POETICAL WORKS OF MATTHEW ARNOLD POETICAL WORKS oi MATTHEW ARNOLD i\ lontion MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1895 'All rights reserved CONTENTS EARLY POEMS Sonnets— -^QuiET Work . \J^o A Friend . ,'4 *^hakespeare . Written in Emerson's Essays <■ Written in Butler's Sermons J^ To the Duke of Wellington In Harmony with Nature . To George Cruikshank To A Republican Friend, 1848 Continued Religious Isolation . Mycerinus .... The Thurch of Brou — I, The Castle II. The Church III. The Tomb A. Modern Sappho Requiescat Youth and Calm . PAGE I 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 13 17 18 20 21 22 51345^ VI 11 . CONTENTS PAGE A Memory-Picture 23 r A Dream . . . . . 25 The New Sirens . '' . 26 The Voice . . . . . . 36 Youth's Agitations 37 The World's Triumphs . . 3S Stagirius . . . 38 Human Life 40 To a Gipsy Child by the Sea-shore 41 A Question , 44 In Utrumque Paratus . .45 The World and the Quietist . . .46 Horatian Echo . • . 47 The Secc-id Best . 49 Consolation 50 I^Resignation 52 NARRATIVE POEMS 'jlc^sohrab and rustum V/The. Sick King in Bokhara Balder Dead — 1. Sending 2. Journey to the Dead . 3. Funeral •^ Tristram and Iseult — 1. Tristram 2. Iseult of Ireland 3. Iseult of Brittany C <^3 92 101 III 121 138 158 CONTENTS IX S/\iNT Brand AN T>hE Neckan v^TiiE Forsaken Merman PAGB 165 167 SONNETS ^^ Austerity of Poetry A Picture at Newstead Rachel : i, 11, iii Worldly place ^East London West London East and West . The Better Part The Divinity Immortality The Good Shepherd with the Kid Monica's Last Prayer LYRIC POEMS Switzerland — 1. Meeting 2. Parting 3. A Farewell ^ 4. Isolation. To Marguerite JK 5. To Marguerite. — Continued 6. Absence 7. The Terrace at Berne . CONTENTS The Strayed Reveller . Fragment of an "Antigone" Fragment of Chorus of a " Dejaneira " Early Death and Fame — ^/Philomela . Urania Euphrosyne Calais Sands Faded Leaves — 1. The River . 2. Too Late . 3. Separation 4. On the Rhine 5. Longing i^' Despondency " v/Self-Deception 4=. ^^Dover Beach Growing Old The Progress of Poesy New Rome . ..^^Pis-Aller . The Last Word . The Lord's Messengers A Nameless Epitaph Bacchanalia ; or, The New Age Epilogue to Lessing's Laocoon Persistency of Poetry . A Caution to Poets CONTENTS XI / v^'^The Youth of Nature The Youth of Man Palladium . Progress Revolutions Ht. Self-dependence Morality . A Summer Night .jiy^HE Buried Life ■ Lines Written in Kensington A Wish The Future Gardens ELEGIAC POEMS -*/ The Scholar-Gipsy *-f'-'THYRSIS Memorial Verses . Stanzas in Memory of Edward Quillinan Stanzas from Carnac A Southern Night Ha WORTH Churchyard , Epilogue . Rugby Chapel Heine's Grave V Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse Stanzas in Memory of the Author of " Obermann " Obermann once more ..... xu CONTENTS DRAMATIC POEMS Merope, a Tragedy Empedocles on Etna 347 436 LATER POEMS Westminster Abbey Geist's Grave Poor Matthias Kaiser Dead Notes 479 485 488 495 501 EARLY POEMS >^^ SONNETS QUIET WORK ONEJlesson/ Nature, let me learn of thee, >. One lesson which in every wind is blown, ^^^^y^*^ (\&sy^ One lesson of two duties kept at one Though the loud world proclaim their enmity — /. Of toil unsever'd from tranquillity ! ' ^^^j^^^ .^