CB UC-NRLF 155 iil'l I ! I'll' III I'lili Hill if II llfl llllfl lllll Hill 111! Ill B7 SB 5^3 TbM :; ':, V:/ STUDIO FALLENTE LABOREM. NTRODUCTORY DISCOURSE, DELIVERED O THE AMPHITHEATRE Wednesday the 5th of May, ibid. By WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE, iCUETARY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, AND PROFESSOR '.'ION OF GREAT BRITAIN, At a Special Meeting of the Board of Manage- ment held \Oth June, 1819, Resolved unanimously: That the thanks of this Board be transmitted to the Rt. Hon. Lord Carrington for his liberal additional contribution of s^lOO towards defraying the extra expenses attendant on the new buildings. That the thanks of this Board be transmitted to Michael Hoy, Esq. for his additional contribution of s€ 100 for the same purpose. That the thanks of this Board be transmitted to George Hibbert, Esq. and Beeston Long, Esq. for their contribution of the amount produced by the sale of the proprietor's share to which they were respectively entitled by their former subscrip- tions of one hundred guineas. That the thanks of this Board be given to Lewis Hayes Pettit, Esq. for his second subscription of thirty guineas. THE MANAGERS are not aware that, with regard to the means of placing the Funds of the Institution upon a respectable footing, they can add materially to the force of the appeal contained in their last Report to the Pro- prietors. The benefit likely to result to Literature and Science from this Establishment, and the just claims it possesses to the support and patronage of the Propri- etors and the Public, are well explained in the accom- panying Discourse of Mr. Brande, introductory to the Lectures now in course of delivery. A few individuals anxious to promote the success of the Institution have, as will appear by referring to the preceding Resolutions, voluntarily made a liberal addition to their former sub- scriptions; and the Managers wish to press earnestly upon the attention of all those interested in the pro- sperity of the London Institution, and especially upon those Gentlemen whose names have not yet appeared in the List of voluntary Subscribers, the great importance of using their influence and exertions to raise a suffi- cient fund, as well to discharge outstanding claims as to provide a complete and well arranged series of Ap- paratus for the illustration of the various courses of Lectures which it may be desirable to deliver in the Theatre. Robert Stevens, Hon. Sec. AN INTRODUCTORY DISCOURSE, DELIVERED IIT THE AMPHITHEATRE OF THE Mention fttstttuttotn on Wednesday the 5th of May, 1819, by WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE, SECRETARY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, AND PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD AND ARTHUR TAYLOR, SHOE LANE. 1819. C3ISS B7 INTRODUCTORY DISCOURSE. 1 have been honoured by the request of the Board of Management of this Institu- tion, to deliver a course of lectures on the Principles of Chemical Science; and, highly as I am flattered by the distinction which they have thus deemed it right to confer upon me, I should feel uneasy and embar- rassed, were I not, on this occasion, and at the very threshold of my undertaking, to assure you that I have acquiesced in their wish, under the impression of considerable diffidence, and a somewhat painful anxiety; that I had hoped and expected that a task so arduous and important, would have de- volved upon an abler Professor, and would have been consigned to one of more elo- quence and ability than the very humble a 2 I. 214 4 individual who now stands before you, to plead the cause of science. I should, in- deed, have altogether declined the office, and shrunk from its responsibility, had not experience already convinced me that can- dour and kindness would be the prevalent feelings of my audience, and that they would dispense these in direct proportion to my wants, if they find my exertions unremitting; my zeal unextinguishable; and my desire, limited only by my power to excel. Under these impressions, I enter upon my design, not with fear and trembling, but with confidence and alacrity; rejoicing in the opportunity of showing my zeal in the cause in which we are embarking; and of conducting you, to the best of my abi- lities, into the enchanting realms of expe- rimental science. On account of many circumstances, which it is quite unnecessary to recur to, no at- tempt will be made, during the present season, to institute a regular series of phi- losophical or scientific instruction; to speak the truth, our means are inadequate to such an undertaking; our forces are scattered and it will require time, and skill, and ex- ertion, to marshal them into order, and to bring them, duly equipped, into the field: indeed, it is to the unremitting zeal and activity of your Board of Management, that such arrangements, in respect to apparatus and assistants, have been made, as enable me, upon the present occasion, to open my course with the most ample confidence that nothing will ever be wanting on their part, to furnish such auxiliaries and supplies with a liberal and discerning hand. As chemical science will form a feature, and, I trust, a prominent one, of the various courses of information and instruction, that are to issue from this room, it shall be my earnest endeavour to lay before you, in sim- ple, but perspicuous terms, the leading ob- jects of that important and beautiful de- partment of physical knowledge; to make you acquainted with some of its already achieved conquests in the dominion of na- ture; and to expose some of the probable re- sults of its future progress; and I propose to fulfil these intentions by an experimental inquiry into the powers and properties with 6 which matter is endowed, and which as it were, preside over its chemical energies, causing, modifying, or preventing them. These, I hope, will soon be rendered fami- liar to you under the heads of Attraction, Heat, and Electricity, for such these powers are. It shall be my great object to accom- plish these ends in the most clear and per- spicuous manner; to divest those branches of science that I am to deal with, of all ab- struse and recondite terms; to destroy the fortification of hard words and hidden mean- ings with which they are sometimes sur- rounded; and to show that they may really be brought home to the " business and bo- soms of men/' But, before I proceed to any further re- marks, or expatiate upon the particular ob- jects and ends of my own department of knowledge,it becomes me to remember, that we are to-day, for the first time assembled within these walls to pay our tribute to li- terature and science at large; that the doors are opened to every range of scientific in- quiry, and classical erudition; to every at- 7 tainment which can expand, embellish, and improve the mind of man. Under these circumstances, I say, it becomes me to speak in more general terms; and I shall, there- fore, endeavour to set forth a few of the ad- vantages that society may expect to derive from this munificent establishment; to show how far it merits your patronage; and to convince you that, in the work we are un- dertaking, regard is not merely to be had to its immediate consequences, but that we are to consider its influence upon aftertimes, and to look to the benefits that it is to dif- fuse upon generations yet to come. And I am convinced that I shall be able to show, that in establishing this Institution in the heart of the city of London, you have done a great and glorious deed for posterity; you have opened a fountain which will never be dried up, but will continue to flow into, and fructify the commonwealth of science for ages yet to come. The projectors of this Institution deserve our first thanks; they have shown the fal- lacy of the opinion entertained by the great- est political philosophers; and have demon* 8 strated, that high commercial rank and wealth are not incompatible with enlarged minds, liberal views, and cultivated under- standings. We are told that, considering the mercantile eminence of their country, and persuaded that whatever increases the splendour, increases equally the strength and activity of commerce, they thought it due to the dignity and glory of the Empire, that her commercial Metropolis should be graced by a literary and scientific Institu- tion, on a liberal and extensive plan. They judged, and wisely did they judge, that such an establishment would make com- merce acquainted with science; and that, by their approximation, each would draw forth and invigorate whatever there might be of latent energy and power in the other. We accordingly find that, under this liberal and creditable feeling, they submitted their views to the consideration of their fellow-* citizens, and solicited their co-operation; that their design was universally approved, and that a subscription of considerable amount was almost immediately raised with- in the walls of our city. 9 Such was the auspicious beginning of this establishment. The Royal Charter was then obtained, and on the 4th of November, 1815, the first stone of the mansion in which we are now assembled was lowered into its place by the Mayor of London, as- sisted by thePresident,Vice-Presidents, and Managers of the Institution. As the build- ing advanced, its growing wants were met with proportionate liberality, and a magni- ficent Library and Amphitheatre, with their various auxiliary apartments, have been at length brought under the same roof, con- stituting one of the noblest ornaments of the city of London. , I shall first ask your permission to dilate somewhat upon the immediate advantages and benefits which may reasonably be ex- pected to result from this undertaking. Let us here, however, pause for a moment, to express our earnest wish and humble hope that the great Disposer of events may ap- prove of the motives of this assembly ; that His blessing may rest upon the work ; that He may render it, in our hands, subservient to the great and disinterested purposes of 10 extensive utility, which it is its sole object to attain ; and that in future times this edi- fice may be the glory of our children's chil- dren; that commerce and science may here be entwined in perpetual friendship, uniting their strength for the glory of the empire, the stability of the throne, the perpetuity of our glorious constitution, and the prosperity of the people at large. The intimate union that subsists between science and commerce, and between litera- ture and the arts; the individual, and, there- fore, the public improvement to which this union tends ; its influence in elevating, in the rank of nations, the countries that are blessed by its happy influence, are truths inculcated by our knowledge of the world, and with illustrations of which every page of history teems. But history also records the downfall and degradation of learning; she shows us that, where Science and the Arts once flourished in all their vigour, and grew, as it were, in a native soil, they sub- sequently withered and decayed, leaving little else behind than a few solitary relics, which, like the ruins of some great edifice 11 or temple, in the midst of a barren plain, tell us that magnificence once dwelt, where we now see nothing but sterility and deso- lation. Such are the truths recorded by the unerring pen of history, which has shown that even when knowledge and taste had been interwoven with the very manners and habits of a people, and disseminated amongst large and prosperous nations, frequent in- stances have occurred of their utter loss and obliteration; insomuch that their very exist- ence would be problematical, were it not for the undeniable proofs, which they have left of their former excellence, and which, mea- sured by the powers and capacities of suc- ceeding ages, appear like the productions of a superior race of beings. Thus, as one of our poets has beautifully expressed it, " the dawn of human improve- ment seems to have smiled upon that fabric which it was ultimately to destroy, as the morning sun gilds and beautifies those masses of frost-work, which are destined to vanish before its meridian splendour/' Reasoning upon these things, historians have sometimes gloomily denounced those u happy emotions which a Nation rising to eminence is apt to produce in a liberal and humane mind : they have talked to us of the declension of our natural energies, and have told us, that all our struggles and exertions though tending to temporary splendour, will ultimately be involved in a desolate abyss; that the productions of age, can stand in no competition with the vigorous sallies of youth. From the days of Homer, this has been the burthen of the poet's song, and the opinion has, in many cases, received the de- liberate sanction of the Philosopher. Ad- verting to this subject, a late eloquent wri- ter* has observed, that although opinions mostly obtain credit by their antiquity, this opinion, in particular, derives no advantage from that circumstance ; on the contrary, that very antiquity is the most decisive proof that it is wholly unfounded. If, says he, the human race had declined from its pristine vigour between the period of the Trojan war and the time of Homer, to what a degree of imbecility must it have fallen in the reign of Augustus ! "And if, in like manner, the # Mr. Roscoe. 13 complaint of the Roman poets, of the dete- rioration of the human race be well founded, to what a miserable state of degradation must it before this time have been reduced ! After so long a descent, is it possible that nature could still have produced a Dante or an Ariosto, a Corneille or a Racine, a Shak- speare or a Milton, names which amply show that her vigour is not exhausted, but that she still continues to bring forth the fruits of the mind no less than those of the earth." If we ascend from poetry to those nobler and more divine energies of the human mind which are employed in the search after truth ; in removing the film from the intel- lectual eye of man; in developing the me- chanism of nature by experimental research; we have only to mention the names of Kep- ler, Galileo, and Copernicus; of Boyle, Ba- con, Newton, and Hooke, to show that here nature has neither retrograded, nor remained stationary. It is folly, therefore, to assert, that the golden age has passed away, and that man is suffering corporeal and intellec. tual degradation. On the contrary, let us hope, that if not baffled by its own perverse* 14 ness, the human race is really tending, in regular and progressive course towards im- provement, and that every age of the world is more enlightened than that which pre- ceded it. We know that history does not exactly bear us out in these hopes ; but we shall presently be able to trace the cause of such disappointment, and to calculate upon the probability of its continuance. Among the causes that have contributed to those vicissitudes of the human energies of which we have been speaking, some have, I think, ignorantly adduced local situation and climate ; but let us remember one con- tradictory instance only, and it will be suf- ficient to confute such a notion. " Let us remember that the Greeks rose from the very dregs of barbarism till they became the masters of the world, and that that very Greece which was so long the garden of Eu- rope, afterwards became a sterile desert. Boeotia lay in the vicinity of Attica, and consequently enjoyed the same climate; yet were the Boeotians as dull as the Athenians were acute. The splendour too of Grecian science was diffused not only through Greece 15 itself, but extended to colonies far distant from the metropolis, and very different with respect to climate* ." There are writers who have told us, that there is a tide in the arts and sciences which always tends to their elevation and declen- sion ; and further, that when they come to perfection in any state, they necessarily de- cline, and seldom or never revive in that nation where they had formerly flourished. To the general truth of these remarks his- tory and experience oblige us to assent; but, insead of resting content with the fact, and acquiescing in its necessity, let us en- deavour to trace it up to its cause, and to ascertain whethersuch fluctuations are really ordained by nature, or whether they arise from the untoward propensities of man. In thus viewing the subject, it will pre- sently be apparent, that there are direct •and immediate causes for that obliteration and declension of science and art that we -have ju«t adverted to; that it has always # See the Abbe Andres/ as quoted in Mr. Roscoe's Discourse/ delivered at the opening of the Liverpool ■ Royal Institution. 16 been indicative of a degradation in ' the moral character of the people ; characte- ristic of declining liberty, and of over- whelming oppression; of the rise of despot- ism, and the fall of freedom : That where- over these causes have co-operated, the best feelings and energies of the human mind have been blasted; effeminacy and indolence have slided into the place of man- liness and activity; vice has gained the as- cendancy over virtue ; and all that is esti- mable in the human character, all social virtues and public spirit, have dwindled into selfishness and deceit. It is then to public morals and public liberty that w T e are to look up as the shield and helmet of the arts and sciences, and as constituting the anchor of their salvation. Under a jealous and suspicious government, be it republican or monarchical, the faculties and energies of the people are palsied and frozen up. Under a free constitution, the mind is nei- ther agitated by apprehension, nor dead- ened by jealousy and suspicion; freedom of inquiry and of expression are interwoven with its very existence, and all the noblest 17 characters of man shoot forth with vigour and blossom in security. In the Inaugural Oration which wasspoken by the eloquent and learned Counsel to this Institution, at the ceremony of its founda- tion, these principles were well illustrated, by directing our attention to the spacious provinces which now compose the Ottoman Empire, but which once were the seat of science and of commerce. Then were they dignified by wisdom and valour, and were the fairest portion of the Christian world. But when the tyranny of their invaders de- prived them of these inestimable blessings, no tongue can adequately describe the sad and melancholy reverse. Large territories dispeopled; goodly cities made desolate; sumptuous buildings become ruins; glorious temples subverted or prostituted; true re- ligion discountenanced and oppressed; all nobility extinguished ; violence and rapine exulting over all, and leaving no security except to abject minds and neglected po- verty. Such is the state of a country with- out religion, and morals, and freedom: Would you behold a country in possession B 18 of them, look to your own ; contemplate the number and magnificence of her cities, the high state of her agriculture, the activity of her manufactures, the easy intercourse be- tween all parts of the nation; her grand foundations both for learning and charity; the graceful dignity and conciliating ease of high life; the importance and respecta- bility of the middle ranks; the industry and intelligence of the lower; the general veneration of the Constitution; the general obedience to the law; the general devotion to their Country. — Such is Britain. If it be inquired by what means she has attained this height of glory and prosperity, we must refer it, under the blessings of Providence, to our intellectual liberty ; to the respect in which morality arid religion are held by the public ; and lastly, to that happy union of science and commerce, for which, in every part of her history, she has been eminently distinguished. If from the earlier we descend to more recent times, to the period which has elapsed since the revival of letters, and which fol- lowed that melancholy chasm in the intel- 19 lectual arid moral history ofman, commonly called the middle ages, we shall find, that here also the same great truth is inculcated, the same relationship exhibited between ig- norance and prejudice, and vice and sla- very ; between freedom and independence on the one hand, and every quality which adorns the intellectual capacity of man, on the other. Towards the beginning of the loth cen- tury, we discern the germs of those innova- tions which tended to the revival of letters in Europe ; the landscape began to re-appear, after the inundation of barbarism with which it had been overwhelmed for the pro- tracted period of nearly a thousand years, and various circumstances co-operated to give a new impulse and activity to causes which had long lain dormant; ?* for in no one age, from its commencement to its close, does the continuity of knowledge seem to have been entirely interrupted; there was always a faint twilight, like that auspicious gleam which in a summer night fills up the interval between the setting and rising sun." These causes have been so admirably sum- 20 med up by Dr. Robertson, in his View of the Progress of Society in Europe, from the subversion of the Roman Empire to the beginning of the 16th century, that I shall not attempt either to abridge or recapitu- late them. The revival of letters was fol- lowed by the Protestant reformation, and by the invention of printing. The former encouraged a freedom of inquiry into reli- gious matters, which diffused a congenial liberality of sentiment over other subjects of investigation; in philosophy it tended to dispel the trifling cavillings of Aristotle con- cerning matter, form, motion, and time; and it gradually led to the substitution of reason for habit, as a governing principle. The invention of printing was also at- tended with most important effects upon the human mind. For us, says an elegant writer upon this subject*, who have been accus- tomed from our infancy to the use of books, it is not easy to form an adequate idea of the disadvantages which those laboured •* See Mr. Dugald Stewart's Dissertation, prefixed to the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica. 21 under, who had to acquire the whole of their knowledge from universities and schools ; blindly devoted, as the generality of stu- dents must then have been to the peculiar opinions of the teacher who first unfolded to their curiosity the treasures of literature and the wonders of science. Thus, error was perpetuated, and instead of yielding to time, acquired additional influence in each successive generation. In modern times, however, this influence of names is at an end. The object of a public teacher is no longer to inculcate a particular system of dogmas, but to prepare his pupils for ex- ercising their own judgements. There is another circumstance which also especially merits attention, namely, the influence of the foregoing causes in encouraging among authors the practice of addressing the mul- titude in their own vernacular tongues. To the zeal of the reformers we owe this inva- luable innovation; the sacred books were in almost all the kingdoms and states of Europe, translated into the language of each respective people, and from that moment the prejudice began to vanish which had so 22 long confounded knowledge with erudition, and a revolution commenced in the repub- lic of letters analogous to what the inven- tion of gunpowder produced in the art of war. " All the splendid distinctions of mankind/' as the champion and flower of chivalry indignantly exclaimed," were there- by thrown down, and the naked shepherd levelled with the knight clad in steel." I have now, I trust, adduced sufficient evidence to prove the active causes that tend to the progress and welfare of litera- ture, science, and art : to these we are to look, as the sources of those glorious con- quests which were made in Europe within two centuries after the revival of letters ; and it was under such auspicious influence, that in the reign of Elizabeth, the English mind put forth those unrivalled energies that conduce to the enthusiastic reverence with which we mention the names of Spen- ser, of Shakspeare, and of Milton, " Whither, as to their fountain, other stars Repair, and in their urns draw golden light:" and which, concentred in Bacon, stamp him as the greatest, most universal, and .23 most eloquent of philosophers; whose doc- trines, compared with the subtleties of the schools, are as the noon-day sun to the transitory meteors that float in the earth's atmosphere. From these considerations, I am con- ducted to the second object of this Intro* ductory Discourse, in which I am to en- deavour to show the intimate union that subsists between the scientific and commer- cial interests of a country, and especially of Great Britain. To show the necessary connexion that subsists between the progress of the sci- ences and that of the useful arts, and be- tween commerce and intellectual improve- ment, will, I trust, become one of the lead- ing objects of public instruction in this Am- phitheatre; for it will not only stimulate to exertion by the flattering picture of human ability and resources which it displays, but will also show how much the happiness and perfection of our nature is concerned in the exercise of our relative and social feelings; how nearly our interests are connected where they often appear widest apart. The 24 philosopher, says Dr. Johnson, may very justly be delighted with the extent of his views, and the artificer with the readiness of his hands; but let the one remember, that without mechanical performances, re* fined speculation is an empty dream; and the other, that without theoretical reason- ing, dexterity is little more than a brute instinct. It is, says he, pleasing to contem- plate a manufacture, rising gradually from its first mean state, by the successive la- bours of innumerable minds; to consider the first hollow trunk of an oak, in which, perhaps, the shepherd could scarce venture to cross a brook swelled with a shower, en* larged at last into a ship of war, attacking fortresses, terrifying nations, setting storms and billows at defiance, and visiting the re- motest parts of the globe. And it might dispose us to a kinder regard for the la- bours of one another, if we were to consider from what unpromising beginnings the most useful productions of art have probably arisen. Who, when he saw the first sand or ashes, by a casual intenseness of heat, melted into a metalline form, rugged with 25 excrescencies, and clouded with impuri- ties, would have imagined that in this shapeless lump lay concealed so many con- veniences of life as would in time consti- tute a great part of the happiness of the world? Yet, by some such fortuitous lique- faction was mankind taught to procure a body at once in a high degree solid and transparent, which might admit the light of the sun, and exclude the violence of the wind; which might extend the sight of the philosopher to new ranges of existence, and charm him at one time with the unbounded extent of the material creation, and at an- other with the endless subordination of ani- mal life; and, what is yet of more import- ance, might supply the decays of nature, and succour old age with subsidiary sight. Thus was the first artificer in glass em- ployed, though without his own knowledge or expectation. He was facilitating and prolonging the enjoyment of light, enlarg- ing the avenues of science, and conferring the highest and most lasting pleasures; he was enabling the student to contemplate nature, and the beauty to behold herself. 26 It would be easy to trace other arts, and other manufactures, to their recondite and remote sources, and to display the most un- expected and important events springing from trifling causes, and of an apparently undignified origin. To show in the inter- woven boughs of the grove, and the rude attempts of unlettered nations, the elements of Gothic and Grecian architecture. To dis- cover the simple clothing of rude and bar- barous countries, composed of the barks of trees and skins of animals, gradually merging into more and more complicated manufac- tures, in which usefulness and comfort are blended with beauty and elegance. To ex- hibit the simplest methods of reckoning time, the hour-glass, or the graduated candle, slowly leading to the pendulum-clock, and chronometer. In all the arts, and in every branch of science, there has been the same slow, yet certain, progress ; and in tracing their gra- dual progression, we shall ever find it most rapid and complete in those countries where Commerce and her attendants thrive and are cherished. Under the influence of commerce, the barren islands of Venice gradually became the seats of wealth and magnificence, and the abode of literature, science, and the fine arts ; and it will, perhaps, be remembered by many present, that, in his Inaugural Oration already quoted, your learned Coun- sel pointed the attention of his hearers to the splendour of the towns of Belgium, to their numerous public edifices of exquisite and costly architecture, and to the numberless paintings, and works in marble, gold, silver, iron, and bronze, with which they abound ; and desiring us to recollect that, during a period of about two hundred years, all these cities have been in a declining state, re- minded us of what they were in the sunshine of their prosperity. He told us, and truly too, that the fostering hand of commerce collected all these treasures. For, said he, till the imprudent conduct of the Dukes of Burgundy, and of the house of Austria, drove commerce to Amsterdam, the Nether- lands were her favourite seat ; and all these monuments of art and science owe their ex- istence to the commercial acquisitions, and 28 wdl-directed munificence of the burghers of Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, Brussels, and Louvaine. With the commercial history of our own country, my audience cannot but be well acquainted. To point out the benefits flow- ing from its commercial aggrandizement would, indeed, be a pleasing labour, full of substantial and solid gratification ; but we need only look around us, and every object that meets our eye proclaims the debt that is due to commerce; the very walls that sur- round us speak, and tell us that they were raised by her for the protection of Science. But the amount of this debtis rendered most obvious by considering our own country in its natural aspect, without any of the bene- fits and advantages of commerce, and we then presently discern, that without her, sci- ence would have been debarred of all her essential aids; she brings to our marts the produce of every climate ; converts our tin into gold, and our wool into rubies. " I have often fancied/' says Addison, in one of his essays on the benefits of commerce, " when I have been upon 'Change, one of 29 our old kings standing in person where he is represented in effigy, and looking down upon the wealthy concourse of people with which that place is every day filled. In this case, how would he be surprised to hear all the languages of Europe spoken in this little spot of his former dominions, and to see so many private men, who, in his time, w r ould have been the vassals of some powerful baron, negotiating like Princes, for greater sums of money than were formerly to be met with in the royal treasury!" While we are thus contemplating the means and power of commerce, and reflect* ing upon the liberal aid which science has received at her hands, let us not be unmind- ful of what remains to be done ; let us hope that the acquaintance thus auspiciously be- gun, may advance to intimacy, friendship, and regard ; and that the Mural Crown of our City, already the emblem of dominion and strength, may embrace within its pro- tecting circle the interests of Science, and become adorned by the rays of intellectual light. If commerce has, in many instances, mur 30 nificently contributed to the promotion of science, science has, on the other hand, ren- dered liberal and essential service to our commercial interests; and of the various branches of science, Chemistry stands, in this respect, foremost in the first rank; so important, indeed, is it to the progress of society, that no people ever attained any considerable degree of civilization, indepen- dent of the chemical arts. The steam-en- gine is generally and universally allowed as the most noble and effective present ever made by philosophy to the arts : and, con- sidered in the abstract, it is indeed sinra- larly calculated to excite our admiration and surprise; but when we carry our eye from the simple instrument, to its applications ; and when we view the numerous branches of manufacture that depend upon it as their prime mover, the understanding is scarcely capacious enough to grasp them, and wants power to do homage to those by whose skill and industry this machine was perfected, and tamed, as it were, into submission. Let me recommend those who complain of the introduction of machinery into our manu- 31 factures, and whose clamoursare loud against this substitute for manual labour, to reflect upon the state we should have been in with- out it. One of two things must, in that case, have happened. Either our fields must have been overrun by invaders, and our impor- tance in the scale of nations degraded into something worse than nonentity, while those who have so gloriously defended us abroad were busied at home at the loom and the distaff; or our traffic must have stagnated ; and our trade, instead of having been shaken only, would have been wholly subverted and annihilated. Let us then be thankful that our liberties are preserved to us entire; that although we have indeed felt the shock which has palsied so great a portion of Eu- rope, and reduced many of its states to trembling imbecility, we are still suffered to live, and breathe, and enjoy our being ; and let us, above all things, seriously and steadfastly exert ourselves to avert the dif- ficulties that surround us, with that manly and temperate zeal which becomes the Bri- tish character. Among the useful arts, it is difficult to j m select one that is not very immediately de- pendent upon chemical principles : and in reverting to the history of those arts, we shall find ourselves obliged to confess, that their leading improvements have been de- rived from the same source. It would be trite and tedious to enumerate all that che- mistry has done for the arts of bleaching, dyeing, calico-printing, and tanning; in the arts of pottery, of glass, and porcelain making, or in the apparently more remote operations of the brewer and the distiller ; but it may not be useless to inform you, that the discovery of the present mode of making oil of vitriol, of preparing vinegar from wood, of extracting the pure acid from the lemon, that the abstruse and apparently abstract inquiries into the propagation and effects of heat, are so manv sources whence these improvements have been derived; and whence individuals, often ignorant of their origin, have enriched themselves, and be- nefited the community. I the rather dwell upon these things, because it is a common, though a gross error, to depreciate the abs- tract inquiries of the philosopher and the 33 chemist, to consider all as empty and idle that does not contribute to immediate in- struction or profit; forgetting how frequent- ly it has happened, that even he who has excited the derision of his contemporaries, has merited and received the gratitude of posterity. " If what appears little be uni- versally despised, nothing greater can be attained ; for all that is great was at first lit- tle, and rose to its present bulk by gradual accessions and accumulated labours." To enumerate all the advantages which science has conferred upon the arts, and thence to deduce its influence upon the wel- fare of our commercial interests, would lead me to inquiries of such extent and impor- tance, as to exceed my adequacy to do jus- tice to them; I can only recommend the in- vestigation as well deserving attention, and more especially to those who sceptically deny the happy results of the intercourse between Science and Art. Before I take my leave, I feel it my duty on this occasion, to advert to, and answer some objections that havebeen urged against literary and scientific establishments, con-v c 34 sidered in their relation to the mercantile world, and as affecting particular classes of society. It has been said, that literary and scien- tific attainments are incompatible with that attention to business, with that activity of mind, which is essential to those who would flourish in mercantile and commercial oc- cupations ; and it has been supposed, that the young man who is just entering upon the career of life, is particularly open to such objectionable and unpropitious influence. But let us candidly and dispassionately look at the state of this question. There is no one whose mind can always and incessantly bear direction to one subject; whose thoughts will always run in the same channel; the bow must sometimes be unstrung ; diversity of occupation must be resorted to for relief; and amusement must sometimes become our business. Whatever our occupation may be, some degree of variety and relaxation is required ; and it is admitted upon all hands, that if these gaps and chasms in the life of a man of business are not employed in the acquisition of some kind of information, or 35 in the cultivation of some branch of litera- ture, science, or art, they will seldom remain harmlessly employed. There are fortunately very few whose minds are so degenerate as to rest quiet in absolute idleness; and if these do not resolve to be industrious, they will seldom be employed without injury to them- selves or others; unable to contain them- selves in a neutral state, they invariably sink into vice, when no longer soaring towards virtue. It is indeed so absurd to suppose that the attention of a man of business is to be injured and distracted by occasional in- cursions into the regions of literature and science, that all objections to establishments like ours, founded upon such imputations, require only to be mentioned, in order to be rejected as the vapid miasmata of igno- rance, or despised as the illicit offspring of prejudice and credulity. The mind of man was never intended for an " unweeded gar- den/' but was formed for cultivation and embellishment. By the union of literature and science with the ordinary affairs of the world, we not only derive present enjoy- ment, but lay up a stock of future satisfac- c 2 36 tion, which tends to recreate the languors of age, and to shed a lustre upon the even- ing of life. How different must be the view of past life in the, man who is grown old in knowledge and wisdom, from that of him who is grown old in ignorance and folly ! " The latter is like the owner of a barren coun- try, that fills his eye with the prospect of naked hills and plains, producing nothing either profitable or ornamental ; the other beholds a beautiful and spacious landscape, divided into delightful gardens, green mea- dows, fruitful fields; and can scarce cast his eye on a single spot of his possessions that is not covered with some beautiful plant or flower/' The last, and I trust to the present Au- dience, not the least interesting subject that it is my business at present to advert to, relates to the opportunities offered by esta- blishments of the nature of this Institution, in improving female education, " It is not," said Sir H. Davy, in propounding the plan of the Royal Institution, " it is not our intention to invite them to assist in our la- boratories, but to partake of that healthy 37 and refined amusement which results from a perception of the variety, order, and har- mony, existing in all the kingdoms of na- ture ; and to encourage the study of those more elegant departments of science, which at once tend to exalt the understanding and purify the heart." It is somewhere said in the Rambler, that all appearance of science is particularly hateful to women ; and that he who de- sires to be well received by them, must qualify himself by a total rejection of all that is rational and important ; must con- sider learning as perpetually interdicted, and devote all his attention to trifles, and all his eloquence to compliment. It is barely possible that such might have been the state of things at the middle of the last century ; but the case is now widely different; and, in consequence of the diffu- sion of general knowledge and information that appears in all respectable classes of society, ignorance every where meets with contempt. In these observations it is very far from my intention to recommend the abstract sciences as part of female educa- 38 lion, but merely to advise the acquisition of general information. Pedantry is at all times nauseous, but never so disagreeable as in female attire, where it is always in- dicative of the absence of the more estima- ble and useful mental acquirements. Let us then indulge the hope, and exert ourselves for its fulfilment, that within these walls Science and Literature may establish a permanent and friendly intercourse with Commerce and Trade ; that they may en- ter into a league against ignorance, pedan- try, and prejudice, in defence of the true ends of knowledge; that their merits may be duly appreciated, and set forth with dignity and with truth; and that these means may be so directed to the improve- ment of the moral as well as the intellectual character, that " our Merchants may be- come as Princes, and our Traffickers the trulv honourable of the earth." THE END. Printed by R. and A. Taylor t Shoe Lane, London. i 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 1 ^.i^OTr I £aJ' ° R-.OU L XJ AUG 2 a 60 LB 21A-50m-4,'60 (A9562sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley