wool BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS Compiled by MABTHA WILSON Superviflor of School LibrarioB Minnesota — Department of Education (Reprinted with adaptations from the list as published by the Minnesota Department of Education) American Library Association Publishing Board 78 East Washington Street, Chicago." 1914 BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS Compiled by MARTHA WILSON Supervisor of School Libraries Minnesota — Department of Education (Reprinted with adaptations from the list as published by the Minnesota Department of Education) American Library Association Publishing Board 78 East Washington Street, Chicago. 1914 CONTENTS. Acknowledgment iii Books for high schools vii The high school library viii Suggestions for high school librarians x Reading circle xiv Supplies xvi Class No. Books for High Schools Page R-ef. General reference works 1 150 Psychology 3 170 Conduct of life. Ethics 3 290 Mythology * 4 320 Politics and government 5 330 Economics 8 370 Education 11 378 Colleges and universities 11 380 Commerce 12 398 Legends 13 510 Mathematics 15 520 Astronomy 15 530 Physics 16 540 Chemistry — Mineralogy 18 550 Geology. Physical geography 19 570 Biology ". 21 580 Botany _ 22 590 Zoology 23 607 Vocational guidance 25 612 Physiology. Hygiene. Physical training 26 630 Agriculture 27 640 Household economics 31 650 Business. Professions ' 34 680 Manual training , 35 700 Fine arts TH 736, 740 Wood carving. Drawing 38 780 Music 38 790 Sports 39 793 Indoor amusements 40 800 Literature — General 41 807 Literature — Study and teaching 41 808 English language — Composition. Rhetoric 42 808.5 Debating. Public speaking 43 808.8 Collections for readings 44 810 English and American literature 45 810.8 English and American literature — General collections 47 vi CONTENTS 810.9 Biography and criticism for literature 48 811 Toetry 50 811.8 Poetry— Collections 52 812 English and American drama 54 813 Fiction and humor 57 813.9 Historical fiction 65 814 Essays and prose miscellany 68 814.8 Prose miscellany — Collections 71 815 Orations — Collections 72 830 German language and literature 7Z 839 Scandinavian literature 74 840 French literature 74 870-880 Greek and Latin language and literature 75 910-917 Travel 76 920 Biography — Collective 76 921 Biography — Individual 77 930 Ancient history 78 940 Modern European history. General history 81 942 England— History 86 973 American history 89 973.9 Biography for American history 99 Author, title and subject index 105 Authorities for notes 147 Index to publishers 148 BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS. This list complements the List of books for elementary and rural schools, and a few titles of especial interest to high school students have been repeated. Arrangement. The list is arranged by class, thus bringing books of a similar nature and use together. In each class the books are listed b}'- author (black face type) and title and each item is numbered consecutively. Library usage has been followed in the form of entry and in capitalization. Index. A full author, title and subject index is given at the end, so that a book may be found easily. Selection of titles. In the preparation of the list, an attempt has been made to include books useful in all different types of high schools. The titles have been chosen to supplement the teaching in the schools and to provide some interesting outside reading for the high school boys and girls. The books for recreative reading have been chosen with view to interesting the boys and girls in reading, in owning books themselves and in the use of the public library. Editions. Standard editions have been listed, and wherever possible, those of moderate cost. To meet the Fequests of some of the larger high schools, some expensive books have been included, but practically the same material is also represented in less expensive form. Attractive editions of the classics and of standard fiction have been added, when these are obtainable. Many high school libraries find these useful in interesting the students. They are usually kept in the library as a reference collection and cheaper editions provided for home use. Vocational guidance. To meet the demands of the newer work in English in the field of vocational guidance, many books have been included in the classes 170, 607, 920-921, and in each class where such books might be included. Leavitt — Examples in industrial education gives the outline for this work as carried on in Grand Rapids, Michigan. • Prices. Only the publishers' list prices are given. Reductions from these prices may be obtained from a number of reli- able book dealers. SCHOOL LIBRARY THE SCHOOL LIBRARY. The library room. The school library, if it is to be of value in the work and life of the school must be properly housed, suitably cared for and arranged. A library room is necessary, even if the students go to the public library for much of their work. The uses to which the room will be put, will determine its size and equipment, but some suggestions may apply to all. The library should be a workshop, planned for real work, and the tools, the books, should be in order and cared for. It should be easily accessible. If there is no public library in the town, the school library room should be so planned that it may be used as a public library also. Where this is a necessity, the library should be on the first floor, and with an outside entrance if possible. When the library is on the second floor, it should be reached from a main hall, not through class rooms or cloak rooms. The room should not be smaller than an ordinary class room. It should be large enough to shelve the 'present collection comfortably, never two rows of books on a shelf, and to allow for growth, and it should admit of tables for reading and reference use. Lighting. Care should be taken in planning, to secure plenty of natural light for both the shelves and the reading tables. Shelving. The present types of school buildings with light entering from one side make it necessary to put most of the shelving on one side of the room. Provide open shelves if possible, having all books in view and within reach. Shelving should be built around the walls, and under the windows, if these are sufficiently high. Shelving should be built standard height, which is about 7 feet 2 inches, allowing a 6 inch base, 6 shelves one inch thick, with 10 inches space between and a 12 inch space for the bottom shelf to accommodate large-sized books. Shelves should be 8 inches deep, and not more than 36 inches long, as they will sag if too long. Avoid high shelving and unsightly cupboards. If books must be locked in a case, se- cure one with glass doors. Book supports are needed to keep the books in order on the shelves. Their use not only improves the appearance of the library, but lessens the wear on the books. Where wall space is limited and the room is sufficiently wide, short, double-faced stacks not more than 36 inches, may be built from the wall shelving at intervals of 4 feet, thus making alcoves. If there is any space under the windows not needed for radiation, shelves may be placed there for reference books, allowing 6 in base, 2 shelves 1 inch thick and not more than 9 inches deep. The top of such a case should be flush with the window sill and will make a convenient shelf to rest the book upon while consulting it. This space may be divided into small compartments and utilized for magazines, each division being marked with name of magazine. SCHOOL LIBRARY Furniture. The room should have at least reading tables and chairs placed near the windows, a table or desk for the librarian, a cabinet for the catalog, and built-in magazine rack. Bulletin boards are useful adjuncts for posting current news items, lists of books, or pictures interesting to the different classes. They may be made of a square of cork carpet, framed. Use. Teaching high school students the use of books should be a part of the school work. It has an immediate value in connection with the preparation of the lessons, and starts him in the way of using books and public libraries as an aid in life-long education. Ward's Practical use of books and libraries, and Baldwin's Writing and speaking, will be valu- able aids in giving such instruction. Service. The liljrary, even though properly arranged and indexed, will not reach its full efficiency until its use is directed, and it is highly desir- able that a high school librarian be employed. The librarian should have equivalent educational qualifications with the high school teachers and be paid the same salary. Until library service is paid for at the same rate, it will not be of the same grade as the teaching. The librarian should be a library school graduate, if possible, or at least should have had summer library school training. Some teachers are willing to do part time teach- ing and part library work. Where this arrangement is made the teacher should take at least a summer school course in library training. Teachers should not be called upon to care for the library in addition to their other work. Co-operation with public library. In towns where there is a good pub- lic library with a competent librarian, the schools will get best service by keeping in the school only such books as are needed for daily reference, and sending the pupils to the library for much of their reference work and general reading. The school and the library should work out a definite plan of co-oper- ation. The teachers should know what there is in the public library that will be of help to them and the librarian should know enough of the work of the school to be able to prepare in advance for calls. The teacher should notify the librarian in advance when numbers of students are coming for material on a subject, that she may have it ready. W^here such co-opera- tion exists, the work on the use of books and the library may be given by the librarian in the school or in the library, with practical demonstra- tions. SUGGESTIONS FOR LIBRARIANS SUGGESTIONS FOR HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARIANS. Care of the high school library. The librarian is responsible for the care of books and other library- property. She should keep a careful record of all books loaned, an ac- curate account of any money received for fines or injuries and she must make a report at the close of the school year including the following items: Number of volumes in the library. Number of volumes added during the year: (a) by purchase (b) by gift. Number withdrawn during the year: (a) lost (b) v/orn out (c) not accounted for. Number of volumes loaned during the year (counting each volume once for each time it is loaned). Receipts from fines, or other sources. Such other items as the board may require for their annual report to the Superintendent of Education. Preparation of books for the shelves. When the books are received, check with bill and with order to see that all have been received. Many libraries put date of bill, place where bought, and price, in the book back of the title page. When working with the books, open each one carefully according to directions. This will make the books wear much longer. How to open a new book: Lay the book, back downward, on a table or smooth surface. Press the front cover down until it touches the table, then the back cover, holding the leaves in one hand while you open a few at the back, then at the front, alternatel}^ pressing them down gently until you reach the center of the volume. Never open the book violently nor bend back the covers, it is liable to break the back and to loosen the leaves. Stamp books with school stamp and put in school book plate. Enter the books in the accession book or library record book. Accessioning. The accession record is a chronological list of the books added to the library, and is a most important business record. It is used as a basis for insurance, to give the number of volumes in the library, to ascertain the cost of any particular book, and if fully and accurately kept may give a complete history of each book from entry to withdrawal. The most important items are the author's name, title and price. As soon as the books are received, checked with order, and examined to see that all are in perfect condition, enter them in the accession book, one volume to a line, and assign to each a number from the number of the line on which it is entered. This is the accession number of the book, which should be written on the first right-hand page following the title-page and on the book plate or book pocket. Ruled and numbered books printed for the purpose may be bought or a strong blank book (8x10 inches) with lines numbered consecutively may be used and ruled like the form below. SUGGESTIONS FOR LIBRARIANS FORM FOR ACCESSION BOOK. Left side Date received Number Author's surname Title '^ Right side Publisher Source Cost Vol. or Copy Class Notes The accession record should not be kept in the same book with the charging record. Classification. Arranging books by subject or class makes the library- much more useful, as by so doing, books which are alike are brought to- gether and the material easily found. For the majority of schools the classification scheme used in this catalog will give the best service. This scheme is that arranged by Miss Cornelia Marvin for the High school libraries of Oregon. It is a modifica- tion of the Dewey decimal system used in most of the libraries in the state and is sufficiently sub-divided for ordinary needs. For outline see Table of contents, page v. In larger libraries, where close classification seems desirable, the Dewey-Abridged Decimal classification should be followed, and the A. L. A. Catalog (1904-11) will be a useful guide in classifying books not found on this list. These may both be obtained of the A. L, A. pub. board, 78 E. Washington st., Chicago. Marking. The classification numbers given in the list at the head of each class should be printed on the backs of the books. If desired, the initial letter of the author's name may be used below the class number. Place the number two inches from the bottom of the book, using Higgins' India ink on light colored books and Davids' Letterine (white) on dark ones. Varnish over the number with white varnish so that the number will not rub off, and the book may be easily cleaned. Shelving. Arrange the books by the numbers printed on the back. This will bring them in order by class or subject. Fiction may be classed in 813 or the number omitted. The books should be arranged alphabetical- ly by author's name, which should be marked on ^:he back of the books, if not already clearly printed. Charging System. The librarian nhould keep an accurate record of books loaned, so that any book belonging to the library, if not in its place on the shelves, may be located immediately. This record should show the date on which the book was loaned, the name of the borrower xu SUGGESTIONS FOR LIBRARIANS and the date returned. In smaller libraries a book ruled for this pur- pose may be used, but the card charging system is more convenient, and saves time. In this system, each book is provided v/ith a book pocket, in which the book card is kept. On the book card is written the author, title and number of the book. This card is kept in the pocket when the book is in the library, and is used for record of each loan. A date slip (plain or printed) pasted on the fly-leaf opposite the pocket, is useful to show the borrower when his book is due, but may be omitted in the small library, until it is found necessary. To loan a book, take the book card from the pocket, write the date and name of the borrower in columns indicated on sample printed below, and write the. date also on the date slip opposite the pocket. This date is a guide to the borrower, as he must return the book within two weeks from date of issue. The book card is the record held in the school to show when and to whom the book was loaned. File cards for books loaned alphabetically by surname of author, in a tray or box. When the book is returned, find book card, write date of re- turn on it and place it in pocket of book. From this record the num1)er of books loaned each day may easily be counted before cards are filed and books overdue are easily ascertained. BOOK CARD Author's surname Brie f tUle Number Da.te 'Date loaned '• Name of borrower returned Actual size 3x5 DATE SLIP This book may be kept FOURTEEN DAYS From last date given below. A fine of ONE CENT will be charged for each day the book is kept over time. Actual size 3x6 Rules for borrowers. Any pupil is entitled to draw books by making application to the teacher. Any resident of the district may borrow books not needed in school work. Every borrower may draw one book at a time, being entitled to both parts of a two-volume book. Books may be retained two weeks,' and may be once renewed for the same period, unless reserved for another borrower. Suitable fines (not more than one cent a day, or five cents a week, if the library is open only once a week) should be paid for books kept over time, and for loss or injury of books beyond reasonable wear. Mending and binding. Books, like any property, must be kept in re- pair if they are to retain any value. Keep books upright on the shelves. SUGGESTIONS FOR LIBRARIANS New books should be opened carefully when first received. When leaves become loosened they may be tipped in by pasting an eighth of an inch along the inner edge. Very little paste should be used in mending, and never glue or mucilage. Full suggestions on mending and mending materials will be sent on re- quest. When to bind. When the sewing of a book is loose throughout, the book must be sent to a binder. It does not pay to rebind very cheap books or poor books, but a book which is of permanent value and cannot be replaced for fifty cents should be sent to the bindery. It is impossible to rebind satisfac- torily books which are badly torn or worn to pieces. A book should be sent to the bindery before any leaves or sections are lost. Soiled books should not be rebound. Cleanliness. Books should be kept clean by the erasure of pencil or finger marks, and by rubbing the covers with gasoline, or washing them with soap and water applied lightly and rapidly and thoroughly dried. They are probably best cleaned by washing in vinegar and water, two- thirds vinegar. "^^ Train the pupils to handle books carefully and to keep them clean, re- membering always that clean hands are necessary to keep clean books. Occasional talks on the care of books, explaining how they are made, how to handle them, and why common property should be preserved will bring good results. It is obvious that such talks will be most effective when a supply of new books has just been received. Reference books are usually placed by themselves, are not circulated and are marked R. By using these class numbers and shelving together books with the same number, all books on a subject will be brought to- gether, and the library will have some order, a definite place for each volume. When there are several books in the same number, arrange them alphabetically by author. Pamphlet boxes should be provided for agricultural bulletins and other pamphlets. Satisfactory ones may be obtained for $6 per hundred. They should be marked with the subject and may be classified and placed on the shelves with the books. Label each shelf with the number of the class and the name of the subject to facilitate proper placing of books and ease in finding them. Catalog. This list should be checked and a copy preserved as a cata- log of books owned by the school. By the aid of the author and title index, which should also be checked, it may also serve as an index for a library of less than 500 volumes. Cataloging. The library will not give the service it should until all the material it contains, is made readily available. Schools are coming to the realization that it is better economy to buy fewer books and to spend some money in having them indexed for ready use. READING CIRCLE For a collection of more than 500 volumes, some card record is de- sirable. Shelf list. This is the first card record usually installed. It is a list on cards of all the books in the library. The cards are arranged as the books are arranged on the shelves and it may be called the "table of contents" of the library. The information given on the shelf list card consists of the class number, the author's name, brief title and the accession number. The shelf list may be used as a subject catalog, especially if an alphabetical index is added. Card catalog. A card catalog, properly prepared gives a complete index of all the material in the books in the library. The author, title and subject cards are arranged in one alphabet like a dictionary. To make a catalog properl}'- requires technical knowledge of catalog- ing and the work should not be undertaken without instruction. In the large school libraries it is recommended that the teacher in charge of the library should take a six weeks' course in library methods. Full dictionary card catalogs containing author, title and subject cards for whole books and parts of books may now be purchased. For informa- tion, apply to the American Library Association. READING CIRCLE. The reading circle is a good means of directing reading and of arous- ing interest in books. It is desirable that the pupils should o>^ the books they read, thus beginning a library of their own. Parents miglit be willing to get them for birthday and Christmas presents, or the pupils save their own money to buy them. This list is suggested for reading circles in the High schools, 1913- 1914. High School — First year. Church Odyssey for boys and girls Macmillan . . , $1.50 Hale Man without a country Little v35 Hughes Tom Brown's school days Houghton 50 King Cadet days Harper 1.25 Marden Success Wilde 1.25 Moses Lotrisa M. Alcott. ..Appleton 1.25 Ollivant Bob, son of Battle Burt 50 Tappan In the days of Queen Elizabeth Lothrop 1.00 Washington Up from slavery Grosset 50 Wiggin ,Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Houghton 75 READING CIRCLE High School — Second year. Austen Pride and prejudice Button 35 Bryant Christopher Hibbault Duffield 1.50 Doyle Through the magic door Doubleday ... 1.25 Norris Mother Macmillan ... 1.00 Noyes Drake .^ Stokes 1.50 Repplier In our convent days Houghton .... 1.10 Riis Making of an American .'Grosset" .50 Scott Talisman Dutton .35 Van Dyke ...First Christmas tree Scribner 50 Wallace Ben Hur Harper 1.50 High School— Third year. Antin Promised land Houghton .... 1.75 Barrie Margaret Ogilvy Scribner 1.25 Blackmore Lorna Doone Dutton 35 Evans Sailor's log Appleton 2.00 Fox Little shepherd of Kingdom come. . .Grosset 50 Gulick Efficient life Doubleday ... 1.20 Laboulaye Quest of the four leaved clover Ginn 40 Paine College years Scribner 1.50 Parsons Choosing a vocation Houghton 1.00 Weyman .Gentleman of France Longmans ... 1.25 High School — Fourth year. Davis A friend of Caesar Macmillan ... 1.50 Duncan Dr. Luke of the Labrador... Grosset 50 Johnsjsn .... Stover at Yale Scribner 1.50 Maeterlinck ...... Blue bird Dodd 1.25 Palmer Life of Alice Freeman Palmer Houghton 1.50 Parker Seats of the mighty Burt .50 Robins Come and find me Century 1.50 Shaler Masters of fate Duffield 1.50 Steiner On the trail of the immigrant Revell 1.50 White Blazed trail ....Grosset 50 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES. All library supplies may be obtained at these prices from dealers. Accession record, 1000 lines (paper cover) $1.25 3000 lines (half Russia) 375 5000 lines (half Russia) 5.00 Library record (for charging books) 85 Library labels (printed with rules), per 1000 2.50 Book cards, per 1000 1.25 per 100 15 Book pockets, Acme pocket (unprinted), per 500 1.00 Acme pocket (unprinted), per 1000 L75 Acme pocket (printed), per 500 2.75 Acme pocket (printed), per 1000 3.50 open end pocket (unprinted), per 500 1.00 open end pocket (unprinted), per 1000 1.75 open end pocket (printed), per 500 1.75 open end pocket (printed), per 1000 2.75 Date slips, per 1000 1.50 per 100 IS Charging tray with date guides , 75 Dating stamp 25 Stamp pad 20 Davids' Letterine (white ink), per bottle .15 Devoe's white spirit varnish, per bottle 25 Higgins' American India ink, per bottle 25 Book supports (Library bureau), per 10 90 (Library bureau), per 100 7.50 Shelf label holders (for movable labels giving names of classes). Specify exact thickness of shelf. 10c each; per 100 7.50 Catalog cases and cards (prices of any standard library outfits fur- nished on application). BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS GENERAL REFERENCE WORKS. Reference books relating particularly to one subject are classed with the subject. List price. Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and historical atlas of America. (Everymans library.) (Library binding.) Dutton $0.50 Includes a survey of North and South American coinage. Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and historical atlas of Europe. (Everymans library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Useful little reference books, containing colored historical maps, line maps, plans of notable battles and districts connected with authors and books, and a limited gazetteer of places of literary and historical interest. — A. L. A. Bartlett, John, comp. Familiar quotations; a collection of passages, phrases and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. Little 3.00 Arrangement is chronological, with an index of authors and an index by most important words of quotations. One of the most com- plete and accurate compilations. — Kroeger. Bliss, W. D. P., & Binder, R. N., eds. New encyclopedia of social reform. Funk 7.50 Comprehensive, accurate and impartial reference work, including besides social-reform movements and activities, economic, indus- trial and sociological facts and statistics of all countries and all social subjects. Brief bibliographies on important subjects — A. L. A. Brewer, E. C. Reader's handbook of famous names in fiction, allusions, references, proverbs, plots, stories and poems. Lippincott. (1906 ed.) 2.00 Concise account of such names as are used in allusions and ref- erences by writers. Appendix, p. 1135-58, gives a list under titles of dramas and operas with their authors and dates. There is also an appendix giving dates of poems, novels, etc., referred to in the book. — Kroeger. Crabb, George, comp. English synonyms. Harper 1.25 Quotations from the best writers illustrating the use of words are given. — Kroeger. Cram, G. F. Modern atlas: the nev/ unrivaled. Cram 10.00 Hammond's comprehensive atlas of the world. Hammond.. 2.00 Pt. 1 contains colored maps of the world — Pt. 2 Compendium of geography and index gazetteer. Gives much useful information, and is of convenient size for the school library. Limp leather binding. Hopkins, A. A., & Bond, A. R., comp. Scientific American reference book. Ed. 2. Munn 1.50 Compact handbook of descriptive and statistical material relating to trade, industries, patents, education, international institutions, transportation, armies, navies, government, population, mathemat- ics, mechanics, chemistry, etc. Tables and graphic representations. — N. Y. ■^"'^'* If iGl-i SCHOOLS List price. Hoyt, J. K., comp. Cyclopedia of practical quotations, En- glish, Latin and modern foreign languages. Rev. ed. Funk 6.00 Arranged under subjects, instead of chronologically like Bart- lett's, giving the exact authority as futt as possible. English quot- ations first, then Latin and foreign. A list of quoted authors with dates and nationality and pages whereon quoted. No quotations from the Bible are included. There i§ a full index to quotations from English authors and the English ^translation of foreign quota- tions; also an index to Latin and modern foreign quotations. The most useful work for quotations by sut>jects. — Kroeger. Lippincott*s new gazetteer of the world; ed. by Angelo and Louis Heilprin. Lippincott 10.00 The most comprehensive American -.work of its kind, alphabet- ically arranged, giving descriptions and information of places, with pronunciation and various spellings of ^ames. — Kroeger. Lippincott's pronouncing dictionary of biography and myth- ology. Lippincott 8.00 Best general reference book. It gives the pronunciation of names, sketches of lives of persons and bibliographic references. A list of the leading English Christian names, with their equiva- lents in the various European languages, is given in an appendix. In the introduction the general principles of pronunciation of each of the more important European and Asiatic languages are stated. — Kroeger. Readers' guide to periodical literature. Annual volumes. Wilson. 1912 1913 Indexes 67 periodicals under authors and subjects. Title entries are given in the case of fiction and articles with unusually distinc- tive titles. Includes some engineering as well as general periodi- cals. Book reviews are indexed and mention is made of maps, por- traits and illustrations. Articles are indexed under their specific heads. The indexing is most completely done. — Kroeger. For price, address H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. Robert, H. M. Rules of order. Scott 75 A compendium of parliamentary law, and explanation of the methods of organizing and conducting the business of societies. Oregon. Statesman's year book; statistical and historical annual of the states of the world. Latest volume. Macmillan 3.00 Statistical and descriptive information revised every year. It has a high reputation for accuracy and is the most important of the year books. Arrangement: British empire; Foreign countries, al- phabetic. References at the end of each country to other books. Index. Kroeger. Ward, G. O. Practical use of books and libraries. Boston bk 1.00 Elementary chapters on books, their structure, parts and refer- ence use. Who's who in America: a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States. Latest ed. Marquis ; 5.00 Published biennially. Condensed sketches of the lives of prom- inent Americans and of persons identified with American affairs. The addresses of persons are given. Kroeger. World almanac. Latest ed. (cloth). Press pub 60 Annual. Brief information on a great variety of subjects and useful recent statistics. Index in front. 150,170 PSYCHOLOGY. ETHICS 3 List -pri€€. 150 PSYCHOLOGY. James, William. Principles of psychology. Holt. (Anier. science series, briefer course) 1.60 Munsterberg, Hugo. Psychology and life. Houghton 1.80 Contents: Psychology and life — Psycjiology and physiology — Psychology and education— Psychology and art — Psychology and his- tory — Psychology and mysticism. 170 CONDUCT OF LIFE. ETHICS. Cabot; Mrs. E. L. Everyday ethics. Holt 1.25 A discussion of simple questions of right and wrong within the comprehension of young people from thirteen to eighteen, and bearing directly on the problems which are met by them. Especial stress has been laid on the choice of calling and the moral support it gives to character. Sentimentalism has been avoided on the one hand and "unintelligible abstractions" on the other. Teachers will find the book a practical and valuable aid. A. L. A. Conklin, M. G. Conversation; what to say and how to say it. TSF. Y. Funk 75 Suggestive little book, written, for people who wish to improve. Point is frequently given by relating anecdotes, actual blunders and wise dicta of Stevenson, Mahaffy, Sydney Smith and other conversationalists are skilfully interlarded. A. L. A. Dewey, Mrs. J. M. Lessons on manners arranged for gram- mar schools, high schools and academies. Hinds 75 A simple, sensible book on behavior. Oregon. Dewey, Mrs. J. M. Lessons on morals arranged for grammar schools, high schools and academies. Hinds 75 To help children to learn to decide rightly, questions of conduct and to become strong and self-reliant in character. Oregon. Gulick, L. H. Mind and work. Doubleday 1.20 Stimulating, practical talks on the relation between mental con- dition and physical efficiency. A. L. A. James, William. On some of life's ideals; On a certairi blind- ness in human beings; What makes a life significant. Holt. .50 Reprinted from his Talks to teachers, Keller, H. A. Optimism: an essay. Crowell 75 Marden, O. S. Making of a man. Lothrop. 1.00 Marden, O. S. Pushing to the front; or, Success under diffi- culties. Crowell 1.00 Marden, O. S. Success: a book of ideals, helps and examples. Wilde 1.25 Some of the chapter headings are: Enthusiasm — Game of the world — Education under difficulties — Misfit occupations — Ooin^ everything to a finish — Conduct as a- fine art — Medicine for the mind — Ideals — Many anecdotes of famous men. Marden, O. S. Young man efitering business. Crowell 1.00 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Markwick, W. F., & Smith, W. A. Tnie citizen; how to be- come one. (Eclectic school readings.) Amer. bk. 60 The liigher aspects of citizenship, both moral and ethical, are here presented. The book aims to show how the natural faculties and moral instincts may be jointly developed to produce a citizen- ship of the highest type. The text, which is well illustrated, is made more interesting by the frequent insertion of anecdotes of great men, Oregon. Paine, H. E. (E. Chester, pseud.) Girls and women. (River- side library.) Houghton 75 On health, education, self-support, charity, hospitality, emotional women, etc. Oregon. Richardson, B, J. Woman who spends. 2d ed. Whitcomb... 1.00 Aims to make women realize their influence in the economic world and urges them to a sense of responsibility in the use of money. N. Y. Shaler, Mrs. S. P. P. Masters of fate; the power of the will. Duffield 1.50 Inspiring account of noted people who have triumphed over per- sonal disabilities and played the part of men. A. L. A. Washington, B. T. Character building. Doubleday 1.50 Addresses delivered on Sunday evenings to the students of Tus- kegee institute. 290 MYTHOLOGY. For legends see Class 398. Anderson, R. B. Norse mythology; or, The religion of our forefathers, containing all the myths of the Eddas, systein- atized and interpreted. Ed. 7. Scott 2.50 Perhaps the most convenient summary we have of the body of Northern mythology. As such it is not only interesting, but valu- able. The author believes in the essentially indigenous character- istics of the Teutonic and Scandinavian myths and also in their marked moral superiority over the mythology of Greece and Rome. Pittsburgh. Baldwin, James. Story of the golden age; il. by Howard Pyle. (Heroes of the olden time.) Scribner. . . .^ 1.50 Legends about causes of Trojan war, told consecutively and end- ing where Homer begins. N. Y. Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of fable; or, Beauties of mythology. Rev. ed. McKay '. 1.25 stories from the Greek, Roman, Eastern and Scandinavian myth- ologies. The interest in them is increased by connecting them with literature, sculpture, and painting. Pittsburgh. Cox, Sir G. W. Tales of ancient Greece. McClurg 1.00 Combines "Tales of Greek mythology," "Gods and heroes" and "Tales of Thebes and Argos." Traces each story to its earliest known form. Pittsburgh, Fairbanks, Arthur. Mythology of Greece and Rome, present- ed with special reference to its influence on literature. (Twentieth century textbooks.) Appleton 1.50 The distinct merit of the book is . . . the fact that the ancient stories are told by a professional student of mythology who is familiar with the results of recent investigation. The illustrations, which are drawn exclusively from ancient art, are more numerous and far better than those in Gayley. In short, (he new book is a valuable- supplement to the old one; both should be useful for high- school or college courses. N. Y. Evening Post. 290,320 MYTHOLOGY. POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 5 List price. Gayley, C. M., ed. Classic myths in English literature, based chiefly on Bulfinch's Age of fable. Ginn 1.50 Probably the best manual for reference and for adult readers. Oregon. Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome. Illus. ed. Amer. bk 1.50 Narrated with special reference to literature and art. Guerber, H. A. Myths of Northern lands, narrated with spe- cial reference to literature and art. Amer. bk 1.50 Mabie, H. W. Norse stories; retold from the Eddas; ed. by K. L. Bates. Rand 40 320 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. Allen, W. H. Woman's part in government, whether she votes or not. Dodd 1.50 Outlines the questions of the day on which woman's influence can be brought to advantage: philanthropy, hygiene, school, munic- ipal government, and public business. Suggestive and practical, though disconnected. A. L. A. Ashley, R. L. American federal state: a textbook in civics for high schools and colleges, Macmillan 2.00 Beard, C. A. American government and politics. Macmillan. 2.10 Covers the practice and theory of government and points out recent political tendencies. A. L. A. Beard, C. A., ed. Readings in American government and pol- itics. Macmillan 1.90 Collection of illustrative material to accompany the manual, cov- ering history and federal, state and city government. A. Ij. A. Bradford, E. S. Commission government in American cities. (Citizens library of economics, politics and sociology.) Macmillan 1.25 Contains comparison of the different forms of the commission plan, summaries of checks to popular control (the referendum, initiative, recall) and tables of commission -governed cities illus- trating various phases of the plan in operation. A. L. A. Bryce, James. American commonwealth. Abr. ed. Macmil- lan 1.75 Easily first among descriptions and criticisms of American polit- ical and social institutions. Larned. Childs, R. S. Short ballot principles. Houghton 1.00 Vigorous criticism of the limitations of democracy in practice. A. L. A. Croly, Herbert. Promise of American life. (Standard li- brary.) Macmillan 50 Argues that unrestricted individual freedom has resulted in a morally and socially undesirable distribution of wealth and that in- creased social legislation will be necessary to secure equality of opportunity— the "promise of American life." A. L. A. Deming, H. E. Government of American cities. Putnam... 1.50 Argument for more democracy in city government and for the adoption of the municipal program of the National municipal league. A good statement of the more progressive theories and ideals, and useful in creating a public sentiment. A. L. A. HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Fanning, C. E., comp. Selected articles on direct primaries. Ed. 3, 1911, (Debater's handbook series.) Wilson 1.00 This series contains a considerable group of brief manuals de- signed specially for debaters and frequently revised. Besides a careful selection of articles from recent literature, not usually ac- cessible, there is a general statement of the subject affirmative and negative arguments and a select bibliography. A. L. A. Fanning, C. E., comp. Selected articles on the election of United States senators. (Debater's handbooks.) Wilson.. 1.00 Federalist; a commentary on the constitution of the United States; reprinted from the original text of Alexander Ham- ilton, John Jay, and James Madison; ed. by H. C. Lodge. Putnam 1.50 Written at the very birth of the Union by those who watched its cradle, and recording, incidentally, and therefore all the more faithfully, the impressions and anticipations of the friends and ene- mies of the infant constitution. James Bryce. Foltz, E. B. K. Federal civil service as a career. Putnam.. .. 1.50 Chapters on the merit system, preparation, examinations and ap- pointment. A. L. A. Forman, S. E. Advanced civics: the spirit, the form and the functions of the American government. Century..... L25 A book for high schools and colleges. Discusses the principles of our government, its machinery, and its problems. An excellent work of value to the teacher. Oregon. Foster, J. W. Century of American diplomacy: brief review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1777-1876. Houghton 3.50 Chapter on Monroe doctrine covers Venezuela dispute. Written from wide experience and careful use of sources, N. Y. Foster, J. W. Practice of diplomacy as illustrated in the for- eign relations of the LInited States. Houghton 3.00 Sets forth the part taken by American diplomatists in the eleva- tion and purification of diplomacy and gives in popular form the rules and procedure of diplomatic intercourse. Complements A century of American diplomacy. A. L. A. Goodnow, F. J. Municipal government. Century 3.00 Best and most comprehensive work covering the United States and European countries. A. L. A, Guitteau, W. B. Government and politics in the United States. Houghton 1.00 Up-to-date, comprehensive text for high schools presenting in detail the practice as well SbS the theory of local, state and national government. A. L. A. Hart, A. B. Actual government as applied under American conditions. (American citizen series.) Longmans 2.25 A comprehensive treatise on local, state, and federal government, adapted for use as a college and high school text-book. Describes the machinery of government and of parties with such account of its historir'al development as is necessary to understand its work- ings. Wells. Raskin, F. T. American government. School ed. Lippincott .80 Descriptions of the functions and workings of the branches of the government in Washington. Includes a chapter on the govern- ment of the district of Columbia. Useful, accurate and interesting information, popularly presented. A. L. A. 320 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 7 List , price. Haynes, G. H. Election of scimlors. (Aiiicrican public prob- lems.) Holt 1.50 Thorough, scholarly, but readable study of the method of election of senators, with fair presentations of argruments both for and against a constitutional amendment. N. Y. McCall, S. W. Business of Congress. (Columbia university lectures.) Columbia univ 1.50 Describes the way in which congress actually transacts business and gives a history of the evolution of parliamentary methods, with concrete examples and occasional amusing and illuminating anec- dotes. A. L. A. Macy, Jesse. Party organrzation and machinery. (American state series.) Century 1.25 Study of American political organization, national and state, with .chapters on typical systems in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, In- "diana, Missouri and the South. N. Y. Munro, W. B. Government of European cities. Macmillan.. 2.50 Comprehensive description and comparison of the city govern- ments of France, Prussia and England. A. L. A. Munro, W. B., ed. The initiative, referendum and recall. (National municipal league series.) Appleton 1.50 These fifteen papers ably present both sides of each subject, are up-to-date and rich in concrete information. They constitute, per- haps, the best single work for the general reader. A. L. A. Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on the initiative and referendum. (Debater's handbooks.) Wilson 1.00 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on the recall, includ- ing the recall of judges and judicial decisions. (Debater's handbook.) Wilson ^ 1.00 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on woman suffrage. 2d ed. rev. (Debater's handbook.) Wilson 1.00 Series described under No. 1456. Robbins, E. C, comp. Selected articles on the commission plan of municipal government. 3d ed. (Debater's hand- books.) Wilson 1.00 Series described under No. 1456. Roosevelt, Theodore. American ideals, and other essays, social and political. Ptitnam 1.50 On manly virtues and practical politics, state legislation, civil service reform, administering the New York police force, Monroe doctrine, etc. N. Y. Steiner, E. A. The immigrant tide, its ebb and flow. Revell. 1.50 Discussion of the temperament and ideals of Italian, Jewish and Slavic immigrants and their effect on our institutions. A. Li. A. Sumner, H. L. Equal sufrrage. Harper 2.00 Study of the political, social and economic effects of equal suf- frage in Colorado. Includes material useful to suffragists and anti- suffragists alike, but with conclusions favorable to women's vot- ing. A. li. A. Wilcox, D. F. Government by all the people; or, The initiative, the referendum and the recall as instruments of democracy. Macmillan 1.50 A defense of direct legislation based upon the conception "that government is a public co-operation, not a private industry; that it is not an institution where a few turn out the goods which cer- tain people want and others do not. All men produce government; all men consume it." Supplements Munro. HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Williams, Henry. United States navy; a handbook. Holt... 1.50 Handbook furnishing information useful generally and to young men thinking of entering the service. Gives its history, organiza- tion, personnel, classes of ships, explosives, designing and build- ing warships. A. L. A. Willoughby, W. W. Rights and duties of American citizen- ship. Amer. bk • 1.00 A general introduction to political science and a description of civil government in the United States. Oregon. Wilson, Woodrow. The new freedom. Dotibleday 1.00 The main theme is the great political and economic changes which have come about through modern industrial conditions. He favors publicity and the referendum. A. L. A. Wilson, Woodrow. The state; elements of historical and practical politics. Heath 2.00 Reviews, in extended summary fOi^m, the leading features of all the more important ancient and modern systems of government. Dial. Woodburn, J. A. Political parties and party problems in the United States: a sketch of . , . party history and of the development and operations of party machinery; w^ith a consideration of certain party problems in their relations to political morality. Putnam 2.00 330 ECONOMICS. Addams, Jane. Twenty years at Hull-house. Macmillan 1.50 Survey of its founding and development and of some of the civic and social movements in Chicago. A. L. A. Barton, Clara. Story of the Red Cross. Appleton 1.00 Early history and account of relief work accomplished. A. L. A. Bogart, E. L. Economic history of the United States. Long- mans 1.75 Chief events of the economic development grouped to form a continuous story. Extensive bibliography. A. L. A. Bullock, C. J., comp. Selected readings in economics. (Se- lections and documents in economics.) School ed. Ginn.. 2.25 A compilation of treatises on definite subjects historic, descrip- tive and theoretical — written by specialists. A. L. A. Bullock, C. J., comp. Selected readings in public finance. (Se- lections and documents in economics.) (School ed.) Ginn 1.80 Contents: The literature of public finance — General considera- tions concerning public expenditures — The increase of public ex- penditures in modern times — Public revenues — Revenues from do- mains — Revenues from public industries — Fees — General proposi- tions concerning taxation — Justice in taxation — Capitation taxes — The general property tax — The general income tax — The Impot per- sonnel-mobilier— Taxes on business — The corporation tax — Taxes upon commoditie.s — The customs revenues of the U. S. — The in- ternal revenue system of the U. S. — The early development of pub- lic borrowing — The nature and economic effects of public debts — Should a national debt be paid — Sinking funds — National and local debts compared — Financial legislation in the U. S. — The custody and disbursement of public money — Central control of local finance. Selections are drawn from sources old and new, and argumejits on various controverted questions are reproduced — the whole re- sulting in a most useful and valuable reference book. A. L. A. 330 ECONOMICS - List price. Bullock, E. D., comp. Selected articles on compulsory insur- ance. (Debater's handbook series.) Wilson 1.00 Series described under No. 1456. Callender, G. S., ed. Selections from the economic history of the United States, 1765-1860. Ginn 2.75 Compilation of source material and selections from authorities. A. L. A. Carlton, F. T. History and problems of organized labor. Heath 2.00 Includes discussion of immigration, the sweated industries, child, woman and prison labor, unemployment and industrial education. A. L. A. Coman, Katherine. Economic beginnings of the far West. 2 V. Macmillan 4.00 A valuable, comprehensive and scholarly work, yet fairly popular and readable in treatment, more attention being given to a study of tendencies. It has explanatory notes and unusually full biblio- graphies. Excellent index and many reproductions of old prints. A. L. A. Dewey, D. R, Financial history of the United States. (Amer- ican citizen series.) Longmans 2.00 The best single work on our financial and monetary history. Es- pecially valuable for the relations between democratic sentiment and financial legislation and for the period following the Civil war. Wells. Ely, R. T., & Wicker, G. R. Elementary principles of econom- ics. Macmillan 1.00 Comprehensive, clear, recent. Probably the best general treatise for the beginner. T. S. Adams. Fetter, F. A. Principles of economics with applications to practical problems. Century 2.00 "The theory is illuminated by constant references to practical life." Oregon. Fiske, A, K. Modern bank. (Appleton's business series.) Appleton 1.50 Brief description of development and modern systems of bank- ing, with chapters on trust companies, savings banks, foreign ex- change, safe deposit companies. N. Y. Freeman, W. G., & Chandler, S. E. World's commercial prod- ucts. School ed. Ginn 3.00 Descriptive account of the economic plants of the world and their commercial uses, with some history and statistics of production. Excellent illustrations. A. L.. A. George, W. R. The Junior Republic: its history and ideals. Appleton 1.50 Interesting account of its evolution and methods. A. Ij. A. Holt, Hamilton, ed. Life stories of undistinguished Amer- icans as told by themselves. Pott 1.50 Autobiographies by people of different races, industries and na- tionalities in our American working life. Interesting to read and valuable as sociological studies. A. L. A. Morawetz, Victor. Banking and currency problem in the United States. Harper 1.00 Clear and concise exposition. A. 1j. A. 10 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on government own- ership of railroads. (Debater's handbook series.) Wilson. 1.00 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on the income tax. (Debater's handbook series.) Wilson 1.00 Series described under No. 1456. Price, O. W. Land we live in. Small 1.50 Discusses in an interesting way, our forest, mineral and water resources and shows why conservation is necessary. Attractively illustrated, but not strongly bound. Richmond, M. E. Good neighbor in the modern city. (Rus- sell Sage foundation publications.) Lippincott 60 Talks on social science and practical charity. A. L. A. Riis, J. A. Battle with the slum. Macmillan 2.00 Intimately personal account of the conditions which prevailed in the tenement house districts and of what has been done and against what odds, to purge the city. Journal of political economy. Robbins, E. C, comp. Selected articles on a central bank of the United States. (Debaters' handbook series.) Wilson.. 1.00 Series described under No. 1456. Sparge, John. Bitter cry of the children. Grosset 75 Problem of poverty as it affects children. Studies the evils re- sulting from work of children under the legal age in factories and mines and suggests remedies. A. L. A. Taussig, F. W. Principles of economics. 2v. Macmillan.... 4.00 A thorough going study of economics. It deals principally with the industrial conditions of modern countries, but most of all with those of the United States. Bk. rev. digest. Taussig, F. W. Tariff history of tlie United States. (Ques- tions of the day.) 5th ed. rev. Putnam 1.50 Accurate noncontroversial record of facts, by a tariff reformer. N. Y. This edition has been revised at each change in the tariff, in- cluding the Payne-Aldrich act of 1909. A. L. A. , Toothaker, C. R., & others. Commercial raw materials; their origin, preparation and uses. Ginn 1.25 Gives much attention to animal and mineral products. A. L. A. Van Hise, C. R. Conservation of natural resources in the United States. Macmillan 2.00 A practical presentation in moderate compass, based on all avail- able resources. A. L. A. Wyckoff, W. A. Workers: an experiment in reality: the East. Scribner 1.25 Two months' voluntary experience of a college-bred investigator, working as builder's helper, summer hotel porter, farmhand, in a Pennsylvania logging camp and while tramping between places. Wyckoff, W. A. Workers; an experiment in reality; the West. Scribner 1.50 Further experiences as a day laborer in Chicago and in working his way Westward to Pacific coast. N. Y. 370,378 EDUCATION. COLLEGE LIFE 11 List price. 370 EDUCATION. Books oil education recomnieiided for reference use in the Teacli- ers' training departments of the high schools may be found in the Minnesota school library list: Books for elementary and rural schools, page 121. Briggs, Mrs. L. B. R. Girls and education. Houghton 1.00 Contents: To the girl who would cultivate herself — To school- girls at graduation — To college girls — College teachers and college taught. Brown, J. F. American high school. Macniillan 1.40 Discusses from the educator's standpoint its function, organiza- tion and management, curriculum, teaching force, material equip- ment and social life. A. L. A. Phelps, W. L. Teaching in school and college. Macniillan.. 1.00 Contents: School-teaching and discipline — Private school — teach- ing and scholarship — Imagination in teaching — Efficiency of college teaching — Education and instruction — English composition — English pronunciation — Teaching English literature — Moral aspect of teach- ing. Ward, E. J. The social center. (National municipal league series.) Appleton 1.50 Advances arguments for the use of the schoolhouse as the center of the social and civic life of the community, the common meeting ground for the discussion of political ideas, of movements for civic advancement and social betterment, and as a polling place. The functions which such a center could assume — public lectures, oranch public library, public art gallery, music, recreation, public health office, vocation bureau, etc. — are described by various writers Bibliography. A. L. A. 378 COLLEGE LIFE. College catalogs, which may be obtained upon application to the institutions, should be on file in High School libraries, and may be classed in this number. Stories of college life are classed in 818 Fiction. Cooper, C. S. Why go to college? Century 1.50 Popular chapters, resulting from visits to more than 500 Amer- ican colleges. They analyze the characteristics of under-graduates and of the education offered them, recount miscellaneous anecdotes of college life and consider briefly reasons for going to college and the effect of college education on after life. A. L. A. Crawford, M. C. College girl of America and the institutions which make her w^hat she is. Page 1.25 Account of history, government, aims, spirit, athletics, and social life of principal women's colleges. Several chapters on co-educa- tional and smaller southern colleges. Photographic illustrations. Literary world. Hancock, H. I. Life at West Point. Putnam 1.40 Describes training of army officers; studies, drill, discipline and amusements. N. Y. Palmer, Mrs. A. F. Why go to college? Crowell 30 Parkin, G. R. The Rhodes scholarships. Houghton 2.00 An account of the origin, conditions and management of these scholarships, prefaced by a sketch of Rhodes' life. A. L. A. 12 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Slosson, E, E. Great American universities. Macmillan 2.50 Comparative study of the work of nine endowed and five state universities, defining differences clearly. A. L. A. Wilson, C. D. Working one's way through college and university. McClurg 1.00 Describes methods by which students (men and women) can sup- port themselves while in college, and gives statistics and extensive lists of occupations, chiefly obtained from college employment bu- reaus. A great many individual cases are cited, with frequent quotations from published accounts or lives of well known men. Contains much good general advice, also considerable miscellaneous information about various colleges, as to expense and entrance re- quirements, etc., and sample examination papers for West Point and Annapolis. A. L. A. 380 COMMERCE. COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY. Day, Clive. History of commerce. (Longman's commercial textbooks.) Longmans 2.00 Covers ancient, medieval, modern and recent commerce. The commerce of the United States separately considered. A. L. A. Johnson, E. R. Elements of transportation. Appleton 1.50 Aims to describe each transportation agent, study its services and relation to the public and the extent to which government regula- tion is desirable. N. Y. Mathews, J. L. Remaking the Mississippi. Houghton 1.75 Study of the Mississippi system and its allies, containing valu- able data and showing a thorough knowledge of the problems of inland waterways. Takes up the questions of hydrology, control of the major and minor beds, levee building and maintenance, the upper river, the Missouri, the Ohio and the canalization, the Lakes- to-the-Gulf system, etc. A. L. A. Mills, J. C. Our inland seas. McClurg 1.75 story of the development of commerce on the Great Lakes from 1679, reciting the history, adventure and romance of the lakes and discussing the economic relation of lake traffic to general pros- perity. A. L. A. Mills, J. C. Searchlights on some American industries. Mc- Clurg 1.50 Contents: Lumber — Salt — Sugar — Paper — Rubber — Leather — Mould- ing — Graphite — Sightless workers, the achievements of the blind. Robinson, E. V. D. Commercial geograph3^ Rand 1.25 Interesting, concrete work, with more emphasis on economic fea- tures and commerce than on geography. A. L. A. Spears, J. F. Story of the American merchant marine. Mac- millan 1.50 Follows our picturesque, hazardous and successful seafaring- trade in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; describes the de- cline of the carrying industry when steam displaced sail and argues for efficient nautical education and arrainst subsidies as a means of reviving the American merchant marine. A. L. A. Warman, Cy. Story of the railroad. (Story, of the West series.) Appleton 1.50 Picture of the life of the man who built the trans-continental lines across the plains and mountains. Also, a history, in brief, of the five principal companies whose roads have crossed the con- tinent. Literary world. 298 SaNaOHl 13 T.ist ' price. 398 LEGENDS. Baldwin, James. The sampo. Scribner 2.00 A selection of liero adventures from the Kalevala, woven into an attractive narrative concerning the making of the "sampo," or Mill of Fortune. A. L. A. Baldwin, James. Story of Roland. (Heroes of the olden time.) Scribner 1.50 The daring feats and great exploits of Roland, worthiest of the barons of France, and those of Oliver and Reinold and Ogier th ■> Dane. Pittsburgh. Baldwin James. Story of Siegfried. (Heroes of the olden time.) Scribner 1.50 Tells of his forging the wondrous sword, Balmung, of his riding through flaming fire to awaken the maiden. Brunhild, ansl of the many other strange and daring deeds which he wrought. Pitts- burgh. A modern version sometimes following the Eddas, sometimes the Nibelungen lay, and sometimes differing from both. Buffalo. Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur. McKay ' : 1.25 Contains not only the legends of King Arthur and his knights and strange and marvelous tales from the famous Red book of Herge.st, but also stories of Richard the Lion-hearted, of Robin Hood the bold outlaw of Sherwood forest, and of Edward the Black Prince. Pittsburgh. Cheaper edition. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.).. .50 Chapin, A. A. Story of the Rhinegold (Der rinc^ des Nil)el- ungen), told for 3^oung people. Harper 1.25 How the dwarf, Alberich, stole the Rhine maidens' g^ld and how Siegfried the great warrior and Brunhild the valkyria lifted the evil spell from off the world. Adapted from The Nibelungen ring. Pitts- burgh. Chapin, A. A. Wonder tales from Wagner. Harper 1.25 Contains the sea-myth of the flying Dutchman, the legend of Tannhauser, the stories of Lohengrin, the knight of the Swan, of Tristan and the beautiful Isolde, and of Hans Sachs, the cobbler- poet. Pittsburgh. Church, A. J. Heroes of chivalry and romance. Macmillan.. 1.75 Contents: Story of Beowulf — King Arthur and the Round table — Treasure of the Nibelungs. Colored illustrations. French, Allen. Heroes of Iceland; adapted from Dasent's translation of The story of Burnt Njal. Little 1.50 The great Icelandic saga telling of life in the tenth century. Ore- gon. French, Allen. Story of Grettir the Strong. Button 1.25 This is the only good form of this saga for reading and is a vigorous and interesting narrative. A. L. A. Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Rhine. Barnes 1.20 A collection of the weird, romantic legends which cluster about the moss-grown ruins and quaint towns and cities of the Rhine. Among these legends are. The last of the Templars— The pet raven —The haunted castle — The ghost feast — The robber knight — The hoard of gold. Pittsburgh. 14 HIGH SCHOOLS List ^ price. Higginson, T. W. Tales of the enchanted ishinds of the At- lantic, Macmillan 1.50 In times past tliere were enciianted islands in the Atlantic in which there were demons, which appeared and disappeared mys- teriously, and about which weird legends hovered. Pittsburgh. Hull, Eleanor, comp. Bo3'^s' Cuchiilain; heroic legends of Ire- land. Crowell 1.50 Thirty tales, vividly told. Colored illustrations. A. L. A. Mabinogion. Knightly legends of Wales; or, The boy's Mabinogion; ed. by Sidney Lanier. (Boys' library of le- gend and chivalry.) Scribner 2.00 The earliest legends of King Arthur as they were told in the Red book of Hergest. Companion to the Boys' King Arthur. Pitts- burgh. Macleod, Mary. Book of King Arthur and his no])le knights. Stokes 1.50 "This book treateth of the birth, life and acts of the said King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round Table, their marvel- ous conquests and adventures and the achieving of the Sangreal." A new and attractive version of the most delightful romances of the Middle ages following Malory closely. Pittsburgh. Malory, Sir Thomas. Boy's King Arthur; ed. by Sidney Lanier. (Boys' library of legend and chivalry.) Scribner.. 2.00 During the fifteenth century Sir Thomas Malory wrote a history of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table. This was printed by Caxton, who was the first to introduce printing into England. Mr. Lanier prepared this stirring tale of knights and chivalry especially for the boys. Pittsburgh. Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner. 3.00 So fully is this book expressive of the hardy and joyous spirit of adventure, of the jolly outlaws of Sherwood Forest, that the reader almost feels that he himself has dressed in Lincoln green, eaten venison pasty with Friar Tuck, wielded a quarter-staff with stout Little John, and attended Maid Marian's wedding with bold Robin Hood. And, be assured, he has taken no harm from their com- panionship; honor and justice and kindliness are laws observed by them and higher than any on the King's statute book. Prentice and Power. Pyle, Howard. Story of King Arthur and his knights. Scrib- ner Expensive, but beautiful in thought, expression, and illustration. The most attractive of the King Arthur books. Oregon. 2.50 Ragozin, Z. A. Frith j of, the viking of Norway, and Roland, the paladin of France. (Tales of the heroic ages.) Putnam 1.25 The first is adapted from the epic poem of Esaias Tegner, the second is a retelling of the Song of Roland. Ragozin, Z. A. Siegfried, the hero of the north, and Beowulf the hero of the Anglo-Saxons. (Tales of the heroic ages.) Putnam .' 1.25 The version of Siegfried Is taken from the Nibelungen Lied, and the story of Beowulf is a careful rendering of the poem about the Saxon hero. lowa; Wilmot-Buxton, E. M. Stories of the Persian heroes. Crow- ell 1.25 Stories of the kings of Persia, based on the Epio of the kings." A. L. A. 0Z9'0T9 MATHEMATICS. ASTRONOMY 15 price. 510 MATHEMATICS. Ball, W. W. R. Mathematical recreations and problems of past and present times. Macmillan 2.50 March, H. W. Industrial mathematics. Wiley..., 2.00 An excellent, accurate text, providing- for students of the technical industries the principles and a large number of practical examples and problems in industrial mathematics. A. L. A. Smith, D. E. Teaching and study of elementary matliematics. (Teachers' professional library.) Macmillan 1.00 White, W. F. Scrap book of elementary mathematics. Open court ' 1.00 Young, J. W. A. Teaching of mathematics in the elementary and secondary school. (American teachers' series.) Long- mans 1.50 Includes valuable bibliographies and lists of books for the teacher and the library. 520 ASTRONOMY. Ball, Sir R. S. Star land; being talks with young people about the wonders of the heavens. Ginn 1.00 Its simple style does not interfere with its scientific accuracy, and it is thoroughly usable for both teacher and pupil. Pittsburgh. Comstock, G. C. Textbook of astronomy. (Twentieth cen- tury textbooks.) Appleton 1.30 Strong points are: Plain, direct statement of principles and latest known facts, many illustrations, and apt and original way of pop- ularizing elements of astronomy without appreciable loss to science or fact. Popular astronomy. Martin, M. E. Friendly stars. Harper 1.25 Untechnical, really delightful descriptions of the twenty brightest stars and the great constellations, their locations, colors, distances, movements, their rising and setting. A. L. A. Newcomb, Simon. Astronomy for everybody. Doubleday. . . . 1.60 Authoritative, up to date and written in simple style without technical or mathematical language. Illustrated. N. Y. Newcomb, Simon. Sidelights on astronomy and kindred fields of popular science. Harper 2.00 Popular papers on rain-making, flying machines, the fairyland of geometry, the mariner's compass, as well as various astronomical subjects. N. Y. Serviss, G. P. Astronomy with the naked eye. Harper 1.40 Describes the more conspicuous constellations for each month, the milky way and the planets, giving literary and mythological asso- ciations. N. Y. Serviss, G. P. (The) moon. Appleton 1.50 Easily readable text and exquisite photographs. A. L.. A. Todd, David. New astronomy. Amer. bk 1.30 16 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. 530 PHYSICS. Barton, E. H. Textbook on sound. Macmillan 3.00 The chapters on various musical instruments are fuller and clearer than is usual in physical textbooks. A. L. A. Collins, F. A. The wireless man, his work and adventures on land and sea. Century 1.20 Popwlar account of the work of wireless operators on ships, of shore stations and the opportunities of am.ateurs. Instruments and liieory are described simply, use of the wireless by the United States army and navy explained and a great many real incidents of rescues effected by wireless messages briefly but graphically given. Closes with an account of the wireless operators in the Titanic disaster. A. L. A. Crew, Henry. General physics, an elementary textbook for colleges. Macmillan 2.75 Curtiss, G. H., & Post, Augustus. The Curtiss aviation book. Stokes 1.35 An account of the early aeroplane experiments, flights and achievements of Mr. Curtiss, with a description of his biplane and chapters discussing the future use and problems of the aeroplane, including its adaptability for military and naval use. Good photo- graphs add to its interest. A. L. A, Duncan, P.. K. New knowledge; a popular account of the new physics and the new chemistry in their relation to the new theory of matter, Barnes 2.00 Partial contents: The periodic law — Gaseous ions — Natural radio-activity— Resolution of the atom— Inorganic evolution. The discoveries of Becquerel, the Curies, Ramsay, Crookes, and others. Oregon. Git)Son, C. R. Scientific ideas of today. Ed. 2. Lippincott.. 1.50 "Very popular chapters on atoms, electricity, ether, magnetism, energy, light, color, X-rays, radium, gravitation. Hastings, C. S. Light; a consideration of the more familiar phenomena of optics. (Yale bicentennial publications.) Scribner 2.00 Describes and explains optical phenomena observable without accessories of physical laboratories; extensive chapter on atmos- pheric optics. Pref. Holland, R. S. Historic inventions. (Historic series for young people.) Jacobs 1.50 Contents: Gutenberg and the printing press — Palissy and his enamel — Galileo and the telescope — Watt and the steam-engine — Arkwright and the spinning-jenny — Whitney and the cotton-gin — Fulton and the steamboat— Davy and the safety-lamp — Stephens- son and the locomotive — Morse and the telegraph — McCormick and the reaper — Howe and the sewing-machine — Bell and the telephone — EMison and the electric light — Marconi and the wireless telegraph — The Wrights and the airship. Houston, E. J. Wonder book of light. Stokes 1.50 The nature and properties of light, instruments for special uses, etc., including chapters on color, X-iays and radioactivity, illum- inatlen, photography, rainbows, polarized light. A. L. A. Houston, E. J. Wonder book of magnetism, Stokes 1.50 Follows the same plan as the Wonder book of light, describing the mysterious force of magnetism avd its uses. A. Ij. A. 530 PHYSICS 17 Lisr price. lies, George. Flame, electricity, and the camera; man's progress from the first kindling of fire to the wireless tele- graph and the photography of color. Doiibleday 2.00 Brings out in brilliant light achievements of the last century. N. y. lies, George. Inventors at work; with chapters on discovery. Doubleday 2.50 Tells of Bessemer' s great triumph in perfecting his process for steel making, tells of the production of dynamite by Nobel, the transmission of speech along a beam of light by Bell, of the in- candescent gas mantle by Von Welsbach, of Edison's electrical achievements, and numerous other scientific achievements. Book review digest. A combination of biography, philosophy, science, and personal observations. Oregon. lies, George. Leading American inventors. (Biographies of leading Americans.) Holt 1.75 Short biographies of John and Robert Livingston Stevens, Robert Fulton, Eli Whitney, Thomas Blanchard, Samuel Morse, Charles Goodyear, John Ericsson, Cyrus Hall McCormick, Christopher Latham Sholes, Elias Howe, Benjamin Chew Tilghman and Ottmar Mergenthaler. Jackson, D. C, & Jackson, J. P. Elementary book on elec- tricity and magnetism and their applications; a textbook and a manual for artisans, apprentices and home readers. Macmillan 1.40 This is a reliable and agreeably written work intended chiefly as a textbook for high and manual training schools. It is. however, a description of the applications of electricity rather than a text- book of the principles of electricity as a branch of physics. Pratt. Jones, F. A. Thomas Alva Edison; sixty years of an invent- or's life. Crowell • 2.00 Tells the story of the man and the inventor with simplicity, en- thusiasm and sincerity. A. L. A. Kaempffert, W. B. New art of flying. Dodd 1.50 Gives an elementary account of the screw and internal-combus- tion motor, a resume of the evolution of the Hying-machine, and descriptions of the types of biplanes and monoplanes which have been in a measure standardized. Includes a glossary and many illustrations. A. L. A. Mach, Ernst. Science of mechanics; tr. by T. J. McCormack. 2d ed. Open court 2.00 Account of the principles of mechanics in relation to their devel- opment. A. L. A. Makower, Walter. Radioactive substances, their properties and behavior. (International scientific series.) Appleton.. 1.75 Accurate, scholarly summary of the chief facts and theories. A. L. A. Ogden, J. G. Heat. (Poifiilar mcclianics handbooks.) Pop- ular mechanics .25 Elementary work, explaining the modern scientific conception of heat, its effect, how it travels, the methods used in measuring it. and its modern applications in engines and in the manufacture of liquid air, and ice. A. L. A. Poincare, Lucien. The new physics and its evolution. (In- ternational science series.) Appleton 1.75 General, semi-technical survey of the present state of the science and the trend of its development. Contains an excellent chapter on wireless telegraphy. A. L. A. 18 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Rotch, A. L. Conquest of the air; or, The advent of aerial navigation. (Present day primers.) Moffat 1.00 Popular, but scientifically exact account of aerial navigation, its history, present conditions and outlook. Prefatory chapter on at- mospheric conditions as affecting aeronautics. A. L. A. Smith, Alexander, & Hall, E. H. Teaching- of chemistry and physics in the secondary school. (American teachers' series.) Longmans 1.50 This volume, really two books, as each of the authors treats his subject separately, takes a place at once, alone and without a rival in an important field. It is a manual of method written for teach- ers from the pedagogical point of view, yet full of the authority of specialists in the subjects treated. It shows the giant strides in the study of the physical sciences in our high schools during fifteen years. The book is written for trained and prepared teachers who know their subject and to all such it should be an indispensable handbook for constant reading and reference. Wyer. Smith, J. R. Story of iron and steel. Appleton 75 Deals with the processes of iron and steel manufacture, also with the economic importance of the product and the industry. A. L. A. Swoope, C. W. Lessons in practical electricity: principles, arithmetical problems, and experiments. 11th ed. enl. Van Nostrand 2.00 Timbie, W. H. Essentials of electricity . (Wiley technical series for vocational and industrial schools.) Wiley 1.25 Explains simply the underlying facts and laws of good electrical practice and supplies problems and examples. A. L. A. Watson, William. Textbook of practical physics. Longmans 3.00 A comprehensive account in a natural order and with careful explanation of difficult points. Pittsburgh. 540 CHEMISTRY. MINERALOGY. See also Nos. 1572, 1589. Bailey, E. H. S. Textbook of sanitary and applied chemistry. Macmillan 1.40 Dodd, M. E. Chemistry of the household. (Lil)rary of home economics.) Amer. school, of home economics 1.50 Duncan, R. K. Chemistry of commerce. Harper 2.00 Describes the application of recent discoveries to various manu- factures and to the artificial production of substances used in mak- ing medicines, perfumes, and fertilizers. A. L. A. Duncan, R. K. Some chemical problems of today. Harper.. 2.00 Untechnical discussion of work in industrial research. A. L. A. Kahlenberg, Louis, & Hart, E. B. Chemistry and its relation to daily life: a textbook for students of agriculture and home economics in secondary schools. Macmillan 2.60 Aim has been to make the subject-matter thoroughly practical and to present it in an interesting and simple way. Introd. Jones, H. C. Introduction to physical chemistry. Macmillan 1.60 Brief treatment, avoiding calculus as far as Jiosslble. Excellent chapter on solutions. Pittsburgh. 540,550-551 CHEMISTRY. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 19 price. Ostwald, Wilhelm. Conversations on chemistry. 2v. Wiley. V. 1. General cliemistry 1.50 V. 2. Chemistry of the most important elements and com- pounds 2.00 The subject is presented in dialogue, the conversations taking place between master and pupil. Such subjects are treated as sub- stance, properties, solution, melting and freezing, density, com- pounds, elements, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, air, etc. Book re- view digest. Ostwald, Wilhelm, & Morse, H. W. Elementary modern chemistry. Ginn 1.00 Very elementary in treatment, presenting only the simpler laws and illustrating them with simple experiments and good diagrams. A. L. A, Philip, J. C. Romance of modern chemistry. (Romance se- ries.) Lippincott 1.50 Gives applications of chemistry to every-day life and modern in- dustries. A. L. A. Smith, Alexander. Introduction to general inorganic chem- istry. Century 2.25 Best modern textbook on general chemistry for advanced students. A. L. A. Snyder, Harry. Chemistry of plant and animal life. 2d ed. Macmillan 1.25 Agricultural chemistry. Spencer, L. J. World's minerals. Stokes ! 2.00 Popular work, describing important minerals, with mention of their practical uses, importance as ores, and as precious and semi- precious stones. Colored reproductions. A. L. A. Thorp, F. H. Outlines of industrial chemistry. 2d ed.. Mac- millan " 3.75 Includes a chapter on metallurgy by C. D. Demond. A technical treatise dealing with those manufactures which in- volve chemical processes. Useful to the student of Home economics. Berry. 550-551 GEOLOGY. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Ball, Sir R. S. Cause of an ice age. (Modern science series.) Appleton 1.00 Popular account of astronomical theory of glacial periods. Pitts- burgh. Chamberlain, T. C, & Salisbury, R. D. College textbook of geology. (American science series: advanced course.) Holt 3.50 Adapted to general reading and profusely illustrated with maps, diagrams and photographs. A. L. A. Dana, J. D. Geological story briefly told. Amer. bk 1.15 Simple in its language and full in its illustrations. A. L. A. Dutton, C. E. Earthquakes, in the light of the new seismol- ogy. (Science series.) Putnam 2,00 Popular and not mathematical. Geikie, James. Earth sculpture. (Progressive science series.) Putnam 2.00 Deals with processes involved in development of topography and results effected. Journal of geology. 20 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Harrington, M. W. Al)out the weather. (Home reading- books.) Appleton 65 Explains production and peculiarities of winds, clouds, rain, snow, thunderstorms, cyclones, tiie methods and usefulness of weather bureau, etc. Helpful illustrations. N. Y. Heilprin, Angelo. Earth and its story; a first book of geology. Silver . .' 1.00 Houston, E. J. Wonder book of the atmosphere. Stokes.... 1.50 An interesting book about the familiar phenomena of the air. Contains a good deal of information that is not included in school books and is happy in getting at the young point of view. A. L. A. Le Conte, Joseph. Elements of geology; rev. by H. L. Fair- child. 5th ed. Appleton 4.00 Clear treatment of dynamic and structural geology, unencum- bered by great detail. Leypoldt & lies. MooYe, W. L. Descriptive meteorology. Appleton 3.00 Comprehensive introduction intended primarily for young men entering the service. Includes all the phenomena of the air, with emphasis on weather forecasting. A. L. A. Ries, Heinrich. Economic geology of the United States. Mac- millan 2.60 Account of each mineral, followed by particulars of distribution, with sketch maps, detail of use, recent statistics of production in the United States and the world, and carefully selected biblio- graphies. Presupposes some knowledge of geology and mineralogy. Illustrated. N. Y. Russell, I. C. Glaciers of North America. Ginn 1.75 Describes beginning, development, effects, and decay of glaciers, and the situation and condition of those existing on this continent. N. Y. Russell, I. C. Lakes of North America. Ginn 1.50 The two books noted above are called reading books in physical geography. They are written in popular style, much more extended but not more difficult than the textbook. They can be used from eighth grade to college inclusive. Wisconsin. Russell, I. C. Rivers of North America; a reading lesson for students of geography and geology. (Science series.) Pnt- nam 2.00 On evolution of rivers, and their past and present effects on the earth's contours. Excellent illustrations. N. Y. Salisbury, R. D., & others. Elements of geography. (Amer- ican science series.) Holt 1.50 Pure physiography forms only a minor part, much economic geography being introduced. The geography of the United States is well covered, foreign countries receiving little attention. Journal of geography. Salisbury, R. D. Physiography. (American science series, advanced course.) Holt 3.15 An important textbook achievement which provides a complete course for those "who have no purpose of pursuing the study of physical geography beyond its elements, but who are yet mature enough for work beyond the grade appropriate for tlie early years of the secondary schools." It outlines the work covered in the University of Chicago in a twelve weeks' course. P>ook review digest. 551,570 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. BIOLOGY 21 Lisr price. Seeley, H. G. Story of the earth in past ages. (Library of useful stories.) Applcton 35 Shaler, N. S. Aspects of the earth. Scribner 2.50 Earth movements, volcanoes, caves and cave life, rivers, valleys, atmospheric movements, American forests, origin and nature of soils. N. Y. Shaler, N. S. Outlines of the earth's history; a popular study in physiography. Appleton 1.75 Graphic essays discussing earth's relation to stellar system, ef- fects of atmosphere, glaciers, underground water, soil formation, rock, building, etc. N. Y. Tarr, R. S. Elementary geology. Macmillan 1.40 More stress is placed upon the dynamic aspect of the subject than is commonly given. Preface. Ward, R. D. C. Climate, considered esi>ecially in relation to man. (Science series.) Putnam 2.00 Interesting historical material and clear-cut and informing pres- entation of the facts of climate as now known. Educ. rev. 570 BIOLOGY. Clodd, Edward. Primer of evolution. Longmans 75 Abridgement of his Story of creation, a condensed statement and a good general view of the theory of evolution. Leypoldt & lies. Conn, H. W. Story of the living machine: a reviev/ of the conclusions of modern biology. (Library of useful stories.) Appleton 50 Gage, S. H. Microscope: an introduction to microscopic methods. Comstock 2.00 Jordan, D. S., & Kellogg, V. L. Evolution and animal life. Appleton 2.50 Clear, readable discussion of the facts, processes and theories re- lating to organic evolution. A. L. A. Lloyd, F. E., & Bigelow, M. A. Teaching of biology. (Amer- ican teachers' series.) Lo.ngmans 1.50 Locy, W. A. Biology and its makers. Holt 2.75 Untechnical account of the rise and progress of biology, written around the lives of great leaders. A. L. A. Sedgwick, W. T., & Wilson, E. B. General biology. (Amer- ican science series.) Holt 1.75 Interesting discussion of structure and habits of the earthworm and the fern, and their rela,tions to their environment. A. L. A. Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in America. Scribner 1.50 Shows how the physical development of the earth (climate, land and sea contours, etc.) has affected organic life and influenced man physically, socially and morally. N. Y. 22 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. 580 BOTANY. * Atkinson, G. F. Studies of American fungi: mushrooms, edible, poisonous, etc. 2d ed. Holt 2.50 Classified, detailed descriptions, chapters on preservation and selection for table use, and cultivation. Authoritative, clear, fully illustrated by photographs, generally life size. N. Y. Bergen, J. Y., & Caldwell, O. W. Practical botany. Ginn 1.30 Presents the principles of plant nutrition in relation to soils, climate and to the food of animals and man, it discusses, diseases of plants, animals and men which are produced by parasitic plants and the propagation and main uses of plants, plant breeding and plant products and forestry. Many illustrations. Introd. Bergen, J. Y., & Davis, B. M. Principles of botany. Ginn... 1.50 While the book as a whole is too heavy for the average high school work, it will be almost indispensable as a reference work because of its large amount of information, its abundant illustra- tions, and its helpful suggestions as to the significance of struc- tures and their relationship to one another. Botanical gazette. Clute, W. N. Our ferns in their haunts. Stokes 2.15 Conn, H. W. Story of germ life. (Library of useful stories.) ^ Appleton 50 Clear account of these low forms of life and their power of help- ing and harming mankind. Knowledge. Coulter, J. M. Plants. (Twentieth century textbooks.) Ap- pleton 1.80 Contains Plant relations devoted to study of natural history of plants, and Plant structures which deals chiefly with morphology. Oregon. Coulter, J. M. Textbook of botany, for secondary schools. (Twentieth century textbooks.) Appleton L25 Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. D. (Neltje Blanchan, pseud.) Na- ture's garden. Doubleday 3.00 Excellent popular reference book on wild flowers; too large for field use. Groups by color, and as fragrant, unpleasantly scented, conspicuous in fruit. Points out relations with insects. Good pho- tographic illustrations, many in color, N. Y. Harwood, W. S. New creations in plant life; an authoritative account of the life and work of Luther Burbank. Grosset.. .75 Hough, R. B. Handbook of the trees of the northern states and Canada east of the Rocky mountains. Hough 6.00 Valuable work, giving a popular description of appearance and habit of two hundred and eight species, concise scientific descrip- tions and fine halftones showing the whole life of the tree. A. L. A. Poorly bound, and too expensive for the ordinary school library. Keeler, H. L. Our native trees and how to identify them. Scribner 2.00 A guide to the identification of the trees of the United States, with three hundred and forty illustrations, more than half of them from photographs. The book is the work of one who is a tree- lover as well as a botanist, and besides being scientifically accurate the book has a distinct literary flavor. Invaluable as an aid to first hand acquaintance with the trees. Prentice and Power. 580,590 BOTANY. ZOOLOGY 23 Lfst ' price. Lipman, J. G. Bacteria in relation to country life. (Rural science series.) Macmillan 1.15 Somewhat technical treatise on the structure and growth of bac- teria and their uses in relation to air and water, sewage, soil fer- tility, barnyard manure, milk and related products, food preserva- tion, fermentation. A. L. A. Mathews, F. S. Field book of American wild flowers. Rev. ed. Putnam 2.00 One page gives descriptions, the opposite page pictures the plants described, twenty-four in color. A. L. A. Ostcrhout, W. J. V. L. Experiments with plants. Macmillan. 1.25 An excellent book for the teacher who wishes to get an insight into t^e modern botany which studies the plant as a living organ- ism. It has directions for numerous experiments with simple ap- paratus that can easily be manufactured. Prof. Sweetser. Stevens, F. L., & Hall, J. G. Diseases of economic plants. Macmillan 2.00 Describes the chief characteristics of plant diseases and gives information on the best methods of prevention or cure. A. L. A. Vries, Hugo de. Plant-breeding; comments on the experi- ments of Nilsson and Burbank. Open court 1.50 Compact and popular presentation of the development in methods of plant breeding. A. L. A. 590 ZOOLOGY. ESSAYS OF ANIMAL LIFE. Bostock, F. C. Training of wild animals. Century 1.00 Account of traits of animals in captivity and hazardous lives of trainers. Author a great trainer. Pittsburgh. Burroughs, John. Birds and bees, Sharp eyes and other pa- pers. (Riverside literature series.) Houghton 50 Contents: Bird enemies — Tragedies of the nest — Idyl of the honey bee^Pastoral bees — Sharp eyes — The apple — Taste of Maine birch — Winter neighbors — Weather-wise muskrat — Fox and hound — Wood- chuck. Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur bearers. (School ed.) Houghton 60 About the chipmunk, woodchuck, hare, muskrat, skunk, fox, weasel, mink, raccoon, porcupine, opossum, wild mice. Oregon. Chapman, F. M. Bird-life; a guide to the study of our com- mon birds. Appleton 2.00 Intended for amateurs. Contains a field key to common birds valuable chapters on structure, usefulness and migration, with brief descriptions of each species. Includes seventy-flve full-page plates. Pittsburgh. Colton, A. W. Zoology: descriptive and practical. 2 v. Heath. ^ V. 1 1.00 V. 2 60 Comstock, J. H. Insect life. Appleton 1.75 Guide to a knowledge of insects through study of insects them- selves. Clear, scientific, admirably illustrated. Directions for col- lecting and preserving specimens. N. Y. 24 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Dickerson, M. C. Frog book. (Nature library.) Doiibleday. . 4.00 Popular guide to North American toads and frogs, giving enter- taining records of observations. Illustrated with photographic places and line drawings. A. L. A. Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. D. (Neltje Blanchan, pseud.) Bird neighbors; an introductory acquaintance with 150 birds com- monly found in the gardens, meadows and woods about our homes. Grosset 1.25 Brief classifications, and clear direct descriptions afford the amateur bird student invaluable assistance. Pittsburgh. Colored plates. Holland, W. J. Butterfly book; a popular guide to a knowl- i edge of the butterflies of North America. (Nature library.) Doubleday 3.00 Limited to North American butterflies. Describes five hundred and fifty species, showing over five hundred in colors. A. L. A. Hornaday, W. T. American natural history. Scribner 3.50 Popular. Intended to bridge chasm between scientific zoology and the nature studies of grammar grades. N. Y. It is a bulky volume richly illustrated with photographs and packed full of facts. Mr. Hornaday's life has been spent among wild animals, as hunter, trapper, keeper, collector; and this in spite of the very scientific cast of the book, often gives it a personal, first-hand fiavor hardly to be expected in a general natural history, even when limited to American fauna. Oregon. Hornaday, W. T. Our vanishing wild life. Scribner 1.50 Points out the former abundance of wild life, lists the species now extinct, the "next candidates for oblivion," and discusses fully the many agencies of destruction. He analyzes our laws and sys- tem of protection, advances a more effective scheme of protection and appeals to the great body of American people to come to the rescue. A. L. A. Howard, L. O. Insect book. (Nature library.) Doubleday., 3.00 Brief account of bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, flies and other North American ihsects, exclusive of butterflies, moths and beetles, with life histories, tables and bibliographies. Illustrated in black and white and colors. N. Y. Jordan, D. S. Fishes. (Amefican nature series.) Holt 6.00 The fishes used as food and those sought by anglers are treated fully. Illustrated with drawings, photographic reproauctions and colored plates. A. L, A. Maeterlinck, Maurice. Life of the bee; tr. by Alfred Sutro. Dodd 1.50 This might well be called the "Epic of the bee." The intention throughout is to compare the life, the intelligence and the destiny of the bee with those of man, and the beehive is used as a symbol of the whole mysterious working of nature. Pittsburgh. Mathews, F. S. Field book of wild birds and their music. Put- nam 2.00 Despite its limitations, this is easily the best guide to bird song. A. L. A. Nuttall, Thomas. Popular handbook of the birds of the United States and Canada. Rev. ed. (1911). Little 3.00 Gives very full descriptions, has black and white and some col- ored illustrations. 590,607 ZOOLOGY. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE 25 List price. Roberts, C. G. D. Haunters of the silences: a book of animal life. Grosset 75 Vivid dramas of animal life beyond the range of ordinary observa- tion in forest and deep sea. the dominant note being: the fierce struggle for existence among all living creatures. N. Y. Roberts, C. G. D. Kindred of the wild: a book of animal life. Page 2.00 Seton, E. T. Wild animals I have known. Scribner 2.00 Contents: Lobo, the king of Currumpaw— Silverspot, the story of a crow — Raggylug, the story of a cottontail rabbit — Bingo, the story of my dog— The Springfield fox — The pacing mustai».g— Wully, the story' of a yaller dog — Redruff, the story of the Don valley partridge. Sharp, D. L. Roof and meadow. School ed. Century SO Intimate revelations of nature as seen from a city roof and nearby meadows. A. L. A. Sharp, D. L. (A) watcher in the woods. School ed. Cen- tury • .60 Contents: Birds' winter beds — Some snug winter beds — Mus'rat- tin' — Feathered neighbors — From river ooze t® tree-top — Rabbit roads — Second crops — In the October moon. Attractive literature as well as interesting accurate natural his- tory. A. L. A. Trafton, G. H. Methods of attracting birds. Houghton 1.25 Chapters on nesting-houses, attracting the winter birds, drinking and bathing fountains, planting trees, shrubs and vines, bird pro- tection in schools, bird photography. A. L. A. Wheeler, F. R. Boy with the U. S. fisheries. Lothrop 1.50 A boy who wishes to join the Bureau of Fisheries spends a sum- mer in experimental work. Eventually he decided to go to college and work for the Bureau during vacation. A disjointed story which accomplishes the purpose of this series — to give a fund of informa- tion about the work of some government department — and will in- terest some boys. A. L. A. 607 VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE. See also Classes 170, 378, and 921. Bloomfield, Meyer. Vocational guidance of youth. (River- side educational monographs.) Houghton 60 Discusses the general question of vocational guidance and the work attempted in various schools and cities. Ijist of references. Gives survey of the recent work of the Vocation Bureau, Bos- ton. Fowler, N. C, jr. Starting in life: what each calling offers ambitious boys and young men. New ed. Little 1.50 Represents composite opinions on the advantages of the thirty vocations discussed. Laselle, M. A., & Wiley, K. E. Vocations for girls. Hough- ton 85 Describes about a dozen kinds of work open to girls, with brief directions on how to qualify and secure positions, and gives good counsel to the girl who stays at home and to the country girl. The positions outlined do not require extensive preparation. A. L. A. 26 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Leavitt, F. M. Examples of industrial education. Ginn 1.25 A record of conditions already established in ihe movement for industrial education. The book analyzes the demand for such train- ing from the standpoint of organized labor, social worlvers and educators, presents its results in legislation effected, and describes specific industrial schools and classes. A. L. A. Parsons, Frank. Choosing a vocation. Houghton 1.00 Practical suggestions for persons assisting young people to find suitable employment, based on the methods and experiences of the Vocation Bureau, Boston. A. L. A. Richardson, A. S. Girl who earns her own living. Rickey... 1.00 Sensible and specific advice to girls of meager education, discus- sing personal qualifications, preparation, method of securing a posi- tion, salaries and chances of advanjement in eighteen occupations. A. L. A. Rollins, F. W. What can a young man do? Little 1.50 With the purpose of aiding a young man in the selection of a calling, fifty-two usual and unusual occupations are discussed. Weaver, E. W., ed. Vocations for girls; prepared by a com- mittee of teachers. Barnes .75 Summarizes the field of work for girls, gives the general prin- ciples underlying success, and a detailed account of sixteen occupa- tions, discussing the features and the necessary preparation. Read- ing lists and questions for debate conclude each chapter. Women's educational and industrial union, Boston. Voca- tions for the trained woman. Introductory papers; ed. by A. F. Perkins. Women's educ. & indtis. union 1.20 Practical consideration of fields of work other than teaching open to women, written largely by women workers in New England. A. L. A. 612 PHYSIOLOGY. HYGIENE. PHYSICAL TRAINING. Allen, W. H. Civics and health. Ginn 1.25 Hygiene in its relations with the school, the home and the com- munity, based on the thesis that individual health and sanitary conditions are a civic duty. A. L. A. Galbraith, A. M. Personal hygiene and physical training for women. Saunders 2.00 Combines a good hygiene, mental and physical, and practical chapters on physical training. Training exercises are good and well illustrated. A. L. A. Gulick, L. H. Efficient life. Doubleday '. 1.20 Simple, practical suggestions for busy people about sleep, exercise, food, stimulants, aiming to increase the brain workers' general ef- ficiency. A. Li. a. Hartung, H. H. Barton's first aid textbook. 2d ed. Nat'I. first aid assoc. of America 80 Hough, Theodore, & Sedgwick, W. T. Human mechanism, its physiology and hygiene, and the sanitation of its sur- roundings. Ginn 2.00 Elementary textbook for schools, in which anatomy and histology are treated as briefly as possible, while physiology, hygiene and the elements of sanitation are discussed very fully. Particular stress Is laid on the means of maintaining the body in a healthy, efllcient stale. Pittsburgh. / 612,630 PHYSIOLOGY. AGRICULTURE 27 List price. Hutchinson, Woods. Handbook of health. Houghton L25 Presents popularly, the elements of personal hygiene and gives enough description of the body, its organs and their functions to make the discussion clear. Many good illustrations. A. L. A. Hutchinson, Woods. Preventable diseases. Houghton L50 Popular articles, which describe the organization of the body and its defensive machinery, and consider specific diseases and their prevention. A. L. A. Le Bosquet, Maurice. Personal hygiene. (Library of home economics.) Amer. school of home economics 1.50 Martin, H. N. Human body: an elementary textbook of anatomy, physiolog}' and hygiene. (American science se- ries : briefer course.) Holt 1.25 A standard textbook of physiology. Oregon. Sargent, D. A. Health, strength and power. Caldwell 1.75 Discusses food, air, sleep, bathing, clothing, athletics and de- scribes and pictures fifty-six exercises without apparatus. A. L. A. Tolman, W. H., & Guthrie, A. W. Hygiene for the worker; ed. by C. W. Crampton. (Crampton hj^giene series.) Amer. bk 50 Sensible and simply written little work on occupational hygiene in popular form for the use of the workers themselves, designed for boys and girls in industrial and manual training high schools and equally valuable for working people of any age. A. L. A. 630 AGRICULTURE. See also Nos. 1598, 1605, 1648. This list of books comprises those recommended by the instructors in agriculture in the Minnesota high schools. Owing to the cost, no encyclopedia of agriculture is included in this list. It is as- sumed that the schools giving full work in agriculture will provide such a reference work out of their special aid. American poultry association. American standard of perfec- tion; a complete description of all recognized varieties of fowls. Amer. poultry assoc 1.50 Bashore, H. B. Sanitation of a country house. Wiley 1.00 Describes the dangers from present unsanitary conditions in the country and suggests a remedy. Considers particularly external conditions, water supply, waste and surroundings. Bexell, J. A. Farm accounting and business methods. Home correspondence school 1.25 Bowman, M. L., & Crossley, B. W. Corn: growing, judging, breeding, feeding, marketing. Bowman 2.00 A full and well illustrated work. Designed as a textbook but useful to the corn grower. A. Jj. A. Carver, T. N. Principles of rural economics. School ed. Ginn 1.30 Clear treatment of agriculture and the rural problem in their re- lation to national economy. A. L. A. 28 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Coburn, F. D. Alfalfa, lucerne, Spanish trefoil, Chilian clover, medic, purple medic (medicago sativa) ; practical informa- tion on its production, qualities, worth and uses, especially in the United States and Canada. Judd 50 Conn, H. W. Practical dairy bacteriology. Judd 1.25 Part 1, discussion of miUc bacteria, useful and harmful, and their relation to butier. cheese and public health; part 2, directions for laboratory analysis. Craig, J. A. Judging live stock. 15th ed. Kenyon 1.50 Gives the official standards of excellence and the methods of ex- amination of horses, cattle, sheep and swine. Pittsburgh. Davidson, J. B. Agricultural engineering: a textbook for students of secondary schools of agriculture, colleges offer- ing a general course in the subject and the general reader. (Farm science series.) Webb 1.50 Dietrich, William. Swine: breeding, feeding and manage- ment. Sanders 1.50 Eckles, C. H. Dairy cattle and milk production. Macmillan.. 1.60 Accurate, full and specific. A. L. A. Edgar, W. C. Story of a grain of wheat. Appleton 1.00 The history of wheat and its milling-. Farrington, E. H., & WoU, F. W. Testing milk and its products. 20th ed. rev. Mendota bk. (Madison, Wis.) 1.25 Fraser, Samuel. (The) potato; a practical treatise on the potato, its characteristics, planting, cultivation, harvesting, storing, marketing, insects and diseases and their remedies. Judd 75 Green, S. B. Popular fruit growing. 3d ed.- Webb 1.00 Standard, practical work. A. L. A. Green, S. B. Vegetable gardening. 10th ed. Webb 1^00 Hall, A. D. Fertilizers and manures. Dutton 1.50 Thorough, scientific treatise, but not too technical for the general reader. Pittsburgh. Henry, W. A. Feeds and feeding: a handbook for the student and stockman. 10th ed. rev. Henry :. 2.25 Comprehensive, summarizing a remarkable amount of informa-' tion on food values, feeding standards and animal nutrition. Fairly technical. Many references and good index. Pittsburgh. Hilgard, E. W. Soils; their formation, properties, composi- tion and relations to climate and plant growth in the humid and arid regions. Macmillan 4.00 Contents: Origin and formation of soils — Physics of soils — Chem- istry of soils — Soils and native vegetation. Hopkins, C. G. Soil fertility and permanent agriculture. (Country life education series.) School ed. Ginn 2.25 Thorough study of soil composition, sources of plant food, and factors of soil fertility. Pittsburgh. 630 AGRICULTURE 29 price. Hunt, T. F. Cereals in America. Judd 1.75 Concise, but comprehensive statement of experimental results and practical farm methods. Gives botanical features briefly and cultural methods fully, and discusses diseases and insect enemies. Pittsburg-h. Hunt, T. F. Forage and fiber crops in America. Judd 1.75 Authoritative, comprehensive, well-arranged work. Contains ex- cellent lists for collateral reading. A. L. A. Johnstone, J. H. S. Horse book. Sanders 2.00 Practical work on the breeding- and m.anaging of work horses, in- cluding: saddle and pony breeds. Discusses and illustrates the lead- irf,' types. A. L. A. King, F. H. Irrigation and drainage. (Rural science series.) Macmillan 1.50 Deals with relations of water to soils and plants, presenting practical problems with underlying principles. Avoids engineering problems. A. L. A. King, F. H. Textbook of the physics of agriculture. Ed. 3. Mrs. F. H. King, Madison, Wis .' 1.75 King, F. H. (The) soil: its nature, relations and fundamental principles of management. (Rural science series.) Mac- millan 1.50 Brief, popular work. A. L. A. King, F. H. Ventilation for dwellings, rural schools and stables. Mrs. F. H. King, Madison, Wis 75 A brief treatise giving foundation facts and principles, simply but explicitly presented, and illustrated .with diagrams and views of buildings. It aims to impress on the teachers of rural schools and farmers the necessity of good ventilation and suggests methods of installing simple systems in both old and new buildings. A. L. A. Lynde, C. J. Home waterworks. (Young farmer's practical library.) Sturgis 75 Clearly written, accurate and practical manual on obtaining run- ning water and sanitary conveniences in country homes. A. L. A. Lyon, T. L., & Fippin, E. O. Principles of soil management. (Rural textbook series.) Macmillan 1.75 Aims- to present the application of science to soil problems from the standpoint of crop production rather than of the underlying scierlces of geology, chemistry, physics or bacteriology. Pref. Martin, G. L. Dairy laboratory guide. Webb 50 Mayne, D. D., & Hatch, K. L, High school agriculture. Amer. bk 1.00 Contents: Elements of plant food — Soils and fertilizers — Agricul- tural botany- — Economic plant.s — Plant diseases — Insects — Farm animals — Feeds and feeding — Farm management. Designed to present in the first years of the secondary school course, the theory and practice of agriculture for all sections of the United States. Mayo, N. S. Diseases of animals. (Rural science series.) Macmillan 1,50 Takes up surgery, medicine and obstetrics in relation to farm animals and admirably translates the technical into the simple and intelligible. Contains directions concerning general care and quar- ters of farm animals, care of pets and the judging, handling and shoeing of horses. A. L.. A. 30 HIGH SCHOOLS List price, Michels, John. Creamery butter making. 5th ed. Michels (Raleigh, N. C.) ' 1.50 Ogden, H. N. Rural hygiene. (Rural science series.) Mac- millan 1.50 Aims to promote the comfort and convenience of those living in rural communities and to emphasize the inter-dependence of the rural and urban community in the matter of food products and con- tagious diseases. Book review digest. Plumb, C. S. Types and breeds of farm animals. (Country life education series.) School ed. Ginn 2.00 Discusses briefly the development of each breed, stating its dis- tinguishing characteristics. Gives names of breeders' organiza- tions. Good illustrations. Pittsburgh. Reynolds, M. H. Veterinary studies for agricultural students. Judd : 1.75 Roberts, I. P. Farmstead. Macmillan 1.50 Comprehensive book dealing with rural conditions. Considers farm houses, yards, barns, outbuildings and fields. Berry. Robinson, J. H. Principles and practice of poultry culture. (Country life education series.) Ginn 2.50 Root, A. I., and Root, E. R. A B C and X Y Z of bee culture. New ed. Root (Medina, Ohio) 1.50 A standard work, revised and a large amount of new matter added. Special attention given to the subject of bees as pollen- izers. Sanders publishing company, Chicttgo. Farm buildings. New ed. Sanders pub. co 2.00 Compilation of the best plans submitted to the Breeder's gazette. A. L. A. Sanderson, E. D. Insect pests of farm, garden and orchard.. Wiley 3.00 Smith, H. R. Profitable stock* feeding; a book for the farm- er. 4th ed. Judd 1.50 Considers feeding of sheep, horses, swine and poultry, and of cattle for beef and dairy purposes. A. L. A. U. S. — Bureau of animal industry. Special report on the dis- eases of cattle. 1909. Supt. of documents (Washington, I). . C.) 1.00 Voorhees, E. B. Forage crops for soiling, silage, hay and pasture. (Rural science series.) Macmillan 1.50 Treats the subject from the cultivator's and feeder's viewpoint and pays special attention to soiling crops and rotation. A. L. A, Warren, G. F. Elements of agriculture. Macmillan 1.10 "The purpose is to make the teaching of agriculture in high schools comi>arable in extent and thoroughness with the teaching of physics, mathematics, history and literature." Pref. Recommended for reference for schools unable to purchase Bai- ley's Cyclopedia of agriculture. Warren, G. F. I^arm management. (Rural textljook series.) Macmillan 1.75 "The success of the individual farmer is as much depeiftlent on the application of business principles as it is on crop yields and the production of animals," Pref. 630,640 AGRICULTURE. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS 31 List -prire. Weed, C. M. Farm friends and farm foes. Healli 90 Elementary text treating: of the microbes, fungi, weeds, insects, birds and mammals that help or hinder the raising of crops. Covers wide field and is popular yet scientifically accurate. A. L. A. Wilson, A. D., & Wilson, Mrs. E. W. Agricnltttre for young folks. Webb 1.00 Prepared especially for teaching elementary agriculture in rural schools. Each section is a complete reading lesson followed by questions and examples. Pref. Wilson, A. D., & Warburton, C. W. Field crops. Webb..... 1.50 Covers the subject briefly, yet completely and includes in each division, score cards and lists of useful bulletins and books. Illus- trated. Wing, H. H. Milk and its products. (Rural science series.) Rev. ed. Macmillan 1.50 Discusses especially the manufacture of butter and cheese. Pitts- burgh. The revision consists of additional chapters on dairy cattle and milk production, certified milk, and ice cream manufacture, and brings the original chapters to date. The dairy laws and references of the appendix have been extensively revised. A. Li. A. Wing, J. E. Alfalfa farming in America. Sanders 2.00 Breezy, reliable account of the best cultural methods and of the feeding value of alfalfa. A. L. A. Wing, J. E. Sheep farming in America. 3d ed. Breeder's " . gazette r.OO Good discussion of the breeds and their purposes and an excel- lent account of the selection and care of the flock and the preven- tion of diseases. A. L. A. 640 HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS See also Nos. 1595, 1598, 1641, 1648. Barrows, Anna. Principles of cooker3^ (Library of home economics.) Amer. school of home economics 1.50 Bevier, Isabel. The house; its plan, decoration and care. (Library of home economics.) (Textbook ed.) Amer. school of home economics 1.50 Practical ideas on planning, fundamental principles of decora- tion and furnishing, househola conveniences and care of the house. A. L. A. Bevier, Isabel, & Van Meter, A. R. Selection and preparation of food: laboratory guide. Whitcomb 1.00 Buchanan, Mrs. E. D. P., & Buchanan, R. E. Household bac- teriology for students in domestic art. Alacmillan 2.25 Covers true bacteria, the yeasts, the molds and the pathogenic protozoa. Comprehensive, well arranged, well illustrated and in- dexed. A. L. A. Cotton, A. C. Care of children; lesson paper. (Library of home economics.) Amer. school of home econ 1.50 Daniels, F. H. Furnishing of a modest home. Atkinson.... 1.00 Based on fitness of purpose, order and simplicity. Discusses in detail the furnishing and decoration of the various rooms. Helpful illustrations. A. L. A. 32 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Dodd, Mrs. H. C. Healtliful fannhonse. l)y a fanner's wife. Whitconil) 60 Practical suggestions for making the farmliouse pleasant, sani- tary and convenient to work in. A. L. A. Dooley, W. H. Textiles for commercial, industrial, evening and domestic art schools. (New ed.) Heath 1.10 A practical, untechnical work. Processes of manufacturing wool, silk, cotton and linen goods are described in sufficient detail, with a chapter on fibers, one on the grades of wool, one on remanufac- tured materials, etc. Descriptions and trade names of the many kinds of fabrics are given and a valuable appendix contains prac- tical directions for testin-g goods for their durability, permanence of dye, elasticity, shrinkage and composition. A. L. A. Farmer, F. M. Boston cooking school cook book. Little.... 2.00 Good recipes, explicit directions, easy to follow. Berry. Gibbs, C. M. Household textiles. Whitcomb 1.25 Includes the early development of the textile arts, spinning and weaving, classification of fibres, cotton, wool, silk, linen, bleaching and dyeing, adulterations and buying, hygiene of clothing mate- rials, design and color in textile fabrics, labor conditions and efforts to improve them, the arts and crafts movement, laboratory tests for textile fabrics. Gifford, M. K. Needlework. (Hobby books.) Nelson 50 Small English book, useful for description and illustration of a great number and variety of stitches in plain sewing, embroidery, knitting, crocheting and other kinds of needlework. Hapgood, O. C. School needlework: a course of study in sewing designed for use in schools. (Teacher's ed.) Ginn.. .75 Practical, illustrated manual, with teacher's supplement, giving suggestions for teaching, sewing, from kindergarten through high school. Oregon. Hill, Mrs. J. M. Practical cooking and serving: a complete manual of how to select, prepare and serve food. Double- day 1.50 Holt, L. E. Care and feeding of children. 5th ed. rev. Ap- ^^ pleton 4k^ A standard work of high authority and value. A. L. A. ^i^ Hunt, C. L. The life of Ellen H. Richards. Whitcomb 1.50 Shows full appreciation of the personality of this notable pioneer in home economics and other work for gocial and civic advance- ment, and the account of her varied activities is interesting to all who enjoy the recital of courageous and continuous work in the service of humanity. Contains an account of the first organization of home economics workers now known as the American Home Economics Association. Good, photographic illustrations and pen- and-ink drawings. A. L. A. Hutchison, Robert. Food and the principles of dietetics. Wood . . . : 3.00 Jordan, W. H. Principles of human nutrition. Macmillan... 1.75 More advanced than Snyder's Human foods. Kephart, Horace. Camp cookery. Outing 70 Gives many ingenious and practical recipes for producing savory results from limited camp supplies supplemented by fish and game. Includes ration list and illustrated descriptions of utensils and out- fits ALA 640 HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS 33 price. Lincoln, Mrs. M. J. B. Boston cook book. Little 2.00 Trustworthy guide in practical cookery. Pittsburgli. McGlauflin, Idabelle. Handicraft for girls. Manual arts press Peoria 1.00 A tentative course in needlework, basketry, designing, paper and cardboard construction, textile fibers and fabrics and home decora- tion and care designed for use in schools and homes. Mitchell, M. J. Fireless cook book. Doubleda}'- 1.25 Advantages of and directions for making and using the fireless cooker. Includes recipes and time-table for cooking different classes of food. A. L. A. Olsen, J. C. Pure foods: their adulteration, nutritive value and cost. Ginn 80 Collects in popular form, results and conclusions from investiga- tions and contains a series of test experiments. A. L. A. Osman, E. G. Cleaning and renovating at home. McClurg.. .75 Full directions for renovating and cleaning all kinds of household and. wardrobe articles, in most cases giving several methods of treatment. A. L. A. Parloa, Maria. Home economics. Century 1.50 One of the earliest books on household management. The house in general and each department in detail is discussed. Berry, Pope, A. E. Home care of the sick. (Library of home eco- nomics.) Amer. school of home economics 1.50 Robinson, E. R., & Hammel, H. G. Lessons in cooking through preparation of meals. Amer. school of home econ.- 1.50 Gives menus for one week of each month, together with the cor- responding recipes. Careful directions for the plan of work involved in the preparation of each meal. Berry. Shepperd, J. L. Laundry v^ork. Webb .60 Adapted to school or home use. Sherman, H. C. Chemistry of food and nutrition. Macmillan 1.50 Treats of digestion, metabolism, food requirements, dietary stand- ards and inorganic food-stuffs. Berry. Presupposes some knowledge of chemistry and physiology. Snyder, Harry. Human foods. Macmillan 1.25 Good, non-technical book considering foods from the chemical side. Recommended for use in the first years of the high school and for home study. Berry. Springsteed, A. F. Expert waitress: a manual for the pantry, kitchen and dining-room. Rev. ed. Harper 1.00 Terrill, B. M. Household management. ^Bbrary of home economics.) Amer. school of home econ 1.50 Considers the division of income and expenditure, organization and division of labor, furnishings and marketing. White, Marian. Fuels of the household; their origin, com- position and uses. Whitcomb 75 Considers the solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and electricity, with a chapter on the economy of fuels. Berry. Woolman, Mrs. M. S. Sewing course; with models and direc- tions as to stitches, materials and methods. Seiler 1.50 Progressive course of sewing for the use of teachers. 34 HIGH SCHOOLS List • price. 650 BUSINESS. COMMUNICATION. See also Class 607. Belding, A. G. Commercial correspondence. Amer. bk 50 Deals with all the forms and methods of communication that are found in modern business. A. L. A. Bentley, H. C. Science of accounts. Ronald press 3.00 Presentation of the underlying principles of accounting. A. L. A. Blythe, S. G. The making of a newspaper man. Altemus 50 A simple, effective story, ostensibly autobiographical, of the some- what rugged career of a young newspaper man before he achieved professional success. Will appeal strongly to aspirants for journal- istic honors. A. L. A. Burdick, F. M. Essentials of business law. (Twentieth cen- tury textbooks.) Appleton I.IO Shows how rules of law governing ordinary business transactions have been developed, defines common legal terms, shows proper forms and uses of negotiable paper. First chapters difficult for high school students. Oregon. Calkins, E. E., & Holden, Ralph. Modern advertising. (Ap- pleton's business series.) Appleton , 1.59 Treats development, methods and aims from practical standpoint. N. Y. Cole, W. M. Accounts: their construction and interpretation for business men and students of afifairs. Houghton 2.00 Authoritative general treatise, covering the principles of bookkeep- ing and accounting, with separate chapters on accounts of large business and industrial corporations. A. L. A. Ellis business correspondence. Ellis pub. co 65 Hatfield, H. R. Modern accounting, its principles and some of its problems. Appleton , 1.75 Herrick, C. A. Meaning and practice of commercial educa- tion. Macmillan 1.25 The author is director of the school of commerce, central high school, Philadelphia. After discussing in two chapters the defini- tion, place, and value of commercial education, he devotes a hun- dred pages to detailed accounts of the organization, curricula, and methods of higher and secondary commercial education in Europe. The larger part of the book is reserved for similar but more ex- tensive accounts of American commercial education, including an interesting chapter on private business colleges. The present vol- ume will be much more useful in this country than any other ex- isting treatment of the subject. Wyer. Hitchcock, F. H., ed. Building of a book. Hitchcock 2.00 Series of practical articles written by experts in book-making and distributing from the making of the type and paper to the sale of the printed book. A. L. A. Hyde, G. M. Newspaper reporting and correspondence. Ap- pleton 1.50 Excellent guide for the prospective reporter, "not concerned with the why of the newspaper business but with the how of the re- porter's work." A. J-2. A. Lewis, E. H. Business English. La Salle extension univ.... 1.30 Loomis, H. T. New practical letter writing. Practical text- l)f)ok 75 650,680 BUSINESS. MANUAL TRAINING - 35 List price. Moody, W. D. Men vvlio sell things. McClurg 1.00 Deals with the qualifications necessary to make a successful salesman and reasons for failure. A. L. A. Smith, A. M. Printing and writing materials. Smith 1.36 Historical account of printing, processes, and materials, including book binding. Smith, A. M. Proof-reading and punctuation. Smith 1.10 Includes chapters on type-founding, and type-setting, paper-mak- ing, technical terms used in printing, stereotyping and electrotyping, half-tone and line engraving, alphabets, accents, diacritical marks and syllabification In French, German, Spanish and Italian. Sparling, S. E. Introduction to business organization. (Cit- izen's library.) Macmillan 1.25 A general consideration of business organization in relation to the farm, the factory, the store, dealing with the various methods of selling, advertising, credits, and collections, etc. The only book on the subject. A. L. A. Stockwell, H. G. Essential elements of business character. Revell 60 A simple and stimulating summary of the qualities necessary for success in business. Ability to organize, integrity, reliability, en- f'rgy, system and economy are emphasized, with concrete illustra- tions which are both helpful and suggestive. A. L. A. Wilbur, M. A. Every-day business for women. Houghton.. 1.25 Explanation of business and legal methods every woman ought to know. The proper drawing and endorsing of a check, bank depos- its, notes, protests, etc. A. L. A. 680 MANUAL TRAINING. See also Class 736-740. Allen, E. G., & Cotton, F. A. Manual training for common schools; an organized course in woodworking. Scribner.... 1.00 Gives practical articles and has many illustrations and drawings. Cockerell, Douglas. Bookbinding and the care of books. (Art crafts series.) Appleton 1.25 Describes minutely every process and tool connected with book- binding. Fully illustrated. Pittsburgh. Crawshaw, F. D. Problems in furniture making. 3d ed. (boards) . Manual arts 1.00 Working drawings of simple furniture with brief hints on design, construction and finishing. Pittsburgh. Fiske, G. B., comp. Poultry architecture. Judd 50 Golden, J. M. Laboratory course in wood-turning. Amer. bk ' 80 Goss, W. F. M. Bench work in wood; a course of study and practice for schools and colleges. Ginn 70 Griffith, I. S. Correlated courses in woodwork and mechan- ical drawing. Manual arts press 1.50 Handbook on organization, lesson outlines, and methods of teach- ing. 36 HIGH SCHOOLS T^ist price. Griffith, I. S. Essentials of woodworkino^* a textbook for schools. Manual arts press 1.00 Treats use of tools without restriction to particular models or exercises. Includes wood finishing. Pittsburgh. Hodgson, F. T. Up-to-date hardwood finisher. Drake 1.00 Describes tools and preparation of the wood, purposes to which various woods are best adapted and best methods of finishing hard and some soft woods. Pittsburgh. Noyes, William. Handwork in wood. Manual arts press.... 2.00 Has chapters on logging and saw-mill work. Equipment and methods of hand-working and wood -finishing are discussed. Good illustrations, and special biblographies. Pittsburgh. Noyes, William. Wood and forest. Manual arts press 3.00 A companion volume to the author's Handwork in wood. This work "attempts to collect and arrange in available form useful in- formation about our common woods, their sources, growth, prop- erties and uses." Foreword. There is an annotated bibliography. Over half the book discusses the forests of North America and forest conservation. Numerous and excellent illustrations. A. L. A. Park, J. C. Educational woodworking for school and home. Macmillan 1.00 Riley, J. W. Manual of carpentry and joinery. Macmillan.. .. 2.00 Sets forth principles underlying various types of construction with fully illustrated chapters on woods, tools and woodworking machinery. A. L. A. Ritchey, S. E. High school manual training course in wood- work, including cost of equipment and supplies and studies on trees and wood. Amer„ bk 1.45 Rose, A. F. Copper work; a textbook for teachers and stu- dents in the manual arts. Davis 1.50 Sickels, Ivin. Exercises in wood-working. Amer. bk 1.00 Wells, P. A., & Hooper, John. Modern cabinet- work, fur- niture and fitments; an account of the theory and practice in the production of all kinds of cabinet work and furniture, with chapters on the growth and progress of design and construction. Lane 5.00 Wheeler, C. G. Shorter course in wood-working. Putnam... 1.50 A chapter of suggestions to teachers prefaces the clear descrip- tion of tools and their uses, and operations of progressive difficul- ty in shaping, fitting and finishing wood. An appendix deals with wood, the princples of construction, problems, methods, etc. The 765 illustrations are helpful and well reproduced. A. L. A. Windsor, H. H,, ed. Mission furniture. 3 pts. (Popular mechanics handbooks.) Chic. Popular mechanics. V. 1 25 V. 2 25 V. 3 50 Small books giving exact measurements for materials, working drawings and explicit directions for making and finishing various articles of furniture. 700 ART. PHOTOGRAPHY 37 Cist— price. Woodward, C. M. Manual training school; its aims, methods and results. Heath ,.. 2.00 Though written with special reference to one school, contains an exposition of the methods and scope of manual training and dis- cusses its educational, social and economic bearings. Pittsburgh. 700 ART. PHOTOGRAPHY. The valuable large histories of art, and architecture have been omitted because of the cost. Lists of these books and of pictures and picture dealers furnished on application. Addison, J. D. Classic myths in art: being an account of Greek myths as illustrated by great artists. (Art lovers' series.) Page 1.00 Batchclder, E. A. Principles of design. 3d ed. Inland printer 3.00 Defines the principles of line and area composition and presents exercises leading from the simple to the complex. A. L. A. Caffin, C. H. How to study pictures. Century 2.00 Series of comparisons of paintings and painters from Cimabue to Monet, with historical and biographical summaries and appre- ciations of the painters' motives and methods. Title. Claudy, C, H. The first book of photography. McBride 75 Descriptions of tools and explanations of processes, which are clear and simple but sufficiently detailed. A. L. A. Goodyear, W. H. Histor}'^ of art. Rev. ed. 2 v. Barnes.... 3,00 Excellent outline, profusely illustrated, including architecture, sculpture, painting and music. Pittsburgh. Goodyear, W. H. Renaissance and modern art. Grosset 75 Goodyear, W. H. Roman and medieval and modern art. Grosset 75 Isham, Samuel. History of American painting. (History of American art.) Macmillan 5.00 Carefully worked out history of the development illustrating it with the lives and works of individual painters. A. L. A. Jenks, Tudor. Photography for young folks. Stokes 1.25 Mach, E. R. O., von. Outlines of the history of painting from 1200-1900 A. D. (School ed.) Ginn....". 1.50 Tables grouping and grading important artists from the thirteenth century by nationalities, dates, subject-matter and style, with brief sketch of the history of painting. A. L. A. Reinach, Salomon. Apollo: an illustrated manual of the his- tory of art throughout the ages. Scribner 1.50 A revision of his Story of art, probably the best one volume book on the subject. Oregon. Sturgis, Russell. A.ppreciation of architecture. Doubleday... 1.50 Guide to the appreciation of buildings, in chapters dealing witli recognized styles in order of development. Well illustrated. N. Y. ^v-" Tarbell, F. B. History of Greek art. (Macmillan's standard ^7 library.) Grosset 75 38 HIGH SCHOOLS price. 736, 740 WOOD CARVING. DRAWING. Brown, F. C. Letters and lettering. Bates 2.00 A varied collection of alphabets of standard forms. Pittsburgh. Day, L. F. Alphabets old and new, for the use of craftsmen, with an essay on Art in the alphabet. (Textbooks of or- namental design.) Scribner 2.00 Contains more than 150 complete alphabets and many series of numerals. Introductory chapter traces the historic development of letter forms. Pittsburgh. French, T. E., & Meiklejohn, Robert. Essentials of lettering. 2d ed. Varsity supply 1.00 French, T. E. Manual of engineering drawing for students and draftsmen. McGraw 2.00 Hodgson, F. T. Easy lessons in the art of practical wood carving. Drake L50 Manual and guide, with an essay on the principles of design, for all kinds of carved work. A. L. A. Mathewson, F. E., & Stewart, J. L. Applied mechanical draw- ing for first and second year classes in high schools. (May- tor series of textbooks for industrial education.) Taylor... 1.00 Sloane, P. H., & others. Mechanical drawing for high schools. 2v. Atkinson. V. 1 , 65 V. 2 80 780 MUSIC. Finck, H. T. Success in music and how it is won. Scribner.. 1.25 Discusses music as a career, illustrating the points by chapters from the experience of great musicians. A. L. A. Guerber, H. A. Stories of popular operas. Dodd 1.50 Contents: William Tell, by Rossini — L'Africaine, by Meyerbeer — Der freischutz, by Weber— Magic flute, by Mozart— Rigoletti— Othel- lo, by Verdi — Fra Diavolo, by Auber — D'elisire d'amore, by Doni- zetti — Romeo and Juliet, by Gounod — I pagliacci, by Leoncavalla — La Tosca, by Puccini — Le prophete, by Meyerbeer. Lavignac, Albert. Music and musicians; tr. by William Mar- chant. 4th ed. by H. E. Krehbiel. Holt 1.75 Includes discussions on the voice, orchestral instruments, or- chestration, music of ancient nations, modern composers. Appen- dix on American composers. A. L. A. Lavignac, Albert. Music dramas of Richard Wagner; tr. by Esther Singleton. Dodd 2.50 Guide to Bayreuth and to enjoyment of Wagner's operas. Sketches drama.s, analyzes music, giving leit-motive, orchestration, Bayreuth cast-s. A. Ij. a. McConathy, Osbourne, ed. School song book for high schools. Birchard 50 780,790 MUSIC. SPORTS 39 List price. Mason, D. G. Guide to music. (Guide series.) Doubleday.. 1.25 EJxplains rhythm, phrase and phrase balance, key, etc., untech- nically and with happy illustrations. Reviews briefly field of piano, sympiionic and vocal music. N. Y. Mason, D. G. Orchestral instruments and what they do. Doubleday 1.25 Simple, accurate text, describing instruments and giving the qual- ity, range and manner of playing each. Does not take up orchestra- tion, condaicting or history. A. iu. A. Melitz, L. L. Opera goers' complete guide; tr. by Richard Salinger. Dodd 1.50 Most complete and modern collection, containing more than two hundred operas, and including in a supplement eighteen which have been written or reproduced recently. The list of characters is followed by the brief story, told act by act, as played. A. L. A. Surette, T. W., & Mason, D. G. Appreciation of music. (Ap- preciation series.) Doubleday 1.50 Simple and practical guide to musical appreciation. Use of the piano is necessary for understanding of the examples given. A. L. A. Tomlins, W. L., ed. Laurel song book for high schools. Birchard 60 Upton, G. P. Standard concert guide. McClurg 1.75 Excellent guide to symphonies, oratories, cantatas and symphonic poems, giving only the information needed for appreciative listen- ing. Wheeler, E. M. Stories of the Wagner operas for children. Bobbs 1.25 Contents: Master singers of Nuremberg — Flying Dutchman — Lohengrin— Rhinegold — Walkyries — Siegfried — Dusk of the gods — Tannhauser — Tristan and Isolde — Parsifal. Very readable, mature enough for high school students. 790 SPORTS. Bancroft, J. H. Games for the playground, home, school and gymnasitmi. Macmillan 1.50 Contains a varied collection of games, American and foreign, which are well described. The introduction is a comprehensive es- say on the history of games, their evolution and psychology. A. L. A. Beard, D. C. Boat building and boating. Scribner 1.00 A practical book, describing the making of boats, from a primitive raft to a houseboat and a motor-boat, with directions for tying knots, bends and hitches, making sails, sailing, and an extremely wise list of "dont's" for the lubber and the beginner. There are good illustrations and diagrams. A. L. A. Camp, W. C. Book of football. Century 2.00 History, technique and strategies of football. Examples of re- markable plays are given. Illustrated from photographs of games and players. A. L. A. Corsan, G. H. At home in the water, swimming, diving, life saving, water sports, natatoritims. Association press 75 , Brief illustrated manual on swimming and water sports, includ- ing fancy swimming, diving, life saving, races and contests, water polo, hints for training and for natatoriums. A, L. A. 40 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Dudley; Gertrude, & Kellor, F. A. Athletic games in the edu- cation of women. Holt 1.25 Presents the value of athletic g-ames in woman's social education and as a training for citizenship and in supplying instructors with the proper ideals; a knowledge of present conditions and detailed methods. The third part, giving rules and suggestions for the various g:araes and contests, is of direct, practical value. A. L. A. Evers, J. J., & Fullerton, H. S. Touching second. Reilly 50 History of baseball, its development into an exact mathematical sport, records of great plays and players, signs and systems used by championship teams. A. L. A. Graham, John, & Clark, E. H. Practical track and field athletics. Duffield 1.00 Instruction on sprinting, running, vaulting, putting the shot. A. L. A. Kephart, Horace, Book of camping and woodcraft. Otiting.. 1.50 Advice on equipment, cookery, treatment of injuries. Paret, J. P. Lawn tennis; its past, present and future; with chapter on Lacrosse, by W. H. Maddren. (American . sportsman's library.) Macmillan 2.00 Well written, scientific treatise. A. L. A. 793 INDOOR AMUSEMENTS— AMATEUR THEATRICALS. Bates, E. W. Pageants and pageantry. Ginn 1.25 These five pageants — Roman, medieval, colonial, one of myths and one of letters — suitable for high school students. Includes an historical sketch of pageantry, and discussion of the selection of a theme for a pageant, and its organization, text, staging and cos- tuming. Illustrations, bibliography and index. A, L. A. Bullivant, C. H. Home fun. Dodge 1.50 Many forms of amateur entertainment — tableaux vivants, palm- istry, clog-dancing, shadow pictures, cipher codes, amusing- scien- tific experiments. Chapter on games for the blind. A. L. A. Burchenal, Elizabeth, ed. Folk-dances and singing games. - Schirmcr 1.50 Music (with words) and description of twenty-six folk dances of ten European countries. A. L. A. Chubb, Percival, & others. Festivals and plays in schools and elsewhere. Harper 2.00 Each contributor discusses helpfully his or her own work, as carried out in the school festivals, and reproductions of photographs illustrate both their method and spirit. Appendixes give specimen progrrams, descriptions of costumes and other data of value to teach- ers, a general bibliography (4p.), a very full and useful classed bibliography of festival music and reference books about music (32p.) and a costume bibliography (2p.). Crawford, Caroline. Folk dances and games. Barnes.. 1.50 For the teacher having some knowledge of folk-dancing. In- cludes Finnish, Swedish, Scotch, English, German, French and Bohemian dances. A. L. A. I LITERATURE— GENERAL, STUDY AND TEACHING 41 List price. McFadden, E. Am & Davis, L. E., Comp. Selected list of plays for amateurs and students of dramatic, expression in schools and college. McFadden (Cincinnati, O.) 2.00 Contents: General list— Plays for children — Christmas plays — Bibliographies of Christmas literature — Appendix A: Outdoor plays — Outdoor plays for children — Appendix B: Old English plays. This bibliography is too expensive for the ordinary school li- brary, but is included to fill the occasional need for a list of this kind. 800 LITERATURE— GENERAL. Botta, Mrs. A. C. L. Handbook of universal literature. Rev. ed. Houghton 2.00 Bird's-eye view of world literature: indicates most important works and the distinguishing characteristics of many authors. Publisher. Moulton, R. G. World literature and its place in general cul- ture. Macmillan L75 Survey from the point of view of the English-speaking peoples. Syllabus for study purposes. A. L. A. 807 ENGLISH LITERATURE— STUDY AND TEACHING. See also Class No. SOS and No. 1518. Bates, Arlo. Talks on teaching literature. Houghton L30 Concerns the problems, conditions, and some difficulties of the subject, the inspirational use of literature, the study of prose and of the novel, criticism, literary workmanship, literary biography, and voluntary reading. A. L. A. Brandes, G. M. C. On reading. Duflield 75 Colby, J. R. Literature and life in school. Houghton 1.25 The titles of the five chapters of this book are: A plea for liter- ature in school — Literature and the first four years of school life — Literature and the second four years of school life — Methods of handling literature in school — Literature and life after the element- ary years. To these is appended a carefully graded list of books, single poems, and pieces of prose to be read in school. Oregon. Counsel upon the reading of books. Houghton 1.50 Contents: Preface on reading and books, by H. Van Dyke — History, by H. M. Stephens — Memoirs and biographies, by Agnes Repplier — Sociology, economics, and politics, by A. T. Hadley — The study of fiction, by Brander Matthews — Poetry, by Bliss Perry — Essays and criticism, by H. W. Mabie. Doyle, Sir A. C. Through the magic door. Doubleday 1.25 y The .magic door is that which admits us to the world of liter- ature. A rambling account of what he likes and does not like. It may easily happen that many a boy, already under his influence may be led by this book through the magic door. Nation. Harrison, Frederic. Choice of books and other literary pieces. Macmillan . , . : 75 Hillis, N. D. Great books as lijfe-teachcrs; studies of char- acter, real and ideal. Revell 1.50 Series of addresses discussing such books as George Eliot's Ro- mola, Hawthorne's Scarlet letter, Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, etc. Pittsburgh. 42 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Shuman, E. L. How to judge a book^ Houghton 1.25 Aids in tlie formation of standards of criticism and increased ap- preciation, tlirough discussion of elements of good literature. A. L. A. 808 ENGLISH LANGUAGE— COMPOSITION—RHETORIC. Baldwin, C. S. Writing and speaking. Longmans 1.20 Practical aid to correct writing-, based on examples, suggestions and exercises covering a wide field. Hints on story-telling and chapter on the use of the library. A. L. A. Carpenter, G. R., & others. Teaching of English in the o elementary and secondary school. (American teachers' se- ries.) Longmans 1.50 Aim of the book is to record and discuss theories with regard to elementary and secondary instruction in English. Chubb, Percival. Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school. (Teachers' professional library.) Macmillan 1.00 So sound in its philosophy and so practical in its helpfulness that we wish it might come into the hands of every instructor in the country who is engaged with this vastly important subject. It is based on the fundamental principle of unity and continuity in the English course from its beginning in the kindergarten up through the high school. We doubti if so good and useful a book upon the subject has before been written and the author's treatment is charming in style and based upon the most intelligent principles of pedag-ogy. Dial. Clodd, Edward. Story of the alphabet. (Library of useful stories.) Appleton , 50 Cooper, F. T. Craftsmanship of writing. Dodd 1.20 Contents: The inborn talent — Power of self-criticism — Author's purpose — Technique of form — Gospel of infinite pains — Question of clearness — Question of style — Technique of translating. Fernald, J. C. English synonyms and antonyms, with notes on the correct use of prepositions. (Standard educational series.) Funk 1.50 Compares or contrasts synonymous words, explains their differ- ences of meaning or usage and shows in what connection one or the other may be more fitly used. Preface. Greenough, J. B. Words and their ways in English speech. Macmillan !^ 1.10 Popular discussion of derivations, foreign influences, metamor- phosed words, slang, fashions in language, etc. N. Y. Kimball, L. G. Structure of the English sentence. Amer. bk. .75 Orcutt, W. D. The writer's desk book. Stokes .60 Classified rules for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, abbrevia- tions, numerals, and other considerations affecting the preparation of copy for the printer. There are also chapters on faulty diction, letter-writing and postal regulations, and an appendix. A. L. A. Pitkin, W. B. (The) art and the business of story writing. Macmillan 1.25 The introduction discusses the why of writing fiction, and the book itself considers in detail the short story, materials, presentation, plot, and the business side. Exercises are included in each chap- ter. 808,808.5 RHETORIC, DEBATING, PUBLIC SPEAKING 43 List price. Phyfe, W. H. P. Twelve tliousand words often mispro- nounced. Nev/ ed. Putnam 1.25 Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases clas- sified and arranged to facilitate the expression of ideas. 2v. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) 1.00 A dictionary' of synonyms arranged topically. Index refers to each word in its various meanings and relations. A. L. A. Webster, W. F. English for secondary schools. Houghton. .90 Teachers' manual, based on outlined four years' course. Detailed treatment of paragraphs, sentences, words, punctuation, as well as broader questions of composition and style. Frequent apt illustra- tions from contemporary writers and suggestive questions and ex- ercises. N. Y. 808.5 DEBATING, PUBLIC SPEAKING. See also Class 815 Collections of debates. Alden, R. M. Art of debate. Holt 1.12 Highly useful. Discussion is lucid, and illustrative material is of the most happy sort. Dial. Brookings, W. D., & Ringwalt, R. C, ed. Briefs for debate on current political, economic and social topics. Longmans 1.25 With each subject, references to articles and leading points, pro and con, are given. N. Y. Clark, S. H., & Blanchard, F. M. Practical public speaking. Scribner 1.00 Contains illustrative selections. Oregon. Everts, K. J. .Speaking voice: principles of training simpli- fied and condensed. Harper 1.00 Advice on breathing, placing the tone, inflecting and reading aloud. Selections for practice. A. L. A. Foster, W. T. Argumentation and debating. Houghton 1.25 Presents the essentials of argumentation and debating simply, following the order in which the difficulties arise in actual practice. The point of view is that of the student. Aims to show the student how to go to work and it presents an abundance of striking illus- trations. Introd. Laycock, Craven, & Scales, R. L. Argumentation and debate. Macmillan 1.10 Manual for teachers and students. Discusses principles appli- cable alike to written and spoken discourse, treating oral argument most fully. Illustrated by fresh and excellent examples. Nation. Laycock, Craven, & Spofford, A. K. Manual of argumenta- tion for high schools and academies. Macmillan 50 For beginners. Pearson, P. M., ed. Intercollegiate debates. Hinds 1.50 Briefs and reports covering problems of political science, govern- ment control and administration, banking and currency, and elec- tions. References are given and suggestions toward the better- ment of debate work. A. L. A. Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public questions. Longmans 1.20 Briefs and references on 25 present-day questions. More recent than the book by Brookings and Ringwalt, noted above. Oregon. 44 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Robbins, E. C. Hii,^h school debate book. McCb.irg- 1.00 Practical handbook, containing- IS briefs on live subjects, with references. Preliminary chapters on the value of debate, briefing the question and preparing- the speech. A. L. A. Shurter, E. D. Extempore speaking for school and college. Ginn 90 Shurter, E. D. Rhetoric of oratory. Macmillan 1.10 Thomas, R. W. Manual of debate. Amer. bk 80 Brief manual, based on classroom practice. With each form a method for refutation is given, and many examples given. A. L. A. Winter, I. L. Pul^lic speaking; principles and practice. Mac- millan 2.00 A discussion of the principles of technical training and of plat- form practice is followed by a large number of well chosen selec- tions, helpfully classed. "The most valuable contribution in recent years to the teaching- of oral work in high schools and colleges." A. L. A. 808.8 COLLECTIONS FOR READINGS. See also Books for elementary and rural schools, class 809. Clark, S. H. Handbook of best readings. Scribner 1.25 One of the best collections of prose and poetry for reading aloud and for speaking. Some famous short stories included, among them The revolt of mother. Contains* humorous selections also. Selections are rather long, and are adapted to rather advanced students. Oregon. Cumnock, R. M. Choice readings. New ed. McClurg 1.50 This edition includes about seventy pages of new material, in- cluding selections from Ben Hur, If 1 were king, and Lincoln, the man of the people from The man with the hoe. Pearson, P. M., ed. Speaker; a quarterly magazine of success- ful readings. 6 v. Hinds. f V. 1 1.50 V. 2 1.50 V. 3 1.50 V. 4 1.50 V. 5 1.50 V. 6 1.50 Tn making: the selections, the aim has evidently been to include only good literature, on worthy themes, effective in form for public presentation. Care has been taken to avoid trite and well-worn numbers, fresh material b^ing chosen, including excerpts and adapt- ations from the older standard and modern authors. The selections are varied, taken from fiction, essays, orations, drama, and poetry. Humor, dialogue and dialect are represented. A. L,. A. 810 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE _45_ List price. 810 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE. Because of the cost no large work on literature is included. A valuable set is Garnett, Richard & Gosse, Edmund, ed. En- glish literature: an illustrated record. 4v. Macmillan. This set is often obtainable at a nominal sum. Prices should be obtained from reliable dealers before purchasing. Bacon, E. M. Literary pilgrimages in New England. Silver. 1.50 Visits to homes of authors and to scenes associated with their writings. Compact with information- and pertinent quotation. Map and many illustrations, well chosen as to subject but poorly exe- cuted. N. Y. Bates, K. L. American literature. Macmillan 1.00 Brooke, S. A. English literature from the beginniwg to the Norman conquest. Macmillan 1.50 Brownell, W. C. Victorian prose masters. Scribner 1.50 Critical studies of Thackeray, Carlyle, George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Ruskin, George Meredith. Oregon. Burton, Richard. Literary leaders of America; a class-book of American literature. Scribner 1.00 Contents: Earlier period — Ii-ving — Cooper — Poe — Hawthorne — Emerson — F.ryant — Longfellow — Holmes — Whittier — Lowell — Whit- man — Lanier — Present day. Burton, Richard. Masters of the English novel. Holt 1.25 A study of the novel and of individual novelists from Richard- son to Hardy and Meredith. Clark, J. S. Study of English and American poets. Scribner. 2.00 Contents: Chaucer — Spenser — Milton — Dryden — Pope — Burns — Cowper — Keats — Shelley — Byron — Coleridge — Wordsworth — Emerson — Bryant — Lowell — ■ Longfellow — Browning — Whittier — Tennyson — Holmes, Clark, J. S. Study of English prose writers. Scribner 2.00 Copeland, C. T., & Hersey, F. W. C. Representative biogra- phies of English men of letters. Macmillan 1.25 The collection is prefaced by Carlyle's essay on biography, fol- lowed by three classes of examples: (1) extracts from famous au- tobiographies and autobiographical passages from the writings of Carlyle. Dickens, Stevenson, etc.; (2) examples of work of famous biographers; (3) reprints from the Dictionary of national biography, illustrating the methods of Sidney Lee. Richard Garnett, Leslie Stephen, etc. Synopses of the author's life and a critical note are prefixed to many of the selections. Cross, W. L. Development of the English novel. Macmillan 1.50 Traces in outline the course of English fiction from Arthurian romance to R. L. Stevenson, indicating continental sources and contributions. Considers critically and historically the leading nov- elists of each school or period. Pittsburgh. Dawson, W. J. Makers of modern poetry; a popular hand- book to the greater poets of the century. (Makers of mod- ern English.) Revell 1.50 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays v/ith authors. Houghton 2.00 Familiar talks about Thackeray, Hawthorne, Dickens, Words- worth, Miss Mitford, "Barry Cornwall," and others. Oregon. 46 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Gardiner, J. H. Bible as English literature. Scribner 1.50 Considers tlie cliaracteristics of tlie various types of literature found in the Bible, malting- copious illustrative quotations. Written in the light of modern research. N. Y. Halleck, R. P. History of English literature. Amer. bk 1.25 Higginson, T. W., & Boynton, H. W. Reader's history of American literature. Houghton 1.25 Pwich in personal reminiscence. Oregon. Jusserand, J. A. A. J. Literary history of the English people. V. 1-3. Putnam. v.. 1. From the origins to the Renaissance 3.50 V. 2. From the Renaissance to the Civil War 3.50 V. 3. From the Renaissance to the Civil war 3.50 Mair, G. H. English literature: modern. (Home univ. li- brary of modern know^ledge.) Holt 50 Very useful and suggestive outline from the pre-Elizabethan re- / naissance to the present. Compact, readable, scholarly. A. L. A. Mitchell, D. G. English lands, letters and kings. 4v. Scrib- ner. V. 1. Celt to Tudor 1.50 V. 2. Elizabeth to Anne 1.50 V. 3. Queen Anne to the Georges 1.50 V. 4. Later Georges to Queen Victoria 1.50 Full on personal traits and habits of English writers. Nation. Does not cover Victorian era. Moody, W. v., & Lovett, R. M. First view of English litera- ture for high schools. Scribner 1.00 A high school adaptation of A history of English literature, by the same authors. Oregon. Written with the literary grace and delicacy of phrase generally reserved for adult readers of critical essays. N. Y. Moulton, R. G. Literary study of the Bible: an account of the leading forms of literature represented in the sacred writ- ings. Heath 2.00 Distinguishes epic, lyric, dramatic essay and other literary forms found in the Bible. N. Y. Pancoast, H. S. Introduction to American literature. 2d ed. rev. Holt 1.12 From colonial period to present. Oregon. Pancoast, H. S. Introduction to English literature. Rev. ed. Holt 1.35 Richardson, C. F. American literature. Putnam 3.50 Useful large manual. Broad, sensible, and scholarly. Nation. Jiitchie, Mrs. A. I. T. Tennyson, Ruskin and Browning: three essays. Harper 2.00 810 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE 47 t List price. Rittenhouse, J. B. Younger American poets. Little 1.50 Contents: Richard Hovey — Lizette Woodworth Reese — Bliss Car- man — Louise Imogen Guiney — George E. Santayana — Josephine Pres- ton Peabody— Charles G. D. Roberts— Edith M. Thomas— Madison Cawein — George E. Woodberry — Frederic Lawrence Knowles — Ali, Eliot, George, pseud. Romola. (Everymans library.) (Li- brary binding.) Dutton 50 Story set in Florence in the time of Lorenzo de' Medici and Sav- onarola. Eliot, George, pseud. Romola. (Luxembourg ed.) Crowell.. 1.50 Eiiot, George, pseud. Silas Marner. the v/eaver of Raveloe; with introd. by Bliss Carman, and aids to stiidy by H. A. Davidson. (Riverside literature series.) Houghton 40 Eliot, George, pseud. Silas Marner. the weaver of Raveloe; il. by Hugh Thomson. (Cranford ed.) Macmillan 2.00 Ford, P. L. Great K & A train robbery. Dodd 1.25 Ford, P. L. Honorable Peter Stirling. Grosset 75 Fox, John, jr. Little shepherd of Kingdom Come. Grosset.. .75 Fox, John, jr. Trail of the lonesome pine. Grosset 75 Freeman, Mrs. M. E. W. New England nun and other sto- ries. Harper 1.25 French, H. W. Lance of Kanana. Lothrop... 1.00 It was the lance of Kanana in the hands of the Bedouin boy that rescued Arabia. A story beautiful in its spirit of heroism. Cleve- land. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. S. Cranford. (Everyman's library.) (Li- brary binding.) Dutton 50 Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. S. Cranford; il. by M. V. Wheelhouse. (Queen treasures scr.) Macmillan 1.00 Gates, Eleanor. Biography of prairie girl. Century 1.50 Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. (Everymans library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 An English idyl concerned with the fortunes of the Primrose family. Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield; il. by Hugh Thom- son. (Cranford ed.) Macmillan 1.50 813 FICTION 61 List price. Hale, E. E., jr. Man without a country. (National ed.) Lit- tle 35 Story is a fictitious memoir of an American officer wlio said he wished never to hear of the United States again, and for punish- ment had his wish fulfilled. Baker. Hale, E. E., jr., ed. English stories. (Hawthorne classics.) Globe 40 Contents: A Christmas carol, by Dickens — The house and the brain, by Lytton — A dog of Flanders, by Ouida — The Sire de Male- troit's door, by Stevenson — Wee Willie Winkle, by Kipling. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. House of the seven gables. (Every- mans library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Marble faun. ( Everyman s library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Heydrick, B. A., ed. Types of the short story: selected stories with reading lists. (Lake English classics.) Scott 35 Introduction of the short story with bibliography and plan for study. The stories are classified by type and followed by bibli- ograpy of other stories of the same Icind. The stories given are: Rip Van Winkle, by Irving — Ambitious guest and Dr. Heidegger's experiment, by Hawthorne — Namgay Doola and Moti Gujmutineer, by Kipling— Tw^o of them and Cree Queery and Mysy Drolly, by Barrie — Sire de Maletroit's door and Markheim, by Stevenson — Pit and the pendulum and The gold bug, by Poe — Haunted and the haunters, by I^ytton — My double, by Hale. Howells, N. D. Rise of Silas Lapham. Houghton 1.50 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford. Macmillan.. 1.50 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's school days. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 School days at Rugby under the famous Dr, Arnold who loved boys and lived to make them brave. Christian gentlemen. Power. Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's school days; il. by Louis Rhead. Harper L50 Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Ramona. Little 1.50 Jewett, S. O. Country of the pointed firs. Houghton 1.25 Studies of life and character in a Maine seacoast village. N. Y. Johnson, Owen. Stover at Yale. Stokes 1.35 Picture of college life from an unusual point of view. A. L. A. Jordan, E. G. May Iverson tackles life. Harper 1.25 Ten short stories of girls' life in a convent school as told by "one of the girls." King, Charles. Cadet days. Harper 1.25 A story of life at West Point. Power. Kipling, Rudyard. Captains courageous; a story of the Grand Banks. Century 1.50 Harvey Cheyne, young, rich and spoiled, falls overboard from an Atlantic liner and is picked up by fishermen bound for a season's catch off the coast of Newfoundland. The reader is given a good picture of life aboard a fishing smack while the rude fishermen make a man of Harvey. Prentice and Power. Kipling, Rudyard. Day's work. Grosset 75 62 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Kipling, Rudyard. Kim. Doubleday 1.35 Kim is a street arab from Lahore, whose relations to the British secret service and journeys through India bring a rich panorama of the life of the country. Baker. Kipling, Rudyard. Light that failed. Doubleday 1.35 Laboulaye, E. R. L. de. Quest of the four-leaved clover: a story of Arabia, adapted from the French by W. T. Field. Ginn 40 Adaptation of Abdallah telling the story of two foster brothers search for happiness. Explanations of Mohammedan beliefs and ideals are given and the Koran quoted. A. L. A. Lange, Dietrich. Silver island of the Chippewa. Lothrop.... 1.00 Two boys spend eight months in the wilds of the Lake Superior country searching for the Silver island. Nature and woodcraft are interestingly introduced into the story. Loti, Pierre, pseud. Iceland fisherman; tr. by H. B. Dole. (Handy volume classics.) Crowell 35 Mabie, H. W., comp. Stories new and old; typical American and English tales. Macmillan 1.50 Contents: Peter Rugg, the missing man, by William Austin — Dr. Marigold's prescriptions, by Charles Dickens — Rab and his friends, by John Brown, M. D. — Ethan Brand, by Nathaniel Hawthorne — Pit and the pendulum, by Edgar Allan Poe — Will o' the mill, by Robert Louis Stevenson — Marquis Jeanne Hyacinth St. Palaye, by J. Henry Shorthouse — Quite so, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich — King Solomon of Kentucky, by James Lane Allen— Game and the nation, by Owen Wister. Marryat, Frederick. Masterman Ready. Burt 1.00 Martin, Mrs. H. R. Tillie: a Mennonite maid. Grosset 75 Quaint story of a Pennsylvania Dutch girl. Mason, A. E. W. Four feathers. Macmillan 50 Restoration of a brave man, who, in morbid fear of showing cow- ardice, becomes a coward in the eyes of his friends. N. Y. Norris, Kathleen. Mother. Macmillan 50 Realistic picture of the trials and joys of a large family. A. L. A. Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle. Burt 75 Scotch story in which interest centers around a breed of famous shepherd dogs, of which Bob is the last and greatest. Pittsburgh. Page, T. N. In ole Virginia. Scribner 1.25 Contents: Marse Chan — "Unc' Edinburg" — Meh Lady — Ole 'stracted— No haid pawn — Polly. Page, T. N. Old gentleman of the black stock. Scribner 1.50 Paine, R. D. College years. Scribner 1.50 Yale stories. Poe, E. A. Best tales; ed. by Sherwin Cody. McClurg 1.00 Robins, Elizabeth. Come and find me. Century 1.50 Tale of California and Alaska and the lure of the North. Robins, Elizabeth. Magnetic North. Stokes 1.50 Tale of gold-seekers in the Klondike. A, L. A. 813 FICTION ' 63 \^ List price. Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Button 50 Many-colored picture of medieval England. Brings together some of the most romantic names of middle ages, Coeur de Lion, Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Allan-a-dale, Isaac of York, and Prince John. Period, about 1194. Baker. Scott, Sir Walter. Kenilworth. (Everyman's library.) (Li- brary binding.) Dutton .50 Tragic story of Amy Robsart, wife of Queen Elizabeth's favor- ite, the Earl of Leicester. Period, 1575. Baker. Scott, Sir Walter. Kenilworth; il. by H. L. Ford. (Jack) Lippincott 1.50 Fine, large type, good paper, beautiful binding and colored illus- trations. Scott, Sir Walter. Quentin Durward. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 A rich and varied picture of the age when feudalism and chivalry were about to pass away. Most of the events take place in the frontier districts of France and Flanders. Baker. Scott, Sir Walter. Talisman. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 The scene is in Palestine with Richard Coeur de Lion and his allies of the third crusade. From the contest on the desert between the Saracen cavalier and the Knight of the Sleeping Leopard to the final "Battle of the Standard" it is full of interest. Pittsburgh. Scott, Sir Walter. Talisman. (Jack) Lippincott 1.50 See note under No. 2186. Smith, F. H. Caleb West, master diver. Grosset 75 Characters and action center about building a light house on the Connecticut coast. N. Y. Smith, F. H. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Grosset 75 Describes with humorous and loving touch, an unreconstructed Virginia gentleman. A. L. A. Smith, F. H. Fortunes of Oliver Home. Grosset 75 Southern society at outbreak of Civil war and art student's life in New York about 1860. N. Y. Smith, F. H. Tom Grogan. Grosset 75 Tom Grogan is an Irish woman and a contractor. Stevenson, R. L. David Balfour. (Biographical ed.) Scrib- ner 1.00 Sequel to Kidnapped. Stevenson, R. L. Kidnapped. (Biographical ed.) Scribner.. 1.00 Memoirs of the adventures of David Balfour in the year 1751. Title. Stevenson, R. L. Treasure island; il. by Paget. Grosset 1.00 It's all about a map and a treasure, and a mutiny and a dere- lict ship, and a current, and a fine old Squire Trelawney, and a doctor, and another doctor, and a seacook with one leg, and a sea- song with the chorus 'Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum,' " Letters of Stevenson. Stevenson, R. L. Merry men. (Biographical ed.) Scribner.. 1.00 Contents: Merry men — Will o' the mill — Markheim — Thrawn Janet — Olalla — Treasure of Franchard — Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 64 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Stockton, F. R. Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Ale- shine. Burt 75 Diverting account of the incongruous and improbable Crusoe ad- ventures of two New England women. Stockton, F. R. Lady or the tiger? and other stories. Scrib- ner 1.25 Stockton, F. R. Rudder Grange. Grosset .75 Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Uncle Tom's cabin. Grosset 75 Tarkington, Booth. Conquest of Canaan. Burt 75 Tarkington, Booth. Gentleman from Indiana. Grosset 75 Tarkington, Booth. Monsieur Beaucaire. Grosset 75 Little drama of intrigue, laid in Bath during the Beau Nash regime in the middle of the 18th century. Baker. Thackeray, W. M. Henry Esmond. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Autobiographic story of a Cavalier and Jacobite in time of Queen Anne. Introduces Marlborough, Addison, Steele and other well known people. N. Y. Thackeray, W. M. Vanity Fair. (Everyman's library.) (Li- brary binding.) Dutton 50 Becky Sharp, the Crawleys, Major Dobbin, Amelia and the won- derful picture of the battle of Waterloo are immortal. A. L. A. Thackeray, W. M. Virginians. 2v. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 1.00 Folows Kenry Esmond. Virginia and London, 1756-80; introduces George Washington, Dr. Johnson, Fielding and Richardson. N. Y. Trent, W. P., comp. Best American tales. (Handy volume classics.) Crowell 35 Contents: Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving — Great stone face and Rappaccini's daughter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne — Gold bug. Descent into the Maelstrom and The fall of the house of Usher, by Edgar Allan Poe — What was it? a mystery, by Fitz- James O'Brien — Man without a country, by Edward Everett Hale. Vachell, J. A. The Hill; a romance of friendship. Dodd.... 1.50 Story of English school life at Harrow. A. L. A. Van Dyke, Henry. Blue flower. Grosset 75 Contents: Blue flower — The source — The mill — Spy rock — Wood magic — The other wise man — Handful of clay — Lost word — First Christmas tree. Watson, John (Ian Maclaren, pseud). Beside the bonnie briar bush. Dodd 40 Woolson, C. F. Anne. Harper 1.25 Scenes at Mackinac and about New York, N. Y. White, S. E. Blazed trail. Grosset 75 Realistic account of life in a logging camp. White, S. E. Riverman. Grosset 75 Narrative of the lumber industry, full of the danger and fascin- ation of log driving. A. L. A. White, W. A. Certain rich man. Grosset 75 Evolution of a boy Into a financier of wide commercial influence. HISTORICAL FICTION 65 List price. Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. Cathedral courtship, and Penelope's English experiences. Grosset 75 Humorous, appreciative narrative of travel in England. Pitts- burgh. Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. Penelope's progress. Grosset 75 Edinburgli and its neighborhood as seen by the heroines of Pen- elope's English experiences. A. L. A. Wiggin, Mrs. K, D. S. Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Grosset .75 Rebecca Rowena Randall of Sunnybrook farm is a fascinating lit- tle girl who does all sorts of lively things at home and at board- ing school. Pittsburgh. Wister, Owen. (The) Virginian. Grosset 75 Western cowboy story. 813.9 HISTORICAL FICTION. Included for supplementary reading in connection with history courses. Austin, Mrs. J. G. Betty Alden: the first born daughter of the Pilgrims. Houghton 1.25 Austin, Mrs. T. G. Standish of Standish. Houghton 1.25 Plymouth colony. Catherwood, Mrs. M. H. Story of Tonty. McClurg 1.25 Romance of the French exploration under La Salle and his faith- ful lieutenant, Tonty, from Montreal to the Mississippi. Churchill, Winston. (The) crisis. Grosset 75 Civil war times. Churchill, Winston. Richard Carvel. Grosset 75 Revolutionary times. Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain, pseud.) Personal recollections of Joan of Arc. Harper 2.50 Coffin, Charles C. Daughters of the Revolution and their times, 1769-76. Houghton 1.50 Davis, W. S. Friend of Caesar. Grosset 75 The fall of the Roman republic. Davis, W. S. God wills it. Grosset 75 Davis, W. S. Victor of Salamis: a tale of the days of Xerxes, Leonidas and Themistocles. Grosset .75 Dickens, Charles. Tale of two cities. (Everyman's library. (Library binding.) Button 50 Story of the French Revolution and its influence on the lives of some English people. 66 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Doyle, Sir A. C. Refugees: a lale of two continents. Harper 1.75 A Huguenot romance in tlie reign of Louis XIV, the French epi- sodes dealing with intrigue and adventure in the style of Dumas (there is a favorable portrait of Madame de Maintenon) and the American half being after the manner of Cooper. Baker. Dumas, Alexandre. Three musketeers. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Button 50 In the present romance the feud between Richelieu and Anne of Austria bulks large, and the adventures of three guardsmen with their redoubtable and versatile Gascon comrade D'Artagnan are often intimately connected with affairs of state (1626-28). Baker. Ebers, G. M. Egyptian princess. Burt 1.00 A romance of ancient Egypt, by a learned Egyptologist, who grounds the details of his work chiefly on Herodotus, supplemented and corrected by the results of modern research, the records of cun- eiform inscriptions, etc. Oregon. Ebers, G. M. Uarda. (Home library.) Burt 1.00 Scene, Egyptian Thebes, 14th century B. C, the reign of Rameses II. Inner history of the regent's conspiracy to usurp the throne while Rameses was warring against the Aramaeans, whom he de- feated at Kadesh. Baker. Erckmann, Emile, & Chatrian, Alexandre. Conscript and Wa- terloo. (Everymans library.) (Library binding.) Button. .50 Napoleon and his time: Waterloo. Flaubert, Gustave. Salammbo, the niaid of Carthage; retold from the French by Z. A. Ragozin. (Tales of the heroic ages.) Putnam 1.25 A free translation, somewhat abridged, of one of the classics of historical fiction. The story is told with historical accuracy and great picturesqueness. Oregon. Ford, p. L. Janice Meredith. Grosset 75 Romance of the war of independence. The battles and other his- torical incidents, and the celebrities are presented with accuracy. Baker. Goodwin, Mrs. M. W. White aprons. Little 75 A romance of Bacon's rebellion, Virginia, 1676. Oregon. Hugo, Victor, Les miserables. 2v. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Button 1.00 A picture of Waterloo, from the French side. Oregon. Johnston, Mary. Long roll. Houghton 1.50 Minute study of "Stonewall" Jackson's character and campaigns. A. L. A. Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia; or, New foes with an old face. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Button 50 Hellenic Egypt in 5th century, when Christianity and paganism were at war; Goths, Romans, Greeks, and a crowd of minor races come on the stage. Baker. Kingsley, Charles. Westward ho; or, Voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. (Ev- erymans library.) (Library binding.) Button 50 One of the noblest, gentlest, most romantic, and most manly of sea stories and tales of adventure. Based on achievements of sailors of the days of Drake and Raleigh and Grenville, on the Spanish main. E. S. Brooks. 813.9 HISTORICAL FICTION 67 List price. Lytton, Edward Bulwer. Last days of Pompeii. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Button 50 Reconstruction of the luxurious Roman society of first century of Christian era, founded on careful study of Latin literature and of Pompeian antiquities, and on observation of modern manners and character. Baker. Martineau, Harriet. Peasant and the prince. Houghton 45 The prince is the unfortunate dauphin, son of Louis XVI of France, and the story follows the fortunes of the royal family dur- ing the stormy scenes of the French revolution. Mitchell, S. W. Hugh Wynne, free Quaker; sometime brevet lieutenant colonel on the staff of his Excellency, General Washington. Century 1.50 Page, T. N. Burial of the guns, and other stories. Scribner.. 1.25 Civil war and reconstruction period. Page, T. N. Red Rock: a chronicle of reconstruction. Gros- set : 75 Parker, Sir Gilbert. Seats of the mighty. Appleton 75 Historical romance, embodying several chapters of the great struggle, culminating in the battle of Quebec, which dispossessed France and enthroned England in North America. Wolfe and other famous characters appear. Baker. Pyle, Howard. Men of iron. Harper 2.00 Boy life in an English castle in the later days of chivalry. Fine moral tone and literary quality. Oregon. Reade, Charles. Cloister and the hearth. (Everyman's li- brary.) (Library binding.) Button 50 Eve of the Reformation (Parents of Erasmus). Scott. See Nos. 2184-89. Thompson, Maurice. Alice of old Vincennes. Grosset 75 Fort "Vincennes, Clark's conquest, (1779). Wallace, Lew. Ben Hur; a tale of the Christ. Sears 50 Ben-Hur is a young Jew of noble family taken prisoner by the Romans and made a galley slave. The sea-fight with the pirates of the Mediterranean and the chariot race at Antioch are among the thrilling incidents of the story. Pittsburgh. Weyman, S. J. Gentleman of France. Burt 1.00 Adventurous and romantic story of a soldier of fortune in the days of the League and Henry of Navarre. Pittsburgh. Weyman, S. J. House of the Wolf. Burt 1.00 Adventure of knight-errantry in the days of Charles IX of France and the perils during that night which followed the eve of St. Bar- tholomew. Pittsburgh. Yonge, C. M. Caged lion. Macmillan 1.25 Story of Henry of Monmouth, the king of England, and of his friend and prisoner, the captive king of Scotland. Pittsburgh. Yonge, C. M. Chaplet of pearls. (Everyman's lijjrary.) (Li- brary binding.) Dutton 50 Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Yonge, C. M. Dove in the eagle's nest. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Story of a life in a German castle in the Middle ages. 68 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. 814 ESSAYS AND PROSE MISCELLANY. Including some individual orations. See Class 814. S for collections of essays, and Class 815 for collections of orations Addison, Joseph, & Steele, Richard. Sir Rogei de Coverley papers; ed. by C. T. Winchester. (Gateway series.) Amer. bk 40 Bacon, Sir Francis. Essays; ed. by C. S. Northrup. (River- side literature ser.) Houghton 40 Burke, Edmund. Speech on American taxation; Speech on conciliation v^rith America; Letter to the sheriffs of Bristol; ed. by F. G. Selby. (English classics.) Macmillan 70 Burroughs, John. Fresh fields. Houghton 1.15 Contents: Nature in England— English woods — A contrast — In Carlyle's country— Hunt for the nightingale — English and American .song birds — Impressions of some English birds — In Wordsworth's country — Glance at British wild flowers — British fertility — Sunday in Cheyne row — At sea. Burroughs, John. Indoor studies and outdoor books. Houghton 1.15 Contents: Thoreau — Science and literature— Science and the poets — Matthew Arnold's criticism — Arnold's view of Emerson and Car- lyle — Gilbert White's book — Malformed giant and briefer essays on The biologist's tree of life — Dr. Johnson and Carlyle — An open door — True realism — Literary fame. Burroughs, John. Riverby. Houghton 1.15 Contents: Among the wild-flowers — Heart of the Southern Cats- kills — Birds' eggs— Bird courtship — Notes from the prairie — Eye- beams — Young marsh hawk— The chipmunk — Spring jottings — Glimpses of wild life — Life of fear— Lovers of nature — Taste of Ken- tucky blue grass — In Mammoth cave — Hasty observation — Bird life in an old apple-tree — ^Ways of sportsfnen — Talks with young ob- servers. Burton, Richard. Literary likings. Lothrop 1.50 Contents: R. L. Stevenson — The democratic and aristocratic in literature — Phases of fiction — Bjornson — Daudet — James. Carlyle, Thomas. Essays on Burns; with Cotter's Saturday night and other poems from Burns; ed. by W. C. Gore. (Pocket classics.) Macmillan 25 Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor resartus; and, On heroes, hero-wor- ship and the heroic in history, (Everymans library.) (Li- brary binding.) Button 50 Crothers, S. M. Among friends. Houghton 1.25 Contents: Among friends — Anglo-American school of polite un- learning — Hundred worst books — Convention of books — In praise of politicians — My missionary life in Persia — The colonel in the the- ological seminary — Romance of ethics — Merry devil of education. Crothers, S. M. Gentle reader. Houghton 1.25 Contents: Gentle reader — Enjoyment of poetry — Mission of humor — Cases of conscience concerning witch-crafts — Honorable points of ignorance — That history should be readable — Evolution of the gentle- man — Hinterland of science — Gentle reader's friends among the clergy — Quixotism — Intimate knowledge and delight. De Quincey, Thomas. Flight of a Tartar tribe; ed. by M. H. Turk. (Riverside literature scries.) Houghton 25 814 ESSAYS 69 List price. Dc Quincey, Thomas. Joan of Arc and the English mail- coach; ed. by R. A. Witham. (Riverside literature series.) Houghton 25 Dc Quincey, Thomas. Selections; ed. by Bliss Perry. (Lit- tle masterpieces.) Doubleday 50 Contents: Affliction of childhood — Pleasures of opium — Pains of opium — On the knocking at the gate in Macbeth — Going down with victory — Levana — Our ladies of sorrow. Emerson, R. W. English traits; Representative men; and other essays. (Everymans library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Contents: English traits — Representative men — American schol- ar — Man the reformer — The conservative — The transcendentalist — Young America. Emerson, R. W. Essays. First and second series. (Every- man's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Contents: First series: History — Self-reliance — Compensation — Spiritual laws — Love — Friendship — Prudence — Heroism — Over-soul — Circles — Intellect — Art. Second series: The poet — Experience — Character — Manners — Gifts — .Nature— Politics — ^Nominalist and realist — New England reformers. Franklin, Benjamin. Selections from his writings; ed. by U. W. Cutler. (Handy volume classics, pocket ed.) Crowell.. .35 Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast table. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Irving, Washington. Bracebridge Hall; il. by Randolph Cal- decott. (Cranford ed.) Macmillan 1.50 Irving, Washington. Old Christmas. (Illustrated pocket clas- sics.) Macmillan 75 Irving, Washington. Rip van Winkle; il. by Houghton. (Il- lustrated pocket classics.) Macmillan 75 Irving, Washington. Sketchbook of Geoffrey Grayon, gent. (Everymans library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Irving, Washington. Tales from the Alhambra; ed. by Jose- phine Brower; il. by C. E. Brock. Houghton 1.25 The legends retold are those of The Arabian astrologer, Prince Ahmed al Kamel, The moor's legacy, The three beautiful princesses, The rose of the Alhambra, The two discreet statues. Johnson, Samuel. Selections; ed. by S. J. Reid. Simmons... .40 Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia, and Last essays of Elia. (Everymans library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Lincoln, Abraham. Speeches and letters. (Everyman's li- brary.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Lowell, J. R. Books and libraries and other papers: Dem- ocracy. (Riverside literature series.) Houghton 40 Books and libraries — Emerson the lecturer — Keats^Don Quixote — Democracy. 70 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Lowell, J. R. My study windows. Houghton 2.00 Contents: My garden acquaintance — A word for winter — On a cer- tain condescension in foreigners — A great public cliaracter — Carlyle —Abraham Lincoln — James Gates Percival — Thoreau — Swinburne's tragedies— Chaucer — Library of old authors — Emerson — Pope. Macaulay, T. B. Critical and historical essays. 2v. (Every- man's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton, V. 1 50 Contents: English history group: Hallam's history — Burleigh and his times — John Hampden — Milton — Sir William Temple — Sir James Mackintosh — ^Horace Walpole— William Pitt— Earl of Chatham — Clive — Warren Hastings — Lord Holland. V. 2 50 Contents: Foreign history group: Machiavelli — ^Ranke's History of the popes — War of the Spanish succession — Frederick the Great — Political controversy group: Southey's Colloquies — Civil disabilities of Jews — Gladstone on church and state. Literary criticisms group: Bacon — John Bunyan — Dramatists of the Restoration — Addison — Samuel Johnson — Madame d'Arblay — :Byron — Montgomery. Macaulay, T. B. Miscellaneous essays; and the Lays of an- cient Rome; including Early and miscellaneous verse. (Ev- erymans library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Contents: History — John Dryden — Mirabeau — Barere — Francis At- terbury — John Bunyan — Oliver Goldsmith — Samuel Johnson — Dante — Petrarch — Conversation between Cowley and Milton concerning Great civil war — Great lawsuit — On the Athenian orators — Great national epic poem— Wellingtoniad — William Pitt — On the Royal society of literature — Scenes from Athenian revels — Lays of ancient Rome — Miscellaneous poems. Northrop, Cyrus. Addresses; educational and patriotic. Wil- son 1.80 Repplier, Agnes. In our convent days. Houghton 1.10 Delicately humorous papers suggested by experiences in a convent school. A. L. A. Repplier, Agnes. Varia. Houghton 1.25 Contents: The eternal feminine — The deathless diary — Guides — Little Pharisees in fiction — Fete de Gayant — Cakes and ale — Old wine and new — Royal road of fiction — From the reader's standpoint. Ruskin, John. Selections; ed. by Bliss Perry. (Little master- pieces.) Doubleday 50 Contents: Two boyhoods — Slave ship — ^Mountain gloom — Moun- tain glory — Venice — St. Marks — Art and morals— Mystery of Life — Peace. Ruskin, John. Sesame and lilies; Two paths; King of the Golden river. (Everymans library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Stevenson, R. L. Essays; ed, by W. L. Phelps. Scribner 75 Contents: On the enjoyment of unpleasant places — An apology for idlers — Aes triplex — Talk and talkers — A gossip on romance — The character of dogs — A college magazine— Books which have in- fluenced me — Pulvis et umbra. I have refrained from selecting any of Stevenson's formal es- says in literary criticism and have chosen only those that, while ranking among his masterpieces in style, reveal his personality, character, opinions, philosophy, faith." Pref. 814 ESSAYS 71 List price. Stevenson, R. L. Essays of travel and in the art of writing. (Biographical ed.) Scribner 1.00 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels. (Cranford ed.) Macmil- lan 1.50 Thackeray, W. M. Selections; ed. by Bliss Perry. (Little masterpieces.) Doubleday 50 Thoreau, H. D. Walden . (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Dutton 50 Van Dyke, Henry. Days off and other digressions. Scribner 1.50 Contents: Days off — Holiday in a vacation — His other engage- ment — Books I have loved as a boy — Among the Quantock hills — Between the lupin and the laurel — Little Red Tom — Silverhorns — Notions about novels — Some remarks on gulls — Leviathan — Art of leaving off. Van Dyke, Henry. Little rivers. Scribner.... 1.50 Contents: Little rivers — Leaf of spearmint — Ampersand — Hand- ful of heather — Restigouche from a horse-yacht — Alpenrosen and goat's-milk — Au large — Trout-fishing in the Traun — At the sign of the balsam bough — Song after sundown. Van Dyke, Henry. Van Dyke book; comp. by Edwin Mims. (School reading.) Scribner 50 Contents: A boy and a rod — Little rivers — Wood magic — Camp- ing out — Open fire — Songs out of doors — A friend of justice — Thrill- ing moment — Keeper of the light — Handful of clay — First Christmas tree — Bits of blue-sky philosophy — Story of the author's life. Walton, Izaak. Complete angler. (Everyman's libr^r3^) (Li- brary binding.) Dutton , 50 Walton, Izaak. Compleat angler. (Everyman's library.) (Li- Webster, Daniel. Daniel Webster for young Americans, com- prising his greatest speeches; ed. with notes by C. F. Rich- ardson. (School ed.) Little 50 Webster, Daniel. Speeches and orations, with an essay on Daniel Webster as a master of English style l)y E. P. Whip- ple. Little 3.00 814.8 PROSE MISCELLANY— COLLECTIONS. Carpenter, G. R., ed. American prose; selections with critical introductions by various writers and a general introduction. Macmillan 1.00 A good collection to be used in connection with the study of the history of American literature. The criticisms for the most part seem just and discriminating. The whole treatment of Lincoln is unusually fine. Oregon. Cody, Sherwin, comp. Selections from the best English essays illustrative of the history of English prose style. McClurg. 1.00 From Bacon, Swift, Addison, Lamb, De Quincey, Carlyle, Emer- son, Macaulay, Ruskin, and Arnold. 72 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. College entrance requirements in English, 1910-1915; for study and practice. (Eclectic English classics.) Amer bk 90 Contents: Shakespeare's Macbeth — Milton's minor poems— Burke's Conciliation with colonies — Washington's Farewell address — Web- ster's First Bunker Hill oration — Macaulay's Life of Johnson— Car- lyle's Burns. Craik, Sir Henry, ed. English prose selections. 5v. Macmil- lan. V. 1. 14th-16th century 1.10 V. 2. 16th century to Restoration 1.10 V. 3. 17th century 1.10 V. 4. 18th century 1.10 V. 5. 19th century 1.10 The best collection for students. Oregon. George, A. J., comp. From Chaucer to Arnold; types of lit- erary art in prose and verse; an introduction to English literature with preface and notes. Macmillan 1.00 Hale, E. E., jr., ed. English essays. (Hawthorne classics.) World bk 40 From Lamb, Addison, Goldsmith, and Thackeray. Manley, J. M., ed. English prose, 1137-1890. Ginn 1.50 A volume of selections from eighty-three English writers, ending with Stevenson. So far as possible whole es.says, letters, speeches and chapters are given. A companion to English poetry. A. L. A. Putnam, G. H., ed. Representative essays. Putnam 1.25 Contents: The mutability of literature, by Irving — Imperfect sym- pathies, by Lamb — Conversation, by De Quincey — Compensation, by Emerson — Sweetness and light, by Arnold — On popular culture, by Morley — On a certain condescension in foreigners, by Lowell — On history, by Carlyle — History, by Macaulay — The science of history, by Froude — Race and language, by Freeman — Kin beyond sea, by Gladstone. Selected from Prose masterpieces. Oregon. Scudder, H. E., ed. American prose. Rev. ed. Houghton 1.00 Selections from Hawthorne, Irving, Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, Lowell, Thoreau, and Emerson. Duplicates slightly the prose se- lections in Masterpieces of American literature but contains more selections than that work. Oregon. 815 ORATIONS— COLLECTIONS. See Class 808.5 for books on Debating and Public Speaking. See also Nos. 2582, 2621-4. Fulton, R. T., & Trueblood, T. C. British and American elo- quence. Ginn 1.25 Selections from 101 speeches made by twenty-two noted English and American orators, with biographical sketches prefacing each group. A useful collection for the library. A. L. A. ESSAYS. GERMAN LITERATURE 1Z price. Ringwalt, R. C, ed. Modern American oratory: seven repre- sentative orations; ed. with notes and an essay on the theory of oratory. Holt 1.12 Orations included are General amnesty, by Schurz — Right to trial by jury, by Black — Daniel O'Connell, by Phillips — One hundredth anniversary of the inauguration of Washington, by Depew — The leadership of educated men, by Curtis — The new South, by Grady — The sepulcher in the garden, by Beecher. Ninety pages of the book devoted to the theory of oratory. Ore- gon. Shurter, E. D., ed. Masterpieces of modern oratory. Ginn.. 1.00 Contents: Conciliation with the American colonies, by Burke — The murder of Captain Joseph White, by Webster — A house divided against itself cannot stand, by Lincoln — The scholar in a republic, by Phillips — The public duty of educated men; by Curtis — The race problem in the South, by Grady — The Puritan and the cavalier, by Watterson — Eulogy of Robert E. Lee. by Daniel — Eulogy of Ulysses S. Grant, by Porter — The immortality of good deeds, by Reed — Trib- ute to Marcus A. Hanna, by Beveridge — Marshall and the constitu- tion, by Cockran — International arbitration, by Schurz— Opportunity, by Spalding — Salt, by Van Dyke. Wagner, Leopold, ed. Modern political orations. Holt 1.12 Contents: Lord Brougham on negro emancipation — Macaulay on the people's charter — Fox on the corn laws — O'Connell on repeal of the union — R. L. Sheil on the Jewish disabilities bill — Alexander Cockburn on the Greek difficulty — Sir Bulwer Lytton on the Crim- ean war — The Earl of EUenborough on the Polish insurrection — John Bright on the suspension of the habeas corpus act — Lowe on parliamentary reform — Gathorne Hardy on the Irish church — Earl Russell on the ballot — Isaac Butt on home rule — A. M. Sullivan on the Irish national demands — The Earl of Beaconsfield on the Berlin congress — Joseph Cowen on the foreign policy of England — Glad- stone on the Beaconsfield ministry — Charles Bradlaugh at the bar of the House of Commons — Justin McCarthy in defence of his col- leagues — Lord Randolph Churchill on the Egyptian crisis — Chamber- lain on liberal aims — Parnell on the coercion bill — Morley on home rule — ^Cobden on the corn laws — The Times on Parnellism and crime. 830 GERMAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Boyesen, H. H. Goethe and Schiller, with a commentary on Goethe's Faust. Scribner 2.00 Probably the best introduction in English to the lives and works of two great German writers. Oregon. Francke, Kuno. German ideals of today and other essays on German culture. Houghton 1.50 Goethe, J. W., von. Faust; tr. into English verse by Bayard Taylor. Houghton 2.50 Goethe, J. W., v6n. Poems and ballads. (Bohn library.) Macmillan 1.00 Harris, Charles. Selections for German composition. Heath. .50 Nibelungenlied. Nibelungenlied: the fall of the Nibelungers; tr. by W. N. Lettson. Scribner 1.75 Schiller, J. C. F., von. Life and works; ed. by Calvin Thomas. (Student ed.) Holt 1.50 Schmidt, Immanuel, & Tanger, Gustav. Flugel-Schmidt- Tanger: a dictionary of the English and German languages for home and school. 2v. Lemcke 5.20 74 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Thomas, Calvin. History of German literature. (Short his- tories of the world.) Appleton 1.50 Scholarly, well arranged and well written survey limited to liter- ature in its most restricted meaning. It is more popular than Francke, more scholarly than Wells and more readable than Rob- ertson. A. L. A. Victor, William. German pronunciation, Lemcke 65 Vos, B. J. Materials for German conversation. Holt 75 In German — Fiedler, H. G., ed. Das Oxforder buch deutscher dichtung. (The Oxford book of German verse.) Oxford 2.00 A careful and well edited selection of German poetry from the twelfth-century songs of unknown authorship to Richard Shaukal. The index of authors shows 101 poets represented. A symbol em- ployed in the notes indicates what poems have been set to music, giving name of composer with opus and number, and there is an index of composers. 839 SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE. Anderson, R. B. Viking- tales of the North: the sagas of Thorstein, Viking's son and Fridthjof the Bold; tr. from the Icelandic, also Tegner's Fridthjof's saga; tr. by George Stephens. Scott 2.00 Boyesen, H. H. Essays on Scandinavian literature. Scribner, 1.50 Contents: Bjornstjerne Bjornson — Alexander Kielland — Jonas Lie — Hans Christian Anderson — Contemporary Danish literature — Georg Brandes — Esaias Tegner. Gosse, E. W. Ibsen. (Literary lives.) Scribner 1.00 Temperate but appreciative study of Ibsen's peculiar genius, the influences moulding it and its significance in the development of Norwegian literature and culture. A. L. A. Payne, W. M. Bjornstjerne Bjornson, 1832-1910. McClurg... .50 Brief consideration of Bjornson's life, work, best known novels and greatest plays, with translations of characteristic lyrics and chronological list of his works. A. L. A. 840 FRENCH LITERATURE. Maeterlinck, Maurice. Bhie l)ird: a fairy play in six acts; tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. New ed. Dodd 1.25 Fairy story in dramatic form in which two children, representing mankind, set out in search of a blue bird, the symbol of human hap- piness. A. L. A. Rostand, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac: a play in five acts; tr. by Gladys Thomas and M. F. Guillemard. Doubleday.. .50 Romantic play of high literary and histrionic value. Of the trans- lations this in blank verse is perhaps the best. N. Y. Saintsbury, G. E. B. Short history of French literature, from the earliest texts to the close of the nineteenth century. 6th ed. Oxford 2.60 870-880 GREEK AND LATIN LITERATURE 75 List price. Vreeland, W. U., & Michaud, Regis, comp. Anthology of French prose and poetry. (School ed.) Ginn 1.40 Represents 54 authors and contains 155 selections, beginning- with the 16th centurj\ A. L. A. 870-880 GREEK AND LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. For use in Ancient history and Latin classes. Bennett, C. E., & Bristol, G. P. Teaching of Latin and Greek in the secondary school. (Amer. teachers series.) Long- mans 1.50 Capps, Edward. From Homer to Theocritus: a. manual of Greek literature. Scribner 1.50 The most useful single book; contains abundant extracts. Good- speed. Church, A. J. Aeneid for boys and girls, told from Virgil. Macmillan 1.50 Simple and dignified prose version keeping close to the original in spirit and atmosphere. Good illustrations. A. L. A. Church, A. J. Iliad for boys and girls, told from Homer. Macmillan 1.50 An adaptation told in simple, dignified language, beautifully printed, and delightfully illustrated in delicate colors. A. L. A. Church, A. J. Odyssey for boys and girls, told from Homer. Macmillan 1.50 Adaptation of the story of the wanderings of Ulysses, more at- tractive than Church's earlier work. Illustrated in color and beau- tifully printed. Oregon. Church, A. J. Stories from the Greek tragedians. Dodd 1.25 The seven against Thebes — Antigone, Iphigenia in Aulis are some of the tragedies here told in prose. Hardy. Homer. Iliad; done into English prose by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf and Ernest Myers. Rev. ed. Macmillan 80 Homer. Odyssey; done into English prose by S. H. Butcher & Andrew^ Lang. Macmillan 80 Homer. Odyssey; tr. into English prose by G. H. Palmer. Houghton 1.00 Laing, G. J. Masterpieces of Latin literature. Houghton.... 1.00 Lang, Andrew, ed. Tales of Troy and Greece. Longmans... 1.50 Adventures of Greek heroes, Ulysses, Perseus and Theseus. In these stirring tales the atmosphere of the Homeric age, rich in col- or, downright in action, is created. N. Y. Lawton, W. C. Introduction to classical Latin literature. Scribner 1.20 Lewis, C. T., & Short, Charles. Harper's Latin dictionary. Amer. bk 6.50 No English-Latin part. Murray, Gilbert. History of ancient Greek literature. (Liter- atures of the world.) Appleton 1.50 Id HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Virgil. Acneid; tr. into English prose by John Conington; ed. by E. S. Shumway. (Pocket Amer. and English clas- sics.) Macmillan 25 Virgil. Aeneid; tr. into English verse by John Conington. Longmans 1.25 Wright, J. H., ed. Masterpieces of Greek literature. Hough- ton 1.00 910-918 TRAVEL. For reading circle use. Bishop, Farnham. Panama, past and present. Century 75 Two-thirds of tlie book is devoted to history and on this side it is the best brief work among recent publications. The style is ex- ceptionally good. A. L. A. Flandrau, C. M. Viva Mexico. Appleton 1.25 Vivid, sympathetic and humorous impressions of Mexican life and character. Unusually readable and well founded. N. Y. Slocum, Joshua. Sailing alone around the world, in sloop Spray. New ed. Century 1.25 Actual experiences during cruise with crew of one. Stockton, F. R. Personally conducted. Scribner 2.00 Travels through the "city of the bended knee," "Queen Paris," "King London" and other cities. Pittsburgh. Wallace, Dillon. Lure of the Labrador wild. Revell 1.50 Realistic record of an exploring expedition into the interior of Tjabrador. 920 BIOGRAPHY—COLLECTIVE. Biography has mostly been classed with the subject with which the life of the biographee was identified. If desired, all collective biography may be classed in 920, and all individual biography in 921, in which class it should be arranged alphabetically by name of biographee. Adams, E. C, & Foster, W. D. Heroines of modern progress. (Modern heroine series.) Sturgis 1.50 Contents: Elizabeth Fry — Mary Lyon — Elizabeth Cady Stanton — Harriet Beecher Stowe — Florence Nightingale — Clara Barton — Julia Ward Howe — Frances E. Willard — J. Ellen Foster— Jane Addams. Dictionary of national biography: index and epitome; ed. by .S. L. Lee. Macmillan 6.25 Summary of the Dictionary. Authoritative sketches and char- acterizations of distinguished Englishmen. N. Y. Riis, J. A. Hero tales of the far Nortli. Macmillan 1.35 Short and stirring stories of Danish and Norwegian heroes in war, sciences and exploration. A. L. A. 921 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY 11 List price. 921 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Alcott! Moses, Belle. Louise May Alcott, dreamer and , worker. Appleton 1.25 Brings out admirably thie best qualities in the life and work of ' Miss Alcott, and will be a source of inspiration and enjoyment to both young and old. A. L. A. Antin, Mary. Promised land. Houghton 1.75 Autobiography of a young Jewess who was brought from Russia, lived for years in the Boston slums, gained an education and grew into a wonderfully beautiful feeling for America. A. L. A. Cipriani, L. C Tuscan childhood. Century 1.25 Evans, R. D. An admiral's log. Appleton 2.00 A genial narrative full of interesting anecdote dealing with the protective, diplomatic and social duties which occupy a navy in times of peace and describing Admiral Evans' most important as- signments during the period from 1899, where his earlier book, A saiilor's log, left off, to 1908, when he retired from service. In- cludes a sojourn in the Philippines, a visit to Peking while occu- pied by the allies, the escort of Prince Henry's party and the first stage of the Pacific cruise. A. L. A. Evans, R. D. Sailor's log; recollections of forty years pf naval life. Appleton 2.00 As a sea yarn entitled to rank high for humor, wealth of anec- dote, and variety of scene. Nation. Grenfell, W. T. Adrift on an ice-pan. Houghton 75 Simple recital of experiences while drifting out to sea for a day and a night on a block of sish ice. Keller, Helen. Story of my life; with her letters, and a sup- plementary account of her education, Grosset 75 Letters and experiences of this well known girl, blind and deaf from infancy. One of the rare books that delight general readers and compel attention from students of educational methods. N, Y. 'Muir, John. The story of my boyhood and youth. Houghton 2.00 The author's adventures as a boy in Scotland, his emigration ^to America, his interest in the domestic animals and wild life about his home in Wisconsin, which made even the hard conditions of pioneer farm-life enjoyable, his enthusiasm as an inventor, and his life at the University of Wisconsin are recounted in a vivid and interesting style, with many well told anecdotes and much humor. A. L. A. Nightingale. Richards, Mrs. L. E. H. Florence Nightingale, the angel of the Crimea. Appleton 1.25 The story is told in attractive style, showing sympathy and em- phasizing the great and womanly qualities. Gives an excellent pic- ture of hospital nursing and of the horrors of war. An addition to the inspirational biographies for older children. A. L. A. Palmer. Palmer, G. H. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer, Houghton 1.50 The private and public life of the one-time president of Wellesley college. Her life was full of inspiration and accoimplishment and in this book many young women will find enjoyment and encourage- ment. A. L. A. Riis, Jacob. Making of an American. Macmillan 50 Singularly fresh autobiography of the reporter, philanthropist and reformer. N. Y. 78 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Steiner, E. A. Against the current. Revcll 1.25 Story of the author's childhood in Hungary and the influences contributing to his development. Washington, B. T. Ui) from slavery. Grosset 75 Commands interest both in its bearing on the negro problem and through personal charm of a direct and simple style. N. Y. Wenckebach. Muller, Margarethe. Carla Wenckebach; pio- neer. Ginn 1.25 >/ 930 ANCIENT HISTORY. Abbott, F. F. Society and politics in ancient Rome. Scribner 1.25 Essays and sketches discussing the social and political problems of the ancient world which are vital today. Class, jour. Beesly, A. H. (The) Gracchi, Mariiis and Sulla. (Epochs of ancient history.) Scribner 1.00 Boissier, Gaston. Cicero and his friends: a study of Roman society in the time of Caesar; tr. by A. D. Jones. Putnam.. 1.75 Study of Roman society through Cicero's letters. Botsford, G. W. Ancient history for beginners. Macmillan. 1.50 Complies with action of American Historical Association, encour- aging schools to give a year to ancient history, with special refer- ence to Greek and Roman history, but including also a short intro- ductory study of the more ancient nations. Copious use of maps and illustrations. Nation. Botsford, G. W. History of Rome for high schools and acad- emies. Macmillan 1.10 Well written and illustrated. The best book of its size covering the whole field. Goodspeed. Botsford, G. W. History of the Orient and Greece. Mac- millan 1.20 tr Botsford, G. W., & Botsford, L. S. Story of Rome as Greeks and Romans tell it: an elementary source book. Macmillan .90 Not separate extracts but a working together of sources. Oregon. Bury, J. B. History of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great. Macmillan 1.10 Bury, J. B. Students' history of the Roman empire. Amer. bk 1.50 Butler, H. F. Story of Athens. Century 2.40 Life and art from the earliest times, mainly as recorded in an- cient literature and monuments. Maps, valliable line drawings and photographs. N. Y. Church, A. J. Pictures from Greek life and story, Putnam.. 1.25 Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero. (School li- brary.) Macmillan 50 Based on the life of Cicero; affords a fair idea of the education and career of a Roman youth. Wisconsin. 930 ANCIENT HISTORY 79 List price. Church, A. J. Stories of the East, from Herodotus. (Ajax series.) Dodd 1.00 Partial contents: Story of Croesus — Story of Cyrus — Of the man- ners of the Egyptians — Of certain kings of Egypt — Story of King Cambyses — Story of the false Smerdis — The story of Zopyrus — Darius and the Scythians. Close to original. Illustrated in color from ancient frescoes and sculptures. Oregon. Davidson, J. L. Strachan — . Cicero and the fall of the Roman republic. (Heroes of the nations.) Putnam 1.50 The best life in English. Oregon. , Day, Edward. Social life of the Hebrews. (Semitic series.) Scribner 1.25 Firth, J. B. Augustus Caesar. (Heroes of the nation.) Put- nam 1.50 Fling, F. M. Source book of Greek history. Heath 1.00 The extracts from Greek literature and the full page photographs of objects of Greek art will be of use to the teacher as a means of introducing the pupil to Greek literature and art, and will also prove valuable as illustrative material when supplemented by narrative history. Book review digest. Fowler, W. W. City state of the Greeks and Romans. Mac- millan 1.00 Belongs to the field of political science rather than history. In- terprets as no other book of its size the meaning of ancient political institutions. Goodspeed. Fowler, W. W. Roman festivals of the period of the Repub- lic. Macmillan 1.25 Fowler, W. W. Social life at Rome in the age of Cicero. Macmillan 2.25 Scholarly and readable exposition of the life, institutions and morals of the later Roman republic, drawn largely from Cicero's letters. Companion to No. 2384. A. L. A. Froude, J. A. Caesar, a sketch. Harper 60 Careful study of the "conversion of the Roman republic into a military empire." Gives a good outline picture of Roman life and-, conditions at the time of Caesar. A. L. A. Goodspeed, G. S. History of the ancient world; rev. by W. S. Ferguson & S. P. R. Chadwick. Scribner 1.50 This book has been enlarged nearly 100 pages, select lists for collateral reading added, a chronologic table, more tables and maps included and all the maps revised. Goodspeed, G. S. History of the Babylonians and Assyrians. (Historical series for Bible students.) Scribner 1.25 Gow, James. Companion to school classics. Macmillan..... 1.75 Partial contents: The Greek alphabet — The Latin alphabet — Books and their publication — The history of classical manuscripts — Dialects and pronunciation — Greek chronology — Greek metrology — History of Athenian government — Athenian deliberative assemblies — The Athenian army and fleet — Athenian legal procedure — Roman chronology — Roman metrology — History of Roman government — De- liberative assemblies— The Roman army — Roman law — The Greek drama — Roman drama — Philosophy. 80 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Greenidge, A. H. J. Handbook of Greek constitutional his- tory. Macmillan 1.25 Gulick, C. B. Life of the ancient Greeks, with special refer- ence to Athens. (Twentieth century textbooks.) Appleton 1.40 Describes land and city, dwelling liouses, furniture, articles of food, clothing, childhood, school training, social life, various call- ings, travel and hospitality, religion, old age, burial, etc. N. Y, Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. Amer. bk 6.00 Covers biography, geography, history, literature, and mythology as well as archaeology. Oregon. Hosmer, J. K. The Jews, ancient, mediaeval and modern. (Story of the nations.) Putnam 1.50 How, W. W., & Leigh, H. D. History of Rome. Longmans. 2.00 Johnston, H. W. Private life of the Romans. (Lake clas- sical series.) Scott 1.50 Kiepert, Heinrich. Atlas antiquus. Stechert 1.75 Lovell, Isabel. Stories in stone from the Roman forum. Mac- millan 50 Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek life. (History primers.) Amer. bk. .35 A convenient primer of antiquities. Goodspeed. The works of this author are not usually recommended without a caution in regard to lack of accuracy. Oregon. Mahaffy, J. P. Story of Alexander's empire. (Story of the nations.) Putnam 1.50 The one book in this particular field. Goodspeed. Maspero, G. C. C. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. Ap- pleton 1.50 Daily life of the people in time of Rameses II, 4th century B. C, and of Assurbanipal, 7th century B. C. N. Y. Mommsen, Theodor. History of the Roman republic; abr. by Clement Bryans and F. J. Hendy. Scribner 1.75 Munro, D. C. Source book of Roman history. Heath 1.00 Not a continuous narrative, but a selection of extracts from orig- inal authorities on history, religion, institutions, and society, with full bibliographic references. N. Y. Pelham, H. F. Outlines of Roman history. Putnam 1.75 Plutarch. Boys' and girls' Plutarch; parts of the lives of Plutarch ed. for boys and girls by J. S. White. Putnam... 1.75 About Theseus. Romulus, Camillus, Demosthenes, Alcibiades, Corlolanus, Aristides. Pompey, Themistocles and other Greek and Roman heroes. Pittsburgh. Plutarch. Our young folks' Plutarch; ed. by R. Kaufman. Lippincott 1.25 Plutarch. Lives, the so-called Dryden's translation; rev. by A. H. Clough. 3v. (Everyman's library.) (Library bind- ing.) Dutton 1.50 930,940 ANCIENT HISTORY. EUROPEAN HISTORY 81 List price. Seignobos, Charles. History of ancient civilization. Scribner. 1.25 An example of the excellent French textbooks for secondary schools. There is nothing of equal size as good. A. L. A. Seignobos, Charles. History of the Roman people; ed. by William Fairley. Holt 1.25 One of the best single volumes. Oregon. Tappan, E. M. Story of the Greek people. School cd. Houghton 65 Describes the chief historical events, and the customs of the people and their manner of living and thinking. Many illustrations. A. L. A. Tappan, E. M. Story of the Roman people. School ed. Houghton 65 Good, elementary history, carrying the story from Aeneas to the fall of the eastern empire. Illustrations from paintings, sfetues and antique drawings. A. L. -A. Tucker, T. G. Life in the Roman world of Nero and St. Paul. Macmillan 2.50 Description of Roman life in the first century with incidental references to St. Paul and one chapter devoted to Nero. A. L. A. West, W. M. Ancient history to the death of Charlemagne. (School histories.) Allyn 1.50 One of the best one volume books. Good bibliography. Oregon. Vheeler, B. I. Alexander the Great. (Heroes of the na- tions.) Putnam 1.50 Tells story of Alexander's aiins and achievements with consider- ...)\e detail, admirable clearness, and pleasing style. Nation. Wolf son, A. M. Essentials in ancient history; from the ear- liest records to Charlemagne. (Essentials in history.) Amer. bk 1.50 940 MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY— GENERAL HISTORY. Adams, G. B. Civilization during the Middle ages, especially in relation to modern civilization. Scribner 2.50 Of special value as a philosophic and interesting treatment. Munro. Adams, G. B. European histor}^; an outline of its develop- ment. Macmillan 1.40 Adams, G. B. Growth of the French nation. Macmillan 1.25 Condensed, skillful, graphic. No English history of France of same size can compare with it for accuracy or interest. Eng. hist, rev. Andrews, C. M. Historical development of modern Europe, from the Congress of Vienna to the present time. (Stu- dent's ed.) Putnam 2.75 Not so much a history as a careful essay on the results of re- search conducted by competent authorities in principal European countries. Nation. 82 HIGH SCHOOLS List price. Archer, T. A., & Kingsford, C. L. Crusades, the story of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. (Story of the nations.) Put- nam 1.50 Bain, R. N. Scandinavia: a political history of Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1513 to 1900. (Cambridge his- tory series.) Macmillan 2.00 Comprehensive hiistory of rise of Scandinavian kingdoms to polit- ical eminence and their influence on European politics, with special attention to achievements of individual statesmen. N. Y. Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world; from Marathon to Waterloo. (Everyman's library.) (Library binding.) Button 50 Dow, E. W. Atlas of European history. Holt 1.50 Intended to meet a long-felt want for a 'small atlas of European history, in the English language "which should not obscure general views by too many details and which should have a serviceable key to the contents." Based on the best of the large atlases ar- ranged chronologically; alphabetical index. A. L. A. Eginhard. Life of Charlemagne. (Harper's school classics.) Amer. bk 30 Eginhard was minister of public works and counselor to Charle- magne as well as his private secretary. Pittsburgh. Emerton, Ephraim. Introduction to the study of the Middle ages. Ginn 1.12 Perhaps best short history of Middle ages in any language. Critic. Emerton, Ephraim. Mediaeval Europe. Ginn 1.50 Fisher, G. P. Outlines of universal history. Amer. bk 2.40 Accurate, carefully arranged, well proportioned. A. L. A. Fletcher, C. R. L. Gustavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protestantism for existence. (Heroes of the nations.) Put- nam 1.50 Froissart, Jean. Stories from Froissart, by Henry Newbolt. Macmillan 50 Selection of stirring fights or adventures, from Lord Berners' translation, with some modernizing of words and phrases. Nation. Fyffe, C. A. History of modern Europe, 1792-1878. Holt.... 2.75 Most important work in English on general European history from outbreak' of French revolution (1792) to congress of Berlin (1878). I.eypoldt & lies. Griffis, W. E. Young people's history of Holland. Houghton 1.50 From prehistoric times to marriage of Queen Wilhelmina; near- ly half given to history before 16th century. N, Y. Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Middle ages. Amer. bk 1.50 Relates legends in easy narrative, bringing out influence on liter- ature and art by quotations and pictures. N. Y. Harding, S. B. Essentials in mediaeval and modern history, from Charlemagne to the present day. (Essentials in his- tory.) Amer. bk: 1.00 I 940 EUROPEAN HISTORY 83 • Lisl price. Haydn, J. T. Dictionary of dates aiul universal information relating to all ages and nations, containing the history of the world to the end of 1903. 24th ed. Putnam 6.50 Alphabetic list of events, places, etc., with a brief account. Use- ful reference work. Oregon. Hazen, C. D. Europe since 1815. (American history series.) Holt 3.00 Record of political and social changes since the fall of Napoleon. Gives history of Austria. Prussia, Fi-ance and Italy in combination and that of England, Russia, Turkey and minor countries separate- ly. Accurate, clear, well proportioned. A. L. A. Headlam, J. W. Bismarck and the foundation of the German empire. (Heroes of the nations.) Putnam 1.50 Best general survey of public life and character. Tells little of personal affairs. N. Y. Heilprin, Louis. Historical reference hook, rev. to 1899. Ed. 6. (Concise knowledge library.) Applcton 2.00 Chronological table of universal history, a chronological diction- ary of universal history, a biographical dictionary. Kroeger. Comprehensive and remarkable for its general accuracy. Adams. Henderson, E. F. Short history of Germany. Macmillan 2.50 Really froim 1517 to 1871, with introductory sketch covering pre- ceding fifteen centuries. Best work in English for the period. Na- tion. Hodgkin, Thomas. Life of Charlemagne. (Charles the Great.) (Foreign statesmen series.) Macmillan 75 Holland, R. S. Builders of united Italy. Holt 2.00 Contents: Alfieri — Manzoni — Gioberti — Manin— Majizini — Cavour — Garibaldi — Vittorio Emanuale IT. king of Italy. Able, popular biographies of eight patriots, whose careers fur- nish in outline the history of the Italian struggle for independence. A. L. A. Hume, M. A. S. Modern Spain, 1788-1898. (Story of the nations.) F'utnam 1.50 Author exceptionally equipped by long residence. Though chiefly political, it does not neglect economics, literature and art. Amer. historical review. Hume, M. A. S. Spain, its greatness and decay, 1479-1788. (Cambridge historical series.) Cambridge 1.50 Johnston, C. H. L. Famous cavalrj^ leaders; a book for boys through the ages with the heroes of sabre, spur and saddle; with faithful accounts of their forced marches, dashing raids and glorious charges. Page 1.50 Contents: Attila — Saladin — Genghis Khan — Chevalier Bayard — Count Pappenheim — Gustavus Adolphus — Prince Rupert — Old Father Ziethen — Frederick William baron von Seydlitz — Francis Marion — Marshal Ney — Joachim Murat — Jeb Stuart — Phil Sheridan — George Armstrong Custer. Johnston, R. M. French revolution. Holt 1.25 Outlines briefly the main events of the Revolution, preserving their proportion and relation and interpreting their economic and political significance in the light of subsequent developments. Ends with the beginning of the First Consulate and is supplemented by the author's Napoleon. Includes a chapter evaluating the work of previous historians of the Revolution and touches on the art and literature of the period. A. L. A. 84 HIGH SCHOOLS List price Johnston, R. M. Napoleon; a short biography. Holt 1.25 "Popular history of the best class — scholarly, readable, acute. An excelent introduction to Napoleonic literature." Nation, tion. Kingsley, Charles, Roman and Teuton. Macmillan - 1.25 Traces the struggle between the forces of the Roman empire and the great Germanic tribes of Central Europe for mastery in church and state, in the field and on the seas. Longmans, F. W. Frederick the Great and the seven years' war. (Epochs of modern history.) Longmans LOO Lowell, E. J. Eve of the French revolution. Houghton.... 2.00 A penetrating and comprehensive view of the ante-revolutionary situation. Literary world. Lowell, F. C. Joan of Arc. Houghton 2.00 Marshall, H. E. Scotland's story. Stokes 2.50 Scottish history in story form, enriched with legend and poetry; of uncommon charm and value. Beautifully printed, attractively bound, and illustrated with colored pictures. Contains list of kings from Duncan I. A. L. A. Marshall, H. E. Story of France. Doran 2.50 Similar in size and make-up to the above. Motley, J. L. Motley's Dutch nation; being the Rise of the Dutch republic (1555-1584); condensed, and a brief history of the Dutch people to 1908, by W. E. Griffis. New ed. Harper 1.75 A new edition of The student's Motley, to which is added a chap- ter summing up Queen Wilhelmina's reign. A. L. A. Motley, J. L. Peter the Great. (English classic series.) Maynard ^ 25 Munro, D. C. History of the Middle ages. (Twentieth cen- tury textbooks.) Appleton 90 An attractive textbook. Emphasizes the work of the church, the debt to Byzantine and Arabic civilization, and the life of the times. The accompanying teacher's book is of great value. Oregon. Ogg, F. A., ed. Source book of mediaeval history; documents illustrative of European life and institutions from the Ger- man invasion to the renaissance. Amer. bk 1.50 Contents: The early Germans — The Visigothic invasion — The Huns — The early Franks — Angles and Saxons in Britain — Develop- ment of the Christian church — Rise of Mohammedanism — Begin- nings of the Carolingian dynasty of the Franklish kings — Age of 57 Hale, E. E. Man without a country 61 Hale, E. E., jr., ed. English essays 72 Hale, E. E., jr., ed. English stories 61 Hale, E. E., jr. Longer narrative poems -. . . 53 Half century of conflict. Parkman 96 Hall. Fertilizers and manures 28 Halleck. English literature 46 Hamlet. Shakespeare 55 Hammond's comprehensive atlas of the world 1 122 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page Hancock. Life at West Point 11 Hand work in wood. Noyes 36 Handbook of best readings. Clark 44 Handbook of health. Hutchinson 27 Handbook of the trees. Hough , . 22 Handbook of universal literature. Botta 41 Handicraft for girls. McGlauflin S3 Hapgood. School needlework 32 Harding. Essentials in mediaeval and modern history 82 Harding, ed. Select orations: American political history 87 Harper's dictionary of classical literature • 80 Harper's Latin dictionary. Lewis & Short 75 Harrington. About the weather 20 Harris. German composition 73 Harrison. Choice of books 41 Harrison. John Ruskin 49 Hart. Actual government 6 Hart. Essentials in American history T. 92 Hart. Formation of the Union 92 Hart. National ideals historically traced 94 Hart. Salmon Portland Chase 100 Hart. Slavery and abolition 93 Hart, ed. American history told by contemporaries 93 Hart, ed. American nation 93 Harte. Tennessee's partner 51 Hartung. Barton's first aid textbook 26 Harwood. New creations in plant life 22 Haskin. American government 6 Hastings. Light 16 Hatfield. Modern accounting 34 Haunters of the silences. Roberts 25 Haweis, ed. Chaucer 50 Hawthorne. House of the seven gables 61 Hawthorne. Marble faun 61 Hazen. Europe since 1815 83 Hay. William McKinley 102 Haydn. Dictionary of dates 83 Haynes. Election of senators 7 Headlam. Bismarck 83 Headley. Life of General Lafayette 101 Health, strength and power. Sargent • 27 Healthful farmhouse. Dodd ,. 32 Heat. See Class 530. Heilprin, A. Earth and its story 20 Heilprin, L. Historical reference book 83 Henderson. Short history of Germany 83 Henry. Feeds and feeding 28 Henry Esmond. Thackeray 64 Hero tales of the far North. Riis 76 Heroes of chivalry and romance. Church 13 Heroes of discovery in America. Morris 99 Heroes of Iceland. French 13 Heroes of progress in America. Morris 99 Heroes of the army in America. Morris 99 Heroes of the navy in America. Morris 99 Heroes of the nation. Alexander the Great, by Wheeler 81 Augustus Caesar, by Firth 79 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 123 Bismarck, by Headlani 83 Cicero, by Davidson 79 Cromwell, by Firth 87 Edward Plantagenet, by Jenks 87 Gustaviis Adolphus, by Fletcher 82 Henry V, by Kingsf ord 87 Lee, by White 101 Lincoln, by Brooks 101 Nelson, by Russell 88 Pitt, by Green 87 Wellington, by Morris 88 Wyclif, by Sargent 88 Heroic ballads. Montgomery. 53 Heroines of modern progress. Adams & Foster 76 Herrick. Commercial education 34 Heydrick, ed. Types of the short story 61 Higginson. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 49 Higginson. Tales of the enchanted islands 14 Higginson & Boynton. American literature 46 High school agriculture. Mayne & Hatch 29 High school debate book. Robbins 44 High school manual training course. Ritchey 36 Hilgard. - Soils 28 Hill, F. T. On the trail of Grant and Lee 101 Hill, F. T. On the trail of Washington 103 Hill, J. M. Practical cooking 32 Hill, M., comp. Liberty documents 94 Hill. Vachell 64 Hillis. Great books as life-teachers 41 Historic Americans. Brooks 99 Historic inventions, Holland '. 16 Historical geography. MacCoun 95 Historical plays from Shakespeare. Couch ^. . . . 55 Historical reference book. Heilprin 83 History of the Babylonians. Goodspeed 79 History of the Middle ages. Munro 84 History of the Orient and Greece. Botsford 78 History of the presidency. Stanwood 98 History of the United States navy. Spears 98 Hitchcock. Building of a book 34 Hodgkin. Life of Charlemagne 83 Hodgson. Practical wood carving 38 Hodgson. Up-to-date hardwood finisher ,. 36 Holland, R. S. Builders of United Italy \ 83 Holland, R. S. Historic inventions 16 Holland, W. J. Butterfly book 24 Holmes. Autocrat of the breakfast table 69 Holmes. Complete poetical works 51 Hoist. John C. Calhoun 100 Holt, H., ed. Life stories of undistinguished Americans 9 Holt, L. E. Care and feeding of children 32 Home care of the sick. Pope 33 Home fun. Bullivant 40 Home life in colonial days. Earle 91 Home waterworks. Lynde 29 Homer. Iliad 75 Homer. Iliad, Adaptation , . 75 Homer. Odyssey 75 124 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page Homer. Odyssey. Adaptation 75 Honorable Peter Stirling. Ford 60 Hopkins, A, A,, & Bond, comp. Scientific American reference book 1 Hopkins, C. G. Soil fertility 28 Hornaday. American natural history 24 Hornaday. Our vanishing wild life 24 Horse book. Johnstone 29 Hosmer. Appeal to arms 93 Hosmer. The Jews 80 Hosmer. Louisiana purchase 94 Hosmer. Outcome of the Civil war 93 Hosmer. Samuel Adams 100 Hosmer. Short history of the Mississippi valley 94 Hough, R. B. Handbook of the trees 22 Hough, T., & Sedgwick. -Human mechanism 26 House. Bevier 31 House of the seven gables. Hawthorne 61 House of the Wolf. Weyman 67 Household bacteriology. Buchanan 31 Household economics. See Class 640. Household textiles. Gibbs '. 32 Houston. Wonder book of light 16 Houston. Wonder book of magnetism 16 Houston. Wonder book of the atmosphere 20 How & Leigh. History of Rome 80 How George Rogers Clark won the Northwest. Thwaites 98 How to judge a book. Shuman 42 How to study pictures. Caf fin • • • • Zl Howard, G. E. Preliminaries of the Revolution 93 Howard, L. O. Insect book 24 Howells. My Mark Twain 48 Howells. Rise of Silas Lapham 61 Hoyt. Cy(?lopedia of practical quotations 2 Hudson. Shakespeare 55 Hugh Wynne. Mitchell (i] Hughes. David Livingstone 87 Hughes. Tom Brown at Oxford 61 Hughes. Tom Brown's school days 61 Hugo. Les miserables 66 Hull, comp. Boys' Cuchulain 14 Human body. Martin 27 Human foods, Snyder 2>Z Human mechanism. Hough & Sedgwick 26 Human nutrition. Jordan Zl Hume. Modern Spain 83 Hume. Spain %Z Humphrey, comp. Poetic new world 53 Hunt, C. L. Ellen H. Richards 32 Hunt, T. F. Cereals in America 29 Hunt, T. F. Forage and fiber crops 29 Hutchinson. Handbook of health 27 Hutchinson. Preventable diseases 27 Hutchison, Robert. Food Z2 Hutton. Sir Walter Scott 49 Hyde. Newspaper reporting 34 Hypatia. Kingsley 66 Iceland fisherman. Loti 62 Idylls of the king. Fallen 51 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 125 Page Idylls of the king. Tennyson t 52 lies. Flame, electricity and the camera 17 lies. Inventors at work 17 lies. Leading- American inventors 17 Iliad. Homer * 75 Iliad for boys and girls. Church 75 Immigrant tide. Steiner 7 In ole Virginia. Page 62 In our convent days. Repplier 70 In the days of Shakespeare. Jenks 55 Indoor amusements. See Class 793. Indoor studies. Burroughs 68 Industrial and social history of England. Cheyney 86 Industrial history of the United States. Coman 91 Industrial mathematics. Marsh 15 Initiative, referendum and recall. Munro : 7 Insects. See Class 590, and No. 1737. Intercollegiate debates. Pearson 43 Introduction to the English historians. Beard 86 Inventors at work. lies 17 Irrigation and drainage. King 29 Irving. Bracebridge hall 69 Irving. George Washington 103 Irving. Old Christmas 69 Irving. Rip Van Winkle 69 Irving. Sketch book 69 Irving. Tales from the Alhambra 69 Isham. American painting Zl Island story. Marshall 88 Ivanhoe. Scott ^Z Jackson, D. C, & Jackson. Electricity and magnetism 17 Jackson, H. H. Ramona 61 Jacksonian democracy. McDonald 93 James. On some of life's ideals 3 James. Principles of psychology 3 Jane Eyre. Bronte 58 Janice Meredith. Ford 66 Jeanne d'Arc. Mackaye 55 JefTersonian system. Channing 93 Jenks, E. Edward Plantagenet 87 Jenks, T. In the days of Shakespeare 55 Jenks, T. Photography for young folks Zl Jesuits in North America. Parkman 96 Jewett. Country of the pointed firs 61 Jewett. Story of the Normans ^^ Jews. Hosmer 80 Joan of Arc. Clemens 65 Joan of Arc. De Quincey 69 Joan of Arc. Lowell 84 John Halifax. Craik 59 Johnson, A., ed. Readings in American history 94 Johnson, E. R. Elements of transportation 12 Johnson, O. Stover at Yale , . 61 Johnson, S. Selections 69 Johnston, A., ed. American orations 94 Johnston, C. H. L. Famous cavalry leaders 83 Johnston, H. W. Private life of the Romans 80 Johnston, M. Long roll dd 126 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page Johnston, R. M. French revolution 83 Johnston, R. M. Leading American soldiers 99 Johnston, R. M. Napoleon 84 Johnstone, J. H. S. Horse book 29 Jones, F. A. Thomas A. Edison 17 Jones, H. C. Physical chemistry 18 Jordan, D. S. Fishes 24 Jordan, D. S., & Kellogg. Evolution and animal life 21 Jordan, E. G. May Iverson tackles life 61 Jordan, W. H. Human nutrition 32 Journal of the federal convention. Madison 95 Judging live stock. Craig 28 Judith Shakespeare. Black 57 Julius Caesar, Shakespeare 56 Junior republic. George 9 Jusserand. Literary history 46 Kaempfifert. New art of flying 17 Kahlenberg & Hart. Chemistry 18 Keats. Poems 51 Keeler. Our native trees 22 Keller. Optimism 3 Keller. Story of my life 11 Kendall, ed. Source book of English history 87 Kenilw^orth. Scott 63 Kennedy. Servant in the house 55 Kcphart. Book of camping 40 Kephart. Camp cookery 32 Kidnapped. Stevenson dZ Kiepert. Atlas antiquus 80 Kim. Kipling 62 Kimball. Structure of the English sentence 42 Kindred of the wild. Roberts 25 King, C. Cadet days 61 King, F. H. Irrigation and drainage 29 King, F. H. Physics of agriculture 29 King, F. H. Soil 29 King, F. H. Ventilation 29 King, G. DeSoto and his men. 94 King Lear. Shakespeare 56 Kingsford. Henry V 87 Kingsley. Hypatia dd Kingsley. Roman and Teuton 84 Kingsley. Westward ho 66 Kipling. Captains courageous 61 Kipling. Collected verse 51 Kipling. Day's work 61 Kipling. Kim 62 Kipling. Light that failed 62 Labor. See Class 330. Laboratory course in wood-turning. Golden 35 Laboulaye. Quest of the four leaved clover. 62 Lady of the lake. Scott 52 Lady or the tiger ? Stockton 64 Laing. Masterpieces of Latin literature 75 Lakes of North America. Russell 20 Lamb. Essays of Elia , 70 Lamb & Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. 55 Lance of Kanana. French 60 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 127 Page Land we live in. Price 10 Lang. Tales of Troy and Greece , 75 Lange. Silver island of the Chippewa 62 LaSalle. Parkman 96 Laselle & Wiley. Vocations for girls 25 Last American frontier. Paxson 93 Last days of Pompeii. Lytton dl Last of the Mohicans. Cooper 58 Latane. America as a world power 94 Latin language and literature. See Class 880. Laundry work. Shepperd ZZ Laurel song book. Tomlins 39 Laut. Pathfinders of the West 94 Lavignac. Music and musicians 38 Lavignac. Music dramas of Wagner 38 Lawn tennis. Paret 40 Lawton. Classical Latin literature 75 Lays of ancient Rome. Macaulay 51 Laycock & Scales. Argumentation aiid debate .' 43 Laycock & Spofford. Manual of argumentation 43 Leading American inventors. lies 17 Leading American soldiers. Johnston 99 Leavitt. Examples of industrial education 26 Le Bosquet. Personal hygiene 27 Le Conte. Elements of geology 20 Lecky. American revolution 95 Legends. See Class 398, and No. 2447. Les miserables. Hugo dd Lessons in cooking. Robinson & Hammell ZZ Lessons on manners. Dewey 3 Lessons on morals. Dewey 3 Letters and lettering. Brown 38 Lewis, C. T., & Short. Harper's Latin dictionary 75 Lewis, E. H. Business English 34 Liberty documents. Hill 94 Library of home economics. Barrows. Principles of cookery 31 Bevier. (The) house 31 Cotton. Care of children 31 Dodd. Chemistry of the household 18 LeBosquet. Personal hygiene 27 Pope. Home care of the sick Z?> Terrill. Household management ZTi Life at West Point. Hancock H Life in ancient Egypt. Maspero 80 Life in the Roman world. Tucker 81 Life of Charlemagne. Eginhard 82 Life of the ancient Greeks. Gulick 80 Life of the bee. Maeterlinck 24 Life stories of undistinguished Americans. Holt 9 Light. See Class 530. Light that failed. Kipling 62 Lincoln, A. Speeches and letters 69 Lincoln, M. J. B. Boston cook book '^'^ Lipman, J. G. Bacteria in relation to country life- 23 Lindsay. John Smith 102 Linn. Horace Greeley 101 Lippincott's dictionary of biography 2 128 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page Lippincott's new gazetteer of the world 2 Literary and historical atlas of America. Bartholomew 1 Literary and historical atlas of Europe. Bartholomew 1 Literary history of America. Wendell 47 Literary leaders of America. Burton 45 Literary likings. Burton 5g Literary pilgrimages in New England. Bacon 45 Literary study of the Bible. Moulton 46 Literature, General. See Class 800. Literature and life in school. Colby 41 Little minister. Barrie 57 Little rivers. Van Dyke 71 Little shepherd of Kingdom Come. Fox 60 Little women. Alcott 57 Lloyd & Bigelow. Teaching of biology 21 Lockhart. Life of Sir Walter Scott 49 Locy. Biology and its makers 21 Lodge. Alexander Hamilton 101 Lodge. Daniel Webster 103 Lodge. George Washington 103 Lodge. Short history of the English colonies 95 Long, comp. American poems 53 Long roll. Johnston 66 Longman. Frederick, the great 84 Longer narrative poems. Hale 53 Longfellow. Complete poetical works 51 Longfellow. Song of Hiawatha 51 Loomis. New practical letter writing 34 Lorna Doone. Blackmore 57 Lothrop. William Henry Seward ., 102 Loti. Iceland fisherman 62 Louisiana purchase. Hosmer 94 Lovell. vStories in stone from the Roman forum 80 Low & Pulling. Dictionary of English history 87 Lowell, E. J. Eve of the French revolution 84 Lowell, F. C. Joan of Arc 84 Lowell, J. R. Books and libraries 69 Lowell, J. R. My study windows 70 Lowell, J. R. Poetical works 51 Lure of the Labrador wild. Wallace 76 Lytton. Last days of Pompeii 67 Lyall. Warren Hastings 88 Lvnde Home waterworks 29 Lyon & Fippin. Soil management 29 Mabie. Norse stories 5 Mabie. Stories new and old 62 Mabinogion 14 Macaulay. Critical and historical essays 70 Macaulay. Lays of ancient Rome 51 Macaulay. Miscellaneous essays 70 Macbeth. Shakespeare 56 McCall. Business of Congress 7 McCall. Thaddeus Stevens 102 McCarthy. Epoch of reform 88 McCarthy. Short history of our own times- 88 McCarthy. Story of the people of England 88 McConathy. School song book 38 MacCoun. Historical geography 95 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 129 Page MacDonald; ed. Documentary source book of American history..- 95 McDonald. Jacksonian democracy 93 McFadden & Davis. Selected list of plays 41 McGlauflin. Handicraft for girls 33 Mach, E. Science of mechanics 17 Mach, E. R. O. von. Outlines of the history of painting 37 Mackaye. Jeanne d'Arc 55 Maclaren, Ian, pseud. See Watson, John. McLaughlin. Confederation and the constitution 93 McLaughlin. History of the American nation 95 Macleod. Book of King Arthur 14 Macleod. Shakespeare story book 55 McMaster. History of the United States 95 Macy. Party organization 7 Madison. Journal of the federal convention 95 Maeterlinck. Life of the bee 24 Magnetic north. Robins 62 Magruder. John Marshall 102 Mahafify. Old Greek life 80 MahafTy. Story of Alexander's empire 80 Mair. English literature 46 Makers of modern poetry. Dawson • • • • • 45 Making of a man. Marden 3 Making of a newspaper man. Blythe 34 Making of an American. Riis 77 Making of New England. Drake 90 Making of the great West. Drake 90 Making of the nation. Walker 98 Making of the Ohio Valley states. Drake 90 Making of Virginia. Drake 90 Makower. Radioactive substances 17 Malory. Boy's King Arthur 14 Man with the hoe. Markham 51 Man without a country. Hale 61 Manly. English poetry '53 Manly, English prose 72 Manly, ed. Pre-Shakespearean drama . 55 Manual of argumentation. Laycock & SpofTord 43 Manual of carpentry. Riley 36 Manual of debate. Thomas 44 Manual training. See Class 680. Marble faun. Hawthorne 61 Marden. Making of a man 3 Marden. Pushing to the front 3 Marden. Success 3 Marden. Young man entering business 3 Marjorie Daw. Aldrich 57 Markham. Man with the hoe 51 Markwick & Smith. True citizen 4 Marryat. Masterman Ready 62 Marsh. Industrial mathematics 15 Marshall. An island story 88 Marshall. Scotland's story 84 Marshall. Story of France 84 Martin, G. L. Dairy laboratory guide 29 Martin, H. N. Human body 27 Martin, H. R. Tillie 62 Martin, M. E. Friendly stars 15 130 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page Martineau. Peasant and the prince • • • 67 Mason, A. E. W. Four feathers , 62 Mason, D. G. Guide to music 39 Mason, D. G. Orchestral instruments 39 Maspero. Life in ancient Egypt 80 Master Skylark. Bennett 57 Masterman Ready. Marryat 62 Masterpieces of Greek literature. Wright, ed '. . 76 Masterpieces of Latin literature. Laing, ed 75 Masterpieces of modern oratory. Shurter, ed 73 Masters of fate. Shaler • 4 Masters of the English novel 45 Mathematics. See Class 510. Mathews, F. S. Field book of American wild flowers 23 Mathews, F. S. Field book of wild birds 24 Mathews, J. L. Remaking the Mississippi 12 Mathewson & Stewart. Applied mechanical drawing 38 Matteson. Analytic index to American nation 94 May Iverson tackles life. Jordan 61 Mayne & Hatch. High school agriculture 29 Mayo. Diseases of animals 29 Mechanical drawing. See Class 740. Mechanics. See Class 530. Mediaeval England. Bateson 86 Mediaeval Europe. Emerton 82 Melitz. Opera goers' complete guide 39 Melting pot. Zangwill 56 Men of iron. Pyle 67 Men who made the nation. Sparks 98 Men who sell things. Moody 35 Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare 56 Merry men. Stevenson 63 Merwin. Aaron Burr 100 Merwin. Thomas Jefferson 101 Michels. Creamery butter making 30 Microscope. Gage 21 Middle ages. Emerton 82 Middle period. Burgess 89 Middlemarch. Eliot 60 Midsummer night's dream. Shakespeare 56 Milk. See Class 630. Mill on the Floss. Eliot 60 Mills. Our inland seas 12 Mills. Searchlights on American industries 12 Milton. Poetical works 51 Mind and work. Gulick 3 Mineralogy. See Class 540. Minnesota. Folwell 92 Mission furniture. Windsor ^f) Mississippi valley in the Civil war. Fiske ; 91 Mitchell, D. G. English lands, letters and kings '. 46 Mitchell, M. J. Fireless cook book 33 Mitchell, S. W. Hugh Wynne 67 Moberly. Early Tudors 88 Modern accounting. Hatfield 34 Modern advertising. Calkins & Holden 34 Modern American oratory. Ringwalt 73 Modern atlas. Cram 1 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 131 Page Modern bank. Fiske 9 Modern cabinet work. Wells & Hooper 36 Modern political orations. Wagner Th Modern Spain. Hume 83 Modern vikings. Boyeson 58 Mommsen. History of the Roman republic 80 Monsieur Beaucaire. Tarkington 64 Montague. English constitutional history 88 Montcalm and Wolfe. Parkman 96 Montgomery, comp. Heroic ballads 53 Moody, W. D. Men who sell things 35 Moody, W. v., & Lovett. First view of English literature 46 Moore. Descriptive meteorology 20 Morawetz. Banking and currency problems 9 Morgan. Abraham Lincoln 102 Morgan. Theodore Roosevelt 102 Morley. Burke •• 48 Morris, C. Heroes of discovery in America 99 Morris, C. Heroes of progress in America 99 Morris, C. Heroes of the army in America 99 Morris, C. Heroes of the navy in America 99 Morris, W. Atalanta's race 51 Morris, W. O. Wellington 88 Morse. Abraham Lincoln 102 Morse. Benjamin Franklin 101 Morse. John Adams 100 Morse. John Quincy Adams 100 Morse. Thomas Jefferson , 101 Moses. Louisa May Alcott 11 Mother. Norris 62 Motley. Dutch nation 84 Motley. Peter, the great 84 Moulton. Literary study of the Bible 46 Moulton. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist : 55 Moulton. World literature 41 Mowry. Territorial growth of the United States 95 Much ado about nothing. Shakespeare 56 Muller. Carla Wenckebach : pioneer 78 Munro, D. C. History of the Middle ages 84 Munro, D. C. Source book of Roman history 80 Munro, W. B. Government of European cities 7 Munro, W. B. Initiative, referendum and recall 7 Muir. Story of my boyhood 11 Munsterberg. Psychology and life 3 Murray. Ancient Greek literature 75 Music. See Class 780. My Mark Twain. Howells 48 My study windows. Lowell 70 My summer in a garden. Warner 71 Mythology. See Class 290. and No. 2667. National developrhent. Sparks 94 National ideals historically traced. Hart 94 National problems. Dewey 94 Nature and man in America. Shaler 21 Nature's garden. Doubleday 22 New art of flying. Kaempfifert 17 New astronomy. Todd 5 New creations in plant life. Harwood 22 132 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page New Encyclopedia of social reform. Bliss & Binder 1 New England nun. Freeman 60 New France and New England. Fiske 92 New freedom. Wilson 8 New knowledge. Duncan 16 New physics. Poincare 17 New practical letter writing. Loomis 34 Newcomb. Astronomy for everybody 15 Newcomb. Side-lights on astronomy 15 Newcomer & Andrews. Twelve centuries of English poetry and prose 48 Newspaper reporting. Hyde 34 Nibelungenlied 73 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens 59 Nicolay. Short life of Abraham Lincoln 102 Norman conquest of England. Freeman 87 Norris. Mother 62 Norse mythology. Anderson 4 Norse stories. Mabie 5 Northrop. Addresses 70 Northwestern fights and fighters. Brady 89 Noyes, A. Drake 51 Noyes, W. Handwork in wood 36 Noyes, W. Wood and forest 36 Nuttall. Popular handbook of the birds 24 Odyssey. Homer 75 Odyssey for boys and girls. Church • 75 Ogden, H. N. Rural hygiene 30 Ogden, J. G. Heat 17 Ogg, ed. Source book of mediaeval history 84 Olcott. George Eliot 48 Old Chester tales. Deland 59 Old Christmas. Irving 69 Old Creole days. Cable 58 Old curiosity shop. Dickens 59 Old gentleman of the black stock. Page 62 Old Greek life. Mahaffy 80 Old Indian days. Eastman 91 Old regime in Canada. Parkman 96 Old Virginia and her neighbors. Fiske 92 Old world hero stories. Tappan 85 Oliver Twist. Dickens 59 Ollivant. Bob, son of Battle 62 Olsen. Pure foods 33 Oman. England in the 19th century 88 On reading. Brandes 41 On some of life's ideals. James 3 On the trail of Grant and Lee. Hill 101 On the trail of Washington. Hill 102 Opera goers' complete guide. Melitz 39 Optimism. Keller 3 Orations — Collections. See Class 815. Orchestral instruments. Mason 39 Orcutt. The writer's desk book 42 Oregon trail. Parkman 96 Osman. Cleaning and renovating 33 Osterhout. Experiments with plants 23 Ostwald. Conversations on chemistry 19 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 133 Page Ostwald & Morse. Elementary modern chemistry 19 Othello. Shakespeare 56 Our ferns. Clute 22 Our first century. Eggleston 91 Our inland seas. Mills 12 Our native trees. Keeler 22 Our vanishing- wild life. Hornaday . . 24 Our young folks Plutarch. Plutarch 80 Outcome of the Civil war. Hosmer 93 Outlines of industrial chemistry. Thorp 19 Outlines of Roman history. Pelham 80 Outlines of the earth's history. Shaler 21 Outlines of universal history. Fisher 82 Oxford book of German verse. Fiedler 74 Page, C. H., comp. British poets 53 Page, C. H., comp. Chief American poets 53 Page, T. N. Burial of the guns dl Page, T. N. In ole Virginia 62 Page, T. N. Old gentleman of the black stock 62 Page, T. N. Red Rock dl Page, T. N. Social life in old Virginia 96 Pageants and pageantry. Bates 40 Paine, H. E. Girls and women 4 Paine, R. D. College years 62 Palgrave, ed. Golden treasury 54 Fallen. Meaning of the Idylls of the king 51 Palmer, A. F. Why go to college? 11 Palmer, G. H. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer ']^ Panama, past and present. Bishop Td Pancoast. American literature 46 Pancoast. English literature 46 Pancoast, comp. Standard English poems 54 Paret. Lawn tennis 40 Park. Educational woodworking 2t(i Parker. Seats of the mighty (i] Parkin. Rhodes scholarships 11 Parkman. Conspiracy of Pontiac 95 Parkman. Count Frontenac and New France 95 Parkman. Half century of conflict 96 Parkman. Jesuits in North America 96 Parkman. LaSalle 96 Parkman. Montcalm and Wolfe 96 Parkman. Old regime in Canada 96 Parkman. Oregon trail 96 Parkman. Pioneers of France 96 Parkman. Struggle for a continent 96 Parloa. Home economics 2>?i Parsons. Choosing a vocation 26 Parties and slavery. Smith 93 Party organization. Macy 7 Pathfinders of the West. Laut 94 Paxson. Last American frontier 96 Payne. Bjornstjerne Bjornson 74 Peabody. Piper 56 Pearson. Intercollegiate debates 43 Pearson, ed. Speaker 44 Peasant and the prince. Martineau 67 134 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page I'elliam. Outlines of Roman history 80 Pellew. John Jay 101 Penelope's progress. Wiggin 65 Percy. Boy's Percy 51 Personal hygiene. See Class 612. Personally conducted. Stockton 76 Peter and Wendy. Barrie 57 Peter, the great. Motley 84 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles; government ownership .. 10 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles; income tax 10 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles; initiative and referendum. 7 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles; recall 7 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles: woman suffrage 7 Phelps, W. L. Teaching in school and college 11 Philip. Romance of modern chemistry 19 Phillips. Ulysses 56 Photography. See Class 700. Phyfe, W. H. P. Twelve thousand words often mispronounced- •• . 43 Physical geography. See Classes 550, 551. Physical training. See Class 612. Physics. See Class 530. Physics of agriculture. King 29 Physiography. See Class 551. Physiology. See Class 612. Pickwick papers. Dickens 60 Pictures from Greek life and story. Church 78 Pilgrims in their three homes. Griffis 92 Pilot. Cooper 58 Pioneers. Cooper 59 Pioneers of France. Parkman 96 Piper. Peabody 56 Pitkin. Art and business of story writing 42 Plant breeding. Vries 23 Plants. See Class 580. Plays. See Class 793. Ploetz. Epitome of history 84 Plumb. Types and breeds of farm animals 30 Plummer. Alfred the Great • 88 Plutarch. Lives ^ 80 Poe. Best tales 62 Poe. Complete poems 51 Poe. Raven 52 Poems here at home. Riley 52 Poems of country life. Bryan 53 Poetic new world. Humphrey 53 Poetry. See Classes 811, 811.8, and No. 2334. Poets of America. Stedman 47 Poincare. New physics 50 Political history of the United States. Gordy 92 Political parties. Woodburn 8 Politics. See Class 320. Pope. Home care of the sick ZZ Popular fruit growing. Green 28 Potato. Eraser 28 Poultry. See Class 630. Poultry architecture. Fiske 35 Practical athletics. Graham & Clark 40 Practical cooking and serving. Hill ?t2 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 135 Page Practical dairy bacteriology. Conn 28 Practical public speaking. Clark & Blanchard 43 Practical quotations. Hoyt 2 Practical use of books and libraries. Ward 2 Practical wood carving. Hodgson 38 Practice of diplomacy. Foster 6 Prairie. Cooper 59 Preliminaries of the Revolution. Howard 93 Prescott. Conquest of Mexico 96 Prescott. Conquest of Peru 96 Pre-Shakespearean drama. Manly, ed 55 Preston. Documents illustrative of American history 97 Preventable diseases. Hutchinson 27 Price. Land we live in 10 Pride and prejudice. Austen 57 Primer of evolution. Clodd 21 Prince and the pauper. Clemens 58 Principles of cookery. Barrows 31 Principles of desigr;. Batchelder Zl Principles of economics. Fetter 9 Principles of economics. Taussig 10 Printing and writing materials. Smith 35 Prior. Edmund Burke 48 Private life of the Romans. Johnston 80 Problems in furniture making. Crawshaw 35 Profitable stock feeding. Smith 30 Promise of American life. Croly 5 Promised land. Antin 11 Proof reading and punctuation. Smith 35 Provincial America. Greene 93 Psychology. See Class 150. Public speaking. See Class 808.5, 808.8. Pure foods. Olsen ZZ Pushing to the front. Marden 3 Putnam, ed. Representative essays 72 Pyle. Men of iron 67 Pyle. Robin Hood : 14 Pyle. Story of King Arthur 14 Quentin Durward. Scott ' dZ Quest of the four leaved clover. Laboulaye 62 Quiller-Couch. See Couch. Radioactive substances. Makower 17 Ragozin. Frithjof and Roland ' ■ 14 Ragozin. Siegfried and Beowulf 14 Raleigh. Shakespeare 55 Rambaud. History of Russia 85 Ramona. Jackson 61 Raven. Poe 52 Rawson. Twenty famous naval battles • 85 Reade. Cloister and the hearth 67 Readers' guide to periodical literature. 1912-13. 2 Reader's handbook. Brewer 1 Readings. ^ See Class 808.8. Readings in American government. Beard 5 Readings in American history. Johnson 94 Readings in English history. Cheyney %(i Readings in European history. Robinson 85 Readings in modern European history. Robinson & Beard 85 136 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Wiggin 65 Recollections of thirteen presidents. Wise 100 Reconstruction. Dunning. 94 Reconstruction and the constitution. Burgess 89 Red Rock. Page 67 Refugees. Doyle 66 Reinach. Apollo Zl Remaking the Mississippi. Mathews 12 Renaissance. Symonds 85 Renaissance and modern art. Goodyear yj Repplier. Book of famous verse 54 Repplier. In our convent days 70 Repplier. Varia 70 Representative biographies. Copeland & Hersey 45 Representative essays. Putnam, ed 72 Revolutionary and Napoleonic era. Rose 85 Reynolds. Veterinary studies 30 Rhetoric. See Class 808. Rhetoric in oratory. Shurter 44 Rhodes. History of the United States 97 Rhodes scholarships. Parkin 11 Richard Carvel. Churchill 65 Richards. Florence Nightingale 77 Richardson, A. S. Girl who earns her own living 26 Richardson, B. J. Woman who spends 4 Richardson, C. F. American literature 46 Richmond. Good neighbor 10 Ries. Economic geology 20 Rights and duties of American citizenship. Willoughby 8 Riis. Battle with the slum 10 Riis. Hero tales of the far North 7(i Riis. Making of an American ' 77 Riley, J. W. Manual of carpentry Zd Riley, James W. Farm rh3mies 52 Riley, James W^ Poems here at home 52 Ringwalt. Briefs on public questions 43 Ringwalt, ed. Modern American oratory 7Z Rip van Winkle. Irving 69 Rise and growth of democra-cy in England. Rose 88 Rise of American nationality. Babcock 93 Rise of Silas Lapham. Howells 61 Rise of the new West. Turner 93 Ritchey. High school manual training course Zd Ritchie. Tennyson, Ruskin and Browning 46 Rittenhouse. Younger American poets 47 Riverby. Burroughs 68 Riverman. White 64 Rivers of North America. Russell 20 Robbins. High school debate book 44 Robbins, comp. Selected articles: central bank 10 Robbins, comp. Selected articles: commission plan 7 Robert. Rules of order 2 Roberts, C. G. D. Haunters of the silences 25 Roberts, C. G. D. Kindred of the wild 25 Roberts. T, P. Farmstead 30 Robin Hood. Pyle 14 Robins. Come and find me : 62 Robins. Magnetic North 62 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 137 Page Robinson, E. R., & Hammel. Lessons in cooking 33 Robinson, E. V. D. Commercial geography 12 Robinson, James, H. History of Western Europe- • • 85 Robinson, James H. Readings in European history 85 Robinson, James H., & Beard. Development of modern Europe... 85 Robinson, James H., & Beard. Readings in modern European his- tory 85 Robinson, John H. Poultry culture 30 Robinson Crusoe. Defoe 65 Roget. Thesaurus of English words 43 Rollins. What can a young man do? 26 Roman and mediaeval and modern art. Goodyear 37 Roman and Teuton. Kingsley 84 Roman festivals. Fowler 79 Roman life in the days of Cicero. Church 78 Romance of modern chemistry. Philip 19 Rome — History. See Class 930. Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare 56 Romola. Eliot 60 Roof and meadow. Sharp 25 Roosevelt. American ideals 7 Roosevelt. Gouverneur Morris 102 Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton 100 Roosevelt. Winning of the West 97 Root & Root. A. B. C and X. Y. Z. of bee culture 30 Rose, A. F. Copper work 36 Rose, J. H. Life of Napoleon 1 85 Rose, J. H. Revolutionary and Napoleonic era 85 Rose. J. H. Rise and growth of democracy in England 88 Rotch. Conquest of the air 18 Rudder Grange. Stockton 64 Rules of order. Robert 2 Rural economics. Carver 27 Rural hygiene. Ogden 30 Ruskin. Selections 70 Ruskin. Sesame and lilies 70 Russell, I. C. Glaciers of North America 20 Russell, I. C. Lakes of North America 20 Russell, I. C. Rivers of North America 20 Russell, W. C. Horatio Nelson 88 Russia. Rambaud 85 Ryland. Chronological outlines of English literature 47 Sabbath in Puritan New England. Earle 91 Sailing alone around the world. Slocum 76 Sailor's log. Evans 77 Saintsbury. History of 19th century literature 47 Salamnbo. Flaubert 66 Salisbury. Physiography 20 Salisbury & others. Elements of geography 20 Sampo. Baldwin 13 Sanders pub. co. Farm buildings 30 Sanderson. Insect pests 30 Sanitation of a country house. Bashore 27 Sargent. Health, strength and power 27 Sartor resartus. Carlyle 68 Scandinavia. Bain ' 82 Scandinavian literature. See Class 839. Schiller. Life and works 73 138 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page School needlework. Hapgood 32 School song book. McConathy 38 Schouler. Alexander Hamilton 101 Schouler. History of the United States 97 Schurz. Abraham Lincoln 102 Schurz. Henry Clay 100 Science of accounts. Bentley 34 Scientific American reference book 1 Scientific ideas of today. Gibson 16 Scotland's story. Marshall 84 Scott. Complete works 52 Scott. Ivanhoe 63 Scott. Kenilworth 63 Scott. Lady of the lake 52 Scott. Quentin Durward '. 63 Scott. Talisman 63 Scrap book of elementary mathematics. White 15 Scudder, ed. American prose 72 Searchlights on American industries. Mills 12 Seats of the mighty. Parker 67 Sedgwick, H. D. Francis Parkman 49 Sedgwick, H. D. Samuel de Champlain 100 Sedgwick, H. D. Short history of Italy 85 Sedgwick, W. T., & Wilson. General biology 21 Seebohm. Era of the Protestant revolution 85 Seeley, H. G. Story of the earth in past ages 21 Seelc}'-, J. R. Expansion of England 88 Seignobos. History of ancient civilization 81 Seignobos. History of the Roman people 81 Select orations: American political history. Harding 87 Selected articles: central bank. Robbins • • 10 Selected articles: commission plan. Robbins 7 Selected articles: compulsory insurance. Bullock 9 Selected articles: direct primaries. Fanning 6 Selected articles: election of U. S. senators. Fanning 6 Selected articles: government ownership. Phelps 10 Selected articles: income tax. Phelps 10 Selected articles: initiative and referendum. Phelps 7 Selected articles : recall. Phelps 7 Selected articles: woman suffrage. Phelps 7 Selected readings in economics. Bullock 8 Selected readings in public finance. Bullock 8 Selection and preparation of food. Bevier & Van Meter 31 Selections from English poets. Cody, comp 53 Selections from the economic history: U. S. Callender 9 Semple. American history 97 Sense and sensibility. Austen 57 Sergeant. John Wyclif 88 Servant in the house. Kennedy 91 Serviss. Astronomy with the naked eye 15 Serviss. Moon. 15 Sesame and lilies. Ruskin 70 Seton. Wild animals I have known 25 Sewing. See Class 640. Shakespeare. See Class 812. Shaler, N. S. Aspects of the earth 21 Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in America 21 Shaler, N. S. Outlines of the earth's history 21 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 139 Page Shaler, S. P. P. Masters of fate 4 Sharp. Roof and meadow 25 Sharp. A watcher in the woods 25 Shelley. Poetical works 52 Shepperd. Laundry work 33 Sheridan. Plays. 71 Sherman. Chemistry of food and nutrition 33 Short ballot principles. Childs 5 Short history of Germany. Henderson 83 Short history of Italy. Sedgwick 85 Short history of our own times. McCarthy 88 Short history of the English colonies. Lodge 95 Short history of the English people. Green 87 Short history of the Mississippi valley. Hosmer 94 Shorter course in wood working. Wheeler 36 Shuman. How to judge a book 42 Shurter, Extempore speaking 44 Shurter. Rhetoric of oratory 44 Shurter, ed. Masterpieces of modern oratory 73 Sickels. Exercises in wood-working 36 Side-lights on astronomy. Newcomb 15 Siegfried and Beowulf. Ragozin 14 Silas Marner. Eliot 60 Silver island of the Chippewa. Lange 62 Sir Roger de Coverley papers. Addison & Steele 68 Sketch book. Irving 69 Skinner. Myths and legends of our land 97 Slavery and abolition. Hart 93 Sloane, P. H.. & others. Mechanical drawing 38 Sloane, W. M. French war and the revolution 98 Slocum, Sailing alone around the world 76 Slosson. Great American universities 12 Smith, Adele M. Printing and writing materials 35 Smith, Adele M. Proof-reading 35 vSmith, Alexander. General inorganic chemistry 19 Smith, Alexander, & Hall. Teaching chemistry and physics 18 Smith, D. E. Teaching and study of mathematics 15 Smith, F. H. Caleb West I 63 Smith, F. H. Colonel Carter of Cartersville 63 Smith, F. H. Fortunes of Oliver Horn 63 Smith, F. H. Tom Grogan 63 Smith, H. A. Thirteen colonies . . . ; 98 Smith, H. R. Profitable stock feeding 30 Smith, J. R. Story of iron and steel 18 Smith, T. C. Parties and slavery 93 Snyder. Chemistry of plant and animal life - 19 Snyder. Human foods 33 Social center. Ward 11 vSocial life at Rome. Fowler 79 Social life in England. Synge 88 Social life in old Virginia. Page 95 Social life of the Hebrews. Day 79 Society and politics in ancient Rome. Abbott 78 Sohrab and Rustum. Arnold 50 Soils. See Class 630. Some chemical problems of today. Duncan 18 Song of Hiawatha. Longfellow 51 Sound. See Class 530. 140 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page Source book for mediaeval history. Thatcher & McNeal 85 Source book of English history. Kendall 87 Source book of Greek history. Fling 79 Source book for mediaeval history. Ogg 84 Source book of Roman history. Munro 80 Sources of English history. Colby, ed • 87 Southern w^riters. 'Trent, ed 48 Spain. Hume 83 Spain in America. Bourne 93 Spargo. Bitter cry of the children 10 Sparks. Expansion of the American people 98 Sparks. Men who made the nation 98 Sparks. National development 94 Sparling. Business organization 35 Speaker. Pearson 44 Speaking voice. Everts 43 Spears. History of the United States navy • . . 98 Spears. American merchant marine 12 Spencer. World's minerals 19 Sports. See Class 790. Spenser. Works 52 Springsteed. Expert waitress 33 Spy. Cooper 59 Squirrels and other fur bearers. Burroughs 23 Standard concert guide. Upton 39 Standard English poems. Pancoast 54 Standish of Standish. Austin 65 Stanwood. History of the presidency 98 Stanwood. James Gillespie Blaine 100 Stars. See Class 520. Starting in life. Fowler 2S State. Wilson 8 Statesman's year book. 2 Stedman. Poets of America 47 Stedman. Victorian poets 47 Stedman, ed. American anthology ' 54 Stedman, ed. Victorian anthology : . . . 54 Steiner. Against the current 78 Steiner. Immigrant tide 7 Stevens, F. L., & Hall. Diseases of economic plants 23 Stevens, J. A. Albert Gallatin 101 Stevenson. David Balfour 63 Stevenson. Essays 70 Stevenson. Kidnapped 63 Stevenson. Letters 49 Stevenson. Merry men 63 Stevenson. Poems and ballads '. . 52 Stevenson. Treasure island 63 Stockton. Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine 64 Stockton. Lady or the tiger? 64 Stockton. Personallv conducted. 76 Stockton. Rudder Grange 64 Stockwell. Business character 35 Storey. Charles Sumner 102 Stories from the Greek tragedians. Church 75 Stories in stone. Lovell 80 Stories new and old. Mabie 62 Stories of popular operas. Guerber 38 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 141 Page Story of Tonty. Catherwood 65 Stories of the East. Church ; 79 Stories of the Persian heroes. Wihiiot- Buxton 14 Stories of the Wagner operas. Wheeler. 39 Story of a grain of wheat. Edgar 28 Story of Alexander's empire. Mahaffy 80 Story of Athens. Butler 78 Story of France. Marshall 84 Story of germ life. Conn 22 Story of Grettir the strong. French 13 Story of iron and steel. Smith 18 Story of King Alfred. Besant 86 Story of King Arthur. Pyle 14 Story of my boyhood. Muir TJ Story of Roland. Baldwin 13 Story of Siegfried. Baldwin 13 Story of the alphabet. Clodd 42 Story of the American merchant marine. Spears 12 Story of the Crusades. Wilmot-Buxton 86 Story of the earth in past ages. Seeley 21 Story of the golden age. Baldwin 4 Story of the great lakes. Channing & Lansing 90 Story of the Greek people. Tappan 81 Story of the Indian. Grinnell 92 Story of the living machine. Conn 21 Story of the Normans, j e wett ^^ Story of the people of England. McCarthy 88 Story of the railroad. Warman 12 Story of the Red Cross. Barton 8 Story of the Rhinegold. Chapin 13 Story of the Roman people. Tappan 81 Stover at Yale. Johnson 61 Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin 64 Structure of the English sentence. Kimball 42 Struggle for a continent. Parkman 96 Stubbs. Early Plantagenets 88 Student's history of England. Gardiner ^1 Study of English and American poets. Clark 45 Study of English prose writers. Clark 45 Sturgis. Appreciation of architecture zi Success. Marden 3 Success in music. Finck 33 Sumner, H. L. Equal suffrage 7 Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson 101 Surette & Mason. Appreciation of music 39 Swift. Gulliver's travels 71 Swoope. Lessons in practical electricity 18 Syle, ed. From Milton to Tennyson 54 Symonds. Short history of the Renaissance 85 Synge. Social life in England 88 Synonyms. See Classes Ref., 808. Tale of two cities. Dickens 65 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb & Lamb 55 Tales from the Alhambra. Irving 69 Tales of ancient Greece. Cox 4 Tales of the Canterbury pilgrims. Darton 50 Tales of the enchanted islands. Higginson 14 Tales of Troy and Greece. Lang 75 142 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page Talisman. Scott 63 Talks on teaching literature. Bates 41 Taming of the shrew. Shakespeare 56 Tappan. Old world hero stories 85 Tappan. Story of the Greek people 81 Tappan. Story of the Roman people 81 Tappan. When knights were bold 85 Tarbell. History of Greek art Zl Tariff history of the U. S. Taussig 10 Tarkington, Conquest of Canaan 64 Tarkington. Gentleman fi om Indiana 64 Tarkington. Monsieur Beaucaire 64 Tarr. Elementary geology 21 Taussig. Principles of economics 10 Taussig. Tariff history of the United States 10 Teaching chemistry and physics. Smith & Hall 18 Teaching in school and college. Phelps 11 Teaching of English. Carpenter & others 42 Teaching of English. Chubb 42 Teaching of mathematics. Young 15 Tempest. Shakespeare 55 Ten plays of Shakespeare. Brooke 54 Tennessee's partner. Harte 51 Tennyson. Idylls of the king 52 Tennyson. Poetic and dramatic works 52 Terrill. Household management ZZ Territorial growth of the United States. Mowry 95 Testing milk. Farrington & Woll 28 Textiles. Dooley 32 Thackeray. Henry Esmond 64 Thackeray. Selections 71 Thackeray. Vanity fair 64 Thackeray. Virginians 64 Thatcher & McNeal. Source book for mediaeval history 8S Thayer, J. B. John Marshall 102 Thayer, W. R., ed. Best Elizabethan plays 56 Thesaurus of English words. Roget 43 Thirteen colonies. Smith 98 Thomas, C. History of German literature 74 Thomas, R. W. Manual of debate 44 Thompson, F. Selected poems 52 Thompson, F. Shelley. 49 Thompson, M. Alice of Old Vincennes (ij Thoreau. Walden 71 Thorp. Outlines of industrial chemistry 19 Three musketeers. Dumas d^i Through the magic door. Doyle 41 Thwaites. Colonies 98 Thwaites. Daniel Boone 100 Thwaites. Father Marquette 102 Thwaites. France in America 93 Thwaites. How George Rogers Clark won the Northwest 98 Thwaites. Wisconsin 98 Tillie. Martin 62 Thimbile. Essentials of electricity 18 Todd. New astronomy 15 Tolman. Hygiene for the worker 27 Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes 61 Tom Brown's school days. Hughes 61 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 143 Page Tom Grogan. Smith 63 Tom Sawyer. Clemens 58 Tomlins. Laurel song book 39 Tomlinson. American revolution 98 Toothaker & others. Commercial raw materials 10 Touching second. Evers & Fullerton 40 Trafton. Methods of attracting birds 25 Trail of the lonesome pine. Fox 60 Training of wild animals. Bostock 23 Travel. See Class 910. Treasure Island. Stevenson 63 Trent. American literature 47 Trent. Robert E. Lee... 101 Trent, comp. Best American tales 64 Trent, ed. Southern writers 48 Trent & Erskine. Great American writers 47 Trevelyan. American revolution 98 True citizen. Markwick & Smith 4 True story of Paul Revere. Gettemy 102 Tucker. Life in the Roman world 81 Turner. Rise of the new West 93 Tuscan childhood. Cipriani 11 Twain. Mark, pseud. See Clemens. Twelfth night. Shakespeare "^(^ Twelve centuries of English poetry and prose. Newcomer & An- drews 48 Twelve thousand words often mispronounced. Phyfe 43 Twenty famous naval battles. Rawson 85 Twenty years at Hull House. Addams 8 Tyler, L. G. England in America 93 Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry 101 Types and breeds of farm animals. Plumb 30 Types of the short story. Heydrick 61 Uarda. Ebers dd Ulysses. Phillips 56 Uncle Tom's cabin. Stowe 64 United States — Bureau of animal industry. Diseases of cattle 30 United States History. See Class 973. United States navy. Williams 8 Up from slavery. Washington 78 Up-to-date hardwood finisher. Hodgson Z(^ Upton. Standard concert guide 39 Vachell. The Hill 64 Van Dyke. Blue flower . . ; 64 Van Dyke. Days ofif 71 Van Dyke. Little rivers 71 Van Dyke. Poems 52 Van Dyke. Poetry of Tennyson 49 Van Dyke. Van Dyke book 71 Van Hise. Conservation of natural resources 10 Van Tyne. American revolution 93 Vanity fair. Thackeray 64 Varia. Repplier 70 Vedder. American writers of today 47 Vegetable gardening. Green 28 Ventilation. King 29 Veterinary studies. Reynolds 30 Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith 60 Victor of Salamis. Davis 65 144 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Victorian anthology. Stedman, ed • 54 Victorian poets. Stedman 47 Victorian prose masters. Brownell 45 Victor. German pronunciation 74 Viking tales. Anderson 74 Virgil. Aeneid 76 Virgil. Aeneid. Adaptation 75 Virginia. Cooke 90 Virginian. Wister 65 Virginians. Thackeray 64 Viva Mexico. Flandrau 76 Vocational guidance. See Class 607. Voorhees. Forage crops 30 Vos. German conversation 74 Vries. Plant breeding 23 Wagner, ed. Modern political orations IZ Walden. Thoreau 71 Walker, A. P., & Hart. Essentials in English history %% Walker, F. A. Making of the nation 98 Wallace, D. Lure of the Labrador wild Id Wallace, L. Ben Hur 67 Walton. Compleat angler 71 War of independence. Fiske 92 Ward, E. J. Social center 11 Ward, G. O. Practical use of books and libraries 2 Ward, R. D. C. Climate 21 W^ard, T. H., ed. English poets 54 Warman. Story of the railroad 12 Warner. My summer in a garden 71 Warner. Washington Irving 49 Warren. Elements of agriculture 30 Warren. Farm management 30 W^ashington. Character building 4 Washington. Up from slavery 78 Watcher in the woods. Sharp 25 Watson, J. Beside the bonnie briar bush 64 Watson, W. Textbook of practical physics 18 Weaver, ed. Vocations for girls 26 Webster, D. Daniel Webster for young Americans 71 Webster, D. Speeches and orations 71 Webster, W. F. English for secondary schools 43 Weed. Farm friends and farm foes 31 Wells & Hooper. Modern cabinet work 36 Welsh. English literature 47 Wendell. Literary history of America 47 Wendell & Greenough. History of literature in America 47 West. Ancient history 81 West. Modern history 86 Westward extension. Garrison 93 Westward ho. Kingsley dd Weyman. Gentleman of France 67 Weyman. House of the Wolf 67 What can a young man do? Rollins '. 26 Wheeler, B. I. Alexander the Great 81 Wheeler, C. G. Shorter course in wood working Zd Wheeler, E. M. Stories from the Wagner operas 39 Wheeler, F. R. Boy with the U. S. fisheries 25 When knights were bold. Tappan 85 White, H. A. Robert E. Lee 101 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX 145 Page White, M. Fuels of the household 33 White, S. E. Blazed trail 64 W hite, S. E. Certain rich man 64 Wliite, S. E. Riverman 65 White, W. F. Scrap book of elementary mathematics 15 W^hite aprons. Goodwin 66 Whitman. Poems 52 Whitticr. Complete poetical works 52 Who's who in America 2 Why go to college? Cooper 11 Why go to college ? Palmer 11 Wiggin. Cathedral courtship ' 65 Wiggin. Penelope's progress 65 Wiggin. Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm 65 Wilbur. Every-day business for women 35 Wilcox. Government by all the people 7 Wild animals I have known. Seton 25 Wilkins, M. E. See Freeman, M. E. W. Williams. United States navy 8 Wllloughl)y, Rights and duties of American citizenship 8 Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of the Persian heroes ; 14 Wilson, A. D., & Warburton. Field crops 31 Wilson, A. D., & Wilson. Agriculture for young folks 31 Wilson, C. D. Working one's way through college 12 Wilson, W. Division and reunion 99 Wilson, W. George Washington 103 Wilson, W. History of the American people 99 Wilson, W. New freedom 8 Wilson, W. The state 8 Window in Thrums. Barrie 56 Windsor. Mission furniture 36 Wing. Alfalfa farming 31 Wing. Milk and its products 31 Wing. Sheep farming in America 31 Winning of the West. Roosevelt 97 Winter. Public speaking 28 Winter's tale. Shakespeare- • • 56 Wireless man. Collins 16 W^isconsin. Thwaites 98 Wise. Recollections of thirteen presidents 100 Wlster. Ulysses S. Grant 101 Wister. Virginian 65 W'olfson. Essentials of ancient history 81 Woman who spends. Richardson 4 Woman's part in government. Allen r • • • 5 Women's educ. and indus. union. Vocations for the trained woman- 26 Wonder 1)ook of light. Houston 16 Wonder book of magnetism. Houston 16 Wonder book of the atmosphere. Houston • 20 Wonder tales from Wagner. Chapin- 13 Wood and forest. Noyes 36 Wood carving. See Class 736. Woodberry. Nathanial Hawthorne 49 Woodberry. Ralph Waldo Emerson 49 W^oodburn. Political parties 8 Woodward, C. M. Manual training school 37 Woodward, W. H. Expansion of the British empire 88 Woolman. Sewing course 33 146 AUTHOR, TITLE AND SUBJECT INDEX Page Woolson. Anne 64 Words and their ways. Greenoiigh 42 Wordsworth. Complete poetical works 52 Workers : the East. Wyckoff 10 Workers: the West. Wyckoff 10 Working- one's way through college. Wilson 12 World almanac, 1913 2 World literature. Moulton 41 World's commercial products. Freeman & Chandler 9 World's minerals. Spencer 19 Wright, ed. Masterpieces of Greek literature 76 Writer's desk book. Orcutt 42 Writing and speaking. Baldwin 42 Wrong. British nation 88 Wyckoff. Workers: the East 10 Wyckoff. Workers : the West 10 Yesterdays with authors. Fields 45 Yonge. Caged lion dl Yonge. Chaplet of pearls 67 Yonge. Dove in the eagle's nest 67 Young. Teaclillig of mathematics 15 Young man entering business. Marden 3 Young people's history of Holland. Griffis 82 Younger American poets. Rittenhouse 47 Zangwill. Melting pot 56 Zoology. See Class 590. AUTHORITIES FOR NOTES In using notes, the wording has sometimes been slightly changed for sake of brevity. A. L. A A. L. A. catalog & A. L. A. book list. Adams Adams, C. K. Manual of historical literature. Adams, T. S Adams, T, S. Bibliography of economics. Amer. hist, rev American historical review. Baker Baker. Descriptive guide to the best fiction. Berry Miss Josephine Berry, College of Agriculture, St. Paul. Bk. rev. digest Book review digest. Bolton Henry Carrington Bolton. Class, jl Classical journal. Cum. bk. index Cumulative book index. Educ. rev Educational review. Eng. hist, rev English historical review. Goodspeed Goodspeed, G. S. History of the ancient world. Iowa Iowa. List of books for school libraries. Johnston W. D. Johnston, Librarian, Columbia College. Kroeger A. L. A. Guide to reference books. Larned Earned, ed. Literature of American history. Leypoldt & lies Leypoldt & lies, ed. List of books for girls ^nd women and their clubs. Mendenhall Mendenhall, C. E. Selected list of books on physics. Munro D. C. Munro. N. Y New York State Library. Best books (annual). Nield Nield. Guide to historical novels. Oregon Oregon Library Commission. List of books for school libraries. Pittsburgh Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Catalogs. Political science Political science quarterly. Pratt Pratt Institute free library. (Brooklyn.) Bulle- tin. Prentice & Power Prentice & Power. A children's library. Pub Note from publishers' catalogs and announce- ments. Pub. wkly Publishers' weekly. Wells Wells, ed. Literature of American history. , Wisconsin Wisconsin. List of books for High schools. Wyer Wyer. Bibliography of education (annual). INDEX TO PUBLISHERS Allyn Allyn & Bacon, Boston. Altemus Henry Altemus, Philadelphia. Amer. bk American book Co., Chicago. Amer. poultry assoc. .American poultry association, Beaver, Pa. Amer. school of home econ. American school of home economics, Chicago. Appleton D. Appleton & Co., Chicago. Association press International committee of Young Men's christian association press. New York, Atkinson Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover, Chicago. Baker See Doubleday. Barnes A. S. Barnes & Co., New York. Bates Bates & Guild, Boston. Birchard C. C. Birchard, Boston. Bobbs — Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis. Boston bk ....Boston Book Co., Boston. Bowman Bowman & Crossley, Ames, Iowa. Breeder's gazette Breeder's gazette, Chicago. Caldwell H. M. Caldwell Co., Boston. Cambridge Press See Putnam. Century Century Co., New York. Clarendon See Oxford. Columbia univ Columbia university press, New York. Comstock Comstock publishing Co., Ithaca, N. Y. Cram G. F. Cram, Chicago. Crowell T. Y. Crowell & Co., New York. Davis F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. Dodd Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. Doubleday Doubleday, Page & Co., New York. Drake F. J. Drake & Co., Chicago. Duffield Duffield & Co., New York. Dutton E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. Ellis pub Ellis publishing Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Funk Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York. Ginn Ginn & Co., Chicago. Grosset Grosset & Dunlap, New York. Hammond C. S. Hammond & Co., New York. Harper Harper & Bros., New York. Heath D. C. Heath & Co., Chicago. Henry Mrs. F. H. Henry, Madison, Wis. Hinds Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, New York. Hitchcock F. H. Hitchcock, 105 W. 40th st.. New York. INDEX TO PUBLISHERS 149 Holt Henry Holt & Co., New York. Home corresp. school. Home correspondence school, Springfield, Mas.s. Hough R. B. Hough, Lowville, N. Y. Houghton Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Chicago. . Inland printer Inland Printer Co., Chicago. Jacobs G. W. Jacobs & Co., Philadelphia. Judd Orange Judd Co., New York. Kennerley Mitch-ell Kennerley, New York. Kenyon Kenyon Printing Co., New York. La Salle exten. univ La Salle extension university, Chicago, Lane John Lane Co., New York. Lippincott J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. Little Little, Brown & Co., Boston. ^ Longmans Longmans, Green & Co., New York. Lothrop Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Boston. McBride McBride, Nast & Co., New York. McClure, Phillips & Co. See Doubleday. McClurg A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. McFadden E. A. McFadden, Cincinnati, Ohio. McGraw McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. McKay David McKay, Philadelphia. McLoughlin McLoughlin Brothers, New York. Macmillan Macmillan Co., Chicago. Manual arts Manual arts press, Peoria, 111. Marquis A. N. Marquis, Chicago. Mendota bk. Mendota Book Co., Madison, Wis. Michels John Michels, Raleigh, N. C. Moffat Moffat, Yard & Co., New York. Munn Munn & Co., New York. Nat. first aid assoc. .. .National first aid association, Boston. Nelson Thomas Nelson & Sons, New York. Newson Newson & Co., New York. Open court Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago. Outing Outi'ng Publishing Co., New York. Oxford Oxford University press, New York. Page L. C. Page & Co., Boston. Popular mechanics. .. .Popular mechanics, Chicago. Pott James Pott & Co., New York. Practical text Practical Textbook Co., Cleveland. Press pub Press Publishing Co., New York. Putnam G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Rand Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago. Reilly Reilly & Britton, Chicago. Revell Fleming H. Revell & Co., Chicago. Rickey William Rickey & Co., New York. Ronald Ronald Press Co., New York. Root A. I. Root, Medina, Ohio. Sanborn B. H. Sanborn, Boston. 150 INDEX TO PUBLISHERS Sanders Sanders Publishing Co., Chicago. Saunders W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia. Schirmer G. Schirmer, New York. Scott Scott, Foresman & Co., Chicago. Scribner Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. Sears Sears, Roebuck Co., Chicago. Seller A. G. Seller, New York. Silver Silver, Burdett & Co., New York. Small Small, Maynard & Co., Boston. Smith A. M. Smith, Philadelphia. Stokes F. A. Stokes Co., New York. Sturgis Sturgis & Walton, New York. Taylor Taylor-Holden Co., Springfield, Mass. Van Nostrand D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. Varsity supply Varsity Supply, Columbus, Ohio. Webb Webb Publishing Co., St. Paul. Whitcomb Whitcomb & Barrows, Boston. Wilde W. A. Wilde Co., Boston. Wiley John Wiley & Sons, New York. Wilson H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains. N. Y. Women's educ. & indus. union Women's educational and industrial union, Boston. Wood William Wood & Co., New York. World bk World Book Co., New York. SYNDICATE PRINTING CO. Minneapolis, Minn. 1914. ^oAifi r -ftr^^'^^^ow'-^^^ "ATE =^====~=^ii2f^eriod. application is ^""^^ «ot in ^^^======~^___^^^ ™^"e before «oy IS ir2^ ^Om-ii 20 z UNIVEPvSlTY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY