UC-NRLF r . THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF PROFESSOR BENJAMIN H. LEHMAN far*tt*on CHAUCER SKEAT VOL. II. HENRY FROWDE, M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON, EDINBURGH NEW YORK AND TORONTO CHAUCER THE PRIORESSES TALE, SIRE THOPAS, THE MONKES TALE, THE CLERKES TALE THE SQUIERES TALE THE CANTERBURY TALES EDITED BY THE REV. WALTER W. SKEAT, LiTT.D. D.C.L., LLD., PH.D. Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon and Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge NINTH EDITION, REVISED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M DCCCC V I OXFORD PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS HY HORACE HART, M.A. PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY Add to Lib. GIFT CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION vii LIST OF CHAUCER'S WORKS Ixxix GROUP B. THE MAN-OF-LAW HEAD-LINK . . i THE MAN OF LAW'S PROLOGUE . . 4 THE SHIPMAN'S PROLOGUE ... 6 THE SHIPMAN END-LINK .... 7 THE PRIORESSES TALE .... 9 THE PRIORESS END-LINK . . . . 17 THE RIME OF SIR THOPAS ... 19 SIR THOPAS END-LINK .... 27 THE MONK'S PROLOGUE .... 29 THE MONKES TALE 32 THE NONNE PRESTES PROLOGUE . . 56 GROUP E. THE CLERK'S PROLOGUE .... 59 THE CLERKES TALE 61 CLERK-MERCHANT LINK .... 100 THE SQUIRE'S PROLOGUE 101 GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE . . . . 103 THE SQUIRE END-LINK . . . . 125 Notes to Group B . . . . . . . 129 Notes to Group E 195 Notes to Group F 206 Glossarial Index 225 Index of Proper Names ....... 309 Index of Subjects Explained in the Notes . . . 313 258 INTRODUCTION. FOR an account of Chaucer's life, I must beg leave to refer the reader to the edition of Chaucer's Prologue, Knightes Tale, &c., by Dr. Morris, in the Clarendon Press Series ; a volume to which I have frequently had occasion to refer in the Notes and Glossary. But it is worth while to remark- that Mr. Furnivall, by diligent searching amongst old records, has lately succeeded in finding out some new facts concerning Chaucer, which have been published from time to time in The Athenaeum, and since collected and published in his 'Originals and Analogues of some of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales,' published for the Chaucer Society, and dated (in advance) 1875. We hence learn that the poet was the son of John Chaucer, Vintner, of Thames Street, London, and Agnes, his wife. Also, that John Chaucer had a half-brother, named Thomas Heroun or Heyroun, both being born of the same mother, named Maria, who must have been married to one of the Heroun family first, and then to Robert, John Chaucer's father. The will of Thomas Heyroun is dated April ?th, 1349, his executor being his half-brother John Chaucer, the poet's father. After Robert's death, Maria married a Richard Chaucer, Vintner, who in his will, dated Easter-day (April 1 2th) 1349, names Maria his wife, and Thomas Heyroun her son. Richard Chaucer and Thomas Heyroun must have died nearly at the same time, carried off probably by the memor- able plague of 1349. Chaucer's mother, Agnes, had an uncle vitl INTRODUCTION. named Hanio de Copton, a moneyer. The most interesting entries relating to the above matters are (i) that in which occur the words ' me Galfridum Chaucer, filium Johannis Chaucer, Vinetarii, Londonie' (City Hustings Roll, no; 5 Ric. II, dated June 19, 1380), whereby the poet releases, to Henry Herbury, all his right to his father's house in Thames Street ; and (2) that in which occur the words ' ego Johannes Chaucer, Ciuis et Vine- tarius Ciuitatis Londonie, & Agnes Vxor mea, consanguinea & Heres Hamonis de Copton quondam Ciuis & Monetarii Civitatis predicte ' (Hustings Roll, 93, dated January 16, 1366), being a conveyance by John Chaucer and Agnes his wife, of a part of her land inherited from her uncle Hamo de Copton, moneyer l . From the Clerk-of-the- Works' Accounts and the Foreign Accounts we learn that Chaucer was Clerk of the Works at St. George's Chapel, Windsor, on July 12, 1390, and was succeeded in the appointment by John Gedney, on July 8, 1391. Whilst holding this appointment, viz. on September 3, 1390, Chaucer was robbed, near the ' foule Ok ' (foul oak), of 20 of the King's money, his horse, and other moveables, by certain notorious thieves, as was fully confessed by the mouth of one of them when in gaol at Westminster. The King's writ, wherein he for- gives Chaucer this sum of ^20, is still extant. In connection with the author of The Knightes Tale, it is particularly interest- ing to find that there is a writ dated July i, 1390, allowing him the costs of putting up scaffolds in Smithfield for the King and Queen to see the jousts which took place in May, 1390. See Kn. Tale, 1023. Chaucer tells us, in his Prologue, 11. 791-795, that it was his intention to make each of the pilgrims tell four tales, two on the way to Canterbury and two on the return-journey. But so far from fulfilling his proposed plan, he did not even complete so much as a quarter of it, since the number of talcs do not even suffice to go once round, much less four times. No pilgrim tells two stories, though the poet represents himself as being inter- 1 For the quotations, see The Athenaeum, Nov. 29 and Dec. 13, 1873. GROUPS OF THE TALES. ix rupted in his Rime of Sir Thopas, and telling the tale of Melibeus in its stead ; and we have no story from the Yeoman, the Haber- dasher, the Carpenter, the Weaver, the Dyer, the Tapiser, or the Ploughman 1 . The series being thus incomplete, it only remains to investigate to what degree of completeness the author succeeded in attaining. It is easy to see that Chaucer may have had a good deal of material in hand before the idea of writing a connected series of tales occurred to him. The Prologue, answering somewhat to a preface, is one of his very latest works, and in his best manner ; and before writing it, he had in some measure arranged a part of his materials. His design was to make a collection of tales which he had previously written, to write more new tales to go with these, and to unite them all into a series by means of connecting links 2 , which should account for the change from one narrator to the next in order. In doing this, he did not work continuously, but wrote-in the connecting links as they occurred to him, being probably well aware that this was the best way of avoiding an appearance of artificiality. The result is that some links are perfectly supplied, and others not written at all, thus affording a series of fragments or Groups, complete in themselves, but having gaps between them. A full account of these Groups, showing which tales are inseparably linked together, and which are not joined at all, is given in Mr. Furnivall's Temporary Preface to the Six-text Edition of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, published for the Chaucer Society in 1868. The resulting Groups are nine. Between these are distinct gaps, and it is by no means clear that the order of the Groups relatively to each other was finally determined upon. This relative order is, however, settled to some extent by occasional references to places passed on the 1 Warton wrongly adds, or the Host. But the Host was the umpire, not a tale-teller himself. 2 The term ' link,' and such terms as ' head-link,' ' end-link,' and the like, are to be found in the Six-text edition published by the Chaucer Society, whence I have copied them. See further, on this subject, in my Introduction to The Man of Lawes Tale. X INTRODUCTION. road, and to the time of day. We are also perfectly certain that the Knight was to tell the first tale, and the Parson the last of the only existing series, thus leaving us only seven Groups to arrange. Another question at once arises, however, which must be settled before we can proceed, viz. whether the pilgrimage was intended to be performed all in one day, or in two, or three, or more. Any one who knows what travelling was in the olden time must be well aware that the notion of performing the whole distance in one day is out of the question, especially as the pil- grims were out more for a holiday than for business, that some of them were but poorly mounted (Prol. 287, 541), and some of them but poor riders (Prol. 390, 469, 622) J . In fact, such an idea is purely modern, adopted from thoughtlessness almost as a matter of course by every modern reader, but certainly not founded upon truth. Fortunately, too, the matter is put beyond argument by some incidental remarks. In the first Group, or Group A, occurs the line ' Lo Depeford, and it is half-wey pryme ' i. e. it is now half-past seven o'clock (1. 3906). After which the Reve is made to tell a story, and the Cook also, bringing the time of day to about nine o'clock at the least. But in Group F, 1. 73, the Squire remarks that ' it is pryme,' it is nine o'clock, which can only mean that hour of another day, not of the same one. Still clearer is the allusion, in the Canon's Yeoman's Pro- logue, to the pilgrims having passed the night in a hostelry, as I understand the passage. This once perceived, it is not of much consequence whether we allow the pilgrims two days, or three, or four ; but the most convenient arrangement is that proposed by Mr. Furnivall, viz, to suppose four days to have been occu- pied; the more so, as this supposition disposes of another ex- tremely awkward allusion to time, viz. the mention of ten o'clock 1 In 1749, the coach from Edinburgh to Glasgow, forty-four miles, took two days for the journey. Twenty miles a day was fast. We may allow the pilgrims about fifteen miles a day. See Chambers' Book of Days, ii. 2aS. GROUPS OF THE TALES. XI in the morning in Group B, 1. 14, which must refer to yet a third morning, in order not to clash with the two notes of time already alluded to ^ whilst the passage in the Canon's Yeoman's Prologue absolutely requires a fourth morning, because of the pilgrims having passed the night at a hostelry. The references to places on the road can cause no trouble ; on the contrary, these allusions aflbrd much help, for we cannot rest satisfied with the arrange- ment in Tyrwhitt's edition, which makes the pilgrims come to Sittingbourne before arriving at Rochester. But the data are not yet all disposed of : for we can fix the very days of the month on which the pilgrims travelled. This is discussed in the note to B 5 * in the present volume, where the day recognised by the Host is shown to have been the i8th of April, and not the 28th, as in some editions; which agrees with the expression in the Prologue, 1. 8 *. Putting all the results together, we get the following con- venient scheme of the Groups of tales. It is copied from Mr. FurnivalPs Preface, with the mere addition of the dates. April 1 6. The guests arrive at the Tabard, late in the evening (Prol. 20, 23). April 17. GROUP A. General Prologue; Knight's Tale; Miller's Prologue and Tale; Reve's Prologue and Tale; Cook's Prologue and Tale (the last unfinished). Gap. Notes of time and place. In the Miller's Prologue, he tells the company to lay the blame on the ale of Southwark if his tale is not to their liking ; he had hardly yet recovered from its effects. In the Reve's Prologue are the lines ' Lo Depeford, and it is half-wey pryrne ; Lo Grenewich, ther many a shrew is inne.' A 3906, 3907. 1 By B 5* I mean Group B, 1. 5, as numbered in the Chaucer Society's Six-text edition ; the arrangement of which I have adopted throughout. 2 See note to 1. 8 in Dr. Morris's edition of the Prologue, third edition, 1872. The note as it stood in the/rs/ edition was wrong. The fault was mine, and the correction also. Xll INTR OD UCTION. That is, they are in sight of Deptford and Greenwich at about half-past 7 o'clock in the morning. This Group is incomplete; I shall give my reasons presently for supposing that the Yeoman's Tale was to have formed a part of it. Probably the pilgrims reached Dartford that night, and halted there, at a distance of fifteen miles from London. April 1 8. GROUPS. Man-of-Law Head-link, bis Prologue, and Tale (1-1162); Shipman's Prologue and Tale (1163-1624); Shipman End-link (1625-1642) ; Prioress's Tale (1643-1880) ; Prioress End-link (1881-1901); Sir Thopas (1902-2156); Tale of Melibeus (2157-3078); Monk's Prologue and Tale 3079-3956); Nuns' Priest's Prologue and Tale (3957-4636); End-link (4637-4652). Gap. Notes tf time and place. In the Man-of-Law Head-link, we learn that it was 10 o'clock (1. 14), and that it was the i8th of April (1. 5). In the Monk's Prologue, 1. 3 1 1 6, we find that the pil- grims were soon coming to Rochester. This Group is probably incomplete, rather at the beginning than at the end. Something is wanted to bring the time to 10 o'clock, whilst the travellers would hardly have cared to pass Rochester that night. Suppose them to have halted there, at thirty miles from London. April 19. Group G. Doctor's Tale (1-286); Words of the Host to the Doctor and the Pardoner (287-328); Pardoner's Preamble, Prologue, and Tale (329-968). Gap. GROUP D. Wife of Bath's Preamble (1-856); Wife's Tale (857-1264) ; Friar's Prologue and Tale (1265-1664) ; Sompnour's Prologue and Tale (1665-2294). Gap. GROUP E. Clerk's Prologue and Tale (1-1212); Merchant's Prologue and Tale (1213-2418); Merchant End-link (2419- 2440). Gap; but the break is less marked than usual. Notes of places, &>c. At the end of the Wife of Bath's Pre- amble is narrated a verbal quarrel between the Sompnour and the Friar, in which the former promises to tell some strange tales about friars before the company shall arrive at Sitting- bourne. Again, at the end of his Tale, he says 'My tale is doon, we ben almost at toune.' D 2294. GROUPS OF THE TALES. xill After which, the company probably halted awhile at Sittingbourne, forty miles from London, but spent the night at Ospringe. It must also be noted that there are at least two allusions to the Wife of Bath's Preamble in the course of Group E ; namely, in the Clerk's Tale, 1. 1170, and in the Merchant's Tale, E 1685 ; and probably a third allusion in the Merchant End-link, E 2438. These prove that Group D should precede Group E, and render it probable that it should precede it immediately. April 20. Group F. Squire's Tale (1-672) ; Squire-Franklin Link (673-708) ; Franklin's Tale (709-1624). Gap. GROUP G. Second Nun's Tale (1-553); Canon's Yeoman's Tale (554-1481). Gap. GROUP H. Manciple's Prologue and Tale (1-362). Gap. GROUP I. Parson's Prologue and Tale. Notes of time and place. In the Squire's Tale, F 73, the narrator remarks that he will not delay the hearers, 'for it is prime,' i. e. 9 a.m. In the Canon's Yeoman's Prologue is a most explicit state- ment, which is certainly most easily understood as having refer- ence to a halt for the night on the road, at a place (probably Ospringe) five miles short of Boughton-under-Blee. The Canon's Yeoman says plainly that he had seen the pilgrims ride out of their hostelry in the morrow-tide. In the Manciple's Prologue there is mention of a little town called Bob-up-and- down, ' under the Blee, in Canterbury way ' ; and the Cook is taken to task for sleeping on the road at so early an hour in the morning, which cannot, in any case, be the morning of the day on which they started. In the Parson's Prologue there is mention of the hour of 4 p.m., and the Parson undertakes to tell the last tale before the end of the journey. The above account is useful as shewing the exact extent to which Chaucer had carried out his intention ; and at the same time shews what is, on the whole, the best arrangement of the Tales. This arrangement is not much affected by the question of the number of days occupied by the pilgrims on the journey. It possesses, moreover, the great advantage of stamping upon the XIV INTRODUCTION. work its incomplete and fragmentary character. The arrange- ment of the Tales in the various MSS. varies considerably, and hence Tyrvvhitt found it necessary in his edition to consider the question of order, and to do his best to make a satisfactory arrangement. The order which he finally adopted is easily ex- pressed by using the names already given to the Groups, only Group B must be subdivided into two parts (a) and (b), the first of these containing the Man of Law's Prologue and Tale only, and the second all the rest of the Tales, &c. in the Group. This premised, his result is as follows : viz. Groups A, B (a), D, E, F, G, B (b), G, H, I. The only two variations between the two lists are easily explained. In the first place, Group G is entirely independent of all the rest, and contains no note of time or place, so that it may be placed anywhere between A and G ; in this case therefore the variation is of no importance. In the other case, however, Tyrwhitt omitted to see that the parts of Group B are really bound together by the expressions which occur in them. For, whereas the Man of Law declares in 1. 46, Group B ' I can ryght now no thrifty tale seyn,' the Host, at the beginning of the Shipman's Prologue, 1. 1165, is pleased to give his verdict thus ' This was a thrifty tale for the nones ' and proceeds to ask the Parson for a tale, declaring that ' ye learned men in lore,' i. e. the Man of Law and the Parson, know much that is good : whence it is evident that B (b) must be ad- vanced so as to follow B (a) immediately ; and the more so, as there is authority for this in MS. Arch. Seld. B 14 in the Bodleian Library ; while the Harleian MS. hints at a similar arrangement. The correctness of this emendation is proved by the fact that it is necessary for the mention of Rochester in B (b) to precede that of Sittingbourne in D. It deserves to be mentioned further, that, of the four days supposed to be consumed on the way, some of them are in- adequately provided for. This furnishes no real objection, THE TALE OF GAMELFN. XV because the unwritten tales of the Yeoman, Haberdasher, Car- penter, Weaver, Dyer, Tapiser, and Ploughman, would have helped in some degree to fill up the gaps which have been noticed above. The whole of Group A is so admirably fitted together, and its details so well worked out, that it may fairly be looked upon as having been finally revised, as far as it goes ; and I am disposed accordingly to look upon the incomplete Cook's Tale as almost the last portion of his great work which the poet ever revised. There is, in this Group A, only one flaw, one that has often been noted, viz. the mention of three Priests in the Prologue (1. 164), whereas we know that there was but one Nun's Priest, his name being Sir John. At the same place there is a notable omission of the character of the Nun, and the two things together point to the possibility that Chaucer may have drawn her character in too strong strokes, and have then suddenly determined to with- draw it, and to substitute a new character at some future time. If we suppose him to have left the line ' That was hire chapel- leyn ' unfinished, it is easy to see how another hand would have put in the words ' and prestes thre ' for the mere sake of the rime, without having regard to reason. We ought to reject those three words as spurious. That Chaucer's work did receive, in some small degree, some touching-up, is rendered yet more probable by observing how Group A ends. For here, in several of the MSS., we come upon an additional fragment which, on the face of it, is not Chaucer's at all, but a work belonging to a slightly earlier period ; I mean the Tale of Gamelyji. Some have supposed, with great reason, that this tale occurs among the rest because it is one which Chaucer intended to recast, although, as a fact, he did not live to re-write a single line of it. This is the more likely because the tale is a capital one in itself, well worthy of having been re- written even by so great a poet ; indeed, the plot bears con- siderable resemblance to that of the favourite play known to us all by the title of As You Like It. But I cannot but protest against the stupidity of the botcher whose hand wrote above it XVI INTRODUCTION. ' The Cokes Tale of Gamelyn.' That was done because it happened to be found next after the Cook's Tale, which, instead of being about Gamelyn, is about Perkin the reveller, an idle apprentice. The fitness of things ought to shew at once that this Tale of Gamelyn, a tale of the woods, in the true Robin-Hood style, could only have been placed in the mouth of him ' who bare a mighty bow,' and who knew all the usage of woodcraft ; in one word, of the Yeoman. (Gandelyn is the name of an archer in Ritson's Ancient Songs, i. 82). And we get hence the additional hint, that the Yeoman's Tale was to have followed the Cook's Tale, a tale of fresh country-life succeeding one of the close back-streets of the city. No better place can be found for it. There is yet one more Tale, found only in some of the earlier printed editions, but in none of the MSS., viz. the Ploughman's Tale. This is admittedly spurious, in the sense that it is not Chaucer's ; but it is a remarkable poem in its way. The author never intended it for an imitation of Chaucer, nor pretended any disguise about it ; on the contrary, he says plainly that he was the author of the well-known poem in alliterative verse commonly known as Pierce the Ploughman's Crede. It can only have been inserted by inadvertence, but we need not blame Thynne for doing this, since otherwise the poem would not have been preserved at all, no MS. of it being now in existence. The next question that presents itself is this Have we any means of telling which of the Tales are of early, and which of late workmanship? In reply to this, we may note, in the first place, the following facts and probabilities. . The Knight's Tale was almost certainly re-written from be- ginning to end. In the first instance Chaucer took a good deal of it from Boccaccio's Teseide, and gave it in the name of Palamon and Arcite ; see Prologue to Legende of Good Women, 1. 420. This he would naturally do just after or just before writing his Troilus 1 , in which he follows the same author, and 1 Several lines are common to Troilus and to the Knight's Tale, shewing that the former and 'Palamon and Arcite' were probably in hand together. VARIATIONS OF RHYTHM. xvii he would naturally employ the seven-line stanza. But this is not all, for it is obvious upon comparison (and I now find that Ten Brink said the same in 1870) that Chaucer also pressed into his service, when writing the Knight's Tale, a poem also in the seven-line stanza, which has been preserved under the title ' Of Queen Annelida and False Arcite.' In this poem, after three introductory stanzas, he quotes three lines from Statius, beginning ' lamque domos patrias,' &c. ; and it is not a little remarkable that the very same three lines reappear as a heading at the beginning of the Knight's Tale in many of the MSS. It is interesting to note the traces of resemblance between this poem and the Knight's Tale, but it must be ad- mitted that they are very few, such as these : ' With Emely her j onge suster schene * which reappears in the Knight's Tale, 1. 114 ; with a few similar phrases. For example, the first three lines of the prologue run thus : ' O thou fiers God of armes, Mars the rede, That in thy frosty country called Thrace, Within thy grisly temples full of drede ' which may be compared with the Knight's Tale, 1111-1115. The general story is, however, widely different, and Chaucer used up the latter part of it, not in the Knight's Tale, but in the Squire's Tale. I draw attention to this poem chiefly in support of a suggestion, to which I shall have occasion to recur, that the early draught of Palamon and Arcite may have been in seven-line stanzas; as suggested (I find) by Ten Brink in 1870. It must next be noted that Mr. Furnivall, who has drawn up, tentatively, a list of Chaucer's works in their supposed order, puts down amongst the works of the ' Second Period,' i. e. prior to the Canterbury Tales, that Tale which is now known as the Second Nun's, though formerly called by Chaucer himself the . Life of Saint Cecile. Of this result there has never been a doubt ; Tyrvvhitt says expressly, ' The Tale of the Nonne is almost literally translated from the Life of St. Cecilia in the VOL. II. l> XV111 INTRODUCTION. Legenda Aurea of Jacobus Januensis. It is mentioned by Chaucer as a separate work in his Legende of Good Women, 1. 426, under the title of the Life of Seint Cecile, and it still retains evident marks that it was not originally composed in the form of a Tale to be spoken by the Nonne V It is, then, little more than a translation, and it is in seven -line stanzas. Mr. Furnivall assigns to this Second Nun's Tale the con- jectural date of 1373; now this is the very year when Chaucer met Petrarch at Padua (see note to E 27), and learnt from him the tale of Griseldis, now known as the Clerk's Tale. This tale is, for the most part, a translation, and it is in seven-line stanzas. The Prioress's Tale has a Proem much better suited for a formal poem than for a Tale to be told, being much in the same strain as one of the author's other poems, known as Chaucer's A. B.C. Moreover, it is (by an pversight) still called a song; see B 1677. This poem is also in seven-line stanzas. The Monk's Tale is in a very peculiar metre, which appears nowhere else in Chaucer, except in the above-mentioned poem called the A. B.C. (perhaps written before A.D. 1369), and in some of Chaucer's latest but very short poems, such as the Envoy to Bukton, and the Ballad of the Visage 2 without Painting ; so that, considered with reference to metre, this Tale may be of any date. The main part of it shews no great originality, and seems to me rather early than late. Having premised these considerations, I wish now boldly to state that we have, in fact, one test of earliness or lateness on which we may rely, I believe, with some confidence. It is a test so obvious that it is a wonder to me that no one, as far as I know, has pointed it out before ; I mean the test of rhythm. The canon I propose is simply this. Nearly all of Chaucer's 1 In the Proem, the Nun calls herself an ' unworthy son of Eve.' 1 Oddly spelt Vilage in the MSS. ; but the poem is imitated from Boethius, and has special reference to the passage ' This ilke Fortune hath departyd and vncoueryd to the bothe the certeyn visages, and eke the dowloi visages of thy felawes'; Chaucer's Uoethius, td. Morris, p. 62. VARIATIONS OF RHYTHM. XIX tales that are in stanzas are early, and nearly all that are in the usual couplets are late. We have seen that this is known to be true in the case of the Second Nun's Tale, that it is highly probable in the case of the Clerk's Tale (of which more hereafter), and there is nothing against it in the case of the Monk's Tale, written in the same metre as a poem which is said to have been his very first, or nearly so, if there be any truth in the statement that it was written for the use of the Duchess Blanche, who died in 1369. At the same time, I suppose ' Palamon and Arcite ' to have been written in stanzas, so that the present metre of the Knight's Tale presents no difficulty. Of course it will be understood that there is, in these stanza- tales, some of Chaucer's latest work, but I shall presently shew that this late work is easily picked out. The above canon is due to no fancy, but to the simple fact, that Chaucer cannot be proved to have used his couplets till he was well advanced in composition. Indeed, it has always been remarked that no English poet before him ever dreamt of such a metre, and it has been a source of wonder, for hundreds of years, whence he derived it. To say that it was derived from the French ten-syllable verse is not a complete solution of the mystery ; for nearly all such verse is commonly either in stanzas, or else a great number of successive lines are rimed together. What we desire is to find a specimen of French ten-syllable verse in which only two successive lines are rimed together ; and these, I believe, are rather scarce. After some search I have, however, fortunately lighted upon a very interesting specimen, among the poems of Guillaume de Machault, a French writer whom Chaucer is known to have imitated 1 , and who died in 1 See Specimens from Chaucer's Book of the Duchess as compared with some from Machault's Remede de Fortune in Furnivall's Trial Forewords, p. 47, where he quotes from Etude sur G. Chaucer, by M. Sandras, p. 290. The obligations to the Remede de Fortune are Eomewhat doubtful (Trial Forewords, p. 115): but there are other instances which go to shew that Chaucer had read Machault ; see Pro- fessor Ten Brink's note (at the same reference) and the last note in Tyr- whitt's notes to the Canterbury Tales. b 2 XX INTRODUCTION. 1377. In the edition of Machault's poems edited by Tarbe, Reims and Paris, 1849, p. 89, there is a poem of exactly this character, of no great length, but fortunately dated; for its title is ' Complainte ecrite apres la bataille de Poitiers et avant le siege de Reims par les Anglais' (1356-1358). The first four lines run thus : 'A toy, Henry, dous amis, me complain, Pour ce que ne cueur ne mont ne plein * ; Car a piet suy, sans cheval et sans selle, Et si n'ay mais esmeraude, ne belle.' The last couplet (the second line of which has two examples of the fully-sounded final e) is as follows : 4 Et que jamais ne feray chant ne lay, Adieu te di : car toute joie lay." Now as Chaucer was taken prisoner in France in 1359, he had an excellent opportunity for making himself acquainted with this poem, and with others, possibly, in a similar metre which have not come down to us. It is also almost certain that the earliest attempt to use this metre in English was made by Chaucer, in his Legend of Good Women, commenced, according to Professor Ten Brink, in the year 1385 (Furnivall's Trial Forewords, p. in). Surely this date is one of considerable importance; for we at once derive from it the probability that all of the Canterbury Tales written in this metre were written after 1385, whilst those not in this metre were probably earlier. With this to guide us, I can now proceed to discuss separately such of the Canterbury Tales as are printed in the present volume. Man-ot'-Law Head-link. This is an important passage, as it gives the date (April 1 8) of one of the days of the pilgrimage, and a list of the Tales which Chaucer meant to include in his Legend of Good Women. These points are discussed in the 1 Observe particularly this rime of complain with plein. This shews whence Chaucer derived such rimes as seke, seke; Prol. 17, 18. There is a poem of 92 lines called Le Dit de la Harpe, printed in Bartsch's Crestomathie Franchise, p. 408, in which more than half the rimes are of this character. PRIORESS'S TALE. notes to 11. 3 and 61, which see. The metre, by the canon, shews late or new work, as the subject-matter proves. Prologue to the Man of Law's Tale. The metre would, by the canon, indicate early work, yet it is not wholly such. The truth is that the Man of Law's Tale is, in itself, of early workmanship, but was revised for insertion amongst the Tales, the Prologue being made up of old work and new. Lines 131- 133 may be taken to mean, in plain English, that ' I, the poet, should be in want of a Tale to insert here, and should have to write one, only fortunately I have one by me which will do very well.' The 'Merchant' who 'taught' Chaucer the Man of Law's Tale was his industrious younger self 1 . Shipman's Prologue, Tale, and End-link. All in the poet's latest and best manner. Prioress's Tale. The real Prologue to this Tale is con- tained in the Shipman End-link, B 1637-1642. What is now called the Prologue is, more strictly, a Proem; and the Tale itself is, more strictly, a Legend, or (as the author calls it) a 'song'; B 1677. The Legend is more original than the Life of Saint Cecile, and probably belongs to a later period. The Proem closely resembles that to the Life, and contains a similar invocation to the Virgin Mary: it seems to have been partly adapted from an old Proem, now represented by 11. 1657-1677, though 1. 1663 has been altered or re- written. The two first stanzas, 11. 1643-1656, belong to the new or revised work, as shewn by the introduction of the words 'quod she' (1644), and the line 'To tell a storie I wol doon my labour' (1653). At the end of 1. 1656 I have inserted a short stroke, by way of marking off the new work from the old. The Tale itself is taken from a source similar to that of the Legend of Alphonsus of Lincoln, a story reprinted by the Chaucer Society from the Fortalitium Fidei; Lugdun. 1500, 1 For farther notes, sec Specimens of English, Part II, ed. Morris and Skeat, p. 346, and my edition of the Man of Law's Tale. The French original by Nicholas Trivet has lately been published by the Chaucer Society. XXli INTR OD UC T10N. fol. ccviii. In another edition, printed in 1485, the Legend of Alphonsus is said to have been composed in 1459, and it is stated to be the work of a Minorite friar, whose name, accord- ing to Hain and others, was Alphonsus a Spina. The story is, that a widow residing in Lincoln has a son named Alphonsus, ten years of age, who goes daily to school, singing ' Alma Re- demptoris ' as he passes through the street where the Jews dwell. One day the Jews seize him, cut out his tongue, tear out his heart, and throw his body into a filthy pit. But the Virgin appears to him, gives him a precious stone in place of a tongue, and enables him to sing ' Alma Redemptoris ' for four days. His mother seeks and finds him, and he is borne to the cathedral, still singing. The bishop celebrates mass ; the boy reveals the secret, resigns the precious stone to the bishop, gives up the ghost, and is buried in a marble tomb. A similar legend is narrated concerning Hugh of Lincoln; see note to B 1874. In Originals and Analogues of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, pt. iii. (Chaucer Society, 1876) is the story of The Paris Beggar- boy murdered by a Jew, printed from the Vernon MS., leaf 123, back. It is well told, and has some remarkable points of agree- ment with the Prioresses Tale. It clearly identifies the hymn Alma Redemptoris Mater as agreeing with the second anthem men- tioned in the note to 1. 1708 of Group B, which is translated by ' Godus Moder, mylde and clene, Heuene sate and sterre of se, Saue J>i peple from synne and we [woe]' The same work contains a similar story, in French verse, of a boy killed by a Jew for singing Gaude Maria ; from MS. Harl. 4401. Tyrwhitt's account of the Prioress's Tale is as follows : ' The transition from the Tale of the Shipman to that of the Prioresse is happily managed. I have not been able to discover from what Legende of the Miracles of Our Lady the Prioress's Tale is taken. From the scene being laid in Asia, it should seem, that THE PRIORESS'S TALE. xxiii this was one of the oldest of the many stories which have been propagated, at different times, to excite or justify several merciless persecutions of the Jews, upon the charge of murthering Christian children. The story of Hugh of Lincoln, which is mentioned in the last stanza, is placed by Matthew Paris under the year 1255. In the first four months of the Acta Sanctorum by Bollandus, I find the following names of children canonized, as having been murthered by Jews : xxv Mart. Willielmus Norvi- censis, 1144; Ricbardus, Parisiis, 1179; xvii Apr. Rudolphus, Bernse, 1287; Wernerus, JVesalise, anno eodem; Albertus, Polo- nix, 1598. I suppose the remaining eight months would furnish at least as many more. See a Scottish Ballad (Percy's Reliques of Ancient Poetry, i. 32) upon one of these supposed murthers. The editor [Percy] has very ingeniously conjectured that " Merry- land " in verse r is a corruption of ' Milan.' Perhaps the real occasion of the Ballad may have been what is said to have hap- pened at Trent, in 1475, to a boy called Simon. The Cardinal Hadrian, about fifty years after, mentioning the Rocks of Trent, adds " quo ludaei ob Simonis cxdem ne aspirare quidem audent ; " Praef. ad librum de Serm. Lat. The change of the name in the Song, from Simon to Hugh, is natural enough in this country, where similar stories of Hugh of Norwich and Hugh of Lincoln had been long current.' The Ballad alluded to is called ' The Jew's Daughter ' by Percy, and is to the effect that a boy named Hugh was enticed to play and then stabbed by a Jew's daughter, who threw him into a draw-well. His mother, Lady Helen, finds him by hearing his voice. I may add that the story of Hugh of Lincoln, and a picture of the martyrdom of Simon at Trent, are given in an excellent chapter concerning the Jews in Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages, by P. Lacroix, pp. 434-455. A last word as to the metre. The question has been raised Whence did Chaucer derive his seven-line stanza ? M. Sandras (6tude sur G. Chaucer, pp. 76, 288) answers From Guillaume de Machault, and quotes a stanza to shew this. The answer is XXIV INTR OD UCTION. right, but the example ill-chosen, as it contains but two rimes instead of three. Unexceptionable examples will be found in Tarbe's edition of Machault, at pp. 56 and 131. 'This stanza was used, but with a restriction to two rhymes, by Jehan de Brienne, King of Jerusalem, more than a century before the birth of Boccaccio. In England it was afterwards called rhyme royal, from its use, not many years after the death of Chaucer, by the captive King of Scotland, James I, as the measure of " The King's Quair." ' Morley's English Writers, ii. 169. The Prioress End-link. This passage, like the other End- links and Prologues in rimed couplets, evidently belongs to the late period ; we recognise here some of the author's best work. Sir Thopas. Judging by the rhythm-test, this might be of early workmanship; but judging by the language, it is late. It is, apparently, the only one of all the Canterbury Tales which be- longs to the late period, although not written in rimed couplets. Tyrwhitt's estimate of it is judicious and correct. He says ' The Rime of Sir Thopas was clearly intended to ridicule the " palpable gross " fictions of the common Rimers of that age, and still more, perhaps, the meanness of their language and ver- sification. It is full of phrases taken from Isumbras, Li Beaus Desconus, and other Romances in the same style, which are still extant. . . . For the more complete reprobation of this species of Riming, even the Host, who is not to be suspected of too re- fined a taste, is made to cry out against it, and to cut short Sire Thopas in the midst of his adventures. Chaucer has nothing to say for his Rime, but that "it is the best he can" (B 2118), and readily consents to tell another Tale ; but having just laughed so freely at the bad poetry of his time, he might think it, perhaps, too invidious to exhibit a specimen of better in his own person, and therefore his other Tale is in prose, a mere translation from Le Livre de Melibee et de dame Prudence, of which several copies are still preserved in MS T . It is in truth, as he calls it, " a moral 1 The French version is also not original, but taken from the Liber Consolationis ct Consilii of Albertano of Brescia, who died about THE MONK'S TALE. XXV tale vertuous," and was probably much esteemed in its time; but in this age of levity, I doubt some readers will be apt to regret that he did not rather give us the remainder of Sire Thopas.' Sir Thopas is admittedly a burlesque, and several of the passages imitated are quoted in the Notes ; but I cannot quite resist the suspicion that Chaucer may himself, in his youth, have tried his hand at such romance-writing in all seriousness, but lived to have a good-humoured laugh even in some degree at his own expense; and he seems as if endeavouring to make his readers feel that they could wish there was somewhat more of it. Yet we cannot but allow that to Praise syr Topas for a noble tale, And scoine the story that the Knight told' is much the same as to say that Pan Passeth Appollo in musike manifold,' as Sir Thomas Wiat has remarked in his second satire. It may be added that the usual metrical laws are not quite strictly observed in this Tale. The Monk's Tale. Judging by the rhythm, this belongs to the early period. The subject-matter shews, however, that it was probably written at different times, part of it at an early period, and part at the period of revision. It can hardly be called, in strictness, a tale at all, but consists of a whole series of them, and has all the appearance of having been originally an independent work, which Chaucer had at one time begun, but, in his accustomed manner, had left a little less than half finished. It is formed on the model of Boccaccio's book de Casibus vlrorum illiistrium, the title of which is actually retained in the rubric printed at p. 32. The manner in which the poet contrives to assign this string of tragedies to the monk is highly ingenious. The Host expects to hear rather a merry and lively story from . the jovial and corpulent Monk, and rallies him upon his sleek A.D. 1270. This Latin treatise was edited by Thor Sundby for the Chaucer Society in 1873. XX VI* INTR OD UCTION. appearance; but the Monk, taking all in patience, volunteers either the Life of Saint Edward the Confessor or else a few of his 'hundred' tragedies; and then, fearful of interruption, pro- ceeds to define the word Tragedy, and to start off before any of the pilgrims have had time to offer any opinion upon the matter. He also offers an apology for not telling all his stories in strictly chronological order. This apology is the real key to the whole matter. We may well believe that, whilst the collection of tragedies was still an independent work, the arrangement was strictly chronological, or was intended to have been made such when the work was completed. Such was the usual formula; and accordingly the author begins, in the most approved fashion, with Lucifer, and then duly proceeds to Adam and all the rest. But as, in the course of composition, he would naturally first write such lives as most pleased him, and by no means succeeding in writing anything like a complete collection for out of the ' hundred ' that existed ' in his cell l ' he produced only seventeen in all it clearly became his simplest plan to give specimens only, and to abandon the chronological arrangement as no longer necessary. Yet it is worth remarking that the tragedies are more nearly in chronological order than may at first sight appear. If they be compared with such a book as Peter Comestor's Historia Scholastica, we shall see this the better. Peter Comestor takes the Bible as the foundation of his history, noticing secular history as he goes on. We thus find a mention of Hercules in the time of Jephthah, judge of Israel. Strictly, then, Hercules should precede Samson ; but as they come so near together, the scriptural character takes precedence. Again, the tragedies of Antiochus and Alexander both belong, in this way, to the first book of Maccabees, and therefore come next after the tragedy of Holofernes, which belongs to the book of Judith. Here, again, Alexander should, in strictness, precede Antiochus, but this consideration is overridden by the fitness of coupling 1 The Monk's cell is mentioned in the Prologue, 1. 172 ; Cbaucer's was his ' celle fantastyk '; Kn. Ta. 518. THE MONK'S TALE. XXvii Antiochus with Holofernes, and Alexander with Caesar. Allow- ing, then, that Samson may precede Hercules, and that Antiochus may precede Alexander, we may divide the whole series into six groups, as follows : (a) Lucifer, Adam, Samson, Hercules, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar ; (e) l Zenobia ; (/) 2 Pedro of Spain, Pedro of Cyprus, Barnabo, Ugolino; (d) Nero; (c) Holofernes, Antiochus, Alexander, Caesar; and (b~) Croesus. This grouping is far more suggestive than might be expected, for it throws some additional light upon the matter, if duly considered. In the first place, group (/) consists wholly of what have been called 'modern instances,' as referring to matters that happened in Chaucer's own time, instead of con- taining examples from ancient history; three of the four are remarkably short, and all four only make up eleven stanzas. One of them, the tragedy of Barnabo, contains the latest allu- sion in the whole of the Canterbury Tales, as it has reference to the year 1385, the very year mentioned above as the probable date of the Prologue to the Legend of Good Women. The difference in style between the tragedy of Ugolino and such a tragedy as that of Samson or Hercules, must strike the most careless reader ; and it is easy to see that this group (/) was an afterthought, being a piece added at the period of reyision. So much we can tell from internal evidence, but the fact is curiously corroborated by evidence that is external. For of course, if the poet added a few tragedies as an afterthought, he would naturally add them at the end ; and it is accordingly a fact that in several good MSS., including the Ellesmere, the Hengwrt, and the Cambridge MSS., this group is placed at the end, after the tragedy of Croesus. But Chaucer's apology for want of order left him free to insert them where he pleased ; and he was accordingly pleased to put them in the order in which they appear in the present edition, which follows the arrangement of the Harleian, Corpus, Petworth, and Lansdowne MSS. That 1 I put () not (6), in order to show the chronological order, which is that of the letters a, b, c, d, e,f. * The group (f) has nothing to do with () ; as will appear. XX vill INTRODUCTION. this removal of group (f) from the end to an earlier place is really bis own doing is proved by observing that the tragedy of Croesus must come last, (i) because it repeats, in the last stanza, the monk's previous definition of tragedy, a repetition of which the Knight does not approve, and takes occasion to say so; and (2) because the Host also quotes from this last stanza, and ridicules the expression about Fortune ' covering things with a cloud ' ; see B 3972. But we may, with patience, learn a few things more from the grouping of the tragedies. Putting aside group (/) as an addition at the time of revision, we may note that group (<) follows (a), for the simple reason that the story of Zenobia is in Boccaccio, whom Chaucer was imitating. We then have only groups (d), (c) t and (b) to consider, and we notice at once that Chaucer has purposely somewhat mixed up these ; for, if we merely transpose (d) and (<:), we bring the tragedy of Nero next that of Croesus, and immediately preceding it. That is the original order of things, since the stories of Nero and Croesus are both taken from the Romaunt of the Rose, where they appear together, and Nero preceded Croesus in Chaucer's work as a matter of course, because his story preceded that of Croesus in the original. We have thus the pleasure of seeing Chaucer actually at work ; he begins with Boccaccio and the Vulgate version of the Bible, drawing upon his recollections l of Boethius for the story of Hercules ; he next takes a leaf or two from the Romaunt of the Rose ; the story of Alexander, suggested (see B 3845) by the book of Maccabees, leads him on to write the tragedy of Caesar ; then he tires of his work, and breaks off. Returning to it for the purpose of filling up his great work, he adds a few 'modern instances,' mixes up the order of tales, writes an apology for their want of order, humorously assigns them to the Monk, from whom the Host had expected something widely different, and makes the Knight cut him short when the right moment comes. 1 I say ' recollections ' advisedly; see note to B 3293. THE MONK S TALE. XXIX The great collection of tragedies which Chaucer may have originally contemplated, in imitation of Boccaccio, was fully carried out by his successor Lydgate, one of whose best works is the ' Falls of Princes.' This poem, written in Chaucer's favourite seven-line stanza, was not, however, taken from Boccaccio directly, but through the version of a Frenchman named Laurent de Premierfait, an ecclesiastic of the diocese of Troyes ; see Morley's Eng. Writers, ii. 429. Lydgate's poem long continued in favour, and in its turn suggested the famous series of tragedies by Sackville, Baldwin, and others, known by the name of the Mirror for Magistrates; see Morley's First Sketch of Eng. Lit., pp. 335-337. The most interesting point in Lydgate's version is his recognition of Chaucer's Monk's Tale in the following stanza of his prologue : ' My mayster Chaucer * with his fressh commedies Is dede, alias, cheif poete of Bretayne, That sumtyme made full pitous tragidies; The ' fall of princes ' he dide also compleyne. As he that was of makynge souereyne ; Whom all this londe of right ought[e] preferre, Sith of cure langage he was the lode-sterre." There is a poem entitled the Fall of Princis in the Percy Folio MS., ed. Hales and Furnivall, iii. 168 ; but it is of no great merit. The original sources of the various tragedies are sufficiently indicated in the Notes. I have only one word more to say, which has regard to the metre. The poet first used the eight- line stanza, as I suppose, in his poem called A. B. C., though the original French from which that poem is translated is in short lines. Whence then did he derive it? The answer is from the French. A good example of it will be found in a ballad by Eustache Deschamps, written upon the Death of Guillaume de Machault in 1377 ; see TarbeVs edition of Deschamps, p. 30. 1 Printed ' Chauncer ' in the old edition which I here follow. XXX INTRODUCTION. The Prologue to the Nuns' Priest's Tale needs no com- ment ; like the tale itself, it is in Chaucer's best manner. The Clerk's Tale. Of this tale, the main part is a rather close translation from Petrarch's DC obedientia et Jide uxorid Mytbologia, as explained in the Notes ; and it must be added that Petrarch had it from Boccaccio. It is the very last tale the tenth tale of the tenth day in the Decamerone, written shortly after the year 1348. Whether Boccaccio invented it or not can hardly be determined ; for an expression of Petrarch's, to the effect that he had heard it ' many years ' (multos annos) before 1373, is not at all decisive on this point, as he may easily have beard it twenty years before then, even though he had never before read the Decamerone, as he himself asserts. There has been some unnecessary mystification about the matter. Tyrwhitt wonders why Chaucer should have owned an obligation to Petrarch rather than to Boccaccio ; but a very cursory examination shews the now undoubted fact, that Chaucer follows Petrarch almost word for word in many passages, though Petrarch by no means closely follows Boccaccio. In fact, 11. 41-55 settle the matter. The date of Petrarch's version, though a little uncertain, seems to have been 1373 ; and Chaucer himself tells us that he met Petrarch at Padua. We may therefore readily adopt Mr. Furnivall's suggestion, that ' during his Italian embassy in 1373, Chaucer may have met Petrarch.' Only let us suppose for a moment that Chaucer himself knew best, that he is not intentionally and unnecessarily inventing his statements, and all difficulty vanishes. We know that Chaucer was absent from England on the king's business, visiting Florence and Genoa, from December i, 1372, till some time before November 22, 1373. We know that Petrarch's letter to Boccaccio, really forming a preface to the tale of Griselda, and therefore written shortly after he had made his version of it, is dated in some copies June 8, 1373, though in other copies no date appears. And we know that Petrarch, on his own shewing, was so pleased with the story of Griselda that he learnt it by heart as well as he could, for the express purpose qf repeating it to friends, before the THE CLERK'S TALE. xxxi idea of turning it into Latin occurred to him. Whence we may conclude that Chaucer and Petrarch met at Padua early in 1373; that Petrarch told Chaucer the story by word of mouth, either in Italian or French 1 ; and that Chaucer shortly after obtained a copy of Petrarch's Latin version, which he kept constantly before him whilst making his own translation 2 . At this rate, the main part of the Clerk's Tale was probably written in 1373 or 1374, and required but little revision to make it suitable for one of the tales of the Canterbury series. The test of metre gives the same result, as it shews that it was one of his early works. The closeness of the translation also proves the same point. Chaucer, in his revised version, adds the Prologue, containing an allusion to Petrarch's death (which took place in 1374), and eulogizes the great Italian writer according to his desert. At the end of the translation, which terminates with 1. 1162, he adds two new stanzas, and the Envoy. The lateness of this (undramatic) addition is proved at once by the whole tone of it, and, in par- ticular, by the mention of the Wife of Bath in 1. 1170. The Envoy is a marvel of rhythm, since, though it consists of thirty- six lines, it contains but three rime-endings, viz. -entf, -aille, and -ynde. Besides this addition, there is yet one more, in the middle of the tale, viz. the two stanzas in 11. 995-1008, as pointed out in the Notes ; they are conspicuous for their excellence. The story of Griselda, as told by Boccaccio, together with Petrarch's Latin version of it, and the letter of Petrarch to Boccaccio concerning it, are all reprinted in the ' Originals and Analogues of some of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Part II, published for the Chaucer Society, and dated (in advance) 1875. Were any additional proof needed that Chaucer had Petrarch's version before him, it is supplied by the fact that numerous quotations from that ver- sion are actually written in the margins of the pages of the Elles- mere and Hengwrt MSS., each in its proper place. All the 1 See E 27, 40. 2 See E 1 147 ' this Petrark wryleth* And yet Wart on could imagine that Chaucer did not use a copy of Petrarch's version, hut only wrote from recollection of what he had heard 1 Besides, see 11. 42-55. XXX11 INTRODUCTION. passages that are made clearer by a comparison with the Latin text are duly considered in the Notes. Speaking of the story of Griselda, Warton remarks that it ' soon became so popular in France, that the comedians of Paris repre- sented a mystery in French verse, entitled Le mystere de Griselidis Marquh[f] de Saluces, in the year 1393. Before, or in the same year, the French prose version in Le Menagier de Paris was com- posed, and there is an entirely different version in the Imperial library. Lydgate, almost Chaucer's contemporary, in his poem entitled the Temple of Glass, among the celebrated lovers painted on the walls of the Temple, mentions Dido, Medea and Jason, Penelope, Alcestis, Patient Griselda, Belle Isoulde and Sir Tris- tram, Pyramus and Thisbe, Theseus, Lucretia, Canace, Palamon, and Emilia.' Elsewhere Warton remarks (Hist. Eng. Poetry, ed. Hazlitt, iv. 229, note 3) that 'the affecting story of Patient Grisild seems to have long kept up its celebrity. In the books of the Stationers, in 1565, Owen Rogers has a licence to print 'a Ballad entituled the Songe of Pacyent Gressell vnto hyr make ' [husband] ; Registr. A. fol. 132, b. Two ballads are entered in 1565, "to the tune of pacyente Gressell" ; ibid. fol. 135, a. In the same year T. Colwell has licence to print The History of meke and pacyent G resell ; ibid. fol. 139, a. Instances occur much lower.' See also Hazlitt's Handbook of Early English Literature. There is a ballad called 'Patient Grissell,' in Percy's Folio MS., ed. Hales and Furnivall, iii. 421 ; and there is one by Thomas Deloney in Professor Child's English and Scottish Ballads, vol. iv. Professor Child remarks that ' two plays upon the subject are known to have been written, one of which (by Dekker, Chettle, and Haughton) has been printed by the Shake- speare Society, while the other, an older production of the close of Henry VIII's reign, is lost.' In Italy the story is so common that it is still often acted in marionette theatres ; it is to be had, moreover, in common chap- books, and a series of cheap pictures representing various scenes in it may often be seen decorating cottage- walls. (Notes and Queries, 5 S. i. 105, 255). The same thing was done in England. THE SQUIRE'S TALE. xxxiii 'We in the country do not scorn Our walls with ballads to adorn Of patient Grissel and the Lord of Lorn.* Kitsou's Ancient Songs, i. xcviii. Mr. Hales tells me that several scenes of the tale are well ex- hibited in an excellent picture by Pinturicchio, in the National Gallery. For remarks upon the conduct of the tale and the character of the heroine, see Mr. Hales's criticisms in the Percy Folio MS., Hi. 421, and in Originals and Analogues of Chaucer, Part II, pp. 173- 176. There are also a few good remarks on it in Canterbury Tales from Chaucer, by J. Saunders, p. 308, where the author points out that, as the Marquis was Griselda's feudal lord, she could but say ' yes ' when asked to marry him, the asking being a mere form ; and that the spirit of chivalry appears in her devotion of herself to his every wish. The Squire's Tale. This tale is conspicuous as being the one which has most resisted all attempts to discover an immediate original for it, and because of its connection with the charac- teristics of Arabian fiction. Tyrwhitt remarks that he had ' never been able to discover its probable original, and yet would be very hardly brought to believe that the whole, or even any considerable part of it, was of Chaucer's invention.' It is worth remarking that there is just one other case in which Chaucer is connected with an Arabian writer. I have shewn, in my edition of Chaucer's treatise on the Astrolabe, that a large part of it is immediately derived from a Latin version of a treatise written by Messahala, an Arabian astronomer, by religion a Jew, who flourished towards the end of the eighth century. So also in the case of The Squire's Tale, we may suspect that it was through some Latin medium that Chaucer made acquaintance with Arabian fiction. But I am fortunate in having found a more direct clue to some part, at least, of the poem. I shall shew presently that one of his sources was the Travels of Marco Polo '. 1 Only a few hours after writing this sentence, I found that Mr. VOL II. C XXXIV INTRODUCTION. Warton, in his History of English Poetry, took much pains to gather together some information on the subject, and his remarks are therefore quoted here, nearly at length, for the reader's convenience. 'The Canterbury Tales,' says Warton, 'are unequal, and of various merit. Few perhaps, if any, of the stories are the inven- tion of Chaucer. I have already spoken at large of the Knight's Tale, one of our author's noblest compositions. That of the Canterbury Tales which deserves the next place, as written in the higher strain of poetry, and the poem by which Milton de- scribes and characterises Chaucer, is the Squire's Tale. The imagination of this story consists in Arabian fiction engrafted on Gothic chivalry. Nor is this Arabian fiction purely the sport of arbitrary fancy : it is in great measure founded on Arabian learning. Cambuscan, a King of Tartary, celebrates his birth- day festival in the hall of his palace at Sarra with the most royal magnificence. In the midst of the solemnity, the guests are alarmed by a miraculous and unexpected spectacle : the minstrels cease on a sudden, and all the assembly is hushed in silence, sur- prise, and suspense ; see 11. 77-88. ' These presents were sent by the King of Arabia and India to Cambuscan, in honour of his feast. The Horse of Brass, on the skilful movement and management of certain secret springs, transported his rider into the most distant region of the world in the space of twenty-four hours ; for, as the rider chose, he could fly in the air with the swiftness of an eagle : and again, as occasion required, he could stand motionless in opposition to the strongest force, vanish on a sudden at command, and return at his master's call. The Mirror of Glass was endued with the power of shewing any future disasters which might happen to Cambuscan's kingdom, and discovered the most hidden machinations of treason. The Naked Sword could Keightley, in his Tales and Popular Fictions, published in 1834, at f. 76, distinctly derives Chaucer's Tale from the travels of Marco Polo. let the sentence stand, however, as an example of undesigned coin- cidence. THE SQUIRE'S TALE. xxxv pierce armour deemed impenetrable, " were it as thikke as is a branched ook" (I. 159); and he who was wounded with it could never be healed, unless its possessor could be entreated to stroke the wound with its edge. The Ring was intended for Canace, Cambuscan's daughter, and while she bore it in her purse, or wore it on her thumb, enabled her to under- stand the language of every species of birds, and the virtues of every plant. ' I have mentioned in another place, the favourite philosophical studies of the Arabians. In this poem the nature of those studies is displayed, and their operations exemplified : and this considera- tion, added to the circumstances of Tartary being the scene of action, and Arabia the country from which these extraordinary presents are brought, induces me to believe this story to be iden- tical with one which was current at a very ancient date among the Arabians 1 . At least it is formed on their principles. Their sciences were tinctured with the warmth of their imaginations, and consisted in wonderful discoveries and mysterious inven- tions. ' This idea of a Horse of Brass took its rise from their chemical knowledge and experiments in metals. The treatise of Jeber, a famous Arab chemist of the middle ages, called Lapis Philoso- phorum, contains many curious and useful processes concerning the nature of metals, their fusion, purification, and malleability, which still maintain a place in modern systems of that science. The poets of romance, who deal in Arabian ideas, describe the Trojan horse as made of brass. These sages pretended the power of giving life or speech to some of their compositions in metal. Bishop Grosseteste's speaking brazen head, sometimes attributed to Roger Bacon, has its foundation in Arabian philo- sophy. In the romance of Valentine and Orson, a brazen head fabricated by a necromancer in a magnificent chamber of the 1 So in Mr. Hazlitt's edition ; Warton originally wrote ' to believe this story to be one of the many fables which the Arabians imported into Europe.' c 2 XXXVI INTRODUCTION. castle of Clerimond, declares to those two princes their royal parentage. We are told by William of Malmesbury that Pope Sylvester II, a profound mathematician who lived in the eleventh century, made a brazen head, which would speak when spoken to, and oracularly resolved many difficult questions. Albertus Magnus, who was also a profound adept in those sciences which were taught by the Arabian schools, is said to have framed a man of brass, which not only answered questions readily and truly, but was so loquacious, that Thomas Aquinas, while a pupil of Albertus Magnus, and afterwards an Angelic doctor, knocked it in pieces as the disturber of his abstruse speculations. This was about the year 1240. Much in the same manner, the notion of our knight's horse being moved by means of a concealed engine corresponds with their pretences of producing preternatural effects, and their love of surprising by geometrical powers. Exactly in this notion, Rocail, a giant in some of the Arabian romances, is said to have built a palace, together with his own sepulchre, of most magnificent architecture and with singular artifice : in both of these he placed a great number of gigantic statues or images, figured of different metals by talismanic skill, which in consequence of some occult machinery, performed actions of real life, and looked like living men. We must add that astronomy, which the Arabian philosophers studied with a singular enthusiasm, had no small share in the composition of this miraculous steed. For, says the poet, " He that it wroughte coude ful many a gin ; He way ted many a constellacion, Er he had don this operation." (11. 128 130.) 1 Thus the buckler of the Arabian giant Ben Gian, as famous among the Orientals as that of Achilles among the Greeks, was fabricated by the powers of astronomy, and Pope Sylvester's brazen head, just mentioned, was prepared under the. influence of certain constellations. ' Natural magic, improperly so called, was likewise a favourite pursuit of the Arabians, by which they imposed false appear- THE SQUIRE'S TALE. xxxvii ances on the spectator. . . . Chaucer, in the fiction before us, supposes that some of the guests in Cambuscan's hall believed the Trojan horse to be a temporary illusion, effected by the power of magic (1. 218). . . . ' Optics were likewise a branch of study which suited the natural genius of the Arabian philosophers, and which they pur- sued with incredible delight. This science was a part of the Aristotelic philosophy which, as I have before observed, they refined and filled with a thousand extravagances. Hence our strange knight's Mirror of Glass, prepared on the most pro- found principles of art, and endued with preternatural qualities (11. 225-234, 132-141). 'Alcen, or Alhazen, mentioned in 1. 232, an Arabic philo- sopher, wrote seven books of perspective, and flourished about the eleventh century. Vitellio, formed on the same school, was likewise an eminent mathematician of the middle ages, and wrote ten books on Perspective. The Roman Mirror here mentioned by Chaucer, as similar to this of the strange knight, is thus described by Gower: " Whan Rome stood in noble plight, Virgile, whicli was tho parfite, A mirrour made of his clergye [by his skill], And sette it in the townes ye [eye, sigh:] Of marbre on a piller withoute, That they, by thritty mile aboute, By day and eek also by nighte In that mirrour beholde mighte Her ennemies, if any were;" Conf- Amant. bk. v. ' The Oriental writers relate that Giamschid, one of their kings, the Solomon of the Persians and their Alexander the Great, possessed among his inestimable treasures cups, globes, and mirrors, of metal, glass, and crystal, by means of which he and his people knew all natural as well as supernatural things. The ' title of an Arabian book translated from the Persian is The Mirror which reflects the World. There is this passage in an ancient Turkish poet: "When I am purified by the light of XXXV111 INTRODUCTION. heaven, my soul will become the mirror of the world, in which I shall discern all abstruse secrets." Monsieur Herbelot is of opinion that the Orientals took these notions from the patriarch Joseph's cup of divination and Nestor's cup in Homer, on which all nature was symbolically represented. Our great countryman Roger Bacon, in his Opus Majus, a work entirely formed on the Aristotelic and Arabian philosophy, describes a variety of Specula, and explains their construction and uses. This is the most curious and extraordinary part of Bacon's book, which was written about the year 1270. Bacon's optic tube, with which he pretended to see future events, was famous in his age, and long afterwards, and chiefly contributed to give him the name of a magician. This art, with others of the experimental kind, the philosophers of those times were fond of adapting to the pur- poses of thaumaturgy ; and there is much occult and chimerical speculation in the discoveries which Bacon affects to have made from optical experiments. He asserts (and I am obliged to cite the passage in his own mysterious expressions) ' omnia sciri per Perspectivam, quoniam omnes actiones rerum fiunt secundum specierum et virtutum multiplicationem ab agentibus hujus mundi in materias patientes,' &c. * Spenser feigns that the magician Merlin made a glassy globe, and presented it to King Ryence, which showed the approach of enemies, and discovered treasons, (F. Q^iii. 2. 21). This fiction, which exactly corresponds with Chaucer's Mirror, Spenser borrowed from some romance, per- haps of King Arthur, fraught with Oriental fancy. From the same sources came a like fiction of Camoens in the Lusiad (canto x), where a globe is shown to Vasco de Gama, represent- ing the universal fabric or system of the world, in which he sees future kingdoms and future events. The Spanish historians report an American tradition, but more probably invented by themselves, and built on the Saracen fables in which they were so conversant. They pretended that some years before the 1 All things can be known by Perspective, because all operations of things take place according to the multiplication of forms and forces, by means of this world's agents, upon yielding materials.' THE SQUIRE'S TALE. xxxix Spaniards entered Mexico, the inhabitants caught a monstrous fowl of unusual magnitude and shape on the lake of Mexico. In the crown of the head of this wonderful bird there was a mirror or plate of glass, in which the Mexicans saw their future invaders the Spaniards, and all the disasters which afterwards happened to their kingdom. These superstitions remained, even in the doctrines of philosophers, long after the darker ages. Cornelius Agrippa, a learned physician of Cologne about the year 1520, and author of a famous book on the Vanity of the Sciences, mentions a species of mirror which exhibited the form of persons absent, at command. In one of these he is said to have shown to the poetical Earl of Surrey the image of his mistress, the beautiful Geraldine, sick and reposing on a couch. Nearly allied to this was the infatuation of seeing things in a beryl, which was very popular in the reign of James I, and is alluded to by Shake- speare (Meas. for Meas. ii. 2. 95.) ' . . . The Naked Sword, another of the gifts presented by the strange knight to Cambuscan, endued with medical virtues, and so hard as to pierce the most solid armour, is likewise an Arabian idea. It was suggested by their skill in medicine, by which they affected to communicate healing qualities to various sub- stances, and by their knowledge of tempering iron and hardening all kinds of metal. It is the classical spear of Peleus, perhaps originally fabricated in the same regions of fancy; see 11. 236- 246. ' The sword which Berni, in the Orlando Innamorato, gives to the hero Ruggiero, is tempered by much the same sort of magic : "II brando con tal arte fabbricato, Che taglia incanto, ed ogni fatagione l ; n Orl. Innamor. ii. 17, ft. 5. So also his continuator Ariosto : " Non vale incanto, ov'ella mette il taglio * ; " ' Orl. Fur. xli. 83. 1 ' That sword, wrought with such art, that it cuts through enchant- ment and every charm.' I correct the errors in these quotations. 2 Enchantment avails not, where it inflicts a cut. xl INTRODUCTION. And the notion that this weapon could resist all incantations is like the fiction above mentioned of the buckler of the Arabian giant Ben Gian, which baffled the force of charms and enchant- ments made by giants or demons. Spenser has a sword endued with the same efficacy, the metal of which the magician Merlin mixed with the juice of meadow- wort, that it might be proof against enchantment ; and afterwards, having forged the blade in the flames of Etna, he gave it hidden virtue by dipping it seven times in the bitter waters of Styx ; F. Q.,ii. 8. 20. From the same origin is also the golden lance of Berni, which Galafron King of Cathaia, father of the beautiful Angelica and the in- vincible champion Argalia, procured for his son by the help of a magician. This lance was of such irresistible power, that it unhorsed a knight the instant he was touched with its point ; OH. Innamor. i. i. 43. Britomart in Spenser is armed with the same enchanted spear, which was made by Bladud, an ancient British king skilled in magic ; F. Q^iii. 3. 60; iv. 6. 6 ; iii. i. 10. ' The Ring, a gift to the king's daughter Canace, which taught the language of birds, is also quite in the style of some others of the occult sciences of these inventive philosophers; and it is the fashion of the Oriental fabulists to give language to brutes in general. But to understand the language of birds was pecu- liarly one of the boasted sciences of the Arabians, who pretend that many of their countrymen have been skilled in the know- ledge of the language of birds ever since the time of King Solomon. Their writers relate that Balkis, the Queen of Sheba or Saba, had a bird called Hudbud, that is, a lapwing, which she dispatched to King Solomon on various occasions, and that this trusty bird was the messenger of their amours. We are told that Solomon having been secretly informed by this winged confidant that Balkis intended to honour him with a grand embassy, enclosed a spacious square with a wall of gold and silver bricks, in which he ranged his numerous troops and atten- dants in order to receive the ambassadors, who were astonished at the suddenness of these splendid and unexpected preparations. Herbelot tells a curious story of an Arab feeding his camels in a THE SQUIRE'S TALE. xli solitary wilderness, who was accosted for a draught of water by Alhejaj, a famous Arabian commander, who had been separated from his retinue in hunting. While they were talking together, a bird flew over their heads, making at the same time an unusual sort of noise, which the camel-feeder hearing, looked steadfastly on Alhejaj, and demanded who he was. Alhejaj, not choosing to return him a direct answer, desired to know the reason of that question. " Because," replied the camel-feeder, " this bird assures me that a company of people is coming this way, and that you are the chief of them." While he was speaking, Alhejaj's attendants arrived. ' This wonderful Ring also imparted to the wearer a knowledge of the qualities of plants, which formed an important part of the Arabian philosophy. ' Every reader of taste and imagination must regret that, instead of our author's tedious detail of the quaint effects of Canace's ring, in which a falcon relates her amours, and talks familiarly of Troilus, Paris, and Jason, the notable achievements we may suppose to have been performed by the assistance of the horse of brass are either lost, or that this part of the story, by far the most interesting, was never written. After the strange knight has explained to Cambuscan the management of this magical courser, he vanishes on a sudden, and we hear no more of him; 11. 302-343. ' By such inventions we are willing to be deceived. These are the triumphs of deception over truth: " Magnanima mensogna, hor quando e il vero Si bello, che si possa a te preporre ? * " ' This learned and curious discourse is well worth perusal ; but the reader will probably be led to remark, that Warton does not after all tell us whence Chaucer drew his materials, but only proves that he drew them from some Arabian source. * ' O splendid falsehood, when is truth so beautiful that one can prefer her to thee ? ' In Warton's book, the Italian quotations abound in mis- prints, not all of which are removed in Hazlitt's edition. I cannot construe ' al vcro,' as there printed. xlii INTRODUCTION. That source may be indicated a little more distinctly; for, as will be shewn more fully below, nearly all the magical particulars are to be found in the collection now known as the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. For the rest, we may trace most of the descriptions to the travels of Marco Polo, with which Chaucer must have been acquainted to some extent, either immediately or through some channel not easily now pointed out. This suggestion occurred to me on reading a note by Colonel Yule on the name of Cambuscan ; but in this I have been long anticipated by Mr. Keightley, as has been said above. The passage in Colonel Yule's edition of Marco Polo to which I refer, is as follows : ' Before parting with Chingis [or Gengis Khan] let me point out what has not to my knowledge been suggested before, that the name of " Cambuscan bold " in Chaucer's tale is only a cor- ruption of the name of Chinghiz. The name of the conqueror appears in Friar Ricold as Camiuscan, from which the transition to Cambuscan presents no difficulty. Camius was, I suppose, a clerical corruption out of Canjus or CianjusS Marco Polo, ed. Yule, i. 218. On applying to Professor Palmer for information as to the meaning of the name, he kindly pointed out to me that, in the Dictionnaire Turk-Oriental by M. Pavet de Courteille (Paris, 1870), p. 289, the word djengtiiz (as M. de Courteille spells it) is ex- plained to mean simply^rart. Thus Chingis Khan is no more than Great Khan ; and Cambuscan merely represents the same title of Great Khan, which appears so repeatedly in Marco Polo's travels. The succession of supreme or Great Khans was as follows: (i) Chinghiz ; (2) Okkadai ; (3) Kuyuk ; (4) Mangku ; (5) Kublai, &c. The first of these is always known by the simple title, though his real name was Temugin ; the second was his son ; and the third, fourth, and fifth were all his grandsons. The descriptions in Marco Polo refer to Kublai Khan, who died in 1294. Marco describes his person with some minuteness : ' The personal appearance of the Great Kaan, Lord of Lords, whose name is Cublay, is such as I shall now -tell you. He is MARCO POLO. xliii of a good stature, neither tall nor short, but of a middle height. He has a becoming amount of flesh, and is very shapely in all his limbs. His complexion is white and red, the eyes black and fine, the nose well formed and well set on:' ed. Yule, i. 318. A portrait of him, from a Chinese engraving, is given by Colonel Yule on the next page. Kublai was succeeded by his grandson Teimur, to the exclusion of his elder brothers Kambala (who squinted) and Tarmah (who was of a weak con- stitution). Here we might perhaps think to see the original of Chaucer's Camballo, but I suspect the real interpretation to be very different. It is far more probable that the name Camballo was caught, not from this obscure Kambala, but from the famous word Cambaluc, really the name (not of a person, but) of the celebrated capital which Kublai built and where he resided ; so that the name may easily have suggested itself from this connection *. For example, in the splendid Bodleian MS. No. 264, generally known as the 'Alexander MS.,' there is a copy of Marco Polo's Travels, with the colophon Explicit le L'rvre nomme du Grant Caan de la Graunt Cite de Cambaluc Dieux ayde ; Amen. In fact, Cambaluc is but the old name of the city which is still the capital of China, but better known as Pekin ; the etymology of the word being merely Kaan-baligh, i.e. the city of the Khan. All this may seem a little uncertain at first sight ; but if the reader can turn to the second book of Marco Polo, he will soon see clearly enough that Chaucer's Cambuscan (though the name itself is formed from Chingis Khan) is practically identical with Marco's Kublai Khan, and that it is to Marco's description of him and his court that Chaucer is ultimately indebted for some of his details. This will be best illustrated by examples of correspondences. ' Of a surety he [Kublai Khan] hath good right to such a title [that of Kaan or Emperor], for all men know for a cer- tain truth that he is the most potent man, as regards forces and lands and treasure, that existeth in the world, or ever 1 I find that Mr. Keightley has already suggested this. xliv INTRODUCTION. hath existed from the time of our first father Adam until this day; ' Marco Polo, ed. Yule, i. 295. Cf. Sq. Ta. 14. ' The empire fell to him because of his ability and valour and great worth, as was right and reason ; ' id. i. 296. Cf. Sq. Ta. 16. ' He had often been to the wars, and had shown himself a gallant soldier and an excellent captain ; ' id. i. 296. Cf. Sq. Ta. 23. In Book ii. ch. 4, is an account of his taking the field in per- son, and acting with astonishing vigour and rapidity, even at the age of seventy-three. In Book ii. ch. 5, it is related that the enemy whom he then subdued had Christians in his army, some of whom bore standards on which the Cross was displayed. After the battle, the Christians were bitterly taunted with this, and were told that their Cross had not helped them. But Kublai reproved the scoffers, saying that the Cross had done its part well in not assisting the rebels. ' The Cross of your God did well in that it gave him [the rebel chief] no help against the right.' Cf. Sq. Ta. 16-21. His rewards to his captains are described fully in chap. 7. He gave them silver plate, ornaments, 'fine jewels of gold and silver, and pearls and precious stones ; insomuch that the amount that fell to each of them was something astonishing.' Cf. Sq. Ta. 26. His palace, ' the greatest palace that ever was,' is described in chap. 10. It was situate 'in the capital city of Cathay, which is called Cambaluc? The hall of the palace ' could easily dine 6000 people.' The parks within its enclosure were full of fine trees and ' beasts of sundry kinds, such as white stags and fallow deer, gazelles, and roebucks,' &c. Cf. Sq. Ta. 60-62, 392. ' And when the great Kaan sits at table on any great court occasion, it is in this fashion. His table is elevated a good deal above the others, and he sits at the north end of the hall, looking towards the south, with his chief wife beside him on the left,' &c. ; i. 338. Near the table is a golden butt, at each MARCO POLO. Xlv corner of which is one of smaller size holding a firkin, ' and from the former the wine or beverage flavoured with fine and costly spices is drawn off into the latter;' i. 339. 'And when the Emperor is going to drink, all the musical instruments, of which he has vast store of every kind, begin to play ; ' i. 340. ' I will say nought about the dishes, as you may easily con- ceive that there is a great plenty of every possible kind. And when all have dined and the tables have been removed, then come in a great number of players and jugglers, adepts at all sorts of wonderful feats,' &c. ; i. 340. Cf. Sq. Ta. 59-68, 77-79, 266-271, 218, 219. ' You must know that the Tartars keep high festival yearly on their birthdays. . . . Now on his birthday, the Great Kaan dresses in the best of his robes, all wrought with beaten gold ;' i. 343. ' On his birthday also, all the Tartars in the world, and all the countries and governments that owe allegiance to the Kaan, offer him great presents according to their several ability, and according as prescription or orders have fixed the amount;' i. 344. Cf. Sq. Ta. 44-47, 110-114. The Kaan also holds a feast called the ' White Feast ' on New- year's day. 'On that day, I can assure you, among the cus- tomary presents there shall be offered to the Kaan from various quarters more than 100,000 white horses, beautiful animals, and richly caparisoned;' i. 346. When he goes on a hunting expedition, ' he takes with him full 10,000 falconers, and some 500 gerfalcons besides peregrines, sakers, and other hawks in great number; ' i. 358. He also has another ' grand park ' at Chandu ', ' where he keeps his gerfalcons in mew;' i. 365. At p. 260 he is described again as 'very fond of hawking.' At p. 2 37 the peregrine falcons are described par- ticularly. At p. 220 we are told that the Tartars 'eat all kinds of flesh, including that of horses and dogs, and Pharaoh's rats.' Cf. Sq. Ta. 424-429, 69-71. 1 Evidently Shangtu, Coleridge's Xanadu. See his well-known lines In Xanadu did Kubla Khan/ &c. xl VI INTR OD UCTION. In the great city of Kinsay 'there is an eminence on which stands a tower.' This was used as an alarm-tower in case of fire; see vol. ii. p. 148. This may serve to illustrate Chaucer's ' maister tour.' Still more curious is the account of the city of . Mien, with its two towers covered with plates of gold and silver, which 'form one of the finest sights in the world;' ii. 73. These towers were, however, part of a mausoleum. Cf. Sq. Ta. 176, 226. The following note about the Tartar invasion of Russia is also worthy of attention. ' Rosia [Russia] is a very great province, lying towards the north. . . . There are many strong defiles and passes in the country; and they pay tribute to nobody except to a certain Tartar king of the Ponent [i.e. West], whose name is Toctai ; to him indeed they pay tribute, but only a trifle.' Marco Polo, ed. Yule, ii. 417. On this passage Col. Yule has the note ' Russia was overrun with fire and sword as far as Tver and Torshok by Batu Khan (1237-38), some years before his invasion of Poland and Silesia. Tartar tax-gatherers were established in the Russian cities as far north as Rostov and Jaroslawl, and for many years Russian princes as far as Novgorod paid homage to the Mongol Khans in their court at Sarai 1 . Their subjection to the Khans was not such a trifle as Polo seems to imply ; and at least a dozen princes met their death at the hands of the Mongol executioner.' Some of the Mongolian Tartars, known as the ' Golden Horde,' conquered a part of S.E. Russia in 1223; in 1242 they estab- lished the Empire of the Khan of Kaptschak (S.E. Russia), and exercised great influence there. In 1380 was another Tartar war; and in 1383 Moscow was burnt. The Tartar power in Russia was crushed by the general of Ivan III in 1481. See Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, under Golden Horde and Russia. The whole subject of magic is so vast that it is not easy to deal with it within a reasonable space. I must therefore content 1 This is Chaucer's ' Sarra ' ; see note to F 9. THE MAGIC RING. xlvii myself with pointing out a few references, &c., that seem most worthy of being here noted. the Magic Horse appears in the tale of Cleomades and Clare- mond; see Keightley's Tales and Popular Fictions. Cervantes has put him to memorable use in his Don Quixote, where he describes him as ' that very wooden horse upon which the valiant Peter of Provence carried off the fair Magalona *. This horse is governed by a pin he has in his forehead, which serves for a bridle,' &c. ; see Jarvis's translation, vol. ii. chap, xl., ed. 1809. But the best story of the Enchanted Horse is in the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, where he is said to have been presented by an Indian to the king of Persia on the New Day, i.e. on the first day of the solar year, at the vernal equinox. This horse is governed by a peg in his neck, which was turned round when it was necessary for him to fly : see the Arabian Nights' Enter- tainment, published by Nimmo, 1865, p. 483 ; or the excellent edition by Lane, vol. ii. p. 463, which varies considerably from the more popular editions. Consult also the Story of the City of Brass, in Lane's Arabian Nights, iii. 128 ; and the Legend of the Arabian Astrologer, in the Tales of the Alhambra by Washington Irving. The tale of Cleomades is alluded to, says Mr. Keightley, in Caxton's edition of Reynart the Foxe, printed in 1481, in the 32nd chapter 2 . He also cites a note by Sir F. Madden that a copy of the poem of Cleomades was purchased by Sir Thomas Phillipps at Mr. Lang's sale in 1828 ; that an undated edition of the Histolre Plaisante ft Recreative du noble et excellent cbe-ualier Clamades et de la belle Clermonde was printed at Troyes ; and that Les Aventures de Clamades et Clarmonde appeared in Paris in 1733. Mr. Lane agrees with Mr. Keightley in considering the Tale of Cleomades identical with that of the Enchanted Horse in the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, and in supposing that it was 1 Mr. Keightley shews, in his Tales and Popular Fictions, p. 75, that .Cervantes has confused two stories, (i) that of a prince carrying off a princess on a wooden horse ; and (2) that of Peter of Provence run- ning away with the fair Magalona. a See Arber's reprint, p. 85. Reynard, &c. xlviil INTRODUCTION. originally a Persian story. Mr. Lane thinks it derived from the ' HezaY Afsdneh '; see his edition, ii. 491. It is not out of place to observe that the town of Seville is frequently mentioned in Cleomades, and we have seen that Cer- vantes had heard of the story. Perhaps, then, we may suppose that the story, originally Persian, found its way into Arabic, and thence into Spain ; it would then soon be written down in Latin, and thence be translated into French, and become generally known. This must have happened, too, at an early period ; for the French romance of Cleomades, extending to some 19,000 octosyllabic lines, was written by a poet named Adenes surnamed le Roi, a native of Brabant, between the years 1275 and 1283; see Keightley's Tales, p. 40. Ihe Magic Mirror is much the same as the magic ivory tube, furnished with glass, which enabled the user of it to see whatever object he might wish to behold. This fancy occurs in the tale of the Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Pari Banou, as told in Arabian Nights' Entertainments (Nimmo, 1865), p. 501. It is hardly worth while to pursue the subject further, as Warton's comments have already been cited. The Magic Ring is to be referred to the story of the seal-ring made partly of brass and partly of iron, by which Solomon ob- tained power over the evil Jinn ; see Lane's Arabian Nights, i. 31, and consult the article on Finger-rings in the British Quarterly Review, July, 1874, pp. 195, 204. The notion of its conferring upon the wearer the power of understanding the language of birds is connected with it, because this was one of the faculties which Solomon possessed ; for we read in the Koran, as trans- lated by Sale, that 'Solomon was David's heir; and he said, " O men, we have been taught the speech of birds " ' ; ch. xxvii. A clever Arabic epigram of the thirteenth century, ascribing to King Solomon a knowledge of the language of birds and beasts, is cited in Professor Palmer's History of the Jewish Nation, at p. 93. Even Hudibras understood the language of birds; Hudib. pt. i. c. i. 1. 547. With regard to the Falcon, Leigh Hunt has well observed, in THE TALE OF THE FALCON. his Essay on Wit and Humour, that this bird is evidently 'a human being, in a temporary state of metempsychosis, a cir- cumstance very common in tales of the East.' This is certainly true, as otherwise the circumstances of the story become poor and meaningless; it is something more than a mere fable like that of the Cock and Fox. If the story had been com- pleted, shewing how the Falcon ' gat her love again,' we should have seen how she was restored to her first shape, by means, as Chaucer hints, of the magic ring; see 11. 559, 652. A talking bird appears in the Story of the Sisters who envied their Younger Sister, the last in some editions of the Arabian Nights' Enter- tainments, but it is not transformed. On the other hand, in the story of Beder, Prince of Persia, in the same collection which, by the way, mentions a magic ring we find Prince Beder trans- formed into a white bird, and recovering his shape on being sprinkled with magic water ; but he does not speak while so metamorphosed. The story of a boy who understands the lan- guage of birds occurs in the Seven Sages, ed. Wright, p. 106 ; and Mr. Wright shews, in his Introduction, that such oriental tales are of great antiquity, and known in Europe in the thirteenth century. He refers the reader to an Essai sur les Fables Indiennes, ft sur leur Introduction en Europe, by M. Deslongchamps, published in 1838. The reader should not forget the hint at p. xvii above, that some expressions in the Squire's Tale are taken from the poem of Queen Annelida. With respect to the ending of the Squire's Tale, two attempts at least have been made to complete it. Spenser, in his Faerie Queene, accounts for the fighting for Canacee, but he omits all about Cambuscan and the Falcon. Another ending was written by John Lane 1 in 1630, and is contained in MS. Ashmole 6937, in the Bodleian Library. It is, according to Warton, a very weak performance ; see his Observations on the Faerie Queene, .p. 2 1 4 . 1 A friend of Milton's father; see Masson, Life of Milton, i. 42. VOL. H. d INTRODUCTION. GRAMMATICAL FORMS. For an account of the Grammatical Forms occurring in Chaucer's English, I may refer the reader to the Introduction to Dr. Morris's edition of the Prologue, &c. ; pp. xxxi-xlii (srd ed. 1872). The remarks there made of course apply equally well to the extracts printed in the present volume. A few of the most remarkable features of the grammar are, for convenience, cited here, with examples and references. (I may here state, by the way, that some account of the pronunciation of English in Chaucer's time will be found in the Introduction to my edition of The Man of Lawes Tale, in the Clarendon Press Series.) K"ouns. The nominative plural in -es is mostly used where the stem is monosyllabic. (By the stem is meant the form of the substantive when divested of inflection ; thus, taking the words man, dayes, nyghte, the stems are man, day-, nyght-, since in the two last words the suffixes -es and -e are inflectional. Also, the two dots over the e in -es signify that the suffix -es forms a dis- tinct syllable.) Ex. wyues, B 59 ; woundes, 62 ; fere's, 70 ; muses, 92. Here the monosyllabic stem gives rise to a dissyllabic form, the plural-ending -es constituting a separate syllable. When the stem has two or more syllables, the plural-ending is sometimes written -s (or -) and sometimes -es, but the ending does not increase the number of syllables. Ex. degrees, 812; lordinges, 16; metres, 48; loueres, 53; sermouns, 87; marchauntz, 122. The neuter plural hors is worth notice ; see B 1823. The gen. case singular commonly ends in -es, as godd'e's, B 1166, 1169, 1175; mann'e's, 1630; ivyu'e's, 1631. An example of a feminine genitive in -e is seen in sonne strem'e's, 3944. A still more curious example, of a masculine genitive in -e, is seen in mone fyght, 2070 ; this is explained by remembering that the A.S. mona, the moon, does not become mones in the genitive, but monan. These examples have a peculiar interest as ex- plaining the present forms of the names of the days of the GRAMMATICAL FORMS. II week. The A.S. names are Sunnan dxg. Monan dxg, Tiwes dseg, Wbdnes dxg, Ihunres dxg, Frige dxg, Sxter dseg 1 ; so that the modern English has the letter s only in those names where the -es formerly appeared, and in no others. Adjectives. The definite form of the adjective (the stem being monosyllabic) is well marked by the addition of the finale. Ex. whyte, B 1651; grete, 1672; news, 1817. We even have excellent e, F 145. The vocative is also similarly denoted. Ex. grete, 1797; O der'e, 1835 ; O yonge, 1874. So also the plural number. Ex. wyse, B 128; smalls', 1691; olde, 3164. But not when the stem is of more than one syllable, and the accent is thrown back ; see prudent, 123 ; lerned, 1168. An instance of an adjective of Romance origin forming the plural in -es is afforded by the word rotates, B 2038. The words innocent z, B 1798, gent Us, E 480, subgetz, E 482, and others, are used as substantives. Pronouns. We may note the joining of the pronoun to the verb, as in artow, B 1885 ; may stow, 3267 ; tuostow, 325. See these forms explained in the Glossary. Which tfoat = \vho, 205; which that= whom, B 3938; what that = whatsoever, E 165; the ivhiche - who, 269; whiche what sort of, E 2421 ; w/w/ = why, B 56, E 1221 ; that . . bis=* whose, 1694; what man jo = whatsoever man, F 157; what man that = whoever, F 160. See also the Glossary. Verbs. There are several examples of the contracted form of the present tense singular, 3rd person, from stems ending in d or /. Ex. stant for standeth, B 3116 ; sit for sitteth, 3358 ; writ for wryteth, 3516 ; hit for hideth, F 512 ; last for lasteth, E 266 ; sent for sendeth, E 1151 ; bit for biddeth, F 291. In the past tense of such verbs as are entitled to take the full ending in -ede, answering to the A.S. -ode, I cannot but suspect that the actual 1 The form Sateres datg also occurs, in the Blickling Homilies, p. 71. We also find Sceternes at a later period. da Hi INTRODUCTION. suffix used was considerably influenced by the form of the stem. In some cases this awkward ending (awkward for verse especially because consisting of two unaccented syllables) would most easily pass into the form -ed, and in others into the form -de in pronun- ciation, whilst at the same time the most careful scribes would often write the ending in full. In a word like louede, for example, the easier way is to turn it into lov'de, and such I consider to have been Chaucer's usage, as seems hinted by the following lines in the Knightes Tale (11. 338, 339, 340, 344) ' For in this world he lov'de no man so, And he lov'd' him as tendrely agayn ; So wel they lovd\ as olde booke's sayn . . . Duk Perotheiis lov'de wel Arcite.' So too we find '/ lov'ti' alwey ' in B 1847. In some cases we actually find -de written, as in ansiverde, B 1170, E 299, F 599, from A.S. andswarode ; and again preyd'e clearly stands for preyede, and rimes with deyde and leyde, E 548, although, in E 680, it takes rather the form preyed. Verbs of this character do not seem to be numerous, and the more usual method was to omit the final e instead of the medial one; as shewn in words like swowned, F 443, eyled, F 501, &c., which are sufficiently common. But it is somewhat remarkable that the poet seems to have had some aversion for the suppression of this e, if we may judge by the numerous cases in which he contrives to make (he following word begin with a vowel, which rendered the elision of the final -e more tolerable and regular. See, for example, peyntede, F 560, demede, 563, obeyede, 569, couered(e), 644. The full forms, unabridged and unelided, occur occasionally, e.g. seruede, E 640 ; and, in the plural, hatede, E 731 ; refuseden, 128. This is an interesting point, and deserving one day of being fully worked out. Particular attention should be paid to the forms of the past tenses of weak and strong verbs. The stem being monosyllabic, the past tense singular of a weak verb is of more than one syllable; but the past tense singular of a strong verb must necessarily remain monosyllabic. This is the more noteworthy, GRAMMATICAL FORMS. liii because the final -e in Chaucer is pronounced so frequently, and for so many reasons, that the student is apt to lose sight of those grammatical principles which are the best giiide to the spelling and metre. Amidst the crowd of inflections, clear cases of non-inflection become both instructive and valuable, and recal the reader to a sense of the underlying regularity that governs the harmonious whole. Note then the monosyllabic nature of words like sey, B i, took, 10, shoon, n, stood, 1163, bar, 1652, and a large number of others. Even in the second person, where a final -e appears in the Oldest English, I find but few in Chaucer; see, e.g. thou drank, B 3416; thou yaf, 3641, though these cases are not decisive, because a vowel follows in both instances. In E 1068 we find Thou bare, but here again the word him follows, and perhaps the form bar may be preferred. However, bigonne (Group G, 1. 442) is a clear instance of inflection. Another class of words essentially monosyllabic is seen in the 2nd person singular of the imperative mood, though there are a few exceptions. Ex. tel, B 1167, help, 1663, ryd, 3117, eet, 3640, tak, 3641. The word herkn'e, 113, is no real exception, because the stem is herkn-, not berk- ; it belongs to that interesting class of verbs which is best illustrated by the Moeso-Gothic verbs in -nan, all of which have a passive or neuter signification. The plural imperative in -th or -eth occurs frequently. Ex. gooth, bringeth, B 3384, beth, E i,prechetb, E 12. But as, in addressing persons, the words thou and ye are sometimes confused (though in general well distinguished, as pointed out in the Notes), it is not uncommon to find the final -th omitted. For example, in the Host's address to the Clerk at the beginning of the Clerk's Tale, he endeavours to use the respectful terms ye and your, but once raps out the familiar thy (1. 14) ; and accordingly, we find telle, not telleth, in 11. 9, 15, and keepe in 1. 17. Similarly, after draiueth in B 1632, we have in the next line passe and lat us. Cf. accepteth, E 127, with chese, 130. In the past participles of weak verbs, the final -ed is usually a distinct syllable, as in par- fourned, B 1646, 1648; but just as we saw above an occasional tendency to turn -ede of the past tense into -de, so here we find liv INTRODUCTION. the W turned into -d\ as in apayd, 1897, /#?/ a b a b b c I c. Spenser's stanza, in the Faerie Queene, is deduced from this by the addition of a ninth line of twelve syllables (commonly called an Alexandrine) riming with the eighth line; according to the formula ababbcbcc. The Rime of Sir Thopas is in imitation of a favourite ballad-metre of the period. The rime-formula is a a b c c b; but c often coincides with a, giving the formula a a b a a b, which is, indeed, the commoner form of the two. Some stanzas are lengthened out by adding a tag beginning with a very short line, which introduces an additional half-stanza. The free swing of these stanzas introduces a somewhat looser rhythm than in other poems. Chaucer takes much care to elide the final -e in many METRE AND VERSIFICATION. JV places, and in other places disregards it, so as considerably to reduce the number of faint additional syllables. On this account instances where the final -< is preserved are the more inter- esting, and a list of them is here added, neglecting those which occur at the ends of lines. I include also the instances where the final -es, -en, and -ed form distinct syllables. Final -es. The final -es is sounded in the genitive singular; as, goddes, 1913, bores, 2060, swerdes, 2066. In the plural; as lippes, 1916, herbes, 1950, 2103 ; briddes, 1956 ; sydes, 1967, 2026 ; stones, 2018 ; lordes, 2078 ; romances, 2038, 2087 ; popes, cardinales, 2039. Note also the proper names Flmtndres, 1909, Brugges, 1923. It marks an adverbial ending in nedes, 2031. Final -ed. The final -ed occurs in the past tense of a weak verb, viz. dremed, 1977. Final -en. The final -en marks the infinitive mood in abyen, 2oi2,percen, 2oi^,slepen, 2 100; liggen, 2101; tellen, 2036, is a gerund. In one case it marks the plural of a substantive ; viz. in hosen, 1923. Final -e. In the following substantives (of A. S. origin), it represents the vowels a or e ; ttede (A. S. steda), 1941, 1972, 2074 ; sonne (A. S. sunne, Moeso-Goth. sunna or sunno), 2069 ; spere (A. S. spere, Old Friesic spiri, spere, sper), 2071 ; also name (A. S. nama) 1998 ; but in L 1907 it is monosyllabic, or nearly so. The word lake answers to the Dutch laken, cloth, 2048. The genitive mone for A. S. monan in 1. 2070 has already been com- mented on ; p. 1, last line but one. The final -e in a word of French origin appears in robe, 1924, answering to the Proven gal and Low Latin rauba. In the following adjectives we note the definite form used in his faire, 1965 ; the softe, 1969 ; the siueete, 2041 ; bis nuhyte, 2047 ; bis goode, 2093; his bryghte, 2102. The plural forms are nuilde, 1926, bothe, 1946, 2030, 2082. In 1. 1974 the word benedicite becomes ben'dic'te, as in many other passages, shewing that the final -e in O seinte marks the vocative case ; unless indeed we pronounce the word se'int as two syllables, as Mr. Ellis pro- nounces it in 1. 120 of the Prologue. The latter treatment is hardly required here. Ivi INTRODUCTION. In verbs we have -e in the infinitive mood, as in telle, 1903, 1939 ; tneete, 2008 ; and in the gerundial infinitive to bynde, 1976. Also in the past tense singular of weak verbs; as coste, 1925, coude, 1926, sivatte, 1966, dorste, 1995, seyde, 2000, 2035, dide (in the sense of put on), 2047, nolde, 2100. Also, in the subjunctive mood, as bityde, 2064. And lastly, we even find it in the first person singular of the present tense in the word hope, 2010 : in which case we may observe that the A. S. verb is hopian, not hopan, and the A. S. first person singular present is hopige, not hope ; which accounts more easily for the result. An e appears in the middle of the following words, and con- stitutes a syllable ; launcegay, 1942, 2011 ; notemuge, 1953 ; arf>, i. 924 ; the imperative plural in -etb, as in ennolnteth, i. 191 ; the coalescence of the definitive article with the substantive, as thende for the ende, iii. 1106, and of the word to with a gerund, as to e sc hew = te scheiv, i. 776; and many other things worthy of note, as being common in the poems of Chaucer. Feminine rimes occur frequently, as shewn by such rimes as redes, drede is, i. 743 ; season, reason, i. 258 ; mewes, necessarie, eschew is, ad 234, 28 3> 284, 285, 286; and with final -ed, 181, 182, 201, 202. 2. Lines with only one syllable in the first foot. At least three ; viz. 346, 390, 549. Probably, 251. e 2 INTRODUCTION. 3. I insert here a note of rimes formed by repeating a syllable; diademe, deme, 43 ; affecc'ions, protections, 55 ; deuyse, seruyse, 65, 279; selves, heronsewes, 67; recours, cours, 75; deliriously, sodeynly, 79; style, style (words thus repeated must be used in different senses), 105; constellation, cper acton, 129; see, Canacee, 143; fore, adv., here, verb, 145 ; been, verb, been, sb. pi. 203 ; comunly, subtilly, 221 ; fern, s\).,fern, adv. 255 ; parementz, instrumentz, 269. And perhaps, 49, 50; 229, 230. 4. Two words run into one. Tharray (the array), 63 ; the air = tbair, 122; the effect = thejfect, 322. Also nas = ne was, 14 ; nis = ne is, 72, 255 ; nin ne in, 35 ; noot - ne /> is in the definite form se ficca; by confusion, Chaucer uses thikke even when indefinite; see 'a thikke knarre,' Prol. 549; in the Sq. Ta. we have: thikk', 159. Note also liche, 62. The word blithe = h.. i>lf6e; Chaucer has blyth#r and/or compounded), 177. There is an example of a preposition in -e, viz. bitwixe, 333. We may note also ad- verbs in -ely, where e is a syllable ; viz. richely, 90, solempnely, 179, diversely, 202. The whole matter is much simplified by remembering that every case of the final -e can be characterised as either (i) essen- tial, (2) superfluous, or (3) grammatical. To the two first of these classes the guide is etymology, to the last the guide is a know- ledge of Anglo-Saxon grammar. For example, the final -e is essential where it represents an A.S. or Latin termination, as in stede from A.S. steda, or diademe from Lat. diadema. It is super- fluous or licentious, if used in a word like quene, B 3538, from A.S. civen, or in a word like bitwixe, F 333, where the A.S. form is betiuux or betweox ; all such cases being rare. It is grammatical, if due to the usage of A.S. grammar. When grammatical, it must be either oblique (see classes 3, 4). adjectival (classes 5, 6, 7, 8), verbal (classes 9-14), or adverbial (class 15). TEXT OF THIS VOLUME. Ixxv The text of the present selection of the Canterbury Tales is founded upon that of the Ellesmere MS. as printed in Mr. Fur- nivall's Six-text Edition for the Chaucer Society. As the scribe of this MS. almost invariably writes tb instead of j>, and y instead of 3, I have been able to dispense with the use of those charac- ters without much varying from his practice. The text has been collated throughout with six other MSS., five of which are in the Six-text edition, and the sixth is the Harleian MS. 7334. The Ellesmere MS. (belonging to the Earl of Ellesmere) is denoted in the footnotes by E. ; the others are the Hengwrt (belonging to Mr. Wm. W. E. Wynne of Peniarth), the Cambridge (marked Gg. 4. 27 in the Cambridge University Library), the Corpus (in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Oxford), the Petworth (belonging to Lord Leconfield), and the Lansdowne (known as MS. Lansdowne 851, in the British Museum). These are denoted by the abbreviations Hn., Cm., Cp., Pt., and Ln. The Harleian MS. (in the Harleian collection in the British Museum) is denoted by HI. The text may be best understood by remem- bering that it invariably follows that of the Ellesmere MS., except where notice is expressly given to the contrary by means of a footnote at the bottom of the page, which explains what other MS. has, in such a case, been preferred. Thus, at p. i, 1. 4, occurs the first variation ; where the reading jstert, of E. Hn. (i.e. of the Ellesmere and Hengwrt MSS.) has been rejected in favour of expert, the reading of Cp. Pt. and Ln. ; the Cam- bridge MS. having a lacuna here. Thus the reader can judge for himself in every case whether the alteration made recom- mends itself to him or not. The numbering of the lines follows that of the Six-text Edition throughout, the Groups being de- noted by the letters B, E, and F. Between each section will be found a short statement of whatever part has been omitted ; see pp. 6, 7, 28, 58, 101, 127. Collation of the text with the other MSS. has enabled me also to improve the orthography in some instances ; it was found impracticable to give an account of this, and such alterations are, for the most part, slight. The reasons for them are sufficiently 1XXV1 INTRODUCTION. obvious to any one who possesses the Six-text Edition, and will, besides consulting the other MSS., take the further trouble of comparing one part of the Ellesmere MS. with another. Speak- ing generally, the orthography represents, on the whole, that of the scribe of the Ellesmere MS., whose system was a very good one, and tolerably uniform. It may be observed that.y is con- stantly used to represent the A.S. /, or is, in other words, the long vowel corresponding to that represented by /'. The scribe also affects the use of oo to denote a long o-sound, as in looth, B 91. In a few cases where a final e seems to have been added by accident, it has been suppressed, where there was sufficient authority for doing so. Also, in the following words, though generally written, it has been omitted in order to prevent con- fusion, viz. in euere, neuere, here, hire, hise, which are printed ever, never, her, hir, bis. The reason why euere, neuere, are commcfh in MSS. is that they represent the A.S. of re, ncefre, but in Chaucer they are frequently equivalent in time to a mere monosyllable, like our modern e'er, ne'er. Here (A.S. hira,of them) is generally monosyllabic, and the same is true of hire ( = A.S. hire, Mod. E. her), though a remarkable exception occurs in the Man of Law's Tale, B 460; see p. 12 of my edition, or Specimens of English, ed. Morris and Skeat, p. 260. It may be added that here and hire are constantly confused in MSS. ; I mostly keep the form her for of them, and hir for Mod. E. her. Hise is written in the Ellesmere MS. in the sense of his, before plural nouns ; but there seems no reason for supposing this -e to have been sounded by Chaucer, though it appears to have been so in the earlier poem of Havelok. Thise has been retained as the plural of this, for mere distinction ; but it is always a monosyllable. In further illustration of the method adopted, I here note every variation from the Ellesmere text in the first stanza of the Monk's Tale, p. 32. L. 3181. E. Hn. biwaille; text, biwayle, suggested by Cm. Cp. bewayle, Pt. HI. bywaile, Ln. beweile. E. Hn. Cm. Pt. manere; text, maner, as in Cp. Ln. HI.; the accent being on the a. USEFUL BOOKS. Ixxvii L. 3182. E. Hn. stoode ; text, stode, suggested by observing that the scribes seldom write oo except in the singular member. L. 3184. E. Hn. Cm. brynge ; text, bringe, as in the rest, because y generally denotes the long vowel /. E. Hn. hir ; Cm. Cp. here; text, her, as in Pt. Ln. HI. L. 3185. E. ]>at ; text, that. E. Fortune ; text, fortune. L. 3186. E. hire; text, hir, as in Pt. HI. L. 3188. E. Pt. of; text, by, as in all the rest. This, being a real variation of text, is duly accounted for in a footnote. It will thus be seen that the variations of the text from the Ellesmere MS. are but very slight, that they can be justified by collation, and that pains have been taken to make a good useful text, on the principle of disturbing that of the Ellesmere MS. as little as possible. The text of the Man of Law's Tale in the Specimens of English was formed in precisely the same way ; and similar remarks apply to my other volume of Chaucer Selections. The books most useful for explaining Chaucer are much the same as those which help to explain ' Piers the Plowman ' ; see ihe list of them given in the preface to Piers the Plowman (Clarendon Press), 3rd ed. p. xlvi. Such as are cited in the Notes are there sufficiently indicated. An excellent article on Chaucer, in Lowell's My Study Windows, a delightful book, should by all means be consulted. The spelling of the words cited in the Clossarial Index has been carefully verified by refer- ence to the usual Dictionaries ; for foreign languages, small pocket- dictionaries have been used, that the student may easily, if he pleases, look out such words for himself, which he is strongly recommended to do. The etymologies are merely suggested, in the very briefest manner ; in French words, for example, the Latin root is often given without any account of the mode of derivation. The Anglo-Saxon and Icelandic words cited should be looked out, and their various meanings ascertained ; and some idea of the grammatical rules of those languages should be attained to. The mere ' cramming up ' of such root-words (to be repro- duced, as is sometimes done, with some slight change in the Ixxviii INTRODUCTION. spelling which at once reveals a most discreditable ignorance), is worse than useless. The books actually used were the following. Pocket-dictionaries of German (Fliigel's edited by Feiling), of Dutch (the Tauchnitz edition), of Danish (by Ferrall and Repp), of Welsh (by Spurrell), and of Italian and Spanish (both by Meadows) ; Wedgwood's English Etymology ; Bosworth's Anglo- Saxon Dictionary ; Skeat's Mceso-Gothic Glossary ; Stratmann's Old English Dictionary ; Cleasby and Vigfusson's Icelandic Dictionary ; Wackernagel's Altdeutsches Handwb'rterbuch. For French words, Brachet's Etymological French Dictionary (Clarendon Press) is very useful ; and the Dictionary by Randle Gotgrave (ed. 1660) is often quoted. The Old French words are taken from Burguy, except when Roquefort is expressly cited. The Low-Latin words are from the Lexicon Manuale ad Scrip- tores Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis, compiled from Ducange's great work by Maigne d'Arnis, and published at Paris by Migne in 1866; price, 12 francs. Prompt. Parv. is an abbreviation for Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. Way (Camden Society). With respect to the subject of Chaucer's metre, a brief expla- nation is necessary. In an essay by myself, printed at pp. 172-196. of vol. i. of the Aldine edition of Chaucer (Bell and Daldy, 1866), the results there given were due to an independent investigation, before I had met with the work by Professor Child. Nearly all of them agree with his, though they were obtained with less care, and are deficient in some of the details. But with respect to many minuter points, I have no doubt I must have since learnt much from him ; and it ought never to be forgotten that the only full and almost complete solution of the question as to the right scansion of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is due to what Mr. Ellis l rightly terms ' the wonderful industry, acuteness, and accuracy ' of Pro- fessor F. J. Child, of Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. U.S. I wish also to express my obligations to Tyrwhitt's Chaucer, with 1 The account of Chaucer's metre by Mr. Ellis (Early English Pro- nunciation, pp. 318-342) is much fuller than that in my slight essay, and contains the results of independent work. In the main, the results obtained thus independently agree very well together. LIST OF CHAUCER'S WORKS. Ixxix its learned and scholarly notes; to Mr. A. J. Ellis's great work on Early English Pronunciation ; to Mr. Furnivall's Six-text Edition of the Canterbury Tales, and his numerous useful contri- butions to our knowledge concerning both the poet and his works ; to Mr. H. Bradshaw, Cambridge University Librarian, for much help of various kinds ; to Mr. Hales, for a few hints for the second edition ; and especially to the Rev. Dr. Morris, who kindly assisted me in revising the proof-sheets of the first edition. LIST OF CHAUCER'S WORKS. The following list, in which the Works are arranged (approxi- mately) in chronological order, is mainly taken from Mr. Fur- nivall's ' Trial Fore-words to my Parallel-text edition of Chaucer's Minor Poems,' Chaucer Society, 1871. I append some observa- tions upon it. Chaucer's A. B.C., or, La Priere de Nostre Dame. Compleynte to Pite. Romaunt of the Rose. [Lines 1-1705 ; rest spurious.} 1369. Deth of Blaunche. [The Booke of the Duchesse.] (Lyf of Sainte Cecile ; afterwards inserted in the Tales.) Parlement of Foules. [The Assembly of Foules.] The Complaint of Mars. [The Complaint of Mars and Venus.] But the Venus is a separate poem ; set below, (e) *A Compleint to his Lady. Anelida and Arcite. (a) *Translation of Boethius ' De Consolatione Philosophise.' (b) *The Former Age ; or, jEtas Prima. Troilus and Criseyde. 1XXX INTRODUCTION. Chaucer's Words to his Scrivener Adam *. ab. 1 384 ? The House of Fame. The Legend of Good Women, ab. 1386. The Canterbury Tales. Good Counseil ; or, Truth ; or, ' Fie from the pres.' (f) *A Balade to Rosemounde. (c) * Three Roundels (forming one poem). Two Proverbes. [Eight lines ; with 16 spurious and un- connected lines sometimes appended.] i39i(ou so wounded; Ln. with nede )>ou art so wounded ; HI. with neede so art thou wounded ; but E. so soorc artow ywoundid. GROUP B. MAN OF LAW'S PROLOGUE. 5 Thy neighebor thou wytest sinfully, And seist thou hast to lite 1 , and he hath al. ' Parfay,' seistow, ' somtyme he rekne shal, 1 10 Whan that his [cors] shal brennen in the glede, For he noght helpeth needfulle in her nede/ Herkne what is the sentence of the wyse : ' Bet is to dyen than haue indigence ; ' Thy selue neighebor wol thee despyse; n-, If thou be poure, farwel thy reuerence ! Yet of the wyse man tak this sentence : 1 Alle the 2 dayes of poure men ben wikke ; ' Be war therfor, er thou come in s that prikkc ! If thou be poure, thy brother hateth thee, 120 And alle thy frendes fleen fro thee, alas ! O riche marchauntz, ful of wele ben ye, noble, o prudent folk, as in this cas ! Your bagges ben nat failed with amles as, But with sis cink, that renneth for your chaunce; 125 At Cristemasse merie may ye dauncel Ye seken lond and see for your winninges, As wyse folk ye knowen al thestaat Of regnes ; ye ben fadres of tydinges And tales, both of pees and of debat. 130 1 were ryght now of tales desolat, Nere that a marchaunt, goon is many a yere, Me taughte a tale, which that ye shal here. 1 E. Hn. lite ; the rest litel. 2 E. Cm. omit the ; the rest have it. 1 E. Hu. HI. to ; Cm. Cp. Pt. Ln. in. 6 GROUP B. MAN OF LAW END-LINK. [Here follow s the Man of Lawes Tale, 11. 134-1162. See pp. *-37 of The Man of Law's Tale, and other extracts from Chaucer, ed. Skeat (Clarendon Press Series).] Here endith the man of lawe his tale. And next folwith the Shipman his prolog 1 . Our hoste vpon his stiropes stood anon, 1163 And seyde, ' good men, herkeneth euerich on ; This was a thrifty tale for the nones ! 1 1 65 Sir parish prest/ quod he, 'for goddes bones, Tel vs a tale, as was thy forward yore. I se wel that ye lerned men in lore Can moche good, by goddes dignitee !' The persone him answerde, ' benedicite ! 1 1 70 What eyleth the man so sinfully to swere?' Our hoste answerde, ' O lankyn, be ye there ? I smelle a loller in the wynd/ quod he. 'Hoo! good men,' quod our hoste, ' herkneth me, Abydeth, for goddes digne passioun, 1175 For we shal han a predicacioun ; This loller heer wil prechen vs som-what.' ' Nay, by my fader soule ! that shal he nat/ Seyde the Shipman 2 , 'heer shal he nat preche, He shal no gospel glosen heer ne teche. 1180 We leue 3 alle in the grete god/ quod 1 he, 'He wolde sowen som difficulte"e, ,U^fa* . 1 Tltis rubric is from MS. Arch. Seld. B. 14. In some MSS. it s called The prolog of the squyers tale. The text of the prologue itself is founded on the Corpus MS. E. Hn. Cm. omit this Prologue ; see note. 2 MS. Arch. Seld. has Shipman ; Cp. Ft. Ln. |>e squier. s MS. Arch. Seld. We leuen ; Cp. Pt. Ln. He leue. 4 MS. Arch. Seld, inserts quod, which Cp. Ft. Ln. omit. GROUP B. SHIPMAN END-LINK. Or springen cokkel^ in our clene corn, And therfor, hoste, I warne thee biforn, My loly body shal a tale telle, 1185 And I shal clinken yow so mery a belle, That I shal waken al this companye, But it shal not ben of philosophye, Ne of ghisyk l , ne termes queinte of lawe ; Ther is but litel latin in my mawe. 1190 Here endeth the Shipman his prolog. And next folwyng he bigynneth his tale, &c. 2 \Herefolloivs The Shipman's Tale, 11. 1191-1624. After which ] Bihoold the murie wordes of the Hoost to the Shipman and to the lady Prioresse 3 . 'Wei seyd, by corpus dominus,' quod our hoste, 1625 ' Now longe mot thou sayle by the cos^te,. Sir gentil maister, gentil marineer* ^ God yeue this monk a thousand last quad yeer ! A ha ! felawes ! beth war of swich a lape, The monk putte in the mannes hode an ape, 1630 And in his wyues eek, by seint Austin ; Draweth no monkes more in-to your in. But now passe ouer, and lat vs seke aboute, Who shal now telle first of al this route Another tale?' and with that word he sayde, 1635 As curteisly as it had been a mayde, 1 Tyrwhitt reads of phisike ; the MSS. have the unmeaning word phislyas ; Sloane MS. phillyas. 3 Rubric from MS. Arch. Seld. 8 From E. ; here again made the basis of the text. GROUP B. SHIPMAN END-LINK. 'My lady Prioresse, by your leue, So that I wiste I shulde you nat greue, I wolde demen that ye tellen sholde A tale next, if so were that ye wolde. 1640 Now wol ye vouche sauf, my lady dere?' ' Gladly,' quod she, and seyde as ye shal here. Explicit. GROUP B. THE PRIORESSES TALE. The prologe of the Prioresses tale. Domt'ne, dominus nosier. O lord our lord, thy name how merueillous Is in this large worlde ysprad quod she : For noght oonly thy laude precious 1645 Parfourned is by men of dignitee, But by the mouth of children thy bountee Parfourned is, for on the brest souking Som tyme shewen they thyn herying. Wherfor in laude, as I best can or may, 1650 Of thee, and of the whyte 1 lily flour Which that thee bar, and is a mayde ahvay, To telle a storie 1 wol doon my labour; Not that I may encresen hir honour; For she hir-self is honour, and the rote 1655 Of bountee, next hir sone, and soules bole. SoJttTJ O mooder mayde I o mayde mooder free ! O bush vnbrent, brenning in Moyses syghte, That rauysedest doun fro the deitee, Thurgh thyn humblesse, the goost that in thalyghte, 1660 Of whos vertu, whan he thyn herte lyghte, I '^ Conceyued was the fadres sapience, ~~ Help me to telle it in thy reuerence i 1 E. omits whyte, found in the rest. 10 GROUP B. THE PRIORESSES TALE. Lady! thy bountee, thy magnificence, Thy vertu, and thy grete humilitee 1665 Ther may no tonge expresse in no science; For som tyme, lady, er men praye to thee, Thou goost biforn of thy benignitee, And getest vs the 1 lyght, thurgh 2 thy preyere, To gyden vs vn-to thy sone so dere. 1670 My conning is so wayk, o blisful quene, For to declare thy grete worthynesse, That I ne may the weighte nat sustene, But as a child of twelf monthe old, or lesse, That can vnnethes any word expresse, 1675 Ryght so fare I, and therfor I yow preye, Gydeth my song that I shal of yow seye. Explicit. Heere bigynneth the Prioresses tale. Ther was in Asie, in a gret citee, Amonges cristen folk a lewerye, Sustened by a lord of that contree 1680 For foule vsure and lucre of vilanye, Hateful to Crist and to his companye; And thurgh the strete men myght ryde or wende, For it was free, and open at eyther ende. A litel scole of Cristen folk ther stood 1685 Doun at the ferther ende, in which ther were Children an heep, yeomen of Cristen blood, That lerned in that scole yeer by yere Swich maner doctrine as men vsed there, 1 Hn. Cm. Ln. HI. the ; E. thurgh ; Cp. Pt. to. 3 E. Hn. of; but the rest thurgh. GROUP B. THE PRIORESSES TALE. 1 J This is to seyn, to singen and to rede, 1690 As smale children doon in hir childhede. Among thise children was a widwes son< A litel clergeon, seuen yeer of age, That day by day to scole was his wone, And eek also, wher as he sey thimage Of Cristes mooder, hadde he in vsage, As him was taught, to knele adoun and seye His Aue Marie as he goth by the weye. Thus hath this widwe hir litel sone ytaught Our blisful lady, Cristes mooder dere, 1700 To worshipe ay, and he forgat it naught, For sely child wol alday sone lere ; j "&" But ay, whan I remembre on this matere, Seint Nicholas slant euer in my presence. For he so yong to Crist did reuerence. 1705 This litel chiFd his litel book lerninge, As he sat in the scole at his prymer, He Alma redemptoris herde singe, As children lerned hir antiphoner; And, as he dorste, he drough hym ner and ner, 1710 And herkned ay the wordes and the note, Til he the firste vers coude al by rote. Noght wiste he whal this latin was to seye, For he so yong and tendre was of age; But on a day his felaw gan he preye 1715 Texpounden him this song in his langage, Or telle him why this song was in vsage; This preyde he him to construe and declare Ful ofte tyme vpon his knowes bare. " *~ 12 GROUP B. THE PRIORESSES TALE. His felaw, which that elder was than he, 1720 Answerde him thus : ' this song, I haue herd seye, Was maked of our blisful lady free, Hir to salue, and eek hir for to preye To been our help and socour whan we deye. I can no more expounde in this matere; 1725 I lerne song, I can but smal grammere.' 'And is this song maked in reuerence Of Cristes mooder?' seyde this Innocent; 'Now certes, I wol do my diligence To conne it al, er Cristemasse is went ; 1 730 Though that I for my prymer shal be shenr, And shal be beten thrye's in an houre, I wol it conne, our lady for 1 to honoure." His felaw taughte him homward priuely, Fro day to day, til he coude it by rote, 17.35 And than he song it wel and boldely Fro word to word, acording with the note; T wye's a day it passed thurgh his throte, To scoleward and homward whan he wente; On Cristes mooder set was his entente. . % 1740 As I haue seyd, thurgh-out the lewerye This litel child, as he cam to and fro, Ful inerily than 2 wolde he singe, and crye O Alma redempioris euer-mo. The swetnes hath 3 his herte perced so 1745 Of Cristes mooder, that, to hir to preye, He can nat stinte of singing by the weye. 1 Cm. Cp. Pt. HI. omit for ; // seems best retained. 2 Cm. Cp. Pt. Ln. III. than ; E. Hn. omit it. 9 Cm. Cp. Pt. Ln. HI. hath ; E. Hn. omit it. GROUP B. THE PRIORESSES TALE. 13 Our firste foo, the serpent Sathanas, That hath in lewes herte his waspes nest, Vp swal, and seide, 'o Hebraik peple, alias! 1750 Is this to yow a thing that is honest, jThat swich a boy shal walken as him lest fi f^ In Qjir despyt, and singe of swich sentence, Which is agayn your 1 lawes reuerence?' Fro thennes forth the lewes han conspyred 1755 This innocent out of this world to chace ; An homicyde ther-to han they hyred, That in an aley hadde a priuee place; And as the child gan forby for to pace, This cursed lew him hente and heeld him faste, 1760 And kitte his throte, and in a pit him caste. This poure widwe awaiteth al that nyght 1776 After hir litel child, but he cam noght; For which, as sone as it was dayes lyght, With face pale of drede and bisy thoght, She hath at scole and elles-wher him soght, 1780 Til finally she gan so fer espye That he last seyn was in the lewerye. With moodres pitee in hir brest enclosed, She gooth, as she were half out of hir mynde, To euery place wher she hath supposed 1785 By lyklihede hir litel child to fynde; And euer on Cristes mooder meke and kynde She cryde, and atte laste thus she wroughte, Among the cursed lewes she him soughte. 1 HI. your ; Pt. Ln. soure ; E. Hn. Cm. Cp. cure. 14 GROUP B. THE PRIORESSES TALE. She frayneth and she preyeth pitously 1790 To euery lew that dwelte in thilke place, To telle hir, if hir child wente ought forby. They seyde, 'nay'; but lesu, of his grace, Yaf in hir thought, inwith a litel space, That in that place after hir sone she cryde, 1795 Wher he was casten in a pit bisyde. grete god, that parfournest thy laude By mouth of Innocentz, lo heer thy myghtl This gemme of chastitee, this Emeraude, And eek of martirdom the Ruby bryght, 1800 Ther he with throte ykoruen lay vpryght, He 'Alma redemp forts' gan to singe So loude, that al the place gan to ringe. The Cristen folk, that thurgh the strete wente, In coomen, for to wondre vp-on 1 this thing, 1805 And hastily they for the Prouost sente; He cam anon with-outen tarying, And herieth Crist that is of heuen king, And eek his mooder, honour of mankynde, And after that, the lewes leet he bynde. 1810 This child with pitous lamentacioun Vp-taken was, singing his song alway; And with honour of gret processioun They carien him vn-to the nexte abba}-. His mooder swowning by the 2 bere lay; 1815 Vnnethe myght the peple that was there This newe Rachel bringe fro his 3 bere. 1 Cp. Pt. wondrenon; Ln. wonderneof; E. Hn. wondre vpon ; HI. wonder vpon; Cm. wonderyn vp-on. 2 E. Hn. his; the rest the; see I. 1817. 8 Cm. HI. the ; the rest his. GROUP B. THE PRIORESSES TALE. 15 With torment and with shamful deth echon This Prouost dooth the lewes for to sterue That of this mordre wiste, and that anon; 1820 He nolde no swich cursednes obserue. Euel shal 1 haue, that euel wol deserue. Therfor with wilde hors he dide hem drawe, And after that he heng hem by the lawe. Vp-on his 2 bere ay lyth this innocent 1825 Biforn the chief auter, whil masse 3 laste, And after that, the' abbot* with his couent Han sped hem for to burien him ful faste; And whan they holy water on him caste, Yet spak this child, whan spreynd was holy water, 1830 And sorig ' Alma redemptoris mater I' This abbot, which that was an holy man As monkes been, or elles oughten be, This yonge child to coniure he bigan, And seyde, { o dere child, I halse thee, 1835 In vertu of the holy Trinitee, Tel me what is thy cause for to singe, Sith that thy throte is cut, to my seminge ? ' ' My throte is cut vn-to my nekke-boon,' Seyde this child, ' and, as by wey of kynde, 1840 I sholde haue deyed, ye, long tyme agoon, But lesu Crist, as ye in bokes fynde, Wil that his glorie laste and be in mynde, And, for the worship of his mooder dere, Yet may I singe "O Alma" loude and clere. 1845 1 E. Cm. shal he ; Pt. he shal ; the rest omit he. 2 Hn. HI. his ; the rest this. s E. Hn. Cm. HI. the masse ; Cp. Pt. Ln. omit the. * HI. thabbot. 1 6 GROUP B. THE PRIORESSES TALE, This welle of mercy, Cristes mooder swete, I louede alwey, as after my conninge; And whan that I my lyf sholde forlete, To me she cam, and bad me for to singe This antem 1 verraily in my deyinge, 1850 vCvf^ As ye han herd, and, whan that I had songe, Me thoughte she leyde a greyn vp-on my tonge. Wherfor I singe, and singe I mot certeyn In honour of that blisful may den free, Til fro my tonge of-taken is the greyn; 1855 And afterward thus seyde she to me, " My litel child, now wol I fecche thee Whan that the greyn is fro thy tonge ytake; Be nat agast, I wol thee nat forsake.'" This holy monk, this abbot, him mene I, 1860 His tonge out-caughte, and took a-wey the greyn.., And he yaf vp the goost ful softely. And whan this abbot had this wonder seyn, His salte teres trikled 2 doun as reyn, And^gruf he fil al plat vp-on the grounde, 1865 And stille he lay as he had ben 3 ybounde. The couent eek lay on the pauement Weping, and herien Cristes mooder dere, And after that they rise, and forth ben * went, And toke awey this martir fro his bere, 1870 And in a tombe 6 of marbul-stones clere 1 Cm. Cp. Pt. anteme ; Ln. antime ; HI. antym ; Hn. antheme : E. Anthephen. 2 E. Hn. Cm. trikled ; Cp. Pt. stryked; Ln. strikled ; HI. striken. 3 Cp. HI. ben; Pt. Ln. bene ; E. Hn. Cm, leyu 1 HI. thay ; but the rest been, ben, bene. 5 E . temple; the rest tombe, touuibe. (^ \ GROUP B. PRIORESS END-LINK. IJ Enclosen they his litel body swete ; > Ther he is now, god leue us for 1 to mete. O yonge Hugh of Lincoln, sleyn also With cursed lewes, as it is notable, gf** 1875 For it nis 2 but a litel whyle ago; f Prey eek for vs, we sinful folk vnstable, That of his mercy god so merciable On vs his grete mercy multiplye, For reuerence of his mooder Marye. Amen. 1880 4-<3ru,. 4cX~*-n_/j~; < V'V*~ M 4^' > fi/,^t^Lt<" xv ^ .. . ^ ^ v ;,.. ; j,,., And so bifel 3 vp-on a day, For sothe, as I yow telle may, Sir Thopas wolde out ryde; 1940 He worth vpon his stede gray, And in his honde a launcegay, A long swerd by his syde. He priketh thurgh a fair forest, Ther-inne is many a wilde best, 1945 Ye, bothe bukke and hare; And, as he priketh 4 North and Est, I telle it yow, him hadde almest Bitid a sory care. Ther springen herbes grete and smale, 1950 The lycorys and cetewale, And many a clowe-gilofre ; 1 5*0 E. Hn. Cm. HI. ; Cp. by ]>e ; Ft. Ln. for J>e. * So E. Hn. Cm. HI. ; Cp. sc'hulde ; Ft. shulde ; Ln. scholde. 8 Hn. HI. it fel ; Cm. it fil. 4 HI. priketh (not priked). GROUP D. SIR THOPAS. 21 And notemuge to putte in ale, Whether it be moyste or stale, Or for to leye in cofre. 1955 The briddes singe, ^t is no_jiay, The sparhauk and the papeiay, That ioye it was to here; The thrustelcok made eek his 1 lay, The wodedowue vpon the 2 spray 1960 She sang ful loude and clere. Sir Thopas fil in loue-longinge Al whan he herde the thrustel singe, And priked as he were wood : His faire steede in his prikinge 1965 So swatte that men myghte him wringe, His sydes were al blood. Sir Thopas eek so wery was For prikinge on the softe gras, So fiers was his corage, 1970 That doun he leyde him in that plas To make his steede som solas, And yaf him good forage. 'O seinte Marie, What eyleth this loue at me 1975 To bynde me so sore ? Me dremed al this nyght, pardee, An elf-queen shal my [lady be, And loue me euermore.] 1 E. hir ; the rest his ' E. a ; tie rest the. 11 GROUP B. SIR THOPAS. An Elf-queen wol I loue 1 , ywis, . 1980 For in this world no womman is , t> Worthy to be my make O^T In toune; T Alle othere wommen I forsake, And to an Elf-queen I me take 1985 By dale and eek by doune 1 ' In-to his sadel he clamb anoon, And priketh ouer style and stoon An Elf-queen for tespye 2 , Til he so longe had riden and goon 1990 That he foond, in a priuee woon, The contree of Fairye So wilde; For in that contree was ther noon That to him dorste ryde or goon 3 , 1995 Neither wyf ne childe. Til that ther cam a greet geaunt, His name was sir Olifaunt, . ci * A perilous man of dede; He seyde 4 , ' child, by Termagaunt, But-if thou prike out of myn haunt, Anon I sle thy stede With mace. Heer is the queen of Fairye, With harpe and pype 5 and symphonye 2005 Dwelling in this place.' 1 Hn. Cm. HI. hane; the rest lone. 3 So E. Hn. Cm. ; Cp.-Pt. Ln. to aspic; HI. to spye. 3 This line is from MS. Reg. 17 D. 15. * HI. swar ; the rest teyde. 6 HI. Inte ; the real pype or p ; pe. GROUP B. SIR THOPAS. 23 The child seyde, 'a]_so mote Ijhee, o*3-~-~n l Tomorwe wol I meete 1 thee Whan I haue myn armoure; And yet I hope, par ma fay, 2010 That thou shall with this launcea Abyen it ful soure * ; Thy mawe Shal I percen, if I may 8 , Er it be fully pryme of day, For heer thou shalt be slawe.' Sir Thopas drow abak ful faste; This geaunt at him stones caste Out of a fel staf-slinge ; But faire escapeth child* Thopas, And al it was thurgh goddes gras, And thurgh his fair beringe. Yet listeth, lordes, to my tale Merier than the nyghtingale, For now 5 I wol yow roune 2025 How sir Thopas with sydes smale, Priking ouer hil and dale, Is come agayn to toune. His merie men comanded he To make him bothe game and glee, 2030 For nedes moste he fyghte 1 E. HI. meete with ; the rest omit with. 8 E. Hn. sowre ; Cm. HI. soure ; the rest sore. 3 E. Cm. Thyn hauberk shal I percen, if I may ; but the rest omit Thyn hauberk, which is not wanted at all. 4 E. Cm. sire ; but the rest child. * Cp. Pt. Ln. insert For now, which the rest omit. 24 GROUP B. SIR THOPAS. With a geaunt with heuedes l three, .x For paramour and lolitge Of oon that shoon ful bryghte. 'Do come,' he seyde, 'my minstrales, 1035 <*- And gestours for to tellen tales Anon in myn arminge; Of romances that been roiales, Of popes and of cardinales, And eek of loue-lykinge.' 2040 They fette 2 him first the 8 sweete wyn, And mede eek in a maselyn, And roial spicerye ; Of 4 gingebreed that was ful fyn, And lycorys, and eek comyn, ao45 With sugre that is so 5 trye. He djde ) next his whyte lere Of cloth of lake fyn and clere A breech and eek a sherte; And next his sherte an aketoun, S* rv ~ 2050 And ouer that an habergeoun For percinge of his herte; And ouer that a fyn hauberk, * Was al ywtoght of lewes werk. Ful strong it was of plate ; 2055 1 K. Hn. heuedes; HI. heedes; Cm. hedis; Cp. Pt. Ln. hcdes. * E. sette ; the rest fette or fet. 3 E. Hn. Cm. omit the ; it occurs in the rest. 4 E. And ; Hn. Cm. HI. Of. Cp. Pt. Ln. omit II. 7042-4. 5 E. alone retains so ; the rest omit it. GROUP B. STR THOPAS. 2$ And ouer that his cote-armour As whyt as is a lily flour, In which he wol l debate. His sheeld was al of gold so reed, And ther-in was a bores heed, A charbocle bisyde 2 ; i S And there he swoor, on ale and breed, How that 'the geaunt shal 3 be deed, Bityde what bityde 1 ' His lajnbeux were of quyrboilly, 2065 His swerdes shethe of yuory, His helm of laton bryght; His sadel was of rewel * boon, His brydel as the sonne shoon, Or as the mone lyght. 2070 His spere was 5 of fyn ciprees, That bodeth werre, and no thing pees, The heed ful sharpe ygrounde ; His steede was al dappel-gray, It gooth an ambel in the way 2075 Ful softely and rounde In londe. Loo, lordes myne, heer is a fit I If ye wol any more of it, To telle it wol I fonde. 2o8 1 Cm. wolde ; HI. wold ; the rest wol, wole, wil. 8 Hn. Cm. Pt. by his syde ; Cp. him besyde. 3 Cm. Cp. Ln. schulde. Pt. HI. rowel ; Cp. Lu. ruel. ' E. it was ; the rest omit it. 26 GROUP B. SIR THOPAS. [The Second Ftt.\ Now hold your mouth, par charite, Bothe knyght and lady free, And herkneth to my spelle ; Of bataille 1 and of chiualry, f^\jj^C And of ladyes loue-drury 9 t^^^^^ o8s Anon I wol yow telle. Men speke of romances of prys, Of Horn child and of Ypotys, Of Bevys and 8 sir Gy, Of sir__Ly_beux and Pleyn-damour ; 2090 But sir Thopas, he bereth the flour Of roial chiualry. His goode stede al he bistrood, And forth vpon his wey he glood As sparcle out of the brqnde ; Vp-on his crest he bar a tour, And ther-in stiked a lily flour, God shilde his cors fro shonde ! And for he was a knyght auntrous, He nolde slepen in noon hous, aioo But liggen in his hoode j s J 1 His bryghte helm was his wonger. ^' And by him baiteth his dextrer u u f A ~1 - Of herbes fyne and goode. 1 E. batailles; Hn. bataille; the rest bataile, bntail, batell. 2 HI. And of laclys loue drewery. 3 E. Pt. and of; the rest omit of. * E. rood; but the rest glood, glod, glode. GROUP B. SIR THOPAS END-LINK. 2J Him-self drank water of the wel, 2105 As did the knyght sir Percyuel, So worthy 1 vnder wede. Til on a day Heere the Hoost stynteth Chaucer of hia tale of Thopas ' No more of this, for goddes dignitee,' Quod our hoste, ' for thou makest me ^ So wery of thy verray lewgdnesse That, also wisly god my soule blesse^ Myn eres aken of thy drasty speche; This may wel be rym dogerel,' quod he. 2115 ' Why so ? ' quod I, ' why wiltow lette me More of my tale than another man, Sin that it is the beste rym 2 I can?' ' Thou dost nought elles but despendest tyme, 2121 Sir, at o word, thou shall no lenger ryme. Lat se wher thou canst tellen ought in geste, Or telle in prose somwhat at the leste In which ther be som mirthe or som doctrine.' 2125 ' Gladly/ quod I, ' [for Cristes] swete pyne, I wol yow telle a litel thing in prose, That oughte lyken yow, as I suppose, Or elles, certes ye ben to daungerous. It is a moral tale vertuous, 2130 Al be it told 8 som tyme in sondry wyse . Of sondry folk, as I shal yow deuyse. 1 HI. worthy ; E. Hn.worly; Pt. worthely ; Cm. Cp. Ln. omilll. 2105-8. 8 E. tale ; the rest rym, ryme. 8 E, take ; the rest told, tolde, toold. 28 GROUP B. SIR THOPAS END-LINK. As thus; ye wot that euery Euangelist, That telleth vs the peyne of lesu Crist, Ne saith nat al thing as his felaw dooth, 2135 But natheles, her sentence is al sooth, And alle accorden as in her sentence, Al be ther in her telling difference. For somme of hem seyn more, and somme 1 lesse, Whan they his pitous passioun expresse; 2140 I mene of Mark and 2 Mathew, Luk and lohn; But douteles hir sentence is al oon. Therfor, lordinges alle, I yow biseche, If that ye 8 thinke I varie as in my speche, As thus, though that I telle som-what more 2145 Of prouerbes, than ye han herd bifore, Comprehended in this litel tretis heer, To enforce with the theffect of my mateer, And though I nat the same wordes seye As ye han herd, yet to yow alle I preye, 2150 Blameth me nat; for, as in my sentence, Ye shul not fynden moche 4 difference Fro the sentence of this tretis lyte After the which this mery tale I wryte. And therfor herkneth what that I shal seye, 2155 And lat me tellen al my tale, I preye.' Explicit. [Here follows, in prose, the long and dull Tale of Melibeus ; numbered 11. 2157-3078 in the Six-Text edition. After which comes The Monk's Prologue.] 1 E. Hn. Cm. Ln. somme seyn ; but Cp. Pt. HI. omit seyn. * Tyr. and ; which the MSS. omit. 3 E. HI. yow ; the rest ye. 4 Cm. Cp. Ln. Ye schal not fynden moche; E. Hn. Pt. HI. Shul ye nowhet fynden. GROUP B. THE MONK'S PROLOGUE. The murye wordes of the Hoost to the Monk. Whan ended was my tale of Melibee, And of Prudence and hir benignitee, 3080 Our hoste seyde, ' as I am faithful man, And by the precious corpus Madn'an, I hadde leuer than a barel ale That goode lief my wyf hadde herd this tale I For 1 she nis no-thing of swich pacience 3085 Aswas this Melibeus wyf Prudence. [So m^Tl thryuelj whan I bete my knaues, She bringth me forth the grete clobbed staues, And cryeth, ' slee the dogges euerichoon, And brek hem, bothe bak and euery boon.' 3090 And if that any neighebor of myne Wol nat in chirche to my wyf enclyne, Or be so hardy to hir to trespace, Whan she comth hoom 2 , she rampeth in my face, And cryeth, 1 false coward, wreck thy wyf, 3095 rf^H C*^*Y^4,,*TVV<-<^ ,-, T , , ^1 1 f [So imoi I thryuen !J I wol haue thy knyf, And thou shalt haue my distaf and go spinne ! ' Fro day to nyght ryght thus she wol biginne; ' Alias ! ' she seith, ' that euer I was shape To wedde a milksop or a coward ape, 3100 1 E. Hn. omit For ; the rest have it. * Pt. hoom ; HI. horn ; Cp. Ln. home ; E. Hn. omit. .j l^jT 30 GROUP B. THE MONK'S PROLOGUE. That wol be ouerlad with euery \vyght! Thou darst nat stonden by thy wyues ryght!' This is my lyf, but-if that I wol fyghte ; And out at dore anon I mot me dyghte, Or elles I am but lost, but-if that I 3105 Be lyk a wilde leoun fool-hardy. I wot wel she wol do me slee som day Som neighebor, and thanne go my wey. For I am perilous with knyf in honde, Al be it that I dar nat hir 1 withstonde, 3110 For she is big in armes, by my feith, That shal he fynde, that hir misdooth or seith. . But let vs passe awey fro this matere. My lord the monk/ quod he, ' be mery of chere ; For ye shal telle a tale trewely. 3115 Lo! Rou[e] Chester stant heer faste by! Ryd forth, myn owen lord, brek nat our game, But, by my trewthe, I knowe nat your name, Wher I shal calle yow my lord dan lohn, OrTlan Thomas, or elles dan Albon? 3120 Of whatjious be ye, by your fader kin? I vow [in Teitn], thou hast a ful fair skin, It is a gentil pasture ther thou goost; Thou art nat lyk a penaunt or a goost. Vpon my feith, thou art som officer, 3125 Som worthy sexteyn, or som celerer, For by my fader soule, as to my doom, Thou art a maister whan thou art at hoom; No poure cloisterer, ne no nouys, But a gouernour, wyl/ and wys. 3130 And therwithal of brawnes and of bones A wel -faring persone for the nones.' 1 E. Cp. Ln. hire nat ; Hn. Cm. Pt. HI. nat liirr GROUP S, THE MONK'S PROLOGUE, 31 This worthy monk took al in pacience, 3155 And seyde, ' I wol doon al my diligence, As fer as souneth in-to honeslee, To telle yow a tale, or two, or three. And if yow list to herkne hiderward, I wol yow 1 seyn the lyf of seint Edward; 3160 Or elles first Tragedies wol I telle Of whiche I haue an hundred in my celle. Tragedie^is for 2 to seyn a certeyn storie, As olde bokes maken vs memorie, Of him that stood in greet prosperitee 3165 And is y-fallen out of heigh degree Into miserie, and endeth wrecchedly. And they ben versifyed comounly Of six feet, which men clepe examelron. In prose eek ben endyted many oon, 3170 And eek in metre, in many a sondry wyse. Lo! this declaring oughte ynough suffise. Now herkneth, if yow lyketh for to here ; But first I yow biseke in this matere, Though I by ordre telle nat thise thinges, 3175 Be it of popes, emperours, or kinges, After hir ages, as men writen fynde, But telle hem som bifore and som bihynde, As it now comth vn-to my remembraunce ; Haue me excused of myn ignoraunce. 3180 Explicit. - E. omits yow ; the rest have it. * Cp. Pt. Ln. for ; the rest omit it. , ~. . __ - i h r L ^- x -<_ o^-*tX^e--cx- < A-*//O^& ix^ y TALE. GROUP B THE MONKES TALE. Heere bigynneth the Monkes Tale, de casibus virorum Illustritun. I wol biwayle in maner of Tragedie The harm of hem that stode in heigh degree And fillen so that ther nas no remedie To bringe hem out of her aduersitee; For certein, whan that fortune list to flee, 3185 Ther may no man the cours of hir withholde ; Lat no man truste on blynd prosperitee; Be war by * thise ensamples trewe and olde. LUCIFER. t i ' At Lucifer, though he an angel were, And nat a man, at him I wol biginne; v^Y*^ 3'9 For, though fortune may non angel dere, fifr <\ ft" GROUP E, THE CLERKES TALE. 63 For certes, lord, so wel ^ys_lyketh vow 0U~*- / ^ *- And al your werk and euer han doon, that we ^' " Ne coude nat vs 1 self deuysen how We myghte liuen in more felicitee, Saue o thing, lord, if it 2 your wille be, no That for to been a wedded man yow leste, Than were your peple in souereyn hertes reste. Boweth your nekke vnder that blisful yok Of soueraynetee, nought of seruyse, Which that men clepeth spousail or wedlok ; 115 And thenketh, lord, among your thoughtes wyse, How that our dayes passe in sondry wyse; For though we slepe or wake, or rome, or ryde, Ay fleeth the tyme, it nil no man abyde. And though your grene youthe floure as yit, 120 In crepeth age alwey, as stille as stoon, And deeth manaceth euery age, and smit In ech estaat, for ther escapeth noon : And al so certein as we knowe echoon That we shul deye, as vncerteyn we alle 125 Been of that day whan deeth shal on vs falle. Accepteth than of vs the trewe entente, That neuer yet refuseden your 3 heste, And we wol, lord, if that ye wol assente, Chese yow a wyf in short tyme atte leste, 130 Born of the gentilleste and of the meste Of al this lond, so that it oughte seme Honour to god and yow, as we can deme. 1 Pt. Ln. cure ; E. Hn. Cp. vs. * E. Ln. omit it, 3 So Cp. Pt. Ln. HI. ; E. Hn. Cm. thyn. 64 GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. Deliuer vs out of al this bisy drede, And tak a wyf, for hye goddes sake; 135 For if it so bifelle, as god forbede, That thurgh your deeth your linage 1 sholde slake, And that a straunge successour sholde take Your heritage, o ! wo were vs alyue ! Wherfor we pray you hastily to wyue.' 140 Her meke preyere and her pilous chere Made the markis herte han pitee. ' Ye wol,' quod he, ' myn owen peple dere, To that I neuer erst thoughte streyne me. I me reioysed of my libertee, 145 That selde tyme is founde in mariage; Ther I was free, I moot been in seruage. But nathelees I se your trewe entente, And truste vpon your wit and haue doon ay; Wherfor of my free wille I wol assente 150 To wedde me, as soone as euer I may. But ther as ye han profred me this day To chese me a wyf, I yow relesse That chois, and prey yow 2 of that profre cesse. For god it woot, that children ofte been 155 Vnlyk her worthy eldres hem bifore; Bpuntee comth al of god, nat of the (5F which they been engendred and ybore; I truste in goddes bountee, and therfore My mariage and myn estaat and reste 160 I him bitake; he may doon as him leste. 1 Cp. Ft. lynage ; Ln. HI. Hgnage ; E. lyne ; Hn. ligne ; Cm. lyf. * E. (only) omits yow. GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. 6$ Lat me alone in chesing of my wyf, That charge vp-on my bak I wol endure; But I yow preye, and charge vp-on your lyf, That what 1 wyf that I take, ye me assure 165 To worshipe hir, whyl that hir lyf may dure, In word and werk, bothe here and euerywhere, ^As she an emperoures doughter were. And forthermore, this shal ye swere, that ye Agayn my choys shul neither grucche ne stryue ; 1 70 For sith I shal forgoon my libertee ___ At your requeste, as euer moot I thryue, oo43 'v'UTP* * Ther as myn herte is set, ther wol I wyue ; And but ye wole assente in swich 2 manere, I prey yow, speketh naniore of this matere.' 175 With hertly wil they sworen, and assenten To al this thing, ther seyde no wyght nay j Bisekinge him of grace, er that they wenten, That he wolde graunten hem a certein day Of his spousaille, as sone as euer he may ; 180 For yet alwey the peple som-what dredde Lest that this markis no wyf wolde wedde. He graunted hem a day, swich as him leste, On which he wolde be wedded sikerly, And seyde he dide al this at her requeste; 185 And they with humble entente buxomly Knelinge vp-on her knees ful reuerently Him thanken alle, and thus they han an ende Of her entente, and hoom agayn they wende. 1 So Hn. Cp. Ln. ; E. Cm. omit That ; Pt. om. what. ' E. this ; the rest swich, such. VOL. H. F 66 GROUP E. THE CLERK ES TALE. And heer-vp-on he to his officeres 190 Comaundeth for the feste to purveye, And to his priuee knyghtes and squieres Swich charge yaf, as him liste on hem leye ; And they to his comandement obeye, And ech of hem doth al his diligence 195 To doon vn-to the feste reuerence. Explicit prima pars. Incipii secunda pars. Noght fer fro thilke paleys honurable ^ ,d*4 t *" l ~ Ther as this markis shoop his mariage, X^fe^ Ther stood a throp, of site delytable, In which that poure folk of that village 200 Hadden her bestes and her herbergage, And of her labour tooke her sustenance After that the erthe yaf hem habundance. Amonges this poure folk ther dwelte a man Which that was holden pourest of hem alle; 305 But hye god som tyme senden can His grace in-to a litel oxes stalle: lanicula men of that thrope him calle. A doughter hadde he fair ynough to syghte, And Grisildis this yonge may den hyghte. 210 But for to speke of vertuous beautee 1 , Than was she oon the faireste vnder sonne; For poureliche yfostred vp was she, No [sinful] lust was thurgh hir herte yronne; Wei ofter of the welle than of the tonne 215 She drank, and for she wolde vertu plese, She knew wel labour, but noon ydel ese. 1 E bountee ; the rest beautee, beute. GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. 6 But though this mayde tendre were of age, Yet in the brest of hir virginitee /-HI^O-W. r Ther was enclosed type and sad corage ; - ao . And in greet reuerence and charitee Hir olde poure fader fostred she; A fewe sheep spinning on feeld she kepte, She wolde nought been ydel til she slepte. And whan she homward cam, she wolde bringe 225 Wortes or othere herbes tymes ofte, The whiche she shredde and seeth for hir liuinge, And made hir bed ful harde and no thing softe ; And ay she kepte hir fadres lyf on-lofte gufoffr' With euerich obeisaunce and diligence 230 That child may doon to fadres reuerence. Vp-on Grisild this poure creature Ful ofte sythe this markis sette 1 his ye' As he on hunting rood parauenture; And whan it 2 fil that he myghte hir espye, 335 He nought with wantoun loking of folye His yen caste on hir, but in sad wyse ^^(-^J^L. Vp-on hir chere he wolde 8 him ofte auyse, Commending in his herte hir wommanhede, And eek hir vertu, passing any wyght 240 Of so yong age, as wel in chere as dede. For though the rjeple. haue * no greet insyght In vertu, he considered ful ryght Hir bountee, and disposed that he wolde Wedde hir oonly, if euer he wedde sholde. 245 1 E. caste ; the rest sette. * E. that it ; the rest omit that. * E. gan; the rest wolde. E. hadde ; Hn. Cm. hath ; Cp. Pt. Ln. HI. haue. F 2 68 GROUP E. THE CLERRES TALE. The day of wedding cam, but no wyght can Telle what womman that it sholde be ; For which merueille wondred many a man, And seyden, whan they 1 were in priuetee, ' Wol nat our lord yet leue his vanitee ? 250 Wol he nat wedde ? alla's, alias the whyle ! Why wol he thus him-self and vs bigyle ? ' But natheles this markis hath doon make Of gemmes, set in gold and in asure, Broches and ringes, for Grisildis sake, And of hir clothing took he the mesure T/ / / / ' . By a mayde, lyk to hir stature", And eek of othere ornamentes alle That vn-to swich a wedding sholde falle. The tyme of _yndern of the same day Approcheth, that this wedding sholde be ; And al the paleys put was in array, Bothe halle and chambres, ech in his degree; Houses of office stuffed with plentee Ther maystow seen of deynteuous vitaille, 265 That may be founde, as fer as last Itaille. This roial markis richely arrayed, Lordes and ladyes in his companye, The whiche vnto 2 the feste were yprayed, And of his retenue the bachelrye, 170 With many a soun of sondry melodye, Vn-to the village, of the which I tolde, In this array the ryghte wey han holde. 1 E. Cm. that they ; the rest omit that. 9 Cp. Ln. HI. vnto ; Cm. Pt. to ; E. Ho. that to. GROUP E. THE CLERK ES TALE. 69 Grisilde of this, god wot, ful innocent, That for hir shapen was al this array, 275 To fecchen water at a welle is went, And cometh hoom as soone as euer she may. For wel she had herd seyd, that thilke day The markis sholde wedde, and, if she myghte, She wolde fayn han seyn som of that syghte. 280 She thoughte, 'I wol with othere maydens stonde, That been my felawes, in our dore, a The markisesse, and therfor wol I fonde To doon at hoom, as soone as it may be, The labour which that longeth vn-to me ; 285 And than I may at leyser hir biholde, If she this wey vn-to the castel holde.' And as she wolde ouer hir threshfold goon, The markis cam and gan hir for to calle ; And she sette doun hir water-pot anoon 290 Bisyde the threshfold, in an oxes stalle, And doun vp-on hir knees she gan to falle, And with sad contenance kneleth stille Til she had herd what was the lordes wille. This thoughtful markis spak vn-to this mayde 295 Ful sobrely, and seyde in this manere, ' Wher is your fader 1 , Grisildis?' he sayde, And she with reuerence, in humble chere, Answerde, ' lord, he is al redy here.' And in she gooth with-outen lenger lette, 300 And to the markis she hir fader fette. 1 E. HII. Cm. insert o after fader. GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. He by the bond than took this olde man, And seyde thus, whan he him hadde asyde, ' lanicula, I neither may ne can Lenger the plesance of myn herte hyde. 305 If that thou vouche sauf, what so bityde, Thy doughter wol I take er that I wende As for my wyf, vn-to hir lyues ende. Thou louest me, I wot it wel certeyn, And art my feithful lige man ybore; 310 And al that lyketh me, I dar wel seyn, It lyketh thee, and specially therfore Tel me that poynt that I haue seyd bifore, If that thou wolt vn-to that purpos drawe, To take me as for thy sone in lawe?' 315 This sodeyn cas this man astonied so, That reed he wex, abayst, and al quaking He stood; vnnethes seyde he wordes mo, But only thus : ' lord,' quod he, ' my willing Is as ye wole, he ayeins youre lyking 320 I wol no-thing; ye be my lord so dere; Ryght as yow lust gouerneth this matere.' A^VM^UW^I^ ' Yet wol I,' quod this markis softely, ' That in thy chambre I and thou and she Haue a collacion, and wostow why? 325 For I wol axe if it hir wille be To be my wyf, and reule hir after me; And al this shal be doon in thy presence, I wol nought speke out of thyn audience.' And in the chambre whyl they were aboute 330 Her tret^s, which as ye shal after here, The peple cam vn-to the hous with-oute, GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. Jl And wondred hem in how honest manere And tentifly she kepte hir fader dere. But outerly Grisildis wondre myghte, 335 For neuer erst ne sey she swich a syghte. No wonder is though that 1 she were astoned To seen so greet a gest come in that place; She neuer was to swiche gestes woned, For which she loked with ful pale face. 340 But shortly forth this tale for to chace, Thise arn the wordes that the markis sayde To this benigne verray feithful mayde. ' Grisilde,' he seyde, ' ye shul wel vnderstonde It lyketh to your fader and to me 345 That I yow wedde, and eek it may so stonde, As I suppose, ye wol that it so be. But thise demandes axe I first,' quod he, ' That, sith it shal be doon in hastif wyse, Wol ye assente or elles yow auyse? I seye this, be ye redy with good herte To al my lust, and that I frely may, As me best thinketh, do yow laughe or smerte, And neuer ye to grucche it, nyght ne day? And eek whan I sey ' ye,' ne sey nat ' nay,' 355 Neither by word ne frowning contenance; Swer this, and here I swere our 2 alliance.' Wondring vp-on this word, quaking for drede, She seyde, ' lord, vndigne and vnworthy Am I to thilke honour that ye me bede; 360 1 E. Pt. omit that * E. yow ; the re.t oure. 72 GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. But as ye wol your-self, ryght so wol I. And heer I swere that neuer willingly In werk ne thought I nil yow disobeye, to be deed, though me were loth to deye.' ' This is ynough, Grisilde myn ! ' quod he. And forth he goth with a ful sobre chere Out at the dore, and after that cam she, And to the peple he seyde in this manere, ' This is my wyf,' quod he, ' that standeth here. Honoureth hir, and loueth hir, I preye, 370 Who so me loueth; ther is namore to seye.' And for that no-thing of hir olde gere She sholde bringe in-to his hous, he bad That wommen sholde dispoilen hir ryght there; Of which thise ladyes were nat ryght glad 375 To handle hir clothes wher-in she was clad. But natheles this mayde bryght of hewe Fro foot to heed 'they clothed han al newe. Hir heres han they kembd, that lay vntressed Ful rudely, and with her fingres smale 380 A corone on hir heed they han ydressed, And sette hir ful of nowches grete and smale; Of hir array what sholde I make a tale? Vnnethe the peple hir knew for hir fairnesse, Whan she translated was in swich richesse. 385 This markis hath hir spoused with a ring Brought for the same cause, and than hir sette Vp-on an hors, snow-whyt and wel ambling, And to his paleys, er he lenger lette, With ioyful peple that hir ladde and mette, 390 GROUP E. THE CLERK ES TALE. 73 Conueyed hir, and thus the day they spende In reuel til the sonne gan descende. And shortly forth this tale for to chace, I seye that to this newe markisesse God hath swich fauour sent hir of his grace, 395 That it ne semed nat by lyklinesse That she was born and fed in rudenesse, As in a cote or in an oxe-stalle, But norished in an emperoures halle. To euery wyght she woxen is so dere 400 And worshipful, that folk ther she was bore And from hir birthe knewe hir yeer by yere, Vnnethe trowed they, but dorste han swore That 1 to lanicle, of which I spak bifore, She doughter nas 2 , for, as by coniecture, 405 Hem thoughte she was another creature. For though that euer vertuous was she, She was encressed in swich excellence --x Of the we s goode, yset in heigh bountee, And so discreet and fair of eloquence, 410 So benigne and so digne of reuerence, And coude so the peples herte embrace, That ech hir louede that loked on hir face. Nought only of Saluces in the toun Publisshed was the bountee 3 of hir name, 415 But eek bisyde in many a regioun, If oon seyde wel, another seyde the same; So spradde of hir heigh bountee the fame 4 , 1 E. That she ; the rest omit she. 2 Cp. Ln. nas ; E. Hn. Cm. Hl.were ; Ft. ne were. 8 E. beautee ; the rest bountee. * E. name ; the rest fame. GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. That men and wommen, as wel yonge as olde, Gon to Saluce, vpon hir to biholde. 420 Thus Walter lowly, nay but roially, Wedded with forlunat honestetee, In goddes pees lyueth ful esily At hoom, and outward grace ynough had he; And for he sey that vnder low 1 degree 425 Was ofte 2 vertu hid, the peple him helde A prudent man, and that is seyn ful selde. Nat only this Grisildis thurgh hir wit Coude al the feet of wyfly homlinesse 3 , But eek, whan that the cas requyred it, 430 The commune profit coude she redresse. Ther nas discord, rancour, ne heuinesse In al that lond, that she ne coude apese, And wysly bringe hem alle in reste and ese. Though that hir housbonde absent were anoon, 435 If gentil men, or othere of hir contree Were wrothe, she wolde bringen hem atoon; So wyse and rype wordes hadde she, And Ingementz of so greet equitee, That she from heuen sent was, as men wende, 440 Peple to saue and euery wrong tamende. longe tyme after that this Grisild Was wedded, she a doughter hath ybore, Al had hir leuer haue born a knaue 4 child. Glad was this markis and the folk therfore ; 445 For though a mayde child come al bifore, 1 E. heigh ; the rest lowe, low. " E. omits ofte. 8 So Cp. Ln. ; the rest humblenesse ; see note. * E. man ; the rest knaue. GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. 75 She may vnto a knaue 1 child atteyne By lyklihed, sin she nis nat bareyne. Explicit secunda pars. Incipit tercia pars. Ther fil, as it bifalleth tymes mo, Whan that this child had souked but a throwe, 450 This markis in his herte longeth so To tempte his wyf, hir sadnesse for to knowe, That he ne myghte out of his herte throwe This merueillous desyr, his wyf tassaye, Needlees, god wot, he thoughte hir for taffraye. 455 He hadde assayed hir ynough bifore And fond hir euer good; what neded it Hir for to tempte and alwey more and Though som men preise it for a subtil wit,, But as for me, I seye that yuel it sit ^ Tassaye a wyf whan that it is no nede, And putten her in anguish and in drede. For which this markis wroughte in this manere ; He cam alone a-nyghte, ther as she lay, With sterne face and with ful trouble chere, 465 And seyde thus, ' Grisild,' quod he, ' that day That I yow took out of your poure array, And putte yow in estaat of heigh noblesse, Ye haue nat that forgeten, as I gesse. I seye, Grisild, this present dignitee, 470 In which that I haue put yow, as I trowe, * E. man ; the rest knaue. 76 GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. Maketh yow nat foryetful for to be That I yow took in poure estaat ful lower For any wele ye moot your-seluen knowe. Tak hede of euery word that I yow seye, 475 Ther is no wyght that hereth it but we tweye. Ye woot your-self wel, how that ye came here In-to this hous, it is nat longe ago, And though to me that ye be lief and dere, Vn-to my gentils ye be no-thing so ; 480 They seyn, to hem it is greet shame and wo For to be subgetz and 1 been in seruage To thee. that born art of a smal village. And namely, sith thy doughter was ybore, Thise wordes han they spoken doutelees ; 485 But I desyre, as I haue doon bifore, To Hue my lyf with hem in reste and pees; I may nat in this caas be recchelees. I mot don with thy doughter for the beste, Nat as I wolde, but as my peple leste. 490 And yet, god wot, this is ful looth to me; But natheles with-oute your witing I wol nat don, but this wol I,' quod he, ' That ye to me assente as in this thing. Shewe now your pacience in your werking 495 That ye me hyghte and swore in your village That day that maked was our mariage.' Whan she had herd al this, she nought ameued Neither in word, or chere, or countenance; For, as it semed, she was nat agreued : 500 1 E. and to ; the rest omit to. GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. 77 She seyde, 'lord, al lyth in your plesance, My child and I with hertly obeisance Ben youres al, and ye mowe saue or 1 spille Your owen thing ; werketh after your wille. Ther may no-thing, god so my soule saue, 505 Lyken to yow that may displese me ; Ne I ne 2 desyre no-thing for to haue, Ne drede for to lese, saue only ye 3 ; This wil is in myn herte and ay shal be. No lengthe of tyme or deeth may this deface, 510 Ne chaunge my corage to another place.' Glad was this markis of hir answering, But yet he feyned as he were nat soj Al drery was his chere and his loking Whan that he sholde out of the chambre go. 515 Sone after this, a furlong wey or two. #. Xx/flZe ^**\\p' Was seyn in hir, ne neuer hir doughter name Ne nempned she, in ernest nor in game. Explicit tercia pars, Sequilur pars quaria. 1 Hn. Cm. Cp. Pt. HI. he cam ; E. Ln. omit. 8 Cp. HI. Panyke ; the rest Pavik, Pauyk, Pavte. 3 E. him ; the rest hire, hir. GROUP E. THE CLERK ES TALE. 8 1 In this estaat ther passed ben four yeer 610 Er she with childe was; but, as god wolde, A knaue 1 child she bar by this Walter, ul gracious and fair for to biholde. And whan that folk it to his fader tolde, Nat only he, but al his contree, merie 615 Was for this child, and god they thanke and herie. Whan it was two yeer old, and fro the brest Departed of his norice, on a day This markis caughte yet another lest To temple his wyf yet ofter, if he may. needles was she tempted in assay 1 But wedded men ne knowe no mesure, Whan that they fynde a pacient creature.)""' ft 1 Wyf/ quod this markis, ' ye han herd er this, . My peple sikly berth our mariage, tv7/c & 1 ^ 625 And namely sith my sone yboren is, Now is it worse than euer in al our age. The murmur sleeth myn herte and my coragej \r For to myne eres comth the voys so smerte, 9^^ That it wel ny destroyed hath myn herte. 630 Now sey they thus, 'whan Walter is agoon, Than shal the blood of lanicle succede And been our lord, for other haue we noon ; Swiche wordes seith my peple, out of drede. Wel oughte I of swich murmur taken hede ; 635 . 4 For certeinly I drede swich sentence, .Though they nat pleyn speke in myn audience. wolde liue in pees, if that I myghtej herfor I am disposed outerly, 1 E. man ; the rest knaue. VOL. II. O 82 GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. As I his suster seruede by nyghte, 640 Ryght so thenke I to serue him pryuely ; This warne I yow, that ye nat sodeynly Out of your-self for no wo sholde outraye; Beth pacient, and ther-of I yow preye.' ' I haue/ quod she, ' seyd thus, and euer shal, 645 I wol no thing, ne nil no thing certayn But as yow list; nought greueth me at al, Though that my doughter and my sone be slayn, At your comandement, this is to sayn. I haue nought had no part of children tweyne 650 But first siknesse, and after wo and peyne. Ye ben our lord, doth with your owen thing Ryght as yow list; axeth no reed at_me. For, as I lefte at hoom al my clothing, Whan I first cam to yow, ryght so," quod she, 655 ' Lefte I my wil and al my libei tee, And took your clothing; wherfor I yow preye, Doth your plesance, I wol your lust obeye. And certes, if I hadde prescience Your wil to knowe er ye your lust me tolde, 660 I wolde it doon with-outen necligence ; But now I wot your lust and what ye wolde, Al your plesance ferme and stable I holde ; For wiste I that my deeth wolde do yow ese, Ryght gladly wolde I deyen, yow to plese. 665 Deth may nought make no comparisoun Vn-to your loue:' and, whan this markis sey The Constance of his wyf, he caste adoun His yen two, and wondreth that she may In patience suffre al this array. 670 GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. 83 And forth he goth with drery contenance, But to his herte it was ful erect plesance. /-" ** _-jP t />*> This ygjy_ sergeant in the same wyse That he hir doughter caughte, ryght sohe7 Or worse, if men worse can deuyse, Hath hent hir sone, that ful was of beautee. And euer in oon so pacient was she, That she no chere made of heuinesse, But kiste hir _sone. and after gan it blesse ; JL ^ C (^ *t^X*j 4&>. 900 Hir fader,' that this tyding herde anoon, \O ' Curseth the day and tyme that nature ^ Shopp him to ben a Ivues creature/0-^^o-^ 90 GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE, For out of doute this olde poure man Was euer in suspect of hir mariage ; 905 For euer he demed, sith that it bigan, That whan the lord fulfild had his corage, Him wolde thinke it were a disparage To his estaat so lowe for talyghte, And voyden hir as sone as euer he myghte. 910 his doughter hastilich goth he, For he by noyse of folk knew hir cominge, And with hir olde cote, as it myghte be, He couered hir, ful sorwefully wepinge; But on hir body myghte he it nat bringe. 915 For rude was the cloth, and 1 more of age By dayes fele than at hir mariage. Thus with hir fader for a certeyn space Dwelleth this flour of wyfly pacience, That neither by hir wordes ne hir face 920 Biforn the folk, ne eek in her absence, Ne shewed she that hir was doon offence; Ne of hir heigh estaat no remembrance Ne hadde she, as_ by hir contenance. $44L/c/x/-tf, No wonder is, for in hir grete estaat Hir goost was euer in pleyn humylitee; No tendre mouth, non herte delicat, No pompe, no semblant of roialtee, But ful of pacient benignitee, Discreet and prydeles, ay honiirable, c-^/la**^ 93 G And to hir housbonde euer meke and stable. 1 E. Hn. Cm. HI. and she ; the rest omit she. GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. Q1 Men speke of lob and most for his humblesse, As clerkes, whan hem list, can we] endyte, of men, but as in soothfastnesse, Though clerkes preise wommen but a lyte, 935 Ther can no man in humblesse him acquyte As womman can, ne can J ben half so trew,e i. As wommen ben, but it be falle of-newe. . [Pars Sex/a.] Fro Boloigne is this erl of Panik come, f^juf^Ar^-^-, Of which the fame vp sprang to more and lesse, 949 And in the peples eres alle and some Was couth eek, that a newe markisesse He with him broughte, in swich pompe and richesse, That neuer was ther seyn with mannes ye So noble array in al West Lumbardye. 945 The markis, which that shoop and knew al this, Er that this erl was come, sente his message For thilke sely poure Grisildis; And she with humble herte and glad visage, ^ Nat with no swollen thought in hir corage, Y*^*^ 95 Cam at his heste, and on hir knees hir sette, And reuerently and wysly she him grette. 1 Grisild,' quod he, ' my wille is outerly, This mayden, that shal wedded ben to me, Receiued be to-morwe as roially , 955 As it possible is in myn hous to be. And eek that euery wyght in his degree Haue his estaat in sitting and seruyse And heigh plesance, as I can best deuyse. 1 Hn. kan ; Cp. Ln. HI. can ; which the rest omit. 92 GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. I haue no wommen sumgant certayn 960 The chambres for tarraye in ordinance ^rttx/ After my lust, and therfor wolde I fayn That thyn were al swich maner gouernance; \Thou knowest eek of old al my plesance; \* [Though thyn array be badde and yuel biseye, Do thou thy deuoir at the leste \veye.' ' Nat only, lord, that I am glad,' quod she, 'To doon your lust, but I desyre also Yow for to serue and plese in my degree With-outen feynting, and shal euermo. 970 Ne neuer, for no wele ne no wo, Ne shal the gost with-in myn herte stente To loue yow best with al my trewe entente.' And with that word she gan the hous to dyghte, And tables for to sette and beddes make; 975 And peyned hir to don al that she myghte, Preying the chambereres, for goddes sake, To hasten hem and faste swepe and shake; And shl, the mo'ste se'ruisable of die, *^U>^* ' Hath euery chambre arrayed and his halle. 980 Abouten vndern gan this erl alyghte, That with him broughte these noble children tweye, For which the peple ran to seen the syghte Of hir array, so richely biseye; And than at erst amonges hem they seye, 985 That Walter was no fool, though that him leste To chaunge his wyf, for it was for the beste. For she is fairer, as they demen alle, Than is Grisild, and more tendre of age, GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. 93 And fairer fruyt bitwene hem sholde falle, 990 And more plesant, for hir heigh lynage; Hir brother eek so fair was of visage, That hem to seen the peple hath caught plesance, Commending now the markis gouernance. Auctor. *O stormy peple! vnsad and euer vntrewe! 995 Ay vndiscreet and chaunging as a vane, Delyting euer in rombel that is newe, ,/VCovH r-^ For lyk the mone ay wexe ye and wane ; Ay ful of clapping, dere ynough a lanej Gt*^-**-**' a Your doom is fals, your Constance yuel preueth, khcoo A ful greet fool is he that on yow leueth!' Thus seyden sadde folk in that citee, Whan that the peple gazed vp and doun, For they were glad, ryght for the noueltee, To han a newe lady of her toun. 1005 Namore of this make I now mencioun; But to Grisild agayn wol I me dresse, And telle hir Constance and hir bisinesse. Ful bisy was Grisild in euery thing That to the feste was apertinent; 1010 Ryght nought was she abayst of hir clothing, Though it were rude and somdel eek to-rent. But with glad chere to the yate is 1 went With other folk to grete the markisesse, And after that doth forth hir bisinesse. 1015 ~ f With so glad chere his gestes she receyueth, And 2 conningly, euerich in his degree, 1 E. Hn. HI. is she ; the rest omit she. 1 E. Hn. Cm. HI. And so ; Cp. Ft. Ln. omit so. 94 GROUP E. THE CLERK ES TALE. That no defaute no man aperceyueth; But ay they wondren what she myghte be That in so poure array was for to see, 1020 And coude swich honour and reuerence; And worthily they preisen hir prudence. In al this mene whyle she ne stente This mayde and eek hir brother to commende With al hir herte, in ful benigne entente, - ' 1*025 So wel that no man coude hir pjys amende. But atte laste, whan that thise lordes wende To sitten doun to mete, he gan to calle ^ Grisild, as she was bisy in his halle. 1 Grisild/ quod he, as it were in his pley, I 'How lyketh thee my wyf and hir beautee? 1 ' Ryght wel/ quod she, ' my lord ; for, in good fey, A fairer sey I neuer non than she. I prey to god^iue hir prosperitee; f And so hope I that he wol to yow sende 1035 Plesance ynough vn-to your lyues ende. O thing biseke I yow and warne also, That ye ne prikke with no tormentinge ^7 ,. If, /, / , / , / ^(tLAX/. This tendre mayden, as ye nan doon moj For she is fostred in hir norishinge 1040 More tendrely, and, to my supposinge, She coude nat aduersitee endure, As coude a poure fostred creature.' And whan this Walter sey hir pacience, Hir glade chere and no malice at al, 1045 And he so ofte had doon to hir offence, And she ay sad and constant as a wal, Continuing euer hir Innocence oueral, GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE, 95 This sturdy markis gan his herte dresse ^^ji^n^u^, To rewen vp-on hir wyfly stedfastnesse. 1050 ' This is ynough, Grisilde myn/ quod he, ^ _ r ' Be now namore agast ne yuel apayed; **** |j|"^ I haue thy_feith and thy benignitee, As wel as euer womman was, assayed, In greet estaat and poureliche arrayed. 1055 Now knowe I, dere * wyf, thy stedfastnesse/ And hir in armes took and gan hir kesse. And she for wonder took of it no kepe; She herde nat what thing he to hir seyde; She ferde as she had stert out of a slepe, Til she out of hir masednesse . ' Grisild/ quod he, ' by god that for vs deyae, Thou art my wyf, ne 2 non other I haue, Ne neuer hadde, as god my soule saue! This is thy doughter which thou hast supposed 1065 To be my wyf; that other feithfully Shal be myn heir, as I haue ay purposed 8 ; Thou bare him in thy body trewely. At Boloigne haue I kept hem priuely, Tak hem agayn, for now maystow nat seye That thou hast lorn non of thy children tweye. And folk that otherweyes han seyd of me, I warne hem wel that I haue doon this dede For no malice ne for no crueltee, But for tassaye in thee thy wommanhede, 1075 And nat to sleen my children, god forbede! 1 E. goos> % ) And richely his doughter maried he 1130 Vn-to a lord, oon of the worthieste Of al Itaille; and than in pees and reste \^ His wyues fader in his court he kepeth, Til that the soule out of his body crepeth. v His sone succedeth in his heritage 1135 In reste and pees, after his fader day; VOL. n. H 9 8 GROUP E. THE CLERKES TALE. And fortuhat was eek in mariage, Al putte he nat his wyf in greet assay. This world is nat so strong, it is no nay, As it hath ben of olde tymes yore, And herkneth what this auctour seith therfore. This storie is seyd nat for that wyucs sholde Folwen Grisild as in humilitee, --< / For it were importable, though they wolde; But for that euery wyght in his degree Shokle be constant in aduersitee As was Grisild, therfor this 1 Petrark wryteth This storie, which with hy style he cndyteth. For, sith a womman was so pacient Vn-to a mortal man, wel more vs oughte tyju Receyuen al in gree that god vs senL; tm/r "Q L>^lFor greet skile is, he l tfr$ur' that he wroughte, **\ -r, ' 1 - ""~ I I , But ne ne tempteth no man that he boughte, As seith seint lame, if ye his pistil rede; He preueth folk al day, it is no drede, And suffreth vs, as for our excercyse, With sharpe scourges of aduersitee Ful ofte to be bete in sondry wyse; Nat for to knowe our wil, for certes he, Er we were born, knew al 2 our freletee; for our beste is al his governance; 'Lat vs than Hue in vertuous suffrance. 1140 1145 1150 1155 11.60 . But o word, lordinges, herkneth er I It were ful hard to fynde ngw a day $4^4 Q& Av^jCxOL-C* | XfvJr A&jfijL* ^o *^. 1 Cm. this ; which the rest omit. 1 E. omits al ; the rest have it. , r t GROUP E. CLERK-MERCHANT LINK. OQ In al a toun Grisildes thre or two; ___ 1165 For, if that they were put to swiche assaves. UM****** The gold of hem hath now so badde alayes o t/t ^**V-^ With bras, that though the coyne be fair at ye, It wolde rather breste atwo than plye. , For which Beer, for the wyues loue of Bathe, 1170 Whos lyf and al hir secte god mayntene In heigh maistrie, and elles were it scathe, I wol with lusty herte fresshe and grene Seyn yow a song to glade yow, I we'ne, And lat vs stinte of ernestful matere: 1175 ( Herkneth my song that seith in this manere. ^V p v Lenuoy de Chaucer ' \ 'L^f * c \M(v ' i^ V- Grisild is deed, and cek hir patience, ^^-i* .JU. \us\ And bothe atones buried in Itaille ; u- For which I crye in open audience, ^ No wedded man so hardy be tassaille 1180 His wyues pacience, in hope to fynde Grisildes, for in certein he shal faille I O noble wyues, ful of heigh prudence, Lat non humilitee your tonge naille, Ne lat no clerk haue cause or diligence 1185 To wryte of yow a storie of swich meruaille As of Grisildis pacient and kynde; Lest Chicheuache vow swelwe in hir entraille! f Fojweth Ekko. that holdeth no silence, But euere answereth at the countretaille ; 1190 Beth nat bidaffed for your innocence, But sharply tak on yow the gouernaillc. H 2 ^uj, h_t^ v i'oo GRO ! GROUP E. CLERK-MERCHANT LINK. Emprinteth wel this lesson in your mynde For commune profit, sith it may auaille. Ye archewyues, stondeth at defence, 1195 Sin ye be stronge as is a greet camaille; Ne suffreth nat that men yow don offence. And sklendre wyues, fieble as in bataille, Beth egre as is a tygre yond in Ynde; Ay clappeth as a mille, I yow consaille. 1200 Ne dreed hem .nat, do hem no reuerence; For though thyn housbonde armed be in maille, The arwes of thy crabbed eloquence Shal perce his brest, and eek his auentaille ; In lalousye I rede eek thou him bynde, 1205 And thou shalt make him couche as doth a quaille. If thou be fair, ther folk ben in presence Shew thou thy visage and thyn apparaille; If thou be foul, be fre of thy dispence, To gete thee frendes ay do thy trauaille; mo Be ay of chere as lyght as leef on lynde, And lat him care, and wepe, and wringe, and waillel The prologe of the Marchantes tale. ' Weping and wayling, care and other sorwe I knowe ynow, on euen and on morwe,' Quod the Marchant, ' and so doon othere mo 1215 That wedded ben, I trowe that it be so., For wel I wot it fareth so with me. I haue a wyf, the worste that may be; For though the feend to hir ycoupled were, She wolde him ouermacche, I dar wel swere. 1220 GROUP E. CLERK-MERCHANT LINK. 101 What sholde I yow reherce in special Hir hy malice P she is a sjjrew.e at al. t^*J^ Ther is a long and large difference Bitwix Grisildes grete pacience And of my wyf the passing crueltee. 1225 Were I vnbounden, al so mote I thee! I wolde neuer eft comen in the snare. We wedded men liuen in sorwe and care; Assaye it who so wol, and he shal fynde, I seye sooth, by seint Thomas of Ynde, 1230 As for the more part, I seye nat alle. God shilde that it sholde so bifalle! A ! good sir hoste ! I haue ywedded be Thise monthes two, and more nat, pardee; And yit I trowe that he, that al his lyue 1235 Wyflees hath ben, though that men wolde him ryue Vn-to the herte, ne coude in no manere Tellen so moche sorwe, as I now here Coude tellen of my wyues cursednesse 1 ' ' Now,' quod our host, ' marchaunt, so god yow blesse, Sin ye so moche knowen of that art, Ful hertely I preye yow telle vs part.' ' Gladly,' quod he, ' but of myn owen sore, For sory herte, I telle may no more^*-^ svSjJt lie, numbert [Here follows The Merchant's Tale, numbered 11. 1245-2418 i. the Six-Text edition ; after at. 2 E. Pt. in ; the rest on. 4 E. va-to; Cm. on-to; the rest to. I08 GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. Is this ; that, if hir lust it for to were Vp-on hir thombe, or in hir purs it bere, Ther is no foul that fleeth vnder the heuene That she ne shal wel vnderstonde his steuene, 150 And knowe his mening openly and pleyn, And answere him in his langage ageyn. And euery gras that groweth vp-on rote She shal eek knowe, and whom it wol do bote, Al be his woundes neuer so depe and wyde. 155 This naked swerd, that hangeth by my syde, Swich vertu hath, that what man so ye smyte, Thurgh-out his armure it wol 1 kerue and byte, Were it as thikke as is a branched ook ; And what man that is wounded with the 2 strook 160 Shal neuer be hool til that yow list, of grace, To stroke him with the platte in thilke 3 place Ther he is hurt : this is as muche to seyn, Ye mote with the platte swerd ageyn Stroke 4 him in the wounde, and it wol close; 165 This is a verray sooth, with-outen glose, It failleth nat whyl it is in your hold.' And whan this knyght had thus his tale told, He rydeth out of halle, and doun he lyghte. His stede, which that shoon as sonne bryghte, 170 Slant in the courte, stille as any stoon. This knyght is to his chambre lad anon, And is vnarmed and to 5 mete yset. The presentes ben ful roially yfet, This is to seyn, the swerd and the mirour, 175 And born anon in-to the hye tour 1 E. wol hym ; the rest omit hym. 2 E. a ; Cm. that ; the rest the. 9 E. Cm. that ; the rest thilke. * E. Cm. Strike ; the rest Stroke. 8 E. vn-to ; the rest to. GROUP F. THE SQU1ERES TALE. 109 With certeine officers ordeyned therfore ; And vn-to Canacee this ring was bore Solempnely, ther she sit at the table. But sikerly, with-outen any fable, iGo The hors of bras, that may nat be remewed, It slant as it were to the ground yglewed. Ther may no man out of the place it dryue For noon engyn of wyndas or 1 polyue; And cause why, for they can nat the craft. 185 And therefor in the place they han it laft Til that the knyght hath taught hem the manere To voyden him, as ye shal after here. Greet was the pres, that swarmeth to and fro, To gauren on this hors that standeth so ; 190 For it so hy was, and so brood and long, So wel proporcioned for to ben strong, Ryght as it were a stede of Lumbardye ; Ther-with so horsly, and so quik of ye As it a gentil Poileys courser were. 195 For certes, fro his tayl vn-to his ere, Nature ne art ne coude him nat amende In no degree, as al the peple wende. But euermore her moste wonder was, How that it coude gon, and was of bras ; 200 It was of 2 Fairye, as the 8 peple semed. Diuerse folk diuersely they demed; As many heedes, as many wittes ther been. They murmurede as doth a swarm of been, And maden skiles after her fantasyes, 205 Rehersinge of thise olde poetryes, And seyden, it 4 was lyk the Pegasee, 1 E. ne ; the rest or. ' E. Hn. a ; Cm. as ; the rest of. * E. Cm. al the ; the rest omit al. * E. that it ; the rest omit that. I TO GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. The hors that hadde winges for to flee; Or elles it was the Grekes hors Synon, That broughte Troye to destruccion, 210 As men may 1 in thise olde gestes rede. 'Myn herte,' quod oon, 'is euermore in drede; I trowe som men of annes ben ther-inne, That shapen hem this citee for to winne. It were ryght good that al swich thing were knowe.' 215 Another rowned to his felawe lowe, And seyde, 'he lyeth, it is rather lyk An apparence ymaad by som magyk, As logelours pleyen at thise festes grete.' Of sondry doutes thus they langle and trete, 220 As lewed peple demeth comunly Of thinges that ben maad more subtilly Than they can in her lewednes comprehende ; They demen gladly to the badder ende. And somme of hem wondrede on the mirour, 225 That born was vp in-to the maister 2 tour, How men myghte in it swiche thinges se. Another answerde and seyde it myghte wel be Naturelly, by composicions Of angles and of slye reflexions, 230 And seyde that in Rome was swich oon. They speken of Alocen and Vitulon, And Aristotle, that writen in her lyues Of queynte mirours and of prospectyues, As knowen they that han her bokes herd. 235 And othere folk han wondred on the swerd That wolde percen thurgh-out euery-thing; And h'lle in speche of Thelophus the king, 1 HI. may, which the rest omit. 8 E. hye ; Cm. liyghc ; the rest maister. GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. Ill And of Achilles with his queynte spere, For he coude with it bothe hele and dere, 240 Ryght in swich wyse as men may with the swerd Of which ryght now ye han your-seluen herd. They speke of sondry harding of metal, And speke of medicynes ther-with-al, And how, and whan, it sholde yharded be; 245 Which is vnknowe algates vnto me. Tho speke they of Canacee's ring, And seyden alle, that swich a wonder thing Of craft of ringes herde they neuer non, Saue that he, Moyses, and king Salomon 250 Hadde 1 a name of konning in swich art. Thus seyn the peple, and drawen hem apart. But natheles somme seyden that it was Wonder to maken of fern-asshen glas, And yet nis glas nat lyk asshen of fern; 255 But for they han yknowen 2 it so fern, Therfor cesseth her langling and her wonder. As sore wondren somme on cause of thonder, On ebbe, on flood, on gossomer, and on mist, And on al thing, til that the cause is wist. 260 Thus langle they and demen and deuyse, Til that the king gan fro the bord aryse. Phebus hath laft the angle meridional, And yet ascending was the beste roial, The gentil leon, with his Aldiran 3 , 265 Whan that this Tartre king, this 4 Cambynskan, Ros fro his bord, ther that he sat ful hye. Toforn him goth the loude minstralcye, 1 HI. Had ; the rest Hadde. 2 HI. i-knowen; the rest knoweu. s Hn. Aldiran; the reft Aldrian ; see note. * III. this which the rest omit. 112 GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. Til he cam to his chambre of parementz, Ther as they sownen diuerse instrumentz, 270 That it is lyk an heuen for to here. Now dauncen lusty Venus children dere, For in the fish her lady sat ful hye, And loketh on hem with a frendly ye. This noble king is set vp in his trone. 275 This strange knyght is fet to him ful sone, And on the daunce he goth with Canacee. Heer is the reuel and the lolitee That is nat able a dul man to deuyse. He moste han knowen loue and his seruyse, 280 And ben a festlich man as fresh as May, That sholde yow deuysen swich array. Who coude telle yow the forme of daunces, So vncouthe and so fresshe contenaunces, Swich subtil loking and dissimulinges 285 For drede of lalouse mennes aperceyuinges ? No man but Launcelot, and he is deed. Therefor I passe of al this lustiheed ; I seye namore, but in this lolynesse I lete hem, til men to the soper dresse. 290 The sty ward bit the 1 spyces for to hye, And eek the wyn, in al this melodye. The vsshers and the squyers ben ygon; The spyces and the wyn is come anon. They ete and drinke ; and whan this hadde an ende, 295 Vn-to the temple, as reson was, they wende. The seruice don, they soupen al by day. What nedeth yow 2 rehercen her array? Ech man wot wel, that at 3 a kinges feste 1 HI. the ; which the rest omit. a E. me ; the rest yow. 3 HM. Cp. Pt. Ln. that at ; rest om. at ; see note. GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. 113 Hath plentee, to the moste and to the leste, 300 And deyntees mo than ben in my knowing. At-after soper goth this noble king To sen this hors of bras, with al the route Of lordes and of ladyes him aboute. Swich wondring was ther on this hors of bras 305 That, sin the grete sege of Troye was, Ther as men wondreden on an hors also, Ne was ther swich a wondring as was tho. But fynally the king axeth this knyght The vertu of this courser and the myghr, 310 And preyede him to telle his gouernaunce. This hors anon bigan to trippe and daunce, Whan that this knyght leyde hond vp-on his reyne, And seyde, ' sir, ther is namore to seyne, But, whan yow list to ryden any- where, 315 Ye moten trille a pin, stant in his ere, Which I shall telle yow 1 bitwix vs two. Ye mote nempne him to what place also Or to what contree that yow list to ryde. And whan ye come ther as yow list abyde, 310 Bidde him descende, and trille another pin, For ther-in 2 lyth the effect of al the gin, And he wol doun descende and don your wille; And in that place he wol abyde 3 stille, Though al the world the contrarie hadde yswore; 325 He shal nat thennes ben ydrawe ne 4 ybore. Or, if yow liste 5 bidde him thennes gon, 1 E. Hn. Cm. yow telle ; the rest telle yow. * E. ther ; Cm. theere ; the rest ther-iime, ther-in. 3 Cp. HI. abyde ; Hn. abiden ; Ft. Ln. abide ; E. Cm. stonde ; see I. 7,20. 4 E. Hn. nor; the rest ne. 5 Cp. liste ; Lu. luste ; HI. lust to ; Cm wit ; E. Hn. Pt. list. VOL. II. I 114 GROUP F. THE SQVIERES TALE. Trille this pin, and he wol vanishe anon Out of the syghte of euery maner wyght, And come agayn, be it by 1 day or nyght, 330 When that yow list to clepen him ageyn In swich a gyse as I shal to yow seyn Bitwixe yow and me, and that ful sone. Ryde whan yow list, ther is namore to done.' Enformed whan the king was of that knyght, 335 And hath conceyued in his wit aryght The maner and the forme of al this thing, Thus 2 glad and blythe this noble doughty 3 king Repeireth to his reuel as biforn. The brydel is vn-to the tour yborn, 340 And kept among his Jewels leue and dere. The hors vanisshed, I noot in what manere, Out of her syghte; ye gete namore of me. But thus I lete in lust and lolitee This Cambynskan his lordes festeyinge, 345 Til wel ny the day bigan to springe. Explicit prima pars, Sequitur pars sectmda. The norice of digestioun, the slepe, Gan on hem winke, and bad hem taken kepe, That muchel drink and labour wolde han reste ; And with a galping mouth hem alle he keste, 350 And seyde, ' it was tyme to lye adoun, For blood was in his dominacioun ; Cherissheth blood, natures frend,' quod he. They thanken him galpinge, by two, by thre, And euery wyght gan drawe him to his reste, 355 1 HI. by ; which the rest omit. * So E. Cm. ; the rest Ful. 3 E. Cm. omit doughty. GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. 11$ As slepe hem bad; they toke it for the bcste. Her dremes shul nat ben ytold for me; Ful were her heedes of fumositee, That causeth dreem, of which ther nis no charge. They slepen til that it was pryme large, 360 The moste part, but it were Canacee ; She was ful mesurable, as wommen be. For of hir fader hadde she take leue To gon to reste, sone after it was cue; Hir liste nat appalled for to be, 365 Nor 1 on the morwe vnfestlich for to se; And slepte hir firste slepe, and thanne awook. For swich a ioye she in hir herte took Bothe of hir queynte ring and hir mirour, That twenty tyme she changed hir colour; 370 And in hir slepe, ryght for impression Of hir mirour, she hadde a vision 2 . Wherfor, er that the sonne gan vp glyde, She cleped on hir maistresse hir bisyde, And seyde, that hir liste for to ryse. 375 Thise olde wommen that been gladly wyse, As is 3 hir maistresse, answerde hir anon, And seyde, ' madame, whider wole ye gon Thus erly? for the folk ben alle on reste.' ' I wol,' quod she, ' aryse, for me leste 380 No lenger for to slepe, and walke aboute. 5 Hir maistresse clepeth wommen a gret route. And vp they rysen, wel a ten or twelue ; Vp ryseth fresshe Canacee hir-selue, As rody and bryght as doth the yonge sonne, 385 That in the Ram is four degrees vp-ronne; 1 Hn. Cm. Nor; E. HI. Ne; Cp. Ft. Ln. For [for NorJ. 8 E. Avision ; the rest a vision. 3 E. omits is ; the rest have it. I 2 II 6 GROUP F. THE SQU1ERES TALE. Noon hyer was he, whan she redy was; And forth she walketh esily a pas, Arrayed after the lusty seson sote Lyghtly, for to pleye and walke on fote ; 390 Nat but with fyue or six of hir meynee ; And in a trench, forth in the park, goth she. The vapour, which that fro the erthe glood, Made the sonne to seme rody and brood; But natheles, it was so fair a syghte 395 That it made alle her hertes for to lyghte, What for the seson and the morweninge, And for the foules that she herde singe; For ryght anon she wiste what they mente Ryght by her song, and knew al her entente. 400 The knotte why that euery tale is told, If it be taried til that lust be cold Of hem that han it after herkned yore, The sauour passeth euer lenger the more, For fulsomnesse of his prolixitee. 405 And by the same reson thinketh me, I sholde to the knotte condescende, And maken of hir walking sone an ende. Amidde a tree fordrye 1 , as whyt as chalk, As Canacee was pleying in hir walk, 410 Ther sat a faucon ouer hir heed ful hyc, That with a pitous voys so gan to crye That all the wode resouned of hir cry. Ybeten hath she hir-self so pitously With bothe hir winges til the rede blood 415 Ran endelong the tree ther as 2 she stood. 1 E. fordryed ; Cm. fordreyed ; but Hn. Cp. Pt. I.n. for-drye ; 111. fordruye. * E. Cm. omit as. GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. lij And euer in oon she cryde alwey and shryghte, And with hir beek hir-seluen so she pryghte, That ther nis tygre, ne non so cruel beste, That dwelleth either 1 in wode or in foreste 420 That nolde han wept, if that he 2 wepe coude, For sonve of hir, she shryghte alwey so loude. For ther nas neuer yet no man 3 on lyue If that I coude a faucon wel discryue That herde of swich another of fairnesse, 425 As wel of plumage as of gentillesse Of shap, and al that myghte yrekened be. A faucon peregryn than semed she Of fremde londe; and euermore, as she stood, She swowneth now and now for lakke of blood, 430 Til wel ny is she fallen fro the tree. This faire kinges doughter, Canacee, That on hir finger bar the queynte ring, Thurgh which she understood wel euery thing That any foul may in his ledene seyn, 435 And coude answere him in his ledene ageyn, Hath vnderstonde what this faucon seyde, And wel ny for the revvthe almost she deyde. And to the tree she goth ful hastily, And on this faucon loketh pitously, 440 And held hir lappe abrood, for wel she wiste The faucon moste fallen fro the twiste, When that it swowned next, for lakke of blood. A longe while to wayten hir she stood, Til atte laste she spak in this manere 445 Vn-to the hauk, as ye shul after here. ' What is the cause, if it be for to telle, 1 E. Hn. outher ; the rest eyther. a E. Pt. she ; tits reft he. 8 So Cp. HI. ; E. Hn. Cm. neuerc man yet ; Pt. Ln. ncuere yit man. Il8 GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. That ye be in this furial pyne of helle?' Quod Canacee vn-to this 1 hauk aboue. ' Is this for sorwe of deth or los of loue ? 450 For, as I trowe, thise ben causes two That causen 2 most a gentil herte wo; Of other harm it nedeth nat to speke. For ye your-self vpon your-self yow wreke, Which proueth wel that either 3 loue or drede 455 Mot ben encheson of your cruel dede, Sin that I see non other wyght yow chace. For loue of god, as doth your-seluen grace Or what may ben your help; for West nor Est Ne sey I neuer er now no brid ne best . 460 That ferde with him-self so pitously. Ye sle me with your sorwe, verraily; I haue of yow so gret compassioun *. For goddes loue, com fro the tree adoun; And, as I am a kinges doughter trewe, 465 If that I verraily the cause knewe Of your disese, if it lay in my myght, I wolde amende it, er that it were nyght, As wisly helpe me gret 6 god of kynde 1 And herbes shal I ryght ynowe yfynde 470 To hele with your hurtes hastily.' Tho shryghte this faucon yet more 8 pitously Than 'euer she dide, and fil to grounde anon, And lyth aswowne, deed, and lyk a stoon, Til Canacee hath in hit lappe hir take 475 Vn-to the tyme she gan of swough awake. 1 E. the ; the rest this. * E. causeth ; the rest causen. 3 E. Hn. outher ; the rest either. * E. passioun ; the rest compassioun. '' E. the grete; the rest omit the. 6 Hn. Cp. Pt. yet moore ; E. Cm. moore yet ; HI. Ln. more. GROUP F. THE SQUfERES TALE. 119 And, after that she of hir swough gan breyde, Ryght in hir haukes ledene thus she seyde: 'That pitee renneth sone in gentil herte, Feling his similitude in peynes smerte, 480 Is preued al-day, as men may it 1 see, As wel by werk as by auctoritee ; For gentil herte kytheth gentillesse. I se wel, that 2 ye han of my distresse Compassion, my faire Canacee, 485 Of verray wommanly benignitee That nature in your principles hath set 3 . But for non hope for to fare the bet, But for to* obeye vn-to your herte free, And for to maken other be war by me, 490 As by the whelp chasted is 8 the leoun, Ryght for that cause and that conclusioun, Whyl that I haue a leyser and a space, Myn harm I wol confessen, er I pace.' And euer, whyl that oon hir sorwe tolde, 495 That other weep, as she to water wolde, Til that the faucon bad hir to be stille; And, with a syk, ryght thus she seyde hir wille. ' Ther 7 I was bred, alias ! that harde day, And fostred in a roche of marbul gray 500 So tendrely, that nothing eyled me, I niste nat what was aduersitee, Til I coude flee ful hye vnder the sky. Tho dwelte a tercelet me faste by, That semed welle of alle gentillesse; 505 1 E. HI. omit it. 2 E. Cm. omit that. 3 E. yset ; Cm. I-set ; the rest set, sette. * E. omits to. s / should propose to read is chasted ; but authority is lacking. So HI. ; the rest for that. 7 E. Cm. That ; the rest Ther. 120 GROUP F. THE SQUJERES TALE. Al were he ful of treson and falsnesse, It was so wrapped vnder humble chere, And vnder hewe of trewthe in swich manere, Vnder plesance, and vnder bisy peyne, That I ne coude han wend he coude feyne, 510 So depe in greyn he dyed his coloures. Ryght as a serpent hit him vnder floures Til he may sen his tyme for to byte, Ryght so this god of loue, this ypocryte, Doth so his cerimonies and obeisances, 515 And kepeth 1 in semblant alle his obseruances That sowneth in-to gentillesse of loue. As in a toumbe is al the faire aboue, And vnder is the corps, swich as ye wot, Swich was this 2 ypocrite, bothe cold and hot, 520 And in this wyse he serued his entente, That (saue the feend) non wiste what he mente. Til he so longe had wopen and compleyned, And many a yeer his seruice to me feyned, Til that myn herte, to pilous arid to nyce, 5*5 Al innocent of his crouned malice, For-fered of his deth, as thoughte me, Vpon his othes and his seurelee, Graunted him loue, on s this condicioun, That euermore myn honour and renoun 530 Were saued, bothe priuee and apert; This is to seyn, that, after his desert, I yaf him al myn herte and al 4 my thought God wot and he, that otherwyse nought And took his herte in chaunge for myn for ay. 535 1 Pronounced kep'th. * E. the ; the rest this. 3 The MSS. have vp-on. 1 Cm. Ln. HI. al ; which the reit omit. GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. J2I But sooth is seyd, gon sithen many a day, "A trew wyght and a theef thenken nat oon." And, whan he sey the thing so fer ygon, That I had graunted him fully my loue, In swich a gyse as I haue seyd aboue, 540 And yiuen him my trewe herte, as fre As he swoor he his herte yaf 1 to me; Anon this tygre, ful of doublenesse, Fil on his knees with so deuout humblesse, With so hey reuerence as 2 by his chere, 545 So lyk a gentil louere of manere, So rauisshed, as it semed, for the loye, That neuer lason s , ne Paris of Troye, lason ? certes, ne non other man, Sin Lameth was, that alderfirst bigan 550 To louen two, as wry ten folk biforn, Ne neuer, sin the firste man was born, Ne coude man, by twenty thousand part, Countrefete the sophimes of his art; Ne were worthy vnbokele his galoche, 555 Ther doublenesse or feyning sholde approche, Ne so coude thanke a wyght as he did me I His maner was an heuen for to see Til any womman, were she neuer so wys; So peyntede he and kembde at point- deuys 560 As wel his wordes as his contenance. And I so * louede him for his obeisance, And for the trewthe I demede in his herte, That, if so were that any thing him smerte, Al were it neuer so lyte, and I it wiste, 565 1 All he yaf his herte. a Cm. as; the rest and as. * E. Cm. Troilus ; the rest lason ; see note. * E. Cm. omit so. 122 GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. Me thoughte I felte deth myn herte twiste. And shortly, so ferforth this thing is went, That my wil was his willes instrument; This is to seyn, my wil obeyede his wil In alle thing, as fer as reson fil, 570 Keping the boundes of my worshipe euer. Ne neuer hadde I thing so leef, ne leuer, As him, god wot 1 ne neuer shal namo. This lasteth lenger than a yeer or two, That I supposed of him nought but good. 575 But fynally, thus atte laste it stood, That fortune wolde that he moste twinne Out of that place which that I was inne. Wher me was wo, that is no questioun; I can nat make of it discripcioun ; 580 For o thing dar I tellen boldely, I knowe what is the peyne of deth ther-by ; Swich harm I felte for he * ne myghte bileue. So on a day of me he took his leue, So sonvefully eek, that I wende verraily 585 That he had felt as muche harm as I, Whan that I herde him speke, and sey his hewe. But natheles, I thoughte he was so trewe, And eek that he repaire sholde ageyn With-inne a litel whyle, soth to seyn; 590 And reson wolde eek that he moste go For his honour, as ofte it happeth so, That I made vertu of necessitee, And took it wel, sin that it moste be. As I best myghte, I hidde fro him my sorwe, 595 And took him by the hond, seint lohn to borwe, 1 E. has I ; the rest he. GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. 123 And seyde him thus: "lo, I am youres al; Beth swich as I to yow haue ben, and shal." What he answerde it nedeth nat reherce, Who can seyn bet than he, who can do werse ? 600 Whan he hath al wel 1 seyd, thanne hath he doon. " Therfor bihoueth him 2 a ful long spoon That shal ete with a feend," thus herde I seye. So atte laste he moste forth his weye, And forth he fleeth, til he cam ther him leste. 605 Whan it cam him to purpos for to reste, I trowe he hadde thilke text in mynde, That " alle thing, repeiring to his kynde, Gladeth him-self"; thus seyn men, as I gesse; Men louen of propre kynde newfangelnesse, 610 As briddes doon that men in cages fede. For though thou nyght and day take of hem hede, And strawe hir cage faire and softe as silk, And yiue hem sugre, hony, breed and milk, Yet ryght anon, as that his dore is vppe, 615 He with his feet wol spume adoun his cuppe, And lo the wode he wol and wormes ete ; So newefangel ben they of hir mete, And louen nouelries 3 of propre kynde; No gentillesse of blood ne 4 may hem bynde. 620 So ferde this tercelet, alias the day! Though he were gentil born, and 6 fresh and gay, And goodly for to seen, and 6 humble and free, He sey vp-on a tyme a kyte flee, 1 Hn. Cp. Pt. Ln. HI. wel seyd ; Cm. I-seyd ; E. seyd. * E. Hn. Cm. hire ; the rest him. 3 E. nouelrie ; the rest have tJie plural, except Ln. none leueres ; which it a curious corruption of nouelrie?. * I supply ne ; which all omit. * Hn. has and ; which the rest omit. 6 E. Pt. omit and. 124 GROUP F. THE SQUIERES TALE. And sodeynly he loued this kyte so, 625 That al his loue is clene fro me ago, And hath his trewthe falsed in this wyse ; Thus hath the kyte my loue in hir seruyse, And I am lorn with-outen remedye ! ' And with that word this faucon gan to crye, 630 And swowned eft in Canacees barme. Greet was the sorwe, for the haukes harme, That Canacee and alle hir wommen made; They nisten how they myghte the faucon glade. But Canacee horn bereth hir in hir lappe, 635 And softely in piastres gan hir wrappe, Thcr as she with hir beek had hurt hir-sclue. Now can nat Canacee but herbes delue Out of the grounde, and make salues 1 newe Of herbes precious, and fyne of he\ve, 640 To helen with this hauk; fro day to nyght She doth hir bisynesse and al hir 2 myght. And by hir beddes heed she made a mewe, And couered it with velouettes blewe, In signe of trewthe that is in wommen sene. 645 And al with-oute, the mewe is peynled grene, In which were peynted 3 alle thise false foules, As beth thise tidifs, tercelets, and oules; And pyes, on hem for to crye and chyde, Ryght for despyt were peynted hem bisyde 4 . 650 Thus lete I Canacee hir hauk keping; I wol namore as now speke of hir ring, Til it come eft to purpos for to seyn How that this faucon gat hir loue ageyn 1 E. Hn. saues ; the rest salues. * E. hire fuile ; the rest al hir. 3 E. ther were ypeynted ; the rest were peynted. 4 The MSS, transpose 11. 649, 650 ; the correction was made by Tyrwhitu GROUP F. SQUIRE END-LINK. 125 Repentant, as the storie telleth vs, 655 By mediation of Cambalus, The kinges sone, of whiche 1 I yow tolde. But hennes forth I wol my proces hol'de To speke of auentures and of batailles, That neuer yet was herd so grete meruailles. 660 First wol I telle yow of Cambynskan, That in his tyme many a citee wan ; And after wol I speke of Algarsyf, How that he wan Theodora to his wyf, For whom ful ofte in greet peril he was, 665 Ne hadde he ben holpen by the stede of bras; And after wol I speke of Cambalo, That faught in listes with the bretheren two For Canacee, er that he myghte hir winne. And ther I lefte I wol ageyn biginne. 670 Explicit secunda pars. Incipit pars lercia. Appollo whirleth vp his char so hye, Til that the god Mercurius hous the slye 2 [SQUIRE-FRANKLIN LINK.] Heere folwen the wordes of the Frankelyn to the Squier, and the wordes of the hoost to the Frankelyn. ' In feith, Squyer, thou hast thee wel yquit, And gentilly I preise wel thy wit/ 1 Ln. whiche ; rest which ; Hn. of which I to yow tolde. * Here the MSS. fail. HI. omits 11. 671, 672, and La. has eight spurious lines in their place. HI. also omits 11. 1617-670. 12(5 GROUP F. SQUIRE END-LINK. Quod the Frankeleyn, ' considering thy youthe, 675 So feelingly thou spekest, sir, I allow the ! As to my doom, ther is noon that is here Of eloquence that shal be thy pere. If that thou Hue, god yiue thee good chaunce, And in vertu sende thee continuaunce ! 680 For of thy speche I haue greet deyntee. I haue a sone, and, by the Trinitee, I hadde leuer than twenty pound worth lond, Though it ryght now were fallen in myn hond, He were a man of swich discrecioun 685 As that ye ben! fy on possessioun But-if a man be vertuous with-al. I haue my sone snibbed, and yet shal, For he to vertu listeth 1 nat entende; But for to pleye at dees, and to dispende, 690 And lese al that he hath, is his vsage. And he hath leuer talken with a page Than to comune with any gentil wyght Ther he myghte lerne gentillesse aryght/ ' Straw for your gentillesse,' quod our host; 695 ' What, frankeleyn? parde, sir, wel thou wost That eche of yow mot tellen atte leste A tale or two, or breken his biheste.' ' That knowe I wel, sir,' quod the frankeleyn; ' I preye yow, haueth me nat in disdeyn joo Though to this man I speke a word or t\vo.' ' Tel on thy tale with-outen wordes mo.' ' Gladly, sir host,' quod he, ' I wol obeye Vn-to your wil j now herkneth what I seye. 1 E. listneth ; the rest listeth, lusteth. GROUP F. SQUIRE END-LINK. 12J I wol yow nat contrarien in no wyse 705 As fer as that my wittes wol suffyse; I preye to god that it may plesen yow, Than wot I wel that it is good ynow.' 708 Explicit. [Here follows the Franklin's Tale, //. 709-1624 in the Six-Text edition ; with which Group F ends. Group G contains the Second Nun's Tale and End-link, and the Canon's Yeoman's Tale. Group H contains the Manciple's Prologue and Tale. Group I contains the Parson's Prologue and Tale ; and concludes the series.] NOTES. [I am indebted to Dr. Morris for numerous hints, and, in particular, for the notes marked ' M.'] INTRODUCTION TO THE MAN OF LA WES TALE (GROUP B). 1. If, as Mr. Furnivall supposes, the time of the telling of the Canterbury tales be supposed to be longer than one day, we may suppose the Man of Lawes Tale to begin the stories told on the second morning of the journey, April 18. Otherwise, we must suppose all the stories in Group A to precede it, which is not impossible, if we suppose the pilgrims to have started early in the morning. Hoste. This is one of the words which are sometimes dissyllabic, and sometimes monosyllabic ; see the Preface. It is here a dissyllable, as in 1. 39. See note to line 1 883 below. Sty, i. e. saw. The forms of ' saw ' vary in the MSS. In this line we find saugh, sank, segh, sauhe, sawh, none of which are Chaucer's own, but due to the scribes. The true form is determined by the rime, as in the Clerkes Tale, E. 667, where most of the MSS. have say. A still better spelling is sey, which may be fo*und in the Aldine edition of Troilus and Creseyde, vol. iv. p. 204, 1. 1265, where it rimes with day and array. The A. S. form is sedh. 2. The ark, &c. In Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe, pt. ii. ch. 7 (ed. Skeat), is the proposition headed ' To knowe the arch of the day, that some folk kallen the day artificial, from the sonne arisyng til hit go to rest.' Thus, while the ' day natural ' is twenty-four hours, the ' day artificial ' is the time during which the sun is above the horizon. The 4 arc ' of this day merely means the extent or duration of it, as reckoned along the circular rim of an astrolabe ; or, when measured along the horizon (as here), it means the arc extending from the point of sunrise to that of sunset. Ronne, -run, performed, completed. 3. The fourthe part. The true explanation of this passage, which Tyrwhitt failed to discover, is due to Mr. A. E. Brae, who first published it in May, 1851, and reprinted it at p. 68 of his edition of Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe. His conclusions were based upon actual VOL. II. K 130 XOTES TO GROUP B. calculation, and will be mentioned in due order. In re-editing the ' Astrolabe,' I took the opportunity of roughly checking his calculations by other methods, and am satisfied that he is quite correct, and that the day meant is not the 2 8th of April, as in the Ellesmere MS., nor the 1 3th of April, as in the Harleian MS., but the i8th, as in the Hengwrt MS. and most others. It is easily seen that xviii may be corrupted into xxviii by prefixing x, or into xiii by the omission of v ; this may account for the variations. The key to the whole matter is given by a passage in Chaucer's ' Astrolabe,' pt. ii. ch. 29, where it is clear that Chaucer (who, however, merely translates from Messahala) actually confuses the hour-angle with Ihe azimuthal arc ; that is, he considered it correct to find the hour of the day by noting the point of the horizon over which the sun appears to stand, and supposing this point to advance, with a uniform, not a variable, motion. The host's method of proceeding was this. Wanting to know the hour, he observed how far the sun had moved southward along the horizon since it rose, and saw that it had gone more than half-way from the point of sunrise to the exact southern point. Now the 1 8th of April in Chaucer's time answers to the 26th of April at present. On April 26th, 1874, the sun rose at 4!!. 43m., and set at 7h. 1 2m., giving a day of about 14!!. 3om., the fourth part of which is at 8h. 2om., or, with sufficient exactness, at half-past eight. This would leave a whole hour and a half to signify Chaucer's ' half an houre and more,' shewing that further explanation is still necessary. The fact is, however, that the host reckoned, as has been said, in another way, viz. by observing the sun's position with reference to the horizon. On April 18 the sun was in the 6th degree of Taurus at that date, as we again learn from Chaucer's treatise. Set this 6th degree of Taurus on the East horizon on a globe, and it is found to be 22 degrees to the North of the East point, or 1 1 2 degrees from the South. The half of this is at 56 degrees from the South ; and the sun would seem to stand above this 56th degree, as may be seen even upon a globe, at about a quarter past nine ; but Mr. Brae has made the calculation, and shews that it was at twenty minutes past nine. This makes Chaucer's 'half an houre and more ' to stand for half an hour and ten minutes ; an extremely neat result. But this we can check again by help of the host's other observa- tion. He also took note, that the lengths of a shadow and its object were equal, whence the sun's altitude must have been 45 degrees. Even a globe will shew that the sun's altitude, when in the 6th degree of Taurus, and at 10 o'clock in the morning, is somewhere about 45 or 46 degrees. But Mr. Brae has calculated it exactly, and his result is, that the sun attained its altitude of 45 degrees at two minutes to ten exactly. This is even a closer approximation than we might expect, INTRODUCTION TO THE MAN OF LA WES TALE. 131 and leaves no doubt about the right date being the eighteenth of April. For fuller particulars, see Chaucer on the Astrolabe, ed. Brae, p. 69 ; and ed. Skeat, p. 1. (preface). 5. Eightetethe, eighteenth. Mr. Wright prints eighletene, with the remark that 'this is the reading in which the MSS. seem mostly to agree.' This is right in substance, but not quite exact. None of the copies have eightetene at full length ; most of the MSS. denote the number by an abbreviation, as stated in the foot-note. The Hengwrt MS. has xviijthe, and the Middle English for eighteenth must have been eightetethe, the ordinal, not the cardinal number. Though I can give no instance of this very word, its form is easily inferred from the numerous examples in which -teenlh is represented by -tethe; see feowerlethe, fijtethe, &c. in Stratmann's Old English Dictionary. Eighte is of two syllables, from A. S. eahta, cognate with Lat. octo. Eightetethe has four syllables; just as eightetene is of four syllables in C. T. 3223, where Tyrwhitt wrongly inserts I gesse. 8. As in lengthe, with respect to its length. 13. The astrolabe which Chaucer gave to his little son Lewis was adapted for the latitude of Oxford. If, as is likely, the poet-astronomer checked his statements in this passage by a reference to it, he would neglect the difference in latitude between Oxford and the Canterbury road. In fact, it is less than a quarter of a degree, and not worth con- sidering in the present case. 14. Gan conclude, did conclude, concluded. Gan is often used thus as an auxiliary verb. I 5- Plyght", plucked ; cf. shryghte, shrieked, in Kn. Ta. 1959. M. 1 6. Lordinges, sirs. This form of address is exceedingly common in Early English poetry. Cf. the first line in the Tale of Sir Thopas. 1 8. Seint John. See the Squire's Tale, 1. 596. 19. Leseth, lose ye ; note the form of the imperative plural in -eth ; cf. 1. 37. ,Asferforth as ye may, as far as lies in your power. 20. Wasteth, consumeth ; ch. wastour, a wasteful person, in P. Plowm. B. vi. 154. M. HI. has passeth, i.e. passes away; several MSS. insert it before wasteth, but it is not required by the metre, since the e in time in fully sounded ; cf. A. S. tima. Compare 'The time that passeth night and day, And rest[e]lesse travayleth ay, And stealeth from us so privyly, As water that down runneth ay, But never drop returne may, 1 &c. Romaunt of the Rose, 1. 369. See also Clerkes Tale, 1. 118. K 2 132 NOTES TO GROUP B. 21. What. We now say what with. It means, ' partly owing to.' 22. Waliinge; strictly, it means watching ; but here, in our ivakinge=* whilst we are awake. 23. Cf. Ovid, Art. Amat. iii. 62-65 : 'Ludite; eunt anni more fluentis aquae. Nee quae praeteriit, cursu reuocabitur unda ; Nee, quae praeteriit, hora redire potest. Utendum est aetate ; cito pede labitur aetas.' 25. Seneca wrote a treatise De Breuitate Temporis, but this does not contain any passage very much resembling the text. I have no doubt that Chaucer was thinking of a passage which may easily have caught his eye, as being very near the beginning of the first of Seneca's epistles. ' Quaedam tempora eripiuntur nobis, quaedam subducuntur, quaedam efflwtnt. Turpissima tamen est iactura, quae per negligentiam fit. Quem mihi dabis, qui aliquod pretium tempori ponat ? qui diem aestimet ? ... In huius rei unius fugacis ac lubricae possessionem natura nos misit, ex qua expellit quicumque uult ; et tanta stultitia mortalium est, ut, quae minima et uilissima sint, certe reparabilia, imputari sibi, quum impetrauere, patiantur ; nemo se iudicet quidquam debere, qui tempus accepit, quum interim hoc unum est, quod nt gratus quidem potest reddere;' Epist. I. ; Seneca Lucilio suo. 33. Man ofLawe. This is the 'sergeant of the lawe' described in the Prologue, 11. 309-330. So have ye blis, so may you obtain bliss ; as you hope to reach heaven. 34. As forward is, as is the agreement. See Prologue, 1. 829. 35. Ben submitted, have agreed. This illustrates the common usage of expressing a perfect by the verb to be and the past part, of an intransitive verb. Cf. is went, in 1. 1730. M. 36. At my lugement, at my decree; ready to do as I bid you. See Prologue, 11. 818 and 833. 37. Acquiteth yow, acquit yourselves, viz. by redeeming your promise. Holdeth your biheste, keep your promise. Acquit means to absolve or free oneself from a debt, obligation, charge, &c. ; or to free oneself from the claims of duty, by fulfilling it. 38. Devoir, duty ; see Knightes Tale, 1. 1 740. A tie leste, at the least. A tie or alien is common in old English for at fhe or at then ; the latter is a later form of A. S. eel pant, where then (=pam) is the dative case of the article. But for the explan- ation of peculiar forms and words, the Glossarial Index should be consulted. 39. For ich, Tyrwhitt reads jeo*=je, though found in none of our seven MSS. This makes the whole phrase French de par dieux jeo assente. Mr. Jephson suggests that this is a clever hit of Chaucer's, because INTRODUCTION TO THE MAN OF LAWES TALE. 133 he makes the Man of La we talk in French, with which, as a lawyer, he was very familiar. However, we find elsewhere ' Quod Troilus, " depardieux ich assente " ; ' and again ' " Depardieux" quod she, " God leve all be wele " ; Troilus and Cres. ii. 1058 and 1212; and in the Freres Tale, Group D, 1. 1395 ' " Depardieux," quod the yeman, " dere brother." ' It is much more to the point to observe that the Man of Lawe talks about law in 1. 43. Cotgrave, in his French Dictionary, under par, gives ' De par Dieu so//, a [i. e. in] God's name be it. De par may, by my means. De par le roy, by the king's appointment.' De par is a corruption of O. Fr. de part, on the part or side of ; so that de par le roy means literally, ' as for the king,' i. e. ' in the king's name.' Similarly, de par Dieu is, ' in God's name.' See Burguy, Grammaiie de la Langue D'oil, ii. 359. The form dieux is a nominative, from the Latin deus ; thus exhibiting an exception to the almost universal law in French, that the substantives are formed from the accusative cases of Latin substantives, zs Jleur horn florem, &c. Other exceptions maybe found in some proper names, as Charles, Jacques, from Carolus, Jacobus, and mfils, fromjilius. 41. In the Morality entitled Everyman, in Hazlitt's Old Eng. Plays, i. 137, is the Proverb 'Yet. promise is debt.' Mr. Hazlitt wrongly considers that as the earliest instance of the phrase. M. Holde fayn, &c. ; gladly perform all my promise. 43. Man . . . another = one . . . another. The Cambridge MS. is right. M. ' For whatever law a man imposes on others, he should in justice consider as binding on himself." This is obviously a quotation, as ap- pears from 1. 45. The expression referred to was probably proverbial. An English proverb says ' They that make the laws must not break them ;' a Spanish one ' El que ley establece, guardarla debe,' he who makes a law ought to keep it ; and a Latin one ' Patere legem quam ipse tulisti," abide by the law which you made yourself. The idea is ex- panded in the following passage from Claudian's Panegyric on the 4th consulship of Honorius, carm. viii., 1. 295 ' In commune iubes si quid censesue tenendum, Primus iussa subi, tune obseruantior aequi Fit populus, nee ferre negat cum uiderit ipsum Autorem parere sibi.' 45. Text, quotation from an author, precept, saying. Thus wol our text, i. e. such is what the expression implies. 47. But. This reading is given by Tyrwhitt, from MS. Dd. 4. 24 in the Cambridge University Library and two other MSS. All our seven MSS. read That; but this would require the word Nath (hath not) 134 NOTES TO GROUP . instead of Hath, in 1. 49. Chaucer talks about his writings in a similar strain at a still earlier period, in his House of Fame, ii. 112, where Jupiter's eagle says to him : ' And natheles hast set thy wit, Although [that] in thy heed ful lyt is, To make bookes, songes, and dities In ryme, or elles in cadence, As thou best canst, in reverence Of Love, and of his servaunts eke ;' &c. Cf. Prol. 1. 746 ; Kn. Tale, 1. 602. Can but lewdly on metres, is but slightly skilled in metre. Can = knows here ; in the line above it is the ordinary auxiliary verb. 54. Ovid is mentioned for two reasons, because he has so many love- stories, and because Chaucer himself borrowed several of his own from Ovid. Made ofmencioun; we should now say made mention of. 55. Epistolis, Epistles. Here the Latin ablative is used after in, but it is more usual in old English to quote Latin titles in the genitive case; see note to 1. 93. The book referred to is Ovid's Ileioides, which contains twenty-one love-letters. See note to 1. 61. 56. What, why, on what account ? cf. Prologue, 184. 57. 'The story of Ceyx and Alcyone is related in the introduction to the poem which was for some time called "The Dreme of Chaucer," but which, in the MSS. Fairfax 16 and Bodl. 638, is more properly entitled, " The Boke of the Duchesse." ' Tyrwhitt. Chaucer took it from Ovid's Metamorphoses, bk. xi. 59. Thise is a monosyllable ; the final e is only added for distinction. 61. The seintes legende of Cnpyde ; better known now as The Legend of Good Women. Tyrwhitt says ' According to Lydgate (Prologue to Boccace), the number [of good women] was to have been nineteen ; and perhaps the Legend itself affords some ground for this notion ; see 1. 283, and Court of Love, 1. 108. But this number was never com- pleted, and the last story, of Hypermnestra, is seemingly unfinished. . . . In this passage the Man of Lawe omits two ladies, viz. Cleopatra and Philomela, whose histories are in the Legend ; and he enumerates eight others, of whom there are no histories in the Legend as we have it at present. Are we to suppose that they have been lost?' The Legend contains the nine stories following ; i. Cleopatra ; 2. Thisbe ; 3. Dido ; 4. Hypsipyle and Medea; 5. Lucretia; 6. Ariadne; 7. Philomela; 8. Phyllis ; 9. Hypermnestra. Of these, Chaucer here mentions, as Tyrwhitt points out, all but two, Cleopatra and Philomela. Before dis- cussing the matter further, let me note that in medieval times, proper names took strange shapes, and the reader must not suppose that the INTRODUCTION TO THE MAN OF LA WES TALE. 135 writing of Adrians for Ariadne, for example, is peculiar to Chaucer. The meaning of the other names is is follows : Lucresse, Lucretia ; Babiloin Tisbee, Thisbe of Babylon ; Enee, ^Eneas ; Dianire, Deianira ; Hermion, Hermione ; Adriatic, Ariadne ; Isiphilee, Hypsipyle ; Leander, Erro, Leander and Hero ; Eleyne, Helena ; Brixseide, Briseis (ace. Briseida) ; Ladomea, Laodamia ; Ypermis.tr a, Hypermnestra ; Alceste, Alcestis. Returning to the question of Chaucer's plan for his Legend of Good Women, we may easily conclude what his intention was, though it was never carried out. He intended to write stories concerning nineteen women who were celebrated for being martyrs of love, and to conclude the series by an additional story concerning queen Alcestis, whom he regarded as the best of all the good women. Now, though he does not expressly say who these women were, he has left us two lists, both incomplete, in which he mentions some of them ; and by combining these, and taking into consideration the stories which he actually wrote, we can make out the whole intended series very nearly. One . of the lists is the one given here ; the other is in a Ballad which is introduced into the Prologue to the Legend. The key to the incompleteness of the present list, probably the later written of the two, is that the poet chiefly mentions here such names as are also to be found in Ovid's Heroides ; cf. 1. 55. Putting all the information together, it is sufficiently clear that Chaucer's intended scheme must have been very nearly as follows, the number of women (if we include Alcestis) being twenty. (i) Cleopatra; (2) Thisbe; (3) Dido; (4) and (5) Hypsipyle and Medea; (6) Lucretia; (7) Ariadne; (8) Philomela; (9) Phyllis; (10) Hypermnestra (unfinished); after which (n) Penelope; (12) Briseis; (13) Hermione; (14) Deianira; (15) Laodamia; (16) Helen; (17) Hero; (18) Polyxena (see the Ballad); (19) either Lavinia (see the Ballad), or Oenone (mentioned in Ovid, and in the House of Fame) ; and (20) Alcestis. Since the list of stories in Ovid's Heroides is the best guide to the whole passage, it is here subjoined. In this list, the numbers refer to the letters as numbered in Ovid ; the italics shew the stories which Chaucer actually wrote ; the asterisk points out such of the stories as he happens to mention in the present enumeration ; and the dagger points out the ladies mentioned in his Prologue to the Legend of Good Women. I . Penelope Ulixi.* ) a. Phyllis Demophoonti. * f 3. Briseis Achilli.* 4. Phaedra Hippolyto. 5. Oenone Paridi. 136 NOTES TO GROUP B. 6. Hypsipyle lasoni;* f I*- Medea lasoni * 7. Dido Aeneae* f 8. Hermione Orestae *. 9. Deianira Herculi*. 10. Ariadne Theseo.*-^ 11. Canace Macareo* t (expre&tly rejected}. 13. Laodamia Protesilao.*f 14. Hypermnestra Lynceo* f 15. Sappho Phaoni. 16. Paris Helenae ; 1 7. Helena Paridi.* f 18. Leander Heroni ; 19. Hero Leandro.*t 20. Acontius Cydippae ; 21. Cydippe Acontio. Chaucer's method, I fear, was to plan more than he cared to finish. Tie did so with his Canterbury Tales, and again with his Treatise on the Astrolabe ; and he left the Squire's Tale half-told. According to his own account (Prologue to Legend of Good Women, 1. 481) he never intended to write his Legend all at once, but only ' yeer by yere.' Such proposals are dangerous, and commonly end in incompleteness. To Tyrwhitt's question 'are we to suppose that they have been lost?' the most likely answer is, that they were never written. Chaucer alludes to Ovid's Epistles again in his House of Fame, bk. i., where he mentions the stories of Phyllis, Briseis, Oenone (not mentioned here), Hypsipyle, Medea, Deianira, Ariadne, and Dido ; the last being told at some length. Again, in the Book of the Duchesse, he alludes to Medea, Phillis, and Dido (11. 726-734) ; to Penelope and Lucretia (1. 1081) ; and to Helen (1. 331). As for the stories in the Legend which are not in Ovid's Heroides, we find that of Thisbe in Ovid's Metamorphoses, bk. iv ; that of Philomela in the same, bk. vi ; whilst those of Cleopatra and Lucretia are in Boccaccio's book De Claris Mulieribus, from which he imitated the title ' Legend of Good Women,' and derived also the story of Zenobia, as told in the Monkes Tale. With regard to the title ' seintes legend of Cupyde,' which in modern English would be ' Cupid's Saints' Legend,' or ' the Legend of Cupid's Saints,' Mr. Jephson remarks 'This name is one example of the way in which Chaucer entered into the spirit of the heathen pantheism, as a real form of religion. He considers these persons, who suffered for love, to haTe been saints and martyrs for Cupid, just as Peter and Paul and Cyprian were martyrs for Christ.' 63. Gower also tells the story of Tarquin and Lucrece, which he took, says Professor Morley (English Writers, ii. 131), from the Gesta Ro- manorum, which again had it from Augustine's De Civitate Dei. Babiloin, here Babylonian; elsewhere Chaucer has Babiloine** Babylon, riming with Macedoine; Book of the Duchesse, 1. 1061. INTRODUCTION TO THE MAN OF LAWES TALE. 137 64. Swerd. sword ; put here for death by the sword. See Virgil's Aeneid, iv. 646 ; and Chaucer's Legend of Good Women. 65. Tree, put here, most likely, for death by hanging ; cf. last line. In Chaucer's Legend we find ' She was her owen death with a cord?? The word may also be taken literally, since Phyllis vis metamorphosed after her death into a tree ; Gower says she became a nut-tree, and (wrongly) derives filbert from Phyllis ; Conf. Amant. bk. iv. Lidgate writes filbert instead of Phyllis ; Complaint of Black Knight, 1. 68. 66. The pleinte of Dianire, the complaint of Deianira, referring to Ovid's letter 'Deianira Herculi'; so also that of Hermion refers to the letter entitled ' Hermione Orestae'; that of Adriane, to the 'Ariadne Theseo ' ; and that of Isiphilee, to the ' Hypsipyle lasoni.' 68. Bareyne yle, barren island; of which I can find no correct explana- tion by a previous editor. It refers to Ariadne, mentioned in the previous line. The expression is taken from Ariadne's letter to Theseus, in Ovfd's Heroides, Ep. x. 59, where we find 'uacat insula cultn'; and just below ' Omne latus terrae cingit mare ; nauita nusquam, Nulla per ambiguas puppis itura uias.' Or, without referring to Ovid at all, the allusion might easily have been explained by observing Chaucer's Legend of Ariadne, where the island is described as solitary and desolate. It is said to have been Naxos. 69. Dreynt-e, drowned, is here used in the definite form. 75. Alceste. The story of Alcestis 'that turned was into a dayesie' is sketched by Chaucer in his Prologue to the Legend, 1. 511, etc. No doubt he intended to include her amongst the Good Women, as the very queen of them all. 78. Canacee; not the Canace of the Squieres Tale, whom Chaucer describes as so kind and good as well as beautiful, but Ovid's Canace. The story is told by Gower, Confess. Amantis, book iii. We have to ob- serve that Gower's poem really exists in two editions. It seems to have been in hand in 1386-90; but the date of the later edition is 1393. Chaucer's Tale first appeared about 1380, and Gower seems to have copied several expressions from it. This may have aroused Chaucer's resentment; as he certainly seems to speak harshly of Gower's work in the present passage, written, apparently, about 1387. 89. If that I may, as far as lies in my power (to do as I please) ; a common expletive phrase, of no great force. 90. Of, as to, with regard to. Doon, accomplish it. 92. Pierides; Tyrwhitt rightly says 'He rather means, I think, the daughters of Pierus, that contended with the Muses, and were changed into pies ; Ovid, Metam. bk. v.' Yet the expression is not wrong ; it aignifies ' I do not wish to be likened to those would-be Muses, the 138 NOTES TO GROUP B. Piericles'; in other words, I do not set myself up as worthy to be considered a poet. 93. Metamorphoseos. It was common to cite books thus by a title in the genitive case, since the word Liber was understood. There is, however, a slight error in the substitution of the singular for the plural ; the true title being P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri Quindecim. See the use of Eneydos in the Nonne Prestes Tale, 1. 538 ; and of Judicum in Monk. Ta. 3236. 94. ' But, nevertheless, I care not a bean.' Cf. 1. 4004 below. 95. With hawe bake, with plain fare, as Dr. Morris explains it ; it obviously means something of a humble character, unsuited for a refined taste. This was left unexplained by Tyrwhitt, but we may fairly trans- late it literally by 'with a baked haw/ i.e. something that could just be eaten by a very hungry person. The expression / sette not an hawe ( = I care not a haw) occurs in the Wyf of Bathes Prologue, 1. 6241. Haws are mentioned as given to feed hogs in the Vision of Piers Plowman, B. x. 10; but in The Romance of William of Palerne, 1. 1811, a lady actually tells her lover that they can live in the woods on haws, hips, acorns, and hazel-nuts. There is a somewhat similar passage in the Legend of Good Women, Prol. 11. 73-77. I see no difficulty in this explanation. That proposed by Mr. Jephson 'hark back' is out of the question ; we cannot rime bale with make, nor does it make sense. 96. / speke in prose, I generally have to speak in prose in the law courts ; so that if my tale is prosy as compared with Chaucer's, it is only what you would expect. 98. After, afterwards, immediately hereafter. Cf. other for otherwise in Old English. M. PROLOGUE TO THE MAN OF LA WES TALE. 99. Pouerte =poverte, with the accent on the second syllable, as it rimes with herte; in the Wyf of Bathes Tale, it rimes with sherte. Poverty is here personified, and addressed by the Man of Lawe. The whole pas- sage down to 1. 121, is a translation from Pope Innocent's treatise De Contemptii Mundi or De Miseria Condi tionis Humanae, lib. i. c. 16 ; and thus preserves a piece of the lost work mentioned at p. Ixxxi. 1. 3. 101. Thee is a dative, like me in 1. 91. M. See Gen. ii. 25(A.S. version), where him pas tie sceamode = they were not ashamed of it; lit. it shamed them not of it. 102. Artow, art thou ; the words being run together ; so also seistow=* sayest thou, in 1. no. PROLOGUE TO THE MAN OF LA WES TALE. 139 104. Mangre thyn heed, in spite of all you can do; lit. despite thy head; see Knyghtes Tale, 11. 311, 1760. 105. Or ... or = either ... or ; an early example of this construction. M. 1 08. Neighebor is a trisyllable, as in 1. 115; observe that in the middle of a word is frequently sounded. Wytest, blamest. no. 'By my faith, sayest thou, he will have to account for it here- after, when his body shall burn in the fire (lit. glowing coal), because he helps not the needy in their necessity.' 1 14. 'It is better (for thee) to die than be in need.' Tyrwhitt says 'This saying of Solomon is quoted in the Romaunt of the Rose, 1. 8573 Mieux vault mourir que pauvres estre.' But the quotation is not from Solomon, but from Jesus, son of Sirach; see Ecclus. xl. 28. 115. Thy seine neighebor, thy very neighbour, even thy next neighbour. See note to 1. 108. 116. Poure is written far fovre, O. F. povre, Mod. F. pauvre. Gower Conf. Amantis, ed. Pauli, ii. 393, rimes potter with recover, i.e. recover. 118. In Prov. xv. 15, the Vulgate version has 'Omnes dies pauperis, mali ;' where the A. V. has ' the afflicted.' 1 19. The reading to makes the line harsh, as the final e in come requires elision. In that prikke, into that point, into that condition. 1 20. Cf. Prov. xiv. 20 ' the poor is hated even of his neighbour ' ; and Prov. xix. 7 ' all the brethren of the poor do hate him ; how much more do his friends go far from him ! ' So too Ovid, Trist. i. 9. 5 'Donee eris felix, multos numerabis amicos, Tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris.' Chaucer has the same thought again in his Tale of Melibeus (Six-text. Group B. 2749) ' an d if tn y fortune change, that thou wexe poure, farewel frendship and felaweship ! ' See also note to 1. 3436. 133. As in this cas, as relates to this condition or lot in life. In Chaucer, cas often means chance, hap. 124. Ambes as, double aces, two aces, in throwing dice. Ambes is Old French for both, from Lat. ambo. The line in the Monkes Tale ' Thy sys fortune hath turned into as' (B. 3851) helps us out here in some measure, as it proves that a six was reckoned as a good throw, but an ace as a bad one. So in Shakespeare, Mids. Nt. Dream, v. i. 314, we find less than an ace explained as equivalent to nothing. In the next line, sis cink means a six and a five, which was often a winning throw. The allusion is probably, however, not to the mere attempt as to which of two players could throw the highest, but to the particular game called hazard, in which the word chance (here used) has a special sense. There is a good description of it in the Supplemental volume to the English Cyclopaedia, div. Arts and Sciences. The whole description 140 NOTES TO GROUP B. has to be read, but it may suffice to say here that, when the caster is going to throw, he calls a main, or names one of the numbers five, six, seven, eight, or nine ; most often, he calls seven. If he then throws either seven or eleven (Chaucer's s/s cM), he wins ; if he throws aces (Chaucer's ambes as) or deuce-ace (two and one), or double sixes, he loses. If he throws some other number, that number is called the caster's chance, and he goes on playing till either the main or the chance turns up. In the first case he loses, in the second, he wins. If he calls some other number, the winning and losing throws are somewhat varied ; but in all cases, the double ace is a losing throw. Similarly, in The Pardoneres Tale, where hazard is mentioned by name (Group C. 1. 591), we have 'Seuen is my chaunce, and thyn is cinq and treye' ; 1. 653. In Lydgate's Order of Fools, printed in Queen Elizabeth's Academy, ed. Furnivall, p. 81, one fool is described 4 Whos chaunce gothe nether yn synke or syse; With ambes ase encressithe hys dispence.' And in a ballad printed in Chaucer's Works, ed. 1561, fol. 340, back, we have 'So wel fortuned is their chaunce The dice to turne[n] vppe-so-doune, With sise and siacke they can auaunce.' Dr. Morris notes that the phrase ' aums ace ' occurs in Hazlitt's O. E. Plays, ii. 35, with the editorial remark ' not mentioned elsewhere ' (!) 126. At cristemasse, even at Christmas, when the severest weather comes. In olden times, severe cold must have tried the poor even more than it does now. ' Muche myrthe is in mayamonge wilde bestes. And so forth whil somer lastep heore solace durejj ; And muche myi the amonge riche men is J>at ban meoble [property] ynow and heele [health']. Ac beggers aboute myd-somere bredlees pei soupe, And 3ut is wynter for hem wors for wet-shood )>ei gangen, A-furst and a-fyngred [Athirst and ahungered~\ and foule rebuked Of J>ese worlde-riche men'J>at reuthe hit is to huyre [hear of it].' Piers Plowman, C. xvii. 10; B. xiv. 158. 127. Selten, search through; much like the word compass in the phrase 'ye compass sea and land' in Matth. xxiii. 15. 128. Thestaat for the estaat, i.e. the estate. This coalescence of the article and substantive is common in Chaucer, when the substantive begins with a vowel; cf. thoccident, 1. 3864; thorient, 1, 3871. 129. Fadres, fathers, originators; by bringing tidings from afar. 130. Debat, strife. Merchants, being great travellers, were expected to pick up good stories. MAN-OF-LAW END-LINK. 14 I 131. Desolat, destitute. The E. E. word is westi; 'westi of alle gode Jieawes,' destitute of all good virtues ; O. Eng. Homilies (ed. Morris), i. p. 285. M. 132. Nere, for ne were, i.e. were it not. Goon is many a yere, many a year ago, long since. MAN-OF-LAW END-LINK; OR SHIPMAN'S PROLOGUE. 1165. The host refers to the Man of Lawes Tale, which had just been told, and uses the expression ' thrifty tale ' with reference to the same expression above, 1. 46. Most MSS. separate this end-link widely from the Tale, but MS. HI. and MS. Arch. Seld. B. 14 have it in the right place. For the nones, for the nonce, for the occasion ; see Dr. Morris's note to Chaucer's Prologue, 1. 379. It may be added that the A.S. dnes ( = once) is an adverb with a genitive case-ending ; and, being an adverb, becomes indeclinable, and can accordingly be used as a dative case after the preposition /or, which properly governs the dative. 1 166. The Host here turns to the Parson (see Prol. 1. 477), and adjures him to tell a tale, according to the agreement. 1167. Yore, formerly, already. The phrase of yore is later. 1169. Can tnoche good, know (or are acquainted with) much good; i.e. with many good things. Cf. 1. 47. 1 1 70. Benedicite, bless ye ; i.e. bless ye the Lord ; the first word of the Song of the Three Children, and a more suitable exclamation than most of those in common use at the time. In the Knightes Tale, 1. 927, where Theseus is pondering over the strange event he had just witnessed, the word is pronounced in full, as five syllables. But in 1. 1257 it is pronounced, as here, as a 'mere trisyllable. So also in Cant. Tales, ed. Tyrwhitt, 11. 5823, 5862. The syllables to be dropped are the second and fourth, so that we must say ben'dic'te. This is made tolerably certain by a passage in the Townley Mysteries, p. 85, where it is actually spelt benste, and reduced to two syllables only. Cf. note to 1. 1974. 1171. Man; dat. case after eyleth. Swearing is alluded to as a preva- lent vice amongst Englishmen in Robert of Brunne, in the Persones Tale of Chaucer, and elsewhere. M. . 1172. O lankyn, &c. ; 'O Johnny, you are there, are you?' That is, ' so it is you whom I hear, is it, Mr. Johnny?' A derisive interruption. It was common to call a priest, Sir John, by way of mild derision ; see Monkes Prol. (B. 3119), and Nonne Prestes Prol. (B.. 4000). The Host carries the derision a little further by using the diminutive form. See note to 1. 4000. 1173. A toiler, a term of reproach, equivalent to a canting fellow. Tyrwhitt aptly cites a passage from a treatise of the period, referring to the Harleian Catalogue, no. 1666: 'Now in Engelond it is a comun 142 NOTES TO GROUP B. protectioun ayens persecutioun, if a man is customable to swere nedeles and fals and unavised, by the bones, nailes, and sides, and other mem- bres of Christ. And to absteyne fro othes nedeles and unleful, and repreve sinne by way of charite, is mater and cause now, why Prelates and sum Lordes sclaundren men, and clepen hem Lollardes, Eretikes,' &c. The reader will not clearly understand this word till he distinguishes between the Latin lollardns and the English toiler, two words of different origin which were purposely confounded in the time of Wyclif. The Latin Lollardns had been in use before Wyclif. Ducange quotes from Johannes Hocsemius, who says, under the date 1309 'Eodem anno quidam hypocritae gyrovagi, qui Lollardi, sive Deum laudantes, voca- bantur, per Hannoniam et Brabantiam quasdam mulieres nobiles dece- perunt.' He adds that Trithemius says in his Chronicle, under the year 1315 'ita appellatos a Gualtero Lolhard, Germano quodam.' Kilian, in his Dictionary of Old Dutch, says ' Lollaerd, mussitator, mussita- bundus ' ; i.e. a mumbler of prayers. This apparently gives two etymo- logies for Lollardns ; but they are really only one, the use of the word as a surname being due to its previous use as a nickname. Being thus already in use as a term of reproach, it was applied to the followers of Wyclif, as we learn from Thomas Walsingham, who says, under the year 1377 'Hi uocabantur a uulgo Lollardi, incedentes nudis pedibus' ; and again 'Lollardi sequaces Joannis Wiclif.' But the Old English loller (from the verb to loll) meant simply a lounger, an idle vagabond, as is abundantly clear from a notable passage in Piers the Plowman, C-text (ed. Skeat), x. 188-218; where William tells us plainly ' Now kyndeliche, by crist be]> suche callyd lolleres, As by englisch of oure eldres of olde menne techynge. He that lolle\ is lame oj^er his leg out of ioynte,' &c. Here were already two words confused, but this was not all. By a bad pun, the Latin lolium, tares, was connected with Lollard, so that we find in Political Poems, i. 232, the following ' Lollardi sunt zizania, Spinae, uepres, ac lollia, Quae uastant hortum uineae.' This obviously led to allusions to the Parable of the Tares, and fully accounts for the punning allusion to cockle, i.e. tares, in 1. 1183. Mr. Jephson observes that lolium is used in the Vulgate Version, Matt. xiii. 25; but this is a mistake, as the word there used is zizania, Gower, Prol. to Conf. Amant. {ed. Pauli, i. 15), speaks of ' This newe secte of lollardie, And also many an heresie.' Also in book v. (ed. Pauli, ii. 187) ' Be war that thou be nought oppressed With anticristes lollardie,' &c, THE PRIORESS'S PROLOGUE. 143 See Mosheim, Eccl. Hist. iii. 355-358 ; Wordsworth's Eccl. Biography, ' 33 !> note. 1 1 80. ' He shall not give us any commentary on a gospel.' To glose is to comment upon, with occasional free introduction of irrelevant matter; the^ospeHs the text, or portion of the Gospel commented upon. 1181. 'We all agree in the one great fundamental article of faith;' by which he insinuates ' and let that suffice ; we want no theological subtilties discussed here.' 1183. Springen, scatter, sprinle-le. The pt. t. is spreynde or spreynte ; the pp. spreynd occurs at p. 15, 1. 1830. M. Gower, Conf. Amant. bk. v. (ed. Pauli, ii. 190), speaks of lollardie ' Which now is come for to dwelle, To sowe cockel with the corne.' 1185. Body, i.e. self. Cf. lyf=& person, in P. PI. B. iii. 292. M. 1186. See 1. 3984 below, which suggests that there is a play upon words here. The Shipman is going to make the bells upon his horse ring loud enough to wake them all ; or otherwise, he is going to ring so merry a peal, that he will rouse them as a church-bell rouses a sleeper. The reader can interpret it as he pleases. Cf. note to B. 3984. 1189. I do not know that Tyrwhitt had any authority for reading of phisike here ; but it recommends itself to one's common sense at once, as nothing can be made of the readings in the MSS. NOTES TO THE PRIORESS'S PROLOGUE. 1625. Corpus dominus; of course for corpus domini, the Lord's body. But it is unnecessary to correct the Host's Latin. 1626. 'Now long mayest thou sail along the coast!" 1627. Marineer t Yr.marinier; we now use the ending -er ; but modern words of French origin shew their lateness by the accent on the last syllable, as engineer. M. The Fi.pionnier is pioner in Shakespeare, but is now pioneer. 1628. ' God give this monk a thousand cart-loads of bad years !' He alludes to a deceitful monk described in the Shipman's Tale. A last is a very heavy load. In a statute of 31 Edw. I, a weight is declared to be 14 stone; 2 weights of wool are to make a sack; and 12 sacks a last. This makes a last of wool to be 336 stone, or 42 cwt. But the dic- tionaries shew that the weight was very variable, according to the substance weighed. The word means simply a heavy burden, from A.S. hlast, a burden, connected with hladan, to load; so that last and lading are related words. Laste, in the sense of heavy weight. 144 NOTES TO GROUP B. occurs in Richard the Redeles, ed. Skeat, iv. 74. Quad is the Old English equivalent of the Dutch kwaad, bad, a word in very common use ; cf. Cant. Tales, 1. 4355. In M. E., \>e qued means the evil one, the devil; P. PI. B. xiv. 189. The omission of the word of before quad may be illustrated by the expression ' four score years,' i.e. of years. 1630. ' The monk put an ape in the man's hood, and in his wife's too.' We should now say, he made him look like an ape. The contents of the hood would be, properly, the man's head and face ; but neighbours seemed to see peeping from it an ape rather than a man. It is a way of saying that he made a dupe of him. In the Milleres Tale (1. 3389, ed. Tyrwhitt), a girl is said to have made her lover an ape, i.e. a dupe ; an expression which recurs in the Chanones Yemannes Tale, 1. 16781. Spenser probably borrowed the expression from this very passage; it occurs in his Faerie Queene, iii. 9. 31 : ' Thus was the ape By their faire handling put into Malbeccoes cape' 1632. 'Never entertain monks any more.' 1637. See the description of the Prioress in the Prologue. NOTES TO THE PRIORESS'S TALE. 1643. Cf. Ps. viii. 1-2. The Vulgate version has ' Domine Dominus noster, quam admirabile est nomen tuum in uniuersa terra ! Quoniam eleuata est magnificentia tua super caelos ! Ex ore infantium et lacten- lium perfecisti laudem,' &c. 1650. Can or may, know how to, or have ability to do. 1651. The 'white lily' was the token of Mary's perpetual virginity. See this explained at length in Rock, Church of our Fathers, Hi. 245. 1655. 'For she herself is honour, and, next after her Son, the root of bounty, and the help (or profit) of souls.' 1658. Cf. Chaucer's A. B. C., or Hymn to the Virgin, where we find under the heading M ' Moyses, that saw the bosh of flambis rede Brenning, of which than never a sticke brend[e], Was sign of thine unwemmed maidenhede ; Thou art the bosh, on which there can descend[e] The Holyghost, which that Moyses weend[e] Had been on fire.' So also in st. 2 of an Alliterative Hymn in Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry, ed. Hazlitt, ii. 284. THE PRIORESS'S TALE. 145 1659. 'That, through thy humility, didst draw down from the Deity the Spirit that alighted in thee.' 1660. Thalyghte = thee alyghte, the two words being run into one. Such agglutination is more common when the def. art. occurs, or with the word to; cf. Texpounden in 1. 1716. 1661. Lyghle may mean either (i) cheered, lightened; or (2) il- luminated. Tyrwhitt and Richardson both take the latter view; but the following passage, in which hertes occurs, makes the former the more probable : ' But natheles, it was so fair a syghte That it made alle her hertes for to lyghte.' Sq. Ta.;F. 395. 1664. Partly imitated from Dante, Paradise, xxxiii. 16 'La tua benignita non pur soccorre A chi dimanda, ma molte fiate Liberamente al dimandar precorre. In te misericordia, in te pietate, In te magnificenza, in te s'aduna Quantunque in creatura e di bontate.* 1668. Goost biforn, goest before, dost anticipate. Of, by. The eighth stanza of the Seconde Nonnes Tale closely resembles 11. 1664-70. 1677. Gydeth, guide ye. The plural number is used, as a token of respect, in addressing superiors. By a careful analysis of the words thou and ye in the Romance of William of Palerne, I deduced the following results, which are generally true in Old English. ' Thou is the language of a lord to a servant, of an equal to an equal, and expresses also companionship, love, permission, defiance, scorn, threatening : whilst ye is the language of a servant to a lord, and of a compliment, and further expresses honour, submission, or entreaty. Thou is used with singular verbs, and the possessive pronoun thine ; but ye requires plural verbs, and the possessive your. 1 Pref. to Will, of Palerne, ed. Skeat, p. xlii. Cf. Abbott's Shakespearian Grammar, sect. 231. For a general account of this Tale, see the Preface. 1678. Asie, Asia; probably used, as Tyrwhitt suggests, in the sense of Asia Minor, as in the Acts of the Apostles. 1679. A lewerye, a Jewry, i.e. a Jews' quarter. In many towns there was formerly a Jews' quarter, distinguished by a special name. There is still an Old Jewry in London. In John vii. I the word is used as equivalent to Judea, as also in other passages in the Bible and in Shakesp. Rich. II, ii. i. 55. Chaucer (House of Fame, iii. 338) says of Josephus 'And he bar on his shulders hye The fame up of the Jeweryt? VOL. II. L i4<5 NOTES TO GROUP 6. Thackeray used the word with an odd effect in his Ballad of ' The White Squall.' See also note to 1. 1 749. 1681. Vilanye. So the six MSS. ; HI. has felonye, wrongly. In the margin of the Ellesmere MS. is written ' turpe lucrum,' i.e. vile gain, which is evidently the sense intended by lucre of vilanye, here put for villanous lucre or filthy lucre, by poetical freedom of diction. See Chaucer's use of vilanye in the Prologue, 1. 70 and 1. 726. 1684. Free, unobstructed. People could ride and walk through, there being no barriers against horses, and no termination in a cul de sac. 1687. Children an keep, a heap or great number of children. Of is omitted before children as it is before quad yere in 1. 1628. For heep, see Prologue, 1. 575. 1689. Maner doctrine, kind of learning, i.e. reading and singing, as explained below. Here again of is omitted, as is usual in M.E. after the word maner; as 'In another maner name,' Rob. of Glouc. vol. i. p. 147; 'with somme manere crafte,' P. Plowm. B. v. 25; 'no maner wight,' Ch. Prol. 71 ; &c. See Matzner, Englische Grammatik, ii. 2. 313. Men vsed, people used; equivalent to was used. Note this use of men in the same sense as the French on, or German man. This is an excellent instance, as the poet does not refer to men at all, but to children. Moreover, men (spelt me in note to 1. 1702) is an attenuated form of the sing, man, and not the usual plural. 1693. Clergeon, not 'a young clerk' merely, as Tyrwhitt says, but a happily chosen word implying that he was a chorister as well. Ducange gives ' Clergontis, junior clericus, vel puer choralis ; jeune clerc, petit clerc ou enfant de chceur ;' see Migne's edition. And Cotgrave has 'Clergeon, a singing man, or Quirester in a Queer [choir].' It means therefore ' a chorister-boy.' 1694. That, as for whom. A London street-boy would say 'which he was used to go to school.' That . . . his = whose. 1695. Wher as, where that, where. So in Shakespeare, 2 Hen. VI, i. 2. 58 ; Spenser, F. Q. i. 4. 38. See Abbott's Shakesp. Grammar, sect. 135. Thimage, the image; alluding to an image of the Virgin placed by the wayside, as is so commonly seen on the continent. 1698. Aue Marie; so in Spenser, F. Q. i. i. 35. The words were Aue Maria, gratia plena ; Dominus tecum ; benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus uentris tui. Amen.' See the English version in Specimens of Early English, ed. Morris and Skeat, p. 106. It was made up from Luke i. 28 and i. 42. Sometimes the word Jesus was added after tui, and, at a later period, an additional clause ' Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.' See Rock, Church of our Fathers, iii. 315 ; and iii. pt. 2, 134. 1 702. ' For a good child will always learn quickly.' This was a TffE PRIORESS'S TALE. 147 proverbial expression, and may be found in the Proverbs of Hending, st. 9- Me may lere a sely focle [one may teach a good child] That is euer toward gode With a lutel lore ; Yef me nul [if one will not] him farther teche, Thenne is [his] herte wol areche Forte lerne more. Sely chyld is sone ylered; Quoth Hendyng.' T 704. Slant, stands, is. Tynvhitt says ' we have an account of the very early piety of this Saint in his lesson; Breviarium Romanum, vi. Decernb. Cuius uiri sanctitas quanta futura esset, iam ab incunabulis apparuit. Nam infans, cum reliquas dies lac nutricis frequens sugeret, quarta et sexta feria (i. e. on Wednesdays and Fridays,) semel duntaxat, idque uesperi, sugebat.' Besides, St. Nicholas was the patron of schoolboys, and the festival of the ' boy-bishop ' was often held on his day (Dec. 6); Rock, Church of our Fathers, iii. 2. 215. 1708. Alma redemptoris mater. There is more than one hymn with this beginning. I may first . mention one of five stanzas printed in Hymni Latini Medii JEvi, ed. F. J. Mone, vol. ii. p. 200, from a St. Gallen MS. no. 452, p. 141, of the thirteenth century. The first and last stanzas were sung in the Marian Antiphon, from the Saturday evening before the ist Sunday in Advent to Candlemas day. These two stanzas are as follows ' Alma redemptoris mater, quam de caelis misit pater propter salutem gentium; tibi dicunt omnes "aue!" quia mundum soluens a uae mutasti uocem flentium Audi, mater pietatis, nos gementes a peccatis et a malis nos tuere ; ne damnemur cum impiis, in aetemis suppliciis, peccatorum miserere.' Another anthem is expressly alluded to in a version of the Prioress's Tale, as printed in Originals and Analogues, pt. iii. p. 282, published by the Chaucer Society. It occurs in the Roman Breviary, ed. 1583, p. 112, and was said at compline from Advent eve to Candlemas day, like the other ; cf. 1. 1 730. The words are Alma redemptoris mater, quae peruia caeli Porta manes, et stella mans, succurre cadenti, L 2 H NOTES TO GROUP B. Surgere qui curat, populo : Tu quae genuisti. Natura mirante, tuum sanctum Genitorem, Uirgo prius ac posterius, Gabrielis ab ore Sumens illud " Aue 1" peccatorum miserere.' In the Myrour of Our Lady, ed. Blunt, p. 174, an English translation of the latter anthem is given, with the heading 'Alma redemptoris mater.' And this anthem seems intended ; compare the expression ' socour whan we deye ' with the Lat. succitrre cadenti. 1709. Antiphoner, anthem-book. 'The Antiphoner, or Lyggar, was always a large codex, having in it not merely the words, but the music and the tones, for all the invitatories, the hymns, responses, versicles, collects, and little chapters, besides whatever else belonged to the solemn chanting of [masses and lauds, as well as the smaller canonical hours'; Rock, Church of our Fathers, v. 3, pt. 2, p. 212. 1710. Ner and tier, nearer and nearer. The phrase come neor and neor ( = come nearer and nearer) occurs in King Alisaunder, in Weber's Metrical Romances, 1. 599. 1713. Was to seye, was to mean, meant. To seye is the gerundial or dative infinitive; see Morris, Hist. Outlines of English Accidence, sect. 290. 1716. Texpounden, to expound. So also (allege = to allege, Kn. Ta. 2142; tathenes = lo Athens, id. 1. 165; tespye = io espy, Nonne Pr. Ta. 1. 467. See note to 1. 1733. 1726. Can but smal, know but little. Cf. 'the compiler is smal learned'; Old Plays, ed. Hazlitt, i. 10. M. Cf. co//ofe = knew, in 1- >735- Z 733- To honoure; this must be read tonoure, like texpounden in 1. 1716. 1739. To scoleward; cf. From Bordeaux ward in the Prologue, 1. 397. M. 1 749. The feeling against Jews seems to have been very bitter, and there are numerous illustrations of this. In Gower's Conf. Amant. bk. vii (ed. Pauli, iii. 194), a Jew is represented as saying I am a Jewe, and by my lawe I shal to no man be felawe To kepe him trouth in word ne dede.' In Piers the Plowman, B. xviii. 104, Faith reproves the Jews, and says to them Je cherles, and jowre children chieue [thrive] shal je neure, Ne haue lordship in lond ne no londe tylye [till] But al bareyne be & vsurye vsen, Which is lyf pat owre lorde in alle lawes acurseth.' See also P. PI., C. v. 194. Usury was forbidden by the canon law, and those who practised it, chiefly Jews and Lombards, were held to be THE PRIORESS'S TALE. 149 grievous sinners. Hence the character of Shylock,- and of Marlowe's Jew of Malta. Cf. note on the Jews in England in the Annals of England, p. 162. 1751. Honssl, honourable; as in the Bible, Rom. xii. 17, &c. 1752. Swich, such. The sense here bears out the formation of the word from so-like. M. 1753. Your, of you. Shakespeare has 'in your despite,* Cymb. i. 6. 135; 'in thy despite/ I Hen. VI, iv. 7. 22. Despite is used, like the Early and Middle English mangre, with a genitive; as maugre J>/n, in spite of thee, in Havelok, 11. 1128, 1789 M. 1 754. ' Which is against the respect due to your law.' Cf. ' spretae- que iniuria formae'; ^Eneid, i. 27. 1761. I give an omitted stanza here, from Wordsworth's modernised version : I say that him into a pit they threw, A loathsome pit, whence noisome scents exhale; O cursed folk ! away, ye Herods new ! W 7 hat may your ill intentions you avail? Murder will out ; cerles, it will not fail ; Know, that the honour of high God may spread, The blood cries out on your accursed deed.' 1793. le&u. This word is written 'Ihu' in E. Hn. Cm.; and 'ihc' in Cp. Pt. Ln. ; in both cases there is a stroke through the h. This is frequently printed Ihesn, but the retention of h is unnecessary. It is not really an h at all, but the Greek H, meaning long e (e). So, also, in ' ihc,' the c is not the Latin c, but the Greek c, meaning 2 or ; and ihc are the first three letters of the word 1HCOYC = <;<7ovy = iesus. lesu, as well as lesiis, was used as a nominative, though really the genitive or vocative case. At a later period, ihs (still with a stroke through the h) was written for ike as a contraction of iesus. By an odd error, a new meaning was invented for these letters, and common belief treated them as the initials of three Latin words, viz. lesus Hominum Salvator. But as the stroke through the h or mark of contraction still remained unaccounted for, it was turned into a cross ! Hence the common symbol I.H.S. with the small cross in the upper part of the middle letter. The wrong interpretation is still the favourite one, all errors being long-lived. Another common contraction is Xpc., where all the letters are Greek. The * is ch (x), the p is r (/>) and c is s, so that Xpc = chrs, the contraction for chrisius or Christ. This is less common in decoration, and no false interpretation has been found for it. 1 794. Inwith, within. This form occurs in E. Hn. Pt. Ln. ; the rest have within. Again, in the Merchant's Tale (E. I944\ MSS. E. Hn. Cm. HI. have the form ivuith. It occurs in the legend of St. Katharine, ed. Moiton, 1. 172; in Sir Perceval (Thornton Romances), 1. 611 ; in 150 NOTES TO GROUP B. Alliterative Poems, ed. Morris, A. 970; and in Palladius on Husbandry, ed. Lodge, iii. 404. Dr. Morris says it was (like utwith = without) originally peculiar to the Northern dialect. 1805. Coomen; so in E. Hn. ; comen in Ft. Cp. But it is the past tense = came. The spelling comen for the past tense plural is very common in Early English, and we even find com in the singular. Thus, in 1. 1807, the Petworth MS. has ' He come.' But herieth in 1. 1808 is a present tense. 1814. Nexle, nighest, as in Kn. Ta. 555. So also hext - highest, as in the Old Eng. proverb ' When bale is hext, then bote is next,' i. e. when woe is highest, help is nighest.' 1817. Newe Rachel, second Rachel, as we should now say; referring to Matt. ii. 18. 1819. Dooth for to sterne, causes to die. So also in 1. 1823, Aide hem drawe = caused them to be drawn. And cf. leet bynde in 1. 1810. 1822. Evidently a proverb; perhaps from the French honi soil qui mal y pense. In Old French we commonly find the spelling honni, from the verb honnir, to contemn, put to shame. 1826. The body occupied the place of honour. 'The bier, if the deceased had been a clerk, went into the chancel ; if a layman, and not of high degree, the bearers set it down in the nave, hard by the church- door;' Rock, Ch. of our Fathers, ii. 472. He cites the Sarum Manual, fol. c. 1827. The abbot; pronounced lhabbbt. Coueiit, convent ; here used for the monks who composed the body over which the abbot presided. So in Shakespeare, Hen. VIII, iv. 2. 18 'where the reverend abbot, With all his covent, honourably received him.' The form covent is Old French, still preserved in Covent Garden. 1835. Halse; two MSS. consulted by Tyrwhitt read conjure, a mere gloss, caught from the line above. Other examples of halse in the sense of conjure occur. ' Ich halsi )>e o godes nome ' = I conjure thee in God's name; St. Marherete, ed. Cockayne, p. 17. Again, in Joseph of Arimathie, ed. Skeat, 1. 400 ' Vppon f e heise trinite I halse )>e to telle ' which closely resembles the present passage. 1838. To my seminge, i.e. as it appears to me. 1840. 'And, in the ordinary course of nature.' 1843. Wil, wills, desires. So in Matt. ix. 13, I will have mercy = I require mercy ; Gk. t\tov Ol\e likful for to se. f>e rote is gingeuir and galingale, pe siouns bej> al sed[e]wale ; Trie maces be> pe flure; f e rind, canel of swet odur ; pe frute, gilofre of gode smakke, &c. per bej> briddes mani and fale, prostil, fruisse, and nijtingale, Chalandre and wod[e]wale, And ojier briddes wi]>out tale [number] pat stinte)) neuer by har mi3t Miri to sing[e] dai and nijt,' &c. 1964. As he were wood, as if he were mad, 'like mad. 1 So in Amis and Amiloun (ed. Weber), ii. 419 . 4 He priked his stede night and day As a gentil knight, stout and gay." Cf. note tol. 1949. 1974. Seinte, being in the vocative case, is probably a dissyllable here ' O seinte Marie, ben' 'die' le. Cf. note to 1. 1 1 70 above. 1977. Me dremed, I dreamt. Both dremen (to dream) and nieten i6o NOTES TO GROUP B. (also to dream) are sometimes used with an objective case or reflexively in Middle English. In the Nonne Prestes Tale we have me mette (1. 74) and this man mette (I. 182). 1978. An elf-queen. Mr. Price says ' There can be little doubt that at one period the popular creed made the same distinctions between the Queen of Faerie and the Elf-Queen that were observed in Grecian mythology between their undoubted parallels, Artemis and Persephone.' Chaucer makes Proserpine the ' queen of faerie ' in his Merchaunts Tale ; but at the beginning of the Wyf of Bathes Tale, he describes the elf-queen as the queen of the fairies, and makes elf and fairy synonymous. Perhaps this elf-queen in SireThopas (called the queen of fairy e in 1. 2004) may have given Spenser the hint for his Faerie Queene. But the subject is a vast one. See Price's Preface, in Warton's Hist. Eng. Poetry, ed. Hazlitt, pp. 30-36; Halliwell's Illustrations of Fairy Mythology ; Keightley's Fairy Mythology; Warton's Observations on the Fairie Queene, sect, ii ; Sir W. Scott's ballad of Thomas the Rhymer, &c. 1983. In toune, in the town, in the district. But it must not be supposed that much sense is intended by this inserted line. It is a mere tag, in imitation of some of the romances. Either Chaucer has neglected to conform to the new kind of stanza which he now introduces (which is most likely), or else three lines have been lost before this one. The next three stanzas are uniform, viz. of ten lines each, of which only the seventh is very short. For good examples of these short lines, see Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knyjt, ed. Morris. 1993. Sowilde. Instead of this short line, Tyrwhitt has 'Wherin he soughte North and South, And oft he spied with his mouth In many a forest wilde.' But none of our seven MSS. agree with this version. The notion of spying with one's mouth seems a little too far-fetched. 1995. This line is in the Royal MS. only, but something is so obviously required here, that we must insert it to make some sense. Even then it seems an anti-climax to say that ' neither wife nor child durst oppose him.' We may, however, bear in mind that the meeting of a knight-errant with one of these often preceded some great adven- ture. ' And in the midst of an highway he [Sir Lancelot] met a damsel riding on a white palfrey, and there 1 either saluted other. Fair damsel, said Sir Lancelot, know ye in this country any adventures ? Sir knight, said that damsel, here are adventures near hand, and thou durst prove them ' ; Sir T. Malory, Morte Arthur, bk. vi. cap. vii. The result was that Lancelot fought with Sir Turquine, and defeated him. Soon after, he was ' required of a damsel to heal her brother ' ; and again, ' at the request of a lady ' he recovered a falcon ; an adventure which ended in a fight, as usual. THE RIME OF SIR THOPAS. l6l 1998. OUfauni, i. e. Elephant ; a proper name, as Tyrwhitt observes, for a giant. Maundeville has the form olyfauntes for elephants. By some confusion the Mceso-Goth. ulbandvs and A.S. olfend are made to signify a camel. Spenser has put Chaucer's Olifaunt into his Faerie Queene, bk. iii. c. 7. st. 48, and makes him the brother of the giantess Argante, and son of Typhoeus and Earth. The following description of a giant is from Libius Disconius (Percy Folio MS. vol. ii. p. 465) ' He beareth haiies on his brow Like the bristles of a sow, His head is great and stout; Eche arme is the lenght of an ell, His fists beene great and fell, Dints for to driue about.' Sir Libius says 'If God will me grace send, Or this day come to an end I hope him for to spill,' &c. Another giant, 20 feet long, and 2 ells broad, with two boar's tusks, and also with brows like bristles of a swine, appears in Octouian Imperator, ed. Weber, iii. 196. See also the alliterative Morte Arthure, ed. Brock, p. 33. 2000. Child; see note to 1. 2020. Termagaunt; one of the idols whom the Saracens (in the mediaeval romances) are supposed to worship. See The King of Tars, ed. Ritson (Met. Rom.), ii. 174-182, where the Sultan's gods are said to be Jubiter, Jovin (both forms of Jupiter), Astrot (Astarte), Mahoun (Mahomet), Appolin (Apollo), Plotoun (Pluto), and Tirmagaunt. Lybeaus Disconus (Ritson, Met. Rom. ii. 55) fought with a giant ' that levede yn Termagaunt.' The Old French form is Tervagant, Ital. Tervagante or Trivigante, as in Ariosto. Wheeler, in his Noted Names of Fiction, gives the following account ' Ugo Foscolo says : " Trivigante, whom the predecessors of Ariosto always couple with Apollino, is really Diana Trivia, the sister of the classical Apollo." . . . According to Panizzi, Trivagante or Tervagante is the Moon, or Diana, or Hecate, wandering under three names. Termagant was an imaginary being, supposed by the crusaders, who confounded Mahometans with pagans, to be a Mahometan deity. This imaginary personage was introduced into early English plays and moralities, and was represented as of a most violent character, so that a ranting actor might always appear to advantage in it. See Hamlet, iii. 2. 15.' Fairfax, in his translation of Tasso (c. i. st. 84) speaks of Termagaunt and Mahound, but Tasso mentions ' Macometto ' only. See also Spenser, F. Q. vi. 7. 47. Hence comes our termagant in the sense VOL. n. M l6a NOTES TO GROUP J5. of a noisy boisterous woman. Shakespeare has ' that hot termagant Scot ' ; i Hen. IV, v. 2. 114. 2002. Sle, will slay. In Anglo-Saxon, there being no distinct future tense, it is expressed by the present. Cf. go for will go in ' we also go with thee ' ; John xxi. 3. 2005. Symphotiye, the name of a kind of tabor ; see Glossary. 2007. Al so mote I thee, so may I thrive ; or, as I hope to thrive; a common expression. Cf. ' So mote y thee ' ; Sir Eglamour, ed. Halli- well, 1. 430 ; Occleve, De Regimine Principum, st. 620. Chaucer also uses ' so the ik,' i. e. so thrive I, in the Reves Prologue and else- where. 2012. Abyen itful soure, very bitterly shalt thou pay for it. There is a confusion between A.S. sur, sour, and A.S. sdr, sore, in this and similar phrases ; both were used once, but now we should use sorely, not sourly. In Layamon, 1. 8158, we find ' ]>ou salt it sore abugge,' thou shalt sorely pay for it ; on the other hand, we find in P. Plowm. B. a. 140 It shall bisitte jowre soules ful soure atte laste.' So also in the C-text, though the A-text has sore. Note that in another passage, P. Plowm. B. xviii. 401, the phrase is 'Thow shalt abye it bittre' For abyen, see the Glossary. 2015. Fully pryme. See note to Nonne Prestes Tale, 1. 35. Prime commonly means the period from 6 to 9 a.m. Full prime refers to the end of that period, or 9 a.m. ; and even prime alone may be used with the same explicit meaning, as in the Nonne Pres. Ta. 1. 376. 2019. Staf-slinge. Tyrwhitt observes that Lydgate describes David as armed only ' with a staffe-slynge, voyde of plate and mayle.' It certainly means a kind of sling in which additional power was gained by fastening the lithe part of it on to the end of a stiff stick. Staff- slyngeres are mentioned in the romance of Richard Coer de Lyon, 1. 4454, in Weber's Metrical Romances, ii. 177. In Col. Yule's edition of Marco Polo, ii. 122, is a detailed description of the artillery engines of the middle ages. They can all be reduced to two classes; those which, like the trebuchet and mangonel, are enlarged staff-slings, and those which, like the arblast and springold, are great cross-bows. Conversely, we might describe a staff-sling as a hand-trebuchet. 2020. Child Thopas. Child is an appellation given to both knights and squires, in the early romances, at an age when they had long passed the period which we now call childhood. A good example is to be found in the Erie of Tolous, ed. Ritson, iii. 123 ' He was a feyre chylde, and a bolde, Twenty wyntur he was oolde, In londe was none so free.' THE RIME OF SIR THOPAS. 163 Compare Romance of ' Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild,' pr. in Ritson, iii. 282 ; the ballad of Childe Waters, &c. Byron, in his preface to Childe Harold, says 'It is almost superfluous to mention that the appellation "Childe," as "Childe Waters," "Childe Childers," &c., is used as more consonant with the old structure of versification which I have adopted.' He adopts, however, the late and artificial metre of Spenser. 2023. A palpable imitation. The first three lines of Sir Bevis of Hampton (MS. Camb. Univ. Lib. Ff. ii. 38, leaf 94, back) are 'Lordynges, lystenyth, grete and smale, Meryar then the nyghtyngale I wylle yow synge.' In a long passage in Todd's Illustrations to Chaucer, pp. 284-292, it is contended that mery signifies sweet, pleasant, agreeable, without relation to mirth. Chaucer describes the Frere as wanton and merry, Prol. 208 ; he speaks of the merry day, Kn. Ta. 641 ; a merry city, N. P. Ta. 251 ; of Arcite being told by Mercury to be merry, i. e. of good cheer, Kn. Ta. 528; in the Manciple's Tale, the crow sings merrily, and makes a sweet noise ; Chanticleer's voice was merrier than the merry organ, N. P. T. 31 ; the 'erbe yve ' is said to be merry, i. e. pleasant, agreeable, id. 146 ; the Pardoner (Prol. 714) sings merrily and loud. We must remember, how- ever, that the Host, being 'a mery man," began to speak of 'myrthe' ; Prol. 757, 759. A very early example of the use of the word occurs in the song attributed to Canute ' Merie sungen the Muneches binnen Ely,' &c. See the phrase ' mery men ' in 1. 2029. 2028. The phrase to come to toune seems to mean no more than simply to return. Cf. Specimens of E. Eng. ed. Morris and Skeat, p. 48 'Lenten ys come wij) loue to toune' which merely means that spring, with its thoughts of love, has returned. See the note on that line. 3033. For paramour, for love ; but the par, or else the for, is redun- dant, lolite, amusement ; used ironically in the Kn. Ta. 949. Sir Thopas is going to fight the giant for the love and amusement of one who shone full bright ; i. e. a fair lady, of course. But Sir Thopas, in dropping this mysterious hint to his merry men, refrains from saying much about it, as he had not yet seen the Fairy Queen, and had only the giant's word for her place of .abode. The use of the past tense shone is artful ; it implies that he wished them to think that he had seen his lady-love; or else that her beauty was to be taken for granted. Observe, too, that it is Sir Thopas, not Chaucer, who assigns to the giant his three heads. 2035. Do come, cause to come; go and call hither. Cf. House of Fame, bk. iii M a 164 NOTES TO GROUP B. ' Of alle manner of minstrales, And jesfours, that tellen tales Both of weeping and of game' Tyrwhitt's note on gestours is ' The proper business of a gestour was to recite tales, or gestes; which was only one of the branches of the Minstrel's profession. Minstrels and gestours are mentioned together in the following lines from William of Nassyngton's Translation of a religious treatise by John of Waldby ; MS. Reg. 170. viii. p. 2 I warne you furst at the beginninge, That I will make no vain carpinge Of dedes of arrays ne of amours, As dus mynstrelles and jestonrs, That makys carpinge in many a place Of Octoviane and Isembrase, And of many other jesles, And namely, whan they come to festes ; Ne of the life of Bevys of Hampton, That was a knight of gret renoun, Ne of Sir Gye of Warwyke, All if it might sum men lyke, &c. I cite these lines to shew the species of tales related by the ancient Gestours, and how much they differed from what we now call jests.' The Gesta were stories, as in the famous collection called the Gesta Romanorum. See also Piers the Plowman (Clar. Press Series), note to 1. 3 4. of the Prologue. 2038. Roiales, royal ; some MSS. spell the word reales, but the meaning is the same. In the romance of Ywain and Gawain (Ritson, i. 130) a maiden is described as reading ' a real romance.' Tyrwhitt thinks that the term originated with an Italian collection of romances relating to Charlemagne, which began with the words 'Qui se comenza la hysteria el Real di Franza,' &c. ; edit. Mutinae, 1491, folio. It was reprinted in 1537, with a title beginning '/ reali di Franza' &c. He refers to Quadrio, t. vi. p. 530. The word roial (in some MSS. real) occurs again in 1. 2043. 2047. Dide, did on, put on. The arming of Lybeaus Disconus is thus described in Ritson's Met. Rom. ii. 10 ' They caste on hym a scherte of selk, A gypell as whyte as melk, In that semely sale; And syght [/or sith] an hawberk bryght, That rychely was adyght Wytb. mayles thykke and smale.' 1050. Aketoun, a short sleeveless tunic. Cf. Liber Albus, p. 376. THE RIME OF SIR THOPAS. 165 And Florentyn, with hys ax so broun, All thorgh he smoot Arm and mayle, and akltetoun, Thorghout hyt hot [bit] '; Octouian, ed. Weber, iii. 205. For plate, ne for ncketton, For hauberk, ne for cnmpeson ' ; Richard Coer de Lion, ed. Weber, ii. 18. The Glossary to the Percy Folio MS., ed. Hales and Furnivall, has 'Acton, a wadded or quilted tunic worn under the hauberk. Plancke, i. 108.' Thynne, in his Animadversions (Early Eng. Text Soc.), p- 24, szys'Haiteton "is a slevelesse jackett of plate for the warre, couered withe anye other stuffe ; at this day also called a jackett of plate.' 2051. Habergeonn, coat of mail. See Prol. 76, and the note. 2052. For percinge, as a protection against the piercing. So in P. Plowm. B. 6. 62, Piers puts on his cufls, ' for colde of his nailles,' i.e. as a protection against the cold. So too in the Rom. of the Rose, 1. 4229. 2053. The hauberk is here put on as an upper coat of mail, of finer workmanship and doubtless more flexible. 'The hauberk was al reed of rust, His platys thykke and swythe just ' ; Octouian, ed. Weber, iii. 200. He was armed wonder weel, And al with plates off good steel, A nd ther aboven, an hauberk ' ; Richard Coer de Lion, ed. Weber, ii. 222. 2054. Jewes werk, Jew's work. Tyrwhitt imagined that Jew here means a magician, but there is not the least foundation for the idea. Mr. Jephson is equally at fault in connecting Jew with jewel, since the latter word is etymologically connected with joke. The phrase still re- mains unexplained. I suspect it means no more than wrought with rich or expensive work, such as Jews could best find the money for or undertake to supply. It is notorious that they were the chief capitalists, and they must often have had to find money for paying armourers. 2055. Plate. Probably the hawberk had a breastplate on the front of it. But on the subject of armour, I must refer the reader to Godwin's English Archaeologist's Handbook, pp. 252-268; Planche"s History of British Costume, and Sir S. R. Meyrick's Observations on Body-armour, in the Archaeologia, vol. xix. pp. 120-145. 2056. The cote-armour was not for defence, but a mere surcoat on which the knight's armorial bearings were usually depicted, in order to identify him in the combat or ' debate.' Hence the modern coat-of- 1 66 NOTES TO GROUP B. 2059. Reed, red. In the Romances, gold is always called red, and silver white. Hence it was not unusual to liken gold to blood, and this explains why Shakespeare speaks of armour being gilt with blood (King John ii. i. 316), and makes Lady Macbeth talk of gilding the groom's faces with blood (Macbeth ii. 2. 56). See also Coriol. v. i. 63,64; and the expression ' blood betokneth gold'; Cant. Tales, 1. 6163. 2061. 'A carbuncle (Fr. escarboucle) was a common [armorial] bearing. See Guillim's Heraldry, p. 109.' Tyrwhitt. 2062. Sir Thomas is made to swear by ale and bread, in ridiculous imitation of the vows made by the swan, the heron, the pheasant, or the peacock, on solemn occasions. 2065. lambeux, leggings, perhaps boots. Spenser bdrrows the word, but spells it giambeux, F. Q. ii. 6. 29. Quyrboilly, i. e. cuir bouilli, leather soaked in hot water to soften it that it might take any required shape, after which it was dried and became exceedingly stiff and hard. In Matthew Paris (anno 1 243) it is said of the Tartars ' De coriis bullitis sibi arma leuia quidem, sed tamen impenetrabilia coaptarunt.' In Marco Polo, ed. Yule, ii. 49, it is said of the men of Carajan, that they wear armour of boiled leather (French text, armes cuiraces de cuir bouilli). Froissart (v. iv. cap. 19) says the Saracens covered their targes with cuir bouilli de Cappadoce, ou nul fer ne peut prendre n'attacher, si le cuir n'est trop echaufe.' When Bruce reviewed his troops on the morning of the battle of Bannockburn, he wore, according to Barbour, ' ane hat of qwyrbolle ' on his ' basnet,' and 'ane hye croune' above that. Some remarks on cuir bouilli will be found in Cutts, Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, p. 344. 2068. Rewel boon ; Rewel has never been quite explained, and, in the first edition of the present work, I expressed a belief that it is, in some one of its meanings, the French rouelle, Lat. rotella. Du Cange gives ' Rotella, (i) parva rota ; (2) species clypei.' Roquefort gives ' Rouele, roelle, rouelle: Fortune, roue de fortune. Sous Philippe- Auguste on nommoit ainsi une arme blanche fort large ; depuis on lui a donne la forme d'un poignard ou d'une dague ; partie arrondie d'une lance.' Also ' Roelle, sorte de bouclier.' Cotgrave has ' Rouelle, a little flat ringe, a wheele of plate or iron in horse's bitts ; also, a round plate of armour for defence of the arme hole when the arme is lifted up : and generally, any small hoope, circle, ring, or round thing, thats moveable in the place which it holds.' In modern English, the rowel of a spur is well understood ; in the sense of a part of a bit, it occurs in Spenser, F. Q- i 7- 37- I n the Alliterative Morte Arthure, ed. Brock, 1. 3262, rowelle means the rim of Fortune's wheel. In the Turnament of Tottenham, as ^printed in Percy's reliques, we read that Tyb had ' a garland on her hed ful of rounde bonys,' where another copy has (says Halliwell, s. v. ruel) THE RIME OF SIR THOPAS. 167 the reading 'fulle of ruelle bones.' These melie-'bones were probably merely round pieces of bone, pierced with a hole, and strung on a string. Halliwell adds 'In the romaunce of Rembrun, p. 458, the coping of a wall is mentioned as made ' of fin ruwal, that schon swithe brighte.' And in MS. Camb. Univ. Lib. Ff. v. 48, fol. 119, is the passage ' Hir sadille was of renylle bone, Semely was Jxit sight to se, Stifly sette wt& precious stone, Compaste about w/tA crapote [toad-stone f].' Again, in Sir Degrevant, 1. 1429, ed. Halliwell (in the Thornton Romances, p. 236) : ' Hyt [the roof~\ was buskyd above With besauntus ful bryghth All of ruel-bon.' But I have lately come across another solution of the difficulty, en- tirely different in character, yet worth some consideration. It may be that rewel stands for the old Norman-French roal, ivory got from the teeth of a whale. Quite near the beginning of the Vie de Seint Auban, ed. Atkinson, we have ' mes ne ert d'or adubbee, ne d'autre metal, de peres premises, de ivoire ne roa/;' i. e. but it was not adorned with gold nor other metal, nor with precious stones, nor ivory, nor with roal. Du Cange gives a Low Lat. form rohanlum, and an O. Fr. rochal, but Prof. Atkinson tells us that the MS. quoted has rohallum and rohal. The passage occurs in the Laws of Normandy about wreckage, and should run ' dux sibi retinet . . ebur, rohallum, lapides pretiosas;' or, in the French version, Tivoire, et le rokal et les pierres precieuses.' In this case ruwel-boon might mean ivory obtained from the cachalot, or narwhal, or walrus. 2071. Ciprees, cypress-wood. In the Assembly of Foules, 1. 179, we have ' The sailing firre, the cipres death to plaine * i. e. the cypress suitable for lamenting a death. Virgil calls the cypress 1 atra,' JEn. iii. 64, and ' feralis,' vi. 216; and as it is so frequently a symbol of mourning, it may be said to bode war. 2078. In Sir Degrevant (ed. Halliwell, p. 191) we have just this expression 'Here endyth the furst fit. Howe say ye? will ye any more of hit?' 2085. Loue-dmry, courtship. All the six MSS. have this reading. The Had. MS. also has ' And of ladys loue drewery,' which Wright silently altered. 2088. The romance or lay of Horn appears in two forms in English. 1 68 NOTES TO GROUP B. In King Horn, ed. Lumby, Early Eng. Text Soc. 1866, printed also in Matzner's Altenglische Sprachproben, i. 207, the form of the poem is in short rimed couplets. But Chaucer no doubt refers to the other form with the title Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild, in the same metre as Sir Thopas, printed in Ritson's Metrical Romances, iii. 282. The Norman-French text was printed by F. Michel for the Bannatyne Club, with the English versions, in a volume entitled Horn et Riemen- hild ; Recueil de ce qui reste des poemes relatifs a leurs aventures, &c. Paris, 1845. See Mr. Lumby's preface and the remarks in Matzner. It is not quite clear why Chaucer should mention the romance of Sir Ypotis here, as it has little in common with the rest. There are four MS. copies of it in the British Museum, and three at Oxford. ' It pro- fesses to be a tale of holy writ, and the work of St. John the Evangelist. The scene is Rome. A child, named Ypotis, appears before the Emperor Adrian, saying that he is come to teach men God's law ; whereupon the Emperor proceeds to interrogate him as to what is God's law, and then of many other matters, not in any captious spirit. but with the utmost reverence and faith There is a little tract in prose on the same legend from the press of Wynkyn de Worde ; ' J. W. Hales, in Hazlitt's edition of Warton's Hist, of Eng. Poetry, ii. 183. The romance of Sir Bevis of Hampton (i. e. Southampton) has been printed from the Auchinleck MS. for the Maitland Club in 1838, 410. Another copy is in MS. Ff. 2. 38, in the Cambridge University Library. There is an allusion in it to the Romans, meaning the French original. It appears in prose also, in various forms. See Warton's Hist, of Eng. Poetry, ed. Hazlitt, ii. 142, where there is also an account of Sir Guy, in several forms ; but a still fuller account of Sir Guy is given in the Percy Folio MS., ed. Hales and Furnivall, ii. 509. This Folio MS. itself con- tains three poems on the latter subject, viz. Guy and Amarant, Guy and Colbrande, and Guy and Phillis. By Lybenx is meant Lybeaus Disconus, printed by Ritson in his Metrical Romances, vol. ii, from the Cotton MS. Caligula A. 2. A later copy, with the title Libius Disconius, is in the Percy Folio MS. ii. 404, where a good account of the romance may be found. The French original was discovered in 1855, "* a MS. belonging to the Due d'Aumale. Its title is Li Biaus Desconneus, which signifies The Fair Unknown. Fleyndamoiir evidently means plein d'amonr, full of love, and we may suspect that the original romance was in French ; but there is now no trace of any romance of that name. Spenser probably borrowed hence his Sir Blandamour, F. Q. iv. I. 32. 2094. Glood, glided. So in all the MS. except E., which has the THE RIME OF SIR THOPAS. 169 poor reading rood, rode. For the expression in 1. 2095, compare the following : 'But whenne he was horsede on a stede, He sprange als any sparke one [read of] glede ' ; Sir Isumbras, ed. Halliwell, p. 107. 'Lybeaus was redy boun, And lepte out of the arsoun [saddle-bow] As sperk thogh out of glede ' ; Lybeaus Disconus, in Ritson, ii. 27. ' Then sir Lybius with ffierce hart, Out of his saddle swythe he start As sparcle doth out of fyer ' ; Percy Folio MS. ii. 440. 2092. After examining carefully the rimes in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Mr. Bradshaw finds that this is the sole instance in which a word which ought etymologically to end hi -ye is rimed with a word ending in y without a following final e. A reason for the exception is easily found ; for Chaucer has here adopted the swing of the ballad metre, and hence ventures to deprive chiualrye of its final e, and to call it chivalry 1 so that it may rime with Gy, after the manner of the ballad- writers. So again chiualrye, drurye become chiualry, drury; 11. 2084, 2085. 2106. The first few lines of the romance of Sir Perceval of Galles (ed. Halliwell, p. i) will at once explain Chaucer's allusion. It begins Lef, lythes to me Two wordes or thre Of one that was faire and fre And felle in his fighte; His right name was Percyvelle, He was fostered in the felle, He dranlee water of the welle, And jitt was he wyghtel" Both Sir Thopas and Sir Perceval were water-drinkers, but it did not impair their vigour. In the same romance, p. 84, we find ' Of mete ne dryiike he ne roghte, So fulle he was of care I Tille the nynte daye byfelle That he come to a welle, Tker he was wonte for to dtielle And drynlt take him thare.' These quotations set aside Mr. Jephson's interpretation, and solve 1 70 NOTES TO GROUP B. Tyrwliitt's difficulty. Tynvhitt says that 'The Romance of Perceval le Galois, or de Galis, was composed in octosyllable French verse by Chrestien de Troyes, one of the oldest and best French romancers, before the year 1191 ; Fauchet, 1. ii. c. x. It consisted of above 60,000 verses (Bibl. des Rom. t. ii. p. 250) so that it would be some trouble to find the fact which is, probably, here alluded to. The romance, under the same title, in French prose, printed at Paris, 1530, fol., can only be an abridgement, I suppose, of the original poem.' 2107. Worthy vnder wede, well-looking in his armour. The phrase is very common. Tyrwhitt says it occurs repeatedly in the romance of Emare, and refers to folios 70, 71 b, 73 a, and 74 b of the MS. ; but the reader may now find the romance in print ; see Ritson's Metrical Romances, ii. pp. 214, 229, 235, 245. The phrase is used of ladies also, and must then mean of handsome appearance when well-dressed. See Amis and Amiloun, ed. Weber, ii. pp. 370, 375. 2108. The story is here broken off by the host's interruption. MSS. Pt. and 111. omit this line, and MSS. Cp. and Ln. omit 11. 2105-7 as well. NOTES TO SIR THOPAS END-LINK. 21 1 1. Of, by. Lewed/iesse, ignorance ; here, foolish talk. 21 1 2. Also, &c. ; as verily as (I hope) God will render my soul happy. See Kn. Ta. 11. 1005, 1376. 2113. Drasty, filthy. Tyrwhitt and Bell print drafty, explained by full of draff or refuse. But there is no such word ; the adjective (were there one) would take the form draffy. See the Glossary. 2123. In geste, in the form of a story such as are in the Gesta Romanorum. The Host means a tale in prose; there is no contradic- tion, if lines 2124 and 2125 be kept together. 'Tell us,' he says, 'a tale like those in the Gesta, or at least something in prose that is either pleasant or profitable.' 2131. 'Although it is sometimes told in different ways by different people.' 2137. 'And all agree in their general meaning.' Sentence, sense; see 11. 2142, 2151. 2148. Read it Tenforce with, &c., 'to enforce the moral of my story with.' 3156. Al, the whole of; do not interrupt me again. THE MONK'S PROLOGUE. NOTES TO THE MONK'S PROLOGUE. 3079. The tale of Melibee is about a certain Melibeus and his wife Prudence, who had a daughter called Sophie. One day, while Melibeus is absent, four of his enemies break into his house, beat his wife, and wound his daughter. On returning, he takes counsel as to what must be done. He is for planning a method of revenge, but his wife advises him to forgive the injuries, and in the end her counsels prevail. 3082. Corpus Madrian, body of Madrian : which has been inter- preted in two ways. Urry guessed it to refer to St. Materne, bishop of Treves, variously commemorated on the I4th, igih, or 25th of September, the days of his translations being July 18 and October 23. Mr. Steevens suggested, in a note printed in Tyrwhitt's Glossary, that the ' precious body ' was that of St. Mathurin, priest and confessor, commemorated on Nov. i or Nov. 9. The latter is more likely, since in his story in the Golden Legende, edit. 1527, leaf 151 back, the expressions ' the precious body ' and ' the holy body ' occur, and the story explains that his body would not stay in the earth till it was carried back to France, where he had given directions that it should be buried. 3083. ' Rather than have a barrel of ale, would I that my dear good wife had heard this story.' Cf. note to 1. 3624. Lief is not a proper name, as has been suggested, I believe, by some one ignorant of early English idiom. Cf. ' Dear my lord,' Jul. Caesar, ii. i. 255 ; and other instances in Abbott's Shakesp. Grammar, sect. 13. 3101. ' Who is willing (or who suffers himself) to be overborne by everybody.' 3108. Neighebor, three syllables, as in 1. 3091 ; thannk, two syllables. 3112. Observe the curious use of seith for misseith. 3114. Monk. See him described in the Prologue, 1. 165. 3116. Rouechester. The MSS. have Rouchester, but the line then halts. Tyrwhitt changed slant into stondeth, but all our seven MSS. have slant. The name of the town was certainly Roveche^ter, in four syllables. The spelling Hrofeceastre occurs in the A. S Chronicle, anno 1114, and this changes to Rotteceastre, anno 1130; later, Rouecestre, Old Eng. Miscellany, ed. Morris, p. 145. Note too that the Latin name was Rovecestria, Rhoffa, or Roffa. The presence of the / ( = v) points clearly to an omission of the e ; for otherwise the scribes should have written Rochester simply. Otherwise, we must put Lo into a foot by itself, and scan the line thus L6/Rouches/ter stant/heei fdst/e by. According to the arrangement of the tales in Tyrwhitt's edition, the pilgrims reach Rochester after coming to Sittingborne (mentioned in 172 NOTES TO GROUP B. the Wife of Bath's Prologue), though the latter is some eleven miles nearer Canterbury. The present arrangement of the Groups remedies this. See note to B 1165. 3117. Ryd forth, ride forward, draw near us. 3119. Wher, whether. Dan, for Dominus, a title of respect com- monly used in addressing monks. But Chaucer even uses it of Arcite, in the Knightes Tale. 3120. The monk's name was Piers. See 1. 3982, and the note. 31 24. Cf. ' He was not pale as a for-pyned goost ' ; Prol. 205. 3127. As to my doom, in my judgment. 3130. Scan the line But/a g<5u/ernour/wyly/and wys/. ThePetworth MS. inserts 'boj>* before 'wyly'; but this requires the very unlikely accentuation ' governour ' and an emphasis on a. The line would scan better if we might insert art, or lyk, after But, but there is no authority for this. 3132. Read A wil-farlng persdne, after which comes the pause, as marked in E. and Hn. 3157. Souneth into, tends to, is consistent with; see Prol. 307, and Sq. Ta. 517. The following extracts from Palsgrave's French Dictionary are to the point. ' I sownde, I appartayne or belong, It tens. Thys thyng sowndeth to a good purpose, Ceste chose tent a bonne fin? Also, ' I sownde, as a tale or a report sowndeth to ones honesty or dyshonesty, le redonde. I promise you that this matter sowndeth moche to your dishonoure, le vous promets que ceste matyere redonde fort a vostre deshon- neur.' 3160. Seint Edward. There are two of the name, viz. Edward, king and martyr, commemorated on March 16, 18, or 19, and the second King Edward, best known as Edward the Confessor, commemorated on Jan. 5. In Piers the Plowman, B. xv. 217, we have ' Edmonde and Edwarde eyther were kynges, And seyntes ysette tyl charite hem folwed." But Edward the Confessor is certainly meant ; and there is a remarkable story about him that he was ' warned of hys death certain clayes before hce dyed, by a ring that was brought to him by certain pilgrims coming fiom Hierusalem, which ring hee hadde secretly given to a poore man that askyd hys charitie in the name of God and sainte Johan the Evan- gelist.' See Mr. Wright's description of Ludlow Church, where are some remains of a stained glass window representing this story, in the eastern wall of the chapel of St. John. See also Chambers, Book of Days, i. 53, 54, where we read ' The sculptures upon the frieze of the present shrine [in Westminster Abbey] represent fourteen scenes in the life of Edward the Confessor. . . . He was canonized by Pope Alexander about a century after his death . . . He was esteemed the patron-saint THE MONK'S PROLOGUE. Ij$ of England until superseded in the thirteenth century by St. George.' These fourteen scenes are fully described in Brayley's Hist, of West- minster Abbey, in an account which is chiefly taken from a Life of St. Edward written by Ailred of Rievaulx in 1163. Three 'Lives of Edward the Confessor' were edited, for the Master of the Rolls, by Mr. Luard in 1858. See Morley's Eng. Writers, i. 434. 3163. Celle, cell. The monks call it his cell because he was 'the keper'ofit; Prol. 173. 3163. Tragedie; the final it would be slurred over before is, so that for is required for the metre ; the phrase for to seyn is sufficiently common. The definition of ' tragedy ' here given is repeated from Chaucer's own translation of Boethius, which contains the remark ' Glose. Tragedie is to seyne, a dite [ditty] of a prosperite for a tyme, pat endij) in wrechednesse ' ; ed. Morris, p. 35. This remark is Chaucer's own, as the word Glose marks his addition to, or gloss upon, his original. His remark refers to a passage in Boethius immediately preceding, viz. ' Quid tragoediamm clamor aliud deflet, nisi indiscrete ictu fortunam felicia regna uertentem '? De Consolatione Philosophiae, lib. ii. prosa 2. See also the last stanza of ' Cresus ' in the Monkes Tale. 3169. Examelron, hexameter. Chaucer is speaking of Latin, not of English verse ; and refers to the common Latin hexameter used in heroic verse ; he would especially be thinking of the Thebaid of Statius, the Metamorphoseon Liber of Ovid, th Aeneid of Virgil, and Lucan's Pharsalia. This we could easily have guessed, but Chaucer has himself told us what was in his thoughts. For at the conclusion of his Troilus and Creseide, which he calls a tragedie, he says And kisse the steps whereas thou seest pace Of Vergil, Ovid, Homer, Lucan, and Stace.' Lucan is expressly cited in 1. 3909. 3170. In prose. For example, Boccaccio's De Casibus Virorum and De Claris Mulieribus contain 'tragedies' in Latin prose. Cf. 11. 3655, 3910. 3171. In metre. For example, the tragedies of Seneca are in various metres, chiefly iambic. See also note to 1. 3285. 3177. After hir ages, according to their periods ; in chronological order. The probable allusion is to Boccaccio's De Casibus Virorum, which begins with Adam and Nimrod, and keeps tolerably to the right order. For further remarks on this, see the Preface, 174 NOTES TO GROUP B. NOTES TO THE MONKES TALE. 3181. Tragedie ; accented on the second syllable, and riming with remtdie; cf. 1. 3163. Very near the end of Troilus and Creseide, we find Chaucer riming it with comedie. That poem he also calls a tragedie Go, lytel book, go, my lytel tragtdie? &c. 3183. Fillen, fell. Nas no, for ne was no, a double negative. Cf. Ch. tr. of Boethius ' and eke of present tyme now is ful of ensaumples how J>at kynges ben chaunged in-to wrechednesse out of hir welefulnesse ' ; ed. Morris, p. 75. 3186. The Harl. MS. has 'Ther may no man the cours of hir whiel holde,' which Mr. Wright prefers. But the reading of the Six-text is well enough here ; for in the preceding line Chaucer is speaking of Fortune under the image of a person fleeing away, to which he adds, that no one can stay her course. Fortune is also sometimes represented as stationary, and holding an ever-turning wheel, as in the Book of the Duchesse, 643 ; but that is another picture. 3188. Be war by, take warning from. LUCIFER. 3189. Lucifer, a Latin name signifying- light-Wringer, and properly applied to the morning-star. In Isaiah xiv. 12 the Vulgate has ' Quo- modo cecidisti de caelo, Lucifer, qui mane oriebaris ? corruisti in terram, qui uulnerabas gentes?' &c. St. Jerome, Tertullian, St. Gregory, and other fathers, supposed this passage to apply to the fall of Satan. It became a favourite topic for writers both in prose and verse, and the allusions to it are innumerable. See note to Piers the Plowman, i. 105 (Clar. Press Series). Gower begins his eighth book of the Confessio Amantis with the examples of Lucifer and Adam. 3192. Sinne, the sin of pride, as in all the accounts; probably from I Tim. iii. 6. Thus Gower, Conf. Amant. lib. i. (vol. i. p. 153) ' For Lucifer, with hem that felle, Bar pride with hym into helle. Ther was pride of to grete cost, Whan he for pride hath heuen lost.' 3195. Artow, art thou. Sathanas, Satan. The Hebrew satan means simply an adversary, as in i Sam. xxix. 4; 2 Sam. xix. 22; &c. A remarkable application of it to the evil spirit is in Luke x. 18. Milton also identifies Lucifer with Satan; Par. Lost, vii. 131 ; x. 425 ; but they are sometimes distinguished, and made the names of two THE MONKES TALE. 175 different spirits. A remarkable example of this occurs in Piers the Plowman, B. xviii. 270-283. 3196. The Ellesmere MS. has a mark for a metrical pause after miserie, pronounced misfrie. ADAM. 3197. Boccaccio's De Casibus Virorum Illustrium begins with a chapter ' De Adam et Eua.' It contains the passage ' Et ex agro, qui postea Damascenus, . . . ductus in Paradisum deliciarum.' Lydgate, in his Fall of Princes (fol. a 5) has ' Of slyme of the erlhe, in damascene the feelde God made theym above eche creature.' The notion of the creation of Adam in a field whereupon afterwards stood Damascus, occurs in Peter Comestor's Historia Scholastica, where we find (ed. 1526, fol. vii) 'Quasi quereret aiiquis, Remansit homo in loco vbi factus est, in agro scilicet damasceno ? Non. Vbi ergo trans- latus est ? In paradisum.' See also Maundeville's Travels, cap. xv ; Genesis and Exodus, ed. Morris, 1. 207 ; and note in Matzner's Alten- glische Sprachproben, ii. 185. 3200. So Boccaccio 'O caeca rerum cupiditas! Hii, quibus rerum omnium, dante Deo, erat imperium,' &c. Cf. Gen. i. 29 ; ii. 16. SAMPSON. 3205. The story of Sampson is also in Boccaccio, lib. i. c. 17 (not 19, as Tyrwhitt says). But Chaucer seems mostly to have followed the account in Judges xiii-xvi. The word annunciai, referring to the an- nouncement of Samson's birth by the angel (Judges xiii. 3) may have been suggested by Boccaccio, whose account begins Praenunciantt per angelum Deo, ex Manue Israhelita quodam et pulcherrima eius vxore Sanson progenitus est.' Thangel in 1. 3206 the angel. 3207. Consecrat, consecrated. A good example of the use of the end- ing -at ; cf. situate for situated. M. Shakespeare has consecrate ; Com. of Err. ii. 2. 134. 3208. Whyl he myghte see, as long as he preserved his eyesight. 3210. To speke of strengths, with regard to strength ; to speke of is a kind of preposition. M. Cf. Milton's Samson Agonistes, 126-150. 3211. Wyues. Samson told the secret of his riddle to his wife, Judges xiv. 1 7 ; and of his strength to Delilah, id. xvi. 1 7. 3215. Alto-rente, completely rent in twain. The prefix to- has two powers in Old English. Sometimes it is the preposition to in composi- tion, as towards, or M. E. toflight (G. zuflvcht), a refuge. But more com- monly it is a prefix signifying in twain, spelt zer- in German, and dis- in Mceso-Gothic and Latin. Thus (o-ren!e = rent in twain ; to-burst = burst )J6 NOTES TO GROUP B. in twain, &c. The intensive adverb al, utterly, was used not merely (as is commonly supposed) before verbs beginning with to-, but in other cases also. Thus, in William of Palerae, 1. 872, we find ' He was al a-wondred? where al precedes the intensive prefix a- = A. S. of-. Again, in the same poem, 1. 661, we have ' al bi-weped for wo,' where al now precedes the prefix bi-. In Barbour's Bruce, ed. Skeat, x. 596, is the expression 4 For, hapnyt ony to slyde or fall, He suld be soyne to-fruichit al' Where al to-fruschit means utterly broken in pieces. Perhaps the clearest example of the complete separability of al from to is seen in 1. 3884 of William of Palerne : ' Al to-tare his atir J>at he to-lere mist'; i. e. he entirely tore apart his attire, as much of it as he could tear apart. But at a later period of English, when the prefix to- was less understood, a new and mistaken notion arose of regarding al to as a separable prefix, with the sense of all to pieces. I have observed no instance of this use earlier than the reign of Henry VIII. Thus Surrey, Sonnet 9, has 'al-to shaken ' for shaken to pieces. Latimer has 'they love and al-to love (i. e. entirely love) him ' ; Serm. p. 289. For other examples, see Al-to in the Bible Word-book ; and my notes in Notes and Queries, 3 Ser. xii, 4 6 4. 535- 3220. Samson's wife was given to a friend ; Judges xiv. 20. She was afterwards burnt by her own people ; Judges xv. 6. 3224. On every tayl; one brand being fastened to the tails of two foxes ; Judg. xv. 4. 3225. Comes. The Vulgate has segetes and fruges ; also uineas for vynes, and oliueta for oliueres. The plural form cornes is not uncommon in Early English. Cf. ' Quen thair corns war in don,' i. e. when their harvests were gathered in ; Spec, of Eng., pt. ii. ed. Morris and Skeat, p. 70, 1. 39. And again, 'alle men-sleeris and brenneris of houses and cornes [misprinted corves] ben cursed opynly in parische chirches"; Wyclifs Works, ed. Arnold, iii. 329. 3234. Wang-loth, molar tooth. This expression is taken from the Vulgate, which has ' Aperuit itaque Dominus molarem dentem in maxilla asini ' ; where the A. V. has only ' an hollow place that was in the jaw'; Judg. xv. 19. 3236. Judicum, i. e. Liber Judicum, the Book of Judges. Cf. note to 1. 93 above. 3237. Gazan, a corruption of Gazam, the ace. case, in Judg. xvi. I. Vulgate version. 3244. Ne hadde been, there would not have been. Since hadde is here the subjunctive mood, it is dissyllabic. Read- worlds n' hadde. THE MONKES TALE, 177 3245. Sicer, from the Lat. sicera, Greek aiKtpa, strong drink, is the word which we now spell cider; see Wyclif's Works, ed. Arnold, i. 363, note. It is used here because found in the Vulgate version of Judges xiii. 7 ; ' caue r.e uinum bibas, nee siceram.' I slightly amend the spelling of the MSS., which have citer, siser, sythir, cyder. Wyclif has sither, cyther, sidir, sydt/r. 3249. Twenty winter, twenty years; Judg. xvi. 31. The English used to reckon formerly by winters instead of years; as may be seen in a great many passages in the A.S. Chronicle. 3253. Dalida. The Vulgate has Dalila; but Chaucer (or his scribes) naturally adopted a form which seemed to have a nearer resemblance to an accusative case, such being, at that time, the usual practice ; cf. Briseide (from Briseida), and Annelida. Lydgale also uses the form Dalida, as in the Septuagint and in Wyclif. 3259. In this array, in this (defenceless) condition. 3264. Querne, hand-mill. The Vulgate has 'et clausum in carcere molere fecerunt ' ; Judg. xvi. a i . But Boccaccio says ' ad molas manuarias coegere.' The word occurs in the House of Fame, iii. 708 ; and in Wyclif's Bible, Exod. xi. 5 ; Mat. xxiv. 41. In the Ayenbite of Inwyt, ed. Morris, p. 181, the story of Samson is alluded to, and it is said of him that he 'uil [fell] into )>e honden of his yuo [foes'], J>et him deden grinde ate qverne ssamuolliche,' i.e. who made him grind at the mill shamefully (in a shameful manner). Lydgate copies the passage rather closely, in his Fall of Princes, fol. e 7 : ' And of despite, after as I fynde, At their quernes made hym for to grinde.' 3269. Thende, the end. Caytif means (i) a captive, (2) a wretch. It is therefore used here very justly. 3274. Two filers, better than the reading the pilers of MS. E. ; because two are expressly mentioned ; Judg. xvi. 29. 3282. So Boccaccio 'Sic aduersa credulitas, sic amantis pietas, sic mulieris egit inclyta fides. Vt quern non poterant homines, non uincula, non ferrum uincere, a mulieribus latrunculis uinceretur.' Lydgate has the expressions 'Beware by Sampson your counseyll well to kepe, Though [misprinted That] Dalida compleyne, crye, and wepe'; and again: 'Surfre no nightworm within your counseyll crepe,' Though Dalida compleyne, crye, and wepe.' HERCULES. 3285. There is little about Hercules in Boccaccio ; but Chaucer's favourite author, Ovid, has his story in the Metamorphoses, book ix, VOL. II. N 178 NOTES TO GROUP B. and Heroides, epist. 9. Tyrwhitt, however, has shewn that Chaucer more immediately copies a passage in Boethius, de Cons. Phil. lib. iv, met. 7, which is as follows : Herculem duri celebrant labores ; Ille Centauros domuit superbos; Abstulit saeuo spolium leoni ; Fixit et certis uolucres sagittis; Poma cernenti rapuit draconi, Aureo laeuam grauior metallo; Cerberum traxit triplici catena. Uictor immitem posuisse fertur Pabulum saeuis dominum quadrigis. Hydra combusto periit ueneno ; Fronte turpatus Achelous aninis Ora demersit pudibunda ripis. Strauit Antaeum Libycis arenis, Cacus Euandri satiauit iras, Quosque pressurus foret altus orbis Setiger spumis humeros notauit. Ultimus caelum labor irreflexo Sustulit collo, pretiumque rursus Ultimi caelum meruit laboris.' But it is still more interesting to see Chaucer's own version of this pas- sage, which is as follows (ed. Morris, p. 147) : ' Hercules is celebrable for his harde trauaile ; he dawntede )>e proude Centauris, half hors, half man ; and he rafte ]>e despoylynge fro J>e cruel lyoun ; J>at is to seyne, he slous ]>e lyoun and rafte hym hys skyn. He smot J>e birds J>at hysten arpijs in ]>e palude of lyrne wty certeyne arwes. He rauyssede applis fro ])e wakyng dragoun / & hys hand was ]>e more heuy for J>e goldene metal. He drous Cerberus ]>e hound of helle by his treble cheyne ; he, ouer-comer, as it is seid, hap put an vnmeke lorde fodre to his cruel hors; J)is is to sein, )>at hercules slouj diomedes and made his hors to etyn hym. And he, hercules, slou} Idra J?e serpent & brende )>e venym ; and achelaus ]>e flode, defoulede in his forhede, dreinte his shamefast visage in his strondes ; ]>is is to seyn, ]>at achelaus couj>e transfigure hymself into dyuerse lykenesse, & as he faujt wi]> ercules, at | e laste he turnide hym in-to a bole [bull] ; and hercules brak of oon of hys homes, & achelaus for shame hidde hym in hys ryuer. And he, hercules, caste adoun Antheus ]>e geaunt in J?e strondes of libye ; & kacus apaisede )>e wra)>J.es of euander ; Jus is to sein, J>at hercules slous ]>e monstre kacus & apaisede wij) ]>at deej> J>e wra}>)>e of euander. And ]>e bristlede boor markede wij> scomes [scums, foam] \>e sholdres of hercules, \ e whiche sholdres pe heye cercle of heuene sholde Jireste [was to rest THE MONKES TALE. 179 vpon\. And )>e laste of his labours was, J>at he sustenede ]>e heuene upon his nekke unbowed ; & he deseruede eftsones pe heuene to ben ])e pris of his laste trauayle.' And in his House of Fame, book iii, he mentions ' Alexander, and Hercules, That with a sherte his lyf did lese.' 3288. Hercules' first labour was the slaying of the Nemean lion, whose skin he often afterwards wore. 3289. Centauros; this is the very form used by Boethius, else we might have expected Centaurus or Centaures. After the destruction of the Ery- manthian boar, Hercules slew Pholus the centaur; and (by accident) Chiron. 3290. Arpies, harpies. The sixth labour was the destruction of the Stymphalian birds, who ate human flesh. 3291. The eleventh labour was the fetching of the golden apples, guarded by the dragon Ladon, from the garden of the Hesperides. 3292. The twelfth labour was the bringing of Cerberus from the lower world. 3293. Bmirus. Here Chaucer has confused two stories. One is, that Busiris, a king of Egypt, used to sacrifice all foreigners who came to Egypt, till the arrival of Hercules, who slew him. The other is ' the eighth labour,' when Hercules killed Diomedes, a king in Thrace, who fed his mares with human flesh, till Hercules slew him and gave his body to be eaten by the mares, as Chaucer himself says in his transla- tion. The confusion was easy, because the story of Busiris is mentioned elsewhere by Boethius, bk. ii. pr. 6, in a passage which Chaucer thus translates (ed. Morris, p. 53) : ' I have herd told of busirides Jat was wont to sleen hys gestes [guests] fat herburghden [lodged] in hys hous ; and he was slayn hym-self of ercules J?at was hys gest.' Lydgate tells the story of Busiris correctly. 3295. Serpent, i.e. the Lernean hydra, whom Chaucer, in the passage from Boethius, calls ' Idra the serpent.' 3296. Achelois, seems to be used here as a genitive form from a nomi- native A chelo; in his translation of Boethius we find Achelaus. The spelling of names by old authors is often vague and uncertain. The line means he broke one of the two horns of Achelous. The river-god Achelous, in his fight with Hercules, took the form of a bull, where- upon the hero broke off one of his horns. 3297. The adventures with Cacus and Antaeus^ are well known. 3299. The fourth labour was the destruction of the Erymanthian boar. 3300. Longe, for a long time; in the margin of MS. Camb. Univ. Lib. Dd. 4. 24, is written the gloss diu. N 2 l8o NOTES TO GROUP B. 3307. The allusion is to the 'pillars' of Hercules. The expression 1 both ends of the world ' refers to the extreme points of the continents of Europe and Africa, world standing here for continent. The story is that Hercules erected two pillars, Calpe and Abyla, on the two sides of the Straits of Gibraltar. The words ' seith Trophee ' seem to refer to an author named Trophaeus. In Lydgate's prologue to his P'all of Princes, st. 41, he says of Chaucer that 'In youth he made a translacion Of a boke whiche called is Trophe, In Lumbarde tonge, as men may rede and sc; And in our vulgar, long er that he deyde, Gave it the name of Troylus and Creseyde.' This seems to say that Trophe was the name of a book in Italian, whence Chaucer drew his story of Troilus. But the notion must be due to some mistake, since that work was taken from the ' Filostrato ' of Boccaccio. The only trace of the name of Trophoeus as an author is in a marginal note possibly Chaucer's own which appears in both the Ellesmere and Hengwrt MSS., viz. ' Ille vates Chaldeorum Tropheus.' 3311. Tkise clerkes, meaning probably Ovid and Boccaccio. See Ovid's Heroides, epist. ix, entitled Deianira Herculi, and Metamorph. lib. ix ; Boccaccio, De Casibus Virorum Illustrium, lib. i. cap. xviii., and De Mulieribus Claris, cap. xxii. See also the Trachinise of Sophocles. 33!5- Wered, worn ; so in 1. 3320 we find wered for the form of the past tense. Instances of verbs with weak preterites in Chaucer, but strong ones in modern English, are rare indeed ; but there are several instances of the contrary, e.g. wsp, slep, wesh, wex, now wept, slept, washed, waxed. Wore is due to analogy with bore ; cf. could for coud. 3317. Both Ovid and Boccaccio represent Deianira as ignorant of the fatal effects which the shirt would produce. See Ovid, Metam. ix. 133. Had Chaucer written later, he might have included Gower among the clerks, as the latter gives the story of Hercules and Deianira in his Conf. Amantis, lib. ii., following Ovid. Thus he says ' With wepend eye and woful herte She tok out thilke vnhappie sherle, As she that wende wel to do.' 3326. For long upbraidings of Fortune, see The Boke ot the Duchesse, 617; Rom. Rose, 5407; Boethius, ed. Morris, p. 35. r NABUGODONOSOR. 3335. Nabngodonosor ; generally spelt Nabtichodonosor in copies of the Vulgate, of which the other spelling is a mere variation Gower has the same spelling as Chaucer, and relates the story near the end of THE MONKES TALE. l8l book i. of the Conf. Amantis. Both no doubt took it directly from Daniel i-iv. 3338. The vessel is here an imitation of the French idiom ; F. vaisselle means the plate, as Mr. Jephson well observes. Cf. 1. 3494. 3349. In the word statue the second syllable is rapidly slurred over, like that in glorie in 1. 3340. See the same effect in the Kn. Tale, 11- "7. I0 97- BALTHASAR. 3373- Balthazar; so spelt by Boccaccio, who relates the story very briefly, De Cas. Virorum Illust., lib. ii. cap. 19. So also, by Peter Comestor, in his Historia Scholastica ; and by Gower, Conf. Amant., lib. v. The Vulgate generally has Baltassar; Daniel, cap. v. 3379. And ther he lay; cf. 1. 3275 above. 3384. The word tho is supplied for the metre. The scribes have con- sidered vesselles (sic) as a trisyllable; but see 11. 3391, 3416, 3418. 3388. Of, for. Cf. the old phrase 'thank God of all,' i.e. for all; occurring in Chaucer's ' Fie fro the pres,' 1. 19. M. 3422. Trust to. This reading, from the Cambridge MS., is perhaps the best; cf. 'trust nat to hem,' B. 2374. Tynvhitt has trusteth in the plural, but thou is used throughout. The singular imperative, however, may take the form trus/e. Elsewhere Chaucer also has ' on whom \ve trvste,' Prol. 501 ; ' truste on fortune,' B. 3326; cf. ' syker on to trosten,' P. PI. Crede, I. 350. 3427. Darius, so accented. Degree, rank, position. 3436. Prouerbe. The allusion is, in the first place, to Boethius, de Cons. Phil., bk. iii. pr. 5 ' Sed quern felicitas amicum fecit, infortunium faciet inimicum ' ; which Chaucer translates ' Certys swiche folk as weleful fortune make]) frendes, contrarious fortune make> hem enmyse' ; PP- ?6 77 (ed. Morris). Cf. Prov. xix. 4 'Wealth makelh many friends; but the poor is separated from his neighbour,' &c. So also 'If thou be brought low, he [i.e. thy friend] will be against thee, and will hide himself from thy face' ; Ecclus. vi. 12. In Hazlitt's Collection of English Proverbs, p. 235, we find ' In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty ; In time of adversity, not one among twenty.* See also note to 1. 120 above, p. 139; and, not to multiply instances, note st. 19 of Goldsmith's Hermit : ' And what is friendship but a name, A charm that lulls to sleep; A shade that follows wealth or fame, And leaves the wretch to weep?' 1 82 NOTES TO GROUP B. ZENOBIA. 3437. Cenobta. The story of Zenobia is told by Trebellius Pollio, who flourished under Constantino, in cap. xxix. of his work entitled Tri- ginta Tyranni ; but Chaucer no doubt followed later accounts, one of which was clearly that given by Boccaccio in his De Mulieribus Claris, cap. xcviii. Boccaccio relates her story again in his De Casibus Viro- rum, lib. viii. c. 6 ; in an edition of which, printed in 1 544, I find references to the biography of Aurelian by Flavius Vopiscus, to the history of Orosius, lib. vii. cap. 23, and to Baptista Fulgosius, lib. iv. cap. 3. Palmyra is described by Pliny, Nat. Hist. lib. v. cap. 25. Zenobia's ambition tempted her to endeavour to make herself a Queen of the East, instead of remaining merely Queen of Palmyra ; but she was defeated by the Roman emperor Aurelian, A.D. 373, and carried to Rome, where she graced his triumph, A.D. 274. She survived this dis- grace for some years. Palymerie. Such is the spelling in the best MSS. ; but MS. HI. reads ' of Palmire the queene.' It is remarkable that MS. Trin. Coll. Cam. R. 3. 19 has the reading ' Cenobia, of Belmary quene,' which suggests that Belmarie, in the Prol. 1. 57, is merely another form of Palmyra ; but see Barbour's Bruce, xx. 393. It occupied the site of the ancient Tadmor, or ' city of palmtrees,' in an oasis of the Great Syrian desert. It has been in ruins since about A.D. 1400. 3441. In the second ne in, the e is slurred over; cf. /, Sq. Tale 35. 3442. Perse. This seems to be Chaucer's mistake. Boccaccio says expressly that she was of the race of the Ptolemies of Egypt ; but further on he remarks ' Sic cum Persis et Armenis principibus, vt illos urbani- tate et facetia superaret.' This may account for the confusion. 3446. Boccaccio says (de Mul. Clar.) ' Dicunt autem hanc a pueritia sua spretis omnino muliebribus officiis, cum iam corpusculum eduxisset in robur, syluas & nemora incoluisse plurimum, & accinctam pharetra, ceruis caprisque cursu atque sagittis fuisse infestam. Inde cum in acriores deuenisset uires, ursus amplecti ausam, pardos, leonesque insequi, obuios expectare, capere & occiclere, ac in praedam trahere." This accounts for the word office, and may shew how closely Chaucer has followed his original. 3497. She was acquainted with Egyptian literature, and studied Greek under the philosopher Longinus, author of a celebrated treatise on ' The Sublime.' 3502. Housbonde. Her husband was Odenathus, or Odenatus, the ruler of Palmyra, upon whom the emperor Gallienus had bestowed the title of Augustus. He was murdered by some of his relations, and some have insinuated that Zenobia consented to the crime. She THE MONKES TALE. 183 succeeded him, and assumed the imperial diadem, A.D. 266. Most scribes spell the name OnedaJte, by metathesis for Odenake (Odenate), like the spelling Adrians for Ariadne. 3507. Doon hem flee, cause them (her and her husband) to flee. 3510. Sapor I reigned over Persia A.D. 240-273. He defeated the emperor Valerian, whom he kept in captivity for the rest of his life. After conquering Syria and taking Csesarea, he was defeated by Odenatus and Zenobia, who founded a new empire at Palmyra. 3511. Proces, succession of events. Fil, fell, befell. 3512. Title, pronounced nearly as title in French, the e being elided before had. 3515. Petrark. Tyrwhitt suggests that perhaps Boccaccio's book had fallen into Chaucer's hands under the name of Petrarch. We may, however, suppose that Chaucer had read the account in a borrowed book, and did not quite remember whether Petrarch or Boccaccio was the author. Instances of similar mistakes are common enough in Early English. Modern readers are apt to forget that, in the olden times, much information had to be carried in the memory, and there was seldom much facility for verification or for a second perusal of a story. 3519. Cruelly. The Harl. MS. has the poor reading trewely, mis- written for crewely. 3525. Claudius II, emperor of Rome, A.D. 268-270. He succeeded Gallienus, as Chaucer says, and was succeeded by Aurelian. 3535. Boccaccio calls them Heremianvs and Timolatts. 3550. Char, chariot. Boccaccio describes this ' currum, quern sibi ex auro gemmisque praeciocissimum Zenobia fabricari fecerat.' 3556. Charged, heavily laden. She was so laden with chains of massive gold, and covered with pearls and gems, that she could scarcely support the weight ; so says Boccaccio. 3562. Vitremyte. I have no doubt this reading (as in Tyrwhitt) is correct. All the six MSS. in the Six-text agree in it. The old printed editions have aittremiie, a mere corruption ; and the Harl. MS. has wyniermyte, which I take to be an attempt to make sense of a part of the word, just as we have turned ecrevisse into cray-jish. What the word means, is another question ; it is perhaps the greatest ' crux ' in Chaucer. As the word occurs nowhere else, the solution I offer is a mere guess. I suppose it to be a coined word, formed on the Latin vitream mitram, expressing, literally, a glass head-dress, in complete contrast to a strong helmet. My reasons for supposing this are as follows. (i) With regard to mitra. In Low-Latin, its commonest meaning is a woman's head-dress. But it was especially and widely used as a term of mockery, both in Latin, Italian, Spanish, and French. The mitra was the cap which criminals were made to wear as a sign of 184 NOTES TO GROUP B. degradation ; see Carpenter's Supp. to Ducange, s. v. Mitra; Vocabulario degli Accad. della Crusca, s. v. Mitera; and any large Spanish Diet. s. v. Mitra. Even Cotgrave has 'Mitre, mitred; hooded with a miter, wearing a miter; set on a pillory or scaffold, with a miter of paper on his head.* The chief difficulty in this derivation is the loss of the r. (a) With regard to vitream. This may refer to a proverb, probably rather English than foreign, to which I have never yet seen a reference. But its existence is clear. To give a man ' a glazen hood ' meant, in Old English, to mock, delude, cajole. It appears in Piers the Plowman, B. xx. 171, where a story is told of a man who, fearing to die, consulted the physicians, and gave them large sums of money, for which they gave him in return ' a glasen houve,' i. e. a hood of glass, a thing that was no defence at all. So also ' And madest me an houve of glas ' ; Poems of Walter Mapes, ed. Wright, p. 337, 1. 6. Still clearer is the allusion to the same proverb in Chaucer himself, in a passage never yet explained, in Troil. and Cres. v. 469, where Fortune is said to have an intention of deluding Troilus ; or, as the poet says, ' Fortune his howne intended bet to glase,' i.e. literally, Fortune intended to glaze his hood still better for him, i.e. to make a still greater fool of him. In the Aldine edition, howue is printed howen in this passage, but howue occurs elsewhere ; Tyrwhitt has hove, a common variation of hoivue. If this note is unsatisfactory, I may yet claim to have explained in it at least one long-standing difficulty ; viz. this line in Troilus. Tyrwhitt long ago explained that, in Chaucer, the phrases to set a man's hood, and to set a man's cap, have a like meaning, viz. to delude him. Chaucer uses verre for glass in another passage of a similar character, viz. in Troil. and Cres. ii. 867, where we read And forthy, who that hath an hede of verre Fro cast of stones ware him in the werre." 3564. A distaf. This is from Boccaccio's other account, in the De Casibus Virorum. ' Haec nuper imperatoribus admiranda, mine uenit miseranda plebeis. Haec nunc galeata concionari militibus assueta, mine uelata cogitur muliercularum audire fabellas. Haec nuper Orienti praesidens sceptra gestabat, nunc Romae subiacens, colum, sicut ceterae, baiulat.' Zenobia survived her disgrace for some years, living at Rome as a private person on a small estate which was granted to her, and which, says Trebellius Pollio, ' hodie Zenobia dicitur.' PETER, KING OF SPAIN. 3565. See the Preface for the order in which the parts of the Monk's Tale are arranged. I follow here the arrangement in the Harleian MS. Peter, king of Castile, born in 1334, is generally known as Pedro the THE MONKES TALE. 185 Cruel. He reigned over Castile and Leon from 1350 to 1362, and his conduct was marked by numerous acts of unprincipled atrocity. After a destructive civil war, he fell into the hands of his brother, Don Enrique (Henry). A personal struggle took place between the brothers, in the course of which Enrique stabbed Pedro to the heart ; March 23, 1 369. See the ballad by Sir Walter Scott, entitled the Death of Don Pedro, in Lockhart's Spanish Ballads, commencing ' Henry and Don Pedro clasping Hold in straining arms each other; Tugging hard and closely grasping, Brother proves his strength with brother.* It is remarkable that Pedro was very popular with his own party, despite his crimes, and Chaucer takes his part because our Black Prince fought on the side of Pedro against Enrique at the battle of Najera, April 3, 1367; and because John of Gaunt married Constance, daughter of Pedro, about Michaelmas, 1371. 3573- See the description of Du Gueschlin's arms as given below. The ' field ' was argent, and the black eagle appears as if caught by a rod covered with birdlime, because the bend dexter across the shield seems to restrain him from flying away. The first three lines of the stanza refer to Bertrand Du Gneschlin, who ' brew,' i. e. contrived Pedro's murder, viz. by luring him to Enrique's tent. But the last three lines refer to another knight who, according to Chaucer, took a still more active part in the matter, being a worker in it. This second person was a certain Sir Oliver Mauny, whose name Chaucer conceals under the synonym of wicked nest, standing for O. Fr. matt ni, where man is O. Fr. for mal, bad or wicked, and ni is O. Fr. for nid, Lat. nidus, a nest. Observe too, that Chaucer uses the word need, not deed. There may be an excellent reason for this ; for, in the course of the struggle between the brothers, Enrique was at first thrown, ' when (says Lock- hart) one of Henry's followers, seizing Don Pedro by the leg, turned him over, and his master, thus at length gaining the upper hand, instantly stabbed the king to the heart. Froissart calls this man the Vicomte de Roquebetyn, and others the Bastard of Anisse.' I have no doubt that Chaucer means to tell us that the helper in Enrique's need was no other than Mauny. He goes on to say that this Mauny was not like Charles the Great's Oliver, an honourable peer, but an Oliver of Armorica, a man like Charles's Ganelon, the well-known traitor, of whom Chaucer elsewhere says (Book of the Duchess, 1. 1121) ' Or the false Geniloun, He that purchased the trayson Of Rouland and of Olivere.' This passage has long been a puzzle, but was first cleared up by an 1 86 NOTES TO GROUP B. excellent letter by Mr. Furnivall in Notes and Queries, which I here subjoin ; I may give myself the credit, however, of identifying ' wicked nest ' with O. Fr. man ni. ' The first two lines [of the stanza] describe the arms of Bertrand du Guesclin, which were, a black double-headed eagle displayed on a silver shield, with a red band across the whole, from left to right [in heraldic language a bend dexter, gules] " the lymrod coloured as the glede " or live coal as may be seen in Anselme's Histoire G6nealogique de France, and a MS. Genealogies de France in the British Museum. Next, if we turn to Mr. D. F. Jamison's excellent Life and Times of Bertrand du Guesclin, we not only find on its cover Bertrand's arms as above described, but also at vol. ii. p. 92-4, an account of the plot and murder to which Chaucer alludes, and an identification of his traitorous or " Genylon " Oliver, with Sir Oliver de Mauny of Brittany (or Armorica), Bertrand's cousin [or, according to Froissart, cap. 245, his nephew]. After the battle of Monteil, on March 14, 1369, Petro was besieged in the castle of Monteil near the borders of La Mancha, by his brother Enrique, who was helped by Du Guesclin and many French knights. Finding escape impossible, Pedro sent Men Rodriguez secretly to Du Guesclin with an offer of many towns and 200,000 gold doubloons if he would desert Enrique and reinstate Pedro. Du Guesclin refused the offer, and " the next day related to his friends and kinsmen in the camp, and especially to his cousin, Sir Oliver de Mauny, what had taken place." He asked them if he should tell Enrique ; they all said yes : so he told the king. Thereupon Enrique promised Bertrand the same reward that Pedro had offered him, but asked him also to assure Men Rodriguez of Pedro's safety if he would come to his (Du Guesclin's) lodge. Relying on Bertrand's assurance, Pedro came to him on March 23 ; Enrique entered the lodge directly afterwards, and after a struggle, stabbed Pedro, and seized his kingdom. ' We see then that Chaucer was justified in asserting that Du Guesclin and Sir Oliver Mauny "brew this cursednesse"; and his assertion has some historical importance; for as his patron and friend, John of Gaunt, married one of Pedro's daughters [named Constance] as his second wife [Michaelmas, 1371], Chaucer almost certainly had the account of Pedro's death from his daughter, or one of her attendants, and is thus a witness for the truth of the narrative of the Spanish chronicler Ayala, given above, against the French writers, Froissart, Cuvelier, &c., who make the Begue de Villaines the man who inveigled Pedro. This connection of Chaucer with John of Gaunt and his second wife must excuse the poet in our eyes for calling so bad a king as Pedro the Cruel "worthy" and "the glovie of Spayne, whom Fortune heeld so heigh in magestee." THE MONKES TALE. 187 ' In the Corpus MS. these knights are called in a side-note Bertheun Claykyw (which was one of the many curious ways in which Du Guesclin's name was spelt) and Olyuer Mawny ; in MS. Harl. 1758, they are called Barthilmewe Claykeynne and Olyuer Mawyn ; and in MS. Lansdowne 851 they are called Betelmewe Claykyn and Oliner Mawnye. Mauni or Mauny was a well-known Armorican or Breton family. Chaucer's epithet of "Genylon" for Oliver de Mauny is specially happy, because Genelon was the Breton knight who betrayed to their death the great Roland and the flower of Charlemagne's knights to the Moors at Roncesvalles. Charles's or Charlemagne's great paladin, Oliver, is too well known to need more than a bare mention.' F. J. Furnivall, in Notes and Queries, 4th Series, viii. 449. PETER, KING OF CYPRUS. 3581. In a note to Chaucer's Prologue, 1. 51, Tyrwhitt says ' Alexandria in Egypt was won, and immediately afterwards abandoned, in 1365, by Pierre de Lusignan, king of Cyprus. The same Prince, soon after his accession to the throne in 1352, had taken Satalie, the antient Attalia ; and in another expedition about 1367 he made himself master of the town of Layas in Armenia. Compare n Memoire sur les Ouvrages de Guillaume de Machaut, Acad. des Ins. torn. xx. pp. 426, 432, 439 ; and Memoire sur la Vie de Philippe de Maizieres, torn. xvii. p. 493.' He was assassinated in 1369. BARNABO OF LOMBARDY. 3589. 'Bemabo Visconti, duke of Milan, was deposed by his nephew and thrown into prison, where he died in 1385.' Tyrwhitt. This date of 1385 is that of the latest circumstance incidentally referred to in the Canterbury Tales. UGOLINO OF PISA. 3597. ' Chaucer himself has referred us to Dante for the original of this tragedy: see Inferno, canto xxxiii.' Tyrwhitt. An account of Count Ugolino- is given in a note to Gary's Dante, from Villani, lib. vii. capp. 120-127. This account is different from Dante's, and represents him as very treacherous. He made himself master of Pisa in July 1288, but in the following March was seized by the Pisans, who threw him, with his two sons, and two of his grandsons, into a prison, where they perished of hunger in a few days. Chaucer says three sons, the .eldest being five years of age. Dante says/cwr sons. 3606. Roger; i. e. the Archbishop Ruggieri degli Ubaldini, who was Ugolino's enemy. 3616. I have ventured to insert ne to improve the scansion of the line. Besides, it is usual to insert it in such a case, and perhaps the scribes l88 NOTES TO GROUP E. simply omitted it by accident. The Harl. MS. has ' lie herd it wel, but he saugh it nought'; where Mr. Jephson inserts tie before saugh without any comment. The hour drew near When they were wont to bring us food ; the mind Of each misgave him through his dream, and I . Heard, at its outlet underneath, lock'd up The horrible tower: whence, uttering not a word, I look'd upon the visage of my sons. I wept not: so all stone I felt within. They wept: and one, my little Anselm, cried, "Thou lookest so! Father, what ails thee?"'&c. Gary's Dante. 3621. Dante does not mention the ages; but he says that the son named Gaddo died on the fourth day, and the other three on the fifth and sixth days. Observe that Chaucer's tender lines, 11. 3623-8, are his own. 3624. Morsel breed, morsel of bread ; cf. barel ale for barrel of ale, L 3083.- M. 3636. ' I may lay the blame of all my woe upon thy false wheel.' Cf. 1. 3860. 3640. Two ; there were now but two survivors, the youngest, accord- ing to Chaucer, being dead. 'They, who thought I did it through desire of feeding, rose O' the sudden, and cried, " Father, we should grieve Far less, if thou wouldst eat of us : thou gavest These weeds of miserable flesh we wear, And do thou strip them off from us again.'" Gary's Dante. 3651. Dante; i.e. Dante Alighieri, the great poet of Italy, born in 1 265, died Sept. 14, 1321. Chaucer mentions him again in his House of Fame, book i, as the author of the Inferno, in the Prologue to the Legend of Good Women, 1. 361, and in the Wyf of Bathes Tale. NERO. 3655. Swetonius; this refers to the Lives of the Twelve Caesars by Suetonius; but it would be a mistake to suppose that Chaucer has followed his account very closely. Our poet seems to have had a habit of mentioning authorities whom he did not immediately follow, by which he seems to have meant no more than that they were good authorities upon the subject. Here, for instance, he merely means that we can find in Suetonius a good account of Nero, which will give us all minor THE MONKES TALE. 189 details. But in reality he draws the story more immediately from other sources, especially from Boccaccio, De Casibus Virorum, lib. vii. cap. 4, from the Roman de la Rose, and from Boethius, de Cons. Fhilos. lib. ii. met. 6, and lib. iii. met. 4. The English Romaunt of the Rose does not contain the passage about Nero, but it is interesting to refer to Chaucer's translation of Boethius. Vincent of Beauvais has an account of Nero, in his Speculum Historiale, lib. ix. capp. 1-7, in which he chiefly follows Suetonius. See also Orosius, lib. vii. 7 ; and Eutropius, lib. vii. 3657. South; the MSS. have North, but it is fair to make the correction, as Chaucer certainly knew the sense of Septemtrioun, and the expression is merely borrowed from the Roman de la Rose, 1. 6501, where we read, 'Ce desloyal, que je te dy, Et d'Orient et de Midy, D'Occident, de Septentrion, Tint il la jurisdicion.' And, in his Boethius, after saying that Nero ruled from East to West, he adds ' And eke Jris Nero gouemede by Ceptre alle }>e peoples fat ben vndir fe colde sterres J>at hyjten fe seuene triones ; fis is to seyn, he gouernede alle fe poeples |)at ben vndir fe parties of J>e norfe. And eke Nero gouerned alle J>e poeples fat J>e violent wynde Nothus scorchif, and bakif }>e brennynge sandes by his drie hete; fat is to seyne, alle fe poeples in fe sof'; ed. Morris, p. 55. 3665. This is from Suetonius, who says ' Piscatus est rete aurato, purpura coccoque funibus nexis'; cap. xxx. So also Orosius, vii. 7; Eutropius, vii. 9. 3685. A maister; i.e. Seneca, mentioned below by name. In the year 65, Nero, wishing to be rid of his old master, sent him an order to destroy himself. Seneca opened a vein, but the blood would not flow freely ; whereupon, to expedite its flow, he entered into a warm bath, and thence was taken into a vapour stove, where he was suffocated. ' Nero constreinede his familiar & his maistre seneca to chesen on what deef he wolde deien'; Chaucer's transl. of Boethius, lib. iii. pr. 5, ed. Morris, p. 76. 3692. 'It was long before tyranny or any other vice durst attack him'; literally, 'durst let dogs loose against him.' To uncouple is to release dogs from the leash that fastened them together; see P. PL B. pr. 206. Compare 'At the uncoupling of his houndis.' Book of the Duchesse, 1. 377. ' The latind on which they fought, th* appointed place In which th' uncoupled hounds began the chace.' Dryclen; Palamon and Arcite, bk. ii, 1. 845. 190 NOTES TO GROUP B. 3720. ' Where he expected to find some who would aid him. 1 Suetonius says ' ipse cum paucis hospitia singulorum adiit. Verum clausis omnium foribus, respondente nullo, in cubiculum rediit,' &c. ; cap. xlvii. He afterwards escaped to the villa of his freedman Phaon, four miles from Rome, where he at length gave himself a mortal wound in the extremity of his despair. 3736. Girden of, to strike off; cf. ' gtirdeth of gyles hed,' P. PI. B. ii. 201. A gird is also a sharp striking taunt or quip. M. HOLOFERNES. 3746. Olofern. The story of Holofernes is to be found in the apocryphal book of Judith. 3750. Forlesinge, for fear of losing, lest men should lose. 3752. 'He had decreed to destroy all the gods of the land, that all nations should worship Nabuchodonosor only,' &c. ; Judith iii. 8. 3756. Eliachim. Tyrwhitt remarks that the name of the high priest was Joacim ; Judith iv. 6. But this is merely the form of the name in our English version. The Vulgate version has the equivalent form Eliachim ; cf. 2 Chron. xxxvi. 4. 3761. Vpryghte, i.e. on his back, with his face upwards. See Knightes Tale, 1. 1150. ALEXANDER. 3821. There is a whole cycle of Alexander romances, in Latin, French, and English, so that his story is common enough. He was, indeed, one of the "nine worthies"; see Love's La. Lost, v. i. 130; 2. 565. There is a good life of him by Plutarch, but in Chaucer's time the principal authority for an account of him was Quintus Curtius. In Boccaccio's De Casibus Virorum there is only a casual mention of Alexander, in the story of Darius, lib. iv. cap. 9. See Warton's Hist, of English Poetry. 3826. ' They were glad to send to him (to sue) for peace.' 3843. Writ, should write, pt. subj. ; hence the change of vowel from indie, wroot. M. The MSS. have write (grammatically). 3845. 'So Alexander reigned twelve years, and then died'; i Mac- i. 7. Machabee, i. e. the first book of the Maccabees, in the Apocrypha. 3851. 'Fortune hath turned thy six (the highest and most fortunate throw at dice) into an ace (the lowest).' Cf. note to 1. 124, p. 139. 3860. ' Which two (fortune and poison) I accuse of all this woe.' JULIUS CAESAR. 3862. For humble bed Tyrwhitt, Wright, and Bell print humblehede, as in some MSS. But this word is an objectionable hybrid compound, and I think it remains to be shewn that the word belongs to our language. THE MONKES TALE. 191 In the Knightes Tale, Chaucev has humblesse, and in the Persones Tale, hitmilitee. Until some authority for humblehede can be adduced, I am content with the reading of the three best MSS. 3863. Julius. For this story Chaucer refers us below to Lucan, Suetonius, and Valerius ; see note to 1. 3909. There is also an interest- ing life of him by Plutarch. Boccaccio mentions him but incidentally. 3866. Tributdrie; observe the rime with aduersdrie. Fortune in 1. 3868 is a trisyllable; so also in 1. 3876. 3870. 'Against Pompey, thy father-in-law.' Caesar gave Pompey his daughter Julia in marriage ; hence fader is an error for sone. 3875. Fullest; to be read as puli'sl; and thorieiit as in 1. 3883. 3878. Pompeius. Boccaccio gives his life at length, as an example of misfortune ; De Casibus Virorum, lib. vi. cap. 9. He was killed Sept. 29, B.C. 48. 3881. Him, for himself; but in the next line it means 'to him." M. 3885. Chaucer refers to this triumph in the Man of Lawes Tale, 1. 400. Cf. Shak. Henry V, v. prol. 28. 3887. Chaucer is not alone in making Brutus and Cassius into one person ; see note to 1. 3892. 3891. Cast, contrived, appointed. 3892. Boydekins, lit. bodkins, but with the signification of daggers. It is meant to translate the Lat. pugio, a poniard. In Barbour's Bruce, i. 545, CaesaF is said to have been slain with a weapon which in one edition is called a punsoun, in another a botkin, and in the Edinburgh MS. a pusoune, perhaps an error for pitnsoime, since Halliwell's Dictionary gives the form pwichion. Hamlet uses bodkin for a dagger ; Act iii. Sc. 1. 1. 76. In the margin of Stowe's Chronicle, ed. 1614, it is said that Caesar was slain with bodkins ; Nares' Glossary. Nares also quotes 'The chief woorker of this murder was Bruins Cassius, with 260 of the senate, all having bodkins in their sleeves'; Serp. of division, prefixed to Gorboduc, 1590. 3909. Recomende, commit. He means that he commits the full telling of the story to Lucan, &c. In other words, he refers the reader to those authors. Lucan (born A.D. 39, died A.D. 65) was the author of the Pharsalia, an incomplete poem in ten books, narrating the struggle between Pompey and Caesar. There is an English translation of it by Rowe. Suetonius Tranquillus (born about A.D. 70) wrote several works, the principal of which is The Lives of the Twelve Caesars. Valerius. There were two authors of this name, (i) Valerius Flaccus, author of a poem on the Argonautic expedition, and (2) Valerius Maximus, author of De Factis Dictisque Memorabilibus Libri ix. Mr. Jephson says that Valerius Flaccus is meant here, I know not why. Surely 192 NOTES TO GROUP B. the reference is to Valerius Maximus, who has at least a passing refer- ence to Caesar ; lib. vii. cap. 6. 3911. Ord and ende, beginning and end. Tyrwhitt notes that the suggested emendation of ord for word was proposed by Dr. Hickes, in his Anglo-Saxon Grammar, p. 70. Hickes would make the same emendation in Troil. and Cres. v. 1683 ; 'And of this broche he told him ord and ende,' where the editions have word. He also cites the expression ord and ende from Caedmon ; see Thorpe's edition, p. 225, 1. 30. We also find from orde oft ende = from beginning to end, in the poem of Elene (Vercelli MS.) ed. Grein, 1. 590. Ord and ende occurs also at a later period, in the Ormulum, 1. 6775 ; and still later, in Floriz and Blancheflur, 1. 47, ed. Lumby, in the phrase, ' Ord and ende he ha]) him told Hu blauncheflur was ]>arinne isold.' Tyrwhitt argues that perhaps Chaucer may himself have mistaken the true spelling of the phrase ; but perhaps we may put down the error to the scribes. If conjectural emendation be admissible in rare cases, this is one where there need be little hesitation in restoring the true text. Ord and ende explains our modern odds and ends; see Garnett's Essays, p. 37- Moreover, it is not uncommon to find a w prefixed to a word where it is not required etymologically, especially before the vowel o. The examples mocks, oaks, won, one, wodur, other, wostus, oast-house, wo/A, oath, wots, oats, are all given in Halliwell's Prov. Dictionary. CROESUS. 3917. Crestjs; king of Lydia, B.C. 560-546, defeated by Cyrus at Sardis. Cyrus spared his life, and Croesus actually survived his bene- factor. Chaucer, however, brings him to an untimely end. The story of Croesus is in Boccaccio, De Casibus Virorum, lib. iii. cap. 20. See also Herodotus, lib. I ; Plutarch's life of Solon, &c. But Boccaccio repre- sents Croesus as surviving his disgraces. Tyrwhitt says that the story seems to have been taken from the Roman de la Rose, 11. 6512-6571 (ed. Meon) ; where 1 the English Romaunt of the Rose is defective. In Chaucer's translation of Boethius, bk. ii. pr. 2, ed. Morris, p. 35, we find this sentence. 'Wost [Jtnowesi] ])ou not how Cresus, king of lyndens (sic), of whiche kyng Cirus was ful sore agast a litel byforne, J>at ]>is rewlyche [pitiable] Cresus was caujt of [by] Cirus, and lad to fe fijr to be brent; but fat a reyne descendede doun from heuene, J>at rescowede him ?' In the House of Fame, bk. i. 1. 104-6, we have an allusion to the ' avision" [vision, dream] of ' Cresus, that was king of Lide, That high upon a gibbet dide.' THE NONNE PRESTES PROLOGUE. 193 See also Nonne Pr. Ta. 1. 318. The tragic version of the fate of Croesus is given by Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum Historiale, iii. 1 7 ; and I give an extract, as it seems to be the account which is followed in the Roman de la Rose. It must be premised that Vincent makes Croesus to have been taken prisoner by Cyrus three times. 'Alii historiographi narrant, quod in secunda captione, iussit eum Cyrus rogo superponi et assari, et subito tanta pluuia facta est, vt eius immensitate ignis extingueretur, vnde occasionem repperit euadendi. Cumque postea hoc sibi prospere euenisse gloriaretur, et opum copia nimium se iactaret, dictum est ei a Solone quodam sapientissimo, non debere quemquam in diuitiis et prosperitate gloriari. Eadem nocte uidit in somnis quod Jupiter eum aqua perfunderet, et sol extergeret. Quod cum filiae suae mane indicasset, ilia (vt res se habebat) prudenter absol- uit, dicens : quod cruci esset affigendus et aqua perfundendus et sole siccandus. Quod ita demum contigit, nam postea a Cyro crucifixus est.' Compare the few following lines from the Roman de la Rose, with 11. 3934^8 and 1. 3948 ' Jupiter, ce dist, le lavoit, Et Phebus la toaille avoit, Et se penoit de 1'essuier . . Bien le dist Phanie sa fille, Qui tant estoit sage et soutille,' &c. 3951. The passage here following is repeated from the Monkes Pro- logue, and copied, as has been said, from Boethius, bk. ii. pr. 2. It is particularly to be noted that the passage quoted from Boethius in the note to 1. 391 7 almost immediately precedes the passage quoted in the note to 1. 3163. 3956. See note to 1. 3972 below. NOTES TO THE NONNE PRESTES PROLOGUE. 3957. The knight. See the description of him, Prol. 1. 43. 3961. For me, for myself, for my part. Cp. the phrase 'as for me.' M. We also find for me, by my means ; F. 357. 3970. 'By the bell of Saint Paul's church (in London).' 3972. The host alludes to the concluding lines of the Monkes Tale, ! 3956, then repeats the words no remedie from 1. 3183, and cites the word biwaille from 1. 3952. Compare all these passages. 3982. Piers. We must suppose that the host had by this time learnt the monk's name. In 1. 3120 above, he did not know it, VOL. II. O 194 NOTES TO GROUP B. 3984. ' Were it not for the ringing of your bells'; lit. were there not a clinking of your bells (all the while). 'Anciently no person seems to have been gallantly equipped on horseback, unless the horse's bridle or some other part of the furniture was stuck full of small bells. Vincent of Beauvais, who wrote about 1 264, censures this piece of pride in the knights- templars ; Hist. Spec. lib. xxx. c. 85 '; &c. Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry (ed. Hazlitt), ii. 160 ; i. 264. See also note to Prol. 1. 170. 3990. ' Ubi auditus non est, non effundas sermonem ' ; Ecclus. xxxii. 6. (Vulgate) ; the A. V. is different. The common proverb, ' Keep your breath to cool your broth,' nearly expresses what Chaucer here intends. 3993. Substance is explained by Tyrwhitt to mean ' the material part of a thing.' Chaucer's meaning seems not very different from Shake- speare's in Love's La. Lost, v. 2. 871 ' A jest's prosperity lies in the ear Of him that hears it ; never in the tongue Of him that makes it.' 3995. 'For the propriety of this remark, see note to Prol.'l. 166'; Tyrwhitt. 4000. Sir; 'The title of Sir was usually given, by courtesy, to priests, both secular and regular ' ; Tyrwhitt. Tyrwhitt also remarks that, ' in the principal modern languages, John, or its equivalent, is a name of contempt or at least of slight. So the Italians use Gianni, from whence Zani [Eng. zany] ; the Spaniards Juan, as Bobo Juan, a foolish John ; the French Jean, with various additions.' The reason (which Tyrwhitt failed to see) is simply that John is one of the commonest of common names. For example, twenty-three popes took that name ; and cf. our phrase John Bull, which answers to the French Jean Crapaud, and the Russian Ivan Ivanovitch, ' the embodiment of the peculiarities of the Russian people'; Wheeler's Noted Names of Fiction. Ivan Ivanovitch would be John Johnson in English and Evan Evans in Welsh. Hence sir John became the usual contemptuous name for a priest ; see abundant examples in the Index to the Parker Society's publications. 4004. Serue is two syllables. Relt in the Harl. "MS. is more correct than rekke of the other MS. The 2nd pers. imper. sing, exhibits the stem of a verb, without addition. A bene, the value of a bean ; in the Milleres Tale a iers (i.e. a blade of grass) occurs in a similar manner; which has been corrupted into ' not caring a curse ' ! 4006. Ye, yea, is a mild form of assent ; yis is a stronger form, gene- rally followed, as here, by some form of asseveration. See note to 1. 1900 above, p. 153. 4008. Attamed, commenced, begun. The Lat. attaminare and Low Lat. inlaminare are equivalent to contaminate, to contaminate, soil, THE CLERKES PROLOGUE. 195 spoil. From Low Lat. tntammare comes the French entamer, to cut into, attack, enter upon, begin. From attaminare comes the M.E. attame or atame, with a similar sense. The notion of beginning is taken from that of cutting into a joint of meat or of broaching or opening a cask. This is well shown by the use of the word in Piers the Plowman, B. xvii. 68, where it is said of the good Samaritan in the parable that he 'breyde to his boteles, and bothe he alamede' ; i.e. he went hastily to his two bottles, of wine and oil, and broached or opened them both. So here, the priest broached, opened, or began his tale. NOTES TO THE CLERKES PROLOGUE. I. Clerk. See the description of him, Prol. 1. 285. 3. Were newe spoused, who should be (i.e. is) newly wedded. 6. See Eccles. iii. i ; ' To every thing there is a season,' &c. 7. As beth, pray be. The word as, nearly equivalent to ' I pray,' is sometimes used thus with the imperative mood. Since as is short for al-so, it means literally even so, just so. Cp. as keep, Kn. Ta. 1444; as sende, id. 1459; as doth, Sq. Ta. 458; 'as beth not wroth with me'; Troil. and Cress, v. 145 ; ' as go we scene,' i. e. pray let us go to see, id. 523 ; see also Cant. Ta. 1. 3775 (ed. Tyrwhitt). See Matzner, Engl. Gram. ii. 2. 505. 1 8. Hy style, lofty, learned, somewhat pedantic style ; see 1. 41. 22. Yerde, control, governance ; lit. yard, rod ; so we say 'under the rod.' This expression occurs also in the Shipman's Tale. 27. Padowe, Padua, in the N.E. of Italy. Petrarch resided at Arqua, two miles from Padua. He died July 18, 1374. See note m, p. x. of Dr. Morris's edition of the Prologue, &c. I cannot see the slightest reason for supposing Chaucer to have told a deliberate and unnecessary falsehood. Supposing that Petrarch did not write out his Latin version of the story till June 1373, we may still take Chaucer's words literally, that he first learnt or heard the story from Petrarch himself, and not long afterwards translated it from a MS. copy. See Preface, p. xxx. 33. Ofpoetrye, with his poetry. Of is similarly used in 1. 34. 34. Linian ; ' the canonist Giovanni di Lignano, once illustrious, now forgotten, though several works of his remain. He was made Professor of Canon Law at Bologna in 1363, and died at Bologna in 1383'; Morley's English Writers, ii. 322. Tyrwhitt first pointed out the person here alluded to, and says ' there is some account of him in Panzirolus, de Cl. Leg. Interpret. 1. iii. c.xxv: Joannes, a Lignano, agri Mediolanensis O 2 196" NOTES TO GROUP E. vico oriundus, et ob id Lignanus dictus, &c. One of his works en- titled Traciatns de Bella, is extant in MS. Reg. 13 B. ix. [Brit. Mus.]. He composed it at Bologna in the year 1360. He was not however a mere lawyer. Chaucer speaks of him as excelling in philosophy, and so does his epitaph in Panzirolus. The only specimen of his philosophy that I have met with is in MS. Harl. 1006. It is an astrological work, entitled Conclusiones Judicii composite per Domnum Johannem de Lyniano super coronacione Domni Urbani Pape VI. A.D. 1378,' &c. Lignano is here said to be near Milan, and to have been the lawyer's birthplace. In 1. 38, Chaucer speaks of his death, shewing that Chaucer wrote this prologue later than 1383. 43. Proheme, proem, introduction. Petrarch's treatise (taken from Boccaccio's Decamerone, Day x, Novel 10) is entitled 'De obedientia ac fide uxoria Mythologia.' It is preceded by a letter to Boccaccio, but this is not here alluded to. What Chaucer means is the first section of the tale itself, which begins thus : ' Est ad Italiae latus occiduum Vesulus, ex Apennini iugis mons unus altissimus . . . Padi ortu nobilis- simus, qui eius a latere fonte lapsus exiguo orientem contra solem fertur, mirisque mox tumidus incrementis . . . Liguriam gurgite uiolentus inter- secat ; dehinc Aemiliam, atque Flaminiam, Venetiamque discriminans ... in Adriaticum mare descendit.' Pemond, Piedmont. Sahices, Saluzzo, S. of Turin. Vesulus, Monte Viso. See the description of the route from Mont Dauphin to Saluzzo, by the Col de Viso, in Murray's Guide to Switzerland and Piedmont. 51. To Emelward, towards Aemilia. Tyrwhitt says 'One of the regions of Italy was called Aemilia, from the via Aemilia, which crossed it from Placentia [Piacenza] to Rimini. Placentia stood upon the Po. Pitiscus, Lex. Ant. Rom. in v. Via Aemilia. Petrarch's description . . . is a little different.' See note above. Ferrare, Ferrara, on the Po, not far from its mouth. Venyse, rather the Venetian territory than Venice. 54. ' It seems to me a thing irrelevant, excepting that he wishes to introduce his story ' ; or it may mean, ' impart his information.' 56. this ; a contraction for this is ; formerly common. NOTES TO THE CLERKES TALE. 57. In many places this story is translated from Petrarch almost word for word ; and as Tyrwhitt remarks, it would be endless to cite illus- trative passages from the original Latin. The first stanza is praised by Professor Lowell, in his Study Windows, p. 208, where he says ' What a sweep of vision is herel* Chaucer is not quite so close a translator here as usual ; the passage in Petrarch being ' Inter caetera ad radicem THE CLERK ES TALE. igj Vesuli, terra Salutiarum, uicis et castellis satis frequens, Marchionum arbitrio nobilium quorundum regitur uirorum.' 82. Leet he slyde, he allowed to pass unattended to, neglected. So we find ' Let the world slide ' ; Induction to Taming of the Shrew, 1. 5 ; and ' The state of vertue never slides'; The Sturdy Rock (in Percy's Re- liques). See Marsh's Student's Manual of Eng. Lang. p. 125, where the expression is noted as still current in America. Petrarch has 'alia pene cuncta negligeret.' With 11. 83-140, cf. Shakesp. Sonnets, i-xvii. 86. flockmele, in a flock or troop ; Pet. has cateruatim.' Palsgrave's French Diet, has ' Flockmeale, par troupeaux ' ; fol. 440, back. Cf. E. piece-meal ; we also find witkemalum, week by week, Ormulum, 536 ; Hm-mele, limb from limb, Layamon, 25618; hipyllmelum, by heaps, Wycl. Bible, Wisdom xviii. 25: Koch, Eng. Gramm. ii. 292. 99. 'Although I have no more to do with this matter than others have who are here present.' Observe that the Marquis is addressed as ye, not thoti, the former being a title of respect. 103-105. These three lines are not in the original. 106. We should have expected to find here us lyketh ye, i.e. you are pleasing to us ; but we rather have an instance of a double dative, so that s lyketh yow is equivalent to 'it pleases us with respect to you.' The nominative case is ye, the dative and accusative yow or you. Yow leste, it may please you, in 1. ill, is the usual idiom. 107. And euer hati doon, and (both you and your doings) have ever brought it about. Such is the usual force of dcon; cf. 11. 253, 1098. 115. Cf. Barbour's Bruce, ed. Skeat, i. 266-8. M. 118, 119. Expanded from 'uolant enim dies rapidi.' 121. Still as stoon; Latin text, ' tacita.' Cf. Group F, 1. 171. 129. We wol chese yow, we will choose for you. 147. Ther, where. This line is Chaucer's own. 157. Bountee, goodness. Streeti, race, stock. Petrarch has ' Quic- quid in homine boni est, non ab alio quam a Deo est.' 168. As, as if. This line, in Petrarch, comes after 1. 173. Lines 174, 1 75 are Chaucer's own. 172. As euer, &c. as ever I may thrive, as I hope to thrive. 190-196. Expanded from ' Et ipse nihilominus earn ipsam nup- tiarum curam domesticis suis imposuit, edixitque diem." 197-203. Expanded from ' Fuit baud procul a palatio uillula pau- corum atque inopum incolarum.' 211-217. Sometimes Chaucer translates literally, and sometimes he merely paraphrases, as here. Lines 215-217 are all his own. 220. Rype and sad corage, a mature and staid disposition. Petrarch has ' sed uirilis senilisque animus uirgineo latebat in pectore.' 223. Spinning ; i.e. she spun whilst keeping the sheep; see a picture 198 NOTES TO GROUP E. of Ste. Genevieve in Mrs. Jameson's Sacred and Legendary Art. Line 224 is Chaucer's. 227. Shredde and seetk, sliced and sod (or boiled). Lat. 'domum rediens oluscula et dapes fortunae congruas praeparabat, durumque cubiculum sternebat,' &c. 229. On-lofie, aloft. She kept up her father's life, i.e. sustained him. 234. For this line the Latin has only the word transiens. 237. In sad wyse, soberly ; Lat. senili grauitate. 242. Here the people .means the common people; Lat. 'uulgi oculis.' In the next line he is emphatic, meaning that his eyes were quicker to perceive than theirs. 253. Hath doon make, hath caused to be made. Lat. ' Ipse interim et anulos aureos et coronas et balteos conquirebat.' Chaucer inserts asure, the colour of fidelity; see Squieres Tale, 1. 644, and note. For balteos, he substitutes the familiar English phrase broches and ringes; cf. P. Flowm. B. prol. 75. 257. Scan By | a mayd | e lyk | to hir | stature.|| 259. Here Chaucer seems to omit a material sentence : ' Uenerat expectatus dies, et cum nullus sponsae rumor audiretur, admiratio omnium uehementer excreuerat.' But he has it above ; 11. 246-8. 260. Undern (lit. the intervening or middle period) has two meanings in the Teutonic tongues; (i) mid-forenoon, i.e. 9 a.m. ; and (2) mid- afternoon, or 3 p.m. In this passage it is clearly the former that is meant; indeed in 1. 981, where it occurs again, the original has 'proximae lucis Itora tertia,' i.e. 9 a.m. In this passage, the original has hora prandii, meaning luncheon -time, which in Chaucer's time would often be 9 a.m. See note to Piers PI. B. vi. 147 ; and see Undern in the Glossary. 260-294. Expanded and improved from the following short passage ' Hora iam prandii aderat, iamque apparatu ingenti domus tota feruebat. Turn Gualtherus, aduentanti ueluti sponsae obuiam profecturus, domo egreditur, prosequente uirorum et matronarum nobilium caterua. Gri- seldis omnium quae erga se pararentur ignara, peractis quae agenda domi erant, aquam e longinquo fonte conuectans paternum limen intra- bat: ut, expedita curis aliis, ad uisendam domini sui sponsam cum puellis comitibus properaret.' 322. Goiierneth, arrange, dispose of. Observe the use of the plural imperative, as a mark of respect. When the marquis addresses Griseldis as ye, it is a mark of extreme condescension on his part ; the Latin text has hi and te. 337-343. Expanded from ' insolito tanti hospitis aduentu stupidam inuenere; quam iis uerbis Gualtherus aggreditur.' 350. Yoiv anyse, consider the matter; really a delicate way of ex- THE CLERKES TALE. 199 pressing refusal. Compare the legal formula le roy s'avisera for expressing the royal refusal to a proposed measure. 364. For to be deed, even if I were to be dead, were to die ; Lat. ' et si me mori iusseris, quod moleste feram.' 375, 376. These characteristic lines are Chaucer's own. So are 11. 382, 383- 381. Corone, nuptial garland ; Lat. ' corona.' See Brand's Pop. Antiq. ed. Ellis, ii. 123. 388. Snow-why t; Lat. ' niueo.' Perhaps Spenser took a hint from this; F. Q. i. i. 4. 393. Repeated, slightly altered, from 1. 341. 409. Thewes, mental qualities. So also in Cant. Ta. 9416 (Tyrwhitt); Gower, Conf. Amant. lib. vii, sect, i ; Spenser, F. Q. i. 9. 3 ; i. 10. 4 ; ii. i. 33, &c. ' The common signification of the word thews in our old writers, is manners, or qualities of mind and disposition ... By thews Shakespeare means unquestionably brawn, nerves, muscular vigour ( Jnl. Cses. i. 3 ; 2 Hen. IV, iii. 2 ; Hamlet, i. 3). And to this sense, and this only, the word has now settled down ; the other sense, wLich was formerly so familiar in our literature, is quite gone out and forgotten. [With respect to theawe = sinew, in Layamon, 1. 6361] Sir F. Madden remarks (iii. 471) : " This is the only instance in the poem of the word being applied to bodily qualities, nor has any other passage of an earlier date than the sixteenth century been found in which it is so used." It may be conjectured that it had only been a provincial word in this sense, till Shakespeare adopted it'; Craik's English of Shakespeare; note on Jul. Ccesar, i. 3. 412. Embrace, hold fast; 'omnium animos nexu sibi magni amoris astrinxerat? Compare Tennyson's Lord of Burleigh with 11. 394-413. 421. Roially; alluding to the royal virtues of Griseldis, 429. Not only the context, but the Latin text, justifies the reading hotnlinesse. Feet is fact, i. e. act. The Latin is ' Neque uero solers sponsa muliebria tan turn haec domes/tea, sed, ubi res posceret, publica etiam obibat oftlcia.' Lines 432-434 are Chaucer's own. 444. ' Although it would have been liefer to her to have borne a male child'; i.e. she would rather, &c. The Latin has 'quamuis filium maluisset.' 449-462. Expanded from ' Cepit (ut fit) interim Gualtherum, cum iam ablactata esset infantula (mirabilis quaedam quam laudabilis, [aliler, an mirabile quidem magis quam laudabile,] doctiores iudicent) cupiditas satis expertam charae fklem coniugis experiendi altius [aliter, ulteriusl, et iterum atque iterum retentandi.' 483. Note Walter's use of the word thee here, and cf thy twice in the next stanza, instead of the usual y&. It is a slight, but significant sign 30O NOTES TO GROUP E. of insult, offered under pretence of reporting the opinion of others, fn 1. 492 we have your again. 504. Thing, possession. Lat. 'de rebus tuis igitur fac ut libet.' 516. A furlong wey or two, the distance of one or two furlongs, a short distance, a little. Merely an almost proverbial way of expressing distance, not only of space, but of time. The line simply means ' a little after.' 525. Stalked him; marched himself in, as we should say. This use of him is remarkable, but not uncommon. 533-539- Lat. ' lussus sum hanc infantulam accipere, atque earn Hie sermone abrupto, quasi crudele ministerium silentio exprimens, subticuit.' Compare ' Quos ego ' ; Virgil, Aen. i. 135. 540-546. Lat. ' Suspecta uiri fama ; suspecta facies ; suspecta hora ; suspecta erat oratio ; quibus etsi clare occisum iri dulcem filiam intel- ligeret, nee lachrymulam tamen ullam, nee suspirium dedit.' Mr. Wright quotes this otherwise, putting dulce for dulcem, and stopping at intel- ligeret. 547-56?- Chaucer expands the Latin, and transposes some of the matter. Lines 561-563 precede 11. 547-560 in the original, which merely has ' in nutrice quidem, nedum in matre durissimum ; sed tranquilla fronte puellam accipiens aliquantulum respexit & simul exosculans benedixit, ac signum sanctae crucis impressit, porrexitque satelliti.' 570. After That in this line, we ought, in strict grammar, to have ye burie in the next line, instead of the imperative burieth. But the phrase is idiomatic, and as all the seven best MSS. agree in this reading, it is best to retain it. Tyrwhitt alters That but to But if. 579. Somwhat, in some degree. But Petrarch says differently ' tieJie- menter paterna animum pietas mouit.' 582-591. Lat. ' lussit satelliti obuolutam pannis, cistae iniectam, ac iumento impositam, quiete omni quanta posset diligentia Bononiam deferret ad sororem suam, quae illic comiti de Panico nupta erat,' &c. 586. 'But, under penalty of having his head cut off' ; lit. of cutting off his head. 589. Boloigne, Bologna, E. by S. from Modena, and a long way from Saluzzo. Panik answers to the de Panico in note to 1. 582 ; Boccaccio has Panago. I observe in the map the river Panaro flowing between Modena and Bologna; perhaps there is some connection between the names. Tyrwhitt has Pavie (Pavia) in his text, but corrects it in the notes. 602. In oon, in one and the same state: euer in oon, always alike; so also in 1. 677. Cf. Kn. Ta. 913. 607. This must mean ' no accidental sign of any calamity.* THE CLERKES TALE. 2O1 615. Merit; three syllables; cf. Non. Pr. Ta. 146. LI. 621-623 are Chaucer's own. 625. Sikly berth, hardly bear, dislike. Lat. ' populum aegreferre? &c. 643. Lat. ' ne te inopinus et subitus dolor tuibet.' 645-651. Expanded from ' Dixi (ait) et repeto, nihil possum seu uelle, seu nolle, nisi quae tu; neque uero in ijs filiis fjuicquam habeo, praeter laborem.' 663. Plesance, three syllables ; slabf, one syllable. 666. The pain of death is not to be compared to the pleasure of your love. Lat. 'nee mors ipsa nostro fuerit par amori.' Cf. 11. 817, 1091. 687. Euer longer, &c. i.e. ever the longer (he thinks of it) the more he wonders. In the more, the word the is for A.S. J>y. 700. And he; cf. And ye, 1. 105. 701-707. Expanded from 'sed sunt qui, ubi semel inceperint, non desinant; immo incumbant, haereantque proposito.' 704. A stake ; cf. Macb. v. 7. I ; Jul. Caesar, iv. I. 48. 714. More penible, more painstaking ; Lat. ' obsequentior.* 719. ' She made it clear that no wife should of herself, on account of any worldly anxiety, have any will, in practice, different from that of her husband.' 7 .'2. Sclaundre, ill fame, ill report concerning Walter. See 1. 730. 738. Message, a messenger ; Lat. ' nuncios Romam misit.' So in Mid. English we find prisoun or prison for prisoner ; Piers. PL B. vii. 30. 773. Anon, immediately. It was not uncommon in olden times for girls to be married at twelve years of age. The Wife of Bath was first married at that age. 797. Lat. 'magna omnis fortuna seruitus magna est.' 850. Were agrees with the word clothes following; cf. it ben, Piers Plowm. B. vi. 56. She did not really bring her husband even the dower of her old clothes, as they had been taken from her. Lines 851-861 are all Chaucer's own, and shew his delicacy of touch. 871. Probably suggested by Job i. 31. So 1. 902 is from Job iii. 3. 903. Lyues, alive ; a lynes creature, a creature alive, a living being. Lyues is an adverb, formed like nedes, from the genitive case of the sub- stantive. There are other instances of its use. 'Yif I late him Hues go,' Havelok, 509. i.e. if I let him go away alive. And again lyues = alive, in Piers PI. B. xix. 154. 910. After this line, Chaucer has omitted the circumstance of Jani- cola's preserving his daughter's old clothing ; ' tunicam eius hispidam, et attritam senio, abditam paruae domus in parte seruauerat.' Seel. 913. 911. Agayns, towards, so as to meet. To go agayns, in Mid. English, is to go to meet. So also to come agayns, to ride agayns, (or agayn). See 202 NOTES TO GROUP E. Agayn in Glossary to Spec, of Eng. (Morris and Skeat). LI. 915-917 are Chaucer's own. 916. ' For the cloth was poor, and many days older now than on the day of her marriage.' 934. Namely of men, especially of men, where men is emphatic. The whole of this stanza (932-938) is Chaucer's. 938. But, except, unless ; falle, fallen, happened ; of newe, newly, an adverbial expression. It means then, ' unless it has happened very lately.' In other words, If there is an example of a man surpassing a woman in humility, it must have happened very lately ; for I have never heard of it.' 939. Pars Sexta. This indication of a new part comes in a fitting place, and is taken from Tyrwhitt, who may have found it in a MS. But there is no break here in the Latin original, nor in any of the eight MSS. of Chaucer which I have consulted. Erl of Panik ; Lat. ' Panicius comes.' 940. More and lesse, greater and smaller ; i.e. everybody. So also in the Frank. Tale, 'riueres more and lesse'; Cant. Ta. 11366. So also moche and lite, great and small, Prol. 494 ; mosle and leste, greatest and least, Kn. Ta. 1340. Spenser has, F. Q. vi. 6. 12, ' 'Gainst all, both bad and good, both most and least.' 941. Alle and some, i.e. all and one, one and all. See Morris's Eng. Accidence, sect. 218, p. 142. 960. Wommen; some MSS. have vmmman, as in Tyrwhitt. But MS. E. is right. Petrarch uses the word foeminas, not foeminam. 965. Yuel biseye, ill provided ; lit. ill beseen. The word yuel is pro- nounced here almost as a monosyllable (as it were >'/), as is so com- monly the case with etier; indeed generally, words ending with el and er are often thus clipped. A remarkable instance occurs in the Milleres Tale (Six-text, A. 3715), where we not only have a similar ending, but the word euer in the same line 4 That trewe loue was euer so yuel biset.' See also yuel apayed in line 1053 below. The converse to yuel biseye, is richely biseye, richly provided or adorned, in 1. 984 below. 981. Lat. ' Proximae lucis hora tert r a comes superuenerat ' ; see note to I. 260. 995-1008. These two stanzas ar-j Chaucer's own, and are so good that they may have been a later addition. In MS. E. the word Aucfor is inserted in the margin, and 1. 995 begins with a large capital letter. At the beginning of 1. 1009 is a paragraph-mark, shewing where the translation begins again. Vnsad, unsettled. Cf. Shakesp. Cor. i. i. 186, Jul. Caesar, i. I. 55 ; Scott, Lady of the Lake, v. 30. 999. ' Ever full of tittle-tattle, which would be dear enough at a half- penny.' lane, a small coin of Genoa ( Janua) ; see Rime of Sir Thopas, THE CLERKES TALE. <2,O$ 1925. The first stanza (995-1001) is supposed to be uttered by the sober and discreet part of the population ; see 1. 1002. 1031. Lyketh thee, pleases thee. The marquis addresses her as thou, because all suppose her to be a menial. 1039. M> lit- m ore ; but also used in the sense of others, or, as here, another. The modern phrase would be, ' as you did somebody else.' The extreme delicacy of the hint is admirable. This use of mo is not common, but there are a few examples of it. Thus, in Specimens of English, ed. Morris and Skeat, we have, at p. 47, 1. 51 ' Y sike for vnsete ; Ant mourne ase men do]> mo ' ; i. e. 'I sigh for unrest, and mourn as other men do.' And on the next page, p. 48, 1. 22, we have 1 Mody rnenej) so do]) mo, Ichot ycham on of fo ' ; i.e. ' The moody moan as others do ; I wot I am one of them.' And again ' Slanderit folk vald euir haue ma,' i.e. slandered folks always want others to be like themselves ; Appendix to Barbour's Bruce, ed. Skeat, p. 53.?, 1. 240. Somewhat similar is the expression o]>er mo, where we should now say others as well; Piers Plowman, C. v. 10, xxii. 54, Barbour's Bruce, v. 152. Tyrwhitt's suggestion that Chaucer has licentiously turned me into mo for the mere sake of getting a rime, in which he has hitherto been followed by every editor, is only to be repudiated. It may well have been with the very purpose of guarding against this error that, in the Ellesmere and Hengwrt MSS., the ori- ginal Latin text is here quoted in the margin ' unum bona fide te precor ac moneo : ne hanc illis aculeis agites, quibus alteram agitasti.' Chaucer, who throughout surpasses his original in delicacy of treatment, did not permit himself to be outdone here ; and Boccaccio also has the word altra. The use of me would have been a direct charge of un- kindness, spoiling the whole story. See 1. 1045 an d 1. 449- 1049. Gan his herte dresse, addressed his heart, i. e. prepared it, schooled it. The M. E. dresse is our modem direct; both being from Lat. dirigere. 1053. Here we may once more note the use of the word thy, the more so as it is used with a quite different tone. We sometimes find it used, as here, between equals, as a term of endearment ; it is, accordingly, very significant. See 1. 1056. 1066. That other, the other, the boy. 1071. Non, any, either. The use of it is due to the preceding nat. 1079. Professor Morley, in his English Writers, ii. 324, aptly remarks here ' And when Chaucer has told all, and dwelt with an exquisite pathos of natural emotion all his own upon the patient mother's piteous 204 NOTES TO GROUP E. and tender kissing of her beloved children for there is nothing in Boccaccio, and but half a sentence in Petrarch, answering to these four beautiful stanzas (1079-1106) he rounds all, as Petrarch had done, with simple sense, which gives religious meaning to the tale, then closes with a lighter strain of satire which protects Griselda herself from the mocker.' 1098. ' Hath caused you (to be) kept.' For the same idiom, see Kn. Tale, 1055 ; Man of Law's Tale, 171. 1133. His wyues fader, i.e. Janicola. This circumstance should have been mentioned before I. 1128, as in the original. 1140. For o/(Ellesmere MS.) the other MSS. read in. 1141. Aucfour, author, i. e. Petrarch, whom Chaucer follows down to 1. 1162. LI. 1138-1141 are Chaucer's own, and may be compared with his poem on the Golden Age; see Chaucer's Boethius, ed. Morris, pp. 50, 180. 1144. Importable, intolerable; Lat. 'huius uxoris patientiam, quae mihi nix imitabilis uidetur.' Of course 11. 1147-8 are Chaucer's. 1151. ' Receive all with submission.' Fr. en gre, gratefully, in good part. Sent, sendeth ; present tense, as in Piers Plowman, C. xxii. 434. The past tense is sente, a dissyllable, which would not rime. 1153. 'For it is very reasonable that He should prove (or test) that which He created.' 1153. Bonghte, (hath) redeemed. See St. James i. 13. 1162. Here Petrarch ends his narrative, and here, beyond all doubt, Chaucer's translation originally ended also. From this point to the end is the work of a later period, and in his best manner, though unsiiited to the coy Clerk. He easily links on his addition by the simple expression lordinges, herkneth ; and in 1. 1 1 70, he alludes to the Wife of Bath, of whom probably he had never thought when first translating the story. 1 1 77. Here the metre changes ; the stanzas are of six lines, and all six stanzas are linked together. There are but three rimes throughout ; ence in the first and third lines of every stanza, -aille in the second, fourth, and sixth (requiring eighteen rimes in all), and -ynde in the fifth line. It is a fine example even from a metrical point of view alone. 1188. Chichenache for chiche vache, i.e. lean cow. The allusion is to an old fable, apparently of French origin, which describes a monstrous cow named Chiche Vache as feeding entirely upon patient wives, and being very lean in consequence of the scarcity of her diet. A later form of the fable adds a second beast, named Bicorne (two-horned), who, by adopting the wiser course of feeding upon patient husbands, was always fat and in good case. Mr. Wright says' M. Achille Jubinal, in the notes to his Mysteres inedits dtt xv Siccle, torn. i. p. 390, has printed a French poetical description of Chichevache from a MS. of the fourteenth century. In the French miracle of St. Genevieve, of the fifteenth century (Jubinal, ib. p. 281), a man says satirically to the saint, THE MARCHAUNTES PROLOGUE. 205 ' Gardez vous de la chicheface, El vous mordra s'el vous encontre, Vous n'amendez point sa besoigne.' A poem by Lydgate on Bycorne and Chichevache is printed in Mr. Halliwell's Minor Poems of Dan John Lydgate, p. 129 (Percy Society) ; see Morley's English Writers, ii. 426, and his Shorter English Poems, p. 55. The passage in Chaucer means, ' Beware of being too patient, lest Chichevache swallow you down.* 1189. Folweth Eltko, imitate Echo, who always replies. 1 200. ' Always talk (or rattle) on, like a mill ' (that is always going round and making a noise). ' Jangling is whan man spekelh to moche before folk, and clappeth as a mille, and taketh no kepe what he seith ' ; Ch. Persones Tale, De Stiperbia. Palsgrave's French Diet, has ' I clappe, I make a noyse as the clapper of a mill, le clacque.' Cf. 'As fast as millwheels strike'; Tempest, i. 2. 281. 1204. Aventaille, the lower half of the moveable part of a helmet which admitted air ; called by Spenser the ventail, F. Q. iv. 6. 19 ; v. 8. 12 ; and by Shakespeare the beaver, Hamlet, i. 2. 230. It is explained, in Douce's Illustrations of Shakespeare, that the moveable part of the helmet in front was made in two parts, which turned on hinges at the sides of the head. The upper part is the visor, to admit of vision, the lower the ventail, to admit of breathing. Both parts could be removed from the face, but only by lifting them upwards, and throwing them back. If the visor alone were lifted, only the upper part of the face was exposed ; but if the ventail were lifted, the visor also went with it, and the whole of the face was seen. Compare Fairfax's Tasso, vii. 7 ' But sweet Erminia comforted their fear, Her ventail up, her visage open laid.' So also in Hamlet. With reference to the present passage, Mr. Jephson says that and eek his auentaille is a perfect example of bathos. I fail to see why ; the weapon that pierced a ventail would pass into the head, and inflict a death-wound. The passage is playful, but not silly. 1211. 'As light as a leaf on a linden- tree ' was an old proverb. See Piers PI. B. i. 154. NOTES TO THE MARCHAUNTES PROLOGUE. 1213. Weping and vjayling ; an expression caught from 1. 1212, and linking this prologue to the foregoing tale. Yet in 14 MSS. the Merchant's Tale is separated from the Clerk's ; Trial Forewords, by F. J. Furnivall (Chaucer Soc.), p. 28. 1 22 1, 1222. What, why. At al, in every respect; like Lat. omnino. 206 NOTES TO GROUPS E, F. 1227. This theme is enlarged upon in Lenvoy de Chaucer a Bukton, a late minor poem. 1230. Seme Thomas. Whenever this Apostle is mentioned, he is nearly always said to be of India, to distinguish him, it maybe, from Saint Thomas of Canterbury. Some account of the shrine of St. Thomas, of the manner of his death, and of miracles wrought by him, is given in Marco Polo, bk. iii. ch. 18. Colonel Yule tells us that the body of St. Thomas lay at Mailapur, a suburb of Madras. The legend of St. Thomas's preaching in India is of very high antiquity. St. Jerome speaks of the Divine Word being everywhere present in His fulness ' cum Thoma in India, cum Petro Romae,' &c. ; Sci. Hieronomi Epist. lix., ad Marcellam. Gregory of Tours (A.D. 544-595) speaks of the place in India where the body of St. Thomas lay before it was trans- ported to Edessa in the year 394. See the whole of Colonel Yule's long note upon the subject ; and the account of Saint Thomas in Mrs. Jameson's Sacred and Legendary Art. NOTES TO THE MERCHANT'S END-LINK. 2420. Swich a wyf, i.e. the wife described in the Marchauntes Tale, as deceiving her husband. 2422. Bees. In the Clerk. Ta. 204, Chaucer has been as the plural of bee ; see Been in the Glossary, and cf. Nonne Pr. Ta. 571. 2431. Inconseil, in (secret) council, between ourselves. 2435. The phrase cause why is now considered vulgar; it is common in London. The word cause is dissyllabic. 2436. Of somme, by some, by some one. So of whom = by whom, in the next line. He says he need not say by whom it would be told ; women are sure to utter such things. This is a clear allusion to the ladies in the company, and to the Wife of Bath in particular, who certainly would not have kept such things to herself. Outen, to utter, occurs again in the Chanouns Yemannes Tale, Group G, 1. 834. It is a rare word. NOTES TO THE SQUIERES TALE. Group F, I. There is nothing to link this tale inseparably with the preceding one, and, accordingly, in the Six-text edition, the sixth frag- ment is made to begin here. In the Ellesmere MS., and several others, the Squire Head-link follows the Merchant End-link without any break. In many MSS. it follows the Man of Law's Tale ; but that is the wrong place for it. See note to Group B, 1, 1165, p. 141. THE SQUIERES TALE. i. An allusion to Prol. 1. 97, unless (which is quite as probable) the passage in the Prologue was written afterwards. 9. Sarray, Sarai. This place has been identified, past all doubt, by Colonel Yule in his edition of Marco Polo's Travels, vol. i. p. 5, and vol. ii. p. 424. The modern name is Tsarev, near Sarepta. Sarepta is easily found on any good map of Russia by following the course of the Volga from its mouth -upwards. At first this backward course runs N.W. till we have crossed the province of Astrakhan, when it makes a sudden bend, at Sarepta and Tsaritzin. Tsarev is now a place of no importance, but the ancient Sarai was so well-known, that the Caspian Sea was sometimes named from it; thus it is called 'the sea of Sarain* in Marco Polo, ed. Yule, ii. 424: 'the sea of Sarra' in the Catalan map of 1375 ; and Mare Seruanicum, or the Sea of Shirwan, by Vincent of Beauvais. Thynne, in his Animadversions on Speight's Chaucer, speaks to the same effect, and says of ' Sara ' that it is ' a place yet well knowen, and bordering vppon the lake Mare Caspium.' But it is still more to the point to observe that Sarai was the place where Batu Khan, the grandson of Gengis Khan, held his court. Batu, with his Mongolian followers known as the Golden Horde, had established an empire in Kaptchak, or Kibzak, now S. E. Russia, about A.D. 1224. The Golden Horde further invaded Russia, and made Alexander Newski grand-duke of it, A.D. 1252. (See Golden Horde in Haydn's Dictionary of Dates.) It is also quite clear that Chaucer has here confused two accounts. There were two celebrated Khans, both grandsons of Gengis Khan, who were ruling about the same time. Batu Khan held his court at Sarai, and ruled over the S.E. of Russia ; but the Great Khan, named Kublai, held his court at Cambaluc, the modern Pekin, in a still more magni- ficent manner. And it is easy to see that, although Chaucer names Sarai, his description really applies to Cambaluc. See the Preface. 10. Rtissye, Russia; invaded by the Golden Horde, as just explained. The end of the Tartar influence in Russia was in the year 1481, when Svenigorod, general of Ivan III, defeated them at the battle of Biela- wisch. In the following year Ivan assumed the title of czar. 12. Cambynskan; so in all seven MSS. (Six-text and Harleian) except that in the Ellesmere MS. it more resembles Cambynskan. Yet Tyrwhitt prints Cambuscan, probably in deference to Milton, who, however, certainly accents the word wrongly, viz. on the second syllable ; II Penseroso, 1. 1 10. Thynne, in his Animadversions on Speight's Chaucer, speaking of the year 1 240, says ' whiche must be in the tyme of the fyrst Tartariane emperor called Caius canne, beinge, I suppose, he whome Chaucer namethe Cambiuscan, for so ys [it in] the written copies, such affynytye is there betwene those two names.' Now, 208 NOTES TO GROUP F. although the celebrated Gengis Khan died probably in 1227, the allusion to the ' fyrst Tartariane emperor ' is clear ; so that Thynne makes the forms Cambitis, Cains (perhaps miswritten for Caius, i.e. Cawius) and Gengis all equivalent. But this is the very result for which Colonel Yule has found authority, as explained in the Preface, to which the reader is referred. It is there explained that Chaucer has used the title as a name ; and, whilst he names Gengis Khan (the first ' Grand Khan '), his description really applies to Kublai Khan, his grand- son, the celebrated ' Grand Khan ' described by Marco Polo. 18. Lay, religious profession or belief. See the Preface, p. xliv. 20. This line scans ill as it stands in the MSS. unless we insert eek, as proposed in the text. Tyrwhitt inserts and before alwey, which Wright adopts ; but this makes the line intolerable, as it gives two accented ' amis ' And pi I tons and /just dnd / alwty /yliche. The Hengwi t MS. has Pietous and lust, and euere moore yliche, which suggests that pilous sometimes took the trisyllabic form pietous ; as, indeed, in Troil. iii. 1444, v. 451. With this form, eek is needless ; and this I take to be, on the whole, the best solution of the difficulty. 22. Centre; often used in the sense of a fulcrum or point of extreme stability. Cf. Milton, Par. Reg. iv. 533 ' Proof against all temptation, as a rock Of adamant, and, as a centre, firm.' In the old astronomy, the centre of the earth was the centre of the uni- verse, and therefore immoveable. 30. Tyrwhitt inserts sone after elde&te; fortunately, it is not in the MSS. Whiche is a dissyllable, the e denoting the plural form. The words tV eldest' form but two syllables, the e's being elided ; but we may fairly preserve the e in highte (cf. 1. 33) from elision, for the greater emphasis, by a short pause, and we then have a perfect line Of which/e th' el/dest' high/te Al/garsif/. 3 1 . Canibalo. I have no doubt that this name was suggested by the Cambaluc of Marco Polo. See the Preface, p. xliii. 39. Longing for, belonging to. Cf. longen, Kn. Ta. 1420. 44. I deme, I suppose. This looks as if Chaucer had read some account of a festival made by the Grand Khan on one of his birthdays, from which he inferred that he always held such a feast every year ; as, indeed, was the case. See the Preface, p. xlv. 45. He leet don cryen, he caused (men) to have the feast cried. The use of both leet and don is remarkable ; cf. E. 253. He gave his orders to his officers, and they took care that the proclamation was made. 47. It is not clear why Chaucer hit upon this day in particular. THE SQUIERES TALE. Kublai's birthday was in September, but perhaps Chaucer noted that the White Feast was on New Year's day, which he took to mean the vernal equinox, or some day near it. The day, however, is well denned. The 'last Idus ' is the very day of the Ides, i. e. March 15. The sun entered Aries according to Chaucer (Treatise on the Astrolabe, ii. i. 4), on the 1 2th of March, at the vernal equinox; and, as a degree answers to a day very nearly, would be in the first degree of Aries on the 1 2th, in the second on the J3th, in the third on the I4th, in the fourth on the I5th, and in the fifth (or at the end of the/or/A) on the i6th, as Chaucer most expressly says below ; see note to 1. 386. The sign Aries was said, in astrology, to be the exaltation of the Sun, or that sign in which the Sun had most influence for good or ill. In particular, the igth degree of Aries, for some mysterious reason, was selected as the Sun's exaltation, when most exactly reckoned. Chaucer says, then, that the Sun was in the sign of Aries, in the fourth degree of that sign, and therefore nigh to (and approaching) the igth degree, or his special degree of exaltation. Besides this, the poet says the sun was in the ' face ' of Mars, and in the mansion of Mars ; for ' his mansion ' in 1. 50 means Mars' mansion. This is exactly in accordance with the astrology of the period. Each sign, such as Aries, was said to contain 30 degrees, or 3 faces; a. face being 10 degrees. The first face of Aries (degrees i- 10) was called the face of Mars, the second (11-20) the face of the Sun, the third (21-30) that of Venus. Hence the sun, being in the fourth degree, was in Mars's face. Again, every planet had its (so-called) mansion or house ; whence Aries was called the mansion of Mars, Taurus that of Venus, Gemini that of Mercury, &c. See Chaucer's Astrolabe, ed. Skeat, pref. pp. Ivi, Ixvi ; or Johannis Hispalensis Isagoge in Astrologiam, which gives all the technical terms. 50. Maries is a genitive formed from the nom. Marte (Kn. Ta. 1163), which is itself formed, as usual, from the Latin ace. Martem. 51. In the old astrology, different qualities are ascribed to the different signs. Thus Aries is described as choleric and fiery in MS. Trin. Coll. Cam. R. 15. 1 8, tract. 3, p. n. So too, Tyrwhitt quotes from the Calendrier des Bergers that Aries is ' chault et sec,' i. e. hot and dry. 53. Agayn, against, opposite to ; hi return for the sunshine, as it were. So also in Kn. Ta. 651. 54. What for ; cf. Mod. Eng. what with. See Kn. Tale, 595. 59. Deys, raised platform, as at English feasts. But this is in Marco Polo too; see the Preface. Cf. Kn. Tale, 1. 1342; and note to Prol. 1. 37. 63. In a similar indirect manner, Chaucer describes feasts, &c., else- where: see Kn. Ta. 1339-1348; Man of Lawes Tale (Clar. Press), 701-707. And Spenser imitates him ; F. Q. i. 12. 14 ; v. 3. 3. VOL. II. P 210 NOTES TO GROUP F. 68. Mr. Wright's note on the line is' It is hardly necessary to olv serve that swans were formerly eaten at table, and considered among the choicest ornaments of the festive board. Tyrwhitt informs us that at the intronization of Archbp. Nevil, 6 Edward iv, there were " Ileronshawes iiijc." [i. e. 400] ; Leland's Collectanea, vi. a : and that at another feast in 1530 we read of " 16 Heronsews, every one i 2d " ; Peck's Desiderata Cu- riosa, ii. 12.' Heronshawis said to be derived from the French heron feau, a young heron, a form not given in Burguy or Roquefort, and Cotgrave only has ' Haironneau, a young heron,' and ' Hairon, a heron, heme, herne- shaw.' Still, heronfeau is a true form, like lionpeau from lion. Halliwell quotes ' Ardeola, an hearnesew,' from Elyot's Diet. 1559, and the form herunsew from Reliquiae Antiquse, i. 88. Heronsewe is clearly the name of a bird, not of a dish, as some have supposed ; and the very word heronsew (for heron) is still used in Swaledale, Yorkshire. And in Hazlitt's old Plays (The Disobedient Child), vol. ii. p. 282, we have ' There must be also pheasant and swan ; There must be heronsew, partridge, and quail.* See the quotations in Nares; also Notes and Queries, ist Ser. iii. 450, 507 ; iv. 76 ; vii. 13. Cf. handsaw, for hernshaw, in Hamlet, ii. 2. 70. Som mete; viz. 'horses, dogs, and Pharaoh's rats.' See the Preface, p. xlv. 73. Pryme ; the word prime seems to mean, in Chaucer, the first quarter of the day, reckoned from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. ; and more particu- larly, the end of that period, i. e. 9 a.m. In the Nonne Prestes Tale, 1. 376, the cock crew at prime, or 9 a.m. So here, the Squire says it is 9 o'clock, and he must proceed quickly with his story. The word is used in different senses by different writers. 75. Firste, first design or purpose. I believe this reading is right. MS. Harl. has purpos, which will not scan : unless my be omitted, as in Tyrwhitt, though that MS. retains my. MSS. Cp. Ln. insert purpos as well asjirste, making the line too long : whilst Hn. Cm. Pt. agree with the text here given, which is from MS. E. 76. The second syllable in after is rapidly pronounced, and thridde is a dissyllable. 78. TAinges, pieces of music. Minstrelsy at feasts was common ; cf. Man of Lawes Tale, 705 ; March. Tale (C. T. 9592). 80. The incident of a man riding into the hall is nothing uncommon Thus we have, in the Percy Folio MS. ii. 486, the line 'The one came ryding into the hall.' Warton observes 'See a fine romantic story of a Comte de Macon who, while revelling in his hall with many knights, is suddenly alarmed by the entrance of a gigantic figure of a black man, mounted on a black steed. This terrible stranger, without receiving any obstruction from THE SQVIERES TALE. 211 guards or gates, rides directly forward to the high table, and, with an im- perious tone, orders the count to follow him. Nic. Gillos, Chron. ann. 1 1 20.' See also Warton's Obs. on the Fairy Queen, p. 202 ; the Ballad of King Estmere; and Stowe's Survey of London, p. 387, ed. 1599; p. 131, ed. 1842. In Scott's Rokeby, Bertram rides into a church. 81. Stede of bras, &c. See note to 1. 209, and the Preface, p. xxxiv. 95. Sir Gawain, nephew to King Arthur, according to the British History which goes by the name of Geoffrey of Monmouth, is always upheld as a model of courtesy in the French romances and the English translations of them. He is often contrasted with Sir Kay, who was equally celebrated for his churlishness. See the Percy Folio MS. ; Sir Gawain, ed. by Sir F. Madden ; Sir Gawain and the Grene Knight, ed. by Dr. Morris ; the Morte D'Arthur, &c. Cf. Rom. Rose, 2205-12. 103. Accordant, according. The change from the Fr. -ant to the common Eng. -ing should be noted. M. 106. Style, stile. Such puns are not common in Chaucer; cf. E. 1148. M. 116. Day naturel. In his Treatise on the Astrolabe, pt. ii. c. 7 (ed. Skeat, p. 21) Chaucer explains that the clay artificial is the time from sunrise to sunset, which varies ; to which he adds ' but the day naturel, }>at is to seyn 24 houris, is the reuolucioun of the equinoxial with as moche partie of the zodiak as the sonne of his propre moeuinge passeth in the mene while.' See note to Group B, 1. 2, p. 129. 122. The air, pronounced th'air, as usual with Chaucer. 129. Wayted, watched ; alluding to the care with which the maker watched for the moment when the stars were in a propitious position, according to the old belief in astrology. 131. Seel, seal. Mr. Wright notes that 'the making and arrangement of seals was one of the important operations of medieval magic, and treatises on this subject are found in MSS.' He refers to MS. Arundel, no. 295, fol. 265. Solomon's seal is still commemorated in the name of a flower. 132. Mironr. For some account of this, see the Preface, p. xxxvii, and note to 1. 231. 137. Ouer al this, besides all this. Elsewhere ouer-al is a compound word, meaning everywhere ; as in Prol. 216. M. 154. And whom, Sec., and to whom it will do good, or operate as a remedy; alluding to the virtues attributed to many herbs. So Spenser, F. Q. i. 2. 10 ' O who can tell The hidden power of herbes, and might of magicke spell!' 162. With the platte, with the flat side of it ; see 1. 164. 171. Slant, stands; contracted from standeth; so also in 1. 182. Cf. P 2 113, NOTES TO GROUP F. sit for silteth in I. 179, hit for hideth in 1. 512, and note to E. "51- 184. ' By means of any machine furnished with a windlass or a pulley.' The modern windlass may be compounded of wind and lace, but it is much more probably a corruption of the form windas here used. The confusion would be facilitated by the fact that there really was a form windlas (doubtless from wind and lace) with a different meaning, viz. that of a circuitous way or path ; see note to Hamlet, ii. i. 65 (Clar. Press). In the Promptorium Parvulorum, our word is spelt both wyndlas and wyndas; p. 529. The Mid. E. wiiidas may have been derived from the Low-German directly, or more probably from the Old French, which has both guindas and windas. The meaning and derivation are clearly shewn by the Du. windas, which means a winding-axle or capstan, from the sb. as, an axle; so, too, the Icel. vind-dss. In Falconer's Shipwreck, canto i, note 3, the word windlass is used in the sense of capstan. 190. Ganren, gaze, stare. Used again by Chaucer, B. 3559> an d in Troil. and Cres. ii. 1157, v. 1152 ; also in A 3827, B 912, F 190. In the New English Dictionary it is explained by ' to stare, gape, gaze in wonder or astonishment.' I believe the word to be of Scandinavian origin, as it can be derived (phonetically) from Norw. gagra, to stand with the neck stretched out and chin in the air (Ross) ; which exactly expresses the gazer's attitude. This is a frequentative form from Norw. gaga, to bend back (Aasen), allied to Icel. gfigr, bent back. The N. E. D. also quotes examples from Lydgate's Bochas, and from Skelton's Magnificence, 1. 2275. It occurs, too, in Caxton's Eneydos, c. 61 : 'And thou art here, gawrynge about nought.' Gauring, i. e. stupor, occurs in Batman upon Bartholome, lib. vii. c. 7. 193. Ltttnbardye, Lombardy, formerly celebrated for horses. Tyrwhitt quotes from a patent in Rymer, 2 Edw. II. ' De dextrariis in Lumbardid emendis,' i. e. of horses to be bought in Lombardy. 195. Poileys, Apulian. Apulia was called Poille or Poile in Old French, and even in Middle English ; the phrase ' king of Poile 1 occurs in the Seven Sages (ed. Weber), 1. 2019. ^ was celebrated for its horses. Tyrwhitt quotes from MS. James vi. 142 (Bodleian Library) a passage in which Richard, archbishop of Armagh, in the fourteenth century, has the words ' nee mulus Hispanige, nee dextrarius Apuliae, nee repedo JEihiopix, nee elephantus Asise, nee camelus Syriae.' Chaucer ascribes strength and size to the horses of Lombardy, and high breeding to those of Apulia. 200. Gon, i. e. move, go about, have motion. aoi. Offairye, of fairy origin, magical. I do not subscribe to Warton's opinion (Obs. on Faerie Queene, p. 86) that this necessarily means that THE SQUIERES TALE. 213 it was ' the work of the devil.' Cf. the same expression in Piers PI. B. prol. 6. 203. Compaie the Latin proverb ' quot homines, tot sentenliae.' See Hazlitt's Eng. Proverbs, pp. 340, 437. A good epigram on this proverb is given in Camden's Remaines concerning Britaine, ed. 1657, sig. Gg. 'So many heads, so many wits fie, fie I Is't not a shame for Proverbs thus to lie? My selfe, though my acquaintance be but small, Know many heads that have no wit at all.' 207. The Pegasee, Pegasus. In the margin of MSS. E. Hn. HI. is written ' i. equs Pegaseus,' meaning ' id est, equus Pegaseus ' ; shewing that Chaucer was thinking of the adjective Pegaseus rather than of the sb. Pegasus, the name of the celebrated winged horse of Bellerophon and of the Muses. Cf. Complaint of the Black Knight, 1. 92. 209. ' Or else it was the horse of the Greek named Sinon.' This very singular-looking construction is really common in Middle English ; yet the scribe of the Harleian MS. "actually writes ' the Grekissch hors Synon,' which makes Sinon the name of the horse ; and this odd blunder is retained in the editions by Wright and Bell. The best way of clearing up the difficulty is by noting similar examples ; a few of which are here appended. The kinges meting Pharao'; i. e. the dream of King Pharaoh ; Book of the Duchesse, 1. 282. ' The erles wif Alein ' ; i. e. the wife of earl Alein ; Rob. of Gloucester, in Spec, of Eng. ed. Morris and Skeat, p. n, 1. 303. 'Themperours moder william,' i.e. the mother of the Emperor named William ; Will, of Palerne, 1. 5437. ' Pieres pardon j>e plowman ' ; i. e. the pardon of Piers the Plowman ; P. Fl. B. xix. 182. 'In Piers berne )>e plowman'; i. e. in the barn of Piers the Plowman ; id. xix. 354. ' For Piers loue j-e plowman ' ; i.e. for love of Piers the Plowman ; id. xx. 76. Chaucer again alludes to Sinon in the House of Fame, i. 152, and in the Legend of Good Women, Dido, 8 ; which shews that he took that legend partly from Virgil, Aen. ii. 195. But note that Chaucer here compares a horse of brass to the Trojan horse ; this is because the latter was also said to have been of brass, not by Virgil, but by Guido de Colonna ; see note tol. 211. This is why Gower, in his Confess. Amant. bk. i, and Caxton, in hisRecuyell of the Historyes of Troy, both speak of the Trojan horse as a ' horse of brass ;' see Spec, of English, 1394-1579, p.gi, 1. 67. 314 NOTES TO GROUP F. 211. Olde gestes, old accounts. The account of the taking of Troy most valued in the middle ages was not that by Virgil, or Homer, but the Latin prose story written in 1287 by Guido de Colonna, who ob- tained a great reputation very cheaply, since he borrowed his work almost entirely from an old French Roman de Troie, written by Benoit de Sainte-Maure. See the preface to The Gest Hystoriale of the Destruction of Troy, ed. Panton and Donaldson (Early English Text Society). 219. Jogelovrs, jugglers. See the quotation from Marco Polo, i. 340, in the Preface, p. xlv; and Tyrwhitt's note to Cant. Tales, 1. 11453. 224. ' They are very prone to put down things to the worst cause.' 226. Maister tour, principal tower, the donjon or keep-tower. So also maistre strete, principal street, Kn. Ta. 2044 ; maistre temple, Leg. of Good Women, 1. 1014. 230. For slye, MS. HI. has heigh, an inferior reading. Mr. Marsh observes upon this line ' This reasoning reminds one of the popular explanation of table-turning and kindred mysteries. Persons who cannot detect the trick . . . ascribe the alleged facts to electricity. . . . Men love to cheat themselves with hard words, and indolence often accepts the name of a phenomenon as a substitute for the reason of it ' ; Origin and Progress of the English Language, Lect. ix. p. 427. 231. The magic mirror in Rome was said to have been set up there by Virgil, who was at one time reverenced, not as a poet, but as a great enchanter. The story occurs in the Seven Sages, in the Introduction to his edition of which Mr. Wright says, at p. lix. ' The story of Virgil's tower, which was called sahatio Roma, holds rather a conspicuous place in the legendary history of the magician. Such a tower is first men- tioned, but without the name of Virgil, in a Latin MS. of the eighth century, in a passage published by Docen and republished by Keller, in his introduction to the Sept Sages. Vincent of Beauvais, in the thirteenth century . . . describes Virgil's tower ; and it is the subject of a chapter in the legendary history of Virgilius.' See also the other version of the Seven Sages edited by Weber, and reprinted in Matzner's Sprachproben, i. 254. We there find that besides the tower, ' Amiddeward the cite, on a stage, Virgil made another ymage, That held a miroiir in his bond, And oversegh al that lond.' Govver tells the story of this mirror in his Confessio Amantis, bk. v. It occurs also in the Chronicle of Helinand, and in the Otia Imperialia of Gervase of Tilbury; Morley's Eng. Writers, ii. 126. Warton notes that the same fiction is in Caxton's Troybook, bk. ii. ch. 22. 232. 'Alhazeni et Vitellonis Opticae are extant, printed at Basil, 157*. THE SQVIERES TALE. 21 5 The first is supposed by his editor to have lived about A.D. noo, and the second to A.D. 1270.' Tyrwhitt. Hole's Brief Biographical Dic- tionary has the notices ' Alhazel or Alhazen, Arabian Astronomer and Optician ; died A.D. 1038 ' ; and ' Vitello or Vitellio, Polish Mathema- tician ; floruit circa 1254.' See also the Preface, p. xxxvii. 233. Aristotle, the famous Grecian philosopher, born B. c. 384, died 322. Writen in hir lynes, wrote in their life-time. Observe that ivriten is here the past tense. The pres. pi. is uryten ; pt. s. wrat, two/, or wroot ; pt. pi. writen ; pp. ivriten. 238. Thelophus. Telephus, king of Mysia, in opposing the landing of the Greeks in the expedition against Troy, was wounded by the spear of Achilles. But as an oracle declared that the Greeks would require his aid, he was healed by means of the rust taken from the same spear. Chaucer may easily have learnt this story from his favourite Ovid, who says Telephus aeterna consumptus tabe perisset Si non quae nocuit dextra tulisset opera. Tristium lib. v. El. 2. 15. And again Uulnus Achilleo quae quondam fecerat hosti, Uulneris auxilium Pelias hasta tulit. Remcd. Amor. 47. See also Met. xii. 112 ; xiii. 171 ; Ex Ponto ii. 2. 26. Or he may have taken it from Dante, Inferno, xxxi. 5. Cf. Shak. a Hen. VI, v. I. 100. 247. Canacees; four syllables, as in 1. 631. 250. Great skill in magic was attributed in the middle ages to Moses and Solomon, especially by the Arabs. Moses was supposed to have learnt magic from the Egyptians; cf. Acts vii. 22; Exod. vii. n. See the story of the Fisherman and Genie in the Arabian Nights' Entertain- ments, where the genie invokes the name of Solomon. 253- 'Some said it was a wonderful thing to make glass from fern- ashes, since glass does not resemble fern-ashes at all.' Glass contains two principal ingredients, sand and some kind of alkali. For the latter, the calcined ashes of seaweed, called kelp, were sometimes used; or, according to Chaucer, the ashes of ferns. Modern chemistry has developed many greater wonders. 256. ' But, because men have known it (the art of glass-making) so long, their talking and wonder about it ceases.' The art is of very high antiquity, having been known even to the Egyptians. So fern, so long ago ; Chaucer sometimes rimes words which are spelt exactly alike, but only when their meanings differ. See Prol. 1. 1 7, where selte, to seek, rimes with stke, sick. Other examples are seen in the Kn. Tale, see 2l6 NOTES TO GROUP F. being repeated in 11. 1097, IO 98 5 caste in 11. 1313, 1314; eaas in 11. 1499, 1500; and fare in 11. 1577, 1578. Imperfect rimes like disport, port, Prol. 137, 138, are common; see Prol. 241, 433, 519, 579, 599, 613, 811 ; Kn. Ta. 379, 381, &c. For examples of fern compare Ye, fanvell all the snow of feme yere,' i.e. good bye to all last year's snow; Troil. and Cres. v. 1177 (ed. Tyrwkitt). So also fernyere, long ago, in P. PL B. v. 440 ; spelt uern- yere, in Ayenbite of Inwyt, ed. Morris, p. 92. Adverbs commonly terminate in -e, but the scribes are right in writing fern here; see A.S. Gospels, Matt. xi. 21, for the forms gefyrn, gefern, meaning long ago. Occleve, in a poem on himself, uses the expression fern ago, i. e. long ago ; Morley, Eng. Writers, ii. 435. And in Levins's Manipulus Vocabu- lorum, ed. Wheatley, we find ' Old fame years, anni praeteriti, seculum pritis' With these examples in view, we might interpret feme halwes in Chaucer's Prologue, 1. 14, by ' olden ' rather than by ' distant ' saints ; but the latter would appear to be authenticated by a passage in his translation of Boethius, bk. ii. met. 7, where the expression ' renoune, yspradde to feme poeples, goth by dyuerse tongues,' can only mean ' distant ' peoples. Fern, in the sense of old, is explained at once by the Gothic/airwz's, old ; but, in the sense of distant, would seem to be cor- ruptly and incorrectly formed, since the A.S. feorran, meaning far, is strictly an adverb, from the adjective feorr. But in course of time this adverb came to be declined as an adjective ; see the examples in Strat- mann, s.v. fsorren. 258. Cf. ' What is the cause of thunder ;' K. Lear, iii. 4. 160. 263. For a full explanation of this difficult passage, I must be content to refer the reader to Mr. Brae's edition of Chaucer's Astrolabe, pp. 77 and 86, and my own edition of the same, p. Ivi. The chief points that now seem tolerably certain are these. (1) The Angle Meridional was an astrological term. The heavens were divided into twelve equal parts called ' mansions,' and four of these mansions were technically called ' angles ' ; the angle meridional was the same as the tenth mansion, which was bounded on the one edge by the meridian, and on the other by a semi-circle passing through the N. and S. points of the horizon, and lying 30 to the E. of the meridian ; so that, at the equinoxes, at any place situate on the equator, the sun would cross this portion of the sky between 10 a.m. and the hour of noon. (2) Since this 'angle ' corresponds to the end of the forenoon, the sun leaves the said angle at the moment of noon, and 1. 263 means no more than ' it was now past noon.' (3) The 'royal beast' means the king of beasts, the lion, and (here in particular) the sign of the zodiac named Leo. This sign, on the I5th THE SQUIERES TALE. 217 of March, in Chaucer's time, and in the latitude of London, began to ' ascend,' or rise above the horizon, just about noon. An additional reason for calling Leo ' royal ' is because the principal star in the con- stellation is called Regulus in Latin, Bcun\iffKos in Greek, and Melikhi in Arabic, all epithets signifying kingly or royal. (4) But, before the Tartar king rose from the feast, the time past noon had so increased that the star called Aldiran, situate in Leo, was now rising above the horizon. In other words, it was very nearly two o'clock. It may be added, that, by the time the whole of the sign had ascended, it would be about a quarter to three. Hence Chaucer speaks of the sign as yet (i. e. still) ascending. The chief remaining point is to fix the star Aldiran. Most MSS. read Aldrian, owing to the frequent shifting of r in a word ; just as brid, for instance, is the old spelling of bird. But the Hengwrt MS. is right. The name Aldiran, Aldurin, orAldiraan, occurs in the old Parisian star-lists as the name of a star in the constellation Leo, and is described in them as being ' in fronte Leonis.' The word means ' the two fore-paws,' and the notes of the star's position are such that I am persuaded it is the star now called Hydra, situate near the Lion's fore-paws, as commonly drawn. The only objection to this ex- planation arises from the comparative insignificance of the star, but any who will take the trouble to examine the old lists will see that certain stars were chosen quite as much for the sake of position as of brightness. When it was desired to mark particular points in the sky, bright stars were chosen if they were conveniently placed ; but, failing that, any would serve the purpose that were fairly distinct. This is why, in a star-list of only 49 stars in MS. Camb. Univ. Lib. li, 3. 3, such stars as SCapricorni, 8 Aquarii, 8 Ophiuchi, &c., find a place. The star Aldiran (0 Hydra) was remarkable for rising, in the latitude of Paris, just before the splendid star a Leonis of the first magnitude, whose coming it thus heralded. That star is also found in the same star-lists, with the name Calbalesed, or ' the lion's heart ' ; in Latin, Cor Leonis ; another name for it being Regulus, as stated above. On the whole, we fairly suppose Chaucer's meaning to be, that before the feast concluded, it was not only fast noon, but nearly two hours past noon. 269. Chambre of parements. Tyrwhitt's note is ' Chambre de paremenl is translated by Cotgrave, the presence-chambre, and lit de parement, a bed of state. Parements originally signified all sorts of ornamental furniture or clothes, from Fr. purer, to adorn. See Kn. Ta. 1643, and Legend of Good Women ; Dido, 1. 181.' He adds that the Italians use camera de' paramenti in the same sense. 272. Venus children, the worshippers or subjects of Venus. It merely 2l8 NOTES TO GROUP F. means the knights and ladies at the feast, whose thoughts then turned upon love, because the season was astrologically favourable for it ; cf. Kn. Tale, 1628, 1629. The reason is given in 1. 273, viz. that 'her lady,' i. e. (heir lady or goddess, as represented by the planet Venus, was then situate in the sign Pisces. This sign, in astrology, is called the ' exaltation ' of Venus, or the sign in which she exerts most power. Hence the expression ful hye, and the statement that Venus regarded her servants with a friendly aspect. In the Wyf of Bathes Prol., Chaucer has the line ' In Pisces, wher Venus is exaltat.' ' Who will not commend the wit of astrology ? Venus, born out of the sea, hath her exaltation in Pisces ' ; Sir T. Browne, Works, ed. Wilkin, iv. 382. 287. Lancelot, the celebrated lover of queen Guinever in the Arthur romances. Cp. Dante, Inf. v. 128. 291. 'The steward bids (them) to be quick with the spices.' 299, 300. Here Hath is used for is; cf. French il y a. 316. ' You must twirl round a pin (which) stands in his ear.' 318. 'You must also tell him to what place or country you wish to ride.' 334. Ryde, ride ; so in all six MSS. MS. Harl. has Byd, i. e. bid. 340. The bridle is here said to have been put away with the jewels. So also, when Richard I, in a crusade, took Cyprus, among the treasures in the castles are mentioned precious stones, golden cups, &c., together with golden saddles, bridles, and spurs ; Geoffrey of Vinsauf, Iter Hierosol. c. xli. p. 328; in Vet. Script. Angl. torn. ii. 346. Tyrwhitt inserts that after Til, to fill up the line. It is not necessarily required ; see the note in the Preface upon lines in which the first syllable is lacking ; p. Ixv. 347. 'Sleep, digestion's nurse, winked upon them, and bade them take notice, that much drink and exercise must require repose." Cf. 2 Hen. IV, Hi. i. 6. Tyrwhitt supposes 1. 349 to be corrupt, but it may perhaps stand. 351. To scan the line, retain the e in seyde, preserved by the caesura. 352. By the old physicians, blood was supposed to be in domination, or chief power, for seven hours, from the ninth hour of the night (beginning at 8 p.m.) to the third hour of the day. Tyrwhitt quotes from a book De Natura, ascribed to Galen, torn. v. p. 327 'Sanguis dominatur horis septem, ab hora noctis nona ad horam diei tertiam.' Other authorities were pleased to state the matter somewhat differently. ' Six houres after midnight bloud halh the mastery, and in the sixe houres afore noon choler reigneth, and six houres after noon raigneth melan- choly, and six hours afore midnight reigneth the flegmatick" ; Shepheardes Kalender, ed. 1656, ch. xxix. Chaucer no doubt followed this latter THE SQUIERES TALE. 219 account, which he may have found in the original French Calendrier des Bergers ; see note to 1. 51, p. 209. 357. Forme, for my part, by my means ; still common. 358. Fumositee, fumes arising from wine-drinking. SeeC. T. 12501 ; and concerning dreams, see the Nonne Prestes Tale, 103-149. 359. No charge, no weight ; to which no weight, or no significance, can be attached. 360. Pryme large ; probably much the same as fully pryme, Sir Thop. 2015, which see. It must mean the time when the period of prime was more than ended ; i. e. past 9 a.m. This would be a very late hour for rising, but the occasion was exceptional. 365. Appalled, enfeebled ; literally, pallid, as Tyrwhitt explains it. See the Glossary ; and cf. Kn. Ta. 2195 ; and Shipm. Tale, C. T. 13030-2 : ' " Nece," quod he, " it oughte ynough suffise Fiue houres for to slepe upon a nyght, But it were for an old appalled wyght," ' &c. 373. ' Before the sun began to rise ' ; i. e. before 6 a.m., as it was near the equinox. 374. Maistresse, governess ; as appears from the Doctoures Tale. 376, 377. Though the sense is clear, the grammar is incurably wrong. Chaucer says ' These old women, that would fain seem wise, just as did her governess, answered her at once.' What he means is ' This governess, that would fain seem wise, as such old women often do, answered her,' &c. The second part of this tale seems to have been hastily composed, left unfinished, and never revised. Cf. 1. 382. 383. Wei a ten, i. e. about ten. Cf. Prol. 1. 24. 386. Four. The Harl. MS. wrongly has (en. There is no doubt about it, because on the I5th of March, the day before, the sun was in the third degree of the sign ; on the i6th, he was in Ihe fourth degree. 387. It means 'and, moreover, the sun had risen but four degrees above the horizon ' ; i. e. it was not yet a quarter past six. 396. Her hertes, their hearts. Lyghle, to feel light, to feel happy ; an unusual use of the verb, and a hasty expression. In 1. 398, the sudden change to the singular she is harsh. 401. Again hastily written. Chaucer says 'The point for which every tale is told if it be delayed till the pleasure of them that have hearkened after (or listened attentively to) the former part of it grows cold then the pleasantness of it passes off, on account of the prolixity in telling it ; and the more so, the longer it is spun out.' Knotte here takes the sense of the (unrelated) Lat. nodus, as used by Horace, ArsPoet. 1. 191. 409. Fordrye, exceedingly dry. The tree was white too, owing to 220 NOTES TO GROUP F. loss of its bark. Possibly an allusion to the famous Arbre Sec, or Dry Tree; see Marco Polo, cd. Yule, i. 119; Maundeville, ed. Halliwell, p. 68 ; Matzner, Sprachproben, ii. 185. 428. Fancon peregryn. ' This species of falcon is thus described in the Tresor de Brunei Latin, P. i. ch. Des Faucons; MS. Reg. 19 C. x. " La seconde lignie est fancons, qui horn apele pelerins, par ce que nus ne trove son ni ; ains est pris autresi come en pelerinage, et est mult legiers a norrir, et mult cortois et vaillans, et de bone maniere " [i. e. the second kind is the falcon which is called the pilgrim (or peregrine), because no one ever finds its nest; so it is otherwise taken, as it were on pilgrimage, and is very easily fed, and very tame and bold, and well-mannered]. Chaucer adds that this falcon was of fremde land, i. e. from a foreign country.' Tyrwhitt. 435. Ledene, language ; from A. S. leden, lyden, sometimes used in the sense of language, though it is certainly, after all, a mere corrup- tion of Latin, which is the sense which it most often bears. Thus, the inscription on the cross of Christ is said to have been written ' Ebreis- ceon stafon, and Grecisceon, and Leden stafon,' in Hebrew letters and in Greek and Latin letters ; John xix. 20. So also ' on Ledenisc gereorde,' in the Latin language; Beda/ bk. iv. c. I. Hence the word was used more generally in the sense of language ; as, ' Mara is, on ure lyden, biternes,' i. e. Marah is, in our speech, bitterness ; Exod. xv. 23. This extension of the meaning, and the form of the word, were both influenced, probably, by confusion with the sb. hlyd, a noise, and the adj. Mud, loud. In one instance we find, in Northumbrian English, the word lydeng with the sense of noise or cry ; Matthew xxv. 6 (ed. Kemble). The student should learn to distinguish this word from the A. S. lead, G. lied, i. e. a song. Tyrwhitt notes that Dante uses latino in the sense of language ; ' E cantine gli augelli Ciascuno in suo latino ; ' Can- zone i. 458. As doth, so do, pray do. See Note to Cler. Tale, 1. 7. P- r 95- 469. ' As verily as may the great God of nature help me.' Wisly, verily, is quite different from vysly, wisely; cf. Kn. Ta. 1376. 471. 'To heal your hurs with quickly. 1 Note the position of with; and cf. 1. 641. 474. A swowne = a swowne = on swoime, in a swoon. 479. Chaucer's favourite line ; he repeats it four times. See Kn. Ta. 903; March. Ta. 9860 (ed. Tyrwhitt); Prol. to Leg. G. W. 503. Also, in The Man of Lawes Ta. 660. we have it again in the form ' As gentil herte is fulfild of pitee.' 480. Similitude is pronounced nearly as similitude. 483. Kytheth, manifests. Cf. Rom. Rose, 2187-2238. 490. ' And to make others take heed by my example, as the lion is THE SQV1ERES TALE. 221 chastised (or reproved) by means of the dog.' The explanation of this passage was a complete riddle to me till I fortunately discovered the proverb alluded to. It appears in George Herbert's Jacula Prudentum (Herbert's Works, ed. Willmott, 1859, p. 328) in the form 'Beat the dog before the lion,' where before means in the sight of. This is cleared up by Cotgrave, who, in his French Dictionary, s. v. Batre, has the proverb ' Batre le chien devant le Lion, to punish a mean person in the presence, and to the terror of, a great one.' It is even better explained by Shakespeare, Othello, ii. 3. 272 'What, man! there are ways to recover the general again : you are but now cast in his mood, a punishment more in policy than in malice ; even so as one would beat his offenceless dog to affright an imperious lion.' 499. Ther, where. The numerous expressions in this narrative certainly shew that the falcon was really a princess (cf. 1. 559) who had been changed into a falcon for a time, as is so common in the Arabian Tales. Thus, in 1. 500, the roche or rock may be taken to signify a palace of gray marble, and the tercelet (1. 504) to be a prince. This gives the whole story a human interest. 505, 506. Welle, well, fountain. Al were he, although he was. 511. Colour es, colours; and, in a secondary sense, pretences, which meaning is also intended ; cf. 1. 560. On dyeing in grain, i. e. of a fast colour, see note to Sir Thopas, B. 1917. 512. Hit him, hideth himself. See Preface, p. li. The allusion is to the well-known lines ' Qui legitis flores . . . fugite hinc, latet anguis in herba ;' Verg. Bucol. iii. 92. Cf. Macbeth, i. 5. 66. 517. Sowneth into, tend to, are consonant with ; see Prol. 307. 518. Cf. P. Plowm. B. xv. 109. Both passages are from Matt, xxiii. 27. 537. Chaucer clearly quotes this as a proverb ; true man means honest man, according to Dogberry ; Much Ado about Nothing, iii. 3. 54. The sense seems to be much the same as You cannot make a silk purse of a sow's ear,' or ' Once a knave, always a knave.' Compare 1 Alas ! I see a serpent or a theef That many a trewe man hath do mescheef '; Knightes Tale, 1. 467. 548. The reading Troilns must be a mistake, because he was not guilty of transferring his love to another ; it was Cressida who did that, so that the falcon would take care not to refer to that story. Paris deserted Oenone for Helen, and Jason deserted Medea for Glauce. Lamech was the first to have tsvo wives, viz. Adah and Zillah, Gen. iv. 23. The whole of this passage is a 'recast of Chaucer's earlier poem on Queen Annelida, where Lamech is introduced just in the same way. 222 NOTES TO GROUP F. 555. Imitated, but not with good taste, from Mark i. 7. 579- ' Whether it was a grief to me, does not admit of doubt.' 583. 'Such grief I felt because he could not stay.' 593. Chaucer has this expression again, Kn. Ta. 2184; Troilus, iv. 1586. It was a common proverb. Shakespeare has it frequently ; Two G. of Ver. iv. i. 62 ; Rich. II, i. 3. 278 ; King Lear, Hi. 2. 70. 596. To borwe, for a security ; borwe being a sb., not a verb. Cf. Kn. Ta. 360, 764. Hence it means, ' Saint John being for a security/ i e. Saint John being my security ; as in The Complaint of Mars, 1. 9. She pledges herself by Saint John, the apostle of truth ; see i John iii. 19, iv. 20. Lydgate has ' seint John to borowe ' in his Complaint of the Black Knight, st. 2. 601. 'When he has well said everything, he has done (all he means to do).' 602. This is a common proverb; cf. Com. of Errors, iv. 3. 64; Tempest, ii. 2. 103 ; Marlowe, Jew of Malta, iii. 4. 607. From Boethius, De Cons. Phil. lib. iii. met. 2 'Repetunt proprios quaeque recursus Redituque suo singula gaudent.' Chaucer translates this (ed. Morris, p. 69) ' Alle Binges seken ajein into hir propre cours ; and alle Binges reioisen hem of hir retournynge ajein to hir nature.' A few lines above is a passage answering to 11. 611-620, which in the original runs thus: ' Quae canit altis garrula ramis Ales, caueae clauditur antro : Huic licet illita pocula melle, Largasque dapes dulci studio Ludens hominum cura minislret, Si tamen, arto saliens tecto, Nemorum gratas uiderit umbras, Sparsis pedibus preterit escas, Siluas tantum maesta requirit, Siluas dulci uoce susurrat.' This Chaucer translates ' And ]>e langland brid )>at syngijj on ]>e heye braunches, J>is is to sein, in }>e wode, and after is inclosed in a streit cage ; alj>ou3 ]>at fe pleiyng besines of men seuej) hem honiede drinkes and large metes wi]> swete studie ; sit najjeles yif J>ilke brid skippynge oute of hir streite cage see]) J>e agreable shadewes of J>e wodes, she defoule|> wi]> hir fete hir metes yshad, and sekej) mournyng oonly )>e wode, and twitri]), desirynge J>e wode, wij> hir swete voys." And Chaucer repeats the example yet a third time, in the Manciple's Tale, 1.59- THE SQV1ERES TALE. $2$ 618. Neicef angel, of four syllables, as in 1. 89 of the Manciple's Tale. The word newefangeltiesse will be found in the poem of Annelida, and in Leg. of Good Worn. Prol. 154. 624. Ky'e. Mr. Jephson notes that ' the kite is a cowardly species of hawk, quite unfit for falconry, and was therefore the emblem of every- thing base.' 644. Blue was the colour of truth and constancy; hence the ex- pression ' true blue,' as in Butler's Hudibras, pt. i. c. i. 1. 191 ; cf. Cler. Tale, 254. Green (1. 646) signified inconstancy. Lydgate, in his Fall of Princes, fol. e 7, speaking of Dalilah, says 4 In stede of blewe, which stedefast is and clene, She louyd chaungys of many diuers grene! Tyrwhitt draws attention to a Ballade upon an inconstant lady, among Stowe's additions to Chaucer's works, the burden of which is ' Instede of blew thus may ye were al grene.' 648. Tidifs. The tidifis mentioned as an inconstant bird in Prol. to Leg. G.W.I. 154- ' And tho that hadde don unkyndenesse As doth the tidif, for newfangelnesse,' &c. Draj ton uses tydy as the name of a small bird (see Nares) ; perhaps the titmouse. 649, 650. These lines are transposed in all the MSS. and editions, according to Tyvwhitt. He rightly says that no sense is to be got out of the passage except by putting them in the order in which they stand here. All the later editors accept his emendation. 667. Observe that Catnbalo, if not inserted here in the MSS. by error. is quite a different person from the Cambalns in 1. 656 (called Catnbalo in 1. 31). He is Canace's lover, who is to fight in the lists against her brothers Cambalo and Algarsif, and win her. Spenser (F. Q. iv. 3) introduces three brethren as suitors for Canace, who have to fight against Cambello her brother; this is certainly not what Chaucer intended, nor is it very satisfactory. 671, 672. Some suppose these two lines to be spurious. I do not feel sure about that ; for they occur in MS. E. Hn. Cp. Pt., and others, and are not to be too lightly rejected. The Lansdowne MS. has eight lines here, which are ceitainly spurious. In MS. E., after 1. 672, the rest of the page is blank. The lines are quite intelligible, if we add the words He entreth. We then have ' Apollo (the sun) whirls up his chariot so highly (continues his course in the zodiac) till he enters the mansion of the god Mercury, the cunning one ' ; the construction in the last line being similar to that in 1. 209. The sun was described as in Aries, 1. 51. By continuing his upward course, i.e. his Northward course, by which he approached the zenith daily, he would soon come 224 NOTES TO GROUP F. to the sign Gemini, which was the mansion of Mercury. It is a truly Chaucerian way of saying that two months had elapsed. I cannot believe these lines to be spurious. It may be added that they are imitated at the beginning of the poem called The Flower and the Leaf, and in Skelton, Garland of Laurel, 1. 1471. NOTES TO THE SQUIRE END-LINK. 675. Fonthe is a dissyllable; observe the rime with allow the, i.e. commend thee, which is written as one word (allowihe) in several MSS. 677. As to my doom, in my opinion. 683. Pound, i.e. pounds worth of land. See the Glossary. 688. And yet shal, and shall still do so. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. B = Group B. E = Group E. F = Group F. The following are the principal contractions used : A.S. = Anglo-Saxon (i.e. Old English words in Bosworth's A.S. Diet.). Dan. = Danish. Du. = Dutch. E.= English. E.E. = Early English (A.D. 1100- 1250). F. = French. G. = German. Gk. = Greek. Icel. = Icelandic. Ital. = Italian. La t. = Latin. M.E. = Middle English (A.D. 1250- 1485). M.H.G. = Middle High German. Mceso-Goth. or Goth. = Mceso- Gothic. O.F. = Old French. O.H.G. = Old High German. PromptParv. = Promptorium Parvu- lorum, ed. Way, Camden Society, 1865. Sp. = Spanish. Sw. = Swedish. W. = Welsh. The Dictionaries used for these languages are mentioned at the end of the Preface. Note also, that v. = a verb in the infinitive mood; pr. s. or pt, s. means the third person singular of the present or past tense, except when I p. or 2 p. (first person or second person) is added ; pr. pi. or pt. pi, means, likewise, the third person plural of the present or past tense ; imp. s. means the second person singular of the imperative mood. Other contrac- tions, as s. for substantive, pp. for past participle, will be readily understood. In the references, when the letter is absent before a number, supply the letter last mentioned ; thus, under Abayst, all the references refer to Group E. The contraction ' Mor. Gloss.' signifies Dr. Morris's Glossary to the Pro- logue, Knightes Tale, &c. in the Clarendon Press Series. A. A, art. a ; al a = the whole of a, E 1165. A.S. an, G. ein. Of the indef. article, an is the original, a the abbreviated form. A ha, interj. Aha ! B 1629. A, prep, on, upon, in, by ; a nyghte, by night, B 3758 ; now a dayes, now in these days, E 1164. A.S. on, E.E. an, a. Abak, adv. backwards, B 2017. A.S. onbcEC, on the back, behind, backwards. VOL. n. < Abayst, pp. abashed, disconcerted, E 317, ion; amazed, 1108. O. Fr. esbahir, to frighten, from bahir, to express astonishment. Abbay, s. abbey, B 1814. Low Lat. abbatia, an abbey, from Lat. abbas, father; from Syriac abba, father. Abhominaciouns, s. pi. abomi- nations, horrible occurrences, B 88. Lat. abominor, to deprecate an omen, from ab, and omen. 226 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Abouen, prep, above, E 826. A. S. dbiifan, where bufan is for be-ufan, so that dbufan = on-be- vfan, where vfan means up- wards. Abouten, prep, about, around, near, E 1106. A.S. dbulan, where butan is for be-ufan, so that about = on-by-out. Abreyde, pt. s. started, awoke, E 1061. A.S. dbregdan, to twist out, from bregdan, to twist, braid. See Mor. Gloss. Abrood, adv. abroad, i.e. wide open, F 441. A.S. on breede, lit. on breadh, from A. S. brad, broad. Cf. M. Goth, braidei, breadth, braids, broad. Abyde, v. to remain, wait, E 1 106 ; imp. pi. Abydeth, 81175; pres. part. Abyding, awaiting, E 757- A.S. dbidan, from bidan, to wait Abyen, v. to pay for, B 2012. A.S. dbycgan, to redeem, pay for, from bycgan, to buy. See A boughte in Mor. Gloss. Accepteth, imp. pi. accept, E 96, 127. Fr. accepter, Lat. acceptare. Accident, s. accidental disturbance, unusual appearance, E 607. Lat. accidere. Accordant, adj. according, agree- ing, suitable, F 103. Accorden, pr. pi. agree, B 2137. Fr. accorder, Lat. accordare, from cor, the heart. According, pres. part, agreeing, B 1737- Acounte, v. to consider, B 3591. O. Fr. acompter, from Lat. ad and computare, to count. Acquyte, v. to acquit oneself, E 936; imp. pi. Acquiteth, B 37. Fr. acquitter, Lat. adquietare, from qtties, rest. Acustumaunce, s. custom ; had of acustumaunce = was accustom- ed, B 3701. From O. Fr. couslvme, Low Lat. costuma, cor- rupted from consuetudinem. Adoun, adv. down, B 3630; F 351, 464. A.S. of-ddne, lit. off the down or hill, from dun, a hill, a down. Aduersarie, s. adversary, foe, B 3868. Fr. adver&alre, from ad- verse, which from Lat. ad and vertere, to turn. Aduersitee, s. adversity, F 502. Affray, s. terror, B 3273. Fr. effroi, terror, effrayer, to terrify, Provengal effreidar, orig. to break the peace, cause a fray (affray); from Lat. ex and O.H.G. fridtt, peace. After, prep, according to, F 100; after me = according to my com- mand, E 327; after the year = according to the time of year, F 47. A. S. after, where trie base is af= Greek diro, E. of, and -ter is a comparative suffix. After, adv. afterwards, B 98. After that, conj. according as, E 203. Agaste, pt. s. terrified, B 3395 ; pp. Agast, terrified, afraid, B 1859, E I0 5 2 - The prefix a = A. S. d-, Ger. er-, Mceso-Gothic its-; cf. Goth, usgaisjan, to terrify. Agayn, prep, against, B 1754, F 6> 57 ; Ageyn, F 142 ; Ageyns, B 3754- A. S. on-gedii, against, towards. Agayns, prep, towards, to meet, E 911. Formed from A.S. ongedn, by adding adverbial suffix -es. The M. E. agayns is now corrupted into against. Age, s. life, E 627; pi. Ages, times, periods, B 3177. Fr. age, O.Fr. edage, Low Lat. tetaticum, derived from Lat. cetatem, Ageyn, adv. again, F 654. Sec Agayn. Agoon, pp. departed, i. e. dead, E 631; Ago, gone away, F 626; GLOSS ARIAL INDEX. 227 Agoon, ago, B 1841 ; Ago, 1876. A. S. dgdn, pp. of verb dgdn, to go by, pass by, which is equivalent to G. ergehen. Agreued, pp. aggrieved, E 500. O. Fr. agrever, from Lat. grants, heavy. Aken, pr. pi. ache, 82113. A. S. acan, acian, to ache, pain; also (Ece, pain. Akctoun, s. a short sleeveless tunic, worn under the hauberk, B 2050. Fr. hoqueton, O. Fr. anqueton, a cloak, a stuff for cloaks ; originally alqueton, Span. alcolon, Arabic al-qoton, where al is the def. article, and qoton is our cotton. Al, adj. all, in phr. temple and al, 83275; herte and al, E 758; at al = in every respect, E 1222; pi. Alle, B 118, 121, 1181; Alleand some = one and all, E 941. A. S. eal, Mceso-Goth. alls. Al, adv. completely, B 3215, 3451 ; all blood = completely covered with blood, 1967 ; conj. although, E 99; Al be, F 155; Al be it, F 105, Al so = so, E 1226. Alayes, s. pi. alloy, E 1167. Cf. O. Fr. a lei, according to law ; Fr. aloi, a standard, 0. Fr. alei, which for a lei = Lat. ad legein ; alloy being supposed to mean ac- cording to the standard. Alday, adv. continually, F 481 ; always, B 1702. Alderfirst, adv. first of all, F 550. A. S. alra, ealra, gen. pi. of eal, all, became M. E. oiler, alther, and alder. Ale, s. ale ; ale and breed = ale and bread, drink and meat, B 2062 ; gen. Ale, of ale, 3083. A. S. ealu, O. Icel. 51. Aley, s. an alley, B 1758. Fr. allee, a walk, from alter, to go. Algate, adv. in all respects, E 855 ; Algates, at any rate, in every way, wholly, F 246. Hera gate means way ; cf. always. Ice\.gata, a path, road; G.gasse, a street. Alliauuce, .s. alliance, B 3523; Alliance, i. e. marriage, espousal, E 357. From F. allier, Lat. alligare, from ligare, to bind, tie. Allow, i p. s. tr. I approve, I ap- plaud, F 676. O. F. alouer, which has two sources, often con- fused, -viz. Lat. locare and Lat. latidare. In this case it is the latter. Allye, s. ally, relative, B 3593. See Alliaunce. Allyed, pp. provided with friendly aid, B 3720. Almest, adv. almost, B 1948. Als, conj. also, B 3973, 3976. A. S. eall-swd, ail-so, corrupted to also, als, and as. Alwey, adv. continually, always, E 458, 810 ; ceaselessly, F 422. Alyghte, v. to alight, E 981. A. S. dlili tan, to descend, alight ; cf. to light upon. Alyue, adv. alive; lit. in life, E 139. E. E. on liue = A..S. on life, i. e. in life. Ambel, s. amble ; an ambel = in an amble, at an ambling pace, B 2075. Fr. ambler, from Lat. ambnlare, to walk. Ambes as, i.e. double aces, B 124. See note. O.F. ambes, a pair, Lat. ambo. ' The word sur- vives as a gambling term ; thus, J'ai gagne tine ambe a la loterie, i. e. I have drawn two figures, a pair of chances.' Brachet. Ambling, pres. part, ambling, E 388. Amende, v. to improve, F 197 ; to surpass in right demeanour, 97 ; pp. Amended, surpassed, B 3444. F. amender, from Lat. emendare, by an unusual change. Q 2 228 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Ameued, pt. s. moved, changed ; nought ameued = changed not, altered not, E 498. From Lat. amouere, through O. French. Amidde, prep, amid, in the midst of, F 409. A.S. on-middan, in the middle. Amis, adv. amiss, wrongly, B 3370, F 7- For on misse, m a mistake; cf. Icel. missa, a loss, Du. mis, an error. Amonges, prep, amongst, B 3344. A. S. onmang, among. The -es is an adverbial suffix ; amonges is now corrupted to amongst. Amounteth, pr. s. amounts to, F 108. O. Fr. amonter, to ascend, increase, from Lat. admontare, to go uphill, to mount, from Lat. montem. And, conj. if, E 2433. Cf. Icel. enda, if, the same word as E. and. Angle, s. ' angle,' a term in as- trology (see note), F 263 ; pi. Angles, angles, 230. Lat. angulus. Anhanged, pp. hung, B 3945, 3949. A.S. onhangian, to hang on. Annunciat, pp. pre-announced, i.e. whose birth was foretold, B 3205. From Lat. nuncius, a messenger. Anoon, adv. suddenly, immedi- ately, B 3299, E 435; Anon, B 34, 1896. A.S. on an, lit. in one, i.e. in one moment. Anoyeth, pr. s. annoys, displeases, B 3979. O. Fr. anoier, to dis- please ; cf. O. Fr. anoi, F. ennui, displeasure ; der. from Lat. in odio, in the phrase in odio habui; see Brachet. Answerde, pt. s. answered, B 1170, 1172; E 21. A.S. and- swerian, where and- = in return, and swerian = to swear, affirm. Antem, s. anthem, B 1850. A.S. antefn, which from Lat. antiphona, Gk. pi. avriffxava, from ovri and Quvfto, I sound in answer. Hence also F. antienne. Antiphoner, s. anthem-book, an- tiphonarium, B 1 709. See above. A-nyghte, adv. in the night, by night, E 464. A. S. on nihte, in the night. Apart, adv. apart, F 252. F. a part, from Lat. partem. Apayed, pp. pleased : euel apayed = ill-pleased, E 1052; Apayd, B 1897. O. F. apaier, to appease, from Lat. ad and pacare, to satisfy ; cf. E. pay. Ape, s. ape, B 1630 (see the note), 3100. A.S. apa, Icel. apt, G. ajfe, &c. ; cf. Sanskrit leapt, a monkey, shewing the loss of an initial guttural. Aperceyue, v. to perceive, E 600 ; pr. s. Aperceyueth, 1018. F. apercevoir, from Lat. ad and per- cipere =per-capere. Aperceyuinges, s. pi. perceivings, perceptions, observations, F 286. Apert, adv. openly, F 531. O. F. apert, Lat. aperlus, open. Apertenaunt, adj. appertaining, belonging, B 3505. F. appar- tenir, from Lat. adperlinere. Apertinent, adj. appertaining, suitable, E 1010. Apese, v.to appease, pacify, 433. F. apaiser, derived from Lat. pacem through O. F. pais, peace. Appalled, pp. enfeebled, languid, F 365. Perhaps from F. appalir, cf. Welsh pallu, to fail, pall, loss of energy. ' I palle, I fade of freshenesse in colour or beauty, le flaitris;' Palsgrave's French Diet. Apparaille, s. apparel, dress, E 1208. F. appareil, preparation, from appareillir, to join like to like; F. />ar7 = Lat. paricnlus, dimin. of par, like. Not derived from Lat. parare. Apparence, s. appearance, F 218. From Lat. apparere, from ad and parere, to be open to view. Appetytes, s. pi. appetites, B GLOSS AR1AL INDEX. 229 3390. F. appetit, Lat. appetites, from petere. Arace, v. to tear away, remove forcibly, E 1103. O.K. aracer, F. arracher, from Lat. eradicare; cf. O. F. raw, a root, from Lat. radicem. Archeer, s. archer, B 1929. From Lat. arcus, a bow. Archewyues, s. pi. archwives, ruling wives, E 1195. The pre- fix arch- is Greek ; cf. Gk. dpx'-i chief, from apx 5 ?' a beginning ; the latter part is from A. S. wif, a woman, wife. Ark, s. arc, referring to the arc of the horizon extending from sunrise to sunset, B 2. See note. From Lat. arcus, an arc, bow. Arminge, s. arming, putting on of armour, B 2037. From Lat. arma. Armlees, adj. armless, without an arm, B 3393. A. S. arm, an arm ; and suffix -leas, Mceso- Goth. -laus, deprived of. Armoure, s. armour, B 2009 ; Armure, F 158. F. armure, contr. from Lat. armatura, from arma. Am, pr. pi. are, E 342. A.S. aron, Icel. eru, from root es, to be. Array, s. order, E 262 ; arrange- ment, ordinance, 670. O.F.arroi, order, from sb. roi, which from a Scandinavian source ; cf. Swed. reda, to prepare, Moeso-Goth. garaidjan, to make ready. Arrayed, pp. dressed, F 389. Art, s. kind, sort, E 1241. From Lat. arteni. Artificial, adj. artificial, in astro- logy, B 2. See note. Artow,/or art thou, B 102, 1885, 3I95- Aryght, adv. rightly, properly, F 694. Arwes, s. pi. arrows, B 3448, E 1203. A.S. arewe. As, conj. like, B 1864 ; as if, 1636; As after, according to, 3555 ; As in, i. e. for, 3688 ; As now, at this time, F 652; As of, with respect to, 17; As to, with refer- ence to, 107 ; As that, as soon as, 615 ; As ferforth as, as far as, B 19. Ash short for also ; see Als. As, s. an ace, B 385 1 ; ambes as = double aces, 1 24. From Lat. as, a unit. Ascending, pres, part, ascending, in the ascendant, i. e. near tie eastern horizon, F 264. From Lat. scandere, to climb. Asken, v. to ask, B 101 ; 2 p. s. pr. subj. Aske, 102. A. S. dcsian. Assaille, v. to assail, attack, B 3953. F. assailler, Lat. assalire, from ad and salire, to leap. Assay, s. trial, E 621, 1138; pi. Assayes, trials, 697, 1166. Assaye, imp. s. 3 p. let him try, E 1229; pp. Assayed, tried, 1054. Another form of essay, from F. essayer, which from essai, a trial, Lat. exagium, a weighing; from ex and agere. Assenten, pr. pi. assent, agree, E 176. From Lat. ad and sentire, to feel. Asshen, s. //. ashes, E 255. A. S. axan, ascan, ashes, pi. of axe, asce, an ash, cinder. Assured, pt. s. confirmed, B 3378. Cf. Kn. Ta. 1066. Astonied, pt. s. astonished, E 316. Compounded from A. S. prefix d-, completely, and stunian, to stun, amaze. Probably further confounded with O. F. es/onner, F. etonner, to astonish, said to be de- rived from a supposed Lat. exto- nare attonare, to thunder at. Cf. G. erstaunen, from er-, prefix, and G. staunen. Asure, s. azure, blue, E 254. O. F. aster, F. azur, G. lasur, from Lat. lapis lazuli, a word of Persian origin, signifying blue- 230 GLOSS 'A RIAL INDEX. stone. Probably the / was mis- taken for the French def. article. Aswage, v. to assuage, B 3834. O. F. assoager, where the prefix = Lat. ad, and soager is to sweeten, from O. F. soef, Lat. suauis, which is the same with Gk. i^Svy, and E. sweet. Aswowne, adv. in a swoon, E 1079. F 474. Here a- is for on, in. Asyde, adv. aside, E 303. For on side. At, prep, at; at me = with me, with respect to me, B 1975 ; from (after axe) E 653. A. S. at: cf. Lat. ad. At-after, prep, after, F 302. At- after is still used for after in pro- vincial English (S. Yorkshire). Atones, adv. at once, E 1178. A. S. /to's, a wicker-basket ; from A.S. heron, Gk. tpttv. Bere, s. bier, B 1815, 1825, 3371. A. S. bar, from beran, to bear, carry; cf. Gk. (ptperpoy, a bier, from (ptpfiv, to bear. Beres, s. pi. bears, B 3451. A. S. bera, a bear, Icel. bera, a she- bear; a he-bear is denoted in Icel. by bjorn. Beringe, s. bearing, behaviour, B 2022. Bern, s. barn, B 3759- A. S. bern, berern, ber-ern; the latter form is actually found in the Northumbrian Gospels, St. Luke iii. 17, and means a barley- receptacle, from here, barley, and ern, a secret place, closet, &c. Best, s. beast, F 460; Best roial = royal beast, i. e. Leo, 264 ; pi. Bestes, B 3363, E 201, 572, 683. O. F. beste, Lat. bestia. Beste, adj. sttperl. best ; for the beste = for the best, F 356. A. S. belst = bet-est, superl. from a root bat, signifying good, profitable. Bet, adv. better, B 114, F 488, 600. A.S. bet, better. Bete, pp. beaten, E 1158; Beten, B 1732. A. S. bedtan, to beat. Bidaffed, pp. befooled, E 1191. O. E. daffe, a foolish person ; distinct from E. deaf, A. S. dedf. 'Daffe, or dastard, or ho that spekythe not yn tyme. Oridnrus ; ' Prompt. Parv. Bidde, v. to bid, F 327; imp. pi. Bidde, 321. A. S. beodan. Bifalleth, pr. s. happens, E 449 ; pt. s. Bifel, it came to pass, F 42 ; Bifil, B 3613; pt. s. subj. Bifelle, were to befall, E 136. A. S. befeal- lan, to happen, homfeallan, to fall. Biforn, adv. before, in anticipation, B 1668; before, F 339; be- forehand, B 1184; of old time, F 551"; Bifore, first, E 446. Biforn, prep, before, F 79, 98; Biforen, B 3553. A. S. beforan. Big, adj. big, B 3111. Connected with bulge, bag, bole, &c., with the notion of swelling. Bigan, pt. s. began, B 98, 1883. A. S. ginnan, to begin, with prefix bi added at a later time. Bigyle, v.to beguile, deceive, 252. Prefix bi- or be-, and O. F. guile, from a Teutonic source ; cf. E. wile. Biheste, s. promise, B 37, 41, 42, F 698. A. S. behces, a promise, from prefix be and Aces, a promise ; from hdtan, to promise, ordain. Bihoueth, pr. s. impers. it behoves (him) to have, F 602. A. S. behofian, to befit; cf. Icel. kesfa, to hit, to fit, to behove. Bileue, v. to remain, stay behind, F 583. A. S. l&fan, to leave, to leave behind ; whence M. E. bl- leue, to remain behind ; cf. G. bleiben. Bireue, v. to bereave, B 3359 ; pt. s. Birafte, bereft, took away, 3386, 3404. A. S. beredfian, from redfian, to seize, strip, from red/, a garment. Birthe, s. birth, E 402. A.S. beor$, fiom beran, to bear. Biseged, pp. besieged, B 3514. Prefix bi- or be-, and F. sieger, to sit ; from Low Lat. sediare, to sit, sedium, a seat, from sedes. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 233 Cf. Lat. obsidere, to besiege, from the same root. Biseke, v. to beseech, B 3174; i p. s. pr. I beseech, E 1037 ; pres. part. Bisekinge, beseeching, E 178, 592. From A.S. secan, to seek. Biseye, pp. displayed, made appar- ent; hence yuel biseye = ill to look at, ill looking, E 965 ; richely biseye = rich looking, splendid, 984. A. S. besegen, pp. of beseon, to look about, from sedn, to see. Hence "another spelling is beseen, as in Spenser, F. Q^i. I a. 5 'And sad habili- ments right well beseene.' Bisily, adv. busily, F 88. See Bisy. Bisinesse, s. diligence, E 1008 ; Bisynesse, F 642. Bistrood, pt. s. bestrode, B 2093. A. S. be- and stridan, to walk about, pt. t. ie strdd. Bisy, adj. busy, attentive, F 509. A. S. bysig. Bisyde, prep, beside, E 777, 1105 ; F 374. 650. Bit,pr. s. bids, F 291. A.S. bed- dan, to bid. The form bit occurs in A. S. as equivalent to biddaft, asks, from biddan, to beg, ask. The forms beddan and bidaatt were early confused. Bitake, I p. s. pr. I commend, commit, E 161, 559. A.S. be- teecan, to deliver, commend to, from tdcan, to teach, influenced the sense of be-take. Bitid, pp. befallen, B 1949. See Bityde. Bitokneth, pr. s. betokens, signifies, B 3942. A.S. bi- and tdcnian, to point out ; from tdcen, a token, sign ; cf. Gk. Sttievwai. Bitrayed, pp. betrayed, B 3570. A hybrid word ; from A. S. prefix it- and F. trahir, to betray, Lat. traders. Bitwise, prep, between, B 3830, F 33; Bitwixen, E 815; Bitwix, F 317. A.S. betwix, belwux, from twd, two. Bityde, v. to befall, E 79 ; to hap- pen, arrive, B 373 ; pr. s. *ubj. Bityde, may betide, E 306; Bi- tyde what bityde, let that happen that may, whatever may happen, B 2064. A. S. tidan, to happen, from tid, tide, time. Biwailen, v. to bewail, lament, B 25 ; Biwaille, 3952 ; pp. Biwailled, E 530. Cf. Icel. vcela, vdla, to wail ; Ital. guqiolare, to lament ; Ital. gnat, woe ! so that wail is to say woe I Biwreye, v. to bewray, unfold, re- veal, B 3219. A.S. wregan, to accuse, Mceso-Goth. wrohjan, Icel. rcegja, to slander, defame. Blaked, pp. blackened, rendered black, B 3321. A.S. blcec, black, dblacian, to blacken. Blame, to, gerund, to blame, E 76 ; imp.pl. Blameth, B 2151. O. F. blasmer, from Lat. blasphemare, Gk. QKaaty-liptiv, to speak inju- riously. Blesse, imp. s. 3 p. (God) bless, B 3978, E 1240. A. S. blttsian, to bless, O. Northumb. bloedsia, orig. to sacrifice, from bldd, blood. Blewe, adj. pi. blue, F 644. O. F. bleu ; cp. Icel. bldr. Blis, s. bliss, happiness, B 33. A. S. bits, joy, from blfSe, joyful, blithe. Blisful, adj. happy, E 844, 1 12 1. Blisse, v. to bless, E 553. A.S. bletsian, blessian. Blood, s. progeny, offspring, E 632. A.S. bldd, blood, Mceso-Goth. blotk. Blythe, adj. blithe, B 4002. A. S. blfiSe, Icel. blffir, Mceso-Goth. bleiths, glad, merciful, mild. Body, s. principal subject, E 42; my body = myself, B 1185; pi. Bodies, people, B 3278. A.S. bodig. 334 GLOSS 'A RIAL TNDEX. Boistously, adv. loudly, E 791. WeUh bwystus, rude, brutal ; but this word is of doubtful origin ; hence the later form boisterous (Shakespeare). Boke, s. a book, B 52 ; />/. Bokes, 3499. A. S. bdc. Boldely, adv, boldly, F 581. A.S. bald, beald, Icel. ballr, Mceso- Goth. balths, bold. Bord, pt. s. bound, B 3222. A. S. bindan, to bind. pt. t. ic band. Bond, s. a band, F 131. Boon, s. bone, B 3090. A. S. ban, Icel. bein, a bone. Boor, s. a boar, B 3299; gen. Bores, 2060. A. S. bar. Boost, s. boast, pride, B 3289. Of unknown origin. Bord, s. board, table, E 3, F 79. A. S. bord. Bore, pp. born, E 401 ; borne, carried, F 178; Born, borne, E 444 ; carried, F 1 76 ; worn, F 43. A. S. beran, to bear, pp. boren. Bores, gen. sing, boar's, B 2060. Borwe, s. a pledge ; to borwe, as a pledge, F 596. A.S. borh, a security, pledge. Borwe, v. to borrow, B 105. A. S. borgian, from borh, a pledge. Bote, s. safety, salvation, B 1656; remedy, good, F 154. A. S. bot, E. boot, a remedy, from root bat in Mceso-Goth. batizo, better. See Beete in Mor. Gloss. Boterflye, s. a butterfly, B 3980. A.S. buter-fleoge. See Wedg- wood's Etym. Diet. Boughte, pt. s. redeemed, E 1153. A. S. bohte, I bought, pt. t. of byc- gan, to buy. Bounden, pp. bound, E 704. A.S. bunden, pp. of bindan, to bind. Boundes, s. pi. bounds, limits, F 571. O.F. bonne, F. borne, spelt Inning in nth century, from Low Lat. boiiina, a bound, limit. Bountee, s. bounty, goodness, B 1647, E 157, 415. From Lat. bonitatem, through the O. F. bonteit. Boweth, imp. pi. bow, E 113. Cf. A. S. bugdS, imp. pi. ofbugan, to bow.- Boydekins, s. pi. poniards, lit. bodkins, B 3892, 3897. Of doubtful origin; perhaps allied to W. bidog, a dagger ; cf. Gael. biodag, a dagger, from biod, a pointed top. Branched, adj. full of branches, F 156. F.branche; cf. Welsh braich, Lat. brackinm, an arm. Bras, s. brass, F 115, 181, 303. A. S. bras. Brawnes, s. pi. muscles, B 3131. O. F. braion, braon, a morsel of flesh, from M.H.G. brdte, O.H.G. prdlo, a piece of flesh ; cf. G. braten, roast meat, braten, to roast. Bred, pp. bred up, F 499. A. S. bre"dan, to nourish. Brede, s. breadth, B 3350. A. S. braedo, breadth, from brad, broad. Breech, s. a pair of breeches, 62049. A. S. brec, a pair of breeches, pi. of brdc ; cf. E. brogues (from the Irish), Lat. braccce (of Celtic origin). Breed, s. bread, B 3624, F 614. A. S. bredd, Icel. bravS, G. brot. Broke, v. to break, B 40. A. S. brecan, Mceso-Goth. brilean; cf. Lat. frangere. Brennen, v. to burn, B in; pt. pi. Brende, burnt, 3225; pp. Brent, 3354- 39 2 ; pres.part. Brenning, 1658. Icel. brenna, A. S. byrnan, Mceso-Goth. brinnan, G. brennen. Brest, s. breast, E 617. A.S. breost, Icel. brjdst, Mceso-Goth. brusts. Breste, v. to burst, break, E 1169. Icel. bresta, A. S. berstan, Swed. brista, to burst, break violently. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 235 Bretheren, s. // brethren, F 668. A.S. broftor, pi. broftra, brdftru; Icel. brttiSir, pi. 6r quotes, from the Promptorium Parvu- lorum the following ' Seluale, or seduale, setwale, setwaly, herbe, Zedoarinm.' And we find in Webster, ed. Mahn, the following ' Zedoary, n. (F. zedoaire, Prov. zednari, Ital. zedoario, zeltovario, Span, and Port, zedoario, zo- doario, Low Lat. amomnm ze- doaria, Ger. zilwer, O. H. Ger. zitawar, Arab. Pers. Hind, djad- wdr) a medicinal substance ob- tained in the East Indies, having a fragrant smell, and a warm, bitter, aromatic taste, used in medicine as a stimulant. " It is the root of a species of Cucuma, and comes in short, firm pieces, externally of a wrinkled gray, ash - coloured appearance, but within of a brownish-red colour. There are two kinds : round zedoary, said to be the root of Cucuma zerumbet, or Keempferia rotunda, and long zedoary, of Cvciima zedoaria." Dunglison." The English Cyclopaedia has Cur- cuma, not Cucuma, and explains C. Zedoaria as broad-leaved tur- meric, and says that ' its sensible properties are very like those of ginger, but not so powerful.' All the curcuma belong to the natural order of Zingiberaceee, or Ginger tribe. The way in which cetewale is generally classed with ginger and spices renders the explanation ' zedoary ' much more probable than ' valerian,' which I take to be a bad guess. And since the F. zedoaire takes in O. French the forms citoal, citoual, citouart (Ro- quefort), it is quite clear that Chaucer's cetewale is the O. F. citoal, and therefore only another spelling of zedoary. Chace, v. to chase, continue, E 341 ; to pursue, E 393, F 457. F. chasser. See Caughte. Chaffare, s. merchandise ; hence, matter, subject, E 2438. For chap-fare, from A. S. cedp, mer- chandise, and A. S.feriati, to carry about ; in the Ayenbite of Inwyt, ed. Morris, we have the verb chapfari, to trade, p. 162; and the substantive chapfare or chap- uare, chaffer, unfair dealing, pp. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 34. 35, 44. 9. I2 - See in Mor. Gloss, Chalk, s. chalk, F 409. A. S. cealc, borrowed from Lat. calcem, lime. Chamberere, s. maidservant, chambermaid, E 819; pi. Cham- bereres, 977. O. F. chamber ere, ckamberiere, from chambre, a chamber ; from Lat. camera. Chambre, s. a chamber, F 269 ; pi. Chambres, sleeping-rooms, E 263. F. ckambre, Lat. camera. Char, s. a chariot, car, B 3550, F 671. F. char. See Carie. Charbocle, s. carbuncle, a precious stone, B 2061. F. carboucle, escarboucle, from Lat. carbim- culus, a kind of precious stone ; which from carbo, a burning coal. Charge, s. responsibility, E 163, 193; importance, F 359. F. charger, Ital. caricare, to load ; from Low Lat. carricare, to load, from carnts. See Carie. Charge, i p. s. pr. I charge, I com- mand, E 164 ; pp. Charged, loaded, laden, B 3556. Charitee, s. love, 221. O. F. charitet, from Lat. caritatem, from earns, dear. Chasted, pp. chastened, taught, F 491. O. F. castier, chastier, F. chatter, Lat. castigare, to cas- tigate, chastise. Chastyse, v. to rebuke, restrain, B 3695. See above. Chaunce, s. chance, B 125. F. chance, O. F. cheance, Lat. cad- entia, from cadere, to befall. Chaunge, s. change, exchange, F 535- Chaunged, pp. changed, E 601. E. changer, Ital. and Low Lat. cambiare, Lat. cambire. Cheek, s. cheek, i. e. cheekbone, B 3228 ; dat. Cheke, 3233. A. S. ceuce, a cheek. Chees, pt. s. chose, B 3706. See Chese. Chere, s. demeanour, mien, B 97, 1901 ; E 238, 241, 782; F 103, 545; show, E 678; kindly ex- pression, ii 12. O. F. chere, F. chere, Low Lat. cara, a face. Cheryce, v. to cherish, indulge, B 3710; imp.pl. Cherisshelh, cherish ye, F 353. F. cherir, to hold dear, from F. cher, dear, Lat. earns. Cherles, s. pi. churls, B 3733. A. S. ceorl, a countryman, G. kerl, a fellow. Chese, v. to choose, E 130, 153; pt. s. Chees, B 3706. A. S. ceosan, G. kiesen, Du. leiezen, Mceso-Goth. kiusan, to choose. Chesing, s. choosing, choice, 162. Cheste, s. a chest, coffin, E 29. A. S. cist, G. kiste, Lat. cista. See Chest in Trench's Select Glossary. Cheynes, s. pi. chains, B 3554. F. chains, Lat. catena. Child, s. child, a term of address to a young man, B 2000 ; a young man, 3345. A. S. did, G. kind. Childhede, s. (dat.) childhood, B 1691, 3445. A. S. cildhdd, G. kindheit. Chiualrye, s. chivalry, chivalrous daring, B 3585 ; (spelt Chiualry) 2084 ; cavalry, troops of horse, 3871. F. chivalerie, cavalerie, from F. cheval, Lat. caballus, a horse. Chois, s. choice, 154; Choys, 170. F. choisir, to choose, bor- rowed from O. H. G. chiosan. Chyde, v. to chide, complain, F 649. A. S. cldan. Ciclatouu, s. a costly kind of thin cloth, B 1924. See note. I may add that the expression ' hwite. ' cidatune'** white ciclatoun occurs in O. Eng. Homilies, ed. Morris, 1st Ser. p. 193. Gink. See Sis. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Ciprees, s. cypress, B 2071. F. cypres, Lat. cupressiis. Citee, s. city, F. 46. F. ate, O. F. citet, Lat. ciullatem. Clad, pp. clothed, E 376. A. S. gecladed, clothed ; a pp. of which the infin. does not appear. Clamb, pt. s. climbed, B 1987. A. S. climban, pt. t. ic clamb ; G. klimmen, pt. t. ic Itlomm. Clappeth, pr. s. talks fast, B 3971; imp. pi. make a constant clatter, keep chattering, E 1200. A. S. clappan (?), to clap, Icel. Happa, G. Idopfen. Cf. E. clap-trap. Clapping, s. chatter, idle talk, E 999. See above. Clawes, s.pl. claws, B 3366. A. S. cldwti, Icel. Jelo, G. klave, a claw. Clene, adj. (def. form) clean, pure, unmixed, B 1183; adv. entirely, F 626. A.S. claene, pure. Clepen, v. to call, F 331 ; pr. s. Clepeth, calls, F 382 ; men cle- peth = people call, E 115; pr.pl. Clepen, B 92; pp. Cleped, called, named, B 61, F 12, 31, 374. A. S. cleopian, clypian, to call. Clere, adj.pl. clear, bright, 779. F. clair, Lat. clams. Clergeon, s. a chorister-boy, B 1693. See the note. Clerk, s. a clerk, learned man, stu- dent, E l ; pi. Clerkes, writers, B 3990, E 933. F. clerc, Lat. clericus, Gk. K\i)piKos t one who be- longs to the chosen, from K\rjpos, a lot. Clinken, v. to clink, to jingle, to ring, B 1 1 86. Du. klinken, G. klingen, to clink, ring. Clinking, s. tinkling, B 3984. Clippe, v. to clip, cut, B 3257 ; pp. Clipped, 3261. Icel. klippa, to clip, cut ; klippa hdr, to cut hair. Clobbed, adj. clubbed, B 3088. Icel. klnmba, klubba, a club. Cloisterer, s. a cloister-monk, B 3129. From F. cloitre, O. F. cloistre, Lat. claustruni. Clokke, s. a clock ; of the clokke = by the clock, 814. Du. klokke, a bell ; cf. G. glocke, F. cloche, Irish clog, a bell. Clombe. See Clymben. Clowe-gilofre, s. clove, spice, B 1952. F. clou de girofle. The F. clou is from Lat. clonus, a nail, from the shape ; F. girofle, is cor- rupted from Lat. caryophyllum, Gk. napv6(pv\\ov, lit. nut-leaf, from tcapvov, a nut, and (pv\\ov, a leaf. Clymben, v. to climb, F 106 ; pr. s. Clymbeth, B 3966 ; pp. Clombe, B 12; were clombe = hadst climbed, 3592. A.S. climban, G. klimmen. Cofre, s. a coffer, box, B 26, 1955, E 585. F. coffre, O.F. cofre, cofin, from Lat. cophintis, Gk. Kwpivos, a basket ; whence also E. coffin. Cokkel, s. cockle, i. e. the corn - cockle, Agrostemma githago, B 1183. Gael, cogall, tares, husks, the corn-cockle ; Cotgrave has ' Coquiol, a degenerate barley, or weed commonly growing among barley, and called havergrasse.' Colerik, adj. choleric, an epithet of the sign of Aries, as supposed to induce choler or anger in those whom it influenced, F 51. Lat. colericus, Gk. xoA.c/>(Kor, from X<>A.i7, cognate with Eng. gall. Coles, s. pi. coals, 63313. A.S. col, Icel. kol, a coal, G. kohle. Collacion, s. a conversation, con- ference, E 325. F. collation, from Lat. ace. collalionem. Col- latio sometimes means a disputing or debating. Coloured, pp. coloured, painted, of the same colour (with), B 3574. F. couletir, Lat. colorem. Coloures, s. pi. colours, pretences, F 511 (there is a pun on the 240 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. double sense of colour = hue and colour = pretence) ; ornaments of diction, E 16. Comandement, s. commandment, order, E 649. F. commande- inettt, from commander, Lat. com- ntendare. Come, pp. come, F 96 ; pr. s. siibj. 3 p. mayst come, B 119 ; 3 p. may come, comes, F 653. A. S. cuman, G. kommen. Comendeth, pr. s. commends, praises, B 76, Lat. commendare. Commune, adj. common, general, B 3436, E 431 ; s. commons, E 70. F. commitn, Lat. communis. Companye, s. company, B 1187. F. compagnie, a company ; com- pagne, a companion ; Low Lat. companium, a company, society. Comparisoun, s. comparison, E 666; Comparison, 817. F. com- paraison, from Lat. comparare, to compare. Compassioun, s. compassion, F 463. F. compassion, Lat. ace. compassionem, from cum, with, and pad, to suffer. Compleyne, v. to complain of, B 3975 ; pp. Compleyned, uttered his plaint, F 523. O. F. com- plaindre; F.plaindre, Lul.plang- ere, to wail, lament. Composicions, s. //. suitable ar- rangements, F 229. F. compo- sition, Lat. compositionem ; from cum, with, and ponere, to place. The F. composer seems to have been influenced by the meaning of Lat. pausare, to pause, from which the simple verb poser was derived. See poser in Diez. Comprehende, v. to comprehend, conceive of, take in (in the mind), F 223. Lat. comprehendere, from cum, with, and prehendere, to lay hold of. Cornlh, pr. s. comes, B 3094, 3I79- Comunly, adv. commonly, E 736. Comyn, s. cummin, 2045. Lat. cuminum, Gk. itvfuvov, Heb. kam- mon. 'A dwarf umbelliferous plant, somewhat resembling fennel, cultivated for its seeds, which have a bitterish, warm taste, with an aromatic flavour, and are used like those of anise and caraway.' Webster. Conclude, v. to conclude, draw a conclusion, 614. See below. Conclusioun, s. reason, F 492. F. conclusion, Lat. conclusionein ; from cum, with, and clandere, to shut. Condescende, v. to condescend, stoop to, come down to, F 407. Lat. condescendere, from scandere, to climb. Condiciou, s. condition, state, B 99. F. condition, Lat. condi- tionem. Confounded, pp. overwhelmed, B 100. Cf. the use of the word in the E. translation of the Te Deum. From Lat. confundere. Coniure, v. to conjure, B 1834. F. conjurer, Lat. coniurare. Conue, v. to con, learn, B 1730, 1 733. A. S. cunnian, to inquire into, to con; from cunnan, to know. Conning, adj. skilful, B 3690. From A. S. cunnan, to know ; Mceso-Goth. kunnan, G. Itonnen. Conning, s. cunning, skill, expe- rience, B 1671, F 35 ; dot. Conninge, B 1847. A. S. cunning, from cunnan, to know. Conningly, adv. skilfully, E 1017. Conseil, s. secret counsel, B 3218. 3219; in conseil = in secret, E 2431. F. conseil, Lat. consil- ium. Conspiracye, s. a plot, B 3889. From F. conspirer, Lat. conspirare, to conspire. Constance, s. constancy, E 668, GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 241 1000, 1008. F. Constance, from Lat. itare, to stand. Constellacion, s. constellation, cluster of stars, F 1 29. Constreyneth, fr. s. constrain, E 800. F. conlraindre, formerly constraindre, from Lat. constring- ere. Construe, v. to construe, to trans- late, B 1718. F. construir, Lat. constrvere. Contenance, s. demeanour, E 924 ; self-possession, mo. F. conte* nance, bearing, contenir, to con- tain, Lat. continere. Contrarien, v. to go contrary to, oppose, F 705. From Lat. con- trarius, contrary, contra, against. Contrarie, adj. contrary, B 3964. Contree, s. country, B 1908, 1912, E 436, F 319. F. contree, Ital. contrada, from Lat. contrata, the country over against one, from contra, against. Cf. G. gegend, country, from gegen, against. Conueyen, v. to convey, introduce, E 55 ; pt. pi. Conueyed, accom- panied, went as convoy, 391. F. conveyer, O. F. conveier, Low Lat. conuiare, to go on the way with, from via, a way. Co omen, pt. pi. came, B 1805. See Come. Corage, s. courage, B 1970, 3836; mind, E 511, 950; feeling, dis- position, E 220, 692, 787; will, 907; of his corage = in his dispo- sition, F 22. F. courage, O. F. corage, courage ; derived from Lat. cor, the heart. Corageous, adj. courageous, bold, Cordewane, s. Cordovan leather, B 1922. Cornea, s. pi. corn-fields, pieces of standing corn, B 3225. Corone, s. crown, garland, E 381 ; Coroune. 1 1 18. O. F. corone, from Lat. corona. VOL IL Corouned, pp. crowned, B 3555. Corps, s. corpse, F 519. F. corps, Lat. corpus, a body. Corpus, s. body ; corpus Dominus, false Latin for corpus Domini, the body of the Lord, B 1625 ; corpus Madrian (see note), 3082. Cors, s. body, Bin, 2098. Cost, s. cost, B 3564. F. couter, O. F. coster, couster, to cost, from Lat. cons/are, which sometimes has the same meaning. Costage, s. cost, expense, outlay, E 1126. Coste, s. the coast, B 1626. O. F. coste, from Lat. costa, a rib, side- Coste, pt. s. cost, B 1925. Cote, s. a cot, E 398. A. S. cote, Icel. kot, a cottage. Cote, s. a coat, outer garment, used of a part of a woman's apparel, E 913. F. cotte, O. F. cote; O. H. G. chozzo, a coat or mantle of a thick woolly substance, G. kotze, a shaggy covering, G. kutte, a cowl. Cote-armour, s. coat with armorial bearings, B 2056. See Mor. Gloss. Couche, v. to cower, E 1 206. F. coucher, O. F. coucer, colcker, from Lat. collocare, to place together ; from locus, a place. Coude, pt. s. (perhaps subj.) knew, or should know, F 39 ; knew, B 1735; knew how, 1926, 3375; could, F 97. See Can. Couent, s. conventual body, the monks composing the conventual body, B 1827, 1867. F. couvent, O. F. convent, from Lat. convening, a coming together; from venire, to come. Couered, pi. s. covered, E 914. F. couvrir, from Lat. cooperire, to cover up, from operire, to hide. Countenaunces, s. pi. looks, F 284. See Contenance. Countrefete, v. to counterfeit, imitate, F 554. F. contrefaire, to counterfeit; but the E. verb 242 QLOSSARIAL INDEX. seems to have been formed from the pp. contrefait. Countesse, s. a countess, E 590. O. F. contesse, F. comtesse; from O.F. conte, comte, F. comte, Lat. comitem, a companion. Countretaille. s. lit. countertally, i.e. correspondence (of sound) ; at the countretaille = corresponding- ly, in return, E 1190. F. centre, against, tattle, a cut, incision, from tattler, to cut, Low Lat. la Hare, taleare, to cut; cf. Lat. talea, a cutting, shoot cut off, a stake. The idea is here taken from the cutting of corresponding notches on two corresponding sticks or tallies. Cours, s. course, B 3186, F 66. F. cours, Lat. cursus. Courser, s. courser, horse, F 310. F. coursier, lit. a runner, from course, running, coursing ; Low Lat. cnrsa, an expedition, from currere, to run. Couth, pp. known, E 942. A. S. cdS, known, pp. of cunnan, to know ; Mceso - Goth, kunths, known, from kunnan, to know ; so that cu'S = cunlS. Coward, adj. cowardly, B 3100. F. couard, cowardly ; lit. one who drops his tail, first spoken of ani- mals ; from F. cone, Lat. cauda, a tail. So also Ital. codardo, a coward, from coda, a tail, Lat. cauda. Mr. Wedgwood explains it of the hare, making couard mean the bobtailed, since in the Venery de Twety (Reliquiae An- tiquae, p. 153) the hare is spoken of as ' le coward ou le court cow ' (short-tail). Coy, adj. or adv. still, quiet, E 2. F. coi, from Lat. quietus, quiet ; so that E. coy and quiet are doublets; coy being the older. The / is preserved in the F. fem. form coite. Coyn, s. coin, E 1168. F. coin, a coin : also a stamp upon coin, from Lat. cuneus, a wedge, no doubt used in the stamping pro- cess. Crabbed, adj. shrewish, cross, bit- ter, E 1203. Craft, s. skill, way of doing a thing, F 185 ; secret power, might, B 3258; subtle contrivance, F 249. A. S. craft, skill, Icel. kraptr, G. Itraft. Craftily, adv. cunningly, skilfully, B 48. Crepe, . to creep, B 3627 ; pr. s. Crepeth, E 1134. A. S. creopan, Icel. Ttrjupa, to creep. Cristen, adj. Christian, B 1679. Crist emasse, s. Christmas, B 1 26, I730- Crouned, pp. crowned, i.e. su- preme, F 526. See Corone. Croys, s. cross, E 556. F. croj*, O. F. crois, Lat. ace. crucem. Crueltee, s. cruelty, 1225. F. cruaute, O. F. crualle, cruelte, Lat. crudelitatem; from crudelis, cruel. Cubytes, s. pi. cubits, B 3350. Lat. cnbitus, the elbow; also a cubit, the distance of the elbow to the end of the middle finger, about 1 8 inches. Cuppe, s. a cup, F 616. A. S. cuppe, from Lat. cupa, a cup. Cures, s. pi. cares, pursuits, 82. F. cure, Lat. cura, care ; cf. E. cure (i. e. care) of souls. Cursedly, adv. wickedly, abomi- nably, B 3419. A. S. cursian, to curse, curs, a malediction. Cursednes, s. malice, B 1821 ; wickedness, 3575 ; Cursednesse, shrewishness, E 1 239. Curteisly, adv. courteously, B 1636. Curteisye, s. courtesy, refinement, B 3686, E 74, F 95. F. conrt- oisie, O. F. curteisie, courtesy, O.F. curteis, courteous, from O. F. GL OSS A RIAL INDEX. 243 cort, a court, Lat. cohortem, used by Palladius to mean a farm ; cf. court as a suffix in names of places. D. Daliaunce, s. playful demeanour; he doth daliaunce, he behaves playfully and goodnaturedly, B 1 894. Evidently formed after the French manner ; but not in most French dictionaries. However, Godefroy has : ' dallier, railler,' i. e. to mock. From prov. G. dalen, dahlen, to prattle, to trifle. The Exmoor dwallee means ' to talk incoherently.' Dampned, pp. condemned, B 3605. F. damner, O. F. damp- neir, Low Lat. dampnare, Lat. damnare, to condemn. Dan, s. (for Dominus), sir, B 3982. F. dom, lord, O. F. dans, from Lat. dominus. Dappel-gray, s. dapple gray, B 2074. Dapple is a Low-German word ; cf. E. dab, a spot ; Icel. depill, a spot, dot; a dog with spots over the eyes is also called depill. Dar, i p. s. pr. I dare, B 3110, E 803, F 36, 581. A. S. ic dear, I dare; pt. t. ic dorste, I durst. Daunce, s. dance, F 277; pi. Daunces, 283. Daunce, v. to dance, B 126, F 312 ; pr. pi. Dauncen, F 272. F. danser, from O. H. G. danson, to draw along; see Brachet and Burguy. Daungerous, ap. drenched, i.e. drowned, B 69. A. S. drencan, to make to drink, drench, drown; pp. gedrenced. Driue, pp. driven, B 3203. Dronke, pt. pi. drank, B 3418; Dronken, 3390 ; pp. Dronke, diunk, 3758. Drough, pt. s. refl. drew himself, approached, B 1710; pt. s. Drow, drew, 3292. Droughte, s. drought, F 118; A. S. drrigaft, dryness ; drdgian, drigan, to dry; from dryge, dry. Dryue, v. to drive, F 183; pp. Driue, driven, B 3203. A.S. drifan, to drive, pp. drifen. Dul, adj. dull, F 279. A.S. dol, Goth, dwals, foolish. Dure, v. to last, endure, E 166, 825. F. durer, Lat. durare; from dttrus, hard. Dyed,/)/, s. dyed, steeped, F 511. A.S. dedgian, to dye; dedg, a dye, a colour. Dyen, v. to die, B 114, 3618; Dye, 3324, E 38; pt. s. Dvde, died, B 3986. See Deyen. Dyghte, v. to dight, prepare, E 974; Dyghte me, prepare myself to go, B 3104; pp. Dyght, pre- pared himself to go, 3719. A. S. dihlan, to prepare; G. dichten, O. H. G. tihten, to set in order. E. Ebbe, s. ebb, F 259. A. S. ebba, an ebb, reflux ; ebbian, to ebb. Echon, adj. each one, B iSiS; Echoon, E 124. Eek, adv. eke, also, B 59, 70, 1877. A. S. edc, Du. oo*, G. auch, Mceso-Goth. auk. Eet, pt. s. ate, B 3362, 3407 ; imp. s. eat, 3640. A. S. etan, pt. t. ic at; cf. G. essen, pt. t. ich ass. 248 GLOSS ARIAL INDEX. Eft, adv. again, E 1227, F 631. A.S. eft, again, back, after. Egle, s. eagle, F 123; gen. Egles, B 3365. F. aigle, Lat. aquila. The A.S. word is ern, earn. Egre, adj. eager, sharp, fierce, E 1199. F. aigre, Lat. ace. acrem, from acer. Eightetethe, orJ. adj. eighteenth, 65. A. S. eahlaleti'Sa. Ekko, s. echo, E 1189. Lat. echo, Gk. r'ixw ; from ?jx os > a noise. Elaat, adj. elate, B 3357. Lat. flatus, Elder, adj. eomp. older, B 1720, 3450. A. S. eald, old ; comp. yldra, older. Eldres, s. pi. elders, forefathers, B 3388, E 65, 156. A. S. yldra, older ; the pi., yldran, means elders, parents. Elf-queen, s. fairy queen, B 1978, 1980. A.S. celf, an elf, whence JElf-red (elf-counsel), Alfred ; Icel. dlfr, an elf, fairy; spelt ouphe in Shakespeare. Elles, adv. else, otherwise, B 2129, 3232, 3983. A.S. elles, other- wise ; the A. S. prefix el- means other, foreign, strange ; cf. Lat. al-ias, al-ius, al-ienus, al-ter. Eluish, adj. elvish, i. e. abstracted, vacant, absent in demeanour, B 1893. The word occurs as aluhch in Sir Gawain and the Grene Knight, 68 1, where it seems to mean having super- natural power ; but no such compliment is intended here. * As the elves had power to be- witch men, a silly, vacant person is in Icelandic called dlfr; hence dlfalegr, silly ; dlfaskapr and dlfa- hdttr, silly behaviour ' ; Cleasby's Icel. Diet. See the note. Emeraude, s. emerald, B 1799. F. cmeraude, O. F. estneralde, from Lat. stnaragdus. Emperoures, s. pi. emperors, B 3558. F. emperetir, O. F. em* pereor, Lat. imperatorem. Empoisoned, pp. poisoned, B 3850. F. empoisonner, to poison ; poison is a doublet of potion ; from Lat. potionem, a drink ; from po'.are, to drink ; whence also potation. Emprinteth, imp. pi. imprint, im- press, E 1193. F. empreindre, from Lat. imprimere ; from prem- ere, to press. Empryae, s. enterprise, B 3857. O. F. emprise, emprinse, an enter- prise ; F. prendre, to take, Lat. prekendere, prendere. Encheson, s. occasion, cause, F 456. O. F. enckaison, an occa- sion (Roquefort) ; from ehaoir, to happen, Lat. cadere. Encresen, v. to increase, B 1654; pr. s. Encresseth, E 50; pp. En- cressed, 408. Norman Fr. en- crecer, from Lat increscere. Endelcmg, prep, down along, F 416. A.S. andlang, G. entlang, along; the prefix is seen in full in Moeso-Goth. anda, Lat. ante, Gk. dm-, Sanskr. anti (Vedic), signifying against, opposite, &c. Endure, v. to last, B 3538; F. endurer, Lat. indurare. See Dure. Endyte, v. to indict, B 3858 ; pr. pi. 2 p. endite, compose, E 17; pr. s. Endyteth, endites, composes, E 41, 1148; pp. Endyted, com- posed, B 3170. O. F. endider, enditier, to indicate, from diiier, to dictate, Lat. dictare. Enformed, pp. informed, E 738, F 335. Lat. informare, through the French. Cotgrave has ' En- former, to form, fashion,' &c. Engendred, pp. engendered, be- gotten, E 158. F. engendrer, Lat. ingenerare, to implant ; from Lat. genus = E. kin. Engyn, s. a 'gin,' machine, F 184. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 249 F. engin, meaning (i) skill, (2) an engine; from Lat. ingenium, skill. Enlumined, ft. s. illumined, E 33- F. enlttminer, Lat. illumin- are; from lumen, light, which from lux, light. Enquere, v. to enquire, E 769. F. enqtierir, Lat. inquirers; from quaerere, to seek. Ensample, s. example, B 78, 3281. O. F. ensample (Roque- fort), Lat. exemplum. Entencion, s. intention, purpose, E 703. O. F. intention, a design (Roquefort) ; Lat. intentionem. Entende, v . to direct one's atten- tion, apply oneself, B 3498 ; to attend, dispose oneself, F 689. F. entendre, Lat. intendere. Entente, s. intention, B 40, E 735, 874; meaning, F 400; design, B 3835, F 521 ; wish, E 189; mind, B 1740; in good entent = with good will, B 1902; as to commune entente, with reference to its common (i. e. plain) meaning, i. e. in plain in- telligible language, F 107. Entraille, s. entrails, inside, E 1188. F. entrailles, Low Lat. intrania, Lat. interanea (Pliny), from interus, inward, intra, with- in. Envenimed, pp. envenomed, poi- soned, B 3314. F. envenimer, to poison ; F. venin, Lat. venenum, poison. Envye, s. envy, jealousy, B 3584, 3888. F. envie, Lat. inuidia. Epistolis, dat. case pi. (Latiti), epistles, B 55. E quite e, s. equity, justice, E 439. F. eqvite, Lat. aequitatem. Er, conj. ere, B 119, 1667, aoi 5 5 F 130; er now, ere now, F 460; er that, before, E 178. A. S. air, Mceso-Goth. air, whence E. tarty. Ere, s. ear, F 196, 316; pi. Ere?, B 3726, E 629. A. S. tare, Mceso-Goth. atiso, Lat. auris. Erl, s. earl, B 3597, 3646; pi. Erles, 3839. A.S. eorl, Icel.jarl, a chief. Erly, adv. early, F 379. A. S. eerlice; see Er. Ernest, s. earnest, 723. A. S. eornost, certain, sure, G. ernsl; allied to Icel. ern, brisk, vigorous, and Gk. opvvfu, I excite. Ernestful, adj. serious, E 11/5. Erst, adv. before, E 336; at erst = at first, first of all, B 1884, E 985. A. S. eerest, first, superl. of 4005; for euermo = continually, E 754 ; Euermore, F 124. Exametron, s. a hexameter, B 3 1 69. Gk. (^afntrpov, neuter of If a/^frpos, a six-foot verse ; from f(, six, and Utrpov, a metre, measure. Excellente, adj. excellent, F 145. F. excellent, Lat. excellentem. Expert, adj. experienced, B 4. F. expert, Lat. expertns. Expoune, v. to expound, explain, B 3398 ; Expounde, 3940 ; pt. s. Expouned, 3399 ; Expowned, 3346. O. F. espondre, to ex- pose, Lat. exponere. Ey, inter), eh ! E 2419. Cf. G. . Eyleth, pr. s. ails, B 1171, 1975; pt. s. impers. Eyled, ailed, F 501. A. S. eglian, to feel pain, eglan, to give pain, egl, trouble ; Moeso- Goth. agio, tribulation, aglns, troublesome; cf. Goth, agis, E. awe. P. Pace, s. face; a technical term in astrology, signifying the third part of a sign (of the zodiac) ; a part of the zodiac ten degrees in ex- tent, F 50. See the note. Fader, gen. sing, father's, B n/8, 3121, 3127; fader day, father's day, father's time, 3374, E 1136; we also find Fadres, B 3534, 3630, E 809 ; pi. Fadres, fathers, ancestors, E 61 ; parents, origi- nators, B 129. A. S. fader (gen. fader} G. vater, Lat. pater. Sanskr. pilrl, a father, guardian ; from pa, to guard, nourish. Faille, v. to fail, B 3955. F. faillir, Lat. fallere. Paire, adj. def. as sb. the fair part, F 518 ; voc. case Faire, 485. A. S. faegr, Moeso-Goth. fagrs, fair; cf. Gk. 111770$, well-fastened, strong, from irrf^vviM, I fasten ; cf. Goth.fahan, to seize. Pairnesse, s. fairness, beauty, E 384. A. S.fcegsrnes. Pairye, s. fairyland, B 1992, 2004, F 96 ; fairy contrivance, magic, F 201. .f eerie, O. F. faerie, en- chantment; F. fee, Ital. fata, a fairy, from Low Lat. fata, a witch, who presides over fate; Lat. fatum, destiny. Palle, v. to fall, happen, light, E 1 26 ; to suit, E 259 ; Fallen, to happen, F 134; pp. Falle, fallen, B 3196, 3268 ; happened, E 938 ; Fallen, accidentally placed, F. 684. A. S. feallan. Pals, adj. false, B 74 ; def. False, 3727. F. faux, O. F. fals, Lat. falsus. Palsed, pp. falsified, broken (faith), F 627. Fame, s. good report, E 418. F. fame, Lzt.fama. Pantasyes, s. pi. fancies, F 205. F. fantaisie, Gk. - pl- Fonde, B 3 2 59 p 1 ' * subj. Fonde, 35 2 i. Fonde, v. to endeavour, B 2080; to attempt, try, E 283. A. S. fandian, to try, tempt, search out ; connected with findan, to find. Foo, s. foe, enemy, B 1748, 3415, F 136; pl. Foon, foes, B 3896; Foos, B 3219, 3519. A.S. f ah, a foe ; pl./a; from the same root zs fiend. See Feend. Fool, s. a fool, employed to make sport, B 3271. F. fol, fan. Fool-hardy, adj. foolishly bold, B 3106. Foo-men, *. pl. foes, B 3255, 357- Foon, Foos. See Foo. Foond. See Fond. For, conj. because, B 1705, F 74; in order that, F 102 ; frep. as regards, with respect to, B 13, 474; on account of, B 3321; against, 2052; for me = by my means, F 357. A.S. for. Forage, s. forage, food, B 1973. F. fourrage, O. F. fourage, from O. F. forre, fodder, Low Lat. fodrum, fodder; from a Teutonic source; cf. O. H.G. fuo.'ar, E. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 353 fodder; which from the root of Moeso-Goth. fodjan, to feed; cf. E. food. To forage is therefore to search for fodder and food. Forbede, imp. s. 3 p. may he for- bid; god f orbed e = God forbid, E 136, 1076 ; pt. s. Forbad, forbade, 570. A. S. forbeddan, Mceso- Goth. faurbiudan. Forby, adv. past, B 1759, I79 2 - Cf. Dan. forbi, past, gone; G. vorbei. Fordrye, adj. very dry, exceed- ingly dry, withered up, F 409. Cf. A. S. fordrigan, to dry up, parch. Forfered, pp. exceedingly afraid; forfered of, very afraid for, F 527. The prefix for- is the A. S. for-, G.ver-, Mceso-Goth./ra-, or some- times four-, as in faurbiudan, to forbid. Forgeten, pp. forgotten, E 469. A. S. forgitan, to forget, pp. for- geten, G. vergessen. Forgoon, v. to forgo (commonly misspelt forego), E 171. A.S. forgdn, to forgo, pass by, Mceso- Goth. faurgaggan, to pass by; different from Moeso-Goth. fau- ragaggan, to go before, which might be represented by forego, as, indeed, it is in the phrase 1 a foregone conclusion,' Othello, iii. 3. 428 ; cf. G. vergehen and vorgehen. Forlete, v. to leave, yield up, B 1848. A. S. forlfetan, to let go ; G. verlassen, to leave. Fors, s. force, matter; no fors = no matter, E 1092, 2430. F. force, Low Lat. fortia, strength ; fiomforlis, strength. I gyue no force, I care nat for a thyng, // ne men chault' ; Palsgrave's French Diet. Forsake, v. to forsake, leave, B 3431. A.S. forsacan. Forth, adv. forth, F 605 ; used as v. = go forth, F 604. A.S./orS. Forthermore, adv. furthermore, moreover, 169. Forward, s. an agreement, B 34, 1167; promise, 40. A. S. fore- vieard, an agreement ; from fore, before, and vieard, a ward, or guard; not connected with word. Foryelde, v. to requite, yield in return, E 831. A. S. forgyldan, to recompense; from gyldan, to pay, to yield; cf. Mceso-Goth. fragildan, G. vergelten. Foryetful, adj. forgetful, E 472. The A. S. form isforgitol. Foryiue, v. to forgive, E 526. A.S.forgifan, Mceso-Goth. fragib- an, G. vergeben. Fostred, pt. s. nurtured, kept, E 322; pp. E 1043, F 500. A.S. fosterian, to nourish, faster, food ; from the same root as food and fodder. See Forage. Fote s. a foot ; on fote, on foot, F 390. A.S. f6t, G. fuss; Lat. ace. pedem, Gk. ace. voSa, Sanskr. pad. Foul, adj. ugly, E 1209; Foule, poor, wretched, B 4003 ; Foul, adj. as sb. foul weather, F lai. A.S. fill, Mceso-Goth. fuls, foul. Foul, s. bird, F 149, 435; //. Foules, 53, 398. A. S. fugel, G. vdgel. Founde, pp. found, E 146; Founden, 520. Fourneys, s. a furnace, B 3353. F. fournaise, 'Lai. fornacem. Foxes, s. pi. foxes, B 3121 ; gen. pi. 3223. A. S.fox, G. fucks. Frankeleyn, s. franklin, F 675. Fraunchyse, s. liberality, B 3854. F. franchise, freedom, franc, free. Frayneth, pr. s. prays, beseeches, B 1790. A.S. fregnan, Icel. fregna, Mceso-Goth. fraihnan, to ask; cf. G.fragen, Lat. precari. Fredom, s. liberality, B 3832. Free, adj. liberal, bounteous, B 1854; Fre, profuse, E 1209; 254 GLOSS 'A RIAL INDEX. Free, noble, B 1911. A.S.freo, G.frei. Frely, adv. freely, E 352. Freletee, s. frailty, E 1160. F. frele, frail, fragile. Frailty is a doublet of fragility, from Lat. fragiliiatem. Fremde, adj. foreign, F 429. A. S. fremed, foreign, Mceso-Goth. framatkeis, G.fremde, strange. Frendes, s. pi. friends, B 121. A.S.frednd, Mceso-Goth. frijonds, a loving one, from Goth. Jrijon, to love, Sanskr. pri, to love. Freres, s. pi. friars, E 12. Y.frere, Lat. fratrem. Frete, v. to eat up, devour, B 3294. A.S. frelan, G. fresseti, Mceso-Goth. fra-itan, to devour ; lit. tofor-eat, eat up. Fro, prep, from, B 24, 121, F 464. A.S./ra. Fruyt, s. fruit, i.e. result, F 74. F. fruit, Lat. frttctus. Ful, adj. full, B 86 ; adv. very, B 3506, F 52 ; Ful many, very many, F 128. A.S. full, G. voll. Fulfild, pp. fulfilled, E 596 ; filled full, B 3713. Fulliche, adv. fully, E 706. Fulsomnesse, s. satiety, profuse- ness, F 405. Fumositee, s. fumosity, i.e. the fumes of drink, F 358. From Lat./wmws, smoke, fume. Furial, adj. tormenting, F 448. Lat. furialis, furious. Furlong, s. a furlong; furlong wey = a distance of a furlong, i.e. a short time, 516. A.S. furh, a furrow; it means fitrrow~ long, the length of a furrow. Fy, inter j. fie 1 F 686. Welsh ffi ; cf. G. pfui. Fyf, num. five, B 3602. A. S. ftf, Mceso-Goth. fimf, G. funf, Lat. quinque, Gk. irivrf, vi^itf, Sanskr. panchan. Fyn, s. end, purpose, result, B 3348, 3884. Y.fin, Lat./nw. Fynally, adv. finally, at last, F 576. Fyne, adj. pi. fine, good, F 640. F.Jin, G.fein. Fyr, s. fire, B 3734. A. S. fyr, G. fever, Gk. irvp. Fyue, num. five, Bis. See Fyf. G. Galle, s. gall, B 3537. A. S. gealla, Lat./e/, Gk. \O\TI. Galoche, s. a shoe, F 555. F. galoche, Low Lat. calopedia, sug- gested by Gk. Ka\oirfdi\a, a wooden shoe; properly a piece of wood tied to a cow's legs, a clog ; from K&Xov, a log, irtStA.op, a clog, fetter. Galping,/raaa, the tongue ; also a language; also, a word needing explanation ; hence, an explana- tion. Glose, v. to flatter, B 3330; Glosen, to comment upon, 1180. Glyde, v. to glide ; vp glyde = to rise up gradually, F 373; pt. s. Glood, q. v. ' Gnow, pt. s. gnawed, B 3638. A. S. gnagan, to gnaw; pt. t. ic gn6h. Goddes, gen. sing. God's, B 1166, 1169, 1175. Gold-thred, s. gold thread, golden twine, B 3665. Gon, v. to go, proceed, F 200, 327 ; Goon, E 847 ; 2 p. s. pr. Goost, goest, walkest about, B 3123; pr. pi. Goon, go, proceed, E 898 ; pp. Goon, gone, B 17, E 774; goon is many a yere = many a year ago, B 132. A.S. gdn, also gangan ; G. gehen, Mceso-Goth. gaggan (pronounced gangan). Gonne, pt. pi. did ; gonne arace = did tear away, removed, E 1103. See Gan. Goode, adj. voc. good, E 852; nom. def. B 3084. A.S. god, Icel. gtfSr, G. gut. Goodly, adj. good, proper, pleas- ing, right, B 3969 ; good-looking, portly, 4010. A.S. gddltc. Goon, Goost. See Gon. Goost, s. a' ghost, B 3124; spirit, E 926, 972 ; the Hcly Ghost, B 1660; yaf vp the goost=died, 1862. A.S. gdst, G. geist, the breath, a spirit. Goshauk, s. goshawk, B 1928. A.S. gos, a goose; gdshafoc, a goosehawk, a hawk used to chase wild geese ; cf. gos-ling. Gospel, s. gospel ; here, a text from a gospel, B 1 180. A. S. godspell, at first from god, good, spell, a story, as a translation of the Gk. tvayy(\iov ; but afterwards a life of Christ, lit. the story of God, as appears from O. H. G. golspel and Icel. guftspjall. Gossomer, s. gossamer, F 259. Goth, pr. s. goes, B 1698, F 392 ; imp. pi. Goth. E 568; Gooth, B 3384. See Gon. Gouernaille, s. management, mas- tery, E 1192. Properly it means the steering, management of the helm; from F. goiivernail, Lat. gubernacvlum, the helm of a ship. Gouernance, s. providence, E 1161; arrangement, plan, 994; Gouernaunce, control, E 23 ; sovereignty, B 3541 ; his gouern- aunce = the way to manage him, Gouerne, v. govern, control, B 3587 ; imp. pi. Gouerneth, ar- range, 322. F. gouverner, Lat. gtibernare. Gouernour, s. governor, master, principal, B 3130. F. gouvernevr, Lat. gubernatorem. Grace, s. favour, kindness, F 458 ; Gras, grace, B 2021 ; of grace, out of favour, in kindness, F 161. F. grace, Lat. gratia. Grammere, s. grammar, B 1726. F. grammaire, Low Lat. gram- maria; from Low Lat. gramma, Gk. fpapua, a letter; fpdaAij ; cf. S.inskr. kapdla, a skull (Curtius). Eeeld, i p. s. pt. held, considered, GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 259 E 818; ft. s. Heeld, held, B 1760,3374; possessed, 3518; pi. Helde, held, B 3506 ; considered, E 426. A. S. healdan, pt. t. ic heold. Heep, s. a heap, i. c. a great num- ber, quantity, B 1687, E 2429. A. S. heap ; note the use of the G. katife, a heap, a great number, a throng. Hesr, adv. here, B 1177, 1180, E 36. A. S. her. Heer-vp-on, adv. hereupon, here- on, E 190. Heigh, adj. high, lofty, B 3192. See Hy. Heir, s. heir, B 3833 ; //. Heires, 3534- O.F. heir, hoir, Lat. hares. Hele, v. to heal, F 240, 471 ; Helen (gerund), 641 . A. S. h&lan, to make whole ; from hdl, whole ; cf. Icel. heill, hale. Helde. See Heeld. Helle, s. (dative), hell, B 3292. A. S. hell, gen., and dat. helle. Helmed, pp. provided with a helmet, B 3560. A. S. helm, a helmet ; lit. a covering, from helan, to cover. Help, s. help, F 459. A.S. help, Icel. hjalp, G. hulfe. Hem, pron. pi. ace. them, B 51, 52, 56, &c.; dat. E 614, &c. A.S. him, dat. pi. of he. Heng, pt. s. (transitive), hung, B 1824. A.S. h6n, to hang; pt. t. ic hing, pp. hangen. Hermes forth, adv. henceforth, F 658. The A. S. form is heonan- /ortS. Hente, pt. s. seized, caught, B 1 760, 3895 ; seized, took forcibly, E 534; took in hunting, B 3449; pp. Kent, seized, E 676. A.S. kentan, to seize; the Moeso- Goth. has the compound verb fra-hinthan, to take captive ; cf. E. hand, hunt. Her, pron. poss. their, B 3284, 339. 3536, E 185. A. S. heora, gen. pi. of he. Herbergage, s. lodging, abode, E 20 1. O. F. herberage, herbergage, lodging (Roquefort); from her- berge (F. auberge), a lodging; O. H. G. heriberga, cognate with Icel. herbergi, a station where an army rests on its march ; Icel. herr, an army, bergi, a shelter; the modern spelling of herbergi is harbour. Herbes, s. pi. herbs, E 226, F 470, 640. F. kerbe, Lat. herba. Here, v. to hear, B 98, 133, 1642 ; Keren, 3963 ; pt. s. Herde, heard, 1708; pp. Herd, 2146, 3823. A. S. keran. Heres, s. pi. hair, B 3248, E 379, 1085. A.S. hoar. Herieth, pr. s. praises, B 1808 ; 2 p. Heriest, praisest, worshippest, 3419; pr. pi. Herie, E 616 ; Herien, B 1868. A.S. herian, to praise, from here, fame. Herkne, v. to hearken, listen to, B 3159; imp. s. Herkua, B 113; imp. pi. Herkneth, B 1 1 74, 2083, 2155, 3 1 73. El 141, 1 163; Herk- eneth, B 1164; pt. s. Herkned, B 1711; pres. part. Herkning, listening to, F 78; pp. Herkned after = listened for, expected, F 403. A.S. heorcnian, to listen to. Heronsewes, s. pi. hernshaws, young herons, F 68. Cotgrave has ' Hairon, a heron, herne, herneihawe? The spelling hern- show is to be found in Spenser, F. Q^ vi. 7. 9. Halliwell has ' Hernshaw, a heron,' and quotes ' Ardeola, an hearnesew' from Elyot's dictionary, 1559 ; and also notes the spelling Heronsew in Reliquiae Antiquae, i. 88. Heironsew occurs in a list of birds in the Babees Boke, ed. S 2 260 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Furnivall, p. 165. The term keronsew for a heron is still known in Swaledale, Yorkshire, and in other parts of England is found as hernshaw or harnsa. The sense is quite certain, though the etymology is less clear. It answers, however, to O. F. heronfeau, found as herouncel in Anglo-French. And, as it is correctly formed, like lionpeau from lion, this suggestion is pro- bably correct. Herying, s. praise, B 1649. See Herieth. Herte, *. heart, B 101, 1661, 1745, 412; sing, or pi. gen. Herte?, hearts, E 112. A. S. heorte, Moeso-Goth. hairto, G. kerz. Hertely, adv. heartily, B 3983. Hertes, s. gen. hart's, B 3447. A. S. heorot, heart, G. hirsch. Hertly, adj. hearty, lit. heart-like, E 176, 502, F 5. Heste, s. command, B 3754, E 128, 568, F 114; pi. Hestes, 529. A.S. has, a command; the addition of / after s is com- mon in English, as in amongst, amidst. Heuedes, s. pi. heads, B 2032. See Heed. Ileuen, s. heaven, the celestial sphere, B 3300 ; a heaven, a supreme delight, F 558 ; gen. Heuen, of heaven, B 3986 ; dot. Heuene, F 149. A.S. heofon. Heuinesse, s. heaviness, grief, sorrow, B 3959, E 432, 678. A. S. hefignes, from hefig, heavy. Hewe, s. hue, appearance, mien, E 377- F 58, 587. 640. A.S. hiw, hue, colour, form. Hey, s. hay, grass, B 3407. A. S. Aig, Moeso-Goth. hawi, G. hen. The word in this passage probably means green growing grass uncut. Cf. A.S. Gospels, S. Mark vi. 39, where ' on the green grass * is ex- pressed by 'ofer thaet grene hig.' Hey, adj. high, F 545. See Hy. Hidde, I p. s. pt. hid, F 595. A. S. hydan, pt. t. ic hydde. Hider, adv. hither, nearer, B 4000. A.S. hider. Hiderward, adv. hither, in this direction, B 3159. A.S. hider- ward. Highte, pt. s. was called, was named, B 3310, F 30, 33; is called, B 3651. See Hyghte. Him, dot. pi. to them ; him semed, it seemed to them, they supposed, F 56 ; dot. sing, to him ; him semed, it seemed to him, he appeared, B 3361. A.S. him, dat. sing, and pi. of he. Him-seluen, pron. himself, B 44. Hir, pron. poss. their, B 112 (better spelt Her) ; her, B 65, 3438. A.S. hira, of them, gen. pi. ; hire, of her, to her, gen. and dat. sing. ; often used instead of the ace. hi. , Hir-selue,/>roH. herself, F 384. His, poss. pron. neut. its, E 263, F 405. A.S. his, gen. sing, neuter of he. Hit, pr. s. hides, F 512. Hit is a contracted form, equivalent to hideth. It also appears as hut; as in ' yef me hut ant heleS it.' if one hides and conceals it ; St. Marharete, p. 15. Ho, inttrj. halt! B 3957. Cf. Du. hou, hold I from houden, to hold. Hode, s. dat. a hood, B 1630; Hoode, 2101. A.S. hdd. Hold, s. hold, grasp, F 167. Holde, v. to hold, keep, B 41 ; to keep to, F 658 (see Proces); pr. s. subj. keep, take, E 287; pp. Holde, held, kept, E 273; con- sidered to be, F 70 ; Holden, considered, E 205, 8 a 8 ; imp. pt. Holdeth, B 37. A.S. healdan, Icel. halda, Moeso-Goth. haldan. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 26l Holpen, pp. helped, aided, F 666. Horn, adv. home, homewards, F 435. A. S. ham, a home, house, village ; G. helm, Gk. KW/XOS. Homicyde, s. homicide, assassin, B 1757. Lat. homicida, a man- slayer. Homlinesse, s. homeliness, domes- ticity, E 429. Horn-ward, adv. homeward, B 1 739. A. S. hdtnweard, hdmweardes. Hond, s. hand, B 3393, 3506; pi. Hondes, 3214, 3542. A. S. hand, hand; cf. hentan, to grasp. Honest, adj. honourable, worthy, B 1751, E 333. F. honnete, O.F. fr.oneste, Lat. honeslits. Honestee, s. honour, dignity, B 3157. Honestetee, s. honourableness, honour, E 422. Honoureth, imp. pi. honour ye, E 370 ; pp. Honoured, wor- shipped, B 3753. O. F. honourer, Lat. honorare. Honurable, adj. honourable, E 767. Hony, s. honey, B 3537, F 614. A. S. hunig. Hoo, inter/, hoi B 1174. See Ho. Hoode, s. dot. a hood, B 2101. See Hode. Hool, adj. whole, E 861 ; well, F 161. A. S. Ml, cognate with Gotb. hails, whole. Hcom, adv. homewards, B 3548. Hope, s. hope, F 487. A. S. hopa. Hors, s. a horse, B 15, E 388; pi. Hors, horses, B 1823, 3294. A. S. hors, a neuter noun, with pi. hors ; Icel. Aross, pi. hross, sometimes spelt hors; O.H.G.hros; whence G. ross. Hors occurs as a plu- ral in Trevisa, Spec, of English, xviii a. 108. Cf. A. S. horse, swift, Lat. currere, to run. Horsly, adj. horselike, like all that a horse should be, F 194. Hosen, s. pi. hose, B 1923. A. S. hose, a stocking ; pi. hosan. Hoste, s. host, B r, 39, i62e,, 3970, E i. F. hole, O.F. hoste, Portu- guese hospede, Lat. hospidcm. Hote, adj. hot, an epithet of Aries, as supposed to induce anger and heat of blood, F 51. A.S. hat, G. heiss. Hous, s. a ' house,' or ' mansion,' in astrology, F 672 ; a house- hold, 24. A. S. hus. Housbond, s. a husband, E 698 ; Housbonde, B 3502. A.S. hus- bonda; Icel. husbondi, which is a pres. part, contracted from hus- bdandi, or hus-buandi, the inhabi- tant or occupier of a house ; from bua, to inhabit. The sense is there- fore that of the possessor of a farm or master of a house. No connection with bond or bind. Houndes, s. pi. dogs E 1095. A. S. Inind, Icel. hundr, Lat. canem, Gk. it'vva. Human! tee, s. kindness, 92 From Lat. hvmanus, kind. Humblesse, s. humility, B 1660, F 544. Cotgrave gives this form, which he says has the same sense as F. humilite, Humilitee, s. humility, E 1143. O. F. humilittit, Lat. hvmilitafem. Hunte, v. to hunt, E 81. A.S. hunt tan, to hunt; cf. hentan, to catch. Huntyng, Hunting, *. hunting, B 349 6 > 3995 5 on huntyng = a- hunting, for the purpose of the chase, E 234. A. S. huntung, a hunting, sb. ; quite distinct from huntiende, pres. part, of huntian. Hurtes, s. pi. hurts, F 471. O.F. hurt, a stroke, hit, from hurter, F. heurter, to strike, hit ; whence E. hurtle. Hy, adj. high, learned, E 18; dot. Hye, great, 135 ; def. Hye, F 85, 98 ; pi. Hye, high, E 45 ; comp. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Hyer, F 387. A. S. hedh, Icel. bar, G. hoch. Hyde, v. to hide, used intransitively, i.e. lie concealed, F 141 ; gerund, to hide, B 3732. A. S. hydan, cognate with Gk. icevOtiv. Hye, adv. high, aloft, B 3592, F 411,671. A. S. he dge, high, adv. ; hedh, high, adj. Hye, v. or gerund, to hasten, to bring hastily, F 291. A. S. higan,' higian, to haste ; cf. Lat. citus, quick, Gk. KIVV/MLI, I go. Hyghte, s. height, B 12. A. S. JiedfSo. Hyghte, pt. pi. 2 p. promised, E 496. A. S. hdtan, to promise ; pt. t. ic heht, pi. heton. Hyghte, pt. s. was called, was named, B 3373, E 32, 2IO. See Highte. A. S. hdtan, to be named, pt. t. ic hdtte. This verb and the preceding were often confused. Hyred, pp. hired, B 1757. A. S. hyrian, to hire ; pt. t. hyrode, pp. hyrod. I. lade, s. a jade, i. e. a miserable hack, B 4002. lalouse, adj. pi. jealous, F 286. F.jaloux, O.F. jalous, Lat. zelo- sus. Thus jealous is a doublet of zealous. lalousye, s. jealousy, E 1205. lambeuz, s. pi. leggings, leg- armour, B 2065. From F.jambe, the leg. lane, s. a small coin, properly of Genoa, B 1925, E 999. Lat. Janua, Genoa. laugle, pr. pi. talk, prate, F 220, 261. O. f.jangler, from a Teu- tonic source ; cf. Du. janken, to howl. Tangling, s. prating, idle talking, disputing, F 257. lape, s. a jape, a jest, a trick, B 1629. lapen, v . to jest, B 1883. Ich, pers. pron. I, B 39. A. S. ie. Idus, s. pi. ides, F 47. The ides is a name given to the fifteenth day of the months of March, May, ' July, and October, and the thir- teenth of other months. lewerye, s. Jewry, Jews' quarter, B 1679, I 74 I . 1782. See the note, p. 145. like, adj. same ; that ilke, that same, B 3663. Impertinent, adj. not pertinent, irrelevant, E 53. Importable, adj. intolerable, in- sufferable, E 1144. Lat. impor- tabilis, that cannot be carried ; from for tare, to carry. Impression, s. impression, re- membrance, F 371. In, s. inn, lodging, B 1632. A. S. inn, an inn, house, chamber. In, prep, into, B 119. A. S. in, G. in, Lat. in, Gk. kv. Infortune, s. misfortune, B 3591. F. infortune, Lat. infortunium. Inne, adv. in, B 3193 ; as prep, in, F 578. A. S. innan, adv. within, inwardly. Instrumentz, s. pi. instruments of music, F 270. Inwith, prep, within, B 1794, E 870. logelours, s. pi. jugglers, men who exhibit feats of legerdemain and pretended magic, F 219. F. jongleur, O.Y.jogleor, Lat. ace. ioculatorem,one who makes sport; from iocus, sport. loie, 5. joy, B 3964 ; loye, F 368. F. joie ; from Lat. gaudium. lolitee, s. amusement, B 2033 ; enjoyment, F344; joviality, 278. loly, adj. pleasant, F 48 ; festive, B 1185. F. joli, from a Scandi- navian source ; Icel. j6l, Yule, a great feast held in midwinter. lolynesse, s. festivity, F 289. lourney, s. journey, F 783. F. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 263 journee, a day's time, jour, a day ; from Lat. diurnus, daily, dies, a day. loye, s. joy, F 368 ; loie, B 3964. See loie. Ire, s. anger, B 3221. F. ire, Lat. ira. Is, pr. s. (used with two sbs.), F 294. luge, s. a judge, B 3266. F.juge, Lat. iudicem. lugement, s. judgment, decision, B 36 ; opinion, K 53 ; pi. luge- mentz, decisions, E 439. K. Kembde, pt. s. combed, F 560 ; pp. Kembd, E 379. A. S. cemb- an, to comb ; pt. t. ic cembde. Kene, adj. keen, bold, B 3439, F 57. A. S. cene, G. Ituhn. Kepe, s. heed, E 1058; taken kepe = take heed, F 348. Kepeth, pr. s. keeps, E 1133; observes, F 516; pt. s. Kepte, kept, E 223; pres. part. Keping, keeping, tending, F 651 ; pp. Kept, E 1098. A. S. cepan, pt. t. ic cepie. Kerue, v. to carve, cut, F 158. A. S. ceorfan. Kesse, v. to kiss, E 1057 ', pt. s. Keste, kissed, F 350 ; Kiste, B 3632, 3746, E 679. A. S. cysm. part, blabbing, bab- bling, E 2427. Cf. Du. labben, to tell tales, labbei, gofsip. Ladde, //. s. led, carried, B 3338 ; 254 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. conducted, 3747 ; pt. pi. Ladde, led, 3920, E 390; pp. Lad, B 3552. 357. F !7 2 - A - s - l&dan, pt. t. ic lasdde; Icel. leifta, G. leiten. Lady, s. lady, B 1637. A.S. Alafdige. Lafte, //. s. ceased, B 3496 ; pt. pi. Lafte, left, 3388 ; pp. Laft, F 186, 263. A.S. Ids/an, pt. t. ic latfde ; Icel. //. Lake, s. a kind of fine white linen cloth, B 2048. Halliwell notes that shirts were formerly made of it, and quotes a passage containing the phrase ' white as lake.' The word probably was imported from the Low Countries, as laken is a common Dutch word for cloth ; the Dutch for ' a sheet ' is also laken or bedlaken. Lakke, s. dni. lack, want, loss, F 43> 443- Cf. Icel. lakr, lacking, deficient. Lakked, pt. s. wanted, lacked; him lakked = there lacked to him, i. e. he lacked, F 16. See above. Langage, s. language, F 100. F. langage; from Lat. lingua, a tongue. Langour, s. languishment, slow starvation, B 3597. F. languetir, Lat. languorem. Lappe, s. lap, fold of the dress, F 441; a wrapper, E 585; dat. Lappe, B 3644, F 475. A.S. Iceppa, a lap, border, hem ; Du. lap, a remnant, shred, rag. Lasse, adj. pi. smaller, of less rank ; lasse and more, smaller and greater, i. e. all, E 67 ; cf. F 300. A.S. leessa, less. Last, s. pi. lasts, i.e. burdens, loads, B 1628. See the note. A.S. Mast, a burden, load, a ship's freight, from hladan, to lade ; cf. Icel. Mats, a cartload, from hla$a, to lade. Last, pr. s. lasteth, extends, E 266; pt. s. Laste, lasted, B 1826; pt. pi. Laste, 3390, 3508. A. S. last an. Lat, imp. s. let, B 1633, 163; imp.pl. B 2156. See Lete. Latitude, s. latitude (in an astro- nomical sense), B 13. Laton, s. latten, or latoun, a mixed metal, closely resembling brass, B 2067. See Halliwell. F. laiton, O. F. laton, Low Lat. lato. Laude, s. praise, honour, B 1645, 3286. Lat. laudem, from Ictus. Laughe, v. to laugh, E 353. A.S. hleahan, hlihan, Icel. lilaja, Goth. hlahjan, G. lachen. Launcegay, s. a kind of lance, B 1942,2011. See note to 1. 1942. Laureat, adj. laureate, crowned with laurel, B 3886, E 31. From Lat. laureates; from laurus, a laurel. Lawe, s. law, B 1189, 3870. A. S. lagu, Icel. lag, log ; cf. Lat. legem. See below. Lay, s. religious belief, creed, F 18. So also in the Cursor Mundi, 1. 21616. From O. F. lei, F. lot, law ; cognate with A. S. lagu, whence M. E. lawe, E. law. Lay, s. a song, lay, B 1959. O. F. lai, of Celtic origin ; cf. W. llais, voice, sound (Brachet). We find also A. S. led, G. lied, a song. Lay, pi. s. lay, B 3630, F 467. Ledene, s. (dat.) language, talk, F 435, 478. A.S. leden, a corrup- tion of the word Latinus, meaning (i) Latin; (a) any language or speech. Not to be confused with G. lied, which = A. S. leoft. Leef, adv. dear; comp. Leuer. dearer, liefer, F 572. See Lief, Leue. Lsef, s. a leaf, E 1211. A. S. leaf, Icel. latif, G. laub. Leet, pt. s. let, E 82 ; caused, as in GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 265 lect don cryen caused to be pro- claimed, F 45; leet mdke = caused to be made, B 3349 ; leet bynde = caused to be bound, 1810. A. S. l&lan, to let. Ste Lete. Lefte, I p. s. pt. I left off, F 670. Legiouiis, s. pi. legions, B 3544. Lsmmau, s. sweetheart, B 3253. A. S. Ie6fman } lit. a dear person, man being of either gender ; as in wifman, a woman. Cf. Lammas for loaf-mass, Lene, adj. lean, B 4003. A. S. Maine, lean, meagre, thin. Lenger, adj. longer, E 30x3 ; adv. B 2122, 3709, F 381; euer lenger the more = the longer, the more, E 687, F 404. A. S. leng- ra, comp. of long, Lente, s. Lent, E 1 2. A.S.lencten, the springtime. Lenuoy, s. f envoy, i. e. the epilogue or postscript addressed to the hearers or readers, E 1 1 77 ( rw * brio). F. ? envoi, lit. the sending, from envoyer, to send. Leonyn, adj. lionlike, B 3836. F. leonin, Lat. leoninus. Leoun, s. a lion, B 3106, 3215, 3288, F 491 ; pi. Leouns, B 3451 ; Leon, the sign Leo, F-a65. F. lion, O. F. leon, Lat. leonem. Lepardes, s. pi. leopards, B 3-451. From Lat. leopardus. Lere, s. flesh, skin, B 2047. This is quite a different word from M.E. lere, the face, countenance, from A.S. hledr. Properly it means the muscles, especially the muscles of the thigh, which special sense is perfectly suitable here. It is the A. S. lira, flesh, muscle, Icel. leer, the thigh, the leg above the knee, the ham, Danish laar, the thigh. Halliwell gives ' Lire (i) flesh, meat ; swynes lire [swine's flesh], Ord. and Reg. p. 442 ; lyery, abounding with lean flesh; North of England; (2) face, countenance;' &c. Lere, v. to learn, B 1702 : pr. pi. Lere, learn, F 104. Chaucer uses the word wrongly; it pro- perly means to irach, from A. S. leeran; the contrary error, of using learn in the sense of to teach, is common still. Itemed, pp. as adj. learned, B 1168. Lese, v. to lose, E 508, F 691 ; imp.pl. Leseth, B 19; pp. Lorn, q. v. A. S. levsan, Mceso-Goth. fra-linsan. Lesing, s. losing, loss ; for lesinge, for fear of losing, B 3750. See above. Lest, s. desire, 619. See Lust. Leste, adj. sup. least, E 966; at the leste weye = at any rate ; atte leste = at the least, at least, B 38 ; pi. Leste, F 300, cf. E 67. ' At the leste way, an moyns ; ' Pals- grave's French Diet. fol. 438, back. Leste, pr. s. subj. itnpers. it may please, E 105, F 125; it may (i. e. can) please, F 380 ; pt. s. it pleased, E 716, 986, F 605. A. S. lystan, to choose ; generally used impersonally. Lete, v. to let, B 3524 ; i p. s. pr. Lete, I leave, B 96, F 290, 344, 651; pt. pi. Lete, let, B 3898; imp. pi. Lete, let, E 98. See Lat, Leet. A. S. latan, to let. Lette, v. to hinder, B 2116; to oppose, stay, 3306 ; pt. s. intrans. Lette, delayed, E 389. A. S. let- tan, to hinder; Du. letten; Icel. letja, to hold back; cf. E. late. Lette, s. let, impediment, hindrance, delay, E 300. Cf. Icel. leti, lazi- ness, sloth ; from letja, to hinder. See above. Letterure, s. literature, B 3686. O. F. letreure, from Lat. litera- tura. 266 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Lettre, s. writing, B 3398. F. leltre, Lat. litera. Leue, v. to leave, give up, E 250. A.S. l&fan, Icel. leifa. Leue, I p. pi. pr. we believe, B 1181; pr. s. Leueth, E icoi. A. S. lyfan, Du. ge-looven, G. g-lauben. Leue, imp. s. 3 p (God) grant, B 1873. See note. A. S. lyfan, to permit ; G. erlauben. Leue, s. leave, B 1637, F 363, 584. A.S. leaf, leave, permis- sion. Leue, adj. (voc.) dear, 851, 3242 ; pi. Leue, dear, valued, F 341. See Leef, Lief. A.S. led/, G. lieb. Leuer, adj. comp. liefer, dearer, more desirable, B 3628. Leuer, adv. liefer, rather, B 3083, F 444, F 683, 692. Leueth, pr. s. believes, E 1001. See Leue, Lswed, adj. ignorant, F 221. A. S. laewed, belonging to the laity. Lewedly, adv. ignorantly, B 47. Lewednesse, s. lewdness (in the old sense), ignorance, stupidity, B am, F 223. See Lewed. Leye, v. to lay, E 193; gerund, B 1955; pt. s. Leyde, laid, B 1971, 3289, 3827; pp. Leyd, 3371. A. S. lecgan, pt. t. iclegde, pp. gelegd, geled; Icel. leggja, Du. leggen, G. legen. Leyser, s. leisure, B 3498, E 286, F 493. F. loisir, originally an infin. mood of a verb, viz. Lat. licere, to have time for. Liche, adj. like; it Iiche = like it, F 62. A. S. lie, Icel. likr, com- monly glikr; cf. G. gleick, Du. gelijk. Lief, adj. dear, cherished, E 479 ; goode lief my wyf=my dear good wife, B 3084. See Leef. A. S. leof, G lieb. Lige, adj. liege, E 310, F in; pi. sb. lieges, subjects, B 3584, E 67. F. lige, a word of G. origin; G. ledig, free (Brachet). Liggen, v. to lie, lie down, B 2101. A.S. licgan, Icel. liggja, Du. lig- gen, G. liegen. Limmes, s. pi. limbs, B 3284. A. S. lint, Icel. Itntr. Linage, s. lineage, E 71, 795. F. lignage, O. F. linage; from Lat. linca, a line. List, pr. s. pleases, 63185, 3330, 359. 379; Listeth, likes, F 689 ; impers. List, it pleases, E 647. 933, F 118, 122, 161, 315 ; pt. s. impers. Liste, B 3666, F 365 ; pr. s. impers. subj. it may please, F 327. A.S. lystan, to please. Listes, s. pi. the lists, F 668. List is sometimes a border, bound ; cf A.S. list, the list or border of cloth. But in the sense here in- tended, it was corrupted from O. F. lices, pi. of lisse, lice, a barrier ; Low Lat. licice duelli, the lists for tournaments. Listeth, imp. pi. listen ye, B 1902, 3023. A. S. hlystan, to hear. Lite, adj. little, B 109. A. S. lyt, little, few. Litel, adj. little, B 73, 1190. A. S. lytel. Liuen, v. to live, E 109. A.S. lybban, Icel. Ufa, G. leben. Loked, pt. s. looked, E 340. A.S. locian, pt. t. ie lucode. Loking, s. looking, looks, aspect, E 514; glances, looks, F 285. Loller, s. a loller, a lollard, 61173. On the confusion of these terms, see the note. Cf. Icel. lull a, to loll about ; litllari, a sluggard. Lond, s. land, B 127, 3225; country, 3548 ; dat. Londe, 2077. A. S. land, land. Longe, adv. long, a long while, B GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 267 1626, 33o. In the latter place, the word is glossed by the Latin diii. Longeth, pr. s. belongs, E 285, F 16. Cf. Du. langen, to reach, belangen, to concern, G. gelangen, to arrive at. Longing for, i. e. belonging to, suitable for, F 39. Looth, adj. loath, displeasing ; me were looth = it would be displeasing to me, B 91. A.S. /o"S, hateful, Icel. letiSr. Lordes, s. pi. lords, F 91. A. S. hldford, Icel. Idvarftr, a lord. The original meaning may have been loaf-ward. Lordinges, s. pi. sirs, B 16, 2143, Lordshipe, s. lordship, rank, E 797. A. S. hldfordscipe. Lore, s. lore, learning, experience, knowledge, B 4, 1168, 87, 788. A. S. Idr. Lorn, pp. lost, B 3230, E 1071, F 629. See Lese. A. S. leosan, to lose, pp. loren ; cf. G. verlieren, to lose, pp. verloren. Los, s. loss, 627, 28, F 450. Loude, def. adj. loud, F 268 ; adv. loudly, B 1803, F 55. A. S. hlud, loud ; cf. Gk. K\vfiv, to hear. Loue, s. love, B 18, 74. A. S. Infe, lufu. Louede, pt. s. loved, E 413, 690 ; imp. pi. Loueth, love ye, 370. A. S. lufigan. Loue-drury, s. affection, B 2085. The latter part of the word is O.F. drurie, druerie, love, passion ; from drvt, a lover, which is O. H. G. true, G. trnut, dear, be- loved ; from O. H. G. trinwa = true. Loue-longinge, s. desire, fond affection, B 1962. The O. E. langung expresses a strong feeling of deep regret in the Blickling Homilies, ed. Morris, p. 1 13, 1. 10, and p. 131, 1. 12. Loue-lykinge, s. love-liking, loving affection, love, B 2040. Louere, s. a lover, F 546 ; pi. Loueres, B 53, 59. Loueth, imp. pi. love ye, E 370. Lough, pt. s. laughed, B 3740. A. S. hleahan, to laugh ; pt. t. ie hlok. Loute, v. to bow down, B 3352. A. S. lutan, Icel. luta. Lowe, adv. in a low voice, F 216. Lucre, s. lucre, gain; lucre of vilanye = villanous lucre, vile gain, B 1681. F. lucre, Lat. lucrum. Lulled, pt. s. soothed, E 553. Lust, s. pleasure, E 80, 963, F. 6, 344; will, desire, wish, E 658; interest (of a story), F 402 ; pi. Lustes, desires, wishes, B 3667. A. S. lust, pleasure, will. Lust, pr. s. impers. it pleases, E 3:2, F 147. See List. Lustiheed, s. pleasure, enjoyment, F 288. Cf. Du. Imtigheid, G. lustigkeit, merriment. Lusty, adj. pleasant, E 59, F 52, 142, 389 ; jocund, 272. Cf. Du. lustig, merry. Lycorys, s. liquorice, B 1951, 2045. Evidently through the O. French; from Gk. y\vKvpfiia, lit. sweet root; from f\vicvs, sweet, and /5t'd, root. Lyf, s. life; his lyf= during his life, B 3369. A.S. lif, Icel. lif. Lyght, s. light, shining, E 1124. A.S. leoht, Icel. lettr, G. lickt, Lat. lucem, Lyghte, v. lit. to lighten, render light, but here to feel light, F 396 ; pt. s. Lyghte, lighted ; either in the sense (i) lightened, made light, made happy (see the note); or (2) illuminated, B 1661. A.S. ledhtan, to lighten, alleviate. 268 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Lyghte, pi. s. alighted, F 169; cf. in thalyghte = in thee alyghte, alighted in thee, B 1660. A. S. lihtan, to alight, descend. Lyghtly, adv. lightly, F 390. Lyk, adj. like, B 3361, F 207. See Liche. Lyken, v. to please, B 2128, E 506 ; pr. s. Lyketh, it pleases, E 311, 845; vs lyketh yow = it pleases us with respect to you, 106; how lyketh thee my wyf= how does it please you with re- spect to my wife, 1031. A. S. lician, to delight. Lyking, s. liking, pleasure, delight, B 3499. A. S. licung, pleasure. Lyklihede, s. likelihood, proba- bility, 61786. Lyklinesse, s. probability, E 396. Lykned, pp. likened, compared, B 91. Cf. Swed. likna, to compare, resemble, liken. Lymes, s. pi. limbs, 682. See Lim. Lymrod, s. lime-rod, lime-twig, B 3574. A. S. lint, lime, and r6d, a rood, rod. Lynage, s. lineage, high birth, B 3441, 991. See Linage. Lynde, s. a linden-tree, E 12 it. A. S. lind, linde, a linden-tree, Icel. lind, G. linde. Lyte, adj. little, B 2153, F 565; adv. a little, E 935. See Lite. Lyth, pr. s. lies, is situate, is, B 3654. ? 35. 322. A.S. /, lies, from licgan, to lie. Lyue, dat. from Lyf, whence on lyue = during life, i.e. alive, F 423 ; pi. Lyues, lives, B 3284, F 233; 8 en - sin S- Lyues, life's, E 308. A. S. /*/, life ; gen. lifes, dat. life. Lyues, gen. sing, used as adv. living, E 903. So in Havelok, 1. 509 'Yif y late him lives go,' i,e. if I let him go alive; it occurs also in Piers Plowm. B. x!x. 154; C. xxii. 159. Also in Gower, Conf. Amant. ii. 14 ' Right as a Hues creature She temeth,' &c. M. Maad, pp. made, B 3607, F 222. See Make. Mace, s. a mace, club, B 2003. F. masse, O. F. mace ; this word preserves the original Latin matea, only known otherwise by its di- minutive mateola, a mallet. Madame, s. madam, F 378. Made, pt. s. composed, B 57 ; pi. pi. Maden, made, 3523 ; pp. Maad, 3607. Magestee, s. majesty, dominion, B 3334. 355. 3862. F. majeste, O. F. majestet, Lat. maies.'atem. Magicien, s. magician, B 3397. Magyk, s. magic, F 218. From Lat. magia, Gk. fiayela, sorcery. Maille, s. mail, ringed armour, E 1202. F. maille, a mesh, Lat. macula. Maister, s. master, B 1627, 3128 ; maister tour = principal tower, F 226. F. maitre, O. F. maistre, Lat. magi&trnm. Maistresse, s. mistress, F 374. Maistry, . mastery, victory, B 3582 ; governance, control, 3689. Make, s. mate, companion, wife, B 1982. A. S. maca, Icel. maki. Make and mate are unallied. Make, v. to compose (said of poetry, &c.), B 96 ; pt. s. Maked, made, 3318, 3690; pp. Maked, 1722, 1727; Maad, 3607. A. S. macian, pt. t. ic macode ; pp. macod; cf. G. machen. Man, s. man, esp. a devoted servant, one who has vowed homage, B 3331 ; used for one, 43 ; gen. sing. Mannes, man's, 1630. A.S. man, Icel. mannr. Manaoeth, pr. s. menaces, E 1 2 2. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 269 F. menacer, O. F. manacer ; from Lat. minacia, a threat. Maner, s. manner, kind, used with- out of following, as in maner doc- trine, kind of doctrine, B 1689 ; maner thing, 3951 ; maner ser- geant, E 519 ; maner wyse, 605 ; maner wyght, F 329. Manere, s. manner, way, B 3706, E 781; of manere = in his be- haviour, F 546. F. maniere, Low Lat. maneria, kind, lort; from Lat. mantis, a hand (Bra- chet). Mansion, 5. mansion (a term in astrology), F 50. See note. Lat. mansionem. Marbul, s. marble, F 500. F. marbre, Lat. marmorem. Marbul-stones, s. pi. blocks of marble, B 1871. Marchaunt, s. merchant, 6132; //. Marchauntz, 122. F. mar- ckand, O. F. marchant, Low Lat. mercatantem, a trafficker, from mercatare, to traffic ; from Lat. merx. Maried, pt. s. trans, he caused to be married, E 1130. F. marier, Lat. maritare ; maritus, a husband. Marineer, *. mariner, B 1627. F. marinier ; from Lat. marinus, marine, mare, the sea. Markis, 5. a marquis, E 64 ; gen. sing, marquis's, 994. E. marchis, Low Lat. marchensis, a governor of the marches or frontiers ; O. H. G. marcha, a mark, a frontier. Markisesse, s. a marchioness, E 283, 394, 942, 1014. Masednesse, s. amaze, E 1 06 1. Cf. Norwegian masast, to fall into a slumber (Aasen) ; Icel. masa, to chatter. Maselyn, s. a bowl of maple-wood, B 2042. [Distinct from maslin or brass, a metal mentioned in Gy of Warwike, p. 421, 'bras, maslyn, yren and stel' (Halli- well). Cf. A. S. mcestling, a brass vessel, moestlen, maslen, brass. In St. Mark vi. 8, the phrase ' nor money in their purse ' is expressed by ' ne on gyrdils maslen ' in the Northumbrian glosses.] O. F, maselin, allied to the M. E. mazer, a drinking cup made of maple-wood; Icel. mosurr, a maple tree. Matere, s. matter, subject, business, B 1703, 2148, E 90, 1176. O.F. malere, Lat. materia. Maugre, prep, in spite of; maugre thyn heed = in spite of thy head, despite all thou canst do, B 104 ; maugre Philistiens, in spite of the Philistians, 3238. F. man gre, mal gr6, ill will. Mawe, 5. maw, B 1190, 2013. A. S. maga, the maw, stomach ; Icel. magi, G. magen. May, I /. s. pr. I may, B 89, 2014, E 304 ; pr. s. May, has power, F 112 ; 2 p. pi. pr. May, B 19. A. S. mvgan, pr. t. ie mceg ; pt. t. ic mihte; Icel. mega, G. mo gen, Mayde, s. maid, maiden, B 1636, E 257, 377, 446, 779. A.S. magf}, G. magd. Mayntene, pr. s. imp. may he maintain, E 1171. Y.maintenir, from main, Lat. manus, the hand, and tenir, Lat. tenere, to hold ; lit. to hold by the hand, support by force. Maystow,/or mayst thou, B 3267, E 265, 1070. Mede, s. meed, reward, a bribe, B 3579. A - s - m ^> G- miethe. Mede, s. mead, B 2042. A.S. medu, Icel. mjifSr, Welsh medd, Gk. pe6v ; Sanskr. madhu, sweet, also honey, nectar. Meke, adj. meek, E 141. E. E. meoc (not in A. S.) ; Icel. mjultr, Mceso-Goth. tnuks, soft, mild. Melodye, s. melody, E 271. 270 GLOSS 'ARIAL INDEX. Memorie, s. mention, remem- brance, B 3164. O. F. memorie, Lat. memoria. Mencioun, s. mention; made of mencioun = made mention of, B 54; Mentioun, 3311. From Lat. mentionem. Mene, I p. s. pr. I mean, B 93, 1860, 2141; gerund to mene = to signify, 3941 ; pt. s. Mente, meant, F 108. 522. A.S. man- on, to have in mind, to intend, mean, G. meinen. Mening, s. meaning, intent, F 151. Merciable, adj. merciful, B 1878. O. F. merciable, from tnerci, mer- cit ; Lat. mercedem, which came to mean favour. Meridional, adj. southern, F 263. See Angle. From Lat. meridies, the South. Merie, adj. glad, E 615; Mery, pleasant (to hear), B ll86;pl. Merie, merry (i.e. merrily), B 126 ; Merie men, followers, 2029 ; comp. Merier, pleasanter, 2024. A. S. myrig. Meruaille, s. marvel, wonder, E 1 1 86; Merueille, 248; merueille of = wonder at, F 87; pi. Mer- uailles, marvels, F 660. F. merveille, O. F. mervaille ; from Lat. mirabilia, wonderful things. Merueillous, adj. marvellous, B 1643. Meschaunce, s. misery, a miser- able condition, B 3204. O. F. ineschaance, a mishap ; from Lat. minus, less, badly, and cadentia, hap ; from cadere, to fall, hap- pen. Meschief, s. misfortune, B 3513. F. mechef, O. F. meschief; from Lat. minus, less, badly, and caput, the head ; from the latter came O. F. ckevir, to accomplish, and chief, accomplishment. Messager, s. a messenger, B 6, 3247. F. messager, from message, Low Lat. missatictim, a message. Meste, adj. superl. most, i.e. highest in rank, most considerable, 131. A.S. mast. Mesurable, adj. moderate, F 362. F. mesurable, Lat. mensura- bilis. Mesure, s. measure, E 256 ; mo- deration, 622. F. mesure, Lat. mensiira ; from metiri, to mete. Metal, s. metal, F 243. F. metal Lat. metallum. Metamorphoseos, gen. s. (the book) of Metamorphosis ; it should be pi. Metamorphoseon ; B 93. Gk. ntTafj.op.6pajffis, a transformation, from ptTO,, with, across, and fioprj, form, figure. Ovid's poem treats of the transformation of men and women into birds, &c. Mete, s. food, meat, F 173, 618. A. S. mete,lce\. matr, Moeso-Goth. mats. Mete, v. to meet together, B 1873. The old meaning is to find; so here it implies to find each other. See Mette. Metres, s. pi. metres, B 48. Mette, pt. s. dreamt, B 3930. A. S. mditan, to dream. Mette, pt. pi. met, E 390. A. S. metan, to meet, Icel. mceta. Mewe, s. a mew, F 643. F. mue, a coop ; a mew in which birds were kept when moulting ; F. muer, to moult, change feathers, Lat. mutare, to change. Meynee, s. company, E 2436 ; fol- lowers, army, B 3532 ; attend- ants, suite, F 391. O. F. maisne, mesnee, meignee, a household, said to be from Low Lat. maisnada (as though for Lat. mansionata), a company of menials. Milk, s. milk, F 614. A. S. mile, meolc, G. milch ; cf. Lat. mttlgere, Gk. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 271 Milksop, s. a milk-sop, lit. a piece of bread sopped in milk ; hence, anything soft, esp. a weak effemi- nate man, B 3100. Mille, s. a mill, 1200. A.S. miln, whence milner, a miller ; cf. Lat. mo/a. Miustralcye, s. minstrelsy, a play- ing upon instruments of music, the sound made by a band of minstrels, F 268. Minstrales, s. pi. minstrels, B 2035; Minstralles, F 78. F. menestrel, Low Lat. ministralis, a servant. Mirour, s. mirror, F 82, 132, 143, 175. F. miroir, mirror ; mirer, to look at, Lat. mirari, to wonder. Miracle, s. miraculous story, legend, B 1881. F. miracle, Lat. mira- citlum. Misauenture, s. ill fortune, mis- fortune, B 3540. Misdeparteth, pr. s. parts or divides amiss, B 107. The use of the Teutonic prefix mis- before the French verb was made easier by its similarity to the French pre- fix mes (Lat. minus). Misdooth, pr. s. doeth amiss to, ill treats, B 3112. Miserie, s. misery, B 3167. Lat. miseria, from miser, wretched. Misgouernaunce, s. misconduct, B 3202. Misgyed, pp. misguided, miscon- ducted, B 3723. See Gye. Mishap, s. ill luck, B 3435. Mist, s. mist, F 259. A. S. mist. Mo. See Moo. Moche, adj. much, B 1169, 2152 ; Muchel, a great deal of, F 349. A. S. mycel, much. Mochel, adv. much, B 3959 ; adj. 960. A. S. mycel. Mone, s. moon, E 928 ; gen. Mone, moon's, B 2070. A. S. mono, a masc. sb. with gen. mdnan ; I eel. man!, G. mond, Moaso-Goth. mena ; all mascu- line. Monk, s. a monk, B 3114; pi. Monkes, 1632. A.S. mvnuc, borrowed from Lat. monachtts. Monstres, s. pi. monsters, B 3302. Lat. monstrum. Montaigne, s. a mountain, B 24. F. monlagne, O. F. monlaigne, Low Lat. monlanea; from Lat. mons. Monthe, s. pi. months, B 1674. A. S. mdnctfS, Icel. mdnaftr, G. monal. See Mone. Moo, adj. pi. comp. more, B 54 ; Mo, 3742, 3838, E 318, F 301, 702; tymes mo = at more times, at other times, E 449 ; mo = more than her, others, 1039; see note. A. S. via, more. See More. Mooder, s. a mother, B 1657, 1696, &c. gen. Moodres, mo- ther's, 1783. A.S. modor, Icel. mobir, G. mutter, Lat. mater, Gk. HTJTTJP, Sanskr. ma/ri. Moralitee, s. morality, B 3687. Mordre, s. murder, B 1820. A.S. wzor'Sor, murder, moriS, death ; Moeso-Goth. maurthr; cf. Lat, mars. Mordred, pp. murdered, E 725, 728. Mordrer, s. murderer, E 733. More, adj. comp. greater, E 1231 ; pi. More, in phr. more and lesse, greater and lesser, all alike, B 3433, E 940 ; adv. more, fur- ther, in a greater degree, B 3745, 3842. A.S. mare. See Mo. Morsel, s. a morsel; morsel breed = morsel of bread, B 3624. F. morceau, O. F. morsel, Low Lat. morsellum, a little bit or bite, from mordere, to bite. Morwe, s. morrow, morning ; by the morwe = in the morning, early in the day, B 3856. A. S. morg- en, G. morgen, the morning. 273 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Morweninge, s. morning. F 397. Moste, adj. superl. greatest, F 199 ; chiefest, 361 ; //. Moste, in phr. moste and leste, greatest and least (see More) 300. A. S. nteest. Mot, I p. fr. s. I must, B 1853, 3104, E 872, F 41 ; Moot, E 172; sitbj. Mote in phr. mote I thee = may I thrive, B 2007; 2 p. s. pr. mbj. mot thou = majst thou, B 1626, E 557 ; pr. s Mot, he must, F 456 ; Moot, B 3697 ; pr. pi. 2 p. Mote, ye must, ought to, should, E 526, F 164 ; pt. s. a p. Most, B 104 ; pt. s. Moste, must, ought to, B 2031, 3232, F 442; ought to (be), F 38; was obliged to, was made to, B 3700 ; pt. s. subj. Moste, might, E 550. A. S. ic mot, pt. t. ic moste. Mowe, pr. pi. may, E 530. A. S. magon, we may. Moyste, adj. fresh, new, B 1954. F. moite, O. F. moiste, Lat. must- eus, new, fresh ; from musttts, fresh. The signification moist is late. Muchel, adj. much, a great deal of, F 349. A. S. mycel. Murmurede, pt. pi. murmured, talked continually in a low voice, buzzed, F 204. F. murmurer, Lat. murnntrare, from murmur. Murthe, s. mirth, joy, E 1123. A. S. wyrU. Myght, 3. might, power, F 467 ; magic power, 133. A. S. miht, G. macht. Myghte, //. *. could, B 3444 ; I p. s. pt. subj., I could, E 638. Myghtily, adv. mightily, B 3517. Myn, pass. pron. mine, my (used before a vowel), B 40 ; (used after a name}, E 365. A. S. mln, properly gen. case of ic, I. Mynde, s. memory, F 109, 607 ; in mynde = in remembrance, B 1843. A. S. mynd; from mynan, to remember ; cf. Lat. mfmini, Gk. fif/o'rjfMi. N. Naille, imp. s. 3 p. let it nail, let it fasten, E 1184; pp. Nailed, fas- tened, 29. A.S. nttgel, Icel. nagl, G. nagel, a nail ; A. S. nceglian, to nail. Namely, adv. especially, E 484, 626. Namo,/or na mo, no more, F 573 ; Namore, for na more, no more, 289, 314. Nas,/or ne was, was not, 405, F 14. A. S. naf, was not. Nat, adv. not, B 1 24, &c. ; Nat but, only, F 391, 638. Short for nd iviht, i. e. no whit ; whence naught, not. See Naught. Natheles, adv. nevertheless, none the less, B 45, 94, 3317. A.S. nd, not. Natiuitee, s. nativity, birth, B 3206, F 45. From Lat. natiuita- tem ; which from Lat. nascor. Nature!, s. natural, F 116. A ' day natural ' meant a period of 24 hours ; as differing from the ' day artificial.' See Artificial. Naturelly, adv. naturally, by natu- ral causes, F 229. Naught, adv. not, B 1 702. See Nat. Nay, adv. no, nay, 177; opposed to yea, 355 ; answers a direct question, B 1 793 ; it is no nay = there is no denying it, B 1956, E 817, 1139- Icel. net. Nayles, s. pi. nails, B 3366. A. S. nagel. See Naille. Ne, adv. (i) not ; when used with a verb, a second negative is often added, as in no ne, B 77 ; ne noon, 89 ; (2) nor, B 1180, 1189. A. S. ne, not, nor ; not bor- rowed from the French. Necessitee, s. necessity, F 593. From Lat. necessitatem. GLOSSAR1AL INDEX. 273 Necligence, s. negligence, B 22, E 66 1. From Lat. negligenlia. Need, s. need, indigence, B 103 ; dot. Nede, 102, 112; extreme ne- cessity, peril, 3576 ; see the note. A. S. nedd, Icel. nan's, G. noth. Nede, adv. (dative form) needs, B 3697, E 53* J (genitive form) Nedes, B 2031, E n. A. S. nedd, need ; gen. neddes, dat. nedde. Nedeth, pr. s. needs it, it needs, F 65, 298 ; pt. s. Neded, it needed, E 457- A. S. neddian, to compel. Needles, adv. needlessly, E 621; Needlees, without a cause, 455. Neer, adv. near ; or perhaps adv. comp. nearer, B 4000. See Ner. Neigh, adj. near, nigh, F 49. See Ny. Neighebor, 5. neighbour, B 108, 115, 3108. A. S. nedh-biir, from nedh, near, and bur, a dweller; from buan, to dwell. Nekke, s. neck, B 3300, 113. A.S. necca, hnecca. Nekke-boon, *. neck-bone, B 1839. Nempne, v. to name, tell, F 318; pt. s. Nempned, named, E 609. A. S. nemnan, to name, call ; cf. G. nennen, to name ; Lat. nornen, a name. Ner, adv. nearer; ner and ner = nearer and nearer, B 1710. See Neer. A. S. nedh, nigh (adv.) ; comp. nedr, nyr, nigher ; cf. G. n'dher. Nere, pt. s. subj. were not, B 3984 ; were it not, 133. A.S. naeron, were not. Nest, s. nest ; wiMied nest, \. e. man ni, or Mauny, B 3576. See note. A.S. nest, G. nest. Nettes, s. pi. nets, B 3665. A. S. and Icel. net, G. netz. Neuer, adv. never, B 87. A. S. n&fre. Nevew, s. nephew, B 3594. F. neveu, Lat. nepotem, VOL. II. 1 Newe, adj. def. new, E 841 ; adv. Newe, newly, afresh, E 3, 378. A. S. niive, neowe, adj. ; niwan, adv. anew ; cf. Icel. nyr, Lat. nouus, Gk. vfos, Sanskr. nava. Newefangel, adj. newfangled, taken with novelty, F 618. Cf. A. S. fangennes, a taking ; the root is clearly A. S. f6n, Goth. fahan, to take ; cf. G. fangen ; whence also A. S. unbefangenlic, incomprehensible, onfengnes, a receiving. Newfangelnesse, s. newfangled- ness, fondness for novelty, F 610. See above. Nexte, superl. adj. nearest, B 1814. A.S. ncksta, nighest; from nedh, nigh. Nice, adv. foolish, E 2434. F. nice, Span, necio, Port, nescio or necio, foolish, ignorant, from Lat. nescius, ignorant. This is clearly the etymology of ' nice ' as used by Chaucer ; the modern word nice is the same, differently used. Nil, i p. s. pr. I desire not, I dis- like, E 646 ; I will not, 363 ; pr. s. will not, 119. A.S. nyllan, to be unwilling, Lat. nolle. Nin, for ne in, i. e. nor in, F 35. Nis, for ne is, is not, B 1876, E 448. F 72- Niste, i p. s. pt. knew not, F 502 ; pt. pi. Nisten, knew not, 634. A. S. nytan, not to know, pt. t. ic nyste ; from ne, not, and ivilan, to know. Noblesse, s. nobility, magnificence, B 3438, E 782 ; high honour, B 3208. F. noblesse; Low Lat. nobililia ; from Lat. nobilis, noble, Nobleye, s. nobleness, i. e. dignity, state, F 7 7. Cf.O.Fr. nobloier, to shine, lit. to look noble; from Lat. nobilis. Noght, adv. not ; shortened from nought, and signifying in no re- spect, B 94, 112. See Nat. 274 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Nolde, pi. s. would not, B 87, 1821, 3664. A. S. nyllan, pt. t. ic nolde; see Nil. Nones, in pkr. for the nones = for the nonce, for the once, for the oc- casion, B 1165, 3133. Originally for then ones, for the once ; where then is dative of art. the, and ones is an adverb used as a noun. Nonnes, s. pi. gen. nuns', B 3999. F. nonne, Low Lat. nonna, used by St. Jerome (Brachet). Noon, adj. none, no, B 102 ; pi. Noon, 89. A. S. nan. Noot, I p. s. pr. I know not, B 359 6 . 3973. F 34 2 - A - s - ndt > for ne wot, knows not; I and 3 p. s. pr. indie. Norice, s. a nurse, E 561, 618, F 347. Y. nourrice, O. F. norris, Lat. nulricem. Norished, pp. nourished, brought up, E 399. Norishiuge, s. nurture, bringing up, E 1040. Notable, adj. notorious, B 1875. Lat. notabilis. Note, s. a note (of music), B 1737. Lat. no/a. Notemuge, *. nutmeg, B 1953. Note is A. S. hnut, G. nuss ; the ending muge = O. F. muguet, Lat. muscata, musk - scented ; from muscus, scent, musk. No-thing, adv. in no respect, not at all, B 3402, E 228, 480. Nouelries, s. pi. novelties, F 619. Cf. House of Fame, ii. 178. O. F. novelerie, which commonly means a quarrel ; O. F. novel, new, Lat. nouellus; from nouus. Noueltee, s. novelty, E 1004. O. F. noveliteit, Low Lat. nouelli- tatem; from nouus. Nouys, s. novice, B 3129. F. novice, Lat. nouicius ; from nouus. Now and now, adv. at times, from time to time, occasionally, F 430. Nowches, s. pi. jewels, E 382, O. F. noitche, nosche, a buckle, bracelet ; Low Lat. nusca, a brooch ; O. H. G. nusca, an orna- ment, brooch, bracelet ; cf. O. H. G. nusta, a knitting tog?ther. Spenser has ouch. Ny, adv. nearly, F 346 ; wel ny = almost, E 82. A. S. nedh. Nyce, adj. weak, foolish, B 3712. F 525. See Nice. Nyghte, s. dat. night; a nyghte, at night, by night, B 3758. A. S. nihtf Icel. ndtt, Lat. nocleni. O. O, adj. one, B 52, 2122, 3663. Shortened from M. E. on, A. S. an, one. Obeisaunce, s. obedience, 24, 502 ; obedient act, E 230 ; pi. Obeisances, submissive acts, acts expressing obedient attention, F SIS- Obeisant, adj. obedient, E 66. Obeye, v. to obey, F 489 ; pt. s. Obeyede, 569. F. obtir, Lat. obedire. Obseruances, s. pi. duties, atten- tions, F 516. Obserue, v. to give countenance to, favour, B 1821. F. observer, Lat. obseruare. Occupye, v. to occupy, take up, F 64. F. occuper, Lat. occtipare. Of, prep, by, B 2132, E 70, 2436; with, for, B 1779, E 33 ' as re ' gards, with respect to, B 90, 3388, F 425 ; of grace = by his favour, out of his favour, E 178. A. S. o/, Icel. a/, G. ab. Lat. ab, Gk. diro. Of, adv. off, away, B 3748, 3762. Office, s. duty, employment (see note), B 3446 ; houses of office = servants' offices, pantries, larders, &c. E 264. From Lat. qfficium. Of-newe, adv. newly, lately, E 938. Hence E. anew. GLOSSARTAL INDEX. 275 Of-ta!*en, pp. taken off, taken away, B 1855. Cf. 1. 1858. Ofte, adj. pi. many, frequent, E 226 ; adv. often, 722 ; adv. coinp. Ofter, oftener, 215, 620. A. S. oft, Icel. off, oft, Goth, tifta, often, Olde, adj. pi. old, F 69. A. S. eald, G. alt, Goth, altheis. Oliueres, s. pi. oliveyards, B 3226. The O. F. oliver is used to trans- late Lat. oliueta (Burguy). On, prep, upon, concerning, B 48 ; on, in, at; on cue = in the even- ing ; on morwe = in the morning, 1214; on reste = at rest, F 379. A. S. on, Icel. d, G. an, Goth. ana. On, adj. one; euerich on, every one, B 1164. See O, Oon. Onlofte, adv. aloft, i. e. still above ground, E 229. Icel. lopt (pron. loft), cognate with A. S. lyft, air. Ook, s. an oak, F 159. A. S de, Icel. eik, G. eiche. Oon, adj. one, B 2034, 3880 ; the same, 2142, 711; the same thing, alike, F 537 ; oon the faireste = one who was the fairest, one of the fairest, E 212; euer in oon = continually alike, con- stantly in the same manner, E 602, 677, F 4*7? many oon, many a one, E 775. A. S. an, Icel. einn, Goth, ains, Lat. unus. Open, adj. open, B 1684. A. S. open, Icel. opinn, G. off en. Ord, s. beginning ; ord and ende = beginning and end, B 3911. A. S. ord, a beginning, a point of a sword, Icel. oddr, whence E. odd. We find pennys ord = a point of a pen, in Cursor Mundi, G 10626, altered to penne poynt in text T. Ordeyned, pp. appointed, F 177. O. F. ordener, F. ordonner, Lat. ordinare. Orient, s. the east, B 3504. Sec Thorient. From Lat. orienlem. Othere, adj. pi. other, B 3344 ?5 lo i 3896 ; sing. Other ; whence that other = the other, answering to that oon = the one, F 496. A.S. o'&Vr, G. ander. Otherweyes, adv. otheiwise, E 1072. Lit. other-ways. Otherwyse, adv. on any other condition, F 534. Othes, s. pi. oaths, F 528. A. S. a5, Icel. v oV, Goth, aiths. Ouer, prep, besides, F 137. A.S. ofer, Icel. yfir, G. iiber. Ouer, adv. over, on, B 1633. Oueral, adv. in every respect, throughout, E 1048. Cf. G. iiberall. Ouerlad, pp. put upon, B 3101. Lit. led over. See P. Plowm. B 3-3I4- Ouermacche, v. to overmatch, overreach, conquer, E 1220. Ought, adv. at all, B 1792. A.S. dht, for an hwit, a whit. Oughte,pt. s. subj. it should behove us, E 1150; pt. s. indie, it was fit, it was due, 1120; pt. pi. Oughten, ought, B 1833, 3567. A. S. dgan, to owe, to own ; pt. t. ic dhte. Oules, i. pi. owls, F 648. A.S. ule, Icel. vgla, G. enle, Lat. ulula. Out-caughte, pt. s. caught out, drew out, B 1 86 1. Outen, v. to come out with, to utter, E 2438. A. S. Man, to put out, to eject ; cf. O. H. G. uzon, to put out. The word is very rare. Outerly, adv. utterly, entirely, E 335. 639. 768, 953- A. S. a/or, utter. Outrage, v. to become outrageous, to lose patience, lose temper, E 643. F. outrer, O. F. oltrer, to pass beyond bounds ; O. F. ollre , Lat. ultra, beyond. Owen, adj. own, B 3198, 3571, E 504, 652 ; pi. Owene, B 3584. A. S. dgen, G. eigen, own, peculiar. T 2 GLOSS ARIAL INDEX. Oxes, gen. sing, ox's, E 207, 291. A. S. oxa, Icel. oxi, vxi, Goth. auksa, G. ochs. Oxe-stalle, s. oxstall, E 398. A. S. oxaii steal, where oxan is the gen. case of oxa, or it may be con- sidered as a compound, oxa-steal. In either case the sonant e after x is accounted for. P. Pace, v. to pass, go. B 1759, F 120; pr. s. subj. 1 p. er I pace =ere I depart, ere I die, F 494; pr. s, subj. may pass away, may depart, E 1092. F. passer, Low Lat. passare, to pass over ; from pandere. See Passe. Page, s. a page, boy, F 692. F. page, Low Lat. pagius, a servant. Deduced by Diez from Gk. irais, iraiSiov. Ducange gives pagius, pagita,pagesius, pagensis (whence F. pays), all meaning a domestic servant or a rustic. Surely from the sb. pagus, a village, whence also Lat. paganus. Paleys, 5. palace, E 197, F 60. F. palais, Lat. palatium. Papeiay, s. a popinjay, a parrot, B I 957- F papegai, from Span. papagayo ; hardly from Arab, ba- bagd, a parrot, a late word (Diez). Paradys, s. Paradise, B 3200. Gk. irapaSeiaos, a pleasure-ground, Heb. pardes, known to be of Aryan (Persian) origin. Paramour, i. e. par amour, for love, B 2033. See note. Parauenture, adv. peradventure, by chance, E 234. Pardee, interj. an oath, from French par dieu, B 1977, 1234; Parde, B 3974, F 696. Pareinentz, s. pi. ornaments ; chambre of paramentz = orna- mented chamber, F 269. F. parement, an ornament, from parer, to adorn, Lat. parare. Parfay, interj. by my faith, B HO. O. F. parfei, F. par foi. Parfitly, adv. perfectly, E 690. F. parfait, Lat. perfectus. Parfournest, pr. s. 2 p. perform- est, B 1797; pp. Parfourned, 1 646. Cotgrave has ' Parfour- nir, to perform, consummate,' &c. From O.F.fornir (F. fournir\ to accomplish ; from O. H. G. frumjan, to accomplish, whence also G.frommen, to avail ; which from O. H. G. frum, good ; cf. Mceso-Goth. frums, beginning, fruma, first, Lat. primus ; from the root of G. i/or, E.fore, Lat. prae. Park, s. a park, F 392. Cf. F. pare, probably from a Teut. source; cf. Welsh pare, parwg, an enclosure ; there is also A. S. pearroc, an en- closure, park, which gives the ety- mology of the E. word. The root is seen in M. E. parre> to enclose. Party, s. a part, 817. F. parti, divided, from partir, to divide, Lat. partiri. Pas, s. a pace, i. e. a footpace, at a slow rate, F 388. See Prol. 1. 825. Lat. passus. Passe, imp. s. or pi. pass (over), go (on), proceed, B 1633 ; I p. s. pr. Passe of = pass by, F 288 ; pr. s. Passeth, passes away, 404 ; pp. Passed, past, spent, E 610 ; pres. part. Passing, surpassing, extreme, 240,1225. See Pace. Passioun, s. passion, suffering, B 1175. Lat. passionem. Pauement, s. pavement, B 1867. O. F. pavement, Lat. pavimentum. Payndemayn, s. bread of a peculiar whiteness, B 1915. See note. From Lat. pants Dominicus. Peer, s. peer, equal, B 1930. See Pere. Pees, s. peace, B 130, 3524, 3826. O.F. pes, F. paix, Lat. pacem. Penaunt, s. a penitent, one who does penance, B 3124. O.F. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 277 peneant, penitent; from Lat. poena, pain. Penible, adj. painstaking, careful to please, E 714. F. penible, from peine, Lat. poena. Peples, gen. sing, people's, E 412. F. penple, Lat. populiis. Perce, Percen, v. to pierce, B 2014, E 1204, F 237; pp. Perced, B 1745. F. percer. Percinge, s. piercing ; for percinge = to prevent any piercing, B 2052. Pere, s. peer, equal, B 3244, F 678. See Peer. O. F. per, F. pair, Lat. par, Peregryn, adj. peregrine, i. e. foreign, F 428. Lat. peregrinus. Perilous, adj. dangerous, terrible, B IQ99) 3 1O 9- From Lat. peri- cnlum. Perles, s. pi. pearls, B 3658. F. perle,Port.perola, Low Lzt.pernla. Perree, s. jewellery, precious stones, B 3495. 355. 355 6 - F.pierrerie ; Low Lat. petrarice, jewels ; from Lat. petra, a stone. Persone, s. parson, B 1170; per- son, E 73. Lat. persona. Peyne, s. pain, suffering, B 2134; trouble, care, F 509 ; gen. Peynes, F 480 ; vpon peyne = under a penalty, E 586. F. peine, Lat. poena. Peyned hir, pt. s. refl. took pains, 976. Peyntede, pt. s. painted, F 560; pp. Peynted, 646. F. peindre, Lat. ping ere. Philosophre, s. a philosopher, di- dactic writer, B 25. Phisyk, s. physic, the art of medi- cine, B 1189. F. physique; Gk. Pitee, s. pity, B 3231, F 479. F. pitie, O. F. piled, Lat. pietatem. Thus pity is a doublet of piety. Pitous, adj. sad, B 2140, 3567, E 1121; pitiful, full of compassion, F 20. O. F.pitos, F.piteux ; Lat. pietosus. Pitously, adv. piteously, sadly, pitiably, B 3729, F 414, 461. Place, s. manor-house, residence of a chief person in a village or small town, B 1910. See note. F. place, Lat. plalea. Piastres, s. pi. plaisters, or plasters, F 636. F. platre. Low Lat. plas- trum, short for emplastrum, Gk. Piler, s. a pillar, B 3308 ; pi. Filers, 3274. F. pilier ; from pile, Lat. pila, a pillar. Pin, s. a pin, small peg, F 127, 316. From Lat. pinna, for penna. Pistil, s. epistle, E 1154. Plat, adv. flat, B 1865; flatly, bluntly, 3947. F.plat, G. platt ; both from Gk. irXarvs, broad. Plate, s. plate, stiff iron defence for a hauberk, B 2055. O. F. plate, a flat piece of metal ; see above. Platte, adj. dot. flat, flat side (of a sword), F 162, 164. See Plat. Playn, adj. plain ; in short and piayn = in brief plain terms, E 577. F. plain, Lat. plantts. Playn, s. a plain, B 24 ; Playne, E 59. Pleinte, s. complaint, lament, B 66. F.plainte,from La.t.plangere, to wail. See Pleyne. Plentee, s. plenty, abundance, E 264, F 300; gret plentee = in great quantity, B 3665. O. F. plentet, Lat. plenitatem, from pie mis, full. Plesaiice, s. pleasure, will, E 501, 659, 663, 672, 959, 964; kind- ness, II II; pleasing behaviour, F 509. F. plaisance, from Lat. placere. Plesen, v. to please, F 707. F. flaisir, Lat. placere. Pley, s. a play, sport, diversion, E 10, II, 1030. A.S.plega, sport. Pleye, v. to amuse oneself, B 3524, 3666, 3996 ; pres. part. Pleying, 278 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. amusing herself, F 410. A. S. pleg- an. Pleyn, adv. plainly, B 3947, E 19 ; openly, E 637. See Plasm. Pleyne, pr. pi. subj. I p. we may complain, 97. F. plaindre, Lat. plangere. Plowman, s. ploughman, E 799. Plumage, s. plumage, F 426. F. plumage, Lat. plutna, a feather. Plye, v. to bend, E 1169. Y.plier, Lat. plicare. Plyghte, pt. s. plucked, pulled, B 15. Cf. A.S. plucdan, pt. t. pluccode ; though this hardly ac- counts for the present form. We may note, however, similar forms in Chaucer elsewhere, viz. shryghte (shrieked), Kn. Ta. 1959; twygh'.e (twitched), Tro. and Cres. iv. "85 ; pryghte, F 418. Poetrye, s. poetry, E 33 ; pi. Poe- tryes, poems, F 206. Point, s. point ; fro point to point = from beginning to end, B 3652 ; point for point, exactly, in every detail, E 577. F. point, Lat. puncttim. Point-deuys, s. point-device, F 560. Poison, s. poison, B 3859. F. poi- son, Lat. potionem ; lit. a potion. Polyue, s. a pulley, F 184. F. poulie; the Prompt. Parv. has f'oleyn, but the rime is decisive as to the form used here. Pompous, adj. stately, magnificent, B 3745- Pope, s. the pope, E 74 T ! * Popes, 746; pi. Popes, B 2039. A. S. papa, Lat. papa, a father. Popet, s. poppet, puppet, doll ; spoken ironically, and therefore here applied to a corpulent per- son, B 1891. Cotgrave has ' Poiipstte, a little b.iby, puppet, bable* [i.e. bauble]. Cf. F. poupee, a doll ; Lat pupa, a doll. Possessioun, s. possession, i. e. large property, great possessions. wealth, F 686. Potage, 5. pottage, broth, B 3623. F. potage, from pot (Welsh pot), a pot. Pouerte, s. poverty, B 99, E 816. O. F. povrete, poverle, Lat. pauper- latem. Note ; the u in this word is sounded as v. Pound, s. pi. pounds, F 683. A. S. fund, a pound ; a neut. sb. with pi. pund ; cf. Icel. and Goih.pund. Poure, adj. poor, B 116, 120; pi. Poure, 188. The M is here a v; povre = O.F. povre, F. pauvre ; from Lat. pauperem. Poure, adv. poorly, E 1043. See above. Pourest, adj. svperl. poorest, E 205. See Poure. Poureliche, adj. poorly, in poverty, 213, 1055. See Poure. Preche, v. to preach, B 1179; Prechen, 1177; imp. pi. Precheth, E 1 2. F. precher, Lzt.praedicare. Predicacioun, *. preaching, ser- mon, B 1176. Prees, s. press, crowd, B 3327 ; Pies, F 189. F. presse; from Lat. premere. Preise, I p. s. pr. I praise, F 674. O. F. preiser, to praise ; preis, price, Lat. pretium. Prescience, *. foreknowledge, E 659. From Lat. praescire. Presence, s. presence ; in presence = in company, in a large assem- bly, E 1207. Prest, s. priest, B 1166, 4000. O. F. prestre, F. pretre ; Lat. presbyter. Presumpcioun, s. presumption, pride, B 3745. Preue, s. proof, E 787. F.preuve, from Lat. probare. Preue, v. to test ; E 699 ; pr. s. snbj. may test ; he preue = that he test or try, 1152 ; pr. s. Preueth, proves, 1000 ; tries, tests, 1155 ; shews, 2425 ; pp. Preued, ap- GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 279 proved, 38 ; exemplified, 856 ; shewn, F 481. See above. Freyede, pt. s. prayed, besought, F 311 ; Preyde, B 3729, E 548, 765 ;pp. Preyed, 7 73. O.V.preier, F. prier ; Lat. precari. Preyere, s. prayer, B 1669, 141. F. priere. Preys, s. praise, B 3837. O. F. preis, Lat. pretium. See Preise. Priketh, pr. s. spurs, rides, B 1944 ; pt. s. Priked, 1964; Pryghte, F 418 ; 2 p. s. fubj. Prike, B 2001 ; Prikke, prick, goad, torture, E 1038. A. S. priccian, to prick, goad. See Pryghte. Prickinge, s. spurring, hard riding, B 1965. Prikke, s. prick, point, critical condition, B 119. A. S. prica, a prick, point. Principles, s. pi. principles, deep feelings, natural disposition, F 48 7. Prioresse, s. prioress, B 1637. Priuee, adj. secret, privy, closely attendant, E 192, 519; secret, B 1991. F. prive, Lat. privates. Priuee, adv. privately, secretly, F 531; Priuely.B 21, 3889. Priuitee, privity, secrecy, E 249. Proces, s. narrative, history, occur- rence of events, B 3511 ; proces holde = keep close to my story, F 658. F. proces, a suit at law, Lat. processtts. Profred, pp. offered, E 152. O. F. profrir, porofrir ; from O. F. por- (Lat. pro) and o/rir, to offer. Proheme, *. a proem, prologue, E 43. F. proeme (Cotgrave), Gk. irpootfuov, a prelude ; from irpo, before, and o?//o?, a way, also, a strain of song. Prolixitee, s. prolixity, tediousness, F 405. From Lat. prolixus. Prologe, s. prologue, rubric to B 99. Gk. irpo\oyos. Proporcioned, pp. made in pro- portion, F 192. Propre, adj. own, peculiar, B 3518 ; of propre kynde = by their own natural bent, F 610, 619. F. propre, Lat. proprius. Prose, s. prose, B 96. Lat. prosa. Prospectyues, s. pi. perspective- glasses, lenses, F 234. No doubt Chaucer here makes the usual dis- tinction between reflecting mirrors and refracting lenses. Milton (Va- cation Exerc. 1. 71) seems to apply the word to a combination of lenses, or telescope. See Trench, Select Glossary, s. T. Perspective. Prouerbe, s. a proverb, B 3436 ; pi. Prouerbes, proverbial sayings, saws, 2146. Lat. prouerbium. Proueth, pr. s. proves, F 455. See Preue. Prouost, s. provost, chief magis- trate, B 1806. A.S. prdfosl, from Lat. praepositus ; F. privot. Prydeles, adj. void of pride, E 930. A. S. pryta, pride. Pryghte, pt. s. pricked, F 418. A. S. priccian, pt. t. priccode, whence pryghte is contracted. Pryme, s. prime, i. e. nine o'clock, F 73 ; fully pryme, the end of the period of prime, i. e. nine o'clock, B 2015; pryme large, just past nine o'clock, F 360. Lat. prima. Prymer, s. primer, elementary reading-book, B 1707. Lat. prim- arium. Prys, s. price, value, estimation, B 2087 ; praise, E 641 ; Pryse, E 1026. O. F. pris, preis, Lat. pre- tium. Thus price and prize are the same word as praise. Pryuely, adv. secretly, 641. Publisshed, pp. published, spread abroad, E 415, 749. Purpos, s. purpose ; it cam him to purpos = he purposed, F 606. F. propos, Lat. propositnm. We find the verb spelt proposer and pur- poser in Old French. Purposed, pp. purposed, E 1067. 280 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Purs, s. purse, F 148. A. S. purs, Gk. &\jpaa, a skin. Purveye, v. to purvey, provide, E 191. F. pourvoir, Lat. prouidere. Thus purvey is a doublet of pro- vide. Putte, pt. s. put, B 1630, 3742 ; 2 p. Puttest, didst put, 3875 ; pp. Put, E 471. Cf. Welsh pwtio, to push, poke; Gael, put, to push. The E. E. form pulte, with the sense of put, is Mod. E. pelt. Pyes, s. pi. pies, magpies, F 649. F. pie, Lai. pica. Pyne, s. pain, suffering, the passion, B 2126; woe, torment, 3420, F 448. A. S. pin, from Lat. poena. Pype, s. pipe, a musical instrument, B 2005. A.S. pip, Icel. pipa, G. Q Quad, a<#. bad, B 1628. Du. Itvaad, bad, evil ; O. Du. quad. 'Een qitade boom brenght voort qttade vruchten,' a corrupt tree brlngeth forth evil fruit ; Matt. vii. 1 7, in Dutch New Test. A. D. 1700. Quaille, s. quail, E 1 206. O. F. quaille, F. caille, Low Lat. qnaqttila, of Teutonic origin ; cf. Du. kwakkel, a quail, lewdken, to croak, to quack. The name is from the sound made. Quaking, pres. part, quaking, E 3*7. 358; pp. Quaked, B 3831 ; pt. s. Quook, quaked, shook, 3394. A. S. cwacian, to quake. Quene, s. queen, B 1671. A.S. cwen, Icel. kvdn, Goth. Inverts, Gk. yvvfi, a woman. Quean and queen are doublets. Querne, s. (dot.) a handmill, B 3264. A.S. cweorn, cwyrn, Icel. levern, Goth, kwairnus. In the Mceso-Gothic version of St. Mark ix. 42, the word ' mill-stone ' is rendered by asila-kwairnus, i. e. a quern turned by an ass, a quern of large size. In Iceland Iwern is a handmill, which used to be turned by bondwomen, who sang as they sat at work. Queynte, adj. def. quaint, curious, F 369 ; dot. 239 ; pi. Queinte, B 1189; Queynte, curiously con- trived, F 234. O. F. cointe, in- structed, Lat. cognitus; but it has probably been influenced in its meanings by the Lat. comptus, trimmed. Quod, pt. s. quoth) said, B 16, 28, II 66, &c. A.S. cweftan, to say, speak ; pt. t. ic cwce^S ; pi. we cwadon ; Icel. kvefta, Goili.kwith- an, to speak. Quook, pt. s. quaked, shook, B 3394. See Quaking. Quyrboilly, s. boiled leather, B 2065. F. cuirbouilli; see note. Quyte, v. to acquit, free ; hir cost for to quyte = to pay for her ex- penses, B 3564. O. F. gutter, F. quitter; Lat. quietare ; from quiet, rest. B. Baffce, pt. s. reft (from the vb. reue, to reave), B 3288, 3291. A. S. reafian, pt. t. ic redfode ; Icel. raufa, G. rauben ; cf. E. rob. Baked, pp. raked, B 3323. Lite- rally, the sentence is ' Amongst hot coals he hath raked himself; ' the sense is, of course, ' he hath raked hot coals around himself.' A. S. racian, to rake together, Icel. rdka ; cf. ' Rakyn, rastro,' Prompt. Parv. Bam, s. the ram, the sign Aries, F 386. Bampeth, pr. s. (lit. ramps, romps, rears, but here) rages, acts with violence, B 3094. We should now say ' she flies in my face.' The following quotation, in which rampe means an ill-conditioned GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 28l woman, a romp, 5s much to the purpose. ' A woman ought not to striue with her husbonde, nor yeae him no displesaunce, ... as dede onis a woman that dede an- suere her husbonde afore straun- gers like a rampe, with gret uelonis [felon's] wordes, dis- praising hym and setting hym atte not [at naught]' The Knight of la Tour-Landry, ed. Wright, p. 25. Rancour, s. rancour, malice, E 432, 747. O. F. rancor, Lat. rancor, rancidity ; from rancere, to be rancid. Rasour, s. razor, B 3246. F. rasoir, Low Lat. rasorium, from Lat. radtre, to scrape. Bather, adj. comp. sooner, E 1169. A. S. hrafte, soon ; comp. kra'Sor. Raughte, pi. s. reached, B 1921. A. S. racan, pt. t. ic rcehte; G. reichen. Rauysedest, 2 p. s. pt. didst ra- vish, didst draw (down), B 1659 ; pp. Rauisshed, ravished, overjoyed, F 547. F. ravir, Ital. rapire, Lat. rapere, to snatch away. Reaume, s. realm, country, B 3305. F. royanme, Low Lat. regalimen, from regalis; from Lat. rex, a king. Rebel, s. a rebel; or adj. rebel- lious, B 3415. F. rebelle ; Lat. rebellis, one that renews war ; from re, again, and bellum, war. Recche, I p. s. pr. I reck, care, B 94 P 1 "- pl- reck, care ; recche of it = care for it, F 71. See Rek. Recchelees, adj. reckless, careless, indifferent, E 488. A. S. receleds. Receyuen, v. to receive, E 1151. F. recevoir, Lat. recipere. Recovered, pp. recovered, regain- ed, B 27. F. recouvrer, Lat. recii- perare. Recours, s. recourse ; I wol have my recours = 1 will return, F 75. F. recours, Lat. recnrsns ; from cnrstis, a course. Rede, adj. def. red, F 415. A. S. redd, Icel. rauftr, G. roth, Gk. tpvOpus. See Reed. Rede, v, to read, B 1690, F 211 ; I p. s. pr. Rede, I advise, E 811, 1 205 ; imp. pi. Redeth, read, B 3650. A. S. raedan, G. ralhen. Redresse, v. to set right, E 431. See Dresse. Redy, adj. ready, E 299, F 114; dressed, 387. A. S. raede, ready ; cf. Swed. redig, evident, orderly. Reed, adj. red, B 2059, 3734, E 317. See Rede. Reed, s. counsel, B 3739, E 653. A. S. r&d, G. rath. Reflexions, s. pi. reflexions by means of mirrors, F 230. Refuseden, pt. pi. refused, E 128. Due to Lat. refntare. Refuse and refute are (nearly) doublets. Regne, *. kingdom, dominion, reign, B 3401, 3404, 3432, F 1355 t l - Regnes, B 129, 3518; governments, 3954. F. regne, Lat. regntim. Regned, pt. s. reigned, B 3845. Reherse, v. to rehearse, relate, re- count, B 89, E 1 221 ; Reher- cen, F 298 ; pres. part. pi. Re- hersinge, relating, F 206. O. F. rehercer, to repeat (Roquefort) ; lit. to harrow over again, as one does a field ; from O. F. herce, a harrow, F. herse ; Lat. herpicem, a harrow, used by Varro (Brachet). Reioysed, pt. s. i p. reflex. I re- joiced, 145. Rek, imp. s. reck, care, B 4004, i p. s. pr. Rekke, I care, E 1090. See Recche. Rekne, v. to reckon, account, B no; Rekenen, reckon, count, E 2433. A. S. recnan, G. rechnen. Relesse, I p. s. pr. I release, E 153; pt. s. Relessed, forgave, B 3367. O. F. relaitser, Lat. relax- 282 GLOSS ARIAL INDEX. are. Relay, release, and relax are all the same word. Remedie, s. remedy, B 3974. Lat. remedium. Hemenant, s. remnant, rest, E 869. From Lat. manere, to remain. Remewed, pp. removed, F 181. From Lat. mouere, to move. Reneye, v. to deny, renounce, B 3751. From Lat. negare, to deny. Kenneth, pr. s. runs, F 479 ; renn- eth for = runs in favour of, B 125; see the note; pp. Ronne, B 2. A. S. rennan, yrnan, to run, G. rennen, Icel. retina. Rente, s. rent, i. e. revenue, B 3401, 3572. F. rente, from F. rendre, Lat. reddere. Repaire, v. to repair, return, F 589 ; pr. s. Repaireth, returns, 339 ; g es . B 3 88 5 : pres. fart. Repeiring, returning, F 608. O. F. repairer, repairier, from Low Lat. repatriare, to return to one's native country (Lzt.patria'). Rsporten, v. report, tell, F 72. F. reporter, Lat. reportare. Reson, s. reason, E 25 ; Resoun, 63408. F. raison, Lzt.ra.'ionem. Resouned, pi. s. resounded, F 413. From Lat. resonart. Reste, v. to rest, F 606 ; 2 p.pl.pr. snbj. may rest, 126. A. S. restart. Reste, s. rest, F 355. Retsnue, s. retinue, suite, E 270. F. relenue ; from Lat. retinere. Rethor, s. orator, F 38. Lat rhetor, Gk. fr/Toip. Rethoryke, s. rhetoric, 32. Retourneth, imp. pi. return, E 809. F. retovrner ; from Lat. tornare, to turn. Reuel, s. revelry, E 392, 1123, F 278, 339. O.F. revel, rebellion; also tumult, joyous noise ; from O. F. reveler, Lat. rebellare, to rebel. Not from Dutch, as Mr. Wedgwood suggests. Reuerence, s. reverence, respect. honour, E 196; thy reuerence= the respect shewn to thee, B 116. From Lat. reuerentia. Reule, v. to rule ; reule hir = guide her conduct, 327. A.S. regol, a rule; borrowed from Lat. regtila. Rewelboon, s. a kind of ivory, obtained from the sperm-whale, narwhal, or walrus, B 2 068. Rewen, v. to rue, have pity, E 1050 ; pr. s. impers. me Reweth, I rue, I am sorry, 2432. A. S. hreow, grief; hredwian, to be grieved. Rewthe, s. ruth, pity, E 579, 893, F 438; a pitiful sight, 'lit. ruth, 562. Reyn, s. rain, 1864, 3363, 3921. A. S. regen, G. regen, Goth, rign ; cf. Lat. rigare. Reyne, s. rein, F 313. O. F. re^ue, F. rene, Ital. redina ; prob. from Lat. retinere, to hold back. Riche, adj. pi. rich, B 122. A.S. rice, Goth, reiks, O. H. G. riche. The Norman pronunciation of A. S. rice produced riche, which nearly agreed with the French pronunciation of O. H. G. riche. Richely, adv. richly, F 90. Richesse, s. riches, B 107, 3432, 3750. F. richesse, a sing, noun ; from F. riche. See Riche. Riden, pp. ridden, B 1990. See Ryden. Ring, s. ring, F 83, 143, 247 ; pi. Ringes, E 255. A. S. hring, Lat. circus. Rise, pt. pi. rose, B 1869. See Ryse. Riuer, s. river ; ryde for riuer = ride towards the river, B 1927. F. riviere, Low Lat. riparia, a river ; from Lat. ripa, a bank. Roche, s. rock, F 500. F. roche; from Late Lat. rocca. Rode, s. complexion, B 1917- A. S. rndu, redness, from rud,redd, led. GLOSS 'A RIAL INDEX. 283 Body, adj. ruddy, F 385, 394. See above. Boial, adj. royal, F 59 ; pi. Roiales, B 2038. F. roial, Lat. regal is. Boially, adv. royally, E 955 ; with pomp, F 1 74. Boialtee, s. royalty, 928. Bomances, s. pi. romances, B 2038,2087. F. romance, roman, lit. Roman, a term applied to the vulgar tongue of Italy and some of its dependencies. Bombel.s. rumour, 997. Cf. Du. rommeln, to rumble, to buzz. Bombled, pt. s. made a murmuring noise, rumbled, buzzed, muttered, B 37 2 5- The infin. romblen = to rumble like thunder, occurs in the Legend of Good Women, 1. 1216. See Bomb el. Borne, pr. pi. i p. we roam, E 118. Bonne, pp. run, B 2. See Ch. Prol. 1. 8. See Benneth. Bood, pt. s. rode, E 234 ; pp. Riden, B 1990. See Byden. Boos,//, s. rose, B 3717, 3863; Ros, F 267 ; pi. Rise, rose, B 1869. See Byse. Bote, s. root, source, B 1655 ; dot. Rote, F 153 ; Roote, root, i. e. foot, E 58. Icel. rdt; cf. Lat. radix. Bote, s. rote ; by rote, by heart, B 1712. Conjectured to be from the O. F. rote, a way, spelt route in modern French ; a derivative of route is routine, O. F. ratine, and Cotgrave gives ' Par ratine, by rote.' Boughte, pt. s. impers. it recked ; him roughte = he recked, 685. A. S. recan, to reck ; pt. t. ie rdhte. See Becche. Bounde, adv. roundly, i. e. easily, with an easy motion, B 2076. O. F. roond, round, F. rand, Lat. rotiindus. Boune, v. to whisper, B 2025; pt. s. Rowned, whispered, F 216. A. S. rilnian, to whisper, speak mysteriously ; from rUn, a rune, a magical character, a mystery. See a note on runes in Earle's Philology of the Eng. Tongue. Boute, s. company, B 16, 1634, E 303, 382. F. route, from Lat. rupta, which from rumpere, to break ; cf. G. rolte. Buby, s. ruby, B 1800 ; pi. Rubies, 3658. Lat. rubeus, red; ruber, red. Bude, adj. common, rough, poor, 916. Lat. rudis. Budely, adv. rudely, E 380. Budenesse, s. rusticity, E 397. Byden, pr. pi. ride, E 784 ; pt. s. Rood, 234; pp. Riden, B 1990. A. S. rtdan, Icel. rifta, G. reiten; pt. t. ie rdd; pp. riden. Byghte, s. dot. right ; by ryghte = by rights, B 44. Byght, adv. precisely, just, exactly, F 193, 492. A.S. rih'e, adv.; riht, adj. ; cf. Icel. rettr, G. reckt, Lat. reetus. Bym, s. rime, rhyme, B 2115, 21 18; a tale in verse, 1899; /' Ryrnes, verses, B 96. The spell- ing with h is later than A.D. 1550. With the old spelling rime or ryme cf. A. S. rim, Icel. rlma, G. reim, Du. rijm, Swed. rim, Dan. riim, F. rime, Ital. rima, Span. rima, Port. rima. The introduc- tion of the h, being due to confu- sion with rhythm, is of later date than the introduction of a know- ledge of Greek, temp. Edward VI. Byrne, v. to rime or rhyme, to make rimes, to tell a tale in verse, B 2122. A. S. riman, F. rimer. Byming, s. the art of riming, B 48. See Bym. Bype, adj. ripe, mature, E 220; />/. Rype, seasonable, 438. A. S. ripe, mature; rip, a reaping, harvest, rlpan, to reap. 284 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Kyse, v. to arise, get up, F 375 ; pr. pi. Rysen, rise, 383 ; pi. s. Roos, B 3717, 3863; Ros, F 267 ; pi. Rise, rose, B 1869. A. S. rtsan, pt. t. ic rds, pi. we rison, pp. risen ; Icel. risa. Ryue, i/. to rive, tear, E 1236. Icel. rifa, Dan. rive, to tear, rend. 8. Sad, adj. sedate, fixe-i, constant, unmoved, settled, E 693, 754; sober, E 220, 237; pi. Sadde, discreet, grave, 1002. A. S. saed, originally ' sated.' Sadly, adv. firmly, tightly; E noo. Sadnesse, s. soberness, constancy, patience, 452. Saffroun, s. saffron ; like saffroun = of a bright yellowish colour, B 1920. F. safran ; from Arab. za'fardn. Salte, adj. pi. salt, E 1084. A. S. sealt, Icel. salt, Lat. sal, salt. Salue, v. to salute, greet, B 1723 ; pr. s. Salueth, salutes, F 91, 112, F. saltier, Lat. salutare. Salues, s.pl. salves, F 639. A. S. sealf, G. salbe. (Here u =v). Saphires, s. pi. sapphires, B 3658. F. sapkir, Lat. saphirt/s. Sapience, s. Wisdom, i. e. the book so called, B 1662. Lat. sapientia. Saue, prep, save, except, B 3214, 3628 ; E 76, 508. F. sauf; Lat. saluus. Saue, v. to save, keep, E 683 ; imp. s. 3 p. may he save, E 505, 1064 ; pp. Saued, saved, kept inviolate, F 531. F. sauver, O. F. saver, Lat. saluare. Saufly, adv. safely, certainly, E 870. Sailing, prep, except, B 3200. Sauour, s. savour, pleasantness, F 404. F. saveur, Lat. saporem. Sayde, pt. s. said, B 1635, &c. See Seye. Sayle, v. to sail, B 1626. A. h. seglian, Icel. sigh. Scarlet, adj. scarlet, B 1917. Of Persian origin. Scarsly, adv. scarcely, B 3602. O. F. escars, scarce, small ; Low Lat. excarpsim, for excerptus; from excerpere, to select. Scathe, s. scathe, harm, pity, E 1172. A. S. sceaftian, to injure. Science, s. learning, learned writing, B 1666. Sclaundre, s. slander, i. e. ill fame, E 722. F. esclandre, O. F. es- candle, Lat. scandalum, a scandal. Scandal and slander are doublets. Scole, s. school, B 1685, 1694. A. S. sc6lii, from Lat. schola ; Gk. \T), leisure, time for study. ScoleTvard ; to scoleward = toward school, B 1 739. Cf. Bnrdenx- wnrd in the Prologue, 1. 397 ; Thebesward, Kn. Tale, 1. 109. Scourges, s. pi. scourges, whips, plagues, 1157. O. F. escorgi', a scourge, thong ; answering to a Lat. form excoriata, from corium, leather. Se, v . to see, look, F 366 ; Sen, 203 ; Seen, B 62 ; gerund, F 623 ; i p. s. pr. Se, I see, B 1 168 ; pt. s. Sey, saw, B i, 7; I p. F 460; pp. Seyn, B 1863. A. S. se6n, pt. t. ic sedh, pp. gesegen , G. sehen, Goth, saikwan. Secrely, adv. secretly, E 763. From Lat. secernere, to put sepa- rate. Secree, s. a secret, B 3211. Secte, s. suite, company, E 1171; religion, faith, (lit. following), F 17. Low Lat. secta, a following, applied to a following of people or suite; also to a suit at law or a suit of clothes ; from Lat. seqni, to follow, not from secare, to cut. See, s. sea, B 68, 127. A. S. see, G. see, Du. zee. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 28- See, s. seat, sc. of empire, B 3339. O. F. se, sied, Lat. sedem. Seek, v. to search through, B 60. See Seke. Seel, s. seal, F 131. O. F. seel, Lat. sigillum. Seen. See Se. Sseth, pt. s. sod, seethed, boiled, E 227. A. S. setfian, to seethe ; pt. t. ic sea'^, pp. soden ; Icel. sju^a, pt. t. sau^, pp. softinn. Sege, s. siege, B 3569, F 306. F. siege, Low Lat. sedium, Lat. se- dem, a seat. Seint, s. saint, B 1631 ; gen. pi. Seintes, B 61. F. saint, Lat. sanctus. Seist, 2 p. s. pr. sayest, B 109 ; seistow = sayest thou, no. See Seye. Seke, v. to seek, B 1633 > 3 P- P^- pr. Seken, ye seek, search through, 127. A. S. secan, Icel. sokja. Selde, adj. pi. seldom, few ; selde tyme = few times, E 146; adv. seldom, 427. A. S. seld, seldan, seldom. Selue, adj. self, very; thy selue neighebor, thy very neighbour, B 115. A.S. self, sylf; cf. G. selbst. Sely, adj. simple, good, innocent, B 1702, E 948. A. S. salig, happy, G. selig; hence E. silly, which is much altered in mean- ing. Semblant, s. outward show, sem- blance, appearance, E 928, F5i6. F. semblant; from sembler, Lat. simulare. Seme, v. to seem, appear, E 132, F 102 j pt. s. itnpers. Semed, it seemed, E 396; him semed=it appeared to them, they supposed, F 56 ; the peple semed = it seemed to the people, the people supposed, F 201. A. S. seman. Semely, adj. seemly, comely, B 1919. Seminge, s. appearance; to my seminge = as it appears to me, B 1838. Sen. See Se. Sene, adj. apparent, F 645. A. S. gesyne, visible, Icel. synn, evident. It is used as a veritable adjective, with a final e ; as is proved by 1. 2173 of the Ormulum. Sent, pr. s. sendeth, sends, E 1 15 1 ; pt. s. Sente, sent, B 3927. A. S. sendan ; 3 p. s. pr. he sent or he sendeft ; pt. t. ic stride. Sentence, s. opinion, B 113, 3992 ; meaning, subject, result, B 1753, 2136. F. sentence, Lat. sentenlia. Septemtrioun, s. north, B 3657 From Lat. septem triones, the seven stars of Ursa Major com- monly known as Charles's wain. Sergeant, s. sergeant, officer, E 519. F.sergent, Lat. seruientem. Thus sergeant and servant are very nearly doublets. Sermouns, s. pi. writings, B 87. From Lat. sermonem. Seruage, s. service, E 147 ; servi- tude, 482. F. servage, from serf, Lat. seruus. Serue, v. to serve, B 4004 ; I p. s. pt. Seruede, served, E 640 ; pt. s. Serued, preserved, kept hid, F 521. F. server, Lat. seruare. Seruisable, adj. serviceable, use- ful, 979. Seruitute, s. servitude, E 798. O. F. servitttt, Lat. seruitutem. Seruyse, 5. service, serving, E 603, 958, F 66, 280, 628. F. service, Lat. seruitium. Seson, s. season, F 54, 389. O. F. seson, F. saison, Lat. sationem, a sowing-time. Sette, v. to set, E 975 ; pi. s. Sette, set, placed, B 3932 ; cast, E 233 ; put, 382 ; pp. Set, appointed, 774. A. S. settan, pt. t. ic setle, pp. geset. Bete, s. seat, B 3715. Icel. steli, in 286 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. A. S. we find the dimin. sell, a settle, a stool. Seten, pt. pi. sat, B 3734, F 92. A. S. sittan, pt. t. ic scet, pi. we sceton. Seuretee, s. assurance, sure pro- mise, trustworthiness, F 528. O. F. seurte, Lat. securitatem. Sewes, s. pi. lit. juices, gravies; prob. used here for seasoned dishes, delicacies, F 67. A. S. seaw, juice, moisture. The Prompt. Parv. has " Sew, cepulatum ; " cepulatitm means broth seasoned with onions. Sexteyn, s. sacristan, B 3126. Sexton is a contracted form of sacristan. Sey, imp. s. say, tell, B 3995, F 2. See Seye. Sey, pt. s. saw, B i, 7, 1695; E 1044; i p. F 460. See Se. Seyde, pt. s. said, B 1 1 79 ; pt. pi. Seyden, F 207, 253 ; pp. Seyd, B 49, 51, 52. See Seye. Seye, v. to say, F 4, 332 ; Seyn, 532 ; I p. s. pr. Seye, I say, 107; imp. s. Sey, B 3995, F 2 ; 2 p. s. pr. Seist, sayest, B 109 ; Seistow = sayest thou, no; pt. s. Seyde, said, B 1179; pi. Seyden, F 207, 253: pp. Seyd, B 49, 51, 52. A. S. secgan, pt. t. ic segde, pp. gesaed; Icel. segja, G. fagen. Seyn, pp. seen, B 1863, E 280. See Se. Seyn, v. to say, B 42, 46 ; pr. pi. say, F 609. See Seye. Seyne, gerund, infin. to say, F 314. A. S. to secganne, gerund of secgan. Seyst, 2 p. 5. pr. sayest, B 106. See Seist. Shadde, pt. s. shed, poured, B 3921. See Shedde. Shadwe, s. shadow, B 7, 10. A. S. sceadu, Goth, skadus. Shake, v. to shake, E 978. A. S. scacan, Icel. sltaka. Shal, i p. s. pr. I shall (do so), F 688 ; pr. s. Shal, must, is to, 603. i p. pi. Shul, we must, E 38. A. S. ic sceal. Shaltow,/or shall thou, E 560. Shameth, pr. s. impers. ; thee shameth=it shameth thee, thou art ashamed, B 101. A. S. sceam- ian, to be ashamed ; commonly used impersonally. Snap, s. shape, F 427. A.S. ge- sceap, Icel. skap. Shape,//, shaped, B 1890; created, B 3099 ; Shapen, planned, E 275 ; pr.pl. Shapen hem = dispose them- selves, intend, F 214. A.S. scap- an, Icel. skapa. Sharpe, adv. sharply, B 2073. A. S. scearp, sharp. Shedde, pt. s. shed, B 3447. A. S. sceddan ; cf. Lat. scindere, Gk. . s. pr. I smell, B 1173. Smerte, adv. smartly, sorely, E 629. Smerte, v. to smart, to feel grieved, E 353 ; pi. s. subj. impers. Smerte, grieved, F 564. Observe that the pt. t. is smerle like the present ; see Gloss, to Prologue, ed. Morris. Du. smarten, to give pain. Smerte, s. smart, dolour, F 480. See Cant. Ta. 3813. Du. smart, G. schmerz. Smit, pr. s. smites, E 12 3. See Smyte. Smok, s. smock, E 890. Icel. smokier. ' Smok, schyrt, Cami- sia' ; Prompt. Parv. Smokies, adj. without a smock, E 875- Smyte, 2 p. pi. pr. ye smite, F 157; pt.s. Smoot, smote, B 3762, 3881. A. S. smltan, pt. t. smdl ; G. sckmeisseti. Snare, s. snare, trap, E 1227. Icel. snara, a snare of string, a noose ; Du. snaar, a string, G. schnur. Snibbed, pp. snubbed, reproved, F 688. Cf. Du. snibbig, snappish. 'Snybbyn or vndurtakyn, Repre- hendo, deprehendo ' ; Prompt. Parv. Snow, s. snow, i. e. argent in heraldry, white, B 3573. A.S. stuiiv. Snow-whyt, adj. snow-white, E 388. Sobre, adj. sober, sedate, B 97. F. sobre, Lat. iobrius. Socour, s. succour, B 3730. F. secour, O. F. socors ; from Lat. succitrrere. Sodeyn, adj. sudden, B 3963, E 316. F. sondain, Lat. tubitaneus. Sodeynly, adv. suddenly, B 15, 3380, F 80, 89. Softe, adv. softly, E 583. A.S. s6ft, G. san//, .soft, mild. Softely, adv. softly, F 636. Solas, s. rest, relief, B 1972; diver- sion, 1904; comfort, solace, plea- sure, 3964. O. F. solaz, Lat. solatium. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 289 Solempne, adj. grand, festive, mag- nificent, E 1125; superb, F 61 ; illustrious, Fill. O. F. solempne, celebre, de grande reputation, illustre (Roquefort) ; Lat. solennis. Solempnely, adv. with state, with pomp, F 179. Som, indef. pron. some, B 1182, 1667; pi. Somme, 2139, E 76. A. S. som, sum, some. Somdel, adv. partially, lit. some deal, E 1012. Someres, gen. sing, summer's, F 64, 142. A. S. siimer, Icel. sumar. Somtyme, adv. at some time, some day, at a future time, B 1 10. Sondry, adj. sundry, diverse, va- rious, B 2131, 3418, 3497, E 271. A. S. syndrig, separate; synder, sunder, different. Sone, adv. soon, B 1702. A. S. sdna. Sone, s. son, F 688 ; pi. Sones, 29. A. S. suntt, Icel. sonr, G. sohn. Sone-in-lawe,s. son-in-law, E 315. Sonest, adv. svperl. soonest, B 3716. See Sone, adv. Song, pt. s. sang, B 1736, 1831 ; pt. pi. Songen, F 55 ; pp. Songe, B 1851. A. S. singan, pt. t. ie sang ; pi. vie sungon. Sonne, s. the sun, F 48, 53; gen. Sonrie, sun's, B 3944. A. S. stmne, Icel. sunna, Goth, sunno, G. sonne, all fern. ; but Goth. sunna is masc. ; the gen. of stmne is sunnan. Sooth, s. truth, B 3970, E 1230, F 166; dot. Sothe, B 1939, E 2424. A. S. sdi5, true, Gk. T<5s; so'S, truth. Cf. Skt. sant, being, pres. part, of as, to be ; used as an adj. in the sense of ' right.' The A. S. so'5 has lost an n, and stands for sonS or satriS. Sooth, adj. true, B 2136, 3436, F 21 ; as adv. truly, F 536. Soothfastnesse, s. truth, E 796, 934. A. S. softftEstnes, veracity. VOL. II. Soothly, adv. verily, E 689. A. S. stfSlice, verily. Soper, s. supper, E 290. F. soitfer, O. F. soper, to take supper, to sup; O. F. sope, F. soupe, of Teu- tonic origin ; cf. Icel. supa, A. S. suppan, to sup. Sophyme, s. a sophism, trick of logic, E 5 ; pi. Sophimes, subtle- ties, deceits, F 554. Lat. sophis- ma, through the French; Gk. aotyifffM, a device. Sore, v. to soar, mount aloft, F 123. F. essorer, to soar, Low Lat. exaurare; from Lat. aura, the air. Sore, s. sore, misery, E 1243. A.S. s/tr, Icel. sdr, a wound. Sore, adv. sorely; bar so sore = bore so ill, E 85. A. S. sore, sorely. Sorwe, s. sorrow, grief, sympathy, compassion, F 422. A.S. sorh, gen. sorge; Icel. sorg, Goth. saurga, G. sorge. Sorwefully, adv. sorrowfully, F 585- 8ory,adj. sad, unfortunate, B 1949. A. S. sdrig, sore, wounded, sad ; from sa'r, a sore, not from sorh, sorrow. Sote, adj. sweet, F 389. Icel. stetr, Goth, suts, G. siiss, Gk. ijSvs ; cf. A. S. swete, swet, sweet, Lat. stta(cT)uis, Sothe. See Sooth. Soure, adv. sourly, bitterly, B 2012. A. S. stfr, sour, Icel. siirr. Souereyn, adj. sovereign, chief, B 3339' E 112. F souverain, O.F. soverain, Low Lat. superanus, one who is above ; from super, above. Soueraynetee, s. sovereignty, E 114. Souked, pp. sucked, been at the breast, E 450 ; pres. part. Souk- ing, sucking, B 1648. A. S. stlcan, Icel. suga, G. saugeti, Lat. sugere. 290 GLOSS ART AL INDEX. Soun, s. sound, E 271. F. sow, Lat. sotmm. Soune, v. imitate in sound, speak like, F 105 ; pr. s. Souneth, tends (to), is consonant (with), B 3157. See Sownen. Soupen, pr. pi. sup, F 297. See Soper. Souple, adj. supple, obedient, yield- ing, B 3690. F. souple; Lat. stipplicem, beseeching. Sours, s. source, origin, E 49. F. source; from Lat. surgere, to arise. Sowen, v. to sow, B 1182. A.S. si'iwan, Icel. sd, G. saen. Sownen, pr.pl. sound, i. e. play, F 270; pr. pi. Sowneth, tend (to), are consonant (with), 517; pt. pi. Sowned, tended, B 3348. F.son- ner, Lat. sonare. See Soun. Space, s. an opportunity, leisure, E 103. F. espace, Lat. spatium. Sparcle, s. sparkle, spark, B 2095. A. S. spearca, a spark ; Du. sparkel- en, to sparkle. Spak, pt. s. spake, E 295, F 445. See Speken. Sparhauk, s. a sparrow-hawk, B 1957. A. S. spear-hafoc, from fpearwa, a sparrow, and hafoc, a hawk. Speohe, s. (dative) speech, elocu- tion, oratory, F 104. A.S. spaec, sprac, G. spreche, Du. spraak. E. speech should rather have been spreech. Specially, adv. especially, 313. F. special. Spedde, pt. s. prospered, made to prosper, B 3875. A.S. spedan, pt. t. spedde, Du. spoeden, to speed. Speken, v. to speak, E 547; pt. t. Spak, E 295, F 445 ; imp. pi. Speketh, E 175 ; pp. Spoke, B 58, F 86. A. S. sprecan, Du. spreken, . G. fprechen, E. tpeak stands for spreak. Spelle, 5. dal. a spell, relation, story, B 2083. A.S. spel, a history, dat. spelle. Spere, s. spear, F. 239. A.S. spere, Du. and G. speer. Spicerye, s. mixture of spices, B 2043. ' Espicerie, f. a spicery; also, spices. Es petis sacs son/ les fines espiceries, the finest spices are in little bags; Proverb.' Cot- grave. From Lat. species. Spille, v. to destroy, E 503. A.S. spillan, Icel. spilla. Spoke, pp. spoken, B 58, F 86. See Speken. Spoon, s. spoon, F 602. A.S. span, a chip, a splinter of wood, Icel. spdnn, sponn, a shaving, a wooden tile, a spoon. The primitive spoons were of wood. Spousaille, s. espousal, wedding, E 1 80; Spousail, 115. Cotgrave has ' Espousailles,f, an espousals, or bridall ; a wedding, or mar- riage.' Lat. spoiisalia, nuptials. Spoused, pp. espoused, wedded, E 3, 386. O. F. esponser, Lat. spoiisare. Spradde, pt. s. spread, E 418, 72 3. A. S. spraedan, Du. spreide/i, G. spreiteu. Spray, s. spray, sprig, B 1960. A. S. spree, a sprig, a branch. Spreynd, pp. sprinkled, B 1830. See Springen. Springe, v. to rise, dawn, F 346. Cf. E. dayspring. Springen, v. to sprinkle, scatter, sow broadcast, B 1183; pp. Spreynd, sprinkled, 1830. A. S. sprengan, to make to spring, to scatter, pp. sprenged ; cf. G. sprengen, to cause to break, to sprinkle, Du.sprengen,to sprinkle. Springing, s. beginning, source, E 49. A. S. springan, to spring up. Spume, v. to spurn, kick, F 616. A. S. spnrnan, Icel. spyrna ; cf. Icel. fpyrja, A S. spyriau, to track GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 291 footsteps, A. EL spot; a foot-track, spora, a spur. Spycas, s. pi. spices, F 291, 204. F. epice, O. F. espices, Lat. species, which is sometimes used with the sense of spice. Squyer, s. a squire, F I ; pi. Squieres, 192. E. esquire, F. ecuyer, from O. F. escuyer, Low Lat. scutarius, a shield -bearer, from Lat. scutum, a shield. Stable, at/;, stable, constant, firm, fixed, E 664, 931. F. stable, Lat. stabilis; from store, to stand fast. Staf-slinge, s. a stafT-sling, B 2019. See note. Stake, s. a stake, E 704. A. S. staca, a stake, pole. Stal, pt. s. stole, went stealthily, B 3763. See Stele. Stalle, s. da!, a stall, E 207, 291. A. S. steal, steel ; gen. stealles, dat. stealle. Stalked him, pt. s. walked slowly, E 525. A. S. stahan, to walk slowly. ' Stalkyn, or gon softe or softely, Serpo, clamculo, et clan- culo '; Prompt. Parv. The It is a mere suffix, as in Aar-k. compared with hear. See Stele. Stant, pr. s. stands, B 3599, F 171, 182; is, B 3116; Standeth, F 190. A. S. standan, to stand; pr. s. he stent or he stynt; cf. Goth. standan, Lat. stare. Stare, v. to stare, gaze, B 1887. A. S. starian, Icel. stara. ' Staryn wythe brode eyne or iyen, Patent- ibus oculis respicere'; Prompt. Parv. Starf, pt. s. died, B 3325, 3645. See Sterue. Starke, adj. pi. severe, B 3560. A. S. stearc, stark, strong, severe, hard, rough ; G. stark. Stede, s. place; in stede of=in stead of, B 3308. A. S. stede, Icel. sta'Sr, Goth, staths, a place. Stede, s. steed, horse, F 81. A. S. steda. Stedefastnesse, s. steadfastness, firmness, E 699. A. S. sled/ast, firm; from slede, a place, and fast, firm, fast. Stedfastly, adv. assuredly, E 1094. Steel, s. steel, E 2426. A. S. styl, Icel. stdl, G. stakl. Stele, v. to steal, B 105; pr. s. Steleth, steals away, 21; pt. s. Stal, stole away, 3763. A. S. stelan, IceL.stela, Goth, stilan. Stente, v. to cease, stint, leave off, B 3925, E 734, 972 ; ft. s. Stente, 1023. See Stinte. Sterres, gen. pi. of the stars, E 1 1 24. A. S. steorra, a star ; cf. Lat. aslrum, and stella (for sterula, a little star). Stert, pp. started, E 1060. Cf. Du. slorten, to plunge, fall, rush, G. stiirzen, to dash. Sterue, v. to die, B 1819; pt. s. Starf, died, 3325, 3645. A. S. steorfan, pt. t. stearf; cf. Du. sterven, G. sterben, to die. Steuene, s. voice, language, F 1 50. A. S. stefen, a voice. Stiked, pt. s. stuck, fixed, B 2097 ; Stikede, pierced, 3897. A. S. site- tan, to stick, stab, pt. t. ic sticode. Stille, adv. stilly, quietly, still, E 1077, F 171, 497. A.S. still, quiet, stille, quietly. Stinte, v. to stint, to cease, leave off, B 1747, E 1175; to end, E 747. See Stente. A. S. stintan, to be blunt, to be weary ; hence E. stunted. Stiropes, s. pi. stirrups, B 1163. A. S. stlg-rdp, lit. a mounting- rope, from stigan, to mount, and rdp, a rope. Stonde, v. to stand, B 36 ; to be understood, be fixed, E 346 ; to be set in view (as a prize at a game), 81931; imp. pi. Stondeth, stand, E 1195; pres. part. Stond- U 2 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. ing, B 68 ; pt. s. Stood, E 318 ; pt.pl. Stoden, stood, 1105. See Stant. Stoon, s. a stone, B 3297, E 121 ; a precious stone, gem, 1 1 18. A.S. stdn, Du. steen, G. stein. Stoor, *. store, 17. O. F. e- storer, to furnish ; Lat. instatirare. Storie, s. tale, history, B 3900, F 655. O.F. estoire, Lat. kisloria. History and story are doublets. Stounde, s. hour, time, instant, E 1098. A. S. stund, stand, a space of time ; cf. G. stunde, an hour. Stoures, s. pi. battles, combats, B 3560. O. F. estour, a combat ; cf. Icel. styrr, a tumult, battle, a stir ; connected with Icel. styrma, to storm. Strange, def. adj. strange, F 89 ; pi. 67. O.F. estrange, F. etrange ; Lat. extraneus ; from extra, with- out. Straw, inter}, a straw! F 695. A.S. streaw, Icel. strd. Strawe, 2 p. s. pr. subj. strew, F 613. A.S. stredwian, Icel. strd, Goth, stratijan, G. strenen, to strew, cover. Streen, s. strain, i.e. stock, pro- geny, race, E 157. A.S. strynd, stock, race, breed ; from strynan, to produce. Stremes, s. pi. rays, beams, B 3944. A. S. stream, a stream, river ; stredmian, to flow ; cf. E. streamer. Stronger, adj. comp. stronger, B 3711. A.S. strong, comp. strengra. Strengthes, s. pi. sources of strength, B 3248. A. S. streng'Su, power. Strepeth, pr. s. strips, E 894; pi. Strepen, 1116. A.S. bestrypan, to strip, rob. Btreyne, v. to constrain, E 144. O. F. estreindre, F. etreindre, Lat. stringere, to compel. Stroken, v. to stroke, F 165. A. S. strdcian, G. streichen. Strook, s. a stroke, B 3899, 39541 E 812, F 160. A.S. strica, G. stretch. Stryue, v. to strive, oppose, E 170. O. F. estriver, to contend ; estrif, strife, from Icel. strlft ; cf. O.H.G. stritan, G. streiten, to contend ; G. streit, a dispute. Studien, v. to study, E 8 ; 2 p. pi. pr. Studie, E 5. From Lat. ttudium. Sturdinesse, s. sternness, E 700. Sturdy, adj. cruel, stern, E 698, 1049. Apparently O. F. estourdi, F. etoiirdi, deafened ; hence dull, obstinate. Style, s. style, mode of writing, E 1 8, 41. Lat. stilus. Style, s. a style, a means to get over a barrier by climbing, F 106. A. S. stigel, dimin. of stig, a way, path ; cf. Prov. Eng. stee, a ladder. Styward, s. steward, F 291. A.S. stige, a sty, pen for cattle, and weard, a ward or keeper ; cf. Icel. stivar%r, from stia, a sty. The Icel. word seems to have been borrowed from the English (Cleas- by and Vigfusson). Subgetz, s. pi. subjects, E 482. F. sujet, O. F. sosgeit, Lat. sub- iectus. Subieccioun, s. subjection, govern- ance, B 3656, 3712. Submitted, pp.; ye ben submit- ted = ye have submitted, B 35. Subtilly, adv. subtly, F 2.22. Subtiltee, s. a trick, device, E 691 ; subtlety, F 140; pi. Subtili- tees, subtleties, tricks, E 2421. Lat. subtilitatem. Sufflsance, s. sufficiency, that which is sufficient for one, E 759. F. suffisance, from sujftre, to suffice. Lat. stifficere. See Suffyse. Sufflsant, adj. sufficient, i. e. suf- ficiently good, E 960. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 293 Suffraunce, s. endurance, patience, 1 162. O. F. sojfrance, from sof- frir ; from Lat. snfferre, to bear. Suflfreth, imp.pl. suffer, E 1197. Suffyse, v. to suffice, B 3648, E 739. Lat. sitjflcere. Suggestioun, s. a criminal charge, B 3607. Sugre, s. sugar, B 2046, F 614. F. sucre, Lat. saccarum. Supposinge, s. supposition, im- agining, E 1041. Suspecious, adj. suspicious, omin- ous of evil, E 540. Suspect, s. suspicion, E 905. Suspect, adj. suspicious, ominous of evil, E 541. Lat. smpectus, suspicious. Sustenance, s. sustenance, support, living, E 202. Susteue, v. to sustain, B 1673; pp. Sustened, 1680. Lat. snsiinere. SuEter, s. sister, E 589, 640. A.S. sweostor, swustor, G. schwester; cf. Lat. soror (for sosor). Swal, pt. s. swelled ; vp swal, swelled up, was puffed up with anger, B 1750; pp. Swollen, proud, E 950. A.S. swellan, pt. t. sweall, pp. sivollen. Swannes, s. pi. swans, F 68. A.S. swan, G.schivan, Icel. svanr. Swappe, v. to swap, strike, E 586 ; pt. s. intrans. Swapte, fell suddenly, 1099. Akin to sweep and swoop. Swarm, s. a swarm, F 204. A/S. swearm, G. schwarm. Swarmeth, pr. s. swarms, gathers, F 189. See above. Swatte, pt. s. sweated, B 1966. A. S. swcetan, to sweat ; swat, sweat, blood, G. sclweiss. Swayn, s. lad, young man, B 1914. Icel. sveinn, A. S. ^w&n, a lad. Sweete, def. adj. sweet, B 2041. See Sote. Swelwe, pr. *. tubj. swallow, E 1188. A.S. stvelgan,G. schwelg- en, to devour greedily. Swepe, v. to sweep, E 978. A. S. swdpan, G. schweifen. Swere, v. to swear, B 1171; pt. s. Swoor, 2062 ; pi. Sworen, 176; 2 p. Swore, 496 ; pp. Swore, sworn, 403 ; Sworn, bound by oath, F 1 8. A. S. swerian, G. tchworen. Swerd, s. sword, B 64, F 57, 84. A.S. sweord, G. schwert, Icel. sver'5. Sweuen, *. a dream, B 3930. A. S. swefen, Icel. svefn ; cf. Lat. somnium, somnus, Gk. vn-voy. Swich, such, B 43, 49, 1629; pi. Swiche, B 88 ; Swich a, such a, B 3921, F 133 ; Swich oon, such an one, F 231. Goth, swa-leiks, lit. so-like ; A. S. swylc. Swollen, pp. swollen, i. e. proud, E 950. See Swal. Swoor, pt. s. swore, B 2062, F 542; pi. Sworen, E 176; a p. Swore, 496 ; pp. Swore, sworn, 403; Swoin, bound by oath, F 1 8. See Swere. Swough, s. swoon, E noo, F 476. This word seems to esta- blish a connection between the words sough and su/oon. Swowneth, pr. s. swoons, F 430 ; pt. s. Swowned, swooned, 44.?, 631 ; pres. part. Swowning, B 1815. Cf. A. S. geswogen, in a swoon ; orig. pp. of swdgan. to sough, to sigh as the wind. See my Etym. Diet. Swowning, s. a swooning, swoon, E 1080. Syk, s. a sigh, F 498. Syked, pt. s. sighed, B 3394, E 545. A. S. skew, to sigh. Symphonye, s. an instrument of music, B 2005. From the Greek. In Ritson's Ancient Songs, i. Ixiv, is a quotation from Hawkins's History of Music, ii. 284, in which Hawkins cites a passage from Batman's translation of Bar- 294 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. tholomaeus dc Proprietatibus Re- rum, to the effect that the *y//j- phonie was ' an instrument of musyke, . . made of an holowe tree [i. e. a piece of wood], closyd in lether in eyther syde, and mynstrels beteth it wyth styckes.' That is, it was a kind of tabor. It was probably the same as a sym- phangle, which, according to Hal- liwell $ Dictionary, occurs in MS. Harl. 1701, fol. 32, in the lines ' Yn harpe, yn thabour and sym- phangle, Wurschepe God yn troumpes and sautre.' Query is symphangle miswritten for symphonyet Halliwell also has : ' Simphoner, a musician.' Sys, num. six, B 3851. See Sis. Sythe, s. pi. times ; ful ofte sythe = full oftentimes, E 233. A. S. sty, a path, a journey, a time; the long i shews loss of ; cf. Goth, siiiths, Icel. sinn, a way, W. hynt, a way. T. Tafifraye,/or to affraye, to frighten, E455- Tak, imp. s. take, receive, 8117; tak kepe = take heed, observe, 3757 ! * P" s - P r - Take me, offer myself, betake myself, 1985 ; pp. Take, taken, E 702, F 475. Icel. taka, Goth, tekan. Tale, s. a long story, E 383 ; pi. Tales, B 130. A.S. getal, number, order, a tale. Talyghte, for to alyghte, i. e. to alight, E 909. Tamende, for to amende, to re- dress, 441. Tarien, v. to delay, used actively; F 73 ; pp. Taried, delayed, 402. This word seems to be due to the confusion of two others ; see Teryar in Prompt, Parv. These two are (i) A. S. tlrlan, tyrgan, to irritate, vex, to ' tane ' oa, as when one sets on a dog, Du. tergeti, to provoke, O. F. tarier, to irritate, torment ; and (2) O.F. targier, to delay, from Lat. tar- dare. In borrowing the latter word, English has allowed it to approach the form of the former. Tarraye, for to arraye, to array, arrange, 961. Tassaille, for to assaille, i. e. to assail, E 1180. Tassaye, for to assaye, to test, prove, try, E 454, 1075. Taughte, pi. s. taught, B 133. Tayl, s. tail, B 3224, F 196; pi. Tayles, 3222. A.S. tagel,lcel tagl, G. zagel; cf. E. tag. Teche, v. to teach, B 1180 ; pt. s. Taughte, q. v. A. S. tonne. Thangel,/or the angel, B 3206. Thanke, l p. s. pr. I thank, E 1088 ; pr. pi. Thanken, F 354. A. S. pane/an, Icel. ]>akka, G. danleen. Tharray,/or the array, F 63. That that, that which, B 3976. The, pron. thee, F 676. Thee, r. to thrive, prosper, suc- ceed ; also mote I thee = so may I thrive, B 2007, E 1226. A. S. \>e6n, to prosper, flourish, G. gedeihen. Theef, s. thief, F 537. A. S. pf/, Icel. ]>jofr, G. dieb. Theffect, for the effect, i. e. the moral, B 2148. Thegle, for the egle, i. e. the eagle, B 3573- Thende, for the ende, i. e. the end, B 3269. Thenke, I p. s. pr. I think, I in- tend, E 641 ; pr. pi. Thenken, F 537; imp- pi- Thenketh, E 116. A.S. \>encan, G. denJeen; distinct from the impers. Thinketh, q. v. Thennes, adv. thence, F 326, 327. A. S. pflHon. Thennes-forth, adv. thenceforth, B I755- Ther, adv. there, B 62, 1190; where, 1873, 1931, F 125, 16.}, 499 ; there as = there where, F 416 ; ther that = where, 267. A. S. par. Therbifore, adv. beforehand, E 689, 729. Therfore, adv. on that account, E 445; on that point, 1141; for that purpose, F J 77. Ther- (A. S. \&re) is the dat. fem. sing, of the def. art. ; understand a fem. sb. as sacu, sake, and we have therefore =/or peer-on. Ther-oute, adv. out there, out in the open air, B 3362. A. S. \d;rtd. Therwith, adv. besides, at the same time, B 3210, F 194. A.S. Therwithal, adv. besides all that, as well, B 3131, 3612. Thestaat, for the estaat, i. e. tl:e 296 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. state, condition, B 128. O.F. estat, F. ctat, Lat. status. Thewes, s. pi. qualities, E 409. A. S. \eaw, manner, quality ; from \ie6n, to grow, flourish, prosper. Thikke, adj. thick, F 159. A.S. \iic, \>icca, Du. dik. Thilke, dem. pron. that, B 78, 1791, 3426, E 892, F 607. A.S. ]>ylc, \>yllc; from \y, instrumental case of se, seo, JXB/, and lie, like. Thimage,/or the image, B 1695. Lat. imago. Thinges, s. pi. things ; but used in the sense of pieces of music, musical compositions, F 78. Cf. Ch. Prol. 1. 325. A. S. tyng, Icel. tyng, G. ding. Thinketh, pr. s. impers. it seems, B 1901, 3968, F 406; pt. s. Thoughte, B 3703, E 406, F 527. A. S. me )>ynriS, it seems to me ; G. mir diinkt ; see Thenke. Thise, pi. of This, but a monosylla- ble, B 59, &c. Tho, adv. then, E 544, F 308. A. S. \>d. Thoccident, for the Occident, B 3864. Lat. occidens, the west. Thoght, s. care, anxiety, B 1779. Thought, E 80. A.S. ge]>oht, properly pp. of \encan, to think ; Icel. \6tti; cf. G. gedacht, pp. of denken. Thombe, *. thumb, F 83, 148. A. S. ]>uma, G. daum. Thonder, s. thunder, F 258. A.S. Jjwnor, G. donner, Lat. tonitru; cf. Gk. T<5j/or, a sound, Sanskr. tan, to sound. Thonke, I p. s. pr. I thank, E 830. See Thanke. Thorient,/or the orient, the east, 83871,3883. Lat. orient. Thought, s. anxiety, E 80. See Thoght. Thoughte, pt. s. impers. seemed, B 3703, E 406, F 527. See Thinketh. Thral, s. thral, slave, B 3343. A.S : }>r<2/, Icel. \rcell. Threshfold, s. threshold, E ?88, 291. Sometimes also tAresh- tvold=A. S. tyrsc-wald, from ]>encan, to thresh, beat, and wald, wood, as if the piece of wood which receives the ' tread * of feet. Cf. arche-wold, the wood of Noah's ark, in Genesis and Exo- dus, ed. Morris, 1. 576. Thridde, ord. third, F 76. A. S. \>ridda, Icel. bntK, G. dritte. Thrifty, adj. profitable, B 1165. Icel. JTI//, profit, tyrlfa-sk, to thrive. Throp, s. a thorpe, small village, E 199; dot. Thrope, 208. A.S. brq/>, fyorpe, Icel. bor/>, G. dorf, Goth, tkaurp; cf. Lat. turba, a crowd. Throwe, s. a short time, a period, a while, B 3326, E 450. A.S. ]>rdg, ]>rdh, a short space of time, a period. Thrustel, s. a throstle, thrush, B 1963; Thrustelcock, 1959. A.S. ]>ros!le, Lat. tttrdus. Thryes, adv. thrice, B 1732. A.S. ]>rywa; but M.E. thryes is from A.S. bry, three, with adverbial ending -es. Thryue, v. to thrive, prosper, E 172. Icel. ]>rifask, to prosper, a reflexive verb, from a form ]>rifa, with the suffix -s& = G. sick. Thurgh, prep, through, by help of, by means of, B 1669, 3434; by, 22, 35, F II. A.S. \>nrk, Goth. ba>A, G. dnrch. Thurghout, prep, throughout, B 3303, F 46. Thurst, s. thirst, B 100. A. S. )>urst, Icel. l>orsti, Goth. \>anrstei, G. durst. Thursted him, pt. s. impers. he was thirsty, B 3229. A.S. ]>yrst- an. Thyn, poss. pron. thine, B 101, GLOSSARJAL INDEX. 297 104, 3584; Thy, 73, 74. A.S. \>in, gen. case of J>ii, thou. Tidifs, s. pi. small birds, F 648. Skinner guessed this to mean a titmouse, but adduced no author- ity; cf. Icel. tittr, a tit, small bird ; and cf. Eng. titmouse, tit- lark. Drayton, in his Polyolbion, bk. xiii, mentions a singingbird which he calls a tydy, whose notes are as delicate as those of the goldfinch, and Nares supposes him to refer to the golden-crested wren, motacilla regulus. See Nares. Whether a tidifis a tit- mouse or a wren can hardly now be determined. Tirannye, *. tyranny, tyrannous behaviour, B 3691, 3698. Cot- grave has ' Tyrannie, f. tyranny, lordly cruelty, a violent or bloody government.' From Lat. lyran- nus, Gk. rvpavvos, a tyrant. Title, s. title, B 3513. O.F. title, F. litre, Lat. titulus. To, adv. too, B 2129, 3712. Toforn, prep, before, F 268. A.S. t of or an. Toke, pt. pi. took, received, F 356. Togider, adv. together, B 3222. A. S. tdgcedre. Tolde, pp. told, B 56; Ytold, F 357. See Tellen. Tombe, s. tomb, B 1871 ; Toumbe, F 518. F. tombe, Lat. tumba. Tonge, s. tongue, B 1852, E 1184, F 35 ; //. Tonges, languages, B 3497. A.S.tunge; cognate with O.Lat. dingua, Lat. lingua. Tonne, s. a tun, winecask, E 215. A.S. tunne, Icel. tunna. To-race, pr. pi. sttbj. may scratch to pieces, 572. The prefix lo- is the same as in to-rente, q. v. The word is a hybrid, as race is for F. raser, Lat. radere, with the original sense of scrape or scratch. 'Rasyn or scrapyn, the same as racyn' ; Prompt. Parv. And Palsgrave uses race with the sense of erase, efface. See Way's note to Prompt. Parv. s. v. Rasyn. To-rente, pt. s. rent in twain, rent in pieces, B 3215, 3451 ; pp. Torent, torn to pieces, E 1012. The prefix /o- = G. z/>. undight, unarranged, E 3 79. F. tresser, to plait ; pro- bably to plait in three, from Gk. T/M'X. tripartite (Brachet). Vntrewe, arf/.untrue, false, B 3218. Vnwar, adj. unexpected, B 3954. A. S. war, cautious, wary, pre- pared. Vnwrappeth,/>r.s. discloses, B 103. Vouche, v. to vouch ; vouch e sauf, to vouchsafe, deign, B 1641 ; 2 p. s. pr. subj. E 306. O. F. vocher, voucher, to call, Lat. ttocare; voucher sauf = to pro- claim as safe, to assure. Voyden, v. to get rid of, E 910, F 1 88 ; imp. s. depart from, E 806. O. F. voidier, F. vider, to empty, deprive of. Of disputed origin ; see Korting. Voys, s. voice, E io87,.F 99, 412; rumour, E 629. F. voix, Lat. tiocem, ace. of ttox. Vp and down, adv. up and down, i.e. in all directions, all over, in various ways, B 53, 3725, 3747. Vpon, prep, upon, B 1 163, 3640, &c. Vppe, adv. up, i.e. left open, F 615. A. S. uppe, aloft. Vp-plyght, pp. plucked up, pulled U P. B 3239. Vpronne, pp. run up, i. e. ascended, F 386. See Ironne in Prologue, 1. 8. Vpryght, adv. on one's back, B 1806; Vpryghte, on his back, 3761. See Kn. Ta. 1150. Vs, pron. us, B 21, 34, &c. A.S. MS, G. uns. Vs self, ourselves, E 108. Vsage, s. usage, custom, E 785, F 691 ; hadde in vsage = was accus- tomed, B 1696; was in vsage = was used, 1717. F. usage; from Lat. uti, to use. Vsen, v. to use, B 44 ; pt. s. or pi. Vsed, B 1689. F. user; from Lat. uti, to use. Vsshers, s. pi. ushers, F 293. O.F. uissier, F. huissier, Lat. ostiarius, a doorkeeper. Vsure, s. usury, B 1681. From Lat. nsura. Vttereste, adj. superl. utterest, supreme, E 787. A badly formed word. A. S. tit, out ; it/or, outer ; hence vtterest = outerest. The A.S. form is yteniest, E. utmost. GLOSS ART AL INDEX. 301 W. Waast, s. waist, B 1890. Waille, v. to wail, lament, E 1212. Cf. Icel. vala, to wail ; Ital. giiaiolare, to wail ; gtiai, wo ! Waiteth, pr. s. watches, E 708. O.F. gv alter, waiter, F.guetler; from O. H. G. wahtan, G. wachlen, cognate with E. wake. "Waken, v. act. to awake, B 1187. A.S. wacan, G. wachen. Wakinge, s. a keeping awake, period of wakefulness, B 22. Wai, s. wall, B 3392, E 1047. A.S. iveall, \V. gwal, both perhaps borrowed from Lat. itallnm, a rampart ; the true A. S. word for wall is wdh. Walking, s. a walking, walk, F 408. Wan, pt. s. won, conquered, B 3337. 3548. 356i, 3825. F 664. A. S. winnan, pt. t. ic wan, pp. wtinnen. Wane, 2 p. pi. pr. wane, grow slack (in applauding), E 998. A.S. wanian, to diminish, wana, defi- ciency, Icel. vanr, lacking. Wang-tooth, s. molar tooth, B 3234. A. S. wangle's, a molar tooth, lit. a cheek-tooth, from wang, the cheek. Wantoun, adj. wanton, E 236. For wan-towen, where wan = A. S. wan-, Du. wan-, denoting lack, used in the same sense as the prefix wi-; and towen = A.S. logen, pp. oftedn = G. ziehen, to educate ; thus wanton = G. vngezogen, un- educated, ill brought up. War, adj. aware, wary, on one's guard ; be war = beware, take heed, B 119, 3188; belli war, 1629, 3281. A.S. war, wary, cautious ; cf. Lat. nereor, I fear. War, imp. s. as pi. war yow, take care of yourselves, make way, B 1889. A.S. Wfirian, to be on one's guard, from war, wary. Warne, 2 p. s. pr. I warn, I bid you take heed, B 16, 1184. A.S. wearnian. Waspes, gen. sing, wasp's, B 1749. A. S. wtsps, Lat. uespa. Wasteth, pr. s. wastes away, passes, B 20. O.F. waster, guaster, Ital. gnastare, from the Teutonic; O. H. G. wuasti, G. wiist, waste, empty. Waterpot, s. a waterpot, E 290. A. S. wceter, F. pot. Wayk, adj. weak, B 1671. Cf. A. S. wdc, Icel. veikr. Wayk is a form due to the der. verb wcecan. The A.S. wdc produced the M. E. wok or wook. Wayten, v. to watch, F 444 ; pr.s. Wayteth, B 3331 ; pr. pi. Wayten, F 88 ; pt. s. Wayted, watched, ob- served, 1 29. See Waiteth. Wede, s. a 'weed,' a garment, B 2107. A. S. wad, a garment. Weder, s. weather, F 52. A.S. weder, Icel. t/eftr, G. wetter. Wedlock, s. wedlock, 115. A.S. wed-lac, a pledge of espousal ; from wed, a pledge, and lac, a gift, a play, sport. Weel, adj. well, E 2425. A.S. wel. Weep, pt. s. wept, B 3852, E 545, F 496. A. S. wepan, to weep, pt. t. wedp, pp. wepen. Weet, s. wet, B 3407. A. S. w&t, Icel. vdlr. Wel, adv. well, B 25 ; very, as in wel roial = very royal, F 26 ; about (used with numbers), F 383 ; cer- tainly, by all means, E 635. Wel ny, adv. very nearly, B 3230. Welde, pt. s. wielded, overpowered, B 3452; Welded, 3855. A.S. wealdan, Goth, waldan, Icel. valda, to exercise power. Wele, s. wealth, well-being, pros- perity, B 122, 3268, E 474, 842, 971. A.S. wela, weal. Wei-faring, adj. wellfaring, thriv- ing, prosperous, B 3132. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Welkne.s. welkin, BSQJI.E 1124. A. S. wolcen, a cloud, the welkin ; cf. Du. wolk, a cloud, G. wolke. Welle, s. well, source, B 1846, 3234, E 215, 276, F 505. A.S. well, wyl, Du. wel ; but we also find the dissyllabic A.S. tvella, Icel. vella. Welte, pi. s. wielded, i.e. lorded it over, possessed for use, B 3200. See Welde. Wem, s. injury, hurt, F 121. A.S. went, Icel. vamm, Goth, wamm, a spot, blemish. Wenches, s. pi. women, B 3417. Cf. A.S. wencle, a maid ; probably allied to wancol, tottering, weak, unsteady. Cf. G. wanken, to totter. Wene, I p. s. pr. I ween, imagine, suppose, E 1174; pr. s. Weneth, supposes, B 3710; I p. s. pt. Wende, supposed, F 585 ; pt. s. Wende, B 3358, 3927; ex- pected, 3720; pt. pi. Wende, 3637, F 198; Wenden, E 751; pp. Wend, imagined, thought, E 691, F 510. A.S. wenan, Icel. vcena, Goth, wenjan, G. wiihnen, to imagine, from A. S. wen, Icel. van, Goth, wens, G. wahn, expec- tation, hope. Wende, v. to wend, go, pass, B 1683 ; pr. pi. wend, go, E 189, F 296 ; I p. s. pr. subj. Wende, E 307 ; pt. s. Wente, went, B 1739 ; pp. Went, gone, B 1730, 1869, E 276. A. S. wendan, G. wenden, to turn. Wepen, s. weapon, B 3214, 3228. A. S. ivtipen, Icel. vdpn, G. waffien. Were, pt. s. subj. were, should be, in modern English was, B 3189, 3711; it were = it was, E 850; if so were = if so be, B 1640; as it were = as if it was, F 195; I p. s. I were = I should be, B 131 ; 2 p. Were = wast, B 3592; indie, wast, B 3570; 2 p. pi. pr. Weren, were, E 846. Were, v. to wear, F 147; //. s. Wered, wore, B 3320 ; pp. Wered, worn, 3315. A..S.werian, to wear, Icel. verja, Goth. wasjan t \.o put on clothing ; cf. Lat. uestis, clothing. Work, s. work, i.e. reality, prac- tice, F 482. A.S. weorc, Icel. verb, Gk. tpyov. Werketh, imp. pi. act, E 504. A. S. weorcan, to work. Working, s. deeds, actions, E 495. Werre, s. war, B 3926. O. Du. werre, O. H. G. werra, discord ; from the O. H. G. comes F. guerre (O. F. werre). The com- mon A. S. word for war is wig ; and it is quite possible that even in the following quotation the word ' wyrre may have been taken, after all, from the Old French. ' Her call this gear wunode se cyng Henri on Normandig, for )>es cynges wyrre of France' ; ' here, all this year, King Henry dwelt in Normandy, on account of the war of the king of France ' ; A.S. Chron. anno i iiS. Werreye, v. to make war, B 3522 : pt. s. Werreyed, made war upon, warred against, F 10. O. F. werrier, to make war, werre, war ; from a Teutonic root (Roque- fort). See above. Wery, adj. weary, B ail I. A.S. werig, weary; werian, to become tired. Wesh, pt. s. washed, B 3934. A. S. wascan, to wash, pt. t. ic wusc, pp. wcescen. West, s. as adv. in the west, F 459. Wexe, a p. pr. pi. wax, increase, grow (in applauding), E 998 ; pr. s. Wexeth, grows to be, B 3966 ; pt. s. Wex, waxed, became, grew, increased, B 1914, 3868, 3936, E 3 1 7 J pt- pi- Wexc, B 3 365 . A.S. weaxan, Icel.vaxa, Goth, wahsjan, GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 33 G. wachsen, Lat. augere, Gk. avfavtiv, to grow. Wey, s. way, E 273 ; a furlong \vey = a small distance, a short time, 516; by the weye, by the way, B 1698, 1747; dat. Weye, on (his) way, F 604. A. S. weg, Icel. vegr, Goth, wigs, Lat. via. "Weyest, i p. s. pr. dost weigh, B 3423. A.S. wegan, to carry, to weigh, Icel. vega, Lat. uehere. "Weylaway, inter j. wellaway! B 3313, 3635. A. S. wd la wd, lit. woe 1 lo I woe ! Welladay, and wellaway are meaningless corrup- tions. Weyue, v. to turn aside, twist away, E 2424. O. F. weiver, guesver, guever. ' Guesver, to waive, refuse, abandon, give over ; also, to surrender, give back, re- signe, redeliver'; Cotgrave. Whan, adv. when, B in, &c. A. S. hwanne. .What, int. pron. why, B 56, 3842, E 283, E 1 2 21 ; rel. pron. as adv. what with, B 21, 22 ; What that = whatever, E 165 ; What for = because of, F 54 ; What man so, or that = whomsoever, 157, 160; What man that, B 3434 ; What and, both and, B 3304 ; cf. Kn. Ta. 595. Whelp, *. a dog, F 491. A. S. hweolp, Icel. hvelpr, a cub. Whelp, lytyl hounde, Catulus'; Prompt. Parv. Wyclif uses the word ' welpis' in his translation, S. Mark vii. 28. Whenne, adv. whence, E 588, A. S. hwanon. Wher, adv. whether, B 3119, F 579; adv. where, 1785, &c. Wher as a contraction of whether is very common in M. E. Wher- as, adv. where that, B 3347, 3962. Wherein, adv. in which, E 376. Whcr-so, adv. whithersoever, F 1 1 8. Which, for whom ; of which = concerning whom, F 58; //. Whiche, which, B 3860, F 30. A.S. hwylc, Goth, hwa-letks, lit. who-lilte, Lat. qualis. Whider, adv. whither, E 588, F 378. A.S.Awider. Whirleth, pr. s. whirls, wheels swiftly, F 671. Icel. hvirfla, to whirl, from Icel. hverfa, A. S. hweorfan, to turn round. Whos, rel. pron. gen. whose, B 1661, E 770; dat. Whom, to whom,F 154. A.S. hwd, gen. hwds. Whyl, s. while, time, B 3538; conj. whilst, 3208. A. S. hwil, Goth, hweila, a time. Whylom, adv. once, formerly, B 3266, 3557, 3917, E 64, 846. A.S. hwilmn, lit. at times, dat. pi. of hwil, a time. Whyte, adj. white, B 2047 ; pi. 3658. A.S. hwit, Icel. hvitr, Goth. hweits, G. weiss. Widwe, s. widow, B 1699; gen. Widwes, 1692. A.S. widwe, vmdn- we, G. wittwe, Goth, widtiwo, Lat. nidua. Wikke, adj. wicked, B 78, E 785 ; pi. B 118; Wikked, B 3576 (see note). Cf. A. S. wiceian, to use witchcraft, wicca, a wizard, wicce, a witch ; or else A. S. wlcan, to give way. Wikkedly, adv. wickedly, E 723. Wille, s. will, pleasure, desire, E 326, F i, 8; gen. Willes, 568; dat. Wille, 5. A.S. willa, Icel. vili, Goth, wilja. Wille, v. to will, desire, E 721; pr. s. Wil, desires (Lat. wilt), B 1843. A. S. willan, Goth, wiljan, Lat. nelle, Gk. @ov\tffOai. Willing, s. desire, E 319. A.S. willvng, a wish. Willingly, adv. of free will, E 362. Wilneth, pr. s. desires, F 120. A. S. wilnian, to desire ; a derivative of willan, to will. 34 GLOSS ARIAL INDEX. Wiltow,/or Wilt thou, i.e. wishest thou, B 2116. Winges, s. pi. wings, F 415. Dan. vinge, Icel. vangr. "Winke, v. to wink, nod, F 348. A. S. wincian. Winne, v. to win, conquer, F 214. A. S. winnan, Icel. vinna, Goth. winnan, G. winnen. Winninges, s. pi. winnings, gains, B 127. Winter, s. pi, winters, years, B 3249, F 43. A. S. winter, pi. winter, used in the sense of years. Wisly, adv. certainly, verily, surely, B 2112, 822, 469. Icel. viss, sure, Du. gewis, G. gewiss; from the root witan, to know. Wiste, I p. s. pt. I knew, 814; pt. s. knew, B 5, 3348, 3723, 3748, F 399; pi. B 1820; i p. s. pt. subj. F 565; pp. Wist, F 260. See Wite. Wit, *. intelligence, a proof of in- telligence, E 459 ; judgment, B 10, F 674; understanding, B 3368 ; pi. Wittes, wits, F 706 ; opinions, 203. A. S. wit. See Wite. Wite, 2 p. pi. pr. know, E 2431 ; pt. s. Wiste, pp. Wist, q. v. A. S. witan, to wit; pres. ic wdt, bti wdst, he wdt, I wot, thou wost (wottest), he wot (not wots) ; pi. we, ge, hi witon, we, ye, they wit ; pt. ic wisle, I wist; pp. ^uiten, wist. The pres. t. is an old pre- terite = Gk. ofSa ; in fact, it is the same word. Cf. Goth, witan, to know, see (Lat. ttidere"), pres. ik wait, pt. ik wissa; Icel. vita, pres. veil, pt. vissa ; G. wissen, pres. iveiss, pt. wusste. Witing, s. knowledge, cognisance, E 492. With, prep, with ; to hele with your hertes = to heal your hurts with, F 471, 641 ; by, B 1875. A. S. wiQ, Icel. vid. With-al, adv. therewith, F 687. With-inne, prep, within, F 590. A. S. wffi-innan, prep, and adv. With-outen, prep, without, E 66 1, F 121, 166, 702 ; With-oute, adv. outside, E 332. A. S. wtiS-iitan, prep, and adv. Withstonde, v. to withstand, op- pose, 63110. A. S. wifi-standan, to oppose, Icel. vffistanda. Wo, s. woe ; wo were vs = woe would be to us, E 139. A.S. wd; cf. Icel. vei, G. wehe, Lat. vae, inter), wo 1 Wo, adj. sad, E 753. A. S. wd, sb. and adj. It is used adjectively in Caedmon, ed. Thorpe, p. 40 bi5 bam men full wd, it will be very sad for the man. Wode, s. a wood, B 3446, F 413, 617. A.S.wudu. Wode-dowue, s. wood-dove, wood- pigeon, B 1960. A. S. wvdti, a wood ; A. S. dufa, Icel. dufa, G. taube, Goth, dubo, a dove. Wol, I p. s. pr. I desire, E 646 ; I will, B 41, 89 ; 2 p. Wolt, wilt, E 314; pr. s. Wol, will, B 60, 115; will go, F 617; 2 p. pi. Wol, will, B 1641; Wole ye = wish you, F 378; I p. s. pt. Wolde, I should like, B 1639, E 638 ; pt. s. Wolde, would, would like to, B 1182; would, F 64; required, F 577; would go, would turn, 496 ; pt. pi. Wolde, wished, E 1144. A.S. will an, pres. ic wile, pt. ic wolde. Wombe, s. belly, B 3627. A.S. wamb, Goth, wamba, Lat. venter. Wommanhede, s. womanhood, E 239, 1075. The A.S. word is wlfhdd, wifehood. Wonder, s. as adj. a wonder, wonderful, B 1882, F 248, 254. A. S. wundor, G. wander, Icel. undr. Wondre, v. to wonder, B 1 805 ; pr. pi. Wondren, F 258 ; pt. pi. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 35 Wondreden, 307 ; pp. Wondred, 236. A. S. wundrian, Icel. undra. Wondring, s. wondering, amaze, F 305. A. S. wundrung. Wone, s. wont, custom, B 1694. A.S. wuna, Icel. vani; cf. G. gnvohnheit. Woned, pp. accustomed, wont, E 339. See Wont. A. S. wunian, to dwell, remain, pp. wunod, ac- customed ; Icel. vanr, accustomed ; cf. G. gewohnt. Wonger, s. pillow, B a 102. A.S. wangere, a pillow, rest for the cheek, from wang, a cheek ; Goth. waggari, a pillow. Wont, pp. wont, accustomed, B 3614, 3894. E 844, F 44. See Woned. From this word has been formed the modern wonted, with a needless repetition of the pp. ending. Wood, adj. mad, B 1964. A.S. w6d, Goth, weds, Icel. o&V; cf. G. wuthend, raging. Woon, s. abode, B 1991. Cf. A. S. wunung, an abode ; from wunian, to dwell. Woot, i p. s. pr. I know, B 3993. See Wot, Wite. Wopen, pp. wept, F 523. See Weep. Wormes, s. pi. worms, F 617. A. S. wyrm, Icel. ormr, G. ivurm, Lat. uermis. Worse, adv. comp. worse, E 675. A. S. wyrs, Goth, wairs. Worshipe, v. to honour, respect, Ei66. Worshipe, s. honour, F 571. A.S. weorftscipe, honour; lit.worthship. "Worshipful, adj. worthy of honour, E 401. Worste, adj. superl. def. worst, E 1218. A.S. wyrsta. Wortes, s. pi. worts, roots, vege- tables, E 226. A.S. wyrt, Goth. waiirts, G.ti'urze, Lat. radix, Gk. f>ifa; see Curtius. VOL. II. Worth, pr. s. becomes ; worth vpon = gets upon, B 1941. A.S. weorfSan, Icel. ver 5a, Goth, wairth- an, G. werden, to become, Lat. vertere, to turn. Worthy, adj. worthy, brave, B 2107. A. S. wut^Sig, G. wurdig. Wost, 2 p. s. pr. thou knowest, F 696. See Wot, Wite. Wostow,/or wost thou, i.e. know- est thou, 325. Wot, I p. s. pr. I know, E 814, F 708; i p. Wost, F 696; pr. s. Wot, knows, B 93, E 274, F 299, 534; a p. pi. Wot, B 2133, F 519. See Wite. Woundes, s. pi. wounds, B 62. A. S. wund, Icel. wid, G. wunde. Woxen, pp. grown, E 400. See Wex. Wrappe, v. to wrap, envelop, E 583, F 636 ; pp. Wrapped, F 507. Wrastling, s. wrestling, B 1930. A. S. wrdxlung, from wrdxlian, wr(tstlian, to wrestle ; which from wr&stan, to turn, wrest. Wrecchednesse, s. misery, B 3212, 3540. A.S. wrcecca, an exile, a wretch, from wr li?> 3755 />/. Wyse, 128; superl. Wysest, 3345. A. S. wif, Icel. vlss, G. weise; from witan, to know. Wyse, s. (dative), wise, way, man- ner, B 2131, 3704, E 673. A. S. wise, a way, G. weise ; F. guise is from O.H.G. ; wise and guise are doublets. Wyte, v. to blame, B 3636; I p. s. pr. Wyte, 3860; 2 p. Wytest, 108. A. S. witan, to blame, punish ; Icel. vita, to fine, mulct. Wyue, v. to wive, to marry, E 140, 173. A.S. wifian, to take a wife, from wif, a woman, wife. Wyues, gen. sing, wife's, B 1631, E 599 ; pi. Wyues, wives, women, B 59. 3 2 " A.S. wif, Icel. vif, G. weib, a woman. Y. Yaf, I p. s. pt. I gave, E 861, F 533! 3 P- Yaf=gavest, B 3641 ; pt. s. Yaf, 1862, 1973, 3368, E !93 2 >3- See Yiue. Yate, s. gate, 1013. A.S. geat. Ybeten, pp. beaten, F 414. A. S. bedtan, pt. t. be6t, pp. beaten. Ybore, pp. born, E 158, 310, 484; Yborn, 72; Yboren, 626 ; Ybore, borne, carried, moved, 443, F 326 ; Yborn, carried, F 340. A. S. beran, pp. geboren. Ybounde, pp. bound, B 1866. A. S. bindan, pp. gebunden. Ycaried, pp. carried, B 3240. O.F. carter, to carry, char, a car. Ycorne, pp. come ; ycomeaboute = come about, passed, B 3364 ; Yeomen, come, 1687. A. S. cum- an, pp. cutnen, gecumen. Ycoupled, pp. coupled, wedded, E 1219. F. coupler, Lat. copulare. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 37 Ydel, adj. idle, E 217. A.S. {del, G. eitel. Ydolastre, 5. an idolater, B 3377. F. idolatre, Lat. idolatra ; from ti$/>.Yeuen, given, E 758. SeeYiue. Y-fallen, pp. fallen, B 3166. A. S. feallan, pp. gefeallen. Yfere, adv. together, E 1113. Cf. A. S. gefera, a travelling comrade, homfaran, to fare, go. Yfet, pp. fetched, F 174. A.S. fetian, pp. gefetod. Yfeyned, pp. feigned (to be done), evaded, E 529. Cf. F. feindre, Lzt.jingere. Yfostred, pp. fostered, E 213. A. S. fostrian, pp. gefdstrod; foster, food, nourishment ; from the same root as food; cf. Sanskr. pa, to protect. Yfynde, v. to find, F 470. A. S. gejindan, to find. Yglewed, pp. glued, fixed tight, F 182. Cf. F. en-glner, to glue together, glu t glue ; from Lat. glus, gin/is (Ausonius) ; cf. Lat. gluten. Ygon, pp. gone, F 293, 538. A. S. gdn, to go ; pp. gegdn. Not to be confused with Ago, q. v. Ygrounde, pp. ground, sharpened, pointed, B 2073. A. S. grindan, pp. grunden, gegrunden. Yharded, pp. hardened, F 245. A. S. heardian, to harden ; pp. heardod, geheardod. ~Yis,adv. yes, 64006. A.S.gys,gese. Yit, adv. yet, B 3760; as yit= hitherto, now, E 1 20. A. S. git, gyt. Yiue, v. to give, E 1034 ! Yiuen, B S^SS; pr- s. Yiueth, gives, E 93 ! pr. s. imp. Yiue, may he give, E 30, F 679 ; 3 p. s. pr. subj. F 614; pp. Yiuen, given, B 34 2 5, F 54 1 - A. S. gifan, pt. t. g/>. known, F 256. A.S. cndwan, pp. cndwen, gecndwen. Ykoruen, pp. cut, B 1801. A.S. ceorfan, to carve ; pp. corfen, ge- corfen. Yle, s. isle, B 68. F. He, O. F. He, isle, Lat. insula. Yleyd, pp. laid, B 3328. A. S. lecg- an, to lay ; pp. geled, gelegd. X 2 3 o8 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Yliclie, adv. alike, equally, F 20. A. S. gelice, adv. ; cf. G. gleich. Ylyke, adv. alike, equally, 602, 754. See Yliche. Ymaad, pp. made, F 218. A. S. macian, pp. macod. Thus made is a contraction of malted. Ymagining, pres. part, imagining, E 59 8. Yuough, adv. enough, E 365 ; Ynow, B 3235, 3958, E 1214, F 708. A. S. genohf sufficiently ; G. gemig. Ynowe, adj. pi. enough, F 470. A. S. genoh, sufficient, pi. gendge ; Goth, ganohs, sufficient. Yond, adv. yonder, E 1199. A.S. geond, yonder; cf. G.jener, that, yon. Yonge, adj. def. young, B 1834, E 777. F 54. 3 8 5! vocative, B 1874. A.S. geong, Icel. ungr, Golh.juggs (= jungs), G.jung. Yore, adv. formerly, B 1167, E 1140; of long time, for a long time, E 68. A.S. gedra, formerly ; from gear, a year. Youres, pron. yours, F 597. Yourseluen, pron. yourself, F 242. Youthe, s. youth, F 675. A.S. geoguft. See Yonge. Yow, pron. pers. ace. you, B 16, 37, 1 1 86. A. S. eow, ace. ofge, ye. Ypocryte, . hypocrite, F 514, 520. Yprayed, pp. bidden, asked to come, invited, E 269. F. prier, O. F. preier, Lat. precari. Yquit, pp. quit, acquitted, F 673. F. quitter, to hold free, quittt, freed, Lat. quietus, left in peace. Yrekened, pp. reckoned, consid- ered, taken into account, F 417. A. S. recnan, to reckon. Yronne, pp. run, E 214. A.S. rennan, to run. Yset, pp. set, E 409 ; set down, F 1 73. A. S. settan, to set ; pp. geset. Yshapen, pp. shaped, i. e. prepared, B 3420. A. S. scippan, to shape ; pp. scapen, gescapen. Yshaue, pp. shaved, B 3261. A. S. scafan, to shave ; pp. scafen, ge~ scafen. Ysprad, pp. spread, B 1644. A. S. spratdan, to spread. Yswore, pp. sworn, F 325. A. S. swerian, to swear ; pp. gesworen. Ytake, pp. taken, captured, B 3514 ; taken away, 1858. Icel. taka, A. S. tacan, to take ; pp. getacen. Ytaught, pp. taught, B 1699. A. S. tacan, to teach ; pp. t&ht, getceht. Ytold, pp. told, F 357. A. S. tell- on, pp. geteald. Yuel, adv. ill, E 460, 965. A. S. yfel, Goth, ubils, G. ubel, evil, bad ; yfele, evilly, ill. Yuory, s. ivory, B 2066. F. ivoire; Lat. eboreus, made of ivory ; from Lat. ebur, ivory. Ywedded, pp. wedded, E 771, J2 33- A. S. weddian, to pledge, pp. vieddod, geweddod; from wed, a pledge. Yvris,adv. certainly, B 1980,3958, 4007, E 2434. A. S. gewis, Du. gewis, G. gewiss, adv. Often wrongly supposed to mean I know, but the latter is properly repre- sented by 7 wot. See Wite. Ywroght, pp. wrought, made, B 2054. A.S. weorcan, to work; pp. worht, geworht. INDEX OF PROPER NAMES, &c. N.B. Many of the names are commented upon in the Notes. Aehelois, Achelous, B 3296. Achilles, F 239. Adam, B 3197. Adriane, Ariadne, B 67. Albon, Alban, B 3120. Alceste, Alcestis, B 75. Alcioun, Halcyone or Alcyone, B 57. Hence E. halcyon. Aldiran, the name of a star, F 265. See note. Algarsyf, F 30, 663. Alisaundre, Alexander, B 3821. Alisaundre, Alexandria, B 3582. Alma redemptoris, the first two words of a Latin hymn, B J 708, 1744, 1802; Alma redemptoris mater, benign mother of the Re- deemer, 1831. Alocen, Alhazen, F 233. Antheus, Anteus, B 3298. Apennyn, the Apennines, 44. Arable, s, Arabia, F no. Arabieu, adj. Arabian, B 3529. Aries, s. the Ram, the sign of the zodiac for the latter part of March and the former part of April, F 51. Aristotle, F 233. Armorike, Armorica, Brittany, B 3578. Arpies, s. pi. the Harpies, B 3290. Asie, s. Asia, put for Asia Minor, B 1678. Aurelian, B 3541. Austin, Augustine, B 1631. Babiloin, adj. Babylonian, B 63. Babiloyne, Babylon, B 3339. Balthasar, Belshazzar, B 3373. Barnabo, B 3589. Bathe, Bath, 1170. Bethulia, 83755. Bevys, Bevis, B 2089. Boloigne, Bologna, E 686, 763, 939- Brixseide, Briseis, B 71. This form is from the ace. Briseida. Brugges, Bruges, B 1923. Brutus, B 3896; Brutus Cassius (see note), 3887. Busirus, Busiris, B 3293. Cacus, B 3297. Cambalo, F 31, 667 ; Cambalus, 656. Cambynskan, F 12. Sec note. Canacee, (O B 78; (2) F 33, J78; g"*- Canacees, 247, 631. Capitolie, s. the Capitol, B 3893. Cenobia, Zenobia, B 3437. Centauros, Centaurus, the Cen- taur, B 3289. 3io INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. Cerbsrus, B 3292. Cesar, Caesar, B 3869. Ceys, Ceyx, 657. Chaldey^ Chaldea, B 3347. Charles, B 3577. Chicheuache, s. (lit. a lean cow, from F. chicke, niggardly, lean, which from Lat. ciccum, a trifle, and F. vache, Lat. uacca, a cow), En88. Claudius, B 3525. Cresus, Croesus, B 3917. Crist, Christ, B 106. Cristemasse, s. Christmas, B 126, 1730. Cupyde, Cupid, B 61. Cypre, Cyprus, B 3581. Cyrus, B 3918. Dalida, Delilah, B 3253. Damascene, adj. as sb. Damascene, used for Damascus, B 3197- Daniel, B 3344. Dante, 63651. Darius, B 3427, 3838. Demophon, B 65. Dianire, Deianira, B 66 ; Dianira, 3310- Dido, B 64. Edward, 83160. Egipcien, adj. Egyptian, B 3528. Eleyne, Helen, B 70. Eliachim, Eliakim or Joachim, B 3756. Elpheta, F 29. Emelward; to Emel ward = to wards the JEmilian Way, 51. Enee, /Eneas, B 64. English, adj. as sb. English, i..e. English talk, B 49, F 37. Ermyn, adj. Armenian, B 3528. Erro, Hero, B 69. Ferrate, Ferrara, E 51. Flaundres, Flanders, B 1909. Fraunceys, Francis, E 31. Qalien, Gallienus, B 3526. Gawayn, Gawain, F 95. Gazan, Gaza, B 3237. From Lat. ace. Gazam. Genylon, Genilon, Ganelon, B 3.S79- Grece, Greece, B 3847. Grekes, s. gen. Greek's, F 209- The Grekes hors Synon = the horse of Sinon the Greek. Grisildis, Griselda, E 210; Gri- sild, 232. Gy, Guy, B 2089. Hebraik, adj. Hebrew, B 1750. Lat. Hebraicus. Hermanno, B 3535. Hermion, Hermione, B 66. Horn, B 2088. Hugelyn, Ugolino, B 3597. Hugh, B 1874. lame, James, E 1154. lanicle, Janicola, E 404, 632 ; Janicula, 208, 304. lankyn, a diminutive of John, B 1172. lason, Jason, B 74, F 548. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, B 3337. lewerye, s. Jewry, Jews' quarter, B 1679, 1741, 1782. lewes, s. pi. Jews, B 1755, 1810; gen. 2054. lob, Job, E 932. lohn, John, B 3119; St. John, F 596 ; (used as a term of mild con- tempt) B 4000. Isiphilee, Hypsipyle, B 67. Itaille, s. Italy, B 3650, E 266. ludicum, for liber Judicum, i. e. the book of Judges, B 3236. ludith, Judith, B 3761. lulius, Julius, B 3863. luppiter, Jupiter, B 3934, 3942. Ladomea, Laodamia, 671. Lameth, Lamech, F 550. Launcelot, Lancelot, F 287. Leander, B 69. Leon, s. the sign Leo, F 265. INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. Lincoln, B 1874. -Linian, E 33. See note. Lucan, Lucanus, 8 3909. Lucifer, 63189. Lucresse, Lucretia, B 63. Lumbardye, Lombardy, B 3590, E 72, F 193 ; West, E 46, 945. Lybeux, B 2020. O. F. It betix, the fair. Lyde, Lydia, B 3917. Macedoyne, Macedonia, B 3846. Machabee, Machabeus, B 3845. Madrian, probably St. Mathurin, B 3083. See note. Mane, i. e. mene, B 3396. It sig- nifies ' numbered.' Martes, gen. s. Mars's, F 50. Medea, B 72. Medes, s.pl. Medes, B 3425. Melan, Milan, B 3589. Melibee, Melibeus, B 30/9 ; spelt Melibeus, 3086. Mercurius, gen. sing. Mercury's, F672. Moyses, Moses, F 250. Muses, s. pi. the Muses, 693. Nabugodonosor, Nebuchadnez- zar. B 3335. 375 2 - Nero, B 3653 ; Neroun (from Lat. ace. Neronem), 3727- Nessus, B 3318. Odenake, Odenates, B 3517; gen. Odenakes, 3508. Olifaunt, signifying elephant, B 1998. Olofern, Holophernes, B 3746. Olyuer, Oliver, B 3577, 3579. Ovide, Ovid, B 54. Oxenford, Oxford, E I. Padowe, Padua, 27. Palymerie, Palmyra, B 3437. Panik, s. the name of a district in Italy, E 764, 939. Pegasee, s. the Pegasean horse, i. e. Pegasus, F 207. Pemond, Piedmont, E 44. Penelope, B 75. (Pronounced Penelop'). Percyuel, Percival, B 2106. Perse, Persia, B 3442 ; Perses, i. e. Persians, 3425, &c. Petrark, Petrarch, B 3515, 31, 1147. Petro, Pedro, or Peter, B 3565,3581. Phanye, B 3948. Phares, i. e. phares, or peres, B 3396. The word signifies a breach .' Phebus, s. Phcebus, i. e. the sun, B ". 3935. 3943. F 48. Philippes, gen. sing. Philip's, B 3846- Philistiens, . pi. Philistines, B 3238. Phillis, Phyllis, B 65. Pierides, s. pi. the Pierides, daugh- ters of Pierus, B 92. Piers, Pierce, i. e. Peter, B 3982. Pleyn-damour, B 2090. It mean$ ' full of love,' F. plein d'amonr. Poileys, adv. Apulian, F 195. Pompeius, Pompey, B 3870. Poo, the Po, E 48. Popering, B 1910. See note. Poules, gen. sing. Paul's, B 3970. Prudence, B 3080. Pyse, Pisa, B 3597, 3606. Bachel, B 1817. See note. Boger,/or Ruggieri, B 3606. Bomayn, adj. Roman, B 3526, 3551- Borne, 63525, 3542, E 737, F 231. Bouechester, Rochester, B 3116. Salomon, Solomon, E 6, F 250. Saluces, Saluzzo, E 44, 64,414; Saluce, 420. Sampson, Samson, B 3205, 3213, &c. Sapor, B 3510. Sarray, Sarai, F 9, 46. Sathanas, Satan, B 1748, 3195. Senec, Seneca, B 25; spelt Seneca, B 3693- 312 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. Spayne, Spain, B 3565. Surrien, adj. Syrian, B 3529. Sweton, Suetonius, B 3910 ; spelt Swctonius, 3655. Synon, Sinon, F 209. Tartarye, Tartary, or rather, Ta- tary, F 9. Tartre, adj. Tartar, or rather, Tatar, F 266. Teehel, i. e. tekel, B 3396. It sig- nifies 'weighed.' Termagaunt, Termagant, a hea- then idol, B 2000. Thelophus, F 238. Theodora, F 664. Thessalye, Thessaly, B 3869. Thomas, B 3120, E 1230. Thopas, B 1907, &c. Thymalao, B 3535. Tisbee, Thisbe, B 63. Trophee, B 3307. Troye, Troy, F 210, 306. Valerie, Valerius, i. e. Valerius Maximus, B 3910. Venus, F 272. Venyae, Venice, ESI. Vesulus, Monte Viso, E 47, 58. Vitulon, F 232. Walter, E 77, &c. Ynde, s. India, E 1199, F no. Ypermistra, Hypermnestra, B 75. Ypotys, B 2088. INDEX PRINCIPAL SUBJECTS EXPLAINED IN THE NOTES. For explanations of words, see the preceding Glossarial Index. A few words are also more particularly explained in the Notes ; these are indicated in the following Index by being printed in italics. The references are to the pages of the volume. A. B. C., Chaucer's, 144. abyen, 162. Adam, 175. agayns, 201. aketoun, 164. Aldiran, 217. Alcestis, 137. Alexander, 190. Alhazen, 215. alle and some, 201. Alma redemptoris mater, 147. atnbes as, 139, 140. Angle meridional, 216. Antiphoner, 148. Ape, to put in one's hood an, 144. appalled, 219. April 1 8, position of sun on, 130. Apulian horses, 212. Ariadne, 137. Aries, sign of, 209. ark (of the day), 129. Armour, 164, 165, 166. artow, 139, 152,174. as (I pray), 195, 220. as (ace), 139, 140, 190. Asie (Asia Minor), 145. assegai, 158. Astrolabe, 131. -at, (-ate), suffix, 1 75. attained, 194. atte (at the), 132. Ave Maria, 146. aventayl, 205. avyse you, 198. Baraabo of Lombardy, 187. be, with pp. of verb, 132. been, bees, (pi. of bee), 206. Bells, clinking of, 143, 194. Belshazzar, 181. benedicite, how pronounced, 141. Benoit de Sainte-Maure, 214. Bevis, Sir, 168. Bier, where to be placed, 150. biseye, 202. Black Prince, 185. Blood in domination, 218. Blue, colour of truth, 223. Boccaccio, 173, 175, 177, 180-184, 189, 192. bodkins, 191. Boethius, 178, 193, 223. borwe, to, 222. Bridles, value of, 2 1 8. Brutus and Cassius, 191. Bush, the burning, 144. Busiris, 179. Cambynskan, 207. can (know), 141, 144, 148. Canace, 137. Carbuncle, 166. Caxton, 213. centre, 208. Ceyx, story of, 134. charge, 219. Chaucer's corpulence, 152; his self- depreciation, 134. Chichevache, 204. INDEX OF SUBJECTS EXPLAINED. child, 162. Christmas weather, 140. cidatoun, 155. cider, 177. clergeoun, 146. comes, corn, 1 76. corone, 199. cote-armour, 165. covent, 150. Croesus, 192. 'curse,' to care a, 194. Cypress, 167. Damascus, 175. dan (dominus), 172. Dante, 147, 187, 188. Date of Man of Law's Prologue, 130. Day, artificial, 129, 130, 21 1 ; natural, 130, 211. Deianira, 137, 180. depardieux, 133. Domination, blood in, 2 1 8. doo.'h (causes), 150 ; do (cause), 163. drasly, 170. Du Gueschlin, 185, 186. Edward, Saint, 172. eer (-), suffix, 143. eighletetne, 131. Elf-queen, 160. eluish, 153. Equinox, vernal, 209. eth, (imp. pi. suffix), 131, 132. examelron, 173. Face (in astrology), 209. Fairies, 160, 212. Falcons, 220, 221. Feasts described, 209. feme, 215, 216. // (canto), 167. Jlocfunele, 197. for (against), 165. for me, 193, 219. fumositee, 219. furlong wey, 200. Galley halfpence, 157. pan (did), 131. Gaunt, John of, 185, 186. gauren, 212. Gawain, Sir, 211. Genoa, coins of, 157. gent (gentle), 154. gesles, 214. gesioiirs, 164. Giants, 161. gird, 190. Glass-making, 215. glose, 143. Gold called 'red,' 166. Good Women, Legend of, 134. Gower, 137, 142, 148, 174, jSo. 213, 214. grain, to dye in, 155. Guy, Sir, 168. Jiabergeon, 165. halse (conjure), 150. hauberk, 165. hawe bake, 138. Hazard, game of, 140. Herbs, power of, 211. Hercules, 177 ; pillars of, 180. heronsew, 210. Hexameters, 173. Holofernes, 190. Hood, ape in a, 144. Horn, romance of, 168. Horse of brass, 213. hoste (dissyllabic), 129, 152. Hugh of Lincoln, 151. ihu (contraction forjesu'), 149; ih!, 149. tnwith, 149. jambeux, 1 66. Jane (a coin), 156, 202. jangle, 205. Jankyn, 141. Jesters, 164. Jesus, son of Sirach, 139. Jewry, 145. Jews, feeling against the, 148. Jews' work, 165. John, name of contempt, 141, 194. Judith, 190. Jugglers, 214. Julius Caesar, 190. INDEX OF SUBJECTS EXPLAINED. 3*5 Khan, Great, 207. Kite (bird), 223. Lancelot, 218. last (load), 14.?. Latitude of Oxford, 131. launcegay, 158. ledene, 220. leet don, 208. Legend of Good Women, 1 34. Leo, 216. hue and lene, confused, 151. Lignano, 195. Lily, emblem of virginity, 144. toiler, lollard, 141, 142. Lombardy horses, 212. Longinus. 182. lordinges (sirs), 131, 154. Lucan, 173, 191. Lucifer, 174. Lucrece, 136. Lybeaus Disconus, 168. Lydgate, 177, 205. lyghte, verb, 145. lyues (alive), 201. Maccabees, 190. Madrian, corpus, 171. Magic, 214, 215. maister tour, 214. matter (without of), 1 46. maugre, 139. Mauny, Sir Oliver, 185, 186, 187. me dremed, 159. -meal (suffix), 197. Melibee, tale of, 171. men (one), 146. mery, 163. message, 201. Metamorphoses, Ovid's, 138, 173. M etre of Sir Thopas, 153; of Clerk's Envoy, 204. Minstrels, 164. Mirror, magic, 214. mo (others besides), 203. more and lesse, 202. Nebuchadnezzar, 180. ner (nearer), 148. Nero, 1 88, 189. newefangel, 223. next (nighest), 150. Nicholas, Saint, 147. nones, for the, 141. Odenatus, 182. of, (by), 206; (as to), 137 ; strange position of, 21 3; omitted, 146,189. Olifaunt, Sir, 16 1. con, in, 2OO. ord and ende, 192. Ovid, 134, 136, 137, 138, 173, 177. 180. Palmyra, 182. parements, 217. payndemayn, 155. Pegasus, 213. Percival, Sir, 169. peregrine, 220. Peter of Cyprus, 187. Peter of Spain, 184, 185. Petrarch, 183, 195, 196, 204. Pierides, 137. Plate armour, 165. plyghte (plucked), 131. Pompey, 191. Peppering, 154. Poverty, 138. Pride, sin of, 1 74. Prime, hour of, 162, 210, 219. Proverbs alluded to : ' as spark out ofglede,' 169; 'as many heads, so many wits,' 213 ; ' good child soon learns,' 146, 147; 'fortune and friends,' 181 ; 'light as linden- leaf,' 205 ; ' long spoon for him who sups with fiend,' 222 (1. 602) ; 'lion chastised by dog,' 221; 'make virtue of necessity,' 222 (1. 593); promise is debt,' 133; 'the poor is hated,' 139; 'they that make laws,' 133. quad, 144. querne, 177. quyrboilly, 166. 316 INDEX OF SUBJECTS EXPLAINED. Rani, prize for wrestling, 157. Regulus, 217. rewel-boon, 166. Riding into a hall, 210. rime, so spelt, 153; rimes, 215. riiter,for, 157. Rochester, old spelling of, 171, 172. rodt (complexion), 154. roiales, 164. Roman de la Rose, 189, 192, 193. Russia, 207. Saffron, 155. Sampson, 175. Sapor, 183. Sarai, 207. Satan, 174. s becomes r, 212. Seals, 211. Seneca, 132 ; his death, 189. sey (saw), 129. steer (cider), 177* sink (five), 140. sir (a title), 194. sise (six), 140, 190. Skelton, 224. slide, 197. solas, 154. Solomon, 139. souneth into, 172, 221. springen (sprinkle), 143. Squire of Low Degree, 158. Staff-sling, 162. Statius, 173. Suetonius, 188, 189, 190, 191. Sun, position of, April 18, 130. Swans eaten, 210. Swearing, vice of, 141. swich (so-like), 149. Telephus' spear, 215. Termagaunt, 161. that his (whose), 146. the more, 201. thee (thrive), 162. thee (dative), 138. ther (where), 151. thestaat, for the enfant, &c., 140. thewes, 199. Thomas, Saint, 206. Thopas, meaning of, 153 ; metre of, 153- thon and ye, use of, 145. thy, use of, 203. tidif, 223. Time, flight of, 131, 132. to, coalesces with vowel, 148. to-ward, 148. to-, prefix, 175. tonne, come to, 163. Tragedy defined, 173, 174. tree (death by hanging), 137. Trophe, 180. Troy, story of, 214. Ugolino, Count, 187. uncouple, 189. undern, 198. Usury, 148. Valerius, 191. Venus, planet, 218. Virgil the enchanter, 2 1 4, Vitellio, 215. vitremite, 183. Vows, 1 66. wang-tooth, 176. were (would be), 153, 195. wered (worn), 180. what (what with), 132 ; (why), 134, 205. wher, (whether), 1 72 ; wher as, 146. Wikkednest (Mauny), 185. wil (wishes), 150. windas, 150. with, curious position of, 220; (by), 152- worth upon (got on), 158. worthy under wede, 1 70. y, -ye, rime, 169. ye (yea), 153, 194. ye used for thou, 198, 199. ye, you, 197. your (of you), 149. yuel, adv., 202. Ypotis, Sir, 168. Zenobia, 182. CLARENDON PRESS SCHOOL BOOKS (All books are in extra foap 8vo unless otherwise described) ENGLISH School Dictionaries Concise Etymological Dictionary, by w. w. SKEAT. A new edition (1901), rewritten throughout and arranged alpha- betically. Crown 8vo, 676 pp. 5s. 6d. 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