THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TRANSACTIONS OF THE OSSIANIC SOCIETY. TRANSACTIONS OP THE OSSIAMC SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR 1856, VOL. IV. tstojrtye FjsiM n u )'5\)e9\c\)Z%, DUBLIN; PRINTED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COUNCIL, FOR THE USE OF THE MEMBERS. 1859. JOHNSON REPRINT CORPORATION New York • London 1972 First reprinting 1972, Johnson Reprint Corporation Johnson Reprint Corporation Johnson Reprint Company Ltd. I ! 1 Fifth Avenue 24/28 Oval Road New York, N. Y. 10003 London, NW1 7DD, England F'rinted in the U.S.A. L2lOJi:i)e FJ21N H U )5\)&VC\)ZbjAnrnut>A Ui fcbuibne A5ur Sbn^MWe, P)5i ot > Cbon- n)U|c tbeic a.7i%c ; or, an Account of the Pursuit of Diarrauid O'Duibhne and Grace, the daughter of Cormac Mac Airt, Monarch of Ireland in the Third Century, who was married to Fionn Mac Cumhaill, from whom she eloped with Diarmuid. To them are ascribed the Leaba Caillighes (Hags' Beds), so numerous in Ireland. Edited by Standish Hayes O'Grady, President of the Society. IV. Uoicbe FiAnnuisbeAcbcA ; or, Fenian Poems. Edited by John O'Daly, Honorary Secretary. BOOKS IN PREPARATION. I. ImceAcc rjA tnotn&Aitbe ; or the Departure of the Great Bardic Assembly, being the Introduction to the Tain Bo Chuailgne. Edited by Professor Connellan, from the book of 21)ac Capxais KiAbAc : a vel- lum MS. of the XIV. Century. In Press. II. Z'&w t>6 CbuAilsne ; or, the Great Cattle Spoil of Cuailgue (Cooley), in the county of Louth, being a History of the Seven Years' War between Ulster and Connaught; in the reign of Meadhbh, Queen of Connaught, and Conchobhar Mac Nessa, king of Ulster, on account of the famous bull called Donn Chuailyne ; and which terminated, ac- cording to Roderic O'Flaherty, the Irish chronologist, one year before the Christian era. To be edited by William Hackett. This very ancient and curious tract comprises three hundred closely-written folios, and contains many interesting details of Mythological Incidents, Pillar Stones, Ogham In- criptione, Tulachs, War Chariots, Leanan Sighes, Mice and Cat Incantations. Together with an account of the Mysterious War Weapon used by Cuehullainn, called Gai Bolg ,• also Some Account of the early Christian Missionaries in Ireland, and the privileges enjoyed by the chief bard. III. ?l5AlUri) t)A SeAtj6|w6e ; or, the Dialogue of the Sages : an His- torical Work in Prose and Poetry, full of rare information on the achievements of the Fianna Eirionn ; collated with a copy in the Book of Lismore, a vellum manuscript of the Fourteenth Century, by per- mission of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire. To be edited by John Windele. IV. Cac Pjpjij Cft*5* ; or, an Account of the Battle fought at Vcntry, in the county of Kerry, in the Third Century of the Christian era, be- tween Dairc Donn, Monarch of the World, and the Fenians. To be edited by the Ivev. James Goodman, A.M. This Battle last) tl for DOfl days; the copy al the disposal of the Society Is the earliest known to exist, having been copied from n vellum manuscript of tho fifteenth century, now deposited In the Uodlclau Library, Oxford, by the Roy. e, d. Cleaver. • New Editions of Vols. I. and II., now out of print, will be published as soon as the Council receives 'JiU names to assist in bearing the cost of printing. XI V. Cac ChijocA ; or, the Battle of Castleknock, in the county of Dublin, fought A.D. 273, between Conn Ceadchathach, i.e., Conn of the Hundred Battles, and the Clanna Morna ; by his victory in which, Conn obtained the Sovereignty of three Provinces in Ireland, viz. Connaught, Ulster, and Leinster. To be edited by the Rev. Thaddeds O'Mahony. This tract is copied from a manuscript made by John Murphy of Carrignavar, in the county of Cork, A.I). 1725, and from the fame of the writer as a scribe, no doubt b entertained of the accuracy of the text. VI. A TRACT ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OF IRELAND ; from the Psalter Mac Richard Butler, otherwise called " Saliar na Rann," containing the Derivation of the Names, Local Traditions, and other remarkable circumstances, of the Hills, Mountains, Rivers, Caves, Cams, Rocks, Tulachs, and Monumental remains of Pagan Ireland, but more especially those connected with the deeds of Fionn Mac Chumhaill. To be edited by Professor Connellan. rsalter Mac Richard Butler was originally written for Edmond, son of Richard Butler commonly called "Mac Richard," but on his defeat by Thomas, the eighth Earl of Des- mond, (who was beheaded in 14G7),near the banks of the River Suir, where great numbers of the Butlers' followers were drowned and slain, the book fell into the hands of this Thomas, and was afterwards the property of Sir George Carew, Elizabeth's President of Munster; but Anally came into the hands of Archbishop Laud, who bequeathed it to the Bodleian Library, Oxford, where it is now preserved, and the Society have permission to make transcripts of its contents. VII. A TRACT ON THE GREAT ACTIONS OF FINN MAC CUMHAILL, copied from the Psalter of Mac Richard Butler. To be edited by the Rev. Ulick J. Bourke, of St. Jarlath's College, Tuam.' VIII. A MEMORIAL ON THE DAL-CASSIAN RACE, and the Divisions of Thomond at the Invasion of the English, A.D. 1172 : to which is annexed a Short Essay on the Fenii or Standing Militia of Ireland ; also, Remarks on some of the Laws and Customs of the Scoti, or Antient Irish, by the late Chevalier O'Gorman; presented to the Society for publication by J. R. Joly, Esq., LL.D., Rathmines. These manuscripts contain a list of the several families of the Macnamaras, who were named from the houses or lands of inheritance they severally enjoyed ; also a list of the several castles iu the baronies of Bnnratty and Tulla, with the names of the persons who erected them. IX. Cnj C|tiu\5 t)A SseAlAiseAccA ; or, The Three Sorrows of Story- telling, which relates the tragical fate of the sons of Uisneach, the sons of Tuireann, and the children of Lir, who are represented to have been metamorphosed into swans by their stepmother, Aoife; and in that shape spent seven years on Sruth na Maoile Ruadh, supposed to be that portion of the British Channel which separates Ireland and tho Isle of Man. * This tract appears in the present volume, edited by Dr. O'Donovan. SOCIETIES IN CONNECTION. 1. The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Buck- ingham. Rev. A. Newdigate, Aylesbury, Honorary Secretary. 2. The Architectural Society of the Archdeaconry of Nor- thampton and the Counties of York and Lincoln ; and the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Bedford- shire and St Albans. Rev. H. D. Nicholson, M.A. St. Albans, Herts, Honorary Secretary. 3. The Cambrian Institute. R. Mason, Esq. High-street, Ten- by, Treasurer. 4. The Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Chas. C. Babington, Esq., M. A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, Treasurer. 5. The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Rev. A Hume, D.C.L., LL.D., F.S.A., St. George's, 'Liverpool, Honorary Secretary. 6 The Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society. Rev. James Graves, A.B., and John George Augustus Prim, Esq., Kilkenny, Honorary Secretaries. 7. The Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Samuel Tymms, Esq., F.S.A., Bury St. Edmunds, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, 8. The Society of Antiquaries of London. John Y. Akerman, Esq., F.S.A., Somerset House, London, Secretary. 9. The Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. John Adamson, Esq., The Castle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne , Secretary. 10. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. John Stuart, Esq., General Registry House, Edinburgh, Secretary. 11. The Surrey Arch.eological Society. George Bish Webb, Esq., ''», Southampton-street, Covent Garden, London, Honorary Secretary. •CSOCSCOCNOOCO© U ffi ffl !>• " — « ^ CO © © O OS -j a qo to 6B .a 4 . 13 M 6D , C .3 o a Ph pq Ph w » pq *-» a rn * 2 . o n p & q ftn tj o a o a Q c .9 ■J. 9 bn >> M O a o "oS oj •*• OJ u p4 -t-» BO a i— i I I I I I I I I p < P T3 O B to CO o o o b- IfJ t^ o eo . »o "0 o M •n • QO oo 1— ( P <2 13 • H Pi T3 a . T3 ,13 • a> .5 a o O a a o a» o C! o 00 p T3 a aS gflfl a> bo P 3 •a ri o v^ -G • pH a co co o +* • PH oa a "2< oj A o CO .a 1 o u o o 1 - O o a P 3 CO | CO o CO b- o in 5 Mill CONTENTS. Biographical Sketch Elliott Hudson Introduction . . . OF THE LATE WlLLIAM rase XV xxi 2l5)eATl3A|8 T)A IaTTTT T^eAJt . 2lr)rt)Ar)r)A tja b-p|tioii)- lAOCTtA8 bo't) 'p'b^ltJt) feO CUjC A]t CTIOC AT) *m Se^l5 LocIta L6]T) . . C rjeAnc, 6 tjac njAineAnn cac A5 p]or>n ; Annp ai? 3-d§i|t t>i'i mo rp^ir^ ceol bA &]f t)i b^rjr) l]orrj. P. M| cuaIa cu c6rt)-n)Aic bo ceol, 1 6 cup ai? bott)A^T) '5U1* At)iu5 ; 5)8 cao] AnrA&, A]tb3lic, l]Ac, IX n?A]C bO |t|AUpA cl|Aft AU C1JOC. O. 6rt rvol&y cu au cl|- SrnolAC fto-b|V)T) 5leAt)t)A S3A1I, 2 \)b 1170113 A^jt t)A rrj-bA^tc A5 buATi) rie cpA|5 ; bA b]i)i;e \\ort) crio^b tjA 5-cot), t;A too fSoV-fA, a cle||tj3 ca|8. Cpu 3 bcifteofl, Ci)u trjo cu||ip, ai; c-aBac bcA3 bo bj A3 "Fiovm) ; At) uAjjt bo f-qiwcAb cu]ri a'|* pu||ic, bo cujfteAb f]i)t) a b-coTftcirt) piA^i). BUcijA^b At) itrjeAi) 63, i?ac b-cu3 rt)6ib b'peAjt £AOi 'i) T)-3ft&1i) ; acc ArbA]i) bo Cbr>u be]|ieoil, oc ! a PbAtjiAic, bA b]vv a beAl ! 21t) bA 3AbA^t b&A3 bo b] A3 "p]Ot)tj, 'i) uaiji bo le]3q ]Ab y:o TjleAtji) Kac ; 4 bA b|i}t)e t)A AbbA C]U|l, ']* a t)-A3A|8 o'o c-Siuip 5 ATOAC. 1 SoaIcatiijac loji) leicneAc Iaoj, the song of the blackbird 0/ Letter Lee. The blackbird, the thrush, the seagull, the eagle and the raven, are the birds most often commemorated by the Fenian muse. The njiol rtjuise (cur hare), the n A *> riu.\6, or red deer, the buck and doe, the cone, or wild boar, and the efi aUca, or V, the wolf, were the objects of their chase. Letter Lee is not yet identified. 2 SleAtjn At) S5A1I, i.e., the gl&n or vale of Seal. In the Miscellany of the Celtic Society, p. 24, the following note appears : — " Seal linlbh, i.e., Seal the Stammerer. O'Flahcrty says that Bania, daughter of Seal Balbh, king of Finland, was the Queen of Tuathal Teachtmhar, monarch of Ireland, A. D. 130. A personage of the same 11; rae seems to have flourished in Ireland, from the many places named after him, as Gleann-an-Scail in the county of Antrim, Lcac-an-Scail, a great Cromleac in the county of Kilkenny, and Lcacht-an-Scail, i.e., 8 al's monument, in the barony of Corcaguiny, county of Kerry." There is also 5b»At)tj an ScajI, and ¥lb>\it)t) At) ScajI, about ten miles west of Dingle. leAcc At) ScajI is still in existence. By accenting the letter a in the word ScA|l these localities would mean the glen of the Bhadc or shadow. 0. I have heard music more melodious than your music, Tho' greatly thou praisest the clerics ; The song of the blackbird of Letter Lee, And the melody which the Dord Fiann made. The very sweet thrush of Gleann-a-sgail, Or the dashing of the barks touching the strand ; More melodious to me was the cry ot the hounds, Than of thy schools, chaste cleric. Little Cnu, Cnu of my heart, The small dwarf who belonged lo Fionn : When he chaunted tunes and songs, He put us into deep slumbers. Jilathnaid, the youthful maid, Who was never betrothed to man under the sun, Except to little Cnu alone, 0, Patrick, sweet w T as her mouth. The twelve hounds which belonged to Fionn, When they were let loose through Glen Rath ; Were sweeter than musical instruments, And their face outwards from the Suir. 3 Cnii. Dr. O'Donovan says that Cnu was taken by Fionn near a Silk (a fairy haunt) in Magh Feimhean, an extensive plain situated near Siiabh-na-m-ban in the county of T ipperary, (see leAbAn 'J.\ 5-CeAnc, Book of Rights, p. 18, note b), and that he was scarcely tail enough to reach the strings of the harp. From the frequent allusion made to him in Ossianic Poetry, in connection with Fionn, he seems to have been his chief musician, by whose soothing strains the Fenians were lulled into deep and heavy slumbers. Cnu or Cno, also signifies a nut or kernel ; and one of the prettiest ballads ever written by the late Edward Wash, was entitled " Mo Chraoibhin Cno" (my cluster of nuts) commencing thus :_ " My lie-art is far from Liffey's tide. And Publin town ; It strays beyond the Southern side Of Cnoc Maul Donn : Where Ceapa Chuinn hath woodlands green, Where Ahhuin Mlior's waters flow ; Where dwells unsung, unsought, unseen, Mo riiraoihhin Cno. Low clustering in her leafy green. Mo Chraoibhin Cno." 6 O. T>&aI beA5 ^Artj-fA Aft prjiOTjT), X)\ TlAbATTJAfl AT)T) ACC Cli]3 f jTl b. "Cu5 f© OCC 5-CACA fAT) SpA|T) ceAf, a'j* AiTibTt]5 1,ocIa|T)T) aiti lAirb le||* ; if be acc bo b] at) borbAT) f A r)A c]Of, if e bA Ti]5 A||t ad T)-3|tei5 bis. « SleAnn Rac, Glen of the Ratht. Not traceable in the Four Masters, nor in the publications of the Irish Archaeological Society. 8 S|U|ri, the river Suir. This river has its source in Sliabh Ailduin, better known as Greim an Diabhail, (the Devil's Bit mountain), in the county of Tipperary. It takes a circuitous rout by Thurles, Holy- cross, Caher, Ardfinan, Clonmel, Carrick-on-Suir, and Waterford ; and, being joined by the rivers Nore and Barrow, An Fbeoifi asut an l^earibA (hence the appellation «' Sister Rivers"), at Cheek Point, six miles below Waterford, falls into the British Channel. Donnchadh Ruadh Mac Conmara, a Munster Poet of great celebrity, describes its waters thus, (see Poets and Poetry of Munster, p. 48) ; — ' ' Uirse t)A Slum© A5 bTiuccafe 'ha f I65A1&, Coir bAt)-cno|c G|TieAnn O15." While the waves of the Suir, noble river ! ever flow, Near tho fair Hills of Eire, O ! The poet Spenser, in his Faerie Queen, describes the scenery of these rivers (with which wc happen to be familiarly acquainted), thus. See Book IV., Canto XL, Verse XLIII. : — '• The first, tho gentlo Shurc, that making way By sweet Clonmell, adornea rich Waterforde ; The noxt, the stubborne Newro, whoso waters gray. By fair Kilkenny and Rosaoponte boord , 0. I have a little story respecting Fionn, We were but fifteen men ; We took the king of the Saxons, of the feasts, And we won a battle against the king of Greece. We conquered India, the great, Great was our strength and our might ; The country of Lochlin and eastern India, Their tribute of gold comes to the bouse of Fionn. He fought nine battles in Spain, And nine score battles in noble Erin ; There is no country from the river in which Christ was baptised, Whose tribute did not come to the house of Fionn. He fought eight battles in southern Spain, And Lochlin's chief king was his captive ; Full wholly the world was under tribute to him, 'T was he was king of Minor Greece. The third, the goodly Barow, which'doth hoord Great heapes 8f salmones in his deepe bosome; All which long sundred, doe at last accord To ioine in one, ere to the sea they come. So flowing all from one, all one at la9t become." Spenser must be in error when attributing the same source to these rivers; as the Barrow rises in Sliabh Bladhma in the Queen's County. But we must presume he followed Giraldus Cambrensis— he being the only writer on Irish history who fell into this mistake. See Haliday's Keating, p. 29, Dub. 1809. Cambrensis Eversus, Vol. I., p. 123. This river formed a fruitful theme for the Munster Poets of the last century ; and Eoghan Ruadh O'Suilliobhain, a native of Sliabh Luachra in Kerry, who died A.D. 1784, and is buried at Nohoval near Mill-street, wrote a very beautiful Jacobite ballad to the air of Caiseall Mumhan, in which he introduces it thus : — "?r)A|&ion briuccA le b-A]r t)A Sium© 'r n>e 50 cati^c-Us faoi)." Beside the Suir on a dewy morning I was feebly laid. and a street ballad, which is very popular in Munster, commencing thus : — " The very first day I left Carrick, Was the twenty-ninth day of last June." describes its scenery most graphically. 8 O. StJ^IPS &Arf)f° TT&ir * 5-cluicce 'ij* 3-ceol ; Alt) 8ot)A1) Cjtjoi) bAjcle A1) C-fluA|5, bAtt) if c^iuAj bo bejc bed ! Jf CflUAS, A Pb^C|tA]C, A1) f5&Al, me be^c cAjt §^ t)A b-peAji 50 p At)t) ; A3 ejfceAcc fie cIjaji 'f CI03, Y me Ati) feAt)6|fi bocc 6aII. A Tt7Al|tfeA& 7^01)1) A3Uf At) "pblAIJ, bo c|i6i3nv!7n C W *'t cl °i3; bo leAi)pA|T?ij At? jqAb po't) t)-3leAi)i), Y bA ri)|At) l|ott) b|te|c aji a cojf. jAflft, A PbACjtAjC, OeAtt) Afl blA, b"pb]ot)t) da b-"F|At)D 'f b& cU]t)t) ; beAtj 3uj8e aji At) b-flAjc, Y V*c 3-cuaIa8 a cotb-tt)Aic jieb' l^o- P. Nj |A|t|t|rAb-f a ijeAri? b'pbiotji), * F1T« SniW |»feV eiri13 tt)YeA r i5 ; Y 31171 b'e a tbjAi) fte t) At)T) bA §|f; i)] TT)A|jteAr)t) piotjr; r>A A cojt), V i?1 rbAijtjqb cufA, a 0]ni) p6]l. o. )x Tpo bo rs^i V]°w da nw» 'f T)A A b-CA|tJ13 |ie A|t l]TJt) |t]Arb ; a t)beACAi8, Y a b-pu]l bed, b'peA|t]t T^otjt) pAOj ojt t)A ]Ab. P. 3<* c ^T 1 bftoijijAif a'i* T^orjrj b'ojt, |f olc |tACA|* bo 'suf bu]c; CA f£ A T)-TP|teAT)t) a tjjeAll, rtjAri bo 5irj8eAb ye&W a'f bjtuib. O. )\ be^3 a c|teib|it)-fe bob 5I0JI, A f ]]t 6't) KojTT) t)A le^bAjt Tt)-b^T) J 30 rt)-be]c piotjr), At) ^Ia]C p|All, A5 beATT)AtJ t)A A3 b]AbAl A|jt lAjtTJ. 1 Cojo aIIca, i. e., wiW jr cl<\r>r>A 2t)6ftt)A Arq-5, r>6 cIat?t)a B*.o|fcr>e, i)A p|ji bA cjieAt) ; bO beAJtfrAbAOff 7~1 0T ?^ A ")AC, 1)6 bO bjA8 ATJ CeAC AC A 1f&]V- P. C1115 66|3e (b]\\e&vv, fro peAC, Y da feAcc 5-CACA bj fAp b-peir)!?; r>i c]ub|iAi&i]- }~|Ot)r) An)*c, 5&'fi TT»6fi a tjeAjtc A5uf a b-cjie]r>. O. ^A rtJA]|tpeA6 pAolAt) A5Uf 3°U> ^DiAjtr^ujb boi;i) A*f Ofcufi A^j, a b-c]5 bA t t curt) beArbAt) T)iv 43] a, T)] be|C T^otjt) i)A b-*piAi)i) aji lAfri). P. Y a fiAjb Ai)t) bo't) b-"pe|t;T} fijAri); T)] qubfiAib|f "pioijt) An)AC, Af At) ceAC 't)A b-pu|l A b-p|Al). O. CjieAb bo ftp ¥]°W ^MT 1 ^blA, acc be|c A5 |t|A|t cIjaji Af f5ol ; 5TteA]* rrjoft A5 bfior;r)A& At) 6] ft, Y 5|teA|* e|le fte njejbjfi a coi). p. 21 o^eAll fie njcfbf fi i;a 3-coi;, Y le ftiAft t)A f5ol 5AC aot) l^v ; Y 3 AT ? ^IT 10 A 13 e A H l ( t>bfA, ac<\ "Fioi^n ija K-) r |At)r) ajji lAjn). 1>J P. Fionn is in hell in bonds, The pleasant man who used to bestow gold ; In penalty of his disobedience to God, He is now in the house of pain in sorrow. 0. Were the Clanna Morna within, Or the Clanna Baoisgne, the mighty men ; They would take Fionn out, Or would have the house to themselves. P. The five provinces of Eirin severally, And the seven battalions which tb.e Fenians had ; They could not deliver Fionn, Tho' great might be their prowess and strength. 0. If Faolan and Goll lived, Diarmuid the brown-haired and Oscar the noble ; In any house that demon or God ever formed, Fionn of the Fenians could not be in bondage. P. If Faolan and Goll lived, And all the Fenians that ever were ; They would not bring Fionn out, From the house where he is in pain. 0. What did Fionn do to God, Except to attend on hosts and schools; 1 A great while bestowing gold, And another while delighting in his hounds. P. Because of the amusement of the hounds, And for attending the schools each day ; And because he took no heed of God, Fionn of the Fenians is in bonds. 1 That is to say, bardic schools. 14 O. 21 be|Jl CUfA, A Pb&CftA]C 1)A riAt)t), t)AC b-C|ubflA6 At) "pbl^r)t) T^Ot)!) AtTJAC J tja cii]3 co^e 6|neAt)t) led, 36'ti rbojt a rjeAftc frAoj peAC. "Ca f^&Al beA5 A3AtT)-f A Aft ^blODt), t)j TlAbAIT)A|t AT)t) ACC CUJ5 f ]ri bfcA5 J bo 5AbAtt)Aji |tis BtieACA]T) tjA b-pleA6, le T?eAjtc Aft fleA5 'suf aji Iaoc. 3 ttj-bfieAC ; cAT)3Att)A|t 3A0 b|toi?, 3*t) rs1°r» 'f bO CU|fteA1T)A|l Aft 3~C]Of A b-pAb. 21 Pb&CflAfC, ff C|IUA3 At) ]*5&aI, At) Ki3-f6]t)t)i& beft; pAOi sUr ; Cftojbe 5AIJ A]r>5]&eACC, 5At) puAc, CftOf8e CflUAf6 A5 COJ*t)AttJ CAC. )X feA3C01|l t)Aft rbAfc le tojA, 6ft A'f b|A8 bo CAbAjjtc bo rjeAc; trjojt bjulcAjb f]Ot)t) CfteAt) t)A rfiuA3, IFfteArw fmAfi rrjA'r e a cettoti) beans, literally the red ridge. In the OLs&tt&tT) i)A SeAtjojnis, a very curious tract containing a complete history of the T]&vi}& G]\\]oijr), it is stated that rj^oti) beans was the ancient name of Drumcliff, a small village in the barony of Carbury, and county of Sligo, remarkable for the remains of an ancient Round Tower, frftotij beAns was a ' 80 tne an " cient name of t)ui) ba. loAcsUr, now Downpatrick, where a great battle was fought, A.D. 1260, between Brian O'Neill and Hugh mac Felim [O'Conor], and the Galls of the North of Ireland, in which many of the Irish chiefs were slain ; which event formed the subject of a long poem 15 0. Thou say est, Patrick of the psalms, That the Fenians could not take Fionn out ; Nor the five provinces of Erin with them, Tho' great might be their individual strength. I have a little story respecting Fionn, We were but fifteen men in number ; We took the king of Britain, of the feasts, By the might of our spears and of our heroes. Magnus the Great was taken by us, [ships ; The son of the king of Lochlin of the speckled We returned without grief or weariness, And extended our tribute afar. Patrick, woful is the tale, That the Fenian king should be in bonds ; A heart devoid of spite or hatred, A heart stern in maintaining battles. It is not just that God should not feel pleased, At bestowing gold and food on one ; Fionn never refused mighty or wretched, Even though cold hell be his doom. 'Twas the desire of the son of Cumhall of noble mien, To listen to the sound of Dromderg ; To sleep at the stream of Eas Ruaidh, And to chase the deer of Gal way of the bays. for the pen of Gilla Brighde Mac Conmidhe, chief poet of Ulster at the time, published in the Miscellany of the Celtic Society, p. 146. Fionn had a son named Dearg, whose adventures formed a theme for poetic romance, and from whom the place may derive its name. 3 ear Ruai6, or Eas Aedha Ruaidh, Assaroe, the Salmon Leap, a cata- ract on the river Erne, at the town of Ballyshannon in Tir Chonaill (Tyrconnell), i.e., the country of Conall, which was nearly co-extensive with the present county of Donegal, and takes its name from Conall Gulban, the son of Niall of the Nine Hostages. — Book of Rights, p. 34, note p. See also Oss. Soc. Trans , Vol. III., p. 115, note 8. 10 O. SsAlcAfinAc loin l.&jcpeAc Iaoj, coi;t) Hu^fiAi&e 1 A3 buA]i) pe c|ta]j j bojtbAT) at) bA|iT) 6 TT7A15 2t)bAOirj, 2 bu|tjte at; Iaoj3 6 5bleAt)T) &A niAi,!.. 3 F03AT1 r e l l 3 e r^1^ e 3-CTtoc,* piiAjrrj tia r>-op u]rt) fl]Ab 5-CuA ; 6 Tt70t)5A1|t fAOjleATIt) Jojiriuif 6 caII, 5A]|t TIA TTI-bA&b Of CIOTTT) AT) C-fluAJ. CuriT)Arb crteAc t?a TTj-bAjtc fie cotjt), AT)-UA]U COT)A]]tC bO tobflUITTT-l]]* ) 7 bfllACflA Bb^AIT) A 5"CtTOC ATT A]Tt, 8 V 3^11* ^ A |*T*eAb uirri fljAb 2t)it*. 9 51ao6 0fcui|t A5 bul bo feil.5, 50CA 5a8aji A|t Le|]t5 t>a b-'phjATiT) ; 10 bejc t)a fuibe a TTieAT/3 tja Ti-bATfj, bA \)-& fin bo 51) Ac a rbjATi. 2t)]AT1 bO TT1]AT)A|b OfCU||X -pfe-jl, be]c A3 ejpceAcc jte h'e]ixy f5lAC ; bejc a 3-CAc A3 co|*3A|t ctiatt), bA \)-h X \V &0 3T)AC A TT7|ATT. 1 Cotjt) Ru5TiAi6e, the wave of Rughraidhe ; a loud surge on Traigh Rudhraidhe, in the Bay of Dundrum in the county of Down, which drowned Rudhraidhe, the son of Partholan Four Masters, p. 1189. s 2n&5 2T)aoitj, the plain of Maori, otherwise called Maonmhagh, a ce- lebrated plain lying around Loughrea, in the county of Galway, the inheritance of the Clanna Moirne. 3 5leAt)0 && njajl, Glen of the two heroes. 4 Sl)*b 5-Ctxoc, Sliabh g-Crot. Now Mount Grud, in the townland of Mount Uniack, parish of Killarory, barony of Clanwilliam, and county of Tipperary. The fort and castle of Dun-g-Crot are situated at the foot of this mountain, in the Glen of Aherlow [near Bansha] . — Four Masters, Ed. J. O'D., A.D. 1058, note y. • S'lAb Cua, Sliabh Cua. Now the parish of Seasgnan in the county of Waterford, situated about midway on the road from Clonmel to Dun- garvan ; and chiefly inhabited by the middle class of farmers, many of whom have amassed considerable wealth by agricultural pursuits. 17 0. The warbling of the blackbird of Letter Lee, The wave of Rughraidhe lashing the shore ; The bellowing of the ox of Magh-maoin, And the lowing of the calf of Gleann-da-mhail. The resounding of the chase of Sliabh g-Crot, The noise of the fawns round Sliabh Cua ; The seagulls' scream on Iorrus yonder, Or the screech of the ravens over the battle-field. The tossing of the hulls of the barks by the wave, The yell of the hounds at Drumlish ; The cry of Bran at Cnoc-an-air, Or the murmur of the streams about Sliabh Mis. The call of Oscur going .to the chase, The cries of the hounds at Leirg-na bh-Fiann ; To be sitting amongst the bards, That was his desire constantly. A desire of the desires of the generous Oscur, Was to listen to the clashing of shields ; To be in battle hacking bones, That was his desire constantly. Mr. James O'Keeffe, of Mountain Castle in the adjoining parish, Modeligo, holds considerable landed property in this parish. One of the five pre- rogatives of the King of Cashel was to pass over Sliabh g-Cua with [a band of] fifty, after pacifying the south of Eire. — Booh of Rights, p. 5. « lonriur, Erris. An extensive and wild barony in the north-west of the county of Mayo — Four Masters. i tJnujnj-lir- Now Drumlease f an old church in ruins, near the east extremity of Lough Gill, in the barony of Dromahaire, and county of Leitrim — Four Masters, Ed. J. O'D., A.D. 1360, note i. 8 Cqoe-An-kin, the Hill of Slaughter. A romantic hill in the county of Kerry, situated near Ballybunian, at which there was a great battle fought by the Fenians in the second century. 9 Sl]Ab STJir. Now Slieve mish, a mountain in the barony of Trough- anackmy, in the county of Kerry. There is also another mountain of the same name in the barony of Lower Antrim in the county of Antrim. — Booh of Rights, p. 23, note x. 2 IS O. Se tqjt b&A5 bo cuAbrnAjt piAft, bo fe]\$ 50 "pojtrr)AOi,l t)A b-"p|Ai)i) ;' lA|ri) jte l)-eAbAT) ct)0|C at) ScajI, b'fr&ACA|T) ceAb iiaca Aji 5-co|leAtj. 2li)mAT)r)A At) bA occaiji. 3|tyr>t7, bo beAnAb bu|c a 'CbAihjiijrj; bejc bA r)-bet.f* i,f tftuAJ At) cujf, ttjot)ua|i if rtjeAlA At) |ort)cujf*. 2t)e fret.!) 'r At) pUic T^jow, a']* mo rt)AC Of*cu|t t)A tt)-beirt)eAt)t); *X *t) ce bo buA^i) O BAOi,r5t)e At; bnujb, At) peA]t bub O t)u|bt)e, *D]*|injtt]b. "Ca]T)|3 l|t)T) "pAolAl) peAtibA, a'|* cTti,utt rt)AC 2lot)ceAnnbA B&AnnA; 5lAr, Af 5e^nT t » A 'r 5o^a dau jadd, bo cleACc rt)6n-eACC a 5-corf)lAt)t). ■Ca]T)15 l|t)ij Con&t) 5 At) tt)oi,t)3, 2 a't; CaoI ceAb^oirteAC o't) G>Att)u|t)t) ; rt)AC LuJAjb t)A|t bAt)bA, Ay i)An ca|| # , a'i* "Soil tt)AC 2t)6|it)A bo't) pufjtirjt). 10 lento-TJA-b-^iAijTj, an eminence or slope on the side of some hill in Leinster, but not identified, where the Fenian hunters were wont to muster preparatory to starting for the chase. 1 FortnjAOjl da b V]At) Formaoil of the Fenians. There is a place called Formoyle in the barony of Upper Ossory, in the Queen's County, the estates of William Palliser and Jonah Barrington, Esqrs., also of Mrs. Judith Wheeler, as heirs at law, and Oliver Wheeler, Esq. of Grenane, of which we have a large map on vellum, made in July, !?48, by Thomas 1 ling. From its contiguity to the Hill of Almhuin in Kildare, where Fionn had bis palace, it is likely to be the Formaoil referred to in the text ; but there is another £oTtn)AO|l at Drandon bay in the county of Kerry, to the north of Crjoc at) ScaiI; and in Professor Connellan's Dissertation on Irish Grammar (Dub. 1834), p. 50, mention is made of .1 1 lane near Cill Easbuig liroin in the county of Sligo, called ^onnjAoil ija t-FiATjn, by the Irish-speaking people of the district, who allege that the Formaoils were the hospitals of the Fenians. 19 0. We went westwards sixteen men in number, To hunt at Formaoil of the Fenians ; Nigh the face of Cnoc an Scail, To see the first running of our hounds. The names of the two mirthful eights I shall relate, Tailgin ; To live after them is a sad fate, Woe and sorrow are my lot. Myself, and Fionn , the chief, And my son Oscur of the blows ; And he who delivered O'Baoisgne from bondage, The black-haired O'Duibhne Diarmuid. There came with us Faolan the manly, And the three sons of Aonchearda Bearra ; Glas, and Gearr, and Gobha the generous, Who were accustomed to great feats in battle. There came with us Conan without hair, And Caol, the hundred-wounder, from Eamhuin ; Mac Lughaidh who was neither effeminate nor weak. And Goll Mac Morna was of the band. * Cotj&n 5*1) ii)oit)5, i.e., Conan without hair. This is the celebrated Conan Maol so often referred to in these poems, and of whom there are many ludicrous stories told. He was called Maol from the loss of his hair, being bald-pated ; but the term Maol also signifies a person of low stature, or the humblest menial in any employment. Donnchadh Ruadh Mac Conmara, a Munster poet of the last century, in his Eachtra Ghiolla an Amallain, applies the term thus :— " Njojt coj^t bAtt) reAlAb bejc cah)aI n)At\ ri)Aol beA5, A5 n°rt)Att, »)6 as 5^afa6, i)6 A5 cA|tcA& t)A c\\b reAl." It was not right for me to be for a while like little Maol, Digging, or hoeing, or tossing the clay. There are various families in Ireland who derive their patronymic from this term, viz. Maolruanaidh, Maolbrighde, Maolmhichil, Maoldamh- naidh, Maoilsheachlainn, Maolmhuire, &c. 20 O. too h] 't)A|i ir»-bu]8|r) l,|A3Ai) luA|rni)CAC, TT)A|t AOt) A.'f toAjfte buATJAC J 3obA 3AO^ce a'j* CorjcADAfi At) A13, A'f CAO|lce C|tAt)r)CA]|t H?AC RorjAlt). 1 too b| BflAT;) A1|t CO]t)&]U A3 plOtJT), A V IT ^ArrjfA bo h) Ss^oIai); peAftAI} A3 to|AflTTUMb T)A TT)-bAT}, 2 a']* 218t)ua|U AgrpAfi A3 Ofxuft. 6]le b]teAC A3 "pAolar) rrjAC T^blDt?* A3 3^r rt ^ ceA|t]tbA BeAjtjtA, 6ic]ll ; A3 5 e ^T l f t > A V A 3 3°bA t)a 15-eAc t^Iai), bo b] "peAb A3111* "poj*cA]3. too b| SeAjtc A3 Cor)AT) rr;Aol, a'|" G|j*ceAcc A3 CaoI |te ija cAob ; A3 tu3A]8 lAjbjfl 'f A3 3^1U bo b] "puA]!!) A3UI* 'pocftArrj. too bj LiiAf A3 LiA5<\r) luAirnoeAC, A'f toACCAOJIJ A3 toA||te bllA1)AC ; t&inj A3 5°bA 3AOjce ai? 5tMt>r>, a'|* toAol A3 CAOjlce rt}AC Koi;A]t). S3AO]lccA|i bu]i)t) 3a8aiji w]c 2t)bo|it)A, ^a imeAllA]b cvjoc tja b-eAjijqb; £A C]urbA|*Aib cojipo|ibA Cbo|tA|r>r), 3 a'j* beAl r)A lorbAi) 4 jte pArjAjb. 2lf r-ub j-ojft 50 bejtjt) BocAifi/ l]i)t) bA ceolrbAfi A|i i)-a8a[ica ; pi ft tobAffte a 3-C01II 50 3uic-b]iw, A'f* ]Ab A5 Op)AbA]l A||l cAjocjb. 1 2f)ae Koij^io, Mac Ronain. The chief occupation of Mac Ronain in the Fenian ranks was to draw lots whenever any spoil was to be divided ; hence the epithet Crannchair, of the lot. 2 t3|ATtn)U|& tja n)-bATj. This is Diarmuid O'Duibhne, the subject of our 21 0. There was in our company Liagan the nimble, Together with Daire of the duans ; Gobha Gaoithe and Connor the valiant, And he of the lots, Cailte Mac Ronan. Fionn held Bran in a blip, And 'twas I that held Sgeolann ; Diarmuid of the women held Fearan, And Oscur held the lucky Adhnuaill. Faolan, the son of Fionn, held the speckled File, And Glas, the son of AonchearrdaBearra, held Eitill; 'Twas Gearr and Gobha of the pure steeds, Who held Fead and Fostuigh. Conan the bald held Searc, And Caol at his side held Eisteacht ; Lughaidh the mighty, and Goll, Held Fuaim and Fothram. Liagan, the nimble, held Luadhas, And Daire of the duans held Dathchaoin ; Gubha Gaoithe, the merry, held Leim, And Caoilte Mac Ronan held Daol. We let loose the hounds of Mac Morna, Throughout the borders of hills in numbers ; Round the borders of Corann of the rocks, While the fawns led down hill. Thence eastwards to the peak of Bothar, Most musical were our horns ; The sweet-voiced men of Daire in the wood, While shouting at the herds. third volume, who is said to have had a ball seirce, or beauty spot on his left breast, which caused any woman who saw it to fall in love with him. 3 Con AH) feAt)6]|i 50 b-AcujnfeAC ; Sat) n&irt), 5At) capa, 5AT) CTteont, A5 cniAll curt) Aipninn 50 b-Alc6|n. "5aT) Aflb-piAbAC I.UACA1TI c t)l)eA5A, 4 5at) ttj^oIca fleibe Client) ; 5 5At) bul a i)-5l]Aibib le "p|oi)t), 5At) niAn f5ol tt)ati cleAccAit)t). 3at) beAbcA, 5AT) be-Ai)Art) cneAC, 5AT) ]rt)iric ATI cleAfAjb Uqc; 3AD bul as r^msi 6 v* r e i l 3» bA c&jTtb i)A |tA]b rt)0 6ujl. P. §511111 a feAi)6|Tt, I&15 bob bAOTf-, t)j beAj biijc j:eAT*cA a T)-beA]i|it)AO|t* ; T*n)UA]l) ATI 1)A p]AT)CA]b ACA TieOrt)Ab, b'TTT)C15 Al) "pl)|At)t) A5Uf IrtTCeOCAJTt. O. 2t)A 1rt)C|5|rt), A PI)ACTtAlC, T)ATl f*A5CATl CUfA, a pifi at) cjto|be co||trt)iT-3ce ; 6 bA TT)A1TTT:eA8 Cot)A1) Art) bA|l, T)j l6]5|:]&e leAc bo c|atit*ai). 1 K|i)rj-tt<\CAC, a promontary, probably, in Ibh Rathach, (Ivcragh) county of Kerry. Perhaps Bolus bead on Uallinaskcllig bay. 2 Focaoi, not identified. » FotwjaoiI, see p. 18, note 7. « Iuacaiu t^heAJjA, now Sliabh Luachra, sometimes called Ciarruidhe Luachra, from Ci'ar, one of the ancient kings of Munstcr, a long range 23 0. Seven score of strong wild oxen, From Rinn-rathach to Fochaoi ; Fifty wolves and fifty huge wild boars Were the spoils of our young hounds at Fonnaoil. This was the first day on which were let loose A portion of our noble hounds in the chase ; And there lives not of those who were present, Alas! Patrick, but I. Patrick, I am to be pitied, Being a broken-hearted old man ; Without sway, without agility, without vigor, Going to mass at the altar. Without the great chase of Luachair Dheaghaidh, Without the hares of Sliabh Cuilinn ; AYithout going into fights with Fionn, Without attending schools as was my custom. Without conflicts, without taking of preys, Without exercising in feats ; Without going to woo or to the chase, Two amusements which I dearly loved. P. Cease, old man, let be thy folly, [done : Enough for thee henceforth what thou hast already Reflect on the pains that are before you, The Fenians are departed and thou shalt depart. 0. If I depart, Patrick, mayest thou not be left, man of the ascetic heart ; Were Conan now alive, Thy growling would not be long permitted thee. of mountain which extends from the harbour of Tralee in Kerry, to the mouth of the Shannon. 6 SllAb Cuiljqt), now Sliabh Guillinn in the county of Armagh. 6 Co|riiT)ir5ce, i.e.. ascetic, literally of the forbidding heart, because th» saint forbade him to enjoy many of his pleasures. 24 O. e a'|* a D-5I1A6 ; cA|i)|c An coIahh 3A1; ceAnn 1 6113 Ajnn 30 3le*nn 8a 8Ari).- )y cu5Ab a cAo3A|* orn ccac pejn, II* bjieATjcA bAC A5u|* 5nAO| ; as iA|t]iA|b A|r3e A]|i ah b-pbemn, If pe|bj|t leo |«| ij a 5&|ll. c Do 3eAbAi|t A||i3|ob, b\\, a 'p bruise ; b|ob x\V A3Ab A||t bo cuAifib; imc|5 Anoif, bo rtAjb "p|onn, If miqb l]nn cu bul uA|on. N| 5&AbAb A||t3)ob cu5An) n& Oft, a |ii3-^nni8 An sloiji 6]\; acc cufA pe|n, 3An ce|lc Aft at) b-pejon, bo bejc A3Attj tnAft c&jle p||t. Jf bflJACAfl bAtnfA, bo jtAjb An |t|3, bA rn-be|b|nn-n 3, the glen of the two oxen. The Four Masters give no account of this loca'.iy ; but at A.D. 945, there is a Gleann Damhain mentioned situate near Diir Jnis (the isle of oaks), or Molana, an island 20 O. 2it) uAjfi bo frDuAirjeAf A 1T* n? 1*05, CU^Uf At) C-fU|TT? fit) A 5-C6]U; bo lu|5]Of le a 5-cofA]t&, TT)An bob' 1 Tt^O fAT,C bO TT)T)AO|. 2I5 ceACc bo't) pb&IW curt) bA]le, T)A b-CTtTuin, t)a 5-ceACfiA]rt, t)a 5-cii|5|n ; A5 jreACAit) i)A n^rjix bob' A|lt;e, r>ioft curt)A leo ce'n cu^e. 2I5 ceACc bo't) coIatt)t) 5at) ccat)!), bo b] fub 'f at) r>-5leArn) bAjt b-ceACC ; If t.Oit)8a bftAO] bo bj f a clu, be]c 5-ceAb cu a't* be|6 5-ceAb eAC. -b] o\i, be|c 5-ceAb clo]beAtri c6|n a'p f*5]Ac; bA rt)A& rbAO|8ce 8attit; a, be^c 5-ceAb bo, cu5Af bort) ceile ai) aoi;Io i,Ab. At) flUAb 1 T)A f5|AC*U) TllAbAC, V pat) be^5 e]le' 1 f-uAf t)A beAl ; A5 5, reddish bird. The cuckoo is the bird referred to here, as hovering over them in the air. * Cat) beA5 eile, another little bird. Thi9 is the njAr.65 or hedge-sparrow, which pursues the cuckoo in its flight, and is believed to make various attempts to get into its beak when singing. 3 loc o* b-CTM 5-CAOl, the lake of the three Caoh, This is the name of a small lough near Kells in the county of Meath. * trifle At) CbAJn'J, Derrycarn. Now Derrjcarn in the count}' of Meath. 0. The reddish bird of the grey wings And another small bird in its beak, [ Were] soaring around over our heads, Singing their songs in the air. Fionn and I together were Gazing at the birds for a while ; [flown, Without knowing or learning where the bird had Or tidings whither the woman had gone. P. That is nought, noble son of Fionn, Thy possession of her was but for awhile ; Better to remain as thou art, Than to be again among them. 0. son of Calphurn of the bland speech, Woe to him that confides in clerics or bells ; I and Caoilte, my friend, And we were for a time and did not want. The music to which Fionn slept readily, Was [the cackling of] the ducks from the lake of the three Gaols ; The singing of the blackbird of Derrycarn, And the bellowing of the ox of Gleann-na-g-Caor. The two ducks of Lough Erne, The two otters from Lough Meilghe ; The two hares of yon brake, And the two hawks of Sliabh g-Conaill. * 3leAT)t) ija 5-Caon, the glen of the berries. Not mentioned by the Four Masters; but there is a Gleannna g-Caor in the county of Cork. 6 Loc CiTtije. Now Lough Erne in the county of Fermanagh. Duald M'Firbi9 and the Leabhar Gabhala agree as to the eruption of this lake. See Four Masters, A.M. 3751. i t>obAtico]tj, the otter. A remarkable instance of the voracious propen- sities of this animal occurred lately at the glen of Aherlow near Bansha in the county of Tipperary. A farmer, named Dwyer, found the throats 30 O. pe<\& At) fqolAift 6 lj}) r>A rr)-buA8/ r>6 6 fSAjpc cjtuAi8 iDbfiuim le ffiu|c; 2 CeAJlCA £riAO|C 6 CbftUACAr) Cb|tUJTf), 3 r»6 peAb 8obArico|r> t DbT t "|") H& Cojri. S5Ac lo|t) 'Dbojrie A t> CA|rtt)/ r>j cuaIa& rtjArb, bAft 50 &e|Tb|t), ceol bA bjrwe l]orr> tja e, acc 50 n)-be]8|i)i) pA bur> a r)ej&. of several of his sheep cut after the night, and, determining to watch the thief, took his gun and concealed himself near the flock; when about midnight he observed something in the shape of a large dog attacking the sheep, at which he took deliberate aim and killed him on tfie spot. On approaching the animal, to his utter surprise it turned out to be a monstrous otter, upwards of four feet long ; and although the river Suir, from which it crawled upwards of half a mile by a narrow stream, abounds with salmon and other fish at this season, (June, 1858), yet his propensities for animal food was such that he preferred it to fish, no matter how tender or delicious it tasted. 8 loc Zt}e]\^e, the lake of Meilghe. The Four Masters record, under date A.M. 4694, that Meilghe Molbhthach, son of Cobhthach Caol Breagh, after having been seventeen years in the sovereignty of Ireland, fell in the battle of Claire, by Modhchorb. When his grave was digging, Loch Meilghe burst forth over the land in Cairbre, so that it was named after him. It is situated on the confines of the counties of Fermanagh, Leitrim, and Donegal. See Four Masters, A.M. 4694, note h. 9 2t)u|i)e call. This must be some adjacent plain or green. '0 SljAb 5-Cot)a]U, the mountain or hill of Conall. Called after Conall Gulban, who was nursed at the Beinn or peak of Gulban, where the hardiest hawks in Ireland were found in the latter end of the fifteenth century. I SIsatjt) t)A ti)-buAb, the glen of victories or conquests. Not men- tioned by the Four Masters. » Grtujn; fie rnujc, the ridge by the stream. Unknown. s .CfiUAceAT)6lft, bAfl lion), bo 5eAbA||t t)ao] b-pic6]b bAift5i») A|tA|t); 30T)A t)-Ai;r>lAT) jqotjA a'|* peolA, If olc A r)-AbA]Jt cu, A feAI)0||t. Society of Dublin (1880), now a rare book, the following beautiful poem will be found at page 194, addressed to one of these birds which fre- quented Derrycarn wood in the county of Meath ; and which is accom- panied by a spirited translation from the pen of Mr. William Leahy : " t>lW TT), a loin OAme At) CtjAinn ! •Hj cuaIat;, at) An* 'r At) tn-bic, Ceol bub binne t)A bo 5UC, ittcAr cu FA bur) bo t)|o. aeo ceol ir bintje fA't) tt)-bic, 2T)Aitt5 t)Ac feir» et)t) nir 5° F6|l, 21 ri)ic ilttpluiT) t)A cclocc n)-b|t)t), 'S 50 nj-bencA A|Mr An bo t)0|t). 215ac. tpAtt ca A5ATP rem. OA tt)-beic be|ri)]t) rs^l 1 AI > eo]n, t>o bencA benA 50 bjAt), 'S »)j biA6 c'Aine Ain ©|A 50 poll. 21 ccnic loclAt), tja rneb 50Ttn), fuAin 2T)ac CubA|l, t)A cconr) t)ben5' 2lt) c-ei) bo ejej Anor, tl5 tin a rsel bujc 5° fte T* B . t5om6 At) CATtlT) At) COlll lib ClAfl, XT)au a t)-bei!)bir at) T=l)|Af) t;or ; 2lti Aille TAtt cAejtbe a cnAnn, 'S eb bo cume«6 atjt) ai) Ion. SsolsAine lojn bojne At) CrjAitiT), burette at) bAjrt) FhAjll t)A ccAen, Ceol le ccoblAb PlPi) 50 tpoc, Iacajt) 6 loc ca ccttj ccAel. Ce|tCA pnAejc urt) CbnuACAir) cujon, PebSAil bobno|i) ti|iujn? bA loc ; 5oca rjlAjn 5I10 t)A FpUAC, loi)50|ne cuac ctjurc t)a rcoc. 3oca 5AbAti 5leT)T)A CAeir), Ir s^in FbilAm cAejc t)a reis ; C.A|fltt) T)A CCOT) A5 CttlAl 50 TT)OC, SlrxeAC 6 CTIA15 tja ecloc T)-ben5. 2lt) cttAic bo tt)Ain Viw 'r at) FbiAt), t>ob AporA leo r'jAb t)A cjll, Pa b]T)r) leorAt) purple lor), Soca pa CCI05 leo T)jft btT)." Translation. Hail tuneful bard of sable wing, Thou warbler sweet of Carna's grovel Not lays more charming will I hear Tho' round th' expansive earth I rove. 33 0. Alas ! that I ever received baptism, It affects my honor, I perceive ; In being without food and drink, Whilst fasting and praying. P. Not so, old man, I am sure, Thou shalt get nine score cakes of bread ; With thy fill of wine and meat, Evil thou speakest, old m3ii. No melody's more soft than thine, While perch'd thy mossy nest beneath ; How sad to miss thy soothing song ! When harmony divine you breathe. O son of Alphron, cease thy bells, Cease thy hollow-sounding strain ; To Carna's grove thine ear incline, — Thou wilt o'ertake thy psalms again. didst thou hear its mournful tale ! Didst thou, as I, its story know ! Thou wouldst forget thy God awhile, And down thy cheeks would torrents flow. Found was the bird on Lochlin's plains, (Where purling flows the azure stream) By Comhal's son, for goblets famed, Which bright with golden splendor beam. You lofty wood is Carna's grove, Which bends to west its awful shade, Where pleased with Nature's wild display, The Fians— noble race ! dclay'd. In that retir'd and dusky wood, The bird of sable wing was lay'd ; Where the majestic oak extends, llis stately boughs in leafy shade- The sable bird's harmonious note, The lowing hind of Cora'9 steep, Were wont, at morning's early dawn, To lull the mighty Fionn asleep. 3 34 O. 2ii> b&Al fo A3 j:|iiocaI leAC, t)i\\\ ubACCAji 'e |te fAS^c ; 50 rV^eAftji \\oxx) bjtu|*5A|t q-jje "Fbirjrn tja rr;o cujb bo'r) corf)fto|t)t). P. -b|to|c-c|teifc>iri7. O. , M|0|i bA \)-'e x]t) bujwe fj^tj, acc A|i 1]ot)a6 b'^or) a't b'^eoil ; COfAC CeiJtC a']* COCftATT) jrleAb, beocA rtjjlpe, a'j* cac bA r>-6l. )j* qt&6 liorr> iAitrnuib ajuj* 5°U> A5Uf pe^uf bA h]yr) ^\6\\; At) ua^ji i)AC lejjceAji bujrjr) a Iua&, A Pb^CflAIC 1? UA 1&> CA]T)|5 6't) K6|Tt7' p. Ba ceAb \]VV cu bA luA rn-bAb ASArnfA bjA8 Ajcne An ^bl^-, aY 50 Tn-b]Ab n?o cu born' n&jn ; bo pAi,nceocAinn 6 born cojn, 318 b'e bo beAnAS b|Ab 8A?n fe]i). P. tNA b-AbAjn f|n a feAnojn, A'f cu a n-berne b-aoipe ; D1 cocjiAm, 3AT) bneA3, An bnere, bo bejuin An rno nig-p- O. ] it, bo bj Ajt FbjAnnAjb 6||ioAi;n; t)A cjgeAnnA An c|iAbAj8, A5ut; cut-a tr&in, a Cblfcinig. P. 21 Ofnt; nA t>36An Unn, cAnAf i;a bnjACjtA bujlo; bob' trcAnu |jteAniJ ujle. O. o|8 CAitnt/e Anoji- 3AU plAiceAf, A*f me |aji 3-CAicjori7 tVaoitv; A PbAcfiAjc, uA CAbAiji A 1^ir» bo njAjcib cUnnA Baojt/cho. 37 0. Patrick, tell rne in confidence, As it is thou that hast the best knowledge; Will my dog or my hound be let in With me, to the court of the king of grace. P. 0, old man, who art silly, And of whom J can get no good ; Thy dog or thy hound will not be let in With thee, to the court of the king of justice. m 0. If it were I that were acquainted with God, And that my hound were at hand : I would reconcile him with my hound, Whoever gave food to myself. P. Say not so, old man, And thou at the end of thy life ; Unjust, without doubt, is the sentence, Which thou passest upon my king. 0. Better were any one mighty hero only, Who was in the ranks of the Fians of Eire, Than the Lord of piety, And thou thyself, Cleric. P. Oisin of the sharp blades, That speakest words of madness ; God is better for one day, Than all the Fians of Eire. q. Though I am now deprived of lordship, And am at the close of my life ; Patrick, do not cast reproach, Upon the nobles of the Clan la Baoisgne. 38 O. i3 bo nAe, A Y 3 AD n ? AC ^^ ^P &0 f or >* 21ca cu Anf A|8, ^oi]tbce, 1|ac, b'in)C]5 bo 6|aU aY bo 5neAt)t) ; le|5 bjoc Ai) corbftAb b]Ai), a'|* b^A]8 bo leAbA8 a b-plA|ceAf caII. O. p. 21ca CU bolAfAC JAI) c^aII, If TDeAfA bu|c n^ 0^ kqc bA U J bA b-rnijijceA bo riA&Artc AfCjj, bA rijori bo c|Ot) Afi flAiceAr- caII. O, Art bqijt) cijoic A5 CA|tnAii)5 Iaiji) j 1 b'A]rbbeoit) leAb ceAijt; ; bob' feAftjt liorr) a tj-A^ce AjArr?, T)A At) cjiup 1*0 i;a rt)-bACAl 3-CArrj. 1 Iauo, a blade, sometimes means the head of a lance or spear. In some copies of the poem the word beAijtj, is incorrectly substituted for Uut>, by illiterate scribes. 41 0. The Fenian chief and myself Were in quest of a boar, in a glen, 'Twas worse to me that I saw not the deer, Than if thy clerics lost their heads. P. Thou art piteous and devoid of sense, That is worse for thee than being blind ; If thou didst get thy sight within, Great would be thy attachment to heaven beyond. 0. I would take more delight in the bound of the buck, Or in looking at badgers between two glens ; Than in all that thy mouth promiseth to me, And all the joys I would get in heaven beyond. P. Thy hope is silly and fruitless, Thy joyousness and mirth are gone ; If thou this night rcceivest not my counsel, It shall not be granted to thee to be here or there. 0. Were I and the Fenians this day On the summit of a hill drawing swords ; Despite of books, clerics and bells, We would have our choice of being here or there. P. They were but like the smoke of a wisp, Or like a rivulet coming from a glen ; Or like a whirlwind, on the peak of a hill, Each clan of you that ever lived. 0. I was at Bearrna-an-da-Ghoill, By the clans of the stout arms ; I would prefer their face again, To this troop of the crooked croziers. 2 U bur Q& call, on '^' s «'is 3bo|ll, i.e., the gap of the two Gollt. Not identified. 42 P. jf n)A]c aca a £iof* A5^n^ ca b-pu]l Aft l]C a'|* COft t)A ceAt)t) ; a'|* 3AT) luce T;e|nc A5 ceAcc bA CAbt) ; x)\ clu|i)|n7 pe]t) peAb At) lojtj, 1 bneAC Afi f nuc 2 r)& cone a r^leAtjn. P. Ma rneAllcAn cu a 3-cotr>Ainle at? cojnp, fl* rnAjc led f|u ce^cc Ab ceAnn; ftAfC T?A CObA TT70|]te A|l At) 5"CU|b TT)-b]3, 6 t}AC nj-beATjouisceAn f<\b Abuf* r)A c] bi<\brr)AO|r 3AT) jreolrbAC Anocc, Ajt con)A]nle CI05 i)A feAcc Tt)-beAi)t). P 21 Oifjt), 6 b']n7C)5 bo cjaII, 3IAC t)A bnjACftA |*o le 3neAr)t) ; !r beirblT) Morn 30 b-cn6j5nn An Fbl*VO, * T 3° T)3&AbA]n le iA nA neAni;. 1 peAb At) lojt). The whistle or song of the blackbird. * DfteAC An fnuc, a trout in the stream. Aquatic sports formed another of the Fenian amusements, and perhaps Oisin himself was the Izaak Walton of his day. Rowing boats (regattas ?) was another custom to which they were much addicted ; for at page 49, Vol . I. of the Society's Transactions, in a poem of six stanzas copied from the Book of Leinster, a manuscript of the twelfth century, now deposited in Trinity College Library, we find the following passage ; — 43 P. Well am I aware, [in his head, Where he is [stretched] on a flag-stone and a twist Scourges assailing him with poison. And no mighty clans coming to his aid, 0. Not sweet to me [is] thy voice without cheer, Tho' thou art clever at thy verses ; 1 hear not the blackbird's song, A trout in the rivulet, or a boar in the glen. P. Be not deceived by the counsel of the flesh, They shall be glad to dwell with thee ; The happiness of the great be on the few, As they are not blessed here or there. 0. Were Scolb Sgeine with me, Or the wise Oscur of battles fierce ; We should not be without flesh this night, At the command of the bells of the seven tolls. P. Oisin, as thy understanding is gone, Accept these tidings with joy ; I verily believe thou wilt forsake the Fians, And that thou wilt walk with the God of heaven. it 2lripccet)b cATtbAc frocnuc, jtjTJirjAin) b.\ ruic 6oti)f\o5 ; fto nMT\bA!)b cofic 7 CA]U CAft, «jo r^nsinft en aic 1TTJ03." Music, boating, rewarding, The prey most difficult I chose ; 1 would kill a boar in the hard wood, I would rob a vengeful bird* of its eggs. • This bird is supposed to be the eagle. 44 O. )y 101)31) a Ijoti) bo cori7jtC\& b|At), a 6I61H15 b0 ciiAjt&A^ 3AC daII; A J1&& 50 &-Cft6l3f |1)f) pep) At) 'pblAW, P. 0 CA]U TT)e tT)0 C|All Abllf, A'f ry\ bA rbeAfA Ijort) t)A 7*7 ij ; bo cAilleAf flow At) A13, V i?a KIT 1 &llne bo bj fqAl. P. 2lCA "plOtJl) a']- At; fY)]*VV AT)0|r, 50 bubftotjAc Aft Ijc t)a b-pjAt) ; 3Ajbre le tdac e 8jbfieAf t>a b-uilc, If TT)6fl A C|OT) ATI 8u]T)e 8aII. 0. 2t)A'f bAll ACA TTTUItiqTl o tt>ac Ot-cuti A5uf bob' treAjtft r)A flAjceAt/ a b-pA|cpeA|-A, a cl&ifi|5 c&t,6, At) T^bl^Titi Ia A]t at) b-cfi&j^ 1 ub ceAf ; t)6 a Mat; La^a^t) 2 t)a fftocAT) feirr), Aft AT) b-'p&irjT) bA TT)6ft bO TT)eAT\ 21 Pb^c|tA]c V^VY'^Z bo at) cuitt)]T) leu* ai) "pblAT)t) bo bejc bed; t)0 a b-t:ACA]& fe fojft t)a f jaji, fi,l% bob' feAtijt t)A T,Ab a T)5leo? No A b-frACATb fe 't)A 6u|cce fe|T), 3]6 ATtb 6 6t- Afi 3-C]Ot)T); A T)31,aII, A 3-CO3A8, T)6 A T)CA|tC, r:eA|i bo b] coTT^-rt^c le "p|ot)T). 1 CT1&15, strand. This must refer to the battle of Ventry (Fionn Traigh) fought in the third century of the Christian era, between Dairo Donn, Monarch of the World, and the Fianna Eircann, now in pre- paration for the Society, from a manuscript of the fourteenth century. 49 0. All that thou and thy clerics tell, According to the laws of heaven's king ; [Fionn, These [qualities] were possessed by the Fians of And they are now powerful in God's kingdom. Were there a place, above or below, Better than heaven ; "Pis there Fionn would go, And all he had of the Fenians. Thou say est that a hospitable man Never goes to hell of pain ; There was not one among the Fenians, That was not hospitable amongst all. Uadst thou seen, chaste cleric, The Fenians one day on yon southern strand ; Or at Naas of Leinster of the gentle streams, Then the Fenians thou wouldst greatly have es- teemed. Patrick, enquire of God, Whether he recollects when the Fenians were alive; Or hath he seen east or west, Men their equal, in the time of fight. Or, hath he seen in his own country, Tho' high it be above our heads ; In conflict, in battle, or in might, A man who was equal to Fionn. 2 Nai* lAjjjeAt), now Naas, in the county of Kildare, a noted place iu Fenian history. 4 50 p. Oif|!) if b)r>t) Ijonj bo 3I0U, *'f beAt)t)ACc jrof* le b-Ayrttu]!) ^pbl^o; Aicfti|- bu|i)t) cA rbe-ib n A& > bO ri)A|tbA15 A|l Sbl|<\b 1)A U)-BAi) )-]01)\). 1 O. ha nj-lur) Ffoni), from rljAb, a mountain, t;a in-bAtj, of tlie wo- men, and t/ioijo. fair-haired ; literally, the mountain of the fair-haired women, now SliaLh-na-man in the county of Tipperary, which is situated within four miles of the town of Clonmel, and two of Carrick-on-Suir. Tor the legend of these fair-haired women, see an interesting paper on the Fenian Traditions of Sliabh na m-Ban, in the Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society, for 1851. 2 Sl]Atj LuAcrvA, now Sliabh Luachar, in the counties of Cork and Kerry. * tJeAitfinA At) ScaU, Gap of Seal. See note, p. 4. * RoibAfi, now the Rower, an extensive district in the county of Kil- kenny, separated by the river Barrow from the town of New Ross. 5 Daijija, the river, in the county of Wexford, celebrated by George Ogle in the beautiful song ; — " As down bj Banna's banks Ijitraj'd." 51 P. Oisin, sweet to mc is thy voice, And a blessing furthermore, on the soul of Fionn ; Relate to us how many deer Were slain at Sliabh-na-m-Ban Fionn. 0. We loosened one thousand hounds, The swiftest, and the most fierce ; There fell by each hound two stags, And as many more, by all the Fenians. Twelve hounds at Sliabh Luachra, And two large hounds at Bearrna-an-Scail, Two hounds on the west of the Rower, And two hounds at the river Bann. Two hounds at Carrigeen of the rocks, And two hounds, at the lake of Inchiquin ; Two hounds at Formaoil of the Fians, And two hounds at Sliabh-na-m-Ban-Fionn. Patrick, hast thou heard of the chase, son of Calphruin of the tuneful psalms ; How it was made by Fionn alone, And no one with him of the Fians of Fail ? « Caitisit) tjA 5-cloc, Carrigeen of the rocks. This is the name of a townland, on the Walsh mountains, in the county of Kilkenny ; but whe- ther it is the Carrigeen alluded to in the text we cannot determine. 7 Loc 1tjre U] Chuu}n, the lake of Inchiquin, literally, the lough of the Island of O'Quin. This romantic lake is situated in the parish of Kil- naboy, barony of Inchiquin, county of Clare, and is about two miles and a-half in circumference. It is bounded on its western side, by a range of rugged but richly wooded hills. It is from this lake, that the barony takes its name ; and the chief or head of the O'Briens, the Marquis of Thomond, took his more ancient title of Earl of Inchiquin. For a very interesting account of the connection of the O'Quin family, with this locality, see the Irish Penny Journal, No. 16, Dublin Journal, &e. Vol. II., pp. 136, 152. 8 Vop.rr)Ao]l tja b-FjAtjt). This Formaoil is situated between Miltown and Ennia, in the county of Clare. n9 P. Nj cuaIa8, a n7|c At) Hjj, a Oint) 5I1C t)A i?5T)ioit) t?5A|i3; AjCfiif b •pi|i t)Ari loc a tjjljAb 3<\|tb. Njojt fiqb cl^ifieAc a 5-C]ll, a PbA rtjAiripcAb ^eArisuf jqle p|Al, pCAfl A 5-CAt)CA bo JtOt)A A|t At) b-*pC|t)l) ; t)6 t)A]rie bo f-cit)i)eA8 5AI) locc, a D^uc bo 6I05 rvj b|Ab mo |*pe|f. 'Da rt)A||tpeA8 rt)AC 5*tM lA 1 b 1)0. Iai)i), At) jreAft t)^[t 3At)t) A5 cup At) a|h ; Ofcuri t)6 tt)AC Roi)A]t) 3|tit)i), bo c|tot)At) fAt) 3-C|ll t)|op f^jrt). 53 P. I have not heard, son of the king, wise Oisin of the fierce deeds ; Eelate to me and tell no untruth, How the chase was made by ye ? 0. We [the Fenians] never used to tell untruth, Falsehood was never attributed to us ; By truth and the might of our hands, We came safe out of every conflict. There never sat a cleric in a church, Tho' melodiously ye think they chant psalms, More true to his word than the Fians, Men who never shrunk from fierce conflicts. A cleric never sat in a church, Patrick mild of the sweet voice ; More hospitable than Fionn himself, A man who was not niggardly, in bestowing gold. If Mac Morna the swift were now alive, The mighty Goll, who loved not jewels ; Or, the son of O'Duibhne of the women, The hero who used to engage a hundred in the fight. If Feargus, the hospitable bard, were alive, He who used to bestow their songs on the Fenians ; Or Daire who used to sing without fault, In the sound of thy bells, I would take no pleasure. If Mac Garadh of the blades were alive, He who was not slow, in making slaughter ; Oscur oi' Mac Ronain the cheerful, Your droning in the church would not be pleasant. 54 O. A rr)Ai|t|*eA& 2iobb Be*5 ttjac Fbim), t)6 "pAolAt) 5rMt)i} i)A|t ^FT 1 O^ac; t)6 Cot)*\t) 2t)Aol bo b| 5AT) 5|tuA|3, jp |Ab b'p^5 rrje |*ao| T-nuAirt) le |*eAl ! No At) c-AbAC beA5 bo h) A5 piorvr), bo cu^eAb'5Ac bu|T)e t)a co||tc|ro fttAiT) ; bA b|T)t)e Ijort) |*uA|rr) a tt)&A|i, t*a a b-|*u|l bo'i) clejji a 5-C1U a't* a b-tuAjc. 0|* AT)OCC 1)AC TT)A|neAT)T) At) "pblAt)t), t>A pjour) |*iaI t)A T)-biu\|* ; bo bobA|t |*|AT)|*At) t)A p|*Alrr), A V 3^1t 3A|tb t)a 3-CI05 rt)0 cIiiai*. P. Sjuift &0 D&< *1 A feAT)6|fl fuA||lC, i)A bj peApbA A5 Iua8 t;a b-fi&vv ; a'|* 50 V)-beACAbA|l COUC TT)A|t AT) 5-CeO, A 'r 3° T)-b&]b 50 beo a osIat* V* b-p|Aii ! O. NA b"AbA]Tl flO, A PbACrtAjC ^llC, a'|* i)ac TiAjb a ri b|c tja A|t T)eATT) i)A r;5|tA|*, aot) Iaoc le a rr)-beAjtf*A|6e buAb, A|l CeAT)T) At) C-flllA]^, pi 01)1} **0 AI5. 2t)ut)A rt)-b6|beA& t)a 5eA|*A bo bj A|t pbioiji), a'|* i)A|t rbjAr* lej|* b|i||*eA8 cnib ; A b-|*u|l |b||t r*eAif) A5u|* Iah, T)| clAO|b|.*|bj|* Iatt) tt)0 m^. P. J|* 6 too mj-rc 6CAlbA|5 T)eATT), II* 6 bo be||t i;eA|tc bo Iaoc ; II* e bo curt) At) b|oc-buAT), II* 6 bo bc||i blAc i)A 5-c|tAob. 55 0. If Aodh Beag the son of Fionn were alive, Or Faolan the jovial who never refused any one ; Or Conan Maol who was without hair — They left me sorrowful for a while ! Or the little dwarf whom Fionn had, Who put each man into heavy sleep ; More melodious to me was the sound of his fingers, Than all the clerics in church and laity. As tonight the Fenians do not live. Or the hospitable Fionn of the gifts ; The loud chanting of the psalms, [hearing. And the hoarse sound of the bells have deafened my P. Cease thy talk, pleasant old man, Be not henceforth talking about the Fenians ; For they have passed thee by like a mist, And will be for ever, in the fetters of pain ! O. Say not so, O Patrick the wise, For there was not on earth or in heaven of grace, Any hero able to gain victory, Over the head of our host, Fionn the noble. Had it not been for the injunctions imposed on Fionn, Which he would not break through ; All that is between heaven and earth, Would not subdue the hand of my king. P. It is my king, who formed the heavens, It is he, who gives might to the warrior ; It is he, that created the universe, It is he, that gives the blossom of the trees. 56 P. )x e bo 6eAlbA|5 6*1*34 a'** 3fi.*An, -\X e bo be-fi jAfS «*T* hw ; It* e bo cnucAj-5 sopc a'j* j*eA*t, T}] \)-\OX)S>X)X) a'** eACCA pblPO- O, ft] Aft CjtUCUJAb 5OJIC T)A J*&*fl, C115 rno jtis-re T**^" * bu-l; ACC Aft COf5A||tC COftpA Iaoc, A|t cof-nAtf" cn]OC, a'j* Aft cun a clu. ^T* f u 1P31 & > A T l 1">ittc, A|t fe|l3, Aft nocco»8 rneinTje a b-cujf 5leo ; Aft **T)|nc £|cc|lle, 1 a'|* An- ft) An}, a'|* A]t feice<\n) ca*c a b-q-5 At) 6-1. 1 T"|cceAll, Chess. This was the favorite game of the ancient Irish chieftains; and is frequently referred to in the earliest manuscripts extant. In leAbAfi t)A 5-CeAnc (Book of Rights), p. lxi. the follow- ing account of this game, copied from leAbAfi tja b-Ujbjtj, a manuscript of the twelfth century, is given ; and it will serve as a curious specimen of the language of that period : - '*Cja c-Ajt)tt)-reo ? ol GoebAjft. M| AjtbAjjtc ron, ol \&, 2*)|b]ri Dries lejc. Cjb hoc noAcc ? ol GocfjAiS ? too jnjbijtc jribcjlle pnjcru, ol re-. 5ilnj njAjc r© enj, ol CocbAjfe, pott f]ic\\\ ? 21 FtioiijAS&fin, ol 2f)i&j*t. 21ca, ol eocl)A|6 jnb n-jSAt) 1 *)-<*» coclub, jr le 1*) cech aca jt) jqicell. 2lcA rutjb cet)Ae, ol Snjbjn ri^cell ijao tnerro. l)A Fit*. ofjclAjt OAHSF ocu r Fit*- °1P, ocur r-«ttrunu6 [.1 U\rA&] caca bAjjtbi F°t*-r in cUit b| iuc 105194*11, ocur ten bol5 bj TPT5T T*- or >& cjteburi'Ae. CcrlUjfi 2t)l&m 10 *rf6c]U jAjt ri"- Irtjbjfi, ol Sfljbift. Nj iinrtjenAcc bj 5ju.ll, ol Coc'ja&. Cjb sell bjAr Apt) ? ol 21)tbjjt. CutnnjA Ijtt), ol CochAjb. Koc bjA IjtpfA, ol 2l)jbjtt, tt)A cii bejter ti)o cocell cagsac 5Abujt ij-bubjjjlAr." " ' What is thy name ?' said Eochaidh. ' It is not illustrious,' replied the other; ' Midir of Brigh T.eith.' 'What brouglit thee hither ?' said Eochaidh. ' To play fithcheall with thee,' replied he. ' Art thou good at fithcheall? said Eochaidh. 'Let us have the proof of it, replied Midir. ' The queen,' 6aid Eochaidh, ' is asleep, and the house in which the fithcheall is belongs to her.' 'There is here,' said Midir, 'a no 57 It is he, that made the moon and the sun, It is, he that brings fish into a lake ; It is he, that formed field and grass, Not like the deeds of Fionn. 0. 'Twas not in forming fields and grass, That my king took delight ; But in mangling the bodies of heroes, In contesting kingdoms and spreading his fame. In courting, playing, and hunting, And unfolding his banner, in the front of the fight; In playing at chess and swimming, And in beholding all in the house of drinking. worse fithchcall.' This was true, indeed : it was a board of silver and pure gold, and every angle was illuminated with precious stones, and a man-bag of woven brass wire. Midir then arranges the fithcheall. •Play,' said Midir. 'I will not, except for a wager,' said Eochaidh, 'What wager shall we stake?' said Midir. *I care not what,' said Eochaidh. ' I shall have for thee,' said Midir, 'fifty dark grey steeds, if thou win the game.' " In Hardiman's Irish Minstrelsy, Vol. II., p. 372, there is an Irish poem ascribed to Aldfred, king of the Northumbrian Saxons, and said to have been composed by him, during his exile in Ireland, A.D. 685, in which he describes the Ossorians, as expert hands at the game, in the following stanza :- - " Ro bbcAC 6 AtioiT) cosle, 21 cqri Alojnn Om5, le'fl CU]C TOTT)Ab T*OT)T) f*AT) CjteAf ? Ho AT) CAT) cA]t)jC AT) C>eATt3 b]AT), TT)AC Tt]3 1ocIaT)T) T)A T31AC T)-0)Tt ; CTieAb T)Afl T-OTICA15 Tt]5 T)A T)AOTT), b6]b ATI be|TT)|OT)T)A|b AT) T>1Tl TT)6]Tl ? ftd AT) CAT) C&1T)13 2t)A3t)Uf TT)OTt, at) feA|t bA borib a i)3leo T)Ari cirtj ; If COfrT)A|l bA TT)A|]tpeA& bo |l}3, 30 5-cujbeocAb le f^ATjTjAib pbli)t)« No AT) CAT) CA]T)13 ^A]lc TT)AC T^JteOlT), AT) peATV ATI AT) b-peiT)t) bO CU|Tl AT) C-ATl ; T)] le bo toblA, 3AT) 3IAT/ i)A b-p)At) bo biiA|t) b"pb]OT)T) ; A311T/ , bA TT)-b|A8' A TT}-b|tU|b, 30 b-cftOjbjreAb At) plAjc cA|t a ceAT)t). Njop ^uIa^j 7^1 0T ?t> Aft peA8 a fiAe, TjeAc bo be|C a b-p£i,T)T) t)A a T)3uAft*; 5AT) puAf5lAb Aft le b-Af p3eAb t)6 6ft, le cac vo sleo, 30 TT)-bejfteA8 buA&. )\ TDATC AT) CeATJT) bATT) ATI bO tobfA, befc ATT?eAf3 a elf Aft, njAft cC\frr) ; 3AT) b|A8, 3AT) &a8ac, 3ATT ceol, 3AT) befc A3 b|tOT)t)A& 6fft Aft 8a]tt). 5aTT 3&fft t)A r>3A&A|t T)A T)A TTOC, 3ATT bejc coftbeAb pope T)A cuatt ; bo c|or)t) a b-T;uAjtAT/ b'eAfbAb at? bf8e, ttta]C]ttt bo ]t|3 t>e|rbe An/ uacc. 3att f/"^> 3AT) TriA5A|6eAcc, 3AT1 Flow, 5AT) r^nSl 8 Kl*l-bAT), 5An rpo|ic; 3AT) fu|8eA6 a i;-|OTiAb rnAft bA 6uaI, 3AT) po^lufir) cleAf luc T)A 5leo; p. t-^13 cufA bo be]c b'& pioti), A 1171,0 At) F|3 bA TT)AJC clli; 5e|ll bo'i) ce bo 3t)j8 5AC tt)Ajc, cjtort) bo ceAt)T) a't; freAC bo ^lut). BuAfl b'ucc a'|* bofftc bo bcoji, cpefb bo'Ti ce ca by bo cjouo; 318 311ft b']Of3i)A leAc a Iua8, IX & bo JIU3 biiA]8 aji 7~b|<>un. Gl 0. Great would be the shame for God, Not to release Fionn, from the shackles of pain ; For if God himself were in bonds, The chief would fight on his behalf. Fionn never suffered in his day Any one to be in pain or difficulty ; Without redeeming him, by silver or gold, By battle or fight, till he got the victory. It is a good claim for me on thy God To be among his clerics, as I am ; Without food, without clothing or music, Without bestowing gold on bards. Without the cry of the hounds or of the horns, Without guarding harbours or coasts ; For all that I have suffered for lack of food, I forgive heaven's king in my will. Without bathing, without hunting, without Fionn, Without courting generous women, without sport, Without sitting in my place, as was due, Without learning feats of agility or fighting. P. Cease recounting them, son of the king whose fame was great ; Submit to Him who doeth all good, Stoop thy head and bend thy knee. Strike thy breast and shed thy tear, Believe in Him who is above ; Though thou art amazed at its being said, 'Twas he gained victory over Fionn. G2 O. 21 PbC\qiAjc, bA it)-be|6|t)t;i*| 5AT) c^jll, bo |*5Ajt|*A|T)r) leb' cl&i|i a 3-qr)t) ; T)| b|A8 leAbAjl 1)A bACAl bAt), t)A CI05 cjiaca Atjrj bo cjll. 21 bubA||tc Oino, rrjo |*5oaI cftitA5 ! i?| b]t)i) l]Oxr) puAin? bo b&jl; 50]lpeAbfA 50 |*|tA|*, ACC T)l f A tJbjA, acc j*ao| pblo^Tj t)A b-T^Arw 5AT) bejc beo ! P. 2t)Aji bo 5eAllA]f A|cjtjj* bujijT), tT^IS* r eA cuii?, Puac a'|* KeA|ts ; n)A]t bo 5eAllA|i* ]VV]X A1 ^°ir> qopbuf bo fi|5T)eA& l|b At) c-feAh-,. 1 O. Miojt b']OTJ5t)A &ujt)tj a bejc bftdijAC, a'|* ceAi)t) Aji fl6|5 ^ e 1^ &'&|t t)-fc>ic ; 3]8 b'& bo rt)AojcpeA& oftu|r*r; jatj 5A||te, II* bu|tjt) bob' AbbA|t bejc A5 cao| ! » 2lt) c-reAls, the chase. This poem, which forms part of the 2l5AlUtij, and generally comes in here in our Irish manuscripts, is printed in full in Miss Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry, p. 412, Dub. 1816, with a me- trical translation at p. 91, to which we refer the reader. The Rev. Dr. Drummond has also made a highly poetic translation of it, which 63 0. Patrick, were 1 without sense, I would take off the heads of thy clerics ; There would not be a book or crozier bright, Or matin bell left in thy church. Oisin said, sorrowful is my tale ! The sound of thy lips is not sweet to me ; I will cry my fill, but not for God, But for Fionn and the Fians not being alive ! P. As thou hast promised, relate to us — Forsake, shun, hatred and anger — As thou hast promised, relate to us now, How the chase was made by you. O. No wonder we should be sorrowful, Whilst bereft of the head of our host ; ' Whoever may boast over us that we are not joyful, 'Twas we that had cause to weep ! is published in his Ancient Irish Minstrelsy. The legend which gave rise to the Poem of the Chase, is frequently alluded to in Irish Manuscripts, and is interwoven with the romance, entitled «' Fejr Zfee Choi)&ii) CblDO Sblejbe, which formed the Second Volume of our Transactions. The scene is laid at Sliabh Guillinn, in the county of Armagh. C%Z\) C\)HO)C 2tN 21JK. O. 13o bAttiAtt ujle At) ^bl^t) A'f )~|O0t), a 5-c6|rbc|orjol A]t At) 5-ct)OC t/o T/jA|t; A 3 I^IT^ ^T 1 cleAfAjb luc, a']* XWO 3° f^ A ^ A 3 CA|C]ori) I1A3. 1 Cjo8 ettAcc bu]t)t) ArblAiS f|t), a bubAijtc bjiAOi "CeAri^ftAC 2 30 ^\]VV 3I1C ; If e"jb. Crieab fo ATjojf, bo jiai8 T^io^tj, le a b-cui5ceAjt leAC ati 5-cu^f bobjidjt) ; aY tjac b-piql Iaoc pAO| At) r^Tteit), t)ac b-pujl T/At) b-pbei^t; T/eAfArb led. t CAiciori) I1A5, throwing or casting stones. This singular custom was carried on to a great extent in the early part of the present century ; and, it is traditionally said that the tullAitj or pillar-stones, found in various parts of Ireland, were the "cIoca tjeiTic," of the Fenians, and that Fionn Mac Cumhaill himself made no great hoast of casting one of these huge rocks from the hill of Almhuin (Allen), where his palace stood, across to the hill of Howth, a distance of about twenty miles. In"eAccfiA tijjc tja ti)i-corijA]Tile," or The Adventures of an Ill-advised Son, by Carroll O'Daly, better known on account of his rhyming pro- pensities, as — " CeATibAll bU)6e t)A ij-AbrUxi), Oo fejooeab rcneAt)t)cAi) ati ceAfc>A]b." Swarthy Carroll the rhymer, Who would play a ditty on the harp, the custom is thus referred to : — " la. t)A b-treATi 'ouAiri CAfA5 n>e fAt) c-fllAb, Stl'r l & VA b-r/eATi bo caichoo M°5 "JAti lAb." On the day that the men were mustered, I met tbem on the hill, On the day that the men were mustered I'd cast a stone as well as any of them. THE BATTLE OF CNOC AN AIR. O. We were all. the Fians and Fionn, Assembled on this hill to the west ; Practising feats of agility, And we so mirthful casting stones. Not long were we so, When the Druid of Tara, wisely said ; I greatly fear, Fionn of the Fians ! That the time is not far when thou shalt regret. What means this, saith Fionn, That thou foretel our cause of grief; There is not a hero under the sun, Who among the Fians cannot find his match. Carroll O'Daly was the most celebrated wit of his day, as well as the most eccentric character. He was the first harper of his time, and author of that beautiful and soul-stirring song " e|bljr> a Riiit)," or, Ellen, the secret of my heart, which he composed for the daughter of Kavanagh, the history of which is so well known, that there is no necessity for repeating it here. 2 "Op.60] CeATT)ttAc, the Druid of Tara. According to our ancient an- nalists, Tigearnmas, monarch of Ireland, of the race of Heremon, was the first who introduced the worship of idols into Ireland, about nine centuries before the Christian era ; and it is stated, that while wor- shipping the Crom Cruach, the chief deity of the Irish Druids, along with a vast assemblage of his subjects at Magh Sleacht in Breifne, on the feast of Samhuin, one of their Deities (the day dedicated to whose rites was the same as the last day of October), he himself, with three- fourths of his people, were struck dead by lightning, as a punishment from heaven for his introduction of idolatry into the kingdom. See Connellan's Four Masters, p. 75, note. For a learned Dissertation on Druidism in Ireland, see O'Conor's Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores Veteres, Tom. I., Proleg. Pars. 1., pp. xx xxxiv. 5 66 O. C|tei& uAimj'e, * fb]t)t), i)A 3-cjuia8 Iai)1), 50 b-jni'l Ai) c6|ji a r>30)|teACc bAO'b; jreAc i)A tj&aIa j*oIa' ub, A 3 bA5A|t 8ubAc CAO]b aji cAO]b. a'j* bO COl)A1ftC CUAjl J*oIa 30 CJI&A1); 11* eA5Al l]ort), bo jia-8 At) |*ao|, 50 b-qocpAjb Ait-juAn* Ajt At) b-pbeiOU- A 05^1; 5AC peAn rrjiv luA]c A5 ceACC, e]b|ji >*U\|c, chjac, a'i* cA]r>. 2l]ct)e6cAb Atjojf, A]x 'pioiji) 50 pion, 5AC rjeAC bATt) bufboAt) le'fi b'iout;f a 1176 ; a'|* jrof* 5AC t;eAC bA b-pu]l bort) puAc, njA ciqn]b |*UAf a be|c borr/ Tie^n. O. 21 OfCU|]t, bo n&jb "pioijp A|t b-ciif, 6j* cu ufifA 1 a'|* luc, t>a b-'pjAi.)!); At) b-pAiftpib cu 30 Ia ne CAC, ceA, a "pbfi)!), 511J1 beA3 bob' buj8eAt) uac CA5AI led. 1 UftfA, a pillar, a prop or support, the frame on which a door hangs. Oscur was considered the 9toutest and most valiant of the Fenians ; lience Fionn designates him as above ; but we question whether he bore the C9 0. Fionn, son of Cumhall, saith the Druid, Call thy forces in thy presence ; And divide them into two separate bodies, That they may watch the approach of the foe. Fionn sounded the Dord Fhiann, And they answered by a shout ; Each man vicing to be first, Noble, chief, and host. I shall now truly discern, saith Fionn, Such of my followers as are attached to me ; And also such as do me hate, If they refuse being led by me. Oscur, saith Fionn at first, As thou art the prop and strength of the Fians, Wilt thou with others watch this night [us. The approach of the enemy who are making towards 1 ask of thee now, Fionn, If it be thy wish to take repose ; It would not become thee, but bring ill fame, If thou fear that foes may come. 'Tis not through dread of any man's hand, That I would awhile go to rest ; But thou knowest 1 am accustomed, To have visions of every danger. I shall not refuse keeping watch with the rest, There's neither fear nor terror on me ; Though I greatly fear, Fionn, That the most of thy followers arc in dread. palm in heroism from Goll mac Morna ; or even his father the poet Oisin. He was killed hy Cairbre Lifeachair at the Battle of Gabhra. Vide Transactions, Vol. I., p. 50. 70 O. ^oipeAf T^orw A|t lU CAlttlA T)A 3-CTUIA6 IaTTTT, All CUrtlATTT) le5UAf 4"?' 8A1I; a'i* < t)|A|iiT>uib c]to&A tta b-"F|Ai)i), bejb rtiife tttatt ]Ab 50 Ia. 'CAjijic 'FaoIati 2 bo Iacajti "pbl^r;, a'p bo lAbAirt 50 pjocrbAfi, Ajtb ; a't- bub^utc, a rt]5 i)A b-^Arji), T)j TT)6ft lirjr) buic bo fuAi;) 30 lA. 1 Rut) tt)o cnoi6e, the secret of my heart ; or, my heart's treasure. This is still a common phrase in Ireland, but applied only as a term of affection. 2 PAoUrj, or O'Faolain, now anglicised Phclan or Whelan. There were* many distinguished persons of this name iu ancient times who gave names to territories, tribes, and families in Ireland : such as the Ui Faolain of Leinster, a name rather prominent in the county of Kilkenny at the present day. Dr. O'Donovan writes of them ( Vide levari i)A 5.Ce.\ric, Book of Rights, pp. 205—6),—" This was the name of a tribe and territory containing about the northern half of the'present county of Kildare. It comprised the baronies of " Clane" and "Salt," and the greater part, if not the entire, of those of " Ikeathy," and " Oughter- anny." The town of Nas (Naas), and the churches of Clacnadh (Clane), Laithreoch Brain (Laraghbrine, near Maynooth), Domhnach Mor Muiglie Luadhat (Donaghmorc), Cluain Conairc (Cloncurry) ; and 71 0. Fionn calls Diannuid Donn, And he asketh calmly of the sage ; Wilt thou watch with Oscur, If thou art more attached to me than the rest. I never yet flinched, Fionn, In battle or conflict of mighty hosts, So that Oscur the treasure of my heart, Were before or behind me in time of victory. valiant Goll of the well-tempered swords, Dost thou love the king of the Fians ; Wilt thou remain with them, Ye are the three who gained sway in fierce conflict. 1 dread not the hardiest hand, As Oscur of the feats is with me ; And valiant Diarmuid of the Fians, I will be with them this night. *o Faolan came into the presence of Fionn, And exclaimed fiercely and loudly ; Saying, Fenian king, We grudge thee not thy repose this night. Fiodh Chuillinn (Feiglicullen), were in it. After the establishment of surnames, [which happened in the reign of Dn|AT) bonoirije Brian Boroimhe, or Boru, as the name is often for brevity's sake incorrectly written] the chiefs of this territory took that of Mac Faolain, and soon after, that of O'Brain (Anglice O'Dyrne) ; but they were driven from this level and fertile country, about the year 1202, by Meyler Fitz-Henry and his followers, when they retired into the mountains of Wicklow, where they acquired new settlements for themselves ; and in the reigns of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth, they were possessed of more than the southern half of the county of Wicklow." And at p. 222, note b (idem), he says that, " Magh Laighean was another name for the territory of the JJi Faolain. O'Faolain was the chief of a tribe, named Dcise, de- scended from Fiacha Suighdhe, the elder brother of Conn of the Hun- O. 21 Cborj^r) ttjaoi,1, bo ]\i\]6 'Ft.otti), j:at> a 3-cuA|*A^b biiba, Lejc-Aifib ; o'r cu if 3 A in^e "ATll-TjAift b]T)T), curt) r^AiitA t^a']* ceAdc bo'i} tJATTMib. 2t)Ar- bul bATt) yt'e^x), a 'pblOt)* bo't) uai,tt), A 3 F^T* 6 A t t fcuAjftc, i)6 Ajt caij; Art) AOt)A|i 5AT) cu]le bo't) "pb^irji;, 50 i)50|rjceAri n)e cjterr)' lAtt ? Nj cuibe 8ui,c, a Cboi^i) tt)A0]1, b^lllcAS 7~blt>Dj bO TIA]8 TTTAC VliJAjS, ac A t)A |t]5 6]* c]ot)T) rjA b-"piAT)T), a 3-corb|iAC, a'|* a rr)-b]A8, '|* A tH>ft. 2t)A CA 7^01)1) T)A |ti5 6f qoT)i) t)A b-^AT)!), A n)|C L1Y5A18, bo fiiv]8 Coi)Ai) ; xy\ corrbuil 511ft cu]be bAit), bill ATT) AOT)A|t 30 b-UAlTT) 1.6 AC- AT, fib. 1 W\\ fAT) b-p1AT)T) U]le, Aft tt)<\C t-UTJAC, freAjt c6rb-rr)-b|t)r) bob' clo-^uc Ajtb, a't* clo|t)pib At) pb'Ai) "]le bo slott, ttjaY ceAcc bo'r) c6||t a t)5aji bo'i) 2Jrib. MC\ bf peAfbA lion) bA lu<\8, A TT>1C Lu^Al^ T)A TT)]!) 5CA5 ', b'pl)|oi)r> t;a bo't) "pbeit)t) t)j riACAb at)T), cu||t|n) juiAf bo le tt)0 jtAe. dred Battles, who were expelled from Deece or Deise Tcamhrach, in the county of Meath, by their relative Cormac, the grandson of Conn of the Hundred Battles, about, A.D. 254, when they settled in the county of Waterford about half a century back." One of tbeir descendants, the Bev. John Whelan, P.P. of Modeligo, who died in the year 1819, was as fine a specimen of the old Irish race as one could wish to see. 73 0. Oonan the bald, saith Fionn, [Ard ; Remain thou in the dark recesses of the cave of Leath- As it is thou who can shout most loudly, To warn us of the approach of the enemy. If to the cave I shall go, Fionn, To watch for troubles, or for hosts Alone, without more of the Fians, May I be pierced through the middle. Ill it becometh thee, Conan the bald, To refuse Fionn, saith Mac Lughaidh ; Who is king over the Fians, In battle, in food, and in gold. Although Fionn be king over the Fians, son of Lughaidh, saith Conan ; 'Tis not likely that I must go Alone to the cave of Leath-Ard. There's not among all the Fenians, saith Mac Lughach, One who can shout so loudly as thou ; And all the Fenians shall hear thy voice, If the foe comes near the Ard. Speak no more of this to me, son of Lughaidh of the smooth limbs ; For Fionn or the Fians I shall not go there — 1 refuse it during my life. i lU]tb Igac an", the cave of Leath Ard ; or, Lahard. Mr. Daniel Sheehan, of Ardagb, Newcastle West, county of Limerick, who has been often on the top of Knockanar, near Bally bunion, says, that there is a cave there, and a spot which to this day is called Lahard ; which circumstance alone is sufficient to identify Ct)oc-ATj-&jTi as the scene of the battle. 74 bo |t4v.]8 Ot/cutt, Vf beib Ab 6C\|t ; 2lob BeAj qtobA tttac "pblt>t), a'p cujlle tt)Vj* 5t>ao| leAC b't:A5Ail. Be^fi leAC peAjtAi) 1 aV BftAt) Iuac, SsedlAi?, "Fuattt), A*t 2t)eA]tA3At) ; Bo5-l§irt7 a'|* 2iiTteAc CbluAif, a']* in?C]5 3AI? gTlUATTT?, A Cb0T)A|T), A J t>A cojt) A5U|- 2lo6 Be A3 ttjac "pblOO, 2 bo leATjAbAji at; cajt} cuAiftb. o peAjt trAfC-ciAll. 1 FeAtiAT), S5eolao, bn-Atj, &c. These were the names of some of the Fenian hounds ; and b^at), which was Fionn's favorite one, was known by the following marks s — " CorA buj&e bj at* bbriAtj, 21 1>'& CAeb bub 'r^ c*n 5e<\l ; t5fiu|ti) ruA|ctjj6e or ceAijt) rel5, Tr &fc cluAir concru\ cori)-6en5." 75 0. Go there, Conan the bald, Saith Oscur, and there will be with thee ; Aodh Beag the valiant son of Fionn, And more if thou require. Take with thee Fearan, and Bran the swift, Sgeolan, Fuaim, and Mearagan, Bog-Leim and Aireach Chluais, And depart without sullenness, Conan. Conan went by the advice of Oscur, And made towards the door of the cave ; The hounds and Aodh Beag, son of Fionn, Followed in the track of the host. Fionn, then, retired to rest, And not long was he there in repose ; When he saw in his sleep, That Aodh Beag, the son of Fionn, was beheaded. lie likewise saw, That Goll the valiant was engaged in battle, With a mighty powerful champion, Whose name was Tailc Mac Treoin. He awoke suddenly from his sleep, And called to him the druid of the Fians, Whose synonyms always were The Druid of art, or man of prescience. Yellow legs had Bran, Both her sides black, and her belly white ; A speckled back over her loins. And two crimson ears, very red. 1 2lo6 OeA5 rnAC J=hinn, Little Aodh the son of Fionn. This 2lob was the youngest son of Fionn. He was called " beas" {small) from his di- minutive stature. « OriAO] eaU&An, i.e., the Druid of art, or one skilled in magic or sor- cery. In " The Banquet of Dun na n-Gedh," &c, published by the Irish 76 O. TtA01 ; 5lbeA& v'] 50it)peA]t at? fc»]t* t-a T^le-c, 3oU caIttja, CTIO&A, T)A 2lo&. MjOTl b-JTAbA ATT)Ulb \\X) bU|T)T), AT) CAT) feO CUAlATT)ATt UAlll-^AIfl, bo f-eiT>r> "pioptj au toojib "pbjATjT), a't* b'^fteA5Aift biAt)-r , 5A]|Tc CborjAir). Ofcujt, A Cb0T)A]T) l]OfbA, TTJAO^l, 3AT) Ce]ll J C]A ACO f]OVt) T)A b-'plATJT), T)0 TT)*T/e, t>o c|A at) peATi ojle bo'r> T^b^l^TJ* Hi b - ^ Fl°W> cut/a, 'tta TjeAC bo'r> pb&lPTi, TT)0 bAjC^b A TJ-ATT) 3 AC b&1,TT) ' 318' 3U|t ]OT)TbuiT) ItOTT) buTl TT)ATC, T?i f|b rrro 8A|CT)jb, acc tt)& F&jt}. Oo JluAlf OfCUJt bO luc CTl&AT), 30 TIA1T)13 T-fe bOTlUf T)A b-UATTT) J bo t*uat,ti 2lo8 BeA3 tt)ac 'pblOT) £&ll> 3AT> AT)bpAT)TT, 3AT) 6A3, 3AT) buA]TlC Cjt&Ab at) t*ac 2lo8 Bbi3 w]c pblUD; A|t OfCUJl, T*U1,TteAC A T)-b|A]3 AT) T>JTt TT)AO*l ? a't; T)Ari)Aib cAob leAC t)A Tt*c a le|T)b, f)Ajt CU15 3u|i beA3 b'AOif. C|A b] at) c6*ft A b-po3Uf 8Arn, aV tt)6 att)U]3 6 CAbAifi t)a b-'pjATjT) ; i;ioTt c|tiocT)ui5 xr)]\)\)Z]X) tja tt)o cTio]8e, T)A TT)0 TT)1T*t)eAC JtTATT) T)]Ofl clAO*8eA8. l C6|*t, pursuit ; one enemy in pursuit of the other. 1 luc, nimblenesa or agility. This and the two following stanzas show how indifferent Conan was ahout the difficulties the Fenians had to encounter ; so that he himself was able to make good his ground by a •peedy retreat, realising the old Irish proverb — 79 0. Fionn sounded the Dord again, Before Conan the bald arrived ; What means this, saith Oscur, The pursuers arc coming*, where is Aodh ? Aodh was at the entrance of the cave, When I left in haste ; I have not looked behind since, 'Twas not Aodh that troubled me. What else thy trouble, saith Oscur, Conan, lazy, bald, and devoid of sense ; Whether is it Fionn of the Fians, or I, Or what other man among the Fians ? It is not Fionn, thou, nor any of the Fenians, Concerns me at the time of eacli blow ; Though I rejoice in the welfare of you all, 1 care for no one but myself. Oscur ran with mighty speed, Till he reached the entrance of the cave ; He found Aodh Beag, the son of Fionn the generous, Alive without terror, without trouble. Why is it, Aodh Beag, son of Fionn, Saith Oscur, [thou] remainest after the bald man, And the foe nigh thee in full speed, child, who perceivedst not thy tender age. Though the enemy were nigh me, And I beyond any aid from the Fians ; My intellect or heart faltered not, Nor was my courage ever subdued. Or, A good run is better than a bad stand. He who fights and runs away, Will lire to fight another day. 80 O. 2t)o cu|ftpe ! rtjo crteAC ! rtio cuit)a& ! a PbacjiAjc, i|* iin)Al bo t,>, a 0]y]v ri)]c ¥b]VQ, CfVJOC CACA Cb'JOJC AT) A]Jl ; V] rbi& iAb ujle ACb tojA. O. N^oit r>eirbr)-8 'p'lotir) T)A b-pjAr)*), a'j* t»iori r;e|rbt)i& e]rbr;i8 3 Fjoijtj, toiATirr-uib tooi)*! a'i* Ofcuft A15; a'i* Ar) 7"bl^t)') ujle rrjAft ]Ab, T)1 rbA]Tllb TTJAfl -b|A6 fojfi 1)6 fjAfi, 3° r3 A T l P A ^ A1 ) "Fbl^UU le]r A ceArjii. 1 P. C-&A5 50 b-fttATjt at; 7"bl A ')0 J 1JA clufi;itTj en bA lllA&, 5U|t b'e Ttuj buA8 o|i|iA 'IDja. P. Ba ujaic ai; pbl-^ui; a'i* a ijjijionj, A 0|r]T) 51i|i;r;, acc j*o aii;a]u ; vj'o c|i|All atji; yiib aji at) b-'peji)!), Ot/cuji a'i; 2lo8 Be,A5 i;a 8ajI; bob' loijrfiupje Ijiji) cgacc vja bjj-e, i;a bA b--|5CA8 p^j ija i;3|tAr« ( D'i;|a|.']iai8 "f]0])]) b'Ofcu|i A|5, Ai> b-^ACAib cat,!; 3 t;a T;3]iob Iaoc, a bu' v A]|ic Oixttfi 50 b-pACAjb ]Ab, a'|- 50 ^iajV) a i;-]A]iACc aji aj; b-p'6|!;t;. 1 21 ce^r>;;,, his head. This phrase is very common in Ossianic poetry ; and 1 he pagan Gisin, must have been sorely irritated by the mild and con- vincing arguments of the Saint, when he gave vent to sueh blasphemous expressions. In Icr. O'Grady's copy of the poem the stanza runs thus ; — " ill PIjacuajc uj a vao^aI oa b-FjAiji;, ir cuis=e bo t5lj|A ta bejc aoo ; IV ftcAnb b'A ii)-b|v\6 tja n]Aij, i;A be|bCA6 t)A Ci5CAiii)A or a 5-C|orjn." 83 0. Patrick, 'twas not in the time of the Fians, That that man God lived ; Certain if he were east or west, The Fians would have stricken off his head. P. God was in the time of the Fians, Always was and will be for ever, He lives and will live to the end, Not so with the Fians, poor creature ! 0. Patrick, if thy tale be true, That the Fians are all dead ; Let me not hear thee boast, That it was God that overcame them. P. The Fians and their deeds were good, Pleasant Oisin, but in this alone, They adored not the one true God, Now proceed with [the tale of] Cnoc-an-air. 0. There marched towards the Fians Oscur and Aodh Beag in his company ; More delightful to us was the coming; of the two, Than had the King- of Grace approached. Fionn inquired of Oscur the noble, Had he seen a host of heroes brave ; Oscur said that he had seen them, And that they were in search of the Fians. O Patrick, if it were in the time of the Fenians, That thy God had been living ; Verily, if he were in their way, He would not lord it over them. 1 bocc*\i), a pauper, a beggar, a miser, §c. » C&jtj, signifies a multitude, a host, an array, or any other muster or assemblage. 84 O. -b&|r> ; A PbACflAIC, TTIO l*3feAl C]tUA5 ! t;jofi b-pAbA 51111 cjuia]8 at) c&ittt ! J P- J')jr "^T 1 If cujrbit) leAc, a rb]C CuriTATll, ca| 4 5 2 at) jleo ; A|CTl|t* a'|* TITO beAtTTTACC ojtc, t*5e3 > ata Ai) 5-ci;oc t*o liot; ATI c-t/Iuaj, vjofi b'jorjjrjA 86]b ceACC 50 ceATTij. 1 Ceirp, which generally signifies a step, is used here to show the dif- ficulty that awaited the Fenian3. 2 'C;vr~, fame, report. 3 5';a6, bailie, strife, contention. 4 Sac, a steed. The earliest record we have of the Fenians having horses is iu S^AtlAii) tja SeATjojfijj;, or Dialogue of the Sages ; where it is said, that at a chase at Ueitjij h-epjn, (the Hill of llowth), a chieftain, named y.ncu> hjac bejijije t>lM°c, son of the king of Rritain [England], took away by stealth three hounds belonging to the Fenians, namely Bran, Sgeolan, and An-uaill ; and made for the mountain of Lodan Mac Lir, where he made chase on his arrival. As soon as the Fenians missed the hounds, the following chieftains were despatched after the fugitive, viz., Diarmuid O Duibhne, Goll Mac Morna, Caol from Eamhuin (Emania), Oscur the son of Oisin, Feardubhain the son of Eogha-dearg, Kaighne of the broad eyes, son of Fionn ; Cainche, son of Fionn ; Glas the son of Aonchcarda Bearra, and Mac Lughaidh. 85 0. Thus we remained till dawn, And none dared to approach us ; Patrick, my woiul tale ! 'Twas not long till our case grew perilous ! P. Relate, as thou rememberest, son of Cumhall, an account of the fight ; Relate, and my blessing be on thee, A true tale, and tell no lie. 0. We, the Fenians, never told a lie, Falsehood to them was never known ; But by truth and the might of our arms, We came unhurt from each conflict. We went forth early, The Fians of Eire, of the slender steeds ; Upon this hill the host mustered, No wonder for them to come in force. They landed at.Inbhear Geiniath, in Britain; and proceeded to the mountain of Lodan Mac Lir ; where they were not long when 'they heard the cry of the hounds, and they surrounded Artuir, and slew himself and all his retinue, and rescued their three favorite hounds. Goll Mac Morna, more cunning than the rest, cast a side-look, and be- held a magnanimous steed with reins of gold ; and saw another with a silver bit chased with gold in its mouth ; Goll captured both animals, and handed them over to Oscur, who gave them in charge to Diarniuid O Duibhne. They then returned to Ireland ; and never halted until they reached old Moynealty, where Fionn was staying at the time ; and de- livered the two horses to him ; one of which wa9 a stallion, and the other a mare, which gave eight births, and eight foals at each birth ; and until then the Fenians had no horses, and these foals were distributed amongst the most distinguished in rank of the Fenian chieftains. In some copies it is 6aid that Artuir s life was saved by Oisin. SG O. BeAij bob' <\]h)Q t)&'r) 5|tjAi), coiia'jic ai; }~biAT)t; A5 ceAcc pAi) lej]i5 ;• b"pf;joi;i; itjac Cuii;A]U, ion"? 8u|c, bo beAt}i;<\|3 filoJAii) at; brux-c bejTv--,. Cia cu jre-i;, a niogAii;, Aft ^oijy, II* Aili;o r)|ATi) '|*A]* b|ieA^c AC c t)I;oUifi ^611;; ac h*aic pjfejrij. 6 cu|C|.-ib uile A]t bo y^'-xi, i)A j-oacc 5-CAC AcC\ I'AIT b-)~|-| aiji;. 1 lem.", 1 plain, a pathway, or place of meeting. See also note 10, p. 18. 2 N[.\ii' r*UA&-c*l0CAC, i.c , the ray of the newest form. This lady is sup- posed to be the daughter of Garadh the son of J)olar Dcin, or the Fierce ; 87 0. A woman more beauteous than the sun, The Fians beheld approaching on the plain ; Fionn Mac Cumhaill, I tell thee, Was saluted by the queen of the red mantle. Who art thou, queen, saitli Fionn, Of the gentlest mien and loveliest form ; Truly more sweet to me is thy voice, Than all the strains of music. Niamh-nuadh-clu'othach, is my name. Daughter of Garraidh, the son of Dolar Dein ; The duel* king 1 of Greece, m}' - curse upon him ! Bound me to Tailc Mac Treoin. Why is it that thou shunnest him, Do not conceal the fact from me now : As thy protector till judgment's day, I take thy hand against his will. Not without cause did I hate him, Black as the coal was his skin ; Two ears, a tail, and the head of a cat, Are upon the man of repulsive countenance. I walked [travelled] the world thrice, And did not leave a king or lord, That I did not implore, but thou, Fionn, And a chief never promised me protection from him. I will protect thee, youthful daughter, Saith Mac Cumhaill, who was never conquered ; Or all shall fall for thy sake, The seven battalions of the Fians. king of Greece, who forced her to nmrry Tailc Mac Treoin, again t or will, and the tale recorded here is the result of that unhappy union. 88 O. <£>aji bo Ujiij-fi j:&|r>, a ^hwv, )X beAftb Ifnt), 30 Tj-beAfitjAff- b[teA5 J A'f aij te o'ft ce|c trie uAfb a b-f Ab, 50 b-cufceAr;r> leff cac A'f ceAb. 2li) feAft rriofi a befftfir) Ifb, ff e b'f A5 roe le f AbA b-peft)f) ; ful Aft rjAfjAb roffe lejf, bo rspiorAb leir fAoj bo ao 3br*feis. ft A beAi; forrjAjtbAb Af a 5Aff*5e, A fl'Oflc CAJf Aft bAC AT} 6] ft J ojft V] b-frufl Iaoc f aoj at; t>3fte]u, ijac b-f A5A& f ao b-"pejt)r» feAft A clo. )V 3 e Aflfl 50 b-f ACATTJAft A5 CeACC, AT) CAOffeAC "CAflc bA CftUAfb IaT)!), r/joft urblAfg, A'f irjoft beATirjAij b'pljforjt), ACC |Afl|tAf CAC CAJl CeAtlO A tf)l)A. Cuffmifb befc 5-ceAb tia bAfl, bob' feAftft lArb a Ti-Afiripfft 5le6; bufi;e bfob TifOft ffll CAft Aff, 5A1; cu|Cfrt) fie "CajIc ttiac "Cncoft) ! 'Do CUlfieAttlAft A1)V), A'f bA COffl A TTJAOfbeATT) 5Ar) ArbftAf, CAOflce ttiac KonAjt); bejc 5-c6Ab fSfAc 50jtrt) 5lAf, joriA feAftA|b cftobA b'feAftjt. 'Defc 5-ceAb cA0|f*0Ac, ijaoj 5-ceAb Iaoc, bo b] CAob Aft cAob b'Aji itjuj ijcf ft feft); A'f A PbAqtAJC, At) CflC|b|tT) CftUAfb, f|D Aft ceAfCAfb UAftjt; be'i; b-pefut}. 89 0. By thine own hand, Fionn, It is certain thou hast told a lie ; For by him from whom I have fled afar, Fall a battalion and a hundred. The great man of whom I speak to you, Is he who has left me long in pain ; Before I was bound [wedded] to him, He ravaged Greece twice. Do not contend about his valour, curling locks of the color of gold ; For there lives not a hero under the sun, Who will not find among the Fians a man his match. Soon we saw coming towards us, The chieftain Tailc of the hard spear ; lie did not salute or pay homage to Fionn, But demanded battle on account of his wife. We sent ten hundred to meet him, Strong of hand in time of war ; None of them ever returned. All fell by Tailc Mac Treoin! We sent there, and of it we should boast Without doubt, Caoilte Mac Konain, Ten hundred shields blue and green, With the mightiest and best men. Ten hundred chieftains, nine hundred heroes, Were side by side of our own people ; And, Patrick, of the strict faith, All these we lacked of the Fians. 90 O. jAjtttAf 4 Ofcuti ceAb aji "pbpou, 3|8 bO|l5 IjorT) e bo hiAb, bill bO COTT)ftAC AT) tl*]Tl TT)6|fl, AT) CAT) bO COT)A1flC b|C T)A fluA^. C)o 3&AbAiTi ceAb uaitt), ati ^iotjt), 5]b eA5Al Iiott) bo cu|C|tT) ctt]b ; &|ft)5 ! a'i* betft tt)o beAi)t)ACc leAc, cuiTT)t)iS bo 501I, a't* bo ^r)]n). 5luA]reAT- 0|*CU|l, A1) peATl A]3, A|\ a Ia]tt) T)]0|i cuifteAb b&in), at) Iaoc caItt)a bob' T*e*XTlfl lATTT), 50 TtAJTTTC fO T^Ajlc TT)AC T^t(3]r). "CAbAlfl AJA]8 6ATT)fA TT&'I), a ^bo^lc rf)ic "C|ie]T), ati Of-cuti A13 ; ojti bA|i)T.*eAbr , A bjoc bo ceAtU), a T)-b]05Al At) bfteAti) t*o 50]!) bo Iaitt). A|l bO lA|TT)fe, OfCUJIl A15, 5jb bu'&eAC bjoc bAjib 1 at* beAi); b]A8 CU A3ATT)t*A 1)OCC 3AI) 6eAT)T), A'f bjAjb At) pCA]l, f]0])V), 30 ICATT). 1 t)ap"> bard or poet. The Irish bards were always ready to chauut the deeds of their patrons in the most glowing language imaginable ; but had they not been patronised they were equally ready to satirize and decry them. In The Tribes and Customs of Hy-many, published by tlie Irish Archaeological Society at p. 104, we find under date A.I). 1351, that " William Boy O'Kelly, who was celebrated by the Irish bards as a prince of unbounded munificence, invited all the professors of art in Ireland to his house, and entertained them during the Christmas holidays.'* And in the same year, " William M;;c Donnough Moyneagh O'Kelly, in- vited all the Irish poets, brchons, bardes, harpers, gamesters, or com- mon kearroghs, jesters, and others of their kind in Ireland, to his house upon Christmas, where every one of them was well used during the 91 0. Oscur asketh leave of Fionn, Though J regret to tell it, To go to fight the great man, When he beheld the loss of the host. Thou shalt get permission from me, saith Fionn, Though I dread thy fall by it ; Arise ! and take my blessing with thee, Remember thy valour and thy deeds. Oscur, the noble, On whose hand there never was a stain ; The mighty hero of the valiant arm, Went forth till he reached Tailc Mac Trein. Encounter me, Tailc Mac Trein, Saith Oscur of the noble deeds ; For I shall take off thy head, In revenge for those who were wounded by thy hand. By thy hand, noble Oscur, Though thankful to you are bard and maid ; I shall have thee headless this night, And the man Fionn shall be mournful. holidays, and gave contentment to each of them during their departure ; bo that every one was well pleased, and extolled William for lii? bounty ; one of which assembly composed certain verses in commendation of William and his house, of which the following is the first line : — "Fjl|& G\\e.\i)i) 50 h-AO|n-ce.\c." The bards of Erin to one house." For an account of the Irish bards, we would refer the reader to O'Reilly's " Chronological Account of Four Hundred Irish Writers," "The Tribes of Ireland," by Dr. O'Donovan, Walker's " Memoirs," Ilardiman's " Irish Minstrelsy," and tUa Introduction to the " 7am Bo Chuaili/ne," which will form a future volume of the Society's Transactions. 92 O. 2lft peA6 CU13 T)-oj8ce a'f cii|3 Ia, b] at) bjf* t)Aft clAjc A T)5l]A|8; 3At) b|Ab, 3AT) beoc, ati b]c fuAjT), 311T1 cujc 'CajIc ]te buAb ttjo rbic. ^|i f ubAC, AO-b-t)t), riWJ 3Ujt C|tl All fo']t T)-fe&1tJ CAJl leAfl, 5A||*5eA6AC 6accac bA cjiua-8 3t)]orb. N]Oji beAr>r)Ai5 f*& bo rjeAC, A'r V)o\i urblA]3 b ,4 f\)]Ot)V, t)A bo'r* ¥b]*VV ; acc b'piApitAjj; |*6 bo 3l6jt bojib, CA |lA"b A|t 3-COpiAti) A'f Aft b-Cft'AC ? C'A cu irfejij a 3Air3l 6 13 **15> A|i 21o8a BeA3 t)Aji TTCA]T)ceAc cfio-8e ; t;o cji&Ab bo C113 bo't) bul yo cu, ca pAb bo cuuAf iniA]|i rS^PF^II 1 M 1 ? 1 ? ? Nj cAbA|tp<\b bu*c ]*36aI Ajt b-c, ftTjuAiufi a lejij-b 3uji beA5 b'AO]"*; •p]0|* n*o ]iu|T) v'] cAbA*t£Ab bo i)eAC, 30 b-j*A3A-8 tt)6 bul b'A3AllAtT) "phf*-*;. u'*)ce i)A ti}ju 5^5; TJ1 JTAbA U<\|C At) A]C A b-pU'l, Aft AT) 3-CTJOC A|l leA3<\& "CajIc rbAC T|t6|t). 30 -IA-T)-C le]|l3 AJ) AfU, 't)A ]iA-b Ajt Iaji Ca-Ic ri*AC T|t6lt). THE LAY OF MEARGACH OF THE SHARP SPEARS. 0. Not long were we left thus, Though being not pleasant nor gladsome ; 'Till there approached [us] from afar, A mighty hero of the sternest deeds. He did not salute any one, Neither did he do homage to Fionn or the Fians ; But he enquired in a most haughty manner, Where our protector and chief was. Who art thou thyself, valiant champion, Saith Aodh Beag whose heart trembled not ; Or what brought thee on this errand, How far is thy journey when thou departest from us ? I shall not give thee any information at all, Remember, child, that thou art young ; Knowledge of my secrets I will not give to man, 'Till I can see Fionn and talk to him. I shall inform thee about Fionn, courteous hero of the smooth arms ; Not far from thee is the place where he is On the hill on which Tailc Mac Treoin fell. Aodh Beag went in haste, And the champion close behind him, 'Till he reached the field of slaughter, Where Tailc Mac Treoin was slain. 96 O. 2lt? cat; bo conAiftc At) pbl^DT) A'f "plow, At) b]f ub A5 ceACc iia T)-bAil, IT eA5Al lion?, bo ]tA]6 at) cu T-ioijt), bo jtAib at) feAjt CAlttiA, ttjA't" cu, rf\ cuibe bo beAnb Iaoc, A]r)]rt) bo f-eAf)A8 30 lA at; bnAcA, t)AC ru bo f AHA15 DaiIc ttjac "C]i&]t). Ml bo buAb Tt)0 IAttta bo cu^c, at) peATi tja T)-5AiTirt)ceAn "CajIc ttjac T^Tifeii) ; bo corf;-AiT;itT> v&p) ]VV]T *t>°ir> a't* bo seAbAift fjor* c|A leA5 at) Iaoc. 2^eA|t5Ac ctiuai8 tja Iat>t) tisIat* t)5§ati, tt)0 cotT)-A|T)|rr;, a "Fbl 1 )!? tbic CurbAill; trjon beAH3 An rr)o coTip Aintr;, a']* tvjoti Iua6a8 led rrjti cun An 5-cul. 0 sluAlf OfCUU £A 3UC AT) 3l6jn, a't* b'p|ApnAi3 at; leorfjAT) 3ATJ f*5Ac; atit) bo buA^b bo IAttja a't* bo 1, T)AC TJ301 T)Ce ATI AT)t; CU 30 bflAC ? M] b-pu]l ah caIatt) t)a b-CTtorti-frob, A 3-CAC t;A 3-coit;|iAC 3A|tb 5I1A6 ; Iaoc bA cfte]t;e a T)5t)]orb 5A]f3e, bo 8eA|t3 ne Ii-atitt) otitt; Ti|Arir. Hj b6lb]U TT)ATl f|1), Aft Ofcun A13, TtninA C13CACC no pAjftc bujc bo't; pbl^tjo, A 2^b0ATl5A15 T)A Ut)l) T)5lAf T)3&ATt, 30]r;|:oA|t cu At;t; 50 b-AO&A]b. 97 O. When the Fians and Fionn beheld These two approaching them ; I [greatly] fear, saith the Druid, [moured. That Mac Cumhaill will not be long bo good-hu- M. Art thou Fionn? saith the mighty man, If thou art it becometh not a great hero, Ever to conceal his name ; Art not thou [the man] that subdued Tailc macTreoin. F. Tell [us] thine own name, And thou shalt be told clearly That it is not by the might of my hands fell The man whose name is Tailc mac Treoin. Stern Meargach of the sharp tempered green blades, Is my name, O Fionn Mac Cumhaill, Arms reddened not on my body, And none could boast of my retreat. Oscur goeth at the sound of the voice, And enquireth of the hero, without dread, Is it by the victory of thy hand and spear, That thou art never wounded. M. There is not on earth of the heavy sward, In battle or conflict fierce and tough, A hero stout in feats of valour, That ever reddened me by his arms. Thou shalt not be so, saith the noble Oscur, If thy visit to the Fians be not a friendly one, Meargach of the green spears, Thou shalt be wounded to the very heart. 98 2t3« ^3 A n'51 6 1o» * 5' l6 > IT &eA|tb Iaoc, Ab £n|0tA]l r>] &eAT)Airt) cX\f, bA rbejb bo 6d]i at* rjeATtc t)A b-'p'Ar)*), cufcpj|t A5Uf |Ab TtetT)' Iatt). 7^. 2t)ut)A b-pu]l A5Ab acc buAb aitut), 5&A5 TreATtc caI-da coijtp, a']* strjori) ; bo be|TT*ft) tdatt beAnb bujc rt)0 Iatt), 50 tj-50|t»peAft cu cjie Iau bo cfto-be. 2t). )v?)\X bu]T)t), a 2t)b|C CutT)A*U caIitja, bo Tte*Tt rt)ATt 5eAllATf bArt) atx b-cuf ; c|A lejf, t)o c]or)t)Af bo cujc, "Ca-Ic cfteAt) At) t)e|Ttc, Y A 5 e ^l T^* "p. Oo cujc "Ca-Ic tt)ac CTieo'T) rboift, le buA& t)eA]ic-lA*tT)e Or-cu-jri. AJ3 ; bo cu]c le "CajIc, bo't) }~blA aot?, A T)-ejTt1C bA||* "Cb^llc *T*A TT)T)A, bo cufcTn) le b' lAfri) bor> pljfejiji). 21). 5lAf Iaijij t)5eAft, bo jtAjS "pio^t), bo 5A|tb sl6]t, fc»0 5eAbA]Jt COtt)NAC Ab AOt)A|t&1), T)6 bul Ab 8^]l bo't) "pb&IW 50 leon. 2t). 2t)3Uf, t)|oti t-cAb leir 50 |i-cAO|rcAc, the battalion of the chieftains; cac ija b-treAn njcvAfeAtjtjAc, the battalion of the middle-sized men; cac ija b-teAn b-re6rAc, the battalion of the mid, a pblW, An ffe, \X eA5Al 5u|t bAO^Al bjb atd 01A15. N] b-ATt^lAlb |*]1) ||« CO||t, An Piod-o, bA 6*jc 6uit)t) cu cu|C|ttj cfijb ; II* cu A|t b-cneo|n, a'|* An b-cn|AC, Aft b-cACA, ah njAi), a'|* ah Ti-b|on. Jl* ioi;at)D bu|iju f|D tjo |*ub, a fbjW, An 0|*cun, t)A b| bA luAb ; ttca'i* cu|citn b'AOr) t)eAC bo't) pb&IW* t>| |tACA|8 le||* |*AO|t pA buAb. V] 3 nA& le ^c ">£; bA rrMAT) leAC trio dun a D5UA|f*, A*f Ofcun o'u nj-buAbA|nc bo bqc |*AO|t. 1 This line reads thus in the Royal Irish Academy's copy :— •' Sai) lems 6fneAc 50 iu*rj bair-" In tlic direct path till the day of death. 107 0. The battalion of the small men said, And the battalion behind them, the rear guards, That they were faithful in their acts, And that they would follow him like the rest. Fionn called Oscur to him, As commander of the battalion of brave heroes, And asked him if it was in single combat, He would encounter Meargach first. Oscur saith, that he would himself, Give him battle in behalf of the Fians ; And if I fall, Fionn, saith he, It is to be feared that you will be danger after me. It must not be so, saith Fionn, We would suffer by thy fall ; Thou art our guide, our chief, Our prop, our path, and our protector. 'Tis all the same to us, Fionn, Saith Oscur, do not magnify him ; If a single man of the Fenians fall, He shall not depart victorious. Fionn sent for Goll, of powerful strength, Whose feats of sword and spear were great ; And inquired if he would fight The great Meargach in single combat. Fionn, saith Goll cunningly and wisely, "Tis true, thou lovest not me ; Thou wouldst wish to put me in danger, And Oscur from trouble to be safe. by which the poet implies that the rear-guards would never desert their colors but fight to the very last. 108 f. NAfi 5eAlUif-fe leb' cojl fAOft, Aft rvo fox)Y& rriAft 5eAll c&c, Sat) feAfArb ||- rjAijieAC uAfc ! 3- o seAlUr, a fbwv, 30 tfoft, 30 leAT>pAit)ij bo strjorb rriAfi cAc ; t)] riACAb Aft 3-cul o'r; 5-CAc, rt)A 3AbAtjt) 5AC peAft e bo lAfrfj. "F- ^o 3°m FlO^TJ 'DjArtrouib ; -* Th\VVi tWf cojcceAtjr) at? cac, b]Ab corb n?A]c le peAjt Aijr;. •D'piApftAjs b"pb 'Do f-AOileAf-f a, Aft pfOTjr), At) fIajc, t;ac ArblA|b f*ft) bo seAllAjf bupit), 3AC Aft 5eAllAf, Aft "pAolAtJ, Tie too TiAe r>j TiACAb Aft 5-cul. a peAcc b-crieAT) caca 6]uIcai5 7~bl UP- .c i)A Iat)i) t^Iat;, bo 2t)bAC Curi)Aill le cjteAT) 501TT7 slojt; Aft be f^T) AT) lAOC CA3A|tCA, bo b] a t) ejbe caca at; a corbAiji ? y. M] b-^ 5<5 bei,rblT), Aft T^otjt) tt)ac Curi)Aill, ACC CAO|T)-l]AC CTtfAC T)A T)-1ATtri)UTtAT); T)]OTt cui,be le b-AOi) t)eAc e|le bo'i) "pblAi)T), CU COlbftAC ACC e Ab C-AOT)AJlAT). 2t). Cu^jipeAbfA, a 'FblW, ^a c6rb6A]l fjub, jreAjt ejle bA rb^cf Anjujl ?eyo ? c !3 & lf T 16 cejle bejn) a;x be|n), Aft 2t)eA|t5AC CTteAT) T)A lAT)T) T)5eA|t. pblATit) ot/Afib, 5A||i ri)AO]&ce cjte n)Ari &A5 A|t le t:eAfi bo'r) c-floj;. Nf treAcpAb TjeAftx tt)o Iatt) t>a rtio 5t)iotT), le b"AOr? T)eAC bjob 50 bti&c; bA TT)-bA& cujcjrr) bArt? fAt) 5-CAC, mo currjAb 1 r)iofi b-pAbA oficf- a T^bl^U- 2lt) CAt) COr)AfflC 2t)eA|l3AC T)A IaV)T), 50 b-cu5 Cao|t)-1]ac a bubAipc left* bo bojib jlofi ceAi)t), e pep) bo 5Ab ijaji leofi rrjAjt 8jol a i)-&A5 *£bA|i t)A peirjrje 1)& Iua8 l]Ort). O. Hjoft b-pAbA 50 b-pACArt)A|i A5 ceAcc, 0fcit|t AiseAtjcA t)A rr)-be|tr)ior)i) 5-cruiAi8 ; a Iaui) IjorbcA t)A 8eAf Ia]tt) bo b], A Pb^tflAIC ! IT b l^ At > V e ^ b0 luA&A]tU. P. 2licttir 8u]t)t) a 0|n') f UA lT* c » C]ot)i)Af bo cuAjb At) cac bo'r) b]y ; ij6 At) le 2t)eA|t3AC t»A Ut)t) t^Ur, bo cujc bo ti)AC, At) c-Ofcu]t 3fioi8e ! O. )9Qin | bu ! c > A Pb«c|tAic, A|t b'-cur, 5u|i bO]li5 l]Otx) A be^c rt)Ajt z'&]m ; a i)-biAi5 OfCUJ^t A'f 1)A b-'plAI)!), A tt)eAr5 1)A 5"CllA|l 3At) pOjt)t) AftA]!) ! p. 21 cftuA5^t) bojcc ! if bAict)'ib \&]}\, 1)AC A TDeAfS t)A 3"CllA|t bUjC CUf 1)1 be^ceA 'r)0]x b& IuaS jai) cfejll, a'|* bo leAtjp^b 50 pjaI ^15 t)A rj-bul. taken compassion on him, returned and pulled him with all their might and succeeded, but not without leaving the most part of the skin of his back stuck to the floor. It is traditionally recorded by the peasantry 117 O. Fionn replied in a fierce tone, [fallen i And said, art thou not content with all that have Meargach answered, and with truth, That it was not sufficient for the death of Tailc ! Fionn called Bunanan the melodious, And he came without delay in full speed ; Great is the affront, saith Meargach, To talk of such a man to us. M. I shall muster all my mighty hosts, Saith Meargach angrily, to Fionn ; I shall let the heroes loose on each other, Of thy Fenian reserves do not speak to me. 0. Not long was it until we beheld approaching Exasperated Oscur of the stern blows, His polished blade in his right hand he bore, Patrick! sad is the loss of the man of whom I speak. P. Relate to us, pleasant Oisin, How fared the battle with the two ; Or was it with Meargach of the green blades, Thy son fell, the heroic Oscur. O. I tell thee, O Patrick, at first, That I regret being as I am, After Oscur and the Fenians, Among the clerics without much bread. P. poor wretch ! it is much to be regretted, [beginning ; That it was not among the clerics thou wert from the Thou wouldst not now be speaking foolishly, And thou wouldst modestly follow the king of the elements. that his comrades ran to a flock of sheep which they saw grazing in a field, skinned a huge black ewe, and fastened the skin tightly to Conan's back, by which mark he was known ever after. 118 O. "Ctuiaj; 5AI) cA|fe C115A& tre-jri, A 3 u r 5° Pi ! 1 cwr> *>o cIjaji; i)A b-AbA]|i Item) 50 leAijpAjtjr) tc 'pbltW, cu||i bii]T)t) crvjoc A|t cac ct)0|C at) ATft, bo frj at) "pbiAtjr) cjt&At) 50 leojt, Aijo]f if b6|b 50 y. at)T)-Ia5 cI*vtc. O. 21 PbACftAic ! rt}'<\'x e- DjA t)A t)5ftAf, C115 At? cArs ri') A i l a, j fc-T^uro ; i)A Cfieib uat8 6 fo y uAf, aot) tjjb luATbtqb leAc leb' jtAe. 2llCfl||* bArtj ATJOjl* A PbACTlATC, at) 6 At) <£>|A 5ttAbniA|t f|i) a bubAijic ; 50 |tu5 pe-]T) buAb Art AT) b-'peji^r), a'|* 5u|t b'fe TpiteAT)i) fuAfi 1 a 5-cluib. P. \W\\X® buic, Af 1)1 b]t6A5, 511ft beA|tbui5 b&Al . P. )x e 'Dia ^10 Aiy u]le flog, Tl* e 43'A coift A'f rjeAftc cAc ; If e t)A b-cAfr)]5 TM AT b A V A b-c*ocf A]8 f6f ; Y if beAjtb l|ort)f a 50 rt/feAfift o olc leac 6, |f 6 bo ro]f3 t»fel") «;a b-'plAijij. 123 P. Thou iinaginest that the Fians were mightier Than all who ever came and will come hereafter, But I believe that God is stronger Than thou and they, old man ! 0. 'Tis likely thou hast not seen the Fians Mustered for battle in time of war ; Not like the humming of the psalms, Or the clangor of bells, was their music. Not like unto God, Patrick, Were his [Fionn's] proud illustrious hosts, I never heard of any great feat [by him, i.e. God,] But what thou and the clerics spread of his fame. P. The clerics or I have not told thee One-third of his good deeds since the beginning, Goodness without end is his goodness, Oisin, it is truly. 0. I do not submit, Patrick, to God, Nor yet to thy words which are foolish, That either he himself or his actions were great, As he was a man without battalion or hosts. P. He asketh not for the pursuit of battalions or hosts For ever, Oisin, in his presence, But distributes equally according to merit, And he never gets a hurt from his foe. Believe me still and truly submit, silly Oisin who lovest not God, And whether it seems good or ill to thee, 'Twas he who checked the career of the Fians. 124 O. t)|:e<\.& 50 fjaII at) e-atiat). P. RojtjrjceAft leAC ajiAt) aY beoc, bo 5AC cu|b bA b-pA5At)t) at) cl]A|i ; cu]5C|0|i liorrj 31^ TJATjteAc bujc, tdat-Ia a'j* 5UC bo cAbAjfic bo l3b]A. O. 2t)A 5e]b|mfe AftAi) aY beoc, A Y r«*ll 3 AT > cof3 Art)eAr5 fl* 3" c ll*t* i A Pb&C|tA|C ! Xj\ Tt)eAfA]n) Aft AOT) COft, bO leAC-CUTT)A& if] 6eATtT)AbATl JIT, ATT), Y IT PCA|t|T A T)-0lc t)A TT)AjC T)A b-^AtJO* O. Olc A3Uf ATT5U1T) 6(*ATlb, bo cu|qrr) a T;-bA|l bo cI|aji; aY t)A |tAbA|ftfe fAOft 5 T)A T^OjtT), 6|ft T)jOJl COflT)U|l f|b lo T-lllAS T)A b-"F|Al)1). 125 0. Thou liast told a falsehood, 'twas not God [death, That obtained sway over the Fians, or caused their And if he ever acted justly or evenly, lie would generously share the bread. P. Bread and drink is shared with thee, Of each meal the clerics get ; I perceive it is shameful to thee Abuse and scandal to give to God. 0. If I get food and drink, And a willing share among the clerics ; Patrick ! I cannot think on any account That thy God seeth my share. P. How is it that thou couldst get but half diet, Whilst thou gettest food like the rest ; It is not likely that it is injustice Oisin, how constant is thy clamour ! 0. Patrick, I would not believe thy God, Thou, nor the clerics, who are not mild, If it be together [i. e. at one table] we are fed That the portion each gets is alike. P. Oisin talk no more, [clerics; Of all the hardships thou hast undergone among the Injustice they never did, [of the Fians. And their worst acts are better than the best deeds 0. Ills and loud contention Mayest fall among thy clerics ; And may thou not escape their venom, For ye are not like the Fenian hosts. 126 P. )x olc \\ovo a feAt)6|jt lejc, 1JAC ]Ot)TT)U|l) leAC clejfl T)A $>]*.', c^ocf A^b z\\t\]i 'rjAfi bje leAC 6, 50 bojlb A 1}-bAOft £jlAf TJA b-p|AtJt), O. Jf leofi l|ort) bo bAOft glAf p]At), be]C AtrjeAf 3 t)a 5-cliAfi rrjAfi cA|rr> ; A5 feiceArb Aft SfiAf Afb bujcfe a']* bob clejft, t)A b'A blift fAOft-flAJC If TTJOfl cA]l; ff n)6|t l^b c|tuA5At) 2 bocc, 5AI) fqArj, ai) buri Ti)eAf5 a cunjplACC At) solAft). 3 P. 5lAp lAt)t), 5AI) cjio^be, 3A1) 5|teAt)r), A5 pile beon ; b'eA3lA njAjibAb a 5-ceAt)t; cfijAc, le b'0fcu|t bjAt) r)A Iai)T) t^eAfi. 21 PI)AcpiAjc ! bA tTj-be]cpeAb A3 peACAit)i), A]i 5AC itjAt) cuihj-bejn) C|iuA|6; bA |tA]b A|i conpA]b r)A i)3Aftb Iaoc, bo bftjAcnA bAojp a']* Ioat) bob' cnAct ; bO buA]8 At) 3t)]OTT) Aft Ct)OC At) A]|t ! 129 P. Peace be with the battalions of the Fians, They were mighty and their fame was great; Relate to us now without grief, Who gained the victory at Cnoc-an-air? 0. Though it would be my desire to talk of them, And to relate it with much pleasure, I shall tell thee if I am served [with food], Of the fierce conflict at Cnoc-an-air ! Meargach of the green blades, And Oscur, engaged fiercely in single combat, Patrick ! hadst thou seen the two Thou wouldst not praise the actions of God's only son. We, the Fenians, all were Trembling intensely, and in heavy grief, Apprehensive our hero would fall By the mighty Meargach of the stern arms. The hosts of Meargach of the green blades Were spiritless and joyless, shedding tears, Fearing for the fall of their head and chief By Oscur of the severe arm and sharp blades. Patrick ! wert thou a spectator Of all the traces of the sharp swords Which were on the bodies of the stern warriors, Thou wouldst not mention God or the clerics. P. Oisin ! leave off a while Thy silly words, and pursue the tale ; Tell us which of the twain, Was victorious in the action at Cnoc-an-air. 9 130 O. 21 2t)l;eA|i5Ai5 ! A[i Ofcufi 6fA]tb, &o 6eA|t5 n)o Iaiju Ajt bo cojip ; bo 5eA|t|tA8 l]on} b'freoil 30 ctjArb, aV ca iA|t5r>68 at? bC\ir A5 ceAcc opr ! <#). Mj l;-eA3Al l]orn ba^ 6b' lAjri}, tjA cu]|t a 5-cCvf rrje, Oj-ciqit ^ejl ; |f bCA]lb l|OTT) bO CU|C|IT? l]1)tj, A'f a njAHieAijr) b]ob bob' f-luA^ j:6|r>. O. jf beAjtb Ijorr) a 2t)ljeA|t5A]5 cjtuA|b, t>AC ^AbA UA^C 30|t) A1} bA]f, A'f 50 b-cu]Cf:||t-f| a']* bo qiorrj-f-luAJ, IjorrjfA a'|* le fluA5 "pb|Ai)i;A pA^l. 1 eA]ic Iatt), 3ujt ce]l3 po Iaji 2t)eAji3AC cjtuAib. MlOft b-pAbA bo't) Iaoc aji CAlti)u]r), Ai) CAr> b'ei|i]3 3AT) clAp A|t]]*; bo 3Ab' rjAjfie ]A|i f]T> atj peAji, a'}* bo rbeAbu|3 a tjeArtt 'f a 5i)jorrj. 1 F|At)t)A "Pxxjl, f/ie F/a?is of Fail. #fc]l, or loir Fcvyl, according to Keating, was one of the ancient names of Ireland. At the Tuatha De Danann invasion the country received this name from a celebrated stone which they brought with tlieni, called the I1A5 Fail, or Stone of Destiny, and of which the poet writes : — "O'n 5-cloc ro z& poti)' 6a f rfo 5 At ? r°r* 6 > s^t> c&ui&e, OC ! A PbC\C|lA|C, A T)-b]AT)-5le6. 4D'j1-iap|ia]5 2t)es\|t5Ac b'Ofcuji A13, At; b-c|te]5P|8 50 lA at; 3leo; a bubA]]tc Ofcujt bo geAbAift bo rb|Ai;, T-At^AbAfi At; b|f lArb aji U\]tb, A'f bo 5Ab ai; pAi)u]5e a flitAJ; peit;, bo 5luA]f* Of*cujt 30 caIi^a, njeAft, twt; lejftj aii;ac po]ri) ai; b-) r l;c i |t;t;. Bbl bfteArt; A3uit;t; 30 juibAC, fuA]|tc, a'j- bjieArr; e]le pA TjiuiAirr; i;a i;5t;&, 50 b-6ift3|8 STtfejue A]i i;a tbAjtAC, 5ii|t qot;ol At; i;;\rbA]b cu5A|T;t; 30 CfteAt;. 6jb ; bo cftiAll a 3-coti;bAil ']•*• 3-co|i;t;o, 2t)bcA|t5Ai5 rblfte, ai; cpeAi; leorbAi;. 1 JlnjAllAji), or, Adventures of a Slave of Adversity, thus describes the shout of Charon, the boatman of the Styx; — 133 0. The two noble brave heroes spent [the time] From morning's dawn till evening, Without quarter, without cessation, without delay, Alas ! Patrick, in severe conflict. Meargach asketh of Oscur the noble, If he would relinquish the battle for the night ; Oscur saith " thou shalt have thy desire," And they both left separated. The two came hand in hand, And the stranger went to his own host ; Oscur strode forth bravely and stoutly, On the plain before the Fians. Some of us were merry and humorous, And others looked sullen in their countenance ; Till the rising of the sun on the morrow, When the foe mustered around us powerfully. Oscur went forth in battle armour, And he took his arms and shield in his hand, He went onwards to meet Angry Meargach, the lion of bravery. The two attacked each other on the s'econd day, In the morning with fierce blows, Cleaving and wounding each the other, And 'twas not long till the Fians shouted. " t)o ftU5 At) rt)ACAri) ATt bA|* i)o ibeAftAib, Co ft)r) r6 5iv)f% orAn" A'r bc|ceAc, le truAiti) a 50CA bo cnjceAb ija rpe-AftcA, Oo cuaIa at) cfuiioge e A'r cujti iKfteAtjt) sejnj Ar." The giant seiz'd my hand with gludden'd soul, Then louder roar'd than mightiest thunder's roll ; Ileaven's high cope trembled at his bellowing shout, The round world heard, and hell's black depths cried out. .S. Hayes's Translation. 104 P- CfteAb At; pAc Aft 5&ift ai; ¥b]&V9, * Oirty 5TW A]cmr &"itj«j ; i;a beAftn;Ab, Afccfrt;, bo |Uv|8, O. Njott 5A]fi ri)AO|6ce, "pblAtTt;. bo ceAtiti. Cii|rbi;]8, a 0]*cu|]t, Aft CotiAt) tdaoI, bo cu]c]rr* bo'r; "pblArjt? 5u|t b]c ; CU]tbT)]b Aft 5AC CAC CpilA]6, bo feA|-rbui5i|* bo fliiA^o pblDU- . N] pAjb ball biv 3-coppA]b caoit), 5Ati |t|At) cpeAcc, ttA 5010 Iatw ; o bACAf 1 C]\)t),"^o bovt) C]lACC, 2 bupirje a't* bo cAc tj]op jpeAyt). 21 OfcujTt! cu]rbt)]b jujt Icb' lAftf), bO CU]C 3|tllA5AC At) 4311] t) 0|]t j 3 rt)A cuttcAp le 2t)eA]t3Ac Ap 3-cul CU. 11] A]ctt]b bu]i)tj cu, A]t "pjoi)ti pa b-pblAt;f). i tUcAr. This is the name by which the crown of the head is known ; and it is generally believed that talented men lose the hair off this part of their head at an early age. The celebrated poet Carolan is represented as a lnld-patcd man in a print prefixed to Hardiman's Irish Minstrelsy. 107 0. The Fenians completely defy thee, Stern Meargach of the green blades ; As I have reddened thy bcdy, The Fians need not dread thy power. Remember Oscur, saith Conan Maol, Thy fall to the Fians will be a loss ; Remember every hard battle Thou sustained for the hosts of Fionn. Conan roused the noble Oscur, And lie boldly faced the powerful Meargach ; I have never yet seen, Patrick, A better fought battle between two heroes. That was the battle that was severe, Patrick ! of the clerics, without doubt ; Abattle without cessation, a battle without partiality, A battle without intermission in fierce conflict. The two were of the fairest feature, Oscur and Meargach I say ; On the second day on the approach of evening, [ed. That their form or appearance couldnotbe distinguish- There was not a spot of their smooth bodies Without trace of scars and wounds of blades, From the top of their heads to the sole of their feet, To us and the rest it was not pleasant. Oscur ! remember it was by thy hand, The wizard of Dunore fell ; If by Meargach thou art vanquished, We recognise thee not, saith Fionn of the Fians. 2 Cttixcc. or boiji) cn&cc, used poetically for cnojs, the foot; however, bot)t) cfiacc, or boot) cfiojs, means the sole of the foot. 3 t>iit) 6m, i.e., the fortress of gold. There are three localities in Ire- land bearing this name— one of which (Dunore) is situated in the county 138 O. Nac cuprjp) leAC 311ft ceApo bo b], Mo|i't;fA6 plAtjtjbA ai) t> ; b'6ip5|6 50 caIoia rtieAp Apip, a'j* bubAjpc, |f b]c po bo'p pb6]pp. , a'p bo cui3eA8 bo'r) "Fb&lOT) a'p bo cAc ; 50 njo cu|be A1) b|f Iaoc, bo P5up o'p P5leo 30 Ia. e a rrjApAC lAe. 21 bubAppc 2t)eAp3AC pa P5Up Utip, IT ct*ibe p|r>, a pblOP tt)jc CuriiAill, a'p v)0]x cAplAjb itjArb Ijort) a i^lejc, Iaoc ip cp6|t>e tjeApc a'p luc. of Kerry ; the Fort del Or of the Spaniards near Smerwick ; the second ia now a castellated rock in the southern shore of Cnpe Clear in Cork ; and the third is in the county of Mcath. There is an Ossianic Poem in our collection, entitled Qacz]\a &v 2ltj.\ftAit) SPbom, >•«., The Adventures 130 0. Dost not tliou remember how powerful was Nosniadh, the flower of Dunore ; As we recognise not thy countenance, Let us always hear thy voice. Dost thou not remember after the slaughter, That it was by thee Tailc Mac Treoin fell ? And each hero and mighty host, That made a journey towards the Fians. We, the Fenians all, perceived, That death was not far from the two ; 'Twas not long till we were joyful, On the feeble fall of the mighty man. Though the hero fell to the ground, In the spasms of death, as we thought, He arose quickly and fiercely again, And saith, " this is sad for the Fians." The evening was nigh at hand, And the Fians and all conceived, That it was better the two heroes Should cease from the conflict for the night. Fionn spoke to the mighty men, And said it would be to the renown of the two, To give up the battle of one accord, Till the rising sun on the morrow. Meargach of the green blades said, That is but just, Fionn Mac Cumhaill ; And I never yet encountered in battle, A hero mightier in strength and vigour. of the Big Fool, or Simpleton ; in which reference is made to 3ftu.V5Ac of fcbuij At) 6m, which may refer to either locality. This poem will appear in our Transactions at some future period. 140 O. O t)OCC A1T)AC, A 2t)beAft5A15 C|tUAl8 r cuift]rt) fuAf* 6u|Cfe, a']* b'^bio^r); &o lo 1)5 b'o]8ce, A5iif 50 bjiAc, 1)6 5ujt bAf bo ceAccAjt 8u|i)t). t); a 5-coiftp, a b-pe6|l, a']* a 3-et)Ati)A, 5AI) b|ti3, 3AI) blA8, 5A1? re^rr). 2ifl 1)A tT)AftAC A|l Atf)AJlC lAe, b'|oi)i)f a]5 a ce|le At) &ir 50 b]M) ', bA caIh)a rjeAjtc a']* 51)1011) lArrjA, Aji caIatti bA b-cAjr)i5 |t|Ati?. 'Dob' JAb fUb, A PbACItA^C, A1) t>| |*, bA 5A]|ibe, a'i 4 bA c]te|i)e a i)5leo ; Yll* peA^i bo cu]peA8 AjxeAc 50 ci)Aii), Iai)1) b'A Ia]!!) 1 bA b-^ACAb frof. N] frACAf p6|* b^f n)Afi ]Ab, a i)eA]tc, a TIJA1), i;a b-cjteAi) luc; a 5-caIii)acc, a ti)|jte, a'j* a n)|fi)eAc, a'|* a t)-in)|jic aji rt)eAt)tT)A]i), bAji l]Ort). ft] pACAb A f An)U|l |*Ub AJtAOl), A5 fulAt)5 C|ioiT)-bein)eAi)i) cjuia]8; A5 5eAftftA8 peolA, a'|* crjeAf cAort), A5 fCAf All) 5AI) pleA8, 5AT) |'U At). 21 b-cfie|fe, 2 a b-cji6|t)e, 'fA luc, 5AI) ce^jtce a b-poi)t) 'i)A Tjfc>C\|l ; bo bj Ai) bjf 5AI) f5u|t o'i) i)5t)]Oii), bo lo 1)6 b'o|8cc A]jt peA8 bejc U. 1 lAtjrj b'A lik»b. « sword off their hands. Specimens of the swords used by the ancient Irish can be seen in the hall of the Mansion-house, 141 0. From this night forth, stem Meargach, I will not by thee nor by Fionn ; Neither by night nor by day, nor for ever, Until either of us is dead. The two brave heroes relinquished the battle For that night, and sorely wounded, Were their bodies, flesh and bone, Without vigor, without fame, without force. On the morning of the morrow, The two encountered each other fiercely ; They were the strongest and mightiest of arm, That ever came on earth. These, Patrick, were twain, The roughest and mightiest in battle ; The most skilful to strike unto the bone, A lance off their hand, that I have seen yet. Two like them have not yet been seen, In strength, in pursuit, or in robust agility ; In prowess, in swiftness, and in courage, And in feats of dexterity I apprehend. I have not seen the like of the two, In enduring heavy severe blows ; In cleaving flesh, and soft skin, Or in enduring without food or repose. In might, in strength, and in agility, Without want of feats or deeds ; The two gave not up the action, For day or night during ten days. Dawson- street, Dublin, which no man of the present day could wield with one arm. 2 In other copies a o-cneArAib. 142 O. 21 2t)beAft5Ai5 cp.uAi.8 t>a Iat)I) t^Iat/, aji Orxujt, 50 ce<\r>r> orAfib ; IX >t?6|t At) i)A|pe 8ti|r)t} AjtAOi}, £*o rA'tj 5leo a^ji aji Iat^a. 2t). 21 OfCU]]t ! if cu Af cjiuAib Iattj, b'Ajt iTT>T|i Art) corbSAjl watt); bo cu]C]td l]ort) iy h cjtjoc atx 2t)eAft5^c, a'|* bo Ijoii t;a b-pblArji?. O. M] \)-h XX)0 C\Y\OC T)A CTVJOC T)A b-*pbl^TJT), a 2t)beAjt5Ai5 6]titA-|8 tta ttsIaj* Iatitt ; cujcjn) rtiATt luAbA||t leb' Iattt), A]t Ofcujt t)a itA^bce CeATTT). T)3&A|t, rtjeArjrtjuii), c]A 311ft Baoc a frjuAb ; trjojt b-fAbA 50 T)-bubA]|tc cati ej^, At? ceAT)t) slop 2t)eA]t5<\c, bA rbAfc f uaij. B|AT,8 Ctl AJt bjc bf8 T)A fUA]t), a 2t)beA|t5A]5 cjuiat.8 ! Ajt Ofcujt A13 ; i;6 51171 bujc ati bjc c\r)t), t)6 8att)t/a, rrjAfi rbu|3f|t, Aft Iaji. Mjop b-^AbA 8u]i)r> CAob aji cAob, A5 ^eiceAii) aY A5 ejt/ceACc lco; 30 |*e, at) fbl^O* 3&1I» ib»l&1»W a'|* cac 3&ift CAointe 50 cn»A|8; a bubAijtc thac 2t)beA|t3Ai5 1)A lAi)rt, C|5eA& f 6A|t Art) COrt)bAll UA^b ? 'Cb<JIS i)A coii)3rr)ib, a't* rtA corbbAil, l.oi)5AbAi; rrjAC BnuAi&irt i)A T)-eAc; A-jnirt) rt>ic 2t)beAn5<\|5 i)A Iai;u, C|AnbAt) bob' t:65a41ac a b-tneAf. Sul yd b-cu5Art) cfcf3 at) caca, 2 Ofcujt b. 2ii; CAt; bo coi;Ainc 5°^ tV^c 21)6|u;a, CjAjibAi; A5 qonbAb i;a |*Iua3 ; bo sluAif pep; i;a corbbAjl, &y i)l oji b-^AbA ah l&n 50 b-puAHt. Jau b-opcitt; bo CbiAubAt; ne 5oll, bo 5A||t, bo slAirt), a'j- bo cAop; cac; bo 3^nt lo UicjjApi ai; } r l;iAt;i;, 31 b' t)Afi f-AOfi lAb 6 bion)bAb. Taji;^ bcAitbftACAijt bo Cl;|A]tbAt;, b'Ait bA corb-Ait;in; I.IA3A1; n)CAit ; bA 6|i6bA caUpa § tt)Ait Iaoc, Af Ait freAbAf da )-ep;i;c- b'j^Apt cac. 4 1 Luce FtteAr&A|li i.e., attendants, or persons to wait upon him, nurses. 2 P066, or roocAft, to fade, wither, or decay. 3 bL\r, flower ; \>y which the poet indicates that the flower of the Fenian army were slain in the engagement. 147 0. When wo left our hero, Feebly laid upon n bed of repose, And attendants with him, We made towards the battle I announced. Ciardan encountered stoutly, With Longadan the tough in battle, Nor long were they in the conflict, When the son of Brodin was put to death ! There fell, Patrick, of our Fians, By Ciardan alone, on the first day, One hundred and ten of hardy men, Sad to us was the loss of the flower [of our hosts]. There fell by him on the second day, Without his smooth skin being- reddened, Two hundred men with sinews strong, Patrick ! sorrowful was the deed. When Goll Mac Morna beheld Ciardan sweeping away the hosts, He himself went forth to meet him, And 'twas not long till he laid him low. On the fall of Ciardan by Goll, He shrieked and yelled, and his friends wailed ; The Fenians shouted with gladness, Though they were not free from sorrow. A brother of Ciardan arrived, Whose name was Liagan the active ; He was a hero valorous and stout, And the bravest of the Fi?.ns he challenged. « 0'f05Aitt cac, he proclaimed battle, i.e., lie challenged the best among the Fians to combat. 143 C&|fijt) rt)AC I-U5A18 b<\ 8|At) lAti), i)ioji b-pAbA 66|b A5 |*]ub peA|t aji bo cu\, r)iv rt)]fe jtorbAb, aji Cot);\t). 'D'peAC L|A5Ai) cvi68a t)A 8^5, a'|* b(V CApA At) lAJlftACC, A5 Cot)At) j At; ceAtjtj 5Uft T3 A ^ ° 0* rt)tqi)eAl ! M|Ofi feA|*Ajri? Cot)Ai) At) bAll, a']* t)jofi ]A|i|t peAji a ceAcc a 0-ajc; bo sluA^i* bo c6]]i ]teACA ^ao] '13 b-"pjAi)t), A' |* bO CAJC A lAt)t) Of A lAltT). dj b-pA5&A0ir fOf5 Arr>e<\f5 tjA b-F|Ai)i). )rt)C]5, Ajt *pAoU\i), ofATib, a'p 3IAC Ab lAjrr) &o Iat)1) A|tjp; Af ].*65Aijt cac caItda C|i68a, ati £eAjt 8o't) c-flo5 rrj&f A] I, t}0 A[i 8j|\ M] 5eAbAfe bo corbAijile, aji Cot)At), 3)8 b'e Ajuib le'|i t)Afi rt)0 ^\f\o\v ; £65fiA8 ^ejT) cac a't* cotv\x<\c, a^i T-eATt t)o 80 bo'i) c-flttA3-bu|8|ij« T3fi|All Art) 8A]l|-o, att "pAolAi), a'|- coj;5bAi8 lAri) Ijort) ai)T)|« a t)31|a8; tda't- cu|citi) 8att) lev ce cioctAf, SAitttt) cu5Ab peAjt bo't; fl^AT)!). W] TtACAb ATT) AOT)A1l AT)I), T)A pop Ab bAlll'l, ATI AT) T^eATt TT)AC1 ; bA TT)0 CUJCJTT) bATT)f*A A pl)AoU\J ', 1)]0]l b'c ATT) bATT) be|c A3 5IA08AC ! T^A|!t TT)A|l v'SOt) IpTTj A f*JTt HjAO]l, a'j* cAbA||i leAC ATt^f bo Iatii) ; 1)A t:AT) ATT) t*OCA1ft TT)A|' A]l leAC, kiAt* eA3Al leAC cAc bob' ceAi)i) ! r t>0 CftJAll "pAolAl) a't* AT) {.'OAfl TT)Aol, 30 TtAl)3AbAlt A |U\Ot) COJ- A|l CO]]'; Al) A]C 't)A 1lA|b i|A3Al) A|l lAft, a ) : HaoIAji) ! A|t ConAi), bj Ab copb ? 151 0. It" I could by one blow Put the mighty host to death, By artifice, I would not blush at the deed, And they would not be sheltered by the Fians. Go, saith Faolan, loudly, And take thy sword in thy hand again, And proclaim battle fiercely and heroically, To one of the host if they will, or to two. I shall not take thy advice, saith Conan, Whoever of you is ashamed of my act, Let himself proclaim battle and fight, Against one or two of the host. Approach with me, saith Faolan, And give me a helping hand in the battle ; If I fall by him that comes, Call to thy aid one of the Fians. 1 shall neither go there alone, Nor yet with thee, saith the bald man ; Were I to fall, O Faolan, Then it would be too late for me to call ! Come along with me, bald man, And bring with thee again thy sword ; Stay not with me if thou likest, If thou art afraid of losing thy head. Faolan and the bald man proceeded, Till they both reached step by step, The place where Liagan lay, Faolan ! saith Conan, be silent ? 152 O. <£>0 C65 AT) £eAfl TT)Aol A Iaijt), a't* bo Tqc 50 ceAT)t) pAO] AT) b-pfciijij; & po5A|ri T^aoIaij at) cac 50 b-ajtb, ATI peAbAf T*lo5 cac a 5-c6]tT)-5le]c. lA]Tf>. Njoji b-pA&A bo'i; &jf a b-cjtojb t)A Iaiiu, 50 b-pACATT)A|l, a't* bA 3JieAT)T) Tie cAc ; ^AolAT) cllfbe, ATI T)3A]tb Iaoc, ati cul T^ejce A5 C)Aolc|Ab Att>. *Do C05bA&ATl CAC 3, ce']t 8o]l]5 A 3" CA0 J CTie b&f l.^ A3 at, 11 ; bO cd5bATT)A]TlT)e 3ATICA 50|l cjie cftei3iOT) a TtejTic bo pb^olAi) ! 'Do CHAINS OfCUTl ATI IJ-UAjll ^AjTl, ati A leAbA rrjATi a liAi,b 50 £AT)i) ; CA AT) CAC CO|CCeAT)T) Afl pO, A'f/ t)j be|& T>eAC bo'l) "pl)0|t)t) JtOrT>AtT) j:ao| ceAtjt?. M|0|t b-pAbA 50 b-frACATTJATt A5 CeACC, Ai) Iaoc rtreATi caIttja Afi cjioai; luc ; i)|0]t b-peAf bup)r) 311T1 Ab e bj atit;, 311T1 beAtujuis 30 ceAijtjfA b"pi)joi;i). 'Do f-AO|l TT)C, A yb]V1) } - Aft T*C, Ati cat) cuaIa|8 At) 3*\jft bobjtoji); t)Ac iiA]b Iaoc ot-3ati8a A|t At) 3-ct)oc > a't- biqt)e A3u]b T)A TtAjb bed! 1 i.e., Tlic dark-haired, 153 0. The bald man raised his sword And ran quickly towards the Fians ; Faolau loudly proclaimed battle To the bravest of the foe single-handed. There came quickly to meet him, A valiant hero with bombastic talk, Daolchiabh was his usual name, And his shield and spear were in his right nand. The two were not long fighting with their swords Till we saw, and to our foes it was a cause of joy, Faolan the active, our brave hero, Behind his shield by noble Daolchiabh. They [the enemy] raised a shout of joy, Though sorrowful they wept at the death of Liagan ; We raised a shout of wailing For the failure of his strength by Faolan ! Oscur heard our loud shout In his bed where he was feebly laid ; The battle is general, saith he, Before I arrive the Fians will be all beheaded ! It was not long till we saw approaching, The stout swift hero in full speed ; We knew not that 'twas he was there Till he courteously saluted Fionn. I imagined, Fionn ! saith he, When I heard the sorrowful wail, That there was not a brave hero left on the hill, And that not one of you was left alive ! 154 O. l Do bj "pAol&n a'p 3T)iori) le b-^^5* )uin a frlAic i)A Iaoc caIttja, aji ]*e, rtjA cufcfn) 13 a c|ief3 tijo cu|f. 2t)C\'f cti|qn) biqc le c t)AolcfAb A "pbA0lA|1) ! CfA bjAI) A tftOtt) flo^ \ CUfCpeAbf A A3Uf flll^3 1)A b-"p]AT)l), 1)6 ciqcffb ^AolcfAb Ab beof^. CufTt71)|3, A "pbAolAfp ! AH OfCU|l CftPAU, 3un b'fornbA Iaoc t>o tujc leb' lAfti); a'p ijac cufbe 6u|c a tj-Atbajtc ija b-}-|Ai)n, 3AI) fOAfAiT) le 'DaoIcjaV) a t)-bA|l. 0. Faolan and Daolchiabh were In battle and hard conflict ; Cleaving flesh, body and bones, To see them both was pitiful ! Fionn asked the chivalrous hero, Oscur the magnanimous, I mean, To go back again to the Dun, And not to remain under the excitement of the fight. I shall not return, noble Fionn ! Saith Oscur who was not feeble in battle, Until I see which of the two it is That will fall in the action. Faolan was greatly overpowered By Daolchiadh the valiant and stout ; Faolan ! saith Oscur, of the sharp blades, Thy fall by Daol would not be pleasant to me. Faolan gazed, and perilous was his position, On Oscur, with grief in his countenance, prince of heroes brave, saith he, If I fall, forsake not my cause. If thou fallest by Daolchiabh, Faolan ! though fierce his great hosts, The Fenian hosts and I shall fall, Or Daolchiabh shall fall after thee. Remember, Faolan ! saith the valiant Oscur, That many a hero fell by thy hand, And that it ill becomes thee before the Fians If thou stand not with Daolchiabh hand to hand. 156 O. H]0]l b-JTAbA 8uit?T) tt)A]t X]X), 30 b-pACArr?Afi a'j bVo|b|r)T) ai; f5 &A ^ » OAolcjAb A5 'pAolAt) 5A1? ceAr>t), A']* bO C05bATT)Afl 5A||t SJtlTJTJ TTJAft b'eA5 I 21 buba^c Ofcufi bo 311c Ajtb, ci5eA6 cac u]le b'AOt) cAOjb ; A 'r 5eAbA]b cac cojcceArjo 3Afib, 5AP rbo|U le peA|i3 fliiA^ce 'pbl'W' H] ^5^|tpAbyA Ajl "pAolAT) 1)A lAT)T>, 50 b-ruicp]8 Ijort) cu]le bo'r) c-floT;; len/ Ia]H7 pe]o i?a b-AOtjAfi&r), Ti)ut)A 5-cu|tcA|t le cac n)e A|t £eo5 ' P. Jwir> A Offitj, A'r V'* cat? bpeA3, rtjA'f ri^n> AT > T"blAt)t), bob' ^e&ftfi liic; cfieAb t)ac cac co]cceAi)t), ceAtji), fuA|fi 2t)eAfi5Ac Y A f^ UA 5 ^T* b-cuj* ? O. 21 PbAcftAic ! t)jo]i 5t)&ic \e]y At) b-"pe|i)t), 5At) jtoZJA 3M A ^ &0 c AbAT|tc bo cC\c ; irjoji ]oorbu]i) led ceAl5 t)A rt)eAt)3, tjeAC bo'r) bjteAn) t;]ojt b'e c'<\]\. Hjojt 8]ulcui5 ai) "pblAW T^ e *)* hw, A 3"CAC T)A 5-CO|ri7eAf5U|t C|t6]1) floj, CAC CO]CCeA1)t) T)6 A1) AOT)<\|t, bo cAbA]|ic bVoi) b'jAjtpAS e. P. A b-piAT)!) ; 1)6 Aft CU]C A Ceile CAOtT), trjeAJt, a'] 4 a &]]♦ rrjAC c&'ri £Ab nAb. C]A \)-& bo ceile caott7, Aji pioijrj, iwir ^'h^ A 'r &0 *Mr wac J ttjaY ciqc]tt) b6|b aji cxyoc ai) A]ft, bo 5eAbA|ji a b-cA]*5 le brie|c leAC? 2i]i)]rt) tt)0 ce^le bA rbdjt buAb, 2t)eA|t5AC criuAfb t)A Iai)1) 1)31 a j* ; a'|* ttjo 6)y rt)AC, CiAjtbAi) bA cpeAt), A5uf L1A5AI) bo bj ceAi)t) a 3-CAC. 21 rqO-ZJAII) C<\]&, bo 1lA]6 'piorjrj, c|A 50 tt)0 ljOti)CA, CApA, crieAi); bo cujceAbAji at) cjtiuji ub luAbAip, a 5-CAi fA r)5l]A& bA rbefb a luc. cii pejr) ; Tt)AC]*Arbu]l t;a rr)T)A iib, a b-peAftj* a, a 3-clo, 'fA fS^irb. 2lr> cat) cA]r)i5 6f c|Ot)i) ija 3-cojip, bo ttoc a jrolc b] ati 8ac at) 6]h ; bo fir) cAttfTjA Aft at) b-c|t|urt, 5A15 cApA, 3Af) luc, 5AU crteojft! *t)'ACflA15 A b-eAbAf) TTJAjfeAC, Tl^t), a beATiCA 3Ttn)i) 'fA beAp5 31x11 a& ; a leACA, A beAl, a't* a ctiuc 30 l&fft, A 1*ATT)U]l bo'r) 6A3 bA CTIUA3 ! M]Oft b-ttAbA 6lilT)1), A P1)ACTIA1C ! tT)A|t f]1), 30 t)-beACA]6 \] a i;-&AiAib bAjf, 3; bo cA]t;|3 tta ctiuc jt&it) Apif, a']* bo cat; A3 caoj at) Iaoj ttiati leATjAf ! 163 0. Patrick ! thy God bath not seen, Nor yet thy clerics, nor thyself, The equal of that woman, In figure, form, and countenance. When she stood over their bodies, She tore her hair, -which was of the colour of gold, She stretched across the Three Without movement, energy, or strength ! Her beautiful and smooth forehead changed [colour], Her sparkling eyes and crimson face, Her cheeks, mouth, and form all over, Her equal to face death was woful ! Not long were we, Patrick ! thus, Till she fell into the swoon of death ; The foe raised a bitter wail, And the Fians themselves were in grief ! We and the foe imagined, That she had there died without a moan ; But she assumed her own shape again, And sung in tears the lay that follows ! L210J 2t)N 21 2l)t)62lK32U5tj, .1. 2i|lr>e f-rHiAb-^eAl, a tj-bjAis a jqji A5iif a b|Af ttjac bo cujc aji cijoc Arj A]|t. O. 21 2l)beA|i5Ai5 t)A DsUf-Uiji; us&Art, 1 boh' ]oh}8a 5I1A8 a']* cjtort)-CAc; a b-c]or)6l fluAJ a'|* AOt)A|tA]rj, bo cujc leb' cjiua6-IA|it; feAl. MjOjt b-|:eA|*AC rt)& 50 fiA^b ^r>A r)-biAi5, Cft&ACC t)A f^AI) A]t bo cojtp ; \ iy beAjtb lion? 5uri ce^l^, a 3|tA8, a'|* tjAC rjeAjtc lArb bo buA]8 ojic ! 'Dob' frAbA bo crqAll At) ]tt)C]&X), 6b' cjjt bA caott? 50 b"Jo|r T"^l^ 2 b'jouDfAise pbino A3uf t;a b-^^w, bo ceAl5 rrjo cjtjAji bo'i; ri)-b&f ! 1 This is a good specimen of the ancient Irish caoin or lament, and is nlso valuable as embodying and representing the belief in omens by the ancient Irish ; and sufficiently bears out the opinion entertained by those who closely study the early history of our country, as to the eastern origin of its first colonisers. A fragment of this curious poem has al- ready appeared in print, having been published by the late Philip F. Barron of Waterford, in his Magazine, entitled Ancient Ireland, (See Lamentation of Ala over Mordhaigh, p. 105, Dub. 1835) ; but a comparison between that and the present version will show considerable variance and difference. 2 loir F*M l > Island 0/ Fail. At p. 130, note 1, referring to this term, we stated, on the authority of Keating, one of the most learned antiquaries of his time, that the l)A Pxvjl, from which Ireland received the above name, was removed to Scotland, and thence to Westminster Abbey ; where, according to our author, it now lies; but since writing that note, we have consulted Dr. Petrie's Antiquities of Tara Hill, where, at page 1.00, the learned Doctor states that the Lia Fail is still at Tara, which important discovery, if we might rely on his arguments, would entitle him to the marked thanks of the Irish nation, lie states, that after the eventful year, 1"08, it was removed from its antient situation in the Rath, called THE LAY OF THE WIFE OF MEAItGACU, I.E. OP AlLNE, OF THE BRIGHT COUNTENANCE, OVER IIER HUSBAND AND TWO SONS WHO FELL AT CNOC-AN-AIR. O. O Meargach of the sharp green blades, Many a conflict and severe fight, Amidst the hosts and in single combat, Came off by thy hardy hand in thy time. I never knew that there remained after them, A wound or scar upon thy breast, And I feel assured, that it was treachery, love, And not the might of arms that overpowered thee ! Long was thy journey afar, From thine own fair land to Innis Fail ; To visit Fionn and the Fians, "Who treacherously put my Three to death ! the Forradh, to mark the grave of the insurgents, slain at Tara in the outbreak of that year. At p. 162, he gives a woodcut representation of this stone, which he describes as but six feet high above ground, but that its real height is said to be twelve feet. It is a matter of surprise that the Council of the Royal Irish Academy, if they believe this to be the Lia Fail, has made no effort to save such a relic, leaving it thus exposed to destruc- tion. Surely when that body makes such strenuous efforts to rescue mat- ters of minor importance as they often do, they should not leave the Lia Fail to merely mark the graves of rebels on Tara Hill ! The identification cf the existing stone with the Lia Fail, requires, however, some further corroboration. Taking it that the LiaFail stood upright originally as at pre- sent, and that the monarch inaugurated, stood on the apex of it, while it audibly expressed approbation when the right heir occupied that position, we can hardly conceive that he could have found a locus standi on a space so unfitted for an exhibition of the kind as the narrow-rounded summit of this stone presents. The account given by our bardic historians of the Lia Fail would lead one to believe that it was a small flat stone, such as the one now under the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey, and not a pillar-stone six feet above ground, and six more below, as Dr. Petrie's account represents it. 106 O. b&8 ! rtio ceile, rr>o ceATjir, bo cATlleAT* le nieAr)3 tta b-)^AT>i>; ttjo &jy 05I.AC, njo 6]f ttiac, two 8]f b'peAjtAib bA 5Afib 5I1A& ! 2t)o ciirbA ! tuo b[A& ^5Uf ttjo &eoc ! rtio ciirbA ! rrro co|*5 6 5AC at fib; 1170 ciirbA ! rt)0 criTAll at; jtt)ct,at), A V 3°^ CA1,lleAT/ TTTO lAOCftA CAfb ! 9X)o ciirbA ! rrio bi*i) Aft lAft, TTTO ciirf)A ! mjo f5Ac ^V "7° T51 A ^ > 11)0 ciirbA ! 2t)eAp5Ac a'j* Cf AjtbAr), rtio curb a l_f A5AT1 ! bA b)ieA5 elf Ab ! 2t)o curbA ! n>o cofirjeAb a'j* hk> bfor}, ttjo cuttja ! ttio bfifj A5iif rrro ceAtjij; ttto ciirbA ! b'& A]* bojlb o't) olc, rrjo cuttja atjocc ! f]b 50 trAtjtj ! 2t)o ciirijA ! rrjo luc7;Ai|t a'j* itjo 5fteATir>, TTJ0 ClinjA ! TTJO jeAll ATJT) 5AC AfC, 2 rrjo ciirbA ! rrjo luc a't" rrjo rreATtc, TTJO ciitfjA ! 6 TJOCC ATTJAC 50 bftAC ! 2t)o cuttja ! tdo cfteofft A'f* rrjo cfif aII, ttjo ciirbA ! rrjo rb|Atl 30 IVr) bAff, TTJO CUTT)A ! TTJO CAf fje a']* TTJO fl6fTT>, rrjo ciirbA ! rrjo Iaocjia6 bA CAf8 ! 2t)o ClilTJA ! TTJO leAbA8 a't* TTJO fHlAT), ttjo ciirbA! ttjo cuAfftc A'f ttjo ceACc; ttjo ciirijA ! uj'ofbe a'|* ttjo blA8, rrjo cuttja cftAf8ce ! njo cftfiin poAji ! 1 CcAtjT) means also a head, and in pronunciation and signification strongly resembles the Tersian word khan. 107 O. Sorrowful ! my husband — my chief, I lost by the wiles of the Fians, My two youths — my two sons, My two men who were fierce in battle ! My grief ! my food and my drink ! My grief! my precept everywhere, My grief! my journey afar, And that I lost my noble heroes ! My grief! my Dun laid low, My grief! my shelter and shield, My grief ! Meargach and Ciardan, My grief Liagan ! of the broad chest ! My grief ! my ward and defence, My grief! my strength and might, My grief it is ! and gloom from evil, My grief this night ! to find ye slain ! My grief! my joy and my pleasure, My grief! my desire in each place ; My grief! my agility and my strength [are gone], My grief ! from this night evermore ! My grief! my guide and my path, My grief! my love till the day of my death, My grief! my treasure and my sway, My grief ! my heroes who were noble ! My grief ! my bed and my slumbers, My grief! my visit and my arrival ; My grief! my consoler and my renown, My sore grief! my three men ! 2 Aliter, &jtt), heiyht, everywhere. 163 O. 2t)o curbA ! ttjo mAife aY ttjo f3e|rb, ttjo curb a ! ttjo feAbA a't ttjo CAifje TTJO CimjA ! TTJO C-Jfbe A'f "JO TT)AOjT), ttjo curbA ! ttjo cnf cobble 3A]f3e ! 2t)o curbA ! rrjo cA-ribe aY ttjo 3A0I, TTJO CUrbA ! TTJO rtJU]T)C1Tl a']* TTJO CAflAT.b,, ttjo cutt)a ! h/aca-ii aY ttjo rijAcATji, ttjo curbA a'i* ttjo cAf* ! f|b rrjATtb ! 9X)o CUnjA ! ttjo pAjftc a'|* TTj'p^'lce, TTJO CUTT)A ! TTJO flAlT)Ce 3AC ATTJ, TTJO Curb A ! TTJO TbeTbTjT A'f TTJO folAf, ttjo SotIi^ bolAif ! |*|b 50 pArjTi ! 2t)o curbA ! bo f leA5 a'|* bo Iatjtj, ttjo curbA ! bo ceAT)t)]*Acc aY bo 3fiA6, ttjo curbA ! bo ijji aY bo bAjle, rrjo curbA ! fib bo f5Aipe orrj' bail ! 2t)o curbA ! rrjo cuat) aY ttjo caIatc, ttjo curbA ! ttjo cA]f*5e a']* ttjo fear; ; ttjo cuhta ! rrjo njonbACC a-'t* rrjo iij^eAcc, ttjo curbA aY ttjo caot. ! T*ib 30 b"^^3 • 2t)0 CUrbA ! TTJO ftAC 30 b-JOTTJ-f-lAT;, TTJO CUnjA ! fib ATJ ATTJ 3l|A6 " ttjo curbA ! ttjo qorjol 1*163, ttjo curbA ! TTJO cnjati leorijAij 3|torbe ! 2t)o CUTbA ! TTj'lTTJjriC A3UT- rrj'ol, ttjo curbA ! ttjo ceol A3U1* rrj'AOjbrjeAf ; TTJO CUHJA ! TTJO T-riTATJ&TJ 1 aY TTJO bATJTJCJtACC, 2 ttjo cunjA caijtjcIac ! fib clAOjbce ! 1 SruArjfcrj, a summer house, such as is found in gentlemen's gardens, •where the ladies of the houshold and their attendants take shelter from the burning heat of the sun in the summer season. Grianan also was the 169 O. My grief! rny beauty and my adornment, My grief! my jewels and my wealth, My grief ! my treasures and my chattels, My grief! my three valorous torches of chivalry ! My grief! my kindred and my relatives, My grief ! my people and my friends, My grief! my father and my mother, My grief and my sorrow ! that ye are dead ! My grief! my affection and my welcome, My grief ! my health at all times, My grief ! my blitheness and my solace, My harsh desolation ! that ye are feeble ! My grief! thy spear and thy lance, My grief! thy gentleness and love, My grief! thy country and thy home, My grief ! that ye are separated from me ! My grief! my havens and my coasts, My grief! my wealth and my prosperity, My grief! my greatness and my possessions, My grief and my wail ! are ye till I die ! My grief ! my riches all, My grief ! your absence in battle time, My grief! my muster of hosts, My grief ! my three heroic lions ! My grief! my games and my festivities, My grief ! my songs and my pleasures ; My grief! my summerhouse and my train, My crying grief! that ye are feeble ! name by which that portion of a castle or palace set apart, or appropriated for the use of ladies was called — probably our drawing-room or boudoir. 2 t>Aijtjctucc, female attendants, ladies in waiting, &c. 170 O. 2t)o cuttja ! rx)y:o\)X) A 5u|* rti 'jrjA&Ac, trio cuttia ! too ctiiati beAjtb Iaoc ; TT)0 CUTT)A OC ! Tt?0 CUtTJA 1Ab ! a'j* a W5A6 at) |ti7C|AT) bo'r; fb&WV ! ^'aicjt) roe ati at) fluA5 t15 el cti^at;, bo b) a T)3le|c 6f ciot)o at? 5liT)cib Ae]8i|t, 50 ftAib at; leAT) le bu<*]T)c borr/ CTtjuri ! C)'A1C|T) TT)e Aft AT) b-^SJATl-SUC fJ5e ! bo fe]b 50 ctiuittt) ArreAc atd cIuait*; T)A|l b-£AbA UA1 TT) 3OIIT) T)UA8 tS^I^- buti b-ciqcTrr; ]f e bo cuati ! C)'aic|T) TTje a b-cuf at> lAe, bo |*3 A]t ttio cti'uti beA5-lAOc liorrj ; ATI ATT)AftC beAflA £oIa TJA ^TlU^b, t)&ti b-p]lleA& pAO" buAb CIJ.3ATT) ! bArt) leAT) a't* bTtot) ! Jf CU]rb]T) l|OTT) A Cft|U]|l bA t]\&&T) ! 311TI TT)ii)ic roe lib bo Iuai8 ; bA ro'*roceAcc 30 \)-Q^]-\\]\)\) b]b, OAC b-jreicjqoo biijt 030AO] £ao- buab ! 1 SIUA5 rijje, /airy /ios<. The recital of the long list of omens in the following stanzas is particularly beautiful and characteristic. A belief in omens is of remote antiquity in Ireland, and, prevails in many parts of the country among the people at the present day. In no other poem in the Irish language is such a long list of omens strung together as in the present one. Ailne knew by the legions of fairies she saw in a vision fighting in the air, that her heroes would never return to her alive ; also by the hosts in the glens of the sky — by the voice 171 O. My grief! my lands and my chase, My grief ! my three heroes true ; My grief alas ! my grief are they ! Conquered afar by the Fians ! I knew, by the mighty fairy host, That were in conflict over the Dun, Fighting each other in the chasms of the air, That evil would befall my Three ! I knew, by the fairy strain, That came direct into mine ear, That evil tidings were not far from me, Your fall was what it portended ! I knew, on the morn of that day, On which my three noble heroes parted me, On beholding tears of blood on their cheeks, That they would not return victorious to me ! I knew, by the vulture's croak, Over your delightful mansion each evening, Since ye parted me in strength and beauty, That sorrow and gloom were at hand ! Well do I remember, mighty Three ! How often I had told to you, That if to Eirinn ye did steer, I would not see you crowned with victory. of the sprites of the hill, as it was wafted to her ear on the breeze, — by the mournful cry of the Banshee, which she heard round the Cathair each night, since her heroes departed — by the deep croak of the raven each morning — by the foam of the torrent, when it changed to the colour of blood — by the visits of the eagle every evening and wheeling ominous in flight over the Dun — by the withering branches of the trees before the Dun— and by the black raven, which she saw flying before them on the way on the day that they left for Eirin— by her broken rest at 172 O. u]r>; t)Ati b-f AbA 30 3-cluiDqt)t) ?e]V, CAf5 bjio]c-r , 5eil 6rt)' cri|uri ! \]i]\) rr)6 Aft attjatic bujt r)-biAi3, at) lA bo ctt|aII -f jb o'r) t)-6|C riotrjAib atttac, TlATl COTT)ATlCA tt)A1C ATI CAfA ClhjATT) ? ^t)'A]C|t; TT)fe ATI CO]T) CblAftbA]T), A5 sUirb 5oUttt 5AC T)e5|ii ; T)ATt Vj-JTAbA 50 b-pAJAIIJI), TT)0 p|AT) ! buri b-cAf3, a CTijAji, tt)o 8ob|tor) ! O'^ICIT) TT)6 ATI eAfbA THlATt), 5AC Ojbce buAt) po fftocAjb beoft ; orr)' ]tof5Aib 6 f5ATt fib liort?, T)A|t cuati cutT)bA]5 8]bfe a f otic. ' l,]A5AT) ! A5 5IATD301I 3 ac n)A]b|i) 30 rfioc, rpo CTqufi 5UTI 6]T)T)ce 86]b at) bAf ! '&]i]l) Ttie AT) CAT) CeAT*bAT)A8 bATT), AT) loc f oIa ATI A]C AT) ijo Aiq|* rjioft leoft leAc, n)A|i &]ol 30 beAjtb h>a rrj-bAf ! <£><* b-pAi;bAO|f i)A 3-c6|rij-ci|i feit), a T*1°5]Ojt 86|b bA 6^c ! o Ioajas ]a&." As their headless bodies bear thee witness, That it was not by treachery they fell ! * Aliter "t>o b'pe|b]Tt, a 5br*2M»)iJO, a bejftin), a Ioa5a6 lo ce|l5 A*r lo ttjcAt)5 ; 177 0. Grainnc ! saith the princess of the golden hair, If those Three who have fallen were thine, Truly, reproach or shame would not suffice thee, As satisfaction for their death ! Had they remained in their own country, mild princess, saith Grainnc of Fionn ; And not come to be avenged for Mac Treoin, From the Fians they would receive no hurt ! Ilad they fallen in fair battle, Without deceit or treachery, O gentle Grainne, 1 would not' reproach the Fians, But they do not survive to bear me witness ! Had they survived, noble princess, They themselves would not decry the Fians ; 'Twas by valour and might of arm, They laid low thy Three ! They might, Grainne, the deed perform, By putting them under magic spells, at first ; And 'tis likely that it was so, Or else my Three would never fall. Believe me, princess, saith Grainne, [arm That there was neither venom nor treachery in the By which fell Meargach of the green blades, And that by might cut off his head ! A'r A U-bjAis Ti)-bejc cttApU(5te 6b)b, a i)-b|cceATjt)A6 le j:oittneA|tc Upi?." It may be possible, Grainne, I say, To slay them by treachery and malice, And after their being decrepid, To behead then) by the force of swords ! 12 178 O. )t)t)]Y\rt) bu^c p6f 5AU bp6A3, At) b]f* bo le^5 50 pAbi) bo 61ai)i) ; V&H ciqbe A]C|f bo CAbAjjic bojb, &'if i)Aji b-peAf*AC bo]b b|iAO]3eAcc t)A tt)eAt)3 ! 21 5b]t&iwe ! A]t At) lM05A]t) A15, b'Aji b'A]t)itT) 2i]li)e 5eAl-fi)UAb ; ^)] c\xe]i>]xt) uajc, t>a o't) b-^^tjtj, 5U]t CU]C]tt) bAtT) lAOCftA tt)Aft lltA&A]Jt. Ma bj peAfbA l]i)i) bA Iua6, i)1 fiAjb jijArb ceAl.5 'fAi) b-pejt)!), ACt 5t)10li)A]tCA lAOCU]f* A3Uf* 3A]f*3e. t)A cA]t)i5 ]tiArb Iaoc i)A com i)A t)-bA]l, bO |tU5 A rt)-bllA6 A 3-CeAjlC 1)A lAt)1), A Y 3° tD-bejb ArblA^b 50 Ia a n)-bA|f* ! 'Da b-cujAbAon* ceA]tc da co]|t, bort)' cfi]ii|t bA cjtobA a t)3t)jori) ; A'f bA fluA5 Cft&At)ri)A|t CAC-bllAbAC, a b-cinciir> t)iOji uArtjAt) l|i)i) ! 21 2ljlt)e ! if* AlujrM) prniAb a'j* 5V*o]> 6 t)AC 3-Cjte]b||t x]\)v bA UiAb ; lU^iri' 1 ' feu 1 c 3° b-ciqcp]b cujlle, 1 ful |*3A|i|.*Ai8 ljt)t)e bo H)6fi flu A3 ! 21 5b|t»1tJi)e ! A]t At; nio^Ait) A13, aji fot) tjA 3-CftuAb-f caji bo bul b'cA3 ; CA bCA]tb 66|C A3Att)|*A Af CAC, 50 3-oi|jtf.*ib A]i An At) b-)-6|i)i). 1 Ahlcr "■ LeA5FA|h ajj FbjAiJJJ A'f ij| lc ce«xl5, cu|llo Ajt <\i) leA]l5 bob' cflOty-flUAS !" 179 0. I tell thee again without falsehood, The two who laid thy children low, That reproach was not due to them, And that they knew not sorcery nor guile ! Grainne ! saith the noble princess, Whose name was Ailne of the fair form ; I believe not thee nor the Fians, That my heroes fell as thou sayest. Do not henceforth to us proclaim, And do not be sullen or angry at it : There never was treachery in the Fians, But feats of heroism and valor. 1 tell thee still, and 'tis no falsehood, [them, That there never yet came a hero or pursuit to meet That obtained sway [over them] by right of the sword, And that they shall be so till their death ! Had they dealt justly or honourably, With my Three who were mighty in action ; And with their victorious mighty hosts, Their fall then would not surprise me ! Ailne ! of the most elegant shape and form, As thou dost not believe what I say, I tell thee that more will fall, Ere thy great hosts part us ! O Grainne ! saith the noble princess, For the sake of the hardy men who have died, I have great hopes that my hosts Will deal destruction to the Fians ! The Fians will slay, and not by treachery, More in the field of thy great troops. 180 O. 21 2ljlne ! An 3ftC\|!)ije An Sfqiyn, II* beAjib Ijnrj *p^|fe bo cjijaII ; cajji ljon>f*A a'j* lejj* At) b-}^ejnr>, 50 5-CA|ceAnj le cejle beoc a'j- bjA8 ? An bo JAnb slojt ; 50 n-]ocj*Ajjtj*e, a 2ijlr>e TjeAl- j**jua8, jtncAjn A|i "f*lttA"5 5AI) cojjt ! 21 ftp rnAojl jj* Sltajnne be|lb, bA b-j*AC<\8 An Aop lejjt5 j*6j* ; If beAnb ljotn 3u.f1 jocaj* 50 cjuiaj8 A n-jrncAjt;), a'j* bA cniiA5 An f5eol ! JocpA|8 cii njoj* cjiua8, aji ConAt), A]i]X a'j* jtncAjn t)A b-'pjAnn ; bAjnjrcAb An ceAnt) 6ji-j*ojlc bjoc, rr?A sejbjtn ceAb "pbl^O t>A b-pjAtnj. 3j8 rnojt co|jiceAtnujl bo cojtp, a'j* 5ujt leACAn, Ion), cjtoc bo rt)AOil ; a'j* cu j:tAri)An-cnAtT)Ac, njT-jn-j^jceAc, rneAjt, rnAn 8eAlb nAc rnAjc aji Iaoc I 1 op. fc^]i^, aY bo lAliAjft bo 5A|ib 311c Anb, cu|f* caot, A5uj* pftocA bedft, 5U]8]rr) bo'r) y-h&VW A*f &o c&c ! At) Att)U\i& ip Afl leAc bjp be^-lAOC ; bo &ul a 5-coirb-5;liA8 t)A Iai)1), 1)0 CAC coicceAi)i) Aft 5AC caoI>. 21 5b|t*1Ui)e! A]t 2lili)e bA 5eAl pt)iiA8, 1P Att)lAi8 ip cuibe Ait JAC cAob ; CfljOCAb 2 bO lAOCpiA 1)A b-'plAt)!), a'p cpiocAb tt)Ait iAb a 3-coiti)-5leic ? 5 cu^Ab bo cftjocAb Iaoc (Apt "5]\&]W)e), AH At) lentj 1)A t)-AOt)A(tAI) ; a'p joiiipeAbpA qrjocAb i)A b-"piAi)t), 50 b-ci^Ajb CAC blA1) AJl C1)0C At) Alft ! 1 DAttn-biiAh, sometimes called bcxntt ouaBajI. This and the bop?? phiAim, were the war-trumpets used by the Feuian chiefs to summon their troop3 to battle. 2 CftjocAS, thirty. Here Ailne proposes to Grainne, that thirty com- batants a side should be chosen to decide the conflict, which number they .summoned forth in their turn — each calling the bravest hero or combatant in the ranks. Among the names of those 80 called, the fol- lowing bear a striking resemblance to some of those of the present day ; Thus — ConAtuvn, seems identical with the present Conran ; KiiAjcije, (writ- ten UuA|cine, in the copy consulted by us in the Royal Irish Academy), 185 0. Grainne advanced (o meet thein, And took gentle Ailne by the Land ; They walked together on the one path, And the two approached the front of the hosts. At the time that they reached us, Daire sounded the melodious music of battle ; Fionn sounded the Barr-buadh, And called in haste his mighty hosts. bright Ailne ! saith Grainne, Is it thy wish that two heroes, Should fight with their blades, Or a general battle on each side. Grainne ! saith Ailne of the bright countenance, It is thus it should be at either side, Thirty of the Fenian heroes, And thirty their match, to meet ! Call to thee thy thirty heroes (saith Grainne), On the plain by themselves, And I shall call thirty of the Fians, Till they give severe battle on Cnoc-an-air ! would go far to identify the name Renehan or Rooney ; CorsAjfte or Cor. 3A|tcAC, now Cosgrave, is a name famous in Irish History (see Ossianic Trans. Vol. I.). e^t»l^in e may be the modern name Uficujle (Hurley) or lAflflAiee, O'Herlihy, whom Dr. O'Brien in his Irish Dictionary, at the end of the letter /, describes as chiefs of a district in the barony of Muskerry ; and also states that they were hereditary wardens of the Church of St. Gobnait, at Ballyvourney ; and were possessors for many years of the large parish of that name. Smith states that they were chiefs near Ma. croom. For an interesting account of this family see Conncllan's edition of the Four Masters, p. 199, note. 186 O. 21 T-\)u&]ib<\]t) ! Aft 2l|lt)e fijuAS-^eAl, bo cujc leb' l^|rh ao aotj lo, cftjujt A5uf ceAb jreAft caIttja rtjeAjt, cA||i|*e A3 cA3|tA6 Ab ceAi)i? sled ! 21 3blAb^r» ! Afi "S]i] bT/tifpe^& t;ob' c|iO|5 at? ctvjoo&t), le be'tje bo c6|tt Aft lorr* luc, be]|i cl-fbe bo fub a 3-cottj-6a-1. 21 CbOT)AftA|T) ! TJAft t;^3 |11ATT> crj^Tt) t)iv plACA'l fl&i) A3 Iaoc, b'Aji corbttowic leAC a 3-CAc \)& T^lco, TtjeAI'AITI) 3Ufl coiji CU 5l*0&AC. 2i Cbof*3A|jte ! at,i o|tC\]i)i*c 30 teAi;i*, bo cujjtpeAb at) ceAi)i) bVoy-be'TT), rr)]le o't* 3-colu|t;i* b'trcAjtAT*'!) lift, 5AbA|rr)f*e cu a 3-c6|ttt-31c|c. 21 &A|ilA|*te ! t*a TT)5|t cfteAcc, bo cujx Aft cojtpA|b Iaoc le i*j*b ; II* Tt)eA|*CA 3ii|t cujbe 6»|c cftjAll, a'|* cuiii)T)i3 at; cftjujt bo ciijc ! 187 0. Thuardan ! saith Ailne, of the bright countenanco, There fell by thy hand in one day, One hundred and three mighty swift men, Come thou as leader in the fight ! Giabhan ! saith Grainne aloud, There fell by thy hand in one battle, Three hundred and sixteen men, Stand thou by his side. Meanuir ! saith Ailne, go forth, Thou that hast brought the swift deer from the hill ; By the swiftness of thy two fleet hardy legs, Cowardice is not thy character in battle. Ruaithne ! saith pleasant Grainne, Thou wouldst not crush the withered grass, When in pursuit [of the foe] by thy fleetnesa, Thou shalt match him in the conflict. Conaran ! who never left A bone nor a tooth sound in any hero "Who engaged thee in battle or conflict, I think thou shouldst be called ! Cosgaire ! saith Grainne firmly, Who would send the head by one blow From the body a mile of soft ground, I will have thee in the combat. Earlaire ! who left large scars, On the bodies of heroes with venom ; 'Tis determined that thou shouldst go, And remember the Three who fell ! 1SS O. <£)o bj at) bjf bo n)t)Aib yc]w, 9l]li)c Asuf 3n cpiocAb 30 beAcc ati 3AC CAOjb. iD'ioijTjfuiTjeAbATi t)a cfi&in-piTi a c&ile, 3<\c b]|* b^job a 3-c6]rb-3liA& c|iuai& ; a b-p6]|tceAi)r) at> caca t>]Oji tt)A]ti bo'i) Ijot), a PbAcjtAjc ! acc ti\x bo't) *Fb]&vy ! t) n)0 CTiojbe 6 be]c bA luAb ! i)] cft&]3peAfi l|orr> tt)o tjtAcc 30 £0|ll, APbAtTtA]c! o't) K6|tt), Ai) CTte]b|TT) ctuiai&. 21 1) CAT) bO COTJAJtC AT) lp))|A1)T), AT) CUlCjTT) 30 b]AT) ATI CAC, bO COjbAbATl Z]\] 3A|tCA 3ft|t)t), bA cloy a T?5l|i)i) a']* a i)-Aiib. 21 2l|lue 3eAl-fi)uAb ! ati 3| l *Mt)i)e, If tt)STl AT) CAT* ATI 5AC CAob; A|t T)A Iaoc bA CJtUAb 3A|f3e, CTtJAll leAC 'f A TT)A|jtCAl)T) bob' bll|8]l). M] cpjAllpAb T^t) T)A ]Ab T-ub, a 3bp^1T)0O ! b'Aft i;-bii|cce pep), T)o 30 b-tu|ctqb fjAb 50 bepte, 30 b-pA3Ajb b|b-T-cnt5 atx ai) b-^jr)!)! J Win"? &u ic, a 2l|lt)e ! i)A i)3oaI 5IAC, 30 TT)'T*eATt|t 6]b TTAb bo'i) CO||t, 50 Ttocciqi) blip b-cj|t Alu|t)t) frfiffl, T)6 pcAjt fS^il T)j TtACA]b beo ! ISO 0. The two gentle women, Ailne and Grainne, the wife of Fionn, Were calling and choosing the men, Until exactly thirty were mustered at a side. The mighty men attacked each other, Each two of them in hand to hand conflict, At the close of the battle there only survived, Fatrick ! but two of the Fians ! Of our thirty the two survived, My heart is sick from its recital ! 1 shall not cease my narrative yet, Patrick ! from Rome, of the harsh faith. When the Fians beheld The foe falling fast, They raised three cheerful shouts, Which were heard in valleys and on hills. Ailne bright ! saith Grainne, 'Tis a sad case on both sides, The slaughter of the valorous heroes, Depart with what survives of thy hosts. Neither they nor I shall go, Grainne ! to our own country ; Till they fall to the last man, And are avenged of the Fians ! I tell thee, Ailne ! of the fair hands, That 'twere better for you to cease the pursuit, Till you reached your own fair country, Than that no one to bear tidings shall go alive ! 190 O. Hj tn]All buit)t), b'Ati b-qft, aii 2l|liie ! 50 cuiqrt) b'^orTjlAt) Aft T*Iua5 ; t)o 30 Ti>-be]^eAnj l]t)t) a iHmojaI cac, ceAt)t) 'pbjW cjtuAb-lAti) a t^leo. 21 i; cAt) bo cuaIa]6 |*Iua5 t)A b-"piAt)t), jlofi At)-ti)iAt)t)AC t)A tt)t)A "b ! bo feit)t) }-iot)t) At) BAUft-bitAb, A 3 3^ IT 1 "? A f^ lA 5 T ? A clujb. 'iDo c|tu|t)r)^3eATi)A|t 6 5AC Attb bo'i) ct)oc, at) n)6]b bo b] Ait lACA^Tt At)t) ; a bubAijit 'pjorjt) bo juc Afib l|t)t), coitbt^leo a'-j* b^o^Al bjb Arjoif 50 ceAtitj. Nj JtAlb AJIf A|8 T)A 65IAC rtieAjl, bo f-luAi^cib CAlrt)A cti68a fhw) ', t)A]t 5IAC 50 pjtAp Attn) a'|* 6]be, A' |* CAC 3AT) |*CAOt)Ab ttjAft. |*]t)1). 21 2l|ltie f"TiuAb-5eAl ! ]y bojlb liott), bo ttAib p|oi)t) t)A 3-c]tuA6-jleo ; 5eAllA]rr) buic a'|* i)j slop bu&^e, i)AC rr)A|ftpeA& A5Ab Aor) t)eAc bed ! ofAjtb, At) *ic ijUAb, Patrick newly arrived. This phrase is very common in Ossianic poetry when St. Patrick's name is introduced, and it goes far to show that these compositions were written immediately on 193 O. Oscur went forth at the head of the Fians, With his polished sword in his right hand, Until they and the foe met, On the field of slaughter and conflicts. Patrick ! I relate but the truth, Though the foe were hardy and fierce, They all fell by the Fians, Except three and the princess herself. There fell in that severe and fierce battle Of the Fenian hosts, Six hundred and ten men, Heroes who were valiant in fio-ht. *o 4 The princess and the three departed, And we know not whither they went ; Sorrowful they were at parting, And, O Patrick of the clerics, 'twas sad ! Thus ended the severe contest O Patrick, of the white croziers, lately come ; Henceforth the Fians named This hill westwards, the hill of slaughter ! P. Relate to us, Oisin ! without guile, The mighty heroes of the Fians, Besides the noble thirty [men] Who fell in the slaughter on the hill of battles ! 0. An account I shall give thee Of the history of each robust hero, That fell on the hill by the foe, And by that daring man Tailc mac Treoin. the Saint's arrival in Ireland, modern as the language and phraseology of the compositions may appear to us of the present day. 13 i qubftAS ceAb. )y At)t) bo cu|c 'f VT cjtuAJ l]t)t), LuAi^Ar) ~5&o\x vo- b-cnotr) Iaijij; bO CU5A& At) CO|tC o'l) C-flfAb, le fttqc lAt) 8fAT) A jAjtbbAll. jf At)t) bO CU]C CflUA3At) CAltt)A, b'iceA& At) n^Afic At)t) AOt) p|toit)r); A'r &A n^qb JjAITtTJjl) bo't) AftAt), a']* bA njAijieAS bA £nA]t) le|r cleff! i)A Kort)A ! Jy At)i) bo cu]C CaoI LuA^ueAC n)eAjt, Ajt luc bA luAfce 1)A At) 5AOC ; ClA|t1)At) t)A 5-CneACC Ut)t) CftUAl8, bA tt)AnaeA8, i)]on fuA^nc bob' cle]]i ! Jp At)t) bo ciqc 'DojtcAt) rt)eAft, bob' freAnji a 5-CAc t)A NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL FENIAN HEROES THAT FELL ON ONOC-AN-AIR, BY THE TROOPS OF MEARGACH. 0. There fell on this western hill Conn Ciabhrach the fierce in battle ; Of firmer hand and might in conflict, Than God's hosts of whom thou boasteat! 'Twas there fell, and my grief! Dralladh Flann, who was firm in the fight, [arms , And who would play in regard of agility and feats of With the son of the living God, and would not suc- cumb. And my grief! 'twas there fell, Luanan, the wise, of the heavy spears ; Who would bring the wild boar from the hill, By the great swiftness of his robust limb3. 'Twas there mighty Cruagan fell, Who would devour a cow at one meal, With forty cakes of bread, Had he lived how he would hate the Roman clerics ! 'Twas there Caol the swift fell, Who in swiftness was fleeter than the wind ; And Ciarnan inflicter of severe wounds ; Had they lived it would not be pleasant to thy clerics. 'Twas there Dorcan the nimble fell, Who was stronger in battle than thy God, Who hacked bodies and bones, And cheerfully did share the bread. 196 O. )x At?*) bo cu]c CaoI biiAijAc rtjeAjt, BohjAijte, SeAfic, A5uf CfiiAS^t); 1 ceAcjtAjt 3Ajib bo lAocA^b c|iuaiS, njo 8Aci;AO]b ^Ab UAirr; Aft y<\\) ! )X At)tj bo cuic L1A5AI) rx)\\) 5^3, bA cljpce aY bA cfi&At) a 3-cAC ; a'j* bo b] A3 pfieA|*CAl ua b-"p]At)t), 30 ^inn^S* "T 1 ? tt*N» ^ A f eA *- Jf AT)t) bO CU]C 2t)eA1)5*Vt) CAOtn, bA cojiCAftCA bejrn a b-cftorr) sleo ; 2t)eAr)bu|fte A5uj* CiAt;AbC\r>, CAlrrjA, C|t]U|l bA TT)6jt TT)v\1C 5 At) 56 ! )y Ai)t) bo cu|c Lon^Ajrie bA cfteAi), C|A|ibAi) bot)u bA ctjeAfbA rrjejw ; 3A|l3 bO CO|*3A|tCAC Cl)Att)A, 2t)]At)At7 a']* ^DoOp-TjlAJpe bA CAOTT). Jf At;i) bo cujc Ce]|t]t) 2 coy caoI, CfiuAbAT) a'i* 2lob r>A t)-6fi rpeAr)i), c|t]A|t bob' pA||tnt)3 cA]l a'|* clii, a'|* bA ri7A]c luc a r^leo t>a Ur)t). )y AT)T) bo cujc "pollArbAr) btlAbAC BiofAi), LiiAife, \ x &*"? 0]f\\), n)'be|r '• 1 Aliter, ')<* t)-eac, of the Bteods. 109 0. 'Twas there fell Mualan of the exploits, In the midst of the battle's rage ; And many more, recent Patrick ! That I cannot now name. P. Tell me, Oisin, if thou rememberest, Where you and the Fenians went ; When ye left the slaughter hill, Relate truly, and tell no lie ! 0. We gathered our hounds and dogs, Cleric in want ! and 'tis no falsehood, We all agreed to go and hunt, On the banks and plains of Loch Lein. Long am I, OP atrick, lately arrived ! Without food, telling thee tales ; 'Tis not likely that thou and thy God, Would be fonder of the clerics than of me. P. Relate to us an account of the chase, Oisin ! and leave off thy complaining ; Tell us the names of the high-bred hounds, And the dogs most melodious in voice and cry. 0. Patrick ! I could till doom's day, Go on and tell about the Fians, Of our hounds and melodious dogs, Alas ! how sorrowful to live after them ! sejis to cd 2i tejM. o. 5i iiA ir e " vr ^ AO i & ^ e M ) M 01 ^ &0 wait 1 * CAjt 'e]x caca At) A|jt bo't) b-)-e]uo; 50 |iAt;5ArrjA]|t At) f A]cce feA't-^lAf iib, A|t bfiUAC C]urbj*Aib tocA tefi). 1 Jf e fjt) at? loc if &]lije r3 6 1"?- biv b-pu|l po'i) t)5|ieit) 50 beAcc ; If ]OtT)8A t*COfl AC& o't) b-'pejT)!), Ai)i) 5 At) bfie|3 a b-CA'fse a t)0cc ! P. Jt)t)ir bup)t), A 0|nu F6]l| ciot)i)Af b'pAt) o't) b-"pe]t)t) |*ai) loc ; c|A aco 6ft t)6 A]|i5eAb e, A'f cjteAb at) ce]tr) bo msoe a 601*5. O. 2lc& At)T) fl'lb fAT) cAob iu&]&, CAO^Ab lu|fieAC 50|ltT) slaf, ACA AT)1) f*Al) CA0b | ; 1,A|t, CA05Ab clojAb A1) AOt) IcACC. 1 loc le|t), Loch Lein. This was the ancient name of tire lakes of Ivillarney in Kerry, retained to the present day. The O'Cearbhaills or O'Carrolls, of the race of Aedh Beannan, king of Minister, were chiefs of tliis district, and had their residence there; but the O'Donn- chadhas, (of the second branch of whom The O'Donohoe, M.P., is the present lineal representative) ; who were originally seated in the plain of Caiseal (Casheil), having settled at Loch Lein, dispossessed and reduced the O'Carrolls, with other families descendants of Conaire Mor, and erected a new territory, to which was given the name Eoganacht Locha Lein ; and afterwards Eoganacht Ui Dhonnchadha. One of the live prerogatives of the king of Minister, was to remain to enjoy the it of Loch Lein from one Monday to another; and, according to the poet Bcnean or Benignus, who is said to have been a disciple of St. THE CHASE OF LOCH LEIN 0. We proceeded, such of the Fians as survived, After the battle of the great slaughter, Till we reached the verdant plain, On the banks and borders of Loch Lein. This is the lake — the fairest to be seen, That is under the sun truly ; Many treasures belonging to the Fians, Are in it, doubtless, secured this night. P. Relate to us, generous Oisin, How they were left by the Fians in the lake, Or whether it be gold or silver, And what it is that detains it there ? 0. There are there in the northern side [of the lake] Fifty blue-green coats of mail ; There are in the western side, Fifty helmets in one pile ! Patrick, the king of Loch Lein was exempt from paying tribute to the king of Caiseal. Here are his words; — " p|l cnj tM5A a 2t)uii)Aii) TTjom, a (5)^'^n b0 cbAini Pi com, nj 3Abnix]tj nj 5AbchA|t 5&7U, nj RAjchleAnft, nj lAch* l&|n." There are three kings in great Mumha, Whose tribute to Caiseal is not due ; The king of Gabhran whose hostages are not to be seized on The king of Rathleann, the king of Loch Lein. leAbAfi ha 5-CeAftc, pp. 58, 59. The following stipends were given by the king of Caiseal to the king of Loch Lein : — Seven steeds, seven drinking horns, and seven shields, and seven hounds (lb. pp. G8, ()9). And at pp. 256, 257> (Idem), we find the 202 O. 21ca Apr; j*ai) CAob ceAf, beic 5-ceAb clo]8eArb leACAi} 31at), bejc 3-ceAb rsjAC a']* ao Dojtb 'PblAijt), a'|* At} BAftyt-bllAb ATI AOt) ]tiAr>. 2lcA Apr) fAt) CAob fo|tt, 6|t aY eAbAc 50 leojt, a'|* 301I ; fcori bob' iort)AricAc le riAb, C|5eAb A 3-C&IT) 3AC lA CATl TT)U||t. Cia bo|li3 bo feATjojri t)a p-beois, a Pb^c|t<\|c ! pAO] bjior) bA Iua6, a |tA|b A5uit)o bo cot)A]b fAO]ce, a't* bo jAbAift 3uc-b]r;rj bo TjeAbAiri uAirrj. A|b, "peAb A3U]* "pof*CAi5, CIuaii) a']* pAobAji ; 2l|pe, 2t)ifte, "pAijte, *'r tuAf, OaoI, 5f lu Airt), pjofi a'i* CaoI. 2UcAt), "pAftJlAlflC, SjC-C|tUA]b A*f 3eA|t]t, < DfiAt)Aifie, Kejrt), ObAi)r> a'j* Cuai), , T^uAfiAr), 6/A5A, A311J* "CeAi^ij; 2ijtb-leirt), S^|t-|tuic, A3Uf JtijcjAt), 3, ^P * 3- "*!^ A 3 u f SeACjiAij, "pOTjluAirrj, 'peAb-^Ant, A3uf KArjcofft. too bj Ai5e pof 2t)A0il|r) b^ t>rj, TuAft3Anae, R103, A3U|* 2lrr)AUr), to|tAUA]fte, NjTTJ-piACAll, A3Uf ScftACA, CluAt), touAiftc, A5tif Cu]le65. 2lft5u|r>, B]teAC-bAll, A^uf toutjuifi, 2t)eAji-bAll, "p]OT)r»&ui|t, A5Uf* C|tiif*l63. too h] A3 21)ac Kot)Ain 3|tii)i}, bo cot)A]b luA]te A5u|* fAOice, CuAtj-co|rt)6A&, A5uf 2t)ACA]|te rpeA|t, Crj^TT^Ac, UftlAC, A5111* 3 A °]ce. too b] Ai5e yoy N]Art7ftAc Iua^c, 2l|t)rbeAft, CuAjpc, A3uj* N3, 2t)eAt)trm|t), peAm, ^up CjiAOpc. too b] A^e bo TjAbjtA^b po^luAirntjeAC, CjtAipleijt, Suatj, A5iif "Coirs; Cu]i;t)e, 3"^5^^ toocc, a'j* to6|c, BuAtjAtj, "poitt, A5iif poire- too b] A]5c touA]xb^y A5111* St)*p, \.ow&V, Cac, A3U|- CAOfSuft ; CA|b'itj, 3eAlar;, a'|* Liu\|c-3loAf, pOICjlJ, BeAf, A3U|* Bao||*c. too bj A)3e pop 3 A 1 l ^- UA l^ 5&A|i, "pUA|C|l), "CAOrtJAb, A3UJ* LojtC&TJ, 2Upu|fie, 5lub-5*Wj A 3 u r CeAjtc, Cuatjajji, BoyuUlce, A311J* UAnjiuj. 209 O. He had of sprightly dogs Luadran, Seoladh, and Tacadh, Cul-saor, Mion-ghaire, and Stuaim, Biadan, Bruachair, and Casadh. He had likewise Iomlan the hardy, Caoran, Duairc, and Cuileog, Arguin, Breac-bhall, and Dunuir, Mear-bhall, Fionnduir, and Truslog. Mac Ronain the social had, Of swift and noble hounds, Cuan-choimead, and Machaire the swift, Cnamhach, Urlach, and Gaoithe. He had also Niamhrach the swift, Ainmhear, Tuairt, and Neall, Eolach, Ladruin, and Bolg the slender, Meanmhuin, Feara, and Traost. He had of well bred dogs Craipleir, Suan, and Toisg, Cuinne, Guagan, Docht, and Doith, Buanan, Foir, and Foisg. He had Duardan and Snap, Loman, Cath, and Caosgur, Caibin, Gealan, and Luaith-ghleas, Foithin, Beas, and Baoise. He had also Garbh-uaill the sharp, Fuaithin, Taomadh, and Lorcan, Alpuire, Grod-ghair, and Tearc, Cuanair, Bonnlaice, and Uamhan. 14 210 O. A^uf 21oi)A]tAi;. &J I] bo cot;A]b A3 3-^f* CAorb, OjteAbA||te, Soa]*3, A3up 2l)5|t-6A]l, LitAbAij, Burjj'Ac, SeAr>3A|jte, a'|* CjhaII, Loji3^;), Sc|aIIa|jis, a 5 up 'CjtCvccAij. l t)0 bj bO 3A&flA]b A]36 T)A b-pOCA]U, JaIIaij, Co|*5Ai|t, I^jisAp A3up "CjunjAb ; C]m;v\t), ^^l^bjij, "PaIIa A3u|* "CjieAi;, RjAnjAi;, Seifice, Bajic A311P Cjtii. 'Do bj A3 FeAji3iir pile pblUD, bo couA^b bA 3ujorbAc, Iua]c; OjObAt), pUAbAC, A3U|* Rji;-|tU]C, LuAbfiAi;, "puiiweATi), 3<o 5I1C, i;a t;5i)iorb t»3^r-3; A|C|t|f 8u]t)t) 5A0 cu||tfe bfioiv, c|ot)aj* bo |ti5rje led At) c-feAl3 o • O. M] cAijnjAOjftje At) "pb]Ai)t) 30, 3 t)jo|t cu|be § bo fArbliijAb l, a'|* ceAC|t<\rbA8 rbA]|ic 5AC AOt) l&. O. 'Do COt)A|]lC rt)6 CAO|t CAOftCAJflt), 2 bvV rbo £AO| 86 t)& bo rbeAf*5e builleo5 ei&t)eA|ij, b bA ri)d i)A bo ceACftAti)Ab ti)A|tCAit) ; II* b bo Ijot) mo cftoibe le cuijtfe, be]c Ab C|3f], a boccA|t) ! Jf* TD^rj^c bo bAbAfA 30 j*iaII, A 1)-, a'|* t)A|t rb|At) lejf cuic|ti) cjtib, A |tA]b Aft 1)eAli) 'fA b-fU]l Ajl I Aft, i)l clAojbpeAbAojf lArb tdo 7115 ! P. )y e tdo |ti5fi bo beAlbui3 t)eAii), II* 6 bo beift i)eAftc t)a Iaoc ; If 6 bo curt) at) b]oc-bitAi), If & bo bejjt Mac t)A 3-CfiAob. Jf 6 bo beAlbu.15 eAf3A a't; 31i|Ar), If 'e bo beitt 1AT/3 Aft IfTji) ; If & bo crtucui3 3011c a't/ f&Aft, 1)1 b"1°T)^t)t) a'i* &acca "pbf)') ! O. Mi Aft cftucu^Ab 5011c 1)A feAft, cug ti)o ftisfe K^T? a 6ufl ; acc A5 cof*3Ant coftpAfb Iaoc, A5 cofOAti) cfijoc a'i* A3 cuii a clu ! %]\ fumS'l 6 Ait itDiitc, Ait fells. Ait i)occAb ti)cift5e a b-cuf 5leo, Aft iti)ntc t;icc|lle a'i* Ait ftjAti), a'i* aji -cciceAti) cac a b-ci5 At ) °|l» 219 0. I saw a quarter of a blackbird Which was larger than thy quarter of beef; Tis it that fills my soul with sadness, To be in thy house thou poor wretch ! I often had pleasant times In the Dun of the generous king ; What food I [now] use in a month I would have left after me at each meal there. Had it not been for the prohibitions which bound Fionn, And that it was not his wish to violate them, All that dwell in heaven and earth Would not vanquish the hand of my king. P. 'Tis my king made heaven, 'Tis he who gave the hero might, 'Tis he who held eternal life, 'Tis he who gave blossom to the trees. 'Tis he who made the sun and moon, 'Tis he who brings fish into the lakes, 'Tis he who created fields and grass, Not such were the deeds of Fionn ! O. 'Tis not the creating of fields and grass My king took as his choice, But the hacking of bodies of heroes, Protecting territories, and spreading his fame. The wooing, the play, and the chase, The unfolding of banners in the battle's front, The playing at chess and swimming, And the entertainment of all at the festive board. 220 O. 21 Pb&cfiAic ! c& |tA]b bo 5, le'ji cqc ioti)Ab Iaoc t-at) CTieAr* ? Ho At) CAT) CA1t)15 2t)A3t)U|' XX)0\\, AT) peATi bA boyib 5leo i), At) peAjt aji At) b-'peirjt) bo cuffi at) z-&]\ ! Di leb' bi be]c <\roeAi*3 a cl]&Tiri rrjAri cA]tt) ; 3AT) b|A6, 3A1? eabAC, 5 ceol, 3Atj bejc A3 bfiorjAS 6|fi A]t 8Ajrb. OAt) 3A]ri tja t)5a8ati t)A tja t-coc, 5AT) be]c A3 co^rbeAb poric tja cuatj ; 5101) a b-^uAfiAf b'eAfbAb at; bib, rr;A]C|n; bo T1J5 r>e]rbe An?' ubAcc ! 5atj r') Ar b> 3*?> |:|Ab3ui8eAcc, 3ait f]Ot)v, 1 5*v r u H i 5l 6 p]Ai-bAt>, 3AT) rp 6 n c > 5AT) fujbe ai? jorjAb ttjati bA 8uaI, 3at> poTjluin) cleA]*A lux t)A sleo. P. 21 feATJOIft CfljOT) AtA Alt bAOU*, t3U]Ti a't* tja b] as prtiocAl 3AT) ceill ; TtiAicpeAri le ^ 6 1^ J if t;Aiti bujc, bAix Ijott) 30 tfoft, Arrtjujlc bo f-joft a?t tb^c Di f. a ( Db|A, acc }~|Ot)r), aY ai? pb|At)r), 5At) bejc bed. P. B] Ab COfb, A f*OAt)6|Il fuAnic, c ? l «M3» r c ^uiu, puAc a'j* peAp5 ; n)A|t bo 50aIIah', A]Cjt|p bujr;t;, cjot;t)Af bo pisue led ai) c-j-OAb; ? O. MjOft b'joi)5t)A8 8iiji;rj a bejc bftorjAC, a'|* ceAtji; aji f*lo5 bo bejc b*A|t i)-bjc'; c]A 5u|t n)ii|5 oftujut) 3CA1) A'f 5Ajjte, |f bii|r)i) bob' AbbAjt be|c A5 caoj ! 225 0. Patrick ! were I devoid of sense, I would rid thy clerics of their heads ; There would not be a crozier or white book, Or matins bell in thy church ! P. Cease thou to be silly, son of the king of great fame ! Submit to Him who doetli all good, Stoop thy head and bend thy knee. Strike thy breast and shed thy tear, And believe in Him who is above thy head, Though thou art amazed at Him being named, 'Tis He who obtained sway over Fionn ! O. Patrick ! my woful tale ! The hum of thy lips is not sweet to me, 1 shall bitterly cry, and not for God, But that Fionn and the Fians are not alive ! P. Hush ! thou pleasant old man, Forsake, shun, hate and anger ; As thou hast promised, relate to us How they performed the chase ? O. No wonder that we were sorrowful And we bereft of our chief ; Though reproached for smiles and laughter, 'Tis we that had cause to weep ! 15 22G The following Stanzas were written by Caoilte Mac Ronain, on the occasion of some feud arising between the king of Minister and Fionn Mac Cumhaill : — C2K)JLC6 KO Cl)2tN. A Tj-05 (Land of youth) Cjri oa n>beo (Land of the Living) Cfn i)« nj-biw6A (Land of virtues) and several others. According to traditional geography and his- tory the " Land of Youth" is the most charming country to be found or imagined, abounding in all that fancy could suggest or man could desire, and bestowing the peculiar virtue of perpetual youth, and hence the name. In the " Land of Virtues," or as some call it, the Land of Vic- tories," (but the latter name 1 suppose to be a mis-translation, as I have never heard of a battle or strife in this country) ; it is all peace, tran- quility and happiness. As there is no conflict there can be no victory — and there is no virtue to be desired which is not to be had on entering 231 this country! The "Land of Life" is supposed to give perpetual life to the departed spirits of the just. These are supposed to be located somewhere about the sun's setting point, and have means of approach, chiefly through the seas, lakes and rivers of this world, also through raths, duns and forts. The seas, lakes and rivers act as cooling atmospheres, while the raths, duns and forts, serve as places of ingress and egress to and from them. There are besides, different grand-gates, as it were, through, out the world, such asC]U Scuinn (Kill Stuifin), situate in Liscannor Bay, supposed to be one of the chief entrances into Cfrv nA n-65 (" Land of youth.") This is said to be a beautiful but small city, marked by the white breaking waves between leACc (Lahinch,) and lior-CeAnnujrt (Liscannor). The white breaking waves, which are always seen in this part of the Bay, are said to be caused by the shallowness of the water over this enchanted little city, which is believed to be seen once in seven years, and of which, it is observed, that those who see it shall depart this world be- fore the lapse of seven years to come ; but it is not supposed tliat those persons die, but change their abode, and transmigrate from this world of toil, into the elysium of the just, i.e. Cfn V* tj-65 (" Land of Youth,") where they shall, at once, become sportive, young and happy, and con- tinue so for ever. It is also believed, that those who see those enchanted spots, are slightly endowed with the gift of prophecy, from the time they see it till they depart this world, and that they pass through this enchanted passage, so magically shewn them, prior to their departure. For further information on CjUScuint) (Kill Stuifin), read Comyn's Ro- mance, called Cacc^a tonoilb tdaic ScAjrin A5Af a cniuri h>ac (the ad- ventures of Torolv Mae Starn and his three sons). Contiguous to this place is another spot called Cnoc ija nos^ibe (Fairy Hill), this was the ancient name of Lahinch, before the death of the Chieftain, O'Connor of Dumhach, (the Sand pits), who had been treacherously slain there, and in memory of whom there had been raised a monument called Icacc uj Cotj- cubAjn (O'Connor's monument), which in Irish is the present name of this little town, but in its anglicised form Lahinch, or Lahinchy, it has lost all sight of the old derivation. It was called Cnoc tjA S(05M6e (Fairy Hill), from its being the meeting place of the fairy nobles of this section of the country, who, it seems, lived on terms of intercourse with the nobles of Cjfi nA n-65 (" Land of Youth,") and this hill is traditionally believed to be the place where both tribes met and held their periodical conferences. The nobles of this country are said to live in the great and large duns, for- tresses, lisses, and raths, and to act as agents to the nobles of Cjft t)A 0-65 (" Land o'f Youth,") and to those of all the states of the lower paradise. One of the duties of their station is to mark the persons suitable to the lower country, and by their supernatural power they meet or send messengers to 232 carry off those persons. It is in the shape of a beautiful lady, such as NlATtj Croo 6m, golden-headed, (haired) Niamh, that this messenger ia generally seeu. After the human creature whom she has visited has seen her, she vanishes in some magic way, and goes hack to her own country. Ere long the person visited will pine away by some formal disease, and will be said to die, but fairy tradition proves that he or she (whichever it may be), does not die, but that they go into this eiysium, where they will become young again and live for ever. There are several such passages in this country, to describe which, would be both needless and endless. Suffice it to mention a few of the greatest celebrity— 16 or ib brieArAl (O'Breasail's country), jb leicjn, (O'Leihin's country), Inchiquin and Lough Gur. The great Earl of Desmond i3 supposed to have been submerged in the latter, where he is seen once in every seven years, anxiously awaiting the destined hour of return to his country. On reference to the ancient records and Pagan history of different nations, it will be seen that they have their traditions of Pagan elysiums as well as Ireland. 13. O'LOONEY. Monreel, October 6th, 1858. Since the above was written, the Honorary Secretary to the Ossianic Society has been furnished with a similar legend. 9, Anyksea-st., Dublin, Jan. 20th, 18j9. "Sir, " There is a similar legend to that related in the following poem told of Oisin's descent, and living for three hundred years in U*irij ija CAoruxc 5U|re (the cavern of the grey shecp>, a large cave which is situated at Coolagarronroe, Kilbenny, near Mitclielstown, in the county of Cork. After the printing of this poem had been decided upon, I wrote to Mr. William Williams of Dungarvan, who is a native of the district, for in- formation respecting any legendary lore connected with this cave, from whom I received the following answer, as being current amoug the pea- santry." J. O'D. 233 LEGEND OF THE GREY SHEEPS CAVE AT COOL AG A II- RONROE, NEAR KILBENNY. "Oisin went into the cave, met a beautiful damsel, after crossing the stream, lived with her for (as he fancied) a few days, wished to revisit the Fenians, obtained consent at last, on condition of not alighting from a. white steed, with which she furnished him, stating that it was over 300 years since he came to the cave. He proceeded till he met a carrier, whose cart, containing a bag of sand, was upset ; he asked Oisin to help him ; imable to raise the bag with one hand, he alighted, on which the steed fled, leaving him a withered, decrepid, blind old man." " On a certain May morning long ago, a grey sheep was seen to come out of the cave, and to go to a neighbouring farmer's field, where she re- remained, until herself and her breed amounted to sixty grey sheep. " The boy who took care of the sheep, was a widow's only son, a dis- ciple of Pan ; for he played on the bag-pipes. " His master, the farmer, ordered him one fine day to kill one of the sheep, he proceeded to the field for that purpose ; but the old sheep knowing his intention, and resolving to frustrate it, bleated three times, which instantly brought all the other black sheep around her, when they disappeared altogether into the cave. The boy followed them but having crossed the enchanted stream which runs through the cave, he was unable to return ; as no one ever re-crosscd it but Oisin. On reflecting on the anguish his loss and absence would cause his mother, he raised a mournful strain which he accompanied by the music of his bag-pipes. On every May day from that day to this, the lamentations of the boy, and the music of his pipes are heard in the cave." L2tO) 3I1AC; AlCTt^f bUIDD A X)0]X 3A1) TbAlJtJ C]01)1)Uf T^Alflir CAjft 6]f T)A b-^ADD ? O. JrweofAb fjD bujr, a PAbtui|3 rju^b, 5^b bO]lb \]ox\) a Iua8 6f Ajtb CAIfl e\\ AT) caca ^bjtA 1 CTtuAjb, ADD Aft TT)AribA&, tT}0 DUATt ! At) C-Ot*3ATI A3. LA b'A TiAbArt)Aifit)e u|le At) ^-jadd T^ODD T^lAl 'fATi rbAiji b]t)D At)t), 3]8 50 rt)bA bo]lb, bubAC Aft TS^aI, CAjft &ir Aft UocrtAib befc 30 JTADD ! 21 fe|l5 bu|t)D Ati tDAib]D ceobAc, a d'it)1oI bottbA|b Loca l.e|D, 2 rt)ATt A TtAjb CftA|DD cutDjtA bA tDjUfe blAc, \ c6ol 5AC cttAc 50 b|t)D A5 fe|D. tJujt-i^eAb lirjt) ad ejl|C tdaoI, bo b'peATtTt lefTD. |tu]C \ luc ; bj Art 5-coiD 't- Ati D-5AbAjtt 30 l6|fl 50 blue 'da b&|5 pA lAt) fjubal. 1 3^bftA. Garristown in the county of Dublin. See the Introduction to Vol. I. of the Transactions of the Ossianic Society, also the note from Mr. J. Reid in same book, page 112. Gabbra is not Garristown, but a stream which flows into the Boyne, LAY OF OISIN ON THE LAND OF YOUTHS; A3 HE RELATED IT TO SAINT PATRICK. P. ! Noble Oisin, ! son of the king ! Of greatest actions, valor, and conflicts, Relate to us now without despondency, How thou livedst after the Fians ? 0. I will tell it thee, Patrick ! lately arrived, Though mournful to me to say it aloud : — " After the hard battle of Gabhra, In which was killed, alas ! the noble Oscar. One day we, the Fianna, were all assembled, Generous Fionn and all of us that lived were there ; Tho' dark and mournful was our story, After our heroes being overcome. We were hunting on a misty morning Nigh the bordering shores of Loch Lein, Where thro' fragrant trees of sweetest blossoms, And the mellow music of birds at all times. We aroused the hornless deer Of the best bounding, course, and agility ; Our hounds and all our dogs Were close after in full chase. not far from the hill of Skreen, near Tarn, in the County of Meath. — J. O'D. 2 loc lejp, the old Irish name of the Lakes of Killarney in the county of Kerry. 236 O. HjOft b'f^AbA 30 bpACAfTJAfft A V]*]*' At) TTJAftCAC bf At) A3 teACC CU3Af1)t) ! aot) TTjACAori) tijtja bo b'Aflle bfteAC, Aft CAel-eAC bAt) bA rrjffie luc. 4>o fCAbArrjAfft ufle be'13 cfeil.3, Aft ATfjAjtc beflbe t>a fif05-rt)r)A ; bo JAib ]OT)5Ar)cAr T^opr; 'f aij Tf AtW, t)ac pACAbAft fi[Arb beAt) corn bjteA5 ! Bj coftofn ftjoTjSA Aft a ceArjn, A 3 u r bftAC bonn be'n c-ff obA bAOft ; buAjlce ]te fteulcAfb beAjt5 6fft, A5 jtoIac a bfto5A fjof* 30 pfcAfi. Bj pAjoe 6fjt Aft cfiocAb nof, a|* 5AC buAl buj be b'A blAOjj rnAft 6ft ; a ftoj^A 50firr)A, sIatja 5AT) frnujb TTjAft bjtAon bftuccA Aft bAft At) peofft. Ba befft5e a 3ftuAfb 'rjA at) ftof, T t>A 31^ e A ro68 'oa oaIa Aft cufrjt) ; bA rnjllfe bUf* a bAlf-Arn pof, 'tja rn|l a beA& ftol cfte 6e^\i^-f]or)V). Bj bftAC fTAftfAfT)3, fTAbA, ftefb, A5 poUc Ati fcejb-efc bAjo; bfAllAfb 3fteAr>cA be beAjt3-6fi, A 3 A r TP]*V beAl-6|jt 't)a beAf-lik|ri). Bj ce|cjte cjtub 30 curncA ffAOf, be't; 6ft buj8e bA sUfne f3&]l, pleAr3 Ain3ib a 3-cul a cjijij, 'f t)j jtAfb 'f\\n r-|-Aoi7;oAl cac bo b'fl*CAft|i ! 237 0. 'Twas not long 'till we saw, westwards, A fleet rider advancing towards us, A young maiden of most beautiful appearance, On a slender white steed of swiftest power. We all ceased from the chase, On seeing the form of the royal maid ; 'Twas a surprise to Fionn and the Fianns, They never beheld a woman equal in beauty. A royal crown was on her head ; And a brown mantle of precious silk, Spangled with stars of re 'i. gold, Covering her shoes down to the grass. A gold ring was hanging down From each yellow curl* of her golden hair ; Her eyes blue, clear, and cloudless, Like a dew drop on the top of the grass. Redder were her cheeks than the rose, Fairer was her visage than the swan upon the wave, And more sweet was the taste of her balsam lips Than honey mingled thro' red wine. A garment wide, long, and smooth, Covered the white steed ; There was a comely saddle of red gold, And her right hand held a bridle with a golden bit. Four shoes well shaped were under him, Of the yellow gold of the purest quality ; A silver wreath was on the back of his head, And there was not in i>he world a steed better. • Perhaps figuratively meaning that such curl was like a loop of gold. 238 O. eAfbA a b-fuAfft) ; A5Uf A bubAJltC f], " A 71.13 T)A b-^iAtji), 1f f AbA, C1,AT) A 1)0] f TT)0 CUA|fb." "p. " C]A CU fefO, A TtjOSAlt) 013, IT peAjiji clob, mAife V 3T)aoj, Afqtff buftjr) f Ac bo f3eoi,l, c'a]T)TT) fe|T) a't* bo C]|t ?" ' Njatt> Ciur> 6]|t, |f 6 njA|t)n?, A nVV 3AfbA t)A n?6|t-f I013 ; CAf TT)T)A]b AT) bOTTJAfT), fUA^JteAf 3Affuu If nje ir>5eAtj cA|lce R15 tja 15-63." " a lC[»ir b "1W> A TX103A7TJ CA]f, cjteAb f Ac bo ceACc cAjt leAji a c-ceft) ; aij 6 bo ceile b'lnjqs ua^c, Mo CAb e At) buA|6|TtC acA ojtc ?&]\) ?" r Hj be ti)o cejle b'jnjcis uAffti. V V°T V]o\i Iua6a& voh le JjAer) feAjt, a 11J3 da peiwe ^ cAjl, acc feAf c ff 3f A8 bo cu3Af bob' itiac !" " Cja aca 6ort) c\o]x), a ir>50Ai} blAjc, V b-cu3A]f 3fAb, t)6 f6f seAT), t)A Cefl OfiU|T)T) A T)0]f f Ac, A'f AjCflf buff)!) bO CAf, a beAf) ?" 1( Jijijedf Ab fefo XV> 6ui,c, a FblOt), bob' rbAC 3fit)t), Atmj-cjtuAib ; Oino ttkatjatutjac i?a b-cpeAiHAri?, AT) UOC ACAjrt) AT)0]f bo lllAjb." 239 0. She came to the presence of Fionn, And spoke with a voice sweet and gentle, And she said, " 0, king of the Fianna, Long and distant is ray journey, now." F. " Who art thou, thyself, youthful princess ! Of fairest form, beauty, and countenance, Relate to us the cause of thy story, Thine own name and thy country." " Golden-headed Niamh is my name, 0, sage Fionn of the great hosts, Beyond the women of the world I have won esteem, I am the fair daughter of the King of Youth." F. " Relate to us amiable princess What caused thee to come afar across the sea — Is it thy consort has forsaken thee, Or what is the affliction that is on thyself." N. " Tis not my husband that went from me, And as yet I have not been spoken of with any man,* ! king of the Fianna of highest repute, But affection and love I have given to thy son." " Which of my children [is he] blooming daughter, To whom thou hast given love, or yet affection — Do not conceal from us now the cause, And relate to us thy case, woman." " I will tell thee that, Fionn ! Thy noble son of the well-tempered arms, High-spirited Oisin of the powerful hands, Is the champion that I am now speaking of." • i.e., I have not been betrothed to any man. 240 f. CneAb at) fAc a b-cu5A|f 3ua8 A jn^eAt) AlAinn At) ^U]lc n&jb, bOtrt rt)AC f&Jt) feACAf cAc 'f A l|ACC flA|C Ajtb f a't) T)3fte|T) ?" N] 3AT) AbbAtt A frj5 t)A b-'pjArtt), bo cAi)5Af* a 5-C|Ar) f a t)A be]t) ACC CUAjlAf5bA]l b'pAJAjl Art A SAjf^e, feAbuf a peanfAint) A5iif a n)e]t)." Jf |Ort)bA rt) bVet) feAU, 50 bcu5Af feAnc b'Ojf jn A13 !" O. ^Aft AT) IAtT) ]•]!) OftC, A PAbftU]5 ! 5jb i)ATt T)A||teAC l]on) trtAn f5&Al, D| |t<\ib Aet) bAll bjort) t)AC uAjb a T)-3ftA6, Ic b-|t)5eAt) AU|t)i) At) fujlc jieib. c t)0 jtU5Af Aft A lAJti) Art)' bo|b, 'y biibuAf bo Tjlon 3uc-b|t)t) ; yiOfl-CAOl,!) f A^lce Jt6tT)Ab, a it|05 r ir iw*, bl^c, If cu bo b'feAnu Ijort) ti)AH ri)t)<\oi ; ■\y cu ti)o nojA cAn ii)i)Aib At) bortiA|t), a t,ioaIca|I) rt)6bArt)Ail if be|fe 51)^0]." " 5 0A r^ V«c fulAt)5A]b fion-Uoic, a 0|fjt) f6]l, cu|U|n) Ab' c6iT)Aifi ceAcc l|ott) fe]t) At)0|t/ ah tr/eAC, 30 mseArt) cai,|i An* 50 Tjji t)A n-63. 241 0. " What is the reason that thou gavest love, ! beautiful daughter of the glossy hair, To my own son beyond all, And multitudes of high lords under the sun." " Tis not without cause, 0, king of the Fianna ! 1 came afar for him — But reports I heard of his prowess, The goodness of his person and his mien." " Many a son of a king and a high chief Gave me affection and perpetual love ; I never consented to any man 'Till I gave love to noble Oisin." " By that hand on thee, Patrick, Though it is not shameful to me as a story, There was not a limb of me but was in love With the beautiful daughter of the glossy hair." I took her hand in mine, And said in speech of sweetest tone, " A true, gentle, welcome before thee, young princess to this country !" " 'Tis thou that art the brightest and the fairest of form, 'Tis thee I prefer as wife Thou art my choice beyond the women of the world mild star of loveliest countenance !" " Obligations unresisted by true heroes generous Oisin I put upon thee To come with myself now upon my steed Till we arrive at the ' Land of Youth.' 16 242 O. " S] aj) qji if Aoiboe le pA^A^l, If ri)6 caiI ai)oit- f'&'y T)-5fie|u; crtA|i)r) A5 cricn)A8 le cojifiA \ Mac, a\' biijlleAbAfi A5 fAf aj; bA|i[i<\ib 50115. V "5^9 u l^ e r A 8*A bpGACA 'j'lijl i)1 ]iacai8 caiccaivj o|ic leb' ]tAe, b&y x)6 n)eAC xj\ fe|Cp|& cu. " VV-y 1058 a Kj5 t>a i)-05, 1)AC CU5 TtlAIT) fOf bO 1)6AC f A j t) T)-5tte]1), bo bcAijpAf bjoi) bu]c b'oibce x l°> a 5-cAc, a i)-5leo \ a T)-5A]tb-5leAc. " eAj* pop t)AC lej|t bArbfA 'luAb, joAbApi rt}^]ye, rjeAjtc a']* bfpjzje, Y bjAbfA pep; A5Ab rpAfijbrjAOp" " ejr) cu A3 ^rpceACC UA"|n)j V 3 A1 J f u |l A 3 l Mt)i) Ann* bo coacc, c115A.IT) caji A]f pAO| Iatj bin\8 !" ^)'A]fC|tt5 a &e]lb A3A]* a |*3&iit>, 'f ^0 f"|l pflAfA &&AH AI)UAf ; 3ufi pljuc a bno|m)e, 'f a jeAl-sijfc, ']• bubA'UC, " n)0 l&un cu, a 0\y)i) uA|iD ! 21 pl;AbnA|3, bA bubAC At) f*5eAl, Afi |*5A|iAri7ii]i;i; fie ce|le aoi; rub; |*5A]tArinilU Ai) aca|i ne r)A 117AC f-*e|t), D* bubAC, I A3, £AOi) be*c b'A Iua8 ! c t>0 p03A|*-|*A TT)'aCA|U 30 CAOJt), CAOrfr, ']\u) coiT}A]i)i) ce<\8i)A, ^u<\|noA|* iu\6; b'^A3A|* |*Iai) } ii]le A3 At) b)-e|i;i), ']• bO f"|l 1)A b&A|tA 'nilA]* le It)' 3|UlA|b ! )X |0*t)8a Uv AO|b(nr), bjo|*-fA '\ ") z \o\)\), 'r ^ f J TFb|Ai}i) 'i)*T» 3-C10i)ij V*AO| h\i)|'.e[iij ; A3 injjftc pjccjlle A3<\p A3 61, 'y A3 clop ceo]l, aj; bu|8oAi; 6a cno-Aij. 2I3 |-oa15A[|ioacc a Q-5leAr;i;cA|b n)\iy, '\-'\\\ i;3AbA||t be|l-bi;)i) A^ufi^i; aiji; ; yoAl^b e|le 8ujnn a t)-5AMb 3IJAC, A3 c|ieAp3Ai|ic Iaoc 30 Uij-ceAfjt;. p. 21 Ojrjij bAO|c, c|i6|3 30 pdjl, bo b' 3A|f30 n;6|i Aft Ai; u-'|-oji)i; ; c|oniHif bo ciiAbA|f 30 <3j|l 1)A u-63, a')- Icai) bu-uu 3Ai; 36 A|i bo |*56aI. 247 0. '' Oisin !" said Fionn slowly and sorrowfully, " Woe it is to me that thou art going from me, I have not a hope that thou wilt ever again, Come back to me victorious." His form and beaut}' changed, And showers of tears flowed down, Till they wet his breast and his bright visage And he said, " My woe art thou, 0, Oisin ! in going from me." Patrick, 'twas a melancholy story Our parting from each other in that place, The parting of the father from his own son — 'Tis mournful, weak, and faint to be relating it ! 1 kissed my father sweetly and gently, And the same affection I got from him ; I bade adieu to all the Fianna, And the Tears flowed down my cheeks. Many a delightful day had Fionn and I, And the Fianna with us in great power, Been chess-playing and drinking, And hearing music — the host that was powerful ! A hunting in smooth vallevs, And our sweet-mouthed dogs with us there ; At other times, in the rough conflict, Slaughtering heroes with great vigour. P. ! foolish Oisin, forego a while Thy great actions of the Fenians, How didst thou go to the " Land of Youth," Proceed, faithfully, with thv tale to us. 248 O. ( t)o cu5Art)ATji aji 3-ciil bo't; C]jt, Y ^|t t)-A5Ai& 50 b]fteAC, sUt), ri^ft ; bo CfiAjj at; rbjt)-TT)U]ia yidri)*]*), Y bo Ijotj 'tja bftojrwqb lOtjAfi iJ-bjAjj. , A5 cACf.*At;u 30 &ai}a 'pAr> c-f|ubAl« too COtJCAITJAIJl j:6r, 5A0 56, A|r>bffi 65 Ajfi fceAb-eAC born;, iibA.ll 6||a 't;A ©eAf-lA|ri7, Y 1 A 3 injceAct A|jt bAftft tja b-to»)i?. CArt7Aip 'tja be6]3, Tt)A|tCAC 65 A|l f ceAb bAr) ; jtaoj bfiAC coftcu^jt beAp3 ]*fi6]l, Y clojbeAri) qwojji i;a 6eAf*-la|m. " C]a bl^b Ar> b||« ub, bo cib^m, A T t j°5< x lt) CAOjt?, irjujf bort? p<\c; At) beAi? lib ]y A|lpe 3r)AO|, Y rrjAjiCAC |*l|6rt) At) e]6 bA|i) ?" " Na cuifi ]*it|n) 't)A b-pcicpi8 cii, A Oinu itrbA|l, 't)C\ b-pACA]|- p6f, t)j b-pii|l |oi;i;ca qle acc r>qtb-T)j 30 iMseAft) 30 "C||t K13 da u-63." 249 0. We turned our backs to the land And our faces directly due-west, The smooth sea ebbed before us, And filled in billows after us. We saw wonders in our travels, Cities, courts and castles, Lime-white mansions and fortresses, Brilliant summer-houses and palaces. We saw also, by our sides A hornless fawn leaping nimbly, And a red eared white dog, Urging* it boldly in the chase. We beheld also, without fiction, A young maid on a brown steed, A golden apple in her right hand, And she going on the top of the wave3. We saw after her, A young rider on a white steed, Under a purple, crimson mantle of satin, And a gold- headed sword in his right hand. " Who are yon two whom I see, gentle princess, tell me the meaning, That woman of most beautiful countenance, And the comely rider of the white steed." " Heed not what thou wilt see, ! gentle Oisin, nor what thou hast yet seen, There is in them but nothing, Till we reach the land of the ' King of Youth > D '2oQ O. t>0 COt)CAtt)A||t UA|1) A ^-C]M)V, p&lAf 5fi]AT)TT)Afi, ucc-bl&|c ; bu8 bneA^cA bejlb A3aj* 3i)e, b'A jiA|b Y**U c-j-aotjaI le j:A3A|l. " C|A At) but) ]t^6j8<\, |to-bneA3, AjAf *e6f*, if <\|li)e b'<\ o-|:aca|8 |*u|l; 'i)& b-j*uil|ti)j8 A3 cji|aII 't)A 8C\|l, 1)6 C|A If* A|lb-plA]C A1)t) f*ub ?" " Jr>3eAn jt]3 qn tja rt)-beo, -]• bAiT)fxic>3AiT) jjof *t)i)f' ad biit); C113 "ponjon BuilleAC 1 8nujrt)e I03AC, lejf le p6|ftT;eA|ic 5&A3 ']• liijt. " 3 eA r A cult 1 T1 ^IT 1 ^ b-cneAt), 3AI) beAt) bo 8eAt)ATT) 8| 30 bnAcAc ; 30 b-p^3Ab f] CUttA8 t)0 p]Oft-lAOC, bo f-eA|*ti)o8A8 3I1AC le ||* U\rb Ajn U\|tr*." " Be-n buAb A3uf beAt)t)ACx, a N*Ati) 6|i*T) 6||t, 1)1 cuaIa|* bo ceol n|Ati) ||* ye*\uji ! 'r>& cao]t)-3u]c b|t)t) bo ri*]l|f-b§o*l, Y |f rr)6n At) bfiot) l|t)t) beAt) b'*v c C\ 1 1 . " "Ce|58eAti) ai)0||* b'A f*|Of bot) but), a'|* b--peib||t 311*1. bu|nt) ac& |-e a i)-bAi); At) C|teAt)-lAoc ub bo cu*c|rt) l*ort*, a 3-cleAfAib lujc, rt*Ajt bAb 3t)'Ac." *t)0 CUA8tt)Al|t At)1) |"|t) bot) but), a'** c^|i)|5 cujaiijtj At) nio3At) 63; bo b'|ot)Ai)i) beAlljiAb 8| 'f bot) 3'tein, a'|* bo cuiji f| ceAb p&jlce |tdri)A|i). 1 For^ofi, t> Utile AC, i.e. the striking Giant, was the despotic ruler of tlie " Land of Virtues," — a country not mentioned in any other copy of tliis poem that 1 have seen. 251 0. We saw from us afar A sunny palace of beautiful front, Its form and appearance were the most beauteous That were to be found in the world " " What exceeding — fine, royal mansion, And also, the best that eye hath seen, Is this, that we are travelling- near to, Or who is high-chief of that place ? " "The daughter of the king of the ' Land of Life,' Is queen, yet, in that fortress She was taken by Fomhor Builleach,of Dromloghach, With violent strength of arms and activity. " Obligation she put upon the brave, Never to make her a wife, Till she got a champion or true hero, To stand battle with him hand to hand." " Take success and blessings, O golden-headed Niamh, I have never heard better music Than the gentle voice of thy sweet mouth, Great oriel" to us is a woman of her condition. o " I will go now to visit her to the fortress. And it may be for us it is fated That that great hero should fall by me, In feats of activity as is wont to me." We went thcu into the fortress, To us came the youthful queen, Equal in splendor was she to the sun, And she bade us a hundred welcomes. 252 O. Bj cuIaj8 be f jobA buj8e, aji ad rijojA^T) bo b'&ilrje T/t)68; a ctjeAf CA|lce rt7A|t aIa ajji cut,t)t>, \ A 8& 3|lUA|b bj Alft 8ac AT) ftOt/. 2ljt 8ac at) 6|ji bo bj a folc, A Y A 5°T lrt )"T to r5 A S^tJA 3AT1 ceo ; A bejlJT) TTjeAlA AJJI 8AC T)A 5"CAO|t, Y A TOaIa CAol bA 5JteAT1CA cl68. *t)o fuibeArrjAjit at)T) \\x) fjof, 5AC TT-AOl) bJT) Aft CACAO jft 6) ft ; bo leA5A8 C115A] t)i) rnottAt) bj8, a' |* cu||tT) bj;z;e bj ljot)CA beoift. 1 2ll) CftAC CAfCeATT)A]Jt ATI fAfC bj8, a']* fOTT)Ab trjOTITICA 11)1,1]^ 6]l ; bO lAbATJl AT) |t]05A|T) 65, CAOjT), 11* eb bubA|jtc j*j, " e|fx lion) 50 t;6]l." ^'in^t; bu]T)T) p|or a't; t:J\c a r5^1 l > Y bo f|l t)a beottA le t)a jttuAfb, a bubAffic t)A|t b-ffjlleAb 8] b'A cjn peji), Y ^ }~ACAC CHCAt) bO be]C 50 bllAl)'. " Bj bo tot/b, a ltjo5A|i) 615, fSufjt be'b buoi)T), aY V'« bj caoj8 ; aY bO bo|Jt|TT) 8lljC rno Iait), At) C-ACAC A] ft, 50 b-CUjCpib l]t)T) !" " Mj bfrujl Iaoc Ai)0]f le pAgAjl, b'A cfi6|i)e cA|l jrAOj'i) iJ-5]tfe|1J, bo beujipAb coirjftAC lAii) aji Iajit), bo't) ACAC bAI)A T)A 3-ClUlA|8-bo|tT)." 1 Although this word resemble the word " beer," the' liquors were very different. 253 0. There was apparel of yellow silk On the queen of excelling beauty, Her chalk-white skin was like the swan on the wave, And her cheeks were of the colour of the rose. Her hair was of a golden hue, Her blue eyes clear and cloudless ; Her honey lips of the colour of the berries, And her slender brows of loveliest form. Then we there sat down, Each of us on a chair of gold, There was laid out for us abundance of food And drinking-horns filled with beoir. "O When we had taken a sufficiency of food, And much sweet drinking wines, Then spoke the mild young princess, And thus said she, " harken to me awhile." She told U3 the knowledge and cause of her tale, And the tears flowed down her cheeks ; She said, " my return is not to my own country, Whilst the great giant shall be alive." " Be silent, O young princess ! Give o'er thy grief and do not mourn, And I give to thee my hand That the giant of slaughter shall fall by me !" " There's not a champion now to be found Of greatest repute under the sun, To give battle hand to hand To the bold giant of the hard blows.'' 254 O. ' )W]T\n) ^ujc, a fi]05A|i) cAori), ijac |*5 b'pUA5A|fl CAC A5Af COtbflAC C|l6A1), Af ciiAbAf fep) ]Ot)A coti)bA|l. 2l|i pcAb c|i| t;-o]6co A5Uf cfi] Ia, bo bc\n)u||i Yau i)-3|i^r3 A ? 1 ceAt;i) 3]b 30 nj-bA Cfi^At) ^ ai) c'acac Ajtj, bo bAjijeAf 3AI) ypAf bo a cgauu ! 21 1; cjiAc cot)t)A||ic ai; bjp bAij 63, AU C-ACAC t1JO|t 30 pAOl) Afl U\|i ; bo le|3eAbA]i z\\] 3Ajica 3i'.|i)i;, le rr)6|i-iT)AO|beArb A3A]* lucTjAifi! 'l)o ciiAbit)A|fi aijo fit) bo'i; b:'u;, Y bo bjob-f a bfiujijce, IA3, ^aoi; ; A3 |-|leA6 jtoIa 30 lAi;-u|i A CCACC 30 blue Af tTJO C|lCACb ! 'Do cA|i)|5 ]i)3oaij jt]3 i)A it)-beo, 3° n°l l A3 p6i|t]3C|i; o|irt) yo]\); bo cu]|t ]ce '(• bAlfAii) ah/ cijeA&A, Y bob jOf" yi>]V flAi) 'i;A b6|3- 255 0. " I tell to thee, gentle queen, I am not daunted at his coming to meet me, Unless ho fall by me, by the strength of my arms, I will fall myself in thy defence." 'Twas not long till we saw approaching The powerful giant that was most disgusting, A load was on him of the skins of deer, And an iron bar in his hand. He did not salute or bow to us, [maiden, But looked into the countenance of the young Proclaimed battle and great conflict, And I went myself to meet him. During three nights and three days We were in the great contest, Though powerful was he, the valiant giant, I beheaded him without delay. When the two voung maidens saw The great giant, lying motionless, weak and low, They uttered three joyful cries, With great boasting and merriment. We then went to the fortress, And I was bruised, weak and feeble, Shedding blood in great abundance, Coming closely out of my wounds. The daughter of the " King of the Living" came In truth to relieve myself; She put balm and balsam in my wounds, And I was whole after her. 250 O. e Ar> peAjt n)6ft, a b-peAjtc p6b-8o]Tb|U, pAit|*A|t)3, |te]8, bo C05bAf A l|A Of A leACC, A 'f TSPl^^r A *]V]iW * tJ-oijArp-cfiAob ! 2l|l t)A TpAflAC, AJl AtTJAJXC IaO|, bo 8u]f|5Tt)A|Ti a |* Afi rjeAl, " ]V rt)]i\b bu\i)V," Aft lu^eAij At? 7173, " citfAll 5AP f5ic b'Aft b-c]|t pefr)." 5AI) fCAb, \ bO 5AbArT)A||t AJl 5-CeAb Jiff At) 615, bub biibAc bubftot)AC ^jrjtj 'pa b|A]5, Y Tjjoft cA|fte bo'i; sjijAtj-beAr) fotjAfi t>beo]5 ! D] peAf bort) pe]t), a pAb|tA|5 ffejib, CAb bo cajxIa bo'p jtjo^Ajr) 615 ; o'r) lA |*5AnAtt)uifti)e A|iAOt? lej, t;6 Afi p]ll p&io 50 q|t i;a rp-beo. P. H)o\i jijoinr bu i»™ A Oiriu swop, (t) cja'p tjfi 'pa |iAbA]f pe|p ; po|llfi5 &"1'W Atjoir a b-Ajptp, A'f leAT) A|t]f JtJAp bo r30|l. O. "Cjft pA rp-buA8 At; cjft iib, a't 50 bejtpip P] b|t6A5 *V c-A|0fijj (f) TT)A CA 5l6|Jte A b-plACAf I1J4|l bj Apt), bO 8|A le 3|tOA1)l), CAbAUf.\\|t)l) 3A||Ut). 257 0. We consumed our feast with pleasure, And then we were merry after, In the fortress were prepared for us, Warm beds of the down of birds. We buried the great man In a deep sod-grave, wide and clear, I raised his flag and monument, And I wrote his name in Ogham Craobh. On the morrow, at the appearance of day, We awoke out of our slumbers, " It is time for us," said the daughter of the king, "To go without delay to our own land." We prepared ourselves without a stay, And we took our leave of the virgin, We were sorrowful and sad after her, And not less after us was the refulgent maid. l o v I do not know, mild Patrick ! What occurred to the young princess, Since the day we both parted her, Or whether she herself returned to the Land of Life. P. Thou didst not tell us, pleasant Oisin, What country it is in which thou wast thyself; Reveal to us now its name, And continue again the track of thy story. 0. That country is the " Land of Virtues," And certainly the name is not miscalled, If heaven hath glories as were there, To God, with love, I would give praise. 17 253 O. J be concun beA|t5 aY be bujSe, t)ac jtA^b 'y&v T t 1°5"^ )n0 5 cAO]tt) bo n<\8. A t/05 ?" " ))' 1 3° fceirr>]f), a 0|riU f 6 1 l > i)]0|t ir)i)]T/eAT/ brt6A5 8ii]c b' cejle C6.0]i) HjAtb C]i)t) 6||t." 2G1 0. " What beauteous country is that gentle daughter of the golden locks ! Of best aspect that the eye has seen, Or is it the ' Land of Youth V " " It is, truly, generous Oi3in ! 1 have not told a lie to you concerning it, There is nothing I promised thyself But is manifest to thee for ever." To us, came after that A hundred maids of exquisite beauty, Under garments of f:ilk filled with gold, Welcoming me to their own country. We saw again approaching, A multitude of glittering bright host, And a noble great and powerful king, Of matchless grace, form and countenance. There was a yellow shirt of silken satin And a bright golden garment over it, There was a sparkling crown of gold, Radiant and shining upon his head. We saw coming after him The young queen of highest repute; And fifty virgins sweet and mild, Of most beautiful form in her company. When all arrived in one spot, Then courteously spoke the " King of Youth," And said, "This is Oisin the son of Fionn, The gentle consort of ' Golden-headed Niamh !' " 262 O. o iiutj fe oftn? aijt; f|r* aji lAiri}, A5111* a bubA-fic a 3-c6rr}-A|tb bo't) c-fldi; ; " A 0|f jt) CAlttJA, A TT}]C At} ftjj, ceAb tt?]le f A]lce ji6rt)AC." " 2lt) cf|t fo lor)' A|i ca^^r f^tj, i)] ce-lfeAb j-j^aIa opx 3At) 50; II* f <\bA, buAij e bo f ao-zjaI, A'f be|8 cu fe*t) cojbce 05." " Nj'l AO]br)eAf bA'ft fnjAO|tj|5 cftojSe, i;ac b-pu]l 'fAij cjit feo f a'b c6rt?A|ft, a Oini), c|te]b uir e T»1S ^lT» V* t>-65-" " 215 fO At) b<\]V]l]054.]y CAOtT), A V o/jUTjeAij f&i** N|Arb C]i) 6|jt; bo cua]6 CAfi TT)ii*-rf)ui|i fab' 66-ij, cutrj bejc ti7Aft cejle ajc* 50 beo." 43o 5Ab<\|* bii|8eACA|* lejf at? ftj-5, a']* b'utT)lu]5CAf J*] Of bo'l) fljO^Afr) CO||t, l)|0|t fCAb<\8 AT-1* fft; 30 1)6Af5Al& l]Ut), 30 |tAi*5Art7Ai*t fi.j05b1t.03 ^5 tja u-63. l t)0 CA1t-|3 UAJfle 1)A CACJ1AC CAOJtT*', ]b||i feA|i A3Af rt)i)AO| jot/ A|t 5-cori)&A|l ; bj fleAb A'f feAfbA At)t- bo f jo]t, A|i peA& bejc r*-oj8ce A'f bejc l&. o]f le ti)6ft 3fieAt)t), At) jtAjb AOt) clAt)1) A5A& |t6 NlATT), tjo't) pAbA bibjf a b-T^it i)A 1)03, A 1^Mr 3 At ) bfiou biiit)t) bo rS^Al O. r) ; bo buAb A5^r A rboft-fl6i5. " |*56aI l]orp cu be|C b'A. Iua8; A]t eA5Al t)Afi ceACc bu^c Ajqf |teAb jt&, bort) cfft F&|t), a 0|fiu buAbAij." " CjieAb if eA5Al bujor), a jijcnjAit) blAjc, 'fAtj c-eAC bAi) bo bejc ^a'tt) p&IT 1 * n)u|i)pi8 atj c-eolup bu|t)i) 30 f <\rb, a'|* £|Uj:|b f^ CA I X ')' A ir cii5Ab peit;. ' " Ciiitbi)i5 a 0\y]\-), CAb ca nje jiAb, ti)A leA5A]|t cpAcc A|i caIah) |i&]8 ; ijac ceAcc bu|c coibce Aft'if* 50 bjt&cAC, bot) cjft AlA|t)i)-f*eo 'i)A b-pi]l|rr) pe|T). " 21 be|jt]tt) leAc-]*A Ajtjf* 5AI) 56, tt)A cuj|iljr)5|fi pop be't) cac bAt) ; i)A qucf Aift coibce 50 T^fi ua tj-65, a 0]f)t) 6|ft i;a t)-A]iii7 1/A15. " 21 bo]]i\rt) leAC bo'r? cfteAf peAcc, vj'a'y ccacc be'i) eAC bujt £ejt) ; 50 tt)-be|bjjt Ab' f-eAi;6||t cjajot)A bAll, 5at; lujc, 5At; 3JteAiJij, 3A0 ]t]i, 3A1; I 6inj ! 267 0. I, myself, gave to my gentle daughter, By consent of golden-headed Niamh, In virtue of her beauty and loving countenance, The true name — Plur-na-mban, [the flower of women.] I asked leave of the king, And of my kind spouse — golden-headed Niamh, To go to Brian back again, To see Fionn and his great host. " Thou wiltget leave from me," said the gentle daughter, " Though 'tis a sorrowful tale to me to hear you mention it, Lest thou mayest not come again in your life To my own land, victorious Oisin I" " What do we dread, blooming Queen ! Whilst the white steed is at my service, He'll teach me the way with ease, And will return safe back to thyself." " Remember Oisin I what I am saying, If thou layest foot on level ground, Thou shalt not come again for ever To this fine land in which I am myself. " I say to thee again without guile, If thou alightest once off the white steed, Thou wilt never more come to the ' Land of Youth,' golden Oisin of the warlike arms ! " I say to thee for the third time, If thou alightest off the steed thyself, That thou wilt be an old man, withered, and blind, Without activity, without pleasure, without run, without leap. 268 O. " Jr ^il]3 l]ort), a 0]f]V 3tmw> (t) cu 6ul 50 b-6>lMt)t) 5IAI* 50 beoj ; t)i'l |*i Atjoif awa-I bo b^ ; *\ V) freicpi|t coi&ce T^ot)*) t)A plo3A&. M H|1 Aijoif A v&W]VV uile, (f) acc ACAjji u-ftb V plo-Tjce MAorb ; a OiniJ SPIW r eo "J° P 6 5> 1)1 cAfpAijt co]8ce, 50 T^ft i)A ^-63." ^'p^ACiif fiiAf 'tja 5t)ii]f le c|iuA3, (f) \ bo f-jl ott)' |tOf*3A boftcA beoft ; A pAb|iuj5 bu6 cjiiiAJ leAc \, a |tAobA6 pole Ar> d|t)i) 6] ft. , 21 PAbftU'3 1}A l/dflb A3Uf 1)A l)AOtT), tvjoft ]T)r)ifeA]* bjt6A5 bujc tiiatt) frof ; tltj A3Ab-f a ^ac 1170 r3 & ll> 'f ttjAti b'pAsbAf f^i*} "Ci|t tja i)-63- ATi 3e-btT)t) 3AC ctiac 6 ^pjor)-); bo 3u-&t*itK> euro |t]3 tja t>-3?tar> cu beic 50 flAt) 6f A 6]or)T). P. buit)*) pof ATI bo ]*3&aI. O. 21 ti ceACc bom -p^ir) ad fit) a b-qfi, b'^ACAf CTlU]T)t) At) 3AC Ulle A'Jtb ; bO fTT)AO*T)eAf AT)T> f'T} 30 tfOTl, T)AC TlA^b CUAITllfS ^11)*) &3ATI) le FA3A1I ! Njojt b-f AbA bort) A3Af tjjoTi c*AT), 30 b-jreACA Ai)|A|t A5 ceAcc frA'rrj be]t) ; TTJATlcfluAS TTjOfl *b]Jt feATlAjb A3Uf rf)T)A, 'f bO CAt)3AbATl Art/ lACA'Jt f*&1rt. 271 0. Our story is not told in full, Of every thing that occurred to myself, Until I came again back To green Erin of the many jewels. Patrick of the orders and of the saints, I never yet told you a falsehood, There is to thee the reason of my story, And how I left the " Land of Youth." If I myself had been, Patrick ! As I was, that self-same day, I would put thy clerics all to death, And a head on a neck would not be after me. If I got plenty of the bread As I used to get, at all times, from Fionn, I would pray to the king of grace To have thee safe, over it. P. Thou wilt get bread and drink, Without any fault now from myself, Melodious to me is the voice of thy mouth, And continue for us still thy story. 0. On my coming, then, into the country, I looked closely in every direction, I thought then in truth That the tidings of Fionn were not to be found. 'Twas not long for me nor tedious, Till I saw from the west approaching me, A great troop of mounted men and women, And they came into my own presence. 272 O. A P^fc>T tA 1S» }'|oiit) 50 bjtAc bo be|G a b-pejt); 1)6 CfteAb e at) c5]ji bo TU13 ati buA]8, fA Ijacc Iaoc crtuAi.8 bo cu]c leif peir). P. Jr- e c t)]A bo 111x3 buAb Airt %ov\), a't* T)j r;eA]ic T)Ari)Ab 'r>A cneAi)-lArr), A 5 U 1* A T* At ? b-"pe]i)T) u]le n)Aft 6, a T)-|t;TteAi)T) bAou b'A fjou cua8 ! O. 21 P<\b]iAj3 Vciu|tu|3 n)e 'f^') *Mc, 'i)A b-pu|l f]oi)\) Art lAi,ri) A311T* at) %&W), Y t)] b-pujl ipj;aAT)T) 't)A r:lAiieAT; Ai)i), bo cu||ii:eA& pA ceAt)i)pr>Acc ]Ab. 21)a'|- a rji) aca Of*3Aii rrjo itjac pe|t), ai) Iaoc La c|toji)c a b-cjionj-^leo ; i)joji cutt)a8 |t) n:jteAi)i) 'i)A b-plA]ceAf eof*Ab ?6ii) n9 Sujc, a PAbrmis, cA:t ?]}• rr;e. r^SOAjf 2ilrbujij LA]jeAr), 1)] riAib aoi; AicrieAb i)A fiA^b at) y-\AVV, T)Cv'ti cuA|tcu|5eAr" 30 bjAt) 5AT) Aoy ii?0]ll. 2l]t ruo T-Ab^jl born cpe TjleAiin at) ftijojl, 1 bo courjAjpc rue tr;6fi-c|iii|r)t)|U5Ab atjo ; crn c6Ab pej bA rbo, bo b| riorbArp At)i)f' atj tj-jleAUt). ( t)o UbAiti btijne 8e't) cft^Ab, A5Af a bubAijtc pe be 511c 6|* A|ib ; " cAfifi b'ajt 5-CAbA|ri, A ]1|05-Iao|6, a'|* pilAf5A|l r-|IJt) Af At) 3-CflUAb-CAI* !" ( '^1^13 ,T ^ ^W no bo lC\CA|rt, A 'f M°3 "^r 1 Ti)A]inju|[t A5 ai) 1*165 ; bj TTjeASACAtJ t)A lejCe OTICA AllUAt*, 'fA cuii b]ob piAf, i)jo|i b'tl-e|b|fi leo ! 21i) ciqb aca b] jrA'r) lie nop, bo b]obAii b'A 5-clAO]beArr) 50 pAtir) ; le tftuirne ad uaIai,5 rb6|ri, bo ca]U 50 le6|i b]ob a lueAbAjft ! 'Do lAbAjji bujije bo r>A rrjAOjri, a-jUj' a bubAjfic, " a lM 3"3 A ir3 e ^bAi5'6|5 ; Vuai-jaU ^OAfcA Art rrio bujbeAi), i)6 bii|r>e bjob, i;j bfe|8 boo ! ' ' o'ioaijt ai) rii)6|l, o luibeAf Aft Tt)o cliACAt) beAf, V bo ]tu5A|* ati At) leic Art) lAin) ; le t)eA]tc A5itf le luc n)o 3&A3, bo cu|[ieA|* f-eAcc b-peitiT-e ) 6 t)A fj&jc. Le T.-ef5n) t)A le|ce lAT)-ri)6iTi, bo bjtif 3io]tcA 6]]\ at) eic bAti) ; bO CAt^Aj'-fA Al)UAf 50 lCM)-bOCC, ATI b0T)t) TT)0 &A COf ATI At) Tt)-bAt) ! N] c£ MT3 e cait)]5 rt)e at)uat-, i)A 51AC u att) At; at) c-eAc bAt), b'|TT)q5 AT) fJT) CUTT) T-jubAjl, 'X rr)|fe pA pubAft 50 Iaj, clAjc ! 031*11)0 fie jtAe cojjeACc at) "CAjhjirjij. 2icc 518 caucaji prAjlnj po reAc, a 5-CluAiD CbeAfAit) i)A 5-cl6||ieAc; &b cor)r)Ajtc Ar> CbluAITJ ctte]brbPAC, j:A 8ArbftAi8 TtuAb jio beAi)r)AC. 56 beic lei^eAr ir at) Iatt), |to bj cai) at)T) bA b-orcAill ; lonb^iS b p]AT)Ai5ecc ocuf in) AiibrnAen.- A^ecc &inet)i), ibijt Curt)ull tt)AC "Cnentnoin, ocuf Uiftsnent) rt)AC Lu|3ecb Cujnn, bo LuAisne, .1. bo Conco Ocbe Cujle Cboncunb botj ^Cumuli xVOi A 1T* 0A b]b]*|be })-\X\ T^Ainnfi5 A cuACfon)[.i. cuac] Curnujll. TonbA, ir)5|r> 6ocl)Arr)Ait) bo 6nr>A]b, 1|- 1 bA bAt)-cele bo Cburnull, no co CAnb 2t) 2t)uncAirt)- *CucAb lAnurn CAcb CnucbA eAcunnA .1. iqn Cuti)ull ocuf Unsjtenb. ^AjneOeAns, rnAC 6cbA]b "pinb, nj]C Coiftpne 5^1 5°UAf bAt) peji co|tt)ecA connbuih; a fee pcjfin Curnull ipt) 1 (Chieftainship of the Fians, i.e. the leadership of the Irish militia. 2 Cumhall. The best account of this military leader will be found in the battle of Cnueha, preserved in the book of Lismore. 3 Luaighni, a famous military sept in Meath descended from Luaighni, one of the brothers of Conn of the hundred battles. Oyygia, part iii. c. 57. * Cuil Contuinn, a territory situated on the borders of tho present counties of Meath and Cavan. 5 Cnueha. Connell Magheoghegan states in his translation of the annals of Clonmacuoise, A.l). 7"^6, that this is the place called Castle- knock, [near the river Lifley, county of Dublin. J THE BOYISH EXPLOITS OF FINN, DOWN HERE. HERE happened a meeting of va- lour, and contention of battle, re- specting" the chieftainship of the Fianns, 1 and the head-stewardship of Erin, between Cumhall, 2 son of Treannidr, and Uirgrenn, son of Lughaidh Corr, [one] of the Luaighne, 3 i.e. this Cumhall was of the Corca-oiche of Cuil-contuinn, 4 for of these the Hui-Tairsigh his tribe were [a subsection] . Torba, daughter of Eochaman [one] of the Ernaans, had been the wife of Cumhall, until he married Muireann Munchaemh, [Murinda of the fair neck] . The battle of Cnucha 5 was afterwards fought between them, i.e. between Cumhall and Uirgrenn. Daire Dearg, son of Eochaidh Finn, son of Coirpre Ga- lach, son of Muiredhach Muinderg, and his son Aedh, were fighting the battle along with Muirgrenn. Another name for this Daire was Morna Munchaim. The battle was then fought, Luichet and Aedh son of this Morna met to- gether [in single combat] in the battle ; Luichet wounded Aedh, and destroyed one of his eyes, so that from this the name of Goll 6 [Luscus] adhered to him from that time forth. Luichet fell by Goll. The keeper of his own corrbholg 7 of seds [treasure bag] wounded Cumhall, and « Goll is glossed Caech, and means one-eyed, the same as the Latin luscus. 7 Corrbholg, i.e. a round bag, $ed means a jewel or any article of value. 19 290 CAC. 21} jc CA]npne 3 A l3^l, 213,0 2!}'.ii]teAbA]5 a pinbmA^. Fo TT)A]ib ooli Lujcec ha ceb, 2i cacIj Cihica, nocbA buec, Uqcec pjrm ]ij 5A]fceb 5U11) La njAC 2t)onr)A bo nocbAjn. )x \&\x bo cujc Cumuli m6n, ) CAC ClHlcbA T)A CAcb"]*l05 2l|ne cucj*ac ]\) CAcb cenb, Jm piAi;A|becc nA \)-Q>]]ier)b. Bacau dAljbA 2t)6ftI)A -\Y]t) CAcb, Ocuj* LuAi5tje t)A "GemnAcb, 21] n bA leo piAi)uj* pen "pAjl, T^n^A lA]m cac ni5 co nobAi5. Bu| mAc ac Cumuli co m-buAjb, )\) f]\m pujlecb pAebufi cftuAjb ; p]rm ocuf 3°U W ! 1 A ")blAb, "Cnetj bo nonnfAtAn co5Ab. J An \\\) bo noin)fACAn f]b, "p]t;b ocup 3°^ 'M c&i > t>3»)]iT), Co concuju BAtjb Siooa be, pAt) mu]cc a 'Cemuiji LuAjcne. 2leb bA ljAinm bo m*c ^DAjjte, Con 5Aeb Lu^cec cop A|t)e, O no 5Aec mAc LuAi5t)e lonb, ( t)Aine coij|tuiceA np- ^o\U 5- i Finnmhagh, otherwise Maghfinn, a plain in the barony of Athlone, county of Roscommon, at this period possessed by the Firbolgs, of whom the Clanna-Morna were a sept. 291 Cumhall fell by Ooll son of Morna in the battle, and carried oil his arms and his head ; and from this there was a funda- mental hatred between Finn and the sons of Morna, con- cerning which the historian sang: — " Goll was son of Daire Dearg of fame, Son of Eochaidh Finn of valiant deeds, Son of Cairbrc Galach of prowess, Son of Muireadhach of Finnmhagh. 1 This Goll slew Luichet of hundreds, In the battle of Cnucha, no falsehood, — Luichet Finn of noble chivalry, By the son of Morna fell ! It was by him fell Cumhall the Great, In the battle of Cnucha of embattled hosts What they fought this stout battle for, Was for the Fian leadership in Erin. The Clanua Morna were in the battle, And the Luaighni of Teamhair For the Fiannship of the men of Fail was theirs Under the hand of each valiant king. The victorious Cumhall had a son ; The blood shedding Finn of hard weapons, Finn and Goll of great fame, Mightily they waged war. After this they made peace Finn and Goll, of the hundred deeds, Until the Banbh Sinn a fell On the plain at Teamhair Luachra, 2 Aedh was the name of Daire's son, Until Luichet wounded him with dexterity, But since the stout son of Luaighne wounded him He was called by the name of Goll." * Teamhair Luachra, a place in Kerry not far from Castle Ieland, in the district of Sliabh Luachra. 292 CoftfiAcI) fto AccA]b CurDull a it)u<\i .1. 2t)u|iu;e, ocuf befits x\ W&c, ocuf bejiA Ait)tt) bo, .1. toewoe. "Cjc f|<\cce U "5\eo]\\ l,Arr)-be|t5, U |t] LArrjrio^e lAitbAtr), cot)| be^fjbe 10 tiAb, "p|t)i) "7AC 5l eo !t 1 ' ^ u l & cT 1 ^ Bobbin ocuf ji) Lpcb> ociif -\\) rt)<\c leo 1 po|C|i|b Slejb] BlAbrt)<\. Ko b<\|'.ob 10 rtxvc At)b fji) 1 c<\|be. toeicbbifi or), aji bA bjrobA 51IU cA|lcA]ft qtrtfefOAC, ocuf Uecb r)e|rt)i)ecb r)<\irr)bi5e, ocii|* pejUjb pe^Acl) FfijcbuufAcb b0 l^ec|ti& Ltt-M-ne, ocuf bo n)\c&]h 2t)ofti)A pofi c] 11} tr;]c f]i), ocuf "CuIca n)\c Curouill. Ko Ajlpec lAtiuri) ]\) bA bAi;pe]t)bi5 f|tj pft| fie pobA e pAt) fAmlAjb pi). "Cjc a mC\cA||t a c|t?b fe robljAbAt) lAri fji) bpjf a rt)]c, Ai|i bo biwnb b| a bee ip|t) ii)Ab uc, ocuj* bo rio bA becA^l le rt)ac it), co rjbejxtjA CATtjiAcb be, cot;]b be bo 5A|jiceA ^Deirrtge 2t)Ael be. 13] £05^8 a Lai^i; ]t; cai; fir; .i. "PiaccaiI n?Ac Co8i;a ef ]be. 'Do uaIa b]r> 'PjacajI 1 "p|b 5^]ble t:onf at; Aef ceAnbAi, ocuf fio rnAjib iiil) acc 'De^rnne a Aei;utt ; bu] furrj Ac "p]ACA|l ttjac Co8t;A iati y]X) ]Y)& C|5, a yef- ciot; uA||ibeo]l. T^eccAfc ft) bA bAnfe|t;bj5 bu beAf co tecl; }~iacIa rr>|c Cobt)Ai, fon ^AftAftt 'Deirrjiie, ocuf bo bejtAn bO]b c ; ocuy bo ben cujtAb ol yeye&tt). Coojb fee |*|0 Afebejxqp |o roACftA|b |:jt||Hiro piui). 'Cjcpuro |Ajt t)A bA]|tecb felA y Ai5|b, ocay lujb cuccu |oa clu|cb| £0 cejicAc a lojt3A y^m AOAeopecc. JroAf\xif*|uro pu]C|bf|urt7, ocay c|tA|*cftAjb rooftfent 1 b^b. l_u|b uAicbjb A jrojcbpib Slebe BlAbnjA. T>\c ]AftuTT) | cb|Ob r>eccrouioe |A|t f]o> cuf |0 robA|le cebrjA. )y ArolA|& bAcufi 10 roACftA|b |c fOArb pojif jo locb b| yt)A pA|t|tAb. 3^ei)t;A|5ic |o roACfiAjb e]y\urt) |rocecbc b|rt)bAbA Ffi|u. L|031bno ||* io locb cuca |Aft fjo, ocuf bAb|b Tjoybuji fe|b pot) locb, ocuf ce-|c pe|o £A Sl|AbBlAferr>A ]A]t y\r). C|A ]to bA]b to roAcjtA|fe, ol cacI). ]~100, ol n^c; cooAfe Af ]-|i) fio leADAb )~|00 e. "C|C|*iuit) pecc Ai)b cAjt SliAb BUbroA aroAcb, ocu|* |0 bA bAr>pei)b|b |n)n)A|Ue pft||* ; cooacaji AlroA |rob|C|*cift b*A5A|b Allu|b poiiAif |i) flebe. 2t)or>uAft cjtA o|t |tj bA feocujoo, ijj C|C bjoo Afcub t)e|cb b|b pub ACCA|r)i). T^cbjro|*A, [ol'pioo] ocuf |t|cbA|b poftfio, ocuf AfCAjb bA t)A5 b|b, ocu|* be||i|b leu* bjA p|At;t)boicb> ||iib buA|t) pcrtA, a 3ille, 0|i oa bAopeoebA p|t||*, A|fl ACA|C n)JC 2t)6ftt)A pO|t A|C|ll bo tt)A|tbcA. AC |l| 2llbAt) \X) ArDfAltJe. CelebjtAibnn) bot) ji| ie. "C]c it) ]ti jAftum ac pjbcellAcc it) AjiAjle lo. 'Cecoirsibpn? Uif ocuf bejiib fecc clujcbi bjAi5 A|tojle. C]A c\?fA? ol ]\) jtj. 21)ac A]cbi3 b0 tuA]3i)|b rerDriAcb, ol re. 2lcc, ol ]\) |t] ; acc if cii jt> rt)AC fiOfpuc 2t)ir|fii)e bo CujdaII, ocuf t>A bj yaw v] If T]*> O<uc nxMtbcAjt pop rr)ei)ecb-t*A. Li^b Af* ]A|i f]ij co Cit|ll]i)b 6 Cuaijac, co cec LocAit) fUic 3obAt;u : ]V5\V |to CAert) lAifjbe .1. Cjiuicb^e A b 3obA, eft) co pecA|i cia cu. } r Ajbir i^ ]vx,]x) l e ir It) 31^ !A]tcA]ij. 5obAi)u. A be]]x3 IT If r^5 e I-* ! 1 !' A "?"bl ai) njuc bjAi)A Apjtt) yt) Beo ; 11* y] tto fAfj-Aib njeoboi) 2t)urr)ut). Ocuj- \yye6 cjia bo tiaU boi) 3ilU bul yo]\y jij |4l5 e POT* rt)bi p) tt)tic. 2ibi)Ai3 it) rtmcc cuice lAit fit), "poceinbffrt) bt)A uficufi bj r*le|3 t^MMM' co jia lu|b cnjce, co ftuf fAttCAjb cet) At)n)uit). Bcimb-fiiitT) bt)A cet)t) t)A rt)uicce leu* bot) 3ol)Aii)t) a coibcbc a it>3Ji)e. )y bo y\\) aca SliAb ttmice a 2t)urt)<\it)i). &. Lu^fo pA] co t)-acca pr) tdtjaj, ocup bA foepA polA cecb pe pecc, ocup bA pcepc polA 115 peAcbc Aple, co rt)bA be|%5 a bel. JpAc bel foep5, a bet), ol pe. 21ca foe^cbip ocurt), ol pj ; rt)'oeT) tt)ac bo rr)ucb TT)-bpAfoAT), OCUp pO b _ «pb<\fo foO 4)6)11706 urT)OppO pi) bpAfotU) 1 Maenmhagh, Moinmoy, a territory lying round Lough Reagh in the present county of Galway ; but the situations of Ath-Glonda, i. e. the ford of Glonda, and of Tochar-Glonda, the causeway of Glonda, are now unknown by these names. 2 Ath-Beldeirg, i.e., ford of Red mouth, not identified unless it be Bal- lyderg. » The Doinn, i.e. the river Boyne in Meatli. * Here endsfolio 1 19 of the original MS. and on the upper margin of folio 120, in the handwriting of the scribe, is the following observation : — 301 the wail of one [solitary] woman. Ho went towards her, and viewed the woman : The first tear she shed was a tear of blood, and the other was a gush of blood, so that her mouth was red. " Thy mouth is red, woman !" said he- I have cause for it, said she : my only son was killed by a huge ugly hero, who came to me. What is thy son's name ? said he. Glonda is his name, said she. From him Ath- Glonda and Tochar-Glondain Maenmhagh 1 are called, and from this Belderg the name Ath-beldeirg 2 remains ever since. Finn then went in pursuit of the hero, and they fought a combat, in which he fell by him [Finn.] The way he was situated was, he had the treasure bag with him, i.e., the [bag containing the] treasures of Cumhall. The person who fell here was Liath Luachra, he who first wounded Cumhall in the battle of Cnucha. He now proceeds into Connaught, and finds Crimall, then an old man, in a desert there, and some of the old Fianns along with him, who were wont to chase for him. He gave him the Corrbholg, and told him the news from beginning to end : — how he had killed the possessor of the treasures. lie bids farewell to Crimall, and goes forward to Fineces [who lived at the Boinn 3 ] to learn poetry. He durst not remain in any part of Ireland until he took to learn poetry, from fear of the sons of Uirgrenn, and the sons of Morna. 4 Seven years Finn-eges remained at the Boinn [Boyne] watching the salmon of Linn-Feic, e for it had been prophe- sied that he would eat the [sacred] salmon of Fee, and that he would be ignorant of nothing afterwards ! He caught the salmon, and ordered [his pupil] Dcimne to roast O Mary [Virgin J it is long till Edmund comes from the meeting. This was Edmund Butler for whom the MS. was transcribed. J Linn Feic, i. e. the pool of Fee, a deep pool in the River Boyne, near Ferta fcr fecc, the ancient name of the village of Slane, on this river. 302 bo pi|t?e, ocuy Afberic At) t;]le pjt^f cet) ui; bot) bjiAbAt) bo cort)A]lc. K?r b0 FlW -i- at; cad bo bejteb a ottbAit) itja beolu, ocuf t)ocAt) c^a Ve^vwl^e^, ocuf jto VAiUf-iceA bO lA^lAtt) 1.T) X)] tto b|b 't)A Aiijpif. Ho t;o3luitt)nutt) V) ctte|b be yetQZfflux V\h*> - 1 - ^e]t)rt) Ue5A ocuf Jnyuy t;ott Oi;t)A, ocut- bttui,t)t)e cettb caiII cjtAtb. CeAttbuib |*Att) rixAtll t-|tucb, r*131& 3n, 50, n., 51. Ruan, 230. 21, n. Rudhraidghe, son of Partholan, where drowned, 16, n. Rughraidne, wave of, 16, 16, «., 17. S. Salmon of Fee, 300, 301. Salmon Leap, 15, n. Salt, barony of, 70, n. Seasgnan, (now Slievegoe), parish of, 16, n. Seal Balbh, (the Stammerer), 4, n. His monument, 4, n. Scotland, 164, n. Shannon, river, 298, n. Sheahan, Daniel, 73, n. Sheep, slaughter of,by an otter,30,n. Sidh, Fionn's sister, her fleetness of foot 285. Skreen, hill of, 234, n. Slane, ancient name of, 301, n. Sliabh Bladhma, 292, 292, «., 293. Sliabh g-Crot, 16, n. Chace of, 16, 17. Sliabh Cua, 16, «., 17, «. Fawns of 16, 17. Sliabh g-Conaill, from whom called, 30, n. The hawks of, 28, 29 Sliabh Cuilinn, 22, 23. Sliabh Guillinn, 23, n., 63, n. Sliabh Luachra, 22, n., 50, 50, n. 51,291, n. Sliabh Mis, (now Slieve Mish), where situated, 17, n. Murmur of the streams of, 16, 17. Sliabh Muice (the Pig's Mountain') , 299, n. " Sliabh-na-m-ban 5, n., 50, 50, n., 51. Fenian, traditions of, 217, n Slieve Bloom, 292, n. Slieve Muck, where situated, 299, n. Sligo, 18, n. Smith, quoted, 25, n. Smerwick, 138, n. Specimen of an ancient Irish Lul- laby, 292. 293. Stone of destiny, 130, n. Stone-throwing, antiquity of, 64, n. 310 Strongbow. 25, n. S. Barnabas, 283. St. Berchan, 295, n, St. Columbkill quoted, 302, n. St. Gobnait, church of, 185, n. St. Molanfaidh, 25, n. St. Patrick, 31, n., 81, n., 201, n., 203, n., 216, n., 287, 304, n. Suir (the river), 4, 4, n., 5, 30, n. Surnames, 71, n Swallows, 26. 27 T. Tara, 234, n. Druid of, 65, n. Hill of, 164, n. Teamhair Luachra, where situated, 291, n. Thomond, Marquis of, 51, ?t. Thrush, 4, 4, n., 5. Tipperary, 5, n., 16, n., 29, n., 50, n., 294, n., 298, re., 299, n. Tir Chonaill, (Tir Connell), 15, n. Tobar Glonda, 300, n. Todd, Rev. Dr., 283. Traigh Rudhraighe, 16, n. Tralee, 298, «., harbour of, 23, n. Troughanackrny, barony of, 17, n. Tuathal Teachtmhar, 4, n. U. Ui Faelain, 70, n. Ui Failghe, 284. Ui Fidhgeinte, 284. Ui Tairsigh, 284. Ulster Journal, quoted, 76, n. Ulster families, their descent, 196,n. Unmall, 31, n. W. Walsh mountains, 50, n. Walsh, the late Edward, quoted, 5, n. Waterford, 16, n , 24, n., 72, n., 164, n. Westminster Abbey, 164, n. Wexford, 50, n, 280. Wheeler, Mrs. Judith, 18, n. Wheeler, Oliver, 18, n. Whelan, Rev. John, B. P., 72, n. Wicklow, 71, n. Williams, W., 232. Windele, quoted, 202, n. Wolves, 22, 23. Youghal, 25, n. M E M B R R S Adamson, Arthur, Esq., Court Lodge, Rathkeale. Ahern, Rev. Maurice, P.P., Castle- mahon. A lister, John, Esq., LL.D , Barris- ter, Regius Professor of CivilLaw, T.C.D., 5, Lower Gloucester- street, Dublin. Appleyard, Rev. E. S., M.A., Til- gate Cottage, Crawley, Sussex Armstrong, Adam, Esq., Bally- gawley, Co. Tyrone. Aslier, Messrs. A. and Co., Pub- lishers, Berlin. Atkinson, Edward, Esq., M.D., Drogheda. B. Broderick, the Hon. Miss Charlotte, Bath. Barron, Mrs., Bonn, Germany. Burton, Mrs., Burton Hall, county Carlow. Baldwin, Thomas, Esq., Professor of Agriculture, Board of Educa- tion, Glasnevin, Dublin. Ball, Captain, Adare. Barry, Rev. Edward, P.P. Mul- lough, Miltownmalbay. Bell, Rev. Edward, A.B., Ennis- kean, Co. Cork. Black, Rev. Wm., M.A., Raheny. Blacker, Kev. B. H., M.A., Rokeby, South-hill Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Bourke, Rev. Ulick J.. Professor of Natural Philosophy, Humanity, and Irish, St. Jarlath's College, Tuam. Bourke, Thomas, Esq., C.E., Rail- way Department, Melbourne. Bourke, John, Esq., 42, Marlbo- rough-street, Dublin. Bourke, Thos., Esq., St. Patrick's College, Maynooth Bradshaw, Henry, Esq., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Brady, Mr. J., Glasnevin, Dublin. Brash, Richard Robert, Esq., Sun- day's Well, Cork. Breen, John, Esq., A.B., C.E.,Kil- inacduane, Kilrusli. Breen, Simon, Esq., Kilrusli. Browne, Edward George Kirwan, Esq., Moate, Westmeath. Buckley, Rev. Jeremiah, P.P., 17. Great Hamilton-street, Glasgow. Bunton, John, Esq. Solicitor, Ennis, Burke, Joseph, Esq., Barrister, 17, Fitzwilliam-place, Dublin. Burke, Rev. Michael, P.P., Kil- chreest, Diocese of Kilmacdnagh. Burke, Joseph, Esq., Bray. Burton, John, Esq., Assembly Build- ings, cor. 10th, and Chestnut- streets, Philadelphia. Butler, James John, Esq., 23, Elhs's-quay, Dublin. Byrne, Kev. P., P.P., Castletown- Geoghegan, Westmeath. Byrne, Myles, Esq., Ovoca. Cleaver, Miss Fanny A., St. Leo- nards on Sea. Cahalan, Rev. Thomas, P.P., Kil- tulla, Athenry, Co. Galway. Campbell, John, Esq., Auckland, New Zealand. Carey, Joseph, Esq., Rathkeale. Carr, Rev. John, Carmelite Church, Auugier street, Dublin. Carroll, Peter, Esq., 54, Rathmines Road, Dublin. Casey, Rev. John, P.P., Kilrosenty, Lamybrien, Co. Waterford. Casey, Rev. James, C.C., Kilronan, Co. Galway. Casey, Rev. John, P.P., Killarney, Casey, Rev. Michael, C.C., Bally- knock, Carrick-on-Suir. Casey, Kennedy, Esq., Rathkeale. Cavenagh, Mr. Francis, 92, Capel- street, Dublin. Clarke, Rev. John, C.C., Louth. Cleaver, Kev. E. D., M.A., S. Bar- nabas, Pimlico, London. 312 Clelland, Jame9, Esq., Irish-street, Downpatrick. Cole, W. L., Esq., Proprietor of the Irish American, New York. Coleman, Rev. Wm., C.C., Glaun- tane, Mallow. Coleman, Everard Home, Esq , F.R.A.S., F.R.C.S., General Re- gister and Record Office of Sea- men, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, London, E.C. Collins, Rev. J., C.C., Innishannon, Bandon. Collins, Edward F., Esq., Hull Advertiser, Hull. Collis, Capt., City-quay, Dublin. Comyn, Francis Lorenzo, Esq. Lis- sinard, Bally vaughan, Burren, Co. Clare. Condon, Pierse, Esq., Brooklyn. New York. Condon, James, Esq., Ardreagh, Rathkeale. Connellan, Professor, Queen's Col- lege, Cork, and Dublin. Considine, Mr. Donald, Jail-street, Ennis. Conway, M. E., Esq., General Post Office, Dublin. Cooper, Rev. Leonard Leader, A.B., The Castle, Antrim. Coote, Henry C, Esq., Doctors' Commons, London, E.C. Cosgravc, Michael, Esq., Ballagh- aderreen, Mayo. Costello, John, Esq., Gal way. Cousins, Rev. Sidney Leslie, A.B., Banteer, Co. Cork. Creagh, Pierse, Esq., J. P., Barris- ter, Mount Elva. Co. Clare, and Mountjoy-square, Dublin. Crean, Thomas J., Esq., Dungarvan Cronnolly, Mr. Richard, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway. Crowe, Thomas, Esq., J.P., D.L., Dromore, Ruan, Co. Clare. Crowley, Cornelius, Esq., Bandon, Culbert, Robt., Esq., Stanus-place, Lisburn. Culhane, James, Esq., Ballystecn, Askeaton. Cullen, Luke, Esq., Mount St. Joseph, I llondalkin. Cullinan, Ralph, Esq., Malgowna, J .mils. Cuming, George, Esq., Markethill, Cummins, Rev. Jeremiah, C.C., South Presbytery, Cork. Cunningham, D. P., Esq., Crohane, Killenaule, Co. Tipperary. Cussen, Very Rev. Robert, D.D., P.P., V.G., Bruff. D. Dunraven, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of, Adare Manor, Adare. Daly, John, Esq., Charleville, En- niskerry. Daly, R. B., Esq., West-street, Drogheda. D 'Alton, Henry, Esq., Ballagha- derreen, Co. Mayo. Dalton, Mr. Patrick, Dungeehy, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick. Davenport, Tyrrell, Esq., Bally, nacourty, Co. Clare. Dee, Jeremiah, Esq.,Newtown-San- des, Co. Kerry. Delany, George, Esq., Longford Terrace, Kingstown. Delany, Mr. Hugh, Glandore, Ros- carberry, Co. Cork. De Vere, Aubrey, Esq., Curra- chase, Adare. De Vere, Stephen, Esq., M.P., Cur- rachase, Adare. Dinan, Rev. Michael, P.P., Clon- dagad and Ballynacally Co. Clare. Doherty, Rev. PhilipVincent, O.P., Chapel House, Denmark-street, Dublin. Doherty, John Izod, Esq., Bloom- wood, Monkstown, Co. Dublin. Doherty, William Izod, Esq., 21, Wcstland-row, Dublin. Dolphin, Mrs., Corr-House, county Galway. Donegan, John, Esq., Dame-street, Dublin. Dowden, Richard (R), Esq., Rath- Lee, Sunday's Well, Cork. Dowling, Robert, Esq., 107, Great Howard-street, Liverpool. Drummond, Rev. Wm. Hamilton, D.D., M.R.I. A., 27, Lower Gar- diner-street, Dublin. Drummond, William, Esq., Rock- vale Castle, Stirling. Eassie, William, Jun., Esq., Glou- cester. 313 Egan, George William, Esq., M.D., Dundrum, Co. Dublin. Ellis, Richard, Esq., Glenasrone, Abbeyfeale. Enright, Timothy, Esq., Castle- martin, Rathkeale. Fairholme, Mrs., Comragh House, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford. Faughney, James, Esq , Castlebar. Ferguson, Samuel, Esq., Barrister, 20, N. Gt. George's-st., Dublin. Field, John, Esq., Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Finn, Jeremiah, Esq., 114, Patrick- street, Cork. Finn, Rev, Thomas, C.C., Ardfi- nan, Clonmel. Fisher, Rev. Wm. Allen, Kilmoe, Schull, Skibbereen. Fitzgerald. Edward, Esq., A.B., Nelson Terrace, Youghal. Fitzgerald, Robert, Esq., Geraldine Place, Kilkee. Fitzgerald, Gamaliel, Esq.,George's- street, Limerick. Fitzgerald, John Lloyd, Esq., Gle- nastar House, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick. Fitzgerald, Rev. F., Donnybrook. Fitzgerald, Very Rev. Archdeacon, P.P., Rathkeale, Co. Limerick. Fitzgibbon, Danl., Esq., Rathkeale. Fitzpatrick, W. A., Esq., Kilma- cud Manor, Stillorgan. Fleming, John, Esq., Clonea, Car- rick-on-Suir. Foley, Rev. Daniel T., D.D., Pro- fessor of Irish, Trinity College, Dublin. Foley, Mr. John, Royal Marine Ar- tillery, The Fort, Cumberland, Portsmouth. Foley, John W., Esq., 19, Shepper- ton Cottages, New North Road, Islington, London. Forrest, Rev. John, C.C., D.D., Kingstown. Foster, Capt. Francis Blake, J.P., H.C.T.C., Forster Park.Galway. Fowler, Thomas Kirwan, Esq., Alexandria, Egypt. Franks, Rev. James S., Reens, Rathkeale. 21 Frazer, Rev. D., Manse of Fcarn by Tain, Scotland. Frost, John, Esq., Solicitor, Ennis. G. Gabbett, Lieut. -Colonel, Madras Artillery, India. Gabbett, Rev. Robt., M.A., Glebe, Foynes, Co. Limerick. Gauge, — , Esq., Museum of Irish Industry, Dublin. Geoghegan, J. C, Esq., Surveyor- General of Excise, London, Ennis. Geoghegan, Henry, Esq., M.A., C.E., Calcutta. Gibson, John, Esq., Kilrush, Co. Gilligan, Rev. P. J., C.C., 61, James'sstreet, Dublin. Glennon,T. P., Esq., Coventry. Goff, Michael, Esq., 4, Barker-st., Waterford. Good, Rev. John, C.C., Gal way. Goodman, Rev. James, A.B., Ard- groom, Castletown, Berehaven. Graves, Rev. Chas., D.D..F.T.C.D., M.R.I.A., Dublin. Graves, Rev. Jas., A.B., Kilkenny. Grealy, Rev. Thos., P.P., Kiltho- mas, Diocese of Kilmacduagh. Greaven, Anthony, Esq., Grand Parade, Cork. Green, Thomas, Esq., Ennis. Griffin, Mr. Martin, Kilrush. H. Hill, Lord George Augusta, Ramel- ton, Co. Donegal. Hackett, Wm., Esq., Midleton. Hallinan, Mr. John, Ballinakilbeg, Castlemahon. Hammond, Thos., Esq., Drogheda. Hanley, Joseph, Esq., Barrister, 25, Lr. Gardiner-street, Dublin. Hanley, Wm. Francis, Esq., M.D., Holycross, Thurles. Hanna, J. W., Esq., Saul-street, Downpatrick. Harold, Charles, Esq., Curah, Crookstown, Co. Cork. Harpur, Geo., Esq., Sheep House, Drogheda. Hartigan, Patrick, Esq., Cloonagh, Rathkeale, Co. Limerick. 314 Hart, James Charles, Esq., B.A., Clifden, Connamara. Hartney, Rev. Murtough, P.P., Corofin, Co. Clare. Haverty, Patrick M., Esq., 112, Fulton-street, New York. Haverty, M., Esq., Askeaton. Hawkes, Z., Esq.,Moneens, Bandon. Hayes, Cornelius, Esq., Rathkeale. Hayes. Edward, Esq., Melbourne, Australia. Hayes, Mr. Nicholas, Cahir-Guil- lamore, B.uff. Haynian, Rev. Samuel, A.B., Nel- son Place. Youghal. Healy, William, Esq., Castlebar. Hegarty, Jeremiah, Esq., 2, St. David-street, Cardiff. Henegan, D., Esq., Bantry. Hennessy, Maurice, W., Esq., Al- bert Road, Kingstown. Hester, Rev. Bartholomew, P.P., Ardcarne, Boyle. Hewitt, Thomas, Esq., Barrister, Cork. Hickey, Rev. James, C.C., Church of St. Nicholas, Francis-street, Dublin. Hickey, Cornelius, Esq., Abbey- view, Rathkeale. Hickey, Wm. R., Esq., Surveying General Examiner of Excise, So- merset House, London. Hill, Rev. Thomas, C.C., Coore- clare, Ennis, Co. Clare. Hodges, Smith, and Co., Messrs., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin. Hodges, John, Esq., M.D., Belfast. Hodnett, Jeremiah, Esq., Solicitor and Town Clerk, Youghal. Hooper, Charles T., Esq.. A.M., 28, Mary- street, Dublin. Hore, Herbert F., Esq., Pole-IIore, Wexford, Humphries, Thomas, Esq., Kilma- cow, Waterford. Hynes, Patrick, Esq., 83, Fonte- noy-street, Liverpool. Inchiquin, The Lady, Dromoland, Newmarket-on-Fergus. Inchiquin, The Rt. Hon. Lord, Dro- moland. Newmaiket-on-Fergus. Irwin, Rev. Wm., C.C., Metropoli- tan Church, Marlborough -street, Dublin. J. Joly, J. R., Esq.,LL.D., Barrister, 38, Rathmines Mall, Dublin. Jordan, Mr. Patrick, 32, Wardour- street, Oxford-street London. Jottrand, Mons., Rue Roy ale, Ex- teriure, Bruxelles. K. Keane, The Right Rev. Wm., D.D., Bishop of Cloyne, Fermoy. Kildare, The Most Noble the Mar- quis of, Carton, Maynooth. Kavanagh, Miss Julia, 21, Glou- cester-st., Queen's-sq., London. Kavanagh, James, Esq., Swanlin- bar, Co. Cavan. Kane, Thos.,Esq.,M.D., Limerick. Keane, Rev. _, C.C.,St. Ligouri's, Great Hamilton -street, Glasgow. Kean, Francis N., Esq., Hermitage, Ennis. Kearney, Matthew, Esq., Catholic University, Dublin. Keating, M. J., Esq., Butter Ex- change, Cork. Keegan, Francis Michl., Esq., 20, Crown-st., Soho-sq., London. Keightley, Thomas, Esq., Fairfax House, Chiswick. Kiersey, Michael, Esq., The Mills, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford. Kelly, Denis Henry, Esq., D.L., J- P., M. R. I. A., Castlekelly, Mount Talbot. Kelly, Rev. Thomas, P.P., Tonha, and Tonaharna, Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare. Kelly, Hugh, Esq., T.C., Great Brunswick-street, Dublin. Kelly, Wm. B., Esq., 8, Grafton- street, Dublin. Kelly, John W., Esq., C.E., Ennis. Kelly, Stephen, Esq., Galway. Kelly, Thos. Esq., Wilkinstown, Navan. Kenedy, Patrick, Esq., 6, Anglesea- street, Dublin. Kenedy. William, Esq., I. N. S., Rathkeale. 315 Kennifeck, Rev. Maurice, P.P., Rathconnack, Co. Cork. Kenny, Jumes C. F., Esq., A.B,, J.P., M.R.I. A., Barrister, Kil- clogher, Monivea, Co. Galway, and 2, Merrion-sq., S., Dublin. Kerin, Michael, Esq., Chureh-st., Ennis. Kilroy, Andrew, Esq., 24, Temple- bar, and Anglesea-st., Dublin. King's Inns, The Hon. Society of, Dublin. Kir wan, John Stratford, Esq., Moyne, Dangan, Co. Galway. Kirwan, Patrick, Esq., Graigavalla, Carrick-on-Suir. Knox, J. B., Esq., Proprietor of the Clare Journal, Ennis. L. Leahy, The Most Rev. Patrick, D.D., Archbishop of Cashel and Emly, Thurles. Lamb, Rev. Patrick, P.P., New- townhamilton, Co. Armagh. Lanphier, Somerville, Esq., 61, George's street, Cork. Lane, Rev. M., P.P., Donough- more, Coachford, Co. Cork. Langan, Patrick, Esq., Battrams- town.'Duleek. Lawler, James, Esq., 17, Water- street, Liverpool. Lawler, Patrick, Esq., Liverpool. Leader, Rev. T, C.C., Youghal. Leahy, Rev. Patrick, C.C., Church of St. Nicholas, Francis-street, Dublin. Leech, G. Win., Esq., Rathkeale Abbey, Rathkeale. Lemane, James, Esq., Irish Reve- nue Department, Custom House, Dublin. Lewis, H., Esq., Literary Sale Rooms, 31, Anglesea-st., Dublin. Littledale, Rev. Richard Frederick, A.B., T.C.D., 10, Crown-street, Soho, London. Logic, Daniel W., Esq., Portland Terrace, Park Road, Oldford Bow, London. Lynch, Mr. l'atrick, Knock Firenn, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick. Lyons, Michael, Esq., Rathkeale. Lysaght, Michael, Esq., Ennis. M. Manchester, His Grace the Duke of, Tanderagee Castle, County of Antrim. Mac Adam, Robert, Esq., 18, Col- lege-square, East, Belfast. Mac Cartie, Daniel, Esq., Skibber- een, Co., Cork. Mac Carthy, Rev. Justin, P.P., Mallow. Mac Carthy, Rev. J., C.C., Mallow. Mac Carthy, John George, Esq., South Mall, Cork. Mac Carthy, Wm., Esq., Derryna- noul, Mitchelstown. Mac Carthy, Michael Felix, Esq., A M., Dublin. Mac Carthy, Daniel, Esq., 2, Port- land-place, Bath. Mac Dcrmott, Joseph, Esq., 1, Cowlcy-place, Dublin. Mac Douall, Professor Charles, Queen's College, Belfast. Mac Dowcll, Patrick, Esq., R.A., 74, Margaret-street East, Caven- dish-square, London. Mac Kenzie, JohnWhitefoord.Esq., F. S. A. S., 16, Royal Circus, Edinburgh. Mac Lauehlan, Rev. T., M.A., F.S.A.S., Free Gaelic Church, and 4, Viewforth, Edinburgh. Mac Loughlin, Very Rev. Francis, O. S. F., Willowbank Convent, Ennis. Mac Mahon, Rev. John, P.P., Kil- farboy and Miltownmalbay. Mac Mahon, Rev. James, C.C., Ennis. Macmahon, Rev. Patrick, P.P., Mountshannon Daly, Whitegate, Co. Galway. Mac Namara, Daniel, Esq., Tullig, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. Mackesy, Mrs. Margaret E., Castle- town-Kilpatrick, Navan, Meath. Mac Namara, Michael, Esq., Soli- citor, Green Park, Ennis. Macray, Rev. W. D., M.A., 69, Holywell, Oxford. M'Carthy, Rev. John, C.C.Mallow. 810 M'Carthy, T., Esq., Bandon. M'Oullagh, Niall, Esq., Buenos Avres. M'Devitt, Rev. James, C.C., St. Patrick's College, Maynooth. M'Evoy, D., Esq., Urlingford, Co. Kilkenny. M'Gauran, John, Esq., Westland- row, Dublin. M'Ginty, M., Esq., Bray. Madden, Rev. John, C.C., Gort, Co, Galway. Madigan, Thomas, Esq., Kilrush. Madigan, Andrew, Esq., Kilrush. Magauran, Patrick, Esq., Ballina- more, Co. Leitrim. Magennis, Edward Augustus, Esq., 8, North-street, Newry. Maguire, Edward, Esq., J.P., Bar- rister, Gortoral House, Swanlin- bar, Co. Cavan. Maguire, Nathaniel, Esq., Bone- brook, Bawnboy. Mahony, Rev. Laurence, Buttevant, Co. Cork. Mahony, Richard, Esq., Dromore Castle, Kenmare. Marnel, Mr. John, Pallas, Mary- borough. Martin. John, Esq., 26, Rue Lace- pede, Paris. Meagher, Very Rev. Monsignore, William, D.D., V.G., P.P., Rath- mines, Dublin. Meagher, Rev. John, C.C., Lorrha, liorrisokane. Meany, Rev. Patrick, C.C., Bally- knock, Carrick-on-Suir. Meany, Rev. G., C.C., St. James's Church, Blackburne Lancashire. Moloney, Kev. Michael, C.C., Kil- bride, Wicklow. Moloney, Rev Thomas, C.C., Mul- lough, Miltownmalbay. Moloney, ttev. B., P.P., Clough- Jordan & Monsea, Co. Tipperary. Moloney, P., Esq., Jail-st., Ennis. Monsell, Kt. Hon. William, M.P., Tervoe, Co. Limerick. Moore, John, Esq., Solicitor, Mid- leton, Co. Cork. Moore, Kcv. Philip, C.C., Piltown, Co. Kilkenny. re, Mr. Wm. E., N.T., Castle- mahi n. Moran.Rev, Patrick, C.C., Kilkee. Moran, Michael, Esq., Drumgra- nagh, Ennis. Moriarty, M., Esq., St. Mary's Cottage. Dumfries. Moroney, Jeremiah, Esq., Philadel- phia. Morris, Henry, Esq., 4, Little Ship- street, Dublin. Moxon, Wm. Milson, Esq., Survey- ing General Examiner of Excise, Somerset House, London. Moylan, John, Esq., Rathkeale. Moynahan, Mortimer, Esq., Skib- bereen, Co. Cork. Mulcahy, Rev. E. s P.P., Timo- league, Bandon. Mullane, Mr. Michl., Castlemahon. Murray, Rev. Thomas L., P.P., Kilcolman, Mallow. Murphy, Rev. Dominick, South Presbytery, Cork. Murphy, Rev. Wm., C.C., Skib- bereen, Co. Cork. Murphy, James, Esq., I.Lombard- street, Dublin. Murphy, M. A., Esq , 7, James's- street, Liverpool. Murphy, Rev. T., P.P., Youghal. N. Nash, David William, Esq., Bar- rister, 9, Vyvyan Terrace, Clif- ton, Bristol. Nash, Rev. A., Rathkeale. Nealon, Jas., Esq., Toonagh, Ennis. Newell, Rev. T., C.C, Ennistymon. Newport, Rev. Andw., C.C, Ennis. Nicholson, John Armitage, Esq , Belrath, Kells, Co. Meath. O. O'Brien, Rt. Hev. Dominick, D.D., Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, Waterford. O'Hea, Most Rev. Michael, D.D., Bishop of Ross, Skibbereen. O'Brien, William Smith, Esq., M K I. A., Cahirmoyle, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick (4 copies). O'Brien, Edward W., Esq., Sch., 40, Trinity College, Dublin, and Cihirnioyle, Newcastle W t, Co. Limerick. 317 O'Brien O'Fiely, T., Esq., A.B., LL.B., Ruby Lodge, Dalkey, Co. Dublin. O'Beirne-Crowe, Jolin, A.B., Pro- fessor of Celtic Languages, Queen's College, Galway. O'Boyle, Rev. Thomas, C.C., South Gloucester, County of Carleton, Canada West, North America. O'Brickley, Mr. David, 27, Hatton Garden, London. O'Brien, Patrick, Jun., Esq., Clare Castle, Co. Clare. O'Brien, Richard, Esq., 56, Cam- den-street, Dublin. O'Brien, Robert, Esq., Old Church, Limerick. O'Brien, Mr. Daniel, St. David- street, Cardiff. O'Brien, Rev. William, C.C., Kil- mihil, Kilrush, Co. Clare. O'Brien, Mr. John, Ballycullen, Ashford. Co. Wicklow. O'Byrne, John, Esq., 7, Jardin Royal, Toulouse. O'Byrne, Messrs. P. & Co., Aston's- quay, Dublin. O'Callaghan, Eugene, Esq., Lime- rick. O'Carroll, Rev. Vincent. O.P., St. Saviour's Priory, Limerick. O'Carroll, Rev. Christopher. C.C., Rue Castle, Craughwell. O'Cavenagli, John Eugene, Esq., 6, Essex-street, Islington, London. O'Connell, D., Esq., M. D., Flint- field, Mill- street, Co. Cork. O'Connor-Kerry, Rev. Chas. James, C.C., Saiidiford, Dundrum, Co. Dublin. O'Connor, Michael, Esq., Glena- geary, Kingstown. O'Connor, Mr. Thomas, 19, Shep- herd-street, Oxford st , London. O'Connor, Mr. Michael, 97, St. Martin's Lane, London. O'Connor, Patrick, Esq., Secretary, Scientific and Literary Society, Kilrush. O'Daly, John, Esq., O'Daly's Bridge, Kells. O'Daly, Mr. John, 9, Anglesea-st., Dublin. O'Donnell, Michael, Esq., Solicitor, Charleville. O'Donnell, Rev. Patrick, C.C., Carrick-on-Suir. O'Donoghue, Rev. Edmund, C.C., Shannon-view, Shanagolden. O'Donoghue, Rev. Philip, C.C., New York. O'Donohue, Francis, Esq , Bally- gurreen, Newmarket-on-Fergus. O'Donovan, John, LL.D.M.R.I.A. Barrister, 36, Upper Bucking- ham-street, Dublin. O'Donovan, Mr. J., Lisbehoge, De- sert Serges, Bandon. 0'J)onovan-Rossa, Jeremiah, Esq , Skibbereen, Co. Cork. O'Duffy, John, Esq., 75, Dame- street, Dublin (4 copies.) O'Driscoll, Denis Florence, Esq., A.B , Senior Scholar in Natural Philosophy, Queen's Coll., Cork. O'Driscoll, John, Esq., 10, Angle- sea-street, Dublin. O'Driscoll, Patk., Esq., C.E., Ennis. O'Farrell, James, Esq., 1, Bevois Cottages, Bevois Valley, South- ampton. O'Farrell, Rev. Mark, P.P., Fer- bane, Diocese of Ardagh. O'Farrell, M. R., Esq., 28, Upper Pembroke-street, Dublin. O'Flaherty, Martin, Esq , Galway. O'Flanagan, Mr. John, Wellbrook, Corofin, Co. Clare. O'Flynn, Rev. John L., O.S.F.C, Church-street Friary, Dublin. O'Gorman, Thos., Esq., 28, Heytes- bury-street, Dublin. O'Grady, Admiral, Erinagh House, Castleconnell. O'Grady, Standiah Hayes, Esq., Erinagh House, Castleconnell. O'Grady, Rev. Thomas, Berehaven. O'Grady, Rev. Thomas Standish, P.P., Adare. O'Grady, Mr. Stephen, Kilareidy. O'Grady, Edwd., Esq., Rathkeale. O'Hagan, John, Esq., Barrister, 2U, Kildare-street, Dublin. O'Hanlon, Rev. John, C.C., 17, James'-street, Dublin. O'llanlon, David, Esq., M.D., Rathkeale. O'Hannigan, John, Esq., Dungar- van, Co. Waterford. O'Hara, Randall, Esq., 2, John- street, Cardiff. 318 O'Hara, John, Esq., Curlough, Bawnboy. O'Hea, Patrick, Esq., Bandon. O'Herlihy, P., Esq., 33, Ebenezer Terrace, Sunday's Well, Cork. O'Higgin, Rev. R. J., Limerick. O'Horgan, Rev. _, C.C., St. Lau- rence O'Toole's, Dublin. O'Kelly, Wm, Esq., 32, Chestnut- street, Liverpool. O'Keeffe, Connor, Esq., Queen's College, Cork, and Abbeyview, Kilcrea. O'Kennedy -Morris, Michael, Esq., A.B., M.D., Queen's University, Boulie, Kilcooley Co. Tipperary. O'Laverty, Rev. James, C.C., Dio- cesan Seminary, Belfast. O'Loghlen, Sir Colman M., Bart., 20, Merrion-sq., South, Dublin. O'Loghlen, Bryan, Esq., Rockview, Ennis. O'Looney, Brian, Monreel, Ennis- tymon. O'Mahony, Rev. Thomas, P.P.. Crusheen and Rath. Co. Clare. O'Mahony, Rev. Thaddeus. A.B., 24, Trinity College, Dublin. O'Mahony, James, Esq., Bandon. O'Mahony, James, Esq., Ballivil- lone, Bandon. O'Meara, John, Esq., Birr. O'Neill, Geo. F., Esq., B.A., Newry. O'Neill, Neal John, Esq., Marino Crescent, Clontarf, and 82, Marl- borough-street, Dublin. O'Neill, Rev. James, C.C., Ratfi- cormick, Co. Cork. O'Rcgan, Mr.,— N.T., Bally vohan. Ormond, Robert, Esq., Mulgrave- street, Cork. O'Rourke, Rev. John, C.C., Kings- town, Co. Dublin. Orr, Samuel, Esq., Flower Field, Coleraine. O'Sullivan, Denis, Esq., Bantry. O'Sullivan, Mr. James, 2, Cowane- street, Stirling, Scotland. P. Parker, John II., Esq., Shamrock Lodge, Harold's Cross, Dublin. Parkhousc, Thos., Esq., Tiverton, Devon. Petty, John, Esq., C.E., Ennis. Phayer, William. Esq., Limerick. Phelan, Mr. William, Walshestown. Fierce, Richard, Esq., Waterloo Place, Wexford. Pigott, John Edw., Esq., M.R.I. A., Barrister, 96, Lr. Leeson-street, Dublin. Pontet, Marc, Esq., 8, Upper Sackville-street, Dublin. Power, Rev. Joseph, M.A., Uni- versity Library, Cambridge. Power, William, Esq., 116, Bar- rack-street, Waterford. Power, Patrick James, Esq., Cool- agh, Dungarvan. Prim, John G. A., Esq., Proprietor of the Moderator, Kilkenny. Q. Quaid, Rev. Patrick, P.P., Drom- collogher, and Broadford, Char- leville, Co. Limerick. Quin, Very Rev. Andrew, P.P., V.G., Kilfenora and Kiltoraght, Co. Clare. Quinlivan, Rev. Michael, P.P., Newmarket-on-Fergus, Co.Clare. R. Raleigh, F. Gibbon, Esq.. Castle- mahon. Reade, Rev. Geo. Fortoscue, A.B., Inniskeen Rectory, Dundalk. Reeves, Rev. William, D.D. Lusk, Co. Dublin. Reeves, Rev. John, C.C., Kilmeady. Reynolds, Thomas, Esq., City Mar- shall, Dublin. Roche, Lewev, Esq., 49, Patrick-st., Cork. Roche, Mr. Michael, Castlemahon. Rooney, M. W., Esq., 26, Anglesea- street, Dublin. Rowan, Very Rev. Archdeacon, D.D., M.K.I.A., Tralee. Rowland, John T., Esq., Solicitor, Drogheda. Royal Dublin Society, Library of, Kildare-street, Dublin. Russell, Thomas O'Neill, Esq., 103, Grafton-street, Dublin. Ryan, Andrew, Esq., Gortkelly Castle, Borrisoleigh. Ryan, Patrick, Esq., St. Patrick's College, Maynooth. 3li» s. Scott, William, Esq., Ranelagh, Co. Dublin. Shairp, John Campbell, Esq., the University, St. Andrews, Scot- land. Shaw, Mrs.; Monkstown, Cork. Sheahan, Michael, Esq., Buttevant. Sheahan, Mr. Daniel, Ardagh, New- castle West, Co. Limerick. Sheahan, Mr. Michael, Newcastle West Post Office, Co. Limerick. Sheehan, Daniel, Esq.,1 15, Patrick- street, Cork. Sheehy, Geo., Esq., Castlcmahon. Sheehy, Henry, Esq., Port William, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick. Siegfried, Kudolf Thomas, Ph D., Trinity College, Dublin. Sigerson, Geo.. Esq., A.B., Queen's College, Cork. Skene, William F., Esq., 20, In- verleith-row, Edinburgh. Smiddy, Rev. Kichd., C.C., Mallow. Soanes, Robert L., Esq,, 2, Royal Exchange Buildings, Cornhill, London. Stack, Rev. John, C.C., Tomgeany, Scariff, Co. Limerick. Stackpoole, Capt. W., J.P., Bally- alla, Ennis. Stamer, Wm., Esq , M.D., Ennis. Stephens, Professor George, Copen- hagen. Stephens, Thomas, Esq., Merthyr Tydfil, Wales. Sullivan, W. K., Ph. D., Museum of Industry, Stephen's Green, Dublin. Sweeny, Mr. William, Tanlehane. Synan, Very Rev. Dr., P.P., Sha- nagolden, Co. Limerick. Talbot de Malahide, The Rt. Hon. Lord, Malahide Castle, Malahide. Talbot, Marcus, Esq., Ennis. Thomson, Miss M. M., Ravensdale, Flurry Bridge, Co. Louth. Tierney, Daniel, Esq., A.B., C.E., Queen's University, Blackwater Lodge, Shannon Baidge, King's County. Tighe, Robert, Esq., Fitzwilliam- square, Dublin. Todd, Rev. James Ilenthorn, D.D., S.F.T.C.D., F.S.A., President of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Todd, Burns, and Co., Messrs. (per Librarian), Mary-street, Dublin. Tracy, Rev. John, C.C., Ballyneill, Carrick-on-Suir. Trevor, Kev. .fames, C.C., Bray. Troy, John, Esq., Fermoy. Tully, Rev. Patrick, P.P., Gort, Co. Galway. VandermaeVen, Mons. Corr, Brux- elles. Varian, Ralph, Esq., 105, Patrick- street, Cork. Vaughan, Rev. Jeremiah, P.P., Kil- raghtis and Doora, Co. Clare. Veale, James, Esq., Cappoquin. W. Walsh, Michael, Esq., Labasheeda, Kildysart, Co. Clare. Walsh, Robert P. C, Esq., 34, Ebenezer Terrace, Sunday's Well, Cork. Ward, John, Esq., Endowed School, Back-lane, Dublin. Ward, Rev. Peter, P.P., Turlough, Castlebar. Ward, Mr. Luke, Castlebar. Westropp, Ralph M., Esq., Ravens- dale, Carrigaline, Co. Cork. White, John Davis, Esq., Deputy Registrar, Diocese of Cashel, Cashel. Wheeler, Rev. Robert, C.C., Cel- bridge. Whitestone, John, Esq., Clonda- gad and Ballinacally. Wilde, William Robt., Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S.I., M.R.I.A., 1, Mer- rionsquare, North, Dublin. Williams, Wm., Esq., Dungarvan. Williams, Patrick, Esq., Dungarvan. Wilson, Andrew, Esq., Surveying General of Excise, Somerset House, London. Windele, John, Esq., Blair's Castle, Cork. 320 Woodlock, Mr. John, South Mall, Wynne, Mr. Michael, Lough Allen, Thurles. Drumshambo, Co. Leitrim. Wright, Charles H. H., Esq., A.B., Wynne, Rev. — , D.D., Dundrum, 19, Trinity College, Dublin. Co. Dublin. Wright, Edward P., Esq., LL.D., | Wyse, Capt. Bonaparte, Waterford 5, Trinity College, DubUn. i Artillery, Waterford. AUSTRALIAN CELTIC ASSOCIATION, SYDNEY. Treasurer — Jeremiah Moore. Esq. Secretary — W. Davis, Esq. M'Encroe, The Venerable Arch- deacon, Sydney. Plunkett, The Hon. John Hubert, Q.C., M.L.A], Sydney. M'Carthy, Rev. Timothy, Armi- dale. Corish, Rev. M. A., O.S.B. Beart, Mr. Bryan. Brien Mr. James. Caraher, Mr. Owen Joseph. Cleary, Mr. James,(Maryborough.) Cleary, Mr. Richard. Coverny, Mr. Robert. Crane, Mrs. Patrick. Cunningham, Mr. Edward. Davis, Mr. \Vm. M. Davis. Mr. John. Hilbert, Mr. J. Kearney, Mr. Denis. Lennan, Mr. James. M'Cormac, The Widow. Mac Donnell, Mr. Randall. M'Evilly, Mr. Walter. Moore, Mr. Jeremiah. O'Dwyer, Mr. John. O'Molony, Mr. P. O'D. (Secretary.) O'Neil, Mr. Thomas. O'Neil, Mr. Morgan. O'Neill, Mr. James. O'Neill, Mr. Cornelius. O'Reilly, Mr. Robert M. Reidy, Mr. P. Smith, Mr. James. Stevenson, Mr. John. LONDON, CANADA WEST, ASSOCIATION. Downes, Henry, Esq. Irwin, William, Esq. M'Cann, Philip, Esq. Norris, Patrick G., Esq., Solicitor. Oliver, D. Noble, Esq. O'Mara, Patrick, Esq. Robinson, William, Esq. Shanly James, Esq., Barrister. Tierney, John M., Esq., (Law Stu- dent,) Secretary. ERRATA. Page 32, note, for 1880, read 180S. ,, 152, stanza 5, line 4, for ceApo, read ceAtjt). ,, 166, ,, 1, ,, 1, insert reference to the word ceAtjij' ,, 213, line I, note, for may read might. ,, 221, stanza 6, line 4, for bonds read pain, THE KND. HECD ID- LD URL MAR 7 1973 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. nrnt — DISCHARGER — B JUN 1 8 mu MAR 7^3 BBfi&vm BAR 2 1973 ffFC'D LD-URL NOV 7i933 RENEWAL Nnv RENEWft LD URL ~ Form L9-Se%)liM9 «W PRl 11 1973 MAY 1 2006 APR 1 3 19 £ fc UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 414 295 6