mm'''-' mr^'M- ),0 «■■-','''" 'r„.;(;i'/? ;?^■''■''t:!:^•■■^''■'V " :i:/\li^'','';-l/:'^^ trmm I S® .?:«?;•' :^r'»- l| ^t:^; Stages in the Development OF SlUM CICUTAEFOLIUM BY GEORGE HARRISON SHULL WASHINGTON, D. C. : Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington May, 1905 • f 4 3 Stages in the Development OF SlUM CICUTAEFOLIUM BY GEORGE HARRISON SHULL WASHINGTON, D. C. : Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington May, 1905 Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 30. Papers of Station for Experimental Evolution AT Cold Spring Harbor, New York. no. 3. PRESS OP HENRY E. WILKENS PRINTING CO. WASHINOTON. O. C. PLATE I. Sium ciciilue/oliuiii (jiiit-l. A jar