California tegional acility MftRiA A. j UCSB LIBRARY Y8AH8IJ 82UU \ r* \ N e X * A PRESS NOTICES OF " THE ROMANCE OF MISSIONS." " \ book that is sure of a multitu L- of r.- 1 lors." CammoHU'fa.'l't. >:is is so fascinating as Miss Maria West's ' Romance of Missions, !c Views of Life and Labor in the Land of Ararat.' " Epitcopal Methodist. Missionary literature that will have a wide circulation and many eager readers. The auth >r presents us with a series of over two hundred pen-and-ink sketches, in a style that is simple, vivacious, and charming: the reader's curiosity is spurred, and the interest sustained to the close. . . . It is remarkable to find in it so little the priming-knife." Baptist Missionary Jtfaf.tsinf, Boston. romance could be more interesting than this." Faith and W'orki. " Those who are inclined to depreciate the work of Christian Missions will find their :\ put to a severe proof in reading this simple story of work among the Arme- >nd the incidental sketches of scenes in that old land cannot fail to delight any intelligent reader." Buffalo Courier. cful perusal will take away the rose-colored romance from foreign Missionary life, and show the hard-working men and women in their true light. . . . See, also, what one woman can do for the Master by well-directed effort. The author has conferred a favor on all interested in Missions, by giving an inside view of the actual work at Mission -." Christian Weekly. ;s a large and intensely interesting volume, which all who have the cause of foreign Missions at heart ought to possess. . . . A record which has never been surpassed in this department of literature. It is designed to advance the cause both in a spiritual and financial way." Advocate and Guardian. "In many respects this book has all the absorbing interest of a novel, yet it is the simple, touching, unvarnished experience of a young Missionary, with striking lessons to Christians at home, in the delightful sketches of individual characters. . . . How any one can read Miss West's thrilling narratives of those Armenian converts, and not be willing to own that the Church has been repaid a thousand-fold for all of money and toil she has expended in the cause of Missions, we cannot comprehend. It is sufficient to convince the most sceptical." Central freshyterian. " To create a true Missionary spirit among Christians in this land, we ask no better or more effective ajjcnt than this extremely interesting volume. Not only would its ition broadcast among our churches do much to fan into an active flame the ; embers of Christian love and sympathy for the heathen, but it would disabuse the miii.U offkoMMdl who find an excuse for doing nothing, by the plea that no satis- factory results are accomplished by Missionary labors. Almost every phase of Missionary life and labor is delineated in simple and eloquent outlines by Miss West. We should be glad to see a copy of this admirable book in every Sunday School and Parish Library, to stimulate the zeal and nurture the Missionary spirit of our children and congrega- tions." Christian IntsUigfncer. " This is a genuine a- ; book, and does credit to the literary ability of Miss right, intelligent, and energetic woman, enthusiastic in her work, a cour- ageous traveller, and keenly observant, she portrays, in simple and unaffected style, the every-day history of Missionary life in Asiatic cities and villages, and with just that minuteness and homclikcriess of detail which gives inside views of oriental doni and daily routine of Missionary labor. Her extensive tours through Asia Minor, Arme- nia, and the borders of Assyria aivl K<>^nli-ijn, and the acquaintance of intelligent travellers of various nations, illumine her pages with many side-lights of political interest as well." Springfield Kefnl.uiic time 14 Staging the Gotpel 19 In tin- Enemy's Camp 21 By the Way-id-', and in Nioomedia 23 Love for Jesus, but " Xo Words." A Xantippe . . 26 In tin- Vineyard 28 A Bai-kward Glance, Beautiful Picture . . . . 30 CHAPTER II. AHA BAZAR. Thirty Miles on Horseback . . . . . . ii = 32 Tin- Arrival. " New Notions " and New Scenes . . ' 35 Ait Oriental Dinner 37 The Family Rooms. u Divine Discontent." The Pastor, 39 The Lord's Day 42 At the Beginning 45 Evening Sacrifice. A < 'hrUtian Family .... 47 lli.-Child-uitr 49 Drones in the Hive. The Pastor's Home and Work. The Bible an Educator 50 Missionary Policy. Will it P.-iy '-. BH<.\\ tin- Surfarc . 56 Thi-SpirH-niild. (Ji-d's Way. -Th.'lN-al Wrong . . 63 Work for Jews and Work for Ontilr* 67 Ingratitude. The Divine Kl. in. ut 69 Native Mi-Mi>ii;irii>s Flitting 72 A Mission Mothers' Meeting. ' Verkeran." Song-book. "Dummy" 74 Tin- (io.l-Bivath." Tin- l':i>t<.|- ut Work. Native Agency, 79 11 CONTENTS. Feeding Souls, and being Fed 82 An Eastern Nabob 84 Fireside Chat and Visit 89 A Happy Christian Communion 93 Our Last Evening 100 The Departure 104 CHAPTER III. NICOMEDIA. A "Second Borne." "Dairyman's Daughter." The Sultan's Visit. Fruit . . .... 107 Bithynia. Nice. Theory, Practice, and Perplexities . 115 Mountain Villages. Churches. Dante's " Inferno '' . . ' 118 The Ama/ons. ''Dipping in the Dish.'* >s Dog in the Manger" 122 Second Visit to Bardezag. Innovations. " Ministers to Work for their Living.*' " First Love." Mnrta . 127 Hechena, a Little Romance 136 A School of the Prophets 138 The Minor Prophets, and Girls 143 A True Gentlewoman. A Lesson Without Words. Mr*. Hamlin 147 Old Customs, New Ideas 149 Glimpses of Nicomcdia. The Old and the New Way. Diocletian, " Era of Martyrs," Earthquakes, Excava- tions, Roman Ruins l. r >l CHAPTER IV. COXSTAXTIKOPI.E. Plan. Seven Hills. Panorama of the City of Sultans . 156 Seraglio Point. Galata, Pcra. Bridge of Boats. Old City. New City. Golden Horn, Bosphorus . . 159 On to the Black Sea. A Compilation of Cities. Key of the East 1GO CHAPTER V. HASSKELY. Castle of ''Giant Despair." The Aborigines. ' F Sharps and B Flats.' 1 Renovation and Dedication .. . 1G1 A " Paradise Lost " 1G6 Our Neighbors 168 Protestant Homes. Mothers-in-Law. Sign of ( ivili/n- tion. ' Old Adam " 173 Storms and Tempests. Night Terrors. ( 'rimean War . 176 CMNTKNTS. Ill < IIAITKi: VL Till. Ti: \IM\., -S, noOL. < orner-Stones." Picture of Kva. Inner Self . . 179 The Living Spirit in tin- Wheels." Transformations. Tlie Holidays. u Lambs among Wolves " . . 181 lladaskhan's Letter. Joy of Winning Souls. Re-opening. 187 " A Heaven on Earth." No Text-Book hike the Bible. Daily Routine. Our " Man Friday " . . 189 Aft. T Sch. ml Hour-. Diseases, Quarantine . . .' I'.K) \\Vln iming an ' Own Sister." Looking Back. Our Mother, 193 Learning the language. Young America, and " Yauash " of the Turk ......... 197 ( hi Ut ian ( ulture. " Anitsa," a Picture. ' I " tide Tom's Cahin " in Armenian ....... 200 (Jrowth and I>e\--lopnienr. Markared's Letter . . . 203 ><-h"..l I)i-ciplinc. Morning Star " ami (Jiving. "Put in t ho other Piastre" ....... 206 Knlarjring our Borders. A Work for Spanish .Fc\v-ss'.-. Pr. l-'ir-t-Fniit- " In^atln-red. - I)i-ath of Iskoohi. Wailing for the l>.-ad ......... -JL'_> I-koohi'g Life (sec page 1 } ....... -I'll Story of Mai-iam ......... H-".> "A Mother in Isni-l." An ol.jcct-I.esson. The Funeral. -J.IJ A ( 'out ra-t .......... 235 Tlie Pilgriin-MoilitT" ........ 2:57 Viru'" Making -Child's Play of God's Work." moeaeei "I < liaractcr ..... '2li> An Iminiry Mcciini:. " Stumtiling-Stones " . . . -\- ( HAi'i 1:1: \ in. Tin Bo ...... i CSJOM i>. changes of Last \ car Illness; Heturn to the llome- I.and. Si-id'- K.-tiirn to tin- Aged Moilicr. - The . -op<-ned at Marsovan .... 245 IV CONTENTS. Review of Results. Specimen Fruits. Representative Educated Women 248 Reasons for Removal. " Vanity Fair." Unchristian Civilization. Satan's Sign 251 Training Workers. Street-Children. " A Nobody " . 255 Public Examination. The Reunion. Graduates and "Grand-Children.'' Address by Drs. Goodell, Ham- lin, Riggs. Silent Pictures. The End . . . 258 CHAPTER IX. REGIONS BEYOND. Speeding Away. Visions of Past Scenes. May Meetings, Anniversaries. '-Three Bands." ''Oh for a Per- secution!" 204 Present Realities. Last Way-Marks. A Turk of the ' Old School.'' Samsoon Malaria. Greek Captive 271 Experiences of Overland Journey. Marsovan. The Welcome. Sweetness of a Christian Home . . 274 The Work. Our " Pearl " as a " Helper . . . . 281 The Illness with no Physician. Dr. West's Arrival. A Revelation 285 Our Surroundings. October Scenes. Work Without Wages 289 Winter Work. Classic Soil. A Soul-Cry, Charlotte Elliot 2!)3 The Missionary's Return. The New Year .... 297 Story of Kohar. the Lady. God's Arithmetic. " You have Saved a Soul." Taking up the Cross. Gold for Jesus. Breaking a Betrothal. " Chief Seat in the Synagogue " 300 A Dinner a la Turque. The War in America . . . 309 Story of Loosintak, Crown of Light. God's Life-Plan . 312 Scenes in Amasia 314 Tidings from Home. "I have Helped to People Heaven." Arrival from Germany 325 Annual meeting of the Mission. Isolated Laborers. Fidelia Fiske. Meeting of American Hoard in Minia- ture. The Lord's Money. Discussions. First seed in Bulgaria 328 Sermon, Reports, " Great Day of the Feast "... 335 Pioneers in this Reformation. Sketch of Work at the Capital. General Outlook. Crusade of the 19th Centurv . 337 CON I IN IS. A Trip to Nieomedia. Pilgrims. Saintly Sisterhood." Armenian Theatre 341 Visits ami Visiting. First "Bible Woman." a man ! Sweetest Verse in the Bible .'ill Summer Fruits. Arrival of Mr. ami Mrs. Dodd, Miss Friii -her, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith . 347 Work in Hajikcuy. Ride to ;% Geumish." Xenophon and Homer 350 First Work in Vi/irr Kupri. An Adventure. Sowing Seed. "We were Born too Soon" .... 356 I'pheavals. Shady Side. Paul's Experience. Grounded, 362 CHAlTF.i: X. TOHARPOOT. Mai (Ionian < ry. Parting Counsels. Our Caravan. By the Way 370 Lodgings. Scenes and Experiences for Twenty Days . 379 Reaching the Euphrates. Last Day, Arrival at Harpoot. An Aggravation 399 CHAFFER XI. EDEN. \t-u- Surroundings. Reaction. God's Garden . . 404 Our " University." Scene in the School-room . . . 407 Sanitary Surroundings 408 Lecture on Cleanliness. God in tin- Camp. "Bodily Exercise" and Self-Government 411 Among the Famili <. " Donkey Itace." - - Soul-Wakening. ' Rnekets in Empty Well-" 415 Summer Trip-. Ordination at Arabkir. Great Day for the People 419 l.'eturn, and Suffering on the Way. Illnr>- anium. Support. Essentials of Success. Fresh Lessons. Earthquakes. Mrs. Williams Taken ... 438 A Broken Ilou-rhold. " Mi/]>ah." Th- I..i,,- >.-ntin-l . H7 Fourth of July Celebration. Cholera, a '< la'nn'np" . 451 Building of Fir-l Par-mage. - I)i\i-r-ion. Ad\t-nt ol Traveller-. Old Way of Making r.utl.'r . . . p." VI CONTENTS. Ordination at Perchenj. " Gospellers " in the Garden. " Charge " by Mr. Williams. Principles adopted . 471 Examination and Sketch of Girls' School. The Women. Fruit of Constantinople School. Diplomas. ll Ten Years Ago." A Beautiful Gift 470 Infant Sunday-school. Names. Story of Mehran . . 483 CHAPTER XII. DIARBEKIR. "Black City." Work in Mesopotamia. Journey with Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Underground Villages. Royal Reception 488 Ornaments of the Women. Sunday-school Teachers' Meeting. International Lessons. Ink-horns . 492 In the Sunday-school. Mixed Races 496 Home of a Former Pupil 498 Children's Meetings 500 Remarkable Mothers' Meetings. Giving for a Mission-Chapel, 503 Trips Across the Tigris. Rafts of Goat-skins. " Kitoosh " First Bible Woman. Ferida. Assyrian Mission. Going to Nineveh. " Retreat of Ten Thousand." - " Yankee Brag.'' Mrs. Ingalls. Cuneiform In- scription, " I, Belshazzar," &c. " Alipoonga," a Presentiment. Viscount P. " No Lords, but Noble Men" 510 Weddings, Life Below the Surface 519 A Specimen Story. Key-note. Tables Turned. ' A Good Taste." The Bitter Cry. Despotism of Sex, 522 Life in the Harem. Gilded Cages. King Solomon. The Sultan's Daughter. Deadly Secrets . . . 525 Horrible Tragedy. Christianity a Lever. Legend of Three Crosses 529 Armenians as a People. Work among Moslems Pro- hibited. Seventy-two Sects." Purity of our Worship Attractive 535 Missionary Life Below the Surface. Children of Mission- aries. Necessity of Change. Resting at the Right Time 538 Story of Dr. Pratt and Toros 545 A Memorable Journey. " Tophet." Lost on the Moun- tains. At Midnight. In the Stable. Compound Interest . 547 CONTENTS. \ii CIIAPTKT! XI1L So\vi\<; AND KKAi-ixo IN AUMKSIA. In tin- Professor's Chair." Christ's Training-class . :>:. A Short <'our>r. " Say l?ak-hec-h ' " .... .V,x Happy Mute" 561 Kvangclieal 1'nlon. ' Scars not Seen in Heaven." Smallpox 563 Cholera at Diai hekir. Mr. Walker's Death . . . 564 Father, rather: " llaji Ilagop and "Saints' Rest" . 567 A Live ' Mi ionary Concert."' - Work by the People. Opening of Koordteh Work. Ye/.idees . . . 570 The Revival, a Pentecost 575 Story of P,asilo> Airha 681 Harvot of Souls. Key t. ()|M-n tlic Bible." Changes . 588 The Blacksmith and Wife 595 P.ihle and ()hject-I.essoii< ;,:i;i Ucdro> and tin- Hook 603 School Missionary-Society 608 Soul- 1. o\- ing Society 612 Mother-' Association 016 Close of School Year. Fruit of God's Work. Hi- 'Diploma" 624 Farewell Meeting and l.'eiinion." Finishing Touches . 632 The Sequel. Mrs. II. S. Hamum's Death .... 639 Hooeli, and llaji Anna 644 ' All lor.Ie.ii-" 657 A Vi-it to Malatia. and Kc.-ults 661 Meeting of "Evangelical Union" ...... 672 Hlind Ilohannes, and Sermon on Tillies .... 676 Fruit in India 688 Final Work and "\ I.<.\in- < minsels." Speci- men in Armenian 604 Maranos, N;i/lo,.. and Love Token 699 Appeal from Diarhekir 704 IJeturn Journey. An PNcape from Koordish Hoblwrg. At Divrik. At Sivas, Yozgat 704 In Cesaraea, a Vast Field and (ii -and Work . . . 706 A Break Down. Progress in M:USO\ an. Poli< \ ot Kussia, 70S " Before the Throne of God " 710 Scripture fftotto. "Bur THE LORD SAID UNTO ME, SAY NOT, 'I AM A CHILD ; ' FOR THOU SHALT GO TO ALL THAT I SHALL SEND THEE, AND WHATSOEVER I COMMAND THEE, THOU SHALT SPEAK : " " FOR GOD HATH CHOSEN THE FOOLISH THINGS OF THE WORLD TO CONFOUND THE WISE J AND GOD HATH CHOSEN THE WEAK THINGS OF THE WORLD TO CONFOUND THE THINGS WHICH ARE MIGHTY J AND BASE THINGS OF THE WORLD, AND THINGS WHICH ARE DESPISED, HATH GOD CHOSEN, YEA, AND THINGS WHICH ARE NOT, TO BRING TO NOUGHT THINGS THAT ARE : THAT NO FLESH SHOULD GLORY IN HlS PRESENCE." 3O J.o/ief. f:as(. H I A %Ki-P ^ kn irHii.m^ou^^^dd a na7l^ E r k ll^ioxisxig} ; -,