5JAE-UNIVERS/A .^lOS-AN f ONNECTIClTr FALSE BLUE LAWS FORGED BY PETERS EDITED BY" J.HAMMOND TRUMBULL 1376 THE TRUE-BLUE LAWS OF CONNECTICUT m NEW HAVEN AND THE FALSE BLUE -LAWS INVENTED BY THE REV. SAMUEL PETERS TO WHICH ARE ADDED SPECIMENS OF THE LAWS AND JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF OTHER COLONIES AND SOME BLUE-LAWS OF ENGLAND IN THE REIGN OF JAMES I. EDITED BY J. HAMMOND TRUMBULL HARTFORD CONN. AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1876 COPYRIGHT BY AMERICAN PUBLISHING Co. 1876. Stack Annex CONTENTS. PREFACE, . . . . . v INTRODUCTION, . . . - . . 9 1. FIRST CONSTITUTION OF CONNECTICUT, 1639, . .51 2. CAPITAL LAWS OF CONNECTICUT, 1642, ... 59 3. THE FIRST CODE OF LAWS, 1650, . . . .61 4. LAWS, ORDERS &c. OF THE CONNECTICUT COURTS, . 142 5. FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT AT NEW HAVEN, . . 161 6. THE NEW HAVEN CODE, 1655,. .... 177 7 LAWS, ORDERS, AND JUDGMENTS, OF NEW HAVEN COURTS, 1639-1660, ..... 275 8. THE " BLUE LAW " FORGERIES OF PETERS, . . 301 9. LAWS AND JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF OTHER COLONIES : NEW YORK, ...... 309 VIRGINIA, ...... 321 MARYLAND, ...... 330 MASSACHUSETTS, ..... 333 10. BLUE LAWS OF ENGLAND, IN THE REIGN OF JAMES I., 347 2012315 PREFACE. The publishers assure me that a new edition of the " Blue Laws " is wanted, and at their request I have undertaken to prepare one. I have regarded this as, in some sort, missionary work. There are regions, in which schools and printing-presses have for years been at work, where Peters's " History of Connecticut " is still read as history. There are hundreds who still believe and thousands who profess to believe that to kiss one's child on the Sabbath-day, to make minced pies, and to play on any instrument of music except the drum, trumpet, and jews'-harp, were made criminal offences by the ancient laws of New Haven. There are honest inquirers, not a few, who write, week after week, to the newspapers, for information about these ' Blue-tLaws,' and to ask where authentic copies of them can be found. It has seemed worth while to bring together, in one volume of convenient size, the truth and the falsehood about the early legislation of Connecticut and New Haven colonies. Those who like to read the famous code which Peters gave to " the inde- pendent dominion of New Haven," may find it here, in unadulter- ated mendacity. They may find also some genuine curiosities of legislation and jurisprudence, taken from the records of Connecticut and other American colonies ; and, for comparison with these, a few specimens of the laws which were in force in England, in the reign of James the First. I have aimed to give this volume some permanent value to VI PREFACE. another class of readers. It comprises accurate copies (in modern- ized orthography) of the first constitutions and the first codes, criminal and civil, of Connecticut and New Haven. In these colonial governments, " deriving their authority from the voluntary association and agreement of the people, we have," said Chief Justice Swift, " the most singular, and the fairest example of the opera- tion of that 'natural principle which impels mankind to unite in society : here the social compact was made and entered into, in the most explicit manner: here is the origin of a government upon natural principles." The Connecticut constitution of 1638-9 is the foundation of the republican institutions of the colony and state. It may claim, on still higher considerations, the attention of students of political science and of general history, as " the first properly American constitution a work in which the framers were permitted to give body and shape, for the first time, to the genuine republican idea, that dwelt as an actuating force, or inmost sense, in all the New England colonies." v J- H. T. HARTFORD, Nov. ist, 1876. INTRODUCTION. " TRUE BLUE WILL NEVER STAIN " says an old prov- erb, and Bailey's Dictionary gives this explanation of it: " As a true blue colour or dye never fades or chan- ges its colour, so a man of fixed principles and resolu- tions, firmly grounded upon the reasonableness and justice of such principles, will not be easily drawn aside to depart from them, or be guilty of any evil or mean action." The epithet True blue had nearly the same meaning as that by which a democrat of the old school is occasionally commended as "dyed in the wool." Blue was the symbol of constancy and fidelity. In Ciiaucer's Court of Love, the " folke that knele in blew They weare the colour, ay and ever shal, In signe they ever were and ever wil be true, Withouten change" Fixed principles were out of fashion after the Res- toration. Nothing could be more unpopular at the court of Charles the Second than constancy in virtue and adherence to convictions of duty. "True blue" became a term of reproach, reserved for puritans and schismatics. It served to point Butler's satire, in the description of Sir Hudibras: " For his religon, it was fit To match his learning and his wit ; 'Twas Presbyterian true blue" To be "blue" was to be "puritanic," precise in the observance of legal and religious obligations, rigid, gloomy, over-strict, in a word, to be in morals and manners the very opposite of a courtier, wit, or gallant of the time. The colonists of New England were, with very few exceptions, " true blue," and their legislation every- where caught a reflection of the color. They accepted the word of God as a sufficient rule of conduct. The freemen of Massachusetts resolved to model their Body of Liberties from the code of Moses ; and the early laws of Connecticut and New Haven were in 10 INTRODUCTION. great part copied from those of Massachusetts. The first planters of New Haven resolved "that, as in matters tha{ concern the gathering and ordering of a church, so like- wise in all public offices which concern civil order, as choice of magistrates and officers, making and repealing of laws, dividing allotments of inheritance, and all things of like nature, we would all of us be ordered by those rules which the scripture holds forth to us." "There is," observes Dr. Palfrey (History of N. England, ii. 27), " no higher, and no other just conception of human law, than was theirs, when they recognized it as an embodi- ment of the will in other words, of the law of God. . . The mistake which had more or less clouded the mind of the Puritan New-Englander was in his regarding the law of Moses as a declaration of the law of God for all times and places. But he did not embrace this error in its full extent." In New Haven, such only of "the judicial laws of God, delivered by Moses," as are " a fence to the moral law, being neither typical nor cere- monial, nor having any reference to Canaan," were made a rule to the courts in their proceedings against offen- ders. * No one of the colonies adopted the whole code of Moses, even in respect to capital offences. A recent editor of the " Blue Laws of Connecticut and New Haven " has commented on the " quaintness, bluntness, particularity, and antiquated excess of penalty, which have gained for them the equivocal epithet by which they have been generally designated for several genera- tions."! Quaint and blunt enough, certainly, some of these laws appear in the light of the nineteenth century. They are often perhaps too particular and precise in their application of " rules of righteousness " to the conduct of individuals. But he who believes that the early legislation of New England was distinguished, in its time, by the severity of its penalties, knows little of the history of criminal law in Great Britain or America. " In determining what kind of men our fathers were, we are to compare their laws, not with ours, but with the laws which they renounced." \ Thirty-one offences were *New Haven Colony Records, I. 130. (1644.) fThe Blue Laws of Connecticut ; edited by Samuel M. Smucker, LL.D. (Philadelphia, 1861), Preface, p. 3. | Dr. BacQn's Historical Discourses, p. 32. INTRODUCTION. 11 punished by death, in England, at the beginning of the reign of James the First. The list grew larger from year to year, until in 1819 it had reached the number of two hundred and twenty-three, of which one hundred and seventy-six were without benefit of clergy. Massachusetts by her first code, in 1641, and Connecticut in 1642,* imposed the penalty of death on twelve offences only. New Haven added two or three to the number of "capi- tal laws," but with such reservations as to leave the exaction of the supreme penalty to the discretion of the courts. In the reform of penal legislation New England was at least a century in advance of the mother country. If any one doubts this, let him look into the State Trials or the old Reports. Two years before the sailing of the Mayflower, " one Wrennum " was prosecuted, in the Star Chamber, on the charge of having " divers times petitioned the King against Sir Francis Bacon, the Lord Chancellor, pretending that the said Lord Bacon had done him great injustice," and moreover, for having dedicated to King James a book in which the Chancellor was "traduced and scandalized." On his conviction, the attorney-general cited a precedent in the same court, in the second year of the same reign, "where one Ford, for an offence in like manner against "the late Chancellor, was censured, that he should be "perpetually imprisoned, and pay a fine of ^1000, and " that he should ride, with his face to the tail, from the <4 Fleet to Westminster, with his fault written upon his " head, and that he should acknowledge his offence in all the courts in Westminster, and that he should stand a reasonable time upon the pillory, and that one of his ears should be cut off, and from thence should be carried to prison again, and in like manner should go to Cheap- side, and should have his other ear cut off, &c." And the Court proceeded to sentence Wrennum "according to the said precedent, "f The case of William Prynne, a learned barrister, is more familiar to American readers. His real offence * Four years Fater, two additional offences were made capital, by both colonies. f Popham's Reports. 12 INTRODUCTION. was in publishing anti-prelatical tracts and opposing the innovations in religious worship introduced by Archbishop Laud. He was prosecuted in 1633, in the Star Chamber, for having written a book '(Histriomas- tix, or a Scourge for Stage-Players") in which he had " railed not only against stage-plays," but, as was alleged, "against hunting, public festivals, Christmas- keeping, bonfires and may-poles," etc. He was sen- tenced to lose both his ears in the pillory, to degradation from the bar, a fine of ^3000, and imprisonment for life. Three years afterwards, he gave new offence to Laud, by publishing a pamphlet against the hierarchy. He was again prosecuted, and was sentenced to lose what remained of his ears, to pay a fine of ^5000, to be branded on both his cheeks with the letters S L (for ' Seditious Libeller '), and to remain in prison for life. The severity of this sentence was equalled by the savage rigor of its execution. With such precedents, is it strange that the colonists of New England chose to frame a new code on the model of the Mosaic, rather than trust themselves to the tender mercies of English law? The law of England which condemned a prisoner who " stood mute " or refused to plead to be slowly pressed to death by weights placed upon his chest (the peine fort et dure), was not repealed till 1772. Several instances of the infliction of this horrible penalty after 1700, are recorded; one, so late as 1741. Until 1790, every woman convicted of counterfeiting gold or silver coin of the realm, was sentenced to Le drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution and there " to be burned with fire till she was dead." This, says Blackstone, * was "the usual punishment for all sorts of treasons committed by those of the female sex." After 1700, the practice became more humane than the law authorized, and usually the offender was strangled before being burned: "there being very few instances, and those accidental or by negligence, of any person's being emboweled or burned,, till previously deprived of sensation by strangling." f By such an accident, a woman was actually burned alive at Tyburn in 1726, * 4 Blackstone's Commentaries, 204. f Ibid, 377. INTRODUCTION. 13 for killing her husband (a crime that English law made " petty treason "). Twenty thousand people gathered to see a woman burned, in 1773.* Another suffered the same penalty in 1777; and another, for making counterfeit shillings, in 1786. In the reign of Henry VIII, poisoners were, by act of parliament, condemned to be boiled to death. This act was repealed in the following reign, but not before several offenders had suffered its penalty. In Germany, even in the i7th century, this horrible punishment was inflicted on coiners and counterfeiters. Taylor, the Water Poet, describes an execution he witnessed in Hamburg, in 1616. The judgment pronounced against a coiner of false money was that he should " be boiled to death in oil; not thrown into the vessel at once, but with a pulley or rope to be hanged under the arm- pits, and then let down into the oil by degrees; first the feet, and next the legs, and so to boil his flesh from his bones alive." When Connecticut and New Haven were' framing their first codes, larceny above the value of twelve pence was a capital crime in England as it had been since the time of Henry I. In some cases the thief might claim "benefit of clergy" for the first offence, but the second was punished by death. From many descriptions of larceny, the law expressly took away the benefit of clergy : to steal a horse, or a hawk, or woollen cloth from the weaver, was a hanging matter. So it was, to kill a deer in the king's forest, or to export sheep from the kingdom. " Outlandish persons calling themselves Egyptians " (i. e. gipsies) who remained more than one month in England, and all persons who consorted with them, were declared felons, without benefit of clergy. Thirteen gipsies were executed, under sentence of court, at one term, in Suffolk, for no greater crime than vagabondage. The brutal severity of the laws against vagrants and idlers, in the sixteenth and seventeenth century almost sur- passes belief. In the reign of Edward the Sixth, it was enacted, that " if any man or woman able to work should refuse to labor, and remain idle for three days, he or she should be branded on the breast with the , letter V, and adjudged the slave, for two years, of any * Elizabeth Herring. See the " Annual Register," 1773, p. 131. 14: INTRODUCTION. one who should inform against such idler:" if the slave ran away, he or she when recaptured was to be branded on the cheek with the letter S, and to become a slave for life; and running away a second time, was to be punished with death. It was not much better in the reign of James the First, when a law which continued in force till the time of Queen Anne pro- vided that any mendicant or vagrant whom a justices' court should adjudge " incorrigible and dangerous, should be branded on the left shoulder with a hot iron of the breadth of a shilling having a Roman R upon it, and if after such judgment they were found begging and wandering, they were to be adjudged felons and to suffer death, without benefit of clergy." Before criticising too sharply the penal codes of New England in the first half of the seventeenth century, it may be well to look at the picture a recent English historian has drawn, of England in the middle of the eighteenth, and at the beginning of the reign of George the Third. " Our criminal law," says Phillimore, " at that time the inexorable scourge of the lower orders, cart- loads of whom were carried off every month to execution administered in that day too frequently by corrupt and ignorant judges, generally, as any one who turns to the reports of the period will see, by narrow-minded and inferior men, was for the cruelty, multitude, and inutility of the punishments it inflicted, no less than for the caprice and brutality with which it was abused by the lower officers of justice, and the bottomless magazine of absurdity in the technical forms, rules, and language to which the lawyers clung with interested tenacity in all probability the worst, for its effects upon the temper and morals of the community, in civilized Europe. .... It is difficult to find, in the history of the most despotic countries in the darkest ages, proofs of more stupid and revolting injustice. . . The reader of the state trials. . . might almost imagine that he is reading the narrative of Gregory of Tours, or the history of some tribe in the infancy of civilization."* The planters of New England were Englishmen, not exempt from English prejudices in favor of English * Phillimore's History of England during the Reign of Geogre III. pp. 47, 48, 50. INTRODUCTION. 15 institutions, laws, and usages. They were Englishmen of the sixteenth century, not social scientists and law- reformers of the nineteenth. They lived half a do^en gen- erations too early for the discovery that sanguinary and excessive punishments multiply offences. They had not been taught to question the wisdom or the humanity of English criminal law. They were as unconscious of its barbarism, as were the parliaments which had enacted or the courts which dispensed it. That some- what of this barbarism appears in their own beginnings of legislation and in their methods of punishment is not to be wondered at. Nor should it seem more strange, that their laws manifest intolerance of dissent in matters of religion. Most of them were born and nurtured in the Church of England, and that church certainly had been at no pains to teach, by precept or example, the excel- lence of toleration. Catholic or Protestant, Calvinistic or Arminian, under Henry the Eighth or Mary the Bloody, Elizabeth or James, the English Church held fast at least one article of faith the obligation of the State to repress heresy, to punish apostacy, to enforce conformity, and to give effect to ecclesiastical censures by penal laws by fines, imprisonment, confiscation, banishment, or death. "All religious communities" says Sir James Mackintosh, with reference to the Church of England after the Reformation, "were at that time alike intolerant; and. there was, perhaps, no man in Europe who dared to think that the State neither possessed, nor could delegate nor could re- cognize as inherent in another body any authority over religious opinions." The Act of Supremacy of 1559 declared the queen to be "supreme governor of the realm .... as well in spiritual and ecclesiastical things or causes, as in temporal;" and the Act of Uniformity, the same year, forbade the use of other forms of prayer than those provided in the Book of Common Prayer, under penalty of loss of goods and chattels for the first offence, a yeaVs imprisonment for the second, and imprisonment for life for the third. James the First, shortly after his accession, made known his determi- nation to " have one doctrine and one discipline, one 16 INTRODUCTION. religion in substance and in ceremony," and he gave his sanction to the canons adopted by the Convocation of 1604, by which excommunication "a precursory judgment of the latter day," as Lord Bacon called it, was added to the other penalties for nonconformity. "To exercise the right of private judgment, so far as to quit the Church of Rome, which had governed Christendom for centuries, was the duty of every Christian ; but to exercise it so far as to differ with the Articles put out not one hundred years before, by a Church that did not pretend to be infallible and teachers that laid no claim to inspiration, was a crime to be punished, in some instances by the stake, in all others by confiscation, by the lash and shears of the hangman, and by the pestilential dungeon, within the walls of which was death."* The colonists of New England call them fanatics, bigots, persecutors, or what you will did no more than repeat, in their new home, a few of the lessons they had been taught in the mother country and by the mother church. They believed it to be the duty of civil magistrates, to maintain the order and discipline of the churches and "the liberty and purity of the gospel." The General Court of Massachusetts took counsel, now and then, with "the neighboring Elders" just as Parliament gave ear to Convocation. The Plymouth pilgrims who had lived in Holland under the ministry of John Robinson had gained some notion of religious liberty and the right of private judgment. So had Thomas Hooker, the father of Connecticut, and some of those who came with him. But in England of the reign of Elizabeth or James under the primacy of Whitgift, Bancroft, or Laud how should a nonconformist learn the meaning of toleration except as he may have heard it denounced as the sin of Gallio? The writ for burning a heretic (de haretico comburendo) on the judgment of an ecclesiastical tribunal, was not abolished in England till late in the reign of Charles the Second. Elizabeth caused two Dutch baptists to be burned at Smithfield, in 1575, and two Socinians, sentenced by the church as "obstinate, contumacious Phillimore's Reign of George III., p. 27. IXTRODUCTIOX. 17 and incorrigible heretics," were sent to the stake in 1612, by James the First. Two Brownists were hung, in 1583, tor circulating a tract in which the queen's supremacy in the church was denied; John Udal, a nonconforming minister, died in prison, under sen- tence of death, in 1593, for having written a book against the bishops; and the same year, for a similar offence, Greenwood and Penry, ministers, and Barrow, a lawyer, suffered death ; several of the Brownists died in prison, and hundreds were driven into exile. As for Puritans " I will make them conform, or I will harry them out of the land, or else do worse," said King James; and, by help of the High Commission and the Star Chamber, he more than kept his word. With what fervid zeal "the sweet peace of the church" was in those days guarded against dissent, we get a notion from a passage in one of the letters of honest and pious James Howell, in 1635: "I rather pitty than hate Turk or Infidell," he wrote, "for they are of the same metall, and bear the same stamp as I do, tho' the inscriptions differ: If I hate any, 'tis those Schismatics that puzzle the sweet peace of our Church ; so that I could be content to see an Anabaptist^ to hell on a Brownist's back." When New Haven adopted her Code, in 1656, the law of England imposed a fine of 100 marks, for speaking in derogation of the Book of Common Prayer, and for the third offence the penalty was imprisonment for life. Baptists were disqualified to make wills or to receive legacies, and were exposed to corporal punishment; to deny the lawfulness of infant baptism, or to affirm that such baptism was void, subjected the offender to imprison- ment ; absence from the parish church, a single Sunday, incurred a fine of one shilling only, but absence for a month together was fined ^20 which was about twenty- fold the penalty attached to the same offence by the laws of Connecticut and New Haven. In the reign of Charles the Second after New Haven was included in the Connecticut charter the Act of Elizabeth for the "suppression of conventicles" was revived, and with increased severity: "recusants" were punished by banishment, and in case of return, by death, and all meetings of five or more nonconformists, under 18 INTRODUCTION. color or pretence of religious worship, were forbidden under the same penalties. In 1670, this law was re- enact'ed, with a further provision which imposed a heavy fine on every person present at any religious exercise not in accordance with the liturgy of the Church of England (Acts of 16 and 22 Charles II.) It would be easy to fill a volume with "blue laws" enacted by the parliaments of Elizabeth, James the First, and Charles the First. The instances that have been given are enough to show whence came whatever is harsh or repulsive in the early laws and judicial proceedings of New England and by what lessons the puritan colo- nists were taught intolerance. To each of the Capital Laws enacted by Massachusetts was appended a reference to the text or texts of scripture that authorize the penalty of death. The other colonies copied these laws and references, without much alteration. Everyone who has anything to say about the " Blue Laws " alludes to this eccentricity of puritan legislation, as showing the judaizing tendency of the religion of New England. To modern eyes, the citation of scriptu- ral authorities, in a penal code, certainly does look odd. The Bible is about the last book to which lawyers or legislatures now-a-days are expected to look for precedents. But Nathaniel Ward, who drafted the Massachusetts Body of Liberties, had been " a student and practiser in the courts of the common law " in Eng- land, before he became a minister, and he may have taken an idea from Coke's Institutes. When commenting on the infernal penalty attached to high treason by the law of England, Coke was careful to point out the scriptural warrant for each revolting particular of the execution. For drawing to the place of punishment, he cites i Kings, 2. 28, the case of Joab ; for hanging, that of Bigthan and Teresh, Esther 2.23; for emboweling, that of Judas, Acts, i. 18; for piercing the body "while he was yet alive," that of Absalom, 2 Sam., 18. 14; for beheading, that of Sheba, 2 Sam., 20. 22; for quartering and hanging up, that of Rechab and Baanah, 2 Sam., 4. n, 12 ; finally, for corruption of blood and forfeiture of estate, David's im- precation against his enemies, in Psalm 109,9 Z 3!* And in the last century, Sir William Blackstone, treating . * 3 Institutes, 211. INTRODUCTION. 19 of those unnatural crimes which are the subject of the 6th and 7th capital laws of the Connecticut code, observes that their punishment is "by the voice of nature and of reason, and the express command of God, determined to be capital," and for this he cites in a note * the same texts (Levit. 20. 13, 15) which were cited by Connecticut and New Haven. So, too, when writing of witchcraft and its penalty, he refers, as the law-makers of New England in the preceding century had referred, to " the express law of God " in " Exodus, 22. 18." Something may be said, here, about this law against witchcraft, which to many readers has seeised more deeply tinged with " blue " than any other in the criminal codes of the puritans. "It was not to be expected of the colonists of New England that they should be first to see through a delusion which befooled the whole civilized world, and the gravest and most knowing persons in it. Men are not omniscient, nor is it common, any more than just, to blame them for not being so." f The colonists of New England in Connecticut and New Haven, as well as in Massachusetts, "like all other Christian people at that time, at least, with extremely rare individ- ual exceptions, believed in the reality of a hideous crime called witchcraft " \ Herein, if in nothing else, they remained in conformity with the Church of England. To go back to the reign of Elizabeth, we find good Bishop Jewel writing, in 1559, to his friend Peter Martyr: " The number of witches and sorceresses has everywhere become enormous." The same year, when preaching before the Queen, he called attention to the fact "that this kind of people, within these last few years are marvellously increased " in England : and humbly peti- tioned, in behalf of her majesty's poor subjects, " that the laws touching such malefactors may be put in due execu- tion." Accordingly, at the next session of parliament a bill was passed declaring enchantment and witchcraft to be felony. In the visitation of parishes, the commission- ers were enjoined to inquire respecting such as used charms, sorcery, witchcraft, " and any like craft, invented by the devil." ' * 4 Commentaries, 216. f Palfrey, History of New England, IV. 127. \ Ibid., 96. Jewel's Works (Parker Society), pt. 2, p. 1028 ; and Strype's Annals, I. i. 88. 20 INTRODUCTION. A good many witches were convicted in Elizabeth's reign. Three were hanged at Warbois in Huntingdon- shire, in 1593, and their property forfeited by con- viction of felony was used to provide for the delivery of an annual sermon on witchcraft, by some Cambridge doctor or bachelor of divinity. This sermon was preached yearly till 1718, and perhaps later. * It seems to have borne some fruits, for zeal against witchcraft was kept burning in that neighborhood, after it had cooled in other parts of England. In 1716, a woman and her daughter, nine year s old, were hanged in Huntingdon for selling their souls to the devil, and raising a storm by pulling off their stockings! The act of 1562 was superseded, in the first year of James the First's reign, by another, more severe, making witchcraft punishable with death, and without benefit of clergy. The king, who had acquired in Scotland a taste for witch-hunting, did not suffer this law to become a dead letter. He was as zealous for the suppression of witch- craft and sorcery as for the enforcement of conformity. He had devised new tortures f to extract confessions from the accused; and he had published a learned and con- vincing treatise on the Doctrine of Devils, which all loyal subjects and aspiring courtiers took care to read and admire. That the witchcraft delusion soon became epidemic throughout England, was a natural conse- quence. Seven or eight years before the sailing of the * Hutchinson's Hist. Essay on Witchcraft, p. 130. \ Before leaving Scotland, James assisted in the execution of several ' warlocks ' and witches. One of them, on his second exam- ination, retracted the confession forced from him by the horrible torture of the iron boot, on his first : "whereupon the King's Majestic, perceiving his stubborn wilfulnesse," suggested a remedy. The finger-nails of the accused " were riven and pulled with an instrument called a turkas fa smith's pincers] : and under every nail there was thrust in two needles even up to the heads." Still refusing to confess, " he was then with all convenient speed, by commandment, conveyed again to the torment of the boots, where he continued a long time, and abode so many blows in them that his legs were crushed and beaten together as small as might be, and the bones and flesh so bruised, that the blood and marrow spouted forth in great abundance, whereby they were made unserviceable for ever." He had little use for them for the confession being somehow obtained, he was condemned, strangled, and burnt. Pitcairn's Criminal Trials, i. 213, and after. INTRODUCTION. 21 Mayflower, twelve persons were condemned at one time, in Lancaster, and as many more the next year. Two were hanged at Lincoln, in 1618. The wonder is that the Puritans did not bring the mania with them to New England at their first coming. It did not appear here till nearly 1650, and then only in sporadic cases. In Great Britain, it prevailed, with occasional intermis- sions, for neary a century. The last execution under the act of James the First was in 1722, when an old woman was burned at the stake, in the north of Scotland, but the law was not repealed till 1735 : and so late as 1759, an old woman, accused of bewitching her neighbor's spinning- wheel, was tried by a self-appointed jury, and stripped 'to her shift to be weighed, in the church, against the parish Bible. Fortunately she ^/weighed it, and was acquitted by the populace. * The delusion was at its height in England at the time when Connecticut was framing her criminal code. Seventeen persons had been convicted of witchcraft in Lancashire in 1634, sixteen were condemned at Yarmouth in 1644, fifteen at Chelmsford (Thomas Hooker's old home) in Essex, in 1645; nearly sixty in Suffolk, and as many in Huntingdonshire, in 1645 and 1646. "During the whole of James's reign, amid the civil wars of his successor, the sway of the Long Parliament, the usurpation of Cromwell, and the reign of Charles II., there was no abatement of the persecution." f The Church manifested as little doubt of the reality of the crime or of the sufficiency of the evidence on which the accused were convicted, as did the courts, the jurors, and the mass of the people of England. The act of 1562 seems to have been passed, as was before mentioned, at the instance of Bishop Jewel. Twelve bishops were in the committee by which the act of James I. which Coke and Bacon assisted to prepare *-was discussed in the House of Lords. Dr. Francis (afterwards Bishop) Hutchinson intimates J that the divines who made the authorized version of the Bible introduced in it "some phrases that favor the vulgar notions" of witchcraft, familiar spirits, etc., at the particular desire of King James, out of " the * Annual Register, 1759, p. 73- f- Mackay's Memoirs of Popular Delusions, ii. 141. \ Hutchinson's Historical Essay on Witchcraft, p. 225. 22 INTRODUCTION. great reverence they had to the King's judgment." The learned and eminent Dr. Henry More (who was a pre- bendary of Gloucester, and_ declined a bishopric) was a firm believer in witchcraft and the power of raising evil spirits. The third book of his "Antidote to Atheism," published after the restoration of Charles the Second, abounds in marvels, some of which are unsurpassed, as, tests of credulity, by any in Mather's Magnalia. Bishop Hall, in his treatise on " The Invisible World," proclaimed his belief in " the assumed shapes of Evil Spirits." Dr. Thomas Fuller, in his " Holy and Profane State," maintains that " there are witches in the present " as in the past, and that some of them "indent downright with the devil." Sir Thomas Brown, who wrote on "Vulgar Errors," did not reckon the belief in witchcraft as one of them. " For my part," he said,* " I have ever believed, and do now know, that there are witches ": and when two women were prosecuted for this crime, in 1664, his testi- mony had no small influence in procuring their conviction. It was on this trial that Sir Matthew Hale, in his charge to the jury, told them, " he did not in the least doubt there were witches ; first, because the Scriptures affirmed it; secondly, because the wisdom of all nations, particu- larly our own, had provided laws against witchcraft, which implied their belief of such a crime." No book published after the restoration of Charles the Second was more influential in reviving the waning belief in witchcraft, none supplied the magistrates at Salem with so many authoritative precedents, on none did the Mathers draw more largely for " wonders of the invisible world," than the " Sadducismus Triumphatus " of the Rev. Joseph Glanvil a fellow of the Royal Society, one of the chaplains of Charles II., rector of the Abbey Church at Bath, and subsequently a prebendary of Worcester. At one of the last witch-trials in England that of Jane Wenham, in Hertfordshire, in 1711, before Sir John Powell (afterwards Chief Justice), two clergy- men of the Church of England were witnesses against the accused, and testified to the efficacy of the Book of Common Prayer, in exorcism of the bewitched; and a third, the Rev. Francis Bragge, displayed great zeal in the prosecution and published " a defence of the pro- * Religio Medici, 30. INTRODUCTION. 23 ceedings, wherein the possibility and reality of Witch- craft are demonstrated," &c. The accused was found guilty, upon the evidence. " Do you mean," asked Judge Powell, "that you find her guilty upon the indictment for conversing with the Devil in the shape of a cat?" "We find her guilty of t/iat" replied the foreman; and the poor creature was sentenced to death : but, on the recommendation of the Judge, she received a pardon. Mr. Bragge averred that she was sustained by the dissenters, and that she had received contributions while in prison from their party. " We are willing to part with her," he added, " and wish the Fanaticks much joy of their new convert:" but he deplored "the proneness of the age to Sadducism and Infidelity." * These instances, which might be multiplied a hun- dredfold, are mentioned, not as proofs that the Church of England was mainly responsible for the witchcraft delusion and the thousands of lives sacrificed to it in Great Britain, but to counteract the impression which a certain class of writers have been at some pains to produce that the delusion was confined chiefly to puritans and dissenters, and was to be regarded as in some sort a result of "schism." The truth is, that it pervaded the whole Christian church. The law-makers and the ministers of New England were under its influences just as and no more than were the law- makers and the ministers of Old England. The learned and excellent divines and staunch churchmen whose names I have mentioned above, were not, in this matter, in advance of their age. " We clergymen," said Bishop Hutchinson, in 1717, "are not thought to have kept our order altogether free from blame in this matter. . . . Yet, in the main, I believe our Church and its clergy have as little to answer for in this respect as any." f As much may be said, and with equal truth, for the churches of New England; and emphatically, for Connecticut. "The infatuation never extended to the less gloomy people of Rhode Island," says the historian of that * Preface to Witchcraft Further Displayed, 1712. \ Hist. Essay concerning Witchcraft : in Dedication. % INTRODUCTION. colony : " the offence appears on the statute book * but no prosecutions were ever had under it. ... More important matters to them than the bedevilment of their neighbors engrossed their whole attention. "f Distracted by faction barely able to maintain the semblance of civil order there was reason enough why Rhode Island should not look beyond her borders for "bedevilment." When New Haven was framing her code of law, the general court at Providence was striving to keep the peace between its members by passing an Act to punish by fine or whipping "any man who should strike another person in the Court" \ "Torn and rent by divisions," it was some compensa- tion for her troubles, that her magistrates whether through lack of disposition or of authority to enforce the laws instituted no prosecutions for witchcraft, and gave themselves or the colony no trouble on account of "familiarity with the devil." Just when or by whom the acts and proceedings of New Haven colony were first stigmatized as Blue Laws, cannot now be ascertained. The presumption, however, is strong that the name had its origin in New York, and that it gained currency in Connecticut, among episcopalian and other dissenters from the established church, between 1720 and 1750. Several causes contributed to bring Connecticut into disfavor with her western neighbors. In the first place, she had defeated every project for the abrogation of her charter and for annexing her to the province of New York under a governor commissioned by the crown. Andros and Dongan had believed that it would be "impossible for the government of New York to subsist without the addition of Connecticut." Fletcher, and Cornbury, and Hunter, all turned long- ing eyes to the little colony on the east. They saw not much promise for the future in the condition of affairs at home. They sneered at the set ways of *In the Laws of 1647: " Witchcraft is forbidden by this present Assembly to be used in this Colonie ; and the Penaltie imposed bv the Atithoiitie that we are subject to [i. e. the law of England] is Felonie of Death. I Jac. 12." R. I. Col. Records^ i. 166. (Arnold's History of Rhode Island, i, 525. \ R. Island Colonial Records, i. 321. INTRODUCTION. 25 puritanism and its intolerance of dissent, but they were not insensible to the advantages New England had gained by maintaining a higher standard of morals and a more general regard for at least the externals of religion. Governor Dongan, when questioned by the Board of Trade, in 1687, as to the "religious persua- sions" of the people of New York, replied: "New York has, first, a chaplain belonging to the Fort, of the Church of England; secondly, a Dutch Calvinist; thirdly, a French Calvinist; fourthly, a Dutch Luth- eran. Here be not many of the Church of England, few Roman Catholics, abundance of Quakers' preachers men, and women especially, singing Quakers, ranting Quakers, Sabbatarians, Anti-sabbatanans, some Ana- baptists, some Independents, some Jews; in short, of all sorts of opinions there are some, and the most part of none at all."* Colonel Heathcote a member of the Provincial Council, and for three years mayor of New York, in a letter to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, written in 1704, says, f that at his first coming to the Province in 1692: "I found it the most rude and heathenish country I ever saw in my whole life, which called themselves Christians, there being not so much as the least marks or footsteps of religion of any sort." Matters had not much improved in 1711, when Lewis Morris, chief-justice of the province, wrote to the same Society: "Nine parts in ten of ours will add no great credit to whatsoever church they are of; nor can it well be expected otherwise: for as New England excepting some families was the scum of the old, so the greatest part of the English in this Province was the scum of the New, who brought as many opinions almost as persons, but neither religion or virtue, and have acquired a very little si nee." J Mr. Muirson, the Society's missionary in 1708, was sad- dened at the hopelessness of Christianizing the Indians of New York, so long as the English "give them such a bad example, and fill their mouths with such objec- tions against our blessed religion : " and the " dissenters, both in this and in the neighboring colony " [Connect- icut], say, " that many of the members of the Church * Doc. History of New York, i. 116. t Humphrey's Historical Account, p. 33. \ Doc. Hist, of N. York, iii. 152. Ibid. 566. 26 INTRODUCTION. of England are irregular in their lives, and therefore they ought not, and will not join it."* That New England and especially that portion of New England which was best known to New York should not be regarded with much favor in such a community as is here described, is not surprising. To the lawless all laws are ' blue,' to the vicious all moral restraints are ' puritanic,' to the men who " are of no religion at all," any profession of religious obligation is hypocrisy or superstition. There were other considerations which, at the period referred to, provoked hostility to Connecticut laws and institutions, and there were special reasons why this hostility was, after a while, particularly directed toward New Haven. In 1701 the year in which Yale College was incor- porated " for upholding and propagating of the Chris- tian protestant religion, by a succession of learned and orthodox men" the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts was organized in England, and immediately began its work for the establishment of the episcopal church in the colonies. In New York and other provinces dependent on the crown, the Society's missionaries found no great hindrance to their work. In Connecticut, they were less cordially welcomed. "They tell our people," wrote the Rev. George Muirson, to the Society, in 1708, "that they will not suffer the house of God to be defiled with idol- atrous worship and superstitious ceremonies. They are so bold that they spare not openly to speak reproachfully and with great contempt of our church." Good Mr. Beach the Society's missionary at New- town complained that this contempt for "the Church" was manifested even by the Indians of Connecticut. When he made an attempt to instruct those who lived about Newtown, "after a short time" (he writes),"! found that I laboured in vain, and they refused to hear anything about religion from me, and, to shew how much they defied the thoughts of the Church of England, they would call me Churchman! Churchman! out of contempt which they had learned from the neighbouring Dissenters." Connecticut had an estab- * Beach's Second Address (Boston, 1751), p. 70. INTRODUCTION. 27 lished church of her own, and was somewhat jealous of its privileges. Col. Heathcote, in a report made to the Society, in 1705, says: " For Connecticut, I am and have been pretty conversant, and always was as much in their good graces as any man : " as to " the best and most probable way of doing good among them there is nothing more certain than that it is the most difficult task the Society have to wade through. . . . They have abundance of odd kinds of Laws to prevent any dissenting from their church," etc. * For such "odd kinds of laws," blue was a convenient epithet; and not for these only, but for whatever else in colo- nial laws and proceedings looked over-strict, or queer, or 'puritanic.' Early in the episcopal controversy in New England, the religion of the "dissenters" was ridiculed as "true blue." John Checkley, of Boston, was prosecu- ted and fined, in 1724, for publishing, under the title of " A Discourse concerning Episcopacy," a virulent attack on the churches of Massachusetts, which the court held to be "a false and scandalous libel." In 1738, the book was reprinted for Checkley, in London, with the addition of his Plea to the court and his sentence; and, on a single page, was given "A Speci- men of a True Dissenting Catechism, upon Right TRUE-BLUE Dissenting Principles," followed by the lines, " They're so perverse and opposite As if they worship'd God for Spite.' " This couplet, taken from Butler's description of the religion of Hudibras (which was " presbyterian true- blue"} shows where Checkley found the epithet. \ His book, it appears, continued to be very " industriously handed about," among the episcopalians in western * Doc. History of New York, iii. 80. \ Rev. Sam. Peters, also, made this couplet serviceable. Describ- ing " the grand meeting-house " in Norwich, Conn., of which " the tp^p'a stands at the east end," he said : " The following couplet was written by a traveller, on the steeple : ' They're so perverse and opposite, As if they built to God in spite." Hist, of Connecticut, p. 140. 28 INTRODUCTION. Connecticut, twenty years after its publication,* and doubtless helped to give the epithet currency. Colonel Caleb Heathcote, before mentioned, who was a member of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and directed its work in New York and the neighboring colonies, lived at Wes-tchester, on the western- border of Connecticut. It was from this quarter, and with his introduction, that the first missionaries of the Society were brought into the Colony. "In those days" (as Mr. Wm. L. Kingsley remarks),! "when all traveling was attended with every kind of difficulty, New Haven which was the nearest town of importance and the one with which the English at New York had most to do was to them practically ' New England.' It was the part of New England about which they knew the most, and that part of it which they pictured to themselves whenever 'New England' was spoken of." Another circum- stance contributed to draw attention to New Haven, as the strong-hold of 'puritanism' and dissent. "A thing which they call a college, wherein a commencement was made some three or four months ago " as Col. Heathcote informed the Society, in November, 1705, J was permanently established at New Haven, in 1716. [Six years after, when the Rev. Timothy Cutler, was won to episcopacy, the fact that he was " President of Yale College in New England, a station of credit and profit," added a laurel to the triumph.] The Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson, a missionary of the Society, formerly a tutor in Yale, felt it necessary to apologize to his employers for sending his son to New Haven : " It is indeed a great mortification to me and to him," wrote Mr. Johnson, "that lam obliged to send him to a dissenting college, or deny him any public education at all, and rather than deny any collegiate education, I confess I do not deny him going to meeting, when he can't help it." || It is a comfort to know that the young man * Rev. Dr. Noah Welles, in Dedication of a Sermon preached at Stamford, April 10, 1763, page iii., note. f In a valuable paper on the "Blue Laws," in The j.Vici- Eng- lander, for April, 1871. \ Doc. History of New York, iii., 80. SHumphreys, Historical Account, 33*. I Hawkins, Hist. Notices of the Missions of the Church of England. INTRODUCTION. 29 was not quite ruined. William Samuel Johnson is not the least among the magnates of Yale. There was another reason and it is perhaps the prin- cipal one for visiting upon New Haven the authorship of all the " odd kinds of laws " which New York found objectionable. In the colony of New Haven, before the union with Connecticut, the privileges of voting and of holding civil office were, by the " fundamental agree- ment," restricted to church-members. This peculiarity of her constitution was enough to give color to the assertion that her legislation was, pre-eminently, blue. That her old record-book contained a code of "blue laws" which were discreditable to puritanism and which testified to the danger of schism became, among certain classes, an assured belief. To this imaginary code wit and malice made large additions, sometimes by pure invention, sometimes by borrowing absurd or arbitrary laws from the records of other colonies. And so the myth grew till the last vestige of truth was lost in fable. The earliest mention of the " New Haven Blue Laws " that I remember to have seen in print, is in a satirical pamphlet published in 1762, entitled: "The Real Advan- tages which Ministers and People may enjoy, especially in the Colonies, by conforming to the Church of England," etc. The anonymous author (probably the Rev. Noah Welles, D. D. of Stamford, a zealous opponent of episco- pacy,) addressing a young friend who had some thoughts of conforming, tells him that " it is a principal advantage of the Church of England, that the religion which is generally practised by her members is perfectly agreeable to polite gentlemen ; whereas no gentleman can belong to other persuasions without meeting with a great deal of uneasiness from their doctrines, but more especially from their discipline " (p. 6) : " You have doubtless often observed, that the dissenters in New England have such a discipline among them as is very shocking to many fine gentlemen, and ladies too. If a gentleman drinks a little freely, or happens to love a pretty girl somewhat too warmly, nothing will content these rigid bigots, but they must stand on the stool of repentance, or in the broad-alley, and make a long whining confession. Now you know that this rigorous discipline is chiefly levelled and contrived to pester and afflict polite gentlemen, to whom women and wine are far from being disagreeable, now and then. Indeed I have heard that some of them begin to be ashamed of their blue laws at New Haven, yet they still retain so many penances, confessions, and 30 INTRODUCTION. satisfactions, as are extremely disagreeable to every fashionable gentleman " (p. 29). From the manner in which this allusion is introduced it is evident that reproach of New Haven for her "blue laws" was already a familiar weapon of religious contro- versy. A few years later in 1767 William Smith, Chief- Justice of New York, had the curiosity to inspect " the first records of the colony of New Haven, vulgarly called the Blue Laws." In the continuation of his History of New York, he gives (p. 93) the result of his examination : " A note ought not to be supressed concerning these records, to correct a voice of misplaced ridicule. Few there are, who speak of the Blue Laws, (a title, of the origin of which the author was igno- rant,) who do not imagine they form a code of rules for future conduct, drawn np by an enthusiastic, precise set of religionists ; and if the inventions of wits, humorists, and buffoons were to be credited, they must consist of many volumes. The author had the curiosity to resort to them, when the Commissaries met at New Haven, for adjusting a partition line between New York and the Massachusetts, in 1767 ; and a parchment-covered book of demi-royal paper was handed to him for the laws asked for, as the only volume in the office passing under this odd title. [It is not likely that there was, at this time, a copy of the printed " Laws for Government," of 1656, in the office at New Haven, or that its contents were known to those who talked of " Blue laws."] It contains the memorials of the first establishment of the colony, which consisted of persons who had wandered beyond the limits of the old charter of the Massachu- setts Bay, and who, as yet unauthorized by the crown to set up any civil government in due form of law, resolved to conduct themselves by the Bible. As a necessary consequence, the judges they chose took up an authority similar to that which every religious man exercises over his own children and domestics. Hence their atten- tion to the morals of the people, in instances with which the civil magistrate can never intermeddle under a regular well-policied institution ; because, to preserve liberty, they are cognizable only by parental authority So far is the common idea of the blue laws being a collection of rules from being true, that they are only records of convictions, consonant, in the judgment of the magistrates, to the word of God, and dictates of reason." Chief-Justice Smith, was educated at Yale College. So was his father, Judge William Smith, who for many years enjoyed the distinction of being one of the two men (Judge James Delancey was the other) in the province of New York who had received a liberal education. The " Blue Law " story probably came to the Chief-Justice by inheritance, and like his fellow citizens of New York, generally, he never questioned its truth, till his visit to New Haven twenty-two years after his graduation. Occasional allusions to the " Blue Laws " are found in INTRODUCTION. 31 newspapers and pamphlets printed before the Revolution, but no specimens of the laws so stigmatised seem to have been published before 1781, when "a sketch of some of them " was given to the world by the REV. SAMUEL PETERS, in "A General History of Connecticut, from its First Settlement under George Fenwick, Esq.," etc. : " By a Gentleman of the Province : " printed in London, " for the Author." Five or six years before this " History " was fabricated, its author was the subject of a one-line sketch in Me Fin- gal', " Our fag-end man, poor Parson Peters," As the sole authority for the only " New Haven Blue Laws" that are now popularly known by the name, he and his book are entitled here to a larger notice. The late Professor J. L. Kingsley, in the notes to his Historical Discourse at New Haven (1838), was at the pains of pointing out '' a few of the errors " as he chari- tably named them of "the work which, more than any other, has given currency to various misrepresentations respecting the New Haven colony: " and in this connec- tion, he quoted a remark made by the the Rev. Dr. Trumbull, the historian, who was a townsman of Peters and had known him from childhood, that, "of all men with whom he had ever been acquainted , Dr. Peters, he had thought, from his first knowledge of him, the least to be depended upon as to any matter of fact; especially in story-telling." The best excuse that can be made for him is, that he was a victim of pseudomania ; -that his abhorrence of truth was in fact a disease, and that he was not morally responsible for its outbreaks. He could not keep even his name clear of falsification. It passes into history with doubtful initials and fictitious titles. He wrote himself, sometimes " Samuel Peters," sometimes "Samuel Andrew (or, Samuel A.) Peters." He append- ed to his name the letters " LL. D." but no one can guess how he came by them. Some books of reference have made him D. D. ; others (including the latest American biographical dictionary) have conferred on him both the doctorates. His life begins with fable in fact, the fable is pre-natal, for he claimed descent from a brother of Hugh Peters, who (if proof of a negative can ever be 32 INTRODUCTION. trusted) had no existence. His autobiography which he was fond of writing is everywhere as untruthful as are his contributions to history. In one place he des- cribes himself as " The Rev. Samuel Peters, an episcopal clergyman, who by his generosity and zeal for the Church of England, and loyalty to the House of Hanover, has rendered himself famous both in New and Old England, and in some degree made an atonement for the fana- ticism and treasons of his uncle Hugh, and of his ancestor on his mother's side, Major-General Thomas Harrison, both hanged at Charing-Cross in the last century." History of Connecticut, 172. In a " History of Jonathan Trumbull, the Rebel Gover- nor," etc., evidently from the pen of Peters, in a London "Political Magazine," for January, 1781, he introduces himself as " the Rev. Mr. Peters, a church clergyman, of an ancient and opulent family in the Colony, and one of those they stiled their Noblesse, being a descendant " etc. ..." and his wife was a descendant of Dr. John Owen." [As a matter of fact, he married the great-grand- daughter of a John Owen who was living in Windsor, Conn., before 1650, the cotemporary and only eight years the junior of Dr. John Owen.] . . . . " Mr Peters had been brought up to the law, and was extremely popular in the country ; but . . . renouncing the inde- pendent faith, he received holy ordination from the Lord Bishop of London." .... ' In proportion to a man's goodness, is he persecuted. Mr. Peters's stile of life in Connecticut was generous and exemplary, and his fortune considerable. It is most likely he would have arrived to the Government of the Colony, had he not forsaken the Republican system of his ancestors, and become an admirer of the English con- stitution and a convert to the Church of England." To descend to prose : Mr. Peters was born in Hebron in 1735, graduated at Yale College in 1757, went to England for episcopal ordination, and returned in 1760, to take charge of the little episcopal church in his native town, where he continued to reside till the beginning of the revolutionary contest. In 1774, his obstinate and aggressive toryism rendered him very obnoxious to his neighbors and finally provoked the resentment of the Sons of Liberty. A party of two or three hundred men paid him a visit, threatened him (so he averred) with tar and feathers, handled him somewhat roughly when they detected him in falsehood, and drew from him a promise that he would not again meddle in public affairs. After a few weeks, he gave new offence, and was again called to account. This time, he was made to subscribe, " with- out equivocation or mental reservation," a pledge to INTRODUCTION. 33 " support the measures taken to obtain redress of our grievances," etc. He was not much hurt, in person or property, but was badly frightened, and apprehensive of worse to come. He fled from Hebron to Boston, breath- ing out threatenings and slaughter against his tormentors. " For my telling the Church people not to take up arms, etc., it being high treason, etc.," he wrote from his place of refuge, to his friend, the Rev. Dr. Auchmuty, of New York, " the Sons of Liberty have destroyed my windows, rent my clothes, even my gown, etc., crying out, down with the Church, the rags of Popery, etc. ; their rebellion is obvious treason is common and robbery is their daily diversion : the Lord deliver us from anarchy." He found his only comfort in the anticipation that, if his plans of vengeance should succeed, Connecticut might be blotted out : " the bounds of New York may directly extend to, Connecticut river, Boston meet them, New Hampshire take the Province of Maine, and Rhode Island be swallowed up as Dathan." In October, 1774, he sailed for England, where he remained until 1805. He obtained a small pension from the crown, and some compensation for the property he professed to have lost in Connecticut: and it was perhaps in the hope of eking out a livelihood, as well as of gratifying his resentment, that he employed his pen in abuse of the colony which gave him birth, and the religion of his fathers. He did not, says Mr. Duykinck, " carry his point of dismem- bering Connecticut, but he punished the natives almost as effectually by writing a book his History of the State. It was published anonymously, but it was as plainly Pe- ters 's as if every page had been subscribed by him, like the extorted declarations."* His work seems to have been in no sense a success. He had presumed too far both on the credulity of Eng- lish readers and on their ill-will to America. With less inveterate aversion to truth, he might have imparted plausibility to fiction; with less exuberance of malice, he might have tickled the Englisli ear with the absurdities and misdeeds of the "rebels," and have passed for a humorist. As it was, the Monthly Review doubtless expressed the general sentiment : " We find it destitute of every claim to the rare quality [of impar- tiality] ; and observe in it so many marks of party spleen and idle * Cyclopaedia of American Literature, i. 191. 34: INTRODUCTION. credulity, that we do not hesitate to pronounce it altogether unworthy of the public attention." " Extravagant and incredible," " ludicrous and apocry- phal," are the epithets by which the historian of Episco- pacy in Connecticut (the Rev. Dr. Beardsley) has characterized the statements of Peters's book. It would have fallen forever into the oblivion it merits, had it not been that its malignant fabrications have supplied so many respectable and reverend authors with facilities for breaking the ninth commandment without incurring personal responsibility. The book was first published in 1781. The next year, it received a new title-page, which described it as a "second edition." Whether this was done to stimulate the sale, or merely to improve a blank space in the title, by the insertion of one more falsehood, is not clear. " Its narrations," says Duykinck, in his notice of the author, "are independent of time, place, and probability. A sober critic would go mad over an attempt to correct its misstatements." What could sober criticism do, for instance, with the account of Bellows Falls, where " the water is consolidated by pressure, by swiftness, between the pinching, sturdy rocks, to such a degree of induration that no iron crow can be forced into it,' and the stream is '* harder than marble " (p. 127), or, with the bridge over the Quinebaug, at Norwich, " under which ships pass with all their sails standing "(p. 139), or with "the in- famous villainy of [the Rev. Thomas] Hooker, who spread death upon the leaves of his Bible and struck Connecticote (a great Sachem) mad with disease " (134), or with the Rev. Mr. Vesey's exorcism of the devils who came to attend an Indian powwaw at Stratford, and the result- ing introduction of episcopacy into Connecticut (215 217), or with the statement, that the people of Massa- chusetts " sent Mr. John Winthrop privately to Hartford, to promote a petition to Charles II. for a charter, as a security against the ambition of New Haven " (74), or with the assertion that Yale College was "originally a school established by the Rev. Thomas Peters at Say- brook" (199), or with the story of the alarming incur- sions of the Windham frogs, or the descriptions of those remarkable quadrupeds ".the whappernocker " and " the cuba," or with the conviction and punishment of an episcopal clergyman in 1750, for breaking the Sabbath by INTRODUCTION. 35 walking too fast from church and combing a lock of his wig on Sunday (p. 305), or, in fine, with any half- dozen consecutive sentences in this wonderful " History." Its lies, like Falstaffs, are " gross as a mountain, open, palpable." Indeed, some of the apologists for Peters have insisted that he never intended his book to he believed. Yet through this slough of mendacity, a Lord Bishop of Oxford (Wilberforce) could wade, to cull specimens of the "Blue Code of Connecticut " which " made it criminal in a mother to kiss her infant on the Sabbath-day," and "which strictly forbids making mince- pies," etc., etc.,* and the Reverend Henry Caswall, "D. D. of Trinity College, Connecticut, Prebendary of Sarum," etc., could repeat in his work on " The American Church and the American Union," (on the authority of this His- tory of Connecticut, "as quoted by the Bishop of Oxford"} the story of " the fundamental principles of the New Haven settlement/' and " the most remarkable of the laws passed by the New Haven dominion", and the Rever- end Isaac Taylor, vicar of Holy Trinity, Twickenham, can transfer to the pages of his " Words and Places " (4th edition, 1873, p. n,) these same blue laws, "mince-pies, trumpet, drum, Je\vs'-harp," and all, as " a curious picture of life in this Puritan Utopia," and can retain through several editions of a popular book a statement which he had, to say the least, good reason to suspect to be untrue that these laws are " given by Hutchinson," and the Reverend J. S. M Anderson, Chaplain to the Queen, etc., etc., in a " History of the Church of England in the Colonies," can quote, and cite as authority (vol ii. pp. 353, 354) this "General History of Connecticut " of 1781. With such teachings is it strange that the average Englishman believes the story of the ' Blue Laws ' as implicitly as he believes the Thirty-nine Articles and with much less mental reservation. Judge Haliburton of Nova Scotia, the author of " Sam Slick " and several other quasi-historical works, in a note to one of them " Rule and Misrule of the English * History of the Prot. Episcopal Church in America (2d edition), p. 76. In a note, Bishop Wilberforce cited as his authority Peters's " History of Connecticut, 1781," and " Capt. Marryat's Diary, Blue Code. A copy of which, through the kindness of the last named gentleman, lies before me." He might have added, that Peters lied before Capt. Marryat. 36 INTRODUCTION. in America " remarked that " the Connecticut Laws, which were framed and executed by people vastly inferior in ability and education to those of Massachusetts, are conspicuous for their harshness as well as their absurdity;" and in proof of this, quotes four of Peters's fabulous New Haven Blue Laws, " No man shall run on the Sabbath," etc : " No one shall read Common Prayer, make mince pies," etc. So lately as 1867, Mr. " M. Me N. Walsh, A. M., LL.B., of the New York Bar," published a handy-book entitled "The Lawyer in the School Room," in which appears Peters's whole code, as veritable laws of New Haven colony. Worse yet : Prof. Schele De Vere, of the University of Virginia, in his recent volume of "Americanisms'* (N. York, 1872, p. 273), endorses the Blue-Law story of Peters, as "confirmed beyond doubt." Connecticut, he says, " is still often mentioned as the Blue State, unquestionably from its being [as, unquestionably, it was not] the original stronghold of the Presbyterians." Prof. De Vere admits that "the authenticity of the famous laws of New Haven .... known as the Blue Laws" has been "often denied, and Dr. Peters's well- known book on the subject has been declared a libel ; " but "-they are confirmed beyond any doubt by" what? "by the reprint of the 'Abstract of Laws of New England " [which were laws proposed for Massachusetts, by John Cotton, but were never in force in that colony or any other,] in Governor Hutchinson's 'Collection of Papers,' London, 1655 [that is, Boston, 1769], where the identical provisions [but not one of those given by Peters which are vulgarly denominated "blue laws"] may be found." When divines, jurists, and learned professors concur in maintaining that fiction is fact, we cannot wonder that so many of the laity are under the "delusion, that they should believe a lie." Every now and then, the well-worn specimens of "New Haven Blue Laws" go the rounds of the newspaper press and certain classes of readers swallow them with as much avidity and confidence as they swallow the quack nostrums advertised in the next column. "Thousands," said Professor Kingsley,"have believed implicitly in the INTRODUCTION. 37 existence of the 'blue laws,' who could scarcely be said to have any other article of faith." With such, disproof avails no more than contradiction. He who is predetermined to believe, will believe. Inshallah! In the bitterness of political strife, between 1800 and the triumph of "Democracy and Toleration" in Con- necticut in 1817, the "Blue Laws" were much talked of by the opponents of "steady habits" and "the standing order." During the war of 1812-1814, the "Blue Lights" story came into being, and supplied another taunt at the federalists. In 1817, a poem was published in New York, entitled: "Blue Lights, or The Convention. In four Cantos. By Jonathan M. Scott, Esq." Of course, the author introduces some allusions to the Blue Laws. He tells how the law- students in Yale College are taught to "Explain old codes, and wisely shew The good effects of statutes Blue, Beneath whose stern control, the swain Might never swear nor drink in vain; Whose rule the nuptial kiss restrains On Sabbath day, in legal chains; And should some youth, in daring brunt, Answer with oath the dire affront, Enrich' d by pettifogging toil, The parish battens on the spoil ; And should the rash offender fail To pay the fine or find his bail, In cloven stick his tongue must rest, 'Till ev'ning shades embrown the west." (p. 31.) In a note, the writer says, that, "as this excellent code of laws has never, we believe, been committed to the press, he has, with infinite pains, obtained a few extracts from it, principally for the benefit of our western brethren ": and proceeds to give "some speci- mens of the wisdom of the New Haven lawgivers" conceived in the spirit of Peters, but without the pretence of writing " history." For example : " I. Whosoever kisseth his wife on the Sabbath day, shall be fined in the sum of three shillings and four pence, or in default thereof shall receive at the post, forty stripes save one." " 4. Whosoever shall be convicted of profane swearing, shall have the oath of which he was convicted, written on his hat, with chalk, for the space of one week ; and for the second offence, shall stand with his tongue in a split stick until the going down of the sun." 38 INTRODUCTION. " 5. All cracking of nuts, eating of apples, and such like unbe- coming amusements, are strictly forbidden, during the time of divine service, as being highly repugnant to ecclesiastical discip- line," etc. Peters's finished " sketch " of the " Blue Laws " will be given in another part of this volume. But the True Blue legislation of Connecticut and New Haven must have precedence of the false; and we begin with i. THE CONNECTICUT CONSTITUTION OF 1638-39, or the " fundamental orders " by which " the inhabitants and residents of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield," became "associated and conjoined to be as one Public State or Commonwealth," not a confederacy of petty sovereignties, but a union under a government of the people's choice, exercising "the supreme power of the commonwealth," and maintaining liberty, under law. It has been justly characterized as "THE FIRST PROPERLY AMERICAN CONSTITUTION a work in which the framers were permitted to give body and shape, for the first time, to the genuine republican idea, that dwelt as an actuating force, or inmost sense, in all the New England colonies." * A sketch of the Rev. Thomas Hooker's sermon preached before the General Court in May, 1638, and an extract from his letter to Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts, giving his views of the nature of civil government and his conviction that " a general council, chosen by all, to transact businesses which concern all " is " most safe for the relief of the whole," are prefixed to the copy of the first Constitution. 2. THE CAPITAL LAWS, ESTABLISHED, 1642. These, as was before stated, are copied, with little alter- ation, from the capital laws of Massachusetts. 3. THE FIRST CONNECTICUT CODE. This code, adopted by the General Court, May, 1650, was compiled, probably, by Roger Ludlow, who, in April, 1646, was desired "to take some pains in drawing forth a Body of Laws for the government of this Com- monwealth, and present them to the next General Court." The work was not completed in May, 1647, and it was then ordered, that when the Body of Laws should be perfected, *Dr. Bushnell's Historical Estimate ("Work and Play," p. 177). INTRODUCTION. 39 as the Court had desired, Mr. Ludlow " should, besides the paying the hire of a man, be further considered for his pains." Nothing more, concerning the progress and completion of the work, appears on the records, until February, 1651, when the Court ordered compensation to the Secretary for "his great pains in drawing out and transcribing the Country Orders, concluded and estab- lished in May last." Colonial Records, i. 138, 154, 216. The code comprises all laws of general concernment enacted by the General Court, and remaining in force in May, 1650, with large additions, most of which were taken from the laws of Massachusetts. 4. ORDERS OF THE CONNECTICUT COURT, 1636-1662. Under this head are comprised some orders which were repealed before the adoption of the code of 1650, and some which were made between 1650 and the re-estab- lishment under the Charter, in 1662 ; with a few judg- ments rendered and sentences pronounced by the General and Particular Courts. The Particular Court, or Court of Magistrates, was constituted (under the xoth Fundamental Order of the Constitution) of the Governor and at least four other magistrates: after February, 1645, of the Governor or Deputy Governor and three other magistrates. Col- onial Records, i. 71, 119. 5. THE FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT OF THE PLANTERS OF NEW HAVEN. This agreement the Constitution of New Haven col- ony was adopted by "all the free planters," June i4th, 1639, and continued in force until the Union of the two colonies in 1665. It differs from the Connecticut constitution, radically, by restricting to church-members the management of public affairs and the right of suffrage. Mr. Hooker maintained that "the foundation of authority is laid, firstly, in the free consent of \\\Q people." Mr. Davenport believed that in "a new plantation, where all, or the most considerable part of the free planters, profess their purpose and desire of securing to themselves and their posterity the pure and peaceable enjoyment of Christ's ordinances," " such planters are bound, in laying the foundations of Church and Civil State, to take order that all the free burgesses be such as are in fellowship of the 40 INTRODUCTION. Church or Churches which are or may be gathered according to Christ," and " that this course will most conduce to the common welfare of all."' " If you call their adoption of this principle fanaticism, it is to be remembered," says Dr. Bacon, " that the same fanaticism runs through the history of England. How long has any man in England been permitted to hold office under the crown, without being a communicant in the Church of England ? " 6. THE NEW HAVEN CODE OF LAWS. 1655. "The laws in this code were passed at various times, and perhaps collected and digested about 1648 or 1649, though revised and in some degree altered in 1655, upon the perusal by Governor Eaton of the " new book of laws in the Massachusetts Colony," and the " small book of laws newly come from England, Avhich is said to be Mr. Cotton's." \ "The laws which, at the Court's desire have been drawn up by the governor," Theophilus Eaton, were " read and seriously weighed by the Court, and by vote concluded, and ordered to be sent to England to be printed," at the October Court, 1655. J In June, 1656, Gov. Eaton "informed the Court that there is sent over now, in Mr. Garret's ship, 500 law books, which Mr. Hopkins hath gotten printed," etc. A copy of this volume of the New Haven Laws, " printed by M. S. for Livewell Chapman," London, 1656, is in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society at Worcester, Mass. Until lately, this copy was regarded as perhaps unique, and in 1834 a transcript of it was made, at the request of the General Assembly of Connecticut, to be preserved in the office of the Secretary of State. Since then, two copies of the original edition * " A Discourse about Civil Government in a New Plantation whose design is Religion," written (as Dr. Bacon has demonstrated) by Davenport, though attributed, by its publisher, to John Cotton. For an exposition of the New Haven constitution, and a defence of the colonists from the stereotyped charges of " fanaticism and bigotry," see Dr. Bacon's admirable Historical Discourses, pp. 25-32. Extracts from the " Discourse about Civil Government" are given in. his Appendix, pp. 289-292. f C. J. Hoadly, in Preface to New Haven Colonial Records, vol. L JNew Haven Records, ii. 154. %Ibid. 186. INTRODUCTION. 41 have been discovered (one of which is somewhat imper- fect), and both are "now in the library of the late Mr. George Brinley, of Hartford. This code was first reprinted (from the manuscript copy in the Secretary's Office) in 1838,' in a volume entitled: "The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, usually called Blue Laws of Connecticut," etc. " Com- piled by an Antiquarian." (Hartford, i2mo.) The Com- piler was the Hon. R. R. Hinman, then Secretary of State. Il was reprinted again and with absolute accuracy by Mr. Hoadly, at the end of his second volume of New Haven Colonial Records, in 1858. 7. LAWS AND JUDGMENTS OF THE NEW HAVEN GENERAL COURT, BEFORE 1655. What Hutchinson has said of early judicial proceed- ings in Massachusetts is equally true for New Haven: "Whilst they were without a code or body of laws, and the colony had but just come to its birth, their sentences seem to be adapted to the circumstances of a large family of children and servants." A remark of Chief Justice Smith, to the same effect, has been quoted (on page 30). The judges, he says, "took up an authority similar to that which every religious man exercises over his own children and domestics." By the unanimous agreement of the planters, the General Court was en- trusted with the power not only of " declaring and establishing, for the plantations, the laws of God," and of " making and repealing orders for smaller matters, not particularly determined in Scripture," but, gener- ally, " with all care and diligence from time to time to provide for the maintenance of the purity of religion and suppress the contrary," etc. " Their judicial proceedings," says Hutchinson (i. 83), varied in very few circumstances from the Massachusetts ; one, indeed, was a material one, that they had no jury, neither in civil nor criminal cases. All matters of fact, as well as law, were determined by the court." From specimens of the true blue laws and judgments of New Haven, we pass to 8. THE " BLUE LAW " FORGERIES OF PETERS. His first reference to New Haven " Blue Laws " is as follows : " The lawgivers soon discovered that the precepts in the Old and 42 INTRODUCTION. New Testaments were insufficient to support them in their arbitrary and bloody undertakings : they, therefore, gave themselves up to their own inventions in making others, wherein, in some instances, they betrayed such an extreme degree of wanton cruelty and oppres- sion, that even the rigid fanatics of Boston and the mad zealots of Hartford, put to the blush, christened them the Blue Laws ; and the former held a day of thanksgiving, because God, in his good provi- dence, had stationed Eaton and Davenport so far from taeiu " (Peters's " History," p. 43). After giving a " sketch of some of these laws " (which will be found in this volume), he remarks that " They consist of a vast multitude, and were very properly termed Blue Laws, i. e. bloody Laws ; for they were all sanctified with excommunication, confiscation, fines, banishment, whippings, cut- ting off the ears, burning the tongue, and death. . . . And did not similar laws still [that is, in 1782] prevail over New England as the common law of the country, I would have left them in silence," etc. (pp. 69, 70). Writers who have copied the " blue law " fiction seem to have overlooked the very important statement which is here italicized. That the provision that " every male should have his hair cut round according to a cap " (or " the hard shell of a pumpkin ") and the law forbidding the making of mince-pies were in force not only in New Haven colony, but that they or " similar laws " still pre- vailed over New England, in' the last quarter of the eighteenth century is a fact which the Bishop of Oxford and the Rev. Isaac Taylor would have done well to note. The definition of ' blue ' by ' bloody ' was probably original with Peters. It is amusing to see how unsuspi- ciously it has been adopted by believers in the " Blue Laws." When we tell a friend that he is " looking blue" we do not usually intend to convey the impression that his aspect is remarkably sanguine or sanguinary. 9. EARLY LAWS AND JUDGMENTS OF OTHER COLONIES. For comparison, in " quaintness, bluntness, particular- ity, and antiquated excess of penalty," with the laws of Connecticut and New Haven, some specimens of laws enacted in several other American colonies particular- ly New York, and Virginia, are grouped under the several heads: Crimes and Punishments; Laws against Dissenters, Quakers, Papists, and Disturbers of the Church ; and Sumptuary Laws, regulating dress, diet, and expenditure, with some other curiosities of legis- lation. INTRODUCTION. 43 Peters's Blue Laws have often been reprinted, and several compilations, more or less complete, of the early laws of Connecticut and New Haven have been published under the name of " Blue Laws." Some of these may be named here, beginning with A General History of Connecticut. ... By a Gentleman of the Province. London, 1781. 8vo. The same ivork, with a new title-page (and a " p. s." of three lines on the last page of the text, mentioning the death of the Rev. Nathaniel Hooker of Hartford), called " Second Edition." London, 1782. TTie same : " To which is added, A Supplement verifying many important statements made by the author. Illustrated with eight engravings." New Haven, Published by D. Clark and Co., 1829. 12 mo. This reprint has an additional preface of Spaces, and a Supple- ment (of Notes) of 87 pp. (319405). The editor has hitherto ts- cnpcd detection, or, if suspected, has not been absolutely con- victed. The Code of 1650 : being a compilation of the Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut : also, the Constitution, or civil Compact, entered into and adopted by the towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, in 1638-9. To which is added, Some Extracts from the Laws and Judicial Proceedings of New Haven Colony, commonly called BLUE LAWS. Hartford, Published by Silas Andrus, 1822. (12 mo, pp. 120.) Some copies had, by way of frontispiece, a coarse wood-cat repre- senting the arrest of a tobacco-taker, by a constable. The Code of 1650 was first printed in this volume and with creditable accuracy. Peters's "Blue Laws" are not include-l in the compilation. Like other publications of Mr. Andrus, this book was a favorite with the book-peddlers, by whose agency several editions of it were scattered through the country. The same: Hartford, Silas Andrus, 1825. I2mo, pp. 119. Woodcut. The same : with a new title-page only. Hartford, S. Andrus & Son. n. d. I2mo, pp. 119. The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, usually called the Blue Laws of Connecticut ; Quaker Laws of Massachusetts ; Blue Laws of New York [and other colonies] .... Compiled by an Antiqua- rian. Hartford, 1838. I2mo. pp. 336. The compiler WHS Royal R. Hlnmnn, who was Secretary of Con- necticut, 18o5 1842. The New Haven Code of 1655 was for tins first time reprinted, in this volume, from a manuscript copy (in the Secretary's Office) of the London edition of 1656, Peters'a "Blue Laws" arc found on pages 121 124. The Blu* Lnws of Connecticut. [The Code of 1650, and Laws and Orders of 1638 39.] Cincinnati, 1850. 12mo. The Blue T.aws of Connecticut : a Collection of the earliest statutes and judicial proceedings of that Colony; being an exhibition of the rigorous morals and legislation of the Puritans. Edited, with an 44: INTRODUCTION. Introduction, by Samuel M. Smucker, LL. D. Philadelphia, 1861. I2mo. This editor, like some of his predecessors, mistakes the Connecticut code of 1650 for "the celebrated code at present stigmatized as the 'Blue Laws.' " The fabulous code of New Haven colony was so ' stigmatized ' by Peters and those who believed or professed to believe his story; but the name was not given, till the present generation, to the genuine Connecticut code of 1650, or to any laws enacted by Connecticut. Every now and then, some English or Scotch writer parades the choicest specimens of Peters's collection as genuine " curiosities of Puritan legislation," or as " afford- ing a curious picture of life in this Puritan Utopia." Only a few years ago, a paper on the " Blue Laws " was published in Slack-wood's Magazine (for April, 1870), in which the old story was repeated, that " In the Blue Laws of New Haven, which were not, however, drawn up or codified by the State of Connecticut [why should they have been ?], it was ordered that no one should ' travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep house, cut hair, or shave on the Sabbath-Day ; that no woman should kiss her child on the Sabbath or Fasting-day, that no one should keep Christmas or Saint days ; and that every male should have his hair cut round, according to a cap? 1 ' "Such were the Blue Laws," etc., etc. This article contains, in its dozen pages, more mis- statements than even Peters managed to condense in the same compass. The writer tells us that " the laws codified by Roger Ludlow [i. e. the Connecticut laws of 1650] were the famous 'Blue Laws;'" that "the phrase Avas suggested by the old English phrase of ' the blues,' and ' blue-devils ' [which, as every English scholar knows, are not old English phrases] and the common vulgarism 'to look blue; ' " that "this code remained in operation until 1686, when Sir Edward Andros sus- pended the charter of the Colony, as well as the Puritanic laws " [Sir Edmund Andros assumed the gov- ernment of Connecticut in 1687, and did not suspend the " puritanic laws," though he promulgated some new laws; but the whole body of Connecticut laws, includ- ing the code of 1650, had been revised, amended, re-codified, and published, in 1673, long before Andres's coming] ; that shortly after the completion of his task of codification, " the worthy Justice Ludlow was publicly INTRODUCTION. 45 called ' Justass Ludlow,' by one Captain Stone," and "for this offence the Captain was fined ^100," etc. [Captain Stone's offence was committed and punished in Massachusetts, two years before Connecticut was settled, and about seventeen years before the Connecti- cut laws were codified] ; and the " one significant para- graph by Roger Ludlow," which is quoted is, in fact, the declaration of rights prefixed to the Massachusetts "Body of Liberties" of 1640, and adopted by Connec- ticut, nearly word for word, in 1650.* It was this article, perhaps, which suggested the remarks made by the late Rev. Dr. John Todd, in a conversation with an intelli- gent Scotch traveller who subsequently published his impressions of "The Americans at Home." f " Speaking of the old Puritan strictness, and of the so-called Blue Laws of Connecticut, the Doctor said : ' I have been amused to see that some of your writers imagine that there really were such laws in New England. The whole thing is an absurd fiction. ... It was not wonderful, perhaps, that people so ignorant about us as the English were should have been hoaxed into the belief that there had really been laws in Connecticut making it penal for a man to kiss his wife on Sundays, and all that nonsense ; but to find some of your living writers still falling into an error so preposterous, is very melancholy. What would you think of an American, writing about England, and quoting ' Jack and the Bean Stalk ' as an authentic historical 'work ? " " These Blue Laws," says the writer in Blackwood's, " were of five kinds general, theological, municipal, commercial, and personal." A somewhat similar clas- sification might be made, of the writers who believe or profess to believe the Blue-Law story. Perhaps the " theological " believers are the most numerous. English churchmen, particularly, find it difficult not to believe in the fabricated code which has so con- veniently been appropriated in pios usus, or that laws forbidding the making of mince-pies and playing on any musical instrument, " except the drum, trumpet, and jews* harp," were not the natural and necessary fruits of schism. There seems to be, in some minds, an honest doubt, whether the prohibition in the ninth *This article was put to a better use than it deserved, by Mr. Wm. L. Kingsley who made it the target of " A Long-range Shot," in The New Englander, for April, 1871 (vol. xxx., pp. 284-304). f By David Macrae. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1870. The passage was quoted by Mr. J. A. Picton, in " Notes and Queries," January, 1871. 46 INTRODUCTION. commandment really extends to witness borne against New England puritanism. Several communications on the Blue Laws appeared in "Notes and Queries," in 1871. In the number for March 4th (4th Series, vii. 191) the Rev.J. A. Picton, after searching all the authorities within his reach, presented the result of his inquiries. The work on which he was obliged mainly to rely was the little volume published by Silas Andrus, in 1825, as a chap book with its rude frontispiece, representing the arrest of a tobacco- taker; but he had also examined what that compila- tion did not include the genuine New Haven Code of 1655. Of course, he found, neither in this, nor in the Connecticut Code of 1650, "the slightest traces of the absurdities usually attached to the idea of the Blue Laws" Mr. Picton went further, and "having seen what the Connecticut and New Haven Codes are not" was at the pains of" stating what they really are " with an intelligent appreciation that it is really refreshing to meet with in an English periodical. He is mistaken as to the identification of church and state even in New Haven Colony, where only church-members were entrusted with the privileges of freemen certainly, in Connecticut; and he seemingly exaggerates the severity of these codes as compared with the laws of England, at the same period by his reference to " the ruthless sacrifice of human life," which they exacted. "They are," writes Mr. Picton, "very valuable illustrations of the tone and temper of mind of the stern pioneers who went out to people the wilderness, and whose customs, manners, and civil and religious opinions have been the normal type after which the great American commonwealth has been modeled. The founders of New England were resolute God-fearing men of the Roundhead stamp. In the foundation of their institutions, the following principles lie at the base : 1. Perfect equality and mutual responsibility amongst all the members of the commonwealth. 2. The identity of Church and State, with the necessary corollary that all laws should be founded on the Word of God. 3. The obligation of the civil magistrate to enforce ecclesiastical discipline. 4. That the law should take cognizance of immorality as well as of crime. These principles were logically and relentlessly carried out into practice : sometimes making one shudder at the ruthless sacrifice of human life, and at other times raising a smile at the ludicrous minuteness with which the law intermeddled with private affairs. INTRODUCTION. 4.7 (i.) The Enactments of the Code breathe the true spirit of freedom and equal rights, the system of manhood-suffrage and annual elections containing the germ of the future institutions of the United States. Several of these laws are far in advance of their age, such as voting by written papers, freedom of debtors from arrest except in case of fraud, etc. (2.) The Word of God was held to be supreme in all cases not otherwise provided for by the law, and all enactments were supposed to be founded thereon. Unfortunately it was the Mosaic Code rather than the Gospel, which was resorted to (3 & 4.) The ecclesiastical discipline enforced by the magistrate descended to the ordinary intercourse of private life, in the most minute particulars. On this point, Mr. Picton cited from the New Haven Records, May, 1660, the proceedings in the case of two young persons, "the charge being that, after some chaffing, Jacob had taken away Sarah's gloves." We have no objection to joining him in a laugh over this or other illustrations of the strictness with which, in "the day of small things," the rule of righteousness was applied to the conduct of individuals. Indeed, some pains has been taken, in making selections for this volume, to amuse good-natured readers, as well as to remove unfounded prejudices and correct populai misconceptions. Connecticut can well afford to let her records go to the world. "There is no State in the Union," wrote Mr. Bancroft, "and I know not any in the world, in whose early history, if I were a citizen, I could find more of which to be proud, and less that I should wish to blot." " Nearly two centuries have elapsed," the same historian has said elsewhere, "the world has been wiser by various experience, political institutions have become the theme on which the most powerful and cultivated minds have been employed, dynasties of kings have been dethroned, recalled, dethroned again, and so many constitutions have been framed or reformed, stifled or subverted, that memory may despair of a completed catalogue; but the people of Connecticut have found no reason to deviate from the government established by their fathers." The state came to be known as "the land of steady habits," and was proud of the name. It was her boast that her sons were " antiqua virtute ac fide " which, according to Ainsworth, is the Latin equivalent 48 INTRODUCTION. of " TRUE BLUE WILL NEVER STAIN." (" Di boni ! " said Terence's Demea, " Nae illiusmodi jam nobis magna civium Penuria 'st, homo antiqua virtute ac fide : Haud cito mail quid ortum ex hoc sit publice.") And to the charge that " the advancement of political science, generated by our Revolution, had neither changed her constitution nor affected her steady habits" one of her poets replied, in 1804: " Straight on her course she firmly steers, Nor jibes, nor tacks, nor scuds, nor veers, Not the whole force they all can yield, Can drive her vet'rans from the field, The same pure, patriotic fires Which warm'd the bosoms of their Sires, That generous, that effulgent flame, Which glow'd in WINTHROP'S deathless name, Unsullied through their bosoms runs, Inspires and animates her sons." The Constitution of 1638-9, "the first one written out, as a complete frame of civil order, in the new world, embodies," said Dr. Bushnell, in his noble Speech for Connecticut, "all the essential features of the constitutions of our States, and of the Republic itself, as they exist at the present day. It is the free representative plan, which now distinguishes our country in the eyes of the world." Mr. Calhoun de- clared in the Senate of the United States, that it was owing mainly to two States, Connecticut and New Jersey, that we have, as a nation, " the best government instead of the worst and most intolerant on earth. Who are the men of the States to whom we are indebted for this admirable government ? I will name them," he said, " their names ought to be engraved on brass and live forever. They were Chief-Justice ELLSWORTH, ROGER SHERMAN, and Judge PATTERSON of New Jersey. . . . To the coolness and sagacity of these three men, aided by a few others, not so prominent, we owe the present Constitution." LIBERTY UNDER LAW. "I fully assent to those staple prirtciples which you set down ; to wit, that the people should choose some from amongst them, that they should refer matter of counsel to their counsellors, matter of ju- dicature to their judges ; only, the question here grows, what rule the judge must have to judge by? secondly, who those counsellors must be? " That in the matter which is referred to the judge, the sentence should lie in his breast or be left to his discretion, according to which he should go, I am afraid it is a course which wants both safety and warrant. I must confess, I ever looked at it as a way which leads directly to tyranny and so to confusion, and must plainly profess, if it was in my liberty, I should choose neither to live nor leave my posterity under such a government. Sit liber judex, as the lawyers speak. 17 Deut., 10, n, 'Thou shalt observe to do according to all that they inform, according to the sentence of the Law' Thou shalt seek the Law at his mouth : not ask what his discretion allows, but what the Law re-quires. And therefore the Apostles, when the rulers and high priest passed sentence against their preaching, as prejudi- cial to the State, the Apostle Peter made it not dainty to profess and practice contrary to their charge, because their sentence was contrary to law, though they might have pretended discretion and depth of wisdom and policy in their charge. "And we know in other countries, had not the law overruled the lusts of men and the crooked ends of judges, many times, both places and people had been, in reason, past all relief, in many cases of diffi-s culty. You will know what the heathen man said, by the candle- light of common sense ; 'The law is not subject to passion, nor to be taken aside with self-seeking ends, and therefore ought to have chief rule over rulers themselves.' "Its's also a truth, that counsel should be sought from counsellors ; but the question yet is, who those should be ? Reserving small mat- ters, which fall in occasionally in common course, to a lower counsel, in matters of greater consequence, which concern the common good, a general counsel, chosen by all, to transact businesses which con- cern all, I conceive, under favor, most suitable to rule and most safe for relief of the whole. This was the practice of the Jewish church, directed by God, Deut., 17 : 10, n ; 2 Chron., 19 ;and the approved experience of the best ordered States give in evidence this way. Solomon's one wise man, and the one wise woman in Abel that delivered the city, shows the excellency of wisdom and counsel where it is, but doth not conclude that one or few should be counsel- lors, since 'in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.'" Rev, Thomas Hooker's Letter to Gov. Winthrop of Massachusetts, 1638. THE PEOPLE'S PRIVILEGE OF ELECTION; ABSTRACT OF MR. HOOKER'S DISCOURSE BEFORE THE GENERAL COURT AT HARTFORD, MAY 31, 1638. Deut. I. 13. "Take you wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you." (Captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds over fifties over tens etc.) Doctrine. I. That the choice of public magistrates belongs unto the people, by God's own allowance. II. The privilege of election, which belongs to the people, there- fore must not be exercised according to their humours, but according to the blessed will and law of God. III. They who have power to appoint officers and magistrates, it is in their power, also, to set the bounds and limitations of the power and place unto which they call them. Reasons. I. Because the foundation of authority is laid, firstly, in the free consent of the people. 2. Because, by a free choice, the hearts of the people will be more inclined to the love of the persons chosen and more ready to yield obedience. 3. Because of that duty and engagement of the people. Uses. The lesson taught is threefold : 1st, There is matter of thankful acknowledgment in the appre- ciation of God's faithfulness toward us, and the permission of these measures that God doth command and vouchsafe. adly, Of reproof to dash the conceits of all those that shall oppose it. 3dly, Of exhortation to persuade us, as God hath given us Liberty, to take it. And lastly, as God hath spared our lives, and given us them in liberty, so to seek the guidance of God, and to choose in God and/0r God. I. FIRST CONSTITUTION OF CONNECTICUT. FUNDAMENTAL LAWS, ADOPTED BY THE INHABITANTS OF THE THREE RIVER TOWNS, 1638-9. FORASMUCH as it hath pleased the Almighty God by the wise disposition of his divine providence so to order and dispose of things that we the inhabi- tants and residents of Windsor, Harteford, and "Weth- ersfield are now cohabiting and dwelling in and upon the River of Conectecotte and the lands thereunto adjoining ; and well knowing where a people are gath- ered together the word of God requires that to main- tain the peace and union of such a people there should be an orderly and decent Government established ac- cording to God, to order and dispose of the affairs of the people at all seasons as occasion shall require ; do therefore associate and conjoin ourselves to be as one Public State or Commonwealth ; and do, for our- selves and our Successors, and such as shall be adjoined to us at any time hereafter, enter into combination and confederation together, to maintain and preserve the liberty and purity of the gospel of our Lord Jesus which we now profess, as also the discipline of the Churches, which according to the truth of the said gospel is now practiced amongst us ; as also in our Civil Affairs to be guided and governed according to 51 52 FIRST CONSTITUTION such laws, rules, orders, and decrees, as shall lie made ordered and decreed, as followeth : 1. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that there shall be yearly two General Assemblies or Courts, the one the second Thursday in April, the other the second Thursday in September following ; the first shall be called the Court of Election, wherein shall be yearly chosen from time to time so many magistrates and other public officers as shall be found requisite : where- of one to be chosen Governor for the year ensuing and until another be chosen, and no other magistrate to be chosen for more than one year ; provided always there be six chosen besides the Governor ; which being cho- sen and sworn according to an oath recorded for that purpose, shall have power to administer justice accord- ing to the laws here established, and for want thereof according to the rule of the word of God ; which choice shall be made by all that are admitted freemen and have taken the Oath of Fidelity, and do cohabit within this jurisdiction, (having been admitted inhab- itants by the major part of the town wherein they live,*) or the major part of such as shall be then present. 2. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the election of the aforesaid magistrate shall be on this manner : every person present and qualified for choice shall bring in ( to the persons deputed to receive them) one single paper, with the name of him written in it whom he desires to have Governor, and he that hath the greatest number of papers shall be Governor for that year. And the rest of the magistrates or public officers to be chosen in this manner : The secretary for * This clause has been interlined, in a different handwriting and at a more recent period. OF CONNECTICUT. 53 the time being shall first read the names of all that are to be put to choice and then shall severally nomi- nate them distinctly, and every one that would have the person nominated to be chosen shall bring in one single paper written upon, and he that would not have him chosen shall bring in a blank ; and every one that hath more written papers than blanks shall be a magis- trate for that year ; which papers shall be received and told by one or more that shall be then chosen by the court and sworn to be faithful therein ; but in case there should not be six chosen as aforesaid, besides the Governor, out of those which are nominated, then he or they which have the most written papers shall be a magistrate or magistrates for the ensuing year, to make up the foresaid number. 3. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the secretary shall not nominate any person, nor shall any person be chosen newly into the magistracy, which was not propounded in some General Court before, to be nominated the next election ; and to that end it shall be lawful for each of the towns aforesaid by their deputies to nominate any two whom they conceive fit to be put to election ; and the court may add so many more as they judge requisite. 4. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that no per- son be chosen Governor above once in two years, and that the Governor be always a member of some ap- proved congregation, and formerly of the magistracy within this jurisdiction ; and all the magistrates, free- men of this commonwealth : and that no magistrate or other public officer shall execute any part of his or their office before they are severally sworn, which shall be done in the face of the court if they be pre- 54: FIRST CONSTITUTION sent, and in case of absence by some deputed for that purpose. 5. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that to the aforesaid Court of election the several towns shall send their deputies, and when the elections are ended they may proceed in any public service as at other courts. Also the other General Court in September shall be for making of laws, and any other public oc- casion which concerns the good of the commonwealth. 6. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the Governor shall, either by himself or by the secretary, send out summons to the constables of every town for the calling of these two standing courts, one month at least before their several times : And also if the Governor and the greatest part of the magis- trates see cause upon any special occasion to call a General Court, they may give order to the secretary so to do within fourteen days warning: and if urgent necessity so require, upon a shorter notice, giving sufficient grounds for it to the deputies when they meet, or else be questioned for the same ; And if the Governor and major part of magistrates shall either neglect or refuse to call the two general standing courts or either of them, as also at other times when the occasions of the commonwealth require, the free- men thereof, or the major part of them, shall petition to them so to do : if then it be either denied or neg- lected, the said freemen or the major part of them shall have power to give order to the constables of the several towns to do the same, and so may meet together, and choose to themselves a moderator, and may proceed to do any act of power which any other General Court may. OF CONNECTICUT. 55 7. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that after there are warrants given out for any of the said Gen- eral Courts, the constable or constables of each town shall forthwith give notice distinctly to the inhab- itants of the same, in some public assembly or by go- ing or sending from house to house, that at a place and time by him or them limited and set, they meet and assemble themselves together to elect and choose certain deputies to be at the General Court then fol- lowing, to agitate the affairs of the commonwealth ; which said deputies shall be chosen by all that are admitted inhabitants in the several towns and have taken the oath of fidelity;* provided that none be chosen a deputy for any General Court which is not a freeman of this commonwealth. The foresaid deputies shall be chosen in manner following: every person that is present and qualified as before expressed, shall bring the names of such, written in several papers, as they desire to have chosen for that employment, and these three or four, more or less, being the number agreed on to be chosen for that time, that have the greatest number of papers written for them, shall be deputies for that court ; whose names shall be endorsed on the back side of the war- rant and returned into the court, with the constable or constables' hand unto the same. 8. It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that "Wind- sor, Hartford, and Wethersfield shall have power, each * " Whereas in the Fundamental Order it is said 'that such who have taken the oath of fidelity and are admitted inhabitants' shall be allowed as qualified for choosing of deputies, the Court declares their judgment, that such only shall be counted admitted inhabi- tants, who are admitted by a general vote of the major part of the town that receiveth them." Voted, Nov, 10, 1643, 56 FIRST CONSTITUTION town, to send four of their freedmen as their depu- ties to every General Court ; and whatsoever other towns shall be hereafter added to this jurisdiction, they shall send so many deputies as the court shall judge meet, a reasonable proportion to the number of freemen that are in the said towns being to be attended therein ; which deputies shall have the power of the whole town to give their votes and allowance to all such laws and orders as may be for the public good, and unto which the said towns are to be bound. 9. It is Ordered and decreed, that the deputies thus chosen shall have power and liberty to appoint a time and a place of meeting together before any General Court, to advise and consult of all such things as may concern the good of the public, as also to ex- amine their own elections, whether according to the order, and if they or the greatest part of them find any election to be illegal they may seclude such for present from their meeting, and return the same and their reasons to the court ; and if it prove true, the court may fine the party or parties so intruding and the town, if they see cause, and give out a warrant to go to a new election in a legal way, either in part or in whole. Also the said deputies shall have power to fine any that shall be disorderly at their meetings, or for not coming in due time or place according to ap- pointment ; and they may return the said fines into the court if it be refused to be paid, and the treasurer to take notice of it, and to estreat or levy the same as he doth other fines. 10. it is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that every General Court, except such as through neglect of the Governor aud the greatest part of magistrates the OF CONNECTICUT. 57 freemen themselves do call, shall consist of the Gov- ernor, or some one chosen to moderate the court, and four other magistrates at least, with the major part of the deputies of the several towns legally chosen ; and in case the freemen or major part of them, through neglect or refusal of the Governor and major part of the magistrates, shall call a court, it shall consist of the major part of freemen that are present or their deputies, with a moderator chosen by them : In which said General Courts shall consist the supreme power of the Commonwealth, and they only shall have power to make laws or repeal them, to grant levies, to admit of freomsn, dispose of lands undisposed of, to several towns or persons, and also shall have power to call either court or magistrate or any other person whatso- ever into question for any misdemeanor, and may for just causes displace, ordeal otherwise, according to the nature of the offence ; and also may deal in any other matter that concerns the good of this commonwealth, except election of magistrates, which shall be done by the whole body of freemen. In which Court the Governor or Moderator shall have power to order the court,to give liberty of speech, and silence unseasonable and disorderly speakings, to put all things to vote, and in case the vote be equal to have the casting voice. But none of these courts shall be adjourned or dissolved without the consent of the major part of the court. 11. It is ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that when any General Court upon the occasions of the common- wealth have agreed upon any sum or sums of money to be levied upon the several towns within this Juris- diction, that a committee be chosen to set out and ap- point what shall be the proportion of every town to 58 OFFICIAL OATHS- pay of the said levy ; provided the committees be made up of an equal number out of each town. 14th January, 1638-39, the 11 Orders above said are voted. THE OATH OF THE GOVERNOR, FOR THE PRESENT. I, N. W. being now chosen to be Governor within this Jurisdiction for the year ensuing, arid until a new be chosen, do swear by the great and dreadful name of the everliving God, to promote the public good and peace of the same, according to the best of my skill; as also will maintain all lawful privileges of this commonwealth ; as also that all wholesome laws that are or shall be made by lawful authority here established, be duly executed; and will further the execution of justice according to the rule of God's word ; so help me God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. THE OATH OF A MAGISTRATE, FOR THE PRESENT. I, K. W. being chosen a Magistrate within this Ju- risdiction for the year ensuing, do swear by the great and dreadful name of the everliving God, to promote the public good and peace of the same, according to the best of my skill, and that I will maintain all the lawful privileges thereof according to my under- standing, as also assist in the execution of all such wholesome laws as are made or shall be made by lawful authority here established, and will further the execution of Justice for the time aforesaid, according to the righteous rule of God's word; so help me God, etc. THE OATH OF A CONSTABLE. I, A. B., of W, do swear by the great and dreadful OF CONNECTICUT. 59 name of the overliving God, that for the year ensuing, and until a new be chosen, I will faithfully execute the office and place of a Constable, for and within the said plantation of W. and the limits thereof, and that I will endeavour to preserve the public peace of the said place, and Commonwealth, and will do my best endeavour to see all watches and wards executed, and to obey and execute all lawful commands or warrants that come from any Magistrate or Magistrates or Court; so help me God, in the Lord Jesus Christ. II. CAPITAL LAWS. CAPITAL LAWS ESTABLISHED BY THE GENERAL COURT, THE FIRST OF DECEMBER, 1642.* 1. If any man after legal conviction shall have or worship any other God but the Lord God, he shall be put to death. Deut. 13. G, and 17. 2 : Ex. 22. 20. 2. If any man or woman be a witch ( that is, hath or cbnsulteth with a familiar spirit,) they shall be put to death. Ex. 22. 18: Lev. 20. 27: Deut. 18. 10, 11. 3. If any person shall blaspheme the name of God, *A11 these are copied from the capital laws of Massachusetts, es- tablished (with her Body of Liberties ), Dec. 1641, except the 9th (against rape of a married or betrothed woman ) which was enacted by Massachusetts, in June, 1G42. One of the Massachusetts laws, punishing -manslaughter with death, was not adopted by Connecti- cut, and only the first clause of the Massachusetts law against con- spiracy, rebellion, etc., waa taken. 60 CAPITAL LAWS. the Father, Son or Holy Ghost, with direct, express, presumptuous, or highhanded blasphemy, or shall curse God in the like manner, he shall be put to death. Lev. 24. 15, 16. 4. If any person shall commit any wilful murder, which is manslaughter committed upon malice, hatred, or cruelty, not in a man's necessary and just defence, nor by mere casualty against his will, he shall be put to death. Ex. 21. 12, 13, 14. Numb. 35. 30, 31. 5. If any person shall slay another through guile, either by poisonings or other such devilish practice, he shall be put to death. Ex. 21. 14. 6. If any man or woman shall lie with any beast or brute creature, by carnal copulation, they shall surely be put to death, and the beast shall be slain and buried. Lev. 20. 15, 16. 7. If any man lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed abomination, they both shall surely be put to death. Lev. 20. 13. 8. If any person committeth adultery with a mar- ried or espoused wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. Lev. 20. 10, and 18. 20 : Deut. 22. 23, 24. 9. If any man shall forcibly and without consent ravish any maid or woman that is lawfully married or contracted, he shall be put to death. Deut. 22. 25. 10. If aay man stealeth a man or mankind, he shall be put to death. Ex. 21. 16. 11. If any man rise up by false witness, wittingly and of purpose to take away any man's life, he shall be put to death. Deut. 19. 16, 18, 19. 12. If any man shall conspire or attempt any inva- sion, insurrection or rebellion against the common- wealth, he shall be put to death. III. THE FIRST CODE OF LAWS, ESTABLISHED BY THE GENERAL COURT OF CONNECTICUT, MAY, 1650.* Forasmuch f as the free fruition of such liberties, immunities, and privileges, as humanity, civility, and Christianity call for, as due to every man in his place and proportion, without impeachment and infringe- ment, hath ever been and ever will be the tranquillity and stability of churches and commonwealths, and the denial or deprival thereof, the disturbance if not ruin of both :- It is therefore ordered by this court and authority thereof, that no man's life shall be taken away, no man's honor or good name shall be stained, no man's person shall be arrested, restrained, banished, dismem- bered, nor any way punished, no man shall be deprived of his wife or children, no man's goods or estate shall be taken away from him, nor any ways endarnaged, under color of law or countenance of authority, unless it be by the virtue or equity of some express law of the country warranting the same, established by a * See the introduction, page 38. t The preamble and the paragraph which follows are copied from the Massachusetts Body of Liberties ( or from the Massachu- setts Book of Laws printed in 1648 ). 61 62 FIRST CODE General Court and sufficiently published, or, in case of the defect of a law in any particular case, by the word of God. ABILITY. It is ordered by this court, that all persons of the age of twenty-one years and of right understanding, whether excommunicated, condemned, or other, shall have full power and liberty to make their wills and testaments, and other lawful alienations of their lands and estates and may be plaintiffs in a civil case. ACTIONS. It is further ordered and decreed, that in all actions brought to any court, the plaintiff shall have liberty to withdraw his action, or to be nonsuited, before the jury have given in their verdict, in which case he shall always pay full costs and charges to the defendant, and may afterward renew his suit at another court, the former nonsuit being first recorded. AGE. It is ordered by this court and the authority there- of, that the age fpr passing away of lands or such kind of hereditaments, or for giving of votes, verdicts, or sentences in any civil courts or causes, shall be twenty and one years, but in case of choosing of guardians, fourteen years. AKKESTS. It is ordered and decreed by this court and author- 'ity thereof, that no person shall be arrested or im- prisoned for any debt or fine, if law can find any competent means of satisfaction otherwise from his OF CONNECTICUT. 63 estate ; and if not, liis person may be arrested and im- prisoned, where lie shall be kept at his own charge, not the plaintiff's, till satisfaction be made, unless the court that had cognizance of the cause or some supe- rior court shall otherwise determine ; provided never- theless, that no man's person shall be kept in prison for debt, but when there appears some estate which he will not produce, to which end any court or commis- sioners authorized by the general court may admin- ister an oath to the party or any others suspected to be privy in concealing his estate ; and if no estate appear, he shall satisfy the debt by service, if the credi- itor require it, but shall not be sold to any but of the English nation. ATTACHMENTS. It is ordered, sentenced, and decreed, that the ordi- nary summons or process for the present within this jurisdiction and until other provision made to the con- trary, be a warrant fairly written, under some magis- trate or magistrates' hand or hands, mentioning the time and place of appearance, and if the said party or parties do not appear according to the said warrant or summons, upon affidavit first made of the serving of the said person or persons, the court shall grant an at- tachment against the person or persons delinquent to arrest or apprehend the said person or persons for his or their wilful contempt ; and in case no sufficient security or bail be tendered, to imprison the party or parties, returnable the next court that is capable to take cognizance of the said business in question ; and upon return of the said attachment, the said court to do therein as according to the laws and orders of this 64: FIRST CODE jurisdiction ; and in that case also the party delinquent to bear his own charge. It is also ordered, that attachments to seize upon any man's lands or estate be only granted for, or against, such goods as are foreigners' and do not dwell or inhabit within this jurisdiction ; or in any case upon credible information it appear that any inhabit- ant that is indebted, or engaged, go about to convey away his estate to defraud his creditors, or to convey away his person out of this jurisdiction, so as the pro- cess of this jurisdiction may not be served upon his person ; in that or any other just causes there may be attachment or attachments granted upon the limita- tions expressed ; provided that in all cases of attach- ments, all or any of the creditors have liberty to de- clare upon the said attachment, if he come in at the return of the said attachment; provided also, that if any attachment laid upon any man's estate, upon a pre- tence of a great sum, and if it be not proved to be due in some near proportion to the sum challenged and mentioned in the attachment, then the security given shall be liable to such damages as are sustained thereby. It is further ordered and decreed by this court,, that whosoever takes out an attachment against any man's person, goods, chattels, lands or hereditaments, suffi- cient security and caution shall be given by him to prosecute his action in Court and to answer the de- fendant such costs as shall be awarded him by the court ; and in all attachments of goods or lands, legal notice shall be given unto the party or left in writ- ing at his house or place of usual abode if he live within this jurisdiction, otherwise his suit shall not OF CONNECTICUT. 65 proceed. And it is further ordered and declared, that every man shall have liberty to replevy his cattle or goods impounded, distrained, seized or extended, ( un- less it be upon execution after judgment and in pay- ment of fines,) provided in like manner he put in good security to prosecute his replevy and to satisfy such damage, demands or dues as his adversary shall recover against him in law. BALLAST. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that no ballast shall be taken from any shore in any town within this jurisdiction, by any person what- soever, without allowance under the hands of those men that are to order the affairs in each town, upon the penalty of six pence for every shovel full so taken, unless such stones as they had laid there before. It is also ordered by the authority aforesaid, that no ship nor other vessel shall cast out any ballast in the channel or other place inconvenient, in any harbor within this jurisdiction ; upon the penalty of ten pounds. BARRATRY. It is ordered, decreed, and by this court declared, that if any man be proved and adjudged a common barrater, vexing others with unjust, frequent and needless suits, it shall be in the power of courts both to reject his cause and to punish him for his barratry. BILLS. It is ordered by the authority of this court, that any debt or debts due upon bill or other specialty assigned to another, shall be as good a debt and estate 66 FIRST CODE to the assignee as it was to the assignor, at the time of its assignation, and that it shall be lawful for the said assignee to sue for and recover the said debt due upon bill and so assigned, as fully as the original creditor might have done ; provided the said assign- ment be made upon the backside of the bill or specialty; not excluding any just or clear interest any man may have in any bills or specialties made over to them by letters of attorney or otherwise. BOUNDS OF TOWNS AND PARTICULAE LANDS. Forasmuch as the bounds of towns and of the lands of particular persons are carefully to be maintained, and not without great danger to be removed by any ; which notwithstanding by deficiency and decay of marks may at unawares be done, whereby great jealousies of persons, trouble in towns and incum- brances in courts do often arise, which by due care and means might be prevented: It is therefore ordered by this court and authority thereof, that every town shall set out their bounds within twelve months after the publishing hereof, and after their bounds are granted ; and that when their bounds are once set out, once in the year three or more persons in the town, appointed by the select- men, shall appoint with the adjacent towns to go the bounds betwixt their said towns and renew their marks, which marks shall be a great heap of stones or a trench of six foot long and two foot broad, the most ancient town (which for the river is determined by the court to be Wethersfield,*) to give notice of the * This early decision, by the General Court, of the question of priority of settlement of the River towns, seems to have been over- looked by writers on our colonial history. The clause within the OF CONNECTICUT. 6f time and place of meeting for this perambnlation, which time shall be in the first or second mouth, upon pain of five pounds for every town that shall neglect the same ; provided, that the three men appointed for perambulation shall go in their several quarters, by order of the selectmen and at the charge of the several towns. And it is further ordered, that if any par- ticular proprietor of lands lying in common with others shall refuse to go, by himself or his assign, the bounds betwixt his land and other men's, once a year, in the first or second month, being requested thereunto upon one week's warning, he shall forfeit for every day so neglecting, ten shillings, half to the party mov- ing thereto, the other half to the town. And the owners of all impropriated grounds shall bound every particular parcel thereof with sufficient mear stones, and shall preserve and keep them BO upon the former penalty. BURGLARY AND THEFT. Forasmuch as many persons of late years have been and are apt to be injurious to the goods and lives of others, notwithstanding all care and means to prevent and punish the same: It is therefore ordered by this court and authority thereof, that if any person shall commit burglary, by breaking up any dwelling house, or shall rob any person in the field or highways, such a person so offending shall for the first oSence be branded on the parenthesis is, in the original record, interlined. As, however, it is in the handwriting of Capt. Cullick, who ceased to be Sec- retary in 1658, the interlineation must have been made within a few years after the adoption of the code. The clause is retained in the first printed revision of the Laws, of 1672-3, and in that of 1702; but is omitted in subsequent revisions. 68 FIRST CODE forehead with the letter (B) : If he shall offend in the same kind the second time, he shall be branded as before, and also be severely whipped ; and if he shall fall into the same offence the third time, he shall be put to death as being incorrigible. And if any person shall commit such burglary or rob in the fields or house on the Lord's day, besides the former punishments, he shall for the first offence have one of his ears cut off ; and for the second offence in the same kind, he shall lose his other ear in the same manner ; and if he fall into the same offence the third time, he shall be put to death. 2. Secondly, for the prevention of pilfering and theft, it is ordered by this court and authority there- of, that if any person, whether children, servants or others, shall be taken or known to rob any orchards or garden, that shall hurt or steal away any grafts or fruit trees, fruits, linen, woolen, or any other goods left out in orchards, gardens, backsides, or other place in house or fields, or shall steal any wood or or other goods from the waterside, from men's doors or yards, he shall forfeit treble damage to the owners thereof, and such severe punishment as the court shall think meet. And forasmuch as many times it so falls out that small thefts and other offences of a criminal nature are committed, both by English and Indians, in towns remote from any prison or other fit place to which such malefactors may be committed till the next court ; It is therefore hereby ordered, that any magistrate, upon complaint made to him, may hear and upon due proof determine any such small offences of the afore- said nature, according to the laws here established, and OF CONNECTICUT. 69 give warrant to the constable of that town where the offender lives to levy the same, provided the damage or line exceed not forty shillings ; provided also it shall be lawful for either party to appeal to the next court to be holden in that jurisdiction, giving sufficient caution to prosecute the same to effect at the said court. And every magistrate shall make return yearly to the court of the jurisdiction wherein he liveth, of what cases he hath so ended. And also the constable, of all such fines as they have received ; and where the offender hath nothing to satisfy, such magistrate may punish by stocks or whipping, as the cause shall deserve. It is also ordered that all servants or workmen em- bezzling the goods of their masters, or such as set them on work, shall make restitution, and be liable to all laws and penalties as other men. CAPITAL LAWS. [Of the Capital Laws, fourteen in number, the first twelve agree, word for word, with those adopted in Dec. 1G42, printed on pages 59, GO. It has not been thought necessary to repeat them here. The others follow : ] 13. If any child or children about sixteen years old and of sufficient understanding, shall curse or smite their natural father or mother, he or they shall be put to death, unless it can be sufficiently testified that the parents have been very unchristianly negligent in the education of such children, or so provoke them by ex- treme and cruel correction, that they have been forced thereunto to preserve themselves from death or maiming. Exod. 21. IT ; Lev. 20. [9] ; Exod. 21. 15. 14. If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son of 70 FIRST CODE sufficient years and understanding, viz : sixteen years of age, which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and that when they have chastened him will not hearken unto them, then may his father and mother, being his natural parents, lay hold on him and bring him to the magistrates assem- bled in court, and testify unto them that their son is stubborn and rebellious and will not obey their voice and chastisement, but lives in sundry notorious crimes, such a son shall be put to death. Deut. 21. 20, 21. It is also ordered by this court and authority there- of that whatsoever child or servant, within these lib- erties, shall be convicted of any stubborn or rebellious carriage against their parents or governors, which is a forerunner of the aforementioned evils, the gov- ernor or any two magistrates have liberty and power from this court to commit such person or persons to the house of correction, and there to remain under hard labor and severe punishment so long as the court or the major part of the magistrates shall judge meet.* And whereas frequent experience gives in sad evi- dence of several other ways of unclean ness and lasciv- ious carriages practiced among us, whereunto, in re- gard of the variety of circumstances, particular and express laws and orders cannot suddenly be suited ; this court cannot but look upon evils in that kind as very pernicious and destructive to the welfare of the common weal, and do judge that severe and sharp punishment should be inflicted upon such delinquents, and as they do approve of what hath been already done *Enacted Dec. 1649 (Col. Rec., i. 78) with this preamble : " Forasmuch as incorrigibleness is also adjudged to be a sin of death, but no la\r yet amongst us established for the execution thereof: For the preventing that great evil, It is ordered, &c." OF CONNECTICUT. 71 by the particular court, as agreeing with the general power formerly granted, so they do hereby confirm the same power to the particular court, who may pro- ceed either by fine, committing to the house of cor- rection or other corporal punishment, according to their discretion, desiring such seasonable, exemplary executions may be done upon offenders in that kind, that others may hear and fear. CASK AND COOPER. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that all cask used for tar or other commodities to be put to sale, shall be assized as follows, viz: every cask commonly called barrels or half hogsheads shall contain twenty-eight gallons wine measure, and other vessels proportionable ; and that fit persons shall be appointed from time to time, in all places needful, to gauge all such vessels or casks and such as shall be found of due assize shall be marked with the ganger's mark and no other, who shall have for his pains four pence for every tun, and so proportionably. And it is also ordered, that every cooper shall have a distinct brandmark on his own cask, upon pain of forfeiture of twenty shillings in either case, and so proportionably for lesser vessels. CATTLE, CORNFIELDS, FENCES. Forasmuch as complaints have been made of a very evil practice of some disordered persons in the country, who use to take other men's horses, some- times upon the commons, sometimes out of their own grounds, common fields, and inclosures, and ride them at their pleasure, without a leave or privity of their owners : 72 FIRST CODE It is therefore ordered and enacted by the authority of this Court, that whosoever shall take any other man's horse, mare, or drawing beast, out of his inclos- ure, upon any common, out of any common field or elsewhere, except such be taken damage faisant and disposed of according to law, without leave of the owners, and shall ride or use the same, he shall pay to the parties wronged treble damages, or if the com- plainant shall desire it, then to pay only ten shillings ; and such as have not to make satisfaction shall be punished by whipping, imprisonment, or otherwise, as by law shall be adjudged, and any one magistrate may hear and determine the same. It is also further ordered, that where lands lie com- mon, unfenced, if one shall improve his lands by fencing in several, and another shall not, he who shall so improve shall secure his land against other men's cattle, and shall not compel such as join upon him to make any fence with him, except he shall also im- prove in several, as the other doth ; and \vhere one man shall improve before his neighbor, and so malce the whole fence, if after his said neighbor shall im- prove also, he shall then satisfy for half the other's fence against him, according to the present value, and shall maintain the same. And if either of them shall after lay open his said fields (which none shall doe without three months' warning,) he shall have liberty to bay the dividend fence, paying according to the present valuation to be set by two men, chosen by either party one. The like order shall be [attended] where any man shall improve land against any town common, provided this order shall not extend to house lots not exceeding ten acres : but if in such, one shall OF CONNECTICUT. 73 improve, his neighbor shall be compellable to make and maintain one half of the fence between them, whether he improve or not. Provided also, that no man shall be liable to sat- isfy for damage done in any ground not sufficiently fenced, except it shall be for damage done by swine under a year old, or unruly cattle which will not be restrained by ordinary fences, or where any man shall put his cattle, or otherwise voluntarily trespass, upon his neighbor's ground. And if the party damnified find the cattle damage faisant, he may impound or otherwise dispose of them. th October, 1652. The Court declares and explains, this order doth not reach the lands on ye east side of the Great JRiver. CATTLE TO BE MARKED. For the preventing of differences that may arise in the owning of cattle that be lost or stray away, It is ordered by this Court, that the owners of any cattle within this jurisdiction shall ear-mark or brand all their cattle and swine that are above half a year old, (except horses,) and that they cause their several marks to be registered in the town book, and whatso- ever cattle shall be found unmarked after the first of July next shall forfeit five shillings a head, whereof two shillings sixpence to him that discovers it, and the other to the country. COMMON FIELDS. Whereas the condition of these several plantations in these beginnings wherein we are, is such that ne- cessity constrains to improve much of the ground belonging to the several towns, in a common way, and it is observed that the public and general good, (which 4 74 FIRST CODE ought to be attended in all such improvements as aro most proper to them, and may best advance the same,) receives much prejudice through want of a prudent ordering and disposing of those several common lands so as may best effect the same ; It is ordered by this Court and authority thereof, that each town shall choose from among themselves five able and discreet men, who by this order have power given them, and are required, to take the com- mon lands belonging to each of the several towns respectively into serious and sad consideration, and after a through digesting of their own thoughts, set down under their hands in what way the said lands may, in their judgments, be best improved for the common good. And whatsoever is so decreed and determined by the said five men in each town, or any three of them, concerning the way of improvement of any sucli lands, shall be attended by all such per- sons that have any propriety or interest in any such lands so judged [by the said committee]. And whereas also, much damage hath risen not only from the unruliness of some kind of cattle but also from the weakness and insufficiency of many fences, whence much variance and difference hath fol- lowed, which if not prevented for the future may be very prejudicial to the public peace ; It is likewise therefore ordered, that the said five men so chosen or at least three of them shall set down what fences shall be made in any common grounds, and after they are made to cause the same to be viewed, and to eet such fines as they judge meet upon any as shall neglect or not duly attend their order therein ; and where fences are made and judged sufficient by OF CONNECTICUT. 75 them, whatsoever damage is done by hogs or any other cattle, shall be paid by the owners of the said cattle. And the several towns shall have liberty once every year to alter any three of the former five, and to make choice of others in their room. It being provided, that any particular man or men shall have liberty to inclose any of their particular grounds and improve them according to their own discretion, by mutual agreement, notwithstanding this order.* This service is committed to the townsmen, as appears by an order of court, 5th of February, 1650, on the other side of this book.f CAVEATS ENTERED. Whereas it appears that divers to defeat and de- fraud their creditors may secretly and underhand make bargains and contract of their lands, lots, and accommodations, by means whereof, when the creditor thinks he hath a means in due order of law to declare against the said lands, lots, and accommoda- tions, and so recover satisfaction for his debt, he is wholly deluded and frustrated, which is contrary to a righteous rule that every man should pay his debt with his estate, be it in what it will be, either real or per- sonal, this court taking it into consideration, do order sentence and decree, That tf any creditor for the fu- ture do suspect any debtor, that he may prove non- solvent in his personal estate, he may repair to the register or recorder of the plantation where the lands, lots, or accommodations lies, and enter a caveat against the lands, lots, and accommodations of the said debtor, * Enacted Feb. 14th. 1643-4 ; with an amendment authorizing the appointment of five men in place of seven, Feb. 5th, 1644-5. t Conn. Col. Rec., i. 2U. 76 FIRST CODE and shall give to the said register or recorder four pence for the entry thereof: And the said creditor or creditors shall take out summons against the said debt- or and, in due form of law, the next particular court either for the whole colony or for the particular plan- tation where the said lands, lots, or accommodations lies, or the next court ensuing, declare against the said -debtor's lands, lots, or accommodations. And so if the creditor recover, he may enter a judgment upon the said lots, lands, and accommodations, and take out an extent against the said land, directed to a known officer, who may take two honest and sufficient men of the neighbors, to apprise the said lands, lots, and accommodations, either to be sold outright if the debt so require, or set a reasonable rent upon the same un- til the debt be paid, and deliver the possession thereof either to the creditor or creditors, his or their assign or assigns, or any other ; and what sale or sales, lease or leases, the said officer makes, being orderly record- ed, according to former order of recording of lands, shall be as legal and binding to all intents and purposes as though the debtor himself had done the same ; provided that if the said debtor can then presently procure a chapman or tenant that can give to the creditor or creditors satisfaction to his or their con- tent, he shall have the first refusing thereof. Also it is declared, that he which first enters caveats as above- said, and his debt being due at his entering the said caveat, shall be first paid ; and so every creditor as he enters his caveat and his debt becomes due shall be orderly satisfied, unless it appear at the next court, the debtor's lands, lots, and accommodations prove insufficient to pay all his creditors, then every man OF CONNECTICUT. 77 to have a suitable proportion to his debt out of the same, and yet notwithstanding every man to receive his part according to the entry of his caveat. Yet this is not to seclude any creditor to recover other satisfac- tion, either upon the person or estate of the debtor according to law and custom of the colony. As also it is further decreed, that what sale or bargain soever the debtor shall make concerning the said lots, lands, and accommodations, after the entering of the said caveat, shall be void, as to defraud the said creditors. It is also further explained and declared, that if the said debtor be known to be a non-solvent man before the first caveat entered against the said lots, lands, and accommodations, and the same appear at the next par- ticular court, then the court shall have power to call in all the creditors in a short time, and set an equal and indifferent way how the creditors shall be paid out of the said lots, lands, and accommodations ; other- wise, if the said debtor prove insolvent after the first caveat entered, then this order to be duly observed, according to the premises and true intent and mean- ing thereof. It is also further declared and explained, that the said recorder or register of the said caveats, shall, the next particular court as aforesaid, return the said caveats that are with him ; at which time and court the en- terers of the said caveats shall be called forth to pros- ecute the same the next particular court following ; and if the enterers of the said caveats fail to prose- cute according to this order, the register or recorder of the said caveat or caveats shall put a vacat upon the said caveat or caveats which shall be invalid or or void to charge the said lots, lands, and accommo- dations aforesaid. 78 FIRST CODE DISORDER IN COURT. It is ordered by this court that whosoever doth dis- orderly speak privately during the sitting of the court, with his neighbor, or two or three together, shall presently pay twelve pence, if the court so think meet. SECRETS IN COURT. It is ordered and decreed, that whatsoever member of the General Court shall reveal any secret which the court enjoins to be kept secret, or shall make known to any person what any one member of the court speaks concerning any person or businesses that may come into agitation in the court, shall forfeit for every such fault ten pounds, and be otherwise dealt withal at the discretion of the court. And the sec- retary is to read this order at the beginning of every General Court. CHILDREN. Forasmuch as the good education of children is of singular behoof and benefit to any commonwealth, and whereas many parents and masters are too indul- gent and negligent of their duty in that kind : It is therefore ordered by this court and authority thereof, that the selectmen of every town, in the sev- eral precincts and quarters where they dwell, shall have a vigilant eye over their brethren and neighbors, to see first, that none of them shall suffer so much bar- barism in any of their families as not to endeavor to teach by themselves or others their children and ap- prentices so much learning as may enable them per- fectly to read the English tongue, and knowledge of the capital laws, upon penalty of twenty shillings for each neglect therein r also, that all masters of families OF CONNECTICUT. 79 do once a week at least, catechise their children and servants in the grounds and principles of religion; and if any be unable to do BO much, that then at the least they procure such children and apprentices to learn some short orthodox catechism, without book, that they may be able to answer to the questions that shall be propounded to them out of such catechisms by their parents or masters or any of the selectmen, when they shall call them to a trial of what they have learned in this kind. And further, that all parents and masters do breed and bring up their children and apprentices in some some honest lawful calling, labor, or employment, either in husbandry, or some other trade profitable for themselves and the commonwealth, if they will not nor cannot train them up in learning to fit them for higher employments. And if any of the selectmen, after admonition by them given to such masters of families, shall find them still negligent of their duty in the particulars aforementioned, whereby children and servants become rude, stubborn, and un- ruly, the said selectmen, with the help of two magis- trates, shall take such children or apprentices from them and place them with some masters for years, boys till'they come to twenty-one and girls to eighteen years of age complete, which will more strictly look unto, and force them to submit unto government, ac- cording to the rules of this order, if by fair means and former instructions they will not be drawn unto it. CONSTABLES. It is further ordered by the authority aforesaid, that any person tendered to any constable of this jurisdic- tion by any constable or other officer belonging to 80 FIRST CODE any foreign jurisdiction in this country, or by warrant from any such authority, such shall presently be re- ceived and conveyed forthwith from constable to con- stable, till they shall be brought unto the place to which they are sent, or before some magistrate of this jurisdiction, who shall dispose of them as the justice of the cause shall require ; and that all hue and cries shall be duly received and diligently pursued to full effect. It is ordered by the authority of this court, that every constable within our jurisdiction shall hence- forth have full power to make, sign and put forth pursuits, or hue and cries, after murderers, malefactors, peacebreakers, thieves, robbers, burglarers and other capital offenders, where no magistrate is near hand. Also to apprehend without warrant such as are over- taken with drink, swearing, Sabbath breaking, slight- ing of the ordinances, lying, vagrant persons, night walkers, or any other that shall offend in any of these, provided they be taken in the manner, either by sight of the constable or by present information from oth- ers : as also to make search for all such persons either on the Sabbath day or other, when there shall be occasion, in all houses licensed to sell either beer or wine, or in any other suspected or disordered places, and those to apprehend and keep in safe custody, till opportunity serves to bring them before one of the next magistrates for further examination; provided that when any constable is employed by any of the magistrates for apprehending of any person, he snail not do it without warrant in writing; and if any person shall refuse to assist any constable in the exe- cution of his office in any of the things aforemen- tioned, being by him required thereto, they shall pay OF CONNECT:CUT. 81 for neglect thereof ten shillings to the use of the conn- try, to be levied by warrant from any magistrate before whom any such offender shall be brought ; and if it appear by good testimony that any shall wilfully, obstinately, or contemptuously refuse or neglect to as- sist any constable, as is before expressed, he shall pay to the use of the country forty shillings ; and if any magistrate or constable, or any other upon urgent oc- casions shall refuse to do their best endeavor in rais- ing and prosecuting hue and cries, by foot, and if need be by horse, after such as have committed capi- tal crimes, they shall forfeit to the use aforesaid for every such offence, forty shillings. And it is also ordered, that the constables in each town shall be chosen from year to year before the first of March, and sworri to that office, the next court fol- lowing, or by some magistrate or magistrates. CONVEYANCES FRAUDULENT, It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that all covenous or fraudulent alienations or convey- ances of land, tenements or any hereditaments, shall be of no validity to defeat any man from due debts or legacies, or from any just title, claim or possession of that which is so fraudulently conveyed, and that no conveyance, deed or promise whatsoever shall be of validity, if it be gotten by illegal violence, imprison- ment, threatening, or any kind of forcible compulsion called duress. CRUELTY. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that no man shall exercise any tyranny or cruelty towards any brute creatures which are usually kept for the use of man. 4* g2 FIRST CODE DAMAGES PRETENDED. It is ordered by this court, that no man in any suit or action against another shall falsely pretend great damages or debts, to vex his adversary ; and if it shall appear any doth so, the court shall have the power to set a reasonable fine on his head. DEATH UNTIMELY. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that whensoever any person shall come to any very sudden, untimely, or unnatural death, some magistrate or the constable of that town shall forthwith summon a jury of six or twelve discreet men to inquire of the cause and manner of their death, who shall present a true verdict thereof unto some near magistrate upon their oath. DELINQUENTS. It is ordered, that all persons hereafter committed upon delinquency, shall bear the charges the country shall be at in the prosecution of them ; and shall pay to the master of the prison or house of correction, two shillings six pence, before he be freed therefrom. Yide Execution upon Delinquents. ECCLESIASTICAL. Forasmuch as the open contempt of God's word, and messengers thereof, is the desolating sin of civil states and churches, and that the preaching of the word by those whom God doth send is the chief ordinary means ordained by God for the converting, edifying, and saving the souls of the elect, through the presence and power of the Holy Ghost thereunto promised; and that the ministry of the word is set OF CONNECTICUT. 83 up by God in liis churches for those holy ends, and according to the respect or contempt of the same and of those whom God hath set apart for his own work and employment, the weal or woe of all Christian states is much furthered and promoted ; It is therefore ordered and decreed, that if any Christian (so called) within this jurisdiction shall contemptuously behave himself towards the word preached or the messenger thereof called to dispense the same in any congregation, when he faithfully execute his service and office therein according to the will and word of God, either by interrupting him in hia preaching, or by charging him falsely with an error which he hath not taught in the open face of the church, or like a son of Korah cast upon his true doctrine or hirqself any reproach, to the dishonor of the Lord Jesus who hath sent him, and to the dispar- agement of that his holy ordinance, and making God's ways contemptible or ridiculous, that every such per- son or persons (whatsoever censure the church may pass,) shall for the first scandal, be convented and reproved openly by the magistrate, at some lecture, and bound to their good behavior : and if a second time they break forth into the like contemptuous carriages, they shall either pay five pounds to the pub- lic treasure, or stand two hours openly upon a block or stool four foot high, upon a lecture day, with a paper fixed on his breast written with capital letters, AN OPEN AND OBSTINATE CONTEMNER OF GOD'S HOLY ORDI- NANCES, that others may fear and be ashamed of breaking out into the like wickedness.* * Copied (with the preamble) from the Massachusetts law of Nov. 1646, with the substitution of "AN OPEN AND OBSTINATE CON- TEMNER" &c., for "A WANTON GOSPELLER." (Mass. Rfec., ii. 179.) 84: FIRST CODE It is ordered and decreed by this court and authority thereof, that wheresoever the ministry of the word is es- tablished according to the order of the Gospel, through- out this jurisdiction, every person shall duly resort and attend thereunto respectively upon the Lord's day and upon such public fast days and days of Thanks- giving as are to be generally kept by the appointment of authority. And if any person within this juris- diction shall without just and necessary cause withdraw himself from hearing the public ministry of the word, after due means of conviction used, he shall forfeit for his absence from every such public meeeting, five shillings : all such offences to be heard and determined by any one magistrate or more, from time to time. Forasmuch as the peace and prosperity of churches and members thereof, as well as civil rights and lib- erties, are carefuly to be maintained, It is ordered by this court and decreed, that the civil authority here established hath power and liberty to see the peace, ordinances and rules of Christ be observed in every church according to his word ; as also to deal with any church member in a way of civil justice, not- withstanding any church relation, office, or interest, so it be done in a civil and not in an ecclesiastical way: nor shall any church censure degrade or depose any man from any civil dignity, office, or authority he shall have in the commonwealth. ESCHEATS. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that where no heir or owner of houses, lands, tene- ments, goods or chattels can be found, they shall be seized to the public treasury till such heirs or owners OF CONNECTICUT. 85 shall make due claim thereunto, unto whom they shall be restored upon just and reasonable terms. EXECUTIONS. Whereas by reason of the great scarcity of money, execution being taken of several persons' goods that have been sold at very cheap rates, to the extreme damage of the debtor ; It is therefore ordered, that whatsoever execution shall be granted upon any debts made after the pub- lishing of this order, the creditor shall make choice of one party, the debtor of a second, and the court of a third, who shall prize the goods so taken upon execu- tion aforesaid, and deliver them to the creditor. EXECUTION UPON DELINQUENTS. It is ordered, that the Governor or any other magis- trate in this jurisdiction shall have liberty and power to call forth any person that has been publicly cor- rected for any misbehavior, to do execution upon any person or persons, by whipping or otherwise, and that at any time hereafter as occasion doth require ; and in case of defect or want of such, any other person, as he or they shall think meet. FENCES. For the preventing of differences that may arise in making or setting down of fences as well in meadows as upland, It is ordered, that in the setting of posts and rails or hedges in the meadow and homelots, there shall be a liberty for either party of twelve inches from the divident line, for breaking of the ground to set the posts on [or] for the laying on the hedge ; but the 86 FIRST CODE stakes and posts are to be set in the divident line; and in upland there is allowed a liberty of four foot for a ditch from the divident line for either of the bor- dering parties where the proportion of fences belong unto them.* FINES. It is ordered by this court, that the estreats for the levying of fines shall go forth once every year, both in the towns on the River and by the seaside, and that some officer in each place shall be appointed to levy and receive the same, and the accounts to be given in by the several plantations of their general charge, at the court in September, for the perfecting of the accounts betwixt them. Mr. Ludlow is desired to grant out warrants for the fines by the seaside. FIKE. It is ordered by this court and the authority there- of, that whosoever shall kindle any fire, in woods [or] grounds lying in common or inclosed, so as the same shall run into such common grounds or inclosures, before the tenth of the first month,f or after the last of the second month, or on the last day of the week, or on the Lord's day, shall pay all damages, and half so much for a fine ; or if not able to pay, then to be corporally punished, by a warrant from one magistrate or more, as the offence shall deserve, not exceeding twenty stripes for one offence ; provided, that any man may kindle fire upon his own ground at any time, so as no damage come thereby, either to the country or to any * Enacted, June 3d, 1644. The accidental substitution of on for or, made in transcribing this order from the original record, was followed in the printed revision of 1673. t The first month was March. The new year began, March 25th. OF CONNECTICUT. 8T particular person. And whosoever shall wittingly and willingly burn or destroy any frame, timber hewn, sawn, or riven, heaps of wood, charcoal, corn, hay, straw, hemp, flax, pitch or tar, he shall pay double damages. FORGERY. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that if any person shall forge any debt * or convey- ance, testament, bond, bill, release, acquittance, letter of attorney, or any writing to prevent equity and jus- tice, he shall stand in the pillory three several lecture days, and render double damages to the party wrong- ed, and also be disabled to give any evidence or ver- dict to any court or magistrate. FORNICATION. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that if any man shall commit fornication with any single woman, they shall be punished either by enjoining to marriage, or fine, or corporal punishment, or all or any of these, as the court or magistrates shall appoint, most agreeable to the word of God. GAMING. Upon complaint of great disorder by the use of the game called Shuffle-board, in houses of common enter- tainment, whereby much precious time is spent un- fruitfully, and much waste of wine and beer occa- sioned, It is therefore ordered and enacted by the authority of this court, that no person shall henceforth use the *"Debt" for "deed." See Massachusetts Act of 1648 (ii. 181), from which this is copied. gg FIRST CODE said game of shuffle-board, in any such house, nor in any other house used as common for such purpose, upon pain for every keeper 1 of such house to forfeit for every such offence twenty shillings ; and for every person playing at the said game in any such house to forfeit for every such offence, five shillings. The like penalty shall be for playing in any place at any unlaw- ful game. GUARDS AT MEETING. It is ordered by this court, that there shall be a guard of twenty men, every Sabbath and lecture day, complete in their arms, in each several town upon the river; and at Seabrooke and Farmington, eight apiece ; each town upon the seaside in this jurisdic- tion, ten ; and as the number of men increase in the towns, their guards are to increase. And it is further ordered, that each man in the guards aforesaid shall be allowed half a pound of powder year- ly, by their several towns. HIGHWAYS. Whereas the maintaining of highways in a fit pos- ture for passage according to the several occasions that occur, is not only necessary for the comfort and safety of man and beast, but tends to the profit and advan- tage of any people in the issue, It is thought fit and ordered, that each town within this jurisdiction shall every year choose one or two of their inhabitants as surveyors, to take care of, and oversee the mending and repairing of the highways within their several towns respectively, who have hereby power allowed them to call out the several carts or persons fit for labor in each town, two days at least in each year, and so many more as in his or OF CONNECTICUT. 89 their judgments shall be found necessary for the attain- ing of the aforementioned end, to be directed in their work by the said surveyor or surveyors, and it is left to his or their liberties either to require the labor of the several persons in any family, or of a team and one person, where such are, as he finds most advanta- geous to the public occasions, he or they giving at least three days' notice or warning beforehand of such employment ; and if any refuse or neglect to attend the service in any manner aforesaid, he shall forfeit for every day's neglect of a man's work, two shillings sixpence, and of a team, six shillings, which said fines shall be employed by the surveyors to hire others to work in the said ways ; And the surveyors shall, with- in four days after the several days appointed for work, deliver in to some magistrate a true presentment of all such as have been defective, with their several neg- lects, who are immediately to grant a distress to the marshal or constable, for the levying of the incurred forfeiture, by them to be delivered to the surveyors for the use aforesaid. And if the surveyor neglect to perform the service hereby committed to him, either in not calling out all the inhabitants in their sev- eral proportions as before, or shall not return the names of those that are deficient, he shall incur the same penalty as those whom he so passes by are liable to by virtue of this order, which shall be employed to the use aforesaid, and to be levied also by distress upon information and proof before any one magis- trate. IDLENESS. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that no person, householder or other, shall spend his time idly or unprofitably, under pain of such punishment 90 FIRST CODE as the court shall think meet to inflict : and for this end, It is ordered, that the constable of every place shall use special care and diligence to take knowledge of offenders in this kind, especially of common coast- ers, unprofitable fowlers, and tobacco takers, and pre- sent the same unto any magistrate, who shall have power to hear and determine the case or transfer it to the next court. INDIANS. It is ordered and decreed, that where any company of Indians do sit down near any English plantations, that they shall declare who is their sachem or chief, and that the said chief or sachem shall pay to the said English such trespasses as shall be committed by any Indian in the said plantation adjoining, either by spoil- ing or killing any cattle or swine, either with traps, dogs, or arrows : and they are not to plead that it was done by strangers, unless they can produce the party and deliver him or his goods into the custody of the English : and they shall pay the double damage if it were done voluntarily. The like engagement this court also makes to them in case of wrong or injury done to them by the English, which shall be paid by the party by whom it was done, if he can be made to appear, or otherwise by the town in whose limits such facts are committed. Forasmuch as our lenity and gentleness towards Indians hath made them grow bold and insolent, to enter into Englishmen's houses, and unadvisedly handle swords and pieces and other instruments, many times to the hazard of limbs or lives of English or Indians, and also oft steal divers goods out of such houses where they resort ; for the preventing whereof, It is ordered, that whatsoever Indian shall hereafter meddle OF CONNECTICUT. 91 with or handle any Englishman's weapons, of any sort, either in their houses or in the fields, they shall forfeit for every such default half a fathom of wampum ; and if any hurt or injury shall thereupon follow to any person's life or limb, (though accidental,) they shall pay life for life, limb for limb, wound for wound, and shall pay for the healing such wounds and other damages. And for anything they steal, they shall pay double, and suffer such further punishment as tho magistrates shall adjudge them. The constable of any town may attach and arrest any Indian that shall transgress in any such kind beforementioned ; and bring them before some magistrate, who may execute the penalty of this order upon offenders in any kind except life or limb ; and any person that doth see such defaults may prosecute, and shall have half the forfeiture. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that no man within this jurisdiction shall, directly or indirectly, amend, repair, or cause to be amended or repaired, any gun, small or great, belonging to any Indian, nor shall endeavor the same ; nor shall sell nor give to any Indian, directly or indirectly, any such gun, nor any gunpowder, or shot, or lead, or shot mould, or any military weapon or weapons, armor, or arrow heads; nor sell, nor barter, nor give, any dog or dogs, small or great; upon pain of ten pounds fine for every offence, at least, in any one of the aforemen- tioned particulars ; and the court shall have power to increase the fine, or to impose corporal punishment where a fine cannot be had, at their discretion. And it is also ordered, that no person nor persons shall trade with them at or about their wigwams, but in their vessels or pinnaces, or at their own houses, 92 FIRST CODE under penalty of twenty shillings for each default. Whereas, it doth appear that notwithstanding the former laws made against selling guns and powder to Indians, they are yet supplied by indirect means, it is therefore ordered and declared, that if any per- son after publishing of this order shall sell, barter or transport any guns, powder, bullets or lead, to any person inhabiting out of this jurisdiction, without license of this court or from some two magistrates, he shall forfeit for every gun ten pounds, for every pound of gunpowder five pounds, for every pound of bullets or lead forty shillings, and so proportion ably for any greater or lesser quantity ; provided notwith- standing, that it is left to the judgment of the court, that where any offence is committed against the said order, either to aggravate or lessen the penalty, accord- ing as the nature "of the offence shall require. Whereas divers persons depart from amongst us, and take up their abode with the Indians, in a profane course of life ; for the preventing whereof, It is ordered that whatsoever person or persons that now inhabiteth, or shall inhabit within this juris- diction, and shall depart from us and settle or join with the Indians, that they shall suffer three years' imprisonment at least, in the house of correction, and undergo such further censure, by fine or corporal punishment, as the particular court shall judge meet to inflict in such cases. Whereas the French, Dutch, and other foreign nations do ordinarily trade guns, powder, shot, etc. with the Indians, to our great prejudice, and the strengthening and animating of the Indians against us, as by daily experience we find ; and whereas the OF CONNECTICUT. 93 aforesaid French, Dutch, etc. do prohibit all trade with the Indians within their respective jurisdictions under penalty of confiscation ; It is therefore hereby ordered by this court and authority thereof, that after due publication hereof, it shall not be lawful for any Frenchmen, Dutchmen, or person of any other foreign nation, or any English liv- ing amongst them or under the government of them, or any of them, to trade with any Indian or Indians within the limits of this jurisdiction, either directly or indirectly, by themselves or others, under penalty of confiscation of all such goods and vessels as shall be found so trading, or the due value thereof, upon just proof made of any goods or any vessels so trading or traded : and it shall be lawful for any person or persons inhabiting within this jurisdiction, to make seizure of any such goods or vessels trading with the Indians as by this law is prohibited, the one half whereof shall be to the proper use and benefit of the party seizing, and the other to the public.* This court, judging it necessary that some means should be used to convey the light and knowledge of God and of his word to the Indians and Natives amongst us, do order that one of the teaching Elders of the churches in this jurisdiction, with the help of Thomas Stanton, shall be desired, twice at least in every year, to go amongst the neighboring Indians and endeavour to make known to them the counsels of the Lord, and thereby to draw and stir them up to direct and order all their ways and conversations according to the rule of his word : and Mr. Governor *Passed, Sept. 18th, 1649, upon the recommendation of the Com- missioners of the U. Colonies of New England. Col. Ret 1 ., i. 197. 94: FIRST CODE and Mr. Deputy and the other magistrates are desired to take care to see the thing attended, and with their own presence, so far as may be convenient, encour- age the same. This court having duly weighed the joint determin- ation and argument of the Commissioners of the United English Colonies at New Haven, in Anno 1G4G, in reference to the Indians, and judging it to be both according to rules of prudence and righteousness, do fully assent thereunto, and order that it be recorded amongst the acts of this court, and attended in future practice as occasions may present and require. The said conclusion is as followeth : The Commissioners seriously considering the many wilful wrongs and hostile practices of the Indians against the English, together with their entertaining, protecting, and rescuing of offenders, as late our expe- rience sheweth, (which if suffered, the peace of the Colonies cannot be secured,) it is therefore concluded, that in such cases the magistrates of any of the juris- dictions may, at the charge of the plaintiff, send some convenient strength of English, and according to the nature and value of the offence and damage, seize and bring away any of that plantation of Indians that shall entertain, protect, or rescue the offender, though it should be in another jurisdiction, when through distance of place, commission or direction cannot be had, after notice and due warning given them, as aetors, or at least accessory to the injury and damage done to the English : only women and chil- dren to be sparingly seized, unless known to be some way guilty. And because it will be chargeable keep- ing Indians in prison, and if they should escape they OF CONNECTICUT. 95 are like to prove more insolent and dangerous after, it was thought tit that upon such seizure, the delin- quent or satisfaction be again demanded of the Saga- more or plantation of Indians guilty or accessory as before ; and if it be denied, that then the magistrates of the jurisdiction deliver up the Indian seized to the party or parties endamaged, either to serve or to be shipped out and exchanged for negroes, as the case will justly bear. And though the Commissioners foresee that such severe though just proceeding may provoke the Indians to an unjust seizing of some of ours, yet they could not at present find no better means to pre- serve the peace of the colonies, all the aforemen- tioned outrages and insolences tending to an open war : only they thought fit that before any such seiz- ure be made in any plantation of Indians, the ensuing declaration be published, and a copy given to the par- ticular Sagamores : The Commissioners for the United Colonies, consid- ering how peace with righteousness may be preserved betwixt all the English and the several plantations of the Indians, thought fit to declare and publish, as they will do no injury to them, so if any Indian or Indians, of what plantation soever, do any wilful damage to any of the English Colonies, upon proof, they will in a peaceable way require just satisfaction, according to the nature of the offence and damage. But if any Sagamore or plantation of Indians, after notice and due warnings, entertain, hide, protect, keep, convey away or further the escape of any such offender or offenders, the English will require satisfaction of such Indian and Sagamore, or Indian plantation ; and if they deny it, they will right themselves as they may upon such as so maintain them that do wrong, keeping 96 FIRST CODE peace and all terms of amity and agreement with all other Indians. INNKEEPERS. Forasmuch as there is a necessary use of houses of common entertainment in every commonwealth, and of such as retail wine, beer and victuals, yet because there are so many abuses of that lawful liberty, both by persons entertaining and persons entertained, there is also need of strict laws and rules to regulate such an employment ; It is therefore ordered by this court and authority thereof, that no person or persons licensed for common entertainment shall suffer any to be drunken or drink excessively, viz : above half a pint of wine for one person at one time, or to continue tippling above the space of half an hour, or at unseasonable times, or after nine of the clock at night, in or about any of their houses, on penalty of five shillings for every such offence. And every person found drunken, viz : so that he be thereby bereaved or disabled in the use of his understanding, appearing in his speech or gesture, in any of the said houses or elsewhere, shall forfeit ten shillings ; and for excessive drinking, three shillings four pence ; and for continuing above half an hour tippling, two shillings six pence ; and for tippling at unseasonable times or after nine a clock at night, live shillings, for every offence in these particulars, being lawfully convicted thereof; and for want of payment, such shall be imprisoned until they pay, or be set in the stocks, one hour or more, in some open place, as the weather will permit, not exceeding three hours at one time: provided notwithstanding, such licensed persons may entertain seafaring men or land travellers in the night-season when they come first on shore, or OF CONNECTICUT. 97 from their journey, for their necessary refreshment, or when they prepare for their voyage or journey the next day early, if there be no disorder amongst them ; and also strangers and other persons in an or- derly way may continue in such houses of common entertainment during meal times or upon lawful busi- ness, what time their occasions shall require.* And it is also ordered that if any person offend in drunkenness, excessive or long drinking, the second time, they shall pay double fines : and if they fall into the same offence the third time, they shall pay treble fines : and if the parties be not able to pay their fines, then he that is found drunk shall be punished by whipping to the number of ten stripes, and he that offends by excessive or long drinking, shall be put into the stocks for three hours, when the weather may not hazard his life or limbs ; and if they offend the fourth time they shall be imprisoned until they put in two sufficient sureties for their good behavior. And it is further ordered, that the several towns upon the River within this jurisdiction, shall provide amongst themselves in each town, one sufficient inhab- itant to keep an Ordinary, for provision and lodg- ing in some comfortable manner, that passengers or strangers may know where to resort. And such inhab- itants as by the several towns shall be chosen for the said service shall be presented to two magistrates, that they may be judged meet for that employment. And this to be effected by the several towns within one * Some of the provisions of this section were included, in sub- stance, in an Order of May 25th, 1647. Compare Mass, law of Nov. 1646 (ii. 172). The English statute of 4 James I. (chap. 5, 4.) imposed a penalty on every person continuing drinking or tippling in inns, victualling-houses or ale-houses. 5 93 FIRST CODE month, under the penalty of forty shillings a month for each month that either town shall neglect the same.* And it is also further ordered, that every inn- keeper or victualler shall provide for entertainment of strangers' horses, viz : one or more inclosures for sum- mer, and hay or provender for winter, with convenient stable room and attendance, under penalty of two shillings sixpence for every day's default and double damage to the party thereby wronged, except it be by inevitable accident. Lastly, it is ordered by the authority aforesaid, that all constables may and shall, from time to time, duly makes search throughout the limits of their towns, upon Lord's days and Lecture days, in times of exercise, and also at other times so oft as they shall see cause, for all offences and offenders against this law in any the particulars thereof : and if upon due information or complaint of any of their inhabitants or other cred- ible persons, whether taverner, victualler, tabler, or other, they shall refuse to make search as aforesaid, or shall not to their power perform all other things be- longing to their place or office of constableship, then upon complaint and due proof before any one magis- trate, within three months after such refusal or neg- lect, they shall be fined for every such offence ten shillings, to be levied by the marshal as in other cases, by warrant from such magistrate before whom they are convicted, or warrant from the treasurer upon notice from such magistrate. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that no innkeeper, victualler, wine-drawer, or other, * Ordered, June 3d, 1644. Col. Eec., i. 103. OF CONNECTICUT. 99 shall deliver any wine, nor suffer any to be delivered out of his house, to any which come for it, unless they bring a note under the hand of some one master of some familv and allowed inhabitant of that town : / neither shall any of them sell or draw any hot water to any but in case of necessity, and in such moderation for quantity a.s they may have good grounds to conceive it may not be abused ; and shall be ready to give an account of their doings herein, when they are called thereto, under censure of the court in case of delin- quency. INDICTMENTS. If any person shall be indicted of any capital crime ( who is not then in durance,) and shall refuse to ren- der his person to some magistrate within one month after three proclamations publicly made in the town where he usually abides, there being a month betwixt proclamation and proclamation, his lands and goods shall be seized to the use of the common treasury, till he make his lawful appearance, and such withdrawing of himself shall stand instead of one witness to prove his crime, unless he can make it appear to the court that he was necessarily hindered. JURIES AND JURORS. It is ordered by the authority of this court, that in all cases which are entered under forty shillings, the suit shall be left to be tried by the court of magis- trates as they shall judge most agreeable to equity and righteousness. And in all cases that are tried by juries, it is left to the magistrates to impanel a jury of six or twelve, as they shall judge the nature of the case shall require ; and if four of six, or eight of twelve, agree, the verdict shall be deemed to all intents and 100 FIRST CODE and purposes sufficient and full ; upon which judg- ment may be entered and execution granted, as if they had all concurred ; but if it fall out that there be not such a concurrence as is before mentioned, the jurors shall return the case to the court with their reasons, and a special verdict is to be drawn thereupon, and the vote of the greater number of magistrates shall carry the same ; and the judgment to be entered and other proceedings as in case of a verdict by a jury. And it is further ordered, that the court of magis- trates shall have liberty ( if they do not find in their judgments, the jury to have attended the evidence given in, and true issue of the case, in their verdict,) to cause them to return to a second consideration thereof ; and if they still persist in their former opin- ion, to the dissatisfaction of the court, it shall be in the power of the court to impanel another jury, and commit the consideration of the case to them. And it is also left in the power of the court to vary and alter the damages given in by any jury, as they shall judge most equal and righteous, provided, that what alteration shall at any time be made in that kind, be done in open court, before plaintiff and defendant, or affidavit made that they have been required to be present, and that alteration which is made be done either the same court, or provision made to secure the verdict of the jury until the case be fully issued. And whereas many persons, after their several causes in court have been tried and issued, have slipped away or otherwise neglected, if not refused, to pay the charges of the court, according to order ; for preventing there- of for the future, It is ordered, that whosoever shall have any action or suit in court, after the publishing hereof, shall, as soon as his cause is issued pay the OF CONNECTICUT. 101 whole charges of the court, that concerns either jury or secretary, before he departs the same. And the like also sJiall be done by all those whose actions are not taken up, and withdrawn before the sitting of the court wherein they were to be tried ; or otherwise, for neglect or non-performance of either, be committed to prison, there to remain till he or they have satisfied the same. GRAND JURY. It is ordered and decreed, that there shall be a grand jury of twelve or fourteen able men warned to appear every court yearly, in September, or as many and oft as the governor or court shall think meet, to make presentment of the breaches of any laws or orders or any other misdemeanors they shall know of in this jurisdiction.* LANDS ; FREE LANDS. It is ordered, and by this court declared, that our lands and heritages shall be free from all fines and licenses upon alienations, and from all harriots, wardships, liveries, primer seisins, year, day, and waste, escheats and forfeitures upon the death of parents or ancestors, be they natural, unnatural, casual or judicial, and that for ever.f LEVIES. Forasmuch as the marshals and other officers have complained to this court that they are oftentimes in great doubt how to demean themselves in the execu- tion of their offices ; It is ordered by the authority of this court, that in case of fines and assessments to be levied, and upon * July 5th, 1G43. Col. Kec., i. 91. f Massachusetts Body of Liberties, 10. 102 FIRST CODE execution in civil actions, the officer shall demand the same of the party or at his house and place of usual abode ; and upon refusal or non-payment, he shall have power (calling the constable, if he see cause for his assistance ) to break open the door of any house, chest, or place where he shall have notice that any goods lia- ble to such levy or execution shall be ; and if he be to take the person, he may do the like, if upon demand he shall refuse to render himself; and whatsoever charges the officer shall necessarily be put unto, upon any such occasion, he shall have power to levy the same as he doth the debt, fine, or execution ; and if the officer shall levy any such goods upon execution as cannot be conveyed to the place where the party dwells for whom such execution shall be levied, with- out considerable charge, he shall levy the said charge, also with the execution. The like order shall be ob- served in levying of fines ; provided, it shall not be lawful for such officer to levy any man's necessary bedding, apparel, tools, or arms, neither implements of household which are for the necessary upholding of his life ; but in such cases he shall levy his land or person, according to law ; and in no case shall the of- ficer be put to seek out any man's estate further than his place of abode ; but if the party will not discover his goods or land, the officer may take his person. And it is also ordered and declared, that if any officer shall do injury to any, by color of his office, in these or any other cases, he shall be liable upon complaint of the party wronged, by action or information, to make full restitution." See MARSHAL. LYING. Whereas truth in words as well as in actions is OF CONNECTICUT. 103 required of all men, especially of Christians who are the professed servants of the God of Truth ; and whereas all lying is contrary to truth, and some sorts of lies are not only sinful (as all lies are), but also pernicious to the public weal and injurious to particu- lar persons ; It is therefore ordered by this court and authority thereof, that every person of the age of discretion, which is accounted fourteen years, who shall wittingly and willingly make or publish any lie which may be pernicious to the public weal, or tending to the dam- age or injury of any particular person, [or with intent] to deceive and abuse the people with false news or reports, and the same duly proved in any court or before any one magistrate, who hath hereby power granted to hear and determine all offences against this law, such persons shall be fined for the first offence ten shillings, or if the party be unable to pay the same, then to be set in the stocks, so long as the said court or magistrate shall appoint, in some open place, not exceeding three hours ; for the second offence in that kind, whereof any shall be legally convicted, the sum of twenty shillings, or be whipped upon the naked body not exceeding twenty stripes ; and for the third offence that way, forty shillings, or if the party be unable to pay, then to be whipped with more stripes not exceeding thirty, And if yet any shall offend in like kind and be legally convicted thereof, such person, male or female, shall be fined ten shil- lings at a time more than formerly, or if the party so offending be unable to pay, then to be whipped with five or six stripes more than formerly, not exceeding forty at any time. And for all such as being under age of discretion, that shall offend in lying, contrary 104: FIRST CODE to this order, their parents or masters shall give them due correction, and that in the presence of some of- ficer, if any magistrate shall so appoint. Provided also, that no person shall be barred of his just action of slander or otherwise, by any proceeding upon this order.* MASTEKS, SERVANTS, SOJOUKNER8. It is ordered by this court and authority thereof, that no master of a family shall give entertainment or habitation to any young man to sojourn in his fam- ily, but by the allowance of the inhabitants of the town where he dwells, under the penalty e the deed or grant of the party, he shall 214 LAWS OF be bound with sureties to the next court of mag- istrates, and the caution shall remain good as aforesaid. Lastly, it is ordered, that in each plantation, either the secretary, or some other officer, be appointed duly to enter and record, in a book kept for that purpose, all and every such grants, sales, bargaines, morgages of houses, lands, rents, and other hereditaments, as aforesaid, with all and every such caution, together with the name of the granter and grantee, thing, and estate granted, with the date thereof ; the grantee pay- ing six pence to the secretary or officer, for each such entry or record. Cooper, see Caske. Courts for Strangers. For the ease and conveniency of strangers, who some- times cannot stay to attend the ordinary courts of jus- tice, it is ordered, that the Governour, Deputy Govern- our, or any magistrate within this jurisdiction, may call a speciall court, and that in such cases, any three mag- istrates, calling in such of the deputies for the plan- tation court, as may be had, shall have power to hear and determine all causes civil and criminal ( triable in plantation courts, when two magistrates are called in) which shall arise betwixt such strangers ; or when any such stranger or strangers, shall be a party, whether plaintiff or defendant, the secretary of the place (as in other ordinary trialls) duly recording the proceedings, all which shall be at the charge of the party, or parties, as the court shall determine ; so that neither the juris- diction nor plantation be charged by such courts. Cursing, see Prophane Swearing. Damages pretended, and Vexatious Suites. It is ordered, &c. That if any person or persons in NE W II A VEN COL ONY. 215 any suit, shall falsely pretend great damages or debts, to discredit, trouble, or vex his, her, or their adversary, the court upon discovery and proof, shall have power to set a reasonable fine upon the head of any such offender ; and that in all cases, where it appears to the court, that the plaintiff hath willingly and wittingly done wrong to the defendant, in commencing and prosecuting any action, suit, complaint, or indictment, in his own name, or in the name of others, he shall beside just damages to the party wronged, be fined forty shillings, or any lesse sum to the jurisdiction or plantation treasury, as the case may require. Distresse. It is ordered, &c. That no man s corn or hey that is in the field, or upon the cart, nor his garden stuff, nor any thing subject to present decay, shall be taken in distresse, or by way of attachment, unlesse it be first duly prized, by order of some magistrate, or other of- ficer ; and that he that takes it, first put in due secur- ity to satisfie the worth of it, if it come to any harm, with other damages, according to the course of justice. Disturbers of the Public "Peace. It is ordered, &c. That whosoever shall disturb or un- dermine the peace of this jurisdiction, or of any of the plantations, churches, families, or persons within the same, whether by conspiring, or plotting with others, or by his own tumultuous and offensive carriage, tra- ducing, reproaching, quarrelling, challenging, assault- ing, battery, or in any other way, tending to publick disturbance, in what place soever it be done, or shall defame any court of justice, or any of the magistrates, or other judges of any such court within this jurisdic- tion, in respect of any act, or sentence therein passed ; 216 LA WS OF every such offender upon due proof made, either in the generall court, court of magistrates, or particular court ( if the try all, and issuing of the case exceed not their limits), shall be punished by fine, imprisonment, binding to the peace, or good behaviour, disfranchise- ment or banishment, according to the quality and measure of the offence, or disturbance.* Divorce, or a Marriage declared a Nullity. Desertion, &c. It is ordered, &c. That if any marryed person proved an adulterer, or an adulteresse, shall by flight, or otherwise, so withdraw or keep out of the jurisdic- tion, that the course of justice ( according to the rnind and law of God here established ) cannot proceed to due execution, upon complaint, proof, and prosecu- tion, made by the party concerned, and interessed, a separation or divorce, shall by sentence of the court of magistrates be granted and published, and the in- nocent party shall in such case have liberty to marry again. Mat. 19. 9. And if any man marrying a woman fit to bear children, or needing and requiring conjugall duty, and *The following clause was added by the General Court, Feb. 24, 1656-57 : " And for that designes or practises tending to publique incon- uenienc and mischeife, are vsually mannaged by letters or writings in a cunning secret way, the conspirators or actors not thinking it safe to meete often, it shall be in the power of the gouernor, or any magistrate, or other officer where there is no magistrate, vpon just or probable grounds, to search or cause to be searched any man's house, study, closset, or any other place, for bookes, letters, wright- ings, or anything else, to discouer and preuent such danger, and the like in case of murder, theft, and other enormioss crimes, that wee may Hue a quiet and peaceable life, in all godlines and honesty, which is the vse and end of magistracy." (N, H, Col. Kec., ii. 198.) NEW HA YEN COLONY. 217 due benevolence from her husband, it be found (after convenient forbearance and due tryall ) and satisf ying- ly proved, that the husband, neither at the time of marriage, nor since, hath been, is, nor by the use of any lawfull means, is like to be able to perform or afford the same, upon the wive's due prosecution, every such marriage shall by the court of magistrates, be declared voyd, and a nullity, the woman freed from all conjugall relation to that man, and shall have lib- erty in due season, if she see cause, to marry another; but if in any such case, deceipt be charged and proved, that the man before marriage knew himself unfit for that relation, and duty, and yet proceeded, sin- fully to abuse an ordinance of God, and in so high a measure to wrong the woman, such satisfaction shall be made to the in juried woman, out of the estate of the offender, and such fine paid to the jurisdiction, as the court of magistrates shall judge meet. But if any husband after marriage, and marriage duty per- formed, shall by any providence of God be disabled, he falls not under this law, nor any penalty therein. And it is further declared, that if any husband shall without consent, or just cause shewn, willfully desert his wife, or the wife her husband, actually and per- emptorily refusing all matrimoniall society, and shall obstinately persist therein, after due means have been used to convince and reclaim, the husband or wife so deserted, may justly seek and expect help and relief, according to 1 Cor. 7. 15. And the court upon satis- fying evidence thereof, may not hold the innocent party under bondage. Dowryes. It is ordered, &c. That every marryed woman (living with her husband in this jurisdiction, or other 10 218 LAWS OF where absent from him, with his consent, or through his meer default, or inevitable providence, or in case of divorce where she is the innocent party) that shall not before marriage be estated by way of joynture (according to agreement) in some housing, lands, tene- ments, hereditaments, or other means for tearm of her life, shall immediately after the death of her husband, have right and interest by way of dower, in and to one third part of all such houses, lands, tene- ments and hereditaments, as her said husband was seized of to his own use, either in possession, rever- sion, or remainder, within this jurisdiction, at any time during the marriage, to have and enjoy for tearm of her naturall life, according to the estate of such husband, free, and freely discharged of and from all titles, debts, rents, charges, judgements, executions, and other incumbrauces whatsoever, had, made, or suffered by her said husband, during the said marriage between them, or by any other person claiming by, from, or under him, otherwise then by any act, or consent of such wife, as this court shall ratifie and allow. And if the heir of the husband, or other person interessed, shall not within one month after lawfull demand made, assign, and set out to such widow, her just third part with conveniency, or to her satisfaction, according to the intent of this law, then upon due complaint, and prosecution either before the court of magistrates, or plantation court, as the case may require, her dower, or third part, shall be assigned and set forth by such persons as the court shall appoint, with due costs and damages, provided that this law shall not extend to any houses, lands, tenements, or other hereditaments, sold or con- veyed away by any husband bona fide, for_valuablc NEW HAVEN COLONY. 219 consideration before this law was published. And it is further ordered, That every such wife, as before expressed, immediately after the death of her husband, shall have interest in, and unto, one third part of all such money, goods, and chattels, of what kind soever, whereof her husband shall dye possessed, (so much as shall be sufficient for the discharge of his funeral 1, and just debts, being first deducted) to be allowed, and, set out to her (as before appointed) for her dower; provided alwayes, that every such widow endowed as aforesaid, shall from time to time, main- tain all such housea, fences, inclosures, with what else shall be for her life assigned to her of such estate, for her dowry, and shall in all respects leave the same in good and sufficient repaire, neither committing nor suffering any strip, or wast. JEcdesiasticall Provisions. Forasmuch as the word of God, as it is contained in the Holy Scriptures, is a pure and precious light, by God in his free and rich grace given to his people, to guide and direct them in safe paths to everlasting peace : And for that the preaching of the same, in a way of due exposition and application, by such as God doth furnish and send, is through the presence and power of the Holy Ghost, the chief ordinary means appointed of God for conversion, edification, and salvation, It is ordered, That if any Christian (so called) shall within this jurisdiction, behave himself contemptuously toward the word preached, or any minister thereof, called, and faithfully dispensing the same in any congregation, either by interrupting him in his preaching, or falsely charging him with errour, to the disparagement and hindrance of the 220 LAWS OF work of Christ in his hands, every such person or persons, shall be duly punished, either by the planta- tion court or court of magistrates, according to the quality and measure of the offence, that all others may fear to break out into such wickednesse. And it is further ordered, that wheresoever the ministry of the word is established within this juris- diction, according to the order of the gospel, every person according to the rnind of God, shall duly resort and attend thereunto, upon the Lord's days at least, and also upon days of publick fasting, or thanksgiv- ing, ordered to be generally kept and observed. And if any person within this jurisdiction, shall without just and necessary cause, absent or withdraw from the same, he shall after due means of conviction used, for every such sinfull miscarriage, forfeit five shillings to the plantation, to be levied as other fines. It is further ordered, that all the people of God within this jurisdiction, who are not in a church way, being orthodox in judgement, and not scandalous in life, shall full have liberty to gather themselves into a church estate, provided they doe it in a Christian way, with due observation of the rules of Christ, revealed in his word ; provided also that this court doth not, nor hereafter will approve of any such company of persons, as shall joyn in any pretended way of church fellowship, unlesse they shall first in due season, acquaint both the magistrates, and the elders of the churches within this colony, where and when they intend to joyn, and have their approbation therein. Nor shall any person being a member of any church, which shall be gathered without such notice given, and approbation had; or who is not a member of some church in New England, approved by the NE W HA YEN COL ONY. 221 magistrates, and churches of this colony, be admitted to the freedonie of this jurisdiction. And that the ordinances of Christ may be upheld, and comfortable provision made and continued for a due maintenance of the ministry according to the rule, 1 Cor. 9. 6. to 12, Gal. 6. G, It is ordered, that when, and so oft as there shall be cause, either through the perversnesse, or negligence of men, the particular court in each plantation, or where no court is held, the deputies last chosen for the generall court with the constable, or other officer for preserving peace, &c. shall call all the inhabitants, whether planters, or sojourners before them, and desire every one par- ticularly to set down what proportion he is willing and able to allow yearly, while God continues his estate, towards the maintenance of the ministry there. But if any one, or more, to the discouragement or hindrance of this work, refuse or delay, or set down an unmeet proportion, in any and every such case, the particular court, or deputies and constable as afore- said, shall rate and assesse every such person, accord- ing to his visible estate there, with due moderation, and in equall proportion with his neighbours. But if after that, he deny, or delay, or tender unsuitable payment, it shall be recovered as other just debts. And it is further ordered, that if any man remove from the plantation where he lived, and leave or suffer his land there, or any part of it, to lye unim- proved, neither selling it nor freely surrendring it to the plantation, he shall pay one third part of what he paid before, for his movable estate and lands also. And in each plantation where ministers maintenance is allowed in a free way without rating, he shall pay one third part of what other men of the lowest rank, 222 LAWS OF enjoying such accommodations, doe pay : but if any removing settle near the said plantation, and continue still to improve his land, or such part of it as seems good to himself, he shall pay two third parts of what he paid before, when he lived in the plantation, both for moveable estate, and land, or two third parts of what others of like accommodation pay. Escheates. It is ordered, &c. That where no heire, or owner of houses, lands, tenements, goods, or chattels, can be found upon the decease of the late testator or pro- prietor, a true inventory of every such estate, in all the parts, and parcels of it, shall with the first con- veniency be duly taken, and a just apprisement made upon oath, by fit men thereunto appointed by the magistrate, or such authority as at that time is in the plantation, where the said estate is; and the whole estate to be seized to the publick treasury, till the true heires or owners shall make due claime thereto, unto whom the same shall be restored, upon just and reasonable tearms. Falsifying, see Forgery. Fences, see Cattell. Fines, see Rates. Fire. It is ordered &c. That whosoever shall kindle any fire in woods, or grounds, lying in common, or inclosed, so as the same shall burn fences, buildings, or cause any other damage, in any season or manner, not allowed by the authority in that plantation, or on the last day of the week, or on the Lord's day, such person shall pay all damages, and half so much more, NEW UA YEN COLONY. 223 for a fine to the plantation, and if not able to, shall be corporally punished, as the court shall judge meet. But whosoever shall wittingly and willingly burn, or destroy any farm, or other building, timber hewed, sawn, or riven, heaps of wood, charcoal, corn, hey, straw, hemp, flax, or other goods, he shall pay double or treble damages, as the court shall judge meet ; or if not able to make such restitution, he shall be either sold for a servant till by his labour he may doe it, or be severely punished, as the case may require. Forgery, or Falsifying. It is ordered, &c. That if any person shall forge or falsifie any deed or conveyance, testament, bond, bill, release, acquittance, letter of attorney, or any wri- ting to pervert equity and justice, he shall stand on the pillory three severall lecture dayes, or other dayes of most publick resort, as the plantation court or court of magistrates (according to the value of the cause) shall appoint, and shall render double damages to the party wronged ; and further, he shall be dis- abled to give any evidence to any court, or magistrate in this jurisdiction, till upon his repentance satisfyingly manifested to the court of magistrates, he be by sentence released from it. Fornication. It is ordered, &c. That if any man shall commit fornication with any single woman, they shall be punished, either by enjoyning marriage, or fine, or corporall punishment, any, or all these, as the court of magistrates, or plantation court duly considering the case with the circumstances, shall judge most agreeable to the word of God. 224 LAWS OF fraudulent Conveyances. See Conveyances. Gaming. To prevent much inconvenience which may grow by gaming, It is ordered, That no person who either as an inn-keeper, or seller of strong liquors, wine or beer, entertaines strangers or others, to lodge, or eat, or drink, shall permit or suffer any to use the game of Slmffleboard, or any other gaining, within his house, or limits, under the penalty of twenty shillings for every time so offending. And whatever person or persons shall so play or game, in any such house, or place, or in any other gaming-house, where there is a common resort to such play, or gaining, shall forfeit for every such offence five shillings. And whosoever shall so play, or game for money, or money-worth, shall further forfeit double the value thereof, one-half, to the informer, and the rest to the plantation, within the limits whereof he so played or gamed. . i Heresie. Although no Creature be Lord, or have power over the faith and consciences of men, nor may constreyn them to believe, or prof esse, against their consciences, yet to restreyn, or provide against such as may bring in dangerous errours or heresies,tending to corrupt and destroy the soules of men, It is ordered, &c. That if any Christian within this jurisdiction, shall goe about to subvert or destroy the Christian faith, or Religion, by broaching, publishing, or maintaining any danger- ous errour, or heresie,'or shall endeavour to draw, or se- duce others thereunto, every such person so offending, and continuing obstinate therein, after due means of conviction, shall be fined, banished, or otherwise severely punished, as the court of magistrates duly considering NE W HA YEN COL ONY. 225 the offence, with the aggravating circumstances, and danger like to ensue, shall judge meet. Horses. Whereas many questions, and sometimes trouble- some suites grow betwixt men, about horses running together in the woods unmarked, It is ordered, That each plantation in this jurisdiction shall have a mark- ing iron, or flesh-brand, for themselves in particular, to distinguish the horses of one plantation from anoth- er ; namely, New-haven, an iron made to set on the impression of an H, as a brand-mark, Milford an M, Guilford a G, Stamford an S, Southold an S with an O in the middle of it, Brainf ord a T. Which plantation brand-mark, is to be visibly and as sufficiently as may be, set upon the near buttock of each horse, mare, and colt, belonging to that plantation. Beside which, every owner is to have, and mark his horse or horses, with his own particular flesh-brand having some letter, or letters of his name, or such distinguishing mark, that one man's horses may be known from another's. And that in each plantation there be an officer appointed, to re- cord each particular man's mark, and to see each par- ticular man's horse, mare, and colt, branded, and to take notice, and record the age of each of them, as near as he can, with the colour, and all observable marks, whether naturall or artificiall ; and what artifi- ciall marks it had before the branding, whether on the ear, or elsewhere, with the year and day of the month when branded. And in each plantation, the officer for his care and pains, to have six pence of the owner, for each horse, mare, or colt, so branded and recorded. And that after the publishing hereof, every one who hath any horse or horses, of what age or kind soever, 226 LAWS OF doe duly attend this order, at his perill ; the officer also is to require as satisfying evidence of his right, who presents any such horse, &c. as may be had, or to record any defect of due evidence, that a way may be open to other claimes. Impost upon Wines, and strong Liquors. For the better support of the government of this jurisdiction, &c. That every person, merchant, sea- man, or other, who shall bring any wine into any li arbour, or place within this colony ( except it come directly from England, or out of some other harbour within this jurisdiction, where they have already paid custome, and that certified by the officer who received it, before he or they land or dispose any of it, more or lesse) shall first make entry of so many buts, pipes, or other vessels, as he, they, or any of them shall put, take on shore, or any way dispose, by a note in writing, delivered to the jurisdiction treasurer at his house, or to some other officer, appointed by each plantation, who is to be upon his oath for the said service, under the penalty of forfeiture and confisca- tion of all such wines as contrary to this order are or shall be landed or sold before such entry made, where- soever found, or some lesse penalty, as the court shall judge meet, upon proof that the errour was com- mitted through ignorance. And the first buyer, un- der the same penalty, shall see the same be done, the one half to the jurisdiction, and the other half to him that informs, and prosecutes in the case. And the merchantjOr owner of such wines of any kind, as soon as he imports, lands, and sells them, or any of them, shall deliver and pay to the said treasurer, or officer, for every but or pipe of Fiall wines, or any other wines of those Islands, five shillings ; for every pipe NE W IIA YEN COL ONY. 227 of Madaiy wines, six shillings and eight pence ; for every but or pipe of Sherris Sack, Maligo,or Canary wines, ten shillings ; for Bastards, Tents, and Alligants, ten shillings : and proportionably for greater or les- ser vessels of each kind. And for every hogshead of French wines, two shillings and six pence, and pro- portionably for greater or lesser vessels. And upon proof that any the forementioned wines, have been imported or landed, without such entry and payment, if neither the seller nor wine can be found, then dou- ble the value of the said customes, by this order due to the jurisdiction, are to be recovered by way of action, as other debts, of the first buyer of the said wines, if it will not be paid otherwise. And it is further ordered, that whosoever shall bring any strong liquor, of what kind soever, into any harbour or other part of this colony (unlesse directly out of England, or out of some other part of this juris- diction, where custome hath been paid, and certified, as in the case of wines ) before he or they land or dis- pose of any of it, more or lesse, shall first make a true and full entry, of the quantity he shall so import, or cause to be imported or landed, by a note in writing delivered to the jurisdiction treasurer at his house, or to some other officer, as in the case of wines, under the like penalty of forfeiture, with mitigation if the case require it, as there, the one half to the jurisdic- tion, the other half to him that informs and prose- cutes. And the owner, or importer of any such strong liquor, as soon as he lands, imports, and sells it or any part of it, shall deliver and pay to the said treasurer, or officer, for every anchor containing ten gallons, six shillings and eight pence, and so for greater or lesser quantities, namely after the rate of eight pence 228 LAWS OF a gallon. And the first buyer shall under the same penalty, see that such entry and payment be duly made. And that whosoever within this colony, shall at any time for sale or merchandize, distill any sort of strong liquor, he or she shall within eight days after the same is distilled, and so ready for use, or sale, give in a like true note in writing, of the full quan- tity so distilled, to the treasurer, or other officer, un- der the like penalty, and shall within three months after, duly pay, or cause to be paid to the said treas- urer, or officer, after the rate of eight pence a gallon, for the full quantity so distilled, and upon proof, that any such strong liquorhath been distilled and sold with- out such entry and payment, the value thereof shall be forfeited to the jurisdiction, unlesse cause of mitiga- tion appear, as in the wines. And that no person at any time retaile any sort of strong liquor within this jurisdiction, without expresse license from the authori- ty of the plantation, within the limits whereof he so sells, wherein the selling of lessethen three gallons at a time, is to be accounted retaile, and that due modera- tion be attended in prises, when it is so retailed. But that none of any sort, be at any time sold, above three shillings and six pence a wine quart. Lastly, it is or- dered, that if any distilling such strong liquor, within this colony, shall by way of trade or merchandize, after he hath paid such custome, ship and send forth out of this jurisdiction, any quantity of the same, he shall for so much, have the said custome repayed, by the treasurer, or officer, who received it. Im/prisonmen t. It is ordered, That no man's person shall be impris- oned either for fine, or debt, to the jurisdiction or NE W HA YEN COL ONY. 229 plantation, or particular person, if any competent means of satisfaction from his estate,' doe otherwise appear ; but if no such estate be known, nor can pres- ently be found, or if contempt or other proud and of- fensive behavionir against the court, or any authority here setled, be mingled with his cause, he may be imprisoned, and kept in prison at his own charge, if he be able, till satisfaction be made, or till the court which committed him, or some superiour court, see cause to release him. Provided neverthelesse, that no man's person shall be kept in prison for debt, at the will of the creditor, but when there appears some estate which he will not produce, in which case, any court, or commissioners authorized by the generall court, may administer an oath to the party, or any others, suspected to be employed, or privy to the con- veying away, or concealing of such estate, or some of it ; but if any such person or persons, in such case, being so required, shall refuse to discover the truth by oath, he shall be liable to such fine, as the court duly weighing the case shall judge meet; but if no estate can be found, to pay or satisfie such just debt, or debts, every such debtor shall satisfie by service, if the creditor, or creditors, require it, for such time, as the court considering the debt, shall with due moderation judge meet ; but shall not be sold to any out of the United English Colonyes, if the debt grow by any or- dinary way of borrowing, contract, or other engage- ment, and not by sinfull and heynous miscarriages, which disturb the publick peace, which the court to whose cognizance such cases are proper, will duly weigh and consider. Incest. It is ordered, &c. That if any persons shall commit 230 LAWS OF incest, which is, when being near of kin, within the degrees by God forbidden, they wickedly defile them- selves one with another, they shall be put to death. Levit. 20. 11, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21. Indians. It is ordered, &c. That no planter, inhabitant, or sojourner within this jurisdiction, shall directly, or in- directly for himself, or any other, purchase, or truck any plantation, or land, upland, or meadow more or less, of any Indian, Indians, or others from them, either upon the Maine between Connecticut River, and Hudson's River, or upon Long Island, nor shal re- ceive any land by way of gift or upon any other tearms, for his or their, or any either private or publick use, or advantage, or as agent for others who may pretend to begin a plantation without express license, either from the court of magistrates for this jurisdiction, or at least from some one of the plantation courts, where there is a magistrate, and deputies. And in the lat- ter case, the land to lye so as neither in point of title, nor conveniency may concern any other plantation, but onely the plantation so licensing, under the pen- alty of losing and forfeiting all the right and title purchased, or obtained in any such land, with such further punishment for contempt as the court shall judge meet. And if any person or persons within this jurisdiction, by what way or means soever be al- ready justly possest, or interessed of or in any land within the limits before mentioned, he or they shal neither directly nor indirectly by gift, sale, or upon any other consideration or respect, alienate or return the right he or they have in the same, or any part of it, to the Indians, or any of them without license from NE W HA T EN COL ONY. 231 this court ; and if any plantation within this jurisdic- tion shal hereafter purchase, or upon any tearms re- ceive, or obtaine title or right to any land from the Indians, or others from them, which may concerne, or be convenient to another plantation within this juris- diction also ; and so there grow any question or differ- ence either in reference to the land, or this order ; it shall be heard and determined by this Court, that peace may be continued, and the conveniency of each plantation provided for. And the better to suppress or restrain the incon- veniences or mischiefs which may grow by a general and unlimited furnishing of the Indians with guns, powder, shot, or any other weapons or instruments proper or useful in or for war. It is ordered, That whosoever of, or within this jurisdiction, or any part thereof shal directly or indirectly, by himself or any other, sel, barter, give, lend, lose, or by any means, or device whatsoever, furnish any Indian or In- dians, or any for them, with any guns smal or great, by what name soever called, or with any powder shot, lead, or shot mould, or with any stocks or locks for guns, or swords, rapiers, daggers, or blades for any such, or pikes, pike-heads, halberts, arrow-heads, or any other provision or furniture for war of what kind so- ever, whether fully finished or not ; or what smith, or other person within or belonging to this jurisdiction shal mend any gun, stock, or any thing belonging to it, or procure it to be done, or any the f orementioned, or other weapons or instruments proper, or used for war, without express written license from this general court, or some one or more deputed by them to give such license with directions upon what terines, and in what manner, such a trade with a due respect to all 232 LAWS OF the premises shall be managed, shal forfeit and pay to the jurisdiction twenty times the value of what shal be sold, bartered,or any way alienated, mended,or upon any contrivement or device done contrary to the ten- our and true meaning of this order, or any part of it, whereof one 4th part goeth to the informer, and the rest to the jurisdiction. And to the same purpose and end, it is further or- dered, that whosoever, shal either directly or indirect- ly sel, bartar, or cause to be sold &c., any guns, powder, shot, lead, or any of the forementioned instruments or provisions for warr, to any person or persons inhab- iting out of this jurisdiction, without license from two magistrates of this jurisdiction under their hands, or where there is but one magistrate under his hand, and the hands of two deputies for the plantation court? shal as a fine for his breach of order and contempt pay five times the value of what shal be so sold, bartered, &c. And it is further ordered, that the magistrate or magistrates who at any time give any such license under their hands shal keep a true account in writing of all the particulars, and quantities, he or they so license, to whom and upon what grounds, that upon any question this court may receive satisfaction there- in ; and that every such license be limited, as to the perticular things and quantities ; so to the time, that if the same or any part thereof be not within the limited time sould and delivered, the license for the whole, or such part to be altogether void, and each sale or delivery after, without a new license, to be adjudged a breach of this order. And the better to prevent controversies and dis- turbance betwixt the English and Indians in this NE W HA YEN COL ONY. 233 jurisdiction ; it is ordered, that whosoever slial upon any occasion, trust, or take pawn or pledge of any Indian for the securing or payment of any thing sold or lent, he slial neither after take any thing from him or them by force, for, or toward satisfaction, nor dis- pose of any pawn, or pledg so received, though the time set for redeeming it be enquired, without either consent of the Indian, or license from the court, or from the authority setled in the Plantation where lives. Indians, see further, into the title of Inn-keepers, Tipling, and Drunkenness. Indictments. If any person shall be indicted of, or legally charged with any capitall crime (who is not then in durance) and shal withdraw, or refuse to render his person to some magistrate, or officer for this jurisdic- tion, within one moneth, after three proclamations publickly made in the town, or plantation where he did formerly usually abide, there being a full moneth betwixt proclamation and proclamation ; his lands and goods shall be seized to the use of the jurisdic- tion (and ordered with due respect to his family, as the court of magistrates shal judge meet) till he make his lawful appearance. And such withdrawing of himself shall stand instead of one witnesse to prove the crime charged, unlesse he can make it ap- peare to the court that he was necessarily hindered. Inkeepers, Tipling, Drunkenness. It is ordered, &c. That no person, or persons, shall at any time hereafter, under any pretence or colour whatsoever, undertake or become a common 234: LAWS OF victualer, keeper of a cooke's shop, or house for com- mon entertainment, tavern, or publick seller of wine, ale, strong beere, or strong liquor by retaile within this jurisdiction ; nor shall any either directly or indirectly, sell any sort of wine privately in his house, cellar, id., 636. 1657. Proclamation against Quakers. Yessels bringing any Quaker into the province, were to be confiscated, and every person who should entertain a Quaker for a single night was to be fined 50 pounds. Ibid., 637. 1658. John Tilton,town clerk of Gravesend (L. I.), fined 12 pounds Flemish, for giving a lodging to a woman of " the abominable sect called Quakers." Ibid., 188. 1658, Jan. 1. The (English) magistrates and inhab- itants of Flushing, L. I., arrested and tried, for having presented to the Council a remonstrance against the proclamation against Quakers. Calendar of Dutch Mss., 187. 1661. Henry Townsend, of Jamaica, fined 25 pounds for attending Quaker meetings. Samuel Spicer, a Quaker, fined 12Z. John Til ton and John Townsend, Quakers, banished the province. Ibid., 220, 224. 1662. Another proclamation against the public ex- ercise of any religion but the Dutch Reformed, " in houses, barns, ships, woods, or fields," under penalty of 50 guilders; double for the second offence ; quad- ruple for the third, with other correction at the dis- cretion of the court. BrodJiead, i. 706. OF NEW YORK. 317 1662, Sept. John Browne, of Flushing, a Quaker, fined 25. for lodging Quakers, and holding meet- ings of " that abominable sect." (Oct.) John and Mary Tilton for frequenting conventicles, and Michal Spicer and her son Samuel, for harboring Quakers and distributing Quaker pamphlets, were ordered to leave the province before Nov. 20th. Calendar, p. 240. 1663. Jan. 9th, John Bowne, refusing to pay his fine, after three months' imprisonment, was sentenced to be transported from the province, "in the first ship ready to sail." [Like Roger Williams, he was cast out " in the dead of winter."] JBrodhead, i. 706. Support of the Ministry. 1662, May 25. Levy of execution granted against the inhabitants of Heemstede, L. I., who had refused to pay their tax for support of a minister. Calendar, 237. (NEW YORK UNDER THE ENGLISH.") "The spirit of peace and good will that reigned in New Amster- dam still breathed benignly over the city changed in name, and stamped it then, as now, imperial, not only in commerce, but in humanity." The Old Stadt Ifuys, p. 44. Proclamation against Presbyterian Preachers. 1707. "Whereas I am informed that one Mackennan [Rev. Francis Makemie] and one Hampton [Rev. John Hampton ], two Presbyterian Preachers who lately came to this City, have taken upon them to preach in a private house, without having obtained any license for so doing, which is directly contrary to the known laws of England ; and being likewise informed, that they are gone into Long Island, with intent there to spread their Pernicious Doctrine and 318 EARLY LAWS $c. Principles, to the great disturbance of the Church by law Established, and of the Government of this Province : You are therefore hereby required and commanded to take into your custody the bodies of the said Mackennan and Hampton, and them to bring with all convenient speed before me, at Fort Anne in New York. And for so doing, this shall be your sufficient Warrant. Given under my hand, at Fort Anne, this 21st day of January, 1706-07. COKKBUBY. To Thomas Cardale Esqr. High Sheriff of Queen's County," etc. [The Rev. Messrs. Makemie and Hampton, who stopped a few days in New York, on their way to New England, had preached, the one in a private house in the city, the other at Newtown, L. I. Under the foregoing warrant from the Governor, both were arrested, and imprisoned nearly two months, before being admitted to bail. Mr. Makemie was tried, in June, 1707, and acquitted by the jury, but the Court compelled him to pay for the costs of prosecution and expenses, about 300 dollars. See "A Narrative etc., of the Prosecution of Mr. Francis Makemie, for Preaching one Sermon at the City of New York," reprinted in Force's Tracts, vol. 4.] Ministers paid and Churches ~built "by Taxation. 1693. Whereas Prophaneness and Licentiousness hath of late overspread this Province, for want of a settled ministry, whereby the Ordinances of God may be duly administered, etc., Enacted, That in each of the cities and counties hereafter named, there be called, induced, and established one good and OF NEW YORK. 319 sufficient Protestant Minister, within one year after the date of this act. And for the encouragement of the Ministers, there shall be paid to them, respectively, as follows : for the city and county of New York, 100 pounds per annum ; for the two precincts of "Westchester, 100 pounds ; for the county of Richmond, 40 pounds, in country produce at money price ; for the two pre- cincts of Queen's county, 120 pounds to each, etc. The Justices, Yestryrnen, and Churchwardens, or a majority of them, shall lay a reasonable tax on the respective cities, counties, parishes, or precincts, for the maintenance of the Minister and Poor of their respective places. A roll of the tax so made shall be delivered to the respective constables, with a warrant signed by any two Justices of the Peace, empowering them to levy the same, and on default of payment to distrain and sell by out-cry, and pay the same into the hands of the Churchwardens, etc. 1699. Enacted, that the Trustees of any Town, or any Persons chosen by a majority of the freeholders, shall have power once a year to make a yearly rate for the erecting a public edifice, or church for the worship of God, or for a town-house, or gaol, for the use of the respective town or place where the same is wanting. The tax and rate to be laid and levied in the same manner as other public taxes are laid. On the refusing or neglect of payment, the money to be levied by distress, by warrant from a Justice of the Peace. Against Jesuits and Romish Priests. 1699. All Jesuits, Seminary Priests, Missionaries, 320 EARL Y LA WS $c. or ecclesiastical persons, made or ordained by any power or jurisdiction derived or pretended from the Pope, or See of Rome, now residing or being within this Province, must depart therefrom on or before the first day of November, 1700. If any such con- tinue, remain, or come into the Province after the said first of November, he shall be deemed an incen- diary, a disturber of the public peace, an enemy of the true Christian Religion, and shall stiff er perpetual imprisonment. If any such person being actually committed, shall break prison and escape, he shall be guilty of felony, and, if retaken, shall die as a felon. Persons receiving, harbouring, succouring, or con- cealing any such person, and knowing him to be such, shall forfeit the sum of 200 pounds, half to the King and the other half to the prosecutor, shall be set in the Pillory three days, and find sureties for their good behavior, at the discretion of the Court. Any Justice of the Peace may cause any person suspected to be of the Romish clergy, to be apprehen- ded, and if he find cause may commit him or them, in order to a trial. Any person without warrant may seize, apprehend, and bring before a magistrate any person suspected of the crimes above named, and the Governor with the Council may suitably reward such person as they shall think fit. OF VIRGINIA. 321 VIRGINIA. The following are from the "Articles, Laws, and Orders, Divine, Politique, and Martial, for the Colony in Virginia: first established by Sir Thomas Gates, Knight, Lieutenant-General, the 24th of May, 1610. Again exemplified and enlarged by Sir Thomas Dale, Knight, Marshall, and Deputie Governour, the 22d of June, 1611." 3. That no man blaspheme God's holy name, upon pain of death ; or use nnlawfull oaths, taking the name of God in vain, curse, or ban, upon pain of severe punishment for the first offence so committed, and for the second, to have a bodkin thrust through his tongue ; and if he continue the blaspheming of God's holy name, for the third time so offending he shall be brought to a martial court, and there receive censure of death for his offence. 6. Every man and woman duly twice a day, upon the first tolling of the bell, shall, upon the working days, repair untp the church, to hear divine service, upon pain of losing his or her day's allowance, for the first omission ; for the second, to be whipt, and for the third, to be condemned to the galleys for six months Every man and woman shall repair in the morning to the divine service and sermons preached, upon the Sabbath day, and in the afternoon to divine service, and Catechising, upon pain for the. first fault to lose their provision and the allowance for the whole week following ; for the second, to lose the said allowance and also to be whipt ; and for the third to suffer death. 12. No manner of person whatsoever shall dare to detract, slander, calumniate, or utter unseemly and unfitting speeches against his Majesty's Honourable Council for this Colony, ... or against the zealous 14* 322 EARL Y LA WS $c. endeavors and intentions of the whole body of Adven- turers for this pious and Christian Plantation, .... upon pain, for the first time so offending, to be whipt three several times, and upon his knees to acknowledge his offence and to ask forgiveness upon the Sabbath day in the assembly of the congregation ; [for the second offence, to be condemned to the galleys for three years, and for the third, to suffer death.] 22. There shall no man or woman, launderer, or launderess, dare to wash any unclean linen, drive bucks, or throw out the water or suds of foul clothes, in the open street, within the palisadoes, or within forty foot of the same, nor rench [rinse] and make clean any kettle, pot, or pan, or such like vessel, within twenty foot of the old well or new pump, .... upon pain of whipping and further punishment, as shall be thought meet, by the censure of a martial Court. LAWS AND ACTS OF ASSEMBLY. CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 1643. " Be it also enacted and confirmed, etc., That what person or persons soever shall feloniously kill a tame hogg, being none of his owne, and being thereof lawfully convicted, shall suffer as a felon " [i. e. death]. Hen ing's Statutes at Large, i. 244. [In November, 1647, this penalty was mitigated to a fine of 2000 Ibs. of tobacco, or two years' penal ser- vitude. Ibid., 351.] 1662. The Court, in every county, " shall cause to be sett up a pillory, a pair of stocks, and a whip- ping-post, neere the court-house, and a ducking stoole in such a place as they shall think convenient, that such offenders as by the laws are to suffer by any of them may be punished according to their demeritts." OF VIRGINIA. 323 Any court failing to execute this order, within six months, was to be fined 5000 Ibs. of tobacco. Ibid-., ii. 75. 1662. Whereas oftentimes many brabbling women often slander and scandalize their neighbours, for which their poore husbands are often brought into chargeable and vexatious suites, and cast in greate damages : Be it therefore enacted, etc., That in actions of slander occasioned by the wife as aforesaid, after judgment passed for damages, the woman shall bepun- ished by ducking and if the slander be so enormous as to be adjudged at a greater damage than 500 Ibs. of tobacco, then the woman to suffer a ducking for each jive hundred pounds adjudged against the hus- band, if he refuse to pay the tobacco. Ibid., ii. 166-67. 1662. Taking advantage of the law that " every woman servant having a bastard, shall serve two years " after the expiration of her original term, " some dis- solute masters have gotten their maids with child," so as to retain them longer in service ; whereupon, an act was passed, providing that " Women servants got with child by their masters, shall, after their time expired, be sold by the Church- wardens for two years, for the good of the parish." Ibid., 167. AGAINST NONCONFORMISTS AND DISSENTERS. [The Kev. Thomas W. Coit, D.D., remarks on the contrast the early legislation of Virginia presents to the exclusiveness and intolerance of Puritanism in New England. "How different," he writes, "the Erinciple with which Episcopal Virginia commenced er career, viz, 'universal suffrage and equality'! . . . Well may Mr. Burk say of the noble State 324: EARLY LAWS $c. whose history he has undertaken. . . . Yirginia, separated as it were from the whole world, heard the voice of liberty like sweet music in her wilds." Puritanism, pp. 463-4. "With this glowing eulogy, compare the plainer prose of an illustrious son of Yirginia, Thomas Jef- ferson : " The first settlers of [Yirginia] were emigrants from England, of the English church, just at a point of time when it was flushed with complete victory over the religions of all other persuasions. Possessed, as they became, of the powers of making, administer- ing, and executing the laws, they shewed equal intoler- ance in this country with their Presbyterian brethren who had emigrated to the northern goverment . . . Several acts of the Yirginia Assembly, of 1659,. 1662, and 1693, had made it penal in parents to refuse to have their children baptized ; had prohibited the unlawful assembling of Quakers ; had made it penal for any master of a vessel to bring a Quaker into the State : had ordered those already here, and such as should come thereafter, to be imprisoned till they should abjure the country, provided a milder penalty for the first and second return, but death for their third. If no capital executions took place here, as did in New England, it was not owing to the moder- ation of the church, or spirit of the legislature, as may be inferred from the law itself ; but to historical circumstances which have not been handed down to us." Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, 1788, p. 167.] March, 1623-24. "Whosoever shall absent him- self from divine service any Sunday, without an allow- able, excuse, shall forfeit a pound of tobacco, and he that absenteth himself a month shall forfeit 50 Ibs. of tobacco." Hening's Statutes at Large, i. 123. Marcht 1642-3. "For the preservation of the puri- tie of doctrine and unitie of the church, It is enacted, that all ministers whatsoever that shall reside in this OF VIRGINIA. 325 Colony are to be conformable to the orders and con- stitutions of the Church of England, and the lawes therein established, and not otherwise to be admitted to teach or preach publickly or privately. And that the Governour and Counsel do take care that all non- conformists, upon notice of them, shall be compelled to depart the Colony with all conveniencie." Ibid., i. 277. 1645-46. [By an act of June, 1641, continued by act of February, 1644, all ministers were required to " preach in the forenoon and catechize in the afternoon of every Sunday," under a forfeiture of 500 Ibs of tobacco :] Be it now further enacted, that all masters of families upon warning given by the ministers, . . . . do cause their children and servants to repaire to the places appointed, to be instructed and catechized, upon the like penalty, . . . unless sufficient cause be shewn to the contrary." Ibid., i. 312. 1661. No minister shall be allowed to officiate in this Country, but such as produce to the governor a testimonial, that he hath received his ordination from some Bishop in England, and shall then subscribe to be conformable to the Orders and Constitutions of the Church of England. Mercer's Abridgment, (1737,) 177. 1652. All persons inhabiting in this country, having no lawful excuse, shall every Sunday resort to their Parish Church or Chapel, and there abide orderly during the Common-Prayer, Preaching, and Divine Service, upon the penalty of being fined 50 Ibs. of Tobacco by the county court. This act shall not extend to Quakers or other recusants who totally absent themselves, but they 326 EARL Y LA WS, $c. shall be liable to the penalty imposed by the Statute, 23 Elizabeth, viz. 20 sterling for every month's absence. 1695. Any person of full age, absent from divine service at his or her parish Church or Chapel, the space of one month, (except such protestant Dissen- ters as are excepted by the Act of Parliament of "William and Mary,) to be fined five shillings, or 50 pounds of Tobacco ; and on refusal to make present payment, or give sufficient caution for payment thereof, to receive, on the bare back, ten lashes, well laid on. Mercer, p. 209. Against Papists. 1641.- ["Popish recusants" may not exercise the places of secret counsellors, register, commissioners, surveyor, or sheriff, under forfeiture of 1000 Ibs. of Tobacco.] 1643. [The assembly directs the above statute to be duly executed, and enacts:] " That it should not be lawful, under the penalty aforesaid, for any popish priest that shall hereafter arrive, to remain above five days after warning given by the governor, or commander of the place where he or they shall be, if wind and weather hinder not his departure." Hening, i. 268, 269. 1705. Popish recusants convict, negroes, mulattoes, Indian servants, and others, not being Christians, shall not be received as witnesses, in any case whatsoever. Mercer, 93. Against Quakers. March, 1660. "An Act for the suppressing of the Quakers." "Whereas there is an unreasonable OF VIRGINIA. 327 and turbulent sort of people, commonly called Quakers, who contrary to law do dayly gather together unto them unlawful assemblies and congregations of people, teaching, and publishing lies, miracles, false visions, prophecies, and doctrines [etc.] . . . .To prevent and restrain which mischiefe, "It is enacted. That no master or commander of any shipp or other vessell do bring into this Collonie any person or persons called Quakers, under the penalty of 100 sterling .... All such Quakers as have been questioned or shall hereafter arrive shall be apprehended wheresoever they shall be found and they be imprisoned without baile or mainprize till they do abjure this country or putt in security with all speed to depart the. Collonie and not to return again. [If they " dare to presume to return," they are to be proceeded against and punished "as con- temners of the laws," and caused to depart the country]. And if they should the third time be so audacious and impudent as to return hither, to be proceeded against as felons " [i. e. to be punished with death]. Hening, i. 532. 1662. Quakers or other recusants who totally absent themselves from the Parish Church, shall be liable to a penalty of 20 sterling for every month's absence. And all Quakers assembling in unlawful Conven- ticles shall be fined, every man so taken, 200 pounds of Tobacco for every such time of meeting. 1663. If Quakers, or other Separatists whatsoever, in this Colony assemble themselves together to the number of five or more, of the age of sixteen years or upwards, under the pretence of joining in ^.religious worship not authorized in England or thw country, the parties so offending being thereof lawfully convict 328 EARL Y LA WS, $c, by verdict, confessions, or notorious evidence, shall for the first offence forfeit 200 Ibs. of tobacco ; for the second, 500 Ibs of tobacco; and for the third offence, the offender being convict as aforesaid shall be banished the colony of Virginia. Every master of a ship or vessel that shall bring in any Quakers to reside here, after July 1st next, shall be fined 5000 Ibs. of tobacco. Any person inhabiting this country, entertaining any Quaker in or near his house, to preach or teach, shall for every time of such entertainment be fined 5000 Ibs. of tobacco. Miscellaneous Enactments. 1662. "An Aot prohibiting the importation of unnecessary Commodities. "Whereas the lowe prices of tobacco will hardly supply the urgeing and pressing necessities of the country, etc Be it enacted, that no strong drink of what sort soever, nor silke stuffe in garments or in peeces (except for whoods and scarfes), nor silver or gold lace, nor bone lace of silk or thread, nor ribbands wrought w r ith silver or gold in them, shall be brought into this country to sell, after the first of February next ; under penalty of confiscation of the said goods by the seller to the governor, to be exported, and the value thereof by the buyer to that good commonwealth-man that shall discover it." Hening, ii. 18. [This law is crossed with a pen on the AIS. record, and Mr. Jefferson " conjectured it was negatived by the governor." Ibid., note.] 1661. Ordered, that the order of the quarter-court the 27th of March, 1661, prohibiting Roger Partridge and Elizabeth his wife, to keep any maid servant, for OF VIRGINIA. the tearme of three yeares, be by this Assembly confirmed and ratified. Ibid., 35. 1632, Sept. " Mynisters shall not give themselves to excess in drinking or ryott, spending their tyme idelie by day or night, playinge at dice, cards, or any other unlawfull game, but at all tymes convenient they shall heare or reade somewhat of the holy scriptures, or shall occupie themselves with some other honest studies, or exercise, always doing the things which shall apperteyne to honestie, and endeavour to profitt the church of God, having always in mynd that they ought to excell all others in puritie of life, and should be examples to the people to live well and Christianlie." Hening, i. 183. 1632, Sept. " Because of the low price of Tobacco at present, it is further graunted and ordered, that there shall be likewise due to the Mynisters, from the first day of March last past, for and during the term of one whole year next ensueinge, the twentyeth calfe, the twentyeth kidd of goates, and the twentyeth pigge, throughout all the plantations is this Colony," etc. Ibid., 183. 1734. "When any Free Indian shall be tried for Murder or other Felony, any free Indian may be examined, without oath, upon the trial, for or against the criminal. " If it shall appear to the Court that such witness hath given false testimony, the Court, without further trial, shall order such witness to have one ear nailed to the Pillory, and there to stand an hour, then to have that ear cut off; and the other nailed to, and cut off, at the expiration of another hour." Mercer's Abridgment, 1737, p. 30. 330 EARLY LAWS, $c. MARYLAND. The charter of Maryland, granted to a Koman Catholic subject, by a protestant king moved by " a laudable zeal for extending the Christian religion," guaranteed the protection of Christianity as professed by the Church of England. It conferred the authority to enact, with the assent of the freemen, such laws as were "not re- pugnant, but agreeable, to the jurisprudence and rights of the realm of England," and expressly provided that no construction of it should be made whereby the Christian religion, or the allegiance due to the Crown, should suffer any diminution. The planters and their posterity were declared to be " entitled to the liberties of Englishmen, as if they had been born within the kingdom." Before the coming of Leonard Calvert in 1634, a protestant settlement had been established (at Kent Island) within the bounds of the Mary- land patent, and of those who accompanied him in the first emigra- tion " by far the larger number were Protestants " (Bancroft, cent, ed., i. 185). At the first assembly of the freemen, it was en- acted " that offenders, in all murders and felonies, shall suffer the same pains and forfeitures as for the same crimes in England." The third assembly, in Feb. 1638-9, adopted a provisional code of laws, in which was incorporated the declaration (from Magna Charta) that "Holy church within this province shall have all her rights and liberties," but, as Chalmers observes, "what the fran- chizes of the church of Maryland were do not appear, and probably the wisest of her doctors would have been puzzled to tell." In 1676, this act was confirmed, as a perpetual law. So long as the pro- prietary was of a different religion from that professed by a great majority of the people, mutual toleration was a necessity. When puritanism was in the ascendant in England, and the abrogation of Lord Baltimore's charter was urged upon the Parliament, he ap- pointed a protestant governor of Maryland and bound him, by his official oath, not " directly to trouble, molest or discountenance any person whatsoever in the said province, professing to believe in Jesus Christ; and, in particular, no Roman Catholic," etc. ; and in April, 1649, the assembly, composed of Roman Catholics and Pro- testants, passed an act establishing the religious freedom of all Christians, but imposing the penalty of death for blasphemy, and the denial or reproach of the Holy Trinity, or any of the three persons thereof, and a fine of 5 for speaking reproachfully against the Blessed Virgin or the apostles. Of the earliest laws of Mary- land few have been preserved. The abstracts here given are from revisions of 1699 and 1700. OF MARYLAND. 331 Blasphemy, Swearing, <&c. 1649, 1699. If any person whatsoever inhabiting this Province shall blaspheme, that is, curse God, deny our Saviour to be the Son of God, or deny the Holy Trinity, or the Godhead of any of the three Persons, or the Unity of the Godhead, or shall utter any re- proachful words or language concerning the Holy Trinity, or any of the three Persons thereof, he or she shall for the first offence be bored through the tongue, and fined 20 sterling, to the king, or if the party hath not an estate sufficient to answer the sum, then to suffer six months' imprisonment. For the second offence, he or she shall be stigmatized in th*e forehead, with the letter B, and fined 40 sterling, (&c.) or be imprisoned for one year. And for the third offence, he or she so offending and thereof legally convicted, shall suffer death, with confiscation of all their goods and chattels to the king. If any person prophanely swear or curse, in the hearing of any one justice of peace, or head officer of a town, or that shall be thereof convicted by the oath of one witness before any one justice or other head officer, or by confession of the party, he shall forfeit 5 sh. sterling to the king. Ordinaries and Inns. 1699. Every ordinary-keeper that shall demand or take above 10 Ibs. of tobacco for a gallon of small beer, 20 Ibs. of tobacco for a gallon of strong beer, 4 Ibs. of tobacco for a night's lodging in a bed, 12 Ibs. of tobacco for a peck of Indian corn or oats, 6 Ibs. of tobacco for a night's grass for a horse, 10 Ibs. of tobacco 332 EARL Y LA WS, $c. for a night's hay or straw, shall forfeit for every such offence 500 Ibs. of tobacco. No inhabitant of this Province shall sell without license any cider, quince drink, or other strong liquor, to be drunk in his or her house, upon penalty of 1000 Ibs. of tobacco for every conviction. No ordinary-keeper shall refuse to credit any person capable of giving a vote for election of delegates in any county, for any accommodations by him vended, to the value of 400 Ibs. of tobacco, under the penalty of 400 Ibs. of tobacco. No ordinary-keeper within this Province, during the time of his keeping ordinary, shall be elected to serve as a deputy or representative in the General Assembly. JKeligion. 1700. The Book of Common Prayer and adminis- tration of the Sacraments, with other rites and cere- monies of the Church of England etc., shall be sol- emnly read by all ministers in the churches and other places of worship in this Province. In every parish where any minister or incumbent shall reside, no justice or magistrate shall join any persons in marriage under the penalty of 5000 Ibs. of tobacco, to the king. For the encouragement of able ministers etc., instead of tithes, a tax or assessment of 40 Ibs. of tobacco per poll shall be yearly levied upon every tax- able person in every parish in this Province. Which said assessment shall always be paid to the ministers of every parish, etc. OF MASSACHUSETTS. 333 MASSACHUSETTS. The founders of Connecticut borrowed most of their laws and judicial proceedings from Massachusetts. Their legislation was certainly not more "blue" than that of the Bay Colony, their pen- alties were not more severe, nor more rigorously exacted. The following orders and sentences of the Massachusetts Court of Assistants and General Court (before the establishment of the " Body of Liberties " in 1640) are extracted from the printed Colony Records, Vol. I. Sept. 1630. It is ordered by this present Court, that Thomas Morton, of Mount Wolliston, shall pres- ently be sett into the bilbowes, and after sent prisoner into England, by the shipp called the Gifte, no we returning thither; that all his goods shalbe seazed upon to defray the charge of his transportation, payment of his debts, and to give satisfaction to the Indians for a cannoe hee unjustly tooke away from them ; and that his howse, after the goods are taken out, shalbe burnt downe to the ground in the sight of the Indians, for their satisfaction, for many wrongs hee hath done them from tyme to tyme. It is ordered, that noe person shall plant in any place within the lymittsof this Pattent, without leave from the Governor and Assistants, or the major parte of them. It is ordered, that all Eich : Cloughe's strong water shall presently be seazed upon, for his selling greate quantytie thereof to severall men's servants, which was the occasion of much disorder, drunckenes, and misdemeanour. Nov. 1630. It is ordered, that John Baker shalbe whipped for shooting att f owle on the Sabboth day, etc. 334: EARL Y LAWS, $c. March, 1631. Mr. Thomas Stoughton, constable of Dorchester, is fyned 5 for takeing upon him to marry Clement Briggs and Joane Allen, and to be imprisoned till hee hath paid his fyne. It is ordered, that if any person within the lymitts of this Pattent doe trade, trucke, or sell any money, either silver or golde, to any Indian, or any man that knowes of any that shall soe doe and conceales the same, shall forfeit twenty for one. Nich. Knopp is fyned 5 for takeing upon him to cure the scurvey, by a water of noe worth nor value, which he soldo att a very deare rate, to be imprisoned till hee pay his fine or give securitye for it, or else to be whipped ; and shalbe lyable to any man's action of whome he hath receaved money for the said water. It is likewise ordered, that all persons whatsoever that have cards, dice, or tables in their howses, shall make away with them, before the nexte Court, under paine of punishment. June, 1631. It is ordered, that noe man within the limitts of this jurisdiction shall hire any person, for a servant for lesse time than a yeare, unles hee be a setled housekeeper ; also, that noe person whatso- ever shall travell out of this Pattent, either by sea or land, without leave from the Governor, Deputy Gov- ernor, or some other Assistant, under such penalty as the Court shall thinke meete to inflict. It is ordered, that Phillip Ratliffe shalbe whipped, have his eares cutt off, fyned 40, and banished out of the lymitts of this jurisdiction, for uttering mal- litious and scandulous speeches against the govern- ment and the church of Salem, etc., as appeareth by a particular thereof, proved upon oath. OF MASSACHUSETTS. 335 Sept. 1631. It is ordered, that Henry Lynn shalbe whipped and banished the plantation before the 6th day of October nexte, for writeing into England falsely and mallitiously against the government and execu- tion of justice here. It is ordered, that Josias Plastowe shall (for stealeing 4 basketts of corne from the Indians) returne them 8 basketts againe, be fined 5, and hereafter to be called by the name of Josias, and not Mr., as formerly hee used to be, * and that Willm. Buckland and Tho. Andrewe shalbe whipped for being accessary to the same offence. April, 1632. Tho. Knower was sett in the bilbov es for threatning the Court that, if hee should be pun- isht, hee would have itt tryed in England whither hee was lawfully punished or not. August, 1632. It is ordered, that the remainder of Mr. Allen's stronge water, being estimated about 2 gallands, shalbe delivered into the hands of the dea- cons of Dorchester, for the benefit of the poore there, for his selling of it dyvers tymes to such as were drunke with it, hee knowing thereof. * This judgment has often been pointed to as a choice specimen of puritan jurisprudence. Hutchinson (Hist, of Mass., i. 384) cites it, amongst others, to show that the sentences of the early Massa- chusetts courts were "adapted to the circumstances of a large family of children and servants ; " and he remarks, that the colonists were careful that no title or appellation should be given where it was not due, etc. The true explanation of the sentence passed on Plastowe is this: "Master" was the title of a gentleman, and gentlemen were exempt from corporal punishment. "Mr. "Plas- towe was fined for stealing, while his accomplices were- whipped, The Court deprived him of his safeguard by reducing him to plain " Josias." 336 EARLY LAWS, $c. Sept. 1632. It is ordered, that Eobert Shawe shalbe severely whipt, for wicked curseing, eweareing, justifyeing the same, and gloryeing iu it, as hath been proved by oath. It is ordered, that Richard Hopkins shalbe severely whipt, and branded with a hott iron on one of his cheekes, for selling peecesand powder and shotttothe Indeans. Hereupon it was propounded if this offence should not be punished hereafter by death. Tobacco. Oct. 1632. It is ordered, that noe person shall take any tobacco publiquely, under paine of punishment ; also that every one shall pay Id. for every time hee is convicted for takeing tobacco in any place, and that any Assistant shall have power to receave evidence and give order for the levyeing of it, as also to give order for the levyeing of the officer's charge. This order to begin the 10th of November next. Sept. 1634:. Yictualers, or keepers of an Ordinary, shall not suffer any tobacco to be taken in their howses, under the penalty of 5s. for every offence, to be payde by the victuler, and 12<#. by the party that takes it. Further, it is ordered, that noe person shall take tobacco publiquely, under the penalty of 2s. 6^., nor privately, in his owne house, or in thehowse of another, before strangers, and that two or more shall not take it togeather, anywhere, under the aforesaid penalty for every offence. March, 1635. It is further ordered, that noe person whatsoever shall either buy or sell any. tobacco within this jurisdiction after the last of September nexte, OF MASSACHUSETTS. 337 under the penalty of 10s. a pound, and soe propor- tionably for more or lesse, to be paide by buyer and seller, and that in the meane tyme noe person shall buy or sell any tobacco att a higher price then it shalbe valued att by the Governor for the tyme being, arid two other, whome hee shall please to chuse, under the penalty aforesaid. Nov. 1637. All former laws against tobacco are repealed, and tobacco is sett at liberty. Sept. 1638. The [General] Court, finding that since the repealing of the former laws against tobacco, the same is more abused then before, it hath there- fore ordered, that no man shall take any tobacco in the feilds, except in his journey, or at meale times, upon paine of I2d. for every offence ; nor shall take any tobacco in (or so near) any dwelling house, barne, corne, or hay rick, as may likely indanger the fireing thereof, upon paine of 10s. for every offence ; nor shall take any tobacco in any inne or common victualing house, except in a private roome there, so as neither the master of the same house nor any other guests there shall take offence thereat ; which if they do, then such person is fourthwith to forbeare, upon paine of 2s. 6d. for every offence. Noe man shall kindle fyre by gunpowder, for take- ing tobacco, except in his journey, upon paine o.f 12d. for every offence. April, 1633. It is ordered, that if any swine shall, in fishing time, come within a quarter of a mile of the stadge att Marble Harbour, that they shalbe f orfected to the owners of the said stadge, and soo for all other stadgcs within their lymitts. 15 338 EARLY LAWS, $c. Sept. 1633. John Sliotswcll is lined 405. for dis- tempering bimselfe with drinke att Aggawam. Roberte Coles is fined 10, and enjoyned to stand with a white sheete of paper on his back, wherein A DRUNKARD shalbe written in greate letters, and to stand therewith soe longe as the Court thinks meete, for abuseing himselfe shamefully with drinke, .... and other misdemeanour. Capt. John Stone for his outrage committed in confronting aucthority, abuseing Mr. [Roger] Lud- lowe both in words and behavour, assalting him, and calling him a Just as, &c., is fined 100, and prohibi- ted comeing within this pattent without leave from the goverment, under the penalty of death. Pay of Mechanics and Labourers. Oct. 1633. It is ordered, that maister carpenters, sawers, masons, clapboard-ryvers, brick elayers, tylars, joyners, wheelewrights, mowers, &c., shall not take above %s. a day, finding themselves dyett, and not above 14e. a day if they have dyett found them, under the penalty of 5s., both to giver and receaver, for every day that there is more given and receaved. Also, that all other inferior w r orkemen of the said occupations shall have such wages as the constable of the said place, and two other inhabitants that hee shall chuse, shall appoynct. Also, it is agreed, that the best sorte of labourers shall not take above ISd. a day if they dyett them- selves, and not above S<7. a day if they have dyett found them, under the aforesaid penalty both to giver and receaver. Likewise, that the wages of inferior la- bourers shalbe referd to the constable and two others, as aforesaid. OF MASSACHUSETTS. 339 Maister taylours shall not take above 12