LAYS OF THE SCOTTISH CAVALIERS AND OTHER POEMS This Volume is a verbiitim reprint of the first edition (1849). Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN SCOTTISH CAVALIERS BLISS SANDS fie C? LONDON!—^ ^ MDCCCXCVI PR LIBEAP.Y ^0^7 UNrVERf^T-^Y OF C ^ TJFORNIA J -^ SANTA BARBARA 1896 TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE ARCHIBALD WILLIAM HAMILTON-MONTGOMERIE, lEarl of JEcjKnton an5 TlGlinton, THE PATRIOTIC AND NOBLE REPRESENTATIVE OP AN ANCIENT SCOTTISH RACE, THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS LAYS OF THE SCOTTISH CAVALIERS EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE THE HEART OF THE BRUCE THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER PAOE 9 31 52 67 91 109 131 177 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS BLIND OLD MILTON . 197 HERMOTIMUS .... . 204 CENONE . . . • . 216 THE BURIED FLOWER . 220 THE OLD CAMP .... . 231 DANUBE AND THE EUXINE . 235 THE SCHEIK OF SINAI . 238 EPITAPH OP CONSTANTINE KANARIS . 243 THE REFUSAL OF CHARON . 244 LAYS OF THE SCOTTISH CAVALIERS EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN The great battle of Flodden was fought upon the 9th of September, 1513, The defeat of the Scottish army, mainly owing to the fantastic ideas of chivalry entertained by James IV., and his refusal to avail himself of the natural advantages of his position, was by far the most disastrous of any recounted in the history of the northern wars. The whole strength of the kingdom, both Lowland and Highland, was assembled, and the contest was one of the sternest and most desperate upon record. For several hours the issue seemed doubtful. On the left the Scots obtained a decided advantage on the right wing they were broken and overthrown ; and at last the whole weight of the battle was brought into the centre, where King James and the Earl of Surrey commanded in person. The deter- mined valour of James, imprudent as it was, had the effect of rousing to a pitch of desperation the 10 KDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN courage of the lueauest soldiers; and the ground becoming soft and slippery from blood, they pulled off their boots and shoes, and secured a firmer footing by lighting in their hose. " It is owned," says Abercromby, " that both parties did wonders, but none on either side performed more than the King himself. He was again told that by coming to handy blows he could do no more than another man, whereas, by keeping the post due to his station, he might be worth many thousands. Yet he would not only fight in person, but also on foot; for he no sooner saw that body of the English give way which was defeated by the Earl of Huntley, but he alighted from his horse, and commanded his guard of noblemen and gentlemen to do the like and follow him. He had at first abundance of success ; but at length the Lord Thomas Howard and Sir Edward Stanley, who had defeated their opposites, coming in with the Lord Dacre's horse, and surrounding the King's battalion on all sides, the Scots were so distressed that, for their last defence, they cast themselves into a ring; and being resolved to die nobly with their sovereign, who scorned to ask quarter, were altogether cut off. So say the English writers, and I am apt to believe that they are in the right." The battle was maintained with desperate fury until nightfall. At the close, according to Mr. Tytler, " Surrey was uncertain of the result of the battle : the remains of the enemy's centre still held EDINBURGH AFTER ELODDEN n the field ; Home, with his Borderers, still hovered on the left ; and the commander wisely allowed neither pursuit nor plunder, but drew off his men, and kept a strict watch during the night. When the morning broke, the Scottish artillery were seen standing de- serted on the side of the hill; their defenders had disappeared ; and the Earl ordered thanks to be given for a victory which was no longer doubtful. Yet, even after all this, a body of the Scots appeared unbroken upon a hill, and were about to charge the Lord- Admiral, when they were compelled to leave their position by a discharge of the English ordnance. " The loss of the Scots in this fatal battle amounted to about ten thousand men. Of these, a great propor- tion were of high rank ; the remainder being composed of the gentry, the farmers, and landed yeomanry, who disdained to fly when their sovereign and his nobles lay stretched in heaps around them." Besides King James, there fell at Flodden the Archbishop of St. Andrew's, thirteen earls, two bishops, two abbots, fifteen lords and chiefs of clans, and five peers' eldest sons, besides La Motte the French ambassador, and the secretary of the King. The same historian adds — " The names of the gentry who fell are too numerous for recapitulation, since there were few families of note in Scotland which did not lose one relative or another, whilst some houses had to weep the death of all. It is from this cause that the sensations of sorrow and national lamentation occasioned by the defeat were peculiarly poignant and lasting — so that to 12 F.DINBURCH AFTER FLODDKN this day few Scotsmen can hear the name of Flodden witliout a shudder of gloomy regret." The loss to Edinburgh on this occasion was pe- culiarly great. All the magistrates and able-bodied citizens had followed their King to Flodden, whence very few of them returned. The office of Provost or chief magistrate of the capital was at that time an object of ambition, and was conferred only upon persons of high rank and station. There seems to be some uncertainty whether the holder of this dignity at the time of the battle of Flodden was Sir Alexander Lauder, ancestor of the Fountainhall family, who was elected in 1511, (n- that great historical personage, Archibald Earl of Angus, better known as Archibald Bell-the-Cat, who was chosen in 1513, the year of the battle. Both of them were at Flodden. The name of Sir Alexander Lauder appears upon the list of the slain ; Angus was one of the survivors, but his son, George, Master of Angus, fell fighting gallantly by the side of King James. The city records of Edinburgh, which commence about this period, are not clear upon the point, and I am rather inclined to think that the Earl of Angus was elected to supply the place of Lauder. But although the actual magistrates were absent, they had formally nominated deputies in their stead. I find, on referring to the city records, that " George of Tours " had been ap- pointed to officiate in the absence of the Provost, and that four other persons were selected to discharge the office of bailies until tlie macjistrates sliould return. EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN 13 It is impossible to describe the consternation which pervaded the whole of Scotland when the intelligence of the defeat became known. In Edinburgh it was ex- cessive. Mr. Arnot, in the liistory of that city, says, — "The news of their overthrow in the field of Flodden reached Edinburgh on the day after the battle, and overwhelmed the inhabitants with grief and confusion. The streets were crowded with women seeking intelligence about their friends, clamouring and weeping. Those who officiated in absence of the magistrates proved tliemselves worthy of the trust. They issued a proclamation, ordering all the inhabit- ants to assemble in military array for defence of the city, on the tolling of the bell ; and commanding, ' that all women, and especially strangers, do repair to their work, and not be seen upon the street clamorand and crijand ; and that women of the better sort do repair to the church and offer up prayers, at the stated hours, for our Sovereign Lord and his army, and the towns- men who are with the army.' " Indeed the council records bear ample evidence of the emergency of that occasion. Throughout the earlier pages, the word " Flowdoun " frequently occurs on the margin, in reference to various hurried orders for arming and defence ; and there can be no doubt that, had the English forces attempted to follow up their victory, and attack the Scottish capital, the citizens would have resisted to the last. IJut it soon became apparent that the loss sustained l)y the English was so severe, that Surrey was in no condition to avail 1+ EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN himself of the opportunity ; and in fact, shortly after- wards, he was compelled to disband his army. The references to the city banner, contained in the following poem, may require a word of explanation. It is a standard still held in great honour and reverence by the burghers of Edinburgh, having been presented to them by James the Third, in return for their loyal service in 1482. This banner, along with tliat of the Earl Marischal, still conspicuous in tlie Library of the Faculty of Advocates, was honourably brought back from Eloddeu, and certainly never could have been dis- played in a more memorable field, ilaitland says, with reference to this very interesting relic of antiquity, — "As a perpetual remembrance of the loyalty and bravery of the Edinburghers on the aforesaid occasion, the King granted them a banner or standard, with a power to display the same in defence of their king, country, and their own rights. This flag is kept by the Convener of the Trades: at whose appearance therewith, it is said that not only the artificers of Edinburgh are obliged to repair to it, but all the artisans or craftsmen within Scotland are bound to follow it, and fight under the Convener of Edinl:iurgli as aforesaid." Xo event in Scottish history ever took a more last- ing hold of the public mind than the " woeful fight " of Flodden ; and, even now, the songs and traditions which are current on the Border recall the memory of a contest unsullied by disgrace, though terminating in disaster and defeat. EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN I. News of battle 1 — news of battle ! Hark ! 't is ringing down the street : And the archways and the pavement Bear the clang of hurrying feet. News of battle ? Who hath brought it ? News of triumph ? Who should bring Tidings from our noble army, Greetings from our gallant King ? All last night we watched the beacons Blazing on the hills afar, Each one bearing, as it kindled, Message of the opened war. All night long the northern streamers Shot across the trembling sky : Fearful lights, that never beckon Save when kings or heroes die. II. News of battle ! Who hath brought it ? All are thronging to the gate ; " Warder — warder ! open cpiickly ! Man — is this a time to wait ? " i6 KDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN And the heavy gates are opened : Then a murmur long and loud, And a cry of fear and wonder Bursts from out the bending crowd. For they see in battered harness Only one hard-stricken man, And his weary steed is wounded. And his cheek is pale and wan. Spearless hangs a bloody banner In his weak and drooping hand — Trod ! can that be Eandolph ^lurray, Captain of the city band ? III. Eound him crush the people, crying, " Tell us all — oh, tell us true ! Where are they who went to battle, Randolph Murray, sworn to you ? Where are they, our brothers — children ? Have they met the English foe ? Why art thou alone, unfollowed ? Is it weal, or is it woe ? " Like a corpse the grisly warrior Looks from out his helm of steel ; But no word he speaks in answer, Only with his armed heel Chides his weary steed, and onward Up the city streets they ride ; EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN 17 Fathers, sisters, mothers, children, Shrieking, praying by his side. " By the God that made thee, Randolph ! Tell us what mischance hath come ! " Then he lifts his riven banner, And the asker's voice is dumb. IV. The elders of the city Have met within their hall — The men whom good King James had charged To watch the tower and wall. " Your hands are weak with age," he said, " Your hearts are stout and true ; So bide ye in the Maiden Town, While others fight for you. My trumpet from the Border-side Shall send a blast so clear. That all who wait within the gate That stirring sound may hear. Or, if it be the will of heaven That back I never come, And if, instead of Scottish shouts, Ye hear the English drum, — Then let the warning bells ring out, Then gird you to the fray. Then man the walls like burghers stout, And fight while light you may. B 1 8 EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN 'T were better that in fiery llanie The roofs should thunder down, Than that the foot of foreign foe Should trample in the town ! " V. Then in came Randolph Murray, — His step was slow and weak, And, as he doffed his dinted helm, The tears ran down his cheek : They fell upon his corslet, And on his mailed hand, As he gazed around him wistfully. Leaning sorely on his brand. And none who then beheld him But straight were smote with fear, For a bolder and a sterner man Had never couched a spear. They knew so sad a messenger Some ghastly news must bring : And all of them were fathers, And their sons were with the King. VI. And up then rose the Provost — A brave old man was he, Of ancient name and knightly fame, And chivalrous degree. He ruled our city like a Lord EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN 19 Who brooked no equal here, And ever for the townsmen's rights Stood up 'gainst prince and peer. And he had seen the Scottish host March from the Borough-muir, With music-storm and clamorous shout And all the din that thunders out, When youth 's of victory sure. But yet a dearer thought had he, For, with a father's pride, He saw his last remaining son Go forth by Randolph's side, With casque on head and spur on heel. All keen to do and dare ; And proudly did that gallant boy Dunedin's banner bear. Oh, woeful now was the old man's look, And he spake right heavily — " Now, Eandolph, tell thy tidings. However sharp they be ! Woe is written on thy visage, Death is looking from thy face : Speak, though it be of overthrow — It cannot be disgrace ! " VII. Right uitter was the agony That wrung the soldier proud : Thrice did he strive to answer, And thrice he groaned aloud. 20 EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN Then he gave the riven banner To the old man's shaking hand, Saying — " That is all I bring ye From the bravest of the land ! Ay ! ye may look upon it — It was guarded well and long, By your brothers and your cliildren, By the valiant and the strong. One by one they fell around it. As the archers laid them low. Grimly dying, still unconquered, With their faces to the foe. Ay ! ye well may look upon it — There is more than honour there, Else, be sure, I had not brought it From the field of dark despair. Never yet was royal banner Steeped in such a costly dye ; It hath lain upon a bosom Where no other shroud shall lie. Sirs ! I charge you keep it holy, Keep it as a sacred thing. For the stain you see upon it Was the life-blood of your King ! " VIII. Woe, woe, and lamentation ! What a piteous cry was there ! Widows, maidens, mothers, children, Shrieking, sobbing in despair ' EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN 21 Through the streets the death-word rushes, Spreading terror, sweeping on — Jesu Christ ! our King has fallen — great God, King James is gone ! Holy Mother Mar}', shield us, Thou wlio erst did lose thy Son ! the blackest day for Scotland That she ever knew before ! our King — the good, the noble. Shall we see him never more ? "Woe to us and woe to Scotland, our sons, our sons and men ! Surely some have 'scaped the Southron, Surely some will come again ! " Till the oak that fell last winter Shall uprear its shattered stem — Wives and mothers of Dunedin — Ye may look in vain for them ! IX. But within the Council Chamber All was silent as the grave. Whilst the tempest of their sorrow Shook the bosoms of the brave. Well indeed might they be shaken With the weight of such a blow : He was gone — their prince, their idol, Whom they loved and worshipped so ! Like a knell of death and judgment Rung from heaven by angel hand, 4* EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN IVll the words of desolation On the elders of the land. Hoary heads were bowed and trembling, Withered hands were clasped and wrung : God had left the old and feeble, He had ta'en away the young. Then the Provost he uprose, And his lip was ashen white, But a flush was on his brow. And his eye was full of light. " Thou hast spoken, Eandolph Murray, Like a soldier stout and true ; Thou hast done a deed of daring Had been perilled but by few. For thou hast not shamed to face us. Nor to speak thy ghastly tale. Standing — thou, a knight and captain- Here, alive within thy mail ! Now, as my God shall judge me, I hold it braver done, Than hadst thou tarried in thy place. And died above my son ! Thou needst not tell it : he is dead. God help us all this day ! But speak — how fought the citizens Within the furious fray ? EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN 23 Tor, by the might of Mary, 'T were something still to tell That no Scottish foot went backward When the Eoyal Lion fell ! " XL No one failed him ! He is keeping Eoyal state and semblance still ; Knight and noble lie around him, Cold on Flodden's fatal hill. Of the brave and gallant-hearted, Whom ye sent with prayers away, Not a single man departed From his monarch yesterday. Had you seen them, my masters ! When the night began to fall. And the English spearmen gathered Round a grim and ghastly wall ! As the wolves in winter circle Round the leaguer on the heath, So the greedy foe glared upward, Panting still for blood and death. But a rampart rose before them. Which the boldest dared not scale ; Every stone a Scottish body. Every step a corpse in mail ! And behind it lay our monarch Clenching still his shivered sword : 24 EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDF.N By bis side Montrose and Atliole, At his feet a sonthern lord. All so thick they lay together, Wlien the stars lit up the sky, That I knew not who were stricken. Or who yet remained to die. Few there were wlien Surrey halted, And his wearied host witlidrew ; None but dying men around me, When the English trumpet blew. Then I stooped, and took the banner. As ye see it, from his breast, And I closed our hero's eyelids. And I left him to his rest. In the mountains growled the thunder, As I leaped the woeful wall, And the heavy clouds were settling Over Flodden, like a pall." Xll. 80 he ended. And the others Cared not any answer then ; Sitting silent, dumb with sorrow, Sitting anguish-struck, like men Who have seen the roaring torrent Sweep their happy homes away, And yet linger by the margin. Staring idly on tlie spray. EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN 25 But, without, the maddening tumult Waxes ever more and more, And the crowd of wailing women Gather round the Council door. Every dusky spire is ringing "With a dull and hollow knell, And the Miserere 's singing To the tolling of the bell. Through the streets the burghers hurry, Spreading terror as they go ; And the rampart 's thronged with watchers For the coming of the foe. From each mountain-top a pillar Streams into the torpid air, Bearing token from the Border Tliat the English host is there. All without is flight and terror. All within is woe and fear — God protect thee, Maiden City, For thy latest hour is near ! XIII. No ! not yet, thou high Dunedin ! Shalt thou totter to thy fall ; Though thy bravest and thy strongest Are not there to man the wall. No, not yet ! the ancient spirit Of our fathers hath not gone ; 26 EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN Take it to theo as a buckler Better far tliaii steel or stone. Oh, remember those who perished For thy birthright at the time When to be a Scot was treason, And to side with Wallace, crime ! Have they not a voice among us. Whilst their hallowed dust is here ? Hear ye not a summons sounding From each buried warrior's bier ? " Up ! " — they say — " and keep the freedom Which we won you long ago : Up ! and keep our graves unsullied From the insults of the foe ! Up ! and if ye cannot save them, Come to us in blood and fire : Midst the crash of falling turrets, Let the last of Scots expire ! " XIV. Still the bells are tolling fiercely, And the cry conies louder in ; Mothers wailing for their children, Sisters for their slaughtered kin. All is terror and disorder. Till the Provost rises up, Calm, as though he had not tasted Of the fell and bitter cup. All so stately from his sorrow, Rose the old undaunted Chief, EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN 27 That you had not deemed, to see him, His was more than common grief. " Eouse ye, Sirs ! " he said ; " we may not Longer mourn for what is done : If our King be taken from us, We are left to guard his son. We have sworn to keep the city From the foe, whate'er they be, And the oath that we have taken Never shall be broke by me. Death is nearer to us, brethren, Than it seemed to those who died, Fighting yesterday at Flodden, By their lord and master's side. Let us meet it then in patience, Not in terror or in fear ; Though our hearts are bleeding yonder, Let our souls be steadfast here. Up, and rouse ye ! Time is fleeting. And we yet have much to do ; Up ! and haste ye through the city. Stir the burghers stout and true ! Gather all our scattered people, Fling the banner out once more, — Randolph Murray ! do thou bear it, As it erst was borne before : Never Scottish heart will leave it, When they see their monarch's gore ! 28 EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN XV. ' Let them cease that dismal knelhng ! It is time enough to ring, "When the fortress-strength of Scotland Stoops to ruin like its King, Let the bells be kept for warning, Not for terror or alarm ; When they next are heard to tlnmder, Let each man and stripling arm. Bid the women leave their wailing, — Do they think that woeful strain, From the bloody heaps of Flodden Can redeem their dearest slain ? Bid them cease, — or rather hasten To the churches, every one ; There to pray to Mary Mother, And to her anointed Son, That the thunderbolt above us May not fall in ruin yet ; That in fire, and blood, and rapine, Scotland's glory may not set. Let them pray, — for never women Stood in need of such a prayer ! England's yeomen shall not find them Clinging to the altars there. No ! if we are doomed to perish, Man and maiden, let us fall ; EDINBURGH AFTER FLODDEN 29 And a common gulf of ruin Open wide to whelm us all ! Never shall the ruthless spoiler Lay his hot insulting hand On the sisters of our heroes, Whilst we bear a torch or brand ! Up ! and rouse ye, then, my brothers, But when next ye hear the bell Sounding forth the sullen summons That may be our funeral knell, Once more let us meet together. Once more see each other's face ; Then, like men that need not tremble. Go to our appointed place. God, our Father, will not fail us In that last tremendous hour, — If all other bulwarks crumble. He will be our strength and tower : Though the ramparts rock beneath us. And the walls go crashing down. Though the roar of conflagration Bellow o'er the sinking town ; There is yet one place of shelter, Where the foeman cannot come. Where the summons never sounded Of the trumpet or the drum. There again we '11 meet our children, Who, on riodden's trampled sod. For their king and for their country Kendered up their souls to God. EDINBURGH AFIKR FLODDEN There shall we find rest and refuge, With our dear departed brave ; And the ashes of the city Be our universal jirave ! " THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE The most poetical chronicler would find it impossible to render the incidents of Montrose's brilliant career more picturesque than the reality. Among the devoted champions who, during the wildest and most stormy period of our history, maintained the cause of Church and King, "the Great Marquis" undoubtedly is en- titled to the foremost place. Even party malevolence, by no means extinct at the present day, has been unable to detract from the eulogy pronounced upon him by the famous Cardinal de Retz, the friend of Cond4 and Turenne, when he thus summed up his character : — " Montrose, a Scottish nobleman, head of the house of Grahame — the only man in the world that has ever realised to me the ideas of certain heroes, whom we now discover nowhere but in the Lives of Plutarch — has sustained in his own country the cause of the King his master, with a greatness of soul that has not found its equal in our age." But the success of the victorious leader and patriot is almost thrown into the shade by the noble mag- nanimity and Christian heroism of the man in the hour of defeat and death. Without wishing, in any 3-' THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE degree, to revive a controversy long maintained by writers of opposite political and polemical opinions, it may fairly be staled tbat Scottish history does not present us with a tragedy of ^oarallel interest. That the execution of Montrose was the natural, nay, the inevitable, consequence of his capture, may be freely admitted even by the fiercest partisan of the cause for which he staked his life. In those times, neither party was disposed to lenity ; and Montrose was far too conspicuous a character, and too dangerous a man, to be forgiven. But the igno- minious and savage treatment which he received at the hands of those whose station and descent should at least have taught them to respect misfortune, has left an indelible stain upon the memory of the Covenanting chiefs, and more especially upon that of Argyle. The perfect serenity of the man in the hour of trial and death, the courage and magnanimity which he displayed to the last, have been dwelt upon with admiration by writers of every class. He heard his sentence delivered without any apparent emotion, and afterwards told the magistrates who waited upon him in prison, " that he was much indebted to the Parliament for the great honour they had decreed him " ; adding, " that he was prouder to have his head placed upon the top of the prison, than if they had decreed a golden statue to be erected to him in the market-place, or that his picture should be hung in the King's bedchamber." He said, "he THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE 33 thanked them for their care to preserve the remem- brance of his loyalty, by transmitting such monuments to the different parts of the kingdom ; and only wished that he had flesh enough to have sent a piece to every city in Christendom, as a token of his unshaken love and fidelity to his king and country." On the night before his execution, he inscribed the following lines with a diamond on the window of his jail: — " Let them bestow on every airth a limb, Then open all my veins, that I may swim To thee, my Maker ! in that crimson lake ; Then place my parboiled head upon a stake — Scatter my ashes— strew them in the air : Lord ! since thou know'st where all these atoms are, I 'm hopeful thou 'It recover once my dust. And confident thou 'It raise me with the just." After the Eestoration, the dust ivas recovered, the scattered remnants collected, and the bones of the hero conveyed to their final resting-place by a numerous assemblage of gentlemen of his family and name. There is no ingredient of fiction in the liistorical incidents recorded in the following ballad. The indignities that were heaped upon Montrose during his procession through Edinburgh, his appearance before the Estates, and his last passage to the scaffold, as well as his undaunted bearing, have all been spoken to by eyewitnesses of the scene. A graphic and vivid sketch of the whole will be found in Mr. Mark c 34 THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE Napier's volume, The Life aiid Times of Montrose — a work as chivalrous in its tone as the Chronicles of Froissart, and abounding in original and most in- teresting materials ; but, in order to satisfy all scruple, the authorities for each fact are given in the shape of notes. The ballad may be considered as a narrative of the transactions, related by an aged Highlander, who had followed Montrose throughout his campaigns, to his grandson, shortly before the battle of Killie- crankie. THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE Come hither, Evan Cameron ! Come, stand beside my knee — I hear the river roaring down Towards the wintry sea. There 's shouting on the mountain side, There 's war within the bkist — Old faces look upon me, Old forms go trooping past. I hear the pibroch wailing Amidst the din of fight, And my dim spirit wakes again Upon the verge of night ! II. 'T was I that led the Highland host Through wild Lochaber's snows, What time the plaided clans came down To battle with Montrose. I 've told thee how the Southrons fell Beneath the broad claymore, 36 THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE And how we smote the Ciimphell clan By Inverlochy's shore. I 've told thee how we swept Dundee, And tamed the Lindsay's pride ; But never liave I told thee yet How the Great ]\Iarquis died ! III. A traitor sold him to his foes ; deed of deathless shame ! I charge thee, boy, if e'er thou meet With one of Assynt's name — Be it upon the mountain's side, Or yet within the glen, Stand he in martial gear alone, Or backed by armed men — Face him, as thou wouldst face the man Who wronged thy sire's renown ; Eemeraber of what blood thou art. And strike the caitiff down ! IT. They brought him to the Watergate, Hard bound with hempen span, As though they held a lion there, And not a 'fenceless man. They set him high upon a cart — The hangman rode below — They drew his hands behind his back, And bared his noble Ijrow. THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE 37 Then, as a hound is slipped from leash, They cheered the common throng, And blew the note with yell and shout. And bade him pass along. V. It would have made a brave man's heart Grow sad and sick that day, To watch the keen malignant eyes Bent down on that array. There stood the Whig west-country lords In balcony and bow, There sat their gaunt and withered dames. And their daughters all a-row ; And every open window- Was full as full might be. With black-robed Covenanting carles. That goodly sport to see ! VI. But when he came, though pale and wan, He looked so great and high, So noble was his manly front, So calm his steadfast eye ; — The rabble rout forebore to shout. And each man held his breath, For well they knew the hero's soul Was face to face with death. 38 THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE And tlien a mournful sluulder Through all the people crept, And some that came to scoff at liim, Now turn'd aside and wept. VII. But onwards — always onwards, In silence and in gloom, The dreary pageant laboured, Till it reach'd the house of doom : Then first a woman's voice was heard In jeer and laughter loud, And an angry cry and a hiss arose From the heart of the tossing crowd : Then, as the Gramme looked upwards, He met the ugly smile Of him who sold his King for gold — The master-fiend Argyle ! VIII. The Marquis gazed a moment, And nothing did he say, But the cheek of Argyle grew ghastly pale. And he turned his eyes away. The painted harlot by his side, She shook through every limb, For a roar like thunder swept the street. And hands were clenched at him. THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE 39 And a Saxon soldier cried aloud, " Back, coward, from thy place ! For seven long years thou hast not dared To look him in the face." IX. Had I been there with sword in hand, And fifty Camerons by, That day through high Dunedin's streets, Had pealed the slogan cry. Not all their troops of trampling horse. Nor might of mailed men — Not all the rebels of the south Had borne us backwards then ! Once more his foot on Highland heath Had trod as free as air, Or I, and all who bore my name. Been laid around him there ! It might not be. They placed him next Within the solemn hall, Where once the Scottish Kings were throned Amidst their nobles all. But there was dust of vulgar feet On that polluted floor. And perjured traitors filled the place Where good men sate before. 4° THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE With savage glee came Warristoun To read the murderous doom, And then uprose the great Montrose In the middle of the room. XI. " Now by my faith as belted knight, And by the name I bear, And by the bright Saint Andrew's cross That waves above us there — Yea, by a greater, mightier oath — And oh, that such should be ! — By that dark stream of royal blood That lies 'twixt you and me — I have not sought in battle-field A wreath of such renown, Nor dared I hope, on my dying day, To win the martyr's crown ! XII. " There is a chamber far away Where sleep the good and brave, But a better place ye have named for me Than by my father's grave. For truth and right, 'gainst treason's might, This hand hath always striven. And ye raise it up for a witness still In the eve of earth and heaven. THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE 41 Then nail my head on yonder tower — Give every town a limb — And God who made shall gather them : I go from you to Him ! " XIII. The morning dawned full darkly, The rain came flashing down, And the jagged streak of the levin-bolt Lit up the gloomy town : The heavens were thundering out their wrath, The fatal hour was come ; Yet ever sounded sullenly The trumpet and the drum. There was madness on the earth below, And anger in the sky. And young and old, and rich and poor, Came forth to see him die. XIV. Ah, God ! that ghastly gibbet ! How dismal 't is to sec The great tall spectral skeleton, The ladder, and the tree ! Hark ! hark ! it is the clash of arms- The bells begin to toll — He is coming ! he is coining ! God's merer on his soul ! 42 THK EXECUTION OF MONTROSE One lusl long peul oi" tluuider — The clouds are cleared away, And the glorious sun once more looks down Amidst the dazzling day. XV. He is coming ! he is coming ! Like a bridegroom from his room, Came the hero from his prison To the scaffold and the doom. There was glory on his forehead, There was lustre in his eye. And he never walked to battle More proudly than to die : There was colour in his visage, Though the cheeks of all were wan, And they marvelled as they saw him pass. That great and goodly man ! XVI. He mounted up the scaffold, And he turned him to the crowd ; But they dared not trust the people. So he might not speak aloud. But he looked upon the heavens, And they were clear and blue, THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE 43 And ill the liquid ether The eye of God shone through : Yet a black and murky battlement Lay resting on the hill, As though the thunder slept within — All else was calm and still. XVII. The grim Geneva ministers With anxious scowl drew near, As you have seen the ravens flock Around the dying deer. He would not deign them word nor sign, But alone he bent the knee ; And veiled his face for Christ's dear grace Beneath the gallows-tree. Then radiant and serene he rose, And cast his cloak away : For he had ta'en his latest look Of earth, and sun, and day. XVIII. A beam of light fell o'er him, Like a glory round the shriven, And he climbed the lofty ladder As it were tlie path to heaven. 44 'riili EXECUTION OF MONTROSE Then came a Hasli from out the cloud, And a stunniui^j thunder roll, And no man dared to look aloft. For fear was on every soul. There was anotfier heavy sound, A hush and then a groan ; And darkness swept across the sky — The work of death was done ! NOTES TO "THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE" "A traitor sold him to his foes," — p. 36. "The contemporary historian of the Earle of Sutlierland records, that (after the defeat of Invercarron) Montrose and Kinnoul * wandered up the river Kyle the whole ensuing night, and the next day, and the third day also, without any food or sustenance, and at last came within the country of Assynt. The Earl of Kinnoul, heing faint for lack of meat, and not able to travel any further, Avas left there among the mountains, where it was supposed he perished. Montrose had almost famished, but that he fortuned in his misery to light upon a small cottage in that wilderness, where he was supplied with some milk and bread.' Not even the iron frame of IMontrose could endure a prolonged existence under such circumstances. He gave himself up to Macleod of Assynt, a former adherent, from whom he had reason to expect assistance in consideration of that circumstance, and, indeed, from the dictates of honourable feeling and common humanity. As the Argyle faction had sold the King, so this Highlander rendered his own name infamous by selling the hero to the Covenanters, for which 'duty to the public' he was rewarded with four hundred bolls of meal." — Napier's Life of Montrose. 46 THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE " Tliey brought him to the Watergate," — p. 36. "Friday, 17 th May. — Act ordaining James Grahame to be brought from the "Watergate on a cart, bareheaded, the hangman ixi his livery, covered, riding on the horse that draws the cart — the prisoner to be bound to the cart with a rope — to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, and from thence to be brouglit to the Parliament House, and there, in the place of delinquents, on his knees, to receive his sentence — viz., to be hanged on a gibbet at the Cross of Edinburgh, with his book and declaration tied on a rope about his neck, and there to hang for the space of three hours until he be dead ; and thereafter to be cut down by the hangman, his head, hands, and legs to be cut off, and distributed as follows — viz., his head to be affixed on an iron pin, and set on the pinnacle of the west gavel of the new prison of Edinburgh ; one hand to be set on the port of Perth, the other on the port of Stirling ; one leg and foot on the port of Aberdeen, the other on the port of Glasgow. If at his death penitent, and relaxed from excommunication, then the trunk of his body to be interred, by pioneers, in the Greyfriars; otherwise, to be interred in the Boroughmuir, by the hangman's men, under the gallows." — Balfour's Notes of Parliament. It is needless to remark that this inhuman sentence was executed to the letter. In order that the exposure might be more complete, the cart Avas constructed with a high chair in the centre, having holes behind, through which the ropes that fastened him were drawn. The author of the Wigton Papers, recently published by the Maitland Club, says, "The reason of his being tied to the cart was in hope that the people would have stoned him, and that THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE 47 he might not be able by his hands to save his face." His hat was then pulled off by the hangman and the procession commenced. ^^ But when he came, though pale and toan, He loolied so great and high," — p. 37. "In all the way, there appeared in him such majesty, courage, modesty — and even somewhat more than natural — that those common women who had lost their husbands and children in his wars, and who were hired to stone him, were upon the sight of him so astonished and moved, that their intended curses turned into tears and prayers ; so that next day all the ministers preached against them for not stoning and reviling him." — Wigton Papers. " TJien first a wo^nan's voice was heard In jeer and laughter loud," — p. 38. " It is remarkable that, of the many thousand beholders, the Lady Jean Gordon, Countess of Haddington, did (alone) publicly insult and laugh at him ; which being perceived by a gentleman in the street, he cried up to lier, that it became her better to sit upon the cart for her adulteries." — Wigton Paj^ers. This infamous woman was the tliird daughter of Huntly, and the niece of Argyle. It Avill hardly be credited that she was the sister of that gallant Lord Gordon, who fell fighting by the side of Montrose, only five years before, at the battle of Aldford ! " For seven long //ears thou hast not dared To look him in the face," — p. 39. " The Lord Lorn and his new lady were also sitting on a balcony, joyful spectators ; and the cart being stopped when it came before the lodging where the Chancellor, Argyle, 4S THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE and Warristoun sat — that they might liave time to insult — he, suspecting tlie business, turned liis face towards thorn, "whereupon they presently crept in at the windows ; which being perceived by an Englishman, he cried up, it wae no wonder they started aside at his look, for they durst not look him in the face these seven years bygone." — Wigton Papers. " With savage glee came Warristoun, To read the murderous doom,'^ — p. 40. Archibald Johnston of Warristoun. This man, who was the inveterate enemy of Montrose, and who carried the most selfish spirit into every intrigue of his party, received the punishment of his treasons about eleven years after- wards. It may be instructive to learn how lie met his doom. The following extract is from the MSS. of Sir George Mackenzie : — " The Chancellor and others waited to examine him ; he fell upon his face, roaring, and with tears entreated they would pity a poor creature who had forgot all that was in the Bible. This moved all the spectators with a deep melancholy; and the Chancellor, reflecting upon the man's great parts, former esteem, and the great share he had in all the late revolutions, could not deny some tears to the frailty of silly mankind. At his exami- nation, he pretended he had lost so much blood by the unskilfulness of his chirurgeons, that he lost his memory with his blood ; and I really believe that his courage had been drawn out with it. Within a few days he was brought before the parliament, where he discovered nothing but much weakness, running up and down upon his knees, begging mercy; but the parliament ordained his former sentence to be put to execution, and accordingly he was executed at the Cross of Edinburgh." THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE 49 ^'^ And God who made shall gather them: I go from you to Him!" — p, 41. " He said he was much beholden to the parliament for the honour they had put on him ; ' for,' says he, ' I think it a greater honour to have my head standing on the port of this town, for this quarrel, than to have my picture in the king's bedchamber. I am beholden to you that, lest my loyalty should be forgotten, ye have appointed five of your most eminent towns to bear witness of it to posterity.' " — Wigton Papers. " He is coming ! he is coming ! Like a bridegroom from his room,^ — p. 42. "In his downgoing from the Tolbooth to the place of execution, he was very richly clad in fine scarlet, laid over with rich silver lace, his hat in his hand, his bands and cuffs exceeding rich, his delicate white gloves on his hands, his stockings of incarnate silk, and his shoes with their ribbands on liis feet; and sarks provided for him with pearling about, above ten pund the elne. All these were provided for him by his friends, and a pretty cassock put on upon him, upon the scaffold, wherein he Avas hanged. To be short, nothing was here deficient to honour his poor carcase, more beseeming a bridegroom than a criminal going to the gallows." — Nicholl's Diary. " The grim Geneva ministers With anxious scowl dreiv near," — p. 43. The Presbyterian ministers beset Montrose both in prison and on the scaffold. The following extracts are from the diary of the Kev. Robert Traill, one of the persons who D qo THK EXECUTION OF MON'J'ROSE were appointed by the commission of the kirk "to deal with him : " — " By a warrant from the kirk, we staid a while with him about his soul's condition. But we found liini continuing in his old pride, and taking very ill wliat was spoken to him, saying, ' I pray you, gentlemen, let me die in peace.' It was answered, that he might die in true peace, being reconciled to the Lord and to His kirk." — "We returned to the commission, and did show unto them what had passed amongst us. They, seeing that for the present he was not desiring relaxation from his censure of excom- munication, did appoint Mr. IMungo Law and me to attend on the morrow on the scaftbld, at the time of his execution, that, in case he should desire to be relaxed from his excommunication, we should be allowed to give it unto him in the name of the kirk, and to pray with him, and for him, that what is loosed on earth might he loosed in heaven." But this pious intention, which may appear somewhat strange to the modern Calvinist, when the prevailing theories of the kirk regarding the efficacy of absolution are considered, was not destined to be fulfilled. Mr. Traill goes on to say, " But he did not at all desire to be relaxed from his excommunication in the name of the kirk, yea, did not look toicards that j^lace on the scaffold where we stood ; only he drew apart some of the magistrates, and spake a while with them, and then went up the ladder, in his red scarlet cassock, in a very stately manner." '■'■Ami he climbed the lofty ladder As it were the j^ath to heave7i," — p. 43. " He was very earnest that he might have the liberty to keep on his hat ; it was denied : he requested he might have the privilege to keep his cloak about him — neither THE EXECUTION OF MONTROSE 51 could that be granted. Then, with a most undaunted courage, he went up to the top of that prodigious gibbet." — "The whole people gave a general groan ; and it was very observable, that even those who, at his first appearance, had bitterly inveighed against him, could not now abstain from tears. " — Montrose Redivivus. THE HEART OF THE BRUCE Hector Boece, in his very delightful, though some- what apocryphal Chronicles of Scotland, tells us, that " qiihen Schir James Dowglas was chosin as maist worthy of all Scotland to pass with King Eobertis hart to the Holy Land, he put it in ane cais of gold, with arromitike and precious unyementis ; and tuke with him Schir "William Sinclare and Schir Eobert Logan, with mony othir nobilmen, to the haly graif; quhare he buryit the said hart, with maist reverence and solempnitie that could be devisit." But no contemporary historian bears out the state- ment of the old canon of Aberdeen. Froissart, Fordun, and Barbour all agree that the devotional pilgrimage of the Good Sir James was not destined to be accom- plished, and that the heart of Scotland's greatest king and hero was brought back to the land of his nativity. Mr. Tytler, in few words, has so graphically recounted the leading events of this expedition, that I do not hesitate to adopt his narrative : — "As soon as the season of the year permitted, Douglas, having the heart of his beloved master under his charge, set sail from Scotland, accompanied by a THE HEART OF THE BRUCE 53 splendid retinue, and anchored off Sluys in Flanders, at this time the great seaport of the Netherlands. His object was to find out companions with whom he might travel to Jerusalem ; but he declined landing, and for twelve days received all visitors on board his ship with a state almost kingly. " At Sluys he heard that Alonzo, the King of Leon and Castile, was carrying on war with Osmyn, the Moorish governor of Grenada. The religious mission which he had embraced, and the vows he had taken before leaving Scotland, induced Douglas to consider Alonzo's cause as a holy warfare ; and, before proceed- ing to Jerusalem, he first determined to visit Spain, and to signalise his prowess against the Saracens. But his first field against the Infidels proved fatal to him who, in the long English war, had seen seventy battles. The circumstances of his death were striking and characteristic. In an action near Theba, on the borders of Andalusia, the Moorish cavalry were de- feated ; and, after their camp had been taken, Douglas, with his companions, engaged too eagerly in the pursuit, and, being separated from the main body of the Spanish army, a strong division of the Moors rallied and surrounded them. The Scottish knight endeavoured to cut his way through the Infidels, and in all probability would have succeeded, had he not again turned to rescue Sir William Saint Clair of Eoslin, whom he saw in jeopardy. In attempting this, he was inextricably involved with the enemy. Taking from his neck the casket which contained the 54 THE HEART OF THE BRUCE heart of Bruce, he cast it before hira, and exclaimed witli a loud voice, 'Now pass onward as thou wort wont, and Douglas will follow thee or die ! ' The action and the sentiment were heroic, and they were tlie last words and deed of a heroic life, for Douglas fell, overpowered by his enemies; and three of his knights, and many of his companions, were slain along with their master. On the succeeding day, the body and the casket were both found on the field, and by his survi^dng friends conveyed to Scotland. The heart of Bruce was deposited at Melrose, and the body of the ' Good Sir James ' — the name by which he is affectionately remembered by his countrymen — was consigned to the cemetery of his fathers in the parish church of Douglas." A nobler death on the field of battle is not recorded in tlie annals of chivalry. In memory of this ex- pedition, the Douglases have ever since carried the armorial bearings of the Bloody Heart surmounted by the Crown; and a similar distinction is borne by another family. Sir Simon of Lee, a distinguished companion of Douglas, was the person on whom, after the fall of his leader, the custody of the heart de- volved. Hence the name of Lockhart, and their effigy, the Heart within a Fetterlock. THE HEART OF THE BRUCE It was upon an April morn, While yet the frost lay hoar, We heard Lord James's bugle-horn Sound by the rocky shore. Then down we went, a hundred knights, All in our dark array. And flung our armour in the ships That rode within the bay. We spoke not as the shore grew less, But gazed in silence back. Where the long billows swept away The foam behind our track. And aye the purple hues decay 'd Upon the fading hill. And but one heart in all that ship Was tranquil, cold, and still. 56 THE HEART OF THE BRUCE The good Lord Douglas walk'd the deck, And oh, his brow was wan ! Unlike the flush it used to wear "When in the battle van. — " Come hither, come hither, my trusty knight, Sir Simon of the Lee; There is a freit lies near my soul I fain would tell to thee. " Thou know'st the words King Eobert spoke Upon his dying day, How he bade me take his noble heart And carry it far away ; " And lay it in the holy soil Where once the Saviour trod. Since he might not bear the blessed Cross, 'Not strike one blow for God. " Last night as in my bed I lay, I dream'd a dreary dream : — Methought I saw a Pilgrim stand In the moonlight's quivering beam. " His robe was of the azure dye, Snow-white his scatter'd hairs. And even such a cross he bore As good Saint Andrew bears. THE HEART OF THE BRUCE 57 " ' Why go you forth, Lord James,' he said, ' With spear and belted brand ? Why do you take its dearest pledge From this our Scottish land ? " ' The sultry breeze of Galilee Creeps through its groves of palm, The olives on the Holy Mount Stand glittering in the calm. " ' But 't is not there that Scotland's heart Shall rest by God's decree. Till the great angel calls tlie dead To rise from earth and sea ! " ' Lord James of Douglas, mark my rede ! That heart shall pass once more In fiery fight against the foe, As it was wont of yore. " ' And it shall pass beneath the Cross, And save King Eobert's vow, But other hands shall bear it back. Not, James of Douglas, thou ! ' " Now, by thy knightly faith, I pray. Sir Simon of the Lee — For truer friend had never man Than thou hast been to me — 58 THE HEART OF THE BRUCE " If ne'er upon the Ploly Land 'T is mine in life to tread, Bear thou to Scotland's kindly earth The relics of her dead." The tear was in Sir Simon's eye As he wrung the warrior's hand — " Betide me weal, betide me woe, I '11 hold by thy coiiimaud. " But if in battle front, Lord James, 'T is ours once more to ride, No force of man, nor craft of fiend. Shall cleave me from thy side ! " And aye we sail'd, and aye we sail'd. Across the weary sea. Until one morn the coast of Spain Eose grimly on our lee. And as we rounded to the port. Beneath the watch-tower's wall. We heard the clash of the atabals, And the trumpet's wavering call. " Why sounds yon Eastern music here So wantonly and long. And whose the crowd of armkl men That round yon standard throng ? " THE HEART OF THE BRUCE 59 " The Moors have come from Africa To spoil and waste and slay, And King Alonzo of Castile Must fight with them to-day." " Now shame it were," cried good Lord James, " Shall never be said of me, That I and mine have turn'd aside, From the Cross in jeopardie ! " Have down, have down, my merry men all — Have down unto the plain ; We '11 let the Scottish lion loose Within the fields of Spain ! " " Kow welcome to me, noble lord. Thou and thy stalwart power ; Dear is the sight of a Christian knight Who comes in such an hour ! " Is it for bond or faith ye come, Or yet for golden fee ? Or bring ye France's lilies here. Or the flower of Burgundie ? " "God greet thee well, tliou valiant King, Thee and thy belted peers — Sir James of Douglas am I called. And these are Scottish spears. 6o THE HEART OF THE BRUCE " We do not fight for bond or plight, Nor yet for golden fee ; But for the sake of our blessed Lord, Who died upon the tree, " We bring our great King Robert's heart Across the weltering wave. To lay it in the holy soil Hard by the Saviour's grave. " True pilgrims we, hj land or sea, Where danger bars the w-ay ; And therefore are we here, Lord King, To ride witli thee this day ! " The King has bent his stately head. And the tears were in his eyne — " God's blessing on thee, noble knight. For this brave thought of thine ! " I know thy name full well, Lord James, And honour'd may I be, That those who fought beside the Bruce Should fight this day for me ! " Take thou the leading of the van. And charge the Moors amain ; There is not such a lance as thine In all the host of Spain ! " THE HEART OF THE BRUCE 6i The Douglas turned towards us then, but his glance was high ! — " There is not one of all my men But is as bold as I. " There is not one of all my knights But bears as true a spear — Then onwards ! Scottish gentlemen, And think — King Eobert 's here ! " The trumpets blew, the cross-bolts flew, The arrows flashed like flame. As spur in side, and spear in rest. Against the foe we came. And many a bearded Saracen Went down, both horse and man ; For through their ranks we rode like corn, So furiously we ran ! But in behind our path they closed. Though fain to let us through. For they were forty thousand men, And we were wondrous few. We might not see a lance's length, So dense was their array, But the long fell sweep of the Scottish blade Still held them hard at bay. 62 THE HEART OF THE BRUCE " Make in ! make iu I " Lord Duugkis cried, " ^lake in, my brethren dear ! Sir "William of Saint Clair is down ; We may not leave him here ! " But thicker, thicker, grew the swarm, And sharper shot the rain, And the horses reared amid the press, But they would not charge again. " Now Jesu help thee," said Lord James, " Thou kind and true St Clair ! An' if I may not bring thee off, I '11 die beside thee there ! " Then in his stirrups up he stood. So lionlike and bold, And held the precious heart aloft All in its case of gold. He flung it from him, far ahead. And never spake he more, But — " Pass thee first, thou dauntless heart, As thou wert wont of yore ! " The roar of fight rose fiercer yet, And heavier still the stour, Till the spears of Spain came shivering in, And swept away the Moor. THE HEART OF THE BRUCE 63 " Now praised be God, the day is won I They fly o'er flood and fell— Why dost thou draw the rein so hard, Good knight, that fought so well ? " " Oh, ride ye on, Lord King ! " he said, " And leave the dead to me. For I must keep the dreariest watch That ever I shall dree ! " There lies, beside his master's heart, The Douglas, stark and grim ; And woe is me I should be here, Not side by side with him ! " The world grows cold, my arm is old, And thin my lyart hair, And all that I loved best on earth Is stretch'd before me there. " Bothwell banks ! that bloom so bright. Beneath the sun of May, The heaviest cloud that ever blew Is bound for you this day. " And, Scotland, thou niay'st veil thy head In sorrow and in pain ; The sorest stroke upon thy brow Hath fallen this day in Spain ! 64 THE HEART OF THE BRUCE " "We '11 bciir them back unto our ship, We '11 bear them o'er the sea, And lay them in the hallowed earth, Within our own countrie. " And be thou strong of heart. Lord King, For this I tell thee sure. The sod that drank the Douglas' blood Shall never bear the Moor!" The King he lighted from his horse, He flung his brand away, And took the Douglas by the hand, So stately as he lay. " God give thee rest, thou valiant soul, That fought so well for Spain ; I 'd rather half my land were gone, So thou wert here again ! " We bore the good Lord James away, And the priceless heart he bore. And heavily we steer'd our ship Towards the Scottish shore. No welcome greeted our return, Nor clang of martial tread. But all were dumb and hushed as death Before the mighty dead. THE HEART OF THE BRUCE 65 We laid our chief in Douglas Kirk, The heart in fair Melrose ; And woeful men were we that day — God grant their souls repose ! THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE It is very iiiuch to be regretted that no competent person has as yet undertaken the task of compiling a full and authentic biography of Lord Viscount Dundee. His memory has consequently been left at the mercy of misrepresentation and malignity ; and the pen of romance has been freely employed to portray, as a bloody assassin, one of the most accom- plished men and gallant soldiers of his age. It was the misfortune of Claverhouse to have lived in so troublous an age and country. The religious differences of Scotland were then at their greatest height, and there is hardly any act of atrocity and rebellion which had not been committed by the insurgents. The royal authority was openly and publicly disowned in the western districts : the Archbishop of St. Andrew's, after more than one hairbreadth escape, was waylaid, and barbarously murdered by an armed gang of fanatics on IMagus Muir ; and his daughter was wounded and maltreated while interceding for the old man's life. The country was infested by banditti, who took every possible THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 67 opportunity of shooting down and massacring any of the straggling soldiery : the clergy were attacked and driven from their houses ; so that, throughout a considerable portion of Scotland, there was no security either for property or for life. It is now the fashion to praise and magnify the Covenanters as the most innocent and persecuted of men ; but those who are so ready with their sympathy, rarely take the pains to satisfy themselves, by reference to the annals of the time, of the true character of those men whom they blindly venerate as martyrs. They forget, in their zeal for religious freedom, that even the purest and holiest of causes may be sullied and disgraced by the deeds of its upholders, and that a wild and frantic profession of faith is not always a test of genuine piety. It is not in the slightest degree necessary to discuss whether the royal pre- rogative was at that time arbitrarily used, or whether the religious freedom of the nation was unduly curtailed. Both points may be, and indeed are, admitted, — for it is impossible to vindicate the policy of the measures adopted by the two last monarchs of the house of Stuart ; but neither admission will clear the Covenanters from the stain of deliberate cruelty. After the battle of Philiphaugh, the royalist prisoners were butchered in cold blood, under the superintendence of a clerical emissary, who stood by rubbing his hands, and exclaiming — " The wark gangs bonnily on !" Were 6S THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE I to transcribe from the pamphlets before me the list of the murders which were perpetrated by the country people on the soldiery, officers, and gentlemen of loyal principles, during the reign of Charles IT., I believe that no candid person would be surprised at the severe retaliation which was made. It must be remembered that the country was then under military law, and that the strongest orders had been issued by the Government to the officers in command of the troops, to use every means in their power for the effectual repression of the disturbances. The necessity of such orders will become apparent, when we reflect that, besides the open actions at Aird's Moss and Drumclog, the city of Glasgow was attacked, and tlie royal forces compelled for a time to fall back upon Stirling. Under such circumstances it is no wonder if the soldiery were severe in their reprisals. Innocent blood may no doubt have been shed, and in some cases even wantonly ; for when rebellion has grown into civil war, and the ordinary course of the law is put in abeyance, it is always impossible to restrain military license. But it is most unfair to lay the whole odium of such acts upon those who were in command, and to dishonour the fair name of gentle- men, by attributing to them personally the commission of deeds of which they were absolutely ignorant. To this day the peasantry of the western districts of Scotland entertain the idea that Claverhouse was a THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 69 sort of fiend in human shape, tall, muscular, and hideous in aspect, secured by infernal spells from the chance of perishing by any ordinary weapon, and mounted upon a huge black horse, the especial gift of Beelzebub ! On tliis charger it is supposed that he could ride up precipices as easily as he could traverse the level ground — that he was constantly accompanied by a body of desperadoes, vulgarly known by such euphonious titles as " Hell's Tarn," and " the De'il's Jock," and that his whole time was occupied, day and night, in hunting Covenanters upon the hills ! Almost every rebel who was taken in arms and shot, is supposed to have met his death from the individual pistol of Claverhouse ; and the tales which, from time to time, have been written by such ingenious persons as the late Mr. Gait and the Ettrick Shepherd have quietly been assumed as* facts, and added to the store of our traditionary knowledge. It is in vain to hint that the chief com- manders of the forces in Scotland could have found little leisure, even had they possessed the taste, for pursuing single insurgents. Such suggestions are an insult to martyrology ; and many a parish of the west would be indignant were it averred that the tenant of its gray stone had suffered by a meaner hand. When wo look at the portrait of Claverhouse, and survey the calm, melancholy, and beautiful features of the devoted soldier, it appears almost incredible that 70 THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE he should ever Imve suffered under such an overwhelra- hig load of misrepresentation. But when — discarding modern historians, wlio in too many instances do not seem to entertain the slightest scruple in dealing with the memory of the dead — we turn to the writings of his contemporaries who knew the man, his character appears in a very different light. They describe him as one who was stainless in his honour, pure in his faith, wise in council, resolute in action, and utterly free from that selfishness which disgraced the Scottish statesmen of thi; time. No one dares question his loyalty, for he sealed that confession with his blood ; and it is universally admitted, that with him fell the last hopes of the reinstatement of the house of Stuart. I may perhaps be permitted here, in the absence of a better chronicler, to mention a few particulars of his life, which, I believe, are comparatively unknown. John Graham of Claverhouse was a cadet of the family of Fintrie, connected by intermarriage with the blood- royal of Scotland. After completing his studies at the University of St. Andrew's, he entered, as was the national custom for gentlemen of good birth and limited means, into foreign service, served some time in France as a volunteer, and afterwards went to Holland. He very soon received a commission, as a cornet in a regiment of horse-guards, from the Prince of Orange, nephew of Charles II. and James VII., and who afterwards married the Princess Mary. His THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 71 manner at that time is thus described : — " He was then ane esquire, under the title of John Graham of Claver- house ; but the vivacity of his parts, and the dehcacy and justice of his understanding and judgment, joyned with a certain vigour of mind and activity of body, distinguished him in such a manner from all others of his rank, that though he lived in a superior character, yet he acquired the love and esteem of all his equals, as well as of those who had the advantage of him in dignity and estate." By one of those singular accidents which we occa- sionally meet with in history, Graham, afterwards destined to become his most formidable opponent, saved the life of the Prince of Orange at the battle of St. Neff. The Prince's horse had been killed, and he himself was in the grasp of the enemy, when the young cornet rode to his rescue, freed him from his assailants, and mounted him on his own steed. For this service he received a captain's commission, and the promise of the first regiment tliat should fall vacant. But even in early life William of Orange was not famous for keeping his promises. Some years after- wards, a vacancy in one of the Scottish regiments in the Prince's service occurred, and Claverhouse, relying upon the previous assurance, preferred his claim. It was disregarded, and Mr. Collier, afterwards Earl of Portmore, was appointed over his head. Jt would seem that Graham had suspected some foul play on 72 THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE the part of this gentltunan, for, shortly after, they accidentally met and had an angry altercation. This circumstance having come to the ears of the Prince, he sent for Captain Graham, and administered a sharp rebuke. I give the remainder of tliis incident in the words of the old writer, because it must be considered a very remarkable one, as illustrating the fiery spirit and dauntless independence of Claverhouse. "The Captain answered, that he was indeed in the wrong, since it was more his Highness's business to have resented that quarrel than his ; because Mr. Collier had less injured him in disappointing him of the regiment, than he had done his Highness in making him break his word. ' Then,' replied the Prince in an angry tone, ' I make you full reparation, for I bestow on you what is more valuable than a regiment when I give you your right arm ! ' The Captain subjoined, that since his Highness had the goodness to give him his liberty, he resolved to employ himself elsewhere, for he would not longer serve a Prince that had broken his word. " The Captain, having thus thrown up his com- mission, was preparing in haste for his voyage, when a messenger arrived from the Prince, witli two hundred guineas for the horse on which he had saved his life. The Captain sent the horse, but ordered the gold to be distributed among the grooms of the Prince's stables. It is said, however, that his Highness had the generosity to write to the King and the Duke, recommending him THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 73 as a fine gentleman and a brave officer, fit for any office, civil or military." On his arrival in Britain he was well received by the court, and immediately appointed to a high military command in Scotland. It would be beyond the scope of the present paper to enter minutely into the details of his service during the stormy period when Scotland was certainly misgoverned, and when there was little unity, but much disorder in the land. In whatever point of view we regard the history of those times, the aspect is a mournful one indeed. Church and State never was a popular cry in Scotland, and the peculiar religious tendencies which had been exhibited by a large portion of the nation, at the time of the Eeformation, rendered the return of tranquillity hope- less until the hierarchy was displaced, and a humbler form of church government, more suited to the feelings of the people, substituted in its stead. Three years after the accession of James VII. Claverhouse was raised to the peerage, by the title of Lord Viscount Dundee. He was major-general, and second in command of the royal forces, when the Prince of Orange landed, and earnestly entreated King James to be allowed to march against him, offering to stake his head on the successful result of the enter- prize. There is little doubt, from the great popularity of Lord Dundee with the army, that, had such consent been given, William would have found more than a match in his old officer ; but the King seemed Sibsolutely 74 THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE infatuated, and refused to allow a drop of blood to be shod in his quarrel, though the great bulk of the population of England were clearly and enthusiastically in his favour. One of the most gifted of our modern poets, tlie Honourable George Sydney Smythe, has beautifully illustrated this event, " Then out spake gallant Claverliouse, and his soul thrilled wild and high, And he showed the King his subjects, and he prayed him not to fly. never yet was captain so dauntless as Dundee I He has sworn to chase the Hollander hack to his Zuyder-Zee." But though James quitted his kingdom, the stern loyalty of Dundee was nothing moved. Alone, and without escort, he traversed England, and presented himself at the Convention of Estates, then assembled at Edinburgh for the purpose of receiving the message from the Prince of Orange. The meeting was a very strange one. Many of the nobility and former mem- bers of the Scottish Parliament absolutely declined attending it, some on the ground that it was not a legal assembly, having been summoned by the Prince of Orange, and others because, in such a total dis- ruption of order, they judged it safest to abstain from taking any prominent part. This gave an immense ascendency to the Eevolution party, who further pro- ceeded to strengthen their position by inviting to Edinburgh large bodies of the armed population of the west. After defending for several days the cause of THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 75 his master with as much eloquence as vigour, Dundee, finding that the majority of the Convention were resolved to offer the crown of Scotland to the Prince, and having moreover received sure information that some of tlie wild fanatic V/liigs, with Daniel Ker of Kersland at their head, had formed a plot for his assassination, quitted Edinburgh with about fifty horsemen, and, after a short interview — celebrated by Sir Walter Scott in one of his grandest ballads — with the Duke of Gordon at the Castle Eock, directed his steps towards the north. After a short stay at his house of Duddope, during which he received, by order of the Council, who were thoroughly alarmed at his absence, a summons througli a Lyon herald to return to Edinburgh under pain of high treason, he passed into the Gordon country, where he was joined by the Earl of Dunfermline with a small party of about sixty horse. His retreat was timeous, for General Mackay, who commanded for the Prince of Orange, had despatched a strong force, with instructions to make him prisoner. From this time, until the day of his death, he allowed himself no repose. Imitating the example, and inheriting the enthusiasm of his great predecessor Montrose, he invoked the loyalty of the clans to assist him in the struggle for legitimacy — and he did not appeal to them in vain. His name was a spell to rouse the ardent spirits of the mountaineers ; and not the Great Marquis himself, in the height of his renown, was more sincerely welcoraied 76 THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE and more fondly loved than " Ian dhu nan Cath," — Dark John of the Battles, — the name l)y which Lord Dundee is still remembered in lligliland song. In tlie mean tnne the Convention, terrified at their danger, and dreading a Higliland inroad, had despatched Mackay, a military officer of great experience, with a considerable body of troops, to quell the threatened insurrection. He was encountered by Dundee, and compelled to evacuate the high country and fall back upon the Lowlands, where he subsequently received reinforcements, and again marched northward. The Highland host was assembled at Blair, though not in great force, when the news of Mackay 's advance arrived; and a council of the chiefs and officers was summoned, to determine whether it would be most advisable to fall back upon the glens and wild fast- nesses of the Highlands, or to meet the enemy at once, though with a force far inferior to his. Most of the old officers, who had been trained in the foreign wars, were of the former opinion — " alleging that it was neither prudent nor cautious to risk an engagement against an army of disciplined men, that exceeded theirs in numbers by more than a half." But both Glengarry and Locheill, to the great satisfaction of the General, maintained the contrary view, and argued that neither hunger nor fatigue were so likely to depress the Highlanders, as a retreat when the enemy was in view. The account of the discussion is so interesting, and so characteristic THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 77 of Dundee, that I shall take leave to quote its termination in the words of Drummond of Balhaldy : "An advice so hardy and resolute could not miss to please the generous Dundee. His looks seemed to heighten with an air of delight and satisfaction all the while Locheill was speaking. He told his council that they had heard his sentiments from the mouth of a person who had formed his judgment upon infallible proofs drawn from a long experience, and an intimate acquaintance with the persons and subject he spoke of. Not one in the company offering to contradict their general, it was unanimously agreed to fight. " When the news of this vigorous resolution spread through the army, nothing was heard but acclama- tions of joy, which exceedingly pleased their gallant general; but before the council broke up, Locheill begged to be heard for a few words. * My Lord,' said he, ' I have just now declared, in the presence of this honourable company, that I was resolved to give an implicit obedience to all your Lordship's commands ; but I humbly beg leave, in name of these gentlemen, to give the word of command for this one time. It is the voice of your council, and their orders are, that you do not engage personally. Your Lordship's business is to have an eye on all parts, and to issue out your commands as you shall think proper; it is ours to execute them with promptitude and courage. On your Lordship depends the fate, not only of this jS THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE little brave army, but also of our king and country. If your Lordship deny ua this reasonable demand, for my own part I declare, that neither I, nor any I am concerned in, shall draw a sword on this important occasion, whatever construction shall be i»ut upon the matter.' " Locheill was seconded in this by the whole council ; but Dundee begged leave to be heard in his turn. ' Gentlemen,' said he, ' as I am absolutely convinced, and have had repeated proofs, of your zeal for the king's service, and of your affection to me as his general and your friend, so I am fully sensible that my engagmg personally this day may be of some loss if I shall chance to be killed. But I beg leave of you, however, to allow me to give one shcar-darg (that is, one hari^est-day's work) to the king, my master, that I may have an opportunity of convincing the Ijrave clans, that I can hazard my life in that service as freely as the meanest of them. Ye know their temper, gentlemen ; and if they do not think I have personal courage enough, they will not esteem me hereafter, nor obey my commands with cheer- fulness. Allow me this single favour, and I here promise, upon my honour, never again to risk my person while I have that of commanding you.' " The council, finding him intlexible, broke up, and the army marched directly towards the Pass of Killiecrankie." Those who have visited that romantic spot need THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 79 not be reminded of its peculiar features, for these, once seen, must dwell for ever in the memory. The lower part of the Pass is a stupendous mountain- chasm, scooped out by the waters of the Garry, which here descend in a succession of roaring cataracts and pools. The old road, which ran almost parallel to the river and close upon its edge, was extremely narrow, and wound its way beneath a wall of enormous crags, surmounted by a natural forest of birch, oak, and pine. An army cooped up in that gloomy ravine would have as little chance of escape from the onset of an enterprising partisan corps, as had the Bavarian troops when attacked by the Tyrolese in the steep defiles of the Inn. General Mackay, however, had made his arrangements with consummate tact and skill, and had calculated his time so well, that he was enabled to clear the Pass before the Highlanders could reach it from the other side. Advancing up- wards, the passage becomes gradually broader, until, just below the House of Urrard, there is a considerable width of meadow-land. It was here that Mackay took up his position, and arrayed his troops, on observing that the heights above were occupied by the army of Dundee. The forces of the latter scarcely amounted to one- third of those of his antagonist, which were drawn up in line without any reserve. He was therefore compelled, in making his dispositions, to leave con- siderable gaps in his own line, which gave Mackay 8o THE BURIAL MARCH OV DUNDEE a further advantage. The right of Dundee's army was formed of the ^I'Lean, Glengarry, and Clanranald regiments, along with some Irish levies. In the centre was Dundee himself, at the head of a small and ill- equipped body of cavalry, composed of Lowland gentlemen and their followers, and about forty of his old troopers. The Camerons and Skyemen, under the command of Locheill and Sir Donald Macdonald of Sleat, were stationed on the left. During the time occupied by these dispositions, a brisk cannonade was opened by Mackay's artillery, which materially in- creased the impatience of the Highlanders to come to close quarters. At last the word was given to advance, and the whole line rushed forward with the terrific impetuosity peculiar to a charge of the clans. They received the fire of the regular troops without flinching, reserved their own until they were close at hand, poured in a murderous volley, and then, throwing away their firelocks, attacked the enemy with the broadsword. The victory was almost instantaneous, but it was bought at a terrible price. Through some mistake or misunderstanding, a portion of the cavalry, instead of following their general, who had charged directly for the guns, executed a manoeuvre which threw them into disorder; and, when last seen in the battle, Dundee, accompanied only by the Earl of Dunfermline and about sixteen gentlemen, was entering into the cloud of smoke, standing up in his stirrups, and THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 8i waving to the others to come on. It was in this attitude that he appears to have received his death- wound. On returning from the pursuit, the Highlanders found him dying on the field. It would be difficult to point out another instance in which the maintenance of a great cause depended solely upon the life of a single man. Whilst Dundee survived, Scotland at least was not lost to the Stuarts, for, shortly before the battle, he had received assur- ance that the greater part of the organised troops in the north were devoted to his person, and ready to join him ; and the victory of Killiecrankie would have been followed by a general rising of the loyal gentle- men in the Lowlands. But with his fall the enterprise was over. I hope I shall not be accused of exaggerating the importance of this battle, which, according to the writer I have already quoted, was best proved by the consternation into which the opposite party were thrown at the first news of Mackay's defeat. " The Duke of Hamilton, commissioner for the parliament which then sat at Edinburgh, and the rest of the ministry, were struck with such a panic, that some of them were for retiring into England, others into the western shires of Scotland, where all the people, almost to a man, befriended them ; nor knew they whether to abandon the government, or to stay a few days until they saw what use my Lord Dundee would make of his victory. They knew the rapidity of his F 82 THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE motions, and were convinced that he would allow them no time to deliberate. On this account it was debated, whether such of the nobility and gentry as were confined for adhering to their old master, should be immediately set at liberty or more closely shut up ; and though the last was determined on, yet the greatest revolutionists among them made private and frequent visits to these prisoners, excusing what was past, from a fatal necessity of the times, which obliged them to give a seeming compliance, but protesting that they always wished well to King James, as they should soon have occasion to show when my Lord Dundee advanced." " The next morning after the battle," says Drum- mond, " the Highland army had more the air of the shattered remains of broken troops than of conquerors; for here it was literally true that ' The vanquislied triumplied, and the victors mourned.' The death of their brave general, and the loss of so many of their friends, were inexhaustible fountains of grief and sorrow. They closed the last scene of this mournful tragedy in obsequies of their lamented general, and of the other gentlemen who fell with him, and interred them in the church of Blair of Atholl with a real funeral solemnity, there not being present one single person who did not participate in the general affliction." I close this notice of a "reat soldier and devoted THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 83 loyalist, by transcribing the beautiful epitaph com- posed by Dr. Pitcairn : — " Ultime Scotornm ! potuit, quo sospite solo, Libertas patriae salva fuisse tute : Te moriente, novos accepit Scotia cives, Accepitque novos, te moriente, deos. Ilia nequit superesse tibi, tu non potes illi. Ergo Caledoniae nomen inane, vale. Tuque vale, gentis priscse fortissime ductor, Ultime Scotorum, ac ultime Grame, vale ! " THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE Sound the fife, and cry the slogan — Let the pibroch shake the air With its wild triumphal music, Worthy of the freight we bear. Let the ancient hills of Scotland Hear once more the battle-song Swell within their glens and valleys As the clansmen march along ! Never from the field of combat, Never from the deadly fray, Was a nobler trophy carried Than we bring with us to-day ; Never, since the valiant Douglas On his dauntless bosom bore Good King Eobert's heart — the priceless — To our dear Eedeemer's sliore ! Lo ! we bring with us the hero — Lo ! we bring the conquering Graeme, Crowned as best beseems a victor From the altar of his fame ; THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE Fresh and bleeding from the battle Whence his spirit took its flight, Midst the crashing charge of squadrons, And the thunder of the fight ! Strike, I say, the notes of triumph, As we march o'er moor and lea ! Is there any here will venture To bewail our dead Dundee ? Let the widows of the traitors Weep until their eyes are dim ! Wail ye may full well for Scotland — Let none dare to mourn for him ! See ! above his glorious body Lies the royal banner's fold — See ! his valiant blood is mingled With its crimson and its gold. See ! how calm he looks and stately, Like a warrior on his shield, Waiting till the Hush of morning Breaks along the battle-field ! See — Oh never more, my comrades ! Shall we see that falcon eye Eedden with its inward lightning, As the hour of fight drew nigh ; Never shall we hear tlic voice that. Clearer than the trumpet's call, Bade us strike for King and Country, Bade us win the field or fall ! 86 THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE On the heights of KiUiecraukie Yestcr-morn our army lay : Slowly rose the mist in columns From the river's broken way ; Hoarsely roared the swollen torrent, And the pass was wrapped in gloom, When the clansmen rose together From their lair amidst the broom. Then we belted on our tartans, And our bonnets down we drew, And we felt our broadswords' edges, And we proved them to be true ; And we prayed the prayer of soldiers. And we cried the gathering-cry. And we clasped the hands of kinsmen, And we swore to do or die ! Then our leader rode before us On his war-horse black as night — Well the Cameronian rebels Knew that charger in the fight ! — And a cry of exultation From the bearded warriors rose ; For we loved the house of Claver'se, And we thought of good Montrose. But he raised his hand for silence — " Soldiers ! I have sworn a vow : Ere the evening-star shall glisten On Schehallion's lofty brow, Either we shall rest in triumph, Or another of the Graemes THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 87 Shall have died in battle-harness For his Country and King James ! Think upon the Eoyal Martyr — Think of what his race endure — Think on him whom butchers murder'd On the field of Magus Muir :— By his sacred blood I charge ye, By the ruin'd hearth and shrine — By the blighted hopes of Scotland, By your injuries and mine — Strike this day as if the anvil Lay beneath your blows the while, Be they Covenanting traitors, Or the brood of false Argyle ! Strike ! and drive the trembling rebels Backwards o'er the stormy Forth ; Let them tell their pale Convention How they fared within the North. Let them tell that Highland honour Is not to be bought nor sold, That we scorn their Prince's anger, As we loathe his foreign gold. Strike ! and when the fight is over, If ye look in vain for me, Where the dead are lying thickest, Search for him that was Dundee ! " Loudly then the hills re-echoed With our answer to his call, But a deeper echo sounded In the bosoms of us all. 88 THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE For the lands of ^vide Broadalbane, Not a man who heard him speak Would that day have left the battle. Burning eye and flushing cheek Told the clansmen's fierce emotion, And they harder drew their breath ; For their souls were strong within them, Stronger than the grasp of death. Soon we heard a challenge-trumpet Sounding in the pass below, And the distant tramp of horses, And the voices of the foe : Down we crouched amid the bracken, Till the Lowland ranks drew near, Panting like the hounds in summer. When they scent the stately deer. From the dark defile emerging, Next we saw the squadrons come, Leslie's foot and Leven's troopers Marching to the tuck of drum ; Through the scattered wood of birches, O'er the broken ground and heath, Wound the long battalion slowly, Till they gained the field beneath ; Then we bounded from our covert. — Judge how looked the Saxons then, When they saw the rugged mountain Start to life with armed men ! Like a tempest down the ridges, Swept the hurricane of steel, THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE 89 Eose the slogan of Macdonald — Flashed the broadsword of Locheill ! Yainly sped the withering volley 'Mongst the foremost of our band — On we poured until we met them, Foot to foot, and hand to hand. Horse and man went down like drift-wood When the floods are black at Yule, And their carcasses are whirling In the Garry's deepest pool. Horse and man went down before us — Living foe there tarried none On the field of Killiecrankie, When that stubborn fight was done ! And the evening-star was shining On Schehallion's distant head, When we wiped our bloody broadswords, And returned to count the dead. There we found liim, gashed and gory, Stretch'd upon the cumbered plain, As he told us where to seek him, In the thickest of the slain. And a smile was on his visage, For within his dying ear Pealed the joyful note of triumph. And the clansmen's clamorous cheer: So, amidst the battle's thunder, Shot, and steel, and scorching flame, In the glory of his manhood Passed the spirit of the Grteme ! 90 THE BURIAL MARCH OF DUNDEE Opeu wide the vaults of Atliul, Where the bones of heroes rest — Open wide tlie hallowed portals To receive another guest ! Last of Scots, and last of freemen — Last of all that dauntless race Who would rather die unsullied Than oullive tlie land's disgrace ! thou lion-hearted warrior ! Eeck not of the after- time : Honour may be deemed dishonour, Loyalty be called a crime. Sleep in peace with kindred ashes Of the noble and the true, Hands that never failed their country, Hearts that never baseness knew. Sleep ! — and till the latest trumpet Wakes the dead from earth and sea, Scotland shall not boast a braver Chieftain than our own Dundee ! THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE The Massacre of Glencoe is an event which neither can nor ought to be forgotten. It was a deed of the worst treason and cruelty — a barbarous infraction of all laws, human and divine ; and it exhibits in their foulest perfidy the true characters of the authors and abettors of the Eevolution. After the battle of Killiecrankie the cause of the Scottish royalists declined, rather from the want of a competent leader than from any disinclination on the part of a large section of the nobility and gentry to vindicate the right of King James. No person of adequate talents or authority was found to supply the place of the great and gallant Lord Dundee; for General Cannon, who succeeded in command, was not only deficient in military skill, but did not possess the confidence, nor understand the character of the High- land chiefs, who, with their clansmen, constituted by far the most important section of the army. Accord- ingly no enterprise of any importance was attempted ; and the disastrous issue of the battle of the Boyne led to a negotiation which terminated in the entire disbanding of the royal forces. By this treaty, which 92 THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE was expressly sanctioned by William of Orange, a full and unreserved indemnity and pardon was granted to all of the Highlanders who had taken arms, with a proviso that they should first subscribe the oath of allegiance to William and Mary, before the 1st of January, 1692, in presence of the Lords of the Scottish Council, " or of the Sheriffs or their deputies of the respective shires wherein they lived." The letter of William addressed to the Privy Council, and ordering proclamation to be made to the above effect, contained also the following significant passage: — "That ye communicate our pleasure to the Governor of Inver- lochy, and other commanders, that they be exact and diligent in their several posts ; but that they show no more zeal against the Highlanders after their sub- mission, than they have ever done formerly when these vjere in open rebellion." This enigmatical sentence, which in reality was intended, as the sequel will show, to be interpreted in the most cruel manner, appears to have caused some perplexity in the Council, as that body deemed it necessary to apply for more distinct and specific in- structions, which, however, were not then issued. It had been especially stipulated by the chiefs, as an in- dispensable preliminary to their treaty, that they should have leave to communicate with King James, then residing at St. Germains, for the purpose of obtaining his permission and warrant previous to submitting themselves to the existing government. That article THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE 93 had been sanctioned by William before the proclama- tion was issued, and a special messenger was despatched to France for that purpose. In the mean time, troops were gradually and cau- tiously advanced to the confines of the Highlands, and, in some instances, actually quartered on the inhabitants. The condition of the country was perfectly tranquil. No disturbances whatever occurred in the north or west of Scotland ; Locheill and the other chiefs were awaiting the communication from St. Germains, and held themselves bound in honour to remain inactive; whilst the remainder of the royalist forces (for whom separate terms had been made) were left unmolested at Dunkeld. But rumours, which are too clearly traceable to the emissaries of the new government, asserting the pre- paration made for an immediate landing of King James at the head of a large body of the French, were in- dustriously circulated, and by many were implicitly believed. The infamous policy which dictated such a course is now apparent. The term of the amnesty or truce granted by the proclamation expired with the year 1691, and all who had not taken the oath of alle- giance before that term, were to be proceeded against with the utmost severity. The proclamation was issued upon the 29th of August: consequently, only four months were allowed for the complete submission of the Highlands. Not one of the chiefs subscribed until the mandate 94 THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE from King James arrived. That document, which is dated from St. Germains on the 12th of December 1691, reached Dunkeld eleven days afterwards, and, consequently, but a very .short time before the indem- nity expired. The bearer, Major Menzies, was so fatigued that he could proceed no farther on his journey, but forwarded the mandate by an express to the commander of the royal forces, who was then at Glengarry. It was therefore impossible that the docu- ment could be circulated through the Highlands within the prescribed period. Locheill, says Drummond of Balhaldy, did not receive his copy till about thirty hours before the time was out, and appeared before the sheriff at luverara, where he took the oaths upon the very day on which the indemnity expired. That a general massacre throughout the Highlands was contemplated by the Whig government, is a fact established by overwhelming evidence. In the course of the subsequent investigation before the Scots Parlia- ment, letters were produced from Sir John Dalrymple, then Master of Stair, one of the secretaries of state in attendance upon the court, which too clearly indicate the intentions of William. In one of these, dated 1st December 1694, — a month, be it observed, before the amnesty expired — and addressed to Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton, there are the following words: — "The winter is the only season in which we are sure the Highlanders cannot escape us, nor carry their wives, bairns, and cattle to the mountains." And in another letter, written only two days afterwards, he says, — THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE 95 " It is the only time that they cannot escape you, for human constitution cannot endure to be long out of houses. This is the proper season to maule them, in the cold long nights!' And in January thereafter, he in- formed Sir Thomas Livingston that the design was *' to destroy entirely the country of Lochaber, Locheill's lands, Keppoch's, Glengarry's, Appin, and Glencoe. I assure you," he continues, "your power shall be full enough, and I hope the soldiers ivill not trouble the Government with prisoners" Locheill was more fortunate than others of his friends and neighbours. According to Drummond, — "Major Menzies, who, upon his arrival, had observed the whole forces of the kingdom ready to invade the Highlands, as he wrote to General Buchan, foreseeing the unhappy consequences, not only begged that general to send expresses to all parts with orders immediately to submit, but also wrote to Sir Thomas Livingston, praying him to supplicate the Council for a prorogation of the time, in regard that he was so excessively fatigued, that he was obliged to stop some days to repose a little ; and that though he should send ex- presses, yet it was impossible they could reach the distant parts in such time as to allow the several persons concerned the benefit of the indemnity within the space limited ; besides, that some persons having put the Highlanders in a bad temper, he was confident to persuade them to submit, if a further time were allowed. Sir Thomas presented this letter to the Council on the 5th of January, 1692, but they refused 96 THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE to give any answer, and ordered him to transmit the same to Court." The reply of William of Orange was a letter, countersigned by Dalrymple, in which, upon the recital that " several of the chieftains and many of their clans had not taken the benefit of our gracious indemnity," he gave orders for a general massacre. " To that end, we have given Sir Thomas Livingston orders to employ our troops (which we have already conveniently posted) to cut off these obstinate rebels hy all manner of hos- tility ; and we do require you to give him your assistance and concurrence in all other things that may conduce to that service ; and because these rebels, to avoid our forces, may draw themselves, their families, goods, or cattle, to lurk or be concealed among their neighbours : therefore, we require and authorise you to emit a proclamation to be published at the market- crosses of these or the adjacent shires where the rebels reside, discharging upon the highest penalties the law allows, any reset, correspondence, or intercomrauning with these rebels." This monstrous mandate, which was in fact the death-warrant of many thousand in- nocent people, no distinction being made of age or sex, would, in all human probability, have been put into execution, but for the remonstrance of one high-minded nobleman. Lord Carmarthen, afterwards Duke of Leeds, accidentally became aware of the proposed massacre, and personally remonstrated vsdth the mon- arch against a measure which he denounced as at once cruel and impolitic. After much discussion, William, THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE 97 influenced rather by an apprehension that so savage and sweeping an act might prove fatal to his new authority, than by any compunction or impulse of humanity, agreed to recall the general order, and to limit himself, in the first instance, to a single deed of butchery, by way of testing the temper of the nation. Some difficulty seems to have arisen in the selection of the fittest victim. Both Keppoch and Glencoe were named, but the personal rancour of Secretary Dalrymple decided the doom of the latter. The Secre- tary wrote thus : — " Argyle tells me that Glencoe hath not taken the oath, at which I rejoice. It is a great work of charity to be exact in rooting out that damnable set." The final instructions regarding Glencoe, which were issued on 16th January, 1692, are as follows : — "William R. — As for M'lan of Glencoe, and that tribe, if they can be well distinguished from the rest of the Highlanders, it will be proper for public justice to extirpate that set of thieves. " W. R." This letter is remarkable as being signed and counter- signed by William alone, contrary to the usual practice. The Secretary was no doubt desirous to screen himself from after responsibility, and was further aware tliat the royal signature would insure a rigorous execution of the sentence. Macdonald, or, as ho was more commonly designed, M'laii of Glencoe, was the head of a considerable sept or branch of the great Clan-Coila, and was lineally G 98 THK WIDOW OF GLENCOE descended from the ancient Lords of the Isles, and from the royal family of Scotland — the common ances- tor of the Macdonalds having espoused a daughter of Eobert II. lie was, according to a contemporary tes- timony, " a person of great integrity, honour, good nature, and courage ; and his loyalty to his old master. King James, was such, that he continued in arms from Dundee's first appearing in the Highlands, till the fatal treaty that brought on his ruin." In common with the other chiefs, he had omitted taking the benefit of the indemnity until he received the sanction of King James : but the copy of that document which was forwarded to him, unfortunately arrived too late. The weather was so excessively stormy at the time that there was no possibility of penetrating from Glencoe to Inverara, the place where the sheriff resided, before the expiry of the stated period ; and M'lan accordingly adopted the only practicable mode of signifying his submission, by making his way with great difficulty to Fort- William, then called Inverlochy, and tendering his signature to the military Governor there. That officer was not authorised to receive it, but at the earnest entreaty of the chief, he gave him a certificate of his appearance and tender," and on New- Year's day, 1692, IVrian reached Inverara, where he produced that paper as evidence of his intentions, and prevailed upon the sheriff. Sir James Campbell of Ardkinglass, to administer the oaths required. After that ceremony, which was immediately intimated to the Privy Council, had been performed, the unfortunate gentleman returned THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE 99 home, in the full conviction that he had thereby made peace with government for himself and for his clan. But his doom was already sealed. A company of the Earl of Argyle's regiment had been previously quartered in Glencoe. These men, though Campbells, and hereditarily obnoxious to the Macdonalds, Camerons, and other of the loyal clans, were yet countrymen, and w^ere kindly and hospitably received. Their captain, Kobert Campbell of Gleulyon, was connected with the family of Glencoe through the marriage of a niece, and was resident under the roof of the chief. And yet this was the very troop selected for the horrid service. Special instructions were sent to the major of the regiment, one Duncanson, then quartered at Balla- chulish — a morose, brutal, and savage man — who accordingly wrote to Campbell of Glenlyon in the following terms : — BALLAcnoLis, 12 February, 1692. " Sir, — You are hereby ordered to fall upon the rebels, the M'DonalJs of Glencoe, and putt all to the sword under seventy. You are to have special care that tlie old fox and his sons doe upon no account escape your liands. You are to secure all the avenues, that no man escape. This you are to put in execution att five o'clock in the morning precisely, and liy tliat time, or very shortly after it, I '11 strive to be att you with a stronger party. If I doe not come to you at five, you are not to tarry for me, but to fall on. This is by the king's speciall command, for the good and safety of the country, that these miscreants be cutt off loo THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE root and branch. Seo that this be putt in execution without feud or favour, else you may expect to be treated, as not true to the king's government, nor a man fitt to carry a commission in the king's service. Expecting you will not faill in the fulfilling hereof as you love yourself, I subscribe these with my hand. «< Robert Duncanson. " For their Majestys' service. " To Captain Robert Oampbell of Gleiilyon." This order was but too literally obeyed. At the appointed hour, when the whole inhabitants of the glen were asleep, the work of murder began. M'lan was one of the first who fell. Drummond's narrative fills up the remainder of the dreadful story. " They then served all within the family in the same manner, without distinction of age or person. In a word — for the horror of that execrable butchery must give pain to the reader — they left none alive but a young child, who, being frightened with the noise of the guns, and the dismal shrieks and cries of its dying parents, whom they were a-murdering, got hold of Captain Campbell's knees, and wrapt itself within his cloak ; by which, chancing to move compassion, the captain inclined to have saved it, but one Drummond, an officer, arriving about the break of day with more troops, commanded it to be shot by a file of mus- queteers. Nothing could be more shocking and horrible than the prospect of these houses bestrewed with mangled bodies of the dead, covered with blood, and resounding with the groans of wretches in the last agonies of life. THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE loi " Two sons of Glencoe's were tlie only persons that escaped in that quarter of the country ; for, growing jealous of some ill designs from the behaviour of the soldiers, they stole from their beds a few minutes before the tragedy began, and, chancing to overhear two of them discoursing plainly of the matter, they endeavoured to have advertised tlieir father, but, finding that impracticable, they ran to the other end of the country and alarmed the inhabitants. There was another accident that contributed much to tlieir safety ; for the night was so excessively stormy and tempes- tuous, that four hundred soldiers, who were appointed to murder these people, were stopped in their march from Inverlochy, and could not get up till they had time to save themselves. To cover the deformity of so dreadful a sight, the soldiers burned all the houses to the ground, after having riiled them, carried away nine hundred cows, two luuidred horses, numberless herds of sheep and goats, and every thing else that belonged to these miserable people. Lamentable was the case of the women and children that escaped the butchery ; the mountains were covered with a deep snow, the rivers impassable, storm and tempest filled the air and added to the horrors and darkness of the night, and there were no houses to shelter them within many miles."* Such was the awful massacre of Glencoe, an event which has left an indelible and execrable stain upon the memory of William of Orange. The records of * Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cavirron of Lochcill. I02 THE WIDOW OF GI.RNCOE Indian warfare can hardly afiford a parallel instance of atrocity : and this deed, coupled with his deliberate treachery in the Darien scheme, whereby Scotland was for a time absolutely ruined, is sufficient to account for the little estimation in which the name of tlic "great Whig deliverer" is still regarded in the valleys of the Xorth. THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE Do not lift him from the bracken, Leave him lying where he fell — Better bier ye cannot fashion : None beseems him half so well As the bare and broken heather, And the hard and trampled sod, Whence his angry soul ascended To the judgment-seat of God ! Winding-sheet we cannot give him — Seek no mantle for the dead, Save the cold and spotless covering Showered from heaven upon his head. Leave his broadsword, as we found it, Bent and broken with the blow. That, before he died, avenged him On the foremost of the foe. Leave the blood upon his bosom — Wash not oh' that sacred stain : Let it stilleii on the tartan, L(^t his wounds unclofeed remain, IO+ THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE Till the day when lie sliall show them At the throne of God on high, When the murderer and the murdered Meet before their Judge's eye ! Nay — ye should not weep, my cliildrcn ! Leave it to the faint and weak ; Sobs are but a woman's weapon — Tears befit a maiden's cheek. Weep not, children of Macdonald ! Weep not thou, his orphan heir — Not in shame, but stainless honour, Lies thy slaughtered father there. Weep not — but when years are over. And thine arm is strong and sure, And thy foot is swift and steady On the mountain and the muir — Let thy heart be hard as iron, And thy wrath as fierce as fire, Till the hour when vengeance cometh For the race that slew thy sire ; Till in deep and dark Glenlyon Eise a louder shriek of woe Than at midnight, from their eyrie, Scared the eagles of Glencoe ; Louder than the screams that mingled With tlic howling of the blast, When the murderer's steel was clashing. And the fires .were risinsr fast ; THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE 105 When thy noble father bounded To the rescue of his men, And the slogan of our kindred Pealed throughout the startled glen ; When the herd of frantic women Stumbled through the midnight snow, With their fathers' houses blazing, And their dearest dead below. Oh, the horror of the tempest. As the flashing drift was blown, Crimsoned with the conflagration, And the roofs went thundering down ! Oh, the prayers — the prayers and curses That together winged their flight From the maddened hearts of many Through that long and woeful night ! Till the lires began to dwindle, And the shots grew faint and few, And we heard the foeman's challenge Only in a far halloo ; Till the silence once more settled O'er the gorges of the glen, Broken only by the Cona Plunging through its naked den. Slowly from the mountain-summit Was the drifting veil withdrawn, And the ghastly valley glimmered In the gray December dawn. Better had tlic morning never « ]-)avvned npon our dark despair' io6 THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE Black amidst the common whiteness Eose the spectral ruins there : But the sight of these was nothing More than wrings the wild dove's breast, "When she searches for her offspring Eoiind the relics of her nest. For in many a spot the tartan Peered above the wintry heap, Marking where a dead Macdonald Liiy within his frozen sleep. Tremljlingly we scooped the covering From each kindred victim's head, And the living lips were luirning On the cold ones of the dead. And I left them with their dearest — Dearest charge had everyone — Left the maiden with her lover, Left the mother with her son. I alone of all was mateless — Far more wretched I than they, For the snow would not discover Where my lord and husband lay. But I wandered up the valley Till I found him lying low, With the gash upon his bosom. And the frown upon his brow — Till I found him lying murdered Where he wooed me long ago. Woman's weakness shall not shame me ; Why should I liave tears to shed ? THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE 107 Could I rain them down like water, my hero, on thy head. Could the cry of lamentation "Wake thee from thy silent sleep, Could it set thy heart a-throbbing, It were mine to wail and weep. But I will not waste my sorrow, Lest the Campbell women say That the daughters of Clanranald Are as weak and frail as they. I had wept thee hadst thou fallen. Like our fathers, on thy shield, Wlien a host of English foemen Camped upon a Scottish field ; I had mourned thee hadst thou perished With the foremost of his name, When the valiant and the noble Died around the dauntless Graeme. But I will not wrong thee, husband ! With my unavailing cries, Whilst thy cold and mangled body, Stricken by the traitor, lies ; Whilst he counts the gold and glory Tliat this hideous night has won. And his heart is big with triumph At the murder he has done. Other eyes than mine shall glisten. Other hearts be rent in twain. Ere the heathbells on thy hillock Wither in the autumn rain. io8 THE WIDOW OF GLENCOE Then I '11 seek thee where thou sleepest, And I '11 veil my weary head, Praying for a place beside thee, Dearer than my bridal-hcd : And I '11 give tliee tears, my husband, If the tears remain to me. When the widows of tlie foemen Cry the coronach for thee. THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS In consequence of a capitulation with Government, the regular troops who had served under Lord Dundee were transhipped to France, and, immediately upon their landing, the officers and others had their rank confirmed according to the tenor of the commissions and characters which they bore in Scotland. They were distributed throughout the different garrisons in the north of France, and, though nominally in the service of King James, derived their whole means of subsistence from the bounty of the French monarch. So long as it appeared probable that another descent was meditated, those gentlemen, who were almost without exception men of considerable family, assented to this arrangement, but the destruction of the French fleet under Admiral Tourville, off La Hogue, led to a material change in tlieir views. After that naval engagement it became obvious that the cause of the fugitive King waa in the mean time desperate, and the Scottish officers, with no less gallantry than honour, volunteered a sacrifice which, so far as I know, has hardly been equalled. 110 THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS The old and interesting pamphlet written by one of the corps,* from whicli I have extracted most of the following details, but which is seldom perused except by the antiquary, states that, "The Scottish officers, considering that, by the loss of the French Fleet, King James's restoration would be retarded for some time, and that they were burdensome to the King of France, being entertained in garrisons on whole pay, without doing duty, when he had almost all Europe in confederacy against him, there- fore humbly entreated King James to have them reduced into a company of private sentinels, and choose officers amongst themselves to command them, assuring his majesty that they would serve in the meanest circumstances, and undergo the greatest hard- ships and fatigues that reason could imagine, or misfortunes inflict, until it pleased God to restore him. King James commended their generosity and loyalty, but disapproved of what they proposed, and told them it was impossible that gentlemen who had served in so honourable posts as formerly they had enjoyed, and lived in so great plenty and ease, could ever undergo the fatigue and hardships of private sentinels' duty. Again, that his own first command was a company of officers, whereof several died, others, wearied with fatigue, drew their discharges, * An account of Dundee's Officers after they went to Frarice. By an Officer of the Army. London, 1714. THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS iii till at last it dwindled into nothing, and he got no reputation by the command : therefore he desired them to insist no more on that project. The officers (notwithstanding his majesty's desire to the contrary) made several interests at court, and harassed him so much, that at last he condescended," and appointed those who were to command them. Shortly afterwards the new corps was reviewed for the first and last time by the unfortunate James in the gardens of Saint Germains, and the tears are said to have gushed from his eyes at the sight of so many brave men, reduced, through their disinterested and persevering loyalty, to so very humble a condition. " Gentlemen," said he, " my own misfortunes are not so nigh my heart as yours. It grieves me beyond what I can express to see so many brave and worthy gentlemen, who had once the prospect of being the chief officers in my army, reduced to the stations of private sentinels. Nothing but your loyalty, and that of a few of my subjects in Britain, who are forced from their allegiance by the Prince of Orange, and who, I know, will be ready on all occasions to serve me and my distressed family, could make me willing to live. The sense of what all of you have done and undergone for your loyalty hath made so deep an impression upon my heart, that, if it ever please God to restore me, it is impossible I can be forgetful of your services and sufferings. Neither can there be any posts in the armies of my dominions but what 112 THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS you have just pretensions to. As for my son, your Prince, he is of your own blood, a child capable of any impression, and, as his education will be from you, it is not supposable that he can forget your merits. At your own desires you are now going a long march far distant from me. Fear God and love one another. Write your wants particularly to me, and depend upon it always to find me your parent and King." The scene bore a strong resemblance to one which many years afterwards occurred at Fontainebleau. The com- pany listened to his words with deep emotion, gathered round him, as if half repentant of their ov^'n desire to go, and so parted, for ever on this earth, the dethroned monarch and his exiled subjects. The number of this company of officers was about one hundred and twenty : their destination was Per- pignan in Eousillon, close upon the frontier of Spain, where they were to join the army under the command of the Mareschal de Noailles. Their power of endurance, though often most severely tested in an unwholesome climate, seems to have been no less remarkable than their gallantry, which upon many occasions called forth the warm acknowledgment of the French commanders. " Le gentiUiomme" said one of the generals, in acknow- ledgment of their readiness at a peculiarly critical moment, " est toujour s gentilhomme, et se montrc toujour s tel dans hesoin et dans le danger " — a eulogy as applicable to them as it was in later days to La Tour d' Auvergne, styled the first grenadier of France. At Perpignan THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS 113 they were joined by two other Scottish companies, and the three seem to have continued to serve together for several campaigns. As a proof of the estimation in which they were held, I shall merely extract a short account of the taking of Eosas in Catalonia, before referring to the exploit which forms the subject of the following ballad. " On the 27th of May, the company of officers and other Scottish companies, were joined by two companies of Irish, to make up a battalion in order to mount the trenches; and the major part of the officers listed themselves in the company of grenadiers, under the command of the brave Major Eutherford, who, on his way to the trenches, in sight of Mareschal de Noailles and his court, marched with his company on the side of the trench, which exposed him to the fire of a Ijastion, where there were two culverins and several other guns planted ; likewise to the fire of two curtins lined with small shot. Colonel Brown, following with the battalion, was obliged, in honour, to march the same way Major Eutherford had done ; the danger whereof the Mareschal immediately perceiving, ordered one of his aides-de-camp to command Eutherford to march under cover of the trench, which he did; and if he had but delayed six minutes, the grenadiers and battalion had been cut to pieces. Eutherford, with his grenadiers, marched to a trench near the town, and the battalion to a trencli on the rear and H 114 THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS tiank of the grenadiers, who fired so incessantly on the besieged, that they thought (the trench being practicable) they were going to make their attacks, immediately beat a cliamade, and were willing to give up the town upon reasonable terms : but the Mareschal's demands were so exorbitant, that the Governor could not agree to them. Then firing began on both sides to be very hot ; and they in the town, seeing how the grenadiers lay, killed eight of them. When the Governor surrendered the town, he inquired of the Mareschal what countrymen these grenadiers were; and assured him it was on their account he delivered up the town, because they fired so hotly, that he believed they were resolved to attack the breach. He answered, smiling, ' Ces sont mes en/ants — They are my children.' Again ; ' they are the King of Great Britain's Scottish officers, who, to show their willingness to share of his miseries, have reduced themselves to the carrying of arms, and chosen to serve under my command.' The next day, when the Mareschal rode along the front of the camp, he halted at the company of the officers' piquet, and they all surrounded him. Then, with his hat in his hand, he thanked thein for their good services in the trenches, and freely acknowledged it was their conduct and courage which compelled the Governor to give up the town ; and assured them he would acquaint his master with the same, which he did. For when his son arrived with the news THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS 115 at Versailles, the King, having read the letter, imme- diately took coach to St. Germains ; and when he had shown King James the letter, he thanked him for the services his subjects had done in taking Eosas in Catalonia; who, with concern, replied, they were the stock of his British officers, and that he was sorry he could not make better provision for them." And a miserable provision it was ! They were gradually compelled to part with every remnant of the property which they had secured from the ruins of their fortunes ; so that when they arrived, after various adventures, at Scelestat, in Alsace, they were literally without the common means of subsistence. Famine and the sword had, by this time, thinned their ranks, but had not diminished their spirit, as the following narrative of their last exploit will show : — "In December 1697, General Stirk, who commanded for the Germans, appeared with 10,000 men on the other side of the lihine, which obliged the Marquis de Sell to draw out all the garrisons in Alsace, who made up about 4000 men ; and he encamped on the other side of the Ehine, over against General Stirk, to prevent his passing the Ehine and carrying a bridge over into an island in the middle of it, which the French foresaw would be of great prejudice to them. For the enemy's guns, placed on that island, would extremely gall their camp, which they could not hinder for the deepness of the water and their wanting of boats — for which the Marquis quickly sent ; but ii6 THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS aiTi\dng too lale, the Gennuiis liad carried a bridge over into the island, where they had posted al)ove five hundred men, who, hy order of their engineers, intrenched themselves : which the company of officers perceiving, who always grasped after honour, and scorned all thoughts of danger, resolved to w^ade the river, and attack the Germans in the island ; and for that effect, desired Captain John Foster, who then commanded them, to beg of the Marquis that they might have liberty to attack the Germans in the island ; who told Captain Foster, when the boats came up, they should be the first tliat attacked. Foster courteously thanked the Marquis, and told him they would wade into the island, who shrunk up his shoulders, prayed God to bless them, and desired them to do what they pleased." Whereupon the officers, with the other two Scottish companies, made themselves ready ; and having secured their arms round their necks, waded into the river hand-in-hand, " according to the Highland fashion," with the water as high as their breasts ; and having crossed the heavy stream, fell upon the Germans in their intrenchment. These were presently thrown into confusion, and retreated, breaking down their own bridges, whilst many of them were drowned. This movement, having been made in the dusk of the evening, partook of the character of a surprise; but it appears to me a very remarkable one, as having been effected under such circumstances, in the dead of winter, and in the face THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS 117 of an enemy who possessed the advantages both of position and of numerical superiority. The author of the narrative adds : — " When the Marquis de Sell heard the firing, and understood that the Germans were beat out of the island, he made the sign of the cross on his face and breast, and declared publicly, that it was the bravest action that ever he saw, and that his army had no honour by it. As soon as the boats came, the Marquis sent into the island to acquaint the officers that he would send them both troops and provisions, who thanked his Excellency, and desired he should be informed that they wanted no troops, and could not spare time to make use of provisions, and only desired spades, shovels, and pickaxes, wherewith they might intrench themselves — which were immediately sent to them. The next morning, the Marquis came into the island, and kindly embraced every officer, and thanked them for the good service they had done his master, assuring them he would write a true account of their honour and bravery to the Court of France, which, at the reading his letters, immediately went to St. Germains, and thanked King James for the services his subjects had done on the Rhine." The company kept possession of the island for nearly six weeks, notwithstanding repeated attempts on the part of the Germans to surprise and dislodge them ; but all these having been defeated by the extreme watchfulness of the Scots, General Stirk at length drew off his army and retreated. " In consequence of ii8 THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS this action," says tlie chronicler, " that island is called at present Isle d'Ecosse, and will in likelihood bear that name until the general conflagration." Two years afterwards, a treaty of peace was con- cluded ; and this gallant company of soldiers, worthy of a better fate, was broken up and dispersed. At the time when the narrative, from which I have quoted so freely, was compiled, not more than sixteen of Dundee's veterans were alive. The author concludes thus, — "And thus was dissolved one of the best companies that ever marched under command ! Gentlemen, who, in the midst of all their pressures and obscurity, never forgot they were gentlemen ; and whom the sweets of a brave, a just, and honourable conscience, rendered perhaps more happy under those sufferings, than the most prosperous and triumphant in iniquity, since our minds stamp our happiness." Some years ago, while visiting the ancient Scottish convent at Eatisbon, my attention was drawn to the monumental inscriptions on the walls of the dormitory, many of which bear reference to gentlemen of family and distinction, w^hose political principles had in- volved them in the troubles of 1688, 1715, and 1745. Whether the cloister which now holds their dust had afforded them a shelter in the later years of their misfortunes, I know not; but for one that is so commemorated, hundreds of the exiles must have passed away in obscurity, buried in the field on which they fell, or carried from the damp vaults of THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS 119 the military hospital to the trench, without any token of remembrance, or any other wish beyond that which the minstrels have ascribed to one of the greatest of our olden heroes — " Oh bury me by the bracken bush, Beneath the blooming brier : Let never living mortal ken That a kindly Scot lies here ! " THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS The Ehiiie is running deep and red, The island lies before — " Now is there one of all the host Will dare to venture o'er ? For not alone the river's sweep Might make a brave man quail : The foe are on the further side, Their shot comes fast as hail. God help us, if the middle isle We may not hope to win ! Now, is there any of the host Will dare to venture in ? " IL " The ford is deep, the banks are steep. The island-shore lies wide : Nor man nor horse could stem its force, Or reach the further side. See there ! amidst the willow boughs The serried bayonets gleam ; THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS 12 They've flung their bridge — they've won the isle ; The foe have crossed the stream ! Their volley flashes sharp and strong — By all the Saints, I trow, There never yet was soldier born Could force that passage now ! " III. So spoke the bold French Mareschal With him who led the van, Whilst rough and red before their view The turbid river ran. Nor bridge nor boat had they to cross The wild and swollen Ehine, And thundering on the other bank Far stretched the German line. Hard by there stood a swarthy man Was leaning on his sword, And a saddened smile lit up his face As he heard the Captain's word. " I 've seen a wilder stream ere now Than that which rushes there ; I 've stemmed a heavier torrent yet And never thought to dare. If German steel be sharp and keen, Is ours not strong and true ? There may be danger in tlie deed, But there is honour too." 122 THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS IV. The old lord in his saddle turned, And hastily he said — " Hath bold Duguesclin's fiery heart Awakened from the dead ? Thou art the leader of the Scots — Now well and sure I know, That gentle blood in dangerous hour Ne'er yet ran cold nor slow. And I have seen ye in the fight Do all that mortal may : If honour is the boon ye seek It may be won this day. The prize is in the middle isle, There lies the venturous way ; And armies twain are on the plain, The daring deed to see — Now ask thy gallant company If they will follow thee ! " Eight gladsome looked the Captain then, And nothing did he say. But he turned him to his little band — Oh few, I ween, were they ! The relics of the bravest force That ever fought in fray. THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS 123 No one of all that company But bore a gentle name, Not one whose fathers had not stood In Scotland's fields of fame. All they had marched with great Dundee To where he fought and fell, And in the deadly battle-strife Had venged their leader well ; And they had bent the knee to earth When every eye was dim, As o'er their hero's buried corpse They sang the funeral hymn ; And they had trod the Pass once more, And stooped on either side To pluck the heather from the spot Where he had dropped and died ; And they had bound it next their hearts, And ta'en a last farewell Of Scottish earth and Scottish sky, Where Scotland's glory fell. Then went they forth to foreign lands Like bent and broken men, Who leave their dearest hope bcliind. And may not turn again ! VI. " The stream," he said, " is broad and deep, And stubljorn is the foe — 124 1'HE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS Yon island-strength is guarded well — Say, brothers, will ye go ? From home and kin for many a year Our steps have wandered wide, And never may our bones be laid Our fathers' graves beside. No sisters have we to lament. No wives to wail our fall ; The traitor's and the spoiler's hand Have reft our hearths of all. But we have hearts, and we have arms As strong to will and dare As when our ancient banners flew Within the northern air. Come, brothers ; let me name a spell Shall rouse your souls again, And send the old blood bounding free Through pulse, and heart, and vem ! Call back the days of bygone years — Be young and strong once more ; Think yonder stream, so stark and red, Is one we 've crossed before. Rise, hill and glen ! rise, crag and wood ! Rise up on either hand — Again upon the Garry's banks. On Scottish soil we stand ! Again I see the tartans wave. Again the trumpets ring ; Again I hear our leader's call — ' Upon them, for the King ! ' THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS 125 Stayed we behind that glorious day For roaring flood or Unn ? The soul of Grseme is with us still — Now, brothers ! will ye in ? " VII. No stay — no pause. With one accord They grasped each others' hand, And plunged into the angry flood, That bold and dauntless band. Higli flew the spray above their heads, Yet onward still they bore, Midst cheer, and shout, and answering yell, And shot and cannon roar. ' Now by the Holy Cross ! I swear, Since earth and sea began Was never such a daring deed Essayed by mortal man ! " VIII. Thick blew the smoke across the stream, And faster flashed the flame : The water plashed in hissing jets As ball and bullet came. Yet onwards pushed the Cavaliers All stern and undismayed. With thousand armed foes before, And none behind to aid. 126 THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS Once, as they neared the middle stream, So strong the torrent swept, That scarce that long and living wall, Their dangerous footing kept. Then rose a warning cry behind, A joyous shout before : " The current 's strong — the way is long — They '11 never reach the shore ! See, see ! They stagger in the midst. They waver in their line ! Fire on the madmen ! break their ranks. And whelm them in the Ehine ! " IX. Have you seen the tall trees swaying When the blast is piping shrill, And the whirlwind reels in fury Down the gorges of the hill ? How they toss their mighty brandies, Striving with the tempest's shock ; How they keep their place of vantage. Cleaving firmly to the rock ? Even so the Scottish warriors Held their own against the river ; Though the water flashed around them, Not an eye w^as seen to quiver ; Though the shot flew sharp and deadly, Not a man relaxed his hold : THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS 127 For their hearts were big and thrilling With the mighty thoughts of old. One word was spoke among them, And through the ranks it spread — " Eemember our dead Claverhouse ! " Was all the Captain said. Then, sternly bending forward, They struggled on awhile, Until they cleared the heavy stream. Then rushed towards the isle. The German heart is stout and true, The German arm is strong ; The German foot goes seldom back Where arm^d foemen throng. But never had they faced in field So stern a charge before, And never had they felt the sweep Of Scotland's broad claymore. Not fiercer pours the avalanclie Adown the steep incline. That rises o'er the parent springs Of rough and rapid llhine — Scarce swifter shoots the bolt from heaven Than came the ScotUsli band, Eight up against the guarded trench, And o'er it, sword in hand. 128 THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS In vain their leaders forward press — They meet the deadly brand ! lonely island of the Ehine, Where seed was never sown, What harvest lay upon thy sands, By those strong reapers thrown ? What saw the winter moon that night, As, struggling through the rain. She poured a wan and fitful light On marsh, and s-tream, and plain ? A dreary spot with corpses strewn. And bayonets glistening round ; A broken bridge, a stranded boat, A bare and battered mound ; And one huge watch-fire's kindled pile, That sent its quivering glare To tell the leaders of the host The conquering Scots were there ! XL And did they twine the laurel-wreath For those who fought so well ? And did they honour those who lived. And weep for those who fell ? What meed of thanks was given to them Let aged annals tell. Why should they twine the laurel-wreath- Why crown the cup with wine ? THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS 129 It was not Frenchman's blood that flowed So freely on the Ehine — A stranger band of beggared men Had done the venturous deed : The glory was to France alone, The danger was their meed. And what cared they for idle thanks From foreign prince and peer ? What virtue had such honeyed words The exiles' hearts to cheer ? What mattered it that men should vaunt, And loud and fondly swear, That liigher feat of chivalry Was never wrought elsewhere ? They bore within their breasts the grief That fame can never heal — The deep, unutterable woe Which none save exiles feel. Their hearts were yearning for the land They ne'er might see again — For Scotland's high and heathered hills, For mountain, loch, and glen — For those who haply lay at rest Beyond the distant sea, Beneath the green and daisied turf Where they would gladly be ! XII. Long years went by. The lonely isle In lihine's impetuous Hood I I30 THE ISLAND OF THE SCOTS Has ta'en another name from those Who bought it with their blood : And though the legend does not live, For legends lightly die, The peasant, as he sees the stream In winter rolling by. And foaming o'er its channel-bed Between him and the spot Won by the warriors of the sword, Still calls that deep and dangerous ford The Passatje of the Scot. CHARLES EDVv^ARD AT VERSAILLES Though the sceptre had departed from the House of Stuart, it was reserved for one of its last descendants to prove to the world, by his personal gallantry and noble spirit of enterprise, that he at least had not degenerated from his royal line of ancestors. The daring effort of Charles Edward to recover the crown of these kingdoms for his father, is to us the most remarkable incident of the last century. It was honourable alike to the Prince and to those who espoused his cause ; and, even in a political point of view, the outbreak ought not to be deplored, since its failure put an end for ever to the dynastical struggle wliich, for more than half a century, had agitated the whole of Britain, established the rule of law and of social order throughout tlie mountainous districts of Scotland, and blended Celt and Saxon into one pros- perous and united people. It was better that the antiquated system of clanship should have expired in a blaze of glory, than gradually dwindled into con- tempt ; better that the patriarclial rule should at once have been extinguished by the dire catastrophe of CuUoden, than that it should have lingered on, the 132 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES shadow of an old tradition. There is nothing now to prevent us from dwelKng with pride and admiration on the matcliless devotion displayed by the High- landers, in 1745, in l)elialf of the heir of him whom they acknowledged as their lawful king. No feeling can arise to repress the interest and the sympathy which is excited by tlie perusal of the tale narrating the sufferings of the princely wanderer. That un- bought loyalty and allegiance of the heart, which would not depart from its constancy until the tomb of the Vatican had closed upon the last of the Stuart line, has long since been transferred to the consti- tutional sovereign of these realms ; and the en- thusiastic welcome wdiich has so often greeted the return of Queen Victoria to her Highland home, owes its origin to a deeper feeling than that dull respect which modern liberalism asserts to be the only tribute due to the first magistrate of the land. The campaign of 1745 yields in romantic interest to none which is written in history. A young and inexperienced prince, whose person was utterly un- known to any of his adherents, landed on the west coast of Scotland, not at the head of a foreign force, not munimented with supplies and arms, but accom- panied by a mere handful of followers, and ignorant of the language of the people amongst whom he was hazarding his person. His presence in Scotland had not been urged by the chiefs of the clans, most of whom were deeply averse to embarking in an enterprise CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 133 which must involve them in a war with so powerful an antagonist as England, and which, if unsuccessful, could only terminate in the utter ruin of their fortunes. This was not a cause in which the whole of Scotland was concerned. Although it was well known that many leading families in the Lowlands entertained Jacobite opinions, and although a large proportion of the common people had not yet become reconciled to, or satisfied of, the advantages of the Union, by which they considered themselves dishonoured and betrayed, it was hardly to be expected that, wdthout some fair guarantee for success, the bulk of the Scottish nation would actively bestir themselves on the side of the exiled family. Besides this, even amongst the High- landers there was not unanimity of opinion. The three northern clans of Sutherland, Mackay, and Monro, were known to be staunch supporters of the Government. It was doubtful what part might be taken in the struggle by those of Mackenzie and Eoss. The chiefs of Skye, who could have brought a large force of armed men into the field, had declined parti- cipating in the attempt. The assistance of Lord Lovat, upon whom the co-operation of the Erasers might depend, could not bo calculated on with certainty ; and nothing but hostility could be expected from the powerful se])t of the Campbells. Under sucli circum- stances, it is little wonder if ( ameroii of Locheill, the most sagacious of all tlie chieftains who favoured the Stuart cause, was struck with consternation and 13+ CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES alarm at the news of tlie rrince's landing, or that he attempted to persuade him from undertaking an ad- venture so seemingly hopeless. Mr. Eobert Chambers, in his admirable history of that period, does not in the least exaggerate the importance of tlie interview, on the result of whicli the prosecution of the war depended. " On arriving at Borrodale, Locheill had a private interview with the Prince, in which the probabilities of the enterprise were anxiously debated. Charles used every argument to excite the loyalty of Locheill, and the chief exerted all liis eloquence to persuade the Prince to withdraw till a better opportunity. Charles represented the present as the best possible opportu- nity, seeing that the French general kept the British army completely engaged abroad, while at home there were no troops but one or two newly-raised regiments. He expressed his confidence that a small body of Highlanders would be sufficient to gain a victory over all the force that could now be brought against him ; and he was equally sure that such an advantage was all that was required to make his friends at home declare in his favour, and cause those abroad to send him assistance. All he wanted was that the High- landers should begin the war. Locheill still resisted, entreating Charles to be more temperate, and consent to remain concealed where he was, till his friends should meet together and concert what was best to be done. Charles, whose mind was wound up to the utmost pitch of impatience, paid no regard to this proposal. CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 135 but answered that he was determined to put all to the hazard. ' In a few days/ said he, ' with the few friends I have, I will raise the royal standard, and proclaim to the people of Britain that Charles Stuart is come over to claim the crown of his ancestors — to win it, or to perish in the attempt ! Locheill — who, my father has often told me, was our firmest friend — may stay at home, and learn from the newspapers the fate of his Prince ! ' ' No ! ' said Locheill, stung by so poignant a reproach, and hurried away by the enthusiasm of the moment ; ' I will share the fate of my Prince, and so shall every man over whom nature or fortune has given me any power.' Such was the juncture upon which depended the civil war of 1745; for it is a point agreed, says Mr. Home, who narrates this conversation, that if Locheill had persisted in his refusal to take arms, no other chief would have joined the standard, and the spark of rebellion must have been instantly extinguished." Not more than twelve hundred men were assembled in Glenfinnan on the day when the standard was unfurled by the Marquis of Tullibardine, and, at the head of this mere handful of followers, Cluirles Edward commenced the stupendous enterprise of reconquering the dominions of his fathers. With a force which, at the battle of Preston, did not double the above numbers, the Prince descended upon the Lowlands, having baffled the attempts of General Cope to intercept his march — occupied the city of Perth and the town of Dundee, and finally. 136 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES after a faint show of resistance on the part of the burghers, took possession of the ancient capital of Scotland, and once more established a court in the halls of Holy rood. His youth, his gallantry, and the grace and beauty of his person, added to a most winning and affable address, acquired for him the sympathy of many who, from political motives, ab- stained from becoming his adherents. Possibly certain feelings of nationality, which no deliberate views of civil or religious policy could altogether extirpate, led such men to regard, with a sensation akin to pride, the spectacle of a prince descended from the long line of Scottish kings, again occupying his ancestral seat, and restoring to their country, which had been utterly neglected by the new dynasty, a portion of its former state. No doubt a sense of pity for the probable fate of one so young and chivalrous was often present to their minds, for they had thorough confidence in the intrepidity of the regular troops, and in the capacity of their commander; and they never for a moment supposed that these could Tje successfully encountered hj a raw levy of undisciplined High- landers, ill-armed and worse equipped, and without the support of any artillery. The issue of the battle of Prestonpans struck Edin- burgh with amazement. In point of numbers the two armies were nearly equal, but in every tiling else, save personal valour, the royal troops had the advan- tage. And yet, in foiLr minutes — for the battle is said CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 137 not to have lasted longer — the Highlanders having only made one terrific and impetuous charge — the rout of the regulars was general. The infantry was broken and cut to pieces ; the dragoons, who behaved shamefully on the occasion, turned bridle and fled, without having once crossed swords with the enemy. Mr. Chambers thus terminates his account of the action : " The general result of the battle of Preston may be stated as having been the total overthrow and almost entire destruction of the royal army. Most of the infantry, falling upon the park walls of Preston, were there huddled together, without the power of resistance, into a confused drove, and had either to surrender or to be cut to pieces. Many, in vainly attempting to climb over the walls, fell an easy prey to the ruthless claymore. Nearly 400, it is said, were thus slain, 700 taken, while only about 170 in all succeeded in effecting their escape. "The dragoons, with worse conduct, were much more fortunate. In falling back, they had the good luck to find outlets from tlieir respective positions by the roads whicli ran along the various extremities of the park wall, and they thus got clear through the village with little slaughter ; after which, as the High- landers had no horse to pursue them, they were safe. Several olFicers, among whom were Fowkes and Lascelles, escapt.'d U» (V)ckeiizio and along Seton Sands, in a direction contrary to the general flight. "Th(i uiifnrtimate ('ojx! had attempted, at the lirst 138 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES break of Gardiner's dragoons, to stop and rally them, but was borne headlong, with the confused l)ands, through the narrow road to the south of tlie enclosures, notwithstanding all his efforts to the contrary. On getting beyond the village, where he was joined by the retreating hands of the other regiment, he made one anxious effort, with the Earls of Loudoun and Home, to form and bring them Imck to charge the enemy, now disordered by the pursuit; but in vain. They fled on, ducking their heads along their horses' necks to escape the bullets which the pursuers occa- sionally sent after them. By using great exertions, and holding pistols to the heads of the troopers, Sir John and a few of his officers induced a small number of them to halt in a field near St. Clement's Wells, about two miles from the Ixattle-ground. But, after a momentary delay, the accidental firing of a pistol renewed the panic, and they rode off once more in great disorder. Sir John Cope, with a portion of them, reached Channelkirk at an early hour in the forenoon, and there halted to breakfast, and to write a brief note to one of the state-officers, relating the fate of the day. He then resumed his flight, and reached Coldstream that night. Next morning he proceeded to Berwick, whose fortifications seemed competent to give the security he required. He every- where brought the first tidings of his own defeat." This victory operated very much in favour of Prince Charles. It secured him, for a season, the undisputed CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 139 possession of Scotland, and enabled numerous adherents from all parts of the country to raise such forces as they could command, and to repair to his banner. His popularity in Edinburgh daily increased, as the qualities of his person and mind became known ; and such testimony as the following, with respect to his estimation by the fair sex, and the devotion they exhibited in his cause, is not overcharged. " His affability and great personal grace wrought him high favour with the ladies, who, as we learn from the letters of President Forbes, became generally so zealous in his cause, as to have some serious effect in inducing their admirers to declare for the Prince. There was, we know for certain, a Miss Lumsden, who plainly told her lover, a young artist, named Eobert Strange, that he might think no more of her unless he should immediately join Prince Charles, and thus actually prevailed upon him to take up arms. It may be added that he survived the enterprise, escaped with great difficulty, and married the lady. He was afterwards the best line -engraver of his time, and received the honour of knighthood from George III. White ribbons and breastknots became at this time conspicuous articles of female attire in private as- semblies. The ladies also showed considerable zeal in contributing plate and other articles for the use of the Chevalier at the palace, and in raising pecuniary subsidies for him. Many a posset-dish and snuff-box, many a treasured necklace and repeater, many a jewel i+o CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES which had adorned its successive generations of family beauties, was at this time sold or laid in pledge, to raise a little money for the service of Prince Charlie." As to the motives and intended policy of this remarkable and unfortunate young man, it may be interesting to quote the terms of the proclamation which he issued on the 10th October, 1745, before commencing his march into England. Let his history be impartially read, his cliaracter, as spoken to by those who knew him l)est, fairly noted, and I think there cannot lie a douljt that, had he succeeded in his daring attempt, he would have l)een true to the letter of his word, and fulfilled a pledge which Britain never more required than at the period when that document was penned : — "Do not the pulpits and congregations of the clergy, as well as your w^eekly papers, ring with the dreadful threats of popery, slavery, tyranny, and arbitrary power, which are now ready to be imposed upon you by the formidable powers of France and Spain ? Is not my royal father represented as a bloodthirsty tyrant, breathing out nothing but de- struction to all who will not immediately embrace an odious religion ? Or have I myself been better used ? But listen oidy to the naked truth. "I, with my own money, hired a small vesseh Ill- supplied with money, arms, or friends, I arrived in Scotland, attended by seven persons. I publish the CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 141 King my father's declaration, and proclaim his title, with pardon in one hand, and in the other liberty of conscience, and the most solemn promises to grant whatever a free Parliament shall propose for the hap- piness of a people. I have, I confess, the greatest reason to adore the goodness of Almighty God, who has in so remarkable a manner protected me and my small army through the many dangers to which we were at first exposed, and who has led me in the way to victory, and to the capital of this ancient kingdom, amidst the acclamations of the King my father's subjects. Why, then, is so much pains taken to spirit up the minds of the people against this my under- taking ? " The reason is obvious ; it is, lest the real sense of the nation's present sufferings should blot out the remembrance of past misfortunes, and of the outcries formerly raised against the royal family. Whatever miscarriages might have given occasion to them, they have been more than atoned for since ; and the nation has now an opportunity of being secured against the like in future. "That our family has sulfered exile during these fifty-seven years everybody knows. Has the nation, during that period of time, been the more happy and llourisliing for it ? Have you found reason to love and cherish your governors as the fathers of the people of Great Britain and Ireland ? Has a family, upon whom a [action unlawfully bestowed tlie diadem 1+2 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES of a riglitful prince, retained a due sense of so great a trust and favour? Have you found more humanity and condescension in those who were not born to a crown, than in my royal forefathers ? Have their ears been open to the cries of the people ? Have they, or do they consider only the interests of these nations ? Have you reaped any other benefit from them than an immense load of debt ? If I am answered in the affirmative, why has their govern- ment been so often railed at in all your public assem- blies ? Why has the nation been so long crying out in vain for redress against the abuse of Parliaments, upon account of their long duration, the multitude of placemen, which occasions their venality, the introduc- tion of penal laws, and, in general, against the miserable situation of the kingdom at home and abroad ? All these, and many more inconveniences, must now be removed, unless the people of Great Britain be already so far corrupted that they will not accept of freedom when offered to them, seeing the Kiug, on his restoration, will refuse nothing that a free Parliament can ask for the security of the religion, law^s, and liberty of his people. " It is now time to conclude ; and I shall do it with this reflection. Civil wars are ever attended with rancour and ill-will, which party rage never fails to produce in the minds of those whom different interests, princifjles or views, set in opposition to one another. I, therefore, earnestly require it of my friends to give CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 143 as little loose as possible to such passions : this will prove the most effectual means to prevent the same in the enemies of my royal cause. And this my declaration will vindicate to all posterity the noble- ness of my undertaking, and the generosity of my intentions." There was much truth in the open charges preferred in this declaration against the existing government. The sovereigns of the house of Hanover had always shown a marked predilection for their Continental possessions, and had propoitionally neglected the affairs of Britain. Under Walpole's administration the imperial Parliament had degenerated from an independent assembly to a junta of placemen, and the most flagitious system of bribery was openly practised and avowed. It was not without reason that Charles contrasted the state of the nation then, with its position when under the rule of the legitimate family ; and had there not been a strong, thougli, I think, unreasonable suspicion in the minds of many, that his success would be the prelude to a vigorous attack upon the established religions of the country, and that he would be inclined to follow out in this respect the fatal policy of his grandfather, Charles would in all probability have received a more active and general support than was accorded to him. The zeal with which the Episcopalian party in Scotland espoused his cause, naturally gave rise to the idea tliat the attempt of the Prince was of evil omen to Presbytery ; 1++ CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES and the settleiiieiit of the Church upon its present footing was yet so recent, that the sores of the old feud were still festering and green. The established clergy, therefore, were, nearly to a man, opposed to his pretensions; and one minister of Edinburgh, at the time when the Highland host was in possession of the city, had the courage to conclude his prayer nearly in the following terms — " Bless the king ; Thou knows what king I mean — may his crown long sit easy on his head. And as to this young man who has come among us to seek an earthly crown, we beseech Thee in mercy to take him to Tliyself, and give him a crown of glory ! " At the same time, it is very curious to observe, that the most violent sect of Presbyterians, who might be considered as the representatives of the extreme Cameronian principle, and who had early seceded from the Church, and bitterly opposed the union of the kingdoms, were not indisposed, on certain terms, to coalesce with the Jacobites. It is hardly possible to understand the motives which actuated these men, who appear to have regarded each successive government as equally obnoxious. Some writers go the length of averring that, in 1688, a negociation was opened by one section of the Covenanters with Lord Dundee, with the object of resistance to the usurpation of William of Orange, and that the project was frustrated only by the death of that heroic nobleman. Sir Walter Scott — a great authority — seems to have been convinced that such CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 145 was the case ; but, in the absence of direct proof, I can hardly credit it. It is perfectly well known that a conspiracy was formed by a certain section of the Cameronian party to assassinate Lords Dundee and Dunfermline whilst in attendance at the meeting of Estates; and, although the recognition of William as king might not have been palatable to others who held the same opinions, it would be a strange thing if they had so suddenly resolved to assist Dundee in his efforts for the exiled family. But the political changes in Scotland, more especially the union, seem to have inspired some of these men with a spirit of disaffection to the government; for, according to Mr. Chambers, the most rigid sect of Presbyterians had, since the revolution, expressed a strong desire to coalesce with the Jacobites, with the hope, in case the house of Stuart were restored, to obtain what they called a covenanted king. Of this sect one thousand had assembled in Dumfriesshire at the first intelligence of the insurrection, bearing arms and colours, and supposed to contemplate a junction with the Chevalier. But these religionists were now almost as violently distinct from the Established Church of Scotland as ever they had been from those of England and Eome, and had long ceased to play a prominent part in the national disputes. The Established clergy, and the greater part of their congregations, were averse to Charles upon considerations perfectly moderate, at the same time not easy to be shaken. K 1+6 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES On commencing his march into England, Charles found himself at the head of an army of between five thousand and six thousand men, which force was considered strong enough, with the augmentations it might receive on the way, to effect the occupation of London. Had the English Jacobites performed their part with the same zeal as the Scots, it is more than probable that tlie attempt would have been crowned with success. As it was, the Prince succeeded in reducing the strong fortified town of Carlisle, and in marching, without opposition, through tlie heart of England, as far as Derby, within one hundred miles of the metropolis. But here his better genius deserted him. Discord had crept into his councils; for some of the chiefs became seriously alarmed at finding that the gentry of England were not prepared to join the expedition, but preferred remaining at home inactive spectators of the contest. Except at Manchester, they had received few or no recruits. No tidings had reached them from Wales, a country supposed to be devoted to the cause of King James, whilst it was well known that a large force was already in arms to oppose the clans. Mr. Chambers gives us the following details. "At a council of war held on the morning of the 5 th December, Lord George Murray and the other members gave it as their unanimous opinion that the army ought to return to Scotland. Lord George pointed out that they were about to be environed by three armies, CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 147 amounting collectively to about thirty thousand men, while their own forces were not above five thousand, if so many. Supposing an unsuccessful engagement with any of these armies, it could not be expected that one man would escape, for the militia would beset every road. The Prince, if not slain in the battle, must fall into the enemy's hands : the whole world would blame them as fools for running into such a risk. Charles answered, that he regarded not his own danger. He pressed, with all the force of argu- ment, to go forward. He did not doubt, he said, that the justice of his cause would prevail. He was hopeful that there might be a defection in the enemy's army, and that many would declare for him. He was so very bent on putting all to the risk, that the Duke of Perth was for it, since his Eoyal Highness was. At last he proposed going to Wales instead of returning to Carlisle ; but every other officer declared his opinion for a retreat. These are nearly the words of Lord George Murray. "We are elsewhere told that the Prince condescended to use entreaties to induce his adherents to alter their resolution. ' Eather than go back,' he said, ' I would wish to be twenty feet under ground ! ' His chagrin, when he found his councillors obdurate, was beyond all bounds. The council broke up, on the under- standing that the retreat was to commence next morning, Lord George volunteering to take the place of honour in the rear, provided only that lie should not be troubled with the baggage." 1+8 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES This resolution was received by the army with marks of unequivocal vexation. Eetreat, in their estimation, was little less than overthrow ; and it was most galling to find that, after all their labours, hazards, and toils, they were doomed to disappointment at the very moment when the prize seemed ready for their grasp. That the movement was an injudicious one is, I think, obvious. We are told, upon good authority, " that the very boldness of the Prince's onward movement, especially taken into connexion with the expected descent from France, had at length disposed the English Jacobites to come out; and many were just on the point of declaring themselves, and marching to join his army, when the retreat from Derby was determined on. A Mr. Barry arrived in Derby two days after the Prince left it, with a message from Sir Watkin William Wynne and Lord Barrymore, to assure him, in the names of many friends of the cause, that they were ready to join him in what manner he pleased, either in the capital, or every one to rise in his own county. I have likewise been assured that many of the Welsh gentry had actually left their homes, and w^ere on the way to join Charles, when intelligence of his retreat at once sent them all back peaceably, convinced that it was now too late to contribute their assistance. These men, from the power they had over their tenantry, could have added materially to his military force. In fact, from all that appears, we must conclude that CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 149 the insurgents had a very considerable chance of success from an onward movement — also, no doubt, a chance of destruction, and yet not worse than what ultimately befell many of them — while a retreat broke in a moment the spell which their gallantry had conjured up, and gave the enemy a great advantage over them." One victory more was accorded to Prince Charles, before his final overthrow. After successfully con- ducting his retreat to Scotland, occupying Glasgow, and strengthening his army by the accession of new recruits, he gave battle to the royal forces under General Hawley at Falkirk, and, as at Preston, drove them from the field. The parties were on this occasion fairly matched, there being about eight thousand men enoaged on either side. The action was sliort; and, though not so decisive as the former one, gave great confidence to the insurgents. It has been thus picturesquely portrayed by the historian of the enterprise : " Some individuals, who beheld the battle from the steeple of Falkirk, used to describe these, its main events, as occupying a surprisingly brief space of time. They first saw the English army enter the misty and storm-covered muir at the top of the hill; then saw the dull atmosphere thickened by a fast-rolling smoke, and heard tlic pealing sounds of the discliarge; innnediately after, they beheld the discomfited troops burst wildly from the cloud in wliicli they had been involved, and I50 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES rush, in far-spread disorder, over the face of tlie hill. From the commencement of what they styled ' the hrcak of tlie battle,' there did not intervene more than ten minutes — so soon may an efficient body of men become, by one transient emotion of cowardice, a feeble and contemptible rabble. "The rout would have been total, but for the three out-flanking regiments. These not having been opposed by any of the clans, having a ravine in front, and deriving some support from a small body of dragoons, stood their ground under the command of General Huske and Brigadier Cholmondley. When the High- landers went past in pursuit, they received a volley from this part of the English army, which brought them to a pause, and caused them to draw back to their former ground, their impression being that some ambuscade was intended. This saved the English army from destruction. A pause took place, during which the bulk of the English infantry got back to Falkirk. It was not until Lord George Murray brought up the second line of his wing and the pickets, with some others on the other wing, that General Huske drew off his party, which he did in good order." The seat of war was now removed to the North. The month of April, 1746, found Prince Charles in possession of Inverness, with an army sorely dwindled in numbers, and in great want of necessaries and provisions. Many of the Highlanders had retired for CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 151 the winter to their native glens, and had not yet rejoined the standard. The Duke of Cumberland, who now commanded the English army, with a reputation not diminished by the unfortunate issue of Fontenoy, was at the head of a large body of tried and disciplined troops, in the best condition, and supported by the powerful arm of artillery. He effected the passage of the Spey, a large and rapid river which intersects the Highlands, without en- countering any opposition, and on the 15th of the month had arrived at Kairn, about nine miles distant from the position occupied by his kinsman and opponent. His superiority in point of strength was so great that the boldest of the insurgent chiefs hesitated as to the policy of giving immediate battle, and nothing but the desire of covering Inverness prevented the council from recommencing a further retreat into the mountains, where they could not have been easily followed, and where they were certain to have met with reinforcements. As to the Prince, his confidence in the prowess of the Highlanders was so unbounded, that, even with such odds against him, he would not listen to a proposal for delay. There yet remained, says Mr. Chambers, before playing the great stake of a pitched battle, one chance of success ]jy the irregular mode of warfare to which tlie army was accustomed, and Charles resolved to put it to trial. This was a night-attack upon the camp of the Duke of Cumberland, He 152 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES rightly argued that if his men could approach willif)ut being discovered, and make a simultaneous attack in more than one place, the royal forces, then probably either engaged in drinking their commander's health (the loth happened to be the anniversary of the Duke's birthday, and was celebrated as such by his army), or sleeping olf the effects of the debauch, must be completely surprised and cut to pieces, or at least effectually routed. The time appointed for setting out upon the march was eight in the evening, when day- light should have completely disappeared, and, in the mean time, great pains were taken to conceal the secret from the army. This resolution was entered into at three in the afternoon, and orders were given to collect the men who had gone off in search of provisions. The officers dispersed themselves to Inverness and other places, and besought the stragglers to repair to the muir. But, under the influence of hunger, they told their commanders to shoot them, if they pleased, rather than compel them to starve any longer. Charles had previously declared, with his characteristic fervour, that though only a thousand of his men should accompany him, he would lead them on to the attack, and he was not now intimidated when he saw twice that immber ready to assist in the enterprise, though some of his officers would willingly have made this deficiency of troops an excuse for abandoning what they esteemed at best a hazardous expedition. Having CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 153 given out for watchword the name of his father, he embraced Lord George Murray, who was to command the foremost cohimn, and, putting himself at the head of that which followed, gave the order to march. The attempt proved peculiarly unfortunate, and, from the fatigue which it occasioned to the Highlanders, contributed in a great degree towards the disaster of the following day. The night chanced to be uncom- monly dark, and as it was well known that Cumberland had stationed spies on the principal roads, it became necessary to select a devious route, in order to effect a surprise. The columns, proceeding over broken and irregular ground, soon became scattered and dislocated : no exertions of the officers could keep the men together, so that Lord George Murray at two o'clock found that he was still distant three miles from the hostile camp, and that there were no hopes of com- mencing the attack before the break of day, when they would be open to the observation of the enemy. Under these circumstances a retreat was commenced ; and the scheme, which at one time seemed to hold out every probability of success, was abandoned. " The Highlanders returned, fatigued and discon- solate, to their former position, about seven in the morning, when they immediately addressed themselves to sleep, or went away in search of provisions. So scarce was food at this critical juncture, that tlie Prince himself, on retiring to Culloden House, could obtain no better refreshment than a little bread and whisky. 15+ CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES He felt the utmost anxiety regarding his men, among whom the pangs of hunger, upon bodies exhausted by fatigue, must have been working effects most unpro- mising to his success ; and he gave orders, before seeking any repose, that the whole country should now be mercilessly ransacked for the means of refreshment. His orders were not without effect. Considerable supplies were procured, and subjected to the cook's art at Inverness ; but the poor famished clansmen were destined never to taste these provisions, the hour of battle arriving before they were prepared." About eleven in the forenoon, the troops of Cumber- land were observed upon the eastern extremity of the wide muir of Culloden, and preparations were instantly made for the coming battle. The army had been strengthened that morning by the arrival of the Keppoch Macdoualds and a party of the Frasers ; but even with these reinforcements the whole available force which the Prince could muster was about five thousand men, to oppose at fearful odds an enemy twice as numerous, and heavily supported by artillery. Fortune on this day seemed to have deserted the Prince altogether. In drawing out the line of battle, a most unlucky an-angemeut was made by 0' Sullivan, who acted as adjutant, whereby the Macdonald regi- ments were removed from the right wing — the place which the great clan CoUa has been privileged to hold in Scottish array ever since the auspicious battle of Bannockburn. To those who are not acquainted CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 155 with tlie peculiar temper and spirit of the Highlanders, and their punctilio iipon points of honour and pre- cedence, the question of arrangement will naturally appear a matter of little importance. But it was not so felt by the Macdonalds, who considered their change of position as a positive degradation, and who further looked upon it as an evil omen to the success of the battle. The results of this mistake will be explained immediately. Just before the commencement of the action, the weather, which had hitherto been fair and sunny, became overcast, and a heavy blast of rain and sleet beat directly in the faces of the Highlanders. The English artillery then began to play upon them, and, being admirably served, every discharge told with fearful effect upon the ranks. The chief object of either party at the battle of Culloden seems to have been to force its opponent to leave his position, and to commence the attack. Cumberland, finding that his artillery was doing such execution, had no occasion to move ; and Charles appears to have committed a great error in abandoning a niode of warfare which was peculiarly suited for his troops, and which, on two previous occasions, had proved eminently successful. Had he at once ordered a general charge, and attempted to silence the guns, the issue of the day might have been otherwise : but his unfortunate star prevailed. " It was not," says Mr. Chambers, " till the can- nonade had continued nearly half an hour, and the 156 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES Highlanders had seen many of their kindred stretched upon the heath, that Charles at last gave way to the necessity of ordering a charge. The aide-de-camp intrusted to carry his message to the Lieutenant- general — a youth of the name of Maclachlan — was killed by a cannon-ball before he reached the first line, but the general sentiment of tlie army, as re- ported to Lord George Murray, supplied the want, and that general took it upon him to order an attack with- out Charles's permission having been communicated. " Lord Geoi'ge had scarcely determined upon order- ing a general movement, when the ]\Iacintoshes, a brave and devoted clan, though not before engaged in action, unable any longer to brook the unavenged slaughter made by the cannon, broke from the centre of the line, and rushed forward through smoke and snow to mingle with the enemy. The Athole men, Camerons, Stuarts, Frasers, and Macleans also went on. Lord George Murray heading them with that rash bravery befitting the commander of such forces. Thus, in the course of one or two minutes, the charge was general along the whole line, except at the left ex- tremity, where the Macdonalds, dissatisfied with their position, hesitated to engage. " The action and event of the onset were, through- out, quite as dreadful as the mental emotion which urged it. Notwithstanding that the three files of the front line of English poured forth their incessant fire of musketry — notwithstanding that the cannon, now CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 157 loaded with grapeshot, swept the field as with a hail- storm — notwithstanding the flank fire of Wolfe's regiment — onward, onward went the headlong High- landers, flinging themselves into, rather than rushing upon, the lines of the enemy, which, indeed, they did not see for smoke, till involved among the weapons. All that courage, all that despair could do, was done. It was a moment of dreadful and agonising suspense, but only a moment— for the whirlwind does not reap the forest with greater rapidity than the Highlanders cleared the line. Nevertheless, almost every man in their front rank, chief and gentleman, fell before the deadly weapons which they had braved ; and, although the enemy gave way, it was not till every bayonet was bent and bloody with the strife. " Wlien the first line had thus been swept aside, the assailants continued their impetuous advance till they came near the second, when, being almost annihilated by a profuse and well-directed fire, the shattered remains of what had been before a numerous and con- fident force began to give way. Still a few rushed on, resolved rather to die than forfeit their well-acquired and dearly-estimated honour. They rushed on ; but not a man ever came in contact with the enemy. The last survivor perished as he reached the points of the bayonets." Some idea of the determination displayed by the Highlanders in this terrific charge may be gathered from the fact that, in one part of the field, their bodies 158 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES were afterwards found in layers of tliree and four deep. The slaughter was fearful, for, out of the five regiments which charged the English, almost all the leaders and men in the front rank were killed. So shaken was the English line, that, had the Macdonald regiments, well-known to yield in valour to none of the clans, come up, the fortune of the day might have been altered. But they never made an onset. Smarting and sullen at the affront which they con- ceived to have been put upon their name, they bore the fire of tlie English regiments without flinching, and gave way to their rage Ijy hewing at the heather with their swords. In vain their chiefs exhorted them to go forward : even at that terrible moment the pride of clanship prevailed. " My God ! " cried Macdonald of Keppoch, " has it come to this, that the children of my tribe have forsaken me ! " and he rushed forward alone, sword in hand, with the devotion of an ancient hero, and fell pierced with bullets. The Lowland and foreign troops which formed the second line were powerless to retrieve the disaster. All was over. The rout became general, and the Prince was forced from the field, which he would not quit, until dragged from it by his immediate body- guard. Such was the last battle, the result of civil war, which has been fought on British soil. Those who were defeated have acquired as much glory from it as the conquerors — and even more, for never was a CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 159 conquest sullied by such deeds of deliberate cruelty as were perpetrated upon the survivors of the battle of Culloden. It is not, however, the object of the present paper to recount these, or even the romantic history or hairljreadth escapes of the Prince, whilst wandering on the mainland and through the Hebrides. Although a reward of thirty thousand pounds — an immense sum for the period — was set upon his head — although his secret was known to hundreds of persons in every walk of life, and even to the beggar and the outlaw — not one attempted to betray him, Not one of all his followers, in the midst of the misery which overtook them, regretted having drawn the sword in his cause, or would not again have gladly imperilled their lives for the sake of their beloved Chevalier. " He went," says Lord Mahon, " but not with him departed his remembrance from the Highlanders. For years and years did his name continue enshrined in their hearts and familiar to their tongues, their plaintive ditties resounding with his exploits and inviting his return. Again, in these strains, do they declare themselves ready to risk life and fortune for his cause ; and even maternal fondness — the strongest, perhaps, of all human feelings — yields to the passionate devotion to Prince Charlie." The subsequent life of the Prince is a story of melancholy interest. We find him at first received in France with all the honours duo to one who, though unfortunate, had exhibited a heroism rarely equalled i6o CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES and never surpassed : gradually he was neglected and slighted, as one of a doomed and unhappy race, whom no human exertion could avail to elevate to their former seat of power; and finally, when his presence in France became an obstacle to the conclusion of peace, he was violently arrested and conveyed out of the kingdom. There can be little doubt that con- tinued misfortune and disappointment had begun very early to impair his noble mind. For long periods he was a wanderer, lost sight of by his friends and even by his father and brother. There are fragments of his writing extant which show how poignantly he felt the cruelty of his fortune. " De vivre et pas vivre est beaucoup plus que de mourir ! " And again, writing to his father's secretary, eight years after Culloden, he says — "I am grieved that our master should think that my silence was either neglect or want of duty ; but, in reality, my situation is such that I have nothing to say but imprecations against the fatality of being born in such a detestable age." An unhappy and uncongenial marriage tended still more to embitter his existence ; and if at last he yielded to frailties, which inevitably insure degradation, it must be remembered that his lot had been one to which few men have ever been exposed, and the magnitude of his sufferings may fairly be admitted as some palliation for his weakness. To the last, his heart was with Scotland. The fol- lowing anecdote was related by his brother, Cardinal CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES i6i York, to Bishop Walker, the late Primus of the Episcopal Church of Scotland : — " Mr. Greathead, a personal friend of Mr. Fox, succeeded, when at Eome in 1782 or 1783, in obtaining an interview with Charles Edward; and, being alone with him for some time, studiously led the conversation to his enterprise in Scotland, and to the occurrences which succeeded the failure of that attempt. The Prince manifested some reluctance to enter iipon these topics, appearing at the same time to undergo so much mental suffering, that his guest regretted the freedom he had used in calling up the remembrance of his misfortunes. At length, however, the Prince seemed to shake off the load which oppressed him ; his eye brightened, his face assumed unwonted animation, and he entered upon the narrative of his Scottish campaigns with a distinct but somewhat vehement energy of manner — recounted his marches, his battles, his victories, his retreats, and his defeats — detailed his hairbreadth escapes in the Western Isles, the inviolable and devoted attachment of his Highland friends, and at length proceeded to allude to the terrible penalties with which the chiefs among them had been visited. But here the tide of emotion rose too high to allow liim to go on — his voice faltered, his eyes became fixed, and he fell convulsed on the floor. The noi.?e brought into his room liis daughter, the Duchess of Albany, who happened to be in an adjoining apartment. ' Sir,' she exclaimed, 'what is this? You have been speaking to my father about L i62 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES Scotland and the Highlanders ! No one dares to mention those subjects in his presence.'" He died on the 30th of January, 1788, in the arms of the Master of Nairn. The monument erected to him, his father, and brother, in St. Peter's, by desire of George IV., was perhaps the most graceful tribute ever paid by royalty to misfortune — liEGio cineki PIETAS EeGIA. CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF CULLODEN Take away that star and garter — Hide them from my aching sight : Neither king nor prince shall tempt me From my lonely room this night ; Fitting for the throneless exile Is the atmosphere of pall, And the gusty winds that shiver 'Neath the tapestry on the wall. When the taper faintly dwindles Like the pulse within the vein, That to gay and merry measure Ne'er may hope to bound again, Let the shadows gather round me While I sit in silence here, Broken-hearted, as an orphan Watching by his father's bier. Let me hold my still commmiion Far from every earthly sound — Day of penance— day of passion — Ever, as the year comes round : Fatal day, whereon the latest Die was cast for me and mine — 164 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES Cruel day, llial quelled the fortunes Of the hapless Stuart line ! Phantom-like, as in a mirror, Rise the griesly scenes of death — There before me, in its vvildness, Stretches bare Culloden's heath : There the broken clans are scattered, Gaunt as wolves, and famine-eyed, Hunger gnawing at their vitals, Hope abandoned, all but pride — Pride, and that supreme devotion Which the Southron never knew. And the hatred, deeply rankling, 'Gainst the Hanoverian crew. Oh, my God ! are these the remnants, These the wrecks of the array That around the royal standard Gathered on the glorious day. When, in deep Glenfinnan's valley, Thousands, on their bended knees, Saw once more that stately ensign Waving in the northern breeze. When the noble Tullibardine Stood beneath its weltering fold, With the Euddy Lion ramping In the field of tressured gold. When the mighty heart of Scotland, All too big to slimiber more, Burst in wrath and exultation. Like a huge volcano's roar ? CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 165 Tliere they stand, the battered columns, Underneath the innrky sky, In the hiish of desperation, Not to conquer, but to die. Hark ! the bagpipe's fitful wailing : Not the pibroch loud and shrill, That, with hope of bloody banquet, Lured the ravens from the hill. But a dirge both low and solemn, Fit for ears of dying men, Marshalled for their latest battle, Never more to fight again. Madness — madness ! Why this shrinking ? "Were we less inured to war When our reapers swept the harvest From the field of red Dunbar ? Bring my horse, and blow the trumpet ! Call the riders of Fitz- James : Let Lord Lewis head the column ! Valiant chiefs of mighty names — Trusty Keppoch, stout Glengarry, Gallant Gordon, wise Locheill — Bid the clansmen hold together, Fast, and fell, and firm as steel. Elcho, never look so gloomy — What avails a saddened brow ? Heart, man, heart ! we need it sorely, Never half so much as now. Had we but a thousand troopers. Had we but a thousand more ! 1 66 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES Noble Perth, I hear tliein coming ! — Hark ! the Enghsh cannons' roar. God ! how awful sounds that volley, Bellowing through the mist and rain ! Was not that the Highland slogan ? Let me hear that shout again ! Oh, for prophet eyes to witness How the desperate battle goes ! Cumberland ! I would not fear thee, Could my Camerons see their foes. Sound, I say, the charge at venture — 'T is not naked steel we fear ; Better perish in the mel^e Than be shot like driven deer ; Hold ! the mist begins to scatter ! There in front 't is rent asunder. And the cloudy bastion crumbles Underneath the deafening thunder; There I see the scarlet gleaming ! Now, Macdonald — now or never! — "Woe is me, the clans are broken ! Father, thou art lost for ever ! Chief and vassal, lord and yeoman, There they lie in heaps together, Smitten by the deadly volley, Eolled in blood upon the heather ; And the Hanoverian horsemen, Fiercely riding to and fro, Deal their murderous strokes at random. — Ah, my Cod ! where am I now ? CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 167 Will that baleful vision never Vanish from my aching sight ? Must those scenes and sounds of terror Haunt me still by day and night ? Yea, the earth hath no oblivion For the noblest chance it gave, None, save in its latest refuge- Seek it only in the grave ! Love may die, and hatred slumber. And their memory will decay, As the watered garden recks not Of the drought of yesterday ; But the dream of power once broken, What shall give repose again ? What shall charm the serpent-furies Coiled around the maddening brain ? What kind draught can nature offer Strong enough to lull their sting ? Better to Ije born a peasant Than to live an exiled king ! Oh, these years of bitter anguish !— What is life to such as me, With my very heart as palsied As a wasted cripple's knee ! Suppliant-like for alms depending On a false and foreign court, Jostled by the flouting nobles, Half their pity, half their sport. Forced to hold a place in pageant, Like a royal prize of war, i68 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES Walking with dejected features Close beliind his victor's car, Styled an equal — deemed a servant — Fed with hopes of future gain — Worse by far is fancied freedom Than the captive's clanking chain ! Could I cliange this gilded bondage Even for the dusky tower, Whence King James beheld his lady Sitting in the castle bower ; Birds around her sweetly singing, Fluttering on the kindling spray, And the comely garden glowing In the liglit of rosy May. Love descended to the window — Love removed the bolt and bar — Love was warder to the lovers From the dawn to even-star. Wherefore, Love, didst thou betray me ? Where is now the tender glance ? Where the meaning looks once laAdshed By the dark-eyed Maid of France ? Where the words of hope she w^hispered, "W^ien around my neck she threw That same scarf of broidered tissue, Bade me wear it and be true — Bade me send it as a token When my banner waved once more On the castled Keep of London, Where my fathers' waved before ? CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 169 And I went and did not conquer — But I brought it back again — Brought it back from storm and battle — Brought it back without a stain ; And once more I knelt before her, And I laid it at her feet, Saying, " Wilt thou own it, Princess ? There at least is no defeat ! " Scornfully she looked upon me With a measured eye and cold — Scornfully she viewed the token, Though her fingers wrought the gold ; And she answered, faintly Hushing, " Hast thou kept it, then, so long ? Worthy matter for a minstrel To be told in knightly song ! Worthy of a bold ProvenQal, Pacing through the peaceful plain, Singing of his lady's favour. Boasting of her silken chain. Yet scarce worthy of a warrior Sent to wrestle for a crown. Is this all that thou hast l^rought me From thy fields of high renown ? Is this all the trophy carried From the lands where thou liast been ? It was broidered by a Princess, Canst thou give it to a Queen ? " Woman's love is writ in water ! Woman's faith is trace^l in sand ! I70 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES Backwards — backwards let nic wander To the noble northern land : Let me feel the breezes blowing Fresh along the mountain-side ; Let me sec the purple lioather, Let rae hear the thundering tide, Be it hoarse as Corrievreckan Spouting when the storm is high — Give me but one hour of Scotland — Let me see it ere I die ! Oh, my heart is sick and heavy — Southern gales are not for me ; Though the glens are white with winter, Place me there, and set me free ; Give me back my trusty comrades — Give me back my Highland maid — Nowhere beats the heart so kindly As beneath the tartan plaid ! Flora ! when thou wert Ijeside me. In the wilds of far Kintail — When the cavern gave us shelter From the blinding sleet and hail — When we lurked within the thicket, And, beneath the waidng moon. Saw the sentry's bayonet glimmer, Heard him chant his listless tune — When the howling storm o'ertook us. Drifting down the island's lee, And our crazy bark was whirling Like a nutshell on the sea — CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 171 When the nights were dark and dreary, And amidst the fern we lay, Faint and foodless, sore with travel, Waiting for the streaks of day ; When thou wert an angel to me, Watching my exhausted sleep — Never didst thou hear me murmur— Couldst thou see how now I weep ! Bitter tears and sobs of anguish, Unavailing though they be : Oh, the brave — the brave and noble — That have died in vain for me ! NOTES TO "CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES" Could I change this gilded bondage Even for the dusAy tower Wlience King James beheld his lady Sitting in the castle boicer. — p. 168. James I. of Scotland, one of the most accomplished kings that ever sate upon a throne, is the person here indicated. His history is a very strange and romantic one. He was son of Robert III., and immediate younger brother of that unhappy Duke of Rothesay who was murdered at Falkland. His father, apprehensive of the designs and treachery of Albany, had determined to remove him, when a mere boy, for a season from Scotland ; and as France was then con- sidered the best school for tlie education of one so important from his high position, it was resolved to send him thither, under the care of the Earl of Orkney, and Fleming of Cumbernauld. He accordingly embarked at Xorth Berwick, with little escort — as there was a truce for the time between England and Scotland ; and they were under no apprehension of meeting with any vessels, save those of the former nation. Xotwithstanding this, the ship which carried the Prince was captured by an armed merchantman, and carried to London, where Henry IV., CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 173 the usurping Bolingbroke, utterly regardless of treaties, committed him and his attendants to the Tower. "In vain," says Mv. Tytler, "did the guardians of the young Prince remonstrate against this cruelty, or present to Henry a letter from the King his father, which, with much simplicity, recommended him to the kindness of the English monarch, should he find it necessary to land in his dominions. In vain did they represent that the mission to France was perfectly pacific, and its only object the education of the prince at the French court. Henry merely answered by a poor witticism, declaring that he himself knew the French language indifferently well, and that his father covdd not have sent him to a better master. So flagrant a breach of the law of nations, as the seizure and imprisonment of the heir-apparent, during the time of truce, would have called for the most violent remonstrances from any government, except that of Albany. But to this usurper of the supreme power, the capture of the Prince was the most grateful event which could have happened ; and to detain him in captivity became, from this moment, one of the principal objects of his future life ; we are not to wonder, then, that the conduct of Henry not only drew forth no indignation from the governor, but was not even followed by any request that the prince should be set at liberty. " The aged King, already worn out by infirmity, and now broken by disappointment and sorrow, did not long survive the captivity of his son. It is said the melancholy news were brought him as he Avas sitting down to supper in his palace of Rothesay in liute, and that the eilect was such upon his aff"ectionate but feeble spirit, that he drooped from that day forward, refused all sustenance, and died soon after of a broken heart." 174 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES James was finally incarcerated in Windsor Castle, where he endured an imprisonment of nineteen years. Henry, though he had not hesitated to commit a heinous breach of faith, was not so cruel as to neglect the education of his captive. The young King was supplied with the best masters ; and gradually became an adept in all the ac- complishments of the ago. He is a singular exception from the rule which maintains that monarchs are indifferent authors. As a poet, he is entitled to a very high rank indeed, being, I think, in point of sweetness and melody of verse, not much inferior to Chaucer, From the window of his chamber in the Tower, he had often seen a young lady, of great beauty and grace, walking in the garden ; and the admiration which at once possessed him soon ripened into love. This was Lady Jane Beaufort, daughter of the Earl of Somerset and niece of Henry IV., and who afterwards became his queen. How he loved and how he wooed her is told in his own beautiful poem of " The King's Quhair," of which the following are a few stanzas : — " Now there was made, fast by the towris wall, A garden fair ; and in the corners set An arbour green, with wandis long and small Railed about, and so with trees set Was all the place, and hawthorn hedges knet, That lyf was none walking there forbye, That might within scarce any wight espy, " So thick the boughis and the leavis greene Beshaded all the alleys that there were, And mids of every arbour might be seen The sharpe, greene, sweete juniper. Growing so fair, with branches here and there. That, as it seemed to a lyf without. The boughis spread the arbour all about. CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES 175 "And on the smalle greeue twistis sat The little sweet nightingale, and sung So loud and clear the hymnis consecrat Of lovis use, now soft, now loud among, That all the gardens and the wallis rung Right of their song. "And therewith cast I down mine eyes again, Where as I saw, walking under the tower, Full secretly, now conien here to plain. The fairest or the freshest younge flower That e'er I saw, methought, before that hour : For which sudden abate, anon astart The Ijlood of all my body to my heart. " And though I stood abasit for a lite. No wonder was ; for why ? my wittis all Were so o'ercome with pleasance and delight — Only through letting of my eyen fall — That suddenly my heart became her thrall For ever of free will, for of menace There was no token in her sweete face." Wherefore, Love, didst thou betray me ? JVJiere is now the tender glance ? Where the raeaning loohs once lavished By the dark-eyed Maid of France ? — p. 168. There appears to be no doubt that Prince Charles was deeply attached to one of the princesses of the royal family of Franco. In the interesting collection called " Jacobite Memoirs," compiled by Mr. Chambers from the voluminous MSS. of Bishop Forbes, we find the following passage from the narrative of Donald Macleod, who acted as a guide to the wanderer whilst traversing the Hebrides: — "When Donald was a.^ked, if ever the Prince used to give any 176 CHARLES EDWARD AT VERSAILLES particular toast, -wliou they were taking a cup of cold water, or the like ; he said that the Prince very often drank to the Black Eye — by which, said Donald, he meant the second daughter of France, and I never heard him name any particular liealth but that alone. When he spoke of that lady — which he did frequently — he appeared to be more than ordinarily well pleased." THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER The "gentle Locheill" may be considered as the pattern of a Highland Chief. Others who headed the insurrection may have been actuated by motives of personal ambition, and by a desire for aggrandisement ; but no such charge can be made against the generous and devoted Cameron. He was, as we have already seen, the first who attempted to dissuade the Prince from embarking in an enterprise which he conscien- tiously believed to be desperate ; but, having failed in doing so, he nobly stood firm to the cause which his conscience vindicated as just, and cheerfully imperilled his life, and sacrificed his fortune, at the bidding of his master. There was no one, even among those who espoused the other side, in Scotland, who did not commiserate the misfortunes of this truly excellent man, whose humanity was not less conspicuous than his valour throughout the civil war, and who died in exile of a broken heart. Perhaps the best type of the Lowland Cavalier of that period, may be found in the person of Alexander Forbes, Lord Pitsligo, a nobleman whose conscientious M 178 THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER views impelled him to take a different side from that adopted by the greater part of his house and name. Lord Forbes, the head of this very ancient and honourable family, was one of the first Scottish noblemen who declared for King William. Lord Pitsligo, on the contrary, having been educated abroad, and early introduced to the circle at Saint Germains, conceived a deep personal attachment to the members of the exiled line. He was anything but an enthusiast, as his philosophical and religious writings, well worthy of a perusal, will show. He was the intimate friend of r^n^lon, and throughout his whole life was remark- able rather for his piety and virtue, than for keenness in political dispute. After his return from France, Lord Pitsligo took his seat in the Scottish Parliament, and his parliamentary career has thus been characterised by a former writer.* "Here it is no discredit either to his head or heart to say, that, obliged to become a member of one of the contending factions of the time, he adopted that which had for its object the independence of Scotland, and restoration of the ancient race of monarchs. The advantages which were in future to arise from the great measure of a national union were so hidden by the mist of prejudice, that it cannot be wondered at if Lord Pitsligo, like many a high-spirited man, saw * See Blackwood's Magazine for May 1829. — Article " Lord Pitsligo." THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER 179 nothing but disgrace in a measure forced on by such corrupt means, and calling in its commencement for such mortifying national sacrifices. The English nation, indeed, with a narrow, yet not unnatural, view of their own interest, took such pains to encumber and restrict the Scottish commercial privileges that it was not till the best part of a century after the event that the inestimable fruits of the treaty began to be felt and known. This distant period Lord Pitsligo could not foresee. He beheld his countrymen, like the Israelites of yore, led into the desert ; but his merely human eye could not foresee that, after the extinction of a whole race — after a longer pilgrimage than that of the followers of Moses — the Scottish people should at length arrive at that promised land, of which the favourers of the Union held forth so gay a prospect. "Looking upon the Act of Settlement of the Crown, and the Act of Abjuration, as unlawful, Lord Pitsligo retired to his house in the country, and threw up attendance on Parliament. Upon the death of Queen Anne he joined himself in arms with a general insurrection of the Highlanders and Jacobites, headed by his friend and relative the Earl of Mar. "Mar, a versatile statesman and an able intriguer, had consulted his ambition rather than his talents when he assumed the connnand of such an enterprise. He sunk beneath the far superior genius of the Duke i8o THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER of Argyle ; and after tlic undecisive battle of Sheriff- muir, the confederacy which he had formed, but was unable to direct, dissolved like a snow-ball, and the nobles concerned in it were fain to fly abroad. This exile was Lord Pitsligo's fate for five or six years. Part of the time he spent at the Court, if it can be called so, of the old Chevalier de Saint George, where existed all the petty feuds, chicanery, and crooked intrigues which subsist in a real scene of the same character, although the objects of the ambition which prompts such arts had no existence. Men seemed to play at being courtiers in that illusory court, as children play at being soldiers." It would appear that Lord Pitsligo was not attainted for his share in Mar's rebellion. He returned to Scotland in 1720, and resided at his castle in Aberdeenshire, not mingling in public affairs, but gaining, through his charity, kindness, and benevolence, the respect and affection of all around him. He was sixty-seven years of age when Charles Edward landed in Scotland. The district in which the estates of Lord Pitsligo lay was essentially Jacobite, and the young cavaliers only waited for a fitting leader to take up arms in the cause. According to Mr. Home, his example was decisive of the movement of his neighbours : " So when he who was so wise and prudent declared his purpose of joining Charles, most of the gentlemen in that part of the country who favoured the Pretender's cause, put themselves under his command, thinking THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER i8i they could not follow a better or safer guide than Lord Pitsligo." His Lordship's own account of the motives which urged him on is peculiar : — " I was grown a little old, and the fear of ridicule stuck to me pretty much. I have mentioned the weightier considerations of a family, which would make the censure still the greater, and set the more tongues agoing. But we are pushed on, I know not how, — I thought — I weighed — and I weighed again. If there was any enthusiasm in it, it was of the coldest kind ; and there was as little remorse when the affair miscarried, as there was eagerness at the beginning." The writer whom I have already quoted goes on to say — " To those friends who recalled his misfortunes of 1715, he replied gaily, 'Did you ever know me absent at the second day of a wedding?' meaning, I suppose, that having once contracted an engagement, he did not feel entitled to quit it while the contest subsisted. Being invited by the gentlemen of the district to put himself at their head, and having surmounted his own desires, he had made a farewell visit at a neighbour's house, where a little boy, a child of the family, brought out a stool to assist the old nobleman in remounting his horse. ' My little fellow,' said Lord Pitsligo, ' this is the severest rebuke I have yet received, for presuming to go on such an expedition.' "The die was however cast, and Lord Pitsligo iS2 THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER went to meet liis friends at the rendezvous they had appointed in Aberdeen. They formed a body of well-armed cavalry, gentlemen and their servants, to the number of a hundred men. When they were drawn up in readiness to commence the expe- dition, the venerable nobleman, their leader, moved to their front, lifted his hat, and, looking up to heaven, pronounced, with a solemn voice, the awful appeal, — ' Lord, thou knowest that our cause is just ! ' then added the signal for departure — ' ]\Iarch, gentlemen ! ' "Lord Pitsligo, with his followers, found Charles at Edinburgh, on 8th October 1745, a few days after the Highlanders' \'ictory at Preston. Their arrival w^as hailed with enthusiasm, not only on account of the timely reinforcement, but more especially from the high character of their leader. Hamilton of Bangour, in an animated and eloquent eulogium upon Pitsligo, states that nothing could have fallen out more fortunately for the Prince than his joining them did — for it seemed as if religion, virtue, and justice were entering his camp, under the appearance of this venerable old man ; and what would have given sanction to a cause of the most dubious right, could not fail to render sacred the very best." Although so far advanced in years, he remained in arms during the whole campaign, and was treated with almost filial tenderness by the Prince. After THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER 183 Culloden, he became, like many more, a fugitive and an outlaw, but succeeded, like the Baron of Bradwardine, in finding a shelter upon the skirts of his own estate. Disguised as a mendicant, his secret was faithfully kept by the tenantry ; and although it was more than surmised by the soldiers that he was lurking somewhere in the neighbourhood, they never were able to detect him. On one occasion he actually guided a party to a cave on the sea-shore, amidst the rough rocks of Buchan, where it was rumoured that he was lying in concealment ; and on another, when overtaken by his asthma, and utterly unable to escape from an approaching patrol of soldiers, he sat down by the wayside, and acted his assumed character so well, that a good-natured fellow not only gave him alms, but condoled with him on the violence of his complaint. For ten years he remained concealed, but in the mean time both title and estate were forfeited by attainder. His last escape was so very remarkable, that I may be pardoned for giving it in the language of the author of his memoirs. "In March 1756, and of course long after all apprehension of a search had ceased, information having been given to the commanding officer at Fraserburgh, that Lord Pitsligo was at that moment at the house of Auchiries, it was acted upon with so much promptness and secrecy that the search must have proved successful but for a very singular 1 8+ THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER occurrence. Mrs. Sophia Donaldson, a lady who lived much with the family, repeatedly dreamt, on that par- ticular night, that the house was surrounded by soldiers. Her mind became so haunted with the idea, that she got out of bed, and was walking through the room, in hopes of giving a different current to her thoughts before she lay down again ; when, day beginning to dawn, she accidentally looked out at the window as she passed it in traversing the room, and was astonished at actually observing the figures of soldiers among some trees near the house. So completely had all idea of a search been by that time laid asleep, that she supposed they had come to steal poultry — Jaco- bite poultry-yards affording a safe object of pillage for the English soldiers in those days. Mrs. Sophia was proceeding to rouse the servants, when her sister, having awaked, and inquiring what was the matter, and being told of soldiers near the house, exclaimed in great alarm, that she feared they wanted something more than hens. She begged Mrs. Sophia to look out at a window on the other side of the house, when not only were soldiers seen in that direction, but also an officer giving instructions by signal, and frequently putting his fingers to his lips, as if enjoining silence. There was now no time to be lost in rousing the family, and all the haste tliat could be made was scarcely sufficient to hurry the venerable man from his bed into a small recess, behind the wainscot of an THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER 185 adjoining room, which was concealed by a bed, in which a lady, Miss Gordon of Towie, who was there on a visit, lay, before the soldiers obtained admission. A most minute search took place. The room in which Lord Pitsligo was concealed did not escape. Miss Gordon's bed was carefully examined, and she was obliged to suffer the rude scrutiny of one of the party, by feeling her chin, to ascertain that it was not a man in a lady's night-dress. Before the soldiers had finished their examination in this room, the confine- ment and anxiety increased Lord Pitsligo's asthma so much, and his breathing became so loud, that it cost Miss Gordon, lying in bed, much and violent cough- ing, which she counterfeited, in order to prevent the high breathings behind the wainscot from being heard. It may be easily conceived what agony she would suffer, lest, by overdoing her part, she should increase suspicion, and in fact lead to a discovery. The ruse was fortunately successful. On the search through the house being given over, Lord Pitsligo was hastily taken from his confined situation, and again replaced in bed ; and, as soon as he was able to speak, his accustomed kindness of heart made him say to his servant — 'James, go and see that these poor fellows get some breakfast and a drink of warm ale, for this is a cold morning; they are only dohig their duty, and cannot bear me any ill-will.' When the family were felicitating each other on his escape, he pleasantly 1 86 THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER observed — ' A poor prize, had they obtained it — an old dying man ! ' " This was the last attempt made on the part of government to seize on the persons of any of the sur- vi\'ing insurgents. Three years before, Dr. Archibald Cameron, a brother of Locheill, having clandestinely revisited Scotland, was arrested, tried, and executed for high treason at Tyburn. The government was gene- rally blamed for this act of severity, which was con- sidered rather to have been dictated by revenge than required for the public safety. It is, however, pro- bable that they might have had secret information of certain negotiations which were still conducted in the Highlands by the agents of the Stuart family, and that they considered it necessary, by one terrible example, to overawe the insurrectionary spirit. This I believe to have been the real motive of an execution which otherwise could not have been palliated : and, in the case of Lord Pitsligo, it is quite possible that the zeal of a partisan may have led him to take a step which would not have been approved of by the ministry. After the lapse of so many years, and after so many scenes of judicial bloodshed, the nation would have turned in disgust from the spectacle of an old man, whose private life was not only blameless, but exem- plary, dragged to the scaffold, and forced to lay down his head in expiation of a doubtful crime : and this view derives corroboration from the fact that, shortly afterwards, Lord Pitsligo was tacitly permitted to THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER 187 return to the society of his friends, without further notice or persecution. Dr. King, the Principal of St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, has borne the following testimony to the character of Lord Pitsligo. " Whoever is so happy, either from his natural disposition, or his good judgment, con- stantly to observe St. Paul's precept, ' to speak evil of no one ' will certainly acquire the love and esteem of the whole community of which he is a member. But such a man is the rara avis in tcrris ; and, among all my acquaintance, I have known only one person to whom I can with truth assign this character. The person I mean is the present Lord Pitsligo of Scot- land. I not only never heard this gentleman speak an ill word of any man living, but I always observed him ready to defend any other person who was ill spoken of in his company. If the person accused were of his acquaintance, my Lord Pitsligo would always find something good to say of him as a coun- terpoise. If he were a stranger, and quite unknown to him, my lord would urge in his defence the general corruption of manners, and the frailties and infirmities of human nature. " It is no wonder that such an excellent man, who, besides, is a polite scholar, and has many other great and good qualities, should be universally admired and beloved — iusonmcli, that I persuade myself lie has not one enemy in the world. At least, to this general esteem and affection for his person, his preservation i88 THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER must be owing ; for since his attainder he has never removed far from liis own house, protected by men of different principles, and unsought for and unmolested by government." To which eulogy it might be added, by those who have the good fortune to know his representatives, that the virtues here acknowledged seem hereditary in the family of Pitsligo. The venerable old nobleman was permitted to re- main without molestation at the residence of his son, during the latter years of an existence protracted to the extreme verge of human life. And so, says the author of his memoirs, " In this happy frame of mind, — calm and full of hope, — the saintly man con- tinued to the last, with his reason unclouded, able to study his favourite volume, enjoying the comforts of friendship, and delighting in the consolations of religion, till he gently 'fell asleep in Jesus.' He died on the 21st of December, 1762, in the eighty-fifth year of his age ; and to his sur\dving friends the recollection of the misfortunes which had accompanied him through his long life was painfully awakened even in the closing scene of his mortal career — as his son had the mortification to be indebted to a stranger, now the proprietor of his ancient in- heritance by purchase from the crown, for permission to lay Ids father's honoured remains in the vault which contained the ashes of his family for many senerations." THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER 189 Such a character as this is well worthy of remem- brance; and Lord Pitshgo has just title to be called the last of the old Scottish Cavaliers, I trust that, in adapting the words of the following little ballad to a well-known English air, I have committed no un- pardonable larceny. THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER Come listen to another song, Should make your heart beat high, Bring crimson to your forehead, And the lustre to your eye ; — It is a song of olden time. Of days long since gone by, And of a Baron stout and bold As e'er wore sword on thigh ! Like a brave old Scottish cavalier. All of the olden time ! n. He kept his castle in the north, Hard by the thundering Spey ; And a thousand vassals dwelt around All of his kindred they. And not a man of all that clan Had ever ceased to pray THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER For the Eoyal race they loved so well. Though exiled far away From the steadfast Scottish cavaliers, All of the olden time ! III. His father drew the righteous sword For Scotland and her claims, Among the loyal gentlemen And chiefs of ancient names Who swore to fight or fall beneath The standard of King James, And died at Killiecrankie pass With the glory of the Graemes ; Like a true old Scottish cavalier, All of the olden time ! IV. He never owned the foreign rule, No master he obeyed. But kept his clan in peace at home, From foray and from raid ; And when they asked him for his oath, He touched his glittering blade, And pointed to his bonnet blue. That bore the white cockade : Like a leal old Scottish cavalier, All of the olden time ! 192 THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER At length the news ran through the kind — The Ppjnce had come again ! That night the fiery cross was sped O'er mountain and through glen ; And our old Baron rose in might, Like a lion from his den, And rode away across the hills To Charlie and his men. With the valiant Scottish cavaliers, All of the olden time ! VI. He was the first that bent the knee When THE Standard waved abroad, He was the first that charged the foe On Preston's bloody sod ; And ever, in the van of fight. The foremost still he trod. Until, on bleak Culloden's heath, He gave his soul to God, Like a good old Scottish cavalier, All of the olden time ! VII. Oh ! never shall we know again A heart so stout and true — The olden times have passed away, And weary are the new : THE OLD SCOTTISH CAVALIER 193 The fair White IJose has faded Proin the garden where it grew, And no fond tears save those of heaven The glorious bed bedew Of the last old Scottish cavalier, All of the olden time ! MISCELLANEOUS POEMS BLIND OLD MILTON Place me once more, my daughter, where the sun May shine upon my old and time-worn head, For the last time, perchance. My race is run ; And soon amidst the ever-silent dead I must repose, it may be, half forgot. Yes ! I have hrol^e the hard and Ijitter bread For many a year, witli those who tremliled not To buckle on their armour for the light. And set themselves against the tyrant's lot ; And I have never bowed me to his might. Nor knelt before him— for I bear within My heart the sternest consciousness of right, And that perpetual hate of gilded sin Which made me what I am ; and though the stain Of poverty be on me, yet I win More honour by it, tlian the l)linded train Who hug their willing servitude, and liow Unto the weakest and the most profane. Therefore, with unencumbered soul I go ]>eforc the footstool of my Maker, where f hope to stand as undebased as now ! 198 BLIND OLD MILTON Child ! is tho sun abroad ? I feel my hair Borne up and wafted by the gentle wind, I feel the odours that perfume the air, And hear the rustling of the leaves behind. Within my heart I picture them, and then I almost can forget that I am blind, And old, and hated by my fellow-men. Yet would I fain once more behold the grace Of nature ere I die, and gaze again Upon her living and rejoicing face — Fain would I see thy countenance, my child, My comforter ! I feel thy dear embrace — I hear thy voice, so musical, and mild. The patient, sole interpreter, by whom So many years of sadness are beguiled ; For it hath made my small and scanty room Peopled with glowing visions of the past. But I will calmly bend me to my doom, And wait the hour which is approaching fast. When triple light shall stream upon mine eyes. And heaven itself be opened up at last To him who dared foretell its mysteries. I have had visions in this drear eclipse Of outward consciousness, and clomb the skies, Striving to utter with my earthly lips What the diviner soul had half divined, Even as the Saint in his Apocalypse Who saw the inmost glory, where enshrined Sat He who fashioned glory. This hath driven BLIND OLD MILTON 199 All outward strife and tumult from my mind, And humbled me, until I have forgiven My bitter enemies, and only seek To find the straight and narrow path to heaven. Yet I am weak — oh ! how entirely weak, For one who may not love nor suffer more ! Sometimes unbidden tears will wet my cheek, And my heart bound as keenly as of yore, Eesponsive to a voice, now hushed to rest, Which made the beautiful Italian shore. In all its pomp of summer vineyards drest, An Eden and a Paradise to me. Do the sweet breezes from the balmy west Still murmur through thy groves, Parthenope, In search of odours from the orange bowers ? Still on thy slopes of verdure does the bee Cull her rare honey from the virgin flowers ? And Philomel her plaintive chaunt prolong 'Neath skies more calm and more serene than ours, Making the summer one perpetual song ? Art thou the same as when in manhood's pride I walked in joy thy grassy meads among. With that fair youthful vision by my side, In whose bright eyes I looked — and not in vain ? my adored angel ! my bride ! Despite of years, and woe, and want, and pain. My soul yearns back towards thee, and I seem To wander with thee, hand in hand, again, )o BLIND OLD MILTON By the bright margin of that flowing stream. I hear again thy voice, more silver-sweet Than fancied music floating in a dream, Possess my being ; from afar I greet The waving of thy garments in the glade, And the light rustling of thy fairy feet — What time as one half eager, half afraid, Love's burning secret faltered on my tongue, And tremulous looks and broken words betrayed The secret of the heart from whence they sprung. Ah me ! the earth that rendered thee to heaven Gave up an angel beautiful and young, Spotless and pure as snow v/hen freshly driven : A bright Aurora for the starry sphere Where all is love, and even life forgiven. Bride of immortal beauty — ever dear ! Dost thou await me in thy blest abode ? While I, Tithonus-like, must linger here. And count each step along the rugged road ; A phantom, tottering to a long-made grave, And eager to lay down my weary load ! I, who was fancy's lord, am fancy's slave. Like the low murmurs of the Indian shell Ta'eu from its coral bed beneath the wave. Which, unforgeLful of the ocean's swell. Retains within its mystic urn the hum Heard in the sea -grots where the Nereids dwell — Old thoughts still haunt me — unawares they come BLIND OLD MILTON 201 Between me and my rest, nor can I make Those aged visitors of sorrow dumb. Oh, yet awhile, my feeble soul, awake ! Nor wander back with sullen steps again ; For neither pleasant pastime canst thou take In such a journey, nor endure the pain. The phantoms of the past are dead for thee ; So let them ever uninvoked remain, And be thou calm, till death shall set thee free. Thy flowers of hope expanded long ago, Long since their blossoms withered on the tree : No second spring can come to make them blow, But in the silent winter of the grave They lie with blighted love and buried woe. I did not waste the gifts which nature gave, Nor slothful lay in the Circean bower ; Nor did I yield myself the willing slave Of lust for pride, for riches, or for power. No ! in my heart a nobler spirit dwelt ; I'or constant was my faith in manhood's dower ; Man — made in God's own image — and I felt How of our own accord we courted shame, Until to idols like ourselves we knelt. And so renounced the great and glorious claim Of freedom, our immortal heritage. I saw how bigotry, with spiteful aim, Smote at the searchiug eyesight of the sage. How error stole behind the steps of truth, 202 BLIND OLD MILTON And cast delusion on the sacred page. So, as a champion, even in early youth I waged my battle with a purpose keen ; Nor feared the hand of terror, nor the tooth Of serpent jealousy. And I have been With starry Galileo in his cell, That wise magician with the brow serene, Who fathomed space ; and I have seen him tell The wonders of the planetary sphere, And trace the ramparts of heaven's citadel On the cold flag-stones of his dungeon drear. And I have walked with Hampden and with Vane - Names once so gracious to an English ear — In days that never may return again, ]\Iy voice, though not the loudest, hath been heard Whenever freedom raised her cry of pain, And the faint effort of the humble bard Hath roused up thousands from their lethargy, To speak in words of thunder. What reward Was mine, or theirs ? It matters not ; for I Am but a leaf cast on the whirKng tide, Without a hope or wish, except to die. But truth, asserted once, must still abide. Unquenchable, as are those fiery springs Which day and night gush from the mountain-side, Perpetual meteors girt with lambent wings. Which the wild tempest tosses to and fro. But cannot conquer with the force it brings. BLIND OLD MILTON 203 Yet I, who ever felt another's woe More keenly than my own untold distress ; I, who have battled with the common foe, And broke for years the bread of bitterness ; Who never yet abandoned or betrayed The trust vouchsafed me, nor have ceased to bless, Am left alone to wither in the shade, A weak old man, deserted by his kind — Whom none will comfort in his age, nor aid ! Oh ! let me not repine ! A quiet mind, Conscious and upright, needs no other stay ; Nor can I grieve for what I leave behind. In the rich promise of eternal day. Henceforth to me tlie world is dead and gone. Its thorns unfelt, its roses cast away : And the old pilgrim, weary and alone. Bowed down with travel, at his Master's gate Now sits, his task of life-long labour done, Thankful for rest, although it comes so late, After sore journey through this world of sin. In hope, and prayer, and wistfulness to wait. Until the door shall ope, and let him in. HERMOTIMUS Hermotimus, the hero of this ballad, was a philosopher, or rather a prophet, of Clazomena3, who possessed the faculty, now claimed by tlie animal-magnetists, of effecting a voluntary separation between his soul and body ; for the former could wander to any part of the universe, and even hold intercourse with supernatural beings, whilst the senseless frame remained at home. Hermotimus, however, was not insensible to the risk attendant upon this disunion ; since, before attempting any of these aerial flights, he took the precaution to warn his wife, lest, ere the return of his soul, the body should be rendered an unfit or useless receptacle. This accident, which he so much dreaded, at length occurred ; for the lady, wearied out by a succession of trances, each of longer duration than the preceding, one day committed his body to the flames, and thus effectually put a stop to such unconnubial conduct. He received divine honours at Clazomena;', but must nevertheless remain as a temble example and warning to all husbands who carry their scientific or spiritual pursuits so far as to neglect their duty to their wives. HERMOTIMUS 205 It is somewhat cuiious that Hermotimns is not the only person (putting the disciples of Mesnier and Dupotet altogether out of the question) who has possessed this miraculous power. Another and much later instance is recorded by Dr. George Cheyne, in his work entitled, The English Malady, or a Treatise of Nervous Diseases, as having come under his own observation ; and, as this case is exactly similar to that of the Prophet, it may amuse the reader to see how far an ancient fable may be illustrated, and in part explained, by the records of modern science. Dr. Cheyne's patient was probably cataleptic ; but the worthy physician must be allowed to tell his own story. "Colonel Townshend, a gentleman of honour and integrity, had for many years been afflicted with a nephritic complaint. His illness increasing, and his strength decaying, he came from Bristol to Bath in a litter, in autumn, and lay at the liell Inn. Dr. Baynard and I were called to him, and attended him twice a-day ; but his vomitings continuing still incessant and obstinate against all remedies, we despaired of his recovery. While he was in this condition, he sent for us one morning ; we waited on him witli Mr. Skrino, his apothecary. We found his senses clear, and his mind calm : his nurse and several servants were about him. He told us he had sent for us to give him an account of an odd sensation he had for some time observed and felt 2o6 HERMOTIMUS in himself; which was, that, l)y composing himself, he could die or exjnre ivhen he pleased; and yet by an effort, or somehow, he could come to life again, which he had sometimes tried before he had sent for us. We heard this with surprise ; but, as it was not to be accounted for upon common principles, we could hardly believe the fact as he related it, much less give any account of it ; unless he should please to make the experiment before us, which we were unwilling he should do, lest, in his weak condition, he might carry it too far. He continued to talk very distinctly and sensibly above a quarter of an hour about this surprising sensation, and insisted so much on our seeing the trial made, that we were at last forced to comply. We all three felt his pulse first — it was distinct, though small and thready, and his heart had its usual beating. He composed himself on his back, and lay in a still posture for some time : while I held his right hand, Dr. Baynard laid his hand on his heart, and Mr. Skrine held a clean looking-glass to his mouth. I found his pulse sink gradually, till at last I could not find any by the most exact and nice touch. Dr. Baynard could not feel the least motion in his heart, nor Mr. Skrine the least soil of breath on the bright mirror he held to his mouth; then each of us by turns examined his arm, heart, and breath, but could not, by the nicest scrutiny, discover the least symptom of life in him. We reasoned a long time about this odd appearance as HERMOTIMUS 207 well as we could, and all of us judging it inexplicable and unaccountable ; and, finding he still continued in that condition, we began to conclude that he had indeed carried the experiment too far ; and at last were satisfied he was actually dead, and were just ready to leave him. This continued about half an hour. As we were going away, we observed some motion about the body ; and, upon examination, found his pulse and the motion of his heart gradually returning. He began to breathe gently and speak softly. We were all astonished to the last degree at this unexpected change ; and, after some further conversation with him, and among ourselves, went away fully satisfied as to all the particulars of this fact, but confounded and puzzled, and not able to form any rational scheme that might account for it." HERMOTIMUS I. " Wilt not lay thee down in quiet slumber ? Weary dost thou seem, and ill at rest ; Sleep will bring thee dreams in starry number — Let him come to thee and be thy guest. Midnight now is past — Husband ! come at last — Lay thy throbbing head upon my breast." 11. " Weary am I, but my soul is w^aking ; Fain I 'd lay me gently by thy side, But my spirit then, its home forsaking, Through the realms of space w^ould wander wide- Everything forgot, What would be thy lot, If I came not back to thee, my bride ? III. " Music, like the lute of young Apollo, Vibrates even now within mine ear ; Soft and silver voices bid me follow. Yet my soul is dull and will not hear. HERMO'l'IMUS 209 Waking it will stay : Let me watch till day — Fainter will they come, and diHappear." IV. " Speak not thus to me, my own — my dearest ! These are lint the phantoms of thy brain ; Nothing can befall thee which thou fearest, Thou shalt wake to love and life again. Were this sleep thy last, I should hold thee fast. Thou shouldst strive against me but in vain. V. " Eros will protect us, and will hover, Guardian-like, above thee all the night, Jealous of thee, as of some fond lover Chiding back the rosy-fingered light — He will be thine aid : Canst thou feel afraid When his torch above us burnetii l)right ? VI. " Lo 1 the cressets of the night are waning — Old Orion hastens from the sky ; Only thou of all things art remaining Unrefreshed by slumber — thou and I. Sound and sense are still ; Even the distant rill Muruuu'o fainter now, and languidly. o 2IO HERMOTIMUS VII. " Come and rest lliee, husband ! " — And no longer Could liie young man that fond call resist : Vainly was he warned, for love was stronger — Warmly did he press her to his breast. Warmly met she his : Kiss succeeded kiss, Till tlieir eyelids closed with sleep oppressed, VIII. Soon Aurora left her early pillow, And the heavens grew rosy-rich, and rare ; Laughed the dewy plain and glassy billow, For the Golden God himself was there ; And the vapour-screen Eose the hills between, Steaming up, like incense, in the air. IX. O'er her husband sate lone bending — Marble-like and marble-hued he lay ; Underneath her raven locks descendmg, Paler seemed his face, and ashen gray, And so white his brow — White and cold as snow — " Husband ! Gods ! his soul hath passed avay ! " HERMOTIMUS Raise ye \x\) the pile with gloomy shado/. VOLUMES, ALREADY PUBLISHED: IVANHOE. Sir Walter Scott. JANE EYRE. Charlotte Bronte. THE CAXTONS. Lord Lytton. ERNEST MALTRAVERS. Lord Lytton. LAYS OF THE SCOTTISH CAVALIERS. Aytoun. VANITY FAIR. W.M.Thackeray. THE SCARLET LEITER. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Other volumes zvill be announced^ and will appear at short i/iteryals. 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