Kidng kid ch6 ; beating down the price of, ffj ^ ^ ch'ut, .tai kd'. Cli'uh ti kid. Cheaply, at small price, 2JS ^ J?'ing ^in. P'ing jen, % ^ .tai kd'. Ti kid. Cheapness, lowniess in price, ^ ^ jP'i^S ^'• P'ing kid, % ^ .tai kd'. Ti kid, ^ (^ tain* kd'. Tsien kid, j^ Tfj Idn^ ^shi. Ldn shi. Cheat, to deceive and defraud in a bargain, ^^ ^ .hi p'in'. K'i p'ien, ^ ^ hung' p'in'. Hung p'ien^ IJJSg li jinun p'in\ Mwdn p'ien, |^ ngdk,, IM ^B "g^k, p'in', $^^ 'kwai p'in'.Kwei p'ien, tm. li chough p'in'. Chw-ang p'ien, gg |g .hong p'in'. Kdng p'ien, fg ^ kwong' p'in'. Kwdng p'ien, ^ ^ .fai p'in'. Kw'ei p'ien, ^ kom'. Kdn, 1^ ^ shin' p'in'. Slien p'ien, ^ ^ .hi p'in'. K'i p'ien, ^ ^ .hi ^mun. K'i mAvdn ; to cheat one, |^ X ^S^K sJ^n, ^j: X c^'^ <^^^- ^'^ i^^> li A V'^^' jyan. P'ien jin ; you may cheat men, but you cannot cheat the gods, [^fe ^^ A. Pa liia # P ^S^\ tak, jan ^m ngdk, tak, ^shan ; who wishes to cheat you ? |f^ ^ ^J| ff]^ ^shui yuk^ p'in' ^ni. Shwui yuh p'ien ni, -UlliJIif^J^ mat, jShui 's^ung p'in' ^ni. Cheat, a fraud committed by deception, \^^ ^ ^ hung' p'in' .chi sz^ Hung p'ien chi sz, ^^|g ^ .hi p'in' 'ch6. K'i p'ien ch6, |^|i ^ ngdk, p'in' 'ch6, H it ;^ ^ 'kwai kai' .chi s//. Kwei ki chi sz ; a person who cheats, |fe §^ "^ A 'kwai p'in' k6' ,yan, mm'^A k^van' p'in' ke' jan, ^ -f- 'kwdi 'tsz. Kwdi tsz, -^^ .kwong kwan'. Kwdng kwan, ^ ^ kwan' .t'6. Kwan t'u, ^ f^ kwan' k^uk,. Kwan kioh,":^^^ H "^JE A 'kwai p'in' k6' ^an. Cheatableness, liability to be cheated, pf ^ ^- 'ho .hi 'ch6. K'o k'i ch6, pfli^ '''" V'^^' 'ch6. K'o p'ien ch6. Cheated, defrauded by deception, ^ ^ .hi kwo'. K'i kwo'. [5;aM ng»^k, kwo', l^li® hung' p'ln^ kwo'. Hung p'ien kwo, Bji| ^ >^ jmx'in p'in' kwo'. Mwdn p'ien kwo ; to be cheated, =f|!}t A [51 pi^ jan ngdk,, ^ [^a sl>au^ ng>ik„ ^ fg shau* p'in'. Shau p'ien; cheated out of every thing, |$ j}au ngdk, '16. Cheater, one who practices a fraud in commerce, jff ^ .kdn .shd'ung. Kien shdng, ^ \^ kA»Tin' ,slu5ung. Kwan shdng, [Da A ^ "gdk, jyan 'ch6, Sffi A ^ p'in' jj'an 'ch6. P'ien jin ch6. Cheating, defrauding by deception, ^ |g ,hl p'in'. K'i p'ien, 1^ \ ngdk, jan, 1^ |g hung' p'in'. Hung p'ien ; a plan for cheating, |g ^ p'in' kukj. P'ien kiuh, [^ ^ ngdk, kuk^. Check, to stop, }^ ^^ dt, chii». Ydh chi'., jg ft dt, chii^ Ngoh chvi, ^Jg kam' dt,. Kin ydh, j^jt CHE (367) CHE kam' 'chi. Kin chi, @ :fjrp at, yik,. Yah yih, ^f J|g ^t'an at,. T'an ydh, ^ ^ 'kiin ch'uk,. Kwan shuh, ^^} ^ y^uk, ch'ulc,. Yoh shuli ; to hinder or repress, f5M. ^ 'cho at,. Tsu ngoh, j^ ^^ at, fuk^. Ydh fiih, ^ yik,. Yih ; to curb, as lusts, ^ dt,. Ngoh ; to rebuke a superior, ^ kan\ Kien, ^ ^ kan' chang'. Kien tsang ; ditto an equal or inferior, ^^ hiin' chak,. K'iuen tseh ; • to check by comparing accounts, ^ |^ tui' shb'. Tui sii ; to make a mark against names in going over a list, ^ ;^ *tim ^meng. Tien ming, ^p^ ^ ^ 'tim hh^ ,t'au. Tien hau t'au; to check a horse, ^,lj| hung''Tna. K'ungma, ■^,^ lak, -ma. Leh ma ; to check a disease, j^ ^ at, pong". Ngoh ping ; to check perspiration, jj^fp 'chi hon^ Chi han; remove your clothes and check perspiration, ■^icffiifF^ tu ^1 ,i hon- ^u. K'ii i rh han hi; to interfere, \b ^ }&m kok,. Tan koh, (JJl ^ 'cho chai\ Tsii chi. Check, a stop, j^lh^ ^^y ^^^^^ "^che. Ngoh chi che, |g^^ dt, chii- 'ch6. Yah chu che, ^^^ At, tsiit, 'che. Ngoh tsiueh che ; a hindrance, (IH ^- ^ 'cho chai^ 'ch6. Tsii chi ch^, |5g.p|: 'cho ngoi'. Tsu ngai, PJ. J^ ^ 'cho dt, 'che. Tsii ngoh ch6; a rebuff, |^^ kan' chak,. Kien tseh, ^jj; chdk, 'chi. Tseh chi; control, ^^^ 'kun ch'uk, 'ch6. Kwan shuh ch6, 5^]^ ^t'an At,. T'an yah; a mark put against names in going over a list, — • Ipi^ yat, 'tim. Yih tien; a token given to rail-road passengers serving to identify them in claiming their luggage &c., j{^ ^p'ai. P'ai, ^7 ^^ jhang ^li jP'ai. Hang li p'ai ; the coiTcspondent cipher of a banknote, ^^^ tui' tsz' h6\ Tiii tsz hdu; a con-esponding indenture, ^,\ -^ j^ tui' hbp^ jt'ung. Tui hoh t'ung ; a corresponding mark in a Chinese deed, ;^|>;^||; kwA' kok, hb\ Kwd koh Mu, ^\> ^ t\] kwa' kok, yan'. Kwa koh yin, ^ ^ PP P^ii' ^o\ yan'. Pwan koh yin, ^^ =j3 ,fu ki'. Fii ki; a check or deed divided into two parts, one of which is kept by either party, ^ ^ k'ai' hiin'. K'i k'iuen, ^^ /u. Fu, ^^ ^ /u h6p^. Eli hoh, ^ |^ hop, ,t'ung. Hoh t'ung, ^ § pun' ^sbii. Pwan shti,'igll ^^ 'p'au /li. P'au fu, ^ ^ ,shu k'ai'. Shu k'i, ^ ^-\\ chat, ^tsai. Chih tsi, ^^ B fu ^p4. Eli pd, ^ |jj chii- tsit,. Chu tsieh, ^ |§ /u tsit,. Eu tsieh, ^ ^ ^chi hiin'. Chi k'iuen, '^ '^ /an k'ai' Fan k'i, §jj chat,. Chih, |7] V% Pieh, |g|J pit,. Pieh ; a mo- ney order, p ^ ili^ /an. Hwui'tdn, Pfl .^ tii' /an. Hwui t:v% '^^ H. ,ngan /dn. Yin tdn; checks, 3^ 1^ ^ ,k'i j)'un p6'. K'i pw'dn pu. Check-book, a book containing blank checks upon a bank, §^^^^{ jis^an /an p6^ Yin tan pu. Checked, stopped, /^^ijS dt, chii^ kwo'. Yah chii kwo, ^f Igii /'dn at, kwo'. T'an ydh kwo ; res- trained, ^ ^ ^ 'kiin ch'uk, kwo'. Kwdn shuh kwo ; curbed, ^ ^ at, kwo'. Ngoh kwo ; re- primanded, ^' jj; )!^ chdk, 'ohi kwo'. Tseh chi kwo, Checker, to variegate with crossKnes, f^ ^^ kan' kak,. Kien keh, f^^ ^ kan' shik,. Kieh sih ; to form into little squares, like a chess-board, [^^ ^ ^^ kan' ^k'i ^p'lin kdk,. Kien k'i pw'dn kehj to diversify with alternate colors, ||^ p kdn' shik,.- Kien sih, || ^ ^kim shik . Kien sih. Checker, one who cliecks or restrains, J^ '^ ;^ dt chii^ 'che. Ydh chu chd, la ii :^ 'cho dt, 'chd! Tsu ngoh ch6 ; a rebuker, ^ jJ: ^ chdk, 'chi 'ch6. Tseh chi ch6 ; a chess-board, M M k'i jP un. K 1 pw an. Checker, ") work vai'ied alternately as to its Checker- work, / colors or materials, ffj] ^ X kdn' shik, ^kung. Kien sih kung, f^ ^^ x. kdn' kdk, ^kung. Kien keh kung. Checkered, diversified, f^ g ^^ kan' shik, tik,. Kien sih tih, F^ ^ "^ ^^ kan' kdk, shik, tik'. Kien keh sih tih, ,^ ^ ^{j pok, shik, tik,. Poh sih tih ; a checkered horse, EM: k'i. K'i. Checkers, a common game on a checkered board, i^ ^ ck'i kuk,. K'i kiuh. Checking, stopping, ^ ^ dt, chii'. Ngoh chu, Jg ^ at, chii-. Yah chii ; restraining, (JJ^ ^ 'cho dt,. Tsa ngoh; controlling, ^ ;^ 'kiin ch'uk,. Kwdn shuh ; rebuking, ^ ^ chdk 'chi. Tseh chi. Checkless, that cannot be checked, ^ of J^^^ pat 'ho dt, tik,. Puh k'o ydh tih, MZ^^^^ at, pat' tak, ke', H Pg ^ dt, ^m chiiS Z- n^ M ^^ pat, ^nang dt, tik,. Puh nang ydh tih ; that cannot be restrained, |Jfl.[lg^ 'cho ^m chii^ [EM^T^ # 'cho dt, pat, tak,. Tsii ngoh puh teh, MWi.Z% dt, fuk, pat, tak,. Yah fuh puh teh. Checkmate ^ ^ ^ch'ung ^kwan. Ch'ung kiun. Checkmate, to arrest, (Jg, ^ 'cho dt,. Tsti ngoh ; to defeat, .ff ^ 'td jeng. Td ying. Checkmated fj^ ^shii. Shu. Checkmating ^ ^ ^^ jong kuk k'i. Ying kiuh k'i. Checks, a kind of checkered cloth, as gingham, &c., mMlfi ,k'i _^^^ p'au' M ,8oi, CHE (368) CHE P's'iu kid sAi ; to swell out the cheeks in ang6r, Chci^k-bone |g k'iin. K'iucn, i^ fj* ,k'un kwat,. K'iuen kuli, SI'pj* c^oi ^wat,. Sdi kuh, ^ ^kw'ai. Kw'ei ; hi^'h cheek-bones, ^$%M ^l<^u"!? s^^'il" ^k6. Liilnf,' k'iuen kdu, PH ij j^ ^ H6ung jk'iin ,k5 'sung. LiAng k'iuen kdu sung. Cli'eek-tooth, the hinder tooth or tusk, ;^ ^ tdi^ ^ngd. TA yd, :kM t^i' 'c^'i. Td ch'f. Cheeked, brought near the check, jg; |^ |5x| kan^ ^lim tik,. Kin lien tih. Cheep, to chirp, as a small bird, 5^ r^ f^ ,chi ,chi ,shing. Chi chi shing. Cheer, to salute with shouts of joy, !!g^ hot, ts'oi. Hoh ts'di ; ditto with clapping of the hands, :}^ *P p'dk, 'ch6ung. Pch chdng, gj^ 'ku 'cheung. Kd chdng, ;t& ^ 'tai 'ch^ung. Ti chdng ; to in- fuse life, to animate, |j^ || *ku ^mb. Ku wu, p^ ^ hot, 'hi. Hoh k'l ; to encourge, ^ J^ ^min lai^ Mien 11, ^ J^ 'ku lai^ Kii li ; to comfort, jOnwai'. Ngan wei, ^^ 'fu wai'. Fviwei, "j^j^-'^hoi 'kdi. K'di kidi ; to gladden, ^ A M^ 'j'^ ling^ jyan /un iit^. Ling jin hwdn yueh, '|'^ \ iit^ jyan. Yueh jin ; cheer up ! f^ fjf-^fl ^nl 'ho on lok^. Ni k'o ngdn loh, # pf-^^^vl^ 'ni 'ho lok/.sara. Ni k'o loh sin, i^.^^^^i^^ 'ni iu' /lin ,8am. Ni ydu hwdn sin, f^ ^^f^ >^^B} 'ni i^i' fong' ,hoi ,sam jCh'6ung. Ni ydu fang k'di sin ch'dng. Cheer, to grow cheerful, ^f A If^ J^ tsim^ yap^ lok^ 'king. Tsien jih loh king. Cheer, a shout of joy, \'^j ^ ^ hot, 'ts'oi ,shing. Hoh ts'di shing, P>J ^ ^ hot, 'ts'oi 'ch6. Hoh ts'di ch6 ; clapping of hands or other expressions of applause, ^^^ 'ku 'cheung 'chd. Ku chdng chd, :|^1^^ p'dk, 'chcung 'ch6. Peh chdng ch6; a state of gladness or joy, ^ '^ Jt'dn 'hi. Hwdn hi, -^ ,\lN lok^ .sam. Loh sin, ^ % 'h6 /un ch'dung'. Hdu hwdn ch'dng ; entertainment, «^g ^ tsau tsik^. Tsiu tsih, t^M^ 'P'li 'tsau 'chd. Pdi tsiu ch(5, :gl in'. Yen, f^ tsik^ minS Tsih mien, ^ _t tip 4^ tsik^ shC'ung* 'pan mat^. Tsih shdng pin wuli, ^S]^\}'^ .p'ang ^fiu ts'oi' yuk^. P'ang t'idu ts'di juh ; mirt ii, '\j^ ,^ fdi' i'. Kw'di i. 'tfe^. fi^i' «l^i'- ^^^v'di chi ; courage, gft^ 'tdm hi'. Tdn k'i, ga ^ 'tdm shik,. lYin sih -, be of good cheer, pf '^i^ 'ho ,oa ,sam. K'o ngdn sin, ■pf If^ )E 'Jio fo"J^'' 'tdm. K'o fdng tdn, |l?t ^T :^ jV;i> jHi 'h6 .shat, ,sam, Jl ^ j\^% 'ch'6 fong' ,sam. Ts'i6 fdng sin. Cheered, shouted, P^ ^ .^ hot, 'ts'oi kwo'. Hoh ts'di kwo; animat(>d, $i i'lfi^ 'ku ^nu') kwo'. Ku •wu kwo; comf()rt(>(l, '^'l^^ij^ f^ ,siin. Siuen, ^ ^vau. Yu ; a cheerful temperament, \^ >\^ iit^ sing*. Yueh sing, '|^jCi) fl^l ^^^i' c^'^'^ tik,. Kw'di sin tih, ^^^ ch'6ung' chi'. Ch'dng chi; a cheerful coun- tenance, H^ ^ /un jung. Hwdn yung, ^ f^ 'hi shik,. Hi sih, $^ i^ ,idn jngtin. Hwdn yen, ^ jung. Yung ; a cheerful mind, iCM^^ lok^ ^sam. Loh sin, ^ ^ /un ^in. Hwdn jen, Cheeriness, sec Cheerfulness. Cheering, giving joy or gladness, ^ KWiM- ^'"S* jan /dn 'hi. Ling jin hwdn hi, ^. f^ |^^ 'hi iit^ tik,. Hi yueh tih ; encouraging, gjJF ^ 'ku *m6. Kii wu ; it is very cheering to hear it, 5^ ^ fit ^^ (t'eng kin' jno pat, 'hi. T'ing kien wii puh lii. M\l Uk ^Vj> ^* ^^ ^mh on lok^. Wii ngdn loh ; gloomy, j^ (;|^ ^fan mun^ Fdn mwdn ; a cheerless home, ^ ^ ^^ ^ pdt, ,on ,chl 'sho. Puh ngdn chi so, pg ^ |j$ »gt g ^m .on lokj kc' uk,. Chcerlessness, destitution of comfort or enjojTnent, M'^-^^ m6 ,on lokj 'ch«5. AVu ngdn loh c\\6. Cheerly, gay, -f^ f^ fdi' ut^. Kw'di hwoh. Cheerly, cheerfully, Jj^ ^,k van ^In. Yin jen, |f ^ 'hi jln. Hi jen ; heartily, -W" t\^ ,k6m .s;un. Kdu sin. Cheerup,^to make cheerful, 'jij« '[j^ y^ 'sz fiu* lit Chirrup, /Shi kwdi Ling taieh. Invoh, ^ fgji; :k% ling' .fun 'hi. hwdn hi; bri^klv, i|>^ ;^ fdi' tsit^. Kw'di Cheese, ^|^ ^ fyf. ^ngau 'nai 'peng, 4=- tfl ,ngatt CHE (369) CHE 'ii 'peng. Niu jii ping, ^ ^ 'ii *peng. Ju ping, ^ gg ^kon lok,. Kan loh, |§ lok,. Loh. Cheese-cake, a cake made of soft curds, sugar and butter, 4^ -^ i^ .ngau -ii ^k6. Niii jii kau. Cheese-monger, one who deals in or sells cheese, M ^M'^ mai' ■ii *peng 'che. Mdi ju ping che. Cheese-paring, the rind or paring of cheese, -^ ■^ M A jiigau -ii 'peng j'i. Niu ju ping p'i ; the acts of a miserly person, iiI5 ^ P^t tl ^ 'p'^ ^^"^ \i& jhang jWai. Cheese-press, a press, or engine for pressing curd in the making of cheese, 4^'$t'0^|^ jig^u '^ *peng cha'. Niu ju ping chd. Cheese-rennet, ladies' bedstraw, ^ ;g 'ts'6 ^meng. Ts'au ming. Cheese-vat, the vat in which curds are confined for pressing, 4^ 'i^ "^ |i .ngau ^ii 'peng 't'ung. Niu ju ping t'ung. Cheesy, having the quality or taste of cheese, ■^^ "i^ 6\/ i^E^^ ^ii 'peng tik,. Niii ju ping tih ; hav- ing the form of cheese, ^ ^ fi^ ^^ jiigau ^u peng 'kom yeung". Niii ju ping kdn yang. Chef-d'oeuvre, a master-piece or performance in arts, 1%^ IL 'teng 'ho jkung. Ting hdu kung, J^ ^ X sh^ung^ 'tang ,kung. Shang tang kung. Chegre, chegoe,' chigre, chiggcr, the pulex pene- trans, ^ ^6) it ,sha 'kau shat^. Shd kau sih. cS'A }«««.«■*<''- ■«*"'- Che-kiang ^ )[X. ^ Chitkong 'shang. Chehkiang sang. Che-koa, tlie Chinese porcelain clay, ^ ^ ^ts'z jkdu. Ts'z kidu. Chelidon ^ ;g ^^^" jmeng. Ying ming. Chelidonia ^ ^^ pdk^ wat, 'ts'6. Peh k'iuh ts'au. Cheliferous, furnished with claws, as an animal, /|^ ^ 'chau shau^ Chau shau, jjV ^ 'chdu lui\ Chdu lui. Cheliform, having the form of a claw, JtV R^ ^ 'chdu 'kbm ^ying. Chdu kdn hing, ^ 4^ jK ^ lui^ jU 'chdu tikj. Lui hu chdu tih. Chelonia, ^ terms applied to animals of the tor- Chelonian, / toise kind, ^ ^ ^kwai lui'. Kwei lui. Chelonian, pertaining to animals of the tortoise kind, ^ ^ §>f ^kwai lui^ tik,. Kwei lui tih. Chemical, pertaining to chemistry, j^^ffy lin" fdt, tik,. Lien fah tih, ^^^ lin' tik,. Lien tih, ^^ |5^ chai' lin' tik,. Chi lien tih, ^ ^ il ^ |i^ ^ ^chung ^sam jts'ong ^chi. Chung sin tsdng chi, ^ i\;^ \^ ^tiii ^sam ^lai, ^^ kwai' ^chi. Kwei chi, ^^ ^chan ,chi. ■ Chin chi, ^ :^ 'p6 ^chi. Pdu chi, J^ ^ jts'z oi'. Ts'z ngai, '^^ ^hdm y(Sung. Hdn ydng, ^ ^ ,h6m ch'uk . Han ch'uh, $\l g 'lun yik,. Lwdn yih, ^-^ 'fii yuk,. Fu yuh, :jg^ 'fu tsz^ Fii tsz, -^^ ^ 'ii yuk,. Yu yuh ; to give warmth to, ')^^ -niin ii'. ^Nwan hii, H^f| ii' it,. Hii jeh; to nurse or treat in a manner to encourage growth, ^ -y^ung. Ydng, ^ ^ shin' ^6ung. Shen y^ng' fe # 'fii T^^ng- ^u yang, ^ ^ ch'uk, ^6ung. Ch'uh yang, ^^ kuk, yuk,. Kiuh yuh; to cherish hatred, '|^fj^ ,wai ban'. Hwdi ban, ^ % hip, ban'. Hieh han,'-^ 'J;^ ^bom ban'. Han ban, ^ ^ ^ibm iin'. Han yuen, f^B fft ^ iCl> l# lin' han' ^tiii ^sam ^lai. Yuen ban tiau sin Idi ; to cherish dislike, ^^ hip, ^im. Hieb bien, "^^ jWai ,im. Hwdi bien ; to cherish resentment, -^ % jh6m ^iin. Han yuen, P^ ^ ^bbm ^iin. Han yuen, '^ -^ ^wai ^cb'au. Hwai ch'au ; to cherish with affection, '|^ ^ ^wdi oi'. Hwai ngdi, j^ ^ jts'z oi'. Ts'z ngai,':{g":^ 'fu tsz'. Fu tsz, || ^ 'fd wai'. Fii wei ; to cbeiish tenderly, ^'^ .yau jWdi. Jau hwdi ; to cherish one's memory, "^ -^ \ jWdi nim' ^yan. Hwdi nien jin, 'j^ ^ ^wai yik,. Hwdi yih ; to cherish virtue, '^ ^p, ,wai lUt^ c tak,. Hwdi teh, ^fjfi ch'uk, tak,. Ch'uh teh ; to cherish in the heart, 'l^l^j^i' ^'^^ S^ ,sam. Hwai yii sin, ^ ^ i^ ^ts'iin ^ii ^sam. Ts'un yii sin. Cherished, treated with tenderness, "^^Ij^ ^wai kwo'. Hwdi kwo, ^i^ii^a^ jtiii kwo' ^sam ^lai ; war- med, 'j^^"^}^ ^niin ii' kwo'. Nwdn hii kwo; com- forted, |te ^ )j^ 'fii wai' kwo'. Fii wei kwo ; fostered, '^^"^ jWdi -y^ung kwo'. Hwai ydng kwo, ^IS ^ ^ 'f li T^^ng kwo'. Fii ydng kwo, ^^^M. ch'uk, y^ung kwo'. Ch'uh ydng kwo. Cberisber, one who cherishes, as hatred or love, "^ ^ ,wai 'ch6. Hwdi che, :fg ^ ip'b 'ch6. P'du cM, -^^ .b5m 'cb6. Han ch6, U^M '^^ ^^z' 'ch6. Fii tsz che, ^^ hip, 'ch(^. Hieh cb6; dit- to, one who encourages growthj '^ ^ ^ jWdi 'y^Ung 'chd. Hwdi ydng chd, llS^^ '^^ V^^t^S *ch6i Fu ydng cb^, CHE (370) CHE or hatred, ^ liom. HAn ; corn- Cherishing, fostering, as love Hwdi, ^ hip^. Hidh, >^ forting, ^ ^ 'M wai'. Fu wei ; encouraging, ^ 30 *fu 'y6ung. Fu yslng ; cherishing with af- fection, ^\^ .ts'z jW4i. Ts'z hwdi, jg'^ ^ts'z oi\ Ts'z ngdi. Chermes, see Kermes. Cheroot, a Manila cigar, ff ^ ^ ,md ,kd ^n. Md kii yen. Cherry ^ .ying. Ying, ^f ^^fe jing ^t'6. Ying t'du, ^ il^i ^libm jt'6. Hdn t'du ; red cherry, :^ ;^ ,chii jing. Chu ying ; the yellow kind, ^ f|| Idp jing. Ldh ying; the large, sweet kind, j^ ^ jHgdi matj. Ydi mih ; the wild cherry, ^ j^ ^y6 jing. Y6 ying, jll ^^ H ^shdn ,chd 'kwo. Shdn chd ko. Cherry, red, ruddy, :^^\^^ ,chu jing Tcbm shik,. Chd ying kdn sih. Cherry-cheeked ^E :f£ ^ ,t'6 /d nim. T'du hwd lien, J^^fl^ ^^^S liaiio ^liJi^- Hung hang lien. Cherry-pit, a child's play, in which cherry-stones are thrown into a hole, i||| ^^t ^ jing jt'5 hf. Ying t'du hi. Cherry-tree j|| i^ jing shu^ Ying shii. Chert, an impure A^ariety of quartz, ^ ^ mak^ jtsing. Meh tsing. Cherub * rig pJ^ f^l^ .ki 16' ^ping. Kl lii ping, ^ f f .t'in jShan. T'ien shin, ^ ^ ,t'ln sz'. T'ien shl; a beautiful child, ^ -^ ^ml 'tsz. Mei tsz. Cherubic ] J^ ij?^ Pijt fe «E ^ ^ ^ ^t'ung^^ni chuk, yat, jP'dn jk'i. T'ung nl chuh yih pw'dn k'i ; a book on chess, |1t gH ,k'^ 'P'^- ^'i p'li. Choss-boanl if^t ^ jk'i jp'un. K'I pw'dn, M ^p'ing. Fing, fii kwd'. Kwd. Chess-man ;j^ ^jf '^ 'tsz. K'i tsz. Chess-player |f^ ^ J^ pok, yik^ 'cli6. Poll vih chd. Poh yih ch6, 1^ tit n|^ \ cliuk, ^k'l kd' jan. Chest ^ ,seung. yirmir. ^^i J^j Mung ,seiuig. Limg sidng, (g hdpj. Ui;ili, \^l kwdi'. Kwoi, gg 'kwai. Kwei, ^ 'k6m. Kdn ; an iron treasure chest, ^ ^ ^ fit, kdp, mdn'. T'ieh kidh wdn, |^ ^ fit, ^sdung, T'ieh sidng; a strong box, ^ ^ kdp, mdn'. Kidh wdn ; a chest of tea, — 1^ ^ yat, ^sdung jCh'd. Yih sidng ch'd ; tea-chest, — • /^ ^ ^ y^K ^^* j*'^'^ ,8<5ung. Yih ko ch'd sidng ; a chest of drawers, ^j'^ ,i kwai'. I kwei; a sailor's chest, TJC -^ jH 'shui 'shau ,s6ung. Shwui shau sidng ; powder-chest, ^ ^ ^ 'fo yduk^ ^seung. Ho yoh sidng ; a clothes' chest, 5!c jj3| ,i ,sdung. 1 sidng. Chest, or thorax, ^ ,hung. Hiung, ^ kdk,. Keh, gg hot,. Hob. Chest-foundering, a disease in horses, such as stiff- ness &c., ^ ^^ ^d Tcang peng'. Md kang ping. Chestnut ^ lut^. Lib, Jg^, ^ ,fung lut^. Fung lib, WW:* tsdung' lut^. Sidng lib, ;^ + ,tsun. Tsin, :^J' *ch'\i. Ch'ii, Jl^ 'hii. Hu; water chestnut, i^ "m^ st'ai. Md t'i, ^ ki'. Ki. Chestnut, being of a chestnut (bro\\Ti) color, |§ ^ hot, shik,. Hoh sih; a chestnut colored horse, {^ jlau. Lid, Ig^wong. Hwdng, ^ kin'. Kien. Chestnut-tree ^ ij^ lut^ shii'. Lib sbii. Chetah, a bunting leopard of India, 1^5^ Hp^ p'du'. Lieh p'du. Cheval de frise, cheveaux de frise, fj j^ jbang hn&. Hang md, jf^ ^ .c^'^ *tsz. Ch'd tsz, ^^ tT ^ jWdng ,teng kd\ Hung ting kid. Chevalier, a knight, B^# J'^ jt'6 ^6. Pd t'u lu; a gallant young man, :^ '^ J^^S tsun'. Ying tsiun ; a horseman, armed at all points, J| jf^ ^ung ts6ung'. Yung tsidng, ,^ ^ ^d ts6ung'. Md tsidng. Cheven, a river fish ^ ;^ jii jinong. Yii ming. Cheveril, soft leather made of kid-skin, [i]^'f'^ jSbdn j6ung *tsz ^p'i. Shdn ydng tsz p'i ; a yield- ing disposition, ^ *^ jau sing'. Jau sing. Chevisance, achievement, ^;^5(j jShing tdi' ^kung. Ching td kung ; a making of contracts, ^ -^ bob t'ung; an unlawful J pat, fdt, jChI yduk,. Puh 1^ td h6p^ jt'ung. Td agreement, :^^;t^ fdh cbi yoh. Chevron \1^i^j jan tsz' jhang. Jin Isz liang; an ornament in the form of zigzag work, i0. ^ ^ m .chong chl tsz' fd. Chwdng chl tsz hwd; a distinguished mark on the coat-sleeves of non- commissioned officers, 1^ ^ ^ tsau' tsz' h5'. Siu tsz hdu. ChevTotain, the smallest of the antelope kind, |^ (?) ^ch6uug. Chdng. Chew, to masticate, p^ ts6uk,. Tsioh, P^ It,. Yeh, PB. ts'ii. Ts'a, ^ 'ts'i'i. Ts'ii, 9^ tsiu'. Tsidu, PX V^ 'ngau tsduk,. Ydu tsioh, pf p6'. Pd, ^ ,ki. KI; to chew fine, BJf^^ tsiu' Idn'. Tsidu Idn; to chew the cud, or nuninate, ^ yik,. Yih, ^ .ch'I. Ch'l, f|l shai'. Shi, {^ ,ch'I. Ch'I, p^ .sz * Appears to be » ppeolea of Hoorn. f Appean to be a mud) Bpecics of tb« oh«"tntit,^if not nltogethor a different^fhul, CHE (371) Sz, H^ Im'. Yen, ^ ^m. Yen, pJ^ tdm^ Tdn, ^ k'lt,. K'ieh ; to ruminate in the thoughts, ng. P^ 'ts'ii ts^uk,. Ts'ii tsioh ; to chew revenge, ^ ^ jDiau hoi\ Mau hdi ; to chew or ruminate upon a subject, t^ 3t "^ ^ ^gau ^an tseuk^ tsz^ Ydu wan tsioh tsz ; chew it and you will taste its flavor, 1^ ^ f-f" ^ 'ngau p'o' chap, ^ts^ung. Ydu p'o chih tsidng, PM,B^^5l^ 'ts'ii tseuk, -yau mi\ Ts'ii tsioh yu wi. Chewed, ground by the teeth, PJ^ j^ jj^ tsiii^ Mn^ kwo'. Tsidu lAn kwo, V^'J^^^ tseuk, lan^ kwo'. Tsiok Idn kwo ; chewed, as the cud, ^ jjj^ cliiu" kwo'. Chdu kwo. Chewing, masticating, P^ ts^iik,. Tsioh, UJ^ tsiii'. Tsidu ; ruminating, ^ chiu^ Chdu ; the sound of the chewing, 5^ ^ ^ tsap, tsap^ jShing, ^ ,chd. Chd, ^ flit,. ^Kw'oh, ^ kap,. Kiah. Chewed, a kind of pie, made with chopped sub- stances, ^$^f^ s^gau mln^ ^kwai. Hidu mien kwei. Chibbal, chibbol, ^, H ff .ts'ung ^t'au 'tsai, ^ ^^ jU ^ts'ung. Hu ts'ung. Chicane, trick, ^ =]■ 'nau kai'. Niu kl, =^ ff 'kwai kai'. Kwei ki, ^ ^f ^ ^dn wdt^ 'che. Kien hwdh ch6, ^ ^f ^ 'kdu 'kui 'ch6. Kidu kwdi ch6, ^T ^ Jt .kan Tcdu 'ch6. Kien kidu cU. Chicane, to use shifts or artifices, j^ |j| ff yung^ Tcwai kai'. Yung kwei ki, ^ ^ ff yung^ ^kdn kai'. Yung kien ki, j^ |^ f^ yung^ 'kwai chd'. Yung kwei chd. Chicaner, one who uses shifts, turns, or undue arti- fices in litigation or disputes, ;^ gf ^ 'nau kai' 'cU. Niu ki ch6, ft i kai' ,wong, ff S+ M Tcwai kai' 'ch^. Kwei ki c\i6, g^g^ult kwat, chd' Chicanery, trick, =|; ff 'kwai kai'. Kwei ki, jf^ ff ^dn kai'. Kien ki, ^f^;^^ ,kdn chd' ,chi sz\ Kien chd chi sz. Chiccory, the cichorium intybus, ^^^ ts'oi' 'kwo ^meng. Ts'di ko ming. Chiches, dwarf pease, [Ij^^H ^R ^ i| 'chi toi^ ^kai. Chi tdi ki ; a boned chicken, ^*^^ fan' kwat, ^kai. Chicken-hearted |fIE^ ^mo 'tdm. Wii tdn, ^\^$, ^ ^ai k6m' ,to 'tdm. Ki kdn to tdn. Chicken-pox, varicella, ^fC^ 'shui tau^ Shwui tau. CHI Chickaree, the American red squirrel, ^ ^ j^X J^ Fdk'i jhung 'shii. Hwdk'i hung shii. Chickling ^ff ^kai 'tsai. Chick-pea ^ ^ ,kai tau'. Ki tau. Chick-weed ^ ^ /an 16'. Fdn lii, % J^ /dn m^ Pdn 111. Chide (pret. chid; part, chid, chidden), to blame, ^ ^ chdk, md^ Tseli ma, ^^ 'king chdk,. King tseh, fpjd^ ^ho ch'ik,. Ho ch'ih, H^pig ch'ik, chdk^. Ch'ih tseh, P^ 'pi. Pi, l^'pi. Pi, a§pi^ Pi; to chide one's son, ^^ Ji ^ ndu^ ^k'i 'tsz. Ndu k'i tsz, ^ ^ -^ cliak, ^k'i 'tsz. Tseh k'i tsz, ^ ^ it ff chak, md^ ^k'i 'tsai ; he chid their wan- derings but reliev'd their pain, ^^^^i'^'/'^ 1^ '% ,k'i chdk, kiit, kwo' ^wai chi' kiit, t'ung'. K'i tseli kiueh kwo wei chi kiueh t'ung. Chide, to find fault with, f^ ~f^ A ^^^^i' ^d* jan. Tsui hid jin, f^~f> A ^^^" ^^' J^^- Ndu hid jin ; ditto with one's children, ^-f-^ chdk, 'tsz ^ii. Tseh tsz nil, ^^-f- ndu^ 'tsz 'nii. Ndu tsz nii. Chider, one who chides, ^ A ""^ chdk, jan k^', ^ A "^ md^ jan k6', ^^1 K^^ ndu^ jan k6'. Chiding ^ ^ chdk, md^ Tseh md, [^ A ^^^^ sJ^^' Ndu jin, j^ A ch'ik, jan. Ch'ih jin. Chidingly, in a scolding or reproving manner, ({^ pj^ ch'ik, /n. Ch'ih jen, l^^^'i chdk, mA\ 1 tseh md. Chief, highest in office or rank, "^ 'shau. Shau, ^ /lii. Kwei, y^ /in. Yvien, ^ 'cheung. Chdng, ^ t'di'. T'di, g muk,. Muh, ± 'chii. Chii, Tl h 'teng sheung". Ting shdng, g^ — ^ /'au yat, ko'. T'au yih ko, ^ g /'au muk,. T'au muh, Ij^ -^ /'au 'tsz. T'au tsz, ^ ^ kik^ 'pan. Kih pin, ^ (5^ /'au 'pan. T'au pin ; most eminent in any quality or action, f^ — • tai^ yat,. Ti yih, ^ gn ^mb p'at,. Wii p'ih, fit ^ ^mb ^shdung. Wu shwang; chief in influence, ^ ^" fl |ftl P^ kik ^yau 't'ai min' k^', #^ ^ jfil ip 6^ kik^ ^yau min^ 'tsz tik,. Kih yu mien tsz tih ; most valuable, ^ ■^^ ^ij chi' kwai' tik,. Chi kwei tih, ^ gp P^ chi' 'p6 k6'; most important, 3§ ^ ^ ^\J chi' 'kan iu tik,. 'Chi kin ydu tih, ^^ g |^ chi' Chung' tik,. Chi chung tih, ^ — ^'^ tai' yat, 'kan ill', Ti yih kin ydu ; most dear and familiar, 1^ — H "^ tai^ yat, /s'an ke', H ^ Pgt chi' oi' ke ; the chief officers of the Six Boards, -y^ ^ '^ ^ luk^ po" sh^ung^ ^shii. Luh pu shdng shii ; chief officers of the Pive Boards, £ p^ '^ ^[i ^ng p6^ tuk, *^^^° of the A. B., ^ TC on' ^un. Ngdn yuen ; a chief ; priest among the Tauists, ^^ ^ JE— to^ luk^ ,sz ching' yat,. Tdu luh sz ching yih ; a chief Chilblain, a blain or sore produced by cold, /^ ^ priest among the Buddhists, A ^ 1^ tdi^ i^o ! tung\ch'ong. Tung chw'dng, Jg kw'an'. Kw'an, sh^ung^. Td ho shdng ; chief mate, ^ ;^ *f o ^ ^ jhon ^ch'ong. Hdn chw'dng. 'ch6ung. H6 chdng; the chief town of a state. Child (pi. childi-en), a son or daughter, -^ *tsz. Tsz, mental cupboard, ^ ^ j-jS 'un tlp^ kwai'. tieh kwei. Chigger. "> ^^^ ^^ Chigo, J ^ ^ ,king jShing. King ching ; ditto of a pro vince, ^ ^ 'shdng ^shing. Sang ching ; ditto of a prefecture, j^ifS, '^^ selling. Fii ching; ditto of a district, ^ ^ iin^ jS^^ing. Hien ching ; chief palace, IE "g* ching' ,kung. Ching kung ; a chief merchant*, ^ a] ,kung ,sz. Kung sz ; chief part, A ^ t^i^ pun'. Td pwdn ; chief rule, |||^ jk'un ping'. K'iuen ping. Chief, a military commander, A jI^ H ^^^^ ,ts6ung ,kwan. Td tsidng kiun, -^ g^ ,ping ^t'au. Ping t'au; the first or principal person, "^ 'shau. Shau, e^ A s^'^u s^^^- "T'^u J^"' i '^^''^- ^^^^' f^ /ui. Kwei ; the chief of devils, % ^ 'kwai ,fui. Kwei kwei ; chief of savages, H g jl muk^. I muh ; chief of banditti, sM @ s^'^u muk^. T'au muh, fl{{ "^ ts'dk^ 'shau. Ts'ih shau ; the chief of a clan, ^ ^ tsuk^ 'ch6ung. Tsuh chdng ; the principal commander of a ship, /Sfflf^ jShiin 'chii. Ch'uen chii ; I am the chief, or manager, ^ ^ S^{ 'ngo ,tong jt'au. Wo tdng t'au. Chief, see Chiefly. Chief-justice ^^ ^ on' ch'dt, ,8z. Ngdn ch'dh sz, ^ SJ it^ ,sz. Nieh sz, ^ ^ it^ ^t'oi. Nieh t'di. Chief-justiceship, the office of chief justice, ^ ^ H] <^ ^ on' ch'dt, fiz ,chl chik,. Ngdn ch'dh sz chi chih, ^Sit^ i*i i*'«i chik, fan^ Nieh ^fdi chih fan. Chiefless, without a chief or leader, ^tf. ^ \ i^^ jt'au jyan. Wti t'au jin, ^ ^ fi^ ^mb 'chu ^t'au. Wti chu t'au. Chiefly, most of all, A ^ <^'>i' l"i"'- 'J'«i P^^m, ';^ ^ kwo' pun'. Kwo pwdn, ^ j;^ t'di' kwo'. T'di kwo; in the first place, ^ — taF yat,. Ti yih, ^ ^ tsui' ,8in. Tsui sien, '^ ^ 'shau ^sin. Shau sien ; 1 am chiefly indebted to you, ^j^ — ^ ^^ i^\ tai' yat, ,to tak, *ni. Ti yih to tch nl. Chieftain, a captain, a leader, pj A j^'*^^ iJ^'^' T'au * M*w applied U wmpuuM in ^uwnJ, ^ ff niin^ 'tsai, ^^ ^ ff sai' ,man 'tsai, ^. ^ ch'ik, 'tsz. Ch'ih tsz, ||^ ,su tsz. Su tsz, ^-j^ ,ldi 'tsz ; a male child, ^ -^ ^ndm 'tsz. Ndn tsz, /J> ^ * 'siu ^i. Sidu rh, /\^ -f- * 'siu 'tsz. Sidu tsz, ^ 5i s^^^ s^- 11^^ >'^*' ^ 'f' i^*^^ '*^'^^- ^*^^ tsz, ^^Zm. s^ioi jt'ai ccbi ^fung. Hdi t'i chi t'ung, ^m. ji^^m jt'ung. Ndn t'ung, ^ff ,ngan 'tsai, ^ f^ t'ai 'tsai ; a female child, J^ jing. Ying, ^-f- 'nil 'tsz. Nii tsz, /J^:^ 'siu tiii. Sidu nil, :^ j^ ^ii ji- Nil rh, it: "^ ^nii jt'ung. Nu t'ung, ^ -fl^ .mui 'tsai, Si ^ »' .»i^i. j?^ ic .^u ^nii. Su nii, =f- ^ ,ts'in ,kam. Ts'ien kin, ^]^ ^^ 'siu 'ts6. Sidu tsi^; an adopted child, ^^ i* 'tsz. 1 tsz ; an illegitimate child, ^ ^ ^e 'tsz. Y6 tsz, II ^ ff tsdp^ 'chung tsai ; children, ^ :^ 'tsz 'nii. Tsz nu, ^ ^ jing ^i. Ying rh, |^ fjr kon' tsai. Kdn tsz, 1f(i ^b. Nii, i^ ^i. llh, gj 'chin. Chen ; a little child, ^ ^ jts'ong kuk,. Tsdng kuh ; pretty little children, yJ^ ^ ^ 'siu ^wd^wd. Siduwdwd; children of God, ^"^fZ^ Sh6ung^ tai' ,chi tsz. Shdng ti chi tsz ; adopted children of God, ± '^ <: ^ f Sh6ung* tai' .chi i^ tsz. Shdng ti chi i tsz ; children bom of God, ±f,'Z.^^l' SlitHing' tai' .chl ch'ik, tsz. Shdng ti chi ch'ih tsz ; children or citizens of a state, S ^ ^ ^^ iF* k^^oK M .cl'i o'-i'iK 'tsz. Kwoh kid chi ch'ih tsz; to be with child, ^ yan\ Ying, •^ 2^ jWdi yan*. lUvdi ying, ^ Sam. Jin ; to give birth to a child, ^-f- .shang 'tsz. Sang tsz, ^ ^ 'ch'dn 'tsz. Ch'dn tsz, -gt ^ .kung tsz. Kung tsz ; to nurse a child, p^ p6^ Pii, p^ ^ 1)6' 'tsz. Pii tsz, ^-y- ^n 'tsz. Jii tsz; to wean a child, :j{j^^ ch'il, 'ndi. Ch'eh ndi, :f^ .nln, ch'it, .nln, ^j^ tim' 'ii. Twdn jii; to bruig up a child, JM^ D£. 'y6ung 'tsz. Ydng tsz ; children by the principal wile, ^ ^ tik, 'tsz. Tih tsz, ^ ^ "f? • In convorsatiou /J^]^ iiud A'^i ui«ami — my •on, childMn, •r mv pupiLi, CHI tdi^ jP'o 'tsai, JE^-f- cliing' shat, 'tsz, (373) CHI tik^ shat, 'tsz. Till shih tsz ; children by a concu- bine, J[ff -^ sbii' 'tsz. Shii tsz, ^-f- ts'ip, 'tsz. Ts'ieb tsz, ^^f? ^' Tiai 'tsai, ^^ it^ 'tsz. Nieh tsz ; a child of the principal wife, jJE Hi ^lit ching' ch'ut, ke , ^ tij B|t tik, ch'ut, ke' ; a child of a concubine, fjj \^, P^ chak, ch'ut, ke', J^ ^ P^ shii' ch'ut, ke' ; a beloved child, ^ -f- oi' 'tsz. Ngdi tsz, ^ -^ 'ch'ung 'tsz. Ch'ung tsz ; from a child, '^■j^'^:^Bff tsz- shiu ^nln ^chi ^shi. Tsz shau nien chi shi ; a child of the devil, ^ ^ 'kwai 'tsz. Kwei tsz ; parents and children, If^^ jCh'iu mukj. Ch'au muh ; wife and children, ^ -y- ^ts'ai 'tsz. Ts'i tsz, ^^ ^ts'ai ,n6. Ts'i nii. Child-bearing ^ -^ ^shaug 'tsz. Sang tsz. Child-bearing, the act of producing or bringing forth children, ^-f-y^ ^shang 'tsz 'che. Sang tsz ch6; parturition, ^ ^ ^lam j:)'un. Lin pw'an, ^ ^ /an 'min. Fan mien. Childbed, parturition, ^^ /an Tnin. Fan mien. Childbirth, the act of a woman bringing forth a child, ^-f- ^shang 'tsz. Sang tsz, ^f^ tso' vuk^. Tso juh, ^Jj ^ Xu. /6. K'ii lau, ij( ^\\ ch'ak, mdk,. Ch'ih meh. Childhood, the state of a child, ||I] Q^ sai' ^shi. Si shi, >j/» nif shiu ,shi. Shau shi, :^ W^ yau' ^shi. Yu shi, ^y ^i,\\^^ shiu' ^nin ,chi ^shi. Shau nien chi shi, ^0*11^ niin^ 'tsai ^shi; from child- hood to old ago, g 'j/^^\\y^ tsz' shiu' to' '15. Tsz shdu tau lau, g 4^ ^Ij :^ A tsz' yau' to' '16 tdi'. Tsz yii tau lau ta; to pass childhood, Jj^'J' <;Shing /ing. Ching ting. Childish, belonging to a child, ^ ff- P^ nun' 'tsai Chiliast, a believer in the millenium, j^ 'f' "Jk "^ ke, ^Hl ^ 1T "^^ sai' ,man 'tsai ke', ^ ^"i^ ^hoi j ^ ^ sun' /s'in t'ai' j)'ing ,nln 'ch6. Sin ts'ien ji ke' ; childish sports, ^Jn ^ ^^ ^ ^ 'siu ^1 tik^ t'ai p'ing nien che. jW^n 'shd. Siau rh tih hwan sha ; childish fear, [ Chiliometer, see kilometer. ^m ^f?II^^ sai' ^man 'tsai 'kom 'tam; a child- Chill, a shivering with cold, ^ P M, 1^ 'kom mb' Sz hai rh ; meek without guile, jjillj ^ ff pU ^ sai' ^man 'tsai k6m' ch'ik^, ^ iiiJ ^ -f" chik^ ^ii ch'ik, 'tsz. Chih jii ch'ih tsz, if ^R A ff chik^ jii niin^ 'tsai, f^^ -J" PH" ^ ch'ik, 'tsz k5m' him. Ch'ih tsz kdn hien, ^ ^ pH" J^ ch'ik, 'tsz kom' jShun. Ch'ih tsz kan shun. Childly, like a child, ilU ^ -f" jii ch'ik, 'tsz. Jii ch'ih tsz. Children, offspring, -^ J^ 'tsz sik,. Tsz sih, -^ ^ 'tsz 'nil. Tsz nil ; one's own children, § 5i 'S •^ ^ tsz' 'ki jChi 'tsz 'nii. Tsz kl chi tsz nil ; a daughter's children, ^\> ^ ngoi' ^siin. Wdi sun ; they are my own children, i^»§§,^P^ hai' /s'an ^shang k6' ; they are not my OAvn children, ^ ^ ^^^»j patj shi' /s'an ^shang tik^. Puh shi ts'in sang tih. Chili, province of China, in which the capital is situated, ]f ^ ^ Chiktai 'shang. Chili sang ; name of republic in South America, :^ ^\\ Chili. Chiliad, a thousand, — ^ yat, /s'in. Yih ts'ien, — • f^ yat, /s'in. Yih ts'ien ; a period of one thousand years, ^ 4p /s'in ^nin. Ts'ien nien. Chiliagon, a plain figure of a thousand angles and sides, "^ ;^ ^^ /s'ln kok, tik,. Ts'ien koh tih. Chiliaherdon, a solid figure of a thousand equal sides or faces, =f- ji'y (fy /s'in min' tik^. Ts'ien mien tih. Chiliarch ^ || /s'in 'tsung. Ts'ien tsung, J^ ^| 'pa 'tsung. VA tsung. Chiliasm, the millenium, — ^HiS^ yat, /s'in fiik^ ^nin. Yih ts'ien fuh nien, — ^^^^ yat, /s'in t'ai' jP'ing ^nin. Yih ts'ien t'ai p'ing nien. ish disposition, yj^ ^ ^ ^ 'siii / ^p'i hi'. Siau rh p'i k'i, yj> 5i ii tw 'siii ci sing' /s'ing. Siau rh sing ts'ing; childish conduct, ^Bil^ffpitti:^ sai' ^man 'tsai ke Jiang ^wai, ^\-\ ^ Pjf{ '^ 'siu ,i 'sho ^wai. Siau rh so wei; childish judgment, ^J^ 3i)^W 'si'^i ci t6- Mun^. Siau rh tii lidng, ^J^ 3t^A 'siii } hi' t6\ Sidu rh k'i tii. Childishly in the manner of a child, /\\ ^E '^ tUc 'sill ji ^chi chong'. Siau rh chi chwang, yJ^ ^ ^ ^ 'siu ji ^chi mau^ Siau rh chi mau, ^ yj> % Hs'z 'sill ^1. Sz sidu rh, ^^ 4n yjN J^ lui^ jii 'siu ji. Lui j ii siau rh ; in a weak or foolish manner, /J> ^ \!^ ;5|^ 'siu ,i kom' ,ngoi. Childishness ^ yJ^ ^ ^ 'ts'z 'siii ^i 'ch6. Sz siau rh clie, Mif^t^ niin^ 'tsai ^chi sz'-, ^({{j r^ ^ ^ -^ sai' ^man 'tsai ^chi sz'. Childless, destitute of children or offspring, ^ -^ -;^ ^mo 'tsz %vi. Wu tsz nu, ^ j5/f {jj ^mb 'sho ch'ut,. Wu so ch'uh, ^ ,k'ing. K'ing ; destitute of an heir, $gi§^ tsiit^ tszl Tsiueh tsz, ^^ pxh 'tsz. Wii tsz, ^ tuk^. Tub. Cluldlike, resembling a child, ^ ^ ^ ts'z ^hoi ^1. /ung Jion. Kan mau fung ban ; rigors, as m ague, ^ )^ fat, 'lang. Fah lang ; a check to fee- lings of joy, )i\n ^ ^ch'ung ^hon. Ch'ung hdn, — ■ W' '^^ ^ J^\ chan^ ^ch'ung Jion. Yih chin ch'ung lian. Chill, cool, moderately cold, |^ ^hon. Han, /^ tung'. Tung ; shivering with cold, ^ )^ chan^ 'lang. Chin lang, )^ ^ 'lang ch^uk,. Lang choh ; distant, formal, not warm, '^ ^^ 'lang tdm^ Lang tan ; a chill reception, "i^ jj^ i^ ^ 'lang tdm' ^seung tsip,. Lang tan siang tsieh; depressed, J\^^ )^ ^sam 'Mng. Sin lang. Chill, to cause a shivering or shrinking of the skin, M MM'^ ^^^' i^^ i^^^^ '^^"s- Ch^ ^^^ ^^^ lang, '^ }^ 'sz tung'. &hi tung ; the evening air chills the earth, |||. M, ^ Mfa Tnan /ung ^hon tl^ Wan fung hdn ti ; to blast with cold,' }^ ^ ^Idng Avai". Lang hwdi ; to depress, ^ i'^ If^ 'sz ^sam 'Idng. Shi sin lang. Chilled, made cold, ^j^^'/^ chi' kwo' ^hon 'Idng. Chi kwo ban lang, jl^ ji^ |S| J^ 'sz kwo' chan^ 'Idng. Shi kwo chdn lang. OHI (374) ch;i Chilli, the pod of the Guinea pepper, ^ ^ ^ h^t^ ^tsiu hok,. Ldh tsidu koh. Chilliness, a sensation of shivering, ft ^ ^ ^*'^> MAng 'ch6. Kioh lang ch6, |^ ^ ^hon hi'. Hdn k'i ; rigors, |$ ^ ;g- f^t, ^dng 'ch6. Fdh lang ch6 ; a moderate degree of coldness, ^ 'p'o jhon. P'o hdn. Chilling, causing to shiver, ^^If^ chi' kok, Mdng. Chi kioh lang, ^^^\^ chi' ^wai ^hon Hdng. Chi wei hdn lang. Chillingly, in a chilling manner, )^ ^^ Mdng ^In. Lang jen, ^ '/^ ^ 'Idng tdm^ ^In. Lang tdn jen. Chilly, to feel chilly, ^ '^ kok, Udng. Kioh lang, ^ i^ kin' tung'. Kien tung, ^ ^ kok, ^hon. Kioh hdn, ^ ^ kin' ^hon. Kien hdn, f^ '^ p'd' ndng. P'd lang, -^ ^ wai' ^hon. Wei hdn, j|] .tsing. Tsing, J^ chat,. Chih, ^ ^ kdp, tlp^. Kidh tieh, 'M kam'. Kin ; wind and rain make one feel chilly, M, M <^ ^ S^^S "■ M'^^ jts'ai. Fung yii ts'i ts'i. Chimb, the edge of a cask, #(: tfi ^ ^ ^ J)'i jP'd 't'ung 'Idung ^t'au .pin. P'i p'd t'ung Hdng t'au pien. Chime, correspondence of sound, ^ ^ J^t'^ wan^ Yin yun, -^ ^^ ;^ f^ .hang .ts'dung .chi .shing. Hang tsidng chi shing, $i ;^ # ^ .chung .chi j'ara wan^ Chung chi yin yun ; a kind of per- • iodical music or tune of a clock, A ^ ^ 1^ P^t, jam .chung ngok^. Pdh yin chung yoh, — ■ ^ i^^^ZM y^<^> <^'^' .chung jWo jhdi .chi .shing. Yih t'du chung ho hidi chi shing. Cliime, to sound in consonance, ^3fDp^^^ tsau' jWO jhdi .chi .yam. Tsau ho hidi chi yin, 'f^ ^ Wi ^ f^ tsok, jWO jhdi .chi .shing. Tsoh ho hidi chi shing ; to jingle, ^ ^^ 'ing fan' /'au ; Canton ditto, ±^ :^:^ t'6 fuk^ jling. T'li fuh ling; Sz chuen dit- to* & ^ V^K ^"^- l**^'' f"^^» China-root jelly, ^^^ fuk Ung ,k6. Fuh ling kdu. China-ware ^ ^ ts'z hi'. Ts'z k'i ; fine ditto, ^ ?i&g{f sai' jts'z hl\ Si ts'z k'i; coarse ditto, ffljji ^ .ts'6 ^ts'z hi'. Ts'u ts'z k'i. Chinca-pin, the dwarf chestnut, ^ ^^ *ai lut, Shu'. Ydilihshi'i. Chinch ;^ g^ muk^ shat,. IVIuh sih. Chin-coujfh, the hooping-cough, Pf^ ^ dk, yikj. CHI (375) CHI Chine, the back-bone, or spine of an animal, ^ "^ ^ '^ sbau- piii' tsek, kwat,. Shau pei tsih kuh, ^ 5^ ,k'au tsek,. K'au tsih, ^ tsek,. Tsih. Chine, to cut through the back-bone, ||ij ^ ^ ^ »^ kot, tiin^ pui' tsek, kwat,. Koh twan pei tsih kuh. Chined, pertaining to the back, ^ ^ # ^^ pni' tsek, kwat, tik,. Pei tsih kuh tih. Chinese, pertaining to China, cf? H^lE ^Chungkwok, ke', ^ jT'ong. T'ang, >^. Hon'. Hdn; the Chinese language, 0fg- jT'ong wa^ T'dng hwd, P^gfjf ^Chung kwok, wa\ Chung kwoh wa, ^ ^ ^Wd ^in. Hwayen; Chinese writing, '|^^ Hon' ^man. Hdn wan, ^ ^ ^T'ong ^man. T'ang wan ; the Chinese empire 7A Tai' ts'insr kwok,. Td ts'ing kwoh ; Chinese officers, ^ 1^ jT'ong ^kun. T'dng kwan, % \^ Hon' 'fu. Han fii ; a Chinese traitor, ^^^ Hon' ^kan. Han kien; Chinese pep- per, }\\^ ^ch'iin jtsiu. Ch'uentsiau; the Chinese army, '|^ ^ Hon' ^kwan. Han kiun. Chinese, a native of China, HX jT'ong^yan. T'dng jin, ^^ \ Hon' ,yan. Han jin, 1^ ^ A c^hung kwok, jan. Chung kwoh jin, ^ A ^^ J^''^- Hwd jin ; the Chinese, ^ _^ ^Wa ^man. Hwd min, ^ ^ jlai ^man. Li min ; it is Chinese, ^ H fjf har JT'ong wd\ Hi T'4ng hwd; it be- longs to the Chinese, -j^ ^ 7\. "IE hai^ jT'ong jan k6', ^^^fi^ shi' ^Wd ^man tik,. Shi Hwd min tih. Chinglc, gravel free form dirt, ^ ^sha. ShA. Chink, a cleft, 1^ ^ lit, la'. Lieh hid, ^ p^ la' kwik,. Hia kih ; a rent, Jt^ ^ ch'dk, lit,. Chink, to open and form a fissure, ^ ^ lit^ ^hoi. Lieh k'ai. Chink, to cause to sound by shaking coins, or small pieces of metal, Jj" J^ ^ting ^tong. Ting tdng, ^ ^ W^ s'^go jts'in ^shing. Ngau ts'ien shing. Chink, to make a small, sharp sound, as by the col- lision of little pieces of money, Jj"^ ^ting ^tong. Ting tdng, JT ^ ^ ^ c^i^g .ting ^tong .tong. Ting ting tang tdng. Chinky, full of chinks or fissures, ^ P^ Id' k6', ^ <^^ lit, la' k^', ^mW^ cto Id' kwik, k6', ^ ^^l&\J ^ ^ 1% Po'- I^ah pu. Chioppine, a high shoe, ^ M |^ ^kb min" ^hdi. Kdii mien hidi. Chip, ^ a market, ^ ,hii. Hii, 7(j -shi. Shi ; Cheap, > to buy or sell, ^ ^ 'mdi mdi*. Mdi Chipping, ) mdi, Chip, to cut into small pieces, ^ ^ t^uk, p'in'. Choh p'ien, '^J^r s^uk, p'in'. Sioh p'ien; to hew, •^ s^uk,. Sioh. Chip, to fly off in small pieces, as in potter's ware, -^ij ^ s6uk, hii'. Sioh k'u, ^ jang. Pang. Chip-axe, an axe for chipping, f|[^^ fiit, 'tsui 'fu. Kw'oh tsui fu, ^ ^ t^uk, 'fu.' Choh fii. Chip-hat, a hat made of wood split into thin filam- ents, ^ ^ t|jg pokj p'in' mb'. Poh p'ien mdu. Chipped -^ij i§^ seuk, kwo'. Sioh kwo, ^ 3;^ t^uk, kwo'. Choh kwo, §Ji'^}r t^uk, kwo' p'in'. Choh kwo p'ien, ^ jj^ jang kwo'. Pang kwo. Chipper, see Chirp. Chipper, talkative, P§- ^ P ^ ^m hit, 'hau *kong. Chipping, chip of wood, :^ ^ muk^ p'in'. Muh p'ien, j^ fai'. Pi, ^ 'pong. Pdng ; fragments of porcelain, ?^ ^ Jr s^^'z hi' p'in'. Ts'z k'i p'ien. Chiragra, gout in the hand, yjg ^ ^ 'tsau /ung 'shau. Tsiu fung shau. Chiragrical vSM,-^ll[\J 'tsau /ung 'shau tik,. Tsiu fung shau tih. Chirocentrus ^ JJ ^^ pb' ^tb ^ii. Pu tdu yii. Chirk, lively, cheerful, '^ yg- fdi' ut,. Kw'di hwoh ; in a comfortable state, ^ ^ ^ 'hb ^on lok. Hdu ngdn loh. Chirograph, a charter-party, f|[ |^ :tl|; ,tsb jShiin j)'ai. Tsu ch'uen p'i, ^ |^ k'ai' ^shii. K'i shu. Chii-ographer ^^ ^ ^ 's6 tsz' 'ch6. Si6 tsz ch6, ^ ^ P|E 's6 tsz' k6', ^ ^ ^shii pdn^ Shu pdn. Chirographist, one who tells fortunes by examina- ing the hand, ||^ ^ ^ ^ 't'ai 'shau ,man 'ch6. T'i shau wan che, ^^ h^l^:5t'^ 'chdung ^man puk, kwd' ^sin ^shang. Chdng wan pub kwd sien sang. Chirogi'aphy, the art of writing with one's own hand, ^'^^ 'shau 'se ngai^ Shau si6 i, ^ ^ ^ 'shau 's6 'che. Shau sid ch4. Chirological, pertaining to chirology, ^ fj P|| 'chi wd' k6', 4- =lf^ "^ 'shau 'chi wd' tik,. Shau chi hwd tih. Chirologist, one who communicates thoughts by signs made with the hands and fingers, ]^^^t^ i^M^"^ '«^^^ ^^' cCli'iiii i' 'ch4. I chi hdu ch'uen i ck, i^^^ii^ ^ 'i 'chi tdt^ i' 'ch6. I chi tdh 1 ch6, ^MMu^^ c^'ung 'chi wd- 'ch6. T'ung chi hwd ch6, %^uM>^ ^i' '^^^i i' 'c^^- ^wui chi i ch6. Chirology, the art of communicating thoughts by signs made by the hands and fingers, ^ ^ 'chi wd^ Chi hwd, ]>i^i$MZW^ '^^^ s«^'^^ i' ^chi ngai\ I chi ch'uen i chi i. Chiromancer ^^ h^h^ 'cli^ung ^man puk, kwd' 'ch6. Chdng wan pub kwd ch6, ||^ -^ |^ 5 ^j» (lij 'shall 'pan puk, kwa tik,. Sliau pAn puh kwd tih. Chiromanist, ") one who foretells future events in Chiromantist, ) relation to an individual, by inspec- ting his hands, -^ ^ ^ '$l» ^ '^^'^^^ 'V^"- P"K kwd' 'ch6. Shau pdn puh kwd ch6. Chironomy, the art ol- rule of moving the hand in oratory, ^5 -^ ^ yuk, 'shau ngai\ Yuh shau i, ^jP^-ii y^K 's''^" f"^- ^^^^ ^''*" ^^^*' %'^f'i^ Chiseling, cutting with a chisel, |g tsok^. Tsoh, 56 tsdm^ Tsdn. Chit, a child, i^^g, jing ^i. Ying rh; a lively child, -^ f^"^^^ f^i' "t.» k6' jing 1. Kw'di hwoh tih ying rh ; a shoot, a sprout, ^ ^ngd. Yd ; the shoots of grain, ^ |^ kuk, j6ung. Kuh ydng; a short note, — ■ ^ >'j^ 'fg yat, /xing 'siu sun*. Yih fung sidu sin. Chit, to sprout, ^ ^ jUiang ^ngd. Mang yd, [j^ ^ ch'ut, jdung. Ch'uh ydng. wd' pong' fdt,. Hwd ping fdh, ^}j^ ^ ^ *)jb 'kii j Chit-chat, familiar talk, ^gj ^hdn wd\ Hien hwd. tung^ 'shau ngai^ Kii tung shau i, i|iJfctS§i'(^^ ^ 'kong shiit, wd* k6' 'shau shai'. Chiropodist, one who extracts corns, removes bun- ions &c., ^Jk }ii|! §^ 0iiJ '(i ,p'ai k(5uk, 'cham ^z fu^ Mt ^ m m m .v^^ m^^ '^^^^^ ^^^ ^<^' Chirosophist, a fortune-teller, I>^|^5t4 P"K ^^^' ,sln ^shang. Puh kwd sien shang. Chirp, to make the noise of certain insects, ^ ts'd'. Ts'du, Ilffi ^ts'6. Ts'du, l^iii'. Ydu; to chirp, as birds, l!^ ts'6'. Ts'du, P/g dk,. Ngeh, pj^^pj^ ^chau ,chau. Chau chau, d^ rij^ pj^ vj^ ,chi ,chi ^chau ,chau, pj,^ ^ ,chau chit,. Chau cheh, n^ p^ ^lau lui^ Lau lui ^^ tsit^. Tsieh, O^Pp 'im lung\ Yen lung, 0^ 'wai. Ilwui, u^qj Ydh ydh. Chirp, to make cheerful, j^ ^ '(^ 'sz fdi' ut^. Shi kw'di hwoh, ^ '^ fg- ling' fdi' lit^. Ling kw'di hwoh. Chirper, one that chii-ps, or is cheerful, '^ f^ ^ fdi' ut^ 'ch6. Kw'di hwoh ch6. Chirping {^^t^. tsok, ts'b' ,shing. Tsoh ts'du shing. Chirpingly, in a chirping manner, ^"^^vj^v^^^, ,chl ,chi jChau ^chau 'k6m y^ung'. Chi chi chau chau kdn y6»g. Chirre, to coe as a pigeon, ^ n,^,' n,^ ^ ts6' ^ku ,ku ^shing. Tso kii kii shing. Chirurgeon, a surgeon, ^|* f^" "^ ^ rxQO^ /o ,sin jShang. Wdi k'o sien sang. Chirurgery, see Surgery. Chisel, an instrument of iron or steel, ffi| tsok^. Tsoh, ^ ^ tsim' tsokj. Tsiuen tsoh, ^ ^k'au. K'iu ; an stone-cutter's chisel, ]|^ tsdm*. Tsdn ; a large chisel, -^ |g tdi' tsok^. Td tsoh, ^ ^ tdi* tsdm^ Td tsdn ; small ditto, /\\ ^ 'siu tsok . Sidu tsoh, Jjijlll^li «^i' ^^"^^ tsokj. Sltsdn tsoh; a flower chisel, 1^^ |g ,fd tsok^. Hwd tsoh ; a tile chisel, i^ jJiyi ^ ,kdi ^ehiin tsok^. Kidi chuen tsoh; a stone chisel, ^ 77 <^^sdm' ,t6. Tsdn tdu; a 8haq)-pointejl chisel, ^ |^ 'sun tsokj. Siun tsoh. Chisel, to cut, gouge, or engrave with a chisel, SI tsokj. Tsoh, % tsdm^ Tsdn, ^ ^J^ tsdrn* ,fd. Tsdn hwd, )i^ ,tiu. Tidu, JB^^J .tiuhdk,. Tidu k'eh, is'dm. Ts'dn, chisel into, |^ y\ tsok^ yap^. through ciuHik,. Choh ; to Tsoh jih ; to chisel 5^ tsok, .ch'iin. Tsoh ch'uen. Chiseled H ja tsok kwo\ Tsoh kwo, % ^ tsdni' kwo\ Tsdnkwo, )^ *^ ,tiu kwo\ !ridu kwo, PjI ^ ^hdn jt'dm, Hien t'dn, ,ldn. Ldn. Ipn hdn ^u. Hien Chitterlings, the smaller intestines of swine and fried for food, >J> flj^ 'siu tsong^. Sidu tedng, ^ /\\ ||^ ^shiii 'siii tsong^. Shdu sidu tsdng. Chitty, like a babe, ^P ^ ^ 1^ ^ ,u jing ^i 'k6m y^ung', Jii ying rh kdn yang, ^' ff I®; ^ nun* 'tsai 'k5m y^ung' ; full of chits and sprouts, ^ M^ ,to ^ngd tik,. To yd tih, ^^^ .to j6ung tik,. To ydng tih ; a chitty lace, ^ ^ 'ii min*. Ju mien. Chivabic ^^0^ 'mh hi' tik,. Wii k'i tih, %^\fy jing tsun' tik,. Ying tsiun tih. Chivalrous, warlike, :^ ^ j^^ -ni6 hi' tik,. Wii k'i tih ; bold, ^ ^ ^ung^om. Yung kdn, ^ f^ 'tdm 'k6m. Tdn kdn ; gallant, ^ ^ "^ .hd hi' k6', "^-^ ^ jing tsun' tik,. Ying tsiun tih, ^ ^^^ Jjj^ .ch'iin .shan kdp, lui*. Ch'uen shdn kidh lui. Chlamys, a tunic or loose coat, ;Ac ^ tdi* .shdm. Td sdn. Chloracetic acid, an acid formed by the action of chlorine on acetic acid, ^j ;4v Bh bik, muk^ ts'6'. Luh muh ts'u. Chloral fi|j ;;|jc luk, 'shui. Luh shwui. Chlonintiius inconspieuus ^flVjj .chii ^Idn. Chuldn, ^ JlV fi{j .l^Jvi chdu jldu. Ki chdu ldn ; ditto mo- nosUichys, (^ ^ j^ pdk, .chii ,ldn. Peh chii ldn. Chlorate, a compound of chloric acid with a salifia- ble base, ^] ^ Ink, ^im. Luh yen. Chloric, pertaining to chlorine, ^^ Ivik, tik,. Luh tih i chloric acid| ^ gg luk, ts'b\ Luh ts'lSk. CHL Chlorid, chloride, a term applied to combinations of chlorine, corresponding to the acids, ^ ^j^ y^ung luk,. Ydng luh ; a non-acid combination of chlorine, y'j^ fi|J tam^ luk^. Tan luh ; chloride of lime, '^ ^ lukj /ui. Luh hwui. Chlorine, \ a greenish yellow gas, '^ luk^. Lvih, |^|] Chlorin, ) ^ luk^ hf. Luh k'i, J^ ^I ^ ,p'iu pak^ hf. P'idu peh k'l ; liquid chlorine, ||j ^ luk^ 'shui. Luh shwui. Chloriodine, ^a compound of chlorine and io- Chloriodic acid, j dine, \^ ^ luk^ Jdm. Luh Ian. Chloris, the greenfinch, ^ ^ ts6uk^ ^meng. Tsioh ming. Chlorite, a soft olive-green minei-al, H^;^ luk^ ^nai. Luh ni, f^ luk^. Luh. Chlorite, a salt formed of chloric acid and a base, M la i^ luk^ ts'6' ,ira. Luh ts'ii yen. Chloro-carbonic, ^a compound of chlorine and Chloro-carbonous, J carbonic oxyd, |i|^ ^ ^ luk^ t'^n' tikj. Luh fan tih. Chloroform {^ :§|] ^man kik^. Wan luh. Chloropal, a greenish, earthy mineral, consisting of silica and oxide of iron, f^^-^ luk^ fit, ^nai. Luh f ieh ni. Chlorometer H] -^ luk^ ^cham. Luh chin. Chlorometry, the process of testing the bleaching power of any combination of chlorine, ^ |i^] '^ ;^ ^ teng^ luk^ ^^'S"^^ 7^^, tPiii | :j^ fi ^ 'kdn chdk^ yam^ 'ngo- Kien tseh jin wo ; accor- ding to one's choice, f;t -j^ |^ f ^ yam- ^f d 'kdn chdk^. Jin f d kien tseh ; to have one's choice, ^^WM. Vau *ho Tcdn ch'ii'. Yu k'o kien eh'u } the thiii^ chosen, #ig:^4^ tak, 'siin ,chl (377) CHO Teh swan chi wuh, # ^g Pit i^ # tak^ . leave the choice to me, fi ^ 'kdn chdk,. Jin wo kien tseh ; mat^. 'siin k6' matj kin^ '"- "" ' -ngo yam- he has a great choice, tS ^ l^T ^ ©* ^ # tU ^k'ii 'yau %6 ^to 'j6 'kdn tak, ch'ut,. K'li yii hdu to y6 kien teh ch'uh, #, ^ |^ ^ # jl # ^ ^f d 'yau 'hii ^to kin^ 'sun tak, 'hi. T'a yii hii to kien swdn teh k'i ; the choice of his troops, ^^ M^^^ y^^ 'siin M j)ing, ^ J£ ^tseng ^ping. Tsing ping; choice goods, J^ ^ sheung^ fo'. Shang ho ; choice society, Jl ^ ^ sh^ung^ 'tang 'yau. Shdng tang yu ; he has made a good choice, tg 1^ # ^ 'k'ii 'kdn tak, 'h5. K'ii kien teh hdu. Choice, worthy of being preferred, J^ fif 'teng 'h5. Ting hdu, J^ J^ 'teng sheung-. Ting shdng, ^ X^ Uf tsiit^ 4eng 1)6."Tsiueh ting hdu, ^ ^ ^ jking kwai' tik,. King kwei tih ; selecting or using with care, ^}^ ji^ 1^ \i^ sai' ^sam 'kdn k^'. ^fflj\j>Jfl d^ sai' ,sam yung- tik,. Si sin yung tih ; choice of one's time, ^Wlfffn'M ^^Pi s^^^ s^ s^^i- Hob shi rh wei, :^ S^ ffii ^ s6ung' ^shi ^1 tung*. Sidng shi rh tung, ^ HiJf '^ $^ Jio^ jSlii bau^ ts6-. K'dn shi hau tso ; choice as to one's com- pany, ^MM^ A c^^^ cP'ang "jau ,kau ^au. K'dn p'ang yii kidu yu, (Jl ^ ffll ^ jan jau ^i ^kdu. Yin yii rh kidu ; choice in that one does, '^ 6/? ^ >§ -tfe Vau 'sho pat, ^wai ^d. Yii so pub wei ye, /]> ^(j) ^^ -f^ 'siti ^sam ^kiin kdi.' Sidu sin kiuen kidi ; to have no choice, ^ ^ 'fcj' ^mb noi" ^ho. Wii ndi ho. Choice-draAvn, selected with particular care, :|^ ^^ •^J chdk^ talc, 'ho. Tseh teh hdu, ^ :ff shin^ chdk^. Shen tseh. Choiceless, not having the power j)f choosing, ^ WUZMi^^ 'kdn chdk^ ,chi Jc'iin. Wii kien tseh chi k'iuen ; not free, ^ ^ ^ '^ pat, 'yau tsz^ 'chii. Pub yu tsz chii, |||^^ 2» jk'iin pat, jau *ki. K'iuen pub yu ki. Choicely, with care in choosing, g^ ^ 'kdn chdk,. Kien tseh, '^ jg shan^ 'siin. Shin swdn ; valua- bly, "|S' fl^j kwai' tik,. Kwei tih ; excellently, ^^ -mi jin. INlei jen, ^iilp kik^, miu'. Kih midu; carefully, 'j^ ^^ shan^ ^n. Shin jen. Choiceness, valuableness, xM itf ^ 'teng 'hb 'ch6. Ting hdu ch6, ^'^^ kwai' chung^ 'ch.6. Kwei chung ch6. Choir, a collection of singers, — -^iWi^ yat, tiii* ^ko 'ch6. Yih tui ko ch^, — ^p^ff^ yat, .pdn jko jSbi 'ch6. Y^ih pdn ko shi ch6 ; a collection of singers in a church, f^ ^ f^ ^ ch'^ung' shing* ,shi 'ch6. Ch'dng shing shi ch6, —'i$L\^M^i^ yat, ^pdn ch'^ung' shing' ^shi 'ch^. Yih pan ch'dng shing shi die ; the choir of a church, 1^ f|^ ^ cb'eung' ,sbi ^lau. Ch'dng shi lau. Choir-service j^, J'JSl f^ p |# ^i J>^n ch'6ung' shing' ,shi. I pdn ch'dng shing shi. Choke, to, as a i)erson, ^Hf^j^ ipha, ^hau 'Idtrii Chd kau Idnj |g ^ ,cha 'keng. Chd king< ^ ^ fih& CHO (878) CHO 'sz. Chd 8z ; to strangle, jgg^ ai' 'sz. I sz, ^^ Choloricncss, irascibility, >X tt '*"o si^g'. Ho sing, lakj 'sz. Leli sz ; to stop by filling, or as a pass- , S^>^ ^^ °^^ '^^^- ^ "'^ ^^^' ^ IS ^ ^^i' J^^ age, ^ >^ sak, chu^ Seh chii, ^ ^ 'yung sak,. ; 'ch6, Kw'di nau chd. Yung seh, ^ ^ jt'in sak,, T'ien seh, i>^ ^ ,tui Cholesterine, a fatty substance resembling sper sak,. Tiii seh ; to choke as the growth of plants, i ^ ^ 'yung 'sz. Yung sz, J^ ^ kuk^ 'sz. Kiuh , 8Z, i|B^ jCli'in 'sz. Ch'en sz; to smother, as fire, ^ ^ kukj 'sz. Kiuh sz, ^ ^^^ kuk^ sik,. Kiuh sih, B^ ^ 'k'am 'sz ; to suppress, ^ j}^ dt, 'chi. Ydh chl; to offend, ^ ^. kik, n6^ Kih nii. Choke, to have the wind-pipe stopped, ^ 'kang. Kang, ^ 'kang. Kang, ^ JIp^ 'kang it,. Kang yeh; to be choked to death, 1^^ 'kang 'sz ; to be oflFendod, WiB^^ Pi' ^ik, nb\ Pi kih nii, ^ ch'uk,. Ch'uh, ^^.§, shing^ hi' n6^ Shing k'i nfi. Choke-cherry, a species of an astringent wild cher- ry. ^ if ^ '^'"i Ji«« '<^sz. K'li ying tsz. Choke-damp, noxious vapor (carbonic acid gas), j^ ^ ^ kuk^ 'sz hi\ Kiuh sz k'i, j^ ^ ^ tYin' ^iin hi'. T'dn sw6n k'i. Choke-full % ^ ,cli'ung 'mun. Ch'ung mwdn. Choke-pear, a pear that has an astringent taste, ^ ^Pf^^kip,mi^k6\li. Choke-weed il^J^ At, Jdm 'ts'6. Ngoh Idn ts'du. Choked, suffocated, ^^ ji^ ^ .chd kwo' 'keng. Chd kwo king, ^^ )^ ^^ c^'^^^ ''^^^ 's'^- ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ J strangled, j^ ^ >M ^i' 'sz kwo'. I sz kwo ; ob- structed by tilling, ^ ^ jj^ 'yung sak, kwo'. Yung seh kwo; smothered, ^ j^j^ kuk^ 'sz kwo'. Kiuh sz kwo. Choking, suffocating, ^ ^ .chd 'keng. Chd king, j^ ^ ,chd 'sz ; strangling, j^ ^ ai' 'sz. I sz ; are you not afraid of the devil choking you to death ? Pg ill ^ ^ '#E f5i n¥ i^ P'A' *kwai .cha 'sz *ni ,m6. Choker, one who suffocates, \^^ ^ ,chd 'keng maceti, found in the bile, ^ yft 'tdm jau. Tdn yu- Choltry, i^^ ]^ t&i^ hdk, tfm'. Td k'eh tien. Chondrology, the history of cartilages, $li^ "^ H ^ ^iin kwat, shat^ luk^. Yuen kuh shih luh. Choose (pret. chose ; pp. chosen), to select, :^ 'kdn. Kien, ;jf chdk^. Tseh, ^ «|| 'kdn 'siin. Kicn swdn, ;^ :|f 'kdn chdk^. Kien tseh, jg ^ 'siin chdk^. Swdn tseh, |^ j^ 'kdn chdk^. Kien tseh, 1[^^ 'kdn ;oi. Kienldi, ^ ^ts'in. Ts'ien, ^ 1o. Lo, ^ jm6. Mdu, ^ ^mb. Mdu, i[^ ^lun. Lun, ^ lin\ Lien ; to predestinate, ^ ^ ii^ teng^. Yd ting, ^ j^ ii^ 'siin ; to follow, ^ ^ts'img. Ts'ung ; to choose an associate for intercourse, ^ ^ chdkj ^kdu. Tseh kidu ; to choose a gra- duate for a district ofiBcer, |^ j§ ^ jf^ 'kdn 'siin jChi i^n^ Kien swdn chi hien ; to choose a lucky day, :}^^13 chdk^ kat, yat^. Tseh kih jih, jg^ ^ ^ 'siin chdk^ kat, fo'. Swdn tseh kih ko, =qjl ^ ,tsau kat,. Tsau kih, j^ ^ ^kiin kat,. Kiuen kill, :ff i^ -f- chdk^ 'h6 yat^ 'tsz. Tseh hdu jih tsz ; to choose a wife, :j^ ^ ^^ chdkj ^san 7)'6 ; I leave it to you to choose, '(3E: f5^ ^ ^ yam^ hii 'kdn chdk^. Jin ni kien tseh ; to choose rather, ^ ^ j^iiig ^^- ^'iog ngdi ; I do not choose to follow your advice, p§- ^ ^^ ^ ,m ^ts'ung ^ni kdu', P§ tl JIJS f^ ft j™ 'seung jt'eng ^ni kdu' ; to choose the good, ^ :a ^ ^ chdk^ jk'i shin' 'ch6. Tseh k'i shen che ; which do you choose ? ^^ ^ '^ Pfjt ^ chdk^ ^pin ko' k6' .ni, ^ ^ i^ l»!& iu .pin ko' .ni. Ydu pien ko ni, j^^f^^ 'siin chdkj ^shui ^u. Swdn tseh shwui hii. *ch6. Chd king chd, ^^^ ,chd 'sz 'ch6 ; one i Choose, to have the power of choice, jg ^ 'siin who strangles, |^^E^ ^J' '^^ ^c\\6. t sz chd; one \ chdk^. Swdn tseh. who puts another to silence, ^ ^ A P ^ sak, i Chooser, he who chooses, ^ ^ chdk^ 'ch6. Tseh chii' ^yan 'hau 'ch6. Seh chii jin k'au chd. | chd, |5J^ ^ ^ 'kdn chdkj "chd. Kien tseh chd ; a Choky, that tends to suffocate, J^^P^ kuk^ 'sz kd'. chooser of days, :j^, ^^ chdk^ yat^ .sin .shang. Choler, the bile, Qg. il^ tdm 'shui. Tdn shwui ; Tseh jih sien sang. wrath, J^, ^ jno hi'. Nil k'i ; irritation of the Choosing, selecting, ^ chdk^. Tseh, |jj? ^ 'kdu passions, ^C M. '^" ^i'- ^^ ^'^- ' ^^^\' Kien tseh, j^^l 'siin ehdk^. Swdn tseh. Cholera, cholera morbus * , >|| gj, fok^ liin*. Hoh Choosingly, by choosing, ]!^^ j^ H 'kdn chdk^. I Iwdn, ^gL fok^ liin\ Hoh Iwdn, *f P^ kam' kien tseh, ]>XM% 'i 'siin chdk^. I swdn tseh, 'hau liT Kin k'au li, K Jl^ i^ ^ '»Vin .kan ! j^ ^ 'sun ^in. Swdn jen. fuk, sd'. Fdn kin fuh sid, }^t M ^ ^'6' sd' ! Chop t ', a mark, ^ h6\ Hdu, ^ fjg tsz* h6\ Tsz ching'. T'li sid ching, ^ U|g ^^ p 'au ching'. O | hdu ; the permit or '• grand chop " of former ngau ching, f^^ .wivn yik^. Wan yih, ^.^ 'sz ching'. Sz ching. Choleric, easily irritated, iA:^"H5E 'fo hi' kd', ^<[X. 'jife To sing'. Ho sing, ^ ^ H i' .ihaug hi'. I sang k'i. * Sporadic cases of cholera are called 4S f||i ^', epidenic cho< lera ^^. days, ^X ^ jhung ^p'di. Tiung p*ai ; the present chop or port clearance, jQ |^] (■^ ^ 'hoi .kwdn jShun jp'di. ttdi kwdu oh'ucn p'jli; a chop of tea, — 4^ ^ M ^ va^ ko ^^' ^^' jCh'd. Yih ko tsz hiu ch'd. Chop, to cut off or scparat 3, by striking with a sharp t A diop of tea • maay aa 1200; WilUama, can be as fe^r as two or three chests, or as a chop of 'xiiigou is usually 600 chests." oao (870) OHO instrument, ]|ff 'chdm. Chdn, ^^ 'ch&m ch^uk,. Chan clioh, ^ cli^uk,. Choh, ^ t^uk,. Choh, ^ 'horn. K'6n, ^J t^uk,. Choh, ^Ij ts'o'. Ts'o, iH'chvi. Chu.^iJA A,|ljfat,. Fuh,^,J,p'i. P'i, ^ij to\ To, g^lj ,p'ang. P'ang, f|J ^ts'dm. Ts'4n, gg cheuk,. Choh, '^j| chuk^. Chuh, ^ l£\. Mh; to chop up, to mince as meat, §^^ teuk^ c^o^u- Choh hiau, g|f f^ t6u\ Ian-. Choh Mn, gjj- ^jj; t^uk^ yau'. Choh yii, ^^/[[l^]^ t6uk, yuk, ts6ung\ Choh juh tsidng; ditto, to devour eagerly, pjj| tdm^ Tan, ^A^pJ^^ tdi" tam' shik^. Ta tan shih; to grind and mince with the teeth, p^ tsduk,. Tsioh ; to crack, Ifjr ^ ch'Ak, M'. Ch'ih liid ; to chop into small pieces, as a criminal, ^j|| cli'^g jCh'i. Ling ch'i ; to chop with a hatchet, ^ -^J 'fu s6uk,. Fu sioh ; to chop off the head, ^j^ ^ 'chdrn jt'au. Chdn t'au ; to chop a piece of tim- ber, ^ ;;^ t6\i\ muk,. Choh muh. Chop, to catch with the mouth, ■ — P 58^ '^ yat, 'hau k'ap, chtr. Yih k'au kih chii ; to chop in, to become modish, ^ D$ |^ hok^ ^shi p'di'. Hioh shi p'di. Chop, to buy or barter, ^ ^ mau^ yik^. Mau yih, ^ ^ ^kau yik^. Kiau yih. Chop, to turn, or shift suddenly, ^^ p^ '^ fat, ^in 'chun. Hwuh jen cliuen ; to chop about, as the wind, ;^.^^M,I^ ^^K S^ S^^S 'chlin. Hwuh jen fung chuen ; chop chop, quickly, '[^j^^ fai' ^ti. Chop, a piece chopped off, ^ ^ ^ 4^ teuk, hii' ,chi mat^. Choh k'ii chl wuh, # gfr ^ ^ i^^\ tiin^ ^chi fai'. Tsieh twdn chi kw'di ; a small piece of meat, — ^ ;^ |^ yat, fai' yuk^. Yih kw'ai juh ; a crack or cleft, ijf ^ ch'dk, la'. Ch'ih hid ; the jaws, ^jg /jjfg ^soi kap,. Sdi kidh ; mutton chops, ^^'N* |S chdk^ kwo'. u teng' kwo'. Yd ting kwo. J?6 I'l* sun kwo'. Yd swdn kwo ; designated to office, ^ ^ Christen, to baptize, t^)^f^ ,shi tsam' *lai. Shi tsin K, t^-^ lif .shi 'sai 'lai. Shi si li ; to baptize and name, M^f^^^l .^^^ '^^^ ^^^^ P^ j^ieng. Shi si li ngdn ming ; to name, ^ ^ pn ^meng. Ngdn ming, jjp ;g c^^ ji^eng. Kid ming; to initiate into the visible Church of Christ, by the application of water, ^^ A A ^ M f4: ^ ^leng jan yap^ Y6sd kdu' 'ch6. Ling jiu jih Y^- sd kidu ch6. •kdn fong'. Kien fdng, ^ ^ 'sun yung*. Swdn Christendom, the countries or regions inhabited by yung; the chosen of God, ^^.fr^Ji'M^ s^ai Christians, HP M PI ^ ^ g Y^sd ^mdn ,f6 Sh(^.ung* tai' *slio *si\n 'ch6. Wei Shdug ti so ,ts'un kwok,. Ydsd mun t'd ts'iuen kwoh ; the swdn ch6. Choultry |f ^ suk, sh6'. Suh shi6. Chouse, to cheat, [5;| A ^S^K jyan, ^Si .^^ P'^n'- K'i p'ien ; to defmud, ^ |^ ,t'an p'in'. T'un p'ien, ;§: |i|| .fan ngak,. Chouse, one who is easily cheated, a fool, ^ \ pan* jan, ^ ^ jtigoi pan*; imposition, M^^ ^ .hi p'in' ,chi sz*. K'i p'ien chi sz. Choused, cheated, [I/g, j^ ngak, kwo', j^ ^ p'in' whole body of Christians, ^^^ ^ ^ M.W^ sun' Kituk 'ch6 .chi .t'ung .ch'ing. Sin Kituh ch6 chi t'ung ch'ing, i^ W B i ^^^' Y^sd 'ch6. Sin Y6 sd ch6. Christened, baptized and named, J|| i^ j^ ,shi 'sai kwo' Shi si kwo, W.'M^i^>^ .^^^ tsam' .on kwo' ^meng. Shi tsin ngdn kwo ming; initiated into Christianitv, ^ ^ ^ shau* 'sai 'ch6. Shau si ch6, AMWmWC^ yap, kwo' Ydsd kdu' 'chd. Jih kwo Yesd kiau ch6. shi kwo'. P'ien kwo. Chousing, cheating, ^J^l c^^ P'^"'* ^'^ p'ien, f^\ Christening jj^ j^ .shi 'sai. Shi si, t^)^ 1^ ngak, jan. tsam' 'lai. Shi tsin li. Chowder, a dish of fish, boiled with buiscuit, salt. Christian, a professor of his belief in the religion of pork &c., ^^fi ,kang. Yd kang. Christ, ^^^ ^ sun' Kituk 'ch^. Sin Ki- Chowdcr, to, |jir j^ ^ tab* ji\ .kang. Tso yd kang. tub ch6, -fg ^\] ^ ^ sun' Y6su 'clu''. Sm Y6- Chowter, to grumble like a fnig or a ft'oward child, Oil SB .lun.lun .shing. Chrematistica, the science of wealth, ^ /|} <^ ^ ,t8'oi pdkj .chi 'U. Ts'di peh chi li. }\\ l;lj ^ ^ yung* jts'oi .clvi Mi. Yung ts'di chi H, ^^jij^g' ,t8'iu jUgan .chi ^If. Ts'icn yin chi li. Chrestomathy, a book of extmcts useful in learning sd clu^; a disciple of Christ, J}]J §(c PI ^ Ydsd jindn ^Vh. Y<5sd mun t'd, 1||J ^ P'1 ^ Y<^sd jniuii .shang. Y^'^d mun sang, ^ Ifll j|^ # jlVung Y<^sd 'chc. Ts'ung Y<5sdch6; a believer in Clirist who is cluiriu'terizod by piety, Hf ^fi ch6. shat, 8uu' Ycsu 'chd. Shih sin Ycsu GMtt (mi) dtiii ^'^■^'•''-•-■^ Christian, pertaining to Christ, S '^ P^ Kituk k6', ^#&^ Kituk tik,. Kltuhtih, WM^U Y6s\L ke' ; the Christian religion, ^^ ^ ^ Kituk ,chi tb\ Kituh chi tau, 5|I f $ ft Yesu k6u'. Y^su kiau, :^IJ ijj -1 Jl Yesu to" "li. Y6 "IE Shing 8u tdu 11 ; pertaining to the Church, fB shing' ui^ k^', ^ "^ ^^f shing' ui' tik, hwui tih ; Christian conduct, ^ f^ shin' hang\ Shen hing, ^^^§fi-^ shin^ ^ts'ung Y6su *chd. Shen ts'ung Yesu che. Christian-like ^II|1,#P^^P|E ts'z Y6su ^mun ^t'b k^', ^S'^^&f ts'z Kituk ^t'6 tik,. Sz KItuh t'u tih, ^^\imM.^U liop, Y^su th' ke'. Christian-name ;^ ^meng. Ming, iMi^PJxl^^^ ^leng 'sai 'sho tak, ^chl ^meng. Ling si so teh chi tdn ho 11 hohi Christmas-day, the 26th of December, MM^M Y^sii kong' tdn'. Y^sti kidng tdn, 4'P 6 :^ H Y6sti jShang yat^. Yesu sang jih. Christmas-flower :^ ^ JlA ^meng. Hwd ming. Christology, a discourse or treatise concerning Christ, S '^ ^^ Ira Kituk tsung lun'. Kituh tsung luu, jj^ i j^ ^ kau' 'chii ,t'ung kau'. Kill chu t'ung kidu. Chromate, a salt or compound formed by the chro- mic acid with a base, jTC fe ^ ^^ /i^i shik, ^kam ^siin. Hwui sili kin swdn. Chromatic, relating to color, "^ P|t shik, k6', ^ ^ shik, tik,. Sih tih. Chromatics, the science of color, ^ "^ ^ 3^1 pak, shik, ^chl -II. Peh sih chi H, # ^ ;^ ^ kok, shik, jChI "II. Koh sih chi II. Chromatography, a treatise on colors, 1§^ "^ ^, f^ pdk, shik, 'tsung lun^ Peh sih tsung lun. Chrome, ) a grayish white, brittle metal, re- Chromium, y markable for the variety and beauty of its colored preparations, |^ "^ -^ ,fui shtk, ^kam. Hwui sih kin, ^'^ ^ J^o'^^'^ shik, ^kam. Yen sih kin. Chromic, pertaining to chrome, ^ ^ ^ ^^ ,fui shikj ^kam tik,. Hwui sih kin tih ; chromic yel- low, the artificial chromate of lead, |?< ^ ^ ,fui shik, jWong. Hwui sih hwdng, ^ ^ ^tin ^wong, f^^ kau' jan hok^ Y^sii kdu' 'ch6. Kidu Yuen hwang. jin hioh Y^su kiau ch6, ^ Alg^PMjl!^ ^^^' i Chronic, ") continuing a long time, ^ 'kau. Kiu, ^an sun' Yesii to^ 'ch6. Kidu jin sin Y6su tau i Chronical,/;^ \^ij 'kau tik,. Kiii tih, -^ ^ch'^ung. Christianism, the Christian religion, ^^^^ Ki- tuk ^chl kdu'. Kltuh chi kiau, ^\l |§ ft Yesu kdu'. Yesii kiau ; the nations professing Chris- tianity, U il^ ft H Yesii kau' kwok,. Yesu kiau kwoii. Christianity, the religion of Christians, ^flli^^ Y6- su kdu'. Yesu kidu, Mi^ZWc Kituk ^chl kdu'. KItuh chi kiau, WM'MM Yesii t6'U Yesii tdu II, :^|J 1^ ^ Ft Yesii kdu' ^miin. Y^sii kiau mun ; the term used by the Rom. Catholics, ^ ± ic BR ^^"^ i^^^ ^^^^" '^S^T^- Yuen nien hwdn yen, /|0 B^ ?iE kii' 'ngdn ching'. Kii yen ching; chronic disorders, as of a state, ASL kau lun'. Kiii Iwdn, ^ >^. kau wdn'. Kiii hwdn ; a chronic diarrhoja, ^ J^^ ^ jau sik, II'. Hiu sih II. Chronicle, chronicles, a historical account or regis- ter of facts or events disposed in the order of time, Itl 'kl. KI, ^ IE 'sz Id'. Shi kl, ^ |£ 'sz 'kl. Shi kl, m if lik, 'P'o- Lib p'u, H g ,kong muk^. Kdng muh, ^ |E ^^K 'k^- ^"^ ^I, $|i ^ 'kl luk^. KI luh; a history of a state, ^ ^ kwok, 'sz, Kwoh shI, ^ ^^ kwok, 'kl. Kwoh kl, g) m kwok, kl'. Kwoh kl, g g± kwok, chi' Kwoh chi, Ig ^ kwok chf. Kwoh chi; the Chronicles, books of the S. Scripture, M f ^ ^ ^ lik^ toi' chf 14uk^. /VIk'> Lib tdi chi lioh ; the Chro- Lieh wdngkl; the Chronicles of Corea, ^^^^ Chiii- nicles of the kings, ^\] J ^^ ^^^i jWong 'kl. CHR (88S) CHtJ sin 'kl. Chdusien ki. Chronicle, to record in bistorv, ^£ 'ki. Ki, =\} ki\ Ki, IC ^ Til luk,. Kl luh, m M ^ ^ jShI jShan ^piti teng^ kwo' I shi shin pidu ting kwo. Chronometry, the art of measuring time, Jf^ B$ ^ W ^^\ s^^i^ - Ch'ucn pidu, ii^) ^^ ^shiin .chung. Ch'uon chung. '^ ^ f^ ^ fcng^ .king t6* .piu. Ting king td pidu; to rate a ship's chronometer, ^1^.^^^ kdu' 'chun jShiin .pid. Kidu chun ch'ucn pidu ; ditto by tmnsit obser- vation. H H Ij&i'J^^ tok^ yat^' kdu' 'chun j)iu. • A chronogram, ' or chronodistichon rocordinn tho peace of Hub«rt»l.iirg in 1 703 is oxprensed in the followinjf linet«,' As- I)om lioIJrfi glTx^nt: roDlIt bona gratia puCIs ; O si parta foret Hi'Mper In orbo qVIe»; i c. M— 1000. D=500, C=100 three L— 160, one V-«5 and eight I«=8, 'giving 1673. Chub, a river fish, f|^^ Jin jii. Lien yu, :hi Sj tdi^ jt'au jUn. Td t'aii lien. Chub-faced, having a plump, round face, {^ yj^ luk, 'ku min\ Luh ku mien, A @I (fij t'>'' j"" min*. Td yuen mien. Chubbed ;l^ ftg i^t tdi' ^t'au k^', j^ (g ,hl .soi. K'l sdi. Chubby, ns a child, i^ ifj^ 'wan hidi. Wdn ndi, ^ III ^ judm 'ts6 fat^. Ndn tsu fuh. Chuck, to call, as a hen her chickens, ^ ^J^ chuk, chuk,. Chub chub, d£ n^ 'chii 'chii. Chu chu, n}!). .chau. Chau, fJ,^R,-fi chuk, chuk,. Chub chub. Chuck, to make the noise of a hen or partridge, when she calls her chickens, \^^^^ chuk, chuk, .shiug. Chub chuh shing. Chuck, to joer or laugh, see Chuckle. Chuck, to strike or give a gentle blow, jj^ V>'^- CHU Peh, :f6 :|^ Pl^ p'ak, p'ak, -ha. Peh peh hid. Chuck, a sudden, small noise, g,-f;B.-j[;^ chuk, chuk, ^shing. Chuh chuh shing; a word of endearment, corrupted from chicken, ^ ff ,kam 'tsai, ^ Jt ^ 'cheung sheung^ .chii. Chdng shang chu, ^ ;^ -^ ^ ^kam kwat, 'tsz tai". Kin kuh tsz ti ; a slight blow under the chin, ^ T* ^1 # ,tau ha^ j)'d 'ch6. Chuck-farthing, a play in which a farthing is pitched into a hole, #||^ 'hau ^ung hi'. K'du lung hi. Chuckle, to call, as a hen her chicken, n^-f,^,]; chuk, chuk,. Chuh chuh ; to fondle, ^^jE ^ Yu tsz^ Fu tsz, ^ *j§ t'ung sik,. T'ung sih ; to cocker, n|| nPI ^ho ^ho. Ho ho. Chuckle, a short, broken, and surpressed laugh, B^ B^ ,ho ,ho. Ho ho, BP; UpT ,ho ,ho. Ho ho, 'i^ # "H ^mi .ml siu . Wi wi siau. Chuckle, to laugh in a suppressed or broken man- ner, P|^ flf^ ,ho ^ho. Ho ho. Chuckle-head, a person with a large head, ^■'(^M. Tau kdn t'au ; a dunce, ^ ^ *tau 'kbm t'au 'ch'un pan . Ch'un pin. Chuckling, suppressed laughter, n^ af^ ^ho ^ho. Ho ho, BBfUBj" ho ,ho. Ho ho. ChufF, a clown, j^\^ ^ts'iin '16. Ts'iuen ld,u ; a dull, surly fellow, fife A ^^'^^ i^^^- '^^^ J^^- Chuffy, in a rough, surly manner, |^ ^ "16 ^mong. Lu mdng; clownishly, t'til'®^!! >'iin '16 'k6m y^ung^ Ts'iuen Idu kan yang. Chuffy, fat or swelled out, ^E )^ /i tdi^ Fi ta ; a chuffy lad, fffilf^M M^ 'ts^ fat, .t'ung. Ndn tsu fuh t'ung ; surly, ^ Hi ;jj'p §| "mun "t'o yik, wat,. Mwan t'u yih kuh, ^^ Hi 5^ ,1^ 'mun ^'6 jl6 ^s6. Mwan t'u Idu sau. Chuk, a word used in calling swine, R^O^ 'chii 'chii. Chii chu. Chulan-tea ^ ^ ^ ,chu Ian ^ch'a. Chii Ian ch'd. Chum, a chamberfellow, j^ ^ jliii yau. Liau yu, M. M c^h'^ung ^au. Chw'ang yii. Chum, to occupy a chamber with another, pj-f^ — • jt'ung chii- yat, /ong. T'ung chii jih fdng, |^ -^f:fe jt'ung /ong chii-. T'ung fang chu. Chump, a short, thick, liea^^ piece of wood, less than a block, TfC gg muk^ ^t'au. Muh t'au, ^ lap^. Lah, ^ f-jij kwat, chiit,. Kuh chueh, ^ .tsai. Tsi, ^S ^t'6. T'du. Chum-pee, a place near the Bogue^ j\\ ^ .Ch'iin pi^ Ch'uen pi. Chunam, for calking, ^|^ ytfi ^ jt'ung ^yau /tii. T'ung yii hwui ; cement, jjjfi ''jA^ /lii .sha. Hwui sha ; chunam prepared with oil, yS M i^]^ sl^^ /lii .shd. Yu hwui sha ; to prej lare chunam, ^] (883) CHU God * , ;fi ^ ^ 'lai pdi' ^t'ong. Li pdi fang, J: •§* ^Sh^ung' tai' .t'ong. Shang ti t'dng; among the Rom. Catholics, ^ ^ ^ .T'in 'chii jt'ong. T'ien chii fang, %-^MWi ^ ^ fd' jWai ^tseng yik^. Hwd wei tsing yih ; having the power to make chyle, /JiJt ^ V^ ^ jShing ,tseng yik^ tik,. Ching tsing yih tih. Chyliferous ><^^y^ .shang ,tseng yik^. Sang tsing yil^. ^^H-^^ cSl^°g ''i chap, tik,. Sang j a chih tih. kicA muh sz hwui | Chylous, consisting of chyle, ^ ^ j^ .tseng yik^ tik,. Tsing yili till, ^ '^j- ^ij *u chap, tik,. Ju chill tih. Chyme, ^ ^mi. Ml. Chymic, \ Chymistry, > see Chemical, Chemist, Chemistry, sut, k6' jan ; a rustic, ;|»i|" ^ ^ts'iin *16. Ts'un j Chymistry, ) Idu; a miser, ^^j^ 'shau ^ts'in ^15. Shau ts'ien j Chymification, the process of being formed into 111 ; a niggard, m^^l^k M^ lun^ k6' ,yan, ^ j chyle, it'M'f^lk^ S^ s^'^i >eng yik^ 'ch6. Hwd wei tsing yih ch6. Chymify, to become chyme, fj^ JS^ ^ jShing ^wai jml. Ching wei ml, -ft; ;^ ^ fd' ^wai ^ml. Hwd wei ml. Jio hdk,. lio k'ch; unfeeling, ^j'jijPiit ^nib ^ts'ing Chymous, pertaining to chyme, ^ P|^ ^ml k6'. k6' ; avaricious, -^ ii^ (]ij ,t'dm ^sam tik,. T'dn Cibarious, pertaining to food, ^ ^^ shik^ mat^ sin tih, ^ l^pit .t'dni ^Idm k6' ; unpliant, ^jf 2K k6'; edible, pf :^ n^ 'ho shik^ k6', pf :J^ ^ i|^ Churclimanship, state of belonging to the Episco- pal Church, 1i^4:5:5ifi# A swai ,kdm muk^ ,8z tii^ jyan. Wei kien muh sz hwui jin. Churl, a rude, surly, ill-bred man, tM^"^ A t^^'^ ■^ ;^ A 1"" shik, ^chl ^yan. Lin shih chl jin, U ^ fl'j A 'P'i l"ii' tik, ^yan. P'l lin tih jin. Churlish, rude, f^ ^ Pglf .ts'6 'mong k^' ; surly, & *** ok, p'ik,. Ngoh p'ih ; rough in temper, "^ ^* ffy 'kang 'keng tik,. Kang king tih, 6^ ngfing^ 'kong k6', MM^t% 'V^ 'keng k6\ Churlishly, rudely, 2^ ^ ts'iit, ^In. Tsuh jen ; in a churlish manner, ^ jfjjj^ chap, ^in. Chih jen. Churlishness, rudeness of manners, ^ ^ ^ ^16 ^mong *ch6. Ld mdng ch6 ; sullenness, U ^ ^ •ku hi' 'ch6. Churly, rude, @^ ^16 ^mong. Lu mdng, ^^v^ V6 'mong k6', ^fl:^ ,t8*6n6. Ts'tilu; bois- terous, ^ ^f^ P(5t hnong chong^ k6'. Chum ^ vft ^ Hi ^au ch'ung'. Jii yd ch'ung, ^ yft ^ *^ 1^^^ 'kdu. Jii yd kidu. Churn, to stir, or agitate cream for making butter, j^ ^ Vft 'kdu *u ^au. Kidu jii yd, # ^ yft ,chung *ii yau. Chung jii yd. Churn-siafT 3gc Jfff- ,chung *ch'u. Chung ch'd. Churned, made into butter, )^ ig ^ ydJ 'kdu kwo' *ii ^yau. Kidu kwo jii yd, # ^ ^ yttj ,chung kwo' *il ^yau. Chung kwo jii yd. Churning #^ ytll ,chung *d jau. Chung jii yd. Chusan, island, j^ [Jj Chaushdn. Chaushdn. Chusitc, a decomposed variety of chrysolite, ^ ^ f^ 3S ^^i"' ,kani shik, yuk^. Ldn kin sih yuh. Chyazic, compounds of hydrocyanic acid * , fg ^ Jdra t8'6'. Ldn ts'u. Chylaceous, belonging to chyle, ^ ^- P|^ ^i chap, keng yikj tik,. Tsing yih tih. Chyle, ii white or milky fluid, propni-ed from the Cicatrice, chyme, and passing into the blood aa tho means 'ho jWai shik^ mat^. K'o wei shih wuh. Cibol, a sort of small onion, ^, ^ ff ,ts'ung ^t'au *tsai. Ts'ung t'au tsz. Ciborium, the coffer containing the host in Rom. Catholic ceremonies, l^.f?|f [^ shing' 'peng kwai^ Shing ping kwei, 5li|i^fijf |g jmi sdt, ^eng kwai^ Ml sdli ping kwei ; a large drinking cup, ;Ac ^ tdi^ ts6uk,. Td tsioh, A ifi^ tAi' ,pdi. Td pei ; the Egyptian bean. H^^g^^ Oik'ap kwok, tau' ^meng. Ngdikih kwoh tau ming. Cicada, broad locust t , ^ ^shln. Shen, ^ ^t'id. T'idu, ^ Itif .tid jShin. Tidu shen, ^ ^ .ts'au jShln. Tsid shen, ^*^ /d ^shin. Ed shen, 4^^ hai luk^. Uidi luh, >^!^ shitj kut,. Sheh kiuc>h. St ^ ts^k, Hnang. Tsih mang, ^ j^ wai^ ,kd. Wcikd.^kl^ Kl, ^J^ing. Ying,^^,t'id .t'onff. T'idu t'dng, $| 1^ /'ai ,16. T'i Idu, ^S min. Mien, ,t'ong 'in. T'dng yen ; a small *mi$zZ' kind of ditto, ^ ^ jt'ong ^t'ai. T'dng t'l ; a ci- cada that has not cast its skin, i^ $§ fuk, yuk^. Euh yuh ; the cast skin of a eicaxla, ^ tp ,t'id kdp,. T'idu kidh. Cicaia ^ ^ ,sho ,kai. Sho kl. Cicatricle, the germinating or foetal point in the embryo of a seed, J^ ^ 'chxmg ^mid. Chung midu, ^ f^ ^ngd tsai. Cicatrix, 1 a scAr, ^^ Jian. Han, ^ ,pd. VA, ^f$i .han ,hd. Han hid, ^ ^ ,pdn ,ch'd. f Theae aro names luted bv the various dynastiea during the last 8500 yo&n. Tlie fint hnljr is now hi uren<>ra1 use auioog Ui(< Chinesei CIC (385) CIN Pwdn ch'c4, ^ ^ch'a. Cli'a, || ^ngam. Gan ; the cicatrix of an ulcer, ^1^ ^ch'ongjhan. Ch'wang lian. Cicatrization, the process of forming a cicatrix, ^ ^ jShing ^han. Ching han ; the process of hea- ling, ^ ^' ^ ^shang 'ho 'ch6. Sang liau ch6, MP ^ .ni^i 'hau 'cM, H |g ^ kit, 'im 'ch6. Kieh yen ch6. Cicatrize, to heal, i^P J^^^ 'l^^u- ^J^^i k'au, ^^ ^shang 'hb. Sang hau, )^ |^ ^shing ^han. Ching han, ^^ ^ kit, 'im. Kieh yen. Cicatrized, healed, ^j^ftf ^shang kwo' 'h6. Sang kwo hau, Jig jj^ P ^mdi kwo' 'hau. Mdi kwo k'au, j^ M )S ^^K kwo' 'ini. Kieh kwo yen. Cicatrizing, healing, ^ j^ ^shang 'h6. Sang hau, i^ P jinai 'hau, J^ ^ kit, 'im. Kieh yen. Cicerone, a guide, ^| ^ :^ ^an tb^ 'che. Yin tdu ch6, ^^^ tdi' 15' 'ch6. TAi lu che, ^|$ ,sin t6^ Sien tau. CicerciJa iJj ^ S ^shdn ^lai tau'. Shdn li tau. Cichoraceous jS^ ^ ^wo kil\ "VVo kii. Cicisbeo, the ])rofessed gallant of a married woman, ^^^X^ . Yih t'ung yen ; ten cigars make one bundle, -|" P ;j^ — ■ i^\j shapj 'hau ^wai yat, chdt,. Shih k'au wei yih chah. Cilia, the eyelids, Bfl^% 'ngdn yap, ^mo. Yen yih mdu, BH ^ ^ 'ngan tsit^ ^mo. Yen tsieh mdu ; long hairs on the margin of a vegetable body, :f^ ^ ^ ^ ,fa 'ts'6 ^pin ^mo. Hwa ts'du pien mau. Ciliary, belonging to the eyelids, H^^i^P^ 'ngan yap, ,m6 k^', BB^^^ft^I 'ngan tslt^ ^mo tik,. Yen tsieh mdu tih. Ciliate, tl ^ % J)iu jinb. Pien mau, ^ % ^hiin Ciliated, X^mo. K'iuen mau. Cilious ^P|t jin^ k6', %^^ ^mo tik,. Mau tih. • The last is the current but vxilgar term, f ^ it, Cimbal, a kind of cake, f^ ^ 'peng ^meng. Ping ming. Cimeter, a short sword, ;^j kim'. Kien, J::!]^^^ T'biki kim'. T'lii-hki kien. Cimex, Cimiss, the bedbug, ;j^ g[ muk^shat,. Muh sih. Cinchona, Peruvian bai'k, ^^^ ,kam ^kai n6p^. Kin ki nAh, ^^^ ^kam ^kai lak^. Kin kl leh, !^ il '^ jWong ^kai ndp^. Hwdng ki ndh ; red ditto, ^>I^t^ selling ^kai ndp^; cinchona powder, ^^J^P fijC ckani ,kai ndp^ 'sAn. Kin ki ndh sdu. CinchoninaY ^^f^P^ ^kam ^kai ndp^ chat,. Kin Cinchonine / ki nah chih. Cincture, a belt, ,^^ ^shan. Shin, ^ tdi'. T6i ; a girdle worn round the body, ^g ^ ^iu tdi', Ydu tdi ; a ring at the top and bottom of a column, tt ^ ® ll -ch'ii ,chi ^hiin sin'. Ch'u chi k'iuen sien. Cinctured, having a cincture or girdle, ^ i^ P^ 'yau tai' k^', ^ ^^ ^^ 'yau ^shan tik,. Yii shin tih, ^ ^^^ 'yau Jiiin sin'. Yii k'iuen sien. Cinder, chiefly used in the plural, cinders, small coals, or particles of fire mixed with ashes, j)^ 'tsun. Tsin, j/^ j^ 'fo 'tsun. Ho tsin ; smaU par- ticles of matter remaining after combustion, in which fire is extinct, |^ chdu\ Chdu, ^ 'tsun. Tsin, ^^ kin'. Kien ; iron cinders, ^ ^ fit, *shi. T'ieh shi ; cinders of salt-petre, ^ ^ ^siu jt'oi. Sidu t'di ; to be reduced to cinder, ^ j^ jShing t'dn'. Ching t'dn. Cinder- wench, ^ a woman whose business is to rake Cinder- woman, J into heaps of ashes for cinders, IIMl^cP'^ /ui ^ii; P'A hwui nii; a dirty woman, ^^ -^ ^u hm. Wu nii. Cindery, resembling cinders, (^ P|SE 'tsun k6'. Cindefaction, reduction to ashes, jH^ }^ ^ ^shiii jShing /lii. Shdu ching hwui. Cineraiy, pertaining to ashes, }^ P^ /ui k6', ^ ^ /lii tik,. Hwui tih. Cineration 'Jf^^^ ^shiu /lii 'che, Shdu hwui ch6. Cinereous, 1 like ashes, ^i^j-fl tseung' ^ts'z /lii. Cineraceous, J Siang sz hwui, ^j0,j^ lui" 'ts'z /lii. Lui sz hwui, pl\^^ /ui 'kom yeung'. Hwui kdn yang; having the color of the ashes of wood, jifl ^ /lii shik,. Hwui sih. Cineritious ^^ "f^ J^ lui" 'ts'z /lii. Lui sz hwui, J^ ^ fe /lii^'kom shik,. Hwui kdn sih. Cinerulent 01 P|5£ /ui ke. Cingalese J , a native of Ceylon, iS j^ ^ A Saildn 't'6 jan. Sllan t'du jin ; pertaining to Ceylon, ® M 6^J Saildn tik,. Sildn tih. Cinnabar, native red sulphuret of mercury, i^ ^ ,chvi ,8hd. Chu shd, f]^j; ,tdn .shd. Tdn shd, ^ ^fi jtigan ^chii 'chung. Yin chii chung, ^ ^ ,tdn lik,. Tan lih; cinnabar color, J^ ^ ,tdn shik,. Tdn sih ; see Vermilion. Cinnabarine, pertaining to cinnabar, ^ ^ ^^ ,chii t ^Mm^- CIN fih& tik,. Chii shd tih, J^ # iKl ^ AV^ A >M^ ^"' ^ ,cliau ^yau. Chau yd, ^ ff p'in' .bang. P'ien hang, ^ '.}f£ p'bi' jVau. P'ien yii, f^\^^ ,chau tsip,. Chau tsieh, ip ^ Md 16^ Ydu hi, jH ^ Md t6'. Ydu tAu ; ditto, 08 a magistrate, 5^^ jts'un Md. Siun ydu, ^ t}^ jts'un 'shau. Siim shau ; to start on a cir- «'"it. Ui M. i-li'i't, jts'un. Ch'uh siuu; the cir- cuit of, jt'am jt'am ,hiin, )},] ^ ^chau ^wai. Chau wei ; a circuit, a year, — M vat. ,chau. kidi ; the diameter of a circle. % kins,''. King, Circuit, to move in a circle, ^ffk .siin 'chiin. Siuen Burk of the Ciiinaiuomiim ctixHia chau jWni. Chau wei ; ditto a.s an officer, CIK (387) CIE ^ jts'un ^yau. Sinn yA, j^^ ,chan ^yan. Circuit, to move round, ^ 'chiin. Chuen. Circuiteer, one who travels a circuit, j^^H^ ^chau ^yau 'che. Cliau yli cM, ^^^ ^ts'un ^yau 'ch6. Sinn yii ch6, ^ j^ ^ jW^n Mu 'ch6. Circuitous, going round in a circuit, >^^|^>J ,chau ^yau tik,. Chau yu tih, ^ j^ ^ jTvdn Mii tik,. Hwdn y^u tih, ^ ^ ^ts'un ^Wiin. Sinn hwAn ; not dii'ect, ^fft ^^ Vai huk^ tik,. Wei k'iuh tih, ^ Pgt Jin 'ehlin U\ p ^ ^{j ,un 'chirn tik,. Yxien chuen tih ; a circuitous route, jg ^ wan* kV. Yun lu, ^^ |i?g ,\v<4n ^kung 16". Hwan kung 1«. >/SH<:^ ^^^^>- Cbauliii puh sib; to circulate to every part, ^^ J T (^ i^ ^^K 1'^' J^m jP''- Koh hid yin p'f ; to purify the heart, '^/Cj> jts'ing ^sam. Ts'ing sin, ^ ;\^^ 'sai ,sam. SI sin. Circumcised ^a^#^ tiln^ kwo' shai' ^p'l. Twdn kwo shi p'l, ^ WiM. S'^^^ ^ot, kwo'. Chau koh kwo; to be circumcised, ^^'^ij shau^ ,chau kot,. Shau chau koh. Circumciser, ^ |^ij ^ ^chau kot, 'ch6. Chau koh cU, ^ i^ it ^ tun^ shai' ^p'i 'ch6. Twdn shi p'i ch6. Circumcising ^ ^rj ,chau kot,. Chau koh. Circumcision )^J ^ij ^ ^chau kot, 'cli6. Chau koh ch6, ^ #J :^ iiii .chau kot, ,chi Mai. Chau koh chi li, ^^]^ZJfk t^^' shai' ^p'i .chi nai. Twdn shi p'l chi li ; circumcision of the heart, jVj>^^ Hi] ,8am ,chi ,chau kot,. Sin chi chau koh, '^t^ ^ .ts'ing ^sam 'ch^. Ts'ing sin ch^, |^ i\^N ^ 'sai ,8am *ch6. Si sin ch6 ; the circumcision, the Jews, ^ ^ W'J :# shau^ ,chau kot, 'ch6. Shau chau koh ch^. Circumclusion ^^ ^ jWdn Mu 'ch6. Hwdn ydu ch^. Circumduct, to nullify, 1^^ kdk, jCh'ii. Keh ch'u. Circumference, the line that goes round or encom- passes a figure, ^ ^ ,chau ^wai. Chau wei, ^ ^ jWdn kdi'. Hwdn kidi, ^^ ,chau sin'. Chau jWdn jAvai. Hwdn wei, ^ |^ ,hun men, ^ sin'. K'iuen sien; the circumference of the earth, i^iH^J^M ti' jk'au ,chau ^wai. Ti k'iti chau wei ; the circumference of a circle, ^ ^ ,hiin sin'. K'iuen sien, \ifj lak,. Leh ; the circum- ference of a wheel, |^ 'chin. Chen, |^ hnong. Wdng, ^ jlim. Lien ; what is its circumfer- ence ? ^ E 3^^ ^ ,chau jWai y^uk^ ,kon. Chau wei joh kdn, ^^^;;^ ,chau ^wai 'ki tdi^ Chau wei ki td. lii( tK 3^ ft 'i '«liui j"'^n ''^I'l'- ^ shwui hwdn chii. Circumliiious, flowing round, 1^'^ ,wdn ^lau. Hwdn liii. Circumforanean, ") going about, ^ ^ ,chau jau. Circumforaneous, ) Chau yu, ^ j^f^^ chau lau U\ Circumfuse, to pour round, as a fluid, 1^ :;}C ^ ft *pi 'shui jWai chu\ Pi shwui wei chu, /I] ^ '^ ^ ,chau jWai 't6 'shui. Chau wei tdu shwui ; to surround, ^ ^ ^wai chu'. Wei chii ; to spread round, as a report, ^ ^ ^lau ^ch'un. Liti ch'uen. Circumfusion, the act of pouring round, 1^ "^ ^ jWdn 't6 'ch6. Hwdn tdu ch6 ; the act of spread- ing round, j^fe'^ ^ jlau jCh'un 'eh6. Lid ch'uen ch6, /Sl^f|f ,ehau ^wai ^ch'ttn. Chau wei ch'uen. Circumgyration, the act of turning or whirling round, ^t'am ^t'am 'chiin 'ch^, JQ^ ^ ^siin 'chiln. Siuen chuen, J^^ jWdn 'chiin. Hwdn chuen. Circumjacent, bordering on every side, ^ ^ ;:ji9 ^ ,chau jWai ,s6ung tsip,. Chau wei sidng tsieh, ^ ^ R^ ^ ,chau ^wai fu' kan^ Chau wei fukin. Circumligation, the act of binding round, |§ ch'in. Ch'en, jCh'in Hu. Ch'en ydu ; with which anything is encompassed, mat^. Ch'en wuh. the bond ch'in ch'am Circumlocution, a periphrase, f)^ 5f ^^ chui' ,chi jts'z. Ch'in chui chi ts'z, j^||^ Tcdi jts'z. Kidi tsz, ^. |P fjf 'kdi i' wd». Kidi i hwd, ^^^W^ '^^ai 'un ,chi ^ts'z. Wei yuen chi ts'z, j1 is "^ M ^a"' ^^"g' k6' wd\ Circumlocutory, periphrastic, i^iiiiP^^ wan^ kang' ,lai 'kong, ^ $^ii V^ 'wai 'iin k6', ^ ^^ 'wai imk, tik,. Wei k'iuh tih, ji^i^t^ij 'un 'fhiin tik . Yuen chuen tih, MM^f^ '^^^ i' ^^\ t^ 1^ ^ ,ch'am chui' tik,. Ch'in chui tih. Circummured, walled round, ^] ,wai k^'. 'i ,ts'6ung Circumferential, pertaining to the circumference, ! Circumnavigable PJ/S® 'bo ,cliau 'shai. K'o chau ^ @ ,chau jWai. Chau wei Circumferentor, an instrument used by surveyors for taking angles with the magnetic needle, ^ ^ ^ jl^ung kok, ,cham. Lidng koh chin. Circumflect, to place the circumflex on n word, §| JiJjl A ^ ^ h6' M ^yan tsz' jing. Hdu i jin tsz hing. I! A^ ^. # ^ b6' 'i ^ch'dung jam hb\ Hdu i ch'dng yin hdu. Circumflex ^ ^ ^ jCh'6ung jam h6'. Ch'dng yin hdu, A ^ ?^ Sf£ iJ"^" ^^^^ i>''i^g ^^^'- Jii^ tsz hing hdu, ("*- A). Circumfluence, a flowing round on all sides, ^ ;^ ,('hau jlau. Chau liii ; an iui-losure of waters, ^ m ^ ,chau jWai 'shui. Chnn wei shwui, ^ ^ EG ft pi* 'shui jWai chii'. I'i shwui wei chu. Circumfluent, flowing i*ound, /^] ^ ,chau ^lau. Clmu lii'i, I^ ;5ji£ jWdn Jan. Hwdn liti ; sur- roxmding as a fluid, [^ ft ^wai chii'. Wei chi'i, slii. J^^^ 'ch(5. Chau shi ch6. Circiminavigator ^ ^ ^ ^wdn ' *ch6. Hwdn shi ch6. Circumpolar, about llio polo, ^ ^{^ ,chau kik, tik,. Chau kih tih. Circumposition, the act of placing in a circle, ^3 jWdn chi'. Hwdn chi ; the state of being placed in a circle, ^ M ^ i^'^^ <'^'^' '<*'»<''• Hwdn clii ch<^. Circunirolary, whirling or turning n)uud, ff^ 'chiin. Chuen, J^ i|u^ ^si\n 'cliiin. Siuen chuen, ^fam jt'am 'chiin. Circiunrotation ^ 'chiin. Chuen, |£ |$ ;^ jSun 'chiin 'eh»5. Siuen chuen clic, jt'am ^t'am 'chiin. Circumscribable, Pf RR ft 'ho hdn' chii'. K'o hien tan Wtrr (389) cjiii chu, pf ^ p^ 'ho kai' hdn". K'o kidi hien. Circumscribe, to inclose within a certain limit, |^^ ^ hiln^ chu^ Hien chu, ^^ ^|J han^ chai'. Hien chl, ^ 1$^ t6- hdn-. Tii hien, )^ ^ t6' l^ung'. Tu lidng, [5^ ^ hdn' leung". Hien liAng, |3g ^ jShing t6^ Shing tii, ^"^Ij ^k^n chai'. Kien chl, M^P^^ chai' kau' k5m' ,to. Clil kiii kan to-, to circumscribe a word, |^ ^ ^ts'dung tsz". Ts'idng tsz ; to circumcribe one's choice, |i^ :j^ Mn- chdk^. Hien tseh, |5|lf£l^:^ hdn' chir ^lai *kdn ; to circumscribe one's power, j^^ ^ f^ hdn' ,k'i .k'iin. Hien k'i k'iuen. Circumscribed, limited, |J^ j;]^ ^ hdn^ chir kAvo'. Hien chii kwo, ^ |5^ ji^ t5' hdn^ kwo'. Tu hien kwo, IJ^^jI^ ban" leung^ kwo'. Hien liang kwo; his power is much circumscribed, J^ {^ ^ |^ jk'i jk'vin ^yau hdn^ K'i k'iuen yii hien. Circumscribing }^ ^ hdn^ chu\ Hien chu, ^ |J^ t6' hdn'. Tu hien. Circumscriptible pfl^^ 'ho liAn". K'o hien, PT^jJ^ 'ho t6- hdn^ K'o tu hien. Circumscription, the line that limits, ^ |5^ kdi' hdn^ KiAi hien, J^IJ; kai' sin'. Kiai sien, |$^ |^ h6,n^ sin'. Hien sien ; bound, [^^ ban'. Hien, ^^ J^ hdn* t6^ Hien tu ; a circular inscription, ^ ^ jChau ^shll. Chau shu, ^^ ^wAn ^shii. HwAn shu, ^ ^ ,hiin ^shii. K'iuen shu. Circumscriptive, defining the external form, ^^\-j^ |^ ;\^^ 'siu ^sam. Sidu sin, ^;(JJ ;\^^ sai' ,sam. Si sin, -^ i^ Jau ^.sam. Liu sin, ^ W ^lau i'. Liii 1, ^ ^tjg 'tsz sai'. Tsz si, ^ -^ kiii' shan^ Kidi shin, ^ ||| kai' 'kan. Kidi kin, ^i^ yung^ ^sam. Yvmg sin; watchful on all sides, 'j^ g§ 'king 'seng. King sing, gg i^ P^ 'seng ^sam k6', PH g^ it "leung ^t'au mong^. Lidng. t'au wdng, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^chim ^ts'in ku' hau^ Chen Is'ien ku hau, Tfe^:^^^ 'tso ku' yau^^ p'dn'. Tso ku yii p'tin, jt^ @ jjil ,chau ^wai shi'. Chau wei shi ; he is very circumspect, fg f^ ^ II ^ 'k'il hai' 'h6 'kan shan^ K'ii hi hdu kin shin. Circumspection, caution, ^$ ^^. 'kan shau". Kin shin, yj\ ;\^% 'siu ^sam. Siau sin, ^;jl| ;v!l' sai' ^sam. Si sin, -j^ g shan' chung^ Shin chung, '^ i^ jlau ^sam. Liu sin ; watchfulness, ^ gg 'king 'seng. King sing ; wariness, pj^ gR ^\^ Mcung Circumspectively, cautiously, -j^ ^J^ shan^ ,ln. Shin jen, 1^ ^^ 'kan ^in. Kin jen, ^|fl t^ sai' ^sam. shan^ in. ^d^ ,lau Shin sam. Circumspectly, cautiously, jen, /J> ;\^N 'siu ^sam. Sidu sin Liu sin. Cii'cumspectness, see circumspection. Circumstance, ^ 'l"^^ sz^ jts'ing. Sz ts'ing, 3fe ^ ^kwong 'king. Kwdng king, ^ ^ jyi^g shai'. Hing shi, fj^ f^ >'ing jing. Ts'ing hing, gg >t{j .t'in ti\ T'ienti, i^ jf 'king n\ Kingyu, i^^ 'king ti\ King ti, 'j'^- ^ .ts'ing 'li. Ts'ing li, •Ira i s^s'iiig jau- Ts'ing yii, -j^ ^ ^ts'ing 'king. Ts'ing king, ijf^ ^shi shai'. Shi shi, ^^ jing shai'. Hing shi ; the circumstance of a case in court, ^ '1^,1^ on' .ts'ing. Ngdn ts'ing, ^ ^ on' jVau. Ngdn yu, j^ hat,. Heh; to act according to cii'cumstances, j^ ^ ^^ 'Ira ^"i' 'king .shang .ts'ing. Kien king sang ts'ing, it, ^ rfn tf kin' shai' .1 .hang. Kien shi I'h hang, E^B.^'^IJ'iC .yan jShi chai' ^i. Yin shi chl U H^ B^ \fii ^ s6ung' .shi ji .hang. Sidng shi rh hang, g| R^:0^#i) ,yan .shi jt'iil .tsai. Yin shi t'idu tsi, is'ui jt'au mong^ 'ch6. Lidng t'au wdng chd. Circumspective, cautious, ^ j^ 'kan shan . Kin shin, /]> i^ 'siu .sam. Sidu sin, '|^. ^ shan' chung^ Shin chung ; looking round every way, Pl^ IS M ^l^ung jt'au mong\ Lidng t'au wdng, j/y @j ^ i^ sz' mln^ .kwdn ku'. Sz mien kwdn kti, ^ jjjl, .chau shl\ Chau shi. .kl ying' pin'. Sui ki ying pien, j^ {g ^ts'ung .k'iin. Ts'ung k'iuen; pleasant cij-cumstances, ^ ^: i 'king. Kid king, ^f 3^ M '^^ .kwong 'king. Hau kwdng king, jif'^i^ hb .kdi 'king. Hau kid king ; prospect to pleasant circumstan- ces in old age, f[^ !^ ^ 'h6 Tudn 'king. Hdu wdn king, $f J]^ ig 'ho 'man wan'. Hdu wdn yun ; to ho in good circumstances, ^ j^ /ung hau\ Fimg hau, ^^ J^^^S ^''^'- Fung fu ; to be in straitened (circumstances, ^-^ .linglok^. Ling loh, ^^ lok, .p^an. Lob p'in, ^i| ji'an ^k'ung. P'iu k'iung, /^ fi^. lok^ pok,. Loh poh ; unhappy circumstances, |>!j ^ .hung sz^ Hiuug sz, |j§ ^ wo* sz^ Ho sz; circumstances from which, ^ ^ /m .yau. Yuen yu, J^.Efe .im jau. Yuen yu, "^ M M lik>- Lai lib, d) ^ .yan .yau. Yin yu, 'Ira ^ s^'^'i'^J? ^y^^^' Ts'ing yu ; forced by cii'cum- stances, '^^f'jiy^ jWai shai' 'sho pik,. Wei shi so pib ; undci- the circumstances, '^ M. ^ W- .ku 'ch'6 jts'ung jk'iin. Ku ts'i6 ts'ung k'iuen, m -fl. jk'iin 'ch'6. K'iuen ts'i6 ; Avhat could I do under th esc circu mstances ? *j*^ ^ $0 itl^ ^ H^ ^fSJ" tr -^ s^s'ing .ying .ii 'ts'z higo ^nang ^ho ^bang jU. Ts'ing hing ju ts'z avo nang ho hang hii; in easy circumstances, ^ ^ J^^^S ^^^>- Yung sib ; first and last, circumstances, ^^ jftn 'wai. Yuen wei. Circumstanced, placed in a particular manner, with i-egard to attending facts or incidents, :)tM'^Blti^ .kwong 'king jti 'ts'z. Kwdng king ju ts'z, j^^ 1^ R^ jyl^g shai' hai* 'k5m. Hing shi hi kdn ; circumstanced as we were, we could not escape, '1^ m^i^t^Z-n^mm .ts'ing .ying y6uk, ts'z, pat, .nang .t'6 pi'. Ts'ing hing joh ts'z, puh nang t'au pi. Circumstantial, relating to, ^ .kwdn. Kwdn, ^i^j/ .kwdn shlp^. Kwdn sheh, ^*|^tlj ^ jau ^ts'ii^g CTB (390) CIT oh'ut, tik,. Yii ts'inj? fh'nli tih ; casual, fp?, i^ 'ngaii jin. Ngau jcn ; minuto, |^^ jts'dung sai'. Ts'lilng sf, §^ ^ jts'thmg sik;. Ts'iang sih ; cir- cumstantial evidence, 'l^fjt jts'ing .J^^ng- Ts'ing kung. Circumstantials, things incidental to the main sub- ject, f^},^;^$. 'ngau jin ,chl sz*. Ngau jen chf «^'. ^'Wf\''^Z^ sX^" i*«''"?? '«^" ^■''^^ .^^^ s'''- ; Yd ts'ing so fall chi sz. n Circumstantiality, the appendage of circumstances, I^Jg;^^ ^kwAn sliukj /!hi sz^ Kwdn shuh chi I »z; the state of anything as modified by circum- stances, '1^/^ s^s'ing shai'. Ts'ing shf ; minute- ness, ^liy jts'C'ung sai'. Ts'idng si. Circumstantially, in every circumstance or particu- ' '''^'". ^ J^iffl jts'dung sai'. Ts'iilng si ; accidentally, of feats of horsemanship, ^ ]^ ^ *mA hi' jChYung. Md hi ch'dng, ;j^ |f pai' u^ Pi hd ; to go to the circus, g^, ,|^ ^ 't'ai 'mA hi'. T'i m6 hf . T'i m& hi. Cirriferous ^ ^ P^ ki' ,shang k6'. Cirrigerous, having curled locks, ¥^^^ 'kun fat, tik,. Kiuen fAh tih, ^^M T"" 'k"n fdt,. Y6 kiuen fdh. Cirro-cumulus, a cloud of a fleecy appearance, ^ ^ 'sii jWan. Sii jTin, ^ ^ \S^'^^'^ jy^'^nt? ^m?) 'kbm shik, k6' ^wan. Cin-ous, terminating in a curl or tendril, ||t J^ "^ .lim hni kd'. Cist, a chest or case, ^ ^seung. Sidng, ^ hbp^. Hob, ^ bok,. Kob ; a cyst, U| j^ong- Ndng ; see {PJ ^ 'ngau jin. Ngau jen, ^ M chii' ^in. Chd Cisted, see Cj'sted. jen. I Cistern ;JC ^ *sbui 'tseng. Shwniitsing; reservoir, Circumstantiate, to jjlace in particular circumstan-l i\^^ *sbui ^cb'i. Shwui ch'i, ^[C^ 'sbui tarn'; a ces, 'f^- A *;li lib P^ jy*''" '^•"o ^'^- I'* .i''^ ^i^n ^^> ' fountain, ^ ^ts'iin. Ts'iuen. ?-^ttll^ A Vi 'J^i'ii? t^' ^^^■"' $>'«"• ri king ti Cistus, the rock-rose, ^^ ^ 'y^ ^ts'^ung ^mi. Y^ kwo jiii. ts'idngr wi. Circumundiilatc, to flow round, as Avaves, ^ »^ | Citadel, a fortress or castle in or near a city, gj ^ jChau jlau. Chau lin. Circumvall.ate, to suiTound with a rampart, j^ \ ^ -^ ^i jts'(!ung jWai cbi■l^ f ts'idng wei chu. i Circumvallation, a surrounding with a wall, j<>J[ J^i Citation, a summons, ku' jShing. Ku clung, ^ ^ wai^ cubing. Wei ching; a place of arms, ^ ^ ^ ,kwan hi' kuk,. Kiun k'i kiub. ang wei ft y^ 'i jts'cung jWai cbi'i* cho. T ts'id cln'i cli6 ; the wall which surrounds a camp or fort, [^ )^ jWai jts'cung. Wei ts'idng. Circumvent, to gain advantage over another or to accomplisb a purpose by arts, strategcm or de- ception, |)|q,/v^ ngak, ,yan, ^^ jing wnk^. Y''ing ''^voh, ]>Jl3feSj-pj^ X,"M 'kwai_ka"i' ngak, jan, f^ \ p'in' jan. l"ien jin, gtliA '^<«'''^i P'^"' s,van- KavcI p'ien jin. Circumvented [)j^ wdkj kwo'. Ying bwob kwo. Circumventing g^|§ ,bi p'in'. K'i p'ien, |5jj| ngak,. Circumvention [Ija A Xi "Sal<, ,yan 'cU, Ml ^ ^ 'kwai p'in' 'ch6. Kwei i)'ien che, MM^ M p'in' 'che. K'i p'ien che. Circumventive f^v^ ngak, ke'; deluding, f^^ *kwai p'in'. Kwei jj'ien. :^ s cb'iin 'sham p'iiV. Cb'uen shin p'iau, '^ ^ ^ ^cb'iin sun' p'in'. Ch'uen sin p'idn ; a (|Uotation from the classics, ^1 ^ 'y^'i c^i"?:- ^'"^ l^ing' ^ 1^ kii^ 'fi"- Ki\ tien, ^1^ jiin ,king. Y'"uen king; a citation of a person's words or Avritings, j^EA^^^W ^^'^'^ i}'^^ chi ,in. Shuh jin chi ven. Citatory, citing, >(rL 1^ ^^ chat, ii^ tik,. Chdh yu tih ; calling, :f^ ,chiu. Chdu, ^ cbid^ Chdu ; a citatory letter, ^^ cbdt, n\ Chdh yu. };§ ngnk, kwo', ^ ^ ^ ^ying i Cite, to summon, # H ^ ^ch'tin 'sham p'iu'. Ch'uen shin p'idu, >|cL ^ cbdt, sbik,. Chdh chih, # $lj ^ jCb'iin to' on'. Ch'uen tdu ngdn, f^ f |J '^ jCh'iin t6' jt'ong. Ch'uen tdu t'dng, ^ A ^f PI chili' yapj ^ngd ^mi'm. Chdu jib yd mun ; to quote, ^1 San. Yin, ij^ jUn. Y'uen, ^ kQ^ Kii, ^ ^1 im 'yan. Yuen yin, ^ ^ ^im ka'. Y''uen kii, j^t sbut^. Shub ; to cite from the clas- .sics, ^1 ^ Wan ,king. Y'in king; to name in Circumvolution, the act of rolling round. ^^ siin 'chiin. Siuen chuen, ]^*^\( luk, Vbiin. Circumvolve, to roll round, ^\i Vbiin, Chuen, Jgg ^ jSnn Vbi\n. Siuen chuen; to ])nl into circular motion, '^i|*\( 'sz Vhi'in. Shi cbu(>u, ||JitB^ '*"! 'k'i\ Vhnn. Shi k'ii chuen. Circumvolve, to revolve, i|«\i 'chiin. Chuen, ^ j^ jSim 'cbiin. Siuen chuen. Circumvolvcd, rolled round, f\»\j. j|^ Vhi'in kwo'. Chuen kwo ; moved in a circular manner, -j^ ^ Jfi jSUn Vbim kwo', Siuen chuen kM o. Cireumvolving, revolving, iju^ 'ebiui. ("hueu, ^ ^ jSiin '<'buu. Siuen chuen. Circus, a place for sports, )|g^ ^ hi' jCb'iT'ung. HI ch'du^ ; a circular inclosura for the exhibition support of. 'van ki'i^ Y'in k\\ ; to cite spirits, ;|?? r^ .chill 'k«-ai. Chdu kwei, %^^9i yt^ *s(^ .fii ,ehix'i 'kwai. Sie fii chdu kwei. Cited i^i^^^ .cb'un kwo' "sham p'iiV. Ch'uen kwo shin p'JMU, tJ^L ^ a^ cbdt, sbik, kwo'. Chdh chih kwo. Citer, one avIio summons into court, f$ 11= :^ ^' jCb'iiu '.sham p'iiV 'che. Cb'uen shin p'idu che ; one who quotes a passage from the cla.ssics, »J| IS ^ V^Ji t^^S *<'1'<'- Yin king cb^; ditto the wonls of another, JjKi A W ^ shut ^ jjan ,ln *ch<^. Shuh jin yen cb6. Cithern ^ ,cbang. Tsang. Citied ^^j ,8hing tik,. Ching tih. CIT (391) CIV * ' Citing, quoting, ^| -yan. Yin; summoning, '^ |p ^ jCh'iln 'sham p'iu'. Ch'uen shin p'iau, j^ ^ chatj sliik,. Chah chih. Citizen, a native of a city, ^ ^ yap, ^yau. Yih ■ jin ; an inhabitant who enjoys the freedom and ])i-ivileges of the city in which he resides, ^ ^ oh'ik, 'tsz. Ch'ih tsz, A II ^ y^P> tsik^ : hdk,. Jih tsih k'eh, ^ ^ :^ K tsz" jau ,chi j jan. Tsz yu chi jin; a man of trade, ^ \ ,sli(5ang jan. Shdng jin ; an inhabitant, jg ^ ,ku ^man. Kiimin; a native, J^^\. 't'6 ^yan. T'li jin, 2JS J^ A P^ ch'ii' ,yan. Pun ch'ii jin ; a fellow citizen, |^[ ^ ^ jt'ung yap, 'che. T'ung yih ch6. Citizen-soldier, the local militia, ^ ^ ^man "yung. Min yung, i^ V^^S- I y""g> ^ iji c^^i^aii chong'. Min chwang. Citizenship "^^-f- jWai eh'ik, 'tsz. Wei ch'ih tsz, :^± A cwai 't'6 ,yan. Wei t'u jin, "^^X ,Avai yap, ^yan. Wei yih jin, 71. ^ ^' yH\ tsik, 'ch6. Jih tsih che. i Citrate, a salt formed Ijy a union of the citric acid with a base, ij^ |p ^ Jiiig ^niung * ^im. Ning ' mung yen, ^^ |^ g| ^ning ^mung ,siin. Ning mung swan. * [In books read ^mung.] | Citrene, a ci-ystalline compound of hydrogen and carbon obtained from the essential oil of lemons, 1^ 1^ yft K ,ning ^mung ^yau chat,. Ning mung yu chih, ^ ^ vft h^ J ^uing .mung tik,. Ning mung tih ; of a lemon color, f^ ^ i'^ .mung shik, ke'. Citrine, a yellow, pellucid variety of quartz crystal, ;^ ^ ^ .mung shik, .tsing. Mung sih tsing. Citron, citiois, or Buddha's finger citron, ^ -^ fat^ 'shau. Fuhshau, ^i^ .h6ung jiin. Hiang ch'uen; dried citron. py .t'ong jiin p'in'. T'an^ ch'uen p'ien ; preserved, ^ ^ =§ ^ niat^ tsin' .h^ung jiin. Mih tsien hiang ch'uen. Citron-tree, Buddha's finger citron, ^f^|^| .h^ung Tin shii^ Hidng ch'uen shu ; the lemon tree, ij^ ■^i^ .ning .mung shir. Ning mimg shu. Citron water ')(^ ||| yp" .ning mung 'tsau. Ning mung tsiii. City t , a large town, ^ jSbing. Ching, ^ yap,. T '^l properly means a walled or fortified town. We cannot say; Victoria (HonJjkoni,'1 ^ ; l,u< must, it" H. Majesty's procla- mation be properly translated, render city by ^, . Yih, 1^^ .shing yap,. Ching yih; the Imperial ^i^y» M^ jWong .shing. IlAvang ching; a capital city, '^ ^ .king .shing. King ching, ^ ^ I .king .to. King tii ; a provincial city, -^ ^ 'shang .shing. Sang ching ; a prefectural city, )fti52 'fii .shing ngoi'. Ching wai; city and suburbs, ^fU .shing kwok,. Ching kwoh ; the ditch around a city, Ij^ yjb^ jShing .ch'i. Ching ch'i, ^ ^ .shing .ho. Ching hdu ; city wall, ^ J^ .shing .ts'eung. Ching ts'iang, ^ ^ .shing .un. Ching hiuen ; an un- walled city, ^ chan'. Chin ; to enter the city, A ^ y^P) c^^iing. Jih ching ; the freedom of a city, '^ ^ -f' jWai ch'ik, 'tsz. Wei ch'ih tsz, 71. ^ y^ JH\ ^^i's '*^''^^- Jill ^'^i'* ^'li*^- City-court, the municipal court of a city, ■^ ^ ^ ^ jSliing .chi ^man .kiin. Ching chi wan kwdn, ^^-^^ .shing .chi .kung kuk,. Ching chi kung hiuh. Cives, chives, a species of leek, ^ ^ 'kau ts'oi\ Kid ts'ai. Civet-cat ^ fg ? ^ling ^niau. Ling nitiu, ^ |^ she' .mdu. Shie mau. Civic ^ K ^\J jShing ^man tik,. Cliing miu tih, ot W ^C 1^ jinan .kun .chi sz' ; a civic crown, ^ Mj s}^''^^ ^miu. Wan mien, :jfg ^ .fd ^min. Ilwa mien. Civil, relating to the community, ^ ^man. Miu, ^ ^ ^man tik,. Min tih, |^ P^ .man k6' ; cour- teous, ^ !§ :^ S^au 'lai sh6'. Yll li su, ^ ;|§ P|E yau 'lai ke\ ^ jfl ^ 7au 'lai fat, . Yu li ii^li. ^ 1^ "IE 'iai mau^ ke', ^ ^ j)t 7*" .i ^man. Yu i wan ; well bred, jtf ffM %, tik '^^^ ^^^i .1 tik,. llau li i tih, i^i%^ 'ho .1 chii'. Hau i chu; civil death, }^^P|t >n lokjke', #|£|^^ ^ I'dt, tb' ,elu ^un. Fdh td chi yuen ; one engaged in civil service, •^ ^ luan kiin. "Wan kwdn ; a student of the civil law, ^^MB^ l^o^z "' 1"*. '^^^- ^^'^^^ " liuh chd ; one engaged in civil pursuits, ^ \ man ^yan. Min jin, '^■^^^ pdk, sing' W Civility, good breeding. 'lai mau^ Li mau, m 'lai 't'ai. Li t'i ; to treat one with civility, # Km m toi^ jan H nai. Tdi jin i 11, ^^# X *lai mau^ toi* jan. Li mau tai jin, J^/H^^^ H Mai 'fiin toiS 1 li kw'dn tdi, # j^ fl g toi^ *i *lai sh6'. Tdi i 11 sd ; that which goes and never comes (where there is no reciprocity) is not civiUty, # ffii ^ 5t5 ^ H -tfe* '^ong ^i pat, loi .fi Uai ^d. Wdng rh puh Idi fi 11 j6 ; civility is that which meets reciprocation, Ifif |^fi^ ^lai sh6ung* Vong jloi. Li shdng wdng Idi ; to ex- change civilities, jii Ifi ^ ^ 'i 'lai ,kdu tsip,. I 11 kidu tsieh; rules of civility, jjii -^ Mai ^i. LI 1, ^^ Ji chii'. t chd, -gl >C s^ s»"a»- i ^'^' 'HJ^ Mai fdt,. LI fdh. Civilization * , the act of civilizing, ^ ft ^ kdu' fd' 'ch6. Kidu hwd eh6, ^ {t ^ .hoi fd' 'eh6. K'di hwd ch6 ; the state of being (nvilized, jjj^ ^ i ^ %i ^man 'ch6. LI wan ch6, 3||!}^^^ c^'ungl mat^ Ml 'ch6. T'ung wuh 11 ch6, # ^ ^ 'kiin | mat^ 'ch<5. Kwdn wuh che. i Civilize, to reclaim from a savage state, ^ 'ft kdu' > fd'. Kidu hwd, it /ti ^ kdu' M Mai ^1. Kidu 1 1 li i. 'ft i^ ;lii # fa' "' 'lai s^- Hwd i II i ; civilize ! him, It^tB l^Au' fd' ^k'ii. Kidu hwd k'ii, ^;^ fd' .chi. 11 wd chi. Civilized, reclaimed from savage life and manners, j ftfti kdu' fa' kwo'. Kidu hwd kwo, ^ shuk . | Shuh ; instructed in arts, learning &c., f^/fi^ •||| 'hid Mai ^1. Hidu 11 1, ji^ vi% Mai k6', i§ (^ jJj! q^ .t'ung matj Ml k6', ^ ,ii(^ ^ij shik, Mai tik,. Shili 1 H tih, ji ^ J^ tti] .t'ung *kdn mat^ tik,. T'ung j kwdn wuh tih ; civilized manners, '^ijjf P^ 'rf^ h6pj Mai ke ^hang ^wai, ^ ^ (^ ^xnan Migd tik,. Wan yd tih, ^ Hang wei hoh 11 Civilizer, one who civilizes, ^jj; -ft ;^ kdu' fd' 'eh6. Kidu hwd eh6, ^ >ft ^ .hoi fd' 'die. K'di hwd ^ ^ kdu' Mai ^1 'chd. Kidu H 1 chi, >ft A ij& f fd' jnn 'ch('>. Hw4 jin oh6. i • Tlu< toirn rt,^, ii^)e, is applied by the Chini'W to tlu- partially civilized uboriginetj und is only by way of irony applied ti) other nutionn. l^^'i^ \ Mai mau^ toi^ ^.van. LI mau tdi jin. Civism, state of citizenship, ^'^^^f' jWai ch'ik, taz. Wei cli'ih tsz. >^ 2fj tlfe X <^^'ai 'pun tl* ^yan. Wei pun tl jin. Clabber, "> milk turned, Ul^^^it^ fat, ,sua Bonny-clabber,/ k6' ^ii. Fdh swan tih jii, ^ ^ .siin 'ii. Swdn jii. Clack, a sharp, abrupt sound, such as is made by striking an object, :|^ :|^ ^ P'^^*, P'^, ,shing. Peh pch shing, tap^ tap^ .shing ; continual talk, ^ ^ M ^^^ i^^^^ .sbii^S. Pa ^ tlEl^$fi *t'6 ^lii ^ts'In .ngan. T'du hwui ts'icn jin ; to claim as u right, ^ ^ fifJI P0 chap, fdt, ji man*. Chih fdh rh wan ; to claim one's property, g.f ^ 't'^ Ip^. T'du nieh ; to claim redress, 3|i ^ ^ ^ ^k'au iu' .shan .un. K'iu ydu shin yuen, ^ g.f ji^ % chik^ %'b ,shan i\n. Chih t'du shin vuon. jhang jWai h6})j Mai. I Claim, a demand of a right, ^ ^ jiifij H^ ^ chup, fdt, 1 man' 'c\\6. Chih fdh rh Avan chi?, PQ ^ ^ man^ Mo 'ch6. Wan lo ch6, "^. ^ ^ .iu jk'au 'ch6. Ydu k'id vh6, B{j^;g- man' id' 'che. Wan ydu ch6, |.t ^ -^ 'Vb sok, 'ch6. T'du sob chtS ^M^ 8ok, Vd 'ch<'\ Sob ts'd ch6; a claim on one's charity, ^ 5^ iVj ;^ 31 Sau ^k'au cho* .chi t6'. Yd k'id tsd chi tdu ; a claim on one's favor, ^ 5j^ H <: ^ >" P^'au jan .chi i'. Yd k'id yin chi 1 ; a title to any debt, ^ gif ^ ^ ,nang CLA (393) CL'A is'o. Lau ts'<^u. -ta j" *t'6 jUgan 'ch6. Nang t'au yin die. ' JAng nau, \lp ^ 'ch'^u y^ung^. Ch'du jAng, ^ Claimable, that may be demanded as due, pf gij- ^^ | ^ it, n4u^ Jeh nau, pJl pffi ^hiin ^ts'o. Hiuen 'ho 't'6 tik,. K'o t'au tih, pf f.j- ^ 'ho 't'6 sok,. [ ts'au,' g^ |l|j^ ^ng6 ,ng6. Ngau ngau, liP pf ,15 K'o t'au soh, pf g't PhI 'lio 't'6 man^ K'o t'Au wan. Claimant, claimer, §>}• ^ 't'6 che. T'au ehe, g.f ^ ' ^ V6 'ts'ii 'ch6. T'auts'ii che, |>t0^ 't'o sok, ' 'ch6. T'du soh che, ft ^ r?n fiil ^ cliap, fat, j ji man^ 'ch^. Chih Mh rh wan che, ig^ g>J- :^ ,chui 't'6 'che. Chui t'au che ; any person who has a right to claim or demand, ^ S't '^ ^ ^ >u 't'6 ^chi i' 'ch6. Yu t'du chi I che, pf gif §j \ i^ Q ^ 'ho 't'6 ^kwai ,ii 'ki 'che. K'o t'du kwei | vu ki ch4. ; Claimed, dema)ided as due, ^^iflj^lfij^ chap, filt, ^1 man^ kwo'. Chih fah rh wan kwo, $^ ^ i^ 't'6 sok, kwo'. T'au soh kwo, l.f J^ ^ 't'6 'ts'ii ; kwo'. T'au ts'ii kwo; asserted, ^ i^ teng" iiV. [ Ting yAu, ^»'^ pit, iu'. Pieh ydu, i^ ^ ugang^ iii'. Ngang ydu, ^ ^ 'sz iiV. Sz ydu ; he claim- ed the honor, #, ^ ^ :J* ti }c ^ ,oi ^k'au ,shing. Ngai k'iii shing, Pjil^^ ,ng6 jUg6 ,shing. Ngau ngau sliing ; tlie clamor of many people, 1?^ P # # cliung' 'liau jng6 ,ng6. Chung k'au ngau ngau, P||i ^ jts'6 tsiit,. Ts'au tsuh ; they raised a great clamor, |j^?^ffii^ 'kii ts'6' ^i 'hi. Kii ts'au rh k'i ; do not raise such a clamor, [^ jty^PCPl^ 'mai kom' j)a pai'; to prohibit noise and clamor, ^if^Pji^ kam' 'chi ^hiin ^wL Kin chi hiuen hwa. Clairvoyance *, a power attributed to pei-sons in a | Clamor, to stun with noise, P^ ^Ij n§- 1§ ^ jt8'6 t6' mesmeric state of discerning objects not present i ^m ,t'eng kin'. Ts'Au tau wu t'ing kicn, ^n^lJj^ to the senses, B^ ^^ ^ ^ming ,kiin 'che. Ming 1 t'di' ^t's6 'ch'au. T'ai ts'au ch'au, Pf A i st8'6 kwan ch6, ^^ ^ ^iin c'*^'^ '^^e. Yuen kwan | ,yan ^i. Ts'au jin rh ; to clamor bells, ^ ^ ^ ch6. I mat^ jng6 ^chung. Mill ngiiu chung. Clam -y;- [^ ,sha pdk^. Sha peh. i Clamor, to utter loud voices repeatedly, ;;^ nj^ tai^ Clam, in bell ringing, to unite sounds in the peal, ham'. Td hien, P^^ 'ch'au nau^ Ch'au ndu, ^ ^ ^ h6p, ^chung ,shing. Hob chung shing, Clam-shell, the shell of a clam, jj^ \^ ^ ,sha pak. hok,. Sha peh koh. ts'6 nau\ Ts'du nau, P^| Clamant, crying, ;^^ tai' huk,. Ta k'uh; beseech- ing, ^ ^ 'bun jk'au. K'an k'iii. Ckmber, to, jC^ ,p'a. P'a, ^ ^un. Yuen, ^ Ji j)'an ^8h6ung. P'an shang. Clambering jE^ ^p'd. Fd. Clamminess, the state of being viscous, f^ ^ ,ch'i 'ch6. Cb'i che, '^^ fi ^- .ch'l .chim 'che. Ch'i nien ch6, ^'^^ ,ch'i ni^ 'che. Ch'i ni ch6. (Jlammv, adhesive, viscous, jj;^ ^<; ,ch'i tik,. Ch'i tih, ^()i Pgt "i^ ke', pp|?;t M^^ ke', j^ -^ ^^ ,ch'i ni^ tik,. Ch'i ni tih, f^ ^ P^ ,ch'i ,nim k6\ -^ 11^^ ,ch'i tf tik,. Ch'i hii tih, f^ ^^'f^ 'fii ^ % jts'6 ndu' 'che. Ts'du nau ch6, ^i^'^ 'fii jc'au 'che. K'u k'iy che, ^>}c^ .oi ^k'au 'che. Ngdi k'iix chd. Clamoring )f^ ^ 'ch'au nau'. Ch'au ndu, pg (^ ^hiin ,wd. Hiuen hwa, Pf f^j ,ts'6nau'. Ts'du ndu, ^ i^ p\ ,k'au. Ngdi k'iu, ^ i^ 'fu ^k'au. K'u k'iu. Clamorous, noisy, Pgpp,^ j)d pai', {^J? ^ 'ch'du ndu'. Ch'du nau, Pf [^ ^f| .ts'6 nau' tik,. Ts'au nau tih, P^D||P|t '^» I'/jt nil" H§ 1!^' 'max k6m' jts'6 'ch'au, :/f; pf P>i: i^ pat, 'ho ,hun .wd. Puh k'o hiuen hwd ; not clamorous, P§ (^ Pa P^ j"^ ,wa ^m jts'5 ; neither clamorous nor arrogant, ,/f\ ^^^ pat, wd^ put, ng6^ Puh hvvd puh ngau. Clamorously, with loud noise or words, lip ^ ,wd jin. Hwd jen, Pf |^ ^ts'b ndu\ Ts'du ndu. Clamorousness, P^ p^ ^ .pd pai' 'ch6, Pg # :^ ^hiin ,wd 'ch6. Hiuen hwd ch6, ^ Pj? ^ ^wai 'ch'du ndu^ Wei ch'du ndu, ^ ^ ^ ^ 'lu ,oi jk'au 'ch6. K'd ngdi k'iu ch6. Clamp, as used by menders of pottery, ,^ ^ 'md ,teng. Md ting ; ditto, as used to unite stones, ^ ,^ fit, hnd. T'ieh md ; the clamps of a cannon, iik ^ ^d V'^^' 'i chai'. P'du rh chi. Clamp, to fasten with clamps, ,P| ^ ^md chCl^ Md chti. Clamped, united with, a clamp, ,% '^i^ 'md chii* kwo'. Md chii kwo. Clamping j^ ^ ^md chii^ Md chu. Clan, a tribe * , jjl^ tsuk^. Tsuh, ^^ ^ tsuk^ lui\ Tsuh lui ; in China, a family of the same sur- name, ^ tsukj,. Tsuh, ^ shi^ Shi, ^ sing'. ■ Sing, ^ .chi. Chi, ^ p'di'. P'di ; of the same clan, |^ j^ ^t'ung sing'. T'ung sing, |^ ;^ jt'ungtsuk^. T'luigtsuh, (^^ ^t'ung .chi. T'ung «i»i. n m. .t'^^s p'^i'- T'ung p'di, ^ ^ rc ^t'ung .chl p'di'. T'ung chi p'di, ^ f^^ .tsung T'- tsukj. Tsung tsuh, [^ ^ jt'ung .tsung. x ung tsung ; the progenitor of a clan, ^» j^g *ch'i 'ts6. Ch'i tsti; the senior of a clan, ^ ^ tsuk 'ch6ung.. Tsuh chdng, ^ ^ tsuk^ ^6. Tsuh lau ; to turn out of a clan, ,4} j^ ch'ut, tsuk^. Ch'uh tsuh ; a clan's genealogy, j^ |f tsuk^ 'p'6. Tsuh p'd; a sect, '^ 'tong. Tdng, ^ ui'. Hwui, '^^ 'tong Mi. Tdng yd jkw'an 'tong. K'iun tdng; of the same clan or sect, j^^ jt'ung 'tong. T'ung tdng, ^^ Jf 'tong lui\ Tdng lui ; ^ %^ ,p ang tong. P'ang tdng. Clancular, see Clandestine. Clandestine, seer «', underhand, ^ sit,. Tsieh, ^T tsdng, f^ f§ 1^^ .t'au ,t'au tik,. T'au fau tih ; private, ^. .sz. Sz, ^f ^kdn. Kien ; to take in a clandestine manner, jj^lR sit, ts'tt. Tsieh ts'u, fflj) JR 1i^ 'siu 'ch'du. Sidu ch'du. Clangor, a sharp sound made by striking together metallic substances, ^0^^ .kwang .lang .shing, itf ^^ 'h6 'h^ung .shing. Hdu hidng shing. Clangorous, sharp or harsh in sound, ^ ^ ^ tdi^ 'h6ung tik,. Td hidng tih, ^ # ^ 'h6 'h6ung tik,. Hdu liidng tih, A^j/^^^ tdi^ 'ch'du shing M\ Clank ;^^ tdi' 'h^ung. Td hidng, |y|§ .kwang .kwang .shing. Hung hung shing. Clank, to make a sharp, shrill sound, f^9$ tsok, 'h6ung .shing. Tsoh hidng shing. Clannish, closely united, ):[; pi^ Pi, p^J:(j o pi^ O F. m i^t ? ,p'in pi' ^In. P'ien pi jen. Clannishness |Jn[ >(j ^ .o pi' 'ch6. O pi ch6, ^ >[j ^ .p'in pi' 'che. P'ien pi cht^. Clans jip %^ ^ fj^ ^ ^wai t'ung tsuk^ 'ch^. Wei t'ung tsuh ch6, ;!i5 |eO ^ ^ j^ai jt'ung sW 'ch6. Wei t'ung shi ch^. Clap, to, (pret. and pp. clapped and clapt), as the hands, &c., ^ p'ak,. Peh, ^^ 'ku. Ku, .^ p'ok,. P'oh ; to clap the hands, ^ ^ p'dk, 'shau. Peh shau, ^^ i|| 'kii 'chdung. Kii chdng, ^ ^Jt tai 'ch^ung. Ti Chang, jj^ ^ p'ak, 'ch^ung. Peh Chang, 4^|. ^ p'ok, 'shau. P'oh shau, ;g^ ^ p'ok, 'shau. P'oh shau, )j^ ^ 'ku pin*. Kii pien, ^ 'fu. Fii, Ji^ t'ik,. T'ih ; to clap the door, ^ (*t p'dk, jnuin. Peh nuin ; to claj) spui-s to a horse, ^i Wy lak, 'luu. Loll ma ; to clap the wings, ;^ I" Staunton. CLA (395) CLA m p'ok, yik^. P'oh yih, ^^ p'dk, yik^. Peh yili, ^ wai^ Wei, ^ ^hdm. Hien, ^ || -fan yik>. Pan yih, i^ ^ /ai wai\ Hwui hwui, :^ ^ chan* yik^. Chin yih ; clap on wings to him and he will fly (said of a talented man), ^ ^ P^ ^ ch'dp, yik^ ^ui /i, mM\inM ch'dp, yik^ ,i /i. Ch'ah yih rh fi ; to clap into prison, or to clap a writ on one's back, ~p ||^ 'ha yuk^. Hid juh ; to applaud, ^^y^^ p'dk, 'sliau hot, 'ts'oi. Peh shau hoh ts'di ; to infect with venereal poison, # i^ #P ^ ^i^^ jWdn .ts'ing. Yih hid hwdn ts'ing, M ^ M i^ H s^ cts'ing 'fun. Hwuh jen ts'ing kw'dn ; a clap of thunder, j^ ;g p'ik lik . P'ih lih, fij^^ p'ik, lik,. P'ih lib, '^^^ii p'ek,, H ^ jliii ,kwang. Lui hung, ^ '^ sun' ^lui. Sin lui ; a venereal infection, ^^^'^% ,fd 'lau jCh'iin tuk^. Hwd lau ch'uen tub, "^ ^ ^yam tuk^. Yin tuh ; the clap, g >^ pdk^ cbuk^. Peh chub. Clap-board, a thin, nan-ow board for covering hou- ses, f^ :^ pok^ 'pdn. Poh pan, M Ht IK ^k, piii' 'pdn. Uh pei pdn; a stave for casks, i^i^ 't'ung *pdn. T'ung pdn. Clap-dish ^ '^ ^^ hat, shik^ put,.' K'ih shih poh, ^ piit,. Poh. Clap-doctor ^ '/^ ^ -^ pdk^ chuk^ ,i ^shang. Peh chub i sang, fS" ^ ^ ^ ^kbm ^teng ^i ,shang. Kdn ting i sang. Clap-net ^ $^ ts^uk, -mong. Tsioh wdng. Clap-trap, a trap for clapping in theatres, j(^ ^ p'dk, 'pdn. Peh pdn ; a trick or device to gain applause, ^ 7^ ff 'lo 'ts'oi kai'. Clapped :^^tMiil ^^^™^^ chong^ kwo'. Sidng chwdng kwo, j^ \^X >M .s^ung 'h6m kwo'; infected with venereal disease, ^ '^ ^shang ,k6m. Sang kdn. Clapper, a person who claps, :|^ ^ p'dk, 'ch^. Peh ch6 ; the clapper of a bell, ^ ^ ^chung shit^. Chung sheh, ^ ^ ^chung tok,. Chung toh; the clappers of a drum, |J 1^ 'ku "'i. Ku rh ; a clap- per-drum, ^ gj^ luk, 'ku. Luh ku ; a bell with a wooden clapper, i(;,^ muk^ tok^. Muh toh ; stop your clapper, pj; pg- 1^ ^ai k6m' jts'6, p)|t /^ ^' B^' ^ ^ai ko' wdk, wdk, ^sbing. Clapper-claw, to fight and scratch, g^ ^ 'au Vd ; to scold, ^ md^ Md. Clapping, with the hands, ;j^ ^ p'dk, *shau. Peh shau; driving on, in, over, or under, i^i^ ^s6ung chong\ Sidng chwdng. Claret ^J[ y^ jhung 'tsau. Hung tsiu. Clarification, the act of clearing, ^'^^ titi' ^ts'ing 'che. Tidu ts'ing ch6 ; ditto by straining, ^^ ^ 111' 'ch6. Lu cM, y^^ sbui' 'chd. Shwui ch^i ^ ^ 'tsz 'ch6. Tsz ch6. Clarified, purified, ^ y|| )^ tiu' ,ts'ing kwo'. Tidu ts'ing kwo ; ditto by straining, f^^ -^ lii^ kwo\ Lil kwo, ,^j!^ shui' kwo'. Shwui kwo, ^^^ *tsz kwo'. Tsz kwo. Clarifier j^j '^ ^ tiu' ,ts'ing 'ch6. Tidu ts'ing ch6 ; a vessel in which liquor is clarified, ^ '^ vS :^ tiu' ^ts'ing 'tsau hi'. Tidu ts'ing tsiu k'l. Clarify, to clear up, J|)f;^ tsim^ ^ch'ing. Tsien ch'ing. Clarify, to make clear or defecate, ^ '^ tiu' ,ts'ing. Tidu ts'ing ; ditto by straining, ^^ -^ lii^ ^^ j^ tsim^ ^ch'ing. Tsien ch'ing ; clarify- ing medicine, 1^ '^ ^ tiu' .ts'ing y6uk^. Tidu ts'ing yoh. Clarion ^L ^ chdt, kok,. Chdh koh, ^ ^ hb' jt'ung. Hdu t'ung, |j|^ hb^ ^t'au. Hdu t'au. Clarionet, ') §^ '© shii^ tek^. Shu tih, ;;^ -gf tai* Clarinet, ) tek^. Td tih, f^ -^ tlm^ tek^, tl' td' ; the copper clarionet, ^ fj|^ 'so ndt^. Clarisonous, having a clear sound, )|| ^ ^ W * y^^ ^y^^ cP'ong- Yin jin p'dng. Clary-water, a composition of brandy, sugar, clary- flower, and cinnamon, with a little ambergris dissolved in it, l^g^.^^fC 'y^n 'yan jP'ong 'shvii. Yin jin p'dng shwui, M^^ :^ Kdldi 'shvii. Kidldrh shwui. Clash, to strike against with force, f^ ^ 'hbm chduk,, ^^ ^ chong^ ch6uk,. Chwdng choh, ^ ^ pung' ch6uk,. Ping choh; to meet in op- position, ;jig j|^ .s6ung tik^. Sidng tih ; to clash in opinion, ^^;i|>|^ i' pat, .s^ung h5p^. t puh sidng hoh, J^.^;^^ i' sz' pat, .s^ung ^t'au. I sz puh sidng t'au; to interfere, |5fl,^ 'cho ngoi^ Tsii ngdi ; to clash, as people's interest, j^ yp .s^ung'teng. Sidng ting, i^^ ^s^ungtau'. Sidng tau; their interests clash, fgc^^iigT^p ^k'ti k6' 8z' .s6ung 'teng. Clash, to strike one thing against another with sou nd, ;ffl j^ ,s6ung pung'. Sidng ping, ;{ig )^g • Medhurst. CLA (896) OLA ^s^ung ch'uk,. Sidng ch'uli. Clash, a meeting of bodies with violence, :;ifi(^ ;fi^ ^ ,s^ung chong^ 'ch6. Siilng chwdng ch6, ^Ij^ ^ ])iing' ehong^ 'ch6. Ping clnvjlng cWt ; the clash of arms, ^] ^ <^ ^ kim' kik, ^chl ,shing. Kien kih chi sliing; oposition, ^"0 1^^ ^s^ung tau' 'ch^. Sidng tau ch^ ; chish of opinion, ^l ^ i^ :}ig I' pat, ,s(''nng ^fau. I piih siAng t'au, ^ jjfQ ^ ^ i' yMing pui' V-hc. I sidng pci cli6, '^g yjig t^ ^ ^ jS^ning 'ng 'ch6. I sidng wu ch6 ; clash of interests, $^^^ sz^ ^chi wai ngak^ (yikj. Sz chi wei nih, ^ ;$; ;fy j^ s// ,chi ,s6ung ti\. | Sz chi sii'ing till. Clashing, striking against with violence, :{@^^ ^soung chong^ Siang chwdng, :^ fj^ ^jfl :f^ tdi* ,sl»ing ^s6ung chong*. Td shing sidng chwang ; meeting in opposition, i^Qj^ .seung 'teng. Sidng ting, jg \^ ^s6ung ^ng, Sidng wii. { dashingly, with clashing, ^Jjf^ chong^ ^in. Chwdng jen, ^ ^^ ch'uk, ^In. Ch'uh jen. ^ | Clasp, a hook for fastening, -^p k'au'. K'au, ^Q ' k'au'. K'au, ^ ^kau. Kau, ^ ,ch'd. Ch'd, ^ , kilt,. Kiueh, ;^|H tdi' k'au'. Td k'au ; the clasp ! of a girdle, ;^ J^n tdi' k'au'. Tdi k'au, ^ ^ tdi' ,kau. Tdi kau, ^ ^ ^kau tip^. Kau ticli ; a sil- '• vfir clasp, §ji ^n jUgan k'au'. Yin k'au ; a round olftsp, ^ -^ jWan 'tsz. Hwdn tsz ; the clasp of a j leather girdle, ^ pljjj ^sai ^p'i. Si p'i; Ihe tongue ' of a clasp, Jl[[\ p. ^ k'au' pi^ 'tsz. K'au pi tsz ; a | close emhi-ace, ^ ^ /li 'ch6. Fu ch(^, ^ ^ \ Udm 'ch6. Ldn che, ;fe ^ ^ ,s6ung '1dm 'cM. Sidng ldn ch6. Clasp, to, J- ijm ^sh6ung k'au'. Shdng k'au, J; /^ 'sh6ung ,kau. Shdng kau, J^ ^fl ^sh^ung k'au'. Shdng k'au, :|-ij — :|^n k'Jiu' yat, k'aii'. K'au yih k'au, iJ^ft jk'iin chii^ K'iuen chii, ^ff^^ .cliil ,ii 'shau. Clid yu shau, :f^ ^ ^ phA \o\ 'sliau. Clid loh shau ; to clasp in one's arms, ^j^ '1dm cha'. Ldn chu, ^ ^ /u chii^ Fu cku, ^ 1^ jWdi ^p'6. Hwdi p'du, 1« If ,iu 'Idm. Ydu ldn ; to inclose and press, ^ ^ 'lam 'kan. Ldn kin ; to clasp to one's breast, ^^MM ^k'iin ^k'iin fukj ,ying. K'iuen k'iuen fuh ying,^ ft IS* B^ 'fung oliii' ,tong ,liung. Fvmg chu tdng hiung, ^ ^ fl^ M j^^'i'" jl^''"" ''iikj yik,. K'iuen k'iuen full yih; the clasp around the stem like the sheath j of a leaf, ^ 'kwo. Ko ; to clasp hands, n h6pj 'ch6ung. Iloh ehdng ; (dasp of a bracelet, ^ 4JI dk, jt'nu. Ngeh t'au. Claspetl, fastened with a clasp, ^^n j^ k'au' kwo'. K'au kwo, _t: M hi *sh(^ung kwo' k'au'. Shdng kwo k'au, J: M ^n '^ilH'ung kwo' k'au' ; em- brnml, ^ 'ffe jl^ 'h'nn cliii' kwo'. Ldn chu kwo, ft tt >i S^ <^''^' •^"■"'- !•'" <^*»^i kwo. rinsper, the tendril of a vine or other plant, Iff )^ .md 'chdu. Jld ehdu, ^4- ^ >£ ff kJ' ,shang 't8'6 tsuk, 'tsai. Oiaaping, twining round, jgH^jt ,ch'fn ^shang. Ch'en sang ; fastening with a pla sp, ^ '^ ^au ohii'. Kau chii, ^i^ ,kau ^mdi. Kau mdi; embracing, ^ i^ \&m' chii^ Ldn chii, ^ ffe /u chtt^ Fd chu; surrounding the stem at the base, ^ft *kwo chiV. Ko chu. Clasp-knife, a knife which folds into the handle, ^ 77 chip, ,t6. Chch tdu. Class ^ p6^ Pu, ^ lui^ Lui, ^ 'chung. Chung, # 'tang. Tang, ^ .pdn. Pdn, ^ 'pan. Pin, ^ ycung^ Ydng, l^jCh'au. Ch'au, jg^ ^ch'au. Ch'au, ^ ^ ts'iu' lui^ Ts'idu lui, |§ ^ 'ch'i lui^ Ch'I !»"' '/k jlau- Liu, ^ pdi'. Pei, liit,. Liueh, ^ 'fun. Kw'dn, ^. ^ts'ai. Ts'i, 3e| tsuk,. Tsuh, ^-j- /o. K'o ; a class or genus in natural history * , i^{ p6\ Pu, ^ lui^ Lui, ^ 'chung. Chung, ^ ^ ts'iu' lui^ Ts'idu lui, ;^- ^ 'chung lui\ Chung lui, ^ y^ung^. Ydng; a class or company of men, as actors, pleasure parties &c., — 3^ A. yat, ,pdn ^yan. Yih pdn jin ; the four classes of people, |/Lj ^ sz' ^man. Sz min ; a sort or class of persons, ^ ^ 'tang k'ap,. Tang kih ; the higher classes of people, Jl ^ A sh^ung^ 'tang ^yan, Jl tS?i A sh^ung* 'pan ^yan. Shdng pin jin, j^ ■^ ^kwan 'tsz. Kiun tsz, JH J?£ A ching' ^shing ^yan. Ching ching jin, ^ o5C ,sz ,man. Sz wan ; the lower classes, "J^ ^ hd^ 'pan. Hid pin, % ^P M 'pan. Ti pin, -j; a^ A hd' 'tang ^van. Hid tang jin, /J> A 'siu ^yan. Sidu jin, "f jjfeplt hd- ^lau k6\ l^^P^ A liA' tsin^ k6' ^yan ; of the same class or genus, |sj^ j^-'ung lui^ T'ung lui ; of the same class or species, JBj^ jt'ung 'chung. T'ung chung ; a class in a college or school, ^ ,fo. Ko, ^ 'tang. Tang, ^ ^pdn. Pdn; theckss of graduates, fif /o. Ko; a pupil of the first class, ^ — g|£ ^ ^ tai* yat, ,pdn hok^ ^shang. Ti yih pdn hioh sang ; a class of aflfairs, ^ 'fiin. Kw'dn, ^ kin^ Kien ; this class of affairs, 9)^1^ ^ ^ni 'fun sz^ Ni kw'dn sz ; to be classed with him, M #, j^fE Hi ,t'd ^wai 'ng. Yd t'd wei wu ; ashamed to be classed with him, H Si >Q "fE .sau Hi jWai ^ig. Siu yii wei wu; of that class of men, il # "It A ch6' y^ung^ k^' ^jan ; of the same class, [gj ^ jt'ung 'tang. T'ung tang; a class or division of vessels, — • ^ f^\ f yat, ,pong jShiin. Yih pdng ch'uen. Class, to ari-ange in a class or classes, j^^f\ ,fan lui*. Fan lui, ^ ^ji ,fan phK Fan pu, ^ ^ /an .pdn. Fan pdn, ^ ^ /an 'tang. Fan tang, ^ fij- fan /o. Fan ko; to arrange, ^^^^ij .1 tang 'pdi lit^. r tang pdi lieh, H^. ^ :^ >|J ehiu' 'tang j)'Ai litj. Chdu tang p'di lieh ; to nmk, ^ ^^ /an 'pan. Fan pin. Classed, arranged in a class or in sets, ^a§J§^ /an • llio ChiuoRo know vory little of soiontitic clnssitioafion. Hence tilt" tcriiiH goniiB or fauiilj and species are never distiugtiislied. It would bti well, if in fVitnre the word j^ were applied for g< 'tin ku . Cli'uh lio tien ku; to belong to the classics, 71. ^? y^P) C ^ tsok, (king ^man 'ch6. Tsoh king wan che; classic expressions, ^j ^^ 71 :^ ch'ut, ^king yap^ 'tin. Ch'uh king jih tien, ^ ^ :^ ^ ,'king tin ^chl kii'. King tien chl ku, ^^:^^ ,king 'tin ^chi jin. King tien chi yen ; to Tl n 'teng Sh6ng hau, Classicality, ") Classicalness, ) ^^ ^wai ,king 'chd. Wei king AM^ yap, ,king 'che. Jih king ch6. Classically ^ ^ ,i lui'. I lui, H3 ^ cliiu' 'tang. Chdu tang ; according to the manner of classical writers, "f^^ ,i king. 1 king; classically expres- sed, M. ^ ^ "^ ,chan hai' ^king kii'. Chin hi king kii. CJa.ssification * 0.^^3^ H lui' /an ^ch'ing. I lui fan ch'ing, ^BM^ S^^ "i ^^^' 'cli^- '^^^ i l^i ch(5, ^^ig- /an 'tang 'che. Fan tang che; the classification of men into ranks, ^|Sp^ /an 'pan 'chd. Fan pin che ; the classification of charac- ters, ^ ^ ^ ;^ /an tsz' lui' 'ch6. Fan tsz lui c\\6 ; the classification of animate and inanimate nature, ^^ p^ ^|J ^ /an ^mun pit^ lui'. Fan mun pieh lui, m^^M ^^'^K lui' sP'ong /'ung. Ch'uh lui p'^ng t'ung ; each thing has its classi- fication, 4- ^ n[i M i^^i^> 'y'*^" p^' ^ii^'- i^"i^ y^^ pii su. Classified, arranged in classes, ^ jilS ^ /an kwo' lui'. Fan kwo lui, ^ jlj^ ^ /an kwo' 'tang. Fan kwo tang, ■f^^^^ /an kwo' 'pan. Fan kwo pin. Classify *, to class as in the animate and inanimate kingdom of natural history, ■^ ^ /an lui'. Fan * The dassiflcatiou of animate and inanimate nature according to shape Ac. is altogether different from the natural classifi- cation into families, species &c., and whUst the former is pretty well known to every body, the latter is, go far as science is con- cerned, still a cluKX. lui, ^^ /an 'chung. Fan chung, J;{; ^ 'pi lui'. Pi lui ; to classify things, 3K # ^ Jj ff + ^l^i^' yeung' /an mat^ kin'. Chd,u yang fan wuh kien, -^^Ij^^^ /an pitj mat, lui'. Fan pieh wuh lui, .^^|J{^^ pin' pitj mat^ lui'. Pien pieh wuh lui; to classify men according to races, -flc M :^ A c^ lui' /an ^yan. I lui fan jin; ditto, according to rank or station in life, i^ ^ ■^ /^ S 'tang /an jan. I tang fan jin, j^^J^ AM S '^''^^g /an ^yan lui'. I tang fan jin lui. Classify, to class, as in the animate and inanimate kingdom of natural history, ^ ^ /an lui'. Fan lui, ^pil /an ,hoi lui'.' Fan k^ai lui, J^^^ ^ 'i lui' /an ^chi. I lui fan clil, ^^ /an 'chung. Fan chung, ^ ^ teng' lui'. Ting lui, i:^ ^ i^ lui'. PI lui ; to classify pupils, ^ JJS /an ^pan. Fan pdn ; to classify things, to put a classifier before each numeral precediug noun, as in Chi- nese, H^,^^ @ if^/'J + chid' ydung' /an piik, mat^. Chau ydng fan peh wuh, ^ ^|J j^ %^ /an pit, matj lui'. Fan pieh wuh lui ; to classify men ac- cording to races, ^^^ ^ \ S lui' /an jan. I lui fan jin ; ditto according to rank, ^ jfp /an 'pan. Fan pin, ^jft^ A S 'p^n /an jan. I pin fan jin, # # ^ A M .i 'tang /an'jan lui'; to classify men according to profession, •^ ^ + /an jhong. Fan hang, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^I Ip^ /an jhoi. 1 nieh fan k'ai ; to classify pupils, ^ ^ /an 'tang. Fan tang, ^ ^ /an ^pan. Fan pdn ; to classify graduates, .^ ^if /an /o. Fan ko, ^ ^ /an 'fun. Fan kw'an ; to classify and name, ^ ^ /an ^ch'ing. Fan ch'ing. Classifying, forming a class or classes, 'fic ^ ^ ^ ,1 lui' /an Jioi. I lui fan k'ai, i^^^ |lj ,1 lui' /an pit,. I lui fan pieh ; aiTanging in sorts, B3 ^^li chid' 'fdn /an ^hoi. Chau kw'dn fan k'ai"; an-anging in ranks, ^t5p S^^ 'pan. Fan piii, ^ t5pi^^ S 'P^u /an ,hoi. I pin fan k'Ai, "^^p^ ^Ij ^I 'pan /an pit,. I pin fan pieh. Classing, arranging in a class or classes, ^ ^ /an lui', ^^M An ,hoi lui'. Fan k'Ai lui, ^ Jjft /an ^pan. Fan pan. Classis ^ lui'. Lui, ^ 'tang. Tang, jj^ 'pan. Pin, ^ 'fun. Kw'An, ^ yeung'. Ydng. Clatter, to make rattling sounds, -^ 5^ t$^ ^ fso^ p'ik, p'ak, ,shing, n^ n^ ^^ ^ p'lik, p'lak, f^ ^i 5i 1# l# #- ts6' tik, tik, tak, tak, ^shing^ tip, tip, tdp, tdpj ; to talk fast and freely, ^ ~ tip, jIn. Tieh j^en, (^ ^ ^ tip, tip, ^sliinc Clatter, to strike and make a rattling noise, -pf J^ \^M^ ts6' luk, luk, ^shing. Tso luh luh shing. Clatter, a rapid succession of abrupt, sharp sounds, made by the collusion of metallic or other so- noraus bodies, 5^ 9^ ^ p'ik, p'ak, ^shing, J^ jf^ t See page 1. under A. includes cvcrv + if is only applied to the_ working classes; profession and rank. I§ Luk luk is an impotent effort at imitating the rattling of for- eign druin> Of ^^ sound of £. CL'A ( 898) CLA 'sun. Cbdu sun, Jfi| ^ j^'d Mn\ P'd Idn. ^ ^ 'ch6u p'o'. Chdu p'o ; to tickle, ^iff lak^. Leb ; to claw off, ^ J^ 'clidii lat, ; to scold or rail at, ^ nlli^ Md ; dew-claw, Jg 'k'u k'u, 4^ ^ ;^ # t&h s^gau 'ch'i ,chi hau^ 'chi. Nid ch'i chl hau cbi. ;^ luk, luk, .shing. J.uh luh shing, t»g Rg ^ yuk, yuk, jin. Yuh yuh jcn, tip^ tfp^ tdp^ tap^ Hhing ; the clatter of blacksmiths, P|J ^ k'au' ttin'. K'au twdn ; tumultuous and confused noise, ^ 8L ^ chung' lun' .shing. ^Chung Iwdn shing, 4ft PGSj'^cP«icSl"ng- . _^ . Clattercr, a babbler, tdn* hi' ^yan, tJ£^"(^A jC^'am Claw-back, a sycophant, ^MZA cli'im mi^ .chi chui» k6' jan, P!^3|5|i if(^ lun' ^oi lun' hu' k6' Clattering, ^5^^ p'ik, p'dk,, p'lik p'lak .shing; tal- king last with noise, t^ rt^ g^. tlp^ tlp^ .shing. Claudicant, halting, g^jjljl kat^ kduk,. Clause, a member of a period, ^ ku'. Kii ; an ar- ticle, or a distinct part of a contract, ^ |^ ^ y6uk, ,shii *fun. Yoli shu kw'dn, ^^ ^ y6uk, ♦ftin. Yoh kw'dn, — ^ i^l yat, 'fun laiS Yih kw'dn li, — f^^i yat, jt'iil lai^ Yih t'idu 11; the first clause, -^ ^ 'shau 'fun. Shau kw'dn, ^ — J^ jt'au yat, 'fiin. T'au yih kw'dn ; the last clause, i|4 J^ ^ .shau hnl 'fiin. Shau M'i kw'dn ; the words of the Latter clause, ^ '^ "f^ "^ Tiii t«It, k6' \\A\ ^%Z^ ^'^K tsit, .chi jin. Mob tsieh chi yen. Claustral, relating to a cloister, or religious house, i^Sl^tl^ .sau tau^ iin^ tik,. Siii tdu yuen tib. Clausuhir, consisting of, or having clauses, ^ j^ 'yau jt'iu. Yu t'idu, 5^ ^ ^au 'fun. Yu kw'dn. Clausure, an imperforated canal, ^ jM ^ ^ V^K .t'ung .chi 'kun. Pub t'ung chi kwdn, ^ P^ ^ Lak, k6' 'kdn. Clavate, ) club-shaped, 'Ys ^ V^^ chuk, 'sun Clavated, / 'kbm y6ung^. Chub siun kdn ydng, ^ j^ ^ .shang 'nau ^man. Sang niu wan. Clavellated, an epithet applied to potash and pearl- ash, i^^ fjf 'kdn .slid. Kien shd. Claviary, in music, an index of keys, or a scale of lities and spaces, ^ ^ -fff ngok^ .yam kdk,. Yoh yin keb. Clavicliord, a musical instrument like the spinet, |g ^ yik^ jk'am. Yih k'in. Clavicle, the (collar bono, ^ ii^t fj* *so ^ch'ii kwat,. So ch'u kub. Clavicom j^'^i ^ ^ch'ung lui* ^mcng. Ch'ung lui raing. Clavicular ^ iQ^,f^ fi^ 'so *ch'il kwat, tik.. So ch'd kub tib. Claviger, one who keeps the keys of any place, ^ ,van. Chen mei chi iin. ClaAved, scratched, ^i^ 'chdu kwo\ Chdu kwo, ;|V ^j^ 'chdu kwo'. Chdu kwo, \^ ^ 'chdu kwo'. Chdu kwo, jC^ ^ jp'd kwo'. P'd kwo ; furnished with claws, ;|V P^ 'chdu k6', ^ J^ ^&u 'chdu. Yu chdu. Clawing, pulling, tearing, &c., ^ 'chdu. Chdu, ^ 'chdu. Chdu, ji^ j)'a. P'd, jK^ '^^^^^ ^^^'- Chdu Idn. Clay % .nai. Ni, % ,nai. Ni, ^^)l ± ,nai 't'6. Ni t'u, ^ J^ung. Jdng, || ok,. Ngoh, ^J[ chik^. Chih, i^ 'kan. Kin; potters' clay, fS.%^i .kong -ngd ^nai. Kdng yd ni, [^ ± ^t'6 't'6. T'au t'd ; clay for making bricks, ^|[:^ .chiin ^nai. Chuen ni, ^ hok,. Koh ; to model in clay, |@ s6'. Su ; a clay image, ^ ^ so' ts^ung^. Su sidng, ^ f^ so' higaii. Su ngau; the clay statue of a man, |g ^i\^ s6' ^nai s6ung'. Su ni sidng; a carved wood or molded clay [stupidity], ^^'M^ jnai .tiu muk^ s6'. Ni tidu muh su; black clay, || p|) j; hak, .kong t'5. Heh kdng t'u, tjgj^. Lu; white clay, g:^ pdk^ ^nai. Peh ni, Qlgi pdk^ chik^ t'6. Peh chih t'u. _ shin^ Shen, fi i^ i pdk^ shin^ 't'6. Peh shen t'li ; red clay, ^^ ^ ch'ik, jUai. Ch'ihni; stiff clavj i^±^ ngdng^ 't'6. Ngang t'u, i^^ rigAng' ^nai! Ngang ni, ^± .kin 't'6. Kien t'u, ^ hip^. Hieh ; adhesive clay, ^ ^ ^nim 't'6. Nien t'u, ^ chik,. Chih ; to be but clay, frail, — nj» j^ yat, pau^ ^nai, yX UJ ^ Pif .kong .shdn i^ 'koi. Kdng shdn i kdi. Clay, to cover or manure with clay, ^ J^ :^ k'oi' H. ^nai. K'di i ni ; to piuify with clay, as sugar, #^ ill M 'P^ t^ai tiu' .ts'ing. Pi ni tidu ts'ing. Clay-built, built with clay, \)ij^vfvij^ ^nai ts6' k6', l^i Vtf^f}^^ jUai chuk, ^shing. I ni chub ching. Clay-cold, cold as clay or earth, '^ p|j- (^ ,nai k6m' tung'. Ni kdn tung; lifeless, ^ /J^ 'sz tung'. Sz tung. Clay-ground ^ ^j ^nai UK Ni ti. heung y6uk, 'chd. Chdng yoh ch6, ^ ^ Clay-land, ") land consisting of clay, J^g ^nai jt'in ^ 'kun ^sbi 'cbe. Kwdn shi cb6. Cluw ;1V 'cbau. Chuu, J[V ^k'ii. K'ii; a tiger's claw, Jl^ K^ Tu 'I'bau. llu chdu; tlie claw or shears of a crab, ij^^ §jl Midi kong', ^ || Midi ,ng6. Midi ngau, ^ ^ngo. Ngau, j^^, ^ws^h. Ngau, ^ jk'im. nd, ") land c il, J Ni t'i( Clay-soil, j Ni t'icn, ^1^ jUai ^y^ung. Ni jdng. Clay-marl, a whitish, smooth, chalky clay, (^ ^i pdkj .fiii 't'6. Peh bwui t'u, j^'pi^ pdk, .fiii jHai. Peh hwui ni. Clay-pit i)^ ^ ^nai tam^ K'icn; tlie baud, in contempt, liVjilV ji>»du Vhdu. Clay-stone ^ ^ ^nai shek^. Ni shih Mdu chdu Claw, to tear or pull with the claws, ||^ 'chdu, Chrtu, ^ 'chdu. Cbdu, jlV ^ 'chdu li^n'. Chdu Idn, J\}^ jj^ 'clij^u Idn*. CluUi Idn ; to gripe firmly with the clnMs, jfvJIJ 'chdu shatj. Chdu shih; to scratch, ^^^ 'chdu ldn\ Chdu bin, ^ J^ 'chdu Clayed, covered with clay, J^ :^ H >g ^ ^nai k'oi' kwo'. I ni k'di kwo; purified Avith clay, \ci^tSi TS*^ 'i jttai till' ,ts'ing kwo'. 1 ni tidu ts'ing kwo. Clayey, consisting of clay, i^V^ ^nai ki^', ^^ ^nai tik,. Ni till ; abounding Avilh clav, ^ iiJJ ,"ai ti'. NI U, CLA (399) CLE Claying, covering with clay, ^ J.^ :^ k'oi K'Ai 1 ni ; purifying with clay, jji % ^ jiai tiu' jts'ing. I ni tiau ts'ing. Clayish, partaking of the nature of clay, -^ ^ij ^nai tik^. Ni tih ; ditto, containing particles of it, '^ j^ P^ j)du ^nai ke. Clean '^ ^ ^ts'ing kit,. Ts'ing kieh, f^ J^ kit, tseng^ Kieh tsing, "^ kit,. Kieh, ^ '^ ^kon tseng^. Kan tsing. tseng" kit . Tsing kieh, %^ kit, pal^. Kiehpeh, Cleanliness, freedom from dirt, ^ ^ ^k'in kit,. K'ien kieh, ^ }^ ^kon tseng^. Kdn tsing, ^ )^ i\^Wl i^^ A sF^^ ^^i' ^^ wii wu wei ; neatness of person or dress, f^ ^J ^ling li^ Ling 11, '^ '/p ^ts'ing tseng^ Ts'ing tsing ; purify, |ig >^ ^shun ^ts'ing. Shun ts'ing ; cleanliness is next to godli- ness, ^ 1^ Mp'MW-M^ jk'In ,sam ^wai 'shau, kit, tseng' ^ts'ui hau". K'ien sin wei shau, kieh tsing sui liau. kieh; clean, as timber, J^^fC tseng^ muk^. Tsing muh ; free from moral impurity, ^^ y|| ^shun ^ts'ing. Shun ts'ing, '^ Q X>^ % 8i6, fe ^ .m5 .sz. "Wu sz ; clean and pure, as I 'ho "I .ts'ing tak,. K'o I ts'ing teh. water, ^l ^i ^lun .lun. Lin lin, ^ kit,. Kieh, Cleanse, to make clean, i^ .ts'ing. Ts'ing ; to puri- gel ,sln. Sien. ^ .kiin. Kiuen, free from foul j fy, jff^ tik,. Tih, ;j^ .ts'ing. Ts'ing, ^ 'sai. SI, disease, ^ */p kit, tseng'. Kieh tsing ; spotless, ^ '^ jk'In .ts'ing. K'ien ts'ing, M J|5 ^mb tim'. Wu tien ; dextrous, ^ ^ .tseng 'shau. Tsing 'shau, ^^ miii' 'shau. Miau shau ; hands clean of bribeiy, "^ S ^ ^ kit, 'kl fung' .kung. Kieh ki fung kung ; clean dress or garment, ^ ^ kit, .1, ^ */^ Y^ .kon tseng' .sham. Kan tsing san ; to make clean, ^^tf^ 'ching .kon tseng^ Ching kdn tsing ; a clean leap, '^ ^ ^^ M fH '^ 'cliing kwo' .ts'ing kit,. Ching kwo ts'ing kieh, ^ jj^ f^ ^ hii' kwo' .u wai'. K'ii kwo wu wei. ff tik, .ts'ing. Tih ts'ing, ^ Vt hii' .u. K'ii wu, ^ ^ hii' 'kau. K'ii kau ; to wash clean, f^ f^ 'sai .ts'ing. SI ts'ing, ^ ^ 'sai kit,. SI kieh, f^fiW- 'sai .kon tseng\ SI kan tsing, -^j^ 'sai 'ts5. Si tsdu, «^ i^P; %n tik,. Hwan tih, ^ «|j^ chok^ tik^. Choh tih, i^l j)^ ^t'6 t'ai'. T'au t'di, ^ ^ kiln' 'sai. Kwdn si, >^ ^ tam^ 'kom. Tan kan, IP ^ tseng^ 'sai. Tsing si, ^ yuk,. Yuh, j^ .kiin. Kiuen, y:g; yuk,. Yuh ; to cleanse the hand, ^ -^ kiin' 'shau. Kwan shau ; to cleanse the body, ^ ^ 'sai .shan. SI shin, ^ ^ 'ts6 .shan. Tsdu shin, y:gl ^ yuk, .shan. Yuh shin ; to cleanse by scouring, W^ ^ '^ 'shdng .kon tseng^. Sang kdn tsing ; ditto by wiping, ^ ^ ^ mdt, .kon tseng^ Moh kdn tsing, J^lJ shat,. Shwdb, ^j^ shik, .ts'ing. Shih ts'ing; to cleanse the blood, -^ ^ hii' tuk^. K'ii tub ; to cleanse the body and cultivate (lit : cleanse) virtue, 'j^^ yg; f^ 'tso .shan yuk^ tak,. Tsau shin yuh teh ; to cleanse the heart, -^ t^ .ts'ing .sam. Ts'ing sin. 'il' sai sam. SI sin, ili' tik, sam. Tih sin ; to pm-ify from guilt or crime, -^ |^ Tnin tsui\ Mien tsui, ^ f| t'iit, tsui\ T'oh tsui ; to cleanse away iniquity, -^ j^ hii' ok,. K'ii ngoh; to cleanse a well, "J^ ^ ^t'6 'tseng. T'au tsing ; to cleanse a kettle, by washing, ^ ^ 'sai .wo. SI ko ; ditto by scouring, 5^ ^ 'shang .wo. Cleansed, by washing, ^ ^ 'sai kwo'. SI kwo, ^'j^ 3JIS tikj kwo'. Tih kwo ; ditto by rubbing or wi- ping, J^ ^^ mat, kwo'. Moh kwo, ^ i^ shik, kwo'. Shih kwo ; freed from dirt, -^ j^ f^ hii' kwo' .u. K'ii kwo wii, ^^^f^"^ hii' kwo' .11 wai'. K'ii kwo wu wei ; purged, -^ jlj^ ^ hii' kwo' tuk. K'ii kwo tub. Cleaner, a person or tiling that cleans, f^^ .ts'ing Cleanser, he or that which cleanses, ^ '^ :^ 'sai 'ch6. Ts'ing che, ^ >/^ ^ hii' .u 'ch6. K'ii wii | .ts'ing 'ch(5. SI ts'ing aM; that which purifies, ch§ jjit — ^ J'""n ^^^^ yat, ts'ai'. K'ung slii jih ts'i, ^ liu^ Liau, i^§^ liii^ kwok,. Lidu kwoh ; not clouded \nth care or ruifted hy passion, ^ tsing^ Tsing, y|| ^ .t'sing tseng^ Ts'ing tsing; quick to understand, ^ Bjj .ts'ung ^ming. Ts'ung ming, '4% ^ yui' chi'. Jui chi; free from guilt or hlame, M ^ jm6 .ku. Wu ku, ^ p ^m6 tsui^ Wu tsuT; ir- reproachahlo, ^f^ jk'in .ts'ing. K'ien ts'ing, ^f. oj ^ .mo 'hochdk,. Wii k'o tseh ; unspotted, ^ J^ jm6 tim'. Wu ti(;n. ^ Ig^ ^mo ^ha. Wu hid; free from hias, ^ (^ $^ .mo .p'in chap,. Wu ))'ien chih, ^^^ .m6 .p'in. Wii p'ien ; impartial ig i^] chik^ pak^. Cliih peh, %^ .m6 .p'in. Wii ji'ien ; free from deht or ohllgation, ^ tseng\ Tsing, j^^ .hung .shan. K'ung shin, f^^J ^ling li'. Ling li ; clear profit, ^ ?^j shat^ \{\ Shih li ; ditto, where there has l)een no outhiy, ^ ^ ^ T^j ^mo 'pun .shang li^ Wu pun sang li, (^ ^ ^%\\ pakj pdk^ .shang li^ Peh peli sang li; tran- ; spanmt, or h"m])id, ^ .tsing. Tsing, j^ .ts'ing. Ts'ing, ^t|f] .kvvong .ming. Kwang ming, j^^J^ t'au' .kwong. T'au kwdng ; ck^ar as the sun or light, B^ ^ts'ing. Ts'ing, fl^ .chdung. Chdng, ^ 'chan. Chin, ^ 'long. FAng. ^ sik,. Sili, ^ 'hill. Hiau, j;J- 'king. King, ^p \x\ llii, }^ 'yeung. Yitng, gi tan'. Tj'm, ^. pin\ Tien, ^ .kwong. Kwang, ^ chiu\ Chi'iu, ^ kap,. KiAh, ^j 'heung. llidng, Hp^ Vng. Ping, i|f{ .eh'iu. Ch'au, ^ 'yam. K'in, J|\ .kwing. Kwing, ^fok^. lloh, ff fong'. KwAng, B|J 'sii. Sliu, ^ yik^. Yih, Tcing. King, ^ liW. Tan, {Jf 'king. King, ^wong. llwiing, ^ ch'it. . Ch'cli, g^ .so. So, kak,. Keh, ^it^. Jeh, j|,- .ho. llmi, ^^ 'kwo! Ko, §§ 'chAu! 'Chtlu, q^ ch'6uk,. Ch'oh, H& ng. Wu, ^ tik,. Tih, HJ£ fong'. KwAng, ^ Vm. , Ihviin, ^ leung-'. LiAng, ff^jgg tik, lik^. Tih lili, ^ ^ jming. Ming, W)\ UjJ jUiing Uong. Ming lung, <^ 'ping. Ping,-'i^ Svai. Wei, ^j;-. IjlJ .sin ^ming. Sien mitig, j^ .kwong. Kwdng; limpid, a.s wa- 1 ter, ;^}ijj .ts'ing 'long. Ts'ing lang, 'j% Jnn. Lin. 1^ shuk^. Shuh, J^ .wang. Uuug, ^ ^ ts'An' I \&a'. Ts'dn Idn, J*^ ^ch'ing. Ch'iag, ^ ch'it,. Ch'ch, ^^ h6^ Ilau, /^ jlau. Liii ; a clear tone, mU sts'i'^? csl»ng- Ts'ing shing, ^^ kik, 'ch'o. Kih ts'ii ; a clear voice, ^^ *loog .shing. Ldng shing, ^^ 16ung^ .shing. Liang shing; to recite in a clcxir voice, ^ fj^ 'long tsung^. Ldng sung, '^W^MWi .^^ .'^•''"S '^o"f« tsung*. KAu shing ldng sung ; clear vision, ifH Q^ .ts'ing ^g^. Ts'ing yen, ^ g j^^iing muk^. Ming muh, ^ @ jliii mukj. Lidu muh, ^|f_ .mint: shi*. Mingshi, m Bl .ts'hig ^6. Ts'ing lu,g^ ^ iik^ luk, Lih lull, ^ ch'j^uk,. Ch'oh; a clear affair, iff|'^^^ .ts'ing .ts'ing 'ch'o 'ch'o. Ts'ing ts'ing ts'u ts'ii, ^^ lok, lok,. Loll loh ; very clear gauze, ^^ ^ .po jli .sha. Po li sha ; clear reputation, ]^;^ .ts'ing jming. Ts'ing ming ; a clear estate, )|J ^ .ts'ing ip^. Ts'ing nieh ; a clear coast, '^ tJC i^ .ts'ing 'shui 16^ Ts'ing shwui lii ; I am clear against it, ^ ^^ 5i{ tsun' shi^ tiii' jt'au. Tsiu Shi tAi t'au, — ^^ ^ i^ %\ ^ yat, ,ti .t6 hai' tiii' jt'au. Yih tih tii hi tiii t'au ; to come off clear, i^'^^ 'sai hit, ,sluin ; to get clear, -^ ^ .ts'ing t'iit,. Ts'ing t'oh ; to keep clear of, JH ijj .ts'ing k'6uk,. Ts'ing k'ioh, -^ pi'. Pi, jg ^ pi' k'euk,. Pi k'ioh ; tiiey have come to a clear un- d(M-standing, i'^ Z M ^ ^ <♦'« <<•''« i' <«'""?,' jt'au. T'a chi i siting t'au; us clear a.s crystal, -ffi ^ pH' ^ sliiii .tsing k6m' ^ming. Shwui tsing kiin ming; let it settle clear, ^^fH 'tang jk'ing .ts'ing. Tang k'ing ts'ing. Clear, to make clear by explanation, gj ^ chii' jiffing. Chii ming, ^ Q^ 'kdi .ming. KiAi miug; to clarify, rfifH tiu' .ts'ing. Tiiiu ts'ing; to clear a liquor, ^ '^ yg tiu' .ts'ing 'tsjiu. Tiau ts'ing tsii'i; to clear from obstruction, f||{^^^ .ts'ing jCh'ii ngoi' sz^ Ts'ing ch'ii ngiii sz ; to el«ir the stomach, fH ^ .ts'ing wai\ Ts'ing wei, ^ ^ hii' tuk^. K'ii tub, ff (^ ^ .ts'ing wai' 'fo. Ts'iug wei ho, -^ ',7 *X. ''*^' ^^'"^ '^^- ^ " ^^ci ho; to clear a doubt, f\ ^ pin' ^i. Pien i, ^ |i^ 'kdi ,1. Kidi i ; to exonerate, ^ |^ 'piu (liik^. Piau peh, l^ iJf: .slum s6'. Shin sii, ^ HJJ s6' jUung. Sii ming, i\i ^ .shan ^ming. Sliin ming; to clear up a case, ffi jg .shan 4i. Shin li, ft}' % .shan .iin. Shin yuen, ^j^ s6' ,uu. Su yucn ; to clear off an account, ;^^ kat,. Kih, fH 3^ .ts'ing kat,. Ts'ing kih, vH ^ .ts'ing sluV. Ts'iug su, ^ ^ jiin sluY. Yuen su ; to remove any thing that obscures, ^ ^ ^;|: /}^ ^ch'ii hii' ngoi' mat^. Ch'u k'ii ngai wuli ; to clear the highway from rob- bers, i^Kti'^M tsiiig^ch'ii 16' ts'iikj." Tsing ch'u lu ts'ih, ^..j*; l^y^ 'ping jch'ii 't'6 'fi. Ping cli'ii fA fi ; to clear the way. % jgg ,hoi 16'. K'ai li\, fH ifi .ts'ing to'. Ts'ing tuu; ditto, for a man- daiin, ll^Dii hot, .hoi. Hob k'lii, W^ AiMi^l l'"^' jjan jUi pi'. Kiiiu jin hwui pi, H^ A. ^f iJM hot, ^yan jliang mai ; to clear the i-oarl for the Em- peror, f«p"»|i 'king pat,. King pib, IJS^ pat,. Pili, .ts mg to Ts'ing tau ; to clear laud, CLE (401) CLE p'ik, 'y6. P'ih j6, ^ ,loi 'y6. Lai j6, W^ Jtb :fy ,ch'o p'ik, ti' /ong. Ts'u p'ih ti faug ; to clear the table, ^ ^ ^ -1^ cP'^^ c^^^i '"^^ ^^Pj- Pwdn k'di wan tieh, :g[ jj^ ch'it, tsik^. Ch'eh tsih ; to clear the room, ^ ^ jun /ong. Pwan fdng ; to clear a ship at the custom-house, f^ M tr W '^^ ^^^o s^^^o <^^^' -'^^ fang hang tun, ^^ ^tT^^'^P> f'^^S' /'^^iiS Mn. Kih fang hang tdn, 1^ ^X ^ k'ap, jhung ^p'di. Kih hung p'ai, ^^^ligj{^ k'ap^ 'hoi ^kwan ^shiin jP'ai. Kih hdi M ^ tseng^ kwo'. Tsing kwo; freed from foreign matter, ^-^jlM?# '•% i 'ts'6. Laits'au; to clear a difficulty, ^ ^ ^cli'ii nan\ Ch'u nan ; to clear from danger, (^ ^ ,ch'd hoi". Ch'u hai, -^ ^ -min hoi^ Mien hdi ; to clear of or from, ^ '^ cM' ,ts'ing. Chi ts'ing ; to clear off, ^ 2p: ^mo jP'ing. Mo p'ing ; to clear oflF, ^ Jiii ; clear t>ut I ^^ ^] ,liu le' ; to clear up, |^ ^ /s'eung ^ming. Ts'iang ming, ^ ^ 'kong ^miug. Kiang ming. Clear, to become free from clouds, j^ ^ 'k'ai jming. K'i ming, ^%^ ^hoi 'long. K'ai Mng, ^ |gr Jioi jyeung. K'ai yang ; to clear up suddenly, ^ B^ cha' jUiing. Chd ming, ^ 0^ chd' /s'ing. Cha ts'ing ; to become free or disengaged, ^ -^ lat, 'shau, -^ ^ -^ ,tiu jhung 'shau. Tiau k'ung shau. Clear-seeing, having a clear sight or understanding, ^ a^ wai^ -ngan. Hwui yen, ^ '(^ wai^ sing'. Hwui sing. Clear-shining H^^ 9^ chiu' ,ming. Chau ming, I|8, -^ 1 chiu' jkwong. Chau kwdng. ! Clear-sighted, seeing with clearness, ^U^P^ J^i^^ \ 'ngan ke', ^ /iii. Liau ; discerning, ^ ^ 1 ^ts'ung wai^ Ts'ung hwui. \ Clear-sightedness, acute discernment, ^ f^ ^ts'ung ^ming. Ts'ung ming, ^ ^j ,lins ,mins:. Lin ^mmg. mmg. Clear-starch, to stiffen with starch, ^ ^ts^ung. Tsidng, ^^fll ,ts6ung ,i fuk^. Tsidng i fuh, |f ^ ^ 1^ ,ts6ung tak, kwong ^sin. Tsidng teh kwdngsien. Clear-starched |^ ^ ^tseung kwo'. Tsiang kwo. Clear-starcher, one who clear-starches, ^ ^ fl^ ^ ^ts^ung ^1 fuk^ 'ch6. Tsidng 1 fuh ch^, ^ 4^ ^ffl . ^fi%^ 'sai yau' sai' ^i fuk, 'die. Si yu si I full che. Clear-story ^ kok^. Koli. Clear-toned, having a clear sound, ^^ ^ ^ 'long jShing tik,. Lang shing tih. Clearage, the removing of any thing, ^'.^^ ^ch'ti mat^ 'ch6. Ch'ri wuh ch6. Clearance, port-ditto, '/S i§ (iift >{|! 'lioi ,kwdn ^shun jP'di. Hdi kw6.n ch'uen p'ai, ^I ^ jhung Tp'Ai. Hung p'di, i^ j;$ tai^ j)'di. Ta p'di, |i| ;fj; ^ Chi ts'ing ch6, g^ -^V^ ^ chi' ^ts'ing M mat, ; that which enlightens, ^ f^ ^ ^kwong chid' 'ch6. Kwdng chau ch4, ^ H^ ^ 'kai ^ming 'che. Kiai ming die ; that which brightens, Hg ^ ^ chiu' ^kwong 'ch6. Chdu kwang che. Clearing, purifying, ^^^ 'ching ^kon tseng\ Ching kan tsing, p-^ tik, ,ts'ing. Tih ts'ing, j^ )^ kit, tseng'. Kieli tsing; removing encum- brances, 1% ?# i^ ,ch'u ngoi^ matj. Ch'ii ngai wuh, j^il ^ch'ti nan^ Ch'u nan, ^^ 'kai lat,; making evident, §^ 1^ /s'eung ^ming. Ts'iAng ming, ^^ 'kai ^ming. Kidi ming; making lum- inous, .f^^lf; chill' ^kwong. Ch4u kwang; acquit- ting, ^ |±| 'piu pak,. Pidu peh, -{^ ||p ^shan s6'. Sliiu su, ^^ 85' fining. Sii ming; making gain beyond all costs and charges, ^^:?^] wok, shat 11'. Hwoh shih 11. ' ' Clearing-house ^^ tf # ^ .^^^^ jliong lii^ 'kdn. Yin hdng hwui kwan, fn ^^|t c^^'i^o sh6' ui^ 'kun. Ts'ing su hwui kwan. Clearly, evidently, ^ ^ming. Ming, ^}\ ^ ^ming pak^. Ming peh, B>j ^ .ming ,ming. Ming ming, S Q V'^K. V^K- Peh peh, ^ ^^ Q ^ming ^rning pak^ pak^. Ming ming peh peh, J '^ 'lid /n. Liau jen, ||| ^ 'bin ,in. Hien jen, i^ Q 'pdi pak^. Pdi peh, glj ^ 'p'au pdk^. P'au pdi, J^^ ,tid ^tiu. Tiau tiau, ^ ^ ^cheung ^ming. Chang ming; plainly, if ^ chik, >. Cliih jen, g Q chik, pak,. Chib peh, /^ E|^ /an ^ming. Pan ming ; to clearly understand at a glance, — • f}^ M, ^ yat, 'ngan kin' sai', — g "f ,^ yat, muk^ 'lid /n. Yili muh liau jen ; it is clearly so, Bfl ^ f^ jming ^ming hai'. Ming ming hi, J^ ^ f^ 'bin /n hai". Hien jen hi ; to state clearly, ^ =^ jUiing shiit,. Ming shwoh, ^ 0fl 'kong ,ming. kiang ming, ^\ ^ ^ming /n. Ming yen, 'flf g ^ chik^ pak, 'kong. Chili peh kiang; clearly as- certained, H' ^ im^ ^ming. Yen ming ; clearly distinguishing, '/|| ^ /s'ing /an. Ts'ing fan, ^ ^1^ /an /s'ing. Pan ts'ing ; to write clearly, ^ f^^^ ,shii tak, ^chcung ^ming. Shu teh chdng .ts'ing 'die. Ts'ing che; freedom Clearness 1^ _^ ^ from clouds, ^^ /s'ing. Ts'ing ; purity, kit, /s'ing. Kieh ts'ing ; openness, |^ Q chiic pak,. Chib peh; luminousness, -^j^ ,kwong /ai. Kwang hwui, ^ ^ ,kwong 'ts'oi. Kwang ts'di ; eandor, $^ g^ ^shing shat^. Ching- shttk j freedom CLE (4.02) CLE from spots or anything that disfigures, ^yH jk'in ^ts'ing. K'ien ts'ing, ^ '^ ^k'in jCh'ing. K'ien ch'ing ; clearness of tone, J^ *long Ldng. Cleat, a small wooden projection in tackle, to fasten ropes by, ff :^ 1dm' H. Ldn rh. Cleavable ^J^ 'ho p'o'. K'o i)'o, pfg|Jf|| 'ho 'p'au ,hoi. K'o p'au k'di, Ti\ ^ ^ 'ho p'ek, .hoi. K'o p'ih k'di. Cleavage, the act of cleaving or splitting, ^ P^ :^' p'ek, .hoi 'cht«. P'ih k'di did. J^ ^^ ^ p'o' .hoi 'ch6, P'ok'dich6. Cleave (pret. clave or cleaved), to stick, ^ .ch'l. Ch'i, f^^ .chim ch6uk,. Nien choh, |^^ ,ch'i shat^. Ch'I shih ; to unite aptly, ^ ^ ^wo h6p^. Ho hoh, ^ iM .cli'i s^i^i- Ch'i mdi ; to adhere to morally, as to one's opinion, '(/^ ni^ Ni, ^ y)^ .chim ni^ Nien ni ; to cleave to a person, ^ i^ A ni' <^ syan- ^7 y^ ^^^' ^^ ViikA .chim *" ni' ii van .Nien ni yu jin ; to cleave to a doctrine, yf^j^^ ni' .ii kau'. Ni yii kidu ; to cleave to one another, ^ ^ if ^ .kau ts'at, .seung jt'au. Kidu ts'ih sidng t'au ; the tongue cleaves* to the mouth, ^ij 1^ ^ flf li' .ch'i .ii ngok^. Li ch'i yii yoh. Cleave (prct. cleft ; pp. cleft or cleaved), to split, 1^ p'o'. P'o, ^ ^] p'ek, .hoi. P'ih k'di. glj ^ 'p'au hoi. P'au k'di, ^ij jling. Ling; to cleave or split wood, ^ ^ p'o' jCh'ai. P'o ch'ai ; to cleave a- sunder, ^i^ipl^i^ p'o' .hoi Ueung kut^. P'o k'di liang kiucli, ^ M M ^X P'^k, jWai Ueung tiin'. P'ih wei lidng twan. Cleave, to part, ^ ^ lit^ la . Lieh hia, ^ ^ lit^ hoi. Liehk'di; to crack, ^ lit^. Lieh, J^ ch'dk,. Ch'ih, ^ [1^ lit, .hoi. Lieh k'di, >^ |^ pau' lit,. Pdu lieh. Cleaved, split, I^X M P'"' ^^o'- ?'« kwo, ^ i^ lit, kwo'. Lieh kwo, ^^M lit, Id' kwo'. Lieh hid kwo. Cleaver, one who cleaves, ^ ^ p'o' *ch6. P'o c\\6, # rt ^ p'ek, .hoi 'ch'6. P'ih k'di cU ; a but- cher's instrument for cutting animal bodies into joints or pieces, ^|J JJ 'p'au .t6. P'au tdu ; a wood cleaver, ^ J] ch'di .tb. Ch'di tdu. Cleaving, sticking, '^'^^ .chim ch6uk,. Nien choh, ^ ^ .ch'i shat,. Ch'i shih, ^ ^ .kdu rhii'. Kidu cliu ; adhering, as to a person or doctrine^ '^ ni'. Ni; splitting, :^ p'o'. P'o, ^ ^ p'ek, ,hoi. P'ih k'di. Cledge, among minoi-s, the upper stratum of fuller's earth, ^:^ iflf )B }f Id' kwik,. Hid kih, ^i^^^ yat, jt'iu lit, Id'. Vili t'idu lieh • Pjttlm 83,15; Pb. 44,86; Ps. 187,6. ~" hid; a cleft in the ground, j^j|i|^ ti' kwik,. Ti kih; a flaw in a gem, ^ ^hd. Hid, Jg J| Jid yan*. Hid bin. Cleft-footed, having a cloven foot, ^^^ .fan t'ai tik,. Fan t'i tih, ^^V^ .fan ^t'ai ke'. Cleft-graft, to ingraft by clea>-ing the stock, and inserting a cion, 3)^ ^ kdp, pok,. Kidh poh. Clematis g§ ^ ^ .sai /dn ^lin. Si fan lien, ^ ^ ^ kf .siiang 'ts'6. Ki sang ts'du. Clemency, mildness, '^^ .fiin jyung. Kwan yung, %X /"n tdi'. Kwdn td, >^^ .pdu ^ung. Pdu yung, ^ ^ ,yan .fun. Ngan kwdn, %iz S^n jA'an. Kwdn jin ; tenderness, jg ^^^ ^ts'z j)i. Ts'z Pi» 't M jyan jts'z. Jin ts'z, ]^ ^ ts'z jl^ung. Ts'z lidng ; compassion, ^ f^ ^lin 4nan. Lien min ; indulgence, ^ ^. juni? shii'. Yung shu, -^^ .fun shii'. Kwdn shii, '^^ /dn ii'. Kwdn yu ; to show clemency, ^ if^ .fun sh6'. Kwdn sbie, %^ /un yau'. Kwdn yii, ^^% jan .fun. Ngan kwdn, ^ J@. .shi .yan. Shi ngan, ^ ^ jhang .yan. Hang ngan. Clement, gentle, ^;CiM&»f S^^ ,«am tik,. Kwdn sin tih, ig. ^ .wan ,yau. Hwan jau, fg^ '^ .wan jl(iung. Hwan lidng ; lenient, %fS'^ .fun shu' tik,. Kwdn shu tih, %^^ .fun yau' tik,. Kwdn yii tih ; merciful, j^ ^^ ^ts'z j)i. Ts'z pi, ^ jg jan jts'z. Jin ts'z, )}%^ .shi .yan. Shi ngan, ^ '^ fl^ I10 ^lin ke'. Clemently, with mildness of temper, '^^^ .fun In. Kwdn jen, "^i^i^fy .fun .sam tik,. Kwdn sin tih, i^ ^ cWan jin. Hwan jen, ^ ^ ^yau ^in. Jau jen; mercifully, ^ ^ 0^ /un shii' tik,. Kwdn shii tih; to treat clemently, ^f^ .fun toi'. Kwdn tdi, }g^ .shi jan. Shi ngan. Clench, see Clinch. Clcpsanunia, an instrument for measuring time by sand, ij/"'^^ .shd lau' ^li. Shd lau hii. Clepsydra % ^ lau' ^li. Lau hii, %\ -^ bdk, lau*. K'eh lau, |js] ^^M jt'^ng ,^ tik, lau'. T'lmg hii tih lau, gr '^ ,kang lau'. Kang lau ; the up- per division of the clepsydi-a, B ^^ .vat, .t'in jii. Jib t'ien liii; the second ditto, ^;fC0 sP'i^ig 'shui /i. P'ing sbwui hu, :^ ^ ^ ytr^t'ln jii. Y6 t'ien hii; the tbiixl ditto, ^;K^ sl»a«' 's^ui jii. Shau sbwui hii ; the fourth or lowest ditto, t'^:^ll "^<^n' 'shui jii. "Wdn sbwui hii. Clergical, see Clerical. Clergy, the body of men set apart for the service of God, in the Christian Cbui-cb, ^j|:5:Uj5 ^kw'an muk, .sz. K'iun mub sz ; in the Kom. Cath. Cbuivh, g j||$ :^ jkw'an ^shan fii'. K'iun sliin fu ; Buddiiist clergy, ^ j^ [Sjg ^k'wan fdt, ,sz. K'iun fiib sz ; the clergy and laity, among Bud- dhists, f^ £ 3i x§ lun' 'li jja" l«an' chi' *un. Lun li yu kin chi yuen, # ^ ^ -^- M ^ s^n '" jJ'au j)i chi' .k6. Yen yu yu pi chi kdu ; rising to a climax, }0 ^ ^ iK st«'ang ^ts'ang ts'z' ts'z*. Ts'ang ts'ang ts'z ts'z, ^.^Ic^i^^ k'ap, k'ap, .k6 ,tang. Kih kih kdu tang, ^■^^\^ p6' p6' Van tsun'. Pu pu yin tsin ; the climax of power, ^ k6 kik,. K'iuen chl kAu kill ; r^' \i jk'iin ,chl tdu, f^ J^ttl it^ ti^ rising to the climax of literarj' fame, -^ -^ ^ W ^' p^' p^' ct^°o i^'^^ c*'^'- ^^ p^ ^^o y"° t'i. Climb (pret. and pp. climbed), to, ^ Jl .p'dn ^sh^ung. P'dn shdng, jB^ J: j)'d *sh6ung. V'A shdng, /^ jiin. Yuen, ^ ^ j)'iin ^un. P'dn yuen, ^J^ j)'dn ,tsai. P'dn tsi, ^ ^k'iu. K'idu; to climb a tree, ^ ±, 1^ .p'dn ^shdung shu*. P'dn shdng shu, jE^ ± ;^ ^p'd 'shdung shii\ P'd shdng slui, j^ 7J1; ^iin muk^. Yuen muh, ^ i" i|aj .tang ^sh6ung shii^ Tang shdng shd ; to climb a iiill,"^llj .tang^shdn. Tang shdn, Ji^Jj ^sh^ung .shan. Shdng shdn, ^ .tsai. Tsl ; to climb, as ivy, ^ J" ,ldn ^sh^ung. Ijdn shdng, ^ ^ ki' .shang. Ki sang. Climbable pf ^ jt '^o .P'^n ^shdung. K'o p'dn shdng, pTI^ Jl 'ho j)'d 'sh^ung. K'o p'd shdng, pf ^ 'ho jiin. K'o yuen, pf ^ 'ho .tang. K'o tang, Pf 3i 'bo .Idn. K'o Idn. shdung kwo'. P'dn shdng t itj ti^ Jeh ti ; the tempemte zone Climbed ^ Jt. >^ ,p'dn Si or climate, f^ ^ .wan t6\ Wan tdu, i^ J^ kwo, jE^ J;^ p'd Sh^ung kwo'. P'd shdng kwo, TK d^ <^^'^" s'<^""g 'shui 't'6. "Wan lidng shMui t'li ; the cold zone or climate, ^ jj|[ ^hon ib\ Hdn tdu, ^ illi jhon ti'. Hdn ti, \^ i^ 'lang ti'. Jiang ti ; the climate is cold, 7|C dl 1^ ?^ '«h"i Vh jhon leung. Shwui t'li hdn liang ; a hot climate, ^i^ it^ ti'. Jeh ti, ±MM^ '^'6 hi' il >M <1'^" sh^ung kwo'. Ldn shdng kwo. Climber, one who climbs, mounts, or rises by the hands and feet, ^±^ .p'dn 'sh^ung 'ch6. P'dn shdng ch^, jfi^Jl^ ^p'd 'sh^ung 'ch^. ^^ .tang 'ch^. Tang l-M, ^ .h A\I ^^^ *sh6ung tik,. I.dn shdng (ill. 'shii Itj. T'li k'i sbiTi jeh ; the three climates of a Climbing ^ _t .p'dn Sh^ung. P'lln shang, JC^ ±^ hemisphere, ^jstt J^ £^ ^ piin' ti' ^k'au .sdm t6' Pwdn ti k'id sdn tdu, ^ i^ ^fc Ef ^ pun' ti' jk'au .sdm tdi'. Pwdn tl k'iii sdn tdi ; the cli- '> mate does not agree with me, TfC db Pa 'n^ *sl"'' ' 't'i> ^m hopj. Shwui t'li pub boh, ;!K±P^5^ 'sliiii 't'?) jm .ngdm, '^^ B- y^C ±, pat, fuk^ 'sluii 't'6. , Pub fuh shwui t'li, 4^ ^ yi< ± pat, h6p^ 'shui j 't'?>. Pub hob shwui I'li; go to a cold climate, 1 •^ J^ Itb liii' 'la"S ti'- 1^'*^ 1»«^P ti- i Climatic ) -;t^ ± P^ 'shui 't'6 kt^', y^: ± f^ij 'shui '; Climaticalj 't'6 tik,. Shwui t'li tib. ^ ^ j':| pertaining to a bed, j^ |^f| ^ch'ong tik,. Clinical, jChw'Angtih, p^v^ ^ch'ong k6'; a clinical lecture, ^i=f ^ M ^ j^ang ^i ni lun\ Hang i li 1"^. ^.^J§&m^ ^'^oi' peng' /ong lun' ,1. Tsdi ping f4ng lun i. Clinic; one confined to bed by sickness, ^^ ^ ngo^ peng^ 'ch6. Ngo ping ch6 ; medical praxis, Tt^Z^ cl^ang ^i ^chi f4t,. Hang 1 chl lah. Clink, to ring or jingle, Jj" Jj" ^ting ,ting. Ting ting, ^J^ ,ting ,tong. Ting tang; to make a small, I sharp sound, fy fy ^ting ^ting. Ting ting, ^ Jj" J^^ ts6^ ^ting ^tong ^shing. Tso ting tdng shing. Clink, a sharp sound, made by the collision of small, sonorous bodies, ^ ^ ^ ,ting ^ting ^shing. I Ting ting shing, JT % ^ # c^mg ,tong\shing 'li^ung. Ting tang shing hiang. Clinker, of a furnace, ^ ^^ '^ 'fo ^t'dm ^mui. Ho fan mei. Clinking Jj" J^ ,ting ,tong. Ting tdng. Clinometer, an instrument for measuring the dip of mineral strata, ^ zp. ^jj. ^j- ^ts'ang j)'ing ^ts'6 ^cham. Ts'ang p'ing sic chin, t£ ^ ^^ "^t teng^ jP'ing jts'6 ^cham. Ting p'ing sie cliin. Clinquant, tinsel, 7|^0P^i^ ^chong ^hong kd' mat,, f^fliS^^ 'fan sliik, tik, mat,. Tan sih tih wuh', ^ SM. ,p'Hi ,t' au. ■ _ Clip, to cut olf with shears or scissors, ^ 'tsln. Tsien, |^^ 'tsin hii'. Tsien k'ii, pjlff 'tsin tun'. Tsien twan, f^^ kau' hii'. Kiau k'ii, g^ji/f 'kdu' tiinS ^ij ^tsai. Tsi, j:|j 'tsin. Tsien, ^ shai'. Shdi; to curtail, '^ ^^ 'tsin 'tiin. Tsien twdn ; to se- parate by a sudden stroke, i|i/f -^ 'cham hii'. Chan k'ii, jgi ^ p'lt, hii'. P'ieh k'ii; to clip money, ^ chap, ^ngan. Sah yin, ^ ^ kdu' jUgan. Kiau yin ; to clip a sheep, '^ ^ 'tsin jdung. Tsien yang; to clip into bits, ^ ^ chdp^ sui'. Sah sui, |3J ^ chdp, yau'. Sah yu ; to run very fast, ^ ^ 'p'au 'tsau. P'du tsau ; to fly straiglit, like a falcon, |^ ^j^ chik^ /i. Chih fl; he clips it, ^^^ ,t'a 'p'du 'tsau. T'd p'du tsau. Clip, a blow or stroke with the hand, — Q ^ yat, ,pd 'cheung. Yih pa chdng, — • |||| yat, kwdk, ; tlie act of sheep-shearing, fpj ^ ^ 'tsin cycling 'ch6. Tsien yang ch6 ; the clip or product of sheep-s'iearing, ^^ 'tsin wok,. Tsien hwoh ; a clip, an embrace, — • |^ yat, 'lam Yihldn, — • |^ ^ yat. 'Mm 'che. Yih Idn che. Clipped, \ cut off, ^ )^ 'tsin kwo'. Tsien kwo, |J Clipt, J^i^ 'tsin hu kwo'. Tsien k'ii kwo, ^ IITt M. 'tsin tiin- kwo'. Tsien twdn kwo ; cur- tailed, 5^ ^5 aI^ 'tsin 'tiin kwo'. Tsien twdn kwo ; diminished by paring, '^ '^j^ 'tsin 'shiii kwo'. Tsien shdu kwo, ^ ^.[U ^}^ 'tsin sal' kwo'. Tsien si kwo, ^^'^ chdp, hii' kwo'. Sdh k'ii kwo. Clipper, one who clips, '^^^ 'tsin hii' 'chd. Tsien k'u ch6, l^lif # 'tsin tiin' 'ch6. Tsien twdn cM, W M ^ 'tsi'i 'tiin '^^^- Tsien twdn chd; one who cuts off the edges of coin, ^ ^ ^ chdp, ^ngan 'che. Sdh yin ch6, ^^^^ chdp^ <^gan ^pln 'che. Sdh yin pi en ch6; a clipper (ship), '|^ j^ fai' ,s1iiin. ^Kw'di ch'uen, '^ ,^ P^ f^ fdi' 'shai k6' ^shun. Clipping, cutting off with the shears or scissors, ^ CLI (406) CLO ^ 'tsin htt'. Tsicn k'ii, ^ j|Jf 'tsin tun'. Tsien I to wind up a clock, Jl ^ ^ ^ 'sh^ung .chung twdn, ^ ^ 'tsIn Jioi. Tsicn k'di ; clipping coin, j)iu Jin. Sbdng chung pi6u lien. •tji chd])^ jttgan. 'Sdli yin ; curtailing, ^ ^ Clock, to make a noise like the hen, n^ B)^ ^ kok. *tsin 'tiin. Tsien twAn ; the clippings, or that which is clipped off, "^ .^ ;^ /^ 'tsin liti' ^chi mat, Tsien k'u chi wuh, U ^ P^E ^ 'tsIn hu' k6' y6, ^ -p^ *tsin sui'. Tsien sui ; the clippings of a paper, |l^ [i| ^ ^ 'tsln ch'ut, ^san ^man. Tsien cli'uh sin wan, :j^ ^ ^f f4| '^^^^ 'tsin ,san ^man. Kien tsien sin wan. Clique, a narrow circle of persons, ^' 'tong. Tdng, 119^ jP'a^o 'tong. P'ang tilng; to form a clique, ^H'M kit, 'tong. Kieh tdng. kok, ,shing. Clock-maker, ^ <|*{ fjjfj f|j[ ching j)iu ^z fu^ Ching piAu sz fu, H$j!j%^^ jShl ^shan ,chung ts^ung*. Shi shin chung tsiang. Clock-work, the machinery and movements of a clock, f^^^ .Chung .ki. Chung ki, $i ^ :^ .chung .pill .ki. Chung pidu ki ; well-adjusted work, with regular movement, ^^pH'r5 /'hung .kl kom' 'hdu. Chung kl kdn k'idu, S^ |(| (^ ^^ miu' tung' k6' hi'. Cloak, ") a loose outer garment worn over other Clod, of earth, — j^ ^ J^^, ^^^^ s^ai, ^ g^ ^nai , j clothes, both by men and women, ^ ^ .t'au, — ^^ y^K ^'"' j^^^- ^'^ kw'di nl, — ^ Cloke tdi' .lau. Td lau, ^\> f||. tdi' kwd'. Td kwd. a rain-cloak, ^ :}l .so .1. So I ; to put on a cloak, Mi^M: (^heuk, tdi' .lau. Choli td lau, :^ A Jp^ .lau tdi' .lau ; to put on a palm-leaf cloak and put out a fin; — to rush deliberately into danger, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .lau .so .1 kail' 'fo. Lau so I kiu ho ; th^t which conceals, ^ k'oi'. K'di, ^ ^ k'oi' mat^. K'di wuh ; a disguise or pretext, f^ ^ ^ jdung jWai *ch6. Ydng wei che, sj^ ^ ^ chd' jWai 'ehe. Chd wei ('bo ; under the cloak of vir- tue, i^M^^ s^^'ung jwai tak,. Ydng wei teh, f^ ^ ^ chd' jWai shin*. Chd wei sben. Cloak, to hide, ^ 'yan. Yin, |^ (g Van nik,. Yin nib ; to cloak over, ;^^ 'Im pai'. Yen pi, ^^'f^ 'im cbu\ Yen chu, ^ (g 'Im nik . Yen nili, «k t'(V. Wdi t'du, i^ I ± yat, fdi' Vb. Yih kw'di t'u, ijv p'ok,. P'oh, ^ kwd' 'tsz. Kwd tsz ; jlf fdi'. Kw'di, ^ p'ok,. P'oh, ig pik,. Pib ; the ngor ground, J^ 't'6. T'li; the clod we tread, ^/fi^^ JH^ 'sho tsIn* .chi ti^ So tsien chl ti ; baser than a clod of earth, ^i^— fg:^ tsin* kwo' yat, kau' jUai ; to be but a clod of earth, ^i^^f^ iTij 2, pat, kwo' ^nai ^ch'an ,1 H. Puli kwo ni cb'in rh i; to be under the clods, iL^^~\^ kau jts'iin .chi hd*. Kid ts'iuen chi hid ; a dull, gross, stupid fellow, —^^M yat, kau* ,nai J'au, — ^^ yat, jt'iin ^nai. Yib tw'dn ni ; stu])id, avS a clod of earth or a canned idol, :^ @| 7|^ |@ P^ jUai .tiu muk^ s6' k6' ; to level the ground by knocking the clods to pieces, ^ ^ :^ HS cPOug sui' ^nai .t'au. Pdng sui nl t'au, ^^-^bM f^'^ *"'' s^^* ,t'au. Ts'u sui ni t'au. j[^ .ch6 'im." Ch6 yen ; to cover, ^ ^ "im k'oi'. i Clod, to coagulate, see Clot. Yen k'di ; to cloak over one's sin, if^ S f^ 'im Clod, to pelt with clods, f^ J^ HR ^ P^ i"*^ s^'^u 'ki tsui*. Yen ki tsui, ;|f It. X^ ^ 'im ^k'l pat, 'tarn, ^^ 'tam ^nai, ^±^Z "^ '^'^ ^^K <'^^^- shin*. Yen k'l pub sben, jg il| .ch6 'cli'au. Cb6 I t'u kib chi. ch'au, -J^ J^ .ch6 .sau. Ch6 siii ; to use as a Cloddy, consisting of clods, f^ :^ "(^ kau* ^nai k6\ cloak, f^ ^ j>6ung ^wai. Ydng wei, ^ ^ chd' | ^|/&n|^ fdi' ^nai k6' ; earthy, ^^^ ,nm ^ch'an jWai. Chd wei. \ tik,. 2si cb'in tih ; mean, ^ ;^ P|^ tsin* nai k^'. Clock, a time-piece, fl.^M$^ jShI ^shan .chung. Shi i Clod-liopper, a dolt, ^ ^ ^nai jt'au, — ^ ^ fM. shin chung, |^ .chung. Chung, ^ ^ .chung "piti. Chung pidu, ^ ^ .chung .piii. Chung | pidu ; a clock that strikes, [^ P,^ ^^ tsz* ^ming .chung. Tsz ming chung; ditto one that does not strike, ^ ?^^^ I'lji pat, jUiing .chung. Puh ming chung; an alann clock, ^J)^ ndu* .chung. Ndu chung ; a musical clock, /\, -^ $^ pat, .yarn .chung. Pdb yin clmng, ^^ "gokj .clmng. Yob chung; a ship's clock, |!J(J $^ * jShim .chung. yat, kail* ^nai ^t'au, ^ \ tun* ^yan. Tun jin ; a clown, m ^^'in '16. T'ien lau, ffl ^ ,t'in /u. T'icn fu, 0J ^ J'in ^t'oi. T'ien t'di, ^ j% pdk^ 'ch'au. Peh ch'au, (JJ tft jt'in ^man. T'ien min. Clod-pade, a dolt, ij^ ^nian. Min. Clod-pole, a stupid fellow, $i(tA ^"u' j}'^"- Tun jin. Clog, to impede, ^11 M <<'^"^ ^^K Tdn koh, jjfl. ft 'cho ngoi*. Tsu ngdi, |^ (JJ. ^Idn 'cho. Ldu tsu ; to burden, ^ ^ ^t'o chii*. T'o chd, ^ ^ chat, Cb'uen chung; what o'clock is it?" ^ ^ ^d i^ ngoi*. Chih ngdi. 'ki .to 'fim .diung. KI to tien chung, ^ ^^ li ' Clog, to coalesce, ji^Jg .ch'i ^mdi. Cb'i mdi ; to ad- here in a cluster or mass, )|^ ^ — ■ f^ ,ch'I jUidi yat kau* ; to be loaded with or eneumberetl witli Sau chat ngoi* Yd Pj^ 'ki 'tini .chung .nl ; it is just 12 o'clock, -p z: ^/i ^ bai* sbai), i* 'tim .chung. Ill shih rli tien chung, •j^. l7^ -^- hdi* ching' ^g. HI ching cxtmneous matter, ^ wii ; it is three o'clock, 'J^>HS'^,^ hai* .sdm 'tim chih ngdi. jChung. Ill sdn lien chung; to ir|)air clocks. Clog, anything put upon an animal to binder nio- 11^ ^ ^ ^ ,8au 'ching .chung .piu. Sid ching tion or leaping, gjj ^ ^t'o mat^. T'o wuh, fi^ Pgt chung pidu ; to regulate a clock, 1^ '^ ^ ^ SJ" j^'" k(S' ^6; an encumbrance. PIl^()»j4^ 'cho k4u' 'cliun .chung j)iu. Kidu clum chung pidu ; I ngoi* tik, mat,. Tsu ngdi tih wuh ; a clog or • Jbii termis frtijucnUj- used for chrorMW^ten | wooded shoe, ^fC^ muk^ k'ek^. Muh k'ih. CLO k'ek^ ,hai. K'ili hiai, i^ sik,. Sih, ^ fuk,. Fuh; red-top clogs, ^^^ }^^^S J^'^ k'ek^. Hung p'i k'ih, ^ ® tK j^ ,k6 'ch'i muk, k'ek,". Kau ch'i mull k'ih ; that is a fine estate, but there is a clog upon it, ^HSI^, i?n^#|>^ ,kd ip, ^sui ^kai, jl -yau kwa' tdi'. Kia nieh sui kia, rh yd kwd tai. Clogged, wearing a clog, ©t ^ "^ .<^'o chir k6\ ^ ^V^ chui^ chii^ U\ ^^l-^^U^ -yau kwd' tdi' k^' mat^ ; loaded with incumbrance, '^ ^ ff= i"^ 1^ yau chatj ngoi' ke' -ye, ^ jj^ sak, kwo'. Seh kwo ; the aqueduct is clogged, ^[C i^ ^ '^ 'shui ^kau sak, chi\\ Shwui kau sih chu. Clogging, putting on a clog, J|D^ ^ ^t'o cliii-. T'o chu, ^ ^ chui" chil^ Chui chu ; loading with j encumbrance, ^ ^ chat ngoi'. Chih ngai ; ob- structing, (5g. ^ 'cho ngoi . Tsu ngai, ^ -(^ sak^ chii^ Seh chii ; impeding, jj^B ^^ ^tam kok,. Tdn koh. Cloister, a Rom. Cath. monastery, f^ |li I^ ,sau ; t6^ un\ Siu tau yuen ; ditto of the Buddhists, ^ ^ fat^ tsz-. Full tsz, ^ ^ fat, ^t'ong. Fuh j t'ang, ^ij cli'at,. Chdh; a nunnery, j^ 6m. Ngan, }IUM Jll tsz' ke', A # &>f yap^ tsz' tik,. Jih tsz tih, A /fe "^ yap, .om ke', A ^ &\J yap, .6m^ tik,. Jih ngdn tih, A f# il ^ "It yap, .sau t6'- iin' ke'; solitary, (g ^ 'yau chii'. Yin chii, |^ ^ 'yan ,kii. Yin kii, |^ ^ ,yau ,kii. Yii kii ; inclosed, ke', ^M^'U yau jwai ^ts'eung k6\ Cloisterer, one belonging to a cloister, ^ [Jg i§ tsz' 'yau 'che. Tsz yin che, j^ ^ ^ Jom ,kii 'ch6. 'Ngdn ku che, \^ ^ ^ ,yau ,ku 'che. Yu kii ch6. Cloistering, shutting one's self up in a monastery, A ^ yap, tsz'. Jih tsz, A ^ yap, ,6m. Jih ng^n, A M yap> ^un'. Jih kwan, A f# €.1^ ydpj ,8au t6' iin\ Jih siu tdu yuen ; secluding from the world, ^ [f^ ,kwai 'yan. Kwei yin, {f| ^ ch'ut, ,kd. Ch'uh kia. Cloistress, a nun, J^ ^ ^ni ,ku. Ni ku, j^g ^ ^ni ,kii. Nikii. Clonic, convulsive, :j|^ ^y(/ ,ch'au ,kan. Ch'au kin ; clonic spasm, '(^^§/jifB£ ,slian shuk, ,kan ching'. Shin shuh kin ching. Close, to shut, as the door, ;j^ i^ *im ^mdi. Yen mdi, 1^ pai'. Pi, ^ ii pai' ^mai. Pi mdi, f^ ^ ,shdn ^mdi. Shdn mai, ^ ^ ,kAvdn ^mai. Kwdn mai; to close up a letter, ^ p S^^^S '^au. Fung ik "IE jWai chii' (407) CLO k'au, ^ P '(3 /ung 'hau sun'. Fung k'au sin, ^ M S^^^S ku . Fung ku, ^ p ,kdm 'hau. Kienk'au, f^^^ 'kim ,fung. Kien fung; to close up a cask, ;J5D i^ ^t ^^ +5^ chat, chu' ,p'i j)'a 't'ung. Chih chu p'i p'a t'ung, ^ ^ ^Jt j^^ ;j;| ,fung chii' ,p'i ,p'ii, 't'ung. Fung chu p'i p'a t'ung; to close a book, f^j^^^ 'k'am ^niai p6' ,shii ; to close the eyes, p|iff] i^ [jR ,mi ,mai 'ngdn, ^iMM .mi, mai -ngan, -^^BR hop.'^mai^ngdn. Hoh mai yen, f^ g^ pai' 'ngdn. Pi'yen, ^^ g pai' muk,. Pi muh, ^ i^ ^ \\^ h6p^ ^mdi ,sheung 'ngan. Hoh mdi shwdng yen, 0. g -'ming mukj. Ming muh, |g 'im. Yen, 0|^ ^min. Mien, ^^ kwok,. Kwoh, |^ hang'. Hang; to close the mouth, '^ ig P h6p, ,mai 'hau. Hoh mai k'au, P(^ :i| P ,mi ,mdi 'haii. Mi mdi k'au, ^ P kam' 'hau. Kin k'au, ^ p kam' 'hau. Kin k'au, $^ p ,kdm 'hau. Kien k'au, g p sak, 'hau. Seh k'au; to unite or close as a wound, i^ P ,mdi 'hau. Mdi k'au, f^ ^i P jliin ^mai 'hau. Lien mdi k'au ; to close an account, "^ |!i^ ,ts'ing sh6'. Ts'ing su, ^^ ,un kit,. Yuen kieh, ^g; ,iin sh6'. Yuen sii, ff ||j ,ts'ing 'fiin. Ts'ing kw'dn ; to close a bargain, ^ ^-^ 'kong ^shing kd'. Kidng ching kid; to close the public offices, as is done before the Chinese new year, ^ fp ,fung yan'. Fung yin ; to conclude, as a speech, ^1^ pat, shiit,. Pih shwoh; to close an affair or play, 1\JC i^ ,shau ,ch'eung. Shau ch'dng, ^ ^ jiin ,ch'eung. Yuen ch'dng ; to finish, as a work, )j^^ jSliing tsau'. Ching tsiu, ^j^ ts6' ^shing. Tso ching, ^ X M ,kung. Yuen kung, ^ ^ ,lin sz'. Yuen sz, J^ 'liii sz'. Lidu sz; to close, as a hole, t^ ^ ,t'in sak,. T'ien sell, j^ ^ pai' sak,. Pi scii,':^ ^ 't6 sak,. Tu seh, ^ ^ chat^ sak,. Chih seh ; to inclose, to encompass, [see Inclose]; to close a breach, ^jj^p sak, ^ts'^ung 'liau. Seh ts'idng k'au, ^^/^ sak, ,pang ch'ii'. Sell pang ch'ii ; to close Avell or tightly, ^ ^ ,fungmat^. Fungmih, ^^ ,fung kii'. Fung kii, ^ j^ ,fung ,im. Fung yen ; to move or bring together, i^j^ .mdi kan'. Mai kin; to close bat- tle, -^^^ h6p, chin'. Hoh chen; to close or unite two separate objects, i{g p ,mdi 'hau. Mdi k'au, ^ii h6p^ ^mdi. Hoh mdi, '-^ — h6ii^ yat,. Hoh yih ; to close and lock, ^ ^ 'so y6uk,. So yoh ; to close a shop with bars, jt ^ ;^ 'sheuug ^k'i tung'. Shdng k'i tung, J^ ||| -f- 'sh^ung Jung 'tsz. Shdng lung tsz. Close, to, asaAvound, ^i^ ,shang,mai. Sang mdi, j^ p ^mdi 'hau. Mdi k'au ; to end, terminate, ^jiin. Yuen, f 'liil. Lidu, ^ pat,. Pih, '^^ ,ts'ing 'ch'o. Ts'ing ts'u ; to close, as the day, i|^ ,shau. Shau ; the day closes, [J ^ yat^ ,shau. Jill shau, 5j^ ^ ,ts6ung ^mdn. Tsidng wdn; to close on or upon, ^^ ^ ,t'au h6p,. T'au hoh, ;^ =§_ ,t'au f. T'au 1,.^^ ^ y^uk, h6p^. Yoh hoh ; to close with or accede to, J^ fy 'chun jhang. Chun hang ; to consent or agi'ee to, ^ ^ Van CLO (408) CLO Mih fjiDf^ ; close Meather, |$ f^ ^ cheun^' ai' ^t'in. Clifin^ i t'ien, ^ ^ nuit ^wau. Mih yun ; close air, ^^^ ai' kuk^ hi'. I kiuh k'i ; a close prisoner, ^ ?^ ^ tso' mat, ^kam. Tso mih kien, ^ M J^ tso^ hak, jfong. Tso heh fiing ; a close ii^hi,%j fy tui' 'ta. Tiii tii; a close coat, ^ !^ ^^ 'kau jSlian ^sliAm. Kin shin san; a close style, Bij -^ ^ 'kan tsitj ,man. Kitm tsieh wan ; close writing, ^^ mat/'se. Mih sie, >^ f^ if ?g 's6 tak, 'hu m;it^. Sie ttili htin inili ; close conncc- t'on, jtjpl P^ 'ho >'an ke', fij ^ \^] 'h6 .ts'an ts'itj. llau ts'iti ts'ieh ; U) keep a close correspon- dence with one, S j§ ^ jl: "^ tat^ ,ts an i'. Uii ti'ih ts'iu i, S iQ iiii tj§ u^ ^seimg ,t'ung ,ts'ing. llu siang t'ung ts'ing; close study, ^ ;tl» ^ ^chiin ^sam hok,. Chuen sin hioh ; a close jest, M P % M x^ li' 'li»" ke' .fui ,hai. Li k'au tiii hwui hiai ; close texture, i^ ^ slian' raat^. Shin mih, |f|} ^ ,min mat^. Mien miii, jj^ 'kaii. Kin ; close meslied, -^ jlj^ ntat^ "mong. Mih wung, ^^ ^ sliokj 'mong. Shoh wdng, [^ 'man. Miii ; close conversation, fS U^ f i^^ >^ ts'uk, s;»t, ,t'am ,sam. Ts'uh siii t'lin sin; close work, ^^'^fltX matj shat, ke' ^kung, '[§^ ,han kim^ K'ien kien ; to kee[) a thing close, ^ ^ |i^ '^ '()i sz^ *yan mat^. Pi sz yin mih ; to write close, ^ J;^ mat^ 'se. Mih sie; to pull the hridle close, ij^jjl^.l^lg lakj 'kan 'nni ^keung. Leh kin ma kiang; to follow one close, gg !Ji$^ ,kau 'kan 'ml. Kin kin *chun. Yun chun ; to unite with, j^ ^ ^sdung b6p^. Siang hoh ; to close with one, ^ A 1^ ^j3[ 'ii ^yan tau' 'au. Yii jin tau ngau. Close, an inclosed place, j^ ^wai. Wei ; conclusion, ^ ^chung. Chung, |^ tsun^ Tsin, ^ mut^. Moll ; at the close of life, ^ ^ Jam ^ehung. j Lin chung, !0f ^ ^shan ^chung. Shin chung, ^ ^ shau^ ^chung. Shau chung, ^ ^ mcmg^ , ^chung. Ming chung ; at the close of the play, : % .^ .tsc^ung ^iin. Tsiang yuen, i% i)^ jg£ (|^ Jseung ^shau jCh'eung ^shi. Tsiang shau eh'ang ^ shI ; at the close of the day, ^ ^ ^tscung 'mdn. ' Tsiang wan, ^ ^ ^tseung ra6^ Tsiang mu, ^|^./^g^ yjit, ^tseung lok^ ^shl. Jih tsiang loh shi, gjj^^l^a^ yatj J.s6ung ^shau jshi. Jih tsiAng shau shi, 9 5|l^ |^^^ yat^ ,tseung ^kwai .shi. Jih tsiilng kwei shi ; the close of the year, i^\^ .nin i 'tai. Nien tl, 4|^ J^ jnin 'mi. Nien wi, ^^ jiiin 'man. Nien wdn, ^ |^ sui' m6\ Sui mu, ^ >j;j; sui' 'miii. Sui miau, ^ ^ jCh'ii tsik^. Ch'ii tsih, 1^ a; W ^ch'u tsik, yat,. Ch'u tsih jih, (J^ H jCh'ii yat,. Ch'u jih; the close of the moon, ^J i^ iit^ 'iniu. Yueh miau, f\ |^.Jt ut^ ki'. Yueh ki ; the close of a season, ^\j^ kwai' 'mii'i. Kwei miau, ^ 5J^ kwai' mut^. Kwei moh, ^ J^ kwai' ; 'mi; a cessation, |y5C .^, hit, sik^. Ilieh sih, ^ ^^, ^t'ing sik.. T'ing sih, ^ ^ ^t'ing hit,. T'ing liieh, f^ ih jt'ing 'chi. T'ing chi; a gra])ple in wrestling or lighting, f^\^^ tau' 'au. Tau ngau. Close, shut fast, ^* ]g mat^ shat^. Mih shiii, ^J ^ wi ; close to, jg; kan^ Kin, jg; 1^^ kan^ ^ii ; close pai' maty Pi mih, ^^V^ 'kan mat^ Kin mih, f^ ^ 'kan hopy Kin hoh, j^ ^ ^chau mat^ Chau [ mill. ^ ^ cCli'au maty Ch'au mih, '^ p mat^ i 'hau. Mih k'au, >^ ^ sYi^n-, maty Yung mih, | j|{i.^ pi' mat,. Pi mih, |^5g chi' maty Chi mih; viscous, ^ jg; ff ^yung maty Yung mih ; secretly, ;^ ,sz. Sz, fjj|j ,ehiin ^sam. Chuen sin ; earnest, ^^ jan jk'an. [ fjjlj ,t'au ,t'au. Yin k'in ; close, as the weather, (J^ ^ jam ai'. j Close- hod ied |^*^[|\J 'kan ^slian tik,. Kin shin tih. Yin i, ^%i ai' ity I jeh, §|[ ^ ai' kuky f kiuh. Close communion, see under §1 'i^ ai' 'eiiai*. i chi; strictly adhering to the , Close-Rsted ^^ :^- Juin lun'. K'ien Inn, ^^-^ .han original, jJJ; ^ kan' 'ts'z. Kin sz ; a mouth , kim*. K'ien kien. catches no flies, ^ P ]^ [iSiS^ * •^"•"'ik, 'hau pat, ; Close-handed, covetous, j^^C^* ,t'um ^stim. T'jln sin. k'ap, jying. Tseh k'au puh kih ying; a close Close-pent ^y*|y) 'kan pai'. Kin pi. man, "l^ ^ 'IE A .sham jCh'am k6' jan. Shin Close-(iuarlers /;jft ^5^) jshiin jliin. Ch'uen lAn ; to ch'in tih jin ; a close room, ^ ^- mat^ ^fong. t'ome to close quartei-s, g^ ;Jf t'ip, \L T'ieh tii, ' ifi: tr kan* 'tA. Kin til, [ij gpt miu' chin'. Mieu hy, if- Jli; 'ho kan'. llau kin, >f|f jg; seung kan'. Siang kin ; close to the wind, ^jtAfeV^ ^ai chii' ^fung 'shai. Yiii chu fung shi, % ^ )^ )^ t'ip, 'kan ,fung 'shai; to live close, jg ^ ,han kim'. K'ien kien ; close to the ground, j|^ ^ t'ip, ti'. T'ieh ti ; close adjoining, i^ jg; tsij), kan'. Tsieh kin ; a close carriagi!, ^ rfi ping' ^kii. Ping kii ; a close stool, |}(ij ;|^ ts'u' 'i. Ts'z i ; close-grained wood, ^ p'ok,. P'oh ; close communion, ^ fill N i^ ^ :^ i ^ t»K 'ii jt'ung kdu' 'die shiV, sliing' jts'iiu. Tuh yii t'ung kinu chtj shih shirtg ts'an ; close survcillane«>, ^jlj J^(l| ehai' fok,. Chi hoh ; to keep close watch over, nj^ ^^ ^ 'shau t-'ik, 'kan. Shau teh kin; a close chair, ,(i)f(j'l 'o>a 't'ung. Mil t'ung. CLO (409) CLO Close-tongued 'j^ =g P^ shan- ^in ke'. Closed, shut, p^^ ^;^ pai' kwo'.' PI kwo, ^ ^^ 'im kwo'. Yen kwo, ^^^Ma^ ,shaii ,mai k^vo'. Shdn mdi kwo ; endcti, l\^ ^ ^sliau kwo'. Shau kwo, ^jj^ jiin kwo'. Yuen kwo. Closely, closely united, ^^ ^ t'ip, 'kan. T'ieh kin, iS[ ^ ^nidi 'kan. Mai kin, j^ ^ kan" 'kan. Kin kin ; ditto, as husband and wife, ^ |g] ^t'iin ^iin. Tw'an yuen ; nearly, i^ ^ ^seung kan". Siang kin, jg jg; pik, kan*. Pih kiu ; intently, ^ j(j^ chiin sam. Chuen sin, M! 1^ van ,k'an. Yin k'in, '^ )^ Jau ^sam. Liu sin, ^ j\^^ 'ban ^sam. K'an sin ; secretly, ^ ,sz. Sz ; slily, ^ ^^l* ^kan watj. Kien liwah ; mtli near affection, ^ ^ts'an. Ts'in, H j£ ^ts'an kan'. Ts'in kin, ^ ^ ^seung ,ts'an. Siang ts'in ; within close limits, ^ mat^. Mih ; mth strict adlierence to the original, :^^ ,s^ung 'ts'z. Siang sz, j^ "^ ^seung ts'iu'. Siang ts'idu. Closeness, the state of being shut, [^ ^^ pa^i' 'kan 'ch6. PI kin che, ^ ^ ^ 'im 'kan 'che. Yen kin che ; the state of being pressed together, ^ 5^ ^ chak, shat, 'che. Tseh shih che ; the state of being closely united, ^^ ^ '^ t'lp, kan^ 'che. T'ieh kin che; naiTO\\iiess, ^'^ chdk, 'che. Tseh ch^ ; tightness, ^ ^ :^ niat^ shat^ 'che. Mih shih che ; firmness of texture in cloth, H^ ^ :^ ^mln mat^ 'ch6. Mien mih che, ^^^ kit, mat^ 'che. Kieh mih ch^ ; closeness of dress, ^%^ 'kan ^shan 'chd. Kin shin ch6, ^ ;^ 'kan 'che. Kin che; want of ventilation, ^ ^ kuk^ hi'. Kiuh k'l, ^^^ ai' kuk, hi'. I kiuh k'l; reserve in intercourse, |^ Jg 'yan ^kii. Yin kii, ^ Jg jts'im ^kii. Ts'ien kii ; secrecy, 3^, ^sz. Sz ; cau- tion, 1^ ^ 'kan shan'. Kin shin ; covetousness, ^ii^ ,t'Am ^sam. T'an sin ; penuriousness, 'f^-^ ^hdn klm\ K'ien kien ; near union, i^ ^ ^seung ,ts'an. Siang ts'in, ^ ^ ^ts'an 'che. Ts'in che, ^-^^ ,ts'an ts'It, 'che. Ts'in ts'ieh ch6; urgen- cy, ^ ^ 'kan kap,. Kin kih ; closeness of *i translation, ^^^^'^ /an yik^ kan^ ts'iu'. Pan yih kin ts'idu. Closet, a small room, ^ff /ong 'tsai, yh^l^ 'siu jfong ^kdn. Siau fdng kien, /]•% ^- -^ 'siii /ong 'tsz. Siau fang tsz ; any room for privacy, ^ ^ Pit ^- mat^ shat^ ke' /ong, ^> ^ ^^ ^ pi' mat^ tik, jfong. PI mih till fdng ; an apartment for curiosities, ^^}j^ lin' hi' /ong. llwdn k'l fang, "fr^l^M- 'ku un- hi' /ong. Ku hwdn k'l fang; a close apartment or recess, Bg" ^ om' jfong. Ngdn fang, ■^;HB^J^ ,titi ^mai mat^ /ong. Tidu mdi mill fang ; clos(;t under the stairs, ^ ^ ]^ jlau ^t'ai jfong. Lau t'i fang ; water-closet, /\\ ^ J^ -0* 'siu pin- /ong 'tsai. Closet, to shut in a closet, ij^ i^ ^ M ^shau ^mdi mat^ /ong. Shau mdi mih fang, ij^.i^H^j^ ^sliau ^mdi om' /ong. Shau mai ngdn fdng, 44-.^')v§^^ ,shau ^mdi pui^ teng'. ^^%\^ ^ .ts'ong tsoi^ ^mi fong. Ts4ng tsdi wi fapg; to conceal, ^i^ 'yan ,mdi. Yin mdi, ^^ nik, ^mai. Nib mai; to take into a pi'ivate apartment for consultation, y\ 'jj|f M ^ ^A y^Ps pni" jfong ^seung ^t'am. Jib pel fang siang fan, A^3MM yap> mat^ /ong ,shdung -i. Jib mih fang shang i, Afe M M @^ yap, pui^ jfong ^cham clieuk,. Closeted, shut up in a closet, J^^ ^ jl^ ^ ^ ^shau jUiai kwo' mat, /ong. Shau mdi kwo mih fang, ^mM'}$m '/i'i M^ kwo' pui^ /ong, A M Wf M S4 ffiv/ y^P> ^^°' ^^K jfong ^cham cheuk,. Jib kwo mih fdng chin choh. Closeting i\% ^^ ^ ,shau ,mai mat^ /ong. Shau mai mih fang, A ^ J§ 44 ®vl yap> "^^t^ /ong jCliam ch6uk,. Jib mih fang chin choh. Closing, as a door, j^ ;^ 'Im ^mai. Yen mai ; coa- lescing, ^1^.^ ^chim ^mai, ^^ ^shang ^mai. Sang mai ; agreeing, -^ i^ b6p^ f. Hob I ; ending, ^ jUn. Yuen, ^ pat,. Pih, f 'lili. Lidu, '^ ^ /s'ing 'cb'o. Ts'ingts'u; a closing word, i^i^ P^tJ .shau ^cb'eungk^' wdS j^JiP|tfS kit, ■mi ke wa . Closure, the act of shutting, ^^ ^ 'Im ^mai 'cb6. Yen mai che ; that which closes, as a wound, j^ P ^ ^mdi 'hau 'che. Mai k'an che, ^ ;^ % jSbang jUidi 'che. Sang mdi che ; the closure of a gap, i^^^ /'In sak, 'che. T'ien seb che. Clot, a concretion, — fgf^i^ yat, kau^ jk'ingmat^, — Bl yat, /'iin. Yih tw'an, — jjfft: yat, nap,. Yih lib ; a clot of milk, — f^^ ^ yat, kan* jk'ing Hi ; ditto of blood, — ' f^ ^ ||i yat, kau^ jying hiit,, — >|^ ig yat, kau^ bamS — f^ ^ ^ yat, kau^ tsik, hijt,. Clot, to concrete, as fluid matter, ^ .ying. Ying, M ^a eying kit,. Ying kieh, ^ ^\k'ing ^mdi, ^^ kit, ^mdi, Kieh mai, 3^ig tsik, ^mdi. Tsih nidi ; to form into clots, j^;^ — f^ kit, ^mdi yat, kau^ ^ ;^ — '3 jk'ing ^mdi yat, /'im. K'ing mdi yih tw'an. Cloth ^fj p6'. Pu ; piece goods *, ^ /E po' p'at,. Pii p'ih, /E^ p'at, /'au. P'ih t'au; foreign ditto, 7^ ^ jyenng p6'. Ydng pii ; cotton cloth, ;j^ ^ ^raln p6'. Mien pii, ;^ ^ tai^ p6'. Ta pii; grass- cloth, ^ ^ hd^ p6'. Hid pu ; hempen cloth, |j5^ ^ jind p6'. Md pii ; coarse ditto, 7f^ Hi ^ /s'5 ^nid p6'. Ts'u md pii, l^|p.5§jt ,po ^lo ^ma. Po lo md ; unbleached or grey long cloth, |^ ^ ^iin p6'. Yuen pii, 1^ ^ ^ jiin shik, p6'. Yuen sih pu ; bleached ditto, (^ ^ pdk^ p5'. Peh pii, |^ y^ ^ pak, cyet^ng p6'. Peh ydng pii, (^ "fe ^ pak^ shik, p6'. Peh sib pii ; fine cloth, ^ ^ sai' p6'. SI pii, 4* ^B ^ yau' sai' p6'. Yu si pu, || sik,. Sih; twilled cotton cloth, ^fiiflj /s'^^man p6'. Si6 wan pii ; linen 'cloth, ^^ ^md p6'. Md pii; Nankin cloth, ^t^^fj 'tsz /d p6'. Tsz liwd pii ; sail cloth, IJJH ^ /dn p6'. Pdn pii ; a swad- * The term 'ftJ /E is chiefly applied to native manufactures, whilst imported piece goo^a are cq,lled /E 4R p'at, |t'i|.U, f^ '^ MM ife''^ * j^'ung ^nl chik, k6' ; cloth and silk, % ^ p6' pdk^. Pu peh, ^ m (?) p6' jCh'au. Pu ch'au ; to weave cloth, 3^ ^ chik, p6'. Chili pii ; pilot cloth, % III Ijfj^ ^t'in jngo jyung. T'ien ngo jung ; woolen cloth, see Broad cloth. Cloth-shearer ^^^ 'tsin p6' 'ch6. Tsien pu ch6, "I^M^ 'tsin jung 'che. Tsien jung ch6. Clothe (pret. and pp. clothed, or clad), to put on garments, ^ cheuk,. Choh, ^ chduk,. Choh, ^ f . I, ^ ,ch'iin. Ch'ucn, ^ :^ fl| cheuk, .1 fuk.. Choh i fuh, '0:^M. A'^^ S ^^K Ch'uen suit of clothes, — flg: :^ ^ vat. t'ut, J. fuk^. Yih t'oh 1 fuh, — ^ :^ ^* vat, t'6' ^ ^hdung. Yih t'du i chdng, — J^ ^ yat, tsap^ ,i. Yih sih i ; to cut out clothes, fi^l ^fc ^ cliai* ,1 ^sh^ung. Chi i chdng, ^ :^ ^ts'oi J. Ts'di i ; to sew clothes, k^ ^ S^^S S- i^uiig i ; to make new clothes, ifei i^ ^ /"^g cS^Ji S- i^ung siix i ; to baste clothes, ff :^ flg ^lun .i fuk^ ; old clothes, ^ ^ ^ kau^ ji jSh^ung, Kiii i chdng ; cast clothes, ^ ^ hf .i. K'i i, ^ il Pfit :i?c ^ .tiu ,mdi k6' ,i jShdung ; torn clotlies, ^ 5?c l^^^ X ^ J^'b ti^ 'i jan i yin. Clothed, covered with gai-ments, ^ >|^ i' kwo'. kwo, ^ ^ ch^uk, kwo'. Choh kwo. Clothes, covering for the human body, ^^ ,i fuk^. t fuh, :^ -^ ,i sh6ung. I chdng, ^ % ,shdm I fii'. Sdn fu, ^ shauS Shau ; men's clothes. Clotting, concreting, ^ ^ jk'ing ^mdi, j^ Jg kit, :^j /Ji»> jii^ fu^k^. Ndn fuh ; women's clothes, -^ ^ 'nii fukj. Nii fuh ; common clothes, '^ ff^ ,8h6ung fuk^. Chdng fuh, Bft pin' fuk^. Pien fuh, 10 ^ yat^ .i. Jih i, ^ ^1 sit, fuk^. Sieh fuh; white clothes, f^I ^ pdk ,i. Peh I ; winter clothes, i^ fl ,tung ^i. Tung i, ^^ hon ^i. Hdn i; sum- mer clothes, §^P^5?c^ hd^ ,t'ink6' ,i j8h6ung, g ^ hd' ,i. Hid i, ^ ^ 'sliii ,i. Shu i ; to put off one's clotbes, jjg; ^ t'ut, .i, M ^ W^ '^^ S fuk^. Kidi i fuh, i;^^ ^ ,J)ft ^ch'ii ,i fuk^. Ch'ii i full, U^ t'lit, ,shdm. T'oh sdn, flj^lj^ t mok, ,1 fukj. Moll i fuh ; to put on clothes, '^ -^ j\^ ch^uk, ,i fuk^. Choh i fuh. SJS :^ ^ ,ch'un ^ jSh6ung. Ch'uen i chdng; to change one's clothes, ^ ^ ^ un^ ,i ^shdung. Uwdn i chdng, Jg ^ ,kang ,i. Kang i, ^ ^ yik^ ^. Yih i ; a f Means both to put off one's clothe* and to rob one of hit Olothedi jmdi. Kieh mdi; forming into' clots,^ ^ f^ jk'ing jShing kau^ Clotty, full of clots, //Jct^Dlt ^shing kau^ ke'. Ckjud 'j^ jwan. Yun ; the floating clouds, ^ ^ jfau jWan. Fau yun ; the clouds of heaven, ^ ^ ,t'in jWan. T'ien yun ; a cloud of smoke, ^ § > jwan. Yen yun, ^^ @ ,in ^hd. Yen hid ; red- tinged clouds, ^ jhd. Hid; clouds and mist, 'M^ jWan mb\ Yun wii ; a cloud of dust, J^t^ fat, putj. Fuh poh ; dust rising in clouds, ^ ^ ^ -^ .in jCh'an 'kw'an 'kw'an. Yen ch'in kwan kwan ; people assembling like clouds, A ^ ^ ^ jyau j^ c^an tsjip^. Jin jd yun t*ih ; fleecy clouds, *^ ^ jWan ^sid. Yun sidu ; clouds and rain, t^C f^;j ^waii Hi. Yun yu ; the sky overcast with clouds, i^ 5c ^ *niun ,t'in ^wan. Mwdn t'ien yun, i^'^.^ [i /au ^waii pai' yat^. Fau yun pi jih ; a cloud was thrown over our prospect, ^ '^ 'M^ i^au j^ati ,c\i6 'im. Fan yun oh<5 yen ; a cloud hung over hi« character, /^'^*i|^\&U CLO (411) CLO jWan k'oi' ^meng. Fau yun k'di ming. Cloud, to overspread with a cloud, ^ ^ 'oi 'oi. Ngdi ngdi, ^ ^ jWan pai'. Yun pi, ^ j^ ^wan ^ch6. Yun che ; to darken in veins or spots, jf^ ^^ jShing jWan shik^. Ching yun sih ; to make of gloomy aspect, fllf^,^^ ts6^ yeuk, ^li ^wan. Tso joh wu yun ; to tarnish, -^ ^ shat, ^kwong. Shih kwdng. Cloud, to grow cloudy, '^ -^ ^wan hbp,. Yun hoh, ®M i^^"^ *^^'* ^^^ ^^^' f^S tsok, jWan. Tsoh yun ; to become obscure with clouds, ^ ^ ^wan shing^ Yun shing. Cloud-capt, capped with clouds, ^ ^ (Jj T^ jWan /ung ^shdn 'teng. Yun fung shdn ting; lofty, ^ ^ ^k6 'sung. Kdu sung. Cloud-covered, enveloped with clouds, ^^C^ ^wan /ung k6'. Cloud-kissing, touching the clouds, Jp ^J ^ 'teng to' jWan, Ting tau yun, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^k6 'sung jWan ^siu. Kdu sung yun siau. Cloud-topt ^ T^ ^^ jWan 'teng tik,. Yun ting tih. Cloud-wrapt, involved in clouds, ^^^ ^wan ^mdi tik,. Yun mai tih, ^ ^ ^\f .wan ^pdu tik,. Yun pdu tih. Clouded, overspread with''clouds, ^ '^ ^ ^ ^ jWan k'oi' /'In. Wu yun k'di t'ien, ^ ^ ^wan shin^. Yun shing, ^ ^ 5^ jWan pai' /'in. Yun pi t'ien, ^ y^ 5^ ^wan ^un /'in. Yun mwdn t'ien ; darkened, ^ hak^. Heh ; rendered gloomy or sullen, y^^,^^ ^miin /'In ^li ^wan. Mwdn t'ien wu yun, V^ ^ |^ ^ 'miin /'In hak, hf . Mwdn t'ien heh k'l. Cloudiness ^ ^ ^ jWan shing^ *ch6. Yun shing ch6, V^ ^ ^ ^mun /'In ^wan. Mwdn t'ien yun, J^^MBg' -mun /'In hak, 6m'. Mwdn t'ien heh ngdn ; gloom, ^"^ ,yau shik^. Yti sih, i%^^ ^ ^u jWan k'oi' min'. Wu yun k'ai mien ; the cloudiness of precious stones, "^ '^ Bg ^ shik^ chdkj 6m' chai^ Sih tseh ngdn chl. Clouding, overspreading with clouds, ^ ^ jWan p6'. Yun pu, ^ -^ jWan h6p^. Yun hoh ; obs- curing, V^ ^ ^ Tnun /'In ^wan. Mwdn t'ien yun, MWM."^ A |#. W^ Jtii ^ch'ui kduk,. Club-headed ^''^QPl '^au 'k6m ^t'au. Tau kdn t'au. Club-house, an establishment for furnishing meals, and a place of rendezvous to a select number of individuals, ^ ^ |^ in' ui^ 'kun. Yen hwui kwdn. Club-law '^if^ pa' ching'. Pa ching. , Club-room ^ ffi; ui^ 'sho. llwui so, '^Ha >ii* *k6n. Ilwui kwun. Club-shaped, shaped like a chib, ;|ii| R^ ^|^ ^ch'ui 'k6m ydung', ^ |f^. lui^ ^cliui. Lui chui. Clubbed $if -^ ^ ,fo k6p, kwo'. Ko hoh kwo; united to one end or eifect, ^ ""^ jj^ tsap^ Ai* kwo'. Tsih hwui kAvo ; shaped like a club, ;|;^ H|j; ^ jCh'ui \hm y6ung^. Ch'ui kdn ydng. Clubbinip ^ ^ tsap^ ui'. Tsih hwui, |^ ^ tsu' :f{U f^ chut, jin. Chueh jen, fife fjk tun' ^in. Tun jen'; clumsily finished, % % ^ '^ ts6' tak, 'h6 lut,. Tso teh hdu Uueh, ^^^% tso' tak, 'h6 sham^ Clumsiness, awkwardness, ^^ 'ch'un chiit,. Ch'un chueh, -^ fife '16 tun^ Lii tun, ^fife 'ch'un tun*. Ch'un tun, ^^ liit, 'shau. Liueh shau. Clumsy, short and thick, ftfe tun^ Tun ; awkward, ^ ^ liit, 'shau. Liueh shau, :|tlj ^ chiit, 'shau. Chueh shau, ;§ fife '16 tun'. Lu tun, g|(fe 'ch'un tun'. Ch'un tim, ^ fjfe ^ii tun'. Yii tun ; clumsy fingers, ^^ chiit, 'shau. Chueh shau; clumsy workmanship, :JjU X chiit, ,kung. Chueh kung, ^ 31 liit, jkung. Liueh kung. Clunch, among minci-s, indurated clay, U jj^ shat^ jUai. Shih ni. Clung, see Cling. Clupea, herring, ^ ^ ,ts'eng ^lun. Ts'ing lun, H y^ jWong chdkj. Hwdng tseh, ;?§ jfpj 'hoi jho, lldi ho, If Q jts'6 pdkj. Ts'du peh. Cluster, a bunch, as of grapes, — -^ yat, ^k'au. Yih k'iu ; a cluster of trees, — ^^ .vat, chap, shii*. Yih chih shii ; a cluster of half burned incense- sticks, — i^^^^l y»t, ,chd ,hikmg ktSuk,; a clus- ter of flowei-s, — ^ ^ yat, 'to ,fd. Yih to hwd ; a cluster of shrubs, — |jt j^ "S^K jt^'u^g shii'. Yih ts'ung shii ; a cluster of trees, ;|^ ^lam. Lin ; a cluster of islands, ^<^ ^kw'an 't6. K'iun tdu ; a cluster of houses, — ^ M y''^K <'l»np, "I',* ffl ft jt'in 'she. T'ien shi6 ; a cluster of men, — ^ |»4^ A yat, tiii' jj'an. Yih tiii jin ; clusters of people, — fe U y^^K tiii' tiii'. Cluster, to grow in elustei-s, ^ ^ jts'ung ,shang. Ts'ung sang, jj^ ^ ^lam ,shaug. Lin sang; to unite in a bunch or bunches, ^ ^ jShing chap,, ! ^ i#. jShing ,tui. Ching tui ; to collect together in masses, J|jJ(j ^' ^shing ^kVV-'an. Ching k'iun. JjJ ctv (413) COA ^ jShing tur. Ching tui. Cluster, to collect into a bunch, ^ ^ — • |^ tsii^ jaAi yat, tui\ Tsii mdi yih tui. Clustered, collected into a crowd, ^, ^ — • 1^ tsii^ Co-action, force, ^^ ^k'^ung 'ch6. K'idngch^, ^ gg:^ 4nin ^k'dung 'ch^. Mien k'idng ch6, ^^jg ^ -k'eung pik, *ch6. K'idng pih cM, ^ lak^ sok . Leh soh. jHidi yat, tui^ Tsii mai yih tiu ; collected into a Co-active, forcing, ^g "k'eung. K'idng ; acting in cluster, ^ ;H| — ^ tsir ^mdi yat, chap,. Clustering ^ ^ ^k'au ,shang. K'iii sang, ^ ^ jts'ung jShang. Ts'ung sang, ^^ ^shing ^kw'an. Ching k'iun. Clutch, to clinch, ^ ^ hop^ ^k'iin. Hoh k'iuen, ^i^ ^k'iin ^mai. K'iuen mdi, j;g ^ :^ ^ ^chd ^mdi jk'un ^t'au ; to seize, ^ ak,. Ngeh, ^ ^ dk, 'kan. IJh kin, ^^ ^ ^cha 'kan. Chd kin, ^ ^ 'ping lean. Ping kin, ^ ^ts'au. Ts'iu. Clutch, seizure, ^^ dk, 'ch6. Ngeh ch^, g:f^ dk, jCh'i. TJh ch'i ; a projecting piece of machinery, Itif c^iping'. Kiping. Clutched ^ ^^ dk, kwo\ Ngeh kwo, g '^ dk, kwo\ Uh kMO. Clutches, the paws or talons of a rapacious animal, /IV 'chdu. Chdu ; the hands, in the sense of ins- tmments of rapacity, or of cruelty, or of power, ■^ *shau. Shau; to fall into one's clutches, ^\ M ^ pi' J^^ >^g loK- Pi Jin l^ing loh, ^ A ^ ^ lokj ^yan 'ch^ung dk,. Loh jin chdng uh, ^^M^ lok^ ,k'i ^hiin t'b\ Loh k'i k'iuen t'du, 71. ^ ^ Ff y^P> s^'i 'shau ,chung. Jih k'i shau chung. Clutter, confused noise, PaU|| 6. Ch'6 tsii. Coach-house ^ 3^ ,ch'6 /ong. Ch'6 fdng, ,^$.^- ^md ^ch'd jfong. Md ch'6 fdng. Coach-maker ^ ^ ,11 ^yan. Yti jin. Coach-man ||j( ^^ ii^ jyan. Yt jin, ^ ^ ^ch'6 /u. Ch'^ fix. concurrence, f^ fy hip^ jbang. Hieh hang. Coadjutant, helping, ff y|ig fii^ seung . Fu sidng, j^ fii' sdung'. Hu sidng, ^^i^^ /u cho- k6'. Coadjutor, assistant, ^"^ cPOng 'shau. Pdng shau, ^i^ fu- seung'. Fu sidng, ^ ^ cho^ che. Tsii che; one who is appointed to perform the duties of another, -^^ tso' 'ch6. Tso che, #Ji^ t'ai' -11 *oh6. T'l li chd ; the coadjutor of a bishop or prelate, W^^^^ ^' ^^' /j^ kit, ^mdi tik, hiit,. Kieh mdi tih hiueh, ^ 'ham. Hien. Coagulating ^ jing. Ying, ^,^ jing kit,. Ying kieh, ^ i^ kit, ^mai. Kieh mdi. Coagulation ^ |^'^ jing kit, 'ch(5. Ying kieh ch6, ^i^^ kit, .mdi 'che. Kieh mdi ch6, ^|^ ^ ^k'ing kit, 'chcC Coagulative $Ji M ^ ^ ^^^' jing ^^K tik,. Chi ying kieh tih, ]^^M^ 'sz kit, ^mdi tik,. Shi kieh mdi tih. Coagulator, that which causes coagulation, ^ ^ U ^ chi' jing kit, 'ch6. Chi ying kieh ch6, ^ ^ ;^ i^ 'sz jing ,chi mat^. Shi ying chl wuh. Coagulum, a coagulated mass, ^i^^^^ kit, ^mai tik, mat,. Kieh mdi tih wuh, M ^ ^ ^ J^^S kit, ^chi'mat^. Ying kieh chi wuh, ^ U p|^ ^ ^k'ing kit, k6' mat,; a clot of blood, — ^ ^^ M ^ J^ y^t, kau^ kit, jUidi tik, hilt,. Coal, sea-coal, pit-coal, fossil coal, 1^ ^vd. Mei, COA (^ ^ jHiui t'dn'. Mei t'An ; anthracite or stone coal, ^ ^ shekj ^mui. Shili raei, jKJ^ jmui. Mei ; cannel-coal, ;^ ^J|^ muk^ jmui. Muh mei ; best coal, ^ ^ ,kin t'dn'. Kien t'dn ; pit-coal, ^ ^ iit^ jHiui. Yueh mei ; jet-coal, ^t jf% ,kwong ^miii. Kwdng mei ; coal cakes, ^ ^ t'dn' ^ki. T'6n ki ; to make coal cakes, ^ ;^ ^ 'tarn tW .ki; to dig coals, ^^1 'lo ^mui, :^ ;^ ^ kwat^ jmtii t'dn'. Kiueh mei t'dn ; to bum coals, 'J^ j^ ,shiti t'dn'. Shdu t'dn ; a burning coal, ^ j^ jbung t'dn'. Hung t'dn ; to carry coals, ;j^0 J^ ^ ,tdm ^mtii t'dn'. Tdn mei t'dn, ^ ^ shau^ y^^' Shau juh ; to carry coals to newcastle, J^ ^ ,1m ^15. Hii Idu. Coal, to bum coal, jt^ jf^ .shiu ^mui. Shdu mei, 'J^ ^ .shili fan'. Shdu t'dn; to char, |^ tsiti'. Tsidu ; to coal a steamer, ^ ^^ lok^ jmiii. Loh mei, '^f%%'X^^ ^h^ s"^iii ^^\ 'fo ^shun. Hid mei loh ho ch'uen ; to take in coals, i^ j^ ^ .shau ^mui t'dn'. Shau mei t'dn. H ^mui jlo. Mei lo, ^ t'dn' ;o. ts'at. Coal-basket ^ T'dn lo. Coal-black ^ ^ t'dn' hak,. T'dn heh, hak,. Ts'ihh'eh. Coal-field j^^ ^miii ti\ Mei tl, f^j^^ ,miii t'dn' ti^ Mei fan ti. Coal-fire ^ ;^ t'dn' To. T'dn ho. Coal-formation f^ \\\ ^mui .shan. Mei shdn. Coal-heaver tS ^ ^ .tdm V dn' .fti. Tdn t'dn fu, +M ^1 ^ ^ ^ ^mui 'ch'ong. Mei ch'dng. Coal-stonc ^ ^Jl shek^ ^mui. Shih mei. Coal-yard <^ ^ ^miii jWai. Mei wei, j^^^ jDitii 'ch'ong jWai. Mei ch'dng wei. Coalesce, to grow together, ^i3? .shang^mdi. Sang mdi ; to unite, as separate bodies into one body, l^m A'^ s^^i- Ch'i ra{n, )f}i^ .chlm h6p,, ^ ^ jliin h6p^. Lien holi, j^ ^ kit, h^p^. Kieh hob, 5(^ ^ jwo b6p^. llo iioh, ^ i§ hop^ ^mdi, PR^ lii^ ^mdi. Ihvui mdi; to unite in society, ^ii ui' ^mdi, -^-^ lii' hbp^. Itwui boh. Coalescence, the act of growing together, ^ :H| ^ shang indi 'ch^. Sang mdi ch^ ; the act of unit- (414) COA ing by natural affinity or attraction, 1^ ^ ^ .ch'i ^mdi 'ch(5. Ch'i mdi ch6, ^ft^# .chim hbp^ *ch6. Nien hoh ch6, ^|^^| ^ .chim San 'ch6, ^ >^^ kit, h6p^ 'ch6. Kieh hoh ch6, fe^^ k'ai' h6p^ 'ch6. K'I hoh ch6; union, jf«0^:^ jWO hop^ V-h6. Ho hoh ch6, # if. ^ ui' ^mdi 'ch6. Hwui mdi ch6, U ^ ^- kit, hop^ 'ch6. Kieh hoh ch6 ; coalescence of councils, [^ f(^ jt'ung .sam. T'ung sin, (aj |P ^f ung i'. T'lmg i. Coalescing ^ ^ kit, h6p^. Kieh hoh, |^ ^ .ch'i jmdi. Ch'i mdi, ^ ^ Jiin hop^. Lien hoh, jf^ ■^ .chim h(ipj. Nien hoh, ^ ^ ui* ^mdi. Hwui mdi, ^ ^ ui^ b5p^. Hwui hoh. Coalition, alliance, ^ ^ ,lim y6uk,. Lien yob, ^ ■^ jliin h6p^. Lien hoh ; a coalition of states, ^^ hop^ kwok,. Hoh kwoh, |^g ^lun kwok,. Lien kwab; conspiracy, ^ !|^ ^liin *tong. Lien tdng; league, J^ y^uk,. Yoh; to form a coali- tion of individuals for unlawful purjwses, j^ ^ kit, *tong. Kieh tdng. Coalitionist ") $ -^ ^ ch'iin' hbp^ *ch^. Ch'uen Coalitioner J hoh che, ^^^' jlun b^p^ 'ch6. Lien hoh ch6, ;^ -^ ^ ts'iit, h6p^ 'ch6. Ts'iueh hoh ch6. Coamings, or combings in ships, the raised borders or edges of the hatches, ^ P ^ .ts'ong 'hau jldn. Ts'dng k'au Idn. Coarse, large or gross in 1)ulk, 7|5^ .ts'6. Ts'u ; coarse and fine, as cloth, ^^ ,ts'6 yau'. Ts'ii yii ; fine and coarse, as objects of natural historj-, i^ if-fl^ .tseng .ts'6. Tsing ts'ii ; coarse food, ifJI ^ .ts'5 shik^. Ts'ii shih, ^. ^ ok, shik^. Ngoh shih, |g ^ lai^ shik^. LI shih, ^ ^ .she tsz^ Sii tsz ; coarse cloth, ^ ^ .ts'6 p6'. Ts'u pii; coarse thread, A 'M tdi' sin'. Td sien, ^ ^ .t8'6 sin'. Ts'u sien ; coarse rice, ^ ts'6'. Ts'du, f^H^ .ts'6 hnai. Ts'u ml ; coarse millet, fl^ ^ f ut, suk,. T'oh sub, 1^^ lai' jliSung. LI lidng ; coarse silk, ^^ .ts'6 .sz. Ts'ii sz, ^^ .fii. Fii ; coarse grass; such as is used for thatching, 5^ Jg mang^ jlong- Mang Idng ; a coarse stone, ^ ^ lai* shek^. LI shih, ^ ;5 .ts'6 shok^. Ts'ii shih ; rude, % ^ .ts'6 '16. Ts'ii 111, % ;§ .ts'6 ^6. Ts'ii lu, 'Jfl ^ .ts'6 ^ong. Ts'u mdng, ^ -f^ .ts'6 tsuk^. Ts'ii sub, ^^ 't8'6 hnong. Tsii mdng; vulgar, ^gp .t8'6 ^'I. Ts'ii p'l, gjR f^ 'p'i tsuk^. P'l suh, 'd MI. Li. i^aPil ,ts'6 hill'. Ts'ii lau, ^ p 'p'^ !«"'• P'i lau ; coai-se, without refinement, ^ (>||S ^ ^ 'p'l lau* m6 jman. P'I lau wii Man ; a coarse fellow, ffl ^J^ M6 .fii. Lii f«i ; coarse and bois- toi-ous, ^ ^ 'ts'6 p6^ Ts'ii pdu; a vorr coai-se person, Ifi A^f^E A .^^'^ tdi' kc' ^yan, i^'f^ .kdu jl6. Kidu Idu ; coarse, not fine, |^ ^ ,kd .chd. Kid chd, is j^ .t8'6 ts'6'. Ts'ii ts'du ; coarse and «?lv, U m ^ -yau / k'oi' chu.^ Yii 1 k'di chii. Coating ^ k'oi'. K'di ; ditto with paint, ^ i^ \^ fu^ kwo' ^yau. Eii kwo yii ; ditto with metal, ^ -^ ^s6ung ^kam. Sidng kin. Coating, cloth for coats, -;^ ^ tai^ 'ni. Td ni ; an assortment of coatings, ^ ^ ^/^ 7^ kok^ shik, 'nl ^yung. Koh sih ni jung. Coax, to appease or persuade by flattery and fond- liiig' M M 'ch'im ml-. Chen mei, ^ = ^ A jt'lm /n Vau jan. T'ien yen yii jin, -^ ^ ^\ X 'kbm ,ln 'yan ,yan. Kan yen yin jin, @| ^ In 'lin. Hien wan. Coaxed, persuaded by flattery, ^ W ^ ^ ^M. '^ jt'lm ^In -yau kwo'. I t'ien yen yii kwo. Coaster fg* j^ ,|^ ^ ^lin 'hoi 'shai 'ch6: Yuen hdi Coaxer, a flatterer, ^^^^ 'hau ning- 'che. K'iau shl che, ^'/$^(|^ cts'ung 'hoi ^pln 'shai. Ts'ung ning che, f^T^<^ A 'ch'lm ml^ ^chl ^yan. Chen hdi pien shl. mei chl jin. Coasting 'j^'j^^'^ .iin 'hoi 'shai. Yuen hai shl. Coaxing, flattering, ^ ^ 'ch'lm 'yau. Chen yii. Coasting-pilot '}^'i^^:^ S"a. 'hoi tai' 'shui. Yuen ^M^^ K'^ s^'^^ M^ T*^ J^^- I ^'^^^ y^ii hai tai shwui. Coasting-trade jtyW^^i^ 'hoi piin^ ^shang ,ngai. Hai pwan sang yai. Coat, a Chinaman's upper garment, -^ ^ ^ch'^ung ,8hdm. Ch'ang san, A T^ taP ^sham. Ta sdn, ^ j)6. Pau, ^ jii. Jii ; ditto one with a girdle, |g ,p'6. P'au ; an upper-garment among foreigners, Af^ tdi^ ^shani. Ta san, fcg shu\ Shii, f^ shuk^. Shuh ; a great coat, ^ |g ^ch'eung ,p'6. Ch'ang p'du ; a petticoat, ^ ^shcSung. Chang ; Chinese yu jin, # ^ ^1 A 'i :yan jan. I t'ien yen yin jin. Coaxingly f ^' ^ ^ A 'ch'lm ^In 'yau jan. Chen yen yii jin. Cob, the top or head, J^ 'teng. Ting, ^ ^t'au. T'au ; a rich cob, ^ ^ ^ 'shau ,ts'ln '15. Shau ts'ien lii ; the receptacle of the American corn, ^ ^ ^ suk, Tuai ^ts'ong. Suh ml fang ^ ^k'am Jo. K'in Idu ; clay mixed with straw, i^ ^ 'ko"! c^am ^nai. Kdn sin ni. f ditto, "g' :f^ |g pak, chip, ^kw'an ; a garment Cob, to punish by striking the breech with a flat worn by infants or young children, ^^ ff ^shdm piece of wood, ^^^ 'ta 'pan 'tsz. Ta pan tsz. 'tsai ; an outer garment, ^^j^ :}i ngoi^ ,1. Wai 1 ; a Cobalt ^ ^ .jdng 'tsz. Ying tsz, ^ ^ ^ ,kam dress coat, /ff :$l 'lai ^i. LI 1, |f ^^ 'lai fuk^. LI sun' shek,. Kin sin shih. fuh ; a frock-coat, A Wt. ^^i^ ^^K- "^^ ^^^h, A ?^ Cobaltic ^ -f^" ^ ^i} ^kam sun' shek^ tik,. Kin sin tdi^ ^shdm. Ta sdn ; a coat of arms, ^ f p ^man ; shih tih. yan'. Wan yin ; a coat of mail, ^ 'hoi. K'di, Cobble, a small fishing boat, ^^ ^ ^u ,chau. Yti Hfe ^ chin' kapj. Chen kidh ; a coat of paint, chau. cham' ; I gave it three coats, '{^ ^ j^ ts'at. Cobble-stone @j f'i' ^ ^iin wdt^ shek^. Yuen hwdh jBdm cham'; to turn th^ coat, 6' 'diii. I shih i cobbles, ^ j^ kau^ jmui. COB (416) coc Cobble, to make or mend coarsely, ^ ^ liit, 'p5. | hwd, ^ ^' kok, ,b6. Koh hdu, ^ ^xn. Yuen ; a Liuch pu, :^tU ^ chiit, 'p6. Chueh pu; to mend | chief, |^ X. j^'^u jan. T'au jin ; cock a hoop, shoes, ^^ \^h jhdi. Pu hidi. cock on the hoop, ^^fil tseuk, y6uk,. Tsiohyoh; Cobbler fiji^f^ 'p6 ^hdi '16. Pu hidi lau, ^ i;|i3 ?^ i cock and hen, ^ (^ ^kung 'nd/ ^ *p6 Idn^ jhdi 'chc. Pu Idn hidi ch6 ; a mean j Cock, to hold up the head, J^l^ 'kii jt'au. Kii t'au ; person, "|» ^ hd^ jan. Hid jin, /\\ \ *si6 jan. | to cock a gun, j^ 5^ ^ ^nidu kat^ ^kai. Sidu jin. ' Cock-boat :^;^ ^shdm 'pan. San pan. Cobbling ^^ lut, 'p6. Liueh pu, ^^ chut, 'p6. Cock-broth ^ ^ ,kai ,t'ong. Ki t'dng. Chueh pu. I Cock -chaffer ^ #• |jl§ jWong ,8hd *nd. Cobcal j^ ^ ^t'o Jidi, |i3^ ^ t'dt. ^chang ^hdi. < Cock-crow ^ p^ ,kai ^t'ai. Ki t'l, ^R^ ^kai ^mii»g. Cobcoals, ] j^ia,m shins kau^ mui i ^' '"^"S ' '''""^^ ** ^^'^ cock-crow, ft P$ ntJ ^ Cobbles, j ff^^l^^ ''"'"^ ''^^ s"i"i- I ifai ,t'ai kom' 'ts6. Ki t'i kdm tsau. Cobitis, loche, y}? 0. || ,sha ^cliui ^ii. Shd chui yu. Cock-crowing, early morning, ^ 0. hot, tdn'. lloh Cob nut 'jv^ -^ wat^ 'tsz. Ilch tsz. Cobra di capello, i^ ^ ^ p'ok, ,ki hdp^. P'oh ki hidh. Cob-wall ^ i^ ^nai ^ts't-ung. Ni ts'idng, ^ ,^ % 'kon ^sam ,nai jts'6ung. Kdn sin ni ts'idng. tdn, ^'\^Z^ M jt'ai .chi .shi. Ki t'i clii shi ; the crowing of the cock, ^ t)^ ,kai jming. Ki ming ; general cock crowing at dawn, ^ ^ P$ ,kai liin^ ^t'ai. Cock-eye, a squinting eye, ^ ^ ,ts'6 shi^ Sie shi. Cobwob ^ ^ i^ g 1^ ^ ni6^ ^man yan'. Mau wan yin. Cockaded wearing a cockade, ^ "Iib i?!>C ^ tdi' mo' ^man yan'. Tdi mdu wan yin. Cockatoo Q |g^ f^ pdk^ jing *m6, Peh ying wu, ^ ^ ii%. silt, ,i ^neung. Siueh i n^ng. Cockatrice |* *t; tuk, ,6h6. Tub shi6. Cocked, turned up at the side, as a cocked hat, ^ ^ ijjg 'chin jk'eng m6^ Chen k'ing mdu ; a cocked gun, \W^WUW,^ M'^ kwo' .ts'eung V& kat^ .kai. Cocket ^ P ^ ^^ .kwdn *hau jP'ang ,tdn. Kwdn k'au p'ang tdn, ^.^H. im^ fo' ,tdn. Yen ho tAn. Cock, the male of birds, ^ jbung. Hiung, ^ ^ Cocking, drawing back the cock, as of a gun, ^ ts'^uk, ,kung. Ts'ioh kung, ^ ^ ts^uk, ,kimg. \ ^ ^ ,mdn kat^ ,kai. Tsioh kung; the common house cock, ^^ ,kai Cockle, a spiral univalve, ^^i'-) ^ ^ ^j chuk, .sz ,kai. Chub | tsau'. Tso cliing tsau; sand cockle, j^ j^ ,shd sz ki; a weather-cock, :>(fi)^^ scung' .fung .kai. jlo. Shd lo. Sidng fung ki, M}^Wk ^'''i»'»f,'' /n"? jk'i. Si'dng Cockle staii-s !l^ #j^ 5I0 ,8Z ,t'ai. Lo sz t'i. fnng k'i ; a spout for dj-awing liquor from a cask. Cockled, contraetiMl into folds or wrinkles, j|0 ^ Wi^il $'i*"o jt/au. Lung t'au; the projecting cor- tsau' ^mdi. Tsau mdi ; winding, ^ ^ ^lo jying. nor of a hat, r|i'^ (j[^ ^ ,ts'eung kat^ .kai, t}^ ^ 'foi jVan. Luntun jin ; an efi'miinale, despicable citi- zen, pq ^ iji "g f jf' • ,sai ,kwdn a' ,kun 'tsai, ^y iiii fl'i ^'''«' sJ'« s»»""' 4V ^ '*' iiMtA| of»u)ent «opf pr oititeo* \^ tlie WMtern mburbs of C^toP; coc (417) COE Cockpit, a pit or arena, where game-cocks fight, M^^M *^^^' c^ai jCh'eung. Tau ki ch'ang ; the privy council room at Westminster, ^ ^ Codilla, the coarsest part of hemp, which is sorted by itself, faf§ ^ts'o ^ma. Ts'ti mA. Codle, to parboil, :^ 'chu. Chu. #1 M Tai Ying kivok, ^kwan ^ki /ong. Td Ying \ Codling, an apple codled, :^^^ ?p|| 'chii tik, ^p'iug kwoh kiun kl fang ; in ships of war, an apart- j 'kwo. Chu tih p'ing ko, Sf :^ ^ 2p || 'i^q 'chu ment in which the wounded are dressed, §| ^ | tik, ,p'ing 'kwo. K'o chii tih p'ing ko. ^ ^ chin' ^shiin ^i ,fong. Chen ch'uen I fang. \ Codling, a young cod, ^^,0- 'man ,u 'tsai. Cockroach, ^ ^ ^ka tsat^, fj ^ jhang ye'. Hang ye, H ^ /i Jim. Fi lien, ;f^ '^ wAt^ ^ch'ung. Hwdh cli'ung. Cockscomb ^ ^ ^ ,kai ^kun /a. Ki kwdn hwa, Cockspur ^fji'lf;:^ lak^ shii^ ^meng. Leb shii ming. Cocksure, con tidently certain, ^^ k'ok, shat . K'ioh shih, 5| ^ k'ok, teng'. K'ioh ting.' Cockswain :^^ ^ bM. A % >|>t "^ tau' kun jts'oi k6\ Cog, to deceive, pja A "gak, ^yan, ^ |g .hi p'in'. K'i p'ien ; to cog a dice, I^|g ngak, p'in', ^^ ngak, 't6, ^ ^ tj^ ^ kun ^iin .t'au 'tsz. Kwdn yuen t'au tsz, ^ 'f^ ^. .chong 'kd shik,; to wheedle, f^ j^ 'ch'im nii^ Chen mei. Cog, the tooth of a wheel, ^^ jlun 'ch'i. Lun ch'i. ^ ^ jlun jUgd. Lun yd. Cog-wheel, a wheel furnished with cogs, ^ff^ 'ch'i jlun. Ch'i lun. Cog, a boat, ^ .chau. Chau. Cogency, force, ^ lik^. Lih, :j^ ^k'iin. K'iuen, ^ shai'. Shi ; power of compelling or producing It 11 .kd .fi 'kun Coilee-man, one who keeps a coffee-house, jJJIjp nj^ j^ ^ .kd .fl tlm' 'cliii. Kid fi tien chd. Coffe'e-potVjP nj|i ^ .kd .fi ^d. Kid fi hd. Coffee-mill ij/jp ltl|;'^ .kd .fi mo^ Coffer, a chest, ^ .seung. Sidng» ^^ Hung. Lung, ll;,^- kwai^ Kwei, (g hdp^. llidh ; money chest, 4:K|Ik jngiiu kwai^ Yin kwei, ^H ^ngan.sdung. Yin sidng ; a tre-asure, j^ fu'. K'd ; a chest of money, — ■ 1^ ^ y^K .^'^-^^^'^ j^gf^u. Yih sidng yin ; the king's coffers, ^ J^ jWong fu'. llwfing k'd ; in fortification, a hollow lodgment across a dry moat, ^1^ .s(';ung ch6ung'. Sidng chdng. Coffer-dam, a water-tight cjise or curb, serving as a barrier to exclude water, in laying the founda- tion of piers, bridges &c., ^^^ .s6ung .ki pok,. Sidng ki koh. Coffin, a, general name for, ^^ ,kun ts'oi. Kwdn ts'di, i^ tJ^ ckun jts'oi. Kwdu ts'di, |^ ;[g ^i ,kd. ehe, ^jf 1^ ^ 'sho 'sz 'ch6. So shi ch6, ® fi^ ^ 'bin k'ok, 'die. Hien k'ioh ch6. Cogent, forcible, in a physical sense, '^ ^J j^ S'au lik^ tik,. Yd lih tih, g^. j^f^ 'k'dung tik,. K'idng tih ; cogent reasons, g^ ^i ^ ^j( 'bin k'ok, .chl kd'. llien k'ioh chl kd, :^ ^ j^ ^Jc sham' 'yau ji'in kd'. Shin yd yuen kd ; he must have cogent reasons. ^ ^. ^^ i^ tS "Ht i^ i\4: shl» pit, "ynu .ts'di 'k'ii kd' jun kd', ^ ij^x >^ ^ jg shi' pit, S'au shatj Ml. Shi pieb yd shih 11 ; tlie most co- gent reasons, M /E* ^t ^ f^ fl»l' teng' k'ok, .chl kd'. Chi ting k'ioh chl kd ; he will not refuse it without th(? moBt cogent reasons, ^ ^ M a£ Z^^ mZ^^r^m y«5uk, .« chr teng* .chi kd', tsak, pat, 'kom pat, 'chuu. .Job fi chi ting chl kd, tseh pub kdn pub ehun ; cogent arguments, ^ fr ^ tJi teng* shat, .chl ku'. Ting shih chi kd, M^,<1^ ''»iu k'ok, .chl ku\ llien k'ioh chl ku, ^ ^ chuug* kii'. Chung ku, ^ g; ^ COG (419) COH ;^ $^ -yau tb' 'li ^chi wa'. Yu tdu 11 chl hwA. he cognizant of, ^;^ chl ^chi. Chi chi. Cogently ^PJ^ k'ok, ^In. K'ioh jen, ?^ ^ ^>J k'ok, | Cognizee, the plantiff in an action for the assurance kii' tik,. K'ioh kii tih, iL^^ij lap^ kir tik,. Lih j of land by fine, |^ ^ ^iin k6'. Yuen kdu, ^ kii tih. ^ ^ shing' tsung^ 'ch6. Shing sung ch6. Cogged, flattered, |§ j^ |5[\J 'ch'lm mf tik,. Chen j Cognizor, one who acknowledges the right of the mei tih, ^ "^ "M. 'ch'im mi" kwo'. Chen niei | plaintiff or cognizee, in a fine, ^ ^ ^ pi' k6' 'chd. Pi kdu ch(5, ^ -^ ^ pi* fat^ 'ch6. PI fdh cli«5, t^ fig ^ ,chiu yan* 'chd. Chdu jin ch^, |f. i < chi i' 'che. kwo ; deceived, ^^, -^ ^hi kwo'. K'i kwo. |5|| j^ ngak, kwo'; falsified, ^ a^ jl^ fe ^chong kwo' 'ka shik,; furnished with cogs, ^:^^^ 'y^u ^ngd tik,. Yii yd tih. Cogging, wheedling, fg j^ 'ch'im mI^ Chen mei ; I Cognomen ^|J ;g pit^ ^meng. Pieh ming, §|J ^ pit^ deceiving, ,|^ p'ln'. P'ien, |p| ngak,, 3^tg ^ tsz'. Pieh tsz, ^IJI^ pit^ hb\ Pieh hdu, :/g ^ fa B'J -S i i chd. ^ yan^fdt, Ying fdh chi jChong *kd shik^. Cliwdng kid sih. Cogitable, that may be thought on, pf ,g, 'ho ^sz. K'o sz, pf ^ 'ho lii^ K'o lii. Cogitate ^ /^ mak^ 'sdung. Meh sidng, ,g, ^^ ^sz nim\ Sz nien, '^J^^ tsing' ^sz. Tsing sz. Cogitation ^ ^ j^ mak, 'seung 'ch^. Meh sidng ^meng. Hwd mmg, ^meng. Hwan ch6, ,g. j^ ^ .sz . M ^ wan' ming. Cognovit :f3 |g[ .chiii yan'. Chau jin. Cohabit, to dwell with, |^^ jt'ung ^kii. T'ung kii ; to dwell together, as husband and wife, it tl^ kung-suk,. Kungsuh, l^jlg ^t t'ung 'ts'am. T'ung mm' 'chd. Sz nien cli6, ^ ^ I ts'in, fj ^ ^hang ^fong. Haag fang, -^ ^ hbp^ 's6ung tok^. Sidng toh ; thought, ^ g^ 's6ung | ,fun. Hob hwdn. t'au. Sidng t'au, ^ ^ nlnr ^t'au. Nien t'au. Cohabitation, the act or state of dwelling together, Cogitative 0, .sz nim* .@. &^ .to .sz tik,. To sz tih, ,@, j^ tJ^ tik,. Sz nien tih ; given to thought, ^ /S'^^^/ ho' .sz 'sdung tikj. Hdu sz sidng tih. Cognate, allied by blood, ^ .ts'an. Ts'in, ^ jg; .ts'an kan^ Ts'in kin, |i| fi^ .ts'an ke', [gf jj^ jt'ung tsuk^. T'ung tsuh, |^^ c^'i^ig c^a. T'ung kid ; related in origin, |^ ]^ jt'ung .tin. T'ung yuen, |^ 'f^ .t'ung .lun. T'ung lun, |^ ^ .t'ung lui^ T'ung lui, |n| 2Ji .t'ung 'pvin. T'ung pun ; cognate dialects, |^ ^^ ^ fj .t'ung lui" .chi wd^ T'ung lui chl liwd, ;j^ H P^ fe .sdung .ts'an k6' "^^'y i^ M^UM .seung lui" k6' wd' ; cognate tribes, 1^ jj% P|E ^t'ung tsuk^ ke'. Cognation, natural relation between males and fe- males, both descended from the same father, ^ .ts'an. Ts'in, ||,J^ .ts'an ts'ik,. Ts'in ts'ih ; rela- tion, participation of the same nature, |b| ^Ji jt'ung lui^ T'ung lui. Cogniac, "1 the best kind of bi-andy, P^ ft^ yg kon' Cognac, jyak^ 'tsau, TM^M 'teng 'h6 'tsau. Ting hdu tsiu, ^ ^- yH tsui' 'h6 'tsau. Tsui hdu tsiu. Cognizable, that falls or may fall under judicial notice, pf A ^ '^^o Y^Vi on'- K'o jib ngdn, p[ ^ .^ Tio .kwai on'. K'o kwei ngdn ; that may be heard, tried, and determined, Pj-f^l^ 'ho hau* 'sham. K'o hau shin ; that may be known, pf ^ 'ho .chi. K'o chi. Cognizance, the hearing, trying, and determining of a cause or action in court, |^ ^ 'sham on'. Shin ngdn, ^ |||f sun' tiin'. Sin twdn ; a badge worn by a retainer, ^ h6^ Hdu; knowledge, %^ 1^ .chi shik^. Chi shih ; observation, ^ ^ :^ kin' ^man 'ch6. Kien wan ch6 ; to take cogniz- ance of, ^^i^M. .tiu lok^ .sam .t'au. Tidu loh sin t'au, ^:^%^ fong' tsoi* i' noi^ Pdng tsdi I nui, M ^ 'Ck? 4" ^^^^' c" .^^^ .chung. Chi yu sin chung. Cogfnizant, having knowledge of, ^ .chi. Chi ; to »J ,t'ung .kii. T'ung ku, |^ ^^ .t'ung chii^ T'ung chii ; ditto, as husband and wife, without being legally married, joj ^ ig ^ ^t'ung chii' ^mdi 'che. T'ung chii mdi che. Cohabiting |s| /^ .t'ung chii'. T'ung chu, :±t :J^ kung* suk,. Kung suh, ^ ^ hop^ /un Hob bwdn. Coheir, a joint heir, |^[ ^^ jt'ung tsz'. T'ung tsz, ^ # il ^ kung* .fan ip^ 'che. Kung fan nieh clie, l^ll ^t'ung kai'. T'ung ki. Coheiress |^ ^^ H ;^ jfc .t'ung tsz* Ip, ^chi Tiii. T'ung tsz nieh chi nii. Cohere, to, |^^ .cbim .mdi. Nien mdi, ij^:^ ^ch'i ^mdi. Ch'i mdi, ^^i^'fi^ .mdi. T'ieh msii, fu ^mdi. l^u mdi ; to agree, ;J>| ^ .seung h6pj. Sidng hob, :^^ .seung fu*. Sidng fu; to be con- sistent, lip 1^ shun* shiit,. Shun shwoh. Coherence, ") ^jfiljii:^ .chim ^mdi 'che. Nien mdi che. Coherency, j f^ii^ .ch'i .mdi 'did. Ch'i mdi ch(^, lA^ ^ t'lp, .mdi 'chd.'T'ieh mdi cU, ^if^ fu* hop,. Eli hoh ; consistency, l|g^ shun* 'li. Shun 11, ^M liop, ^11. Hoh II, H^ ts'ap, ^ts'z. Ts'ih ts'z ; coherence of speech, f^ <^ |t ^ jts'z chi ts'ap, "i. Ts'z chi ts'ih i. Coherent, sticking together, )f^i^ .chim ^mdi. Nien mdi, [Jjfif ^ fii* h6p^. Fii hoh ; connected ;j§ j^ .s6ung ^lln. Sidng lien ; united by some relation in form or order, ;fg ^ .s(5ung h5p,. Sidng hoh ; suitable, ^ 3p. hop, .u. Hoh hii, ^ -^ hop, ^ii. Hoh yii ; consistent^ '0 g| shun* ^11. Shun li,' # ^ .ts'un -11. Siun II. Cohesibility i^^Z'l^ .seung .ch'i .chi sing'. Sidng ch'i chi sing, ;fe|^^'^ .sdung .chim .chi sing'. Sidng nien chi sing, f^i|g;^'|!^ .ch'i ^mdi .chi sing'. Ch'i mdi chi sing, ^])lZ''(i .^^vl ni* ^chl sing'. Kidu ni ch'i sing. Cohesiveness, the quality of being cohesive, ;;jig jfk ^ .sdung .chim *ch6. Sidng nien chd, ij^ j^ ^ COH (420) COI ,s^ung .ch'I 'che. Siang ch'i cU, 1^,^^ .ch'i ,mdi 'ch6. Ch'I m^i ch6; tlie state of being uni- ted by nalunil attmction, |^ '/Jg ^ ,ch'i ni^ 'ch^. Ch'i nl ch<3, ^%^ ,l| .s^ungj .kilu tik,. Sidng kidu tih, ^ jj/S ^«J ^^^ ^^ tik,. ' Kidu ni tih. Cohesiveness, the quality of being cohesive, |^ ^ ^ 'lit '^ung jUgau. Ydng yin. iSr ifi- /dn ^ngan. Fan yin ; ancient coin, -j^ ^1 'ku jts'in. Ku ts'ien, ^ ^ 'ku ^ngan. Ku yin ; counterfeit coin, ^ ^ ngai' jngan. Wei yin ; to pay in the same coin, — ^^ — ^ yat, y^ung^ lin' yat, y^ung'. Yih ydng hwdn yih ydng, $K B p^' y'"g'- P^^ yi"g- * Coin, to, in China, |^ ^ chii' ,ngan. Chu yin, ^ ^ chii' jts'in. Chii ts'ien ; ditto, in foreign coun- tries, ^) ^1 yan' ^ts'in. Yin ts'ien, ffj ^ van' jUgan. Yin yin ; to counterfeit coin, ^^|§^ .sz chii' ngai' j^gan. Sz chu Mei yin ; to coin, as a tale, f^ ^J tsok, ch'ut,. Tsoh ch'uh, f^ JlJ l||f tsok, ch'ut, jlai; to coin falsehood, ff ^^ tsok, .fong jin. Tsoh hwdng yen. Coinage, in China, ^^ chii' ^ts'In. Chii ts'ien, ff^ ^ :^ ^ chu' jts'in .chi %'i\ Chii ts'ien chi sz ; ditto, in western countries, ^ ^ yan' ^ts'in jUgan. Yin ts'ien yin ; the charges of coining money, ^^ ^ 'fo h6' ^ngan. Ho bdu yin ; the coinage of words, ff ^^^ tsok, .san tsz' *che. Tsoh sin tsz che ; forgery, "fj^ ^ ^ *kd ^mb 'ch6. Kid mu did. Coincide, to fall or meet in the same point, ;fg ^ .sdung h5pj. Sidng hob ; to coincide with, j(^i ^ .s6ung ^ts'z. Sidng sz, ^ h^p^. Hob; it coincides with my wishes, '^ ^ j|^ bbp^ ^ugo i'. Hob wo ^' 'o* ^ ^Ca* i^ ^^^Pj '^'oO ,sani 'shui ; they do not coincide, pg_^ ^ ^m .to .ngdm, pg ;f^ :>H3 ^ P^t, .sdung ^fii. Pub sidng fii. Coincidence, the meeting of two or more lines, sur- faces, or bodies in the same point, ;JB'^^ .s6ung h6p^ 'ch6. Sidng hob chd ; coincidence of views, E ^ ^ i' .8«:-ung ^t'au. I sidng t'au, ^ .^ ^ hop^ i' 'chd. Hob i ch6 ; a meeting of events in time, ^ X^ ts'au' 'hdu. Ts'au k'idu, H Ijig "gt ^ ts'au' .ngdm k6' sz', ^|] Q^ P|5t ^ .kong .ngdm k6' sz', '^^ t.^ ^h\ 'l»o .t'hi sz'. Hidh k'o chi sz, ^ ^ j^ ^ ts'au' h6p^ .chi sz'. Ts'au hob chi sz ; a happening at the same time, j^ i% ^^ ts'au' jShing .chi sz'. Ts'au ehing chi sz. Coincident, meeting, as linos, bodies &c., ;|g -^ .s6ung h6pj. Sidng hob ; concurrent, '^ j§f. l^ h6pj i' k6', >^i^ tJc ijfy h6pj .sam 'shui tik,. Hoh sin shwui tih, HI^IjKj ts'au' .ngdm tik„ ^^[^ ts'au' jShing tik,. Ts'au ehing tih. Coinciding ;|iU -^ .seung \\h\\. Sidng hoh, m Qg .kong .ngdrn, ^ J^ ts'au' ,shing. Ts'au ehing, f^ pf hdp, 'ho. liidh k'o. Coined, in China, li$ ^ #| cbiV kwo' ^ts'in. Chii kwo ts'ien; ditto, in western eountries, ^J iii^ ^ yan' kwo' jts'in. Yin kwo ts'ien ; manufactiu^, i^ V^ tsok, kwo'. Tsoh kwo; forged, IK ]^ ^ *kd jinf) kwo'. Kid mu kwo. CoiiuT, a minter, ^ $| ^ ehii' jts'in 'ch6. Chii ts'ien ohtS |^j ^^ % yau" ^ts'fn 'ch<5. Yin t«'ien chiS, ffj ^ ^ yan' ^ngan 'chd. Yin yin chd ; a COI (421) COL forger, '5 Coining ts'in. ^ ^ 'kd ^mo 'ch^. Kid mu ch6 ; an ! inventor, f^ ^ tsok, 'c\\6. Tsoh die. Coinheritance, joint inheritance, joJ|g^ ^ c^'ung tsz' 'che. T'ung tsz clid. Coinheritor, a joint heir, jSj ^^ ^ c^'ung tsz' 'ch6. T'ung^ tsz ch6. S ^ ^^"^' jts'in. Chu ts'ien, fp ^ van' Yin ts'ien, ffj ^ yan' ^ngan. Yin yin ; fabricating, f^ tsok,. Tsoh ; forging |g£ ^ 'kd | ^mo. Kia mu. Coir, bark of Chamacrops, J^ ^tsung. Tsung ; coir i broom, ^5:3?clt J^ S so'- Ye 1 sdu, ^.j§ ^tsung I s6'. Tsung sau; a coir trunk, ^^ S; }^ ld> Wi .B. )^ il iY^"^ ki- -Idng 'hau, fit, ki' "Idng ^ch'ui. Jin ki lang k'au, f ieli kl lang ch'ui ; to give one a cold reception, ]^jl'^^ A, "lang tdm' tsip, jan. Lang tdn tsieb jin ; a cold state of mind, '^ |jfe "™ ■' pok^ Poh ts'ing; a cold heart, '^i'(^ sin ; cold, sleety rain and wind, -ii ts'ai ts'ai. Fung yu ts'i ts'I, Cold ^ -lang. Lang, ^ tung'. Hdn; to catch or take cold, ^'^ 'kom mo'. Kdn mdu, ^\> ^ ngoi- 'k6m. Wai kdn, |^ j^ M, 1^ 'kom m6' /i^ii^g j^^o"- ^^^ mdu fung hdn, ^ ^ 'kom /ung. Kan fung; to have a cold, ^ '^ H^ 'yau ^sheung /ung. Yii shdng fung, '^^ ^sheung hon. Shdng hdn. Cold-blooded f^ f^ ^^iZ ^& ts'oi' ^yan. Y6 ts'dr jin, i(S^^ ^ ^^6 ts'oi' *tsz. Y6 ts'di tsz. Colic, a severe pain in the bowels, j^ ,ching. Ching, i^ ^ ,ching kit,. Ching kieh, ^ shau^ Shau, ^ fe ^ fuk, kit, peng^ Full kieii ping. Colal)orator, an associate in labor, ±t ^^ ^ kung^ tsok, 'ch6. Kung tsoh clie. Collapse, an extreme depression of the bodily en- ergies, ;fj |ij likj U. Lib tdu, ^ ^ shat, hi'. Shih k'i ; to get a collapse, ^ ^ lik^ 't6. Lib tdu. Collapse, to fall together, ||j[ ^J lam' 'to ; ditto, as in sickness, ;fy ^J lik^ 't6. Lih tdu, ^ i^ |aj lik^ .k'ing 'to. Lib k'ing tdu. g 't5 kwo'. Collapsed, fallen together, j^'^i^ f£ ^ S.^ ,chd chii^ ^yan 'keng. Chd chu jin king. Collar, to, to seize by the collar, j^ 'nan. Niu, jfi: ^ 'nau chii'. Nid chu, ^ 1^ 'nau ^k'am. Niu ; k'in ; to collar beef, .j^- i^ |^ 'kim ^mdi yuk^. | Kiuen mdi juh, j^ ^ (^1 'kiin 'hi yuk^. Kiuen k'ijuh. Collar-l)()n(» ^ iit it 'so ^^^^'^ ^^"'^^• So ch'ii kuh, > ^^tl* 's" '^s'' ^'^^'^^,- So tsz kuh. Collared, seized by the collar, ^'^ 'nau kwo'. NiA kwo ; having a collar on the neck, ^ ^ ^ ^ysM 'keng Jiiin. Yu king k'iuen. Collate, to compare, ^.f ^ lui' h6m'. Tiii k'dn, ^.| H. tui' im^ Tui yen, Jj^ ^.j- .sdung tui'. Sidng tiii, ;ty J^k .si''ung 'pi. Sidng [,i, >HJ ^ .seung h6m'. Sidng k'dn, ;|iy^ ,86ung kdu'. Sidng kidu; to bestow or confer, ^ 'ii. Yu; ditto, as baptism, fl^ ,sbi. Sbl ; to collate, as a book for binding. j ^'kim. Kien, >^ 'kim. Kien ; to collate a book for binding, ^ ^^ 'kim ,p'In. Kien pien ; to collate accounts, '^^ tiii' sh?>'. Tui sii; to collate a manuscript for the press, ^f;^ kdu' 'k6. Kidu kdu, j^ fil kdu' 'kb. Kidu kdu, ^J- j^ f.^ tdi' kdu' 'ko. Tiii kidu kdu ; to collate and correct, ^ IE kdu' ching'. Kidu ching ; to collate and examine, ^ ^ .ts'dm 'bdu. Ts'dn k'du, }^ ^ 'l)i 'bdu. Pi k'du ; to collate with care, ^ j^ 5|^ §^ yau' sai' kdu' tui'. Yu si kidu tiii. Collate, to place in a benefice, ^^&i:^f^ shau* muk^ .sz jCbl chik,. Shau mub sz chi chili. Collated, laid together, as a book for binding, ^3l§ 'kim kwo'. Kien kwo, j"^ jlli j^ 'kim kwo' pin. Ki(!n kwo p'ien ; examined by comparing, ^ j^ ^ tiii' kdu' kwo'. Tui kidu kwo, ^^^^ ,ts'dm 'bdu kwo'. Ts'dn k'du kwo, Mi\'}^ .seung tiii' kM'o'. Sidng tiii kwo ; collated and corrected, jj$ IE *^ ^'^'^' t'''ino' kwo'. Kidu ching kwo ; pre- sented, ^ "^ shau* kwo'. Shau kwo ; conferred, j^ % .shi icwo'. Shi kwo. Collateral, being of the side, ^ ^ P(vt sP'*'^? two(>u full meals, /\\ ^ 'sid shik^. Sidu shih ; a cold colla- tion, '/^^ *l^"g shikj. Lang shih ; a collation of seals, '^ fp tdi' van'. Tui yin, ^ fp P'^"* P"'- Pei vin. COL (423) COL Collative, advowson coUative, ^^M^^i. i^ ;^|§ ^kam muk^ ^sz yik^ ^ts'6 'cliii f)6 ^chi ^k'Un. Kien muh sz yili ts'au chii pdu clii k'iuen. Collator ^m ^ tui' im^ 'die. Tui yen che, ^^l" ^ ^ tui' ^shu 'ch6. Tui shii chc, |^ j^ ^ 'kirn p'in *ch6. Kien p'ien die ; one who collates to a lienefice, ^ ^ ^ ^ W. ^ s'l^^^" ^"K ^sz ^clii ^k'iin 'die. Sliau muh sz chl k'iuen che. Colleague ^ jliu. Liau, j^ pun^ Pwan, ^ Jiii, Ittlfi* ct'ung diik, 'die. T'ung chih ch^, llff % ki' [kai']. Ho ki, ^ j^ ^t'ung puir. T'ung Sih nu ; to collect wealth, ^ ^ tsik, ^ts'oi. Tsih ts^ai, J# ^ ^ 5 ,tui ,kam tsik, yuk,. Tui kin tsih yuli ; to collect or make up a sum of money, ^ ^ S hop, ^mdi ^ngan. Hoh mc4i jdn, j^ ^ ts'au' jUgan. Ts'au yin ; to collect into one hody or lump, Mi^-^M ^s'au' .mai yat, hi'. Ts'au mai yih k'i ; to collect into one, ^ — h6p, yat . Hoh yih, -^ ig h5p^ ^mai. Hoh mai ; to collect the dispersed, |if{^ 'tau san'. Tau san; to collect the ships and be on the guard, ^jl; -/^ Q ±ii ^ifni chau tsz' 'shau. Lien chau tsz sliau. pwdn, f^^ jt'ung Jiu. T'ung liau, pj '^ ,t'ung Collect, to run together, as milk, ^ ^ ^ ,tui\mai. Tu'i mai, ^ i^ tsik, ,mai. Tsih mai; 'to collect, as water, '^ cliii'. Chu, y± j^ cliii' ^mai. Chii mdi, MM lii' jD^ai. Hwui mai, Jg ch'uk,. Ch'uh. Colleagueship, partnership in office, Ifij j^^^ t^'ung Collect, a short prayer, )[|g -^ 't6 ,man, Tau wan, ,liu 'die. T'ung liau die, pf f{^ ^ jt'ung pun^ jfig ^ chuk, ^man. Chuli wan. ,yan. T'ung yin ; a colleague in office, 'g yy^ ,kuii jliu. Kwan liau ; a fellow student, jnj '^ ,t'ung ^ch'6ung. T'ung chw'ang, |bJ ^ jt'ung in\ T'ung yen ; my colleague, ^ -^ 'ngo ^liii. Wo liau, ^ f^ 'ngo pun'. Wo pwdn *ch6. T'ung pwan che, Collect, to assemble, as persons, ^^ ^ tsii" tsaj)^. Tail tsih, ^ ^ ui" tsap,. Hwui tsih, ^ ^ itf tsii\ Hwui tsii, ^ ^ tsii' ui'. Tsii hwui, ^ ^ tsapj ui\ Tsih hwui, ;fl ^ 'kau hop^. Kiu hoh ; ditto, as things &c., )\jc if| ,sliau jratii. Shau mdi, l|4 t'o liing shat,. Shing shih ; to draw to- ur *=*s. 4^ ,wan gether, ^ J^ tsii' ^mai. Tsii mdi, tsap^. Yun tsih ; to obtain from contribution, ^ ^ jts'im tsii'. Ts'ien tsii ; to collect one's self, g ^ tsz' tak,. Tsz teh; to recover from surprise, ^^ fuk, pn. Fuh ngan; to gain command over the passions, when tumultuous, J^^ ^, sik, u6'. 'chc. Shau shih die; an assemblage, 1^ lii'! Hwui, H ^ ^ tsii' tsap^ 'die. Tsii tsih che ; a contribution, ^ l|^ ^ ^ts'im ^shau 'che. Ts'ien shau c'h6 ; a collection, made in a temple,. ^ ^ ^ ,h>-ung ^tsz ,ngan. Hiang tsz yin ; a deduc- tion iVom premises, ^ ^ 'sham tok,. Shin toh, :fi 1^ ^ch'ui tok^. Ch'ui toh ; a book compiled from other books, ^ tsap,. Tsih, 1^ lii'. Hwui, ^ clian'. Chdn; a collection of phrases, f^ ^ ,ts'z tsap^. Ts'z tsih; a collection of essays, ^^ ^mau tsap,. Wan tsih ; a collection of plants, ^ 7|^ ^ ^ 'ts'6 mukj lui' piit^. Ts'au muh lui poll ; a collection of curios, — 0^^ yat, tso' un'Jif. -Yih tso Invan k'i, — tM ^ I^V^t, jt'oi lin' hi'. Yih t'ai hwaa k'i ; a heap, — J»^ COL yat, ,ttii, Yih ttii ; a group, as of trees, — ^ yat, chap,. Collective, as the collective parts of the body, ^^ pAk, 't'ai. Peh t'i, "g" ^ pdk, ^shan. Peh shin ; gathered in a bwly, ^ 'tsung. Tung, it kung^. Kung, j§|$,|! 'lung 'tsung. Lung tsung; a collec- tive noun, ^ ;g f^ xii^ jm^^ng ts//. Hwui niing U'£. I Collectively, in a mass or body, ^, 'tsung. Tsung, ^ kung'. Kung, f||| 'lung 'tsung. Lung tsung, ^ -j^. 'tsung liai^ Tsung hi ; in the aggregate, j^ 1^ 'tsung sho'. Tsung su, ^|| t;f 'tsung siin'. ; Tsung swdn, J^ %% 't'ung siin'. T'ung swdn, ^ If 'tsung kai'. Tsung ki, ^^M 'tsung U ^mAi. Tsung tdmai; unitedly, -^ h?)p^. Hob, -^ ^ h6p mdi. Iloh niai, ^ §|- hop^ kai'. -Hob ! ^U ^ M ^ kwok, bok^. Kwoh hioh, Jj^^ 'fu ^Avni. II u w(>i, )j^i^:^ ^shing ,kwan. Chingkiun, JK'^-fl p'ik, ,vung. P'ib vung. ^m P'i's Jung- l"il» y""S. f^'y^ ';''"'^^ rial colleges are places of study. Tlie Htt^ iiud ^^* are nt preBout sncred halls and only used for wor- aki)>iniir ronfufioua and his di!«.'iplei», COL (425) COL Chdh che, ^ i^ ^ 'pong ^mdi 'die. Pdng mdi ! Colloquialism i^ p tsuk^ ^ts'z. Suli ts'z. ch6. ' Colloquially |^,^^ lun' ^in. Lun jen, Mdtfj^ J^^^^ Collimation, the act of aiming at a mark, 'ii^ |g 't'6 ,t'am. Yung t'li t'dn, }]] j^ ^ yung^ tsuk^ 'chun jt'au. Chun t'au ; the line of collimation, | ^ts'z. Yung suh ts'z. 3fe 1^ .kwong sin'. KwAng sien, ^^ ^ ^kwong Colloquy, conversation, ;jig =^ ,s6ung lun^ Sidng lb\ Kwc4no: M. lun, S Iffl li' l"n-. Hii lun, ±t g« kung- ,t'dm. Collimator, an instrument for determining the hori- zontal point, ^ ^ -^ teng^ jP iig cham. Ting p'ing chin Colliquate, to melt or dissolve, ^ ^ jyi^iig f^'- Yung hwa, j^ ^-fc c^i^ ^^'- ^i^^ ^^^• Colliquefactio:i, a melting together, ^ i|| chii' ^mdi. Chii mdi, |§ ;^ — ' Pp jjung ^mai yat, %d. Yung mai yih hid. Collision, the act of striking together, 7J^ ^M ^ ,s^ung chong^ 'ch6. Sidng chwdng ch6, ;(Q |3S ^ jS6ung pung' 'chd. Sidng ping che, i^ ^^ ^ Kung t'dn, 5; =^ li' ^t'dm. Hu fan. CoUuctancy, opposition, ^ "^ ^wai pui'. Wei pei, Collude, to play into the hand of each other, ^ ^ ^mau ^hl. Mau k'l, ^ |§ ch'un' p'ln'. Ch'uen p'ien, $ |I/a ch'lin' ngak,, mUM^ c^^^ng ^mau ^hl p'in'. Sidng mau k'l p'ien ; to act in concert, |^ |^ jfung ^mau. T'ung mau, $ =^ ch'un' ^mau. Ch'uen mau. Colluder, one who conspires in a fraud, ^ ^mau p'in' 'che. Mau p'ien che. ^ jSeung 'horn 'che. Sidng kdn cli6 ; a collision of ' Colluding ^ S^ ^mau ^hi. Mau k'i, |^ ^ ^t'ung interests, ^ ;^ ;|ig ||!| sz^ ^chi ^seung cli'uk,. Sz chi sidng ch'uh, ^ -^ ^ f^ sz' ^chi tiii' 'teng. Sz chi tui ting, ^^^M- chonar' ch6uk. .chi sz^ ,raau. T'ung mau. Chwdng clioh chi sz> ^ ^ ^ -^ pung' cli^uk, ! che CoUuding, a trick, =^ §-}- 'kwai kai'. Kwei ki; collusion, ^^^ ch'iin' ^mau 'ch6. Ch'uen mau ,chi sz . Ping choh chi sz ; a collision of ships, ^■ ti' fin pin' shek ,11 ,ch'6ung. Pien shih yu ch'dng. Colon ;^ ^"td? ^ch'eung. Td ch'dng ; ditto, in grammar two points put one above the other, to mark a pause ( : ), ^ ^/^ ^sheung 'tim. Shwdng tien. Colonel, the chief commander of a regiment of troops, ^ ^ ^ts'dm tseung'. Ts'dn tsidng, ^f(^ ^ts'dm 'fu. Ts'dn fil, # 3^ t .ts'am .yung. Ts'dn jung ; colonel of a regiment, ^ ^ ^ying 'tsung. Yino; tsung. CoUop, a small slice of mea't, pf-'^ p'in' yuk,. P'ien ; Colonelcy, the office, rank or commission of a colo- juh. ' ' nel, ^ 5jf ;^ It W)i hence must he ahove a colonel, of the second ; COL (426) COL Colonist, an inhabitant of a colony, ^ ^ ff^t A j sbuk^ ti' k6' ^an, |^ g ^ A s^uk^ kvvok, tik, van. Shuh kwoh tih jin. Colonization, the act of colonizing, |ei]|lr'lfe:^ p'ik, ,8an ti^ 'cli^. P'ih sin ti ch6, ^ ^rAili <^^oi .»»" ti' 'cli6. K'di sin ti cb6. Colonize, to plant or establish a colony in, ^ |lridl p'ik, .san ti^ P'ih sin ti, ^ ^r *^ .hoi .san fau\ K'di sin fau. Colonize, to remove and settle in a distant country, M#!»iJ-^ kwo' /An ,hoi fau^ Kwo fdn k'di fau, f^J§ 'sdi ^kii. Si kii, ^ '^ .ts'in *sdi. Ts'ien si, AKa^ltk s^^^ jnaan /s'in 'sdi. Jin min ts'ien si. Colonized, settled or plan-ted with a colony, || ^ l/r ^ Jioi kwo' ^san ti'. K'di kwo sin ti. Colonizing, planting with a colony, ^ ^ ^ p'ik, ^san ti'. P'ih sin ti. Colonnade, a series or range of columns, — ■ fr ^ yat, bong ^cb'u. Yib hdng ch'u, — ^^ i^ yat, jP'Ai ^ch'ii. Yib p'ai cb'ii ; a peristyle, j^ t^ 3^ ,cbau jWai ^eb'ii. Chau wei ch'u, p^ffltt ^^' ^^^^ *ch'ii. Sz mien ch'u; a polystyle, ^tr^U ^16ung jhong ^cb'u. Lidng hdng ch'u, p{^ ^ J^ U6ung jpln 'cb'ii. Lidng pien cb'ii. Colony |/f *^ .san fau\ Sin fau', ^ ^ shuk^ ti^ Shuh ti, fe ^ shuk^ kwok,. Shuh kwoh. Colophon, the last page of a book, containing the place, where and the year when, it was printed, %ZMWL * k^ sz' ^in ^ts'ung ^h6ung. Sz hien sung hiang, }0i ^ jts'ung ^h6ung. Sung hidng. Color ^ sbik,. Sib, ^ y^ shik, cbdk^. Sib tseh, "^ TJC sink, 'shui. Sib sbwui ; the five colors, j£ -^ + 'ng sliik,. Wd sib ; hue, ^ ^ s"S^^ shik,. Yen sib ; flame color, 'X ^ 'fo sink,. Ho sib ; deep color, -^ ^ '16 sbik,, Ldu sib, '^ ^ ^sham shik,. Shin sib ; light color, ^ -^ 'ts'In shik,. Ts'ien sib ; rich color, ^^ ^ s^^'^S shik,. Yung sih ; dull color, D^S ^ *d shik,. Yd sib ; change- able color, P^ ^ *sbim shik,. Shen sih ; brilliant color, ^ t^"^ ,kiu im^ Kidu yen ; delicate color, 1^^ niin'' shik,. Nun sih; plain color, ^^ s6' shik,. Su sib ; variegated color, ]^ ^ ^pdn shik,. Pdn sih, ^ -^ 'ts'oi shik,. Ts'di sih; marble color, %\i, f^ tsjipj shik,. Tsdh sih; of a beautilul color, said of piece goods, dresses &c., $f ^ TJC *b5 shik, 'shui. Ildu sih sbwui ; of a fine color, ||{-^ eb'ut, sliik,. Cb'ub sib; of an inferior color, ■^^KliS ^^^^K '•'*^'"^ M^- ^i^ sbwui ti; every kind of color, j^ ^ kok, sink,. Koh sih ; of the same color, {{S,^ — tE ^"^' i^'^ y^K sliik,' Yen jen yib sih ; to take a-n'ay the color, ji^ ^ jCb'ii shik,. Ch'u sib, ^ ^ (^ 'filing lat, shik,; to lose the t They ore : black, ^ link-,. Hch ; roil, ^ ch'ik,. Ch'ili ; azure or green, f^ (ts'cng. Ts'ing ; wbito, Q pAk,. I'ch, and yelloiv, j|gf iwong. HwAng. color, -^ f^ shat, shik,. Shih sib, ig. ^ t'ui' shik,. T'ui sib ; the color of the face, \ii\ ^ min^ shik,. Mien sib, ^ ^ jjung ^ngdn. Yung yen, ifjl "^ hilt, shik,. Hiueh sih ; to have a fresh color of the face, ^ ^^ ^ ® ^au jt'6 /d min*. Yii t'du hwd mien ; under the color of friend- sliip, n^^M ^ chd' jwai j)'ang 'yau. Chd wei p'ang yu ; to be in colors, ^ ^ ^ ch6uk, /d ^i. Chob hwd i ; to^ assume the color of, ^ "^ mau' jWai. Mau wei, $| ^ TJC 'ching shik, 'shui. Ching sib sbwui, ^ ^ jSl .chong 'mai min\ Chwdng mi mien ; specious, ^ ^ ^chong shik,. Chwdng sih ; rbaitorical colors, ^ '^ ^ ^ /d jin *hdu 'ii. Ilwd yen k'idu yu ; the colors of the state, g ^ kwok, jk'i. Kwoh k'i ; un- der what colors does be sail ? ^ -|i 1^ j^ .sbing mat, 'y6 ,k'i, )|ft ff f^ ^. ^ .shun ,shing ^ho jk'i jii. Ch'uen sliing ho k'i hu; to change colors, ^M^ ^^' ^'^ li^'- Hwdn k'i hdu ; names of colors, |^ ^ ijff jiigdn shik, jmeng. Yen sih ming. Color, to dye, ^ ^ 'im shik,. Yen sib ; to paint, Jt -^ 'sb^ung shik,. Shdng sih, '^ ^t'b. T'u ; to give a specious appearance, ^ ^ ^chong shik,. Chwdng sih, /^ -^ 'fan shik,. Fan sih ; to set in a fair light, or make plausible, >^ ^ 'fan shik,. Pan shih, f^ ^ '^ yung* 'fan ^ts'z. Yung fan ts'z ; to color a stranger's goods, tS 4£ ^ ^ '^^ t'ok, ^meng hh^. Kid t'ob ming hdu. Color, to turn red, ^j^ pin' shik,. Pien sib, |^j^ ^ fdt, jhung min^ Pdh hung mien ; to get ang- ^y» f^ "fe tsok, shik,. Tsoh sib. Colorable, specious, j^ ^ ^\J ,chong shik, tik,. Chwdng sib tih, ^ ^|i(i)E 'fan shik, \l6\ ^ ^ ;^ P|t 'ching shik, 'shui k6'. Coloi-ably, with a fair external appearance, ^ ifj^ shik, jin. Shih jen, J^ JjSjt ^ 'i .chong shik,.' 1 chwdng sih. Colomtion, the art or practice of coloring, ^ ^'gj ^ 'tim biin' 'ch6. Tien hiuen cbt^', ^val'^f^ hiin' 1m 'cb6. Hiuen yen ch<'', ^^ ^ ^ 'tim chui' 'ch6. Tien chui cb^, j^jjj ^ bun' ^man. Hiuen wan; the state of being colored, ^ ^ shik, 'shui. Sih sbwaii, j^^ jTigdn shik,. Yen sih. Colored, having the external appearance changed, J: t^ Pf-Jt 'sb6img shik, k6\ ^ & tK fi'j '^'''i"? shik, 'shui tik,. Ching sih sbwui tih; dyeJ, ^j!^ 'im kwo'. Y'en kwo ; painted, J', j!^ ^ 'sbdung kwo' shik,. Shdng kwo sib, ^,4'^ ^ 'ching kwo* shik,. Ching kwo sib ; streakal, or of dilfercnt colors, ^ ^ (]i} tsdpj shik, tik,. Tsdh sih tih ; ditto of hoi-ses, ^ ()& pok,shik,. Pob sih; colored goods, :;ff; ^ /d p6'. Hwd jjii ; marked with colors, ^^ ^^ jwd 'ts'oi. Hwd ts'di, -^ ^ ^man *t8'oi. Wan ts'di, ^? ^ ^wd ^man. Hwd wan ; colored people, jj^jf ^Pj^ \ tsdp^ shik, ke ^jan. Colorific, that ha.s the (juality of tinging, \^ ^shang ^md 'kd. Sang md kii -, a filly, ^}Ct ^ ^p'an 'md. P'in md. Colter ^7J ^lai ^tb. Li tau, ^ ^pai. Pi, ^ jai. Pi. Coltish, wanton, ^,|^i|i^ ^shang 'md 'kii. Sang md ^^^ '/^iL ja^ l^Ji"- Yin Iwdn; gay, ||/\^^ ,heng ^sam. K'ing sin, ^^ '^ .lieng fai'. K'ing kw'di. Coluber ^"^ ^ ^she ^racng. Shi6 ming, Columbery, a dove-cot, j^^ ^kau uk,. Kiii uh, jj!^ ^ ^au ^wo. Kiu wo. Columbiferous, producing or containing columbium, t^m^^^<^ ch'ut, .ko ,lun j)in ,kam. Ch'uh ko lun pien kin. Columbine, of a dove-color, Jj^ -^ ^pdn shik,. Pdn sih ; the heroine in a pantomime, a dancing girl, ' ^ M. 'mb tdn'. Wii tdn. Columbium -^•f^^^ Jko ^lun j)ui ^kam. Ko lun pien kin. ^ Column H^ 'ch'ii. Ch'ii ; a round pillar, [g| j^ ^iin 'ch'ii. Yuen ch'ii ; a column of water, -^ j^ ^ yat, jt'iu 'shui. Yih t'idu shwui, — ' >^ tJC yat, 'ch'ii 'shui. Yih ch'u shwTii ; a column of smoke, — ' tt i^ y^^5 ^ch'ii ^in. Yih ch'u yen ; a column of troops, —^^ yat, jVai j)ing. Yih p'di ping; a column of a paper, — ■ ^ yat, ^ts'ong. Yih ts'dng, — " Pi^ yat, kak,. Yih keh ; a column of letters, — Tf^- J^K s^iong tsz\ Yih hdng tsz ; a column of ships, — ^ )|§ J^K ^^^ jShiin. Yih lien ch'uen. Columnar, formed in columns, 3^ 1^ ^|| ^ch'ii 'kbm y^un^. Ch'ii kdn ydng, M^& lui' ."^ 'ch'ii. I Lui hii ch'ii, 11^— # lui' jii yat, ^p'di. Lui hii ! yib p'di. j Colure, colures, p^ ^ t^ |^ 'l^ung kik^ ^wdng sin'. I Lidng kih hung sien, P9 ^ ^ ^z' kwai' sin'. Sz kwei sien. Coma B|^ ^min. Mien, 0|^ ^ ,min 'eh6. Mien ch6, I lljll fjE fan' ching', ^ fat,. Hwuh. Coma, in botany, a species of bracts, terminating the stem of a plant in a bush, ^ ij^^^ kon' ^miii "(in sui^ Kdn midu yuen sui. Comate, hairy, ^ P^ ^mb ke', ^ % ^au 'mb. Yti mdu. Comotose, drowsy, ^ 0^ peng" ^min. Ping mien, ^ g|^ ^tdm ,min. Tdn mien. Comb ^ ,sho. Sii ; a dust comb, ^ pi\ Pi, :||Jj tsit,. Tsieh, $^ 'pi. Pi, ffll 'pi. Pi, ];{; ^ 'pi ,ki. Pi ki ; comb, general term for, ^^ ,sho pi^ Sii pi, i^ j^ jSho tsit,. Su tsieh ; a tortoise shell comb, ^ J^ :|5f^ toi^ miii^ ,sho. Tdi mei sii ; an ivory comb, ^ ^ {% tseung^ ^ngd ^sho. Sidng yd sii ; one comb — ■ ;^ ^ yat, chek^ ^sho. Yih chih su, — "^ tS y^K chek, pi^ Yih chih pi ; a set of combs, — ^Ij^lt^ yat, fii' ^sho pi'. Yih fii su pi; a wooden comb, ^^ 'chung. Chung; a Tail6ung comb * , ^ ^S ^ ,tan chuk, pl\ Kin chub pi ; a horse comb, ,^ J^lJ *md shdt,. Md shwdh ; the teeth of a comb, ^ ® pi' 'ch'I. Pi cu'i ; a weaver's comb, ^ k'au'. K'au, j^ chuk^. Chuh ; shuttle and comb, /(•f-:^ 'ch'u chuk^. Ch'u chub ; the shuttle receives the warp, and the comb the woof # ^ |I, # ^ ^t '^^'^ ^hau' jking, chuk^ shau' 'wai. Ch'ii shau king, chuh shau wei ; the crest, or cock's-comb, ^ ^ ^kai ^kun. Ki kwdn ; a honey comb, ^ ^ mat^ ,wo. Mih wo, ^ ^ mat^ /ong. Mih fdng ; the cell of a comb, ^ ^ mat^, ,p'i. Mih p'l. Comb, to, p^ ^sho. Sii, ^ pi'. PI, ditto, as the hair, ;^B^ ^sho jt'au. Sii t'au, ^ ^ ^sho fdt,. Su fah, ^ ^ tsIt, fdt,. Tsieh fdh, gg ^ 'H fdt,^ LI fdh ; to comb the hair with a dust comb, ^ sM.^ P^^ jt'au fdt,. Pi t'au fdh, ^ ts'z'. Ts'z, ^ 'hbm. Kdn ; to comb a horse, |jlj ,^ shdt, ^d. Shwdh * The best combs manxifactured is this province come from ;7C ^ Taileung of the jlp fs Shuntak district and are call- \ ed^Hr^. COM (428) COM md; to comb silk, j^ ^^ ,^ing ^sz. King sz ; to comb and dress the hair, ij^ ^ ^sbo ,chong. Sii chwdng. Comb-brush, a brush to clean a comb, ^^^ ,sho piUs'dt,. Supich'Ah. Comb-maker, one whose occupation is to make combs, JH ^ 0riJ '(9/ 'ching ,sho ^sz fu^ Ching sii sz fu. Comb-naaking |^ ij^ 'ching ,sho. Ching su. Combat, to stmggle or contend with an opposing force, flj ^ chin' tau'. Chen tau, :^ |^ .kdu chin'. Kidu chen, ff^ tui' chin'. Tdi chen, §^ i^ tdi' 'td. Tui td, tiilS: tdi' tik^. Tui tih, ^ ^ ^kdu ,fung. Kiau fung ; to contend together, j^ i^ jS^ung 'td. Sidng td ; to combat an opinion, fhkl. V^^' Pok,- Pien poh, f^ ^^ pin^ lun^ Combat, a fighting, "^ ^ ^ chin' tau' 'chd. Chen tau ch6, ^fJ4^ c^au chin' 'ch6. Kiduchench^, ^ ^ i Mu ,fung 'ch6. Kidu fung ch^, ff tt td chdung'. Td chdng, jjc ^ ^ c^ung 'td 'ch6. Kung td che ; a duel, or a single combat, J:(j 5^ 'pi 'm6. Pi wu ; a sanguinary combat, J^Jpj^ hut, chin'. Hiueh chen ; a combat for life and death, 5£ f^ 'sz chin. Sz chen, ^ JjfJ Idn^ 'td. Lan td ; to decide by combat, :^ ft i^ /an ^ts'z jhung. Fan ts'z hiung ; to try by combat, |^ % S ijl shf hon ,ts'z jhung. Shi k'dn ts'z hiung. Combatable, that may be disputed, ^ ^ 'ho pin\ ;^;'o pien ; that may be opposed, pj 1^ 'ho tik^. K'o tih, ^ m 'ho tdi'. K'o tdi. Combatant 4k M ^bin' 'ch6. Chen ch6, i^ °^ ^- s^ung chin' 'ch6. Sidng chen ch6, fj^tT^ chin' 'td 'ch6. Chen td ch6, ^ fj^ ^ ^du chin' 'ch^. Kidu chen ch6, ^ ■± ^6 sz^ Wu sz ; a duelist, ik ^ ^ 'pi ^m6 'ch^. Pi wu ch6 ; a champion, 1^ ^ jiog jliung. Ying hiung ; a person who contends with another in argument, %^^ ^, pin^ pok, 'ch6. Pien poh ch6, ^ g^ ^ pin' lun' 'ch6. Pien lun ch6. Combated, opposed, ^ tT >^ tiii' ^^^ kwo'. Tiii td kwo, nl ^ i§_ tui' tik^ kwo'. Tui tih kwo ; ditto in argument, j^^M P^^^ V^K ^^o'- ^'^^^ PO^ kwo. Combative, disposed to combat, f^ |^ h6' chin. Hdu chen. Combativeness, disposition to contend, ^ ^ 'hi chin'. Hi chen, >^^^ sing' 'hi chin'. Sing hi chen. Combed i^ jl^ .sho kwo'. Sd kwo, ^ ^^ pi' kwo'. Pi kwo. Combination, alliance, J^ y6uk,. Yob, i^#j;^ kit, yduk, 'ch6. Kieh yoh ch6; intimate union of two or more persons, ^ ^ ^ jHin hbp^ 'ch6. Lien holi ch6, I^ ^ jlun m\ Lien hwui, ^ gg_ ui' jmang. IL^ui mang, "^ ^ ^ ui' mdi *ch6. Hwui mdi ch6, ^ ^ ^ ,s6ung h6p, ch6. Sidng hob ch^, ^ jf* ^ .kdu kit, 'ch6. Kidu kieh ch6, ^ jffj f, .kdu .chim 'ch<'^ Kidu nien ch6 ; cabals, ^ ^* jliin 'tong. Lion tdng, o ^ 6h5' kit, 'tong. Kieh tdng, ^ ^ ,lun jmang. Lien mang, ^ ■^ pdi' uP. Pdi liwui ; conbinations to pul down the government, j^t '^ =jj| 2X ^^K 'tong ^mau 'fdn. Kieh tdng raau fan ; combina- tions among the people, ^ ^ jlun lok,. Lien loh, ^Z^W^^i ^man .clii ^lun lok,. Min chi lien loh ; a village combination for offensive or defensive purposes, ^ ^ jt'iin lin'. Tw'dn lien, f^ ^ ^ jliin y6uk, 'ch6. Lien yoh ch6 ; a com- bination of tradesmen for the pi-otection of their interest, ^ ff :tCi -t^ J*"^ j^o^o *P^ jCb'i. Lien hdng pd cii'i ; a traitorous combination, ^ ^ jkdn 'tong. Kien tdng; combination of circum-' stances, ^^;^^ sz' sz' ts'au' hop^. Sz tz ts'au hob, ^ ^ ;^ yjJj- sz' sz' ts'au' .ngdm ; chemical union, miltk il*in »»^P> 'ch6, |±^f kit, hdp, 'ch6 ; a combination of numbers, ^ ^ hb-p^ 'che. Sii hob ch6. Combine, to join as things, ^ ^ ^liin hap,. Lien hidh, |i|-^ 'tau h6p^. Tau hob, ^ i^ lun ^mdi. Lien mdi, ^ J^ hbp^ ^radi. Hoh mdi, |± i^ kit, ^mdi. Kieh mdi, ^ ^ 'kim ^mdi. Kien mdi ; to link together, jj^ j|l ,s6ung ^lin. Sidng lien, j^ ijl jlin ^radi. lien mdi, 5^ -^ ^lin hop^. Lien hoh ; to cause to imite, ^ -^ 'sz hop^. Shi hoh, ^ -^ chi' hbp^. Chi bob ; to bring into a union or confederacy, ^^ jliin lok,. Lien loh, f^ ^ Jiiu h6pj. Lien hoh, ^ 'fx jliin jhong. Lien hdng, J|| ^ ^mdi .hong. Mdi hdng ; to combine one's strength, |^ ^ hip^ lik^. Hieh lieh; to combine traders, to combine the multitudes, j^ ^ 'tau chung'. Tau chung. Combine, to unite, as men, i^^ ,s6ung h6p^. Sidng hoh, ^ ^ 'tau h6p^. Tau hoh, ^ ^ ^liin lok,. Lien loh, ^ H^ h6p^ ^mdi. Hoh miii, J^ ^ kit, h6pj. Kieh hoh, ^ -^ ui' hbp^. Hwui hoh, ^ ^ 'tsung hbp . Tsung hoh, ^ ^ jliin ^mdi. Lien mdi, ^p. ^ ,kdu kit,. Kidu kieh ; to com- bine in cabal, |*1j^ kit, 'tong. Kieh tdng, |^ "^ jliin.'tong. Lien tdng, j^^ Ifp* 'tau tong. Tau tdng ; to agree, ^j ^ jWO h6p^. Ho hoh, ^1 ^ jWO hdp,. Ho hidh, p{^ -^ jhAi h6pj. Hidi lioh, ^ jWO. Ho, ^ hdpj. Hidh ; to combine, as tra- ders, ^ ^ jliln ^mdi. Lien mdi ; ditto, as vil- lages, ^ j^g- jliin lok,. Lien loh ; to combine and prepare for offensive or defensive purposes, ^if^ ^^ jliin lok, jt'iin lin'. Lien loh tw'dn lien ; to combine, as thieves, i^ $ ,s6ung ch'un'. Sidng ch'uon, $ ig ch'un' ^mdi. Ch'uen mdi ; to com- bine mutually, 'M. i^ ^ ^ ^^ .s6ung .kdu kit,, llii sidng kidu kieh ; to combine, as nations, j^ 15^ 'tnu jliin. Tau lien ; to combine by affinity, p^ Hui hdp,. Lien hiiih, J^^ kit, h6p^. Kieh holi, '^^ -^ ,hin h6p^. K'iou hoh. Combituxl, united closely, :;|iU^ ^s6ung \ih\\. Sidng hoh, i^ I^ .soung Jun. Sidug lien, |jt -A. ^j^ kit, h6pj kwo'. Kieh hoh kwo, kwo*. Lieu mdi kwo, J^^ j^J'f )!§[ ,lan jliin jTOdi lok, kwo*. Lien loh kwo ; leagued, ^ :^ jii^ jlim ^mdi kwo*. COM (429) COM Lien mdi kwo ; combined strength, ^ -^ hip^ i 'shau. Hieh sbau, \^^ liip^ lik,. Hieh lib, f^)} \ ping' lik^. Ping lib ; combined purpose, j^i^ bip^ ^sam. Hieh sin, uf^iVj) hip^ ^sam. Hieh sin; chemi- cally united, ^f^)^ jliin bAp, kwo'. Combiner ^^ y^ jliin hop^ 'cb^. Lien boh che ; one who causes combination, -^^Pl^ tso' cb'iin' k6', -^ ^ ft" tso' ,nga Tcui. Tso ya kwdi. Combiug -^ ,sbo. Su', ^ pi^ PI. Combining, uniting closely, ^^ ^ jliin ^mai. Lien mAi, ^ iH kit, ^mdi. Kieb mai ; joining in pur- pose, 1^ ^, Jlun^cbf. Lien chi, ^ j\^n kit, ,sam. i Kieh sin ; ditto in cabal, ^ ^ ^Ivln 'tong. Lien tdng, ditto, as thieves, $;t^ cb'lin' ^mdi. Cb'iien ' mai ; ditto, as circumstances, ^ -^ ts'au' b5p,. Ts'au hob. Combless, without a comb or crest, fiH.^ jia5 ^kun. j Wii kwan. ' Combustible, capable of catching fire, ^ ^ »/^ ^^ *ho cheuk, 'fo tik,. K'o chob ho tib, MM^^^ i' cheuk, 'fo ke', ^ ^ 'JC i' Te 'fo. I jeh bo, ^| ^ ^ -yan 'fo tik,. Yin bo tib ; that will take , fire and burn, "pf 'jf^ 'ho ^shiu. K'o sbau. Combustible, a substance that will take fire and bum, pf '^ ^\J i^ 'bo ^shiu tik, mat,. K'o shdu tib wuh, i\ ^^Uii^ Tan 'fo ke' mat^. Combustibleness, the quality or capability of ta- king fire and burning, pj" 'jf^ ^ 'bo ^shiti 'cb6. K'o sbau chd, P\'M-M^ 'ho /n ,sbiu 'eh^. K'o jen sbdu chd. Combustion 'Jt^ 'Jij^, ,shiu ^In. Sbdu jen ; conflagra- tion, >J^ ^ 'lb chuk,. Ho chub ; spontaneous combustion, Q ,^ rfij 'J^ tsz' ^in ,1 ^shiu. Tsz jen rb sbau, g^^r?ni^ tsz' ,ln ^i ^in. Tsz jen rh jen; tumult, ||.'f?|i1;^iji^ ch'du' ndu' ,cbi sz'. Ch'du ndu chi sz, nf pf =j; %^ .ts'5 jts'6 cb'au' ch'au . Ts'du ts'au cb'Au ch'au. Come (pret. came; part, come), to move toward, ^j^ ;oi. Lai, ^ >i, 3? chi'. Chi, ^ kak,. Keb, gg jlam. Lin, ^ li'. Li ; to advance nearer, ^j^ jg; jloi kan'. Ldi kin, l^jg; jlai kan', ^ ^ fu' kan'. Fu kin, ^ j§ chi' \. Chi rb, jg ;^ "i ,cbi. Rh chi, g§ j^ ,1am kan'. Lin kin ; to arrive, ^ %\\ \ ;ai t6', ^ chi'. Chi, |g $1] cbf t6'. Chi tdu, ^ ^Ij Joi t6'. Lai tau, M '^ «lii' k'ap^. Chi kib ; to be present, ^ y ^loi 'liu. Ldi liau, |^ "J s^^i niu, ^) 7 t6' aid. Tau liau, ^J ^ t5' lok,; to advance and arrive at some state or condi- tion, ^ ^ chi' k'ap^. Chi kib ; to come to ac- ] tion, ^%\\ tr jloi t6' 'ta. Ldi tau td, ^ ^ fuM tikj. Fu tih; to happen, ^ ^ shik, ^yau. Sbib j y6 ; how comes that ? P)| ^ j^ l# '^i^i ,pin ch'ii' , jlai, i^^^ ts'ung ^bo ^loi. Ts'ung bo ldi, '^^ j ffn ^ ,bo tsz^ ^i ^loi. Ho tsz rh ldi, # ^ |^ ^: jts'uug jho ch'ii' ^loi. Ts'ung ho cb'u ldi; to ap-i P''ar, }:t{ ^ ch'ut, ,loi. Ch'ub ldi, \\\ i^ cb'ut,| In'. Ch'ub hien, ^ ^ fat. In'. Fdb bien ; to | sprout, as; plants, ^ ^^ ^mang ^ngd. Mang yd, ' ^ ^ fdt, in'. Fdb hien ; to become, ^ jShing. j Ching, ^ 1^ jSbing tsau'. Ching tsiti ; come ! ^P^J ^oi ^16, ^\^\\ Joi ;d; I will come, ^ P^ jloi lok, ; to come about, to happen, ^ :^ shik, ^yau. Sbib yd, i|>^ ^ hdp, \vau. Hidh yd ; to come about, to turn, i{^ 'cbun. Chuen ; to change, as the mind, ^."^ 'cbun i'. Cliuen I, |e] j\j> jdi ,sam. Hwui sin, ^ ^ pin' I'. Pien i ; to return, |^|^I^ /dn chiin' ,t'au. Fdn chuen t'au, ffjl 1^ cbiin' jt'au. Chuen t'au, [e] ^ ^di ^t'au. Hwui t'au, j^ 'fan. Fdn, Ig] ^di. Hwui; to come after, to follow, ^ ^ ,kan 'ml. Kin wl, ^ .ts'ung. Ts'ung, |^ ^ts'ui. Sui, f^i^ ^ts'ung bau'. Ts'ung bau ; to come at, to reach, ^ cbf. Chi, g; ^Ij cbf t6'. Cbl tau, jfj ^ Joi cbl'. Lai cbl, I^ %\\ ,lai to' ; to gain, J^ k'ap^i Kib, ^ ^ chi' k'ap^. Cbl kib ; to come away, ^| ^11. Li, ^ hii'. K'u ; to leave, f ^ ^ts'z. Ts'z, |^^ ,ts'z biit Ts'z k'ii ; to issue fromj ^ j jfj ch'ut, ^loi. Ch'ub lai, Mj -^ ch'ut, bu'. Ch'ub k'u ; to coine back, ^5l5 /an ,loi. Fdn ldi, [eJ 5f5 ,iii M. Hwui ldi ; to come by, \^ jg; kwo' kan'. Kwo kin, ^^l^jg: .king kwo' kan'. King kwo kin ; ditto, to obtain, rff tak,. Teh, ff. f ij tak, to'. Teh tdu ; to come down, >^^ lokj jloi. Lob ldi, ~[^^ 'bd.loi. Hid ldi, 1^ kong'. Kidng, [^ gS kong' .lam. Kidng lin; to come down in price, /J^[3 'keimkd'. Kien kid ; to come down from ancestors, 3;^ ^ ^ ^1] t'di' .kung .loi to'. T'di kung ldi tau ; ditto, to be bumbled," ^ ^ sbau' yuk^. Sbau jub, ^ f,lj sbau' chai'. Sbau cbl ; to come for, to come to get or obtain, 4f ^f^ tak^ .loi. Teh ldi, # ^ ^ takj .tang ^loi. Teh tang ldi, ^ ^ .cbun ^loi. Chuen ldi, ^ ^ .loi 'seung. Ldi sidng ; to come forth, {jj ch'ut,. Cli'uh, [j^ ^ ch'ut, .loi. Ch'ub ldi, ^ fdt,. Fdb, ^ lij fdt, ch'ut,. Fdb ch'ub, 1^ ^ fdt, In'. Fdb hien ; ditto, to depart from, ^'1 jll. LI ; ditto, to come from, ^ jj^ ^ts'ung jloi. Ts'ung ldi, ^ ^ ^yau .loi. Yd ldi, g ^ tsz' .loi. Tsz ldi ; he comes from Sbdngbdi, pk .\lM^ '^'ai Sb^unghoi .lai, gj j- '^ ^ tsz' Sheungboi ^loi. Tsz Sbdngbdi ldi, E^ Jt }^ ig .yau Sheungboi chi'. Yd Sbdngbdi chi ; come bere, ^ ^ .loi 'ts'z. Ldi ts'z, ^ pj^ \g ^loi .ni cb'u'; to come in, TV yap,. Jib, X ^ yap^ Joi. Jib ldi, j^ tsun'. Tsin, 71 ^ yap^ noi'. Jib nui ; to yield, |p yeiing'. Jdng ; ditto, to arrive at a place or port, |i|f P^ Jai lok,, ^ ^|j .loi t6'. Ldi tdu ; to become fashionable, ^ |j,^ .ts'd shI. Ts'u shi, Bf ^ ^sbl .lung. Sbl hing ■, ditto, to enter as an ingredient or part of a composi- tion, TV ^ yap^ noi'. Jib nui ; to come to ma- turity and yield, j^ 'cb'dn. Ch'dn, i\: .shang. Sang ; to come in for, 71 f^ yap^ fan'. Jili fan ; to come in for, as a share, X|S yapj 'kd. Jib kd ; to come in contact with, jg^ d' ch^uk,. Yd chob, M @ .seung u'. Sidng yd, :;ji| ^ .seung .fung. Sidng fung, ^^ ^ 'tai di'. TI hwui, %5. §^ 'Im ship,. Yen shell, ^ ^g. "Wd; to come into, to join wltb;^^ joi .pong. Ldi jmng, ^ ^J jloi COM (430) COM cho\ Mi tsu ; to comply with, J^ 'chun. Chun, ^ ^ 'chun jts'ung. Clmn ts'ung ; to come into the world, as Christ, ^ IJJ; kong' shai'. KiAng shl, 1^^ kong' ^shang. Kidng sang, ^^ kong' jlam. Kidng lin, f^ jlf Jam shai'. Lih slii ; to come near, ^ j^ tsau^ kan\ Tsiii kin, ^y^L^^^ kan^ Fu kin, -^ jg; hii' kan\ K'ii kin ; to ap- proach in excellence, ^ ^ ts'z' ^chi. Ts'z chl, j^SJf^ d' jii. A yu; to come nigh, ^^jg; Jam kan^ Lin kin; to come of, to issue from, {f| ch'ut,. Ch'uh, jfJ jloi- Ldi ; to come off a loser, i^ ^shCi, Shti ; to come off, to depart from, ^'^ Ji. Li ; to escape, ^ ^t'5. T'du, '^ ^ ^i'b t'ut,. T'du t'oh ; to get loose, ^ lat, ; to take place, ^ ts'6^ Tso, 'p^ tsok,. Tsoh; to come on, to advance, j^ ^ts'in. Ts'ien, fS) |f h6ung' ^ts'in. Ilidng ts'ien ; to hap- pen to, fjSj j§ ^ngau ii^ Ngau yu ; to come over, jj^^ kwo' jloi. Kwo Idi ; to pass from one party to another, ^f^)^l|:t: jau *pi kwo' 'ts'z. Yii pi kwo ts'z, ^^ j^ jt'au kwo'. T'au kwo ; to come out, HJ ch'ut,. Ch'uh, 1$ fij fdt, ch'ut,. Fdh ch'uh ; to become public, ^ '^ sit, lau^ Sieh lau ; ditto, as a book, [jj ch'ut,. Ch'uh ; to ap- pear after being clouded, ^ |f} in^ ch'ut,. Hien ch'uh, 1^ ^ fdt, in^ Fdh hien ; to come out of, to issue forth, {Jj ^ ch'ut, Joi. Ch'uh Idi ; to come out with, |^ [J[| 'kong ch'ut,. Kidng ch'uh, ^ m sit, ch'ut,. Sieh ch'uh ; to come out of a house, 9:{ ;^ M ch'ut, ,u uk,. Ch'uh yu uh, gf(t ^ jli uk^. Li uh ; to come round, i^ 'chiin. Chuen ; to come short, to fail, J^ ^ (hil J6. Hii liiu, yf: 2J^ pat, k'ap^. Puh kih, ^ "^ shat, f. Shih i ; to come to, to consent, ^^ 'chun. Chun; to amount to, ^ ^ tsung kai'. Tsung ki ; to come to a settlement, i5$ =^- y 'kong 't'o *liu. Kidng t'o lidu ; to come to any great emergency ^:MW Jam tai^ tsit,. Lin td tsieh ; to come to blows, ^. $|J ijf chf t6' 'td. Chi tdu td ; to reco- ver, as from a swoon, ^ |^ fuk^ ^sii. Fuh su, J^S^ 'fdn jWan. Fan hwan; it comes to the same thing, 5lJ j^ — ^ to' 'tai yat, sink,. Tdu ti yih shih ; to come to the throne, ^P "^ tsik, wai^ Tsih wci, JIl^ c^'d wai' *ngo ^sam. T'd wei wo sin; to cheer, ^ f^ 'kii -mo. Kii wd ; to encourage, as accessory to a crime, g^ ^ 'kii tung\ Ku. tung. Comfort, relief from pain, ^^ ^on lok^. Ngdn loh, '^ J^ fi^ c^ong. Ngan kang, 2}S1 -^ ^p'ing ^on. P'ing ngan, ^ J^ ,p'ing ,hong. P'ing kang, ^ ^ ,hong ^ning. Kang ning, J^ ^ hong t'di\ Kdng t'ai, ^ i^ wai' f . Wei 1 ; to live in ease and comfort, ^^^ ^ 'pau shik^ ^on ^kii. Pau shih ngan kii. Comfortable, being in a state of ease, or moderate enjoyment, ^^ ,on lok^. Ngan loh, ^^ i yau' hii', ^ ^± .loi 'wong. Ldi wdng, ^l] 4^ ^ f^ -l^ung ^t'au ,loi 'wong. Lidng t'au ldi wdng, i^ ^ ^ts'ai sit,. Ts'i sieh, ^ ^ lut, ^wong. Lih hwdng ; future, ^ ^ ^tseung jloi. Tsiang ldi ; coming ages, ^ jli; hau' shai'. Hau shi, ^ ^ ^loi shai'. Ldi shi. Coming-in, entrance, ^ tsun'. Tsin, 71.^ y^P^ jloi- Jih ldi. Comitial, relating to the comitia, ^ '^ ^ ^man lii' 'ch6. Min hwui ch6. Comity, civHity, jjj| 'lai. Li, p gc 'ldi shb'. Li sii ; good breeding, ^ ,|| ^au '"'lai. Yii li, ^ ^f ^ 'ho -lai 'ch6. Hdu li che. Comma, in writing and printing [,] , ^jl^ *tim. Tien. Command ^ meng'. Ming, -^ <^ meng' ling', ^ ^ shik, ling'. Chih ling, f^<^ ch'ik, ling'. Ch'ih ling, |j^ -^ k6' meng'. Kdu ming, |^ |^ ko' ii'. Kdu yii ; to order, \i^ p^^ /an fii'. Fan fii, 5^ j^ chuk, fii'. Chuh fii, |j^ ii'. Yii, <^ ling'. Ling ; the fort commands the harbour, ^S^|^'^ p'du' ,t'oi wai' wdn. P'du t'ai wei wdn ; to overlook, ^^ lU 'tsung 'Idm. Tsung Idn ; to command, as an ar- my> m ^ 't'ung ling'. T'ung ling, ^f 4| 'tsung 'leng. Tsung ling ; to command silence, ^^'^ chuk, mat^ ^in. Chuh wuh yen, |^ ^ ^ kdi' mat^ jin. Kidi wuh yen, to command one's self, g ^ tsz' y6uk,. Tsz yoh, g i^ tsz' 'kim. Tsz kien; he commands my pm-se, ^l§_g^^tE^^ /s'in ^ngan Jting 'k'ii 'kiin ch'uk,. Ts'ien yin king k'ii kwdn shuh ; to command publicly, ^ 11^ 'hiii ii'. Hidu yu ; to command influence, ^ nij -^ 'yau mln' 'tsz. Yii mien tsz, ^ "H (g| 'yau t ai nun", lu 1 1 mien. Command, to excercise supreme authority, ^ J|| tuk, -li. Tub li, ^| jjg 'tsung 'li. Tsung li. Command, supreme power, ^^ jk'iin. K'iuen, j^|^ 't'ung jk'iin. T'ung k'iuen, ^i^ ^ Ji'iin shai'. K'iuen shi; the controlling power, ^^I'fJE^I^ ^yau 'tsung 'li ^clii ^k'iin. Yii tsung 11 chi k'iuen; the mandate uttered, -^ij meng'. Ming, =^ kdi'. nil Kidi, ^^ ^ ho' leng'. Hdu ling. ^ ^ ch'ik, ling'. Ch'ih ling; to have the command of the army, j^-fH^Sp^ 't'ung 'leng ^sdm ^kwan. T'ung ling sdn kiuni the commands of the emperor, bS i^oug chili'. Hwdng chdu, J^ ^ sheung* ii\ Shdrig y4 ig # shing' 'chi. Shing chi, |g^ COM (432) COM shinj^' 11 . Slung yu ; to receive one's commands, tS nri ments, -f-^ shap^ k^i'. Shih kidi, -f^^flj shap^ Heng meng^. Ling ming, ^ -^ shau^ jt'iu kdi'. Shih t'idu kidu ; divine command- meng^. Shau ming ; to issue commands, "J^ -^ ments, Ji'^ ^Wd Shdung^ tai* ^chf k^i'. Shing ^hd meng^. Uid ming, |^^ kong' meng^, Kidng ; ti clii kidi, 5c ^ ^*^'* ^^^ ^^'^ ^^^^' IS tt A ^'i^ffJH ngoi* mail* Mam ^in. Wdi mau lin jen ; to give a com- manding view, ^1^ jTigai jUgai. "Wei wei ; com- manding influence, ^' ^ *yau jk'iin. Yu k'iuen, '^ U!I "?^ ^yau mln^ 'tsz. Yii mien tsz. Commandment, a command, ^ -^ meng^ If'ng^ ! Ming liug, IS ^ kai' meng^ Kidi ming, jj^ ft ! kdi' lutj. Kidi liuh, |^ kdi' ; tho Ton Comjuand- 1 ,8ln. Shau sien, ^ ^ 'ch'l Sau. Ch'l yu, ^ 'ch'l hai^ Ch'l hi, ^j] ^ ,cb'o 'hi. Ts'u k'i, ^ 'hi. K'I, ^ ^ 'hi ^t'au. K'I t'au, ^ "f .hoi 'shau. K'di shau, ^ "^ 'hi 'shau. K'I shau, j^ •f^ jiin bai^ Yuen hi, |g 2|j ^iin 'pdn. Yuen pun, i?i ^ /in jloi. Yuen Idi, jq j^ ,vin 'ch'l. Yuen ch'l, WW] 'ch'l ch'ut,. Ch'l cb'ub; to commence work, "JC -^ Mid 'shau. Hid shau, ^ ^ ^mdi 'shau. Mdi shau, ^ ^ ,boi 'shau. K'di shau, ^ ^ yuk, 'shau, '^ ^ tung' 'shau. Tung shau, ^ ^ fdt, yan^ Fdb yin, ^ X ,boi ,kung. K'di kung, it^ \% 'ch'l tsok,. Ch'l tsob, ^g ^ ,boi 'k'ai. K'di k'l, [^ J^ .hoi ,kl. K'di ki, )^ ^. shid* .ki. Shdu kl, ^ ^ tsok^ ^bang. Tsoh hang, "f^ 'fii. Fd ; to commence a voyage, [|^ ^ ,hoi .shan. K'di shin, ||§ ^ tiing* .shan. Tung shin, l^l/S 'kdu ^ndu. Kidu midu ; to commence a journey, ^ ^ 'hi jCh'ing. K'i ch'ing, j|e ^ 'hi .shan. K'I shin, ^^ tj }^^^ s'^ang- K'di hang, i^ 'ff 'k'ai jhang. K'i bang; to commence a journey, applied to the emperor, j^lH 'k'ai jian. K'l hvdn ; to commence a i*eign, ^ ^ ^lam i\'. Lin yd, ^j^ .t^mg wii'. Tang wei; to commence a new dynasty, jjl ijH lapj 'ting. I^ib ting; to CJommcnce a march, as soldiers, ^ J^ 'hi ,ping. COM (433) COM K'l ping, ||f(^ tung^ cl"°o- Tung- ping; to com- mence to learn, ^k, kwo' 'ni. Kiau fob kwo ni, ^ 4£ i'^ m. f^ ^kau t'ok, ,t'a ^u *ni. Kiau t'oli t'a yu ni ; to introduce, iiji ^ 'kii tsin'. Kii tsien. Commendable Pj"3{^s^ 'ho ^ch'ing tsan'. K'o ch'ing tsan, Tif^^ll 'lio tsan' 'mi. K'o tsdn mei, pf^ " 'bo ,kdtik. K'o kin. till, iJf ^ j| hI ^ a '^^^^ t^^"^^ Jiang tsin' jan. lidu sin I nang tsien jin, M^ A^^'Ci'ill ^^i' tsin' ^yan j 'ch6 sliin^ ^sam 'yd. Chi tsien jin che slieii sin ye. Commendator, lie who holds a benefice in commend- am, ^i^^'lSi^fjic^ "shii muk, ^sz ^chi cbik, 'ch^. ' Shu muh sz chi chih cli^. I Commendatory, which serves to commend, ^^^<(; ^ch'ing tsdn' tik,. Ch'ing tsan tih, f^ ^ P^ tsdn' 'mi k6'; a commendatory letter, ^ ^ tsin' ^shii. Tsien shii ; commendatory expressions, ^ ^ ;^ ^ tsdn' Tui ,chi ^ts'z. Tsdn mei chi ts'z. Commended, praised, ^ ^ ^ .ch'ing tsdn' kwo'. Ch'ing tsdn kwo, ^^ ^ jj^ tsau' 'mi kwo'. Tsdn mei kwo ; committed in charge, ^ ^ >ial )^^^ t'ok, kwo'. Kidu t'oh kwo. Commending, praising, ^ ^ ^ch'ing tsdn'. Ch'ing tsdn, ^ ^ tsdn' 'mi. Tsdn mei ; committing in charge, ^ :f£ ,kdu t'ok,. Kidu t'oh ; resp resent- ing favorably, ^ tsin'. Tsien. Commensurability 7 ^ 1^ S ^ '^^° ^^^ cl^^^^ig Commensurableness j 'che. K'o kiau liang chd, j^ f^^ .seung /li 'ch^. Sidng fu che, pf^^ 'ho kdu' 'che. K'o kidu che, pf ;i|g!J^ 'ho ,s6ung kdu'. K'o sidng kidu, Pf il£ ^ ^ '^o P^^S' ^'^'^' '^^^^ K'o ping kidu ch6. Commensui-able, that have a common measure, ^ ^ 'tang ^leung. Tang lidng, Pj^lig^ 'ho ^seung kdu'. K'o sidng kidu, ^^l§; 'ho ^ii ^leung. K'o yu lidng, ct[ ijf, ^ 'ho ping' kdu'. K'o ping kidu; that may be measured by the same number or quality, Pff^§ 'ho 'u .16ung. K'o yu lidng, j^ ^ ^seung 'tang. Sidng tang. Commensurate, having a common measure, ^ ^ ,s6ung'tang. Sidng tang, :>j>g^ ^sdung /u. Sidng fu, ;jig ijg ^seung ping'. Sidng ping; the matter is commensurate to tho Avords, ^ ,^ ^^9 ^ M ^^'^^^ isa.\)^ k^ o'. Ilvvan tsdh kwo, 'kdi. Chii kidi, §±|| chii' shik,. Chii shih, gjjf l| ! ^ ^ ^ .ts'dm tsdp^ kwo'. Ts'du tsdh kwo. *ku fan'. Ku hiun; annotation, ^^l| ^p'ongfan'. Commiuuible, reducible to powder, pJ'^tJ^ 'ho ^mo P'dng hiun, ^ ^Jfc .p'ong ,p'ai. P'dng p'i, ^ f^ miit^. K'o mo moh, of |^ ^ !^ 'iio ,mo ^shing jP'ong 'kdi. P'dng kidi ; criticism, pf gj jP'ii^g *^'a»> K'o mo ching fan. chii*. P'ing chu, ;j^t|^ ,p'ai ^p'ing. P'i i)'ing. [ Comminute, to pulverize, ^ tJ^ jUgdn [^in] mtit^. Commentary, exposition, gj chu'. Chii, |i|i^ chii' *kdi. Chu kidi; a commentary on the Sacred Scripture, ^ ^ q± j^ shing' ,king chii' 'kdi. Shing king chii kidi; a commentary on the Pour Books, [rtj^gilll sz' ,shii chii' 'kdi. Sz shii chii kidi. Commentator |± f f ^^ chii' 'kdi 'che. Chii kidi ch^, iilf :^ chii' shik, 'ch6. Chu shih ch6; one who writes annotations, 5^|f||^' jp'ongfan' 'ch6. P'dng hiun chd, ^p^ ^ j)'ai j)'ing 'ch6. P'i p'ing che. Commenting |i chii'. Chii, g± |^. chii' 'kdi. Chii kidi, |± fl chu' shik,. Chii shih, ^^ ^ ,p'ai /ing. P'i p'ing. Commentitious, invented, J^ j^f- /ong ^t'ong. Hwdng fang, J^ ^ .hii mau^ Hii mid ; feign- ed. 'I*'!^ *kd ngai^ Kid wei. Yen moh, l^ $\\ 1^ .ngdn tb' 'fan. Yen tdu fan, M ^ jTig^i^ sai'. Yen si. Comminution ^ ^ ^ jng^n mutj 'cli6. Yen moh ch6, ^5lJ5^ ^ jUgdn tb' 'fan 'ch6. Yen tdu fan ch6, ^ $1) :(^ ^ .Chung tb' ^mi ^ch'an. Chung tdu wi ch'in. Commiserable, deserving of commisei-ation, "^ '^ \^ 'ho ^in -man. K'o lien min, P^ ^ '|l(il 'ho ^lin sut,. K'o lien siuh. Commisemte, to pity, pf "j^ 'ho ^liu. K'o lien, ^ If^ jlin ^an. Lien min, ]^ f£, ^ts'z .pi. Ts'z pi, ^ ^ pi .king. Ngai king, ^ 1^ .oi ^lin. Ngdi lien, It^. ^ .pi ,oi. Pi ngdi, flVI 1«') ^"^n ch'ak,. Min ts'eh, f^'llfil .lin sut,. Lien siuh, tf^'IA 'man sut,. Min siuh, |l^, t^ij j)i ch'ak,. Pi ts'eh, "^ .i. I, "^ jin. Yen, •( j kan^ Kin ; to condole, ^ gj[ tiii' wai'. Tidu wei. Commerce, barter, ^^ mau' yik^. Mau yih, ^-^ Commiserating pj* "l^ 'ho ^lin. K'o lien, '^ jg jlin ,kdu yik^. Kidu yih ; trade, ^^, .shang f. Sang 'man. Lien min. i, ^ ^ ^di mdi^ Mdi mdi,' ^ ^ .shang ^i. ; Commiseration ^ % .oi ^in. Kgdi lien, f^ jf^ ^lin Sang li, j^ ^ .kii ^li. Kii shi. j=^ ^ .shdung i hnan. Lien min, "pT '^ ^ 'l^o ^lin 'ch6. K'o lien sz^ Shdng sz, ij^^ filn' 'chc'^; commerce between I ch6, "J^ A :^ s^"^ sJ'^" '^'^•''- ^'i*^" -i'" ^*^^' °M^ the sexes, ^i^^^M s^dm 'nii .chi .kdu .t'ung. j b' .i. Ngau i, '|>|fii "1^ sut, ^llu. Siuh lien, "l^ i^ Ndn nii chi kidu t'ung ; commerce of ideas, ^ j ^lin .sam. Lien sin. a£ M '®» ^^ M Svai t'ok, kwo'. Wei t'oh kwo, fE ^^ t'ok, kwo'. T'oh kwo, f^§i^ pai' t'ok, kwo'. Pdi t'oh kwo, ^^M. c^h'di Vai kwo'. Ch'di wei kwo, ^ ;^ 3l^ ^kau jk'iin kwo'. Kidu k'iuen kwo. Commissioner -^sz'. Shi, b] ^sz, ^ ^ch'di; Imperial commissioner, ^^ J^^^ ^ch'di. K'in ch'di; the three commissioners (of Canton), = ^ ^sdm ,sz. Sdn sz; the salt commissioner, ^j^^ ^im wan^ jSZ. Yen yun sz ; the commissioner of finances, ^ (435) COM j]^a) p6' ching' ^sz. Piichingsz; the commission- er of justice, ^^ a] on' ch'dt, ^sz. Ngdn ch'dh sz, ^a] i\ ,sz. Nieh sz, f|^5] ,kun ch'dt, ^sz. Kwdn ch'dh sz, ^ ^ It^ ^t'oi. Nieh t'di ; com- missioner for inspecting the army, ^^'j^ ,kdm jkwan sz'. Kien kiun shi ; commissioner for the defence of the state, [^ ^ f|5 /ong ii^ sz'. Fdng yu shi ; commissioner for military operations, ^ ^W- c^i^^o leukj sz'. King lioh shi; commissioner for soothing the people, ^ ^ "^ ^siin 'fii sz'. Siuen fu shi; commissioner for transports, |^)|| ■j^ 'chiin wan' sz'. Chuen yun shi; commissioner of customs, y§ 1^ 'hoi ^kwdn. Hdi kwdn, ^ ^ ^kwdn p6'. Kwdn pu ; commissary in the grain department, '/p ^ ^ ^ chi' suk, noi' 'sz. Chi suh nui shi ; commissioner of the police, ^Ij^f|^ chai' chi' sz'. Chi chi shi ; commissioner of the privy council, |^ ^ "H^ ,k'ii mat^ sz'. K'ii mih shi ; commissioner for suppressing rebellion, :^ l^t ^ cClii'^ 't'6 sz'. Chdu t'du shi^ Commissure, a joint, seam or closure, |f^ J^ ^liin ch'u'. Lien ch'ii, ig (g ^mdi cb'ii'. Mdi ch'u. Commit, to give in trust, gt t'ok,. T'oh, ^ t'ok,. T'oh, ^4£ 'vvai t'ok,. Wei t'oh, ^.^ pdi' t'ok'. Pai t'oh, 5§ fE chuk, t'ok,. Chub t'oh, ^ ^:£ ,kdu t'ok,. Kidu t'oh, ^ft '"^^i t'ok,. Mei t'oh; to perpetrate, 'fj; jbang. Hang, :^(i fdn\ Fdn ; to give over to one, ^ ^^ ^kau fu^ Kidu fii, ^ M jkdu Hi. Kidu yu ; I commit this to you, §t "^ j^ t'ok, 'ni ts6^ T'oh ni tso, ^%^ t'ok, ^ni 'li. T'oh ni li ; to commit an orphan in charge, It IK t'ok, ,ku. T'oh kii ; to commit one, ^ j|| III g^ ,hin jlin tsz^ 'ki. K'ien lien tsz ki, g ^ tsz' ^ngai. Tsz wei; to commit to memory, ^^Ij f^ tuk^ to' shuk^. Tub tdu shuh, ^ ^ffc tuk^ sbuk^. Tuh shuh ; to commit to prison, ^ Jg^ 'bd yuk^. Hid job ; to commit for trial, ^-j^M, IP kai' tdi^ kot, 'sham. Kidi td koh shin, ^ ^ kdi' 'sham. Kidi shin ; to commit to paper, ~J\ ^ 'hd pat,. Hid pib, # |^ |K ,shii ^ii 'chi. Shu yii cbl ; to commit to writing, y^ ^ yun^ pat . Jun pib ; to commit a crime, :^[f,|^ fdn^ tsui\ Fdn tsiii, ^tH c^^^^g tsiii^ Hang tsiii ; to commit an offence, =ff' p tak, tsui^ Teh tsui, |^ p wok, tsui\ Hwob tsiii ; to commit adultery, ^ ^ hang ^kdn. Hang kien, ^7^'/^ Jiang ,kdn ,yam. Hang kien yin, ^ |g ki' ^kd. Ki kid ; to com- mit fornication. ^'^ j^iang ^yam. Hang yin; to commit a capital crime, ^^ f^ p fdn^ 'sz tsiii^ Fdn sz tsAi ; to commit suicide, ^ ^ tsz^ tsun^ Tsz tsin, g ^ tsz^ ai'. Tsz i, g ^ M M. tsz^ jts'am 'tiin kin'. Tsz ts'in twdn kien. Commitment, the act of committing for trial, M ;A: ^ IP kdi' tdi^ kot, 'sham. Kidi td koh shin ; a sending to prison, '^ ^ 'hd yuk^. Hid job ; an order for confining in prison, ^ ^ ^ teng* /iu ^kam. Ting tidu ki^n ; the act of delivering in charge, ^ ^t ^ .kau t'ok, 'ch6. Kidu t'oh cb6 ; a perpeti-ation, ^ p ^bang tsiii\ Hang aou (480) COM tsi\i, ^H If. fan' ts6i^ Fan tsAi ; the act of ex- posing one's self, Q ^ j^ ^ tsz' ^liin ^lin *ch6. Tsz k'ien lien eh6. Committal, the, of a crime, f^ljl^ jhang tsui^ 'cli^. Hang tsui ch6 ; the committal of a person for trial, ff '^IfTf ^ k;ti' ,kun *fu 'sham. Kidi kwiln fu shin, jij'if. ■K'MW' ^^^'' ^^^^ ^"t, 'sham. Kidi td koh shin. Committed, delivered in ti-ust, g^ ^^ t'ok, kwo'. T'oh kwo, -^ If ;;§ ,kiiu t'ok, kwo'. Kidu t'oh kwo, ■H''f6iM P^'' t'ok, kwo'. Pdi t'oh kwo; fully committed, j|'f i§ '^ f^ ^ l^^i' l«wf>' ^^^ '^"^ 'sham. Kiai kwo kwdn fu shin ; ho was commit- ted to prison, ^i^ ^ .tiu kwo' ,kdm. Tiau kwo kien. Committee, a, "^ ^ 'shau s?}. Shau sz, ^ "j^ sz^ 'shau. Sz .shau, fi ^ chik^ sz^ Chih sz, j!g ^ ^li 'ch^ung. Li chAng, ^ ^ ^ 'chdung sz' 'ch6. Chang sz ch6, f]^"^- ^sz sz' 'eli6. Sz sz ch6; the committee of a society, -i^ ]^ ^ ui' 'shau sz'. Hwui shau sz, "^^ ui' 'ch(5ung. Ilwui chdng. Committing, giving in trust, f^ t'ok,. T'oh, 4t t'ok,. T'oh, ff^i>&i' t'ok,. Pai t'oh, ^|| ,kdu t'ok,. Kidu t'oh ; committing to prison, 'J\ ^ Mid yuk^. Hid joh ; committing for trial, fff'^}^- ^ 'kdi jkun 'fu 'sham, ividi kwdn fu shin ; ex- posing, ^ ji|i ,hin jlin. K'ien lien, ^ ^ tsz' ^ngai. Tsz wei. Commix, to mix or mingle, :fg ^ ^k'au ,wan. K'ii yun, ^^ If Avan' tsdp^. Hwan tsdh, ^ ^ wo' jWan. Ho yun. Commixture, the act of mixing, ^^:^ ^k'au ^wan ,ch6. K'ii yun ch6 ; the mass formed hy mixing different things, :^g| P|t #J .k'au tsdp/k6' mat^, m. ^1 fl'j n Xau tsdp^ tik, 'y6, 'M,^Z^ wan' tsdp^ ciil mat^. Hwan tsdh chi wuh. . Commode, a convenient article, f^ ^ f]|^ i^ ^'^^J: tik, *y6. P'ien 1 tih y6 ; a chest of drawers, ^^^ Hung ^sdung. Lung sidng. Commodious, convenient, {^"^^^ jP'in ^i tik,. P'ien i tih, (iji ^ |^(j pin' tong' tik,. Pien tdng tih, >|^|J ff|i fi^ li' pin' tik,. Li pien tih, UK \^ shun' pin'. Shun pien ; useful, 7^^ ch6uk, 'shai. Choh shi, ^ jfl |^L }f\f /dn jung. Fan yung, ){, \ /dn ^yan. Fdn jin, j^ \ .yung ^van. Yung jin, ^^ p'at, /li. Pill ill, ;i#^:^ jfdn ^shdung chi pui'. Fdn chdng chi pei, j:§. \ tsuk^ ^yan. Suh jin ; common clothes, '^fl^ ^shcungfukj. Ch'angf'uh, ^)^ po' .i. Pu i,^:^ ^sh^ung .i, ^0 yat^. Jih ; common people, JfjF j^ shii' ^man. Sliii min, J[SF /^ shii' jyan. Shu jin, ^ ^ sP'i"g ^man. P'ing min, yj\ \ 'sill jVan. Sidu jin, ^^ ^ /i ^man. Y"!! min, {jf ^ .ch'i ^man. Cli'i min ; vulgar, ~|V ^^ hd' tsin'. Hid tsien ; a common saying, j^-^ tsuk^ Ml. Suh yii, g^ in'. Yen, |^ ^ in' 'u. Yen yd; common use, ^ j^ ,t'"ng yung'. T'ung yung, W^'ffi^ jshi jShthmg 'shai. Shi chdng shi ; cbmmon dishes, ^"^ ^ 'ing ,man. P'ing min, jQ' ^ pakj sing'. Peli sing. Commoner, one of tlie lovrer rank, j^ ^ ^fan ^fu. FAn fu, ^ "^ P^ A B$ pat, ^shi. Pub shi, ^^ ying yat^. P'ing jib; genci-ally, ;AliS tdi- 'k'oi. ta k'di, §j^f|, ^to bai^ Tu hi Commonplace, common, ^ '^ ^^ jPi^S ,sheung tik,. P'ing chang till, ^ '^* [^^ ^ts'am ^sh6ung tik,. Ts'in chang till. Commonplace-book fg ^^ kl' p6^ Ki pu. Commons, the common people, "^ ^^ pak, sing'. Peh sing ; in England, the lower house of par- liament, K ^ 'B* '^ ^man 'wai J ^ ^ ,^^^^'^ V^"- Shin pin ; to communicate ideas, ^ ^^ tat^ i'. Tah i, ^ ;§ ^t'ung f. T'ung i, Jj^ ;^ ciif i'. Chi 1 ; to communi(!ate instruction, -^ ^ jCh'iin kau'. Ch'uen kiau, '^ ^ ^ch'iin shau^ Ch'uen shau, i^ 5^ ^ ^ch'tin ^i piit,. Ch'uen i poh ; to com- municate to others, "^^ jio k'ap^. Po kih, ^2^ /an k'ap^. Fan kih ; to communicate a disease, ^ ^ 'im peng^ Yen ping^^ ^ 5^ ^ch'iin 'im peng'. Ch'uen yen ping, ^^ tok^. Toh ; to com- municate a secret, ji^ ^ sit, mat^. Sieli mill, ^ Wi'lMW sit, lau^ ^ki mat^. Sieh lau ki mih ; com- municate this to him, ^^ -(|^ ^fl ptV /'d ^chi. Pii t'a chi. Communicate, to partake of the Lord's Supper, ^ ^^ shik, siting' /s'an. Shih shing ts'au, -^l^-j, ^ shik, 'mdn /s'an. Shih wdn ts'dn ; to have a communication or passage from one to another, The latter is a strbdrrision of the former, in to ^ J and a tSJ into t^ • is (livicU'd COM ^ ,t'ung. T'ung, :^ jjjl .s^ung ,t'ung. Sidng t'ung ; to have intercourse, HfQ ^ ,s6ung ^du. Sidng kidu, ^ ^ ,kdu tslp,. Kidu tsieh, ^^ ^ Vong jloi. Wdng lai, ^ |^ .kdu tsdi'. Kidu tsl, :^ J^ ^kdu 'ch'ii. Kidu chu ; to communicate with a friend by letter, ^^ M M V^K ^^K ,s6ung .t'ung. Pill mih siang t'ung, i$:^^i.^ sun' chdt, Svong ^loi. Sin chdh wdng Idi. Communicated, as information, f ^ ^ ^ p^' ^ .sam .kdu. Sin kidu, :^^ ^ .scung .kdu. Sidng kidu. Communism, community of property among all the citizens of a state, A iV ^ M ^ai^ ak, 'yau. Yih yu. Compact, closely and tinuly united, ^ i^ mat^ I Companionable, fit for good fellowship, gf ^ fj! shat^. Mih shih, ^ ^ ^kin shat,. Kien shih, f I 1^^ shat^ 't'ai tik . Shih t'i lib, ^ '^ ,tseng matj^. Tsingmih, ^ sbik,. Chih ; composed, con- sisting, 'p}_ ^pdu. Pdu; brought into a small com 'ho 'ang 'tong. P'ang tdng; a company of women, 'j^ tsut,. Tsuh ; a company of actors, ]hi J& l>i' ,pan. Hi pdn ; of the same comi>any, \iii 5^ J^ j<'""-? ,1'^" P"'*- T'ung pdn pei ; the B. 1. company, /\ a] * ^kung sz. Kung sz ; the [E. L J Cd to the E. I. CompanV Inith 118 u noun unJ un tt»ljei'tiv«' ; ut jirosont it is a|'j>lioi'tb to uu'r»"antil«> fittUH ftu4 imWic cowimnicK COM (441) COM tdi^ 'ni. Kung sz ta ni ; a mercantile company, ^1^ (li^^ng lii'- Kung hwui, ■jV yj ,kiiQg ^sz. Kung sz, j^ ^ ^sh6ung lir. Shang hwui ; an insu- rance company, \^ |^ <£^ 'oj 'po 'him ^kung ^sz. Pdu hien kung sz, ^^ ^ ^ o) in' ^sho ,kung ^sz. Yen su kung sz ; a ship's company, Ijjfj jp ^shiin pun^ Cli'uen pvvan, Hfi^^ ^shiin 'fo. Ch'uen ho ; to bear company, pn^ ,p'ui tso\ P'ei tso, fnj^ jP'iii pun'. P'ei pwan ; to go with, p§- fj j)'ui jhang. P'ei hang ; to leave one's company, ^t^ jli ^kw'an. LI k'iun, ^|j ^ pit, 'yau. Pieh yii ; to have company, |fq- ^ ^ ^s'eng jP'ang "yau. Ts'ing p'ang yu, ^^ ^iu ^au. Ydu yii ; a com- pany of travelers, fj^ ^ ^^ X ^ mi \& '^ pui' ^ts'Ia shai'. I pel ts'ien shI, i:[l # A 'i 'pi ,ts'in yan. 1 pi ts'ien jin ; compare them, i^i\^^ ^i ping' kwo'. NI ping kwo, J;[j — ■ jfjx 'pi yat, 'hd ; no man can compare with him, to A J^fc 'i% _h ^mo jan 'pi tak, 'sh^ung, Wu jin pi teh shang, M "^ J;ll H <^^^ '^o 'pi "mi- Wii k'o pi mei ; cannot compare them, ^ pf j;(; pxb 'ho 'pi. Wii k'o pi ; to compare by measurement, i^ -^ kdu' jleimg. Kidu liang; to compare right and wrong, long and short &c., it^^i¥ MM 'P^ kau' shr /I jCh'^ung 'tim. PI kiau shi fi ch'ang twdn ; to compare strength, )t ^ l^^ •^l^. 'P^ k^^' M'^ jhung. PI kidu ts'z hiung, ^[j ^ 'pi ^6. PI wu, ;;j;g ^ * ^seiing ts'oi'. Siang sdi ; to compai'e op- posing evidence, ^ |p tiii' 'sham. Tiii shin ; to compare equals, i^Jl ^ i;|j ^ ^I mat^ 'pi mat^. !• wuh pi wuh; to compare ancient and modem times, ^ g^ -^ 4^ jP'ing lun^ 'kii ^kam. P'ing lun ku kin; to compare the nativities of two children prior to betrothing, -^ ^ ^ hop^ ^nln jShang ; to compare musters, ^ ^ tiii' pdn^ Tiii pdn. Compared J;{^';^ 'pi kwo'. PI kwo, ^\:^M 'pi kdu' kwo'. PI kidu kwo, i^\:ii^M 'pi PJ^g' kwo'. PI ping kwo ; they cannot tee compared, P§- ^ =^ ii. J^ V^^S" ^K chii^ Comparer, one who compares, J;[j ^ 'pi 'ch6. PI clie, J;[:^^ 'pi kdu' 'ch6. Pi kidu ch^, y^^^ 'pi ping' 'ch6. Pi ping ch6. Comparing j:[j 'pi. PI, }:[,^ 'pi kdu'. PI kidu. of equal regard, pf y(>-g jrj; 'ho sidng pi, pj ;f;g ^ 'ho ^seung kdu'. kidu, "ptf ^,| ^ 'ho tiii' kau'. K'o tiii kidu ; not Comparison, the act of comparing, J;[j ^ 'pi 'ch6. comparable to, ^^ pf ^|j pat, 'ho 'pi. Pub k'o pi, M ^ ^mo tiii'. Wu tui, i§ % ^ p'i' pat, tak,. P'l puh teh, pg H^ j;[j ff ^m ^s6ung 'pi tak,. Comparably pf j:(j ^^ 'bo 'pi tik,. K'o pi tih. Comparative, estimated by comparison, pj" jr(j 'ho 'pi. K'o pi, j:^ f^ 'pi tak,. PI teh ; the compara- tive degree (Grammar), J:(j j^ 'pi k'ap,. Pi kih, W-^\t^Zi^ shai' ts;-;- 'pi k'ap, ,chl shik,. Shi tsz pi kih chl shih ; comparative studies, j;(j ^'plhok,. Pihioh. Comparatively J;[j;^ 'pi ,chl. PI chl, ^;|iBi;(: J^^\ jSdung 'pi. Job sidng pi; it is comparatively use- less, i:tZW\^^^ Y cClii tsak, pat, ,to yik,. PI chl tseh pull to yih. Compare, to, J;(j 'pi. Pi, J-fji^; 'pi kau'. PI kidu, ^ p'l'. P'I, J;ll.ifr 'pi ping', pi ping, i^^^ 'pi kdu'. PI kidu, j:^^ 'pi ^kln. Pi kien, ^^ kok, ^kau. Koh kidu, j;[:^ 'pi lui^ P lui, i^y\^ ,s6ung 'pi. Sidng pi, ^ ^ ,s6ung kai '. Sidng kiau, 0. ^ ,ts'dm 'hdu. Ts'dn k'du, ^ tiang. Tang, fj ting'. IHng, ^ tui'. Tui, j^ tsut.. Tsuh, f| ,k'ai. K'l; to compare with each oth 3r, i^ );[^ ^s^ung 'pi. Sidng pi, i^^ ,s^ung kdu'. Sidng kidu; to com- pare accounts, ^^ tiii' sL5'. Tiii su, ^\j^ kai' Pi cli6, ^E ^ ^ 'pi kdu' 'che. Pi kidu cU; an illustration, # P^ p'i' ir. P'I yii, ^ ^p p'l' " P'Iju.^itl)'fu^ u. P'I yii, J:{l ^ 'pi hing'. PI lung ; to draw a comparison, J;jj — j;[j 'pi yat, 'pi. Pi yih pi, I^^P^ ch'lt, p'l' u\ Sheh p'l yii. ^ j;(j ^s^ung 'pi. Sidng pi; without comparison, # if^ # p'i' pat, tak,. P'i puh teh, J:[j :^. :ff 'pi pat, tak,. Pi puh teh, ^ Pf i;^ ^ .nib 'ho 'pi kdu'. Wii k'o pi kidu ; good and bad cannot be distinguished without comparison, ^i;l;^P§-^ f^ m i^^ 'pi pi^S' sP^ <^hi 'h^ 'ch'au. Wii pl ping wu chl hdu ch'au. Compart, to, f^ % kdn' kdk,. Kien keh, :^ ^ R| Pj^ /an Jioi kdk, kdk,. Pan k'di keh keh ; to compart a garden, ^ J^ /an jau. Pan k'iii. Compartment, a division of a ground plot, J^ jau. K'iu ; a compariment of a figure, ^ kdk,. Keh ; compartments of a ship, ^ /s'ong. Ts'dng, -^ ^ .ts'ong ^s6ung. Ts'dng siang ; to divide into compartments, ff^Jg: kdn' yau. Kien k'iu, ^j;^ kdn' kdk,. Kien keh, ^) ^ kdn' /s'ong. Kien ts'dng, ^ ^ kdn' /ong. Kien fang. • The latter is used in the sense qf pomparing by 'ei»iw^|4oi», ooutest &o. .-^ •■- '■ COM Compass, a circle or circuit, (442) COM y^u, jWdn 'iu. Hwdu ydu, jg ^ ,cbau jWdn. Cliau hwdn, [eJ j^ /li jWdn. llwui hwdn, ^ jWdn. Hwdn, j*^ wan^ Yun, j^ ^ wan^ jhang. Yun hang ; the compass of a town, ^ ^ ^ jChau ,wai jSbing. Chau wei ching, ^ ^ jVvdn jSliing. Hwdn ching ; my life has run its compass, -djj j^t Q i'£ meng^ wan^ ^ tsun^ Ming yun i tsin ; to fetch a great compass, ^ ^ ,wdn jhang, g) ^ jWdn ^hang. llwdn hang, jg fj ^chau jhang. Chau hang ; in the compass of two days, |<^ H ^ ^leung yat^ .kdn. Lidng jih kien; to keep within compass, |ji3,i^^ chiu' ^kw'ai 'kii. Chdu kwei kii ; to keep one within compass, m M A ^t, chai' ^an. Ydh chi jin. ^MA kam' dt, jyan. Kin ydh jin ; within compass, '^ [^ ^au hdn^ Yti hien ; to speak within com- pass, ^^tlj^W^^h '^ong pat, ch'ut, ,chan shat^ jChi ngoi^ Kidng puh ch'uh chin shih chi wdi, ^Z^MW '"^ pat, jli shat^. Yu puh li shih ; the compass of honesty, ^. ^ ^ ^ ,chan shat^ ,chl noi\ Chin shih chi nui ; the compass of the voice, ^ # ;^ 1^ .sting J^^ .ctl kdk,. Shing yin chi keh; a mariner's compass, ^/(l^ ^lo ,king (.kang^. Lo king, P. ^ ^lo j)'un. Lo pw'dn, ^fg pjy ■^j- 'chi jUdm ^cham. Chi ndn chin ; amplitude compass, /£ '^ '^ teng^ ^ndm ^cham. Ting ndn chin, /£IE|%^ teng^ ching' ^ndm ,cham; a pair of compasses, ^ ,kw'ai. Kwei, -^ ^ ,ki 'tsin. Ki tsien ; compasses and rule, ^ ^ ^kw'ai 'kii. Kwei kvi ; to draw a circle with compasses, J^ MtTM^^ ^kw'ai 'td ,hiin. I kwei td k'iuen, ^T ^ 'td ^hiin. Td k'iuen ; to reduce to a small compass, as one's buisiness, |j| ^ shuk, 'shiii. Shuh shdu ; ditto, as writing, ^'j/' 'shdng 'shiu. Sang shdu; ditto in bulk, UgjfJUJ shuk, sai'. Shuh si, & i^ \^ Vai sut,. T'I siuh. Compatible, consistent, ^ h6p^. Hob, ^ "J^ hbp^ J. Hoh 1 ; compatible with his duty, '^ M ^ ^ h6p^ jk'l •piin fan'. Hoh k'l pun fan, ^ # ^ cheuk, .shan lixn'. Chob shin fan, ^ ^ ^ h6pj ,shan fan'. Hoh shin fan; compatible with reason, ^ ^ l'i>Pi 'li. Hoh li, y^ J^B shik, Ml. Shih 11 ; not compatible with one's office, ^-^flS^^ pat, h6p^ chik, fan'. Puh hoh chih fan, '9^ ^ % ^ jUi h6p^ .sban fan'. Compatibleness, consistency, ^^ "^^ hbp^ J 'ch6. Hoh 1 ch6. Compatriot, one of the same country, ^H^ J*""? kwok, 'ch6. T'ung kwoh cb6, |f ^ jt'ung kMokktS'. COM (443') Compeer, an equal, || ff 'fo kf. Ho kl, ^ ^ pun^ Hong. Pwdn tang, 'j^ -fg ^ch'au 'lii. Ch'au lii, ^ 3&JS sP'ing ,pan, ^ ^ ,p'ing 'tong. P'ing t^ng ; an associate, -fl^ punK Pwan. Compel, to force, y^ pik,. Pih, -fg pik,. Pih ^ pik,. Pih, ^ ^^, Tnin "k'^ung. Mien k'iang, g^ jQ -k'^ung pik,. K'idngpih, ^j j£ lak, pik,. Leh pih, ^ ^ jWai pik,. "Wei pih, ^ j^ shai' pik,. Shi pih, ig jg pik, pak,. Pih peh, ^ ^iu. Ydu, ^ ^ ,hin chai'. K'ien chl, ^p f§ ^p'di tsdn'. P'Jii tsan ; to take hy force or violence, ^^ ^ ■k'dung tiitj. K'iang toll ; compel him, j^'fg pik^ 'k'ii. Pih k'ii, fjiilftlL lak, pik, ^t'a. Leh pih t'd, "^ ^ ^iu ^chi. Yau chl ; to compel you to do it, ^ifr^W ^ ^ .fung ^1 tsuk, shik^. Eung i tsuh shih, ^ ^ kau 'shai. Kiu shi, -^ j^ kau' yung^. Kiu yung; compet- ency of talent, ^ 3^ ^ts'oi jUang. Ts'di nang, 7J" 1^ jts'oi kon'. Ts'di kdn ; legal capacity or qua- lification, ^ ^H ^yau jk'iln. Yu k'iuen, ^^ ^ jk'lin shai'. K'iuen shi; competency a^-a witness; pT ft flE 'ko tsok, ching'. K'o tsoh ching, T>f ^ j -^ |jE *ho ts6^ jkung ching'. K'o tso kung ching. [ Competent, adequate, ^ tsuk,. Tsuh, -^ kau'. Kiu, j -^ jau. Yii ; qualified, having legal capacity or power, ^ ^ ^yau jk'iin. Yii k'iuen ; ditto, hav- ; ing the necessary ability, ^ \^ 'ho 'i. K'o 1, ^ i^ tsuk, ^, Pf ^^ 'ho ,nang. K'o nang, ^-A<$. 'yau 'pun sz^ Yu pun sz, >J"j^ jts'oi tsuk,. Ts'di ; tsuh, 3I jjl juang tsuk,. Nang tsuh, yj^ jg ^ts'oi Ji6m. Ts'ai k'dn; competent for an office, pf |^ ii 'ho 'i ^shing yam^ K'o i shing jin, pf j^ | ;|U %t; 'iio *i .tdm ,tong. K'o 1 tdn tdng, PTi^ M j -fi 'ho 'i .kin yam^ K'o i kien jin, Pf 1^ IT S I 'ho "i 'tsai ,kin. K'o i tsi kien ; fit, "Sf jfj 'ho ' yung'. K'o yung, ^ '^ h6p^ ^1. Hoh i, :^ t ^ ,8dung jl. Sidng i, jl^ 4* ^^^^-''> <<^^iiing. Shih j chuug ; a comj)etcnt person, pf X 'bo jan. K'o jin ; competent for that duty, ^f 0, M ^% ^^^ ^ tso' tak,. K'o 1 tso teh, j^ f^-ts6''tak,. Tso teh, )il>J.MZ tsuk, 'i ^wai ,chi. Tsuh i wei chi ; I am not competent to judge, ^J^vf< n^/^ ^ngo pat, jBang tong'. Wo pub nang ting, ^^^{(iL^ ^ngo pat, 'k5m teng'. Wo pub kdn ting, f ^ ^ ^ ^ *ngo pat, 'k6ra kiit,. Wo pub kdn kiueb. Competing ^ ^ ^cbdng ,sin. Tsang sien, ij^ f^ ,s6ung tau'. Sidng tau, f^ jt ^au' ,slu. Tau sien, ^ ^^ chlm' ,sin. Chen sien. Competition ^ 5t ^ ,cbdng ,sin 'ch6. Tsang sien chd, ;|ig ^ ,s6ung ^chdng. Sidng tsang, i^ ^ ,86ung ts'oi'. Sidng sdi ; competition for distinc- tions, ^ ^ ,cbdng ^meng. Tsang ming, ^ ;2 ^ T^J ^chdng jmeng tiit^ tf. Tsang ming tob 11 ; competition for excellence, pR^^|t|r 'l(5ung ^kd ts'oi' 'h6. Lidng kid sdi hdu, jij^' 'igi ^ # tsun' .kung .chi hau*. Tsiun kung chi hau ; upon the completion of his toi-m of service, '^a:^l\!f ^un yam* .chi ^shf . Mwdn jin chi shf, y^fi-^D^ ^un yam* ko' ^shi. Mwdn jin ko shf ; ten is the completion of numbers, -^ ^Wi^i^ shap^ 'ch6 sh6' .chi .chung. Shih ch6 su chi chung ; the completion of our desires, ^ JP sui* iin*. Sui }Tien, ^ |g sui* mong*. Sui wdng ; to hasten the completion, ^j^ .tun pik,. Tun pih. Complex, composed of two or more parts or things, ^ II kdp, tsdp^. Kidh tsdh, :^i^^] kdp, tsdp, tik,. Kidh tsdli til), ^^{{^ .pau tsdp^ tik,. Pdu tsdhtih, ^i^ii^i jts'ong tsdp^ tik,. Tsdngtsdhtih, ^ ^ # I'I'J .Pi^^ 'kf kin* tik,. Pdu ki kien tih ; intrivate, ^ jgg P^ .wdn jCh'in ke' ; diflicult, |^ jUdn. Ndn ; not simple, P^^l^jf^ ^m ^shun tseng*, ^ i^ — V^K jShun yat,. Pull shun yih ; com- plex system, 5fegft;^fe kdp, tsdp^ ,chl fdt,. Kidh tsdh chi fdh, ^ ^ tsung fdt,. Tsung fdh ; com- plex numhei*s, *35 ^ .sham sh5'. Shin su ; a complex affair, ^ ^ tl ^ ^^V, ^sdp^ ,chi sz*. Kidh tsdhchf sz, ^f^^ ^ndn kd' &^,^m^ ^ .wdn jCh'in .chi sz*. Wdn ch'en chi sz ; a com- plex subject, J^m^TJ^g kdp, tsdp^ .chi tsung mukj. Kidh tsdh chi tsung muh ; the complex form of a character, ^ 5^ ^ j^ tdi* '96 tst* fdt,. Td sic'' tsz fdli. Comi)lexedness ^^^ kdp, tsdp^ 'ch6. Kidh tsdh vM. Complexion ^ ^ s"sdn shik,. Yen sih ; the color of the face, [^ |^ min* shik,. Mien sih, ^ j^ ^yungjUgdn. Yung yen, ^ ^ ^yung shik,. Yung sih ; the color of the external parts of a body or thing, A 4^ <1 ^ jjan mat. .chi shik,. Jin wuh ehi sih ; a fair complexion, g gf pdk^ min*. Peh mien, pj "^ Q min* shik, pdk^. Mien sih peh ; COM (447) COM a pale complexion, ^ ^ *sz pak^. Sz peli ; a I jCh'in. Tau ch'en, ^ g[ ^k'au liin^ K'u Iwdn. dark complexion, ^ |^ "^ 'tsz ^t'ong sink,. Tsz ! Complication, the act of intei-weaving, ^;|^ ^ ^u jCli'in 'che. Yau cli'cn che, j^'J[ -^ 'id lun" 'clie. Yau Iwan che; complications, ^ g^ ch'iin' llin^ Cli'uen Iwdn ; great political complications, ^ liiL^^ .to ,cli'in liin- ^chi sz-. To cli'en Iwan chi sz, ^ ^ j^ ;^ ^ ^to ,nan 'kai ^chi sz'. To nan kiai chi sz. Comj)lice, sec Accomplice. Complicity |nf ^ ^ c^'ung ^mau *che. T'ung mau c^6, $1^^ ch'iln' ^mau 'che. Ch'vien mau ch6. Complied ^^ ^ts'uug kwo\ Ts'ung kwo, }\^^i^ shun^ jts'ung kwo'. Shun ts'ung kwo, |^ ^ '^ ^t'eng ^ts'ung kwo'. T'ing ts'ung kwo ; he com- t'ang sih ; a yellow complexion, ^ |t51 <^v<>iig mln^ Hwdng mien, i® "^ ^ min^ shik, ^wong. ' Mien sih hwang ; a good complexion, ^^ ^ ^ ^ Tio ^p'i shik,. Hau p'i sih, ji^^]^ 'h6 min' shik,. j Hau mien sih ; the temperament, (5p '{4 'pa^n sing'. Pin sing, '{^ |i| sing' jts'ing. Sing ts'ing ; to give a look at one's complexion, g^ f^ ^ ^ tsang^ ^kiin hi' shik,. Tsang kwan k'i sih. Complexity ^^^ kap, tsap, 'che. Kiah tsah che, JS ft ^ wat, huk, 'ch6. K'iuh k'iuh che, ^ |g ^ jWdn jCh'in 'ch^. Wan ch'en che. Compliance, the act of complying, or yielding to proposals, demands, &c., ^ ^ts'un. Siun, ^ i plied with my wish, -fjl Jp zj^ "^ ^t'a shmr 'ugo jts'ung. Ts'ung, j|g^ shun' .ts'ung. Shun ts'ung, < f. T'a shun wo i, -f^f^l^ ,f; ,t'4 .ts'ung 'ngo i. Ip ^ shun' .ts'un. Shun siun, -f^ ^^ p. .ts'ung. T'4 ts'ung wo i. I ts'ung; submission, fl^ j|J^ fuk^ shun'. Fuh Compliment, an expression of civility, g^j]j^^ chi' shun, ^ )|p .kwai shun'. Kwei shun ; consent,; 'lai 'che. Chi 11 che; present my compliments, PJf ^ man' hau'. Wan hau, P^^ man'. on. Wan ngan, 1^ ^ 'ts'eng .on. Ts'ing ngan, ^ ^ chf hau'. Chi hau, ^"^^^^ toi' .wai chi' f. Tai wei chi U j^l^^^^ toi' .wai hau' .on. Tai wei hau ngdn ; a man of compliments, J^ jli ^ l"^ .chong 'kd, 'kau kc', ^f| ilj P^ .chong 't'ai min' k6', ^ ,ii| ^^ A cto ^ai ke' jan, Jt ^t"!^ A .h^ /^^ 'chun jts'un. Chun siun, |^)|p .t'eng shun'. T'ing shun, |* -^ .t'eng .ts'ung. T'ing ts'ung ; three comf)liances of a female * , ^ f«t .sam jts'ung. SAn ts'ung ; in compliance with your order, Qi ^ ffil ^ .t'eng meng' .i .hang. T'ing ming rh hang, j^ ^ ffil tl ^ :|i5j,jif Tnai ko' .k'ii 'lai, ^ ^ ^ ^ pat, iii' hak, hi'. Pub ydu k'eh k'i ; acquaintances need not stand upon compliments, ^ !^ 3fpJ !§ shuk^ pat, .k'u 'lai. Shuh pub k'u li ; unmeaning compli- ments, P B^ 1^ 'hau jt'au wa'. K'au t'au hwa ; to return a compliment, [eJ ^ .lii pdi'. Hwid pdi, [eJ I^ jUi tse'. Hwui si6, fej -fj^ jUi hau'. Hwui hau, ^gfj- pdi' tse'. Pai si6 ^^^ cP'di 'lai. P'ei li ; a present or favor bestowed, ^ |^ ho' 'lai. Ho li, ^ ijil kii' 'lai. Kii li. Compliment 5j[Jn^ chi' 'lai. Chi II, f^-^ man' hau'. Wan hau, =^ ^ ts'eng .on. Ts'ing ngan, %^ ^ chi' 1'. Chi i,-^j^ chi' hau'. Chi hau, ^ ^ hau' .on. Hau ngan, ^ .ch'ing. Ch'ing, ^ P^ .ch'ing .fii. Ch'ing hii ; to congratulate, ^ !§1 .kung 'hi. Kung hi, ^ ^ c^ung ho'. Kung ho, •l M to' 'hi. Tdu hi, pp ^^ k'au' ho'. K'au ho; to compliment by flattery, ^ jpc fung' ^shing. Fung" ching ; to compliment on new year, Pj3 -^ .k'au' ho'. K'au ho, ^ g. .kung 'hi. Kung hi, f^ fi .kung ho'. Kung ho, f:^ ^ pdi' ho'. Pdi bo; ditto on a birth-day, jjj^ ^ chuk, ho'. Chub ho, ^^ pal' shau'. Pai shau, jjijt^ chuk, shau'. Chub shau, ^ ^ ho' sbavi'. Ho shau ; ditto a wife after three months' marriage, ^^ chi' 'nii. Chi nii ; to compliment one mth presents, ^^ .kung ho'. Kung ho ; ditto with a ticket, ^ ^ sung' p'iti'. Sung p'idu, j^ ^ ^ A sung' p'iil' bo' .yan. Sung p'iau ho jin. Complimoxit, to pas^ compliments, ^;|§ ^liang 'lai. COM Hang II; to use ceremony. )^ /[j?? yung^ *lai. Yung II ; to use cercmomous language, ^ |f ^ 'kong 'lai wd^ Kiang 11 livvd, ^ ijg |^ shut, *lai wd^ Shwoh II liwd. Complimentary, complimental, ^'4 ho^ IIo, ^ ^| P|E ,kung ho^ k6', Ij^ ^ 6^ Xung 'l.i tik,. Kung hi till, 15 ,iig ^^ ho^ nal tik,. Ho II till, il ifi ^(j ho^ i tik,. Ho I tih ; complimentary presents, fKli lio' 'lai. Ho li, f^^ ^ ho' ^I. Ho i ; a com- plimentary letter, ^-^ ^ ho' ,shvi. Ho shu ; flat- tering, ^ ^ fung' jShing. Fung clung, ^ jj{j jfung ^ying. Fung yi ng, f^ gj f/^ 'ch'Im ^ix tik,. Chen yu till, ^[^ g^ ^^ .0 .ii tik,. O yu tih. Complimented, praised, ^ifjflji^ ^eh'ingtsung'kwo'. Ch'ing sung kwo; gratulated, Ij^^jj^ }^^^g 'hi kwo'. Kung hi kwo; sent or presented one's compliments, Hi^ 'jjl i^ man' hau' kwo'. Wan hau kwo, 1^- j||i ^ 'ts'eng kwo' ,on. Ts'ing kwo ngan. Compline, ") among the Roman Catholics, the last ; Complin, j prayer at night, |-J ^j^jfili^ yat^ ,cliung chuk, ^man. Yih chung ehuh wan, J^'i^ )p§ 'mdn 'tb. Wan tdu, jj^ '|| 'mdn ^t'ong. Wan fang. Complot, a plot, — J|E '^ yat, ^pdn 'tong. Yih pdn *tong. Yih pdn tdng, — • ''^^ \ yat, *tong ^yan. Yih tdng jin ; a confederacy in some evil design, ^ ':g ok,' 'tong. Ngoh tdng, ^ '^^ .kdn 'tong. Kien tdng. Complot, to plot together, ^ ^ kit, 'tong. Kieh tdng; to conspire, |nj|^ ^t'ung ^mau. T'ungmau, ||t '^ ^raau hoi'. Mau hdi. Comply, t6 comply with, ^ ^ts'ung. Ts'ung, j|g ^ shun' jts'ung, gg ^ ,^'*^i^g jts'ung. T'ing ts'ung, ^ jlp ,t'eng shun'. T'ing shun, ^ ^ts'un. Siun, ^lk ctsuTi jts'ung. Tsun ts'ung, ^(^'^ S ^ts'ung. I ts'ung, g. ^ .tsun .1. Tsun I, ^ j|l y^uk^ shun'. Joh shun, ^ ^ Y'liun ^ts'ung. Chun ts'ung, ^ Vai. T'i, ^ ,^ sui' i'. Sui I, ^ ^ml. Wi, ^ 3f§, 'iin i'. Yuen I, ^ jau. Yii ; to com- ply obediently, |^ ^ts'ui. Sui, (^ j\^ Jiong fuk^. Hidng full ; to accord, ^ fj- *chun jhang. Chun hang; to assent, yt W '^^'^ 'hang. Yun hang, ;^ ^ ^wan nok^. Yun noh, ||g ^ cJ'^'^o Van. Ying yun ; to comply with ancient usages, ^^^ ^.^ ,1 kau' .ch6ung ch'ing. 1 kid chdng ch'ing, Dtliil.^- jts'un kair ,W'ai *ki\. Siun kin kwei kii, ^^ i^^ jts'un 'shau kau' ,kw'ai. Siun shau kiu kwei ; to comply with the degree of heaven, V^'^%-^ king' yik^ ,t'in meng*. Kijig nih t'ien ming ; to comply with the evil inclina- tions of men, (|5 A^^. jts'ui ^yan ,chi ok,. Sui jin chl ngoh ; # A"f!!t'S.^ ^ts'ung jan k6' ok,; to comply with improperly, ^ tS ^ F$ j^s'ui 'k'ii fong' sz'. Sui [jji] t'd fdng sz, ^^ ,8un tsung'. Siun tsung, ^ ,8un. Siun, ^tj| ,sun. Shin; to comply with people's propensities, ^p A^ j^ ,8un ^an yukj. Siun jin yuh, (S| A >^ ^ jts'ui ^yan ,8Z yuk^. Sui jin sz yuh, ^ '|^ ,8un ^ts'ing. Siun ts'ing, ^ |3b !ij^ A «^^" jts'ung .il ^an. Siun (448) COM ts'ung yd jin ; to comply with one another's wishes &c., ;^y{V .^'''ung s""- Sidng yuen, i^ ^ jR^ung jts'un. Sidng siun ; to comply in appear- ance, hut oppose in heart, fifi^jOtl' ^^^^ J^^S ^sam pui'. Mien ying sin pei, (fll ^ ^Ci> ^ nii^^ ts'ung ,8am ^wai. Mien ts'ung sin wei ; ought to comply with, ^* fl .tong 't'ui. Tang t'i, -§§ # *t'ai di'. T'i hwui ; difidcult to comply with, ||| ^ jUdn jts'ung. Ndn ts'ung, |^ ^ ^ndu ,L Ndn i, 1^ jjjif ndn ^ts'un. Ndn siun ; to comply with orders, ^ ^ ,t'cng meng'. T'ing ming,. ^ ^ jts'un meng'. Siim ming ; to comply with the times, §1 ^ ff 5I t'eng' ,t'in .hang t6'. T'ing t'ien hang tdu, ||p -J^ shun' meng'. Shun ming. Component, constituting, j§^ shuk^. Shuh, y\ yapj- Jih, J^ jWai. Wei; a component part, jSJ ^ jt'ung fan'. T'ung fan, J^ ^ shuk^ mat^. Shuh wuh, TV ^Ij if^ ff^J yaPi pitj matj tik,. Jih pieh wuli tih, iiji 4^ jlin mat . Lien wuh ; it is a com- ponent part of that, 1^ |^ ^ shuk^ .koi mat^. Shuh kdi wuh, A 1^1^ 6\I 7^?i P^ ^^K- ^'^ pi tih ; zink is a component part of brass," fil ^5* A f^^ pdkj jiin yap^ jWong jt'ung. Peh yuen jih hwdng t'ung ; tin and copper are component parts of bronze, m Wi ^l Wj ^ "^ ^^ M X^^g .k'au ^ii sek, jShing ^wai jhung ^t'ung. T'ung k'u yd sih cliing wei hung t'ung. Components J|^ if^ shuk^ mat^. Shuh Avuh, ^ ^ kdp, matj. Kidh wuh, j^i^ jllnmat^. Lien wuh. Comport, to agree with, ;i|^ ^ .seung hop^. Sidng hoh, ii^ ^ .s6ung jfd. Sidng fu ; to suit, ^ ^ shik, hop^. Shih hoh. Comportable -^ hbp^. Hoh. Compose, to put or set together, -^ J]^ hop^ ^shing. Hoh shing, -^ i^ h^p^ ^mdi. Hoh mdi ; to com- pose, as a writer, -f^ tsok,. Tsoh, ^- chii'. Chd, -f^ chu' tsok,. Chd tsoh, ^ chdn'. Chdn, ^ chdn'. Chdn, -^ ts6'. Tso ; to compose, as a printer, ^ chap,. Chih, ^ ^ chap, tsz'. Chih tsz ; ditto in Chinese, ^ ,on. Ngdn ; to compose an essay, f^,^"^: tsok, ^man ,ch6ung. Tsoh wan chdng, 1^^ chdn' ^man. Chdn wan; to compose a book, f^ ^ tsok, .shu. Tsoh shii, ^ i§. tsb^ ,shu. Tso slid, ^ |l^ chu' .shii. Chd shd; to compose a narrative, ^'i>E ^'h^' shut^. Chd shuh; to compose a poem, -(^ ^ tsok, ,shi. Tsoh shl, j^ ^ tscV .Shi. Tso shl, ^ 1^ ,t"ai .shl. T'i shi; to compose a tune, ^^'^ tsok, .ko, Tsoh ko; dit^ to a ditty, i^ ^f? tsok, .ko tsai, j|g Ijk j^ «P'in .ko ji. P'ien ko rli ; to compose a line, ^ — ■ ^j chap, yat, jhong. Chih yih hdng; to compose one's affairs, tT il g B "It f^ ^^ '" tsz' *kl ktf sz'. Td li tsz ki tih sz, |k ^5^ 2. ^ *^^™ '^^^ '^^ sz'. Kien tien ki sz ; to compose one's mind, ^ 1^ .on .sam. Kgdn sin, ^ t^ teng' ,sam. l^ng sin, ^ j(^ fong' .sam. Fdng sin ; to compose in the mind, )|^ f,pj fuk, 'k6. Fuh kdu ; to compose one's limbs, ^ j^f^ ,on pdk^ t'ai. Ngdn peh t'i; to compose, as the sea after a storm, 'i^0^^ COM (U9) COM *hoi tsim^ ^po ^p'ing. Hdi tsien po p'ing, JDf^'l^ ^ tsim^ tslm^ ^po jP'ing. Tsien tsien po p'ing ; to compose music, f^ ^ tsok, iigok^- Tsoli yoh, ft-^^^l tsok, ngok^'^-an. Tsoli" yoh yin; to com- pose a difference, ^^D 'Jiong ^wo. Kidng ho, :j^ 5^ p'^k, jWO. Peh ho ; to compose one's self to sleep, i^^^sWt^ i^'^^ i^^ *^^^^ 'ts'am. T'ien jen tsiti ts'in, ^.^tTBS P^ /i '*» shui^ NgAn jen ta shwui. Composed, set together, ^ i^}^ hop^ ^mAi kwo'. Hoh mai kwo, ^ ^ ^ hop^ ^shiug kwo'. Hoh ching kwo ; calmed, ^^ ^ou kwo\ Ngdn kwo ; calm, ^ %t fiu jiing. Ngan ning, ^ "^^ ^on tsing'. Ngd;i tsing, ^p^ cP'i"g c^^^- P'ing ngan, ^ fc P^ >ong. Ngilu kang, ^ ^ ,oa "t'o. Ngan t'o, ^^ f^ $n -{li ^shan ^shan ^ix -yd. Shin shin jd ye, '^^ ,on ^shu. Ngdn shd; composed in mind, ^ ti^ ^on ^sam. Ngdn sin, ;^^^ ^ ^sam teng^ Sin ting, ^^ J\^^ teng^ ^sam. Ting sin. Composedly, calmly, '^fj^ ^on ^in. Ngdn jen ; seri- ously, ^ ^ suk, ,in. Suh jen, {§ ;^ -im ^in. Yen jen. Composedness, tranquility, 4^ ^ ^on tsing^ Ngan tsing, ^^ ^ II ^ * jWong ^t'ung ^wai tsap^ ^kam. Hwdng t'ung wei tsah kin ; a literary composition, ^ ^ ^man ^cheung. Wan chdng ; a musical composition, — (^ if^ yat, ^fiu ngok^. Yih t'idu yoh ; a composition in fine arts, I^^^ Miiiu hopj 'che. K'iauhohch6; adjustment, ^ ,%|. 't'o -i. T'o i, ^\ ^ ^cham teng\ Chin ting, ^•{- ^ jCham ^'o. Cliin t'o ; composition money, %m^^mm.iimU' g>|^§^ c^ham teng^ jt^gan. Chin ting yin ; com- pensation, ^i^^ 'tai jt'in ^ugan. Ti t'ien yin; a composition in money for supplying viands, ;^ ^ chit, shik^. Chen shih ; the composition of words, ^^'^^ — li^'iPj -leung tsz^ ,wai yat,. Hoh liang tsz wei yih, -|^^»^lf! tso^ 'bin hok, tsz^ Tso hien koh tsz, 5^ ^^ ^ ^^ 'iiin liok, tsz^ Ma hien koh tsz ; tbe synthetical method of reasoning, f^ p^ ^ch'ui lun^ Ch'ui lun, gg- 3g r?n i^^ ch'it, 'II ^I lun' ^chi. Sheh li rh lun chf, aL tiffl ^^P> ^"'^"- -^^^^ ^^^'^ ' composition in print- ing, ^ '4^ :^ chap, tsz' *che. Chih tsz ch6 ; ditto in chemistry, If ij^ tsap, mat,. Tsah wuh, ;fg ^ ^ ^k'au ,mai mat,. K'ii mdi wuh; composi- tion of forces, |f ■}] -p'lii lik,. Pei lih, jjp -fg j] ^ka -p'ui likj. Kia pei lih ; finished composition, ^ M ^ ^ 'fi jiii jShing ^cheung. Pi jen ching chang. Compositor, one who sets types, ^ ^ ;^ chap, tsz' 'che. Chih tsz ch6, j^ yfe ^ 'p^i 'pan 'che. Pdi pdn che. Compost, a mixture or composition of various ma- nuring substances, for fertilizing land, ^ ^ tsdpj fan'. Tsdh fan ; a mixture for plastering houses, or compo, J5f< ^ /ui ^sha. Hwui shd. Composure, a settled state of mind, '^i^ teng' ^sam. Ting sin, ^ ^-f^ i! # .on ^in tsz' tak,. Ngan jen tsz teh, ^^ .on ^ning. Ngan ning; presence of mind, >^^^^ tsik^ ^in 'che. Tsih jen che, |^I % ;^ 1^ tsz' tak, ,chi mau'. Tsz teh chl mau, ^f^ g ^ kdi' jin tsz' 'shau. Kiai jen tsz shau. Compound, to mix or unite two or more ingredients in one mass or body, UgH ,k'au tsap^. K'ii tsdh, ^§ii ^k'au ^mdi. K'u mai, |^5(f?q 'u ts'akj p'ak, jWo, Yii ts'ili peh ho } to M pan COM (460) COM compound for, ^ ^ 'kong ^wo. Kidng ho; to compound for one's fault, Jj^f| shuk^ tsui^ Shuh tsiii, fl <|; ^X *po /A jhung. Pu hwd hung. Compound, composed of two or more ingredients, H tsdp^. Tsdh, II ^ij tsdp^ tik,. Tsdh tih, # H ^ts'ilm tsdpj. Ts'dn tsdh, :f|g||{J^ .k'au tsdp^ tik,. K'u tsdh tih ; a compound word, fj- ^ ^md tsz^ Md tsz, ^4^ h6p^ tsz^ Hoh tsz, -^ ^ ^lin tsz'. Lien tsz. ^ -o' firJ -S' J^^^^ l^^Pj tik, tsz^ Lien hoh tih tsz; a compound Chinese character, -^ ^ hbpj tsz^ Hoh tsz, ^^»^^ h6p^ ^mdi k6' tsz^ a compound flower, ^ 1\1^ lii^ /d. Hwui hwd ; a compound stem, y j(>^ i^ ^d ^chi kon'. Yk chl kdn ; a compound leaf, -^ ^ ui^ ip^. Hwui yeh ; compound interest, 1^\] ]^ %\\ li^ sh6ung^ li^ LI shdng If, ^ J^ prehensive knowledge, f^ >^ pok, hok^. Poh hioh, |/l/ jji^ pok, shik,. Poh shih, \^^ pok, Mdm. Poh bin ; it is a conipjvhensive concern, ^f ;^ TJElBi- 'kwong tdi* k6' So. Comprehensively, with great extent or embrace, J^ A'kwongtdiX Kwdng td, '^"^ ^^.j /un fut,. Kwd'n kw'oh ; comprehensively arranged, ^ ^ f^ f^ 'ching lak, 'kwong fut,. Ching teh kwdng kw'oh; comprehensively pxpirtised, nft) ^1 ^ T ''^"^^ ^mijig pule 'Hu Shwoh ming peh lidu, ^j^^^ 'kong kwo' mnmm tsieh. pak,. ^ming 'kong tak. Kiang *kdn tsit. kwo ming peh, Kidng teh kien Comprehensiveness ^ ^ ^ ^ cPau kut, ,to 'ch6 Pau kwoh to che, jf P] ^ 'kwong fiit, 'cbe, Kwdng kw'oh che, ^^||^ /lin fut, 'che. Kwdn COM (451) COM I ■ 1 1 " r I "I II ' • ' " ' ;^/J>^ ch'uk, 'siu 'ch6. Shuh sidu ch^, 'fg^^ pik, 'kan 'ch6. Pih kin ch6 ; compression of the air, ^g^^M^ V^K '^^^ ct'in hf 'ch6. Pih kin t'ien k'i ch6, i^M^M^ Pik, ^mdi ^t'in hf 'ch6. Pih mdi t'ien k'i ch6, M. Z ^ i^ ^^' A^ 'i^an pik,. K'i chi kin pih. kw'oh ch6 ; the quality of including much in a • Compressure, the act or force of one body pressing few words or narrow compass, ^^f^ ^ ,pdu ^hdm I against another, jj^'i^ 7^ ^s^ung pik, *ch6. Siang 'ch6. Pau hien che, f^^ 'kan tsit^. Kien tsieh; [ pih che, ;'|>0)^^ ,seung dt, 'ch6. Siang yah che. power of intellect, ff^BJ] ^ts'ung ^ming. Ts'ung ; Comprint, the surreptitious printing of a work be- longing to another, ^ fp ^ ^ ;^ mo^ yan' ^yan ^shii 'che. Mdu yin jin shii che, '^ ^J ^{j ^ m6* yan' tik, ^shii. Mdu yin tih shii. Comprise, to comprehend, or include Avithin itself, ^ ^pau. Pau, ^jl^ ^pau ^liam. P<4u hien, ^^ Compress, to press together by external force by the hand, ^^ illH ^cha sai'. Cha si, ^^ ^cba *kan. Ch4 kin, \^ i^ ^cha ^mai. Cha mai,'|^ ^ kam- shat^, ^^ kam" ^mai, y^'fi pik, shat^. Pih shih, -fg ^ pik, shat,,. 'Pih shih, ^g i^ pik, ^mdi. Pih • mdi, ^ /\\ ch'uk, *siu. Shuh siau; to com- press in binding, ^ ^ts'au. T'iii ; to pi'ess bet- ween two things, to squeeze, 7^ '(^ kap, chii". Kiah cbii, 3^ kap,. Kiah, xj^ |^ kap, shat,. Kiah shih; to press down, j^'i^^ at, sai\ Yah si, )^/J cheuk. kam sai , j^ kam' dt, 'siii. Yah siau chii^ ^ ^ at, cheuk,. Yah choli ; to drive into a narrower compass, jjg^ ^ pile, 'kan. Pih kin, j^ yJ^ pik, 'siii. Pih siau ; to compress with nip- pers, ;|^ ^ ^k'ira cliu". K'ien chii, If ^ ,k'im shat^. K'ien shih, #|ttt ff 'pi c^'^^ <}^'^^ '^^^^\ Pi k'ien k'ien sbih ; to embrace carnally, |^ ^ 'p'6 '1dm. P'du Ian. Compress, a bolster of soft linen cloth with several folds, used by surgeons to cover a plaster for dress- ing wounds, 1^ % t'ip, p6'. T'ieh pu, M^^ dt, 'kan p6'. Yah kin pii. Compressed, pressed together by the hand, }^^^\^ kam- shatj kAvo', i^iMM. ^^^^' ji^ai kwo', ^ ^.[fl ji^ kam^ sai' kwo' ; ditto within the hand, ^^ i^ j^ ^chd ^mdi kwo'. Cha mdi kwo ; pressed flat, ^ -^ M ^a^" 'P^'i ^"'o' ; squeezed, ^ ^^ kap, kwo'. Kiah kwo ; forced into a narrow compass, 'fS ^ ^M. V^K '^^"^ kAVo'. Pih kin kwo ; pressed down, J^^>^ dt, shatj kwo'. Yah shih kwo ; in botany, flatted, j^^^p ^leung ^pin ^p'ing. Liang pien p'ing. Compressibility ^'^ ^' kam' shat^ 'ch6, J^ ^ dt, 'ch6. Ydh ch6, /fg ^ -^ pik, 'kan 'che. Pih kin ch6; the quality of being capable of compression into a smaller space or compass, TJf ^ ^tjH -^ 'ho kam' sai' 'ch^, "pf^jg^ 'ho kam' ^mdi 'che, pf M W ^ 'ho dt, shat^ 'che. K'o yah shih che, ^ kam' 'siu, H^ ^a dt, sai'. Yah si, |g^ dt, 'kan. Yah kin. Compression ^^^ kam' ^mai 'che, ^^i^ kam' shat^ 'ch6, Jgjj /]-» ^ dt, 'siii 'che. Yah sidu ch6. ^pdu kut,. Pau kwoh, Jjf^ kut,. Kwoh; to include, :^ ^ tsoi' noi'. Tsdi nui, ^ ^ F^T tsoi' noi' ^chung. Tsdi nui chung; to encircle, j^(3 ^chau ^wai. Chau wei ; it may be comprised in a few words, U^^liX^Z sli^' tsz' 'ho ^i kiit, ,chi. Su tsz k'o i kwoh chi, ^>^ ^' ^^ 'ki ko' tsz' j)du sdi' ; they are comprised in these words, ^\^ '■^^Z 'ts'z tsz' kut, ,chi. Ts'z tsz kwoh chi, pjg, PA ^ ^ t g .ni ti' tsz' ,pdu 'k'ii; they comprise an area of fifty feet, ||^ M "S 3l -^ K .tsung ^wdng ^pdu ^ng shap^ ch'ek,. Tsung hung pdu wuh shih ch'ih, {^tj^^^HLilZ jWdng tim' kai' 'ng ch^ung'; they comiirise all, ^| Hi ^ ^ 'lung 'tsung tsoi' noi'. Comprised ^ ^pdu. Pdu, ;}g kiit,. Kwoh, '^ j§ j)du kut,. Pdu kwoh, :^ \)q tsoi' noi'. Tsdi nui ; they are comprised in it, -^ ;^ ^5 ^kdi tsoi' noi'. Kidi tsdi nui, — HE-jcL ft jat, k'oi' tsoi' noi'. Yih k'di tsdi nui, "^ ^ — ^ ,pdu kut, yat, ts'ai'. Pdu kAvoh yih ts'i. Compromise, an amicable agreement between par- ties in controversy, to settle differences by mu- tual concessions, |^ gg fff) 5ffl ,t'ui y^ung' ^i ^wo. T'iii jang rh ho, ;i)i|f ^ ^seung yeung'. Sidng jdng; mutual agj'ccment, jj;^ jfip ^seung ^wo. Sidng ho, p(|^<:f^^ '16ung ^kd p'dk, ^wo. Lidng kid peh ho. Compromise, to adjust and settle a difference by mutual agreement, ;!§ ^ rfij ^Q ,s6ung y^ung' O i" jWO. Sidng jdng rh ho, ^ii ^ ;{^ ^H 'leung ,ka p'dk, jAvo. Lidng kid peh ho, pjf ^' j||r ^ 'leung ^kd tiin' ^hoi. Lidng kid tAvdn k'di ; to compro- mise a difference, |^ ^ "^ jj|^ p'dk, ^wo ,chdng ^tiin. Peh ho tsang twdn ; to compromise another, ^Iki^K jin k'ap^ ,t'a ,yan. Yen kih t'd jin, :\^ jMi J^fili A .t'o jlin .ii .t'd jan. T'o lien yti t'd jin, 1 Z^ A liii' k'ap^ ^yan, ?/Jit^#. A cPo k'ap, .t'd ^yan. Po kih t'd jin ; to compromise the state, Ka .^ ffl ^ s^ I'^i^ kwok, .kd. 1 lui kwoh kid ; to compromise one's self, ;^ § Q lui' tsz' 'ki, Lui tsz ki ; to put to hazard, ^ '^ f{^ ^ ngai' ko' kin' sz'. Wei ko kien sz, ^4^ ,ngai sz'. Wei ko kien sz ; to compromise one's honor, ;^ fi Q ^ ;g lui' tsz' 'ki ,shing ^meng. Lui tsz ki siiinsf bOM Mtflia iiua (462) C0>' ming ; to compromise the guiltless, f^^ ^ ^ p\b jkii shau^ lui^ Wii kii shau lui. Compromised, settled by agreement with mutual concessions, i^ ^\{n "^ ,86ung yc^ung^ ^i ^wo. ^ ^«n ?^ ^ p'^k, jWO kiit, sz^ Peh ho kiueh sz ; he compromised me, flli :^ ^ f ^ ,t'a lui^ kwo' *ngo. T'A lui kwo wo, HH ]U ^ % ^ ,t'd .t'o lui' kwo' ^ngo. T'd t'o lui kwo wo. Computnfion, the act of computing, tT |»C "ll ^ t'd sun* U* s/}. If %l fi kai' siin' 'ch6. Ki swdn ch6, :ft B\ fi .ch'ui ch'ak, 'ch(?. Ch'ui ts'eh ch6, %)%^ siin' tokj 'che. Swdn toll eh6 ; esti- mate, tt ^ ^ 'ts'un t'ok 'ch6. Ts'un toh ch6 ; a WTong computation, ^ij ^ 'shb ts'o'. Su t«'o ; rules or system of computation, ^ ^ sun* fdt,. Swdn fdh. Compromissorial, relating to a compromise, ^ ^ Compute, to cast up an account, ^T^ *t^ s'ii*- Td &\J P'^'^, s^'o ^^K I*ch ho till. Compromit, to pledge or engage, by some act or I declaration, which may not be a direct promise, but which renders necessary some future act, fj^ i ^ m wd' ,pdu jing. II wd pdu ying ; to put to ; hazard by some previous act or measure, which cannot be recalled, ^ ^ j'>gai sx/. Wei sz, ^ ^ lui' sz'. Lui sz, Mkm^'^=r'^%^'^ wd' wdkj jhang ^wai lui' sz'. I hwd hwoh hang wei lui sz. swdn, If kai'. Kl, gf ^ kai' sun'. Ki swdn, *sh6. Su ; to cast or estimate in the mind, ff J^ 'ts'un tokj. Ts'un toh, %\ |g kai' tok^. Ki toh, Jj^^ liu' tokj. Lidu toh, 1(^\ liu'. Lidu ; compute together, ^ ff h6p^ kai'. Hob ki, >^ p hbp^ siin'. Hob swdn, ^^ 'tsung sun'. Tsung swdn, Jj^^ Vung sun'. T'ung swdn, ^^f- kung' kai'. Kung ki ; compute how many, %.)^^^ 'sh6 kwo' 'ki ,to. Sii kwo ki to, to 'shiii. Sii kwo to sbdu. ^^>'sh6kwo' Compromited ^ '^ ^ngai kwo'. Wei kwo, ^ j^ Computed, counted, ^j^ ^^ 'sho kwo'. Sii kwo, ff lui' kwo'. Lui kwo. ^ kai' kwo'. Ki kwo; estimated, ^j|^ tok^ kwo'. Comptroll, see Control | Toh kwo, Jj^JjI^ liii' kwo'. Lidu kwo. Compulsatory, compelling, jgwj^ pik, k^', 5^. j§ ^ Computer, one Avho computes, ijfj t,T ^ 'ta sun' " ' 'ch6. Td swdn cIk?, §f %% ^ kai' .siin' 'che. Ki swdn ch6 ; a calculator, f^ ^ ^ ts'iin tok^ *ch6. Ts'un toh ch6. Computing, counting, fj" '^ 'td siin'. Td swdn, ff kai'. Ki, ^^ sho . Sii ; estimating, ^^ liii'. Lidu, ^ tok^. Toh. Comrade, a fellow, ^J ff 'fo ki'. Ho ki, j^ j^ 'fo piin'. IIo pwdn ; an associate in office, j^ ^liii. Lidu, ^i^ piin' nil. Pwdn lii. Comradeship j^ |^ gf ts6' fo ki', ^ j^ tsb' ptin'. Tso pwdn. ^k'dung pikj tik,. K'iang pih tih. Compulsion, the act of driving or urging by force, 5!g ^k'6ung. K'idng, 5^. ^;g ^ ^k'eung pik, 'che. K'idng pih ch6, ^ J,'!', ^- hnin ^k'eung 'ch6. Mien k'idng ch6, ^^ lak^ pik^. Leh pih, jfl ;fj yung' lik^. Yung lib, jfl |j| ^ yung' ^k'iin sliai'. Yung k'iuen shi ; by compulsion, |^ ^y, jjg H 'k'^ungpik,. I k'idng pih, '1^ ^f shi' ^c'un. Shi k'iuen, ^ ^ j^ }^^^S P^' ^^^- Hang pa tdu. Compulsive ^ill fl^ ^k'6ung tik,. K'idng tih, >fg ^^ pik, tik,. Pih tih, Pjl^, ^^ [^(j 'k'6ung pik, tik,. K'idng pih tih, J^ fjfj; |^^ 'min ^k'6ung tik,. Mien | Con, as the pros and cons, ^ ^_g jCh'eung 'tiin. k'iang tih, ^jigQ^ lak^ pik, tik,. Leh pih tih. [ Ch'dng tAvdn. Compulsively, by compulsion, ^51 ^k'dung. K'idng, Con, to know, %1 ,chi. Chi, ^ shik,. Shih. pik,. Pih. Con amore, with love or pleasure, ^ ^ lok^ ^wai. K'i Compulsiveness ^M^ Vdung 'ch6. K'idng ch(5, J(g Loh wei ^ pik, 'eh6. Pih che, ^^J^^ V^ung pik, 'ch6. j Concamerate, to arch over, jjjE ;^t 'hi 'kung K'idng pih ch<5. _ _ | kung, ^ j^ :tJt ^'oi' H 'kung. K'di i kung. Compulsory ^M"!^ ^k'^ung ke'. jBn|^ pik, k6\ ^y^ Concatenate, to link together, i^ -ji^ ,sdung ^lin ('jfj lakj pik, tik,. Leh pih tih ; compulsory ser vice, '^jt^ p'di' 'wai. P'di wei,,^^^^ *k'6ungsz'. K'idng sz ; compulsory loan, ^ f,^ |g ^kdm ts6' jUgan. Kien tsid yin, ^jf§ lak^ ts6'. Leh tsi6. Compunction, the sting of conscience proceeding from a conviction of having violated a moral du- ty. '1^ 'Ifi f"i' l'au^ Ilwui ban, ^ ]% 5' fiii'. Ngau hwui; without compunction, gj^ Jl^Cl^ jm6 *8h6ung ^sam. Wii shdng sin, ^.^^^iCj) jffib kwd' ,8am. Wii kwd sin. Compurgation, the act of justifying a man by the oath of others, ^ Q ^ A 'pi^i V^\ c^'^ jy^n. Pidu peh t'djin, g^ |3 'bin pdk^. Hien peh. Compurgator ^(=1^ 'piu pdk^ 'ch6. Pidu peh ch6 Sidng lien, JfJitn jlin k'au'. Lien k'au, j^^ jlin 'so. Lien so. Concatenated, linked together, J^ jjg ,s6ung ^lin. Sidng lien, j^ :f|| ^lin k'au'. Lien k'au, }^^ jlin 'so. Lien so. Concatenating i^^ ,8^ung ^lin. Sidng lien. Concatenation, a series ot' links united, ;;j^ ^ :^ ^seung jlin 'ch6. Sidng lien ch6 ; concatenation of circumstances, ;i|i9 j^ ^ ^ ,s(''ung jlin ,chi sz'. Sidng lien chi sz, ^jfl^^l^ ,seung tsip, ,cbi sz'. Sidng tsieh chi sz, ^ ^ :^ ^ ,hin ,lin ,chl sz'. K'ion lien chi sz. Concave pjj uap,. Yau, ('ll^^J ""P, ^^K' concave tih-s, P^S ,y»"i 'ng''- Yin yd ; to make concave, ^\\^ Computable p[ ^ 'ho siiu'. K'o swdn, pf |f 'ho i j^ wdt, nap, tik, ; a concave leaf, [HI j^ nap, ip, ; kai'. K'o ki. 1^^t^[Jtj 'ho sdn' tak, ch'ut,. K'o | concave and convex, pij ^ nap, tat^. Ydu tub awdn teh Qh'uh. | Concavity (HJ ^ nap, 'ch6. Ydu ch6. ti5N (ihi) btiif iw^ irm'i"'- I 'r J-- Concavo'contex — ^\^, —^li^h yat, ,pln nap,, Concealing |g nik,. Nih, |§g 'y^n nik,. Yin nih, yat, j)in tat^. Yih pien yau, yili pien tuli. j [^ ^ 'yan jts'ong. Yin tsang, ^ |^ ^ch6 '6m, Conceal, to hide, jts'ong nik. Tsang nib, ;p^ j j^ 0^ ,che ^mun. CIk^ mwan. ^ 'bm chu^ fl^ ^ pai' chi'r. Pi cliu, ^ ^ 'oni j Concealment, forbearance of disclosure, |a ^ 'yan par, m. W ccii^ 'i™- ^h*^ y<^°' M '«^' 1 i§ 'yan nik,. Yin nih, |(g^ ya-VL ^ts'ong. Yin tsdng, ^ -j^ ^mai fuk,. Mdi fub, ^ -j^ ^ts'ong fuk^. Tsang fub, Ig;t^ nik, ^mai. Nib mai, i^'^ ^mai miit . Mai mub, i^ ^ ,mai ^ts'ong. Mai tsang, 'Mm. <^^^ P^^'- ^^^^ P^' ^1^ ^mung pai'. Mung pi, H^ ^ chdung' pai'. Chdng pi, ^ 'cbii. Cbu, ^ chap,. Chib, |f 'fai. Hwui, fg'.t'o. T'au, ^ hlp^. Hieb, J:a kl-. Ki, fl^ g pai' 'yung. Pi ^au. Pub ,mun. Cb6 ngau to conceal mwan, [if [gl I yung, •^ (g puk, from, ifl£ Bi .ch^ ^ 'yan ^miin. Yin mwau ; to conceal one's self, |^#''to ^shan. To shin, ^i^ 'to ^mai. To mai, 1^ ^ 'to nik,. To nih, g |^ tsz^ 'yan. Tsz yin, lis ^ y^'^ tun'. Yin tun ; to conceal or lie in ambush, ^ '^ ^mai fuk^. M^i fcih; you can- not conceal it, f^ pg. J^ |h ^^ ^ni ^ni ^che tak, chu\ P§- ^^ f^ "ft £°i 'om tak, cbu' ; to conceal the face, j^ J^ ^ch6 ^sau. Che siii ; the superior man does not conceal people's faults, ^ -f'^f& ^kwan 'tsz pat, 'tong. Kiun tsz pub tdng; to conceal the bad and proclaim the good, [»^ ^^ \t}j ^ 'yan ok, ^yeung shin'. Yin ngob yang shen ; to conceal one's faults, '^[^ j^ji^ ^bom nik, ^k'i kwo'. Hien nih k'i kvvo ; to conceal one's name, liS^"® -8 y^"^ sing' ^mai ,meng. Yin sing mai raing, iM.i'^ iA ^1 c^'^ai mut^ sing' ^meng. Mai mub sing ming, (§ nik,. Nib ; to conceal one's name in posting a placard, [§ ^^I|t!i nik, ^tneng k'lt, t'ip,. Nib ming k'ieh t'ieb ; to conceal one's vice, g |g a: )§_ tsz- nik, ,k'i kwo'. Tsz nib k'i kwo, ^ ^ 'cb'un ok,. Ts'wan ngob ; to conceal a malevolent disposition, ^5il<|i^jCi» ^pau ,ts'ong wo^ sam. Pau tsang ho sin ; to conceal a secret, ^ pi'. Pi, |g ^ nik, sz^ Nih sz, If ^ ff ^ '6m mat^ kin' sz^ ; to conceal one's real motives, iE Bi Q .^ .cb6 ^mun 'kl f. Che mwan ki i ; to disguise, || ^ cha' ^wai. ChA wei, fa^ p^ .jeung jWai. Ydng wei. Concealable p]|§ *ho nik,, K'o nib, nj[)^ 'bo *yan. K'o yin, pf ig 'ho ^ch6. K'o che, Pj'l^ [jf^ 'ho ,ch6 ^mtin. K'o ch^ mwdn, T^^f/t '^o s^ai fi^k^. K'o mdi fub, gff nik, tak,. Nih teb, fglf 'yan tak,. Yin teh, -g fl^ ff ,cbe ,mun tak,. Cb6 mwdn teb. Concealed, withdrawn from sight, [g 3|^ nik, kwo'. Nih kwo, 1^ S jl^ jts'ong nik, kwo'. Tsang nib kwo, ^^ ^ '6m kwo', jg (g ji]^ ,cbe nik, kwo'. Ch6 nih kwo ; cannot be concealed, 'M^^ H. ,cbe '6m pat, chu^ '^ pg. :|^ che ^m tak,; they were concealed in the bush, i^fj/^^J^jil; ^radi fuk^ '^shdn jlam. Mdi fub shdn lin ; concealed in ob- scurity, [(^5gLU^ 'yan tun'- ^slidn lam. Yin tun shdn lin ; be concealed himself, ^ ^ 'to ^shan. To shin, g |^ ji^ tsz' 'to kwo'. Ts'z to kwo. 'cbd. Yin che, |g^ nik, 'ch6. Nih cb6, \%M^ 'yan nik, 'che. Yin nih che, |ij|^^ pi' mat, sz'. Pi mih sz, ^^^*^ pat, sit, mat^ sz'; conceal- ment of one's face, j^ ^ ^ ,cb6 ^sau 'cb6. Ch6 siu che ; the state of being concealed, $^^_ ^^ 'to nik, 'che. To nih cb^ ; the place of biding, 1 )$, Van cii'll'. Yin ch'u, %l % )g 'to ^shan cb'ii'. To shin ch'u, [^ ^au. Ngau. Concede, to grant, g^ 'hii. Hii, '^, 'chun. Chun, n^ /^ 'hii 'chun. Hii chun, =^ ^ 'bli nok . Hii Jang, sun nob ; to yield, ^ yeung* yeung^ Sun jang. Concede, admit, =^ 'hii. Hii. Conceded, yielded, ^ ^^ y<^ung- kwo'. Jdng kwo ; admitted, g^jjS 'hii kwo'. Hu kwo; granted, ^ jl]^ 'chun kAvo'. Chun kwo. Conceit, conception, idea, ^ i. 1, ^^ ^gj, f sz'. 1 sz ; imagination, ^, 'seung. Siang, :^ /^, Avdn* 's6ung. Hwan siang, " J^ ^^^ Jiii 'seung. Hii sidng, ^ ^t Jmng 's6ung. K'ung siang; self- conceit or affected conception, ^ |5^ tsz' (king, g ^ tsz' ^kw'il. Tsz kw'a, g( ^ tsz' tsuk,. 1^^ Tsz ^ tsz" ^mun. Tsz mwan, |p[ g^ hii; strange conceit, J| ^^ i' Tsz tsub, tsz' 'hu. 'seung. I sidng ; pleasant fancy, ^ j^^ ts'ii' i'. Ts'iii; out of conceit, no longer pleased with, with, pa 1>J fg ^ £ ^m '-i 'k'ii ,wai f, Z-^M ?a pat, n ,wai i'. Pub 1 wei i ; foolish conceit if or miagination. M ngong- 's6ung. Ngang siang. Conceit, to imagine, ,fg, >fji ^sz 'seung. Sz sidng, ]^ ^ 'i jWai. I wei, :^ -^ wan' 'seung. Hwdn sidng, >§ /fj[ ,hung 'seung. K'uhg sidng ; there are insane people who conceit themselves to be kings and queens, fg^^l^ M^^"^^ ngong' 's(^ung 'i jWai ^wong 'cb6 'yau ^chi. Ngdng sidng i wei wdng cbd yii chi ; there are some who conceit themselves very learned, g ]^ ;J^ f ^ ^ ^^ ^ tsz' ^i ^wai pok, hok^ 'che 'yau ^cbi. Tsz 1 wei poll biob ch6 yu chi, ^-] ^ p\ ^\$±^ ^;^ wdn' 'seung tsz' ^wai pok, sz' 'cb6 'yau ^chi. Hwdn sidng tsz wei poh sz che yu c'ai. Conceited, imagined, ^ ^ 'i ^wai. 1 wei, :iO MM wdii' 'seung kwo'. HAvdn siang kwo, !^ ^i^ jhung 's6ung kwo'. K'ung sidng kwo ; vain, ^ ^ ^kiii ng6'. Kidu ngau, ifg ^f pik, yik,. Pih yih, g |jA> tsz' ,king. Tsz king, g ^ tsz' ^kw'd. Tsz kw'd, ^ If 1^^ ,king ,kw'd tik,. King kw'd tib, tf .kw'^- ^^^'^' & :k tsz' tdi'. Tsz td ; opinionated, ^ 1>X ^ :^ tsz' 'i ^wai shl'. Tsz I wei sbi, ^ p^ ^kii ^in. Kii jen, g Jg tsz' ^kii. Tsz kii; conceited talk, g H|^P|Et5" ts^^ c'nun k6' wA^, ^^t yik, shiit,. Yih sliwob; egotistical, ^^ W S L1 king' chung' tsz' 'ki. King cbung tsz kii Q ^' ;';u. K'o sz yu, pT^W '1^0 's6ung ^yau. K'o sidng yu, pf ^4 W '^^^ l'*^^ V^"- -^'^ lidu yu, pf ^ <: 'ho Vu cClii- ^'« y'i ^1^^' W M # HJ 'lio *s6ung tak, cli'ut,. K'o sidng teh ch'uh. Conceivably, in a conceivable manner, Ipf ^S,^ *ho *8z ^yau. K'o sz yu. Conceive, to receive into the womb, ^ ^ jShing yan'. Ching ying, ^ ^ shau' ,t'()i. Shau t'di, & 2^1 shau' yan'. Shau ying ; to form a concep- tion in the mind, /^ $|J 'sdung tb\ Sidng tdu, ^ ^ liu' tak,. Lidu teh, ,gj. ^fj ,sz ch'ut,. Sz ch'uh, p ^ 'seung 'yau. Sidng yii, ^^ ^j^f liu' -yau. Lidu yu, W.'fj ,8z ^yau. Sz yu, f^ *ku. Ku, f^ ^ *ku ^yau. Kii yii ; to conceive clearly, g^ gH ^ming 'hiu. Ming hidu, ^)] JjCf ^ming liu'. Ming lidu, i])] ^-p jHiing ,chl. Ming chl ; to con- ceive beforehand, ^|^ yik^ liu'. Nih lidu, ^-^1 yik ,chl. Nih chi ; I cannot conceive how it can be, {tiV^-m^m,^P^^ 'kii ,m t6' ^au 'kom kd' sz', ^^ Z- # W Itb * li^. ^ 'seung 'hi. Sidng k'i, M^^ '&6\xns 'hi ^loi. Sidng k'i Idi ; you may conceive my surprise, pj" )jf^ ^^ ^ ^ It ^ *ho liu' tak ^ngo ,chi clid' 1'. K'o lidu teh wo chi chd i, j^.^^mn^^Um'^S 'ni 'l^o 's6»«g tak, Sigo k6' ch'ut, jk'I ; I conceive, fi^ J^ f^ *ngo 't'ai tak,. Wo t'i teh. Conceive, to become pregnant, ^ 2^1 j^^^''"?? yan*- Ching ying; to have a conception or idea, ^ ^ 'sijung 'hi. Sidng k'i, g^ % 't'ai tak,. T'i teh. Conceived, formed in the womb, )}% ^^ ^ jShing kwo' yan'. Ching kwo ying, /^^Mlln jS^'ing kwo' ^t'oi. Ching kwo t'di ; imagined, 3|»'l ij'^ 1'"* kwo'. Lidu kwo, 'f^. ^t %, ,s6ung 'hi kwo'. Sidng k'i kwo; devised, ^IMIaI^ 's6ung ch'ut, kwo'. Sidng ch'uh kwo, ,g, til M. <8Z ch'ut, kwo'. Sz ch'uh kwo ; I conceived an idea to murder, j^ ,^ ^^ '111 1' jDiau shdt,. K'l 1 man shdh ; no heart ever conceived, i^ ;jfc ^| ^. 3\ .sa^i mi' Vau 'sdung ih\ Sin wl yu sidng tdu, iOPg^M^I] c«»m P^ jts'ang 'sdung t6' ; undei-stood, |^ jl^ 'hiu kwo'. Uidu kwo. Conceiving, in the womb, jf^^ jShing yan'. Ching ying, ^ ^ shau' yan'. Shau ying; forming in the mind, ^Jlj 's^ung t5'. Sidng tdu, %^\^\\ liii' t6'. Lidu tdu, ^ fe ?fe '86ung 'hi ^loi. Sidng k'i Idi ; comprehending, ^ jHiing. Ming. Concent, concert of voices, |^ ^ jhdi jam. HiAi yin. Concent, ) ^ j'/^ 4* >'^ ^^* <^ «chung ,sam. Hwui Concenter, j y u chung sin, P: ^ 4* ^^ "^' <" .chung j6ung. Hwui yu cliung yang, }]^ i^ ^ ^\ tsii' ^mdi ^chung ^dn. Tsii mdi chung kien. Concentered, ") united in a point, 81 >^ 4* "^* c*^ Concentred, j ,chung. llwui yu chung, 'o' ^ 4* h5pj tsii' jCliung. Holi tsii chung. Concentrate, ^p bring to a common centre, ^^4* S^ tsii' ^mdi ,chung ,sam. Tsii mdi chung sin, ^^ Pfj -^ ui' ^mdi ^ehung j6ung. llwui mdi chung ydng, ^ /y^ \^ i(l^ hop^ ,u ^chung ,sam. Iloh yii chung sin ; to concentrate one's energies, ^ ^] ,chiin lik^. Chucn lili, ^.jl^—^. ^chun liJf^ ,u yat, sz'. Chuen lib yu yih sz, ")} ^ ^ — likj ^kwai ,u yat,. Lib kwei yii yih, ^X 3^ th ~' ^ chi' likj ,ii yat, sz'. Chi lib yu yih sz ; to concen- trate an acid, jj^g^S'lSu V^\ ^^^'^" ts'6'. Pih yung ts'u, ^ >ig| j§{J .ching jVimg ts'6'. Ching yung ts'u ; to concentrate one's' forces, ||j -^ ;{f^ — J^ jt'iin ,ping ^ii yat, ch'ii'. Tw'dn ping yuyih ch'd, ^MM — n\^ .ping tsii' ^mdi yat, 'ha. Concentrated, brought to a point or centre, ^>§]i{r^ fp iii' kwo' ,ii ^chun ;®-;M4'^Cl'tsii' kwo chung sin, ^ J^ ^ 4* tsii' kwo' ,ii ,chung Tsii kwo yu chung; reduced to a closer body, •kg PH j|i pik, jShun kwo'. Pih shun kwo, ^g ^ ^ pik, ,tscng kwo'. Pih tsing kwo; concentrated aci(l ^ iH fifl .ching ^yung ts'o . Clung yung ts'u, ^ gi Bh .cliing jjung ts'o'. Ching yung ts'u; concentrated strength, ^j) hlp^ lik^. Hieh lib. >^;fi h6p^ lik^. Uoh Hh, #«llpfjt;fj ui' ^mdi k& likj. Concentrating, bringing to a point, ^ ^7^ 4* '^ "'* ,ii ^chung ,sam. llwui yu chung sin, ^ t^ ^ tsii' ,ii ,chung. Tsii yu chung; reducing to a clo- ser body by distillation, ^ -Jgl P^^ iy""S- ^^ yung. jfei @l V'^K jSbun. Pih shun, ^ )j^ ,ching j;,. Hwui kwo yu chung, ^^^ mdi kwo' chung sam. Tsii mdi I jVung. m Ching yung Concentration, the act of concentrating, ^ Qi ^ tstt' lii' 'ch6. Tsii hwui chd, \^i 1^ ^ ^i ui' ,ii ,chung 'ch6. Hwui yii chung clu^, ^ ;^V tjl :iK tsii' ^ii ,chung 'ch6. Tsii yu chung chd, g^^ lii' jindi '««h6. llwui mdi chd, ^ *^ — |^ ^ tsii' ,a yat, ch'u' 'chd. Tstt yii yih ch'ti chd, ^t^r^ yg' lii' ,u , chung 'chd. Hwui yii chung chd; the concentration of one's energies, ^Jj y$i hlp^ lik^ CON (455) CON 'che. Hieh lili ch6, ;/j ^ ^ — ^ Hk, ^ ^ ^chiin ^sam lik, 'che. Chuen sin lih ch6, =^)flj\j)^ ^chiin yung- sam lik. Chuen yung sin lih. Concentrativeness '^ i^ ^ % ui" ^sam Hwui sin lih ch6. Concentric, having a common centre, g lii^ jii yat, tik^. Hwui yu. yih tib, ^ jkwai ^ii ^chung tik^. Kwei yu chung tib, ■ — fp "iJt J^K cChung ke'. Concentrically 1^^ — -cf? ui' ^u yat, ^chung. Hwui yii yih chung, |f :^— ^^ .kwai ,iiyat,tik, Kwei yii yih tib. Concept ^j| 'ko. Kdu. Conceptacle, see Receptacte and Pericarp. Conception, the act of conceiving, j^ ^ ^ jSbing yan^ 'ch6. Ching ying che, >^ ^ ^ sbau' yan' 'cb6. Shau ying che, ^ ^ ^ shau' ^t'oi 'ch6. Sbau t'di che, ^ ^ ^ ^kau 'kom 'che. Kiau kdn ch6 ; notion, ^ M f sz'. I sz, ^ f. 1; sublime conceptions, ^ ^ kb kin'. Kau kien, ;^ ;g ^ko f. Kau i, ^ ^ ch'euk, kin'. Ch'ob kien ; beyond my conception, |^H ^^ M- ^ cb'ut^ -ngo i' kin'. Ch'uh wo i kien, ^^ f H" fe ^'J '^go liu^ ,m to', \\] He f: ^^ ;^ ^h ch'ut, ^ngo i' liu^ ^chi ngoi'. Ch'uh wo i liau chi wai, ^J^ -f^ p§- %\\ ^ngo 'ku ,m to', ^.ifrT^ WH- 'ngo 'sho pat, k'ap^ Uli^ Wo" so pub kib liau, |^ ^ ^ P§ ^l) fat, mung^ mung' ^m to'; my conceptions, ^J| P^ "^ ^ngo ke' i', |^"pge S a '°S« l^e' i' kin'. Concern, to relate or belong to, ^ shuk^. Shub, |^ ^kwdn. Kwan, ^ '^ ^kwan ship,. Kwdn shell, ^ PP ckon ship,. Kan sbeh ; it does not concern °1C' Pa ii ^ ^ s^ .kwan 'ngo sz', X^%^^ pat, ^kwan Tigo sz^ ^i^^it-F" 'u 'ngo jnb ^kon. Yd wo wd kan, &(^ M ^ ^d ^ngo /m6 ship,. Yd wo wd shell, fM -^ M ^j^ ^m6 kon -'u 'ngo. Wd kdn yd wo, M"^^ &t ffi Hi'Tigo ,m6 u\ Yd wo wd yd; what I speak of concerns you, ^ f)\ M li >^ f^ "ngo 'slio wa^ ^kwan ^ii ^ni. Wo so hwa kwan yd ni ; to concern one's self about, :^|. ,{|; kwa' lu^ Kwa Id, #|> ,i^ kwa' ,sam. Kwd sin, ;f||< 5^ kwd' nim'. Kwd nien. :}^|> y; kwa' f. Kwa i, i^ !§, nim^ lu^ Nien Id; to con- cern one's self about any thing, i^ 9]^ '(fy "^ ^1* M. '^ t"^ ^^' i^'^^ kwa' 1'. 1 ni tib wei kwd i, Ji( iFE ^ji% 'i 'ts'^ j^'^i nim\ I ts'z wei nien, ^ ;\;^^ bai^ ^sam. Hi sin, lj| ^ bai^ nim^ Hi nien ; do not concern yourself about it, \f)^ !^ ^ |t\J ^ M hnai wai- ko' ti' kwa' f, ^ J^ tP -^ ^- mat^ H 'ts'z^jWai i'. Wd i ts'z wei i; it does concern me, ^ f^ ^^. ij^ ^ *yau ^kwdn hai* ,ii Sago. Yd kwan hi yd wo ; to concern ovirselves with the affaii's of others, ^^^1^ "li jan lidn wd ; a matter of great concern, ^."^^ tsui' id' 8z^ Tsui yau sz, ^<^^ tdi' id' sz'. Ta yau sz ; a weighty or important concern, ^ ^ chung^ sz\ Chung sz, ^^^ 'kan id' sz^ Kin ydu sz ; 'it is an important concern, ^fm^;^ sz' ,ts'inor , , ■ mi— chung^ tAv. Sz ts'iug chung td ; careful regard, f kwa' Id^ Kwa Id ; solicitude. jau Id . Yd Id ; persons connected in business, ^'^ ^ -yau fan- 'che. Yd fan che, UWt^M s^'^ng 'kd fan' 'che. T'ung kd fan che; the whole con- cern must be consulted, d^^^^'^y^^^ pit, ^u 'kd fan' 'che ^sh^ung Jeung. Pieb yd kd fan che shang liang ; it is none of my concerns, P^' H ^ ^ ,m ^kwan *ngo sz' ; it is no concern of mine, M ^ ^ ^ p^ ^a. ^go ^mb ^kwdn ship,. Yd wo wd kwdn sheb. Concerned, interested, ^^ fan^ ,d. Fan yd; I was never concerned in this business, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ iH' ^ jts'ung mi' ^au fan' ^u 'ts'z sz'. Ts'ung Avi yd fan yd ts'z sz ; the parties concerned, ^^ ^ (^ ^ ^yau ^kwdn ship, 'cb6. Yd kAvan sbeh che, -ft nS^^lE Vau 'kd fan^ ke' ; I will not be con- cerned with him, ^ ^ ffd "ffii >IB ^] '^g^ V^K '^ ^t'd ^seung ^kwan. Wo j)nh yd t'd siang kwdn, ^Pal^tSHi'^ 'ngo s^ jt'ung 'k'd ^kwdn ship, ; be was a little concerned, ^ ^^j ;^|> J\^^ 'yau ^ti kwd' ^sam. Yd tib kwa sin, :^ ffy ;\^^ ^ ^'au ^ti ^sam sz^ Yd tib sin sz, ^ ^^ ^ ^, yau ^ti jau lu^ Yd till yd Id ; I am concerned for him, ^ H #. "^ jVH^ 'ngo wai' ^t'a 'fd ,sam. Wo wei t'd k'd sin, fj^ :J^ "fg ^ jCi» -ngo wai' 'k'd jau ^sam. Wo wei k'd yd sin ; extremely concerned, -p^ ^ ^ shapj /an 'kan kap,. Shib fan kin kib, ^ ^ M ^\ mdn' /an cb^uk, kap,. Wan fan choh kib ; be is concerned in the robbery, ^ ■^j^Tf '^ -yau fan' ^d ^bang sit,. Yd fan yd hang tsieb; what are you concerned at ? -i^ -{i ^|> ^^ ^au mat, kwd' Id'. Concerning, regarding, |^ ^ lun' k'ap^. Lun kib, 1^ 7^ shut, k'ap^. Shwob kib, ^ ^Ij 'kong t5'. Kidug tdu, 31 ;J^ chi' ^u. Chi yd, ^ )/> ^kwdn ,u. Kwdn yd ; concerning this, g^ ^ ^ ^<; ^ lun' k'ap, ,ni /i sz'. Lun kih ni till sz, |^ ^ lt|^ lun' k'apj 't'z. Lun kih ts'z, 3?^jtt; chi' Jx 'ts'z. Chi yd ts-'z. Concern dient, see Concern. Concert,- to frame by mutual conmunication of opi- nions or propositions, j^ ^- ^sbdung Jeung. Shdng lidng, ^ =^ ^sb^ung M. Shdng i, ^ g{| ^cham ch6uk,. Chin choh ; to settle, ^ 'i teng". I ting, gf{/ ^ cb^uk, teng'. Choh ting, ,^ ^ 'i -t'o. I t'o, ^ llff /s'oi tun'. Ts'di twdn ; to arrange, ':fy f!> 'td 'tim. Td tion. Concert, agreement of tAVO or more in a design or pl^Ti' f? ^ liop, ^mau, Hob mau, "^ M ^ ^ h6p^ i' ^t'ung ^mau Hob 1 i'vng may, |J|| \ii^ CON (456) COX mau. Hieh mau ; in harmony or concert, 5jtP ^ jWO jhdi. Ho hiili, || jung. Yung, ^ jung. Yung, 1^ JiiDo- Yung; a musical entertain- ment, 5fl^ hbpj f ^mau kwo'. Hoh i mau kwo. Concerting, contriving together, |^J|^ jt'ung ^mau. T'ung mau. Concerto, a musical entertainment, ^ ^ tsau' ngok^. Tsau yoh ; a piece of music Composed for a particular instrument, which heara the greatest part in it,^^^'^^\ ,mau ligok^ hi' 'yan. Mau yoh k'i yin. Concession, the act of granting, fCiH^,^ ^van 'chun *ch6. Yun chun che, yj^ §^ % Svan 'hii 'che. Yun hii ch6 ; the act of yielding, ^ ^ y<^ung^ *ch6. Jdng ch6 ; ditto, hy courtesy, y^ t'lii'. T'tii, y^^ t'lii' y6ung^. T'ui jjjng; comicssion of land, ^'ij i^ ^ A l«ot, tl^ ,kilu jan. Koh ti kiau jin, f ij ttjl kot, ti\ Koh ti, ^'ijji Jvdu ti\ Kidu ti; make a small concession, y^ — -0 t'lii' yat, p6'. T'di yih pu, t^^y^^ 'kam 'shiu .ti, p-^^J y^ung^ yat, .ti ; the concession of land, pff '^i\ ^ i^ 'sho'kot, .chi ti^ So koh chi ti, pjf M^^ *sho yeung^ .ch( ti^ So jang chi ti, p)p '^} ^ i^ 'sho 'tsin .chi ti^ So tsien chi ti ; a concession, in rhetoric, ^ ^ 'hii 'che. Hii ch6 ; acknow- ledgment by way of apology, fjgl ^ yan^ 'ch6. Jin ch6. Concessionary ?f^. ^(j *chun tik,. Chun tih, :^ j^^ ,kdu tik,. Kidu tih, g^ ^f4J ^»J jWO tik,. Ho tih, ^ n|^ jWo k6', ^^ti ^"o I'i' ^6' ; kind, &^niii} .wan jWO tik,. AVin ho tih, iT^'^ ^jan oi' tik,. Jin ngdi till. Coucinnous, lit, suitable, ^ hop^. Hoh, -^"^ hbp^ Ji. Hoh i. Concio ad clcrum, a sermon to the clei-gy, ^ ^ Bj)) hiin' mukj .sz. K'iuen muh sz, ,l/i^^i{^Ciii 'kong .u. mukj .sz. Kidng yii muh sz. Concise, brief, short, ^ 'kdn. Kicn, fj^ ^ 'kdn tsitj. Kien tsieh, fffl ^ 'kdn 'shdng. Kieu sang; compendious, |3j J^ 'kdn 16uk^. Kien lioh ; sum- mary, ^ -g, ill' 16ukj. Ydu lioh. Concisely, briefly, f^ ^J^ 'kdn ^in. Kien jen, f§\ ^ 'kdn tsit^. Kien tsieh ; concisely Avritten, ff ^ Hfj ti ^^'^A tak, 'kdn tsit^. Tsoh teh kien tsieh. Conciseness, brevity in speaking or writing, ||^ ^ ^ 'kdn tsitj 'ch6. Kien tsieh ch«5. Concission, a cutting off, ^ ^ ^ ts'it, H'iin 'che. Ts'ich twdn ch6, fijif^ kot, hii' 'ch6. Koh k'ft ch6. Conclave, a private aparfnieut, 5^ ^ ,sz shat,. Sz shih; the room in which the caixlinals of the Rom. Cath. Church are locked up in privacy, for the election of a pope, ^ ± ffc ^ 4^ (IHJ iS |fc i ^. 1^ fiJX ,t'in 'rhii kdu' .kwan muk^ .sz 'siin kdu' jWong ,chi ui* 'sho. T'ien chii kidu kiun muh sz swdn kidu wdng chi h\mi so ; a 2)rivate meeting, V^< # mat^ di*. Mih hwui. ^} ^ ^ rnat^ *1 I'ii'. Mih i hwui. * 17ot u«cd in a gooi oense. cox (457) CON Conclude, to infer, ^^ .ts'oi tiit^. Ts'ai toll, g^^ clieuk, tilt,. Choli toll, -^^ BE ^ tak^ 'chu kiu\ Teh chu kien, ^^ teng" cheukj. Ting clioh, ^ ^ *sliam teng". Shin ting ; to terminate, ^ ^iln. Yuen, ^ pat^. Pih, ^ ^ ^lin kit,. Yuen kieh, ^ ^ kit, kuk,. Kieh kiuh, f "liii. Liau, y ^ ■liii kuk,. Liau kiuh, ^ ^ ^shing tsau". Ching tsiu, ^ ^ jShing kuk,. Ching kiuh, ^ tsut,. Tsuh ; to conclude a discourse, y |^ 'liii 'kdng. Lidu kiang, ^H^ pat, shiit,. Pih shwoh; to con- clude a work, ^ X jiin ^kung. Yuen kung, ^ T tsun' ,kung. Tsiun kung; to conclude a bargain, }fl f^ ^shing ka\ Ching kia, ^ ^n jShing jP'iin. Ching pw'an; to conclude a match, ^^'teng^^ts'an. Ting ts'in, |± H ^ kit, ^ts'an ^ka. Jvieh ts'in kia ; to conclude a book or page, ^ ^ jiin ,p'in. Yuen p'ien ; to conclude a business, y ^ 'liu sz". Liau sz, ^ ^ ^kvvai 'fun. Kwei kAv'an ; to conclude a composition, ^ ^ jShing ^Cheung. Ching chang; to con- clude an affair, ^ ^ tiin' sz'. Twan sz ; what do you conclude from this ? f^ ^ .^ J^B f^ B^ ^ni teng- kin' ^ii Jio ^ni. Ni ting kien ju ho ni, i*^ ^k W.^ ^ ^°^ '^^^ yeung- cheuk, tvit^. Ni tlen yang choh toll, 19 ^tl 'fnT ^ ^ 'i ,vi Jio ^ts'oi tiit,. llh ju ho ts'ai toll. Conclude, to form a final judgment, '|^ ^ ^ tak, 'chu kin'. Teh chu kien, g^^ cheuk, tiit,. Choh toh, g^ ^ jts'oi tilt,. Ts'ai toh. Concluded, inferred, g^^jj^ cheuk, tiit, kvvo'. Choh toh kvvo; determined, ^^ teng- kvvo'. THng kwo ; ended, or finished, ^ y ^iin 'liii. Yuen liau. fS^ 'i"n k^t,- Ts'ing kih, ^ S^ ^iin pat,. Yuen pih, J ^^ Hiii sai', i±^'i pat,, f pih, -f^ -^ .t'ingtong'. T'ingtang, -ff ^ ,t'ing_^t'o. T'ing t'o; he concluded by saying, ^J^gf^^zr S^^^ s^'^ shiit, jWan, Yuen k'i shwoh yun ; when he had concluded, ^ ^ 'kong pat,. Kiang pih. Concluding, inferring, @{|^ clxeuk, tiit,. Choh toh, ^^ jts'oi tiit^. Ts'ai toh; ending, ^ ,iin. Yuen, $^ pat,. Pih, y "liii. Liau ; the concluding sen- tence, J^ '^ -mi kii'. Wl ku, ^ ^ ^chung kii'. Chung kii, ^ irj ^iin kii'. Yuen kii ; concluding particles, ^J^^'shat, 'mi tsz". Shah wi tsz, |± J^ ^ kit, -mi tsz". Kieh wi tsz ; concluding a bargain, ^ ^ tcng^ ka'. Ting kia; concluding by deliberation, ^ ^ 'i teng'. I ting ; the con- cluding words, U^ kit, ^in. Kieh yen. Conclusion, end, Jj^j^ ^sliau Tui. Shau wi, ^ sluit,. Shah, ^ ^chung. Chung, J^ -mi. Wi, ^ mut,. Moll ; the close, the last jiart of an essay, ^ ^ ;^ ^ ^man ^cheung ^clii miit,. "Wan cliAng chi moh, '^ ^ ^ ^ jnan ^cheung ^chi "mi. Wan chang chi wi ; inference, ^ ^ teng^ kin'. Ting kien, @^ ^ ^ cheuk, tiit^ 'die. Choh toh che, gt r^ ^ jts'oi tiit^ 'che. Ts'ai toh che ; in con- clusion, j^;^ 'tsung ,chi. Tsung chi, ^|f^j 'tsung hai^ Tsung hi, ^^J^ 'tsung jln. Tsung jcn; con- wa. elusion of a discourse, ^ s" shat, ,in. Shah yen, i\XM^U tJ cSliau ^mi ke' wa^ Conclusive, decisive, ^ teng^ Ting, ^ ^ teng' ch^uk,. Ting choh, gff$n|E tiin' sz' ke'; convin- cing, ^^ ^ ^ ^mo pat, 'yau '11. Wii puh yii li, ^ f^ ^ ^ 'kong tak, 'yau 'li. Kiang teli yd li. ^mZM li«l\ 'li j!(j ^siii fa'. Siau hwa, ^^ ^ Jung fa'. Yung hwa, ^ ^ hak, fa'. K'eh hwa ; to purify or refine, 1^ y^ tiu' jts'ing. Tiau ts'ing; to concoct a scheme, \^f. g-j- tsok, kai'. Tsoh ki, ^ ^mau. Man ; to con- coct mischief, ^ ^ ^mau hoi". Man bai. Concocted, digested, jf^j^^l^ ^siufa'kwo'. Siau hwa kwo ; he concocted a scheme, ff >|^gf tsok, kwo' kai'. Tsoh kwo ki ; concocted mischief, ^ ^ 3l^ ^mau hoi^ kwo'. Mau bai kvvo. Concocter, a person who concocts, ^ "^ ^mau 'che. Mau che, \^%\% tsok, kai' 'che. Tsoh ki che. Concoction^ a digestion or solution in the stomach, ^i^^ jSiii fii' 'che. Siau hwa che; maturation, ^ j^ /li shuk,. Fii shuli, Jj^ ^ ap, shuk, ; con- coction of miscliief, ^^^ ,mau hoi' 'che. Mau bai c\i6. Concomitance, concomitancy, gfe ^ :^ ping' tsoi' 'che. Ping tsai che, J± I,^ ^ kung' tsoi' 'che. Kung tai che, jj^ g[i i^ ^seimg p'lii' 'che. Siang p'ei che, /(^^ ^ ^ ^seung ^ts'ung 'che. Siang ts'ung chd, ;ii| pp :^ ^scung ^p'ui 'che. Siang p'ei che. Concomitant j^ gg ^seung p'lii'. j^ p^ ^seung jp'iii. SiAng p'ei, gg :^ ping' tsoi\ Ping tsai, ^ :(£ kung^ tsoi^ Kung tsdi. Concomitant, a companion, (^ ^ jp'iii 'che. P'ei ch6, SE ^ P'ui' 'ch6. P'ei che, 'gi, |E ^ ping' tsoi^ 'che. Ping tsdi ch<5, ;|!9 (^ :^ ,scung ^p'ui 'did. Siang p'ei che ; a jierson who accompanies another, po'^^"' cP'ui pun' 'chd. P'ei pwan che; a thing that accompanies another, 3& ^ |t\/ i^J ping' tsoi^ tik, mat,. Ping tsai tih wuh, ^ ^ ,p'ui mat^. P'ei wuh. Concomitantly, in company with others, TJiQ p^ ,s6ung jp'uii Sidng p'ei| 'J^i^JH ^seung p'iii'. Bidng CON (4.68) CON p'ei, Tl6 ^ ping' tsoi*. Ping tsdi. Concord, agreement, 3RI ^wo. Ho, fl^ muk^. Muh, • tHJ H^ i^^° muk^. Ho muh, ^iU |^ ^wo ^bdi. Ho Uiili, ^l^^jwo hi'. Ho k'l, ^f| ^wo ts'ap,. Ho ts'ih, ^ ^ ^man ^man. Wan wan, ^ ^ muk. muk . Muh muh, |^ Jung. Yung, hip^ ,sam. Hieh sin. Concordat, an agreement made by a temporal so- vereign with the pope relative to ecclesiastical matters, ^-fi) * yeuk,. Yoh, ^ ^ j^iang ,shu. Mang shii, Concorporate, to unite in one mass or body, ^ §§ jliin t'ai. Lien t'i, ^ig — f§ ^liin ^mai yat, *t'ai. Lien mdi yih t'i. Concourse, confluence, gi ig lii^ ^mdi. Hwui mdi, -^ yf^ ui^ jlau. Hwui liii ; a concourse of men, ^ $^ tdi^ Chung'. Td chung, ;^ ^ tdi* lii'. Td hwui, A ^t ^ # tdi' ,kd jts'ai ui^ Td kid ts'i hwui, K^^"^ tdi^ chuug' tsii* tsapj. Td chung tsii tsib, A^'i^|[4^ tai^ chung' tsii^ ui'. Td chung tsii hwui, ^^ A^d^ chung' jan tdi^ tsap^. Chung jin td tsih, -^^ilT^^k t^i^ ehung' ^ts'ai tsap^. Td chung ts'i tsili ; a great concourse, A '^' if4 ^^^ jWan tsapj. Jin yun tsih; tlie point of junction of two bodies, r«|«} it| ^ ]j^ *l«Sung Vai ui' ch'ii'. Liang t'i hwui ch'ii. Concrete, consistent in a mass, 1^ ^^ |'j|{j jing kit, tik,. Ying kieh tih, % |t ^/j tsik, kit, tik,. Tsih kieb tih, J^§ ii(^ kit, ku; a concrete mass, ^ J^ •<, jShing chi mat^. Kieb ching chi wuh ; a concrete Jioun, "^ t^S <^ ^i -/^ tP*^" 't'ai ,chi jraeng tsz'. Pdu t'i chi ming tsz ; a con- crete number, ^^ teng^shC. Tingsu; concrete and abstract nouns, 'fe §a ^ US ^ =^ ^ du 't'ai ^chi .ch'ing. Pdu t'i chi ch'ing. Concreteness ^^^ kit, ^mdi ch^. Kieh mdi ch6, Wi^% ,ying kit, 'ch6. YiQg kieh cb^. Concreting ^ j^ jing kit,. Ying kieb, ^j^ tsik, kit,. Tsih kieh. Concretion, the act of concreting, ^ ^ ^ ji"g kit, 'cbd. Ying kieh ch6, %^^ tsik, kit, 'ch^. Tsih kieh chd, ^M^ jk'ing ^mdi chd. K'ing mdi ch6 ; a concretion in the stomatrh of a cow, ^ i§ P^S^"^ jWong. Niu hwdng. Concretive, causing to concrete, ^^ j^ chi' jing tik,. Chi ying tih. Concubinage ^X^^^^'^ P^*. ^'^K .^"l^i ts'a' 'eh^. Puh fab chi ts'ii ch6, ^4ji'^Z-^ ^'ai' .kd ^p'o ,chi szS JUL ^ ^ ^ i^Pi ts'ip, ,chi sz^ Lib ts'ieh chi 8Z. Concubinal Z^Tl^Z^M P^t, fat, .chi ts'ii' 'ch^. Puh fdh chi ts'ii ch6. Concubine, a kept misti-ess, ^'^^ t k'ai* kd j>'o. K'i kid p'o, ^^ '-lb k'ai'; a grisette, ft^ ^fc ^ : jhdm 'shui .mui, |^ ^ ^bdm fo'; a lawful, but inferior wife, ^ ts'ip,. Ts'ieh, ^^ ts'ip, shi*. Ts'ieh shi, [JlF shii'. Shii, JTijF ^ shu' shat,. Shu shib, ^\^ ciiak, shat,. Tseii'shih, g|J^ fii' shat,. Fu shib, ^P^ A jii /^ ,yan. Jd fu jin, y^^y^^ 'siu *16 jp'o. Sidu Idu p'o, ^ jg .pin ,ku. Pien kii, 1J5^ pin^ Pien ; imperial concubine, j^ j(g hau' .fi. Hau fi, || ^ ^ ^wong kwai' .fi. Hwdng kwei fi, ^ ^ jWong .ti. Hwdng fi, jg^ A- I'i. ifi^ 'nii jwong- Nii hwdn?, jji .ki. Ki, m Wi ou abroad, hsnug a f:imi!v at home i Salt-wat4ir Mster. CON r" I II . ■III. I I I ■ Concupiscence, lust, ^ yuk,. Yuh, ^ ^ ,sz yuk^. Sz yuh, '^ ^ jam yuk^." Yin yuh, ^ ^ ^ts'6 yuk,. Sie yuh ; inclination for unlawful enjoy- ment, ^ J^. ,t'iim liin^ T'dn lw6n, ^ ^ ,t'am or. T'dn ngdi, WJ) ^ ,t'6 oi'. T'du ngdi. ' Concupiscent ;^ l^^. ^<; ,t'dm liin^ tik,. T'dn Iwdn tih, ^ ^ &*^Ki shau* .chi jing. K'dn shau chi hing. Condignly, according to merit, ^ pj^ ,tong ^in. Tdng jen, Jg jing. Ying, "^ ,koi. Kdi ; con- dignly punished, p ^] ffi ^ tsui' jing ,s6ung ^tong. Tsui hing sidng tdng. Condiment, that which is used to give relish to meat or other food, g|i ^ p'ui' ts'oi'. P'ei ts'di ; sauce, pickle or other seasoning, ^ ts^ung'. Tsidng, )ljf chap,. Cbih, |^ 'hoi. Ildi ; a shop where condiments are sold, ^ |g tsdung' ^iin. Tsidng yuen, ^ f\ ^ ts^ung' lid* p'6'. Tsidng lidu p'u ; mixed condiments, i ^ ^ 'ng mi* ts6ung'. Wu wi tsidng ; ground or poundetl con- diments, @^ jlui tsdung'. Lui tsidng. Condite, to prepare and preserve with sugar, salt, spices &c., ^^]}^^ jfid jwo mi* t6*. T'idu ho wi tdu, ^M .P'ang s^'^"' !"»"» ^'i^^- Condition, state, ^ 'king. King, J^ ^ 'king ti*. Khig ti, ffl ^ ,t'in ti*. T'ien ti, ± j,4 .kwong 'king. Kwdng king, ^ ^ jing shai'. Hing shi, '\^ ^ jts'ing jing. Ts'ing hing, i^ J§ 'king ii*. King yu, 5^ |^ .ts6 tsai'. Tsdu tsi, ^ f^ sz* jts'ing. Sz ts'ing ; rank, state with respect to the orders or grades of society, jftfe'fi^ ti* wai*. Ti wei, fp j^ 'pan k'ap,. Pin kill, ^ |g 'tang k'ap,. Tang kill ; terms of a contract^or covenant, ^ ^ y''"g 't'ai sham* chong'. Hing t'i shin ehwdng, ^ ^ tiUti + jy'"S '*'"• s'lnm' ,fi. Hing t'i shin fi ; the house is in a good condition, M ^ 1$ ^ -ft i^ uk, k6* jts'ing jing sha m* 'h6 , || ^ M "It fS • Said of iiorsons in gotxl limit h. f Said of cattle. CON .(461) CON ^ @ ^ -ngo 't'ai uk, ke' jts'ing jing sham- 'ho, M.MZ'f^'BW'^ kin' uk, .Chi ^ts'ing jing sham^ .kai. Kieu uh chi ts'ing hing shin klA ; the anny is in a deplorable condition, |^ ;^ '|"^ ^ :^ pS. ^ .kwan .chi .ts'ing jing sham' .m 'h6, W-Z'tn'f^WZ^^ Ma^ cClii M'ing jing shaiy pat J .ki^i. Kiun chi ts'ing hing shin puh kia ; his mind is in a bad condition, ^ |$ @ ^ ^ ss, |^ tiu'. Tiau, p= In'. Yen, |^^ ^t'ung j^au. T'ung yi'i. Condor |$ j|^ * .shan .ying. Shin ying. Conduce, to contribute, ^ 'p6. Pdu, ^^ .fu cho\ Fu tsii, 'f^ 'pi. Pi, fg 'sz Shi, ^ chi'. Chi, Jj^ ^ ^^ chi' jk'i .in. Chi k'i jen ; this conduces to' health, vM'i'UAM'^- <^i ti^ 'P^ cjan .hong .ning, it^ ih 'tsz cho' lik,. Tsz tsu lib. Conducing {^. 'pi. Pi, ^) cho'". Tsu, ^^] .fii cho\ Fu tsu. Conducive, that may conduce or contribute, ^^ 'pi. Pi, p, 'sz. Shi, ^ cho\ Tsu, ^^^ ^J ^p'l'ii cho'. P'ei tsu, ^f^ .fii cho'. Fu tsu; conducive to health, j^ ^ % f| .p'ui 'y^ung .shan 't'ai. P'ei yang shin t'i, f^ ^ :^ f | 'po 'yeung .shan 't'ai. Pau yang shin t'i, # # f I Jji II 'pi .shan 't'ai chong' kin'. PI shin t'i chwdng kien. Conduct, the act of leading, '^^ to' 'che. Tau ch4; commanding, ^ 4^ tsii' 'leng. Tdi ling, ^ J& .hang .ping. Hang ping, '^^ tuk, tai'. Tub tai ; behavior, fjj^ .hang .wai. Hang wei, 'fj"^ .hang tung^ Hang tung, |^^ |^ 'kil tung'. Kii tung, ^ (f- 'kii 'clii. Kii chi, ^ fj 'pan hang'. Pin hing, ^ ^'^ 'pan kak,. Pin keb, ^ ^^ .sbl .wai. Shi wei. If ^% tsok, ^wai. Tsob Avei, H jg't'ai' to'-. T'iii tii ; management, ^ ^ 'kun '11 ; a per- son of good conduct, ^(J- f f 1^ f^ 'ho .hang .wai k6', ^ ^j ^ shin' hang- 'che. Shen hing ch(5 ; bad conduct, ||,^ 'ch'au hang'-. Ch'au hing, ^ ^ ok, hang'. Ngoh hing, "j; f^ ha' tsok,.' Hia tsob ; a person of bad conduct, PafeT^T^''^ J^^ 'h6 .hang ^Avai ke', || ^^7- ^ V-b'au hang' 'che. Ch'au hing che, ^^ 'tai liang'. Tai hing; look at a person's conduct, ^ ^J: ^=j .kun .k'i ha,ng\ Kwdn k'i hing. Conduct, to lead, ^| 'yan. Yin,^t6\ Tau, ^^ tiii'. Tai, ^1 ^ Van Jo-. Yin tau,' ^g Fj\ leng ^a^n. Ling yin, ^| ^j 'yan .hang. Yin hang, ^| g| -yan^t'au. Yin t'au, "^i^ 'shau .bin. Sbauk'ien. # ^ tuk, .bin. Tub k'ien, |]t |f |f 'ch'e .t'au lam-. Ch'e t'au Ian, ^g^^gj t'olc, .sz .t'au. T'oh sz t'au ; to accompany and show the way, j^ ^ sung' .hang. Sung hang; to lead or point out the way, ^ j^ tdi' 16'-. Tai 16, ^| |^ 'yan 16^ Yin lu; to usher in or introduce, ^| ig 'yan tsun'. Yin tsin, i^ 7^ tdi' yap^. Tai jih ; to manage, ^ pc4n^ Pan, ^jS^ 'kun '11. Kwan II, ^^^ liu' 'li. Liau 11, tr Jl 'td '11. Ta II, ± 1^^ 'chii .ch'I Chu ch'I, ^ Jl 'ch^ung 'II. Chang II ; to lead as a commander, ^ ^ .king leuk^,. King lioh, ^ M tuk, -'II. Tuh II, W] Jl .sz 'II. Sz II, f^^ chi' '11. Chi II ; to conduct one's self, ff -^ .hang .wai. Hang wei ; to convoy, ^ ^ li^ Avai'. Hii wei ; to conduct an affair, ^^ pan' sz'. Pdn sz ; to conduct an army, ^ -E tdi' .ping. Tdi ping, ^MW '^("^S .kwan. Ling kiun; to conduct a laAv- suit, '^ tX W R] cPau 'td .kiin .sz. Pau td kwdn fZ; 1S^ cPfiu tsung'. Pdu sung, ^^^$^f]< ,pdu '1dm jts'z tsung'. Pan Idn ts'z sung. ^mmii\iMAz% OCN (462) CON or sold, |g H ^ jt'ong 'kwo p'6'. T'4ng ko p'li. _ T'dng ko p'u. *td *li kwo'. TA li kwo ; managed, ^ ^J^ pdn^ Confederacy, a contract between two or more per- Conducted, lead, ^|j|^ San kwo'. Yin kwo ; direc- ted, p\M^^ liii^ Hi kwo'. Lidu II kwo, tr ^ ii kwo'. Pdn kwo ; commanded, ^ ^ i§i tuk, Mi kwo'. Tub li kwo, Conductibility Pf ^1 ^ '^^^ ^^an 'cb6. K'o yin cb6. Conducting, leading, ^| ^ ^yan ti>^. Yin tiu; ma- naging, ^ pdn'. Pan, ^ ^ 'td Hi. Td If ; be- baving, ff ^ jbang ^wai. Hang wei. Conduction, transmission by a conductor, ^j ^' ^yan 'cb6. Yin ch6; tbe conduction of beat, ^j ^ ^ ^ ^yan it^ bl' 'ch6. Yin jeb k'i ch6. Conductor, a leader, ^| ^ ^yan 'cb6. Yin cb<5, ^ ^ tb' 'cb6. Tdu cb6, i\^^i 'yan t6^ *cb6. Yin tdu cb6, 1^ bM t^i' st'au. Tdi t'au, ^ ^ -^^ tdi' 16^ 'cb6. Tdi lu cb6, ff s^ ^bang ^t'au. Hang t'au, g" ^ ii" s«idng ,kung cbuk,. Mdng kung cbub ; a cbief, pj \ ^t'au ^j'an. 'J^'au jin, -fg ■fg ,cb'4ung -leng. Cb'dng ling, fg "gf ,cb'6ung 'shau. Cb'dng shau, ^ ^ 'cbu ^ung. Cbii kung ; a manager, ^. ^ pdn^ s?}. Pdn sz, ^ ^ ^ pdn^ Hi 'cbe. Pdn II clie, ^ ^f ^ 't-hf /ai 'ch6. Cbl hwui cb^ ; a superintendent, d^ }}^ 'fbii 8Z^ Cbu sz ; a conductor on a rail-road line, ^jkMm'^^U 'kun 'fo Jun ^cb'6 k6'; a sur- geon's conductor, TJ^I <^^ V''^n. Tdu yin; a con- ductor of electricity, "1^ ^ ^| tln^ bl' 'yan. Tien k'i yin; a ligbtening conductor, ^| ^ ;^« ^an tln^ sin'. Yin ticn sien, ^ ^ ^% sblp, tln^ sin'. Sbeb tien sien. Conduit ;7fc ^ 'sbui jk'ii. Sbwui k'ii, iji |^ ,bdng jk'ii. Kang k'ii, ^ ^ 'sbui ,bdng. Sbwui kang, ;?fC 1^ 'sbui ,kau. Sliwui kau, 7JC ^ 'sbui 'kiin. Sbwui kwdn, ^fc ^ 'sbui jt'uug. Sbwui t'ung ; a covered conduit, p^m ,yani jk'ii. Yin k'ii, 1^^ 6m' jk'ii. Ngdn k'ii; an open conduit, ^ ^ ^y^ung jk'li. Ydng k'ii, Bf\ ^ gluing ^k'ii. Ming k'ii ; tbe conduits of my blood, f J^ ]^ ^ ^ 'ngo liiitj jCbl 'kun. Wo biueb cbi kwdn. Conduplicate, to fold togetber, |^ Jg ^^'^P, jiw*'"- Cbeb mdi. Condyle, of tbe femur, ;^ fl]| 'Pi* SS t«5i' 't'ui kwat, jt'au. Td t'ui kub t'au. Cone ^ m :i^ .tsim ^un *cb6. Tsien yucn c\\6, ^ f5- ^ f^ cbuk, 'sun ,cbl jying. Chub siun cbl bing, ^[5^#-^ .tsira tik, y^uhg^ Hsz. Tsien tib ydng tsz ; cone sbell ^ t^ j^, ,kai ,sam ^lo. KI sin lo, ipj ,0. O. Cone-sbaped ^-jDli^^ ,tslm ^iin ,cbl jying. Tsien yuen cbl bing, iif ^ ^ ^ cbuk^ 'sun ^cbl jying Cbub siun cbi bing. Confabulate, to, pjj^ g^ ^t'dm lun^ T'dn lun. Confect, sweet-meat, ^ ^ mat ^ tslu'. Mib tsien, Wi ^ s<^'o"^ '^^^'^'- '^"^^S k"- Confection ^"^ mat^ tsin'. Mib tsien, )^^ ,t'on!r 'kwo. T'dng ko, fJ/f ^ 'pong .k6. Ping krtu. Confectioner ^ ^ Oijj f| mat^ tsin' ,sz fii*. Mib tsien S7i fii. Confectionary, a place wbere sweat meats are made sons or bodies of men or states, combined in sup- port of eacb otber in some act or enterprise, gg ^mang. Mang, ^ yduk,. Yob ; to enter into a confederacy, ^^ ^lun jmang. Lien mang, |^j^^j ^iin y6uk,. Lien yob, j^ ^ kit, ^mang. Kieb mang ; a confederacy of states, ^ g {^ang kwok,. Mang kwob, ^ {t£i b6p^ kwok,. Hoh kwob, ^ g jliin kwok,. Lien kwob ; to belong to the confederacy, ^ ^{^ yap^ y^uk,. Jib yoh ; a combination of two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, ^ ^* ^kdn 'tong. Kien tdng, $ H P^ cb'un' ^mau k6\ ^m Z^ >u >n ,chi jp'ang. Kau jin cbl p'ang, ^, ^ ok, 'tong. Ngoh tdng, ^ -J^ jP'un ^ngd. Pw'dn yd. Confederate, united in a league, |nj IS, 6\I s^'^^g jmang tik,. T'ung mang tib, /^ ^/.; Pgt yap, y6uk, k6'; engaged in a confederacy, j^J U| P^t jt'ung ^mau k6', $|I^^J cb'un' ^mau tik,. Cb'ueu mau tib, 1^ ^ P^ kit, 'tong U\ Confederate, one Avbo is united with others in a league, j^ ^{^ ^ ^t'ung y6uk, 'clid. T'ung yoh cbe, PI ]E :S it'""g s^nang 'ch^. T'ung mang cb6, A ^{^ M ^'^Pi ^'^'"k. '^^^- ^^^ y^^ ^^^' "^ @ % h6p^ kwok, 'cb6. Hob kwob ch6, ^1^'^ kit, 'tong k6', ^m^^ ch'Qn' ^mau U\m^ jP'dn jUgd. Pw'dn yd ; to be confederates, ^ ^ k> i"^ang bing tai\ Mang biung tl, j^#XIPj kit, pdi' ,bing tai*. Kieb pki biung tl, ^^ 'tong ^. Tdngyii. Confederate, to unite in a league, ^ S3 kit. .mang:. Kieb mang, ^^ ^liin ^mang. Lien mang, j^J^j kit, y6uk,. Kieb yob; to confederate for unlawful purposes, ^* ^ kit, 'tong. Kieb tdng, ^ 0. cb'iin' ^mau. Ch'uen mau, jg J^ ^lln kit,. Lien kieb, ^ '^ jliin 'tong. Lien tdng. J Confederating, uniting in a league, ^,^ kit, jUiang. Kieb mang, J^|^ kit, 'tong. Kieb tdiig. Confedei-ation, a league, ^{>j yduk,. Yoh ; a confe- deration of states, ^ ^ hbpj k^-ok,. Hob kwoh, IS. g ^mang kwok,. .Mang kwolj, ^ g ^liin kwok,. Lien kwob. Confer, to consult togetlier, ^ 5 ,sh!$]%% ± ho' 'sheung ^kwan sz^ K'au shang kiun sz ; to com- pare, J;[j ^ 'pi kdu'. Pi kiau. Conference, a delibei-ation [^ ^ ^ ^sh^ung 'i 'ch6. Shang iche, i^§;^ ^sheung ^l^ung 'ch6. Shdng liang che, ^^ ^ jpun lun^ 'che. Pw'an lun che ; to hold a conference, |^ ]^ jt'mig ^sheung. T'uug shang, ^ S s^'^^S 'i- '^'^^^S ^' # 1^^ ^"^ ^sheung. Hwui shdng, ^ ^ ui^ ^I. Hwui i ; a public conference, ^f^ ^kungH. Kung i; a per- sonal conference, jij ^ min' 'i. Mien i. Conferred, bestowed, ^%_ ts'z' kwo'. Ts'z kwo, ^ jyg /ung kwo'. Fung kwo, |^ ^ j!^ ko' Xxxn^ ledgcment of a crime or fault, |gfp:^ yan^ tsui^ 'ch6. Jintsuich6, ^SP^- .chiu tsui" 'che. Chdu tsiii che, jiji p ^ 'kai tsiii' 'ch^. Kiai tsiii che ; auricular confession, M ^^M '^^i tsui^ ^chi Hai. Kiai tsiii chi li ; confession of faith, fg -f^ sun' jt'iii. Sin t'iau ; a book containing the arti- cles of creed, \% |f sun' ^king. Sin king ; the acknowledgement of debt by a debtor before a magistrate, ^ fg chik^ yan'. Chih jin, g -gk tsz' ,kung. Tsz kung, ^ )^ pdk^ chong^ Peh chwang. Ts'ing shih. Confessional r^^ 'ts'eng shat. Confessor, one who confesses, |g ^ yan^ 'ch(5. Jin che ; one who acknowledges his sins, fg || ^ yan' tsui' 'ch6. Jin tsui che, -f- p ^ shau' tsui' 'che. Shau tsui che ; a Christian confessor, Tf.^ ^ ^ pat, fai' sun' 'che. Puh hwui sin che, |g M JM ^ yan' ,chan '11 'che. Jin chin li che ; a priest who hears the confessions of others and lias the power to grant them absolution, ^^ s* ^)1 shin fii ^ 'kdi tsui' chi shan fu'. Kidi tsui chi kwo'. Kau fung kwo, ^^ h5'Jcwo'. K'au kwo. Confest, owned, fg, jj^ yan' kwo'. Jin kwo ; open, — •' - BjJ M cining s^ii- Ming jen. Confidant, | one entrusted with secrets, i^ |g \ Confidante, j ^sam fuk, jan. Sin fuh jin, ^ i^ \ ^chi ^sam ^yan. Chi sin jin. Confide, to trust, to confide in, i^ ^ ^i lai'. I lai, >f^ ^ 'i k'du'. I k'au, H Mi'. lii, 1^ 16ung'. Li^ng, /^^ ,p'ang ^i. P'angi, ^^ ^p'ang sun'. P'ang sin, '/g yam'. Jin, tg liii'. Li'au ; to give credit to, 'fg sun'. Sin ; I confide in you, f£ ^* i^, t'ok, lai' ^ni. T'oh lai ni, ^ ^ ^j^, ^ngo .i Conferring, conferring together, j^' ^ ^sh^ung H. Shang i, l^-g" ,sh6ung jleung. Shdng lidng; bes- j towing, ^ ts'z'. Tsz, ^ ^shi. Shi. i Conferva, an extensive section of the algae, con- sisting of tubular, jointed water-weeds, '/^ ^ 'hoits'6'. Hdits'du. Confess, to acknowledge, fg yan' [ying']. Jin, ;f^ ^chiii. Chdu, "^ shau'. Shau, Uf su'. Sii, [^) pdk>. Peh, Pf jCh'an. Ch'in, ^| 'kai. Kiai, ^ ^ k6' 'kdi. Kau kidi, gj5 'ts'eng. Ts'ing ; to confess sin, |g^ yan' tsiii'. Jin tsiii, tSp .chiii tsiii'. Chau tsui, 1^ p ,ch'an tsui'. Ch'in tsui, %\ ^ ts6' tsiii. Sie tsui, %^^ ^ts'eng tsui'. Ts'ing tsiii, ^ffi llf su' tsiii'. Su tsiii, fij^ |ji 'kdi tsui'. Kidi tsiii, 'f;^!^ fukj tsui'. Fuh tsiii; to confess one's faults, M>iM ya^i^ kwo'. Jin kwo ; to confess one's sin, ^IS3p tsz' yan' 'ki tsui'. Tsz jin ki tsiii ; to confess, as the Rom. Catholics, ^. ^ 'kdi tsui'. Kidi tsiii, ^ ^ ^shing tsui'. Ching tsiii, ^ ^ kb' tsiii' ; will you confess ? i^^ fg pg- fg Sii yan' ^m yan', i^, ^ Pg" tS '"i c^hiu ^m ,chi6, f^# fg yj^-^ 'ni 'hang yan' pat, 'hang. Ni hang jin puh hang ; he wont confess at all, p^ j[f- ^F^ 'tsui 'h6 ngdng' ; to show by the ett'ect, ^ 'piii. Pidu. Confess, to disclose faults, ji^ ^ 'kdi tsui'. Kidi tsiii, ^ p ko' tsui'. Kau tsiii. Confessed, o\vned, |S,>|i van' kwo'. Jin kwo, |j|-pi^ Idi' 'nl. Wo i Idi ni. Confide, to intrust to, §£ t'ok,. T'oh, ;^ t'ok,. T'oh, ^ 4£ 'wai t'ok,. Wei t'oh, f^ ^:£ fii' t'ok . Fii t'oh, ^ rft ki' t'ok,. Ki t'oh, ^ ^:^ ^kdu t'ok,. Kidu t'oh, 5§ ;f^ chuk, t'ok,. Chuh t'oh; I con- fide this to you, fE f5^ 3Ei t'ok, %i 'li. T'oh ni li, fimp t'ok, ^ni pan'. T'oh ni pan, |f f^t^ t'ok, 'ni tso'. T'oh ni tso. Confided in, i^^^Ji Idi'. 1 Idi ; confided to, §^ j^ t'ok, Uwo'. T'oh kwo, fE M ii t'ok, lai' kwo'. T'oh lai kwo. Confidence, trust, fg sun'. Sin, >fg fi sun' yam'. Sin jin, ^ ^f^ /li sun'. Fii sin ; to look to with confidence, '^{^1 ^shara sun'. Shin sin, ^^^ tuk, sun'. Tub sin ; to place confidence in a person, 'fj^ A. sun' jaii. Sin jin, -f^i' ^ X ^i Idi' ^yan. I lai jin, ^ 'f g A S"^ sun' jan. Fii sin jin, ^ ^ cox (-164) COX ^ tuk, sun ^yan. Tuh sin jin; to have confidence | to touch the limit, ^ J^ ^kau kai'. Kiau kidi, in one's self, g^j^ ^^'^^ s^^'^- '^^'^' f''''i> #B .^ '^i- -j^ ^ tsip, 'king. Tsieh king; to be adjacent or I ki ; to have confidence in one's talent, '(^ ^ S contiguous, as one territory to another, ;Jg ^ ;^ tJ^ i^l ^i tsz^ 'ki ,chi ^ts'oi ^nang. f tsz ki chi ^sdung tsip,. Siting tsieh. ts'ai nang ; ditto in one's own strength, '^ § Q Confine, the bound, [{^ han^ Hien, ^|^ kiii' hdn*. ;^ f} ,i Is// 'ki ,chi lik . I tsz ki chi lih ; safety, or assurance of safety, ^- ^ \>b 'cliii. Pau chii ; boldness, ;A: ^9. tdi^ 'tarn. Til tan ; assurance, g 'fj^ tsz^ ,i. Tsz i; mutual confidence, >(i0f^ ^s6ung 8un'. Siang sin, ^jy ^ ,seung ^i. Sidng i; to in- sure confidence, J^ f^ 'ts'ii sun'. Ts'ii sin ; to lose confidence, -^ ^ shat, sun'. Shih sin ; to increase confidence, )j\\ ^^ ,kd sun'. Kia sin ; to gain confidence, -f^ A if^ B *^"^K sJ"^" sun' 'ki. Teh jin sin ki. Confident, having full belief, ^ ^1 shat^ ^chi. Shih chi, 5gX-fl k'ok, ,chi. K'ioh chi, ^fg shat^ sun'. Shih sin ; trusting, -f^ sun'. Sin ; relying, f^ ^ 'i lai^ t lai, gf ^ t'ok, lai^ T'oh lai; bold, as to vice or virtue, ^ ^ 'tam 'kbra. Tan kan, ^ 9H. tai^ 'tdm. Ta tdn, %^tt 'y^^i 'tarn. Yii tan ; dog- Kiiii hien ; to confine within limits, ^ ^ ^wai chii^ Wei chu, |$^ f^ lidn^ chiiS Ilien cliu ; to restrain ditto, *^ |J^ kam' ''chi. Kien chi, |5JL j^ *cho han^ Tsii hien ; to confine in prison, ~\l ^ Mia yuk^. Hia yob, [T |^ 'ha ,kam. Hid kien, •HP^ ap, jkam. Yah kien; to confine a criminal, ^^(i kw'an' fan\ Kw'an fan; to confine one's remarks, ^ f^ 1^ ,]/| ban' chii' ^lai 'kong, s" :^ H ^ jin \vau to' ban^ Yen yub tii hien, j^ :|t ^ yeukj jk'i ^in. Yoh k'i yen ; to confine one's self to the house, \i^ j^ hdn' keuk,. Hien kioh, ^ m kam' keuk,. Kin kioh, Pg jj^ P^ ^m ch'ut, :»r» ^mun, 1^ Jg jau ^kii. Yu kii ; to confine one's passions, )|^^ at, vuk^. Yah yub ; to tie or bind, % >^ bai' cbii\ ki chu, |g ^ 'kw'an 'pong. Kw'an pang. matical, ^t |^ ^mb ^i. Wu i, j£* jj^\ teng' pit,. Confined, restrained within limits, }^ ^ '^ ban* Ting pieb ; confident of victory, >t^»^ pit, jeng, Pieb ying, Jj^\ pit, shing'. Pieb shing. Confident, sec Confidant. Confidential, enjoying the confidence of another, !^$W^U J^n sbat^ ke', :^^ tuk, shat^. Tuh shih, pT##1'^ '1>o .i tak, k6', m^,(iM j^'^J chii* kwo'. Wei chu kwo; confined as by law &c., ^ Lh M kam' 'chi kwo'. Kin chi kwo, (Jfl. KR i^ 'cho hdn' kwo'. Tsii hien kwo ; imprisoned, ^ 1^ tso' ,kam. Tso kien, 4^ tso' ^ts'au. Tso ts'au; secluded, |.^J§ ,yau ^kii. Yii kii; confined to bed, g\ ^ ngo' ^cb'ong. Ngo chw'ang, jg\ ^ ngo' peng'. Ngo ping ; confined, as a woman, ^^ /an 'min. Fan mien, ^^ ^lam ^p'un. Lin pw'an ; confined air, ^^ kuk^ hi'. Kiub k'l, ^ ^ ai' hi'. I k'i, ^ ^wan. Yun ; confined space, ^ *^ bap^ cliak,. Hiah tsch, ^^ ^ bap^ ai'. Hiah i, Jlfe i^ ^ ^ ti' ,fong wat, chat,. hdn*. Wu hien ; dential servant, f^^^"^ A sun' shat^ ke' ^an. j Confinelcss, boundless, ^ |^ ^mo Confidentially, in reliance on secrecy, ^ ^ matj without end, ^^ mi' ki'. Mi kl. jin. Mih jen, ^ ^ '^ mat^ shat^ wd'. Mih shih Confinement, imprisonment, ^U^ tso' ^kam 'did. bwd. Confidently, witb firm trust, ^ shat^. Shih, ^ ^ • k'ok, jin. K'ioh jen, jjl>. jf^ pit, ^in. Pi(;b jen, ^ ^^ teng* jin. Ting jen. Confiding, trusting, -f^ ^ 'i Idi'. I lai, f£ ^^ t'ok,. lai'. T'oh lai. Configuration, external form, ^ jying. Hing ; rela- tive position or aspects of the planets, ^|^ «sing to'. Sing tu, g ^ ^sing ts'//. Sing ts'z. Confine, border, i^ 'king. King, ^ kili'. Kiai. J^ ^ 'king kai'. King kidi, ^ |i^ kdi' ban'. Kiai Tso kien ch6, ~f ^ ^ 'ha yuk^ *che. Hia yoh cbd ; to be kept in close confinement, '^'f^^ tso' tdi' kdm. Tso td kien ; restraint of libort v by force or other obstacles of noeessity, ^'^ IJ- ^ kam' 'chi 'die. Kin chi die, pjl ^ ^ "cho ban' *ch6. Tsii hien ch6; seclusion, *| jjijl ^ kam' keuk, 'ch(5. Kin kioh che, ^Jg;^ jjiu ,ku 'cbd. Yii kii ch6; confinement of a woman, ^^ ,fan 'rain. Pan mien ; confinement by sickness, {^^ ngo' pcng*. Ngo ping ; to bear confinement, pg (jl P^ ^m ch'ut, jmun. hitni ; the confines of earth, i^ :^ i^ ^ ti^ ,dii Confiner, be or that which limits, |^ ^ lian' 'did. 'king kdi'. Ti chi king kidi; the confines of a Hien che, |5Ji|ij4ig^ 'cho hdn' 'die. Tsii hien did. river, ^ j^ jho ,pin. Ho picn ; on the confines Confiner, a borderer, ft ^^ ^ ^ *"bu' 'king kdi' of a state, ^ ^ i^ kwok, ,cbi 'king. Kwob chi 'cbd. Tsii king kidi cbd ; be or that whidi is ad- king; to guard the coiifines of a country,, ^ ^ jacent or contiguous, ^ ^ ^ ,kdu kdi' 'did. Jtg;^cban' 'shau 'kmg kdi'. Chin shau king > Kidu kiili cbd, ^i^^ tsip, 'king 'cbd. Tsieh kidi ; the confines of a grave, |Jj ^ ^sbdn kdi' Sbdn kidi ; to be on the confines of death, ■^ t^ jlnm 'sz ^cbl 'king. Lin sz chi king. Confine, bordering on, ^ |^ kdi' hdn'. Kidi hien ; king cbd. ^ I Confirm, to make firm or more firm, ^ ^ [^ tso' .kin kiV. Tso kien kii, jJJfiliJ ♦««'>' Vliii icii'. Tso chii kii ; to settle or establish, ^ ^^ ,kin lap,. CON (465) CON Kien lih, ^y^ ,on teng^. Ngan ting ; to confirm by an oath, ^ ffil ^'^ ^ sliai^ ^i ^kin ^chi. Shi rh kien chi ; to confirm by evidence, "^ j^ |^ tso" jP'ang kii'. Tso p'ang kil, il J^ |!| lap, ^p'ang kii'. Lih p'ang kii, jx p§ |^ ^^Vi ching' kii'. Lih ching kil in" ch'ut, cP'ang ki\\ Ilien ifW sliat^ ch'uh p'ang kii ; to confirm a news jts'in jin. Shih ts'ien yen; to confirm one's words; by fulfilment, ^ ^ tsin' jn. Tsien yen ; to con- 1 firm by quotations, ^||§||| ^an ching' kii'. Yin ' ching kil, ^\ ^ Wl W- ^ T'W ^^in ^i ^ching ^chi. Yin yen rh ching chi, ^j^p^li^ 'yan ^lin ching' ; kii'. Yin yiian ching kii, ■^ ^\ ^ |^ (Un -yan ' shat^ kii'. Yuen yin shih kii ; to confirm, as a prophecy, Jj^k ,|^. ying' im'. Ying yen ; to ratify, as an agreei.ient, i^- ^t ^chii j)'ai. Chup'i; to admit to the full privileges of a Christian by the imposition of the bishop's or minister's hands, ^•(g ^kin sun'. Kien sin, ^fg["!^J ^kin sun' tak^. Kien sin teh, ^ ^ ^ i$ on' 'shaii ^kin sun'. Ngdn sliau kien sin ; ditto, as the Eom. Catho- lics, ^ i^ kin chan'. Kien chin ; to confirm, as the Senate, /^ 'chun. Chim. Confirmation, the act of confirming, ^- ^ ^- ^on teng^ 'ch6. Ngdn ting ch6, sL^, M Wi '^^'^^ *che. Lih wan ch^; confirmation by evidence, jj- j^ \)$ ^ ^^P> at, kii' tik,. Yti shih kii tih. Confirmatory, that serves to confirm, |^^^,fJ>J clung' im' tik,. Ching yen tih, ^ ^ |,^ fl*/ 'y'^u .p'ang ; kii' tik,. Yu p'ang kii tih, '^^^ 0^ P§5t sha\ ^sin j H'/} ke'; pertaining to the rite of confirmation, ^ | -(^ ^ 1*^^°' .kiin. Jih kwo kwdn, ■\^ jjIS jCh'du kwo'. Ch'an kwo ; the government confiscated all his property, ^ fn ^ ^ ^ch'au ^ts'ing ^ka 'ch'an. Ch'an ts'ing kia ch'dn ; the \\ hole shall be confiscated, ^ ^ 'g^ tsun^ miit ^kun. Tsin muh kwan. Confiscation y\.W^ y^P> <^^^ *^^^- ^^^^ kwan ch6, ^ 4V ^ ^ch'ung jkung 'che. Ch'ung kung chd, # '^ ^ ^ ^ch'au ^ka 'ch'an 'che. Ch'au kia ch'an die. Confiscator, one who confiscates, ^^^ ,ch'du ^ka 'ch6. Ch'au kia che, iij-^^^ /ung ,ka 'ch'dn 'chd. Fung kia ch'an che. Confit, see Confect. Confiture ^ |§ mat^ tsin'. Mih tsien. Conflagration, a great fire, 'X. 'j^ 'f<^ chuk,. Ho chub, A j/C'li tfii- 'fo chuk,. Ta ho chuh, jfj^^ clmk, ^yung. Chuh yung, |eJ ^ ^ui Ink,. Hwui lull ; a great conflagration, ;^ ^ fE) jj^ tdi^ ^ts6 jiii Ink^. Td tsdu hwui luh ; to put out a conflag- ration, 5^ ^ kau' 'fo. Kiu ho ; an accidental conflagration, -^ ^ shat, 'fo. Shih ho. Conflict, violent collision of substances, :i>i ^ :^ ^seving chong^ 'die. Siang chwdng die ; a con- test or fighting between men, ^ ^ chin' tau'. Chen tau, ^ ^ ^chang tau'. Tsang tau, i^ ^ ^s6ung ^chdng. Siang tsang, ;|ig ^ ^seung tau'. Siang tau, :^v0 ^ ^seung 'ta. Siang td ; ditto be- tween armies, ^ ^. kau /ung. Kiau fung, ^ 1^ ^kau chin'. Kiau clien, fXfi '^^ cheung^ Ta chang; a deadly conflict, ^ _^ 'sz chin'. Sz chen ; a sanguinary conflict, ]^ H^ hiit, chin'. Hiueh chen; a perpetual conflict with difficulties, g ^;Jf^|| yat, sz^ ^u nan\ Jih sz yii ndn, ,^.|^ ;jvf( jQ wan' ndn' ^s6ung pik,. II wan nan sidng jiih ; conflict of the mind, ii^ "^ >j>g ^ ^sam i' ^sdung ^chang. Sin i siang tsang, '^|^ 'so. So, ^ ^ ,to ^i. To i, i^ ,@. j^ ^ ^sam ,sz ^s6ung Jiung. Sin sz sidng kung; a striving to oppose or overcome, j^ f^ ^s^ung tau'. Siang tau ; dis- tress, H^l^ ,kan ^ndn. Kien ndn ; anxiety, ^^ kwd' lii?. Kwd lii. Conflict, to strike or dash against, ^^ ^ chong* cheuk,. Chwang dioh ; to fight, ^^" chin' tau'. Chen tau, ^^ ,kdu /ung. Kiau fung; to be in opposition, ^ |^ tiii' ^t'an. Tui t'au. Conflicting, as testimony &c., ^'^ pat, h6p^. Puh boh, :^ig ^ ^seung 'fdn. Sidng fdn ; conflicting testimony, p ^ >|ig ^ 'hau ,kung ^sdung fdn. K'au kung sidng fdn, P'gt::^;^ 'hau ,kung pat, tui'. K'au kung puh tui ; conflicting doubts, s^ ^ ^sam /o. sz. To sz. Sin to, ^ ^ ,to ,1. To i, ^ ^ ,to CON (466) CON A^ Confluence, a flowing togeth(;r, as of two or more streams of water, ^'^ ^ ^ hbp^ ^lau. Hoh liu, ^ ^ tsii^ jlau. Tsii liii ; at the conflux of the rivers, j^r]" ^ '^ J^ ^ho ui^ Jau ch'ii'. Ho hwui liii ch'u ; a multitude collected, ;^ j^ ^tsai 'yung. Tsl yung, A0^^l^ jy^n c^o 1^^ S ts^ung*. I sidng. Conformed, made to resemble, ^, ^ ^ '^ ohiu* y6ung* ts6' kwo'. Chdu ydng tso kwo, i^ ^ ^ jl^ ,i y^ung* ts6* kwo'. 1 ydng tso kwo ; reduced to a likeness of, ^ ^^ :?|i0 'JK ts6* tak, ^s^ung ^s'z. Tso teh sidng sz ; conformed to the world, ^ tft rfii ^ jts'img shai' ^I ^bang. Ts'ung sbl rh hang. Conforming, adapting, ^ >^ 'ching hop^. Ching hoh, j^ -^ ts6* h6p^. Tso hob ; complying with, i{^ jts'ung. Ts'ung, ^ ^ ^tsun ^ts'ung. Tsun ts'ung, Ip ^ shun* ^ts'ung. Shun ts'ung. Conformist, one who complies with the worship of the Church of England, ^ A ^ S M ^ ft ^ jts'ung Tdi Ying kwok, jWoiig ^ka kdu' 'che. Ts'ung td Yiug kwoh hwdng kid kidu chd. Conformity, likeness, :tS ^ ^ ,s6ung Hs'z 'ch6. Sidng sz ch6, ;t0 'o' ^ ^sdung b6p^ 'ch^. Sidng hoh ch6 ; corresponding with a model in form and manner, ^f^ ^ ^ chiu' y^ung* 'ch6. Chdu y^ng ch6, ^^"^^ hbp^ shik, 'ch6. Hoh sih ch^, |nj ^ -^ jt'ung y6ung* tsz. T'ung ydng tsz ; in conformity, ^8, chiii'. Chdu, ^ on'. Ngdn, ^ ,1. 1 ; in conformity to the fashion of the time, ^ B# ^ gj, /an liin*. Fan lwdn, ^ lun*. Lin, ^yfj wan" ^iigdu. Hwan hidu, ^ -^J ,tin 't6. Tien tdu ; to confound their language, jl^ || iHl ^ wan* tsdp^ ^k'i wd*. Hwan tsdh k'i hwd, gj,'^ gj lun* ^k'i wd*. Lfl-dn k'i hwd ; to confound right and wrong, ^^ ^^ ,tin t6 shi* jfi. Tien tdu shi fi ; do not confound them, n;it tr 91 'mni 'td liin* ; to perplex, ^ |[ 'kdu liin*. Kidu lwdn, 'Qi'CiH'tiSl ^z ,sam jUiong liin*. Shi sin mdng lwdn, ^ ^ ,keng jUgoi. King ngdi, \!J^ ;5|nc hdk, ,ngoi. Hih ngdi ; to make nsliamed, 'Qj^tft '^^ <^" kw'ai'. Shi siii kw'ei, # j£ ^ 'pi ,sau Vb'f. ?( «iu ch'i ; to confound CON (467) CON men, M^ A ya^^ *s'o' jan. Jin ts'o jin, ggfL \ jan} liin^ jan. Jin Iwdn jin ; to stupify with amazement, ^ ^ ^ ^ ch'd' i^ pat, ^In. Ch'd i pull yen, '^ A^JI '^z jan ch'a' i^ Shi jin ch'a i ; to confound, overthrow, ^ ^ pdi" tsiit^. Pdi tsiueh. Confounded, mixed or blended, y|^ ^ M wan^ ts6p, kwo\ Hwan tsah kwo; confused, JL^ liin" kwo'. Lwdn kwo, ^T^L^ 'ta liin^ kwo'. Ta Iwdn kwo; perplexed, i^'^^J{i> 'pi kwo' ^sau *ch'i. Pi kwo sill ch'i ; a confounded fool, y^ l|j§ ^ Si wan^ ch^ung' ^tung ^sai. Hwan chdng tung si, f^ ^ V^ 'ho ^ngoi ke', $f g P|E 'ho 'ch'un k6' ; they must not be confounded, ^^^ pat, ^yung lun^ Puh yung lin. Confounder, one who confounds, ^L ^ liin^ 'ch^. Lwan che, '/^ ^ ^ wan^ tsdp, 'ch6. Hwan tsdh cli6. tr iL ^ 'ta liin' 'chd. Td Iwdn cM ; one who terrifies, ^5^^ ^kinghdk, 'ch6. King hih ch6, l^i A"^ liak, jan k^'. Confounding, mixing and blending, y^ ^ wan^ tsdp,. Hwan tsdh ; putting into disorder, ^ g[ 'td lun^ Ta Iwdn, j^ g[ wan' liin^ Hwan Iwdn ; disturbing the mind, ^si^ liin^ ^sam. Lwdn sin ; abashing and putting to shame and silence, ^ Jl tl, 's2 ng ^t'ong tui' 'teng. Kung fang tiii ting, '^Ua^ tui' ^iin ko'. Tui yuen kdu, ^ j^ tiii' tik,. Tiii tih ; to confront the accused and witnesses, ^ |H, chat, sun'. Chih sin ; to confront the witnesses, ^ =§ tiii' ching', Tiii ching'. Tui ching, ^ ^M^^ tui' chat, ching' kii'. Tui chih ching kii ; to set face to face, j^ ^ ^s6ung tiii'. Sidng tiii ; to confront with, ^ ^ ^seung kdu'. Sidng kidu, }fg j;^ ^s^ung "pi. Sidng pi, i^ ^ ,s6ung tui'. Sidng tiii. Confronted ij" p ^ jt M tui' min' 'k'i lap^ kwo'. Tiii mien k'i lib kwo, i^'^^'S. ,^^^^^ tiii' kwo'. Sidng tui kwo. Confronting ^ j® d^ jjI '^^^ ^^"^ cjan ^sam. Kidu lwdn jin sin, ^ §[, A ^Va? ^^u liin' ^yan ^sam. Ndu lwdn jin sin, ^ @L A >'^ 'ching liin' ^yan ^sam. Ching lwdn jin sin ; to confuse right and wrong, ffi #] ^ ^ .tin 't5 shi' ,fi. Tien tdu shi fi. Confuse, confounded, gL ^^^- Lwdn ; the man is confuse, f^^P^ ngap, ngam' k6', A >^ \Ml ^yan /ong ts'iin' liin'. Jin fang ts'un lwdn, A ;Vj) Ipfi gL .yan ^sam ^md liin' ; confuse language, S^ ii "& fg- ngap, ngam' ke' wd'. Confused gL liin'. Lwdn, y^ |L wan' liin'. Hwan lwdn, lIlL /an lun'. Fan lwdn, ^|L h6' liin'. Hdulwdn, ^iP§ /antsap,. Fdntsah, ^^j, tsdp^ liin'. Tsdh lwdn, 'j^ -^ / ^t'6. Hii t'li, ft '^ ^li wan'. Hii hwan, '/|^l|jg wan' ch^ung', 'Mui^'f^^ wan' wan' cb^ung' cheung'. Hwan hwan clidng cbdng, *((^^ wan' ndu'. Hwan ndu, j^^ p'lit, .sam. P'oh sin, ^ ^ 'ch'un 'ch'un. Ch'un ch'un, ^ gL ^mai liin'^Mi lwdn, '!# IS cmung 'tung. Mung tung, j-^ »j^ 'ts'5 '16. Ts'du Idu, '^ ^ ^mung /'ang. Mung fang, |i^ »Ji^ /an ,ndu. Hwan ndu, ^ g^ 'fiii mJ)'. Kw'di mdu, 1^9 J min' tin'. Mien hien, ^|L m6' liin'. Wii lwdn, ^ gL 'mong Kin'. Mdng lwdn, (j-Jg ^man. Min, f^ gL /an lun'. Hwan lwdn, j^ ^lii. Hwui, ♦f^ wan'. Hwan, ff- kwat,. Kub, ^ 'kw'an. Kwan; confused talk, "^XpM^ ngap, ngam' wd', |f^ .cbun. Chun, ^ lun'. Lin ; confused style, M^Wk 's^ tak, .li ^f5. Si6 teh hii fii, % fl ^. '^ © ^ 's6 tak, /ung /'6 .sai miit, ; put to blush or shame, 'f^l A ^ t'u^ 'pi ^yan ^sau 'ch'i. Pi jin siii ch'i ; cast down, ^ JL ^ 'Ci> '•'•- (468) doN Confusion, disorder, g[ lun*. Lw6n, '/^ §[ ^ wan^ liin^ 'ch(3. ilwan Ivvdn did ; confusion of mind, i^ fti <8^"^ '^'"*- Sin Iwan, ^ ^, 'inan *man. Wan wan, ^'^ ^ ^wan yui^ Hwan jui ; ditto of intellect, ^jH, jndu liin^ Ndu hvdn ; ditto in the head, gj^^ jt'au ^mai. T'au mi, S^\'*^ ^t'au ^wan. T'au hwan ; to cause confusion in a state, \^ HJ^ tsok, lun\ Tsoh Iwdn, ^ g[ 'iii lun\ Jau Iwdn, fi^ll 'kilu liin\ KiAu Iwan, ^|L 'fdn liin^ FAn Iwiin ; a state in confusion, ^[ (i^ liin^ kwok,. Lwan kwoh ; great confusion, ;^j|L tdi^ li'in^ Td Iwdn ; all in confusion, ^ [g pH^L JJio^n kwok, k6m' lvin\ Mdng kwoh kdn Iwdn, jj[ §[ lap^ liin^ the hair all in confusion, |p( ^ il it ^L ,t*au fdt, lap^ lap^ liin^ to act with confusion, i^ \t M>Mi \^^^ s"^<^"o i' liiu^- Sin mdng 1 Iwdn ; •^i't ji^ ^ 'shau ^mong kduk^ liin\ Shau mdng kioh Iwdn, g^ (ijj- -^ lun^ k6m' tscV. Lwdn kdn Conge, |>;irting ceremony, -^^ i^ (H 16' ^ts'z ,chi nai. Kdu ts'z chi li, ^'^Zi^ ^6' t'ui' .chi %i. chi *lai. 'ts'eng jts'z tso. liiii' lai; to throw things about in con- ,niing ,k'i shiit . fusion. 1^ ilL ^ ;<> liin^ V^, ME"^ 'dung liin^ sdi' ; confusion or abashment, J^ J(i» ^sau 'ch'i. Siu ch'i ; to put to confusion, '^ J^ jfil> 'sz ^sau *ch'i. Shi siu ch'i; confusion of face, V^tSl^fl^* *mun mln^ ,sau 'ch'i. Mwdn mien siu ch'i; to rail in confusion, g[ ^ liin^ 'tsau. Lwdn tsau, E'^iLife'^^f^''t«^"l*iii'tck,. Conr,utal)le pf ,^ ^ 'ho pok, U. K'o poh tdu, pf -fli^ 'lio 1>»K sy^'og- K:'o poll ying, Pjfsllij 'lio pin^ 't6. K'o pien tdu. Confutant ^f ^ ^ pin^ pok, 'chd. Pien poh ehc. Confutation ^ xf^ >^ ^ 'piii pat, shi^ 'che. Pidu puh shi che, .^-^J ^ pok, 't6 'ch6. Poh tdu ch6, ^Z-^i Pok, pat, shl^ Poh puh shi, ^^ ^ ;|5 pin* pok, 'che. Pien poh che, ^fj^:^ pin* ^ming 'che. Pien ming chd, |^ ^ ^ pin* pdk^ che. Pien peh ch6, ^ Bj^ li gffc p'ik, P'ih ming k'i shwoh. Confute, to convict of error, ^ yf^ ;^ * 'piu pat, shi*. Pidu puh shi, ^ pg- ^ pok, ^m chduk,, S^ Mk V^K syeng- I'oh ying, ^ ^\ pok, U. Poh tJiu, ^ ^ ^% pin* pat, shi*. Pien puh shi, ^ -^j pin* 't6. Pien tdu, ^ g pin* pdk^. Pien peh, ^^J\ pok. ,ming. Poh ming, ^JlJ Ull^ilH pok, t5' ^mb ,shing ch'ut,. Poh tdu wu shing ch'uh, ^filMMt^^ pok, to' ^m6 shiit, wd*_tdp,. Poh tdu wu shwoh hwd tdh, ,^5lJtl^P ftt^ pok, t6' *d 'hau mo ^In. Poh tdu yd k'au wii yen. Confuted ^^\ )^ pin* ^6 kwo'. Pien tdu kwo, |^ #J 'M pok, 't6 kwo'. Poh tdu kwo, ^^M'Z^^ pin* kwo' pat, shi*. Pi(;n kwo puh shi, 1^ jjSi Pg ^ pok, kwo' ^m ch6uk,. Poh kwo puh choh ; confuted him, .^^-fifljtli pok, 't6 'k'tt. Poh tdu k'ii. Confuting ^yf^i^ '\nu pat, shi*. Pidu puh shi, ^ P§1^ pok^m chcuk,, I'^.jf; ^ pin* i)at, shi*. Pien puh shi, ^ -^j pin* 't6. Pien tdu, ^-^ pok, 16. Poh tdu. Kdu t'ui chi li, m mz ^ Ts'ing ts'z chi li; the act of respect performed at the parting of friends, W ^ ji'rj f^ tsok, yap, ^i jts'z. Jsoh yih rh ts'z, ||^' ^ ,kung ^ts'z. Kung ts'z, ^9^1 y^P, P^t^- Yih pieh ; to take conge, ■^ Hfi ko jts'z. Kdu ts'z, ^^Ij jts'z pitj. Ts'z pieh ; a bow of courtesy, W^ tsok, yap,. Tsoh yih, :f f % \k .kung. Td kung, ;^:^ 'kung yap,. Kung yih. Conge, to take leave vith the customary civilities, ^ ^ ko' jts'z. Kdu ts'z, ^ y^\\ ^ts'z pit^. Ts'z pieh. Congeal, to change from a Huid to a solid state, by a loss of heat, as water in freezing «fcc., ^ j^'ing. Ying, ^ %^ jing kit, Ying kieh, % ^ ^k'ing kit,. K'ing kieh, ^^ o j^ing kit,. K'o ying kieh. Congealing }^ .ying. Ying, ^ jk'ing. K'ing, ^j^j^ ^ying kit,. Ying kieh. Congealation ^ Ij^ jing kit,. Ying kieh, ^ j^ ^k'ing kit,. K'ing kieh, ^|* ^- jk'ing kit, 'ch6. K'ing kieh did. Congee, rice water, ^fe ehuk,. Chub, ^ ^ ^mi chuk,. Mi chub, ^, |^ ehuk, 'yam, Jjg ,cbin. Chen, ^ 5j^ .chin ehuk,. Chen chub, ^ |S ,hl fan*, ill fan ; to boil congee, ^ ^ .p6 ehuk,. Pdu chub ; to eat congee, ^ ^ shik^ chuk,. Shih chuli. Congeneric (nj ^ jt'ung lui*. T'ung lui. Congenial, partaking of the same genus, kind or nature, "^ .ts'an. Ts'in, ^i^ tsdung* Hs'z. Sidng 8Z. 1^ '|4 jt'ung sing'. T'ung sing. ^ j§h ^ tt^ jt'ung 'pan kdk, tik,. T'ung pin keb tib; natural, ^ 'li h6p^ sing'. Hob sing, jSj §f jt'ung 't'ai. T'luig t'i ; agreeable to the disposition, -^'fct f^ hop^ sing' jts'ing. Hob sing ts'ing, ^ j^ bbp^ i'. Hob i, [k];C1»^§; jt'ung .sam bbp, i'. T'ung siu hob i ; warm, ^ .wan. Wan, ^ i'l'. liii. Congeniality, i)ar(ici])ation of the same genus, f^ 'I't jt'ung sing. T'ung sing, |^ fg jt'ung 't'ai. T'ung t'l, ^ .t^'an. Ts'in, i^ 'H^ ^ .sdung lui' 'ch6. Sidng lui eluS TJig '^ ^ .sdung b6pj 'chd, >H3 >£ ^" <***^"ng kan* 'die. Sidng kin cb6. Cong«>nite, ) pj] ^ jt'ung .sbang. T'ung sang, ^ Congenitul, j rfn ^ .sbang ^i 'j'au. Sang rb yii, Oj III ifij {] ch'ut, sbai' ^i Sau. Ch'uh shi rb yii. Congi'r, ) ® fti mdn' ^lai. Mwdn li, j§ fi| *hoi Conger-cd, J mdn*. lidi mwdn, 6g ^ man* ^loi. Mwdn Idi. CongtM'ies, a collection of several ]>artidos or bodies in one mass or aggregate, jjl^f§f^jS^4^ kit, kau* CON tSii a lo 'o ^^^Vi 't'ai kit, h6p^. ,chi tsap, mat,, H ^g ,^.„ ,_, Tsah t'i kieh lioh, ^i^Z^ kit, ,mdi ^chi mat, Kieh mai chi Avuh. Congest ^ ^ tsik, tsii'. Tsih tsii, ^ ;^ tsik, ^mdi. Tsih mdi, "jg ^ ,t'un tsii". Tw'an tsii, i# j^ ,tui tsik,. Tiii tsih. Congestible Pf^^ '^<^ tsik, tsii'. K'o tsih tsii, "pj ig 1^ 'ho jt'iin tsii\ K'o tw'an tsu. Congestion ^ K^ ^ tsik, tsii^ 'ch6. Tsih tsii che, "f£ ^ :^' jt'iin tsii^ 'che. Tw'an tsii che; conges- tion of the brain, JflL ^ J''5' J3i ^ li^t;, tsu* ^ii ^no 'ch^. Iliueh tsii yii nau clie ; congestion of the liver, ^|^:^fpj^ hiit, tsii* ,ii ,kon 'ch6. Hiueh tsii yii kan clie. Congestive ^ ^ ^M 1^ liiit, tsik, ^mai tik,. Iliueh tsih mai tih, ^^JM^l'J hiit, tsii* ^mai tik,. Hiueh tsii mai tih. Conglobate, formed into a ball, ^MM^^ ^^^, ^mai kwo' yat, kau*. Conglobate |± ^ fg kit, ^shing kau*, |± ;S — f@ kit, ^mai yat, kau*. Conglobation, ^ fj^j^ ^ kit, ^shing kau* 'ch^. Conglomerate, gathered into a ball or round body, ^ ^ — Bj kit, jShing yat, ^fiin. Kieh ching yih tw'an, |± ^ ^ij kit, hop^ tik,. Kieh hoh tih, g] [m]|^ jt'iin ^lin tik,. Tw'an yuen tih ; conglomer- ate rocks, ^ ^g ^man shek^. Man shih, ^^^^^^J ^ kit, hbpj tik, shek^. Kieh hoh tih shih. Conglomerate, a sort of pudding stone, or rock, composed of pebbles cemented together, ^ ^ ^mdn shek,. Man shih, g) n'&\f'5r c*'^^ ^^^P^ ^^K shek^. Tw^an hoh tih shih, || |± g^ ;g ,t'iin kit, tik, shek . Tw'an kieh tih shih, ^i^^^ij kit, ^mdi kau tik,. Conglutinant, gluing, f^ ^ ^^ ,ch'i j^inAi tik,. Ch'i mai tih, ^ j^^ ^ij ^kau ^nim tik,. KiAu nien tih ; healing, ^:^ ^»J kit, ^mai tik,. Kieh mai tih. Conglutinant, a medicine that heals wounds, ^ i|J P ^\J ^ ji jtndi 'hau tik, yeuk^. 1 mai k'au tih yoh. Conglutinate, to glue together, ^ i^ ^ch'i ^mdi. | Ch'i mdi, 1,1^ i^ ^nim ^mdi. Nien mai, |± i^ kit, ' ^mai. Kieh mi'ii ; to heal, ^ ^ ,i ^mai. I mai, j ^. M .ch'i ^mdi. Ch'i mai. Conglutinate, to coalesce, i^jig-j^^ ^seung ^ch'i ^mai. Siang ch'i mdi, f^Jg ^ch'i ^mai. Ch'i mdi, M P jinai 'hau. Mdi k'au. Conglutination, the act of gluing together, f^iJH:^ .ch'i ^mai 'ch6. Ch'i mai che, ^M^ kit, ^mai 'che. Kieh mdi che ; a healing by uniting the parts of a wound, ;^ P :^ jinai 'hau 'ch6. Mdi k'au ch6, ^ i^ P ^ kit, ^mdi 'hau 'che. Kieh mdi k'au ch6. Conglutinative, having the power of uniting by glue &c., ^li^P^ .ch'i tak, ^mai k^', ^|*|5^ .kau kit, tik,. Kidii kieh tih. Congo, Congou, tea, Jl^^^ .knng /u .ch'd. Kung fii ch'a. CofagiratUlate, to wish joy to another, ^ ^ .kung (469) Con iWhi. no hi, 1^^. kung ^ hing' 'hi. King hi, J^ ^ 'hi. Kung hi, | ho*. Kung ho, hing' ho*. Hing ho, ^ ^ to* 'hi. Tau hi ; to congratulate on a birthday, f^^ pdi' shau*. Pai shau, ;|)J ^ chuk, shau*. Chuh shau, ^ ^ ho' shau*. Ho shau, jjj{t^^ chuk, shau* tan'. Chuh shau tan, ^ ^ B ho* .shang yat,. Ho sang jib, ^IB^ti^^ ^ ho* .ko .slung. Ho kau shing, ^ ^| (jj ho* jWing .shing. Ho yung shing ; to congi^atulate a superior, PfJ ^ k'au' ho*. K'au ho, J^ ^ 'pan ho*. Pin ho; to congratulate the heir-apparent on his birth-day, J^^'X.^^ chuk, t'4i"tsz shau*. Chuh t'di tsz shau. Congratulating ^ ^ iV ^ cShan jk'i Min wei kwdn hwui, kuk ,kung Shin k'i kung kiuh; an assembly of envoys, ^^-^ puk,. Puh; to conjecture rightly, fl*f 4» 'kii chung'. Kii chung, fjj gg 'ku ,ngdm, f^ ^ 'ku ch6uk,. Kti choh, ^ ^1 .ch'di chung'. Ch'di chung, ^ ^ ,ch'di .ngdm, ^ ^ .ch'di ch6uk,. Ch'di choh, "^ tfl liti' chung'. Lidu chung. held, ^My^^^M J^^ jt'ung .sam. T'ung sin, ^ iS;^ h6pj ,sam. Hob sin, tS ii^ blp^ .sam. Hieb sin, j^ hlp^. Hieb, ^^ ^ hlp^ lik^. Hieb lib ; to act conjointly, ^ ii^ ^ hip^ .sam ts6^ Hieb sin tso, ^ ^ blp^ pdn*. Hieb pdn, ^ jCi* ^ b6p^ .sam ts6^ Hob sin tso. Conjugal, belonging to marriage, ^ ^ "^ /ii ^u k6', ^ ^ (Hf /"i «ts'ai tik,. Fii ts'I tib ; conjugal union or fidelity, ^ lai*. Li, ^mfiM /" ^ ■^ ^ yatj iitj ^chl lii' h6p,. Jih yueh chi hwui hoh; the copulation of the sexes, ^^ kau' hop^. Kau hoh ; a connecting word, |p:^ kai' tsz'. Ki tsz, i^ ^ jlin tsz'. Lien tsz ; to act in conjunc- tion, ^ ^ hipj pan'. Hieh pdn ; ditto with one, 1^ A 3EM ^ jt'ung ^yan "li sz'. T'ung jin li sz, jSJ A li* 4? jt'ung jan pdn' ^i. T'ung jin pdn li ; the conjunctions of the year, ^^ jH t7 s^^** jUin wan' ^hang. Liu nien yun- hang. Conjunctive, uniting, '^i^^^ 'sz ^lin tik,. Shi lien tih, jg ^ij jlin tik,. Lien tih, ^ ^^ ^ ^Hn ^mai till, 1^ ^^ kai' tik,. Ki tih ; conjunctive mode, ^^^X-^Z^ ^t^ tsz' pat, teng' ^chi ^ying. Hwoh tsz puh ting chi hing. Conjunctively, in conjunction, ^ kung'. Kung, Jt ^ kun^ ,mdi. Kung mdi, [g} ^ jt'ung ^mdi. M ii ft! /eung jlln tik,. Sidng Hen tih, f^'hip^. Hieh. Conjuncture, a combination or union as of causes, events, &c., jg wan'. Yun, B$ jg jShi wan'. Shi yun, ^ jH tsz' wan'. Tsz yun, ^ j|| hi' wan'. K'i yun, j^ ^ wan' hi'. Yun k'i ; a lucky con- juncture, Jlf^^jM shun' tsz' wan'. Shun tsz yun, $? B+ iS '^^^ 5^^^ wan'. Hau shi yun. Conjuration R^^ ch'ik, fat,. Ch'ih fah, ^f;tlf M'^ shutj. Sieh shuh, ^ ^/(\^ ,iu shut^. Yau shuh, /^ ^ ^mh shut,. Mii shuh, 'gg ^ | [| ^ 'shai ^mdu .shdn fat,. Shi mau shan fah, ^ z| ;^ ^ ^mai .wan ,chi fat,. Mi hwan chi fah, ^i^ 'nau kttt,. Nau kiueh, ^ ^){ nim' kiit,. Nien kiueb, % ohau' kiit,. Chaij kiueh. Conjure, to call on or summon by a sacred name, or in a sacred manner, j^^^j y"ng' ^ts'^ shut^. Yung sieh shuh, ^ 5l ^^^' chau'. Nien chau, M|^#f J^^S' M^ shut,. Yung ydu shuh, P^ |$ 52 1& /"i jSban chau' cho'. Hii shin chau tsii, ^ 3jp^ 'shai ,ts'e fat,. Shi sie fah, f|&^iJ4^ 'shai ^mdu ,shdn fat,, '^ :j2: i^ 'shai 'nau kiit,, % ^ chau' kiit,. Chau kiueh ; to conjure up spirits, M^tjt^^ y«n^ ,ts'6 shut, ^chiu 'kwai. Yung si^ shuh chau kwei, ^u %, chau' 'kwai. Cliau kwei; to conjure doAvn spirits, ^^ chuk, 'kwai. Chub kwei, ,|g ^ ^k'ii ^ts'e. K'ii sie ; to conjure misery upon one, ^^^ \ ynng' fat, hoi' ^yan. Yung fah hdi jin ; to conjure up difficulties, 5£ 1^ chau' nan'. Chan nan; to behave very strange- ly, tl ^^UrfM kwdi' i' k6' ,hang ,wai, |i ^ 'kwai kwdi'. Kwei kwai. Conjurer, one who practices conjuration, ^ ^|E ^ndm^mb. Nanwii, J^*Eg^ ^ndm hat^ (seng'). Ndn iiih, 4| 4V seng' ^kung. Hih kung, ^ % P^ A. jts'e shut, ke' ^yan, gj A ^'■^' iJ^^- Hien jin, :^ A wan' ^yan. Hwdn jin, |fl ^^j |^^ yung' ^6 sliutj tik,. Yung mii shuh tih ; a man of shrewd conjecture, ||; '|§P^ A 'kwai kwai' ke' ^yan, J^ -^ 'kwai 'tsz. Kwei tsz ; bottle conjurer, [[[^ ^ "It A «li'ik, fat, ke' jan. Connate, born with another, |^ ^ c^'ung ^shang. T'ung sang; in botany, united in origin, growing from one base, ]}£ ^ f(x/ pi^g' ^'ai' tik,. Ping t'i tih, Jif ^ (Hid ^shang. Md sang. Connatural, connected by nature, |sl'^ jt'ung sing'. T'ung sing. Connect, to, ^ '^ ^lin chii'. Lien chii, ^ ^ tsip, chii'. Tsieh chii, ^ ^ tsuk, chii'. Suh chii, ^ ^ hai' chii'. Hi chii, ^ ^ ^kdu ^lin. Kidu lien, j^H kai'. Ki, j^ ^lin. Lien, ^ tsip,, ^ tsuk^. Suh, P 'tsiin. Tswdn, |q: ts'ap,. Ts'ih, i^ jg ^s^ung jlin. Siang lien, ^ ^ ^s^ung tsip,. Siang tsieh, fe^ ,s6ung tsukj. Siang suh, jj^^ ^seung kai'. Sidng ki, ^ ^ tsip, ^lin. Tsieh lien, -j^ ^ hai' lui'. Hi lui, 1^ |g ts'ap, tsuk,. Ts'ih suh, ^ ^ jShing kai'. Shing ki, ^ ^ tsip, tsuk,. Tsieh suh, ^ ^ hai' tsuk,. Hi suh, i^ U ping' tsuk^. Ping suh, ^ j^^ tsik, kai'. Tsih ki, ^ ^ ^shin jin. Shen yen, ^ ^ i' jk'iii. I k'idu, i^ ^lun. iiin, l^ ip^. Yih, ^^ ^wai. Wei, ^ ,shing. Ching, |± kit,. Kieh, ^Q shiii'. Shdu, ^ |± 'so kit,. So kieh ; to connect, as a chain, j^ ^ ^lin ^mdi. Lien mdi; ditto, by a knot, ^ilg kit, ^mdi. Kieh mdi, ^,^j^| 'tdkit,. Tdkieh; to connect, as beads, $ Jg ch'iin' jmdi. Ch'uen mdi, ^^ ^ch'iin ^mdi. Ch'uen mdi, ;(g ^ ^seung kiin'. Sidng kwan, ^ ^ ^ ^s^ung kiin' ch'iin'. Sieng kwdn ch'uen ; to coanect the preceding, ^y^ tsip, yau'. Tsieh yii, ^ J^ tsip, sh^ung'. Tsieh shdng, ^jt jShing sheuug'. Ching shdng ; to connect, as a passage, ^ M c^oi jt'ung. K'di t'ung; to connect as two rooms, ;|g^ ,s6ung ^lln. Sidng lien ; to connect, as men in a conspiracy, -^ ^ ,kau ch'iin'. Kau cox (472) coy ch'uen, $ ^ cli'iin' ^mau. Ch'uen mau, f^ ^ ch'iin' jt'ung. Ch'uen t'ung, -^ ^j- li6p^ kai'. Hoh kf ; to connect all the states together, ^^^ V^\^ jlin kit, 8z' ,fbng. Lien kieh sz fdng, \^'jj ' ^ H sz' /ong shi^ ^wai. Sz fang shi wei, j^ ^ ' ^ S ^ jAvai j)ong kwok,. I wei pang kwoh ; to connect together, as things, ^f ^ ^kim ping'. Kien ping ; to connect, as a line in genealogy, ^ kai'. Ki ; to connect the preceding and the jin ,chi. Chd tsoh puh chi, jit:P§iE ^'i^* j"^ ^^°'» m^i^^ ^'Ji^' 't'ai ,m kin', {jj^f T^ I?, chong* jhon pat, kin'. Chwdng k'6n puh kiirh, j^ tsung'. Tsung, ^ ^ tsung' ^yung. Tsung yung; pur- posely connive at, ^ j^ ku' tsung'. Kti tsung, i^f J^t# ku' i' tsung' ^vung. Ku i tsung yung, ^)]^^i^i ^ming ,chl kd' tsung'. Ming chi kii tsung, ^1Jt,!jfpJ^ ,chi jts'ing sheung^ ^yung. Chi ts'ing shang yung. following, to connect a passage in composition, Connivent, forbearing to see, ■^ J^ ^ jf, jy^^ung ^ Jl|^ T^ jSlung shdung^ kai' ha\ Clung shang ki hia; to connect by marriage, ^J^ kit, ,ts'an. Kieh ts'in, |± ^| ^^ kit, .ts'an ,kd. Kieh ts'in kid. Connected, linked together, }|^:ti?Al^ ^lin ^radi kwo'. Lien mdi kwo, |^ ^ >|^ kai' ^mai kwo'. Ki mdi kwo, ;|iB ;f|^ jli^ ,s6ung ^lin kwo'. Sidng lien kwo, ^ ^ jjj^ jSdung hai^ kwo'. Sidng hi kwo. Connected, by marriage, ^ ^ts'an. Ts'in, ^ ^ ^ts'an ,ka. Ts'in kid, jj^ ^ ,s6ung ^ts'an. Sidng ts'in ; connected, as clans, |^ fj^ j^'ung tsuk^. T'ung tsuh ; doubly connected, as families, j^^ jj[\ ^ .ts'an sh6ung^ ,kd ^ts'an. Ts'in shdng kid ts'in ; connected, as by a road or passage, j^ ,t'ung. T'ung, ^j^ ,s6ung ,t'ung. Sidng t'ung; jWai pat, kin'. Ydng wei puh kien ; in botany, converging together, j^j|;^^»J ui* ^mdi tik,. Uwui • mdi tih. Conniving, closing the eyes against faults, g|->f^^ chd' pat, ^chi. Chd puh chi, -^ J^S yf» ^ jVeung jWai pat, kin'. Ydng wei puh kien, j^ ^ tsung* jyung. Tsung yung. Connoisseur, a person well versed in any subject, '^m:h^t^ >u ^ngdn lik^ k ^ ^ ,k'am shat chi lok,. K'in shili chi loh. connected in friendship, i^ ^ ^ ^seung ^kdu Conoidal, nearly, but not exactly, conical, ^ [P] Vau. Sidng kidu yu, ;t0 ^ ^ Sidng kidu yu, j^ |S 'bin kiin' s6ung jkdu jVau. K'ien kiuen ; connected as cause and effect, >^ J^ ^yau ^iin. Yu yuen, ^ |^ ^yau jan. Yu yin ; connected, as rings, }^^ jlin ^wdn. Lien hwdn ; connected, as banditti, $^ 'j^^ kit, 'tong. Kieh tdng. Connecting '^'^ jlin chii\ Lien chd, i^'^ ^s^ung jlin. Sidng lien, j^ i^ ^s6ung tsip,. Sidng tsieh, j^"^ ^seung hai". Sidng hi, ^^ Jin ^mdi. Lien .nidi; connecting by marriage, ^ ^ kit, /s'an. Kieh ts'in. Connection, 1 the act of joining, ;tfJi^ ^ ,seuiig ^lin Connexion, j 'ch6. Sidng lien che, ;|i0i^^ ,seung kai' 'ch6. Sidng ki ch6; religious connections, ^ P^ kdu' jmdn. Kidu mun, '^* ^ ,kd ^ts'an. Kid ts'in, ^ J^ ^kd shuk^. Kid shuh, (sj ^ jt'ung jkd. T'ung kid; extensive connections, as roads &e., ^ j^^^ fi ^^j Ji ^i 'kwong 'in. Li mi kwdng yen ; unbroken connections, Jt^ ^ H ^in. I yen, ifQ ^^ '^ ^ ^sdung ^lin pat, tsilt^. Sidng I lien puh tsiueh ; intercourse with friends, ^ \)^ ' ,kdu jyau. Kidu yd, ^^ ^kdu ^yau. Kidu yd, ;i|i0 ^ ^ ,s6ung ,kdu 'ch6. Sidng kidu chd ; connec- Conquer, to overcome, tions by passage, jg ^ .t'ung 16^ T'ung Id. Shing. Connective, connecting, as a conjunction, ||S^ ^^^' Conquerable pf ^ Mio ^ ^ chd' pat, kin' 'chj^ Chd puh kien ch6. I ."iue^ ,entenoos are chie'n7^x»erir.^atii«rto de,H.ndemk.. Connive, to wink at, -pp ^ yf» 931 syeung ^wai pat, the eudeavour to subjugate them when in a »t«te of rebellion ,chi. Ydng woi puh chi, f^ f^ P§ ^ ehd' tsok, , f To keep one's passions in subjection. /sim jUn tik,. Tsien yuen tih, ^ ^ ^Jt ^ tseung^ Hs'z jts'ung 'tsz. Sidng sz s'ung tsz, ^"ij =^ ^ -^ yeuk, 16uk^ jts'ung 'tsz. Yoh lioh sung tsz. Conoidical, having the fonn of a conoid, ^ (Hi |§\) ^tsim jUn tik,. Tsien yuen tih, ^-f-^-f^^ jts'iing ^sz 'k6m jying. Sung tsz kdn hing. Conquer, to, ^ .yeng. Ying, tT ^ 'td .yong. Td ying. ^ shing'. Shing, ^ liak,. K'eh, |^ ,h6m K'dn, ^ tsitj. Tsieh; to conquer in battle, ^^ 'td jeng. Td ying, tr M 'td pdi^ Td pdi, ^ chin' shing'. Chen shing, fT ^ 'td shing'. I'd shing, fj^ >£ chin' hak,. Chen k'eh, % fj^ tak, shing'. Teh shing, ^ ^ wok, shing'. llwoh shing, fiE^ ching fuk^. Ching fuh, ^^p .ching jP'ing; to conquer an enemy, ^ ^ sliing' tik^. Shing tih, ]^ ^ ^yeng tik^.*Ying till, ^ $^ pdi' tik^. Pdi till ; to conquer as a country, 5£ flit hak, fuk^. K'eh fuh, ^itjk* .ching fdt,. Ching fdh, fjE ^ ehing fuk^. Ching fuh ; to conquer one's self t, ^ B liak, 'ki. K'eh ki, f| f^ tsz* Tsz shin ST. ^'•"g. f^ shing'. shing' sy^'"J?- tsz^ Ki tsz, ^ ^ jlin t8z^ Lien tsz Conncctively ^^ ^lin ^in. Lien jen ff^ 5^ shing' kwo'. Shing kwo, fj l^i^'^& P'l" kwo'. Td pdi kwo; conquered, f J i|^ >^ 'ta jenff CON kwo'. Ta ying kwo, tf # M '^^ ^^^^S' kwo'. Td shing kwo; conquered him, in a game, M -^i in J^g 't6 ^k'ii. Ying tau k'ii, ^ i^ fE jengkwo'^k'ii. Ying k^vo k'ii, trMtS 't^ cjeng Vii. Td ying k'ii, tr^;^^^ 'td kwo' 'k'ii. Td kwo ^'*^' -JT ^ >M tS 'td jeng kwo' -k'ii ; conquered himself, ^^ ^ ti h^^K tsz^ 'ki. K'eh tsz ki ; con- quered a country, ^^^!g hak^ fuk^ kwok,. K'eh fuh kwoh ; conquered in a battle, ^^ ^Ij^ ^ tak, kwo' shing', Teh kwo shing, IS ^ ^ wok, kwo' i Hwoh kwo shin Chen kwo shing. Yini o> chin' kwo' Shing, tl Td pdi ; conquering and losing, ^ jjeng. shing'. shing' shing' Conquering 0. ^ jeng ^sh ii. Ying shu, f^^ shing' pdi'. Shin^, pdi, ^ ^ shing' fu'. Shing fu ; a conquering hero returning in triumph, gllJ^J^^it 'hoi^siin ,chl jing jhimg. K'di siuen chl ying hiung. Conqueror, one who conquers, ^ ^ iY^n^ V'h6. Ying ch^, }^^ shing' 'chd. Shing ch^, f^0^ tak, shing' 'chc. Teh shing ch6, ^ ^^ ^ hak, fuk^ 'chd. K'eh fuh ch6 ; a conqueror in battle, ^ # # cliin' shing' 'chd. Chen shing ch6, fjE B-M^ A^^^S f^ik, tik^ 'chd. Ching fuh tih che. Conquest, the act of conquering, ^ ^ shing' 'ch6. Shingjchc, ^^^^ hak, fuk^ 'ch^. K'eh fuh che, m^^' J^^i^s tils cb<^- Ying tih che; conquest, or that which is conquered, ^^'^:^^'^ hak fuk .chi ti^ K'eh fuh Chi tf, ^i£ ^^ Z ilb cClii"S l'uk| ,chi ti". Ching fuh chi ti; to obtain bv conquest, ffe # "ft Pli"i' tak, k6\ \>X f^ % '-i chin' tak,. 1 chen teh ; to announce a conquest or victory, ^g po' shing'. Pd shing, f^ ^ p6' ^yeng. Pu ying, ^^ p6' tsit,. Pu tsieh. Consanguineous, of tlie same blood, jw] J^ ^ P|t jt'ung hiit, makj ke', IsJ jfjl ^ |^^ ^t'ung hiit, hi' tik,. T'ung hiueh k'i tih, |^'^'[S]p|e ^t'ung kwat, yuk^ ke', gi PJ^ ^ts'an ke' ; descended from the same ancestor, || %^ P^ ^ts'an shuk^ kc' ; ditto from the same parent, ^ |g |^^ ^t'^ng j)du tik,. T'ung pdu tih, ^ |jf Pg:^ ^t'ung ^ch'eung ktS'. Consanguinity, the relation' of persons by blood, j^ J^3^ ^ jt'ung hut, mak^ 'ch^. T'ung hiueh meh ch6, fr^ 'H* 1^ ^ ,t'ung kwat, yuk^ 'ch^. T'ung kuh juh che, |hJ nTL ^ ^ ,t'ung hiit, hi' *che. (473) CON tsz sung ; to have lost one's conscience, ;^ ^ ^ shat, ,t'in ^l^ung. Shih t'ien lidng, %^^:t.>'^ jm6 shi^ /i ^chl ^sam. Wii shi fi chi sin, ^^iCj> song' ^16ung ^sam. Sdng lidng sin, ^]^j\j) mut^ (l^ung ^sam. Muh lidng sin ; not to have a cons- cience, ^"^j\^^ ^mb jldung ^sam. Wti lidng sin; to make conscience, ^^ ^^ ^ i^ pat, *yan ^chi ^sam. Puh jin chl sin ; to haA^e kept one's cons- cience, ^ ^ jVj) jts'iin J6ung ^sam. Ts'un lidng sin, MjIj)*^^ Jdung ^sam ^shdung jts'iin. Lidng sin chdng ts'un, ~)j'^'^-^ /ong ts'iin' ^shdung jts'iin. Fdng ts'un chdng ts'un ; things which conscience condemns, j^^Cl*^ /ai ^sam sz'. Kw'ei sin sz ; to wound one's conscience, '^^^^^CS' sheuns shi^ fi chi sam. Shang shl fi chl sin ; in conscience, or upon conscience, ^ "^ shat, ^ Shih tsdi, M 'shau. Shih shau, ^ "^ shat^ tsoi _ ?^ rfl^ M ^Vj.^ cP'ang 'ngo 'tlm Jeung ^sam. P'ang wo tien lidng sin ; court of conscience, ^ •^ |^ P^ jts'in chdi' ,ngd ^mim. Ts'ien chdi yd mun. Conscience-smitten, stung by conscience, ^ ^ 2* ip P|t tsz- ^tsarn 'ki .sam k6', ^ g |S P|E ;Cj> ■yau tsz^ tsung^ ke' .sam. Conscientious ^ ^ S:^ ^^ 'shau .Idung .sam tik,. Shau lidng sin tih, ^ fl ii^ P^ fuk^ jleung .sam ^^\ # M i^ "It cts'un ,l*^ung .sam kd', ^ % i^ ^^ .ts'ung .leung .sam tik, ; a conscientious man, jlf^ung .sam. Lidng sin, ^ M . ^p5 'pin .chl .sam. Pdu pien chi sin ; an accusing cons- cience, iVa> ^ g 1^ .sam noi^ tsz^ tsung^. Sin nui * The terms ^ iClS iff i\a' &o. should not be used by Chris- tiaus, tliey giving a wrong ipxprcssien of what is understood b^ conscience, .hang. I lidng sin hang, i^ ^ i^ "^ ^ ^ts'un Jeung .sam tso' sz\ Siun lidng sin tso sz, HB^ ^ ^^^-p<^V^^ chiu' shl^ .fl .chi .sam ^ai ts5^" Conscientiousness ^ M. f^ y^ TmJ ^\a* ^ l^i man^ .sam ^mb kw'ai'. Wan sin wu kw'ei, ^ ^ ^ jfil ,k'^^ 'j^^o s^^ jts'dm. K'in ying wu ts'dn ; to become conscious of, g ^ tsz^ kok,. Tsz kioh, f^ ng^ Wu, JH f^ 'seng ng^ Sing wu ; to become conscious of one's guilt, ^ % ^ §% tsz^ kok, .yau tsui' ; to be still con- scious, as a patient, || |g ^^: A chung^ yan* [ying'] tak, ^yan. Chung jin teh jen, jCa'^^^ .sam jShdung 'seng kok,. Sin chdng sing kioh. Consciously, with knowledge of one's owii nipfltal operations or p.ctions, |^ ^ ng* jin. Wi^ jeil, ^ CON (474) CON rfff -^ ^ ,chl ji ts6' ,chi. Chi rh tso chi. Consciousness ^ ^ ^ tsz^ ,clii 'ch(3. Tsz chi ch6, ^fl ^ .chi 'ch6. Chi ch<5, /Ci> p9 ^ ^ .sam noi^ .chi 'ch6. Sin nui chi ch6, @ ^ ;^ iCi> tsz^ .chi .chi .sam. Tsz chi chi sin; sensibleness, ^^^ fchung^ .chi sz^ 'ch6. Chung chi sz che, |^ ^ 'hid 8z^ 'ch6. lliau sz ch6, .St^.A^ chung* yan^ [yij^g^] $7^^ 'c'l*^- Chung jin jin ch6. Conscript ^'^^^ .ch'au .toiig .ping k^', g <^ P|E .tang tsik^ kc'j', -j^ ^ ^(; lok^ tsik^ tik,. Loh tsih tih, A I^Pit yaPi tsik^ k6'. Conscript, a, j^ '^ ^ ^ .ch'au .tong j)ing 'ch6. Ch'au tdng ping ch6, ^ ^ # ,tang tsik^ *ch6. Tang tsih che, mW.'M^^ kwd' h6^ .tong .ping 'ch6. Kwd hAu tang ping ch^. Conscription, a compulsory enrollment of indivi- duals for military or naval service, :fjjj ^ -fc ^ .ch'au .tong .ping 'che, <^ ^ ^ lok^ tsik^ 'ch6. Loh tsih che, ,^. fljj- ^ -^ lok^ ch'dk, .tong .ping. Loh ts'eh tdng ping, ^^'^ ^ kwd' h6^ ,tong .ping. KwA hdu tdng ping. Consecrate, to make or declare to be sacred, by cer- tain ceremonies or rites, f^ ^ chuk, shing'. Chuh shing, |g shing'. Shing, ^ ^ ^ .t^^'ing jWai shing'. Ching wei shing ; to consecrate one for an office, ^ -^ on' 'shau. Ngdn shau ; to consecrate, as the elements in the eucharist, jg^ chuk,. Chuh ; to consecrate one's self to the ser- vice of God, ^^t^Ji'^r 'sh6 .shan .ii Sh6ung^ tai'. Shi6 shin yu Shdng ti; ditto to a spirit or idol, — iM; jji$ >Vj> 7^K '*'*^'' jShan .sam. Yih slii shin sin, — '{H^^f^ yat, shai' sz^ ^shan. Yih shi sz shin ; to canonize, ^ J^ jjif S^^S j^^i jShan. Fung wei shin, ^ j^^ S^^^S s^^^ shing'. Fung wei shing, ^f 1^ S^^S )^ yap^ 'fo. Jih ho, -j^ ^ ^ ^ .kung fung^ jt'h sJit,. Kung fung p'li sAh ; to consecrate to the spirits, ^ ^ flj$ ^ fung^ *ii jShan jming. Fung yu shin ming ; to consecrate to the service of God, ^Si Jt*^ fung^ ^ii Shdung^ tai'. Fung yil Shdng it ; to consecrate a new Church, j\i^ ^ jjj^ f^ ^ chuk, shing' Uai pAi' jt'ong. Chuh shin gli pAi t'dng ; to conse- crate with blood, jlil^ yan^ Hin, Jjt yan^ Hin. Consecrated jjf)t® ^ chuk, shing' kwo'. Chuh shing kwo, ^ i^ .shing' kwo'. Shing kwo ; ditto, as Chinese do things to their idols, ■j^ ^ ji^ t^ung fung* kwo'. Kung fung kwo ; ditto, as one for an office, ^ j|§ -^ on' kwo' 'shau. NgAn kwo shau ; ditto, as the elements in the eucharist, jfj^ ^ chuk, kwo'. Chuh kwo ; ditto, as an idol, ^^ ■^jjj^ .fiing kwo' jWai jShan. Fung kwo wei shin; ditto, by usage, liX^^^ ^^ ts^'Pi shing' ,chi. I sih shing chi. * There are three acts conatituting the consecration of an idol. The first is fj^ yt the removal of the vail; the second, |^ ^ the instalment; and the third /V iK. th(> cntorinft the fire i.e, the conimopoeuiont of burning inconao before the deity. Consecrating JUJ ^ chuk, shing'. Chuh shing, |g shing'. Shing ; ditto one to an office, ^ ^ on' 'shau. Ngdn shau ; canonizing, ^ ^ /img shing'. Fung shing, i^ ^ f$ ,fung ^wai jShan. Fung wei shin. Consecration fl?^^^ chuk, shing' 'ch6. Chuh shing che, ^ ^ chuk, 'clid. Chuh ch<* ; the consecra- tion to an office, ^ ^ ^ ^ «»' 'shau .chi *lai. Ngdn shau chi li; canonization, ^jfi$^i^ S^^S jShan .chi 'lai. Fung shin chi li, #^ ^^ :^ /""g jShan 'clid. Fung shin ch6, ^j^^^ S^^S s^'^^i shing' 'ch6. Fung wai shing ch6 ; the consecra- tion of an idol, ^ ^ ^ .hoi .kwong 'cli6. K'di kwdng ch6; ditto of a Church, fitf^JiS^^^^ chuk, shing' ^lai pdi' jt'^^^S 'che. Chuh shing li pdi t'dng ch6 ; ditto of a Chinese temple, ^ -^ ^ |§ jf^# tsip, tsuk^ tik, jhdi .yam. Tsieh suh tih hidi yin, p^§^ $ jhdi .yam kiin' ch'im'. Hidi yin kwdn ch'uen. Consecutively i^ ^ .s(5ung ^lin. Sidng lien, ;jg ^ .s6ung tsip,. Sidng tsieh. Consent, agreement of the mind to what is proposed or stated by another, (^ i(^ jt'ung .sam. T'ung >*'"' 1^ M: £^'""o ^'- T'"'^? ^ ' ^^'^t^> ""^ consent, 1^ t^ jt'ung .sam. T'ung sin, >^ iC2> hop^ .sam. iloh sin, l^iCi' I'^Pi ^ "^^ one's consent, ^ tg yt # tak, 'k'ii Svan 'liang. Teh k'u yun hang, # #, ^ ^ tak, .t'd ,i Svan. Teh t'd i yun; to give one's consent, J^ 'chun. Chun, ^^ Svan 'chun. Yun chun, ^ ^ Svan ^hang. Yun hang, ^ ^ 'chun ^hang. Chun hang, g^ ^ 'hii jhang. Hii hang, ^ 'liang. Hang; he would not give bis consent, p§^ ^. ^m 'chun, pg ■^ ^m 'hang, P§ /t .nx Svan ; will he give liis consent ? #, # P§ W .^'^^ '!»«"£? s^ liang, fg ■^ pa -^ Vvi 'hang ^m 'hang, i^ ^ Z^ m S'^ 'chun pat, 'chun. T'd chun pub chun ; to give one's consent in writing, ^ ^ ji'ai 'chxm. P'i ' chun. Consent, to assent, ^ Svan. Yun, ^ 'chun. Chun, j^ litt. Hii, ^^ Svan 'chun. Yun chun, J^^T 'chun jbang. Chun liang, ^ fjt ,^ j^'ung. f ts'ung, ^^ .i S^-an. I yun, ^;^|^ ,i ^t^'vii. I sui; to consent to a petition, ^ ^ ,p'ai 'chun. P'f chun ; to co|isent graciously, as U. I. M., ^ jf^ CON (4:16) CON jan 'chun. Ngan chun ; absolutely refused to consent, |§|f ^ ^^ "^ tiin' tiin' pat, 'hang. Twdn twan puh hang ; it is diiRcult to consent, ^ |^ ^ ^ tiin' jUdn ^i ^ts'ung. Twdn nan i ts'ung ; will never consent, ^ ^ Po "^ c^sung ^sii ^m liang. Tsung sii puh hang, ^ ^ Pg # ^tsung jln ^m 'hang, ^ ^ !^ yfc tsut, ^chi pat, Van. Tsuh chi puh yun ; to succumb and consent, ^ ^ wat, jts'ung. K'iuh ts'ung ; to compel one to consent, 5M^ 'k'eung ^ts'ung. K'idng ts'ung. Consentient, agreeing in mind, |^| i^ jt'ung ^sam. T'ung sin, ^ ^^ hop, f. Hoh i. Consequence, that which follows from any act, cause, principle, or series of opinion *» ^ 'j^ ^kwan hai'. Kwan hi, -^ ^ ^kon hai". Kan hi, ^ JH, hail" im'. Hidu yen, ^ ^ hau^ sz^ Hau sz; of great consequence, ;;^^'1^ tai" ,kwdn hai^ Ta kwAn hi ; of serious consequences, ^"/^^J^ ^kwdn hai^ sham' chung". Kwan hi shin chung, hai' 'fi jheng. Kan hi fi k'ing; of no consequence, Paffi'f" i^ ,s^uiig kon, '^i^^ pat, ,s6ung ^kon. Puh siang kan, ffi ;^ ^ ^mo ^s6ung ^kon. Wu sidng kdu, i^ ^ :iji0 ^ mok, pat, ^seung ^kwdn. Moh puh siang kwan ; of no great consequence, ^ -^ ^ -j^ ^mo mat, ^kon hai^ ; of consequence to one, -^ ^ ^kon Jin. Kan lien, ^ 5^ ^kwan jlin. Kwan lien; to be aware of the consequences, ^•j S S ^ ^an 'keng tsz' ^ming. Min king tsz raing ; to view as of no consequences, ^ |^ f^ MMM 'ngo 't'ai tak, ,m6 ^kw^n hai'. Wo t'l teh wu kwan hi ; by consequence, ^ff ^ 'sho H.. So i, ;^ Jt>Jl shi' -i. Shi i, ^^ ku . Kii; inference, gt # ^ jts'oi tiit^ 'ch6. Ts'di toh ch6, |i i^ ;^ ^ ^ch'ui lun' ^chi 'li. Ch'ui lun chi li ; a person of great consequence, A fffl ^ A ^^i^ ^^^^ ^ |§ # ''Ifc A ^au ^kwdn hdi- k& ^yan ; a thing or matter of no consequence, ^ ^ ^ P^ ^ ^mo 'kan iu' k& sz' ; reckless of consequences, 7] j^ jtiu ^wan. Tiau hwdn. Consequent, following, as the natural effect, jSJf )^ :^ 'sho -1 'yau. So 1 yu, ^ :^ kd' 'yau. Kii yii, ijl^ -^ pit, ^au. Pieh yu. Consequent, that which follows a cause, ^ •j^ ^kwan hai^ Kwdn hi ; a conclusion or inference, ^ ^ ^ jts'oi tilt, 'ch6. Ts'ai toh cM. Consequential, following as the effect, ijil\ ^ pit, -yau. Pieh yii, ^;f ^ W '^^^o '^ T^u. So 1 yu ; a consequential personage, ^ -^ tsz' tdi'. Tsz td, § Jiil, @ S *^^^^ ^^^^ sham'- chung'. Tsz sM shin Chung, g 0^^j^?aM tsz' H ,wai 'h6 .shingkd'. Tsz i wei hdu shing kid, g flfe^f Hj^ tsz^ 'ki 'ku 'h6 ch'ut, shik,. Tsz kl ku hdu ch'uh sih. Consequentially, by consequence, J^ |^ 'sho H. So 1 ; not immediately, ^ ^ ^chung ,chi. Chung chi, ^IJJlS to' 'tai. Tdu ti ; a regular series, ^^ * The term ^ ^^ is by some used for consequence, but is in most instances better rendered by serious and similar words. j^ ^ ts'z' tsii'. I ts'z tsii. ^ ^ ^ ,1 ts'z' tai'. I ts'z ti; with assumed importance, gjj{l,@A ^^^^ shi' sham' tdi'. Tsz shi shin td. Consequently ^)x]^ 'sho^i. So 1, j^ ku'. Kii, -^j^ shi' ku'. Shi ku, |11j1:(^ jan 'ts'z. Yin ts'z, ^^ ku 'ts'z. Ku ts'z, ^itt; jau 'ts'z. Yii ts'z; there was consequently, f»f\)^^ 'sho H yau. So i yd; necessarily, ii}^\ ^ pit, ^in. Pieh jen. Conservable Pf il^ |^ 'ho ^shau ^ts'ong, K'o shau tsdng, pf j^^ 'ho ,chan ^ts'ong. K'o chin tsdng, '^UM 'I'O Vo M'ong. k'o pdu tsdng, Pf^^ 'ho ^ts'ong 'ho. K'o tsdng hdu, Pf.JJ^^ 'ho ^shau *h6. K'o shau hdu. Conservant, having the power or quality of preser- ving from decay or destruction, ^ ^ P^ ^ts'iin mat, k6', ^ i^ ^^ ,ts'i\n 'y6 tik„ ^ ^ ^U 'P^ jts'iin k6\ Conserv^ation, the act of preserving, guarding, &c., ^^ ^ts'ong 'che. Tsdng ch6, ^^-^ 'p6 ^ts'iin 'che. Pdu ts'un ch6, ^^^ 'po 'shau 'ch6. Pdu shau che, {^ ^ ^ 'p6 li' 'ch6. Pdu hu ch6. Conservatism, the desire and effort to preserve what is established, ^ ^ ^t, M ^ts'iin kau' ^chi li. Ts'un kiii chi II, ^ H ^ jg 'shau kau' ^chi '\i. Shau kiii chi II. Conservative, preservative, Pf^^^^ 'ho 'p6 ^ts'iin tik,. K'o pdu ts'un tih ; conservative principle, M^^^UUM nl' ,kam ching' k€ to' % ^ ^ ;i Jl 'shau kau' ^chi li. Shau kiii chi li. Conservative, one who wislies to maintain an ins- titution, or form of government, in its present state, ^ ^ ^ ^ 'shau kau' fdt, 'ch^. Shau kiii fdh ch6, i^4^jgt^ ni' ^kam ching' 'ch6. NI kin ching ch6. Conservator, an officer who has the charge of pre- serving the public peace, f^^ 'p6 'ch^ung. Pdu chdng. Conservatory, having the quality of preserving from loss, decay or injury, ^ ^ ^^ .ts'lln mat, tik,. Ts'un wuh tih, # ^ P|E .ts'iin ^^ M\ i^ ^ ^ 'p6 jts'iiu tik,. Pdu ts'un tih; green-house for exotics, ^ ^ 'niin kok,. Nwdn koh, ^ ^ ^ 'ydung ^fd kok,. Yang hwa koh. Conserve, to preserve from decay, j|^ |^ ,shau jts'ong. Shau tsdng, ^ ,ts'iin. Ts'un, ^ ^ 'p6 jts'iin. Pdu ts'un; ditto from injury, •^ ^ 'p6 u'. Pdu hu, -flj^ ^ 'p6 tsz'. Pdu tsz, ^ ^ ^ts'iin 'shau. Ts'un shau ; to conserve in sugar, ^ "^ ts'ong ^ii jt'ong. Tsdng yii t'dng; ditto in vj s brandy, '^ ^ ^ tsam' ^ii 'tsau. Tsin yu tsiii. Conserve, a sweet-meat made of fresh fruits, and beat into a unifoi*m mass with fine sugar, and without boiling, |^ |§ * 'kwo jt'ong. Ko t'dng ; * The term J^, which h;is been used by various writers to con- vey the English word conserve, is very objectionable on account of every composition included in that category, consisting either of flour or being prepared by the medium of heat. We have used the term y^ T^ instead of Us ^^, the latter be- ing chiefly applied to a Chinese articles of commerce and always called sweetmeats. CON (476) CON conserve of roses, f^5||f^ jinui kwai' jt'ong. Mei kwei t'dng ; conserve of almonds, i^ ^ |Jlj hang^ jyan jt'ong. Hang jin tYing. Conserved, preserved in a safe and sound state, i{^ I^A^ ,8hau jts'ong kwo'. Shau tsdng kwo, i\^ ^' j^ ^Rhan jts'xin kwo'. Shau ts'un kwo ; guarded, i^lsTjpjIj^ 'p6 'shau kwo'. Pau shau kwo, f^fc^j^ 'p6 u^ kwo'. Pdu hii kwo ; prepared with sugar, 1^ t^, ^ K% 'pi jt'ong jts'ong ke' ; conserved in brandy, j^ }^ ypj tsam' ,u 'tsau. Tsiii yu tsid; well consei'vcd, ^ -f^ jj^- jts'iin tak, 'li6. Ts'un teh hdu; conserved in «alt, ^^ jts'ong ^im. Tsilng yen. Conserving, keeping in safety, ij^ ^ ,shau jts'ong. Shau tsdng, \^ ^ 'p6 jts'iin. Pau ts'un, f^ ^ 'p6 ti*. PAu hii ; consenting in sugar, ^ ^ l^j jts'ong ,u jt'ong. Tsdng yu fang ; ditto in bran- dy, i^ ;^ vi3 team' ^il 'tsau. Tsin yvi tsiu, ^ ^ gg jts'ong ^u ts'b'. Tsdng yu ts'u. Consider, to fix the mind on, with a view to a care- ful examination, ,gl, ^ ,sz 'sdung. Sz siang, ^g, ,sz lu^ Sz lii, Jg, jg; ,sz nim\ Sz nien, ijf| ,g. tsing^ ^sz. Tsing sz, ^ ^tsz. Tsz, ,@, .SS5. Sz, W ,8z jWai. Sz wei, '|^ 'ts'iin. Ts'un, f^j^, 'ts'iin ,sz. Ts'un sz, ,g,Tjc .sz jl6ung. Sz lidng, ^^ jWdi .nim^ Ilwdi nien, "j^ ,@, jWdi .sz, i}-^ jlun. Lun, f^ jan. Yin, '[§ j^ai. Wei, :^ 'kw'ai. Kw'ei, .IS. It csz yik,. Sz yih, Itfg^ ,cham ch^uk,. Chin cholv ; to consider carefully, Jjijl] ,g, sai' .sz. Si sz, ■f- ^ilil -S. _ 'tsz sai' .sz jl6ung, Tsz si sz lidng ; to consider important, f^/^ .tun hau^ Tun hau, t^£ .tun chung^. Tun chung; to ponder, ^^ makj 's6ung. Meh sidng, ^ /gl tsing^ 'sdung. Tsing sidng, tS;^ fig ,@, ^ .sam '11 .sz 'seung. Sin li sz sidng ; to revolve in one's mind, [ej ]^, jiii 's^ung. Hwui sidng, [e] fg; jlii yik,. llwui yih, M.S» ,chui .sz. Chui sz; to consider [attend to] the poor, j^ ^ tsai' jP'an. Tsl p'in, ^^ ^ .chau p'an. Chau p'in ; to consider or respect, ^ ^ king' ehung^. King chung, ;i^ p^ .tsiin king'. Tsun king ; I consider your brother, ^ ^ V^ i^i^ )t ^ ^"S^ .tsiin king' *ni .hing 'ehdung. Wo tsun king ni hiung chdng; [ shall consider your services, ^^J^'X^-g^i/P^^ 'ngo pit, pat, jUiong; *ni k6' .kung ; it is a thing to be considered of, V}^i^W-U ^O M PT " liok^ k6' jj-an, ^^ 'M^ shik, tak, 'p'o .to. Shih teh p'o to; we had considei-able diflicully, ^^ pjjij -g %\ ^ |^. ^go ti* ii* 'p'o .to ndn^ ; considerable quantity, 0^1^ 'p'o .to ^^(i ; made considerable profit, ^ ^ ^ ^.|j clidn' 'p'o .to li^ Chdn p'o to li, U\^^ ^ 'p'o V" f^t, jts'oi. Fo yu fdh ts'di \ consi- dcrable ability, ^g^ 'p'o jUang. P'o nang, jfj!j^ 'shdu jUang. Shdu nang. Considerableness f^ 'p'o 'ch6. P'o ch(5, fj^ ;^ 'shdu 'chd. Shdu che. Considerably ^ 'p'o. P'o, -fj^ 'shdu. Shdu, ^^jg .cluing tak, Hin. Tsang teh yuen, -^^^ .chdng 'h6 .to. Tsang hdu to ; it is considerably larger, |!KM VOjCh'dung. P'och'dng, ;^P§/J^ jch'6ung jm 'siu, ^i^^ jCh'eung tak, .to. Ch'dngtehto, -^ '^ t'di' .chdng, X 'p'o tdi'. P'o td ; consi- deitibly smaller, or less, |^^ /\\ 'p'o 'siii. P'o sidu, yj> ^1*^ 'Sid tak, .to. Sidu teh to. Considerate, given to consideration, or to sober re- flection, ^;|H ,@. sai' .sz. Si sz, »^ ,@, shan' .sz. Shin sz, ^ $|j 111' t5'. Lu tdu, ^ .g. shin' .sz. Shen sz, -f ^;Il|,»|j, 'tsz sai' .sz. Tsz si ^i,^^% P^ 'h5 'td siin* ke; circumspect, /^l^ 'siu .sam. i sai' .sam. Si siu ; to act consi- derately, /\\ J\^^ ^ ^ 'sill .sam jhang jWai. Sidu sin hang wei, ^ ff shau' .hang. Shin hang, |?| 1^ iftj ^ kan shan' jl ts6'. Kin shin rh tso, jg iE S ^ 's^'nng kwo' ehi' ts5'. Considerateness, prudence, /]■» ;^^ 'siii .sam. Sidu sin; calm deliberation, ^ lii'. Lii. Consideration, the net of considering, ^@, ^ ^ .sz lii' 'ch6. Sz lii che, % .g. mak^ jSZ. :Meh sz ; to to tjike a thing into consideration, S;•■lBfO''Mft^^ .cham ch(5uk, .ni kin' sz'. Chin choh ni kien sz, 1^ ^ lit -^ .Rh(:>ung 'i ts'z sz'. Shdng 1 ts'z sz ; the alfair is under considi'rafion, j/jj 5^' |^ jj ji .kd .sheung jlt^ung, '4c Pl^ ^ Svl M *hd .charn chduk,; a man of consideration, ^ ^ [& i^ A *yau 't'ni min' k6' jyan, >^ PII iP"!^ A V^^ niin' 'tsz ke' jyan; a thing of no consideration, /\\ ^ 'sid sz'. Sidu sz, p^-^:g;|.>J^f}^^ ^ 'shai kwA' CON (477) CON ko' kin^ sz\ V^pm s«i '«l»ai 'kong, mmRM ^m6 jjung chl' H.. Wu yung clii I ; a matter of some consideration, 0, ^ ^^^^ 'p'o 'kan iu' k6" szS ^ ^ 1^^ s?} 'p'o clmng^ tik,. Sz p'o cliung tih ; taking into consideration his former conduct, ff -fg (4: B "PJE nM ^^^' ^^'^ Vong yat^ k6' jbang ^wai, g-f-it^fj kai' ^k'i sik, hang-. Ki k'i sill liing ; to make one a consideration, B§ '^ jP'ui jCh'6ung. P'ei ch'ang ; mature thought, ^fc ,lg, shuk, ^sz. Shuh sz, i^ ,g, t'au' ^sz. T'au sz. Considered, thought of with care, ^.jlj ^g, j^ sai ^sz kwo'. Si sz kwo ; pondered, ]^ )^ lii^ kwo'. Ltl kwo, ^ ,g, j^ mak, ^sz kwo'. Meli sz kwo ; exa- mined, ^ \^ 'hau kwo'. K'dix kwo ; deliberated on, ^^i^ ^cham cheuk^ kwo'. Chin choh kwo. Considering, meditating on, ^ lii^ Lii, ^Ig, ^ ^sz lu^ Sz lii ; pondering, ^^ ^g, mak, ^sz. Meh sz ; viewing with care and attention, ^g] J^^ sai' ^sz. Si sz, '1^. ,g, shan^ ^sz. Shin sz ; it is not possible for us to act otherwise, considering the weakness of our nature, ff- ^5: '{J^ Z^m^nZ^mmn kai' 'pun sing' ^chi 'iin yeuk,, 'ngo pat, j^ang pit^ jhang. Ki pun sing chi yuen job, wo pub nang pieh hang ; considering me, fm 7^ ^^ ^^"^^^ k'ap^ ^go. Lun kih wo ; considering that, ^ siin'. Swan, g-}- kai', Ki. Consign, to give, send or send over, ^ j^( ^kau fu^ Kiaufu, :^|^ ^kauk'ap,. Kiaukih, -j^;)^ ^cli'iin 8hau^ Ch'iien shau, ffj j^ p6' Ji. Pu yu; to con- sign, as a charge or trust, ^ TJf^ ^kdu t'ok,. Kiau fob, 3-g t'ok,. T'oh, ^ ft ki' t'ok,. Ki fob. -f^ fE i^' t'ok,. Fii t'oh, ^It Vai t'ok,. Wei t'oh; j to consign a ship to a person, 4E''Ift>5^^ \i^^ t'ok, ^shiin ii 'raau ^yan pan' "li. T'oh ch'uen yii mau jin pan li ; to consign to writing, ^ luk^. ' Luh, |£ ^ 'ki luk^. Ki luh, :^ .j^ 'se lok^. Si6 ! lob, ^ ~J\ ^shll "ha. Shii hia ; to consign one to | corpdral punishment, ^ ftii |^ !^ ^kau "ii ^pin j t'dt,. Kidu yu pien t'ah ; to consign to one's management, ;ft A^^li t'ok, ^an lid' 'li. T'oh jin liiiu li, ^ A '0 M t'ok, jan pdn' 'li. T'oh jin pan li ; to consign to one's care, ^^ ft ^ A. pdi' t'ok, ,u jan. P'iii t'oh yii jin, ^ fg M A Vai t'ok, 'ii J'<^t^- Wei t'oh yu jin; to consign to the grave, X ^ y^P^ ™^'- Ji^ ^^^» ^M ^ i, ^ //^ jf [£ .kau .li 'yan ch'ii'. Kiau yd yin ch'd. Consignature, joint signing or stamping, |^ ^ jt'ung ,ts'im. T'ung ts'ien, ^ij^; ^ ^bam .ts'im. Hiem ts'ien, ^ ^|1 .ts'im dp,. Tsien ydb. Consigned ^ '3^ .kdu kwo'. Kiau kwo, f£jiM t'ok, kwo, "f^'^ fd' kwo'. Fd kwo ; committed for ma- nagement, Itl!^- t'ok> pan\ T'oh pdn ; committed for keeping, gt*!^^ t'ok, ,shau ^mai. T'oh shau mdi ; deposited in trust, ^fC^ '^^^^ t'ok, kwo'. AVei t'oh kwo. Consignee ^^t^' shau' t'ok, 'ch(5. Shau t'oh ch.6; the consignee of goods or merchandise, ^ '^ |j$ ^ shau* fo' pdn* 'ch6. Shau bo pdn ch6, ^ ^ it ^ s^^ing *'oK fo' 'ch6. Cbing t'oh ho ch^. Consigner, the person who consigns, ^ §t ^ ^^^ t'ok, 'ch<5. Kidu t'oh ch^, ;f:E ^- t'ok, 'ch6. T'oh ch6, :^ ff %. ykw fd* 'ch6. Kiau fu'cb6, ^^ ft % fd* t'ok, 'ch6. Pd t'oh ch6, %\^^ jCTi'lin shau* 'ch6. Ch'uen shau ch6; a consigner of goods ^ W fe^ ^ t'o^ fo' P^n' 'ch4. T'oh ho pdn ch6. Consigning ^ ^"t c^^" t'ok,, Kiau fob, ^ g^ '"'^i t'ok,. Wei fob, fg ^ t'ok, pdn*. T'oh pan, frf :f:£ fd* t'ok,. Pd fob, :f:£ A Wt t'ok, jan pdn*. T'oh jin pdn. Consignment, the act of consigning, ^ ^ ^ ,kdu t'ok, 'ch6. Kidu fob che, ^^^^ fd* fok, 'ch<^, Pd fob cM, f$ ^ pdi' 'che, Pdi cb6 ; the thing consigned, ^if 4t ^ i^ 'sbo fok, .chi mat^. So fob chi wuh, H]^Z\'\ 'slio fok, .chi fo', l^^ P^ ^ .kdu fok, k6' 'y«^ ; the writing by which an}i;hing- is consigned, g^ \^ |}^ fok, fo' 'chi. T'oh ho chi. Consists, to stand together, joj^ jt'ung tsoi*. T'ung tsdi, j{^ ^ piiig' tsoi*. Ping tsdi ; to be, ^ tsoi*. Tsdi, :^, ^ tsoi* jd. Tsdi wd ; to consist of, ^j^ p^ tsoi* noi*. Tsdi nui, :^ fg tsoi* 'lu. Tsdi li, :^ :^ ff tsoi* .k'i .chimg. Tsdi k'i chung, ^ ^ .pdu\dt,. Pdu kwob, i^p ff. tsik, hai*. Tsib hi; it consists of three ingi'edients, "^ ~^}^ ,pdu .sdm mi*. Pdu sdn wi, r^ B^ -flr |% .sdm mi* tsoi* noi*. Sdn wi tsdi nui ; it consists of wood, 'j^ 7}^ P|t hai* muk^ k6' ; consists of flowers, '^^ ^ ^ .fit ts5* tik,. Hwa tso tih ; to consist in, :i^ tsoi*. Tsdi ; the path of superior learning consists in illustrating brilliant vii*tue, in renovating the people, A $• Z'M'-^m m fB. ^fM^ tdi* hok^ .chi t6* tsoi* jming .ming tak,, tsoi* .san ^man. Td hiob chi tdu tsdi ming ming teh, tsdi sin min ; repentance consists in hating and renouncing sin, '1^ H ^-^'1% iTn Ift # 'fh f>ii' tsdi* 'ch6 tsoi* han* tsdi* ok,. Hwui tsdi ch6 tsdi ban rh li tsdi ngob ; does not consist in this, Jf^ :^ Sp. [jj^ pat, 'ts'z. Pub tsdi hd ts'z ; to consist with, h6p, .u. Hob yd; health consists with temperance alone, ^ ;^ ^ "^ -^ M ffj -^Ij .shan .chi .on jUing h5p. 'u tsit, chai'. Shin chi ngdn ning hob yd tsieb chi; consistent with one's duty, '^ ^^ TJS ^ liopj .u 'pdn fan*. Hoh yd pun fan ; to consist together, jsj {^ jfungtsoi*. T'ung tsdi, ifc :^ kung* tsoi*. Kung tsdi.. Consistence, ") a being fixed in union, as the parts tsoi' jU J, I fi Consistency, / of a body, ^ §| bbp^ 'f ai. Hoh f i ; a firm consistence, ^ ^ .kin shatj. Kien shih ; a soft consistence, ^ ^ .yau 'un, Jau yuen, ^ ^ 'iin y^uk,. Yuen joh ; consistency of con- duct, ^'^ZffM ^lop, ji ,chi jhang ^wai, Hoh i chi bang wei, ■^'^Z'd ^^Pj ^^^^ S^^^^ hang*. Hoh shih chi hing ; imiformity, -^ ^ ^ .ku bbp^ sbik,. Kii hoh shih ; it is of the consistency of syrup, i^Mi^^'i^ ^^i' i^'^ng 'shui kbm' kit,. Hi f dug shwui kdn kieh. COK (478) CON Consistent, firm, not fluid, ^ j^ ^ying kit,. Ying kieh, ^ U ,kin shat^. Kien shih ; consistent with good conduct, ^ $f ^ :J^ li^P^ 'hb jliang jWai. Jlob hdu hang wei, ^ ^ fy ^ ^'^Pj ^^'^^^^ iiang jWai. Hoh shen hang wei ; consistent with one's calling, ^>{^7Ji^ hbp^ ,ii 'piin IW. Hoh *kAi. K'iuen kidi, "^ ^ /un wai*. Kwdn wei. Consoled v{f ^t j^ ,on wai' kwo'. NgAn wei kwo, M M "M 'ill' wai* kwo\ Fu wei kwo. Consoler ^^/^ .on wai' *ch6. Ngdn wei ch6, i^ |.t ^ 'IVi'wai' 'ch6. Fd wei ch^, K /(j) ^ «ai' ,8am 'ch6. "VVei sin ch6. yd pun fan, ^Ij^Mi'^ h6p^ ,u chik, fan^ Hoh Consolida -^^^ H6 ^ts'eng /d. Ldu ta'ing hwd. yu chih fan ; consistent with reason, ^ ^ "^ Consolidant ^ ^ Q Ij^ ,i ,mki 'hau y^uk^. I mAi h6pj jii Hi. Hoh yu If ; to make consistent with, ^ ^ 'clung hbp^. Clung hoh ; uniform, ^ ^ .kii h6p^. Kii hoh, ^^^ .kii h6p^ shik,. Kii hoh shih. Consistently, in a consistent manner, ^ hbp^. Hoh; to act consistently, ^ :^ -^ 3^1 j'lang ^wai hbp^ Ui. Hang wei hoh li, (5?itt^^ 'P^'^ ^'^"o^ '^^Pj jl. Pin hing hoh i. Consistorial, pertaining or relating to a consistory, ^ 4^ 0r6 ^ |&\J * jlfwan rauk^ ,sz ui^ tik,. Kiun muh sz hwui tih ; pertaining to an ecclesiastical court in the English Church, ■:k.'^ M-W-Wi i^ II Tili Ying ^wong ,kd kdu' 'kun hat^. Td Ying hwdng kid kidu kwdn hidh. Consistory, a council-house, i^ )5/^ di^ *sho. Hwui so; in the English Church, a place of justice in the spiritual court, A^M^^^^ '^^^ ^^^^ .wonjj ,kd kdu' ,kung kuk,. Td Ying hwdng kid k'au yoh. Consolidate, to make solid, J^ ^ kit, shat^. Kieh shih, ^llf 'chingshat^. Chingshih, ^H ch'uk, shat^. Shuh shih ; to harden, or make dense and iirm, ^ || kit, shat^. Kieh shih, % ff tsik, shat^. Tsih shih ; to consolidate a fracture, i^B|f •^ tsuk^ tun' kwat,. Suh twdn kuh, t^m^ pok, ^'iin kwat,. Poh twdn kuh ; to consolidate the lips of a wound, ^ P ^radi Tiau. Mdi k'au ; to consolidate the forces of an army, ^ ^ h6pj j)ing. Hoh ping, ^ ^ tsii' j)ing. Tsu ping ; to consolidate various funds, ^ j^ h6p^ 'pdn. Hoh pun, V^ 2|J ^mdi 'pun. Mdi pun ; to consolidate, as bills, ^^ — h6p^ ^wai yat,. Hoh wei yih ; to consolidate two bills, '^ H |3 ^ — h6pj i' ,tdn jWai yat,. Hoh rh tdn wei yih ; to consolidate, as benefices, ^ Zl ^ — hbp^ i' ^wai yat,. Hoh rh wei yih. kidu kung kiuh ; the college of cardinals at Consolidate, to grow firni and hard, ^ |f jShing Home, ^ i^0j]j^ ,kwan muk^ ,sz di^ Kiun muh^ sbat . Ching shih, ^ ^ jing shat^. Ying shili, " A± 'fS «p ■.TiT^r, Kf ii-o; eiiof Yinij kieh wei sz hwui ; in several Protestant Churches, the highest ecclesiastical authority, IF.^^H ching' kdu' 'kdn hat^. Ching kidu kwdn hidh ; the pres- bytery, -^ ^ di^ 'ch^ung. Hwui chdng. Consociation, fellowship, ^ jg^ ^kdu ,t'ung. Kidu t'ung. Consolable, that admits comfort, Pf ^ M '^° c"'^ wai'. K'o ngdn wei, 4^^f% ^on wai' tak,. Ngdn wei teh. Consolation, comfort, ^ ^ on lok^. Ngan loh, jgiJ 'fd wai'. Fd wei. jing shat^. anff kit, j-Nvai shat^. .^. Kieh shih. ^ IS ^ w sy^-o shih, I* ^ kit, shat^, Consolidated, made solid, J^ ^ ji^ kit, shat^ kwo'. Kieh shih kwo ; made compact, ^ jl^ ]|f ch'uk, kwo' shatj. Shuh kwo shih ; consolidated funds, ^ TJJ hbpj 'pdn. Hoh pun ; consolidated stocks, % 2^ *pb 'pdn, Pdu pun ; united, ^ jig hbp^ kwo'. Hoh kwo, >^ ;i| ^ hbp^ ^nidi kwo'. Hoh mdi kwo. Ngdn wei, ^ \ Consolidating, making solid, j^ ^ kit, shat^. Kieh on war ^ wai' hi'. Wei k'i, ^ 'fd tsz^ Fd tsz, % shih, j^ Hf ch'uk, shat^. Shuh shih ; uniting, ^ t4 'fd 'im ; words of consolation, ^^"^g^ .on I wai' k6' wdS S^f M^fJ^ c^^ ^^^i' M jts'z, ^^ hun' wai' chi is'z. K'iuen wei chi ts'z ; to hbp^. Hob, ^H j^ — • hopj i' ^wai yat,. Hob rli wei yih ; ditto as broken bones, j|(| tsuk^. Suh, 1^ pok,. Poh ; consolidating, as an army, -^ ^ _ h^Pi tP'^D- ^^'^ P'"o- receive consolation, ^ ^ shau* wai'. Shau wei, I Consolidation, the act of making solid, j^|f ^ kit, sbat/cht Vi^ "l^ ^ 5(«0 ^ pb' ,t'eng k6'; in Hongkong, constabulary duties, ^^P^ 4: ^ luk^ .i k6' 'pun fan^ Constancy, immutaliility, ^ <^ :^ pat, yik^ *ch6, Pull yih ch6, V^^ ^m pin'; constancy of mind, tSvCi) jhang 'sam. Hang sin, '^i^ ^shdung ,sam. Chdng sin; steadfastness, ^ t^ ^kin ^sam. Kien sin; resolution, jt^^ lap^ i'. Lib i, ^^ ,kin f. Kicnl. Constant *^ ^sh^ung. Chdng, "jg jhang. Hang, }^ jung. Yung, ^^ % ^sh^ung 'kau, f|| ^ ^hang 'kau. Hang kiii, ^ ^ pat, yik^. Pub yih, ;^ ^ pat, pin'. Pub pien, j^ ^ mut^ yik^. Mub yih, fiH, 15'^ jm6 ,kang 'koi. Wu kang kdi, fctg^j^ ^h ,kang ji. Wd kang i, '^/ j^ jSli(5ung ^iin. Chdng yucn. ^ '^ ,king ^shdung. King chdng, ^ ^i. I, -^ jCh'6ung. Ch'ang, JE ching'. Ching, % jlun. Lun ; the constant law of heaven, ^ ji. t i^ ;^ IJV S ct'in ^chi jsb6ung ih\ T'ien chi chdng tdu ; a constant mind, 'jg ^^ jhang ^sam. Hang sin, '^i^ ^shdung ^sam. Chdng sin, '|fl ^ Z. >Cj> s'^J*"? '^•'^^1 <^''i c^am. Hang kiu chi sin; the five constant virtues, 3l'^ ^i>g ^sbdung. Wu chdng ; constant changes, ^ ^ ^shdung pin'. Chdng picn, '^ |^ ^sh^ung tsdiir. Chdng tsdn; constjint employment, ^ X jCb'dung ,kung. Chdng kung, '^X jSh^ung ,kung. Chdng kung; a constant lover, tj^ '^? :^ jhang oi' 'ch6. Hang ngdi ch6, ^ '^ }^ jShc'ung oi' 'ch6. Chdng ngdi ch6 ; constant intercourse, ^^ |^- !^ -^ lok, yik^ pat, tsiitj. Loh yih puh tsiuch, ti^^j^i^ Svong * In a depaxtment ihis officer is a kind of Superintendent of Police ; but his duties corrcBpond in most instances with those of the constables of England. The ^1^ 1>^ arc frequently in- cluded ill the term gentry, though t^ jV is the appropriat*; designation. Both the i^ '^ and the i^ |«* are the re- H(>on8ible municii>al p,uthorities. f-- jloi pat, tsiit^. Wdng Idi puh tsiueh, ^ ^ f i :JJ5 pat, teng* Vong ^loi. Puh ting wdng Idi ; cons- tant changes, as in politics, '^ ^ ^ ^h6ung pin' tung'. Chdng pien tung, ^ B^ ^ ||^ pat, jShi p'in' tung*. Puh shi pien tung; constant fluctuation, '^ ^,^ ^shdung Vong ^loi. Chdng wdng Idi ; determinwl, jt ,^ fK/ ^l\ ^* tik,. Lih i tih, ^ ^^ Pgje t6ng* 1' k'd'. ^' iO teng» .sam. Ting sin. Constantly, incessantly, "^ "p^ ^sh^'ung jshdung. Chdng chdng, B,^- n!f ,shl ^shl. Shi shi, ^. # Vong Vong. Wdng wdng, ^ H$ pat, ^shl. Puli shi, ^H$ jSh^ung ^shl. Chdng shi, fcflt'f? jni6 jShl jt'ing. Wu shi t'ing, ^ |gS nu'^lii. La lu, 1$ ^ ^miii ^mui. Mei mei, ^ g pat, 4. Puh 1, M sy^"S- Yung ; constantly is so, # f^t ^ |H^ Svong Vong jii *ts'z. Wdng wdng jii ts'z, :f j: f^ -j^j [^ Svong Svong bai' 'k5m, B$ H^ 1^ l||i[ jShi jshi bai' *k6m, ^f^i^,^ 'lii nii hai' 'khm. La lu hi kdn; he constantly comes, "fBr?* H.V ?|5 ^^'^ jSh^ung jShi Joi. K'u chdng shi Idi; it constantly revolves, f^ i|r^ ^^ j^* jlun 'chun pat, bit,. Lun cbuen puh liieh, yf» 'j^ 1^ pat, jt'ing 'cbiin. Puh t'ing chuen ; the gate is constantly shut, P*^ '^ ^ ^mun jSh(!^ung ^kwdn. Mun chdng kwdn; they are constantly fighting, H^ B$ ^ tf jShi ^sbi 'au *td. Shi shi ngau ta, ; constantly quaiTcling, H^ H^ Rm ^ s^^ii jS''i ^i' c'^^^ ' t'ley are constantly in difficulties, or have some causes of quarrel, '^'^ B$ ^ ^ ,t'd jSh^ung ^shi Vau s/.\ T'd chdng shi yu sz ; they are constantly changing, >f^Bj^|^ pat, jShi ^shang pin'. Puh shi sang picn. Constellate, to join lustre, ^^t ^'^^ ,kwong. Hwui kwdng, -^ ^ hbp^ ^kwong. Hob kwdng. Constellated, stan-y, /^"(^t .sing k<5' ; set or adorned with stars or constellations, ^^l"^ ,s«5ung ,sing k6', )^H{j[»J ,chong ,sing tik,. Chwdng sing tih ; united in one splendor, ^ ^fe ^'^ ,kwong. Hwui kwdng. Constellation ^ suk,. Sub, ^ ^ ,sing suk,. Sing sub, ^ sb6'. Shi(S, 0^ ts'z'' Ts'z ; the 28 ctm- stellations or mansions, Zl -H /\ ^ i' sliapj pdt, suk,. Uh sbih pdb sub, H -|- /\ ^ 1* shap^ i)At, ts'z'. lib sbih pdb t«'z ; sea of constellation, Tsingbdi, ^ ^ y'^ ^sing suk, 'hoi. Sing suli hdi. Consternation, a state of terror that confounds the faculties, ^I^H ^ .^'"g hdk, 'che. Kinj; bib cbt^ ; to be in great consternation, # fl} ^^ ^ ft +t hdk, tak, /ong ,fong jmong jUiong. liih teli hwdng bwdng nidng mdng, # # jCi> H fi j| hdk, tak, ,sam ,kong *tdm chan'. Hih teh sin king tdn chin, b|| f>j zjfe 7t^ ^ !& hdk, tak, wan /i pak, sdn'. Uili tob Invan li peh sdn, ^ ^^ ft ."S HL ^^^K tak, ,s{im .niong i' Uin\ Hill teh sin mdng 1 Iwdn, l^flf HjUji^T hdk, tak, 'sliau jt'au kouk, chan'; astonishment, ^S^ ,!*•»■? i'*o*- King hidi, \^/2< ,kcng 'hung. King k'ung; won- der, 1|^ ^ ,keng 1* 'chcV King i ch(i Constipate, {he stop, by filling fi passage, and pre. CON (481) CON venting motion, ^^ kit^ chai". Kieh clii, ^y^ ^ying chai'. Ying chi; to fill the intestinal canal, and make costive, |* ^ ^t kit^ sak, 't'o. Kieh seh t'u. Constipated, made costive, |^ ^ pai' kit^. Pi kieh, ^ j^- kit, chai\ Kieh chi. Constipation, costiveness, ^ ^ ai' chai". T chi, ^ ^ ^ P^i' kit, 'che. Pi kieh che, ^ ^ ^ching kit,. Ching kieh, ^ fai'. Fi, ^ jau. Hiu, ^, pf . Pi, Ui IS g ^ 't'6 kit, sak, 'ch^. T'u kieh sell che; to sutler from constipation, ;:^fl|i^i^ tai^ pin' pat, ,t'ung. Ta pien puh t'ving, -^ fijH ^ ^ tai- pin- pai' kit,. Ta pien pi kieh, :Miil^''^ tai' pin' mat, sak,. Ta pien mih seh. Constituency, the body of constituents, iH^^^ ^ 'siin jUian 'wai ^iin 'che. Swan min wei yuen c'^^5 ^^^ M ^ ^'^^o i"^^^ '""^i <^n 'che. Ting min wei yuen che ; the act of constituting, f^'il ^ ch'it, lap, -ch6. Shell lih che. Constituent, constituting, ^ ^shing. Ching, :^ tsoi\ Tsdi ; composing or making as an essential part, ^^ TJJ <; — • mat, 'pun ^chi yat,. Wuh pun chi yih ; having the power of appointing, ^ >H <^ W^ ^' T^^ 'siin ^chi jk'iin 'che. Yii swdn chi k'iuen che ; constituent, i||^ p Pljf 'siin 'wai iin ke', jII ^ 'siin Svai ^iin 'ch6. Swan wei yuen che, ^^ ^ ^ teng' wai ^iin 'che. Ting wei yuen che, ^ ^ ^ Vai ^k'un 'che. Wei k'iuen che. Constitute, to establish, ^uf. lap,. Lih, |^ ch'it,. Sheh, 1^^ ch'it, lap,. S'heh lib, 5g :^ kin' lap'. Kien Jib, jj^ ^ lap, cheuk,. Lih choh ; food and raiment constitute the essential supports of the people, ^^:t^V^^'^ 'yeung ^man ,chi 'pun tsoi' ^ii ^i shik^. Ydng min chi pun tsai yii i shih ; the three combined constitute the whole body of the globe, H ^ S5c — it!i S^ ,^^^ *che jShing yat, ti^ ^k'au. Sdn che ching yih ti k'iu ; to constitute a government, |^ ^ |§ ch'it, 'kiin hat^. Sheh kwan hiah ; law and order constitute the essence of society, ^ vg ^ ]^ ,if| ^ ^ i ^kau jau 'che ^i 'lai fat, ,wai kwai'. Kiau yu che i li fall wei kw^ei. Constituted, fixed, ^^ teng^ kwo'. Ting kwo ; es- tabUshed, j^ jj^ lap, kwo'. Lih kwo, Ig* jt j|^ ch'it, lap, kwo'. Sheh lih kwo ; made, ^ ^ ^t ving kwo'. Ching kwo; elected, jg j^^ 'sun kwo'. Sw4n kwo. Constituted, authorities, ^ 'g^ jnan ^kiin. Wan kwdn. Constituting, establishing, |^ j^ cli'it, lap,. Sheh tih; composing, ,^ ^shing. Ching, :^ tsoi\ Tsdi, ^#1^^ s^ai Hiat, ^chi yat,. Wei wuh chi yih; electing, 5^^ 'siin. Swan ; appointing, ^ teng^. Tine 'wai. Wei. Constitution, of the body, j^ ^ jiin hi'. Yuen k'i, ^^ ciiat, ti'. Chih ti, ^^ hi' chat,. K'i chih, I ^ ^ 'pan chat,. Pin chili, >\± ^ sing' chat,. Sin chih, ^ ^ ^tsz chat^. Tsz chih, ^ ^ ^tsz 'pan. Tsz pin, 'j^ f| sing' 't'ai. Sing t'i, ^ ^ ^t'in ^tsz. T'ien tsz, '(^ ^ sing' ^tsz. Sing tsz ; a deranged constitution, |% ^ Sji ^ ^ /£ J^^^ ^yeung tsong' hi' pat, teng^ Yin ydng tsang k'i puh ting ; a bad constitution, ^ ^ ^ /^ hi' chat, pat, tsuk,. K'i chih puh tsuh, jcMt^ ^ i jiin hi' ^m tsuk,; a strong constitution, tjq ^ i ^ ,iin hi' tsuk,. Yuen k'i tsnh, ^g ^i ^k'^ung chong'. K'idng chwdng, J}± ^ chong' kin^ Chwang kien ; a feeble constitution, J^^ yeuk chat,. Job chih, ^ ^ 'iin y^uk^. Yuen job ; the frame or teinper of mind, affections, or passions, •^ 'Ira si^S' jts'ing. Sing ts'ing ; the establish- ed form of government in a state, ^ j^ kwok, ching'. Kwoh ching, jg ^ kwok, fat, ; the con- stitution of the Taits'ing Dynasty, ^ "^ "^ ^ Taits'ing lii' 'tin. Tdts'ing hwui tien ; the consti- tution of the Church, M^^M shing' ui^ lut^ lai^ Shing hwui Huh li ; the constitution of a society or company, ^ ^l ui' lai'. Hwui li. Constitutional, bred or inherent in the constitution, 7tm.^U cu^ hi' ke', ^ % ^^ hi' chat, tik,. K'i ; chih tih, ^fi ^^ hi' 't'ai tik,. K'i t'i tih, '[^^f ^^ sing' 't'ai tik,. Sing t'i tih ; authorized by the constitution of a government, -^ ^ hop^ fdt,. Hob fdh, -^ H ^ h5p, kwok, fdt,. Hob kwoh fdh, ^%^ h6p, lut^ fdt,. Hob liuh fdh. Constitutionalist, an adherent to the constitution of government, '^^j^^^^ ni^ ,u kwok, fdt, 'ch6. Ni yii kwoh fdh che, ^,{^»'@i^^ ,k'ii ^ii kwok, fdt, 'che. K'ii yu kwoh fdh che. Constitutionality, the state of being consistent with the constitution or form of government, -^^^ h5p^ fdt, 'ch4. Hob fdh cM. Constitutionally, in consistency with the constitu- , tion, -^ ^ ^ hop^ hf chat,. Hob k'i chih ; in consistency with the constitution of government, -n ffl ^ h5p, kwok, fdt,. Hob kwoh fdh. Constitutionist fj^'^^^ ni' ^ii fdt, 'che. Ni vu fdh ch6, I^W&^U ck'u ni^ fdt, k^'. Constitutive, that constitutes, forms, or composes, ^Jf^ 'sho jShing. So ching, :^ tsoi'. Tsdi, p)x^. 'sho lap,. So lih ; constitutive part, J^ ^ shuk^ mat^. Shuh wuh, ^ -f^ shuk, ^t'iu. Shuh t'idu ; constitutive parts, "jg" "If pdk, 't'ai. Peh t'i ; hav- ing power to enact, establish, or create, ^^jjl ^ W. 'yau ch'it, lap^ ,chi .k'iin. Yii sheh lih chi k'iuen. Constrain ff -(j£ * ^ts'ui ts'uk,. Ts'ui ts'uh, ^^* 'min 'k'eung. Mien k'idng, |^ ^kdm. Kien, f|^ ^[i ^ts'ui pik,. Ts'ui pih, jS ffi * pik, ts'uk,. Pih ts'uh, 5^ * ^yau. Yii, ^ 'k'eung. K'idng, >(g pik,. Pih, ^ pik,. Pih, ig pik,. Pih, ^ 5g "k'eung pik,. K'idng pih, ^ ^ lak^ pik,. Leh pih, ^ ^man. Wan. * These characters express the application of less force than com- pel and are, therefore, more appropriately used for to constrain, than the rest. "A person who is compelled has no choice what- ever left to him ; but when he is only cortgiraiued. he TOftT ftct or not at discretion," CON (482) CON Constrainable "pf -f^ -(£ *ho ^ts'xii ts'uk,. K'o ts'ui ts'uh, P]J^5M '^'o ^^^^ ^k'6ung. K'o mien k'idng, miM 'ho .ts'ui pik,. K'o ts'ui pih, -(^ ig ^f jts'ui pik, tak,. Ts'ui pih teli. Constrained, urged irresistibly, '{^iS:^^ c^s'ui ts'uk, kwo'. Ts'ui ts'uh kwo, ^ lyii'i )^ ^min V^ung kwo*. Mien k'idng kwo, jj^ '^ pik, kwo'. Pih kwo; constrained by love, '^fifj Ji^'iH;^ oi' jts'ing .ts'ui ts'uk, ^ngo. Ngdi ts'ing ts'ui ts'uh wo ; tlie love of Christ constrains us, ^^:t'^MiS:^ Kituk .chi oi' .ts'ui ts'uk, *ngo. Kituh chi ng4i ts'ui ts'uh wo; to constrain one's self, j^fEQ tL .ts'ui ts'uk, tsz' 'ki. Ts'ui ts'uh tsz kl, § -(Jg tsz' ts'uk,. Tsz ts'uh, ^^ tsz^ 'mln. Tsz mien; con- strained by circumstances, ij^^ji^jjl, jWai shai' *sho pik,. Wei shi so pih. Constrainedly, by constraint, j^ f ^ fE y^ng^ .ts'ui ts'uk,. Yung ts'ui ts'uh, )ixi^ij^''^ .ts'ui ts'uk,. I ts'ui ts'uh, -(JE ^ ts'uk, jin. Ts'uh jen. Constrainer -(^ -(£ :^ .ts'ui ts'uk, 'ch6. Ts'ui ts'uh ch^, -f^ jA ^ .ts'ui pik, 'ch<4. Ts'ui pih che. Constraining f^' fjg ^ts'ui ts'uk,. Ts'ui ts'uh, fg jfl .ts'ui pik,. Ts'ui pih, ^ jau. Yu. Constraint, urgency, -(^* ^ ^ ,ts'ui ts'uk, 'ch6. Ts'ui ts'uh chd, f^ j^ ;^ .ts'ui pik, 'chd. Ts'ui pih ch6 ; compulsion, |^ ^ ^in ^k'eung. Mien k'idng, g^, 3g Mf'dung pik,. K'idng pih, gg ^ 'k'^ung mt,. K'iangfah, /fg^ pik, fdt,. Pih fdh, |4 ^ ^kam fdt,. Kien fdh. Constrict, to draw together, |{§^ shuk, ^mdi. Shuh mdi, ^ Ijg .ch'au shuk,. Ch'au shuh, :f^ ^ .ch'au ^mai. Ch'au mdi ; to draw into a narrow compass, _^ J|g ch'uk, ^mdi. Shuh mdi, ^ ^ ch'uk, 'kan. Shuh kin, ^ ^ 'pong 'kan. Pdng kin, :fL^ chdt, *kan. Chdh Vin, J^g^ pik, 'kan. Pih kin, i^ ^ pik, ^mdi. Pih mdi, f) ^ lak^ *kan. Lch kin. Constricted '^ ilg ^^ shuk, ^mdi kwo'. Shuh mdi kwo, ^ JM aI^ ch'uk, ^mdi kwo'. Shuh mdi kwo, ! ^ ^ *M 'pong 'kan kwo'. Pdng kin kwo. Constricting, drawing together, ^g i|| shuk, ^mdi. Shuh mdi, :f||^ J^ .ch'au ^mdi. Ch'au mdi ; bind- ing. M. ^ ch'uk, ^mdi. Shuli mdi, |j? ^ 'po"g •kan. Pdng kin, ^ J^f pik, ^mdi. Pih mdi, ^^ ^ pik, 'kan. Pih kin. ' I Constriction, a drawing together by means of somej inherent power, ^^^jj^ shuk, ^mdi 'chiS. Shuh , mdi chd, :|]ff Ji ^ .ch'au ^mdi *ch6. Ch'au mdi ch6, i^^^- .liin ^mdi 'ch6. Constrictor, muscle, |^ J||l ^ shuk, ^mdi .ki. Shuh mdi kl, Ifa' I^J fl shuk, i)ai' .kl. Shuh pi kl. ' Constringe, to constrict, which see. i Construct, as a liousn, 5_j] kin'. Kien, j^ 'hi. K'l, ^ '^ '111 ts6^.. K'l tsdu, ii£ ;{5t ts(V ^shing. Tsdu . ching, \% tdp,. Tdh, \'^]i% tdp, jshing. Tdh ching, ! ^ chuk,. Chuh, ]^ ^ .king ^ying. King ying,, M /<£ k'oi' ^shing. K'di ching; to construct a house, jj^ |i\J ]^\ %i ^kdu uk,. K'l kion uh, ;|e 5^ Py M 'J»i tsb' ,kdn uk,. K'l tsdu kien uIj, i(^ ^ , ^ g tdp, jSlxing jlau uk,. Tdh ching lau uh ; to construct a bridge, i^ ^ tdp, jk'iu. Tdh k'idu, ^ ^ chuk, jk'iii. Chuh k'idu ; to construct a wall, ^ ^ chuk, jts'^ung. Chuh ts'idng, ^ tt .chung jts'dung. Chung ts'idng, ^ ^ lanr jts'^ung; to devise and construct, ^j^ chai' t86\ Chi tsdu, j||J i^- ch'ong' \&h\ Chw'dng tsdu ; to devise and compose, f^ tsok,. Tsoh, gg- jt ch'it, lap^. Sheh lib ; to construct a new system, gg; Yi ^^ ch'it, kp^ .san fdt,. Sheh Uh sin fdh, ^yj ^ ^ 's6ung ch'ut, .san fdt,. Sidng ch'uh sin fdli ; to construct an engine, ^ ;fc 1^ ^^^i' '^^ .kl. Chi ho ki ; to invent, ^\ j^ .san ts6\ Sin tsdu, ^ ^ .san chai'. Sin chi. Constructed, built, ^ j^ 'hi kwo'. K'i kwo, jj^ igj; '^ 'hi ts6' kwo'. K'i tsdu kwo, :^ j^ tdp, kwo'. Tdh kwo, :^ ^ j;^ tdp, ^shing kwo'. Tab ching kwo, ^ i^ chuk, kwo'. Chuh kwo, ^ jg kin' ' kwo'. Kien kwo, M J^ .^ chai' t86' kwo'. Chi tsdu kwo. Constnicter ^ }f^ ^^ tap, jShing 'chd. Tdh ching ch«S, ^^^ 'hi tsV 'che. K'i tsdu che, ^^^ kin' ts5^ 'ch(S. Kien tsdu ch6, M i^ :# chai' ts6' 'ch6. Chi tsdu ch6. Construction, the act of building, ^ j|^ ^ tdp, jShing 'ch6. Tdh ching ch6, 1^^^ 'hi tso' 'ch^! K'I tsdu cU, ^ $t ^ kin' tsb' 'che. Kien tsdu ch6 ; the form of building, ^ jit ^ '^ ^^^ tsb' .chi y6ung\ Kien tsdu chi ydng ; the construc- tion of a house, ^ M ^' '^^ ^> ^hc. K'I uh ch6 ; the construction of things, ^ j^ ^ ^ chai' ts6^ ^6 'ch6 ; theconstruction of a fort, ^ jk^ ^ chuk, p'du' jt'oi. Chuh p'du t'di; the construction of a sentence, )^ ^ ^ jShing kii' 'ch6. Ching kii ch6, ^^^7^ jSliing .chdung kii' 'ch6. Ching chdng kii ch6; syntax, J^^-feJ ^ jShing .ch^ung kii' fat,. Ching chdng kii fdh; to put a construction upon a sentence, f^ ^ ^ ^ 'kdi .chdung kii' 'ch^. Kidi chdng kii ch<^, ^ ^ ^ ^ shik, .ch6ung kii' 'ch^. Shih chdng ku ch6 ; to ])ut a charitable construction upon mat- tors, '^m /un 'kdi. Kwdn kidi, ^^M^ ]^ S^ ^shevmg cheuk,. Shdng choh, ^ g^ ^cham ch6uk,. Chin choh, ^ ^ tsii* ^mau. Tsii mau, g^ ^ ^cham ^. Chin i, 0. ^ ^ts'dm H. Ts'dn i, ^ ^ ^ts'dm ^ts'^ung. Ts'dn ts'idng, ^ ,tsz. Tsz, ^^H. sz*. I sz, ^ 1^ ^i lun*. 1 lun, :t8|^ ,8^ung ^sh6ung. Sidng shdng, -^"^ ^s^ung .k'ai. Sidng k'i, ^ p ,p'ing 'i. P'ing 1, f| p6\ Pu ; to seek the opinion or advice of another, 59 A M ^an' syan 1'. Wan jin i, M ^ ]^ g^ ^u ^t'd jSh^ung ch6uk^. Yd t'a shdng choh ; to con- sult with one's friends, ^ ^ ^^ ^^u. p'ang ^yau jSh^ung jl^ung. Yu p'ang yii shdng lidng ; to consult about the affairs of government, j^^ ;^ ^ ^shdung 'i tdi* sz*. Shdng 1 td sz, j^Hg ^ ^sh^ung H. kwok, sz*. Shdng i kwoh sz ; con- sult with us, ^ ^ 1^ g^ kung* -ngo ^charn ch^ukj. Kung wo chin choh; to consult with the neighborhood upon a matter, ^ :^ i|^ t'au jjan jlong. T'au pin Idng. Consult, to ask advice of, f^ man*. Wan ; to i seek for information, ^ *hdu. K'du, ^ ^ch'd. I Ch'd ; to sonsult a lawyer, f^ \\j^ §rij man* chong* I jSZ. Wan chwdng sz ; to consult a physician, f^ ^ ^ man* ^i ^shang. Wan i sang ; to consult a book, ^ @ Tidu ,shii. K'du shu, g § ^ch'a ^shii. Ch'd shu ; to consult one's own interest, g g| tsz* ku'. Tsz kii ; to consult one's own safety, g ^ tsz* 'po. Tsz pdu ; consult me, ^ ^ man* Tigo. Wan wo. Consultation, the act of consulting, ]^^^ ^sh^ung H. 'cU. Shdng i ch^, ]% g i ,sh6ung ^l^ung *ch6. Shdng lidng ch6 ; a meeting of persons, to consult together, ^^^ ui* ^i 'chd. Hwui i ch6; consultation of physicians, ^^'^^^ .1 ,shang j ui* H. 'ch^. I sang hwui i che ; writ of consulta- tion, |e| ^ ^ jUi on' p'iu'. Hwui ngdn p'iau. Consulted, asked, f^ ^ man* kwo'. Wan kwo, ^ ^ *hau kwo'. K'du kwo, ^ ^ ^ch'd kwo'. Ch'd kwo ; consulted him, f^ ji -fg man* kwo' "k'u. Wan kwo k'ii ; consulted a book, § jl^ ^ ch'd kwo' ^shii. Ch'd kwo shu; consulted together, i^^M \ ,sam yap^. San jih. Consummate, to finish by completing what was in- tended, )^ jshing. Ching, ^ ^ jshins: tsau\ Cbing tsiii, % ^iin. Yuen, ^ ^ Ching yuen ; to consummate a marriage, jShing /an. Ching hwan, ^ ^ ^iin /an. Yuen hwan, ^ ^ jlin ts'ii'. Yuen ts'ii. Consummate, complete, ^ ^shing. Ching, ^ -^ jiin jts'iln. Yuen ts'iuen ; a consummate scholar, j^sg f^ jShun jii. Shun jii ; consummate victory, M^ jyeng sdi', ^ ^ ^yeng fuk,. Ying t'uh, •^W s^s'^"^ shing'. Ts'iuen shing ; a consummate rascal, T| B "{^ M 'teng ok, k6' ts'dk^. Consummated ^j(;5;^ jShing kwo'. Ching kwo, ^}^ jiin kwo'. Yuen kwo, ^ f s^^^ ^^i"- Yuen lidu. Consummately -^ ^ /s'lin ^in. Ts'iuen jen. Consummating, completing, ^ ^shing. Ching, ^ jiin. Yuen. Consummation, completion, ^ ^chung. Chung, f^ ^ jShing 'ch6. Ching cM, ^ ^ ^ /in /s'iin *ch6. Yuen ts'iuen ch(S J^|(Jt:|i jShing tsau^ *che. Ching tsiu ch6, fj^ -^ ^ jShing /s'iin *ch<5. Ching ts'iuen ch6, ^^ /in /s'i'm. Yuen tsiuen ; at the consummation of all things, jti:;^^!^ shai' ,chf mAt^. Shi obi mob, ]it Z ^ «Jifti' A^ ,chung. Shi chi chung; the consummation of marriage, ^ i^f ^^ j^" .f»i^ 'ch6. Yuen hwan cb6; the consummation of bliss, ^^ tsun* fuk,. Tsin fuh, J^ iji^i 'miin fuk,. Mwdn fuh ; the con- summation of life, ^^ ^ ^ ^chimg /'in jnin. Chung t'ion nion, ||^ ^ shau' ,chung. Shau chvmg. Consumption, destruction by burning, ^ ^ ^shiii 'oh6. Shdu c\\6, ^ ^ /an 'ch6. Fan ch6 ; the daily consumption, H }\] vat^ yung'. Jih yung. B h yat^ fai'. J ill fi, ^^)]] fai' yung'. Fi yung. 'ffl^^ 'shai yung^ Shi yung, ^^ 'shai fai'. Shi I fl; the consumption of coal, Pjjj^^^ 'shoyung* j .chi fan'. So yung chi t'dn, ^jjf jfl P^ ^ 'sho I yung^ k6' t'dn' ; daily consumption of fuel, ^ Q ^4^'miii yat^ 'shai ^cli'di. Mei jih shi ch'di ; (tonsumption or phthisis, ^ ^ ^15 peng*. Ldu ])ing, '^0, jl6 ching'. Ldu ching; ditto, pulmo- nary, jjili'^J^^jE fai' /6 ching'. Fi ldu ching, ^^ /6 ch'di'. Ldu ch'di ; consumption of merchandise, ^^ ^ if^ '^ ^'o' ^^^^\ .i^'" s^^"- ^lo ^"^ ^^^^ ^^^> tt ^ tr »ft ^^' "^^tj jhang jlau. Ho wuh hang liti ; ready consumption of merchandise, '^ ^ ^ j^ fo' matj i* .siii. Ho wuh i sidu ; the annual consumption of rice, ^ ^ 'HI :5|t ''""i j»in 'shai 'mai ; consumption by salt', ^ ^ ^ ^ tsim' tsim^ mdi^ .sdi', ^;^|f^''tj tsim^ tsim^ ,siu shau'. Tsien tsien sidu shau. Consumptive, affected Avith a consumption, ^^^|^ Vau jl6 ching'. Yii ldu ching, ^ ^p^ ^16 peng' ke'; a consumptive cough, ^ (^ ^16 k'at,. Ldu keh; wasting away, ^^^^ hi' lik^ .shui pdi^ K'i lib shwai pdi ; a consumptive person, ^ f^ Pf^A s\^> ching' k& ^yan, #^t /6 ching' 'che. Ldu ching che. j Consumptiveness, a state of being consumptive, ^ # 5^ ^ 'yau jl^ ching' 'ch^i <"^ lii'- Yu tub k'i. CON (485) CON Contain, to hold, to have capacity, as a vessel, ^ ^ ^yung n%. Yung n6h, i\f4,^,^ 'y^n tak, nb- hi'. Jin teh nu k'i, \£ f|. jgt 'chi tak, no'. Chi teh nu; I could not cont,ain myself, P§^»f^= .m 'yau tak,; to contain one's self, ^ ^ 'shau hi'. Shau k'i, ^ a 'sliau 'ki. Shau ki,'^J ^ tsz' 'shau. Tsz shau, || :f^ tsz' .ch'i. Tsz ch'i. Contained, held, as a vessel, ^ ^ ^ J^''^» nap, kwo'. Yung ndh kwo, ^^jl^ jynng shau" kwo'. Yung shau kwo ; comprehended, ■^ ^ }^ .pdu jhbra kwo'. Pdu hdn kwo, ;j^ ^ tsoi' noi'. Tsai nui. Containing, holding, as a vessel, ^ ^ Jung ndp^. Contemn, to disdain, ^(^ ^^ .hing shf. K'ing shi^ M H "^i^ ^^'^'- ^^i'^u shI, $1 ;g, .heng fat,- K'ing hwuh, f^ \^ 'mb mdn'. Wii man, || \% .heng mdn'. K'ing man, ;^, ^ fat, 16uk^. Hwuh lioh, 'f,^ ^^ .chim .chim. Chen chen, ^ ij{£ pok^ shi\ Poh shi, g c|^ M \ muk, .chung .mo .yan. Muh chung wu jin, B^^^ 'ngan kok, .k6. Yen koh kau, ij^ A Pa -h HR 't'ai .yan .m -'sh(^.ung Tigdn, ^ ^ — "^j muk, .hung yat, ts'ai'. Muh k'ung yih ts'i. Contemned, despised, ^^,^^ .heng fat, kwo'. K'ing hwuh kwo, ^^^i^ (heng shi' kwo'. K'ing shi kwo, f^ 'I'gi \^ 'm6 man' kwo'. Wii man kwo. Contemning, slighting, ^ jjj|^ .heng shi'. K'ing shi' M il PoK shi'. Poh shi, U ^, .heng fat,. K'ing hwuh. Comtemplate, to view or consider with continued attention, ,g, .sz. Sz, Sjc^g, mak, .sz. Meh sz, Q^ ^ om' 'seung. Ngan siang, ^^ >^^ mak, 'seung. Meh sidng, ^ ^ mak, nim'. Meh nien, ^ ^, tsing' .sz. Tsing sz, ^ ^tg, .ch'am .sz. Ch'in sz, ^iiii'p .ts'dm .shin. Ts'dn shen ; to consider, ^@,^J[ .sz 'seung. Sz sidng, j^ ,l§, .chui .sz. Chui sz ; to comtemplate the nwsteries of redemption, ^g, ^Mt,M il'P S pi^ jan 't'ai pok Pi jin t'l pob, :3^ A fe rti jwai jan ^heng tsin'. AVei jin k'ing tsien ; to como to coiiterapt, ||j; J^ pi* yuk^. Pi jub ; to bring contempt upon one's self, :f^ ^ i^ ^ ,cbiu yuk^ 'piin ^shan. Chdu jub pun shin, f^ [\^ tsok,. tsin*. Tsoh tsien. Contemptible, worthy of contempt, pj" ^ 'bo ^im. K'o hien, §lt P^ .im k6', pf ^\ 'ho 'p'l. K'o p'i, "j;^ ha* tsin*. liid tsien, "j; >ff:P|^ hd* tsok k6', m\k'U i 'p'i tik,. Pi p'i til>> ii ^ liin' siu'. Kicn sidu ; a contemptible person, >J> A 'si'i Jan. Sidu jin, ~[^ ^ P|^ A li*^" tsin* k6' ^yan ; to grow contemptible, g p(^ tsz* tsin*. Tsz tsien, g "p tsz* Mid. Tsz bid; to make contemptible, j^ AM 19. 'P^ iV^^ V^K ^*^^^- ^^ jin pob sbi, # A^Sffi, 'P^ ja" '"^iu sbi*. Pi jin Content, quiet, not disturbed, midu shI ; contemptible conduct, 7^ i'^ hd* tsok . Hid tsoh ; vile, ^^\ fi0 'p'i lau*. P'i lau. Contemptibleness, the state of being contemptible, SR ^ ^" 'p'i tsin* 'cli6. P'i tsien cli6, "p ^ ^ hd* tsin* 'ch6. Hid tsien cb6, ^ ^^ ^ 'p'i lau* 'cb6. P'i lau ch6. Contemptibly, to behave, 'J^^j- hd* tsok . Hid tsoh, T ^ "f^E n ^ 1>^' tsin* k6' jbang ,wai, ^ \\^ P|^ ff M 'p'i tsin' k6' jhang ^wai. Contemptuous, insolent, fj^'}'§; ^inu mdn*. Wii mdn, ff. 3^ 'ni6 mdn*. Wu mdn, i^ (g ng5* mdn*. Ngau mdn, ^ \^ ,kiu mdn*. Kidu mdn, ^ J^. ^i] ,hong pokj tik,. K'ing pob tib, ^^^ 'in 'kin. Yen kien ; to behave in a conteiiii)! uous man- "*'»*. tf ^'^i^ j'^ang jWai ,heiig pok^. Hang wei k'ing pob, ^7 XH^^ j'laug ^wai hniil lin*. Hang wei ini*1u Invdn. Contemptuously, d( .spitefully, ^i^ Vnid ^iu. Midu jen. I will contend no more, ^ ^ ^clidng kau'. Tsang kiu. (ntending '^ ^cbdng. Tsang, f^ tau'. Tau ; clas- sing, ;jig ^ ^s6ung ^chdng. Sidng tsang, ^ \^ ^s6ung tau'. Sidng tau ; urging in argument, ^ ^ ,chdngpin*. Tsang pien, ^||^ pin* pok,. Pien pob ; ditto by words, '^ ^ ^chdng lun*. Tsang lun ; whilst containing with one another, jj/Q ^ ;^ B^ ,s(*ung ,chdng ,chf ^shi. Sidng tsang cbi sbi. Ising*. Tsing, i(;> TfCfp ,sam 'sliui tsing* ^i^ ,on ,sam. Ngdn sin ; satisfied, ^|l ^ ,clii tsuk,. Cbi tsub, ^1 ^ ^cW kau'. Chi kiu, ^ ^ ,chi im'. Chi yen, /Cl> ^ ^sam tsuk,. Sin tsub ; never content, pg- 53' a^ j™ ,chi tsuk,, ii:^^lSf^ <^""^ ^^^^ i*^' tsuk,. Content, to satisfy the mind, ^ i^ ^ 'pi ,8ara ^on. Pi sin ngdn, i^/d^^^^ 'pi .^^"^ ^^K .""• ^i ^i*^ teh ngdn ; to appease, ^ ^ 'fii wai'. Fii wei ; I shall content you for your pains, ^ ^ ^ f^ ^ngo wai' bV *ni. Wo wei Idu ni ; one cannot content every body, H^ f ^ A A ^ .11^ j™ tak, ,yan ^an h6p^ i', pg- ft} A A 'ST ,f: s»« tak, ;ran ,van tong' 1'. Content, rest or quietness of the mind in the pre- sent condition, ^ ^ 7{C f^ ,sam 'sliui tsing*. Sin shwui tsing, ^ f^ tsuk, yiuig*. Tsub yung ; to the heart's content. CON (48V) CON y> ng 'fii luk^ t^ ^ /ung tsuk,. Fung tsuh ; table of contents, ^ .HL jHieng ^tau. Ming tan ; the contents of a book, g ^§ muk^ luk,. Muh luh, ^ g ^kong muk,. Kdngmub; general contents, ^^,g 'tsung muk^. Tsung muh; ditto term used by Buddhists, [5^ g 'pan muk,. Pin muh ; the contents of a letter, -fg ^ ^XM. ^^^' ^^^^ ^^^' ^'" ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^' '(^ ft /^'@» ^^'^' ^^^' ^' *^''* ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^'^ ' ^^^ ^°^" tents of a bottle, ^ ft ^»f #J ,tsun noi^ tik, mat,. Tsin nui tih wuh ; the contents of the stomach, ^ ft ''i'E © wai" noi" k6' "ye ; the contents of a box, ^ ^ ^0 if^ # ^seung ^ts'ong tik, mat, kin". Siang tsang till wuh kien ; the contents of the chest and abdomen, Si. tsong^ Wu fii luh tsang. Contented ^ ,on. Ngan, j\j>^ ^sam ^on. Sin ngan, ^sung. Sin sung, '|'^ j\j> hip^ ^sam. Kieh sin, ^ g; Jiiii ^hiii. Hidu hiau, ^^ nf Rh, '(^ jt'im. T'ien, *^, dt;. Kiah; contented with one's lot, ^ ^ ^on fan". Ngan fan, ^ ^ ^ -^ ^on shau^ ,t'in meng'. Ngan shau t'ien ming, ^ -^ ^on meng'. Ngan ming ; contented * with what one possesses, ^|l J^ ^chi tsuk,. Chi tsuh ; contented with little, vJn vJn %^^ 'siu 'siii tak, kau' lok, ; when the poor is contented, he is happv ; when the rich is discontented, he will have grief, ^ ^^^^^^^-^ ^^ "M Tff^ jChi tsuk, 'che ^p'an yik, lok^, pat, ^chi tsuk, *che fii' yik^ jau. Chi tsuh che p'in yih lob, pull chi tsuh cli6 fii yih yii. Contentedly -^ i'J^ pn ^in. Ngan jen, »|^ pj^ ^t'im jin. T'ien jen. Contentedness, state of resting in mind, ^ /(^ ,on ^sam. Ngan sin, i^ ^ ^sam ^on. Sin ng4n ; sa- tisfaction of mind with any condition or event, ^ ^ ^chi tsuk,. Chi tsuh, ^ ^ ,chi kau'. Chi \ kiu. I Contention, strife, ^ ^ ^chdng tau'. Tsang tau, |j^J nau^ Ndu; emulation, ij^ f^ ^ ^sdung tau' 'ch6. Siang tau ch6, ^ ^ tau' hf . Tau k'i ; , strife in words or debate, -^ |^ ^chang lun\ Tsang lun, ^ ^ ^chdng pin^ Tsang pien ; hus- band and wife must hot live in contention, ;^^- V^^m^^S^ 'f^ .m 'h6 .seung .chang, ^^ ^ i^ljl A 0 ^ .seung .chdng. Sidng CON tsang, ;|;gpi .s^ung tau'. Sidng tau; contending, ;fg ^j^ ^soung chin'. Sidn^ chen. (488) COX ^m t5' k6' 8z' kon, ~^> "^ :t ^ P^^ i' .^^'^ »«*• Puh i Chi sz, Z-MBfS B pat. ,k'i ^in ^i ^in. Context h T^ ^ 8h6ung^ hd* ^man. ShAnf^ hia wan; ' Puh k'i jen rli jen. according to the context, ^f^ [^~J\ o!f ^ <^ sh^ung^ ' Contingent, accidental, hd^ jHian Mi. 8h6ung^ hd' ^man I shilng hiil wan li, ^ h IF ^ <^ I slidng liid w in, ^ [- "]; ;|il| "^ ^ oiC j^ ^ PH. ^ pat, hit, 'cho ngoi\ Puh hieh tsu ngdi, :^ ^ |511 ^ pat, jU 'cho ngoi^ Puh li tsu ngdi ; continual fever, f^^/f-jj; fat, it^ pat, 'chi. Fdh jeh puh chi ; a continual claim, "^ J^ l-f JR jSheung .chi 't'6 'ts'u. Chdng chi t'du (s'ii, ^f^ ^^ pat, hit, Joi 'lo. Puh hieh Idi lo ; a continual current, ^ »^ .eh'('nmg Jan. Ch'dng liu, >fi g)j 'lit, .chi Jau. Puh hieh chi liu. Continually '^ ^sh^ung. Chdng, '^^ '^^ jSheung jSh^ung. Chdng chdng, '^ffiJF j^h^ung^shi. Chdng shi, Z^U^ pat,^shi. Puh shi, :^^ pat, hit,. Puh hieh, ^. e, pat, H. Puh i, :^ ^ pat, tsut^. Puh tsiueh, 'X^Y^ pat, kdn'. Puh kien, ^f^ji^ pat, 'chi. Puh chi ; very often^ ^ 5^ Mu ts'z'. Lii ts'z, ^ ^ Mil Mil. Lii lii, ^ )}^ ^mui 'miii. Mei mei, |^ ^4^ Svong Svong. Wdng wdng, ^ ^ .p'an jP'an. P'in p'in ; to come continually, B.^BIf^ jShi ^shi Joi. Shi shi Idi, Jf^^^ pat' hit, Joi. Puh hieh lai. nggJ:5f5 ,m hit, Joi, Z>fi^ l>at, J'ing Jai ; the heart beats continually, JC1^^^|^|^ ,sam pat, hit, fill'. Sin puh hieh t'idu ; to circulate con- tinually, ^ ^ >fi C jts'un jWdn pat, M. Siun hwdn puh i. Continuance, dumtion, "^ ^ ^sheung 'ch(5. Chdng eh6, ffi'^^ Sving tsoi* 'che. Yung tsdi che, "^ ^ jSh^ung 'kau. Chdng kid ; of short continu- ance, >fi^ pat, 'kau. Puh kiu; perseverance, yQ, ^jl 'yan noi^ Jin ndi ; abode, residence, Jg J^ .kii 'ch'ii. Kii ch'ii ; a prolonging of existence, ^xl Ving'un. Yung yuen, '^:^^^^ ^shdung tsoi* pat, mlt^. Chdng tsdi puh mieh. Continuation, ext(>nsion of existence in a series or line, IHrtfl: shai' shai'. Shi shi, Ml^Z-^ .""^un? tsukj pat, tsiitj. Sidng suh puh tsiueh ; the con- tinuation of a history, ^ ^ tsuk^ *sz. Suh shi ; the continuation of a road, |^ jfg tsuk^ 16^ Suh 1". ^^ tsip, lb\ Tsieh lu. Continuative, as, a continuative conjunction, ^i ^ Jin kai' tsz^ Lien ki tsz. liu' ,chi sz^ Puh kdi lidu chi sz, ^^ffJ^.Z^ «l"^' Jn ,chl sz'. Chd jon chi sz, fiSn^fljUlSi^^^ 'ku • Continence ^ ;^ A. chastity ^ ^C A ^ IE ^• to remain in a state, "j^H Jg Jiang .kii. Hang kii, ^ Jg 'kau .kii. Kiu kii, "jf^ :^ jshtkmg tsoi*. Chdng tsdi, *j^ -ffl jSht^ung Js'iin. Chdng ts'un, ^ :^ jCh'dung Js'un. Ch'dng ts'un, ^ ^ 'kau tsoi'. Kiii tsdi, ^ ^ lik^ 'kau. Lih kiu; they CON (489) CON continue there to this dav, Pj^^l^^lj'^ffj^ *hai ko' ch'ii' t6' ,kd -hfl, }g Vk M ^ 'ch'ii 'pi chi' ^kam. Ch'u pi chi kin; to last, ^ ^ts'tm. Ts'un; thy kingdom shall not continue, f$> SI >t^^ ^ '^ ^ni kwokj pit^ pat, jts'iin. Ni kwoh pieh puh ts'un, f^^ (^ i^> ^ 'ui kAvok, pit, fai'. Ni kwoh pieh fei, f^ ^ oi^ "f '^^ kwok, pit, ^niong. Ni kwoh pieli wdng ; to continue in good health, 1^ ^ 2pL ^ ^sheung 'heung ^p'ing ^on. Chang hidng p'iug ngan ; to continue in love, j§ Jf^ fj ,ku ^li oi'. Kii yu ngAi, |_g ^ .hang oi'. Hang ^gaJ. 'ki ^ M"^ ,sheung ^tl Jx oi'. Chang kli yti ngai ; continue in my love, ^1^0^"^ . Jing jen ; continue as usual, H8^ '^' chid' ^sh^ung. ChAu chiing ; to continue as a line of succession, |^ kai'. Ki, i^ tsip,. Tsieh, ^ tsuk,. Suh, |g |g kai'shiu\ Kishau, ^tsz\ Tsz, |g chiii' . Chau; to continue a family, -(^ ^ ^ch'iin tsuk^. Ch'uen suh ; to continue from generation to generation, ^ jtr; shai' shai'. Shi shi ; to continue from father to son, |ih ^ shai' tsap,. Shi sib ; to con- tinue in an unbroken chain, (^ ^ luk, tsuk^. Luh suh, ^ ^ jCh'iin tsuk^. Ch'uen suh, :;j^ j^ ^> /^ ,seung jlin pat, tsut^. Sidng lien puh tsiueh ; to continue a work of literature, ^ \^ tsukj tsok,. Suh tsoh ; ditto, another work, ^ 'ft $X t^^P:, ^^^^' ts^^- Tsieh chii tso, i^ f^ tsip, tsok,. Tsieh tsoh ; to continue for a long time, ^ ^ 'kau ^chi. Kiu chi ; to continue one's father's profession, |^ ^ ^ kai' fu^ ip^. Ki fii nieb, |g ^. ^ shiu' ^ki ^k'au. ShAu ki k'iii; to continue without interruption, 5^ "^ -^ ^ ^^"^ tso^ pat, hit,. Lien tso puh hieh, i^ f^ ^ it jlin tsok, pat, 'chi. Lien tsoh puh chi ; continue, as the sound of music, "^ j^ cyam yat,. Yin yih, i& iii ^ ^fi jam jlin pat, tsiit^. Yin lien puh tsiueh ; it continues up to this day, ^ 5(5 ^ ^ lik^ Joi chi' ,kam. Lih lai chi kin, '^ ^ij '^ [f|^ ' jlau to' ^kd %a ; to continue in sin, j^ ^ fp ^kii ^ii tsLii^ Kii yu tsiii, '^fj$f. ,sheung jhang tsui'. Chang hang tsui ; to continue and perish, ^ '(^ jts'iin ^mong. Ts'un wdng. Continued *^ ^sheung. Chang, *^;^ ^sheung *kau. Chdng kiu, '\^ ,hang. Hang, B$ fl$ ^shi ^shi. Shi sbi, 'yfB^ pat, jShi, :^^ pat, hit,. Puh hieh, :^^ Jlft pat, jt'ing; continued difficulties, *^|i ^sheung ndn^ Chang ndn, '^ g J: ;^ ^ pat, ^slii ^chi ndn'. Pub shi chi nan ; they continued so for a long time, M^^ lik, 'kau. Lib kiu, |f M $? IJt c^ing lik, 'b6 noi". King lib ban ndi ; continued as be- fore, i^iDWM c^'^ eying kau' ts5'. T'djing kid tso ; continued so for a series of years, ^ ^ f^U itj^ lik^ jUin jVi 'ts'z. Lib nien jd ts'z ; it has con- tinued until now, :Jg :(( ^wdn tsoi^ Hwan tsdi, t^ .jSE sb^ung' tsoi^ Sbdng tsdi, ^\\ 4- X^ ^ t5' ^kam pat, hit,. Tdu kin pub hieh; continued annoyance, 7(^^'^ f^^ pat, bit, ,im mdn^ Puh hieh yen mwan ; continued prosperity, i^ H=5f B£ ;jvg jChau ^shi wong' seung'. Chau sbi wang sidng. Continuedly, without interruption, '^ ,sb6ung. Chdng, H^ B# jshi ^shi. Shi shi, :^ §^ pat, bit,. Pub hieh. Continuing '^ ^sheung. Chdng, '^0 ^sh^ung ^shi. Chdng sbi, X-W: Pa^s Wt,. Puh hieh, i^'^Jf^ ^s^ung jlin pat, tsut^. Sidng lien pub tsiueh. Continuity, connection uninterrupted, >|^ ^ ^ j^ ^seung tsukj pat, tsut^. Sidng sub puh tsiueh, ^ j^ ^ ^ ^s<^ung jlin pat, tsiit,. Sidng lien puh tsiueh, '|g:X J^^T'^o 'kau. Hang kid, "^^ ^sb^ung 'kau. Chdng kid; cohesion, ;|^i|| ,ch'i ,mdi. Ch'i mdi ; law of continuity, ^ i^ ^ ^ jlin fd' ^chi ^li. Lien hwd chi 11. Continuous, joined without intervening space, j^ i^ ^s^ung jlin. Sidng lien, jig ^ ^lin ^wdn. Lien hwdn, 5^ ^ jlin ^lln. Lien lien, j^ |^ ^seung kai'. Sidng ki, :^ |^ ^seung tsuk^. Sidng suh, i6 -^ ^seung tsip,. Sidng tsieh, jg i^ ^lin ^mni. Lien mdi, ^ ig tsuk, ^mdi. Sub mai, ^ Hg ^shing ^shing. Shing sbing. Continuously J^^ jlin jlin. Lien lien, ;jig^ ^s^ung ^lln. Sidng lien. Contort, to twist together, ;^ 'nau. Nid, :^ ^ 'nin 'chiin, Jg wat,. K'iub, j^ ^ tsau' ,mai. Tsau mdi, ^ ^ tsau' cb^uk,. Tsau cboh, :^ ^ndu. Ndu ; to contort the face, ^ tsau' min^ Tsau mien ; to contort the limbs, i^ ^ 'nau ^chi. Nid chi. Contorted ^^ *nau kwo'. Nid kwo, :^ J5a^ fi^^ wat, kwo'. Ndu k'iub kwo, ^p'dn buk,. Pw'dn k'iub, ^ fj> ,u 'cb'an. Yd cb'in, ^ ^ wat, buk,. K'iub k'iub, ^ ^ ^wdi 'm6, %f ^ ^ii kwat,. Yd kiueh, f^ ^^ Jau k'au'. Lau k'au, ^ ^ tsau' kwo'. Tsau kwo, ^ ^ 'wai buk,; a contorted neck, j^^ 'nau 'keng. Nid king. Contortion, a twisting, ^ ^ 'nau 'cb6. Nid che, J^j^^ ,ndu Avat, 'che. Ndu k'iub ch^, ;^^^ 'nau 'cbiln 'che. Nid chuen che, ^ ^ :^ ^p'dn buk, 'che. Pw'dn k'iiib cb^, ^ ^ ^ 'v^ai'buk, 'che. Wei k'iub che, ^ ^ 'nau 'me. Nid wdi, ^ ^ 'nau huk,. Nid k'iub, ^ ^ wat, 'm^. K'iub wdi. Contour ^[» ^ ngoi' ,ying. Wdi hing, J^ ^ying. Hing, ^1^^ ngoi-y6ung'. Wdi ydng, ^[^ ngoi' mau\ Wdi mau. Contra, against, jg 'fan. Fdn, ^ 'fdn. Fdn. Contraband, goods, ^ ^ ,sz fo'. Sz bo, ^l ff\i "^ sz Hid fo', ^ -^ kam' fo'. Kin bo, ^^^ ^wai kam' fo'. Wei kin bo, ^\i^^ fan' kam' fo'. Fdn kin bo. Contraband, illegal traffic, ^ ^ ^ .sz ^di.mdi\ Sz mdi mdi, ^ff\*MM <^^ '^^ ^^^ ^^^^' CON (490) CON Contract, to draw together or nearer, ^ ^ shuk, | mdi. Shuh m6i, ^ ^g slink, 'tiin. Shuh twdn, ; ig ^ t'ui' shuk,. T'ui shuh, ^ ^ ,lun ^mdi. Liuen mdi, ^^ shuk, Jiin. Shuh Huen, ^ ,hln. K'ien ; to contract the eyebrows, ^^^ tsau' ^mi. j Tsau mei, :j^ ^ jts'iin jTni. Tswdn mci ; to con- tract one's business, yH^^J^, t'ui' shuk, ^shang i\ T'lii shuh sang i ; to contract a daughter in i marriage, |^ 5^ :^ 'hu p'ing' ^nii. Ilii p'ing nu ; i to contract a marriage, jj^ ^ kit, ^ts'an. Kieh I ts'in ; to contract a disease, ^ ^ kit, peng*. Kieh ping ; to contract ill habits, ^^^llttr kit, | tsapj 'ch'au hang*. Kieh sih ch'au hing, ^^Wl ^ hokj tsap^ 'ch'au hang*. Hioh sih ch'au hing; to contract debts, ^^ tsik, chdi'. Tsih chdi ; to contract friendship, ^ ^ kit, ^kdu. Kieh kidu, { ■^'M. c^^" jy^^- ^i^u yii'i to contract enmity, ^ i j^ kit, ban*. Kieh ban, |* ^ kit, iin'. Kieh | yuen, M ^ kau' iin'. Kau yucn ; to contract I dislike, ^ i^| kit, ^Im. Kieh hien ; to contract, i as lettere or composition, ^ 'kdm. Kien, ^ -j^ ' 'kdm 'shiu. Kien sbdu, f|^ 's6 16uk^. Si6 lioh; to contract a bargain, jjf ^. lap^ ,tdn. Lib tdn, | JJL^^ laPi y^A- I^ih y^^. tr^lll 'td h6pj .t'ung. Td hob t'ung ; to contract the body, J^ ^ ^ shuk, Jiin ,sban. Shuh liuen shin, ^ ^ :^ ^ buk, Him ^sban 't'ai. K'iuh lien shin t'i. Contract, an agreement between two or more per- sons, ^ 1^ bbp^ jt'ung. Hob t'ung. ^^ ^ y6uk, ,8bii. Yob shu, f• ti* .fong 'pin 'sili. Ti fdng pien sidu, ^ij)/^"^ ti* 'fong 'ts'in cbdk,. Ti fdng ts'ien tseh, ^ g "^-Hfe^ hdp^ ai' k6' ti* .fong ; too contracted, ^ A^SS cbdk, kwo' jt'au. Tseh kwo t'au ; contract- ed skin, ^ tsau', ^ ^ tsau' ^p'i. Tsau p'i ; a contracted body, %^^ ^k'iin kuk^. K'iuen kiuh ; contracted \mting, ^^ 'kdm pat,. Kien pih. Contractedness, narrowness, ^ ^ ^ hdp^ chdk, 'cb6. Hidh tseh cb6, ^^\^-^ hap^ ai' 'cbd. Hidh i cb6, 1^ ^ ^ 'ts'in cbdk, 'ch^. Ts'ien tseh ch6, ^^/Jn^ 'pin 'sili 'ch^. Pien sidu cb6; meanness, |g(J|g 'pin lau*. Pien lau, gpP|p^ 'p'i lau'. P'i lau; excessive selfishness, ^ ^ :^ 'p'i lun* 'ch^. P'i lun cb6, ^Ji^^^ hdk, pok^ .chi sz*. K'eh poh chi sz. Contractible, as the muscles, Pf :|^ .H| *bo .ch'au ^mdi. K'o cb'au mdi ; ditto, as the skin, ^^^ 'ho tsau' ^mdi. K'o tsau mdi ; capable of drawing into smaller dimensions, pjj^^ 'bo shuk, ^mai. K'o shuh mdi, )^ % ;Hg shuk, tak, ^mdi. Shuh teh mdi, Pf )[!^H^]ii50 'h" shuk, 'tun tik,. K'o shuh twdn tib. Contractile, tending to contract, ^|j§^^ i* shuk, ^mdi tik,. I shuh mdi tib ; having the power of drawing into smaller dimensions, J^ f^ ^ shuk, tak, ^mdi. Shuh teh mdi. Contracting, shortening, ^ ^j| shuk, 'ti'in. Shuh twdn ; di-awing together, Jfjfiii{[ shuk, ^mdi ; mak- ing a bargain, tT "n NI 't^ '""^Pi jt'ung. Td hoh t'ung ; betrothing, ^^ teng* .ts'an. Ting ts'in ; contracting powers, ^ ^{^ ^ ||| lap^ y«Suk, ,cbi kwok,. Lib yob chi kwob; coutmcting for goods, ^"^ teng*fo'. Ting ho; stipulating, ^^ yduk, teng^. Yoh ting, ^ ^ H .teng. I ting. Contraction, the act of shrinking, jl^ :Hg ^ shuk, jnidi 'che. Shuh mdi cbe ; the act of shortening, ^^l^-sbuk, 'ttin 'eh^. Shuh twdn ch6; the contraction of the muscles, :fllj 01 ^ .ch'au .kl 'did. Ch'au k( cbc'N ^ .k'iiri. K'iuen ;' ditto 'of the tendons, |^] jj^ ^^ ^^ yuk^ ,kan 'tun shuk,. Juh kin twdn shuh ; contraction of the hands and f(«t, ^I^JI^Ifk 'sliau ,liin keuk, .liin. Shau liuen kiob linen ; abbreviation, ^ |p ]^ 'kdm pat, 's6. Contractor, one who poutracts, jt j(trJ ^ ^Pi 7^^ 'ch6. Lib yoh cU, ^^m^ .ship« tslp. pdn' 'pH0, -Q i^ ^ J)Au pdn' 'cU, Piiw ^ cU^. ^ COl^ (491) (ioa #fe>S^ .shing tsip, 'hi ts6' 'cM. Ching tsieh k'i tdu ch6 ; a contractor for supplies, ^ U$ j^/C ■0j^ ^ ^pau pau- 'fo shikj 'ch^. Pau pdn bo shih ch6. Contradict, to gainsay, |§,f^ yiig' 'tsui. Ying tsui, :^ au'; ditto in a dispute, ,^ pok^. Poh ; to con- tradict one another, ^ i^ ^chdng lun^ Tsang lun, ^ ^ au' 'keng, ^fcTlPi 'leung ^ka 'teng 'tsui, rt p^ tau' 'tsui. Tau tsui, ^ pj| pok, 'tsui. Poh tsui ; to contradict impertinently, J^ ^ 'teng 'tsui, ^ :J!^ chap, au'. Chih ngau ; to con- tradict one's self, ^ ^ tsz' pok,. Tsz poh, ^ fg- § .^ tsz^ wd^ tsz- pok,. Tsz hwd tsz poh, g ^ ;;(iP^ tsz' 'ii ^seung 'fdn. Tsu yu siang fan, g j^ ^^ tsz' jS^ung ^mau tun'. Tsz sidng mdu tun. Contradicted ^^ '^ au' kwo', ^ ^^ pok, kwo'. Poh kwo, T|5 ^^ ^ 'teng kwo' 'tsui. Contradicting ^ au', ,^ pok,. Poh. Coniradiction, an assertion of the contrary to what has been said or affirmed, ^ ^ P^ fJ5" ^^ 'keng ke' wa\ tn; ^ "(^ fJ k'ong' yik, ke' wdS ^ :^ P^ ^ 'f^n 3^ii' 1^6' wd^; incongruity of words, j^ ^^Up Cheung 'fdn k6' wdS g-^tP^fi^ tsz'- pok, k6' wd'; inconsistency with itself, § i>B ^ tsz^ ^sdung yik,. Tsz sidng nib, P§- '^ ^ ^It ^m h5p, ni ke', ^ Ji^ pui' ^11 'cbe. Pei li che, ^Ji^" . yikj 'K 'cbe. Kib li ch6 ; without contradiction, TJc ^ :ti ^ ^ mi- 'kong ,s6ung 'fdn 'ch6. Wi kiang siang fdn cbe, f^^ ^^ s^^ pui' *fdn 'ch6. Wu pei fdn cb6. Contradictory, affirming the contrary, i^ ^^^^ ,s6ung 'fdn tik, wd', ^^M^^M au' 'keng k6' wa', ^ ^ ^\J fj 'fdn au' tik, wa^ Edn ngau tih bwd; inconsistent, :t'0^^ S ,seung yik, tsz' 'ki. Siang nib tsz ki, Pg^S&^I ?» ffi # 'a pat, .s^ung ,fu bop^.' Pub sidng fu hob ; contradictory envidence, P '^ Po ^ '^^^ ,kung ^m tiii'. K'au kung pub tui, pj fit ;f; :;^ 'bau jkung pat, ^fii. K'au kung pub fu ; contra- dictory statements, H Hfc 7|S ^ i^ shiit, ^s6ung 'fan. Rh sbwob sidng fdn. Contradictory, a proposition which denies or op- poses another in all its terms, ij^ ^^ !^ij ^seung pui' tik,. Sidng pei tih, H^^'^^ ^seung 'fdn tik,. Sidng fan tih, ^^^^ pui' yik^ tik,. Pei nib tib. Contradistinct, distinguished by opposite qualities, :^ ^ .s^ung 'fdn. Sidng fdn, p ^ij j^ pin' pit^ ,ii. Pien pieb yu, ^ij j^ pit^ ^ii. Pieb yu. Contradistinction, distinction by opposite qualities, ^WA^ Tau pit^ ,ii 'cb6. Yti pieb yu cU, ^ ^Ij:^ pin' pit^ 'cbd. Pien pieb ch6; it is so called in contradistinction from the other, it |^ itt^ ;^ mZ> i^WmZt^M sk'i '1 'ts'z ^meng ^ch'ing ,cbi, ji pin' pit^ ^chi ^ii ^t'd. K'i i ts'z ming cb'ing cbi, rh pien pieb chi yii t'd. Contradistinguish ^Ij;^^ pit, ^chi ^ii. Pieb chi yii, ^ ^Ij Z 'f^a pit, .cbi. Fdn" pieb cbi. Contraindicate, a symptom that forbids to treat a disorder in the usual way, ^^^^ 'fdn *chi 'koi. Fan cbi kdi, ^VJc^'(i^W 'j^^ '^oi lin' tik, kii'. Yu kdi hwan tih kii. Contraindication, an indication, from some peculiar symptom or fact, that forbids the method of cure, which the main symptoms or nature of the disease requires, }^j(^Z,^ '^^^ ^^" <^^i k^'- ^ai hwdn chi kii. Contraposition, a placing over against, § :tB ^ ^ cbi' ^seung 'fdn 'cb6. Cbi sidng fan ch6 ; opposite position, :^i^0^ tsoi' tui' min' 'ch6. Tsdi tdi mien cbe. Contraries, propositions which destroy each other, but of which the falsehood of one does not estab- lish the truth of the other, >H3^^^ ,s6ung 'fdn ,chi jts'z. Sidng fdn cbi ts'z, f^ ;§ ijf ^ ^ts'z f ^s^ung 'fdn. Ts'z i sidng fdn; they are contraries, :^'^ ^ ^ sbi' ^s6ung 'fan ^che. Shi sidng fan chd, ij^ 7^ ^ff ^sdung 'teng tik,. Sidng ting tih. Contrariety, opposition in fact, essence, quality or principle, ;|>g ^ ^ ^s^ung 'fdn 'cbe. Siang fdn ch6, :3|ig ^ ^ ^sdung pui' 'ch6. Sidng pei cb^. Contrariwise, on the contrary, H^ ^ ^s^ung 'fdn. Sidng fdn, ^ ;^ 'fdn ,chi. Fdn chi, |gj ^ 't5 fdn. Tdu fdn. Contrary, adverse, ^ 'fan. Fdn, ^ yik^. Nib, Q^ ugA\, J^MM 'teng ,t'au k6', ^ ,wai. Wei, ^ piii'. Pei ; contrary to one's interest, ^3j;|J yik li'. Nib li, IIj^IJP^ fat, li' k6' ; contrary wind, ^ ^ ngdk^ [yikj] /^ng. Nib fung ; contrary current, ^ 0S iig^k, jlau ; contrary minded, ji^ ^^ ^ ^ ^sam i' ^seung 'fan. Sin i sidng fdn; in a contrary sense, j\^ ^P^ ,^ ^seung 'fdn ke' i' ; contrai*y to reason,' ^ ^ yik^ 'li. Nib li, -^ 3i piii' 'li. Pei li. ^ ^ il ^ pat, li<>Pi to' 'li. Pub boh tdu li; conti-ary to one's inclination, "^ ^ pui' i'. Pei i,\^% ngakj 1', li))} ;^ fat, f. Fuh i; contrary to law, ^ -f^j jWai lai'. Wei li, ^ ^ ^wai fdt,. Wei Idb ; contrary to nature, ^ *j^ 'fdn sing'. Fdn sing, ^ '14 pui' sing'. Pei sing, :^ ^ ,% pat, b5p^ i'. Pub bob i; to speak contrary to one's thought, P P§- HJ* i^ 'bau ^m tui' ^sam. K'au pub tui sin; to act contrary to other people, #|jA^'|?i fat, jan ,chi sing'. Fuh jin chi smg; to advise to the contrary, ^ A >i^ ^ ^^au' ^yan jSeung 'fdn. Kidu jin sidng fdn, ^\^^ kdu' jan 'fdn au' ; contrary to one's expectation, ^ pg- ^j liu' ^m ih\ ^ ^\> f ngoi'. I wdi ; contrary to terms, ^ ^ jWai y^uk,. Wei yob ; to agree to one's face and act the contrary, 1^ ^ P^ ^ ^y^ung fung' ,yam ^wai. Y^ug fung yin wei. Contrary, a thing that is contrary or of an opposite quality, i^ ^ ^ ^s6ung 'fan 'cbd. Sidng fdn ch6 ; to the contrary, :^^ J^ ^seung 'fan. Contrary-minded si^ j^ :i0 ^ jSam i' ,s6ung 'fdu. Sin i sidne fdn. CON (492) CON Contrast, to set in opposition different things or qualities to sliow the superior excellence of one, ;}b ^J- .s6ung tui'. Sidng tiii, ^^g tiii' chi'. Tui chi; to contrast the condition of the rich and poor, :?!flf.j-^1f ,s6ung tui' ^p'an fu'. Sidng ttii p'in fi., J:(: M ^ 1 'pi ping' ,p'an fii'. Pi ping p'in fu ; to contrast the one with the other, SI PT ;|f il- 'l<^"ung 'li»i <86ung ttii'. Lidng hid siilng tui ; to contrast with, i^ ^ ,s6ung tui'. Sidng tui ; it contrasts greatly with, ^ ^ ^ ^chdng *h6 ^iin. Contrast ;ji0 j^ ,s(5ung *fdn. Sidng fdn, ^ ^^^ J^ ,ch'd tak, 'iin. Ch'd teh yuen ; ditto, great, ^ jjfQ ^ tdi' ,s6ung Tdn. Td sidng fdn, ^^Jg .chdng 'h6 'un. n ^ch'd tak, ^n. Ch'd teh yuen. Contrasting, placing in opposition, ^J- ^ tiii' chi'. Tiii chi, i^%\ ,s(;ung tiii'. Sidng tui. i ContravalLation i^-^f |^ wai^ ch6ung'. Wei chdng. Contravene, to oppose in principle or effect, j^ ^ ! jWai piii'. Wei pei, ^ ^wai. Wei, ^ yik^. Nih, 3^ ^ s^3.i yikj. Wei nih, i^ ^ ^s6ung *fdn. Sidng fdn, f>Sj ^ wdng^ yik^. Hung nili ; to ob- struct, |5fl, >(^ *cho ngoi^ Tsu ngdi ; to defeat, ^ pdi^ Pdi. Contravened, opposed, ^ j|^ yik^ kwo'. Yih kwo, ^ ^ M s^'^i y^K i^^^o'. Wei nih kwo ; ol)struc- ted, |JJi $^ ^^ 'cho ngoi^ kwo'. Tsu ngdi kwo ; defeated, ^ '•^ pdi^ kwo'. Pdi kwo. Contravener j^ ^ ^ jWai yik^ 'ch6. Wei nih ch^. Contravention, opposition, ^ ^ ^ jWai yik^ 'ch6. Wei nih che, ^^ ^ jWai pui' 'cIk';. Wei pei ch6 ; obstruction, |SiL ij^ ^ 'cho ngoi^ *ch6. Tsti • ngdi che ; a defeating of the operation or effect, ^ si ^ pdi^ ^mau 'ch6. Pdi mau ch6, ^ ^ ^ wdi^ H'/} 'ch6. llwdi sz che. Contretemps, an unexpected accident, which throws every thing into confusion, ^ ^ ^ pdi^ ^mau sz^ Pdi mau sz. Contributable, that can be contributed, Pf^l^ 'ho jts'im jt'ai. K'o ts'ien t'i ; that can be promoted, rif H ^J 'ho fu' cho^ K'o fu tsu. Contribute, to give or grant in common with others, ifg ,kiin. Kiuen, ff/f |§ 'kdi ^nong. Kidi ndng, "fB 1^ }^^^ t*^^- l^iuen tsz, :f^ *^ ^kiin t'ai. Kiuen t'i, :|^ ^ ,kiin ,ts'fm. Kiuen ts'ien, ^^ ^ts'im jt'ai. T'ien t'i ; to contribute to govern- ment, ^)^ ,k\inndp^. Kiuen ndh; to contribute one's share, ||| ^ .t'dn fan'. T'dn fan, |i ^ -f- _ t'dn fan' 'tsz.' T'dn fan tsz, f-\ ^ 'fo k5p,. Ko .|^ ,\^^ fui' ,sam. llwui sin, ^ "l^ ch'dm' fui'. fan'. T'd ch'uh yih fan ; to aid in making up a loss, H;; fg ^p'lii ^ch'^ung. P'ei ch'dng, Bg ^ jP'iii 'p6. P'ei pd ; to contribute clothing, ^p: '^ ^ .kung .1 fuk^. Kung 1 fuh, ^l^:^^ chV ^ ^ fuk^. Tsil i i fuh. Contribute, to give a part, ^ — ^ .kiin yat, fan'. Kiuen pih fan ; to lend a portion of power, aid, or influence, ^ cho'. Tsu, ^ ^ cho' lik^. Tsu lib ; to contribute to one's comfort, |J)|f \ ^ ^ cho' ^yan 'h(5ung ^on. Tsii jin hidng ngdn; to contribute to the army, ^ '^ |^ ng ,kwan ,8ii. Pdng kiun sii. Contributed ^j|^ .kiln kwo'. Kiuen kwo, ^^'^ ^ts'im jt'ai kwo'. Ts'ien t'i kwo, Hfjj i§ cho' kwo". Tsd kwo ; paid a share, |i^ ^^ ^ ,t'an kwo' fan*, f}^^^ ,fo k6p, kwo'. ko hob kwo. Contributing ^ jknn. Kiuen, ^ ^ ,ts'im t'ai. Ts'ien t'i, J|j^ clio'. Tsu ; paying a share, ^ ^ .t'dn fan'. T'dn fan, 1^^ ,fo' hop^. Ko hob. Contribution, the act of giving to a common stock, or in common ^nth others, ^ ^ ^' .kiln jUgan 'che. Kiuen yin ch(^', ^ ^ ^ ,ts'im ^ngan 'ehd. Ts'ien yin chd, ^^^ cho' ^ngan 'chd. Tsu yin ch6, ^ ^ ^ J ,kiiu ^ngan tik,. Kiuen vin tih, ^} j} ^ cho' likj tik,. Tsu lih tih. Contrite, penitent, •|^i^'» fiii' .sam. Hwui sin, ^"{^ t'ung' fui'. T'ung hwui, '|^ y| fui' tsiii'. Hwui tsui, .j-^ % fiii' ban'. Hwui ban, i^ \% W fiii*. Ngau hwui, ^\%i\^ .yau fiii' tik,. Vu hwui tih, bob ; to aid, ^ |]/j .pong cho'. Pdng tsii, ^ ^ kung' cho'. Kung tsii, '^^\\\ ")] kung' ch'ut, lik^. Kung ch'uh lih ; I also contributed to it, ^ ^ I il/j tE 'ngo yik^ cho' ^k'ii. Wo yih tsu k'u, ^^ , lU Ji '"go kung' ch'ut, lik^. Wo kung ch'uh to contribute to a charitable purpose, ^ ^ J! .kiin jUgan .chau tsai'. Kiuen yin chau tsi; coutribute us much as you ploaso, (^ J^ ^ B)|| .ta'ui iin lok, cho'. Sui vuen loh t^ii ; they con- tributod their share, ^ ^j — ^ ,t'a ch'ut, yat, ; lih Ch'dn hwui ; a contrite heart, ^"(^^iCl^ t'ung' fiii' tik, ,sam. T'ung hwui tih sin, |^v'(^^jO .P' ' fiii' tik, .sam. Pi hwui tih sin. Contritely, in a contrite manner, ^ ^/k fiii' ^in. Hwui jen, \%ii^^t^ fiii' .sam k«'''. Contrition, the act of grinding or rubbing to pow- der, ^t}^:^ ,ngdn miitj *ch«^. Yen mob ch6, Igb ^^. ,1'lmiig sui'. Chung sui ; contrition of heart, M'j \% M it ^*""?-'' *''^'' »<*'"» S'^- '^'""^ '*"■"* ts'ien fi, -jfe^Ci) i^*^'' «s*^^- Hwui sin; self-reproach, CON g '1;^ ts?/ hair. Tsz han, g >\% tsz" fiii'. Tsz hwui ; remorse, )|^ >m. ^ ^ t'ung' fui' .ts'ln /i. T'ung hwui ts'ien fi. Contrivance, the act of inventing, devising, or planning, ff ^ kai' ch'ak,. K'i ts'eh, % ^ ^ch'au ch'dk,. Ch'au ts'eh, ^ ^ J^ ^ch'au ^mau 'ch6. Ch'au mau che ; design, plan, ^yj) ^;]Lj ^sam shut^. Sin shuh, ,^ t^| ^sam ^ki. Sin ki, j^ ,kl. Ki, j^ ^)|tj ki^ shut,. Ki shuh, ^ 1^ ki^ hai^ Ki hiai ; a clever contrivance, jtf s^ '^^ ^^i- Hau ( 493 ) CON "chd. Kwdn shuh ch6, ^{^^^ y<^uk, ch'uk, 'ch6. Yoh shuh che ; under control, |^ "]> ^k'iin hd^ K'iuen hid, '/^ ~[^ chi' ha'. Chi hia ; under his control, ^fc ftH; It T tsoi' ,t'a 'kun hii^ Tsdi t'd kwAn hid ; self-control, g if^ tsz^ ^ch'!. Tsz ch'i, g ^ tsz^ 'shau. Tsz shau, || ffj tsz^ tsit,. Tsz tsieh, g -^Ij tsz^ chai'. Tsz chi ; I put it under his control, ^^ iU f\ M t'ok, "k'ii liu" 'li. T'oh k'ii liau 11, ^i%%' ^ t'ok, ,t'd *kun ni. T'oh t'd kwdn 11. kl, i^ t^^ Mi 'l^o cki c^ia^- Hau kl man, X^ |f Control, to, ^Jjg 'kun "li. Kwan li, ^^ 'cUung 'hdu kal'. K'iau ki, jtp $\ miu' kai'. Midu ki, ^^ jling kai\ Ling ki, ^ gf shin' kaf. Shen ki; a bad contrivance, P§J(f ,if jn. 'ho kai', ^ttf 'sz kai\ Sz kl ; a scheme, gj- i^ kai' ^raau. Kl mau ; shift, |^ ^ ^ki ^man. Ki mau ; what con- trivance have vou ? f/jj ^ -ji gi" 'ni "vau mat, kai'. Contrive, to frame or devise something, as a machine or plan, ^ ^mau. Mau, =f ^ kai' ch'dk,. Ki j ts'eh, ^ =^ kai' ,mau. Ki mau, ^ '^ ^mau ! ch'ak,. Mau ts'eh, "^ ^ ^t'6 ch'ak,. T'li ts'eh, ^^ ^ch'au ch'dk,. Ch'au ts'eh, (H =% ,t'6 ^mau. | T'u mau ; to contrive a plan, ^^ gf ch'it, kai'. 'kun. Chdng kwan. 'chdung '11. Chdng li, Sheh ki, ch'it, ^mau. Sheh mau, f^ '^ tsok, kai'. Tsoh ki ; to contrive how to get a sit' nation, @ -f|S [il # c^'^ ko' ch'ut, ^shan. T'u ko ch'uh shin ; to plan, find out a way or method of accomplishing, |^ g-|- Van kai', ^ ^ jts'am ^mau. Ts'in mau ; to invent, ^ 5!^ *ch'i tso'. Ch'i tsau, ;]|lj^ ch'ong' tso^ Chw'ang tsdu, ^)x ig; ^san tso'. Sin tsdu, ^g, }f} ^sz ch'ut,. Sz ch'uh, yj f^fft'^|-|- ch'ut, ^san ^sin kai'. Ch'uli 1^11 ,t'6 li^ sin sien ki ; to contrive after gain, ± Jl 'chii -li. Chii li, j: y^ 'chil chi'. Chu chi, i :ff 'chii jCh'i. Chu ch'i, ± g-^ 'chii ^cheung. Clm chang, y"^ chi^ Chi, j(^ 3^ chi' "li. Chi li, '^ Ji tuk, -li. Tuh li, Hi ^ ,sz "li. Sz li, f |] chai'. Chi, $1 ^Ij hat, chai'. Hiah chi, *^ |^ yik, lak,. Yih leh ; to place or keep under restraint, ^^ ^ y6uk, ch'uk,. Yoh shuh, ^ ^ 'kun ch'uk,. Kwan shuh; to control one's self, g ^rjj!] tsz' chai'. Tsz chi, ^g hAk, 'ki. K'eh ki, §,1^ tsz' 'ch'ii. Tsz ch'u, il~|f tsz' jCh'i. Tsz ch'i,'^ g, 'shau 'ki. Shau ki, 7^ B chr 'ki. Chi ki, ^^J 'ming ^ting. Ming ting ; to restrain, ^ -{{jlj kara' chai'. Kin chi, ^ ■{jjlj at, chai'. Ngoh chi; to control one's passions, -^,1] ^ chai' yuk,. Chi yuh, ^ ^ at, yuk,. Ngoh yuh. Controllable, that may be controlled, ^^ 'ho 'kun. K'o kwan, pf ^ Ji 'ho 'kiin 'li. K'o kwdn II ; that may be checked, Pf ^ 3l^ 'ho kam' kwo'. K'o kin kwo. Controlled, governed, ^iMJIM 'kun '11 kwo'. Kwdn li kwo, '/j^ i§^ chi- kwo'. Chi kwo ; checked, ^ ^ kam' chai' kwo'. Kin chi kwo. T'li li, =1 f.\] ^-h ix li'. Mau li, [U ^jjf ,t'o ^ts'oi. ; Controller, one who controls, ^{f^ 'kun 'li 'ch6. T'd ts'di ; to contrive to get away, |^ f |- f^ ^ ch'it, kai' lat, ^shan ; to contrive well, tx ^ gf ch'it, jShang kai'. Sheh sang ki, [Ij ^ ff ch'ut, ^shangkai'. Ch'uh sang ki. Contriver, an inventor, [jj ^J. g-f- 1^ ch'ut, ^san kai' 'ch6. Ch'uh sin ki ch6 ; one who plans or de- Kwan II ch6 ; a general controller, -^ 1^ 't'ung ,kun. T'ung kwan, ^M % 'tsung 'li 'ch4. Tsung 11 che ; a controller of accounts, ^.ftj;^ Im' shb' ,kun. Yen sii kwan, ^ ^ "^ jCh'd shb' ,kun. Ch'd sii kwan ; the controller of the household, Pn E jP'ui cSlian. P'ei chin, ^g ^kd ^shan. Kid chin. vises, gf ^ ^ kai' ^mau 'ch6. KI mau did, wl^ jt'6 ^mau 'che. T'li mau che, f^g-}-^ tsok, | Controllership, the office of a controller, <| kai' 'ch6. Tsoh ki che; a clever contriver, f^ ^ Bui? 'kiin 'II ,chi chik,. Kwdn II chi chih. g-j- ^ tsok, miu' kai' 'ch6. Tsoh miau kl che Contriving, planning, gf kai'. Ki, ^ ^raau. Mau, |g ,t'6. T'u, tj- % kai' ch'ak,. Ki ts'eh, [|51 % jt'6 ch'ak,. T'u tseh ; clever at contriving, ^^ X-^ ki' 'hau. KI k'idu, 'j^ f^ ki' 'leung. KI liang, if 'Ci^ t^ 'lio ,sam ,kl. Hau sinjcl, ^ ^ ^ 'h5 ,kl jinau. Hdu kl mau, j^ ^sf 'ho siin' kai'. Hdu swdn ki. Control, government, ^' |§ 'kiin hat,. Kwdn hidh, j^ clung'. Ching ; authority, -j^ ^ ^k'iin shai'. 1 K'iuen shi, |^ ^ ^k'vin peng'. K'iuen ping; genei-al control, j^ |'^ 't'ung hat,. Tung hidh, ; J^i^ 'tsung ching'. Tung ching, ^f, p6'. Pii, f^p' ii'. Yii, J^ m 't'ung Hi. T'ung ]f, |^ ^^ 't'ung; *Ieng. T'ung ling; restraint, ^^i^' 'kiin ch'ukj Controlling, governing, ^iH 'kiin 'II. Kwdn II, "'/fj jfp chi' ni. Chi 11 ; checking, ^^^ yeuk, ch'uk,. Yoh shuh, ^ i^lj kam' chai'. Kin chi. Controversial, relating to dispute, f^t'^fJ^f P^^^ P°k, tik,. Pien poh tih, fll S^ Pf^ pin' lun' k^', ^ |^ ^fj ^chdng lun' tik,. Tsang lun tih. Controversy, a debate between parties, f^ tsung'. Sung, ^ f=f ^chdng pin'. Tsang pien, ^f ,!|^ ^ pin' pok, 'che. Pien poh che, "^1^;^^ ^chdng lun' ^clii sz'. Tsang lun chi sz ; they open a con- troversy, ^ -^ jjfjg 'hi ^chdng ,tiin, K'I tsang twdn ; without controversy, ^tt ^ ^mo ^I. Wii I, ^^ ^m6 ts'o'; to hold harsh controversy, ^^ ^tife '^^ s"S!i f^^' '^^"^- T^ y^ ^^^ ^^^^ 5 iS#^ f^ ying' jShun 'ta 'tsui. Ying shun td tsui ; to CON (4.94) Cd*r ^jM chung lAn*. Chung Idn; to bruise, by beat- ing, tr Wl 'tA n. Tii yu, tr ^ 'td .8h6ung. T6 shdng; ditto, by falling, J^H tit, .sb6ung. Tieb shdng. Ts'ang lun, <^ ^ .cbdng^in^ Tsangpien,"'^!!^ Contused, bruised by beating, iTfl^i^ 'td ^sb6ung pin' lun^ Tien lun. kwo'. Td sbdng kwo, tT J^ ^ 'td kwo' u'. Td kwo yu ; he contused his head by a fall, ^%^ tit, ,8h6ung jt'au. Tieh shdng t'au. Contusing, bruising, ^^ td u'. Td yu. waste words in controversy, -^ P ^ "S" hbp^ 'hau fai' shitj. Hob k'au fi slieh. Controvert, to dispute, ^ pIn^ Pien, ^ pok,. Poh, ^ 1^ pin' pok,. Pien poh, 1g ^ ,chdng lun' Tsa pin' Controverted, disputed, ^^ ^^ pok, kwo'. Poh kwo, ^i^ l)in' kwo'. Pien kwo, <^^'M. .«hdng lun' kwo'. Tsang lun kwo. Controvertible pf ^ 'ho pin*. K'o pien, pf ^ 'ho Contusion -^ ii'. Yu, ^^ ii' .sh^ung. Yu shdng, pok,. K'o poh. ^ ^ 'chi wai'. Chi hwui. Controvertibly f^j!^ pin'^in. Pienjen, ^^^ ,chdng Convalesce *, to recover health, ^ ^ tak, jts'un. jin. Tsang jen." ' ; Teh ts'iuen, ))^ ^^ts'iin ii'. Ts'iuen yu, j|rji§ Controvertist, a disputant, ^' Pien lun ch6, jj^W^k pien lun ch6. Contumacious, stubborn, perverse, 'j'^ ^ 'ng yik Wii nib, ^^ 15^ 'ng ngak^, iffi ^ k'ong' yik .,^ y^ pin' lun' 'ch6. tsim' ii'. Tsien yu, j^^ tsim' ,ch'au. Tsien ch*au. h5' pin' lun' 'eh6. Hdu Convalescence, recovery after sickness, ^ ^ ^ 1 peng' tsim' ii'- Ping tsien yu, ^ y^ iti P*^"g' tsim' t'ui'. Ping tsien t'ui, ^ ^ ilf ^ peng' - . . ^ .. .-..,- ^ - - c tsim' 'h6 sdi'. K'dng nili,'^'^ ^Avai yik^.' Wei nib, ^ "l^ ^Avai Convalescent, recovering health after sickness, ^ pdi'. Wei pei, :jy^ ^ k'ong' ^wai. K'dng wei, ^(ji j^ k'ong' jWdn. K'dng hvvdn, 7] j^{ ^tiu ^wdn. Tidu hwdn, g] ^ kii' chap,. Kii chih, i^ ^ ngdng' 'keng. Ngang king, |g 3^ ku' .wai. Ku wei, 4H^ *kang 'keng. Kang king, gft J^E .kwdi 'ng. Kwdi wu. Contumaciously, obstinately, ^.^ 'kang ^in. Kang jen, ^ ^ chap, jiu. Chih jen ; in disobedience to ordei-s, ^,^ yik^ ^in. Nib jen, AiJlii^ 'i jWai yikj. I wei nih. Contumacy, unyielding resistance to rightful au- thority, ^^^ jWai yikj 'ch6. Wei nih chd, ^ ^ ^ k'ong' yik^ 'ch6. K'ang nih ,cb6, J^ ^ ^ ^ng yikj 'ch6. Wu nih ch6, j^ ^ "f^ $^ jWai yik^ k6' sz', ^^V^^ k'ong' jwai k6' sz'; a willful contempt and disobedience to any lawful sum- mons or order of court, ^ -^ ^wai meng'. AVei ming, }% #[ k'onjr' ,ch'iin. K'dng ch'uen •Dr ftjp tsim' tsim' 'ho. Tsien tsien hdu, ^ ^ ^ \^^ tsim' tsim' 'hb sdi', j^ 5^ ^ tsim' ^ts'un u\ Tsien ts'iuen yu, -^ 1^ 3- ^^^' **^^' .ch'au. Tsien tsien ch'au, ^ jts'un. Ts'iuen, j^ u'. Yu. Convalescing, recovei-ing health and strength after sickness, ^ ^ i^ tsim' tsim' 'h6. Tsien tsien hdu, ^^^^ tsim' tsim' jts'vin u'. Tsien tsien ts'iuen yu. Convenable, that may be assembled, pf ^ 'ho tsii'. K'o tsii, fT M ^ '^o ^^^^ ^^Pr ^'^ ^^^ ^^^^' Convene, to assemble. tsii' tsap . Tsii tsih. H^ tsii' ui'. Tsii hwui, ^Q^ .chiu tsap^. Chdu tsih, ^^ -^ ,chiu ui'. Clidu hwui. Convened, convoked, :f?^^3lM .c^^n ui' kwo'. Chdu liwui kwo, tfl M M .^'^"" tsap^ kwo'. Chdu tsih kwo, ^^® tsii' ui' kwo'. Tsu hwui kwo, ^t^ ^ tsii' tsapj kwo'. Tsii tsih kwo. Convener, one who calls an assembly together, :}3 1^ ^ ,chiu ui' 'ch6. Chdu hwui ch(5, tS ^ t> .chili tsap^ 'che. Chdu tsih ch6, H # # tf ii' ui' 'ch^. Tsu hwui ch6. K'ing mdn, )|ia# .ts'6 'mong. Ts'u mdng, ^^ j Convenience \ ij i^ J^ /ong pin' 'ch6, ^ 1; pin' .ts'6 '16. Ts'ii lii; contumelious language, }^^ Convcniency j ^i. Pien i, jf;|J ^ Ii' pin'. LI pien, pgt fj jling^yukj ke' wd', ?^ i# P^ f?^ H'im yuk^ i )|p (^ shun' pin'. Shun pien ; at your own con 'o r Contumelious, rude and insolent, J^f||^ yuk^ md' tik,. .Tub md tih, f^-j^ ^m6 mdn'. Wii mdn, ^ <# nsb' mdn'. Ngau mdn, ^ \'^ ,heng mdn'. k6' wd', Jfi ;^ 1^^ f^ tim' yuk^ tik, wa'. Tien jub tih hvrd, ^ j# A "1^ tfJ <^^ X^^^i iXan k6' wd', H- ® "1^ tfJ ,m^ min' k6' wd', M ^ yb wd'. Ts'u hvvd. Contumeliously ^jl@ .ts'b ^5. Ts'd lu. Contumeliousncss, n^proach, i^^^ jlingyuk^'ch6. Ling jub chtV, contem])t, f$ j"^ 'm6 mdn'. Wu mdn, ^j^ ng(V mdn'. Ngi\u mdn. Contumely, rudeness or roproacli eojupoimded of haughtiness and contempt, }^^ jling yuk^. Ling jnh, J^ 1^ jSau yukj. Siii juli, i^ H^ yuk md'. Jub md, ^ ^ ng6' md'. Ngau md, ^ {>^ ng6' mdn'. Ngau mdn ; contemptuous Injiguage, ^ tS "^ if ng^' mdn' k6' wd', ^j lpf| 'kau md'. Kau md. Contuse, to beat, to bruise, 1M^ H6 Idn'. Tdu Idu, venience, ^ il^X ^ .t'eng 'ni pin'. T'iug nl pien, ^ ^ f^ liJj ^|J ^ If pln\ Li pien, -^^ pin' tong\ Pien tang, Jlp^ shun' pin-. Shun pien; fit, ^ h6p,. Hoh, ^ -^ hbp^ ,1. Hohi; convenient for both, ^^ 'leung pin^ hid hwa, '^ If! P|t M ^ lM '^° /^^^ pin'. Hdu fdng pien, :^ ^^\] ^ sham' 11' pin'. Shin 11 pien, ^ ^ "g ^ik^ pln" jl- Kih p'ien 1 ; a very convenient situation, jjf ^^^^^ 'b5 pin' k6' ti' /ong ; the most convenient, ^ ^ ^ tsui' pin' tong'. Tsui pien tang ; convenient, no difficulties in the way, pien, ^|g pin' tslt^. Pien tsieh ; when will it be convenient ? ^ U$ 1^ 'kl ^shl pin'. KI shi pien ; how is it you have every thing so convenient ? ^i {^rtff^ ^^K ^^K ^^°^' P^"^^' ^'^^ convenient, Pg- iM s^ m'- Conveniently f^ pin'. Pien ; conveniently situated, ^f fj|n|5i;J=^ 'ho pin' k6' ti' ; conveniently arrang- ed. W^iM'g 'ching tak, pin' ^ ^fPfg^ sz' sz' pin' tong'. Sz sz pien tdng. ^^ ^ "g kok, sz pm ,1. Convening, calling together, :f^ i^ ,chiu ui'. Chdu hwui. Convent, a Buddhist monastery, ^ tsz'. Tsz, ^|J ch'at,. Ch'dh ; a Tauist ditto, ^ kun'. Kwdn ; a nunnery, ^ ,6m. Ngdn, ^^ ^om^t'ong. Ngdn t^ ^ '^ tsii' ,u ,chung ,y6ung. Tsii yu chung ydng. Convergence | ^^^^ ui' ,ii ,chung 'che. Hwui Convergency J yii chung che, ^ ffi] Pf' ^ 'chl h^ung' ,ehung 'che. Chi hidng chung che, ^j^ t^^ tsii' ,ii ,chung 'che. Tsii yii chung che. 'kan pin'. Kien | Convergent, tending to one point, ^g fn] Pfl 'chi h^ung' ,chung. Chi hidng chung, -^ ^ lii' ,ii yat, cli'ii'. Hwui yu yih cli'u, ^ ;5^ pf? ;\^% tsii' ,ii ,chung ,sam. Tsii yu chung sin ; approach- ing each other, as they proceed or are extending, 'M ^ t^ ^^ tsim' ,kwai ,ii yat,. Tsien kwei yii yih, ilJr ^ ^ -^ tsim' h6p, ,u yat,. Tsien hoh hu yih. Converging, tending to one point, "^ 1^ — • ^ tii' ,ii yat, ch'ii'. Hwui yu yih ch'u, ^ ^ Pj? jVj> tsii' ,ii ,chung ,sam. Tsii yu chung sin, ^ j^ — • j^ tsii' ,ii yat, ch'ii'. Tsii yii yih ch'u ; converging rays, 3fe|t#'{^-' ,kAvongsh6'ui',iiyat,. Kwdng shie hwui yu yih, ^ ^t ^ ^ "^ )^ ,kwong sh6' lii' ,mdi yat, ch'ii'. Kwdng shi6 hwui mdi yih cli'^, MM^^^i tsii' ,ii ,chung ke' she', fang ; to enter the convent, ^ ^ yap^ ,6m. Jih i Conversable, disposed to converse, itf ^|^ h6' ,t'dm ngdn ; to enter a monastery, /^ ^ yap^ tsz'. Jih j lun'. Hdu t'dn lun, ^-^fj' ^6' 'kong wa'. .Hdu kidng hwa ; sociable, ^ jj^ ^ h6' ,seung ,kdu. Hdu siang kidu, $f ^ j^ h6' ,kdu ,t'ung. Hdu tsz ; a Rom. Cath. convent, '^^^ ,sau t6' iin'. \ Siu tdu yuen ; to saunter about in a monastery, j ^^ ,yau tsz'. Yii tsz ; your convent, ^ ^|J 'p6 I ch'dtj. Pau clidh. j Conventicle, an assembly or meeting, i^ lii'. Hwui, ^ ^ ^ _t_ '^ tsii' tsap, pdi' Sh^ung' tai'. Tsii j tsih pdi Shdng tl; a secret assembly, ^J^^ ,sz ui'. Sz hwui, ^ ^ ,sz tsii'. Sz tsii, !^ jj- ;^ ^ pat, fdt, ,chl lii'. Puh fah chl hwui, ^#^^ .sz ui' i ,mau sz'. Sz hwui mau sz. I Convention, the act of coming together, ^ ^ tsii' ! tsap^. Tsii tsih, |^ -^ tsii' lii'. Tsii hwui, -^ ^ ■ H. Hwui I ; a coalition, |^ ,mang. Mang, kidu t'ung. Conversance, disposition to associate, $f ;'|y S^ :^ h6' ,seung 'ii 'ch^. Hdu sidng yii che, ^ ^ ^ ;^ h6' ,kdu ^yau 'ch6. Hdu kidu yii ch6, ^ ^ ^ ^ h6' ,kdu tsip, 'che. Hdu kidu tsieh che. Conversant, familiarity with, jt^^ 'h6 shuk,. Hdu shuh, ^ ^ tsap^ shukj. Sih shuh, ^ ^^ ,hdn shuk^. Hien shuh, |^ '6m. Ngdn; conversant with those books, Uik ^ -^ W shuk^ shik, ko' ,shii. Shuh shih ko sliii ; conversant with one another, ^ ::i|>0 ^ 'h6 ,seung shuk^. Hdu sidng shuh, M Mil- Mm 'leui^S M '^^ kwdn' shuk^. Lidng kid hdu kwdn shuh, ftf j^ ^ 'h6 ,s^ung ,kdu. Hdu sidng kidu, ({f ^ iffi 'h6 ,kdu ,t'ung. Hdu kidu t'ung. ^^ ,mang yeuk,. Mang yoh ; the written instru- ment, ^^ ,mang ,shii. Mang shii, ^^H y6uk, ,shii. Yoh shu ; to make a convention, ^a^ kit, ^mang. Kieh mang, ^^^ kit, yduk,. Kieh yoh ; to break a convention, ^ ^ ptii' ^mang. Pei j Conversation, behavior, ^=j ^ c^ang ^wai. Hang mang, -^ ^^ pui' yeuk,. Pei yoh. Conventional, stipulated, ^ ^ ^^ yeuk, teng' tik,. Yoh ting tih, fjp. ^i^ f^ chili' y^uk, ^t'iii, C^du yoh t'idi; ; oonf enfional use of the language, "f^ H tswk, w^\ SwU kw^, Bf "j>;f| fiU %A wh\ m wei; familiar intercourse, j|>tM ,s6ung 'ii. Siang y^> ^M fj^ 'kbm fd'. Kdn hwd, 'j^ ^ fui' 'koi. llwui kdi, VJc M '^^^ kwo'. Kdi kwo, pj^ <^ f^ 'koi fd' 'che. Kdi hwd chd, i\^ {^ ^ ,8am fd' 'ch(5. Sin hwd ch6, ^ ^ ^ pin' fd' 'ch6. Pien hwd ch6; reformation, 'fe P Vk A^ f'ii' tsdi' 'koi kwo*. Uwui tsui kdi kwo, L!^ ^, ^ ^ 'koi ok, ,ts'in shin*. Kdi kwo ts'ien shcn ; conversion from heresy, ^^ ^ §|J jE hi' jts*6 ,kwai ching'. K'i si6 kwei ching, ^UUU hi' *kd .kwai ,chan. K'I kid kwei chin ; conversion from darkness to light, ^(| Dg ^ ^ jli 6m' jt'au ^ming. LI ngdn t'au ming, ^ Bb «^ pt jl» ^n^' tsau' .kwong. Li ngdn Isid kwdng; ditto from Satan to God, ^ J^ 5& i?n M ± 'rlj' jli ^mo 'kwai ,i .kwai Sheun^ tai'. Li mo kwei rh kwei Shdng ti; the conversion of the heathen, |5| J!j5t ^ ^ 'ffc i' tsuk, ,chi 'k6m fa'. I tsuh chi kdn hwd ; a change of religion, Wk ^ ^^^ kdu'. Uwdn kidu ; transmutation, ^ YJi pin' fd'. Pien hwd ; a change of front, |^ di (hJ(^ 'chiin min' h6ung' tik,. Chuen mien hiAng tih ; the conversion to private use, VM. 2^ i^ ^ 'koi jWai ,sz ynng'. Kdi wei sz yung. Convert, to change or turn into another substance or form, ^ fd'. Hwd, ^ ^ pin' fd'. Pien hwd ; to change from one state into another, ^^i^^ 'koi fd'. Kdi hwd, yi ^ ^ 'k6m fa'. Kdn hwd, f^ (fc kdu' fa'. Kidu hwd, ^ ^ 'koi fa'. KAi iiwd, pj( ^. 'koi pin'. Kdi pien, |(| ffc hiin' fd'. K'iuen hwd; to convert the heathen, l^{\^^jj^ 'k6m fd' i' tsuk^. Kdn hwd i tsuh ; to convert all nations, ^ ^ |^ ^ kdu' fd' ,chu kwok,. Ki&u hwd chu kwoh ; to convert from a bad life to a good one, P^" '-}h ^ H 'koi ok, ts'in shin'. Kdi ngoh ts'ien shen, PJ^i^i^^ 'koi kwo' ^ts'in shin'. Kdi kwo ts'ien shen ; to convert from heresy and bring to the truth, ^ ^ (f,,*- J£ 'koi ^ts'e ,kwai ching'. Kdi sie kwei ching; to convert the heart, it 'O fa' csam. Hwd sin, ^ -^i A i^ ^kom fd' ^yan ,sam. Kdn hwd jin sin, j^{t ^'^ * au' fd' ^yan ,sam. T'au hwd jin sin ; to convert sinners. ^ -ft P A 'k6m fa' tsui' ^yan. Kdn hwd tsui jin; to convert or turn from one destination to another, E^ j^ 'koi yung*. Kdi yung, pjf ^ 'koi jWai. Kdi wi-i ; to convert the property to one's own use, Pjlf JP.!i ti '11 'koi ^wai 'ki yung'. Kdi wei ki yung, ^JcMM'^ koi ^wai ,sz 'shai. Kdi wei sz shi ; to turn into another language, i^|i ^ 'chiin wd'. Chuen hwd, ^ yik^. Yih, ^ ^ /dn yikj. Fdn yih ; to convert into another form, g^ ^ 'koi y6ung'. Kdi ydng, ^^ pin' shik,. Pien sih, pjf ^ 'koi shikj. Kdi sih ; to convert into a Aveapon of war, VM M ^ Wr 'koi jWai j)ing hi'. Kdi wei ping k'i. Convert, to undergo a change, ^ f|^ pin' fd'. Pien hwd. Convert, a, |$ ^ (P niDt pi' 'k6m fa' ke', |ftgCffc jig fd' kwo'. llwd kwo, i^ ^ffc i^ pin' fd' kwo'. Pien hwd kwo; changed from one state cox (497) COX to another, f!^ ^ 'koi kwo'. Kai kwo, g^ ^< ^ *koi pin' kwo'. Kdi pien kwo ; changed in heart or mind, ^{f^i^ 'kom fa' kwo'. Kan hwA kwo, U^^ pi' 'kom fa'. PI kdn hwa, ^g^^-fc kin' 'koi fa'. Kien kai hw4 ; converted, as to a parti- cular use, gjjr ^ 'koi jWai. Kdi wei, ^ j^ 'koi yung'. Kai yung ; converted to private use, gj^ 1^ ^Z )1 'koi jwai ^sz yung'. Kdi wei sz yung. Converter, one who changes from, one substance in- to another, ^ 9^ fa' ke', ^ ^ fa' 'ch^. Hwd che, '^-^:^ pill' fa' 'che. Pien hwa ch6 ; a con vey land by deed, jj ^^ gg lap^ k'ai' ^kdu ^t'ln. Lib k'i kiau t'ien to ; convey information, ^ ^ M, P^' '^^'^^ ^ik,. Pii sin sib, ^H ^^ tdt^ sun'. T4h sin ; to convey new^s, '^ ^ ^ ^cb'iin ^san ^man. Cb'uen sin wan, jg ^ tai^ jam. Ti yin ; to convey ideas, 5^,^ tdt, f . Tab i ; to convey a meaning, >g ^ ,@, tat^ i' sz'. Tdh i sz, j^ £ ,@, 'bin i' sz'. Hien 1 sz ; the sentence does not ful- ly convey the idea, p% ^ ^ ^. jts'z pat, tdt^ f Ts'z pub tab i ; to convey comfort, H Fii wei, 'fii wai'. ch'iin wai'. Cb'uen wei ; to con- verter of men, >^ 'ffc A ^ 'kom fa' ^yan 'cb6. | vey away, ^-^ ,pun hii'. Pwdn k'ii, j^^ wan^ Kdn hwa j in cb6, ft^ A^lt kdu' W jan k^' Convertibilitv Pf >fti ^ 'ho fa' 'ch^. K'o hwd ch6, Pj" g^ ^ 'ho 'koi 'che. K'o kai ch6, Pf E^ ^ ^ 'ho 'koi fa' 'chd. K'o kai hwd cb6. Convertible, that may be converted, "pj" g^ 'ho 'koi. K'o kai, pj ffc 'ho fa'. K'o hwa, g^ ^% 'koi tak,. Kai teh, ^ :ff fa' tak,. Hwa teh, pf gjr ^ 'ho 'koi pin'. K'o kai pien, pf g^ ^ 'ho 'koi ^wai. K'o kdi wei, pf Jf g^ 'bo ,kang 'koi. K'o kang kai, pj ^ 'ho un'. K'o hwan, Pf gj^ ^ 'lio 'koi lin'. K'o kai hwan, ^f^ un' tak,. Hwdn teh. Converting, changing in subtance, 'ffj fd'. Hwd, ^ >rti pin' fa'. Pien bwd; ditto in state, g^ ^ 'koi fa'. Kai hwd ; ditto from sin to holiness, ^ >f|^ 'kom fa'. Kan hwa, gjr ^^ ^ ^ 'koi ok,' ^ts'in shin'. Kai ngob ts'ien shen, '|^f|g^^ fui' tsui^ 'koi kwo'. Hwui tsiii kdi kwo ; converting to a par(i(mlar use, gj^ ;j^ ^ J]3 koi ^wai Tnau yung\ Kdi wei mau yung ; appropriating, ^ j^ S ffl 'koi ,wai 'ki yung^ Kdi wei ki yung, ^'^^'^ *koi ,wai ^sz 'shai. Kdi wei sz sbi. Convex, rising or swelling on the exterior surface into a spherical or round form, ^ jgni ^pau min', 111^6^ ,iin 'hi tik,. Yuen k'l tib, ^ tat,. Tub, ^ jeung. Yang; concave and convex, (HJ jUl nap, tatj, [J^ |gf jam jeung. Yin yang. Convexity [H ^ ^ ^ jtln 'hi ^chi .ying. Yuen k'i chi hing, '^ ^ j^ ,pau min^ jing. Pau mien bing. Convexo-concave (H| ({h ^ nap, tat^ tik,. Convexo-convex pj^ ^ 'Q ifij 'l^ung ^pin ^pau min^ Liang pien pdu mien, p^ ^ [{!j ^ 'leung ^pln tat, 'hi. Liang pien tub h'i. Convey, to transport by land, ^j^ ,piln wan'. Pwdn yun, ^'^ jts'in wan^ Ts'ien yun, ^5^ ^pun ^i. Pwdn i; ditto by water, ^j^ cP'nn wan^ Pw'dn yun, i^^ wan' tsoi'. Yun tsdi, i^^ jP'^'^ tsoi'. Pw'dn tsdi ; to convey by carrying on the shoul- der, \U i^ ,tam wan^ Tan yun ; ditto in the hand, |^ 'lin. Lien, ^ tdi'. Tdi ; to convey grain, jg ^ wan' ^leung. Yun lidng, y^ i|| ^ts'b wan\ Ts'du yun, ^ j^ 'chiin ^ts'b. Chuen ts'du ; to convey by a cart, ^j^ ,ku wan\ Kii yun ; to (!onvey a letter, ^ fg ^ch'iin sun'. Cb'uen sin, -/^^ ^ch'iin ki'. Cb'uen ki, ^ ^^ ,cb'iin fu\ Cb'uen fii; to convey a right, ^1^ ,kau jk'iin. Kiau k'iuen, ft||| fii^ k'iin. Fii k'iuen ; to con- hii'. Yun k'ii; to convey out, ^ {f| ,pun ch'ut,. Pwdn cb'ub, ^ {Jj ^p'lin ch'ut,. Pw'dn cb'uh. jH [ii wan' ch'ut,. Yun cb'ub ; to convey one's self out of danger, ^ ^ pi' ^ngai. Pi wei, ^ \j^ jt'6 'him. T'du hien ; to convey, as a criminal, :jf ^ dp, sung'. Yah sung, ^ ^ dp, kdi'. Ydh kidi ; to convey taxes, ^ ||^ kdi' 'b^ung. Kidi bidng. wan^ 'ch^. Conveyance, by land, ^ j|| :^ Jtin Pwdn yun cb6 ; ditto by water, ^ iH ^ cP'^in wan^ 'cb6. Pw'dn yun cb6, V^ iH :^ jts'b wan^ 'cb6. Ts'du yun ch6, ^ jg :^ ^shiin wan^ 'cb6. Cb'uen yun che ; the instrument or means of pass- ing a thing from place to place, or from person to person, jiSiS^^ c^'nug wan' ^chi hi'. T'ung yun cbl k'i, i$ ^ Z :^ cCb'iin kf ,chi /ong. Cb'uen ki chi fdag ; a carriage, ^ ^kii. Kii ; a good conveyance, fif^ 'bb ^kii. Hdu kii; a ship, ^ jShiin. Cb'uen ; an assignment, ^ ^ k'ai' hiin'. K'i k'iuen, ^ ^ ,t'in k'ai'. T'ien k'i. Conveyancer ^^^ chong' ^sz. Cbwdng sz, 'f^i^ ^ toi' lap^ k'ai' 'che. Tdi lib k'i ch6. Conveyed, transported by land, ^j||jl^ ^pun wan' kwo'. Pwdn yun kwo ; ditto by water, ^ j^ jj^ jP'un wan' kwo'. Pw'dn yun kwo; ditto by carry- ing on the shoulder, :{^H )|| j]^ ^tdm wan' kwo'. Tdn yun kwo ; ditto by carrying in the hand, ^ jl^ tdi' kwo'. Tdi kwo, ^jj^ "lin kwo'; conveyed, as a letter, ^f^ )^ ^ch'iin kwo'. Ch'uen kwo ; dit- to, as a right or property, ^ff 3J^ ^kdu fu^ kwo'. Kidu fii kwo. Convict, to prove or find guilty of a crime charged, lap, shat, kii'. Lib shib kii, jt Jf-^ lap^ shatj tsui' kii'. Lib tsiii kii, mL'M^^ ^ lap^ shat, kii' ^yau tsiii^ Lib shili kii yii tsui ; to convict of an error, jjl |^ ^ ^ lap^ kii' 'yau ts'o'. Lib kii yu ts'o. Convict, malefactor, ^If,A ^^^^ J^^- Fdn jin, ^^"^ §y- -^ 'kwong bon' ,k'im 'tsz. Kwdng hdn k'ien tsz, ^^ ^k'im 'tsz". K'ien tsz, «^^ A jlau jt'6 jan. Liii t'li jin ; one convict, — • ^ ^\^ yat, ^meng fdn\ Yih ming fdn. Convicted, of a crime, sL }^ ^ ^ ^H\ kwo' tsui^ kii'. Lib kwo tsui kii ; ditto of an error, jjl^^ ^ lap^ kii' ^au ts'o'. Lib kii yii ts'o. CON (498) CON Conviction, the act of proving to be gmlty of an oienco charged against a person before a legal tribunal, ^ ^ p ^ tcng' ^yau tsui^ 'ch6. Ting yA tsdi ch6 ; the act of proving a crime, jfe ^\jj^ ^ lap^ tsiii^ kii' 'die. Lih tsui kii ch6, sl^^ ^^ lapj kii' ^yau tsui^ 'ch6. Lih kii yu tsui ch6 ; conviction of one's own guilt, j^ % ^ ^ H tsz* k'ok, ,c]il *yau tslu^ Tsz k'ioh chi yu tsdi ; strong belief, ^ ^ k'ok, ,chl. K'ioh ch'l ; the conviction of an honest mind, /(^ 5^ ^ ^sam k'ok, ,chf. Sin k'ioh chi, iVo']^^ ,sam shat^ ,chl. Sin shih chi ; it is my conviction, ^ |Sf ^ ^ngo shat^ ,chi. Wo shih chi, ^ «g ^ *ngo k'ok, .chi. Wo k'ioh chi. Convince, to satisfy the mind by evidence, ^ ^ Tcong jcng. Kiang ying, |f^>^ 'kong 't6. Kidng t^u, ^ ^ pin' 'to. Pien tdu, ,^ -^j pok, 't6. Poh tdu, MMMiWi 'kong t6' .shii fuk^. Kidng tdu shu fuh, ^ ;gj pok, p'o'. Poh p'o, f^ J\^ pin' fukj. Pien fuh, -j^fg 'sz sun'. Shi sin ; con- vince him of it, H |gj -fg 'kong 't6 ^k'ii. Kidng tdu k'ii ; to convince of the truth, -(^ '^ ^ jg *pi sun' .chan t6'. Pi sin chin tdu, ^ \$ ^ ^ 'sz sun' .chan Mi. Shi sin chin li, ^ 5lJ '^ ^ ^1 'kong t6' sun' ,chan to'. Kidng tdu sin chin tdu ; unable to convince, ^ pg 'glj 'kong ^ra 'to, ^ A Pa -^ 'kong ^yan ^m chii', ^|^ A 'kong .shii ^aji. Kidng shu jin, ^ pg ^ 'kong ^m jeng, ^ A ^ A^ 'kong ^yan pat, kwo'. Kidng jin puh kwo ; to convince of* eiTor, ^ ^J |g ^ 'kong t6' yan' ts'o'. Kidng tdu jin ts'o. Convinced, persuaded in mind, ^ ^ shat^ ,chi. Shih chi, ^ ^ k'ok, .chi. K'ioh chi ; I was con- vinced of his innocence, Sg^fg^SP k'ok, .chi *k'ii ^b tsui'. K'ioh chi k'ii wu tsui ; I convin- " ced him, ^ -g^] M IE 'kong 't6 kwo' 'k'ii. Kidng tdu kwo k'ii, ll^^JjSfE pok, Vo kwo' 'k'ii. Poh tdu kwo k'ii, ^ ^ -^ fg 'kong ^ycng kwo' 'k'ii. Kidng ying kwo k'ii ; to be convinced of the truth, pf^l^^ shat^ .chi ^wai .chan. Shih chi Wei chin, fif ^ ^ ^ shat^ ,chi .chan t6'. Shih chi chin tdu. Convincing, persuading the mind by evidence, ^ fWi^i 'kong t6' .shu fuk^. Kidng tdu shii fuh, ^#1 'kong 't6. Kidng tdu, ^ ^ 'kong ^yeng. Kidng ying, ± '^ ^ lap, shat^ ku', -^ A ^t ., leng* ^yan sun' fuk,. Ling jin sin fuh; convincing him of his error, m'^^M^ 'kong t6' yan' ts'o'. Kidng tdu jin ts'o; convincing him of the truth, M M iUWkM, 'kong t6' sun' .chan t6'. Kidng tdu sin chin tdu. Convivial, festive, jovial, >^^ fdi' lok,. Kw'di loh, M^ W^ Tlx/ nj?*^"' in' lok, tik,. Yau yen loh tih, fmP^'U nS»u' in' 'yam U\ ^t:M'^ '^^^ i"' Hi yen loh tih ; a convivial party, ^ lok, tik, ngau' in' lii'. Ydu yen hwui. Conviviality, the good humor or mirth indulged at an entertainment, ^ M fdi' lok,. Kw'di loh, g^ ^ in' lokj, yen loh, ^ ^ 'yam lok^, yin loh; great conviviality, jif- ^ ^ 'h6 fdi' lok^. Hdu kw'di loh. Convocate, to convoke, >S^ chiii' ui'. Chdu hwui, ^ ^ chili' tsap,. Chdu tsih, ^ A^^ chitl' yan tsii' tsap,. Chau jin tsii tsih, f^ A ^ ^ .ch'iin jyan tsii' tii'. Ch'uen jin tsii hwui. Convocation, the act of calling or assembling by summons, -^ '^ ^ meng' ui' 'ch6. Ming hwui ch6, ^ ^ ^ chiu' tii' 'ch6. Chdu hwui chd, ^ ^ ^ chili' tsap, 'ch(5. Chdu t*ih chd, -($ ^ ^ jCh'uij tsap, 'chd. Ch'uen tsih chd ; an assembly, ^ ui'. Hwui, ^-^ kung lii'. Kung hwui. A, ■§• tdi' ui'. Td hwui. Convoke, to call together, ^ ^ chiii' lii'. Chdu hwui, ^ ^ chiu' tsap,. Chdu tsih, ^ ^ meng* ui'. Ming hwui, Vf ^ .fu tsap,. Hii tsih, ^ \ ^^ chili' .yan tsii' tsap,. Chdu jin tsii tsih. Convoked, summoned by onler, -^ ^ aS chiii' tii* kwo'. Chdu hwui kwo. Convoking ^-^ chili' tii'. Chdu hwui, >g ^ chiii' tsap,. Chdu tsih. Convolute, ") rolled together, ^ ^ 'kiin ^mai. Convoluted, j Kiuen mdi, ^ ii "(^ 'kiin ^mdi kd', |g ^ jCh'in 'chiin. Ch'en chuen, |^ ^^ jt'ung 'chiin. T'ung chuen. Convolution, the act of rolling or winding together, f^ ^ 'kiin ^mdi 'chd. Kiuen mdi chd, 'kiin 'chiin *chd. Kiuen chuen chd, jCh'in 'iu 'chd. Ch'en ydu chd, |^ ^ ^ jt'un'g 'chvin 'chd. T'ung chuen chd ; a winding motion, ^^ .wdn 'chiin. Wdn chuen. Convolve, to roll or wind together, ^^^ 'kiin ^mdi. Kiuen mdi, |i i^ ^ch'in ^mdi. Ch'en mdi, |g j^ jCh'in 'iii. Ch'en ydu, ^ ^ 'kiin 'chiin. Kiuen chuen. Convolvolus, bindMeed, S. )lW n^ *ng 'chdu jlung. Wti chdu lung, ^^^ jSiin fuk, .fd. Siuen fuh liwd, ^^ ii: to' .kang /d. Tdu kang hwd. Convoy, to accompany on the way for protection, either by sea or land, ^ j^ ti' sung'. Hii sung, ^ ^ wai' sung'. Wei sung. Convoy, a protecting force accompanying ships, ^ j^^ W ^^ sung' .chi jShiin. Uii sung chi ch'uen, ^ I5ft u' jShiin. Hii ch'uen ; a body of troops, which accompany provisions, ammunition, or other property for protection, ^^ li' j)ing. Hii ping. ^ J^ -^ :f% "* sung' .<-hi j)ing. Hii sung chi ping, ^ -^ wai' .ping. Wei ping ; the ship or fleet conducted and protected, B$ ^ ^ l|Q' pi' li' .chi jShiin. Pi hii chi ch'uen. Convoyed ^^ u' kwo'. Hii kwo, kwo'. Hii sung kwo. Convoying ^ j^ li' sung'. Hii vsung. Convulse, to draw or contract, ^ .di'au. Ch'au, Hiifk ,ch'au ,liin. Ch'au linen, :|}ft;j?j .ch'au ,kan. Ch'au kin, :[]^ ^^ .ch'nu shuk,. Ch'au shuh; to convulse society, ^»2|l, A K ^'^ liin* jVau ^mnn. Jdu Iwdn jin min, |^8L ''^'^^ '""*• ^^'^^ Iwdn ; to shake, f| tt chan' tung'. Chin tung; to con. li' sung' eo^ (4§g) tJOO vulse with laughter, ^ '^ siu' 'tJ). Sidu tdu; to | Lung kwo, Cookery ^ ^ shuk^ shikj. Shuh shih. ^ ^^ 'ching 76 shik ^chl ngai\ ^ ^ 'ching -y^ shik^ ^chi sz . Cookia, whampi, ^ jj^ ^Avong ^p'!. Hwdng p'i. J ^ :^ 'ching "y6 shik ; a cooking establishment (refreshment room), I^M^ 'ch'au mdi' 'kiin. Ch'du mdi kwan. Cool, moderately cold, ^ ^l^ung. Lidng, ^ |^ jleung 'shong. Lidng shwdng ; a cool breeze, ^ M. jl^ung ^fung. Liang fung, ^^ ^ling. Ling ; a cool day, ^ ^ ^leung ^t'ln. Liang t'ien ; a cool pavilion, ^ ^ ^leung ,t'ing. Lidng t'ing ; cool and aiiy, '^ ^ (ts'ing ^leung. Ts'ing lidng; cool, not ardent, '^ '^j^ Hdng tdm\ Lang tdn, }i^ ^ 'Idng lok^. Lang loh ; a cool answer, \^i^^\ ^Idng tdm^ tdp, ^yan. Lang tdn tdh jin ; a cool reception, )l^'l§i^\ ^lang tdm' tsip, ^yan. Lang tdn tsieh jin ; a cool treatment, If^']^^/'^ 'Idng tdm^ toi^ ^yan. Lang tdn tdi jin, /^ ^^- ^ pok^ toi^ 'ch6. Poh tdi ch(S ; a cool behavior, ^ fj pokj hang^. Poh hing ; a cool falsehood, ^ ^ ^ "^ kii' f fong jin. Ku 1 hwdng yen, to tell a cool falsehood, ^ >^ ^ $f :^ ^ 'kong tdi^ wd^ 'h5 ^16 shat^. Kidng td hwd hdu Idu shih; impu- dent, ^ ^ c^'ong tat^. T'dng tub ; a cool dress, ^^^ jleung jShdm. Lidng sdn; that is very cool. Cool, to allay heat, ^i$, 'ching tung'. Ching tung, ^ ^ chi' tung'. Chi tung, ■^ 7^ 'sz tung'. Shi „..™, ... ^. .„„« . ^ ^. ^ tung, ift hu' it^. K'u jeh, it f^ t'lii' it^. T'ui Cony, a rabbit, ^ t'6'. T'li, ^^ t'6' 'tsz. T'u tsz. I ^ jeh ; to cool by placing into cold water, ^ ^ rend, ^ ^ ,ch'au lit,. Ch'au lieh. Convulsing jp^ ^ch'au. Ch'au, ^ ^ ^ch'au ,liin, Ch'au liuen, ^ ^ ^ch'au ^kan. Ch'au kin. Convulsion, in children, ^ ^bdn. Hien, % ^^ Cooking ^ 'chii. Chii, ^^ shdp^, ^keng /ung ching'. King fung ching, /J^ 12.5^^ 'siu ji ^tin peng". Sidu rh tien ping, ^ ^ |^ fdt, ^6ung tin'. Fdh ydng tidu, f§ :g| ch'uk, nik^. Ch'uh nib, H ^ 5a£ 'Hn .k'liu ching', ^ hdk,. K'eh, ^.QHR Vdn pdk^ 'ngdn. T'dn peh yen ; se- vere convulsions in children, ^^^ kap^ ^ shdp^, 1^^ jP'ang. P'ang; to cook (steam) tso^ tung', ^ f^ tso^ -Idng. Tso lang ; to cool by spreading out, j^ ll^ /'dn tung'. T'dn tung ; to cool by blowing, P^^ ^ch'ui J6ung. Ch'ui lidng; to cool one's self by seating himself in a cool place, ^ ^ 't'au ^leung. T'au lidng; to cool one's wrath, ^^ ^^ sik, nb^ Sib nu, HF ^. M ^^^ no= hi'. Hid nu k'i. rice, :^ fft 'chu fdn^ Chu fdn, ^ |g jib fdn^ Cool, to grow cool, g )^ tsz^ Hdng. Tsz lang, '^^ Pdu fdn. If 1^ lung^ fdn^ Lung fdn; to cook tsim^ tung'. Tsien tung, ^ )!^ ^shang "Idng, ^ well, ^ ^ 'chii shuk^. Chii shuh ; to cook tho- )^ lok^ 'Idng. Loh lang ; to render indifferent, roughly, 1^^, shdp^ ^nam. Hidh jin, ^^ 'chii i ^ \^ /,^ ^shang 'lang tdm\ Sang lang tdn. t'au'. Chu t'au ; to cook to pieces, J^ j^ 'chii ' Cool-headed, free from passion, j)^ ^ \% 'fo hi' lan^ Chii Idn, jl'^j^ shdp^ ldn^ Cook, a, i/CiS 'fo jt'au, ^ ^ch'ii. Ch'ii, ^ % 'fo ^kwan, ^ ^ ^ch'ii 'tsz. Ch'u tsz, W Wt \^ *««' jCh'vi '15, ^ ^ P|t 'chii fan^ k6', )§ ^^ ff ,ch'u ,sz iu\ Ch'ii sz fii, ^ ^ ,cb'ii kung. Ch'ii kung, ;g \ ,p'du jan. P'du jin, ^ X J^^?, ^yan. Yung jiii, |^ -^ ^liu 'tsz. Lidu tsz ; a fe- male cook or cook-maid, ^1^^ 'chii fdn^ ,naiii, # IS ^ 'chii fdn^ j)'o, I^WlM 'cbii fdn^ ^d, jCh'iiT)'i. Ch'ii p'i. kitchen, ^ ^ jCh'ii /ong. Ch'u manS Ho k'i man, ^^ ^ p^ ^bdm 'y^ung k6', -W 'S ^ 'yau jhdm 'yeung. Yii hien ydng. Cooled, made l6ss hot, ^ )i^ chi' 'Idng. Chi lang, H'^^l ct'^n 'ii^ng kwo'. T'dn lang kwo. Cooler, that which cools, ^ ^ ^ chi' ,l^ung 'ch6. Chi lidng chd, ^X^^ chf 'Idng 'ch^. Chi lang che, 'f^ ^ P|t © 'pi jl^ung ke' ^6 ; a wine coo- ler, ji vil '^ ^k ^ chi' 'tsau tung' k6' hi'; a cooler, in China, ^ }^ M *so^ 'Idng j)'un. Tso lang pw'dn. Colie, ) house, ^ j^ a 'kiin tim'. Kwdn tien; Cook-house, *> a Cook-room, j fdng, ^ pjf ^ch'ii 'sho. Ch'^ so, /g ' Coolie, J street-coolie, p,^g_l ^kii Ji, :j^0 ;^ /dm /u, ^ jP'du jch'ii. P'du ch'u", j^ jCh'ii. Ch'ii I ^i ^ /'id /ti. T'idu fii, jfl |H ^ /dm tdm' '16, Cooked, prepared for the table, ^ ^^ 'chii kwo'. i fyj^}^ /dm ,chau 'fii; call a coolie, Bf|BX^ Chu kwo, j^ ^ shdp^ kA\ 0', ^ ^^ lung^ kwo'. j kiii' tdm ^kung ^loi. ]ijidu tdn kung Idi. coo ( 500) COP Coolie orange, ^ jCh'dng. Ch'ang; coolie-mandarin orange, citrus margarita, ^;j'55::j:y* ^ch'd ,clii ,k5m. Ch'd chi kdn, ;j# ,k6m. Kdn. Coolish, somewhat cold, ^ 'ii^ I6u\ Mdng. Lioh lang, tsi ^ ,nii ndng. Wi lang. Coolly, without heat or sharp cold, K^^^ ^Is^ng tdm'. Lang tdn ; he received him coolly, '^ 'J^ ^ -^ ^Idng tdra^ tsip, ,t'd. Lang tdn tsich t'd ; to do a thing coolly, ^^Wfi:4t liin^ % shat^ ts6^ sz^ Ldn Idu shih tso sz, j^^^^ Idn' t6m^ teng^ ; de- liberately, i^ jg ku' i'. Kii 1. Coolness, a moderate degree ol' cold, '^ ^ ^lang 'ch6. Lang ch6, ^^ tung' ^l^ung. Tung lidng; indifference, js^ 'J'^ ^Mng tdm^ Lang tdn, ](^ fi^ 'Idng ,sam. Lang sin, *^ ^ 'Idng hi'. Lang k'i ; to part with coolness, \^ jkffnM ^^^^S ^dm^ ji jts'z. Lang tdn rh ts'z. Coom, soot that gathers over an oven's mouth, ^ ip 11^ To jt'dm ^mui. Ho t'dn mei. Coop, for fowls, II ;j^^ ,kai ^Idn. Ki Idn, ^ ^ ,kai Jung. Kl lung ; a pen, j^] Jdn. Ldn, ^;|^ shau^ jldn. Shau ldn, ^ ldm\ Ldn. Coop, to put in a coop, ^ A ^^ kw'an' yap^ ^Idn. Kw'anjihldn, ^ /\,^ kvf'an' ya})^ Jiung. Kw'an jih lung. Cooper, one whose occupation is to make barrels, hogsheads. &c., || ;j;|| ff /u 't'ung U, ;jf g 't'ung ts6ung^ T'ung tsidng, -^^-'jfjfjl^ ts6' 't'ung tik,. Tso t'ung tih. Cooper, to do the work of a cooper, ^Jj^ ts5^ 't'ung. Tso t'ung. Co-operate, to act or operate jointly with another or others to the same end, (^ ;^J -gjjf hip^ lik^ ts6^ Hieh lih tso, ^ :^ ft hop^ lik^ tsok,. Hoh lih tsoh, 1^1 li^ ^ ^ jt'ung ^sam ts6^ sz^ T'tmg sin tso sz, 1^1 Jla*;^^, t'ung jSam pdn* sz^ T'ung sin pdn sz, [^ ;Ci> ^ ^ s^'ung ^sam kung^ sz^ T'ung sin kung sz, S^ ^ ^ cho^ lik^ ts6^ Tsii lih tso ; to co-operate Avith another, |^{i{^ j^'^^g ch'ut lik^. T'ung ch'uh lih, j^JX^^ jt'ung^yanpdn^ sz^ T'ung jin pdn sz ; many causes co-operated to produce the result, $'^^M\fQ)&^^ .to kii' h6pj ^mdi ^i ^shing ^k'i sz\ To ku hoh mdi rh ching k'i sz. Co-operation, the act of working, or operating to- gether, ^;fy^ hip^ likj ts6^ Hieh lih tso, ^^ cho^ lik^. Tsu lih, -^ ^ tir ^ h5pj lik^ tsd' 'chd. Hoh lih tso che. Co-optate, to choose Avith another, [s|^ j^'^ng 'siin. T'ung swdn, j^ ;f^ ^t'ung chdk^. T'ung tsoh, f^t jg 'kdn 'siin. Kien swdn. Co-optation, adoption, li^ j^l ^ s^'ung 'siin *ch6. T'ung swdn chd, ftfj iS! ^- 'kdn 'siin 'ch6. Kien swdn ch(5. Co-ordinate, beingof equal order, ]^^ P'"g' ^t^^g* Ping tang, |^^ ^t'ung 'tang. T'ung tang, }^^ jt'ung 'pan. T'ung pin. Co-ordination, ^^^ pi^^g' *tang 'chd. Ping tang ^^^r l^ifp:^ it'ung 'pan *ch6. T'ung pin ch6. Cop, the head or top of a thing, ^ ^t'au. T'au, T^ 'teng. Ting, "0 'shau. Shau ; the tuft on the head of birds, ^ ,kun. Kwdn. Copaiba, ") balsam of copaiba, ^ ^ IS ^ .^^o P^i Copaiva, ) ,pd y6uk^. Ko pdi pd yob, ^ yj pdk, chuk y6uk^. Peh chub yob. Copal ^ ts'at,. Ts'ib. Copartner, one who has a share in a common stock for transacting business, Ih}/^:^ j^'ung *ku 'ch^. I T'ung ku cb6, -^ ^ ^ hop^ 'ku 'ch6. Hoh kii '' c\i6; an associate, j^ pun^ Pwdn, ipjj ff 'fo ki'. Hoki. Copartnership |^jg:0)^^ ^fung^'ku 'fan .chi sz*. ; T'ung ku fan chi sz. I Copatriot |^^ ± jt'ung i^ sz*. T'ung i sz, |^^li± jt'ung litj sz*. T'ung lieh sz. Cope, a cover for the head, npi ^ ^t'au k'oi'. T'au k'di, "^ ^ 'shau k'oi'. Shau k'di ; the arch or concave of the skv, '^ ^ jl^'ung .ts'ong. K'iung i ts'dng, ^Zf'fr^ ^, 1U^^t^^ 'd^ ^m hai* ^k'ii k6' tik^ 'shau ; you can cope with him," f^ pT ^ Tf # fill 'tt 'ni ^lo ^ teng tak, .t'd chii*. Ni k'o 1 ting teh t'd chu ; able to cope Avith, Tg # fg ft 'teng tak, 'k'u chii*. Ting teh k'ii chd, p*) j^ fg tau' chii* 'k'ii. Tau chu k'ii, ^ fg I| kau' ^k'u 'teng, f^ fg j|^ ^ hai* ^k'a tikj 'shau. Hi k'ii tih shau ; to oppose with suc- cess, p^ ^ tau' shing'. Tau shing, p^ ^ tau' jeng. Copied, transcribed, ^ )^ .ch'du kwo'. Ch'du kwo, B ^1 M ,t'ang luk^ kwo'. T'ang luh kwo, # j^ jt'ang .ch'du kwo'. T'ang ch'du kwo ; it is all copied, ;y? ^ .ch'du sdi' ; imitated, ^ jjg liok^ kwo'. Hioh kwo, ^ ^ hdu* kwo'. Hidu kwo ; copied exactly, Hji ^ J^p ||^ chiii' 'inin .ch'du jt'ang. Chdu pun ch'du t'ang; copied clearly, ;^ g .ch'du pdkj. Ch'du peh. Copier, ") a transcriber, :^ %fj Pgjf .ch'du 's6 kd', ^ yist,j Copyist, ; flf ^ .ch'du J'ang 'ch6. Ch'du t'ang che, Jt^# .t'ang luk, 'chd'. T'ang luh cluS ^§^ .ch'du .shii 'cluS. Ch'du shd c\\6, 1^1^^ pat, t'ip, shik,. Pih t'ieh shih ; to imitate, ^ ^ lidu* 'cU. Hidu cb(^, fji ^ hdu* 'chi''. Hidu ch^, ^ ^ hok^ \'h6. Hioh chiS ^ vi^ hok^ lidu* 'cU. Hioh hidu che, ^^^ hdu* fdt, 'chd. Hidu fdh cl^<5, ^ 'gj ip "(!)[ l>o'; an imiUitor, ^ ^ hdu* 'ch6. Hidu eh6, ^ ^ hok^ 'cli6. Hioh ch6. Copyplates, as used by Chinese pupils for tracing characters, J^ iji^!,- fdt, t'ip,. Fdh t'ieh. Copyright, the exclusive right of an author or his assignee to print, publish and vend a literary work, ^ ^ ^ ^ yan' .shii .chi jk'iin. Yin shu chl k'iuen ; to viokite the copyright, f^ ^ 1dm* van'. Ldn yin ; the law of the copyright, ^ f^L fefJ 0*U kam' him* yan' ki*. Kin ldn yin li. Copyslip f|J ^ t# van' tsz* kdk,, ^ ^^ tsz* kdk,, ^ Ijj^ fat, t'ip,. Fdh t'ieh, ^ ^ tsz* shik,. Tsz shih, flf^ t'ip,. T'ieh. Coquet, an attempt to attract notice, admiration, or love from vanity, B^ j5^ '/^ "Jn 'ngdn kok, jCh'iin jts'ing. Yen koh ch'uen ts'ing, ^ § J^l '^ sung' mukj 'ts'ii oi'. Sung muli ts'ii ngdi, ^ Bi^MM 'i ciu ,in 'ts'u ml*. I ydu yen ts'u mei. Coquet, to trifle in love, ^^M,^ mdi* lung* .fung jts'ing. Mdi lung fung ts'ing, ^ f^ mdi* 'ts'iu. Mdi sidu, fg ^ 'ch'im ml*. Chen mei. Coquetry ikM ^ ,sam jing. Sin hing, J\a* 1^ # -^ .sam 'k6m y^ung' 'tsz. Sin kan ydng ts'z. Corded 0i ^^ 'kw'an chii'. Kw'an chii ; made of cords, M^U sSliiiig ke', MiPU ,^^^^g tsok, k6' ; furnished with cords, ^ ^flt V^^ .shing k6\ ^ ^ g^ Vau ,shing tik,. Yii shing tih. Cordial, a medicine which increases strength, ^]|^ 'p6 yeuk,. Pii yoh, ^^ ^ij 'p6 ^tsai. Pii tsi ; sweetened spirits, f^ yg ^t'im 'tsau. T'ien tsiii, -^ yg shik, 'tsau. Sih tsiu ; a cordial, anything that comforts, gladdens and exhilirates, ^^Z ^ 'fd wai' ^chi mat^. Piii wei chi wuh ; hope is a cordial to the heart, ^'^i |f pfc ^ ^ ^vm jkon k6' ^p'ang *yau, Cordiality, sincerity, |J^ 1^ .shing shat^. Ching shih, ^ S^ jShing ,sam. Ching sin ; sincere affection and kindness, % li^ P^ ^ it, ,sam k^' oi', ^ ^ jWO oi'. Ho ngai, ^^^ '|^ .wo iit,. Ho yueh ; there is great cordiality between them, p^ ^ ^ ^ -leung ,kd 'h6 it,. Lidng kia hau jeh, pjf^^^^i ^^ -16ung ,ka 'h6 ,s6ung tak,. Liang kia hau siang teh ; to receive one with great cordiality, i^'l^^ A cf™ iit^ tsip, jan. Hwdn yueh tsieh jin. Cordially |^ P^ /un /n. Hwan jen, ^ j\^n shat, ,sam. Shih sin, D^';\j> ^shing ,sam. Ching sin ; he received him cordially", Mk p}^ ^ ^ {^ /un ^in jing tsip, Ju'L Hw6n jen ying tsieh t'a ; to love one cordially, # ;Ci> ^ A ^K .sam oi' jan. Jeh sin ngai jin, ^ ;\r^^ ^ fg shat^ ^sam oi' 'k'ii. ,sam jing tik,. Sin hing tih,^ jd^^ClC .sam ,ying ke', it^^M^ ,sam 'k6m yeung' 'tsz. Sin kan ydng tsz. Cording, binding with cords, ^ ^ 'kw'an chii'. Kw'an chu. Cordon, a line or series of military posts, ^ ^ lin .ying. Lien ying; to draw a cordon around a city, S'l^^ j""'ai chii' ^shing. Wei chii ching; a cor- don, in fortification, ^^'i^^ ^nai ^shing wai' jts'6ung. Ni ching wei ts'iang ; cordon sanitaire, MWi^^ ,lan tsit^ 'king kai'. Lan tsieh king kiai. Cordovan ") ^^i^^ Kotowan ji'i. Cotowan p'i, Cordwain J B§ ^ ^ J3^ Saipannga ^p'i. Sipdnya p'i, |Jj:^^ ,shan jeung ^p'i. Shan yang p'i. Cordwainer ^ ^ f^ ts6' ^ha'i '16. Tso hidi lau, ^ ^BflJ'M ts6' jhai ,sz fii'. Tso hidi sz fti. Core, the heart, j^^ ,sam. Sin ; the inner part of a thing, Pf'yO ,chung ,sam. Chung sin; the central part of fruit, ^i^ 'kwo ,sam. Ko sin. Corea ^ ^ ^Chiii ^sin. Chdu sien,'^ ^ ,K6 lai'. Kau li, IH^H ,1J ^i. Yu i. Coreapsis ;/L Ji ^ *Kau 'li ^ming. Kiu li ming. Corf ^^ ^ ,miii lap,. Mei lib, ^ ^ kwong' lap,. Kwang lih. Coriander 7C: tin sai. Yuen sui, ^^ * .iin sai Yuen sui, ^ ^ jU ^^ir jun^sai jan. sai. Hii sui ; coriander seed, Yuen sui jin, ]55 ^ -^ * ,ii jSai 'tsz. Hii sui tsz. Corinth, the city, ^/^^ ^^ Kolamto ^shing. Ko- linto ching. Cork, a species of quercus or oak, >J5Ri^tM chat, lik^ shii'. Chih lih shii, j^ ^fan. Pan ; a bottle cork, cork, ^ :^ ,tsun chat,. Tsun chih, yj| 1^ 'tsau chat,. Tsiu chih. Cork, to stop bottles or casks with corks, ;^ ^ chat, chii'. Chih chu, ij^ chat,. Chih ; cork it tightly, :ijiR^'fg chit, shat, 'k'ii. Chih shih k'ii; cork-soles, ^yfc^Jj^ chat, muk^ Jidi 'tai. Chih I mull hidi ti. ! Cork-screw yg ^ 'tsau tsiin'. Tsiii tswdn, :^ ^ I chat, tsiin'. Chih t?i"w^, * Medhnrst. "^"' COR (504) COR Corked i${ i^ M. ^^^^^y ^^^^^ ^^^" • ^^"^^ ^^^"^ ^^^' i^^ J chat, Hiu. Cliih liAu. Corking-pin :5t gj ^ 'tf t^i^ *ku jCh'ui .cham. T4 ku ch'ui chin. Corky ^, 7|^ 9^ chat, tnuk^ k6'. Cormorant, fishing, || ^16 ^s'z. Ld ts'z, ||| || ^charn jts'z. Cliin ts'z, ^% B| ,kdu Jb. Kidu lu, *^ ^ .u 'kvvai. Wvi kwei'; a glutton, ^^Ztt ,t'6 fit, ,chi jt'6. T'du t'ieh chi t'u. Cormus, the name of a stalk of any plant, tf^ kon'. Kdn. Corn, a grain or a single seed of certain plants, ^jjr ^ nap, kuk,. Lih kuh, '^ kuk,. Kuh ; the five kinds of com, 5E ^ 'ng kuk,. Wd kuh ; a stalk of corn, ^ jhang. Hang, —^19; y^t, ^hang kuk,. Yih hang kuh ; an ear of corn, ^ sui^ Sui ; to reap corn, i\JC #J c**^'^^ ^ot,. Shau koh, jj^ ^ ,shau kuk,. Shau kuh ; a corn field, ^ Q3 kuk, jt'in. Kuh t'ien; a corn floor, ^^ kuk, ^ch'^ung. Kuh ch'dng ; a corn stalk, ^ i^.^ ^wo kon'. Ho kdn ; Indian corn, ^ ^ suk, 'mai. Suh mf, ^ ^ ^ ^chan jChii ^mai. Chin chd mi ; Indian corn meal, ^^$} suk, *mai 'fan. Suh mi fan ; corn in the ear and not cut yet, |^ kit^. Kieh ; corn department, ^ ^ .ts'ong p6 . Ts'Ang pd ; a com hin, ^ -^ kuk, ^ts'ong. Kuh ts'dng ; a hard induration of the skin, ^ H^ ^kai 'ngdn, gf jin. Yen, ^ \]^ ^M: M^ '°o'^" '^^^^ ' ^^ V^^^ corns, ^mM cP'ai ^i 'ngdn. Fi ki yen. Com, to preserve and season with salt in grains, g^ ^im. Yen, g^^^ shi^ ^ira. Shi yen ; to corn meat, pi ^ shi^ yu\. Shi juh, gig |^ ,im yuk^. Yen juh. Corn-basket ^ ^^ suk, 'mai jlo. Suh mi lo, ^ M k^K ,lo. Kuh lo. ^ ^ , Com-hread, Indian corn cake, |j| ;)j^ -p^ suk, huai 'peng. Suh mi ping. Corn-chandler, a dealer in corn, jg g ^ ^ *mdi mdi' kuk, 'ch6. Mdi mdi kuh c\\6, ^l}ji kuk, fdn'. Corn-cutter, one who cuts corns, ^t ^ BR :^ J)'ai ^cai ^gdn 'chd, ^tJfe jDfl ^G ^ cP'ai ^duk, 'cham 'chd. Corn-floor 19; ^ kuk, ^cli'dung. Kuh ch'dng. Corn-land ^ tH kuk, ^t'in. Kuh t'ien. Corn-laws ^ |?ij kuk, lai^ Kuh li, ^^^AM^ lai* kam' kuk, yap^ ^kwdn 'hau. Li kin kuh jih kwdn k'au. Corn-loft, granary, '^ ^ts'ong. Ts'dng. Corn-mill ^ ^ kuk, mo^ Kuh mo ; ditto one with water power, ^fc ^ *shui mo^ Shwui mo. Corn-pipe T^f^jf^j jWO 'k6 tek^. Ho kdu tih. Comca ^ ^j ^ jining kok, chdu'. Ming koh chdu. Corned, cured by salting, Q^^ shi' kwo\ Shi kwo, f^^^ ,(m kwo'. Yen kwo ; corned beef, ^jj^i^ jhdm jUgau yuk . Hien nid juh. Oorneitis f^ "^ ^ ^ jming kok, chdu' 'fo. Ming koh chdu ho. Cornelian J%^ 'md *n6. Md ndu, I^TjJ^^^ 'md 'n6 shekj. Md ndu shih ; red ditto, jJQl iy| j^ i^ung | ^md 'no. Hung md ndu ; white ditto, if^ p. O ; beads of ditto, JS^ J| ^ 'md 'n6 .cha. Md ndu chd ; pieces of ditto, ^ J^ :5 )r 'md 'n6 shek, p'in'. Md ndu shih p'ien. Corneous, horny, ^ |§^ kok, tik,. Koh tih, ^ »g| kok, k6'. Comer, the point where two converging lines meet, ^ kok,. Kbh, ^ jling. Ling, |* ^ ^ling kok,. Ling koh, ^ ^ii. Yd, ^ ^ ^ling ,u. Ling yd, ^ jUm. Lien, J^P^ jlim ^ii. Lien yu; the comer of a table, \^ jf\ ^t'oi kok,. T'di koh ; comer of the eyes, B^ ^^ Migdn kok,. Yen koh^ ^ ^tsai. Tsi ; comer of the street, \ti ^ ,kdi kok,. Kidi koh; corner of a house, ^|>i^ uk, ^u. Uh yd, J^ ^ ixk, kok,. Uh koh ; a secret place, ^ ^ Van ch'u . Yin ch'd, |^ ^ jau ch'u'. Yd ch'd, Bg" j^ 6m' ch'u'. Ngdn ch'd ; it was not done in a comer, ^^U\B.^Z ,^ 'I'^i 'yan ch'u' tsb' ,chi ; all the corners of the earth, l^ti ^ -^ ti' ^chi sz' kik^. Ti chi sz kih, *|b ^ (5^ ^ ti' .chi sz' kok,. Ti chi sz koh; to have three comers, ^^ jSdm kok,. Sdn koh ; the end, extremity, J^ hni. Wi, ^ kik^. Kill ; the corner of the mouth, p ^ 'hau kok,. K'au koh, P ^ 'hau jin. K'au pien, p [^ 'hau 'man. K'au min, p ^ 'hau j)'ong. K'au p'dng, pj[: ni\ Ni, ^ ^1. Rh. Corner-cap j^fjS ^eliong shik,. Chwdng shih. Coi-ner-house ;^j |^ kok, ,kdn. Koh kien, ^ [^ jU .kdn. Yd kien. Corner-stone, the fondation stone, "^^ 'shau shek^. Shau shib, {ip| ^u. Yd, ^- Jg ,ki shek^. Ki shih. Cornerwise, diagonally ^ ^ts'd. Sie. Comet ^ ^ hb^ jt'ung. Hdu t'ung ; a commis- sioned officer, next below a lieutenant, who bears the ensign or colors of a troop, ^ |^ tsuk^ ^t'au. Tsuh t'au, ^ 1^:t± tiii' ^k'i ,chi s//. Tdi k'l chi sz. Cometsy MMZ"^ ^'^ s^'au .chi chik,. K'l fau chi chih. Cornice, of a room, ^ i^ ^. .fd 'pan keuk,. HwA pdn kioh ; ditto of the eaves, ^ p^ '^ jm sz' sin'. Yen sz sien ; the turned up cornices of a hipped roof, fj^ f^ .fi ^im. Fi yen ; cornice ring of a cannon, jjfi P j^ p'du' 'hau sin'. P'au k'au sien. Cornicle ^ ff kok, 'tsai /J'.^ 'sid kok,. Sidu koh. Comiculate, having boms, ^ j(] 'yau kok,. Yd koh ; producing homed pods, ^ ^ ^(^ shang kok, hok, kd'. Cornific, producing horns, ;^^(Kl .shrmgkok, tik,. Sang koh tih. Comiform, having the shape of a horn, ^^^-f" kok, 'kbm ydung* tsz. Koh kdn ydng tsz. Coming f^ .im. Yen. Com-stalk $ ch'iin'. Ch'uen. ^ kon'. Kdn, % jbang. Hang, f\ /o. Ko. Corolla) ^ «P^- ^^' teS^ .fA P«^n». Hwd pdn. CoroUaccous ^D^ ^pd k6'. gg^j j)d tik,. Pd tih . COR (505) COU Corpordlship ^j^ ^ ||^ ngoi^ Vai diik^. Wdi wei chih. Corporate, united into a body, ^'H hop^ 't'ai. Hoh t'i, -^ ^ h^p, ui-. Hoh hwui ; imited, -^ hop^ Corollary gc # .^^'oi ti\t,. Ts'di toll, ^^ Z^^ ^cU'ui km- ^chi 'li. Ch'ui lun chi li. Corollated, having corollas, ^ ^ ^»f Hau ^pA tik,. Yu pd till ; like a corolla, ^M'Wi^ 1^^' '<^^s'z ^pd. Lui sz pa, ^ l®i; ^ .pa 'kom yeung'. Pa kan { Hoh; general, |^|[ 'tsung. Tsung, it kung^ Kung. yang. ' Corporation, a society having the capacity of trans- Corona, in architecture, a lai'gc, fiat member of a | acting business as an individual, ^ ui\ Hwui, cornice, to carry off tlie rain that falls on it, also : ^3M^^ ^^' '^ }^^^^S c^^- Hwui 11 kung sz, callotl the drip, ^ ^ J"i ,im. Fi yen ; a halo circle around the sun, moon, or stars, (J ^J feC yatj lit, jhung. Jih yueh hung. Coronal, belonging to the crown or top of the head, ei Tlfit ,fau 'teng ke', sjTlft- S] ^7 ill- 'li jhong. Hwui li hang ; a banking corporation, ^|| JlHi^J'^T ^^^ '^^ J^o^^ jlioi^g- Hwui li yin hang. Corporeal, having a bodv, ^ ^ ^jau .ving. Yii li"^S. ^ fi V" 't'ai. Yii t'i, ^^'^^ T^u jVing tseung^ tik,. Yu hing si4ng tih ; corporeal form, ^ fi jing 't'ai. Hing t'i, ^ ^ ^ying tseung^. Hing siang ; a corporeal being, ^f^^ Pit 7au ,ying 't'ai M\ ^^^^ jam ^ch'Ai. King chi wiii kwoh k'in ch'di, ^j* EH Ai^ -i£.- i!is. ngoi^ kwok, .yam ^ch'di 'tang. "Wdi FI FI kwoh k'in ch'di tang Corpidence, ") fleshiness, flC ;A: ^ ,fi tAi^ 'ch6. Corpulency, ) td che, ^E ^ ^ .fi P'ong' 'ch^ p'ang che. 'kwo .van chi ^kiin Tnin. Ko jin chi j Coi-pulent, stout, fat, ^C :^ ^fl tai\ Fi tA, ^g JJg ^fi I 't'un. Fi t'un, ^E ^$ /i p'ong'. Fi p'ang, f;j f| bong' TBong. Hdng mang, ^ gg .yeung j^ung. Jdng jdng, f^;A; shek, tdi^ Shih ta, ^^ ^j p'ok, jing. Fob hing, ^ ^J ^ch'i jing. Ch'l hing ; material, not : spritual, f^^flV"! .ying't'ai. Yii hingt'i. j chong' tdiV Chwdng ta, ^E Jl± /i chong'. FI Corporal, 1 a fine linen cloth, used to cover the j chwdng ; gross and corpulent, :^ ni ffl. ^i ,sban Corpoi-ale, f sacred elements in the eucharist, ^ 't'ai ^ts'6 cliong'. Shin t'i ts'u chwdng. ti ^ % siting' 't'ai k'oi' po'. Shing t'i k'ai pii ; I Corpus Christi S '^ ^ f I # Kltuk shing' 't'ai corporal oath, ^ ^ shing' shai'. Shing shi. j tsit,. Kltuh shing t'i tsieh. Corporality, the state of being a body, ;j^f|^ .wai | Corpuscle, a minvite particle, '^'i^Z %i '^^^ s^i 't'ai 'ch^. Wei t'i che, ^, f| ^' pi'. PI; correct writing, ;^#^ 's^ tak, ch6uk,. Si6 teh choh ; to cause the internal fa- culties to become correct, '^ -^ p^ }^ IE *sz ^k'i noi* chf ching'. Shi k'i nui chi ching ; is it cor- rect ? iEP§-IEl€ cliing' jin ching' ,nl, ^V^^Pji chduk, ^m eh6uk, ,nl; to examine aijd find correct, ^M^i^ ini' sh6'/m6 ts'o', ^^Z^M ^^' sh6' pat, .ch'd. Yen su puh ch'd ; to practise correct conduct, f^ ^ ,sau ,shan. Siu shin. Correct, to make right, ^JcJf. '^oi ching'. Kdi ching, ^ ^J- 'ching *h5. Ching hdu ; ditto with a sharp instrument, -^ij J£ sduk, ching'. Sioh ching; to correct writing, j^ J£ kdu' ching'. Kidu ching, fXIE ting' ching'. Ting ching, :^^ jj'ai ching'. P'l ching, -^J Jj: seuk, ching'. Sioh ching, }^ -^ 'koi sduk,, Kdi sioh ; to correct a book for the press, j^ 17 kdu' ting'. Kidu ting, j^ J£ kdu' ching'. Kidu ching ; to correct or write books, f^ ^ .sau ,shii. Siu sliu ; to correct a style, ^ inj 'fu s6uk,. Pu sioh, pj^^ij 'koi s6uk,. Kdi sioh, # ^ ,sau sduk,. Siu sioh ; to correct and erase, f!k¥^ '^oi T^^t^- Kdi moh ; to correct, as a child, trt: 'tichdk,. Tdtsch, f^^ Hdngchak,. King tseh, fjiji ^ ,pin chdk,. Pien tseh, ^ ^ ch'l chdk,. Ch'l tseh, H ^*f 'hfn clidk,. K'ien tseh, Hf 1 chdk, pi^ Tseh pi, ^ ^ij ^ch'ing ch'ong'. Cli'ing chw'dng. |i|- |J{5 'tun ^shing. Tau shing, ^ IE 'tau ching'. Tau ching, f^ kok,. Koh, ig chik^. Cliih, ^ 'tung. Tung, ^ tuk,. TiUi ; to correct a man, ^ }^ \ 'ching chi^ jytin. Ching chi jiu, -j^ff A 'Jii"f? t;hdk, ^yan. King tseh jin, M&K jShing jyim. Shing jin; to correct one's er- rors, C^«;§ 'koikwo'. Kdikwo, HJd^, 'koi ok,. Kdi ngoh, i'f^ JE 'kill ching'. Kidu citing; to correct one's self, ,£tL ching' 'kl. Ching kf, >^Q hdk, 'ki. K'eh kl, lE 5 jCi> ching' 'kl ,sam. Ching kl sin, PJSf lEtl '^oi ching' 'kl. Kdi ching kl, ;j^ja jO kdk, ^k'l ,sam. Keli k'i sin, vA" vA' t'ip, t'lp,'. T'ieht'ieh; to corret't the bowels, $^ JJJb '<'hing V6. Ching t'ti ; to correct disorders, ^ S8 ^ 'ching /dn ^ts'ai. Cliing fdn ts'l ; to correct that which is oblique, ^ |^ iE 'ching /dn ching'. Ching fdn ching; ditto that which is crooked, ^ l^jt 'ching /dn chik,. Ching fdn chih, ^^H^ 'ching /dn tlm^ ; to correct an expression, g^ ^ JE 'koi /dn ching'. Kdi fdn ching ; to correct another person's expressions, j|^ ^ ^ |^ ching* jk'I /i shut,. Ching k'i fi shwoh ; to correct liad composition, ^ ^ 'p6 /sii. Pii tsu. Corrected, as the heart, ^ -^ 'koi kwo'. Kd,i kwo ; freed from errors, E4[jiE>^ 'koi ching' kwo'. Kdi ching kwo, 5|^ IE >^ kdu' ching' kwo'. Kidu ching kwo ; corrected, as a child, ^ :f J }^ chdk, 'td kwo'. Tseh td kwo, H ^ i^ 'hin chdk, kwo'. K'ien tseh kwo. Correcting, as an error, ^^ jE '^^oi ching'. Kdi ching, PJJjJUQ 'koi kwo'. Kdi kwo; ditto as a child, ^tr chdk, 'td. Tseh td, ^^ 'king chdk,. King tseh. Correction, the act of correcting, gjifiE^ 'koi ching* 'che. Kdi ching ch6 ; the correction of a child, tr ^ i^ ;^ 'td chdk, 'tsz 'chd. Td tseh tsz ch6, ^ ft jt ^ \ kdu W jt'ong jChi ^jan. Kidu hwd t'dng chi jin. : Corrective, having the power to correct, PJ^ JE 6^ 'koi cliing' tik,. Kdi ching tih, ^ ^kj£^Wk V«u 'koi ching' .chi jk'iin. Yii kdi ching chi k'iuen ; • a corrective medicine, ii ^ ^ "^ HI jt'iu jWo I .shan k6' y^uk^. Correctly, in a connect manner, ^ ch6uk,. Clioh, ] Ug- .ngdra, -^ bbpj. Hob, ^ ^ ^5 ts'o' ; cor- reetly written, % ^^ ^ 'se tak, cht^uk,. Si6 teh choh ; correctly said, fj f ^ ^ wd* tjik, ch^uk,. Hwd teh choh, ^^^ 'kong tak, chduk,. Kidng teh choh. Correctness, conformity to truth, ^lE ,chan ching*. Chin ching, ^ ch^uk,. Choh, ^ ^ngdm, ^ hbpj. Hob ; eorroctnoss of principle, >^ ]g h6pj Ml. Hob II ; correctness of language, ^ ^ ^ wa^ tak, ch<5uk,. Hwd teh choh ; correctness of a tmnslation, ^%^ yik^ tak, cb<5uk,. Yih teh choh, ,^ ^ # ^ .fdn yik^ tak, h6p^. Fdn yih teh bob. Corrector, one who corrects, ^Sc IE ^ 'koi ohing' 'ch6. Kdi ching che ; one who corrects public morals, fg^^JgCfS^ clung tun* .fungtsuk, 'chi^. COE Ching tun fang suh ch.6, ^^^f^.^ tsuk^ 'ch^. Ching fung suh ch^ ; one who pun ishes for correction, ^^ :^ chak, fAt^ 'ch6. Tseh fah ch6, ^^^ 'hin chak, 'ch^. K'ientseh ch^ ^ ^ ^ 'king chdkj 'ch6. King tseh che ; one who reforms by reproof or instruction, ^ 'ffc ^ kdu' fa' 'ch^. Kiau hwa ch6; that which corrects, ^^I^P^J^ jt'iii mi" k6' mat^; a connector of com- positions, ^ ^ :^ J)'ai jP'ing 'ch6. P'l p'ing che, ^ IT :^ ,p'ai ting' 'ch6. P'i ting ch6. Corregidor, a Spanish magistrate, ® ^ :^ ^ Sai- pdnngd hin'. Sipdnya hien. Correlate i^ j^ ^ * ^seung ^lun 'ch6. Siang lun clie, ^ -f^ P^C yau Jun ke'". CoiTelative terms ;|^ j^ ^^ |r) ,s6ung ^lun ^chl ,ts'z. Sidng lun chi ts'z ; the son is the correlative of his father, ip ^ ^ ;S -f^ 'tsz >u fu' ^chi jlun. Tsz yu fu chi km. Correspond, to agree or be congruous, i^^ ^s6ung h6p^. Siang hoh, ^ ^ /u h6p,. Pu hoh, 'i^ ajg ^s6ung ^ngdm, j^ ^ ^seung /u. Sidng fd, ^- ch^uk,. Choh, i^ fj- ,s6ung tiii'. Si^ng tiii, gii ■^ p'lii' h6p,. P'ei hoh ; our actions should cor- respond with our words, ^ ff i® 1^ ^I'B 'o' s^^ Yen hing ying kdi ,tonsr h6p,. Yen ying koi jSeung hbp^ in hang- hang' sidng hoh, hing tang hoh, ^ fj B ^ M bang' jing hop^. Yen hing ying hoh ; to be equal, ;|ig ^ ^s^ung ,tong. Siang tdng, ;;|ig $^ ^s6nng tui'. Siang tiii, ffii® cSeung ^ying. Sidng ying, ;jg y\^ ^seung 'pi. Sidng pi ; the means correspond to the necesity of the case, {ij A ^ f-t ch'ut, yap^ ^s6ung tui'. Ch'iTh jih siang tui, HjAffiiii ch'ut, yap, ^s6ung ,tong. Ch'uh jih sidng tang ; to correspond, as people's sentiments, ;jig ]g ^seung ,ying. SiAng ying; the two correspond, p|^:^';|§5^ "leung 'ch6 ,seung ch'ing'. Lidng ch6 siang ch'ing, PH 1^ ;(© m. -l^ung Ve ,s6ung p'tii', PM ffi E f ,^ "leung ^s6ung p'at, -ngau. Lidng sidng p'ih ngau ; their -ideas correspond, J^,,^,^^ i' sz' ^seung h5p,. I sz siang hoh, ^^ ,g, :f^ ^ f sz' ^s6ung ,t'au. f sz sidng t'au; his words correspond with his actions, ^ ^ Jt ^ .in /ii ^k'i hang'. Yen fu k'i hing ; his words do not correspond with the result, |^ U P§ ^ shiit, wa' ^m .hang. Shwoh hwd pub hang, = Pg- tr .>>>ang, ^ ;f: ^ ^in pat, jCh'au. Yen pub ch'au ; to correspond, as a pair of scrolls, §.\^ tui' Jiin. Tiii lien; to correspond by letter, 'f^J- ^^ f^ ^ f d' sun' "wong ^loi. Fu sin wdng Mi, ^ ft f± ^ ki' sun' "wong ^loi. Kl sin wdng Mi, # # ii ii\t kl' .shii .t'ung .siti sik,. Ki shu t'ung sidu sih; to correspond, as ofiS.- cials, tr jhang. Hang, fj 3^ ^hang ^man. Hang wan, ^ ;^ ji ,man. I wan ; to correspond with a friend, M ^ ^ il 'ft 'ii sP'ang ^au .t'ung sun'. Yd p'ang yu t'ung sin ; their feelings and ideas (507) COU Ts'ing i sidng t'au ; it corresponds with the pat- tern, -^ ^ h6p^ shik,. Hoh shih. Correspondence, 7 congruity, j^ ^ ^ .s^ung tdi' Correspondency,/ 'ch6. Siang tui ch6, ^/^^ ^fd. h6p^ :ch6. Fd hoh cM, ij^^^ .s^ungh6p^ 'ch6. SiAng hoh ch^, ]^ .ng6m; correspondence by letter, ^^^ft c^^u tsip, .sbli sun'. Kidu tsieh shu sin, ft ^ ^ ft 'wong .loi .shii sun'. Wdng Mi shd sin, ^ M. f^ J^ c^eung .t'ung .siu sik,. Siang t'ung sidu sih; confidential correspondence, M^'lw.^ .t'ung t&\ .ts'ing f. T'ung tdh ts'ing i; official correspondence t, ^^ .1 .man. I wan, S M ^ ^ ^^ .t'ung .man .shii. Hu t'ung wan shii, 2ffi t r ^ ^^ .s6ung jhang ^man. Hu sidng hang wan ; friendly intercourse, ^ ^ .kdu jyau. Kiau yu, ^;^ Ijii 'h6 .seung Ti. Hdu sidng yu; the correspondence between, :^ :1^ ^ ^ ^^u tsip, ^man .shii. Kiau tsieh wan shu, •^;^p^^ ■ft c^^u tsip, ke' .shii sun'. Correspondent, suitable, 5^ .ngam, ^ ch^uk,. Choh, M ^ .seung h5p^. Sidng hoh, ^ ^ .s^ung /d. Sidng fu. Correspondent, one who corresponds, ^ f t ^ ^^\ sun' 'che. Tab sin ch6, ^ ^ ^ :^ .tong pat, mak, 'ch6. TAng pih meh ch6, ^ § ^ ^ J"^^S .shii 'kan 'ch6. Tang shu kien ch4 ; an official correspondent, Ti ^ ^ sb3,ng ^man 'ch6. Hang wan ch6. Corresponding, carrying on intercourse by letters, ^ft^ kf sun' 'ch<5. Ki sin ch6, ^#f±^ kf correspond, '\^^^M'^ jts'ing f .s^ung t'au. ^ ^' :^ -y*' ;^ >& # ift f i -5; correlates. shii wong jloi. KI shii wdng Mi ; ditto, as offi- cials, ^ 5^ jl jman. I wan, fj ^ jbang ^man. Hang wan, Sffi^T 0^ ^" c^eung ^hang ^man. Hd siang hang wan ; corresponding sentences, ^ ^ tui' .liin. Tdi lien; corresponding one to another, ^0 i(i .s6ung 'pi. Sidng pi; agreeing, ji^ ^ .s6ung b6p^. Siang hop, -\^$^ .s6ung tui'. Sidng tui, ^^ li^P> shik,. Hoh shih, i^^^ ^s6ung /li. Sidng fd, ;|ig ^ .seung .tong. Sidng tdng, ^ ]§ .s^ung .ying. Sidng ying, tj^ .ngam, ^ cheuk,. Choh ; corresponding thoughts, ;|i0 ^ P|!E ,^ ^, .seung jt'au k6' I' sz' ; corresponding feelings, :;jsg ^ PgE tw cS^^ng ^t'au k6' ^ts'ing. Corresponsive, adapted, ^ h6p^. Hoh, gg .ngdm, ^ ch6uk,. Choh. Corridor, a gallery, or open communication round a building, j1,P|J!§ .t'ung 'md 16'. T'ung md'lu; in China, ^ ^ ^long .m6. Ldng mu ; the tho- roughfare of a house, f^ -^ 'y^ng t5'. Yung tdu, i ^ >ng t6'. Yung tdu, M )[£ M i^ uk, 'tai .t'ung 16'. Uh tl t'ung lii ; in fortification, the covered way lying round the whole compass of the fortification, jH -P^ ft P^ {^ .chau p'du' ^t'oi .yam 16'. Chau p'du t'di yin lii. Corrigenda 1^ g^ *p6 'koi. Pli kdi. Corrigible, that may be set right, Ipf ^ IE '1*0 *koi ching'. K'o kdi ching ; that may be reforaied, ^}^]cit '^o 'koi fd'. K'o kdi hwd, g^f|jE Tcoi f See \mder Commimication aud Communicate. COB (508) COR tak, chiiig'. Kdi tch clung, 1^^% kdu' ik' tek,. Corrodiiil.le ^^ 'bo shik^. K'o shih, of j^^, ^ ^j Kidu hwd tell ; that may b^ chastised for correc- tion, Pf ^ ^ 'ho 'hln chdk,. K'o k'ien tseh, fff Corroding, eatin ^ 15 'ho chak, fat^. K'o tseh fah, Pf tT ^ 'ho 'til chdk,. K'o td tseh. Corroborant, strengthening medicine, ^ >'j |[| 'p?) lik^ y6uk^. Pii lib yob, Jlt;/}^ chong'lik^ y6uk,. ChwAng lib yob. Corroborant,, strengthening, ^ _^J ('jf; 'p6 lik^ tik,. Pti lib tib, ^ j/l ^^ chong' lik^ tik,. Chwdng lib tib. Corroborate, to strengthen, ^ (^ 'p5 hiit,. Pd hiueb, fjf} ^ 'p6 lik^. Pu lib, ^| ^ 'p6 hi'. Pu k'i; to confirm, ^ ^kin. Kien, pg ching'. Ching, ^ ^ :^ shat^ jk'i sz^ Shih k'i sz, i. ff lap^ shat^. Lib shih ; to corroborate that which lias been said, ^ 11 ^ ^kin ^k'i ^in. Kien k'i yen, ff ^ = shatf ]k'i jiu. Shih k'i yeh, pf ii: ^ cbing\k'i^in. Ching k'i yen, tPSf/l lap, ching' kii'. Lib ching kii, /jp ^ |^ ^ka shat^ kii'. Kid , shih ku; to corroboi-ate a report, ^ M;^^U shat^ jk'i .shing bf . Shih k'i shing k'i, i^i f|\i «^ wdi' kwo'. Sliih bwdi kwo ; wom, ^ j^ tslm' wdi'. Tsien bwdi ; cor- roded iron. 0^^P|!!E^1t 'i sau' shik, kd' fit,. I siu shih tib t'ich ; a mind corroded by core, jS ^ "^ id) |a ^ ^X M 'hi tsau' ,man 'che. K'i tsau wan clu^. Corrugator ^gRfl tsau' ngdk, .ki. Tsau geh ki. CoiTupt, to change from a sound to a putrid state, ^ wdi'. Hwdi, ^^ wdi' Idn'. Hwdi Idn, ^ ^ ])ai' wdi*. Pdi bwdi, f^^ lung' wdi'. Lung bwdi, jf^ ^ jts'an wdi'. Ts'au hwdi, |g ^ 'wai Ian'. "Wei Idn, ^ ^ 'ching wdi'. Ching bwdi, ^^ ^ tsin' wdi'. Tsien bwdi; to corrupt the moral.s, j^ M.1^ wdi' .fung tsukj. Hwdi fung sub, -^ J^ ^ (^ .sh6ung .fung pdi' tsuk,. Shdng fung pdi sub; to corrupt one's morals, ^ ^| J^ ;^ ,bin *yan jWai ok,. K'ien yin wci ngob; to corrupt people's hearts, j^ \ i^ wdi' ^yan .sam. Hwdi jin sin, M^ A'Ck* pai* ^^'^^^ s.van .sjim. Pdi bwdi jin sin, ^ A ^Ck* 'i^ ""^i' s.van .sam shut,. Hwdi jin sin sbuli; to corrupt a judge, ^ ||c ^ wdi' 'sham ,sz. Hwdi .shin .sz, ^ '^ )f"jp wdi' .kun 'fii. Hwai kwdn fu, ^\l^ li' wdi'. Li bwdi, R^^ 'fiii chuk,. Hwui chub, jl^ i^ 16' wdi'. Lii bvrdi ; to corrupt a girl, ijjj ^ wdi' *nu. Ilwai nii; to corrupt the people, ^ fi If^ wdi' i)dk, sing . Hwdi poh sing, ii K ,»j'»an. Yu min ; to defile and pollute, y^ gj .li wai". Wii wci, /J^ J# .li yuk,. Wii juh ; to entice from good and allure to evil, ^ ^ COR jinai wak,. Mi hwoh. ^\ Ws W^ ^^^^ s""'^^ "^^- ' Yin wei ngoh ; to corrupt language, ^ |^ wai" i wa'. IIwAi hw6 ; to corru^jt the text of a manu- j script, E^^f j|,^ 'koi wai" 'k6 f . Kai Invai kau i, ^ ^1^ ^ wiii^ 'ko 1. Hwai kau i; to corrupt one's self, g ^ tsz- wai^ Tsz hwai ; a man of corrupt principles, a rascal, ^ |j| j|)i|l ^ wAi^ 'kwai keuk, ; shik,. Hwai kwei kioh sih. \ Corrupt, to become putrid, ^ Avai'. Hwai, ;j;i ^ /u wai'. K'u hwai, ^ ^ ch'au' w^iS ^ ^^ ch'au' Ian' (509) COR ^ 'ho Ian'. K'o Mn, pf ^ jt^ 'ho wai' 14n-. K'o hwai Mn ; our corruptible body, pf- ^ P|E f| 'ui wdi' k^' 't'ai, Pf ^ P|t # '^i" ^^^i' ke' ^shan, ?f ^ ^ % 'ho wdi' ^chi shan. K'o hwai chi shin, m f^ # tl ^var ke' ,shan 't'ai, ^)^mZ f 1 's1h> wAi' ^chi 't'ai. So hwdi chi t'i; that which is cor- ruptible, P]^P|t 'iio w^i^ k^'» ^)y^^U 'sl^o wdi' ke' ; susceptible of depravity, Pf H^ ^ 'ho 'fi^ii wai'. K'o hwui liwai, ^|j ^ f^- 'fui wai' tak^. Hwui hwai teh. Ch'au Ian ; to lose pui-ity, f^^ tsim' Corruptibleness, susceptibility of corruption, "pf ^ f ^ tsim' pdi'. Tsien pai. ^ 'ho w^i' 'che. K'o hwai ch6, ^^ ^ ^ ,nang Coi'rupt, changed from a sound to a putrid state, wai' 'che. Nang hwai che, ^ ^ -^ i^ wai' 'che. ^ ^ fu' Ian'. Fu Ian, ^ J wai' liu. ; 1 hwai che. wai'. Tsien hwai, Hwai liau, fu' wdi'. Fu hwdi, ^^ *yau. ; Corruption, the act of corrupting, ^ wai'. Hwdi, ■■^ mia J^^ wai' 'che. Hwai che, ^l^^ pai' wai"che Pai hwai ch^ ; putrid mattei-, )^^ i^fyj fu' mat^. Fu wuh, ^If j^ P|^ ^. fu' Ian' ke -ye; corruption of heart, jCi»<^^. ,sam ^chi ok,. Sin chi ngoh, ^Pj\j> ^ts'c ^sam. Sie sin, ;p ^ ok, tuk^. JVgoh tub ; corruption of morals, ^,^^ ok, ts\ik^. Ngoh sub, ^ f^ wai' tsuk,. Hwiii sub ; to see corruption, ' ^^ kin' wai'. Kien hwai ; not to see corruption, ^ ^^ pfvt, kin' wai'. Puh kien liwdi, :^^f§ pat, kin ^keung. Puh kien kiaug ; the body will turn to coiTuption, ^ f| ^ ^ ^shan 't'ai ^kwai wdi'. Shin t'i kwei hwai, ^^M M sP'^ J^ong , ^kwai ch'au'. P'l nang kwei ch'au ; bribery, H^ ^ ;^^ mi lo- ^ch'i sz'. Hwui 111 chi sz ; tbe corruption of a witness, ^M ^ A ^ ^^"^^' ching' jan 'che. Hwai ching jin die ; the corruption of a passage, fj^ ^ ;i|ij ^ 'koi wai' ^ts'z ^ii. Kai hwai ts'z yu. Corruptive, having the quality of corrupting, ^Pf^Jg P'ii- wdi' k6', 3^ ^ njljt clii' wai' Hiu, pj j^ 'yau Ian'. Hid lAn ; vitiated, ^ ^ts'6. Sie, ;g ok,. Ngoh, ^ ^ts'e. Si6, ^^ ,p'i. P'i, iff 1^ ^van 'him. Kien hien, f^ ,^ ch'au' ok,. Ch'au ngoli ; very corrupt, ^"^^ wdi' kwat,. Hwdi knh; a corrupt mind, ^f>i^ .ts'e ^sam. Sie sin ; a corrupt. disposition, '(4j'^\^^ sing' /sing pai' wai'. Sing ts'iiig pai hwai, '[^'j'^/ ^^ sing' /s'ing jts'an wai'. Sing ts'ing ts'an hwai ; a cor- rupt doctrine, ^[i^j^ ^ts'c kau'. Sie kidu ; do not believe corrupt doctrines, -^ pf 'f jt ^ ^ P^it, 'ho sun' /s'e to'. Puh Ic'o sin sie tdu, Pg^if ^^Pft ^m 'h6 jts'ung /s'e kau'; corrupt morals, 7} ^ /iu /ung. Tiau fung, ^)j\ /s'6 /ung. Si6 fung, ^ -^ /s'6 tsuk^. Si6 suli, -^ ^^ /au tsuk,. Liu s"Ii. M ^ ^i^ )'A f^ pai' ^^-ai' ke' /ung tsuk^; a corrupt statesman, ijff ^ ^kdn ^shan. Kien chin; corrupt officers, '/:/j ^ ^li li'. Wii li, ^^ ^ huk li'. K'uh li, ^ g /'dm mak,. T'dn meh', 'g^ shall' /song ^kun. Shau tsang kwdn, ^ '^ /'dm /song ^kun. T'dn tsdng kwdn, ^ 'g' /am kun. Ldn kwdn ; a corrupt age, ^ !§ 'ts'am tuk^. Ts'dn tub ; a corrupt scholar, f^ •^ fu' ^ii. Fu jii ; infected with errors and mistakes, M f^ sts'6 ke', ^ ^ /o ts'o'. To ts'o, g^ ij P|E *koi wdi' ke'; corrupt principles, ^ j'|[ /s'e to'. Si6 tdu, ^ 3|| jts'6 Hi. Si^ 11 ; superiors corrupt and inferior foul, .h. ^ ~T^ /^ sbdung' 'ts'dm hd' i Corruptness, the state of being corrupt, p^f|= 'kwai tuk,. Shdng ts'dn hid tuh. chd'. Kwei did, gJE flf ^kwdi p'ik,, Kwdi p'ih ; Corrupted, putrefied, ^ fu'. Fii ; rotten, ^ ')^ ' corruptness of heart, j\^n ^t ^ t^ c^a™ .«hl wdi' ch'au' ldn'. Ch'au ldn, ^ J wdi' 'liii. Hwdi i 'che. Sin chi hwdi ch6, i^^:^^f> ,sam ^ch'l ts'e. liau; infected with errors, ^ |g= ^yau ts'o'. Yu ! Corsair iilff^ 'hoi ts'dk^. Hdi ts'ih, ^,<|§''hoi'jShun. ts'o, ^JC^M 'koi wdi' kwo'. Kai hwdi kwo ; Hdi ch'uen. false, -^ ngai'. AVei, jg ^ 'kd ngdi'. Kid wei, Corse, corpse, ^J^ ^shan ^shi. Shin shi. WM^^ lung' 'kd tik,. Lung kid tih. | Corselet, a little cuirass, yJ^ ^ ^ 'siii ^shan kdp,. Corrupter, one who corrupts, ^^ wdi' 'ch6. Hwdi | Sidu shin kidh, f^^ /s'in kdp,. Ts'ien kidh. che, ^^ ^ pdi' wdi' 'ch6. Pdi hM'di ch6; one: Corset, a bodice, ^^^ 'kan ^shan tdp,. Kin shin who bribes, ^ ^ ^ 'fui 16' 'die. Hwui lii che, tdb ; in China,' a broad wrapper, ^ fl^ * ^man F^ ^ ^ 'f"^i ohuk, 'ch6. Hwui chub ch6 ; one | ^hiing. Manhiung; to put on the wrapper, ^ who introduces errors, ^ ^5 ^ :^ kdu' /s'6 to' ; :Jf»J ^&i) 1dm' ^man ,hung. 'ch6. Kidu si^ tdu ch6, ^ ^ /^ 'koi wd'i' 'die. ■ Cortege, a train of attendants, ^ ^ /s'ui kd'. Sui Kdi hwdi cb6.^ ^ kid, ^ ,% t 'fd ^d. Fu md. Corruptible pf ^ 'ho wdi'. K'o hwdi. war ke . Corruptless Jf.fif^Vp^ m wdi' talc ke'. pat, 'howdi'ke', pg-^f|p^ CoiTuptly, in a corrupt manner, H s^ 'i 'kwai chd'. 1 kwei chd, ].<( -^. ^ 'i ok, tuk,. I ngoh tuh; by briliery, \^^0^ H 'fui 16'. f h"wui lu. % wdi' i 1 TT ^' i. t, li^ «An- ^-i 1 /> — rjiii. /./. t!^ «ts'ung ^ming tatj in^ Tsung ming tuh hien ; artificial ; corruscations, ^t (3^) ;/C "o^^^ 'shim 'fo. Corvette 'j^ -^ |^{\ fai' ^ping jShiin. Kw'di ping ch'uen. ! Cor\'us t constellation ^ ^ ^nam suk,-. Ndn sub. i Corymb, ") a raceme, ^^ i^ ^ 'chdn ^ying /d f Corymbus,/jk'au. Chdn hing hwd k'iu, ^ ^ 'chdn jying. Chdn hing, j^ ^ ^che jing. Ch6 hing. _^ I Corypheus, any chief or leader, ^ ,fvii. Kwei, jq \ ^ jiin ^fiii. Yuen kwei. ! Cosecant, the secant of the complement of an arc or angle, (^ ^ij ^u kot,. Yu koh. Cosen, see Cozen. Consentient, feeling or perceiving together, [^ ^ ^^ jt'ung kok, tik,. T'ung kioh tih. Cosey, comfortable, ^ ^<^ pn lok^. Ngdn lob. Cosine, the sine or complement of an arc or angle, f^^/i^in. Yuhien. Cosmetic, cosmetics, ^g'^ ,chi 'fan. Chi fan; white ditto, ^ J^> 'shui 'fan. Shwui fan. gl $} pdk^ 'fan. Pch fan ; red ditto, g{J]flg > ,cbi. Yen chi; i to apply cosmetics, ^^p ^ jCh'd ,chi 'fan. Ch'd chi fan, ^ fftj j^y ^eb'd min' 'fan. Ch'd mien fan, j ^ )Jw ^ !&• jcb'd ,ehi tong' 'fan. Ch'd chi tdn fan. Cosmic, \ relating to the world, i^ P(5t tl' k6\ j^^ ^ □ Cosmical, /j^ ti' tik,. Ti tih; ditto to the whole! Cost (pret. and pp. cost), to require to be given or O ! Kid ts'ien, i[\S:nmM 'tai tak, k6' ^ts'in, ^^|^ 'tai tak, kd'. Ti teh kid, #" ^ij fg chik^ tik, kd'. Chih tih kid; expense, ^^ j^ fai' yung'. Fi y"ng, ^ ^ 'shai yung'. Shi yung, ^ ^ 'shai fai'. Shi fi, ^/f ^^P|^ '^ho fai' k6'; the sum fixed by law, or allowed by the court, for charges of a suit awarded against the party losing, in favor of the party prevailing, ^ ^ tsung' fai'. Sung fi, fiir PI 'Si f^ j"Sii s^un 'shai fai'. Yd mun shi fi, 'IXfJllJ^:^ ehong' ,sz ^ngan. fchwdng sz yin, |R^ §^ 'chi pat, jngan. Chi pih yin ; loss, ^ 2Ji ^ /ai 'pun jUgan. Kw'ei pun yin, ^ ^ §jj shit^ 'piin jUgan. Shch pun yin, ^ ^ ^^ kiit, 'pun ^ngan. Kiueh pun yin; detriment, j^j^ ,fai 'sun. Kw'ei sun, ;^ ^ 'siin hoi'. Sun hdi ; the ori- ginal cost, ^ ^ 'pun jngan. Piin yin, TJS ^ 'pun jts'in. Pun ts'ien; great expense, j^f^" $"^^ fai'. Mi fi, ^'^ Idn' fai'. Ldn fi, J^ ^ p'o' fai'. P'o fi ; what is the cost, ^^^^ 'tai 'ki .to .ts'in. Ti ki to ts'ien, i^f^^i^ 'tai 'ki ,t() ^ngan. Ti ki to yin, ^^^^"'iSM'tai .to 'shiu kd' ^ts'in. Ti to shdu kid ts'ien, #^^^ chik^ kd' 'ki ,t«. Chih kid ki to ; to my cost, ^ ^ ^ ffi .ts'in .kM-ai 'ngo ch'ut,. Ts'ien kwei wo ch'uh, ^f^j^^fe |f| jts'in hai' ^ngo ch'ut,. Ts'ien lii wo ch'uh ; not recover the original cost, ^ ;?jj chit, 'pun. Cheh pun ; at great cost, ^^ A ^^i' yung' tai'. Fi yung td. system of visible bodies, the earth and stars, ^ ^^ ,h5m jii tik,. K'dn yu tih. Cosmogony, the science of the origin or formation of the universe, ^ ^ \l\\ ^^ :^ J<|( ,h6m ^ii ,hoi p'ik, ,chi Mi. K'dn yu k'di p'ih chi li, ^ itb #J /S ^ 3® .t'in ti' ch'ong' ^shing .chi Mi. T'ien ti cliwdng ching chi li. Cosmography, a description of the world or universe ^ i% it gjffl .l»^ni jtt 'tsung lun'. K'dn yu tsung lun, ^ Ufa li Ife ,t' in ti' tsung hm'. T'ien ti *^mm^ikm^^m' T 1^J> is the last of the 28 constellatloim and c'0tn)>ri8(>8 ^, », ^r m oomiB. expended in barter or purchase, j^ 'tai. Ti, ^ifi chikj. Chih ; what docs it cost ? P( ^ ^^ "mdi 'ki .to jts'in. Mdi ki to ts'ien, ftc^^^ *toi 'ki .to jts'in. Ti ki to ts'ien, iSk^^^M^ '^ai .to 'shiu jts'in. Ti to shdu ts'ien, ^^^^ kd' ^ts'in 'ki .to. Kid ts'ien ki to, ^ ^ i^ kd' ^ts'in y«^uk, .kon. Kid ts'ien job kdn, ^^^:^^ *shai 'ki .to 'pun jts'in. Shi ki to pun ts'ien; it cost much money, i^^f^^^ .fd fai' 'h6 .to ^ngan. Hwd fi hdu to yin, ^^^ fai' yung* .to. Fi vung to, ^ m A 'shai yung' tdi', iR^^ kdM^'in .k6. Kid ts'ien kdu; to cost nothing, P§-^^ jm 'shai jts'in, 7^^ pat, yung' ^ts'In. Pub yung ts'ien, ^jjjl^ pat, chikj jt«'in. Puh chih ts'ien; it does COS ^m tai 'ki ^to ^ts'ln ; not cost much, P^-:^^ it costs nothing, — >|^^P§'^ vat, ko' ^ts'in ^m 'shai, — • ^ ^ M 1^\ jman pat, yung^ ; it costs much labor, ^ ^ ^ ^la* ^ f^i' ^^^ t^o ^sam ^ki. Fi hau to sin ki, ^Iff-^ii^^ 'shai 'ho ^to ^sam likj. Shi hau to sin lih ; to require to be borne or suffered, ^ shau". Shau, 5^ ^tsb. Tsau ; to cost much suffering, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ shau^ 'h6 ^to ^sau 'fu. Shau hau to sin k'li. Costae, i-ibs, ^^/J*^ hlp^ lak^ kwat,. Hieh leh kuh. Costal, cartilages ^ ^Jq "^ hip, ts'ui' kwat,. Hieh ts'ui kuh ; costal nerves, ^ ^ hip^ ^kan. Hieh kin. Costard monger, ) an itinernant seller of apples and Coster monger, j other fruit, ^ ^ ^ j^ iJiai^ (511) COT ships, a bed frame suspended from the beams for the officers to sleep in between the decks, ^ j^ HA' jCh'ong. Tidu chw'dns:. »# ^ ,shang *kwo 16. Mdi sang ko Idu. Costive, boimd in body, H^,^ pai' kit,. Pi kieh, |± pi' kit,. PI kieh, ^ y^ shik^ chaf-. Shih chi, \ i^Jf^^ik sWkj pat, ^siu fa'. Shih pub sidu hwd, -^i^^^'/k sliik, ,m ,siu ;au, i^i^Z^'M t^i' pi^' ! pat, .t'ung. Td pien pub t'ung, ^ ^ hd p'ik,. Kid p'ib. Costiveness ;^ M ^ ^ tdi" pln^ pal' kit,. Ta pien | pi kieh, ^kZ^M.^ 't'^ pat, 'shai ^ngan ^to. Shi yin ; to, fg ^4 ^ ^ chik, tak, ,to ,ts'in. Chih teh to ts'ien, ^ % ^ ^ fai' tak, ,to ^kam. Pi teh to kin preciousness, ^^^ 'p6 piii' 'ch6. Pdu pei ch6, 3^ ^ ^ ^chan 'p6 'ch6. Chin pdu ch6. Costly, of a high price, ^ kwai'. Kwei, 'fit 'f5§ ^ chik^ kd' ^k6. Chih kia kdu ; precious, ^ ^ 'p6 pui'. Pau pei, ^ ff ,chan 'p6. Chin pdu, ^ ^ ,king kwai'. King kwei, ^ ^ kwai' chung^. Kwei chung ; very costly. # m kwai' tak, tsai^; a costly affair, f^ ^ ^U ^ '^^ kwai' k6' sz'; a costly undertaking, ^ ^ "ft X ^ 'ho kwai' ke' ,kung /u, W M ^^ f- sliam' kwai' tik, sz'. Shin kwei tih sz ; costing much money, •J^J^ ^^ 'sill ^lii ki' tsuk,. Sidu lii ki tsub ; a small, but neat and tasteful dwelling, ^ j^' ^wd hd^ Hwd hid ; a student's cottage, ^f ^ jP'^^^g ^mun. P'ung mun. Cottager, one who lives in a hut or cottage, -^ '^ P|£ sh^' chii^ k6', HJg :^ 'yan ^kii 'che. Yin kli ch6, ^ ^ ;^ A 'ts'o sh6' ^cbi ^yan. Ts'du shie chi jin. Cotton, raw, ;(^, :^ ^min /d. Mien hwd, ^^ hnin. Mien; Bombay cotton, ^^ Tin ^fd. Yuen hwd; Bengal ditto, Si| :^ ngdng' Jta. Ngang hwd; Madras ditto, '^ ^ /o^ig jdu. Pdng pau ; Pa- lembang ditto, -^ yX * kau' .kong. Kiii kidng ; fine silky cotton, '^^ ijf^ muk^ .min. Muh mien, ^ ^ kat, piii'. Kib pei, "^^ 'ku pui'. Kii pei, ^t$ j)dn ^chi. Pan chi ; a bale of cotton, — -^ H^ ^ yat, ,pdu ^min /d. Yih pdu mien hwd ; cotton cloth, H^ ^ ^min p6'. Mien pu ; cotton field, :fg ^ /d jt'in. Hwd t'ien ; cotton piece goods, ^xE P^' p'at,. Pd p'ib; ditto grey, white, plain and twilled, 1^ ^ ^ jiin shik, p6'. Yuen sib pu ; ditto jeans and white longcloths, ^ "^ ^ pdk, shik, p6'. Peb sib pu; plain ditto, ^^ ^ ^xnb /d p6'. Wti hwd pii ; drills and twilled ditto, ^ |i ^ jts'^ .man p6'. Sie wan pu ; dyed and figured ditto, ^ ^2 ^ ^7 ^ai^ /a shik, p6'. Yii hwd sib pii ; white brocades, fancy white, S i^ ffi pdkj chuk, p6'. Peb chub pii ; white spotted shirtings, ^ ^p, ^ ^ V^\ ^im /d p6'. Peh tien hwd pu ; chintzes and prints, f [3 ^ ^ yan' /a p6'. Yin hwd pii ; ditto cambrics, ^ ^ ^fj ^kd ^shd p6'. Kid shd pii ; ditto muslin, y^ ^ ^y^ung ^shd. Ydng shd; damasks, |j5^ tiin^ p6'. Twdn pii ; ditto, quiltings or dimities, ^P -(^ ^ • Williams. COT (512) cor *lau jt'iu p6'. Lau t'idu pii ; ditto, ginghams, % ^ jHib p6', Mau pii ; ditto, liandkorchiefs, -^ Ip^ 'shau p'Ji'. Shall p'd ; ditto, fustians, "^ |4 'tsin jyung, Tsicn jung; ditto velveteens, :^ ^ M S^ 't*'^" sy'i"S- Il^^'>^ ^«><'» Jung; a quilt ol" cotton wool, Hf^ jj^ ^miii ,t'oi. Mien t'ai ; to bow cotton, 5$ f^ iij^'-^n ^rain /a. T'.4n mien liwd; bowed cotton, 4 ^"i) .kung ^min. Kung mien, ^ /^ du 'i 6ni' jts'z. Pdu i ngdn ts'z; to couch under an allegorj', jfl ^ P^ yung* p'i' ii^ Yung p'i yu ; to coucU a spear, jj^ j^ 't'ing ,ts'eung. T'ing ts'idng. Couch, a bed, ^ ^cli'ong. Chw'dug, :)$ 'i. T, (^ijfl ngo* t'dp,. Ngo t'db, 0J^ ^ ^min jCh'ong. Mien cbw'dng, jj^ jCh'ong. Cbw'dng; a kind of divan or couch of honor, [^ >'^ij^ k'ong' jCh'ong. K'dng cbw'dng ; a seat of repose, or easy chair, ^ -^ ^ jkdu 'tsz jCh'ong. Kidu tsz cbw'dng, §§ ;j^ sbui* H. Sbwui i ; a couch with rolling ends, ^ iE ^ ^^^'^i' S'^ jCh'ong. Kwei fi cbw'dng, gg ^ ^ jSai ,shi jCb'ong. Si sbi cbw'dng ; to lie down on the coiicb, j^ ^^ ^sheung jcb'ong. Shdnf^ cbw'dng ; a lay or impression of color, — ■ ^ Vtfi yat, cbam' ^yau ; a coucb of gold, — ' ^ ^ vat, jts'ang ^kam. Yih ts'ang kin. Couebant, lying down, ^j{ fuk^. Fub ; squatting, ^ jts'iin. Ts'un; a couebant tiger, ^ J^ fuk^ 'fii. Fub fu. Coucbem ,beng k'at, sau'. Kdn k'iug k'ih sTiu. Cough, to, P^ k'at,. K'ih, ;|^ sau'. Sau, ^ k'at,, ^B^ k'at, sjiu'; cough, occasioned by coM. M^ ,fung k'at,. Fung k'ih. cou (513) COU Cough, to expectorate, It^ k'aty K'ih, fj *^ fat I Counsel, advice given, [J^j:^^ ch'ut, 'chii f. Cli'uli chii i ; advice taken, ^^ i ^ tak^ 'chu i\ Teh chii i ; instruction, ^ ^|| kau' fan'. Kiau hiun ; consultation, ^^ ^sheung ^leung. Shang liang; to take counsel together, jqj^ j^"p' jt'ung ^mai ^sh^ung jl6ung. T'ung mai shang Mng, |^^^ hap,. Could, the past tense of can, f^ tak,. Teh, g| ,nansr. Nanj? ; could not sleep, ^ 3|)|| pg. ^ to fan' ^m cheuk,. Couleur de rose, J^ '.f^ ^ jUiui ^ftl shik,. Mei hwa sih ; to see every thing ditto, i^^^^J^f^^ kin' kok, sz' yeuk, ,mui /a shik,. Kien koh sz joh mei hwA sih. Coultei-, colter, ^ 7] jlai ^to. Li tau. Council, a body of men specially designated to ad- vise a chief magistrate in the administration of the government, ^ ^ jkung ui'. Kung hwui, S ^ M W sP"^^^ '^^'^i J"^ ^^^- ^^i"^ ^'^^ yuen hwui; privy council, ^ [^ noi" kok,. Nui koh, ^ ^ ^kwi'in ki. Kwan ki; ditto, consisting of eunuchs, |^ ^ |^ c<^h'ii mat, iin". Ch'ii mih yuen ; commissionary of ditto, ^ ^ ^ jCh'i'i mat 'sz. Ch'u mih shi ; a member of the privy council, ^ ^ kok, To. Koh lau, ^ ^M ^ ^ noi' kok, tdi' ^shan. Nui koh ta chin, /\^ ^ yap, kok,. Jill koh ; council of nobles, ^ ^^ ^ lii' ^t'oi. Hwui T'ung mai chin choli, 3L M '^^ ^sheung. Hii shang ; to ask coun- sel of a lawyer, ftlj ^Jcl^fll Hi i iE "^^^^ chong^ ^sz ch'ut, 'chii f. Wan chwang sz ch'uh chu i ; to take counsel of one, f^ A ttj i ^. man' ^yan ch'ut, 'chii f. Wan jin ch'uh chu 1; take counsel of your pillow, -^^ ^^ j^ ^sin shui' hau^ tso^ Sien shwui hau tso; deliberate opinion or judg- ment, i ;g 'chii I'. Chii i, 'l^tT ± M ^lian' 'ta 'chii i'. Shin ta chii i ; secret consultation, ^ ^ mat^ 'I. Mih i; machination, gf^ kai' ^mau. Ki mau, ^ ^ kai' ch'ak,. Ki ts'eh ; secrecy, or the secrets intrusted in consultation, ^ ^ mat^ sz'. Mih sz ; to keep one's counsel, ^ 5* ^ ^ 'shau 'ki mat, sz\ Shau ki mih sz ; they cannot keep counsel,' #,T' H^^ B^^ c^'^ pat, .nang 'shau 'ki mat^ sz'. T'a puh nang shau ki mih sz, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^sho sit, mat^ sz'. Sii sieh mih sz ; directions of God's word, MWi^WW sluing' kau' ^chi hiin' ^in. Shing kiau chl k'iuen yen, ± # M ^ it ei'l Sh6un^ tai' to' ,chi kdu' fan'. Shang ti tau chi kidu hiun ; the counsel of God, Jl'rB'^^ # Sheung' tai' ,chl shing' 'chl. Shang ti chi shing chi; a counselor-at-law, ^BiIj chong' ^sz. ChwAng sz. Counsel, to give advice, |lj i ^ ch'ut, 'chii f. Ch'uh chu 1 ; to exhort, ^J hvin'. K'iuen, ^ ^ hiin' kdi'. K'iuen kiai, ^ ^ hiin' kdu'. K'iuen kiau ; to deliberate, ^ ^tsz. Tsz, ^ ^tsz. Tsz ; to counsel to the contrary, ^ i^^ JM hiin' pat, ^li. K'iuen puh li, ^ ^ ^ hiin' pat, ts6\ K'iuen puh tso. t'ai ; ditto, the council itself, ^ ^ ,kung lii'. I Counsel-keeper, one who can keep a secret. Ilwui fang. Kung hwui. Council-chamber i^ ^ ur /ong. )5^ lii' 'sho. Hwui so, ^ ||' lii' 'kiin. Hwui kwan, ^ ji)f ^kung 'sho. Kung so ; chamber of the privy council, 1p!f/^/^ ^kwan ^kl ch'ii'. Kivm ki ch'ii, ^t^J^ ^kwan ^ki /ong. Kiun ki fang, pb [|^""P ^k'u ,wai tik„ ^UpMM 'ngo sun' ^k'ii ^wai tik^; to count for righteous- ^ ^ siin' ,wai i^ 'clu-. Swdn wei i ness, 5^ . ch6; to count as gain, l^^^M '^ s^ai ^au li^ 1 wei y^^$t;f^ 'ngo shi^ pit, siin' 'ni. Wo slii pioli swdn ni ; to count upon a person's as- sistance, i^^MZ W fl/J 'i li^i' .t'd .chi .pong cho\ I Idi t'd chi pdng tsd. Count, a title of nobility, |Q pak,. Pcb, -fj^ ^ pdk, tseuk,. Pell tsoh. Count-wheel '^MRI^fhS '^'^' .^'liung ^ming ^lun. Shi chung ming lun. Countable, that may be numbered, pj" '^ 'ho siin'. K'o swdn, pf ^ 'ho '8h6. K'o sil, % f^ siin' tak,. Swdn teh, ff ^^ kai' tak,. Ki teh. Counted, numbered, '^ jl^ siin' kwo'. Swdn kwo, ^ ^^ 'shb kwo'. Sii kwo, Hj- jig kai' kwo'. Ki kwo, ^ j^ 1^ siin' kwo' sho'. Swdn kwo sii ; considered, ^ 'i jWai. 1 wei ; imputed, ^^ -^^ (514) COU P«^& jn pin' shik, ; in countenance, in favor, ^^ tak, 'ch'ung. Teh ch'ung; to ke«p in coun- tenance, to support, to encourage,- ^g| 't'ai kii'. T'i kii, f§ ^ .pong ch'an'. Pdng ch'in, ^ fig chiu ku. Chdu ku, ^ ^ .kwong kii'. Kwdng kii ; out of countenance, ^ ^ kin' 'ch'au. Kien eh'au, >| i^ kin' kw'ai'. Kien kw'ei, fjj^ ^ 'ndn jUgdn. Ndn yen, j\a» SL c*^^"^ ^"" • ^^'^ Iwdn; not bold or assured, ^tt ^ ^mb 'tdm. Wu tdn ; a cheerful countenance, ^^ 'hi shik,. Hi sih, ^ ^ .fiin jVung. llwdn yupg, ^ ^ .fiin ^ngdn. llwdn yen, \^^ ^u ^ngdn. Yu yen, [k] ^ M- i^ min^ tdi' 'hi shik,. Mien tdi hi sih ; a youthful countenance, "^ ^ jt'ung j^gdn. T'ung yen ; a pallid countenance, \^] ^ min^ .ts'cng. Mien ts'ing; the countenance not as last year, jjfl ^ Pa 'il @ ^ min^ shik, ^m 'ts'z kau^'^nin. Mien sih puh sz kiu nicn ; a sweaty countenance, a shameful affair, f^ j^ lion* ,ngdn. lldn yen ; a hcjilthy countenance, :^j^ .cliii ^ngdn. Chii yen, J^ j|g jliung jUgdn. Hiung yen ; a tbick-skinniKl countenance, a person without shame or fecl- i"f?s, lif i^ )^ "liii^ sP'i hau*. Mien p'i hau, f^ 1^ hau^ s'^gdn. Hau yen; ditto, a skin-lost coun- tenance, ^ jgj jj^ jm6.min* ^p'i. Wii mien p'i ; ugly countenance, g^ ^ 'ch'au niau^ Ch'au Mei mau ; a beautiful countenance, ^ ^ 'mi mau^ 'mi ,yu)ig. Mei mau, ^ ^ 'ml jung. iMei yunj^, 'mi jUgdn. Mei yen, ;gl /^ ]\^ t'6 .'fd 'lim. t'du hwd lien, ^X^^ jli^ng bang* lim. llung hang lien ; to make countenance, ^ ^ mau* ^wai. Mau wei. Countenance, to favor, jfi] ^ min* ^ts'ung. Mien ts'ung, ^1^ min* ying'. Mien ying; to patronize, 1^' ^ '«» .tid min*. Shi jin tidu mien, fji A li^lfe 'sz ^yan kin' 'ch'au. : Shi jin kien ch'au, f^A^tiKi 'sz jan ^nib min*. ; koning, as in games, ^ g^ h6' ^t'au. Hdu fan, n\l ^ ki' 1)6*. Ki hdu, tffi Dfi cb'dp, jt'au. Cb'dh t'au, til j),!", cb'dp, ho*. Cb'dli hdu; money, in con- tempt, ^ jt^'in. Ts'ien ; a table or board on which money is counted, ^ 1^ ch<^ung' kwai'. Cbdng kwei, ||,'; |?,•^j kwai* ,wai. Kwei wei, ^ J^^ kwai* jt'oi. Kwei t'ai, \^f( ^ kwai* ^t'oi. Kwei t'di, +^Jt^- eh'i'nik, kwai*. Cb'oh kwei ; the person who counts, or the accountant, ^ 1^ 'cln^ung kwai*. Cbdng kwei; counter of a horse, ]^ ^ 'nid .bung. Md hiung. Shi jin wii mien, f^i A^^lfl 'sz ,yan 'ndn ^ngdn. j Counter, contnu-y, ^ 'fdn. Fdn, ^ 'fdn. Fdn, HfQ Shi jin ndn yen ; to kee[) the conntenance, ^^ ^ ,s6ung 'fdn. Sidng fdn, j^ '^ .seung 'ng. tdm tong*. Tdn ting, ^* ^ 'sliau lil'. Shmi k'l, i Sidng wii ; to run counter the rule* of virtue, ^ cou (515) COtJ ^^ yik^ tak,. Nili teh ; the wrong way, ^T ^ ^ | c^au tin". Hti sidng kiau Inydn ; to reciprocate, jiang ts'o' 16-. Hang ts'o lu. ' i $g ^ P^' 'f^n. Pu fan. Counter-current [g^ j^ ngak^ ^lau, ^ j^ yik^ Jau. Countcrchanging, exclianging, Sffi>^^ ^" ^s^ung Nih liii. ,kau yik,. IIu siang kiau jdh ; intermixing, i^^ Counter-distinction, contradistinction, f)f. ^|j pin^ ! ^seung tsap,. Siang tsah. , pit^. Pien pieb. i Countercliange ^ ^ 'fan ko'. Fan kdu. Counter-evidence ^ |§ tm cliing'. Tiii cliing, ^ I Countercharm ^ ^^ ^siu ^tsoi ^fu. Sidu tsdi fu, -gfc 'fan ^kung. Fan kung, yg H 'teng ^kung. I MW^^ '^ai hoi' /li. Kiai hai fu, J^^ p'o' fat,. Ting kung, ;^|§ ^kung ching'. Kung ching. ; P'o ftlh. Countei'-opening, an aperture on the opposite side, ! Countercheck U^ ch'ik^. Ch'ih, ^ (fl^ 'fan ch'ik . fij-p ttii' 'hau. Tui k'au. i Fan ch'ih, ^Jg 'fan dt,. Fdn yAh. Counter-revolution ^ §[ 'fan liin-. Fan Iwan, ^ I Counterdraw, to trace, ^ ^ 'y^"g '^^- Ying si6, IL fflj ^ ilMi]^ 'i'^Ji 1^1^' s^ ^""K lap. s^s'in ching'. | f^ "^ 'ying M-ak^. Ying hwah! Counter-security, sccxu'ity given to one who has j Counterfeit, to copy or imitate without authority entered into bonds, or become security for an- 1 or right, "(^^ 'ka ^mo. Kid mii, j^ 'f^ 'ka tsok,. other, j^ J; j^ 'po sh^ung' 'p6. Pau shdng pan. Counter-signature ^ ^ tui' ^ts'lm. Tiii ts'ien, ^ :^^ ;flp tui' ^fa ap,. tSi hwd yah. Counter-surety, see Counter-security. Counteract, to act in opposition to, g^* _^ §f ch'it^ 'fan kai'. Sheh fan kl, ^ yik^. Nih, ^ 'fan. Fdn ; to hinder, PJI ff: 'cho ngoi'. Tsu ngdi ; to withstand, 1^ j^ 'tai 'tong. Ti tang ; to counter- act or defeat a plan, ^ ^ pai^ ^mau. Pai mau, ^ f-f- yik^ kai'. Kih ki, ^ ff 'fan kai'. Fan ki, ^ nf P'*^' ^^^'- P'o ki ; to counteract, as an an- Kia tsoh, j^ j^ ngai' ts6'. Wei tso, H ^ ngai' tso'. Wei tsau, g^ |i^ ^mo ngai'. Mii wei, |f§[^. ^miu ^mb. MiAu mu, j^ ^ ngai^ ^wai. Wei wei ; to make or put on a resemblance, f^ ^ jY^ung jWai. Ydng wei, j^^ ngai' ^wai. Wei wei, f^J^ cha' jWai. Cha wei ; to counterfeit seals, '^j^(~(j ^g ngdi^ ts6^ yan' sun'. Wei tsdu yin sin, i^^ fp ■^^ ,miu ^mb yan' sun'. Miau mii yin sin ; to counterfeit a name, "(Ix p* (44 :45 'ka m6- sing' ^meng. Kid mau sing ming, ^ \^'^ mb^ ^yan ^meng tsz^ Mau jin ming tsz ; to counterfeit an- tidote, ^ ,siu. Siau, fy}. 'kdi. Kidi, {^ f{C. Hwd, | other's mark in order to undersell, ^ff^] sh6^ ]r. to counteract poison. siu tukj. Sidu tub. ^^ 'kai tuk,. Kidi tuh; to counteract baneful infiuenoe, ^ "f ^ X*i s^s'^- K'ii sie, |^ ^ 'tong shdt,. Tdug shdh ; able to counteract, ^ |^ f ^ 'fj^ 'tai 'tong tak, chii'. Ti tang teh chii. Counteracting, acting against, i^ |^ 'tai 'tong. Ti tdng ; hindering, (5g, ^ 'cho ngoi'. Tsii ngdi. Counterbalance, to weigh against, ^^ tui' ch'ing'. Tui ch'ing, ^.j- ^ tui' tang'. Tui tang ; to act against with equal power or effect, ||;j^ tui' 'tai. Tiii ti, :^ ^ 'tai 'tong. Ti tdng ; to counter- 1)alance power, '^| ^ -j^ ^ tiii' 'tai ^Ic'iin shai'. Tiii ti k'iuen shl; to counterbalance one another, j^ ^ ,s6ung 'tai. Sidng ti, f^ ^ tui' 'tai. Tiii ti, $i dM. >IS ^ tiii' jt'au ^8(5ung 'tai. Tui t'au sidng ti. Counterbalance, equal weight, ^ ^ cP'ii^o chung^ P'ing chung, ^ ^ pi^^g' cliung\ Ping chung ; Shi6 li; to counterfeit coin, j^^^^ ,sz chii' jts'in jUgan. Sz chii ts'ien yin; to counterfeit sickness, f$ j^ ^ i ^ jdung jWai 'ch6. Ydng wei ch6, ^ \ ^ M jan 'ch6. K'l jin ch6 ; a counterfeiter of coin, ^ ^ ^ §}•- ^ ^sz chii' jts'in ^ngau 'che, Sz chu ts'ien yin ch^! Counterfoil, ) that part of a tally struck in the Counterstock, ) exchec^uer which is kept by an cou (516) COU officer in that court, the other being delivered to the person, who has lent the king money on the account, and is called the stock, ^ ^fu. Fu, ^J ^ p'vin' /u. Pw'dn f u. Counterfort, a buttress, ^ ^tun. Tun. Counterguard ;^(^ 'p6 chdung'. TAn chdng. Countermand, to give an order to the. contrary to one before given, )\^-^ ^hau meng^ Shau ming, ■^ un^ meng\ Hwdn ming. to compensate, |g ^ jP'Ai *p6. Fei p6, :^ ^ 'tai yo. Ti pu. Counteniew $^m t6i' chid'. Tui ch6u, ^^;te)l?. n^ung 'y6 ,86ung chiu\ Counterwork, in opposition, ^ g^ tiii' jt'au. Tui t'au ; to hinder any effect by contrary operations, ]^ th ^ st '> kai' p'o' kai'. 1 ki p'o ki. Countess, the consort of an earl or count, \^ 1^^ pAk, ^ts'ai ,chi ,ch'ing. Peh ts'i chi ch'ing, ^ Countermarch ig, t'lii'. T'ui, ^^fj t'lii' ^hang. T'di j f6^^ A P^^, ^sduk, /d ^an. Peh tsioh fii jin. hang; a returning, H^ij^^ ,fdn 'chiin jt'au. Fdn \ Counting, reckoning, ^ sim'. Swdn. |?i 'sh6 Sd, chuen t'au, ^'i^^ 'chiin ^t'au jhang. Chuen ^^ siin' 8h6'. Swdn su, %\^ kai' sh6'. Ki sd. t'au hang; a change of measures, Pj^^ *koi meng^. Counting-house ] ^^ ch^ ch'ing' ^t'o. Ch'ing t'o. Countei7)oison, one poison that destroys the effect of another, f^ ^ ;^ i^ 'kdi tuk^ ^cbf mat^. Kidi tub chi wuh, M^Zi$ 'kai tuk^ .chi tuk^. Kidi tub chi tub. Counterproof ^ -§^ 'fdn 'ying. Fdn ying. Countcrroll J: ;^£ ^ ^|{ sb6ung' bung'*on' p6'. Shdng k'ung ngdn pd. ^ tdi' ch'ing'. [ ping' chung'. Kiun chung ; k'o ki sd, M 1^^ ^mb sbo'. VVd sd, :;f pat, tsun' jk'i sh6'. Pub tsin k'i sd. Countiy, any tract of land, ttfe ti'. Ti, :^fe ^j^ ti' /ong. Ti fdng, ± i^ 't'6 ti'. T'd ti; the whole territory of a kingdom or state, as opposed to city, ^5 "I^ Ji6ung hd'. Hidng hid ; from the country, ^''T^^ M^^^S h^' k6', mjtl^ M^^S hd' tik,. Hidng bid tih ; to return into the coun- try, ^#|}"7» ,kwai Jieung hd'. Kwei hidng hid; country people, ^^ 7^ "^ A .b^ung hd' ke' ^yan, tf^ ^man. Min ; country gentiy (elders and li- terati), m ^ M^^S 'I^- Hidng Idu, ^J ^i ^^ jieung .shau .k'am. Hidng shin k'in; a kingdom, state, ^ kwok,. KAVoh, ^J ^pong. Pdng; native country, 7}i,i=tii 'p^^ ti'. Pun ti, 2Jj:g 'pdn kwok,. Pun kwob, 2JS j^ 'P^^^ 't'^- ^"" ^'"^ ' foreign country, ^\> ^ ngoi' kwok,. TVdi kwob, j}f g .fdn kwok,. Fdn kwob, ^ f^ /an ,pong. Fdn pdng; of the same country, iRj^^lt jt'ungkwok, k6', |a| ^ (i^ /'ung kwok, tik,. T'ung kwob tih ; the whole countiy, j^ g /'""g kwok,. T'ung kwob ; land, as opposed to water, J^ 't'6. T'd ; to travel across a country, ^^tr liikj 1^^ jhang. Lub Id hang; to serve one's country, ^^^[ij ^ wai' 'pdn kwok, cb'ut, lik^. Wei pun kwol) ch'ub lib, ^ gi ^' \\\ :n ^vai' kwok, ,kd c-b'ut, lik^. Wei kwob kid ch'ub lib, ^.vO^^t--^ ,sam p6' kwok,. Chung sin pd kwob ; a jury, f^ 1^ 1^ jP'\'u 'sham ,kun. P'ei shin kwdn; the aspect of a country, i^^^j^^ tC ke' ^ying slmi', ill' ^ ^^^ s'^*^'- '^^ ^''^ ' *o ^^''*^t country do you bcloni: M^» # ^ S A *"^ l»ai^ .P^*^ kwok, jjan. Count(n-scal pj^ jt'ung /s'im. T'ung ts'ien, |^:?g 1 Country, rural, jfnj- ^ ,ts'un lok^. Ts'un loli j=lp jt'ung .fd dp,. T'lmg hwd ydb. Country-seat ^ -sbii, ^Ij ^ pit^ *shu. Pieh shd. Countersign, to, %];^ tdi' /s'im. Tdi ts'ien, ^ ^ Country-man, on(> born in the same country with jpong >'im. P'dng ts'ien, ^ :f^ ^\l kung' /d dp,. Kung hwd ydb. Countersign, a private signal, Pb§^ 6m' b6'. Ngdn hdu, ^l gg .sz ki'. Sz ki. Countcrtide, contrary tide, ^ )^j 'fdn jCb'id. Fdn cb'du, n^ *^ ngdkj ^lau. Countervail, to equal, ^^ tdi' ch'ing'. Tui ch'ing; another, (hJ [f*j n|^ A. jt'ung kwok, k^ — ■ ^ 'leung /iin jWai yat, tsiit^. Lidng lien wei yih tsiueh ; four couplets make one lut, ^^ ^^ ^ — ' ^ sz' jliin jWai yat, lut,. Sz lien wei yih liuli. Coupling, uniting in couples, |± §,j kit, tiii'. Kieh tni' lo i^ kit, 'ngau. Kieh ngau; fastening or connecting together, ;{§ 5§ ^seung Jin. Siang lien, H^ §<| ^s6ung ,kau. Siang kau. Coupling-pin j^ ^ Jin sut,. Lien sub. Courage, bravery, ^ 'tam. Tan, ^ yung. Yun" gtM yni' hi'. Jui k'l, dlij^ ^kong hf. Kdng k^l' WIM ^ 'siii 'tdm. Siau tan ; moral courage, ^ ,^ 'tam chf. Tan chl ; animal courage, ^^ ^ M hiit, hi' ^chl 'yung. Hiueh k'l chl yung, >f^ )j n^ shl^lik, ^t'au; to brace up one's courage, ^^ -fan 'yung! Fan yung, :^]. ^ 'tau 'yung. Tau yung, g^ ^ 'kii 'yung. Kii yung ; to exhibit com-n w, dr +*r ^ ta ki yung. J a ki yung. Courageous, bold to encounter difTiculties and dan- gers, ^-^ 'yau 'tam. Yu tan, ^ff^ ^yung 'kom. Yung kan, i^^^^i} tai^ 'tam tik,. Ta tfln tih, M ?S Tnng 'mang. Yung mang, ^\]^^ ^kong ngai\ Kdng I; very courageous, ;;^ ^^ pg^ tjii' 'Mm ke', :kU^^ tiii^ 'tam tik,. Tii tan tih, ^ ^ tdi^ 'yung. Ta yung, ^ jif^ ^ ^chan 'ho 'tdm. Chin hau tan ; daring, |a ^ 'tam 'kom. Tdn kdn, ^ f&, 'yung 'k6ra. Yungkdn, ^^f^ij hdp, hi' tik,. Hidh k'l tih ; a courageous fellow, :A: Iffl nfeF A tar tam ke ^yan. Courageously, v\ ith courage, j^ ;^ ^g 'I tdi^ 'tdm. 1 ta tan, ^ ^ ngai" Jn. 1 jen. Courageousness ^ 'tam. Tan, ^ ^ 'tam 'yung. Tan yung. Courant, the title of a newspaper, 'chl. Sin wan chl. Courbaril -{^.^ ts'at, ^meng. Ts'ih ming. Courier, a, '^ ,tf, fdi' 'ma. Kw'ai md,, ^ ij^ ^eh'ai yik^. Ch'ai yili, ^ fj ^ch'iln yik^. Ch'ueil yih, f^g sz' jShan. Shi chin, ^\ sz' jan. Shi jin, ^ -g^ 'tsau sz'. Tsau shI, ^ ^''^ pai tsau' ^kun. Tsl tsau kwdn ; a mounted courier from tlie capital, Jgg ^^ ^ 'p'du ^king ^ch'di. P'au king ch'di. Course jg to^ Tau, j^ 15'. Lii, ff ^ Juang to^ Hang tau; the course of a ship, ^ jf^ 's],ui Shwui ch'ing, j^ ^ 'hoi t6-. Hdi tau. yung. Yung, ,san ^raan iCh'in-^. cou (518) COU 1^ ^ ^8hun 16^ Ch'uen Id, ^ ^r^Z^ s«l»un 'sho 'sliai ,clii t6^ Ch'uen so shI chl tdu ; water course, :^^ 'shui W. Shwui lii, ^iJCj^ 'shui tb\ Sbwui tdu, -^'^ 'shui ^lau. SInvui liti; a wester- ly course, fn) gg ^T li6ung' ^sai jliang. llidng si hang, ffij i>Lj }5f£ h^ung' ^sai ^lau. Ilidng si liii ; the sun and moon move together in the same course, [J ^^{@ -|@F yat^ iit^ kung^ ^ch'in yat, t6^ ; the course of events, ^ j|| ,t'in wanS T'ien ynn; to steer the right course, !J^]j|^ 'sliai ching' 16^ Shi ching lu ; to walk in the right course, ^lit^ jhang ching' \h\ Hang ching lu ; to get out of the right course, Tj ^ \^ jl'ang ts'o' 16^ Hang ts'o lil ; to be out of tlie right coui-se, 'n ^ |j5§ jliang ^mai W. Hang mi lu ; the course of j a man's life, ^ ^ ^ ^ jp'i"g ,shang ^chi ib\ P'ing sang chi tAu ; course of action, ^^^'fj jP'ing ^shang ^chi jhang. P'ipg sang chi hang, ^ fj *pan haug^. Pin hing, ^7 |^ jhai'g jWai. , Hang wei ; in due course, _^B ^ j^ chiu' ts'z' I t8u\ Chdu ts'z sii, ^ ^ ts'z' tsii^ ; to follow the i course of nature, ^'j^lfijfT jts'un sing' ^i jhang. I Siun sing rh hang; according to the course of j nature, ^ ^ i^ij] j^ ^ ,i mdn' mat^ ,chi Ui. I j wdn wuh chi li ; by the due course of law, H2 ^|| j Vj^.chiu lut, fat,. Chau liuli fab, {j({ ^ •g'ciiiu' j ^kung t6\ Chdu kung tiiu ; according to the course of the world, ^^ jih ^ts'ung shai'. Ts'ung shi, ^ jU; ^ ,i shai' kdi'. 1 sbi kiai ; as a matter j of course, ^'^^tJll'l^ tsz^ ,tong ^ii 'ts'z. Tsz tang, jii ts'z, :^ J§ Ixa ijrt; 'pun jing jii 'ts'z. Pun ying jii ts'z ; of course, Q ^ tsz^ ^in. Tsz jen ; accor- 1 ding to the usual course, IjJi '^ cbiu' ^sb^ung. Cbdu Chang, ^11 ^i kau^ I'kiii, |j|i2|S:'^ cbiii' j)'ing jSb6ung. Clulu p'ing cluing; it is our com- . mon course, '^ f^» Rj^ jSbeung bai^ 'k5m. Cluing \ hi kdn ; to take the best course, j5| ii iif^ Pf^ ^ 'sun phf 'ho ke' 16^ ff ^ M" Z ^ s^'^ng chi' 'h6 jChi W. Hang chi lidu chi lu ; to take the shortest course, tr ^ ^ jliang tsit^ king'. Hang tsieh king ; to adopt a course of action, )fl >t^ ^ yung^ ^tong fdt,. Yung fdng fdh ; take your course and I shall take mine, f^^ f7 f/j»^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ 'ni jhang 'ni '16, 'ngo ^bang 'ngo \b\ Ni hang ni lu, wo hang wo lu ; by course, Hi ^ ^i ts'z'. t ts'z, |j^ '^ jlun jlau. Lunliu; a coiu-se of sin, 1^ tr iJ^ jShdung jhang tsui^ Chdng hang tsui; to follow one's own course, ff 'j^ |fl) ^ yam* sing' ^i ,hang. Jin sing rh hang, ^ i4 fln 'ff «"t, sing' ji ,bang. Sub sing rh bang, 1^ j\j> .^ ^ ^ jts'ui ,8am ,chi 'sho yuk^. Sui sin chi so yub ; a course at mj^als, — ■ f^ yat, tsik^. Yih tsih, — |§ yat, ^t'oi. Yih t'di, - -f^ ^ yat. ' WiZ^ kdu' .chi fdt,. Kidu chi fah ; what course shall I pursue Y -^ -ti 5J" i? '!^ ^'^K m&\ ^y6 'h6 ,ni ; the race-course, jfg ,1^ ^ 'p'du hnd W. P'du md lu,^i^i tau' 'ma ,cb'6ung. Tau md ch'dng; the course or period of a woman, >] $!f iit^ .king. Yueh king, jj^ ;(JC .king 'shui. King shwui. Course, to hunt, tfliR t^ HPj- Td lieh ; to chase or •pursue. chui 'kon. Chui kdn. P'di' jCh'id. Pdi ch'du, |g II jCh'iii kan*. Cli'du kin ; to en- ter the court, A ^ yap^ jCh'iu. Jih ch'du ; in court, ^ ^ ii* jts'in. Yu ts'ien ; to be introduc- ed at ditto, §1^ ^^ kan* ^ch'id. Kin ch'du; to hold court, #. ^ tso* ^ch'iu. Tso ch'du, jj^ ^ shi* jCh'iu. Shi ch'du ; court dress, |g ^ ^ch'iu fukj. Ch'du full, ig ijjc jCh'iu .i. Ch'du i, jg^ ^ jUgdu .k'nni. llidu k'in ; the emperor's court- dress, ^^ jlung jp'6. Lung i)*du, ^t|^ 'kwan jlung jp'6. Kwan lung p'du, ^ ^ 'kwan .i. Kwan i, !!»)|i fg 'mong jp'6. iMdnj; p'du, ]i|] :^ iV .i. Yu i, f^ Jjli u* fuk,. Yu fuh ; to pay one's court to the king, f^ ^ pdi' jWong. Pdi wdng, §fl i jCh'iii jWong. Ch'du wdng ; the six courts at Peking, ^ ^ luk^ p5*. Lub }u'i ; the magis- trate's court (of Hongkong), t^ ]$ JH^ jts'un *li .feng. Siun H t'ing. :(«1 31 /j^ jts'un 'li Yii. Siun 11 fu ; the court i>f summary jurisdiction, ^ fjj ^•f f'l i^s'in chui' jUgd ^mun. Ts'ien chdi yd mun ; the supreme court of Hongkong, ^ 'g cou tdi- kot,. Ta koh, ^ ^ ^1 ^ f^ on ch'at, jSz jTiga ^mun. Ngan cli'dh sz yamiin; to op- en a court, ^^^ jP'ai ^nga. P'ai ya, :^p ^ jP'di j)an. P'ai pan ; an early court, ^ f^ 'ts5 (519) COU Kung kingjih, f^^ M ' siang yu, ^ yeung-. Jang ; lb jSeung 'u. Hdu courteous towards 'ho jSeung yeung'. Hau each other, $f :;i(i9 -I sidng jAng. ngA. Tsdu ysl; the provincial Court circular, ' Courteously :^^^ kung ^in. Kung jen, ^ ^^ suk, Pi f K ^iin ^mun p6'. Yuen mun pau ; court .in. Suh jen, fl^^ |^ chiii' -lai. Chdu li. Courteousness ;]^ ^ Hai sh6\ Li su, ^ ^ ,kung king'. Kung king. Courtesan, a prostitute, ^ ■;^ ki^ -nii. Ki nil, ^^ ^ch'eung, Ch'ang, ^^^ ^ch'eung ki'. Ch'ang ki, 1^ $S S^ jU^ung. Hwa neang, ^ ^ hak, ^ts'ai. K'eh ts'i. Courtesy, politeness of manner, jjii ^ "lai mavr. Li ■ mau, ;-ji| ^ -lai sh6'. Li sii, i'g ^ 'lai fat,. Li of representation *, ^ i^ a] ^t'ung ching' ^sz. T'ung ching sz ; commissioner of ditto, ^ ^^ jt'ung ching' 'sz. T'ung ching shi ; deputy commissioners of ditto, iM i^ MO '^ (t'^^^o chmg' fu' 'sz. T'ung ching fu shi ; councillors of ditto, jM i^ ^ ^ ^, <^'^^S cliing' j< ^k'au. K'iu ; to court one's favor, ^ ^ ^k'au oi'. K'iu ngdi, ^ K jk'au 'ch'ung. K'iu ch'ung; to court one's friendship, >}< ^ ^k'au 'yau. K'iu yii ; to solicit for marriage, J^j^ ^k'au /an. K'iii hwan, 5|cg£ ^k'aup'di'. K'iup'ei. Court-chaplain ^ ^ ^ ^iS jCh'iu jt'ing muk^ ,8Z. Ch'au t'ing muh sz. Court-day, a day in which a court sits to adminis- ter justice, ^ ^ ^ B (Shing jt'ong ^chi yat^. Shing fang chi jih, # ^ ^ tso^ c^ung on'. Tso mau^ jSeung /'ui. Li mau siang t'lii, lf^;^.;|i0^ 'nga i' ^s6ung yeung^ Yd i siang jang; tenure by courtesy, ^ ^ ^ :^ ^ 'shau kii' shat, ^chi ip,. Shau kii shih chi nieh ; official com'tesy, '^ jjj^ ^kun 'lai. Kwan li ; com'tesy or obeysance of women towards the empress, ^Ti^ suk, 'lai. Suh kung ngan. ^ ,mi kwai'. Wi Ch'au fuh, |g :^ 'sheung ch'iii %i Com-t-dress |§ ^^ ^ch'iii fuk^. ^ch'iu^i. ch'aui, j:|g,ii^ fuk,. Shdng ch'au li fuh. Court-dresser, a flatterer, ^ ^ P^ A fiing^ ^shing k& .yan. Court-fashion, the fashion of a court ^ nai. Ch'duli. Court-favor ^ ^ jWong jan. Hwdng ngan. Court-house ^ P^ ,ngd ^miin. Yd mun ; the court- house of Hongkong, ;^ '^ tai^ kot, t. Ta koh. Court-lady, *^ -^ ^m hopj -lai. Hob li, ^ ^ ,man 'ngd. Wan yd, ^ 31 ,han 'nga. Hien yd, ff^^lE tfe k'oi' chu\ 1^ '6m, ['am, 'im.] Yen, )^^ '6m chu^ \^ ^ '6m k'oi', jg ^ chd k'oi'. Ch6 k'di, ^ faul Fau, jg ^ .che pai'. Ch6 pi, ^ chdu'. Chdu, ^ 'im. Yen, ^ to*. Tdu ; to cover with the hand, }^ '6m, !(^^ '6m ^mdi, ^ -^ '6m chii*; to cover with shame, f(£0 J^ k'oi' M sau. K'di i siu. 11^! *mun mm ,sau 'ch'au. Mvvdn mien siu ch'au ; to cover hoth eyes, If ^ # HR 'om ^mdi .sh6ung 'ngdn ; to clothe,^ ^ ch6uk,. Choh ; to cover the body, ^ ^ k'oi' ,8han. K'di shin ; to cover, as a drum, ^ ^miin. Mun ; to cover a drum, ^ fj jmiin 'kii. Mun kd ; to cover with gauze, Xi^ ^ ^mun ,shd. Mun shd ; to cover the mouth, \^a p 'am chii' 'hau ; cousins german, of the same surname, ^ j^ noi* cover it with your hand, '(^ ^ tf ffe 'pi 'shau ,ts'an. Nui ts'in; ditto, of a different surname, as a wife's clan, ^\- ^ ngoi* ^ts'an. Wdi ts'in. Cove, a small inlet, a recess in a seashore, j^ ,\vdn. Wdn, li }g 'yan ch'ii'. Yin ch'u, ^ M Z 1^ 'ho pf .chi ch'ii'. K'o pi chl ch'u. Covenant -^^ y6uk,. Yoh, ^ .mang. Mang, ^ ^ ^mang y6uk,. Mang yoh, ^ ^:) k'ai' y6uk,. K'i yoh ; contract, '^ |rJ h6p^ jt'ung. lloh t'ung ; to make a covenant, ^ ^{i] lap^ ycuk,. Lih yoh, U ^^ kit, y6uk,. Kieh yoh, |i^ kit, ^mang. Kieh mang, jjf. ^ lap^ k'ai'. Lih k'i ; to make a cove- nant or contract *, |X 'o" |^ 'td h6p, ^t'ung. Td hoh t'ung ; the sacred covenant, ^ ^-ti f shing' yeuk,. Shing yoh ; the ancient covenant, ^ J^.J kau* yeuk,. Kiu yoh ; the new covenant, ']^\ ^ ^sau ystitutiou of JnV' covenant, for ^y^ P3» testament, by the translators of the Snored StTijiture, in very objectionable, for a testament is made by one and comes in force after the death of the testator ; a covenant is made by two and is dissolved by the death of one party. By using I covenant for testament, we convert Hebrew 9, 1(5. 17, into ab- surd nonsense. 'am chii* ; to cover goods, ^ \^ ,pdu fo'. Pdu ho ; to cover, as with butter, ^\ :^ ngoi* ^ch'a. Wdi ch'd; to cover the face, ^ |flj 'im min*. Yen mien ; to cover the heatl, .^ ijij| t/ii* m6*. Tdi mdu ; to conceal, to refrain from disclosing, Ki ^ 'yan jts'ong. Yin tsdng, ^ ^ 'yan ^mun. Yin mwdn, |^^ 'yan nik,. Yin nib, j^ ft ,ch6 chii*. CM chu, -g \^ (iM 'im. Che yen, ^ pai'. Pi ; to cover the failings of a friend, .^ ^ :$: j;^ Im 'yau ,chi kwo'. Yen yii chi kwo, ^ J!9^iii0i t'ai' .p'ang Vau .ch6 ^mun. T'i p'ang yd che mwdn ; to cover a ciime, j^ ^ pai' ,ku. Pi kd, ^ p pai' tsdi*. Pi tsdi ; to cover sin, to pardon, |^ sh6'. Shie, ^ pai'. Pi ; to cover a father's crimes, ^^"^ ^ k'oi' Jiin kon' 'kd. K'di k'ien kdn kd ; to cover his palm, ^ ^ ^ ^- 'am tik, pui* 'shau ; to defend, ^ p$ ,ch6 cheung'. Chd chdng ; to screen or defend, m ^ k'oi'. Uh k'ai ; to put up bamboo coverings, :^ ^ 1^ tdp, jp'ung 'ch'ong. Tdh p'ung chw'dng, |«; ^ tap, ,p'ang. Tab p'ang ; ■ the covering of a carriage, 0.^ [<<^h'e] Jcii k'oi'. Kii k'ai, ^ fl^ ,kii fuk,. Kii full ; ditto, as the bark of a tree, ^\> ^ ngoi^ ^i. Wdi i ; envelope, i^ "^ sun' jt'ung. Sin t'ung ; dress, ^ ^ ,i jSheung. I chdng ; bed-cover, ^ gj^ k'oi' -p'i. K'di p'i, n^^Vam -p'i. Coverlet, the cover of a bed, ^ -p'i. P'i, ^ ^ 'k'am -p'i, ^ ^ El ,fd -p'i min'. Hwd p'i mien ; a single coverlet, ^ ^ ^tan ^p'i. Tdn p'i, ^ ^ *p'i ^tan. P'i tdn, |^ ^lam. Lan ; a double cover- let, ^ ^ kdp, -p'i. Kiah p'i ; to pull the cover- let over one, ^ ^ 'k'am 'p'i ; a (red) woollen coverlet, ^ ^ 'ni "p'i ; cover him with a co- verlet, i^^^it 115 pi T'i 'k'am chii' -k'ii, J^ ^ i ji #i 'i -p'i k'oi' chii^ .t'd. I p'i k'di cliu t'a. Covert, covered, |§ jj^ k'oi' kwo'. K'di kwo, j^ jjj^ ,ch6 kwo'. Ch6 kwo ; secret, ^i, ^sz. Sz, f]|jj (j|j] ,t'au ^t'au. T'au t'au, D^^ 6m'. Ngan; a feme- covert, ^^^^ kd' ke' "nil ; a covert attack, P|f- H 6m' hoi^ Ngan hdi, f^ '^ ^ts'im hoi^ Ts'ien hdi. Covert, a place of shelter, |)^^ IS <^ /^ 'y^n nik, .chi cli'ii'. Yin nih chi ch''d, |5f sl,!^ ;^ jg 'yan jts'ong ^chi ch'ii'. Yin tsdng chTch'u, i^ijt ::^ ^ ,mdi fuk, ^chi ch'ii'. Mai fuh chi ch'u; a covert of thieves, ^ ^ ts'dk, ^wo. Ts'ih wo, ^ ^ ts'dk, iit,. Ts'ih yueh, ^^ tung^ Tung, 'j;§ ^ piii^ teng^, Covert- way J^^^jii' .sban 16^ Pi shin lu, (% ^ ^yam 16^ Yin lu. Covertly, secretly, f|jj f|)j ^t'au ^t'au, ^ ^ tsing^ 'tsing, Ba .^i 6m' Jn. Ngdn jen, f/. ^sz. Sz. Covet, to, ^ ^t'dm. T'an, ^(j ,t'dm ,t'6. T'an t'li, ^ J^ .t'dm 'ts'ii. T'an ts'ii, ^ ^ ,t'dm ^mau. T'an mau, ^ KJIJ ,t'dm ^t'6. T'an t'au ; to covet riches, ^^ ,t'dm ^ts'in. T'an ts'ien, ^^ ,t'dm jts'oi. T'an ts'di ; to covet gain, ^ jjilj ^t'dm li^ T'an li, ^f§ ,t'dm tak,. T'an teh ; to covet fame, ^ ;g ,t'dm ^meng. T'an ming, f§ ^ ;g lo ^shing ^meng, ^ ^ 'ts'ii ,meng. Ts'ii ming; to covet unlawful gain, -^ ^^^ ^\] ,t'dm ,u li". T'an wu li ; to covet pleasure, '^ |^ ^t'dm lok,. T'an loh, ^']jk-l^ ^^^ 's^ung ^ts'in, ^ )i^ jt'dm ,sam. T'an sin, -^ 7^ ^t'dm lun^ T'an lin, ^ ^ ,t'dm sink,. T'an sih, ^ t^iJ h6' li'. Hdu li, i^ ^ lun^ shik,. Lin sih, ^ ^ ^t'dm ^lam. T'an Idn, ^ ^ ^t'dm mak,. T'an meh, i^ ^^ chung- ^ts'oi. Chung ts'di; covetous of bribes, ^ llpp^ shik^ ,t'ung k6', n^lf,^ -lim ^t'ung ch'au'. Lien t'ung ch'au; covetous and cruel, ;^@^ ,t'dm huk,. T'an k'uh; covetous and mean, '^^ ^t'dm 'p'i. T'an p'i ; insatiably covetous, ^ ;C1'» ^ j^ ,t'dm jSam ^mo im'. T'an sin wu yen, ;^|§!^>^ ^t'dm jt'6 pat, tsuk,. T'an t'li puh f sub ; a very covetous person, ^f ^ S^ P|?^ }^ 'ho ^t'am ^sam \i€ ,yan, ^%fj.^ ,t'dm tak, ,m6 im'. T'an teh wu yen, fit |h| ;^ >j^ ^mo im' ^chi ^k'au. "Wii yen chi k'iu ; covetous of small gain, '^ /]\ 7^1] ^t'dm 'sill If. T'an sidu li, :^^I^ .t'am ^t'im ^t'au. Covetously ^ ^ ^t'dm ^in. T'an jen. Covetousness ;^^:^" ^t'am lun^ 'ch6. T'an lin ch^, ^ ^ ,t'dm lun^ T'an lin, ^ ii;^ ^t'am ,sam. T'an sin ; repress your covetousness, ^ ^ ^ ^^ kdi' jChi tsoi^ tak,. Kidi chi tsdi teh. Covey, a brood or hatch of birds, — |'*J yat, tau'; a company, — ^ yat, ^kw'an. Yih k'iun. Covid }l ch'ek,. Ch'ih. Cow, the female of the bovin geni-s, 4-u ^ ^p'an jUgau. P'in niu, -^ ^ c"gau 'i:d, 4- 4^ c^^'gau ^m6. Niu mu, ^g 'm6. Mu; the common Chinese cow, ^4^ s^'ong ^ngavi. Ilwdng niii ; cow milk, 4- ^^s^gau -Li. Niu ju, 4^^ ,ngau 'ndi, ^ ^ jUgau Tidi. Niu ndi; a cow without horns, fit^ ^W¥ cMi^ liok, \e ^ngau, ^ /o. T'o, !^ ,t'ung. T'ung ; a cow three years old, ~ ^^ ^sam sui' ^ngau. San sui niu, ^ ^sdm. Sdn ; a cow four years old, j/j^ ^ -^ sz' sui' ,ngau. Sz sui niu, ^ sz'. Sz ; a full grown cow, j[|| pi^ Pi ; a red cow, ^^ ,san. Sin, ^"^ ^ ch'ek, shik, .ngau. Ch'ih sih niii; a black cow, M*^ hak, ^ngau. Heh niti, ^^ jii. Yd ; a yellow cow, ^ ^t'6. T'u ; a white cow, ^^ pdkj jUgau. Peh niu, J^ ^ts'iii. I 5 chdk. Tsch, Ts'ui, jk^ung. Kidnj fok cow (522) CRA Hoh; to keep cows, ^^ niuk^ jij^au. Muh nid, jjg^ ^ ^y6\ing jHgau, Ydng niii ; ditto for breed- ing, ^^^^ ch'uk, tsz' jDgau. Ch'uh tsz niti. Cow, to, ^^ t^^cng liaiv,. King hih. Cow-bezoar 'j^ jWong. llwfing, ^ ||f jHgau jWong. Niii hwdng. Cow-dung ^ ^ jUgaii 'slii. Niii shi. Cow-herd, one whoso occupation it is to tend cows, # 4- ^ ^hon ^ngixu 't'ai. K'an nid t'i, !^ ^ muk^ jt'ung. Muh t'ung, ^ -^ muk^ *tsz. Mtih tsz. Cow-house ^^^- jHgau /ong. Niu Mng, ^)^ j^gau kau'. Niu kiii ; a place where cows and cattle are kept for the market, ^ ;|^ s"gau ^Idn. Niu Idn. Cow-keeper ^2^^ ^^\^m jUgau 'ch<5. K'dn nid che. Cow-leech, one who professes to heal the diseases of cows, ^^ jiigau ,1. Niu i. Cow-pen ^ 3^1 jiigau jhin. Niu Idn. Cow-pox ^ tau . Tau. Cow-or ox-tiek ^ ^ jiigau shat,. Niu sih, ^ ^ jHgau jCh'ung. Nid ch'ung, ^ 3^ j^gau j)'i. Niu p'l. Cow-tree ^t M 'u si»u^- J A slid. Cow-weed ^ ^-^ jp'6 ,kung kap,. P'u kung kidh. Coward, a person who wants courage to meet dan- ger, ^^% wai' shuk, '16, ti ^ In'p^ /u. Hieh fu, ^ ^ lilJt A ,m6 'tarn k6' jan, '{4 P|^ A 'tdm hip, k6' ^yan, |^-;f^ no^ /u. No fu, ^'lipf^^; X jyung no^ ke' ^yan ; you are a coward, j^^ ^ Pti' ^ )M '"1 ,l 'tdm 'siu. Tdn sidu, filt gg ^mo 'tdm. Wd tdn ; chick- enhearted, i| njj- ^ |h Wi ^^K cb'ut, /ui jliai. Tub cb'ub bwui biai ; i Cradle, a rocking bed, to crack tbe brain, |^ ^ fat, ,tin. Fdb tien, ifj: ^^ cb'ak, -nb. Cb'ib nau; to crack a louse, ^ iL ih| ,teng sbat, 'na. Ci-ack, to l)urst, i)f cb'ak,. Cb'ib, j^ pdu'. Pan; to boast, |2^ 1^ M^^S . K'l jen, ]>X%kU tien ; cracked wood, ^^^:M ^itj ke' muk^. 'I 'kwai .man. I kwei mau, 0,^^ 'I 'kwai cbd'. Cracker, crackers, j^ i^ pdu' tseung^ !^ >J^ Jin 'fo. ; I kwei cbd, X^ p^ 'bdu ^In. K'idu jen. Yen bo, >J^ j^^ 'fo p'du'. IIo p'du, ^. j|^ 'b^ungi Craftiness, artfulness, 3}B J^5 ^ .kwdi 'bdu 'che. p'du'. llidng p'du, )|;^ j'^' p'du' cbuk,. P'du chub ; j Kwdi k'idu che; cunning, gj| |g 'kwai kwat,. a string or bunch of crackers, — '^^^ yat, ch'un'j kwei kiueb, ^ J'|* ^ 'kdu wdt^ 'did. Kidu hwdb p'du'. Yih cb'uen p'du ; fireworks, ^S" & jfcfi lif kok, shik, p'du' chuk,. Koh sbib p'du chub ; a bard biscuit, i^ -fij- Wf $^ ngdng^ .fdn 'peng .kon. Ngang fdn ping kdn; that which cracks or crushes, as nuts, ^^t§y- wat t'6 ^k'lm. Heh t'du k'ien; to let off crackers, j;^ >f^ Yf n ^ chat, shat,. Cliih shib, 5^ pokj. Fob, ^ ^ ^cb'ung sak,. Ch'ung sell, ^ "^ cb'dp, shat^. Cb'dh shib, ^ 7^ cb'dp, yapj. Ch'ib jib, 1^ 7^ tsun' yap^. Tsin jib ; to fill to superfluity, H^ '^ chat, ^un. Cbib mwdn, ;j^ y^ cb'dp, *mun. Cb'dh mwdn, WiWM^^M ch'dp, tak, ^mun kwo' ^t'au. Cb'dh teh mwdn kwo t'au ; to cram down the throat, ^Tm 'k'eung bd^ it,. K'idng bid yeb, :^$lj5^ sbikj t6' im'. Shib tdu yen ; to cram an infant, PH ^I] ^ ^^ sM ^'ai' t6' *pdu kwo' ^fau. Wei tdu pdu kwo t'au,' PJI f Ij ^ wai' td' im\ Wei tdu yen ; to ci*am one's pocket, /|R ^ ^ chat, shat^ toi^ Chih shib tdi, ^'^^ shat^ 'miin toi^ Shib mwdn tdi ; to cram a bouse with people, ;^ j^ — ■ ^ chat, *mun yat, uk,. Cbib mwdn yih uh, ^ W — ^ ^^^*> ^^'^*i y^^> ^^^*'>- ^^'^^ ^^^^ y^^ shib ; to cram poultry, ^ ^ chdng^ ,kai. Tsang ki. Cram, to eat greedily, {^ :g: ngdng' ,t'an. Ngang t'un, i^ !© ngang* it,. Ngang yeb, ;^ ^ tdi' shik. Ta shib, ^ ^ ,t'an shik^. T'un shib, ^ $|J Jg sbikj t6' im'. Shib tdu yen. Crammed :^^ \^ chat, kwo'. Cbib kwo, ^ H chat, shatj. Cbib shib J^ yan^ yin, J^ -^j^ pok^ kwo'. Poh kwo, y^,'^ ,cb'ung shatj. Ch'ung shib; a crammed bouse, ;|R '^ P|5t M chat, shat^ k6' uk,, M ^ fl'J M sP'ong pokj tik, nk,. P'dng poh tib ub; crammed with food, ^ $1) i^ shik^ t5' im'. Shib tdu yen ; crammed as a full dish, ^C ^ I'U ;|^ tdi' 'un k6m' cbdng'. Cramming :^ A chat, yap^. Chih jib, :^ J| chat, shatj. Chill shib, ^ cbdng*, ;^i^ ^ch'ung *mun. Ch'ung mwdn. Cramp, tho spasmodic and involuntary contraction of a limb, or some muscle of the body, if^jj jj^j ^ch'au ,kan. Ch'au kin ; a cramp-iron or an iron cramp, ^,{^ fit, *md. T'ieh md;- restraint, ^^ kam' chai'. Kin chi. Cramp, to restrain, ^ {^ kw'an' chii*. K^v'an ch6, ^(^^ y«5uk, cb'uk,. Yohsbub, ^^ 'kun ch'uk,. Kwdn shub, :f(ij ^I| ,k'u chai'. K'u chi ; to cramp one's exertions, ^ )|l A fi«J t? ^ '^^^ ch'uk, ^yan tik, jbang ^wai. Kwdn shub jin tib hang wei; to fasten with a cramp or cramp-ii-on, J^^ hnd chii'. Cramp-iron ^ }^ fit, *md. T'ieh md. Cramped, restrained, )^ ^ jl^ y6uk, ch'uk, kwo*. Yob shub kwo, ^ ^Ij )^ kam' chai' kwo'. Kin chi kwo ; fastened with a cramp, ,ft} j^ ^ 'md cbu' kwo' ; cramped, in means or circumstances, H kw'an'. Kw'an, ^^M kw'an' pik,. Kw'an pih, ^ ^ kw'an' kap,. Kw'an kih ; cramp in space, ^ ^ pik, chdk,. Pih tseli, ^^ ^ hdp^ chdk,. Hidh tseh, |^yj> 'pin *siu. Pien sidu, ^^ bdp^ ai'. Hidh i ; cramped in one's movements, g j^ kw'an' tik,. Kw'an tib, ^ P|5E kuk^ k6' ; cramped and mean, |y [Jj^ 'pin lau'. Pien lau ; a cramped mind, |gjC2' V^ ,sam. Pien sin. Cranage, the liberty of using a crane at a wharf for raising Marcs from a vessel, 5^ ^ |i ^ 'chun yung' luk, ^16. Chun yung lub lu ; the money paid for the use of the crane, ^^ luk, ^16. Luh lu. ;^ tt JIW '^i fo' kduk,. K'i ho kioh. Cranberry, mossberry, ^X^^ -f" jhung ^mui ^f oi 'tsz. Hung mei f di tsz. Cranch, see Crauncb. • Crane, the white, ^ kun'. Kwdn, Q ^ pdk^ bok^. Peh boh ; the red crowned ditto, ]^ j^ "^ .chii teng hokj. Chii ting bob, :$:f|]^ .cbu 16' hok^. Chii lu hob ; the gray ditto, ^ -^^ mb' 'shui hok^. Mu sbwui hob ; black crane, §j^ ^ ,ts'ong ^ai. Ts'dng ki, ||g§ .ts'ong shit^. Ts'dng sheh ; a machine for raising great weights and moving them to a distance, ^ ^ luk, ^16. Luh lii ; a siphon or crooked pipe, for'drawing liquors out of a cask, ^"^ ,wdn jf ung. Wdn t'ung. Cranes-bill ^ ^ ,h6ung ts'oi'. Hidng ts'di. Crangons, seashrimps, y\^ !);[){ ,shd Jid. Shd hid, ^ tg jHgan bd. Yin bid. Craniology ^ ^ ^lau hok,. Lau bioh, gR ^ j£ ^ jf au hok, ,f ung chi'. T'au koh f ung chi ; a dis- course or treatise on the cranium or skull, fl/j^ ^Wi i^'^^ ^^K 'tsung lun*. T'au koh t«ung lun, flS ^ IS l« ^^^^K M^ 'tsung Imi'. Shub lau tsung lun. Craniometer ^ ^ {J^ tok^ ,lau hi'. Toh lau k'i. Cranioscopy ^ ^^ ijjl 4kfl jlau kdk, ,f ung chi'. I*nu koh f ung chi, ^\^'^'^ ,lau kdk, ,f ung hok. L;iu keh f ung bioh. Cranium S)'] ^ jf au hok,. T'nu koh, ^ ^lau. Lau, Ifi ti <<■» slau. Fu l.iu, ^ ^ fuk, >u. T'uh luu. Crank, a bend or turn, |||^ ,liln huk,. Liuen k'iuh, f^ ,wdn. Wdu, i^lllUlltlj .wdn ,wdn buk, huk,. Wdn wdn k'iuh k'iuh, >^^il|i:^ .chi <»*' 'kbm CHA (525) CRA y^llng^ Chi tsz kdn ydng; a sportive twisting or turning in speech, jH j^ "^ fS' wan- kang' k6' wA-, ^ftP^f?^ 'wai huk, ke' wa\ Wei k'iuh tih hwd ; quips and cranks, ^ {^ <^ ^ 'wai huk, ^chi ^ts'z. Wei k'iuh chi ts'z. Crank, liable to he overset, j^ 'dflj chap^ chak^ ; a crank ship, ^'fp^'^i i^ 'in ,chi ^shlin. I yen chi ch'uen ; stout, jjj: ^ chong' kin'. ChAvang kien ; full of spirit, |l|'^ 'shong fai'. Shwdng kw'di. Crank, ") to run in a winding course, ^'/^|^\J ^lun Crankle, J ^kiin tik^, ^ ^ ^^f ^"O'dn huk^ tik^. Wdn k'iuh tih, ;^ ^ p^^ll ^chi tsz- 'k6m y6ung-. Chi tsz kiin yang. Crankness, liability to be overset, as a ship, )^ ||l] ^ chdp^ chakj 'ch6; crankness of a ship, ^'f^^ ^ 1^ 'in ^chi jShixn. I yen chi ch'uen. Crannied ^^^>; lit^ la' tik^. Lieh hia tih ; a cran- nied wall, ^ jjg lit^ jts'(5ung. Lieh ts'idng. Ci-anny, a rent, ^ lit^. Lieh, ^ la'. Hia, :^ ch'dk,. Ch'ih ; a hole, g^ Jung. Lung ; a secret, retired place, ^^ piii- teng^ ^^]g jau ch'ii'. Yti ch'ii. Cranny, pleasant, '[^ -/g- fai' ut^. Kw'ai hwoh. Crape ^ tsau'. Tsau, ^ ^ tsau' ^sha. Tsau sha ; plain ditto, -^^^ s6' tsau'. Su tsau; figured ditto, :ifj ^ /d tsau'. Hwd tsau ; Nanking ditto, ^^^ % jii tsau'. Hu tsau. Crape, to curl, ^ Jiin. Liuen, ^ .^ Jixn ,mai, ^ ;^ tsau' ^mdi. Tsau mdi. Craple, a claw, j|\. 'chdu. Chdu. Crash, to break, to bruise, 1^ i^ p'o' sui'. P'o sui, ^ ^ p'o' wai-. P'o hwAi. Crash, to make a loud, clattering, multifarious sound of many things falling and breaking at once, f^ tsok, Jiang ^shing, ff p^p^^ tsok, ,su ^su ,k'ing 't6 chi shing. shing. ,shing, /^l5i^^j:^^mat Wuh k'ing tau chi shing. Crash, a, ^^ ^pdng ^shing, P^P^-^ ,svi ^sii Crash (crassus) coarse cloth, ^ ^ Js'6 p5'. Crashing, the sound of many things falling and breaking at once, ^^ jiang ,shing, P^P^^ .sii ,8{i_ .shing, i^j] ^^\ZM ^^^i y^^S 't6 ,chi jShing. Wuh k'ing tau chi shing. Crasis, the temper or healthy constitution of the blood in an animal body, ^ J^ ^ f^ c^han hiit, ,chi ,ts'ing. Shin hiueh chi ts'ing. Cvassament, the thick, red part of the blood, as dis- tinct from the serum, ^ ^ jl^^'ing hiit,. K'ing hiueh, J^ /^ ^ 4% hiit, .chi ^k'ing mat^. Hiueh chi k'ing wuh, ^ |J< ^^ 'ban jk'au kwo'. K'an k'iii kwo, -% jig ^t'c4m kwo'. T'an kwo. Craven, ^ a coward, '|^ li^ P^ hip, .sam ke'. || |i||- Cravent, V ^ opj^ ^kai k5m' ,t'am k^'; a vanquished Cravant, ) cock, ftf|j;^|| tau' .sliii ,chi .kai. Tau shu chi ki. Craving, asking with importunity, ^^ 'ban .k'au. K'an k'iu; entreating, Yif-g fuk,hat,. Fuh k'ih; requiring, ^ .t'am. T'dn; a craving appetite, liiMS:^ 't'6 ngo^ 'sdung shik^. T'u ngo siang shih. Craving ^ >^ 'ban .k'au. K'an k'iii ; the cravings of the human heart, ;\^n ;> jjip ^ ^sam .chi 'sho yuk,. Sin chi so yuh, ;\^% :t f'Jf M c^^m .chi 'sho 's^ung. Sin chi so siang; to satisfy one's cravings, %^M ti! Si /8'ui ti^ Jdn ; to movo or walk weakly, slowly, or timorously, ^ -^ uii^ 1)5/ HwAn i)u, -^ -^ ]%\ f-f sliat, sliat, k6uk, jhang; to advance slowly and slightly, fP i((; jts'ira tsun'. Ts'ien tsin. Crawl, a, ^-J^ 'lo lok^. Lo loh. Cmwlcr, af^i^ ,lan '(-1.6, gg^ ,V'^ '^•l"^- P'^clin<^un{,' 'k?)m sink,, ^ ^ '(fy Hi tstjung tik,. Ju tsidng tih, ^ 2^ "fit 'ii j.'i k6'. Crease, to make a crease or mark in a thing by folding or doubling, :|^ ^ ^1 elu'l), s^'*" j'"^"- Cheh t'idu ban, }fi "^ '^ %l <'l'ip, l^ok, wai hhK Cheh koh wei hdu, |f?^|iiU •"''^P, *«" ^^' J»^*- Cheh tso ki bau. Creosote-) ^-^ ,in jau. Yen yii, ih^^^ '«•!»« Creosote j ^ugd t'ung' y^uk^. Chi yd t'uug yoh. Create, to bring into being from nothing, ^^ ■^ 'sz jWai Sau. Shi wei yu, g^ ^ chi' \vau. Chi yd, [^ &F tffi ^f tsz' jino ^i ^yau. Tsz wu rb yfi, (4 M mW.M^ tsz^ ^mo J 'sz ,wai ^yau. Tsz *wu rb shi wei yu ; to make iirst, ^j j^ cb'ong* t«6^ Cbw'dng tsdu, |^ J^ ^un ts(V. Yuen tsdu, ^f ^- 'ch'i ts6*. Ch'i tsdu; to create heaven aud earth, ^Ij «£ ^ >tll cb'ong' tso^ .t'in ti^ Cbw'dng tsdu t'ien ti; to create a nobleman, ^ ^ /""g tseuk,. Fung tsiob, aL ^ St ^ ^^]\ j^*a> .J^u"^ jhau. Lib wei kung bau, ^ ^ ^ ^ /""o j^ai ,ehii jbau. Fung wei cbu bau ; to create magis- ti-ates, jj[ 1^ lapj ,kun. Lib kwdn, |3' "^ cb'it, jkun. Shell kwdn ; to create a new office, ^ gj^ 1^*^ ,san cb'it, ,kun chik,. Sin sheb kwdn cbib; to create a disturbance, f^ §[ tsok, liin*. Tsoh Ivvdn, f^ j^ tsok, 'fdn. Tsoh fdn ; to beget, to jnoduce, ^ ^shang. Sang, ^[Ij^ ^sliang ch'ut, Joi. Sang cb'uh Idi; to fonn anew, '^{}^ ts6* fa'. Tsdu bwd, f^f i^ ,san ts6^ Sin tsdu ; to create sorrow, ^^ chi' jau. Chi yu, ^^Plj lo jau mun\ Creating, forming from nothing, E^M'^J^^ ,m6 'sz ,wai ting, m iS jj-au origina- yau. Yd wu shi wei yu jUn ts6'. Yuen tsdu, j^lj j^- cb'ong' tstV. Cbw'dng tsdu; ditto, as a disturbance, -f^ tsok,. Tsoh ; ditto, as a nobleman, ^ /ung- 5" ""g> aL '^ l^Pi s^'^'- I^i'i ^^i ' tlitto, a some- thing anew, jj^ ^t ^^^^ ^^- Tsdu bwd. Creation, from nothing, ^ fjff |?ij j§ fl ^ J^" s*"" ji jWai Hau 'che. Yu wu rb wei yu eb6, -^ ^ ^ ijf 'sz jWai *yau 'cbe. Shi wei yu cbe ; the creation of heaven and earth, |^»J|:^lil' ,un t86* .t'in ti^ Yuen tsdu t'ien ti, :ft/^ ii»i: ^ Hli 'ch'i ts6' ,t'in ti^ Ch'i t.sdu t'ien ti, M&^^ cb'ong' ts(V .t'in ti^ Cbw'dng tsdu t'ien ti, ^ >i}« <: 5^ ^ .t'in ti* .chi ts6' fd'. T'ien ti chi tsdu bwd ; the (M-eation of a nobleman, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fd' .sliang ,ebi 'chii. Hwd sang cbi cbu ; the creator of heaven and earth, i^^iijl^ tso' ,t'ln ti' 'cb^. Tsdu t'ien ti cbe, ^^)^^^M 1!^^ ^^^^ .^''" ♦*' 'elu'. Yuen tsdu t'ien ti ebe. Creature, that wbieb is created, ^ j^ "^ 4^ sbau' ORE (527) ORH tso- ke' mat^, ^ ji^ ^ if^ sliaa^ tso' ^chi mat,. Sliau tsau chi wuli, ^iji^^xJ^ P^^ ^^^' ^i^> mat^. Pi tsau till wuh ; a living being, ^ ^ ^sliang mat,. Sang wuh, f^ ^"1^ #J ut, tung^ ke' mat,; all creatures, }]j ^ j^ ^ ^Un shau* tso" 'che. Fan shau tsau ch^, ^^^ A pi^ tso' ^chi Jan. Pi tsau clii jin; a dumb creature, p^ .^ 'a shau". Ya shau ; a brute creature, ^ P ^shang 'hau. Sang k'au, g^^ shau' lui^ Shau lui, ^^ ^k'am shau'. K'in shau, ^ ^ ch'uk, ^shang. Ch'uh sang ; a strange creature, ^ '|5 "^ ij^ c^^'i kwai' ke' mat,; a silly creature, ^s^ 'J^ tun' mat,. Tun Avuh ; dear creature, Pf '^ "it A '^^ oi' ^^' iJ^^' # mjU^ (g ^f 'ho i M sun' tak,. K'o i sin teh, J^-f^ tsuk, sun'. Tsuh j sin ; worthy of belief, i^fg ,h6m sun'. K'dn sin, =^ jSham. Shin. Credibly, in a manner that deserves credit, tj ^ ^yau jP'ang. Yu p'ang ; credibly informed, |^ g^ -^ 1^ shut, tik, -yau kii'. Shwoh till yu kii. Credit, belief, jg sun'. Sin ; to give credit to what one says, fg ^ jj^ sun' tak, kwo'. Sin teh kwo ; reputation derived from the confidence of others, iilMM '^o cSWng kd'. Hdu shing kia, $f ^^ 'h5 ^shing shai'. Hdu shing shi, ^ffij-^ 'lio min^ 'tsz. Hau mien tsz; upon your credit, i^f^^^ sun' 'nl 'k5m wa^ Sin ni kdn hwd, i^ik^Jx^ sun' 'nl 'sho ^in. Sin nl so yen ; letter of credit, ^ # 10 y^ ^she lukj ko' iit,. Shie luh ko yueh, -^ "^ ^ M luk, ko' iit, ^k'i! Luh ko yueh k'i, ^^Q tj ^^ luk, ko' iitj ^ngan ^k'l. Luh ko yueh yin k'i ; pub- lic credit, ^ jg ^kung sun'. Kung sin ; to en- joy public credit, fi^'fgftJJ, chung' sun' ^t'a. Chung sin t'd ; bills of credit, '(g |f^ * sun' *chi. Sin chi, '(g ^ sun' ^tan. Sin tan ; unworthy of credit, ^ ^-(g pat, tsuk, sun'. Puh tsuh sin ; to ruin one's credit, ^ A f i ifil M^ J^^ '^'ai min\ Tiau jin t'i mien, ^ A Pti 'f' wdi^ jan min^ 'tsz. Hwai jin mien tsz, ^ P"^ ^ to^ ^mun /ung. To mun fung. Credit, to believe, ^ sun'. Sin ; to trust, f g f^ j^ sun' tak, kwo'. Sin teh kwo ; to credit goods, ^ 1^ ,she fo'. Shie ho ; to set to the credit of, ii^ ^g kwo' sun'. Kwo sin; I cannot credit it, P^-jg ^ jn sun' tak,, -(g p§- ^ sun' ^m kwo' ; do you credit it ? f^ff f^fgj&n^ 'ni sun' tak, 'k'ii kwo' ^m6 ; cannot fully credit it, ^jif '^ f^ ^ mi^ sun' tak, ^chan. Wi sin teh chin. Creditaljle, reputable, pf^ 'ho .ch'ing. K'o ch'ing, ^Mtl^ 'lio .t'eng tik,. K'o t'ing tih. pT^^p^ 'ho ,t'eng tak, k6', ^;g^^^ V^u ^meng ^shing tik,. Yii ming shing tih, % (fij -^ ^xf 'yau min* 'tsz tik,. Yu mien tsz tih. Creditably, with credit, "pffl^ 'ho wai^ shin\ K'o wei shen, pf iiJ[ 'ho ^. K'o i; to acquit one's self creditably, f>^y^^ ^f^ 'sho tso' ,ch'ing ,wai 'ho. So tsdu ch'ing wei hdu, ^ >g "^ ^ ^ ^ 'sho ts6' 'ho ,ch'ing H'o h6p,. So tsau k'o ch'ing t'o hoh. Credited, believed, ■^'^ sun' kwo'. Sin kwo, ^ ^ ^ sun' tak, kwo'. Sin teh kwo. Creditor, a, •^ ^ chdi' 'chii. Clidi chii. Credulity, easiness of belief, ^ -fg :^ i' sun' 'chd. 1 sin chd, ^fg ^ c^'^ng sun' 'ch6. K'ing sin chd. Credulous, apt to believe without sufficient evidence, ^^^jU'-^'to ^iin ke', Mi$^^' s"^' ^'K I sin till, |g -fg ^^ ,heng sun' tik,. K'ing sin tih, m Z^ i$ "IE ,mb pat, sun' kd', Mi^Mi^ .^^'^^ pin' ^t'eng sun'. Sui pien t'ing sin. Creed, credo, a brief summary of the articles of the Christian faith, fg |^ sun' ^t'id. Sin t'idu, -fg ^ sun' ,king. Sin king, ^ ^ f g $^_ shing' ui' sun' ^king. Shing hwui sin king, i$^i^^ sun' ^fiii ts'iit, id'. Sin t'idu ts'oh ydu ; a Chinese work containing the doctrine people ought to believe, ^ fg ^ king' sun' luk^. King sin luh ; the Mo- i\imi^m- ORE (528) CRE 'M ^ jWong ,wdn. llvviing Sliuh ; a small river, yj\ fp^ 'siu hammcdan creed, |e] [eJ |)lt 'iM f^ ^i ^i ^^"* sun' jt'iu. llwui liwui kidu sin tMAu. Creek, to make a harsh, sharp noise, '^ n^ S^ ^ tsb* ,wi w6t, ,8hing. Creek, a small inlet, bay or -cove, -/^ 'p6. Pii, |1^ P hdpj 'hau. Hidh k'au, ^^ "j^ liau^ 'hoi. Ilau hdi, ^iff ,wdn 'tsai, ^j^ jWong wdn, ^ shuk,. jho. Sidu ho. Creeky, full of creeks, 0, ^ ,to hA))^. To Hidh, ^ 7f P^JE .to 'p6 U\ ^ yj>» ^J ,to 'siu ^ho. To sidu ho. Creep (pret. and pp. crept), to crawl, J^^ ,hin ti^ EG jy.l V'A, j^\y'h. Fii, ^ ^ ,p'6 pak,. Fu peh, ^ fuk^. Euh, JE^ ^p'a. P'si; to creep, as in- sects, ^^ ,lfln, i^ jii. Ju, ^ *un. Yuen ; ditto, as plante, fi .Ian, gfj )§ ,lsln ^t'ang, g ^ mdn^ jin. M4n yen ; to creep, as a snake, ^ ^ fuk, jhang. Euh hang; ditto, as a louse, ^ JAn. Ldn ; to move timorously, -^ -^ ]1^^> ^ shat^ shat, ki^uk, jhang. Shih shih kioh hang, )^ ^ un} jhang. HwAn hang ; to creep on, f^ ^ .Mn ;oi, Si ,t ^ ;dn ^ts'In ^oi, ffi ^ ^ .p'a 'hi jloi. P'd k'i lai ; to creep out, as out of an egg, IW ch'ut,. Ch'uh; to creep out, to move out secretly, ffjjj f^ []j ,t'au ,t'au ch'ut,. T'au t'au ch'uh; to steal in, |j|)j fj^ /\, .t'au .t'au yap^. T'au t'axi jih ; to move or behave with ser\'ility, '^'^ J^ Jlf .kom jWai .pi ^mi. Kdn wei pi mi, ^ &\ g| ll tsz^ .pi tsz^ 'mi. Tsz pi tsz mi, || ^ |j >^ tsz^ .pi tsz^ yuk^. Tsz pi tsz j«h ; to creep into a hole, ^^ A fi <^^^ y^Vi cl""g- Kiuen jih lung; to creep under (in China into) l)cdclothes, ^1 AI&II ^^ jVo pdk,. P'd peh ; ditto, as a plant, ^ .Idn, ^ ^ ki' .sliang. Ki sang, ^ mdn^ Mdn ; creeping plants, ^ ^ mdn^ 'ts'6. Mdn ts'du. Creepingly ^^^^ .Idn Jn, ^^^ mdn' Jn. Mdn jen, $t ,in. Yen. Cremation ^ ^fan, ^ ^ Jan 'cluS. Pan ch6 ; the cremation of a priest, ^ f(^ Jan .sau. Pan siti. Oremor, a substance resembling cream, ^ .ts6ung. Tsidng, ^^ )^mM 'i'l J>'i '^^^ y»^»"g*- J"! P'^ kdn ydng, |^ lok,. Loh, j|jc .sii. Su. Crenated, indented, -t^^^l^ ^ts'z 'kau ^ngd. Sz kau yd, :^ j^ *yau tip^. Yii tieh. Crenibabrus, see Labrus. Creole, a native of Spanish America or the West Indies, descended from European ancestors, jQ En J^ ±# * 8aiyant6 't'6 ^ftin. Siyintd t'u fdn, 1^ h'I« l^^'li 'il!±A s«^™ imilikd 't'6 jVan. NAn Amilikid t'u jin. Creosote j^ ylU Jn jau. Yen yn, it ^ ^ M 'chf jUgd t'ung' yduk^. Chi yd t'ung yoh. Crepitate, to crackle, as salt in fire, jj^j^^ p'dk, p'dk, .shing. Crepitation, the act of bursting with a frequent re- petition of sharp sounds, j^ f^l^fijfijfi^ ,shiu tak, p'dk, p'dk, .shing. Crepuscle, ^ twilight, -^ .fan. Hwan, ^ -^ j»ong Crepusule, j .fan. Ilwdng hwan. Crepuscular ^^'^^ s^^ong .fan tik,. Hwdng hwan tih, ^^ Jan tik,. Hwan tih. Crescent, increasing, j^ ,wdn. Hwdn, H^ ,t«ang. Tsang, (1£ H^ wong^ seung'. Wdng sidng. Crescent, the increasing new moon, t|^ ^ ^ jngo ' ^mi utj. Ngo mei yueh, f^ ^ \.\ ^wan .kung ut^. Wdn kung yueh, ^^ ,wdn iit^. Wdn yueh, =^ 1^ >] pun' .kau iit^. Pwan kau yueli, — ^^\M yat, .wdn .san iit^. Yih wdn sin yueh ; the cres- cent, the Turkish power, ± -^ ^ g T'6iki kwok,. T'urhki kwoh, ± ^ S 1^ i^ T'6iki kwok, jki. T'urhki kwoh k'i. Crescent-shaped ^iM MM s^gOj™^ ^K $}'^°o- ^S^ mei yueh hing, ^^ ^\^ .w dn .kung iitj y^iuig*. Wdn kung yueh ydng. Cress ;;ffc ^ 'shui ^k'an. Shwui k'in, :^)f^ 's^*" jk'an ts'oi'. Shwui k'in ts'di. Cresset ^jl^ij'J^ ^yan jShiin .tang. Yin ch'uen tang. Crest, the comb of a cock, ^ ^ .kai .kiin. Ki kwdn ; the tuft of feathers on the head of other fowls, ^ kdi'. Ki, H ^ ts'(juk, .kun. Ts'iob kwdn ; a helmet, ^ ^ ^t'au .kw'ai. T'au kw'ei, J^ .kw'ai. Kw'ei, *^ ^ .tau ^mdu. Tau mdu ; the plume of feathers on the top of a helmet, ^ % .kw'ai jm6. Kw'ei mdu. Crest-fallen, dejected, -^^ shat, yui\ Shih jui, ^ ii^ song' .sam. Song siu. Crestless, without a crest, ^ ^ jm6 kai'. Wu ki, ^ ^ J^^^ .ki'm. Wu kwdn ; not dignified with coat armor, "fitt J^ jm6 .wai. Wu wei ; of low birth, ]; ;5{^ hd' Jau. Hid liu, "j; ^ hd' tain*. Hid tsien. Crested, having a comb, ^^ ^vau .kun. Yu kwdn, >^ ^ Vau kai'. Yii ki, ^ P^ kai' ke'. Cretaceous, chalky, ^ pi ^(j pdk^ .fui tik,. Peh hwui tih. Cretism, falsehood, ;Ai: ||J tdi' wd\ Td hwd, ^ ^ J"ong jin. Hwdng yen. Crevasse, a deep ei-cvice, ^ ^ 'hung Id'. K'ung hid, ^ p1^^ 'hung kwik,. K'ung kih. Crevette, or bi*oad seashrimp, 4g ^ Jid ,ku. Hid kii. Crevice, omck, ^ lit,. Lieh, |^ ^ lit, Id'. Lieh hid, ^ \l^^ Id' kwik,. Hid kih, i)f eh'dk,. Ch'ili, yj> ^ 'sid 'hung. Sidu k'ung. ORE (529) CEI Crew, company of people associated, ^ ^ lii' ^y^vL. Hwui yii ; the crew of a ship, — ■ ^ -^ ^ yat, jShun 'shui 'shau. Yih ch'iien shwui shau, — ■ ^ jJUfj- yat, ^shun 'fo kf [kai']. Yih ch'uen ho ki; a crew of rogues, — ^:^ A J^K 'tong ok, ^yan. Yih tang ngoh jiu. Crew (pret. of crow) ^ R^ ^ ,kai ,ming kwo'. Ki ' lui^ Tsz ts'ii kiu li, j| i^ p j^, tsz^ 'ts'u tsiii^ ' ok,. Tsz ts'ii tsili ngoh ; there is no crime equal to this, p ^ A ^ itk tsui- mok, tai^ ii 'ts'z. Tsui moh ta yii ts'z, A M tsili^ mok t^i* ming kwo. Crewel — ^ JJ'lt yat, ^k'au ^ma sin'. Yih k'iii ma sien. Crib, the manger of a stable, ,^ /|f| -ni4 JAn. Ma Ian; a small cottage, >>J\ ^ 'siii she'. Siau shie, i^ ^ cPi s''e'. Pi shie ; a stall for oxen, ^ ;tfl jUgau Jan. Xiii Ian, 4^ ^ jUgau kau'. Mii kiu ; a small building raised on posts, for storing In- dian corn, |:^ ^ kuk, .ts'ong. Kuh ts'ang. Cribbed, shut up, g kw'an', Kw'an, |Aj ^ts'au. Ts'au ; cramped, as a room, ^, ^ /j^ ^ wat, wat, chat^ chat^. ^. ,shai,ki. shai. Cribble, a coarse sieve or screen, Sh^i ki. Cribble, to sifr, |^ ^shai. Shdi. Cribration, the act of siffing or riddling, Shai. Cribriform, resembling a sieve, ^ t!t!5; ^ ,ki 'k6m yeung-. Ki kan yang, ^ ^ #. tseung^ ^s'z ki. Siang sz ki. Cricket ^^ ^ sik, tsut,. Sih tsuh, ^ 'kung. Kung SEi% jWong ,sun. Wang sun, ^^ ts'uk, chik,. Ts'uh chih, ^. II ^so .kai. So ki, if ^ shat, tsut,. Shih tsuh ; hearth-cricket, ^ ,|| tso' -ma. Tsdu md ; to fight crickets, |'^ ^ ^^ tau' sik, tsut,. Tau sih tsuli, ^T ^^ ^ 'td' sik, tsut,. TA sih tsuh ; to entice crickets, ^ "j^ f^ 'liu chuk, tsit,. Cricket, a play or exercise with bats and ball, R^ tau' .k'au. Tau k'iii, fj" % 'ta ^k'au. Ta k'iii, tr^ U ,po. TA po, Cricket(>r p^ :^ ^ tau' ^k'au che. Tau k'iii che, +r ^ ^ 'tii ,k'au 'che. Ta k'iii die. Cricket-match, a matcli at cricket, — • ^ pj ^ yat, jCh'6ung tau' ^k'au. Yih ch'ang tau k'iii, ^ — j^ ^ 'ta yat, jCh'eung ^k'au. Ta vih ch'ang k'iu. Crier, one who makes proclamation, f|^ ^ ^ch'iin W. Ch'uen hdu, jg -^ u^t ,t'ung ^ch'iin k(i'. Ci-ime- P tsui-. Tsui, p j^ tsui" kwo'. Tsiii kwo, p,!|i tsui^ok,. Tsiii ngoh, p^ tsiii^ kau'. Tsui kiii, p ^ tsui^ lui-. Tsiii li, p ^^^ tsui- Jiln. Tsiii k'ien, ^^ y£ ^hin ^yau. K'ien yu, ^ ^ku Kii ; to commit a crime, ;^[i p fan' tsui^ Fan tsui, ^7 P s^iang tsui*. Hang tsiii, ^|i ^ l^n* fdt,. Fan lab ; to punish a crime, -^p fat, tsiii*. Fdh tsiii ; to expiate for a crime, ^ p tso^ tsiii^ Tso tsiii ; to pardon a ci-ime, ^ p she' tsui^ Shie tsui, ^ p yau* tsui\ Yu tsiii ; to at(me for a crime, ^p shuk^ tsui\ Shuh tsiii; a capi- tal crime, ^g p 'sz tsiii*. Sz tsiii ; to involve one's self in a crime, g ;^ ^ ^ tsz* 'ts'ii kau' jin. Tsiii moh td yen; to exile for a crime, j^p 'hin tsui*. K'ien tsiii. Crimeless iSt p ^nio tsiii*. Wii tsiii. ;^ ^ p ml* ■yau tsiii*. Wi yii tsiii. Criminal, guilty of crime, ^ p 'yau tsiii*. Yii tsiii, ^j;^ yau kwo'. Yii kwo, ^Hf^^^J fan* tsiii* tik,. Fdn tsiii tih, :^(T ^ ^ij fan* fat, tik,. Fan fah tih, # M "iJE k'^^^i' lui' ke', :J^ ^(i tdi* fdn*. Td fan ; a criminal prosecution, ;^ ^ tdi* on'. Td ngdn, ^^ chuug* on'. Chung ngdn; a criminal case, involving life, •^ ^ meng* on'. Ming ngdn ; a criminal judge, ^ ^ It^ ^t'oi. Nieh t'di, ^ ^ H) on' ch'dt, ^sz. Ngdn ch'dh sz, ^^i\ ^t'ai ^ying. T'i hing, ^ Bj it^ ,sz. Nieh sz ; criminal laws, ^J ^ .yi^S lut>- Hing liuh. Criminal, malefactor, :^^ A ^'^^^ J^^- ^'^^ i^^> P A. tsui* ,yan. Tsiii jin, ^ ^Q, ,hung fdn*. Hiung fdn, g ||i chung* fdn*. Chung fdn, ^ \ tai* jan. Li jin, ^:^\l ^ts'au fan*. Ts'au fdn; to cage a criminal, |2| :^[i jts'au fdn*. Ts'au fan ; a cage in which criminals are carried, ^ ^ts'au ^lung. Ts'au lung. Criminality, guiltiness, ^ p 'yau tsiii*. Yii tsiii, ^ §fik Va'i tsiii* kwo'. Yu tsiii kwo. Criminally, in violation of a public law, ^^ ^ fdn* fat,. Fdn fdh ; criminally prosecuted, "o" >^ ^ ko' tdi* on'. Kdu ta ngdn. Criminate, to accuse, ^ p ko' tsiii*. Kdu tsiii, p j^ tsiii* .chi. Tsiii chi, Ui^ft^A terms applied to extinct fossil radiated Crinoidea, ) animals, related to some of the stars, -SMll^ shekj jlin ^p'ong. Shih lien p'ang, ^^ shek^ .sing. Shih sing. Cripple, a lame person, ^ ^ f|'^^ tik,. f jin til«. ^ A^MfKl 'J^<>»S s.van jch'^ung tiin tik,. Kidng jin ch'dng tAvdn tih ; a critical moment, ^' I^ ^ H;^ ,ngai 'him .chi ^shi. Wei liien chi Shi, ^ (?.1f ^ngai >hi. Wei shi. )g figt :^ 1^ s«g^ 'him .chi tsai'. Wei hien chi tsi ; in a critical situation, )^ liigt {^^'j .hung jWdng tik,. Hiung hung tih ; peevish, fretful, JJ ^ Jiiii jWdng. Hidu hung, ^^ ok, p'ik,. Ngoh p'ih, /|^ ^ wdng' yikj. Hung nih; what makes you so cross r -^^ ^ p^J' j^ hii mat, k6m' jWdng ; cross words, )^ ^ ,^'6ng wd'. Hung hwd, g|| ^ "IE ft jli jk'i ke wd'; a cross day, ^ Q ,hung yat^. Hiung jib ; a cross presentation, i^ t^ jWdng .shang. Hung sang; a cross examination, ^ f$ j^'^ng k'lt,. Hung kieh ; a cross child, 7] A "ft ff ^'^ hinder by au- thority, ^^ jWang at,. Hung yah, ^ \^ ^vrang 'chi. Hung chi ; to cross the breed of an animal, ^ 7^ 5® kwo' tsap, 'chujig. Kwo tsah chung, ^l^iHj!^ tsap, 'chung ^seung kwo'. Tsah chving sidng kwo; to cross the ocean, ^^ '/^ kwo' /hoi. Kwo hai ; to cross the legs, ^ ^^|) kau k^tik,. Kiau kioh, ^ ^ cP'^^'^ k^uk,. Pw'dn kioh. Cross, to cross, or go across, ^^ ^ii. Yu, ^ 'kwd. Kwd, ^ ^king. King. Cross-armed, i^ ^J (J^ ,wang ^chi tik,. Hung chi till ; melancholy, ^ ]^ jau shik,. Yu sih. Cross-arrow, an aiTow of a cross-bow, ^ ^ 'no tsin'. Nu tsien. Cross-bands, suspenders, -J- ^ ^ shap^ tsz^ tdi'. Shih tsz tai. Cross-bar ^ chap,. Ghdh, ;|!pj ,kong. Kang, ;j^ ^ jWdng muk^. Hung muh ; the cross-bar of a gate, p^ ^ ^mim ^kwan. Mun kwdn ; ditto, the small slide or bar, [i^ ^shan. Swan, ;|^ ^lin. Lien ; the cross-bar of a carriage, '^:^)^/\i ^ku ^chi ^wang mulCj. Kii chi hung muh, |g jUgai. I, '^ jiigai. I, ^ jUai. NI ; the cross-bar of a bedstead, >[;§ jt'ing. T'ing, ^ ^ ^ch'ong wdng'. Chw'dng hung ; the cross-bar on the top of tMO posts, B^ ;^ jt'au Tcung. T'au kung, % j. Eh. Cross-barred, secured by transverse bars, ^ jj^ ^kwan kwo', ^ || Y^u ^kwdn. Yii kwdn, :^ ;||| -p "yau jlung 'tsz. Yii lung tsz ; cross-barred, as silks or satins, ^ f^ ^ts'd ^man. Sie wan. Cross-bar-shot, a bullet with an iron bar passing through it, tHi^.^T* s^^^S t'^^, 'ma 'tsz. Hung t'ieli md tsz. Cross-bearer +3 + ^^^ .tarn shap^ tsz' kd' 'ch6. Tan shih tsz kia chd. Cross-bill ;j^^ ^wang 'pan. Hung pin, ^^;}^-^ ;^ ^ hat, '^ch'ti hung' k6' ^chl sz'. K'ih ch'u k'ung kdu chi sz; name of a bird, ^^^ ^wang 'tsui ts6uk,. Hung tsui tsioh. Cross-bite, a cheat, |^ ^ ngak, sz'. Cross-bow "^ Ti5. Nu, ^^ ^kiin. Kiuen ; to let off the cross-bow, ^ :^ fong' hi6. Pang nvi. Cross-bower ^ ^ ^ fong' ^no 'chc. Pang nu ch6. Cross-breed ^|f ^ tsap, 'chung. Tsah chung. Cross-bun -j- ^ ^ shap, tsz' 'peng. Shih tsz ping. Cross-examination ^^f$ ^ ^Avang k'lt, 'chc. Hung kieh che. Cross-examine, to, ^ f§ jWdng k'it,. Hung kieh, Ug A jP'^ J^-n. Pw'an jin. Cross-eyed ^BRP|E jWang %gan ke', §j-|| ^ts'e shi^ Sie shi, ^ i^ ,ts'e 'ngdn. Si6 yen. Cross-grained, having the grain or fibres across or irregular, ^fXl^ .wdng ^man muk^. Hung wan muh ; perverse, ^ '\^ yik, ^ts'ing. Nih ts'ing, -^ ^^^ muk, -k'^ung. Mub k'iang, >ia|: |* 'ch'iin jts'ing. Ch'uen ts'ing, 3}^^ ^kwai ^chdung. KwAi chdng. Cross-jack l|l||::^ "H jmeng. Li ming. Cross-legged, having the legs across, ^ ^ ^f{j ^kau keuk, tik,. Kiau kioh tih, f^ f|| ^p'i:in keuk,. Pw'An kioh ; to sit ditto, ^ ;^ ^' ,p'un ,mdi tso'-. Pw'an maitso, f^ J^ ^ ,p'un keuk, W. Pw'an kioh tso, "^ if fTn ^ cP'^n sat, ,i tso'. Pw'an sih rh tso, j?| ^ts'iin. Ts'un, ^^ ^ka ,fu. Kid fii, ^ p .ts'iin ^i. Ts'un i, ^ 'kwa. Kwd, ^ gig ^ki kii-. Ki kii. Cross-like ^ ^ -|- ^ lui' ^s'z shap, tsz'-. Lui sz shih tsz. Cross-piece "/f^yK ^wang muk,. Hung muh. Cross-pin J^ ^ ^wang ^shdn. Hung swan. Cross-purpose ^ff .wang kai'. Hung ki ; a riddle, Ij^ mi'. Mi. Cross-question j^ f^ ^wang man'. Hung wan. Cross-row, the alphabet, ^ ^ ^ -^ wd' ^chi tsz' Tn6. Hwa chi tsz mu. Cross-sea, waves running across others, ^"'J^ ^wang long\ Hung lang. Cross-way | ^ ^ j'^^ng W. Hung M ; an obscure Cross-road ) path intersecting the main road, ^@ ^wang king'. Hung king, /j\ 1^ 'siii king'. Sidu king. Cross-wise, across, ^ ^wang. Hung. Cross-wort '^ j^ ^ ^nai ^u ts'oi'. Ni hu ts'ai. Crossed, having a line draAvn over, ^ ^ ^ |^ 'td kwo' jWdng sin'. Td kwo hung sien ; canceled, IrT M^ liU 'td kwo' Jkdu ^kd. Td kwo kidu kid ; thwarted, |5g, ^ ^ 'cho ngoi' kwo'. Tsu ngdi kwo. Crossly, athwart, ^ jWdng. Hung. Crossness, peevishness, B^ f^- ngdk^ jts'ing, ^ '\^ yik, jts'ing. Nih ts'ing, J^ ^ du' 'keng. Crotch, a fork or forking, Y ^d. Yd, Y ^ ^d ^ch'd. Yd ch'd ; the crotch of a branch, |^ ;j^ ^d ^chi. Yd chi, Y ^ A ^ M ^ A ^^'at> '>i' .chi jjan. K'iuh k'i chi jin ; a crouching manner, ^ ^ ^ ^ ,pi wat, ^chi y6ung^. PI k'iuh chl ydng. gr ^ 'hdu ^ngd. K'idu yd, -j^ H fuk^ t'di\ Fuh t'di ; a sei-pent crouching in the earth, at ^ ^ :^ ^^^^S iV'^^ ^ii ^nai. Lung pw'dn yu nl. Croup, cynanche trachealis, ^ np^ ,hdu ^hd. Ilidu hid, 5^ p^ ,hdu 'ch'iin. Hidu ch'uen, P^ ^ ^hau ching'. Hau ching. Croup, the rump of a fowl, ^ ^ ^ ,kai *shi fat, ; ditto of a horse, ,tj| f^ ^md tuk,. Crout ^ ts'oi'. Ts'di ; sour-crout, ^^ ^ ^siin ts'oi'. Swan ts'di, |n|i^ Jidm ts'oi'. Iliea ts'di. i Crow, a large black bird, of the genus corvus, J^ j .u. Wu, ,% 1% .ii ,d. Wu yd, j^ ^.1 n5 /i. Ldu i y&, 5?g M A ts'^uk,. Yd ts'ioh, ^1 ,Ui wan^ ^niu. Yun nidu ; the white crow, ^ ,|^ pdk^ 'niu. Peh nidu ; to pluck a crow, to contend about a trifle, -Jl^ yj> ^ ^ wai^ 'siu s'/} ,chdng. Wei sidu sz tsang ; ditto a bar of iron with a beak, crook, or two claws, used in raising and moving heavy weights, &c., nil ^jj tung^ ^ts'lii. Tung ts'idu, ^ \^ ^ 'hi fo' ,kau. K'i ho kau ; the voice of the cock, ll^P.^ ,kai ^ming. KI ming, ^ p^ ^kai ^t'ai. Ki t'l, ^j nif ,kai kid'. KI kidu, f^ 1^ ,kai ch'eung'. Ki cli'dng. Crow (pret. and pp. crowed), to, as a cock, (j^ jming. Ming, p^ ^t'ai. T'l; to boast in triumph, ^ A tkw'd tdi\ Kw'd td, ^ gg ,kw'd ^chdung. Kw'd chdng. Crow-bar ^ ^ij tung' ^ts'id. Tung ts'idu. Crow-foot %{ ^ ^ shat, 'In 'ts'6. Sih lu ts'du. Crow-net ^ ^ ts«juk, 'mong. Tsioli wdng. Crow-i)licasant ^ ^ j^aong ,kung. Wdng kung. Crowing R|^ fining. Ming, p^ ^fai. T'l ; boasting, If A .livv'd tdi\ Kw'd td. Crowd, a collection, ^^ ^ chuug' ^to. Chung to ; ditto of people, $fl chung', ^ \ chung' ^yau. Chung jin, — ^ A 7^K jkw'an ^yan. Yih k'iun jin, — i»^A y^K c^-iii jyan. Yih tui jin, — |^ A yat, tui' ^yan. Yih tiii jin, A^i^K;'^ tj'ii' chung' tsap I'li^ Td chung tsili liw iii, (Jr^li ^sliang. Sutig, ^ ^ ,san ,8an. Sin sin, |^ ^ ^san ,san. Sin sin, j^ ^san. Sin ; a crowd or throng, as in the street, 1^ ^^ .tsai 'yung. Tsl yung, >fg \^ pik, *yung. Pih yuug, ^ ^Q ,klm pik,. Kicn pih ; a crowd of things, i^ ff^ -f^ ^ mat^ kin* pik, mat.. Wuh kien pih mih ; what a crowd ! ^ jE '(^ A ,chan ching' pik, ^yan. Chin ching pih jin, ^ ^ 10^ f|| ^chan chf ^tsai *ynng. Chin chi tsl yung ; a dense crowd, -(§ ^^ $f ^ pilf, tak, 'h6 *kan. Pill tch hdu kin, ^ ^g 'h6 pik,. Hdu pih, >fg ^ ^[r^pgl^ pik, tak, ,klm ,shan ^m 'chun; crowds passing along, ^ A i^ ife j^aiig ^van j)iu j)iu. Hang jin pidu piau ; the noise and tramp of a crowd, 1^ ^ ,san ^san. Sin sin ; the hum of a crowd, pit hung'. Hung, ^^ hung' chung', ^ 14 M M ts'ap, ts'ap, ,p'in .p'in. Tsih tsih p'ien p'ien ; a crowd of islands, — ^^ vat, ^kw'an *t6. Yih k'iun tdu ; the lower order of people, "JC •^ X K j^ ^man. Yu min, ^ ^ min, ^ ^, ,ch'i ^man. Ch'i Tsien jin ; collected in a Yun tsili ; a large hd' jlau. Hid liii, ^ Ngdi '' jan jHian. jUgOl i^i". ^ A tsin' large crowd, ^ ^ ^wan tsap^. ^ — .^^ , „, crowd, A S^ ^^i^ chung'. Td chung ; a crowd in front crying out and another pressing from behind, ^f Vf % ^1 s^s'in /li hau' 'y^ng- Ts'ien hii hau yung. Crowd, to press, ^ pik,. Pih, jjg pik,. Pih, :j^ ,di. Ydi, ^ .tsai. Tsl, p >ung. Yung, ^ \% .tsai 'yung. Tsl yung, ||^ ^ 'yung sak,. Yung seh, Pih kin, ^piu'. Pi; to drive \^ Tsl pik, 'kan. together, ^ ^ tsu' ui'. Tsu hwui, ^ ^ tsu' chung'. Tsu chung, ^ ^ tsap^ chung'. Tsih chung; to crowd behind, A^^^ ^yan ,to ^kan ^mi. Jin to kin wl, ^^ ^ yung tsung'. Yung tsung; to crowd those before, t^ ^ i V"i^o ts'In hii'. Yung ts'ien k'ii, ^ Jl |jfl[ Vung yi6ung jts'in. Yung shdng ts'ien ; to crowd, as things, \^ ^tui. Tui, J# ^ ,tdi ^mdi. Tui mdi ; to till to excess, tH ^ ;:fc ^ V^ng sak, t'di' ,to. Yung seh t'di to, ^ f^ ^ ^^ s^ ,tsai tak, ,to kwo' ,t'au, fif^Bf 'pxng tak, tsai', >fg |^|^ pik, tak, tsai'; to dun, >(gSjj- pik^ ^.'6. Pih t'du, >fg JJl pik, 'ts'ii. Pih ts'u ; to crowd sail, t" ^ 'JK ^ ^ydung jfdn t'di' ^to. Ydng fdn t'di to. Crowd, to press in numbers, ^ f^ j^ ^ M lok^ tak, ^mun kwo' chi' ; to urge forward, i^ ^ -^ pik, jts'in hii'. Pih ts'ien k'ii, fg| -(£ .ts'ui ts'uk,. Ts'ui ts'uh; to crowd in, A IR yaPi chung'. Jih chung ; to crowd with, ^ ^ jt'iin tsu*. Tw'dn tsii, ^i^W.^ /an ,lan tsii* ^mdi. Fan fan tsu mdi ; to crowd around one, ^ {|§ 'fS ^ ^z' ^wai pik, matj. Sz M'ei pih mih. Crowded, collected and pressed, f^^ *h6 pik,. Hdu pih, ^ ff pik, shatj. Pih shih, >f^ ^ pik, mat,. Pih mih, ^ ^ ,kim mat^, ^ ^ jinong jmong. Wdng wdng, f^ H ^p'ong tsdp,. P'dng t«dh, ^ i^ jluiig jyu"S- Lung jung, )^|^ ,pan ,fan. Pin fan, rfj^ ^^^^ tsap^. Shi t«ih; crowded to excess, i^ 51) ^H Pll If^ H^ pik, t6' 'sz k6m' >'ai ,lt:'ung. Pih ldu sz kdn ts'i lidng, ^^ ^Ij ^ # i^ pik, t6' hi' .to tsut^. Pih tdu k'l tii tsiueh, i^f\]^^^VV, t'l- 1# W pik, tb' hi' .tb ,m t'au tak, ch'ut, ; the way is all crowded, Artlfti s}'^^ k6m' ai' ; many CRO (536) CRT crowded together, A. ^ K^^ J^^ J"^ ^^"^' tsap^. Jin to tsii tsih, ^^ ^wan tsap^. Yun tsih ; very into the field, ^ ;^ jljQ Liang koh p'au t'ai. ■leung kok, p'au' t'oi. crowded, a great jam, yung yung. ^ IM # c^i <^i P^ng' pung', Yai yai ping ping. Crowding ^ \^ ^tsai 'y^^^o- ^^^ y^^o' ^ ^ i^^^ tsapj. Yun tsih, ^g ^ pik, 'kan. Pih kin, Js^ ,tui. Tiii ; rather crowding aga;inst, |^^P~f» piii' piii- "ha ; all are pushing and crowding, J^ ^ li^ ^ tai" ^ka fan' piu'. Crown, an ornament worn on the head by kings fen t^ <^^^ c^^"^ ' Crowned jfjfl ^ ^^ ^ka 'min tik^. Kia mien tih. ! >Ui nm 6^ ^^'^^ "min ^lau tik,. Tdi mien liu tih, ^ i ^^ tai' 'min k6'; honored, ^^^^ shau^^wing j tik^. Shau yung tih; recompensed, ^^^^f shau^ 'sh6ungtik,. Shau shang tih, ^^'Pg[ pi' 'shdung ! ke'; completed, ^j^^ jShingtsau^kwo'. Ching tsiii kwo. : Crownless, without a crown, ^- Wii mien tih. [^^ ^mo Tnin tik^. and sovereign princes, ^J^^ "min Jau. Mien liu, i Crucial, in surgery, transverse. Wang chi k'iuen shi ; to come Cruciate, see Excruciate ^ ,tang wai^ Tang wei ; to re- 1 Crucible ^ ,wo. Ko, jj^ ,wo ji^ -^ ^kiin Tnin. Kwan mien ; regal power, ^ ^ jWong jk'iin. Hwang k'iuen, EE^I^^ ^ ^sliang. Sang, TJig. .ts'o. Ts'u; crude drugs, ^ ^ ^shang y6uk . Sang yoh ; unripe, pg ^ ^m shuk , tIc ^ mi shuk^. Wi shuli ; not digested, P§- m ^ i5^ «"i '"^'^^ ^^' ^^K ' ^''"^^ notions, ^,g. ;^i^ f sz' mi^ t'au'. i sz wi t'au, ^Pgj^ 'scung ,m t'au', Pg-iiyf&i'l5Et.S» ,m t'au' cli'it, ku^- I 8"' wi shuh, f: ,@. ^-^ f sz' mi^ tsau^ I sz wi tsiu, \^ii^{t»^U (536) CEU 'c\\6. Ts'iin yoh cbd, J^ -j^ hung hon^ lliung hdn, 12. I£ ^ <^'"^» ^mang 'cbd. Iliuag mang cb6; barbarous deed, ^/,^"^^ ^ts'dn yduk^ ^cbi 8z'. Ts'iin yob chi sz, yijffi^:^ ts'ap, tik^ jShiin. Tsib tib ch'uen ; to cruise about, as re- venue cutters, ^ ifpf jts'un ,ho. Siun ho, ^ •/§ jts'un 'hoi. Siun bdi, M.^^'A^ jt«'un .ho ts'ap, .sz. Siun ho tsib sz. \ Cruise, a voyage made in crossing counses, ^ j^ ts'un 'hoi. Siun bdi. Ts'dn jin, ^ Js'an. Ts'an, f^^ yeuk^. Yob, ^ Cruiser, an armed ship that sails to and fro for cap i^ ,hung bon'. Hiung hdn, j^ |^ " i«^'. i0- yi m P^ *h5 .bung 'mang ke ; a cruel disposition, ^ •^ .hung sing'. Hiung sing, |(g ^; ;^ >\± Jong turing an enemy's ships, j^l^ Js'un jShiin. Siun ch'uen, (JJHj (^ ,sz ^shiin. Sz ch'uen, i^ f^ 'sau jShiin. Sau ch'uen. Cruising ^ Js'un. Siun ; cruising officers, ^ ~p jts'un .ting. Siun ting. Cruller ^ f jf .su 'peng. Sii ping. Crumb, ") a small fragment or piece, ^ sui'. Sui ; Cnun, ) a small i)iece of bread or other food, •g^ ^ 'peng sui'. Ping sui, ^ ^ Jing sui'. Ling sui, ^ ^ 'peng sit,. Ping sieb ; the soft part of bread, |JS 'l^ 4* ;\a» min' .pdu .chimg ^sam. Mien pdu chung sin. ^ mdkj ok, .chi sing'. Ldng ngob chi sing Cniclly, in a cruel manner, ^ j^ .ts'ai 'ts'dm. Ts'i ts'dn, ^ ^- .hung Jn. Hiung jen ; with cruelty, ^^ .hung hon'. Hiung hdn ; to act cruelly, ^ ^ jbang .hung. Hang hiung, /^^ y6uk^ bang'. Yoh hing ; to treat one cruelly, ^ A JtL 4^ to>^ jyan .hung bon'. Tdi jin hiung hdn, f^ A ^ 1^ toi' ^yan .ts'ai 'ts'dm. Tdi jin ts'i ts'dn. Cruelty, a savage or barbarous disposition or tem- per, which is gratified in giving unnece88ai7 pain or distress to others, |g ^ s^o"S f>k,- I^g ngob, Jjg,^, Js'dn Van. Ts'dn jin, ^^.^ ^ts'dn Van 'ch^. Ts'dn jin ch6, ^ )$ ^ ,ts'au yduk^ Crumble, to break into small pieces, sui'. Pib tui. Crumble, to fall into small pieces, j^ ^ Idn' sui'. Ldn sui, g Pf ^ tsz' ^ui sui', g P^ ^ tsz' ^ui Idn'; ditto, as stone &c., ^^ .nu^i ldn'. Mei ldn; ditto, as wood, ^5 ^ V^u ldn. Hiii ldn. Crummy, soft, ^ Hin. Yuen. Ci'ump, as, crumpfooted, ^ j|^ jP'un k6uk,. Pw'dn kioh ; crump-sbouldenul, ^ "j^ Jau piii'. Ljiu pei, ^ ^ jt'o pui'. T'o pei, |j|'f|- ^kwai pui'. Kwei pei. Crumpet, a soft cake, baked upon an iron plat^?, f[f^ M' fF ^"'^ V*^"r? 'tsJi'- Crumple, to shrink, j^g^ shuk, jCb'du. Shuh ch'du, US iS shuk, tsau'. Shuh tsau ; to draw or press into wrinkles or folds, tT^ td ^cb'du. Td ch'du, If ^ cbdk, ^..b'du. ^^^ cbd .ch'du, If m .ch* tsau'. Cbd tsau, ft. j^ t'l"'ik, tsaiv'. Crumpknl ^ Pf^f ^ch'du k6\ ^ tg^ ,ch'd»i ^man§ .mang. CRU (637) CRY Crup, ") the buttocks, chinsr' kdu' chi ching kiiiu chi /g tuk,. Tub, ^ ^t'lin. Croup, j Tw'an. Crupper, the buttocks of a horse, ,t^ f^ 'md tuk^. Ma tub ; a strap of leather, which is buckled to a saddle and secured by the animal's tail, ^ ^ts'au. Ts'iu, 1^ ^ >'au 'tsz. Ts'iu tsz, ^ ^ IH; Tiid ^mi ^ts'au. Ma wl ts'iu, ^ ^ts'au. Ts'iu, j^^ chau". Chau. Crural ^ P^ keuk, ke' ; crural arteries, ^ JDJ^ ^^ keuk^ mak, 'kuu. Kioh meh kwfin. Crusade, a military expeditiou, ^^ ^ chin' taty Chen fah ; ditto, against the Mohammedans, ^ ^^"tfelElfi^J® ^^'^i^ shing' kdu' fat^ tJiiii kwok,. Wei shing Iviau fah Hwuihwui kwoh ; a military expedition sent by order of the French govern- ment against the Waldenses and others Avho dis- sented from the Church of Rome, ^^^^lE Wi^M l''^t jwong shdt, hoi^ ch'ing. Fah hwdng shah hai CO O ch'ing. Cruse, a small cup, $^ ^^ j)ui *tsai. Pei tsz, J^ ff jtsun 'tsai. Cruset, a goldsmith's crucible or melting pot, |^;^ ^ ijjoi Jung .kam ^chi ^wo. Yung kin chi ko. Crush, to press or squeeze into a mass, ^ j^ cha' \ka\ Cha Ian, % >)^ chak, lanS H^ ^ kip, lan^ Kieh Ian, ^ ^ kip, p'o'. Kieh p'o, jig '^ dt, lan^ Ydh Ian, ^ ^'at, wai^ Yah hvvsC M ^- dt, sui'. Ydh sui, |^ ^ ^chung sui\ Chung sui, ^ 'JH ^chung Idn^ ; to crush in the liand, j[^ ^^ ^cha L'ln^ Chd Ian ; to crush sugar, also, to crush the cane, ^|^ chd' ^t'ong, Chd t'dng; to crush apples, ^ ^ ^ chd' ,p'ing 'kwo. Chd p'ing ko ; ,to crush one's limbs, ^ ^ J/L] ^ chdk, sui' sz' ^chi. Tseh sui sz chi; to crusli to death, ^ ^ chdk, 'sz. Tseh sz ; to overwhelm and beat down by poNver, ^f ^ ^t'dn at,. T'dn ydli, j^ ^^ at, fuk,. Ydh fuh ; to crush a rebellion, ^ ^[ dt, l^^n^ Ydh Iwan ; to crush by despotism, ^^ j^ .k'^ung dt,. K'idng yah, ^ ^j^ pa' fuk^. Pd fuh ; to crush a cup of wine, ^ i^;f ygtj 'yam ,pi\i 'tsau. Yin pei tsiu. Crush, to be pressed into a smaller compass by ex- ternal weight or force, ^ ^ (>hdk, shat^. Tseh shih, ^ ^ chdk, chiiS ^ ^ chak, 'kau. Tseh kin. Crush, a violent collision, ^^J^ chong- sui'. Cliwang sui, ^ ^ pung' sui'. Ping sui. Crushed l^f f^ )§^ chd' lari^ kwo'. Chd Idn kwo, ^ 7>^)fm chdk, Idn^ kwo', ^ Chung Idu kwo, i^l^'fi^ sui kwo ; subdued, ^i^p. ,g m crhun}? Idn^ kwo' ,chung sui' kwo'. Cliung ' ij^ ,t'dn dt kwo'. T'dn ydh kwo; grievously oppressed, ^igj^};^ ^k'eung pik, kwo'. K'idng pili kwo. Crushing, pressing or squeezing into a mass. chd' Ian' ydh. Chd Idn, iliuiig la t'dn at,. T'dn ydh. /^hung Id ri Cliuiig Idn : I ^ chdk, ldn^ II subduing Ity force in jk'dnng dt,. K'idng mi Crust ^ jp'i. P'i, ■d^ ^ ngdng' ,p'i. Ngang p'i ; the crust of rice, that adheres to the boiler, f^ ^ fdn^ ^tsiii. Fdn tsidu ; a crust of bread, ^ ^ j^ miii^ jpdu jp'i ; a piece of crust, f|f ^ 'peng sit,. Pingsieh; a shell, ^ hok,. Koh; a scab, ^ 'im. Yen ; the crust of the earth, i-jji ^ ti^ ,p'i. Ti p'i. Crust, to cover with a hard case or coat, ^ j^ kit, jP'i. Kieh p'i ; to cover with a scab, ^ ^ kit, 'im. Kieh yen ; to concrete, or freeze, ^J J^ kit, j)'i. Kieh p'i, IS^ J^ ,kin ^p'i. Kien p'i. Crustacea J^ %f{ -'hdi lui'. Hidi lui. Crustaceous, belonging to the Crustacea, @ ^ 6\( Uidi lui- tik,. Hidi lui tih, fj^l^i'^ tsit, hok^k6'; pertaining to crust, jj^^^f ^p'i tik,. P'i tih, ^1^^ hok, tik,. Koh tih, ^W^% ,p'i 'kbm yeung^. P'i kdn ydng. Crustated, covered with a crust, ^ ^ hok, tik,. Koh tih, ^%^^ij Tau tsit, hok, tik,. Yu tsieh koh tih. Crustation, an adherent crust, ^ hok,. Koh, '|jj^ tsit, hok,. Tsieh koh, |± ^ ^ kit, tc E' jk'au jan. K'iu ngan, p^^ >j^ ^ hdm' jk'au jan. Hien k'iu ngan ; to cry thieves, PJ^^ hdm' ts'dk,. Hien ts'ih, b4 fjg kiu' ts'dk^. Kidu ts'ih ; to cry down, ^ pg- ff- 'kong ^m 'h6, P^ ^. hdm' sham^ 'jl^ P§- jij- jCh'iin ^m I16 ; to cry for help, [tf ^ in kau'. Hu kiu, p^ 5^ hdm' kau'. CRT (5»#) GEY Hien kiti; to cry goods, as liawkers, PJ^ § hdm' mdi'. Hien mdi, vlSt^PJ^ ^ sY^'^ .^'^^ h^°^' °^^^'- Yu kidi hien mill; to cry unto, ^ j^ 'ban ^k'au. K'an k'iu, "^jj^ liat, ^k'au. K'ih k'iii; to cry up, p^^ hot, 'ts'oi. Hoh ts'ai, ^ ^ tsdn' *ral. Tsdn mei; to cry against, ^ *^/|^ jCb'iin p'Ai'. Ch'uen p'di, i$^ jCh'iin Svai. Ch'uen wei, -(^^ ^cb'un wiii\ Ch'uen Invdi; ditto, by way of reproof, P;^^ ^ hdm' cbdk,. Hien tseb ; to cry to, -(J^ Pj^ V^ung bilm'. Ydng hien, ^^ 'ban k'au. K'an k'iu ; to cry to heaven, \^ ^ P)^ y^ung ^t'in hflm'. Ydng t'ien liien, fljj ^ ^ >t^ ^y^ung ^t'in 'ban jk'au, Ydng t'ien k'an k'iii ; to cry, as an infant, ^ IJU, ^^'& ,wd, Wd wd, >]% j^ PJ^ 'siu ^f bdm'. Siau rb hien, ^ Ijg, PJ^ .y'"? ji hdm'. Ying rh hien ; to cry and weep, IjJL BBi rff] '/jt «wd ,wd jl yapj. Wd wd rh kih ; to cry out for the breast, PJ^ f;^ -^ hdm' 'lo shik^. Hien lo shih, P^ m^nm ^^^' 'lo ^u 'yarn, nf V^ # pf ,ng6 jUi^b toi* ,p6. Ngau ngau tdi pii; to cry out from pain, Pj^^ bdm' t'ung'. Hien t'ung, P^^ /u t'ung'. 11 II t'ung; to cry to clear the road, P^ -tl l»ot, t6^ Hob tdu. F^ -it cb'dung' t6^ Cli'dng tdu ; the beggars cry in the street, :l^ -^ W4 (tl /d 'tsz kiu' ,kdi. Hwd tsz kidu kidi. Cry (pi. cries), a loud sound uttered by the mouth ofanaiiiraal, pJEJ( /ff^ bdm' ,sbing. Ilien shing; weeping or lamentation, ^ ^ pi buk,. Ngdi kub, Sfl ^/ buk, ,sbing. Xub shing, W\. ^ kiu' ,8bing. Kidu shing, Pj^ ^ biim' .shing. Hien shing; exclamation of triumph, ^XW S'^^ tubing. Hwdn shing ; a proclamation, f^ fsf- ^cb'tin ,fu. Ch'uen bu, it ^ ^ .t'ung ^cb'un 'cb6. T'Jng ch'uen cb6 ; a loud cry, ^ ^ tdi^ .shing. Td sbing ; to utter a loud cry, ::^ ^ PJ^ tdi^ .sliing lidm'. Td sbing hien ; acclamation, |l^ ^ hot, 'ts'oi. Hob ts'di ; a loud voice in distress, Vf- j|^ ^ /u kau' .sbing. Hii kiu sbing; ditto, in prayer, is^V^J^ tai^ .fu ^k'au. Td bu k'iu, i^f^Vf^ tdi\sbing .fu ^k'au. Td shing bu k'iii; public report or complaints, pg -fljj .bun ^cb'ttn. Hiuen ch'uen, U^ ^ .wd ^in. Hwd jen ; noise, pg d^ ,ban .wd. Hiuen hwd; fame, V %^^ jUiong .sbing. Ming sbing; the cry of a child, }ji^^_ ,wd ,wd .shing. Wd \vA sliing, .^ .ts'au. Ts'iii, ^ 5i P^iK >^} eying ■} '"''in' .sbing. Ying rh hien shing; the cry of a dog, ^|tj^^^ ,bdu .bdu .sbing. Hiau bidu sbing, pj^ pj^ ^^^ ^1,6 ,b6 .sbing. Udu bdu shing; the cry of bears and tigens, P^^ .bb .sbing. Hdu sbing, '^ij giji ^bb .sbing. Hdu sbing; the cry of a bird, P.)^ ^ming. Ming, 9^ kuk,. Kub, Ij^ij pitj. rich, q^ so'.. Sau; the cry of a ben, q^ ^g uk, dk,. Uh ub ; the cry of a fox, ^{ fi ,1 ,i. I 1 ; ditto of a door or stn'g, f^ f^ ,yau .van. Yu yi'i ; ditto of a camel, |^ {^t 1^. lok, ,t'o .shing. Lob t'o sbing, (|[] hot,. Hoh. Crycr, a kind of hawk. ^ ,chin. Chen. Crying P^ lidm'. Hien, 'HJ buk,. Kub, W{ kiiV. i^^^, P^ ^t'ai. T'i, ^'1^ buk, yap,. Kub kib. Crying, clamor, ^^ ^ ,oi buk,. Ngdi kub, ;f; l^^ tdi^ bdm'. Td bien, ^ ^ ^ ,oi ,oi .sbing. Ngdi ngai sbing. Cryopborus ^^^1 ^ng 'shui ,ki. Ying sbwui ki, ^■^¥k jk'ing 'shui .ki. Crypt ^ at,. Yueb, ^ .t'ung. T'ung, HiW^T Z. ^ 'lai pdi' jt'ong hd' .cbi ^ying. Li pdi t'dng bid cbi ying. Cryptic, bidden, ^ *yan. Yin, ^^ *y*^n jini. Yin wi. Cryptogamia, ") a class of plants whose stamens and Cryptogamy, j pistils are not distinctly visible, ^ ?^ m >n .fd lui^ Yin hwd lui, ^ ?i j^ ^ ^ *yan .fd .cbi 'ts'b muk,. Yin hwd cbi ts'du muh. Cryptogamian ■) \^ 1^ ^{j *yan /d tik,. Yin bwd Cryptogamic J tih. Cryptogi-apher, one who writes in secret characters, ^ ^ ^ ^ .sbii b' tsz^ 'ch6. Shu ngau tsz chd. Cryptography, the act of writing in secret charac- ters, ^ J^ ^ :^ .shii b' tsz^ 'ch6. Shu ngau tsz cb6, # ^ 4^ ;^ ^ .shii b' tsz' .cbi ngai\ Shu ngau tsz cbi i ; the secret characters or cipher, ^ '^ b' tsz^ Ngau tsz. Crystal ^ .tsing. Tsing ; rock-crystal, -^ ^ 'shui .tsing. Sbwui tsing, 3£3^ yuk, ,ying. Yuh ying, ^fC ^ 'shui .tseng. Sbwui tsing; white ditto, Q 'S^ pdkj shek, .ying. Peb shih ying; rose ditto, jg' '^ 'tsz shek .y»ng- Tsz shih ying, j^T ^ jbung .tsing. Huug tsing ; smocky ditto, ^ ^ mak, .tsing. Meh tsing; ditto cairngorm or tea- stone, ^ ^ jCb'd .tsing. Ch'd tsing; crystal glass, :;)!fc^3|pf 'shui .tsing liii^ Sbwui tsing lidu; to form crystals, j^^ kit, .tsing. Kieh tsing; to form salt crystals, j^ ^ kit, Ub. Kieh lu ; crys- tal palace, ^JC h^ '^ 'shui .tsing .kung, g^ p^ ^* .tsing liu' .kung. Tsing lidu kung. Ciystal, consisting of crjstal, ^ ^^J .tsing tik,. Tsing tih, ^P^ ctsing k6'; clear, transparent, ^ .tsing. Tsing, jg ^ t'au' .kwong. T'au kwdng, n;^ g^ ^ming Mong. Ming Idng. Crystal-form ^ ^ .tsing jing. Tsing hing. Crystalline, consisting of crystal, ^ ^ <^sing tik,. Tsing tih ; resembling crystal, ^ "(Hi ^ ts^ung* Hs'z .tsing. Sidngsz tsing; transpanMit, ^ .tsing. Tsing, 5^^ t'au' .kwong. T'au kwang; crystal- line lens, |]|^ ^ ^tsing .cbu. Tsing cbu, i^ ^ *ngdD .cbii. Yen cbu, HRHnJ^ ^ugdn .tsing .cbu. Yen tsing chd ; the crystalline or vitreous hu- mor, ^ ;jc .tsing 'shui. Tsing sbwui. Crystallizablo wf ^ ^ 'l»o kit, .tsing. K'o kieh tsing, v\l/^%^ 'bo jying kit,. K'o ying kieh. Crystallization J^J ^^ :^ kit, .tsing 'che. Kieh tsing ^'•»^''. (l&fe m '^. jying .tsing 'ch«i. Ying tsing cb6. Crystallize, to cause to form crystals, "^ jj^ ^g 'sz kit, .tsing. Sz kieh tsing. Crystallize, to be converti-d into crystal, j^ ^ kit, .tsing. Kiob tsing, ^4h jV'ng , tsing. Ying tsing. Crystallized, formed into crystal, j^'J^^ kit, kwo' .tsing, Kieh kwo tsing. cvn (5S9) ctic Crystallographer |^ i^ ^ Inn* ^tsing 'die. Lun tsing Che, tmi»^BZ^^^ 1"^' kit, .tsing .chi *li 'che. Lim kieli tsing clii li che. Crystallography, the doctrine or science of crystal- lization, fe B^ ;^ il kit, ,tsing ,chi ^i. Kieh tsing chi li. Cub, the young of the bear, ^^ ff .Jiung 'tsai, ^ -^ jhung 'tsz. Hung tsz ; ditto of the fox, ^ ^^ ;^-f- ,u jli ^chl 'tsz. Hu li chi tsz, 3^ ^piii. Pei; a clumsy young boy or girl, ^^ -j^ 'kau 'tsai, ^ ^ ^chii 'tsai. Cub, to bring forth a cub or oubs, ^-f- ,shang 'tsz. Sang tsz, ^t^fj* ,shang 'tsai. Cubation g\ ngo^ Ngo, ^^^ ngo* ^ch'ong 'ch6. Ngo chw'ang ch6. Cubbed, brought forth, ^ ^ ^shang kwo'. Sang kwo. Cube, a, ■;^2^Z tl /ong ^p'ing ,chi 't'ai. Fang p'ing chi t'i ; the cube root, sl^ l^Pj /ong. Lib fang, ^± -^ kit, /ong. Kieh fang. Cubeb, the small spicy or aromatic berry of the piper or daphnidium cubeba, '^^ ^ ^ch'ing ^k'e. Ch'ing k'iii, H'^j^H P^^^, jCh'ing ,k'e. Pih ch'ing k'id, ^ ^ pat, piit^. Pih poh. Cubic ■) -^^{^ij ^fong ^p'ing tik,. Fang p'ing tih; Cubical ) a cubic foot, — f^ ^ ^ jat, ch'ek, /ong jP'ing. Yih ch'ih fang p'ing; a cubic inch, — -^ ^ ^ yat, ts'iin' /ong jP'ing. Yih ts'un fdng p'ing ; the cubic number, ~)j ^ ^ /°^S jP'^°S sh6'. Fdng p'ing su. Cubiform, having the form of a cube, "^ ^ <^ .fonff ;Piiig chi ^yiiig- Fdng p'ing chi hing, yj p'ing Fang Cuckoo, the, ^% ^kiin. Kiuen, ^i |^ to^ ^kiin. Tii kiuen, -p ^ 'tsz ^kw'ai. Tsz kwei, -^ ^ 'tsz kw'ai. Tsz kwei, SI ^@ ,tan kvvai. Tan kwei. ^|)|| mai^ s"g^i- J^i<^i ■^^'<^'» ^ % ^^^ -nm. Yuen niau i'ai. te,) the cry of the cuckoo, ;|'d: ^^ p^ to' ^kiin Tu kiuen t'i. Cuckoo-bud, the butter-cup, :f^ ^ ^fd ^meng. Hwd ming. Cucumber t ^iR. jWong ^kwd. Hwdng kwd, ||;[IX ^ts'eng jkwd. Ts'ing kwa; white ditto, Qji;^, pak^ ^kwa. Pell kwa, '^Y^JJ^ jU ^kwa. Hu kwd. Cucurbita, bottle gourd, ^ j^ jU jlo. Hu lu. Cucurbite, ") a chemical vessel in the shape of a Hulii Cucurbit, j gourd, ^ ^ ^ j^i ^^ tsang'. tsang. Cud, the food which ruminating animals chew at leisure when not grazing or eating, ^j^!^ /an ,chd 'ts'6. Fan cha ts'au, ^i^Z.^ 'f^^n «liiu' ^chi 'ts'6. Fan chau chi ts'au ; to chew the cud, |^|]§ ,fan tsiii'. Fan tsiau, ^}\§^ 'fan tsiii^ Fdn tsiau, ^lifi 'fan chiu\ Fan chau, -^JP^ 'to tsduk,. Tau tsioh, ^ ^. 1 ; ditto, said of slieep, ^ shai'. Shi ; a portion of tobacco held in the mouth and chewed, ^ >^- ,in p'in'. Yen p'ien. Cudbear, a plant much employed in dyeing, it gives a purple color, ^ ^' 'tsz /a. Tsz hwd. Cuddle, to retire from sight, [fj [^ tsz* nik,. Tsz nib; to lie close or snug, ^ g\ ^on ngo*. Ngan ngo; to squat, ^ :^ ^ jP'iin jtndi tso*. Pw'dn ^ ffn #. sP'^iii sat, ji tso*. Pw'dn sih mdi tso, rh tso. Cuddle, to fondle, to hug, j^ fg ^sdung ^p'6. Siang p'du, :ft '|g 'p'5 ^wai. P'du hwai, %\ ^ tui' 'p'6. Tiii p'du, ^ ^^ ,h6m ^p'5. Han p'du, j^ |g ^Wl' /oi^g iP'i^? y^ung* 'tsz ydng tsz. Cubit, the ulna, "flP^^'^ ching' 'chau kwat,. Ching chau kuh ; in mensuration, the length of a man's ; Cuddled ^ arm from the elbow to the extremity of the j ,lun ^mai middleflnser, %^ ^ ^ 'chau k6m' ^ch'^ung. ! Cuddy, a small cabin in the fore-part of a lighter ^s^ung Udm. Siang Idn. -'tin. jpun. Pw'dn, Jg wat,. K'iuh, ^ ;tg Liuen mdi. Chau kan ch'dng, — • ^^ yat, 'chau. Yih chau ; ditto, in China *, — • /^ yat, ch'ek,. Yih ch'ih ; a folding cubit measure, ^H. chip, ch'ek,. Cheh ch'ih ; two cubits long, (^ /^ ^ Heung ch'ek, jCh'^ung. Lidng ch'ih ch'dng, ^ H ^ ^ch'^ung i* ch'ek,. Ch'dng rh ch'ih. Cucking-stool t^^lc:}^ 'wan 'shui 'i. Wan shwui i. Cuckold, a man whose wife is false to his bed, |^ ^ ,kwai ,kung. Kwei kung, ^ fg ^kwai '16. Kwei Idu, ,^^ ^li ^kwai. Wii kwei, ;£ /\ ^wong pdt,. Wdng pah, ^ /\^ ^wong pat, tdn*. Wdng pdh tdn, ^ fl^ .ts'eng ,t'au. Ts'ing t'au. Cuckold-maker, one who has criminal conversation with another man's wife, ^^ ,kdn /d. Kien fu. Cuckoldom, the act of adultery, ff^'j^^ j^^ang ,kdn ^yam 'ch6. Hang kien yin ch6 ; the state of a cuckold, -^^^^^ ^wai ,ts'eng ^t'au 'ch6. Wei ts'ing t'au ch4. • One /\. is equal to 14 io inch, in English; and 13 12 Prus- sian. The cubit of the Sacred Scriptures is 2i inches in English. or boat, :^ |K Rff ^ ff ,shdm 'pan /s'in ,ts'ong tsai; a very small apartment, ^ ff- /ong 'tsai, ^ ff /s'ong 'tsai, Cuddy, a dolt, ^^ 'ch'un pan*. Ch'un pin, ^ 'j^ tun* mat^. Tun wuh, ^ \ ^ngoi ^yan. Cudgel, a short, thick stick of wood, as may be used by the hand in beating, -;^ j^ muk^ ^pang. Muh pdng, ^ 'pAng, i(^ kwan'. Kwan, ^ 't'ing. T'ing, t^t ch^ung*. Chdng, :jg 'ch'au. Ch'au, |^^ 'ting. Ting, %% 'au. Kgau; a flat bamboo cudgel, used as an instrument of punishment, ^^ 'pdn 'tsz. Pdn tsz ; to cross the cudgel, to forbear tlie contest, ;J^ t# jWang 'pdng. Hung pdng, :^ ^, ^ pat, 'yan 'td. Pub j in ta ; to take up the cud- gels, ^ t^ chap, 'pdng. Chih pdng, ^ ^ chap, kwan'. Chih kwan. Cudgel, to beat with a cudgel, :^^ fX kwan' 'td. + The ^ clan being afraid of being called a squash or cucum- ber, substitute either pj" azure, or qjj blaclj ^x connection with the character p\' CUD (540) CUL Kwan td, ^ ff chdung' 'td. Chdng td, '^ ^ I Cuffed ^^, fj^^ ^k'un 'td kW. K'iuen td kwo. ,ch'i 'td. Ch'itd, J^ ff .hdu 'td. K'du td, |^ CufRng, striking with , the fist, ^ ff ^k'Qn 'td. cb^ung'. Chang, ;^ 'kdn kwo'. Kien kwo, cff ^^ ch&\ a cue, ^ j^ .chi kai^ Chi ki ; to give a pei^on kwo'. Tseh kwo. his cue, IPi^i 11 A 'tiJ^ 'seng jan. I'ien sing jin, j Cullender, a strainer, I^^j|^ kdk, .chd jP'un. Koh ^ Si A jt'^i 'seng ^yan. T'i sing jin ; the part which any man is to play in his turn, ^^ ^ ^lun tsip,. Lun tsieh ; the straightrod used in playing billiards, J|^ ^ .po kwan'. Po kwan. Cuerpo, to be in, ^^ A^ nii^ ch^uk, tdi^ .shdm. Wi choh td sdn, ^ M fF ^ tuk^ ch^uk, hon^ .shdm. Tub choh hdn sdn ; to walk in cuerpo, ^ ^1 M cheuk, jhdn fuk^. Choh hien fuh ; ex- posed in cuerpo, |l^^ ^ chik, sheung^ jShang. Chih shang sang. Culminating ^|J ^ J\^^ to ^t'in ^sam. Tau t'ien sin, J^ 'teng. Ting ; the culminating point of a mountain, ^ ,kong. Kang, [Jj [^ ^shdn ^kong. Shan kang. Culmination, the highest point of altitude for the day, 3^ 1^ ,tin ^sam. T'ien sin, ^ ^ ;0 ^ tsoi" t'in jSam 'che. Tsai t'ien sin ch6 ; the transit of a heavenly body over the meridian, j^ ^ i\j> ;^ kwo' ^t'in ^sam 'che. Kwo t'ien sin die ; the top, ^ ^kong. Kang, yg *teng. Ting, ^ ^tin. Tien. Culpability r^ p ^ -yau tsui' 'ch^T Yu tsdi che, ^ ^ ^ 'ho chak, 'ch(^. K'o tseh chtj. Culpable, deserving censure, ^ ^^ -yau ts'o'. Yu ts'o, pp|t tsui' ke', P^^ tsui^ tik,. Tsui tih, '^ p ^i} Vau tsui- tik,. Yu tsiii tih, ^ ^;§ 1^^ Vau kwo' tik,. Yii kwo tih, ^ |g= ^-^ shat, ts'o' tik,. Shih ts'o tih, ^ i^^^ 'yau kwo' fan'. Yii kwo Ian, ^^^ 'yau kau' lui^ Yu kiii li, Pf ^ ^J 'ho chdk tik . K'o tseh tih ; the culpable party, W P Pi5E Tau tsuiMc6', f| f§ fiji tsui^ ,kwai .t'a. Tsui kwei t'a, MH^^k 'k'ii hai" tsui' tik,. K'ii hi tsui tih. Culpableness, guilt, ^ ^ kau' lui'. Kiu 11, ^ fp ^ yau tsiii' 'ch6. Yu tsui ch6 ; blameableness, iS ^ ^ jiug chak, 'che. Ying tseh che, ^ ^ % 'ho chak, 'che. K'o tseh che. Culpably, blameably, 0:^lip 1 fan' tsiii'. I fAn tsiii. Culprit, a criminal, pA tsiir jan. Tsui jin, :^|iA, fan' jan. Fan jin, ^C ^ ^ fan' fdt, 'ch6. Fan fah che, p :^2, ^slu' fau"- Tsui fan ; a person ar- raigrned in court for a crime, ^^ ^ pi' k6' tsui' 'ch6. Pi kau tsui che. Cultirostral, a tema applied to birds having a bill shaped like the colter of a plough, ^ 7J pH ^^ jlai ^t5 'tsui tik,. Li tau tsui tih. Cultivatable, capable of being tilled, pf^^ 'ho ^kang. K'o kang, fi ^f ^U c^au ,sam. Siii sin, 'jP;\a*{B c^au ^sam jt'in. Siu sin t'ien, ^j\j>B3 c^ang ^sam ,t'in. Kang sin t'ien ; to cultivate personal virtue, -^ ^ ^sau ^shan. Siu shin; to cultivate moral con- duct, j^ ^ ^sau hang'. Siu hing ; to cultivate one's memory, ^ ^H 'y(5ung chf. Ydng chi; to cultivate acquaintance, ^ ^ tsap^ ^kau. Sih kidu, ^ ^ ^kau yau. ICiau yu ; to cultivate a savage, ^ 'ftl ^ A kau' fa' 'ye ^yan. Kiau hwa ye jin. Cultivated, tilled, ^^ ^kang kwo'. Kang kw-o, ^ jj^ chung' kwo'. Chung kwo, j^ ^ ^tsoi kwo'. TsAi kw^o, @ ;fi| )j^ chung' chik, kwo'. Chung ,sau kwo'. S yeung kau' fa' chih kwo ; ditto, as virtue &c Siu kw^o ; ditto, as the memory, kwo'. Yang kwo ; civilized, "^ PC^M. kwo'. Kidu hwa kwo; cultivated land, ^^ jt'in 't'6. T'ien t'u, B9'4 ,^'^^ ^i'- T'ien ti, tflp^ ,t'in jCh'au. T'ien ch'au ; cultivated fruits, ^ ^ 'ng 'kwo. Wu ko ; [wild fruits, [Jj ^ ^shdn 'kwo. Shan ko.] Cultivating, as the field, ^ ^kang. Kang ; ditto, as virtue, \(^ ^sau. Siu ; ditto, as the memory, ^ -yeung. Yang ; ditto, as savages, ^ >^ kau' fa'. Kiau hwa. Cultivation, husbandry, ^ nung, _ __ Nung sz ; the cultivation of the soil, ^ ^ :^ ^kang ^t'in 'che. Kang t'ien che, ^ ^^ ^ ,kang chung' 'che. Kang chung che; the cultivation of rice, J@ tIc ^ chung' ^wo 'ch6. Chung ho ch6 ; the cultivation of virtue, f^ f^ ^ ^sau tak, 'ch6. Siu teh ch6 ; the cultivation of savages, ^ 'ffc ^ A ^ kau' fa' 'ye yan 'che. Kiau hwA ye jin chd; the cultivation of letters, f^ o)'^ 'td 'tin p'du'. TA yuen p'au. Culvert, a passage under a road or canal, covered with a bridge, -^ '/^ 'shui ^kau. Shwui kau, p^ 1^ yam yix. Yin k'ii. Cumber, to, as the memory, JiflSnE'^ Pf5t A .ehim kwd' k6' ^yan. Cunningly %^ 'hdu. K'idu, %^ ¥J^ 'hdu ^In. K'idu jen, It ^^ 'kwai ^in. Kwei jen, §^ ^ chd' /n. Chd jen ; with subtlety, ]^^b\^ 'kwai kai'. I kwei kl, \^I^n]'i 'hdu kai'. 1 k'idu kl. Cunningness, cunning, 3}E I^ ^' ,kwdi 'hdu 'ch^. Kwdi k'idu ch^, ^ Jfj- 'kdu wdt^. Kidu hwdh. Cup, a, ^ .piii. Pei, ^ .piii. Pei, l^ /an. Fdn, }fi .chung. Chung; a shallow cup, ^" 'chdn. Clidn, J^, 'chdn. Chdn; a deep cup, |^ .au. Ngau, ^ .chung. Chung; a wine cup, f^i^^ *tsau .pui. Tsiu pei, y|^ ^ 'tsau .chung. Tsiii chung, fjpf ^ 'tsau tseuk,. Tsiii tsioh ; a tea-cup, ^t' ;^ ^ch'd .pui. Ch'd pei, ^ ||^ ^ch'd .au. Ch'd ngau ; a to- bacco-cup, j|;f3 1^ (in .au. Yen ngau ; a butter- cup. ^ yft iS ^ jyau .chung. Ju yu chung ; a custard cup, ^ |]^- ;jif kat, ^phi .piii ; a covered tea-cup, ^ ^ kuk^ .chung. Kuh chung, ^ f§ kukj .chung. Kuh chung; a pencil-cup, ^ f |- pat, .shing. Pih shing; the inlaid cup and saucer used at weddings, ^-^^^^ .sdung .pui .s^ung 'chdn. Sidng pei sidng chdn ; a Chinese cup and saucer, ;^ ^l ^ .piii kung' tlp^. Pei kung tieh, ;^ dh 1^^ j)tii kung' ^shiin ; a cup and a bowl, -5p ^ 5^ jUgd .p'au tdn' ; a set of cups, — ^ ^^ yat, t'6' j)ui. Yih t'du pei ; give me one cup, f^ — $T» M fit 'P^ ya*, .P"i kwo' hago. PI yih pei kwo wo; give me a cup of water, f^ t7> tK a& ^ 'pi .piii 'shui kwo' higo. PI pei shwui kwo wo ; only one cup, ^ — ^^^ tuk^ yat, ko' .pui, ^ — ■^ :^ tukj yat, chek^ .pui. Tuh yih chih pei ; a cup used as a lamp, ^ ^ .kdn jiidn .chl .pui. Kien ndn chl pei, ^ Jl Y u ndn'. K*\i ndn. Cup, to, Jj; ^ fong' hiit,. Fdng hiueh. CUP (548) CtJE Cup-bearer, an attendant of a prince, xH^'gp tsun' ts6uk, ^kun. Tsintsioh kwdn, |||j^'g* bin' tseuk^ ,kun. K'ien tsioli kwdn, -j^ ^ t'ai' kam'. T'di kien, oJS^'g^ ^sz 'wan ^kun. Sz wan kwdn; ditto at a feast, ^ y^ ^ 'clieung tsau 'cli6. Chang tsiii che, TiJ vS ^ c^^ '^^^^ '^^i^- ^^ ^^'^^ ^^^• Cup-rose, the poppy, {Jpf 5^ ^ ^o ^fu ,yung. O fii yung. Cup-shaped ">ji^ t@5; ^ ^pui 'k6m yeung^ Pei kdn vdug. Cupboard ^ ^ fg 'un tip, kwai^ Wan tieh kwei, j^?^|'H sung' 'lin kwai". Sung wdn kwei, ^^ j)ui lok,. Pei loh, ^^ ^ if^j }^ |<^ y|| ^k5m kwai' 'tsau. Kdn kwei tsiii. Curacy "I i|^ itjfi :S Iflt muk^ ,sz ^chf chik,." Muh Curateship ) sz chi chih. Curate, a clergyman in the church of England, 6^ ^ mukj ^sz. Muh sz ; a stipendiary cumte, gjj i^ l^flj fii' muk^ jSZ. Pu muh sz. Curator, one who has the care and superintendence of anything, ^ <^ ^ 'ch^ung 'kiin 'ch6. Chdng kwdn che ; the curator of an institution, ^ ^ 'ch6ung tin'. Chang yuen, |^ ^ \\vl 'ch6ung. Yuen chang ; ditto of a university, ^ ^ '^' ^ 'cheung iin^ hok^ sz^ Chdng yuen hioh sz ; the curator of a museum, "pjjl^ig*:^ jk'i ^chan 'kun 'chduug. K'i chin kwdn chdng, ^^^^ ^ 'cheung ^k'i ^chan 'kun 'che. Chdng k'i chin kwdn ch6 ; a guardian appointed by law, ^ g^ ^ ^ ^ shau' t'ok, '\i sz' 'ch(^. Shau t'oh \i sz ch6, # It 211 ^' sliau' t'ok, ,ku 'ch6. Shau t'oh kii ch6. Curb, of a bridle, \ti ^ ^ ^a ^liam ^lin. Md hdn lien; restraint, ^^ yeuk, ch'uk,. Yoh shuh, ^$ ^ ^ 'kun ch'uk, 'ch6. Kwan shuh ch^ ; a frame or a wall round the mouth of a well, ^^ 'tseng jlan. Tsing ld,n. Curb, to restrain, ^ at,. Ngoh, ^^ y^uk, ch'uk,. Yoh shuh, ^1^ 'kun ch'uk,. Kwdn shuh, -fpj^ ^k'ii ch'uk,. K'ii shuh, ;f^ ^ 'kirn ch'uk,. Kien shuh, ^^if,IJ kam' chai'. Kin chi, 1^^^] ^k'ii chai" K'ii chi, i* 1^ kam' at . Kin vah, ^ f f- kam' 'chi. Elin chi, )^ ^ at, chii'. Y'^dh chii ; to curb one's passions, i^Ij ^ chai' yvik^. Chi yuh, j^ ^ dt, yuk,. Yah yuh, f^M^RB kam' dt, .sz yuk,. Kin ydh sz yuh, J^ ^Ij ^l ^ at, chai' ,sz yuk^. Yah chi sz yuh ; to curb a horse, ||f| ,||| lak^ ^ma. Leh ma ; to curb one, ^ J^ A kam' dt, ^yan. Klin yah jin; to curb one's self, Qi^'^ tsz' 'kirn 'shau. Tsz kien shau; difficult to curb one's lusts, ^^11 at, yuk^ ,ndn. Ngoh yuh nan. Curb-stone ^^^ lo' Jjin shek^. Lii pien shih. Curbed ^^^'^ yeuk, ch'uk, kwo'. Yoh shuh kwo, ^ViM. kam' chai' kwo'. Kin chi kwo. ^MM kam' dt, kwo'. Kin yah kwo. Curd, of milk, ^ % ,k'ing 'ii, '^ J^t "^ i'^'- J^^ ^^' |§ lok,. Loh, 4=- Tte3 M + c'lgau ^ndi 'shi, fj ^i. Li, H .1. I, |g ,chl. Chi; turned ditto, }g'^ fu' 'u. Pu"ju; bean curd, ^ J^f tau' fu\ Taufd; bean curd jelly, ^ j^ :?£ tau' fii' /d. Tau fu hwd ; curd cakes, ^ § ^ tau' fu' ,kon. Tau fii kdn. Curd, to cause to coagulate, ^ ^ 'sz ^k'ing, Shi k'ing, i^^^ 'pi 'iijc'ing. Curdle, to, ^ ^k'ing, ^ ^ ying kit,, |§, kit,. Kiel), .yil^ Yini?. Curdled, coagulated, ^ -^ ,k'ing kwo', ^ >'iug kit, kwo', ^I^PgSt ^yi'^? kit, ke', jk'ing ^mdi k6'. ^f & female, nearly corresponds to cupid in her functions wlio though t -f This ex]:.ression should not h"^ iiswd, th.otigh it is the eurrent one 1 among the milkmen of Hongkong. CTJE (544) CUR Curdy, like curd, ^^1^^ jk'ing *u *k6m ydung*, ^Z^ in' .chl y6ung\ Fu chi ydng, ^ ^t fjK/ jk'ing kit, tik,. Cure, the act of healing, ^ ^ ^ S V^^^ *cb6. I ping ch6, yfi^j^ clii^ peng^ *cli6. Chi ping chd, m ^ '^^ jt'iu pong* 'ch6. T'idu ping ch6 ; re- medy, ^ nf^ ^ ,i k6' .fong, 1 fi/',/i- Tszyu, f^^ i\ii. fyu; tb cure fish by burying, ^"(^'il^ ^' t'dm' t'eng' .san s/}. Hdu fan t'ing sin sz, iiJ-UlSi^Z jO li^' t'dm' t'eng' ,chi ,sam. Hdu fan f ing chi sin, ^ ^ .f dm .chi. T'an chi ; curiosity to see, ^^^ sham* 'sc'umg kin'. Shin sidng kien ; great curiosity to learn, WM-fJf sliam* 's6ung .chi. Shin sidng chi, ^:jg ^ sham* 'sdung hok^. Shin sidng hioh; curiosity in dress, j^^^^ h6' .chong shik,. lidu chwdng shih ; an object of curiosity, ^ lin*. Wdn, "^^ ' Tcu un*. Ku wdn, ^^ ^k'i lin*. K'i wdn, ^i)^ jk'i mat^. K'i wuh, ^ |^ un* hi'. Wdn k'i, g.^ ^ .chan un*. Chin wdn, 3^5 .sham 'tsun. Shin tsin ; a rare curiosity, ^ 3^ ^k'i un'. K'i wdn ; to value, as a curiosity, f^ ^ M^^S k^ai' ; a va- luable curiosity, ^ ^ 'p6 lin*. Pdu wdn, f( iK 60 M 0^ kwai' chung* tik, ,tung .sai. Kwei chung tih tung si ; natural or rare curiosities, ^ ^ ,f in 'p6. T'ien pdu, ^ JjJC .t'in .sham. Tien shin; the curiosities of a place, ttJI^fr't't^® ti* .fong ke* ^k'i .kiin ; the curiosity of a town, ^<1'^^ c^inf? .«I'i 'ku un*. Ching chi ku wdn, ^<:^te jShing ,chi ^k'i .kun. Ching chf k'i kwdn ; curiosities' shops, 1^ ^ f^ 'kd un* tim'. Ku wdn tien, -^ ^ f| 'ku 'tung p'6'. Curious, strongly desirous to see what is novel, f^ ^^ h6' fdm' man*. Hdu fan wan, ^f ^|JFb(^ ho' fdm' man* k6\ ^ tT ^ ^ $• 1^^' 'td fdm' .san sz*. ILdu td fan sin sz ; solicitous to see or to know, ^ )l ,fdm kin'. T'an kien, ^ ^ 's^ung kin'. Sidng kien, ^ ^ ,fam ,chi. T'an chi, ^ ^1 'sdung .chi. Sidng chi; prying,^ P|t fdm' k6', ^^^J- fdm' p6' 'tsz. T'an pii tsz, kl tr^mifl^ li^' 'td Mi jhan sz* tik,. Hdu td li hien sz tih, ^V§^^ 1»^' shiug' fdm' jk'i. Hdu shing fan k'i ; curious in seeking strange things, fp ^ 'teng .tsim. Ting tsicn ; careful not to mistake, ^yjNiO sham* 'siii .sara. Shin sidu sin, ^y,^ni''!i> '''^ sai' .sam. Hdu si sin ; solicitous in selection, or difficult to please, 1^ #tBMi: # jn'^in t-ik, 'kSl .fun 'hi. Kdn tch k'u hwan hi, H ff^ w^ ^ndn iit^ ke' ; made with care, #4: f ^ ^ ^fll tso* tak, .tseng sai'. Tso teh tsing si, fX f^ ^ ^5 ts6* tak, .tseng lidu. Tso teh tsing k'idu ; curious workmanship, ^ X miu* .kung. Midu kung, t^X 'hdu .kung. K'idu kung, ^X ,tseng .kung. Tsing kung ; singular. Hi ^P|5E eh'ut, ^k'i k6', ^ H ify yi i* tik; K'i i tih, gt H l^\J «l^'|^ ^ ,li ,k'i Ve sz*. Curiously, in a singular manner, ^^ .k'i ^iu. K'i jen, %^¥^ ch'd' ,in. Cli'd Jen, H-^'V .shdung. f chdng; inquisitively, i^ ffJ^ fdm' jn. T'an jen, ^f^ fdm' man*. T'an wan ; curiously made, ^ ^^(^ 41: tsiV tak, .tseng sai'. Tso teh tsing si, ^ ^j^^iip ts6* tak, 'hdu miu*. Tso teh k'idu midu ; neatly done, ^\%^^ tso* tak, sham* 'mi. Tso teh shin moi; unusually, J|. 1^' i* ^sh^ung. 1 cl»ing, ^ H ^k'i i*. K'i i. Curiousness, see Curiosity. Curl, to form into ringlets, ^^ 'kim ^nu'u. Kiucn mdi, ^ ^ 'kiin 'hi. Kiucn k'i ; to ooil, ns a ser- ix^'it, !^ ^p'un. Pw'dn, f^^ V^ ^p'un ^mdi. Pw'dn nidi; to, .^ Jg 'ndu wat,. Ndu k'iuh ; to curl the hair, ^ ^ *kun fat,. Kiuen fdli ; curl it uj), i^ ,|H1 tla *ki\n 'hi 'k'u. Kiuen k'i k'ii. Curl, to bend in contraction, |^45 k"" 'l'^- Kiuen k'i, ^^ 'kun jffidi. Kiuen mdi ; to ripple, |fej^ CUR (545) .sun ,lin. summit, as waves, ife Lien ; to roll over at the j ^ 'cliiin 'kvin. Chuen i kiuen ; to shrink, j^^ shuk^ 'kiin. Shuh kiuen; to curl down in a corner, ^ ;^ — ■'^ 'kiln ^mai yat, 'ha. Curl, a riflglet of hair, ^ jk'iin. K'iuen, ^^ ^lixn 1 ^mo. Liuen mau, ^^ 'kiin fat,. Kiuen fall, ^ ^ 'kiin faty Kiuen fall ; curls on children, ^ jam. T'an; undulation, ']^^;^^ long^ 'cliiin ,chl mail'. Lang chuen chi mau ; a winding in CuiTent, of a river, jj^ ,lau. Liu, j OIJR ^ in^ jkam kd' ts'in. Hien kin kid, ts'ien ; cur- rent expenses, |^ ^ u li^ Kidng teh lid li. the gi-ain of wood, :^ '^ ^ foL niuk^ ^chl 'kiin ; .man. Muh chi kiuen wan. 'kiin tUM 'kiin 'hi kwo'. Kiuen Hi Curled, turned or formed into ringlets, kwo'. Kiuoa kwo, k'i kwo. Curling, bending, i^^ 'kiin 'hi. Kiuen k'i, 'kun ^mdi. Kiuen mdi. Curling, a game on the ice, ^ ^ hi' ^meng. ming. Curling-iron, ") an instrument for curling the hair, Curling-tongs, j |^ % f # 'kiin ^nio ^k'ini. Kiuen mdu k'ien, :^ -^ If 'kiin fdt, '^k'irii. Kiuen fdh k'ien. Curlingly ^ 'kiin. Kiuen. Curling, hair, ^ % ^liin ^mo. Liuen mdu, i^ ^ 'kiin fat,. Kiuen fdh, ^ jk'iin. K'iuen, ^ ^ kuk fdt . Kiuh fdh, S kwai'. Kwei ; a curling l^ jShdn jiin. Chdn yuen; the current of a river, ^ j^f^ ho jlau. Ho liii ; a favorable current, ||p yjff, shun^ jlau. Shun liii ; adverse current, ^{^ t^S'^^i I^^j M M yikj jlau. Nih liii ; a rapid current, ^ jfff^ kap, jlau. Kill liu ; a cross current, ;j^ »^ ^wdng ^lau. Hung liii. Currently, in constant motion, 1^|^ ^sheung tung^ Chdng tung, ig;5it <^'^^S J^^^- T'ung liii ; gener- ally, ^;f|E tdi'- 'k'oi. Tdk'di,'^^sheung. Chdng; it is currently reported, A A tS^ jja-n J^^^ wd^ Jin jin liwd, jg,fg ,t'ung wd^ T'ung hwd, jg,-^ ^t'ung jCh'iin. T'ung cli'uen; it is currently beli- ved, ^ ^" ^kung sun'. Kung sin, ^ f^ ^t'ung sun . T'ung sin. mane. SI kw'ai kwong. Kw'ei kwdng. Curricle, a chaise or carriage, with two wheels, drawn by two horses abreast, — |^^ yat, leung^ ^kii. Yih lidng kii, — • ^ ^ yat, kd' ^cli'e. Yih kid ch'e. ^ ^liin ^tsung. Liuen tsung ; full of ripples, ;J^ Curriculum, a race-course, p*j ^ ^ tau' 'p'du 16\ fsjtfixJ jS^'^'i ^man tik,. Siuen wan tih. j Tau p'du lii. Curly-headed, \ ^ gg ^ Jiin ^t'au fdt,. Liuen t'au Curried, as leather, ^^^ ^im kwo' j>'i. Yen kwo Curly-pated, J fdh, ^%P|£ ,liin ,m6 ke', ^^^ ,liin fat, tik,. Liuen fdh tih. Curmudgeon, an avaricious, churlish fellow, ^ ^ ^ 'shau jts'in 'lb. Shau ts'ien hi, '|g ^ ^ Jidn jts'in '16. K'ien ts'ien Idu, "j^^f^ sik, ^ts'in '16. Sih ts'ien Idu. Cun-ant, a small kind of dried grape, yj> ^ P'i. i^M& chdm' kwo' j)'i. Ch'dn kwo p'i. Currier, a man who dresses and colors leather after it is tanned, ^ ^ |2 ^iin ^p'i tseung^ Yuen p'i tsidng, ^^[£ cyau ^p'i tseung^ Jau p'i tsidng, ^ E sP'^ tseung-. P'i tsidng, j^ ^ :^ cham' ,p'i 'che, |g p'ok,. P'oh, |g ^p'du. P'du, Ut ^p'du. P'du, ^ wan^ Yun. 'sid jp'6 ^t'6 'tsz. Siau p'li t'au tsz ; the fruit of Currish, brutal, ^ ^» ^ts'dn 'yan. Ts'dn jin ; snar- a well known shrub belonging to the genus ling, gj^^P^j^ 'kii hi' k6'; malignant, ^J^ Jiung ribes, ^^ -f- fuk, ^p'lin 'tsz. Fuh pw'dn tsz, 'mang. Hiung mang. M ^ -^ ^^A jP'uii 'tsz. Fuh pw'dn tsz, ^ ^ Curry powder, VMV^'^^ ,kd Ji 'fan, ff ^ |5> ,wong jing jii. Ying yii. k^ung 'fan. Hwdng kidng fan, ^ ^ ^ ^wong Currency, a flowing, passing or running, j^ ^ ^k^ung mdt^. Hwdng kidng nioh ; curry-stuff, sz jts'iin ,t'ung jlau. T'ung liii, ^ fj ^t'ung jhang. T'ung ^g;j;;J-3[f?l' ^wong ^keung ^ts'oi liu^ Hwdng kidng hang, 5^ j5{j, ^chau Jau. Chau liii ; a continued i ts'di lidu ; curry sauce, jj/jp WH ^kd Ji ; curry fowl, course in public opinion,"^,^ .^'ung ,hang i ^ g || ^wong ^k^ung ^kai. ke' i', i^ Im ^ ^ cf'^i^D ^^^' <<^'^i S2^- T'ung lun Curry, to dress leatlier after it is tanned, g^ ^ ^ini ^p'i. Yen p'i, §t^ > ,p'i. Yen^p'i, ig ^ chdm' ^'i. Ch'dn p'i, fp:^ tsok, kj'.k,. Tsoh keh, yj^j^ chi^ ^p'i. Chi p'i, 1^ -y^ung. Ydng, ^ shit^. Shell ; to curry a horse, JglJ ,|| shdt, 'md. Shwdh nid, j^ ,^ ts'dt, 'md. Ch'dli md ; to curry one's coat, -^ A td ^yan. Td jin ; to cuny one ano- ther, ;jig tr /^ Jau. Liii ; circulating, jg^ ff ,t'ung jhang. T'ung hang, i§^ ^chau Jau. Chau li'i' jM 1$ c^'ung jCli'iln. T'ung ch'nen ; current ■ coin, 5g5p J'ung 'p^- T'ung pau ; current price, M. H .t'ung kd'. T'ung kid, Q^ ^ ^shi kd'. Shi I ^^^> Tfj 11 -slii kd'. Shi kid, ii =?T fc ^ .t'ung jhang kd' Js'in. T'ung hang kid ts'ien, i^-^^g CUR (546) CIJTl Curry-comb ^\\ shdt,. Shwdh, ^ JjJlJ 'md shdt,. Md shwdh. Currying, as a horse, (jjlj shdt,. Shwdh, jj^ ts'dt,. Ch'dh. Ourse, to utter a wush of evil against one, 5£ cluiu'. Chau, % Ifl. chau' cho'. Cliau tsu, % pg. chau' ts'ut, jln 't'ai kwo'. Tsuh jen t'i kwo ; cursory men, runnerj ^ ^ t'ing' ^cb'di. T'ing ch'di. Curst, hateful, detestable, 5£ !& "^ chau' cho' k<4' @t f>|S 1% 'ch'au lau* tik,. Ch'au lau tih ; malig- niint, ^g ^. jlong ok,. Mng ngob, )g. ,^. .hung ok,. Hiung ngob. cho'. Chau tsii, %^'^ chau' .chii. Chau chu, ^ Curtail, to shoi-ten, ^^^^ tsit^ 'tiin. Tsieh twdn, ^ jChii ldi\ Chu J;li ; to curse and scold, ^ chau' md'. Chau lud; to injure, |^ ^ hoi' jy^'^i- Hdi jin, JJH ^ t'hau'. Fdh chau ; to curse and swear, m%% shih yucn. 'to chau' sbai' iin'. Tu chau Curtailed ^ j^3^ 'tsin 'tun. Tsien t^dn ; to curtail one's wages, f ij \ X ^ kot, ^j-an ,kung ^ngan. Kob jin kung yin. Ciirtail-step, the lowest step in a flight of stairs, ending at its outer extremity in a scroll, Jf^ ;^ % ^ ,kdi cbi .tai k'ap,. Kidi chi tl kib. tsit 'tiin kwo'. Tsieh twdn kwo. f ij ^_| i^ kot, 'tiin kwo'. Kob twdn kwo, ^ jig Curse, a malediction, W, gg. chau' cho'. Chau tsii ; 'sbdng kwo'. Sang kwo, ;^j^ jig 'kdm kwo'. Kien to be a curse, ^ |^ ||| ,wai .chii Idi'. Wei chti kwo. l^i. M % jwai chau'. Wei chau, ^ 5£ :^ fuk^ Curtailing ^ ^I tsit^ 'tiin. Tsieh twdn, '|ij ^ kot, chau' 'cli6. Fub chau cb6 ; to utter a curse, ^ , 'tiin. Kob twdn, ^ 'sbdng. Sang, ^jj 'kdm. Kien. 5l 't6 chau'. Tu chau, % ^ chau' jan. Chau Curtain, a, i|>g cheung'. Chdng, ijjjg ^Mai. Wei, mdn'. Mwdn, i|j^^ jWai mok,. Wei mob, ijl^ ^wai. Wei, (J§uk,. Ub, il# l|f^ ji'ing ^mung. Fing mung, [jijg min'. Mien, [p ,fong. Hwdng, ^ 'fong. Hwdng, ^ ij)§ ^t'ai jWai. T'i wei ; bed- ciu-tain, usually called mosquito-curtain, ^ l|l^ .man cb6ung'. Wan chdng, ^ rj)^ jCh'ong ^wai. Cbw'dng wei ; window curtains, ^ |]^ .cb'6ung jlim. Cbw'dng lien ; cloth curtains, ^ i^ p6' jllm. Pu lien ; door curtain, P*^ |^ mun ^lim. Mun lien; a stage curtain, ^ j^ |j|^ hi' /ong jllm. Hi fang lien ; to raise the curtain, ^i|Cij^ 'ch'6 'hi Jim, J: (^ yi«5uug Jim. Sbdng Uen, Wi S c'*"^ s^-'^i- ^'^ ^'"' ' ^^ ^*op the curtain, ^ iM ^^K i^^^^- ^^ ^*^"' ^^ .^'^^^ s^'o*- ^'^^^ t'di ; to close a scene, ^ — [[^ ^iin yat, ch'ut,. Yuen yib cb'ub ; to draw the curtain, ^ ^ l|^ lokj ^mdi jlini. Lob mdi lien ; to open the mos- quito-curtoin, t^fj^^llf^ fat, .hoi .man cheung'. Fub k'di wan cluing ; behind the curtain, in se- cret, 1^ Cjl 6m' .Chung. Ngdn chung, Pg[ ^ >^ 'bai ])ui' tdng', j^ .sz. Sz ; curtain fringes, ^l|l^ ^ .man ehc'ung' ^yam. Wan chdng t'du ; cur- Uiin books, i^ ijjj^ ^] .man cbdung' .kau. Wan chdng kau; curtain gauze, ^l|i^^ .man cheung' .sbii. Wan chdng sha ; a carriage curtain, |^ jWai. Wei, 10. ^ kii ^wai. Kii woi ; a tender curtain, a mother, jgc r|j^, Js'z ^wai. Ts'z wei ; tlie curtain IxH-oming tliiii, women losing their modesty, ^ fi% "^ ^ jWai jjok^ pat, .sjui. Wri poll pub sill ; tlie curtain of a fort, % £ ^ jjjSf p'du' jt'oi Jin ,ts'i5u%. P'du t'di lien ts'idng ; tents, l)l^ chdung'. Chdng, ^ ||^ j^^"^ chdung'. Ying chdng. P'ich kien, ^jEUHH^j Idp, higdn 't'ai', 2$1 4{A- jijlfj >g | Curtain-lecture, reju-oof given in bed by a wife to jin ; a curse rests upon them, ^ 5£ ^ 1^ ^ ^ *yau chau' .y^ung tsoi' .kd J'ong. Yii chau ydng tsdi kid t'dng, -ftE A ^^ 5t kat, ,8am. Kih sin, ^|J /(^ plj flifj kat, jSam kat, iai' ; to cross, to intersect, ^ tsitj. Tsieh; to cross, ^^"^ jWdng kwo'. Hung kwo ; to castrate, ^J ,im. Yen ; to cut across, to pass by a shorter road, ^^ ^ tsit^ king' hu', Tsieh king k'u, {ii i^'^-i: chik^kang' kwo' bu\ Chih king kwo k'u, #M 1^ ^sit^ 'tiin 16^ Tsieb twdn lu ; to cut apart, :^ ^ tsit^ ^'un. Tsieh twan, l^ijilly kot, "t'iin. Koh twdn; to cut asunder, fij jl^ kot, .hoi. Koh k'di, fij lift kot, 't'iin. Koh twdn, ^ HH 'tsin ,hoi. Tsien k'di, ^ g}J ts'it, ^oi. Ts'ieh k'di ; to cut away, H'lJ ^ kot, hu'. ch'uen ; the officers of the customs' guard-boats, Koh k'ii, -^ ^ ts'it, hii'. Ts'ieh k'ii, "^^ sc'uk. 5^ ~y jts'iin ,ting. Siun ting Customable, common, '^ ^ ^^ shdung tsdp^ tik,. Chdng sih tih ; habitual, j^ ^ kwdn' tsdp^. Kwdn sih, 'IJI^ kwdn' .king. Kwdn king, •^;f^ 1^ ^ jSh6ung kwdn' 'k6m ts6^ Chdng kwdn kan tso ; subject to the payment of the duties called customs, J- |iJP^ 'sh<3ung shui' k4>\ ^M Ift fi\I '^'i' ^^^^' shui' tik,. Ydu kwo slnvui tih, Jl^Dil^ ndp^ shui' tik,. Ndh shwui tih, ffgi>]9^ 'td 'h6ung k6\ Customably B^, ^ ^ chiii' .kw'ai 'kii. Chdu kwei ku. Customary, according to custom, fg ^ kwdn' lai^ Kwdn If, ^^ i^ ^ chiu' .kw'ai 'kii. Chdu kwei l^'i. M '^ #>i chili' jShdung ldi\ Chdu chdng li, M^ti^i c*''^'"^' *c"t?^ ^^^^- Chdu ting li; customary presents, ^^i ^J P(^ (jif ^8h<5ung lai^ k& ^ai, ^ ^ &\I li jts'un lai^ tik, 'Iai. Siun li tih li ; cus- tomary walk, HI? *^ ^ chiu' ^sh^'ung kwdng', p^ *^ ^ tt cl^ii' jsh6ung ^yau jhang. Chdu chdng yu hang; accustomed, |]^ kwdn'. Kwdn. Customed, see Accustomed. Customer, one who frequents any place of sale for the purpose of purchasing goods, P[^ mdi^ hdk,. Mdi k'eh, ± iiig ^ 'chii kiV hdk,. Chii kii k'eli, ^ IB ^ ^ 'cheung 'shnu *ch6. Chdng shau ch.^, jb^ ^f ^ 't^» 's'i»« 'oImJ. i;ien ishuu ch6. hii'. Siohk'ii, fflllf 'chdmVun. Chan twdn, ^ ^ tsitj 't'iin. Tsieh twdn ; to cut away the pain- ters, ^^1^ tiin^ lat, Idm^ ; to cut down, to fell, >f3^ fdt^. Eah, ^ 'chdm. Chdn; to cut down trees, ^ TJ^ fdtj mukj. Fdh muh ; to cut down, a-s an enemy, i|/f ^ 'chdra pai^ Chan pi, i}«ff |^ *tll 'chdm 't6 ti^ Chdn tdu ti ; to depress, RJ^ \ dt, jVan. Ydh jin; to humble, ^AUt^ l'"?' J^" ,sau kw'ai'. IJng jin siii kw'ei, i^ A ^ lift P' jan kin' kw'ai'. Pi jin kien kw'ei ; to silence, ^ P sak, 'hau. Seh k'au ; to cut off, |^i] ^^ kot, hii'. Koh k'u, -^ ^ ts'it, hii'. Ts'ieh k'ii, ^ ^ tsit^ hii'. Tsieh k'u, f ij f|[j kot, .hoi. Koh k'ai, ^ ^ .fan 't'iin. Fan twdn ; to cut off" in chips, -^ J sduk, hu'. Sioh k'ii, g/i-^- teiik, hii'. Choh k'ii; to cut off the head, ^"Jf^l'i 'cham ^t'au. Chdn t'au, ^ ]^ V'hdm 'shau. Chdn shau ; to cut the flesh from the bones, ^J t'ik,. T'ih ; to cut off the ears of com, ^\\ jWan. Yun ; to cut off the ears, |^i) ^ kot, 'i. Koh rh ; ditto, as a punish- ment, ^ kwik,! Yih, JIJ 'i. Kb. ^^ kwik,. Kih; to cut off' the nose, T^ijyi kot, pl^ Koh pi ; ditto, as a punishment, l^\\ pi\ Pi, ^l| It^. Nieh ; to cut oir the hair, ',^'1 ^ kot, fdt,. Koh fdh, ^ .kvv'an. Kw'nn, j\\\l ^ cliiik, fat,. Chub lab ; to cut off" the cue, '^ij|^ kot, .pin. Koh pien; t-o cut off the branches of trees, TDj ngn^t,. "NA'uh ; to cut oir a leg, '^i\ jll]l kot, k('uk,. Koh kioh ; to cut off (ho feet, /^*ij J^ ko'l, tsuk,. Koh tsuh, J^ iit,. Yueh, g^ lit,. Yueh, |^ .n. FI, Jl ngat,. Wub. ^ li'^i ch'6uk, king'. Ch'oh kini; ; to extirj»ate, jUieh tsiueh, KlJ ^ tsiii tsiit,. l\sidu tsiuih, ^J CtTT (549) CTTT ts'o . Ts'au, ^ij lut^. Yuh, ^ ^ ,ch'u fat,. Ch'u full ; to put to death untimely, J?^ 7^J[ 'iu shat,. Yau sh&h, ^ ^ .cliii luk^. Chii liuli ; to cut off all intercourse, ^^^' tsiit, ^kau. Tsiueh kiiiu, J^ -^ kilt, liii'. Kiueh k'ii, ^JfQlDr^ kot, j)'o tiin^ i". Koli p'au twan i ; to cut off affections, ||ij ^ kot, oi'. Kob ngai; to cut off posterity, l^raq) tsiit^ tsz". Tsiueh tsz, j^^ tsiit, hau^; to cut off one's retreat, |fe ^ tsit^ 16^ Tsieh lu, ^ KWM tsit, yan ^kwai 16^ Tsieh jin kwei lii; to cut off one's recources, ^^ tsiit^ lo'. Tsiueh lii; heaven does not cut off men's recources, ^ ^ >^ A ^ ^ jt'in jUib tsiit^ ^yan ^chi 16'. T'ien \vu tsiueh jin c1"i lu ; heaven has cut me off, ^ jjJi ~f* ,t'in chuk, jii. T'ien chuh yu ; to separate, ^ ^|J /an pit^. Fan pieb, ^|j |^ pit^ ^hoi. Pieh k'ai ; to re- ; move, ^ -^ ^ch'ii hii. Cb'u k'ii ; to take away, J5C^ 'ts'ii hii'. Ts'ii k'ii; to end, to finish, ;^|g peng^ tsiit,. Ping tsiueh ; to cut off an heir, to disinherit, |^ ^ tsiit, tsz'. Tsiueh tsz ; to cut off a cock's head, ^ ^ gi 'h6m ^kai ^t'au. KAn ki t'au ; to cut one off from the church, ^ {tj -iV'^ chuk, ch'ut, ,kung lii'. Cbuli ch'ub kung hwui, iffi{ij<^# c^'i^i ch'ut, ,kung lii'. K'ii ch'ub kung hwui, ^M "^^ '^ tsiitj /i ,kung ui^ Tsiueh yu kung hwui, ^ ^ ^ tsiit, shing' ^kdu. Tsiueh shing kiilu ; to cut off all contentions, ^ ^ ^ ^ tsiit^ jk'i ^chang tau'. Tsiueh k'l tsang tau; to cut off with shears, ^ ^ts'oi. Ts'tli, ^^ jts'oi *tsin. Ts'di tsien ; to cut on, to hasten, ^ 'tsau. Tsau, 1^ ^ fai' 'tsau. Kw'ai tsau ; to urge or drive in striking, to quicken blows, ^ ^ mat^ *ta. Mih td ; to cut open, ^ij ^ kot, Jioi. Kob k'ai, ^ 1^ ts'it, Jioi. Ts'ieh k'di ; to cut out gar- ments, gt ^ jts'oi ,i. Ts'di i, 1^ ^ ^ chai' / ,sbeung. Chi i cbang; to cut out a pattern, ^ ^-f- jts'oi y^ung^ 'tsz. Ts'ui ydng tsz; to remove a part by cutting or carving, ^ /iu. Tidu; to cut out a figure, ^ ^ /id tsdung'. Tidu siang, ^ ■^ IT /iii cku"o 'tsai; to scheme, ^ ^mau. Mau, §5g^ /s'oi ch^uk,. Ts'ai cbob, f^^ /s'oi tok^. Ts'di toll ; to prepare, to cut even, ^\\ /sai. Tsi, -^ ^ ts'it, /s'ai. Ts'ieh ts'i ; to step in and take the place of, jg^ shin^ tsiit^. Shen tsiueh; to cut out a ship, ^ ^ tiit, ^shiin. Toh cb'uen, ^^!^ tsitj tiitj jSbiin. Tsieh toh cb'uen; to cut short, to hinder from proceeding by sudden in- terruption, Ht^ tsit, chii'. Tsieh chu, |5M.|fe 'cbo tsit^. Tsu tsieh; to shorten, ^^5 tsit^ 'tiin. Tsieh twdn, §ij ^^ kot, 'tiin. Kob twdn, '^ ^_g 'tsin *tiin. Tsien twdn; to cut up, to cut in pieces, -^ ^ ts'it, sui'. Ts'ieh sui, ijfj ^ ts'it, yau'. Ts'ieh y", -W P ts'it, lan^ Ts'ieh Ian, ftj ^ kot, sui'. Kob sui, '^ ^ 'tsin sui'. Tsien sui, g|j ^ teuk, sui'. Cbob sui, g|f ^ t^uk, lan\ Cboh Idn ; to cut up, moat, -^ |^ ts'it, yuk^. Ts'ieh jub ; to eradicate, ^Jj ^ 'tsiu mit,. Tsiau mieb ; to cut ri]) a dead body, 'glj ^ ^p'du ^shi. P'au shi ; to cut up firewood, ^ ^ p'o' ^cb'di. P'o ch'di; to cut one's acquaintance, ^ij^ kot, -yau. Kob yu, ^ ^ tsiit^ Vau. Tsieuh yu, Ji ^ Pg- 1^, u' >u jn. jan", to cut a piece of bread, ■^;^^^ ts'it, fdi' min' ^pau. Ts'ieh kw'ai mien pau ; to cut a man's throat, ^ij \ g| kot, jan 'keng. Kob jin king ; to cut one's own throat, ^ ^|J tsz^ -man. Tsz wan, g ^|J tsz' 'king. Tsz king, :^ g| miit, 'keng ; to cut a book, -^ ^ ts'it, ^shii. Ts'ieh sbu ; to cut the beard, ^\\ ^ t'ai' ^so. T'i sii ; to cut the hair, ^ ^ 'tsin filt,. Tsien fab ; to cut a vein, ^ (f[L fong' hiit,. Pang hiueb ; to cut the ground, ^ gg Jai /'in. Li t'ien, ^ ± 'fan 't'o. Fan t'li ; to cut the sea, l^ ']^ p'o' long'. P'o Idng ; to cut a ball, ^|J ^ /iii ,k'au. Tiau k'iu, tr Pfl ^ 'td Chung' ,po. Ta chiing po, ifj rp ^ 'ta chung' ^k'au. Ta chung k'iii ; to cut grass, fij ^ kot, 'ts'o. Koh ts'au, M\ ^ ngai- 'ts'6. I ts'au ; to cut rice, ^ij ^ kot, ^wo. Kob ho, ^ wokj. Hwob ; to cut the grass under one's feet, ^ij |§ ^ kot, Jo ^mi. Koh lo wi, j^ A ^ M t^t, iM >2S ^^'^'^^ ^*°o • ^""^ king; to take a with an ax, >f^ fdt^. Fah, g|f t<5uk,. Choh; deeply short cut, j|g )J(i -^ wan^ kang' hii'. Yunking; affecting with shame and remorse, ^J jCi» ts'z' k'ii ; a cut in books, |^ ^ ^ 'fui tseung^ ^t 6. i ,sam. Ts'z sin ; keen, f^ ^J ^ling li^ Ling If. Hwui siang t'u ; ditto of landsapos, ^ (g| ^ying Cuttings, remnants, ^^\^^ tslt^ shing^ k6' \v6, jt'o. Hing t'u, ^ |g .shii ^t'6. Shu t'u ; the cut g(; ^ ^ts'oi ^u. Ts'di yii. or stamp on which a picture is carved, and by Cuttingly j^) ^ ts'z' ^In. Ts'z jen. which it is impressed, i^ ^ 'pdn ^Vb. Pdn t'u ; ■ Cutting-bill i)|] |§ ,kau ^lim. Kau lien, the cut of one's dress, ^^ ^ ^shdm y6ung\ Sdn Cutting-board jp^ ^ ,cham *pdn. Chin pdn. ydng, # PpJt j^ ^ ,shdm kc 'fiin shik,, ^^ S Cuttle-fish, ^f^ mak^ ^u. Meh yu, ,% |J ,u ts'dk,. shik,. I shih; the Peking cut, ^^ ^king y6ung\ Wu ts'ih, MjM,^, A ts'dk^ ^u. Wii ts'ih yu; the King ydng, ^^ (king 'fun. King kw'dn, ^^ octopus or eight-armed cuttle-fish, 5M^ ^chi^ung ,king shik,. King shih ; the Pax-isian cut, ^%l] jii. Chang yu,^@^ j3''iu jii- Yu yu ; cuttle-fish- jt ^ Pdlisz shik,. Pdlisz shih ; cut and long bone, 1^ ^ J*^ 'hoi ^p'iu ^siu. Ildi p'idu sidu, tail, men of all kinds, ^f^ A^ ^ok, shik, ^yan M ^ *N* ^^K i^ kwat,. Meh yii Icuh ; a foul 'tang. Koh sih jin tang. mouthed fellow, ^ P ^ Idn^ 'hau 16. Cut-puvsc, a, ^*ij ^kJ ^ P|]5t kot, ^ho ,pdu k6\ yj> ^ Cwt, centumweight, a hundred weight, "g" -g^ ^ 'siu 'shau. Sidu shau, "^ ^ 'tsin 'nau. Tsien pdk, pong* chung*. Peh pdng chung, nau, ^ -^ chap, 'shau. Chili shau. Cyanas, the water lily, ^ :fg ^lin jd. Lien hwd. Cut-throat, a murderer, j|;1) ^ ts'z' hdk,. Ts'z Cyanic acid, j^: ^ ^ (5$ sy<^u"g tin* chat, ,sun. k'eh, ^iJ^JnLPp, 'man 'kcng ,hung 'fi. Wanking Ydng tien cliih swdn. hiung fi, J,1[, -^ ^hung 'shau. lliungshau; cut- Cyanogen, an essential ingredient in Prussian blue, throat friendship *, ^|j ^ ^ ^man 'kcng ,kdu. ' V^ilEM $7^""? tin* chat,. Ydng tien chih, f^^ Wan king kidu. ^ <.V s}''°o- f\il jP'i tik,. P'i till ; cutaneous diseases, ^ ^j T'dn k'au tih hing. jP'i peng*.'p'i ping, rjif^^:!^ ^p'i ,fd .chi tsat^. Cycas ^ %l] yfj $|- /dn li* 'shi ^s'in. Fdu li shi P'i fu chi tsih, ij^/f JnLft sP'i .fu hiit, it^. P'i fd ts'ien. hiueh jeh, ^ ,hi. Hi. * " ' Cycle, a, of GO years, :t^ ^ ^ /d kdp, 'tsz. II wd Cutch, catechu, j^ ^ ^i ^ch'd. Rh ch'd. ' kidh tsz, i^ -]- :?£ ^ ^ Ink^ shap^ ,fd kdp, tsz. Cuticle, the exterior coat of the skin, j^' /li. Fu, i Lull shih hwd kidh tsz; to complete a cycle, J^ ^[ ^ ngoi* jp'i. Wdi p'i, ^ ;^ ^M^ jP'i .chi I :^ ^ ^tang /d kdp,. Tang hwd kidh ; a cycle of ngoi' mok,. P'i chi wdi mob, ^j^ J]j,| pdk, mok,. j five years, /J> j|g 'siu wan*. Sidu yun ; a cycle of Peh mob ; the external covering of tiie bark of a ten years, ^ jljt tdi* wan*. Td j-nn ; the cycle of plant, i^)^ shii* ^p'i. Shu p'i ; a thin skin form- one's life, divided into smaller cycles of five and ed on the surface of liquor, fQ p'du'. P'du, yQ ! ten years, -^ j|| meng* wan*, ;^^ing yun ; the ^ p'du' jp'i, Y^ )}^ p'du' mok,. P'du mob. j cycle of the moon, or golden number, or Metonie Cutlass, a broad curving sword, U^ JJ ,iu ^t6. Ydu' cycle, ^ ^chf j^ yat, p'in' yuk^ Yih p'ien juh ; cutlet fowl, ^ ^|J j ^shi wan*. Shi yun. ^ kat, litj ,kai. Kill lieli ki. i Cycloraetry, the art of measuring cycles and circles, Cutter, one who cuts, ',^ij ig kot, 'ch6. Koh ch6 ; an instrument 1 hat cuts,, jfj ,t6. Tdu ; a fore- tooth, f^^MM i^^^ j^K'i li' 'c h'i. Mun yd li * Said to express the tenderost IMondHhi)). ^ ib\ Td, ^ jWdn. Hwdn, ^ fdt,. Fdh. Cyclopeiin |3-BR A J''" 'i^gin jyan. Tdn yen jin. Cyclopedia, "> the circle or compass of the arts and ;.} Cyclopcedia, J sciences, ^$j||^ chi' jWdn 'tsung CYC (551) CZA luk,. Chi hwAu tsung luh, ^VlM^m cM' c^'an : ke' jan, ^ Wi ^U kuk, suk, ke', — ^^ ^ "^ A tsung lun". Chi hwan tsung lun ; see Encyclo- 1 yat, ^p'^u hf k6' ,yan. peclia. ! Cynicism, austerity, }^ ^ ^ ^ kuk, suk, ^chi sz^ Cyclops II.BR A J A^. kuk, suk, tik, jan, A 14 "iJtA 'liiin sing' ke' jan. Cynomorium |^ ^ ^ yuk^ ,sung jung. Juh sung yung. Cynosure, the constellation of the little bear, r}^ g ^^ pakj kik^ ^sing suk^. Pih kih sing suh. Cypher, see Cipher. Cyphonism i^tll^^[LA;S^,^l0ifn^;t ■£ matj jt'ong ^t'o fan^ ^yan ^chi ^shan, 'yan ^ch'ung ^i shai^ ^chi. t mih t'ang t'u fan jin chi shin, yin ch'ung rh shi chi. ^ jkw'an sin' ,t'au ,hang. K'iun sien t'au kang. Cymbal, a musical instrument of brass, in a circular form, like a dish, about six or eight inches in diameter, ^ ^ ^t'ung put,. T'ung poh, ^ ^ Cypraea ^ ^ 'tsz piii'. Tsz pei, ^ ^ piii' 'tsz Pei tsz. Cypress, Cuprcssus, :Jj^ jj^ pdk, shii'. Peh shii, ^ ^^ 'pin pdk^. Pien peh, |f 1^^^ Jo hon' ^ts'ung Lo han sung. ' Cyprinus, see Carp. jUAu put^. Nau poh, A ffj' t^i" 'ch'au. Ta ch'au ; | Cyst, a bag which includes morbid matter in animal small cymbals, yj-* ^ 'siu piit^. Sidu poh. ! bodies, ^-j^ j^ong 'tsai Cyma, | a kind of penicle, that has the appeanince j nang. Cyna, ) of an umbel, like those of the common Cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, laurustinus, or elder-bush, '^J j^ ^ 'to ,ch6 ^kwong it^. P'ang kwang jeh. jying. Tau ch^ hing. ! Cystotomy, the act or practice of opening cysts, 1^ nungjlong. Nvmg b ,p ong Cymbidium 3R^M J^K ^^Pj j^^^- ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^''^• ^ p'o' jUong 'che. P'o nang che. Cynanchea tonsillaris, P^ Ph| ^ jhau ,lung ching'. i Czar, a king, chief, 3E jWong. Wang, ^ 'chii. Hau lung ching, p^ pji ^ Jiau ^chung j)eng\ ; Chii, ^ '^ ^wong tai'. Hwang ti ; a title of the Hau chung ping, P^ ^ Jiau ^li. Hau hu. I Emperior of Russia, i^MiWf M.Z.^ Ngolosz Cynic, "> having the qualities of a surly dog, ^^ ; ^M^ong ^chi ^ch'ing. Ngolosz hwang chi ch'ing. Cynical, ) '[^ P^ 'kau sing' ke', A '14 ^^ '^^^^ ^^^S^ ■ Czarowitz, the title of the eldest son of the czar of tik,. K'iuen sing tih ; snarling, gj ^ PgJt '^li hi' k6' ; austere, J^ ^im. Yen. Cynic, a siu-ly or snarling man, ^ ^ "It A ^u hi' Russia, mB^'kl:kf-Z^ Ngolosz ^wong t'di' 'tsz ^cyki ^ch'ing. Ngolosz hwahg t'ai tsz chi ch'ing. UHiLNTALlM \