STUDIES OF SULFUR IN RELATION TO THE SOIL SOLUTION BY WILBUE L. POWERS CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 120 Scope of the experiments 124 Relation of replaceable bases and sulfofication to the soil solution 125 Chemical experiments 127 Sulfur and sulfates and the soil solution 127 Sulfur and soil solutions of different soils 130 Sulfur and alfalfa yield with soils in jars 133 Hydrogen ion concentration in cropped and fallow soil pots 134 Physiological experiments 135 Preliminary studies 135 Sulfur and chlorophyll 141 Water culture experiments with seedlings 141 How does sulfur go into the plants? 142 Calcium sulfate versus potassium sulfate 143 Complete nutrient solution versus displaced soil solution 146 When does alfalfa most need sulfur? 148 Crop-producing power of limited amounts of sulfur with alfalfa 150 Concentration of sulfate needed for optimum growth of alfalfa? 152 Sulfate concentration experiments with culture solutions 155 Inorganic sulfur 155 Yield and inorganic sulfate content as affected by sulfate concentration ... 157 Sulfate concentration experiment with solid culture medium 159 Reaction studies 160 Discussion 161 Is sulfate concentration in soil solutions sometimes too low for best growth? 161 Does sulfur serve to hold calcium and other bases in solution? 162 Will the average application of sulfur hasten soil deterioration? 164 Does sulfur improve reaction of arid soils for alfalfa? 164 Summary 165 120 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 5 INTRODUCTION Sulfur has given excellent results as a fertilizer for the past twelve years when applied to many of the nearly neutral, semi-arid, basaltic soils of the northwestern United States, especially when used on legumes. More than 120,000 acres in Oregon can be expected, with sulfur, to yield an additional ton an acre of alfalfa a year. One-third of this area has been sulfured. The reason for the marked increase in yield is not well under- stood, even though an extensive literature on the agrotechnic use of sulfur has accumulated. Possible deficiency of sulfur in soils has not been seriously considered until recently when better methods of analyses revealed much larger quantities of sulfur in plant tissue than was reported by earlier investigators. 23 Assuming that the quantity of sulfur in plant tissue is an indication of the amount required for normal growth processes, it is readily seen why sulfur is given more consideration than formerly in studies of crop production. The supply of sulfur found in soils by modern methods of analysis 51 ' 54 emphasizes the relative importance of this element. Elemental sulfur has been extensively studied during the past dozen years in relation to its effect on soils, soil micro-organisms, and plants. The adequacy of the supply of sulphate in the soil solution has been questioned and the study of gains and losses in soil sulfur has been given much attention. The supply of sulfur in soils is in many instances less than that of phosphorous. 50 The total sulfur content of normal soils can be expected to range from 300 to 1200 pounds in two million. 40 ' 51 Many of the surface soils of the northwest contain less than 500 pounds of sulfur in 2,000,000, and often run as low as 100 to 300 pounds in the plowed surface of an acre in leached basaltic land. A six-ton alfalfa crop may remove 30 pounds of sulfur an acre. Certain soils that have been cropped for a generation appear to have lost 20 to 40 per cent of the initial sulfur content. The sulfur content of soils seems to vary with the organic matter supply and is usually largest in the surface soil. Analyses of percolate from lysimeters, where the amount drained out annually is not large, may indicate the nature of the soil solution. 53 The percolate from the Cornell lysimeters contains sulfur lost at the rate of 30 to 4i pounds an acre each year; 40 in Iowa, 10 67 pounds; 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 121 at Rothamsted, 46 71.6 pounds; at Bromberg, Germany, 19 about 100 pounds; and in Wisconsin 23 and at Oregon Experiment Station the loss in drainage has been 15 to 40 pounds an acre a year, or about four times the amount received in precipitation. 50 The concentration of sulfate ion in water extracts of soil has often been 100 parts per million or more and often approximates half the concentration of sulfate in the displaced soil solution. Burd 9 reports concentrations of sulfate in displaced solutions from California soils of from 118 to 655 parts per million. Sulfate was found to increase in fallow and to help hold cations in solution, especially when nitrates were depleted by crops or reduced by anaerobic bacteria. The soil solution is not diluted with sulfur-free rain water. Ames and Boltz 3 present data showing 9 pounds of sulfur per acre in the country and 72 pounds in town received annually from rainfall. Different investigators 50 report determinations showing wide varia- tions between amounts of sulfur thus gained or lost in different sections of the country. Sulfur is often added to land in barnyard manure, potassium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, commercial "superphosphate," or as cal- cium sulfate. Especially in southeastern United States, where much commercial fertilizer is used, the practice tends to overcome any possible crop depression from lack of a sufficient concentration of this nutrient in the soil solution. Sulfur seems to be more abundant in soils originating from granitic rock than in soils of basaltic origin. Sulfates may accumulate with alkali, as in the Great Basin region, owing to absence of drainage for its removal. Hart and Peterson in 1911 23 announced new figures for the sulfur content of crops, showing that Leguminosae and Cruciferae are especially heavy users of sulfur. Reimer and Tartar 51 found that a six-ton crop of alfalfa removed about 30 pounds of sulfur an acre. Recent data by Jones 32 tends to reduce this amount slightly. One well established function of sulfur is that of increasing the protein content of alfalfa. 51 ' 45 It is said to be present in the protein cystine. 47 ' 53 Evidence has been found that the SH group in cystine plays a catalytic role in synthesis of vegetable fats in plant cells. 44 ' 58 Increased root and nodule development 22 ' 51 and a richer green color have commonly resulted from use of sulfur on alfalfa. Stiffer straw and heavier seed has been noted from sulfur or sulfate applications to grain land 15 ' 34 Harris et al 24 reported a higher concentration of sulfate in the leaf-tissue fluids of Upland than of Egyptian cotton 122 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 5 and suggest that this difference may be related to drought resistance, alkali resistance, and the concentration of sulfate ions in the soil solution. Adequate evidence does not seem to have been found to establish any close relation between the total sulfur in soils and the sulfate content of the soil solution or sulfate requirement of crops. It seems probable that plants may contain more sulfur than required perhaps both in organic and inorganic form where the sulfate concentration of the soil solution with which they are grown is high. Numerous investigators have found 50 that with heavy applications of sulfur to soils there is an increase in concentration of free hydrogen ions somewhat proportional to the amount of sulfur applied and oxidized to sulfates. Adams 1 demonstrated that sulfate formed may be leached out, while the acidity is not removed. Hydrogen ion seems to participate in an exchange for absorbed cations, such as calcium ion, permitting the hydrogen ion to remain with the soil as an acid silicate, while the calcium ion is leached out in association with sulfate. The amount of increase in concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil solution as a result of sulfur applications may depend on the amount of readily soluble bases present and general buffer effects of the soil. Lipman, 30 Kelley, 33 and others have suggested sulfur for correcting the reaction of "black alkali" soil by increasing the hydrogen ion concentration upon oxidation and combination with water. This acid may then dissolve calcium compounds and bring about exchange of such multivalent bases for sodium in the solid phase and thus improve permeability and reaction of "black alkali" land. Johnson and Powers 30 found sulfur an effective chemical treatment for such land under eastern Oregon conditions, especially when used in combination with gypsum or manure. Sulfur may improve the reaction of an alkaline soil, flocculate colloids so as to permit better drainage, and tend to dissolve calcium from its compounds, all of which may improve soil conditions for legume crops. The Lipman 37 ' 38 process of rendering rock phosphate soluble depends upon the production of acid by oxidation of sulfur to produce soluble phosphate. Lipman and his associates have studied the most economical proportion of soil, sulfur, and "floats," best suited to moisture and climatic conditions, for economical production of avail- able phosphates. Good results have been secured in western Oregon by applying rock phosphate in combination with sulfur and manure alternated with lime. 50 A reciprocal relation between phosphates and 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 123 calcium in solution in the soil has been shown by Burd 8 and by Stephenson and Powers. 50 A moderate increase in acidity may tend to increase phosphate in the soil solution while higher acidity may increase calcium ions and aluminum ions and precipitate phosphate to a relatively insoluble form. There has been some controversy as to whether calcium sulfate or sulfur liberates potassium in the soil. According to Lipman and Gericke 33 this depends upon the particular soil. Different investi- gators have reported the potassium content of soil water extracts to be somewhat increased as a result of sulfur or sulfate applica- tions. 16 ' "- 46 Maclntire 39 has pointed out a relation of sulfur applications to increased loss of calcium in percolate from lysimeters. This relation has been found to hold true with two Oregon soils employed in lysimeters at Oregon Experiment Station. Adams 1 held that it was difficult to find much calcium in solution in acid soils with a hydrogen ion concentration as great as pll 5.0. Stephenson and Powers 56 found that the most striking effect of sulfur on water extracts of three soils tested was the increase in calcium ion in solution. This effect would be expected to be less marked upon acid soils which have been rather thoroughly leached of soluble calcium compounds. Nitrification and sulfofication largely result from biological activi- ties. A little sulfur may stimulate ammonifieation. 49 Sulfur may oxidize and unite with ammonia as sulfate of ammonia. 2 McCool 43 finds that sulfur aids decomposition of organic matter and formation of nitrates. A little sulfur appears to aid nodule development 49 ' S1 and nitrification 45, 46 in arid soils, while larger applications may result in increasing the hydrogen ion concentration sufficiently to depress nitrogen fixation and nitrification. Rudolfs 54 observed five times more bacteria in alkaline soil that was neutralized by sulfur. Burd and Martin 11 have noted a reciprocal relation between the amount of nitrates and sulfates obtained in the soil solution. Whenever sulfur stimulates growth of legumes an increase may be expected in nitrogen supply in the soil and of nitrate in the soil solution. Recent investigations lead to the conclusion that the supply of available sulfur, like the supply of available nitrogen, follows a fairly definite cycle. Joffe 29 concludes that making acid phosphate by the Lipman process is chiefly a problem of providing favorable conditions for sulfur oxidation. Brown and Kellogg 7 find that soils have a fairly definite sulfur oxidizing power. 6 Lipman and McLean 38 report that 124 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol.5 temperature, aeration, moisture content, and proportion of materials affect sulfur oxidation, and they find no advantage in starting sulfur oxidation with a soil of high acidity. Halversen and Bollen 21 report that sulfur application increases the sulfur oxidizing power of soils; they find little need for inoculated sulfur for many Oregon soils. It appears that heavy textured soil is unfavorable and good organic supply is favorable to rapid sulfur oxidation in soils. Brown and Gwinn 5 note that phosphorus and manure increase sulfofication in loam soils. Stephenson 59 has recently demonstrated that the rate of sulfur oxidation is related to the surface area and that sulfur, ground to pass a forty-mesh sieve, should oxidize at a rate adequate to meet plant needs. Boullanger and Dugardin 4 suggest that certain sulfur compounds are oxidation catalysts. The possibility that sulfur oxida- tion increases anion concentration, thus holding cations in the soil solution and bringing about conditions favorable to base exchange reactions, will be developed later. A review of the laterature emphasizes the need of further investi- gation as to the role of sulfur in the soil solution. The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Dr. W. F. Gericke for helpful counsel during the course of these investigations. SCOPE OF THE EXPERIMENTS The primary purpose of experiments reported herein has been to determine the effects of sulfur on soil solutions and their relation to sustained crop production. The study has included the effects of sulfur on soil reaction, liberation of bases, and concentration of sulfate and other anions, especially as related to the nutritive requirements of alfalfa at different growth periods and to sustained productiveness of soils. The main study has been chemical, supported by some physio- logical experiments and confirming field trials, and has included four lines of attack, as follows : ( 1 ) effect of sulfur and sulfates on the soil solution; (2) effect of sulfur on the solutions of different soils; (3) determination of the minimum optimum concentration of sulfate for alfalfa by the water culture method; (4) confirmation of field-plat trials. The soils employed and some of their characteristics are given in table 1. 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Belaiion to the Soil Solution 125 EELATION OF BEPLACEABLE BASES AND SULEOFICATION TO THE SOIL SOLUTION The soil characteristics presented in table 1 indicate the amount of soil solution these soils can retain, their total sulfur content, sulfur oxidizing power, the sulfate content of their displaced soil solutions, the nature and amount of replaceable bases contained, and the response of these soils to sulfur treatment. TABLE 1 Some Characteristics of the Soils Used Soil series and type Usable water capacity (approx- imate), acre-ins. per acre-ft. Total sulfur, lbs. to 2,000,000 Sulfur oxidized in 14 days, per cent Sulfates displaced soil solution, p. p.m. Replace- able bases, per cent of soil Ca, Mg, Na, K Replace- able calcium per cent of soil Response to sulfur in field %" 2" l'A" 2V 2 " 821 240 36 17 15 18 10 4 3 140 32 464 64 168 14* 12« 117t .0613 .1734 .7941 .2322 .1967 4153 .2876 1 0816 .0400 .1248 .6512 . 1419 .1383 .3654 .2600 .8624 Good 2. Umatilla med. sand ... Slight 4. Yakima sandy loam 5. Deschutes sandy loam 6. Willamette silty clay loam 403 680 280 400 Good Very good Slight 8. Antelope clay adobe. Very marked * Growing crop May 7. t 2:1 extract. The sulfofying power of a soil seems to have a closer relation to the sulfate content of the soil than does the total sulfur supply. Halversen and Bollen 21 have shown the relation of sulfur oxidizing power of soils to sulfate content. As sulfofication is largely a biological process, providing conditions most favorable for the organisms should aid in maintaining a favorable sulfate concentration in the soil solution. Application of manure with sulfur has appeared to be an effective aid to sulfofication in treated alkali land. 30 Burd has recently reported data 8 emphasizing the importance of biological activities in keeping up a favorable concentration of nutrient anions and the importance of supplying sufficient total anion concentration to hold favorable amounts of cations in the soil solution. Johnson 31 seems to show that growing alfalfa may increase the sulfate-supplying power of a soil. This may be due to plant removal of sulfate formed. The forms of sulfur in a soil may affect rate of sulfofication. The total supply of replaceable bases and the proportion of univalent to multivalent bases adsorbed may indicate the power of 126 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol.5 recovery of a soil solution after exhausting crops and the properties likely to be imparted due to base exchange reactions. Sulfur may oxidize and then unite with water to cause an increase in hydrogen ion concentration in the soil solution. The presence of readily soluble compounds, such as calcium carbonate, under such a condition will favor solution, the rate of which will depend on the concentration of acid present. Twentieth normal hydrochloric acid in large quantity has been found to be capable of replacing about all the replaceable base held by the soil adsorbing complex where drainage is provided. 17 When the concentration of hydrogen ion or other cation is increased as a result of sulfur oxidation, base exchange may occur. This is sufficient to indicate the close and important relation of sulfur oxida- tion, solubility effects, and base exchange reactions in the soil system to changes in its liquid phase. Where the supply of replaceable cal- cium in table 1 is low and response from sulfur applications marked, it would seem to indicate that sulfur oxidation results in solubility effects. Soils 2 and 6 (table 1) give little response to sulfur applications, and these soils oxidize sulfur rapidly. Soil 2 is irrigated with water containing two or three pounds of sulfate sulfur per acre-foot. Soil 8 oxidizes sulfur slowly and gives marked response to sulfur appli- cations. In order to learn the chemical effects of sulfur and sulfates on the soil solution twenty-eight two-gallon stoneware jars that had been coated with valspar were filled with screened surface soil of Madera sand type which was known to give typical response to sulfur applications. These were divided into groups of four and treated with different salts (table 2) at a rate sufficient to supply one hundred pounds of sulfur an acre. Three jars of each group were planted to Grimm alfalfa while the fourth was fallowed. Before the seedlings were one inch high, their number was reduced to ten uniform sized plants in each jar. The soil was maintained at about optimum moisture content by frequent additions of distilled water and the fallows periodically sampled and screened and their solutions dis- placed and analyzed, using methods described by Burd. 11 Displace- ment of the soil solution is accomplished by packing the soil in brass tubes, adding distilled water above as a displacing medium, and then air pressure from the top. Methods of analysis employed were, for the most part, those in use in the plant nutrition laboratories of the University of California 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Belation to the Soil Solution 127 and recently made available by Hibbard. 25 The water culture tech- nique employed has been described by Hoagland, 28 Gericke, 18 and Davis. 14 Hydrogen ion concentration determinations of solution cultures were colorimetric and of displaced soil solutions Avere electro- metric. Successive portions of displaced solutions were found to show fairly uniform electrical conductivity or specific resistance until dilution by the displacing medium began, at which point displacement was terminated, the dilute solution discarded, and the uniform solution saved and analyzed. CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS SULFUR AND SULFATES AND THE SOIL SOLUTION Table 2 The treatments given to portions of soil are indicated in column 1, table 2. Sulfur was added at the rate of one hundred pounds per acre, while calcium oxide and sulfates were added in quantities con- tained in gypsum equivalent to one hundred pounds sulfur an acre. The composition of the soil solutions displaced from treated and untreated fallow jars of Madera sand as determined in parts per million, after 6 weeks' and again after 12 weeks' incubation, is pre- sented in table 2. Analyses are also given for the solution displaced from the original soil and for the two lots receiving heavy sulfur applications after 15 months. The reaction of this soil on the untreated field plats was slightly alkaline and gave a pH value of 7.3. Soil from sulfured field plats was found to be exactly neutral. After 6 weeks' incubation in the green house a very slight acidity had been developed in untreated, fallow jars, as shown later (table 6), perhaps owing to formation of carbonic acid from decomposition of organic matter under the moist, warm conditions in the greenhouse. After 6 weeks' time the develop- ment of a slightly higher concentration of hydrogen ions A\ r as observed in soils that had been treated with sulfur or with certain sulfates. The concentration of sulfate ion in the solutions displaced in such cases was found to have increased. After 12 weeks' incubation the hydrogen ion concentration had increased with certain sulfate treat- ments, and the heavy sulfur application resulted in hydrogen ion concentrations that were unfavorably high for growth. This high acidity .still prevailed after 15 months. In the cropped series definite 128 University of California, Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol.5 acidity developed and growth appeared to maintain a hydrogen ion concentration of about pll 6.0. Reaction might be modified by decom- position of organic matter, excretions by roots, formation of sulfuric acid in sulfur treated pots, as by hydrolysis, and selective absorption of cations, added in certain salts such as sulfate of ammonia. TABLE 2 Effect of Sulfur and Sulfate on the Soil Solution Analysis reduced to 10 per cent moisture (wet weight). Initial soils Dec. Parts per million soil solution Treatment, pounds per acre pH N0 3 SOj PO, Ca K Mg 7.3 7.0 47 25 140 194 4 5 3 5 119 146 57 83 129 78 Analysis of fallows (after six weeks incubation) X untreated Sulfur, 100 lb. CaO SandCaO K 2 SO ( CaSd X (NH,) 2 S04 MgS0 4 Displaced soil. S-200 S-500 6 2 116 253 4 144 98 6 1 161 369 3 5 203 125 6.5 127 195 6 142 88 6.3 156 256 5 196 105 6 1 157 294 3 116 172 6 3 120 247 3 5 135 112 6 7 70 161 4 172 60 5 4 150 205 4 227 63 5 9 53 235 4 5 294 63 6 5 . 30 153 4 160 27 5.S 38 284 5 327 125 5 9 21 509 3 5 349 133 119 221 95 156 113 90 91 121 196 98 119 102 Second analysis (after twelve weeks) X s CaO CaO and S. K0SO4 CaSO, X (NHO2SO4 MgSO< Displaced soil S-200 S-500 ... 6 1 124 261 3 207 107 6 3 100 341 5 382 72 6.7 102 204 5 324 127 6 7 77 322 5 356 120 6 5 81 282 4 361 165 6 6 82 224 4 351 84 5.8 87 190 4 139 47 5 6 176 258 5 326 57 5 6 79 241 4 268 64 6 4 88 219 3 5 124 32 4 8 47 376 24 376 135 4 4 37 ' 52 156 160 131 118 144 165 79 139 128 183 14S 157 171 Third analysis (after fifteen months) X S 200 7.7 3 8 3 6 44 24 1 94 672 1510 2 1 15 79 152 171 70 174 319 S 500 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 129 The nitrate in field plats, treated with 200 pounds of sulfur per acre about a year previous to sampling, was lower than in the adjacent untreated plat. After incubation for 6 weeks there was a tendency toward accumulation of nitrates except where unfavorable acidity had developed. After 12 weeks, high acidity developed in heavily sulfured jars, which made conditions unfavorable for nitrification and de- pressed the supply of nitrate to or below that of the untreated soil. A large portion of the nitrogen in the ammonium sulfate applied appeared later as nitrate. An initial supply of 140 parts per million of sulfate was found in the soil solution. Since this soil will retain about 10 per cent useable moisture between the wilting point and the excess point, this repre- sents 14 parts per million sulfate for the whole system. Sulfur in the field trial increased the sulfate content to 194 parts per million. Madera sand appeared to have good sulfofying power, even with- out sulfur additions. Addition of sulfur and sulfate substantially increased the sulfate content of the soil solution in six weeks. Add- ing calcium oxide with sulfur appeared to retard, rather than to encourage, sulfofication. Sulfofication appeared to be somewhat proportional to the amount of sulfur applied, for in subsequent determinations gains in sulfate concentration were found. Small differences were found from the application of various sulfates. The amount of soluble phosphate first seems to increase, then to decrease, after sulfur treatment. There appears to be a little depres- sion in the amount of phosphate in the solution after sulfur applied has brought considerable calcium into solution. With heavy sulfur applications, marked increase in acidity and increase in the amount of phosphate were found in the soil solution after 12 weeks' in- cubation. Increase in solubility of bases such as calcium, iron, or aluminum appears to have resulted in precipitation of phosphate before 15 months passed. Calcium was found to come into solution strikingly as a result of sulfur or sulfate applications. Nearly three times as much calcium was found in the soil solution following heavy applications of sulfur. Sulfur appears to have modified the soil solution with respect to calcium more than with any other ion. Potassium was brought into solution in the soil to the extent that the supply in solution was almost doubled by heavy applications of sulfur. Part of the potassium, when applied as potassium sulfate, appeared to be fixed by exchange reaction with other bases which 130 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 5 were brought into solution. Heavy application of sulfur resulted in a large increase in potassium ion in the soil solution after 15 months. Either potassium-bearing compounds were slowly dissolved or the calcium had participated in a base exchange with the potassium in the solid phase. Magnesium ion has a tendency to increase in concentration in the soil solution owing to sulfur additions and possibly also to base ex- change reactions following an increase in total concentration of the soil solution. The analyses in general indicate that a very important function of sulfate is that of bringing in and holding bases in solution. It also appears to increase the soil acidity with a resulting increase in availability of phosphate. The phosphate, however, may tend to dis- appear if the soil is well supplied with bases, such as calcium, which may react on the calcium and cause precipitation of phosphate from the soil solution. This reciprocal relation of soluble calcium relative to phosphate has been noted by Burd. 9 SULFUR AND SOIL SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENT SOILS Table 3 Samples of typical Oregon soils were collected from old sulfur experiment fields, including soil from both sulfured and unsulfured plats, that had been in experiments for as long as ten years and had received sulfur generally at the rate of one hundred pounds per acre every three or four years. These samples were screened and brought to optimum moisture content, allowed to stand so that equilibrium would be established between the solid and liquid phases of the system, and the displaced soil solutions recovered and analyzed. Results are given in table 3 and show that sulfur applications increase acidity in all cases, and usually more than 0.5 pH. There was a noticeable difference in the buffer value of various soils used. The Catherine loam did not resist change in reaction well and became unfavorably acid. The nitrate content of these solutions was not greatly modified, but gave evidence of being depressed in certain cases from sulfur applications on acid soils, as shown in the case of Catherine loam. The sulfate content of Willamette and Carlton soils was found to be very low. Samples were taken from these soils on May 7 following a cool spring, which would be unfavorable to sulfur oxidation, and from plats supporting winter grain that had attained 5 to 9 inches 1927J Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 131 height. Both these humid soils are subject to leaching in winter. Sulfofication is rapid under laboratory conditions in the Willamette soil and little crop increase results from sulfur applications thereto, while Carlton soil is lower in total sulfur and sulfate and responds to sulfur applications. Sulfur substantially increased the sulfate content of all soil solutions. There was a tendency for sulfur to increase the calcium content of the soil solution, and also the potassium content. TABLE 3 Effect of Sulfur on Soil Solutions Soils displaced May, 1925, reduced to comparative moisture basis. Soil Treatment pounds per H2O pH N SO4 po 4 Ca K acre 200 S. Ac. 10% (wet 24 672 152 174 basis) 200 S. Ac. 10 7 00 25 194 3 5 146 83 Untreated 10 7 30 47 140 4 5 119 57 3 x 100 S. 15 7.47 51 316 1 123 96 Untreated 15 7 84 63 153 10 100 29 3 x 100 S. 10 7 00 54 58 3 86 31 Untreated 10 7 76 36 37 3 86 25 100 S. 15 6 83 20 103 2 211 86 Untreated 15 7 67 40 75 4 5 164 75 2 x 100 S. 20 6 15 18 207 2 95 75 Untreated 20 6 83 15 13 1 41 58 3 x 320 S. 20 5 81 trace 46 1 5 42 14 Untreated 20 6 14 none 17 4 45 11 100 S. 30 5 47 22 555 3 328 318 Untreated 30 Fe 6 57 18 114 2.0 142 256 Untreated 3 x 200 S. 3 x 400 S. .04 08 07 117 100 74 3 8 3 4 6 100 105 152 20 3 17 3 14 8 Mg Madera sand field sample 1. Madera sand 2. Madera sand 3. Deschutes sandy loam 4. Deschutes sandy loam 5. Umatilla medium sand 6. Umatilla medium sand 7. Yakima sandy loam 8. Yakima sandy loam 9. Carlton silt loam 10. Carlton silt loam Wheat 5" May 7. 11. Willamette silty clay loam 12. Willamette silty clay loam Barley 9" May 7. 13. Catherine loam 14. Catherine loam Water extract, two to one. 15. Antelope clay adobe 16. Antelope clay adobe 17. Antelope clay adobe 78 129 Willamette silty clay loam and Carlton silt loam are acid soils, the latter occurring in the low foothills of the Willamette Valley. The Willamette soil from the old valley filling contains a fair total amount of sulfur, and this soil has a high sulf ofying power and good supply of organic matter. It gives only slight response to sulfur applications. Carlton and other "redhill" soils are low in total sulfur and in soluble sulfate and give moderate response to sulfur treatment. They are also low in soluble calcium, and in some instances the soluble potassium is low. Sulfur may help to bring bases into solution in these acid soils, but calcium sulfate may be more safely used. 132 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 5 Umatilla medium sand receives from two to three pounds of sulfur in each acre foot of irrigation water and requires at least five acre-feet of water a season. This soil is rather low in replaceable bases and does not afford much opportunity for base exchange. It gives slight response to sulfur applications. On the finer soils in that region a moderate increase in alfalfa yield is secured from sulfur applications. Catherine loam has given more profitable returns from calcium sulfate than from sulfur. The reaction of this soil is already slightly acid and sulfur may develop an unfavorably acid condition. This was formerly wild meadow land. Yakima sandy loam and Deschutes sandy loam are arid soils of nearly neutral reaction with large total supplies of calcium and having only moderate amounts of potassium ion in their soil solutions. The former is typical of the main soil area of Klamath Project. Potassium salts pay when applied to Deschutes sandy loam in which potatoes are growing, and sulfur appears to bring treble the amount of potassium into the soil solution in this soil. The alfalfa crop in this section when soil-treated with sulfur develops an especially rich green color. The samples of Antelope clay adobe used in these experiments come from the sulfur fertilized plats established by F. C. Reimer north of Medford and are too heavy for displacement, so water extracts were made. The amount of iron in solution was doubled by sulfur applica- tions and there was some increase in calcium ion in solution. Iron pyrite on this land has given as good increase in alfalfa yield as sulfur, after time was allowed for oxidation of the pyrite. Ferrous sulfate has given the best yields in plat trials at this experiment field. 50 After the analyses above given were completed, ferric chloride was sprayed on two plats of alfalfa previously unfertilized and a vigorous growth resulted, showing all the visible results commonly secured from sulfur on this field. There is a possibility of iron participating in a base exchange but that does not seem to have been an important factor here. Iron sulfate has been successfully used to overcome chlorosis in fruit trees where applied at the tree roots in this heavy soil. The chief effect of sulfur may depend considerably on the char- acteristics of the particular soil at hand and its reaction, physical condition, chemical composition, or micro-organisms present. On arid soils of slightly alkaline reaction sulfur may improve the reaction of 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 133 the soil solution for alfalfa. This may increase the solubility of iron in the soil solution and favor the development of chlorophyll. It may also favor the absorption of anions, such as nitrates, by plants. A better supply of calcium, as -well as sulfate, is often provided by an application of sulfur. SULFUR AND ALFALFA YIELD WITH SOILS IN JARS Four portions of each of these soils were arranged in one-gallon jars, two being treated with sulfur at the rate of one hundred pounds an acre, the others untreated. One treated and one untreated jar containing soil of each type were then planted to alfalfa for culture tests and for displacement and analysis, if needed, to check against field plat samples. The increase in yield of alfalfa secured in these jars as a result of sulfur treatment ranged from 7 per cent to 54 per cent. Umatilla sand appeared to give greate" response to this treatment, in the jars and irrigated with distilled water, than under field conditions Avhere large amounts of irrigation water contributed a substantial part of sulfur needed by the alfalfa. Ferric chloride was found to be about i ■ effective as sulfur on Antelope clay adobe, for increasing alfalfa yield in jars, which is further evidence that an important effect of sulfur on this soil is to improve availability of iron and overcome chlorosis in alfalfa grown in it. A preliminary experiment was conducted with young alfalfa transplanted from Madera sand soil from near Delhi, California. These plants had grown through the summer season on soil receiving no sulfur. Three two-gallon jars were untreated, a second lot of three received sulfur, a third lot, reprecipitated calcium carbonate and sulfur, a fourth received, sulfur as calcium sulfate, and the fifth lot received potassium sulfate at a rate that would supply one hundred pounds of sulfur to the acre. The plants were set out December 29, 1923. Cuttings were made when the growth bloomed freely, February 29, May 5, and May 27. One jar of each lot was not harvested at the second cutting but was left for seed. The effect of sulfur was to favor seed formation. Sulfur or sulfates increased the height, vigor, and yield of alfalfa in this trial 20 to 40 per cent. Sulfur reduced the water requirement about one-third, as ex- pressed in units of water per unit of dry matter. 134 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol.5 Thirty-six two-gallon stoneware pots, paralleling the fallow jars used for analyses, were planted to Grimm alfalfa, thinned to ten plants per jar and four months' growth harvested in one cutting May 27, 1924. All the sulfates were applied in amounts needed to provide one hundred pounds per acre of sulfur and gave similar increases in yield. The jars receiving potassium sulfate attained the maximum height. Moderate increases over the untreated pots were secured with calcium and with sulfur used singly or combined. The increased efficiency of water consumed by this growth in treated jars was reflected in a lower water requirement per unit dry matter. A more favorable concentration of soil nutrients or better balance in the solution should lead to a lower transpiration and therefore a lower water requirement, unless other conditions cause small yield of dry matter. HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION IN CROPPED AND FALLOW SOIL POTS The hydrogen ion determinations were made about every two weeks for all soil in jars. Colorimetric tests were made promptly, after sampling, with fresh color standards checked with the hydrogen electrode. Decomposition of organic matter on untreated fallow pots seems to have brought the reaction down from pll 6.9 to about 6.2. Calcium carbonate tended to maintain a more nearly neutral reaction, while heavy application of sulfate developed an unfavorably acid condition. Cropped pots when untreated developed a slight acidity and main- tained a pll of about 6.0. There was a somewhat more uniform reaction in cropped pots due perhaps to the tendency of plants to maintain a favorable reaction. Results strongly indicate that a slightly acid reaction is brought about by C0 2 evolved by growing roots in cropped pots or from decomposition of organic matter in fallows forming HCO a as suggested by Hoagland. JS They also indi- cate that a slightly acid reaction is most favorable for alfalfa growth in soil and that moderate applications of sulfur may improve the reaction of basic or slightly alkaline arid soils for alfalfa nutrition. 1927] Potcers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 135 PHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS In order to test the adequacy, for alfalfa growth, of sulfate concentrations found in soil solutions, some supplementary water culture experiments were undertaken. It was hoped that this would shed further light on the sulfate need of alfalfa, the form in which sulfate is best obtained from the soil solution, the part of the growth period when sulfate is most needed, the crop-producing power of limited amounts of sulfate, and especially the concentration of sulfate needed for best growth. For this work fruit jars were used and the seedlings supported on flat perforated corks. Molal solutions were prepared of di-potassium acid phosphate, mono-potassium acid phos- phate, calcium nitrate, and magnesium sulfate. Prom these stock solutions a culture solution was made up to an osmotic concentration equal to approximately 1 atmosphere pressure and a pll value of about 6.0. Sulfur-free culture solutions were provided by substitut- ing calcium nitrate for magnesium sulfate, and limited amounts of sulfate were added in certain experiments from a saturated solution of calcium sulfate to provide the number of parts per million of sul- fate desired. A fresh solution of iron-tartrate was used for supplying soluble iron. In these experiments records were kept of the height and vigor of plants, the amount of transpiration, and the reaction to culture solutions. The reaction tests were made almost daily where there was a tendency to deviate from the optimum range. Preliminary Studies Tables 4 to 8 Two-year-old alfalfa plants were secured from sulfured and un- sulfured field plats near Delhi, where crops grown on Madera sand had shown typical response to sulfur. The crowns of plants grown on sulfured fields were much larger than those of the same age from the unsulfured plats. The color of foliage on sulfured land was a dark green, the plants presenting a marked contrast to the rather chlorotic, unthrifty plants from the unsulfured plats. Sulfur in this field trial had doubled the yield of alfalfa. The plants Avere washed 136 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 5 free of soil, dried on a blotter, and their individual weights deter- mined. There had been some root pruning so the tops were clipped back close to the crowns. The plants recovered promptly from trans- planting when placed in the nutrient solution. TABLE 4 Alfalfa Transplanted from Sulfur-Treatfd Land Mean yield in grams. Dry matter (3 cuttings) from single two-year-old plants. Water Mean yield tops, requirement Treatment grams tops A — Four-quart jars. Plants from sulfured field. Complete solution 8.4± 10 533 Solution lacking S 4 5± 16 801 B — Three-quart jars. Plants from unsulfured field. Complete solution ..... 5 1± 24 589 No S. Two nitrates 1 9± 08 1377 C — Two-quart jars. Complete solution 4.5± 24 612 NoS. Two phosphates 2 1± 07 1285 D. I— Reaction adjusted April 1, with N/10 HsSOi. Complete solution 2 4± 12 780 NoS. Two nitrates 1 6± 05 1067 NoS. Two phosphates 1 5± 02 1089 D. II— Reaction adjusted April 1, with N/10 HC1. (Whole plant.) Complete solution ..... 1 9± 06 598 NoS. Two nitrates 1 4± 06 754 NoS. Two phosphates 1 5± 08 751 A trial was made with twelve plants from the unsulfured field plat, the plants being divided evenly into two lots according to weight. Six plants were placed on four-quart jars containing complete culture solutions and six others on solutions lacking sulfur. In two weeks a difference in the appearance of the plants was noticeable. The plants provided with sulfate developed a better green color and made over twice the growth during the first two months compared with those grown in the sulfur-free solution. The plants came into bloom and were cut January 29, April 23, and May 27, 1924. The yields are presented in table 4, section A. Approximately twice the yield of dry matter was secured from plants grown on solutions provided with sulfate. These plants made nearly twice as efficient use of water consumed for each unit of dry matter produced as did the sulfur-free series. A second lot of plants were set on three-quart jars and treated as in the above experiment, except that the sulfur-free solution in- cluded two nitrate salts instead of two phosphate salts as in the above 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 137 138 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol.5 trial. The presence of two nitrate salts, or a larger supply of nitrates, was associated with greater yields relative to untreated plants than was secured in the above experiment (table 4, B) . These transplants were one year old and sulfur about trebled the yield, resulting in a transpiration requirement of about three-sevenths of that from the plants grown in sulfate-free solutions. A third lot of transplants from the unsulfured alfalfa plats were divided into lots of six and placed on two-quart jars, one-half being provided with a complete culture solution and the others with a solution lacking sulfate. The yields of these plats are presented in section C of table 4. Where sulfate was provided the plants outgrew their chlorotic appearance in two to three weeks' time, indicating that lack of sulfate was the cause of their devitalized condition. The total yield for plants provided with sulfate was more than twice that from the sulfur-free series for three cuttings, and consumed less than half the amount of water per unit of dry matter produced. A fourth lot of transplants two months old was secured without root injury and set on three dozen, one-quart culture jars. One dozen of these jars were provided with a complete nutrient solution; a second dozen were provided with a water culture solution lacking sulfate and containing two nitrate salts; and the third dozen were provided with nutrients using two phosphate salts. When these plants were six weeks old they developed a chlorotic appearance, and at that time half of the dozen plants in the sulfur-free solution were brought to a favorable reaction by the use of N/10 sulfuric acid. To six other cultures N/10 hydrochloric was applied to produce a favorable re- action. Results of this trial, table 4, section I), show a marked increase in yield where sulfate was included. Applying a limited quantity of sulfate, when plants had been grown for six weeks on culture solutions, produced more improvement than can be credited to improved reaction alone. In all these trials the water consumption was greatly increased where sulfur was lacking. In three days' time the sulfate added in acid caused a dark green color of the foliage, which was noticeable until the plants were harvested a month later. This difference is indi- cated in figure 3. 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 139 a 3 a org t— hj TO 140 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol.5 C 02 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 141 SULFUR AND CHLOROPHYLL Chlorophyll determinations, following methods described by Willstatter, with the whole top growth from sulfured and unsulfured alfalfa in soil pot trials, yielded 12 per cent more chlorophyll where sulfur was applied. Alfalfa leaves collected from sulfured and un- sulfured field plats showed an increase of 18 per cent in chlorophyll content. The effect of sulfur in increasing width, size, and color of alfalfa leaves is indicated in figure 2. Lack of sulfur resulted in a lack of rich green color and lack of vigor. Data in table 3 show that sulfur application increased the iron content of the water extract from Antelope clay adobe and this iron is known to play an important role in chlorophyll synthesis. Sulfuric acid was also found to restore color better than hydrochloric acid when used to adjust reaction in culture solutions. WATER CULTURE EXPERIMENTS WITH SEEDLINGS Table 5, A To check the plan of providing sulfate to seedlings in partial culture solutions two days in six, three series of cultures were pro- vided. In the first, plants were exposed to calcium sulfate one day in five ; in the second, two days in six ; and in the third, four days in eight. The remainder of the period the plants grew on culture solutions lacking sulfur. During the first two months of the experi- ment the best growth was obtained with plants exposed to calcium sulfate two days in six. In the latter part of the growth period the plants exposed to sulfate only one day in five forged ahead and gave definitely better total yields both of total and marketable dry matter, indicating that extra sulfur was most helpful in the early part of the growth period and perhaps undesirable later. Figure 6 shows typical plants of each series after three months' growth. There was little difference in the yields of the plants exposed two days, compared to those exposed four days to sulfate solution, as shown in section A of table 5. There was a marked difference in appearance of plants with and without sulfur in this and other trials, as shown in figure 7. 142 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol. 5 HOW DOES SULFUR GO INTO THE PLANT? Table 5, B Sixteen series of six cultures each containing three Grimm alfalfa seedlings per culture were* employed in an experiment, which covered a growing period of 110 days. Plants were grown on culture solutions lacking sulfur four days in six and on various partial culture solutions containing different sulfates two days in six. Solutions were changed TABLE 5 How Does Sulfur Go Into the Plant? Alfalfa yield in grams. Dry matter. May 26, 1924. (Grown on sulfur-free culture solutions and transferred to solutions containing sulfate at regular intervals.) Mean yield Whole Water A. Treatment culture Tops requirement 3 plants tops Complete culture solution, unchanged 3.1 2.2± 08 855 Complete culture solution, changed monthly 3 9 2 4±15 867 S-free solution, unchanged 3 8 2 2± 16 851 S-free solution, changed monthly 4 1 2 6± 10 712 S-free solution 4 days; then CaSOi 1 day 5 7 3 9± 23 569 S-free solution 4 days; then CaSC>4 2 days 4 2 2 7± 14 790 S-free solution 4 days; then CaS0 4 4 days 4 5 2 9± 23 651 B. S-free solution 4 days; then (NHOsSCU 2 days 3 6 2 7± 21 725 S-free solution 4 days; then MgSOi 2 days 18 1 2± 10 796 S-free solution 4 days; then K2SO4 2 days 5 3 3 6± 18 635 S-free solution 4 days; then Ca, N0 3 , SO4 and PO4 2 days 5 5 3 6± 13 639 S-free solution 4 days; then Mg, NO3, SO4 and PO4 2 days 9 2 8± 69 1875 S-free solution 4 days; then K, NO3, SO4 and PO4 2 days 4 6 3 3± 23 699 S-free solution 4 days; then Ca, NChand SOi 2 days 4 6 3 3± 06 691 S-free solution 4 days; then Mg.NOs and SO4 2 days 13 1 0± 16 1149 S-free solution 4 days; then K, NO3 and SO4 2 days 3 6 3 3± 21 638 C. Solutions free of K and SO4 vs. — (Cation supplied only 2 days in 6 and with SO4) S-free solution 4 days; then CaSOj 2 days S-free solution 4 days; then K2SO4 2 days S-free solution 4 days; then (NH4>2S04 2 days ... Complete solution S-free solution 4 days; then (NHMsSCU (grain) 2 days Displaced soil solution (6 weeks' growth) Displaced soil solution plus K2SO4 frequently during the latter part of the growth period to avoid con- tamination by moving the plants from the sulfur-free nutrient solution to the companion solutions containing different forms of sulfate. The plant roots were washed by standing them in two-gallon jars of tap water for twenty or thirty minutes and then rinsing in distilled water before transferring from one partial solution to the other. An extra series of stationarv controls having sulfur, and one lacking sulfur. 4 3 2 9± 11 421 2 9 1 7± 10 603 .3 2± 02 6666 3 5 2 5± 10 603 6 7 5 5± 30 539 15 750 6 ,2± 03 937 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 143 ~3 hr; PS g? 8 g^ rr. 3 14-1 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol.5 were provided to test the effect of changing the nutrient solutions monthly. Changing the solution showed a little advantage, as did changing the plants. This was probably due to improved aeration. Two days in six, series 8 to 12 received sulfate in single salt solution as calcium sulfate, potassium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, or mag- nesium sulfate, respectively. During the first two months of this experiment plants receiving sulfate in the form of calcium sulfate were definitely the better plants. During the last four or five weeks of the experiment these were overtaken by the potassium sulfate series, the yield of which was slightly greater. The yield with ammonium sulfate was about four-fifths of that with the calcium sulfate, while the magnesium sulfate scries yielded only about two-fifths as much as the calcium sulfate series. Series 12 to 14 were provided in which the sulfate-bearing solution received nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate salts of the base under con- sideration. Under this condition calcium salts produced one-eighth more total dry matter than the potassium salts. The yield with mag- nesium sulfate was very low. In series 15 to 17 the cations were supplied in both nitrate and sulfate forms. There was no significant difference in the yield ob- tained with potassium from that obtained with calcium sulfate. In all trials, solutions containing magnesium salt gave very poor results. The reaction was difficult to control in the case of magnesium salt solutions, and even with reaction controlled there appeared to be magnesium toxicity. During the first two months of the growth period, calcium sulfate appeared to be definitely the best form of sulfur for the alfalfa plants. For typical plants, the relative growth for different treatments is shown photographically in figure 4. During the latter part of the growth period potassium sulfate showed advantage in certain cases. CALCIUM SULFATE VEESUS POTASSIUM SULFATE Table 5, C An experiment was arranged to compare further the value of calcium sulfate with that of potassium sulfate. In this experiment the main solution was deprived of both sulfate and the cation con- cerned, so that it could be obtained only during the two days out of six when the roots were in the partial nutrient solution containing sulfate. Thus calcium, potassium, or magnesium was held out of the main solution and applied only as sulfates in the partial nutrient 1927] Powers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 145 146 University of California Publications in Agricultural Sciences [Vol.5 solutions to which plants were transferred two days in six. Also nitro- gen, as well as sulfur, was kept out of a certain main solution, being provided only two days in six as ammonium sulfate. In this experi- ment potassium sulfate gave only about three-fifths the yield of tops and of total dry matter as was secured with calcium sulfate. In this trial nitrogen and potassium were not present at one time, and the calcium sulfate excelled during nearly all of the growth period, as shown in figure 5. During the period when the plants were nine to ten weeks old, the potassium sulfate series and calcium sulfate series were nearly equal in size. In connection with the value of potassium sulfate relative to calcium sulfate, it should be noted that calcium encouraged nmch branching of roots and a bushy top growth, or cell division ; whereas potassium produced cell elongation and seemed more important at that period of growth when the alfalfa was making its maximum in- crease in height. The ash of alfalfa contains about 16.25 per cent calcium and 24.7 per cent potassium and the oven dry alfalfa, 1.26 per cent calcium as against 1.87 per cent for potassium. 32 As shown by Gericke 18 potassium is best supplied to plants in association with nitrate, and this was verified in the course of these experiments. COMPLETE NUTRIENT SOLUTION VERSUS DISPLACED SOIL SOLUTION Table 5, C In connection with these experiments, three series of 400 cc. bottles were provided, set with two alfalfa seedlings to each culture. One set was filled with a complete nutrient solution, the second with the natural soil solution displaced from the Delhi soil, and the third series with displaced solution reinforced with sulfate applied as potassium sulfate. After the first few weeks the displaced solutions made little further progress. The series reinforced with sulfate yielded about three times as much dry matter as the natural soil solution, but only about one-fifth as much as the control. At Oregon Experiment Station sulfates have increased growth on lysimeter waters even where the untreated drainage water was changed frequently and where the sulfate concentration in the percolate was similar to that obtained from displacing the same soil type. 59 A similar experiment, to be reported elsewhere, dealt with the best salt for supplying calcium ion for alfalfa in partial solution cultures. 1927] Poivers: Studies of Sulfur in Relation to the Soil Solution 147 SO o « 2 R g 5' e-t- < n *r Fig. 12. Graph showing yield from limited amounts of sulfur. E FFECT OF SULPHATE CONCENTAT/ON ON THE YIELD OF ALFALFA FOX 30 DA Y PER tOP Fm /3 .2 O 'S ?__/.