^R P S A L S K)H RAISING COLLEDGE of INDUS TRY OF ALL USEFUL TRADES and Husbandry, WITH Profit for the RICH, A Plentiful Living for the AND A Good Education for YOUTH.' Which will "be Advantage to the GovernmBnt , "by the Increase of the People, and their Riches. By John Sellers. \v Motto, INDUSTRY BRINGS PLENTY The Sluggard shall be cloathed witn Raggs. He that will not Work, shall not Eat. London. Printed and Sold by _T. Sowle, in Wliite-Har1>ourt in Gracious- street. 1696. The Lord Chief Justice HALE, (that great com- position of learning and vertue) in his Dis course for Imploying the Poor, saitn, that are rich, are stewards of their "wealth; and they that are wise, are stewards "of their wisdom unto that great Master of the "Family of Heaven and Earth, to whom they must "give an account of "both; and one (I am sure) "of the best accounts they can give of "both, "is to employ them in the reformation and re- "lief of those that want both, or either; (Am "I my brother f s keener, was the answer of one "of the worst of men.) "2. It would "be a work of great humanity, we "owe to those of our own nature as we are men, "and that as well "becomes a Christian as any, "and the ill provision for the poor in Eng- "land one of the greatest reproaches to our "Christian profession. "3. The want of a due provision for education "and relief of the poor in a way of industry, "is that which fills the gaols with malefac- "tors, and the kingdom with idle persons that "consume the stock of the kingdom, without "improving it; and that will daily encrease, "even to a DESOLATION in time: And this errour !l in the first concoction, is never remediable "but by gibbets and whipping; but a sound, "prudent method for an industrious education "of the poor, will give a better remedy "against these corruptions, than all the gib- "bets and whipping-posts in this kingdom; "but as necessitous and un-educated persons "increase, tne multitude of malefactors will "increase, notwithstanding the examples of 11 severity. " THE CONTENTS. 1. To the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament . 2. To the Thinking and Publick Spirited. 3. The Introduction, with Reasons for pro- viding for the Poor. a Colledge Fellowship. 5. Proposals to the Co 11 edge-Founders. 6 . Some of the Advantages to the Founders and Rich fry it. ? Some of tne Advantages to the Poor Collegians 8. Some Hules about Governing the Colledge Workmen. 9. Of the Education of Children. 10. An Answer to several Objections. 11. A Postscript. To the LOHBS and COLONS Assembled in Parliament, The cries and miseries of some, and idleness and lewdness of others of the poor, and the charge the nation is at for them "being great, hath encouraged me to present You with some proposals of embodying the poor so together, that thereby they may be made of equal value to money (by their raising a plentiful supply of all conveniences of life.) And by this example the parish rates, and many commons, may be most profitably imploy'd, and the present hospitals of England may be greatly improved, and also from it the most successful fishery may be raised, and our manufactures best and fully wrought in our own nation; I do not say it may be increased to make England the mart and treasury of Europe, but that time and practice may shew the profit one or two such colledges will bring. I humbly pray You would please to consider it, and as may be agreeable to your wisdom, (like the summer sun to a fruitful tree) ripen these proposals to the nations advantage, r when any subscribers to such a Colledge shall petition You (for their better government, and not to exclude others) to incorporate them, You would please to grant it. And if several models shall "be proposed to You, that private persons will undertake; with submission, I conceive it's the publick's interest they have encouragement, because the nation will then have the advantage of following what their experience shall prove the best method, if You hall not think fit to make any of them more national before. John To the Thinking and Publick-Spirited. CHRISTIANITY mends, but marrs no mans good nature; it "binding us to love our neighbour, and that love, to desire our country's prosperity. And from that love do I meditate the publick good, and publish these proposals I think tends to it: Believing there is many who would be glad to see the poor reformed in manners, and better provided for to live that will be willing to contribute their assistance with money, and advice towards it, when opportunity shall be offered them. And therefore to such I propose a general subscription; which when considerable, and a meeting of the subscribers, there every one may have an opportunity of proposing any other useful thought they have, on this subject; (whereas private discourse, though never so good (is but like single sparks) comes to little) in order to draw up suitable rules and methods for suda an undertaking; and by whom application may be made to the Government for encouraging of it, more 8 acceptable, and with more advantage, than from a single person. J.I. Such as are willing to set forward this undertaking, may enter their subscriptions with Edward Skeat, at William Reynolds^, goldsmith, at the Cup and Star near Fleet-bridge in Fleet-street; or Herbert Springet, attorney, in George-yard in Lunfbard- street, London. THE INTRQISGTION. It's the interest of the rich to take care of the poor, and their education, "by which they will take care of their own heirs: For as kingdoms and nations are subject to revolutions and changes, much more (and nothing commoner than) for private families to do so; and who knows how soon it may "be his own lot, or his posterities, to fall poor? Is there any poor now, that some of their ancestors have not been rich? Or any rich now, that some of their ancestors have not "been poor? View the cities, towns, and counties in this nation, and see what alterations come in two or three generations in most families. Were above one in ten of the men now house-keepers in London, born there? And but few (in comparison of the multitude) that have gone out with estates: And what better is it with gentlemens younger children, and the eldest also, many times. There is- three things I aim at: First, Profit for the rich, (which will be life to the rest.) Secondly, A plentiful living for the poor, without difficulty. Thirdly, 10 A good education for youth, thalr may tend to prepare their souls into the nature of the gpod ground. However prevalent arguments of charity may "be to some, when profit is joyned with it, it will raise most money, provide for most people, hold longest, and do most good: for what sap is to a tree, that profit is to all business, "by increasing and keeping it alive; so employ- ing the poor, excells the "barren keeping them; in the first, the increase of the poor is no "burthen, ("but advantage) because their conven- iencies increase witn them; "but in the latter, there is no strength or relief "but what they have from others, who possibly may sometimes think they have little enough for themselves. As a good and plentiful living must be the poor f s encouragement; so their increase, the advantage of the rich; Without them, they cannot be rich; for if one had a hundred thousand acres of land, and as many pounds in money, and as many cattle, without a labourer, what would the rich man be, but a labourer? And as the labourers make men rich, so the more labourers, there will be the more rich men (where there is land to employ and provide for them). Therefore I think it the interest of the rich to encourage the honest labourers marrying at full age; but by the want of it, it seems to me the world is out of frame, and not under- standing its own interest. The labour of the poor being the mines of the rich. For is it not strange to consider how in- dustrious the world is, to raise corn and cattle, which only serves men, and how neg- ligent of ( or rather careful to hinder) 11 the increase of men, who are a tnousand times "better (than "beasts) "being to serve G-od? Do not men greatly reproach their Maker, as if he had chosen the uselessest part of the creation to serve him, whilst men think them the least worth their while to raise? But they that provide food for the poor, lend to the Lord, who is the best pay-master; and if an industrious raising of corn and cattle (mean things) is commendable in a hus- bandman, how much more is the putting mankind into a comfortable way of living, which will be instrumental in God's hand in finishing his creation (man being- the head of it) by provi- ding for the increase of their posterity, which joyned with a good education, they may prove in the ages to come, both good and great in this world, and as angels in t he next: For as ground that bringeth forth the grossest weeds, may by good culture and seed, bring forth excellent corn, -so we may hope as great a change may be made by good instruction and example among the worst of men, at least of their stock. Therefore how worthy is it to provide a good education and employ for the poor, the breeding poor children with industry and tem- perance, will make the next age as happy in their service, as this age is unhappy in their parents 1 vices, for which reason their chil- dren had need of better tutors; considering now many, for want of it, comes to be miserable and vagabonds, and continue so for many gen- erations, from father to son? This col ledge-fellowship will make labour, and not 12 money, the standard to value all necessaries by; and tho 1 money hath its conveniencies, in the common way of living, it "being a pledge among men for want of credit; yet not without its mischiefs; and call'd "by our Saviour, The Mammon of Unrighteousness; most cheats and robberies would go but slowly on, if it were not for money; And when people have their whole dependance of trading by money, if 'that fails, or is corrupted, they are next door to ruine; and the poor stand still, because the rich have no money to employ them, tho 1 they have the same land and hands to provide vic- tuals and cloaths, as ever they had; which is tbe true riches of a nation, and not the money in it; except we may reckon beads and pin-dust so, because we may have gold at Quiney for them* Money in the body politick, is what a crutch is to the natural body, cripled; but when the body is sound, the crutch is but troublesome: So when the particular interest is made a pub- lick interest, in such a colledge money will be of little use there. Tho 1 it*s not so natural for the old and rich to live with a common stock, yet more nat- ural with the young and poor, witness the sev- eral hospitals of England and Holland; Old people are like earthen vessels, not so easily to be new moulded; yet children are more like clay out of the pit, and easie to take any form they are put into. The variety of tempers, and the idle ex- pectations of some of the first workmen, may make the undertaking difficult; and therefore the more excellent will 13 be the accomplishment; And if the poor at first prove "brittle, let the rich keep patience; seven or fourteen years may bring up young ones that life will be more natural to: and if the attaining such a method, would be a blessing to the people, certainly it's worth more than a little labour to accomplish it. When by the good rules thereof may be removed, in great measure, the prophaneness of swearing, drunkenness, &c. with the idleness and penury of many in the nation; which evil equalities of the poor, are an objection with some against this undertaking, thou^i with others a great reason for it: for the worse they are, the more need of endeavouring to mend them; (and why not by this method, till a better is offered.) And its as much more charity to put the poor in a way to live by honest labour, thai to maintain them idle; as it would be to set a man's broken leg, that he might go himself, rather then always to carry him. 14 A Specimen shewing how the Rich may gain, the Poor maintain themselves, and Children "be ed- ucated "by "being incorporated as a Co 11 edge of all Sorts of useful Trades, that shall work one for another, without other relief: Suppose three hundred in a Colledge. to work the usual time or task as abroad, and what any doth more, to "be paid, for it. to en- courage industry. Two hundred of all trades I suppose suffi- cient to find necessaries for three hundred, and therefore what manufacture, the other hun- dred make, will "be profit for the founders. 2 A Governour and De- 4 puty. 1 2 Shoo -makers 1 3 Taylors 2 1 Baker 1 Brewer 1 1 Butcher 1 1 Upholster 1 1 Barber 1 1 Physician 2 2 Linnen J 2 Woollen, 4 Cooks Weavers Gar diners Tanner Felmonger 3flax-Dressor and Thred-Maker 'fallow- Cnandl er Soap-Maker Hatter Capper Carpenter and Joy- ner Bricklayer and Labourer Cooper 15 44 Smiths Pin-Maker Needle-Maker Butler & Store- keeper Women and Girls & Gtoverness ana De- puty 6 Bed-Makers 6 Nurses 6 Washers 4 House- Cleaners 6 Sempsters to make & mend Cloaths 5 Knitters or Weavers of Stockins 20 20 5 "82 Spinners and Car- ders for Stockins Linnen ) Spinners & Woollen; Carders Dairy-Maids A Farm of 500. Der an. 3 3 4 3 3 6 24 A Steward and his Wife Plowmen Plowboys Taskers Shepherds Hinds for Cattle Hedgers and Labourers 44 Tradesmen, &c. 82 Women and Grirles. 24 Men and Boys upon tne farm. 10 Mens Work at lfi. each, is 15C. a year, for fewel, iron, &c. 5 Mens Work at 15. each, is 75. a year for house-rent. 35 Mens Work at 15 each, is 525. a year, for rent of a farm, for meat, drink, 200 &o. 100 People's Labour, if "but 10. each is 1000. per annum profit, "but if we 300 yalue them at 15. each, is 1500. profit. 16 I do not suppose the computation is exact to a man, for as some trades useful are not set down, so there is some of them set down, who are able to provide for two or three times that number: But if it should require 220 people to provide necessaries for 300, it will pay the undertakers well enough. And that this computation is not much out of the way, of 200 providing all necessaries for 300, it may appear, First, From a view of tne nation, where I suppose not above two thirds, if one half of the nation, are useful workers; and yet all have a living. Secondly, From the many advantages the colledge will have over others, for there will be saved, 1. Shopkeepers ) And all their Ser- 2. All Useless Trades; vants and Depen- 3. Lawsuit es. dents. 4. Bad Debts. 5. Dear Bargains. 6. Loss of time for want of work. 7. Many Women and Childrens work. 8. Beggars. 9. Much 10, 11 12 House-room. Firing. Cooking, Brewing, and Baking. Fetcning and Carrying of Work and Provision. 15. Clothing hurt in the making, tho 1 not so fit for sale, may wear never the orse; and the Colledge will find Customers to wear it, that a Trades- man must lose by. 17 Thirdly, There will "be several advantages to the land: 1. There will "be all the soil of the tra- desmen, "besides the husbandmans, for improving it. 2. As there will "be more cattel kept, and occasion for more pasture, tnan in most corn-countries, so tne plowed ground may "be tne better kept in heart, by the great quantity of dung made, and it will be less worn out of heart, by ofter laying that down and breaking up fresh. 3. Now much land is unimproved, to what it might be, because the landlord or ten- ant are not able, or not willing to do it for the other: The colledge, I con- ceive, will have neither of them dif- ficulties. 4. All the mechanicks will be ready at harvest, to help in with it, in a quarter of the time others do it, which, when wet, may be of great advantage: which change of work, as it will be acceptable to many, so also for the health of such as are used to sitting much. Proposals to the Colledge Pounders. JISST, Tho 1 the example be put of renting land and house at 600. per annum, the better to she^v how the profit will arise by such an undertaking, all charges deducted; yet I pro- pose for every 300 persons the raising 10000. To buy an estate in land of 500. 18 2000. To stock the land, and 3000. To prepare necessaries to set the several trades to work. 3000. For new-building or repairing old. In all 18000 pound. By wnich means the trouble of raising money to pay rent, will be saved, and the founders may have the more goods from the col- ledge, if desired, and the undertaking will not "be so apt to miscarry in its infancy. Secondly, The stock to "be valued every year and the profit to "be divided; that such as desire to draw their profit out, may have it yearly; "but such as desire to continue it in the coll edge, may have it. added as principal; and that stock- jobbing (which will ruine any good thing) may be prevented, if any have a mind to sell their interest, the rest of the proprietors shall have the liberty, to bring in a purchaser by majority of votes, at the value as it was last cast up. Thirdly, The first founders the more the better; and if some of every useful trade, the better; and then every trade will be the better managed, and every mans days work better understood. Fourthly, None to subscribe less than 25. Fifthly, Every 60 or 100. ^o have a vote in making by-laws, and chusing officers; but no one to have above 5 votes. Sixthly, Once a year, twelve or more of the proprietors to be chosen a committee, as vis- itors to inspect, and counsellors for advice, for the governours and workmen to apply to, as there may be occasion. 19 Seventhly, The governours nor under-offlLcers not to have any sallary, "but only all the reasonable conveniences the coll edge can afford them. Eighthly, Corrections to "be rather abate- ments of food, &c. than stripes; and such as deserve greater punishment to be expel^d, or sent to a house of correction, but not in the coll edge, for two reasons; first, It will re- lish too much of Bridewel; secondly, Their ill company and example will tend to corrupt the youth; and therefore should be as far from a nursery of trade, as from a nursery of Jearning, Ninthly, Because the whole success (under the Providence of God) will lie in a right beginning, (for though an acorn doth naturally produce an oak, yet how many little accidents may prevent its ever being one? So any great undertaking, however rational and natural in its beginning, may easily be spoiled) there- fore let the nation be looked through, for the first workmen, if can find but three or four in a. county (the rest may be prentices) of good lives and tempers, it will be a leven to influence their successors, and it will be such a pattern of plentiful living, that many of the Poor will readily submit to the* rules, to partake of it; and to the children bred prentices in the colledge, it will be their element. Tenthly, If there should be much more sub- scribed than at first there will be occasion to use, (for that will be as a suitable pur- chase may offer) it is but everybody 1 s paying a proportion to their subscription, and 20 there will be no inconveniency, tho 1 there should "be never so many and large subscrip- tions. Some Advantages to the Founders axyl Rich* "by such a JIEST, if the living in this affair, will make their own eyes and hands their execu- tors and overseers, and deposit that now they are alive, which they intend to give when dead. it may be that and much more money saved to themselves and their heirs. Secondly, The founders of the colledge from thence may have for themselves and families, (in part of their profit) yearly a certain quantity of woollen and linnen cloth, shooes, stockings, &c. Thirdly, Though the computation be but 300 in a colledge; there may be 3000, or more: And such a one may be at Colchester, where are made bayes and perpetuanoes. Taunt on, for Searges. Stroud, for Cloth. Devonshire for Kersies. And other places for other goods. As also at the sea-coast may be raised several colledges, as nurseries to the most effectual and successfulest fishery; the collegians being taught industry and temper- ance, (idleness and drunkenness greatly spoil- ing the last English fishery) the colledge can supply all 21 conveniences and necessaries, and spare one third of their company to fish: And what fish is got out of the sea, is as the addition of so much land to the undertakers, as it will feed an equal number' of men to it; and so much more, as the fish is catch'd with less labour; and also it is more accep table in foreign markets. And thus every C. oil edge raising one third (or more) of their manufactures and conven- iences, more than they use themselves, they may be distributed several ways besides the fishery: As, 1. In being divided among the founders. 2. In providing for more people in the colledge, which is best profit. 3. In buying and improving of land. 4. In building. 5. In fetching foreign commodities. 6. In selling for money, which will be of least use in the colledge. Fifthly, Any that iave estates in land or money, doing the colledge business, and living under the colledge rules; may have the col ledge-allowance, and lay up ti.e profit of their own estates. Sixthly, Any giving 15 . a year land, or 30Q. in money, to the colledge, or what other sum mpy be thought reasonable according to the county it's in; may have the right of keep- ing one person in the colledge (without working) with coll edge-allowance, and under colledge-rules; or but half the money and do half the work, or any other pro- portion: Which is a good 22 expedient for an indigent child, for the father to buy it a col ledge- commons: reserv- ing liberty to the colledge, in case of ex- orbitancy, to expel him the house, returning his money, or handing him col ledge-allowance abroad. Seventhly, An estate settled thus in a colledge, is not so liable to be lost or spent, as most other estates; for if the heir be simple, there is enough of the rest to look after it; and being joyned with good company, he will not be so liable to be a spend thrift; and if he should, the Colledge for his labour will entertain him and his posterity; so that he and his may reap ben- efit from his fathers estate, after he hath spent it; and here a parent may entail it upon the colledge, and then the heir cannot sell it. Eighthly, Here peoples children of estates may be boarded and educated in all useful learning, who seeing others work, at spare times, instead of playing, would be learning some trade , work not being more labour than play; and seeing others work, to imitate them would be as much diversion to the chil- dren as play, which would the more inure them to business, when grown up; the want of which hath ruined many a hopeful plant, who will be doing, if not of good, of evil; an idle learning being little better than the learning of idleness. 1 inthly, An hundred pound a year in such a colledge I suppose will maintain ten times as many people as 10G. a year in alms-houses, or hospitals; because the provision and manu- facture raised from 100. a year land, is worth ten times the rent; as the farmer 23 raiseth yearly three times his rent, and the inechanicks make their work wortjj three or four times what it was in the farmers hands. Some of the Advantages the poor; Collegians will have. 1. FEDM "being poor, they will be made rich, by enjoying all things needful in health or sickness, single or married, wife and chil- dren; and if parents die, their children well educated, and preserved from misery, and their marrying incourag f d, which is now gen- erally discourag'd. 2. As the world now lives, every man is under a double care, besides his bodily laboui? first, To provide for himself and family: secondly, to guard against the intrigues of his neighbour's over-reaching him, both in buying of, and selling to him; which in such a colledge will be reduced to this single point, of doing only an easie days work; and then instead of every bodies endeavouring to get from him, every body is working for him; and they will have more conveniences in the Colledge than out. 3. In the common way of living and trade, men, their wives or children, often lose half what they get, either by dear bargains, bad debts, or law suits, of which there will be neither in the colledge; and if the earth gives but forth its fruit, and the workmen do but their parts, they will have plenty: Whereas often now the husbandman and mecha- nicks both are ruined, 24 tho 1 the first have a great crop, and the second industriously maketh much manufacture; money, and not labour, being made the stan- dard; the husbandman paying the same rent and wages as when his crop yielded double the price; it being no better with the mech- anicks, where it's not who wants his com- modity, but who can give him money for it, (will keep him) and so often he must take half the value in money, another could give him in labour, that hath no money. 4. That as they grow in years in the col- ledge, they may be allowed to abate an hour in a day of their work, and when come to sixty years old, (if merit prefer them not sooner) they may be made overseers; which for ease and pleasant life, will equal what the hoards of a private purse can give; and ex- cel, in so much as it hath less care and danger of losing. 5. And if we may compute by the parable of the sower, that many people lose Heaven by the cares of this life, may not a collegiate way of living be the occasion of saving many, by preventing them cares? And for bodily labour, its a primitive institution of God, It should earn its bread in the sweat of its brows; labour being as proper for the bodies .health, as eating is for its living; for what pains a man saves by ease, he will find in disease; and less labour will provide for a man in the colledge, than out. 6. The regular life in the colledge, with abatement of worldly cares, with an easie honest labour, and religious instructions, may make it a nursery, and school of vertue. 25 7. The poor thus in a colledge, will "be a community something like the example of prim- itive Christianity, that lived in common, and the power that did attend it, "bespeaks its excellency; "but considering the constitution of mankind that have estates ("but it's not so with the poor) it was none of the least mir- acles of that age, and so a"bated as other miracles did. 8. A colledge thus constituted cannot so easily "be undone as single men, whatever changes comes, (except the people are des- troyed) for if plundered, twelve months time will recruit again; like the grass new mowed, the next year supplies again; labour "bringing a supply as the ground doth; and when toge- ther, they assist one another; "but when scattered are useless, if not preying upon one another. A few Rules for Governing the Co Hedge- Workmen. 1. ALL the colledges and hospitals of Eng- land and Holland, should "be visited, to see what rules and orders they have for govern- ing their societies, that may "be useful in this colledge. 2. All sorts of tradesmen should "be con- sulted, what is a common and reasonable days work for a man, that the rules and laws of the colledge may "be made according. 3. It $hould "be called a colledge, rather than a work-house, "because a name more grate- ful; and "besides, all sorts of useful learn- ing may "be taught there. 26 4. The members of the col ledge may "be dis- tinguished in caps and cloaths, as the master- workmen from the prentices, and women from girls. 5. A certain number of the boys and girls should be appointed weekly to wait at table upon the men and women at meals, that as much as may be, the men and women may live better in the colledge than any where else. 6. There should be several wards: 1. For young men and boys. 2. For young women and girls. 3. For married persons. 4. For sick and lame. 7. As the men and women have distinct lodging, so they should have distinct work- rooms; and as much as the imploys will ad- mit of it, the men may be in one room, and the women in another, that their governours may the better look over them. 8. The men to be prentices till twenty four years old, and women till twenty one years, or marry, (as the law allows) and then may have liberty to go out of the col- ledge, or stay in, and marry if they will. Of the Education of Children, and teaching them Languages. 1. THO 1 rules, as well as words, must be understood to make a complete scholar, yet considering words lies in the memory, and rules in the understanding; and that chil- dren have first memory before understanding; 27 by that nature shews memory is to "be first used; and that in the learning of language, words should "be first learned and after- wards rules to put them together; children first learning the words of their mother- tongue, and then sentences; "but to under- stand what rules their language hath, re- quires a ripeness of judgment; and the putting of rules upon children "before, cripples their understandings; when boys of twelve years old are as long again at school learn- ing a language by rules, as a child of three years old without rules. And therefore I think vocabulary and dictionary is to be learnt before accidence and grammar; and childrens reading and dis- coursing one to another, gives a deeper im- pression than reading to themselves, we re- membering a man's voice longer than his face; a sound upon the ear penetrating the spirits, more than a silent seeing, where the spirits are not affected with the subject, as few children are with their books. 2. Four hours in a morning, and four in an afternoon, is too long to tye a child to his book; it's hard for a man to be tyed upon one subject so long, much more is it toil- some to children, whose natures are weak, and love change; it hurts their spirits, makes them out of love with their books, and loseth much time; the children might be imployed to more profit; a labouring man will hold longer at work, than a thinking- man in his study: Men will grow strong with working, but not with thinking: Who have stronger bodies than labourers, and weaker bodies than great students? labour adds oyl to the lamp of life when thinking in- flames it. 28 3. A rebellious temper must "be subdued "by correction, (for "better "be unlearned than ill-bred) but such will not make ingenious scholars; stripes weakening that presence of mind which is needful to a ready learning: Understanding must rather be distilled, as children can take it, than drove into them; grief hurting the memory, and disordering the thoughts of most: Raise a child's love to what he should learn, by rewards and" em- ulation, for beating them (only) to make them learn, spoils their natural parts, more than the acquired (they are beat to) will make up; by which some, that would make any thing better than scholars, are made only meer scholars. 4. Where people of estates are willing to qualifie their children with what learning they will take; or where others appear of ready and pregnant understandings, it may be worth incouraging to the furthest degree; yet beyond reading and writing, a multitude of scholars is not so useful to the public as some think; the body requiring more hands and legs to provide for, and support it, than heads to direct it; and if the head, grows too big for the body, the whole will fall into the rickets. It's labour sus- tains, maintains, and upholds, tho 1 learning gives a useful varnish. 5. Tho 1 learning is useful, yet a vertuous, industrious education tends more to happiness here and hereafter; and what is a great im- pediment in the common education, is the letting children employ themselves without directions; which is a loss several ways: first, To their bodies and present condition. Secondly, fo their spirits and future being. 29 Por at four or five years old, "besides reading, "boys and girls might "be taught to knit, spin, &c. and "bigger "boys turning, &c. and "beginning young, they would make the "best artists; and "being upon "business, tho 1 slight, it improves their reasons "by sensi- ble demonstration, (which is sooner learn 1 d than any rational demonstration without it; as a child at three years old, "by feeling knows fire will "burn, mucn "better than one of thirteen from the most rational discourse without feeling) whereas a childish silly employ, leaves their minds silly. And the will "being the greatest enemy a man hath, when it is not subject to the will of God; How valuable is it then for a child's will to be kept under another^ direction than its own? It will be the less difficult to submit it to the will of God, when grown a man, especially if season'd with religious lessens of scriptures, &c. Thus the hand employ 1 d brings profit, the reason used in it makes wise, and the will subdued makes them good. For tho 1 men should be guided more by reason than sense, yet children are guided more by sense than reason; and therefore must be hedged from evil more by wise manage- ment than discourse; as we see colts are tamed more by it tkan words. All which considered, there is less won- der any prove ill, but that any prove good, from such an idle education as the common breeding of children, where the mind is at leisure to receive all the evil impressions their several ages are capable of. A good education, tho 1 with but a little estate, makes 30 a happier man, than a great estate without it; for the first not only supports the name of his family, "but raiseth a name and family to himself; whereas the latter, many times the more rich, the more wicked; and only pleased when at once he is making an end of "body, estate, and name together. And whatever some men may think, there requires more care, as there is more diffi- culty, in breeding than feeding children; for upon their proving good, depends the good success of all a man's industry: For an evil child in few years spoils the labours of whole ages his predecessors have "been gather- ing. And as debauchery is the mine of the best estates, so is it of the best trades; and therefore it ! s as absolutely needful to breed the youth up in temperance, as to learn them trades, it will make their trades profitable, and them useful to tne commonwealth, Such parents as have also a sence of a future state and tne happiness or unhappiness their children are capable of, will think tnere is no comparison between a good and an evil education. And I think such a colledge-education, un- der good rules, beyond any private one, having several advantages the private will want. 1. ^here will be all sorts of employs and tools for every age and capacity to be em- ployed with. 2. All languages (and learning) may be learn 'd there, by having some of all nations (tradesmen) who may teach their mother-tongue to the youth, as they teach it their own chil- dren. 3. Men and children submit easier to 31 laws they see others submit to as well as them- selves, than if they were alone; as children jna .acihool, and soldiers in an army, are more regular, and in subjection, than when scattered asunder. 4. They will "be more under the eye-sight of one master or another, tnan in a private fam- ily; and consequently prevented of more folly. 5. Company being tne delight of all creatures, whether men or beast, and the world being so corrupted, makes its company a great snare to youth; but the colledge having company suffi- cient, will prevent the temptation of going abroad; and being well govern 1 d, will much pre- vent the evils that are learn 1 d abroad. 6. There may be a library of books, a phy- sick-garden, for understanding' of herbs, and a laboratory, for preparing of medicines. And tho 1 ships and boats can't swim in the colledge, the men that manage them may be of the college-fellowship, and have their conven- iences thence, as well as return their profit or cargoes thitner. In short, as it may be an epitomy of the world, by a collection of all the useful trades in it; so it may afford all the conveniencies and comforts a man can want, and a Christian use. &y which example also, the present hospi- tals of England may be greatly improved, the blin?L or lame being able to do something, and every body but sucklings and bed-rid, is cap- able of doing little or much towards a living; which will either add plenty to their 32 present life, or else make the gifts of the founders go much farther, "by entertaining the more people in the hospitals, so that if suit- able trades may "be put into them, they may "be much cheaper supplied than now; and also the present alms-folks might in part either prac- tice their old trades, or learn something else I "believe the present idle hands of tne poor of this nation, are able to raise pro- vision and manufactures that would bring Eng- land as much treasure as the mines do Spain, if send them conveniencies abroad, when that can be thought tne nations interest more than breeding up people with it among ourselves, which I think would be the greatest improve- ment of the lands of England that can be; it being the multitude of people that makes land in Europe more valuable than land in America, or in Hollanc than Ireland; regular people (of all visible creatures) being the life and perfection of treasure, the strength of nations, and glory of princes. Answers to several Ob .lections. OBJECT. 1. 1'ho' the work be very good and ex- cellent, if it could be accomplished, yet there will be so mucn difficulty, labour and care. in the doing it. there will not be found men tnat will undertake the toyl of it. Answ. 1. This objection would have preven- ted any good work, if difficulty would have prevented the doing it. 2. If the act be but good^, we may hope God will 33 raise instruments; for tho 1 some men nave taken up a rest in their estates, and seek only a provision and diversions in it for their own families, yet there is many have a touch of a more -universal love. 3. Tho 1 it would "be toilsome for any one man, or a few,- yet 'tis easily done by a greater number; as one man cannot, and ten men must strain, to lift a tun weight, yet one hundred men can do it only "by the strength of a finger of each of them. 4. As this will "be a greater charity than most gifts, by the great good it will do to the poor, so it will be as certain profit to the founders as most trades, and consequently worth some of their time, as well as any other trade. 5. If evil men corrupt and debauch their fellow creatures by the influence and oppor- tunities their estates give them: Is there not the greatest reason and prudence for good men to place their estates, at least some of it, so as it may influence many to vertue, especially when it will bring profit with it? And whether some may not be raised to an estate, (as Queen Hester was to a crown) for to be instruments in such a work; and then will it not add to the difficulty of making up their account at the last dayt if they neg- lect so great an opportunity of doing good, when it was in their hands? Object. 2. The times being troublesome, and trade dull. it ! s not seasonable to set such a thing a foot; and if we should have the cal- amity of war, (or any other) among us. the under taking would be ruined. 34 1. It is the chiefest time when tra- ding 1 s dull, "because now the poor cannot so easily get work, they will the readier accept of new masters and terms; whereas when trade comes quick, the "best workmen will "be fix'd under tneir old masters, and only the worser sort want work. 2. If calamities should come of any sort, the poor in a "body would subsist better than if single; "because when together, their labour would provide convenienoies one for another, which single persons could do little at. 3. Whatever calamities would ruine a coll edge, will much easier ruine single persons; and there fore if danger of losing all, it's best for the rich to do some good whilst they have it; for if they should lose their estates, it would be out of their power to do it. And besides if the poor be put in a good method, they may be able to help their old benefactors, when the rich may have nothing to help them- selves, nor cannot work for want of use. Object. 3. But if there should happen a scarcity or famine in the land, how will the people be provided for then? Answ. 1. If more vertuous than the rest of the nation, they may hope to scape better, but not else. 2. But as there is hopes, by good orders, of a more vertuous way of living in the col- ledge than elsewhere, so by more wisdom, of better provision in a scarcity, by stores 'laid up. Por the nation is commonly sick of a great plenty, that if corn is cheap, care not where 35 they send it away for money, tho 1 they may v?ant it next year. 3. But the colled \ , not wanting money, will not be under the temptation of selling their corn, nor extravagantly wasting it, they may keep it till they may want it at home. And there hath seldon been any years of scarcity, but years of plenty have be-an first. Object. 4. Why propose to get by the poor's labour, and not let them have all the profit. and then will need raise less money, as 18QQ^ instead of 18QQQ. Answ. 1. Because the rich have no other way of living, but by the labour of others; as the landlord by the labour of his tenants, and the merchants and tradesmen by the labour of tne mechanicks, except they turn levellers, and set the rich to work with the poor. 2. A thousand pound is easier raised where there is profit, than one hundred pound only upon charity; people readily employing all their estates where there is profit, when they will not give a tenth of it to the poor. 3. The more valuable the fund, and the more men is concerned in it, the better will it be looked after, and the more people will be provided for. 4. ! Tis not proposed only for relieving the poor, but also how the rich may employ their estates with profit to themselves, and prevent any from being poor; a comfortable living in the colledge to the industrious labourer, being the rich man's debt, and not their charity to them; labour giving the labourer as good a 36 right to a living there, as the rich mens estates do them* 5. This method is a greater security to the poor (than the common way of living) who here must "be provided for, according to the consti- tution of tne colledge laws, "before the rich can have any thing; the rich being only to have what the colledge don 1 t spend. Whereas the poor now are at great uncertainty, (at least difficulty) of getting a living, because the tradesmen are endeavouring to get one from another what they can; so they are all strain- ing the necessity of the mechanick, not regard- ing how little he gets, but to get as much as tney can for themselves. 6. Considering it f s either by losses, or being outwitted and cheated, or the idleness and extravagancy of the poor, that makes most want charity from others: If ty the coll edge- rales may be removed these four evils, few will then want the gift of charity. Object. 5. If take not in aged and deer ep id people into this colledge; what charity, to take in people that can live out of it? Answ. All living growing bodies, whether natural or politick, must be suckled and nurs ! d before they come to their 'strength; for hdw helpless or useless is tiie body of man new born? And how much tendence do they want, that with good looking after ^row in time to be strong men, and not only able to serve themselves, but their parents that bred them? So this body politick of the colledge, by the many difficulties at first it will meet with, must only take in 37 useful hands to strengthen and support it, that in time may grow to "be a~ble to bear all tne poor could reasonably be put upon it. Object 6. May it be supposed 1 that any man that can get more than will keep them* will come and work in the colledge only for victuals and cloaths? Answ. 1. Suppose not; but besides their own keeping, there is laid up in the coll edge stores, sufficient for their young children , as born. 2. For themselves when sick or aged, and better provided for than most mechanicks. 3. If they die, and leave wife and young children, they will be kept from misery; added to the uncertainty of a man's life, whether he may live to make so good a provision for his wife and children as the colledge. 4. But where good workmen at first are not to be had otherwise, they may be allowed some wages to instruct the youth. 5. What they get more tnan their task, will be their own, and if they can get enough, may put it into the foundation if they will. 6. The advantage from the prentices will be sufficient to the founders, if no more. 7. Though some young men may be in hopes of better preferment, yet not all; and also many that have tried the world, and find the dif- ficulty of living in it, would be glad of so certain a provision as the colledge. The vanity of tne Spanish beggar doth not attend all poor, y;ho, when an English merchant would 38 have taken her son and provided for him, re- fused his offer, saying, Her son might come to "be King of Spain for ought she knew, and therefore should not be his servant! For though some poor get estates, yet how many more become miserable? Object. 7. The people will not bear the con- finement, of the colledge. Answ. 1. Neither would the poor v/ork, if there were not greater inconveniencies; that is, starving, or robbing, and that's hanging. 2. I suppose the plenty and conveniencies in the colledge, will sufficiently allay the hardness of the colledge rules. 3. The confinement will not be more, if so much, as the best governed prentices are under in London, and many other places. 4. It's not proposed the confinement should be more than's absolutely needful for the good government of the colledge. Object. 8. Why the name colledge, and not a community or work house? Answ. A work-house bespeaks too much of servitude, for people of estates to send their children for education; and too much of Bride- wel, for honest tradesmen to like it; and the name community implies a greater unity in spirit, than colledge doth; and therefore not so proper to be used to such a mixt multitude of men and boys; the word colledge more re- lates to an outward fellowship than an inward communion, and therefore better suits the subject. 39 Object. 9. Will not this col ledge introduce laziness or monkery? Anew. No; except removing the difficulties of marriage, will encourage a single life; and industry introduce idleness. 1. Because one of the greatest obstacles against marriage, is the difficulty of pro- viding for wife and children, which the col- ledge life effectually removes. 2. The interest and authority of the founders will prevent laziness, "because ^hey have no other profit for their pains and es- tates, "but what the collegians raise more than they spend; and therefore the founders will see every one doth his days work according to the original contract, or else expel him, if a milder method will not do; and without la- bour, the land will not maintain the collegians themselves, they having no rents to live upon. Object. 10. Can any method be found to pre- vent selfish designing men coming into this as founders; and being in. their spoiling of it' Answ. This being a civil fellowship, more than a religious one, requires not that strict scrutiny into men, as religious societies do, whilst the laws and profit (if not love) of the colledge, may be supposed will restrain them. There's three sorts of fellowships in the world, each of which have their bond and gov- ernment by which they subsist; the 1st is out- ward laws, which support the outward govern- ments in the world. The 2d profit, which gov- erns and binds the fellowships of trade. The 40 3d love, which "binds religious societies. And seeing these three great "bodies or con- stitutions, ban subsist with each of them a single "bond, certainly when can "bring all three "bonds to bind the colledge, it will "be sufficiently secured. And that it may, I propose, 1st, That the Grovernment may "be addressed to, to make it a corporation, which will give it the bond of law. 2dly, And if no privatesallaries "be allowed to draw it away, the undertaking will afford all the profit that trade and husbandry can give, which is the 2d bond. And 3dly, The love andfriendship among thinking and publick- spirited men, especially if religion be added, will make them capable of laying the 3d bond upon this colledge. Object. 11. There have been several manu- factures set a foot at several times, that have not turned to profit. Answ. 1. If a -man have never so much clothing and no food, he may die with hunger, which is the case of several manufactures. The raisers of food are so far scattered asunder from the manufactures, that it's endless to seek their custom. 2. To sell it to shop-keepers it must be cheap, because they must be kept out of it, if not raise estates; which will leave little profit to the undertakers if not starve the workmen. 3. Stock-jobbing hath helped to ruine some of them; for however well laid the first under- taking might be, and understood by the first undertakers, yet 41 "being hid beyond the real worth "by cunning* "brokers for foolish "buyers, the first "begin- ners sell themselves out, and leave it to the "buyers; and then between the carelessness of one, and ignorance of t 1 other, it must fall; which would spoil the "best undertaking in the world, if it had no other disadvantage. J. B. POSTSCRIPT. 1. To answer all objections, would be to empty the sea, whilst mistake or prejudice may object against any thing that's offered, the greatest truth having met with objections; but if I can but be understood by the well-in- clined, or stir up the wise to propuond a better method than this, it's sufficient; whilst I load rather put my money into a good undertaking of another s, than a bad one of my own. 2. To reconcile different interests, and to answer objections that are contradictions, will be difficult; as for the rich man to say, it will yield no benefit to the undertakers, and at the same time for the poor to object The proposals give too much to the rich, and too little to them: For answer, I say, As the proposition seems to have all the profit the earth and mechanicks can raise any where > so it cuts off all superfluity and extravagancies used among others; and consequently raises the greatest stock both for founders and workmen, which is the point I aim at: Whilst I am not willing to admit of the sup- position, That tho 1 such advantage is offered to the rich and poor, they will lose it, for want of agreeing how to divide it, hoping there's "but few would make out the truth of the story of covetousness and envyvrho when they were offered, whatever the first asked, only the second should have double to what the first asked, they could not agree which should ask first * However I have this satisfaction, I intend the advantage of "both, whilst I think the method will afford "both profit to the rich, and plenty to the poor. I will not pretend to seek any method of living in this world, that hath no inconveniency in it, "but only what hath fewest. But till the rich "be sat- isfied to put it a-foot, the poor cannot, if they would, for want of materials. ADVERTISEMENT AFTER sufficient subscriptions is made, the following informations will "be useful and acceptable. 1st. Where any land may "be had suitable and healthy for such an undertaking. 2d. An account of tne rules and methods of any of the colleges and hospitals in England, and foreign parts, "both for their behaviour, and food and clothing, that may have the op- portunity of picking out what may be most suitable for this, 43 3d. An account from trades-men, hus~bandmen and mechanicks, what may be for the improve- ment of their faculties and trades, and also what is a common and reasonable days work for a man in each trade, that the col ledge laws may be made according. 4th. An account of orderly industrious trades-men, husbandmen, labourers, women, and children, suitable (and willing) to make a regular beginning of such a colledge. >th. Remedies against diseases of the body, b^ing as useful, and many times more difficult to be got than food and clothing, if any that have secrets in physick or surgery ( out of love to such an industrious composure of people as I have here proposed) will communi- cate for the good of the afflicted, as it will be one finishing stroke to the college comforts, so it will be one good improvement of the donors tallent. FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. :'D LD JAN 3 1 1359 FEC'O L,0 MAR 3 01960 RECEIVED 4 '69 -7PM K, AU6 1 5 ttjeo REG D i_u REC'D LD JUW3 '9 59 Ifi STACKS r 1 ^ *fcO REC^VED L.OAN DEPT LD 21-95m-ll,'50(2877sl6)476 M264068 i /(, THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY