225Z \n52 7 7 5 9 6 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 1 Douglas Description of May f I -4g.t6. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND m DESGRIPTI ON O F MAY. B [Price One Shilling,] ■• *. J- V-' X :>i O I H 1 (iii) T O William Dixon, Efq; HILE at your * Loverfal, fccure retreat. Far from the vain, the bufy, and the great. You pafs your peaceful hours in rural eafe, Pleas'd with amufements that the wife may pleafe ; Conduft clear currents thro' the vale below, Bid buildings rife, and future navies grow -, Or, by the facred thirft of learning led, Converfe familiar with th* Illustrious Dc ad, * The Scat of Mr. Dixon near Dofjcajkr. B Worthies 976301 iv DEDICATION. Worthies of old, who life by arts refin'd. Taught wholefome laws, and humaniz'd mankind : Can Dixon lillen to this flowery lay, Where fplend id Douglas paints the blooming May ? If aught thefe lines thy candid ear engage, The mufe Ihall learn to moralize the page. To give to merit the reward that's due. And place the interefls of mankind in view. Form tender minds by virtue's better lore, And teach old infidels to doubt no more. To tliee this verfe belongs j and may it prove An earnePc of my gratitude and love. THE ( ^ ) THE PREFACE. HE following poem of G aw in Douglas is prefixed to the Xllth book of his tranflation of V I R G I l's ^ N E I s, and entitled, Anefingular krnit Prolong of the Difcription of May 3 and is now publifh'd, as a proof, that the mufes had viiited Great Britain, and the flowers of poetry began to be in bloom 250 years ago. It may alfo ferve as an inftance, that the Lowland Scotch language, and the Englirti, at that time were nearly the fame. Chaucer ' and Douglas may be look'd upon as the two bright flars that illumin'd England and B 2 Scotland, vi The PREFACE. Scotland, after a dark interval of dulnefs, a long night of ignorance and fuperftition, and foretold the return of day, and the revival of learning. This Defcription of May is extremely pic- turefque and elegant, and efteemed by gen- tlemen, whofe good tafle and learning are indifputable, to be one of the moft fplendid defcriptions of that month that has appeared in print J which is all the apology I {hall make for having given it an Englifh drefs. The old Scotch is printed exadly after the Edinburgh edition, vi^hich was publilhed in the year 17 lo. SOME vu ) SOME ACCOUNT O F Gawin Douelas. Aw IN Douglas, Bi/bop of Dun- keld, was nobly defcended^ being ci fon of the iilnjlrioiis fa??nly of An- gus. His father was Archibald, the fixth Earl of Angus : He married Elizabeth, daughter to Robert Boyd, (who was Chancellor and one of the Governors of the Kingdofn of Scotland, A, D. 1468.) by whom he had ijue four ( viii ) fair fo7iSy George, William, Gavvin, and Ay- chibald. 'The two eldej}^ ivith 200 Gentlemen cf the name of Douglas, were killed in the battle of Flodden. Ou7' Author was born the latter End of the year 1474, or the beginning of 1475. Great care was taken of his education^ and he was ea?'ly infinite d in the liberal Avis and Sci- ences. When he had complcated his ft u dies in his even country ^ he went abroad, that he might farther improve himfelf by converfation with great a?jd learned men, and obfervations en the laws and ciijloms cf other coimtries. Upon his return to Scotland, he was advanced to be provo/l of the collegiate church of St. Giles in Edinburgh, and reul-or of Heriot chirch, fome Jew miles diftant from it. In this ft at ion he continued fever al years, bebaring himfelf as be- came his holy character, noble birth ^ and liberal education. After the battle of Flodden many ■ecclcfiaflical dignities became vacant , among which was the abbacy of Aberbrutliock, o?ie of the (ix 3 the mojl confJerahJe in the kmgdom. ^he ^een Mother^ who was then Regent, and JJjortly af- ter married to the Earl oj Angus, our Author's nephew, prefented him to it ; and foo?i after to the Archbijhoprick of St. Andrews. But he met with fo great oppojition in this affair, that ?ieither the Royal authority, nor the influence of his noble relations, nor his own unexception" able merits, were able to procure him peace-- able pofefjion : For Andrew Forman (Bijhop of Murray, cind Archbifiop of Bourges /;/ France) by the inter eft he had i?i the Court of Rome, and the Duke of Albany, obtaified a bull from the Pope for that dignity^ and was accordingly acknowledged as Archbifoop by ??joft cf the Clergy of the See. Mr, Douglas, re- feeling on the fcandals which arofe from fuch unworthy contefts, and preferrifig the ho?iour of a Chriftian, and peaceable dlfpofition to his tem- poral intereft and greatnefs, wholly laid afide his preteffons to that See. Bui the Bifoprick of'Dvinkd(\becGj?jirtg^cacant, ;>/ January 15 15, the S^ieen advanced him to it ; and afterwards, by by the inter ccfjlon of lienry VITI. King of England, obtained a bull in his favour from Pope Leo X. Notwithjiandiyrg his right was founded on the Royal and Papal authority j yet he could not obtain confecration for a conf- derable timey becaufe of a powerjul competitor ; for Andrew Stewart, Prebendary i?/' Craig, and brother to the Earl 0/ A thole, had got himfelf nofninated Bijlocp by fuch of the Chapter as *were prefent ; and his title was fupported by all the enemies cj the ^een and her Hujhand the Earl of Angus, particularly the Duke of Albany, who returning to Scotland in May J515, ivds declared Regent. In the firft fef- jion of Parliament after the Governors ar- rivals iVfr. Doug] as was accufed, on fome ground- lefs pretext or ether, of aSllug contrary to the laws cf the nation, was pronounced guilty y and committed to the cajlle of St. Andrews, and imprifond upwards of a year, till the Governor was reccnciled to the ^een and the Earl of Angus : Then he was fit at liberty y received info the favour oj the Regent^ and confe crated Bifl:op (xi) JBifiop at Glafgow. Notwithjianding^ his trcu- blcs ivere ?iot yet at an end, for his old anta- gonijl, Andrew Stewart, had pojfcfs'd himfelf of the palace of Dunkeli, and feemed refohed to defend it agai?iji the Bifiop by fofxe of arms : However , at laji it was yielded tip, without any bloodjhed *, which was very ac~ ccptable to the good Bifiop, who was of a gentle and merciful difpofition, a?id always re- gulated himfelf bj the excellent laws of the Chrijlian religion, Seing at loft put in peaceable pojfe^ion of his office^ he refohed to give himfelf wholly to the faithful difcharge of his duty : but the interejl of his country would ?20t permit him long to fatisfy his own inclinations, jor he was pitched upon to attend the Duke of Albany into France, to renew the antient league bc^ tween the two nations : however he foon retur?ied to Edinburgii, with a joyful account oj the confirmatim of the league \ afi-d tj^efice repaired G t» ( xii ) to^ his dkccft\ and. applied limfelf to the duties of his fimBion, But fever al jwhappy divifions being fcon af- ter fomented in Scotland, and the Bifop of Dankeld perceiving the violent avcrfion 'which the court had conceived againf the family of Angus, and the danger he ivas cxpyofed to on that account J refohcd to retire into England -till the form ivas bloivn over. 'This happened at a time when the King of England had jufl declared ivar again/i the Scots j which gave his enemies at home, who were the prevailing party at court, an opportunity to endeavour his ruin. A proclamation was foon iffued out a- gaiift him, he was declared an e?iemy to his country, the revenues of his bifioprick were fe- quefierd, and all correfpondencc with him was forbid. Soon qfter his coming to London, i& pleafed God to put an end to the perfccutions of his enemies^ enemies, by taking him to himfelf. Mojl au- thors agree that he died of the plague, which then raged in the City, in April 1522, about' • the forty-eighth year oj his age. He was bti- ' ried in the Hofpital- church of the Savoy, on^ the left fide of the tombflone of Thomas Hal-.- fay, BiJJjGp 6/"Leighlin in Ireland. In Weever'i ancient momnnents we find this infcription for'^ them both. Hie jacet Tho. Halfay Leighlinen. EpifcopuSj in Bafilica St. Petri Romae nationis Anglicorum Poenitentiarius, fumma: probitatis vir, qui hoc folum pofl fe reliquit ; Vixit, dum vixit, bene. Cui. lasvus. conditur, Gawi- nus. Douglas, Scotus. Dunkelden. Prajful, Patria. fua. exul. 1522. Such was the fate of this great genius and good man 3 for whofe Elogy, as a Poet, I fhall refer the reader to his works, which are very eloquent in his praife ; and out of feve- ral teflimonies of eminent men that might be produced in his favour, fliall only tranfcribe this palTage from Hume's Hiflory of the Doug- Ja/JeSy p. 220. C 2 G. ( XIV ) " G. Douglafs left behind him great appro^ bation of his vertues, and love of his perfon, in the hearts of all good men j for befides thq nobility of his birth, the dignity and comellnefs of his perfonage, he was learned, temperate, and of lingular moderation of mind j and in thofe turbulent times had always car- ried himfclf among the factions of the No- bility equally, and with a mind to mak: peace, and not to ftir up parties. " His chief works are, his tranflation of Virgil's Mneis, the Falice of Honour a Poem, AiirecB narrationes, Cotnoedia aliquot facra, ^ de rehus Scoticis Liber, A DESCRIPTION O F MAY. GAWIN DOUGLAS His lingular lernit P R O L O U G O F T H E DISCRIPTION of MAY. I ONE A, nycht hird, and wache of day. The fternes chafit of the heuin away. Dame Cynthia doun rolling in the feye, And Venus loift the bewte of hir eye, Fleand efchamet within Cyllenius caue, § Mars umbedrew from all his grundin glaue, Nor A DESCRIPTION of MAY- B Y G AWIN DOUGLAS, Bifhop of D U N K E L D. MODERNIZED, VENUS, bright beam of night, and watch of day. Had chas'd the lingering ftars of HeaY*n away, Driv'n to the deep pale Cynthia from the fky. And loft herfelf the beauty of her eye ; With Mercury fhe fought the fecret fliade, '5 And Mars withdrew, for sU his burning blade ; Nor 4 A Difcription of May* Nor frawart Saturne from his mortall fpere Durfl langare in the firmament appere, Bot flal abak zound in his regioun far, Behynd the circulate warld of Jupiter ; 10 Nydimene afFrayit of the licht Went under couert, for gone was the nycht j As frefche Aurora, to mychty Tithone fpous, Ifchit of her fafferon bed and euyr hous. In crammefy clede and granit violate, 15 With fanguyne cape, and feluage purpurate, Unfchet the wyndois of hir large hall, Spred all with rofis, and full of balme riall. And eik the heuinly portis crillaiiyne Upwarpis brade, the warldc till illumyne; 2© The twynkling ftremouris of the orient Sched pourpour fprayngis with gold and ailire ment, Perfand the fabil barmkin no6lurnall, Bet down the flcyes cloudy mantil wall; Eous the ftede, with ruby ham my s rede, 25 Abufe the feyis liftis furth his hede, or A Defcription of May. 5 Nor gloomy Saturn, rolling in his fphere, Durft longer in the firmament appear, But vanilh'd far from ken of mortals, far Beyond great Jupiter's imperial ftar. tO The fcreech owl, fbartled at the dawning light, Wing'd to her bow'r her folitary flight : For freili Aurora, Tithon's fplendid fpoufe, Rofe from her faffron bed, and left her ivory houfe; Her vi'let robe was ftain'd with crimfon hue, 15 The cape vermilion, and the border bluej Her hands the Vv'indov/s of her hall unbarr'd^ Spread all with rofes, and perfum'd with nard •: The cryftal gates of Heav'n expanded wide Pour'd flreams of fplendor in an ample tide : 20 The beaming Orient, beauteous to behold, Shed purple rays, and azure mlx'd with gold, Difperfing with all-penetrating light The folid gloom of cloud-envelop'd night. The Sun's gaycourfcrs, in their harnefs red, 25 Above the billowy ocean's boundlefs bed D Rais'd ! . 6 A Difcription of May. Of culloure fore, and fume dele broune as bery. For to alichtin and glad our emyfpery. The flambe out braflin at the neifs thirlis. So hCi * Phaeton v/ith the quhip him quhirlis, 30 To roll Apollo his faderis goldin chare. That fchroudith all the heuynnys and the are ; Quhii fchortlie with the blefand torche of day, Abulzeit in his lemand frefche array, Furth of his palice riall ifchit Phebus, ^§ With goldin croun and vifage glorius, Crifp harls, bricht as chriiTolite or thopas. For quhais hew mycht nane behald his face. The fyrie fparkis brafting from his ene. To purge the are, and gilt the tendir grenc, 40 Defoundand from his fege etheriall Glade influent afpcdis celicall, Before his regal hie magnificence Myfty vapoure vpfpringand fwete as fence, * This confuilon of Phcebus and Phaeton is an error which feveral old Engiifh writers have fallen into. In A Defcription of May. 7 Rais*d high their heads, impetuous in career. To give the light, and glad our hemifphere. So faft they fcour'd, that from their noftrils came A cloud of fmoke, and flreams of living flame, 30 Fir'd by the whirling v/hip their round to run. And roll the golden chariot of the fun. While fhortly with the blazing torch of day Forth from his royal hall in frefh array Sprung Phoebus, by his flaming mantle known, 35 His glorious vifage, and his golden crown ; His gloflTy locks were as the topaz bright. His radiance beam'd intolerable light ; His eye-balls fparkled with celeflial flieen. To purge the air, and gild the tender green, 40 Diffiifing from the brightnefs of his brow, Etherial mildncfs on the world below. Before the king of day thin vapours rofe. Like clouds of incenfe, and as fweet as thofe, D 2 (The 8 A Difcription of May. In fmoky foppis of donk dewis wak, 45 With hailfum flouis ouerheiland the flak. The auriate phanis of his trone fouerane With gUtterand glance ouerfpred the odiane. The large fiudis lemand all of licht, Bot with ane blenk of his fupernale ficht j 50 For to behald it was ane glore to fe. The ftabyllyt wyndys, and the calmyt fe. The foft feiloLin, the Hrmament ferene. The loune illuminate are, and firth amene. The fikier fcaht fyfchis on the grete, ^s Ouer thowrt clere ftremes fprinkilland for the hete. With fynnys fchinand broun as fynopare. And chefal tahs, flourand here and thare -, The new cullour alichting all the landis Forgane the flanryis fchcne, and bcrial ftrandis : 60 Quhil the reflex of the diurnal bemes The bene bonkis kefl: full of variant glemes : And lufl:y Flora did hir bionics fprede Under the fete of Phebus fulzeart flede : The A Defcription of May. 9 (The dewy tribute which the meads exhale) 45 Curling they rofe, and hover'd o'er the vale. The golden fplendor of his glorious beams Glanc'd on the floods, and glitter'd in the ftreams. And all the ocean flione ferenely bright, With the firft glimpfe of his fupernal fight. 50 How calm ! how Hill ! how pleafing to behold The fea's broad bofom where no billows roll'd ! The feafon foft, the firmament ferene, Th' illumin'd landfcape, and the watry fcene ! Where fportive fifh difplay'd their filver pride, 55 Quick- glancing on the furface of the tide. By rulTet fins impell'd from fhore to fhore, Their tail the rudder, and their fin the oar. New luftre gilded all the rifing lands. The ftony hillocks, and the beryl flrands •, 60 While the refieflion of the glowing beams Play'd on the banks in variegated gleams. Where-e'er Apollo's radiant courfers went. Sprung flov/ers unnumber'd of delicious fcent •, Earth's lo A Difcription of May. The fvfarclk foyll enbrode with felkouth hewls, 6^ Wod and foreft obumbrate v/ith the bewis, Quhais biysful branchis porturate on the ground With fchaddois fchene fchew rochis rubicund, Towris, turettis, kirnalis, and pynnakilHs hie Ofkirkis, caftellis, and ilk faire ciete, 70 Stude payntit, euery fane, phioll and flage Apoun the plane ground, by their awin umbrage : Of Eokis north blaftis hauand na drede. The fulze fpred hir brade bofum on brede, Zephyrus confortabill infpiratioun 75 For tyll reffaue law in hir barne adoun : The corn is croppis, and the bere new brerde Wyth gladefum garmont reuefting the erd ; So thyk the plantis fprang in euery pete. The feildis ferlyis of their f ructuous flete : 80 Byfly dame Geres, and proude Priapus Reiofing of the planis plentuous, Plennyfl fo plefand, and maill propirly By nature nurifiit wounder tendirly, Oil A Defcription of May. h Earth's flourifh'd carpet various hues difplay'd, 65 And wood and foreft wore a fuller Ihade, Whofe beauteous branches, chequer'd on the green, Imbrown'd the rigid rocks that rofe between : Tow'rs, battlements, and caftles huge and high. Turrets, and fpires that mingle with the iky, *jm And every dome, and pinnacle, and fane, By their own fhade flood figured on the plain. The glebe, now fearlefs of the North's keen aii-. To the foft Zephyrs fpread her bofom bare. With genial warmth her fertile lap to chear, 71 And fill her with the plenty of the year. Frefli fpringing corn enliven'd all the fcene, And cloath'd the country with a robe of green i And plants fo numerous open'd to the view. The fields rejoicing wonder'd how they grew. 80 With joy the goddefs of the golden grain. And proud Priapus ey'd the pregnant plain ; Where fruitful nature wak'd her genial power. And rear*d, and fofter'd every herb and flower : The 12 A Difcription of Mav. On the fertyl fkyrt lappis of the ground 9^ Strekand on brede under the cyrkil round : * The varyant vefture of the venuft vale Schrowdis the fchcrand fur, and euery fale Ouerfrett with fulzeis, and fyguris ful dyuers. The pray byfprent with fpryngand fproutis dyfpers, For callour humours on the dewy nycht, 91 Rendryng fum place the gyrs pylis thare licht, Als fer as catal the lang fomerys day Had in thare pafture ete and gnyp av»/ay : And blyfsful blofibmys in the blomyt zard g^ Submittis thare hedys in the zoung fonnys fafgard : lue leuis rank ouerfpred the barmkyn wall. The blomit hauthorne clcd his pykis all, Furth [Ver. 87, Th -varyant t'cfiiire, &c.] It is evident our au- thor intends to defcribe two dtflinft things, v\%. cornfields, and meadows or pafture-lands, the former in the three firft lines, the 'varyant vejiiire, &c. is plainly arable, and the fulzeis and fyguris ful dyuers, are the various leaves and flowers of the weeds growing among the corn, and making a piece of embroidery. And here the defcription of cornfields ends. A Defcription of May. 13 The fair creation fwell'd upon the eye ; 85 Earth was their bed, their canopy the fky. A varied verdure rob'd the vales around. And fpread luxuriant o'er the furrow'd ground : And flowery weeds, that grew profufe between The barley-lands, diverfified the fcene. 90 The filver fprings, that through the meadows flow'd In many a rill, fertility beftow'd -, And where the humid night's relloring dew Dropt on the ground the bladed herbage grew, As faft as cattle the long fummer's day g^ Had cropt the grafly fuflenance away. A bloom diffufive o'er the gardens run. Confiding in the fafeguard of the fun : Wreath'd ivy mantled round the lofty tower ; And hawthorn- hedges whiten'd into flower. 100 ■ends, and that of pafture-lands begins at, The pray hyfpnnty &c. Pray^ not as the gloffary to G. Douglas fays, corruptcdly for fpray, but formed from the Lat. Fratum, and Spryngatid Sproutis, rifing fprings, from the Ital. fpruzxare, fpruzzolartt ere, E The 14 A Difcription of May. Furth of frefche burgeouns tlie wyne grapis zing Endlang the trazileys dyd on twiftis hing, loo The loukit buttouns on the gemyt treis Ouerfpredand leuis of naturis tapeflryis. Soft grefy verdoure eftir balmy fchouris, 105 On curland ftalkis fniyland to thare flowris : Behaldand thame fa mony divers hew Sum piers, fum pale, fum burner, and fum blew. Sum gres, fum gowlis, fum purpure, fum fanguane, Blanchit or broun, fauch zallow mony ane, i lo Sum heuinly colourit in celeftial gre, Sum wattry hewit as the haw wally fe. And fum departe in freklis rede and quhyte. Sum bricht as gold with aureate leuis lyte. The dafy did on brede hir crownel fmale, 115 And euery flour unlappit in the dale. In battil gers burgeouns, the banwart wyld, The clauir, catcluke, and the cammomylde -, The flourdclyce furth fprede his heuynly hew, Floure damas, and columbe blak and blew, 1 20 Sere A Defcription of May. 15 The frefh-form'd grapes In little clufters hung ; Clofe to their props the curling tendrils clung. The buds, that fwell'd in gems on every tree, Burft into foliage, nature's tapeftry. Lol by foft zephyrs wak'd, and gentle fhowers, 105 On bending ftalks fmile voluntary flowers, Trick*d off in vaft variety of hue. Some red, pale, purple, yellow, brown or blue 5 Some brightly ting'd in heav'n's etherial ftain. And fome cerulean, like the watry main, no Some crimfon-colour'd, fairly fleckt with white. Some gold that gayly glitter'd in the light. The daify did its coronet unveil. And every fiow'r unfolded in the dale ; Rank fprung falubrious herbs, and every weed, i i;g And clover bloom'd luxuriant in the mead : The flow'r-de-luce abroad its beauty fpread. And columbine advanc'd his purple head : E 2 From 1 6 A Difcrlption of May. Sere downis fmal on dentilioun fprang, The zoung grene blomit ftrabery leuis amang. Gimp jereflouris * thareon leuis unfchet, Frefche prymrois, and the purpour violet. The rois knoppis, tetand furth thare hede, 125 Gan chyp, and kyth thare vernale lippis rede, Cryfp fkarlet leuis fum fcheddand baith attanis, ■f Keft fragrant fmel amyd fra goldin granis, Heuinlie lyllyis, with lokkerand toppis quhyte, Opynnit and fchew thare creiftis redemyte, 130 The balmy vapour from thare fylkyn croppis Diftilland halefum fugurat hony droppis, And fylver fchakeris gan fra leuys hing, With cryftal iprayngis on the verdure zing : The * Probably Gawin Douglas wrote i/jare anuin. Vide Ver. 72. thare antjin umbrage. Ver. 126. Keft fragrant fmel, &€.] It is obfervable, tliat Gawin Douglas never once mentions the fcent of flowers till he comes to the rofe, and never at all the fcent of any par- ticular flower, except the rofe, not even of the lilly ; for, I take it, the words, Ver. I'^x.from thare fylkyn croppis, are meant to A Defcription of May. 17 From dandelion flew the feeded down. And ftrawb'ry beds bore wild weeds, not their own. Carnations glow'd in gay ly- mingled hue •, Pale was the primrofe, and the vi'let blue. Its velvet lips the bafliful rofe begun To fhew, and catch the kifies of the fun -, Some fuller blown their crimfon honours fhed ; 125 Sweet fmelt the golden chives that grac'd their head. Queen of the field, in milkwhite mantle drefl:. The lovely lilly wav'd her curling creft. From every flower ambrofial fweets diftill'd, Ambrofial fweets the ambient asther fill'd. 13® Dev/-drops like diamonds hung on every tree, And fprinkled filv'ry luflre o'er the lea, to defcrlbe the flow«rs in general j and the halmy i^apour to bt the fame with the frefihe liquour, Ver. 138. and the duke hu~ mouris ^hareof the beis ivrocht thare hony fwete, an exhalation diftind from that which caufes the fcent ; and redolent cdour, Vcr. 1 44, is general ; for he certainly means to clofe his de- fcription of the vegetable world, (and he does it nobly) by one univerfal cloud of fragance from all nature, as well f elds as gardens. And 1 8 A Difcription of May. The plane pouderit with femelie feitis found, 135- Bedyit ful of dewy peirlys round ; So that ilk burgeon, fyon, herbe, or floure, Wox all enbalmit of the frefche liquour, And baithit halt did in duke humouris flete, Quhareof the beis wrocht thare hony fwete, 14a Be mychty Phebus operatiouns. In fappy fubtell exhalatiouns : Forgane the cummyn of this pry nee potent. Redolent odour up from the rutis fprent, Halefum of fmel as * * * 14^ Aromatike gummcs, or ony fyne potioun, Muft, myr, aloyes, or confedioun. Ane paradife it femyt to draw nere Their galzeard gardingis, and eik grene herbere : May ft amyabil waxis the emerant medis, 150 * Swannis fouchis throw out the refpand redis, * There is fomething aukward in making the tranfition from vegetables to animals in the divifion of a couplet, which the Tranflator ha? endeavoured to avoid. Ouer A Defcriptlon of May. 19 And all the verd'rous herbage of the ground Was deck'd with pearls which caft a fplendor round. Theflow'rs, the buds, and every plant that grew i^i Sipt the frefh fragrance of the morning dew : In every plant the liquid nedlar flow'd. In every bud, and every flow'r that blow'd ; Here rov'd the bufy bees without controul, Robb'd the fweet bloom, and fuck'd its balmy foul. 1 40 To greet the God, from earth's fair bofom flow*d All nature's incenfe in a fragrant cloud. More graceful far than thofe grofs fumes impart. Which tort'ring fires extradl by chymic art. Like paradife appear'd each blifsful fcene 145 Of purple gardens, and enclofures green. Of bloomy hedges, and of waving woods. Of flowery meads, and rufliy-fringed floods : Where filver fwans, with fnowy pride elate, Their tall necks mantling, fail'd along in ftate, 150 By 20 A Difcriptlon of May. Ouer all the lochis and the fludis gray, Serfand by kynd ane place quhare they fuld lay : * Phebus rede foule his ciiraie creift can ftere. Oft flrekand furth his hekkil crawand clere 155 Amyd the wortis, and the rutis gent, Pickland hys mete in alayis quhare he went. His wyffis Toppa and Partokt hym by. As bird al tyme that hantis bygamy ; The payntit powne payfand with plumys gym, 160 Kefl up his tale ane proud plefand quhile rym, Ifchrowdit in his fedderane bricht and fchene, Schapand the prent of Argois hundrcth ene ; Amang the bronys of the olyue twiflis. Sere fmale floulis, wirkand crafty neftis, 1 65 Endlang the hedgeis thik, and on rank akis Ilk bird reiofand with thare mirthful makis ; * That Milion had his eye upon this pafTage, is plain from his defcribing the Swan, the Cocic and Peacock in the order, and with fcvcral of the attributes that our Author has given them. /';./. B. 7. V. 438, &:c. In A Defcription of May. 21 By inflind taught their ozier nefts to make On the dank margin of the lucid lake. Brilk Chanticleer wav'd high his coral creft. And crowing clapt his pinnions to his breaft ; With orient heel he lightly fpurn'd the ground, 155 And chuck'd for joy at every corn he found ; And as he ftrutted on in gallant pride. Two wives obfequious waited at his fide ; For cocks, that couple with their neareft kin, Hold bygamy a pardonable fin. i6d The peacock proudly pac'd upon the plain. And like a circle bent his gaudy train, "Where vivid colours brightly-beaming ftrove 5 He feem*d beneath a canopy to move : His flarry plumes reflected various dyes, 165 Refembling Argus with his hundred eyes. Where leafy branches form'd a fecret fliade The painted birds their cunning fabricks made, Or on the oak, or implicated thorn. And wanton'd in the beauty of the morn. 1 70 F Her 2 2 A Difcription of May. In corneris and clere fenefteris of glas Full befely Arachne weuand was. To knyt hyr nettis and hyr wobbis fle, 170 Tharewith to cauchtlie litil mige or fle : Under the bewis bene in lufely valis. Within fermance and parkis clois of palis. The buftuous bukkis rakis furth on raw, Heirdis of hertis throw the thyck wod fcha^, 1 75 The zoung fownys followand the dun days, Kiddis fkippand throw ronnys efdr rais. In lefuris and on leyis iitill lammes Full tait and trig focht bletand to thare dammes. On fait ftremes wolk Dorida and Thetis, 1 80 By rynnand ftrandis, nymphes and naiades. Sic as we clepe wenfchis and damyflellis. In gerfy grauis wanderand by fpring wellis. Of blomed branchis and fleuris quhyte and rede Plettand their lufly chaplettis for thare hede : 185 Sum A Defcription of May. 23 Her wary ftand the watchful fpider took In the glafs window, or fome gloomy nook. There wove her web, in filmy texture fly. To captivate the little gnat, or fly. Beneath the trees that fcreen the lovely vale, 1 75 Within the limits of the fencing pale, March nimble-footed deer in rank array'd. Or feek the flielter of the green- wood fliade : Young kids, light fl^ipping, and the timorous fawns Brufli thro the copfe, and bound along the lawns: 1 80 While in frefli pafl:ures or the fallows gray Lambs nibble in the wantonnefs of play. Emerging from their coral-paven cave Thetis and Doris walk upon the wave. But fl:ream-preflding nymphs, and naiads trim, 185 By the clear current, or the fountain's brim. Such as we name our gentle maids that rove. By waters welling in the grafly grove. Culling green boughs, and bells, and flourets fair. And weaving garlands for their golden hairj 190 F 2 Some 24 A Difcription of May. Sum fang ring fangis, dancis, ledis, and roundis, "With vocis fchil, quhil all the dale refoundis ; And thochtful luffaris rownyis to and fro. To leis thare pane, and plene thare joly wo, Eftir thare gife, now fingand, now in forow, 190 "With herds penfiue, the lang fomeris morow : Sum ballettis lift endite of his lady. Sum leuis in hope, and fum alluterly Difparit is, and fa quyte out of grace, Hys purgatory he fyndis in euery place, 195 * * * new curage kitillis all gentil hertis, Seand throw kynd ilk thing fpryngis and reuertis : Dame naturis menftralis, on that uthyr parte, Thare blifsful bay intonyng euery arte. To bete thare amouris of thare nychtis bale, 200 The merle, the mauys, and the nychtingale. With mirry notis myrthfully furth brift, Entorfing thaym quha micht do clink it befl : The kowfchot croudis and pykkis on the ryfe. The ftirling changis diuers fleuynnys nyfe, 205 The A Defcription of May. 25 Some fweetly fing, fome lead the feftive round ; The diftant dales re-ecchoe to the found : And thoughtful lovers to the winds complain. To mitigate the madnefs of their pain -, Now warbling madrigals fo light and gay, 195 Now pale and penfive the long fummer's day : Some write in high heroicks to the fair. Some live in hope, and fome thro* fad defpair In every place a purgatory find ; Such is the moody genius of their mind. 200 All gentle hearts confefs the quick'ning fpring. For May invigorates every living thing. Hark ! how the merry mindrels of the grove Devote the day to melody and love ; The ouzle fhrill, that haunts the thorny dale, 205 The mellow thrufh, the love-lorn nightingale ; Their little breads with emulation fwell, And fweetly drive in finging to excell. In the thick fortfls feeds the cooing dove ; The darling whidles various notes of love : 210 The 26 A Difcription of May. The fparrow chirmis in the wallis clyfr, Goldfpink and lintquhite fordynnand the lyfr. The gukkow galis, and fo quhitterls the quale, Quhil ryveris reirdit, fchawis, and euery dale. And tendir twiftis trymblit on the treis, 210 For birdis fang, and bemyng of the beis. In werblis dulce of heuinlie armonyis. The larkis loude releifchand in the fkyis, Louis thare lege with tonys curious ; Bayth to dame Natur, and the frefche Venus, 215 Rendring hie laudis in thare obferuance, Quhais fuggourit throttis made glade hartis dance, And al fmal foulis fingis on the fpray -, Welcum the lord of licht, and lampe of day, Welcum fofterare of tendir herbis grene, 220 "Welcum quhikkynnar of flurift flouris fchene, Welcum fupport of euery rute and vane, Welcum confort of al kind frute and grane, Welcum the birdis beild apoun the brere, Wekum maifter and reulare of the zere, 225 Welcum A Defcriptlon of May. 27 The fparrow chirps, the clefted walls among 5 To the fweet wildnefs of the linnet*s fong. To the harfli cuckoo, and the twittering quail Refoundsthe wood, the river, and the vale j And tender twigs, all trembling on the trees, 215 Dance to the murmuring mufick of the bees. Upfpring the airy larks, flirill-voic'd and loud. And breathe their mattins from a morning cloud. To greet glad Nature, and the God of Day, And flowery Venus, blooming queen of May j 220 The fongs of praife their tuneful breafls employ. Charm every ear, and rap the foul in joy. Thus fung the fweet muficians on the fpray ; Welcome, thou Lord of light, and lamp of day ; Welcome to tender herbs, and myrtle bowers, 225 Welcome to plants, and odour breathing flowers-. Welcome to every root upon the plain. Welcome to gardens, and the golden grain : Welcome to birds that build upon the breere. Welcome, great Lord and Ruler of the year : 230 Welcome, 2 8 A Difcription of May, Welcum welefare of hufbandis at the plewis, Welcum reparare of woddis, treis, and bewis, Welcum depaynter of the blomyt medis, Welcum the lyffe of euery thing that fpredis, Welcum ftorare of all kynd beftial, 230 Welcum be thy bricht bemes gladand al. A Defcription of May. 13 Welcome, thou Source of univcrfal good, Of buds to boughs, and beauty to the wood : Welcome, bright Phoebus, whofe prolifick pow*r In every meadow fpreads out every flow*r ; Where-e'er thy beams in mild effulgence play, 23/; Kind Nature fmiles, and all the world is gay. G A GLOSSARY. yfBAK^ back, behind. ■^^ Abulzeit, drefled, cloathed. Affrayity afraid. Akiiy Oaks. Alsy as. Amene, pleafant {^Lat. amcsnus] AttaniSy at once. Aw in, own. Barmkin, Rampart, Fortification. Batily thick, rank. Bene, pleafant, from the Lat. Bonus, Bere, Barley. Bot, but. Brade, broad. Brede, ibid. On hede, abroad. Brerde, new fprung. Bronys, Branches. i Burgeouns, Buds, young fprigs. BujiuouSj huge, fierce. Byfprenty befprinkled. G 2 CaUoury A GLOSSARY. CaJloury frefh, cool. Catduke^ the name of an Herb. Cbefal, Chifel, or fliaped like a Chifel. CloiSj Cloyfter, Lat. Claujlrum. Crammefy, Crimfon, [Fr. Cramoiji] Croude, to coo like a Dove. Defoundandy pouring down, diffufing. Days, Does. EJk, each, alfo. Emerant, green, verdant. Enhrode, embroider'd. Endlang, along. Erdy the Earth. Efchamet, alhamed. Faky Turf. Fauchy grey colour'd or rather reddilli, fallow. Feneflerisy Windows, [L,2it. fenejlra.'] Ferlie, to wonder. Fleandy flying, fleeing. FleiCy Flow, Product. Fcrdynnandy ecchoeing, refounding. Forgane, againft, alfo over againfl. FnitliiouSy fruitful. Fulzeisy Leaves, [Fr. Feuille. Lat. Folium.] Galis, makes a noife like a cuckow. Galzeardy cheerful, pretty. Cetity genteel, fpruce. Cers., Grafs. Glave^ a Sword, [Fr. Glaive, Lat. Gladium.] Gnyp, A GLOSSARY. f Gnyp^ to crop or browze. Gowlis^ red. Gules from the Fr. Granite fcarlet or crimfon. Granit violate, may fig- nify that particular colour dyed in grain. Gravis, Groves. Gre, Degree, Gres, gray. Grete, Sand, or Gravel in Rivers. Grundin, grinded, fharpei.'d. Hammys, a Collar for Horfes. Hanf, to frequent, ufe. [Fr. Hanter.'] Haw, blueifh, cerulean. Hekkil, the Heckle, or Feathers on the Neck of a Cock. Hird, Shepherd. Ang. Sax. Jlk, each. Ifchit, ifiued, came out. Kirnailis, Battlements, Parapets. Kitillis, tickles, moves. Kowfchot, a Ring-Dove, or wild Pigeon. Kyth, to fhew, make appear. Law, low. Lets, to lofe Leefe, i Kings C. xviii. ver. 5. in the fame fenfe. Lemand, blazing, fliining. Lefuris, Paftures, Glades. Leyis, Leas, untill'd Ground. Lochis, Lakes. Lockkerraftd, curling. Leuis, Praifc. Liukif, -r^ GLOSSARY. Loukit, locked up, enclofed. Lcune^ calm. Lyft, the Firmament, Mavys, a Thrulh. Ment, mixed, mingled together. Merle, an Ouzle, Blackbird. [Lat. Merula} Neifs thirlis, Noflrils. Obumbrate, fhaded over. OtUane, the Ocean. Ouerfrett, overfpread, embellifli'd. Ouerheidland, covering over. Peirs, fky-colour'd. Pete, a Clod, or Lump of Earth. Phanis, not Fanes or Enftgns, (as the Glojfary inter- prets it) but Appearance or Splendor, from the Gr. ^xivw, oftendo, fplendeo. Pbioll, a Cupola. Plene, to complain. Powne, a Peacock. Pray, a Meadow. [Lat. Pralum] Pylis, Hairs, or Tops of Grafs. ^bn, who — ^haisy whofe. ^ihile, a Wheel. ^hip, a Whip. Rais, Roes. Rakis on raii\ march in order* Redemyte, decked, beautiful. Reirdit, refounded. Rekifcband, mounting up. Rin- :/^ G L O S S A R Y. Rendryng^ refloring. Rejpand, the luftling of Reeds. Reffaue, to receive. Revertis^ returns. Revefting^ cloathing. Ronnysy Brambles, Briars. Rym^ the Circle of a Wheel Ryfe, Bullrufhes, — may fignify Shrubs, Buflies. Schaw, a Wood, Foreft, or Grove. Schene, fliining. Scherand, cleaving. Schroudithy covers over. Sege, Seat. [Yr.Siege.l Selkouth, ftrange, uncommon. Semelie, feemly. Sence, Incenfe. Sercy feveral. Seye, Sea. Slaky a Bottom, or Valley. Soppisy Showers, Clouds. Sore, forrel, chefnut. Souch, to make a Noife. Sprayngis, Rays, ftreakes of different Colours. Sprinkilland, gliding fwiftly. Stabyllii, fettled, calm'd. Stanryis, the Shore. Si ernes. Stars. Steuynnis, Notes, Sounds. Storarey Reftorer. 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