THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES DICTIONAKY OF THE NEW ZEALAND LANGUAGE BY THE RIGHT REVEREND WILLIAM WILLIAMS, D.C.L. BISHOP OF WAIAPU, NEW ZEALAND, FOURTH EDITION WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, AN INTRODUCTION, AND A NEW ENGLISH -MAORI VOCABULARY. BY THE VENERABLE W. L. WILLIAMS, B.A. ARCHDEACON OF WAIAPU. UPTON AND CO., AUCKLAND. WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, AND 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. 1892. PL PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. The principal feature in this edition of the MaoT'i Dictionary, which calls for special notice, is the arrangement of the words. There are certain changes in form which are applicable to a very large proportion of the words in the language, and especially to adjectives and verbs. These changes are effected by the reduplication of one or more syllables, by prefixing the causative 'whaka,' and by the addition of a termination which forms a derivative noun. It has been thought better therefore, in this edition, not to place all words so changed in alphabetical order, as so many independent words ; but to group them all under the simple forms, and to give, in an Intro- duction, an explanation of their usual effect in modifying the meaning of a word. If, therefore, a word having one or two syllables repeated, or a word beginning with ^whaka,' or a word with the termination of a derivative noun, cannot be found in its place, according to the alpliabetical order of the letters, it may be looked for under the simpler form of the word. Thus, pajme, -pae-pae^ whakapae, paenga and whakapaenga may all be looked for under pae, and whakamaharahara and whakamaharatanga may be looked for under the simple form, ma/iara. If, in any such case, the particular development of the word is not to be found under the simple form, the meaning may be ascertained by a reference to the Introduction. A little experience will soon shew the advantage of having these various forms of each word thus grouped together. The accents have been omitted, and the quantity of the vowels, as being of much more importance, has been indicated by the usual long and short marks. Rules for accentuation are appended to the Intro- duction. The first, or Maori and English portion of the work has been submitted to very careful revision, and the additions amount to upwards of 1200 genuine Maori words, without reckoning the reduplicated forms, the causatives with 'whaka,' or the derivative nouns. The large number of corrections and additions, and the alteration in the general plan of the work have involved the necessity of re-writing the whole, G905G2 IV It would be a great achievement, if it were possible, to obtain a collection of all known Maori woixls, with well authenticated examples of genuine Maori usage. This book makes no pretension to any such completeness. The difficulty of the task of collecting words can be fully appreciated by those only who have made trial of it. To make a collection at all approaching to completeness would require the co-operation of a number of individuals, each working in a different district, for there are many woi'ds, which, though well known in one district, may be absolutely unknown in another. Nor is it so easy to procure good illustrative examples as it may be imagined to be. A large number of examples have been taken from the "Mythology and Traditions of the New Zealanders," edited by Sir G. Grey, and published in London in the year 1854. The numbers appended to many of the examples now given refer to the pages of that work from which they have been taken. The other examples have for the most part either been copied from Maori letters or other writings, or they have been taken down on the spot from the lips of Maori speakers. TuRANGA, December, 1869. EXTRACT fllOl THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. It has indeed been proposed by some, that the New Zealand language should be discouraged as much as possible, and that the Natives should at once be instructed in English. It must be allowed that, if such a plan were practicable, the advantages arising from it would be great ; and civilization cannot advance so favorably without it. Let this difficulty be once overcome, and the immense fund of information to be gathered from books in our own language is thrown open to this interesting people. But a knowledge of facts tells us the acquisition of English by the New Zealanders will only be partial, even in those districts in which our principal settlements are made, while the larger portion of the Natives will hold but little intercourse with our countrymen, who will have no inducement to settle in those districts which the Natives generally prefer. That it will be difficult to persuade the Natives, as a people, to adopt our language to the disuse of their own, may be inferred from the fact, that the Irish and Welsh, even though living in the heart of English towns, continue to use their favourite tongue, and that, too, after our connection as one people has continued for many centuries. While, therefore, every encouragement should be given to the Natives to learn English, it will not be the less necessary for those, whose position brings tliem into frequent communication with this people, to learn their language ; and, it is interesting to know that many are ready to make use of every help which may be affiarded them. As these attempts are persevered in, it is likely that a great accession of valuable materials will ere long be made from various sources. If, in the meantime, the present Compilation shall be the means of assisting those who are disposed to prosecute the study — though it be only as a ground-work for something more extensively useful hereafter, it will have served the purpose for which it was undertaken, TURANGA, IS44. ADVERTISEMENT. In the first part of this Dictionary, the English wox'ds which are printed in italics are to be regarded as the meanings, or English equivalents of the Maori words, or sentences to which they are appended. Mere descriptions of words, which may or may not have English equivalents, are printed in Roman type. Those words which are printed in Roman capitals are words of foreign origin, generally transliterated forms of English words. In the second part, such words are printed in italic capitals. iNTKODtJCTION. There does not appear to be any real necessity for encumlDering the pages of a dictionary by treating as so many distinct words what are, in fact, only different regular uses of the same word, In an English dictionary, for example, no one would expect to find the plural form of evexy noun treated as a distinct word. But we may go further even than the usual practice in English dictionax'ies, and say that there is no necessity for setting down all the regularly formed participles, and the nouns ending in -er, as distinct words : for no one, who is acquainted with the habits of ordinary English verbs, would fail to see at a glance the meaning of such words as "doer," "doing," &c., as soon as he had ascertained the meaning of the verb from which they are regularly derived. Nor again, when one hears or uses the expression, " a stone house," is it necessary to consider the word " stone " as an adjective, distinct from the noun " stone," because it happens, in this particular instance, to be used as an adjective, any more than we should say that there is also an adverb, "stone," to explain such an expression as " stone dead." But when the attempt is not made to present each word under every variety of form, and in every possible position in which it may be found in the language, it becomes the more important that the various modifications of form to which any word is liable should be pointed out, and that the effect which such modifi- cations usually have upon the meaning of the word should be explained. This is the intention of the present introduction. § i. Reduplication, Adjectives and verbs are modified in meaning by the reduplication of one or both of the syllables of the root.* * Most simple Maori words seem to be formed from a di-syllabic root ; some consisting of the root only, and others of the root and a prefixed syllable. Of the prefixed syllables, rna often constitutes the word an adjective. Long vowels and diphthongs are equivalent in this respect to two syllables, a consonant having certainly in some cases, if not in all, been dropped : thus 'ke,' different, is, in the Tonga dialect, 'kehe,' and 'tai,' sea, is 'tahi.' By way of illustration we may note that, in ' tatahi ' and ' tahatai,' we have two forms of the same word, which, without contraction, would have been 'tahatahi.' I4t Vlll In the case of adjectives, the effect of doubling both syllables of the root is to diminish the intensity of the meaning, thus : Mate, sick ; matemate, sickly. Wera, hot ; werawera, rather hot ; warm. If one syllable only of the root is doubled, the effect may be either (1) to diminish the intensity of the meaning, as in the following : Pango, black; papango, somewhat black, dark. Whero, red; whewhero, reddish. Maro, stiff ; maroro, somewhat stiff; or, (2) to denote the plural number, thus : He rakau pai, a good tree ; He rakau papai, good trees. It is to be observed, however, in the latter case, that the simple form is used both for singular and plural ; the reduplicated form for plural only. In the case of verbs, the effect of the two kinds of reduplication is somewhat different. The reduplication of the first syllable of the root denotes either (1) a prolongation or continuance of the action with increased intensity, or (2) a mutual action ; while the doubling of both syllables of the root gives the verb a frequentative force, denoting that the action is frequently repeated, the intensity being diminished. Thus, kimo denotes the ordinary involuntary winking of the eyes ; kikimo denotes that the eyes are closed and kept fast closed ; kimokimo again, denotes a frequent winking. The following examples may serve as illustrations : Kei te whaia tonutia te Hauhau e te Kawana- tanga : kaore ano i tae noa mai he korero o te pipiritanga. — The Hauhaus are still pursued by the colonial forces : no tidings have yet reached us of their having joined battle. Hopuhopu kau ana : ka mate nga atua o Puarata. — He caught PuaratcCs atua one after another, and thus they were destroyed. In words of three syllables, the doubling of both syllables of the root causes a euphonious lengthening of the first syllable. Mania, slippery, becomes maniania ; and tinei, extinguish, becomes tineinei. § ii. WHaka. Nouns, adjectives and verbs may all have a prefix, whaka, (sometime.s; contracted to wha) the effect of which is to make a casual verb. WHakatangata signifies make into a man, or treat as a man ; whakapai, make good, or pronounce good ; whakanoho, cause to sit ; whakamohio, cause to know. Nouns and some adjectives, having whaka thus prefixed, are often used intransitively, when they have a reflex signification, it being assumed that, where no object is expressed, the agent is himself the object of his own action. Thus whakatika, straighten, is commonly used, without an object expressed, to signify k straighten onesetf, or stand up; whakatamarikl, act the pari of a child ; whakatane, j^l^^y the man.* § iii. Passive Terminations. The usual passive terminations of verbs are -a, -ia, -hia, -kia, -mia, -ngia, -ria, -tia, -wJiia, -na, -ina, -rina, -whina. Thus — Poro becomes poroa ; WHawhati n whatiia; Waru ■! waruhia; Moto II motokia ; Horo II horomia : Rere n rerengia; Mau II mauria; Awhi II awhitia ; WHawhao n whaowhia, and whaowhina ; Tiki II tikiiia; Aroha n arohaina ; Whakaatu m whakaatui-ia and whakaaturina. It is questionable whether any rule can be laid down for applying one termination rather than another to any given verb. Usage varies in different parts of the country so much that it appears to be mere matter of custom, some regard being paid to euphony. Intransitive, as well as transitive, verbs have a passive voice, requiring the addition of a preposition, in English, to make the sense complete. Thus, haere, go; haerea, he travelled over ; noho, sit: nohoia, be sat uj^on ; Ko te wahi tenei e tapepea nei, this is the place on which one has slip2yed ; Kotahi te wahi i tapekatia, there was one place to which they turned aside. Some adverbs, and all adjectives when used adverbially, take one or other of the above terminations whenever the verbs with which they are connected are passive. Example : Tokowha o ona hoa i kainga katoatia e ia there were four of his covfipanions who were devoured entirely by him. Nouns, adjectives and participles will also be met with occasion- ally, carrying the termination of a passive verb. This form expresses a change into that which the simple word signifies. Thus, Koroua signifies old man ; Kua korouatia koe, you have grown into an old man ; Ka tapatia te hiako, the skin has become chapped ; Aua e taparurutia te haere, let not our rate of travelling become slow. * This reflex use is met with in other words besides those compounded with whaka. Neke, v.t. vwve^ if no object is expressed, is always understood to mean, move oneself. Sometimes a phrage may be treated like a verb when it is impossible to consider it as a permanent compound word. For instance, the expression, ma te matapihi, through the window, might be welded together into one word, and a passive termination added, thus, Ma-te-matapihi-tia mai. Let it he jmssed through the window. § iv. Nouns of Circumstance. These are derived from adjectives, participles or verbs by the simple addition of one of the following terminations, -nga, -anga, -hanga, -manga, -ranga, -tanga, -inga ; the choice of the termination for any given word being, as in the case of the passives, somewhat arbitrary, and dependent upon usage which is not always uniform. Thus — Mahi makes mahinga ; Noho II Titiro II nohoanga ; tirohanga ; Ngaro II Whakaatu u Pupuri II A ngaromanga ; whakaaturanga ; puritanga ; ainga. In some few cases the final vowel is altered, for arahi makes arahanga, and nunumi makes numanga. These nouns denote the circumstance, time or place of the action or condition, and those which are derived from verbs, may be either active or passive, according to the context. Thus, patu signifies strike, and patunga, the circumstance, time or place of striking or of being struck. Tana patunga i a au, the circum- stance of his striking me. Tona patunga e au, the circumstance of his being struck by me. § V. Numeral Prefixes. These are (1) e, prefixed to all but tahi ; (2) ko, prefixed to tahi only ; (3) toko, used in speaking of persons when the number is not higher than nine ; (4) hoko, which expresses multiples of ten, but sometimes also is merely equivalent to toko ; and (5) taki, which is distributive, as takiwhitu, by sevens. All of these except ko are used with the interrogative numeral hia, and in speaking of persons, taki is used along with toko, as takitokowha, by four persons at a time. Taki is also used sometimes with adjectives or participles to denote that the word applies to each and all of the things spoken of. Ka takimanu anake nga waka, the canoes are one and all ajioat. § vi. -TANGA. Passive verbs sometimes have a suffix, -tanga, wliich, if the verb Is qualified by an adverb, is attached to the adverb in place of the Jti ! passive termination. The force of this suffix it is not very easy to determine. Sometimes, at all events, it seems to have the same effect as 'ana' would have in the same position. Hike tonu ia ki nga ngarehu, apuatanga. — He immediately snatched up the burning coals and crammed them into his mouth. Apitiria tonutanga atu ko te pa, ka horo. — The pa was then attacked in addition, and fell. § vii. NGe. The syllable nge is sometimes prefixed to personal or possessive pronouns, as nge-au, nge-ona ; and sometimes it appears as a suffix to the adverbs pea and koa, thus, peange, koange ; but in none of these cases does it apparently affect the meaning of the word to which it is attached. Whatever meaning it may have originally had, it is now only an euphonious suffix. § viii. Different modes op Spelling. A Maori, in writing a long vowel, will frequently double it to shew that it is long, especially when it may be important to keep it distinct from another word which is similarly spelt, but differently pronounced, and thus we may have the same word spelt two different ways. Kainga, dwellingplace, is thus often written kaainga, to distinguish it from kainga, act of eating. The words taugata, wahine, matua, tupuna, and a few othex's, may, in the same way, have the vowel in the antepenultimate syllable doubled, to shew that that syllable is to be pronounced long, to denote the plural number. § ix. Disguised Words. Well-known words may sometimes be met with in such a disguise that it is difficult at first sight, to recognize them at all. The disguise may be effected (1) by the transposition of single letters or syllables; or (2) by the substitution, for one letter, of another which has, or may be assumed to have, some affinity with it; or (3) by the substitution, in a compound word, for one of its elements, of another word having the same signification. Changes of the first class may perhaps be set down merely as peculiarities of dialect, though some of them have possibly had an arbitrary origin. Those of the third class, and probably those of the second, have originated in a desire to avoid the possibility of one's getting into trouble through the accidental resemblance of the name of some great chief to a word in common use. The mere fact of his name, or a word similar to it, being used in a manner which he considered disrespectful to himself, uaed to be con- sidered quite sufficient justification for a chief in picking a quarrel with Jcii his neighbours, when the quarrel was determined on, and nothing but a plausible pretext was wanting. The following may serve as an illustration of this. Some years ago, the child of a chief of the NGatiporou tribe received the name of Te Wairama. In consequence of this the word honu came into common use for water, and the usual word, wai, was avoided for fear of giving offence. Cases of transposition are not uncommon, and sometimes both forms of a transposed word may be found in use together in the same district. Thus rango, fly, is transposed into nyaro ; and ngawhariki into whanariki.* Interchangeable letters are (1) a and e; (2) a and o ; (3) i and u; (4) m, n and ng ; (5) k and ng ; (6) k and ji; (7) wh and h. Examjiles : 1. Teina, tana. 2. Taimaha, toimaha. 3. Taimaha, taumaha. Tupuna, tipuna. 4. Momi, ngongi. Memenge, memene. 5. Karengo, kareko. Kainga, kaika. 6. Karengo, parengo. 7. Mawhiti, mahiti. Here should also be mentioned certain local peculiarities in pronunciation which often cause changes in orthography. (1) Some of the natives in the Bay of Plenty habitually substitute n for ng. (2) Some of the tribes on the west coast of the North Island, from Taranaki southwards, have a difficulty with h and wh. For A they substitute what, in the case of Samoan and some other dialects, is called a ' break,' and is represented by an invei-ted comma ; and for wh they use the simple w; Whanganui, for example, being pronounced by them as if written Wanganui. (3) The Ngaitahu in the South Island substitute k for ng, pronouncing kainga as if written kaika, and tangata as if written takata. § X. The same word in different aspects. The same word may, at different times assume the functions of several different parts of speech. Thus Nouns are frequently used as * The word, engari, is probably only a transposed form of erangi. Sotoe good authorities consider the two words to be distinct, both in etymology and signification, but after much close observation of the use of the two words by Natives, both in writing and speaking, I have been driven to the conclusion that they are identical, at least in meaning. Xlll adjectives to denote the material of whicli a tiling is made, the purpose to whicli it is applied, &c. He whare raupo, a house \built o/"] raupo ; He roto tuna, a lake [in whicli] eels [abound]. Adjectives and parti- ciples are used as nouns to express the quality, apart from the individual person or thing in which that quality may reside. Haere koe, e hoki ki uta, hei korero i toku toa, Go, return to the shore, and tell of my bravery. Adjectives and participles are also commonly used as adverbs. I mauria maoatia mai te kai, The food was brought in a cooked state. Verbs again frequently become nouns ; the infinitive mood of the verb being, in fact, nothing more than the verb treated as a noun. Or again, they do the work of adjectives and adverbs. He matua whangai, a foster father. Nouns also will sometimes assume the functions of verbs, as in the case already mentioned, § iii, as well as in others. Nona ka kaumatua nei, ka timata tona mate, It was when he arrived at man's estate that his sickness began. ACCENTUATION. It may be set down as a general rule, to which there are some exceptions, that Maori words are always accented on the first syllable ; but compound words, or words which have the disyllabic root doubled, have a secondary accent on the second portion of the word. WHaka, beginning a word is always un-accented. The articles, he te, nga, all the prepositions, the verbal particles, and the particles a and ko ai'e un-accented ; but when the pai-ticle a precedes any of the singular personal pronouns, au, koe, ia, or the indefinite pronoun mea, these words throw back their accent iipon the a, which thus becomes accented. SCHEME OF A MAOKI VERB. AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORMS. Karanga, call. i. Indicative. 1. Inceptive; past or future. Ka karanga ia : He called, or began to call ; He will call, or vnll begin to call. Ka kore ia e karanga : He began, or will begin not to call. 2. Imperfect ; past, present, or future. E karanga ana ia : He was, is, or will be calling. Kahore ia e karanga ana : He was not, is not, or will not be calling. 3. Perfect ; past, present or future. Kua karanga ia : He had, has, or will have called. Kahore ia kia karanga : He had not, has not, or will not have called. 4. Indefinite ; past. I karanga ia : He called. Kibai ia i karanga : He did not call. 5. Indefinite; future. E karanga ia, or Tera ia e karanga : He will call. E kore ia e karanga, or Tera ia e kore e karanga: He will not call. 6. Narrative form. Karanga ana ia : He called. ii. Imperative. Karanga ! Call / Kaua 6 karanga ! Do not call ! iii. Optative. 1. With Kia; that. Kia kai'anga ia : That he should call. Kia kaua ia e karanga : That he should not call. 2. With Kei ; lest. Kei karanga ia : Lest he should call. Kei kore ia e karanga : Lest he should not call. XV iv. Subjunctive. 1. Imperfect, Me kavanga ana ia ; If he were calling. Me kahore ia e karanga ana \ If he were not calling. 2. Perfect. Me i karanga ia ; If he had called. Me i kahore ia i karanga; If he had not called. 3. Future (contingent). Ki te karanga ia ; If he should call. Ki te kore ia e karanga, If he should not call. . V. Infinitive. Karanga preceded by an article or definitive pronoun, thus : He karanga ; te karanga ; tana karanga, &c. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. art. . . Article. n Noun. a . . Adjective. pron Pronoun. V. .. . . Verb. ad. .. .. Adverb. conj. . . Conjunction, prep. Preposition. int . . Interjection. DICTIONARY NEW-ZEALAND and ENGLISH. I. A, n. collar-bone. Usually joined with kaki thus : Te a o toku kaki. II. A, V. t. drive; urge; compel. Ka aia te waka e te ia. — Ka rumaki tonu te pane ki te hoe, i te ainga hoki a te wehi. (144) III. A, plural of the definitive par- ticle ta. IV. A, a prefix to proper names and personal pronouns, and occa- sionally to common nouns: 1 to names of persons, proper names of canoes, &c., and per- sonal pronouns (except ahau), a when standing as subject in a sentence. Kei te ngaki ku- mara a Te Kehu. (85) /? when following any of the prepositions hei, kei, ki, i. Ka korero atu a Kupe ki a Turi. (no) Kua timata mai ano i mua atu, i a WHakatauihu, i a Tawhaki, i a Tuhuruhuru. (63) y in expla- natory clauses. Kua tupu tana tamaiti, a Rata. (54) 2 to names of places and local nouns, when standing as subject in a sentence. Ka taunahatia e Naki a Motiti. (75) 3 occa- sionally to common nouns in explanatory clauses. Roko- hanga atu e takoto ana te kai nei, a te kukupa. (146) V. A, conj. 1 as far as. Ka rere mai a te Arawa, a waho i te moana. (71) 2 until. Takoto nei, a ao noa te ra. (90) 3 and ; and then ; connecting suc- cessive actions or events. Hoe ana mai, a ka u ki Mokau. (123) 4 well then, in rejoinders. A, tena, kei whea au tuaahu? (122) VI. A, prep. 1 of ; belonging to; used in speaking of actions of any kind, food, children, slaves, kc. ; but not in speaking of the parts of a whole, names, qualities, houses, lands, water for drink- ing, clothes, &c. NGa tama a Rangitihi. — NGa kupu poropo- roaki a Hou. (82) Te umu a Kuiwai. (83) ^ at; at the time of ; of future time. A whea ano ra ka po? (167) 3 after the manner of. He mea mohio a ngakau tangata. (84) Heoi, ka noho a pahi te rau ma whitu nei i reira. (154) Aata, n. altar. I. Ae, a. calm. Takoto noa tera te moana, he ae noa iho. II. Ae, ad. 1 in answer to an affirm- ative question, yes. Ka mea atu te matua ki a ia, " Ae, e pal ana." (25) 2 in answer to a negative question it afiirms the negative and must be rendered by 710. " Kahore i homai he kai mau 1 " " Ae." ae, V. i. consent. Ae ana mai ona whanaunga kia patua te ra. (25) ■whakaae, v. i. say yes; consent. Ka whakaae to raua whaea. (46) Aeaea Ahu Aeaea, .-i. jKintliKj. ■whakaaeaea, 1 v. i. pant for breafli. Ka kake i te pikitanga, ka whakaaeaea. 2 v. t. utter disruii,necfedlij,ii'ri though in want of breath. Kaua e whakaaeaeatia to korero, engari honoa tonutia. Aeha, int. denoting contempt. Aha, pvoih 1 irhr't? of things only. He aha te korero? (90) Used in asking a person's second name, as, Hone aha ? 2 of tvhat sort, &c. 3 tvhatever. Te ai he aha hei whakaohoolio mai. There is notldny whatever to disturb (117) aha, V. i. or t. do ichat ; do tvhat to. E aha ana koe i kona '? What are you doing there? I aliatia e ratoutana tamaiti ? Wliat did fJtey do to his child? ahatanga, n. doing wliat. He ahatanga? or Ko tena te aha- tanga 1 What of that ? Ahakoa, conj. 1 although. Alia- koa kei te whenua tawhiti e noho ana, ka taea ano i reira. 2 never- theless. 3 repeated, whether... or. Ko te taua liaere atu i raro nei, kei Muriwhenua ka mate; aha- koa taua, ahakoa tira haere noa, e kore e ora. (175) Sometimes written as two words with lie, thus, he aha koa, but this is often only an intensified form of lie aha. He aha koa u ana te waiho ai hei hoa aroha mo tatou? (12) Ahaku, pi. of tahaku; my. Ahau, pron. /, often shortened to au. Te wai i kite ai au. (110) After the prepositions a, o, ma, mo, na, no, ta, to, it is changed to ku, thus: aku, maku, &c. Ahau does not take the prefix a, but au does. See a"wau and a^wahau. Ahea, adv. interrogative, of future time, ichen. Ahea koe haere ai ? See Hea. Ahei, V. i. 1 J)e able. E kore au e aliei te ki atu. 2 be possible; he tvitJiin one's poiver. Kaore e ahei i a ia te haere. Aheiha, ad. truly. A form of assent. Ahere, n. snare for birds. Ahi, n. fire. Tenei to ahi. (24) ahiahi, n. evening. Kia ahiahi ka hoki mai ki roto ki tona wliare. Ahiki, V. i. make haste. Ahiki mai. Ahi"wahiwa, v. t. cut, gccsh. Aho, n. 1 string; line. Ka maro a raua alio. (25) 2 icopear. Ka aranga te taniwha. 2 become famous. Ka aranga i kona te rakau a Manaia. (123) "whakaaranga, v. i. ap)p>ear in a vision., or' in second siyht. Ka liara te tangata, ka whakaaranga mai te atua. Arangi, a. tmsettled. Kei arangi tonu te tinana, arangi hoki nga whakaaro. Arataki, v. t. lead; condiict. Ka aratakina ano e taua miromiro. (96) Arau 10 Aroa ArS,u, V. t. gather; lay hold of; entaiujle. Na te peka o te tutu i arau i inakere ai toku potae. arau, a. entanyled. Ka hutia ake e Irawaru tana alio, akuanei ka arau ki ta Maui. (25) Ara"whata, u. ladder; bridge. Are, int. what ! Are ! ka tohe koe ki a au ? Are. areare, a. 1 overhanging ; 2)romin- ent. Areare ana tera te ihu te tangata nei ! 2 excavated ; cavern- ous. Ka areai'e te parenga o te tai. arearenga, n. concavity; hollow. Katalii ano ka kitea te tini ta- ngata e liuna nei ki roto i te are- arenga o nga polio o Rangi raua ko Papa. (4) Arero, n. 1 tongne. Ka naomia atu te tangata ra, ka tapahia te arero, ka motu. (42) 2 u'p^^er iwint of a taiaha, carved in im- itation of a human tongue. I. Ari, n. the moon on the 11th day. II. Ari. •whakaari, v. t. hold up to vieAv. Tena whakaaria mai, kia kite au. Aria, v. i. be seen indistinctly ; a])- 2)ear. I aria ake i oku kanolii ko Henii e liaere ana. aria, n. 1 likeness; resemblance. 2 imaginary jjresence connected with anything which one may have touched ifec. and which therefore might .serve as a me- dium to convey the effect of a charm to the person for whom it was intended. Eriaria, v. i. resemble. Ka ariaria tenei tangata ki a Witiwiti. Ariki, n. 1 firstborn male or fe- male in a family of note, hence, chief; priest. 2 leader. Ki te mau te ariki ka inau katoa te rere kakara. whakaariki, n. invading army. Ariki-wi, n. a garment covered with feathers of the kiwi or a2)teryx. Arita, a. 1 burning u:ith desire; eager. I titiro atu au, e arita tonu ana ki te liaere. 2 irascible; easily offended. Katalii ano te tangata aritarita ko koe. Aro, v. i. 1 face; turn towards. WHai tonu atu i muri o te aro- nga kaunga atu o te kuri ra. (121) 2 have a certain direction. I aro mai i walio ra te waha o te tangata e karanga nei. 3 be in- clined: be disposed. Ko wai i toliu ai, e aro ki te patu i a au ? 4 attend to; favour. Korero noa atu, e kore ia e aro mai ki a au. aro, n. inclination. Kei a Te Ka- ranga ia te aro i mau ai. aroaro, n. face: front. Taliuri mai tou aroaro. whakaaro, v. t. think on; con- sider. ■whakaaro, n. tJiought: intention; opinion. Ka tupu te whakaaro i a Tawhirimatea kia taliuri mai ia ki te whawhai ki ona tuakana. (4) whakaaro-mahana, v. t. co)ne to assistance of. E haere mai ana ki te whakaaroniahana i a tatou. whakaaro-rangi, v. t. tliink on daily ; entertain affection for. Kua whakaaro rangi noa ake te ngakau ki a Te Ponga. (167) Ar5a, v. i. be comprehended ; be laid hold of by the understand- ing. Te aroa ake i a au ; I do not understand it. aroSroa, a. 1 lonely. Te aroaroa i a au i te kore tangata. 2 sor Aroakapa 1 1 rou'fnl; lomjiny for absent friends. ArSakapS,, n. roio; rank; Jront rank. E kore ia e pai kia rere kau ki niua o te aroakapa o te haka. (167) Aroarotea, n. white-breasted shag : a bird. Aroarowhaki, v. i. 1 ,fiaj? the wings. E aroarowhaki ana te parera. 2 move the liands to and fro with the arms extended ; a sign of grief, &c. Aroha, n. 1 love for an absent relative or friend. A, ka ngaro atu ia ka noho a Tawhaki, ka ngau kino te aroha i a ia ki tana wahine raua ko tana kotiro. (48) 2 jnty •' co7npassion. Ka oho ake te aroha o NGatoro ki te waha o te tangata o te wahine, o te tamariki, e aue ana, e tangi ana. aroha, v. i. feel love or jnty. Pass. arohaina, be the object of love &c. Arohata, n. ladder; bridge; for arawhata. Arohi, V. t. 1 reconnoitre ; examine. Kei te arohi i te pa kia kitea te wahi ngawari hei whakaekenga atu. 2 look for. I hea koe e arohi kai ana mau ? arohirohi, v. i. trim round and round. Aronui, v. i. be rigid oj)2)osite. aronui, n. a finely woven mat with a deep ornamental border. Aropiri, v. i. cling; be attached. Kai whea te tau i aropiri ral Arotahi, v. i. look in one direction. E arotahi ana te whakaaro o te tangata. Aru, V. t. follow; pursue. Pass. arumia. Arumia te tahae. He nsutu atamai ano to te tamaiti nei. Atamira Sometimes used intransitively. E aru ana au i muri i raua waewae ko Paratene. aruaru, v. t. 1 chase. 2 woo. Kei te aruaru wahine mana. 3 in- terrupt. Kia ata aruaru i te korero. Ariihe, n. edible fern-root., being the root of pteris aquilina, var. esculenta. Rau aruhe ; fronds of pteris aquilina. I. Ata, int. expressive of disgust, baJt ! Ata ! te piro ! II. Ata, n. 1 reflected image. 2 shadow. Ehara au i te rangatira, engari he ata au no te tangata. 3 early mornhig. Ata po ; before dawn. Ata hapara, or ata pongi- pongi ; the time of dawn. Ata tu ; just after sunrise. 4 Ata marama ; moonlight. ataata, n. a large kind of ^jeri- unnkle. whakaata, v. i. look at one's reflected image in water, or a mirror. whakaata, n. mirror. III. Ata, a. true; only used as a form of assent. He ata, he ata. IV. Ata, ad. 1 gently. Kia ata haere. 2 deliberately, 3 qicite. Kihai i ata maoa te kai. Ataahiia, a. good; pleasant; beau- tiful. Ka titiro atu te ruruhi ra ki te ataahua mai o te wahine raka. (164) Atae, a. hoiv great. Atae te hoi o tenei taurekareka? (168) Atamai, a. knowing ; quick witted. atamai, v. i. behave contemptuous- ly. Ehara te mahi a te tangata ra ki te atamai ki a au. Atamira, n. 1 stage; platform. Ka piki raua ki to raua atamira. (130) 2 a low stage on which a Atamira dead person is laid out, one end being elevated foi- the head. •whakaatamira, v. t. lay out on an atamira. Ka hemo te tupa- paku ka whakaatamiratia, Atanga, a. beautiful. Atarangi, n. shadow. Kua roa ke te atarangi o te tangata. Atarau, n. 7710011. Ka titi te ata- rau, marama tonu. Atarua, a. dimsighted. Atatu. See under Ata. Ata"whai, v. i. sheio kindness; be liberal. E atawhai ana a Te Porua ki a au. AtS, n. 1 liver. 2 the seat of the affections ; heart. Tau o te ate ; an expression of endearment, used with reference to a child. Kai whea te tau taku ate 1 — Te waha o te ate; the pit of the stomach. 3 totara wood of dark color. ateate or ateatenga, n. 1 bosom. Ko Tumatauenga, i tu tonu i te ateatenga o tona whaea, o Papa- tuanuku. (6) 2 calf of the leg. Atea, a. 1 clear ; free from obstruc- tion. E atea ana te whare, kahore he tangata o roto. 2 oiU of the way. Tarakea atu nga otaota kia atea. Atete, V. t. 1 oppose; resist. Ki te atete i nga hoia hei noho mo runga i ou whenua. 2 treat roughly. Kaua e utuutua nga ki, e atetetia. 3 affront; insult. Ehara tenei i te atete i a koe. I. Ati, n. a word used only in the names of tribes or clans. Te Ati-awa ; Te Ati-liapai Ac. off- spring; descendants. Compare aitanga under iir. ai. NGati, probably a contraction from nga ati, as in Ngatimaru, &c. 12 Atute II. Ati, conj. then. III. Ati. atiati, v. t. drive away. Atiti, V. i. wander. Atiu or atiutiu, v. i. wander; stray. Ato, V. t. 1 thatch. Atohia te whare mo te manuhiri. 2 enclose in a fence, &c. Ka atohia te mara ki te kakaho kei taea e te pakura. Atii, ad. 1 in a direction away from the speaker ; away. E ta, kawea atu tetehi wai moku. (168) 2 used with adjectives to forai a comparative or superla- tive. Rahi atu tana i taku. — Nui atu; very great. 3 other. Tetahi atu. Another. — Era atu mea katoa. All other things. whakaatu, v. t. j^oiiit out; shew; testify. Ma wai e whakaatu mai te ara ? Atiia, n. 1 god, applied also to any object of superstitious re- gard. 2 the moon on the 15th day; in full, Atua-mate-o- hotu. 3 for atuapo, niggard. Atua, ad. first. He aha koe te atua ai ki te whaereere, muri iho ka patu i nga punua ? Atuapo, n. niggard; churl. Ka kore e homai e koe akuanei, heoi ano he ki maku ki a koe, "Atuapo! Atuapo!" kia wha- kama ai koe. Atuhakona, n. a fish. Atiirere, n. a fish, highly prized. He mokopuna na Mahaki, na te tangata i whai nei ki te aturere. Atiitahi, n. the star Canopus; also called autahi. Atute, V. t. hustle; jostle. Au 13 Auraka I. Au, n. 1 smoke. Ka puia oku kanohi i te au. 2 (jnll. 3 cloud; mist; Jog. 4 current. E kore € puta te waka i te au. 5 rapid. Te au o Kura-te-au. (109) 6 ivhirljwol. Ka kawhakina e te au kume, e te au rona, e te au hirere, hirere ki te po. (112) 7 Te au o te nioana; mid- ocean. (21) S striiig ; cord. Tuia ki runga ki te au kotahi. 9 large m,at pin, generally made of bone or ivory. auau, n. basket of seed potatoes. Kia rua auau, ka kapi te mara. auau, a. frequently repeated. He korero auau. As adverb, fre- quently. auau, V. t. lift. Maku anake e auau te hanga taimaha na % "whakaauau, v. t. smoke; roast slightly. He mea whakaauau noa te poaka, kaore i maoka. II. Au, pron. contracted from ahau, /. III. Au, a. 1 firm. Kia au te noho. 2 sound (of sleep). Ko te po whakaau te moe. (46) IV. Au, V. i. bark. Ka kau te kuri ra, me te au haere. (121) V. Au, ad. certainly, a form of assent. Au, 1 pron. 2nd person sing, combined with the prep, a, of thee. 2 plural of tau. I. Aua, n. a small fish ; herring; agonostoma Forsteri. II. Aua, or auaake, ad. I know not. "Kei hea to koutou teina?" "Aua, kahore matou i kite." (95) See also auara. III. Aua, ad. imperative, not. Aua koe e haere. IV. Aua, dA. far advanced ; far on ; in point of distance. Generally with mai or atu. Kua aua mai koe ; you liave come a long way. Kei aua noa atu nga tangata ; the men are a great distance oj^. AuS,hi, n. smoke. Auaka, ad. do not; don!t. AuarS,, ad. after a negative ques- tion, certainly there is, &c. " Kaore he tangata o te tai hauauru e puta mai ana te ingoa ki konei?" "Auara, e puta mai ana ano, ko Marutuahu." (138) Auau. See under i. au. Aue, int. alas. aue, V. i. groa7i ; make lamenta- tion; cry. E aue mai nei te tamaiti i te mataku. Auha, V. i. leaj} out of the water. Ka auha te ika. AuhS,ha, v. t. seek after. Ka au- haha noa ia ki tetahi kai mana. Auhi, V. i. be hamjyered ; be hin- dered. Auhoki, n. eddy. AuinSke, ad. on the morrow. Aukaha, v. t. lash the rauawa, or bulwark, to the body of a canoe. Na ka oti tona waka te aukaha, ka tola ki te wai. (120) aukaha, n. lashings which fasten the rauawa to the body of the canoe. Aukati, V. t. stoj) one^s way ; pre- vent ojx^ from passing . aukati, n. line which one may not pass. Auki, a. old. See uki. Aumoe, a. at ease. Ka kanaenae nga kanohi, kahore i te aumoe. Auporo, V. t. ciit short; stopj. Ko- tahi te tangata nana nei matou i auporo, ko Iharaira anake. Auraka, ad. not, imperative or precative. "E kui ma nei, Au- raka au e hakua." Auraki U Awha AurS,ki, a v. i. turn aside. Tatou ka auraki atu ki te kainga nei. P V. t. do a thing in a hihrry. Aua ra e aurakina. Aurara, v. i. 1 chUch; grasj). Au- rara ke ou ringaringa ki kona ki te aha ? 2 encroach. Aurei, n. the 3rd day of the moon's agp. Aurere, v. i. 1 moan; yroan. E aurere mai ra a Tairi. 2 sail. Ki Karewa, aurerenga hipi. Auriiiri, a. free from tapu. Ka auriuri pea koe. Auru, V. t. 1 break off; liluck up. Aurutia mai nga tarutaru. 2 throw aroay. Auruko-whao, n. 1 leakage from the lashing holes of the rauawa of a canoe, hence 2 any trifling damage. "Mate i te tamaiti, lie aurukowhao; mate i te wahine, takerehaia." Na Hekerau te ki. Auta, V. t. encroach upon; attack. Ka mate a Hongi, a auta ka auta, ko Te WHareumu. Autahi, n. the star Canojius. AutaiS, a. extraordinary ; strange. Autaki, a. roundabout ; circuitous. He kupu autaki. — He ara au- taki. Autang, n. a woman's brother-iur- laiv. Autaua, n. one who announces the approach of a fighting party. Aut€, n. 1 Broussonetia papyri- Jera; paper mulberry. 2 band Jor the hair. Auto, a. 1 trailing behind; 2 slow; dilatory. He auto no te tangata ki tenei mahi. Au'w^ahine, n. sister-in-law of a man. ATva, n. 1 river. Kei tawahi ke o te awa e tawharau ana mai a te Arawa. (8i) 2 channel. 3 bed in a garden. avraawa, n. valley. A-wahau, pron. /. Awakari or a"wakeri, n. ditch. A"wainate, n. ditcJi outside the palisading of a pa ; moat. Awarua, n. ditch. whakaa-warua, n. ditch inside the palisading of a pa. Awanga, n. south-west wind. a'wanga'wanga, a. uneasy in 111. ind ; disturbed. a^wanga-wanga, n. distress. Ma reira pea ka mutu ai toku awa- ngawanga ki toku tupuna ka ngaro atu nei. Awatea, n. (ao atea). 1 broad daylight. Kua awatea, kua puta rawa te ra. (47) 2 the middle of the day. ATvau, pron. /. Awe, n. 1 soot. 2 long hairs on a dog's tail and rump. aweawe, a. far off; out of reach, Aweawe ana nga rau te rakau, A"we, ad. (abbreviation of wawe) soon. Kia awe tatou te tae ki te kainga. Aweke, a. 1 perverse; ill-tempered. He aha tau ka aweke tonu 1 2 sloiv ; datvdlhig, with the notion of waywardness. Katahi te aweke o tau haere. aweke, v. t. falsify ; misrej)resent. E kore au e anga ki te aweke korero maku. Aw6k6, a. 1 old; ancient. He riri mo tenei kainga, me korero ; ko nga riri aweko o tawhiti, kauaka e korerotia. 2 knowing; under- standiiig. Me te aweko haere tou au ki te haramaitanga o toku papa. Awha, n. 1 gale; storm. 2 rain, Ka ua te awha. Awhato 15 Ea A'whato, 11. a fundus wliicli is parasitic on a kind of caterpillar; <■>>/•(/ Icf"/ IS Rohi'iisii. Awhe, V. t. 1 (j<(flin- It}) into n heap. Awliea mai nij;a oiieone. 2 surroiiiKl; beset. Ka awliea inai e te liau o roto o te riu. (153) aAwlieahe, v. t. set to work at a thing with a number of persons. Me awheawhe noa tena mahi ka oti. awheawhe, 11. basket. awhe, \'. i. pass round or beJnnd. Ka awhe i tera taha. Awheo, n. lialo. awheo, v. i. be suiToioiided by a, liido. Ka awheo te marama ka taka. awheo, a. roHudaboat. Awheotau, v. i. be surrounded by a lado. Awheto, for awhato. Awhi, V. t. 1 embrace. 2 sit on eggs, as a lien. 3 draw near to. Awhitianiai, kia j)iri, kia tata. awhiwhiwhi, \-. i. ajtproxiniate; r('sf))d>l(\ Awhina, v. t. assist; benefit; be- Jriend. He awhina tangata anake te rangatiratanga o tenei niea, o te tangata. (12) Awhio, a. roundabout; tvinding. He ara awhio. awhiowhio, n. -/vhirlwind ; whirl- ]>ool. Awhireinga, v. t. enihrace in the r('(ji<>)i oj spirits. Awhiti or awhitu, a a. cautious; on ojie's guard. f3 v. i. feel re- gret ; feel hurt. E awhitu ana toku ngakau ki nga kai kihai i nui mai ki a au. Compare ohiti. E I. E, a particle used in forming certain tenses. When used alone with a verb or adjective it makes a future. E kore ranei e tae mai ki konei? (189) In the case of numerals however the time is present. E hia ? How many are there? When the verb or adjec- tive is followed by ana the ac- tion is in progress, or the condi- tion temporary. Ko te ope ra, e mahi ana i te takaro, i te haka, i te waiata, i te ngahau. (92) II. E, prep, by, of the agent, and following passives only. I nga- rea mai au e Paoa. (187) III. E, int. 1 vocative, 0. often used after, as well as before a name. E Turi e ! E Turi e ! whakahokia ki uta. (iii) 2 calling attention. E ! ko Te Ka- hureremoa. (144) 3 in poetry at the end of a line or stanza, with- out any particular meaning. Ka tau te tini o te Hakituri i tana tau e. e, V. i. exclaim "^.'" Ea, V. i. 1 appear above water. Kia timu te tai ka ea ai nga toka ki runga. 2 be brouglit to land. Ka ea te kupenga ki tahaki. 3 be produced, as a crop. 4 be paid. Ka ea te utu. 5 be paid for. Kaore ano i ea toku kakaliu. 6 be avenged. Ka ea te mate o Tuhuruhuru. (62) 7 be per- formed, as a religious ceremony. Ka ea te purenga. (83) Ea whakaea, a v. t. jmy for. P v. i. 1 rise to the surface. Hence 2 drnn- breath. whakaeaea, v. t. lift or draw out of the water. Tukutukua i Ra- ntriaowhia ; whakae.iea i te Ma- maku. (178) Ba, int. expressing surprise. Ea ! kua mate tau mokai. (161) Bahua, see ahua. Bai, see it. ai. Baoia, see iii. ao. Ehake, ad. not. Eliake tenei ta- ngrtta. conip. ehara. Ehara, ad. 1 not, stating non- identity, and followed by i. Ehara i te tikanga tangata. (61) Ehara tenei kakahu i a au, this yarment is not mine. — Ehara 1 te mea ; it is not the case that. Sometimes with an ellipsis of "i te mea," as, Ehara maku nga moni. — Ehara i te hanga, per- haps for "ehara i te hanga noa iho;" It is no common thing, i. e. it is somethiiiy exti-aordinary . Ehara is sometimes used alone in this sense. Ehara ano te haere o tera toa. (60) 2 in ani- mated narrative, nnthout doubt; sure enough. Tahi ano whaka- rerenga iho o tana meremere, ehara, kua mate. (120) Bhea, plural of tehea, u-liich. Bhi, int. well! Elii ! kua rite o maua hiahia. (131) Ehia, or more correctly B hia. See hia. Bhinu, pron. definitive plural. some. Kei hea ehinu o nga toki? Ehu, a. turbid. He wai ehu, he wai para-horo. ehu, V. i. 1 bale water out of a canoe. Ka ehua te wai o tona waka. (hi) 2 exhume ; disinter. (comp. hahu). No te ehunga i a Te Eke. 16 Ene Bi, int. in poetry at the end of a line or stanza. Eka, n. acre. Eke, V. i. generally place oneselj' or be placed upon another object, and so. 1 embark. Nga waka i eke mai ai o matou tupuna ki tenei motu. (69) 2 yet ayround, come to yround. Ka eke ki uta; ka kitea nuitia e nga tangata. (57) 3 mount a horse, &c. reach the summit of a mountain ifec. Haere ano ratou, ka eke i runga i te puke. (79) 4 6e laid or cast upon, as blame, censure, &c. Ka ekengia ahau e te kupu ; / am the subject of blame; — / am found fault ivith. 5 come to be exercised over, as control, authority, &c. He whakaaro nana, kei eke mai he tikanga ma te matua ki ru- nga ki nga taonga i wehea mai mona. 6 thickeyi in cooking. See ete. whakaeke, v. t. 1 ;>^rfee upon; load. Ka pau te tui te whakaeke ki te ngohi. (179) 2 rush iqjon; attack. Tena whakaekea.— TJa whakaekeeke, light sprinkling rain. 3 invade. whakaeke, n. visitor; guest. Ko etahi rawhi ka pau ma nga wha- kaeke. (185) Bmi or emiemi, v. i. 1 be as- sembled; be yathered toy ether. Kua emiemi nga tangata ki te whare. 2 be ashamed. emiemi, n. 1 a tree. 2 bract at footstalk of watermelon, etc. whakaemi, v. t. gather together.^ Katahi ka whakaemia kia kite i te patunga o WHakaturia (64) Ena, plural of tena. Bng, V. t. 1 fatter. He ene te korero a te tangata nei, ma wai e whakarongo atu 1 2 endeavour £!ne 17 Hae to obtain by Jiattery, coaxitiy, S:c. Ivei te eneene kai mana. 3 eneene riri ; jyrovoke a quarrel. whakaene, v.t. make sniootli, as tlie ground by pulverising. Haere mai ki te whakaene i nga parua i tanuniia e ou niatua. Compare maeneene. Enei, plural of tenei. Engaenga, v. i. overflow. Engari, 1 it is better. Akuanei pea ka mate ko au : engari pea me haere noa atu au ki te kimi kainga ke atu hei oranga moku. (119) 2 conj. but; but rather. Kei hopu tou x'inga ki te aUa taepa, engari kia rnau ki te aka matua. (48) 3 ane- hane. (5) Hanea, n. ;i small black mussel. haneanea, a. unpalatable. Hanene, a. blowing gently. I ata hanene te haere mai o te hau ra. Compare anene. I. Hani, n. a wooden weapon ; the same as maipi and taiaha. II. Hani, hahani, and hanihani, V. t. speak ill of ; disparage. Kati ra te hanihani i tou hoa. Hanikura, n. a shell-fish. Hanuere, n. January. HS^niiini, v. i. be merged or swal- lowed up ; be mixed. ■whakahanumi, v. t., mix; cause to he swallowed up. Hanga, v. t. make; build. Heoi ano nga tohunga nana i hanga nga waka. (69) — Kei te hanga i te taiepa oneone. (19) hanga, n. work ; fabric ; thing ; pro])erty. Ehara i te hanga, it is no ordinary thing, so also Kihai i hanga ake tana wahine. (196) hangahanga, n. 1 frivolous ; of no account. Hua noa he hanga- hanga noa nga korero a tera, kaore, lie tika tou ia. 2 spread- ing over the ground. Ka hanga- hanga te tupu o te kapana. whakahangahanga, v. t. handle gently. He mea whakahanga- hanga noa ; nana noa i mate. Hangai, a. 1 opposite ; confronting. Kia hangni mai tou kanohi. — I korerotia hangaitia ki a ia. It was s2>oken to his face. 2. across ; at right angles. Hangai pu nga waewae. — He toki ha- ngai, an adze. Hanganoa, a. (f no account. hanganoa, n. small basket for cooked food. Hangarau, v. t. jest with ; befool. He aha tau i hangarau i a au ? Hangareka, v. i. or t.jest; deceive. He hangareka kau te mahi a tenei tangata. Hangehange, a. quite dry. Ma- roke hangehange te waka i runga i te kowhatu. hangehange, n. geniostoma ligus- trifolium, a slu'ub. Hangere, a. half fill. He hangere tenei kete. Hangi, n. native oven. Hango. hangohango, an implement for digging, and for setting potatoes &c. hangohango, v. t. dig or plant with a hangohango. Kei te hangohango riwai nga tangata o tenei kainga. HS,ng6r6, a. weak. Hangoro, a. slack; loose. Hangoro- noa taku pikau. Hangorungoru, a. hanging in folds. Hangu, a. dumb; quiet; not talk- ative. He wahine hangu. HS.nguru, a. chattering. Kauae ha- nguru, ^aw chattering with cold^ Hao 21 Hara Hao, V. t. 1 (Inur round so as to encompass fish, itc. He hokin^a mai no nga Wiika o tona iwi i te liao kupenga ika. (141) 2 catch in a net ; enclose. Me hao ki te kupenga. 3 capture a fortress. 4 (jran]) (jreedily. hao, n. 1 dredye for cockles, etc. 2 mud-eel. Haona, n. horn. Haora, n. hour. I. Hapa, V. i. 1 be passed over in the apportionment of anytliing. Tokorua nga tangata i hapa i te kai inaianei. 2 he in need of anything. 3 gone by. Ka hapa koe ki Ruatahuna ka puta mai nga pukapuka mou. II. Hapa, a. crooked. Hapa, n. .'^upper. Hapai, a v. t. 1 lift up : raise. Hapainga tera pito o te rakau. 2 carry. E koi'O, hapainga nga toki nei. (51) 3 begin a song, charm, &c. Ka hapai ake i tana hiki ake mo tana ika kia mai- angi ake. (22) Pass, hapainga, start. Huaki kau te ata, ka hapainga mai ; kai rawa mai i te mania. (157) (i ^.i. rise. Ka hapai nga kawainga o te ata. hapainga, n. small basket for food. Hapaki, v. t. catch lice. Hapaki ana te taokete i nga kutu o Maui. (26) Hapara, a v. t. .dit; cut. Na Rehua i hapara te whare — I haparaia tonutia tona waewae. /3 V. i. dawn. Ka hapara te ata. hapara, n. i^pade. Haparangi, v. i. shout; baivl. Ka haparangi te waha o te tama- riki. Haparu, v. t. make common; dese- crate. Ka haparua aku mea e koe. Havati, n. sabbath. HS.p6, a. 1 crooked. I mohiotia ki le liape o te waewae. (113) 2 beside the j oint. Kahore i liape o korero ; kei te tika o korero. HS,pi, n. native oven or cooking pit; hdngi. HapirS, n. violation of tapu by eating at a sacred place. He aha koe i mate ai ? He hapiro. Hapoki, n. ]nt for storing pota- toes. Hapoko, n. ])it for storing pota- toes. Kia rupeke te kai ki te hapoko. (189) Hapori, n. section of a tribe; fa- mily. Haporo, v. t. cut of. Haporoa te rakau ki konei. Hapu, a. 1 ])regnant. Ka kitea te haputanga o Rangiuru. (128) 2 conceived in the womb. Akua- nei whakapaea ai na Hotunui i tahae ; na e hapu ana a Maru- tuahu. (136) hapu, n. section of a large tribe; secondciry tribe. Hapua, a. holloiv like a valley ; depressed. Hoake tatou ki te wahi e hapua mai ra. Hapuku, n. oligorus gigas, a fish. I. Hara, v. i. 1 violate tapu, in- tentionally or otherwise. He hai'a tawhito i mate ai. Hence 2 sin. II. Hara, n. excess above a round number. Kotahi rau ; e iwa nga hara. whakahara or -whakaharaha- ra, a. large. III. Hara. harahara, v. i. be diminished. Ka harahara nga kai i roto i te rua. •whakaharahara, v. t. cause to be diminished ; lessen. Kia Harakeke 22 whakaharaharangia te wai o te poti. HS,r§,k§kS, n. phorniiun tenax ; the New Zealand flax plant. HS,rS,ki, a. preposterous ; extra- ordinary. A modern word. HS.rS.kilkii, v. t. scrape. Hara- kukutia nga harakeke. HS,r3,mai, v. i. (contraction of haere mai) come towards the speaker : often used as an ex- pression of welcome. Pass, hara- maitia, he come for. Te korero i haramaitia nei e ia ; the report on account of which she cam,e. HarS,ng:i, a. 1 unsettled, ^fool- ish; silly. Ka harangi noa iho ona mahara. -whakaharang^, v. t. disturb; unsettle. H9,r§,ng5tg, v. t. nibble. E hara- ngote ana te ika. HS,r§,paki, n. steej) slopte, as the side of a hill. HS,rargk3, n. for harakeke, phormium, tenax. H§,r§,tau, a. convenient; suitable. Te mea noa ano ka haratau ma- rire ki te whakaaro a te wahine. (167) Harau, 1 v. t. feel for with the hand; groj)e for. E harau ana te ngoingoi i te kai mana. 2 v. i. be heard vaguely. Tenei tetahi ki i harau ake ki aku taringa. Har6. harehare, cutaneous erujition ; itch. h§,rgharg, a. offensive. Katahi nga korero harehare nau : whakare- rea atu. Harearea, a. heard indistinctly. I. HS,ri, V. i. 1 dance. 2 sing a song to dance to. 3 feel or shew gladness. hari, n. 1 dance. 2 song. 3 joy. Hau harihari, n. song to make people pull together. harihari, n. a shell-fish. II. Hari, v. t. carry. Ka haere atu te koroheke ra, ka hari i nga toki. (51) Haria, n. wild cabbage. Hariata, n. chariot. HS,rirS.u, n. wing. Hard, v. t. 1 scrape clean. He kai haro muka. — He kaupapa haro ; a clean sweep. 2 chop smooth with an adze. Kei te haroa a roto o te waka. 3 of very low water at spring tide. Haro ana te tai nei. haronga, n. mat, made of the scrapings of flax. HS,r6rS, n. mushroom; agaricus campestris and other species. "He harore rangi tahi;" said of anything short-lived. Har6t6r5to, n. pond; p>ool. HarStii, a. 1 reduced to shreds or tatters. Z faint-hearted. Hariarii, v. i. rumble. He whati- tiri tenei e haruru mai nei. Hariiru, a. fetid; foul smelling. Ka haruru te rongoa nei. Hataeei, n. Saturday. Hate, n. shirt. Hatea, a. 1 faded; decolorized. Kua hatea te mangu o te kaka- hu. 2 white7ied, as with saline efflorescence. HatSp6, v. t. cut asunder ; cut off. Hatepea nga pou o te whare. Hatete, n. fire. I. HS,u, n. 1 wind. Kihai te liaw ra i roa rawa e pa ana, kua mutu. (93) 2 dezv ; moisture. Ma tahaki haere ai, i te hau i a koe. hau, a. 1 eager ; brisk. Ka piki a Rupe, ka hau, ka porangi ki a Rehua. (32) 2 famous; illus Hau 23 Haumaruru trious. He ingoa hau tenei ingoa e karangatia niai nei ki te taringa. kahau i nga tangata.- to a song. (148) hauhau, a. cool. Ka hauhau koe i te anu o walio. (66) hau, liS,hau, hauhau, v. t. 1 strike; smite; deal blows to. Hahau kau ana te patu, he mano ki te matenga. (143) 2 hew; chop. Ka tuakina a te Arawa, ka hinga ki raro ; ka haua, a ka oti. (69) "whakahau or -whakahauhau, V. t. 1 animate; inspirit; urge on. Haere ra koe ki te wha- -Applied Katahi ka koia te mara, ko tona whakahauhau te- nei, "NGaere te whakatipua " &c. (114) 2 give order; give the word. Katahi ka tautapa te whakahauhau a te hunga e tu iho ra i te taumata. "E ! kua ngaro ki roto ; kumea !" (151) II. Hau. hahau, v. t. seek. Kihai i roa te hahautanga mai o nga tauhou, kua mohiotia mai, ko Paoa tera. III. Hau, n. odd half fathom. E waru maro o taku taura me te hau. IV. Hau, n. angle; corner. Kei te hau o te taiepa te ara. T. Hau, n. 1 food used in the cerem,onies oj the "pure", or re- moval of tapu from a newly built house, canoe, &c. In some cases the hau was eaten ; in others it was left entirely for the atua. Kia tae atu au ki te kawe atu i te hau o tenei tanga ika ; a kia tae atu ki te tohunga, kia whangaia ki te atua. (22) 2 something connected with a per- son on whom it is intended to practise enchantment ; such as a portion of his hair, a drop of his spittle, anything which has touched his person, reserved in their own fat. Hinga 30 Hiroki HingS,, V. i. 1 fall from an erect position. Nau koe i liinga ai. 2 lean. Pass, hingaia, he fal- len upon. Kei hingaia koe e te rakau. bingahinga, v. i. fall in numbers, as on a battle-field, &c. hingahinga, n. slaughter of num- bers. hihinga, v. i.fall in numbers. "whakahinga, v. t. cause to fall from an erect position. Hingongi, n. a variety of potato. Hioi, n. 1 inenthn Cunniiighamii, a plant. 2 anthus Xovoi Ze- landi(f, a bird. Hiore, n. tail of a quadruped. HipS., V. i. 1 start aside. I hipa koe ki taliaki i ora ai. 2 pass on one side. Hipa ke atu, hipa ke mai, kahore i kitea. 3 pass as a month, year, &c. No Ape- rira kua hipa nei matou i tae mai ai. 4 exceed in length; sur- jyass. Ka hipa ke tenei rakau; kotia iho. -whakahipa, v. t. turn aside. Sometimes with a reflective sig- nification. WHakahipa ki taha- ki, kei mau koe. "Whakahipa, n. Jiead; hair oj the head. "whakahipahipa, a. irregidar; of different lengths or heights. He taiepa whakahipahipa. HiPi, n. 1 sheep. 2 ship. Ho- raliia te titiro whaka waho ki Karewa, aurerenga hipi. Hip6ki, V. t. cover. Hipokina ki te kakahu. hipoki, n. covering. 1. Hir§., a. numerous; abundant. hira, n. multitude. Katahi au ka kite i te hira o te tangata. •whakahirahira, v. t. extol; mag- nify to depreciatiou, of others. Sometimes used reflectively ; extol oneself. Ehara te wha- kahirahira o te tangata ra ; ka- tahi matou nei ka rongo i ena korero. II. Hira. hihirS,, a. shy; siispicio^is. Ka hihira au ki tena ara, kei mate au. HirS.u, a V. t. entangle; trip up. He aha i hirautia nei e koe toku waewae? (i v. i. be caught; he entangled. Kei hirau mai taku pu i te otaota, ka mate au. hirau, n. paddle. HirS,"w6rS,"w6, a. irksome; pain- ful. Hirawerawe ana te wha- tinga o toku ringaringa. Hirea, a. indistinct. Rongo hi- rea ake ahau ki te tangata e karanga mai nei. hirearea, n. 1 indistinct sound. Na ! te hirearea waha tangata e mea nei. 2 stink of a corpse. Hirers, v. i. gush; spirt. Hiri. hihiri, a. 1 laborious ; energetic; assiduous. Hihiri marie koe ki te haramai i roto i te mara- ngai. 2 laborious ; requiring exertion. Katahi te hihiri i a au ki te haere ki reira ! What icork I shall have, &c. hirihiri, v. t. repeat charms over a person, with the view of im- parting energy. Ka hirihiria atu ki te kauliou o Houmaita- whiti. (127) •whakahirihiri, a v. t assist; re- lieve. He kore tangata liei whakahirihiri te riro ai te peke paraoa. /? v. i. rely; lean. Ka- hore i pai ki a au, whakahirihiri ke ki a Te Kani. Hiri, n. seal. HiRiwA, n. silver. Hir6ki, a. thin; lean. Hirori 31 Hoe Hir5ri, v. i. stagger. Hirori ana nga waewae i te taimaha o te wahanga. HiTA, n. cedar. HitS,rS.ri, a. very hard. He maro hitarari. HitS,ri, n. sieve. HitSrU, n. small mat for the waist; ajyrcni. HitS,'w6ta"we. a. very long. Hi- taw etawe ana te roa o to ta- ngata. Hitgki, V. i. hop. Hiteki atu ki ko. Hm, n. sheet. HitgngS, a. very hard. Maro hi- tenga te oneone nei. Hit6k6, V. i. hop. Hi'wS,, a. watchjul; tvakeful. Kia hiwa ! kia hiwa ! Hivrai, n. potato. Hi-wS,i"wa,kS, 1 a species of rhi- Hi-waka"waka/ pidura; a bird. Hi'wgkS,, a. hanging. 'whakahi'weka, v. t. hang up. Te mea na whakahiwekaa. (R.) Hiwi, n, 1 ridge of a hill. Tena a Matete te oma na i runga i nga hiwi. 2 beaten track. Ka haere matou i ro ngahere, a puta atu matou ki te hiwi. M-wihi-wi, n. a fish. Hi"wi, V. t. jerk a fishing line so as to hook the fish. I. Ho, V. used only in the com- pound forms, hoake, homai, hoatu. II. Ho, V. \. put out tlie lips ; piout; a mark of derision. Ho ana nga ngutu. 2 shout. Heoi, ka tangi i konei te ho a te iti, a te rahi. (i6o) ]l5ho, V. i. 1 drop; trickle. Hoho ana te to to. 2 speak angrily; say "hoho" ! 3 grin. III. Ho, n. hoe; spade. I. Hoa, n. friend; mate; compa- nion. Ko taku lioa koia tau e patai mai na? (147) hoahoa, n. spouse. Used also of two women, wives of the same husband. Ka owha mai te wa- hine ra ki tana hoahoa. (187) "Wliakahoa, v. t. make a com,j)a- nion of; associate with. II. Hoa, V. t. 1 aim a blow at by throwing. Hoaina ki te ko- whatu. 2 charm the ground over which one is about to pass. Te kaha ia te whai i taua ta- ngata, katahi ka karangatia ki tana wahine hei hoa i ona ta- puwae. (119) 3 utter incanta- tions for the above purpose. Katahi ka hoaia e Tamure ki te paepae o tona whare. (172) HoakS, a V. t. give or bring to some place connected with the speaker but in which he is not at the time of speaking. (3 v. i. go on. Hoanga, n. a kind of stone used as a grindstone or whetstone. HoARi, n. sword. H6ariri, n. enemy. HoatS,, n. 1 long spear. 2 the moon on the third day. E ! ka ara te marama, he hoata. (55) Hdatii, a v. t. give away from the speaker ; p^it. Pass, hoatu. Ka tae te tangata ra ki tana taurekareka ka hoatu hei utu mo te ruahine ra. (49) /S v. i. 7nove on in a direction away from the speaker, generally im- plying that the speaker is about to follow. H6e, V. t. 1 push away with the hand. Tona panga atu ki a ia ka hoea mai. — He ringa hoea ; a suitor whose addresses have not been accepted. 2 paddle; row. Ka rewa ki te moana, ka utaina, hokowhitu ki runga, katahi ka Hoe 32 Hoki hoea. (56) 3 hence intransi- tively travel in a boat or canoe; make a voyage. Hei te po taua hoe ai, kei kitea taua e te ta- ngata whenua. (41) hoe, n. jjaddle ; oar. hoehoe, v. t. 1 toss about; scat- ter. 2 paddle about; make re- peated trips in a boat or canoe. He hoehoe waka te mahi a nga tamariki nei. 3 convey in a boat or canoe, making repeated to'ips. Kei te hoehoea nga hanga a te pakeha ki uta. whakahoe, v. t. wave the hand in token of refusal, &c. ; reject; shew indifference to. Hoha, a. 1 wearied with expec- tation, importunity, anxiety, &c. Ka hoha au i tau mahi wha- katoi. 2 wearisome. He mahi hoha tenei. H6hSh6he, a. tvrinkled with laugh- ter. Hohehohe ana nga papari- nga o ISTGapuhi ki a koe. (Com- pare ngohengohe.) Hohoeka, n. panax longissimum ; a tree. Hohonu, see under honu. H6h6r6, see under horo. I. H6i, n. 1 lobe of the ear. 2 gus- set of a garment. II. Hoi, a. 1 far off; distant. Ka titiro atu te rangatira o te pa nei ki tana kotiro ka hoi noa atu. (170) 2 deaf; obstinate. NGare noa, kihai hoki i rongo ; ka hoi a te Kahureremoa. (143) hoihoi, a. deafening ; noisy. Hoi- hoi tahi koutou 1 What a noise you make ! H61A, n. 1 soldier. 2 sawyer. Eoihere, n. hoheria 2)^'puhiea ; a tree. HoiHO, n. horse. Hoiki, a. diminishing in size tip- wards; tapering. Ka hoiki tonu te upoko. HokS/, a. 2)7'ojecting sharjily up- wards; pointed. Ka hoka te kapua ; of points of cloud pro- jecting upwards from a bank in the horizon. He hoka te whare; the house is steep-roofed. hoka, V. t. take on the j)oint of a fork, &c. Ka kai te tangata tapu, he mea hoka ki te rakau tana kai ; e kore e totoro tona ringa. hoka, n. screen made of branches, stuck into the ground. Ka riro ki te hanga hoka manu. Hokai, a. 1 spread out; extend- ed. Ka hokai nga waewae o Ruru ki te rere. — Kia hokai te haere ! Stej) out ! 2 far ap>art. He hokai te ono o te taro. hokai, n. 1 large feathers of the tving. 2 brace; stay. 3 breadth. hokaikai, v. i. tnove backwards and forwards. Ko nga waewae anake te hokaikai ana. Hokaka, v. t. desire. Hokari, a v. i. stretch out one's legs. f^ V. t. move by stretch- ing out the legs. E tama ! he aha e hokaritia na e koe nga kakahu 1 HokehokSa, a. orit of patierice. Roa noa atu e whanga ana ki a koe, a, hokehokea noa i te whanganga. Hokeke, a. obstinate; churlish. I. Hoki, V. i. return. Tatou ka hoki ki te kainga. Pass, hokia, be returned for or to. Hokia ta tatou hoe ka mahue atu ra. hoki, n. restorative charm for a sick person, blighted crops, ifec. hokihoki, v. i. return frequently. whakahoki, v. t. 1 turn back; cause to return. 2 give back. WHakahoki kupu ; answer. Hoki 33 Hopi II. Hoki, ad. or conj. 1 also. Ka haere hoki ahau. 2 for; hecatise. Ka nolio ia ki raro, ka pouri hoki ia ki a ia e ka- taiiia ana e te tini o te Atilia- pai. (39) — Ina hoki, as may he inferred from the fact that; for. Ina hoki ka ngaro noa iho nga tira haere atu o reira ki Roto- rua. (156) 3 to give emphasis to an assent or affirmation, &c. Ae : me noho hoki ra koe. (120) — Ko wai tena tangata? Aua lioki : he tauhou ia. (133) Hokid, V. i. descend. Ka taea a runga o te inaunga nei, ka ho- kio atu ki raro. Hokioi, n. a bird; the same as hakuai. I. Hoko, V. t. exchange; barter; buy; sell. I hokona tona ka- kahu ki te poaka. The price of the thing bought or sold is pre- ceded by the preposition ki. iioko, n. lyierchaiidise. He hoko tenei ka u. hohoko or hokohoko, v. i. traf- fic; trade. II. Hoko, a prefix to numerals signifying ten times the sub- joined numeral. Hokotahi ; ten. Hokotoru, thirty. Hokomirimiri, v. t. stroke; pat. Heoi ano ; tau ware atu nga ringaringa ki runga i te pane hokomirimiri ai. (159) H5inai, v. t. give to the person speaking ; bring. Ka mea atu a Hoturapa, Homai hoki ki a au. (109) Homiromiro, n. fetroica toitoi; a bird. "He kanohi homiro- miro;" said of one who has sharp sight for very small ob- jects. Honae, n. small basket or wallet. H5n6, V. t. plunder; appropriate the property of others. No te lione matou katoa. H6n6a, v. i. 1 be absent. Kahore ahau kia whai iwi i te honea- tanga o nga tangata i haere mai ai ahau. 2 escape. Kahore a Te Kooti i mau i matou ; i ho- nea tonu. H6ni or hohoni, v. t. 1 bite; ivound slightly. I hohoni kau te mata, kihai i ngoto. 2 de- vour; consume. Ka honia e te mate. HoNi, n. honey. H5nia, ad. intensifying mangere Ko nga herehere o konei, he mangere honia ki te hanga wha- re, ki te hanga pa. Hono, v. t. 1 splice; join. 2 add. hono, a. continual. Honohonoa, v. i. he vexed; he annoyed. No reira ka hono- honoa ahau. HoNORE, n. honour. WHAKAHONORE, V. t. honour. Honu, n. fresh water. hohonu, a. deep. He wai hohonu tenei. Honga, V. t. tilt; make to lean on one side. Hongaia mai te waka kei eke ki te tahuna. Hongere, n. channel. Hongi, V. t. 1 smell; sniff. 2 salute by touching noses. HoPANE, n. saucepan. Hopara, n. belly. Ka ngaro ano ki roto ki te hopara nui o Toi- tehuatahi. (107) Hope, n. loins; waist. To nga hope te wai. H6peki"wi, n. potato pit. Hopetea, n. polytropa textiliosa, a shell-fish. Hopi, n. soap. I. Hopi, n. native oven; hdngi. E kongange ana te hopi. D Hopi 34 Horokaka II. Hopi or Hopipi, v. i. he ter- rified; he fainthearted. Hopo and hopohopo a. fear/id; appy'ehensive ; overatved. Nako- nei ano toku ngakau i hopo ake ai. "whakahopo, v. t. alarm. Hopu, V. t. 1 catch; seize. Nana i hopu te mataika. 2 snatch. hopuhopu, V. t. catch frequently ; catch one after another. hopuhopu, n. porpoise. Hopu, V. i. he swollen, like a blister. Hopiia, a. 1 depressed, like a cup or trough. 2 lying in pools. Ka hopua te wai i te marae. Hora, V. t. spread out; expand. Ko te horahanga ki reira o Hu- nakiko, ka matakitakina. (113) hora, a. scattered about. Titiro ki te tangata e hora ana ki ta- tahi. Horapa, a. disseminated through; overspreading. Hore, ad. (generally used with rawa, emphatically) not. Hore rawa, not at all. Compare Ka- hore. hore or hohore, v. t. peel; strij) off. Horehorea te hiako. hore, n. hurial place under tap)u. horehore, n. husks; peelings. HoRERA, n. sorrel. I. Hori, V. t. cut a piece out of the ear ; slit. Horia te taringa o te poaka. II. Hori, n. side. Ki hori ! stand aside f hori, V. i. he gone hy. Kua hori atu aua tangata inakuara. hori or horihori, 2^. false; untrue. hori, V. t. 1 speak falsely. He aha tau e horihori % 2 mistake ; misjudge. Ka hori a Tawhaki he wahine no tenei ao ano. (48) whakahori, v. t, dishelieve. E kore e whakahoria to korero. Horirgrire, n. gerygone fiaviven- tris, a small bird, the same as riroriro. I whea koe i te ta- ngihanga o te horirerire, ka tanu ai i tetahi kawei hue mau? I. Horo, a V. i. 1 fall in frag- ments; crumble down. Ka horo te pari ki te moana. 2 drop offov out (spoken of a number of S7nall things as grains, tubers, &c. Ko te kumara ka horo haere tonu i te huarahi. (136) Z fall or he taken, as a fortress, &c. Ka Ilia nga pa horo a te taua o Hongi ? 4 differ. Kihai i horo ; ina, ko te ahau tonu tena. (61) Pass, horoa, he fallen tipon by anything crumbling down. /3 V. t. cause to crumble down. — Horoa te oneone o runga. horo, n. landslip. ■whakahoro, v. t. 1 cause to crumble down. 2 scatter. 3 take to pieces. Ka whakahoroa i reira te waka nei a Aotea. (112) 4 slack offov let out a line. horohoro, v. t. remove the tapu from a house, &c. horonga, n. food eaten hy the tohthnga during the above cere- mony. II. Horo, or most commonly ho- horo, a. quick; speedy. Mahue rawa te hohoro o te tangata nei. ■whakahohoro, v. t. hurry ; hasten. III. Horo, V, t. swallow. Ka ki- tea tona puku e horo nei i nga uri o Tiki. (152) H5r66ka, n. panax longissimu7n ; a tree. Horoi, V. t. wash. horoi, n. inaterial to wash with ; soccp. Horokaka, n. mesem,bryanfheinitm australe ; a plant. Hou HdrSkio, ii. lomaria proce7'a; a fern. HSrSmi, v. t. swallow; devour. Ka whatetere te wahine ra i tona puku lici horomi i a Maui. (i8) Comp. III. Horo. Hdr5initi, v. t. eat raveno%isly ; devou?-. Nana i horomiti nga kai i pau wawe ai. H6r6pekS,peka, n. blue shark. H6r5pit6, n. drimys axillaris; a shrub. HorStea, a. pale. Taia ana nga ngutu, a ka kitea ka horotea, ka taruatia. Horotete, a. ivorn out; prostrat- ed. Ko Paora tera, horotete ana i te mare. Horu, n. red ochre; burnt koko- wai ; used as a pigment. See koko"wai. Horii, V. i. 1 grunt ; snort. I ta- wliiti ano e haere mai ana ko te horu kua tae mai ki roto. (162) 2 yell in accompaniment to the war-dance. Kia rite te takahi, te papaki, me te horu a te ta- ngata. (167) 3 rankle. Kei roto i a ia e horu ana te whakataka- riri, ina boki ka puta kei waho, kei nga kanohi. horuhoru, tvild turnip. Horiia, v. i. descend. Ka haere, ka horua ki roto ki Pakihi HoTA, n. shot. Hotete, n. a large caterpillar. H5tiki, V. t. tie; fasten with cord &c. Hotikina te kuwaha o te teneti. hotiki, n. tattoo marks on the forehead of a woman. I. Hoto, n. 1 wooden spade. 2 sjyike on the tail of sting-ray. h6t6, V. i. begin a quarrel. Kaua e hoto. II. Hoto, a. cold. Hotohoto ana te wai ki toku hiako. 35 Horokio Hot5a, a. slow in growing; back- ward. He aha te parareka o tenei tau i hotoa ai ki te tupu 1 H5t6kg, a. cold. Ka hotoke te kai. hotoke, n. winter. Hei te ho- toke ahau ka hoki atu ai. I. Hotu, n. the moon on the 15th day; called also Atua-mate- o-hotu. n. Hotu, V. i. (generally with nga- kau or manawa for subject). 1 sob; pant; sigh. Ka hotu tona manawa, he sighs. 2 de- sire eagerly ; long. E hotu ana toku ngakau ki te haere. 3 chaje with animosity, &c. Ka hotu toku ngakau ki a ia, he hoariri hoki ia noku. 4 heave, as the swell of the sea. Ka hotu noa te moana. hotuhotu, a. accompanied with sobs. Hotuhotu ana te tangi a te tangata ra. I. Hou, n. feather. II. Hou, a. 7ieiv : 7'ecent : fresh. Hou tonu ana te ketunga a te poaka. III. Hou or hohou, v. t. bind ; lash together. E hohou ana ia i te taiepa. — Hohou rongo, make peace. houhou, n. panax arhoreum, ; a tree. IV. Hou, a V. t. force downwards. Houa iho kia hohonu. fi v. i. 1 force one^s way downwards. Ka hou te kuri i raro o te ra- kau. 2 persist in a demand. Ka hou au ki a koe, ka hou, ka hou. houhou, V. t. dig up ; obtain by digging. Kei te houhou roi niana. V. Hou or houhou, a. 1 cool. 2 disagreeable ; U7ipleasant. •whakahouhou, v. i. Jeel disgust. Ka whakahouhou nga hoa, i mea P3 Houama 36 Hua hoki ratou kia tirohia paitia ia. (193) Comp. hauhau and anu. Hou3,nia, n. entelea arborescens ; a tree. Houanga, n. this time last year. No houanga nei au i tae mai ai. HouS,nge, n. 1 a little while ago. 2 a little while hence. Mo a houange nei ka hoatu. Houhou. See under hou. Houhere, houhi, or houi, n. hoheria poindnea ; a tree. Houkeke, a. obstinate. Ka nui te lioukeke o te whanoke ra, e kore e rongo. Houmapara, n. panax arboreum; a tree. Houpara, n. a tree j a species of 2:)anax. HouRA, n. soda. Houtete, a. stunted. Koi kaneke- neke, koi aha; houtete tou i taua wahi tahi. Hou^were, v. t. tie; bind. Hou- weretia te takitaki. I. Hu, n. mud ; swamp. Kua ta- poko ki te hu. II. Hu, V. i. bid)ble up. Te puna e hu ake ra i raro i te whe- nua. (154) hu, n. tenor or drift of a speech. Te hu o te korero. hiihu, V. i. hiss ; whiz ; buzz. I rangona kautia e ia ki te huhu o te patu e haere iho ana ki tona angaanga. (91) III. Hu, a. still ; silent ; quiet ; at rest. E noho hu ana, kei whaka- ae, kei eke koe ki runga ki te hoiho. IV. Hu, n. shoe. Hii. huhii, V. t. 1 strip off an outer covering ; cast off a rope, &c. 2 deprive of outer covering ; make bare. 3 Jree from tajm. E haere tapu tonu ana mai i te tanumanga i a Tamatekapua ; katahi ka huhua, ka noa. (78) huhu, n. a beetle found in rotten timber. I. Hua, n. 1 fruit. Kei whea nga hua o te poroporo nei? (64) 2 egg of a bird ; roe of a fish. 3 cause ; occasion. I patua hua- koretia e ia taku tamaiti. huahua, n. 1 birds, &c., captured for food ; game. Nga kai o tera maunga, he kiwi, he weka, he kiore, he kukii, he tui : he mau- nga huahua tera maunga. (145) 2 small pimple. 3 a vessel in which food was boiled by means of heated stones. He huahua puwha. hua, V. i. 1 bear fruit. E kore e hua tenei rakau. 2 abound. 3 (of the moon) be at thefidl. hiihua, a. abundant. hiihuatanga, n. excellence ; good- ness. ena kahahu. II. Hua, n. 1 handspike ; lever. 2 section of land. Kotahi hua ka riro i NGaiterangi. 3 screen from wind. huahua, n. rail of a fence. hua, V. t. 1 raise with a lever. Huaia te rakau nei. 2 over- turn ; frustrate. Ka huaia mai e te Koikoi a taua tatai. III. Hua, V. t. 1 name. Ka hua- ina te ingoa o tera kainga ko Kawhia. (113). — No whea te huanga o tau matau ? (21) Who ever heard of your hook ? — Ka- Kahore he huhuatanga o hore he huanga tangata o te huarahi. (149) There was not a soul on the road. 2 call by name. 3 think. E hua ana e ngaro nei, kei te mahi kai pea. ( 1 2)— Hua atu ; one xvould think. Hua atu ko te Rangi to tatou Huai matua. (14) 4 6e sure ; know. Ko \v;xi ka hua ? "whakahua, v. t. 1 pronounce. 2 recite. Ka whakahua i tana karakia nio tana tatuatanga i tona niaro. (97) Huai, n. a shell-tish. Huaki, tt V. t. open ; uncover. Huakina ake te tatau.— Hua- kina te rua, tikina atu nga kai ki waho. 2 rush upon ; charge. No te huakanga i mate ai. ft V. i. dawn. Huaki kau te ata, ka hapainga mai. (157) huaki, n. assault ; charge. Huakumii, a. very fruitful. Huamanu, a. like bi^'ds' eggs ; of kumara producing only three or four tubers in a hillock. Huamango, n. a variety of po- tato. Huamo, v. i. he raised in waves, as the sea. Huamutu, n. a fish. Huaniii, n. road ; highway. Huanga, n. relative. Ka tae mai ka noho, ka huangatia tera ta- ngata ki a ia. (143) Huang6, n. asthma. Huapapa, n. flat rocks. Huar§,lii, n. road ; highway. Hiiaranga, v. t. transplant. Huare, n. spittle. Hiiata, n. spear, with a knob on the butt. HuatS,hi, n. only child. HuatS,re, v. i. ^:)«ri^ / gasj) for breath. E huatare kau ana te manawa. Huata"wa, n. a dark variety of the siliceous stone called matd- waiapu. Hiie, n. 1 gourd; cucurhita sp. 2 a fish. Htihi, n. 1 discomfiture. Haere ana koe ki te tinihanga i to tipuna ; ana ka kite koe i te 37 Hukapapa huhi. (25) 2 weariness. Ka taea te hulii. Huhu, see under hu. Huhua, see under hua. Huhunu, see under hunu. I. Hui or huihui, a v. t. put or add together. /? v. i. congregate ; come together. Ka huihui mai nga iwi ki te matakitaki i to ratou ito. (155) hui or huihui, n. assembly. II. Hui, V. t. take as 2}lunder. Ka huia nga kakahu, ka patua. III. Hui, V. i. be affected with cramp. Ka hui toku maui. Huia, n, neomorjjha Gouldii ; a somewhat rare bird, the tail- feathers of which are prized as ornaments. Huiki, a. 1 pinched with cold. E noho huiki mai ra te koroua ra. 2 crouching in fear. 3 exhausted by frequent cultiva- tion. Ka huiki te whenua. HiiirSpa, a. 1 grasjnng. Katahi tana huirapa mona anake ! 2 having the toes united by a membrane; webbed. He huirapa te tapuae. I. Hiika, n. 1 foam ; froth. I whiua atu ki te hukahuka o te tai. (11) 2 frost; snow. Ka kite ia i te huka o Tongariro. (80) 3 cold. hukahuka, n. thrums or shreds on a mat. Ka motu nga huka- huka o tona pake. (80) hukahuka, a. hanging in shreds. I mahue hukahuka te whare. II. Hiika, a. long in time. E kore e huka ka tae. III. Huka, a. deficient in measure- ment. E waru marc te roa, huka to te iwa. Huka, n. sugar. Huka, n. hook. Hukap9,p^, n. ice ; frost. Sukapunga Hiikapunga, n. snow. Hukarere, n. snow. Huka'whatu, n. hail. Hukari, v. i. gesticulate. He aha te rawa o tana mahi e hukari mai ra? hukari, n. young of birds. Hiike, v. t. 1 dig up ; expose hy 7'enioving the earth in which it has been buried. E huke ana te wahine i te hangi. 2 ex- cavate. Ka hukea te riu o te waka.j55) Hukeke, a. staggering. Huki. hukihuki, n. sptit on which fish are roasted. hukihuki, a v. t. roast on a s]nt. Hukihukia te ngohi. /3 v. i. co7i- tract suddenly, as the muscles. Ka mate toku ringaringa i te hukihuki. hukinga, n. head of a valley or river. Hukiki, V. t. shiver violently. Humarire, a comely ; beautiful. Te puhi humarire nei, a Hine- moa. (130) — Te humariretanga o Te Whatuiapiti. (164) Hume, V. t. bring to a j)oint ; taper off. Ka humea te ihu, te ta. (55) "Whakahume, v. i. be drawn be- tween the legs (of the tail of a dog). WHakahume ana te waero o te kuri. Humene, a. gathered up into small compass. WHakahumenemenetia mai tou kia whaiti. Humengemenge, a. crumpled ; withered. Humu, n. hip bone. humuhumu, a. stripped of pro- rainent parts. Takoto humu- humu kau ana ko nga tiwai anake. (171) So of trees having the branches lopped off. NGa 38 Hupe rakau e humuhumu mai ra. I. Hiina, v. t. 1 conceal. I hunaa toku e wai ? 2 destroy. He taniwha te mea e huna nei i te tangata o tenei huarahi. (150) huna, a. concealed. Te tini ta- ngata e huna nei ki roto i te arearenga o nga poho o Rangi raua ko Papa. (4) II. Huna, n. the moon on the tenth day ; also Hune. Hunanga-moho, n. danthonia Cunningltamii, a kind of grass. Hiinaonga, n. son-in-law or daughter-in-law. Hiinarei, or hunarere, n. father- in-law; mother-in-law. Hune, n. 1 pappus of the seeds of raupo, or typha angustifolia ; 2 the moon on the tenth day. Hune, n. June. Hunii, hiihunu or hunuhunu, v. t. 1 char. Ka oti te huhunu a waho, ka tu ko te iho anake. 2 singe; scorch. Hunuhunua ta tatou poaka. 3 plunder ; maltreat. huhunu, n. 1 double canoe. 2 temporary washboards at the bow of a canoe. Huniiku, n. family encumbrances. Hunga, n. company of persons ; peopile. Tu tonu iho te hunga ra i te taumata. (151) — Some- times used contemptuously. Hungahunga, n. tow ; refuse of flax leaf ; down or naq) which comes off a garment. Compare hukahuka. Hungawai, n. father-in-law ; mo- ther-in-law. Hungoingoi, a. trembling. Hupana, v i. fly up or fly back, as a spring. Te hupanatanga o te tawhiti. Huoioi, a. trembling ; tottering. Hiipg, n. discharge from the nose. Hupeke HupSkg, V. i. hend the legs or annti. Hupeke ou waewae. hupeke, a. bent ; drawn up (of the legs or arms). hupeke, n. old woman. Hupeniipenu, a. mashed uj). Ka hupenupenu noa iho nga kai i roto i te koliue. Hura, a V. t. 1 remove a covering. Hurahia te kakahu. 2 uncover; expose. Hurahurahia nga kai ; ka maku i te ua. 3 discover. 4 hunt out. Kua riro te taua ki te liura morehu. (3 v. i. begi7i to flow (of the tide). Ka hura te mata o te tai. hura, n. nervous twitching in the shotilder, &c.; regarded as a sign that one is the subject of re- mark. hurahura, n. visitors condoling ivith people who have been plu7i- dered. HuRAE, n. July. Hurangi, n. fly. hurangi, a. timorous. Ka hura- ngi haere tatou ki tona mate- nga. Hurau, v. t. meddle with ; handle. Hure, V. t. search. Kua tae ake nga tangata o runga o te kai- puke ki te hure i to matou pa. Hurepo, n. bittern. Huri, a V. t. 1 turn round. Na wai i huri te pouaka 1 2 over- turn. 3 grind in a mill. Me kawe nga witi nei kia hurihia. (3 Y. i. 1 overflow. Huri katoa te waipuke ki te ara. 2 fall to ; set about. Ka huri te Pa- tupaiarehe ki te tango i nga ngohi ki uta. (179). 3 betake oneself; rep>air. Katahi te ma- nuwhiri nei ka huri ki runga i te waka, ka hoe. 4 Ka huri tenei, or simply, Ka huri, is an expression which has lately be- 39 Huti come common to mark the end of a subject, or of a speech, letter, itc. hurihuri, v. t. turn over in one^s mind ; jjonder ; reflect upon. huri, n. 1 seed. Ka waiho enei parareka hei huri mo taku mara. 2 anything which is turned round, as a mill, or a grind- stone. Huriaro, v. i. tiirn right round. Hurikiko, v. i. turn right round. Hurikoaro, v. i. tui-n inside out. Hurikoarotia te kakahu. Hurikotiia, v. i. turn the back. Huripoki, v. t. turn upside-down; tu7-n over. Huripokia te kohue. Hurirua, v. t. turn inside out. Huritua, v. i. turn the back to- wards one. Hurorirori, v.i., stagger. I. Huru, n. 1 brushwood. 2 dog- skin mat. huruhuru, n. coarse hair; bris- tles; feathers ; not properly used of hair of the head. huruhuru-whenua, n. cosplenium lucidum ; a plant. II. Huru, V. t. contract ; draw in. Me huru mai te taiepa kia ho- horo ai te oti. Huriinui, n. having long fur. Huriipa, or hiirupi, n. fresh groivth of young trees after land has been cleared. Huriiroa, n. a shell-fish, Hururiia, n. 1 brushwood. 2 land covered with brushwood. Kua hururuatia te ara. Hiirutete, a. stunted. E kore e mataara ake te witi i te whenua; ka hurutete, Hutete, V. i. be tied up in a cor- ner of a bag, &c. I roto i te putea e hutete ana. Hiiti or huhiiti, v, t. 1 hoist. Hutiwai i6 2 pull out oj the ground. Hutia nga tarutaru. hutihuti, n. ro2)e. hutinga, n. 2^^*^^^^ cleared Jrom weeds in preparation for a crop. Na Te Kauae tenei hutinga. Huti"wai, accena sanguisorboi ; a plant. Hutoitoi, a. stunted; growing weakly. E hutoitoi ana nga huruhuru o te matenga. Hutoke, n. winter. Hutotoi, a. weak ; stunted. Hu- totoi ana te tupu o te kapana. Hiitukawa, n. metrosideros to- mentosa ; a tree. HuTviniwini, a. chilled; having the skin roughened with cold. Huwha, n. thigh. Huwhare, n. sinttle. I. I, a particle used in forming indefinite past tenses or aorists. 1 haere mai korua ki te aha 1 (185) for what did you come ? II. I, prep. 1 simply transitive, serving to connect an active verb with its object. Tatou ki te aukaha i to tatou waka. (20) 2 from. I haere mai maua i te rawhiti, i te putanga mai o te ra, (185) — Tikina he ahi i a Mahuika. (23) — He hokinga mai no nga waka o tona iwi i te hao kupenga ika. (141) 3 from the sight of. He nohoa- nga moku e ngaro ai ahau i toku hoa ngangare. (54) 4 at a distance from ; wide oJ; beyond. Ka taha te patu i tona anga- anga. (91) 5 in comjmrison of E kore ia e hohoro i taua wa- hine. (95) — than. Ko te moana i nui atu i te whenua. (29) — • In complex propositions. Ki raro i te pihanga o te whare. (78) Also after ehara. Ehara i te taua nana i patu : nana noa i mate. 6 by reason of. Kaore e tae te ope nei i te wehi. (60) — for want oj. Ka pingongo nga papa o to hoiho i te kai. 7 by; after neuter verbs. Poto katoa nga whenua i a Rupe te haere. (32) — Kua tu i te tao a Hatu- patu. (95) — with. Ka mate a Te Ponga i te hiainu. (168) 8 (of place) at. E noho nei ano i Rotorua etehi. (103) — I hea koe ? Where were youl or, some- times. Where have you been ? — upon. Ka tere a Hinauri i te moana. (28) — along. Haere tonu atu i te ara nui naka. (23) — by way of Ka haere mai i te tai hauauru. (185) 9 connected with the last, and sometimes to be translated of. Te motu i Mokoia. (96) — Some- times redundant. Wailio i a Marutuahu te ingoa. (136) — Ka tikina i a Kae hei tohi i a Tu- huruhuru. (36) 10 (in past time) in the act of. I te tiki wahie nga wahine — I te aha ia? What was he doing? or. What was he about ? — in the state of. I te mate a Anaru inanahi. 11 (of time) at; in; by. Kua herua taua tangata i te po. (97) — i?i the time of. I a Houmaita- whiti te whawhaitanga. (6;^) — at the time that; whilst; during. I a ratou e okioki ana. (84) — I te mea, when. I te mea e kai tonu ana i tana kai, (160) 12 (in past time) with, i.e., ta 41 Iho having. Te tangata i te pualii — witJi, i.e., in possessio^i of. I a wai to toki? — belonging to. "la "wai tera kaainga?" "la Wai- taha." (145) 13 in company with; led by. Ilaere atu aua a Kae i a Hineiteiwaiwa raua ko Raiikatauri. (38) 14 iit the opinion oj. Makatikati ana i a au te korero nei. 15 causing trouble or annoyance to. Ma tahaki haere ai i te hau i a koe. III. I or ii, V. t. Jerment ; tu7'7i S0U7\ "whakaii, a. self -conceited. IV. I, int. without any special meaning at the end of a stanza of a song. I. la, pro. 3rd person singular, he ; she; it. After the prepo- sitions a, 0, 7na, mo, na, no, ta and to, another pronoun, na, is substituted for ia, and the pre- position and pronoun are writ- ten as one word. Ko tana mahi, he tatau i ana taro. (49) Obs. — Ia is not -ordinarily used in speaking of things inanimate. II. Ia, pron. demonstrative (not used in the plural). 1 that; the said. Nga kanohi o ia wa- hine. (167) 2 repeated, to give a distributive sense, each; every. Ka haere te kai korero ki ia wahi, ki ia wahi. III. Ia, n. 1 current. E kore e tere te waka i te ia. 2 sound made hy rushing water. Me te ia wai e (160) IV. Ia, conj. hut. I roto ano ia a Kiki i tona whare. (172) lana, ad. intensive, then. Tena iana ; whakaaturia mai. lanei, ad. intensive. 1 nay. He parau ianei te korero na. 2 in tangi ana te umere. interrogative sentences. E kore ianei koc e haere? lAni, n. yard. IS,ua, int. hold! stay! laua! maku e here. Ihe, n. a fish; the same as takeke. Ihi, u V. t. split; divide. Ihia atu te rakau na — Ka ihia te mara. ^ v. i. 1 draw a line; furrow, &c. E ihi mai ana te tira o te mako i runga i te kare o te tai. 2 dawn. Ka ihi mai te ata. 3 make a hissing or rushing noise; and so blow, as wind. Ka ihi mai te hau ; kia maranga te whakawhiti. ihiihi, v. i. 1 make a rushing noise. Ihiihi ana te hau nei. 2 he terror-struck ; shudder with fear. Ka ihiihi te tangata ra, ha heke iho te werawera. ihi, n. 1 front gcdyle of a house. 2 tendril of a plant. ihiihi, n. ray of the sun. whakaihi, v. t. betroth. He wa- hine whakaihi ma taku tamaiti. I. Iho, n. 1 heart of a tree. 2 that wherein the strength of a thing consists, as of an army, &c. Hokowhitu te iho o te taua. 3 object of reliance. He atua iho taua — Me he mea ko Rongomai te iho, ka karakiatia ko te iho o Rongomai. 4 to- himga or principal person in the crew of a canoe. Ko nga poroporoakitanga iho tenei i nga iho o nga waka katoa. (112) II. Iho. ■whakaiho, v. t. cut the hair. Tenei to iramutu, whakaihoa ake. whakaihonga, 1 cutting of hair. 2 some ceremony connected with the dead. Iho III. Iho, ad. coin-elative with ake. 1 uji above, with reference to anything lower down. WHaka- rongo ki te kupu a te tangata e iri iho nei. Tenei ano te ora iho nei. (65) 2 from above; downwards ; down. Ka tae ki te ruH i rere iho ra tona whaea. (15) — Ka tatu iho te tangata ra ki raro. (147) — Raro iho; lower down. Katahi ia ka neke tata iho ki raro iho. (16) 3 the con- verse of II. ake 5. Ka mea iho te tangata nei ; Haere ake i muri nei ; kia hohoro ake te haere. (148) 4 denoting a short lapse of time. Muri iho ; shortly after- wards. — Po iho ano. (12) 5 thereupon. Kore iho i reira te kai. Ihti, n. 1 nose. Ihu oneone, soiled face; one who works hard. 2 boiv of a canoe, ikc. Ihiimanea, see uhumanea Ihupuku, a. scrupulous; hesitat- ing. ihupuku, n. 1 novice. Ko wai koia te ihupuku ki tena mea kia tangohia? 2 a variety of kumara. Ihupuni, n. dogskin mat. li. See III. I. Ika, n. 1 fish. Tarewa ana i runga te ika a Maui, he ika whenua. (22) — Ika moana, whale. — Ika waka, the first fish caught in a new canoe, which was held sacred. 2 body of men ; troop. 3 fighting-man ; wai'rior. Kei te hurihuri i nga ika tapu; of persons slain in fight. (91) Ika- whiro, old warrior. Ika-i-te- ati, first 2^erson killed or caj)- tured in a fight ; also called mataika. Whakaika, v. i. 1 be congregated ; be formed into a troop. NGa 42 Inake korero a NGatikahungunu e whakaika nei. 2 lie in a heap. Kei ko nga kaho e whakaika ana. ikaika, n. a plant. I. Ike, ikeike, a. high; lofty. Kia pehea te ikeike o te whare? ■whakaikeike, v. t. raise. Taria mai he oneone hei whakaikeike mo te wahi nei. II. Ike, V. t. strike with a hammer or other heavy instrument. Iki, V. t. consume; devour. Katahi te mea iki kai, he runanga. Ikuiku, n. eaves of a house. InS,, ad. 1 denoting emphatic as- sent ; certainly ; to be sure. 2 calling attention. Ina na! wha- karongo mai. (129) Sometimes it may be rendered, here, or see here. 3 equivalent to tena in saluting a person. Ina ano koe, 6 Ha na! (96) 4 adducing a fact in proof of anything ; for ; since; inasmuch as. Kua patua; ina hoki, i haere tahi ano koutou ; ka ngaro nei i to kou- tou hokinga mai nei. (95) So also in the following, Meake au taka, ina te ahua. / shall fall off presently, to judge by appear- ances. 5 when Kia mahara mai koe ki a au ina tae koe ki tawahi. Ina. inaina, v. i. bask; warm oneself. Hei konei te ahi inaina. Inahea, ad. interrogative, of past time, when? Inaianei, ad. just now ; to-day. properly of time past only. Inaiatatanei, ad. very lately. Inake, ad. not long since; the other day. Inake ano i haere ai te rongo o tenei wahine ; kaore, he uaua. (197) Inaki 43 In9,ki, a V. t. 1 crowd one upon another ; pack closely. I inakitia rawatia te ko o te mara nei ; te ai he kai apopo, te aha. 2 thatch ; cover with overldpjnny layers, or rows. Ka inakitia a runga ki te toetoe. 3 cut short a speaker, by beginning to speak before lie has concluded. Te tukua taku korero kia tau ki raro ; inaki tonu mai koe. — He korero whakainakinaki na te tangata ra, na reira i kino ai. (i V. i. fall hack upon forces in the rear, or cojne up, as rein- forcements to an advanced posi- tion. Ka inaki ki runga ki nga matua. In§,kuara, ad. a little while ago. Inamata, ad. 1 formerly ; 2 im- mediately. Ka rongo te ta- ngata ra, inamata kua maranga Iramutu ki runga. (165) Inamoki, n. a kind of rat. Inanahi, ad. yesterday. Inana, see under ina. Inanga, n. 1 smelt ; retropinna Eichardsoni, a small fresh-water fish. 2 a light green variety of pounamu. Inanga-poriro, n. cyathodes ace- rosa, a plant. Inangeto, ad. in a short time. Inangeto, kua maoa. Inaoake, ad. two days ago. Inaoakenui, ad. three days ago. Inaoake"wake. ad. several days Inapo, ad. last night. Inati, a. severe. He inati te nffauncra a tenei mea kino. Inawhai, ad. 1 not long since. 2 expressing approval. Inawhai ano i oma ai ratou ; they might well run. InSwheke, ad. 7iot long since. Inawhea, ad. when? like inahea Inei, ad. interrogative. Is it sol Iniiii, n. 1 inch. 2 hinge. Inohi, n. scale of a fish. inohi, V. t. scale a fish. Inoi, V. t. beg; j)'>''^y- Inoia he kai ma tatou. inoi, n. prayer ; entreaty. Inonira, ad. behind. Inii, V. t. drink. Ka mutu te inu, ka wahia te taha. {133) iinu, V. t. driiik frequently. whakainu, v. t. give drink to. Inukorokoro, n. lazy fellow ; one who likes eating better than work. Ingoings, a. sharp-pointed. Waru- hia rawatia tana rakau, a ingo- ingo ana. ingoingo, n. young eel. whakaingoingo, a. whimjjering ; sobbing. He tamaiti whaka- ingoingo. Ingoa, n. name. Ka huaina toku ingoako WHakatau. (57) loio, a. 1 hard ; not friable. He ioio te oneone o te whenua nei. 2 obstinate. Katahi te tangata ioio. 3 aching from weariness. Ka ioio oku waewae i te roa o te haerenga. lOKA, n. yoke. Ip6, a. pertaining to love. Ho waiata ipo. whakaipoipo, v. t. court, as a lover. Kei ro whare tonu e whakaipoipo ana ki a Ruihi. ipu, n. calabash with narrow mouth ; bottle, or any similar vessel. Ira or iraira, n. freckle, or other natural mark on the skin. Iramutu, n. nep>hew ; niece. Iri Iri, V. i. hang ; he suspended. E koe e iri iho nei ; korero iho ra. (65) whakairi, v. t. 1 hang up ; sus- p)end. Me whakairi te kete ki runga ki te taepa. 2 impute. iriiri, v. t. 1 perform a certain ceremony over a newly-born child. Hence 2 baptize. 3 put a strij) on the gunwale of a canoe, to make both sides equal. Hoatu, iriiria he mea mo to tatou waka. iriiringa, n. baptism. Irirangi, having a divine sound. Tenei ano te irirangi nei nga kupu : he whakaaro ke ki raro. Iro, n. maggot ; thread-worm,. iro, a. submissive in consequence of punishment. Whiua kia iro ai. whakairo, v.t. carve; adorn ivith carving. Nanahu ana te whaka- iro o te waka na. 44 Kaea "whakairoiro, v.i. deal croohedly ; be deceitful. Ka whakairoiro tera a Matete i tenei takiwa; akuanei ka he ano. Ita, itaita, a. tight ; fast. Hopu- kia ana e te ringaringa ; na, itaita ana. whakaita, v. t. holdjast ; restrain. E whakaita nei a Henare, e pu- puri nei i a ratou kia noho. Itau, n. girdle for the waist. Iti, small. Kia itiiti iho. Ho, n. object of revenge. Pau ake ki roto ki nga puku to ratou ito. (153) See Uto. I'wa, a. nine. Iwi, n. 1 bone. 2 tribe. Iwikore, a. without strength ; feeble. I-wituararo, or i-wituaroa, n. back-bone. Takahia ana e Maui te iwituaroa. (26) K KS,, a verbal particle, denoting the commencement of a new action or condition, or a state of things new to the speaker, and hence it is of very frequent occurrence in narrative. Heke nei, heke nei te waka ra, a, ka ngaro te ihu ; ka taea te taingawai o te ihu, tango atu ki te taingawai o waenga, ka rere tupou te waka ra. (72) — • When a narrative begins with ka, when, or as soon as, must be supplied in English. Ka noho a Marutuahu i reira, ka korero mai a Hotunui ki te kino tona iwi e noho nei ia. (141) Ka, V. i. take fire ; be lighted ; burn. Ka ake nga ahi o roto, tekau. Pass, kangia. Kahore ano a roto o te whare kia ka- ngia e te ahi. The interior of the house has never yet had a fire burning in it. kaka, a. red-hot. Apopo, kia pena nga kiri o o tungane ; hlhl ana i nga kowhatu kaka o Waiko- rora. (83) Kaainga. See Kainga. Kaea, v. i. tvander. Kei te kaea ki ro ngahere kaeaea, n. sparrow-hawk. kaeaea, v. i. act like a hawk ; look rapacioiiysly . E kaeaea ana Kaeo 45 Kahore ki te kai mana. KS,e6, n. 1 a freshwater shellfish. 2 Boltetiia jmchydermatina ; long-stalked marine zoophyte. KS,ewa, a. 1 wandering. I te whenua ahau e kaewa noa ana. 2 loose ; slack. WHakakae- watia te taura kia kaewa. 3 detached. Katahi ka whakakae- watia te kakaho ki te whanga. I. KahS., a. strong. Patupatua iho nei ia, iti ana tona kaha. (29) whakakaha, v. t. strengthen. II. Kaha, n. 1 rope ; especially one on the edge of a seine. Ka horahia te kupenga ra, ko te kaha o raro, he mea pou ki te pou, here rawa te kaha ki te pou. (142) 2 lashings of the rauawa of a canoe. 3 noose. 4 boundary line of land, &c. Tuhia nga kaha o te mara. 5 line of ancestry; lineage. Ka hoki mai ki te whakataki i te kaha o Houmaitawhiti. (128) Kahaka, n. calabash. Kah3.kaha, n. 1 astelia Solandri; a plant used for making snow sandals. 2 a kind of garment. Ko te pueru i waho, ko te ka- hakaha i roto. Kahaki, v. t. remove by force ; carry away. Kia mau te pou i to tatou waka, kei kahakina e te waipuke. kahaki, n. strajj to fasten a load on one's back. Tea aku ka- haki? (R.) Kahararo, n. rojye on the under edge of a net. Kaharoa, n. large seine, or drag- net. Kaharunga, rope on the upper edge of a net. Kaha"wai, n. arripis salar ; a fish. Kahekahe, v. i. pant. KS,h6k6, V. slip. kahekoheko, n. stage projected from the fence of a pa, and slanting upwards ; called also kotaretare. KahenS, a. untied. Kaherii, n. spade or other imple- ment for working the soil. Kahia, n. 1 passiflora tetrandra ; a plant. 2 image of a hum^an figure carved out of the post of a pa fence. Kahika or kShikatea, n. podo- ca7'pus dacrydioides ; white jnne. KahikatSa, n. leptosjyermum sco- parium ; a tree. Kahikomako, n. pennantia co- rymbosa ; a tree. Kahikiihiku, n. top of a tree. Kei runga rawa, kei te kahiku- hiku o te rakau na. Kahitua, n. a shellfish. Kahiwahiwa, a. intensely dark, Kahiwahiwa kau ana, me te ahua waipounamu na ano (158) Kahiwi, n. 1 ridge of a hill. 2 heart or trunk of a tree. Ahakoa whati te manga, e takoto ana ano te kahiwi. Kaho, n. batten for the roof of a house, &c. ; rail. kakaho n. reed ; culm of arundo consjncua. Kaho, n. cask. Kahore (or contracted to kaore), ad. 1 no ; not. Kua mate koe ? Kahore, kei te ora ano au. (64) Kahore i ea te mate o Tuhuruhuru. (59) 2 on the contrary. I mea ahau he tangata pai koe : kaore, he tangata kino rawa. — Kahore ano, not yet. Kua mahora te kai ma te ope ? Kahore ano. (59) kahore, conj. but. Ko te tani- wha kua hamama haere mai te waha ; kaore kua tae rawa te Kahotea 46 Kai hunga ra ki roto ki nga mahanga (151) kahore, a. no; none. Kahore he tangata i runga nei? (32) ■whakakahore, v. t. c/ewy; refuse. E kore tena korero e taea te whakakahore. Kahotea, a. having battens only on the roof. Kei te tu kahotea tonu te whare. Kahii, n. circus Gouldii ; hawk. Kahii, n. 1 surface. Ka ma te kahu o te wai, ka pango a runga o te rangi. — Te kahu te rangi ; the blue sky. 2 garment. Ka tango i te kahu where, i nga kahu kura, me nga puahi. (95) Kahu-mamae ; garment sent to distant relatives of one who has been killed, to keep resent- ment alive. 3 membrane envelop- ing a foetus. 4 still-born infant. 5 spirit of a still-born infant. kahu, V. i. spring ; grow. Kua kahu te witi. kakahil, n. mat made of fine flax. Kite rawa atu nga tuakana, e horahora mai ana i nga kakahu. (100) (Not properly applied to coarser fabrics.) kakahu, v. t. put on. Kakahuria ou. whakakakahu, v. t. clothe. Ka tahuri ia ki te paihere i aua pu tarutaru, whakakakahu atu ki ona kakahu (100) kahukahu, n. 1 membrane en- veloping a foetus. 2 sjnrit of a still-born child. ■whakakahu, n. white of an egg. ■whakakahukahu, v. t. begin to grow ; acquire size, used with reference to fruits, roots, fcetus, (fee. Katahi ano ka whakakahu- kahu ake nga kai o te mara jiei. KahiiS,, n. form ; appearanee. Me te kukupa te kahua. Kahui, n. herd ; flock. Kahuirangi, n. unsettled: dis- turbed. Te aro ki te kai te iwi nei ; kahuirangi tonu. Kahukekeno, n. seal-skin mat. Kahukiwi, mat covered with kiwi feathers. KahukiirS,, n. 1 the atua of the rainbow. 2 rainbow. Ko ka- hukura e tiwhana mai ra. Kahiipapa, n. 7-aft. kahupapa, v. t. bridge over. Ka kaliupapangia ki te rakau. Kahurangi, a. 1 unsettled; irreso- lute. E kahurangi haere ana i runga i nga puke. 2 ho7iour- able ; distinguished. He tira kahurangi. Compare aparangi. kahurangi, n. a light coloured variety of siliceous stone. Kahiirapa, a. extended sideways, as in the buttress-like growth at the base of some forest trees. Kahutaniko, n. mat of fine fax with ornamental border. (155) Kahiitoroa, n. mat covered with albatross' down. Kahu"wS,er6. n. 7nat covered with skill of dogs' tails; the same as mahiti. I. Kai, V. t. 1 eat. Ko nga hua- hua, hoatu kia kainga. (60) 2 bite. Katahi ano te ika ka kai ki tana matau. (117) — Kai upoko; curse. kai, n. food. Kihai i roa, ka ma- hora te kai, te tuna, te kumara, te taro. (193) 2 anything which is in large quantities, Nga mahi a te amonga o te kai nei, a te kaniwha, a te pere. (155) 3 riddle ; puzzle ; toy. kS.kai, V. t. eat frequently. kftinga, n. refuse of a meal, as cockle-shells, alin of the hand. kapunga, v. t. take up in both hands together. kakapii, small basket for cooked food. Kapiia, n. cloud ; bank of clottds. kapuarangi, n. a variety of mata, or cutting-stone, of in- ferior quality. Kapuipui, v. t. gather up litter, &c. Kapuka, n. griselinia littoralis ; a tree. Kapura, 51 Karamu KS,purS,ngS,, n. handful. kapuranga, v. t. take up by hand- fids. Kapurangatia nga otaota na e ia. kapuranga, v. i. dawn. Ka ka- puranga te ata. Kapur3,ngi, n. rubbish ; weeds. I. KarS,, n. old man. Tena korua ko kara. II. Kara, n. secret plan; conspiracy. Kei te whakatakoto kara mo Te Horo kia patua. kakarS,, n. scent ; smell. kakS,rS,, n. savoury ; odoriferous. kakara, n. jjurpura haustrum ; a shell-fish. Kara, n. 1 colour. 2 fag. Kara, n. basaltic stone. Karae, n. a bird. Karaha, a. wide and shalloiv ; (of a vessel). karaha, n. calabash with a tvide 7nouth ; bowl ; basin. Karahi, n. glass. Karah5, n. floor or platform in a canoe. Karahii, n. oven. Karahiie, n. a shell-fish. KarS,ka, n. 1 corynocarpus laevi- gata ; a tree. 2 a variety of greenstone ; opaque and dark green. Karaka, n. clerk. Karakahia, n. g7'ey duck. Karakape, v. t. take iip hot coals or stones ^vith two sticks. Karakia, a v. i. repeat a Jorm of words, &c.; say p)ra,yers ; per- form a religious service. [3 v. t. repeat an incantation &c. over a person or thing ; lead the de- votions 0/ others. karakia, n. form of ivords to be recited ; incantation ; prayer. Karamata, n. head oj a tree. Karamea, n. red ochre. KS,rS,mu, n. coprosma rohusta, &c.; E2 Karamuimm shrubs. Karamuimiii, v. t. swarm ujjon. Tau mai ana te tini o te ngaro ki te karamuimui i a au. (ii) Karanga, a v. t. call. Tikina ka- rangatia a Karihi. f3 v. i. call out ; shout. Ka karanga atu a Tatau ki ana tamariki, * Puru- purua te whatitoka me te mata- pihi.' (47) karangaranga, v. i. call fre- quently. Karangata, v. i. remain silent when called ; probably for ' ka- ranga-ngata.' He tangata ka- rangata ; taku mahi he karanga ki a ia, kaore ia e whakao mai. Karangi, a. 1 restless ; unsettled. Ka mate te katua, ka karangi kau nga kuao. 2 irritated ; j^ro- voked. Karangirangi ki ahau. ■whakakarangirangi, v. t. pro- voke. Karangu, coprosma robusta, &c.; shrubs. KarapS., a. squinting. He kanohi karapa. Karapetapetau, v. i. flutter ; ivrithe. Karapi, n. sticks used in building to hold reeds or rushes in place. Karapiti, v. t. 1 put or fasten together side by side. 2 jnnch between two bodies. karS,pipiti, a. laid one beside another. Karapoi, for the following. Karapoti, a v. t. surround ; hedge in. 13 V. i. be surrounded. Karapu, n. north wind. He ka- rapu rangi tahi. KS^raraha, a. wide and shallow (of a vessel). Karareh§, n. dog ; quadruped. Karatiti, v. t. fasten with 2Jins or pegs. Maku e karatiti mai te whare. 52 Karearea Karati"wa, a. deep black. Karau, n. 1 dredge ; grapnel. Ma te karau e rapu ka kitea ai te taura o te taruke. 2. comb for the hair. 3 gauge for the meshes of a net. 4 trap) made of loops of harakeke, to catch birds that burrow in the ground. Karaua, n. 1 old man. 2 head of the body. Karawa, n. 1 dam ; mother. 2 bed in a garden. Karawa, a. covered with weals. Karawa ana te kiri i te tainga ki te rakau. karawarawa, n. weal', mark of a stripe. karawarawa, a. inflamed. Kia karawarawa kau te kiri ka pani ai. karawarawa, v. t. cut into strips. Karawarawatia to ika ka tauraki ai kia maroke. Karawaka, n. low fever. Karawhiu, v. t. whirl; swing round. karaw^hiu, n. flail. Kare, n. 1 ripple. Te kare o te tai. 2 lash of a whip. Ko te kare o te wepu kia papa i runga i te mahunga o te Hauhau, kia mataku ai. karekare, n. surf. karekare, v.i. 1 be agitated. E karekare ana te hinu i roto i te ipu. 2 be eager. w^hakakarekare, v. t. agitate ; shake up (of liquids). kare-a-roto, n. object of passionate aflection. Te kare-a-roto o tona ngakau. (132) Kare, n. term of address. E kare ma ! Kareao, n. rhipogonum scandens ; a climbing plant ; supple-jack. Karearea, n. hieracidea Novce ZelandicE ; sjMrrow-hawk. Karelia 63 Kata K9,r6ha, n, 1 the day after to- morrow ; 2 the day before yester- day. KS.r6he, v. i. rim. E karehe ra i niua ra. Karehu, for kaheru, n. spade. Kareka, it is well. Expressing satisfaction at anytliing. Ka- reka ano. Kareko, v. i. slip. Compare ka- rengo. Kareko, n. calico. Karemu, n. plug in the bottom of a canoe. Karengo, v, i. slip. Kei karengo koe. karengo, n. an edible seaweed. Karepe, n. grajje. Karerarera, n. a water plant. Karere, n. messenger. Kareti, n. college. Kareto, v. i. he untied. Karetii, hierochloe redolens ; a sweet-scented grass. Karewa, n. huoy. Kari, n. garden. Kari, n. isolated wood ; clump of trees. Kari, a v. t. dig jor. Kei te kari pohue hei o ki Te Taiapu. (157). ^ V. i. rush along violently. Ka kari tera te hau nei. kakari, v. i. 1 he urgent ; he imr portunate. Ka kakari kia noho matou. 2 wrestle ; quarrel. E kakari mai ra nga tamariki, kakari, v. i. fight. Te whawhai nui he kakari ; to nga tangata tokorua, he kakari. kakari, or karikari, n. notch. kakaritanga, n. valley. Compare kakanitanga. karikari, v. t. strip off. Haere ki te nehenehe ki te karikari aka hohou taiepa. ■whakakarikari, v. t. notch. Me whakakarikari kau te rakau nei. K9,rihi, n. 1 sto7ie of a fruit ; kernel. 2 weights attached to the lower end of a drag-net. Kua oti nga kupenga ra te tatai, piri atu ano nga karihi. (142) KariSi, v. i. loiter ; idle. E tama e ! he aha koe i karioi tonu ai i te wahi na 1 Kariri, v. i. sail together in a fleet. E kariri mai nga waka ra i te rae. Kariri, n. cartridge. kariri, v. t. Kariri paura, make cartridges. Karito, n. typha angustifolia ; raupo. Karitiiangi, v. t. dig deep. Ka karituangitia ki raro, ki te papa o te oneone. Karo, n. pittosporum, crassifolum, ; a tree. Karo or kakaro, v. t. 1 parry ; avoid a blow. Kua karohia te matia a Tawharau. 2 p>ick out of a hole. Compare tikaro. karokaro, n. 1 slave. 2 ma- rauding party. Karoro, n. 1 sea-gull ; larus antipodum. 2 a kind of shell- fish. Karu, n. 1 eye. Karu mowhiti, spectacles. 2 head. karukaru, n. 1 rag ; old gar- ment. 2 spongy matter envelop- ing seeds of pumpkins, &c. Kariiae, n. a bird. Karuhiriihi, n. shag ; a bird. Kariipango, n. pupil of the eye. Kariipe, n. lintel of a door. Karure, v. t. 1 twist ; sjnn. E karure muka ana te wahine nei. 2 scrape out the pith of a cala- bash. Karure, n. small calahash; bottle. Kata, n. cart. K^tS,, V. i. laugh. He aha tau e kata na ? Passive, kataiua, be Katae laughed at. Kanaka ahau e ka- taina e koutou. k9,k9,ta, a. 1 laughing freqiiently. 2 opening in cracks ; chapped. Kakata ana te whenua. katakata, a. dried up. katakata, v. t. dry up. Kua katakatangia e te ra. Katae, a. hoiu great. Katae te kakara o te whare nei ! (193) Katahi, conj. then. 1 Katahi ka rewa te taua a WHakataupotiki. (41) 2 noio for the first time. Katahi nei pea au ka rehea. (15) 3 only just. Ki te kata koutou i a au i te mea katahi ano au ka tomo ki roto ka mate rawa au. (29) 4 to express appre- ciation of any quality. Katahi ano te toa ko koe ! What a brave man you are ! Katao, n. water. Katara, n. sharp point ; prick. Katau, n. right hand. Tu mai koe ki katau. KS,tea, a. whitened. Ka pukai, ka katea ou wheua i te pare- kura i Rangiriri. katea, n. jjodocarpus dacrydioi- des ; a tree. kateatea, a. not close together ; scattered. Kei te kateatea tonu nga kete parareka i waenga. Katekate, n. small mat to cover the shoulders. Katete, a v. t. lengthen hy add- ing a piece. Ka poto te tao, ka katetetia atu kia roa ai. /S v. i. 1 i7iove forwards. Te katete te aha. 2 be securely fastened. katete, n. 1 piece joined to a spear to lengthen it. 2 large j)ig. katete, a. large. Me te kuao a te tohora nei te katete. (155) Kati, V. t. block up ; close against anyone; stop traffic upon any 54 Katore thoroughfare. kati, a. shut ; closed. Kua kati te kuwaha. kakati, v. t. sting ; cause to smart. Kei katia koe e te puwerewere. kakati, a. intense. Kakati ana te pouri. kakati, n. bundle ; sheaf. Kia toru kakati korari ka oti. kakati, v. t. tie up in bundles. katikati, v. i. cliamp ; move the jaw as in eating. Ka kai ratou i reira ; pau ana a nga hoa, ka- tikati tonu a Tama. (78) Kati, V. i. leave off ; cease. A ! Kati te turituri. (65) whakakati, v. i. beg one to desist. kati, ad. well ; so then ; introduc- ing a conclusion. Kati, me noho au i konei. Katiaho, n. Portuguese man-of- tvar. K§,tilii, n. stack of fern-root. Kati PA, n. constable. Katip5, n. 1 venomous spider. 2 wasp. KatirS,inS,ta, int. expressing sur- prise. Katirehg, n. sore throat ; quinsy. I. Kato, or kakatS, v. t. pluck. Katohia etahi puwha maku. II. Kato, a. flowing ; flood (of the tide only). E kore tatou e puta i te tai kato. Katoa, a. all; the whole. Kawha- katika katoa nga tangata hoko- whitu ki te kimi rakau. (89) Katoa, n. leptospermMm scopoj- rium ; a tree. Katoitoi, v. i. give a response. Kaliore ano kia katoitoi ake, kia aha. Katopo, a. inclement. Katore, or katoretSre, a. gliin- mering ; dimly luminous. Te mea e katoretore mai ra, he tutaewhetu. Katote 65 Kauhou Ka,t6t6, a, not fixed ; displaced. KatdtS, n. cyathea Smithii ; a tree-fern. Katua, n. 1 full-grown animal or bird. Ka katuatia, ka tupu nga huruhuru. — -Frequently used of the dam as opposed to the young. 2 stockade, or main fence of a pa, distinguished from the 'wita' and 'pekerangi' which were outside, and also from the 'parakiri,' which was inside. 3 main j)ortion of any- thing, as trunk of a tree, &c. I. Kau, ad. alone; per se; without appendage, &c. Tu kau ana te tangata, the man was naked. He ipu takoto kau, an empty vessel. 2 07ily. Ko nga patu, he patu poto kau. (90) — I ra- ngona kautia e ia ki te huhu o te patu e haere iho ana ki tona angaanga. (91) 3 just. Mutu kau ano ta ratou haka, tino katanga o Kae i kata ai. (87) 4 without hindrance. Kihai i taea te korikori, hahau kau ana te patu. (143) 5 to no pur- pose. A, tangi kau mai ki ana taonga, ki tana wahine. (71) 6 Kahore kau, not at all. II. Kau, a V. i. swim; wade. Ka kau ia, a ka u ki te kainga o te WHatuiapiti. (164) — /3 v. t. 1 stvim or wade across. Te moana i kauia e Hinemoa. 2 stvim for. Kauia to tatou waka. See kau- hoe and kautahoe. kauanga, n. ford ; crossing. kauanga-^wai, n. 1 ford. 2 the part of the leg above the ankle. kaukau, a v. i. bathe. /3 v. t. anoint the head. E kaukau ana a Maru i tona upoko. kaukauranga, n. bathing-place. "whakakau, v. t. ma^e to swim. 'whakakau, n. charm to aid in swimming. Kau, n. cow. KauS,, ad. (imperative or optative) not. Kaua e kotikotia ta tatou ika. (22) Kauae, n. 1 jaw; chin. 2 wing of an army. 3 beain in a build- ing. Kauaemila, n. one^s eldest brother or sister. Kauaeroa, n. 1 a fish; the same as hapuku. 2 party lying in ambush. Kauaetea, n. a kind of eel : when full-grown it is called whakaau. Kauahi, n. a piece of wood upon which a stick is rubbed to pro- cure fire. Kauaka, ad. not (with impera- tives, &c.). — When used without a verb, do not ; donH ! Kauamo, n. litter; bed arranged between two poles, to carry a sick person on. Kauanga, n. the star Canopus ; also called Autahi. See also I. kau. Kauangawai, n. the part of the leg immediately above the ankle. Kauaua, n. hawk. Kaua-whiwhi-whi, v, i. approxi- mate. Kauehu, a. turbid ; muddy. He moana kauehu. Kauere, n. vitex littoralis; a tree. kauere, a. crumpled ; shrivelled. He kauere te tupu o te mara. Kauhangaroa, n. lax-leaved sub- variety of tihore phormium tenax. Kauhoa, n. litter on which a per- son is carried. kauhoa, v. t. carry on a litter. Kauhoe, v. i. swim. E kore ranei au e whiti ki te kauhoe ? (132) Kauhou, n. line of ancestry. Ka hirihiria ki te kauhou o Houmai- Kauhoro 56 Kautona tawhiti. (127) Kauhoro, v. t. scrape; rub with anything roiigh. I kauhorotia a Hoani e te rakau. Kauhiia, or kauhuahua, n. stringboard or horizontal support for the floor of a canoe. Kauhiiri, v. i. t\irn bottom up- wards. KS,uika, n. 1 heap. 2 school of whales, ifec. kauika, a v. i. lie in a heap, fi V. t. lay in a heap. Kauikatia o riwai. Kauka, n. cordyline australis ; a tree. KS,ukau, n. spear. See also under II. kau. Kauki, n. ridge 0/ a hill. kauki, V. i. lie in a heap. E kauki mai ra te kai i te rua. Kauinah§,ki, n. brace; buttress. KS,uinatua, n. 1 adidt. 2 old man or wom,an. ' He tira kau- matua, tena te haere na ' e ki ana ko Pararaki : a proverb for anything slow and sure. Kaunaroa, n. body of a canoe without the haumi, &c. Kaunenehu, a. dusky. Ka kau- nenehu nei te pouri, ka tae mai matou. Kaunihera, n. council. Kaunoti, n. a piece of wood which is rubbed briskly with another to procure fire. See kaurima- rima. Kaunga, n. hermit crab. Kaungaroa, n. sidejence of a pa. Kauoroi, v. t. scrape. Kaupae, n. step of a ladder. Kaupapa, n. 1 level surface; floor. Ka rite te kaupapa o te rua ki te kaupapa o te awa. — He kau- papa haro, a clean sweep). 2 fleet of canoes. 3 wise man ; oracle. Na koutou, na nga pu, na nga tohunga, na nga kaupapa. (98) 4 original of a song as opposed to a parody. 5 gauge for the the meshes of a net. Kaupaparii, a. flat-roofed. Kauparapara, n. a fish. Kaupare, v. t. turn in a difl'erent direction ; avert. Kauparerarera, n. a plant. Kaupoki, v. t. 1 cover over. 2 invert. Kauranga, n. derivative from 11. kau. Kaurapa, a. having broad lateral j^rojections. Kaurerehu, a. dim ; dusky. Kaureure, n. the same as kauri- marima. Kauri, n. 1 dammara australis ; a forest tree. 2 resin of the kauri tree. 3 soot from burnt resin, used for tattooing. Kaurimarinia, n. a pointed piece of wood, rubbed briskly on another to procure fire. Kaurii, n. head of a tree. Kauruki, n. smoke. kaurukiruki, a. smoky ; dusky. I te ata, i te mea e kaurukiruki tonu ana te pouri. Kauta, n. cooking shed. Kautahanga, a. empty. Ka haere kautahanga tenei pouaka. Kautahoe, v. t. swim across. Na konei i kautahoetia ai e ia taua moana. (164) KautangS-tanga, a. moving brisk- ly. A hea te kautangatanga ai taua? Kaute, n. account. Kauteatea, a. coming at intervals. He ua kauteatea. Kautete, a. Miita kautete, a wea- pon consisting of sharp teeth of flint lashed firmly to a piece of Avood. Kautona, n. wart. He kautona Kautuku 57 kei tetahi taringa o tana poaka. KS,utuku, n. lodactylus meandra- tus ; granite trout (Sherrin) ; a fish. Kehi, n. case. Keh5keho, a. very clear or trans- p>arent. Marama kehokeho te moana. Kehiia, n. ghost ; spirit. A mo- dern word. I. Kei, ad. 1 that not; lest. Kia ata tangi tatou, kei rongo mai aku hoa i patu i a au nei. (97) 2 not. Kia manawanui ; kei kainga ake i muri i a au. (22) II. Kei, prep, (in present time). 1 at ; on ; in. He tangata kei te kainga, he kawenga ano tana ; ko te kawenga, kei runga kei tou whare e takoto ana, ko ia kei tou nohoanga e noho ana. (85) 2 with ; in possession of. Kei a au a Raumati. (102) — Koia kei a koe, it is as you say; — you, have it. 3 in the act of. Kei te tunu kai mana. (95) 4 with an adjective or neuter verb, to denote present state, character, quality, &c. Kei te ora ano au. (65) 5 like. Ko ona niho, kei te koi mata. (28) 6 (after verbs of motion) to. Heoi ka puta te tupua ra kei waho o tona rua. (150) III. Kei, n. stern of a canoe, &c. Keia, v. t. steal. Keiwha, ad. 1 before. Kia ho- horo te whariki i te whare, kei- wha puta mai te manuhiri. 2 whilst. Kia taria nga kai nei, keiwha noho nga tangata. Keka, a. 1 mentally deranged. 2 beside oneself u/ith grief keka, n. fungus of commerce ; hirneola polytricha ; called also hakeke, and taringa o Tia- kiwai. " He keka piri ki te hinaliina ; He kai na Mangu- mangu ; He keka keka a !" Keke, a. obstinctte; stubborn. Keke 59 whakakeke, v. i. refuse to speal- ; show oneself obstinate. Keke, n. armpit. See also under ke. Kekeao, n. overcast sky. Kekeno, n. sea-lion; seal. Kekerep5, a. blind. Kekerepo ana te kanohi. Kekereru, n. black wood-bug. Keko, a. squinting. He kanohi keko. ■whakakeko, v. i. look obliquely along anything. Titiro whaka- keko, look askance. — Whaka- keko pn, take aim. Kenepuru, n. fresh alluvial de- posit ; silt. K@nokend, a. stinking ; offensive. Kenokeno ana te haunga. Kengo, n. 1 night. 2 large white kumara. kengo, V. i. become night. Ka kengo te ra. Keo, n. 23eak or pointed summit. keokeo, a. j^^aked ; pointed. Me haere ra te puke keokeo. whakakeo, a. rising to a p)eak. Kei te ngaru whakakeo e tere i Taupo. keokeonga, n. pieak of a hill. Kerakera, a. fo^d ; offensive. Kerakera ana te haunga. kerakera, n. anything rotten and putrid. Kerekere, a. intensely dark ; often used adverbially to in- tensify other adjectives, as pouri kerekere. Kerekerewai, n. numbness. Kerengeo, n. lump of earth. Kereru, n. wood-pigeon. Kereteki, n. outer fence of a pa. Keretu, n. 1 clod. 2 thwart of a canoe. KerewhenuS,, n. yellow clay. Keri. a v. t. dig. f3 v. i. rush along violently as wind, &c. Ki K6r6, V. i. blink the eyes ; wink. kero, a. 1 dead. 2 maimed. He ringa kero. kerokero, v. i. wink frequently. Kerokero auau tonu nga kanohi. whakakekero, v. i. look out at the corners of the eyes. Kete. 1 basket made of strips of flax, &c. 2 belly of a net. Ketekete, v. i. express surprise, or sorroiv. Keti, n. gate. Keto, a. extinguished. Kua keto te ahi. ketoketo, n. 1 sick person. 2 maggot. Ketii, a V. t. turn up loith the snout. Kua ketua taku mara e te poaka. (i v. i. begin to ebb. Ka ketu te mata o te tai. Keu, V. t. move ; and hence jndl the trigger of a gun. Keua te pu. keukeu, v. i. move oneself. Ta- koto tonu te turoro nei, kahore e keukeu. whakakeukeu, v. t. shake. KewS,, a. extinguished. Kua kewa te ahi. Kewha, a. unsettled ; irresolute. E kewha haere ra i runga mau- nga. I. Ki. a. fill. Kua ki te ipu. kiki, a. 1 crowded. 2 confined ; strait. kiki, whakakiki, v. t. instigate. Ka- tahi ia ka haere ki te whakakiki i tona iwi kia tikina mai taua iwi tutu nei kia whakangaromia. (ii8) II. Ki, a V. t. say ; think. ^ v. i. speak; utter a word. Ui noa ki te poupou o te whare, Kaore te ki mai te waha. kiki, V. i. speak. Korero noa ahau, kihai ia i kiki. Ki 60 Kiato III. Ki, ad. very. Turituri ki. Ki, prep. 1 to. E haere ana koe ki hea 1 E haere ana aliau ki te whakataki i taku kotiro. (49) 2 into. Ka whiua atu ia ki te wai. (ill) 3 towards. E haere koe, ka titiro ki te putanga mai o te ra. ( 1 1 o) 4 against ; at ; with. Ka tango mahara ia, ka whawhai mai ki ona tuakaua. (12) — Te makanga atu o te maipi ki nga ngarara, ki nga mokai katoa, kua mate. (96) — Ka haurangi te wahine nei, ka riri ki tona teina. (139) 5 for ; in quest of. Na Hotunui au i ngare mai ki te ngohi mana. (141) 6 concerning ; of; respecting. Ka korero mai a Hotunui ki te kino o tona hoa e noho nei ia. (141) — He whakapaenga ki te rua kumara na ona hoa. (136) 7 in consequence of. He tika tou pouri ki taku korero. (141) 8 hy means of ; with. Tapaliia ki te toki. {64) Q at; with; on; in. Ka noho a Tuau ki te kei. (ill)— He aha ra tatou te moe tahi ai ki a ia?(ii) — E hoe koe, na, e rua ki roto, e rua ki waho. (ill) — Ka mutu ki te wai, kei uta. (86) 10 accord- ing to. Ki tana whakaaro hoki, he wahine pai ia. (139) 11 in the ojnnion of Ki a Tangaroa, me tomo te pa : ki a Rangitu, me tuki ata. (90) 12 in the event of; if. Ki te kata koutou i a au, ka mate rawa ahau. (29) 13 simply transitive, connecting the verb with its object. Ka tango tetehi ki te maipi, me tetehi ; ka tango ano a Hatu- patu ki te maipi. (97) Kia, ad. or conj. 1 to denote a wish or proposition ; that. Kia ata haere tatou. Let us go slowly. (150) — Katahi ia ka mahara kia tango maminga ia i taua kainga. (79) 2 to denote a purpose or effect, that. Katahi ka peia atu ia kia haere atu. — He aha i waiho ai te manuliiri kia karanga ana? (168) When followed by ai it denotes an ulterior purpose, in order that. Me whakarite nga hoe kia rite rawa, kia tangatanga ai tatou te puta ki waho. (169) 3 to mark the relation between the subject and some future time or event. Kia rua nga po ki muri nei ka ara te marama. (54) — Kia ahiahi ka puta ake ai 1 Will he come up in the evening ? (54) Sometimes it may be rendered by until. Kaua e kotikotia ta tatou ika ; engari waiho kia tae atu au ki te tohunga. (22) Some- times by when. Taihoa tatou e haere ki reira; hei te nga- huru, kia rupeke te kai ki te ha- poko,kia takakau. (189) 4 in ne- gative sentences, after kahore, kore, or hore. Kahore kia po rua. — Kahore matou i tapoko ki te ngahere, kore kia iti, kore kia rahi. — Kahore ano te manu- liiri kia kai. In this example, what would be kua in an affirmative sentence is kia m the negative. 5 in instituting a comparison. Kia penei te ko- rahi o to tatou takotoranga, the place where we lay was as large as this. Kiaka, n. calabash. Kiano, ad. not yet : (only in past time). Kiano taku mahi i oti noa. Kiato, n. thwart of a canoe. kiato, a. coinjmct; in small com- pass. Kia kiato ! keep close ! Compare hiato. Kiekie ■whakakiato, v. i. keep close to- gether. Whakukiato tonu te iwi o tu ake nei. Kiekie, n. Jreycinetia Banksii ; a climbing plant. Kiha, and kihakiha, v. i. pant. Tu ana te kiha a tou tangata. Kiliai, ad. not ; only in past time with i. Kihai ano i taro kua mate. (i6o) Kihikihi, n. a kind of locust or cicada. Kiki, a. silenced by argument. KiKi, n. gig. Kiki, kiki, see under Ki. Kikiporo, n. two pieces of wood with which time is beaten to a song. Kikimo, see under kimo. Kikini, see under kini. Kikiwa, see under ki"wa Kiko, or kikokiko, n. 1 flesh. 2 person (contemptuously). He kiko whakarawaka, a lazy fellow, a vagabond. vrhakakiko, n. ;:)ffl; closed. whakakopiti, v. t. close. Whaka- kopititia te waha. Kopito, n. p>ain in the abdoinen. Kopiupiu, V. i. swing; oscillate; move to and fro. Kopiupiu noa ana te waka i te akinga a te ngaru. Koporo, a. truncated; having the end cut off abruptly. He waka koporo, a sqtiare-sterned canoe. Kopu, n. 1 belly; womb. Ka nui haere te mamae ki tona kopu. (127) 2 a kind of mat used as an inner garment. Ko te kahakaha i waho, ko te kopu i roto rawa. Kopu, a. Ifdl; filled up. Kaore i tiketike ake te koputanga o te rua kai. 2 blistered. kopupu, a. having the skin raised in blisters. Kopua, a. deep; of water. Kopuha, n. small house. Kopuhiiri, n. arripis salar, a fish ; the same as kaha'wai. Kopiika, a. spongy; shrivelled. Kopiike, v.t. throw up> the soil into hillocks preparatory to planting. Kopuku, n. a closely-woven mat. Kopiini, a. in a body; all to- gether. Kia kopuni te haere, kaua e takitahitia. Kopupunga-wha, n. bulrush, schyus lacustris. Kopuputai 71 K6puputS,i, n. sponge. Kopiira, n. 1 potatoes or other tubers used for seed. 2 old per- son. 3 a plant. Kopurepure, a. spotted; with large spots or jmtches. Kopurii, or kopiirupuru, a. 1 staff'id lip. 2/usti/; moiddy. Kopuriia, a. having the belly swollen; dropsical. Koputa, a. blistei-ed. koputaputa, n. a fish. Koputoitoi, a. moist; spongy. KoputotarS,, n. chilomycteriis -jaculiferus; j^ormij^ine Jish. Koputuputii, V. t. ptit up in heaps. Koputuputua nga kai ma te manuhiri. K5puwai, a. watery. He kino ena riwai, he kopuwai. Kopuwai-totara, n. chilomyc- ferusjaculi/erus ; porcu2nneJish. Kora, n. 1 small fragment, or sjieck of anything. Hokihoki tonu tona ringa ki te mirimiri i te kora i roto i tona kanohi. 2 spark. 3 _/i?'e / fuel. ■whakakorakora, v. t. scatter; distribute in small fragments. WHakakorakorangia tetahi wa- hi ma matou. Korae, v. t. anoint with red ochre and oil. Koraha, a. 1 extended; open. 2 shallow. He tai koraha to Manawaora. koraha, n. open country. Korahi, a. lai'ge; extensive. Kia penei te korahi o to tatou tako- toranga. korahirahi, a. 1 thin. 2 some- what transparent. He taewa korahirahi (of young potatoes.) K5rah6raho, n. unfledged young birds. Koraki, n. north or north-north- west wind. Kore KorakS, n. albino. korakorako, a. having light- coloured spots on the skin; frerUed. (i8i.) korakorako, n. demons oj evil influence; called also patu- paiarehe ; imagined to be white-skinned. Korama, n. a shell-fish. Koramuramu, v. t. eat at odd times, without waiting for meals. Kaua e koramuramutia ta tatou kai. Koranga, v. t. raise; lift rip. korangaranga, v. i. 1 ache; be in pain. E korangaranga ana toku manawa. 2 feel annoyed or vexed. Korapa, a. disquieted with fear, Ka rere mai te tangata ki te wero, korapa noa toku ngakau. koraparapa, a. crossgrained ; ttvisted. Korapii, v. i. shine. Te mea e korapu mai ra, ko ona mata. Korara, a v. i. go in different directions; disperse. I haere to- puni tonu, kahore i korara. f3 v.t. beg. K5rari, v.t. pluck or tear ofl" a twig, &c. korarirari, v. t. pidl to pieces. He aha te rakau i korariraria ai? korari, n. 1 flower stem of j)hor- mium tenax, or N.Z. flax. 2 the plant itself; p>hormiu7n te- nax. Koratarata, a. clear ; not turbid. Korau, n. 1 cyathea medullaris ; a large tree fern. 2 young shoots of ferns. 3 turnip or other similar root. I. Korg, ad. 1 not. E kore korua e ngaro ki kona. (46) — Kore kau noa ake i kitea tetahi waro. Kore 72 Koriti (158) Me i kore; almost. Me i kore kua tahuri to matou waka. 2 used as a suffix to nouns, and thus forming ad- jectives, signifying in each case the absence of the quality de- noted by the noun. WHaka- aro - kore, thoughtless. — ngoi- kore, weak, &c. kore, v.i. cease to he. Kua kore te ika tena wai inaianei. korenga, n. non-existence; ab- sence; non-occurrence, &c. He kitenga no matou i te korenga o te kai ki taua wahi i mahue ai. "whakakore, v. t. 1 cause not to he. 2 deny. korekore, n. the moon on the 21st, 22nd, and 2Srd days ; the 23rd day being called kore- kore piri. II. Kore, a. hroken. Kua kore ke nga papa o te whare. kore, n. fracture. Comp. pakore. korenga, n. hroken place. Korea, n. small canoe. Korehe, n. 1 open country. 2 sandal. Koreirei, n. root-stock of raupo, or typha angustifolia.. Koreke, n. coturnix Novce Zea- landuf, or N.Z. quail, called also kokoreke. He manu oho- oho te koreke. Korekoreko, a. dazzled. Ka ko- rekoreko oku kanohi i te ra. Korengarenga, a. 1 overfloiving . Korengarenga tonu mai te wai ki te taha o te kaainga. 2 soft; hoggy. 3 crushed; mashed. (152) Koreparepa, v. t. sj^lit. Korepa- repangia te papa. Korepo, n. shallow swamj). koreporepo, a. swampy. Korgre, n. gutter ; taj); funnel; or anything to guide the pas- sage of liquids. Korero, a v. t. 1 tell; say. He aha ta tenei tangata e korero nei? 2 address. Korerotia tatou, e nga rangatira e noho nei; ko- rerotia tatou! — He tangata ko- rero-whenua, a peace-7naker, said of a chief of great influence. l:i V. i. speak ; talk. Ka whaka- korerotia ano e ia, a kua nanu te reo. (42.) korerorero, v. i. talk m,uch, or frequently. Koreto, v.i. trickle down; weep. Kore"wa, a. drifting ahout; adrift. Hi korewa tonu ai au, kaore e tukua te punga ki raro. I. Kori, n. 1 native oven. 2 small net. II. Kori, or korikori, v.i. 1 move; wriggle. 2 hestir oneself. Ka tae atu te karere, katahi ka kori te rau-ma-whitu ra. (157) Suse action in oratory. korikori, n. a species of ranun- culus. whakakorikori, v. t. move; shake. Korihi, v.i. sing, as birds. korihirihi, n. tide (R.) Korimako, n. anthornis mela- neura; hell-bird. K5ripi, v.t. cut. I koripi kemai te toki ki toku waewae. koripi, n. diarrhoea. koripi, a. vagabond. He porangi te tangata ra, ka tahi; he ko- ripi, ka rua; ke kurapa, ka toru. Koriporipo, a. eddying. Korirangi, n. 1 a mat orna- mented with white thrums of unscraped flax. 2 untwisted thrums of a mat. Koriri, n. fruit of stunted groivth. Koriro, v.i. sjjrout. E koriro ake ana te tupu o te kapana. koriroriro, n. a bird. Koriti, a. cautious. Kia koriti, Korito kci rokohanga e te kohuru. Korito, n. 1 heart, or yuumj un- expanded leaves of a plant. 2 dark green opaque variety of greenstone. Koriwhai, n. nestor productus; a bird. I. Koro, v.t. desh'e; intend. 'Na wai te koronga ka tu ki roto ki Whangara?' Nga koro o te koro, n. 1 noose rore. 2 the moon on the fifth day; also called Akoro, or Okoro. korokoro, a. loose; slack. Koro- koro noa nga tau o te kakahu. korokoro, n. 1 throat. 2 lam- preg; geotria chilensis. whakakoro, v.t. endeavour; in- tend. WHakakoro noa matou, te taea Patangata. II. Koro, n. p>erson; man. E peliea ana te koro nei? Koroaha, n. large curl of tattoo marks on the cheek. Koroahu, n. steam. Koroai, see koroTvai. Koroama, n. a small fish. Korohape, a. crooked. Koroha'wini, n. cold. Koroheke, n. old man. Korohu, n. steam. korohuhu, v.i. hoil. Korohunga, a. reduced to shreds. Koroi, n. fruit of podocarpus da- crydioides. Koroingoingo, a. jnili7ig; whim- pering. He tangi koroingoingo. Koroirangi, a. wandering. Koroiroi, v. i. 1 wander idly. He aha tau e koroiroi nei, te haere ki te mahi? 2 he confused. ■whakakoroiroi, v.t. hinder. He aha tau ka whakakoroiroi nei i te mahi? Koroiti, n. little finger, or toe. KoROKA, n. cloak. 73 Koropa K6r6ke, n person; felloiv, ex- pressing familiarity or contempt. Heoi, noho ana te koroke me taua wahine. (135) Koroki, a v. i. speak; talk, ft v. t. sjjeak to; tell. Nana ahau i ko- roki ki te haere. Korokio, n. veronica salicifolia; a shrub. Koromahanga, n. noose. Kia ngaro rawa te upoko ki roto ki te koromahanga nei. (19) koromahanga, v.t. tie in a bow; tie with a slip-knot. Koromahii, n. steam. Me te ko- romahu kapura te ahua. Koromaki, a. suppressed; stifled (of feelings). koromaki, koromamaki, and ■whakakoromaki, v.t. 1 sup- 2)ress one's feelings. 2 he fully intent upon an object; ^jwrswe tvith all one's mind. Koromatiia, n. thumb; great toe. Koromaungaunga, n. barnacle. koromaungaunga, a. anxious. Koromeke, a. i7i loojys, coils, or kinks. ■whakakoromeke, v. t. coil or loop up. K6r6m.engem.enge, a. crump)led; curled up. K6r6mik6, n. veronica salicifolia, itc; shrubs. koromiko-taranga, n. veronica parviflora. K6r6nae, a v.i. lie broadside on. Kua koronae te waka ki uta. ft V. t. drink out of the hand. koronae, n. stile. K6r6nuke, a. crooked. Korongata, v.i. jiromise without performing. 'Ko Kauanuhea, korongata ki te haere.' K6r6ngenge, a. benumbed. K6r6pa, n. food offered to the atua and eaten by the tohunga Koropana 74 in the ceremony of 'pure.' Koropana, a v.t. fillip. f3 v. i. shoot up. Ka koropana ake te tupu te kapana. Koropehii, v. t. 1 repress. He mate hiakai, ka taea te koro- pehu. 2 break. Akuanei koro- pehua ai to rakau. Koropeke, a. having the limbs doubled up. Koropewa, n. rhig ; loop; botv. Koropiko, v. i. botv down; kneel. koropiko, n. loop. Koropu, a. built with wrought timber. He whare koropu. Koropiika, n. gaultheria anfi- poda; a shrub. Koropuku, a. concealed. He kino koropuku. 2 swollen, Koropiipu, v. i. bubble tip; boil. Te ingoa o te puna, ko Oringi, e koropupu ake ana i te whenua. Koropiita, n. hole. koroputaputa, a, full of holes. Korora, n. spheniscus minor ; jjen- guin. Korori, or kororirori, v.t. stir round. korori, a. ttvisted. He rakau ko- rori. KoRORiA, n. glory. Kororipo, n. whiy-lpool; eddy. K6r6ri"wha, a. haliotis virginica, a small species of sea-ear; called also marapeka. Korotaha, ad. askance. Ka titiro korotalia te hoiho ki te ngaru. Korotangi, n. jntfor storing pota- toes. Korote, v. t. squeeze ; crush. Apopo ia ka korotetia e te ringa patuki tuatara o te kainga o Te Wahi- neiti. KSrotiwhS,, n. spot. koroti-whatiwha, a. spotted. K6r6tu, a. desirous. E korotu ana ki te haere. Korure Korotupa, n. teredo navalis. Korotutu, V. t. melt down fat, &c. He wahine nana i korotutu. Korou, n. 1 channel. Kia tika ki te korou. (R.) 2 energy ; spirit. Korou-kore, listless. korou, v.t. purpose; desire. Ko te wahi tena i koroutia ai e au kia haere ki reira. Koroua, n. old Tnan. K6r6"wai, n. mat ornamented with black twisted thrums. K6r6wa"wa, n. a tish. Korowhana, a. bent; bowed. Korowhanake, n. .steam. Korowheowheo, a. bloiving in whirls or eddies. Korowhiti, a. bent like a hoop, korowhiti, a v. i. 1 spring up suddenly from a stooping posi- tion. 2 ivhistle through a bent finger. j3 v.t. jerk; give a sud- den impulse to. Na te pou koa i korowhiti i rere ai i te hau. Korii, a. folded; coiled; looped. E koru ana te whakaheke : kia maro tonu. koru, n.fold; bight; loop, Neke- hia mai te koru o te alio. korukoru, n. wrinkle; looseness of the skin as in aged persons. kokorii, or kokorutanga, n. bay; indentation of the coast. I. Koriia, pron. 2nd person, dual, you two. II. Koriia, and koruariia, n. hole; jnt. Ka rere iho taua wahine nei ki roto ki te koruarua. (13) • whakakorua, v. t. hollow out; excavate. WHakakoruatia te takotoranga mo te wai. Koriiki, a. cloudy ; overcast. He rana/e. Kotea tonu te moko; kihai i mangu. — He kiri kotea; an albino. Kotengitengi, n. gentle wind. Kotero, n. potatoes steeped in water. Kotete, V. i. 1 whisper. 2 mur- mur; grumble. He aha koe i kotete ai? kotete, n. shoot of a potato. Koti, or kokoti, v. t. 1 cut. 2 in- tercept. He tamaiti kokoti tau, a child born prematurely. — He tau kokoti pu, a year in which ici}ifer comes on prematurely. kotikoti, V. t. cut to ^J^eces; cut frequently. Koti, n. coat. Kotiate, n. a lobed weapon of hard wood. Kotihe, n. pogornis cincta ; a bird. Kotimutu, n. calabash with the small end cut off so as to form a bottle. Kotingotingo, a. speckled. Kotipo, n, purple potato. Kotipu, v.t. cut short. Kahore ona tau kotipu. (i6o) He had no bad seasons, and tlierefore no scarcity of food. See under ko- koti. — Ka kotipu te ngarara, hei mate moku. Kotiri, V. i. go or come one at a time. Kotiri marire te haere a te hanga ra. kotiri, and kotiritiri, n. meteor. Me te kotiritiri! said of a per- son going frequently to and fro. Kotiro, n. girl. Kotiti, v,i. move aside. E kotiti ana ki taku. kotititi, v.i. wander about. Kotiii, n. north wind. Kotirurii, n. headache. Kotiwhatiwha, n. spotted. I. Kotokoto, n. 1 sheet of a sail. 2 sprit to extend a sail ivith. 3 projection. ^ small j)otatoes. Ko- tokoto kau a tatou kai. II. Kotokoto, v.i. 1 squeak. E ko- tokoto ana te kiore. 2 cackle. Kotopihi, n. ivindow. Kotore, n. 1 lower end. Tamanga- kotore, the youngest in a family, 2 anus. 3 white clay. kotoretore, n. a fish. LKotuSLfU. respect; regard. E kawe ana i tana kotua ki a Te Aporo- Kotua 76 Ko"whaki tanga. II. K5tua, ad. with the back towards one. E huri kotua ana te korero a taua tangata. K5tuhi, n. arch formed by clouds in the horizon; the same as haeata. Kotiii, V. t. lace; fasten by lacing ; interlace. Kotuia to tatou ra. Kotiiku, n. white crane; a bird. 'He kotuku rerengatahi i tetau.' A proverb used of a visitor who comes rarely. Kotuku-taAvhiti, a variety of ^:>o- tafo. Kotukiitea, n. a variety of ^;o- tato. Kotukiituku, n. fuchsia excorti- cata; a tree. Kotumii, n. stumj). I. Kotutu, a. a basket used for catching fish. II. Kotutu, v.t. melt down fat, &c. Kou, a. good. E kore e kou? koukou, n. 1 owl; athene Novce Zealandice. 2 a mode of wear- ing the hair. Kourea, n. pagrus unicolor; snap- per; a fish; the same as tamure. Kouaua, n. sprinkling rain. Koue, n. j^osts supporting the pae- pae of a privy. Koue, V. t. scull; steer with a paddle or oar. Kouka, n. 1 cordyline australis; a tree. 2 root stock ofraupo. koukauka, n. a fish ; the same as kahavrai. Kouma, n. breast-^ilate. Koumuumu, v. t. tvhirl round and 7-ou7id. Kei koumuumua tatou e te ripo. KourS,, n. crayfish. KouRA, n. gold. Kouru, n. 1 top of a t7'ee. 2 head of a river. K5ut^reke, n. New Zealand quail. the same as koreke, &c. Koutou, pron. second person plu- ral, ye; you. Koutuiitu, v.t. dip up. Koutu- utua he wai ki roto ki te peere. Kovra, or kowavra, a. neap). He tai kowawa. Ko"wae, v. t. 1 divide; pai-t. Auaka e kowaea te mahunga, hei pango tetahi taha, kei uru- kehu tetahi taha: auaka e ko- waea hei mahora tetahi taha, hei piki tetahi taha. 2 pick out; set apart. Ka kowaea nga roi pai mana. Kowao, n. plot of fern land in a wood. kowao, a. living in the tvoods; ivild. He tangata kowao te ta- ngata i pahuatia ai te whare. kowaowao, v.t. overgrow; choke. Kua kowaowaotia aku kai e te otaota. Kowarowaro, n. a fish. Kowata^wata. Kei whakakowatawata te ra. Ko-wera, see koera. Kowiti, n. a fish. Kowha, a v.t. 1 split open. 2 take out of the shell. Kowhatia he pipi ma tatou. fS v.i 1 burst open; split. Ka kowha te rau- awa. 2 flash like lightning. kowha, n. 1 cockles taken out of the shells. 2 summer lightning. Kowhai, n. sophora tetraptera; a tree. kowhaiwhai, n. a pattern of scroll ornament. Kowhaikura, n. a plant used to scent oil. Kowhai-ngutu-kaka, n. clian- thus puniceus ; a shrub. KowhaitS,u, n. a fish, the same as kahaw^ai. Kowhaki, v. t. pluck off; tear off. Kowhakina ana tona maikuku Kow^hana 77 Kui lici nlii. (24) kowhakivirhaki, tear off inece hy piece. Kowhakiwhakia tetalii taro ma te kotiro. kowhaki, a. ready to drop off. Kua kowhaki nga papa i te ngau- nga a te mate. Kowhana, a. 1 bent; bowed. 2 f^pfiiKjlny tip violently. Ka ko- whana i roto i te wahine ra te ngakau mate ki a Te Ponga hei tane mana. (167) Kowhane, v. t. bend. Kaua e ko- wlianea; kia maro tonu mai. I. Kowhanga, n. nest. II. Kowhanga, a. overcast with clouds. He ra kowhanga i wera- wera ai. Ko^whao, n. hole. kowhaowhao, n. basket lov iood. E rima kowhaowhao uwhi. Kowharawhara, n. astelia Bank- sii : a plant. Kowhatii, n. stone. Kovrheka, or ko-whekawheka, n. yarment. I haere mai ahau ki tetahi kowhekawheka hei takai. Kowhera, v. i. 1 open; gape. Ko te pipi, e kore e kowhera. — Ko- whera ou ringaringa; (50) Loose your hold. 2 burst forth. Ka kowhera te uira i roto i nga keke o Tawhaki. (53) Kowheta, v. i. writhe; fl.oimder. Ka kowheta te hiku. (151) Ko-whete, or ko"whetewhete, V. i. 1 whisper. 2 murmur. 3 scold. Kowhewhe, a. 1 split open. Ka kowhewhe noa iho te waka, ka puta te wai ki roto. (11 1) 2 shrivelled. Kowhio, V. i. tvhistle. Kowhiri, v. t. 1 select. 2 whirl round. Kowhiria te manu kia mate ai. Kowhiti, a V. t. 1 pull up or out. Kua kowhitia nga kumara a Te Raro. 2 pnck out 0/ the shell, cockles, &c. 3 select. f3 v.i. 1 spring top or otit. 2 appear, as the new moon. Me kore e ko- whiti ake tetahi ra marama a ko ake nei. kowhitiwhiti, n. grasshopjier. 2 toater-cress. Kowhiuwhiu,; winnow. kowhiuwhiu, n.. fan. Kowhiwhi, n. pittosporwm tenui- folium; a tree. Ku, n. a game. ku, V. i. 1 2)lay at k%i. 2 be silent. Kua, a verbal particle denoting that the action is completed at the time indicated. Katahi a WHakatau ka nanao ki te pito o tana taura, kua kuhua ra e ia ki nga pou o te whare. (62) Kuai, n. a fish. Kuaka, n. a bird. Kuao, n. young of animals. Kuare, see ku-ware. Kuata, see kuwata. Kuenii, v. i. he assembled. Kuene, v. t. urge ; press. I kuene- tia i haere mai ai ahau. whakakuene, v.t. beg. Hewha- kakuene ta matou ki a koe, ara he kakahu mo matou. I. Kiiha, or kuhakuha, a. rag- ged; tattered. Kua kuha noa atu te kaka nei. kuha, n. fragment; scrap). He kuhakaainga; a scrap) of a dwel- ling place. II. Kiiha, v.i. gasp. Kuha, see ku"wha. Kuhii, v.t. 1 thrust in; insert. Kuhua ana te taura ki nga pou o te whare. 2 conceal. E kuhu ana i te toki mo te hokinga mai. kuhu, n. cooking shed. kuhukuhu, n. pig. Kui, n. (abbreviation of kuia) old Kui 78 woman, — a common mode of ad- dress, sometimes applied to a girl. E kui, kawea atu tetehi wai mo te manuhiri. (i68) Kui, a. short of food. Kahore ana tau kui. (i6o) Kuia, a. old woman. Kuihi, V. i. sjyeak in a low tone. Tolie noa au ki te tikanga o te korero, kihai i kuihi te waha. Kuihi, n. goose. Kuika, V. t. desire. E kuika ana te turoro ki te kai mana. KuiNi, n. queen. KuiRA, n. 1 'patchwork. 2 quilt. Kuka, n. encumhrance; clog. Com- pare kuta. Kuka-whare, soot. Kukari, n. 1 young bird. 2 new potatoes. KuKi, n. cook. Kukii, V. t. 1 nip. 2 draiv to- gether. Kukua te kete. 3 close. Ka kukua tona ringaringa. kuku, n. 1 pinche7-s or tiveezers. Te kuku o tona manawa. (164) that which had fastened ujyon her affections. 2 a large mus- sel. kukiiku, n. a mussel. Kuku, V. i. grate; move with vio- lent friction over a rough sur- face. Ka rongo a Kupe i te kuku o te takere o te Avaka. (116) Kuku, n. pigeo7i; carpophaga JVo- vce Zelandice. Hehuahau kuku. (138). Aka-kuku, a climbing plant. Kukume, see under kume. Kukumoetoka, n. a mussel. Kukupa, n. pigeon; carpophaga Novce Zelandice. Kukiirerewai, n. a kind of shark. Kukuta, see under kuta. Kukuti, see under kuti. Kumanii, v. t. tend carefully ; foster. He poti na XJekahia, ma Kupa Rongotakutama e kumanu. Kumara, n. ip>omoea batatas ; sweet potato, old varieties of which are parakaraka, toroa- mahoe, and "waiha; varieties recently introduced are kura- rangi, tukou, toro"whenua or maukura, and waina. Kumarahou, n. 1 pomaderris el- liptica; a shrub. 2 quintinnia serrata; a tree. Kumara-kai-torouka, n. olearia furfur acea ; a shrub. Kumata, n. a fish. Kume, or kukume, v. t. 1 pidl; drag. Ka nanao ia ki te pito o tana taura katahi ka kumea. (62) 2, pull out; stretch. Taka- hia ana e Maui te iwi-tuaroa, kumea ana te whiore, ka haere he kuri. (26) 3 draw away to a distance. Ka kumea e Maui te whenua kia roa. (20) Kum.ete, n. wooden bowl or trough. Kumi, n. 1 a measure of ten fathoms. 2 a huge fabulous rep- tile. Kumikumi, n. beard under the chin ; singular or plural. 'E kore e oraora nga kumikumi o Hau- matangi.' Kumore, n. headland; promon- tory. Kumu, n. anus. kumukumu, n. trigla kumu; gurnard; a fish. ■whakakum.u, a. timid ; reluctant. E whakakumu ana toku ngakau, e kore ahau e haere ma te waka. ■whakakumu, n. a creeping plant. Kune, or kukune, a. plump; filled out to roundness. Kiinikuni, a. dark. Kia kuni- kuni ka puta te marama. Kungongingongi, n. a name for the kahawai. (R.) Kupa, V. i. belch; throw up wind Kupa 79 Kutao J'rotii tlie xtomcich. Kupa, n. mildetv. Kupae, n. a fish. KupapS,, V. t. 1 stoop. I kupapa inai te tahae, koia hoki te kitea ai. 2 (/o sfenlthily. 3 be neutral in a (|uarr('l. kupapapapa, n. xnlphur. Kupara, a. completely blackened (of moko covering the skin). kupara, n. dogskin mat black throughout. Kiiparu, n. zeusfaber; John Dory ; a tish. Kiipenga, n. 7iet. Kupere, v. i. Jlow swiftly. Kupu, n. tvord; sentence; mes- saye. kupukupu, V. i. speak frequently. E kupukupu ana tenei tangata kia patua te manuhiri. Kura, n. \. red feathers. Nui atu te kura o tenei kainga i te kura o Hawaiki. (74) 2 taiaha, adorned with red feathers. Me tango ki te kura mahora, na katahi ka horahia, na ka mau te rongo. (166) kura, a. 7'ed. He whare kura, « house with timbers tvrought and painted. Akakura; metrosideros scande7is. kura, V. t. redden; dye red. Te kuranga o Hunakiko. (113) KtjRA, n. school. Kurae, or kuraenga, n. head- land. Kuranuipaka, n. dicksonia an- tarctica; a tree fern. Kurapa, a. idling ; trifing ; having no object. Te koiwi kurapa ! the vagabond ! Kiirapae, n. treasure lit upon ac- cidentally. Kurapapa, a. flat roofed. Kurarangi, n. a variety of kii,- mara. Kurartlraru, a. per])le.i-ed. Kura'wherS, n. red garment. Kureherehe, a. wrinkled. Kure, V. i. cry like a sea-gull. 'Kure haere ana i; Karoro tipi one.' Kurehu, v. i. doze. kurehu, a. indistinctly seen. Ku- rehu ake i a au e haere ana i kona. Kiiri, n. 1 dog. 2 any quadruped, Kuripaka, n. dicksonia aiitarc- tica; a tree fern. Kuril, V. t. 1 strike tvith the fist; thump. E kuru ana ia i te rau- po. 2 2)elt; strike with some- thing thrown. Kurua ki te ko- whatu. kuru, n. 1 bloiv with the fist 2 mallet; pestle. 3 an ornament of greenstone. He kuru pou- namu. (153) 4 tongue on the end of the body of a canoe, which is embraced by the pailiau, or sides of the haumi. Kiiruhunga, n. a fish. Kurumatarerehu, n. tattooed man. Kuriipae, beam; joist; sleeper. Kuriipatu, n. up2)er hem of a mat. Kurupei, n. clod. Kurupopo, n. rotten; worm-eaten (of timber). I. Kurutete, v.t. exchange. II. Kurutete, a. stunted. Kuriitoitoi, a. stunted. Kiirutote, a. stunted. Kuta, kukiita, or kiitakuta, n. a water-plant. Kuta, n. enc^imbrance ; clog; as old and infirm people on a march. Ruia atu te kuta kia ngahoro atu. Kutai, n. a mussel. kutaitai, a. of a disagreeable taste. Kutanga, n. handful. See kuku. Kutao, n. cold. Kutere 80 Maeko Kutere, or kuteretere, a. soft: nearly liquid. Kutete, V. t. urge on. Kei te ku- tete a Pita kia awe te rnutu te mahi. Kiiti, kukiiti, v.t. draw tightly together; 2)urse u]?. Aua e kutia ou ngutu. kukuti, n. a kind of 7iet. kutikuti, n. scissors. kutikuti, v.t. cut with scisso7's. Kiitu, n. 1 louse. 2 vermin of any kind infesting human beings. kutukutu, n. 1 maggot. 2 ver- min of any kind. 3 speckled variety of greenstone. Kuvraha, n. entrance; doorway. Ku'wai'wai, a. ivet. Katahi ano te kuwaiwai o te ara nei. Ku"ware, a. 1 ignorant. 2 low in the social scale. 3 held in no estimation. Kuvrata, v.i. long; yearn; love; desire. Ka kuwata noa te nga- kau ki te tangata ka ngaro. Kuweto, n. a bird. Ku"wha, n. 1 thigh. 2 connexion hy marria^ge. Ku-wharu, n. 1 a grub. 2 a shell- fish. Kuwhewhe-whe-whe, a. ;mc- kered; wrinkled. M I. Ma, conj. and: used 1 to con- nect numerals. E I'ua tekau ma wha. 2 to connect points of the compass. Tonga ma uru, south-tvest. II. Ma, prep. Ifor; in the sense of Ho be possessed by' or Ho be acted on by,' &c. He kai ma te manu- hiri. (187) 2 by; after a futui'e verb, active in form but passive in signification Ma wai e kawe nga tohu ora ki uta? By whom will be conveyed, &c., which is equivalent to ' Who is he that will convey,' &c. 3 by means of; in consequence of. Ma te kino o te ara e kore ai tatou e tae. Conditional sentences with in- transitive verbs are sometimes expressed in this way. Ma roto hoki kia ora, ka pai te korero. If the inner man is refreshed the talking will be agreeable : literally By the inner man being re- freshed, &c. Mana e haere e pai ana. If he should go it will be well. 4 by way of. I ma hiwi mai ra, i ma te Kowhai, te ara o Kaiwhatu e. Ma, a. white; ^:)a?e/ clean. ■whakama, a v. t. make white, &c. fi Y.i.feel abashed; be ashamed; be shy. Ka nui rawa te wha- kama o Paoa. (187) Ma in the names of streams is an abbreviation of manga. Ma- kakahi, Ma-kai'oro, for Manga- kakahi, &c. Maata, n. 1 deep swamp. 2 a small bird. Maati, n. match. Maatu, V. i. go. Maatu ki te moe. Mae. maemae, a. withered. Maemae noa nga tupu i te va,. Maea, v.i. 1 emerge. Kua maea te parera. 2 be taken out of the ground, as a crop; be gathered in. maea, a. listless; as the eyes, &c. Maehe, n. the month of March. Maeke, a. cold. He wiri nona 1 te maeke. Maeko, a. lazy. Maeneene Maeneene, a,, mj't fn the touch; smnnfJi. He kakaliu maeneene. Maero, n. channel for water ; race. maero, a. emaciated; listless; iveak. Maero, n. mile. Maewa, v. i. tvancler. Mana te iwi e m;ve\va noa. Maha, a. many. Maha, a. gratified by the attain- ment of a desii'ed object. Ka maha hoki pea, ka kitea te wahi i kimihia mai ai e ratou. (121) Mahake, a. small. He kuri ma- hake. Mahaki, n. cutaneous disease. Mahaki, a. 1 mild; meek. He ta- ngata mahaki. 2 calm; quiet. Ka mahaki te hau. Mahakii, pron. lengthened form of maku; for me. Maliana, a. warm. mahana, n. day. Mahanga, n. snare. Me te weka ka motu i te mahanga. (171) mahanga, v. t. ensnare. Maha- ngatia te manu hei kai ma ta- tou. Mahanga, n. twins. Mahara, n. 1 a portion of the in- testines. 2 thought; memory; recollection. In the plural it sometimes stands for mind. mahara, v. t. think upon; remem- ber; recollect. Ka maliaratia nga korero a Pahaka, ka pouri au. maharahara, v. t. think frequently of; have mtLch in one's thoughts. Maharo, v. i. wonder ; compare miharo. ' Mahau, n. porch; verandah. whakamahau, n. porch; vercm- dah. Mahau, pron. lengthened form of mau,ybr thee. Mahe, n. sinker for a fishing line. 81 Mahonge Mahea, a. 1 cleared away. Kua mahea mai te ua. 2 free from ohsfntcfion; clear. Katahi anu ka mahea te reo. maheahea, a. ])erceiving indis- tinctly. E maheahea kau ana, kaliore e rongo. Maheno, a v. i. he untied. fS v. t. untie. Mahenoa te kirehe. maheno, n. island. Maheu, a. scattered. Kei te ma- heu noa ake aku mea. Mahi, V. t. work at. Kei te mahi a Turi i tana mara. — Ka mahi rapea te pepeha neij as the ])roverb j^uts it. (94) mahi, n. 1 work. Ka kite ra koutou i te tini o aku mahi. (18) 2 abundance. Kua tomo te waka i te mahi a te ika. (21) mamahi, a. hard working. Mahia, n. sound. Me te whai tonu atu te waka ra i te mahia o te waha o te kuri ra. (121) Mahihi, n. facing boards on the gable of a house ; the same as maihi. Mahihore, a. j^eeled off. Kua ma- liihore te hiako o te kapana. Mahimahi, n. 1 a water-plant. 2 elmocarjius Hookerianus ; a tree. Mahiti, v. i. 1 Spring; leap. Ka mahitihiti liaere te au; he papa- ku. 2 he spent; he exhausted. Kua mahiti nga harakeke mote whare. I. Mahiti, n. white mat covered with the long hair from dogs' tails: the same as kahuwaero. II. Mahiti, v. t. sort; separate ac- cording to size, quality, itc. Maho, &. floating. E whakamaho kau ana i runga i te wai. Mahoe, n. melicytus ramiflorus ; a tree. Mah6e"wao, n. a tree. Mahonge, n. a vaiiety of ti para, Mahora 82 a species of cordyline, with nar- row leaves. mahonge, a. lazy. Mahora, a. 1 spread out; hence of food spread out or served np before guests. Kua mahora te kai ma te ope? (59). 2 exposed to view. Me tango ki te kura mahora; (166) of a taiaha orna- mented with red feathers, used on occasions of peace-making. 3 lank; drooping. He upoko mahora, a head of lank hair. 4 scattered. Kua mahora rikiriki tatou. Mahore, a. peeled. Ka mahore te rakau. Mahu, a. cicatrized; healed. Kua mahu te hiako o toku waewae. •whakamahu, v. t. heal a wound. Mahu, a. gentle. Kia mahu to tatou haere. — Ata tahu i te ahi, kia mahu te ka. Mahiia, a. raised up ; lifted. Me ko kia mahua ai nga pakiaka. mahuahua, v. i. rise up; be forced uj). Kia kiki waenga- nui, kei mahuahua nga ko- whatu. Mahiie, a. 1 left; left behind. Kua mahue atu na i a koe a WHa- katau. (59) 2 forsaken. He kainga mahue. 3 applied to anything extraordinary, per- haps as not ordinarily attain- able. Mahue rawa te atawhai o te pakeha! 4 with passive termination, be put off; be left. Tena ! mahuetia nga kakahu ! (152) "whakamahue, v.t. 1 cause to be left. 2 finish. Haere noa te tangata nei; kahore ano kia whakamahuetia tana main. Mahukihiiki, n. part of the cere- mony of removing the tapu from kumara grounds. Maiangi Mahiina, see i. mahunga. Mahiinu, a. burnt. 'Whatu ma- hunu; whatu marara,' was part of a karakia performed over pieces of kumara which were buried in the path of an ap- proaching enemy, that, when they shoiild tread on the spot, their legs might be burnt, and they be put to flight. Mahunii, n. young shoots of pteris nqiiilina. I. Mahunga, 1 hair of the head; lock of hair Ko nga mahunga o Paoa, kino iho; na te whiu- nga o te whanake i whakakino. (193) 2 head. II. Mahunga, a. mealy. He ka- pana mahunga. •whakamahunga, v. t. make trial of a new crop. Mahiira, a. uncovered. Ka ma- hura te umu. Mahurangi, n. inside of a ku- mara. Mahurehure, v.t. cut to jneces. He mahurehurenga ra koe naku ; a, ka tu mai ano tou ringa? Mahuri, n. young tree; sapling. Mahuru, a. quieted; set at rest. Ka mahuru iho o ratou wha- kaaro. mahuruhuru, n. a fish; a variety of moho. Mahuta, v.i. 1 jump. Mahuta atu ki tarawahi. 2 land from a boat, &c. Mai, ad. hither; towards the per- son speaking. Ka kitea mai e haere atu ana; 'E! he manu- hiri e haei^e mai nei.' (79) I. Mai, n. 2^odocarpus spicata; a tree. II. Mai, n. mussels taken out of the slielJs. Maia, a. brave; bold. Maiangi, a. raised up. Kua mai- Maiao 83 an<;i tonei pito o te r.-ikuu. Maiao, n. abscess. Maiaorere, n. .i kind of mat; aoff:r<'. Maiengi, a. 1 raised uj). 2, faint from hunger. Maihao, n. finger. Maihe, n. fence. MS,ihga, n. sinker for a fishing- line. Maihi, n. facing of thef-ont gable of a house, often oi'namented with carving. He whare maihi, e tu ana ki ro pa. maihi, v. t. 1 fi^iish the gable of a house. 2 embellish. He korero i mahia e te ngutu, i maihitia. Maihi, a. uneasy in mind. maihi, n. a shell-fish. Maika, ad. quietly. Me noho maika ki te kainga. Maikaika, n. orthoceras Solan- dri; a plant. "M-Suiki, Y .1. remove ; dejjart. Heoti ano, ka maiki ia i tera wahi. (122) Maikoiko, a. lazy. Maikukii, n. nail of a finger or toe; claw; hoof. Kei te niai- kuku pango nei te rahi; a say- ing for anything very small. Maikuku-karewarewa, n. a shell-fish. Maimai-aroha, n. token of affec- tion. Maim.6a, n. ^^e^; fondling. m.aimoa, v. t. cherish; take care of •whakamiaim.oa, v.t. make much of; sheiv great attention to. Na. ta koutou whakamaimoatanga i taua hunga kohuru. Maioha, v.t. greet affectionately. Maioha tonu mai, ko Te Kani- a-takirau anake; maioha, n. token of regard. Maioio, a. weakly. Tena ko tenei, Makariri he rakau tipu hou, he rakau rea hou, he maioio. Maioro, n. 1 embankment for de- fence; earthioork. 2 ditch for fortification; covered ditch. Tera tetahi pa nui onamata, he mai- oro nunui nga maioro. (166) Maipi, n. a wooden weapon, the same as hani, and taiaha. Maire, n. 1 song. Tenei te maire i rongo atu ai au. (108) 2 san- talum Cunninghamii; a tree. 3 olea Cunninghamii or lanceo- lata; trees. Maire - tawhake, n. eugenia maire; a tree. Mairehii, n. small basket for cooked food. Maitai, a. good; beautiful. An obsolete word. m.aitai, n. iron. Maitiiti, n. young maM ; youth. Maka, v. t. 1 throw. E maka ana i nga kai ki te moana. 2 jiut; place. miakamaka, v. t. throiv about. Maka maka whana, dance the Tvar dance. m.akam.aka, a. Tawhiti maka- maka; a kind of trap for rats, &c. Maka, a. shy ; icild. Koia ano te maka o te parera. Makahi, n. wedge. Makahuri, n. large stone. Makaka, a. bent; crooked. Makaka, n. 1 carmichcelia s]).; a shrub. 2 a water-plant. m.akakaka, n. 2)olygonum avicu- lare ; a plant. Makara, n. head. makarakara, a. savoury. Comp. kakara. Makari, a. small. Makari noa ake nei ano te rahi. Makariri, n. 1 frost; cold. 2 winter. G2 Makaro 84 Maku makariri, a. cold. Makaro, v.i. 1 he dimly visible. I kite atu au e makaro ana i konei. 2 slieio oneself at a dis- tance, or indistinctly. Koi ma- karo mai nga tangata o tena wahi ki te manuhiri, koi aha. 3 be out of sight; be lost. Kua makaro taku toki. makaro, ad. dimly ; indistinctly. 1 kite makaro aliau i a ia i To- komaru. makarokaro, a. very small. Makatikati, a. galling; irritat- ing. Ivo te korero nei, ko te pa me tuku ki a ia, makatikati ana i a au. Makatiti, n. a variety of taro with pale green leaves. Makato, a. inclement. Te tau makato, he tau katopo, he tau matao, hau, ua. I. Makau, n. spouse; tvife or hus- band. Me hoki ki to makau tupu. II. Makau, a. at loicest ebb. Kua makau te tai. Makawe, n. hair of the head; locks of hair. Topea nga ma- kawe o te porokaki. Makekehii, a light-haired. Titiro atu ahau, ko Hiria; te ahua makekehu o te mahunga. Makenii, n. track; trace. Kei ona makenu tapuae tonu e haere ana. Makengo, a. tvet. Makere, v. i. 1 drop; fall. I makere toku kakaliu i te ara. 2 die. Kua makere te tupa- paku. 3 get down; alight; go down. Ka makere taua tangata ki te wai. whakamakere, n. remnant. Ka- hore he whakamakere o te iwi neil MS,ker6-whS,tu, a. falling heavily (of rain). He ua makerewhatu. I. Maki, n. 1 invcdid; sick per- son. 2 scar. makimaki, n. c%itaneous disease. II. Maki, v.i. have the trouble of a thing. Mari ano kia u mai te poti, te maki haere ahau ki te tiki. Makini, a. gapped; jagged. Makinokino, a. disgusted. I. Makiri, v.t. take the bones out of pigeons, ifec, preparatory to preserving. II. Makiri, a. false; unfounded. He korero makiri, tipatipa whe- nua nei. Makitaunu, v. t. 1 handle mis- chievously. He aha tau e ma- kitaunu i aku mea'2 2 tease. Makiu, a. very numerous. Tua- uriuri whaioio, makiu, makiu. Mako, n. 1 lamna glauca; a species of shark. 2 tooth of the same, worn as an ear-ornament. makomako, n. aristotelia race- mosa ; a tree. Makoa, a. at the lowest ebb. Ka makoa te tai. Compare pakoa. Makolia, n. soft slaty rock. makohakoha, a. smooth. He tangata ringa makohakoha ; a man not fond of tvork. Makoha, a. expanded; untied. Kua makoha te kawe. ■wliakamakoha, v.t. cause to ex- pand, lire. Makoi, n. cockle-shells. Makoi, v.t. deal deceitfully with. Ka tikina ka makoitia te ta- ngata. Makoko, a. lazy. Makokorori, n. cate^yillar. Makona, a. having the appetite .'^rifisfied. Mako^wha, see makoha. Maku, pi'on. 1st person singular, with preposition ma for me. Maku 85 Manako See ma. Ka maku te whenua; tlte land ivill become mine. Maku, a. tvet; moist. Kei maku koe i te ua. makuku, a. someivhat moist. Makuhea, a. starved; suffering from want of food. Makuku, a. indolent; inactive. lie tangata makuku; kaore e keukeu e aha. MakiirS,, a light red. makurakiira, a. glowing; red- disJi. Ka makurakura te ata. Makuru, a. 1 trickling in fre- quent drops. 2 shewing much fruit; having the fruit set. Ka- tahi te makuru o to hue! Makuriihau, n. a kind of moss used as a scent for oil. Makutu, v.t. bewitch. Kua ma- kuturia a Korokai e Tohitapu. Makuware, a. regardless: un- mindfd. Mama, a. light; not heavy. Mam.a, v. i. ooze through small ajyertures ; leak. Ka mama ake te wai i te pakai'u nei., a. i7i pain. whakamamae, a v.t. ca^ise to feel pain. (3 v. i. begin to be in pain. Mamaha, n. steam. Mamaika, n. a pkant. Mamaku, n. cyathea medullaris; a tree fern., v.t. jyrejmre timber in a particular way with the adze. Ka oti nga pou nei te mamaku. Mamangi, n. coprosma Baueri- ana; a shrub. Mamangii, a. black. See mangu., a. distant; far away. Katahi ka hoea e Turi, ka ma- mao ki waho. (iii) Mamaoa, n. steam. Mamaru, n. 1 sun. 2 sail. Com- pare komaru. Mamg, n. dog with sliort bristly hair. E torn nga mame nana i kai aku hipi. Maminga, v. t. impose upon; play tricks upon. Kua mohio te wahine ra na WHakatau i maminga. (42) Mamore, a. tuithout accompani- ments or aj)pendages ; bare. He rakau mamore; a tree without branches. — He tangata mamore ; a childless man. Mana, pron. 3rd person singular with preposition ma; for him; for her. See m.a. Mana, n. 1 authority. He ranga- tira whai mana a Hongi. 2 in- Jiuence. E kore e ora te tangata i te mana o taua puhi ra. (175) mana, a. effectual. whakamana, v.t. give effect to. Ka whakahau ia i tona iwi kia haere ki te whakamana i te tutu a Manaia. (117) manamana, v.t. give poiver to; enable. Na nga pu i mana- manangia ai nga tangata ki te taua. ■whakamanamana, v.i. rejoice; exidt. Manaaki, v.t. shew respect to; entertain. E kore taua tangata e manaakitia e NGapuhi. Manaeka, n. a garment. Manahau, or manamanahau, a. 1 cheerful. Ka manahau te tu o te tangata. 2 exulting ; elated. Ka manamanahau te WHaka- tohea ki tana atua e haere mai ra. Manakanaka, a. apj)rehensive ; anxious. Ka manakanaka au ki aku hoa ka riro ra. Manako, v.t. 1 like. E kore au e manako atu ki tera kainga. 2 set one's heart on. He manako te koura i kore ai; there are no Manakura 86 Manumanu crayfish because you set your heart on them. Manakura, n. a plant used as a scent for titoki oil. Manamanahau, see manahau. Manana, a. bent. Manana kau ana nga waewae. manana, n. fishing-rod. manana, v. i. give a signal by raising the eyebrows; wink; nod. Manana mai ana ia ki a au. Manapau, n. a tree. (i6) Manatii, n. plagianthus betulinus ; a tree. Manatunga, n. keepsake. Manauhea, a. 1 zveak ; in ill health. Ka manauliea a roto i a au. 2 reluctant. No roto te ngakaukore, ka manauhea to haramai. Manauri, a. sunburnt. Ka ma- nauri tou kiri i te ra. Manawa, n. 1 belly. 2 heart. 3 breath. Ka he toku manawa; / am out oj breath; or / atn out of heart. whakamanawa, v.i. have con- fidence. Manawa, n. avicennia tomentosa; mangrove. Manawa-kino, a. internally un- easy. Manawa-nui, a. stout-hearted; patient: forbearing. Manawa-pa, a. 1 grudging. 2 loth; reluctant. E manawapa ana ahau ki te korero, kahore hoki he mea hei hoatutanga maku ki a ia. 3 regretful. 4 apprehensive. Kihai matou i manawapa ki o matou whenua kei riro. 5 in suspense; anxious. Manawa-popore, a. 1 parsimoni- ous; stingy. 2 considerate for others. Manav."a-rau, a. internally un- easy. ManawS,reka, a. pleased; satis- fied. Katahi ano au ka mana- wareka, ka riro mai hoki te utu o toku kakahu. Maxei, n. Monday. Manene, n. importunate; asking again and again. Kaore e tika i a koe nga korero na, e manene na koe ki a tera. manene, v. t. tighten a lashing by twisting. Manene, n. stranger ; one living in a strange country. Mania, n. 1 ^:)/am country. 2 a kind of tussock. Mania, a. 1 slippery. 2 sliding readily over another object. 3 feeling a jarring sensation; set on edge. Ka mania oku niho. tingling. Ka mania nga taringa. maniania, a. noisy. Manihi, v. t. make steep. Me manihi a kona kei eke mai te poaka. — Katahi kamanihitia to matou haere ; then we marched in even file. Manihira, n. a small fish. Maninohea, a. 1 disgusted. Ehara i te hanga te maninohea o roto o toku puku i te mahi a te ta- ngata ra. 2 ofi^ensive; repul- sive. I. Mano, a. thousand. II. Mano, n. inner part; heart. Kei aua noa atu, kei te mano o te whenua. — He wai mano- whenua; a j)crmanent spriiig of water. Manoao, n. a tree. Manono, n. coprosma grandifolia; a slirub. Manowhenua, n. the mainland; the interior. Manii, v. \. float; be launched. Ka manu te teretere a Paoa. Manii, n. 1 bird. 2 boy's kite. I. Manumanu, n. collar-bone. Mauumauu 87 Maori II. ManuinS,nu, a. rotten. whakamanu, v.t. disbelieve. I wliakamanu au ki nga korero iiiai. whakamanumanu, v. t. treat with contemjit. Manumanua, a. rotten, of timber, Maniiheko, a,, filthy; nasty. Manuhiri, n. visitor; guest. Manuka, n. le'ptospernium scopa- rium or ericoides; shrubs, or trees. ManukanilkS,, n. anxiety; mis- f/iriu;/. Manukawhaki, v. t. e7itice by stratagem. Manunu. whakamanunu, v.i. act or speak confemptiiously. Manga, n. 1 branch of a tree, or of a river. 2 brook; tvater- cozirse; ditch. 3 dredge for kakalii, &c. mamanga, v.t. handle roughly ; claw. Manga, n. barracoota ; thyr sites atun; a fish. Manga, n. reinains of food after a meal. Ki te kai te tana:ata i te manga a te ruwahine, ka he ia i te ra o te riri, o te kauanga wai ranei. Mangaeka-tatara, n. a kind of garment. Mangai, n. mouth. Mangaingai, a. slow heavily. waewae ki te haere, Mangaro, a. mealy. Mangeao, n. tetranthera calicaris; a tree. Mangemange, n. lygodium arti- culatum; a climbing fern. Mangenge, a. benumbed. mangengenge, a. gritty. E ma- ngengenge ana te piki. moving Mangaingai ana nga MS,ng6o, v.i, itcli. Tu porangi noa ana ki te rakuraku i te mangeo. (77) Mangere, a. Inzy. Mangere ho- nla, excessively lazy. Mangi, a. weakened; unnerved; the effect of grief, hunger, &c. Kei te mangi noa au ki taku tamaiti ka riro. Mangiongio, n. chilbkmi. Mango, n. shark; dogfish; muste- lus antarcticus. Mangohe, a. soft. He mangohe noa te powhatu nei. Mango-pare, n. 1 hammer-headed shark; zygcena malleus. 2 a pattern of carving. Mango-tipi, n. a pattern of carv- ing. Mangii, mamangu, or mangu- mangu, a. black. mangunxangu, or mamangu, n. ink. Mangungii, a. 1 closely knitted, or woven. 2 broken ofi] Ma- ngungu noa tona waewae i te takanga i runga i te hoiho. mangungiingu, a. gritty; grat- ing. Mao, V. i. leave ofi^ raining. Kia mao akuanei, ka haere tatou. — • He pata whakamao, a clearing shower. Maoa, la. 1 cooked. 2 rip)e. 3 Maoka, j ulcerated. Maomao, n. 1 ditrema violacea; a fish. 2 a variety of jjhorTniutn tenax with very dark edges. Maomaoa, n. first fruit of a ku- mara-ground. I haere ki te kawe i te maomaoa ki a Ue- nuku. (107) Maonga, a. the same as maoa. I. Maori, a. 1 properly, of the normal, or usual kind. Tangata maori; man of the Polynesian race, as opposed to the white- Maori 88 Marere skinned European. Kurimaori; dog, as distinguished from other large quadrupeds. Kaipuke niaori; sailing ship, as opposed to steamers. Rakau maori; timber of inferior descriptions. Wai maori; fresh water. 2 native to New Zealand. whakamaori, v. i. render into the Maori language. 11. Maori, v.t. observe; take notice (perhaps used only in calling at- tention to a fact.) Maori koe kahore he kai o tenei wahi. Maota, a.. Jresh-groivn ; green. Mapara, n. 1 resin of the kahi- katea tree. 2 wood saturated with resin. 3 comb. Mapau, or mapou, n. myrsine UrviUei; a shrub or small tree. whakamapau, v. i. tiirn brown, or 7-ed. Ka whakamapau te tupu o te kai. Mapere, n. a species of gahnia. Mapi, n. mnp. Mapii, V. i. 1 whiz; hum. 2 sob; siqlb. 3 pant. Tangi ana te raapu i te omanga. 4 shout. Mapiia, a. bearing abundance of fruit. mapua, n. black shag ; a bird. Mapunapiina, a. rippling. Mapiinga, n. large shag. Mapura, n. fre. Compare ka- pura. Mara, n. jjlot of ground under cultivation; farm. I. Mara, n. a term of address to a man. E mara! IT. Mara, a. prepared hy steeping in fre.ali water. He koura mara. — Kahore i mara ta taua koura. Marae, n. enclosed space in front of (I house; yard. Maraliea, a. of low degree. Marakc, and marakerake, a. 1 hare; ball. 2 exposed to view; public. MarS,ina, a. 1 light; not dark. 2 transparent. Marama kehokeho te moana. (6o) 3 clear sound- ing ; loud. 4 easy to under- stand. maramarama, a. somewhat light. Marama, n. moon; month. Maramara, n. chij); splinter; small piece. Maranga, v. i. rise up. Maranga tatou, e ta ma, ka ao te ra. Marangai, n. 1 east wind. 2 gale of tvi^id with rain. 3 heavy surf. Marapeka, n. haliotis virginica, a small species of sea-ear : called also kororiwha. Marara, a. scattered; separated. Kua marara ke nga tana^ata ki a ratou mahinga. mararara, a. rather scattered. ■whakamarara, v. t. scatter. Marari, n. a lish; a variety of granite troiit. Maratata, n. polypodium Bil- lardicri; a fern. Maratea, n. a hsh. Marau, w. fork. Mare, v. i. coxigh. mare, and maremare, n. cough; phhgm. Marea, a. many ; multitudinous. m.arearea, n. a fish ; the same as inanga. Mareherehe, n. trouble. Marena, v.t. marry. Marere, n. 1 kumara used in cer- tain ceremonies jn'evious to jjlanting. 2 the first kumara planted ivith due ceremonies by the tohunga. Marere, v. i. 1 drop ; fall (of solid bodies). 2 be given. E kore e marere atu aku kai. (187) 3 die. Kua marere taku tamaiti i te po nei. 4 let oneself down; get down. Mare-wa MS.rS'wa, a. raised up. Nawai i laro, a ka marcwa ki runga manu ai. (155) Mariao, n. ulcer. I. Marie, a. quiet; appeased. Kua marie tona ngakau. See ma- rire. whakamarie, v.t. appease; pro- pUlafc II. Marie, it is good. Marie ano , kia haere mai koe. (199) MS,rin6, a. cahn. Ana ra e hoe aianei : kia marino te inoana. marino-to, or marino-tokitoki, very calm. Maringi, v. i. be spilt. maringiringi, v.i. be spilt little by little. Maripi, n. knife. Marire, a. quiet; gentle; appeased. marire, ad. 1 quietly; gently. 2 deliberately ; carefully. He mea taliu marire toku whare i wera ai. 3 tlioroughly ; quite. He ui pai marire taku ui. Mariri, a. tranquillized ; allayed. Na ka mariri nei te ngakau Rangi raua ko Tawhiri. (6) mariri, n. unripe fruit of tawa. Compare koriri. Maro, a. 1 stretched out; stiff. Ka maro a raua alio. (25) 2 hard; solid. Ka maro te paru o tenei wahi; me kau tu. 3 un- yielding ; headstrong. 4 going on 07ie's course. Kia maro te haere. maroro, a. 1 somewhat stiff, &c. 2 strong. E kore pea koe e maroro aianei. maro, n. fathom, measured with the arms extended. •whakamaro, v.t. extend, &c. Maro, n. girdle, or apron; worn by females. Marohi, n. 1 common fern ; pteris aquilina. 2 fern-root. Ka ngiha 89 Maruaroa te ahi inai'ohi. (188) Marohirohi, a. 1 dispirited; iceary. E marohix'ohi ana ahau i te roa o te ara. 2 strong. Marokau, a. siiigle; unmarried ; of females. Maroke, a. dry. Maroke ki toku korokoro. •whakam.aroke, n. eaves of a building. Marokopua, n. girdle, or apron; worn by females. Maroniii, n. man-ied tvomamuhose husband is absent. Maroro, see under maro. Maroro, n. exoca^tus speculiger ; fying-fsh. 'He maroro kokoti ihu waka' a proverbial saying for one who falls into the hands of a hostile war-party. whakamaroro, v. i. be quick. Maroro, a. ivasted; destroyed. Kia maroro katoa ai te whenua o Tane i a ia. (6) Marii, a. gentle. m.arii, n. le2Jtospermum ericoides; a tree. Marti, n. 1 power; authority. Na te maru i a ia, koia matou i mataku ai. 2 shield; safegua7'd. Ko ia to matou rangatira, hei maru mo o matou whenua i reira. 3 a water-plant. m.aru, a. 1 shaded; sheltered. Ka marumaru tenei kainga i te rakau. 2 proof against rain. ■whakamarumaru, v. t. shade; sh elter. Maru, a. 1 bruised; crushed. 2 killed. Kua maru ke nga poaka te tukituki. 3 cooked. E mau- ria mai na ko te mea torouka, ko te kete maru. Mariia, n.pit; vcdley. Maruaia, n. liead. Mariiao, n. dawn of day. Maruaroa, n. the name of the Marumaruaitu 90 Mataki ai nga ara o te nga- second month. Marumaruaitu, v.i. appear sud- denly. Na te marumaruaitu o taua tangata ki runga ki a au, na reira au i oho ai. Maruru, n. weakness; sickness. Ina hoki ka tukua mai e ia tenei maruru hei mea e pe keretu o te raara, kau. Marutiina, a. had; worthless. Mata, n. 1 heaji. Na tonu te mata manu a Turei te tiketike. 2 car ex teretiuscula ; a plant. I. Mata, n. 1/ace. 2 eye. 3 edge. 4 point. 5 mediuvi of com- munication with a spirit. 6 charm. He mata tawhito te karakia a Tamure. (172) 7 mesh of a net. 8 a fish. matamata, n. 1 point; extrem,ity. 2 headland. He kino no nga matamata i hoki ai te waka ra. 3 source. Nei nga matamata o te awa. a fish. II. Mata, a. raw; uncooked; un- ripe; green. He mata nga kai nei. Mata, n. 1 fiint., quartz, or ob- sidian, used for cutting. Homai he mata kia haea ki taku kiri. — Mata-waiapu, stone found at Waiapu, near the East Cape. — Mata-Tuhua, obsidian found at Mayor Island. — Mata-kau- tete, saw-like weapon, made of sharks' teeth fastened to a wooden frame. 2 lead; bullet. Mataaho, n. tvindow. Mataara, v.i. watch; keep awake. He kai-mataara; a tvatchman. Mataati, a. first procured. Ka- wea te mea mataati ma te ra- ngatira. Mataeo, n. north-west wind. Matahae, n. divergent stream horn 4 young of nauhm-i; the main channel of a river, Matahanahana, a. blushing; gloioing. Mataharehare, a. offensive. Naku te kupu i mataharehare i roto i ta matou korero i te po nei. Matahi, n. the first month of the Maori year; properly called 'matalii te tau,' and known by the appearance of the Pleiades on the eastern horizon shortly before sunrise, which occurs about the 15th of June. — Ma- tahi-kari-piwai ; the twelfth month. See under piwai. Matahiapo, a. j^^ecious; 2i'>'i^6d. Matai, v.t. seek to obtain by arti- fice; contrive to get without directly asking. Tau mahi he matai: kaore koe e whakama? Matai, n. podocarpus spicata; a tree. Mataika, first person taken or killed in fight. Kei a au te mataika. Mataitai, a. tasting of salt; brackish. He mataitai te wai o tenei kainga. mataitai, n. 1 fish. Kai tonu ia i te mataitai taua roto. (78) 2 salt provisions. Matakahi, n. wedge. Iti te ma- takahi; paoa atu ano; na, pota- pota noa, Matakana, a. 1 wary; on the look 01U. Me matakana nga kanohi i enei rangi e takoto nei. 2 shy ; distrustful. Ko nga mea matakana, me whakarata. Matakavra, a. 1 distasteful. 2 disliking. Matakeke, a. hating ; hearing ill- feeling towards one. Me pena rawa korua ko to taina, me ma- takeke rawa? Mataki, or matakitaki, v. t. look at; inspect; watch. Ka Matakite 91 mea kia matakitaki ia ki taua puhi. (175) Matakite, n. one who foresees an eve III. matakite, v.i. practise divina- tion. Katalii ia ka tuhi i tona atua, ara ka matakite, hei titiro i toTia aitua. (175) Matakokiri, n. metpor. Matakoma, a. swollen. He ringa matakonia. Matakorero, n. preface. Matakii, v.i. he afraid. Pass. matakuria, he feared. E kore ia e matakuria e ana pononga. mataku, a. \ fearful; afraid. 2 inspiring fear . 3 incompatible. He kai mataku te kumara i te arulie. whakamataku, v.t. terrify. Matakiipenga, n. fat tvhich covers the intestines. Matakxirae, n. headland. Matakupii, n. preface. Matamata, see under mata. Matamata-huia, n. linum mono- gynum; a plant. Matamata-raupo, n. a variety of the fish called moho. Matamoe, n. a kind of eel caught in rivers. Matamua, a. 1 first. Kua oti noa ake ra hoki i a ia tana mahi matamua te whakarite e ia. (14) 2 elder. Ae, e o maua matamua, ka tika. (12) Mataniii, a. open; above-board. Matanga, a. understanding; ex- perienced. Na nga matanga i haramai, i tapahi. Matangaro, a. Te kaho mata- ngaro, the hatten next to the ridge-pole. Matangata, n. a univalve mol- lusk. Matangerengere, 1 benumbed; cra^mped. Ka matangerengere Matarere rmga. 2 grieved; vexed- toku 3 ashamed. Matangi, n. wind. Matangohi, n. first person killed or taken in war. Kei a au te matangohi. (119) Matangurugiiru, a. 1 numbed. Ka matangurunguru oku ringa- ringa i te kopeke. 2 disap- pointed; mortified. Haere ma- tangurunguru atu ana. Matao, a. cold. Kia matao nga kumara ka kainga ai. mataotao, a. cool. I. Mataora, a. living ; alive. Kia kite mataora matou i a Tupe. II. Mataora, n. wedge. Matapihi, n. tvindoiv. Matapiko, a. stingy. Matapo, a. blind. Matapopore, a. watchful over; careful of. Kia matapopore ki nga kai, kei hohoro te pau. Matapouri, a. gloomy; sad. matapouri, n. a species of duck. Matapuna, n. source of a river. Matara, a. 1 untied; untwisted. Kua matara te taura. 2 dis- tant. Kia matara atu te tura- nga mo te whare. Matarahi, or matararahi, a. large. Matarau, a. having many pioints ; hundred-pointed. matarau, n. 1 forked spear for catching fish; grains. 2 net fastened to a hoop for catching tarakihi. Matarehe, n. a kind of eeh Matareka, a. pleasant. m.atareka, v.t. like; be fond of. He mea i matarekatia, na reira i okaka ai. Matarekereke, a. benumbed. Matarere, n. forerunner ; har- binger. Kvia riro te matarere, a te Manihera. Matariki 92 Matenui Matariki, n. a north-east sea breeze. Matariki, n. Pleiades; the sign of the first month. Matarukuruku, a. 1 benumbed. 2 annoyed. Ko ia na toku matarukuruku. Matata, a bird; the same as toe- toe, Matata, v. i. 1 be split; gape. Kua matata te kakau o te toki. 2 open. Me kore e matata tona waha ki te whakaatu mai i etahi whakaaro ke e puta ake i roto i a ia. Matata, v. t. 1 carry on a litter. He mea matata te tangata ra. 2 defend with a pad. He mea matata ki te raupo kei tata ki nga kowheka. matata, n. a shrub. Matataau, v. i. move aside. Ma- tataau koe ki tahaki, he pouri i a matou. Matataki, v.t. challenge. Com- pare taki. Matatara, n. dam for water. Matatau, a. looking steadily, or constantly. Kia matatau mai koutou ki a matou. Matatawha, a. ojjen. Kua ara to tamaiti, kua matatawha nga kanohi. Matatea, v. i. become fair (of weather). Te matateatanga i te rangi nei, ka haere mai nei maua. Matatengi, a. thick. Kia penei te matatengi o te kakahu. Matatira, a. in a row. Matatira tonu to ratou tu. (38) Matatoua, a. dimmed. Ka ma- tatoua nga kanohi i te tiroha- nga. Matatii, v. i. begin to flow. Ka- tahi ano te tai ka matatu mai. Matatu, a. wakeful. E kore e moe; matatu tonu, kei horo te pa. Matau, V. t. 1 know ; be ac- quainted with. 2 understand. ^ feel certain of. whakamatau, v.t. 1 make to know; teach. WHakamatauria ahau ki te reo Maori. 2 make ti'icd of. Kua whakamatau ahau i tera kai; ehara hoki. Matau, pron. for matou, we. Matau, n. hook. Matau, a. right; on the right hand. Kei te taha matau te ara. Matauru, v.i. begin to flow (of the tide). Matawai, n. foimtain-head. Matawaia, a. filled with tears. Kua matawaia ona kanohi. Matawero, n. charm for killing a taniwha. Mate, a. 1 dead. Ka patua nga tohunga, ka mate. (56) 2 ex- tinguished. Ka mate te ahi. (25) 3 cut or otherwise jwe- ^x«'ec/ for building, &c. K a mate nga rakau mo te whare o NGa- tikahungunu. 4 sick; ill. Kua mate; kahore i mate rawa. (45) 5 in want of anything. 6 over- come with admiration, &c. Mate noa ake ki te pai o te wahine ra. (167) — Ka mate i te wha- kama. (187) 1 calmed down. Ka mate te moana. 8 moving slowly ; slack. Tai mate; slack water. 9 With pa.ssive termina- tion, matea; be needed. mate, n. 1 death. He ope tangi mate; peojjle on a visit of con- dolence. 2 sickness. 3 danger. ■whakam.ate, v.t. 1 put to death. 2 cause to be sick. Matenui, v.t. 1 desire earnestly. 2 shew attention to. Kia mate- nui koe ki toku teina. Matenga 93 ]V.'-atuku Matenga, n. hrad. Matengatenga, ;i. 1 henumbed; cramped. 2 acJmig. Ka ma- tengatenga toku tuara. 3 dis- gtiated. Haere matengatenga atu ana. ^causing jyain. Kianunui te tao, kia matengatenga ai. (ti8) Matengi, a. three. (R.) Mateoha, a. loving; fond. He mateoha tonu ki a raua i haere talii tonu ai raua. Materoto, n. miscarriage ; abor- tion. Matewai, a. thirsty. Matia, n. spear. Matihao, n. finger; claw. Matihe, v.i. sneeze. I. Matika, w. fish-hook. II. Matika, v. t. carry on a litter. III. Matika, v. i. rise up. Kua ma- tika mai nga tangata. Matikara, n. 1 finger. 2 fish- hook. Matike, v.i. rise from a recum- hent position. Matiko, v.i. 1 descend. Matiko iho ki raro. 2 run. Matikukii, n. nail of a finger or toe; clatv; hoof. Matimati, n. toe. Matipou, n. myrsine Urvillei; a tree. See mapou. Matire, and matiretire, n. 1 wand used in the ceremony of 'pure.' He rau kei runga, he kawa : kahore he rau, he matire. 2 small stick or twig baited with a tvorm, for kokopu. Matiro, v. t. beg for food. Matiti, n. 1 2)eg ; ivedge, for tight- ening anything. 2 a dry branch of a tree, frequented by birds and resorted to for the purpose of catching them. Matitore, a. sjMt. Kua matitore te rakau. Mato, n. deep S7vamp; deep valley. matomato, a. 1 cool. He wai matomato, he hohonu. 2 green; g voicing vigoroitsly. Matoha, a. 1 untied; undone. 2 lost. Matohu, n. mark. Matoke, a. cold. Matoro, v.t. woo; pay addresses to. (131) Matoru, n. crowd. Ko tetahi, hopu noa ai i waenga parae; ko tetahi, tiki tonu ai i roto i te matoru tangata. matotorii, a. thick. Kia mato- toru nga toetoe mo te wliare. . Matoru, a. benumbed. matorutoru, a. benumbed. Matou, pr. we, excluding the per- son addressed. Matou, n. fruit of drimys axil- laris, or horopito. Matii, n. fat. Matua, ad. first. Matua ano te- nei e hanga. matiia, and matuatiia, a. im- portant; large; abundant. He matua te ika o 'tera kainga. matua, n. 1 main body of an army. 2 plural of matiia, parents. Matiia, n. 1 parent, and more especially ya^Aer. Ko te matua o Tawhaki i mauria matetia atu, ko te wahine anake i haere ora. (46) — plural matiia. 2 division of an army • company ; plural matiia. Ko nga matua a nga tuakana, he ruaha ano nga tangata. (loi) Matuakore, n. a tree. Matiiakum.ara, n. geranium dis- sectum; a plant. Matiiatiia, n. a kind of eel. See also under m.atiia. Matiikii, n. bittern, a bird; called also matuku-hurepo. Maturuturu 94 Maurea matuku-moana, n. a bird fre- quenting the sea-shore. matukutuku, n. 1 a bird. 2 a species of moss. Maturuturu, v. i. trickle in drops; distil. Matutu, a. 1 convalescent. 2 remedied. Ka matutu te mate o te turoro. I. Mau, n. ^productions of the earth. He mau pai nga mau o tenei kainga. II. Mau, v.t. 1 carry. E mau ana i nga hoe ki te waka. 2 take up; lay hold of (followed by ki). Ka mau a Tutanekai ki ona kahu, ki tana patu. (133) ' III. Mau, a. 1 fixed. Ka toia a Tainui, kaore i paneke; te mau- nga iho ano, mau tonu. (75) 2 C07itinuing , lasting. Ka riro i nga tama a Rangitihi a Roto- rua ; mau nei, mau nei, a whaka- tupuria noatia nga mano ta- ngata nei i reira. (io3)^Kia mau! stay.^ 3 confined; re- strained. 4 o.vertaken. Katahi ka whaia; mau rawa atu ki Te Hoe. 5 seized. Te taenga ki Turanga ka mau i a Piki. 6 Ka mau te wehi! How dread- ful! whakamau, v.t. l/os«ew; /«. 2 he intent upon. He waliine e whakamaua ana; a woman who is run after. whakamau-mahara, v. i. serve as a memorial. He mea tika tenei ma tatou, kia whai whaka- mau-maharatanga mona. Mau, pron. 2nd person singular with preposition ma; for thee. See II. mia. Maua, pron. we two; excluding the person addressed. Mauahara, v. i. cherish ill feeling, or hatred. E mauahara tonu ana taua tangata ki a au. Mauatara, a. on one side. Maui, a. left; on the left hand. Ka tae ki te pekanga o te ara, me haere ki maui. Mauiui, a. wearied. Ka mauiui oku pokohiwi i te amohanga i te wahie. mauiui, n. that on which one has laboured. Mauka, a. (fry. Maukoro, n. carmichoilia austra- lis ; a shrub. Maukii, n. 1 hymeno2yhyllum of various species. 2 cordyline jmmilio; a plant. mauktiukii, n. a plant. Maukiira, n. a. yariety oi ku77iara ; the same as torowhenua., v. t. waste. Ka raru- raru nga rangatira te Arawa mo te maumaunga i a ratou kura. (79), ad. to no purpose. Mau- mau kake noa ahau ki runga ki te maunga. See Maunii, n. bait. Maunu, v. i. 1 be drawn from belt, slieath, &c. Maunu te paraoa, kua motu te upoko. (102) 2 come out; be loosened. Ka maunu te kakau o te toki. 3 be taken of] as clothes, &c. Ka maunu nga kakahu ka rere ki te wai. 4 set forth; emigrate. Ka maunu taua hunga, ka whai haere ano i a raua. (68) 5 be- gin to ebb (of the tide). Maunga, n. 1 'inountain. 2 see under iii. Maungarua, n. rat. Mauranga, n. from 11. mau. Maure, n. the moon on the ttvelfth day. Me te maure ka putaake i te pae. (167) Maurea, n. 1 a spiral shell. 2 a kind of tussock. Mauri 95 Mea Mauri, n. 1 heart; seat of feai-, Arc. Ka oho taku mauri i to puhanga o te pu. 2 poles of mapon, used in the 'pure' cere- luony, sometimes called toko- mauri. 3 sacred offering. Ka taia [te karangu] e te tohunga ki te mauri. 4 the moon on the twenty-ninlli day. 5 totara timber; of dark colour, and not heavy; in request for canoes. Maiiru, n. north-ivest wind. Maurii, a. quieted; eased. Ka mauruuru te mamae; the pain is someivhat eased. ■whakamauru, a v.t. 1 quiet; appease. 2 keep steady. Puritia te taura hei whakamauru. (3 V. i. subside. E whakamauru ana mai te tangi o te pu. Mau-tara-kini, a. held by the 2)oint, or by one end. Maute, n. Jire. Mauwha, n. small bushes; brush- wood. Ka ngaro ki ro mauwha. Mawake, n. south-east sea breeze (perhaps peculiar to the district south of the East Cape). Ma'welie, v. i. be sep>arated. Ka- tahi ka mawehe a Rangi raua ko Papa. (4) Ma'wera, a. 1 broken into separate masses, as clouds. He mawera te rangi; he uapo. 2 uneasy iii mi?id. Ka nui toku mawera. Compare pa^wera. Mawete, a. untied. Kua mawete te kawe. Ma"whai, n. sicyos angulatus; a plant. Mawhaki, a. broken. Kua ma- whaki taku ngira. Mawharu, n. the moon on the thirteenth day. Mawhatii, a. hanging in curls; covered with curly hair. He upoko mawhatu. Ma"whe, a. faded in colour. Ma^vhera, a. open. ma^vhera, n. mouth. Ma"wheto, a. untied; loosened. Ma"whiti, v. i. 1 leap; skip. 2 es- cape. mawhitiwhiti, n. grasshopper. Mawhiti, n. tvhite dogskin mat ; the same as mahiti. I. Me, conj. 1 if; generally imply- ing the reverse of the condition expressed. Me he manu kua rere noa atu. (16) — He tika me i te tohe tonu ki te karanga. (148) — Often in the form 'me he mea,' if the case were that, &c. Me he mea na te tangata tenei mahinga, e kitea te wha- riki o te waka. 2 as if; like; as it were. Me he kawau pu te ahua. (138) — Rite tahi me tenei. 3 after penei, pena, and pera, not translated. II. Me, prep, with; denoting con- comitance or concurrence in time; often to be rendered by and. Ka puta te hau, te ua, te whatitiri, me te ngaru katoa o te moana. (93) — Kei te kai ano ratou, me tana tikanga ano o aua rangi mua ra; me te kai, me te tangi. (94) III. Me, verbal particle, forming an imperative future. When used with a transitive verb, the verb frequently has a passive signification. Me hoe rawa ki te au o te moana. Let \our canoe'\ be paddled away to mid- ocean. (21) — Ae, me haere ke atu au. Yes, I had better go away. (10) — The following usage also is not unfrequently met with. Kati me he purupuru i nga korero. Leave off inter- fering with freedom of speech. Mea, n. 1 thing. Ko te mea tenei Meake 96 Metararahi i korero ra aliau ki a koe. 2 a pronoun or substitute for another noun; sometimes to be rendered by 'owe,' and some- times not to be translated. Tirohia mai tetahi kowhatu, hei te mea nui. — He mea whakairi ki runga noi ai. (ii). — Te mea kalia o ratou, ko Pitaka. 3 such a one; mea ma, such mid siich ^jersons. I te mea, when. Ki te m.ea, in case that; if. Me he mea, if the case tvere that. Me te mea, as if it were: like. Mo te mea, No te mea, Ta te miea, because. m,ea, v. t. 1 do ; deal with. Often as a substitute for a more de- finite "word. Meatia te mea nei. 2 cause; raake. Nana ano i mea kia pa ia. (i6) 3 say. Ka mea atu a Manaia, 'Kau mai; kahore he wai.' (120) '^intend; wish. I mea hoki ratou kia tiro- hia paitia ia. (193) S think. Ka mea a Ha, ka mate ia. (96) 6 to denote lapse of time, when it may sometimes be rendered, yo on. Me te rere haere te waka ra, ate Arawa; mea, mea, a, ka taka kei waho o Maketu. (74) — Mea kau ake, very soon; imme- diately. m.eam.ea, a. Tama meamea; son by a slave-wife. Meake, ad. (mea ake) soon. See ake. Meatingia, a passive of m.ea. Meham.eha, a. lonely; solitary. Mehameha kau ana tenei whe- nua. Mehemea, conj. if. See under I. me, Meho, a. false. He meho ! Fudge ! a contemptuous contradiction. Mehua, n. or v. t. measure. Mei, prep, acconlin;/ to; j^idying by. Mei te ahua. Mei, n. the month of May. Meiha, n. major. Meinga, ) passives of mea. Meingatia, f See mea. Meka, a. trtie. Only in the ex- pression. He meka, he meka ! True, true ! Mekameka, n. chain. Mekari, ad. ivithin a little. Me- kari tatou mate. I. Meke, v. t. sty-ike with the fist. II. Meke, n. pounded fernroot. Meko, V. t. withhold; refuse to (jive. Ka meko te tangata nei i tana waka. Mekore, ad. within a little. Me- kore e tahuri te poti. Memeha, v. i. he dissolved; pass aivay. Kua memeha ke te hau- papa i te whitinga o te ra. Memene, see under 11. mene. Memenge, see under menge. I. Mene, v.i. he assembled. Kua mene mai nga tangata o te kai- nga. Compare m.ine. ■whakamene, v. t. call touether. II. Mene, menemene, memene, V. i. shew wrinkles. Ka memene ona paparinga; he smiles. Menge, memenge, a. 1 shrivelled; icithered. Ka koroheketia, ka memenge nga ringa, nga uaua. 2 tvrinkled. Titiro ai au ki te paparinga o te tangata, ki te memenge. (Of the wrinkling of the cheeks in smiling.) Mere, n. a stone weapon for hand to hand fighting, sometimes called meremere. Merekara, n. miracle. Merengi, n. vielon. Meroiti, a. small; inco7isiderable. He meromeroiti kau te mate. Metararahi, a. great. Meto 97 MIro MStd, a. putrid. Ka metoa nga tawatawa. MiERK, n. honey. Mierg, v. i. hecoine powerless; be exhausted. Ka powharu Wai- kato, ka miere Taiiranga. I. Miha, n. distant descendant. Tupu rawa i te miha, katalii ka ngakia tona mate. mihamiha, v. i. begin to grow, as hair. II. MihS,, v.i. tvonder. Mihar6, v.t. wonder at; admire. Pass, miharotia, be regarded with wonder or admiration. miharo, a. causing wonder. He mahi miharo te mahi a te pa- kelia. Mihi, v.t. 1 sigh for; lament. No reira i mihi ai a Tuau ki ana tamariki me tana wahine. (i ii) 2 greet. Mihi atu ana, mihi ana mai; ka mutu te mihimihi, ka ui. (122) 3 acknowledge an obligation. MiHiNARE, n. missionary. Mikara, n. knife. Mikimiki, n. for mingimingi ; leucopogon fasciculatus, a shrub. Mik5, n. areca sapida; Neiv Zea- land palm-tree. Mimi, V. i. make water. mimi, n. urine. Mimiha, n. 1 a black bituminous substance found in the sea. 2 whale. Mimira, see under mira. MimirS, v. t. draw together the sides of a canoe. Koia i ki ai au kai mimirotia to tatou waka inaianei. See also under miro. Mimiti. See under miti. Mina, or ininS,inina, a v. t. have a longing for. Minamina ana taku kaki ki t6 kai reka. ft v.i. have flavour. Minamina auahi; taste of smoke. Minaka, v.t. desire. E minaka ana taku waha ki te kai nei. MinS, v.i. be assembled. whakamine, v.t. assemble. MiNiTA, n. minister. Mingi, n. 1 cyathodes acerosa ; a shrub. 2 lexicopogon fascicula- tus; a shrub. Ming6, a. curled ; curly. mimingS, a. shrivelled rip. mingomingo, a. crisj)ed ; frizzled. MiRA, n. mill. Mira, n. Mira-tuatini, a saw-like weapon made of sharks' teeth fastened to a piece of wood. miramira, n. uvula. miramira, a. at a red heat. Ka roa te kainga a te ahi, na, mira- mira kau ana te rino. miramira, v. t. give prominence to. Naku i miramira te korero na. mim.ira, v. t. fasten on the hamni or bow-piece to the body of a canoe. ■whakam.ira, n. lower portion 0/ a flshing-lirie, protected by a thread wound tightly round it. ■whakam.iram.ira, v. t. make much of; treat with deference. He mea whakamiramira naku taku ta- maiti; kei a koe ka tonoa. Mira, v. t. tend carefully ; cherish. Miri, n. a mat like the korowai, but of a coarser description. Miri, v.t. 1 rub. 2 shell maize; sejmrate the grain from the cob. 3 pass close to ; touch in passing. Kia miri kau to tatou waka i te talia o te toka. I. Miro, n. podocarpus ferruginea, a tree. II. Miro, v.t. spin; tivist. Miroa he alio hi ika ma tatou. miro, n. 1 thread. 2 tvhirling current of water. m.iro, a. whirling; moving in H Miti 98 Mohe spirals. Ehara i te au miro nei tona au; engari he tika tonu. mimiro, v.i. move swiftly. Haere, miroia, kia tere te haere. miromiro, n. petroica toitoi, a small bird. Miti, V. t. lick; lick up. mimiti, a. 1 dried up. Kua mi- miti te wai o te repo. 2 swal- lowed uj) ; exterminated. E! ka mimiti toku iwi, akuanei pea ka mate hoki ko au. Mo, prep. 1 for ; on account of. Ka kawe nei a Tinirau ki te rapu utu mo tana tamaiti. (38) 2 for the benefit of; for the use of. NGa aruhe hei o mo te taua. (40) — Ka wahia i te tu- ngaroa he ara whakaputanga mo tana tamaiti ki waho. (52) 3 for, i.e., to hold, «fee. Me rai-anga he kete mo nga kai. 4 against; in preparation for. Kia angiangi ai te poho o te tangata mo te turanga i te aroa- krtpa o te hrtka. (166) M5a, n, 1 dinornis of various species; extinct birds. 2 a kind of stone. 3 bed or raised plot in a garden. 'Whakamoa, v. t. lay in a heap. WHakamoaina nga powhatu. "whakamoamoa, v. t. economise; husband. Moana, n. 1 sea. 2 roof of a kuinara rua. MSanarua, v. t. repair a mat by iceaving a fresh piece. Kua tawhito te remu, kua wera ranei tetahi wahi, ka moanaruatia; ka natia houtia a runga o te wahi i ora, a taea noatia te whirl. Moari, n. a kind of siving. mSariari, v. i. 1 escape narrowly. Ehara 1 te hanga tou moariari i te hinganga o te rakau na. 2 he alarmed at sudden danger of another person. M6ata, a. early in the morning. Kia moata ki te whariki mo te kainga nei. (192) Moata, n. mortar. Moe, a v.i. 1 sleep. 2 dream. jB v.t. 7narry. I whakaaro ia kia moe ia i a Te WHatuiapiti, hei tane pal mana. (165) whakamoe, v.t. 1 put to sleep. 2 close the eyes. Ka whaka- moea nga kanohi, ko te tangata ia e ara ana. 3 give in mar- riage. Ko taku tuahine ra kia whakamoea ma taku hoa taka- tapui, ma Tiki. (135) 4 recite genealogies or other traditional lore. He tangata whakamoe tau; a man who has kiiowledge of the seasons. momoe, &. 1 of a drowsy habit. 2 keeping the eyes closed. Nana ano i momoe noa; na, ka mate tera iwi. (62) moenga, n. bed. Moeahu, n. melicytus ramiflorus ; a tree. Te tino motumotu mo tatou, ko moeahu. Moehe'wa, v.i. dream. Moemiti, v. t. praise. whakamoemiti, v. t. praise. Ka kite a Paoa i reira i te kuku o Waiau, ka whakamoemiti ki reira. (196) Moemoea, n. dream. Moenanu, v.i. talk in one's sleep. Moenga, see under moe. Moeone, or moeoneone, n. a kind of grub. Moetitoro, v.i. sleep ivakefully. Moetor-opiiku, v. i. sleep wake- fully. Mohani, n. fern-root. mohanihani, v.i. chcfe. Mohe. momohe, a. flaccid. Heoi ka Moheke momohe rapea ona tuatara. (i 54) Moheke, n. thick fern-root. MShi, n. u fish. Mohio, V. t. understand ; recognize. Mau e wliakahua atu i tou ingoa, a ka mohio mai ia ki a koe. mohio, a. 1 tuise; intelligent. 2 suspicious. Me pehea ra ka whiti ai au, ina hoki e mohio tonu ana te iwi nei. (132) whakamohio, v. t. 1 teach; cause to understand. 2 hint one's meaning in a song. Moho, n. 1 a bird. 2 a fish, of wliich there four varieties, viz. taha - I'angi, mataniata - raupo, upokokawa, and niahuruhuru. 3 blockhead. 4 trouble. Ko te moho tena. ■whakamoho, v.i. steal softly on any one. Me ata whakamoho atu. momoho, a. lucky. M6h6a, ad. to the present time. I a au ano i Poihakena, a mo- hoa noa nei toku mate. M5h6ao, a. wild. mohoao, n. man of the ivoods; barbarian. Kahore he kupu a te mohoao. (139) Mohokii, pron. for moku. Mohoririwai, a. shrunken; weak; (of the eyes). He kanohi moho- ririwai. Mohu, v. i. smoulder. Ka ka mohu te kakahu. Mohu, a. selfish; stingy. Mohunga, a. crushed; pulpy. mohungahunga, a. crumbling; mealy. Mol, V. i. turn sour; ferment. Na te werawera i moi ai a tatou kai. Moihi, V.i. stand on end, as hair, &c. MSimoi, v.t. call a dog. 99 Mokorahi Moioio, a. groiving iveakly. Mo- ioio ana te tupu. Moiri, a. suspended over. Ka moiri te ra ki te pae. Moka, n. 1 e7id; extremity. Kei tera moka o te pa tona whare. 2 a kind of caterpillar. ■whakamomoka, a v. i. go stealth- ily. Kia ata whakamomoka atu kei oho nga parera. (3 v.t. 1 seek in a stealthy manner. Ma tatou e whakamomoka he wahi ruru mo to tatou waka. 2 rvay- lay. I haere mai te Hauhau ki te whakamomoka pu ma ratou. Moka, n. mtizzle for the mouth of a beast. "whakamoka, v. t. muzzle. WHa- kamokatia to kuri. M5kai, n. captive; slave. mokamokai, and mokaikai, n. 1 bii'd or animal kept in con- finement. 2 dried human head; anything kept as a cu7'iosity, &c. Mokarakara, a. savoury. Moke, n. solitary person. He moke taua tangata, e noho ana ko ia anake i tona kainga. mokemoke, a. solitary; lonely. Mokehii, n. tvhite claystone. Mokenu, n. trace. Moki, n. latris ciliaris; a fish. mokimoki, a. a plant used as a scent for oil. Moki, or mokihi, n. raft gene- rally made of flags or rushes. Mokinokino, a. lowering; threat- e7iing. He rangi mokinokino. Moko, n. 1 tattoo marks on the face or body. 2 lizard. mokomoko, n. lizard. Mokomokorea, see mokorea. MokopiinS,, n. 1 grandchild ; child of a son, daughter, nephew, niece, &c. 2 descendant. Ko Tawhaki, he mokopuna na Maui. Mokorahi, a. great. Me he mea H2 Mokorea i mokoraJii ake uei te liau nei, kari ana tera i roto i te whare. mokorahi, n. extent. Mokorea, and mokomokorea, a. scarce; solitary. Ka haere ka mokomokorea te tangata. Compare morea. Mokori, a word denoting satis- faction. Mokori ano ; it is well. Mokowhiti, v. i. jump. Moku, pron. first person singular with the preposition mo, for me. See mo. Momi, V. t. suck; suck up. M5mipu, a. small. Momipu te kaitaka i te paraikete. M8m6, n. 1 offsjiving. He momo no Hinematioro. 2 race; breed. MSmSe, see under m.oe. Momohanga, n. remnant. Kia ata kai i nga kai, ka whanatu hoki ka momohansfatia. Mom.ohe, see under mohe. Mom.oka, see under m.oka. MomSna, a. fat; rich; fertile. He whenua momona. Momono, see under mono. M6m.ori, see under m.ori. MSmote, see under mote. Momoto, see under m.oto. M6m.otu, n. see under m.otu. Momotu, n. firebrand. Mona, n. knot of a tree. Mona, pron. third person singu- lar with preposition mo, for him; for her. See mo. Mona, n. 1 scar; trace. 2 decay in stoi-ed kumara. MonS,r6a, a. loiterinq. Ehara i te lianga te monaroa o te ta- ngata nei; ka kitea pea e ia te kore, ka hoki mai. Monehu, n. young sprout of fern. monenehu, n. a kind of kumara. monenehu, a. almost out of sight. Ka whakamonenehu te waka. MoNi, n. money. 100 Mori M6nia, and moniania, a. set on edge. Ka monia aku niho. moniania, n. Jear. Ka heme te moniania o te patu. Monimoni, v. i., be consumed. Monimoni noa nga kumara o taku rua i te kiore. Mono, V. t. 1 pilug ; caulk. Kei te mono i te pakaru o te waka. 2 disable by means of charms or incantations. Ka mutu te teka, ka maranga ko te mono. momono, v. t. disable by incan- tations. monomono, a. odorous. monomono, n. odour. Monoao, n. dracojyhyllum subula- tum; a shrub. Mongamonga, a. crushed; broken to pieces. M6re, n. 1 tap-root. 2 a fish. 3 headland. 4 a variety of kauri timber in which the wood is reddish ; perhaps from the root. moremore, v. t. make bald or bare; strip of branches, &c. Kua moremorea tera taha o te rakau. moremorenga, n. end; extremity. Te moremorenga o te ihu. — Te moremorenga o te poho; the lower end of the breast-bone. Morea, n. remnant. I haere mai au, tenei herehere, kia kite i enei morea kawana. morearea, a. 1 lonely; dreary. Kaore au e noho i konei i te morearea i a au. 2 sorroziful. Ko tera kua mate; ko te mo- rearea kau ki nga hoa noho. 3 apiprehensive; alarmed. 4 ex- posed to great danger. Morehu, n. survivor. Morere, v.i. siving. M6re"wa, a. afloat. Kia morewa atu to tatou waka ki waho. Mori. Morikarika 101 Motu morimori, a. shorn of branches. He rakau moi-imori, e kore e taea te piki. — Morimoringa kai; retnoiHiJ of the ^ta]ni^ from crops. "whakamoinori, v.i. commit sui- cide, or any other act of despera- tion. Ka haere rawa i konei ki te whakamomori le; rub. Mumiihau, n, eddy wind. Ka puta te mumuhau, ka tahuri te waka. Muna, V. t. tell or speak of pri- vately. Te wa i munaia atu ra ki ona tangata. (170) MiinS,, n. ringivorm. Munga, n. areca sajnda; New Zealand jxdm. Miira, mumura, muramura, V. i. 1 blaze. Ka mura te ahi. 2 gloiv ; shotv a brillia.nt colour. Te rata e mumura ^tu ana i uta nei. (113) Murei, v. t. jylujider. Hoki atu koutoii, ka murei. Murem.ure, v.t. return to a thing frequently. muremure, n. 1 a grub ; the same as moeone. 2 07ie who sponges on others; trencher- Murere t0.1 Naeroa m;iiti muringa. (12) nga, or muringa friend. Murere, a. clever ; knowinff. I. Muri, n. 1 ihe rear; the hinder jyart. 2 suhseqiicnt time. Ki muri ; i muri, Ac, afterwards. — Ki muri i, after; subseqicent to. — A uiuri, hereafter. muringa, a. youngest. Tana ta- He muri- ilio ; after- wards ; at length. II. Muri, n. breeze. Murikokai, n. hack of the head. Muringa, see under i. muri. Muritai, n. sea-breeze. Muriwai, n. backwater. Murii, V. t. 1 wipe; rub. 2 pluck off leaves, &c. ; gather. Ka noho ki raro, kei te muru whanake, kei te whiri taura. (150) 3 plunder. Ka murua te kainga o Tipitaha. 4 wipe out; forgive. Murunga hara, forgiveness. Mutu, a. 1 brought to an end. abruptly; left off. Ka mutu ta matou mahi. 2 crop2yed; hav- ing the end cnt off ; mutilated. He ringa mutu. — Ka mumutu oku ringaringa. 3 come or gone witliout exception. Mutu katoa mai nga tangata ki te kawana- tanga ; kahore he rerenga. mutu, V. t. cut short. Me mutu i konei. mutu, n. 1 perch, being part of an apparatus for snaring birds. 2 spear thrown towards a war party by way of a challenge. mutumutu, v. t. crop off ajjpend- ages, as hair, branches, &c. Ka- tahi ka mutumutua e te tuahine. (42) whakamutu, v. t. 1 leave off. 2 cause to be left off. whakamutunga, n. youngest son. Na te kaha o te whakamutunga, nana i tango ake, ana, ka whai whenua. (29) Mutuwhenua, n. the moon on the 30th day. N NS,, ad. 1 used to call attention at the commencement of a nar- rative, or of a particular stage in a narrative. Na, tenei ano te take i haere mai ai a Turi ki tenei motu. (107) — To intro- duce some new element into a narrative; or to introduce an emphatic statement to which especial attention is desired to be drawn. 2 denoting position near, or some connexion witli the person spoken to. Ko te wai heru tena na; ko te wai whakaata tenei na. (54). Na, prep. 1 by; made by; acted on in any way by; the verb ex- plaining the character of the action being in the active form. Na wai koe i homai ki konei? (38) begotten by. Na wai koe? (57) 2 possessed by; belonging to. Na Ihenga tena kupenga. 3 by reason of; on account of. Na te kino hoki i mahue ai te whenua. (82) — Na reira i tika ai ta ratou heke mai. (68) 4 by way of I haere na uta. Na, V. i. be satisfied, 'i'angohia tenei kakahu kia na ai tou nga- kau. "whakana, v.t. satisjy. Naenae, n. mosquito. Naeroa, n. mosquito. Nahaku 104 Nanil Nahakii, for naku, by me; be- longing to me, ttc. See na. Nahau, for nau, by thee; belong- ing to thee, (tc. See na. Nahau, a. quick. Compare nga- hau. Nahea, a. Jong (in time). Ka na- hea te ngaronga atu o Moka. Nahinahi, n. convolvulus sejjium ; a plant. Naho, a. hasty in speech or action. He waha naho. Nahii, nanahu, a. well executed. Nanahu ana tera te whakairo o te hanga nei. Naihi, n. knife. NS,ka, ad. denoting position near or connexion in some way with the person spoken to. I te ara nui naka. Nakahi, n. serpent. Nake, n. belly of a net. Nakinaki, n. a plant. Naku, pron. first person singular with preposition na, by me ; be- longing to me, (tc. See na. Nakii, nanakii, v. t. dig ; scratch. naku, n. basket made of strips of flax. nakunaku, a v. t. reduce to frag- ments. Nakunakua te wahie. /? V. i. be broken to ^Jieces; be crushed. Patua rawatia, ko- hungahunga ana tera; naku- naku noa iho. Nama, n. debt. Namata, n. ancient times; gene- rally written with the preposi- tion as one word, as inamata; nonamata. Namii, n. small fly. •whakanamunamu, v. i. ap2:>ear like a sj^eck in the distance. Hoki rawa mai, ehara, kua whakanamunamu kau mai nga ra te waka. (71) namunamu, n. blistering plaster. Namunamua, n. flavour im- parted to food by something with which it has been in con- tact. Nana, v. t. tend carefully; nurse. Nana, preposition na with per- sonal pronoun of third person singular. See na. Nana, n. eyebroiv. Ka hiia tera nga nana, ka riri. nana, v. i. only in imperative. Look! Behold.' nana, a. in a 2)assion; raging. Nana noa ana ki te tutu whare mana. Nanahi, n. yesterday; generally written with the preposition as one word, as inanahi, &c. Nanahu, see under nahu. Nanakia, a. outrageous ; fierce. Ka mate korua; he nanakia te iwi nei. (46) Nanakii, see under naku. Nanao, see under nao. Nanapi, .see under napi. Nanati, see under nati. Nanau, see under nau. Nanawe, see under na'we. Nane, n. dog. nanenane, n. 1 rotten kumara. 2 goat. Nanea, a. 1 copious. 2 satisfying. He kai nanea. I. Nani, n. brassica campestris ; wild cabbage; ivild turnip. II. Nani, a. noisy. Ko wai te iwi e nani mai ra? Compare nga- ngi. Nanihi, a. distant. Kua nanihi noa atu te haere a Titore. Nano. whakanano, v. t. discredit. Ha ! to whakanano ki taku korero! Nana, a. 1 mixed; confused. 2 indistinct; inarticulate. Kua iianu te reo. (42) nanu, v. i. murmur; express dis- Nao 105 Nehe appointment, or dissatisfaction. Ka tahi, ka rua, ka toru nga kiore, ka pau aku kai: ko te nanu e waiho i a au. — Moe- nanu, talk in one^s sleep. whakananu, v. t. ')nix; confuse. Nao, nanao, v. t. handle; feel loith the hand; take hold of. Katahi a Kupe ka nanao iho ki tana tab a, ka whiua atu ki te wai. (no) naonao, n. small moth; midge. Kei te pokai naonao te ahua. whakanaonao, v. i. appear like a. speck in the distance., 1 weave. 2 jerk. Ka mau te ika, napea, kia ktiha te nape. 3 say falteringly ; missay. Pa- wera tonu tona papa ki te na- penga o tana karakia tohi. (17) nape, n. fishing line. Napi, nanapi, v.i. cling tightly. Kia mau te nanapi ou ringa- ringa, kei taka koe. Natl, nanati, v. t. 1 pinch or con- tract, as by means of a ligature, &c. Nanati i te kaki; throttle; strangle. 2, fasten raupo on the walls of a house. Tokohia nga tangata i natia ai te whare nei. 3 restrain; stifle. Kaua e natia taku korero. natinati, nanati, a,.piinched; con- stricted. Ka natinati toku koro- koro. Natu, nanS,tu, v. t. 1 scratch. He kararehe natunatu. 2 stir up ; mix. Ka natua te kai ki te hinu. Nau, preposition na with pro- noun of the second person singu- lar, by or belonging to thee. NS,u, v.i. come. Nau mai. nau, n. lepidium oleraceum; a plant. naunau, v. t. take up. Kihai i taea te naunau. naunau, a. angry. whakanau, v.t. refuse. E kore matou e ahei te whakanau atu. ■whakananau, v.i. be angry. Nauhea, n. vagabond. Nauhiiri, n. a fresh-water fish. Naumai, a. ivelcome! naumai, n. guest. Waiho au kia mahi ana i taku mahi; ko aku naumai kia tae mai ki a au. Naunau, see under nau. Naupata, n. a shrub. Naupiro, n. a shrub. Nawai, ad. denoting regular pro- cess of time, and always followed by a. Nawai i tata, a ka ma- tara atu ki tawhiti. (121). After having been near for some time they came at length to be a long distance off. — Nawai, a ka awa- tea; at length, or in due course, day daxvned. Na-we, nana'wg, v. i. 1 be set on fire. Meake nawe to kakahu. 2 be kindled or excited (as feel- ings). Nanawe ake ana te aroha i a au ki taku potiki. 4 be un- moveable. Toto noa nga tangata o era wahi i a koe; kaore, kei te nanawe ano. ■whakanana-wS, a v. i. loiter ; dawdle. E whakananawe atu ana ki muri; e kore e hohoro te haere. /? v. t. fasten. He tau mo te patu hei whakananawe ki te ringa mau ai. nawe, n. scar. Ne, ad. interrogative, giving em- phasis to a question, request, or proposal. Ka haere au ki te tiki ahi, ne? (23) / will go to fetch some fire; shall II I. Nehe, n. rafter of a house. nehenehe, n. forest. whakanehenehe, v.i. quarrel. II. Nehe, n. 1 ancieyit times. 2 used like a proper name for any Nehera 106 No Te tohunga e tarai nei elderly man. E nehe! Nehera, n. ancient times. He korero na nehera. Nehu, n. dust. nehu, v.t. bury. nehunehu, a. dusky. ■whakanehu, v.t. reduce to pow- der. Nehiitai, n. spray from the sea. Nei, ad. denoting position near, or some kind of connexion with the speaker. E koro, haria nga toki nei. (50) — Te po nei; last night. Often used in relative clauses, i te waka. Neinei, v. i. stretch forwards in readiness to fly. E neinei ana te pane o te parera. ■whakaneinei, v. i. stretch for- wards. Kei te whakaneinei te kaki ki te parua o te kohanga. neinei, n. dracophyllihm latifo- lium; a shrub. Neineikura, n. cyathea Smithii; a tree-fern. Neke, v. t. or v. i. move. Neke atu koe ki ko. "whakanekeneke, v. t. cause to move along. neke, n. roller on which a canoe is dragged. Neke, n. snake. Neko, n. a mat. Nekunekii, v. i. decline, as the sun. Ka nekuneku te ra; e kore tatou e tae. I. Nene, int. calling attention. n. Nene, and nenene, v. i. be saucy. Kia ata nenene; tena a Ngapuhi ka tata te whai ringa- ringa. whakanene, v. i. 1 jest; sport. E whakanene mai ra nga tama- riki. 2 quarrel. Nera, n. 7iail. Neti, n. a small dart used in play. Newha, oi' nene"wha, \'. i. 1 close the eyes in sleep; doze. 2 set, as the sun. He i-a ka newha. Niao, n. 1 gunwale of a canoe. 2 rim of any open vessel. Nihi. ninihi, a. steep. ninihi, v. i. move stealthily; steed away. ■whakaninihi, v.i. move stecdihily. Ka whakaninihi i runga i nga kauaeroa. Niho, n. tooth. Niho kai waiu; milk tooth. Niho tapahi ; front tooth. Niho kata; eye tooth. Niho pu, or niho purakau ; double tooth. Niho waha, or niho hawa; broken tooth. Niho tunga; decayed tooth; toothache. ■whakanihoniho, v. i. 1 grow in the shape of teeth. WHakaniho- niho ana te rea o nga parareka nei. 2 quarrel. Kei te whaka- nihoniho nga tamariki. Nikau, n. areca sapida; New Zecdand palm. Niko, V. t. form into a bight or coil; tie. Me niko mai te whakaheke. Niko, n. wild cabbage. Nini, or ninia, v. i. glow. E ninia te taha o te rangi, ka wera te Tihi-o-Manono. (61) Ninihi, see under nihi. Niu, n. certain small sticks used for purposes of divination. Niwha, n. barb of a iish-hook. ■whakani"wha, v.t. furnish with a barb. N6, prep. 1 fr^m; of; belonging to. a as part to the whole. He tikitiki no tona mahunga te harakeke i Otoi? (141) /3 as inhabitant to country. No hea koe? No konei ano. (23) — No tawhiti tenei tira, no Piako. (188) y as parent to child. He Noa 107 ijoi niatua nona a Paka. ^ as dwel- ling-place to inhabitant. Ehara i a koe tenei kainga; noku ano. (79) € as clothes to wearer. Nona nga kakahu i tahaetia nei. 2 of past time, a from; from the time of. No reira ano te ahua matemate oku, a mohoa noa nei. /3 at; in; on. No te ahiahi ano ka haere a WHa- katau. (61) — No te tatanga ki te hokinga, katahi ano te ika ka kai ki tana matau. (loi) y adverbially, from the time that; at the time that; when. No ka oria e te hau. (10 1) 3 until. No te mea ; yrom the fact that; because. Kaore ano i kitea noatia, no te mea i rite ki a ratou te kiri te ma. (179) — No reira; nokona; nokonei; there- fore; icherefore. No kona hoki te whakataukitanga iho a Toi. (63) — No hea, interrogatively, is often equivalent to a decided negative. No hea e mana, no hea 6 aha? it was of no avail ivhatever. (99) Noa, a. \ free from 'ta'pu^ or any other restriction. Ka hurihia te hurihanga takapau, ruahine rawa, kakahi rawa, ka noa. (22) 2 tvithin one's potver. Kia noa katoa ai i a ia ratou. (8) 3 of no moment. He mea noa ano. noa, ad. 1 ivithout restraint. Ka oti te tuku kia haere noa. 2 of oneself; sjjontaneously. Nana ano i momoe noa. (62) 3 with oneself Hua noa, kaore ano koe i whakaaetia atu. (194) 4 gratuitously. He mea homai noa nana taua moni. 5 at ran- dom; ivithout object. Ka rere te wahine nei ki tana haere noa atu. — Ka noho noa iho a Ma- naia. (117) Q fruitlessly. To noa, to noa; te taea. (76) 7 intensive, and to be rendered by quite, altogether , &c., ac- cording to the context. E takoto mai nei ano aua kura, a tae noa mai ki tenei ra. (74) — Ehara enei wahine i konei ; no tawhiti noa atu. (146) 8 already. Kua u noa mai ia i runga i tona waka a Ruaeo. (76) 9 just; merely. Kia iti noa nei. NShinohi. a. small; pi. nonohi. Noho, V. i. 1 sit. Tae atu ratou, ka noho ki raro. (172) 2 stay. Ka ahiahi, ka noho tahi ki a Paoa. (189) 3 dwell; live. Kei tona pa ano e noho ana. (189) 4 cohabit. Ko ta Tamatiriwa, ka noho i a Hituri. (114) Pass. nohoia, 1 be inhabited ; be sat upon, &.C. Katahi ka nohoia taua wahi. 2 be kept or cele- brated. Ka nohoia te purenga o Manaia. (13) nohoanga, n. seat. Nohokii, a lengthened form of noku. Nohopuku, V. i. 1 be silent. 2 fast. Nohou, a lengthened form of nou. Nohii, n. a fish with poisonous spines, like a porcupine fish, but reddish in colour. nohunohii, a. unjxdatable; nau- seous. N6i, V. i. be elevated; be high up. Apopo ka pou i te kai nei, kia rokohanga mai kua noi ki runga. (142) — Te maunga e noi mai, rere! whakanoi, v. t. hang up; elevate, WHakanoia nga tuna ki runga ki te pataka. nonoi, a. 1 urgent. Kia nonoi te mahi ka takirua ai te tangata. 2 disfigured. Nonoi mai ana i^oke 108 Numi nga paparinga o te koroke nei. N6ke, n. earth-worm. nonok^, v. i. struggle together ; wrestle. Noko, n. stern of a canoe. Noku, preposition no, with per- sonal pronoun, 1st person sin- gular. See no. NonS,, preposition no, with per- sonal pronoun, 3rd person sin- gular. See no. Nonahea, ad. interrogative, of time past, from what time; at what time; when. Used with the indefinite past tense, and followed by ai, Nonahea kou- tou nei i u mai ai ? (122) Nonaianei, ad. of time past, to- day ; just now. NSniLkuarS., ad. a little while ago. NonamatS,, ad. a long time ago. N6n§,nahi, ad. yesterday. N6naoake, ad. the day before yes- terday. Nbnaoakenui, ad. three days ago. Nonapo, ad. last night. Nonavrhea, the same as nona- hea. None, V, t. consume; waste. Ko nga mea anake a nga Maori e nonea ana e ia. Noni, a. crooked; bent. Nau i whakanoni te rarangi. noni, n. 1 bend; turn. Tera te wai kei te noni o te taiepa. 2 fish-hook. 3 oil. Nonokura, a. red. Noti, nonoti, v. t. 2^i'>^c^ or co?i- iract, as with a band or liga- ture. Ka rongo ki te mamae o nga taura, kua nonoti tonu ra i waenganui o te puku. (152) Nonoti i te kaki ; throttle. Ka rere mai ki a au ka nonoti i toku kaki. whakanoti, v. t. 1 draw together with a cord, as a bag, &c. 2 cover fire with ashes, to prevent it from burning quickly out. Nou, preposition no, with per- sonal pronoun 2nd person sin- gular. NowEMA, n. November. Niii, a. 1 great. E nui ana te ngaru ; e kore e puta te waka. 2 sujyerior ; of high ra7ik. Kihai i hanga ake tana wahine ; he rangatira nui no tenei whenua. (196) 3 many. He nui te tangata o roto o taua pa. (166) Plural nunui. Hemaioro nu- nui nga maioro. (166) nui, ad. in jmblic. nuinga, n. jmrty ; people. Ka hoki a Paoa ki ona hoa, ki tona nuinga. (196) Nuka, V. t. deceive. E nuka ana mai koe ki a au. Niikarau, v. t. deceive. Kei nu- karautia tatou. Nuke, a. crooked; humped. Ka nuke tona tuara. Nukii, n. wide extent. Kei te nuku o te whenua nga mahi- nga kai. — Ko Matahorua te waka nana i toro te nuku roa. (109) ruku, V. t. or v. i. move. Nuku- hia te pou nei ki tawhiti. Numi. nunumi, v. i. disappear behind. Inamata kua nunumi ki tua o te toka ra. (170) numinumi, a. ashamed. NGa 109 NGalo NG I. NGa, art. plural of te, the. II. NGa, V. i. breathe, generally connected witli inanawa. Ka nga te manawa ; he breathes. Tukua kia nga toku manawa ; allofv me to take breath. ■whakS,nga, v. i. take breath. NGae, nga,enga,e, n. heel. NGS,eh6, v. i. rustle. ngaehe, n. tide. Kua tokari te iigaehe. NGaeke, v. i. crack; tear. NGaeki, v. i. yield to the touch; give way. Ka takahia te pu- korukoru, ka ngaeki noa. ngaeki, n. stvamp. ngaekieki, v. i. over/low. NGa- ekieki ana te tai nei, huri ana niai ki waenga parae. NGaeo, n. a fresli water shell- tisli ; unio. NGaere, v. i. quake ; oscillate as a bog. Ka ngaere a raro o te whenua. NGaeroerS, n. young eel. NGahangaha, a.. frivolous. WHa- kangahangaha noa nei ki te korero. Compare hangahanga. NGahae, v. i. 1 be torn. Ka ngahae toku kakahu. 2 daivn. Ka ngahae te ata. (i 1 1) ngahaehae, a. torn into strips. NGahau, a. 1 infected by ex- ample. 2 brisk ; hearty. ngahau, n. 1 force of example. 2 heartiness. 3 dance. whakangahau, v. i. lead by ex- ample; encourage. NGahShg, the same as ngaehe. NGahengahe, a. wasted; iveak. Kua ngahengahe noa ilio oku iwi, kua koroheke. ngahengahe, n.ybresi. Compare nehenehe. NGahere, n. fore&t. NGahi, ngahingahi, v. i. he puni sited. NGahiri, u. 1 hum of many voices. WHakarongo ki te nga- hiri. (190) 2 abundance of crops. Kia kaha te mahi ; he ngahiri kitenga kotahi. NGahSahoa, n. headache. NGahoro, v. i 1 drop off or out. Ka ngahoro nga kai o to kete. 2 be abundaiit. Kua ngahoro te hua o te paukena. ngahoro, a. friable. He oneone ngahoro. ngahoro, ad. and upwards. E rua rau ngahoro ; ttvo hundred and icpicards. NGahua, v. i. sivarm ; appear in great numbers. NGahue, v. i. sivarm ; appear in great numbers. NGahurii, a. ten. ngahuru, n. 1 the name of the lOtli and nth months, the 10th being ngahriru-kai-paenga, and the 1 Itli simply ngahurii. 2 har- vest time. Taihoa tatou e haere ki reira, hei te ngahuru ; kia rupeke te kai ki te hapoko. (189). NGaingS-i, n. a shell-fish ; the same as kokota. NGS-i6, n. 1 myoporum Icetum. ; a tree. 2 a small grub. ngaio, a. 1 deliberate; thorough. 2 restless. ngaio, V. i. look careftdly. whakangaio, v. i. sport ; make- believe. Ehara i te whakapu- puni pononga, he whakangaio NGaiore 110 NGao nana. (133) NGaiSrg, n. a fish ; the same as inanga. NGakau, n. 1 botvels ; viscera. 2 hea7't ; seat of the affections. E awangawanga ana te nga- kau. — Oranga ngakau, comfort. Haere koutou, e hoki ki to tatou matua, hei oranga nga- kau mona. (184) — -He whare ngakau ; a house built in order to get U'p an exjjedition to avenge the death of some one. "whakangakau, v. i. hear malice; entertain a malicious desire. E tama, e tama, whakangakau rawa koe ki te patu i a au ? NGakaukore, a. disinclined ; hav- ing no heart for doing a thing. NGakauniii, a. hearty ; eager. NGake, n. middle of a fishing -net made with smaller meshes than other parts. NGaki, v. t. 1 clear from, weeds ; cidtivate. 2 avenge. Ko wai hei ngaki i tou mate ?— NGaki mate ; take vengeance. Ka ta- huri mai ki te ngaki mate mo tona wliakairinga ki runga ki te whare. (66) ngakinga, n. clearing ; plot of cultivated ground. NGakihi, n. 1 patella; a shell- fish. 2 roch-oyster. NGako, n. 1 fat. 2 white crystal- lized lime-stone. ngakongako, a. crumbled to pieces. Compare kongakonga. wliakangako, v. t. make game of. Ka marama akuanei te tuhituhi, e kore e whakangakotia. NGakoikoi, n. a fish. NGaku, n. strip; shred. ngakungaku, a. reduced to shreds. NGakungaku noa iho ta matou kai. See nakunaku. NGakuru, v.i. 1 drop off or out. Compare ngahoro. 2 be set, as fruit. Ka ngakuru te pititi. NGami. whakangami, v. t. swallow up. NGana, v.i. be eagerly intent. Kei te ngana a Kupe ki te ta- patapahi i nga kawekawe. (no) ngana, a. applied to the sixth and twenty-second days of the moon's age ; the former being called Tamatea ngana, and the latter, Korekore ngana. whakanganangana, v. i. make ado. ngangana, a. red. He rakau nga- noana te totara. I. NGanga, v. i. make a 7ioise. Kati te nganga. II. NGanga, n. 1 stone. 2 hail. 3 dregs; refuse. NGangahu, a. sharp. ngangahu, v. i. 1 distort the fea- tures. Kahore aku korero ki a tera; ko oku wliatu i ngangahu, a heoi ano. 2 daiice. Ko reira ia pai ai te rere ki mua nga- ngahu ai. (167) NGangana, see under ngana. NGangara, see under ngara. NGangarS,ngi, n. a variety of potato. NGgangare, see under ngare. NGangau, see under ngau. NGangengange, a. pierced through. NGangi, n. cry of distress ; noise. Taro kau iho, kua ngaro noa iho te ngangi; ko te tai anake e aki ana. (93) NGao, n. 1 palate. 2 prominent part; roughness. Meake waru- hia nga ngao o te rakau. 3 sprout; shoot. Heoi te roa o te ngao. ngaongao, n. a shell-fish. whakangao, v. t. put Jorth; sprout. E whakangao ana i nga NGaoki 111 NGata ran. NGS,oki, v.i, creep; crawl. E ngaoki mai ra te turoro. NGaoko, V. i. 1 feel a tickling scuitation ; itch. Taukaliore te ngaoko o te tuiau. 2 move slightly; stir. Te ngaoko te aha, ko te tumu kau ano ki a ia. (15) whakangaoko, v. t. tickle; amuse. Korero i ta korua wha- kangaokooko. Go on with your entertaining talk. NGaore, n. a fish; the same as inanga. ngaore, a. succulent; tender. He ngaore te tupu o te mara. NGaotu, n. a method of working timber with the adze. He ngao- tu tenei tarai. NGapii, v. i. 1 oscillate or undu- late, as swampy ground. Ka ngapu te i"epo i te takahanga. 2 stretch forwards, ready to run. Ka ngapu nga tangata ki te oma. NGara, ngangara, v.i. snarl. ngarangara, n. anything small. A matou ngarangara korero. NGara, pron. they; them. I ki atu ano au ki a ngara NGarahii, n. 1 charcoal. 2 any black pigment. 3 war-dance. Kei te tutu ngarahu te taua. ngarahu, v.i. take counsel; be thoughtjul. He ngarahu he i mate ai te taua. ■whakangarahu, v.t. devise ;2}lot. NGarahii-taua, n. 1 war-dance. 2 a shell-fish. NGarara, n. reptile; insect. I. NGare, n. family; number of peoj^le connected by blood. Me te ngare o te WHanau a Kai, me te ngare o Rotonga me te ngare o Hinetu. II. NGare, v.t. 1 send. NGarea mai he tangata hei tiki i a au. 2 urge. ngangare, v.i. quarrel. Kihai ia i puta mai; penei kua nga- ngare ke. NGarehS, n. forest (transposed from ngahere.) NGarehu, the same as ngarahu. NGaringari, n. song to make people jjull together. Ko matou kei te hapai i te mea taimaha, ka tika ma matou te ngari- ngari. ■whakangari, v.t. tease. Ngaringaria, n. shame. Ka mate au i te ngaringaria i te pakeha- kore. I. NGaro, a. 1 hidden; out of sight; absent. Kua ngaro te ra. (47) 2 missing ; lost. I haere tahi ano koutou, ka ngaro nei ia i to koutou hokinga mai nei. (95) 3 unintelligible; not per- ceived. Kei te ngaro touu i a au to korero. 4 passed into any- thing. Kua ngaro ki roto ki te mahanga. (151) ngaronxia, v. pass, be destroyed. ■whakangaro, v.t. p7it out of sight; destroy. II. NGaro, n. 1 fy (transposed from rango.) 2 roller used in dragging a canoe, &c. NGarii, n. 1 wave of the sea. 2 corrugation. Me te mea ko nga ngaru o tona takapu. ngarungaru, a. rough with waves. NGarue, and ngaruerue, v.i. shake; move to and fro. whakangarue, v.t. shake. NGariiru, a. 1 surfeited. 2 af- fected with headache. ngaruru, n. cookia sulcata; a shell-fish; the same as toitoi. NGariirii, a. abundant. I. NGata, n. snail; slug; leech. II. NGata, a. 1 apjjeased; satis- NGata 112 NGei Jied. Kihai i ugata te puku riri o Waikato ki nga tangata o taua pa nei. (i66) 2 dry. Ka ngata te wahie nei i roto i te kapura. NGata, adv. with diffic^dty; to little purpose. He tamaiti ako ngata; a child slotv to learn. He wahine patu ngata ; a woman who puts up with much ill treat- ment. NGatahi, ad. together. NGatahure, a. one. NGS,tatS., a. split; chapt. Ka ngatata toku waewae. NGatatahi, ad. together. NGate, v. i. move; shake. NGateri, v. i. vibrate ; NGateri ana te whenua i ngi o te pu. NGatete, v. i. 1 crackle. NGau, V. t. 1 bite; gnatv. ana te kuri i te wheua. hicrt. E ngau tonu mamae i roto i oku plunder. I te kainga o Te Tawa ngau, V. i. only with adv. ke, ngau ke; transgress. ■whakangau, v. t. Mi7it with dogs. Ka mau a Ihenga ki nga kuri hei whakangau kiwi (78). 2 cause to be struck with a weapon. Ka takiritia mai te taha i roto i te wai ra; katahi ka whaka- ngaua atu ki te patu e haua mai ra ki a ia. (91). ngangau, v. i. make a disturb- ance. NGaueiie, v.i. shake. NGawaki, v.i. bend the knees. ngau shake. te ta- 2 move. , E ngau 2 gall; ana te iwi. 3 pea i te as Kua ngawaki atu turi ki raro. NGa"wari, a. 1 soft. He oneone 2 stipple. 3 moving easily ; quick. Kia ngawari te hoe. 4 accommodating ; kind. 5 obedient. •whakangaAvari, v. i. move quickly. "Wahi iti te whaka- ngawaringa atu, kei Rawaki. (144) NGS,weki, v.i. creep. NGa"wi, V. i. 1 go. Ka ngawi noa te tangata ki tawhiti. 2 squeal; hoivl. Na wai te kuri 8 ngawi mai nei. NGawiri, a. ten. NGawha, n. 1 boiling spring. 2 biilrush. NGS,"wha, v.i. 1 btirst open. Kua ngawha te upoko. 2 overflow banks. NGawhS,rS,, v.i. crumble. NGa- whara noa te kamaka nei i te akinga o te wahie. NGa"whariki, n. boiling spring. NGavrhere, v. i. break up; crum- ble. E kore e ngawhere te ko- whatu nei. NGawhewhe, a. torji; worn out. Kua ngawhewhe toku kakahu. NGS,whi, V. i. suffer penalty. Akuanei nei ka ngawhi koe. ngavrhingawhi, a. torn ; worn, out. NGe, n. 1 noise. 2 thicket. Ka noho ki roto ki te pirita, ki te nge, ki te hurupi. NGe, 1 a prefix to certain pro- nouns, as nge-au, nge-ona, kc. without modifying the meaning. 2 suffix to certain adverbs, as pea-nge, koa-nge. NGehe, and ngehengehe, a. 1 soft- flabby. 2 weak. whakangehengehe, v. i. 1 be fatigued. 2 counterfeit sickness. NGehingehi, n. small bag in which titoki seeds are squeezed for the purpose of extracting the oil. NGei, n. a fish. ngeingei, a. stretching Jorth. NGene 113 NGoki whakangeingei, v.i. stretch forth. Ka wliakangcingei te kawei o te hue. NG6ne, n. scrofidoits wen. whakangenengene, v. i. muffle oneself tip. WHakangeneiigene ana te tangata ra ki roto ki tona kakaliu. NG6ng6, a. weary; tired. Kaore au i tae atu i te ngenge. NGengere, see under ngere. NGengeri, see under ngeri. NGengero, see under ngero. NGengeti, n. a shell-fish. NG6re, a. passed by ; not served. Tokorua o maua i ngere. ngerengere, n. 1 property ; goods. 2 part of the fortification of a pa. Katahi ka tomokia te pa, ka horo tetahi ngerengere. (66) 3 a disease, said to be peculiar to the neighbourhood of Taupo, characterized by numerous swel- lings over the body, and the loss of the extremities. ngengere, v.i. groivl. NGeri, n. 1 chant recited in launching a canoe, &c. 2 a rough kind of mat or cloak. ngengeri, v.i. grunt. NGero. ngerongSro, a. very many. He tini ngerongero. ngengero, n. blue shark; the same as tuatini. NGeru, n. cat. NGetS,ngeta, n. worn-out mat. NGetg. ngetengete, v.i. 1 make a click- ing sound with the tongue. 2 express surprise or regret. Com- pare ketekete. ■whakangete, v. t. urge on a horse. NGia, V. i. seem. E ngia ano i tawhiti koe, ina te rangona taku karanga. NGihS,, V. i. burn. Ka ahialii, ka ngiha te ahi. {139) ngiha, n. fire. Tahuna te ngiha. ngihangiha, a. fdl. NGiha- ngiha noa te awa i te rakau. NGihongiho, n. small jwtatoes. NGio, a. extinguished. Kua ngio te kora. ngingio, a. ivithe7'ed; shrivelled; wrinkled. ngingio, v.i. laugh. Ka ngingio noa nga tamariki. NGiRA, n. needle. NGita,, a. fast; firtn; secure. Pa- tua te whao kia ngita. ngita, V. t. bring; carry. NGitaa atu te mea nei. "whakangita, v. t. 1 make fast. WHakangitaia mai to kuri. 2 empty oiU. Me waiho kete ra- nei nga kai, me whakangita ranei? NG6eng5e, v.i. scream. Katahi ka werohia te tui ra, ka tu ; te ngoengoetanga, katahi ka ra- ngona e nga wahine nei. (137) NGoetoeto, n. a kind of eel. NGohe, or ngShengohe, a. 1 Siip2}le ; soft. Kawea nga aka nei ki te wai kia ngohengohe ai. — Ngohengohe ana nga papari- nga, of the cheeks in laughter. 2 strong; active. 3 pliable ; obe- dient. ngohe, n. sti'ength; activity. ngongohe, a. withered ; flaccid. NGQhi, n. 1 fish. 2 troop or com- pany of fighting men. NGoh.i"we, n. a kind of eel. NG5i, n. 1 strength; energy. Hore he ngoi, he aha. 2 top)- knot. ngoingoi, n. old woman. NGoikore, a. tveak. NGoiro, n. 1 conger vulgaris ; conger-eel. 2 young eels. NGoki, V. i. creej). NGgongengonge 114 NGgongengongS, a. crippled. NGongi, n, water. NG6ng6, a V. i. 1 waste aivay ; become thin. E ngongo ana oku waewae i te mate. 2 sail close to the wind. NGrongo tonu to tatou poti. (i V. t. siick through a tube. ngongo, n. sick person. NGongohau, n. jib. NGongore, see under ii. ngore. NGongori, see under ngori. NGorangorS,, n. small kumara. I. NGore, v. t. entice. He ngore i te tupua, me ata ngore marire. II. NGorg, a. 1 soft ; flaccid. 2 having the edge turned; wire- edged. ngore, n. a kind of mat. ngongore, a. blunt; withoxit a barb (as a fish-hook). ngorengore, n. yoking eel. NGori, ngongori, a. iveak; list- less. NGrongori kau; kaliore he kaha. ngoringori, n. a small black eel. NGoro. ngongSro, v.i. 1 snore. NGo- ngoro ana te ihu o te poaka. 2 utter exclamations of su7-prise or admiration. Ka tangi te ngongoro a te iwi ra ki te ahua o te tangata ra. NGoronga, n. a shell-fish. NGorungoru, a. very soft. Pepe ngorungoru ; mashed thoroughly. NGotangota, a. crushed to atoms. I. NGote, n. small potato. II. NGote, v.i. suck. Kahore e ngote te taniaiti nei. ■whakangote, v.t. suckle; cause to ftnck. I. NG6t6, n. head. II. NGoto, v.i. 1 strike deep. Kia ngoto te lioe. 2 pjenetrate. Kai te mata ngira tonu Te ngotonga NGuturi Aue te mamae i ! ki rote ra NGotu. ngotungStii, or ngongStu, n. firebrand; half-burnt stick. NGoungou, a. thoroughly ripe; well cooked; soft. He hanga ngoungou noa. ngoungou, n. 1 live coal. 2 a fashion of wearing the hair tied up in a knot at the forehead. NGouruuru, a., few. NGouruuru kau ake nga rakau i mahue. NGu, n. 1 squid. 2 animalculce in the sea. 3 tattoo marks on the upper part of the nose. ngungu, v.t. gnaw. whakangungu, v. i. refuse to speak. NGu. whakangiingu, Y.t.fend; ward off. WHakangungu- rakau; a closely-woven mat, worn to de- fend the person from missiles. NGuha, v.i. rage; snort. NGiinu, n. worm. ngunu, a. hump-backed. NGunguru, see under nguru. NGupS,ra, n. a small fresh-water musseL NGuru, ngiinguru, v. i. 1 utter a suppressed groan, sigh, or grunt. 2 rumble. NGutu, n. 1 lip. 2 rim of a vessel. "whakangutungutu, a v. t. grumble at; scold. He aha tau e whakangutungutu mai na koe ki a au? (i v. i. be stubborn. NGu.tii-a'wa, n. mouth of a river. NGiituhore, a. wasteful. NGutiikaka, n. a pattern of ornamental painting. NGutukao, n. a fish. NGiitukura, n. a pattern of carving or ornamental painting. NGuturi, n. a fish. 115 Ohu I. O, n. provision for a journey. Kei te liao inanga, kei te rou kakalii, liei o ki te Taiapu. (157) II. O, V. i. \ find room; he capable of being contained or inclosed. Ka tomo te kaipuke; e kore e o nga pouaka. 2 (/et in; im- plying ditHcuIty or reluctance. III. O, plural of to. IV. O, prep. 1 of; belonging to; used in speaking of parts of a whole, names, qualities, feel- ings, places occupied, houses, land, inhabitants, water for drinking, itc, medicine, clothes, parents, and other relatives (ex- cept husband and wife, also children and descendants with their collaterals), superiors ; also of the derivative nouns of adjec- tives and intransitive verbs, and of those of transitive verbs when they are used passively. Te ngutu o te ana. — Te ahua o taua ngarara nei. (156) — NGa tangata o te kainga o Te WHa- ta. — Te toanga o enei tangata. (156) — ^Te tahunga o te Arawa e Raumati. (93) Compare a prep. 2 from (place). NGa tangata e haere ana o Rotorua ki Taupo. (149) — (time). O reira mai ano a mohoa noa nei. 3 at- taching to. Kahore he manuka- nuka o te haere. V. O, int. in answer to a call, to shew that the call is heard. Hence O, v. i. answer. Kihai rawa i o mai. whakao, v. i. answer. Oati, n. oath. OATi, V. i. swear. wiiAKAOATi, V. t. adjure ; cause to stvear ; put one on his oath Oha, V. t. greet. Oha and ohaoha, a. 1 generous. He tangata oha. 2 abundant. Ka rahuitia nga pipi, ka oha. oha, n. 1 relic; keepsake; any- thing which serves to keep a de- parted fi'iend in remembrance. Haere mai koe, te oha o nga tangata-matua. 2 dying speech. WHakatau-oha, inake a dying speech. Ohia, v.t. 1 long after. Ko te ngakau e ohia ake ana ki taua mea. 2 ajjprove. Kaliore he tangata i ohia mai ki taku karanga i tainahi, ko te tunga tera mo nga hoilio. 3 think on the spur of the moment. He whakaaro ohia noa ake naku. Ohiti, a. cautio7(,s; on one's guard. Kia ohiti koutou ki nga korero a tera tangata. whakaohiti, v.t. warn. Oho, v.i. 1 start from fear, sur- prise, &c. 2 wake up from sleep. Oho noa ake au i te moe, e wha- kahengi mai ana ia ki a au. 3 begin spteakiiig. whakaoho, v.t. startle; rouse. Ohoeka, n. 2)a7iax lougissimiun ; a tree ; the same as horoeka. Ohoku, for oku. Ohomauri, v. i. start stiddenly. OhQnga, n. anything which may serve to cormect an incantation with the jyerson on whom it is i7itended to take effect; as a lock of his hair, anything which he has touched, &c. Ohorere, v. i. start suddenly. Ohu, v.i. stoop. 12 Ohua ohu, n. company of volunteer tvorkers. Ka mahara a Manaia kia tuturia he tangata hei ohu waru mo ana tao. (117) ohu, v.t. 1 do hy aid of a com- pany of volunteer workers. Me ohu to mara, kia hohoro ai. 2 beset in great nuinbers; sur- round. Ka ohua koe e matou. Ohiia, n. the tnoon on the four- teenth day. Oi, V. i. 1 shudder. Te mea i oi ai taku kiri ko te mahi a Kereopa. 2 grow. I nga rangi ra o taku omga. Oioi, V. i. 1 shake. E tata koe ki uta, e oioi te ika, e rere ki te taha katau. (36) 2 sheiv re- luctance to move. Ko te karakia a enei tangata, oioi noa ai. whakaoioi, v. t. shake; agitate. I. Oi, V. i. shout. Ka tangi te oi. II. Oi, n. soft mud. Me hoe rawa ki ko; he oi tena wahi. Oike, n. the moon on the twentieth day. Oka, V. t. prick; stab. oka, n. 1 knife ; dagger. 2 rafters for a kumara j)it. okaoka, v.t. stri]} off. Okaoka- ngia he peha mo ta tatou ahi. Okaka, v. i. feel a longing. Okana, n. organ. Oke, V. i. 1 struggle; wriggle; writhe. 2 pit^ forth all one's strength. Okea ururoatia. 3 be eager. E oke ana te tangata ra ki te haere. oke, n. a kind of shark. okeoke, a. restless. Ka okeoke tonu te turoro, ka mate. okeoke, n. 1 sick person. 2 oven. Oketopa, n. October. Okioi, n. a bird; the same as hokioi, and hakuai. Okioki, v.i. rest; pause. Hoake tatou ki te taumata okioki ai. 116 Ongaonga whakaokioki, v. t. cause to rest. Okd, n. wooden bowl, or other open vessel. okooko, v.t, carry in the arnns, or in the lap or fold of one's garment. Ma wai e okooko te tamaiti? Okoro, n. the moon on the 5th day; also called koro and akoro. Okii, 1 preposition o with per- sonal pronoun, first person singular, of me. See iv. o. 2 ^ plural of toku. Okiioku, &.few. Compare ouou. Oma, V. i. run. Pass, omakia, be run for. Omaki, v. i. move swiftly ; fly. E omaki ana te kapua o te rangi. Omoomb, n. melon. ■whakaomoomo, v.t. attend a sick person. Omutu, or omutu-whenua, n. the moon on the oOth day. On3,, preposition o with personal pronoun, third person singular; of him; of her. See iv. o. Onamata, of or from ancient times. See o and namata. Onanahi, of or from yesterday. See o and nanahi. One, n. beach. oneone, n. earth; soil. Onekura, n. red soil. Onematiia, n. loam. Onepu, n. sand. Onetea, n. 1 white soil; 2 white sand. OnSwS,, n. 1 a kind of dark grey stone. 2 any implement made of the same. I. Ono, a. six. II. 6n6, v.t. plant. Kei te ono riwai NGaitawhiri. Onoi, v.i. move. E kore koe e onoi mai i te tumu? Ouga5ng9,, n. nettle; urticaferox. Onge 117 or u. niisfTdlifi. ongaonga, a. rough; prickly. E ongaong.a ana to luea nei, tara- tara tonu. whakaongaonga, v.t. goad; ex- cite. Te karakia whakaonga- ^ onga. (158) Onge, a. scarce. He onge no tc kai i mahue ai tera walii. ongeonge, a. 1 scarce. Ka onge- onge nga kai, kahamuhamu i nga puka. 2 lonely. Ka ongeonge pea te tangata kotahi. onge, n. a bird. Ope, V. t. 1 scrape tip; scrape to- gether. Opea mai te kapura ki waho. 2 scratch the head, &c. ope, n. troojy; miinher of persons moving together. Opi, a. terrified. Opi ana tera au _ i te mataku. Opiinga, n. a kind of conglomer- ate stone. Opiirg, a. pied; varied with jmtches 0/ colour; in piatches. He opure te mara a Hare. I. Ora, a. 1 alive. 2 ivell in health. 3 safe; escaped; recovered. E, kua ora a Raumati. (102) 4 satiated; satisfied ivithfood. ' Te ora iti o Kahutore'; luxuries, as opposed to necessaries. ora, n. slave. Kei hea nga ora wahine? oranga, II. Ora, n. wedge. oraora, v. i. shake; wag. Heoi ano; oraora kau ana ko te hiku kau. (160) Oraiti, a. escaping with difficidty. Ka tangi raua mo te oraititanga o tona teina. (50) Oran6a,a. escaping loith difficulty. Oranoa matou i te tahuritanga o te waka. OrapitS, a. escaping narrowly. Ore, v.t. 1 hore. 2 search out Ota secretly. oreore, v.i. shake. oreore, ad. ve7-y dry. Pakupaku oreore. Orga, n. a kind of eel. Ori, a v.t. caiise to wave to and fro. Ka oria e te hau. ji v.i. move. E ori mai ana te tupa- paku, kua tae mai tona wairua ki konei. ori, n. 1 had tveather. Ka roko- hina e te ori ki Tokomaru, ka noho. 2 prey of disease. He ori matou na te mate nei. 3 place where peoj^le have been car- ried ofi' by disease. Kaua e noho i runga i te ori, kei piri mai te mate ki a koe. ■whakaoriori, n. song chaunted over a child, by a person hold- ing; the child in his arms. Oro, v. t. sharpen on a stone ; grind. Kia oroia taku toki, ka haere ai au ki te mahi. OrokS, ad. for the first time. Ki- hai i oroko kumea, kua puta kei waho o te ana. (160) Orongoniii, n. the moon on the 28th day. OrSpapa, a. all alike, without ex- ceptio7i. Ka oropapa nga kino o te kainga nei i te kainga nei te whakarite. Or6ta, a. 1 voracious; destructive, E tama, he autaia koe, he oro- ta. 2 exterminated; utterly con- stcmed. Orota ana tera te ta- ngata whenua i te patunga a te taua; kahore he morehu. Ovn, a. boggy. E oru ana te whenua. oru, n. 1 bog. 2 dee]) hole. 3 sting-ray. Ota, a. green; uncooked. ota, v. t. eat in a green state. I otaina e matou nga kumara. ota, n. sawdust. Otane 118 iPa Otaota, n. herbs in general ; iceeds; litter. Tarakea atu nga otaota. Otane, n. the moon on the 27th dny. I. Oti. 1 finished, with a verb in the infinitive to denote the oper- ation which is finished. Kua oti te waka te tarai. 2 with atu or mai, gone or come Jor good. Ka oti atu a Hajiiri ; e kore e hoki mai. "whakaoti, v. i. finish. whakaotinga, n. yoxhngest child of a family. Ko Pehi to niatou wliakaotinga. See heoti. II. Oti, ad. interrog. then. E kore oti koe haei'e? Otiia, conj. hut; but on the other hand. Otira, conj. hut; hut indeed; hat at the same time. Nona ano taua kainga; otira no matou katoa. Oturu, n. the moon on the six- teenth day; also called turu. Ou, 1 preposition o with personal pronoun, 2nd person singular ; of thee. See o, prep. Oue, n. 1 a variety of j)hormium tenax, with leaves of a brown colour. 2 the tnoon on the Jfth day. Oueniiku, n. rainbow. OuMU, n. oven. Ouou, a,, few. 6wa, n. thwart of a canoe. Owhanga, n. nest. OAvhiti, a., see ohiti. I. Pa, V. t. (pass, pangiaorpakia). 1 touch. Kua pa atu nga ringa ki aua pohutukawa, ana, nga- horo noa iho. (74) — Kahore te turoro nei e pa kai.— Kua pa to tatou waka ; said of a fishing- canoe, when tlie sinker of one of the fishing-lines had touched the head of a fish, and bad luck was therefore anticipated. — Ka pate upoko o te tai ; or, ka pa te tai ; the tide has reached its highest. 2 hold personal communication with; accost. Nonanahi ia i pa mai ai ki a au. 3 affect. Kei pangia koe e te niamae. 4 reach one^s ears. Ka pa te karanga a te tangata nei, 'Ko te Kahurere- moa.' (148) whakapa, v. t. 1 cause to touch. 2 touch. 3 tell privately. Te- kaha ko Hemi, wliakapakia ana ki te wahine. — make secret sug- gestions, E whakapapa haere na koe ki te rakau ra kia tukua ki raro. Whakapa-he, accuse; britig a cliarge of wrong-doing against any one ; a modern ex- pression. II. Pa, V. t. (pass. paia). 1 block up ; obstruct. He alia ra te ara nei i paia ai? 2 Ka paia te huaki; the assault is made. whakapa, v. t. close tip. ■whakapakanga, n. youngest in rt family. To matou whaka- pakanga ; our youngest brother. (10) pa, n. 1 stockade ; fortified place. Te ingoa o tona pa ko WHaka- rewa. (182) 2 weir for catching fish. 3 anything wherewith an open j)lace is blocked tip; barri- cade; screen. ^ fat covering the inivards of animals. III. Pa, V. i. he struck. Roa noa atu ratou e epaepa ana i a ia, kihai hoki i pa. (16). Pa 119 Pahake IV. Pa, n. a term of address. Tauii mai, e pa ! Pae, n. 1 horizon. Ka puta to ra i raro i te pae. — Kia iigaro te tu-a-pae wlienua. (21) 2 region; direction. Kei whea te pae ki toku niatua? (136) 3 horizontal ridges parallel to one another. 4 stej) in a ladder or staircase. 5 transverse su2)2yorts of the karaho or iloor of a canoe. 6 perch; rest. He pae koau. — Te pae mo taku pu. 7 gums. 8 circumference measured ])y the 'maro' with the extended arms. He rakau nui, e toru te pae ; a large tree, measuririg three Jathoms in circumference. — Pae tahi hamama te rakau nei ; this tree is over one fathom in cir- cumference. 9 ropes by which a seine is hauled, the upper and lower ropes being called respec- tively pae-runga., and pae-raro. pae, V. i. 1 lie across. He aha te mea e pae mai nei i te ara? 2 lie on one side ; and so 3 he collected together ; lie ready for use. Kua pae nga rakau mo te whare. 4 he laid to the charge of any one. Ka pae nei hoki na korua te tupa- paku nei. 5 he cast on shore. E pae ana tera i uta, kua mate. (93) Pass, paea, in the same sense. I paea te kaipuke ki NGunguru. pae, V. t. surround with a border. Paea mai nga parua o te umu, kia hoki mai ai te mamaoa ki rote. pS,pS,e, V. i, be driven broadside on shore. Ka papae te waka, akuanei ka pakaru. paenga, n. 1 p^ace where any- thing is laid on one side or across. Hence 2 margin of a cultivation, being the \r,iyl lo which tiie weeds are thrown. 3 place wliere pits are constructed for keeping kumai'a, &c. Kei te paonga rua a to llaharaha. whakapae, v. t. 1 lay across, &c. Me whakapae te rakau noi hoi arawhata. 2 accuse falsely. Ko te take i haere mai ai ia, he whakapaenga ki te rua kumara na ona hoa. (136) 3 besiege. paepae, n. 1 threshold; door-sill; or anything similar. 2 vessel to hold anything. 3 dredge for fresh-water crayfish. 4 ujyper curl of moko on the cheek. PS,ekura, n. lost property : so called from the red feathers (kura) which were dropped into the sea by Tauninihi, and afterwards picked up on the shore by Mahina. Ko te pae- kura kite a Mahina. (74) Paemanu, n. collar-ho7ie. Paepaeroa, n. mat with a broad ornamental border. Paerangi, a. coming frotn a dis- tance. He tangata paerangi. Paeroa, n. wind which hloivs along the shore. Paetara, a. Kaho paetara, batten fastened to the uprights of a house to keep them in place; wcdl-plate. Paetiiri, n. tattooing on the thigh. Paewae, n. threshold. Paewai, n. 1 a kind of eel. 2 batten on the inside of the joint between the rauawa and the body of a canoe. 3 driftwood. 4 paewai o te rangi ; ivater hori- zon. Mehemea ka tino marama te paewai o te rangi. Pae"whenua, n. dock; rumex sp, Pah9,kS., n. calabash. Pahakg, v. i. bask. whakapahake, v. i. bask, E Pahaki 120 Pai wliakapahake na i te ra. Pahaki, n. denoting small rela- tive distance. Kei pahaki tata atu e takoto ana; lying a little hpyond. Pahauahana, v. t. anoint with red ochre and oil. Pahao, V. t. enclose in a net; shut in. paiiao, n. basket used for catching /.sA. Pahau, n. heard. Pahekg, v.i. 1 slii:). Kei paheke koe. 2 liave a running issue. pahekeheke, a. slijypery. Pahemo, v.i. 1 pass by; jjass on. Kua pahemo te ope o NGati- porou. 2 pass on one side; miss. Kahore i tahitahi ki taku waevs^ae; i pahemo. Paheno, v.i. 1 come thntied. Kia niau te hotiki, kei paheno. 2 slijy away ; escape. WHai noa, whai noa, paheno tonu atu. Pahengahenga, n. geniostoma ligustri/oliujn ; a tree. Pahengihengi, a. blowing gently. He hau pahengihengi. Pahi, a. gloomy; disquieted. Ka pahi tona ngakau. Pahi, n. purse; wallet. Pahi, n. comp)any of travellers ; number of persons in a body. Ko hea te palii e haere nei. Pahia, v.t. slap. I pahiatia pea te tamaiti nei, ina ka tangi. Pahihi, v.i.fotv in driblets. Pa- hihi ana te rere. Pahika, a. 1 jxissed on. Kua pahika atu nga tangata o Toko- maru. 2 extending to greater length. Pahika ake taku rakau i tau. PahikohikS, n. bow fence, made of sticks with both ends stuck into the ground; any make-shift fence. Pahiwihi-wi, a. uneven. Mamae ana au i te pahiwihiwi o toku moenga. pahiwihiwi, n. a fish. Paho, a. soaring. w^hakapaho, v.i. soar. Pahoahoa, n. headache; giddi- ness; st^ipor. PahokS,, and pah6kS,h6ka, n. screen or shed made of branches with the butts stuck into the ground. Pahore, a. 1 scra^ied off; abraded. Kua pahore te hiako. 2 having the skin rubbed off. He rongoa mo te pahore o toku waewae. 3 dented. Pahu, n. alarum, made of stone or wood, formerly used in time of war. Pahu, v.i. burst; ex^ylode. Kaa- nga pahuliu ; popped corn. Pahua, pahuahua, v. t. ])hinder. Kua pahuatia te kainga o Taka. Pahuhii, v.i. slip off. E mau ana te whakaheke; e kore e pa- liuhu. Pahiinii, v.i. burn. pahunu, n. fre. Pahupahii, n. fester. PS,hunga, n. cru7nb. PS,hure, v.i. 1 pass by. Kua pahure ke nga waka i te ata. 2 come in sight; appear. Ta- ngohia te mea e pahure mai na. 3 escape. Me te manu motu i te mahanga; ehara, ka })ahure. (64) 4 be accomjilished. whakapahure, a v. t. catise to pass by; fS v.i. be nearly gone by. PS,i, a. 1 good. 2 j^leasaiit. pai, v.i. be pleased; be willing; assent. Kihai ia i pai mai ki ta korua korero. — Pass, paingia, be liked; be approved of. E kore e paingia tenei kainga. whakapai, v.t. 1 make good; Paiaka 121 Pakau iiga 1 taku rongonga i set in order. 2 pronounce good; praise. Whakapai-ruaki, fed 7iausea. whakapaipai, v. t. adorn. whakapaipai, a. ornamental. PaiS,ka, n. 1 I'oot of a tree. 2 weapon made from a root. (155) Paierg, n. bundle. E liia paiere raupo? paiere, v. t. tnake up into bundles. Paieretia nga rakau. Pailiau, n. 1 beard. 2 wing of a bird. 3 large fins of flying-fish, or of gurnard. 4 2^rojeciing sides of the haumi of a canoe. Paihere, n. or v. t. the same as paiere. Paihi, a. imeasy in mind. Paihi ana tera au te korero na. Paihore, a. 1 going astray; Ta te tamariki niahi, paihore ke, paihore ke. 2 desultory. Paike, v.t. strike. Paikea ki te ham a. paikeike, v.t. elevate. Taria mai he oneone hei paikeike mo tenei wahi. Paikea, a. He whare paikea ; a house having the entrance at one end, hut no verandah. Paina, painaina, v. i. warm one- self Kia paina atu ahau ki te taha o te kapura. Paipa, n. 2iip&- Paipai, n. a cutaneous disease. Pairi, a. disquieted; afraid; soli- citoiis. Ka pairi toku ngakau ki te pukapuka a NGatiporou. Pairi, n. tvashboards at the bow of a canoe. Paitini, n. poiso7i. Pai"wai, n. a kind of eel; the same as pakarara. Pai-wii-wi, a. see pahiTvihi^wi. Paka, or pakaka, a. 1 scorched. 2 red or brown. Kei te wahi pakaka te ara. Paka, a. dried. Me i paka te kai nei, ka reka. pakapaka, a. dry. Pakaha, a. violent ; severe. E pahaka ana te mamae. Pak^iahi, n. firejylace in a canoe, etc. Pakaka, v. t. surround; hem in with the view of catching. pakaka, n. small enclosure for a trap. Hangaa he pakaka mo to tawhiti. Pakake, n. whale. Pakakinakina, a. hot. E paka- kinakina ana te whiti o te ra. PS,kak6hi, n. fern-root. Pakaku, v. i. X make a harsh grating sotmd. 2 make a re- 2)eated knocking. PS.kanga, n. quarrel; hostilities; tvar. PakangS, see under pa. Pakani, a. quarrelsome. Katahi ano taku tangata pakani, ko koe. pakarara, n. a kind of eel. Pakarea. Pakari, a. 1 matured; hard. 2 strong. ■whakapakari, v. i. hoast. Pakaru, a. 1 shivered ; broken. Kua pakaru te kohua. 2 re7it; sjilit; torn. He pakaru no te poti te hoea ai. 3 j)ut to flight; dispersed. (N.B. — pakaru is not applied to a cord, &c., which would be motu; nor to anything long and stifl', which would be ■whati.) pakaru, or pakarukarii, v. t. break in 2^ieces. Pakarua te karaha. Pakati, n. a pattern of carving. Pakato, V. i. Jlotv, as the tide. He tai pakato mai. Pak3,u, or pakaukau, n. wing Pakauroharoha 122 Pakikau of a bird, of an army, or of a building. Pakauroharoha, n. winged grass- hop2)er. Pakaurua, n. sting-ray ; trygon thnlnssia; a fish. Pakawha, n. 1 leaf. 2 husk. Pake, n. rough mat made of leaves of kiekie or flax. Pake, a. obstinate. Ka pake te tangata ra, e kore e whaka- tika. whakapakepake, v. t. unsettle; cause to abscond. Na Te Rangi i whakapakepake i oma ai taku pononga. Pake, V. i. crack ; emit a sound like that of rending, &c. Ka pake te rakau, meake whati. pakeke, v. t. scrape. Kia pake- ketia nga riwai. Pakeha. pakepakeha, n. imaginary beings of evil influence, more commonly known as patupaiarehe ; said to be like men, with fair skins. pakepakeha, a. 1 awkivard ; outlandish. Ehara i te hanga tou pakepakeha. 2 disorderly in dress, &c. Pakeha, n. foreigner ; probably from pakepakeha, as above. Kai pakeha ; a kind of sweet potato, introduced from abi'oad. Pakeka, n. land that has been exliausted by cultivation. pakekakeka, n. a water-plant. Pakeke, a. 1 hard; stiff. Pa- keke tonu, e kore e ngawhere. 2 grown u]^; adult. Pakeke rawa ake, te moe tahi, te aha. (II) Pakeke, see under pake. Pakere, n. outer leaves of a plant, as opposed to rito. PakStu, V. t. clear oj^ ; cut off. E paketu ana ahau i te taru. Pake"wa, v. i. make a mistake itt )i]>eakiug. pakewa, a. solitary. He ika pa- kewa. I. Paki, a. fair; without rain. Kia paki te rangi ka haere ai tatou. II. Paki, papaki, v. t. 1 slap; pat. 2 cla2} or strike together. Papaki ou ringaringa. — He tai papaki rua, a place where two waves meet. paki, n. apro7t; petticoat. Hei paki putanga mona. (13) papaki, n. cliff against which the waves beat. pakipaki, v. t. 1 slap or pat frequently. 2 cure or preserve by drying. Kei te pakipaki upoko. pakipaki, n, 1 decoy parrot. 2 fn. 3 kete or wallet, with a flap to cover the opening. whakapaki, v. t. dry by the fire ; toast. Ka whakapakia te puwha ki te ahi, ka whakapakia ki tona waha, ka taumahatia, ara ka karakiatia, kia noho ai te wai- rua tohunga ki roto ki a ia. Pakiaka, n. root of a tree. Pakiha"wa, n. throat-fin of a fish. pakihawa, a. clumsy. He koiwi pakihawa rawa koe. I. Pakihi, a. 1 dried up. Hence 2 at lowest ebb. Kua pakihi te tai. II. Pakihi, v. i, dig for fern-root. I hoki mai au i te pakihi. pakihi, n. j[??ace where fern-root is dug. ■whakapakihi, v. t. dig super- ficially. Kaua e whakajjakihi- tia te keringa. Pakihiroa, n. north-east gale. Pakihi-wi, n. shotdder. PakihorS, a. lazy. Pakik3.u, n. garment. Te wahi i Pakiki 123 Pakuku wailioti;i iii oiui p.ikikaii. (132) Pakiki, v. t. 1 ques^tionfrequetUly or urgently. Ka pakikitia te tane kia korero; kore noa iho e korero. — lie aha ra kia paki- kitia rawatia e koe? 2 beg. Pakinakina, a. liot. Compare pakakinakina. Pakini, v. t. 1 ni2); ^;incA. 2 nick; notch. pakini, a. notched. Hore he wahi i pakini. Pakipakitai, n. a slimy vege- table matter in the sea. Pakira, a. bald. Pakiri, v. t. shew the teeth ; grin. Ka pakiri mai nga niho o te tangata. Pakirikiri, n. a fish. Pakirehua, v. i. make enquiries. Ka hoki mai ki konei pakire- hua ai. Pakitara, n. side-wall o£ a house. Pakiwaha, n. sides of the mouth. pakiwaha, a. boastful. He ta- ngata pakihawa. Pako, and papako, v. t. glean after the crop has been taken up. E pako kapana ana. Pako, V. i. make a loud sudden sound or report; pop. Ka pako te tai, he tohu hau tonga. Pakoa, a. 1 that has become shal- low or dry. 2 low, of the tide. Kia pakoa te tai ka haere ai tatou. Pakohea, a. dried up. Ka pako- hea ahau i te i-a. Pakohii, a. rent; cleft. Ka pa- kohu tenei wahi. pakohu, n. chasm. Pakoko, a. not producing young; barren. Pakoko, a. 1 shrunk; dried ujJ. 2 become shallow or di'y. 3 ema- ciated; lean. Ka pakoko nga kauwae o te tawhiti nei, 4 old; of the pj'evious year (of I'oots, &c., used for food). ■whakapakoko, v. t. dry. ■whakapakoko, n. 1 mummy. 2 iimige. Pakonga, a. concave; hollow. E pakonga ana tenei taha. Pakora, a. lotv (of the tide). Pakore, a. broken (of anythiiig which breaks to pieces, as an earthen vessel, calabash). Pakoro, n. 2^otato-stack. Pakoro, a. not producing young; barren. Pakii, a. 1 dried. E paku ana taku korokoro. 2 small. He whare paku. paku, n. 1 scab. Kua pakua te toto. 2 si7iall qtiantity ; any- thing small. E rua rawa nga paku korero o tenei runanga. papakii, v. i. set ; become hard or d7-y. Kua papaku te hinu i roto i te taha. papaku, a. shallotv. Kia tuku te wai ka papaku te kauanga. pakupS,ku, a. 1 somewhat dry ; shallow. 2 somewhat small. Riri pakupaku, spite. whakapaku, a v. i. begin to be dry or small. Ka whakapaku te tai, ina nga manu ka noho i runga i te tahuna. (3 v. t. make dry, &c. Pakii, V. i. 1 make a sudden sound or report. Na wai te pu i paku nei 1 2 7'esound. Te tangata e haere mai nei tona rongo, e paku nei i nga whenua. (189) 3 extend. Na Maui- potiki i tinihanga ki a Hinenui- tepo, i pa mai ai he mate ki nga tangata o te ao, paku ki runga, paku ki raro. (7) pakukii, and vrhakapakuku, V. i. knock repeatedly. Pakuha, a. connected with mar- Pakuka 124 t*a6 ringe. Pakuka, n. screen from the tvind. Pakiira, n. 1 water-hen; por- phyrio melanotus. Taringa-pa- kura ; sttibborn. He taringa pakura te tangata nei. Tapu- wae pakura, a kind of ornamen- tal work in a Maori building. 2 gxmwale of a canoe. pakurakura, a. red. pakurakura, n. 1 red garment. 2 a lish. Pakiiru, v.i. knock; make a knock- ing. pakuru, n. two sticks, one of which is held between the teeth and struck with the other. pakurukuru, t\. figurehead of a canoe, consisting of a bust only, without arms. Pakuwha, n. relation hy mar- riage. Pamartiao, a. distant. Pehea te pamamao o tou kainga? Pamaro, a. 1 solid; hard. 2 steady.; without hesitation. Kia pamaro ai te haerenga mai ki waho o te rua. (151) Pana, v.t. 1 thrust or drive away; expel. 2 cause to come or go forth in any way. He karakia pana tamariki. (8) panapana, v.i. throh. E pana- pana ana te toto. Panahi, n. convolvulus sepiwn; or c. soldanella. Panako, n. as2)lenium ohtusat^im; a fern. Panaki, and pananaki, v.i. in- cline with a gentle slojje; rise with a gentle asce^it. panakitanga, n. gentle slope. Panau, v.i.jum}? (as a fish.) panaunau, n. gentle ascent of a hill. PS,ne, or panepane, n. head. PauSke, a V. i. move forwards. E kore e paneke te waka. /5 v.t. move. Panekea ake te ta- tau. panekgnekS, n. small edge tool ; hatchet. I. Pani, n. 1 orphan 2 widow. II. Pani, v.t. paint; besmear. E pani ana te kuia ra i tona matenga ki te hinu. III. Pani, or papani, v.t. block uj). Kua pania tena kuwaha. Panikena, n. pannikin. Panoho, n. pole for propelling a canoe. Pan6k6, and p3,n5koreia, n. sucker; diplocrejns j^uniceus ; a fish. Panoni, v. change. Pan6n6k6, the same as panoko. Panui, V. t. 1 read or sjieak aloud. 2 publish; proclaim. 3 adver- tise ])ublicly. Paniiku, v.i. 1 move on. Kihai i panuku te rongoa ; mau tonu ki te korokoro. 2 expressing lapse of time. Ka tau ko Rehu; panuku tou mai ko Rukupo; panuku tou mai ko Rangiora. Panga, see i. pa. Panga, v.t. 1 throxv. 2 lay; place. Ka pangaa nga kai ki runga ki te waka. Panganga, a. lean. Hore i te ngohi nei; panganga kau. PangaragarSL, n. a fish. Pango, a. black ; of dark colour. papango, a. dark in colour; gj-een, &c. Kei te papango tonu te karaka. papango, n. widgeon. Pangoro, a. fidl. Pangoro tonu te waka. PangSungou, n. a fish. Pangtinungunii, v.t. roast. Pa- ngunungunua he riwai ma ta- tou. PS,o, V. t. 1 strike with a hammer, Paoa 125 Papaki &c. 2 crack or break; and hence applied intransitively to the liatcJiituj of eggs. Ka pao nga hua pipipi. Pass, paoa, 1 he scattered. Ka paoa rikiriki nga tangata o reira. The men of that place are scattered like dust. 2 be diffused, as scent. paopao, V. t. 1 strip off the bark by bruising. 2 refuse any thing whicli one really wishes for. Me paopao oti? He mokopuna ra- nei na Rahiri? PS,oS,, n. 1 smoke. 2 gall. See also under pao. PS,oe, a. solitary. Paoho, a. on the alarm. Paoho kau ki hea ranei. Paoi, n. wooden beater for pound- ing fern-root. paoi, V. t. pound with a paoi. Kua paoitia he aruhe hei ki- naki. (94) — Paoia he roi ma tatou. Paoro, V. i. 1 echo; resound. Pa- oro ana nga maunga i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha. 2 he jarred by harsh sounds. Paorooro ana nga taringa. PaoAva, see paoa. I. Papa, n. 1 father, ov father'' s or mother^s brother. Mana e taki- taki te mate o tona papa. 2 a lizard. 3 geniostoma ligustri- folium; a shrub. II. Papa, a V. t. ram or compress with the hand. He mea papa te oneone. fS v. i. be overcome. Papa noa; kihai i rere, kihai i aha. (7) PS,pa, n. 1 oAiything broad, flat, and hard; flat rock; slab ; board, especially the broad board clos- ing the doorway or window aperture of a native house, and so, door; shutter. 2 a proper name for the earth, short for Papa-tu-a-nuku. 3 disputed land, or other ground oj quarrel. He papa taku ki a ia; / have offended him. Ka riro i a au te papa; / have gained the victory. 4 breech; buttock. Kei nga papa te mamae. 5 vessel made of totara-hark. E rua nga papa hinu. (138) 6 mesh of a net. papa, V. i. 1 lie flat. 2 be throivn down or overcome. Ko ona tua- kana, i papa noa i te ngaunga a Tawhiri ratou ko ana tama. (6) "whakapapa, a v. i. go slily or stealthily. Ka whakapapa mai te tangata ra; he tahae pea. /? V. t. 1 lay one up)on another; place in layers. 2 recite in chronological order genealogies, legends, &c. I haere mai ia ki te whakapapa i nga kauwhau o mua. whakapapa, n. genealogical table. whakapaparanga, n. 1 layer; sei'ies of layers. 2 generation. Papa, V. i. 1 brectk shortly or sud- denly. He mea papa noa. 2 btirst; explode. Papa te whati- tiri runga nei. 3 chatter, as the teeth with cold; chirp, as the cicada. He tarakihi e papa ana i te waru. Papaahuahiia, n. shotdder-blade. Papae, see under pae. Papahewa, a. diseased in the eyes. Papahoro, v. i. 1 fall or drop out. Ka maroke nga harakeke, ka papahoro nga kai. 2 flee. Kua papahoro te ope. PapS,hu, v.i. blaze. Ka papahu te kapura. PapS,kS,, n. 1 crab. 2 a variety of potato. 3 skirting-board. PS,pS,-kai-ra, n. otiter surface oJ the side of a canoe. PSpaki, see under paki. Papaki, v. t. sew one thing upon Papaku 126 Para another, and so 1 ^ja^cA, Me papaki tou kakahu. 2 sew two ^ketes' mouth to tnouth to hold maize, &c. Taurakitia, ka ma- I'oke, papaki rawa^ ka whakatu atu ki roto ki te wliata. Papaku, see under paku. Papakura, n. an insect. Papamaro, a. 1 hard. 2 obsti- nate. PS,panga, a. half-full. Ringihia he wai ki roto, kia papanga. PapangS,, n. site. Kotahi papa- nga kainga. Papapa, n. 1 calabash. 2 shell of an egg, &c. 3 chajf^ or h'an. 4 a kind of moss. 5 a tree. Papapa-koura, n. a plant. Papapatua, n. vessel made of to- tara-bark. Papara, v. i. 1 flow (of the tide). Ka papara te tai. 2 denoting any slight extension of space. I a Te Ranginga a rai'o; papara atu, i a Pi ; papara atu, i a Rua. Paparahi, n. stage for drying kumara. Paparahiia, n. a kind of table from which food is eaten. Papare, see under pare. Paparinga, n. cheek. Paparoa, a. scarce, as food. Ko tana karakia whakapaparoa kai tena. Paparii, a,, flat-roofed. Papariia, v. t. 1 double. 2 re- fjeat. 3 overlay. Papata, see under pata. Papatahi, n. flat land. Papatairite, a. level; of an even surface. PapS,takeo, v. i. be clean swept atvay. Papa-tani-whani-whS,, n. lageno- ]>Jiora Forsferi ; a plant. Papa-tangaroa, n. a shell-fish. Papatau, n. liard surface. Ka papatautia te wahi ra i te ta- ngata nei te takatakahi. PapatS,ura, n. a red fungus grow- ing on rocks. Papatea, a. having no tattoo marks on the face. Papatu, n. 1 screen for defen- sive purposes ; bulwark. 2 champion. Papatiia, n. land which has not been cultivated. Papatupu, n. 1 hard ground. 2 solid mass. I a au te papa- tupu o te oneone. Papauma, n. griselinia littoralis; a tree. Papaurangi, n. a plant used as scent for oil. Papawai, n. outer surface of the bottom of a canoe. Papa'whenua, n. a kind of eel, not full grown ; the same as ■whakaau. Papi, V. i. ooze; leak. Kei papi mai te wai ki roto ki te waka. Papipapi, a. confused. Ka papi- papi te reo o te tangata nei. Papua, a. fruitful. He rakau papua te kahikatea. Pa PUR A, a. purple. I. Para, n. 1 sediment; impurity; dross. He wai para horo; water made muddy by a land- slip. 2 dust. 3 half of a tree which has been split down the middle. Wahia ana, ko Mata- tua tetahi para, ko Aotea te- tahi. (109) 4 a species of cordyline ; a plant. 5 marattia salicina ; a fern. 6 bravery ; sjnrit. He tangata whai para. para, a. 1 turned to dust; rotten. He riri ano ta te tawa uho, he riri ano ta te tawa para ; ara o te rangatira, ona whakatuaki. (145) 2 turned yellow; sere. Ka para nga kai o to mara. Para 127 pS-ra,pa,rS,, n. 1 sacred place. 2 Jir St- fruits of fish. 3 a species of panax; a tree. II. P3,ra, a. affected with pimples. III. Pai'a, V. t. cut dow7i bush, tkc. ; clear. Kei te para a Piwaka i tana waerenga. Para, n. lepidopus caudatus- frost- fisli. Parae, n. level or ihudulating open cou7itry. Parahaere. ParS,haraha,, a. fiat and thi7i. WHiri paraharaha ; fiat cord pilatted with three strands. paraharaha, n. 1 hoop iron, or anything similar. 2 tool made of thin iron. 3 the name of an atua. Parahako, a. rejected. "whakaparahako, v.t. reject; re- fuse. He aha koe i whakapara- hako ai ki te kakahu mou ? Parahi, n. steep slope. PAR7vni, n. brass. Parahua, n.firesh alluvial deposit. Parahiia, v. t. fake of the bait from a liook. I paruhuatia taku matau e te ika. Parahuniihunu, v. t. roast. Ka haere tatou ki te parahunulmnii ngote ma tatou. Parai, a V. t. fry. /3 n. frying- pan. Paraiketb, n. blanket. Paraire, n. bridle. Parairei, n. Friday. Parakaraka, n. a variety of ku- mara, with red skin, Parakau, n. slave. Parakete, n. booty. Paraki, n. land-wind from the north. Parakia, n. remnant; properly of remnants of food left in a native oven. Parakimete, n. blacksmith. Parare PS,rakiri, n. innermost fence of a pa, inside the katua or main fence. ParakiwS,!, n. ailt; sediment from a flood. Parakoka, n. refuse of fiax-leaf Parakoka, n. a fish, the same as parore. Parakuiii, n. breakfast. Paramanawa, n. refreshment. Ka kite mai ki ana paramanawa liei oranga, hari ana. (151) Paramu, n. 1 phiin. 2 plumb- line. Paranako, n. aspleniuin obtusa- tum ; a fern. Paranene, n. fiannel. Paranohi, v. t. cover with hot stones in a native oven. Parangeki, n. 1 sound of voices in the air, regarded as an indica tion of some disaster. 2 rubbish brought down by floods. I. Parangia, n. bait for fish. II. Parangia, v. pass, be overcome with sleep. Kei parangia koe e te nioe. Parangiinii, v. t. roast. Para- ngunua he taiawa ma tatou. Paraoa, n. 1 sj)erm whale. 2 iveapon made of the bone of a sperm-whale. Paraoa -roa ; weapon made of a tvlbale's I'ib. Paraoa, n.fiour; bread. Parapara, n. 1 sacred jjlace. 2 first-frtiits offish, cooked before tlie rest. 3 a tree. Paraparahanga, n. fragments of food. Parara, n. 1 stidden and violent gust of 2vind. 2 bad fern-root. Pararaha, a. wide and shallow (of a vessel). Pararahi, a. fiat. I. Parare, Ka haere tatou ki te parare. II. Parare, v. i. sp)eak or cry loudly ; Parareka 128 Pari hawl. Parare tonu te mangai o te wahine ra. — Ka parare raua ki te tangi. (97) Parareka, n. potato. Parariki, n. rust. Pararutiki, a. jmralytic. Parata, n. 1 an imaginary mon- ster in the sea, the opening and shutting of whose mouth was said to cause the ebb and flow of the tide. 2 figure-head carved on the body of a canoe. Parate, n. inaize. Paratawhiti, n. a tuberous-rooted orchid. Paratu, a. high up. Kua paratu noa atu te ra. (13) Parau, n. 1 slave. 2 slavery. Ka riro taku tamaiti i te parau. Parau, a. 1 false. Parau tahi e ta ! 2 making Jr'uitless exer- tions ; toiling to no p>urpose. Ko te iwi ra tera, ka parau kau atu i uta. (179) 3 making vain pretensions ; speaking falsely. Paraparau kau koe e hoa. Parau, n. and v. t. plough. Parauri, a. dark in colour ; dark- skinned. Para"wera, n. land where the fern, &c., has been burnt o^. Parawhenua, i\. flood. I. Pare, n. band for the hair ; ornament for the forehead ; wreath. Pare titi ; ^jeaA; of a cap. II. PS,rg, and paparg, v. t. turn aside ; ward off. Ka parea te matia, ka hemo. parepare, n. 1 breastwork in a fortification. 2 defensive kara- kia or charm. (173) parenga, and pareparenga, n. steeji bank of a river. Pare, n. barley. PS,rear8ki, n. quivering of the atmosphere from heat. 'Pavehe,^. flattened; bent imvards, Heihuparehe; a flat nose. Ka parehe te tuara i te kawenga. parehe, n. flat cake. He parehe aruhe. I. Pareho, n. head. II. Pareho, v. i. be consumed. Kua pareho ke nga ika i te poti. Parekareka, a. 2}leasant. Parekereke, n. sandal. Pareko, v. i. be consumed. Parekuhi, v. t. cut the hair short. Parektira, n. battle ; battle-field ; place where peojjle have fallen in battle. Paremata, n. stern oj a vessel. Paremo, a. 1 drowned. Kia tu- pato ki to tamaiti kei paremo. — Ika paremo ; a human victim killed to secure good luck. Ko toku taokete, me patu ia hei ika paremo mo to tatou waka. 2 hesitating in speech. He arero paremo. Parenako, n. asple^iiiim obtusa- tum; a fern. Parengo, v. i. slip>. parengorengo, a. slippery. He kowhatu parengorengo ; a term applied to a churlish fellow. Parera, n. 1 duck. 2 a fish. parerarera, n. plaiitago; a plant. Parera, n. north-west wind. Pareramaumu, a. finable to swim. Paretai, n. bank of a river. Parete, n. potato. Paretua, n. pad under a load, to protect the back. Pare"wher6, n. slaughter in battle. I. Pari, n. cliff; precipice. Pari karangaranga ; echo. II. Pari, a. flowing (of the tide only). E kore tatou e puta i nga kowhatu 3 kua pari ke te tai. HI. Pari, v.i. only in the phrase ' pari te ihu ' ; be overpoivered ; Parihirihi 129 Patai be baffled. Kua pari te ihu ki te moe. (93) Parihirihi, n head. Parikou, n. a kind of eel. PariratangS,, n. cessation; inter- mission, Te ai he pai-iratanga o te liau nei. Parirau, n. ^ving of a bird. Pariri, v.i. shoot up; grow. pariri, n. 1 shoot of a plant. 2 clearing in the busli where the trees liave begun to grow again. Paritaniwha, n. a sub-variety of tihore phortnium tenax. PS,ritea, n. white cliff. Ano te kiri, me he paritea. (164) Paro, n. 1 hollow of the hand. 2 small basket for cooked food. Paroparo, a. tvithered ; decayed. Par ore, a. causing ralaxation or weak^iess. E whiti, e te ra, pa- rore ki te kiri. parore, n. a fish. Parori, a. aiory. Parori ke te kauae. PS,r6r6, or paroro, a. cloudy; threatening. Ka titiro ki te rangi e paroro ana, ka noho. paroro, n. threatening clouds; scud; bad weather. I te mea ka puta te paroro, ka waipuke te whenua. I. P§,ru, a. dirty. paru, n. dirt; mud. paruparu, n. 1 mud. 2 a pre- paration of cockles. He ranga- tira; e kore pea ia e kai i te paruparu. (190) II. Paru, V. t. 1 cover toith a coat- ing of raupo. Tikina he raupo hei paru mo waho o te whare. 2 lay thatch on the roof without tying. Kotahi te papanga nati, kotahi te papanga paru. paru, n. 1 rctupo on the walls of a house. 2 thatch on the roof. Ka piki raua ki runga ki te tuanui, K ka tapatapahia nga paru o te whare. (47) III. PS,ru, a. deep. whakaparu, a. Jdgh ; full (of the tide). He tai whakaparu te tai o te ata. paruparu, a. deeply laden. Paru- paru noa te waka ki raro ki te whenua. Parua, n. 1 brim or edge of a bowl, nest, &c. 2 slight hollow in taro field, in which each tuber is planted. Pariiauru, n. one who cidtivates the soil. Pariihi, a. blunt. Parurenga, n. prey; booty. I. Parurii, a. 1 shaded. Paruru tonu te mahinga a tuahangata. 2 sheltered from weather. II. Paruru, v. t. r-ub together. Pa- rurutia nga riwai kia ngahoro ai te ngarehu. Pata, n. 1 drop of water, &c. 2 grain of corn, &c. 3 a variety of 2^otato. 4 a kind of mat. pata, and patapata, v. i. drip>; fall in drojjs. Ka pata iho te ua. papata, n. small waves. papata, a. covered with spots or jnmples. patapata, n. strings of a mat. whakapata, n. ancient times. No tua, no whakapata. Patahi, v.i. befcd all alike. He hara kahore i patahi ki a tatou. I. Patai, V. t. 1 question; enquire. Waiho, mana e patai mai. 2 provoke. Ka whakaturia e koe he kara, he patai riri tena. 3 iriduce. He pataitai naku i te tangata kia whakatika ki runga. 4: jeer; mock. patapatai, v. t. ask Jrequently. whakapatai, v.t. ask. Ka wha- kapataia mai e te pakeha. Patai 130 Patoti Ji. PatS,i, n. a kind of girdle. Pataka, n. 1 storehouse raised upon posts; elevated stage for storing food. WHakanoia ki runga ki te pataka. 2 enclos- ure. He pataka poaka. Patanga, n. boundary. Ko te patanga tenei ki a Patahuri raua ko Tirawatu. Patangaroa, n. seed-leaves of gourds. Patapataia'wha, n. heavy rain. Patara, n. bottle. Patari, and pataritS,ri, v. t. 1 amuse; divert. Pataritaria te tamaiti. 2 allure; entice. Ka whakaritea nga tangata hei pa- tai'itari atu i te ngutu o te ana. (151) 3 provoke ; incite. ■whakapataritari, v. t. jjrovoke. Patata, a. near. Patatai, n. land-rail; a bird. Patate, v. i. crack; break with a cracking sound. patate, n. schefflera digitata; a tree. Patato, V. i. rattle; jingle. Pataua, a. caused by rain. Wai pataua; surface water. Pate, n. schefflera digitata; a tree. pate, a. false. He pate kau 'no e ! Patea, n. a variety of kumara. Pateha, a. consumed. Patehetehe, a. short. He raupo patelietelie nei. Pateketeke, n. a bird. Patengitengi, n. storehouse for kumara. Patere, v. i. flow readily. Patere ana nga kupu a Toliitapu. patere, n. dance. patere, ad. denoting abundance. .Tini patere ; exceeding many. Patero, v. i. protrude. Patete, v. i. move along. E kore e patete to waka i te tai timu. patetea, pass, be lengthened or extended. Ka patetea te whare* patStS, n. schefflera digitata; a tree. patetete, a. stunted. Pati, V. t. try to obtain by coaxing, flattery, &c. He pati moni i te pakeha i pena ai tana korero. patipati, a. flattering ; deceiving ; not to be depended upon. He rongo patipati te rongo o te Kawana ki a au. "Whakapati, v.t. \ flatter; cajole; coax. He aha tau e whaka- pati? e kore hoki e hoatu. 2 induce by means of gifts. Pati, V. i. ooze; spurt; sjolash. Pati ana te wai o roto ina kai- nga. Patiki, n. rhombosolea monopus; flounder. Patiko, ad. headlong; in haste. Ka rere patiko koe ki Maunga- waru rawa ngaro noa atu ai. Patiotio, n. 1 a shell-fish. 2 rock covered tvith mussels. Patiti, n. 1 microlcena stipoides; a grass. 2 hatchet. Patitb, n. erupition on the head; scald head. Pato, V. i. crack; snap>; emit a sharp sudden sound. E pato mai ra te rakau; kei reira te tangata i oma nei. patoto, V. i. 1 beat; dash. Koi patoto te tai ki te akau, koi aha. 2 knock repieatedly. 3 bite, as a fish in taking the bait. Patohe, n. fallow; abandoned cultivation. Patokatoka, n. south-east sea- breeze. Patoke, v.t. glean potatoes, &c. E patoke kapana ana. Patoti, V. i. cut a notch ov furi-ow. Patoti noa ai i runga; kaore i hou ki raro. patoti, a. dented; notched. Patotoi 131 Peau Pat6t6i, ii. chapped. E patotoi ana oku ngutu. Patu, n. ivall; screeyi. patutu; n. 1 i'/ie^^e;- from weather, 2 doyskin-tnat; the same as puahi. Patu, v.t. 1 strike; heat; thrash. Aue rawa ake, ka aue, e patu ana, a roa rawa, ka tukua. (19) 2 ill-treat in any way. 3 kill. Ka toia mai ki waho, ka patua, ka mate a Kae. (38) Patunga- tapu ; sacrifice; a modern use in the Maori version of the Bible. patu, n. iveapon, Ko te kauae o tona tupuna tana patu. (19) papatu, V. i. strike together; clash. Ka papatu a raua rakau. patu, a. Kaho patu ; tipperjnost or lowest batten on the roof of a house. PS,tua, n. vessel made of hark. Katahi ka tutua ki te taha, ki te patua. See papapatua. Patuki, v.t. strike; knock. patukituki, v. t. 1 strike or knock repeatedly or gently. 2 order repeatedly. E patukituki ana ia i a au. Pa,tupS,iargh6, n. demons of evil influence. I. PS,u, V. i. 1 he consumed or exhausted. Ko etahi rawhi ka pau ma nga whakaeke. 2 de- noting the complete or exhaus- tive character of any action. Ka pau katoa nga poaka te hopuhopu. With mai or atu it signifies that all have come or gone. I pau mai ano nga ta- ngata o te ope ra ki ro whare. whakapau, v.t. consume ; finish ; leave no excejition. II. PS,u, n. a variety of potato. PauS,, n. 1 haliotis or sea-ear; a shell fish. 2 potatoes blackened from exposure to the weather. E2 Pauhu, a V. i. slip. Kei pauhu atu te rakau. [3 v.t. put off; adjourn. Pauhua atu ta tatou mea mo te takiwa o te hanga- nga i te whare-karakia. Paukena, n. pumpkin. Pauku, n. a garment. Pauna, n. p>ound. PAUNA, v.t. weigh. Paura, n. 1 gunpowder. 2 smut in wheat. Pawa, n. entrance to a trap. See also paoa. pawapa"wa, a. strongly scented. PawS,i, n. bilge of a canoe. Pa'weke, v.t. ensnare. Pawera, a. 1 hot. 2 solicitotcs; apprehensive. Ka pawera toku ngakau. PawhakS,rua, n. north east wind. Pawhara, a. ripped open. pawhara, v.t. 7-ip op>en. Ka haehaea te ika nei; pawharatia tonutia i te riu. (155) Pe, and pepe, a. 1 crushed; mashed. Kua pe ke nga pititi i roto i te kete. 2 soft ; easily crushed. 3 sicppicrati7ig, as a boil. Homai he rongoa hei whakape mo taku whewhe. 4 soiled by any pulpy or viscid substance. Kei pe tou kakahu i te miere. pe, n. roe of fish. pepe, n. soft mass; cake. He pepe roi. Pea, ad. 1 perhaps. E kore pea ia e pai mai kiahau. (131) 2 intensive, sometimes preceded byhoki; indeed; 0/ course. He taniwha hoki pea kei te ara ki Tikitapu. (136) 3 for pehea; how. Peau, V. i. be tiirned away. Kua peau ke te ihu o te kaipuke. "whakapeau, v.t. turn aivay; di- vert. Ko to utu mo to tohunga Peha 132 Pena ta moko, me whakapeau mai ki a au. I. Peha, n. hark; peelings, &c. II. Peha — pepeha, n. 1 boast. 2 affected speech ; ivitticism. He pepeha te ki nei, ehara i te ki tuturu. ■whakapehapeha, v. i. boast. Pehanga, n. 1 derivative from pehi. 2 heap. Te pehanga waliie e kaike mai I'a. Pehea, a. interrogative, o/ what sort, character, a2Jpearance, &e. Pehea te ahua o to tane? (52) pehea, v. t. do or treat in what tvay. I peheatia te iwi ra i mate ai? Pehi, a V. t. 1 2^1'^ss ; iveiyh dotvn. E haere mai ana hoki nga kawe- kawe, e pehi ana i te waka ki raro. (no) Prepress. E kore 6 taea tona iiiahia te pehi. 3 abolish. 4 cover; iricubate, as a hen. /3 v. i. lie. E pehi mai ra nga wahie i tua o te whare. pehi, n. 1 sticks rubbed together to procure fire; especially the kaunoti, or under one. 2 se- cond jjerson killed or taken in battle. I a Tupe te mataika, i a au te pehi. pehipehi, v.t. waylay. Katahi ka pehipeliia mai e Rata i ta- haki. (55) pehipehi, n. 1 ambuscade. 2 sill of a door frame. 3 return for a present. Ko te kohi pehi- pehi nga tangata. Pehiakura, n. dicksonia squar- rosa ; a fern tree. Pei, v. t. drive out ; banish. He peinga hoki ia na ona tuakana. Peipei, n. lump of earth ; clod. Peihana, n. 1 basin. 2 2)heasant. Peita, n. paint. Peka, n. 1 branch of a tree, river, &c., hence 2 firewood. Q/ern. peka, V. i. tiirn aside. pekanga, n. branch road. Kia tae koe ki te pekanga o te ara ka noho ki raro. whakapeka, v.t. refuse. Korero whakapeka ; dark saying. pekapeka, n. 1 bat. 2 windmill toy. 3 some kind of ornament. (153) I. Peke, n. upper part of the arm,; fore-qxiarter. Ka ngaro katoa nga peke matamua ki roto ki nga koro. (151) II. Peke, v.t. leap over. Pekea te awa nei. peke, v.i. 1 spring ; leap. 2 hide oneself. Ka ngoki a Rongoua- roa ki roto o te punake o te waka peke ai. pepeke, v. i. draw up the legs or arms. Pepeke ou waewae. pepeke or pekepeke, a. quick. Kia pekepeke te haere. pepeke, n.frog. whakapeke, v.t. conceal. Ka mau ki te hate, ka whakapekea ki roto ki ona. III. Peke, v.i. be all gone or come, without exception. Ka- hore ano au taonga kia peke mai ? Peke, n. bag. Pekeha'wani, n. the star whose appearance marks the eighth month. Pekepoho, n. first-born child. Pekeraugi, v. i. dance. pekerangi, n. outermost or fourth fence of a complete stockade. Pekerere, n. small garment for the shoulders ; cape. Peketua, n. 1 su])plementary load carried on the back. 2 a wea- pon carried in the belt. Peki, V. i. chirp; twitter. Te manu e peki ana. (137) Pena, a. like that which is near Penapena or has some reference to, the 2)erson spoken to; followed by me. pena, v. t. treat or do hi that way. Me pena ia te main na? pena, ad. in that case. PenapenS,, v. t. take care of; tend; keep. Pene, n. 1 pen. 2 penny. PenSi, a. like anything near or connected with the speaker ; fol- lowed by me. penei, v.t. do in this manner. Ko wai ka hua tera e peneitia 1 penei, ad. in this case; if the case tvere thus ; otherivise. Me i ora ano a te Arawa, penei e rua nga waka liei hoenga ki Ha- waiki. (93) Peniipenu,, a. mashed. Kua penu- penu nga kapana i roto i te kohue. Peo, v.t. heg. E peo kai ana te tamaiti. Peoi, n. solanum aviculare ; a shrub. Pepa, n. 1 paper. 2 pepper. I. PepS, n. 1 a grub found in rotten wood. 2 moth. pepepe, n. 1 inoth or butterfly. 2 basket. 3 cladium Sinclai^'ii ; a plant. II. Pepe, V. t. attract birds by imitating their cry. Ka mau ki te raurekau, ka pepea. pepe, n. leaf used for the above purpose. Ma Matete e whaka- tangi te pepe. pepe, a. close together. Akuanei kia pepe te haere. Pepe, see under pe. Pepeha, see under peha. Pepeke, see under peke. Pepuere, n. February. Pera, like anything which is un- connected either with the speaker or the person addressed ; of that 133 Pi kind ; of tliat character ; .^uch as that. Me i pera te ahua, ka treat or do in that pai ano. pera, v. t iiuiy. Peraro, a. a shell fish. Pere, n. arrow or dart thrown by means of a thong attached to a stick. pere, v. t. throw an arrow or dart. perepere, v. t. clear off weeds &c. Me perepere nga taru o te mara ka ngaki ai. Pere, n. pail. Pere, n. bell. Perehia, n. agrostis cemula, pi- losa or Billardieri ; grasses. Pereki, n. brick. Pereti, n. plate. Peropero, n. dog. Peru, n. 1 fulness about the eyes and lips when a person is an- gry. Ka tuku nga peru a to tangata. 2 ovei'hanging jJortion of a gable. E nui ana te peru ki waho. 3 head of a nail. peruperu, 1 throat feathers of the koko, or prosthemadera. 2 a kind of dance. Perua, n. tame kaka. Petapeta, a. worn out. petapeta, n. rags. petapeta, ad. all at once. Peti, n. bed. Peto, V. i. be constimed. peto noa atu te rongoa. Pe"wa, n. anything bow-shaped ; so 1 eyebrow. Tu ana nga pewa o te tangata ra ; ka riri. 2 new moon. 3 entrance to a trap for birds, &c. 4 Pewa ika, roe of a fish. I. Pi, n. young of birds ; chick. II. Pi, V. i. flow (of the tide). Kua pi te tai. pipi, V. i. ooze. Kua Vi 134 fine pipi, a V. t. bathe with water. (3 V. i. squeak ; chirp. Pt, n. 1 urine. 2 hee. 3 ^;e«. Pia, n. 1 gum of trees, or any similar exudation. 2 blind eel. Piahaere, n. a plant. Piango, a. empty. Ka piango te poho. Plata, a. bright ; clear ; trans- 2)are7it. Pie, V. t. 1 desire earnestly. 2 call. Piha, n. small kumara. PihS,, and pihapiha, n. gills of a fish. Pihanga, n. window. Pihangaiti, v. i. lie in a heap ; he gathered together. Kia pi- hangaiti nga papa. whakapihangaiti, v. t. lay in a heap. Pihao, V. t. surround. Pihaoa! Pihaoa ! Piharau, n. geotria chilensis; lam- prey. PiHAREiNGA, n. cricket. Ko te pihareinga kei te noho marire ; mo te raumati ka tangi ai. Pih6, n. song sung over the bo- dies of the slain. pihepihe, n. girdle for the waist. Pihi, V. i. spring up ; begin to groiv. Kua pihi nga korau. pihi, n. a species of grass. pihi, a. ivatertight. pihipihi, n. zosterops lateralis ; a bird, Pihi, see piihi. Piho, n. a variety of potato. Pihoihoi, n. groimd lark ; anthus Xova' Zelandice. PihSnga, a. putrid. He pihonga te kai nei. PiHOPA, n. bishop. Piihi, n. ^jiece / block of land. Pik;S,ru, n. discharge from the eyes. Pikau, V. t. carry on the hack : pick -a- back. Kahore he ta- ngata hei pikau i te kete kai, pikau or pikaunga, n. load for the back. Pika-wikawi, a,, flexible; flaccid. I. Piki, V. t. 1 climb. Pikitia te rakau nei ki etahi karaka ma tatou. 2 piki turanga ; come to the rescue ; assist any one in fighting ; take one^s place ; succeed. I pikitia e ia toku turanga. piki-turanga, n. successor. pikitanga, n. ascent of a hill, &c. whakapiki, v. t. cause to ascend. Katahi a Kupe ka whakapiki i tona waka. (109) II. Piki, a,, frizzled ; closely curled. Piki, n. fl.g. Pikiarero, n. 1 roof of the mouth. 2 clematis indivisa ; a climbing plant. Pikitara, n. 1 verandah. 2 a kind of eel. Piko, V. i. bend ; stoop. Ka piko te rakau ; meake whati. piko, a. bent ; ctirved. He tuara piko. piko, n. corner ; bend. Hei te piko o te awa tatou noho ai. ■whakapiko, v. t. bend. whakapiko, n. ?mtr(ier committed upon persons who are in the act of eating food which has been prepared by the murder- ers. pikopiko, n. young shoots of ferns. He pikopiko i te nga- here nga kai a te tangata Maori. Pikoko, a. hxmgry. Pimiriiiniru, n. a bird. Pinaki, a. sloping gently, as a hill, pinakitanga, n. gentle slope. Pinakitere, n. daucus sp. a plant. Pinakii, n. tvar-canoe ; the same as pitau. Ping, and piping, a, close toge- Pine 135 Pirikahu ther. Ko matou kua pipine mai ki roto noho ai. Pine, n. pin. PinShi, aiul plnShinohi, v. t. jylace hot stones on food in a native oven, to insure its being cooked. Pinohinohia ta tatou poaka. pinohi, n. sticks used for hand- liuij hot stones ; tongs. Pin6n6, v. t. heg ; obtain in an artful manner. Pingao, n. desmoschcenus spira- lis ; a plant. Pingau, n, 1 a plant ; perhaps the same as pingao. 2 strings of a mat. PingongS, a. shrunk. Pingongo ana nga papa o te hoiho. PingSre, a. flexible ; bending. Pi- ngore noa te arawhata. I. Pio, V. i. he extinguished ; go out. Kua pio te kora. II. Pio, a. many. He pio te ta- ngata. piopio, n. a bird. "whakapiopio, n. metrosideros scandens, a plant. Pioe, n. dry fireivood. Pi6i, and pioioi, v. t. shake ; brandish. Ka whakatika a Ha- tupatu, ka pioi i ana kirikiri upoko. (102) pioi, n. song sung while brand- ishing heads or scalps. pioioi, n. a bird. •whakapioioi, v. t. 7-ock or sivay to andjro. PiSkaoka, v. t. strip off. Pi- okaokangia he peha mo ta ta- tou ahi. PiokeokS, n. a small lark. Pioriori, n. song. Pioro, n. noise. Pipi, n. cockle ; a shell fish. whakapipi, v. t. place one on another ; stack. pipipi, a. shallow. He pipipi, e kore e tauria e te waka ; he paru, ka tauria. Pipi, a. half grown ; not matured. He iwi pipi. Compare kopipi. See also pi. PlPiPi, n. turkey. Pipi"wharaur6a, n. chrysococcyx lucidus • small cuckoo. Pirahau, a. rotten. See pirau. Pirahu, n. firewood. Piraka, and pirakaraka, n. fireivood. Pirakii, n. firewood. Pirangi, v. t. desire. Ka nui tana pirangikite paraoa hei kai mana. Pirara, v. i. be separated; be di- vided ; be wide apart. Pirara ana te awa. — Ano nga moko o Tohu ; pirara ana. Pirata, a. sharp. Pirau, 1 rotten. He pirau no nga kai i mahue ai. 2 gone out ; extinguished. Homai he wahie, keiwha pirau te ahi. PiRE, n. hill. Piri, v.t. 1. stick. Piri kita te ika nei ki te kowhatu ; e kore e taea. 2 come close; keep close. Kua piri mai te waka. 3 skulk; hide oneself. pipiri, v.i. come to close quar- ters; join battle. Katahi ka pipiri ta I'aua whawhai, piripiri, n. 1 acce^ia sangui- sorboi; a plant. 2 hymeno- phyllum polyanthos ; a fern. 3 haloragis tetragyna; a plant. piripiri, a. Hoe piripiri; ad- ditional steer-oar. whakapiri, v.t. stick; fasten. piri, n. the moon on the 23rd day. PmiHiMANA, n. policeman. Pirihongo, v.i. keep) close. He tamaiti pirihongo. Pirikahu, n. accena sanguisorhoi ; a plant. Pirinoa 136 Poha Pirinoa, n. 1 loranthus of various species ; parasitical plants. 2 parasite. Piripiri"whata, n. carpodetus ser- ratus] a shrub. Pirita, n. rhipogonum scandens ; a climbing plant. PiRiTi, n. p7-iesL Piritoka, n. animalcula adhering to rocks. Piriwhetau, n. acoina sangui- sorboi; a plant. Piro, a. 2^utrid; stinking. piro, n. 1 fo^d smell. 2 intes- tines. Ki te koiri te piro, he mate ea. Pirokii, v. i. go out; be extin- guished. Ka piroku te ahi. Pirori, a v. t. ^jZaw^. I haere mai ahau i te pirori parareka. (i V. i. roll along as a ball, &c. pirori, n. hoop; a toy. Pitata, n. south-east sea breeze. Pitau, n. 1 young succulent shoot of a plant. 2 pe7-/orated carving. 3 figurehead of a canoe, ornamented tvith ^jer- forated carving. 4 war canoe with a figurehead representing the whole human figure; i.e. one not representing a head only. Pitawai, n. cold. PitTti, n. ^;eacA. Pito, n. 1 end ; extremity. Kei tona ringa tetahi pito o te taura e mau ana. 2 navel. pitopito, n. amulet consisting of piece of fern-root worn on the neck. Pitoitoi, n. la small land bird. 2 a sea bird. Pitokite, n. niggard; churl. Pitoto, V. t. beg. Piu, V. t. throtv or swing with a cord. Piua mai te pito o te whakaheke. piupiu, v.i. oscillate; move to and fro. Kua piupiu te pu o Raka. piupiu, n. lomaria jyi'ocera; a fern. PiwA, n. fever. Piwai, n. small kumara, over- looked in lifting the crop. Ma- tahi kari piwai j the twelfth month. piwai, v.t. dig. Piwakawaka, n. rhi2ndura fi,a- bellifera, or fantail; a bird. Piwari, a. 1 bent. 2 beautiftd. Piwatawata, a. full of intersti- ces or op)en spaces. Ka piwa- tawata mai nga patu o te whare. Po, n. 1 night. Ko te po whakaau te moe. (46) Used in speak- ing of a small number of days ; 'Po hia koutou ki te ara?' 'Po toru.' 2 season. Ko te po tanu kai tenei. 3 place of departed spirits. p5ngia, v. pass, be overtaken by night, Ka pongia tatou akua- nei. Poa, v.t. allure by bait; entice. Me poa te manu ki te kaanga ka mau ia. popoa, n. sacred food, eaten on account of the dead. poa or poapoa, n. bait. Poaha, a. open. PoAKA, n. pig. Poananga, n. clematis hexasepala &c. Compare pua-wananga. Poangaanga, n. skull. Poare, a. open. Compare puare. Poaritarita, v. i. be in a hurry. Ka poaritarita ki te kai, ka raoa. Poatinitini, a. brain-weary; dizzy. PoauS^u, a. mistaken; confused. P5Iia, a. full. Poha 137 Pokai Poha, 11. vessel made of seaweed to hold preserved muttton-birds. He poha titi. Pohaha, a. S2}lit ojwn; 7'ipped up. Polialia ana te putea. Pohane, 1 v.i. j)ractise sodomy. 2 V. t. insult. Poharu, see povrliaru. Pohata, n. brassica campestris ; wild tuniij). Pohatu, see powhatu. Pohauhau, a. confused. Ka he noa ilio nga whakaaro, ka po- hauhau noa ilio. (71) Pohe, or popohe, a. 1 withered. Kua polie nga rau o te rakau. 2 blind. 3 rough, of the sea. Ka nui te pohepohe o te moana i te hau nei. ■whakapohe, v.t. blind; throw dust in the eyes (metaphori- ^caUy). Pohehe, a. mistaken; in error. Pohe"wa, a. mistaken; confused. Pohiri, see povrhiri. P6h6, n. 1 chest. Ka maniae taku poho i te maremare. 2 stomach. Ka piango te poho. 3 seat of the affections; breast. WHiti ana taku poho i to ka- ranga. P5hoi, n. bunch of feathers worn in the ear for ornament. Ka haere ki te wai, ka mahue te pohoi ki uta; ka hoki mai ki uta, katahi ka pohoi i tana polioi. Pohongawha, n. heartbiim. Pohopa, a. 1 having scruples. 2 in suspense; anxious. Pohowera, n. charadrius bicinc- tus; a bird. Pohti, V. i. resound. Kia pohu te taunga ki raro. Pohiie, and pohuehue, n. a name given to several climbing or trailing plants, as convolvulus ; clfmatis; muhlenbeckia com- 2>lexa; tkc. Pohuhu, a. 1 cloudy; overcast. 2 swa7'ming ; in crowds. Me te ngaro e poliuhu nei. Pohutti, v.i. sjAash; make a splashing. pohutuhutu, v.i. be spjlashed. Homai he takai mo nga tapu- tapu, kei pohutuhutu. Pohutiikawa, n. metrosideros to- mentosa; a tree. Poi, n. ball. poipoi, v.t. toss, swing or wave about. Poipoia te tamaiti nei. — Of an offering to an 'atua'. Katahi ha maoa te kuri ra, ka poipoia. (112) ■whakapoi, v.t. hold u]) and shake. Poihewa, n. small basket for cooked food. Poike, v.t. place aloft. I poike- tia rawatia nga kaka ki runga ki tona mahunga. poike, a. tufted at the top. He rakau-poike. Poioio, n. first shoots of potato or kumara. Poiri, for pouri. Poito, n. for pouto, float. Poka, n. hole; pit; well. poka, v.t. 1 7nake a hole in or through; bore ; p)ierce. Me poka te rakau nei. 2 strike out a path. He ara poka hou tena, 3 do anything unusual. poka, v.i. appear; come into view. Poka ke; vary; be altered. pokapoka, v.t. 1 pierce with a number of holes. He mate po- kapoka; scrofulous sores. 2 2)lant in holes; begin to ^;^a«<. Me pokapoka nga kapana ki te papatua. Pokai, n. 1 hall of string, &c. Pokaikaha 138 Pona 2 sivarm of flies ; flock of birds. Ka rere ki waho nga pokai koko. (33) pokai, V. t. imnd in a hall. Mau e pokai te aho. Pokaikaha, a. confused; at a loss. Ka tae matou ki te wahi ngaru, ka pokaikaha. Pokaka, a. 1 stormy. I kitea e au te pokaka rawa o te hau ra. 2 hot. He pokaka no te whare i mahue ai. pokaka, n. 1 storm; squall. 2 elceocarpus dentatus ; a tree. Pokakii, a. in doubt; mistaken; confused. Pokanoa, v.t. do without autho- rity; do at random. P6k3,pii, n. middle; centre. Pokarakara, a. full of worm- holes, as totara timber. Pokare, or p5karekare, v. i. he agitated^ as a liquid. Marino tonu te moana; hore rawa he pokaretanga. "whakapokarekare, v. t. disturb the surface q/* water; sjnll. I. PokS, n. 1 short axe. 2 greens ; turnip-tops, &c. E tia te poke; me te maunu koura! II. Poke, a. soiled; dirty. Kei poke ou kakahu. pokepoke, v. t. mix up with water, or other fluid. III. Poke, V. i. appear (as a spirit). Ka poke mai te tupapaku ka wehi koe. Pokeka, n. a kind of mat made of wharariki, or phormium Co- lensoi. Pokeka, v. i. he perplexed. Pokeke, a. small. He mara po- keke. Pokeke, a. sullen. P6kerg, n. 1 pitfall; applied only to holes dug by man. 2 pulp of the tawa berry. pokere, ad. in the dark. Ka haere pokere atu te tangata i konei. Pokerehu, n. fruit oj the tawa. pokerehu, ad. tvithout cause. I patua pokerehutia noatia iho e au taku tamaiti. P6ki, popoki, and pokipoki, v.t. 1 cover over. Pokia ta ta- tou umu. 2 ^:>Zace u)ith the con- cave side doivnwards. Me po- poki te waka nei. popoki, n. lid ; cover. pokipoki, n. eddy wind. pokipoki, a. having a concave cover. He tawhiti pokipoki. Pokihi, v.i. shoot; hegin to grow. Pokiki, a. cast ashore in heaps. Poko, v.i. go out, as fire; hecome extinguished. Homai he wahie kei poko te ahi. — Me te poko ; (13) of a sudden disappearance, like the going out of a flame. popoko, a. withered; shrivelled; wasting away. I whakanakana ra, na te mea ka popoko haere. Pokohi-wi, n. shoulder. Pokokohiia, n. an epithet which is considered the greatest pos- sible insult. Compare kohu. Pokorehu, n. ashes. Pokorua, and popokorua, n. 1 jnt; hollow. 2 ant. pokorua, a. hollow; sunken. He mate kai te tangata ra; i kitea ki nga kanohi ka pokopokorua. Pokowhiwhi, n. shoulder. Pokuriikiiru, n. lump. pokurukuru, a. full of lumps. Pona, 1 knot. 2 joint in the arm or leg. 3 cord. Ka kuhua te pona a WHakatau ki te whare, puta noa ki tetehi taha. (61) 4 string of fish. pona, V. t. tie in a knot. ponapona, n. joint in the arm or leg. t*onaho 139 Porahu PonS,h6, 11. anytJiing diminutive in size. Ponana, a, hurried; flurried. He ponana i mahue ai nga puka- puka. Poniania, n. loiver ^mrt of the nose. Ponini, v. i. glotv ; difpiise a red light. Ponini ana te kakahu o te tangata nei ki roto ki te wai. P6niu, n. nasturtium palustre ; a plant. I. Pono, a. 1 true. 2 hospitable ; ho^mtifid. pSnonga, a. true ; unfeigned. Ehara i te wakapupuni pono- nga. (133) ■whakapono or -whakapono- nga, V. i. believe; admit as true. WHakapononga ana a Manaia. (122)^ II. Pono, V. i. 1 light upon; come upon. Pono rawa mai e puta ana i roto i te hangi. (90) 2 fall in one's zvay. He mea i pono mai ki toku aroaro. popono, V. t. covet. Oti, ka po- pono koutou ki nga kota o te Mahia 1 pononga, n. captive; slave. P6nga, n. cyathea dealbata ; a tree fern. pongaponga, n. nostril. Pongaihu, n. nostril. P6ngakawa, v.t. consume. Kua pongakawatia te kai. Ponggre, and pongerengere, a. 1 dusky ; dark. Pongere ana te auahi. 2 stifling. Pongere- ngere ana te piro o te tupapaku. Pongi, n. 1 a dark variety of taro. 2 girdle. pongipongi, a. 1 dim. Ata po- ngipongi; daybreak. 2 airy; cool. pongipongi, n. eddy wind. Pongiangia, and pongiengie, n, tattoo marks on, the nostrils. PSnguru, V. i. smoulder. Popo, and p6p6p6p6, a. rotten; worm-eaten. Popo, a. pointed. Ma tawhiti e titiro Maungataniwha, popo tonu a runga. Popo, V. t. crowd around; throng. Popo, v.t. 1 pat with the hand. Popotia te tamaiti na kia mutu ai te tangi. 2 knead; mix up. Ma wai e popo te paru? 3 anoint. Me popo ki te hinu ki te kokowai. Popoa, see under poa. Popohe, see under pohe. Popoia, n. 1 handle of a basket; different from kaTvai. 2 soft fin of a fish. Popoki, see under poki. Popokorua, n. ant. See under pokorua. Popokotea, n. a bird. Popono, see under pono. Popore, see under pore. Poporo, see under poro. Poporoihewa, the name of a bird. PoporSkaiwhiri, n. hedycaria dentata; a tree. Pora, a. flat-roofed. He pora te "whare. — Pora matanui, having a roof of moderate pitch. pora, n. 1 ship. Tangata pora, man from ship-board ; foreigner. 2 or porapora, coarse shaggy mat. Porae, v.t. anoint. porae, n. latris hecateia ; trum- peter ; a fish. Kua pa te mai- hea ki te matenga o te porae, kua kore e kai mai te ika. Porahu, and porahurahu, a. jyerplexed; embarassed ; aivk- ward. He haka ano ta te ware, he porahu noa iho nga ringa. (146) PORAKA 140 Porotaitaka PoRAKA, n. block. Poranga, v.t. float. Ka ruku- hia, ka porangatia ki tahaki. poranga, n. a variety of potato. Porangi, a. 1 hurried. He aha tau e porangi nei? 2 beside oneself ; out of one^s mind. porangi, n. madman. Kei te po- rangitia koe ; you are losing your wits. (122) P6rara, a. having wide s'paces or interstices. E porara ana a raro o te kete, i komama ai. P6raurS,ha, a. confused. Pore, V. i. start in sleej). popore, v.t. 1 desire; wish anxi- ously for. 2 shew favour to ; treat kindly. porepore, a. faint with hunger. E porepore ana toku manawa. ■whakaporepore, v. t. 2)ro2ntiate ; court the favour of hy a, gift, &c. Porearea, a. 1 tiresome; imjyor- tunate. 2 afraid of being tire- some; modest. PorekS, a. broken off. Poreke pu te rakau i waenganui. Porena, v. i. float, as oil on water. PorerS,, n. mat to lie 071. (193) PorerSrua, n. erigeron Ca^iaden- sis ; CJiilian groundsel. Poreterete, n. a kind of duck. Porewarewa, or porewhare- wha, a. 1 giddy ; stupefied. 2 mad. Pori, n. 1 collops of fat. 2 tribe. Ko wai te ingoa o to koutou poi'i? Compare hapori. Poria, n. 1 ring on the leg of a captive bird, to prevent the string from cutting it. 2 a kind of ornament. (153) poria, v.t. load with a weight. He mea poria ki te punga hei "whakatoimaha. (154) PSrihavra, n. a bird. Poriro, n. bastard. P6r6, n. 1 butt end; termination. 2 block. Kei hea te poro rakau 1 poro, a v. i. be finished; come to an end. Taihoa, kia poro te kai ki. te whenua. ^ v.t. cut short. poronga, n. end. Ko te poronga tenei o tana korero. poporo, or poroporo, n. solanum aviculare and nigrum ; plants. Poroaki, and poroporoaki, 1 leave instructions at departing. Na Te Waikeri te poroaki kia hoatu he kapana mau. 2 take leave. Poroha, see poro"wha. Porohe, n. 1 a large mussel. 2 young of the fish mohi. porohe, v. t. gather up in loops, as a cord, &c. whakaporohe, v. t. knot toge- ther. Porohuri, a v. t. upset; overturn. (3 V. i. tiimble one over another. Porokaki, n. back of the neck. Porokere, v. i. be broken of short. Poroki, V. i. give directions at the time of departure. Ka poroki iho ia ki a maua kia haere atu koe apopo. Porongaua, n. throat of a fish. Pororaru, a bewildered. Pororere, a. broken right off. Porori, a. 1 slow ; sluggish. He tangata porori ki te haere. 2 not bored (of the ears). porori, n. tattoo marks on the breech. Pororotua, a. 1 numbed with cold. 2 weak. Pororiia, n. sonchus oleraceus ; sow-thistle. pororua, v. t. tam,per with. Kei pororuatia e Tamatekapua. (71) Por5tS,itak9,, a. 1 turned over and over. 2 confused. Ka po- Porotaka 141 Pou rotaitaka nga whakaaro o NGa- tikahungunu. P6r6tS,ka, a. round. PSrSta'wS,, n. a fungus growing on trees. Poroteteke, a. turned right over. Porotiti, n. 1 disc. 2 a toy. Porotutuki, v. i. come to an end. Ko te porotutukitanga mai tena te aw a. Poro'wha, a foursided ; square. porowha, a v. t. range in square. 1 porowhatia te haka ki te marae. /3 v. i. fall flat. Porowha tonu te rakau ki raro. Porowhita, n. circle ; wheel. Porowhiu, v. t. throiv. Porukii, v. t. doiible up. Poruku- hia te kete. Poriiru, a. close together ; thick. Poriitu, V. i. 1 make a splashing with the hands in bathing. 2 break, as the sea on the shore. Pota, a. broken. Pota rere ; snap- ped off. pot a, n. fragment. potapota, a. broken to ^^ieces. Potapota noa te waka i te tai. Potae, n. covering for the head ; hat ; cap. potae, V. t. 1 put over one's head, so as to cover or envelop it. 2 slip on over the head. I po- taea te kaha ki te matenga o te kereru. Potaitaka, a. 1 turned roxmd and round, or over and over. 2 giddy ; confused. 3 seeming to turn round. Potaka, n. toj) to spin. He potaka whero rua; a top with two points. potakataka, a. round. Potango, and potangotango, a. very dark. E noho mai na koe i roto i te potangotango. potango, n. a variety of phor- mium tenax. Potarere, a. broken off short. Potatii, and potatutatu, a. im- patient ; distracted ; hurried. E potatu ana ki te liaere. Poteretere, a. dripping wet. E poteretere ana oku kakahu. Potet6, n. a stick used to hold a dog, one end being fastened to the collar. Me te kuri e mau nei i te potete. potete, a. curly. potete, V. t. speak frequently of Potete tonu kia patua ahau. Potete ke, a. turned right over. Poti, n. 1 angle ; corner. He poti na Uekahia, ma Rongo- takutama e kumanu; (of a small quantity of kumara in the corner of a kete). 2 basket for cooked food. potipoti, n. shrimp. Poti, v. & n. vote. Poti, n. 1 cat. 2 boat. Potiki, n. 1 youngest child. 2 any infant. Poto, a. 1 short. 2 denoting the exhaustive character of an action, &c., shewing that «?^ the things spoken of have been dealt with. Kua poto nga mea o runga o te kaipuke te mau mai. Poturi, a. 1 deaf. Poturi ana aku taringa. 2 stubborn. Pou, n. post ; jwle. pou, and poupou, v. t. 1 stick in : p>lunge in. Te tino rara- hutanga ki te hoe ; te tino pou- nga ki te wai i poua ai. (171) 2 fasten to a stake, &c. Poua to tatou waka. S elevate upon poles. Apopo ka pou i te kai nei, kia rokohanga mai kua noi ki runga. (142) poupou, n. 1 peg ; stake. 2 post; upright, in a house. 3 shrouds of a canoe mast. I poupou, a. 1 steep; perpendicu- Pou 142 Pu lar. Poupou tonu te pikitanga. 2 on the meridian. Ka poupou te ra, ka whakatika mai matou. Pou, foi' pau. Poua, n. old person. Kite rawa au i a koe, kua pouatia koe. Pouaka, n. 1 festuca littoralis ; sea-side fescue ; a grass. 2 a water plant. Pouaka, n. box. Pouakakiwa, n. chief place of residence. Pouareherehe, a. old arid wrink- led. Pouarii, n. widoiver ; widow. Poue, n. a shell fish. Pouhawaiki, n. erigero7i Cana- densis ; a plant. Pounaho, a. long and stiff. pounaho, n. a shrub. Pounamu, n. 1 greenstone. 2 bottle. Pouniii, n. south-wind. Pouraka, n. 1 platforvi erected on one post. 2 receptacle for a dead body., in shape like a square box, thatched over the top. 3 net attached to a hoop., used for catching crayfish. Poure"wa, n. elevated platforrux attached to the stockade of a pa. Pouri, a. 1 dark. Kaore ano i marama noa ; e pouri tonu ana. (i) 2 sorroivful ; sad; distressed. He j'pouri nona ki tona matua ka mate. pouriuri, a. darkish ; gloomy. Poururii, a. darkish ; gloomy. whakapoururu, v. i. look sorroiv- ful or gloomy. He aha koe ka whakapoururu ai ki te kai mau. Poutahuhii, or Poutahu, n. p>ost supiporting the end of the ridgepole of a house. Poutaka, n. platform erected on one post. PSutama, n. a pattern of tuku- tuku ornament on the walls of a native house. Poutangata, a. He toki pou- tangata ; a greeyistone adze, used as a weapon of war. I. Pouto, n. float. II. Pouto, V. t. c%it off. Poutoa te kauru o te rakau. Frequent- ative form, poutouto. Poutumaro, a. on the meridian. Poututerangi, n. the star whose appearance marks the tenth month : perhaps a Aquilse. P6u"W"henua, n. a weapon like the taiaha. Powaiwai, v. t. 1 whirl or whisk about ; move with a fanlike mo- tion. 2 fan. Povrhaitere, n. paroquet. Powharu, v. i. sink into a bog, &LC. Kapowharuwharu nga wae- wae ki te one. pO'wharu, a. soft ; boggy. Po"whata, see pohata. Powhatu, n. stone. Po'whiri, v. t. 1 wave ; whisk ; whii'l. Powhiriwhiria ta tatou rama kia ka ai. 2 beckon any one to come on ; welcome. E powhiri ana tera te tangata whenua, me te haere atu te manuhiri ra. (i66) powhiri whirl, n. provision for a journey. Powhiwhi, n. a climbing plant. I. Pu, n. 1 tribe. Ko te pu tenei o Tipare. 2 bunch ; bundle ; anything growing in a bunch. Taua pu wiwi. (13) 3 heap ; stack. Te pu o te kupenga (79) 4 skilled 2Jerson ; wise one. Na koutou, na nga pu, na nga tohunga, na nga kaupapa. (98) pu, a. niho pu ; double tooth. pu, V. t. make into a bundle, or ball. Puia nga raupo mo te whare. pupu, n. 1 bundle. Tikina nga Pu 143 Puawhe pupu raupo. 2 a shell fish. pupu, V. t. make into bundles. •whakapu, v. t. and v. i. lay or lie in a lieaj). Hei hea a tutou kete whakapu ai 1 ■whakapu, n. stack. He whaka- pu kupenga tera e tu mai ra. II. Pu, V. i. begin to blow. Te hau 6 pu mai nei ki taku kiri. (17) pttpu, V. i. 1 bubble up; boil. Kaliore ano i pupu noa te wai. 2 rise, as a fog. pu, n. wind instrument as pu- torino, pu-tatara, &c. Ko Ruaeo, e whakatangi ana i ana pu.(76) ■whakapu, v. i. howl as a dog. III. Pu, a ])recise ; very. Ko te kainga pu tenei. pu, ad. exceedingly ; exactly. Me te kawau pu te ahua. IV. Pu, a. loathing ; hating. Ka whakatika ki te kai, ka pu te ngakau. — Pu ana a roto, ke ana a waho ; a proverb for dis- guised ill feeling. V. Pu, n. gun. I. Pua, n. flower ; seed. pua, a. foaming ; breaking. He ngaru pua. II. Piia, V. roll or wrap up clothes, ^^<^io^'^- He kakaiio puipuiaki. puiaki, n. treasure. Kei ngaro ko oku kanohi, kei waiho ko te whenua hei puiaki mo nga mea i muii i a au. Puilli, a. afraid. puihi, n. 1 antennoi of crayfish, ikc. 2 division in a kurnara field made by rows of hillocks. puihiihi, n. strings of a mat. I. Piika, n. 1 griselinia lucida ; a shrub. 2 cabbage. 3 spade. pukapuka, n. 1 brachyglottis repanda ; a shrub. 2 lungs. 3 paper ; letter ; book. II. Puka, V. i. 1 be jealous. 2 jjant. Ka puka taku manawa i te o manga. Pukaea, n. a wind instrument made of totara and used to sound an alarm in time of war. Pukaha, n. 1 refuse portion of fax leaf. 2 a garment made of the same. Pukahu, a. abundant. pukahu, n. spongy matter enve- loping the seeds of pumpkins. Pukai, a V. i. lie in a heap. Ka rukea nga tupapaku ki waho pukai ai. (153) /? v. t. lay in a heajy. Pukaii'ia nga oneone ki waenganui. Pukaka, a. fiercely^ L 1 hot. 2 burning PukS,kS,, n. long hones oj the arm or leg. Pukaki, n. scrofulous swelling in tJie neck. Pukaki, n. stream ; brook. Pukana, v. i. distort the eyes ; stare loildly. Piikani, and pukanikani, a. notched. Pukatakata, a. dry ; crisp ; Pukatea, n. atherosjyerma Nov(B Zelandice ; a tree. Pukatokato, a. 1 biting ; keen ; of the wind. 2 forlorn ; over- come ivith grief. Pukauri, a. 1 barren. 2 burning fiercely. E kore e ngaro ; ka pukauri tonu te ka, he whare wera. pukauri, n. a kind of shell fish, Pukawa, a. bitter ; unpalatable. Pukawa rawa atu tena mea ki roto ki toku waha. Piike, n. 1 liiU. 2pubes. puke, and piipuke, v. i. rise, as a flood. Ka puke te wai o Wai- paoa. — Ka pukea te wai aku- anei. pukepuke, a. hilly. whakapuke, and whakapu- puke, V. i. begin to rise (of resentment, &e.) E whakapu- puke ana te hiahia. piikenga, n. 1 source of a river. 2 teacher; model. Ko wai tou pukenga, nana koe i ako 1 Pukei, for pukai. Piikeko, n. 1 porphyrio melano- tus, or ivater hen. 2 ivounded man. 3 old fruit of the pre- vious year. Pukepoto, n. a kind of dark earth, used as a pigment. Pukeri, v. i. rush cdong violently, as a flood or wind. Pukeru, v. t. blow. Pukerua te kapura. Pukiki 146 Punga Pukiki, a. stunted. PukShii, n./og. Pukoki, n. self-sown potato. Pukonohiaua, n. a pattern of ' tukutuku ' ornament on the walls of a native house. PukSro, n. 1 sheath; case. 2 halo. 3 net for catching eels, in shape like a long bag. 4 a kind of mat made of closely woven flax, with a narrow oi'- namental border. pukoro, V. t. surround with a halo. Ka pukoroa te marama. Pukororoa, n. a large basket. Pukoru, n. fold of a garment. pukorukoru, v. t. gather up in folds. pukorukoru, n. rotten icood. I. Puku, n. 1 swelling. 2 stomach. 3 abdomen. 4 passions; affec- tions. 5 appetite; desire. puku, V. i. sivell. Ka puku toku kauae. pukupuku, n. closely woven mat, whicli being wetted is imper- vious to a spear. Pukupuku- patea; jnikupuku ivith an orna- mental border. II. Puku, ad. 1 secretly ; without speaking. I oma puku ia. 2 without food. Kei te noho puku matou; we are fasting. Piikukai, a. greedy. Pukupa, a. without offspring ; barren. Pukupango, n. potato blackened by exposure. Pukurau,n. ileodictyon cibarium; a fungus. Pukuriri, a. angry; quarrelsome. Pukuwai, a. ivatery ; sodden. He pukuwai te wahie nei. Pukuwheti, a. pot-bellied. Pumahii, a. steamy; reeking. Ka pumahu te whenua i te ra, nie- ake tupu te kai. Pumau, a. fxed ; constant ; per- manent. Ka pumau tona noho ki Hauraki. Pumuka, v. t. thrust at; stab. Puna, n. spring of water. Punaioro, n. a plant. Punake, n. 1 fore end of the body of a cayioe, to which the tauihu or bow is spliced. 2 boiv of a canoe. Piinarua, a. 1 in pairs. He wheki punarua ; squid caught in p)airs; an ill omen. 2 having tii'o tvives. He tangata punarua. Punaunau, p. satiated. punaunau, n. selfsotvn potato. Punawarii, n. siegesbeckia orien- tal is, a plant. Punehunehu, a. 1 dusty. 2 in small particles, like dust. He ua punehunehu ; jnisty rain. punenehu, n. dust. Puni, a. 1 stopped up. He awa puni te Wairoa. 2 covered. ; filled up. Kia rua auau ka puni te mara. puni, n. 1 place of encampment. Ko te puni tenei o te taua. 2 company of j}srsons. Ka toru puni e haere ana. 3 a kind of ' karakia.' puninga, n. 1 camping-place. 2 circumstance, ifcc, of being stopped up, &c. ■whakapiipuni, v.i. sit close; hide oneself. Ka whakapupuni mai i roto i nga pureirei. Ptiniu, n. 1 polypodium sylva- ticum; a fern. 2 stilbocarpa polaris ; a plant. PtJNU, n. sjyoon. Punua, n. young of animals. Puniii, a. close together. Kia pu- nui tahi tatou te haere. Piinuki, a. blunt. Punga, n. 1 anchor. 2 basket for catching eels. 3 odd num- Pungarehu 147 her. E rua tekau n<^a tangata, kotalii puiiga. punga, V. t. 1 fix with an ati- chor. Hei waho punga ai o waka. (92) 2 sink; ew/id/. pungapunga, n. 1 picmice stone. 2 a variety of potato. 3 j^oUen of the powers of raujio; or cake made of the same. 4 yellow colour. Pungarehu, n. ashes. Pungata, a. dry. Ka pungata te toetoe te wliare. Pungawerewere, n. spider. Pungenengene, a. muffled uj). whakapungenengene, v.t. cover up with clothes. Pungohe, a. slack, as a cord, &c. Pungoriingoru, a. light or loose, as earth, Arc. pungorungoru, n. sponge. Puohorere, a. easily startled. Pupa, V. i. eructate. Pupahi, n. encampment. Pupu, see under pu. Pupuhi, see under puhi. Pupurangi, n. a shell fish. Pupuri, see under puri. Pupuru, see under puru. Pupiita, n. blister on the skin, from chafing. Puputu, see under putu. Pupu-wai, n. tattoo marks under the ear. Pura, n. any small foreign sub- stance in the eye. pura, a. 1 troubled by the intru- sion of some foreign matter. Ka pura oku kanohi. 2 blind. pura, V. i. 1 furinkle; shine with %insteady liglit. 2 flash repeat- edly. Kei whea te hiko nei 1 Kei runga i Hauatiu e pura ana. purapura, n. seed. Purahoriia, n. messenger. Purakau, n. 1 old man. 2 an- cient legend; myth. Pure! purakau, a. niho purakau; doable tooth. Puranga, n. Jtcap. puranga, a v. t. heap up. E pu- r-aiiga ana ia i nga kowhatu ki te marae. fi v. i. lie in a, heap. Purangi, n. 1 bag net for' lam- preys. 2 net attached to an eel p)ot to guide the eels to the mouth. Purangiaho, a. seeing clearly. Purara, a. having interstices ; open. Purata, a. clear ; not turbid. Puratoke, n. 1 glow-ivorm. 2 phosphorescent atiimcdcides in the sea. 3 anything glistening in the dark. Purau, w.fork. puraurau, a. 1 covered unth sharp jjoints; bristling. I roto i te kowhatu e noho puraurau ana. 2 bitter; offensive (of feelings or speech). Purawhetu, n. heap. E ono nga purawhetu ki tahaki. I. Pure, n. a ceremony for re- moving the tapu from houses, ' canoes, persons, &c. pure, V. t. set free from tapu. II. Pure, V. t. arrange in tufts or patches. Ka purea nga huru- huru ki nga taha o te ihupuni. purepure, a. in patches or tufts. Purehe, and pureherehe, a. tvrinkled. Purehiia, n. moth. purehua, v. i. emit gas. Ka pu- rehua te kapura. Purehurehu, n. moth. Purei, and pureirei, n. 1 iso- lated tufts of grass ; hushes or shr-ubs in a swamp, &c. 2 sun- ken rock. Kei eke tatou ki runga ki te purei ra. 3 small patch of garden. He pureirei nga ngakinga o taua kainga. Pureke 148 Puta PurfikS, n. 1 fleshy side of the flax leaf. 2 garment made from the same. purekereke, n. j^^ff of wind. Purekireki, n. tufts of grass in a swamp. He repo pai, he pu- rekireki. Pureku, n. cooking shed. Puremu, n. 1 lower hem of a garment. 2 adultery. puremu, v. i. commit adultei'y. PurenS,, v. i. be hrimfull ; run over. Purena ana te wai o te kaho. Purengi, n. stay of a mast. Purer^hua, n. moth. Purero, v.i. i^roject; he promi- nent. Pure"wha, n. a black mussel. Piiri. pupuri, V. t. 1 hold in the hand. Puritia te rakau nei. 2 detain. Kahore matou i puritia ki te kainga. puripuri, v.t. suppress anger, &c. Te puripuri te tangata nei te aha. puritanga, n. handle. Puriri, n. vitex littoralis; a tree. Purorohu, a. accompanied ivith a whizzing or tvhistling noise. Purorohu ana te hau nei. Purbto, a. having no current; still. Kahore e kaha te rere o te awa; puroto noa iho ana. Purotu, a. 1 clear ; transparent. He wai purotu. 2 pleasant; agreeable. Purotu noa iho te kainga. Purou, n. fork. purou, v.t. catch on a fork. He mea purou nga tuna a Tirare. purourou, n. a bird; the same as tieke. I. Puru, n. 1 plug ; cork; bung. 2 food reduced to pulp. puru, V. t. 1 plug up; stuff up. Pui'ua te puta o te waka ki te kakahu. 2 confine by means of a plug. puru, a. full. pupuru, a. pidpy; semi-liquid. Kia pupuru te kohari kao. pupuru, for pupuri. See under puri. purupuru, v.t. 1 stop the chinks of anything. Purupurua te whatitoka me te matapihi. (47) 2 suppress. Kaua e purupurua a koutou korero. purupuru, n. chisel. "whakapuru, n. pad to prevent chafing. WHakapuru tao, pad worn on the arm as a protec- tion against a spear thrust. whakapuru, v.t. p)'>'otect with a p>ad. piiriitanga, for puritanga. See under puri. II. Puru, a. fusty ; mouldy. Puru, n. hull; a. blue. Puriia, v. t. do a second time. purua, ad. by tiuo and two. Ka haere purua nga tangata. Puruhekaheka, a. mo^ddy. Puruhi, n. flea. PuRUM.\, n. broom. PURUMA, v.t. sweep. Puriiru, a. 1 shady; thick tvith leaves, &c. He rakau pururu. 2 close together. Pururu tonu to ratou noho. Puta, n. 1 hole. Kei liea te puta o te peke? 2 battle-field on which peojile have fallen. Te puta tuatahi i hinga ai maua, kei Papara-tu. puta, v. i. 1 pass through, in or out. Ko tona ara tenei e puta ake ai. (54) — Ka puta te kiore ki roto. 2 come ifi sight. Ka puta te waka i Tuamotu. 3 come or go forth, with luai or atu. 4 puta noa, adverbially. Putahi 149 througliorit. Puta uoa i Wai- kato. puta-ke, he changed. pupiita, n. blister caused by chaf- putaputa, a. full of holes. whakaputa, v. i. boast. Ka kino to laalii whakaputa. Putahi, v.i, join; meet, as two paths or streams running one into the other. Ko te putahi- tan,e. rakaraka, n. implement to scratch with ; rake; harrow. Rakai, v. t. adorn. Ka rakaitia tona tupuna, ka pai ki tana titiro iho. Rakapikipiki, v. i. lie across one another. Rakau, n. 1 tree; spar. 2 stick; tveapon. 3 luood; timber. •whakarakau, a. He tai wha- karakau ; a long sivell. Rakaunui, n. the moon on the 17th day. Rakaumatohi, n. the moon on the 18th day. I. Raki, n. north. No hea koia koe? no te raki? (17) raki, a. dry ; dried up. Kua raki ■ma kai i te ra. II. Raki, n. green leaves, &c., on which the food is laid in a native oven. Rakiraki, n. duck. Rako, n. albino. Raku, rarakii, and rakuraku, v.t. scratch; scrape. rakuraku, n. implement to scratch ici/h; rake; harrow. Rama, for ratou, pron. they. Rama, n. 1 torch. 2 razor. ram.a, v. t. catch by torchlight. Ka riro a Hinaki ma kei te rama tuna. ramarama, n. 1 myrtus bidlata; a slirub. 2 drimys colorata; a shrub. Ram.i, v. t. squeeze. Me kowha te pipi ka rami ai ki te wai. Ranea, a. abundant; in full sup- ply. Ka nui te ranea o te kai. Ranei, conj. whether; or; con- necting alternatives. Ko nga tangata e haere ana ki Taupo, ki nga maunga ranei. The second alternative is often left to be understood. Me tuku atu ranei te tangata nei kia haere? Ranu, V. t. mix. He mea ranu te kai nei ki te hinu. whakaranu, v.t. mix. Ranua"watea, n. a plant. Ranga, n. 1 company of persons. 2 shoal of fish. ranga, v. t. 1 ]ndl up by the roots. Rangaa mai he taiawa. 2 raise; cast up>. A, ka tapu, ka rangaa te one, ko te Ahuroa. (114) 3 set in motion an army, &c. ; urge forwards. Ka rangaa tana taua hei tukituki i te pa tuna. rangaranga, or rarangS., v. i. blow gently. Te hau e ata rara- Rangahau 152 Rapa He rangai tangata nga mai nei. — Ata rangaranga ana te ta. raranga, v. t. weave. Pass, ra- ngaa, or ranga. Ka rangaa he kete. (7) •whakarangaranga, v. t. extol. E whakarangaranga ana i a ia te koroke nei. Rangahau, v. t. carry on a loop of_fiax. I. Rangai, n. 1 herd; flock. Taku rangai parera, e torn tekau. 2 comijany. e haere mai nei II. Rangai, v. i. he raised hi a menacing attitude. Ka rangai nga peke o te tangata ra, akua- nei ka wero. RS,ngapu, n. company. Katahi ka kitea atu te rangapu tangata nei, e taka ana mai i raro i nga rakau. (16) Rangatahi, v. i. he quick; lyiove quickly. Rangatahi touwaewae. rangatahi, n. fishing-net, about ten fathoms long; smaller than a kaharoa; also called ta"wau- ■wau. Rangatira, n. 1 chiej., male or female. Kahore he rangatira o tenei whenua, ko toku matua anake. (195) 2 master or mis- tress. Ko te ingoa o toku ra- ngatira, ko te Kahureremoa. (147). rangatira, a. in a state of peace. He tohu whenua rangatira te haka. RS-ngi, n. 1 sky. 2 regio7i ahove the clouds; heaven. Kei liea to kotiro? E! kei te rangi. (49) 3 weather. Na te rangi kino i kore ai matou e haere. 4 day. Tupato ana nga tuakana, wha- nga ana i tetehi rangi. (95) — Rangi weherua; midnight. 5 division or 2^ortio7i of a song. Rangi rua te haka nei. 6 air; time. 7 tenour or drift of a s^jeech, &LC. 8 toiver, built in several stories, used in attacking a 'pa.' rangirangi, v. t. 1 annoy ; vex. 2 roast; scorch. rangirangi, n. song to keep time in pulling. Rangimarie, a. quiet- peaceful. Rangiora, n. hrachyglottis re- panda; a shrub. Rangipariihi, n. pjerson fdly tat- tooed. RangirSro, n. giddiness. Ka taka te rangiroro i toku mate- nga. Rangitapii, n. scaffolding for rais- ing a ridgepole. Rangitihi, n. stack of fernroot. Rangitoto, n. blacklava; scorice. Rango, n. 1 roller upon which a heavy body is dragged. 2 land overgroivn with fern or scrub. RS,ng6na, passive of rongo. Raoa, V. i. he choked. He paku te ika i raoa ai a Tamarereti. RS,orao, n. level or undidating country. Raoriki, n. ranunculus 'macro- pus ; a plant. I. Rapa, n. 1 stern post of a canoe. 2 flat part of a spade. 3 rapa maori ; familiar sjnrit. rapa, a. 1 having the toes imited hy a inemhrane; wehhed. He waewae rapa to te parera. 2 entwined. Rapa tonu te taura ki- te rakau. rapa, v. i. stick. raparapa, n. flat part of the foot, between the instep and the toes. Kei toku raparapa toku mate, mamae katoa toku tinana. ra- parapa-ruru, a variety of po- tato. Rapa i. flash Jorth. 153 Raro Rarapa rS.rapS-, v lie iiira. ■whakai'apa, u. jixh haskd. II. R^pS,, for rapu, v. t. seek; look for. Pass, rapaa, or ra- paia. Rapaki, n. girdle; apron. rapaki, v. i. be girt up. Rapaki iMwa nga kakahu o Kapenga. Rape, n. 1 tattooing on the breech. 2 a variety of potato. Rapea, ad. intensive, indeed. Rapi, rarapi, v. t. clutch; scratch. E rapiliia ana tou ringa e te ngarara. Rapoi, n. sivarm; cluster. Nao- manga iho a Rua ki te rapoi kutu nei. (77) rapoi, a V. i. hang together in a cluster. Te ngaro e rapoi mai ra. fi V. t. gather together. Ra- poia mai nga otaota. Rapopoto, V. i. be assembled. Rapii, V. t. 1 seek; look for. Roa noa ail e rapu ana i taku toki ; kaore i kitea. 2 apply to any one for advice. Na konei matou i rapu ai ki a koe. 3 squeeze. rapurapu, v. i. be in doubt. Kei rapurapu o koutou whakaaro. Rapupiiku, v. i. bud; put forth buds. Rara, n. twig ; small branch. rara, v. t. expose to the heat of a fire; dry; scorch. Pass. rang;ia. Rara, n. 1 rib. 2 stage on which kumara are dried. 3 shoal of fish. rara, v. i. 1 be spread out on a stage. Ka rara nga tuna ki runga ki te ahi. 2 go in shoals. Ka rara nga ika \i runga i te kaharunga. 3 broach to ; be thrown on the broadside. Ka rara te poti, ka tahuri. RS,ra, V. i. 1 make a contiiiued sound. Ka rara nga waewae i te omanga. ki te waha tauwharenga rangi. 2 roar. I rangona e raia iho ana i te kowhatu o Moe- (158) Rara, ad. tliere. See ra. Raralni, see under rahu. Raranga, see under ranga. Rarangi, n. roiv ; rank. Rarapa, see under rapa. Rarapi, see under rapi. Rarata, see under rata. Rarau, see under rau. Rarauhe, n. 2)teris aquilina; com- mon fei'n, Rarawe, see under rawe. I. Rare, a. dull; stupid. He rare koe. II. Rare, a v. i. lie. Kei te rare tou nga rongoa. (i v. t. carry. Maku e rare tou kakahu. Rari, n. a fish. Rari, a. tvet. Ka rari toku ka- kahu. Rari, v. i. make an uproar. Ka rari tera te tamariki. Raro, n. 1 the bottom; the ttnder side. Like names of places, it is preceded by a when it is the subject in a sentence, or when repeated by way of explanation. With a preposition it is often equivalent to an adverb, and may be rendered, doivn; doivn below. Ko te pueru i waiho i raro takoto ai. (137) When preceded and followed by a pre- position, it forms a complex preposition, signifying beneath; tinder, &c. Kua nekehia atu ki raro i nga peke tetahi o nga taura, kua mau. (159) — Ka haere nei to tatou matua, ka ka haere hoki tatou i raro i ona waewae ; i.e. in his train, 2 the north. E ahu ana nga waka ra ki raro. 3 for ra, or rangi ; day. Mo era nga raro Raru 154 Raununui ena koi'ero; tenei, mo tenei rangi. Raru, and raruraru, v. i. 1 be in difficulty ; be perplexed. Heoti ano, he raru to Manaia, heoti ano ka maiki ia i tera wahi. (122) 2 6e hindered; he en- cumbered. ■whakararu, n. hindrance ; en- cunibrance. Rariia, v. i. be misled; be dis- appointed. Rata, n. metrosideros robusta; a tree. Rata, a. pi. rarata. 1 tame ; quiet. He kararehe rai'ata anake. . 2 familiar ; friendly. Kaore te tamaiti na i rata mai ki a au. ratarata, a. 1 clear; not muddy. Kei te ratarata ranei te puna? 2 red-hot. Ka ratarata nga powhatu o te umu. 3 sharp; cutting. Ratarata ana tera te mata o te toki nei. Rata, n. doctor. Ratau, pron. for ratou, they. R9,to, V. i. be all served or 2^''^'^- vided. Ka rato nga tangata i te utu. whakarato, v. t. serve all round. WHakaratoa nga tamariki ki te kai. Ratou, pron. they; them. I. Rau, n. 1 leaf. 2 blade. II. Rau, a. hundred. Takoto ana te rau ma whitu i roto i te hangi. (90) Sometimes used to signify other. Kua ata -whaka- ritea e raua i rau rangi ra. (131) — Kei rau o whenua e haere ana. "whakarau, v.t. multiply. Tenei te he, kei nga tangata ora, nana i whakarau te korero mona. III. Rau, V. t. 1 catch in a net. Kua riro a Koro ki te rau 2 gather into a bas- Raua nga mea na ki te manga ket. kete. rarau, v. t. lay hold of ; handle. Kahore e rarau o ringaringa ki ro oneone. rarau, a. in captivity. Kei te noho rarau raua e noho nei. whakarau, v.t. 1 take capitive. 2 lead away. Ka whakaraua ki te tuaahu. (85) whakarau-ora, v. t. take alive; save a captive alive. whakarau, n. captive. Raua, pron. they two. Used re- dundantly in speaking of two persons together. Ka mate a Hou raua ko WHakaturia. (67) Also in addressing two persons together: E Tama raua ko Maka ! Rauaka, n. bed or land in a cul- tivation. Rauariihe, n. fronds of pteris aquilina. Para rauaruhe ; brown groivth of kumara leaves. Rauawa, n. attached sides of a canoe. To kau ana ko nga rauawa anake. (171) RS,uhanga, a. deceitful. Rauhi, V. t. 2^^'^'''^^ together ; col- lect. Raukai, n. leaves of tvhich bas- kets are made for cooked food. Raukawa, n. an odoriferous plant used as a scent. Raukeke, v. t. ^jm^^ about reck- lessly. Raukeke noa te tamaiti nei; e kore e takoto to mea. Raukumara, n. senecio jserci^i- cioides; a plant. Raukiira, n. 1 feather. 2 a fish. Raumanga, n. a species of fern. Raumarie, n. a fish. Raumati, n. summer. R9,ununui, a. broad. Kia pehea te raununui o nga pou ? Raupa l.K) RaAve Raupa, ii. rJtappi'd ; cracked (of the .skill). Ka mate oku wae- wae i te raupa. RS,upS,ka, n. leaf of taro. Raupani, n. J'ryiuy pan. RS,upeti, 11. solamim; a plant. Raupi, V. t. cover iij> ; cherish tenderly ; take care of. Ka rau- pitia te roi ki te rau rakau. Raupo, u. typha augustifolia ; bulrush ; used for building. Rauponga, n. a pattern of carv- ing. Rauraha, a. spread out. Raurakau, n. see raurekau. Raurarahi, a. broad. Raureka, a. deceitful. Raurekau, n. coprosma grandi- folia : a shrub. Raurenga, n. trichomanes reni- forme; a fern used to scent oil. Pania tou kiri ki te wai raure- nga; kia paoa te kakara o te hinu taramea. Rauriki, sonchus oleraceus; sow- tli istle. Rauroha, v. t. spread about. Rau- rohatia nga witi. rauroha, a. 1 extended., as the arms. 2 spread out. Rauroroa, n. sonchu^s asper; a coarse kind of soiv-thistle. Rauru, n. a flat method of plat- ting with seven strands. Rautahi, n. carex tei'tiaria; a plant. Rautao, v. t. envelop ivith leaves in a native oven. Ka rautao- ngia ki te koromiko. (36) Rautara, n. third leaf of a seed- ling gourd, after the cotyledons. Rautawa, n. a pattern of orna- mental painting. Rautawhiri, n. pittosjyorum te- nuifolium ; a tree. Rautete, n. trouse^'s. RS,uwiri, a v.t. interlace tvith twigs. Me rauwiri te taiepa nei ki te manuka. (3 v. i. be cast on shore. Ka rauwiri to matou kaipuke ki uta. rau"wiri, n. fence interlaced tvith twigs. I. Rawa, n. 1 goods; pr'operty. Kahore aku I'awa. 2 ground; cause. Te ai he rawa i patua ai te tangata nei. ra'wa, a. numerous. E rawa ana nga tangata. whakarawa, v.t. fasten with a latch or bolt. WHakarawatia te tatau. whakara^wa, n. latch; bolt. II. Rawa, ad. 1 quite; very; very much; at all. Mate rawa te tamaiti nei. — E kore rawa ahau e haere. — Mo apopo rawa taua ka haere; we will not go till to-morroiv. 2 really ; indeed. He mahi rawa tena? Rawahi, n. the other side, of a river, &c. Kei rawahi te ope. 2 either side. E tu koe ki tenei rawahi. (116) RaAvai. whakarawai, v.t. sneer at; dis- parage. E whakarawaitia ana te kakahu. Rawaka, a. abundant ; sufficient, E kore e rawaka nga kai. Rawakore, a. tvithout property ; poor. Rawaru, n. percis colias; rock cod. I. Rawe, a. 1 close. Kia rawe to pa i te tatau. 2 suitable; becoming. Ka I'awetou kahahu. 3 excellent. Mahue rawa tau niea te rawe! 4 suited; fur- nished. Ka rawe koe i te hu. rarawe, a. 1 eccsy; attainable. E kore e rarawe tenei i a au. 2 abundant. Kei te rarawe nga kai te rua. Ra-we 156 Remu WHakax-awea nga kete ravre, v.t. take up; snatch. I rawea e ia te pueru hei kaka mona. •wliakara"we, v.t. close; fasten up. kumara. II. RS,"we, a. interrogative, how many? E rawe au? Ra"weke, v.t. manipulate; dress food, &c. raweke, a. meddlesome. Rawhi, rara'whi, v.t. 1 grasp; seize. Ka rawbia reretia te karukaru puru o tona wliare hei paki putanga mona. (13) 2 hold firmly. Tera te pakiaka o te koareare te rarawhi ra. ra"whi, n. basket. Roiroia te rawhi. Rawhiti, n. east. Re, int., calling attention. See! Rea, V. i. spring iip ; grow. Kua rea nga riwai. Rehe, n. 1 wrinkle. 2 tattoo marks over the eyebrows. 3 small grayling. rehe, a. wrinkled. Ka rehe te kiri. rehe, ad. intensive, attached to adjectives. Parau rehe. — Ku- ware rehe. Rehea, v. i. be balked; be baffled. Katahi nei pea au ka rehea. Reho, a. bad. Ka haere ki te reho. rehoreho, n. a shell fish. Rehu, n. 1 flute. 2 haze; mist; smoke. Kua kapi te moana i te rehu o te ua. — Rehu tai; spray. 3 flint. rehu, v.t. 1 sing; chaunt. 2 chip; split off" in chips. Erangi te kowhatu; ka rehua, ka nga- whara. — Rehu ahi, strike fire. 3 plunder. rehurehu, v. i. 1 be gone down, as the sun. Ka rehurehu te ra; e kore tatou e tae. 2 be indis- tinct. "whakarehu, v.t. 1 give a relish to anything. He nui te kai maori, ko te mea hei whakarehu e iti ana. 2 cause to decline. E to e te ra ki whakarehua iho. Rehiia, n. the star A^itares. Rei, n. 1 breast. 2 tusk or la7-ge tooth. 3 anything made of ivory. 4 anything of great value; jewel. ■whakarei, n. 1 carved work at the head and stern of a canoe. 2 canoe with elaborately carved figurehead, bust, and arms. whakareia, n. Pitau whakareia; figurehead of a canoe with arms turned backwards. See pitau. Reia, see under rere. Reinga, n. derivative from rere. 1 leaj). 2 p/ace of departed spirits. Reipiita, n. boar with tusks. Reira, n. that place, time or cir- stance, already mentiofied. Ko NGatoro i haere ki nga raorao, ki te takahi waipuna i reira. (78) Na reira; therefore (Tpast). — Ma reira; ^Aere/bre (future). Reka, a. 1 sweet; palatable. Me i paka te kai nei, ka reka. 2 jileasant; agreeable. Reka tonu nga korero. — Rekanga kanohi ; dream. rekareka, a. 1 pleasant. 2 tickl- ing ; itching. 3 delighted. Reke, n. 1 a mode of dressing the hair in a knot. 2 thrust with a stick. rekereke, n. heel. Reko, n. ichite dogskin mat. Reme, n. lamb. Remu, n. 1 poster'iors. 2 lower end of anything. Ko nga remu o nga riwai hei kai ma matou. 3 lower hem of a garment. Remuroa 157 Rerehu Renaa te RSmurSa, n. a plant R^nS., v.t. stretch o^it kakahu. renarena, a. f^dl. Ka renarena te tai. It is high water. Renga, n. good fern-root. Ko- tahi kete renga, kotalii kete parara. rengarenga, n. arthropoduim cirrhaturn; a plant. 2 tetra- gonia expansa; New Zealand spinach. Reo, n. 1 voice. He reo tangata e wawaro mai nei. 2 speech. Kua nanu te I'eo. 3 language ; dialect. reoreo, n. 1 a bird. 2 plahi or undulating coimtry. Compare raorao. Reoreoa, a. ruffled in temper, as after a quarrel between near relatives. Repa, n. 1 belly of a shark. 2 a kind of mat ; the same as ta- xai^a* Repe, n. a variety of potato. reperepe, n. doivry. Repehina, n. agrostis cemida; a grass. Ka rere te repehina, ko Pekehawani; kua kore te kai o te wai. Repo, n. 1 sivamj). 2 sting ray ; a fish. 3 cannon. reporepo, n. a slippery weed growing on rocks. Rera. ■whakarera, a. high. Rere, v. i. 1 run (as water); move quickly. He tai rere; a tide which has run out thoroughly, as low water at spring tides. 2 Jly. Rere tonu te kukupa, a tau noa atu i te matapihi o te whare o Tinirau. — be carried away. Me te huruhuru manu ka rere i te hau. (170) 3 escape. Kahore he rerenga o taua ope. 4 sail. Rere noa atu ana, rere noa atu ana, he waka i tona rerenga. (70) 5 leap. Ka rere iho taua wahine nei ki roto ki te koruarua. (13) Q pace to and fro in making a speech. 7 rise or set, as the heavenly bodies. He marama e ka rere ake ana i te pae te ahuatanga. (159) E to, e te ra, e rere ki te rua. 8 be born. Ka rere ta Tauwheoro, ko Hokinga. 9 be rejected. Hoatu rawa ta taua korero ki a Paoa, rere ana i a ia. 10 hang. Ko te here ka waiho kia rere ana. (147) 11 rere ke, be changed; be differ- ent. Pass, reia, or rerengia, be run uj^on or over; be ru7i after. Ka reia taua wahine e nga tane o reira (148); be sailed over. Ka roa tenei wahi e reia nei e tenei waka. (71) rere, n. 1 tvaterfall. 2 shoal; siuarm. Ka mau katoa te I'ere kakara. rere, ad. ahruptly ; suddenly. Motu rere te taura nei. rerere, v. i. run, &c., to and fro. whakarere, v. t. 1 cast aioay ; reject. Me whakarere enei ra- kau; kua pirau. 2 leave; for- sake. Katahi ka whakarerea e ratou tera wahi. 3 ihse a weapon in striking a blow. Tahi ano te whakarerenga iho o tana meremere. (120) ■whakarere, ad. suddenly. Ka puta whakarere mai tehau tonga. Rere, int. demanding attention. E hoa! rei^e! Rereahiahi, n. the evening star. Rerehape, n. a sub -variety of ' tihore ' phormiihm tenax. Rerehu, n. the star whose appear- ance marks the 9th month; per- haps Antares. Rerehu 158 Riki large kind of RSrShu, V. i. be heated. Ka re- i-ehu te okeoke. Rerei, ad. there. E noi mai re- rei. Reremai, n. a shark. Rgrepehi, n. tattooing on the hreech. Rerepari, n. a kind of ci'ab. Rererua, a. double; in tivo thick- nesses or folds. Rgrewai, n. potamogeton natans; a "water-plant. Reri, n. rail. Retao, n. grass or leaves on which the food is laid in a native oven. Reti, n. snare. reti, V. ensnare. Reti, v. t. let on lease. Reto, a. deep. He wahi reto tera taha. retoreto, n. azolla rubra; a plant. Returetu, n. a water-plant. Reua, n. a shrub. Rewa, v.i. 1 melt; become liquid. afloat. 3 get under tvay; start. Kotahi te mano o nga waka, ka rewa ki te moana, ka hoe. (41) 4 be elevated; be high up. Ka rewa te ra ki runga. re'wa, n. mast of a vessel. re"warewa, n. knightia excelsa; a tree. "whakarewa, v. t. 1 put afloat. WHakarewaia te waka. 2 set in motion. Ka whakarewaia a Kahukura, a Itupawa, a Rongo- mai. (84) 3 melt. RcTvai. whakare'wai, v. i. rain heavily. I ua nehu i mua; muri iho ka whakarewai, ka rahi ake te pata. Rewera, n. devil. Re"wha, n. eyelid. Manana kau ana nga rewha. re'wh.are'wha, n. epidemic sick- ness; influenza, &c. Ri, V. t. shut out tvith a screen. Ka riia te hau. rianga, n. screen. Homai nga raupo naka hei rianga. Riaka, v. i. strain; put forth strength. Riaka ana nga uaua ki te pupuri i a au. Riaki, a v. t. lift up. No tana riakanga i nga riwai nei. /3 v. i. fall out. Rianga, see ri. Rie, a. two. E rie. rienga, a. two. E rienga i a ma- tou. Riha, n. nit. rihariha, a. small. whakarihariha, a. 1 digusted. 2 disgusting. RiHi, n. 1 disJi. 2 lease. Rika, a. 1 restless in sleep; un- easy. I a au e moe ana, ka rika tera au. 2 impatient. Me haere koutou ki te arahi i te hanga ka rika nei ki te haere. rikarika, a. 1 abaslied; overawed. Te rikarika te tangata ra ki tona rangatii'a. 2 having mis- givings. Kihai i rikarika tana patu, kihai i titiro. 3 hesitat- ing. Te rikarika te whaka- tikanga te iwi nei. whakaririka, v. i. 1 be anxious or app)reliensive. Me te noho matou ; me te whakaririka, akua- nei matou ka tahui'i. 2 ivait anxiously. WHakaririka noa ana matou kia tika te hau. 3 cower; crouch. "W^hakarikarika, a. exciting feel- ings of disgust; disgusting. Riki, plural ririki, a. small. He ririki anake enei rakau. rikiriki, a. 1 in smcdl portions or sections; in fragments. 2 Ka mahora rikiriki tatou; ive are altogether scattered. RiKI 159 Riri RiKi, n. Jeek; onion. Riko, V. i. ivane. Ka riko te inantina. rikoriko, a. dusky; darkish. I te aliialii rikoriko. RiKONA, n. deacon. Rima, a. Hve. Rimu, n. dacrydiuni cupressi- nniji; a tree. rimurimu, n. 1 seaweed. 2 mo.s.s. 3 i)t'ddei(\ Rimurapa, n. d\irvillea utilis; a seaweed. Rimurehia, n. a seaweed. RiNENA, u. linen. RiNi, n. vine/. Rino, n. 1 twist of two or three strands. Rino makawe; lock of frizzled hair. 2 iron. rinorino, n. twist of two or three strands. ■whakarino, n. bag for fish when caught, held open by a hoop, and placed in the water. Ringa, or ringaringa, n. liand; arm. He tangata ringa kino; am industrious man. Ringi, or riringi, v. t. 1 j^o''-'''*' out. Rino'ihia mai he wai i roto i te taha. 2 throw in great nutnhers; shoiver. Te ringiha- nga mai o te tao, o te manuka, (lor) Ripa, n. boundary line. ripa, a V. i. make a line ov furroio. Kei te takahi i te ara, a tawhiti noa atu, ripa ke atu, ripa ke mai. (94) (i v. t. dejyrive an atua of power. riparipa, v. t. put a border to. Riparipaia ta tatou hangi. riparipa, n. tattooing on the cJieeks. Ripeka, a. lying across one an- other. He ara ripeka: a cross road. ripeka, n. cross. ripeka, v. t. 1 lay across. 2 mark with a cross. 3 crucify. RiPENETA, a V. i. rej^ertt. /S n. re/)entance. Ripi, V. t. cut; gash. ripiripi, v.t. cut open. He ika ka ripiripia ; he ika ka haehaea. (98) ripi, n. stick to kill eels ivith. Ripo, n. 1 whirlpool; eddy; curl. 2 deej} 2)ool. Kua tae ki te ripo, kei reira te WHeke a Muturangi e noho ana. (109) Used of the deep sea. Te ripo tauarai ki Oropi. ripo, or riporipo, a. eddying; curling. He hau ripo. — Ka puhia mai e te hau, ka ri2:)oripoa te mura o te ahi. Rira, a. strong. Koia ano te rira o tenei tangata ki te mahi. •whakarira, v. i. put forth strengh ; loork hard. I runga ahau i te whakarira, a ruwha noa iho. Rirapa, a. having fat projections. He pukatea tena rakau ina hoki te rirapa. Rire, n. deep water. Riri, a V. i. pass, riria, 1 be angry. Ka rongo ki te patunga o tana kuri, katahi ka riri. 2 quarrel; fight. Mo apopo taua riri ai. (92) The passive is sometimes used impersonally. Katahi ka riria; then they fought, fi v.t. rebuke; forbid. Katahi te ta- ngata nei ka riri kia kati te haka. (194) riri, n. 1 anger. 2 quarrel. Riri taua nui; umr between ttvo na- tions. Riri taua whenua ; quar- rel betiveen tribes, about women, right to land, &c. Riri tara whare; quarrel betiveen differ- ent sections of the same hapu. ririri, v. i. quarrel one tvith an- other. Ka ririri nga wahine nei. (139) Ririki 160 Ro Ririki, see riki. Ririo, V. i. he diminished. Ka ririo te mate o toku ringaringa. Ririu, see under riu. Riri"wS,i, n. stakes in the bed of a river, to which nets are attached. Ririvraka, n. scirjnis maritimus ; a marsli plant. Riro, V. i. 1 be gone or come aivay. Kua riro atu tana wa- hine ki te kawe wai ma raua. 2 he brought; he taken ; be car- ried away. Kua riro mai i a Tawhaki te iwa [o nga taro]. (49) 3 he gotten or obtained. Ka riro te kainga i a Manaia ratou ko ana tama. (123) 4&e; become. Katahi ka riro ma Pita 6 hanga te whare. Riro ke; be changed. "whakariro, or whakariro ke, V. t. wrest; 'pervert. Kei whaka- riroia ta matou korero e koe. riro, ad. intensive. l^onamata I'iro; from very ancient times. riroriro, n. gerygone Jiaviventris ; a bird. I hea koe i te tangi- hanga o te rii'oriro? Where were you when the riroriro ivas sing- ing? i.e. in the spring, or plant- ing season. Riroi, n. rat. Rita, n. an evil spirit. Haere ana a Rita, noho ana te ta- ngata. RitakS,, n. haves, &c., with which food is covered in a native oven. Rite, a. 1 like. I rite ahau ki ia manu, ki ia manu ; manu iti, manu rahi. (19) 2 alike. Kia rite koutou te haere. 3 cor- responding in position, number, &c. Ka pakarua iho te wahi i rite ake ai tona iringa ake. (64) — Ko nga rangatira i rite tonu : e toru nga matua, toko- toru hoki nga rangatira. (loi) 4 balanced by an equivalent ; paid for. Kua rite noa ake i a au te kakaliu. 5 performed ; fidjilled. Rite tonu etahi nga kupu i a ia. {65) 6 agreed to. Heoi ka rite enei korero i a ratou katoa. ■whakarite, v. t. 1 make like. 2 compare; liken. 3 put in order; arrange; fix. 4 balance by an equivalent. 5 fulfil; perform. ritenga, n. 1 likeness. 2 cus- tom; habit; practice. 3 place or thing corresponding; price, (fee. Rito, n. young unexjyanded leaves, or heart of a plant. Ko te rito i waenganui te waiho. Riu, n. 1 bilge of a canoe or vessel. Riu tainga wai; j)lace in a canoe, where the water is haled o%it. 2 anything similar in shape: valley. Te riu o Waiapu, e tuwhera kau nei. — belly of a fish. Pawharatia tonutia i te riu. (155) ririu, v. i. 1 subside into its channel or bed. Kua ririu te waipuke ki roto ki te awa. 2 jiass by. I kite atu au i a ia e ririu ana i ko. Pass, riua, be gone. Ka riua ia koe. Riuka. whakariuka, a. restless from cold. Moe whakariuka ana au i te po nei. Riwai, n. potato. Riwha, a. chipped; gapped. Ka riwha te papa. riwha, n. chink. RiWHi, n. substitute. R6, n. mantis; an insect. R6, for roto i te in complex pre- positions. Ka noho ano a NGa- toro i ro pa. (92) See roto. Roa 161 R6a, plural roroa, a. 1 lom/ ; tall. He taiigata roroa anake. 2 slow; taking a long time. ■whakaroa, v. t. 1 lengthen. 2 dehty. Roaka, a. abundant. Compare ra^waka. Roau, n. rail in a fence. Roha, a. spread out; expanded. E roha ana nga pakikau o te koau. Pakau-roliaroha ; winged grasshojjper. roha, n. sting ray; a fish. Rohe, n. 1 boundary. 2 hand- net for fish. 3 basket. roherohe, v. t. mark off by a boundary line; separate. Ko nga rangi i roherohea e Tane. (32) roherohe, n. torch. Compare toroherohe. Rohi, V. t. screen tvith bushes. I te rohi kumara matou i te mara a Maru. Rohutu, n. myrtus obcordata ; a tree. Roi, w. fern-root. roiroi, a. half-cooked. Ma wai tenei kai roiroi? roiroi, v.t. tie up. Roiroia te rawhi. roiroi, n. dwarf. roroi, v. t. grate into a pulp. roroi, n. kumara grated or mashed. whakaroiroi, v. i. tvander about; be ti7istable; be U7isettled. RoiA, n. lawyer. Roiho, a. bent double by weak- ness. Roimata, n. 1 tears. 2 p>resent made to bereaved persons. Roke, n. excrement. rokeroke, n. a variety of potato. Rdkohanga, v. pass, be overtaken or come upon; be reached. Ro- kohanga atu e au kua mate ke. Rokohina, the same as roko- M Rongo hanga. R5kii, or rorSkii, v. i. 1 be weighed down; sink. He ma- rama ka roku i te pae. 2 grow weak; decline; used of a person dying; of fire that will not burn, &c. WHakaara noa au i a ia, ka roroku tonu atu. 3 act the coward ; submit tamely to insult or degradation. Roma, n. current; stream. Romi, or rSromi, v. t. 1 squeeze. Aua e romia kei kutere. 2 plunder. Rona, V. t. 1 bind; confine tvith cords, &c. Kua tukua inaianei, a inaianei kua ronaia ano. 2 confine thatch to prevent it from being carried away by the wind. Kahore ano i ronaa te whare. 3 engulph. Ka kawhakina e te au kume, e te au rona. (112) 4 prepare cockles in the form of a j)udding. Kei te rona pipi a Kino. Ronaki, a. 1 sloping ; slanting. Te puke ronaki. 2 gliding easily. Te ngaru, te aha, ka ronaki te haere. 3 steady, as wind. He hau tika; ronaki tonu mai i muri. Rongo, V. t. pass, rangona. 1 hear. Kahore ranei koe i rongo wawara o raro nei na? {^t,) 2 feel. Katahi ka rangona e au te mamae. 3 smell. Rongo kau ano te tupua ra i te hau- nga ahua tangata. (150) 4 taste. Ka kai a Kae, ka rongo i te reka. (36) 5 obey. NGare noa, kihai hoki i rongo. (143) rorongS, v. t. repeat the commence- ment of a song, &c. Katahi ka rongohia atu e Rongorongo. (108) rongo, n. 1 tidings; report ; fame. Ka nui noa atu tona rongo; Rongoa paku ana ki nga iwi katoa. 2 peace after war. Hohou rongo; inake peace. — Ka mau te rongo; peace is made. (i66) — Rongo-a-whare ; peace brought about by the mediation of a woman. — Rongo-a-marae ; peace brought about by the mediation of a man. •whakarongo, v. t. 1 cause to hear; inform. Hoki tonu te purahorua ra ki te whakarongo i nga wahi i kapi i nga tangata o runga i a te Arawa. (8i) 2 listen; attend. E whakarongo ana raua ki te putanga mai o te hau. (93) WHakarongo- uka; bear pain with firmness. ■whakarongoa, n. noise. Te wha- karongoa o te tamaiti nei ! Used interjectionally. WHaka- rongoa ! Hush I R5ngda, v. t. 1 preserve; take care of. Rongoatia a tatou kai mo apopo. 2 aj)ply medicines to. rongoa, n. 1 anything preserved. Hence applied to drugs. 2 m,edicine; remedy; preservative against sickness or death. He mata tawhito te karakia a Ta- mure hei rongoa mona. (172) R6ng6hua, n. perch for birds. Rongomaibro, n. steep roof. RSngotainui, n. a long -leaved variety of tihore phormiu7n tenax. R6ng6ua, n. food, used ceremonies. RSngS'wS.hS,, v. t. muzzle. Ho- atu, rongowahatia ta taua kuri. Ropa, n. 1 slave; servant. Ka- tahi a Marutuahu raua ko tana ropa ka haere mai. (137) 2 single man; lodger in a family. I. Rbpi, n. potato. basket for cooked in some religious 162 Roroai II. Ropi, and roropi, v. t. 1 close. Ropia te kuwaha. 2 cover up. 3 use as a covering. Ropia tou kakahu. Ropine, v. t. cover up. Ropinea nsa mea na ki waenganui. Ropu, n. 1 com.pany of persons. 2 clump of trees. 3 gust of wind; squall. Ka puta mai te ropu hau, tutu ana te puehu o te whenua. Rora, a. 1 powerless. Ki taku titiro, kua rora a Hirini. 2 lazy. Katahi te rora o ta kou- tou mahi. roratanga, n. place or time at which anything can be overcome or surmounted. 'Turaungatao, me aha tatou e whiti ai?' 'Tena ano kei ona roratanga.' RorS, n. snare; trap. rore, v. t. ensnare. Ka puta te kiore ki roto, ka rorea. rore, a. 1 deceitful. He rore noa te malii a te tangata ra. 2 iveary. 3 intoxicated. rorerore, a. 1 entangled. 2 enervating; relaxing. Rorerore ana tera te whiti o te ra. whakarorerore, v.t. bind. He aha te tikanga ka whakarore- rorea noatia nei au e koe? Rorga, n. tide-bore. Rori, V. t. 1 bind. 2 gather cockles. rori, a. entangled. I reira nga whakaheke e rori ana. rori, n. 1 basket in tvhich cockles are gathered. 2 animalcules in the sea. R6ri, a. distorted. Ka rori nga kauae. Roria, n. jetv's-harp. Roro, n. 1 brains; marrow. 2 entrance; doorway. Roroa, see under roa. R6r5ai, n. a fish. Rorohu 163 Rueke R6r6hu, v.i. whiz; buzz. Ror6r6, ii. 1 olea montana; moun- tain maire. 2 pieces of wood rubbed together to procure fire. 3 ant. R6tS., n. a fish. Rota, n. lot. RotSri, n. fierce looks. Ka tu mai tera nga rotari. rotari, a. fierce. I. R6t6, n. lake. whakaroto, a. without current; still, of water. II. Roto, n. treated in construction like the proper name of a place. 1 the inside. Ko roto o te whare, i ki katoa i te tangata. Ki roto ki; into; in. Ki roto i ; i roto i ; hei roto i, &c. ; in. Sometimes used with an ellipsis of the preposition following. He kai ma roto puku. (158) See also ro. 2 the midst. Ka tu nga tokotoko ki roto ki te otaota. (79) 3 places inland, or %q} a river. R6tu, and rorStu, a. heavy. Ro- rotu ana nga kanohi i te moe. r5r6tu, v. t. oppress with sleep. Ka rotua te whare e nga wahine ra. (37) I. R6u, a. club-footed. II. R5u, V. t. 1 reach or procure by means of a pole or stick. Roua he kiekie ma tatou. 2 collect cockles or other shell-fish. Kei te rou kakahi. (157) rou, n. long stick used to reach anything with. rourou, n. 1 small basket for cooked food. 2 'kete' made with loops at the ends. Routu, n. comb. RoTvau. "whakaroTvau, a. immovable. Tenei ano etahi te noho whaka- rowau nei; kiano i tahuri noa M2 ki te karakia, ahakoa tohea atu kia haere mai. Ro'whea, a. weary. Ka rowhea noa iho au i te mahinga. Ru, a V. t. shake. Ka ru i ona ma- kawe. (55) /3 y.i. shake. Ru ana te whenua. ru, n. earthquake. ruru, V. t. shake. whakaruru, v. i. rumble. Kei tawhiti te wliakarurunga pu inanahi. I. Rua, a. ttvo. ruarua, a. 1 of two minds; in doubt. Ka ruarua toku ngakau. 2 few. ruriia, ad. both equally. E tika rurua ana raua. II. Riia, n. 1 jjit; hole. Me haere au ki roto ki te rua noho ai. (97) 2 potato-store. 3 grave. "whakarua, n. north-east sea- breeze. WHakarua-kopito ; a kind of ornamental work in the interior of native buildings. Ruahine, see ru-wahine. Ruaki, V. t. vomit. Ka ruakina te kai ki waho. WHakapai- ruaki; have a feeling of nausea. Rua-k6auau, n. kumara-store. RuarS,ngi, a. 1 large (of animals). He kuri ruarangi. 2 He pake ruarangi; a rough mat made of leaves of kiekie, which have been previously macerated in water. Rua-tahuhii, n. potato-store. Ruatapu, a. halving ttvo entrances. Ano he kiore e mau ana i te tawhiti whakaruatapu. (160) Riiatara, n. large lizard. Rua-tira'wa, n. st07'e with an ex- cavated fioor. Ruaumoko, n. the demon of earth- quakes. Te tini o Ruaumoko. Ruawahia, n. a star which ap- pears in the 9th month. Rueke, n. verandah. Ruha 164 Rure Ruha, and ruharuha, a. ragged. He kete ruharuha. See also ruTvha. ruha, n. worn-out net. He ruha kupenga; a rag of a net. Riihi, a. weak; exhausted. ruriihi, n. old woman. whakaruhi, v. t. enervate. Ka whakaruhiruhia te tangata e tenei mate. Rui, v.t. scatter; sow. ruirui, v. t. 1 shake to and fro. 2 shake off". Rukariika, a. iyidefinite. I ma- hue rukaruka te korero nei, kahore hoki i marama. Riike, v. t. th7'ow. Rukea te ku- penga ki te moana. whakaruke, v. t. strike. Me whakaruke te kuri ki te rakau. Rukii, V. t. dive for. Kei te ruku paua nga tangata. rukuruku, v. t. gather up into small compass. "Rukuruku Hunaa, horahoi'a Papakanui"; a proverb expressing the superi- ority of plain serviceable gar- ments to those which are merely ornamental; Hunaa being the name of a place where fine flax was grown, and Papakanui that of a kiekie thicket. rukuruku, n. small basket or basket half full. "Ko te ruku- ruku a WHakaotirangi " ; a proverb for scarcity of food. ruruku, v. t. 1 draiv together with a cord. WHiria he taura hei ruruku i nga pakitara o te whare. 2 bind together any- thing that is broken or fallen to pieces. Pass, rukutia. ruruku, n. band; girdle. Homai tetahi ruruku kia piri ai. Rukutia, n. a variety of iihore phormium tenax. Rum A, n. room; apartment. Rumaeko, n. tail-feathers of a bird. Rumaki, a v.t. 1 duck in the water. 2 plant kumara, &c. /? V. i. 1 stoop; bow. Ka ru- maki tonu te pane ki raro ki te hoe. 2 disajjpear below the horizon, as stars. The passive rumakina is also used in this sense. rumaki, n. basket of seed-pota- toes. I. RunS,, n. 1 rumex Jlexuosus; dock. 2 a water-plant. II. Rung,, v.t. 1 tie together; draw together. Kotahi tonu te kete i runaia ai. 2 steer. Runaa te ihu o te waka ki waho. 3 redii^ce; pare down. Runaa mai nga taha o te rakau kia iti mai. runanga, n. assembly ; council. runanga, v.t. discuss at a meet- ing. Rilnga, n. treated in construction like proper names of places. 1 the top; the upper part. He mea puhipuhi a runga ki te puhi kereru. (154) Ki runga; ujnvards; on high. I runga; on high. Ki runga ki; ki runga i; upon. Ki runga ake i; above. Ra-runga-tia mai i te taiepa; let it be passed over the fence. 2 the south ; southern parts. Rupahii, a. 1 blustering; angry. 2 random; wild. Katahi te tangata tahupera; rupahu noa iho ana korero. Rupe, ruperupe, v.t. 1 shake violently. He aha tau e rupe- rupe i tou kakahu? 2 treat with violence. Riipeke, v.i. be all come together. Kua rupeke mai nga tangata. RiirS, v.t. 1 shake. 2 toss about; scatter. He aha i rurea atu ai RURI 165 Ta nga kai na; te whakawhaiti- tia? 3 bandy ivords; tvrangh. Korero atu ana ratou; rure atu; rure mai. rurerure, v. t. 1 brandish. Ka rurerurea tana paraoa. 2 riml- treat. Kati me he rurerure i to potiki. RuRl, n. Vide. RURI, v.t. 1 measure. 2 survey land. I. Riirii, n. owl; athene Novce ZelandicB. II. Riiru, a v.t. tie together. Me i mohio koutou ki te ruru moki. /tJ V. i. draiv closer together. E ta, kahore koe e ruru mai kia whaiti'? ruru, a. 1 sheltered from wind. He walii ruru tenei. 2 dose together. Ka ruru nga whetu; of Pleiades. Ruriiru-taha, n. loud thunder. Rurutake, a. shivering. Ruru"wS,i, a. foolish; silly. Te mate o te tangata ra, he ruru- wai noa iho, he porangi. Ruta, V. i. rage; bluster. Kaua e natia taku korero ; waiho kia ruta ana au. Rutaki, a. blustering; furious. Rutu, a v.t. 1 jolt; jerk. 2 dash down; fell. He rutunga na te mate. 3 try to obtain by flattery. He rutu taonga mana. /3 v.i. 1 nod from side to side. He hoka pai, e rutu ana. 2 be agitated with anger; storm. Rutu noa ana te tangata ra. Ruwahine, n. 1 old woman. 2 ivoman under the restriction of Hapu.^ Rtiwao, a. large. He kokopu ruwao ; an expression applied to great chiefs. Ruwha, a. weary. Ka ruwha oku waewae. T I. Ta, a v.t. 1 dash down. He ua ta whakarere; very heavy rain. 2 strike with a stick, &c. ; beat. Hoatu tatou ki te ta karaka. — Ta i te kawa; strike with a branch of kawakawa; this being part of the 'pure' ceremony. Hei te ra e whaongia ai te tupapaku ki te papa, ka taia te kawa o te papa. 3 sprinkle by means of a branch or bunch of leaves dipped in water. 4 whij) a top. E ta ana to tamaiti i tana kaihotaka. 5 dash the water out of a canoe ; bale. Tangia te riu o te waka. 6 paint; p)'^int. Ano i taia ki te takou te whero. (i6) 7 tattoo. Na wai i ta to moko? 8 net. Katahi ano ka kitea te ta o te kupenga. (179) /? v.i. 1 breathe. Ka ta toku manawa, ka mamae. — Ka wha- kata i tona manawa; she takes breath. (132) 2, be obliqtie; de- viate from the perpendicular. He ta kakalio, ka kitea ; he ta tangata, e kore e kitea. Compare takau. ta, n. 1 mallet; 7naul. 2 whip for a top. 3 scoop for bailing water out of a canoe (tata). 4 stern of a canoe. 5 (or tata) shin; loiver joint of the leg. 6 wind. He ta tika tenei mo te kaipuke. tata, v.t. bale water out of a canoe. f'a 166 Taha tS,ta, n. vessel used to bale tvith. tata, V. t. 1 clash down. 2 break to j)ieces by dashing on the ground. Hence cleave; split 7ip. Tatakia te rakau na hei wahie ma taua. 3 strike repeatedly with a stick; beat. 4 opjwse; contradict. E pa, he kupu tata to kupu. See tata. tanga, n. 1 circumstance, time or place of dashing, &c. 2 co77i- pany; relay. Haere tonu atu te tanga o mua. (193) — E toru tanga o toku kaainga ka noho atu apopo. 3 ^;Zrtce where a seine is worked. Kia tae atu au ki te kawe i te hau o tenei tanga ika. (22) II. Ta, n. a mode of address among tribes on the East coast. E ta! III. Ta, a particle compounded of te, the, and a, of. Plural a. 'Ta Raumati kupenga' is equi valent to 'te kupenga a Rau- mati.' Taahu, for tahu, see tahuhu. Taawhe, v. i. 1 go round a cor- ner. A ka taawhe ratou i Muriwhenua. (123) 2 &e tra- velled all round. Ka taawhe i a au te motu nei te haere. Taawhi, v. t. suppress feelings, &c. Taawhi noa iho ana, e totoko tonu ake ana i roto i te ngakau te whanowhanoa. (82) taa'whitaa'whi, v.i. hang back. Kihai ia i taawhitaawlii, kia whakaaroaro ranei, kia aha ranei. (164) I. Tae, v.i. 1 arrive. Kua tae mai a Paoa ki to matou whare. (196) 2 go; come. He aha koa ra, ko koe kia tae; heoi ano. 3 reach the utmost limit. Ka tae te roa o to kai. (84) Pass. taea. 1 be reached. Ka taea te taingawui o te ihu. (72) Hence often equivalent to as far as; until. Ka noho ki Piako, taea noatia te ngahuru. 2 be equalled. Kahore he ta- ngata e taea ai aTe Horo, te oha. 3 be effected: be accom2olished. Ka taea e au tenei, ka taea hoki e au tera atu aianei. (19) Often with an infinitive verb to denote the character of the action. E kore e taea te whai. (144) 4 be overcome; be taken. He pa taea. whakataetae, v.i. try strength; contend. Ka mea a Tamure kia whakataetae ia ki a Kiki. (172) II. Tae, n. 1 juice of bruised plants. 2 dye. Kua hemo te tae o nga kakahu. TaeakS,, n. a variety of potato. Taeka, for taea, see under tae. Taeki, v. i. lie. Hei kona taeki ai; let it lie there. Taematuku, a. purulent. Ka taematukutia a roto o te mate. Taeo, n. thicket of 'kiekie'or 'ka- reao.' Me te taeo pirita. Taepa, v.i. hang down. Kei hopu tou ringa ki te aka tae- pa; engari kia mau ki te aka matua. (49) Te taepaepatanga o te rangi ; the place ivhere the sky hangs down to the hori- zon. (72) taepa, w. fence. Taero, v.i. become weak. Kua taero noa kua tu a whakamate. Compare maero. Taewa, n. 1 potato. 2 catarrh. TS,ha, n. 1 side. Kei te taha o te wai e takoto ana. 2 leaf of flax plant. taha, v.i. jmss on one side; go by. Ka taha te patu i tona angaanga. (91) Taha 167 Tahi tahataha, n. ste.ep hanh of a river, whakataiia, Avhakatataha, v. i. go on one side; steal. WHaka- tatalia ana; ko Autalii ano. •whakatahataha, v.i. turn from side to side. TS,ha, n. calabash, with opening near the stalk. Katahi ka utu te tangata ra i tana taha. (91) Tahae, v. t. 1 steal. Akuanei, whakapaea iho, na Hotunui i tahae. (136) 2 o?o anything hy stealth. tahae, n. 1 thief. 2 young fel- low; person. Z filth. (34) Tahake, n. young fellow ; person. Tahaki, n. 1 one side. Haere ana te wahine ra ki tahaki tangi ai. (83) 2 the shore, regarded from tlie water. Ka tata ki tahaki, ka tutu a Tuanui. (113) Tahakii, for taku. Tahanui, n. a variety of ti para with broad leaves. Tahanga, a. 1 naked. Ko tenei tangata e noho tahanga nei, kahore he weruweru. 2 empty. tahanga, ad. moderately ; a little. Kaua e waiho te wai kia koro- pupu : kia werawera tahanga. Tahaohao, v. i. cease, of rain. Kua tahaohao te ua. Tahapa, v. i. 1 pass by. Kua tahapa ke te kaipuke. 2 be left behind. Kua tahapa kei muri te kainga. tahapa, a. at an acute angle. He awa tahapa; a river which makes an acute angle with the sea at its mouth. Ha awa ta- hapa, ka pai te haere; tena ka poupou ki waho, ka kino. Taharahara, v.i. be diminished. Ka taharahara nga wahie. Taharangi, n. a variety of the fish nioho, of a reddish colour. T^h^tai, n. sea-shore. nga whenua katoa o te TahatikS,, n. coast-line. Kei te taunalia haere mai a Taikehu ma i tahatika. (75) Tahatiti, n. 2>'ig ; xvedge; used to tighten anything. Tahato, a. steep-to, of the shore. Tahatu, n. 1 upper edge of a seine or of a canoe-sail. 2 horizon. Na taku potiki koe i tiki ki te tahatu o te rangi. (148) I. Tahau, n, front part of the thigh. II. TahS,u, pron. for tau, thy. Tahawaha"wa, v. t. contaminate with something Hap)u.^ He aha i tahawahawatia ai e koe nga kai? Tahe, n. 1 menses. 2 abortion. whakatahe, n. abortion. whakatahe, v. t. 1 decor from ohstrtiction. Ka whakatahea te awa kia rere ai te wai. 2 lead off into a drain. Tahe, n. calabash. Taheha, n. a small mat. Tahei, v. t. divide by a crease or narrow stri2)e. Taheitia te pu- kapuka. tahei, a. divided by a crease or stripe. He poaka tahei ; a black jyig, ivith a narrow white stripe crossing its back. Taheke, v.i. descend. taheke, a. qidck. Kia taheke te haere. taheke, n. waterfall; rajnd. tahekeheke, a. striped; streaked. Tahere, a v. t. tie; ensnare. Ka haere ki te tahere huahua ma ratou. (i v.i. hang oneself. I. Tahi, a. 1 one. 2 unique; un- precedented. E tahi te oha a to tangata ! tahi, ad. 1 together. Haere tahi ana raua ki waho. 2 through- Tahi 168 Tai out. Tahi mai ano i te ihu, a te noko atu ana. (50) 3 alto- gether. Parau tahi to korero. II. Tahi, V. t. sioeep. Tahia te whare. tahitahi, v. t. 1 E tahi- tahi ana ia i te riwai. 2 touch lightly. Kahore i tahitahi ki taku waewae; i pahemo. tahitahi, ad. within a little. Tahi- tahi tonu taua ka riri i mua ake nei. Tahira, n. 1 the day after to- morrow. A tahira te eke ai ki uta. (142) 2 the day before yesterday. Tahiwi, n. heart of a tree. He rakau tawhito, e man te taitea i waho, e tu te tahiwi. Tahoata, n. jnimice-stone. Tahoe, v.i. 1 stretch out the arms alternately in swimming. 2 swim. Pass, tahoetia, be swum over; be sailed over. Te moana e tahoetia nei e te pora. Tahoho, a. soft; 2)ulpy. Tahoho noa nga pititi nei. TahorS,, v. t. gather fruit off a tree. Me tahora he matai ki ro rahu. Tahora, n. uncultivated open country. Kei waenga tahora e haere ana. Tahoro, v. t. 1 catise to crumble down; throw dotvn a heap or structure. Tahoroa nga puke- puke. 2 p>our out. Ka oti te tahoro te wai o te karaha. Tahu, for tahiihu. I. Tahu, n. 1 husband; sjjouse. 2 any other near relative. Ta- ngi-a-tahu; dirge. II. TS-hu, v.t. 1 set on fire; light; burn. Na nga tangata a Puhi i tahu te whare. 2 tend a fire. Kia pai te tahu o te ahi, kei paoa. 3 cook. Tahuna lie kai kia ora ai te haere. Tahua, n. 1 heaj) of food. 2 sum of money ; fund. Tahuhii, n. 1 ridgej)ole of a house. 2 line of ancestry. tahuhu, v.i. run in a continuous line. E tahuhu haere nei ano toku ingoa ki toku tupuna ki a Manaia. (123) Tahuna, n. 1 shoal; sandbank. 2 seaside; beach. 3 bed or land in a cultivation, divided off by furrows. 4 battle-field. Ka mate te hoariri, ka riro te ta- huna i tetahi. Tahiiue, n. pappus of seed of raupo or typha angustifolia. Tahiinga, n. 1 any downy sub- stance. 2 oakum. TahupgrS,, a. false. Ko nga ko- rero tahupera ano te tu o nga korero inaianei. TS,hurangi, n. beings resembling fairies. Tahuri, v. i. 1 turn oneself. 2 turn over; upset. Kua tahuri te waka. 3 turn to; set to work. Tahuri; haehaea te ika nei. (152) tahurihiiri, n. head. TahUti, v.i. rii7i away. Ka mea te wahine nei kia haere atu ia, kia tahuti. (144) 2 Tahuti mail a cry of welcome. I. Tai, n. 1 sea. Wai tai; sea- water. 2 tide. Kia pari te tai ka hoe matou. Taitai nunui, tai teka, or tai toko; sjjring- tides. Taitai ririki, tai kowa, or tai taia; neap-tides. Tai reporepo; tide kept up by wind. Ka pa te upoko o te tai; the tide is at its highest. Ka taui te tai; it is slack water. Ka maunu te tai ; the tide has begun to ebb. Ka matauru te tai; or Ka hura te mata o te tai; the Tai 169 Tainahi fide has hegnn to floro. II. TS,i, n. a term of address in speaking to a married woman. E tai ! III. TS,i, n. tlie other side. Kei tai atu; beyond. IV. Tai. taitai, v. t. 7'emove tapu from a newly-built canoe: a ceremony accompanied with the slaughter of a slave. Hence, 'He taitainga waka koe noku' is equivalent to '■you are my slave. ^ — Ka tai- taia te waka. (112) Taia, a. neaiJ. Taiaha, n. a flat weapon of hard wood, about 5ft. long, having one end carved in the shape of a tongue. Taiahoaho, a. very light; gene- rally joined with maraiua, as marama taiahoaho. Taiamiki, v.i. wander. Taiapo, v.t. 1 carry in the arms. 2 covet. Ka taiapotia te kai- nga. 3 take all to oneself. TaiSpii, v.t. assault; try to take by storm. A whea ta taua pa te taiaputia ai? Used also of a star wlien in close conjunction with the moon. Kei te taiapu te whetu i te marama. This is considered a sign of war, and indicative of the success of one side or the other, according to the position of the star. Taiari, v.t. smash. Me he pipi taiai'i. Mango-taiari; a kind of shark. Taiaroa, a. weary; exhatisted. Katahi ka taiaroa ake a roto i a au. taiaroa, n. Ka kawea te taiaroa ki a Apa- kura. (44) Taiatea, a. faint-hearted; nervous. He ngakau taiatea. TS,iS,wa., n. 1 foreigner. 2 ca- tarrh ; cold. 3 iiotato. Taiawhio, v.t. go round about; encircle. Taiepa, n. fence. TS.ihek6, v. i. 1 descend; go down. Taiheke rawa te ra, ka tae tatou. 2 slo2:ie downwards. Taiheke tonu atu tera wahi. Taiho, n. heart of a tree. Taihoa, ad. by and bye. Taihoa ka kite ratou i ta ratou mahi. (141) — E tata mate; e roa taihoa. Taika, v.i. lie in a heap. Kei nga mea e taika mai ra. Taikaha, a. violent; impetuous. Taikaka, n. heart-wood of a tree. Ruia taitea, kia tu ko taikaka anake. Taikareha, n. the day before yesterday. Taiki, n. 1 rib. 2 wicker basket; anything of wickerwork. Ka- tahi ka tikina he kareao i te ngahere, hei hanga taiki. (154) taiki, v.t. provoke an atua by passing cooked food over any one who is tapu. Compare tapena. Taikiri, int. expressing surprise or alarm. Taikiri ! taikiri ! kore rawa nei koe e ki mai ki ahau ! (165) Also taukiri, and tau- kuri. Taiko, n. a bird. Taikiira, n. heart of a tree; red ivood. Taima, n. time. Taimaha, a. 1 heavy. 2 op2Jressed in body or m,ind. Taimate, n. slack water. He taimate tenei; ka hoe tatou. Taina, for teina. Tainahi, or tainau^hi, n. yester- day. Tainakareha 170 Taka TainS,kareha, n. tlie day he/ore yesterday. Tainawhea. n. tvhat time; inter- I'Ogatively, of past time only. Taingawai, n. the ^jar< of a canoe where the water is baled out. Taioma, n. 2npeclay. Taiororua, n. valley. Kia heke tatou ki te taiororua, ka noho. Taipara, v. t. Jire a volley at. No toku whakatikanga ake, ka taiparatia mai au. I. Taipu, v.t. betroth. II. Taipu, n. sand hill. Taipua, v. i. lie in rounded mas- ses or heajjs, as cumulus clouds. Compare taupua. Tairaki, n. a shell fish. Tairangaranga, a. elevated. whakatairangaranga, v.i. rise wp. ISTa NGapuhi i whakatai- rangaranga ki te riri, koia Tokakuku. Tairi, v. i. of the sun late in the afternoon, when it hangs as it were over the horizon. Ka tairi te ra. TS,iri, V. t. block up. Tairia te ara. Tairo, v. t. cause a tohunga to be destroyed by his own atua. I meatia atu ona mea tapu ki roto ki te hangi kai, hei tairo i a ia; kiahoki mai ai ona atua ki te kai i a ia. Tairoa, a. lingering; spending m,uch time over anything. He tairoa ahau ki te moe. TS,ita, n. snag ; timber fixed in the bed of a river. Taitahae, a. ojypressive; weary- ing. He taitahae te ngaru nei. Taitai, see under tai. TaitS,ia, a. unlucky in fishing, &c. TaitS-iahengS,, n. producing no food. He moana taitaiahenga, he onge tahi rangi; a proverb, for au unsuccessful fishing ex- cursion. Taitama, n. young man. Taitamariki, n. yoxmg man; young person of either sex. Taitamahine, n. young woman. Taitata, a. near. Kihai ano i taitata atu. (151) Taitea, n. white wood; sap. taitea, a. fearful; timid. He manawa taitea. Taitei, n. Thursday. Taitiia, n. 1 the further side of any solid body. Kei taitua o te whare. 2 for tai tua, western sea. See tua. Taituri, n. dew. Taiurii, v.i. lean; decline from the 2')Grp)endicular. Kia taiuru te tu o te taiepa. Taiwharu, n. a fish. I. Taka, v.i. 1 fall off. Taka ana ki raro takoto ai. (16) 2 fall away ; desist. Ka taka ra- tou ki raro o ta ratou mahi. 3 turn on a pivot ; revolve; roll. 4 undergo change in direction. Ehara ianei i te aroaro ka taka ki te kainga? — Akuanei ka taka tonga te hau. 5 go round. Kua taka nga waka ki tua. 6 jmss, as a period of time. 7 fail of fxdfilment, as a promise. 8 range; roam at large. E taka mai ra nga tamariki i waho. 9 fall to one's lot or turn. Kua taka mai ki a au te mea nui. 10 be completely en- circled. Ka awheo te marama, ka taka. taka, ad. on all sides; round. tatakS,, v. i. fall frequeyitly or in numbers. whakataka, a v. t. 1 throw down; cause to fall off. ^mus- ter; assemble. Kua riro a Te Taka 171 Takaonge Horo ki te wliakataka taua. 3 surround. Katalii te lioko- whitu ra ka whakataka i taua wliare, a, taka noa. (41) (3 v.i. take a circuitous course. E wliakataka ana te ara konihi a Te Puhihuia (170) whakataka-riri, a. 1 rousing in- diynation ; vexatious. 2 vexed. whakataka, n. herd. Ka taki rau nga kararehe i te whaka- taka kotalii. II. Taka, v.t. 1 prepare. Ma nga pononga e taka he kai. 2 taka whakaaro, mahara, &c., entertain a design ; propose. Ka taka a WHakatau i te mahara kia haere ia ki te taki- taki i te mate o tona tuakana. (40) takataka, a v. t. 7nake ready. /3 V. i. get ready to start. Kei te takataka te ope. III. Taka, v. i. lie in a heap. taka, n. heap. Me huihui a ta- tou kumara kia kotahi te taka. I. Taka, n. batten which covers the outside or inside of the joint of the rauawa of a canoe. He taka to waho, he paewai to roto. II. Taka, v.t. fasten a fishhook to a line. Katahi a Maui ka taka i tana matau. (20) taka, n. thread by which the hook is fastened to the line. Takaawhe, a. circuitous. He ara takaawhe. Takahe, v. i. go tvrong ; come to 7iothing. Mehemea ka takahe ta korua tukunga ki te pakeha, katahi ano ka taea te pana i te pakeha. Takahi, v.t. 1 trample. E ta- kahi ana nga tamariki i nga kumara. 2 /)Zace the foot on anything to hold it. Ko te wahine tena nana i takahi te kau:i!ii, he waliine tapu hoki. 3 plunder. 4 disobey; violate. Kua takahia nga kupu i rongo ra ratou. (22) 5 intransitively, dance. Katahi ra ka takahia. (167) takahi, n. that ^;a?*< of the trunk of a tree which is nearest to the ground. takahanga, n. 1 circumstance &c. of trampling. 2 sole of the foot. TakahSa, n. coinpanion. Takahore, n. 1 widower ; widow. 2 naked person. Takahiiri, v.i. roll. Takai, v. t. 1 wrap up; wrap round. He mea apoapo e te rimu, takai atu, takai mai. (11) 2 wind round. takai, n. tvrajjjyer ; covering. takatakai, v. t. wind round and round. TakakS,, n. 1 common fern; jyteris aquilina. Ka mate oku waewae i te ngaunga a te ta- kaka. Zfbres in fern-root. Takakau, n. 1 stalk; straw. 2 fore-arm. Takakau, a. 1 free from, business; at leisure. Taihoa e haere, kia takakau; kei haere maharahara te ngakau. (189) ^ free from the marriage-tie. Takamingomingo, v. t. turn round. a raro o te whenua, Takamiri, v. i. keep close. Ko tetahi mea tera i takamiri ai tera i te taha o Te Makarini. Takaniti, a. prom,pt. Kahore i takaniti kupu. TS,kaoi6i, v.i. writhe; roll. Takaonge, v. i. he in want. Ta- kaonge noa i ro ngahere; koi Takamingomingo ana i te taenga atu o te Takaore 172 Takeke kai, koi aha. TS,kaor6, n. ring on the leg of a captive bii'd, to prevent the string? from cutting it. TS,kaoriori, v. i. im-ithe; roll over and over. TakS-pSpS,, v.t. double wp. Taka- papaa te kete. takapapa, n. mat on which to spread cooked food. TS,kS,pau, n. mat to sleep on. Hurihanga takapau ; conclusion of the '■])ure^ ceremony. Ka hurihia te hurihanga takapau; ka noa. (22) takapau, v.t. set free from Hafu.^ Ka takapauria. (112) TSkapu, n. 1 helly. 2 middle of a drag-net. TS,kapui, a. going about in com- fany. TS,kS,puk6, V. t. flant in hillocks. Me takapuke nga purapura. TS,karararS,utau, n. a pattern of 'tukutuku' ornament on the walls of a native house. TakS,r6, a. eager ; strenuous. E takare ana ahau ki te haere. Takareko, a. threatening rain. He marangai, ina e takareko nei. Takariri, and -whakatakariri, see under i. taka. TS-karitS,, v. i. sheiv resentment. Kia ata takarita. takaritarita, a. vexed; annoyed. I. Takaro, v.i. jylay ; sport. Pass. takarohia, be played with. takaro, n. game; play. II. Takaro, ad. by-and-bye ; pre- sently. Takaro tatou e haere. T^kariire, a v.t. mention rejyeat- edly. He alia toku ingoa i waiho ai hei takaruretanga i runga i te ngutu o te tangata? (i V. i. become listless. He taka- ruretanga mahi, mahue ake. Takatapiii, n. intimate comjmn- ion oj the same sex. Takatu, a. prepared; ready. Ka takatu nga tangata ki te haere. Takau, a. sloping abruptly; steep. TakS.'waengS,, n. go-between ; me- diator. Takawai, v.t. anoint. E taka- wai ana ia i tona upoko. TakawS, v. t. sling over the shoulder. TS,ka"wha,ki, v. i. roam at will. Takawhaki ke noa atu nga tamariki: kaore e noho ki nga matua. Takawhetawheta, v.i. ivrithe; toss oneself. Ka hinga, ka taka- whetawheta nga waewae. TakM.'wiri, a. twisted. He rakau takawiri; e kore e akoako. Take, v. i. absent oneself. Take koanga; whakapiri ngahuru; Last at ivork but first at the feast. Take, n. 1 root; stump. 2 post for the palisading of a pa. 3 ca^lse. 4 subject of argument, &c. taketake, n. 1 lower point of the sail of a canoe. 2 stick fastened to the end of a seine to keep it stretched. 3 tvhale-bird; the same as hakora. taketake, a. 1 well-founded; firm; lasting. He rongo take- take. 2 certain; on good authority. Katahi matou ka rongo taketake ki nga korero mo te matenga o nga tangata o Turanga. 3 own. He mahi taketake nana. I. Takeke, garfish; hemirham,- phus intermedius. II. Takeke, a. altogether acquired. Takeke noa ngatini kupu maori i a koutou. III. TS,keke, v. t. make a net. Takeketonga 173 Takiura Rokohangu ;itu e an c takeke ana i te kupenga. takekenga, n. viesh of a net. Takeketonga, n. a fish. TS,kere, n. kcnl of a canoe, &c. takere, a. partly filled. takerekere, n. thread to lash the bait on to a fish-hook. Ko te takai o te mounu, he takerekere. "whakatakere, n. 1 bottom of deep water; bed of a river. 2 stragglers from an army or com- pany of travellers. Takerehaia, n. opeii rent in the bottom of a canoe; dangerous leak. Ehara i te aurukowhao; he takerehaia. Often applied to irretrievable misfortunes. Taki, v.t. 1 take to one side; take Old of the way. Ko nga he o mua, i uru ano ahau ki roto: ko tenei he, me taki au i toku tinana ki uta. 2 take food from the fire. Ka maoa nga kai na: takina. I. Taki, v.t. 1 track; tow ivith a line from the shore; bring along. 2 begin or continue a speech. Ka takina e Raharuhi ana ko- rero ki nga korero o era rangi. 3 challenge. Takina te taua. 4 intransitively, make a speech. Kei runga ko Hotunui e taki ana; Haere mai e taku tamaiti; haere mai ki Hauraki. (139) 5 recite. E taki ana i nga korero mai o mua. takitaki, a v. t. 1 recite a song, &c. Ka takitakina ona puha. 2 provoke. Ka takitakina kia pamaro ai te haerenga mai ki waho o te rua. (151) 3 trace out; look for. 4 avenge. E haere ana ki te takitaki i te mate o tona papa. /3 v. i. 1 rise. Ka takitaki mai nga ka- wainga o te ata. 2 dawn. Ka takitaki mai te ata. takitaki, w. fence. wliakataki, v. t. 1 conduct. Maku koo e whakataki, kia tika fii to haere. 2 begin or co7itinue a speech. 3 go in search of ; trace out. Ka haere taua ki te whakataki i taku kotiro. (48) II. Taki, or tatalci, ad. 1 giving a distributive force to numerals. Takirua; by twos; two at a time. 2 denoting that what is said applies to each one individually. Kua takimaumau; they tvere every one of them caught. (150) Takiekie, n. a kind of eel. Takihi, n. kidney. Takira, or takirau, n. the moon 0)1 the 19th day. Takiri, a v. t. 1 untie; loosen. Hutia te punga, takiritia hoki nga ra. (70) 2 disengage the fibre of flax. Kei te takiri whitau. 3 free from 'tapu.' He takiritanga kainga. 4 draw away sxiddenly. Ka takiritia mai te taha i roto i te wai. (91) 5 set in motion a body of men. f3 v.i. 1 sta7't convulsively; fly back, as a spring. 3 rush; charge. Kia paia te takiri. 4 daivn. Ka takiri te ata. TakirikS,!!, n. a variety of phor- mium tenax, the fibre of which is disengaged without the use of a shell. See tihore. Takitaro, a word denoting a short lapse of time. Kia taki- taro taua ka haere; we will go in a little while. See taro. Takitini, ad. in crowds. Kaore i tupu Ngatimaua: papa taki- tini i te autaia te takatakahi. Takitiiri, n. death-ivatch beetle. TakiurS,, n. sacred food ; cooked on the occasion of the removal of the bones of the dead. Takiwa 174 TS-kiwa, n. hiterval of space, or time. takiwa, v. i. he separated by an interval. Ka takiwa noa mai te iwi ra. (171) Tako, n. jmlate; gums. Tako, a. 1 loose. He tako noa te aka o te taiepa nei ; kaore i mau. 2 j)eeled off. Ka tako te hiako. TS,koha, a. 1 spread ahoxit ; scat- tered. Kei te takoha noa atu nga mea o roto o te whare. — He takohatanga mahi, a dispers- ing from work. 2 free from fear or suspicion. Kahore he maharahara o tera takiwa; ta- koha noa atu nga whakaaro. Takoha, n. tax; tribute. Takohe, a. not hurried. E wha- katakohe haere ana. (170) Com- pare takuhe. Takohii, n. 7nist. He takohu hau moana, he tohu marino. Takoki, a. sjyrained. Ka takoki toku waewae. Takora, n. small kumara. Takoru, a. hatiging in folds; loose. TakotS, V. i. 1 lie. E takoto mai ra to pukapuka. 2 lie before one in the future ; be in jjros- pect. takoto, n. the length from the foot to the hand extended beyond the head, measured on the ground. E ono takoto te roa. whakatakoto, v.t. 1 lay down. 2 ]jlan. 3 plant an ambus- cade. 4 whakatakoto tupuna, recite genealogies. whakatakoto, n. ambuscade. takotokoto, n. sjirit of a sail. Takoto-noa, a. easy. Takotowhenua, n. a kind of eel ; tlie same as matamoe. Tak6u, n. red ochre; a variety Takupu obtained from yellow earth by burning. Ano i taia ki te ta- kou te whero. (16) Takii, pron. my. pi. aku. See a, prep. Takii is equivalent to toku. Takii, a. slow. He taku te haere o te tangata ra : te hohoro te aha. tatakii, v.t. utter slowly or de- liberately. Tau mahi he ata tataku marire i te kupu. tataku, n. 1 saying. 2 direction; Gom^mand. tatakii, V. t. threaten behind one's back. Kei te takuna koe e Turi kia patua. — Kei te takuna e Turi he mate mou. takutaku, v.t. 1 threaten. 2 recite incantations. Haere ki te ruku ka takutaku ai e koe ki te uri o Tuwharetoa. (129) Takiiahi, n. stones let into the floor of a hut as a fender for fire. Takiiate, v. i. sigh. Ka takuate noa iho a roto i a ia i te aroha. Takiihe, a. secure; without ap- prehension. Na reira ka ta- kuhe te haere; na reira ka ma- heu te haere. Compare takoha and takohe. Takunga, n. 1 food of indifferent quality. He takunga parae. 2 ground; pretext. Kia ai he takunga ka haere ai. WHai takunga ki; have a claim on, for services rendered, (fee. Ensfa- ri a Piwaka, i whai takunga ki a Turi. Takiipe, a. quiet; at ease. Kei te whakatakupe matou e noho nei; kaore he whakaohooho. whakatakupe, v. t. p)ack up. Kei te whakatakupe i ona tapu- tapu. Takiipti, a. short. Me kokoti Takurangi 175 Tami nga manga kia takupu. TSikurangi, a. jminting upwards, as a spear, kc. Takiiru, n. thud. Takurua, n. 1 Sirius; the dog- star. 2 icinter. Mahia he kai mo tau; mahia he wahie mo takurua. — He riri takurua ; a whiter quarrel, i.e. one of no magnitude. Takiirutu, a. feeble; sluggish. Kia ata haere tatou i nga taku- rutu ; let tis go gently on account of the feeble ones, i.e. the women and children. He wahie taku- rutu; firewood that will not hlaze. Takuta, n. doctor. Takutai, n. sea-coast. T3,ina, n. son; eldest son. Te tama a Rehua, ko Kaitangata. tamatama, v. t. treat with marks of disgust. Ka tamatamatia te wahine whakarawai. ■whakatamalama, v.i. be above doing a thing; be too proud. Katahi ano te tangata whaka- tamatama ki te taka kai. TSmaahu, v. t. remove the Hapu^ from a kumara ground before taking up the crop. Katahi ka tamaahutia te kai. Tututu kai- kore; tamaahu kai nui. tamaahu, n. first-fruits of ku- mara. TS,inaar6a, n. son. TamahS,na, and whakatama- hana, v.t. cook a second time; warm up cooked food. TSiinahine, n. daughter. Plural tS,mahine,. TS,inS,iti, n. child. Only used in the singular. Plural tamariki. TamakS,, n. routid cord platted with five strands. (150) TS,inaki, v.i. start involuntarily. TamS-nga-k6t6re, n. 1 youngest child in a family. 2 next youngest brother or sister. TamS-oS,, or tamaoka, a. cooked. Kia korohuhutia, kia tamaoka iho, ka kai. tamaoa, v.t. pollute through con- tact with, or passing under cooked food. Kei tamaoatia te mata o te rakau e te kai maoa. Tamarahi. ■whakatamarahi, v. i. boast one- self; act jyroudly. Tamaranxara, a. sivaggering. ■whakatainarainara,v.i. 1 strait; stvagger. WHakatamaramara ana te haere a te tangata ra. 2 expostulate. I a ia i roto i te wai, ka whakatamaramara mai, ka mea mai, 'A tama ra, waiho au i Hikurangi.' (m) Tamariki, n. 1 child (opposed to adult). Waiho kia takaro ana, he tamariki hoki u ana. 2 Plural for tamaiti, children. Tamaroto, n. a name used to personify one's intier man. Taniaru, a. shady; cloudy. He rangi tamaru. Tamatea, n. the moon on the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th days; called respectively tamatea-tu-tahi, ta- matea-tu-rua, tamatea-tu-toru, and tainatea-tu-wha. Tamau, v. t. fasten. Tamautia rawatia te whare; kei waiho kia tuwhera. Tame, and tametame, v. i. 1 smack the lips. 2 eat. tam.e, n. food. TS,m§ne, v.i. be assembled. Kua tamene mai nga tamariki. Tami, and tatami, v. t. 1 press doivn with anything. Aua e tarnia te rahurahu, kei pirau te kapura. 2 repress. I tamia ra hoki e ia taku korero. tatam.i, n. vi7ies used to protect Tamitami 176 Tangare against the action of thatch wind. Tamitami, n. food. Compare tame. tamitam.i, ad. openly. Tam.6e, v. t. 1 press flat. E ta- moe ra i te rauaruhe. 2 smother; 7'ep7-ess. Tukua kia puta te korero; aua e tamoea. 3 leave for a long time in the frocess of cooking. Tamoea ta tatou po- aka kia maoa ai. tam.oe, n. kumara used in ti.e 'tamaahu' ceremony. Tam.6mi, v. i. he engidphud. Kua tamomi te tangata ki te hu. Tam6m.o, v. i. dhninish. Tamuimiui, v. t. throng; crowd around. Tamumu, v.i. hum. Tamiire, n. 1 snapper; pagrus unicolor; a fish. 2 a variety of pho7'inium tenax with obtuse leaves. Tam.utum.utu, a. discontinuous; intermittent. Kahore e ta- mutumutu te haere o te iwi nei ki Turanga. Tana, pron. his; her; its. Plural ana. See prep. a. Tana, n. ton. Tanae, n. a variety of taro. Tang, a. male. tane, n. husband. Kahore ano a Tangotango i mohio ko Tawhaki tenei, ko tana tane. (51) — He wahine tane; a wom,an who has a husband. Tane, v. i. eructate (after food). tanea, v.i. be choked. Tangkaha, n. phyllocladus tricho- manoides ; a tree. Tanewha, v. i. lie. E tanewha mai ra; it lies there. Taniko, n. ornamental border of a mat. Kahu taniko. (155)'wlid,, n. a fabulous reptile, supposed to reside in deep water. Tanoi, v. i. be sprained. He ta- noi toku mate. Tanoni, v. i. be sprained. Kua tanoni toku waewae. Tanu, v.t. 1 bury. I tanumia ki roto ki nga hutinga huruhuru manu. (95) 2 flant. Taniiku., v. i. 1 crumble down. 2 swallow saliva. E tanuku ana te korokoro i te wehi. taniikunuku, v. i. move about; shake. Tanum.!, v. i. disappear behind an object. Kua tanumi ki tua. taniimi, v. t. fold double. Tanga, v.i. be assembled, Tanga kau nga tamariki a Rewa. See also under ta. Tanga. tatiinga, a. quick. Me whaka- rite nga hoe kia rite rawa, kia tatanga ai tatou te puta ki waho. (170) tangatanga, a. 1 loose; not tight. Ka tangatanga nga pou o te whare. 2 easy ; free from pain. Ko toku tinana ka tangatanga; kei oku waewae anake te ma- mae. 3 quick. Tangaengae, n. umbilical cord. Tangaere, v.i. tvander; stray. Tangahangaha, n. a fish. Tangai, n. 1 bark; peel. 2 cer- vical vertebrce. Tanganei, ad. (for tena ko tenei) but now; but as for this. Tanganga, a. loose; not tight. tanganga, n. stragglers ; camp followers. Hokowhitu te iho o te taua; ma te tanganga ka rau. TangangSo, v. i. subside. Ka tangangao te ngaru. Tangange, a. limp; drooping. Tangara, a. loose. Tangare, a. angry. Tangaroamua 177 Tao wliakatangarengare, v.i. grow angry. T3,ngar6amua, n. the moon on the ,>J/th day. TS,ngar6ar6t6, ii. the moon on the ',di)t]i day. Tangata, n. man; hitman being. He tangata ano i reira, ko nga tangata wlienua ake ano o tenei niotii. (123) tangata-tawhito, tvater-hen or 'piikeko. Tangatakimori, a. small; insig- nifica'id. Kahore i tangata- kimori te putanga mai o taua hau. Tangeo, n. tetranthei'a calicaris; a tree. tangeo, a. acrid. Tangeo tonu te taro nei. Tangere, n. keel of a canoe, kc. Tangi, v. i. 1 cry; give forth a sound. E tangi he pu i nga po katoa, ko au tena. (131) 2 weep; utter a plaintive cry, as a token of grief. Haei'e ana te wahine ra ki tahaki tangi ai. (83) 3 siyig a dirge or lament. 4 cry, as a token of affection. Kia ata tangi tatou kei rongo mai aku hoa. (97) 5 salute. Kahore ana kupu mai, ko te tangi kau mai; heoi ano. tangi, n. 1 sound. Te tangi o nga pu a Tutanekai. (130) 2 lamentation. Katahi ka whaka- huatia iho e te tungane tana tangi. (34) Tangi-a-tahu, 1 lament for an absent sptouse. 2 dirge. tatangi, v.i. jingle; rattle. "whakatangi, v. t. cause to sound. Ka whakatangi au i taku ko- auau. (76) ■whakatangitangi, n. a species of metrosideros. Tangita, v.i. lie. E tangita mai ra. N Tang6, v. t. 1 take up; take in the hand. Ka tango ia i tetahi hua o taua rakau, ka panga iho. (16) 2 take aivay ; remove. Tangohia te puru o te whati- toka, o te matapihi. (47) tatango, v. t. snatch one from anotlier. E tatango ana nga tamariki i te kakahu. tangotango, v. t. handle; have recourse to; use. Tena, tango- tangohia etahi o a koutou kara- kia. (158) tangohanga, n. 1 circrimstance, &c., of taking. 2 betrotlial; inarriage. 3 feast given on occasion of betrothal or mar- riage. 4 acqidsition of wealth. tangotango, n. rail of a fence. Tangongo, a. thoroughly ripe or cooked; sojt. Tang6r5, a. 1 loose. 2 not dis- tended; not full. Tangorongoro noa te kete nei. 3 having the skill loosened; blistered. Ka tangorongoro a roto o toku rekereke. Tangorungorii, a. thoroughly ripe or cooked ; soft. Tangoungou, a. thoroughly ripe. Tangiiru, a. deep -toned; gruff. He reo tanguru. tanguru, n. a tree. ■whakatanguru, v.i. murmur. Tangutungutu, a. 1 large. 2 strong. I. Tao, n. spear. II. Tao, a V. t. cook in a native oven. Ka patua nga kuri e rua, ko- tahi i taona. (112) fi \.\. con- tain food in process of cooking. Ka tao te hangi tapu. (173) WHakataona ta tatou umu. tatao, v.i. 1 remain a long time in the process of cooking. Te tatao o te umu nei; te hukea. 2 lie flat and close. Te kohu e Tao 178 Tapatu tatao ana i runga i te whenua. 3 be deep. Kia tatao tonu te Olio o te kopura. 4 droop. Ka tatao te tuara; ka mate. 5 hleed at the nose. Ka tatao taku iliu. — E tama, lie iliu ta- tao koe. III. Tao, pron., 1st person dual, for taua. Taokete, n. man's brother-in-law; woman's sister-in-law. Taoxe, n. toion. Taopukii, v. t. cook anything ivrapped up in leaves, &c. taopuku, 11. leaves in which food is' icrajyped for cooking. Taonga, n. property ; treasure. Taoroa, n. long spear. Taoru, a. soft; yielding. Taoru kau ana te puku. taoruoru, a. boggy. Taotu, n. tvounded man. Toko- oiio i mate rawa; tokotoru nga taotu. Tapa, 11. ')nargin; edge. Tapa, V. t. 1 ccdl ; name. Koia i tapaa ai toku ingoa e te iwi nei ko Tatau. (46) 2 command. tapatapa, v. t. call by the name of anyone. Tapa, and tapapa, v. t. jiulverize soil. Kei te tapa te mara o Paratene.- — Me te mara tapa te nioana. tapa, a. chapped. Ka tapatia te hiako. Tapae, a v. t. 1 lay one on an- other; stack. Ma wai e tapae nga witi ki te whakapu? 2 place before a person; j)resent. Tapaea he kai ma te manuhiri. fi v.i. lie in a slanting jwsition. Tapahi, v. i. grin; distort the countenance. "E tata tapahi; e roa te whakatu." Tapahi, v. t. ciit; chop. tapatapahi, v. t. cut to pieces. Tapahipara, n. a bird. Tapai, n. part of a net which is first put into the water. Kia whiti atu te tapai ki ko. Tapairu, n. 1 first-born female in a family. 2 nephew or niece. 3 senecio glastifolius ; a shrub. Tapaki, n. mats or leaves on which food is laid in a native oven. Ka koliia ki te tapaki nga kai. (173) Tapakuri, n. basket. Tapakuwha, n. 1 present given by a bridegroom to the bride's relations. 2 tvovian introduced into a family by marriage. Tapanihi, v. i. 1 go stealthily. Tapanihitia to tatou haere, kei kitea. 2 go on one side. Tapa- nihi atu ma te taha o te wai na. Tapapa, v.i. 1 stoop. Kia ta- papa te haere. 2 lie fiat. 3 brood ; sit. E tapapa nei te manu i runga i nga hua. Tapararo, n. north wind. Taparenga, v. t. muzzle. Tapa- rengatia te waha o te kuri. Tapar li, v. t. 1 join ; add. Ta- paru iho, taparu iho nga tahua o te kai. 2 eat voraciotcsly. Kaua e taparu a te kai. Tapariiru, a. slow. Aua e tapa- rurutia te haere. Tapatahi, a. 1 7iot dotibled. He kakahu tapatahi. 2 having one asjyect ; single. Tapatai, n. sea-shore. Kei te tapatai e tupu ana. Tapatapatiu, n. ^vest-north-west wind. Tapatapauma, n. 1 coprosma grandifolia : a shrub. 2 grise- linia littoralis ; a tree. Tapatii, v. t. thatch ; cover in a roof. Kei te tapatu a Pakai i tona whare. tapatupatu, v. t. ptl<^<^^ *** layers; Tapatu 179 lay one on another. TS,patu, V. i. reach the bottom. Kia tapatu ki raro ka tahuri ai ki te tunu kai. Tapau, n. mat to lie on. Tapawaha, n. tattooing on the cheek. Tapeha, n. rind ; hark ; skin. He mea tihore te tapeha o te tuna. tapeha, n. false. whakatapeha, v. t. 1 falsify; pervert. I whakatapeliatia ke- tia e ia te alma o nga korero. 2 give the lie to. I whaka- tapehatia ra e te Mokena a Matete ; i kiia ra te arero, he arero taiaha. I. Tapeka, v. i. turn aside. Ko- tahi te wahi i tapekatia. tapeka, a. false ; erro7ieous. II. Tapeka, v. t. turn tijy clothes that they may not be an im- pediment in travelling. Ko nga weruweru, he mea tapeka ki runga i te kaki. (146) Tapeke, v. i. he gone, or come, leaving none behind. Kua ta- peke atu nga tangata. Tapena, v.t. insult or irritate an 'atua' by passing food over a person who is 'tapu.' Ko wai te tohunga i tapenatia e koe ki nga kai na? Tapepa, v. i. totter ; falter. Kua tapepa te waewae ; meake lii- nga. Tapepe, v. i. 1 slip ; stumhle. Ko te wahi tenei e tapepea nei. 2 make a mistake in repeating a 'karakia.' 3 speak indistinctly or inarticulately. He reo ta- pepe. Tapere, a. He whare tapere, a house used for meetings of the 'hapu.' Ka huiliui nga whare tapere. (131) N2 Tapora Taperu, v. i. pout. He aha nga ngutu o te wahine e taperu mai na? Tapi, n. native oven. tapipi, n. small native oven. Tapi, V. t. patch ; mend. Tapia to tiitou waka. tapitapi, v.t. 1 get together the remains of a scattered army. 2 7nurmur at ; find fault with. I tapitapia ahau e te tangata ra. Tapiki, a v. t. 1 lay hold of. Ka- tahi ka tapikitia e ia tana aho. (21) 2 hind into a sheaf or bundle. f3 Y.i. 1 be entangled. Ka tapiki te kupenga. 2 bend the leg as in stepping over anything. Tapiki tou waewae ki tua o te rakau na. tapiki, n. sheaf; bu7idle. Tapiko, V. t. set a trap. I he te tapikotanga o te tawhiti. Tapipi, see under tapi. Tapiri, v.t. join; add; appe7id. tapiri, n. 1 anything added or appended. 2 vigorous shoot growhig up beside the main stem of a plant. Ka tupu nga tapiri o te karaka nei. 3 assis- tant. Tapoa, n. abscess. Tapoi, V. i. be travelled round. Kua tapoi i a au te motu nei. Tapokere, v. t. crotvd with work- vien. Tapokeretia mai ta taua mara kia awe te oti. Tapoko, V. i. 1 go in ; enter. Ka pari te tai, katahi ka manu, a ka tapoko ki Hauraki. (189) 2 sink in mire. tapokopoko, a. soft ; boggy. Tapora, v. t. collect 'inanga' &c., into small baskets, ready for cooking. tapora, n. baskets in which 'inanga' are cooked. E rua nga tapora Tapore 180 Tara paruparu a te tangata nei ; pau katoa. (190) TS,pore, v. i. 1 bend; sag. Ka tapore nga heke o te wliare nei. 2 become faint. Tapore- pore ana taku manawa i te hiakai. Taporexa, n. tarpauUng ; water- proof coat. Tapoto, n. a variety of j)hormiuni tenax, called also tihore and takiri-kau. Tapotii, V. i. reach the bottom of a hill tfec. ; reach to the ground ; be brouglit doivn to the rvnter. He kakahu tapotu. — 'Toia Tai- nui, tapotu ki te moana.' Tap6u, a. dejected ; downcast. Te titiro koe, he morehu, kei te tapou tou nga whatu. Tapu, n. tub. Tapu, a. 1 under religious or sup)erstitious restriction, as chiefs, ' tohunga,' newly-built houses, canoes, &c. Any one violating this restriction con- tracted a 'hara,' and was certain to be be visited by some great calamity. 2 beyond ones power. Tokowha ona hoa i kainga katoatia e ia : kotahi i tapu, ko Tawhiri. (7) 3 sacred; holy. taputapu, n. 1 goods ; property. 2 aj)pliances. E mahi ana te hunga i noho i runga i a ratou nei taputapu, i te karakia. (154) ^ foot of a pig. Tapuae, see tapuAvae. Tapuhi, v. t. 1 nurse ; carry in the arms. Tapuhitia te tamaiti nei, kei tangi. 2 tend in sick- ness or distress. Kei tawhiti taku tapuhitanga i a koe e noho nei. ■whakatapuhi, v. t. carry in the arms ; nurse. Tapui, n. 1 intimate companion. 2 familiar spirit. Waiho iho ona tapui i reira, he patupaia- rehe. (80) tapui, V. t. lay in a heap. He mea tapui nga rakau. Tapuke, a v. t. bury ,• cover with earth. /3 v. i. be heaped iqj. Ka titiro ki nga ])ungarehu e tapukepuke ana. (186) Tapuke, n. hillock. Tapukorako, n. a bird. Tapiini, v. t. close up faulty places in a net. Tapunia te kupenga. Tapuwae, n. 1 footmark. 2 foot- step ; tread. Ka haruru nga tapuwae. Tapu^wae-kotuku, n. gleichenia Cunninghamii ; a fern. Tara, n. 1 poi7it ; spear-point. Ka whati tana tara. (33) 2 peak of a mountain. Te tara ki Tautari. 3 sjnnes in the dorsal fin of a fish. 4 rays of the sun, appearing before sun- rise. Puta rawa mai te tara o te ra, kei runga o Pouarua e haere ana. (144) 5 papillce on the skin. 6 courage ; mettle. He tangata whai tara. 7 mem- brum virile. 8 sterna frontalis ; tern ; a sea-bird. 9 side-wall of a house. tara, a v. i. 1 throiv out rays, as the sun just before rising. 2 be brisk. Ka tara te karakia, ka ngahau ; he tohu ora ki te riri. (i v.t. infioence by charms. Ka taraa te rangi. tara, a. Korero tara, fable. taratara, n. 1 spine ; spike. 2 a part of a trap. Te taratara o te tawhiti. taratara, a. prickly ; rough. tatara, n. 1 ro^ogh mat made from the leaves of kiekie. 2 shell used as a wind instrument; Tarahanga 181 Tarawahi called also pu-tatara. 3 fence. 4 a shrub. tatara, a. 1 loose; untied. 2 dis- tant. He mea nei te tane ka tatara ki tawliiti. 3 quick; active in movement. 4 making an indistinct sound. whakatara, v.t 1 challenge; put on one's mettle. 2 stimidate by entreaty. Ka whakataraa te atua. (112). ■whakataratara, v. t. make rough ; notch. Tarahanga, n. 1 fork of a tree. 2 indentation. 3 trap for hawks, ikc. Tarahau, n. a rough mat. Taraheke, n. ruhus australis; a plant. Tarahi, n. diary-hoea. Tarahono, v.t. pile up; lay in a heap. Tarahonotia nga kai ki te kainga. Tarahou, n. net. Tarahu, v.t. heat a native oven. Tarahuna te tapi. tarahu, n. native oven. I. Tarai, v. t. chop with an adze. Ka tarai ano nga taiigata ra i to ratou waka. (51) II. Tarai, n. basket of fern-root. Ka rua tekau nga tarai roi. Taraire, n. nesodaphne tar aire; a tree. Tarake, v. t. clear off; sweep aivay. Tarakea nga otaota. Tarakihi, n. 1 chilodactylus ma- croptertis ; a fish. 2 cicada; the same as tatarakihi. Tarakini, a. held by the poiiit. Tarakoi, n. a kind of grass. Tarakura, n. a cutaneous disease. Taramaro, n. 2 south-icest ivind. Taramatanui, a. of low pitch, as a roof. Taramaui, n. pianax sp. 1 a kind of grass. Taramea, n. spear -grass; aci- jjhylla t. Hapai- nga kia tarewa ki runga. 2 afloat, changing, ^droojnng; trailing. Ka tarewa te tupu o te kapana. 5 declining. Ka tarewa te ra. 6 aghast. Ka tarewa nga kanohi. 7 unsettled; not paid for. He mea mamae te taonga tarewa : kia ea ano ka ora te tangata. I. Tari, v. t. carry. Taria atu nga rakau nei ki ko. n. Tari. taritari, v.t. provoke a quarrel. ■whakatari, v. t. 1 provoke a quarrel. 2 incite; stir up. E whakataritari ana i a Te Knhu- reremoa kia whakatika ki runga ki te haka. (145) 3 expose to chastisement. Nau ano koe i whakatari i mate ai. III. Ta,rx. tatari, v.i. wait. Ka tatari te manuhiri nei ki te tangata o te alii nei kia hoki mai. (186) Pass, taria, be tvaited for. Ko koe e taria nei e Kohere ma. Taria is also used as an adverb, by-and-bye ; after a time. Taria nei he mate e pa mai ki a Tu. (6) See also tatari, IV. Tari, n. 1 a mode of platting with eight strands. 2 noose for catching birds. Ka hangaa he tari, a ka hoatu ka potaeria ki tona upoko. (33) Tariana, n. stallion. Tarikarakia, n. a method of platting. (19) Tarik6, a. dusky ; darkish. Taringa, n. 1 ear. Taringa o Taringa 183 Tarure Tiiikiwai; hinieola pnlytricha; a fungus. 2 diu'ivative from tari. See i. Tari. taringa, a. deaf; obstinate. Tari- nga noa iho ki te ngare a te hunga o rahaki. (23) Taringa, n. ciraiinstance of wait- ing. See tatari under in. Tari. TS,rioi, v. i. loiter. E kiia atu ana Haere; e tarioi tou na. Taritari, a. wet and cold. Some- times used witli maku, as maku taritari. I. Tar5, n. 1 colocasia antiquorum ; a plant cultivated for food. Among varieties are Makatiti, with pale green leaves ; Upoko- tiketike, pale, but rank in growth; Akarewa, with pur- plish leaves ; and Pongi, like the last, but with a white edge to the sheath. "Kei ranga noa te taro a Kea," is a proverb for attempting impossibilities, "te taro a Kea" being a large stone at Taiporutu, near Table Cape. — Taro hoia, a large variety of taro. 2 bread. II. Taro, a word denoting the lapse of a short interval of time. A, ka taro; and after a little while. Taro aUe; in a little while. Taro kau iho; in a very short time. (188) Kihai i taro; not long after. (162) III. Taro. tarotaro, v. t. cut one^s hair. Kua oti koe te tarotaro. Taroa, n. 1 a variety of phor- mium tenax, the same as wha- ranui. 2 selfsoivn potato. Taroi, v. t. 1 tie ii,p in a 'kete.' He utu mo te kai taroi kapana. 2 calm. Ka taroia te moana. Taroma, a. soft ; flaccid. Ka ta- roma noa nga pititi nei. Tar6na, v. t. strangle. Waiho mana ano ia e tarona. (159) Tarore, v. t. jnit into a noose ; strangle. Ko wai he matua mou, kia tarore koe i toku kaki? T§,r6ri, v. i. /;ass atvay quickly ; disapi^ear. Me te wai e tarori ana. I. Tarii, n. 1 grass ; herbage. 2 a kind of moss, used as a scent. 3 disease. Taru-tawhiti, influ- enza, supposed to be of foreign origin. tarutaru, n. grass. II. Taru, a. other (indefinite). Ka haere ka toro i taru kainga. I. Tarua, v. t. 1 tattoo a second time. 2 repeat any process. II. Tarua, ad. by-and-bye. Perhaps for taria. Taruhae, a., jealous. I. Tariike, n. trap for crayfish. II. Tariike, v.i. 1 press along im- patiently ; hurry. Katahi ka tau te kuri nei, ka taruke ki te rere ki te wai. (120) 2 tltroiv oneself on the ground. 3 lie dead in great numbers. tarukenga, n. slaughter. Taruna, v.i. be connected by family ties, friendship, itc. Na te huanga matou i taruna ai ki a Takirau. whakataruna, v.i. be connected. Na taku wahine au i whaka- taruna ai ki Ahuriri. 2 serve as a bond of connexion ; serve as a p)retext, Tarupi, n. fresh growth of trees on land that has been cleared. Tarure, v.i. 1 become loose or unfixed. 2 quail ; lose heart. Kua tarure te Hauhau, kua mataku. 3 become listless. He taruretanga mahi. 4 languish; be pursued with diminished vigour. Kia tarure te riri a Taruru 184 Tatariki Waikato raua ko te pakelia. I. Taruru, v.t. 1 be;/ni!e. I tarurua e nga korero maha. — entice. I maka he koura ki ro wai hei taruru mo te ika. 2 shake or 7-ub together. Tarurutia riwai na kia ngahoro te nga nga- reira Ma rehu. II. Taruru, a. close together. Taruru, a. shaking. No ano te taruru haere nei. Tariitawhiti, n. influenza. Tarutu, v.t. jerk violently. tona kaha a ia ake ano e taru- turutu. (159) Tata, n. 1 stalk of a plant. 2 fence. 3 shin. 4 a small net. Tata, a. 1 near of place or time. E tata koe ki uta, e oioi te ika, e rere ki te taha katau. (36) — Kia tata ki te awatea ka hoki iho ki te purupuru i te whare. (47) — Kei ko tata atu; a little further on. — Haere tata atu ana; he went a little further. — Mui'i tata iho; shortly after- wards. 2 sudden. WHawhati tata te panga mai o te mate. tatata, a. near. Kia tatata mai nga tangata ka karanga ai. tatata, n. a kind of mat. Tata, see under ta. Tataeko, n. a bird. Tatahau, v. i. 1 he fierce ; he violent. Hei wahi ke korua tatahau ai. 2 he stormy. Akua- nei pea tatahau ai te rangi nei. tatahau, n. leg. I. Tatahi, n. the sea-side. Kei ta- tahi tena otaota e tupu ana. II. Tatahi, a. wide apart. He ta- tahi rawa nga rakau te taiepa. Tatai, v. t. 1 measure ; compare. Tataia te whare kia tika ai. 2 tatai rakau, measure weapons; fight. 3 join the component jwrtions of a fishing net. Ka tukua te tangata ki te tatai i nga kupenga a Marutuahu. (142) tatai, n. ^;/aTO ; jnirpose. He tatai pai aku tatai. Tatairongo, n. a variety of po- tato. Tatakanga, n. derivative from tata; circumstance, &c., of dash- ing dotvn. See under i. ta. Tatakau, a. having stems or stalks only ; without fruit. Tataki, v.t. 1 arrange snares on a string, for catching birds. 2 attach the battens on the roof of a house to a cord, to keep them in place. tataki, n. cord to which battens, ifec. are fastened. tataki, a. viscous ; glairy. Ta- taki ana te ware o te mangai. 2 racy. Tataki ana tera te kaki o Te Rire ki te korero. Tataki, ad. distributive. See under taki. Tatakino, v. i. hurry on in con- fusion. Mua ata haere ; muri tatakino. Tatakoto, n. sprit on the lower edge oj the sail of a canoe. Tataku, see under taku. Tatanga, see under tanga. Tatangi, see under tangi. Tatango, see under tango. Tatao, see under tao. Tatara, see under tara. Tatarahake, a. 1 bristling. 2 having numerous hare branches. Tatarakau, n. a kind of eel. Tatarakihi, n. cicada ; locust. Tataramoa, n. rubus australis ; Kew Zealand bramble. Tatarawhare, n. a variety of kokopu ; a fish. Tatari, v.t. strain; sift. tatari, n. strainer ; sieve. Tatari, see under tari. Tatariki, n. a small bird. Tatau 185 Tau TatS,u, pron. for tatou ; vc. in ("luding tlie pccson addressed. Tatau, see under tau. Tatawhainga, v. i. vie ; coinj)ete. Tatemea, conj. hecmise. Tatere, a. 1 moving about ; un- settled. Tatere tonu taua, te u te noho, te aha. 2 loose ; un- fixed. Ka tatere te pou o te whata. Tatou, pron. we ; plural, includ- ing the person or persons ad- dressed. E kore koe e noho marire tatou? Will you not remain quietly tvith us? (14) Tatu, V. i. strike one foot against the other ; stumble. Taku ma- liititanga ake, he tatu anake toku waewae. tatutatu, a. tottering ; unsteady. Tatutatu kau nga waewae. •whakatatutatu, v. t. agitate ; hurry. Tatu, V. i. 1 reach the bottom. Ka tatu te hoe. 2 be at ease; be content. Ka tatu tona nga- kau. whakatatutu, v. t. sound with a line. Me whakatatutu ki mua, kei eke te kaipuke. Tatua, n. girdle. Te tatua o Hikakawa ; food. tatua, v.t. 2)ut on as a girdle. Ka whakahua i tana karakia mo tana tatuatanga i tona maro. (97) Taturi, n. wax in the ear. I. Tau, n. 1 year. Tau tini noa e noho ana te ope ra. (158) 2 string of a garment, &c. ; looj) or thong on the handle of a 'mere' : loop forming the handle of a basket. Te tau o te ate; a figurative expression for the darling of one's heart. 3 ridge of a hill. II. Tau, a. strange. Used only in a few compound words, as tautangata; tauiwi ; tauwhenua, &c. III. Tau, v.t. sing. Ka tau te tini o te Hakuturi i tana tau. (55) tau, n. song. IV. Tau, a V. i. 1 light ; rest. Tau noa atu ia i te matapihi o te whare o Tinirau. i^T,'^) — E tau mai ana tana titiro ki a au. 2 lie at anchor or moorings. Ka tae ki te Tihi-o-Manono, tukua iho te punga, e tau ana i reira. (69) 3 be suitable ; becoine. E kore e tau te kakahu pakeha ki a koe. 4 be possible. 5 boA-k. Katahi ka tau te kuri nei. (120) f3 V. t. attack. Ka haere te taua a NGatiawa ki te tau i te pa o taua tangata. (182) tatau, a V. t. 1 dy-aw or push a sliding board, &c. Tauia mai ra te papa o taku whare. (28) 2 squeeze; express. Kua tapeke a matou pononga ki te tatau taweku. 3 coutit. Ka tatau ano te wahine ra; tatau rawa iho, e waru ano taro. (49) rejyeat one by one. E tauria ana e koe o ratou ingoa. (11) 4 assault; storm. Ka tauria te pa o te "VVHakatohea; kihai i taea. 5 tie. Tauia to tatou ra. f3 V. i. quarrel. E tatau ana nga tangata. tatau, n. door. Tola ake te ta- tau kia tuwhera. (66) tautau, a V. t. tie in hunches ; thread on a string. Me tautau nga kanga kia maroke ai. [i V. i. howl. Haere tautau ana te kuri ra. tautau, n. 1 string or cluster. 2 greenstone ear-ornainent hooked at the end. "whakatau, v.t. 1 cause to light., Tau 186 Tauira &c. Titiro whakatau; look in- tently. Katahi ano taua ta- ngata ka titiro whakatau atu. 2 attempt; try one^s hand at. Katahi ano tona papa ka whaka- tau epa ake. (i6) 3 imitate. Ko wai tau e whakatau nei. 4 feign; make believe. 5 go to meet or visit. Ka ki ake ki ana tamariki kia hoki atu ki Maketu ki te whakatau i ana whanau- nga. (78) 6 search; examine. Ka haere mai ki te whakatau i reira. 7 address in a formal sjjeech; m.ake a formal proposal to. Heoi ano te putake o ta niatou korero, he whakatau i a koe kia noho. Whakatau-a- ki, saying; proverb. I. Tau, pron. thy. Plural au. See preposition a. II. Tau, V. i. turn aivay ; look in another direction. E ta! tau ke atu koe ? tahuri mai ra ! Taua, pron. dual, toe two, includ- ing the person addressed; you and I. Sometimes used in ad- dressing one's own tribe or party. E te taua nei, hei te po taua hoe ai. (41) I. Taua, n. hostile expedition ,• army. Ka rewa te taua a WHaka- taupotiki. (41) An avenging expedition, summoned immedi- ately after the occurrence of the disaster to be avenged, was called "taua toto," or taua wha- whati rau rakau. "Taua ngaki mate" was a more deliberate proceeding. II. TauS,, pron. that before men- tioned. Plural aua. Ka hui taua iwi ki te matakitaki. (37) Some- times when followed by nei it is equivalent to 'a certain.' Tutaki ana i taua wahine nei e were manu ana mana. (95) II r. Taua, int. give way. Taua, V. i. wear mourning gar- ments. E taua ana koe? taua, n. sign of mourning for the dead. He kakahu taua; a m ourning-dress. Tauapo, v. t. 1 hug; carry in the arms. Tauapohia mai te ta- maiti na. 2 take all for oneself Tauarai, n. screen. Tauera, n. towel. Tauhanga, see tauwhanga. Tauhara, n. odd one; one having no fellow. Tauhena, see tau'whena. Tauhi, v.t. sprinkle. Tauhikii, v. i. be in the rear. whakatauhiku, v. i. place one- self in the rear. Na te toa ia i whakatauhiku ai. Tauhinu, n. pomaderris j)hylici- folia; a shrub. tauhinu-korokio, n. cassinia leptophylla; a shrub. tauhinu-koromiko, n. a shrub. Tauh5kai, n. stake in a river to wliich a net is fastened. Tauhonehone, v. t. snatch or 2yull from, one another. Tauhou, a. strange ; unacquainted. He tauhou te whenua, he tau- hou te tangata. (148) Tauhouanga, n. last year. Tauhu, n. for tahuhu. Tauhutihuti, v. t. ptdl one an- other's hair. Kei te tauhutihuti i a raua. Taui, v.i. 1 be sjwained. Ka taui toku waewae. Also of a stiff neck. Ka taui toku kaki. 2 begin to ebb. Meake taui te tai. Tauihii, n. figurehead of a canoe. Tauira, n. counterpart ; and so 1 teacher ; pattern. 2i pupil; copy. Ka mauru tona ngakau i te ika a tona tauira. Taui^vi 187 Taupe Tauiwi, n. strange tribe; foreicpi race. Ko Waikato kau tera e rere ra; he tauiwi anake e noho mai ra. Tauka, int. stay ; wait a tvhile. Taukaea, n. thread tised to fasten a fish-hook to tlie line. TaukahorSj int. expressing sur- prise. Taukahore! nga mea nei, te pine! Taukaka, n. syiur of a hill. Taukauki, n. simr of a hill. Taukawe, n. loop to serve as a handle. Tauke, v. i. lie separate. Me tauke tena pehanga. Tauki. "whakatauki, n. saying ; proverb. Taukiri, int. expressing surprise. Taukiuki, a. of long standing; ancifiit. Taukoro, n. a large basket. Taukoru, a. having the folds filed ont. I titiro au ki tou kakahu ka taukoru i te riwai. Tauktiri, for taukiri. Taumaha, a. heavy. See tai- maha. taumaha, v. t. repeat a 'karakia' over anything. See example under whakapaki, (p. 122). Taumahekeheke, v. i. strive one tvith another for the possession of some object. Taumaihi, n. 1 facing-boards of tlie gable of a house. 2 small tower in a pa. Taumanu, n. thivart of a canoe. taumanu, v. t. take possession of another's goods. Taumaro, a. obstinate. He tau- maro no Tohi te mau ai te roil go. Taumaru, a. shaded. Taumaru ana to tatou kainga. taumarumaru, a. 1 shady. 2 overshadowing ; overhanging. Te taumarumaru o te pari nei ki runga ki a taua! Akuanei taua te horoa ai. Taumata, n. broiv of a hill. Taumatakitahi, v. t. select a chamjnon for each side in fight- ing. Taumatua, n. place where the 'pure' for a kumara plantation was performed. Taumau, v. i. be betrothed. No te itinga tenei wahine i taumau ai. Taunaha, v. t. bespeak. Kei te taunaha haere mai a Taikehu ma i nga whenua katoa o te tahatika. (75) Taunahiia, n. obstacle. ■whakataunahua, /ores to^Z in the occupation of land. Taunu, v. t. jeer. Taunuke, n. stalk of fruit, Taunga, v. i. 1 become familia7-- ized; become intimate. Ka hoki te teretere nei, kua taunga ki te kotiro i tukua atu ra e tona matua. (143) 2 be at home in a place; become domesticated. Ka taungatia matou ki tenei kainga. taunga, n. bond of connexion be- tween families. Ko wai te tau- nga i taunga ai koutou ki kona? Taupa, V. t. obstruct; ^jreve?i<. Kihai au i haere; i taupatia au e te tangata i te po. taupa, n. fat covering the intes- tines; omentiim. Taupare, v. t. obstruct; thwart. E ngaro nei nga tangata, he riri ki a koe, he taupare i a koe. Taupata, n. coj)rosma Baueriana ; a shrub. Taupatiipatu, v. t. beat one an- other. Taupe, a. 1 not rigid; weak; bending. 2 variable. Taupiripiri 188 Tautari taupe, V. t. hend do?im. Taupe- tia mai te rakau na kia taea atu ai e au nga hua. Taupiripiri, v. i. walk arm in arm, or clasjnng one another round the waist. Taupo, n. loadstone. Taupoki, v.t. 1 cover; close tvith a lid. Taupokina te pouaka. 2 tu7'n bottotn upwa7'ds; and so, tnrn over soil in difroiine:. taupoki, n. 1 lid; cover. 2 lintel. Taupopoia, n. loop or handle attached to an eel-pot, &c. Tauporo, v.t. bring to an end; cut short. Kua tauporoa te tuwha i nga kai. Taupua, v. i. 1 rest ; support oneself. Ka taupua nga tangata ki runga ki te takers o te waka. afloat on the water. Ka kau i te moana, a, ka ngenge, ka tuapua. 3 take breath. Kotahi tonu te haerenga ake i raro, a, taupua rawa atu, i te tihi ra ano. Taupuhipiihi, v.i. lean one on another. Taupurii, a. overcast; gloomy. He rangi taupuru. Taura, n. rope ; cord. Taura whakaara, fore-stay of a canoe sail. Tauraki, n. drought. tauraki, v.t. dry by exposure to the sun. Tauranga, n. moorings; place of anchorage. See iv. tau. Taurangi, a. 1 incomplete. Hei aha te whakaatu taurangi? 2 having com,pletion in prospect. Ki taurangi; promise; pledge. Taurapa, n. stern-post of a canoe. Taurapirapi, v.t. claw one an- other; scratch. Taurarua, n. witchcraft. Taurekareka, or taurereka, n. 1 captive taken in war ; slave. 2 scoundrel. Taure-wa, a. 1 having no settled habitation. 2 not paid for. He taonga taurewa. Tauri, n. ornament of feathers on a taiaha. Taurima, v.t. entertain. I wa- rea ki te taurima i tana manu- hiri. Taurite, a. ojyposite. Kua tau- rite ki te kainga o tenei tangata. Taurii, n. west wind. Tauriia, n. canoe in which a net is carried. Taurumarumaki, v. t. duck one another in the zvater. Tautaawhi, v.t. come to the assistance of; support. Tautahi, n. odd one. E waru pu tautahi ; eiyht couples and an odd one. Tautaka, a. tojj-heavy; unsteady. Tautaka ki to tatou waka. Tautane, a. Mara tautane ; ku- mara ground set apart for the atuas to secure their goodwill with regard to the rest of the crop. Tautapa, v.i. 1 give the word for action. Katahi ka tautapa te whakahauhau a te hunga e tu iho ra i te taumata, 'E, kua ngaro kei roto: kumea.' (151) chant a song for the purpose of keeping time in any united effort. 2 challenge. I te tau- tapa riri te hunga na ki a au. — Riri tautapatapa; single com- bat according to p)revious chal- lenge. TautS,ra, n. stick to support a fishing line. Tautari, n. upright stick in the wall of a native house, sup- porting the small battens to Tautau 189 TauAvhirow^hiro which the reeds ;ire fastened. tautari, v.t. fix the tautari. Kei te tautari te whare o Tuke. Tautau, see under tau. Tautaua, a. 1 inactive. Me aha i te tautaua o nga tangata o tenei kainga? 2 cowardly. Te ingoa o tcna tautaua, he to- whare. Tautauamoa, a. He riri tautau- anioa ; a quarrel in which few take part. Taute, v.t. 1 prepare fish for cooking. 2 tend; look after. Hoki marire atu ki uta nga waka te mano ra, ki uta hoki taute ai i a ia. (41) Kei muri te tangata tetere nei e taute ana i a ia. whakataute, n. anything that one has to attend to ; charge. Ko ana whakatauteute, ko tana wahine, ko ana tamariki ka riro ra. Tauteka, n. 1 brace; prop. 2 ])ole on which a weight is car- ried between two persons. 2 piece of tvood used to twist up the lashing of anything in order to tighten it. tauteka, v.t. 1 support with a prop. 2 carry on a pole. 3 tif/hten by twisti^ig. Tautika, a. even; level. tautika, n. boundary. Ko te tautika tenei o te kainga. Tautimai, int. Welcome! Tautinei, v.t. holdup, or support a weak person; tiphold a cause or party. Ko koe te mea e tautinei ana i tera taha. Tautiti, V. t. support an invalid in walking. Tautiti, v.t. stick into one^s belt. tautiti, n. belt; girdle. Kia mau te tautiti o te taua ; ivait till the girdle of the war party is fastened; i.e. until the c7'ops are gathered in. Tautohe, v. i. contend: persist. tautohetohe, v. i. contend one tvith another. E tautolietohe ana nga waka ra. Tautohito, n. adept ; person of exj)erience. Tautoko, v.t. j^'i'op up; support. Tautoro, v. i. stretch forward; extend oneself. Tautukii, v. i. 1 stoop ; bend doiun. 2 be loiv. Nekehia ake tena ki runga; kei te tautuku rawa ki raro. Tautiitetute, v.i. jostle one an- other. TS-Uware, v.i. touch without at- tracting notice. Heoi ano, tau- ware atu nga ringaringa ki runga i te pane hokomirimiri ai. (159) tauAvare, n. 1 thwart of a canoe. 2 sp>ace between two thwarts. 3 space between the 'riu tainga ivai' and the bow or stern of a canoe. Tauwehe, v.i. be separated. Ka haraniai tenei ka tauwehe. Tauwhainga, v.i. contend; vie. E tauwhainga ana te waka ki te poti. Tauwhanga, v. t. lurk for. Ki te tauwhanga i te tangata i tarai nei i to ratou waka. (51) Tau"whare, v. i. overhang. I raro i nga tauwharenga ko- whatu^ (_i33) Tauwliatoto, v. i. p>ull one against another. Tau"whatii, n. fishing net. Tauwhena, n. of small stature ; dwarfish. Tauwheniia, n. strange land. Tau'whirowhiro, v. i. be near the change. Kei te tauwhirowhiro te marama. Compare 'whiro. Tau-whiwhi 190 Ta^wera Tauwhiwhi, v. i. he entamjled. tau"whi"whi, v.t. fasten up a 'kete.' Tawa, n. nesodaphne tawa; a tree. ta"wata"wa, n. mackerel; scomber australasicus. ta'watawa, a. striped like mac- kerel. Me te anuhe tawatawa. (30) Tawa, n. ridge. Tawae, v.t. 1 divide; separate. Tawaewaetia te ahi kia ka ai. Tawae taro; separate young tu- bers of Haro.' 2 throw down standing crops. Taku kanga, pau katoa te tawae. Tawaha, n. bed in a garden. Tawaha, a. having an unpleasant taste. Ka tawahatia toku ma- ngai. Tawahaniii, n. north tvind (Bay of Plenty). Tawahi, n. the oppiosite side of a river or valley. E liaere ana kia whiti ki tawahi o te awa. (41) Tawai, n. canoe without attached sides; Hiivai.' Tawai, v. i. 1 jeer; tau7it. Aua ra e tawaia te tangata na. 2 steep in vegetable dye. Tawai, n. fagus Menziesii, and fagusfusca; trees. tawaiwai, n. phyllocladus tricho- manoides ; a tree. Tawaka, n. large grey duch. He parera tawaka. Tawaka, a. grooved; channelled. Ta"wake, v.t. repair a hole in a canoe. Tawaketia to tatouwaka. Rau tawake; piece of wood in- serted to stop a hole; patch. Tawao, n. 1 a herb used for food. 2 carmichcelia sp. ; a shrub. Tawapou, n. sapota costata; a tree. Taware, v.t. dupe; cajole. He taware tana i o tatou mahara. Tawari, n. ixerha brexioides; a tree. tawari, v. t. op^jose a claim to land, &c. Tawari, a. 1 almost broken of: hanging by the skin, &c. 2 tmaried; exhausted. tawari wari, a. bending from side to side. Tawatawa, see under tawa. Tawatu, n. oven of cockles. Tawau, n. milky juice of plants. Me rami ki te wai kia hemo ai te tawau o te panahi. tawauwau, n. 1 a fish. 2 a kind of 7iet. See rangitahi. Tawauri, a. dark; black. Tawe, n. weight on a cable to pi'event an anchor from drag- ging. Kahore he tawe mo to tatou punga. Taweka, v. t. carry round the neck, as clothes, &c., to keep them out of the way in travel- ling. taweka, n. incumbrance; hin- drance. He aha te tawekaweka i runga i a Te Matehe? I. Taweke, v. i. be all gone or come; be entirely consumed. Ko te whakataweketanga tenei o nga kaumatua e noho nei. II. Taweke, v. t. set snares for birds. Tatou ki te taweke i a tatou kaha. taweke, a. connected by relation- sliip, friendship, &c. Na wai koe i taweke ai ki konei? taweke, n. sonclms asper; large sow-thistle. The same as rau- roroa. Taweku, n. coriaria ruscifolia; a shrub, the same as tiitu. Tawera, n. 1 the morning star; the planet Venus. 2 burnt Tawerewere 191 Ta"whiti place in a avoocI, etc. Ta"werewgre, v.i. hang. Taweru, n. (jarment; ray. TaAvewe, v. t. 1 sound with a line. 2 examine the bottom of the sea or a river by drdyyhKj, to ascertain its freedom from obstructions. Haere, tawewe- tia te taanga mo te kupenga nei. Ta"wiri, n. 1 a shell-fish. 2 eel-net. 3 cowardice. No reira ka mau nei hei tawiri. (67) Ta"wha, v.i. b^irst open; crack. tawha, n. 1 crack; chasm. 2 calabash. Compare taha. Tawhai, n. a tree. Tavrhai, a V. i. stretch forth. Kau tawhai; stretch forth the arms alternately in swimming. /3 v.t. imitate; rival. E kore e taea te tawhai te whare o NGatitoa. Ta"whaki, v.t. gather fruit. Tawhana, a. bent like a bow. Tawhao, n. copse-tvood. tawhao"whao, n. drift-wood, &c., cast up by the sea. NGa ta- whaowhao te akau roa. (11) Tawhara, a. wide apart. Kia tawhara te ko o te mara. tawhara, n. flower bracts of freycinetia Banksii or kiekie. Tawharara, a. 1 leaning; slant- ing. 2 declining (of the sun). Ka tawharara te ra. Tawharau, v. t. shelter with branches stuck into the ground. Ko tona waka, toia ake ki uta; tawharautia ake. (56) Tawharu, v.i bend down in the middle; sag. Kei tawliaru iho te tahuhu. Tawhati, v. i. ebb. Kua tawliati te tai. tawhati, n. valley. Tawhe, see taawhe. Taw^he. tawhetawhe, n. old garment; rag. Kua kore o matou tawhe- tawlie. Tawhenua, n. land wind. Tawheo, a. circuitous. He ara tawheo. Taw^hera, a. open; gajnng. Ta- whera katoa te waewae o Wai- ahinau. tawhera, n. leaf. Tawhero, n. ]Vein7nannia race- mosa ; or ' towai ' ; a tree. Tawheta, v.i. 1 dangle. 2 be listless. 3 lie together ; lie in a heap. Ka tawheta nei nga rakau. Ta"whewheo, n. quiiitinnia ser- rata ; a tree. Taw^hi, see taawhi. Tawhi, n. food. E kore e o atu te tawhi maoi'i. Tawhio, v.i. 1 go round about. 2 be in an out-of-the-way situa- tion. He tawliio te kainga ki roto. 3 be travelled round. Ka tawhio i a ia tera motu. Tawhiri, v.t. beckon; wave to. Tawhiritia te ope ra kia haere mai. 2 bid welcome. E haere atu ana te tangata, ka pa te tawhiri. (139) 3 whirl 7-ound; wri^tg the neck by whirling round. tawhiri, n. pittosporum tenui- folium; so called from its being waved as a demonstration of wel- come. Ko te tawhiri kua oti te whakarewa hei wliakakakara i te whare. (192) Tawhiro, v.i. tiirn. Te tawhiro mai, te aha. Compare tahuri. Tawhiti, n. snare; trap. I. Tawhiti, a. 1 distant; widely separated, in space or time. Nawai i tata, a ka tawhiti noa atu, ka tawhiti noa mai. (70) Ta^whiti 192 Teka 2 hospitable ; generous. Ka- tahi ano te tangata tawhiti ! ta"whiti. n. 1 a distant locality; a distance. Kua riro ki ta- whiti. ' Kei tawhiti ' often signi- fies matchless; unrivalled. Kei tawhiti tou manawanui. 2 man; fellow; a familiar term. Te whakatikanga ake o taua tawhiti raka. (65) II. Ta'whiti, v. i. for tahuti, run atvay. Kua tawhiti taku ta- rn aiti. Tawhito, a. old. Tawhiu, v. t. drive together; hunt up. ta-whiuwhiu, v.t whirl round and round. Tawhiwhi, v.i. he enttvined, or entangled. Ka tawhiwhi te pua- wananga ki nga manga o te rakau. Te, art. plural nga. 1 the. 2 with verbs (a) it may form an infinitive ; Kihai i taea te ko- rikori. (143) — (/?) or a gerund; Hei utu mo ta ratou tukunga i a ia ki te whawhai. (7) — (y) or it may be repeated from tera or tenei earlier in the sen- tence, when the action is im- perfect. Tera a Hineiteiwaiwa te titiro mai ra i runga i te whare. (62) I. Te, apparently compounded of te and the verbal particle e. Ko koe te mohio ana; for Ko koe te [mea] e niohio ana; You are the person who knows. II. Te, ad. 710^. To noa, to noa, te taea. (76) — Te ai he aha hei wliakaohooho mai. (117) — Ka- hore ano maua i puta atu i te whare o Hohaia i te kitea wa- wetia he tangata hei kani papa whare mo maua. III. Te, v.i. crack; em,it a sharji explosive sound. IV. Te. tete, V. i. exert oneself. Tete noa koutou ki te mahi kai, era e whai kai? tete, n. 1 figure-head of a canoe witliout arms or legs. 2 canoe witli, plain figureliead. whakate, v. t. squeeze fluid out of anything. Me whakate te puku kia hemo ai te pirau ki waho. whakatete, v.t. milk. I. Tea, a. white. tetea, v. i. gnash the teeth. II. Tea, ad. interrogative, where. Tea mea ma ? Tehe, n. membrum virile glande nuda. I. Tehea, pron. interrogative, which. Ko tehea to koutou waka? PL ehea. II. Tehea, ad. interrogative, tvhere. Tehea toku kakahu? Teihana, n. station. Teina, n. 1 younger brother of a male. 2 younger sister of a female. Teitei, a. high ; tall. teitei, n. summit. I. Teka, a. false ; lying. He korero teka. tekateka, a. confounded; gene- rally witli 'noa,'as, tekateka noa. whakateka, v. t. disbelieve. II. Teka, v.t. drive forwards; urge on. teka, n. 1 small dart thrown for amusement. 2 projecting part of a ' ko,' by means of which it is forced into the ground by the foot. 3 a kind of karakia or charm. teka, a. Tai teka; sprhig-tide. ■whakatekateka, v.i. 1 p)lay ivith Heka' dart. 2 play at any game. Tekaha 193 Tepe tetSkS,, a. numbed. Ka teteka oku riugaringa i te niatao. whakateteka, v. i. desire; in- tend; meditate. E wliakate- teka ana ia ki te whawhai. Tekaha, conj. but then. E hoki ana te Hauhau i Taureka; te- kaha ko Rongowhakaata, ka- wea ana ki Patutahi. Tekau, a. te^i. I. Teke, n. pudenda muliebria. II. Teke. whakateke, v. i. deal deceitfully. Eliara tenei i te whakateke naku; he tika tonu. Teki, n. outer fence of a pa. teki, V. i. drift with the anchor doivn but not touching the bot- to7n. whakateki, v. t. suspend so as not to reach the ground. Me whakateki tena papa. Teko, n. rock. tekoteko, n. carved figure on the gable of a house. Te whaka- tikanga o Tangotango, tu ana i runga i te tekoteko o te whare. (48) Temara, n. thimble. Temepara, n. temple. Tena, pron., plural ena or ana, near or connected with the per- son addressed ; that ; this. Hei aha tena wahine i hahauria ai e korua? (185) tena, conj. but. Kaore nga mea o Hawaiki i poto hei whaka- tuputupu i te wahine ; tena, mo nga tane, i poto katoa ; nga mea iti, nga mea nunui. Tena ko tenei ; but on the other hand. tena, ad. there; here. He wai ano tena? The usual greeting "Tena koe" may be literally rendered, ^Here you are!' as much as to say, '/ am glad to see you.' Tena is often used to invite co-operation, or to en- courage or urge on a work — Come now. Tena, tatou, ka here i te ra kia ata haere ai. (18) Or again, to give emphasis to a demand. Tena, he aha te tohu o tou ekenga mai? (122) Hence tena, v. t. encourage ; urge for- ward. Tenatia ana e aua wa- hine ko te kai ma te mahi. "whakatenatena, v.t. encourage. I. T6ne, a. invented. He kupu tene noa ake tenei kupu. II. Tene, v.i. he importunate. E tene mai ano pea ki tetahi mana. whakatenetene, v. t. annoy ; provoke. Hore i te whakatene- tene mai o te taurekareka nei ! Tenei, pron. this; near the speaker. Ko tona ara tenei e puta ake ai. (54) Plural enei or anei. tenei, ad. 1 here. Tenei ra to maua nei kainga. (165) 2 now. Ko tenei, e tama, he iwi kino te iwi nei. (141) Kua tata tenei ratou te u ki uta. Teneti, n. tent. T§n5, a. notched. Kia teno te rakau. Tenga, n. pomum Adami; the prominent part of the throat. Tengi, a. three. Teo, n. stick. teo, v.t. stick into the ground. teoteo, n. 1 a small kind of shag ; the same as aroarotea. 2 the female of prosthemadera Novce Zealandice. Tepara, n. 1 table. 2 stable. T6pe. whakatepe, v. t. do in order without any omission; do com,- pletely. WHakatepea te mahi. Tepetepe 194 Ti TgpgtepS, n. 1 clot of blood, &c. 2 jelly-fish. Tepu, n. table. Tera, pron. that; away from either the speaker or the person addressed; that other ; the other. Ka hui tera iwi ki te mataki- taki. (145) Tera tau; last year, or next year. Often used for the personal pronoun. Ka ki mai tera, Kei te ata tonu. (90) tera, ad. there. Tera ano tetahi pa nui onamata. (166) Tera, n, saddle. Tere, v. i. 1 drift from moorings. Ka tere to tatou waka i te hau. 2 float. E tere tonu ana ia i runga i nga kiaka. (143) 3 move swiftly. Ka nui te tere o to koutou kaipuke. 4 he quick. Kia tere mai he kai whakahoki mai i te korero. tere, n. shoal of fish. tetere, a. large; swollen. Ka tetere taku matihao. teretere, n. com'pany of travellers. Ka u mai he teretere no Aotea. (^43) teretere, v. i. he liquid; flow; run. Terepii, v.t. dejoort; carry off in a body. Tereti, n. slate. Tetahi, pron. 1 one; a; a cer- tain. Ka whakatika tetahi o nga rangatira o te ope ra. (154) 2 another. Ka karanga mai tetahi tangata. Me au nei te ahua? (61) 3 some. Kawea atu tetahi wai mo te manuhiri. (168) Plural etahi, some; some others. Tete, V. i. stand fixed in the ground. NGa rakau e tete mai ra. tete, n. head of a spear. whakatete, v.i. 1 molest; annoy ; quarrel with. He whakatete kainga; a quarrel ahout land. 2 act waywardly or perversely. E ta! whakatete tonu koe ki te noho? Tete, see under te. Tetea, see under tea. Teteavreka, n. olearia angusti- folia; a shrub. Tetehi, for tetahi. Teteka, see under teka. Tetere, n. trum^jjet. Tetere, see under tere. Teure, n. fruit of kiekie, or freycinetia Banksii. Tewe, n. 1 viemhrane of the foetus. 2l fermented juice of the tutu. te"wetevre, n. for tawata"wa, a fish like mackerel. te'wetewe, a. wet; dripping. Tewha, n. a 'karakia' used at kumara-planting. tewha, V. t. perform the Hewha' over a field at planting-time. Ka tara te kai tewha o te mara, ka tara ano hoki nga kai-hapai i nga ko tewhatewha, n. a weapon made of wood, broad and flat at one end, something like the head of an axe. Ti, n. 1 cordyline of several species. Ti haere; ti trees ap- j^earing to change their position. (84) Considered to forbode evil. Ti-mataku-tai, ti kapu, or ti toi; cordyline indivisa. Ti kouka; cordyline australis. Ti ngahere, or ti torere; cordy- line Banksii. Ti para ; a species cultivated for food. 2 a game. Ti ringaringa; played with the hands. Ti rakau; played with a ball. ti, or titi, V. i. 1 squeak. Ka titi mai te kiore i roto i te raupo. 2 tingle. Titi ana nga taringa. Ti 195 Tihori titi, n. 1 mutton-hird. He aha koe i haere mai ai ki a au hei titi mo to ahi? — "He titi wha- ngainga tahi." 2 uj:>per7nost lines of tattooing on the fore- head. Ti, n. tea. I. Tia, V. t. stick in; drive in. Me tia nga pou o te teneti. tiatia, v.t. 1 drive in pegs, &c. 2 adorn by sticking in feathers. Kua herua ake taua tangata ra i te po, kua tiatiaiiaa ki te rau- kura. (97) tia, or tiatia, n. joe^; stake. II. Tia, n. abdomen. III. Tia, a. 1 how great. E tia tou humarie! (164) 2 frequent. He tia hokihoki mai nou. Tiaho, V. i. emit rays of light; shine. Ka tiaho mai te ahi. Tiaka, n. dam; mother. Tiakakahi, a. on the meridian,, spoken of the sun. Tiaki, v. t. 1 guard; keej). I a au e tiaki ana i te whare, ka puta mai a Ponui. 2 watch for ; wait for. Kei tatahi ia e tiaki ana i te waka o Karihi kia u mai. Tianga, n. mat to lie 071; called also tienga, or takapau. Tiarg, n. scerit. Tau ana te tiare i te raukawa. Tiari, v.t. hang uj). Me tiari ki waho, ki te rakau. Tiaroa, n. long straight side. Te tiaroa o te pa. TiATi, n. judge. Tieke, n. 1 a bird; creadion caruncidatus. 2 a black mat. Tiemi, v. i. 1 play at see-saw. 2 be unsettled; be cast adrift. Tenei te iwi ka tiemi, ka tiemi. Tienga, n. mat to lie on. See tianga. 02 TiepS,, V. i. hang loosely. Me tiepa noa ake tona kakahu. Tiere, n. scent. Tena rawa te tiere te haere na, ara te ka- kara o te ta whirl. (193) Tihahiihahu, v.t. scatter about. Tihaere, n. a pole with a snare arranged on it, baited with flowers, for catching birds. TihauorS,, n. a plant. Tihg, V. i. sneeze. Tihei, v.t. carry a burden on the back, holding it in place with the hands. Tiheitia nga kai nei. TThema, n. December. Tiherii, v. t. bale water out of a canoe, &c. Tiherua te wai o te poti. tiheru, n. vessel to bale with. Tihewa, v.i. sneeze. Tihi, n. summit. tihi, v.i. lie in a heap. Tekau nga taro e tihi ana i tona aro- aro. (49) tihitihi, a. idling ; trifling. Tihoi, V. t. expand the middle of a mat in the tveaving by insert- ing threads in the woof which do not run through to the edges. Tihoihoi, a. noisy. He kotiro tihoihoi. Tihoka, v. t. 1 stick in ; thrust in. Tihokatia atu te maripi ki te raupo. 2 shelter by sticking small branches into the ground. tihokahoka, n. temporary shelter made with branches stuck into the ground. Tihore, v.t. 1 strip off. Tihorea te kiri o te rakau. 2 peel; take the ski7i off. tihore, n. the best variety of phorryiium tenax, prepared with- out the use of a shell. TihSri, v.i. go or pass on one side. Tihou 196 Tina Tih5u, n. au implement used as a spade. TikS,, a. 1 straight; direct. Ko te ara tika tena. 2 keeping a direct course. A, tika tonu atu ki te korokoro o te Parata. (72) 3 right; just; fair. Ka rongo ia kei te tika nga kupu (42) — E tika hoki ! a form of express- ing thanks. tikanga, n. 1 rule; plan; method. Ka rapua e ratou he tikanga hei mamingatanga ma ratou i a Kae. (37) 2 custom. Tona tikanga mai tenei o mua iho. (47) 3 reason. Ko te tikanga o te Huhuti, i pai ai ki a Te WHatu-i-apiti, he pai no Te WHatu-i-apiti. (165) 4 mean- ing; purport. Te tikanga o tena tau, he kohuru. 5 au- thority; control. Kahore ona tikanga ki ena taonga. whakatika, a v. t. straighten. (3 V. i. straighten oneself; stand up; rise up; start ona. jonrney. 'whakatika, n. way; path. Tika, n. phormium tenax; ordi- nary swamp Jlax. Tikaka, a. 1 hot. Tikaka ana te ra. 2 burnt by the sun. TikS,okao, n. barn-door fowl, Ti-kapu, n. a species of cordy- line. TikarS, v. t. pick out of a hole ; scoop out. Tikarohia ake te kanohi e Tongameha. (48) TiKERA, n. tea-kettle. Tiketike, and titike, a. lofty; high. Titike ao; papaku po. I. Tiki, V. t. 1 fetch. Ka tukua atu e ia tana tangata ki te tiki atu i tetahi ika mana. (141) ^ go to for any purpose. Ka tikina mai a Tane ka whakaarahia ki runga. (55) II. Tiki, n 1 post marking a 'tapu ' place. 2 figure on the gable of a house. 3 a greenstone orna- ment worn suspended from the neck ; the same as heitiki. 4 lower part of the back; sacrum. tikitiki, n. 1 girdle. 2 knot of hair on the top of the head. Ka wewete i tona tikitiki, ka ru i ona makawe. (55) "whakatiki, v.t. 1 tie up, as a dog, &c. ; keep in confinement. Whakatikia te kuri na. 2 keep without food. Tikihope, n. loi7is. Tikikiwi, n. a method of finish- ing off the thatch of a house. Tikitii, a. entire ; untouched. He ngahere tikitu. Tiko, V. i. evacuate the bowels. titiko, n. a shell-fish. Tikoki, a. easily overbalanced; unsteady. He waka tikoki. Tikokekoke, a. high up in the heavens. Kua tikokekoke noa atu te ra o waho. (13) Tikoko, V. t. take up with a shovel or ladle. Tikokoa te oneone ki waho. Tikoriia, a. prolific; producing abundantly; of kumara. Ti-kupenga, n. a tree ; a species of cordyline. TiMA, n. steamer. Timanga, n. elevated stage, on which food is kept. I. Timata, n. da7't ; short spear for throwing. II. TimatS, v. t. begin. Ka tima- taia te korero e Kawe. timatanga, n. beginning. Timo, V. t. peck, as a bird ; prick ; strike with a pointed instrument. Timii, a. ebb ; ebbing. He tai timu ; ebb tide ; low water. Timu, for tumu. Tina, a. fixed; fast. Tina ana ratou i te mataku o te taua. Tinaku 197 Tipa tina, V. puss, be overpowered. Ka tina ahau e te whakama. whakatina, a v.t. 1 fasten; fix. 2 confine, jnct under restraint. Ka wliakatinaia ahau ki te kai ; / am restrained from food. 3 treat as a slave ; opjyress with work. Ka whakatina mai koe, ko te mea taumaha ki a au. 4 provoke. He whakatina ra ki a au kia oho ai ahau. (3 v. i. applied to protracted parturi- tion. Kua whakatina hoki, kaore i hohoro te whanau. (128) Tinaku, n. 1 seed potatoes. Me koko aku tinaku. 2 garden ; cultivated ground. Tinana, n. body ; trunk., Tinei, v. t. 1 put out; extinguish. Tineia te kapura. 2 destroy ; kill. He rewharewha ki te tinei i etahi tangata ki te mate. tineinSi, v. t. confuse ; put out of proper order. Korero whaka- tepe i o korero, kaua e tineinei. tineinSi, a. unsettled; ready to move. Noho tineinei; sit on one's heels, ready to jump up instantly. Tini, a. very many. K ia tini nga pou mo te taiepa. Tini whaio- io ; inmomerable. tini, n. host ; myriad. Tenei te tini o NGatoro kei roto i te hangi e takoto ana. (91) Tini, v.t. 1 annoy. Ka tinia ahau e te pawerawera. 2 ter- rify. Ka tinia e te mataku o te taua. Tini, n. chain. Tinihanga, v.t. 1 deceive ; cheat. I tinihangatia au e te kai arahi i po ai ahau. 2 practise upon. Maku e tinihanga ki a NGato- roirangi. (70) Tini-nger6ng€r6, a. very nume- rous. Tini--whaioio, a. innumerable. Tin6, a. exact ; precise ; very. Ka tae ki te tino wahapu o Manuka. (162) — Used also to give vividness to narrative. Te tino rarahutanga ki te hoe, ka rite noa ano ; tino pounga ki te wai i poua ai ; anana ! me te pere ! (171) tino, n. 2^^'ec'i'Se spot. Ko te tino o Taiamai tenei kamaka. tino, ad. quite ; very. Ka tino tae atu a Hakawau ki te kainga o Kaiwhare. (162) TinShi, v. t. 2^?*il heated stones uj)on food laid to cook in a ' hangi.' TingS,, a. likely. E tinga ano i tawhiti koe. Tingahurii, a. ten. Tingei, a. unsettled; ready to move. He noho tingei noa to matou noho i konei. Compare tineinei, under tinei. Tingotingo, a. speckled. Tio, a. sharp); piercing. Aue! te haupapa, tio tonu ! tio, n. 1 ice. 2 oyster. 3 land- mark. 4 dicksonia squarrosa. tiotio, a. having sharp points or p)rojections ; prickly. He ko- whatu tiotio. Tiora, v. t. split. Ka tioraia ka toatia te makahi, tiora, n. marauding party, separated from the main army. Tiori, v.t. 1 hold up to view. 2 wave to and fro. Tioro, v.i. tingle; be jarred. Ka tioro oku . taringa i te paku- tanga o te pu. Tipa, v.i. go wrong. Tipa ke. tipatipa, a. false. He korero tipatipa. Tipa, a. dried up. Ka tipatia a raro o te whenua. tipa, n. a shell-fish. Tipakopako 198 Tiri TipakSpako, v. t. ijlean potatoes or kuniara. Compare pako. Tipaopao, v. t. put out of projyer seqtience. Kaua e tipaopao to korero. TiPATA, n. teapot. Tipatere, for tini-patere, a. very numerous; in very great number's. Kua tipatere koe i te awatea, kua hinga ki Tara- naki. Tipau, n. my r sine Urvillei; a tree. Tipi, a V. t. pare a horizontal sur- face; pare off. Tipia atu nga tarutaru ka ngaki ai i te mara nei. (i v. i. skim lightly along the surface. Anana!. titipi kau ana taua waka. (70) tipitipi, V. i. spread rapidly. Ka rongo ha ki a Kiki; tipitipi ana te rongo. (172) tipi, a. Heke tipi; hoard p)laced on edge under each of the end- rafters of a native house. Tipihauraro, v. t. exterminate. He tipihauraro tonu mai a NGapuhi, a, haramai tonu. — Kia whakatakaa e maua he taua tipihauraro ki raro i o maua waewae. Tipiwheniia, v.i. roam abroad. tipiwhenua, n. vagabond. Tipoka, V. t. dig up what has been buried. Na te tangata i tapuke, na te kuri i tipoka. tipoka, a. dried iip. Katahi ano ka tipoka inaianei. tipokapoka, v.t. take at random. Tipoko, V. i. 1 be extingiiished; he destroyed. Ka tipoko anake aku ika i te kuri. 2 become rotten; perish. E! kua tipoko noa atu nga kai o te rua nei ! Tipore, n. a shrub. Tiporo, V. t. cut short. Tipu, for tupu. Tipua, see tupua. Tipuaki, n. crown of the head. Compare tumuaki. Tipuna, see tupuna. Tira, n. 1 file of men; row. Te tira o Puanga; the stars in Orion's belt. 2 company of travellers. Tera te tira ka puta. 3 fin of a fish. 4 rays; beams. NGa tira Autahi. 5 raast of a canoe. Tiraha, n. 1 large bundle. E rima nga tiraha raupo. 2 large '■kete'' for kumara. tiraha, v. i. lean. Kia tiraha nga pou o te whare. tiraha, a. 1 slow. Tiraha tonu te haere te pahi nei. ^face upiwards. Anga tiraha; lie on one's hack. Tirairaka, n. rhipidura flabelli- fera; a bird. Tirangaranga, a. scattered. Ka tirangaranga nga otaota i te ketunga a te poaka. Tirango, n. large grayling. tirangorango, a. scattered. Tirangi, v.i. be unsettled. Tirara, v. i. be wide apart. Ti- rara ana nga waewae. — be scat- tered. Waiho i kona tirara haere ai. Tiratii, n. mast of a canoe. Tirau, n. peg ; stick. Tiraumoko, n. bastard. Tirea, n. the moon on the second day. Tireki, n. stack of fern-root. Tireini, v.i. ehh. Kua tiremi te korihirihi. Tirengi, a. unsettled. Ka noho tirengi nga tangata i te ma- taku. Tirepa, v.t. line with reeds the roof of a native liouse. Tiri, v. t. 1 throw or place one by one. E tiri ana a Tolie i nga Tiripapa 199 Titoki Ika ki uta. 2 plant. E tiri parareka ana a Te WHata. 3 place one on a7iother; stack. Kei te tiri i nga kai o te rua. tiri, n. offering to an 'Atua.' Ka poipoia te tiri ki te atua, ka niea, To tiri, na, e WHiro. Tiripapa, v. i. explode in siicces- sion. Ka tiripapa te mahi a NGapuhi. Tiriwa, v. t. 1 plant at wide in- tervals. Tiriwatia, kia awe te oti. 2 ^^aw< in spaces caused hy failure of seed, and so gene- rally 2^ut into a vacant place. Kahore tetahi e tiriwatia e koe? 3 stop a gap. tiriwa, n. space; compartments- district. Tir6, or titiro, a v.i. look. Ka titiro atu ia i te haeatatanga o te whatitoka. (13) Titiro ma- kutu; look hard, and hence look covetously. Ka titiro makutu mai ia ki toku kakahu. ji v. t. 1 survey ; view. Ka puta atu te ruahine ra ki waho, titiro atu ai i te ope ra. (93) 2 look into ; examine. tirotiro, a v. i. look about. jS v. t. investigate. Tirou, n.fork; piointed stick used as a fork. tirou, v.t. 1 take up with a stick or fork; reach with a stick. 2 m,ove a canoe sideways, by plunging the paddle into the water and drawing it towards one. Tiroua mai te ihu o te waka. Titaha, v. i. 1 be on one side; lean to one side. Titaha ana nga tuturu o te whare. — decline, as the sun. Ka titaha te ra. 2 p>'^ss on one side. He aha koe i titaha ai i toku kainga? 3 go in an oblique direction. E rua ona titahatanga. (15) 4 vary from; have a different tendency. Kaore i titaha i taku whakahaere o korero i whaka- ari ake nei. titaha, n. 1 axe. 2 a kind of mat. Titaka, v. i. move about; turn round. Titaka noa toku niho. titakataka, v. i. turn over and over; wallow. TItari, v. t. scatter about. Titei, n. spy. Compare tutei. Titengi, a. unsettled. Kati te noho titengi, kia u ki raro. Titi, a V. i. 1 stick in, as a peg or pin. Titi tonu te pere ki nga heu o te whare. (81) 2 shine. Tangohia ana e raua te puru, na, titi tonu te ra ki roto. (47) 3 go astray. Kua titi ke atu pea nga poaka ki waho. /3 v. t. 1 stick in. 2 fasten with nails or pegs. Titia te papa nei. titi, n. 1 jyeg ; pin; nail. 2 carved mouthpiece of a calabash in which birds are preserved. Titi, see under ti. Titike, see under tike. Titiko, see under tiko. Titimako, n. a bird. Titiro, see under tiro. I. Tito, v.t. 1 inverit; compose im- promptu. Na te Horua i tito tenei waiata. He korero tito; a fabrication. — do anything without previous practice. He haka kia titoia? II. Tito, a. having the face covered with long hair. He kuri tito. — He pahau tito; a beard cover- ing nearly the whole face. Titohea, a. 1 exhausted by Jre- quent cultivation. 2 poor in growth. Titoki, n. alectryon excelsum; a tree. Titoko 200 To titoki, V. t. chop. TitSko, n. pole used to stretch or extend anything; sjyrit of a sail, &c. titoko, V. t. 1 stretch with a pole. 2 keej) off or away. Ka titoko- tokona ratou ki mamao o to ratou unga atu nei. (121) 3 propel with a pole. Titongi, v.t. peck at; nibble. Ehara ta te tangata kai, he kai titongi kau : engari mahi ai ia ki te whenua ; tino kai, tino makona. titongi, n. the same as titoki, a tree. Tit6re, v.t. or v.i. split; divide. Na te panga o taku patu, titore ke, titore ke. (29) Titiipu, v.i. 1 chap. Ka mate au i te titupu o toku waewae. 2 peel off. Kua titupu mai te hiako o te uwhi. Tiu, V. i. 1 soar in various direc- tions. 2 wander. tiutiu, v.i. turn about; wander. E tiutiu ana nga kanohi. tiutiu, n. 1 a bird. 2 wanderer; vagabond. TiwS-i, n. canoe tvithout attached sides. Takoto humuhumu kau ana ko nga tiwai anake. (171) Ti'wS.i, a. lasting; permanent. Katahi ano ka tiwai te noho o te pakeha. TiwS,kawS,kS,, n. a bird. TiwS,rS., V. t. cleave in twain. Tiwari, v.t. scrajje. Me tiwari te roi kia reka ai. Ti-wata, or tiwata"wata, n. fence; palisade. Tiwe, v.i. scream (of children only). TiwgkS,, a. vagabond; roaming after no good. E kore e ngaro te tohu o te wahine tiweka. Tiwer&'wSrS., a. mournful. TiwhS,, n. patch; spot; bald place on the head; mark of a land- slip, &c. tiwha, a. squint. He kanohi ti- wha. titiwha, v.i. be in patches or small circumscribed portions. Ano he pounamu kei nga karu pango e titiwha ana. (159) tiwhatiwha, a. 1 dark. 2 gloomy in mind ; sad. Ka nui rawa te tiwhatiwha ki a ratou ka ngaro atu nei. Tiwhaki, v.t. expand; open. Tiwhana, v.i. be curved. E ti- whana mai ra a Kahukura i runga i te rangi. ti"whana, n. lines of tattooing over the eyebroivs. Tiwharawhara, v.i. be split; be sejjarated. TiwHiKETE, n. certificate. I. To, n. stem of maize, raupo, &c. II. To, v.i. 1 be pregnant. 2 be conceived in the womb. Ka moe a Tawhaki, a to noa ta raua tamaiti. 3 set, as the sun. Te ra to; the west. "whakato, v. t. 1 cause to conceive. 2 plant. "whakato, n. 'karakia' to induce conception. III. To, pron. thy. Plural o. Generally equivalent to tau. IV. To, v.t. drag; haul. Ka tola nga waka ki waho manu ai. (70) To-whare, drag a per- son out of his house and kill him; murder in cold blood. toto, v.t. 1 drag a number of objects. Ko nga waka, he mea toto ki uta. (131) 2 chip or knock off ; chop. Toto tonu ai ki te kowhatu. 3 perform a ceremony over a child ; the same as tiia, and iriiri. To 201 Tohenehene tSto, V. i. 1 ooze ; trickle. 2 hold without breaking ; hear a strain, as fibre of phormium in stripping. Ka toto te whitau, he tapoto : ka torete, he taroa. tdanga-waka, ^J^ace where canoes are dragged over ; jwrtage. V. To, a. calm. Marino to; very calm. VI. T5, a compound of te and o, thus, 'To Turi kainga,' is equi- valent to 'Te kainga o Turi.' VII. T5, prep, ti]) to ; as high as. Nawai ra, i raro te wai, a ka to nga turi. (130) T6a, a. 1 male, of animals. He kararehe toa. 2 brave; vic- torious. Tenei ra ka rongo ki te tino toanga o enei rangatira tokowha. (157) toa, v.i. 1 throw uj) a stalk. Kua toa te witi. 2 romjo ; jrolic. Kei te toa nga tamariki. tdt5a, a. 1 impetuous ; fierce. Totoa tonu te ngakau ; te puri- puri te aha. 2 urgent. Heoi ano te mea i totoa mai ai maua, ko koe kia noho. toa, n. brave man; warrior. Ka peratia tonutia nga toa o taua iwi nei. (60) toatoa, n. 1 phyllocladus tricho- inanoides ; a tree. 2 haloragis alata ; a small plant. Toa, n. store. Toanga, n. derivative from toa. Toanga, n. derivative from to. See IV. to. T6ari, a. clear; limpid. I. Toe, v.i. be left, as a remnant. Kotahi i toe, ko te koromatua. (24) toenga, n. remnant. whakatoe, v. t. cause to remain. II. Toe, and totoe, v.t. split; divide. ?>Ie he haeata e toea ana i te talia rangi. (164) toetoe, v.t. split into strips or shreds. Toetoea he korari mo te kupenga. toetoe, n. 1 different species of grass or rushes used for thatch- ing. Toetoe kakaho; arundo conspicua. Toetoe kiwi; gah- nia lacera. Toetoe rautahi; carex ternaria. Toetoe tara ngarara; gahnia sp. Toetoe upoko-tangata ; carex ustulatus. 2 shingles for covering roofs. Toeke, n. loop of cord, put loosely round the feet to enable them to grasp a tree in climb- ing. Toemi, n. 1 hand-net. 2 net the edges of which are made to draw together like the mouth of a bag. Toene, v.i. set. Ka toene te ra. See towene. Toere, n. hand-net. Toha, V. t. spread oiot. tohatoha, v.t. spread abroad; distribute. Katalii ka tahuri te manuhiri ra ki te tohatoha i tana kai. (166) Tohake, n. bashet. Kohia he wene ki te tohake. Tohapiirii, v. t. gir-d tightly. Kia toliapurutia te manawa. Tohe, V. i. 1 persist ; be urgent. Ka tohe tonu te taua ki te wha- whai. (182) 2 re/use; object. Kihai hoki ia i tohe ; whaka- tika tonu atu ki runga. (39) totohe, v.i. contend one ivith another. Heoti ano, ka totohe ratou i konei; tohe atu ana, tohe mai ana. (122) tohetohe, v.i. be pertinacious. Te tohetohe ki te whakatuma. (79) tohetohe, n. uvula. Tohe, n. 1 thief. 2 niggard. T5heueh@ue, a. disarranged ; Toheraoa 202 Toiti disturbed. He tamaiilci; he "whakatohenehene kaha tana mahi: said of wanton provoca- tion. Toheraoa, n. agrostis (emula, and some other grasses. Toheroa, n. a kind of shell-fish. Tohetea, a. exhausted by cultiva- tion; barren. Tohi, or totShi, v.t. 1 cut. To- hia a tatou purapura kia ranea ai. 2 perform a certain cere- mony over a new-born infant, in connection with the removal of the navel string. I haere mai au kia tohia ta taua kotiro. (52) 3 perform certain cere- monies before or after a battle. Ka hui katoa te ope ki te taha o te wai i te ata po, ki te tohi. •whakatotohi, v.i. cut. Tohipa, v.i turn aside. Tae rawa atu au kua tohipa ke, he ara ke. Tohira, v. t. project ; be overlong. Tohora, n. whole. Tohoraha, n. ivhale. I. Tohii, n. 1 mark; sign; proof. He aha te tohu o tou ekenga mai? (122) 2 coinp>any or divi- sion of an army. E hia nga • tohu o te taua. Turangatohu; war dance. tohu, V. t. 1 pyfeserve ; lay by. 2 save alive ; spare. E kore koe e tohungia. totohii, v.i. sink. Kua totohu te waka ki raro. tohutohu, v.t. 1 mark. 2 sheiv. 3 direct. II. Tohii, v.i. think. Ko wai hoki koa ka tohu? (148) Tohiia, n. yelk of an egg. Tohiinga, n. 1 skilled person. A, oti ake i ia tohunga, i ia tohu- nga, a Tainui ma te tarai. (69) 2 wizard; priest. Ki ano i ata mutu noa te karakia a nga tohunga. (91) Tohungariia, v.t. dole out. To- hungaruatia etahi kapana ma tatou. tohutigarua, n. one who deals. I. Toi, n. finger ; toe (of the little finger or toe only, which are called toi iti, or toiti). Ko- wliakina mai ana te ahi i te toi iti o nga matikara. (24) II. Toi, or toitoi, a v.i. trot ; move briskly. Kia toitoi te haere. ft V. t. fish for eels. toitoi, n. 1 sximmit. 2 cookia sulcata, a shell-fish; the same as ngaruru. "whakatoi, v. t. 1 anstver 7'udely or jjerversely. 2 annoy ; tease. Toi, v.i. tingle, as the ears. Toi, n. 1 cordyline indivisa; a tree. 2 mat made from the leaves of the same. 3 wicker receptacle for seed potatoes. toi, V. i. be moist; exude. Toi tonu a roto o te rakau. Toiere, n. figure-head carved on the body of a canoe, with a pro- jecting piece above it. Toiha, V. i. pace up and down (not a genuine word). Toihara. whakatoihara, v. t. disparage. WHakatoihara ana au ki a ia, no te mea he pakeha ia; erangi a Te Makarini, he tangata maori. Toihi, V. i. be split. Kua toihi te rakau. toihi, n. tendril. T5iki, n. tree charred by fire. Toimaha, for taimaha. Toingo, a. smart; gay. Toingo ana te kakahu nei. Toiora, a. sound; uninjured. Kei te toiora, kei te toitu. Toiti, n. little finger or toe. Toitoireka 203 Tokohia T6it6ireka, n. a bird. T6itu, a. entire; untouched; un- cultivated. Toka, v.i. overjloiv. Toka tonu te wai i runga. Toka, n. stone ; rock in the sea. toka, or totoka, v. i. 1 become solid; set. Ka totoka te hinu. 2 ivait. Kia toka; wait a ivhile. whakatotoka, v. i. congeal. T5kai, n. strijj of wood covering the joints of a canoe. Tokai, n. 2^^^P^'>^dicular pieces of wood fastened above to the ihivart, and supporting the '■hau- huahua' on which the ^rahoraho^ or floor is laid. Tokakawa, n. steam; perspira- tion. He tokakawa pea no te kohue. Tokamatiia, n. company; body of persons. Tokari, a v. t. cut; notch. To- karitia te rakau kia u ai te waewae. j3 v.i. 1 be cut or severed. Kua tokari te huti- huti. 2 ebb. Kua tokari te ngaelie. "whakatokarikari, v. t. cut in notches. Tokau, n. a canoe having side- boards, but no figure-head or stern-post. I. Toke, n. 1 earth-worm. 2 a fish. 3 lobe of the ear. 4 p)udendum fwmineiim. totoke, n. a fish. II. Toke, V. i. be out of sight; be gone away. Ko te tokenga tenei e toke atu ai ahau. Tokeke, a. churlish. ToKENA, n. stocking. Tokerau, a. eastern. Te tai tokerau ; the sea on the east side of the island. TokSre, n. a musical instrument. E whakatokerc ana nga tohu- nga i nga iwi o Wahieroa. (56) Toki, n. axe; adze; or any similar tool. Toki hangai ; adze. Toki whakapae, or toki titaha; com- mon felling -axe. Toki poke; American axe. tokitoki, n. alectryon excelsum; a tree. tokitoki, a. very calm. Tokitoki ana tera te moana; koi ngaru, koi aha. tokitoki, V. t. earth up; loosen the earth about the roots of plants. Toki, for tiki, v. t. fetch. Tokiri, v.t. shove; thrust length- wise. Tokiritia te waka. I. Toko, a prefix to the numerals from tahi to iwa inclusive; to the interrogative numeral hia; and to the adjectives maha, ruarua, ouou, &c.; but used only in speaking of persons. Ka rongo te tokomaha i te toa- nga o aua tangata tokowha. II. Toko, n. 1 piole. I whakaturia hoki nga toko o te atua. (112) 2 rays of light. Ka hapai nga toko o te rangi. toko, V. t. jwojoel with a pole. Tokona te waka kia puta ai. tokotoko, n. small pole; walking- stick. Ka tu nga tokotoko ki roto ki te otaota. toko, or totoko, v.i. 1 swell; in- crease in bidk. He tai toko; of unusually high spring-tides. 2 spring up in the mind. Taawhi noa iho ana, e totoko tonu ake ana i roto i te ngakau te whano- whanoa. (82) "whakatotoko, v. i. begin to swell. Tokohana, n. hiccough. Tokohi, n. adultery. Tokohia, a. how many. See I. toko. ^Tokohinu 204 Tonga Tokohinii, a. some. See i. tcko. Tokomaha, a. many. See i . toko. Tokomanawa, a. Pou tokom;uia- wa; post supporting the middle portion of a ridc/e-pole. Tokomanga, a. branched /forked. Tokomauri, n. 1 poles of mapou used in the ceremony of 'pure' for a kumara - ground. Ka whakaturia nga tokomauri o te raara. 2 hiccough. tokomauri, v. t. excite one's affec- tions; enamour. Te kai toko- mauri o tona puku. Tokopa, n. anxiety; suspense. Tokopuhake, n. hiccough. Tokorangi, n. sheers, consisting of two or more poles fastened together near the top, for rais- ing heavy weights. Tokoroa, a. thin; lean; lanky. He raumati tenei, koia i toko- roa ai te ika. Tokii, pron. my. Plural oku. Often used with ellipsis of 'ka- kahu': thus, Toku; m.y gar- m.ent. See prep. o. Toma, n. cemetery. Ko te tonia tupapaku tera. Tomairangi, n. dew. I. Tomo, V. i. be filled. E rua ano hekenga o te aho, kua tomo te waka i te mahi a te ika. (21) II. Tomo, V. i. 1 e7iter. I te mutu- nga ai o te karakia ki te tuaahu, ka tomo ki roto ki to raua whare ko te ruwahine. (92) 2 pass out. Tomo tahanga ki waho. Pass. tom.okia, he en- tered. "whakatomo, v. t. cause to enter. whakatomo, n. a large basket. Tomiiri, a. late. He witi tomuri tenei i koaha ai. T6nS,, n. excrescence; wart; corn, &c. Tona, pron. 1 A/.s ; her ; its. Plural ona. Tona; his gar- ment; with ellipsis of 'kakahu.' 2 used in animated narrative to express a superlative. Tona tini; a very great many. See prep. o. Tonihinihi, n. native oven. Tono, v.t. 1 bid; coiyimand. Ka tono iho te tini tangata ra kia puta ake ia i tona rua, kia wha- whai ratou. (97) 2 bid to go; se7id. Tonoa ana to ratou tu- puna ki te kimi. (95) 3 de- mand. E haere ana ahau ki te tono utu mo taku mahi. Tonu, ad. 1 denoting continu- ance; still; continually. He tiaki tonu tana i te kainga i ia ra, i ia ra. (94) 2 quite. Poto tonu ki roto o tana kupe- nga. (142) 2 just. Pena tonu i ia ra, i ia ra. (95) 4 simply ; only. Te kai a tera wahine, he ota tonu. (95) Ko ahau tonu; it is I myself. 5 immediately. Kua tae atu ki te taha o te wahine ra, kapo tonu atu ki te kotiro. (52) This word often has a suffix -tanga when used with passive verbs in animated narrative. Apitiria tonutanga atu ko te pa, ka horo. (91) Tonga, n. 1 south wind; so^dhern region. Tonga puhuka; south- west wind. Tonga tawahanui; south wind. Tonga waho ; south- east wind. 2 blemish on the skin. tonga, a. southerly. He hau to- _nga. Tonga, n. derivative from to. Tonga. whakatonga, v. i. 1 keep oneself quiet; restrain one's feelings. 2 entertain feelings which one does not shew outwardly. Kei te Tongako 205 Torete Tonganga ana te Ka tongi te whakatonga riri koel Pass. whakatongatia, be murmured at; he found fault ivith secretly. Kei te whakatongatia ahau e te iwi nei. Tongako, v. i. be scabbed; fester. Ka tongako te hiako. Tonga-kotaratara, n. south-west iv'md. Tonga- ma -iiru, n. south-west wind. Tongamimi, n. bladder. Tonganga, a. 1 uncooked; raw. 2 broken. kete. Tongarerewa, n. 1 a semi-trans- parent variety of greenstone. 2 an ornament for the ear. 3 a word of endearment; treasure. Tongi, point ; speck. tongi, v.t. 1 peck, as a bird. 2 nibble at bait ika. Topa, v.i. cook in a native oven. Me topa nga pararekakiarekaai. T6pa. topatopa, n. 1 bird. 2 small sting-ray. ■whakatopa, v.i. 1 soar. Ka rere whakatopa te manu, kahore e aroarowhaki nga parirau. 2 dart, as a hawk on its prey. whakatopatopa, v.i. plant ku- mara, &c. Topaparii, a. deeply laden. He waka topaparu to koutou. Topatapata, n. very small ku- mara. I. Tope, V. t. cut ; cut off. Topea mai he mataora. II. Tope, n. Ifern fjjteris aquilina) freshly groivn after being burnt. 2 ornament of feathers worn on the forehead. He tope kura. Z front lock left long when the rest of the hair is cut off, in imitation of a 'tope kura.' Topipi, n. small native oven. topipi, V. t. cook in a small oven, Topipitia tetahi kanga. Topito, n. end; extremity. Topii, n. jmir ; couple. Ko taua hunga i haere i uta, kotahi rau e wliitu tekau topu. (75) topu, a. assembled; in a body. Kei te noho topu tou ratou ki to ratou kainga. totopu, a. thorough ; unsjyaring. Katahi taku tangata totopu, ko koe, ki te patu i te tangata. Topiini, a. 1 close together. Me liaere topuni tatou. 2 overcast. He rangi topuni. topuni, n. black dogskin mat. Tora, v.i. burn; blaze. Ka tora te ahi. Tore, v.i. burn. Ka tore te whare o Tatere. tore, n. white spot. toretore, n. a large mussel ; the same as kuku. toretore, a. having inflamed eyes. toretore, v.t. split into strips. He mea toretore marire te hara- keke. T5rea, n. hematopus unicolor; a bird. TorSkS, v.t. be left behind. Ka- hore tetahi i toreke ki muri. whakatorekgreke, v.i. lag be- hind. Kei whakatorekereke te haere. T6renxi, v. i. disappear. Kua to- remi te waka ki tua o te rae. TorSnS,, v.i. overflow. Torengi, v.i. disappear; set, as the sun. TorSrS, v.i. hurry ; go headlong. Ka torere tonu ra hoki te nga- kau ki te whai i te whakahia- ngongo o tona ngakau. (170) torere, n. abyss. T6r6t6, V. i. break, as weak fibre of inferior varieties of phormium. Toretere 206 Toropuke TSreterg, n. small sting-ray. Tore'wai, n. a fresh-water mussel. Tori, n. cat. toritori, v. t. cut ; separate. I. Torino, n. 1 drum of the ear. 2 small basket for cooked food. S flute. II. Torino, a. flowing smoothly. He torino tonu te au; he hohonu. Torire, a. fine ; smart. Toririki, a. small. Ka haere ka toririki te whawhai nei. Toriwai, a. Tnoist ; tvatery. Ka toriwaitia oku kanohi. I. Toro, n. 1 ])ersoonia toro ; a tree. 2 myrsine salicina ; a tree. II. Toro, V. i. 1 stretch forth. Ka toro mai tona ringa ka raraku. (194) Ka toro nga kawai o te hue. 2 burn ; blaze. Kei toro te whare i te korakora. toro, V. t. 1 thrust or impel end- wise ; stretch forth. Torona mai tou ringa. 2 go to see ; visit. A ka aroha ki te tuahine, ka haere ia ki te toro. (39) 3 survey; reconnoitre. Kua eke rawa mai taua iwi nei ki uta, kotahi i tukua mai ki te toro. (47) ^exjilore. Tewakanana i toro te nuku roa. (109) 5 consult by divination.. Ka to- rona a Kahukura, a Itupawa, a Kongomai. (83) 6 take fire out of an oven preparatory to cook- ing. Torona te hangi ; ka kaka. totoro, V. i. stretch forth. Totoro mai te ringa. torotoro, y.\. put forth the hands; act. Ka whakatika nga ranga- tira ki runga ki te korero i te ata torotoro. (150) torotoro, v.t. scorch. torotoro, n. 7netrosideros scan- dens; a climbing plant. whakatoro, v.t. 1 push forth. i roto i nga rau, kaore 2 touch; make E whakatorotoro kau ana i te timata ano i wero noa. trial of. Toroa, n. albatross. Kahu toroa ; garment covered ivith albatross doivn. Toroai, see torowai. Toroamahoe, n. a variety of kumara. Torohe, n. marauding party. toroherohe, v.i. wag. Torohe- rohe mai ana te hiore o te kuri. Toroheke, n. pimelea arenaria ; a plant. Torohere, v.t. ensnare. torohere, n. snare. Toroi, V. i. ferment. Toroihi, v. i. 1 sprout ; bud. Ka toroilii te kiekie. 2 be insolent. Kua mohio ratou ki to matou ahua; no reira ka toroihi tonu ratou. 3 be excessive. Ka toroihi rawa toku ngenge. Torokaka, a. stiff and straight; (of hair). Torokaka waero-kiore hanging straight down. Toro- kaka taratarakina; sjilit at the points. Torokaka motihetihe; sticking straight up. Torokiki, v.i. sprout afresh. Toromahanga, v.t. ensnare. Toromiro, n. podocarpus ferrugi- nea ; a tree. Toromoka, n. button. Torona, n. throne. ToRONAiHi, n. reaping hook; sickle. Toronga, n. derivative from toro. Toronga, v.t. deal out in stnall quantities. mariretia nga kai Torongu, n. caterpillar ; grub. Toropa, v.i. 1 grow along the ground. 2 spread out. Toropapa, v. i. lie flat. Ka toro- papa te wahie; e kore e ka. Toropuke, n. mound ; hillock. Ka ata torongatia Toropukii 20^ T6r6puku, a. secret; stealthy. K;i toi-opuku te liaere o te tahae. TSrorerg, n. diarrlKjea. Torouka, n. headland. torouka, a. green ; unripe ; un- cooked. whakatorouka, v. i. muse ; have the thoughts occupied. E moe whakatorouka ana a Te Ponga ki te pewheatanga ra e tata ai ia ki a Te Puhihuia. (167) Torowai, n. 1 a weapon made of a whale's rib. 2 a wooden weapon. Toro'wliSnua, n. a variety of ku- inara. Toru, n. three. torutoru, a. few. He torutoru nga tangata o tera kainga. Toriia, a. tivilled. He kareko torua. Toriihi, n. a fish. Tota, n. sweat. Totara, n. 1 podocarpus totara ; a tree. 2 leucopogon Frazeri, and some other plants. Aka totara ; a climbing plant. Tote, n. salt. Toti, and totitoti, v. i. limp ; halt. Rokohanga atu e au kei te Kerikeri e totitoti ana. Totika, a. straight; correct; right. Toto, n. blood. Taua toto; exjje- pition to avenge blood that has been shed. Ka puta nga pa i ora ki te taua toto. (91) toto, v.i. bleed. Ka toto taku ihu. Totoa, a. disresjject/ul. Te totoa ki te ki atu i tena ki ki te rangatira. Totoeka, n. streaked variety of greenstone. T5t5rekS,, n. a shell-fish. Totorohiti, n. dracophyllum strictum ; a shrub. TotorSngu, n. a fresh-water fish. ' Tu Tou, pron. thy. Plural ou. Tou; thy garment; 'kakaliu' being understood. See prep. o. I. T6u, n. anus. II. Tou, V. t. 1 kindle ; set on fire. Toua te rama. 2 dip itito zvater ; wet. 3 flant. E waru nga kopura, whatiwhatiia ana ; ka toua, a ka tupu. (114) toutou, n. a small black bird. III. Tou, ad. a contracted form of tonu. Toua, n. yelk of an &gg. See tohua. Toukeke, a. churlish. Toupiore, a. listless ; languid. Na te werawera au i toupiore ai, te tae atu ai au ki a koe. T6ura"whi, a. male, of animals _only. Tou"wha, V. i. swell. Ka touwha te puku. To-wahi-wahi, and towawahi, a. 1 moist; loatery. Towawahi ana nga kanohi ; me te mea e tangi ana. 2 shining. Towa- wahi ana te taupoki o te pou- aka. 3 sleek. Towai, n. weinmannia racemosa; a tree. T6"wene, v. i. set. Ka towene- wene te ra ki te rua. towene'wene, a. importunate; tiresome. whakatovrenewene, v. i. be trotiblesome. Ka tika kia riri mai tera; nau hoki i whakato- wenewene atu ki a ia. Towhare, v. t. murder in cold blood. Towhero, a. red. Ka towhero te puku. I. Tu, n. 1 part of a fishing-net which is first in the water. 2 girdle to which the 'maro' was attached. 3 manner; sort. Na wai tenei tu mahi? Tu 308 Tuaahu II. Tu, v.i. 1 stand. Ka tu nga tokotoko ki roto ki te otaota. (79) — Ka tu ona waewae; he stood on his feet. Pass, turia, he set on foot. Ka turia te ko- rero. he arranged. Katahi ka turia te haka. (167) — Ka turia 8 ratou; they started. 2 he vehement. Tu ana te kiha a tou tangata. 3 he hit ; he wounded. Kua tu i te tao a Hatupatu. (95) 4 he served. Kia tu katoa nga tangata. tu, V. t. fght with; engage. Ka puta mai ki te tu i a matou. tiitu, v.i. 1 he raised, as dust, &c. Ka tutu te puehu. — as noise, disturbance, &c. Tutu ana te heihei. (5) 2 stand erect; be promiiient. Ka tutu nga tara. 3 he insubordinate; he dis- orderly. Ka timata a Tapo i tana mahi tutu, (iii) Pass. tututia, have violence o^ered to one. Kua tututia taku wa- hine. (117) tutu, V. t. 1 summon; assemble. Ka mahara a Manaia kia tutu- tia he tangata hei ohu waru mo ana tao. (117) Ka rite ki te takiwa e pakari ai nga kai, katahi ka turia te taua. 2 tutu waewae, or tutu ngarehu ; dance a war-dance. 3 set on fire. Me tutu te koraha kia atea ai te ara. — Tungia he ahi kia ma- hana ai tatou. tutu, n. 1 messenger sent to sum- mon people; summoner. Ka tukua te tutu. 2 perch for bird s. "whakatu, v. t. 1 erect; set up. ■ 2 ')nake a set speech. Na Te Koki enei whakatu ki ana ta- mariki. 3 propound a subject for discussion. 4 instigate. Kua oma te mokai nei ; na wai ra i whakatu kia haere 1 turanga, n. circumstance, time or place of standing, kc. See li. tu. Turanga-tohu ; war dance. Turanga-whanau; relationship of cousins. tunga, n. 1 circumstance, &c.. of being wounded. 2 wound. I. Tua, n. the ftrther side of a solid body. Tua-o-rangi; days gone by. Me aha hoki te ki i korerotia i tua o rangi ? tua, a. on the further side. Te tai tua ; the tvestern sea. II. Tiia, n. a form of address used by the NGatiwhatua tribe. Haere mai, e tua. III. Tua. tuatua, n. 1 ridge. 2 a species of shell-fish. tutuatanga, n. ridge. IV. Tua, ordinal prefix to nume- ral adjectives. Te tuarua o nga haerenga. (133) Ka tuahia koe ki Taranaki ? Ka tuarua ; how many times have you been to Taranaki .? Twice. V. Tiia, v.t.fell; cut down. Ka riro ki te tua rakau. I. Tua, V. t. 1 give a name to a child with accompanying re- ligious ceremonies. Kua tuatia te tamaiti a te Papa. 2 7nen- tion the name of any one. Ko te tuatanga tenei tou ingoa e NGatiporou. 3 lay under the infitience of a spell. He kara- kia ano mo Tawhirimatea, he tua mo te rangi. See also tu- tua. II. Tua, or more correctly tu-a (see I. Tu, 3), a prefix to adjec- tives, &c., signifying a moderate degree of the quality expressed. Tu-a-whero; reddish. Tuaahii, n. sacred place, used by 'tohunga' for purposes of divi- nation, &c. Tuahae 209 TUARI TuahS,e, a. jealous. Tuah9,ngS,ta., n. a familiar name for the hero of a story, osition. Kua heke tona tupu ; he has degenerated. WHakaheke tupu ; trectt with indignity. He iwi kino te iwi 214 Turara nei ; he iwi whakaheke tupu tangata. (141) tupu, a. genuine ; own. Tana tama tupu. (119) tuputupu, n. a kind of mat. ■whakatupu, v.t. 1 cause to grow ; cherish ; rear. 2 assume the character or appearance of ; make oneself like. Katahi ka whakatupu kuri te tangata ra. Tiipiia, n. 1 goblin; demon. 2 object of terror ; taniwha, &c. 3 strange sickness. tupua, a. strange. tupua, v.t. steed. Kia tupuatia ai a Kae e ratou. (37) ■whakatupua, n. a fish. Tupiihi, n. gale; storm. He tu- puhi tenei; e kore tatou e puta. tupuhi, a. 1 thin; lean. He tu- puhi te kiore. ^inactive; slug- gish. Kati me he tupuhi; Be no longer inactive. Tupiina, n. ancestor, male or female. Plural tupuna. Tupiini, v. t. jyxit on the outer covering of the walls of a house. Me tupuni ki te raupo. Tiipuranga, n. derivative from tupu. Turaha, v. i. keejj away; keep clear. Turaha ana te kai i a ia. Tiiraki, v.t. throxo down from an upright position; piish down. I kite au i te turakanga o te tamaiti nei ki roto ki te wai. turaturaki, v. t. throw down a number of things. Turama, v.t. light with a torch; give light to. Turamatia ahau e hoa; ka pouri kerekere. THrainoe, v. i. he sleepy. Turapa, v. i. s^mng. Turapa tonu atu a Tama ki tona moe- nga. (71) Tiirapana, v.t. fillip. Turara, v. t. sp>read out. Tura- TURE 215 raa ki te alii, kia niaroke. TuHE, n. laiv. Turehii, v.i. doze. turehu, a. indistinctly seen. turehu, u. ghost ; fairy; anything dimly seen. TuREi, n. Tuesday. Turepo, n. epicarjni^rus micro- pit yllus; a tree. Turere, v. i. steal away; flee. Kua turere atu te kiore. — Tu- rere ana te moe i oku kauolii. Turetireti, a. unsteady. Kei taka koe; e turetireti ana te kalio. Tiiri, n. 1 knee. Na wai ra, i raro te wai, a ka to nga turi. (120) 2 post of a fence. Tiiri, a. 1 deaf. 2 obstinate; stubborn. He turi maori no te koroke nei. turituri, a. 1 obstinate. He turi- turi tonu te iwi nei ki te noho ki tona mahau. 2 noisy. turituri, n. noise. E kore e ranaona i te turituri. — Tuii- turi! Hush! whakatutiiri, v. i. be obstinate. See also tutiiri. Tiirikakoa, n. spinifex hirsufus; a kind of grass. Ka ngau ki te turikakoa te paringa o te tai, e tika ana te rere te ku- aka. Tiirikoka, n. agrostis cemula; a grass. Turingonggngonge, a. crippled; lame. Tiiripepeke, a. having the knees bent. E turipepeke ana te haere. Turipona, n. knee-joint. Turipu, a. weak in the knees. He waewae turipu. Turituri-poure^wa, n. a bird. Turiwataitai, v.i. be benumbed; shiver. Turuki v.i. be benumbed ; Tiiriwetautau shiver. Tiiri wliatu, a. slow. Tuiiwliatu uiarirc! to tatou liaere; liua noa kia pcpeke. Tiirori, v.i. stagger; totter. Ka liarauiai tenei ka turori ki te wliare. Tiiroro, n. 1 sick jjerson. Kua turorotia a Moka. — Mate tu- roro; sickness. 2 corpse. turoro, a. sick. Tiirotowaenga, n. middle. No te turotowaenga o te po. Tiiru, n. the moon on the IGlh day. Also oturu. Turii, v.i. last a short time. Turu tahanga atu; in a little tvldle. Pass, turua, be done for a short time. Turua kautia ki te taha ki te whatitoka; turua kautia ki roto. (66) Tiirii, or turuturu, n. stick to steady oneself by. turu, V. t. build an eel-weir. Kei te turu pa a Moka. tiitvirii, v.i. leak; drip. tiitiiru, a. fixed; permanent. tuturu, n. 1 2)ost in a building. Titaha ana nga tuturu o te wliare. 2jatnb. tiitiirii, v. i. kneel. Tuturu turi. Compare tuturi. Turu, n. stool; seat. Tiiriia, a. beautifid. Anana! turua ra! (21) Tiiriiapo, n. midnight. Turiiatii, n. a bird. Tiirua"waenga, n. middle. Tiiriiawaenganiii, n. middle. Tiiriiawepo, n. midnigltt. Tiiriiki, v. i. 1 grow up in ad- dition, as the sucker of a tree, &c. Ka turuki ake nga huru- huru hou o te manu. 2 come up with afterwards ; come as a supi^lement. Ka haere atu kou- ou ka Turupou 216 Tututu tou apopo ; ka turuki atu matou i muri. 3 travel by short stages. Na te turuki o to ratou haere i tae mai ai he awhina. 4 be full. Turuki tonu te waka. 5 be crowded. Turuki tonu te tangata o te waka e hoe nei. turuki, v.t. 1 supplement rvith a second. Turukitia te rahui. 2 thatch a house. turuki, n. sucker ; anything sup)- plementary. Ttlriipou, v.t. sup)port on a pole. Turupoutia iho nga karaha ki te rakau. Turilrii, v.i. 1 cover oneself from the cold. He aha koe ka tururu ai? 2 crouch; be downcast. Ka pai kia haere koe ki te iwi e noho tururu mai ra. Turiitii, n. dianella intermedia; a plant. Tuta, n. back of the neck. Tutae, n. dung. Tutae-ika-rao- ana; tetragonia expansa; New Zealand spinach. Tutae-koau ; apium australe. Tutae-whetu; some phospliorescent substance. Tiitai, n. spy; scout. Tutaki, V. t. 1 meet. Tutaki ana i taua wahine nei e wero manu ana mana. (95) 2 inake to meet; put to; close. Tutakina te tau- poki o te pouaka. 3 shut upi in an enclosure. tutaki, and tutataki, a. touch- ing; meeting. tutaki, n. bolt; bar. Tutanga, n. portion; division. tijtangatanga, V. t. cut into j^or- tions. Hei apopo ka tutanga- tanga i nga rakau nei. TutS,ra, n. small talk; gossip. TiitatS,, a. 7iear. Tutaumaha, n. a kind of charm or incantation. (159) Tilts, V. t. shove with a pole. Tutea te waka ki waho. tute, n. male of prosthetnchdera novoi zealandim. tutetute, y.t. jostle; hustle. Tutei, v.t. spy; reconnoitre. tutei, n. spy ; scout. Tutetiike, v. t. p)ush with the elboiv. Tiiteure, n. a shell-fish; a kind oifusus. Txitika, a. up)right. Tutira, n. row; file. Tutohii, V. t. receive a proposal favourably ; give consent to. Tutohu ahiahi; whakarere ha- pai; accept at night and reject in the morning. Tutoro, a. dreamy; wandering. He moe tutoro. Tiitii, n. coriaria ruscifolia; a shrub. Tiitii, V. t. melt down fat, &c. Katahi ka tutua ki te taha. (153) 2 steep in water. Ka tutua te aute ki te wai. Tiitii. whakatutu, v.t. fasten a net to CO hoop for the purpose of catch- ing certain kinds of fish. Tutii, see under tu. Tiitiia, a. mean; low-born. Tiitua, see under tua. TUtuira, n. a fish; a small sting- _ray. Tutumako,n. euphrasia cuneata; a plant. Tutiina, n. large inanga. Tiitiina'wai, n. polygonum minus, var. decipiens; a plant. Tiitiipapa, n. coriaria thymifolia; a plant. Tutiiri, v. i. kneel. Ka tuturi ona turi ; he kneels. TUtiitii, v.t. perform a certain ceremony over a kumara ground with a view to promote fecun dity. Tututupo Tutiitupo, n. redness; glow. Ka tail te tututupo ki ruiiga i te rangi. (8i) Tuwa, a. groiving oiot of j)lace ; selj'-iioirn. Tu-waharoa, v. i. yawn. Tu'wata'watS,, n. main fence of a pa, called also katua. Tuwha, v.t. distrib^Ue. Tuwliaia nga kai ma nga tangata nei. Tuwhana, v. t. urge ; incite. Nail i tuwhana nga tangata o 217 Ua nnia ki te liaere. Tiiwheke, a. covered with sores. Toku tinana ka tuwheketia nei. Tu"W"h6nua, a. covered with sores. Tuwhera, a. ojyen. Ka tuwhera te kuwaha. whakatuwhera, v.t. open; set open. Tu'whiti, V. t. expel; banish. Compare tuhiti. TuTviri, v. i. tremble; be afraid. U I. U, n. breast of a female ; udder; teat. II. U, v.t. bite; gnaw. Uria to poaka. III. U, V. i. 1 be firm ; be fixed. Kaliore i u nga pou o te taiepa; tarure noa ana. 2 reach the land ; arrive by water. Ka hoe a Tainui, ka u ki Kawhia. (76) Pass, ungia, be arrived at. Katahi ano ka ungia e te waka te tauranga o Kiki. (172) whakau, v.t. 1 make firm. 2 kindle a fire. 3 bring to land. WHakauria to tatou waka ki uta. 4 with a reflex sense, bring oneself to a place ; arrive; come up. Ka tae atu ki te ana, ka whakau pahi marie te ope ra. (159) 5 perform a certain ceremony on first arrival at a place, to guard against infringe- ment of 'tapu.' IV. U, prep, used in an elliptical form of expression, and followed by prep, a ; as u a ratou ; u ana ; u au, &c., and implying sympathy with the person spoken of. He aha koa, u ana, te waiho ai hei hoa aroha mo tatou? Why should he not, poor fellow, be allowed to stay, &c. (12) E tika ana u au ; haere ano i runga i ou mohiotanga. (15) I. Ua, n. 1 back-bone. Kua tika te ua o te tangata ra ki te haere. (169) back of the neck. Ko te ua kau i maranga. (loi) 2 thick twisted or platted hem on the collar of a mat. uaiia, n. 1 sinew. 2 vein ; ar- tery. 3 firmness ; resolution ; effort. uaua, a. 1 strenuous ; jjerti7ia- cious. Uaua tonu ia ki te ora mona. 2 difiicult. Katahi te mahi uaua. ■whakauaua, v. t. 1 be strenuous. 2 be reluctant. II. Ua, v.i. rain. Akuanei pea ka ua. Pass, uaina, be rained upon. Ka uaina koe ki te haere aianei. ua, n. rain. Ua-po ; showery weather. III. Ua, ad. when. Ko reira koe kite ai, ua tae koe ki te kai- Ua, a particle used in expostu- lation. Kati ua haere mai ki konei; Don't, pray, come here Uaki 218 Umaraha any more. Kati ua tohetohe; do not he so obstinate ! Uaki, V. t. 1 launch ; push end- wise. Uakina mai te rakau na. 2 push a sliding door, so as either to open or shut ; hence simjjly, open ; shut. Uanga, time, &c., of raining. See ua. Uapare, v.t. attribute to another what is charged to oneself. Uariia, n. cloak with a cape to it. I. Ue, n. the moon on the fourth day ; also Oue. II. Ue, v.t. move a canoe with a paddle worked against the side ; scull; steer with a paddle. Ilea to tatou waka ki waho. ueue, V. t. shake ; incite ; impel. Me he ru na ano e ueue ana i a tuawahine. (132) Ueha, n. prop ; support. Homai tetahi rakau hei ueha mo te poti. Ueke, a. callous. He kiri ueke. Uene, v. i. ivhine. Uepu, n. Goinpany ; party. Tena ano tetahi uepu whakaae ; te- tahi uepu whakakahoi'e. Uere, n. a shell-fish. Uha, a. female ; of animals. Uhi, n. an instrument used for puncturing the skin in tattooing. NGa uhi matarau a Uetonga. .(30) Uho, n. 1 heart of a tree. 2 wtn- bilical cord. Comp. iho. uho, a. sound. He riri ano ta te tawa uho, he riri ano ta te tawa para. (145) I. Uhu, v.t. perform certain cere- monies over the bones of the dead. Tae rawa atu matou meake mutu te uhu. Compare hahu. II. Uhu, n. larva of a small beetle which infests dry timber. Uhumanea, a. knowing ; clever. I. Uhunga, n. derivative from uhu. II. Uhunga, v.t. cry over ; lament. Haere kia uhungatia koe. Uhiipoho, a. scrujiulous. Ui, V. i. 1 ask ; enqidre. Katahi ka ui atu te wahine ra, he aha tau, i haere mai ai koe ki konei? 2 relax or loosen a noose. I uia te kaha i te kaki o te manu. 3 disentangle ; disengage. Uia te ika i te kupenga. Uira, V. i. gleam ; flash. Te uira o te ahi o te Ai-awa. (81) He taua pea tera, ina hoki nga pu ka uira mai nei. uira, n. lightning. Ka puta te hau, te ua, te uira, te whati- V. tiri. (93) Uka, V. i. be fixed. E uka ana a raro te pou i te one. ukauka, v. i. 1 be preserved ; last. Kawea nga kai ki runga whata, kia ukauka ai mo etahi rangi. 2 he slow ; he sluggish. Kihai i ukauka to matou whakatika- nga ake. Uki, n. ancient times. No uki, no nehe, no whakapata. ukiuki, n. old. Ukii, n. white clay. uku, v.t. tvash, using clay for soap. Ka haere a Marutuahu ki te uku i tona mahunga ki te ^ wai. (138) _ Ukui, V. t. wijWy ; rub. ukui, n. white clay. Ukupapa, v. i. be all consumed; he dealt with ivithout exception. Compare oropapa. Ukiipara, v.t. smudge. Uma, n. bosom ; chest. Umaraha, a. 1 extended; wide. Kaore e pai to tatou pa ki konei, ke umaraha rawa. 2 bewildered ; abroad. Katahi Umere 219 Uru k;i uiii;ir;ili;i ii";i wli;ik;iaro. Umere, v. i. 1 svikj or rhautif, to keep time iu any united elfort. 2 shozit in wonder", satisfaction, (kc. Ano te mangai o te ta- ngata me te ia wai, e tangi ana te umere. (i6o) Umiki, V. t. traverse; go round. Nana i umiki te whenua. Umu, n. native oven; hangi. Po- kia- ta tatou uinu. whakaumu, n. hole dug in the ground to serve as a landmark, or to mark the spot where any- one lias fallen in battle. Unahi, n. scale of a fish. unahi, v. t. scale a fish. Unahia nga ika nei. Compare inohi. Unene, v. i. heg imjyortunately. Hore i te unene o te tangata nei ki taku pouaka. Unii, a V. t. 1 ^«t/Z off. Kei te unu i ona kakahu. 2 draiv o^it. He tangata ke nana i tiki mai i unu nga titi. (66) 3 bring out; exhibit. Ka unuhia te tere o te waka. (3 v. i. s/i^j out of a crowd. Unua, v.t. fasten two canoes to- gether side by side to form a double canoe. unua, n. double canoe. Unuora, n. object of intense affec- tion. Kei tua e Tenga, unuora i ahau. Unga, V. t. 1 send. Ungaa atu tetahi tangata ki tawahi, ki te tiki kai. 2 cause to be born. Kahore he karakia i mahue nei hei unga mai i to tamaiti ki waho. (128) Unga, n. derivative from iii. U. Ungutu, a V. t. place things so that the ends touch one another. Ungutungutua nga motumotu. /3 V. i. ineet together. Upane, a. abreast; in even rank. Upane tonu te liaere o te taua. Upoko, 11. head; upper part. Jvua mau te ringa o Rata ki te upoko; ka patua, ka mate. (55) Kei te upoko o te mara e takoto ana. Upokohtie, n. porpoise. Upokokawa, n. a fish ; a variety of 'tnoho.' Upokororo, n. jn'ototroctes oxy- rJiyncJius ; grayling ; a fish. Upokotangata, n. cyperus ustu- latus; a plant. Upokotiketike, n. a variety of Haro: Ura, V. i. 1 be red or brown. Ka ura te kanohi i te riri. 2 glow ; especially of sunrise. Kaore ano i roa kau ake te uranga o te ra, kua po. (18) Uranga, n. derivative from iii. U. Ure, n. membrum virile. ureure, n. fruit ofkiekie ov frey- cinetia Banksii. Uri, n. 1 offsjjring ; descendants. To Tamure uri, tenei ano te ora nei. (174) 2 7'ace. I mohiotia ai he uri makutu, no te tikanga iho a ona tupuna. (174) 7'ela- tive; blood connexion. Ko wai tona uri i haere ai ia ki reira? I. Uru, n. 1 tvest. Kei te anga te kuwaha ki te uru. (no) 2 head; iipper end. E kore e taka te uru a taua rakau. (92) 3 part of an apparatus for catching biixls. Te uru o te taanga. 4 single hair. NGa uru o te upoko. 5 grove of trees. Kei te uru manuka e tu mai ra. 6 part of a fishing- net. II. Uru, V. i. join oneself ; be associ- ated. Kia uru mai koe ki roto ki a matou, kia ora ai koe. 2 jmrticipate in an action ; become accessory. 3 reach a place; Uruahu 220 Utu arrive. E kore matou e uru ki WHarekahika. uru, v.t. rejKiir a mat, hy weav- ing in a new piece. Urua tou kakahu. uruuru, a. angry. whakauru, v.i. ally oneself; he joined. I whakauru etahi o NGatihine ki roto ki te Ui'i-o- NGronga. ■whakauru, n. 1 ally. 2 avenger. Uruahu, n. tabooed 2^1(1^6 where certain cei'emonies were per- formed. Uruhanga, n. sudden blast com- mencing a southerly wind. Kei mua o te hau te uruhanga. Uruhua, n. swelling. Uruhumii, n. sivelling of the foot. See uruumu. Urukehii, a. light-haired. IJrukowhao, n. 1 leakage in a canoe through the holes made for the lashings of the 'rauawa.' 2 any trifling damage. He urokowhao, e ki ana ko Heke- rau. Uramaraki, n. north-west wind. Urunga, n. 1 pillow. 2 rudder; steer-oar. 3 derivative from uru. Urungi, n. rudder; steering- paddle. urungi, v.t. steer. IJrupa, V. i. 1 catch in the water. Ka urupa tana hoe. 2 drarv to an end. Ka urupa te mahi; the working season is over. urupa, n. 1 chance blow. 2 fence round a grave; hurying-j)lace. Uriipu, V. i. he brought to the point of doing anything. I te mea ka urupu nei tatou ki te titiro i te he, e kore e ahei kia hoki atu tatou ki tena mahi. Urupuia, n. clump of trees. UrurSa, n. 1 a shell-fish. 2 a kind of shark. Kia matenga ururoa te tangata; a man should die game. Ururiia, a. 1 overgrown with bushes. Ka ururuatia te ara. 2 revelling; luxuriating. Te kaki ururua; au mahi. (94) Uruta, a. epidemic. He mate uruta. Uriitapu, a. untouched; in a state of nature. He ngahere- here urutapu. Urutira, n. dorsal fin of a fish. Uriitoko, n. ]joles erected on a tuaahu, or sacred place. Ka whakaturia nga urutoko. (112) Urutomo, a. waterlogged. Uruumu, a. swollen. Ka uru- umutia toku waewae; i tutuki ki te kowhatu. Uruuruwheniia, n. anything thrown on a ^wahi tapm,^ for good luck. Compare whakau, 5, under iii. u. Uta, n. 1 the la^id, as opposed to the water. Na, ka hoe nei ratou, a ka tae ki uta. (118) 2 inland j^ctrts, as opposed to the coast. Uta, V. t. 1 jnit on board a canoe, &c. Ka utaina nga utanga o ia waka, o ia waka. (70) 2 load. Katahi ka utaina te waka o Hineiteiwaiwa. (36) utanga, n. burden ; freight. Uto, n. 1 reveiige. Ka kainga te kanohi o te tupapaku hei uto mo tona teina. 2 object of one^s revenge; sworn enemy. Ka mate i a ia tona uto. See ito. Utonga, a. 1 uncooked; unripe. He utonga te kai nei; kaore e reka. 2 hardened; callous. Kua utongatia te kiri. I. Utu, n. 1 return; price paid; reward; ransom. Ko te utu tenei mo taku mahi. 2 satis- Utu 221 Wae faction for injuries received. No konei i maming.atia ai e Manaia taua iwi nei, kia kaha- kore ai ratou ki to rapu utu ma ratou. (i i8) 3 reply. utu, V. t. 1 pay for ; compensate. Utua taku luahi. 2 answer. Kaua e utuutua nga ki a te iwi nei. whakautu, n. a term of endear- ment, used in speaking of a child. whakautuutu, n. a kind of charm. (164) II. Utii, V. t. 1 dip up water. Utuliia mai he wai ki tekaraha. ^Jlll with water. Katahi ka utu te tangrtta ra i tana taha. (91) III. Utu, V. t. be stanched. Pono atu ahau ka utu te toto. Uwha, a. female of brutes. Uwhango, a. misty. I. IJwhi, 11. a variety of potato. II. Uwhi, V. t. 1 cover. Tikina he tarutaru hei uwhiuwhi mo nga kete. 2 sj)rinkle. Uwhiuwhia nga kakahu ki te wai. Uwhikaho, n. yam. W I. Wa, n. 1 definite space; interval; area ; region. 2 indefinite space ; unenclosed country. WHare tu ki te wa, he kai na te ahi. 3 time ; season. He wa mahi tenei ; c kore matou e liaere atu. wa, V. i. be far advanced. Ka wa te po. wawa, v.i. 1 he scattered; be sejmrated. Te tahuritanga o te pa, ka wawa noa atu nga ta- ngata.- — I wawa nga rauawa ki raro. 2 he planted. Ka wawa nga purapura ki ro oneone. wawa, n. fence. Me piki au i runga i nga wawa o te pa nei. (177) whakawa, v. t. 1 accuse ; bring a formal charge against. 2 condemn. 3 investigate ; ad- judicate on. Hence, kai-wha- kawa ; judge. whakawa wa, a v. t. recriminate. Kati te whakawawa i a koutou. fS y.i. 1 ivra7igle. Otira, i matua whakawawa ano nga uri Tangaroa. (5) 2 take counsel. II. Wa. wawa, V. i. make a loud rumbling or roaring noise. WHakarongo ki te wawa o te tai. Wae. wawae, v. t. divide ; part ; sejoa- rate. Me wawae te rahurahu hei ara. — Na te hara ahau i wawae mai. wae, n. leg ; foot. Kua tokari taku wae. wae wae, n. 1 leg ; foot. 2 foot- mark. Ka hahauria e tetahi, a ka kitea ki nga waewae e takoto ana, ahu tonu ki roto. (202) 3 shrouds of a canoe- mast. WHakakite waewae, or tutu waewae ; dance the tear dance, from the performance of which it was usual to augur well or ill of the expedition. Katahi ka whakakite te taua ra i tona waewae. (41) — Kia kitea te wae- wae tangata ; i.e. as soon as it begins to get light. waenga, n. 1 circuvistance, time or place of dividing ; division ; dividing line. 2 portion "mark- ed off by a dividing line. 3 Waea 222 Wahi the middle ; the midst ; without any article, and with the fol- lowing noun in the position of an adjective. Kei te rapu a Taka i tana poaka i waenga parae. If no other noun is ex- pressed, mara is generally un- derstood. Tera te koroheke ra kua tae ki waenga e karakia ana. (201) Waea, v. i. he tveary. Ka waea oku waewae i te haerenga. Waea, n. wire. Waehaua, a. lame. Waekahii, n. muhlenbeckia com- plexa ; a plant. Waenga, see under -wae. Waenganui, -waengapu, -wae- ngarahi, n. the midst. Kei waenganui o te whare, o te taiepa ; between the house and the fence. Waerau, n. crab ; crayfish. Waere, v. t. clear by cutting down wood, &c. "waerenga, n. clearing for culti- vation. Waero, n. 1 tail of an animal. 2 hair of a dog's tail. Puhi- puhi rawa te paua ki te waero. (21) Kahu-waero ; ma,t covered with hair of dogs' tails. Waero- hume; cur. Waeroa, n. mosquito. Waerou, n. clubfooted. Waerurii, n. a variety of potato. Waewae, see under wae. Waewaekaka, n. gleichenia hecistophylla ; a plant. Waewaekoukou, n. lycopodiuin voluhile ; a plant. I. Waha, n. 1 mouth. Kihai te matau i niau ki te waha o te ika. (117) 2 voice. Ka hama- ma mai te waha, 'Etia'; he waha tangata. (116) 3 sheet of a sail. 4 middle portion of a seine. 5 region. Kua tae mai a Te Waru, Mangaaruhe, o te waha ki uta o te Wairoa. waha, a. chipped ; broken. Com- pare hawa. wahawaha, n. a shell-fish. II. Waha, V. t. carry on the back. Wahaa ana e ia a Tawhaki ki to raua whare. (45) whakawaha, v. t. 1 load with a burden; take up on the back. WHakawaha e koro ma ; ka haere tatou. 2 start; set in inotion. I whakawahaa he ope. Wahaika, n. a wooden weapon of war. Wahakawa, a. having a distaste for ordinary food. Na Hotu- nui au i ngare mai ki tetehi ika mana ; he wahakawa nona. (141) Wahanga, n. derivative from wahi. Wahanga, n. from 11. waha. Wahangohi, n. a wooden weapon; the same as wahaika. Wahangu, a. dumb ; quiet. Wahapu, n. mouth of a bay or river. Waharoa, n. entrance to a forti- fied pa. Wahi, or wa wahi, v.t. 1 split; divide. Wahia ana; ka paka- ru; ko Matatua tetehi para, ko Aotea tetehi. (109) 2 break open ; lay opien ; disclose. Wa- wahia nga korero: kati me he purupuru i nga korero. wahi, n. 1 part; portion. Te tohu o Manaia i kitea ai, ko tetahi wahi o te ringa, he niea whakairo. (93) — Wahi iti ; tvith- in a little ; almost. 2 place ; locality. Waiho tonu iho hei ingoa mo tena wahi a Katikati o Tamatekapua. (78) Wahi. Wahie 223 Waihoki whakawahi, v.t. anoint. Kua oti nga turi te whakawMlii ki te hinu. Comp. towahiwalii. Wahie, n. Jireivood. Ka ki ake a Tawhaki, 'Tikina he wahie inoku.' (78) Waiiina, n. virgin. WS,hine, n. 1 woman. E noho a tinana tonu ana te wahine, te tamariki, te tane. (152) 2 wife. Ka mata te umu a Kui- wai, wahine a Manaia. (82) Plural wahine. whakawahine, n. strijy of wood supporting the 'karaho' of a canoe; '■kauhua.^ Waho, n. 1 the outside. Ka taki- takina te taniwha kia pamaro ai te haerenga mai ki waho o tona rua. (151 ) — Ki waho, ; acl- verbally ; out. 2 the open sea, away from land. Ka mea atu nga tuakana, 'Tukua atu te punga i konei.' Ka mea atu ia, 'Kauaka ; engari me hoe I'awa ki waho noa atu.' (20) I. Wai, pron., interrogative, tvJio? Ko wai tenei e haere mai nei? Often used when the speaker eitlier cannot or cares not to give the names. Muri ilio ko Mairatea, mui"i iho ko wai, ko wai, ko wai, a muri iho ko WHakatau-potiki. {39) Ka oti o ratou waka, ka huaina nga ingoa, ko WHiritoa ko wai waka atu hoki, ko wai waka atu hoki. (40) II. Wai, 11. 1 water or any liquid. E kui, kawea atu tetahi wai mo te manuhiri. (168) 2 vessel to hold tea er; calabash. 3 bag of a fishing-net. E wha nga wai o te kupenga. 4: food cooked as part of the Hohi' ceremony, of which males only might par- take. III. Wai. whakawai, v. i. entice; beguile. Aua e whakarongo ki tana mahi whakawai. whakawai, n. jamb of doorway or window opening. Waia, V. i. 1 be accustomed. Tau mahi, e te kaki ka waia ki te kai taniwha! (155) 2 he strained; he filled with tears. Ka waia nga kanohi i te tiro- hanga. Waiarangi, a. red. Waiari, n. small kumara. Waiariki, n. hot sjjring. Waiata, n. song. Ka whaka- kitea nga mahi a Raukatauri i reira; te waiata, te putorino, te koauau. (37) waiata, v. t. or v. i. sing. whakawaiata, n. a fish. Waiaua, n. porpoise. Waieliu, n. a fish. Waiha, n. a variety of the small kumara. Waihakihaki, n. itch or other cutaneous disease. Waihanga, v. t. make. See w^haihanga. Waihape, v. i. tack ship ; go about. Waihinau, n. a kind of mat. Waiho, v.i. 1 be left. Piki atu he maunga, waiho iho ona tapui i reira, he patupaiarehe. (80) 2 let be. Me he mea he kotiro, waiho te ingoa i a Paretuahu. (136) 4 followed by 'hei,' he; he regarded. E kore au e waiho hei tata i te wai o to tatou waka? (20) Waihoe, n. 1 rede of speed in rowing, kc. Kotahi ta matou waihoe i Tuaheni a tae noa mai ki konei. 2 tenour of a .speech. Waihoki, ad. likewise; in like manner. Waiika 224 Waka V. i. be without subdued. Na te i waikauere ai WaiikS,, a. dry, of seasons. He tau waiika. Waikari, n. ditch. See "wai- keri. Waikauere, energy ; be karakia matou ki te riri. Waikeo, n. a fish. Waikeri, n. ditch. Waikorohuhu, v.i. be subdued ; be listless. Waikiira, n. rust. Waimarie, a. 1 quiet ; meek. 2 lucky. Ko Pi anake o runga o to matou waka i waimarietia e te ika. — E ! te waimarie ! What hickf Waimgha, a. insijnd ; distasteful. Rapu noa i nga kao nei, te whai para ; he waimeha anake. — Korero atu i aua korero, ko- rero atu ; a, waimehatia ana. Waina, n. 1 vine ; wine. 2 a variety of kumara. Wainamii, a. having a dislike to ce7-tain kinds of food. Waingenge, n. a kind of shark. Waingohia, a. 1 easy. Koia ano te waingohia o tenei pukapuka ki a au. 2 pleased. ana tera ki to tatou mai. Waiora, n. spaces between the tattooed lines. Waipu, n. sound of the firing of guns. Waipiike, n. flood. Na te wai- puke i kore ai e tae to matou ope. Wairakau, n. manure. Wairangi, a. 1 beside oneself. Kua whakawairangi noa ake te ngakau ki te kai o ia wahine. (167) 2 foolish. Kona ano tona wairangi ki te tahae, me tona whiu. Waingohia taenga W3,irS,nii, n. gravy. Wairaraua, n. gravy ; juice. Wairau, n. gleaiiings of potato or kumara. Waireka, a. agreeable ; in favour. Kia wairekatia ki reira, e kore e hoki. Wairori, v.i. turn round. Wairiia, n. 1 spirit. 2 unsub- stantial image; shadow. ■whakaAvairua, v.i. 1 be repre- sented by an unsubstantial image. E whakawairua mai ra te waka i roto i te wai. 2 ap- pear dim and shadowy. Kei whea te waka nei? — E, e whaka- wairua kau ana. Waitahinga, n. ditch. Waitau, v. i. 1 moulder ; perish. WHarikitia te I'ua, kei waitau ake nga kai. 2 be worn out ; be faint. Kua waitau te nga- kau i te tirohanga. Waitohi, n. a charm repeated be- fore engaging in battle. Waitohii, n. mark. waitohu, v.t. mark an animal. Waitohungia a tatou poaka. Waitiihi, n. a kind of '■karakiaJ I reira ka kawea kia whaka- waituhutia te wahine ra. (79) Waitiitu., a. dark in colour. Kiri-waitutu ; dark-skinned. Waiu, n. milk. Waiu-o-Kahu- kura ; eup>horbia glauca, a plant. Waiuatiia, n. rhabdothamnus Solandri ; a plant. Waiwaha, n. bed or land in a kumara field. Wai"waia, a. beautiful. Waka, n. 1 cayioe. Ka oti nga waka ra te waihanga, ka toia ki walio manu ai. (70) 2 anything shaped like a canoe ; as a box for feathers, (fee. 3 medium of an 'atua.' WHakaeke kau ana Wakawa 225 Waro a Hakawau ki to j^a o te waka o aua atua, ka kitea mai e haere atu ana te waka o enei atua. (177) waka^waka, n. parallel ridges. E rua nga wakawaka o te mara nei ka oti. Wakawa, a. having a distaste for food. See wahakawa. Wakea, n. appetite. Kahore e rere te wakea ; said of unsatis- fying food. Wana, v. i. bud; shoot. wana, n. 1 young shoot. 2 stake or paling of a fence. 3 divi- sio7i of a heap of food as placed at the time of a 'hakari.' Ko- talii wana i a matou. wanawana, n. 1 sjnnes ; bristles. Tu-te-wanawana; bristle up ; be- come exaspe7xited. Ta koutou, he mea kia tu te wanawana o te iwi nei. 2Jear: thrill. Ka rere mai te wanawana i te aranga matua ki te riri. whakawanawana, v. i. throw out bristles; throw out rays. Ka whakawanawana te ra. Wani, V. t. 1 scrape. Kei te waniwani riwai nga wahine. 2 skim along ; toxLch lightly ; graze. Wani mai ana i runga i nga maunga. — Kia wani te waka ki tera taha. 3 brush or comb the hair. Kei te wani a Rehe i tona mahunga. "wani, n. sticks for obtaining fire by friction. See kauahi. Wao, n. forest. Naku koe i tiki ki te wao nui a Tane. wavT-ao, v.t. 1 p«ri combatants. Waona nga tamariki nei; aua e tukua kia whawhai. 2 dis- tract one^s attention. I ware- ware au ki tena; na te maha o nga korero i wawao. 3 defend from enemies. Ka haere ia ki te wawao i a tatou ; ki te arai atu i o tatou hoa-riri. 4 ward of. W§,ok6, n. bushman. WS,oku, n. demise forest. E noho ana ki te waoku, he pukepuke ki tetahi taha, he pukepuke ki tetahi talia. Wara. ■wS,warS,, v.i. make an indistinct sound; murmur; rustle. E Rehua, kaore ranei koe i rongo wawara o raro nei na? (33) Warahoe, a. false. He hunga warahoe koutou. I. War§, a. 1 mean in social position. Ko taua moenga, he moenga rangatira iho ano; e kore nga ware e moe i reira. 2 ignorant. wareware, a. 1 forgetful. I wareware pea koe ki ta taua korero. 2^ forgotten. Ka ware- ware wahi. whakaware, v. t. 1 distract one's attention; hinder. I whaka- warea ahau e te manuhiri i roa ai. 2 beguile. II. Ware, n. viscous fluid; spittle; exudation from trees. Warea, v. pass, be occupied; be absorbed. Tino omanga o te iwi ra ki roto ki te pa, ki nga patu; warea ki reira, e haere marie ana a Te Ponga ma. (171) — No te wareatanga e te moe o te tangata, ka haere te wahine nei ka oma. (144) Warehou, n. neptonemus brama; a fish. Wari, n. potato that has become watery through age or frost. wariwari, n. gar-fish; Hakeke.' I. Waro, n. burning coals; char coal. II. War6, n, deep hole or pit; 1 a au te ingoa o tenei Waro 226 Wene owing to natural causes, as decay of trees, &c. Kore kau noa ake kia kitea tetahi waro, kia pera, me te waro o Peke- haua. (158) III. War6. wawaro, v. i. sound indistinctly. He reo tangata tena e wawaro mai na. ■wa'waro, or warowaro, n. in- distinct sound of voices; 7nur- mur. I. Waru, a. eight. 'E waru pu' is sometimes used ironically for not at all; by no means. Kia mahue te whanake o Paoa? E waru pu te mahue ki raro. (193) II. Waru, V. t. scrape; shave; cut the hair. Ka mahara a Manaia kia tuturia he tangata, hei ohu waru mo ana tao. (117) Wata. wawata, v. t. desire earnestly ; long for. E wawata puku ana tetehi, me tetehi, ki a raua ake. (131) wa"wata, a. i^i small lumps. He oneone wawata. ■watavrata, a. fidl of holes; per- forated. Watea, a. 1 7i7ioccupied ; clear. He whare watea tena. 2 cau- tious. Kia watea te tango i to NGapuhi. Watt, n. watch. Wau. wawau, V. i. 1 quarrel; wrangle. 2 make a noise. wawau, n. 1 noise. 2 coward. Wawa, a. scattered. Ta taua haere! wawa noa atu. Wawe, ad. 1 soon. E kore tatou e tae wawe atu. 2 frst. E tatari tonu mai ai a Kiki, ko Tamure te kai wawe i taua hangi tapu, kia hohoro ai a Tanuire te mate. (173) We. wewe, v.i. yelp, as a dog. Wehe, or wehewehe, v.t. di- vide; detach. Ko Rangi raua ko Papa e pipiri tonu ana, kaore ano i wehea noatia. (i) wehe, V. i. be enraptured , be transp)orted with delight. Ka wehe te Hauhau i te rekareka. w^ehe, a. deficient in food. He tau wehe; a year of scarcity. Weheriia, a. 1 divided; leading by different routes. He ara weherua. — Ka weherua te po; it is midnight. 2 in doubt; anxious. Ka weherua au ki te kupu a Karauria. Wehi, v.i. be afraid. Heoi, ka whati te ope ra i te wehi ano ki nga tuaitara e tutu haere ana mai. (150) wehi, a. terrible. Heoi te mea i ahua wehi mai [ko nga kanohi]. (159) wehiwehi, n. spines, as in the dorsal fin of a fish. whakawehi, v.t. terrify. Weiweia, a. of low degree. He tangata weiweia. weiweia, n. diver; a bird. Weka, n. ocydromus australis; wood-hen; a bird. Wekeweke, n. sonchus asper; indigenous sowthistle. Wekiki, v. i. quarrel. Na wai nga tamariki e wekiki mai ra? Weko, V. i. be extinguished. Kua weko te ahi. Wekii, v.t. catch hold of; hooh; tear. Ka wekua tona pake e te rakau, ka motu nga hukahuka, a tupu tonu ake hei rakau nui. (80) wekii, n. bush; wood. Wene, n. 1 shoot of a convolvulus or gourd. 2 food. wene, a. many; very numerous (of small things). He wene, he Wenerei 227 Wiri wene, he wene noa atu. — Ka mutu nga wene korero o tenei kainga. wenevrene, n. 1 calabash gourd; citacrbita sp. 2 a large moth. whaka"wene, v. t. make into a noose. Wen£kei, n. Wednesday. Wepif, n. whip. Wera, n. whale. Wera, a. 1 burnt. Ka wera i kona a te Arawa i te ahi. (8i) 2 heated; hot. Kua wera te wai. ■wera, n. heat. Kua rite tahi tona auetanga ki to Maui aue- tanga i te wera o te ahi. (24) werawera, a warm. Were, or werewere, v.i. hang ; be suspended. E werewere mai ra te kete i runga i te rakau. ■whakawerewere, v.t. suspend. Weri, n. 1 7'oot; rootlet. Me te weri manuka, e nanapi nei ki raro ki te whenua. 2 centi2)ede. weri, v.i. take root in one's ears; be heard. Korerotia ra kia awe te weri. — Kia weria ki roto ki nga taringa. "Weriweri, a. 1 digusting; offen- \ sive. He kai weriweri. 2 dis- gusted; provoked. Wero, v.t. 1 pierce; spear. Tu- taki ana i taua wahine nei e wero manu ana mana (95) 2 throw a spear; dart. Na ka tatu, ka werohia ki a Rupe. ■wewero, v.t. strike with a spear. E wewero patiki ana. ■werowero, v.i. shoot or be pro- pelled in numbers. Ka wero- wero te hina o ona makawej said of grey hairs appearing here and there. Weroku, v. i. be extiviguished. Kua weroku te ahi. Q2 W6r6-tS,ringS,, n. a kind of rough mat. WSru, ^vSw^Sru, or -weru^veru, n. garment. Kua riro nga weruweru i a Tohitapu. — -Kua tirohia ilio ki nga weweru, he mea tapeka, ka mohio tonu iho no tawhiti tenei tira. (147) Weruweru is often used especi- ally of finely-woven flax mats with broad ornamental border. Weta, n. an insect. Wetangotango, a. very dark. Pouri wetangotango te nga- kau. Wetara, n. seed p>otatoes which throiv up) a very weak shoot. Wete. we'wete, v. t. untie; unravel. Wetekia te tau o tou kakahu. Weti. 'weti'weti, a. loathsome; disgust- ing. whakaweti, v. t. threaten. He kupu whakaweti. Weti, v.t. weigh. Weto, v.i. be extinguished. Kua weto tana ahi. (24) Wetoki, v.i. swim in shoals. He aha te ika e wetoki mai nei? Weu, n. single hair; fibre; root- let. WiKi, n. 1 week. 2 wick. Winiwini, v.i. shudder. Wini- wini ana te kiri i te mataku. WiRA, n. wheel. WiRA, n. will. I. Wiri, V. i. tremble. He makariri noku i wiri ai ahau. whakawiri, v. i. tremble; feel anxious. Tenei te ngakau te whakawiri noa atu nei ki a koe e pokia mai na e te rehu o te pu. II. Wiri, V. t. bore. ■wiri, n. gimlet; auger. ■whaka^wiri, v. t. twist; wring. Katahi te tama ka whakatika: Wita 228 WHaiaipo whakawiria iho te tau o te patu ki te ringa. (29) whakavriri, a. twisted. He ra- kau whakawiri. Wita, n. 1 one of the fences form- ing the fortification of a pa out- side the 'katua' or main fence. To waho, he pekerangi; to roto mai he wita. with rain. WiTi, n. wheat. Wi"wi, n. rushes ; various species. WuRU, n. wool. WuRUHi, n. wolf. 2 south wind juncus of WH I. WHa, a., four. II. WHa, v.i. be disclosed; get abroad. Ka wha i konei te tahae a Ruatapu. III. WHa. ■wha"wha, v. t. feel with the hand; handle ; lay hold of. WHa- wharia mai ana e Uenuku, ho- romia oratia ana taua tamaiti. (107) whawha, n. sheathing pedicel of 'taro' leaf. WHae, n. a term of address to an elderly woman. Contracted from whaea. E whae, tikina nga ika. (118) WHaea, n. mother. WHaereere, n. dam ; mother of animals. I. WHai, n. 1 trygon thalassia ; sting-ray ; a fish. cat's cradles. II. WHai, a. 1 settled; constantly resident. He tangata whai ahau. 2 possessing. He ta- ngata whai mana. 3 acqui^-ing shape or character. ISTa toku tipiina au i awhi, a whai ta- ngata ana ahau. III. WHai, v.t. 1 follow ; pursue. Ka kite koutou i te waka e whai mai ana i muri i a matou. (173) WHainga-kai ; augury from catching birds, fish, &c. 2 look for ; go in search of. I 2 a game; haere atu ki te whai wahie. 3 aim at; design. E whai ana a Paka kia riro te whenua i a ia. 4 court; woo. He whai ta Taka i a Te Kahu hei wahine mana. 5 proceed to the next in order. E karakia ana te koro- heke ra ; kua oti tetahi karakia, e whai ana ki tetahi. (201) 6 whai i te kawa; perform the ceremonies for removing the 'tapu' from a house. ■whawhai, v.i. fght. Ka tohe tonu te taua ki te whawhai ki nga tangata o roto o taua pa. (182) whawhai, a v. i. be in haste ; be hurried. He whawhai nona kia rokohanga ai nga tangata ki te kainga. f3 v.t. chide. whaiwhai, v. t. chase ; htmt. Kua riro a Te Puni ki te whaiwhai poaka. — WHaiwhai- korero. See under whai- korero. whainga, n. 1 circumstance, &c. of jnirsuin^, &c. 2 enmity; hostility. Kei hea hei ki mo te mony of removing Hapu.' I mea ia kia patua he tangata hei whainga mo tona whare. WHSiaipo, v.i. be in love with a person. See ipo. whaiaipo, n. sweetheart. Ka te tangata whainga? 3 cere- WHaiapu 229 moe a Tutanekai i tana wlini- aipo, i a Hinemoa. (134) WHaiapu, a. Maro wluiiapu; a kind of 2meZea jsro- strata; a plant. WHarepu, n. a kind of shark. WHa,repiini, n. hut to sleep in. WHarerangi, n. store-house built upon posts. WHaretangata, n. connexion by marriage. Kawea te kakahu mo tou wharetangata. WHareumii, n. cooking-shed. WHare-whare-atua, n. piito- sporum cornifolium ; a shrub. WHariki, v. t. 1 spread out, as a carpet; lay on the ground. 2 cover with a carpet, &c. Ka wharikitia te roro o te whare ki te takapau, hei nohoanga mo te manuhiri. (192) Whariki, n. anything used as a carpet. Kia moata ki te wha- riki mo te kainga nei, mo te whare hoki. (192) ■wh.a,ri^i, a,. Jlat ; sjjread out. He kino te rauawa o te waka nei, he whariki rawa hoki. WHarite, for whakarite, v. t. WHaritea te roa o te rakau nei. See rite. WHaritua, v. i. be hidden by any object; he out of sight. Ka wharitua ia ahau. WHaro, whaw^haro, or -wharo- wharo, a v. t. scrape. E wharo- wharo ana ia i te riwai. /? v. i. clear the throat; cough; expec- torate. WHarona, v. i. lie in a heap. Hei kona wharona ai nga wahie. wharona, n. heap. WHaroro, v. i. stretch out the legs. Aua e wharoro ou wae- wae. WHarua, a. concave; depressed. wharua, n. valley. whawharua, n. mother; female ancestor. Haere mai koe kia moemoe tahi i roto i tou wha- wharua. (11) WHaruariia, a. concave; de- pressed. See •wharua. Ka wharuarua iho nga awaawa. WHata, n. elevated stage for stor- ing food. "whata, a v.t. elevate; support. E whataa ake ana e te ngako o taua ngarara nei. (152) /? v.i. hang. E whata mai ra te alio i runga i te rakau. WHataamo, n. litter. (108) WHatai, v.i. stretch out the neck. He aha tau e whatai na, e ta? WHatarangi, n. stage or j^lat- form elevated on two or more posts. WHatau, v. t. measure. Ka wha- taua atu te ngohi, me te pa- kihiwi te roa. WHatero 233 WHawhe WHater5, v.i. ^^m^ out the tongue. WIfatero tou arero. WHati, v.i. 1 be beul at ayi angle ; he broken short off. Ka whati te kakau o te toki nei. 2 turii and go away. Ka wliati te tangata whenua ki waho. (194) — -flee. I aua tangata nei ano ka hinga, whati kau ana ; katalii ka patua. 3 he broken off ; be interrujjted ; as a charm. whawhati, v. t. 1 bend at an angle ; fold. 2 break off any- thing stiff. WHatiia mai nga topito. 3 cause to flee. whawhati, v.i. be chapt. Ka mate au i te whawhati o oku ringaringa. WHawhati-tata ; hajypen suddenly. whatiwhati, v.t. break off a number of things ; break into fragments. E haere ana maua ko Keno ki te whatiwhati rara. Whatianga, n. 1 angle; place at which anything is bent, doubled, or broken off. 2 in particular, bend of the arm ; elbow. Kei te whatianga te roa. — WHati- anga raparapa ; ancle. 3 j^or- tion doubled over or broken off WHatika, v. i. for whakatika. get 2ip; stand up). See under tika. I te ata ka whatika te wahine ki te wero manu. (95) WHatimotimo, v.t. gather up a line. WHatinotino, v.i. stretch out the neck. WHatitiri, n. thunder. (93) WHatitoka, n. doorway. Ka mau te ringa ki te papa o te whatitoka, ka toia ; tuwhera kau ano te whatitoka. (193) WHatoro, v.i. stretch out the hand. I. WHatu, n. 1 hail ; hailstones. 2 j>u])il of the eye ; eye. Titiro ou whatu. II. WHatu, v.t. weave. Ka kite ia i te wahine ra e whatu ana i te kakahu. (187) WHatiii, v.t. lace or tie together. E whatui ana a Te Aka i te kupenga. WHatukiihu, n. kidney. WHatumanawa, n. kidney. WHatungarongaro, v. i. dis- appear. Toitu he kainga ; whatungarongaro he tangata. WHatiipango, n. pu2nl of the eye. WHaturama, n. rupture. WHatuturi, v. i. for w^hakatu- turi, he unyielding. Ehara i a koe, ina hoki te whatuturi ki au karakia. (129) I. WHau, n. entelea arborescens ; a shrub. whauwhau, n. panax arbor eum; a tree. II. WHau. WHawhau, v. t. tie. See hohou under hou. WHaupa, v. t. eat voraciously. He kiko poaka ka homai, whau- patia ake. WHaupakii, n. j)anax arboreum; a tree. WHaura, a. fiery ; fierce. Ko Tu mo te mata whaura, mo nga ritenga o waho. {165) WHaurau, v.t. scold. Ka whau- rautia koe e au. WHauwhi, n. hoheria pojjulnea; a tree. WHawhakou, n. a tree, WHaw^hapu, n. Ko enei kupu, he whawhapu na Patupaiarehe. (178) WHawhe, a v.i. come or go round. E whawhe mai ana te paoa. /3 V. t. ])ut round. Homai taku tatua kia whawhea. {97) WHe 234 WHeoro WHe, n. 1 caterpillar. 2 mantis ; an insect. 3 dwarf. 4 cyathea Smithii ; a tree-fern. ■whewhe, n. boil. WHea, n. interrogative. 2 what •place. See hea. 2 any place whatsoever. KGa kai o whea whenua, mana anake, te aha, te aha. (145) WHeangaanga, a. turning this way and that; undecided. Hei aha i whakawheangaanga ai te korero? WHeau, v. i. he long in time. E kore ra e wheau, ka hinaki- pouri. WHeia. ■whgwheia, n. enemy. WHeinu, a. thirsty. Tikina he wai mo toku wheinu. WHeinga, n. quarrel. Katahi te wheinga o te hanga tamariki nei! WHeirS, wheiroiro, v.i. 1 be seen. Arohi noa au i taku mea, te wheiro i a au te aha. 2 he understood. Kaore i wheiro i a au tana korero. WHeka. ■whekawheka, n. garment. WHekau, n. internal organs of the body ; entrails. WHeke, v.i. creak. ake ki te waha e rara iho ana, ano he wheke rakau. (158) WHeke, n. squid. WHekere, a. very dark. WHeki, n. dicksonia squarrosa ; a tree fern. WHeki-kohunga ; dicksonia anta7'ctica. WHeko, V. i. 1 become black. Ka Avheko te riwai i te ra. 2 go out; be extinguished. Meake wheko te rama. wheko, n. gills of a fish. WHekori, v.i. he seen; be under- stood. Ka whekori i a au i I rangona konei, kei a Kahutia nga pa- keha i taua takiwa. I. WHeku, n. distorted figure in native carving. II. WHekii, a. dripping, especially with any clammy fluid. ■whekuwheku, a. ivet; splashed ivith water. U rawa atu ki uta, whekuwheku ana nga tangata me nga kakahu. WHenako, v.t. steal. Kua whe- nakotia taku toki i te po nei. See -whanako. WHenu, n. warp> of cloth. WHenua, n. 1 land; country. Katahi ka rere mai ki te kimi whenua mona. (120) Tangata whenua ; people belonging to any particular place ; natives. He tangata ano i reira, ko nga ta- ngata whenua ake ano o tenei motu. (123) — He tangata ko- rero whenua ; a j^acijicator. 2 ground. Ka ngahoro nga ka- raka ki raro ki te whenua. 3 2)lacenta ; afterbirth. I a raua e piki ana, ka taka te whenua o te tamaiti ki te moana, ka kainga e te mango. (34) ■whenua, ad. entirely ; altogether. Tipatipa whenua ; altogether false. WHeniiku, v.i. slip or fall down, as a wall, bank, (fee. WHenumi, v. i. be out of sight ; he consumed. ■whakawhenumi, v.t. mix up one thing with another. WHengi. ■whewhengi, v.i. he shrivelled; be withered. Ka whewhengi nga puka i te whitinga o te ra. WHengu^whengu, v.i. snuffle. WHeo, a. uncooked. WHeoro, v.i. 1 tnake a crashing OY jarring noise ; rumble. Ano me te wheorotanga whatitiri. WHera 235 WHiro (151) 2 he jarred ; tinyle. Ka wlieoro aku t;irinf^a. wheoro, v. i. be slow; he long in doing anything. WHera, or "whg-whgrS,, v. t. S'pread mut; open. WHerahia te pukapuka. WHere, v.t. 1 overcome. Kua wherea te wliakaaro e te ngoi- kore. 2 o]>press. Ka wherea au e koe ki te mea taimaha. •whaka"where, v.t. 1 induce; 2weiiail upon. He hoatu tonu taku i nga mea papai mau, lie whakawhere i a koe, kia tahuri mai ai koe ki a au. 2 oppress; mcdtreat. He aha tau e whaka- wherewhere na i to hoiho? WHererei, v.i. be extruded. Ka whererei nga kanohi. He ko- tore whei-erei; said of a person in a fright. WHeriko, y.\. flash; glitter; he resplendent. WHeriko ana te hihi o te ra. I. WHero, n. ayius. II. WHero, a. red; reddish brown. WHero ana nga kanohi i te hau. WHeru, a. 1 inactive; slow. Ko nga mea wheru, ko nga wahine, ko nga tamariki, kei muri. 2 encumbered. I whakawherutia ahau e taku tamaiti i mau ai ahau. 3 ill at ease; weary; oppressed. WHakatika rawa ake au, wheru ana au i te tai- maha o oku whakaaro. WHetai. whakawhetai, v. i. express thanks; a word introduced from the Friendly IsLmds. WHetau, a. small. He toki whetau. WHete, or -whetete, v. i. 1 he forced out. Ka whete te pirau o te whewhe ki waho. 2 stare wildly. Na reira ka whetete nga whatu, na te mea c noho ana to ope ra i konei. WHeterau, n. ileodictyon ciba- rium; a fungus. WHetengi, n. land exhausted by cultivation. WHetiko, n. a shell-fish. WHeto, a. small. WHetoto, and 'whaka'whetoto, v.i. lag behind. WHetu, n. star. WHetiii, n. land exhausted by cidtivation. WHetukaupo, n. a star which sets in the evening in October and November. WHeturangi, n. a star that has beco7ne visible in the eastern sky in the morning. Ka whetu- rangitia Matariki. WHeua, 11. bone. WHeuaiia, a. 1 reluctant. WHakawheuaua ana te haere. 2 difficult. WHeuri, n. dee]) water. Kei roto te wheuri o te awa. WHewheia, n. enemy. WHiKA, n. figures; arithmetic. WHinau, n. eloiocarpus dentatus; a tree. See hinau. WHio, v.i. whistle. WHioi, n. anthus Novce Zelandioi; a bird. WHiorau, n. a small grey duck. WHiore, n. tail of animals. WHiri, v.t. twist; plat. "whiri, n. platted hem on the upper edge of a mat. whiriwhiri, v.t. select; choose. WHirikoka, n. strength. WHirinaki. whaka'whirinaki, v. i. Iea7i against anything. WHiro, n. 1 proper name of an *atua.' 2 the moon on the first day. WHitau 236 WHi-whirau WHitau, n. lyrepared fibre of phormium tenax, especially that from the variety called takiri- kau or tihore. WHiti, v.i. cross over; reach the 02)posite side. Na ka whaka- whiti a Kupe i te moana o Raukawa, a ka whiti. (109) — ■ Mana te ringa whiti ; let him strike the first blow. WHiti-ra- runga; be inverted; he contrary. I kiia ko matou ki te moana; na, ka whiti-ra-runga anake, ko ratou ka riro ki te moana. 2 shine. Kia whiti te ra, ka maroke. 3 start; be alarmed. Ka tumeke, ka mataku, ka pa te whiti ki roto ki tona ngakau. — WHiti ana taku polio i to karanga. whiti, n. hoop. "whakawhiti, v. t. 1 convey across. 2 exchange. whakawhiti, n. sail for a boat or canoe. WHitiki, V. t. tie up; gird. WHitikiria tou kakahu. whitiki, n. 1 belt; girdle. Ka tango ia i tona whitiki, me tona maro whero. (97) 2 a kind of eel. WHito, n. dwarf. WHitoki, a v.t. tie up. /3 v.i. be tied up. E whitoki mai ra te poaka. WHitu, a. seven. WHiu, v.t. 1 whip; chastise. He aha tau ka whiu nei i to tamaiti? 2 throw; fling. Ka whiua nga hanga ki uta. 3 2)ut; place. WHiua ki runga ki to kete. — plant. Kei te whiu riwai a Te Wainohu. 4 drive; ca^ise to go. WHiua taua ki waho. whiu, v. i. assemble. E ahiahi kau iho ana ano, ehara, e whiu ana te tangata wlienua. (167) whiuwhiu, n. layers of toetoe overlapping one another on the ridge of a house. whakawhiu, v.t. oppress; afflict. whakawhiu, n. a kind of fishing- net. i.WHiwhi, V i. be entangled. Aua e hoatu te aho ki te tamaiti, kei whiwhi. whiwhi, or whiw^hiwhi, n, fat covering the entrails. whakawhiwhi, V.t. wind round; fasten. Kua mau ke nga taura te whakawhiwhi ki te rakau. li.WHiwhi, v.t. possess; have ac- quired. Ka whiwhi ia ki tona hoa haere. whakaw^hiwhi, v. t. give; pre- sent. Ka whakawhiwhia mai ki a ia te patu pounamu . . . me ia ano hoki, ka whaka- whiwhi i tana ki te rangatira o te pa ra. (i 70) WHiwhirau, n. a fish. VOCABULAEY ENGLISH and NEW-ZEALAND. ♦ I A, art. he; tetahi. Alback, ad. kopio. Abandon, v. t. whakarere. Abashed, a. whakama; rikarika. Abate, v.i. inahaki; marie; iti haere. Abdomen, n. ko}ni; puku; ma- nawa; takapu; riu; tia; kona. Abhor, V. t. kino ; whakakino ; inntakawa. Abide, v. i. 7ioho. Ability, n. kaha; ngoi; iigohe; koiivi. Able, be, v.i., ahei; kaha. Abode, n. kainga; nohoanga. Abolish, V. t. whakakahore; pehi; whakakore. Abominable, a. whakarihariha ; weritveri; whakarikarika ; mo- rikarika. Abortion, n. materoto ; tahe ; whako,tahe. Abortive, a. konJia. Abound, v.i. htta; huhua; rahi; maha; nui; tini; hira; ra7iea; nanea; rawaka; roaka; ma- kuru; ngahoro ; raratve; mahi; ngahiri; oha ; pukahu; nga- ruru. About, prep, (near to), lata ki ; (engaged in) kei. Above, prep, kei runga i; ki ru- nga i ; &c. ad. iho. Abreast, ad. wpane. Abridge, v.t. rohakapoto. Abscess, n. puku; tapoa; maiao. Absent, a. ngaro; honea ; take. Absorbed, a. mimiti. Abuse, v.t. ivhakakino; whaka- tupukino. Abusive, n. puraurau. Abyss, n. torere. Accelerate, v.t. whakahohoro; zvhakangawari. Accept, v.t. tango; whakaae. Accident, n. mea tupono. Accompany, v.t. haere tahi i. Accomplished, be, v.i. taea; tareka. According to, prep, ki; 7nei. Account, n. KAUTE. Accurate, a. iika. Accuse, v.t. whakapae; wha- kawa; xvhakapa he. Accustomed, a. taunga; waia. Ache, v.i. mamae; ioio; raka; matengatenga ; korangaranga. Acid, a. kawa. Acknowledge, v.t. whaki; wha- kaae. Acquire, v.t. whiwhi. Acquired, be, v. riro; takeke. Acre, n. ERA. Acrid, a. tangeo; kaiva. Across. See lie across. Action, n. mahi. Active, n. holioro ; kakama; hihi- ko; ngohengohe. Add, v.t. apiti; huihui; tapiri; taparu; hono. Address, v.t. korero; ivhaikorero. Adept, a. matau; mohio; tauto- hito. Adhere, v. i. piri. Adjourn 238 Adjourn, \.t. jmuhu; nuku. Adjure, v.t. whakaoati. Adjust, v.t. whakafite. Admire, v.t. mihi; miharo. Admirable, a. kairangatira. Admit, v.t. tuku. Admonish, v.t. ako; whakaako. Ado, make, v.i. whakangana- nyana ; ngangau. Adorn, v.t. whakapaipai; rakai; tuhi. (With feathers), tiatia. Adrift, a. manu; tere; korewa. Adult, n. kaumatua ; koeke; pa- keke. Adulterate, v. t. whakananu. Adultery, n. jmremii; tokohi. Advanced, far, a. wa; aua atu. Advantage, n. pai; liukuatanga. Adversity, n. mate; he. Adze, n. kapu; tokikapu. Affect, v.t. pa. Affection, n. aroha; konohi; ko- naki; konakona; kanokanoa. Affection for, entertain, v.t. whakaarorangi. Affection, token of, n. maimai- aroha. Affection, object of, n. unuora. Affirm, v.t. whakaae. Afflict, v.t. whakawhiu; whaka- mamae ; whakapo9i7'i. Affray, n. wliawhaitanga ; riri- nga; kakaritanga; ngangare- tanga; tatauranga. Affright, v.t. whakamataku ; wha- kaweJd. Affront, v.t. atete. Afloat, a. (of a boat or ship) manu; rewa; korewa; morewa; taretva. Afraid, be, v.t. mataku; wehi; whakawiri; pairi; paoho; ihi- ihi; puihi; maka; ^9atfera;^:>a- hunu; hurangi; kojnpi; korapa; tunuhmu. After, prep. m,uri iho i; ki m,uri i; &Q. Aloof Afterbirth, n. ivhenua; ewe. After-time, n. muri. After the manner of, prep. a. Afternoon, n. te heketanga o te ra; te tltaliatanga o te ra. Aftervrards, ad. muri iho; m,u- ringa. Again, ad. ano. Against, prep. ki. Age, n. tau. What is your age? E hia ou tau? Aghast, a. tarewa. Agitate, v.t. ueue. Agitated, a. karekare; pokare- kare. Agreed to, a. rite. Agreeable, a. ahuareka ; purotu ; waireka. Agreement, n. kirimini. Aground, be, v.i. eke. Aha! int. Ha.^ Ahead, ad. i mua. Aim, v.t. whai. Air, n. ea. Air, light, n. angi. Alarmed, a. mataku; wehi; 2)aoho ; moariari; whiti; tu- ngehe. Alarum, n. pahu. Alas ! int. aue; taukiri; taukui'i. Albatross, n. torod. Albino, n. korakorako; rako; kiri-kotea. Alight, v.i. maker e; marere. Alike, a. rite. Alive, a. ora; mataora. All, a. katoa. Allayed, a. mariri. Allo"W, v.t. tuku. Alluvial soil, n. kotae; onematua. Ally, n. ivhakauru; tuara. Almighty, a. kaha rawa. Almost, ad. walii iti; tahitahi. Aloft, ad. i rung a; ki runga. Alone, ad. anake; anahe; kau. Along, prep. i. Aloof, be, V. i. tu ke. Already 239 Apple Already, ;i(l. 710a. Also, ad. hoki; ano. Altar, n. aata. Alter, V. t. whakaahua he ; whaka- pnta ke. Altered, a. jnUa ke; rere kc; poka ke. Alternate, v. t. 7vhakawhitiwhiti. Although, ad. ahakoa. Always, ad. tonu; i nga wa katoa. Ambush, n. hanpapa; 2'>^1t'ipehi; tvhdkatakoto ; kduaeroa. Amidst, prep, ki waenganui i, &c. Among, prep, kei rofo i; i roto i. Amulet, n. pitopito. Amuse, v. t. pataritari; whaka- takaro ; rvli akcmmi'e. An, art. Jie; tetnhi. Ancestor, n. tupuna; tipuna; heinga. Ancestry, n. kawai; katvei; ko- rero tdhu. Anchor, n. j^unga; haika. Anchorage, n. tunga kaipuke; tauranga. Ancient, a. tuarangi; aweko; ta- likiuki; tuauki. Ancient times, n. nehe; nehera; whakapata; uki. And, conj. a; ma; me; hoki. Angel, n. anahera. Angle, n. hike; ngao ; koki; poti; whatianga ; kopa; hau; noni. Angry, be, v.i. riri; pukuriri; aritarita; weriiveri; rupahu; tupelmpeliu ; uruuru ; hoho ; naunau ; ivhakananau ; tangare. Animal, n. kuri; kararehe. Animalcule, n. ngu. Ankle, n. i^ona; whatianga rajM- rapa. Anklet, n. komore. Annihilate, v.t. ivhakangaro. Annoy, v. t. whakatenetene ; whakatete ; tini; whakatoi. Annoyed, be, v.i. vliakatakariri ; lionoluntoa ; whanowhanoa; ko- rangaranga ; m,atarukuruku. Annul, v.t. ivhakakahore ; whaka- kore. Anoint, v.t. whakawahi; kaukau; pojio; korae; porae; pahana- liana; takawai. Another, a. letahi; tetahi atu. Answer, v.t. whakao; whakahoki kupu; utu; whdkd. Answer rudely or perversely, v.t. whakatoi. Ant, n. pokorua; rororo. Antagonist, n. hoa-whawhai ; hoa-riri ; hoa-tauwhainga. Anus, n. toil ; where ; kumu ; kqtore. Anxious, be, v.i. awangawanga ; karangi ; inanukanuka ; ma- nakanaka ; ^j«i?'i ; ^ja/^i ; tu- matatenga ; tuaiea ; whakatua- tea; pohopa; tokopa; weherua; whakawiyi; whakaririka; koro- m,aungaunga. AxiYi ^- tetahi; etahi. Apart, ad. ki tahaki. Apart, far, a. tawhiti; mam,ao; tatahi; hokai; tirara; iawhara. Apostle, n. APOTORO. Appear, v. i. puta; whakaputa; 2ioka; pahure; aranga; kowhiti; jyuaki. — (as a spirit), poke; whakaaranga. — (above water), ea ; whakaea ; Tnaea; puea. — (as the new moon), koivhiti. — (as a star), tvheturangi. — (suddenly), m,aruniaruaitu. Appease, v. t. whakamarie ; tvhakamaui'u. Appeased, a. marie ; marire ; ngata. Appendage, n. tapiri. Appetite, n. hiahia ; hiakai ; 2ni,ku; wakea. Apple, n. APORO, Appliances 240 Attack Appliances, n, tajnitapii. Appoint, V. t. ivhakarite. Apprehensive, a. manukanuka; manaivapa; morearea ; pawera; tumatatenga. See anxious. Approach, v.t. awhi; whakaeke; whakatata. Appropriate, v.t. tapui. Approve, v.t. whakap)ai; ohia. Approved, be, v. i. paingia. April, n. Aperira. Apron, n. hitau; maro ; rapaki. Arch of clouds, n. haeata; ko- tuhi. Argue, v.t. totohe. Arise, v. i. ara; maranga. See rise. Arithmetic, n. whika. Arm, n. ringa; tdkakau. Arm-in-arm, ad. taupiripiri. Armpit, n. keke. Army, n. ope; taua; whakaariki; whakaara. Aromatic, a. kakara. Arouse, v. t. whakaara ; whaka- oho. Arrange, v.t. whakarite; whaka- tikatika. Arrive, v. i. tae; u; whakau; uru. Arrogant, a. whakakake. Arrow, n. j)ere. Artery, n. uaua. Artist, n. tohunga. As (■while), conj. i. As I was going ; I a au e haere ana. As far as, to; tae rawa ki; a. As if, conj. me. As it -were, conj. me; ana. Ascend, v.i. kake; j^iki. Ascension, n. kakenga. Ascent, n. ekenga ; kakenga ; pikitanga; p>ananakitanga ; pa- naunau. Ashamed, a. whakama; hane; numinumi ; matangerengere ; ngaringaria. Ashes, n. pungarehu ; pokorehu. Ashore, ad. ki uta. Aside, ad. ki tahaki; ki te whor nga. Ask (a question), v.t. ui; patai; patapatai ; ivhakapatai; p)akiki; liakirehua. Ask for, v.t. inoi; tono; pinono. Askance, look, v.i. whakakeko; korotaha; kotaha. Asleep, be, v.i. moe. Aspect, n. anga; anganga. Ass, n. KAIIIE. Assault, v.t. tau ; tatau; taiapu; huaki. Assemblage, n. hui ; huihui ; huihuinga ; whakamenenga ; ru- nanga. Assemble, v. t. huihui; whaka- mene; whakamine; whakaemi; whakarapopoto ; putiki ; tapi- tapi; tvhiu. Assembled, a. emi ; kuenii ; mene; tamene; mine; pohuhu; rupeke; tdnga; rapopoto; topu. Assent, v. t. whakaae; whaka- koia; pai. Assert, v.t. korero; ki. Assiduous, a. mamahi; hihiri. Assimilate, v.t. whakarite. Assist, V. t. awhina ; tuara ; whakaaro-mahana ; tautaawhi. Assistant, n. hoa ; kai awhina. Associate with, v. t. whakahoa. Astringent, a. whakatoka. Asthma, n. huango. At, prep, (of past time) i; no; (of future time) a; hei; ko. — (of place), hei; i; kei; ki. Atone for, v.i. whakautu; whakaea; utu. Atonement, n. utu; whakautu. Attached to (any one), be, v.i. aropiri. Attack, v.t. aicta; tau; tuki; whakaeke. See assault. — by stealth, haupapa. Attainable 241 Banter Attainable, be, \ . i. ravmve; taea. Attempt, V. t. whakamatau ; whakatau. Attend, v.t. rongo; whakarongo. — upon (a sick person), zvhaka- oinoonio. —upon (one at the point of death), irJtdkaJienwlieino. Attentive, be, v.i. rongo; mate- nui; puakaha; tau. Auger, n. wiri. Augury, n. whainga-kai. August, n. Akuhata. Aunt, n. maiua keke; whaea; kokd. Avaricious, a. apo; kaiponu. Avenge, v.t. rapu utu; takitaki; ngaki followed by mate. Avenged, a. ea. Avert, v.t. kaupare. Avoid, v.t. titaha. Avoid (a blow), v. t. karo. Authority, n. mana; take; ma- ru; tikanga. Awake, v.i. ara; oho. Awaken, v.t. whakaara. Away, ad. atu. Away, keep, v.i. turaha. Awe, feel, v.i. hoj)oho])o. Awful, a. wehi; mataku. Awkward, a. pakepakeha. Awry, a. parori. Axe, n. poke; titaha; toki. Aye, ad. ae. B Baby, n. tamaiti ; potiki ; ko- hungahunga. Bachelor, n. ropa. Back, ad. ki muri. Back, n. tuara. — lower part of, tiki. — (of a house), tuaroa; tuarongo. — (of hand), n. angangamate. — (of head), n. kopako; kohamo; hemihemi ; niurikokai. — (of neck), n. ua; moua; poro- kaki; tuta. Backbone, n. iwituararo; iwi- tuaroa; ua. Backed (as a sail), a. puawhe. Backstay, n. tukuroa. Backward, a. akuto; auto; to- muri; hotoa. Backwards, ad. whakamuri ; whakatuara; kotua. Backwater, n. auhoki; muriwai. Bacon, n. poaka whakairi. Bad, a. kino; marutuna; reho. — weather, n. ori; paroro; pu- horo. Baffled, be, v.i. rehea. E Bag, n. pute; putea; peke. — (for fish), whakarino. Bait, ii\.poap)oa; maunu ; mounu ; kaweru; pai'angia. Bake, v.t. tunu. Bald, a. j^akira; hewa; moremore ; marakerake. Bald place, n. tiwha. Bale, v.t. tiheru; tatd; ehu. Baler, n. tatd; tiheru. Bale (of goods), n. taringaringa. Baling place (in a canoe), n. tai- nga-wai. Balked, be, v.i. rehea. Ball, n. poi. — (of string), n. pokai. Ballast, n. whakataimaha. Band, n. ruruku. — (for the hair), n. aute; pare; tupare. Bandage, n. takai. Banish, v.t. fei; pana; tuhiti. Bank (of a river), n. taha; taha- taha ; parenga ; p>aretai; tupari- pari. Banter, v.t. whakangako. Baptism 242 Bed Baptism, n. iriiri. Baptize, v. t. iriiri. Barb, n. niivha; kaniivha. Barbarian, a. or n. mohoao. Barbless, a. ngore. Bare, a. 'tnarakerake ; mamore; inoremore; tumoretnore. Bark, n. hiako ; kiri ; tangai ; peha; tajjeha. Bark, v.i. taii; au. Barley, n. parei. Barn, n. whare win. Barnacle, n. koromaungaunga. Barracouter, n. manga. Barren, a. liakoko; pakoro; 2^"^^- kihpa; ptikauri. Barricade, n. arai; tauarai ; pa. Barter, v.t. hoko. Basaltic stone, n. kara; koma. Base, n. putake. Basin, n. peihana. Bask, V. i. inaina ; jyahake ; tvhakapahake. Basket, n. kete; rahu; rohe; ra- zvhi; hao; kowhqowhao; pae- pae; pepepe ; poha; hapainga; rori; tapakuri; pukororoa; tau- koro; rumaki ; auau; tarai; rukur^iku; lionae ; konae ; naku. — (for cooked food), paro ; rou- rou; hanganoa; poti; kakap)u; kono; mairehu; poihewa; ta- pora; torino; kopae) rongoua; tohake ; whakatomo. — (in whicli lisli are caught), hi- naki; kotutu; pahao; punga; taruke ; whakarapa. Bastard, n. poriro; tiraumoko. Bat, n. pekapeka. Bathe, v.i. kaukau. v.t. pxpl. Batten, n. kaho. lowest bat- ten (on a roof), halio p)atu. batten (covering longitudinal joint of a canoe), takd. Battle, n. parekura; parewhero ; tatauranga. Battle-field, n. parekura; tahu- na; p)uta. Bawl, v.i. hamama; karanga; hdparangi ; 2i(^i'Ciii'e. Bay, n. kokoru; whanga. Be, v.i. ai; ivaiho. Beach, n. one. Beacon, n. toJm. Beak, n. ngutu. Beam, n. kauae; kurupae. Bear, v. t. mau; kawe. See carry. — fruit, v.t. hua. Bear up (under pain), v.i. mana- wanui. Beard, n. 2^(('ihau; pahau; kumi- kumi. Bearer, n. kai-amo, kai-mau, &c. Beast, n. kiiri; kararehe; kirehe. Beat, v.t. kuru; patu; ta; tdtd; patoto; 2^<^oi; tuangau. Beat one another, v.t. taupatu- p)atu. Beat time (for rowers, &c.), v.i. hautu. — (as the heart), kap)aka2')a ; pana- 2^ana. — in (as wind or I'ain), hawhe. Beater, n. paoz. Beautiful, a. ataahua; atanga; humarire ; maitai ; piwari ; waiwaid; turua. Because, conj. na te mea; no te mea; rno te mea; ta te mea; hoki. Beckon, v. i. tawhiri; powhiri; tungatunga ; tungou. Become, v. i. riro ; whanatu ; ivhdnau. Becoming, a. rawe. Bed, n. inoenga. — (in a garden, &c.), karawa ; awa ; kaiva ; moa ; rauaka ; wakawaka ; tahuna ; tawaha ; waiwaJia. — (of a river), whakatakere; whai- awa. Bedchamber 243 Bill Bedchamber, n. iclinre mnemja. BedCAved, a. hdmndku; hautdku. Beetle (maul), n. ta. Befal, V. t. pono ; itopono; pa. — all alike, patahi. Before, ud. keiivha; i nma i; ki mtia i; kei mua i; no mua i. Beforehand, ad. ke. Beg, V. t. iuoi; korara; peo; pi- nono; uneiie; matai; 'inath'o; motiro ; motoi ; whakakuene; jntoto. Beget, v.t. ai. Begin, v.t. timata; anga. — (a quarrel), hoto. —(a speech), tvhakataki; oho. Beginning, n. timafanga. Beguile, v.t. whakmvai; whaka- ware; px^tipati ; whakap)atip)ati ; tariirii. Behind, prep, i viuri i; i tua i; inonira. Behindhand, be, v. taiihiku. Behold, int. na/ nana! rere! Behold, v.t. titiro. Belch, V. i. kupa; pupa; tane; jnitanetane; tokopuhake. Belief, n. xvhakapono. Believe, v.t. ivhakapono. Bell, n. FERE. Belly, n. kopu; manawa; takapu; ritt; repa. — (of a net), kete; konae; nake ; ngake. Belonging to, prep, na ; no ; a; 0. Below, prep, i raro %; kei raro i; ki raro i; hei raro i. Prom below, ad. ake. Belt, n. whitiki; tatua; tautiti. Bend, v.t. whakapiko; kowhane; whawhati. — the body (as in rowing), koiri. Beneath, prep. See below. Benighted, be, v. pongia. Bent, a. whana; kowhana; koro- whana; tawhana; noni; piko; whanan ; pitvari ; nianana ; whali; kokuhu; kokopa. Bent double (by weakness), roiho. Bent, having the knees, tu- ripepeke. Benumbed, a. hauaitu; koro- ngenge; mangenge; matangere- ngere; inatarekereke ; mataruku- ruku; matangurunguru ; ma- tengalenga ; mdtoru ; matoru- toru; teteka; turiwataitai ; tu- riwetautau ; kerewai ; p)ororo- tua. Beseech, v.t. inoi. See ask. Beset, v.t. atvhi; mui. Beside the mark, be, ha^je. Beside oneself, a. porangi; wai- rangi. Besides, prep, haunga. Besiege, v.t. whakapae. Besmear, v. t. pani. Bespeak, v.t. taunaha. Best, a. pai rawa; tino pai. Bestir oneself, v.i. kori. Betray, v. t.. tuku. Betroth, v.t. taij^u; whakaihi. Betrothal, n. moumouranga ; ta- ngohanga. Betrothed, a. taimiau; puhi. Better, it is, engari; erangi ; nui atu te pai. Between, prep, ki waenganui o. Bewildered, a. poauau; p>oro- raru; umaraha; kanaenae. See confused. Bewitch, v.t. makutu ; whai- whaia. Beyond, prep, ki ko atu i; ki tua atu i. Bible, n. PAiPERA. Bier, n. amo; kauJioa. Big, a. 7iui; raid; tetere; kaita. Bight, n. koru. Bile, n. paoa; au. Bilge, n, j)atvai; riu. Bill, n. ngutu; fire. Bind Bind, V. t. herehere ; Jioliou; tvha- whau; houwere; takai; hotiki; rona ; rori ; whakarorerore ; ruruku ; tajnki. Bindweed, n. j^ohue; panahi. Bird, n. manu; tofatopa. Birth, n. whanautanga. Bishop, n. piHOPA. Bit, n. wahi; maramara. Bite, v.t. kakati; 7igau; hohoni; u; kai. Bitter, a. kawa; pukawa. Bittern, n. matuku ; hurepo ; kdka. Black, a. mangu; pango; wheko; karatiwa; kupara; jnikupango. — (of clouds), aniwaniwa. — pigment, n. ngarahu; nga- rehu. — skin, hengia. Blacken, v.t. whakamangu. Blacksmith, n. parakimete. Bladder, n. tongamimi. Blade, n. rau. Bladebone, n. papaahuahua. Blame, v.t. whakahe. Blanket, n. paraikete. Blaspheme, v. i. korero kino; kohukohu; kanga. Blaze, V. i. mura; toro; tor a; tore; papahu; kongange. Bleed, v i. toto; tatao. Blemish (on the skin), n. tonga. Bless, v.t. whakapai. Blighted, a. komae. Blind, a. matapo ; kapo ; poke ; kekerepo. Blink, v.i. kimo; kero. Blistered, be, v.i. koputa; ta- ngorongoro; kopu; hopu; ko- ipuipu; puputa. Blistering plaster, n. namu- namu; nanamu. Block, n. poro; tutanga; poraka. Block up, v.t. arai; pa; puru; papani; ri; tairi; kati. Blocked up, a. (of a river), jmni. 244 Booty Blockhead, n. moho. Blood, n. iota. Bloody, a. putoto. Blossom, n. pua; puawai. Blow, n. kuru; moto; tu. Blow, v.i. p)ujyuhi; pukeru; pu- keri; hehengi; ihi; tuku. Blow gently, v.i. rangaranga ; hengi; hehengi; p)ahengihengi ; anene; hanene. Blow, begin to, v.i. pu. Blown away, a. angina. Blue, a. PURU. Blunt, a. puhuki; punuki; tu- nguru; p)aruhi; ngongore; ki- poro. Blushing, a. matahanahana. Bluster, v.i. rupahu; tupehupe- hu; ruta; rutaki. Boar, n. reiputa. Board, n. papa. Boast, v.i. whakapehapeha ; jje- jjeha ; whakahih i ; wh akakake ; whakahirahira ; whakapakari ; whakaputa; ^:)aA;iwaAa; whaka- tamarahi. Boat, n. POTi. Body, n. tinana. Body, in a, ad. tojmni; topu. Bog, n. re2J0. See swamp. Boggy, a. oru; taoru; tapoko- poko; powharuioharu ; korengor renga. Boil, v.i. korojjupu; pupu; hu; korohuhu. Boil, n. ichewhe. Boiler, n. kohue; kohua. Boisterous, a. tuperepere. Bold, a. toa; maia. Bolt, n., whakarawa. Bond (between families), taunga. Bone, n. i^vi; wheua. — (of arm or leg), pukaka. Book, n. PUKAPUKA. Boot, n. Pi/TU. Booth, n. tvharau. Booty, n. parurenga ; parakete. Border 245 Broken Border, n. taniko; renin. Jiore, v.t. ore; iviri; poka. Born, be, v. i. whanau; rere ; pitta. Bosom, n. 2}(^^io; tima; rei; ate- afenga. Both. E rua e rua ; tonartia; lu/afahi; rurua. Bottle, n. ij)u; taha; pounamu; PArAKA. — (made of seaweed), n. kokihi. Bottom, the, n. rm-o. Bough, n. manga; jjcka. Boundary, n. kaha; rohe; ^?a- tanga; ripa; tautika. Bountiful, a. atawhai; oha; pono ; kaimarire ; tawhiti. Bow, v.i. tiiohu; tnpion; kornp>iko. Bow (of a canoe, &c.), n. ihu. Bow, n. kopere. — (loop), koromahanga ; koropewa. Bowels, n. whekau; ngakan. Bowl, n. hake; kumete ; oko; karaha; par ar aha. Box, v.t. momoto. Box, n. rouAKA. Boy, n. tamaiti. Brace, n. hokai; kaumahaki; tau- teka. Brackish, a. mataitai. Brains, n. roro. Bramble, n. tataramoa; taraheke. Bran, n. papapa. Branch, n. manga; peka; kaj^eka. Branchless, a. morimori. Brandish, v.t. riirerure; pioi. Brave, a. maia; toa. Bread, n. taro; paraoa. Break in pieces, v.t. whati- whati; tdtd; pakariikaru; ko- whakiivhaki; korarirari; koro- jyehu; nakunaku. Break of day. See daw^n. Break off, v.t. auru ; whawhati. Break (on the crest of a wave), n. tuatea. Breakfast, n. parakuhi. Breast, n. po/to; tcma; rei. — (of a female), u. Breastplate, n. kouma. Breastwork, n. parepare. Breath, n. manawa; ha. Breath, take, v. i. whakanga ; tvhakata i te manawa; tau20ua; whakaea. Breath, out of, a. tungdngd. Breathe, v.i. nga; ta. Breathe upon, v.t. whakaha. Breech, n. papa. Breed, n. momo. Breeze, n. hau; ta; muri. Bribe, v.t. whakapati. Brick, n. pereki. Bride, n. wahine marena hou. Bridegroom, n. tane marena hou. Bridge, n. arawhata; arohata. Bridge over, v.t. kahupapa. Bridle, n. paraire. Bright, a. kanapa; kanapu; pi- ata. Brim, n. ngtitu; parua. Brimful, a. purena. Brimstone, n. whanariki; ku- papapapa. Bring, v.t. hoake; homai; man; kaive; ngita. See carry. — to land, v.t. whakau. Brink, n. tahataha. Brisk, a. ngahau; tara; kauta- ngatanga. See quick. Bristle, n. huruhuru. Bristling, a. jiuraurau; tatara- hnke. Brittle, a. pajja noa. Broach to, v.i. rara. Broad, a. tvharahi; raurarahi; tvhanui; raununui; hokai. Broadside, lie on, v.i. koronae; rara. Broil, v.t. tunu. Broken, a. paka7'u; kore; pakore; tonganga; hawa; whati; ma- tvhaki; potarere; potapota; ma- Brood 246 By and by ngitngu ; kongunu; koineme; nyawloere ; nioiuytmionga ; naku- naku; poreke; jjororere; poro- kere. Brood, v.i. tapapa. Brook, n. manga; 2^ukaki. Broom, n. puruma. Brother (of a sister), n. tungane. — , elder (of a brother), tuakana. — , younger (of a brother), teina; taina. Brother-in-laAV, n. taokete; au- tane. Brow, n. rae. Brown, a. paka; U7'a. Brown, turn, v.i. tvhakamajmu. Bruised, a. koparu; maru. Brushwood, n. heuheu; hum; Jmrurua; tnauwha. Bubble up, v.i. hu; pupu; koro- pupu; kamo. Bud, v.i. ra2ni2nt,ku; toroihi. Bud, n. jniku; pihi; wana. Bug, n. kekereru. Build, v.t. hang a; ivhaihanga. Build up (the walls of a native house), V. t. tup)aruparu; tu- puni. Build (a weir), v.t. turu. Builder, n. kai-hanga. Bull, n. PURU. Bullet, n. mata. Bulrush, n. kopupungawha ; nga- wha. Bulwark, n. papatu. — , (of a canoe), rauawa; rai- awa; owa. Bump, n. puku. Bunch, n. taiitari. Bundle, n. kakati; paiere; pai- here ; jni; jnipu; tapiki; tiraha. Bundles, make into, v. t. pui; pupu; tapiki; tiraha. Bung, n. j)uru. Buoy, n. karewa. Bur, n. hutiwai; pirikahu; piri- piri. Burden, n. pikau; pikaunga; zvahanga; kawenga; utanya. Burial place, n. urupa; toma. Burn, v.i. ka; toro; tor a; tore; naioe; ngihn; pahunu. Burn fiercely, v.i. pukaka; pu- kauri. Burn, v.t. tahu; tungutu. Burnt, a. wera. Burnt (by the sun), a. tikaka. Burnt land, n. wera; hawera; tawera; parawera. Burst, v.i. pahii; papa. Burst forth, v.i. kowhera. Burst open, v. i. tawhd; nga- ivlid. Bury, v.t. tanu; tap)uke ; tarehu; nehu. Bury itself, v.i. ajm. Bush, n. piiia; weku. Bushman, n. kowao; mohoao; waoko. Busy, be, v.i. raru; warea. But, conj. tena; erangi; engari; heoi; heoti; kaore; oti; otiia; otira; ia. But now, tena; tena ko tenei; ta- nganei. But then, conj. tekaha. Butt, n. poro. Butt, v.t. tuki. Butterfly, n. pepepe. Buttock, n. papa. Button, n. toromoka; patene. Buttress, n. kaumahaki. Buy, v.t. hoko. Buyer, n. kai-hoko. Buzz, v.i. htihil; rorohu. By (of agent), prep, e; i; ma; na. — (of direction), ra; ma; na. — (distributive), taki; tataki. By means of, prep. ki. By reason of, prep, i; na. By and by, ad. taihoa; takaro; kiatoka; taria; tarua; tauka. Cabbage 247 Cast on shore Cabbage, n. puka; haria; niko. Cackle, v.i. kotokoto. Cajole, V. t. hangarau; maminga; taivare. See deceive. Calabash, n. ipu; kahaka; jm- haka ; koaka ; kiaka ; taha; take ; tawha ; wai ; karure ; kofimtitu; kimi ; papapa ; ka- raha; kararaha; pararaha. Calamity, n. mate. Calculate, v. t. tatau. Calico, n. KAREKO. Calf of the leg, n. ateatenga. Calk, v.t. mono. Call, V. t. karanga; pie. — (by name), hua; tapa. — (by offensive name), tapatapa; tukutuku. — (a clog), moimoi. — (a bird by imitating its cry), pepe. Callous, a. ueke; utonga. Calm, a. mari^io; aio; mahaki; ae ; tokitoki; mowai. Calm.ed, be, v.i. m,ate; taroia. Camel, n. kamera. Can, see able. Candle, n. kanaka. Cannon, n. repo; pu repo ; pu huriivhenua. Cannon ball, n. mata purepo. Canoe, n. waka; neke; tiwai; taivai; taurua; tokau; pitau; pinaku; tete ; tvhakarei; konia; kopapa; korea; koki. Canoe, double, n. huhunu ; unua. Cap, n. potae. Cape, n. rae; ticmu. See head- land. Cape (short cloak), n. ^jeA'erere. Captain, n. kapene. Captive, n. pononga; taureka- reka; whakarau; parau; ra- rau; ora; herehere; mokai. Captive bird or animal, n. moka- Diokai ; mokaikai. Careful, a. tupato ; watea; mata- 2)opore. See cautious. Careless, a. wliakaaro-kore. Cargo, n. utanga. Carpenter, n. kamura. Carpet, n. whariki; takapau. Carried away, be, v. i. rere. Carrier, n. kai amo; kai inau, &c. Carry, v. t. kawe; hari; iari; apatari; mau; ngita; rare. — about, v.t. ivhakahaere; whaka- tapuhi. — away by force, v.t. kahaki; kawhaki. — in the arms, v.t. okooko; hiki; taiapo; tauapo ; tapuhi. — round the neck, v.t. taweka. — on the back, v. t. pikau; ivaha; tihei. — on the shoulder, v.t. amo. — on a litter, v.t. arno; kauhoa; matata; matika. — on a pole, v.t. tauteka. — in one's belt, v.t. tautiti. — off in a body, v. t. terepu. Cart, n. rata. Cartridge, n. kariri. Carve, v.t. tvhakairo ; ivhaoivhao. Carved figure, n. tekoteko; tiki. Carved well, a. nanaJm. Carving at head and stern of a canoe, n. whakarei. Case, n. kopaki; pukoro; papa; KEHI. Cask, n. kaho. Cast, v.t. maka; panga; ivhiu. — off, v.t. tvhakarere. Cast on shore, be, v.i. pae; po- kiki; rauwiri. Cat 248 Cherish Cat, n. ngeru; tori; poti. Cataract, n, rere; taheke. Catarrh, n. taewa; taiawa; ta- rutawhiti. Catch, v.t. hopu; tango. — hold of, v.t. tatango. — in a net, v.t. hao; rau. — by torchlight, v.t. rama. — in the "water (as an oar), v. i. urtipa. — one's breath, v. i. huatare; taretare; kiha. Catechize, v.t. uiui; patai. Catechism, n. 2mtai; katiki- HAMA. Caterpillar, n. anuhe ; hotete ; makokorori ; whe; kuwharu; moka; torongu. Cat's-cradle, n. whai ; niouti. Caul, n. kahu; kahukahu; tewe. Cause, v.t. mea. — of a quarrel, n. papa; take; putake; rawa. Causeless, a. huhuakore; ivheto; pokanoa; poker ehu. Caution, v.t. whakatupato. Cautious, Ibe, v. i. atea; watea; tupato; koriti. Cave, n. ana. Cavernous, a. areare; tauwhare- ivhare. Cease, v.i. mutu; kati. — (as rain), v.i. tahaohao; mac. — make to, v.t. whakamutu. Cedar, n. hita. Cemetery, n. urupa; toraa. Centipede, n. weri. Centre, the, n. jwkapu; waenga- nui. See middle. Certain, a. taketake. Certainly, int. anaoa; ina; au; auara. Certificate, n. tiwhikete. Cervical vertebrae, n. tangai. Chafe, V. i. hikahika; mohani- hani. Chaff, n. papapa. Chain, n. mekameka; Tiim. Challenge, v. t. taki; matataki; whakatara; tautapa. Champ, vi. katikati. Champion, n. jmjmtu. Chance blow, n. urujya. Chance, by, ad. noa. Change, v. t. whakawhitiwhiti ; jjaiioni; whakaputa-ke ; whaka- rere-ke. — (as wind), v.i. korure; taka. Channel, n. awa; hong ere; ko- rou; maero. Channelled, a. tawaka. Chaplet, n. tujmre. Chapped, a. ngatata; kakata ; 2)atotoi; rauj^a; taiia; titujju; whawhati. Char, v.t. htihunu. Character, n. ahua. Charcoal, n. waro ; ngarehu ; konga. Charge, v.i. huaki. Charge (object of care), n. whaka- taute. Chariot, n. hariata. Charm, n. karakia; mata; mata- wero; parepare. — repeat a, v. karakia; hirihiri; hoa; mono; taurnaha. Charred tree, n. toiki. Chase, v. t. aruaru; tvhaiwhai; tawhai. Chasm, n. ngatata; pakohu; ta- wlia. Chastise, v. t. whiu. Chatter, v.i. korerorero. — (as teeth), v.i. papa; hanguru- nguru. Chaunt, v.i. waiata; koko. — (to mark time), v. i. tautapa; uinere. Cheek, n. papari^iga. Cheerful, a. manahau. Chequered, a. kopurepure; ko- tiwhatiwha. Cherish, v.t. whakatupu; whaka- Chest 249 Close ahihru; maiinoa; mtrd: ndim; raupi. Chest, n. poho; loina; tarauma; rei. Chew, V. t. ngau. Chicken, n. pi. Chickweed, n. kohuhohu. Chief, u. ariki; rnngatira. Chilblain, n. mnngionyio. Child, n. tamaiti; tamariki; ko- hunj/aliunga ; potiki. Childbed, be in, v.i. whdnau. Childhood, n. tamarikitanga. Chilled, a. hutviniwini. Chimney, n. tumere. Chin, n. kauae. Chink, n. riwha. Chip, n. maramara. Chip, V. t. hahau; tarai; reh^c; runa; toto. — with a spade, v. t. perepere; tipi. Chipped, a. haiva; waha; riwha. Chirp, v.i. pekt; pljn. Chisel, n. purupuru; whao ; ta- reke. Choice, a. tuauru. Choke, v.i. raoa; tanea. — (with weeds), v. t. koaoao. Choose, V. t. whiriivhiri ; ko- ivhiri ; kowhiti. — (champions for single combat), V. t. taumatakitahi. Chop, V. t. tapahi; tarai; titoki. Chrysalis, n. tungoungou. Church, n. hahi. Churlish, a. atuapo; hokeke; to- keke ; toukeke. Cicada, n. kihikihi; tatarakihi. Circle, n. porotohita. Circuitous, a. awhio; tawheo ; takaawhe. See round about. Circumference, n. pae. Circular, a. potakataka ; poro-taka. Clandestinely, ad. puku ; mo- mote. Clap, v.t. papaki. S Clash, v.i. pdpdtu. Clatter, v.i. tatangi. Claw, n. matihao; m,atikuku ; )ti,aihikii. Claw, v.t. mamanga ; rarapi. Clay, n. kotore ; kerewhenua; tua- ia.ra. Clay, white, n. ukrc; ukui. Clean, a. ma. Clear, a. atea; watea; mararrt,a; piata; mahea; toari; purotto; ratarata; koratarata; purata. ; — avray, v. t. tald ; tarake whakatahe ; heuheu; perepere; paketu. — the throat, v.i. wharowharo. — (forest, &ic.),jyara; waere. Cleared away, a. mahea; watea; Clearing (for cultivation, &c.), n. loaerenga. Clear-sighted, a. p'^tr«w^^«/to. Cleave, v.t. wawahi; titore; ti- 7vara. See split. Cleft, n. riwha; apiti; kapiti; pakohu. Cleft in twain, a. tararua. Clever, a. murere; uhtomanea. Cliff, n. pari ; papaki. Climb, v.t. kake; piki. Cling to, v.t. 2}U2niri; nanapi. Clinch (the hand), v.t. kuku. Clip, V. kokoti. See cut. Cloak, n. KOROKA. — with cape, n. uarua. Clod, n. keretu; kerengeo; peipei; kurupei. Close, a. ajiiapi; piri; pirihongo; pepe; jyunui; pitjow^?*; putu- putu; tojyuni; pine; ruru; po- ruru; j)ururu; taruru; kiato ; rawe. Close, v.t. jm; whakapa ; tutaki; kati; kopani; kojn; ivhaka- raiva ; whakaraxm ; roropi ; kuku. — the eyes, v.i. nenewha; ho- newha; tunewha. Closed Closed, a. katl. Closely woven, a. manc/ungu. Clot, 11. tepetepe. Cloth, 11. kakahu. Clothe, V. t. kakahu; whakaka- kah u. Cloud, 11. kupua; kekeao; ao; au. Cloudy, a. kunyu; koruki; ko- ruru ; korurukv, ; tukuraaru ; paroro; tamaru. Clubfooted, a. ruih; liape. Clump, n. Topu ; kari; inotu. Clumsy, a, pakejjakeha; paki- hawa; tupehau. Cluster, v.i. pohuhu; mui: ohu; popo; rapoi. Cluster, 11. tautau. Clutch, V. t. aurara; rarapi. Coal, 11. waro; nyoungou,. Coast, 11. tahatika; takutai; akau. Coat of raupo (on the wall of a house), 11. parw; tuparu. Coat, n. KOTi. Coax, V. t. pati ; zvhakajmti. Cotoweb, 11. tukutuktt, |>zt7i(/a- wereivere. Cockles, n. pipi; tuangi. Cockle-shell, u. kota; makoi. Cohahit, v.i. noho; moe. Coil, 11. koromeke; koru. Coil, v.t. idiatbiiotiiiio. Cold, 11. taiawa; taewa; taruta- wldti. Cold, a. laakariri; matao; kutao; matoke; hotoke; anu; koatiu; hauaitu; hotuhoto; kopeke; ko- rohawini; huiki; kuiki; ma- eke; inutu; whekuwheku; piia- wai. Collarbone, n. manurnanu ; pae- iiuiuu; a o te kttkl. Collect, v.t. kohikohi; huihui; apo ; amiki; puhangaiti ; piha- ngaiti; rapoi; whakawliaiti ; whakaJdato ; amiki ; arau ; rauhi; tapora. Collected, be, v.i. pae. 250 Comprehended CoUops of fat, n. pori. Colonel, 11. KANAKA. Colour, 11. tae. Comb, 11. heru; karau ; mapara; routu. Comb, v.t. heru; tvani. Come, v.i. haere; haere niai; hara- mai; tae mai; nau mai; tauti mai; tvhana mai. Come now (inviting co-opera- tion), tevia. Comely, a. humarire. Comfort, 11. 07-anga ngakau. Comfortable, a. ahuru. Command, v.t. whakahau; tono ; akiaki; tapa. Committee, n. komiti. Common, a. noa. — make, v. whakanoa. Communicate with, v.t. pja ki. Companion, n. Ji,oa; takahoa; ta- kajiui; tapui; takatapui; wha- kd'iiric. Company, n. ope; lira; ika; ma- tua; pahi; puni; ranga; ra- ngapu; rangai; 7-opu; takapui; teretere; tokamatua; whana; rahitiga; tanga; tohu; uepu. — (of workmen), n. rt^xt; apu; ohu. — of visitors, n. apdrangi. Compact, a. whaiti; hiato. Compare, v. ivhakarite; tatai. Compartment, n. tiriwa. Compassion, n. aroha. Compel, v.t. a. Compensate, v.t. utu. Compete, see vie. Complain, v.i. amuamu; haku. Complete, v.t. whakaoti; whaka- tatukl. Completed, be, v.i. oti; tutuki; ahuada. Completely, ad. mnmote. Compose impromptu, v.t. dto. Comprehended, be (under- stood), v.i. aroa. Concave 251 Contemptuous Concave, a. kokopa ; knknlni ; area re; liakoko; i^akonga; fo- kij)oki; rvharua. Conceal, v. t. huna; kuhu; tvliakajiyaro ; ichakapeke. See hide. Concealed, a. koropuku; huna. Conceited, a. nihakal. Conceived in the -womb, be, V. i. hapto ; to. Concerning', prep, ki; mo. Conciliate, v.t. tvhakaejm; whaka- here. Conclude, v. t. whakamutu ; TvJuikaoti. Conclusion, n. mutunga; whaka- othiga; poronga. Concourse, n. huihuinga ; whaka- menenga. See assemblage. Concubine, n. hoahoa. Condemn, v.t. whakahe; whaka- tca; tvhakatau i te he. Condiment, n. tarau. Conduct, V. t. arahi ; arataki ; whakataki. — (a business), v.t. lohakahaere. Confederacy, n. haumi. Confess, v.t. ^vhaki. Confident, be, v.i. whakamanawa. Confined (shut in), a. apiti. Confirmed, a. mau; p)umau; tu- turu. Confounded, be, v.i. hane; teka- teka noa. Confronting, a. hangai. Confuse, v. t. whakajwhehe ; whakararu; whakananu; tinei- nei. Confused (as speech), a. nanu; papipa2n. — (in mind), a. 2^oa7iato; j^oliau- hau; pohehe; pororaru; pokai- kaha; pokaku; pokeka; ponana; poraxiraha; potaitaka; porotai- taka. Congeal, v. i. totnka ; xvhakato- toka. Conger, n. koiro; iigoiro. Congregate, v.t. huihui; whakcl- mene. See assemble. Connected (by relationsliip or friendship), a. taruna; ivhaka- taruna; taunga; tatveke. Connexion by marriage, n. 'ivharetxmgata ; kuicha ; jiaku^ iclia : moiiinonranga. Conscience, n. hinengaro. Conscious, be, v.i. matau; mo- hio; mahnra. Consecrate, v.t. whakatapu. Consent, v. whakaae; whaka- koia; px'^i- Consequence, n. tukunga iho. Consider, v.t. ivhakaaro. Consideration, n. ngnrahu ; ivhakaaro. Consolation, n. whakamarieta- iiga; oranga ngakaxi. Console, v.t. whakamarie ; rvhaka- oraora. Conspicuous, a. kohxire. Conspiracy, n. whakapapa; tO' rohe ; koliuru; haiimi; kara. Constable, n. katipa. Constant, v. pumau; tumau; tuttorti; iL'hai; taketake. Constricted, a. nannti; natinafA. Consult by divination, v. t. toro. Consume, v.t. tvhakapau; ichaka- hemo; hohoni; iki; none; po- ngakaiva. Consumed, be, v.i. hemo; pau; pou; memeha; hama; mahiti; monimoni ; 2^tt'>''^^io ; pareko; pa- reto; peto; takeke; tipoko; ta- tveke; ukupapa; tvhenumi; he- nnini. Containing, expressed by prep. i. The box containing the food ; te p)ouaka i te kai. Contaminate, v.t. tahaivahatca. Contemptuous, a. tvhakarawai ; atamai ; ivhakaahu ; ivhaka- maiinmanu; rvhakamanumi. Contend 252 Cover Contend, v, i. tohe; totohe; tau- tohe ; wliakataetae ; tatawhai- 7iga; tauwliainya. Content, a. tatu. Contents, the, n. nga mea o roto. Contentious, a. tohetohe; ivhaka- tenetene ; whawhai. Continual, a. hono. Continually, ad. tonu; tou. Contract, v. t. Mirn. Contract, v. i. litipeke; hukihuki. Contradict, v.t. lata. Contrary (as wind), a. tukipolw ; tumu. Contrari-wise, ad. ke. Contribute, v.t. homai; hoatu. Control, n. tikanga. Convalescent, a. hauora; ma- tutu; tangatanga. Converse, v. i. korerorero. Convert, v.t. whakatahuri. Convey, v. t. kawe; mau. See carry. Conveyance, means of, n. ara. Convolvulus, n. pohue; panahi. Convulsion, n. hukihuki. Coo, V. i. tumu. Cook, v.t. tao; tao2)uku; topa; topipi; tahu; tarahu. — a second time, v. t. tamahana. Cook, n. tumau; kuki. Cooked, a. maoa; maonga; mao- ka; tamaoka; maru; Qigowiigou ; tangoungou ; tangongo ; tangoru- ngoru. Cook-house, n. kauta ; whare- umu ; hereumu; kamuri; kuhu; pureku. Cool, a. hauhau; houhou; hatia- ngi; koangi; puaoigiangi ; nia- taotao; matomato; j)ongipongi; puanu. Cool, v.t. whakamataotao. Copious, a. nanea; 7-anea. See albound. Copse-wood, n. tawhao. Copy, n. tauira. Cord, n. aho; taura; pona. See line. — of four strands, tuapuku. — of five strands, tamaka; tua- maka. Core, n. uho; tm'auho. Cork, n. puru. Corn, n. kaanga. Corner, n. kokonga; hau; kona- kitanga; koki; piko; poti; ko- 2)a; kopanga; ngao. Corpse, n. tupapaku; turoro. Correct, a. tika; totika. Correct, v.t. tvhakatika. Correspond, v. i. rite. Corrugation, n. ngaru. Corrupt, a. pirau. Cost, 11. utu. Cough, n. mare; wharo. Council, n. runanga. Counsel, n. 7igarahu. Count, v.t. tatau. Countenance, n. mata; kanohi. Counterpart, n. tauira. Country, n. ivlienua; wa. Couple, n. rua; topu. Courage, n. tara; toa. Court, v.t. aruaru; whakaipoipo; whai. Court, n. KOOTi. Courtyard, n. marae. Cousin, n. tungane keke; tuahine keke; tuakana keke; teina keke. Cousinship, n. turanga whanau. Covenant, n. kawenata. Cover, v.t. hipoki; haupoki; tau- poki ; ttijxjki ; poki ; rauin ; ropi ; ropine ; whakaj)unge7ie- ngeiie ; uwhiuwhi ; ta^'etiga ; whariki. — the head, v. t. potae. — oneself, v.i. tururu. — embers -with ashes, v.t. ka- 7ioti; tamau. — the wall of a house (with raupo, ifec), V. t. tupu7ii; tu- paru : luahuri. Covered 253 Cup Covered, be, v. i. kajn; jmni; tiikujnb. Covering, n. hipoki ; tawpoki ; tupoki ; popoki ; kopaki ; wha- riki. Covering, use as a, v.t. roropi. — over food in an oven, n. re- tno ; ritaka; taopuku. Covet, V. t. apo; kaiponu; po- pono; taiapo; huirapa. Cow, U. KAV. Cowardly, a. haua : tvawau ; hauarea; tautaua; roroku; ta- wiri. Crab, n. papaka; rerepari. Crack, v. t. pao. Crack, v. i. ngatete; pake; 2}ctio; te; patate; ke; ngaeke. Cracked, a. kakata; pukatakata; ta^vha; nyatala. Crafty, a. maminga. See de- ceitful. Cram, v.t. whakakiki. — into the mouth, v. t. apu. Crammed, a. apuajm. Cramped, a. hiii ; matangere- ngere. Crane, n. kotuku. Crash, v. i. wheoro. Crave, v.t. hiahia. See desire. Crawl, v.i. ngaoki; iigoki. Crayfish, n. koura; waerau. Crazy, a. haurangi; p)orangi. Creak, v. i. keke; koke; wheke; kongangi. Creased, a. kopakopa. Create, v.t. hanga. Creep, v.i. ngaoki; ngoki; nga- weki. Crevice, ii. kajnti. Cricket, n. pihareinga. Crime, n. hara. Criminal, n. tangata hara. Crimson, a. whero. Cripple, n. ngongengonge ; turi- ngongengonge ; haua ; koj)a ; kopiri. Crisped, a. mingomingo. Crooked, be, v. hap)a ; hape ; ko7'ohape; makaka; noni; ko- ihoni; nuke; hake; parori. Crop off, v.t. muiumutu. Cross, v.t. fvhiti; whakawhiti. Cross, n. ripeka. Cross-grained, a. koraparapa. Cross-road, n. peka; pekanga. Crouch, v.i. huiki; whakaririka; turx^rxh. Crowd, n. huihuinga ; ropu; ma- toru. Crowd, v. t. apuru; whakakiki; inaki. — around, v.t. mui; tamuiniui; 2Jopo; iapokere. Cro'wded, a. apiapi; kikl; kopi- jnri; po7^u7'u. Crowds, in, takitini. Crown of the head, n. tumuaki; tipuaki. Crucify, v.t. ripeka. Crumb, n. kongakonga ; pahunga. Crumble, v. i. horo; ngawhara ; ngawhere ; kongakonga ; ta- nuku; whenuku. — ready to, a. mohungahunga. — cause to, v.t. tahoro. Crumpled, a. koroinengemenge ; kopenup)enu; humene; kohanga- iveka; kauere. Crush, v.t. kopenupenu; korote. Crushed, a. maru; pe; koparu; penupenu; kongakonga ; monga- monga; kohungahu7iga ; ngota- ngota; kongunu. Cry, v.i. tangi; aue. Cry (of a seagull), n. kure. Cubit, n. ivhatianga. Cultivate, v.t. ngaki. Cultivator of the soil, n. pa- ruauru; tangata ahu whenua. Cultivation, n. mara; ngakinga; waerenga ; mahinga kai. Cumbersome, a. hirawerawe. Cup, n. KAPA. Cupboard CuplDoard, n. kapata. Cup-shaped, a. hopua. Cur, n. waero-hume. Cured, a. matiitu. Curl (as smoke), v.i. riporijm. — (as a wave), v. i. kajntkapu. Curled, a. taramengemenge. Curly, a. kapu; mawhatu; jjiki; iningo ; potete. Current, n. au; ia; roma. Curse, V. t. kanga; ap)iti; kohu- koliu; kai upoko. Curtain, n. arai. Curved (as a bow), a. tiwhana. See bent. 254 Day Custom, n. ritenga; tikanga. Cut, V. kokoti; Itaehae; tajmJii; ripi; korijn; tohi; whakatotohi; toritori; hapara; ahiwahiwa; tope. — oflf the tips, V. t. kaikauau. — open, v.t. pawhara. — short, V. t. 2>oro; anpoi^o; ha- poro ; tiporo ; tope ; hautope ; hatepe; p)Outo; kotipu; mutu. — the hair, v.t. tarotaro; whaka- iho. — to pieces, v.t. mahurehure. Cuttlefish, n. tvheke. Dagger, n. oka. Daily, ad. i tenei ra, i tenei ra. Dam (mother), n. katua; whaere- ere; tiaka; karawa. Dam (foi' water), n. matatara. Damaged, a. kino. Damp, a. Itautaku; makuku. Dance, v.i. haka; hari; kanikani; rurir'uri ; patere ; 2)ekerangi ; j)eruperu ; ngangahu ; takahi ; ngahau ; ngarahu ; ngaraliu- taua; kotaratara; makamaka- whana; tutu-waewae; turanga- toltu. Dandle, v.t. poipoi. Danger, be in, v.i. morearea. Danger, escape from, v.i. 07-a- noa; oraiti; ornpito; 2>iiotahi. Dangle, v.i. tawheta; taepa. Dare, v.i. maia. Dark, a. j^ouri; poiri; hinapouri ; hinakijjouri ; tuaiiriuri ; ka- karauri ; kunikuni ; potango- tango; wetangotango ; kerekere; hakerekere ; whekere ; tiwha- tiwha. Dark (in colour), a. mangu; ^ja- ngo ; tawauri ; 2^'^''^''^'^'''^ > P(>' ngere; waitutu; kanajjanaj^a; kahiwahiwa. Dark, in the, ad. p>okere. Dark skin, n. hengia; 2icirauri. Dark saying, n. korero whaka- peka. Dart, v.t. kokiri; fcero. — (as a hawk on its prey), v.i. ?vhakat02)a ; kohihi. Dart, n. ^^ere; timata; tarero.rera ; teka; neti. Dash, v.t. aki; ta; rutu. Dash, v.i. aki; 2iorutu. Daub, v.t. jid'ni. Daughter, n. tamahine. Daughter-in-law, n. hunaonga. Dawdle, v. i. aweke; whakana- naire; tarioi; monaroa. Dawn, n. atatu; atni)o; ata ha- 2Ktra; ata 2)ongi2}ongi ; haeata; maruao. Dawn, V. i. ]niao; hi; hiko; ta- kiri; hapara; huaki; ihi; nga- hae; takitaki. Day, n. irt; rnngi; raro; imiJiana. — , on the following, ao ake; i te aonga ake. — after to-morrow, n. tahira; Days gone toy 255 Desire raUitlilni ; t((riha; kareha. — before yesterday, n. aoake; rainaoake; tahira; taikareha; tainnkareha. Days gone toy, n. tua-o-rangi. Daylight, u. awatea. Daytime, n. ao. Dazzled, toe, v.i. korekoreko. Deacon, u. uikona. Dead, a. mate; kero. Deaf, a. turi; j^oturi; hoi; pu- lioi; 2>uwharaiv]iara ; taringa. Deal, V. t. toronga; tohungarua ; TUAIU. Dear, a. aroha. Dear (in price), a. utu nui. Death, n. matenga ; hemonga ; })iareretanga ; haerenga. Death-'watcli toeetle, n. tdki- (uri. Debate -with oneself, v. i. ivhakaangaanga. Debt, n. taonga tareiva; nama. Decayed, a. 2^'>'^'«''^j j^^l^^j ^^(^i^^- hane; 2iat'oparo. Deceive, v. t. tinilianga; hanga- raii ; Jiangareka ; rauJtanga ; raureka; nukarau; nuka; hia- nga; maminga; rore; kopeka; viakoi ; taware; whakairoiro; ivhakateke. December, n. Tihema. Decide, v. t. whakarite ; whaka- taii. Declare, v. t. whakapuaki; ko- rero. Decline (as the sun), v.i. titalia; nekuneku ; relturehu ; tairi ; tawliarara; tarewa; roroku. Decoy-bird (parrot), n. mouti; pakipaki ; (of small birds), jiua- rere. Decrease, v.i. iti haere. Deep, a. hohonu; paru; reto. — (as a vessel), a. konokono. Deep water, n. kojma ; rire ; wheuri. Defeated, be, v.i. liinga; mate. Defect, n. koka. Defend, v. t. wawao. Deference, treat -with, v. t. ivli((kainiraiiiira. Deficient (in measurement), a. huka. Defy, V. t. lohakatara. Degenerate, v.i. Ibeke te tupu. Delay, v. i. whakaroa. Deliberate, a. luakune ; wliaka- aiietvanetva. Deliberately, ad. ata. Delineate, v. t. tuhituhi. Delighted, be, v. i. ahuareka ; pai; maha; ivehe. Delirious, a. haurangi; porangi; haivata. Deliver, v.t. wlmkaora. Deluded, a. Aew«. Deluge, n. waipuke. Demand, v.t. tono. Demolish, v.t. ttikituki; wliaka- hovo. Den, n. ana. Dented, a. paltore; patoti. Deny, v. icluikaknJtore ; tvhaka- korekore; whakorekore. Depart, v.i. haere; maiki. Dependant, n. rahi. Deprived of a limb, a. mutu. Deranged, a. Jiaurangi ; p)orangi ; keka. Descend, v. i. heke; taheke; tai- lieke ; hokio ; hor^ia; matiko; iv)ia)iauiho ; hou. Descendant, n. mokopuna; uri; a/itanga; niiha. Descent, n. heketanga; hokiota- nga. Describe, v. t. whakaatu i te aJiua. Desecrate, v.t. hajMru; whaka- noii. Desert, n. koixiha. Design, v.t. what. Desire, v. t. hiahia ; amene ; Desolate 256 Disdain minainina ; korotu ; korou ; kuika; minaka; ohia; okaka; hokaka; pie; pojwre; wawata; hinengaro; kopana; koronga; matenui ; pirangi. Desolate, a. takoto kau. Desperation, commit an act of, V. i. whakamomori. Despise, v. t. whakahawea; whakaparahako ; whakaahu ; whakakino. Destroy, v. t. tinei; whakangaro ; huna; tvhakamoti; tukituki. Destroyed, a. ngaro; tipoko; maroro. Destructive, a. oroia. Detached, a. kaewa; (as clouds), mawera. Detain, v.t. piq^ui'i; 2'>upuru. Detect, v.t. hopu. Detest, v.t. kino; ivhakakino; whakarihariha ; morikarika. Devil, n. rewera. Devour, v.t. kai; hohoni; horo- niiti. See eat. De'W, n. hau; haunui; haurahi; hauku; haurutu; hautaorua; kopata ; taituri; tomairangi. Dialect, n. reo. Diarrhoea, n. rere; tarahi; hi; huhto; koangi; konao; koripi; tororere; tikotiko. Die, V. i. mate; hemo; marere; makere. Differ, v.i. puta ke; horo. Different, a. ke. Difficult, a. whakarira ; uaua. Difficulty, n. Ma. — "with, ad. ngatd. Dig, V. t. ngaki; ko; keri; kari; hangohango ; 7ianaku ; karitu- angi. — up, v.t. hauhake; pitvai; huke; tipoka ; pakihi. Digging implement, n. ko; ka- heru; hangohango. Dignity, n. ahua rangatira. Digress, v.i. kawekaweka. Diligent, a. mamahi ; ahuwhenua. Dim-sighted, a. atarua. Diminished, a. iti iho; paku iho ; kohakoha ; harahara ; tahara- hara; ririo; tamomo. Dip, v.t. tou. — (with a ladle), v.t. 7Uu; koutu; tikoko. Direct, v. t. tohutohu; whaka- haere. Direct, a. tika; totika. Directly, ad. inamata; aianei. Dirge, n. apakura; tangi-a-tahu. Dirt, n. paru; para. Dirty, a. poke; paru. Disagreeable, a. tveriweri ; wltakarihariha ; whakarika- rika; houhoii. — (to the taste), a. kutaitai; kawa. Disappear, v.i. toremi; torengi; nunumi ; Ihenunii ; tanumi ; whakaero ; tarori. Disappointed, a. rarua; inata- ngurunguru. Disapprove, v. t. whakakifio ; kawa; kino. Disarranged, a. tohenehene. Disaster, n. aitua. Disbelieve, v. t. whakateka; whakahori; whakahawea; wha- karaanu ; wha kanano . Discern, v.t. kite. See know and see. Discharge from the eyes, n. jjikaru. ■ — of fire-arms, n. waij^u; wai- waipu. Disciple, n. akonga; tauira. Disclose, v.t. whakakite; whaka- puaki ; wawahi. Disclosed, a. jniaki; wha. Discomfiture, n. huhi. Discover, v.t. kite; hura. Discuss, v.t. hurihuri. Disdain, v.t. ivhakakino; whakor ahu; whakaparahako. Disease 257 Do Disease, n. mate; taru. Disemtocwel, v.t. tuaki. Disentangle, v.t. wewete; ui. Disfigured, uonoi. Disgust, (treat with marks of), v.t. tamataina. Disgusted, a. tvhakariJiariha ; ivhakahouhoii ; niakinokino ; 7naninohea ; matengatenga. Disgusting, a. whakarihariha ; whakarikarika ; weriweri ; eti- eti ; wetitveti. Dish, n. RlHi. Dishevelled, a. hutoitoi ; tuhei- hei. Dishonest, a. tmihanga ; hianga. Disinclined, be, v.i. 7igakaukore. Disinter, v.t. hahth ; ehu. Dislike, v.t. kino ; whakakino ; matakawa. Dismiss, v.t. tono ; tuku. Disobedient, a. turi; tutu. Disobey, v.t. (a command, ic.) takahi. Disorderly, a. takoto ke, takoto ke ; kohangaweka ; fakepakelia. Disparage, v.t. whakarawai ; ha- nihani ; ivhakatoihara. Dispersed, be, v.i. heuheu; j^a- karu ; marara; korara; tirara; wawa. Dispirited, a. marohirohi. Displaced, a. katote. Display, v.t. whakakite; whaka- ari. Dispute, V. i. tatUohetohe ; nga- ngare. Disquieted, be, v.i. pahi; pairi; awangawanga. See anxious. Disrespectful, a. totoa. Dissimulate, v.i. whakatongd; tuafeka. Dissolved, be, v.i. memeha. Distance, a, n. tawhiti; auaatu; hoi. — at a, ad. akiko. — coming from a, a. paerangi, T Distant, a. matara; tatara; ta- ivhiti; mamao; pamamao; awe- awe; hoi; nanihi. Distaste for food, having, a. waliakniva ; wakawa; tvainaryiu. Distasteful, a. matakawa; wai- nifha. Distort the features, v.i. nga- ngaJiu. See grin. Distorted, a. rori. Distorted figure, n. tvheku. Distract attention of, v.t. wha- kaware ; waivao. Distress, v.t. whakapouri. Distress, n. mate; ngangi. — of mind, n. tuatea; awanga- wanga. Distribute, v.t. tutvha; tohatoha. District, n. takiwa; tiriwa. Distrustful, a. matakana. Disturb, v.t. whakararu ; whaka- koroiroi. Disturbance, n. ngangau. Disturbed in mind, a. mawera. Ditch, n. waikeri ; tvaikari ; awa- ke7-i; awakari ; awamate; awa- rua; waitahinga ; manga; viai- oro. Dive, v.i. ruku; tuj)oupou. Divergent stream, n. matahae. Divide, v.t. wehewehe; wawae; kowae; tawae; tahei; ihi; wa- wahi; titore. Divided, a. tarerarera; motu- motio; iveherua. Dividing line, n. waenga. Divination, n. niu; matakite. Division, n. kotinga; wahanga; hua; tiriwa; wehenga ; puihi ; tutanga; waenga. Dizzy, a. anini ; poatinitini ; puano. See giddy. Do, v.t. mea. — thoroughly, v.t. whakatepe. — what, v.t. aha. — without authority, v.t. 2}oka- noa. Dock 258 Drowned Dock, (plant), n. runa. Doctor, n. takuta; rata. Doctrine, n. akoranga. Dodge, v.i. hikohiko ; kohikohiko. "Dog, n. kuri ; kurimaori; kara- rehe; kirehe; mame ; nane; ]>e- roj)ero. Dogfish, n. mango. Dole, v.t. toliunyarua ; toronga ; TUARI. Dominion, n. rangatiratanga. Done, be, v.i. oti. Door, n. tatau; kojKini. Door-post, n. tutunt. Door-sill, n. pehipehi. Door -way, n. kuwaha ; ivhati- toka; whaitoka; roro. Dot, n. tongi. Double, a. paparna ; aparua ; rererua. — together, v.t. kokopi. — up, V. ])oruku; takapapa. — tooth, n. niho-pu; nilio 2)U7'a- kau. Doubtful, a. pohehe; poheiva; pokaku; ruarua; wehei'ua; 7^a- purapu. Down, n. huruhuru. Down, ad. iho; ki raro. Downcast, a. tapou; hakerekere. Doze, v.i. nenewha; tunewha; kurehu ; tureliu. Drag, v.t. kukfunne; toto. Dragonfly, n. kapowai. Drain, n. awakeri; tvaitahinga. See ditch. Drain, v.t. whakatahe. Draughts, n. mu. Draw, (a sliding board), v.t. tafjta. — away suddenly, v.t. takiri. out, V. 1171U. — together, v.t. kuku; kukuti; runa; roiroi; taroi; ruruku; whakanoti. — up (as theclothes), v.t. hikupeke; Itupeke; jmkorukoru; ropi. Draw near, v.i. whakatata; awhi; whakaeke. Drawn forth, a. maunu. Drawn up (as the legs), a. jyej^eke; Inipeke; koropeke. Dread, v.t. wehi; matakn. See fear. Dreadful, a. mataku; wehi. Dream, n. moe ; nioemoea ; moe- hexva ; rekanga kanohi. Dredge, n. hao ; karau ; manga ; ]>a(i])ae. Dredge, v.t. hao. Dregs, n. nganga. — of shark's oil, n. apo. Dress, n. kakahu. Dress, v.t. ivhakakakahu. — (food), v.t. raweke. Dried up (as water), a. maroke ; mim,iti ; pakihi. Drift, v.i. ])ae ; papae ; tere ; teki. Drift-wood, n. jjaewai ; tawhno- Drink, v.t. inu. — out of the hand, v.t. kapu ; koronae. — to, give, v.t. whakainu. Drip, V. i. hifuru ; hohn ; heke ; patn ; kopatapata ; tofo. Dripping, a. poteretere ; wheku- wheku. Drive, v.t. a. — away, v.t. atiati. — together, v.t. tawhiu. Driven (by tlie wind), a. puawhe. — broadside on, a. paea; pa2)ae. Drizzle, v.i. konehunehu; jjune- hunehu. Droop, v.i. tatao ; tarewa. Drop, n. pata. Drop, v.i. marere; makere. — off, or out, v.i. ho7'o; ngahoro; jtapiaJiDro ; ngakuru. Dropsical, a. kopurua. Dross, n. para. Drought, n. raki; tauraki. Drowned, toe, v.i. paremo. Drovrsy 259 i)ro"Wsy, a. hiamoe ; hinamoe : mo)n(ie ; tunewha. Drug, 11. ronyoa. Prum of the ear, n. torino. Drunken, u. haurangi. Dry, ;i. maroke : jiaku ; katakata; piikatakata ; ngala ; jmmjata ; raki ; tipoka ; tikdkd ; koka ; inauka; paka; 2^(^kohea; tlpd; pakoko; kaimaoa. — very, a. maroke hangehange; maroke hengahenga ; pakupoku oreore. Dry, v.t. whakam,aroke ; tauraki. — (as a mumiuy), v.t. paki])aki. Duck, n. jmrera; mnta^xyuri ; po- reterete ; whiorau ; karakaliia ; RAKI RAKI. — , paradise, u. putangitangi. Duck, v.t. kopiro; rumaki. — one another, v.t. taurumaru- maki. Dull, a. 2n('hoi; rare. See blunt, Echo a. wahangu ; reo kore Dumb, hdiign. Dunce, n. kuware; rare. Dung, 11. tutae ; rake. Dupe, \'.t. faivare. Durable, m. ova roa. During, piep. i. Dusk, be, v.i. kaurukiruki ; kaka- rauri; kaunenehu ; kaurerehu ; pongere. Dusky, a. nehunehu; rikoriko. Dust, n. nehu ; para ; puehu ; jjunenehu ; konenehu. — (in the eye, (fee.) n. pura. Dust, reduce to, v.t. whakanehu. D"warf, n. roiroi; tauhena; whe; whito. Dwell, v.i. noho. Dwelling, n. whare. Dwelling-place, n. kainga. Dwindle, v.i. iti haere; whakaero. Dye, n. tae. Dye, v.t. tuku. Dying, be, v.i. whakahetnohemo. B Bach, a. tenei — tenei; tena — tena; tera — tera; ia — ia. Tera tanga- ta, tera tangata; each man. Eager, a. ngakau-nui ; whdtvhai; karekare; takare; tarekoj; oke; arita; hau; kaikd; rika. Bar, n. taringa. — lobe of the, n. hoi; take. — ornament, n. whakakai; motoi; p>ohoi ; tautau. — wax, n. taturi. Barly, a. moata. See dawn. Barth, n. oneone ; whenua. Barth up, v.t. a/mahu; tokitoki. Earthquake, n. r?t. Base, at, a. aumoe. Based (as pain), a. mauru. Bast, n. rawhiti. Bast wind, n. marangai. Eastern, a. tokerau. Easy, a. rarawe; takoto noa; ngawari; waingohia. Eat, v.t. kai; kame; kamu; kome; tametame; ivhakoma. — at odd times, between meals, v.t. koramuram^u ; harangote. — before others, v.t. hamure. — ravenously, v.t. kaihoro ; whaupa; horomiti; tap>aru. — raw, v.t. ota. — scraps, v.t. hamu. Eaves, n. ikuiku; heu; whaka- maroke. Ebb, v.i. thyiu ; heke ; tokari ; taivhaii; tirem,i. — begin to, v.i. taui; maunu; ketu Echo, v.t. paoro. Place where echo occurs, pari karangaranga. Economise 260 End Economise, v.t. whakamoamoa. Eddy, n. auhoki; ripo ; koripo- ripo ; kororip>o ; korowheowheo. Eddy-'wind, n. hau pongi ; pongi- pongi ; jjokijjoki ; hau ripo ; niumuhau. Edge, n. koinga ; niata; tapa. ■ — upper, of net, to., n. tahattt. — be set on, v.i. mania ; monia. Bel, n. tuna; heke; kirikopuni; kokopu; kopaopao; orea; jyu- hanga; puhi; takiekie ; ngori- ngori; jjaetvai; paitvai; pari- kou; pikitara; raatarehe; ma- tuatua ; ngoetoeto ; ngohiive ; ngoiro ; whitiki ; whakaau ; jyapawhenua ; kauaetea; mator- moe ; ngaeroero ; ngorengore ; 2)akarara ; p>angore ; takoto- tvhenua; tatarakau. Eel-pot, n. hinaki. Effectual, a. mana. Effort, n. kolia; uaua; riaka. Egg, n. hua. heki. Ejaculate, v.t. tujoere. Eject, v.t. jMina; pei; tuhiti. Eight, a. warn. Eighth, a. tuawaru. Eighteen, a. tekau ma waru. Eighty, a. ivaru tekau ; lioko- ivarit,. Either, ad. ranei; raina. Elated, a. manahau. Blt)0"W, n. tuketake; tvhatianga. Elbo"W, v.t. iufetuke; tuketuke. Elder person, n. kaumatua ; nmanga ; niatainua. Elder brother ui- sister, n. tua- kana. Eldest brother or sister, n. kauaernua. Elevate, v. t. paikeike ; poike ; tvhata. Elevated, a. hiam,o ; tairanga- runga. Eleven, a. tekau ma tahi. Else, ad. oti. Else"where, ad. ki tetahi wahi; ki icahi ke ; ki hea ranei. Emaciated, a. kiko-kore; raaero. Embalm, v.t. whakap>akoko. Embankment, n. maioro. Embark, v.i. eke. Embellish, v.t. ivhakajmipai ; mailii. Embers, n. ngarehu; ngarahu. Embrace, v.t. awhi. Emerge, v.i. ea; maea. Emetic, n. ivhakaruaki. Emigrant, n. heke. Emigrate, v.i. heke. Emit gas (as fire), v.i. purehua. Empty, H. takoto kau; kautaha- ■nga ; taltanga; jnango. Emulate, v. tatawhainga ; tau- ivhainga ; tautohetohe ; whaka- tenetene. Enable, v.t. whakakaha; mana- mana. Encampment, n. puni ; noho- auga; pahi; ptipahi; kdinga. Encircle, v.t. pukoro ; taiawhio. Encircled, a. taka. Enclose, v.t. hao; pahao; karor- poti; kopani. Enclosure, small, n. i-aihe. Encounter, v.t. whaivhai. Encourage, v.t. whakahauhau; whakangahau ; akiaki ; tena ; whakatenatena Encroach, v.i. aurara; auia. Encumber, v.t. whakawheru. Encumbered, a. a^ihi; tvheru; raruraru. Encumbrance, n. kiikd; kuta; tawekaweka. End, n. pito ; topito ; poro ; poronga ; moka ; moremorenga; mutunga ; ivhakaniutunga ; otinga. End, v.t. whakainutu ; ivhakaoti; j)oro ; tauporo. End, come to an, v.i. mutu ; tutuki; porotutuki ; urupa. Endeavour 261 Exceeding Endeavour, n. koha; uaun; tohe. Endeavour, v.i. tuhe; whaka- uaua; piUa le nana; whaka- ko7-o. Endless, a. mutmiga-kore. Enemy, u. hoa-riri ; hoa-whatvhai; whakaariki; whewheia; uto. Energetic, a. hihiri. Energy, a. ngoi; korou. Enfeeble, v. ivhakaruhiruhi ; tvhakangoikore ; r over ore. Engaged, a. ^orupu. Engulf, v.t. punga; rona. Engulfed, a. taniomi. Enlarge, v.t. whakanui. Enlighten, v.t. whakamarama. Enmity, n. ivhainga; fakanga; mauahara. Ennoble, v.t. whakarangatira ; ivliakaniii. Enough, it is, heoi; heoli; kati. Enquire, v.t. ui; patai; paki- rehua. See ask. Enraptured, a. wehe. Ensnare, v. i-ore; inahanga ; toro- mahanga ; torohere ; tahere ; reti ; paweke. Entangle, v.t. apoapo ; arau ; hiran. Entangled, a. raka; rapa; rori; tapiki; tvhiwhi; tatvhiivhi; tau- whiwhi; arau; rorerore. Enter, v.i. tomo; tapoko; jiuta. Entertain, v.t. atawhai; taurima; nianaaki. Entice, v.t. poapoa; whakapati- pati; ngore; patari ; taruru; inanukatvhaki. Entire, a. tikitu; toitu; tirutapii. Entirely, ad. ke. Entrails, n. ivhekau; ngakau. Entrance, u. waha ; kuivaha ; waharoa; wahaj)u ; tomokanga. — to a trap, n. pawa; pewa. Entwine, v.t. iakatakai. Entwined, a. tawhiwhi; rapa. See entangled. Envelop, v.t. kupaki. —with leaves (fur cooking), v.t. raiotao. Envious, a. hae ; jmhaehae ; tualine. Epidemic, u. rewharewha ; mate uruta. Equal, a. rite. Erect, a. tu; tiitu; tumafohi. Erect, v.t. whakaara ; whakaiu. Error, n. he. Escape, v.i. piita ; oma ; rere paheno ; jKihure; niatvhiti; ora ; — narrowly, v.i. oraiti; oranoa; orapito ; moariari. Establish, v.t. whakanoho ; wha- kapiwiau ; whakatutiiru. Estranged, a. moriroriro. Eternal, a. ora tome; mtdunga- kore. Evacuate the bo^wels, v.i. tiko; koraha. Evaporate, v.i. mimiti. Even, H. tika ; tautika. Evening, n. ahiahi. Evening star, the, n. Rereahialn. Ever, ad. tonu ; i nga iva katoa. Everlasting, a. ora tonu; niau- tonu. Evermore, ad. ake, ake, ake. Every, a. katoa. Evident, a. marama. Evil, a. kino. Exact, a. tino. Exactly, ad. a«o; pu. Exalt, v.t. whakanui; ivhaka- ikeike. Exalted, a. hiamo. Examine, v.t. titiro; tirotiro; tvhokatau ; ai'ohi; matakitaki. Example, n. tauira. Excavate, v.t. tohakakorua; huke. Excavated, a. areare. Excavation, n. korua. Exceed, v.t. hipa; pahika. Exceeding (a definite number), a, /lemi/temi, Excellent 262 a. 7'awe ; kairanga Eyelid Excellent, tira. Exception, without, ad. anake; orojKqxi. Excess (over a round number), n. hara. Excessive, be, v.i. toroihi. Exchange, v.t. hoko; hohoko; tvhakawhiii ; kurutete. Excite, V. whakajmtar'itaQ'i ; tvlta- kaongaonga. — affection, v.i. tokomauri. Excited, a. nawe. Excoriated, be, v.i. mahihore; ■maJiore; paliore; titupu; tvha- katako. Excuse, v.t. ivliakaoraora. Exert oneself, v.i. tohe; riaka; ivJiakauana; tvJmkarira ; tete. Exhaled, be, v.i. puaki. Exhausted, a. kongenge; i-uhi; miere ; taivari. — (as land), a. pakeka; titohea; tohetea ; huiki ; whetengi ; whetiii. Exhort, v.t. whakahauhau ; akiaki. Exhume, v.t. hahu; ehu. Exile, n. manene; konene; ta- ngata i peia. Expand (in weaving) v.t. iihoi. Expanded, a. rolia; hora; tnako- lia ; tiwJiaki. • Expect, v.t. tumanako; tatari. Expel, v.t. pei; pana ; tiihiti; tuivliiti. Experienced, a matanga; tau- tohito. Bxplaiil, V. t. wJtakaahi ; whaka- niarama. Explode, V. i. papa; tirijMjya; jjahu; paku; pako. Explore, v.t. titiro; toro ; whaka- haere. Extend, v. i. paku; totoro; tu- tuki ; tae. Extend the neck, v.i. neinei; whakangeingei. Extended, a. mahora; rauroha; raha; koraha; iimaraha ; maro ; liokai. Extensive, a. wharahi ; wharati- rarahi. Extent, n. nuku; nuinga; roa- nga. Exterminate, v. t. whakamoti; ivliaknngaro ; tipiliatiraro. Exterminated, a. mimiti; moti; orota. Extinguish, v.t. tinei. Extinguished, be, v.i. mate; 2nrau; poko ; tipoko ; wheko ; weko; weto ; keto ; pio; ngio; ketva ; 2nroku; iveroku. Extol, v.t. whakahirahira ; wha- karangaranga . Extort, V. t. apo. Extraordinary, a. whanoke ; tangi ke; autaia; haraki. Extremity, n. jnto; topito; poro; moka ; matamata ; liiktihiku ; moreinorenga. Extruded, a. whererei. Exudation (from plants), n. tae; pia; ware. Exult, v.i. loliakamanainana ; manahau. Eye, n. kanohi; karu; mata. Eye-ball, n. tvhatu. Eyebrow, n. kape; ^je2^;«; tuke- mata; nana. Eyelash, n. kamokamo ; kamonga. Eyelid, n. rewha. Fable 263 Fear F FaTble, n. koreru tara. Face, n. mata; kanohi; aroaro. Face, V. i. anga; aro. Facing boards (of the gable of a liouse), n. tauuiailii. Faded (in colour), v. i. liatea ; innwlie. Faint, a. hemo; hauluaiaitti : po- rcpore; maiengi ; waitau. Faint-hearted, a. hoin; moteatea; tainted; liarotAi; tfcmitunu. Fair (in complexion), a. kiritea; kirikotea. Fair (of weather), a. paki; tupaki; tuao ; tahaohao ; matatea; kdka- maroke. Faith, n. 7vhak.apono. Faithful, a. pono. Fall (from an upright position), v.i. liinga; porowha. — (drop), v.i. viakere ; marere; ngakuru ; ngahoro ; 7'iaki. — (crumble down), v. i. Jioro ; tanuku. — in one's way, v. i. pono, tiipono. — to one's lot or turn, v.i. taka. Falling heavily (as rain), a. viakerewhatu. Fallow, a. patohe. False, a. teka; horihori; parmi; ivm-ahoe ; meho; makiri; tahu- pera; tapeha; tapeka; tipatijjci; pate. Falsify, v.t. aweke. Fame, n. ronyo. Familiar spirit, n. rapa maori; tapui. Familiarised, a. taunga; waia. Family, n. hnpori; pari; hapu; ngare. Famine, n. wa kai kore. Famous, a. aranga; hau; ingoanui Fan, v.t. koivhiuwhiu; powaiwai. Fantail, n. piwakatvaka. Far advanced (in distance), a. rtna mm; aua atu. Far off, a. tatvhiti. See distant. Farewell, int. Aei konei ra ; e nolto ; liaere ra. Farewell, bid, v.t. j^oroporoaki. Farm, n. mara. Farther, ad. ki ko atu, &c. Fashion, v.t. whakaahua ; lohaka- whaiahua. Fast, v.i. nohoj)uku. Fast, a. hohoro. See quick. — (fixed), a. u; tnau; kita; ngita; tina. Fasten, v. t. ivhakau ; whaka- mau ; tatnau ; whakananawe ; whaka2nri; whakarawa; wha- karawe. —(with a pin or peg), v.t. titi; karatiti; viatiti. — to a stake, v.t. pou. Fastidious, a. whakatarapi. Fat, a. motnona; kohuehue; tua- whiti. Pat, n. ngako ; matu; hinu. — (about the kidneys), n. p)a ; taiq^a. — (on the intestines), n. wliiwhi; matakxipenga ; tatipa. Father, n. jyapa; matua tane. Father-in-law, n. hungawai ; hicnarere; hunarei. Fathom, n. maro. Fatigued, a. ngenge ; inauiui ; tungarangara ; whakangehe- ngelie. Fault, n. he. Fear, n. mataku ; wehi; hopo- hopo; koera; moniania; wana- wana; hae. Fearful 264 Fire Fearful, a. wehi; mataku. See afraid. Feast, n. hakari; tangohanga. Feather, n. hou; raukura. — , tail, n. rumaeko. Feathers, large (of the wing), n. hokai. February, n. pepuere. Feeble, a. ngoikore ; iwikore ; kongehe ; takurutu. See listless Feed, v.t. tvhmrgai. Feel, v.t. whawha; rongo. Feign, v.t. whakatau. Fell, v.t. tua; tojie. Fellow, n. koroke ; tahake ; ta- whiti; koiwi. — (companion), hoa. Female, a. tvahine. — (of brutes), uwha. Fence, n. taiepa; taepa; takitaki; wawa; teki; kereteki; niaihe; tiwatarvata; tuivatawata ; lata; tatarct; ahuriri ; kaungaroa ; rauwiri. Fence, enclose with, v.t. ato. Fender, n. arcd ahi; takuahi. Ferment, v.i. i; toroi; moi. Fern (bracken), n. rahurahu; rarahu ; rauaruhe ; rarauhe ; peka; marohi; takaka, — , freshly grown, n. topie. — root, n. roi; aruhe; mohmii ; moJueke ; pakakohi ; renga ; parara; meke. Ferry, n whakawhitinga. Ferryman, n. kai-whakawhiti. Fertile, a. inomona. Fester, n. tupua ; wharaki ; 2)ahupahu; tongako. Fetch, v.t. tiki; toki ; kawe. Fetid, a. piro; haunga; haruru. See stink. Fever, n. kiri-ka; karawaka. Pew, a. ruarua; torutoru; oku- oku; ouou; ngouruuru. Fibre, n. kaka; takaka; iveu. Fibres, full of, a. kakoa. Fibula, n. tatahau. Field (cultivated), n. mara. Fierce, a. riri; tatahau ; tianakia; hinana; rotari; whaura. Fifteen, a. tekau ma rima. Fifth, a. tuarima. Fifty, a. rima tekau; hokorima. Fig, n. PiKi. Fight, v.t. tatau ; whaivhai; riri; tu; tatai rakau; kakari. Figure (in arithmetic), n. ivhika. Figure-head, n. tauihu; pitau; pitau wJiakareia; tete; pakuru- kuru; parata; toiere. File, n. tira; tutira. File, in, a. matatira. — , in even, a. rahiri. Fill, v.t. whakaki; whawhao. — (a space), v.t. whakakapi. Filled, be, v.i. ki; puru; tomo; kapi; puni. Fillip, v.t. korojmna; turapana. Filth, n. p>aru; tahae. Filthy, a. raru; manuheko. Fin, n. tira; urutira; ^jai/taw; pakipaki; liawa; pakihawa. Find, v.t. kite. Find room, v.i. o. Fine (gay), a. ivliakapaipai ; torire; toingo. — (as thread), a. tarapi. — (as weather), a. pa^i. Finger, n. matihao ; maihao ; 7natikara; koikara. — , little, n. koroiti; toi iti; toiti. — nail, n. maikuku; matikuku. Finish, v.t. whakaoti; whakapau; tvhakamahue. Finished, be, v.i. oti ; hemo ; poro ; tutuki. Fire, n. ahi; kajnira; rtxajjura; hatete; kanaku; kora; maute; ngiha; pahu7iu. — , means of procuring, n. kau- ahi. — , set on, v.t. tahu; tUtu; tu- mata; tungutu. Fire 265 Plo^w Fire, v.t. pupuhi. Firebrand, u. motumotu; mo- motu; ngotungotu; ngoungou; '»W'H)M/a. Fireplace, n. kanga-ahi ; pa- haiahi. Pire'wood, n. tvahie ; peka ; kolmre; kora ; pioe ; pir'ahri; piraku; jnraka. Firm, a. u; inmi; au; taketake; tupto ; ilka ; akuaku ; kita ; iigita. First, a. tuatahi ; matamua ; mataati. — man killed in battle, n. ma- taika; mataiigohi. First, ad. matua; atua; wawe; ki mua. First-born, a. matamua ; mua- iiga; pekepoho; tapairu. First-fruits, n. tuapora; tannaliu. Fish, n. ika; ngolii; mataitai. Fish, v.t. hi ; for eels, toi. Fish-hook, n. matau; matika; iioni; matikara. Fishing-line, n. aho; nape. Fishing-rod, n. manaiia; matire. Fitting, be, v.i. ao. Five, a. rima. Fix, V. whakau ; whakamau ; tvhakapumau ; &,c. Fixed, a. u ; mau ; pu^nau ; tumau; tuturu; uka; tina ; titpu; tete. Flabby, a. 'ngehe7igehe ; ngongohe. Flaccid, a. 7igore; taroma; rao- mohe; ngongohe; 2^ikawikawi; tangange. Flag, n. KARA; HAKI. Flail, n. karawhiu. Flame, n. nmra. Flank, n. kaokao. Flap, (wings), v.i. aroarowhaki; kapakapa. — (in the wind), v.i. tareparepa; kapakapa. Flash, v.i. mura; ])U7'a; kota- u 'tnutam,u ; hiko; kowha; rarapa; ivheriko. Flat, a. ])apatahi ; pararahi ; paraliaraha ; parehe; wJuirikL — part (of the foot, of a spade, &c.), n. rapa; raparajm. — rock, n. huapapa. — projections, having, a. rira- pa. Flat-roofed, a. kaupaparu ; kura- pdpd; jjajjai'u; po^^a. Flatter, v. t. whakapatipaii ; enee^ie; rutu. Flavour, n. ha; namunamua. Flax-plant, n. korari ; harakeke; liar ar eke ; tihore ; wharariki ; wharanui; &c. Flax (dressed), n. muka; ?vhiiau. Flay, v.t. tihore. See strip off. Flea, n. jntruhi; inororoliu ; keJta; tuiau. Flee, v.i. o»ia; wliati. See run. Fleet, n. kau'papa. Flesh, n. kikokiko. Flexible, a. ngore ; ^jinf/ore ; 7igohengohe ; 2}'>'kawikawi ; ta- wariivari. Flight, n. omaviga. Fling, v.t. maka; akh'i; whiu. See throw. Flint, n. kh'ipaka; mata. Flit, v.i. lieke. Float, v.i. luanu; re,wa; tawpua; ivhakamaho ; pore^ia; te7'e. Float, v.t. 2)ora7iga. Float, n. 2)oito; poufo. Flock, n. kahui; rahui; rangai. — of birds, pokai. Flog, v.t. tvhiu. Flood, n. tvaipuke; paratvheiiua. Floor, n. kaup}apa; kaiwae ; ka- raho; rahoraho. Flounder, v.i. koivheta. Flounder, n. patiki. Flour, n. faraoa. Flow, v.i. 7'ere; tarere; hirere; pate7-e; ku2)ere. Pl0"W 266 Pour Plow in driblets, v.i. pahihi. — (as the tide), v.i. jim-i; kato; pakato ; fapara; pi; whanake. — Ibegin to (as the tide), v.i. matatti; matauru; heru; Imra. Plower, n. 2iuawai; 2)'i''(iJ puaka. Flurried, a. ponana. Piute, n. pu; putorino ; rehu; koauau. Plutter (as a bird), v.i. kape- kapeta. Ply, n. rango ; ngaro ; namxi ; hurangi. Ply, v.i. rere; omaki. — back (as a spring), v.i. hupana; takiri. — (a kite), v.t. whakaangi. Plying fish, n. maroro. Poam, n. huka. Foaming, a. ptia. Fog, n. kohu; jjukohtt; au. Foiled, be, v.i. rahua. Fold, n. koru ; 2^ukoru; whati- anga. Fold, v.t. whawhati; konumi; tanumi ; tvhakakopjakopa. Folds, hanging in, a. harigoru- ngoru; takoru. Follow, v.t. aru; whai; tawhai. Fond, a. mateoha. Fondle, v.t. ivhakamaimoa. Pood, n. kai; kmne; kamukaniu; konie ; o ; orartga ; par are ; tame ; tamitaini ; tawhi ; tvene ; wha- ngongo; takuiiya; takiura. Foolish, a. kuware; rare; waira- iigi; heahea. Foot, n. tvaewae ; wae. — (measure), n. pure/. — of a pig, n. taputapu. Footprint, n. tapmoae ; waeivae. For, prep, hei; ma; mo; ki. — conj. hoki. Forbearing, a. manawanui. Forbid, v.t. whakakahore; tvlia- kakore ; pehi; riri. Force, n. kaha. Force one's way (through a crowil), v.i. lohakaete. Forced out, be, v.i. whete. Ford, n. kauranga ; kauanga. Ford, v.t. kau. Forearm, n. takakau; kikowhiti. Forehead, n. rae. Foreign race, n. tatdu-i. Foreigner, u. jxikeha; taiawa; taiigata 2)ora; tautaiigata,. Foremost, a. matamua. Forerunner, n. mfitdrere. Forest, n. ngaliere ; ngarehu ; 7iehenehe ; ngaliengahe ; wao; waokib. Porestal, v. t. ivhakataunahua. Forget, V. t. waretvare. Forgive, v. t. hohou i te rongo; muru. Forgotten, a. tvareware; ngaro. Fork, n. tnarau; pfiirau; purou; tirou; whaka. — (of a tree), n. pekanga; tara- kanga. Forked, a. tokomanga. Form, n. alma; kahua. — , v.t. tvhakaahua; whakawhaia- hua. — , acquire, v.i. tvhakaahua. Former, a. to mua. — time, n. miia ; naviata. Formerly, nd. inam,ata ; nona- mata. Fornication, n. jnijremu, moe ta Jtae ; kaikaiatara. Forsake, v.t. whakarere. Forsaken, a. mahue. Fortification, n. pa. Forty, a. ?/'Aa tekau; hokowha. Poster, v.t. ahu; ahuahu; tvha- ngai; kuina,nu. Fosterchild, n. whangai. Pound, be, v.i. 7-okohanga; roko- hhia. Fountain, n. imna. Four, a. wha. Four days ago, ad. inaoakenui. Fourteen 267 Garment Fourteen, a. tekan tna wlm. Fo^vl, (barn door), n. heihei; ti- kaokao. Fracture, n. kore; pakaru; pa- kor>' ; ivliati. Fragile, a. pajya noa. Fragment, n. pota; maramara; }Ktraparnhanga ; morohe; motete. Fragments, in, a. rikiriki. Fragrant, a. hikara. Fraud, n. tinihanya. See de- ceitful. Freckle, n. ira; thvha. Freckled, a. korakorako ; kotiivha- tiwha. Free, a. rnngatira ; af.ea; tvatea; ma/a ra ; iatnra, ; tangatrnKja. — from marriage tie, a. taka- kau. — from tapu, a. auriuri. — from tapu, v. t. pure; taitai; takapau; takiri; tamaahu. Frequent, a. auau; tia; p?foke. Greenstone, n. pounamu. Greet, v.t. tangi. Grey hairs, n. hina. Grieved, be, v.i. poui-i. Grin, v.i, pukana; pakiri; tama- tama; huho; ngangahu ; tdpahi; tvhaita. Grind (in a mill), v.t. huri. — (on a stone), ore. Grindstone, n. hoanga. Gritty, a. mangeiigenge ; mangu- ngti. Groan, v. i. aue ; auiere ; ngu- nguru. Groove, n. awaawa. Grooved, a. tawaka. Grope, v.i. ha^-an; whaivha haei^e. Grove, n. motu; urti; zoi-upuia. Ground, n. wheiiua; oneone. — (of a quarrel), n. ^jo^ja; rawa. Grow 270 Gro'W, V. i, tuj)u ; kahu ; pihi ; rea; pariri; turuki; oi ; wha- natu; wlianake. — along the ground, v. i. toropa. Growth, fresh (of shrubs, &c.), n. Imrupa ; hurupi; ta?'upi. Growl, V. i. ngung^iru; ngengere. GruTb, n. iunga ; jjepe ; huhu ; •moeone ; tovo')ig%i. Grudge, v. t. hakere; manawapa. Gruff, a. tanguru. Grumble, v. i. atmtamu ; haku ; tapitapi; kowhetewhete ; tchaka- ngutungutu; hameme; kotete. Grunt, V. i. ngengeri; nyongoro ; ngiuupiru ; horu; tuinu. Guard, v. t. tiaki. Hard Guest, n. manuhiri: naiimai. Guide, V. t. arahi; arataki. Gull, n. karoro. Gulp, v.t. horo. Gum, n. pia; kapia; kauri; ware. Gums, n. tako; pae. Gun, n. pn. Gunpowder, n. paura. Gunwale, n. nirto; pakura. Gurgle, v.i. koko. Gurnard, n. kumukumu. Gush, v.i. hirere; kapukapu. Gusset, n. hoi. Gust, n. ropu; apu; parard. Gut, n. whekau. Gutter, n. korere. Ha! int. ha.^ Habit, n. ritenga. Hack, v.t. tapahi. Hades, n. tepo; te reinga. Hail, v.t. karanga. Hail, n. nganga; whafu; huka- ivhatu. Hair, n. huruhurn ; makawe ; 7)iahunga ; whakaldpa. Hair (a single), n. kaka; weu; uru. Half, n. HlUVHE. — full, a. hangere ; henianga ; papanga. — grown, a. pipi. — cooked, a. roiroi. Hallow, v.t. whakntapu Halo, n. piikoro; amaia; awheo. Halt, v.i. tu. — suddenly, v.i. tumu. Hammer, n. ta; ham a. Hand, n. ringaringa. Handful, n. aohanga ; kapunga; kutanga. Handfuls, take up by, v.t. a,o; kajninga. Handkerchief, n. aikiha. Handle, n. ^ntriton^a; tati; tau- kaive ; kaive ; kaivai ; kiwei ; pjopoia. — (of an axe, Ac), kakau. Handle, v.t. nanao; rahurahu; raraii; ivhawha. — gently, v. t. whakahangahanga. — mischievously, v.t. makitau- nu ; raukeke. Handsome, a. ataahua. Handspike, n. hua. Hang, V. i. tairi ; iri ; tarewa ; tara-tva ; tare ; noi ; whata ; hiweka. Hang, v.t. ivhakairi, (fee; tiari. — down, V. i. ijoerewere ; tawere- tvere; rere; taepa; tiepa. — (as the lip), hauwere. — in folds, v.i. hangorungorii. — back, v.i. taaivhitaaivlii. Hanging by the skin, a. iatvari. Happen, v. i. tupono ; poiio ; hei^yu. Happy, a. hari; koa. Harangue, v.t. whaikorero. Hard, a. maro ; maro hiiarari { Hard 271 Heave tumaro ; pamaro ; papamo,ro ; papatait ; pakeke; pakari; ioio; totoka. — ground, n. papatupu. Hard - TA;-orking, a. mamahi ; 7rJueru. — (of a spear), n. tete. — (of a tree), n. kauru; kouru ; kamata; haramata. Head (of a j-iver or valley), n. hikti- aiva; hikutan; hikuwai; huki- nga ; kohuhutanga. Headache, n. anini ; kotiuru ; ngaruru ; ngahoahoa ; pahoa- hoa. Headland, n. rae; kurae; tumu; more; kumore; matamata; ma- taknrae; kuraenga ; torouka. Headlong, a. patiko; torere; tu- poupou. Headstrong, a. maro; uaua. Heal, V. t. ivhakaora ; whakamahu. Healed, he, v.i. mahu; ova. Health, n. oranga; ora. Heap, n. puranga; jni; whakajm; haupu; kauika;ahu; ahurewa ; tudliu; kawa; pehanga; piira- whetu ; piitu ; talma; taka ; rvlutrona; 7ndta; tiki. — lie in a, v.i. puraiiga; putu; pxihangaiti; kaike; 2>ukai. — lay in a, v. t. puranga; ko2nitu- putu; ivliakapiJtangaiti ; pukai; tapui ; tarahono; whakamoa; apuapu; aivhe; hanpu; tohaka- putu; u'hakapxh; tapukep^ike. — up, V. t. aliuahu; whakaahu; ami. Hear, v.i. rongo. — indistinctly, v.i. hakiri; ma- lieahea; hirearea. Hearken, v. t. whakarongo. Heart, n. manaiva ; ngakau ; hinengaro ; mauri; mano. — (of a plant), n. rito ; koriio. — (of a tree), n. uho; tarauho; iho ; taiho ; taikura ; taikdkd ; ka- hiwi; tahiwi; tumoremore. — lose, v.i. tarure. Heartburn, n. pohongawha. Hearty, a. ngahau; ngakaunui. Heat, n. wera; pawera; pukdkd; pjokdkd. Heat, V. t. taJiu; tarahtb. Heated, a. wera; kaka; rerehu. Heave, v.i. hotu. Heaven 272 Hold Heaven, n. rangi. Heavy, a. taimaha ; taumaha ; toimaha; rorotu. — (of rain), a. makerewhatu. Heedless, a. hautaruru. Heel, n. rekereke ; ngaengae. Height, n. ikeike; tiketike; teitei. Held by the point, a. tarakini; mautarakini. Hell, n. reinga. Helm, n. urungi; urunga. Help, V. t. aivhina; jnki turanga. Hem, lower, n. remu; kuremu. — , upper, n. kurupatu; ua. Hen, n. heihei; ^;iA'«o^«o; tikao- kao. Hence, ad. atu. Henceforth, ad. ake ake ake; akenei; amua; amuriakenei. Her, pron. per. ia. — , pron. poss. iana; t07ia; ana; ona. Herb, n. otaota. Herd, n. kahui; rahui; rangai; ^vhakataka. Here, ad. nei; na; tenei; tena; anei; ana; ina; kei konei; i konei; kei kona; &c. Hereafter, ad. a mua; a muri; a ko ake nei; anamata; houa- nga; mo a mua; hei a mua. Hereby, ad. ma konei. Hermit crab, n. kaunga. Herring, n. aua. Hers, pi'on. poss. nana; nona. Hesitate, v. i. ruarua; pohehe; pohewa; pokaku; whakaanga- anga; moteatea; rikarika. — , (in speaking), v. i. ha; ^^a?'eHio. Hew, V. t. hahau. Hiccough, n. tokohana; toko- mcAiri ; iokopuhake. Hidden, a. ngaro. Hide, V. t. liuna; kuhu; whaka- ngaro ; whakapeke. - — oneself, v.i. piri; 2->eke; whaka- puinini. Hide, n. hiako; kiri. High, a. ikeike; tiketike; titike; teitei ; noi ; rewa ; maiengi ; m,otengi; ivhakarera ; morunga; tikokekoke ; paratu. — (of the tide), ki; tutuki; rena- rena; pa; whakajyaru. — (in rank), nui; rahi; metara- rahi. Hill, n. puke; torojjuke; taipu. Hillock, n. pukepuke ; tapuke ; toropuke. Hillocks, throw^ up into, v. t. tuahu; tukayi. Hilly, a. j)ukepuke. Him, pron. ia. Hinder, v.i. whakaware; tvhaka- wheru; whakakopekapeka ; ivha- kakoroiroi ; toliakararuraru. Hindered, a. raruraru; tvheru. Hinge, n. inihi. Hint, V. t. whakamohiohio. Hip-bone, n. himu; humu. His, pi"on. tana; tona; a7ia; ona; nana; nona. Hiss, v.i. hi; Mihu. Hit, be, v.i. pa; tu ; wliara. Hither, ad. mai. Hitherto, ad. mohoa noa nei ; moroki noa nei; taea noatia tenei wa. Ho ! int. ho! Hoard, v.t. rongoa; tohu; pena- p)ena. Hoarfrost, n. huka; haupaj)a ; hukapa2)a. Hoarse, a. tvhango. Hoe, n. no; karaoke. Hoist, v.t. huhuti. Hold, v.t. p>^''P'^'>'i } 2)up%iru; ra- raivhi. — (in the arms), v.t. okooko. — up to view, v. t. whakaari ; wltakahana. — of, take, V. t. whawha. Hold! int. iaua! taua! Hold (of a ship), n. riu. Hole 273 If Hole, n. poka; piota; koivhto ; k(>r(y])7Ua; rim; kvriui; ])arii(i ; >(:hiik(//n»a; orio; pokere; warn. Holes, full of, a. ])}Uaputa; koro- piitajnUd, ; ivatawdta ; pwvuUi- irntii: jruatadta; pokarakara. Hollow, n. j)okoytui; hapua; pn- k())t,f/ti, ; ivh aremoa. — (of liaiul), 11. ktipii; paro. Hollo"W out, V. t. tchakapokorua ; rvhakakortia. Holy, a. fripu. Home, n. kniu(/a. Honey, n. hoxi; mikuk. Honour, d. iionurk. Honour, v. t. whakaiwnuue. Hoof, u. niaikiiku. Hook, 11. iitn/au; huka. mo- Hoop, 11. fcliiii; koroivlnti ; tvJtiti; taraiohiti; pirvri. Hop, V. i. hiteki; hitoko. Hope, V i. fumaiwJw. Horizon, w. j>ne; tttapne; paeicai; tdliatii,. Horn, 11. HAoxA. Horse, n. ikhho. Hospitable, a. taivhiti. Host, 11. mrnto; tini. Hostile, a. turmveti. — expedition, n. tana. Hostilities, n. pakaiuja; wluii- nga. Hot, ;i. ivern; pxtwera ; pakakhia- kina; kakd ; poknkd; pukdkd; tikdkd. — (to ta.stu), a. inhhaJicmia. Hover, v. i. wliakatopa. House, 11. ivlim'n; ivharejmni; ko- pu}i(r. — store, 11. ivluircvayiiyl ; jxitaka. How, ad. pi'/if'(t; pr.(t. How many, int. eai.' erawe! — , ii. Ilia. Howl, V. i. tmu/i; ngawi. Hug, V. t. tmiapo. Hum, v.i. nuipii; tainunta ; uja- hiri. Humble, v. t. ivhakaiti. Humped, a. hake; nuke; ngutiu. Hundred, a. rau. Hundred-weight, n. iiaxarkte. Hunger, u. Iiiakai : heniokai. Hungry, a. hiakai; lietnokai; hi- koko ; pikoko; porejwre. Hunt, V. t. lohaiwhai ; whakangau. — up, V. t. tawhiu. Hurricane, n. t%i,pulii; inaraagai. Hurry, v. t. loliakatatutatu. Hurry, in a, a. ]>orangi; tvha- ivhn,i; takare; kaika; ^^otaitt; torere; puaritarita; poaritarita; p07ia7ia; taruke; kaihoro ; tata- kino. Hurry, do in a, v. t. auraki; ivhaichai. Hurt, V. t. ngau; whakainaniae. Hurt, n. tunga. Husband, w. tane; taha. Hush! int. kati; turitiiri; inaida- iiia ; ivliakarongoa; hoihoi. Husk, n. kupaki. Hustle, V. t. atute. Hut, n. ivhare. Hymn, n. waiata; iiimene. I, prou. aliau; au; awau; awa- Idle, a. mangere; kaiveka. See hau. lazy. Ice, n. luciipapa; haiihunga; huka; Idol, u. ivhakajmkoko. liiikiipapa; tio. Ignorant, a. ware; kuware. Idiot, n. pormtgi; haurangi; hea- If, conj. vie; inehemea ; penei ; hea. i kapatau; ki; ki te mea; apaha. V Ill 274 in, a. mate. See sick. Ill-supplied, a. tuhiroa. Illtreat, v. t. tukino ; kuhuru ; ]hUu. Illustrious, a. hau; viujoa 'uui. ifmage, n. ahua;" ivhakajmkoko: tiki. — reflected, ata. Imitate, v. t. ivlud ; ichakatau ; tawhai. Immediately, ad. aianei tonu ; QUI tou ; iiianiata: inea ake. Im.m.ature (of fruit), a. pvpl; ko- riri. Im.patient, a. 'poranyi; ivhaivhai; taruke ; rika; kaika; potatutatu; Ibikaikai. Impel, \.t. ueue. Im.petuous, a. taikalm; tutoa. Im.portant, m.ake, v.t. iniraiuira. Im.portunate, a. teite; toJie; kd- kari; inriuane; toiveaetve'ne. Imposed upon, be, v.i. hianga- tia. Im.prison, v.t. whakatina. Im.prove, v. i. /j«i Icaere. In, prep, i; kei; i roto i; kei rofo i; i ro ; kei ro. In comparison of, prep. i. Inaccessible, a. (apu. Inactive, a. tautaua; tujjuhi. Inarticulate, a. wliaw/o. Inasmuch as, conj. ina koki. Inattentive, a. mulmkai. Incantation, ii. karakia. Inch, n. iNiiii. Incite, V. t. whakaliauha'ii ; aki- aki ; ivhakajxitaritari ; whaka- iari; tuivluma; kopana; ueue. Inclement, a. kafopo; makato. Inclination, n. aro; nrormi; jxd. Incompatible, a. mafnku. Incomplete (as a nuinliei-), a. fn- repa ; taurangi. Increase, v. i. olui ; uui liaerc ; kuu'uUi'ivuiu. Indeed, ad. lioki; kua; rapea. Instigate Indefinite, a. tauruugi ; raka rtika. Indentation, n. kohirutmoya ; ko- koliuf.dui/u ; fiirn]iauv(t.o. Intercept, v. t. kokofl ; hnukoti; koiimfii. Interior (of country), n. via ; fiinirlwnua ; vMuowhenua. Interlace, v.t. kotui. Intermission, n. pariratanga. Intermix, \. t. wliakauru. See mix. Interpret, v. t. n-hnkamaoi-i. Interrupt, v.t. arnarii. Interrupted, a. ichafi. Interstices, having, a. pinxda- 'ivdtd ; pHwatawdta ; porara ; pxirara. Intert-wine, v.t. rcmtciri. Interval, n. takiiva; tva; tiriwa. Intervals, at, a. aputa ; kau- teatea; tamutumutu. I Intestines, n. whekau; ngakaii,; /tiro. Intimate, a. ta/i.ttf/a. Into, pre]), ki; ki rofo ki; ki ro. Intoxicated, a. kfihi; 7-orp.; hau- rangi. Invade, v. t. whakaeke. Invent, v.t. teite; tito; poka. Inverted, a, knaro; wldti-ra-ru- Qiga. Investigate, v.t. tvhakawa. Irascible, a. arita. Iron, n. vino; iiiaitai; haeana. Irregular, a. ivhakahipahipa ; ko- /likohiko. Irresistible, a. motohe. Irresolute, a. kahurangi ; kewha. Irritated, a. karangirangi. Irritating, a. makatikati. Island, n. motu ; maheno. Issue, running, n. paheke. It, pi'on. ia. Itch, n. hakihdki; lualuiki; wai- hakihaki ; harehare; tarakura. Itch, V. i. rekareka; ngaoko ; ma- iigeo. Its, pron. tana; tona; ana; ona. Jabber, v. i. haidote ; kovprororo. Jaded, a. ngenge. Jagged, a. inakini. Jail, n. irliare lierelipre. Jamb, 11. tiUarii'; wJiakawai. January, n. Hanukue. Jar, n. HAKA. Jarred, be, v.i. mania; tioro ; iclieoro. Jaw, 11. kduae. Jealoiis, a.; has; tarnJiae; Uidlide; pnka.. Jeer, v.t. tatcai; tatinu ; vhala- hi; patai; ^vltaka/raivaA. Jellyfish, n. Jerk, V. t. takiri; ruhi ; tarutu ; korowhiti; nape; hiwi. Jest, n. tinihanga ; hangarau ; hangareka; ranreka; raicehoi ; whakanene. Jewel, 11. TP.i. Jewsharp, n. roria. Jib, 11. ngongohdu. Jingle, v.i. tatangi. Jog, v.t. 7-ntu. Join, V. apiti; liuihui; hono; tu- Itono; hannii; karapiti; iajyaru; tapiri. — battle, V. i. pipiri. — oneself to, v. i. nru. Join 276 Knuckle Join (parts of a net), tatai ; tui ; whatid. Joint, n. jwnn. Joist, n. kiirupne. Joke, n. lid agar mi, ; tAnihanga. See jest. Jolt, V. t. rntiivntii. Jostle, v.t. niiite; f.ntetiite. — one another, v.t. tantvMtute, Journey, n. haere. Joy, n. hari; koa. Judge, v.t. trhakarite ivhakaiva. Judge, n. kai-whakarite whaka- ica; kai-whakawa; tiatj. Jug, n. HAKA. Juice, n. -H-ai; tae. July, n. HuRAE. Jump, V. i.; ; mardliili; motvhiti; laokotvhiti; rnahiita; hiki. — (out of tlie water), aitha; pn- naib ; whakapuJioru. Just, a. tika. Just, ad. katahi. — after, ad. i muri iho; no mtiri iJio. — before, ad. i mua ake; no mna ake. K Keel, n. takere; tangere. Keen, a. pnkatokato. Keep, V. t. fiipnti; pitp'^irii; ti- aki. — close, V. i. pirihongo. — off, v.t. titoko. Keepsake, n. aha; maimtunga. Kettle, n. t'lKkra. Kick, v.t. whana. Kidney, n. whatukuhu ; whatu- ma iiaiva ; takihi. Kill, v.t. patu; whakaniate; tuki- tuki. Killed, be, v.i. maru. Kind, a. atawkai; pnpore; tupore; manatvapopo7'e ; ngawari. Kind, n. tn. — , of what, a. pehea. — , of that, a.; pera. — , of this, a. peuei. Kindle, v.t. tahn ; ton; tvliaknit,. - — (a tiie by rul)bing sticks), liika. Kindred, u. lohnanuaga ; itri ; King, u. kimh. Kingdom, n. ranyatiratanga ; KINdlTANGA. Kingfisher, n. koiavp. Kiss, v.t. Klin. Kitchen, n. knnta; pureku: rvlm- ri'um'ii ; hereiirnii ; kamuri ; knliu. Kite (toy;, n. manu. Knead, v.t. pokftpokp,; pnpo. Knee, ii. Uhri. Knees, weak in the, a. turipu. Knee-joint, n. turipona. Kneel, v.i. koropiko; bif/ari; tiv- turto ; ngaivdki. Knife, n. uinripi; oka; mikara ; kotit; NAlin. Knob, n. pitku. Knock, v.i. or t. ^lafiokifuki; pa- kuru; pakiiku ; whaknpakiiku ; pnhiku ; pafofo. — to pieces, v.t. tukitaki. Knot, n. laona; pona. Know, v.t. mnfaqi; raohio; hua; kit I',. I know not; nun; miaka. Knowing, a. (Uainal ; aioeko ; iiJiaiiiauMi. Knowledge, n. mtUauranga ; mo- ]ti<)tnii,gapi. Leak, trifling, n. anriikoii-liao. — da.ngerous, n. takereliaia. Lean, v. i. hint/a; fAfalia; tiraJta; ivlianna; taiurn ; honya; tapae; icliarara. — against, ?rhakawhirinaki ; tvha- rara. — one on another, v. i. fanpnhi- pntlii. — forward, v.i. taretare; ivltaka- tatnre ; iv]iakatn,retare. Lean, a. hauaitu; tiipmhi; pa- knko ; ha^t,area ; hawareware ; hiroki; kohoi; panyanya; tuoi; tokoroa; anyoa; taramore; nyo- nyo. Leap, v.i. peke; mahiti; patuni, aitJia. Leap, n. reinyn. Learn, v. t. ako. Learner, n. ahonya.. Lease, n. mini. Least, a. ill raim. raiia. Leave, v. t. trliakarevp.. — off, V. t. '/rJiakairmtii. Leave, take, v. t. ]>ornpoTnnM Leech, u. tiyafa. Leek, n. ihki. Left, be, v.i. vialnie; trailin; ri'ke ; Uiluipa. — off, be, v.i. mv/u. tiipeke ; rere , ivliakapidiorii, , nolihiolii to- Left-handed, a. mani. Leg, n. tvaewae; tatahau. Legend, n. kauivhau; piirakan. Leisure, n. ateatanya. — at, a. atea; watea ; txtkaknti.. Leisurely, a. takohe ; ivhakata- kolie. Length, n. roa. — at, ad. a; nawai a. Lengthen, v. t. rvhakaron ; pa- fete ; httete. ; haumi. Leprosy, n. tnwliemia ; nycre- nyere. Less, a. iti i/io; nohinoJil i/io; inomipu. Lessen, v.t. harahara; whakaiti. Lest, conj. kei. Let down, v.t. tukn; ivhakaJieke; ivJiaJialioro. — go, v.t. tuku. — on lease, v.t. rkti. Letter, n. piikajmka. Level, a. tautika; papatairite. Level, v.t. tahoro. Lever, n. Jiiia. Liberal, a. ataichai; olia. Liberty, at, a. atea.; tvatea. License, n. raiuana. Lick, v.t. iiiitimiti. Lid, 11. tanpoki; ptojwki. Lie, n. horihori ; paran ; teka; fjijtelia. Lie, v.i. takoto , pae; rare; taeki. — across, v.i. rakajukipiki ; tara- piki; ripeka. — at anchor, v.i. tan. — broadside, v. i. pae ; kopae ; koronae. — in a heap, v.i. ika; irJiakaika; tawheta; pukai; rona ; taiieivJia; tanyita. — flat, V. i. papa; toropapa, papa. — separate, v.i. tauke. — inw^ait, V. i. tvhanya; haiipapa. ■ — with, V. t, 7noe ; ai. tiki; peJii; ta- kaike; kanki; taipua ; icha- ta- Life 27i) Long Life, II. oni. Lift, V. t. lidjKii; Jiiki; tvltakaara ; jxiikidkr.; ri((ki; (tudu. --(a cfop), V. t. /lauhake. Lifted up, ix. nioritnya. Liganient, ii. nana. Lig'lit (in weight), a. maiixi. Ligllt, a. marania ; tatahoaJio : kcliokehu. Ligllt, n. ao : iiiaraina; a/iv. — (latiip), rnina; HAITI. Light, v.t. rama; turaiua; ivhaka- maraiua ; turolierolce. — (a Hrc), taliH. Ligllt (as a bird), v. i. tan. Lighten, v.t. wliakamama. Light-hairecl, a. nw.kekclni ; tiru- ki ha. Lightning, n. uira ; kuu:ha ; liiku; kwiutpu. Lijie, v.t. a/iadreka ; uiauako ; a'n Ireka ; iiiatarnka. Like, a. rite; aliukalmka ; ari- arki. — this, a. ]umei. — that, a. ^veiw/; pern. — which, a. pehea. — (as it were), ad. me. — manner, in, ad. waihoki. Likely, be, v. i. tinyn. Liken, \'.t. whakai'ite. Likeness, n. alma; kaJma; rite- ■iit/a; aria. Likewise, ad. hoki; tvailtuki. Lime, n. kota. Limestone, n. mjako. Limp, v.i. totitoti. Line (string), n. aho'; nape; ripa. Line (row), n. kapa; raina. Lineage, .n. kaha; kaulioio; ka- wai. Linen, n. rinkna. Linger, v. i. ti-haka,roa. Lintel, n. karupe; hornpe. Lion, n. raid'sa. Lip, n. vijata. Lips, put out the, v.i. tupere. Liquid, a. teretere; kiUeretere. Liquid, n. wax. Listen, v.t. ■ivhakaroiujo. Listless, a. nyoikore ; iicikure ; icaikaaere ; ivaikorohuliu ; ko- nyeJie; aitewa; ioupiore; inaero; ta/vliefa; atiuhea; hauaitu; ko- ron,-k()re. Litter, n. anw ; whataaiuu ; kau- aino ; kaxihoa. Little, a. iioJmiolii; iti; pakit. 8ee small. Little while ago, ad. inakaara; nouaktuira ; lionanye. — while hence, houanye. Live, v.i. ora; nolio. Liver, n. ale; whanetvliane. Lizard, n. mokomoko ; iuatara; rnatara; kakariki; papa. Load, v t. uta; wliakaeke; porla. Load, n. kaiuenya; pikaa; plkav,- nya,; ivaJianya; peketua. Loadstone, n. taupo. Loam, n. onematua; tuatara. Loathsome, a. ivhakariltarUia ; ivluikarikarika ; ■weriweri ; weli- loeti. Lobe (of the ear), n. Jtoi; toke. Lobster, n. koura. Lock (of hair), n. makawe; rino- makawe. — front, n. tope. Locust, n. tatarakilii; kildkihi ; wJiitiwhiti ; maivhititvhiti. Lodge, V. i. noho. Lofty, a. teitei; tiketike; ikeike. Loin, n. J tope; tikiliopye. Loiter, v. i. whakaroa ; ivJuika- iianaive; tarioi; karioi; moiia- roa. Loll, v.i. ivhakaivhirinaki. Lonely, a. mokemoke; viehameha ; onyaouye; aroaroa; ino7'earea. Long, a. roa; liitawetawe ; tapotu; kaweka; poutiaho. — (of tlie swell of the sea), a. wltakarakau. Long Long (in time), a. huka; nahea; taro ; wlieau. Long after, v. t. tvawata : ku- wata ; hotn ; kotiohi ; ohia ; ininaini7ia; okaka. Look, V. i. titiro; tiroiiro; natia; mritciMtaki ; kaeaea. — for, V. t. rapu; rapa; kimi ; haha; auhaha; hahan ; wJiai. — sid.e"ways, v. i. ivhakakiwi; ti- tiro kotaJia. — in one direction, v. i. arotalii. — (at image in a mirror), v. i. wliaknnta. Looking-glass, n. ivhakaata. Loop, n. kurti ; koropetva; tan; taukmve; tau'po2Joia; kawei; ki- wei. — (for feet in climbing), toeke. Looped, a. kopeti; koromeke; po- rohe. Loose, be, v. i. korokoru; ham/oro; tanyoronyoro ; hanyorunyoru ; tarure; titaka; kaewa; tanya- nya; tanyatanya ; maunu; ko- tarm ; matara; tatara; latere; toko; ta.koru. — (as earth), 8. jiunyorimyorK. Loosen, v.t. whakakorokoro ; ta- kiri; ni. Lop, v.t. tope; kokoti. 8ee cut. Lord, n. ariki; ranyatira. Lost, be, V. i. nyaro ; matuJuo ; makaro. Lost property, n. paekura. 280 Maize Lot, n. rMTA. Loth, a. manawaq^a. Loud, a. nui ; nuarcma ; tanyi iiui. Love, v.t. a7'oha; koinyo ; koiioh,i; manakanaka; matemti; kuwata. — (be in love with), v.t. hiahia. Love-song, n. waiata ipo. Loving, a. mateoha. Louse, n. kutu. Low, a. hakahaka; j^^l^^i^ku; hau- raro; tautukio. — (of the tide), a. tiinu ; makau; pakora; i^C'koa; makoa; pakilui; rere. — (socially], a. ware; kuware : marahea; tutua; weweia. Lower, ad. ki raro iho. Lower end, n. kotore; renin. Lowering, a. titkrtpii. ; mokino- kino. Lucid, a. marama. Lucky, a. 7va,imarie; momoho. LiUg, v.t. huhnti; tnuliutiliuti. Lukewarm, a. puxcerau-era. Lull, n. rnarino. See calm. Lump (of earth), n. pok^irukuru; keretu; kumpei; j)ei2Ki; kere- nyeo. Lumps, in small, a. icawata. Lumpy, a. kanokano ; j>okuru- kurti.. Lungs, n. pukajnika. Lvirk for, v. t. taiiwhanya. Lying, a. hakirara. M Mackerel, n. tawatawa; teive- tewe. Mad, a. hauranyi; poranyi; ]m- reivareica. Madman, n. poranyi; hauranyi. Maggot, n. kutu kutu ; iroiro; ketokelo. Magnify, v.t. whakanui; whaka- hirihiri. Magnitude, n. nui. Maimed, a. kero. Main body (of an army), n. lua- tua. Mainland, n. fnawlienua. Maize, n. KAyi;.\; ko/xi/ii'iaJu; j>a- rata. Major Major, n. meiha. Make, v. t. hanya; whaihanya. Make-believe, v. i. whakatJtnho. Male, a. tane; tourawhi; toa. Malice, n. mauahara. Malicious, a. Tnauahara ; katve riri; whakanyakau. Mallet, n. kunt; ta. Maltreat, v. t. rurerure; tukino; whakatujnikino. Man, n. tanyata; tawhiti; tane. — old, n. kara; koro; koroheke; hakoro; koroua; karaua; pu- rakau. — "wild, n. waoko. — young, n. taitama; taitama- riki. Manage, v. t. whakahaere. Mange, n. waihakihaki. Mangrove, n. manaiva. Manifest, a. marama. Manner, n. ritenya; tu; tikanya. Manure, n. wairakau. Many, a. tini; maha; tokomaha; nui; j}io; marea; wene; jua^ere; tipatere; makiri; nyeronyero. Map, n. MAPI. Marauding band, n. whakaara; karokaro; tiora; torohe. March in close order, v.i. tuma- tohi. March, n. Maehe. Margin, n. tapia. — of cultivation, paenya, Mark, v. t. tohutoliu ; whaitohu. — (of a preserve or sacred spot), n. rahui. — on the skin at birth, n. ira. Marriage, n. tanyohanya; marena- tanga. — give in, v. t., tvhakamoe. Married •woman, n. maronui. Marrow, n. hinu wheua; roro. Marry, v. t. moe ; marena. Marshy, a. tapokopoko; repo. Marvel, v.i. miharo. See won- der. w 281 Mellow Mashed, a, penupenu; hupenu' penu; kohari; tararo; koj>aru; korenyarenya. Mast, n. reiva; rakau; lira; tiratu. Master, n. ranyatira. Mat, n. (of fine flax), kakahu; kai- taka ; kahiUaniko ; 2^(^^P<^^'>'oa. — (with thrums), koroivai; miri; jjuweru; koriraiigi ; konekeneke. — (rougli), pake, tarahau; ta- tar a; nyeri; haronya; pokeka; pora ; whanake ; werotarinya. — (closely woven), kopuku ; ptiku- puku; 2)ukoro. — (dog's skin), mahiti; mawhiti; topuni ; puahi ; jmtutu; reko. — (to lie on), taka- pau; tapau; wharariki; koaka; tienya ; tianya ; whara; porera. — (for cooked food), tapaki ; takapapa. Mate, n. lioa. Matured, a. ahuatia; pakari. Maul, n. ta; mooro. May, n. Met. Me, pron. ahau. Mealy, a. rnahunya; manyaro; mohunyahunya ; motuhanga. Mean (socially), a. tutua; ware; weweia. Meaning, n. tikanya. Measure, n. tatai; mehua. Measure (with extended arms) v.t. whang a ; whanyanya ; wharite; whatau; tatai. Meat, n. kikokiko. Meddle, v. t. rahurahu; tanyo- tanyo; hurau; raweke. Mediator, n. takawaenya. Medicine, n. ronyoa; wairakau. Meditate, v.i. whakaaro. Medium (of familiar spirit), waka. Meek, a. mahaki; waiinarie. Meet, V. t. tutaki ; whakahei ; whakatau. — (as roads), putahi. Mellow, a. ngawari; nyohenyohe ; taroma. Melon 282 Moist Melon, n. kakariki ; omoorno ; MERENGI. Melt, V, i. retva. — v. t. whaka- rewa; tuhi; kotutu; korotutu. Membrane -which covers the viscera, n. whiwhi. Memory, n. mahara. Menace, v.t. whakahoma ; rangai. Mend, v.t. hanga; tapi; tapuid. Menses, n. take. Mention, v.t. korero. — repeat- edly, takarure. Mentioned before, a. tmm ; aua. Merchandise, n. hoko. Merciful, a. tohu. Merely, ad. noa; kau. Merged, a. hanumi. Meridian, on the, a. pou])ou ; poutumaro ; tiakakahi. "M-evTY, a. hari; koa. Mesh, n. kanakana; mata; take- kenga; 2)o,pc('- Message, n. ktipu; korero. Messenger, n. knrere; kaikaiwaiu; purahorua. Meteor, n. koiiri; matakokiri. Method, n. tikangn. Middle, the, tvaenganui ; waenga- jni; waengarahi ; waenga; poka- pu; turotowaenga ; turuawaenga; turuawaenganui. Midge, n. naonao. Midnight, n.waenganuipo ; turua- po ; turuawejw ; tuaukip)o ; rangi- rveherua ; poweherita. Midst, the, n. roto. See middle. Migrate, v.i. heke. Mild, a. mahaki. Mildew, n. hekaheka ; kup)a ; puru ; rinturiniu. Mile, n. maero. Milk, n. waiu; miraka. Milk, V. t. rvhakatete. Milky juice (of plants), n. tawau. Mill, n. mira; huri. Mind, n. hinetigaro. Mine, pron. taku; toku; tahaku; tohoku; naku; noku. Minister, n. minita. Miracle, n. merekara. Mirror, n. whakaata. Miscarriage, n. materoto; take; ivJiakntahe. Mischievous, a. raukeke; rahu- rahu. Misery, n. mate; pouri. Misgive, v.i. manukanuka; ko- rapa; awangawanga ; rikarika. Mislead, v.t. whakahe;w]iakamuhu Misled, a. rarua. Miss, v.t. hemo; heke; j)ahemo. Mis-said, be, v.i. nctp>e; pakewa; tapepe. Missed out, a. hapa; ngere. Missing, a. ngaro. Missionary, n. mihanere. Mist, u. kohu; 2)ukohu; iakohu; an; rehu. Mistaken, a. he; poauau; pohehe ; ])ohetva; poA-«^?t; jyorahurahu; hori. Misty, a. anehu ; 2^unehunehu ; nuvJiango. Mistress, n. rangatira. Mix, v.t. pokepoke; po]^ ; natu; ko7iatunatio; wliakananu; ivhaka- ranu; ^vhakahanurni ; ivhaka- tvhenurni. Mixed, a. nanu; ranu; hanumi; whenumi. Moan, v.i. atirere; nguiiguru. Moat, n. awakeri; awakari; awa- rua; awamate. Mock, v.t. tawai; taunu; whaka- tau; patai. Model, n. jnikenga; tauira. Moderate, a. mahaki. Moderately, ad. iti; tahanga. Modest, porearea. Moist, a. maku ; makuku ; hau- maku; hauku; hautakri; kojnc- toitoi; ktiwaiwai; toi; towawahi ; mowai. Moisten 283 Muster Moisten, v. t. whakamakuku. Moisture, n. maku; haiiku; hmi- taku. Mole, n. iraira. Molest, v.t. ivhakatete. Money, n. moni. Month, n. marama. Monument, n. tohu. Moon, n. inaraina; ahoroa; atarau; Moonlight, n. atarau; atamarama. Moor, II. koraha. Mooring-place, n. tauranga. More, a. telalbi atu; nni alio; rahi atu. Morning, early, n. ata. Morning star, the, n. Tawera. Morrow, on the, ad. apopo; au- i')iake. Morsel, n. maramara. Mortar, n. mo at a. Mortified, a. kikohunga. Mosquito, n. waeroa; naeroa; naenae. Moss (on trees), n. kohukohu; yapapa; rhnurimu. Moth, n huhu; naonao ; purehu- rehu : purehita; j)^p6; pepeqie. Mother, n. matua tvahine ; ivhaea ; koka; tvhaerere; karawa; tiaka; whawharua. Mother-in-law, n. hungaivai; hu- na re re ; /tunarei. Moulder, v. i. waitau. Mouldy, a. heka; hekaheka; piiru; kojniru. Mound, u. toropuke; ptikepuke. Mount, v.t. eke. Mountain, v.t. viaunga; mounga. Mourn, v.t. tangi; aue; uhunga. Mournful, a. tiwerawera. Mourning, (sign of), n. taua. Mouse, n. kiore. Mouth, n. mangai; waha; ina- whera. — sides of, n. pakiwaha. — (of a I'iver), n. ngutuawa; ko- ngutuawa ; tvahajm; kuaha; pu- aha. Mouthpiece (of a calabash) n. titi. Move, v.t. neke; nuku; whaka- ueketieke ; whakakorikori. — (by entreaty), whakatara. — feet to and fro, v. i. kikaikai. — hands to and fro, v.i. aro- aroivhaki. — lips, V. i. komekome. Move, v.i. keukeu; koriko7'i; taka; nuku ; neke ; paneke ; kanekeneke; koke; koki; titaka; ngate ; nga- tete ; patete ; koni ; jjanuku ; onoi ; ngaoko. — aside, v.i. kotiti; inatataau. — (in any direction) v. i. ahu. — in a random way, v. i. hiko. — sideways, v. i. whakakoko. — stealthily, v. i. ivhakaangi; whakahengi. — swiftly, v.i. oniaki; mimiro; tere. Much, a. mii; rahi. Mud, n. paru ; paruparu; hu; kohi; oi. Muffle, V. t. whakangenengene ; whakapungenengene. Mule, n. MUERA. Mullet, n. kaiiae. Multiply, v.t. u'hakanui ; whaka- raii. Multitude, n. maka; hira; mano ; tint; hea. Mummy, n. u-liakapakoko. Murder, v.t. kokuru; ivhahtqnko ; ioichare ; kaikino. Murmur, v. i. kowhetewhete ; ko- liuniuhumu; nanu; haku; tapi- tapi; ivhakatangurii ; tvaivara. Muscle, u. uaua. Mushroom, n. harore. Musket, n. ^m. Mussel, n. kuku ; purewha ; kutai; hanea; ngupairc; kakahi. Mussel-bed, n. patiotio. Muster, v.t, tvhakataka ; tawhiu. Mutter 284 Noose Mutter, v.i. haineme; hamumu; komeme ; hawata. Mutton-bird, n. titi. Muzzle, u. ivaha; ngutu. Muzzle, v.t. whakamoka; rongo- ivaha; taparenga. My, pron. taku; toku; aku; oku. N Nail, n. titi; whao; nera. — (of finger, ic.) maikuku; mati- kuku . Naked, a. kau; tahanga; taka- hore. Name, n. ingoa. Name, v.t. hua; tajja; tua. Namely, adv. ara. Nap (of cloth), n. htongahunga. NarroAV, a. whaiti. Nation, n. iwi; haj)u; pu. Native, a. maori; tu23u. Natural, a. maori. Nausea, feel, v. i. whakapai-ntaki. Navel, n. pito. Nay, ad. kahore. See not. Neap tides, n. taitai ririki; tai kowa; tai taia. Near, a. tata; tatata; patata; tai- tata; tutata. Nearly, ad. wahi iti; me kore; me kai'i. Neck, li. kaki. — back of, n. tuta; porokaki; moua. Needed, be, v.i., matea. Needle, n. ngira. Neglect, v.t. whakarere. Neighbour, n. hoa tata. Nephew, n. iramutu; tapairu. Nest, n. otvhanga; kowhanga. Nestle, v.t. ivhakaahuru. Net, v.t. ta; takeke. Net, n. kupenga; kaharoa; ranga- tahi ; tawauwau ; kaka ; purangi ; pukoro; kukuti; tauwhatu; wha- kawliiu ; koko ; potiraka. — , hand, n. tata; tawiri; rohe; kori; toere; toemi; kape. Net, catch in a, v.t. hao. Nettle, n. ongaonga. Neutral, a. kupapa. Never, ad. kahore rawa; kihai raiva. Nevertheless, ad. he ahakoa. New, a. hou; tauhou. News, n. korero. Next day, on the, ad. ao ake; te aonga ake; auinake. Nibble, v. harangote; tongi; ti- tongi. Nice, a. reka. Niece, n. iram^utu; tapai7'u. Niggard, n. atua; atuapo; pita- kite; tohe. Night, n. po; kengo. — last, ad. inapo; nonajjo; no tenei po. Nimble, a. hohoro; kakama. See quick. Nine, a. iwa. Nineteen, a. tekau ma iwa. Ninety, a. iwa tekau; hokoiiva. Nip, v.t. kikini; kuku; pakini. Nipple, n. ?t. Nit, n. riha. No, ad. kahore; kanape. — (in answer to a negative ques- tion), ae. No more, a. heoti; heoi. Nod, v.i. tungou; manana; rutu. Noise, make a, v.t. turituri; maniania; pioro; nganga; nge; hoihoi; tihoihoi; nani. None, a. kahore. Noose, n. rore; taivhiti; kaha; koro; koromahanga; mahanga; tari. Normal 285 Old Normal, a. maori. North, n. 7-aki; raro; hauraro. North wind, n. hauraro; tapa- raro; tuaraki; koraki; karapu; kotiti ; tawaha7t,ui. North-east wind, n. pawhakarua; pakih iroa. North-w^est wind, u. hauauru- ma-raki; mauru ; mataeo; kape- kape; j)arera; hauatiu; tupatiu. Nose, n. ihu. — , lower part of, n. poniania. Nostril, n . ponyajjoriya ; potiyaihu ; poanyaanya. Not, ad. kahore; kore; kanape; kihai; kiauo; ehara; shake; hau- nya; hore; aua; auaka ; au7'aka; kaua; kanaka; kei; te. Notch, V. t. teno ; tokari; kakari; karikari;whakakarikari;pakini. Notched, a. teno. Notwithstanding, conj. ahakoa. November, n. JVoivkma. Novice, n. ihujniku; tauhou. Now, ad. aianei; inaianei; na tou; kdtahi; tenei. Nudge, v.t. tuketuke. Numerous, a. maJta; tokomaha; hira; tini. Nurse, v.t. hiki; tapuhi. — (a sick person), v.t. whakaomo- omo. Nurse, n. kai-hiki. O (vocative), int. £J. Oakum, n. tahunya. Oar, n. hoe. Oath, n. OATi. Obedient, a. nyawai'i; ronyo. Obey, v.t. ronyo. Object, v.t. whakakahore; whaka- korekore ; ivhakaepa. Oblique, a. ta; tahapa. Observe, v.t. titiro; matakitaki. Obsidian, n. tnhua; mata tuhua. Obstacle, u. taunahua; arai; tau- arai; epa. Obstinate, a. turi; tutu; keke; whakakeke ; It okeke ; houkeke ; taringa; ioio; taumaro; papa- mar o ; lioi ; motohe ; pake. Obstruct, v.t. arai; pa; taujm; haukoti ; faupare. Obtain, v. t. whiwhi. — (by flat- tering or coaxing), ene. — (by artifice), matai. Obtained, be, v. i riro. Occupation, n. mahi. Occupied, be, v.i. warea. Ocean, n. moana. Ochre, red, n. kokowai; tareha; karamea; horu. October, n. Oketopa. Octopus, n. wheke. Odd, (having no fellow), a. tautahi. — number, n. hara; koha ; punya ; tauJiara; tuma. Odd portion of measure of length, n. hau. Odour, n. kakara; haunya; mono- mono. Of, (belonging to), prep. a;o; 7ia; no Offence, n. hara; he. Offend, V. t. tunuliuruhuru. Offensive, a. anuanu; harehare ; mataliarehare ; weriweri; mani- nohea; koeo. Offering, n. th-i; whakahere. Office, n. mahi. Officer, n. apiha. Offspring, n. uri; whanau; momo. Often, ad. auau. Oh, int. 0. Oil, n. hinu; noni. Old, a. tawhito; tuaranyi; auki; ukiuki; aweko; pakoko. Old 286 Overcome Old man, n. koroheke; koroua; kara; karaua; kopura; purakau. — "wom-an, n. kuia; ruwahine; hupeke. — person, n. pona; kaumahta; koeke. Oraen, ill, n. aitua. Ominous, a. aitua. Omit, v.t. kape. Omnipotent, a. kaha rawa. On, prep, ki runga i; i; ki; a; hei; no. Once, ad. tuatahi. One, a. tahi; ngataliure. Onion, n. riki. Only, ad. anake; anahe; kau; tonu. — child, n. huatahi. Onwards, ad. ake; atu. Ooze, V. i. toto; pati; ^:>ffl^;i; 2npi. Open, a. hamama; puare; poare; mawhera; tawhera; tuwhera; kowhera; matatawha; niatanui; matata; raha; koraha ; poaha. Open, v.t. whakapuare ; tvhewhera ; whakatuwhera ; huaki; uaki; tiwhaki. Open country, n. koraha; korehe; j)arae; tahora; raorao. Opening, n. puta: tomokanga. Openly, ad. matamd; tamitami. Ophthalmia, n. ^j^a^^a/iewa; tore- iore. Opinion, n. whakaaro. Opportunity, a. wa. Oppose, v.t. whawhai; arai; atete; kairiri. Opposite, a. anganui; hangai; ai'onui; taurite. Opposite side, (of river, &c.), n. tawahi ; tarawahi. Oppress, v.t. whakawhiu; whaka- tina; where; whakawhere; ta- taini. Oppressed, a. taimaha; taurnaha. Oppressive, a. taitahae ; nanakia; wliakatina. Or, conj. ranei; raina. Oracle, n. kaupapa. Oration, n. korero; whai-korero; taki. Orator, n. pu-korero. Ordain, v.t. whakarite. Order, v.t. tapa; unga; tono; ngare; 7/jhakahau ; tautajya. Order, put in, v.t. whakapai. Origin, n. timatanga; take ; putake. Ornament for the neck, n. hei; heitiki. Ornamental, a. whakapaij)ai. Orphan, n. pawi. Oscillate, v. i. pAupiu ; kopiupiu. Other, the, pron. tera; tera atu. Otherwise, ad. 2Jenei. Our, pron. to taua; ta taua; to maua; ta maua; to tatou; ta tatoti; to rnatou; ta matou. Ourselves, pron. taua; maua; tatou; matou. Out, ad. ki waho. — of breath, a. hemanawa. — of patience, a. hoha; hoke- hokea. — of regular sequence, a. ti- jjaopao; tipoka2Joka ; kohikohiko. — of the way, a. tawhio. , keep oneself, v. i. tuohu. Outermost, a. waho rawa. Outside, the, n. waho. Oven, n. liangi; umu; hapi; ho^n; tajn; tapipi; tojnjn; karahu; tarahu; kohua; konao; kopa; kori; okeoke; tawatu; tonihinihi ; tungiiu7igi; oumu. Over, prep, ki runga i; ma runga i; &c. Overawed, a. hopohopo. Overbearing, a. hakiki; ivhaka- tuanui. Overcast, a. koipuipu; kongu; koruki; kowhanga ; pohuhn, ; tau- puru; topuni; tukupu. Overcast sky, n. kekeao. Overcome, be, v.i. mate; taea; wherea; parangia; ^jcijaa; tinil. Overflovr 287 Partner Overflow, v.i. huri; puke; io- rena; purena; engaenga; ko- reiuidveyiga ; 'ugawha ; tnka. Overgro"wn, a. nrurua; hururiM ; tnlica; rango ; muluu. Overhang, v.i. taurvhare. Overhanging, a. areare; tau- inaramarto. Overlap, v.i. inaki. Overlay, v.t. ])ajjarua. Overload, v.t. whakawhiu; whaka- tiiia. Overlook, v.t. tirotiro. Overpo"wered, be, v.i. ;;ari te ihu. Overspread, v.i. horapa. Overtaken, be, v.i. rokolianga; i-()kohi)t(i ; itutu. Overthrow, v. t, huri; hua; p>oro- huri. Overturned, be, v.i. tahuri; tu- 2>oporo; poroteteke ; potcteke. Owl, 11. koukou; ruru. Own, a. ake (after a possessive). Owner, n. tangata umia. Ox, n. OKI HA. Oyster, n. tio; ngakihi. Pace to and fro, v.i. rere; toiha. Pack, v.t. takai; kohi; whakata- kupe. — in small compass, v. t. ruku- Packet, n. takai. Pad, n. whakapuru ; paretua ; tupa. Pad, v.t. matata; whakapuru. Paddle, n. hoe; hirau. ■ — steering, n. iirungi; urunga. Paddle, v.t. hoe; tarau. Page, n. wharangi. Paid, be, v.i. ea. Paid for, be, v.i. ea; rite. — — , not, a. tarewa. Pail, n. PEERK. Pain, n. inamae. Pain, be in, v.i. mamae; koloari- hari. Painful, a. mamae; matengatenga. Paint, v.t. ^xwii; ta. Paint, n. peita. Pair, n. pu; tojni; 2>urua. Pairs, in, a. 2)unarua. Palatable, a. reka; apuajm. Palate, n. ngao; jnkiarero; tako. Pale, a. 7na; koma; kotea; horotea; tuatea. Paling, n. wana; kawawa; wawa. Palm tree, n. nikau; miko; muka; munga. Palm (of the hand) n. paro; kapu; kajninga. Palsy, n. pararutiki. Pant, v.i. ma2)u ; tare; huatare; ])uka; kiha; whakaeaea; hotu; whakahotuhot u ; kahekahe. Pap, 11. u. Papa, n. 2^(^2>(^> matua. Paper, n. 2)iika2nika ; pepa. Paper-mulberry, n. aufe. Papillae (on the skin), n. tara; huahua. Paradise-duck, n. jmtangitangi ; jnUangitangiatama ; 2)utangita- ngiafoa. Parch, V. t. ttmu. Pare, v.t. tihore; tipi. Parent, n, matua. Paroquet, n. kakai-iki ; jwwhaitere. Parrot, n. kaka; 2}erua. Parry, v.t. karo. Part, n. wahi. Participate, v.i. uru. Parting words, n. koha ; jjoroaki ; poroki. Partly filled, a. takere. Partner, n. hoa. Party Party, n. ope; pahi; rahinga; uejju; whana. See company. Pass, n. a^nti; kapiti. Pass a'way, v.i. memeha. — behind, v.i. atvhe; nunumi. — by, v.i. pahure; hori; taha; heino; paheino; pahika; tahajja; hipa; ririu. — v. t. kape. Pass near, v. i. wa7ii ; miri ; hohoni; konihi. — through, V. i. puta. Passage, n. ara; putanga. Passed by, be, v.i. hapa; ngere. Past, be, v.i. niahue; pahure; pahemo; hori. Pat, v.t. pakipaki; popo. Patch, n. pajyaki; tapiri; tapi; hoi. — (small area), n. tiwha; ap>ure; purepitre. Patchwork, n. kuira. Path, u. ara; whakatika. Patient, a. manawanui. Pattern, n. tauira; ritenga; 2>u- kenga. Pause, v.i. okioki; tu. Pay for, v.t. whakaea; utu. Payment, n. utu. Peace, n. rongo; rangimarie, — , make, v. i. hohou i te rongo. Peaceful, a. rangatira; rangima- rie; marie. Peacemaker, n. kai-hohou rongo; takawaenga. Peach, n. pititi. Peak, n. keo; keokeonga ; tar a. — (of a cap), n. pare. Peaked, a. keokeo. Pebble, n. kirikiri; kohatu. Peck, v.t. timo; tongi; titongi. Pedigree, n. tahuhu; tahu; ka- wai; kawei. Peel, n. kiri; hiako; tangai; ta- peha; peha; horehore. Peel, v.t. tihore; horehore; pao- pao ; pangunungunu. Peeled, be, v.i, mahore ; mahihore; liahore; titupu; whakatako. 288 Pestie Peep, v.i. tirotiro; matakitaki. Peg, n. jjoupou; tia; tirau. Pelt, v.t. epa ; hoa ; kuru ; whakuru. Pen, or pencil, n. pene. Penetrate, v.i. ngoto. Penguin, n. korora. Penis, n. nre; tara; tehe. People, n. iwi; huiiga; tangata; whana; miinga. Pepper, n. pepa. Perceive, v.t. kite; maori. Perch, n. taunga; pae; mutu; tutu; rongohua ; tuhunga. Perfect, a. tika; rite tonu. Perform, v.t. mahi. Perhaps, ad. joea. Perish, v.i. mate; memeha; tipoko. Permanent, a. tuturu; tu2Ju; take- take ; 2^'^^^(^'^j tumau; whai; tiwai. Permit, v.t. tuku. Perpendicular, a. tu tonu; pou- pou. Perplexed, be, v.i. raru; ku- raruraru; 2>okeka; j^onana; po- rahurahu; whakatuatea; tua- rangara7iga. Persecute, v.t. whakatoi. Persevere, v.i. tohe; tautohe; kawe; whaiwhairoroa. Person, n. koro; tahae; tahake; koroke; kiko. — employed in anything, n. kai, followed by a verb. Perspiration, n. kakawa; tota; tokakawa. Persuade, v.t. kukume; whaka- wai. See beguile. Pertinacious, a. tohetohe. Perverse, a. tutu; aweke; whaka- tete. Pervert, v.t. whakariro-ke ; whaka- tapeha. Pest, n. nanakia; autaia; taita- hae. Pestilence, n. mate uruta. Pestle, n. kuru; ^jaoi. Pet 289 Plunder Pet, n. maimoa; mokaikai. Phlegm, n. mare; kea. Phosphorescent substance, n. Jiinatore ; puratoke. Physic, n. 7-ongoa; wairakau. Pick out, v.t. tvhiriwhiri; kowhiri; kape; karo; tikaro ; hikaro; ko- ivhitiwhiti; komiri; kowae. Piece, n. wahi; maramara ; viiiu. Pieces, take to, v. t. tukihiki. Pied, a. opure. Pierce, v.t. tvero; poka; tui. Pierced, a. 7igangengange. Piercing, a. tio. Pig, 11. roAKA; kuhukuhu. Pigeon, n. kukupa; kuku; keretu. Pile, V. t. puranga. See heap. Pillow, n. ui'unga. Pilot, n. kai-tirungi. Pimple, n. huahua; kiritona. Pimples, be covered -with, v. i. jxipata; 2i<^t'(^- Pin, 11. PINE. — (for fastening a mat), n. au. Pinch, v.t. pakini; kikini; kara- piti; nanati; nonoii. Pinchers, n. kuku. Pinched with cold, a. huiki. Pine away, v. i. hiangongo. Pipeclay, n. taioma. Pit, n. rua; pokorua; korna; via- rua; poka; waro. — (for storing kumara, ifec), rua; hapoki ; hapoko ; hojiekitvi ; ko- piha; korotangi. — (of the stomach), n. waha o te ate. Pitfall, n. pokere. Pity, n. aroha. Pity, v.t. aroha. Place, n. wahi. • — of departed spirits, n. po; reinga. — , out of, a. tuwa. Place, V. t. paiiga ; rnaka ; 7vai- ho ; whakanoho ; whakatakoto ; whakatu; tvhiu. Place one upon another, v. tvhakapapa; whakapipi; tapae; tiri. — on board (a canoe, u ; iraiaua ; upokohue. Portage, n. toanga-waka. Porter, n. kai-amo; kai-jnkau. Portion, n. wahi; tutanga. Position, n. turanga; takotoranga. Possess, V. whiuiki. Possessing, a. tvhai. Possible, be, v.i. taea; ahei. Post, n. 2)ou; tiirtipou; take; turi; tiki. — supporting middle of ridge- pole, poutokumanaiva. Posteriors, n. reran; ton. Potato, n. kapana; parareka; ri- wai ; Idwai ; taiawa ; ]>arete ; jmpaka; ropi. — , seed, tiimku. — , sweet, kumara. Pot-bellied, a. pickmvheti. Pother, n. jmngere. Pound, v.t. paoi; kuru; tiiki. Pound, n. pa una. Pour, v.t. riringi; tahoro. Pout, v.i. taperu; ho. Powder, n. pmeJiu; paura. Power, 11. mana; kaha; maru. Powerless, a. miere; rora. Practice, n. ritenga. Praise, v. t. whakapai ; moeniiti; 11-hakninoemiti. Pray, v.t. inoi. Prayer, n. inoi. Preach, v. t. kauwhau. Precious, a. utunui; matahiapo; jmiaki. Precipice, n. pari. Precise, a. pn; tino. Pregnant, be, v.i. h((pu; aJnia ; to. Prepare, v.t. taka; takatu; taka- tahi.. — for cooking, ta'}bte. Prepared, a. takatu. Preposterous, a. haraki. Present, n hakari; whakahere; koJia. — to bride's relations tapaku- wlia. — in return, n. pehipehi; whaka. Present time, up to, ad. mohoa iioa ■nei; vioroki noa 7iei. Present, v.t. tapae. Presently, ad. aknanei; aianei; taihoa; takaro; kia toka. Preserve, v. t. rah^ii; rongoa ; tohu. Press, v.t. ])ehi; tami; tamoe. — (to do anything), v.t. tohe; kor kari; akiaki. Pretext, n. takunga ; whakata- riinn. Pretty, a. ataahua. Prevent, v.t. arai; taupa. Prey, n. ^^a9-a^eie ; parurenga ; ori. Price •291 Pulled off Price, n. utu; ritenga. Prick, v.t. oka; loero; timo. Prickly, a. oiiyaoiu/a ; koikoi; ta- nititni; kdftivd; tiotio. Pride, u. ivlKikupclidjii'lKt. Priest, u. arlkl; iohiDtija. Print, v.t. la: vKiiiuii. Printer, ii. kai-ta. Prison, n. ivhare-harehere. Prize, v.t. kahu/aknu. Proceed, v.i. iKwri': ivltano; trhai. Sec go. Procreate, v.t. ai. Procure (by sepking), v.t. hnhn. Produced, be (as a crop), v.i. pa. Producing no food, a. taitaia- lieiK/ii. Productions of the earth, n. )iiau. Progeny, u. uri; whanau; aita- '",'/"■ Project, v.i. purero; toliira. Projection, n. nyao; puku; koto- kofo. Prolific, a. tikorua. Promise, n. kiijju 'ivhakaari ; ki taurangi. Promontory, n. rae; kurae; ku- morc; fitrouka; tumu. See headland. Prompt, be, v.i. takaniti. Pronounce, v.t. ivltakalma. Proof, n. toll a ; ichakaponutanga. Prop, n. tokomanga ; uelca ; tau- teka. Prop, v.t. taiUoko. Propel with a pole, v. t. toko ; titoko. Proper, a, tika. Property, n. hanga; taonga; ra- wa; taputapu; ngerengere. Prophet, n. PQRorrn. Propitiate, v. t. whakaporepore ; 7vhaka}iere, ; whaknmarie. Propitiatory offering, n. whaka- here. Propose, v.i. taka lahakatcro ; taka maliiira. Propound (for di.scussion), v.t. ■inlntkalit: Prostrated, be, v.i. Jiorotete. Prosy, a. aniiki; aiUaki. Protect, V. t. tiaki. Protrude, v. i. patera ; ichakarae ; iclii'i'erei. Proud, a. inlMkapehapelia; whaka- hihi ; ivJiakakake ; whakatama- taina. Prove, v.t. ?i^Iiakamataii. Proverb, ii. irliakafanki. Provisions, n. kai; o : p07vJ/iri- fchiri. Provoke, v.t. jiafai ; jMtari ; tari- tari; wliakafari ; nhakapatari- tari; ene ; takitaki; whnkaka- rangirangi ; ivhakatina ; taiki; tapPAia.. Prow, n. ili^h. Prudent, a. whakaaro. Prune, v.t. kokofi. Psalm, 11. ivaiata. Pshaw, int. hi. Pubes, 11. ]mke. Publican, n. itvirikana. Public, a. ■niti ; marake. Publish, v. t. panui. Pudding, make into a, v.t. rona. Pudenda muliebria, n. teke; toke. Puff (of wind), 11. purekereke. Puling, a. koroinyoingo. Pull, v.t. kukume ; to. — about, V. t. rnJiurahu ; tango- fdiigo: ))inkif(t'iitm ; raukeke. — against one another, v.i. tau- ivhatoto. — off, V.t. wim. — one another's hair, v.t. tau- hutihuti; liuhnti. — up, v.t. huhati; karikari; ko- ivhiti; raiiga; Jtuaranga. — the trigger (of a gun), v.t. kea. Pulled off, be, v,i. maunu. Pulpy 292 Pulpy, a. pepe; kopepe; tahoho; j)U]>uru; 7nohun(/a. Pulverize, v. t. whakanehu; tapa. Pumice, n. pungnpunga ; tahoata. Pumpkin, n. pavkena. Pungent, a. tangeo; kanekane. Punished, be, v. i. ngahingahi ; ngaxvld. Pupil, n. akonga; iauira. — (of the eye), n. whatu; whatu- pango ; karujymigo. Purchase, v.t. hoko. Pure, a. ma; purotu; toari; pi- ata; purata. Purif^", V. t. whakama; mea kia ma. Purple, a. papura. Purpose, V. i. whakaaro ; korou; mea; ki. Purpose, to no, ad. maumau ; noa; hua-kore. Purse, n. PAHi. Purse up, V. t. kuknti. Pursue, v.t. am; whai. Quite Purulent, a. taematuku. Pus, n. jnfau. Push, V. turaki; ^j««a; kopana; uaki; hoe; tatau. — one's way (through bushes, itc), V. i. muJiu. Put, V. viaka. See place. — in, v.t. kokomo; whawhao. —on (garments), v.t. kakahu; ko- komo. — on board (a ship or canoe), v. t. nta. — out (extinguisli), v.t. tinei. — out (hs the tongue), v. t. wha- tero; tchetero. — together, v. t. tungutungutu ; ttitakitaki; ungutu; whakawha- iti, — side by side, v.t. rqnfA; kara- piti. Putrefy, v. i. kikohunga. Putrid, a. pirau ; i ; pihonga ; meto. Q Quack, V. i. keke. Quadruped, n. kararehe; kuri. Quake, v. i. iciri; hungoingoi ; Jnioioi; ngajni; tuliauiviri. Quail, n. koitareke ; hnitareke ; koreke ; kokoreke. Quantity, n. niaha; nui. Quarrel, n. pakanya; riri; whai- nga ; ^cheinga. Quarrel, v. i. whatvhai ; tatau; riri; ngangare; kakari ; kai- kiri ; totolie ; ivliakanelienelie ; ivhakanene ; ivhakaniJioniho ; tve- kiki; wawau; lohakatete. Quarrelsome, a. pukuriri; pa- ktiin. Quartz, n. mata. Queen, n. Ki'ii^i. Quench, v.t. tinei, Question, v.t. ni; patai; pakiki. Quick, be, v. i. hohnro; kakama; Jiauhau; hihiko; ka,pekapetaii ; tangatanga ; kautangatanga ; ta- ianga ; nahan; ngaliau; nga- wari; pekepeke; tuliaaa ; ivhaka- maroro; tere; taheke; tatara ; rangatalii. Quicken, v.t. ivhakalioJioro ; ivha- k(i'iu/(t?va7'i; ivhakaliaiihait, tkc. Quiet, a. marie ; rangh)wrie ; aliuaicaima.rie; mahaki ; rata ; taknpe. Quiet, v.t. whakamarie; tchaka- raruta. Quill, n. hokai. Quince, n. kuini. Quite, ad. aia; rawa; tonu; ton; tino ; ke; noa; marire. Race 293 Recite Race, n. momo; %iri. Racy, a. tataki. Radius (<>f the arm), n. apiti. Raft, n. kahupapa ; mokihi ; tnoki. Rafter, n. heke; nehe; oka. Rag, n. pakarii kakahu; karu- kmni; tawhetawhe; nyetanyeta ; petapeta. Ragged, a. kuhakuha ; ruharuha; tnivhetarvhe ; petapeta. Raging, a. riri ; aritarita ; nanau ; ivJiakanauau ; nana ; nguha ; mpahu; ruta; rutu. Rail, n. tn7i(jotan(/o ; huahua: kaho ; roau; reri. Rain, n. ua; awlia; patajKttaia- wha. — , light, n. kouaua. — "water, n. rvai pataua. Rain, v.i. ua. — heavily, v.i. zvhakaretvai. Rainbow, n. aniivaniwa; kalm- knra ; ouenukn. Raise, v. t. hapai ; tvhakaara ; tvhakaikeike ; ^>aiA'eiA;e ; riaki ; rang a; hi. ■ — by a lever, v. t. hna. Raised, be, v.i. ikeike; maienyi; maianyi; niorunya; rewa; ina- rewa ; tareiva ; tairanga ; ra- nyai; mahtia. — (as du8t), tufu. Rake, n. rakurakn ; rakaraka. Ram, v.i. tuki; papa. Random, at, ad. noa. Rank, n. kapa ; aroakapa ; ra- ranyi. Rankle, v.i. horu. Ransom, n. utu. Rap, v.t. kuru; papaki; patuki. Rapid, a. tere. Rapid, 11. au; puaii ; taheke. Rare, a. puiaki; tuatiru. Rash, a. hikaka. Rat, n. More; niaunyarua; hina- moki; rir'oi. Rate of ro'wing, n. waihoe. Rather, ad. enyari; cranyi. Rattle, v.i. tatangi; patato. Rave, v.i. ha^iranyi; poi'angi; liarvata; rupahii. Raw, a. mata; torouka; kaimata; piUoto; whakarae; tonganga; kaiota. Ray, 11. hilii; ihiihi; toko; lira. Rays, emit, v. i. tara ; tvliaka- ■ivanarvana. Razor, n. heu ; rama. Reach, v.i. tupono; tae; pa. — (to the bottom), v.i. tatu; ta- 2)atu; tajjotit,. — (its limit), v.i. tuhcki. — , out of, a. aweawe; tapu. Reach (witli tbeliand),v.t. whaka- toro; wliatoro. — (with a stick), v.t. rou; tirou. Read, v.t. korero; panui. Ready, be, v.i. takatu. Reap, v.t. kokoti. Rear, v.t. ivhakafupu; whangai. Rear, n. hiku; muri. — , be in the, v.i. tauJiik2i. Reason, u. take; putake; tikanga. Rebel, v.i. ivhana. Rebuke, v.t. riri; whakahe. Receive, v.t. tango. Recent, a. hoii. Recently, ad. inakuara; nona- k'uara. Receptacle for the dead, n. pouraka; tvaka tujiajxiku. Recite, v.t. whakahua; rorongo; taki ; takifaki. — legends, v.i. kauwhau; whaka- papa. Recite 294 Rent Recite genealogies, v.i. whaJca- moe ; whakatakoto. Reckon, v.t. tatmi. Recognize, v.t. mohio; mataii. Recoil, v.i. wliana. Recollect, v.t. mahara. Reconnoitre, v.t. arohi ; ioro ; tutei. Recount, v.t. tatau. Recovered, a. riro mat. Recriminate, v.t. whakmvmva. Red, a. ivhero; toioliero; kura- wliero ; ura ; kura ; mahirakura ; 2)akurakiira ; jtaka; jxikaka ; nga- ngana ; nonokura ; waiarangi. Red hot, a. kaka ; miramira ; ratarata. Red ochre, n. kokowai; tareha; horn ; (akoti ; karamea. Reddish, a. makurakura ; p^t- tvhero ; wheroivheo'o. Redeem, v.t. hoko. Redeemer, n. kai-hoko. Reduce (in size), v.t. runa. Reed, n. knkahn. Reflected light, n. kohikn. Refractory, a. Manga; tutio. Refresh, v.t. tvhakahanhaa ; whakalinuora ; ivhakaliouhoiij. Refreshing, a. hauliau; Itouliou. See cool. Refreshment, n. paramanawa. Refuge, n. omaiiga; 2>iringa. Refuse, v.t. 2Mopao; whakanau; whakakahore ; wliaka2)arali ako ; whakapeka; meko; tohe. See reject. Refuse, n. nganga — (of a meal), kainya. — (of flax leaf), para- koka; pitkaha; Jiaronga ; ]ntreke. Regard, token of, n. maioha. Regardless, a. taakuware. Regiment, n. hapu hoi a. Region, n. pae ; tvaha ; wa ; whaitua. Regretful, a. aroha ; konohi ; maiiawapa, awhitu. Reign, v.i. kingi. Reject, v.t. whakarere ; tvhaka- khio ; whakahoe ; whakapara- hako; akiri. Rejected, toe, v.i. 7'ere. Rejoice, v.i. hari; koa; ivhaka- manamana. Relation, n. wlianauriga ; huanga; uri; tahu; kanokano; epeepe ; eweeive. — (toy marriage), kaireperepe ; pakuivJba ; tapaknivha. Relax, v.t. ivltakakorokoro ; tuku- tiikn. Relaxing, (as heat), a. jMrore; 7'orerore. Relay, n. tanga. Release, v.t. tukii. Relic, n. alia. Relieve, v.t. whakahirihiri ; awhi- na; whakakapi. Religion, or religious service, n. karakia. Relished, toe, v.i. rekaina. Reluctance, shew, v.i. oioi. Reluctant, a. whakakumu; ivliaka- tiaua ; wheuaua ; manatihea ; manaioapa. Rely, v.i., okioki; whakawhiri- tuiki ; wJiakahiJiiri. Remain, v.i. toe. — (stay in a place), v.i. noho. Remainder, n. toenga. Remains (of food), n. manga; toenga. Remark, n. knpu; korero. Remedy, n. rongoa. Rememtoer, v.t. mahara. Remind, v.t. ivJiaka mahara. Remnant (of an army or tribe), n. morehu ; toenga; momohanga ; tvhakamakere ; morea. Remorse, n. pouri. Remove, v.i. haere; heke ; whati; maiki. Rent, toe, v.i. ngahae; motu; 2)akaru; piakohu. Repair 295 Ringw^orm Repair, v. t. hanga; moanarua; uru; tawake. Repeat, v. t. iuarun ; tarua ; /iiinui; j'O'pdTua; whanga. Repent, v.i. hipknkta. Replace, v.t. 7vhakahoki. Reply, V. t. loliakahoki kujju ; iclidkn. Report, make a, v.i. pa/pa. Repress, v.t. )>rJii; tavii; tamoe; kori'jicJiii : ivJiakamoi'oki. Reproach, v.t. taivai; tau7iu. Reprove, v.t. riri. Reptile, n. ngararn. Repulsive, a. viaiditohca. Requited, be, v.i. ea; hei. Request, v.t. ki; iytoi. Resemble, v.i. ahuahua; ahuka- Imkn ; ariaria; awhitvhiwhi. Resem.blance, n. ahua ; kahua; rifengn; aria. Resentment, shew, v.i. takarita. Reserve, v.t. tvaiho; tohu;rongoa Residence, n. kainga; whare; poitakakhva. Resin, n. kapna; ware; mapara. Resinous wood, n. kapara; ma- para. Resist, v.t. v:hawhai; riri; atete. Resolute, a. maro; uaria. Resound, v.i. jmko; pakil; paoro. Respect, n.koha; whakaaro/kohia. Respect, v.t. manaaki; whakaaro. Respire, v.i. whakaea; nga; ta. Rest, v.i. okioki; tau; taupua. Rest (sup])ort), n. pae. Resting-place, n. taumata; oki- okinga. Restless, a. okeoke ; tahiirihuri ; oliooho; karangi; ngaio; rika; whakariuka. Restore, v.t. whakalwki. Restrain, v.t. puptcri; pehi; koro- j)ehu; here; tvhakatina ; whaka- ita; nanati. — one's feelings, v. i. rvhaka- tonga. Restrained, be, v.i. mau. Result, n. tukunga iho. Retch, v.i. putaiietane. Retire, v.i. hoki. Return, v.i. hoki. — frequently, v. i. hokihoki ; inarfiniire. Return, v.t. zvhakahoki. Return, u. utu; pehipehi; whaka. Reveal, v.t. tvhakakite, whaka- punki; ii^haki; Jbura. Revelling, a. ururua. Revenge, v.t. ngaki; takitaki; ra/j>u utii. Revenge, n. ibtu; rapunga utu; uto. — , object of, n. uto; ito. Reverberate, v.i. paoro. Reverence, v.t. hopohojw. Revile, v.t. taunu; tawai; patai. Revive, v.t. tvhakahauora. Revived, a. hauora. Revolve, v.i. taka. Reward, n. utu. Rib, n. vara; taiki; kaokao. Rice, n. raiht. Rich, a. nioniona; whai taonga. Riddle, n. kai. See sieve. Ridge, n. kaweka; hiwi; kahiwi; ttoatua; tutuatanga; tau; tau- kaka; kaka; kauki; taukauki; pae; tawa. Ridgepole, n. tahiihu; tauhu; tahu. Ridges, parallel, n. ivakawaka. Ridicule, n. tautiu; tawai. Right, a. tika; totika. Right hand, n. matau; katau. Rigid, (of the hair), a. puhihihihi. Righteous, a. tika. Rim, n. ngutu; niao. Rind, n. hiako; kiri; peha; tapeha; tangai. Ring, n. kapa; 2)orowhita; mo- whiti; korojjewa; poria; takaore; RINI. Ringworm, n. inuna; patito. Rip 296 Rip, v.t. 2Jftu>hara. Ripe, a. maoa; niaoka; maonga; pe ; nyoungou ; tangorcngou ; tangorungoru ; tangongo. Ripped, a. pohaha; pawhara. Ripple, n. kare; puau; ma2)u- najnina. Rise up, v.i. ara ; maranga ; whakatika ; matika ; matike ; tutu; maea; puea; whakataira- ngaranga ; hapai ; iakitaki ; wlhakapuke. — (as the sun), rere. Rival, v.i. tawhai. See vie. River, n. awa. Road, n. huarahi; huanui. Roam, v.i. taka; takawhaki. Roar, v.i. rara; iangi; wawa. Roast, v.t. tunu; rangirangi ; pa- rahtmuhtmu ; 2)arangun7J,. — slightly, v.t. u)hakaauau. — (on a spit), v.t. hukihuki. Roia, v.t. pahua. See plunder. Rock, n. kowhatu; kamaka; toka; teko ; papa; purei. Rock to and fro, v.t. whaka- pioioi. Rod, n. rakau. Roe (of a fish), n. hakari; hua; pe; pewa. Roll, v.i. hurihuri; taka; taka- huri; takaoioi; takaoyiori. Roll, v.t. hurihuri; whakataka; 2nrori. — into a bundle, v.t. ;ma. Roller, n. neke; ra^igo; ngaro. Romp, v.i. toa. Roof, n. tuanui; moana. — overhanging a gable, n. peru. — of the mouth, n. pikiarero; ngao. Room, n. takiwa; wa; wahi; rum a. Root, n. 2^'U'take; take; aka; paki- aka; 2)ci,i(^ka. Root, v.t. ketu. Rootlet, n. akaaka; weri; weuweu. Root out, v.t. huhuti; unu. Rustld Rope, n. whakaheke; taura; ra- hiri; kaha; hutihuti; ^?ae. Ropy, a. tataki. Rotten, a. ^:>M'rt?* ; piraha^i ; koko ; po2)o; kuruj}02}0 ; manumanu; manunianua ; para. Rotten "wood, n. 2'>'^'''korukoru. Rough, a. ongaonga ; taratara; jyurvharawJiara. — (as the sea), a. ngarungaru ; karekare; piohe. Roughly, treat, v.t. atete. Round, a. 2^orotaka; 2Mtakataka. Round about, a. awheo ; awhio ; taiawhio ; tawhio ; taka ; taka- awhe ; autaki. Round, go, v.t. taawhe; whawhe; taka; whakataka; umiki. — be travelled, v.i. taawhe. Rouse, v.t. whakaara ; whakaoho. ROTV, n. rarangi ; ka2ya ; aroaka2)a; tira; t^itira. Row, v.t. hoe. Rub, v.t. rniri; komiri ; muru ; komuru; mukumuku ; kanikani; ukui; 2^o,'>'uru; taruru; hika. Rubbish, n. otaota; kapurangi; tahinga; jyara tahinga. Rudder, n. uruugi; urunga. Ruffled, (in temper), reoreoa. Rule, n. tikanga. Rumble, v.i. haruru ; ngunguru ; koko; wawa; wheoro. Rumble, n. whakarurunga. Run, v.i. rere; oma; turere; karehe; matika. — avray, v.i. tahuti; tawhiti. — over, v.i. huri : torena ; 2)urena; 2)uhake. — through, v.i. komama; heke. Runner, n. kawe; kawai; kawei. Rupture, n. whaturama. Rush, v.i. amo ; huaki; whakaeke. — (as wind), kari; keri; pukeri. Rush (a plant), n. wiwi. Rust, n. waikura; parariki. Rustle, v.i. ngahehe; ngaehe ; wawara. Sabbath 297 Scarify Sabbath, u. hapati. Sack, 11. fEKi<:. Sacrament, u. UAKAKAMnrA. Sacred, a. tapu; rahui. Sacred place, u. tuaahu; uruahu; (iJtii)-eira; ivahitapu; parapara. Sacrifice, n. ^;«/?wiya tapu. Sad, a. pouri; niato/pouri; kiiva- kiica ; tiwhatuvha. Saddle, n. noliomuja hoiho; tera. Safe, a. ora. Safeguard, n. viarii. Safety, ora; oranya. Sail, n. ra; komaru; niamartc; whakawhiti; whara. — , set, v.i. retva; manu. Sail, v.i. rojT. — together, v.i. kariri. — along coast, v.t. haumiri. — close to the wind, v.i. ngo- n'i<'; korero; tataku. Scab, u. paku. Scabbed, a. tongako. Scalfolding, n. rangitajni,. Scalded, be, v.i. wera. Scalled-head, n. jjatito. Scale, n. inohi; unahi. Scapula, n. papaahuahua. Scar, n. natve; nawenga; maki; mona. Scarce, a. onge; moti; puhore ; mokorea ; paparoa. Scare, v.t. whakahaehae; whaka- wehi. Scarify, v.t. haehae. Scarlet 298 Seine Scarlet, a. whero. Scatter, v.t. titari;hahu; tihahu- h ah II, ; whakakorakora ; rui ; wliakamarara ; heuheu; hoehoe; rure. Scattered, be, v. i. heuheu; ma- heu; paoa ; mnrara ; korara; tirara; tirangaranga ; tirango- rango ; kateatea; mahora ; ta- koha; tvawa; tvatvd. Scent, emit, v.i. kakora; tiare; fiere ; hatmga; jjawapawa. Schism, n. wehewehenga. Scholar, n. akonga. School, n. KURA. — , (of whales), n. kauika. Scissors, n. kutikuti. Scoff at, v.t. taunu; ta/vai; paiai. Scold, v.t. riri; 7vhakangutu- 7igutfi; whaurau; kowhete. Scoop, v.t. tikaro; koko. Scorch, v.t. rangirangi; hunu- hunu; torotoro ; hahana. coriae, n. rangitoto. Scoundrel, n. taurekareka. Scour, V. i. horoi. Scout, n. tutei; titei; tutai. Scrap, n. toenga : tapahanga ; motuhanga ; mm'amara; kuha. Scrape, v.t. rakuraku; tvha- wharo; wharowharo ; tahitahi; titvari ; ivani ; 7varu,ivaru ; pakeke; haro; katihoro ; kauoroi; tuakuku; haraktcku; hakuku. — out, V. t. oj^e. Scratch, v.t. natu; rakaraka; rakuraku ; ope; nanaku; rarapi. — one another, v. t. taurapirapi. Scream, v. i. tangi ; koekoe ; nyoengoe; tiwe. Screen, n. arai; patu; hoka; pahoka; hua; rianga ; pakiika; papatu. Screen, v.t. arai; tauarai; ^;a; whakamarumaru ; wkakaruru ; ri ; rohi. Scribe, n. kai-tuhituhi. Scrofula, n. j^uku; pukaki; j)oka- poka. Scrub, v.t. horoi; ukuikui; muku- muku. Scud, n. ao rere,; jmroro. Sculk, v.i. piri. Scull, v.t. ue; koueue. Sea, n. nioana; tai. Sea-breeze, n. muritai; whaka- rua ; hau moana ; mawake; mdtdriki; jiatokatoka; pitatd; hikaiiui. Sea-coast, n. tatahi; tahatai; takutai; ta])atai; akan. Sea-ear, n. ^mua; marapeka; ko- roritrJi a. Sea-urchin, n. kina. Seal, n. kekeno; hurt. Seam, n. tuinga. Search, v.t. rapu ; haha; hau- rapa; ore; hure. See seek. Season, n. 7va; po. Seat, n. nohoanga. Sea'weed, n. rimurimu. Second, a. ma; tuarua. — man killed in battle, n. pehi. Secret, a. ngaro; piiku ; toroj)uku. Secretly, ad. pukn. Secretion from the nose, u. hu2)e; kea. Secure, (free from care), takoha; taknlie. Sediment, n. ^^ara. See, v.t. kite. Seed, n. purapura ; hua ; j;m«; hiiri ; kakano ; kopura. — potatoes, n. tinaku. Seek, v.t. rapu; rapa; ki»>i; hahu; haha; auhalia; hahau; whakahaere. Seem, v.i. ngia. Seen indistinctly, be, v.i. aria; rvhairo; wheiro; wltekori. Seer, n. matakite. See-saw, v.i. tiemi. Seine, n. kupenga. Seize 299 Sheaf ■u; Seize, v. t. liopn; kapo; rarah rnivlii ; Jicrepu. Seized, be, v. i. inau. Select, v.t. tohiri)vhiri ; kowhiri; kowhiti. See pick out. Self, u. expressed by adding ad. ake Selfish, a. muhu. Sell, v.t. hoko. Send, v.t. touo; ngare; unga; tuMi. Sensitive, (of the ear), rahirahi. Sentence, n. kupu. Separate, v.t. wehetoehe ; momotu; heu; roherolie; toritori; wawae; taivae ; koiuae. — (contending parties), v.t. wawao. Separated, be, v. i. mawehe ; kntwehe; motuhake ; tvmvd ; takiwa; heuea; niarara; pirara; tiivaratvara. September, n. Hepetema. Sere, a. para. Sermon, n. kauwliau. Serpent, n. nakahi ; neke. Servant, n. kai-mahi; ^^o-uowf^ra; raid; tumau; ropa. Serve, v. t. tvJuckarato. Served, be, v. i. rato; tu. Served, not, a. hapta; ngere. Service, n. tnahi. Set, v,i. to; toette; torengi; toremi; rere. ■ — -about, v.i. Imri. — to, v.i. hikii. ■ — afloat, V. t. whakaretva. ■ — in motion, v.t. ranga; takiri; icliakareari. — on fire, v.t. tahu; tutu. — up, v.t. ivhakatu. — (a traj)), v.t. tapiko. ■ — (snares), v.t. tataki; taweke. Settle, v.i tatu; heke. Settled, a. whai. Seven, ;«. ivhitu. Seventeen, a. tekau ma whitu. Seventy, a. whitu tekau; hoko- whitu. Sever, v.t. momotu; wehewehe; toritori; zvawae. Severe, a. iuati; pakaha. Severed, be, v.i. motu; tokari. Se"W, v.t. taitai. Shade, v.t. tvhakaruru; whaka- marumaru. — (the eyes), v.t. kopare. Shaded, a. m,aru; tamaru; tu- maru; tauma7'u; 2mruru; pu- nt ni. Shadow, n. ata; atarangi; wai- riia. Shag, n. koau; kawau; karuhi- rtihi; inap)ua; mapunga; aro- arotea. Shaggy-faced, a. tito. Shake, v.i. ngaueue; oioi; rure- rure ; ngarue ; ngateri ; ru ; tarurii; oraora; oreore; tanuku- nuku ; ngaere; ngapio. — (as a sail in the wind), kopekoj^e; tare2iarep)a. Shake, v.t. whakangaueue ; wha- kaoioi; whakapoi; ueue; ruru; ruj^erupe; ruirui; pioi. — off', v.t. tvhakangahoro. — up (as liquid), v.t. ivhakakare- kare. Shallow, a. pakui)aku ; pap}aku ; koraha ; pipipi; pakoa. Sham, a. hangareka; hangaraii; maminga. See deceitful. Shame, n.ivhakama; ngariitgaria. Shape, n. ahua. Share, n. wahi; hea. Shark, n. mango; urtvroa; mako; tuatini; reremai; waingenge ; ngengero ; wharepu. Sharp, a. koi; tiotio ; aneane ; ngangaliu; pirata; ratarata; ingoingo ; kikoha. Sharpen, v.t. 07-0; whakakoi. Shave, v.t. heu ; waru. She, pron. ia. Sheaf, n. pzipu; kakati; paiere; tapiki, Shear 300 Sick Shear, v.t. waru; kutikuti. Sheath, n. jmkoro. Shed, n. wharau; pahokahoka; tihokahoka. Sheep, n. hipi. Sheet, n. hiti. — (of a sail), n. kotokoto ; waha. Shell, n. ^j?tp?t ; kota. — {of an egg, &c.), papapa. Shell, v.t. kowha. Shellfish, n. pipi; kuku; pupu. Shelter, v.t. patutu; tawharau; tihoka. Sheltered, a. marumaru; ruru; paruru. See shaded. Shepherd, n. hepaka. Shield, n. jniapua; maru. Shin, n. tdtd. Shine, v.i. tiaho; tohiti; titi; liahana. Shining, a. kanapa ; kana2Ju ; konapu ; korapii ; toivaldwald. Shingle (for roofing), n. toetoe. Ship, n. kaipuke; poj-a; hipi. Shirt, n. hatk. Shiver, v.i. wiri; tnhamviri ; ha- v:iuii(jini ; rurutake; hukiki; titrhvataitai ; t/nriiwtaiUnti.. Shoal of fish, n. vara; ranya; fere; rrvp.. Shoals, swim in, v.i. wetoki. Shoe, n. Hu. Shoot, n. titpu; pitmt ; kofi'te; oifjao ; pnriri; poioio; korito; tapiri. Shoot (as plants), v.i. tupu; pihi; wana; toa; koiata; kohura; koropana ; koriro ; ichnkanvpio; tvhakanihoniho ; kokihi; ])okihi; we7ie. Shoot (with a gun), v.t. ^^'^'-puld. Shore, n. tahatai; akau. Shore, the, n. uta; tahaki ; ra- haki. Shorn of branches, a. humu- hutnu ; koliumiiliumu. Short, a. poto; takupu; tukekau. Short (in height), hakahaka; j)Or tehetehe. Short (of anything), be, v.i. ko- paka; kui. Short stages, make, v.i. turuki. Shorten, v.t. tvhakcqioto. Shortened, a. hikupeke. Shove, v.t. kokiri; tokiri; toko; tute; uaki. Shovel, v.t, koko: tikoko. Shovel, v.t. tikoko. Shoulder, n. pakihuvi; pokowhi- whi; pokohitvi; jj^ke. Shoulder blade, n. p)apaahuahua. Shout, v.i. karanga; 2)(^'>^<^re; ha- mama; hap)arangi; umere. Shout, n. umere; ho; oi; titihao. Show, v.t. whakakite; whakaputa; whakacdu; unu; tohutohn. Shower, n. ua; pokaka; aivha; tiiaua; uapo. Shred, n. hrckahuka ; ngakungaku. Shreds, reduced to, a. harotu. Shrimp, n. potipoti. Shrink (from anything), v.i. eti. Shrivelled, a. memenge; ngitigio; kongio ; whetvheyigi ; kopuka; koaha; putokitoki; mimingo; korohewhe; kuwheivhe; kauere; tarnmnre ; popoko. Shrouds (of a mast), n. poupou. Shrub, n. rakrm. Shrunken, be, v.i. kafviu; pa- koko ; pingoitgo. — (of the eyes), 1) lohoririivai ; mo7'iriwai. Shudder, v.i. winhvini; haioini- ivini; ihiihi; oi. Shut, v.t. uaki; kopaui; kopi; pa. Shut, be, v.i. kati; kojn; kopiti. Shut in, (in a small space), a. luiinaruru ; kajnti. Shy, a. maka; hira; matakana; whakania. Sick, a. mate; kongenge. — (vomit- ing), ruaki. Sick person, n. turoro; ngomjo; ketoketo; okeoke- maki, Sickle 301 Slacken Sickle, n. TiiiioNAini. Sickness, ii. mate; aitu; koero ; maruru. Side, n. kaokao; taha; hori; iapa; wJi nifua. — of mouth, n. pakirvaha. — (of a river), n. taraivahi. — the other, tmvahi; rmvahi. — , further, n. tcdtua. — , on one, a. titaha; mauatara. — , on one, ad. ki tahaki; ki rahaki; ki te tvhanya. — , go on one, v.i. titaha ; whaka- tatalia; ninihi; konihi; tapanihi. Sideways, ad. kotaha; korotaha. Sieve, n. tatari; hitari. Sift, v.t. tatari. Sigh, v.i. mihi;mapu; ngunguru; takiiate ; hotu. Sight, out of, a. ngaro; nununii; henumi; whenumi; ivharitua; toke. — , be almost out of, v.i. mone- nehxi ; moriroriro ; tvhakanaiiiu- namu ; whakanaonao. Sign, n. tohu. Signs, make, \.i. tiongatunga. Signal, n. tohu. Silenced, a. kiki. Silent, be, v.i. nohop^iku; hu ; liaiigu; tvahangu; tvhakarigu- ngu. Silently, ad. hu; puku. Sill, n. pehipehi; paepae. Silly, a. harangi; heahea; ruruwai. Silt, n. jKtrakitvai; parahua; kene- puru. Silver, n. iiiriwa. Sin, n. liara. Since, conj. ina. Since, prep, oio; no muri i ; i muri i; o. Sinew, n. uaua. Sing, v.i. ivaiata; tautapa; uinere; koltau : rehu ; tau. — (accom- paniment for dance), haka. — (as birds), korihi. Singe, v.t. hunuhunu. Single, a. fapaiahi. Single person, n. ropa; takakau. Single woman, n. marokau. Singly, ad. takitahi. Sink, v.i. totohu; roku. Sink (into mud or soft sand), v.i. ])Otvharu ; tapoko. Sinker, n. inahe; maihea. Sinner, n. tangata hara. Sirius, n. Takurua. ■ Sister (of a brother), n. tuahine. — (of a younger sister), tuakana. — (of an elder sister), teina. Sister-in-law, n. auwahine; tao- kete. Sit, v.i. noho. — on one's heels, v.i. noho tineinei. — around, v.i. j^ojw. Site, n. paenga; papanga. Six, a. ono. Sixteen, a. tekau ina ono. Sixty, a. ono tekau; hokoono. Size, n. 7-ahi; luoi. Skeleton, n. koifvi. Skilful, a. tohunga; matau; ino- hio; matanga. Skim, v.t. koko; tikoko. — along the surface, v.i. tipi. Skin, n. Jtiako; kiri ; peha ; tapeha; tangai. — , inner, n. kiriwai. Skin disease, n. hakihaki; ma- haki; )iiakimaki; harehare ; paipai. Skip, v.i. maivhiti. Skull, n. angaanga ; poangaanga ; papa te angaanga. Sky, n. rangi; kikorangi; kahu o te rangi. Slab, n. pa2)a. Slack, a. korokoro ; hangoro ; tangatanga; tanganga ; kaewa; pmngohe. — (of the tide), mate. Slacken, v. t. whakakorokoro ; tukutuku. Slant 302 Sneak Slant, v.i. hinga; konana; ronaki; taivharara. Slap, v.t. papaki ; pakipaki ; pahia. Slate, n. papa; teeeti. Slaughter, n. jyareiuhero; taru- kenga. Slave, n. herehere ; pononga ; mokai; taurekareka; taurereka; ropa ; karokaro; ora ; p)a,Takau ; parau. Sledge, n. koneke; kopapa. Sleek, a. toivahiivahi. Sleep, v.i. moe; kaikaru. — , wakefully, v. i. moetitoro ; inoetoropuku. — , put to, v.t. whakamoe. Sleepy, a. hiamoe; hinamoe; mo- inoe ; tura7noe. Slime, n. ivare. Sling, n. 2)ere; kopere; kotaha. Sling, V. t. piu. — , over the shoulder, v. t. takarve. Slink a'way, v.i. ninihi; unu. Slip, v.i. liangoro; htihu; kaheko; kareko; karengo ; jmrengo ; ta- pepa; mania; paheke; pahuhu; paneke ; koneke; paithu. — (as earth), horo. Slippery, a. mania; pahekelieke: parengorengo. Slit, v.t. liahae; hori; kore2}arep>a ; tit ore. Slope, steep, n. harajxiki. — , gentle, n. pananaki; panaki- tanga; jnnakitanga. Slothful, a. mangere; rora; pa- kihore. Slo'W, be, v.i. roa; icliakaroa; akuto; akito ; auto; jjorori; puhoi; tajKiruru ; tiraha; uka- uka; taku; turiwhatu; aweke; wheru; mangaingai; wheoro. Sludge, n. jm^'uparu. Slug, n. ngata. Smack the lips, v.i. kotamu- tamu; tametamQ. Small, a. nohinohi ; iti; meroiti; moroiti; jyaku ; riki; toririki; mororiki; pokeke; tupakipaki; mahake ; makari ; wheto; tvhetau; rihariha; ngarangara; maka- rokaro; ponaho ; momipu ; tangatakimori. — (in stature), a. jwlo; tauwhena; — kumara, n. takoi-a; piwai ; topatopa; waiari. — quantity (of anything), n. pakn. Smart, v.i. puia. Smash, v.t. koj^ehujjehu ; taiari; pakaru. Smear, v.t. ])ani. Smeared, a. hawahawa. Smell, v.t. hongi; rongo. Smell unpleasantly, v.i. ^^iro; haunga; haruru; koeo; puho- nga. Smile, v.i. menemene nga papa- ringa. Smoke, n. paoa; au;auahi; rehu; kaurnki. Smoke, v.i. paoa; 2^ongtiru; j)o- ngere. Smoke, v.t. whakaauau. — (a pipe), puhipuhi. Smooth, a. maeneene ; makoha- koha. — , make, v.t. whakaene; haro; tnakuku. Smoulder, v.i. mohu; ponguru; takurutti. Smudge, v.t. ukupjara. Snag, n. taita. Snail, n. ngata. Snake, n. neke ; nakahi. Snap, v.i. motu; whati; ke; pato. Snare, n. reti; rove; ta.wldti; makanga; ahere. Snarl, v.i. ngengere. Snatch, v.t. kapo; Jtopu ; rawe. — from one another, v.t. tau- lioaelione; tatango. Sneak, v.i. haere toropuku. Sneer 303 Spare Sneer, v. i. taivai; taunu ; tvhaka- raund ; tvhaknhi. Sneeze, v. i. tihe; niatihe; tihewa. Sniff, v.t. honi/ihoibi/i. Snore, v.i. lujonyoro. Snort, V. i. nguha. Snout, n. %}m. Snow, n. liuka; Imkarere ; huka- puuifa ; ])itaheiri. Snowy, a. puhuka. Snuffle, V. i. ivhemjuivhemju. Soaked, a. kopiro; tuku ki ie ivai. Soap, n. iinri. Soar, V. i. whakatopa ; tui ; whaka- palio. Sob, v.i. hotti ; whakahotuhotu ; wJiakaingoingo ; niapu. Soda, n. HOURA. Soft, a. 7iyawari; ngore; ngohe- ngohe ; tnangohe ; ngorungoru ; ngoungou; tangoungou; tango- tig o; pe; kope; korcngarenga ; taholio ; taroma; kutere; oru; taoru; p)0%vliaruwliaru. Soften, v.t. wliakangawari ; (fee. Softly, n. ata: tnarire. Soil, n. oneone — , red, onekura. — , whitish, onetea. Soiled, a. poke; paru; kirikiria. Sojurn, v.i. noho. Soldier, n. koia. Sole (of the foot), n. kapukapu ; (akahanga. Solid, a. maro; tuinaro; pamaro; pKikeke ; paku ; papaku. — , become, v.i. totoka. Solitary, be, v. i. mehameha ; mokemoke ; ongeonge ; paoe ; pakewa. Solitary person, n. moke. Some, a. he; tetahi; etahi; ehinu; tokohinu. Son, n. tama; taniaiti; tainaaroa. Son-in-law, n. hti,naonga. Song, n. tvaiata ; tau ; ^;iAe ; puha; whakaoriori; 2no7'iori; pioi; maire; ngeri; ngarmgari ; rmigirangi ; whakainohiohio. Soon, ad. ineake; tare; waive; awe; iiiangeto. Soot, n. atve; kukaivliare. Soothe, v.t. whakamarie. Sore, a. mate. Sore throat, n. katirehe. Sorrow, express, v.i. ketekete; ngetengete. Sorrowful, be, v,i. whakapou- rura; murearea; tuarea; tu matatenga. Sorry, a. pouri; koingo ; konohi. Sort, n. tic; tikanga. Soul, n. wairua. Sound, n. ; mahia. — of voices, indistinct, n. ha- mumu; ivarowaro ; parangeki. Sound, v.i. tangi; tatangi ; i^ahu ; paku; vara. Sound, v.t. wliakatangi. Sound (the depth of water), v.i. ivhakatatutu ; tawewe. Sound, (as sleep), a. au. — , a. toiora; toitu; uho. Sour, be, v.i. i; kawa; tangeo. Source, n. pukenga; matamata; ijiatapuiia ; matatvai. South wind, n. tonga ; tonga tawahanui; pounui; wita. South-east wind, n. piutonga- marangai; tongawaho. South-west wind, n. tongako- taratara; tonga ma ru; koko- tonga; tonga pnliuka; taramaro. Southern parts, n. tonga; runga. Sow, v.t. Tui. Sowing time, n. koanga. Sow-thistle, n. puwlia; pororua; rauriki; raui-oroa; wekeweke; taweke. Space, n. takiwa; wa; tiriwa. Spade, n. jjuka; koto; karehu; kaheru; ko; tihou; hapara; ho. Spar, n. rakau. Spare, v.t. tohu. Spark 304 Spring Spark, n. korakora. Sparrow-hawk, n. karearea; kaeaea; kaiaia; kaimua. Speak, v.i. ki; kiki; koroki; kuiJii; korero ; taki; tvhakatu. — frequently, v.i. ku2mkuj)u ; potefe; kawatati; kohau. — indistinctly, v.i. hamumu. — ill of, v.t. hanihani. Spear, n. matia; tao; kokiri; liuata; lioata ; kaukau; timata; muUi; here; niatarau. Spear, v.t. weivero; here. Spear- grass, n. taramea. Speck, n. kora; tongi. Speckled, a. toiiyitonyi ; thigo- tingo; kotingotingo. Spectacles, n. kanohi mowhiti; karu moichiti. Speech, n. ki; korero; reo; taki; kautvhau. — , dying, n. oha. — , make a, v.i. whaikorero; whaiki; taki; whakataki; tvha- katau ; whakatio. Speed, n. hohoro; tere. Spent, be, v. i. pau; hemo; ma- hiti; p)^'"'^^'^} moti; pareko ; peto. Sperm-whale, n. paraoa. Spider, n. pungawerewere ; jm- werewere. — , venomous, n. katipo. Spike, n. taratara. Spill, v.iefwhakapokarekare. Spilled, a. maringi. Spin, v.t. miromiro : karure. Spinach, N.Z., n. kokihi; renga- renga. Spine, n. itoituararo. Spines, n. tara; taratara; tuai- tara; wehiwehi; wanawana. Spirit, n. wairua; jKii-a. Spiritless, a. haud; hauaitu. Spirt, v.i. hirere; p>at%. Spit, n. Imkiliuki ; kohiku ; kohoka. Spit, v.i. titwha; piiwha. Spite, n. 7'iri pakiipakti. Spittle, n. tvare; huare; haware; hauivare; huwhare. Splash, V. t. pf6ungorungoru ; kopu- p>utai; hautai. Sponge (on others), v.i. kaimdtai. Spongy, a. kopuka; kojJutoitoi. Sponsor, n. matuaatua. Spontaneously, ad. noa. Spoon, u. koko ; hako; puuNU. Sport, v.i. whakangaio ; takaro. Spot, n. tongi; tiivha; korotiwha; tore; koha. Spotted, a. ko7'0tizvhatizvha; ko- tiivhatiwlia ; kotingotingo ; pure- pure. Spouse, n. makau ; tahu; hoahoa. Spout, n. korere. Sprained, a. takoki; tanoi; ta- noni; taui. Spray, n. nehutai; rehntai. Sprawl, v.i. takawhetawheta. Spread, v.t. ivhariki; horahora; whewhera ; rauroha ; towha ; turn r a. Spread abroad, be, v.i. marara; tirara; mahora. Spring up (from a bent position), v.i. korowhiti; kozvhiti; niahiti; whana; kowhana; turapa. — , (in the mind), v.i. toko; ko- whana. Spring 305 Steamy Spring, n. ivhann. — (of water), puna. — , hot, n. puia; ngawha ; nya- ivltariki; n>niariki. Spring tides, n. taitai nunui. Sprinkle, v. t. ta ; utvhiuwhi ; tauhi. Sprinkling (of rain), a. whaka- ekeeke. Sprit, n. titoku ; takotokoto; ta fa- koto ; kotokoto. Sprout, V. i. pihi; fupu ; rvhaka- tigao ; toroihi ; torokiki ; kohura ; koriro. Sprout, n. tupu ; iiyao; monehu. Spur, u. KiPA. — (of a hill), see ridge. Spy. 11. titei; tutei; tutai. Squall, 11. pokaka ; ropu ; apu ; tiriihanga. Square, a. tapawha ; porowha. Squeak, v.i. kotokoto; titi; pipi. Squeal, v.i. ngawi. Squeeze, v.t. rami; roromi; ta- tau ; wliakate ; korote ; kote ; rapu Squid, n. ngu; ivheke. vSquint, v.i. keko; karapa; tiwha. Stab, v.t. oka; wero; pumuka. Stable, n. tkpara. Stack, 11. pu; whakapu; katihi; tireki; rangitihi; pakoro. Stack, v.t. pu ; whakapu; whaka- pipi; tapae. Staff, 11. tokotoko; tui'iipou. Stage, 11. paparahi; vara; pou- reiva; puhara; kotaretare; ata- mira. — (for storing food), n. whata; koinanga ; timanga ; pataka ; pouraka ; poutaka. Stagger, v.i. hurori; hirori; tu- rorirori; tapepa; tatutatu; Jm- keke. Stained, a. poke; pe. Stairs, n. arawhata. Stake, n. poupou; tia; tiraii ; wana. Stake (for a net), n. ririwai; tan- hok/ri. Stallion, n. tahiana. Stalk, n. kakau; to; koronuke; fauHuke; takakau; lata; ivha- wha. — , throw up a, v. i. toa. Stanched, be, v. i. utu. Stand, v.i. tu; w/iakatika; wha- tika. — on end, (as hair), v.i. niuihi; motihefihc. Star, 11. whetu. Stare, v.i. hinana; uchete ; titiro makutu; kaiiakaua ; pukana. Start, v.i. oho; ohomauri; oho- rere; hukihuki ; tmau; ivhiti; takiri; taniaki; pore. — aside, v.i. hipa. — (on a journey), v.i. whakatika; ivhakawaha; hapai; hiki; ma- utiu. Startle, v. t. whakaoho. Starve, v.t. whakatiki; whaka- tina. Starved, a. hauaitu ; hikoko ; iaa- kuhea. Station, n. teihana. Statue, n. irhakapakoko. Stay, v.i. noho. Stay, n. hokai; puwhenua; pu- rengi. Steady, a. pamaro; u; ronaki. Steady, v.t. whakau; whakama- uru. Steal, V. t. tahae ; whanako ; whe- nako ; kaia; keia; tupia. Stealthily, go, v.i. whakahengi; whakapajja; kupapa; ninilii; whakauinihi; konihi; tapanilii; whakamoho ; whakamomoka ; whakatataha. Steam, n. korohu; koromahu; ko- roahu; korowhaibake ; inaDuiha; nianiaoa; tokakaua; whauake. Steamer, n. tima. Steamy, a. pumahu. steep 306 Strange Steep, a. ponpou; fuhoe; tMpari- pnri : ninihi; tahoto; takau. — , make, V. t. manihi. — ascent, n. kaJw.nitanga ; pn- rali i. — roof, n. rongouLaiora. Steep, v.t. kupim; h(ka; tiifii. — (ill vegetable (\yi')~ Imvai. — - in hot water, lohakakapowat. Steeped, a. mora. Steer, v.t. uruiuji; ue; koue; ruiia. Stem, u. lata; to; toto ; tinana. Stench, n. ■piro; liaiinga. See stink. Step, v.i. hikoi. Step (of a ladder, &c.) n. pae; k(ii( pae. Stern, ii. kei ; paremata ; ta; noko. Sternpost (of a canoe), n. rapa ; taarapa. Steward, n. tohunyarit.a; tvjiu. Stick, n. rakau; tokotoko; turu- furii; tea. Sticks for procuring fire, n. kauahi : katmuti; kaurenre; kauri nia rima ; kaikolmre; pehi ; tcnni. Stick, \.t. oka; locro ; teo; titi; ponpou; tia; tiatia; tihoka. — v.i. juri; rapa; u. Sticky, a. tataki. Stiff, a. waro; pakeke. Stifle, V. t. nanati. Stifling, a. pongerengere. Stile, 11. koronae; tvhakatungangi. Still, a. marie. — water, n. puj-oto; wai whaka- roto. Still, ad. ano. Sting, v.t. kakafi; wero. Sting-ray, n. tihai; pakanrua ; rcpo ; roJut ; topatopa ; toretore. Stingy, be, v.i. atuapo; kaijyomt, ; hakere; kaihakere; mana,ivapo- por'i; pitokite; tohe; meko; mnhil; matapiko. Stink, v.i. piro; hn-r(K — the neck, v. i. a'/ia/inofiii" .- ic/iafai. — oneself out, \.i. fura : f/iii;(>/-o: iifiiiifi; /c/iaka)iei)ii'i ; tKjeiiujri ; n'hakangcimfpA. Stretched, be, v.i. nmni. Stride, \. i. liikoi. Strike, \.t. j^ahi, ; patuki : u-lmh-a- rnke; ike; paike ; Jutu : haJiaii: pao : taki. — (with tlie fist), \.i. kiirn.; mo/o: i)ieki'. — (fii'e), v.t. reJni. — out Ca patli), v.t. poka. — out, (as in swimming), v i. hokalkai. String, n. alio : an : /au : tni: pona. Strip off, v.t. JioreJiovfi ; liuha. ; ttliorf; ohioka; puikanka: kari- kai'i ; piaojjan. Striped, k(\ Stubborn, a. krkt: tvhakakeke ; tain. ; tavi ; poturi ; ivhakatuturi ; n-hakangidungntn. Stuff up, v.t. paru; pnrupuru. Stuffed up, a. kopnru. Stumble, v.i. tutiiki: tatu; hirori; fararirorl. Stump, n. tnmn; kutumu; take. Stunted, a. JiuA'utp.fp. ; horifetp,; knrntelp: piafi'tetp; liutotoi; Im- toifoi : kuraliilfoi : kurntote ; pakiki: patakituki ; pntoti. Stupefied, be, v. i. porewareicn. Stupefy, \. t. ivliakahaurangl. Stupor, 11. paJioahoa. Subject (of argument, uaka. Tw^ilight, a. rikoriko. Twilled, a. torua. Twin, n. mahanga. Twine, n. aho. Twinkle, v. i. kotamutamu ; hinatore; pura. Twirl, v.t. hurihuri. Twist, V. miromiro ; whiri ; whakaiviri; karure. Twist, n. rhio; rinorino. Twisted (in grain, as wood), a. whakaiviri; takaiviri ; korori; koraj^arapa. Twitch, V. takiri; hura. Twitter, v.i. ^?e^i. Two, a. rua; rie; rienga. Two, by, ad. takirua ; purua. Two days ago, ad. inaoake; nonaoake. u Udder, n. u. Ugly, a. ahua kino. Ulcerated, a. komaoa; kikoh Ub- nga; mariao. Umbilical chord, n. tangaengae ; pito; uho ; iho. AA Umbrella 314 Up Umbrella, n. marara. Unable to s-wim, a. parera- maumu. Una^wares, at, ad. tarehu. Uncle, n. mntua keke; j;>a^^«. Unconcerned, a. hau7naruru. Uncooked, a. mata; kaimata; ota; torouka; tonganga; tvheo ; whakarae; utonga; kanetuha. Uncover, v.t. hura; huaki. — (by scraping away the earth), huke. Uncovered, a. mahura. Uncultivated (as land), a. paioa- tua; toitii. Undecided, be, v.i. ivlteanga- anga ; whakaangacmga. Under, prep, ki raro i; kei raro i; ifec. Understand, v.t. matau; mohio. Understanding, a. matau ; moldo ; matanga. Understood, be, v.i. whairo; wheiro. Undone, a. matnra; paheno. Uneasy in mind, a. maihi; paihi; manawakino; mana- warau; mawera; pawera. Unencumbered, a. angiangi. Uneven, a. pahuvihiwi. Unfledged birds, n. koraho- rnho. Unflinching, a. kiriuka. Unfortunate, a. aitua. Unfruitful, a. tatakau; hua-kore; tu])d; tvpJie. Unimportant, n. noa. Unique, a. tahi; kotahi. Unintelligible, a. ngaro. Unite, v.t. whakakotalii. Unity, n. kotahitanga. Unjust, a. he; whakahaerehe. Unless, conj. ki te kore. Unlucky, a. aitua. Unmarried, a. marokau. Unmindful, a. wareware ; maku- ware. Unmoveable, a. nanawe; whaka- rowau. Unoccupied, a. watea; atea. Unpaid, a. tarewa; taurewa. Unpalatable, a. katva; kutaitai; haneanea ; nohunohu. Unperceived, ad, toropuku; puku. Unproductive, a. pueku. Unravel, v.t. wetvete; whakama- tara. Unrighteous, a. he. Unripe, a. mata; ota; kaiota; torouka; utonga; kanewha ; ioio. Unseasoned (as timber), a. toro- uka; kaimata. Unsettled, a. arangi; harangi; karangi; hikirangi; kahuira- ngi; tirangi; tirengi; taurewa; tarewa; tingei; tineinei; kewha; latere; tiemi; haurokuroku ; titengi; tuarangaranga ; whaka- roiroi. Unsettle, v. t. whakapake2)ake ; whakaharangi, &c. Unsteady, be, v.i. titaka; tau- taka; tikoki; tatutatu; tureti- reti. Unsuccessful (in fishing, &c.), a. muhore ; ^9^t7iore ; angitua ; kirihaunga; taitaia; rahua. Untie, v.t. wewete; takiri. Untied, be, v.i. mawete; mawheto; kareto ; maheno ; kaheno; paheno; matoha; makoha; matara; kotara; tatara. Until, ad. taea noatia; a; no; kia; apanoa. Unto, prep, ki. Untouched, a. tikitu ; toitu ; ti7"utapu. Untwisted, be, v.i. matara. Unwary, a. Ibautaruru. Unyielding, a. whakatuturi. Up, ad. ki runga. Up to, prep. to. Upon 315 Upon, pi(>p. ki rwi(/a ki. Upper part, the, n. runc/a. Uppermost, the, a. to nonya raira. Upright, a. in tonu; tutika. Uproarious, be, v.i. rarl. Upset, v.t. ])orohur'i. Upset, be, v.i. tnhuri. Upsidedown, ad. koaro. Upward, ;ul. ai. Well, it is, marie ana; kaitoa; mokori ano; kareka ana. Well, ad. kati. Well executed, a. nanahu. Well, n. poka wai. Wen, n. ngene. West, n. uru; ra-to. West wind, n. hauauru; tauru; hauarahi; puarvanga. West - north - west w^ind, a. tapatapatiu. Western sea, n. tai tua; tai tuauru. Wet, a. maku; haumaku; rari; tnakengo; kuwaiwai; tarifa7'i; teicetewe ; whekuwheku. Whale, n. tohora ; tohoraha ; pakake; paraoa; mimiha; Ji'IsnA. What, whatever, pron. aha. What place, n. hea; rahea. What time, n. hea; tohea; taina- ivhea. — , do, v.t. aha. What, int. are; ha. Wheat, n. witi. Wheedle, v.t. ^:»a^i; whakajmti; rutu. Wheel 318 Wheel, n. porotvhita; wira. When, ad. ana; ina; no; i; Ma; ud; i te mea. — (interrogative), ad. ahea; ina- hea; nonahea; no tainawhea. Whence, ad. no hea; i hea. Where, ad. ko hea; kei hea; i Ilea ; ki hea ; hei hea ; tea ; tehea. Whereas, conj. no te mea. Whereat, ad. no reira; mo reira. Whereby, ad. ma reira. Wherefore, conj. koia; mo reira; mo kona; mo konei. Whereupon, ad. na; no reira; i reira; heoi. Whether, conj. ahakoa; ranei; raina; me. Whetstone, n. hoanga. Which, pron. tehea; ehea. — (in order), Ida. While, ad. koi; keiivha; i. — , in a little, ad. mea ake; me- ake; taro ake. Whine, v.i. uene. Whip, v.t. whiu; ta. Whip, n. whiu; ta; wepu. Whipping-top, n. kaihotaka; kai- taka; iwtaka. Whirl, V. t. tawhiri; kotvhiri; tawhiuwhiu ; karawhiu; 2)0wai' ivai; koumuumu ; ri]}oripo. Whirligig, n. tarari. Whirling, a. komiro. Whirlpool, n. riporipo; kororipo; mcliioivJiio : miro ; au. Whirlwind, ii. atvhioivhio; tukau- ati. Whisk, V. t. powhiriivhiri ; p>o- 7cai>vai. Whisper, v.i. kowhetewhete ; ko- humuhumu; komuhumuhu; ko- tete. Whistle, v.i. korowhiti; whio; koivhio. White, a. ina; tea. — clay, n. ukui; uku. Wing White (of egg), n. whakakahu. — faced, a. motea. Whitened, a. hatea; katea. Whitish, a. koma. Whither, ad. ko hea; ki hea. Whizz, v.i. mapu; huhii; rorohu; pnrorohii. Who, pron. wai. Whole, a. katoa. Whose, pron. na wai; no wai. Why, ad. he aha; na te aha. Wick, n. wiKi. Wicked, a. kino; hara. Wicker basket, n. taiki. Wide, a. whanui ; wharahi ; umaraha. — and shallow, a. karaha; kara- raha. — extent, n. nukti. — of the mark, a. tlpa ke. Widgeon, n. inatapouri ; pa- pnnr/o. Widow, n. ^jowarii/ takahore; pani. Widower, n. /wwarw; takahore. Width, n. tvlianui; wharalii. Wife, n. wahine ; hoa. Wild, a. indka; kowao; rupahu. Wilderness, n. koraha. Will, n. Jiiahia; pai. — (testa- ment), oha-ki; wira. Willing, a. ^^ra. Wind, n. hau ; ta; micri; kohengi- hengi; kotengitengi : matangi. Wind, V. t. pokai ; takatakai; /cJinkatchiirhi. Wind about, v.i. kokeke ; kopiko- piko. Winding, a. atchioivhio ; taiatvhio. Windmill toy, n. j)ekapeka. Window, n. matapild; kotopihi; mataaho; pihanga. Wine, n. wai:^a. Wing, n. parirau ; harirau ; pakau ; paA;aMA'«w ; paihau ; kapakapa. — (of an army), n. kauae. Wink 319 Wrong Wink, v.i. kamo; kiino; kiiva ; kcro; whakakini ; iiianana. Winnow, v.t. kowhiu7vhiu. Winter, n. hotoke; hutoke ; takv- rua ; maknriri. Wipe, v.t. muku; ukui; mum. Wire, n. WAKA. Wisdom, n. matauranga ; mohio- taiKja; wliakaaro nui. Wise, a. matau; inohio; matanga. Wise person, n. ^;w. Wish, v.t. Jiinhin; amene; mina- mina. See desire. Witch, n. tvalmie niakatii. Witchcraft, n. makiUu; whai- whaia; taurarua. With, prep, kei; me; i; ki. Withered, be, v. i. mem^enge ; 2)ohe; iighigio ; ngongohe ; 2^a'>'0- paro; kojnjn; 'popoko; whewhe- ngi. Withhold, V. t. meko ; kaij)onu; hakere ; kailiakere. Within, prep, kei roto i; i roto i; ki roto i; hei roto i. Witness, n. kai-whakaatu ; kai- whakapono. Witticism, n. pej^eha. Wives, having two, a. p)iinarua. Wizard, n. tohunga. Wolf, n. WURUHI. Woman, n. wahine. — introduced into a family by marriage, tapakutvha. — old', n. kuia; ruruhi; ngoingoi; ruwahine; kui ; hakui; liupeke. — w^hose husband is absent, n. maronui. Womb, n. kojni. Wonder, v.i. miharo; maharo; miha; mihi; monoa. Wonderful, a. whakamiharo. Woo, v.t. aruaru ; whai ; whai- aipo ; ivhakai'poi'po ; matoro. Wood, n. ngahere; tawhao; nehe- nehe ; weku. — (timber), rakau. — isolated, n. motii rakau; kari. Wood-hen, n. weka. Woof, ri. alio. Wool, n. huruhuru iiipi ; WUURU. Woolly, (of luiir), a. kapii piri- piri. Word, n. kupu; korero. Work, n. lidiiga ; main; torotoro. — accomplished, ii. hauinauiui. World, n. ao. Worm, n. toke; noke; ngunu. Worm-eaten, a. popo. Worn-out, a. pcAapeta; ngawhe- whe ; ngawhingawhi. Worship, v.t. karakia. Worthless, a. marutuna. Worthy, a. jmi. Wound, n. tunga; motu. Wounded, a. motu; tu; taotu; kaiakiko : tuakiri. Wrangle, v.i. rure; whakawawa; wawau. Wrap up, v.t. takai; kopaki. Wrath, n. 7-iri; aritarita. Wreath, n. pare; kopare. Wrecked, a. paea; pakaru. Wrench, v.t. tango. Wrest (as words), v.t. whakariro ke. Wrestle, v.i. whakataetae; nono- ke ; kdkari. Wriggle, v.i. korikori; keukeu; okeoke. Wring, v.t. whakawiri. Wrinkle, n. korukoru. Wrinkled, be, v.i. rehe; kiirehe; piirehe ; kutvhewhewhewhe ; hohe- hohe ; ngingio ; kopakopa ; memenge. Wrist, n. kawititanga a te ringa- ringa. Write, v.t. tuhituhi. Writhe, v.i. kapekaj^eta; okeoke; hikaikai ; kowheta ; takawheta- wheta; karapetapetau ; koiriiri; takaoioi ; takaoriori. Wrong, a. he. — , go, v.i. takahe. Yam 320 Zigzag Yam, n. mvhikaho. Yard, n. marae. — (measure), tari. Yawn, v.i. holier a; tuwalmroa. Ye, pron. koutou. Ye two, pron. korua. Yea, ad. ae; koia. Year, n. tau. — , last, tauhouanga. Yearning, a. kawata; kuwata; koinyo. Yell, v.i. horu. Yelk (of egg), n. hakari; tohua; toua. Yellow, a. i^ungaf-^inga. Yelp, v.i. tau; wewe. Yes, ad. ae; ina; koia; ana. Yesterday, ad. inanahi; nona- nahi ; tainahi ; tainanahi ; rainahi. Yesternight, ad. itiapo; nonapo. Yet, ad. ano. Yield (let go), v.t. tuku. Yielding (to pressure), a. komeme. Yoke, n. lOKA. Yonder, ad. ki ko ; kei ko; i ko ; Jiei ko; ra; rara ; raina. You, pron. koutou. You two, pron. korua. Young, a. kuao; punua. — man, n. taitama; taitamariki; tahake; tahae. — woman, n. taitamahine. — growth of trees, n. hurujm; hurupi. — potatoes, n. kukari. Young (of birds), n. hukari ; kukari; pi. Younger relative, n. teina; taina. Youngest child, n. whakaotinga; potiki; whakainutu7iga ; whaka- pakanga; inuring a; tamanga- kotore. Your, pron. ta koutou; to koutou; ta korua; to korua. Youth, n. taitamariki; maitiiti. Zeal, n. take; uaua. Zigzag, a. koinkoiiiko. Addenda & coeeigenda. Page Col. 1 1. 1 to 7 2 2 3 5 6 2 2 1 1 1 1. 34, after "ahuahu" after 1. 38 after 1. 40 1. 45, after "gai'iiient" after 1. 3 6 1 1.21 7 2 after 1. 5 9 1 1.38 13 13 1 2 after 1. 20 after 1. 37 14 2 1.11 19 2 afterl. 34 25 31 1 1 1.18 1.32 32 1 afterl. 17 36 40 40 44 44 1 1 2 ] 1 1.29 1.3 1. 1 1.15,after"Irirangi" after 1. 17 ... Erase 1st line, and "wliakaae- aea" in 2nd line, and place what follows under " "whakaeaea " on p. 16; correcting the ex- amples accordingly, insert, a. II P v.i. diminish, II Ahuriri, n. weir. II 3 6e lenytliened out. • I Amatiatia, n. outrigger of a canoe, insert, 2 upright supports of the lower end of the ^mailiV on the front gable of a house, insert, Anurangi, n. a variety of kiimara. insert, 3 layer of toetoe thatch on a roof, insert, whakaau, n. a kind of eel. II Atimihi, v. t. sigh for. Compare mihi. insert, 2 variegated p)hormium, tenax. insert, Hamo, n. a variety of ku7nara. insert, 2 a variety of kumara. II haplodactylus meandratus; granite trout. insert, H6er6a, n. a weapon like < a 'taiaha,' but pointed at the upper end, without any carving. For Hu, read Hu. insert, 2 a variety of kumara. 11 2 dishevelled. II a. II short, as the breathing. Kg te manawa e irirangi tonu ana. BB 322 ADDENDA. Page Col. 45 2 46 48 1. 12... after 1. 12 after 1. 9 48 48 49 1 after 1. 20 1 1,26... 1 after 1. 21 49 50 2 after 1. 40 1 1.42... 51 52 56 1 after 1. 9 2 after 1. 32 1 1.22... 57 I after 1. 7 57 ] L 1. 8 ... 57 ] L 1.22... 57 i I after 1. 14 62 1 63 1 after 1. 19 1.43... 64 1 after 1. 38 66 1 after 1. 2 68 1 after 1. 21 68 2 after 1. 12 73 1 after 1. 23 insert, 3 carved representation of a Jniman face on the gable of a house. fi Kahuorangi, n. a variety of taro. insert, Kainga-awha, n. a broad board, placed on edge, enclosing the covered space in front of the door of a native house, insert, KaipS,oe, a. wandering. For Kairakau, read KairakS-u. insert, KakatS,rS,hae, n. a large variety of taro, with red leaf- stalks, insert, Kanehe, n. small potatoes. II 3 a pattei'n of 'tukutuku' ornament, insert, kapo, n. lightning. n kare, v.t. whip a. top. II 2 temporary supports for 'kaho' on the roof of a house while the roof is being covered. insert, Kau-whanga, n. limb of a tree, insert, v. i. recite old legends or genealogies. insert, 3 a form of 'karakia.' Ko- tahi te kawa moana i u mai ai Te Arawa waka ki uta nei. insert, Ka"wS,u, n. a red variety of kuinara. insert, kitakita, n. small jjotatoes. II 3 a variety of taro with running roots, insert, K6hepir6, n. angelica roscp/olia, a plant, insert, koiri, n. a pattern of ornamental painting, insert, K6nehu, n. 1 dtist; 2 a variety of kumara, with dark leaves and stems, insert, konihi, v.t. 1 touch lightly; 2 graze. insert, K5roa, n. 1 index finger; 2 second toe. ADDENDA. 323 ... insert, K6r6rupS, n. outer facing of the lintel of a doorway. ... insert, Kura-wa,-"wa'wS,'wS,-"wS,i, n. a pattern of 'tukutuku' orna- ment. ... insert, KuriitS,!, n. pestle ;pou,nder ... insert, 3 main limb of a large tree. ... insert, maika, n. basket for cooked food used in the 'pure' ceremony for a new house. ... insert, MS,naia, n. a pattern of carving, insert, 2t fourth finger, or toe. n manihi, n. potamogeton natans, a water plant, insert, or ornamental painting. M or ornamental painting. II 2 middle finger, or toe. II Matakauri, n. a variety of kuniara. ... insert, Matapupiini, a. Kowhao matapupuni, holes for the lash- ing tohich fastened the 'haumi' to the body of a canoe. ... insert, Mimikiore, n. a plant used as a scent. ... insert, Monda, v.i. wonder. Ka monoa atu ahau ki nga hanga a te tangata nei. ... insert, 3 a biicl. II Ngaora, v.i. hurst oj)en, as flowei's. Ka ngaora te kowliai. 112 1 after I. 9 ... ... insert, Ngaue, n. a variety of taro., with dark edges to the sheathing leuf-stalk. . . . insert, Ngeni, n. small potatoes. II PaeS-ngaanga, n. a variety of taro. ... insert, PaetS,u, v.i. 1 sit apart; 2 be cast aside. ... insert, Pakaue, n. a variety of ta7'0. . . . insert, 2 ivandering. II Pakihau, n. 1 wing ; 2 fi^i. Compare paihau. Page 74 Col. 1 after 1. 35 79 2 after 1. 1 79 80 2 2 after 1. 1. 12... 33 83 1 after 1. 21 85 2 after 1. 40 86 86 1 o 1.30... after 1. 26 87 87 88 90 2 2 1 2 117... L19... 1.24... after 1. 39 91 2 after 1. 26 97 1 after 1. 36 100 2 after 1. 16 110 111 1 1 1. 36... after 1. 13 113 1 after 1. 8 119 2 after 1. 16 119 2 after 1. 34 122 1 after 1. 2 122 2 1.4 ... 122 2 after 1. 30 324 ADDENDA. Page Col. 125 132 132 133 134 134 134 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 after 1. 15 after 1. 40 after 1. 24 1.26... after 1. 5 after 1. 12 after 1. 39 135 2 after 1. 6 ... 136 2 1.25 138 2 after 1. 7 ... 139 2 after 1.30 ... 155 1 1. 15, after 'n.' 156 2 after last line 158 1 1.12 165 2 line 8, after 'jerk' 172 1 after 1.41 ... 177 2 1.33 180 2 after 1. 19 ... 180 2 1. 37, end ... 182 1 after 1. 32 182 1 after 1. 38 184 1 after 1. 15 187 2 after 1. 20 190 2 after 1. 11 194 1 1. 28.. insert paoa, v.i. he disused, as scent, &c. insert, Peliu, n. 1 a variety of kumara; 2 a variety of taro. insert, pekepeke, n. celmisia longi/olia, a plant. For 'gable' read 'roof.' insert, piapia, a. glairy; viscid. n Piere, n. a bird. ir Pikoko, a variety of phor- ■miura tenax, with broad brown edges, insert, Pipik6-ka,uhangaroa, n. a varieta of kumara. insert, 4 abyss. II Pokerekahii, n. a variety of kumari with red .«kin. insert, Popo-whatitiri, n. a fungus, insert, hrckchyglottis rejianda, a shrub, insert, •whakaremu, n. lower end of a cultivated field. For RereAvai, read Rere"wS.i. insert, He liau rutu; a baffling wind. insert, Takaruha, n. a kind of eel. insert, olearia furfuracea. n tapu-wae-pakura, n. a pattern of 'tukutuku' ornament, insert, 3 throiv out secoiid pair of leaves, after seed leaves, as a gourd; such leaves are called ' rau tara.' insert, Tarehurangi, n. a variety of kumara. insert, Taremu, n. lower end of a cultivated field, insert, tarutu, a. stumbling; in- firm. insert, Taunanapi, v.t. handle; be busied ivitli. insert, Ta"waru, n. a pattern of carving. insert, 2 a lizard. Page 194 Col. 2 after 1. 13 > . . • • 201 209 209 211 2 1 1 2 1. 12... 1. 30, after 1. 30, after after 1. 42 ''^fellinq" "tua" .. 216 217 218 1 1 1 1.39... after 1. 8 after 1. 24 ... 219 2 after 1. 6 ... 224 2 after 1. 7 ... 227 2 after 1. 33 236 2 after 1. 12 ADDENDA. 325 insert, Tet6r6r6iS,, n. a variety of kumara, with red skin. insert, 3 a bird. ir or disembowelling . II and tuaki. II tuku, a. having the door- way at the side. He whare tuku ki uta; he waka ama ki te moana. insert, 2 a variety of kumara. II Tuwha, v.i. glow, as coals. II UekahS,, a. 1 strenuous; 2 difficult. insert, "whakaupoko, n. upper end of a cultivated field. insert, W§,irenga, n. broth or gravy from cooked meat. insert, Wini, n. a dark variety of kuma7'a. insert, whiwhiu, v.i. keep aloof. He tangata whiwhiu koe i waho o tenei mahi. PRINTED BY R. COUPLAND HARDING WELLINGTON AND NAPIER, NEW ZEALAND. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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