A ZULU MANUAL OB VADE-MECUM AFRICAN LANGUAGES. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. An English- Zulu Dictionary. By the Rev. -C. Roberts. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. The Zulu-Kaflir Language. By the Rev. C. Roberts. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. net. Dictionary and Grammar of the Congo Language. By W. H. Bentlet. Demy 8vo. £1 Is. Appendix. Demy 8vo. 10s. 6rf. Comparative Grammar of South African Languages. By W. H. T. Bleek, Ph.D. 2 parts in 1 vol. Post 8vo. 15*. Dictionary of the Asante or Fante Language. By J. G. Christaller. With Grammatical Introduction and Appendices on the Geography of the Gold Coast. Demy 8vo. £1. A Language- Study based on Bantu: an Inquiry into the Laws of Root Formation, &c. By F. W. Kolbe. Demy 8vo. 6s. Outline for the Elements of the Xisuaheli Language. By L. Krapf. Demy 8vo. 7s. 6rf. net. Dictionary of the Suahili Language. By L. Krapf. Royal 8vo. 10s. 6rf. net. Concise Grammar of the Malagasy Language. By G. W. Parker. Crown 8vo. 5s. Grammar of the Hausa Language. By C. Robinson. Crown 8vo. 5s. Somali-English and English-Somali D ctionary. By Fr. E. de Larajasse. Imperial 16mo. 12s. net. Practical Grammar of the Somali Language. With a Manual of Sentences. By Fr. E. de Larajasse and Fr. C. de Sampont. Imperial 16mo. 12s. net. Comparative Grammar of the South African Bantu Languages. By J. Tarrend. Super-royal 8vo. £1 5s. Grammar and Dictionary of the Bobangi Language. By John "Whitehead. Crown 8vo. 10s.6rf.net. English-Herero Dictionary. With an Introduction to the study of Herero and Bantu in general. By F. W. Kolbe. Crown 8vo. 15s. London : KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Ltd. Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, W.C. ZULU MANUAL OK VADE-MECUM BEING A COMPANION VOLUME TO "THE ZULU-KAFIR LANGUAGE," AND THE "ENGLISH-ZULU DICTIONARY" BY THE Rev. CHARLES ROBERTS AUTHOR OF "THE SOUTH AFRICAN TRAVELLERS* HANDBOOK, FOR THE USE OF THE ARMY AND THE NAVY " ; "THE ZULU-KAFIR LANGUAGE SIMPLIFIED FOR BEGINNERS"; " ENGLISH-ZULU DICTIONARY"; " STEP BY STEP IN ZULU " ETC. ScribencM rede sapere est ei princvpvum qtf(w$." — Horace LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. Ltd. Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road 1900 LONDON PRINTED BY GILBERT ANT) RIVINGTON, LTD. ST. JOHS'S HOCSE, CI.ERKEXWELL, E.C. I90C PBEFACE The work now offered to the public has been specially prepared to meet the requirements of some who, having studied the " Zulu-Kafir Language, &c," and the " English- Zulu Dictionary," have found that, in reference to the difficult parts of the language, such as the grammar and the dictionary, more light is needed. Among other things, the copious examples will, as illustrating the rules, be of service to them. The desirability of preparing a companion volume to the above was, some time ago, suggested to the author. Botanical and Geological terms, as well as those of Natural History, have been arranged in a convenient form. Various other additions have also been made, partly with the object of assisting those missionaries who are accustomed to attend the sick, and prescribe for them simple remedies. The writer knows from early experience the necessity of. becoming acquainted, in the native tongue, both with the parts of the human body and the names of ordinary diseases. The author has also suggested methods of committing to memory long and unknown foreign words. To write chapters on mnemonics does not, of course, come within the scope of the present volume ; but attention to the simple rules given will greatly assist in the acquisition of a useful vocabulary. 260815 VI PREFACE The remarks, as to the superstitions of the South- African natives, will enable the reader to understand what would otherwise be unintelligible. The preparation of this work has, for several months, early and late, absorbed much of the leisure of a busy man who believes that it will be as useful to beginners and others as the books which, for many years, have been favourably received. CONTENTS Objective Verbs, additional examples of The Causative form embraces two ideas .... To express " completely " or " thoroughly " done . How some words in " ka " form the Causative, also verbs in "la " The Reflective form compared with the Hebrew Hithpael On Reciprocal verbs ....... Colloquial contractions with examples .... Exercises on the contractions, with Vocabulary On the use of " sa " and " se " The Passive voice is, as in the Hebrew, used for the Active Some Verbs are used with " na" Hyperbole, as a figure of speech ..... On Irony, and how used in Zulu Special emphasis in the Imperative mood On the particle " si " as used before a monosyllabic root What the Verb repeated indicates ..... The use of threats ........ To intensify an action, or reduce its force On the Duplication of Nouns ...... Physiological terms such as those of the head, neck trunk, &c. ......... On Diseases, Fractures, Wounds ..... Exercises with Notes and questions .... Numerous Examples with questions .... Exercises for translation with vocabulary Use of the verb " Ukuti,". having eight or more different meanings ......... On Diminutive nouns ....... Simple form of ....... Double form of ....... Exercise for translation with vocabulary On Botanical terms 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 14 16 17 36 39 42 42 43 43 44 Vlll CONTENTS VAGK Anglo-Zulu words 47 Exercise with vocabulary ....... 48 The Plural of Proper names ....... 49 Terms used in Geology and Physical Geography . . .50 Terms found in Natural History ...... 52 The Duplication of the Radicle 56 Zulu Religion, and its influence on the language ... 57 Ukuhlonipa words 58 Specimens, but not models, of Zulu poetry . . . .59 The Classification of Zulu words 70 The modus operandi of learning Zulu words ... . .73 Dictionary, containing a large number of additional words . 75 Errata 154 ZULU VADE-MECUM OBJECTIVE VERBS. See " Zulu-Kafir Language, Sc," Lesson 39, page 43. Additional examples expressive of motion to a place : — Examples. Beza' kuwelela ngapetsheya, they came to cross over to the other side. Babuyela ndawonye, they returned to one place. Sakupukela endhlini, we ascended to the house. Imikonto yafinyelela ezinnqoleni, the spears reached the waggons. Sabuyela emakaya, we returned to our homes. Badhlulela pambili em Lazi, they passed on before to the um Lazi. Siyobuyela em Gungundhlovu, we shall return to Maritzburg. CAUSATIVE VEKBS. See as above, Lesson 39, page 43. The Causative form seems to embrace two ideas. The first is, to cause to move, or act ; the second implies a development of energy. The general meaning is that which affects, as a cause. The Causative form in Zulu resembles the Hebrew Hiphil. Examples. Iyagwavuma inja, the dog growls. Sayigwavumisa, we made the dog growl (by irritating it). Bonda isijingi, stir the porridge (this is a command). B 2 ZULU VADE-MECUM Yibondise intombazana isijingi, make the girl stir the porridge. Iyamila lembali, this flower is growing. Uyamilisa lembali, you cause it to grow (that is, by proper attention). Wapuma, he went out. Ngampumisa, I caused, or made him go out. Siyamtyetyisa umfana, we cause the boy to hurry (by threats, or promises). In some connections, the Causative form is equivalent to help or aid, as when one carries part of a man's heavy load. Examples. Sayipumuzisa indoda ngomtwalo wayo, we helped a man with his heavy load. Isihlobo sami siyangipetisa, my friend helps me to bind. To express the thought that something has been " com- pletely " or " thoroughly " done, the " is " of the Causative is doubled. Examples. Geza, wash ; gezisisa, wash thoroughly. Tyanelisisa indhlu izingosini zonke, sweep thoroughl}' the house in all the corners. Uyalumisisa kakulu lomuntu, this man bites very hard. Londisisa isikwama sami, keep very carefully my purse. Qina, be firm ; qinisa, make firm ; qinisisa, make thoroughly firm. Qonda, understand ; qondisa, make to understand ; qon- disisa, consider very carefully. Fingqa, double up ; fingqisa, cause to double up ; fingqisisa, double up very carefully. Cwilisa, dip or steep ; cwilisisa, steep thoroughly. A few words in "ka" form the Causative by changing "ka" to "sa." Examples. Damuka, open in the middle (as a body of men) ; damusa, open a way into, &c, &c, i.e. make them give way. Enyuka, go up ; enyusa, make to go up. ZULU VADE-MECUM Goduka, go home ; godusa, make to go home. Suka, get away ; susa, take away. Some verbs in "la" form the Causative by simply changing " la " into " za." Examples. Sondela, approach ; sondeza, cause to approach. Kumbula inncwadi yami, remember my letter. Mkumbuze ngenncwadi yami, remind him of my letter. Silimele, we are hurt ; basilimaza, they hurt us. Vela sikubone wena, come forth that we may see yon. Veza inngane, bring forth the infant. Veza imali yami, produce my money. The Eeflective Verbs in Zulu resemble the Hebrew Hithpael. They are called reflective because the agent acts on himself. The verbs are transitive and intransitive. See " Zulu-Kafir Language," page 43. Examples. Z&7A, know thyself ; zazisa, make oneself to know. Nikela, give for ; ukuzinikela, you must give for yourself. Ungazinqoba, you may conquer yourself. Zinqumele, cut off for yourself. Niyazitanda, you love yourselves ; ngizitanda, I love myself. Bayo zisindisa, they will save themselves. Asizikalele, let us bemoan ourselves. Ufanele ukuzityo, you must speak of yourself. Siyazisebenzela, we are working for ourselves. In these examples the subject and object of the verb are one and the same. RECIPROCAL VEEBS. These frequently occur in Zulu. The word has shades of meaning, but a prominent idea is, to be mutually inter- changeable. See " Zulu-Kafir Language," page 43, also page 95. ZULU VADE-MECUM Examples. Niyatandana, you love one another. Niyatandana nobabili, you both love each other. Bayagolozana, they glare at one another. Siyakusizana, we shall help one another. Bayetembana, they confide in one another. Batetisana abafazi, the women scolded one another. Many Keciprocal verbs are used with " na." Examples. Bedukelana nabo, they strayed one from another. Sitandana kakulu naye, he and I love each other much Sintanganye naye, he and I are the same age. Savalelisana nabo, we took leave one of another. COLLOQUIAL CONTEACTIONS. These are very numerous in the language, but a little attention to a few of them will give the key to all. In addition to those found in the " Zulu- Kafir Language," page 86, we give other examples. Letters are elided, and, in other instances, several letters are contracted into one or two. They are, even to those advanced in the Zulu, a little confusing. Before the " ku " of the infinitive, the " e " in " ye " or " ze " is occasionally changed into " o." Examples. Uma beyokuqonda, batukutela kakulu, when they under- stood, they were very angry. Baza bati uma bazokuhamba bonke, it came to pass when they had all gone. Whenever " se " comes before the sound of " u " in the next syllable, the " e " may be changed into " o " = so. Examples. Sokuyisikati sokusenga, it is now time to milk. Sokwanele, it is sufficient. zulu vade-mecum o Exercise on the Contractions. Ake ngiyokufuna kuleyonkangala. Ake uye' kufundisa. Kuza' ukalwafuti. Manje Aye' kumgwaza. Waya' kumg- waza. A' makulu' mabili. Loko' kuwela kuka Mpande. Aya' kuhlangana no Dingane. Lawo' ma Bunu abana' nkomo. Abana' masimu. Babeya' utela obisini. Siza' ufika. Ihl iti ke inkosi, sengiza' ubuzwa ible' ipume impi. Ihl' ihambe impi. Hamb' uye' kuhlola. Lapel' ibuto. Asal' ama Swazi afike ebusuku. Tina' bantwana. Hambani niye' kubuta. Ukenz' amanga. Angina' kuhamba. Hamba uye' kubika enkosini. Baya' kubulala. Isigijimi sokuza' usibiza tina. Sokufika ke abelungu. Soku' kunqamuka. Soku' kuputuma kwake. Esokukumele inkalo zonke. Soku' kuqala. Soku qal' ukukatala abanye. Babeya' uzitela elu- bisini. Opik' inkani wati sakuz' iwawa. Sokumahlula (ukwahlula). Ay' ehlezi e Tekwini. Ngaloko abona ama Bunu ukuba kana' sikala sokulwa, atyaya, aya pambili onke. Amabili kade ngihlezi nawo kusasa, ezongibona ngafika ngadhla nawo. Solucengwa ubisi. Sokubekwa pezulu. Vocabulary. Gwaza, v., stab. Buza, v., inquire. Kangala (in), n., table-land. Puma, v., go out. Hlangana, v., come together, i Buto (i), n., soldier. meet, assemble. Bika, v., report, inform. Bulala, v., kill, hurt. Pika, v., deny, strive, con- Qamuka, v., appear, turn up. tend. Kukumala, v., swell, be in Impi (im), n., army. swelling numbers. THE USE OF "SA" AND " SE." These particles may be rendered by "now," "still," " already," " any longer," " more," " at all." Examples. Unyoko usahlezi na ? is your mother still alive ? Uyihlo usasebenza yini na ? does your father still work ? Ikanda lake salaba libi, his head was already bad. Besakulumile, they having now spoken. Sebehambile bonke, now they have all gone. Kungase' mahlanya 'bangane, it is not all a joke, friends. D ZULU VADE-MECUM Usakumbula amazwi ami na? do you still remember my words ? *• Akasatandi ukwemuka, he no longer wishes to depart. Lengubo yami indala, akuse' nto yaluto, my blanket is old, it is no longer of any value. Usenyahlabelela, you are now singing. Isifuba sami sise' buhlungu, my chest is still painful. Umzimba wonke u' u' buhlungu, all my body is now in pain. PASSIVE VOICE FOR THE ACTIVE. In the " Zulu-Kafir Language," page 60, this subject is dealt with ; but additional information may be needed. A similar peculiarity is found in the Hebrew, as : " May this land be given to Thy servants," that is, " May you give this land," &c. (Num. xxxii. 5.) " And the words of Esau were declared to Eebekah," or, " They told Eebekah the words of Esau." (Gen. xxvii. 42.) Examples. Kwaza kwahanjwa ngezinnyawo, it came to be walked on foot = they walked on foot. Akasahanjwa namuhla, we cannot now go to-day. Kwahuhlalwa kahle kona, we resided there pleasantly. Kwayiwa' kuzwa, they went to listen. Kuyiwe ennyangeni, he has gone to the doctor. Mhla kuyiwe etywaleni, on the day they went to the Kafir beer-drinking. Lapo kusinwayo kona, where they are dancing. Ngityonelwe ilanga, I am set for the sun —. the sun has set for me. Bazalwe kusungulwa ukulinywa ba' tanga' nye nave, they are of the same age, both being born (the year) they began to cultivate the soil. Some verbs, not reciprocal, such as lunga, dhlula, ala, eduka, &c, are used with " na." Examples. Weduka nendhlela, he strayed from the path. Lungani namazi enkosi, do as the chief tells you. ZULU VADE-MECUM Sohamba ngomhlomunye, njengaloko sasikulurue njalo nabo, we will go the day after to-morrow as we (we and they) said. Wala nezinkabi zonke, he refused all the oxen. Bala bona nobisi, they refused the milk. FIGURES OF SPEECH. 1. Hyperbole. Figurative expressions are characteristic of early litera- ture. The vivid conceptions of the imagination predominate over general and abstract language. Hyperbole expresses much more than the truth. Examples. Iyeza indhlovu enkulu ; izakusinyatela nezinnyawo, a great elephant is coming ; it will tread upon us with its feet = the enemy is coming. Uyinkomo yabantu lomfundisi, this missionary is the people's cow, that is, he is a generous friend to the natives. Ngawa ngafa, I fell down and died, that is, I was stunned. Insizwa yangibulala njalo wonke umnyaka odhlulilayo, the young man killed me continuously, the whole of last year, in other words, he frequently ill-treated me last year. Ngasebeuza njalo kumlungu iminyaka yonke, I worked for that white man all the years = for many years. Iyisilo lendoda, this man is a wild beast = very fierce. Simanzi tina, we are wet, that is, very weak. Basibulala kwanjengaloko nj©> izitya lezi nezinncwadi, they killed us ; the dead were as numerous as these plates and books, i.e. they killed many of us. Salada sati mahla, we went to bed fasting, i.e. they did not give us much to eat. Abantu bayibonga inkosi, beyikulekela beti ; uyinngwe- w T ena ! uyinngonyama ! uyindhlondhlo ! uyindhlovn ! you are a leopard ! you are a lion ! you are a cobra ! you are an elephant ! Uyinnkosi yamankosi, you are the chief of chiefs = the greatest chief. 8 ZULU VADE-MECUM Uyilembe eleqa amanye amalembe ngobukali, you are a native pick that, as to sharpness, surpasses other picks. Ungangezintaba ezinde, you are like the great mountains = very powerful. Inkomo imbiwa ematyeni kubelungu, among white men a cow is dug out of the rocks. Waginga iminyaka ngeminyaka, he swallowed year after . 7 ear - Ngibilelwe ukufa, I am boiled over with sickness, that is, sickness has almost done for me. 2. Irony. This is a mode of speech in which the meaning of the speaker is contrary to his words. Exa mples . Akatukuteli yena, he is an irascible person. Kanamali lomlungu, this white man has no money = he is very rich. x\ikulupele lenkonyana, this calf is not in good condition = it is fat. Abanamrau lapa, they have no feeling (or pity) here, i.e. they are very compassionate. Asinamsindo lulomuzi kutulile nje, we have no noise in this village, it is very quiet = the noise is distracting. Lamaqawe ayatanda izita zawo, these warriors love their enemies, that is, they would kill the lot. Asiyo nendhlala kitilapa, there is no famine here = there is great scarcity of food. IMPEEATIVE MOOD. The "ni" of the second person plural may, for special emphasis, be doubled. See " Zulu-Kafir Language," page 7. Examples. Sukanini bantwana, get away, you children. Bopelanini izinkabi zetu, inspan our oxen at once. Yanini lapaya, go yonder. Kanini amanzi, dip water (don't dawdle). Wozanini lapa, come here at once. ZULU VADE-MECUM 9 The particle "si" is sometimes found, especially in a participle, before a root of one syllable. Examples. Bakuluma besiti, they spoke, saying. Yaisiti mkosi, the chief said. The verb repeated may often be expressed by — " atten- tively," "thoughtfully," "continually," "again and again," " without ceasing- " &c. l O' Examples. Umame wangibona, wangibona, wangibona, my mother looked at me attentively . Batyaya, batyaya, batyaya, batyaya, they fired volley after- volley. Babulala, babulala, babulala, they killed without stopping. Wakuluma, wakuluma, wakuluma, he talked incessantly. Batyaye, batyaye, batyaye, baqedeke, badhlule, baya' kubu- lala pambili, they fired round after round, and having finished, moved forward to kill farther on. The repetition of a verb, as in Hebrew, often intensifies the action. See " Zulu-Kafir Language," page 41. Examples. Usedhle wadhla, he ate ravenously. Senzile ukwenza, we have done our best. Bayala nokwala, they refuse positively. Sizakufa nokufa, we shall surely die. Sebenza nokusebenza wena, work thoroughly. Aze' kubuza ebuza, he came to inquire fully. Sisengile nokusenga, we have got all the milk we could. Abantu abamnyama bayabonga nokubonga amadhlozi, black people worship earnestly (&c.) the spirits of the departed. Bayabula nokubula izinnyanga, they frequently (or en- thusiastically) consult the doctors. Sokulunge sipume nokupuma ekuseni, it is right that we go out early in the morning. 10 ZULU VADE-MECUM THEEATS are used, as in other languages. Examples. Ngakubulala wena, I killed you, that is, I will be the death of you. Woza unyatele innjobo yami, come and tread on my skin tails. Cupe ! ungapindi futi mfana, look out ! boy, that you do not repeat that. Cupe ! siza' untyintyana nawe, look out ! you and I will meet again. Ngiyinnyama ebindayo kuwena, I am a choking morsel to you. Woza lapa ngiwapule amatambo ako, come here, and I will break your bones. Ngakutyaya ngewisa, I will strike you with a knobkirrie. Sanixotya nonke, w T e will drive you all away. Hamba shinga upanyekwe intamo, go, you scoundrel, and be hanged. Another way of intensifying or reducing in force an action is simply to double the root of, usually dissyllabic verbs. Examples. Qopaqopa, mill (as the edge of a coin), from qopa, to notch. Qotyaqotya, act in a threatening or violent manner. Hambahamba, walk about, from ukuhamba, to walk. Bekabeka, look quickly or cautiously, from ukubeka, to look. Jubajuba, flutter exceedingly, from ukujuba, to flutter. Cabacaba, clear very carefully, from caba, to clear. Citacita, waste a little. Such verbs are sometimes used with " ukuti." Examples. Ukuti ngekengeke, go off tossing the head in a threatening manner. Ukuti lekeleke, go along. Trisyllabic Verbs elide the final syllable of the first part of the root. ZULU VADE-MECUM 11 Examples. Guquguqula, turn a little, from ukuguqula, to turn. Eapurapuna, cut much grass, from rapuna, cut a little grass, &c. The above rule seems to have several exceptions, as the root may have one meaning and the duplication another, as : — Examples. Buqabuqa, dash down (as a man), from buqa, go over the ground a second time. Bungabunga, wag the tail (as a dog), from bunga, flock in small numbers. THE DUPLICATION OF NOUNS. Nouns, like verbs, are, for a similar reason, frequently doubled. Examples. Ihlapahlapa (i), a very generous person, from ukuhlapaza. Ijubajuba (i), butterfly, from jubajuba, flutter. Isinqalanqala (isi), thing very hard to manage, from nqala, hard, difficult. Izinqwabanqwaba (izi), many heaps, from inqwaba (in), heap. N.B. — A similar form, in Hebrew, is found, as " heaps, heaps," i.e. an abundance of them. Inyalanyala (i), person dreadfully conscious of guilt, from ukunyalaza. Iqalaqala (i), sharp, knowing person, from ukuqala, to begin with, &c. As in the case of verbs, there are exceptions. Example. Igwalagwala (i), the Lory, from gwala, be dusty, rusty. 12 ZULU VADE-MECUM PHYSIOLOGICAL TEEMS. 1. Head, Ukakayi (ulu), top of a man's head. Ihlonhlo (i), temple. Umtovoti (um), temple. Isipundu (isi), occiput. Ibunzi (i), forehead. Uhlangoti lwekanda (ulu), side of the head. Isitundu (isi), upper ridge of the cheek-bone. Umhlati (um), lower jaw. Ulwanga (ulu), palate. Ulimi (ulu), tongue. Izinyo (i), tooth. Isihlati (isi), cheek. Ite (i), saliva. Indhlebe (in), ear. Isicubu-sendhlebe (isi), lobe of ear. Igwagwa (i), pinna of ear. Isikonokono (isi), ear-wax. Ubuso (ubu), face. Igilo (i), Adam's apple. Itundu (i), upper jaw. Isidindi (isi), cheek-bone. Ikanda (i). Inhloko (in), skull. Ubucopo (ubu), brain. Ufokoti (ulu), fontanel. Inhlafuno (in), condyle of the jawbone. Iliso or iso (i), eye (amehlo, plural) . Ishiyi (i), eyebrow. Ukope (ulu), eyelash. Unyembezi (ulu), tear. Impumulo (im), nose. Ikala (i), nostril. Umbombo (um), bridge of the nose. Amaqaqa (ama), projecting eyebrows. Isikumba (isi), skin. Urnwele (ulu), human hair. Isipupupu (isi), very fine hair. Amatyabalala (ama), long hair of whites. Isihlito (isi), hair long and thick. Insini (in), gum. 2. Neck, Intamo (in). Umqala (um), back of neck. Umpimbo (um), under part of throat. Ilaka (i), tonsil, epiglottis. Amalaka (ama), throat, in- side of. Igilo (i), larynx. Isi jingo (isi), nape of neck. Umsundulu (um), sinew at back of neck. Umlaka (um), tendon each side of cervical vertibne. 3. Trunk, Umzimba. Umhlonzo (um), spine. Isifuba (isi), chest. Ubambo (ulu), rib. Uvalo-lwesifuba (ulu), breast- bone. Ihlombe (i), shoulder. ZULU VADE-MECUM 13 Isipanga (isi), shoulder-blade. Innqwababa (in) , collar- bone Umhlana (um), back. Innyama (in), muscle. Umongo (um), marrow. Umnqonqo (um), spinal mar- row. Inhliziyo (in), heart. Ipapu (i), lung. Umminzo (um), gullet. Ipe (i), breast-bone, ex- tremity of. Uqoqoqo (ulu), windpipe. Ulwambezi (ulu), pericar- dium . Ubedu (ulu), pericardium, fat attached to. Ulwebu (ulu), epidermis. Uvalo (ulu), diaphragm. Isisu (isi), stomach. Isibindi (isi), liver. Inso (in), kidney. Ubende (ulu), spleen. Amanyaka (ama), pancreas. Isinye (isi), bladder. Ididi (i), rectum. Umtondo (um), urine. Isimo sentombi (isi), hymen virginis. Inhlunu (in), vagina fceminae. Umhlwehlwe (um), omen- tum. Itumbu (i), bowel. Utumbu (ulu), flank between ribs and hip. Umxwelo (um), the aorta. Ilungu (i), joint. Iceba (i), shoulder, upper part of. Umhlandhla (um), spine, bot- tom of, i.e. the coccyx. Ufindo (ulu), lumber vertebrae. Inhlali (in), muscle. Isisu (isi), abdomen. Isinyaka (isi), large intestine, colon. Umbilini (um), bowel. Ukalo (ulu), hip. Isinqe (isi), buttock. Imbilapo (im), groin. Iroro (i), pelvis. Umcamo (um), privates of male. Izipumpu (izi), hair of penis maris. Amaloto (ama), semen of penis maris. Isende (i), testacle. Usinga (ulu), tendon. Umsipa (um), sinew. Ilungwana (i), small joint. Arms, Ingalo. Umkono (um), the whole arm. Ugalo (ulu), arm, fore part of. Indolwane (in), elbow. Ikwapa (i), armpit. Inhlali (in), cartilage. Isihluzi (isi), forearm, mus- cular part of. Ilungu (i), knuckle. Isikumba (isi), hand, skin of. Ulwebu (ulu), epidermis. Isihlakala (isi), wrist. Isandhla (isi), hand. Iminwe (imi), phalanges. Umunwe (umu), finger. Isitupa (isi), thumb. Inkomba (in), forefinger. Uzipo (ulu), finger-nail. Uwetye (u), hand, hollow of Intende (in), hand, palm of. 14 ZULU VADE-MECUM Leg, Umlbnzi. Itanga (i), thigh. Ucingwe (ulu), fore part of leg. Umbala (urn), shin-bone ; also imbilati. Ivi (i), patella. Ummondhlo (um), tibia. Idolo (i), knee. Iqakala (i), ankle. Isihlakala (isi), ankle. Umtambo (um), artery. Umtambo wokubuyisela igazi enhliziweni (um), vein. Uzwani (ulu), toe. Ibande (i), ligament. Isito (isi), calf of leg. Isitende (isi), heel. Uzipo (ulu), toe-nail. DISEASES, EBACTUBES, WOUNDS, ETC. Ukwapuka (uku), to be frac- Umseseni (um), labour pains, tured. false. Inngqwababa-yapukile (in), Zala, v., be in travail. broken collar-bone. Intungwa (in), gripes in an Umkono-wenyele (um), dis- infant. located arm. Umcoboko (um), scrofula. Umbumu (um), umbilical Inkwashu (in), cramp. rupture. Ipika (i), stitch in the Isitutwane (isi), epileptic fit. side. Isimungumungwane (isi) , measles. Izingazi (izi), menstrual dis- charge. Potela, v., menstruate. Bangula, v., extract, as a thorn. Isilungulela (isi), heartburn. Isilonda (isi), sore. Amabulalo (ama), rheuma- Umcobeko (um), boil or tism. tumour. Isilumo (isi), painful men- Isimekemeke (isi), large struation. spreading sore. Umezanyana (u), placenta. Umunyoluka (umu), slough Inngane (in), fcetus. inside boil. Inncalabane (in), labour Itumba (i), boil. pains, feeling of. Itumbakulu (i), boil, large. Innnimba (in), labour pains. Utwai (ulu), cutaneous sores. Ufehlane (ulu), ague. Imbo (im), dysentery. Imfa (im), influenza, kind of. Ipokisi (i), small-pox. Ugcilaza (u), mumps. Ukuruda (uku), diarrhoea. Culula, ' v., diarrhoea, have as child. Umkuhlane (um), cold. ZULU VADE-MECUM 15 Ubukubele (ubu), suppurated wound, pain of. Ikunkulo (i), imaginary disease. Isilalo (isi), old painful bruise. Inngqobongo (in), disease that pits the skin. Unjonjo (ulu), pustule. Umna (um), sores on the head. Impuza (im), cutaneous erup- tion. Ubovu (ulu), matter from abscess. Cica, v., discharge, as a wound. Cukuca, v., cleanse with enema. Iduuguza (i), swelling. Izilo (izi), worms, intestinal. Izilo-ezimhlotyana (izi), thread worms. Incili (in), tape worm. Isibakabu (isi), large wound. Ibata (i), splayed foot. Ukufa (uku), sickness. Umgama (um), hard foaces. Inhlokosela (in), stye in the eye. Igazi (i), blood. Umuti-opolisayo (umu), cool- ing medicine. Ufuba (ulu), chest disease with cough. Isimpantyolo (isi), the bad disease, i.e. venereal. Elapa, v., treat, as a doctor. Udokotela (u), doctor. Ubovu (ulu), matter from abscess. Imbubuzi (im), moaning, as in delirium. Ukububula (uku), to moan. Amakambi (am a), fever medi- cine. Cata, v., enema, to inject. Isiva (isi), boil on young children. Uzokozela (u), spreading ulcer. Inzukulwane (in), vertigo. Ukugquma (uku), pulsation of the heart. Ukukohlela (uku), to cough. Isikohlela (isi), expectora- tion. Ukuminza (uku), drowning. Ukutoba (uku), fomentation. Ubuhlungubekanda (ubu) , headache. Ukukwelwa ikanda, head- ache. Nenyongo, a., bilious. Inyongo (in), bile. Isiswana - senhliziyo (isi), ventricle of heart. Ukwenyela - kwokalo (uku), hip, dislocation of. Amafuta (ama), ointment. Indhlundhlulu (in), injured eye. Ububomvubeliso (ubu), oph- thalmia. Izilondana-zegolo (izi), piles. Indwangu-yenxeba (in), lint. Ukuqaqamba (uku), throb- bing. Ukuluma-kwezinyoka (uku), snake -bites. Ukufelagazi (uku), blood- spitting. Ukupinyaza, v., to twist, as a joint. Umhlanziso (um), emetic. Isiboko (isi), wen. 16 ZULU VADE-MECUM Idumbe (i), palsy. Isinkwa-sokutoba (isi), poul- tice. Izinkimdhla (izi), blood of childbirth. Ipwanyazi (i), bladder on foot. Tyisayo, feverish. Isivalwana-senhliziyo (isi) , valve of heart. Uinlomo-wenhliziyo (urn), auricle of heart. Ukudaka (uku), intoxication. Ukufa (uku), mortification. Umqubuludwane (urn), skin Inhlamvu-yeliso (in), eyeball. eruption. Insumpa (in), wart. Amatezane (ama), nervous- ness. Intutumba (in) , vesicular eruption. Uqulu (ulu), stitch in the side. Itwabi (i), hiccough. Isixwazi (isi), bruise. Ukubopa, v., to bandage. Ikasi-elinamatelayo (i), stick- ing plaster. Ukukipa, v., extract, as a tooth. Amalovula (ama), sores in w the mouth. Ukufa-kwomhlonzo (uku), spinal disease. Ukupinyazeka (uku), sprain. Ityatyazi (i), blister on the Amasende-avuvukile (ama), hand. swollen testicles. Ukuhlanza (uku), vomiting. Umuti-wezilo (umu), vermi- Ukwopisa, v., cause to bleed, fuge. cup Umbadamu (urn), ringworm. Ubutulu (ubu), deafness. Idumbi (i), paralysis. Ukukuzakwesisu (nku), Umongozima (u), blood from dropsy (abdominal). the nose. Ukutobela (uku), embroca- Ukulunywa - kwensensane tion. (uku), gnat bite. U kuqumba (uku) , flatulency . Ukulunywa- kwomiyane Ukuxuxuzela (uku), flatu- (nku), musquito bite. lency, sound of. EXERCISES, WITH NOTES AND QUESTIONS. Ngiyawabona amehlo ake, I see his eyes. Lomfana uyinncengancenga, this boy is a spoilt child. Ugunyile enhliziweni, his heart is bitter. Makuza uyayizwa nje lendaba, you hear the report, Makuza. Kuti uma kutiywe insimba, it comes to pass when a trap is set for a wild cat. ZULU VADE-MECUM 17 Iyafika masinyane insimba, the wild cat comes quickly. Lomuntu wadeleleka kulabobantu ngezikati zonke, this person was always despised by those people. Icakide liyazondana kakulu nezinyoka, ngokuba liyazidhla, the weasel is at great enmity with snakes, because it eats them. I^uyakwenziwa njani na ? what is going to happen ? Wapuma ke nomkonto, he went out with a spear. Wangena esibayeni, he entered the cattle enclosure. Wahlala eziko, he sat down by the fireplace. Unina watabata amanzi wamgeza, the mother took water and washed him. Bapuma ke bonke bemuke, they all went out and took their departure. Uyena umutwana na obekuluma ? is this the child that was talking ? Asibonanga sibona umutwana onjengalomutwana, we never saw a child that was like this child. Why is the " u " of umfana changed into " o " ? What is the meaning of " deleleka " ? What is the active form of " tiywe " ? Explain " zondana nezinyoka." Give the literal meaning of kuyakwenziwa, &c. Why is the " i " of iziko changed into " e " ? Why is the last letter of emuka changed into " e " ? Explain the relative form of " obekuluma." The literal meaning of "ugunyile," &c, is, he is bitter in the heart. Give all the meanings of " masinyane." Find other Zulu words for weasel. Observe that sometimes the verb and sometimes the noun occupies the first place in the sentence, according to the emphasis required. What is the meaning of " njenga " ? Bengiyotanda ukusina, I should have liked to dance. Asoyasebenza, let us go to work. Wetula isitebe nepini, he took down the eating-mat and porridge stick. Mame yamukele, nantsi inyama yami, here is my meat, mother, take it. Niti umuntu na ? do you say he is a person ? c 18 ZULU VADE-MECUM Ekutateni kwake umlenzi wenkabi, when he took the leg of beef. Waya ukuzingela ngasemfuleni, he went to hunt by the river. Umfana wami ukulile uyindoda manje, my boy is full- grown, he is now a man. Aniyogeza izingubo, go ye, and wash the clothes. Uya' uhamba ubala, you will travel through wild country. Sasiyozingele ehlanzeni, we went to hunt in the bushy country. Tomutwana angez' awaka amanzi, this child cannot draw water. Wakohlisa obaba ngenyama yabo, you deceived the fathers about the meat. Wavuka wati sekusile, he awoke and said, " It is now day." Wapuma ngapantzi kwesivalo, he went out under the door. Mame ngivulele, mother, open the door for me. Ngipe ke izinyoni lezo, give me those birds. Safa ! nansi inyoka enkulu, we shall be killed, see here is a large snake. "Wo! Mntanami utyilo," "Alas! my child, you have said so." The full forms of the above verbs, &c, are as follows : — bengiyakutanda, asiye'kusebenza, aniye'kugeza. Explain the contractions. What is omitted in " Uya' uhamba " ? Give the full form of sasiyozingele, also of " anyez ; awaka." Why is it " yamukele " and not yamukela ? Supply the literal meaning of " ekutateni." Why is it obaba ? Fully explain "safa" both the literal meaning and the; figurative. Explain " sekusile," especially " seku." Why is it " ngasemfuleni ? " Why is "y " placed between "u " and indoda ? What is the word to express, " to pluck fruit " ? Why is lezo placed after izinyoni ? Wati umfana, " ake ngizibone izinyoni zami," the boy said,. " Please let me see my birds." ZULU VADE-MECUM 19 Ngiyakuhamba umhlaba wonke nje, I am going to travel over the whole world. Watata intonga yake, wahamba, he took his walking-stick and went. Wafika ezitiyweni zezimu, he came to the traps of a cannibal. Musa ukungityaya, ngizakukutyela, do not beat me, and I will tell you. Nkosi yami musa ukutukutela, Oh, my lord, do not be angry. Ngizakuyaka kahle indhlu yako, ngiyifulele, I will carefully build your house and thatch it. Wati, " salake ulinde," he said, " Eemain here and watch." Wemba umgodi omude, he dug a long burrow. Yafika ingwe, yafika nempunzi, the leopard arrived, she brought a buck with her. Puma bo uze' kuhlinza inyamazane, come out then, and skin the buck. Nanziya izinkomo zami, my cows are yonder. Inwele zezimu zazinde kakulu kakulu, the cannibal's hair was very long. Lanka izulu namatye nemibane, the sky came with hail- stones and lightning ; there was a thunder-storm with hailstones. Abelungu bamanono ngako konke, the white people are clean and tidy in everything, u Makabeni ulimele nje, u Makabeni is lame. Uma umuntu etanda ukugaula imiti emihle angeza lapa kumina, if a man desires to cut down beautiful trees, he may come here to me. Give the exact meaning of ngiyakuhamba, &c. Find other forms for traps. Explain "Yafika ingwe," &c. Does " bo " vehemently urge an action ? Supply the full meaning of angeza. Why is it " nanziya " and not nansiya ? What is the singular of inwele ? Why is it imibane, and not umbane ? Ubani (ulu) is used for a flash of lightning, and isibane for a shooting star. Angayinquma kabili leyomiti, he can cut those trees in half. Ngipunduliswe uwena, I have been misled by you. 20 ZULU VADE-MECUM Narnhlanje ngiyibonile ngokwami, to-day I have seen it myself. Lentombazana iyagalazela abantubonke, this girl is saucy to all the people. Uyabona ke ngangikulurna kuwena, you see I was speaking to you. Ungibulele izolo uZigodo, uZigodo hurt me yesterday. Abantu abamnyama abalitandi lelogama lokuti amakafula, black people do not like to be called " Kafirs." Bamtyaya umta ka 'Gombela ngiyamraukela, they beat Gombela's child ; I feel pity for him. Ngapunduleka nje, I was put out in the calculation. Lomuntu udidakele, this person is confused. Teta namadhlozi, ukufa kukulile, the sickness is increasing, consult the spirits. Ityungu lomnumzane litoliwe na ! has the gentleman's snuff-box been found ? Salibumbuluzeka ityungu lake, we obtained without diffi- culty his snuff-box. lewane lalemvu lidhliwe ukozi izolo, this ewe's lamb was eaten yesterday by a kind of vulture. Ngingumalume wako nganina ? how am I your uncle ? Wavela umnikaziso wesigubu, the owner of the calabash appeared. Harnba ke uye uzingele, do go and hunt. Watata isaka wemuka nalo, he took a sack and departed. Explain the full meaning of " kabili." Is there any contraction in " uwena " ? Why is it " kuwena " and not kuwe ? Does " angayinquma " also imply permission ? " Ukukafula " means to spit out, as food from the mouth, and this is the reason why the Zulus object to be called Kafirs. They are ignorant of the Arabic origin of the word. Yapoma inyoka yaluma isandhla sake, the snake came out and bit his hand. Autyaye isigubu sako ukuba ngilalele ngizwe, do play your drum that I may listen and appreciate. Kulungile, ngokuba kubonakele ukuba ngahluliwe mina. It is right, for it is evident that I am surpassed. Akavumi ukuhlangana nabanye abantu, he is not willing to associate with other people. ZULU VADE-MECUM 21 Licitakele izwe lonke, all the country is wasted. Uyisijaka lomfokazana, that low fellow is a passionate person. Bangiqobile isikati labobantu, those people have frittered away my time. Abakwazi ukusina labantu, these people do not know how to dance. Izulu liyadikiza, lidikizela ulwandhle selizakwetwasa ihlobo, there is a sound of distant thunder ; the summer will soon set in. Ngidhekile, angitenganga kahle, I have been cheated, not having bought carefully. Sityele izinganekwane, tell us some nursery tales. Uma intombi yendisiwe, kufika izinkabi katisimbe zibentatu, zifika nentombi, when a girl is to be married there come with her, perhaps, three oxen. Ngadhlula nensizwa empofu, ngayityaya pansi, I passed a pale young man, and knocked him down. Is " autyaye " a contraction? If so, what letter is omitted ? What does bonakele come from ? Give the literal meaning of " Ungiqobile isikati." What is the full meaning of " ukudikiza " ? Does " ngidhekile " mean cheated or eaten? Supply the various meanings of isigubu. What form is " citakele? " and why is the ala changed to ele? Does " mpofu " always mean pale ? Bangivimbezela endhlini, they shut me up in the house. Ngatata ikanzi lokupeka, ngaliponsa emnyango, I took a cooking-pot, and threw it at the door. Ipangalele leyonkomo, that cow is skinned and cut up. Bapangelana abantu bonke, all the people hurried together. Ngiyamesaba lomuntu, ukushumayela kwake kubi kakulu, I am afraid of that person, his conversation is very bad. A ! Pa ! wadhlondhlolala wamvukela, on my word, he raved like a wild beast, and then attacked him. Ngambamba ngamcwilisa ngatula naye, ngaza ngapuma, I held him firmly, and dipped him in the water, and then, got out. 22 ZULU VADE-MECUM Isibungu siyisilwanyana esizalwa impukane ebomvu, Isibungu (kind of maggot) is an insect that is born by a red fly. Yini izibungu ? Anzazi izibungu na ? Qa. What are maggots ? Do you not know them ? No. Ngaqetuka mina ngomhlana, I threw myself back. Ngikwelene nomuntu wasemuzini, impi nje, I have had a tussle with a stranger foe. Ngiyifana umhlanziso, ngipe iqora, I want an emetic, give me iqora. Niyabona madoda zatya izindhlu zonke, you see, men, that all the houses were burnt. Ibantyi lami lilelwe umbete, my jacket is wet with dew. Umlungu wasikokela sonke imali yetu yaba umkoti, the white man paid all of us our money ; it was seven shillings. "A." is equivalent to "ah," and "pa" expresses astonishment. " Civilisisa " would intensify the action = "give him a good ducking." When you wish to express the thought, " I flatly deny it," you use an idiomatic form, " ngipika ngiqetuka ngomhlana." What is the meaning of "ngikwelene nomuntu"? Supply the rule for the use of " na " in " nomuntu." Several kinds of emetics are used by the natives, iqora being one of them. Abantu baqubuka izinhlangoti babe nezilondana, the people had little sores on each side of the body. Ngaza ngatata izinkuku zami, ngaya' kutenga ngazo, then I took my laying hens and traded with them. Ngazibona izinnyosi zingena esibambeni, I saw the bees going into a high mound of earth. Ngakangwa umtunzi womviti ngayelama enkulu inhlatu, I was attracted by the shade of a large tree, and came unexpectedly on a large spotted snake. Inonile lenkabi, iqata layo liyakuba namandhla emlonyeni, this ox is in good condition, a slice of it will be nice. Ngakanda invu izolo inonile, angibonanga ngiyibona imvu enjeya umqumane impela, I lighted on a sheep in good condition yesterday ; I have never seen such a sheep ; a fat animal and no mistake. ZULU VADE-MECUM 23 Rafumana ehlatini icwensa, we found in the forest a wild scamp. Izinduna ziye' kumceba enkosini, the officers have gone to accuse him falsely before the chief. Mhla sivela kwa Zulu sidinga, sasingahambi naluto sasi- hamba ngezandhla sibucela nje, the day we came from Zululand we were very needy ; we had nothing to carry, so walked empty-handed. Asihambe immini nobusuku bonke kuze kuse, let us travel day and night till the morning. Babona umkoba omude, bagijima bakwela kusona, they saw a lofty yellow- wood tree, and ran and climbed it. Zasala izinja ngapantsi kwomuti, the dogs remained at the foot of the tree. Explain " ngaza." How do you express " never " in Zulu ? " Ukuceba " embraces several other ideas. What are they ? " Ukubuc' umlomo " means to eat a little food when hungry. Yellow-wood timber is of great commercial value. 11 Kwa " expresses " at" as well as " from." Lentombi enhle kangaka uyitata pina ? where have you found this very beautiful damsel ? Wahluma umuti masinyane waba njengokuqala, the tree grew immediately, and resumed its original condition. Siyahlupeka asazi uma sizakukubeka pi, we are troubled, not knowing where we shall put you. Watanda izintombi naye zamtanda kakulu, he loved the young women, and they loved him. Lwavela utuli ekumukeni kwelanga, towards sunset the dust appeared. Bamciba bengenamandhla okumbulala, they hurled their spears at him, but had no power to kill him. Wema, kwaza kwatyona ilanga, he stood until sunset. Kwabutana isizwe sonke, the whole nation assembled. Wahlala eyedwa pezu kwetye, he sat alone upon a stone. Ketani amatye amakulu siwatyise, collect large stones, and let us heat them. Ketani itole elihle silihlabe, choose a fine calf, and let us kill it. 24 ZULU VADE-MECUM Hlinzani leyonkomo, skin that cow. Kwaku kona izalukazi ezimiselwe ukubulala amadodana ayo leyonkosi, old women were appointed to kill that chief's sons. Wafumana izinsizwa 'zimbili zilele ze, he found two young men sleeping without any clothes on. Wati bangane nilala ze na? Aninangubo na? Zati ca. He said, "Friends, do you sleep without clothing? Have you no blanket? " They said, " No." Kwati ngomuso wahamba waya e Tekwini, it came to pass on the morrow that he went to Durban. Baye bonke eketweni, they have all gone to a dance. Wabuka iketo, yasina intombi, translate this. Kangaka means so much, so very. Explain kwaza kwatyona. Ciba means to fling, hurl (as an assegai). Ze means naked or empty, also of no value. Wabuyela ke ekaya wafika kunina, so he returned home and came to his mother. Wati unina, " Ngiyatokoza ngokubuya kwako," his mother said, " I am delighted at your return." Wafihla amacala ake ngokwazi ukuba uma ewaveza anga- patwa kabi, he concealed his faults, knowing that if he recounted them he might be treated badly. Wahlangana nenyoka wayibamba wayifaka esakeni, he fell in with a snake, caught it, and put it into a sack. Watabata unina amanzi wamgeza, his mother took water and washed him. Kakulume ke umntwana, njengokutyo kwako, let the child speak, according to your saying. Icakide linesisila kakulu, the weasel has very bad luck. Mfundisi ngiyatanda ukusebenza kuwena, missionary, I wish to work for you. Ngaya kuyena nabafana ababili kwayimina wesitatu, I went to him with two other boys ; I was the third. Ngabapendula, ngiti, " Musani ukutetisana naye umfundisi," I answered them, saying, " You must not contend with the missionary." Umfana uye ngapi na ? Bati bona Umfana asimazi, "In what direction has the boy gone ? " They said, " We do not know." ZULU VADE-MECUM 25 Ngatatwa ama Bium ngisemcinyane, I was taken by the Boers when I was very little. Kwaduma izulu, saziyeka izinkomo say a endhlini endala, lana izulu, it thundered, and we left the cattle and went into an old house, and it rained. Babaleka abafana abanye ngokwesaba ukutyaywa, some boys ran away through fear of being beaten. How would " return from home " be rendered? The weasel, so the natives believe, is the occasion of bad luck. Explain " kwayimina wesitatu." What is meant by " tetisana naye " ? Uma kubonwa isigqoko sami kuwena, uyakubulalwa, if you are seen with my hat on, you will be killed. Kwati kusasa ngavuka, izulu lisile, it came to pass that in the morning I arose, and the sky was clear. Ake nisigayele umcaba, sivube, sice, sihambe, please grind and prepare some boiled Indian corn, that we may mix with sour milk, and presently go. Ehe ! indubuko yabo loko abantu abamnyama, yokuzeka abufazi abaningi, nokubonga amadhlozi, nokubula ezinnyangeni, yes, that is the custom of the black people, to marry many wives, worship spirits, and consult witch doctors. Asikwazi tina loko okutyoyo : umdabuko wetu, we do not understand what you are talking about : it is with us an ancient custom. Innqina iyakuzingela izindhlovu, the hunting party will hunt elephants. Izulu liyahloma impela, the sky is thoroughly preparing for war. Uyatatwa ihlombe, he is carried away with excitement. Bayatyaya ihlombe, they clap the hands. Sezwa kutiwa bahlome izihlangu, we heard it said they were to prepare the shields for war. Abanye bahlakazeka, baya emapandhleni, some were scattered and went into the country places. Wababiza bobabili, he called them both. Asikulume pambi kwebandhla lonke, let us speak before all the council. 26 ZULU VADE-MECUM Sakelene kabi, we do not live comfortably. Uyindoda enamacebo, he is a deceitful person. " Izulu liyahloma," &c, means, there is going to be a storm . Supply a literal translation of the first sentence. " Ihlombe " means the upper part of the shoulder. Explain " Bobabili," bobatatu, nobabili, &c. " Isihlangu " means a war-shield; the loop is called umgabelo. " Irau " is a small shield used on festive occasions. What is the difference between indabuko and umdabuko ? Wati uyise, " Angitandi loko," his father said, " I do not like that." Akusiyo innqina, icebo lokukubulala wena, it is not a hunt- ing party, but a trick for murdering you. Inkosi yasahlukanisa tina, the chief separated us. Wela wena, uye kubamhlope, cross the river, and go to the white people. Ake ngizeke indaba yokuhamba kwami, please let me narrate the story of my journey. Sadhla amatambo amadala, we ate old bones. Indhlala yasiqeda tina, sadhla izikumba esizitolayo emahla- tini, the famine finished us, and we ate skins which we picked up in the forests. Ngiyamdumisa u Tixo opezu kwako konke, I praise God, w T ho is above all. Yapela innyama ngaleyonkati, at that time the meat failed. Semuka kuleyondawo, we departed from that place. Isilo sabadhla abantu, a wild animal ate the people. Seza lapa esilungwini, we came here to the white people. Seza nje, ngokuba kwakutiwa kuhle, we came, because it was said it is pleasant. Kutiwa akuko ukubulawa nokulwa, it is said, there is neither murder nor fighting. Kutiwa tina siyakudhla izinkobe namasi nesijingi, it is said we shall eat mealies, sour milk and porridge. Yenze inkoto kulomuti, make a groove in this wood. Eza ke ama Lau amaningi, many Hottentots came. Bawabopela ama Lau esondweni lenqola, bawatya} r a Ku- kulu, they bound the Hottentots to a wheel of this waggon, and beat them severely. ZULU VADE-MECUM 27 " Zeka " means marry, mount, tell, &c. What is the difference between inkati and isikati ? " Isijingi," a mixture of mealie-meal dough and boiled pumpkin. Zulus, when very hungry, put on the fasting girdle. Bawatyaya ngesampokwe nangesiswipo, they beat them with a hide thong and with a whip. Sahamba, sayiyeka' indhlela sahamba ngenhlanhlato, we went leaving the path, and travelling in the grass. Wabuza umfundisi, wati, " Nifunani na?" Sati, " ukuse- benza," the missionary inquired, saying, " What do you want? " We said," Work." Washumayela umfundisi ngokubujiswa ngomlilo, the minis- ter preached about being destroyed by fire. Kwati ngolunye usuku labalela (ilanga) kakulu, it came to pass on another day that it was very hot. Wati yena, " Konje nawe uyakolwa ukuba uyakufa qede, uye ezulwini ? " he said, "Is it true, then, that you also believe that as soon as you die you will go to heaven ? ' ' Wati, " Uyabona yini imbobo oyakungena ngayo ezulwini ? " Ngati mina, " Noko ingeko imbobo, siyakuya kona." He said, "Do you see, or not, a hole through which you will enter heaven?" I said, "Notwithstanding the fact that there is no visible hole, we shall go there." Babehlekwa abakolwayo, people who believed were laughed at. Satata amahansi omlungu, we took the white man's geese. Wayefuna ukusityaya, kepa sacatya, he wanted to beat us, but we hid ourselves. Sengikuzwile loko konke, now I understand all that. Lomfana uyangatangata exoxa intombi endala, this boy acts unbecomingly, courting an old girl. Ngamngopoza yena ngadhlula, I hit him on the head and passed on. What is the active form of bujiswa? Explain the form " oyakungena ngayo." WTiat is the difference between " ukukuluma " and " ukushumayela " ? 28 ZULU VADE-MECUM Izulu means heaven, sky, weather, and a Zulu person. Ngopoza ekanda would be the full form. Nince niye lapaya, go ye over there presently. Kade ngikufuna wena, I have a long time been seeking you. Niyakuka nihlale na ? will you manage to stop a bit longer ? Uke namsiza na ? did you manage to help him ? Esand' ukufika wamtyela indaba yonke, as soon as he arrived, he told him all the news. Sifike bengakafiki abafazi, we arrived before the women. Singetande isono, we may not love sin. Asisatandi isono, we do not continue to love sin. Abantu bakolisile ukutanda isono, people generally like sin. Nihleze nitanda isono, you like sin always. Siza' upinda sitanda ukwona, we shall like to sin again. Abantu bavama ukwona, people frequently sin. Uboza nayo inkuku yami, come on with my fowl. Asinaluto, sihlezi site hleke nje, we have nothing, and are sitting just like simpletons. Able ngiwukwele lowomuti, I could climb that tree. Bafuna ukulimaza, they intend to hurt. Ake siye kona anduma sibuye, please let us go there and then return. Kengibone mgane, let me see, friend. Sisuk' siloba incwadi, we happened to be writing a letter. Batyaye batyantyula, they went off at full speed. Silibele sihamba lapaya, we are continually going yonder. Mane nisishiyele, do leave some for us. Basimze bambeka nje, badhlula, they merely looked at him, and passed on. Siyakuvama ukulibala, we shall have plenty of loitering. The above Auxiliary Verbs and Particles should all be very carefully studied. " Bafuna ukulimala " means, they intend to be hurt ; and ulimele, he is hurt, or injured. What is the literal meaning of " ukuti hleke " ? Make a list of the above Verbs and Particles, and commit to memory. Sapuma besekona, we went out, they being still there. Nizakuza nife, you will come and die ; you will certainly die. ZULU VADE-MECUM 29 Bemuka bonke, singeko tina, they all departed, we not being present. Bakuleka bati du, they went through their salutations to the end. Wasala, wavuka, he afterwards came to life. Sakwela emutini, we climbed a tree. Wayibamba ke inkwenjane, wayibulala wayihluba izimpape, he caught a swallow and killed it, and plucked it. Woza wena uhlute lenkuku, come and pluck this fowl. Musa ukungihlusa, you must not bother me. Ulunyiwe inyoka ; leta isihlungu, he has been bitten by a snake ; fetch the antidote. Tata izinyawo uzakufa, make haste, or he will die. Umkati wonke lo kade nenzani na ? what have you been doing all this time ? Lomtwana nyafuna umuti ; leta ikataza, this child requires medicine ; bring the kataza plant. Wahlasela izizwe ezingapandhle ; wahlasela iminyaka yonke, he invaded the outside tribes every year. Sibonise amabele, show us where the Kafir corn is. Bangitusa, bengipakamisela iwisa, they frightened me, raising threateningly the knobkirrie. Ngabakombisa enkundhleni, I showed them in the area of the cattle kraal. Bafuna enkundhleni abawatolanga amabele, they sought in the cattle kraal, but did not find any Kafir corn. Ama Bunu abulala abantu ngezibamu, the Boers shot the people with guns. Why is it "be " and not basekona? The second sentence may be rendered, " you will surely die." Inkonjane is another name for swallow. Ihlungu differs from isihlungu, the former meaning a place where the grass has lately been burnt off. Ngafinyanisa abantu, ngagijima nabo, I overtook the people and ran with them. I Bunu langibamba ngengalo, lahamba nami ; likwele ehashini, ngihamba pansi, a Boer seized me by the arm, and went off with me ; he was on a horse, and I walked on the ground. Sanikelwa izinkwa, we were given some bread. 30 ZULU VADE-MECUM Kodwa rnina umsebenzi wami, nganikelwa izingulube ukuza- lusa, only the work given to me was to herd pigs. Izingulube lezo zangihlupa kakulu, those pigs gave me much trouble. Ikanda lami livuvukile kakulu, my head is much swollen. Innyanga yangisika ekanda, yanka etanjeni lekanda, the doctor cut me in the head right down to the bone. Sahlala amasonda amabili seuka saya e Tekwini, we re- mained two weeks, and then went down to Durban. Savalelisana baza bangena emkunjini, we took leave one of another, and they went on board the vessel. Sabopela, sahamba ebusuku, we inspanned, and travelled in the night. Kwati pakati kwobusuku sakumula, sala, it came to pass that in the middle of the night we outspanned and went to sleep. Lati uma ilanga lipenduke, when the sun began to go down. Sazikipa izimpahla ennqoleni, sazifeka endhlini, we took the goods out of the waggon, and put them into the house. Angivumanga mina, ngati, " Nqa," I did not consent, I said, "No." Kwati kungakasi, sazibopela izinkabi, and it was so that before dawn we inspanned the oxen. Kwatatwatina si' bancinyane, we were taken when we were little. Impi yawahlangabeza ama Bunu, the army went to meet the Boers. Ukulinyanisa, to arrive. Mark it is not, as in English, likwele ihashi, but ehas- hini. Isonto also means a week. Literally, when the sun began to turn. Explain " Kangakasi." Hlangabeza, go to meet in peace or war. Amu Bunu alwa nawo ama Zulu, awaxotya, the Boers fought with the Zulus, and put them to flight. Abelungu benza innqaba ngamahlahla, the white men made a fortress with the branches of trees. Kwatiwa impi ifikile, iwela amazibuko onke, it was said, 11 The enemy has arrived, and is crossing all the fords." ZULU VADE-MECUM 3i Izintambo ziti nwi, the strings are all stretched. Kwati bati, " Ketani amagwala abuyele emakaya, it came to pass that they said, " Pick out all the cowards, and let them return home." Izinto zake zazishiyiwe kona, his things had been left here. Watuma amanye amabuto futi, he sent other soldiers also. Imikonto yafinyelela ezinnqoleni, the spears reached to the waggons. Kwapuma amahashi amatatu, ati qelele ngapandhle, three horses came forth, making their appearance outside (also went forth). Sadhlulisa esinye isicetyana sempi, we sent forward another small detachment of the army. Hamba uyityele inkosi ukuba impi yenakele, go and tell the chief that the enemy has been routed. Ilanga laqala ukufudumala, the sun began to get warm. x\belungu bemise pina ? where have the white men taken their stand ? Sati, " Bemise lapaya pezulu emtonjeni," we said, " They have stationed themselves above yonder by the spring." Wati ke yena, " nginganiyisa," he said, '-' Oh, I can con- duct you." Bati bona, " Ungasihambisa ngendhlela elungileyo," they said, " You can take us by the right path." Wati gi gi gi entatyaneni, he made a pattering noise with his feet down the slope. Badhlula bati beuka entatyaneni, they passed by, descending the slope. The hurled spears reached the waggons. Give the various meanings of the word " misa." Explain fully " nginganiyisa." What is entatyaneni derived from ? Mark "izintambo ziti nwi." Banka abelungu lapa, ilanga likupukayo, the white men arrived here when the sun was ascending. Shiyani izibamu zenu lapaya, leave your guns yonder. Bakuza iwawa, they paid no regard to danger. Ufanele ukuzikuza, you must restrain yourself. Ilanga likuzile liti ro, the sun is burning hot. Sabatatamisa kakulu abelungu, w T e carried the white men very carefully. 32 ZULU VADE-MECUM Kwati lapa liti pasha ilanga yafika iniikosi, and it was so that when the sun had come out from the clouds, the forces arrived. Bayipekula impi yonke, they routed all the army. Bayipindelisela emuvu impi, they made the enemy go back. Yafa ke leyonyanga, that month ended. Izinkabi zihlatywe zidhliwe, the oxen were killed and eaten. Ipi impi na ? where is the enemy ? Bafika ke lapo, batata amabece, bawadhla, they arrived there, and took and ate water melons. Abaningi beza emfuleni, many came to the river. Tina' mabuto ke, kutiwa masihlome, sikake amakanda amakulu, w T e soldiers were told to prepare for war, and surround the great military kraals. Wafika umlozikazana, wafika ke, wadhlala wadhlala, there arrived a necromancer ; he came, and jumped about. Wakitywa ke amehlo ngemikonto, his eyes were extracted with spears. Asigwiye sonke, let us leap about like brave men. Musani ukubanga umsindo umuntu ugula, you must not make a noise ; a person is sick. Lomuntu ogulayo uyazifela, this sick person takes no notice of anything. Izinkomo ziyatyekula, the cows are kicking up their heels. " Bakuza," &c, they silenced the bragging. Give the full meaning of ukukuza. " Ukuti pasha " means to come out as the sun, moon, or water from a blister. Give the literal meaning of " Tina mabuto," &c. Why is it " ukubanga " and not " ukwenza " ? Amahashi alambile, abuko utyani, the horses are hungry, and there is no grass. Bati, " Bobozani sipume," they said, ''Break through that we may get out." Bakwela abakiti emahashini, our people rode on horses. Izwe leli lakiti lihle impela, this country of ours is certainly beautiful. Izwe lakiti linotyani obuningi, this country of ours has plenty of grass. Linotyani obunye obudepileyo bokufulela izindhlu kahle, it has some long grass for thatching houses nicely. ZULU VADE-MECUM 33 Angitandi innyama eluhlaza, I do not like raw meat. Sipe amafuta aluhlaza, give us some clear oil. Api amanzi aluhlaza ? where is some pure water ? Lelikanzi liluhlaza, this cooking-pot is almost jet black. Lomuti uluhlaza, this tree is green. Maningi amanzi lapa, there is plenty of water here. Wati, " Susani izidumbu, niziponsele ngapandhle," he said, " Take away the carcasses, and throw them outside." Ngabona amaconsi ezinnyembezi, I saw the tear-drops. Badazuluka bonke, they all broke out into a cry. Balingoza kabili katatu, they sobbed two or three times. Bababaza isibindi sami, they extolled my courage. Ama Bunu akipa omese, alwa ngamandhla, abulala abanye, the Boers took out their knives, aud fought bravely, killing some. Ingikohlile leyondaba, I have forgotten that matter. Likumukile izinyo lami, my tooth has come out. Anginangubo mina, I have no blanket. Anginaluto lapa, I have nothing here. Lempupu inkafunkafu, this meal is very coarse. Ake ninqamukane kabili, please form two divisions. Asinqamulele ubusuku, let us travel all night. Babetyaya iminwe, they were snapping the fingers. Ngiya tanda innyama ebomvu, I like lean meat. Siyatanda innyama emhlope, we like fat meat. Why does " utyani " take ubu ? Why does umese form the plur. in " o " ? Observe the various meanings of "luhlaza." Literally, red meat and white meat. Uzakuqabuka ukuba izimpahla zake zipelile zonke, one day he will take in the idea that all his goods have gone. Umbila sowomile us'nte qa, the Indian corn is now com- pletely dried up. Ngapons' ukulinyazwa innyati kutangi, the day before yester- day I had a narrow escape of being wounded by a buffalo. Bayavumela lapo, they agree on that point. Imbilapo yami ivuna itumba elikulu, I have a large boil on the groin. Siyamazi lomuntu, uyiwetyewetye, we know this person, he is a liar D 34 ZULU VADE-MECUM Bawolokohleka bobabili izols, both of them fell down a pre- cipice yesterday. Ngitunywe umlungu e Tekwini, I was sent by a white man to Durban. Ungumuntu ongenawabo, he is a person without friends. Leyonyoni isand' ukuwabazela, that bird has just napped its wings. Sayibona izolo imvubu enkulu, we saw yesterday a large hippopotamus. Leyondoda ivame udebe, that man has a very large lip. Siyakudhliwa inkato, we shall be chosen by lot. Inkosi iyakudhlala umkosi, the chief will hold a review. Samdhlela indaba yoke, we told him all the news. Lisemukile idobela, the tide has now gone out. Musani ukuzenzisa, you must not pretend. Asitandi amazwi a' bukali, we do not like cutting words. Ukuloba kwako kubi, ufanele ukukandanisa imitywe, your writing is bad, you must make the lines closer together. Aunamandhla ukukandanisa imicu na ? are you not able to make short stitches ? Abanye abelungu bayapuza inkasa, some white people drink sluit water. Explain " sowomile," also "ngapons," &c. Give the literal meaning of " imbilapo," &c. Note the peculiar meanings of ukudhla, to eat. Zenzisa is a Beflective form. Musa ukwenza ukolokobe, you must not hop on one leg. Akusiko kuloko, that has nothing to do with the question. Mane ngibone ikono labo, do let me see their skill. Nifanele ukukotulula ukudhla loku, you must completely clear out this food. Uyisikubekiso, he is a stumbling-block. Asazi uma bekutazele ngaloko, we do not know whether they meant all they said. Isikwele siyesabeka, the jealousy is dreadful. Uyakwityiza ngomsebenzi wako, you dawdle at your work. Ulwimi lwenkomo uyalwazi na ? do you know the cow's tongue ? (plant) . Angilwazi, lunjani ? Imbali yelizwe, I do not, what is it like ? A field flower. Ngizakubuya belu, I shall, of course, come back. ZULU VADE-MECUM 35 Wazibika ukufa endaweni etile, he was still conscious of disease in a certain spot. Woza wena nsike umcele, come and mark the boundary line. Imicibityelo enobuhlungu iyabulala, poisoned arrows kill. Iyacoyacoya lentombazana, this girl is shy. Lomfana wapuma edumbini, this boy is a chip of the old block. Musa ukungipuzisa amanzi adungekileyo, you must not give me muddy water to drink. Isidwa uyasazi yinina ? do you know the gladiolus ? Ngisand' ukubona isifumbu, I have just seen a hump-backed person. Asihlabe irubo lempi, let us sing the war song. Hhlabani umkosi, iyeza impi, raise the cry, the enemy is coming. Bayahlonitywa abantu abadala, old people are treated with respect. Asihambele mala pambili, let us go a little further on. Inhliziyo yake yemukile, he is absent-minded. Wemuka namanzi, he was carried away with the water. Explain " Akusiko," &c. ; " Wazibika," &c. ; " Edumbini," " Inhliziyo," &c. Wemuka namazi, he departed with, &c. How do you express, Must, Must not, Please, Do, &c. ? Inkosikazi yama Ngisi aivumi ukuba abantu abamyama bapatwe kabi, the Queen of England will not allow black people to be badly treated. Baketa izwe pakati kweziroqoba, they selected land in the rough parts of the country. Abanankomo, abanamasimu, they have neither cows jior gardens. Izinkabi ezazidonsa ombaimbai zityayiwe ngezibamu zama Bunu ; zaxuxuma, zibekusa, zabawisa ombaimbai, the oxen which drew the cannons were shot at by the Boers ; and they struggled to get free, kicking up the heels, and upsetting the guns. Yaqamuka indhlovu enkulu, a great elephant appeared. Batyaywa bakitikisa okwotyani, they were shot, and fell like cut grass. Yahluka impi yama Bunu, the army of the Boers divided. 36 ZULU VADE-MECUM Elinye iviyo lalwa ngesibindi ngesikatyana, one small company fought, for a short time, with great courage. Izinnqola zapuliwe, insimbi yazo ikityiwe, the waggons were broken, and the iron- work was taken out. Asikuzwa ukukuluma kwabo, we do not understand their talk. Ngavuma ukuyipekezela lendoda iswel' umuntu, as this man needed a person, I consented to accompany him. Lenkomo yanele ukumikina, this cow has done nothing but shake the head. Impukane yahlala opondweni lwenkabi, a fly sat on the horn of the ox. Umutu uligumba itunga njengaleli ngezinsuku zibe ngaki na ? how many days would it take a person to make a milking-vessel like this ? Uma indoda inezigwedo ezibukali, iliqeda ngelanga linye nje, if a man have sharp scooping tools, he can finish it in a day. Uqedani ? Itunga pela, he finishes what ? The milking- vessel, of course. Ake sipe isinkwa sibe sinye, please give me one loaf. Kwafika umuntu waba munye, one person arrived. Akulungile ukuba ungitekulele, it is not right to jeer at me. Yafika impi yaswezisela, the enemy arrived, and swept off everything. Isikumba sensimba sihle, the skin of the civet cat is beau- tiful. Iti inyoka iruquzele, the snake creeps on its stomach. Uye' kuzingela, he has gone to hunt. Baze' kusisebenzisa, they have come to help us work. Icweba leli likulu, ungangena umkumbi, this lagoon is large, a ship can enter. EXERCISES FOE TEANSLATION. Unikwe imali yake yonke. Abantwana abafelwa onina. Kwaza kwahanjwa ngezinnyawo. Hamba uye ehlatini ugaule izibonda. Bambopa ngentambo bamtyaya. Siyaka indhlu enkulu, enhle. Kanalulaka yena. Bazinge besu- kasuka. Samsonga inxeba ngendwangu. Sisuke singeko. Basuk' bekona. Bapons' ukuminza. Sikonkobele. Uti, uhle wababala watyo nje. Qa, kababalanga. Basenzele ZULU VADE-MECUM 37 utywala, sipuze. eh ! Zahla izintombi zasenzela ubuqana. Ake nibeke imikuba ya.bantu izwe lansondo. Liti inina liya em Bubu emihlotyeni yalo. Imnandi imbondwe ye- hlabati. Ake angisul' umlomo. Ngiy' ecaleni namhlanje enkosini. Sesigugile isicaba lapaya. Qa ngalesi' sijula sami. Ngimdala Bandhla. Ngizibulele madoda. Uyasi- casula ngokushumayelakwake. Pela bengiya' nfikaukutyona kwelanga lapa. Nilibele ngani na ? Izinkomo zobelu zi- bonakala ngokunqanda kahle. Umnumzana akafiki nje ke na? Mhla sizingela kona. Safumana ugaga. Kasiqedi ke noma nga olwehashi (ugaga), noma uga olwenkomo, asazi. Upons' ukufa lapaya ebeleta. Kasayikufa owami lo' mutwana. Kangingasatyo ukuti uya' usinda. Usat- yaywe' luvalo njalo. Uyayizwa nje lendaba. Ubekisisile ityungu lami. Ngimdelile namhlanje. Bangiqobile labo' bantu. Siyakwehlela. Ngomhlomunye singabuya. Ngidube nje ke, ngidube ngawe. Sokwelekwe ikasi nje. Uyafitiza lomuntu. Uyafuna ukutyanisa abantungenhloko. Amanga bangane ! ngitatwe lipango. Bayadelelana. Ngiyamelapisa nje. Isibindi sabo sibi. Baye pansi kwomlahlankosi. Able akulume indaba embi. Izinkomo zake zaziningi. Vocabulary. Isibonda (isi) , pole, stake. Cunula, v., offend, exaspe- Ukusukasuka, to go about. rate. Songa, v., wrap up. Qeda, v., not certain, sure Im Bubu (im), zwaartkop. about, &c. Beleta, v., carry an infant, Ugaga (ulu), carcase. &c. Qoba, v., fritter away as Duba, v., take offence. time. Fitiza, v., prevaricate. Blapa, v., treat as doctor. Isijula (isi), kind of spear. Umlahlankosi, tree, name of. What does " abafelwa onina " mean? How should you render " kwaza," " kwahanjwa," &c. ? Is "kanalulaka" figurative ? What is the meaning of " bazinge " ? Translate carefully" sisuke singeko," also basuke. What do you understand by " bapons " ? What does "emihlotyeni" come from? What is meant by " angisul " umlomo ? Is " pela r ' necessary in the sen- tence ? What kind of cattle are " izinkomo zobelu " ? Induna ididakele. Ngamlandisa lawo' magama. Zagwiya 38 ZULU VADE-MECUM insizwa lezi. Lomuntu usityayanisa ngamakanda. Libeli- kona ityimgu lapaya pezulu esipanyisweni. Sasimze satyaya. Bengihle ngiye ke. Selicotyelwe ke igugu. Sati tala tala tala. Ngingekutyele. Sibona bezinge bekomba pezulu nje. Mina izinkomo lezi ngazifuna nje. Isitya sibobokile. Ngiyamesaba lomuntu. Sengiyisituta nje, sengididikile. Amandh' ami acitwe nje. Siti ubomi buyinhlanhla. Uhle wadhlamluka. Ngayifumana indoda. Yalaula indoda. Yam- hlepuhlepula insele. Kasilali ndawo lapa siqedwa izibungu. Sifuna ihashi lenkosi. Nanso ke inkomo yenu. Wafika, wema nje. Kwahlakazeka abantu ke. Wo ! imbi leyon- kabi. Ngiyasazisa isilwane esinkone. Ngangisaponse ngetye. K wafika imikumbi yokulwa. Kwadhlula iminyaka yaba' mitatu. Manje asilande izindaba. Ngesinye isikati umlungu, uqobo lwake, waya kona. Kepa kwakalwa ubusuku bonke. Kwaketwa amantombazana. Umpakati wemuka. Musani ukuhlupa inkosi ngamacebo enu. Waba- dunga, wabacita. Kwafika abafundisi bokuqala. Lihle impela leli' lizwe. Hambani kahle. Bambani abatakati. Bawatyaya ama Bunu ngezinduku. Wo ! ngalolu' lusuku losizi ! Sabona ama Zulu ayishumi edonsa i Bunu lilinye. Leli Bunu alinazikali. Sibonile ubutongo bokufa. Kwa- fika izigijimi futi. Yati inkosi yemuka uma utanda. Kwesuka usikisiki Kwakukona ama Ngisi ayishumi. Abe- lungu bapikisana kakulu. Wabuya wahlasela futi. Waba- leka' etukile impela. Kepa inkosikazi yaingatyongo. Saza sabaleka. Sashiya izinto zetu. Ngidabukile kakulu. Kepa kufike incwadi. Yaidabula impi ehlatini. Salungisa om- baimbai betu bobabili. Kwapela ukulwa. Saketa ilizwe elifanele. Bekani ! kungenzeka loku. Sukani kuleyondawo. Koti kusa abesefikile. Sbiyani izibamu. Kwati lapa liti pasha ilanga. Bayipekula impi. Saqonda saya ekaya. Sasiyati qata enkundhleni. Hlola mlungu. Waye nom- zimba omkulu tina. Sesibuya ke. Sesizakwenza njani ke na? Ngityo kambe. Bakuleka. Banikwa ke izinkomo zantatu. Kwasekuti kusasa ke, wababiza bonke. Ake nginityenise inkondhlo yakiti. Bavela abanye esangweni. Balibamba i Bunu, balibulala lona. Nizakupindela kuso isibiba. Wafika umlungu, wangisikiza ngesibamu, ngema, ngabekela. Wahleka wati, " Hamba." Kwahlatywa inn- yama. Batyisa izindhln zonke. Ngipe ingubo ebomvu. Likona ibandhlana. Kwasokuxubana. Kwasokufika tina. Sasesibalekile nezinkomo. Kwakukona inja endhlini. Ba- ZULU VADE-MECUM 39 butana kona, bakala. Wabuta amabuto ake onke. Ngakala ngati, " Musani ukungishiya. Zangihlupa izingulube. Yehla indodana ake. Sati sihlezi izinsuku ezimbili, kwafika umfana elande innqola, efika nezinkabi zake. Vocabulary. Didakala, v., be confused, Kuleka, v., salute respect- put out. fully as a chief. Tyayanisa, v., cause to Landisa, v., narrate. knock. Isipanyiso (isi), string Ukutu tala, v., look about stretched as clothes line, carefully. Isituta (isi), weak-minded Dhlamluka, v., struggle. person. Hlakazeka, v., be scattered. Qeda, v., finish, &c. Ponsa, v., throw. Nkone, a., striped. Donsa, v., dray, pull. Dunga, v., disturb. Usikisiki (u), longing. Izikali (izi), weapons. Ukwetuka, v., to be startled, Pikisana, v., quarrel, astonished. Tyo, v., say. Ukuti pasha, v., to come out Pekula, v., rout as enemy. as the sun. Hlola, v., spy, scout, survey. Inkundhla (in), area of cattle Xubana, v., be mingled to- kraal. gether. Give the exact meaning of " libelikona," also of " sasimze " and " bengihle." What is the negative of ngingakutyela ? Explain " bezinge " and " uhle." What is omitted in " mitatu " ? Is the expression " kwa- kukona " equal to " there were present " ? How is the plural of umbaimbai formed ? Give the rule. " Dabula " means to pass through a country. Explain " sesizakwenza," &c. What is the passive of "hlaba"? What is the literal meaning of kwasokufika tina ? USE OE THE VERB » UKUTI." See " Zulu-Kafir Language" pages 27 and 68. Additional remarks on the use of " ukuti " seem to be necessary. The verb in the primary sense means to " say," or think, as siyakutinina, what shall we say ? 40 ZULU VADE-MECUM 1. In some connections it should be rendered " just," as Ziti zidhlula izinkomo zetu, our cows just pass away (as by sickness). 2. It move frequently means " to happen," "to come to pass," " and," " now," " so it was," &c. :— Examples. Ngesikati ngokwati ngaso, at the time it happened. Kwati ebuya ehamba, it came to pass when he went. Kute mhla semuka, it happened the day we departed. Kwati bangene esikepeni ekuseni, it came to pass, they embarked early in the morning. Kwati kusihlwa sahlale kona, and so it was that we stayed there. 3. It is sometimes used to attract attention to a subject : — Example. Ngangisate ngihlabelela, I tried to sing. 4. With " nga " ti expresses such ideas as a " wish," or " seems to be " : — Examples. Ngingati mnuntu, I seem to be a person. Kungati ihashi, it seems to be a horse. Kuyini lapana ? kungatiti indhlovu mhlaumbe indhlulamiti, what is that yonder ? It seems to be an elephant, or a giraffe. Kungati singazi, would that we knew. Kungati akulungile, it seems to be wrong. Kungati sihlakanipile, we seem to be very clever. 5. It may also express "probably," or "I should think " :— Examples. Kwangati singafika em Gungundhlovn, I should think we could reach Maritzburg. Kwasongati leyondoda ijojiwe, the man was probably im- paled. Kungati singafika, we can probably arrive. 6. The " ti " is occasionally doubled, and means "pro- bably," &c, ZULU VADE-MECUM 41 Examples. Sengatiti lizakuduma emtambama, in the afternoon it will probably thunder. Sekungatiti singemuka, we may probably go. Sekungatiti singalala kona, we shall probably sleep there. Sengatiti kungavela innyanga ehlakanipileyo, a clever doctor will probably turn up. 7. In some sentences it seems to have the meaning of " seemingly," " apparently." Examples. Bekungatiti inyoka, it was seemingly a snake. Bekungatiti ubane, it was apparently lightning, i.e. a flash of, &c. 8. Ukuti may often be rendered " namely," &c. : — Examples. Bafika izolo, ukuti, abayizinnyanga. Bakupuka, ukuti, baya kwesikulu, they went up, that is to say, they went to a man of importance. We cannot always render the idiom in English, and the explanations and examples given have by no means exhausted the subject. The verb must, in its various connections, be carefully studied. Exercise for Translation. Wati yena. Sati tina. Bati bona. Kwati uma sizwe ukuba kutiwa imvubu. A ! ngingati abuy- emuka ama Lau. Angityo, ukuti, sajabula. Seza nje ngokuba kwakutiwa kuhle. Kwati muhla ngitanda ukwemuka ekaya kiti. Ite ke bala, uma iwele ke impi. Bazekuti ke bona. Kwati emmini, sabopela. Kwati ilanga lisapuma kancinyane. Zati izinnqola seziwelile. Kwati uma amabuto afike wawatyela izindaba. Sokutula, sokuti nya. Kutiwa ngalapa. Yafika inngede ; yatyo, yatyo, yatyo. Sati, " Usekaya." Liti inina liya emvoti. Niza' nti nihlezi nje. Kwangatiti bezwa ukuba beza. Kwati sokubikelwe abantu bonke. Kwati ntambama ngacabanga ngati. Notini na ? Saisati isilo siyavuka. Kungati ngabemukile. Sezwa kwangatiti abantu bepuza. Benzani, ukuti behlezi lapo. Bati ukwe- muka kwabo, at their arrival. 42 ZULU VADE-MECUM DIMINUTIVE NOUNS, ETC. (a) The Simple Form. See " Zulu-Kafir Language," page 89. 1. Change the final " o " or " u " into " w " and then add " ana." Examples. Induku, indukw, indukwana ; from stick, or staff. Isilo, isilw, isihvana ; from wild animal, small ditto. Abantu, abantw, abantwana. Into, thing ; intwana, little thing. 2 If the last consonant of the noun be <( b," " p," or " m," it is changed before the above termination. The " b " is changed into " j " or " ty," "p" into " ty," and "m" into "ny." Should two of these labials be together, they would be changed as follows, "mb" to " ny," and "nip" to " nty." Examples. Ingubo, inguty, ingutyana ; the word means blanket, small blanket. Intambo, intanj, intanjana ; from cord. Inkomo, cow ; inkony, inkonyana, calf. 3. To make a distinction of sex, " azana " is used for the feminine, the final "i" being dropped. Examples. Inkosi, chief ; inkos, inkosazana, chief's daughter, young lady. Intombi, girl ; intomb, intombazana, young girl. 4. When " a," " e," or " i " is preceded by " n," " t," or "1," then "yana" is the form used, the final vowel being dropped : umfula, umfuyana. Examples. Inyoni, bird ; inyon, inyonyana, a little bird. Imfene, baboon ; imfen, imfenyana, small baboon. Iqata, slice ; iqat, iqatyana, a small slice. Isilwane, a small wild animai ; isilwan, isilwanyana, very small animal. 5. Should a " d " come before the final vowel, it is dropped, and the " y " changed into " j." ZULU VADE-MECUM 43 Examples. Isilonda, a sore ; isilon, isilonjana, a small sore. Kude, far off; ku, kujana, not very far off. (b) The Double Form. 6. The termination " yana " is sometimes added to the diminutive form. Examples. Intaba, hill ; intatyana, small hill ; intatyanyana, very small hill. Isilo, wild animal ; isilwane, small wild animal ; isilwan- yana, insect. Into, thing ; intwana, small thing ; intwanyana, very small thing..- Umfo, a stranger ; umfana, boy ; umfanyana, small boy. Impande, a root ; impandana, small root ; impandanyana, very small root. Isondo, footprint ; isondwana, small footprint ; isondwan- yana, very small footprint. Iqondo, single stitch ; iqondwana, small stitch ; iqondwan- yana, very small stitch. Umlenze, leg ; umlenzana, small leg ; umlenzanyana, very small leer. '&• Exercise for Translation. Inyonyana. Umfazana. Imbuzana. Umfulana. Im- vana. Umlungwana. Isivunguvungwana. Omesana. Ifadukwana. Isikepana. Baningana. Amazwana. Uku- dhlana. Indwelemana. Inkabi emhlotyazana. Kusi- hlwana. Umselana. Imbuzana. Umselanyana. Iqandana. Iqandzana. Ukukanyana. Umfokazanyana. Mhla kuyo- ketwa iketo lake. Bamdonsa ngengalo. Bapuma abantu bejabula bonke. Isikati. Isikatyana. Kwasa kunga- pelanga ukukala. Ubutongwana. Imbatyelana (from imbatya). Inngane. Innganyana. Umfulana. Indhlwana. Idukwana. Umfuqulwana. Isilonjana. Kululana. Isin- qanyana. Umuntukazana. Iqutyana. Ireyana. Iqubu. Irele. Isitunzana. Utulile ebusweni. Watola icala. Lenkomo itantata zonke izinkomo. Tapa esityeni lesi. Amakanda abo atambile. Unomsuzwane yena. Insiz- wana. 44 ZULU VADE-MECUM VOCABULAEY. Inyoni (in), bird. Irnbuzi (im), goat. Imvu (im), sheep. Umese (u), knife. Ifaduku (i), dish-cloth. Indhlu (in), house. Irele (i), row of persons. Tantata, v., excel, surpass. Umsuzwane (urn), venereal disease. Isikepe (isi), ship. Isivunguvungu (isi), whirl- wind. Iketo (i), gathering of people for dancing. Ubutongo (ubu), sleep. Imbatya (im), short person. Iqubu (i), bulge. Isitunzi (isi), shadow. Tambile, a., impressible. Insizwa (in), young man. In this book I have taken a somewhat different view of the Diminutives. The student should make for himself diminutive nouns, not one or two, but a large number, and then correct, according to the above rules. He may, very occasionally, find exceptions. This lesson, though rather difficult, will, when thoroughly understood, be found very useful. We should resolve to master the subject, com- paring this with the one found in the other w T ork. BOTANICAL TERMS. 1. Trees. Umsimbiti (urn), ironwood. Umnyezane (urn), willow tree. Irolo (i), cork tree. Umsenge (urn), elephant tree. Imsengane (im), small kind of elephant tree. Umtuma (um), thorn apple, solanum. Umgwenya (um), wild olive. Istinkehoti (i), tree, most valuable for furniture, &c. Umdoni (um), waterboem. Isihlonhlo (isi), tree used in building huts. Umkuhlu (um), tree growing near river. Umlulama (um), large forest tree. Umpafa (um), tree with edi- ble berries. Umnungumabele (um), tree full of protuberances. Umnyamati (um), name of tree. Inngqunda (in), kind of tree. Umqoqolo (um), large tree. Umtunduluka (um), red plum. ZULU VADE-MECUM 45 Umtombe (urn), fibre-bearing Isipambuto (isi), name of tree. Isizaka (isi), forest tree. Umvumvu (um), forest tree. Isiyengelele (isi), tree, any large spreading. Isigonswane (isi), tree with red berries. Ihluze (i), tree used as emetic. Ijingijolo (i), bramble, black- berry. Isikomane (isi), tree-fern. Umsini (am), kafirboom. Isundu (i), palmetto, kind of. Umnweba (um), tree, wood very hard. Ijambe (i), tree with fine berries. Imbungubungwana (im),tree of rapid growth. Isibonda (isi), large tree, name of. Isidabane (isi), wild banana. Isifuce (isi), tree used as aperient. Isinqawe (isi), mimosa, large. Umpahla (um), tree growing in bush. Umhlala (um), nux vomica tree. valuable tree. Umhlambamasi (um), name of large tree. Umkovoti (um), large thorny tree. Umkuu (um), wild fig tree. Umubu (umu), tree with soft wood. Umnukwe (um), tree bearing nice berries. Inutozwane (in), fibrous tree. Umnqai (um), forest tree, name of. Isiqalaba (isi), name of tree. Umtungulu (um), Natal plum. Umtomboti (um), tree with scented wood. Umviti (um), large shady tree. Umtwazi (um), monkey rope. Umvutwamini (um), tree, name of. Umunga (umu), mimosa, kind of. Ugagane (ulu), mimosa, small kind. Umhluhlubwe (um), mimosa, long thorns. Inntozwane (in), fibrous tree. Umutwa (umu), scented tree. Umdoni (um), water boem. Umhlalamakwaba (um), tree Umtolo (um), mimosa, kind with black wood. of. Umkiwane (um), wild fig tree. Umkoba (um), yellow- wood. Umhlonhlo (um), euphorbia, large. Umhluma (um), mangrove. Umsonti (um), yellow- wood, best quality. Isigude (isi), banana, kind of. Inngeceba (in), banana, sort of. Ihluze (i), tree, used as emetic. Isibondwe (isi), tree, name of large. 46 ZULU VADE-MECUM Shrubs, Plants, Flowers, &c. Ibutu (i), climbing plant. Isibara (isi), fever plant. Imfe (im), sweet reed. Inngqanda (in), aromatic plant. Isinongwane (isi), shrub, name of. Isinwazi (isi), wild vine. Uqamgivinqi (u), thorny plant, berries edible. Intolwane (in), shrub, medi- cinal. Umtombo (urn), biting shrub, name of. Innevu (in) ,plant for bird lime. Inkofe (in), plant, name of. Inkodhlwane (in), herb, boiled for tea. Inkuzane (in), plant, small, thorny. Umalibombo (u), plant, charm for bucks. Umtyekisane (urn), purga- tive plant. Umondi (u), medicinal herb, aromatic. Umhlaba (um), aloe plant. Ihlaba (i), aloe, prickly. Icena (i), aloe, small. Utangazana (ula), plant, edible berries. Inkomankomo (in), fern, used as vermifuge. Ikowendhlovu (i), edible fungus, largest size. Isipau (isi), edible mush- room, common. Isipapa (isi), mushroom, kind of. Inkowane (in), edible mush- room. Ikowe (i), fungus, large, edible. Umgobo (um), asparagus. Umhlonyane (um), worm- wood. Uhlunguhlungu (ulu), marsh- plant, small. Ujikwe (ulu), sweet potato, kind of. Idumbi (i), potato, Kafir. Izambane (i), potato, com- mon. Umhlaza (um), potato, sweet. Isitonga (isi), potato, large sweet. Imbondwe (im), potato, kind of sweet. Ubonjisi (ulu), kidney-bean. Igonsilabelungu (i), turnip. Isolenkosikazi (i), lady's-eye. Imbilicane (im), strong- smelling herb. Ibece (i), fruit of water- melon. Umbuba (um), gourd, kind of. Ibunda (i), basket-making plant. Udonga (ulu), sesamum indicum. Iqora (i), plant used as emetic. Uselwa (ulu), calabash plant. Insipane (in), indigo plant. Umsuzwane (um). plant for venereal disease. Umuti (umu), plant, any kind of. Inncamu (in), herb, medi- cinal. ZULU VADE-MECUM 47 Umnanja (urn), plant, name Umhlabelo (urn), plant for of. sprains. Ikokwane (i), edible herb. Isigobo (isi), plant for Isikotokoto (isi), plant for torches. ear-ache. Ugadigadi (u), maize, red. Umanqina (u), parasitical Umbila (um), maize. plant. Umtusamvu (um), tree, bark Ivilefuti (i), plant, climbing. used as emetic. Ugilendeda (u), grenadilla. Inhlantana (in), medicinal Uxubugwegwe (u), plant, plant. kind of soap-sud. Inqumbu (in), ice plant, Umxwazibe (um), plant, Unnyenya (ulu), medicinal name of. plant for sprains. Ishongwe (i), shrub dogs Impepo (iui), amadhlozi dislike. plant. Isisando (isi), plant, strong Innqoba (in), weed among fibres. mealies. Iqwaningi (i), plant, small Intebe (in), arum lily, single. thorns. Izibu (i), water-lily. Ukolwene (u), wheat. Umduze (um), lily, name of. Iminza (i), ' plant, edible Isidwa (isi), lily, yellow berries. gladiolus. Igabi (i), edible plant. Inncoto (in), lily, kind of. Umhlakuva (um), castor-oil Ibade (i), Natal lily. plant. ANGLO-ZULU, ETC., WOEDS. The Zulu language has, like the English, been enriched by the addition of foreign words ; and the meaning of other words has been extended. Jevons, in his "Elementary Lessons in Logic," page 37, says: "The meaning of a term in extension consists of the objects to which the term may be applied." " Extension is synonymous with breadth." A name is applied to a wider class of objects than before. The process is sometimes called " Generalization." Ingon- nyama is the primary meaning of the word lion ; but in its extended form it denotes "Excellency," a title of honour given to viceroys, &c. To express some English nouns, Zulu words must be compounded. 1. National and personal names take as a prefix " u," "um," or "umu." But this rule has many exceptions 48 ZULU VADE-MECUM in favour of the second class, the incipient of which is "ili," especially in the names of countries. Examples. um Sutu, plural abe Sutu ; i Ngisi, plural ama Ngisi. u Yisake, Isaac ; u Soloinone, Solomon ; u Samyali, Samuel. i Kailo (i), Cairo; i Filistya (i), Philistine; i Kwebeka (i), Quebec, u Davide (u), David; u Adonija, iidonijah ; i Edome (i), Edomite. 2. Collectives frequently take as a prefix " u." Examples. u Zulu, the whole of the Zulu nation ; u Sutu, the whole of that nation. 3. The names of rivers require "ili" or "um" as the incipient syllable. Examples. i Pishone, Pison ; i Havila, Havilah ; i Gihone, Gihon ; um Ferate, Euphrates. 4. Many common nouns require " u " as the prefix for the singular and form the plural in " o." Examples. Ushelene, shilling ; oshelene, shillings. Umese, knife ; omese, knives. Umbaimbai, cannon ; ombaimbai, cannons. Exercise. Impilo ifanele. Ngimi innceku yako etobekileyo. Ngi- yalifuna idisibumu. Sifuna ipulangwe libe linye. Leliban- shi lishipile. Inqwaba yetu inkulu. Ushuzi uyangidhla. Ufanele ukungenzela ingqukumbana. Leliyembe lilukuni. Isihlalo sehashi sipi? Urulumeni usand' ukufika. Ama- lungu ebandhla mangaki na ? Bazakwamukela amaplize. Basand' ukupumelela kuhle esikoleni. Umbede oyinsimbi. Ikwata lizakupela nini ? Izitezi lezi ziyangihlupa. Isikafu lesi sibi asisitandi. Indhlu yika Eulumene inkulu. Umuncu lolamana. Azilungile izikeli zako. Ikati liyalufuna ubisi. Uyakubiza umbali ugencwadi yako. Lendoda iyakuba ngumlomo wenu. Seligugile ibulukwe lami. Bafun' ukutenga ufulawa noshukela. I pi imfoloko yami yokumba. Sapukile isipokwe. Ufikile umpatisihlalo na? Nifanele ukumisa ZULU VADE-MECUM 49 umpatisikwama. Ngiyalifuna ikaliko iyadi libe linye. Ama- plinti ako anjani na? Litenge lelitshali lihle impela. Isaziso usamukele yini na ? Incwadi yako ipete Amaquba 10th. Simi ngenhonipo enkulu izinceku zako. Upi umhleli ? Uyeza umhloli. Vocabulary. Ingonyama (in), excellency. Umpatisihlalo (urn), chair- man. Umpatisikwama (urn), trea- surer. Umhleli (urn), editor. Isaziso (isi), communication. Umbaleli (urn), correspon- dent. u Eulumeni (u), governor. Umbali (urn), secretary. Umbali (urn), postmaster. Umhloli (um), inspector. I Kantolo (i), office. Umongameli (um), president. Ukuqubeka (uku), to be continued, as article in paper. Pumelela, v., pass, as a standard at school. lbokisi (i), box. Sekulingweni, on trial, as member of Church. Umlomo (um), spokesman. Ikwata (i), quarter. Ika (i), scented tablet. Isifiso (isi), desire. Isisusa (isi), cause, ground, reason. Izitezi (izi), steps. Impilo (im), mode of life. Umngane (um), sir. Yimi, I am. Tobekileyo, a., obedient. Ilungu (i), Church member. Ikeshe (i), cash. Imalana (i), low price. Sekubekaneni, opposite. Ipulangwe (i), plank. Ishipile, cheap. Kulula, it is cheap. Inqwaba (in), stock. Ikaliko (i), calico. Iyadi (i), yard. Iplinti (i), print. Itshali (i), shawl. Cindezela, v., print. Inani (i), price. Ibantyi (i), coat. Ibulukwe (i), trousers. Isitolo (isi), store. Ufulawa (u), flour. THE PLURAL OF PROPER NAMES. In Zulu, as in Hebrew, a peculiar form called pluralis excellentiae, or pluralis majestaticus, that is, the plural of majesty, is occasionally used. Examples. u Mpande, o Mpande ; u Ngoza, o Ngoza ; u Tyaka, o Tyaka. E 50 ZULU VADE-MECUM u Somseu, the Hon. T. Shepstone, o Somseu ; u Dingane, o Dingane. Observe that the " u" of the prefix is turned into " o," as u Nkulunkulu, o Nkulunkulu. TEEMS USED IN GEOLOGY AND PHYSICAL GEOGEAPHY. Umhlaba (urn), earth. Isigaxa (isi), mass of earth. Intaba (in), mountain. Iduli (i), hill. Ummango (um), steep hill. Iduyana (i), hillock. Isikumbu (isi), valley. Isigodi (isi), hollow between hills. Imfunda (im), meadow land. Ukalo (ulu), ridge of hill. Inngongco (in), mountain top. Hindi tyoba (i), abyss. Amangete (ama), precipitous place. Isiwa (isi), precipice. Ikelekete (i), steep place. Inkangala (in), table-land. Igquma (i), mound. Isiduma (isi), hillock. Inngcingo (in), narrow pass. Itafa (i), plain. Isixobo (isi), rocky place. Isiroqoroqo (isi), very stony place. Utungulu (ulu), coast land. Ilitye (ili), stone. Amatye (ama), rocks. Idwala (i), flat rock. Utwa (ulu), hollow in rock. Ityelomlilo (i), flint. Igcaki (i), quartz. Icoba (i), sandstone. Insengetye (in), mica-stone. Inguzungu (in), large mass of rock. Isihlabati (isi), gravel. Ugedhlana (ulu), gravelly place. Umgcako (um), chalk. Uqweqwe-lwomhlaba (ulu), crust of the earth. Ukudonselwa (uku), gravita- tion. Guqukezeleka, v., rotate, as the earth. Isizululwane (isi), revolution. Umgayi (um), high table- land. Ifenya (i) , strip of land under hill. Ubuku (ulu), bog. Amatye- atyisekileyo (ama), igneous rocks. Ibumba (i), clay. Udaka (ulu), mud. Intabalangazeleyo (in), vol- cano. Umtombotyisayo (um), hot spring. Indilinga (in), round thing. Isibondsenyakato (isi), north pole. Isibondsenningizimu (isi), south pole. ZULU VADE-MECUM 51 Ulava (u), lava. Ukudilika (uku), to crumble, as the earth. Isiqalo (isi), origin. Umoya (u), air. Ulwandhla (ulu), sea. Umfula (um), river. Umfulana (um), stream. Isifufuyana (isi), brooklet. Inkasa (in), sluit. Umsele (um), gutter, ditch. U donga (ulu), river-bank. Usebe (ulu), margin, as of shore. Idhlambi (i), wave. Idikizelo (i), ripple. Uqimbana (ulu) , ripple-mark, as in a rock, &c. Isitatwa (isi), snow. Umusi (umu), steam. Ilifu (ili), cloud. Lukuzela, v., move, as clouds rising. Fukuka, v., be lifted, as a fog. Amazolo (ama), dew. Umtombo (um), spring. Insimbi (in), iron. Ilahle (i), coal. Ukuvova (uku), percolation. Iganga (i), spur of mountain. Icengacenga (i), open country. Ihlane (i), uninhabited country. Ihlanze (i), bushy country. Ihlati (i), forest. Ibuqusi (i), dirt. Idobela (i), tide. Icibi (i), pond. Umjibilili (um), brackish water. Isidaka (isi), black soil. Ibuqu (i), soft loose soil. Umnyama (um), rainbow. Ipakati (i), centre, as of a sphere. Isizalo (isi), mouth of river. Ufa (ulu), chasm. Isiyaluyalu (isi), whirlpool. Isikwityikwityi (isi), whirl- wind. Icweba (i), lagoon. Inkungu (in), mist. Imvula (im), rain. Umvimbi (um), heavy rain. Isiqoto (isi), hail. Inngele (in), sleet. Iqeqeba-lamanzi (i), ice. Ugqongqwane (u), hoar-frost. Iqwa (i), snow. Umusi (umu), smoke. Ukufudumalisa (uku), to warm, as the air. Ukupolisa (uku), to cool, as the air. Namakaza, a., chilly. Inzolongo (in), deep pool. Ilitylomcako (i), limestone. Usebe (ulu), beach. Isikala (isi), gap. Ufantu (ulu), fissure. Umganga (um), large mound of earth. Umgudhla (um), stone for pipe bowls. Isigagadu (isi), very hard soil. Igabade (i), dry lump of earth. Ihlabati (i), whitish soil. Ukadenzima (u), black soil. Isibomvu (isi), red soil. Isibuda (isi), red clay, or ochre. 52 ZULU VADE-MECUM Udwala (ulu), hard soil. Ipaba (i), slope of a moun- Imbudhlubudhlu (im), loamy tain. soil. Izibuko (i), ford. Innqwaba (in), heap. Umxopo (urn), marshy place. TERMS FOUND IN 1. NOMHLONZO (a) Monkey Tribe. Imfene (im), baboon. Inkau (in), monkey. (b) Wing-Handed Animals. Isihlutandhlebe (isi), bat. Igomonqo (i), do., large. Isihlwitandlebe (isi), ordinary bat. (c) Cat Tribe. Ibubesi (i), lion. Ibubesikazi (i), lioness. Ingwe (in), tiger. Ingwe (in), leopard. Ikati (i), cat. Imbodhla (im), wild cat. Izinyanelekati (i), kitten. Ihlosi (i), panther. Ijele (i), male panther. Ingola (in), leopard. Isigwili (isi), hyaena. Idelabutongo (i), do. Indhlozi (in), chetah. Dogs. Tkanka (i), jackal. Inja (in), dog. Icalara (i), male dog. Umdhlwana (am), pup. Inkentyana (in), wild dog. Igovu (i), powerful dog. Impungutye (im), jackal. NATURAL HISTORY. , Vertebrated. (e) Wolves. Impisi (im), wolf. Isidawane (isi), fox. Weasels. Ucakide (u), weasel. Umhlangana (urn), kind of weasel. Umhlangala (urn), kind of polecat. Isibanda (isi), polecat. Ubotyobana (u), ferret. Umtini (um), otter. Bears. Not known in Africa. Insectivora. Imvukuzane (im), mole. Inhloni (in), hedgehog. Whales. Umkomo (um), whale. Dolphins. Inhlengetwa (in), porpoise. Rodents. Ibuzi (i), rat. Igwence (i), field rat. Ivondwe (i), large water do. Ivutivuti (i), burrowing do. Urnvuzi (um), musk do. ZULU VADE-MECUM 53 Ihlezi (i), large kind of rat. Impuku (im), mouse. In j ova (in), field do. Ingoso (in), small field mouse. Ingugumbane (in), porcu- pine. Umvundhlu (urn), hare. Imbila (im), rock rabbit. Unzipondo (u), spring do. Unogwaja (u), rabbit. Isibudu (isi), rock rabbit. Oxen. Inkabi (in), ox. Innyati (in), buffalo. Inkomo (in), cow. Antelopes. Inyamazane (in), antelope. Umkonka (um), large bush antelope. Umgaxa (um), koodoo. Inkonkoni (in) , brindled gnoo. Ipiti (i), small bush do. Iqina (i), stein-bok. Insepe (in), spring-bok. Inkolongwane (in), harte- beest. See also " English-Zulu Dic- tionary." Imbuzi (im), goat. Imvu (im), sheep. Imvana (im), lamb. Inqama (in), ram. Giraffes. Indhlulamiti (in), giraffe. Deer. Inkameli (in), camel. Horses. Ihashi (i), horse. Itolelehashi (i), colt. Imbongolo (im), ass, mule. Idube (i), zebra. Iqwara (i), quagga. Pachydermata. Indhlovu (in), elephant. Ingulube (in), hog, wild or tame. Upejane (u), rhinoceros. Imvubu (im), hippopotamus. Isambane (isi), aard vark, ant-eater. Inkototo (in), wild pig. Birds of Prey. Inqe (i), vulture. Ukozi (ulu), osprey. Insingisi (in), buzzard, kind of. Inkwazi (in), hawk, kind of. Inndhlazanyoni (in), eagle with reddish feathers. Umhloile (u), kite. Uxebe (u), hawk, small kind. Intungunono (in), secretary bird. Isikova (isi), owl. Swallows. Izinyane (i), chick of bird. Inkonjane (in), swallow. Kingfishers, &o. Isivuba (isi), kingfisher. Isanzwele (isi), mocking bird. Ihlungulu (i), raven. Igwababa (i), crow, rook. Ingwababana (in), jackdaw. Umzwilili (um), sparrow. 54 ZULU VADE-MECUM Umkolwane (urn), toucan. Isiqopamuti (isi), wood- pecker. Irmgede (in), honey guide. Unomtyeketye (u), honey bird. Doves and Pigeons. Ihobe (i), dove. Ijubatendele (i), do., large, turtle dove. Ijuba (i), pigeon. Isikwedhle (isi), pheasant. Ukalakuni (u), turkey. Impangele (hn), Guinea fowl. Itendele (i), partridge. Inswempe (in), quail. Cursores. Intye (in), ostrich. Ititihoya (i), plover. Unohemu (u), crane. Indwa (in), stork. Ihoya (i), curlew, peewit. Ujojo (u), finch, long-tail. Ihansi (i), goose. Iransi (i), do. Iswani (i), swan. Idada (i), duck. Unozayizingwenya (u), peli- can. Umbalane (u), yellow finch. Umanbe (u), long-tailed finch. Uzavalo (u) whip-poor-will. Ubole (u), heron. Inkuku (in), fowl. Inkukukazi (in), hen. Igwalagwala (i), lory. Imfiyane (hn), sugar bird. Umngcelu (un), wagtail, sort of. Innyoni (in), bird. Intaka (in), small bird. Iqude (i), cock. Usoinuheshi (u), kind of hawk. Ubucubu (ubu), chick. Umqiti (um), bird, name of. Inkukwazana (in), small hen. Isinguni (isi), snipe. For the names of many others, see "English-Zulu Die tionary." Eeptiles. Ufudu (ulu), tortoise. Ufudulwandhle (ulu), turtle. Ufudulwandhle-luhlaza (ulu) , turtle, green. Alligators, &c. Ingwenya (in), alligator. Isibankwa (isi), lizard. Imbulu (im), do., large land. Isiquzi (isi), do., small. Uroqotyeni (u), do., kind of. Uxamu (u), iguana. Unwaba (ulu), chameleon. Ibululu (i), puff-adder, large. Inhlangwana (in), do., small. Inyoka (in), snake, adder. Ukokoti (ulu), adder, small, blackish. Inhlwati (in), Natal rock snake. Ivuzamanzi (i), black water . snake. Inndhlondhlo (in), cobra. For others see "English- Zulu Dictionary." ZULU VADE-MECUM 55 Batrachtans. Ixoxo (i), toad. Iselesele (i), frog. Ingcungulu (in), tadpole. Fishes. Inhlanzi (in), fish. Inhlanzindizayo (in), flying fish. Inhlanzinkemba (in), sword fish. Inhlanzihamba (in), walking fish. Inhlanzimfuto (in), bellows fish. Umbokane (um), eel. Ihashlolwandhle (ulu), sea horse. Inkwetu (in), scale of fish. Invertebrate Animals. Molluscs. Imbada (im), limpet. Umnenke (um), snail. Imbata (im), oyster. Inkwetu (in), mussel. Izinkumba (izi), shell fish. Inwenwe (in), pearl-mussel. Inkwindi (in), sea- shell. Insects. Impukane (im), fly. Inkanyezi (in), firefly. Isibau (isi), gadfly. Insuzelane (in), stinging fly. Isibungu (isi), maggot of large fly. Imbubwane (im), dung fly, small. Isipompolo (isi), black ant. Intutane (in), ant, red. Umuhlwa (um), do., white. Inhlwa (in), flying ant. lye (i), ant, very large. Unomtebe (u), queen of ants. Insensane (in), gnat, midge. Umiyane (u), mosquito. Ikambi (i), winged insect. Without classification. Igcugca (i), ant, large yel- low. Umkaza (um), red tick. Ikazana (i), tick, causing boil. Ikilane (i), spotted tick. Itula (i), tick, bluish in cattle. Isindundundu (isi), weevil. Umkupe (um), fowl louse. Intwala (in), louse. Izenze (i), flea. Isingocokolo (isi), grub in mealies. Umzondo (um), bug, large brown. Isitwalambiza (isi), mantis. Ibungane (i), beetle. Inkubabulongwe (in), earth beetle. Umzifisi (um), beetle that shams death. Ipelagugu (i), beetle found in kitchens. Idhlingozi (i), do., kind of. Imbovane (im), weevil. Orthoptera. Isihlonono (isi), cricket. Intete (in), locust. Inkasa (in), do., young. Isikonyane (isi), red locust. Umkonya (um), large green locust. Icliya (i), black do. 5G ZULU VADE-MECUM Ipela (i), cockroach. Innyendhle (in), cricket, kind of. Neuroptera. Unondongoyi (u), drone. Ubekamanzi (ulu), dragon- Innyosi (in), bee. Umnyovu (urn), wasp. Lepidoptera. Ijubujubane (i), butterfly. Icimbi (i), caterpillar, edible. Innyundu (in), moth. Umvunya (urn), do., fish. Crustacea. Unodhladhla (u), crab. Inkala (in), land crab. Arachnida. Ulembu (ulu), spider. Isicaba (isi), venomous do. Isicatya (isi), spider, kind of venomous. Ufezela (u), scorpion. Myriapoda. Inkume (in), centipede, scolopendra. Ityongololo (i), millipede. Annulata. Umsundu (um), worm. Impehlwa (im), woodworm. Umhlakanya (um), do., kind of. Izilo (izi), intestinal worms. Ituku (i), white worm. Incili (in), tape do. Amabuka (ama), white worms, kind of. Umnyundu (um), leech. Ugabalazana (u), long slug. Impetu (im), maggot. Isongololo (i), Julus worm. THE DUPLICATION OF THE EADICLE. The meaning of a noun, verb, or adjective is sometimes intensified or augmented by the repetition of the root. There is a greater degree, a larger number or size, more beauty or goodness. In a few instances the force is diminished. This rule, however, has many exceptions. 1. Examples. Kanye ; kanyekanye, all together. Isikau ; isikaukau, break or interruption. Lenga ; lengalenga, dangle. Qopa, notch ; qopaqopa, mill, as edge of coin. Isele ; iselesele, toad. Unkulu, great one ; Unkulunkulu, very Great One. Isivungu ; isivunguvungu, whirlwind. Isitititi (isi), very foolish or helpless person. Itweletwele, great agitation or fear. ZULU VADE-MECUM 57 Ukuti tama tama, enjoy oneself very much. Ukuti vanga vanga, speak very low. Ukuti tuku, thrust, as with a great movement. Ukuti tuku tuku, thrust, as with little movements. Iwetyewetye, great liar. Bekabeka, look cautiously. Bekabeka, place quickly. 2. We now give examples of the many exceptions found in the language, or instances where the root means one thing and the duplication another. Examples. Kita, carry off frequently, as plunder ; kitakita, tickle. Isipuku, kind of cloak ; isipukupuku, simpleton. Pala, scrape ; ukuti pala pala, to run about. Kuta, grow mouldy ; kutakuta, work wearily. Ukuti futi, to do a thing hastily ; ukuti futi futi, to throng. Isidaka, black soil ; isidakadaka, kraals thick together. Buqa, harrow in as seed, &c. ; buqabuqa, dash down. Bunga, flock of birds ; bungabunga, wag tail as dog. Imbobo, hole, as eye of needle ; imbobombobo, soft rich soil. Zama, strive ; zamazama, shake, rock. Notwithstanding the exceptions, the rule will, when the student knows how to use it, be very valuable, especially when great emphasis is required. ZULU EELIGION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE LANGUAGE. The Natives believe in a supreme being called u Nkulun- kulu. He is not, however, an object of worship, which seems to be restricted to the spirits of the departed, who reside underground near the villages whence, by death, they took their departure. The connecting link between the living and the dead is the " Bulu doctor," who is supposed to ascertain the causes of sickness and trouble. The dead appear to the living in dreams. The Zulu can understand and fully appreciate Isaiah xiv. from verse 9. The doctor's fee for a consultation is usually one shilling. 58 ZULU VADE-MECUM Examples. Ancestral spirit, idhozi, or itongo. To indicate successfully as, isanusi, ukubula. Plant burnt in honour of the dead, impepo. Feeble ancestral spirit, esompunzo isituta. The shade is still in him, isitunzi sisekona. You are speaking of a dead person, ungikumbuza amaliba. Those below say so, kutya umhlaba. Their spirits, abakubo. Bayekubula ezinnyangeni, they have gone to consult the doctors. Siyabonga amadhlozi, we worship the spirits. Amadhlozi anamandhla amakulu, the spirits have great power. Tree, the branches of which are laid upon graves, umlahlan- kosi. Ngiyeke, ngiyeke, ngiyeke, Qqilaza ! leave me, leave me, leave me, Mumps ! Tetan' amadhlozi, address the spirits. Siyakuya ezinnyangeni nakwezokubula nakwezokwelafa, we shall consult both the bula and medicine doctors. Ukuhlaba umkulugwane, to howl as a dog. Ngiti kwenza esennja isituta, I think the spirit of a dog did it. 2. They have charms to prevent spirits from entering huts, to preserve from sickness ; also love and lightning charms. Examples. Charm, isibango. Love charm, umbetelelo, umqotelo, umtelelo. Ngitelwe isikohlela engalweni, singiyolele injama, spittle has dropped on the arm ; it predicts for me meat. This small bird (imbucu) is bad luck, imbucu le' isisila. Kwehlile umhlola, an omen has alighted. Ukupanga umhlola. to drive away a bad omen. UKUHLONIPA WORDS. This refers to the behaviour of people towards the chief members of then families. Words are, for the following reasons, invented : — 1. A wife is not permitted to call her ZULU VADE-MECUM 59 husband by his name. 2. Neither the husband nor his mother-in-law is allowed to mention the name of the other. 3. A girl may not mention the name of a married sister's husband. Ukuhlonipa customs have introduced a number of words into the Zulu language, only occasionally heard. Examine. Instead of isandhla, hand, isamkelo would be used, because the proper name is Usandhla. Common nouns would have to be found or invented for such proper names as u Dongana (little bank), u Jojo (finch, kind of), u Sihlahla (clump of trees), u Pikane (contend together), u Zungu (loneliness), u Zuladuma, the wife could not use either zula or duma. There are other names such as u Magaba (bottles), u Mehwana (small eyes), u Nhlaka (door frame), and many others. ZULU POETEY. Specimens of, but not Models. (See " Zulu-Kafir Language" &c, ^age 71. Nanti irubo lamabuto ake u Tyaka, lokuti ; this is a soldiers' song — the soldiers of Tyaka. " Waqedaqeda izizwe ! Uyakuhlasela pi na ? He ! uyakuhlasela pi na ? Wahlula amakosi ! Uyakuhlaselapi na ? Waqedaqeda izizwe ! Uyakuhlaselapi na ? He ! He ! He ! Uyakuhlaselapi na ? " The idea is that he had made an end of so many tribes, it was difficult to find others to conquer. The repetition of the interjection " he " expresses great astonishment. This is a specimen of native composition. The following first appeared in print twenty-one years ajK) : — 60 ZULU VADE-MECUM TlXO YlLONDE IN KOSIKAZI. " God Save the Queen." Tixo yilonde nje, Ute ipile le, Inkosikaz'. Ite yona ke tyi, Zonke izita dzi ! Londa eyetu, I ! Inkosikaz'. Asilutando na ? Lwabo abantu la', Inkosikaz'. Uciniwe nje ke, Nguwe pezulu le Undabezita, E ! Vitolia. Kuyo aziko na ? Zonke izipo na ? Inkosikaz'. Uqinisiwe bo, Yiyo umteto lo ; Tixo aite nqo, Inkosikaz'. Doxology. "Praise God," &c. Dumisani u Tixo umtombo wenhlanhla, Nimdumise nonke nokoyo nosele ; Nimdumise nani bezulu ibandhla, u Yisi, non Yana, no Moya ongcwele. The Hon. T. Shepstone, C.M.G., who kindly criticized some hymns for the author, translated the above doxology. Umkululi wetu Ufikile kiti, Inhliziyo zetu Zijabule futi ; Umkululi ufikile, Umkululi sezimzwile. ZULU VADE-MECUM 61 Masijabule ke Ebusweni bake, Sibuyele kuye, Ngokubisa kwake ; Umkululi ufikile, Umkululi sezirnzwile. Siyafunwa nguye Umhlanleli wetu, Masijabuleke Ngenhliziyo zetu ; Umkululi ufikile Umkululi sezirnzwile. Translate this into English prose. In order to form a per- fect rhyme, the vowel sounds and the parts following must be the same, the parts immediately preceding different, and the rhyming syllables must be different. Is the metre Iambic, or Trochaic, or Anapastic? And does it belong to the trimeter, tetrameter, or some other class ? Ngiyakumdumisa urn Kululi warn', Uyangisindisa Ezonweni zam' ; Ungijabulisa Enhliz' weni yam'', Ngaloko ngombonga urn Kululi warn'. Ngangibambekile E caleni lam', Ngaye ngingqunqile E bubini bam' ; Ngangise ngifile Umpefumlo warn', Ungipilisile, Wena n Kosi yam'. Sengihlezi ngaye Um Kululi warn', Sengihamba naye Endhleleni yam' ; 62 ZULU VADE MECUM Ukwa sezulwini, Sengisiya nam' ; Ngoba sebomini, Norn Kululi warn'. Ngodumisa u Tixo warn', Ngemmini zokupila kwam' Zonke emhlabeni ; Nasemveni kwokufa kwam', Ngomdumisa ngelizwi lam', Kakul' ezulwini. Wanginika ubomi bam', Nazo zonke izinto zam', Zipiwe nguye kim ; No Kristo umkululi warn', E ! Nginaye ngaye. Tixo mangisakubonge, Ngize mina ngisondele Kuwe ezulwini. Kona mangikuboniswe Ukuba ngijabuliswe ke Lapo ebomini. Kade ngobumyama betu Sasisezonweni, Kade ngokungazi kwetu Sasisemnyameni ; Kweza nKosi izwi lako, Lasikanyisele, Kweza izitunywa zako, Zilishumayele. Namhla. nKosi sibonile Lowomrau wako, Namhla nKosi sesizwile Okwomusa wako ; Umsindisi sesimazi, Osisindisayo ; Umkapi lo sesimazi, Osirolelayo. ZULU VADE-MECUM 63 Namhla sesibon' indhlela Eya ezulwini, Namhla usisingisela Kuwe ebomini ; Nkosi usijabulisa Ngalomrau wako, Nkosi sesiwudumisa Lowomusa wako. Examine this hymn critically, and try to compose some- thing better. But do not attempt such composition until the laws of Prosody have been very carefully studied. Ngimtanda urn Sindisi warn', Ngokuba enamandhla am' ; Ngisemnyama ngezono zam', u Yesu ukukanya kwam'. Ngimtanda urn Sindisi warn', Utetelel' izono zam' ; Nginazo lezozita zam', Mazibujiswe nguye nam'. Ngimtanda um Sindisi warn', Ngokuba engumhlobo warn' ; Wabake ukutula kwam', Pakati kwam' no Tixo warn'. Ngimtanda um Sindisi warn', Ngokuba engumhlanzi warn' ; Uhlanze inhliziyo yam,' Ususe zonk' izono zam'. Ngimtanda um Sindisi warn', Yena esendhleleni nam' ; Angikuwa ngehambo lam', Woqinisa innyawo zam'. Ngimtanda um Sindisi warn', Yena uhlezi njalo nam' Ngishiywe' zihlobo zam' Usekona ubomi bam'. State what metrical rules have been violated in the above composition, and enumerate, in order, the violations. The 64 ZULU VADE-MECUM elision of the final vowel would not be considered a trans- gression. Ngubani ofun' ukubon' ubukulu ? Bukuye umenzi womhlaba nezulu ; Bukuye owen' inkanyezi nennyanga, Bukuye owenza immini nelanga. Kukade kakulu umhlaba wenziwe, Kukade ilanga nennyanga zenziwe ; Kuloko kukade ngakumbe kakulu. Uhlezi u Menzi womhlaba nezulu. Wohlala eblezi nanxa zipeleyo, Lezonto' zinkulu esizibonayo ; Unioni mesabe ubukulu lobo, Litembe ikolwa libe nenjabulo. Dumisani nonke u Tixo walowo u Abrahame namhlanje N genhliziyo : Kwisizukulwana Ngesizulkulwana Ukona u Tixo Iowa Wokutanda. Nguloko ayiko Usengu-Yehovah ; Usengumdabuli wetu Esimbonga. Ngiyatoba njalo Ngokulilalela ; Lelobizo lika Tixo, Ngilibonga. Dumisani nonke u Tixo walowo u Abrahame namhlanje Ngenhliziyo : Ngoba ngezwi lake Ngovuka ngipume, Elibeni ngenyukele Ezulwini. ZULU VADE-MECUM 65 Ukuba ngizuze Injabulo lezo, Zikona ngasekunene Kuka Tixo. Okwomhlaba konke Ngiyakukulahla, Ubuqili, namandbla, Nokuduma. Ukuba ngimenze Abn yinnqaba yam' Nakuze kube pakade E ! nesihlangu sam'. Dumisani nonke, u Tixo walowo, u Abrahame namhlanje, Ngenhliziyo. Msindisi ngiyavuma, Ngenhlone namhlanje ; Okwami ukunxanela, Injabulo yezwe. Ngonile utando lwako, Ngezinkanuko zam' ; Ngaxotya umusa wako, Esifubeni sam'. Bengingayikuqapela, Ukutyaya kwako ; Ngingahlupekanga mina, Ebusweni bako. Ngabe ngingazi ukuba, Ubumukileke ; Ngalentando ipambana, Ngayo ngihambile. Ilai ! ubucebi bawo, Owako umrau ; Kobako abonileyo, Ngokuduka loku. Namatisela namhlanje, Esazelweni sam' ; F 66 ZULU VADE-MECUM Ukuyekelwa kwazo ke, Lezi izono zarn'. Ngilindile konke loku Enyaweni zako, Ngize ngamukele Kristu Ukutula kwako. Ungikape endhleleni Yokulunga kwako Ngihambe ekukanyeni Ngikwenze okwako. Some of the above hymns are translations. Which is the one intended for " The God of Abraham praise " ? Wena muntu wobuhlungu, Akungezikohlwe wena ; Lokokuqaleka Kristu, N okwako ukujuluka. Nxa ubuzama ngamandhla, Nkosi omtandazo wako ; U Moya wako watotshwa, Ngapansi kwomtwalo wawo. Kepa ke innyama yako Ibutakataka futi ; Yatiya umtwalo wayo Intukutelo yen Kosi. Baba, uma ngingabiza, Wena ngegama 'linjeya ; Aubone ukufisa Kwami ungihlanhlazele. Susa kimi lomfumfuto Wamacala enginawo, Maungavumeli loko. Ukuba ngife ngesono. Ngiyatwetwezela mina Funa lokulaka lwako, Oluwangundayo wona Lomoya owonileyo. ZULU VADE-MECUM 67 Wufihlize lompefumlo Warn* kuze kube pakade ; Ngezizukulwana lezo Zonke ngisebuhlungwini. Isidhlangudhlangu Tixo, Siyalupepezelisa ; Lolodonsi esinalo, Ngiyabona nesihogo. Ngikulule, ngisindise, Ngipe owako unyana; Owatutumela wafa, Walila wopela mina. Malusi wezimvu Ngipate nangomusa, Maungikape Kristu Ungondhle nokugondhla ; Ngipase, ungilonde, Ngomrau ungipahle. Ngipe lokokupila Okupelele nkosi, Sengingahlukumezwa Ngalolukolo lwanii ; Ngiyapendula futi Ngalenhliziyo yami. Pezu kwami sibeke Isipambano lesi Esisindileyo nje, Nokungakolwa kwami Ubuse kona aze, Umhlubuki atule. Ngipe ukolo lolo Lwokusekela mina, Ngiya elwandhle lolo Olobomi impela ; Ngibe ngongowako ke Nangezikati zonke. ZULU VADE-MECUM "LPYesu usityelile, Ngezwi eliyincwele, Ukuntandaza njalo Nokuza parnbikwako ; Singenakukatala Akusoze watula, Size sisindiswe ke Kuzo izono zonke. Sindisa tina sonke, Nkosi yezinto zonke, Kuso isita setu Ungumkululi wetu ; Ulifihlize futi Ikanda laso nkosi, Ukuti lelokanda Lenyoka yokuyenga. Saqala ukulila, Asisoze sapeza, Size silufumane Usindiso, nezinye Ezako izinhlanhla, Lolotando nomusa, Sibambelele kuwe Mhlobo waboni nje. Yityo izwi kukona Sokululwa impela, Ezibotshweni lezi Zobumnyarna nobubi, Wena ungasihlenga ; Ngokusindisa tina Ababandezelweyo, Kade ngumyengi lowo. Vuka imbeu yomfazi, Uwabonise futi Lawomandhla ngokuza Kulomhlaba, ukuba Ufihlize ikanda Lenyoka yokuyenga, Uyityabalalise Kuze kube pakade. ZULU VADE-MECUM 69 Ukuhlakanipa kwami Makube ke futi futi, Ukukonza wena ; Ngokwesaba, nokubonga, Ngibonise ukulunga, Notando nomusa. Sengati ke ngingalahla Indhlela zonke zokwona, Ngezikati zonke ; Ngihambe mina ngendhlela, Yokulunga nokukanya, Ngitembele kuwe. Inhliziyo elungile, Ehlakanipile kanye, Yesu mangipiwe ; Mangikudumise wena, Ngize ngibube ngokufa, Ngenyukele kuwe. Nkosi ngilwile ukulwa Okulungileyo, Ngoshumayela ninina ? Kristu isinqobo. Yesu ngahlulile ngawe, Sengingamemeza ; Ngenjabulo enkulu ke, Ngename kuwena. Nxa ngiyakuza ngigule Ngipantsi kwokufa Lapo mazibe zonke 'Zita zahluleka. Lelizwi elimnandi Malibe elami Uma ngisapefumula Ukupela kwami. 70 ZULU VADE-MECUM Niya bona umqamiso Uti pepe nje, Abakiti bahlaluka Sopekula le. Inkanye kanye. Simamani enqabeni, Ngingu Yesu lo ; Nizakuza nitinina ? Qinelani bo ! Nazi lap' izita zetu, Azi dudwa na ? Ngu Satane osiqede, Si dangele, ha ! These two verses with chorus are a translation of a well- known hymn. THE CLASSIFICATION OF ZULU WOEDS. While preparing this Vade-mecum, it has occurred to the author that Zulu words may be arranged in three classes, the Guttural, the Dissonant, and the Musical. 1. The Guttural letter "r" represents the first class. Grout calls it a palatal ; why, I know not. It is as much a throat letter as " g " in the Dutch language, and n in the Hebrew. It imparts the quality of harshness to the words in which it occurs : — Examples. Isirelerele, large spear ; rafurafuzela, act ferociously. Eara, desire greedily ; isiraradolo, strong intoxicating drink. Eaya, be coarse, or rough ; ratyaratya, rough, or coarse. In very many of the words beginning with " r *' there is roughness or hardness in the thoughts. Examples. Ukuti ralagaqa, come together in conflict ; ukutu ratyaratya, sound roughly. Earaza, fiz ; rudula, drag along the ground, &c. 2. The Dissonant class is distinct from this. The words contain the clicks " q," <%" " c." ZULU VADE-MECUM 71 Examples. Uqumqumu, n., Cape gooseberry ; qunquta, run steadily on. Uqweqwe, crust of bread ; qoqa, collect in one place as cattle. Qaqabula, scratch, as bushes ; xoxa, court, tell a story. Celisisa, beg earnestly ; cemezeka, live comfortably. The student will observe that when words begin with " c," " q," or "x," that click predominates, one of another class being seldom found ; so that they might be subdivided into " c," " q," and " x " words. Examples. Caca, be plain, or clear ; cicima, overflow ; cwecwa, pure, or shave off, &c. Qaqamba, throb ; qaqana, rip together ; uqoqoqo, windpipe. Ukuti xapa xapa, sputter ; ixoxi, a liar ; ixoxo, talk about ordinary matters. In a few words both a click and a guttural are found. Examples. Iqwara, quagga ; icalara, a male dog. The " x " click is very seldom found in words beginning with " p," but in those beginning with "b" all the clicks occur; the class "b" is intended, and not every word. A similar remark may be made of words beginning with "n." Let the student examine the other letters of the alphabet. 3. The Musical. The vowels in Zulu are sounded as in Italian, and when these are combined with such conso- nants as " 1 " and " m," " v" and " p," that is, liquids and labials, the words are soft, sweet, melodious. Examples. Lamula, make peace ; landa, follow ; ubulima, misfortune. Mangala, wonder ; monyula, withdraw ; isimungulu, a dumb person. Vunula, adorn ; vanga, mingle ; imvubelo, leaven ; vula, open. Pupuma, boil up ; pumula, rest ; pungula, unload ; puta, fail. 72 ZULU VADE-MECUM HOW TO COMMIT TO MEMOEY ZULU WOEDS. While committing to memory hard and long Zulu words, the above classification will, it is hoped, assist the mental process. Let the unknown words be associated, as far as possible, with the known. In the mind familiar ideas become mental hooks on which to hang the unfamiliar. Examples. Bowler is a mental hook for the Zulu bola, rot, decay. impupu, flour, bi, bad. pi ? impi, army. Duba, treat with con- tempt, kola, satisfy. baba, be bitter, isibane, candle, isitole, isito. tina, umtini. singa, shave, &c. sila, grind. >e multiplied. As soon as the reader has acquired some knowledge of Zulu words, he will discover that they become very useful mental pegs. 'An assimilative memory is needed. He should form the habit of receiving and absorbing ideas, so that they can, whenever wanted, be easily recalled. Examples. Ikati, cat, is a mental hook for kati (adv.) inkati, point of time ; umkate, space, &c. Baba ,, ,, ,, babakazi, babama, babala, and many others, idaka, indaka, isidaka, umdaka, ndaka, isi- dakadaka, umdakane. inhlaba, umhlaba, hla- bana, ihlabati, inhlabati, isihlabati, isihlabane,&c. inkomba, isikombazane, ikombe, umkombe, and so on. Pooh ! pooh ! >> >> >> The letter B >> ?> >> The letter P > > > > >y Do, pa >> >> >> Coal »> )> > > Bah ! bah {inter j.) ,, ,, Barn )> >> >> Toe >> >> >> Tea >> >> >> Sing > J )} >> Seal >> )> > J These examj )les could, of cours Daka, intoxicate Ihlaba, prickly aloe Komba, point ZULU VADE-MECUM 73 How to Commit Words to Memory, Further Illustrations. Zeal is a mental hook for the Zulu word zila, abstain from food. No, ma ,, Two Me Nay, nay Cool ,, Jew , , Go Jar , , Dome ,, Ben ,, Bay Bowl , . Kale ,, Key, sir Bone ,. Joe , Calm , Kate , Do, ma , Coke , Coat ,. Lobe ,, Mean noma, whether, or. tula, be silent. mila, germinate. nene, affable. ukulu, grandfather. jula, throw, toss up. ingosi, nook, cor- ner. jama, look sternly. Domula, pull up by roots. benga, slice meat. beka, put, place. bola, rot, decay. kela, catch by the leg. kisa, drizzle. bonda, stir, mix. joja, thrust, poke in. kama, squeeze. keta, select, choose. duina, sound, re- sound. koka, pay, as money. kota, lick, lick up. loba, catch fish. immini, day-time. From the above Zulu words, as mental hooks, form others. For example, taking the first word, " zila," we can associate with it the following : — Umzila, ukuzila, zileba, zilela, zilisa. In this way, one may easily fix in his memory about two hundred very useful words. And as they are, like garments on pegs, associated together, you cannot think of one without also recollecting the others. When the above plan is carefully followed, the learning of a language is no longer a task but a pleasure. 74 ZULU VADE-MECUM EEMAEKS ON THE "ENGLISH-ZULU DICTIONARY." This part of the work, which has necessarily taken a long time to prepare, now contains Zulu for more than 23,000 English words — a number amply sufficient for all ordinary purposes. Many others, such as technical and scientific terms, cannot, at least for several years to come, be trans- lated into the native language. Such foreign-looking words would resemble an unknown tongue. A Dictionary should simply keep pace with the mental development of the people. No great advantage, either to students or others, could possibly be gained by introducing a large number of Zuluised words. Nor would it be considered desirable to largely increase the number of compound terms. A few of each class will be found in the lessons and the exercises. Many words are common, both to the Zulu and Xosa dialects. In some instances they are in meaning identical. When compared, the two languages are in many respects similar, having the same grammatical construction. It occasionally happens even among the Zulus, that words considered obsolete in one tribe are well known in another. There are also Provincial, Tefula, Hlonipa, and other terms. Similar remarks might be made of our own country. Such Cornish expressions as " He is very wisht," " Where is he to," and " I belong to be well," would not be intelligible in, say, the north of England. The accent is usually placed on the penultimate ; but when a word consists of several syllables, it often takes a secondary accent. Should the final vowel be elided, the accent would, of course, fall on the final syllable. This is also the case when monosyllabic particles, such as " nje," " ke," " ze," " ni," follow the final syllable. Other mono- syllables, as " na," " le," "bo," have a separate, indepen- dent, and emphatic accent. In past editions a few errors in spelling have unavoidably occurred. At the end of this volume corrections, in the form of " errata," will be found. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY Aardvark, n. Indhlovnndawana (in). Aback, ad. ngokuzumeka. Abaft, ad. ngasemuva. Abaigail, n. inncekukazi yenkosi- kazi. Abandonment (a state), ukushi- yiwa, ukulahlwa. Abash, v. (cause to be modest) hlonipisa. Abatis, n. innqaba yemiti. Abattoir, n. indhlukuhlaba (in). Abba, n. ubaba (n). Abduce, v. yenga. , , (withdraw) monyula . Abduct, v. apuca, amuka. Ability, n. (wealth) imfuyo (im). Abeyance, n. ukugodhla (uku). Abjure, v. pika ngokufunga. Abloom, ad. ngokukahlela. Abnormal, a. ngenamteto. Aboard, ad. sesikepeni. Abomasus, ?i. umhlwehlwe (um). About (morning time), ad. ngo- kusa. Abo at (here and there), lapa nalapo. About (nearly), cityu. ,, prep, eduze. Abraid, v. kuhla. Abstergent, a. kuhluzayo. Abstringe, v. sombulula. Abut, v. qubutya. ,, (border upon) secaleni. Abutting, a. malungana (na). Abutment, n. isisekelo (isi). Acaridse, n. imikaza (imi). Acaulous, a. ngenamnyani. Accent, v. iyayamazwi. Accentuation, ukutyayamazwi (uku). Acceptable, a. (satisfying) koli- sayo. Acceptable, a. (pleasing) jabuli- sayo. Acceptance, n. isamkelo (isi). Acceptation, n. (meaning) uku- zikwa (uku). Acceptation, n. (sense) ukuzwa. Accepted lover, n. isoka (i). Acclivity, n. (slope) imbanda (im). Acclivity, n. (precipice) ilenge (i). Accoil, v. buta. According to, ad. ngako ngo-« kunjalo. Accouchement, n. ukubeleta (uku). 76 ZULU VADE-MECUM Account, n. (profit) inzuzo (in). ,, (bill) ikasi lama- nani. Account, n. (narrative) uku- danda (uku). Account, v. (explain) cansisa. Accouple, v. bandakanyisa. Accourage, v. kalipisa. Accustom, v. jwayeza. ,, (habit) amuleka. Accustomed (to be), jwayela. Acerose, a. njegenalidi. Acerval, a. sezinnqwabeni. Acescent, a. muncu. Ache, n. (ear) ukukwelwandh- lebe. Ache, v. (throb) qaqanjelwa. Achieve, v. feza. Achromatic, a. ngenambala. Acicular, a. njengenalidi. Acridity, n. ukubaba (uku). Acrimonious, a. nolunya. Act, v. (insolently) qolotya. ,, (with energy) nyakanya. ,, (offensively) bina. Active person, n. isixwayi (isi) Activity, n. (alertness) ukux- waya (uku). Acumen, n. ukuhlakanipa. Acuminated, a. gcijekileyo (na). Acumpuncture, v. hlaba ngena- lidi. Addendum, n. ukwelekwa (uku) . Addle, v. bolisa. Adduce, v. landisa. Adept, a. lumbileyo. Adherence, n. ukunamatela. Adipose, a. namafuta. Adjudicate, v. tetamacala, abela. Adroit, a. lumbile. Adroitness, n. ukulumba. Adulate, v. babaza. ^Esthetics, n. ukwazi ngobuhle. Affair, n. (matter), isici (isi). ,, (complicated) ingongo Affair, n. (tedious) insindasinda (in). Affiance, v. endisa. Afford, v. misa-inani. Affidavit, n. isifungo (isi). Afflatus, 7i. ukupefumulela. Affray, n. ukulwana. Affront, ad. pambili. Affronted (to be) v. ukuqalwa. Affuse, v. tela. Aforehand, ad. kudala. After-pains (of labour) izinseko. Aghast, v. (to look) yangaza. Agnus-Dei, n. Imvana ka Tixo. Alack, intj. babatyane ! mame ! Alacrity, n. (cheerfulness) uku- tokoza. Albescent, a. mhlotyana. Allay, v. (calm) dunduzela. Allege, v. tyo. Alleged, v. (to be) tyiwo. Allegation, n. ukutyo. Alley, n. incingo (in). Allocate, v. abela. All right, intj. pepa ! Almoner, n. umabelizipo. Alms, n. izipo. Aloe, n. (ripe seed of) izim- boma. Along this, yilapa. Along that, yilapo. Aloof, ad. sekudeni. Also, ad. futi njalo. Amativeness, n. utando (ulu). Ambulent, a. hambayo. Ameliorate, v. lungisa. Amen, v. akubenjalo. Amerce, v. hlaulisa. Amuse, v. (make glad) jabulisa. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 77 Amusement, n. (delight) uku- jabulisa. Amusing, a. (delighting) jabu- lisayo. Analyse, v. ahlukanisa. Analysis, n. ukwahlukaniswa. Anathema, n. isiqalekiso (isi). Anatomy, n. ukuqobisisa (uku). Ancillary, n. incekukazi (in). And-so, ad. pela, konje yikona nanjalo. And-that-was-all, ad. kwaku- pele. And-what's-more,. ad. ingani, inganti. Anecdote, n. inzekelelo (in). Aneroid, n. isilinganisomoya (isi). Angry, v. (to make) tukutelisa. ,, (to be very) bangalasa, dhloba. Angry person, n. isififane (isi). Annexation, n. (state) ukwelek- wa (uku). Anniversary, n. ukubuya kwom- nyaka (uku). Anonymous, a. ngenagama. Antagonist, n. umpikisani (um). Antecede, v. andulela. Antediluvian, n. upambi kwo- zamcolo. Anything, n. (seen indistinctly) umzizima (um). Apex, n. isicongo (isi) isiqongo (isi). Apiary, n. indhwana yezinyosi. Apology, n. isinxepezelo (isi). Appal, v. fipaza. Apparel, n. (native) izambata (izi). Approach, v. (one another) son- delana. Approach (to, as game), ciciyela. Aquaduct, n. umsele wamanzi. Arachnoid, a. nolembu. Aranum, n. izimfihlo zorula- meni. Archer, n. umcibityeli. Architect, n. umfanakiseli we- zindhlu. Arithmetic, n. ukwazukubala. Arm (dislocated) umkono-wen- yele. Armipotence, n. ezikali (izi). Aroma, n. ukunuka (uku). Artfulness, n. (cunning) ubu- hlakani (ubu). Artillery, n. (arms) izikali (izi). ,, (cannons) ombaim- bai. Artist, n. (clever person) indwe- lemana (in). Ashes, v. (to collect) wola. ,, n. (heap of) ilota (i). Ashore, ad. sesebeni, secaleni. Aside, ad. ngahlanye. Askance, ad. (across) pambene. ,, (turned aside) pambukele. Aspire, v. pefumulela. ,, (desire earnestly) fisa. Associate-with, v. hlangana. Assurance, n. (declaration) ukutyo (uku). Assurance (contract) uvume- lano (ulu). Asterisk, n. inkanyezana (in). Astonied, v. (to be) mangala. Astound, v. yangazisa. Astradle, v. (to be) xabalaza. Astronomy, n. ukwazi ngezin- kanyezi. Ate, v. dhla. Atlas, n. izimozomhlaba. 78 ZULU VADE-MECUM Atlas, n. (one map) isimosomh- laba. Atmosphere, n. (vapour) in- kungu (in). At-once, ad. konamanje. Atrophy, n. ukwondisisa. At-that-tiine, ad. yilapo. At-this-time, ad. yilapa. At-your-place, ad. kini. Attach, v. (seize) bamba. ,, (fix) qinisa. ,, (cause to love) tan- disa. Attach, v. (wheedle) ncenga. Attaint, v. enakalisa, onakalisa. ,, (disgrace) hlaza. x\ttempt, v. (to ravish) poqe- lela. Attenuate, v. ondisa, zacisa. Attrition, n. (state) ukukuhlu- zeka (uku). Attrition, n. (act) ukukuhluza (uku). Auricle, n. (of the ear) igwa- gwa (i). Auricle, n. (of the heart) urn- lomo wenhliziyo. Auricled, a. nezindhlebe. Auricular, a. endhlebeni. Aurora, n. imitende yokusa. Auspices, n. imihlola (imi). Auxiliary, n. ukusiza (uku). Avail, v. (gain) zuza. Avidity, n. (greediness) uku- rara. Avidity, n. (eagerness) amatata. Aweary, a. katele. Axil, n. (arm-pit) ikwapa (i). Axillar, a. ngekwapa. Axiom, n. uqobo (ulu). Axis, n. isibonda. Aye, ad. (always) ngezikati zonke. Aye, ad. (for ever) kuzekubepa- kade. Azymous, ngenamvubelo. B. Backstairs, n. imikwelosemuva (imi). Balk, n. umjanjato (um). Ball, n. (dancing) ukusina (uku). Balm, n. amafutu apolisayo. Bank, v. congolozela. Barge, n. isikepana (isi). Barnacle, n. imbada (im). Barometer, n. isilinganisomoya (isi). Barren person, or animal, n. innyumba (in). Barren husband, n. umfaba. Basket-maker, n. inyanga-yem- benge (in). Bastard, n. umntwana wesisu. Bastard, a. (false) kohlisayo. Baton, n. indukwana, umza- cana (um). Battery, n. innqaba (in). Bayonet, n. umudwa (umu). Be, v. (remain) hlala. Be at a loss, v. yibaza. Be off, v. suka. Be quiet, v. tula. Beat, v. (surpass) tantata. Beck, n. isifufuyana (isi). Beestings, n. umtubi, (um), ihlaka (i). Beg, v. (request food) panza. Begrimed, v. (to be) nyepa. Beguiling, isiyengo (isi). Behind, ad. (back of neck) esi- pundu. Behold, v. (look at) kangela. Bellicose, a. hlasele. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 79 Belligerent, a. hlaseleyo. Benight, v. hlwela. Beseem, v. fanela. Besom, v. tyanela. Bespread, v. capa. Best, a. tantata konke. Bestir, v. vusa. Betoken, v. komba. Better, a. lungile kakulu. Bib, v. daka. Biennial, a. ngeminyakamibili. Big, burly fellow, n. ibulubensi Bilge, n. isiboco (isi). Bilk, v. kohlisa. Bill, n. (of goods) ikasilempahla (*)■ Bill, n. (of fare) umpako, uku- dhla (uku). Bill, n. (bill sticker) umnama- telisimakasi (urn). Bill, n. (of exchange) ikasile- nana. Bill, v. (as a dove) kala. Bill, n. (as of a dove), umlomo (run). Billet, n. ikasana (i). Bin, n. (for flour) ikisi lempapu. Bird-catcher, n. umtiyizinyoni. ,, (plant used by) innomfii, (in). Bird-like, njengenyoni. Bison, ii. inkabi-yasendhle(in). Bite, v. (cause to) lumisa. ,, (one another) lumana. Bitter, v. (to the taste) baba, kaka. Bitter, a. (morally) bi. ,, v. (to be) ukukaka, uku- baba (uku). Bladder, n. (blister) ityatyazi (i). Bladder (blister with clear serum), ipwanyazi (i). Bland, a. tobozayo. Blank, a. ze. ,, (confused) didakele. Blare, v. (roar) konya. Blazon, v. (adorn) vunulisa. ,, (make known) me- mezela. Blight, v. bunisa, risa. Blood, ii. (kindred) ubuhlobo (ubu) . Blood, n. (the life) ubomi (ubu). Blood, ii. (from mouth or ear) ibende (i). Blood-hound, n. inja-yegazi Blood-money, 11. imali-yegazi (im). Bloodshedder, n. umbulali (urn). _ Blood-thirsty, a. fisagazi, nxan- elagazi. Bloody-flux, n. imbobo (im). Bloody-sweat, ii. ukujulaka kwegazi. Blood-letter, n. umopisi (um). Blossom, v. kahlela. Blossom, n. isikahlelo (isi). Blouse, n. ibantyilula (i). Blubber, v. qaqamba. Blubbering-boy, n. isibihlikana (isi). Blunt, v. (to be unobliging) ukwenza inhluso. Blurt, v. (speak without reserve) uku pahla pahla. Boar, ii. induna yengubube. Bogey, ii. isituta (isi). Boggle, v. (doubt) konona. ,, (waver) nyakaza. ,, (stutter) ngingiza. Boil, n. (large) utumbakulu (u). Bolster, n. isicarneloside (isi). Bolt, u. (peg) isikonkwane (isi). 80 ZULU VADE-MECUM Bolt, n. (of lightning) ubane (ulu). Bombast, 11. ukubamuza (uku). Bondmaid, n. inqobokazi (in). Bonus, 11. ukwabela kwenzuzo. Boon, n. enamayo. Bosh, n. ubupukupuku (ubu). Bosom-friend, n. isihlobo-sen- hliziyo (isi). Both, conj. (as persons) bobabili. Boulders, 11. imbokondo (im). Bow, n. (for arrows) umcibi- tyelo (um). Brace, v. (support) sekela. ,, (strengthen) nikaman- dhla. Bracial, a. ngengalo. Bracken, n. isikotokoto (isi). Brandy, n. ugologo (u). Brass-arm-ring, n. ubedu (ulu). Brass-neck-ring, n. umnaka (um). Brat, n. umntwana (um). Break-through (as troops), bo- boza. Breeze, n. (gadfly) isibau (isi). ,, (rubbish) isibi, uku- la (ulu). Bridle, 11. (nose thong) umkala (um). Bright- stripes, n. amakwazi (ama). Brindled, a. (streaked) nemi- tende. Brindled cow, 11. (spotted) im- pungakazi (im). Bring, v. (cause to) letisa. ,, (out) pumesa. ,, (aid, quickly) putuma. ,, (in great numbers) tuntulula. Bring, v. (forth, as a cow) walagahla. Bring, v. (up, belch), yokoza. Bring, v. (to an end) tyabisa. Broider, v. vunulisa. Broken, v. (to be, as a vessel) fa. Broken, v. (to be, as a string) qabuka. Broken, v. (to be, as the soil) hlezuka. Broken, v. (off, to be) nqamuka. Broken, v. (to be worn, or rubbed) zukeka. Broken, v. (to be, as a ship on the rocks) vityeka. Bruise, v. (as herbs) gxoba. Bruit, v. bika. Brunette, a. nsundu. Brunt, n. (onset) iswombe (isi). Brusque, a. eyisile, bembesele. Bubble, v, (make a rushing noise) roza. Buck, n. (fop) umzibabazi (um). Buffoon, 11. umunta-okwela- mikuba (um). Bugbear, n. isituta. Building site, n. (old or new) inxiwa (i). Bumb, v . (thump) tubula. , , (strike lightly) qukuza. Bump, v. (make a noise) ban- gamsindo. Bump, v. (bang) kahlela. ,, ii. (pimple) isilonjana (isi). Bump, n. (swelling) iqubu (i). Bungle, v. (patch) ciciyela. ,, (manage badly) titiza. Bunkum, 11. ukubamuza (uku). Buoy, ii. isintantiso (isi). Buoyancy, n. ukuntata (uku). Burglar, n. umpangi-wezindhlu ENGLISH- ZULU VOCABULARY 81 Burlesque, 11. ukuntelemba (uku). Burnt, v. (to be) tyiseka. Bushmen, n. amambovane (ama). Buss, n. ukwanga. Bustard, n. insingizi. Butcher's-meat, n. inyama- yomhlabi. Butler, n. igoza (i). But-notwithstanding, conj. kan- ti-noko. Butt, 11. (barrel) umpongolo (urn) . Butt- end, n. (of a gun) intonga. But-then, ad. kanti. Button-hole, n. imbobo yeki- nope. Buttress, n. isisekelo (isi). Buxom, a. dhlalayo. Buzz, v. (as flies) buza. By, v. (to pass by) dlula. ,, v. (to stand) mela. By-and-by, n. isikatyana (isi). By-reason-of, yikuba. Bystander, n. isibukeli (isi). By-the-bye, ad. ukuti. By-word, n. umzekeliso (um). C. Cable, n. (large rope) umgung- quluza (um). Calabash, 11. (small, for grease) umi'uma (um). Cachinnation, n. ukuhleka (uku) . Cack, v. nya. Cackle, n. ukukekela (uku). Cadaverous, a. (pale) mpofu. ,, (wan) fipele. (ghastly) njen- gedhlozi. Caddy, n. ikisana letia. Caduceous, a. vutulukayo. Cage, 11. (for a bird) indhlwana yenyoni. Cairo, ikailo (i). Calamity, n. (great) amanyala (ama). Calcarious, a. nomcako. Calculous, a. namatyana. Calculus, 11. ilityana-esniyeni. Calendar, n. isibalo somnyaka. Calibre, ii. ubuqwengu (ubu), ubusense (ubu). Calid, a. tyisayo. Caligraphy, ii. ukubalakahle (uku) . Calk, v. vimbamiselana. Callous, a. nesikumbasilukumi. Calyx, ii. igobolondo (i). Cancer, n. (crab) unodhladhla (u). Cancer, n. (sign of zodiac) unodhladhla (u). Cane, v. tyaya. ,, n. (sweet reed) imfe (im) . Canescent, a. mhlotyana. Canister, n. (for coffee) ikisana lekofi. Canker, n. isilondasidhlayo. Cannot, ad. ngenamandhla. Cant, v. (jerk) hlwita. ,, (throw) ponsa. ,, ii. (ukutesa (uku). Cantankerous, a. xabile. , , (contentious) pikayo. Cantankerous, a. (perverse) dondayo. Capillary, a. njengezinwele. Capital, ii. (chief's residence) indawonkulu (in). Capital, ii. (the place of harem) isigodhlo (isi). G 82 ZULU VADE-MECUM Capital, n. (money) imali (im). ,, (property) imfuyo (im). Capricorn, n. (sign of the zodiac) upondolwembuzi (ulu) . Car, n. ikalishi (i). Card, n. ikisana (i). Carelessness, n. (sloveliness) ubuyatayata (ubu). Carneous, a. nenyama. Carol, 11. isikondhlo, isihlabe- lelo (isi). Carried, v. (to be) twaleka. Carrion, n. inyamabolayo (in). Carrot, n. impande ebomvu edhliweyo. Carry, v. (in the arms) gona. Carved wooden vessel, n. mng- qengqe (um). Casino, n. ikamelo lokusina. Cast, v. (aside, reject) nqaba. ,, (down, depress) kon- kobalisa. Cast (in the teeth), jezisa. Cater, v. bekelakudhla. Cattle, n. (cut ears of), ama- cucu (ama). Cattle, n. (a disease of) uhen- gele (ulu). Caulk, v. vimbamiselana. Caustic, a. tyisayo. Cavalry, n. amabutomahashi (ama). Caveat, n. (warning) isiyalo (isi). Caveat, n. (caution) ukuxwaya (uku) . Centrifugal, a. ndizepakatini. Centripetal, a. ndizelapakatini. Centurion, n. inkosi yamabuto ayikulu. Ceremony, n. imikuba yeban- dhla. Cervix, n. (back part of neck) umqala (um). Chairman, n. umpatisihlalo (um). Chamfer, v. (small channel) umselana inkoto (in). Champ, v. hlafuna. ,, (as medicine) lumula. ,, (ruminate) etyisa. Champignon, n. inkowanko- wane (in). Champion, n. (soldier) iqawe- kulu (i). Champion, n. (clever person) indwele (in). Charity, n. (love) utando (ulu). ,, (gifts) izipo (izi). Chart, n. umfanekiso wom- hlaba. Chary, a. (niggardly) ngokun- citya. Chary, a. (frugal) ongile. Chastisement, n. (act) uku- tyaya (uku). Cheap, a. lula, shipile, tyipile. ,, (it is) kulula. Cheat, v. (one another) kohli- sana. Chilblain, n. isilonjana sama- kaza. Chink, v. (as money) wahla- zela. Chinky, a. nezikala. Christ, ii. u Kristu (u). Chubby, a. bukubuku. Chubby-person, n. isibukubuku (isi). Chuckle-headed person, n. isi- pukupuku (isi). Chum, ii. umlingane, umngane (um). Chump, ii. (of wood) isibuku (isi). ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 83 Circuit minister, n. umfundisi ozungezayo. Clam, n. isibuku (isi). Clamminess, 7£.ukuhlafana(uku). Clammy, v. (to be) nafuna. Clang, v. kandana. Clash, v. kandanisa. Cleverness, v. (craft) ubu- qwengu (ubu). Climax, n. ukwenyuka ngama- banga. Clout, v. (patch) ciciyela. Cluster, v. (as people or cattle) quia. Cobble, v. ciciyela. Cockle, n. imbada (im). Coddle, v. (pamper) minzisa. Coin, n. (price of) uhlamvu (ulu). Colleague, n. umlingane (um). Columbine, n. imbalasi-etile (im). Coma, n. ukwozela (uku). Comatose, a. ozele. Come, v. (back) buya. ,, (with, bring) leta. ,, (out) puma. ,, (away) shiya. ,, (short, fail) silala. ,, (in full sight) pume- lela. Comic, a. hlekisayo. Commensurate, a. linganisene. Comment, v. cansisa. Commentary, n. ukucansisela (uku) . Commodious, a. (suitable) fa- nele. Communication, n. isaziso (isi). Compendious, a. (short) fut- yane. Compendious, a. (abridged) finvezekile. Compendium, n.isifinyezo (isi). Compete, v. (strive to be equal) linganiselana. Competition, n. ukulinganise- lana (uku). Composer, n. (of songs) inny- angayoku-qamba. Compound, v. buca. Compress, v. (as the lips) cuta. Compressed, v. (to be) sindele- ka. Compressed, v. (squeezed) min- yana. Concave, a. gwedekayo. Concentrate, v. sondezapakatini. Concomitant, a. pelekezele. Concubine, n. isifebe, isiropo (isi). _ Concussion, n. umhlanganiso, ukutyayana. Confabulate, v. ukuti potololo. Confidence, i'. (to have in one's self) qalaba. Congenial, a. fanele. Conglomerate, v. dilinga. Conjecture, v. qandela. ,, (as a person's meaning) catamezela. Conjugal, a. zekayo. Conjunct, v. bangqa. Conjunction, n. ukubangqa (uku). Conjunction, ?j. (in grammar) isi- bandakanyo (isi). Conjunction, n. (of planets) ukuqondana (uku). Connection, n. ukubangqa (uku). Connection, n. (by marriage) umzalwane (um). Connection, n. (sect) inhlanga- nisela (in). Connote, r. (indicate) komba. 84 ZULU VADE-MECUM Connote, v. (include) ngenisa. ,, (betoken) azipam- bili. Connubial, a. zekayo. Consenter, n. umvumi (urn). Consequently, ad. ke. Conserve, v. londa. ,, (defend) vikela. Conservatoire, n. isikolo semu- siki. Consonant, a. (suitable) fanele. ,, (agreeing with) vumelene. Consonant, a. (according to) nga. Consonant, a. (consistent) me- lele. Consonant, n. (of grammar) ig- amasekelweyo. Consort, v. pelekezela. ,, n. (union) inhlangano. Constable, n. ipolisi (i). ,, (special) ipolisi- lenzisayo. Constabulary, n. ubupolisi (ubu). Constellations, n. iziqumbizink- anyezi. Constitute, v. (empower) patisa. Constitution, n. (of a person) uqobo (ulu). Contain, v. bambisana. ,, (within limits) kau- lisa. Contemn, v. (despise) dela. „ (reject) nqaba. ,, (disdain) eyisa. Contemplate, v. (regard) buka nokubuka. Contemplate, v. (ponder) dhlin- za. Contemplate, v. (design) qamba. Contemplate, v. (muse) caman- ga. Contemplate, v. (reflect care- fully) camangisa. Contemplation, n. ukucaman- gisa (uku). Contemporary, n. umhlezisika- tinisinye (um). Contemporaneous, a. hlezise- katinisinye. Contempt, ad. (in, &c.) entini. Contiguity, n. (nearness) ube- duze (ubu). Contiguity, n. (in contact) uku- tintana (uku). Contiguous, a. eduze. ,, (touching) tin- tene. Continent, a. (of a person) cwe- bile. Constitutional, n. (brisk walk) Continent, a. (chaste) cwebile. ukuvagatya (uku) Constrict, v. (press) cindezela. ,, (bind) bind. ,, (into narrow com- pass) nyinya. Consult, v. (as isanusi) bula urn- hlahlo. Consumption, n. (of food) uku- dhla (uku). Consumption, n. (disease) isi- fosepapu (isi). Contour, n. isimo (isi). Contrary, a. (opposite) beke- lene. Contrary, a. (contradictory) pambayo. Contrary, a. (repugnant) lwayo. Contrary, ad. (on the other side) sekubekelaneni. Contrast, v. (compare) lingani- sela. Contravene, v. (defeat) nqoba. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 85 Contravention, n. ukunqoba kwornteto. Controversy, n. (law case) in- daba (in). Controvert, v. (dispute) pika. ,, (deng) ala. Conundrum, n. (riddle) imfumbe (im). Convalescent, n. inkubele (in). Conventicle, n. (assembly) in- hlanganiso (in). Convention, n. inhlanganiso yabamisiweyo. Converge, v. gobiselisa enda- wonge. Convex, a. gobekayo. Co-operate, v. sebenzelana. Co-operation, n. ukusebenze- lana (uku). Co-partner, n. umabelani (um). ,, n. (partaker) um- hlanganyeli (um). Cook, v. (for) pekela. ,, (cause to) pekisa. ,, (together) pekana. ,, (carefully) pekisisa. Cope, v. (match) linganisa. ,, (strive with) zama with na. Cope, v. (contend) pika. Corban, n. isipo (isi). Cordiality, n. (sincerity) ubu- qoto (ubu). Cordiality, n. (affability) ubu- nene (ubu). Cordiality, n. (warmth) ukufu- dumala (uku). Coriaceous, a. (tough) sukuni. Correct, v. (to be) lunga. Corkscrew, n. insimbi yokuki. pasivimbo. Cornucopiie, n. upondo lwoba- ningi. Corporal, a. ngomzimba. Correspondent, n. umbaleli (um). Corrode, v. dhla, gedhla. Corrodible, a. dhlekayo. Coruscate, v. cwazimula. ,, (glitter) cwebezela. Cosmography, n. ukwazingom- hlaba. Cost, n. inani (i). Counteract, v. (oppose) ala, mela. Counteract, v. (hinder) vim- bela. Counteract, v. (defeat) nqoba. ,, (frustrate) duma- za. Country, n. (with small hills) ipondo (i). Couplings, n. izibandakanyo (izi). Cover, n. (of a pan, &c.) isisibe- kelo (isi). Cover, n. (defence) isivikelo (isi). Coward, n. igwala (i). Cowardice, n. ubugwala (ubu). Cowardliness, n. uvalo (ulu) itwetwe (i). Cowardly, a. esabayo, ngobu- gwala. Cram, v. (ram in) hlohla. Cranium, n. inhloko (in). Crater, n. umlomo wentaba etyisayo. Crave, v. celisisa. ,, (implore) ncengisisa. ,, (long for) fisa. Credible, a. kolwayo. Creed, n. ukukolwa (uku). Creek, n. (pool) idangu (i). Creep, v. (as a cat) nyonyoba. Crenate, a. peqekayo. , m ZULU VADE-MECUM Crescendo, ft. ukwanda (uku). Crest, n. (cock's-cornb) umema (ulu). Crestfallen v. (to be) nyonyo- boza. Crimp, n. umyengi wamatelosi. Critic, n. umjezisi (um). Criticise, v. jezisa. Criticism, n. ukujezisa ( u). Crock, n. isitya (isi). Cross-bar, n. (of cattle-kraal) umvalo (um). Crowd, v. (squeeze together) cindezelana. Crumble, v. (as stone) butuza. Crumbled, v. (to be) butuzeka. Crushed, v. (to be, as some- thing soft) cubuka Dairy-maid, n. inncekukazi-yo- bisi. Dairy-man, n. indoda yobisi. Dais, n. isihlalo sobukosi. Daisy, n. usolwelanga (ulu). Dakoit, n. umpangelani (um). Dally, v. (fondle) bonelela. ,, (trifle) feketisa. ,, (endear) tandisa. ,, (put off) libalisa. ,, (beguile) libazisa. Dame, n. inkosikazi (in). Damp (choke damp) umoyabu- bisayo. Damp, (fire-damp) umoyatyi- sayo. Damsel, n. (young lady) inko- sazana (in). Crushed, v. (to be, as some- Damsel, n. (girl) intombazana thing hard) coboka. Crushed, v. (to be smashed) fohloka. Culprit, n. umoni (umu). Culver, n. ijuba (i). ,, (kind of) icelegwana Cushion, n. isicamelo (isi). Custody, n. ukulinda, ukuhlola. Dapper, a. (nimble) wanyazile. (in). Dance, v. (in a peculiar way) qubula. Dander, v. zululeka. Dandy, n. (fop) umzibabazi (um). Dandy, n. (coxcomb) umziqenyi (um) . (in prison), uku- banjwa etilongweni. Custodian, n. umhloli, umlindi (um) . Cutler, n. umenzomese. Cymbal, n. ikimbala (i), isim- bala (i). Cypher, v. bala. D. Daffodil, n. (lily) isidwa (isi). Daft, a. (insane) hlanyayo. Dag, v. (pierce) hlaba. Dairy, n. ikamelo-lobisi (i). (neat) bunono. Dappled, a. namabala. Dark, a. (dark-brown) mpofu, nsundu. Darling, n. (favourite) ikolwane (i): Darling, n. (beloved) tandiwe. Darn, v. (patch) ciciyela. Darning-needle, n. inalidi loku- ciciyela. Dart, n. (arrow) umsebe (um). Dash, 11. (in writing) umudwa (umu) . Dash, ii. (onset) isiwombe (isi). EXGLISH-ZULU VOCABULAEY 87 Dash, n. (collision) umhlanga- niso (um). Dash, v. (brandish), ukusikiza (uku) . Dash (a smash), ukupuhluza (uku) . Dastardness,7t. ubugwala (ubu). Data, n. izisusa (izi). Date, n. isikati (isi). Daub, v. (plaster) nameka. Dauber, ?i. (plasterer) urnnameki. , , (painter) umbeci (um). Dauby, a. (slimy) nafanayo. ,, (adhesive) namatele. Daunt, v. (dismay) esabisa. David, n. u Davide (u). Daw, n. ingwababa (in). Daze, v. (stun) dakisa. Dazed, v. (to be) dakeka. Deacon, n. indunabandhla (in). Dead (the), plur. abafileyo. Dead-drunk, a. dakiwe noku- dakwa. Dead-letter, n. incwadi enge- namnini. Dead-level, n. inkangala (in). Deaden, v. (lessen force) ncipi- samandhla. Deaden, v. (render spiritless) dangalisa. Deaden, v. (retard) libalisa. ,, (blunt) qunda. ,, (smother) futanisa. Debar, v. (exclude) kipa. Debark, v. (from a ship) puma- sikepeni. Debonair, a. (gentle) bunene. ,, (good-humoured) nomusa. Debonair, a. (elegant) hie. ,, (well-bred)dumile. Debris, n. (rubbish) isibi (isi). Debris, n. (ruins) izidiliko (izi). Debut, n. ukwandulela (uku). Decay, v. (be high, as game) vunda. Decadence, n. ukubuneka (uku) . Deceased person, n. umfi (um). Deceive, v. (beguile) kohlanisa. Deceptable, a. kohlisekayo. Decidence, n. ukuwa (uku). Deciduous, a. vutulukayo. Decimate, v. bulala ngesishumi. Declamatory, a. qapuzayo. ,, (bombastic) ba- muzayo, pupuzayo. Declamatory (loud), mpompolo- zayo. Decline, v. (deviate) eduka,duka. Decoct, v. peka. Decoction, n. ukukipa-ngoku- peka (uku). Decollate, v. nqumakanda. Decompose, v. (rot) bolisa. ,, (decay) bunisa. ,, (separate) ahlu- kanisa. Decoration, n. (a state) isivu- nulo (isi). Decry, v. (depreciate) tunisa, fejisa. Decumbence, n. ukucambalala (uku) . Decumbent (lying down), cam- balele. Decumbent (bending), gobile. Decussate, a. (opposite) malun- gana. Decussate, a. (crossed) pam- bene. Decussate, n. (cause to cross) pampanisa. Deduction, n. (subtraction uku- susa (uku). 88 ZULU VADE-MECUM Deduction, n. (abatement) Delicate, a. (soft) tambileyo. ukuncipiswa (uku). ,, (nice) mtoti. Deduction, n. (inference) uku- ,, (feeble) butakataka. cazisa (uku). ,, (thin) ondile. Deep-place, n. (in river) ulutwa Demand, v. (pertinaciously) (ulu). basa. Deep-place, u. (pool) umsinga Dented, v. (to be) bocoka. (um). Difficult-affair, n. ingongo (in). Defalcate, v. puta. Dig, v. (scrape with the hand) ,, (steal) eba. tapa. Defaulter, n. (thief) umebi Dig, v. (pull up by the roots) (um). Defect, n. insiyana (in). Defective, a. (bad) bibi. Defender, n. (lawyer) umme- leli (um). Defer, r. (delay) libala. Defiance, n. ukuqobola (uku). Defiance, n. (set at nought) ukudela (uku). Defile, n. incingo-ende (in). ,, v. (of soldiers) viva ngo- kulandelana. Define, v. (fix limits) kaulisa. Definition, n. ukucansisa (uku). ,, (delineation)ukud- weba (uku). Deflagrate, v. langazisela. Deflect, v. (bend) gobisa. Defluction, n. (discharge) ubovu (ulu). Defoliation, h. ukuvutulula (uku). Deft, a. (dexterous) lumbile. ,, (neat) bunono. Defy, v. (challenge) qobola. Deify, v. (praise excessively) dumisa nokudumisa. Deity, n. (the G eat-great One) uNkulunkulu (u). Delay, v. (linger) tikibala. Deliberately, v. (to speak or act) kutazela. simbula. Discern, v. (determine) cope- lela. Discern, v. (judge) tetamacala. Discoloured (to be, as water of full river), tuba. Disease, n. (of goats) umceluzo (um). Disease, n. (sores on dogs) utwai (ulu). Disease, n. (fatal in cattle) um- bicotyo (um). Diseased eye, a. (person with) iswana (i). Disgusting thing, n. amanyala (ama). Disinclined (to be), nqena. Dislocate, v. (as a joint) kumu- kisa, enyela. Dislocated, to be, v. picika, kumuka. Dislocation, n. (a state) ukupi- cika, ukukumuka. Dislocation, n. (act) ukupiciza, ukukumukisa. Dispense, v. abela. ,, (as laws) busa. ,, (medicine) elapa. Disperse, v. (as persons) sabala- lisa. Disperse, v. (shake off, as dust) vutulula. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 89 Disport, v. dhlala, peketa. Disposal, n. ukuhlela (uku). Dispose, v. (arrange) lungisa. ,, (as as army) paka. ,, (sell) tengisa. ,, (arrange) hlela. ,, (regulate) lungisa. ,, (incline to) gobela. ,, (employ) sebenzisa. Disquisition, n. ububuzisisa (uku). Dissimulation, n. ukuzenzisa. ,, (deceit) inko- hliso (in). Dissociate, v. ahlukanisa. Dissolute, a. (reckless) delele. ,, (profligate) tyin- gayo. Dissolve, v. (an assembly) saba- lalisa. Distain, v. (blot) capazela. ,, (stain) beca. ,, (stain, as the top- knot) buda. Distain (stain white) caka, gcaka. Distasteful, a. (nauseous) hlan- zisayo. Distasteful, a. (offensive) dubi- sayo. Distemper, n. (in dogs) ukufa- kwenza. Distil, v. (by heat) kipa ngoku- fudumala. Distil, v. (separate) ahlukanisa. Distort, v. (twist) sonta. ,, (as words) guquke- zela. Distort, v. (the body) tyibi- liza. Distort v. (pervert) pambukisa. Distortion, n. (twisting) uku- sonta (uku). Distortion, n. (perversion) uku- pambukisa (uku). Distortion, n. (deformity) ubu- lima (ubu). Distortion, n. (of words) uku- pendukezela (uku). Distrain, v. (goods) bamba izim- pahla ngobukosi. Divaricate, v. (as the legs) xaba- laza. Divisible, a. ahlukanisiweyo. Divulsion, n. (snatch) ukuhl- wita (uku). Dizzy, a. (giddy) ndiyazele, nesizunguzane. Dizzy, v. (to make), ndiyazisa. Docile, a. (easily taught) nga- fundiswa. Docile, a. (tractable) tambile. Dock, v. (as a tail) nquma um- sila. Dock, n. (of water) icweba (i) umsinga (urn). Docket, n. ikasana (i). Doctrine, n. ukwazi ngezisusa. Doff, v. (take off) epula. ,, (strip) ebula. Dogma, u. (of faith) inhlokoyo- kukolwa (in). Dogmatise, v. (assert) pika. Dolce, ad. kamnandi. Dole, v. abela ngokuncitya. Domain, n. (estate) isifunda (isi). Dome, n. (roof) upahla (ulu). Domesticate, v. (tame) tambisa. Domestication (of home) uku- tandakaya (uku). Domicile, n. (house) indhlu ( in )'. Domicile, v. zihlalisa. Domineer, v. qolotya. Don, v. ambata, vanula. 90 ZULU VADE-MECUM Dormancy, n. ubutongo (ubu). Dormitory, n. ikamelelokulala. Dorsal, a. ngomhlana. Dose, n. itamalomuti (i). Dotage, n. ubuxeku (ubu). Douse, v. cwilisa. Dowdy, n. ivakazi (i). Downhill, n. (slope) utambeka (n), imbanda (im). Drab, a. mpofu. ,, (prostitute) isifebe, isi- ropo (isi). Drag, n. (what impedes) isiro- liso (isi). Dragged- along (to be), rotyeka. Dragoon, v. (force) quba. ,, (harass) kataza. ,, (persecute) zingela. ,, n. (soldier) ibutole- hashi (i). Drakensburg, n. (mountains) uKahlamba (ulu). Draught, n. (act of drawing) ukurola (uka). Draught, n. (of drink) ukupuza (uku). Draught, n. (detachment) iqem- bu (i). Draught, n. (small detachment) isicetyana (isi). Draught, n. (current of air) umo- yafutayo (u). Draught, n. (delineation), um- fanekiso ngemidwa. Draught-horse, n . ihashilirolayo. Draw, v. (take wages) rola. ,, (out, as sticks from a bundle) caza. Draw, v. (in, as the legs) ukuti rongqo. Draw, v. (nigh to) sondezela. Draw, v. (to be drawn together) shuqungana. Drawling, v. (to be), nekenda. Drawling, v. (way, to speak or act in) tesa. Drear, a. (dismal) konkobele, fipele. Dredge, v. (sprinkle) vuirivu- zela ngempupu. Dress, v. (make hair stand) peqa, peqeza. Drift, v. (gently) leza ,, (be driven by water) kukulwa. Drift-sand, n. isihlabati esiquty- wayo umoya. Drill, n. (of farming) umselana wembeu. Drill, n. (of soldiers) ukutya- yiwa kwamabuto. Drill, n. (tool) insimbi yokubo- boza. Drill, v. (bore) boboza, pehla. ,, (as soldiers) tyaya ama- buto. Drill, v. (teach) fundisa ngoku- buyekeza. Drill-box, n. ikisanalembeu (i). Drill-grubber, n. (harrow) isi- buqo (isi). Drink-up, v. (as sun) sela. Drinkable (to be, as water) puzeka. Drive, v. (hard) qubisisa. ,, (urgently for) qubisi- sela. Drivel, v. (of talk) bamuza. ,, (of saliva) hlakahla. ,, (be foolish) pukuza. Dromedary, n. inkameline- lunda. Dropsy, n. (abdominal) ukuku- za-kwesisu. Drought, n. ukunxanwa (uku), ukwomisisa (uku). ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 91 Drugget, n. ikapiti (i). Dry, v. (up, as water) tya. ,, a. omileyo. Dry humour, n. (around a sore) amakotokoto (ama). Dub, n. (puddle) icibi (i). Duct, n. umbobo wamanzi. Duke, n. inkosana (in). Dulcet, a. mtoti. Dumps, n. (low spirits) ukukon- kobala (uku). Dumps, n. (sulks) ukudonda (uku). Dumps, ii. (grumpy) ukuqum- ba (uku). Dun-coloured, a. lufipa. Dunderhead, n. isipukupuku (isi). Dune, n. (fortification) innqaba (in). Dust, v. (to raise) kupeza. Dwell, v. (opposite each other) bekelana. Dye, v. (as the top-knot) buda. Dynamics, 11. ukwazi ngaman- dhla. E. Eager-haste, n. itata (i). Ear-drum, n. ilisolendhlebe (i). Ear-ache, n. (plant for) isikoto- koto (isi). Ears-of-cattle, n. (cut to hang down) amacucu (ama). Earnings, n. inzuzo (in). Eat, v. (to satiety) mbembesa. ,, (something hot in haste) yovuza. Ebb, v. tya. ,, n. (the tide) ibuya (i). Ebony, n. umutimyama (umu). Edacious, a. rarayo. Editor, ii. umhleli (um). Efficacious, a. sebenzisayo. Effloresce, v. (as flowers) ka- hlela. Effuse, v. (pour) tela. ,, (spill) palaza. Effusion, n. ukupalaza, uku- tela. Effusion, n. (of tears) uku- hlengezela (uku). Eject, v. (evacuate) nya. ,, (expel) kipa. Elaborate, v. sebenzisa. ,, (finish) qedaka- lisa. Elaborate, v. (perfect) pelelisisa. ,, (give finishing touch) kota. Elated, v. (to be) kukumala. Elder, n. umdala (um). Elide, v. (as a letter) nquma- gama. Eligible, a. (suitable) fanele. ,, (desirable) kanuk- wayo. Eliminate, v. (cast out) kipa. ,, (make to come out) kumukisa. Eliminate, v. (reject) nqaba. Elongate, v. (stretch) qibula. ,, (extend) elula. ,, (draw out, as elas- tic) nweba. Elongate, v. (enlarge) andisa. Elude, v. (evade) pepa. Elusion, it . ukupepa (uku). Emanate, n. (spring from) vela. Emasculated, v. (to be) teneka. ,, a. tenekile. Embank, v. vimbezela ngodonga. Embark, v. kwela esikepeni. Embattle, v. tyaya amabuto. Embolden, v. kalipisa. 92 ZULU VADE-MECUM Embonpoint, n. ukukulupala (uku). Ernborder, v. vunulisa ngom- peto. Embroider, n. (hem) umpeto (urn). Emeroids, n. izilonjana-zegolo (izi). Emigrate, v. emukela kwelinye ilizwi. Emissary, n. (spy) inhloli (in). Emit, v. (send forth) pumisa. ,, (throw out) ponsela. Emperor, n. inkosinkulu (in). Emporium, n. (mart) ivingili(i). Empower, v. nikamandhla. Emu, n. intye (in). Enact, v. enzamteto. Enactment, n. umteto (urn). Enamour, v. tandisa nokutanda. ,, (charm) unga. Enceinte, a. miti. Encephlon, n. ubucopo (ubu). Enchain, v. bopa ngomcokelelo. Enchant, v. (delight) jabulisa. ,, (charm) unga. Enchanter, n. umtakato (um). Encircle, v. (surround) zungele- zela,'pahla. Encircle, v. (as foes) raqa. ,, (embrace) gona. Encompass, v. (crowd around) pahla. Encompass, v. (with a rope) zungelezela. Encompass, v. (fence off) biye- lela. Encore, n. ukupinda (uku). Encroach, v. (pass boundary) eqa umkaulo. Encroach, v. (invade) hlasela. Endamage, v. ona, onakalisa. Enemy, n. isita (isi). Enervate, v. tengeza, Enfeeble, v. tengeza. Engine, n. (of a train) innqola yomlilo. Engird, v. (with a rope) zunge- lezela. Engorge, v. (swallow) ginya no- kuginya. Engorge, v. (bolt) gimbiliza. ,, (devour) rara. Enigma, n. imfumbe (im). Enliven, v. pilisa. ,, (gladden) jabulisa. Enravish, v. jabulisisa. Ensign, n. indwangu yamabuto, inagi (i). Enslave, v. nqobokisa. Entertain, v. enamisa. ,, (amuse) libalisa. Entomb, v. mbela. Entrails, n. imbilini (im). Epithelium, n. ulwembu (ulu). Equivalent, a. lingene. Equivocal, a. fitizekile. Equivocal, a. (avoiding point at issue) mbancazile. Equivocal, a. (doubtful) kononi- sile. Erode, v. gedhla. Esculent, a. dhlekile. Esophagus, n. umminzo (um). Esplanade, n. inkangala-yoku- vagatya (in). Espouse, v. enda. Etiquette, n. ukuhlonipa (uku). Eulogy, n. ukubabaza (uku). Evacuate, v. enza ze. (void) nya. ,, (eject) kipa, xotya. ,, (withdraw) mon- yula. Evacuate, v. (retreat) fulatela. Even (to be), ukuti ta. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 93 Even, a. (level) hlelenjiwe. ,, (smooth) butyelezi. ,, (calm) tulile. Ever-so-long, ad. kunini. Ever since, ad. yinini. Evert, v. bubisa. Evesdropper, n. umlalelimyan- go (um). Evidence, v. (prove) qinisa. ,, (show) bonisa. ,, (make clear) can- sisa. Evicerate, v. kipa imbilini. Evince, v. qinisa, cansisa. Evolve, v. sombulula. Evulsion, n. ukuhlwita (uku). Exact, a. lingene. ,, (to be upright), ukuti nqo. Excursion, n. (wandering) uk- weduka (uku). Excursion, n. (ramble) ukun- dinda (uku). Excursion, n. (excression) uku- pambuka (uku). Exfoliate, v. (as leaves) vutu- luka. Exhalation, n. (putrid smell) ipanga (i). Exhalation, n. (mist) inkungu (in). _ Exhalation, n. (of burnt food) isirogo (isi). Exhalation, n. (of something mouldy) isikunta (isi). Exhalation, n. (scent) usi (ulu). ,, (perfume) uku- qola (uku). Exhale, v. pefumula. Exit, n. ukwemuka (uku). ,, (passage) isikalasoku- puma (isi). Exorbitant, a. kulukazi. Exordium, n. isikalo senshu- mayelo. Expand, v. (dilate) kukumala. Expatiate, v. (enlarge) andisa. Expatriate, v. xotya ezweni. Expect, v. (eagerly) qolozela. Expedient, a. (fit) fanele. ,, n. (evasion) izaba(i). ,, (invention) uku- qamba (uku). Expend, v. (as money) tenga. ,, (employ) sebenzisa. Expenditure, n. (of money) ukutenga (uku). Expenditure, n. (of time) uku- qoba kwesikati. Expense, n. (cost) inani (i). Expose, v. (denude) hluba. Expurgate, v. (cleanse) hlambu- lula. Exsiccate, v. omisisa. External, a. (visible) sobala. Extinct, a. (as a tribe) pelile. Extinguished (to be) cimeka, citywa. Extravasated blood, n. umopelo (um). Exude, v. (as a wound) cica. ,, (through the skin) juluka. Exudation, n. (discharge) uku- cica (uku). Exudation, n. (perspiration) ukujuluka (uku). Eyebrow-projecting, a. zim- punyu. Eyebrows, n. (projecting) ama- qaqa (ama). Eyelet-hole, n. intunja (in). Eyelid, ukope (ulu). Eyesight, n. ukubona (uku). Eyesore, n. (something offen- sive) ukudubisa. 94 ZULU VADE-MECUM Eye-salve, n. amafutamehlo (am a). Eye-shot, n. ukubekabeka (uku). Eyes (to shut) cima. ,, (to shut for) ciniela. ,, (cause to shut) cimisa. ,, (shut firmly) cimeza. Eye-witness, 'ufakazi (u). F. Faddle, v. dhlala, feketa. Faeces, n. utuvi (ulu). Fag, v. (be weary) katala. ,, (tire out) kataza. ,, n. isigqila (isi) . Fagged, p.p. katele. Fairy, n. idhlozi, itongo, isituta (isi). Faithful, plur. abakolwayo. Fall, v. (cause to) wisa. (in with) fumana. (in with, agree) vumela. (get thrown) ponseka. (pounce upon) wela. 72. (act of falling) ukuwa (uku) . Fall, n. (precipice) iliwa, isiwa. Fare, n. imali-yokuhamba (im). Farina, n. impupu (im). Farrier, n. (doctor) innyanga yamahashi. Farthing, n. indibilityana (in). Fasces, n. isijula, sezindukwana. Fate, n. (lot) inkato (in). Fat, n. (of pericardium) ubelu (ulu). Fat, n. (liquid, oil) utyekezi (ulu). Fat, n. (animal) umqumane (um) . Fat, n. (chop) isiqata (isi). ,, v. (to be) nona. Fat, v. (to grow) kulupala. ,, v. (to be) (as a large man) tubeka. Fatherless child, intandane (in). Fathom, v. zika. ,, (comprehend) qon- da. Fathom, v. (master) tantata. Feast, v. (enjoy one's-self) da- masa. Feather, n. (tail of ostrich) im- bangayiya (im). Feces, n. (hard) uingama, um- pulu (um). Feebly, v. (to go) tengezela. Feed, v. (off, as grass) qwata. Feel, v. (relief) lalelisa. Feign, v. (to strike) gema. Felicitous, a. tokozisayo. Femoral, a. ngetanga. Fence, v. (for) biyela. ,, (cause to) biyisa. ,, (very carefully) biyi- sisa. Fern, n. (tree) isikomane (isi). ,, (used as vermifuge) i'n- komankomo (in). Ferocious, a. (to be, as a man) rafurafuzela. Ferocious, a. (as an animal) bavela. Ferrel, n. indandato-yemsimbi. Ferry-boat, n. isikepana soku- wela. Fervent, a. (earnest) copelele. Festal, a. (joyous) jabulayo. Fertility, n. ukuvunda (uku). Feud, n. ukuxabana (uku). Fever, n. (medicine for) ikambi Fiat, n. isiyalo (isi). Fiddle-faddle, n. (talk) ukupo- tyoza (uku). ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 95 Fiend, n. idemoni (i). Fierce, n. (person) isiralijani (isi). Fill, v. (partly) gamatisa. ,, (half -fill) qingatisa. Filled, v. (to be, with earth) gqibeka. Filly, n. insikazana-yehashi (in). Filthy, a. ngcolileyo, nensila. Finery, n. (curiosities) amaqa- buqabu (ama). Finish, v. (together) qedana. ,, (as an ox) gwagqaza. ,, (as line of writing, row) feza. Finish, v. (completely) qedaka- lisa. Finished, v. (to be) qedakala. Fire, v. (set on fire) tyisa. Firewood (to cut for), tezela. Firm, v. (cause to stand) sima- misa. Firm, v. (to stand) simama. ,, (be made fast) gcineka. First-fruits, v. (to eat) tywama, etywama. First-fruits (of man or beast), izibulo (i). Fish, v. (scale of), inkwetu (in). Fitchet, n. isibanda (isi). Flagelate, v. tyaya. Flagon, n. isitya esikulu soku- puza. Flake (scale), inkwetu (in). Flambeau, n. ubaqa (ulu). Flash (flare up), gqamuka. Flat (thing, as wafer, fish- scale), ugcwecwana (ulu). Flat, n. (thing, as plate of glass) ugcwecwe (ulu). Flaunt, v. (wave to and fro), pepezela. Flaunt, v. (be saucy to) galazela. Flaunt, v. (behave unbecoming- ly) ganga. Flaunt, v. (fine clothes) zivunu- lisa. Flit, v. emuka. Float, v. (towards) ntantela. ,, (as a hawk) zula. Flock, v. (as sickly sheep) butuka. Flout, v. (whistle) beta, or tyaya umlozi. Flout, v. (treat with contempt) duba. Flout, v. (mock) swabula. Flow, v. (sweep away, as a river) kukula. Flower, n. ufulawa (u). Fluster, v. (confuse) didakalisa. Fly, v, (off, or back, as a spring) kwebuka. Fly, v. (cause to fly about, as a dog) quzisa. Fly, v. (fly at, as a dog) quzela. Fob, v. (cheat) kohlisa. Fodder, n. (for horses) ukudhla kwamahashi. Foil, v. (off, by pretext) ebanda, banda. Foil, v. (fend off) vika. ,, (defeat) nqoba. Foliaceous, a. namaqabunga. Follower, n. (who eats good things) ibensa (i). Fondle, v. gona. Food, n. (gelatinous kind) in- semeseme (i). Foolish person, n. isitititi (isi). Foramen, n. isikalana (isi). Forbear, v. (stop) peza. Forehead, n. (person with re- tiring) isigele (isi). Foreman, n. umpati wabase- benzi. 96 ZCLU VADE-MECUM Forerun, v. andulela. Forerunner, 11. isigijimi (isi). Forestall, v. andulela. Forethought, n. umnako (um). For- ever, ad. kuzekubepakade. Form, v. (into a round ball) bulunga. Former, n. (maker) umnezi • (um) . Forsake, v. (for) shiyela, lahlela. ,, (one another) shi- yana. Fount, 11. umtombo (um). Fowl-lice, 11. umkupe (um). Fragrant, a. nepungalimnandi. Fratricide, n. umbulali worn- kuluwe. Fray, n. (quarrel) ukuxabana (uku) . Fray, v. (terrify) etusa. ,, (rub) hlikihla. Freak, n. indhlalo (in). Free-and-easy-manners,7i. uteku (ulu). Freshet, n. isikukula (isi). Fretful, (to be) tetema. Friable, v. (to be) butuka. ,, a. butukile. Fribble, v. (trifle) dhlala. Fringe, n. umpeto (um). Frond, n. iqabunga (i). Frousy, a. (musty) kuntile. Frow, ii. umfazi (um). Frown, v. (at) rwaqela. Fry, v. osa epaneni. Fudge, int. iya ! Fuel, n. izikuni (izi). Fugaceous, a. (fleeting) bale- kayo. Fulcrum, n. (prop) isisekezelo (isi). Fulsome, a. (flattering) bunga- zele. Fulsome, a. (nauseous) hlanzi- sayo. Funambulate, v. sina egodeni. Function, n. (power) amandhla (ama) . Function, n. (authority) ubu- kosi. Funicle, n. igoda elihlambulu- lekile. Furious, (to be) dhloba. Further, ad. (a little), mala. Furthermore, conj. kepake. Furbelow, n. isifeketiso (isi). Furl, v. (as sails) sonya. Future, adv. pambili. G. Gain, v. (for) zuzela. ,, (cause to) zusisa. Gallantry, n. ubuqawe (ubu). ,, (of women) uku- xoxa (uku). Gallop, v. (as a horse, &c.) qaqabula. Gang, n. ibandhla (i). Gangway, n. incingo yokun- gena. Gangrene, n. ukufa (uku). Gannet, n. ihansi (i). Gap, v. (to stop) vimbela. ,, (to patch) ciciyela. Gaping, n. ukuzamula (uku). Garble, v. (select) keta. ,, (mutilate) nquma. Garden, n. (small vegetable) isife (isi). Garner, n. ingobo (in). Garnish, v. vunula. Garrison, n. innqaba (in). Gash, v. gedhla, sika. Gateway, n. isango (i). Gaudy, a. (showy) bonwayo. ENGLISH- ZULU VOCABULARY 97 Gaunt, a. (thin) zacile. Gawk, n. (fool) isiula (isi). ,, (simpleton) isipuku- puku (isi). Gay, a. (cheerful) enamele. Gemini, n. amawele ezulu. Genealogy, n. izizukuhvana (izi). Genial, a. enamele. Genteel, a. fubuzele. Genuflexion, n. ukugobakwe- dolo (uku). Genuine, a. qoto. ,, (pure) cwebile. Get, v. (loose) kumuka. Geyser, n. untombo otyisayo. Ghastly, a. (pale) fipele. ,, (dreadful) esabe- kayo. Ghastly, a. (dismal) mnyama. Ghoul, n. idemoni (i). Gibber, v. (gabble) mpomposa. Gibe, v. (taunt) swabula. ,, (scoff) hleka usulu. ,, (sneer) sineka. Gigantic, a. kulukazi. Gipsy, n. (wanderer) umdindi (um). Girl, n. (without top-knot) iqi- kiza (i). Girt, v. (surround) binca. Girth, n. ibande lehashi. Gladiator, n. olwayo ngesin- kemba. Glare, 11. (of the sun) isamvu (isi). Gloat, v. bukisisa. Gloss, 11. ukucwazimula (uku). ,,, v. (explain) cansisa. Gloze, v. (explain) cansisa. ,, (flatter) toboza. ,, (wheedle) ncenga. ,, 11. (insinuation) ukutyi- kityela (uku). Gnarl, v. (growl) gwavuma. ,, (murmur) kononda. ,, (snarl) nqwena. Go, v . (round about) gwegwesa. ,, (do., for) gwegwesela. ,, (do., cause to) gwegwe- selisa. Goad, v. qubezela. Gobble, v. (as food) rara, ginga. Goblin, n. isitunzi (isi). Golish,7£. isicatulosemvula (isi). Gorgeous, a. cwazimulayo. Gormand, n. isiminzi (isi). Gradation, n. ukuquba ngama- banga. Gradual, a. amabanga ngama- banga. Grandiloquent, a. mpompozayo, Graphic, a. fanekisayo. Grapple, v. (as two dogs fight- ing), tolana. Gravitate, v. donsela epakatini. Gravitation, n. ukudonselwa epakatini. Great eater, n. irobotya (i). Great hunter, n. ipisi (i). Greet, v. (send compliments) konzela. Greytown, n. Umgungudhlov- wana (um). Grove, n. icolo (i). Grub, n. (white, in old manure) ituku (i). Gruel, n. (thin, isijingi) isinam- biti (isi). Gruff sound, n. isibovu (isi). Grunt, ii. (of a man) isibovu (isi). Gyves, n. izibopo zemilenzi. Guess, v. linganisa. Gush (upon), petuzela. Guzzle, v. nyanyalaza. H 98 ZULU VADE-MECUM H. Ha ! intj. au ! Hack, n. (horse) ihashi (i). Hairs, n. (private parts) izinza (izi). Hairs, n. (male private parts) izipumpu (izi). Hale, v. (drag) rola. ,, a. pilile. Half-yearly, ad, kabili ngom- nyaka. Hall, n. ikamelolikulu (i). ,, (residence) indhunkulu (in). Hall, n. (magistrate's office) ikantolo (i). Hall, n. (passage) incingo (in). Halter, n. itome (i). Hand, n. (left) isinxele (isi). ,, (in the) sesandhleni. ,, (slack) ubuvila (ubu). ,, v. (to lend) siza. ,, (to take in) linga. Handed-person, n. (left) inxele Handicraft, n. ukusebenza nge- sandhla. Hand-made, a. enziwe ngesan- dhla. Hand-over, v. nikezela. Hands, v. (to strike) vuvelana. Hand- writing, n. ukuloba (uku). Handy, a. lumbile. Hap, v. bamba ngesandhla. Harangue, n. ukuqapuza (uku). ,, v. qapuza. Harass, v. kataza. Harasser, n. umkatazi (urn). Harbinger, n. umanduleli (um). Harbour, n. iteku (i). Hard, n. (something difficult) ubuxayi (ubu). Harpoon, n. umkonto-wom- komo. Harrow, v. (rake) kukula. ,, n. (rake) isikukulo (isi). ,, v. hlupa nokuhlupa. ,, (harass) kataza. ,, (lacerate) dabula. Harry, v. (plunger) panga. ,, (strip) ebula. ,, (tease) hlupa. Harsh, a. nolunga. Harum-scarum, a. pukiizile. Hassock, 11. isihlalo-sezinyawo (isi). Hastate, a. nesimosomkonto. Hasten, v. (to) rubela. Hate, v. (one another) zonda. Haunch, n. ukalo (ulu), isinqe (isi). Have, v. (very little of) hlonga. Haven, n. iteku lezikepe. Havock, n. ukutyabalalisa. Hawser, n. igoda-lesikepe (i). Headman, n. (owner) umnini (um). Head-ring-dresser, n. umcwah (um). Head-ring, v. (to make) kehla. Heads (finest cattle), umlomo (um). Heap, v. (cause to) fumbisa. ,, n. (of mealie-stalks) izala (i)- Heap, n. (of logs) igoqo (i). ,, (ant-hill) isiduli (isi). Heap-up, v. qongisa. ,, (save money) qon- gelela. Hear, v. (pretend not to) ziba. Hearken, v. ezwa, zwa. Hearse, u. ikalishi lesidumbu. Heartless, a. nolunga. , , (spiritless) dangele. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 99 Heavy person, n. (slow going) innsindansinda (in). Heavy affliction, n. ubunzima (ubu). Heifer, n. (small) isitokazana (isi). Help, v. (in difficult business) peleka. Help, v. (to bring aid), putu- misa. Hence, ad. (from this place) kulendawo. Hence ! (away !) iya ! suka ! Henceforth, ad. ngesikati esi- zayo. Henchman, n. (servant) inceku ( in )- ., . . Hepar, n. (liver) isibindi (isi). Hepatic, a. ngesibindi. Hepta, isikombisa (isi). Herald, n. ummemezeli (um). Heraldry, n. ukumemezela (uku). Heraldship, n. isikundhla som- memezeli. Hereabout, ad. ngalapa. Hereafter, ad. ngesikati esezayo. Herewith, ad. ngaloku. Hermetically, v. (to seal), vim- bezeliliswa. Hesitating (to be), nekenda. Heterogeneous, a. nolobolunye. ,, (dissimilar) ahlukene. ,, (contradictory) pikayo. ,, (confused) pitizisekile. Hew, v. (chop) banda. ,, (cut down for) gaulela. ,, (cause to) gaulisa. Heyday ! inter}, halala ! Hibernate, lala ubisika bonke. Hide, v. (oneself on account of) bacela. Hide, v. (one another) fihlana. Hide, v. (on account of) fihlela. Higgledy-piggledy, ad. nesipiti- piti. Highness, n. (rank) indhlovu High-fed, a. minzisiwe. High-handed, a. gungazayo. High-living, n. isicanucanu (isi). High-mettled, a. zidhlayo. High- water, n. libuyalikulu (i). Hilt, ;/. (handle) umpini (um). Hind, n. (servant) inceku (in). Hinge, n. ingwegwe-yesivalo (in). Hinny, v. kala, konya. Hippodrome, n. isiyingilizelo samahashi. Hirsute, a. noboya. Hispid, a. noboya. History, n. ukwazi ngeziswe. Hit, v. (as a target) finyelela. ,, (succeed) hlabainhlanhla. ,, n. (stroke) ukudansula (uku). Hit, n. (chance) inhlanhla (in). ,, (bappy conception) isi- zindhlo esihle. Hitch, n. (knot) ifindo (i). Hoar, a. (with age) mhlope ngobuxegu. Hoard, n. (wealth) ukunota (uku). Hoard, n. (money) imali ebekel- weyo. Hob-nail, n. isipikilisikulu sesi- catulo. Hobnob, v. dakisana. Hocus, v, kohlisa. Hoity-toity, intj. yeka. Hole, n. (opening) intuba (in). ,, (gap) isikala (isi). Holloa, intj. yebuya. 100 ZULU VADE-MECUM Hollow, n. (of the hand) uwetye (u). Hollow, n. (of the hand, used as a cup) umnyaba (urn). Hollow -place, n. (in tree) inkolo Hollow-place, n. (in a rock) ulonto (ulu). Holm, n. (land) imfunda (im). Holt, n. (forest) ihlati (i). Home, v. (to get) fika ekaya. Homogeneous, a. nohlobolunye. Honeycomb, n. (with young bees) n ubusi (ubu). Honorarium, n. uxa (ulu). Hoodwink, v. kohlisa. Hoop, n. (ring) indandato (in). ,, (of metal) isiyingi sensimbi. Hoot, r. xokozola. Horn, n. (for smoking hemp) igudu (i). Horn, n. (cupping) upondo lwokulumeka. Horse-drench, n. umrudiso we- hashi. Horse-power, n. amandhla ehashi. Hortative, a. yalayo. Host, n. (army) impi (im). ,, (multitude) isixuku (isi). Hot wind, n. itisandhlu (i). Hotness, n. ukufudumala (uku). Hound, n. inja (in). Huckster, n. umtengisi (um). Hue-and-cry, v. (to raise) landa isela. Huff, v. (offend) duba. ,, (swell) kukumala. ,, (bluster) kukumeza. Hulk, n. (old ship) isikepesidala. Hull, n. (outer covering) igobo- londo (i). Hullabaloo, n. ukuxokozela (uku). Humeral, a. ngehlombe. Humorist, n. isinteli (isi). Humorous, a. hlekisayo. ,, (playful) feketayo. Humorousness, n. (caprice) ukutyibazela (uku). Humorousness, n. (play) uku- feketa. Humour, v. (indulge in) totosa. ,, n. (caprice) ukutyiba- zela (uku). Hunch, n. ilunda (i). Hundred-thousand, itye (i). Hunger, v. (desire meat) tyada. Hunt, v. (away from) xotya. Hunting-horn, itilongo lokuzin- gela. Huntress, n. umzingelikazi (um). Hurdle, n. isirudulo. Hurly-burly, n. ukuxokozela. Hurricane, n. isivunguvungu (isi). Hurriedly, v. (to do) tatazela. Hurry, v. (cause to) pangisa, tyetyisa. Hurry, v. (violently) tyityinga. Hydrography, n. ukwazi nga- manzi. Hydromancy, n. ukulokotela- ngamanzi (uku). Hydrometer, n. isilinganiselo- samanzi (isi). Hydropathy, n. ukupilisa-nga- manzi (uku). Hydrous, a. namanzi. Hyemal, a. nobusika. Hyperbole, n. isikukumezo samazwi. Hyphen, n. umudwa woku- hlanganisa. ENGLISH-ZULU "VOCABULARY 101 Hypnotic, a. lalisayo. Hypochondriac, n. umkonko- bali (um). I. I am (as in a letter), yimi. Idle person, n. ivila (i). Igneous, a. tyayo. Ignoble, a. (mean) delelekile. IgnomiDious, a. hhlazisayo. Ignomy, n. ihlazo (i). Ignoramus, n. umfunda (um). Ignore, v. nqaba. ,, (despise) dela. Illegal, a. eqayo umteto. Ill-use, v. (maltreat) hlukuluza. ,, (cause to) ncolisa. ,, (with mouth or hand) ruba. Ill-will, n. (spite) igqubu (i). Ill-luck, n. umhlola. Ill-omen, n. isisila (isi). ,, (evil reproach) isi- hlamba (isi). Illicit, a. eqayo umteto. Illimitable, a. ngenamkaulo. Illude, v. (deceive) kohlisa. ,, (mock) swabula. ,, (pl^y tricks) ganga. Imitator, n. umlingisi (um). Immaculate, a. cwebile, ngcwele. Immanent, a. (abiding) hlalayo. Immarginate, a. ngenampeto, ngenacilo. Immature, a. luhlaza. Immature-fruit, n. (unripe figs) umpobo (um). Immerge, v. cwila. Immobility, n. ukuqina, uku- nqaba (uku). Immolate, v. hlabela. Immolated, v. (to be) hlabekela. Immure, v. vimbezela. Imp, n. idemoni (i). Impact, v. tyayanisa. ,, 11. ukutyayana (uku). Impalpable, a. colisisekile. Imperfectly, ad. uswempu. Impinge, v. tyayela. Implements, n. izikali (izi). Implicate, v. nikacala. Impoverish, v. enzampofu. Impound, v. vimbezela. Improbity, n. ubushinga (ubu). Imprudent, a. (rash) delele. ,, (foolish) pukuzile. Impudent-person, n. ugalagala (u). Impugn, v. (attack) sukela. ,, (contradict) pika. Inability, n. (physical) ukudan- gala (uku). Inaction, n. (rest) ukupumula (uku). Inaction, n. (idleness) ubuvila (ubu). Inane, a. ngenaugqondo. Inanimate, a. (dead) file, bubile. ,, (dull) fipele. Inapplicable, a. ngafanele. Inarticulate, a. (no joints) nge- namalungu. Inauspicious, a. nomhlola. Inauspiciousness, n. isisila, um- hlola. Incapacious, n. ncinyane. ,, (unfit) ngafanele. Incapaciousness, n. ubuncin- yane (ubu). Incarnate, a. sennyameni. Incautious, (i. delele. Incentive, a. kalipisayo. ,, n. ukukalipisa (uku). Incertitude, n. (doubt) ukuro- nona (uku). 102 5ULU VADE-MECUM Incidence, n. ukwehlela (uku). Inclose, v. (shut in) vimbezela. ,, (enclose) pahla. ,, (put into) faka. Inclosure, n. (for cattle) isibaya (isi)- Inclosure, n. (fence) isibiyisiso (isi). Incomplete, a. putayo. Incompressible, a. ngafocozeki. Inconceivable, a. ngazindhle- keli. Incondensible, ngayinyeki. Incongruent, a. ngafanele. Inconsiderate, v. (to be) delela. Inconsolable, a. dabukile noku- dabuka. Inconstant, a. shudulekile. Incontinent, a. (lustful) ganun- gayo. Incontrovertible, qinisisiweyo. Inconvenience, v. kataza, hlupa. ,, n. inkatazo (in). Incorrigible, a. shingayo. Incrassate, v. (thicken) jayisa. Incriminate, n. nikacala. Incubate, v. fukamela. Inculcate, v. (teach) fundisisa. Incumbent, a. cambalele. Incurable, a. ngenakupiliswa. Incurvate, v. gwegwa. ,, a. gwegwiwe. Indebted, a. kwela amacala. Indecent, a. ngahlonipi. Indecorousness, «. ukuma okubi. Indefatigable, a. kutele noku- kutala. Indefensible, a. ngavikeli. Indirect, a. (circuitous) zekelele. Indisputable, a. ngapikiwe. Indite, n. qamba. Individual, n. umuntu (umu). Indoctrinate, v. fundisa izisusa. Induce, n. vumisa. Induct, v. ngenisa. ,, (appoint) misa. ,, (appoint for) misela. Induction, n. ukungenisa (uku). Indurate, a. enzalukuni. ,, (unfeeling) enzano- lunya. Indweller, n. umhlali (urn). Inert, a. (slow) libele. Inexorable, a. ngagobeki. Infamous, a. nehlazo. Infatuate, v. yengisisa. Infect, v. nikasifo. Infer, v. susa, pungula. Inference, n. ukususa, uku- pungula (uku). Infernal, a. nedemoni. Infertile, a. nyumbile. ,, (of land) ngateli. Infest, v. hlupa nokuhlupa. Inflated, v. (to be, with vanity) kukumala. Inflexed, a. gobekile. Infold, v. songcla. Inform, v. (properly about) qon- disa. Inform, v. (each other) bike- Ian a. Inform, v. (against) cebela. Informer, n. umbiki (um). In front of, ad. (advance of) ngapambili. Infraction, n. ukwapula (uku). ,, (of laws) ukweqa (uku). Infringe, v. (violate) ona. ,, (encroach) hlasela. ,, (transgress) eqa. Ingeniously, a. (skilful) lumbile. ,, (inventive) qambayo. Ingeniousness, (skill) ukulumba (uku). ENGLISH- ZULU VOCABULARY 10 Ingeniousness (invention), uku- qamba (uku). Ingenuous, a. (candid) qoto. Inhale, v. kukumeza amapapu. Inhibit, v. (restrain) godhla. ,, (hinder) vimbela. ,, (check) libalisa. ,, (repress) kuza. ,, (forbid) ala. ,, (stop) pezisa. Inhuman, a. (cruel) nolunya. Inhume, v. (bury) mbela. Iniquitous, a. shingayo. Initial, n. isiqalo selizwi. Initiation, n. ukungenisa (uku). ,, (act) ukwetwasisa (uku) . Initiation, n. (state) ukwetwasa (uku). Injudicious, a. (unwise) puku- zile, pukuzekile. Injured, v. (to be, morally) xwala. Injustice, n. (sin) ukwona. ,, (violation of law) ukweqa umteto. Inland, ad. enhla. Inmate, n. umhlali (um). ,, (for one night) um- pambukeli (um). Innerve, v. nika amandhla. Innominate, a. ngapandhle kwegama. Innovate, v. (change) pendu- kisa. Inquest, n. ukubuzisisangokufa. ,, (jury) ibandhla loku- buzisisa ngokufa. Inquire, v. (on behalf of) buzela. , , (of one another) buzana. ,, (do., for) buzanela. In reality, ad. kasibili. Inscribe, v. loba, bala. Inscription, n. ukubalwa, uku- lotywa (uku). Insensate, a. (stupid) pukuzile. Inset, v. tyala. Insidious, a. (deceitful) kohli- sayo. Insidious, a. (sly) nyele. ,, (treacherous) mbu- mbula. Insidious, a. (ensnaring) tiyayo. Insight, n. (skill) ukulumba (uku) . Insignia, n. upan (ulu). Insignificant, a. (contemptible) delekile. Insignificant, a. (trivial) nesi- bando. Insnare, v. tiya. Insolate, v. beka elangeni. Insolent, a. galagazele, qolo- tyile. Insolvent, a. kwelwa izikweledi. Insomuch, conj. ingati. Inspector, n. umhloli (um). Inspissate (to be), jiyisa. Instance, n. (example) umlinga- niso (um). Instate, v. ngenisa esikund- hleni. Instigate, v . (excite) vubula. Instil, v. (drop) consa. ,, (drop carefully) consisa. ,, (into the mind) fundi- sisa. Instillation, n. ukuconsisa(uku). Institute, n. misa. Insubordinate, shingayo. Insular, a. pahlwa ngamanzi. Insure, v. (make certain) qinisa. Insurgent, n. umhlubuki (um). Insurrection, n. ukuhlubuka (uku). 104 ZULU VADE-MECUM Integument, n. (skin) isikurnba Intone, v. (chant) ruba, hlabe- (isi). lela. Integument, n, (epidermis) in- Intort, v. (twist) pota, sonta. kwetu (in). Intra, prep, pakati. Integument, n. (hard covering) Intra-uterine, a. pakati kwesisu. igobolondo (i). Intrench, v. emba-umsele. Intelligence, n. ukuqonda, uku- Intromit, v. pata imiriba ya- zindhla (uku). Intelligible, a. (plain) sobala. ,, (made clear) can - sisile. Intent, a. qondisisile. Intercepted, v. (from view, to be) siteka. Interclude, v. vimbezela. Intercostal, a. pakati kwezim- bambo. Intercourse, v. (sexual, to have) fenda. Interdict, v. ala, nqaba. Interdigital, a. pakati kwe- minwe. Interest, n. (concern) ukunaka (uku) . Interest, n. (benefit) inhlanhla (in). Interest, n. (kindness) ubunene (ubu). Interfere, v. (mediate) lamula. ,, (handle) tinta. ,, (care) naka. Interfoliate, v. faka pakati kwa- makasi. Interfoliate, v. (interweave) alu- makanisa. Intimate, v. (announce) meme- zela. Intimidate, v. (dishearten) dan- galisa. Intonate, v. duma. ,, (modulate) linga- nisalizwi. Intonate, v. (sing) hlabelela. banye. Introspect, v. bukisisa pakati. Intrude, v. zisisa. Intrust, v. tembela. Intumesce, v. kukumala ngoku- fudumezwa. Intwist, v. alukanisa. Inumbrate, v. fipaza. Invalidate, v. ncipisamandhla. Inventory, n. ukwenza uhla lwezinto. Inverse, v. hlanekezela. Inversion, v. (act) ukuhlaneke- zela (uku). Inversion, v. (state) ukuhlane- kezelwa (uku). Invertebral, a. ngenamhlonzo. Invest, v. (as a city) raqa. ,, (as money) bekelela imali. Invest, v. (as a garment) vunula. ,, (place in office) misa. Investiture, n. ukumiswa (uku). Inviolable, a. ngonakalisiwe. Invisible, a. ngabonakali. Invocate, v. (request) cela. ,, (P ra > r ) tandaza, ku- leka. Invocate, v. (implore) nxusa, celisisa. Invocation, n. (prayer) umtan- dazo (um). Invoke, v. (call) biza. ,, (in prayer) tandaza, kuleka. Invoke, v. ("entreat) ncengisisa. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 105 Involute, v. songela. Inweave, v. alukanisa. Irascible, a. nolaka. . Iron-fisted, a. (covetous) rarayo. Iron-founder, n. umncibilikisi wensimbi. Iron-hearted, a. nolunya. Ironware, n. (tools) izikali zen- simbi. Irradiate, v. kanyisa. Irreproachable, a. (innocent) ngenacala. Irruption, n. (breaking in) fo- hloza, damusa. Irruption, n. (invasion) ukuhla- sela (uku). Item, n. inhloko (in). It is because, ad. yikuba, yin- goba. Jactitation, n. ukujila (uku). Jaculatory, a. (as a spear) simu- liweyo. Jaculatory, a. (of speech) pamu- kile. Jade, v. (tire) kataza. ,, (weary) dinisa. ,, (horse) ihashi elikate- leyo. J agger, n. umqopi (um). Jam, v. (squeeze) bandezisisa. Jamb, n. (door post) isitum- banja (isi). Jangle, n. (babble) ukubamuza (uku). Jangle, n. (quarrel) ukuxabana (uku). Janitor, n. imvali (im). Jargon, u. ukuciciyela kwol- wimi. Jasmine, n. unompuqozi (u). Jaunt, v. vagatya. ,, (ramble) ndintla. Jaunting, n. (rambling) uku- ndinda (uku). Javelin, n. umkonto (um). Jeopardise, v. enza inkato. Jet, n. (of water) ukumpompoza (uku). Jet, n. (blackness) ubumnyama (ubu) . Jetty, n. inhlonhlo-yabantu (in). Jewel, a. (ornament) isivunulo . ( isi )- Jig, v. (dance) sina. Jimmy, n. ucingo (ulu). Job, n. umsebenzi (um). Jockey, v. kohlisa. Jocular proverb, n. isiga (isi). Johnny-cake, n. isicaba (isi). Joint, (small) ilungwana (i). Joist, n. umjanjato (um). Jole, n. isihlati (isi). Jolly-looking person, n. itya- tyazi (i). Jordan, n. Isitya-somtyobingo. Journeying, a. hambayo. Jowl, n. isihlati sengulube. Jubilant, a. jabulayo. Jubilation, n. ukwenanela (uku). Judicious, a. hlakanipile. Juggle, v. kohlisa ngomkuba. Jugular- vein, n. umtambo om- kulu wentamo. Juice, n. inhluzi (in). Jump, v. (make a spring) ba- bama. Jump, v. (leap beyond) eqelela. ,, (cause to) eqisa. ,, (one before another) eqelana. Jump, v. (for) eqela. Just, a. (true) qinileyo. ,, (proper) faneleyo. 106 ZULU VADE-MECUM Jut, v. (throw) ponsela. Juvenile, n. umfana (um). Juvenility, n. ubutya (ubu) K. Kalk, n. umcako (um). Kamsin, n. umoyatyisayo (u). Karoo, n. Inkangala (in). Keg, n. umpongolwana (um). Kerb, n. umpeto wamatye. Kernel, n. inhlamvu (in). Kidnap, v. ebabantu. Kill, v. (hurt one another) bula- lana. Kill, v. (thoroughly) bulalisisa. ,, (lice or ticks) coba. ,, (by charms) takata. ,, (for) bulalela. ,, (cause to) bulalisa. Kimbo, a. gotyiwe. Kin, n. ubuhlobo. , , (kindness) ubunene (ubu) . Kink, n. ukusonteka (uku). Kirk, 11. iremente (i). Kleptomania, n. ubuhlanya bc- sela. Knack, n. ukulumba (uku). Knacker, n. umhlabi wama- hashi. Knag, n. (peg) isikonkwane (isi). Knob, n. (button) inkinopo (in). , , (protuberance) ipuzu (i) . Knop, n. inkinopo (in). Kraal, n. (entrance of) isango (i). , , (area of) inkundhla (in) . ,, (military) ikanda (i). ,, (side entrance) isipondo (isi). Kraals, n. imizi (imi). L. Lachrymal, a. nezinyembezi. Lack-a-day ! intj. maye ! Lactometer, u. isilinganiso sobisi. Lair, n. umrolo (um). Lambent, a. dhlalayo. Lamina, n. (leaf) iqabunga (i). Lamprey, n. umbokane (um). Lance, n. umkonto (um). Lancet, n. umesana (u). Lancinate, v. (tear) dabula. Land-breeze, n. umoya opepe- telayo elwandhle. Land-carriage, n. ikalishi (i). Landed proprietor, umnini- wesifunda (um). Land-head, n. (headland) in- hlonhlo (in). Landward, ad. ngasemhlabeni. Landing-net, n. ineta (i). Landlord, n. inkosi yendhlu. Landscape, n. ilizwe-elibon- wayo. Larrup, v. tyaya. Lash, v. (bind) bopa. ,, (sew together) tunga. Latent, a. bacile, ngabonakali. Lateral, a. secalini. Law, n. (martial) umteto wama- buto. Law, n. (criminal) umteto wa- babi. Law, n. (ecclesiastical) umteto \veremente. Law, n. (moral) imiteto yika Tixo. Law, n. (Mosaic) imiteto yaba Yudi. Law, n. (village) umteto wo- muzi. Layer, n. (row or line) uhla (ulu). Lead, v. (in music) hlonza. ,, (show the way) kom- bisa. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 107 Leader, it. (of singing) umhlonzi (um). Leave, v. (leave) shiya. ,, (cause to).shiyisa. ,, (say farewell) valelisa. ,, (do., to one another) valelisana. Leave, v. (let go unwillingly) dela. Leave, n. umvumelo (um). Leaved, a. namaqabunga. Lecherous, a. ganungayo. Ledge, n. itala (i). Legislate, v. enza irniteto. Leisure, n. (rest) ukupumula (uku). Lemon, n. isixebi (isi). Leo, n. ibubesi (i). Let, d. (in) ngenisa. ,, (hinder) vimbela, tintela. Lethal, a. nokufa. Levigate, v. colisisa. Libidinous, a. kanukayo. Libra, n. isikeli (isi). Library, n. amatala ezincwadi. Librate, v. (balance) liganisa. Licentious, a. ganungayo. Lick, v. (beat) tyaya. ,, (conquer) nqoba. Lickerish, a. (greedy) rarayo. Lift, v. (make great) kulisa. ,, n. ukupakamisa (uku). ,, (state) ukupakanyiswa. Lifter, n. (shop-lifter) isela levingili. Light, v. (from a horse) ehlika. ,, (pounce upon) wela. ,, (befall) ehla. Ligneous, a. nomuti. Ligulate, a. njengebande. Liliputian, n. (dwarf) imbat- yelana (im). Limnacious, a. njengomnenke. Limbo, n. (hem) umpeto (um). ,, (of hell) ipetelo lesi- rogo. Limbo, n. (prison) etilongweni. Limn, v. (paint) beca. ,, (draw) dweba. Limp (to be, as a dead snake), ukuti cubululu. Limpid, a. (as water) cwebile. Link, 11. (torch) isihlanti ,( isi >-. Liquation, n. (act) ukuncibili- kisa (uku). Liquation, n. (state) ukuncibi- lika (uku). Liquefy, v. ncibilikisa. List, v. (set in order) hlela. ,, ii. (border) umpeto (um). Lithe, a. gobekile. Lithoidal, a. namatye. Litter, v. (as cats and dogs) nyelezela. Lives, n. obomi. Locate, v. beka. Locomotion, //. ukuquba (uku). Loll, v. (give way to sloth) vilapa. Loll, v. (walk slowly) tengezela, totoba. Long-lived, a. dala kakulu. Long-range, n. ukufinyelela (uku). Long vacation, n. ukupozisa okukulu. Long-winded, a. libele. Long yarn, n. insumansumane (in). Long-bow, v. (to draw) enezela. ,, (tell lies) qamba- manga. Looby, n. (lazy) ivila, ivilakazi. , , (dull) isipukupuku (isi) . ,, (clumsy) isicwe (isi). 108 ZULU VADE-MECUM Loom, v. (appear indistinctly) hlaluka ngokufipala. Loop-hole, n. (window) ifenstile elincinyane. Loop-hole, n. (evasion) ukwe- banda (uku). Loosened, v. (to get untied) tukululeka. Loot, v. panga. Loquacious person, n. isibobozi (isi). Lorry, n. inqola yokututa. Loud (to make whizzing noise), mbimbiza. Lounge, v. (recline) cambalala. ,, (sleep) lala. ,, (live lazily) vilapa. Lout, n. isipukupuku (isi). Love, v. (for) tandela. ,, (cause to love) tandisa. ,, (one another) tandana. Loveable, a. (to be) tandeka. Love-feast, n. isidhlo sotanclo. Love-letter, n. incwadi yotando. Love-making, ukuxoxa (uku). Loving favour, n. umusa (umu). Loving-kindness, umrau (um). Lowlands, n. izimfu'nda (izim). Lubber, n. isicwe (isi). Lucrative, a. zuzayo. Lucre, n. inzuzo (in). Lucubration, n. ukufunda ebu- suku. Ludicrous, a. hlekisayo. Lug, v. (drag) rola. Lumbago, n. amabulalo okal- weni. Lumber, v. (heap together) fumba. Lumber, iu ukufumba (uku). Lumbering, a. gogozayo. Lumber- vertebrte, ufindo (ulu). Lunacy, n. ubuhlanya (ubu). Lunatic, n. uhlanya (ulu). Lunch, v. umpako (um), uku- dhlana (uku). Lunge, v. (feint) sikiza. Lupus (disease), isifo esidhlayo. Lurk, v. (hide) catya, baca. Luscious food, n. isicanucanu (isi). Lust, v. lisa, kanuka. Lustre, n. ubucwazicwazi (ubu). Lying, n. (falsehood) ukuqam- bamanga (uku). Lying, n. (prostration) ukucam- balala (uku). Lying fellow, u. (liar) iwetye- wetye (i). Lying-in, n. (of women) uku- beleta (uku). Lyingly, ad. ngokuqamba- M. Ma, umame (u). Mace, n. umzaca-wobukosi(um). Macintosh, n. ibantyi lemvula. Madam, n. inkosikazi (in). Made, p.p. enziwe. Maelstroom, n. isiyaluyalu (isi). Magnate, n. isikulu (isi). Make, v. (love) xoxa. ,, (pattering noise) gigi- zela. Make, v. (as rumbling noise) xuxuzela. Make, v. (an end of) ukuti ci. ,, (compose) qamba. ,, ( Wi ^y) sukela. ,, (water) tyobinga, tunda. ,, (deeper) tyonisa. Make-believe, a. kohlisayo. Malady, n. isifo (isi). Malapert, a. galagalazele. ENGLISH- ZULU VOCABULARY 109 Malar, n. (cheek-bone) isidindi (isi). Malefactor, n. umoni, ishinga Maliciously, v. (to do) xina. Mall, v. tyaya. Mamelon, n, (of trees) ipuzu (i). Mamma, n. (nipple) ingono (in)/ ,, (breast) ibele (i). Man, n. (of straw) indodampofu ( in )- Man, n. (fine-looking) ijara (i). ,, (very young) ubucubu (ubu) . Man, n. (tall, thin) imifecane (imi). Man, n. (energetic) isiqwaiqwai (isi). Man, 11. (with ugly face) uno- vazi (u). Man, n. (with no hair) uqwata (ulu). Manacle, n. uzankosi (u). Mandamus, n. usiyayala. Mandrill, n. imfene (im). Manducation, n. ukuhlafuna (uku) . Manes, n. amadhlozi (ama). Mania, n. (madness) ubuhlanva (ubu) . Maniac, n. uhlanya (ulu). Maniacal, a. nobuhlanya. Manifesto, ». isimemezelo (isi). Manilio, n. isongo (i). Maniple, n. (of soldiers) isigaba ( isi )- . Manse, n. indhlu yomfundisi. Mantle, v. (cover) fihla. ,, (disguise) enzisa. Mantle-maker, n. umezi wama- tipiti. Manual, a. enziwe ngesandhla. Many, v. (words, to use) zenga. Map, n. imapi (i). Marauders, n. (body of) umradu (um). Margin, n. (of stream) usebe (ulu). Margin, n. (border) umpeto (um) . Margin, n. (of a country) ipetelo Margin, n. (brink) ugeduka (ulu). ,, (of a precipice) ung- qengqe (ulu). Margin, n. (edge, as of a cup) udini (ulu). Mark, v. (with welts from stripes) qansa. Marmoset, n. inkawana (in). Marquee, n. itentelikulu (i). Mart, n. ivingili (i). Martyr, n. umfeli (um). Masculine, a. wesilisa. Mastication, n. ukuhlafuna (uku) . Match, v. (equal) linganisa. ,, (suit) fanela. ,, (given in marriage) endisa, ganisa. Maternal, a. ngonina. Matricide, v. bulalanina. Matrix, v. (womb) isisu (isi). Matron, n. uninakazi. Maudlin, a. dakiwe. Maul, n. isandosikulu somuti. ,, r. (hurt) limaza. Maw, ??. (of a fowl) indhlelo (in). May, n. (month) Unhlaba (u). Meadow-land, n. (low) isi- hlambo (isi). Mealies, n. (new, boiled in cob) ifuto, ifuto (i). Mealie-ground, n. (cultivated by tribe) umbuliso (um). 110 ZULU VADE-MECUM Mealie-ground, n. (large) isi- tumutumu (isi). Mean, a. (poor) mpofu. Mean thing, n. icilo (i). Meat, n. (very high) ubomi (ubu) . Meat, n. (long strip of) urn- bengo (um). Medical person, n. umelapi, inyanga (in). Medicine, n. umaquzula (u). ,, (cooling) umuti- opolisayo. Medicine, n. (sprinkled on troops before war) intelezi (in). Medicine, v. (to be adminis- tered), elatywa. Medulla, n. ummongo (um). Meet, v. (cause to) hlanganisa. Melee, n. ukutyayana. Melliferous, a. nezinyosi. Melted fat, n. (or metal) utye- kezi (ulu). Mendicant, n. impanbanga (im). Menses, n. ukupotela (uku). Mensurable, a. linganiswayo. Mental, a. nenqondo. Mention, v. (hint) sikisela. ,, (allude to) tinta, pata. Mention, n. ukusisikela (uku). Mentor, n. umluleki (um). Mercantile, a. nentengiso, tengi- sayo. Mercenary, a. (selfish) zipike- lele. Mercenary, a. (seeking gain) zuzayo imali. Mercenary, a. (money-loving) tandayo imali. Mercenary, n. isisebenzi (isi). Merely, ad. njena. Meretricious a. ganungisayo. Merged, v. (to be swallowed) ginyiwa. Mess, n. (food) ukudhla (uku). ,, (untidiness) ukuvilipa (uku) . Mess, n. (confusion) ukuhla- kazeka (uku). Mess, n. (distress) ukuhlupa (uku). Mess, n. (difficulty) ipuzu (i). Messuage, n. indhlu nomhlaba. Metaphor, n. isifaniselo, isi- faniso (isi). Mete, v. linganisa. Meter, n. (measure) isilinganiso (isi). Metropolis, n. umuzikazi (um). Microscope, n. imikloskopi (i). Midden, n. ubulongwe (ubu). Midge, n. insensane (in). Milch, a. sengwayo. Military kraal, n. ikanda (i). Milk, v. (a cow, a little for) rau- zela. Milk, v. (for) sengela. ,, (for one another) sen- gelana. Millet, n. (kind of grown), unva- luli (u). Minatory, a. sikizayo, cupisayo. Mind, v. (remember) kumbula. ^Minutely, v. (go into details) ningiliza. Mirthful, eneme. Misadventure, n. isisila (isi). ^Misanthrope, n. umzondi wa- bantu. ^Misapprehend, v. ngaqondi. Mischievous person, n. (also animal) idhlanyazi (i). Miscompute, v. didakala. Misconstrue, v. (interpret) ku- musha kabi. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 111 Miscount, v. didakala. Misdemeanour, n. isono (isi). Misguide, v. edukisa, dukisa. Mishap, n. (accident) ingozi (in). Misinform, v. bika kabi. Misinterpret, v. kumusha kabi. Mislead, v. (put out) pundulisa. Misogamist, n. umzondiwoku- zeka (urn). Misogyny, umzondibafazi (um). Misreckon, v. didakala. Misrule, v. busa kabi. Misspell, v. pelisba kabi. Mistreat, v. (abuse) tuka, etuka. Mistrust, v. konona. Misty, v. (to be, or hazy) fuma. Misuse, v. (treat badly) pata kabi . Mix, v. (as mortar) boxa, xova. ,, (associate) hlangana. Mixture, n. (amasi and boiled mealies) umvubo (um). Mixture, n. (of sheep and goats) ixubevange (i). Mock, v. (mimic) lingisa. ,, (disappoint) jabisa. Mode, v. (custom) umkuba (um) . Moil, v. netisa. Molar, n. (tooth) izinyolikulu (i) : Mollify, v. (soften) tambisa. ,, (calm) tulisa. ,, (pacify) lamula. Moonlight, n. unyezi (u). Mountain, n. (spur of ) iganga (i). Mouse, n. (small, field) ingoso (in). Mouse, n. (path of, through grass) umuqa (umu). Moustache, n. amadevu (ama). Move, v. (on one side) guhlula. Move, v. (as the waves of the sea) yapaceka. Move, v. (a little) tutuka. ,, (cause to act) enzisa. Mug, n. isitya sokupuza. ,, (mouth) umlomo (um). Muggy, a. (warm) fudumele. ,, (damp) swakeme. Mulch, n. utyani obubolile) r o. Muliebrity, n. ubufazi (ubu). Mull, v. (powder) colisisa. ,, (rub down) kuhluza. ,, n. (a cape) inhlonhlo (in). Mundane, a. nomhlaba. Muniment, n. inqaba. Mural, a. nodonga. Murky, a. (dark) mnyama. ,, (obscure) fipele. ,, (gloomy) konkobele. Murmur, n. ukukonona, uku- vungama (uku). Murmur, n. (of water) uku- cwaza (uku). Murrain, n. ukufa kwezinkomo. Muse, v. (study) funda noku- funda. Muse, n. ukuzindhla (uku). Musical instrument, n. (kind of stringed) umqangala (um). Musical instrument, n. (gourd) imvingo, inkonka (i). Musical instrument, n. (kind of calabash) uqwabe (ulu). Mustard, n. umuti-wesinapi (umu) . Mutual, v. (to be) enana. ,, a. enanayo. Mutual distribution, n. isabe- lano (isi). Mutually, r. (to agree to) vume- lana. Muzzle, n. (for calves, armed with thorns) isiceme (isi). 112 ZULU VADE-MECUM N. Nag, n. (horse) ihashi (i). ,, v. (be cross) tetisa. ,, (rail away at) sauzela. Namely, ad. ukuti. Narrowly, ad. citye, cilyu. Nasal, a. nempumulo. Nature, n. (natural practice) isimo (isi). Nautical, a. nezikepe, ngezi- kepe. Navigate, v. kapasikepe. Naze, n. inhlonhlo (in). Nebula, n. izimo zezinkayezi. Necromancy, n. ukubula (uku). Necropolis, n. umhlaba wama- liba. Necropsy, n. ukubuka kwesi- clumbu. Necrosis, n. ukufa kwetambo. Needy stranger, n. umfokaza (um). Nefarious, a. shingayo. Negligently, v. (to do) yeke- zisa. Nervousness, v. amatezane (am a). Nearly, v. (arrive at a place) nengela. Ness, v. inhlonhlo (in). Nestle, v. (cherish or fondle) ondhla, totosa. New-comer, n. umfiki (um). Niche, n. igumbi (i). ,, (gap) isikala (isi). Nick, v. (notch), qopa. ,, (touch fortunately) hlaba inhlanhla. Nick, n. ukuqopa (uku). Nihil, n. ubuze (ubu). Ninny, n. (fool) isiula (isi). Nip, v. (cut) nquma. Noise, v. (to make, as in sing- ing) rongoza. Noise, v. (do., loud and con- fused) hlokoma. North-west, n. inyakato nen- tyonalanga. North-east, n. inyakato nem- pumulanga. Nose, v. (to put on grindstone) hlupa. Nose, v. (to thrust into) hlusa. ,, (turn up at) dela. Nostrum, n. umuti (umu). Nozzle, n. (snout) impumulo (im). Nude, a. ze. Numbles, n. imbilini (im). Nunceo, n. isigijimi (isi). Nursery rhyme, isiga (isi). Nursery tale, insumo (in). Nuzzle, v. panda. N) T mph, n. u tixokazi (u). O. Obedient, a. lalele. Obese, a. kulupele. Obfuscate, v. fipaza. ,, (confuse) didakalisa. Objurgate, v. (chide) tetisa. ,, (reprove) jezisa. Oblique, a. tambekele. Oblivion, n. (forgetfulness) uku- kohlwa. Oblivion, n. (slip the memory) ukukohla (uku). Oblivion, n. (remission) uku- yekela (uku). Observe (with attention) qapela. Obstreperous, a. nomsindo om- kulu. Obtest, v. (supplicate) ncengi- sisa. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 113 Occident, n. intyonalanga (in). Occult, a. (hidden) fihliwe. Occupy, v. (hold) bamba. ,, (keep) londa. ,, (of space) ngena, hlala. ,, (time) sebenza. ,, (seize by force) qwaga. Occupancy, n. ukuhlala (uku). Occupier, n. umhlali. Odonto, n. impupu-yamazinyo (im). Odoriferous, a. nukisayo kahle. Of, prep. ka. Of course, ad. kambe. Offal, n. umbilini (um). Offence, n. (provocation) uku- cunula (uku). Offence, n. (state) ukucunukala (uku). Offend, v. cunula. ,, (draw to evil) yenga. Offensive, v. (to make) tuna. Offer, v. (for sale) tengisa. Office, n. (business) imiriba (imi). Old bachelor, isokalidala. Old maid, n. intombindala. Old woman, n. isalukazi (isi). Oleaginous, a. namafuta. Omelet; n. isicaba seqanda. One-eyed person, n. (or animal) icide, itobana (i). On the contrary, ad. nganxa- munye. Open. v. (cause to) vulisa. ,, (for) vulela. ,, (show) bonisa. ,, (as a letter, &c.) penya. ,, (to receive a chief) damuka. Open, v. (eyes, first time, as a kitten) tungulula. Ophthalmia, n. ububomvu be- liso. Opportune, a. fanele. Oppress, v. (excessively by labour) kahla. Oppressed, v. (to be) hlutywa. Oratory, n. ikamelo lokutan- daza. Orb, n. (circle) isiyinge (isi). . Orbit, n. isiyingilizelo (isi). Ordure, n. utuvi (ulu). Orison, n. umtandazo (um). Ornament, n. (gall-bladder) um- hlwehlwe (um). Ornament, n. (collar of reed buck) isibelu (isi). Ornament, n. (rows of beads on loins) isiyondo (isi). Ornate, a. hie, vunulayo. Oscula, n. ukwanga (uku). Oscillatory, a. angayo. Osseous, a. namatambo. Ostler, n. umnakimahashi. Ounce, ii. isilo njengengwe. Oust, v. kipa. Out-building, n. (shedj um- peine. Out-going, n. ukupuma (uku). Outlet, n. (of a river) isizala (isi). Outlook, n. (watch) ukulinda (uku). Outlook, n. (prospect) ukubuka (uku). Out of sorts, v. (to be) rwaqa- bala. Outspread, v. eneka. Outstrip, /;. dblula. Ova, ii. iqanda. Oval, a. nesimo seqanda. Ovation, n. ukuhalalisa (uku). Overflow, v. cicima. ,, (boil over) pupuma 114 ZULU VADE-MECUM Overflow, v. (abound) vama. ,, n. (abundance) uku- vama (uku). Overflow, v. (flood) uzamcolo (u). Over-fond, v. singata. Over-free, v. (very liberal) hla- paza. Overfull, v. gcwalisiwe kakulu. Overgrow, v. depa. Overjoy, v. jabulisisa. Overlade, v. sinda. Overlap, v. peta. Overlay, v. (smother) futanisa. Overload, sindela. Overpress, v. sindezela. Override, v. hlupa ihashi. Overripe, v. vutiwe kakulu. Overrule, v. (reject) ala, nqaba. Overrun, v. (overflow) cicima. ,, (ravage) panga. Oversee, ngapetsheya, kwol- wandhle. Overshadow, v. (screen) sitela. Oversight, n. (error) isiposiso (isi). Oversight, u. (omission) uku- puta (uku). Oversman, it. umpati. Overspread, v. sibekela. Overstep, v. dhlula. Overstrain, v. kahluka. Overt, a. sobala. Overtask, r>. kahla. Overtop, ''. (excel) tantata. Overwhelm, v. (subdue) ahlula, nqoba. Overwork, v. kahla. ,, (tire out) kataza. Ovile, a. ngezimvu. Ovum, 11. iqanda (i). Owl, //. isikova (isi). Oxter, n. ikwapa (i). Oyes, intj, qapela ! P. Pabulum, n. ukudhla (uku). Packed, v. (up, to be) pand- hleka. Pad, n. (robber) umpangi (urn). Paddock, n. isibaya (isi). ,, (frog) iselesele (i). Pagan, n. umheyideni (um). Page, n. innceku yesikulu. ,, (of a book) ikasi (i). Pageant, n. umbukwane (um). Pain, -v. (throbbing, to suffer) qaqanjelwa. Pair, v. bandakanyisa, banda- kanya. Pair, v. (for) bandakanyela. ,, (couple carefully for) bandakanyisela . Palace, n. indhlu enkulukazi. Palaver, u. (idle talk) ukuba- muza (uku). Palaver, v. (deceive) kohlisa. ,, (humbug) gubuda. Pale, n. (stake) isibonda (isi). Palfrey, n. ihashi elitambileyo. Paling, n. isibondana (isi). Palisade, n. isincityi (isi). Pall, v. dangalisa. ,, (impair) onakalisa. ,, (weaken) tambisa. Palliate, v. (excuse) landula. ,, (soften) toba. ,, (lessen) ncipisa. ,, (ease) tambisa. Pallid, a. mhlope. ,, (wan) gqunqile. Palm, v. (touch) tinta. ,, (conceal in palm) mm- bata. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULABY 115 Palm, v. (impose) kohlisa. ,, (stroke) pulula. Palter, v. (bubble) mpompoza. ,, (dodge) vika, pepa. ,, (trifle) dhlala. Paludal, a. ngamaxaposi. Pan, a. onke. Pandemonium, n. indawoyama- demoni. Pandemonium (hell), isirogo (isi). Pander, v. (to passions) ganun- gisela. Pander, n. (procurer) umzuzeli (um). Pandiculation, n. (yawning) ukuzamula (uku). Pane, n. (as of glass) ugcwe- gcwe (ulu). Panegyric, u. ukudumisa, uku- babaza (uku). Pang, it. imijungu (imi). ,, (stitch in the side) um- qulu (um). Panic, n. uvalo (ulu). Panification, u. ukudhla isin- kwa. Pannade, v. (prance) gxuma, xuma. Pantry, 11. ikamelo lokudhla. Papa, 11. uyise. Paper, u. ikasi, amakasi. Papilionaceous, a. njengoveni- vane. Papilla, n. ingono (in). Papula, //. isilonjana (isi). Par, v. (level, to be) hlelenjwa. ,, n. nisilinganisano (isi). ,, (above) pezu kwesilin- ganisano. Par, v. (below) pansi kwesilin- ganisano. Paraclete, )i. Umoya Oyincwele. Parade, n. (spectacle) umbu- kwane (um). Parade, n. (of soldiers) ukutyaya kwamabuto. Parade, v. vivisa amabuto. (display) tyaya. ,, (as soldiers) tyaya amabuto. Parade, v. (review) keta ngama- buto. Parade, v. (go through war dance) keta ngamgubo. Paradigm, n. (example) umlin- ganiso (um). Paragon, n. (model) isilinganiso (isi). Paralyse, v. apuca amandhla. Paramour, n. isixebi, isifebe (isi). Parasol, n. ipalasoli (i). Pard, u. ingwe (in). Pare, v. (help to) cwecwisa. Parent, n. uyise, unina. Parity, n. ukulinganiswa (uku). Park, n. ipaki lokuvagatya. Parlance, n. ukukuluma (uku). Parley, v. ukubuzana (uku). ,, v. (confer) buzana. ,, (confer with enemy) buzanela nempi. Parley, v. (confer with enemy) shumayezana nempi. Parlour, n. ikamelo (i). Parricide, n. umbulali woyise. Parsimony, 11. (frugality) uk- wonga (uku). Parson, n. umfundisi (um). Partake, v. (together) hlangany- elana. Parterre, n. insimu yembalasi. Partially, ad. uswempu. Party, n. (person) umuntu (umu). 116 ZULU VADE-MECUM Party, n. (company) ibandhla(i). Party, n. (faction) umcecele- gwana (urn). Party-wall, n. udonga lwahlu- kanisa. Pas, n. (step) ibanga (i). ,, (precedence) ukwandu- lela (uku). Pasquin, v. (satirise) qanga. Pass, v. (transgress) eqa. ,, (by one another) pam- bana. Pass, v. (as a standard) puine- lela. Passenger, n. isihambi (isi). Past, a. dhlulile. Pastoral staff, n. ingwegwe yomalusi. Paten, n. isitya somtendeleko wen Kosi. Paternoster, n. Ubaba-wetu. Pathetic, a. dabukisayo, lilisayo. Pathos, n. ukulilisa, ukudabu- kisa. Patois, n. ukutefula (uku). Patrician, n. isikulu (isi). Patrimony, n. isifunda esini- kwayo nguyise. Patriot, n. umtandi wezwe lake. Patrol, n. isigaba (isi). ,, v. viva. Patronage, n. ukutola (uku). Pattern, n. isilinganiso (isi). Patty-pan, n. ipani elincinyane. Paucity, n. ubuncinyanc (ubu). Pavilion, n. itente-likulu. Paw, n. unyawo (ulu). Pawky, a. (sly) nyelele. Pawn, v. bambisa, bambezela. ,, n. (deposit) isikozi, um- bambiso (urn). Pay, v. (respects to) konzela, konza. Pay, v. (fine, cause to pay) hlau- lisa. Pay, v. (a fine for) hlaulela. ,, (visit to chief) kokekela. ,, (visit for assistance) te- kela. Pay, v. (as a tax, tribute) telela. Peasant, n. umfunda (um). Pebbly-place, n. ugedhle (ulu). Peck, n. (dig) panda. ,, (at with words) qopa. Pectoral, a. (chest) nesifuba (isi). Pectoral, a. (of the lungs) nama- papu. Peculate, v. eba. ,, (as cattle) tyola. ,, (pilfer) ntyontya. Pecuniary, a. nemali, ngemali. Pedagogue, n. umfundisiban- twana. Pedantic, a. zidhlayo ngokwazi. Peddle, v. (sell) tengisa. ,, (be busy) wanyaza, qiqizela. Pedestal, n. insika (in). Pedestrian, n. isihambi (isi). ,, (wanderer) um- hambuma (um). Pedlar, n. urntengisi (um). Peel, ii. (fortress) innqaba (in). Peer, v. (peep) lunguza. Pelf, 11. (money) imali. ,, (]iches) ubunoto (ubu). Pell, n. (skin) isikumba (isi). Pellet, n. (small ball) indilin- gana (in). Pell-mell, ad. ngokutyityinga. ,, (hubbub) ngoku- xokozela. Pell-mell, ad. (with confusion) ngesipitipiti. Pellicle, n. (film) ulembu (ulu). ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 117 Pellucid, a. cwebile. Pelt, n. (skin) isikumba (isi). Pemmican, n. umqwaiba (um). Pendulous, a. lengayo. Penis, n. umtondo (um). Pennule, n. upape (ulu). Pension, isipo iminyaka nge- minyaka. Penumbra, n. itunzi (i). Penury, n. ubumpofu, nbupofu (ubu). Perambulate, v. vagatga. Perambulator, n. ikalishi lomn- twana. Perch, n. (pole) isibonda (isi). ,, (staff) umzaca (um). ,, (of fowls) umjibe we- zinkuku. Peregrinate, v. (wander) ndinda. Peregrination, n. ukundinda (uku) . Perfect, a. (pure) cwebile. ,, ( n °ly) ngcwele. ,, (right) lungile. ,, v. (complete) pelelisisa. ,, (instruct fully) fun- disa nokufundisa. Perfect, v. (make skilful) lum- bisa. Perfection, n. (holiness) ubunc- wele (ubu). Perfection, n. (finished) ukufeza (uku). Perforation, n. isibobozo (isi). Perform, v. (as war-dance) keta. ,, (fulfil) gcwalisa, qi- nisa. Perfume, v. (for) qolela. ,, (cause to) qolisa. Permanent, v. (to make) qinisa. Permeate, v. tyikityela. Permute, v. (change) pendula. Pernicious, a. onakalisayo. Pernicious, a. (deadly) bubisa. Perpetrate, r. ona. Perpetration, n. ukwona (uku). Perplex, v. (puzzle) dipizisa. , , (distress) hlupa, hlusa. Perplexed, a. (puzzled) dipizi- siwe. Perquisite, n. inzuzo (in). Persevere, v. (hold on, con- tinue) bambezela. Persist, v. (put in opposition) pikelela. Persist, v. (violently) gegqeza. Pert person, n. itata (i). Pertuse, a. nesintunja. Pervade, v. (pass through) da- bula. Pervade, v. (spread abroad) hla- kaza. Perversely, v. (to do) pasalaza. Pervious, a. tyikityelwe. Pest, n. isifosibulala. Pester, v. (annoy) hlusa. ,, (trouble) kataza. Pestilence, n. isifosibulala. Petiole, n. umnyani (um). Petrify, v. pendukisela etyeni. Petrous, a. namatye. Petto, u. isifuba (isi). Petulant person, n. isififane ( isi )- Phalanges, n. iminwe, izin- zwane (toes). Phantam, n. isitunzi (isi). Phantom, ;/. idhlozi, isituta, itongo. Philanthropy, n. utando lwa- bantu. Photo, n. umfanekiso (um). Picaroon, ;/. umpangi (um). Pick, v. (up) buta. ,, (a bone with one, wrangle) xabana, 118 ZULU VADE-MECUM Pick, v. (a hole in one's coat, find fault) sola. Pick, v. (as the soil) panda, emba. Pick, n. (native pick) ilernbe (i). Picket, n. isigaba (isi). Piety, n. ukukonzela kuka Tixo. ,, (of parents) ukuzwa abazalayo. Pigmy, n. (dwarf) imbatvelana (im). Pike, n. (spear) umkonto (urn). Pinafore, n. ipenfoli (i). Pinfold, n. isibaya (isi). Pinion, n. (wing) ipiko (i). Pique, ukuduba (uku). Piquant, a. (tart) muncu. ,, (pungent) babayo. , , (bitter) kakile, kakayo. Pish ! intj. iya ! Pison, n. ipishone (i). Piss, n. umtyobingo (urn). Piteous, a. dabukilego. Placid, a. (gentle) tambile. ,, (as the sky) sile. Plagiarise, ntyontya izibalo. Plane, n. hlelenjiweyo. ,, (make level) hlelemba. Plank, n. ipulangwe (i). Plash, v. (of water) bukuda. Platoon, n. (crowd) umbonda (urn). Plumb, v. lengisa, lengalengisa. Plunge, n. ukucwila, ukutyula. Pluvial, a. nemvula. Pluviameter, n. isilinganisosem- vula. Ply, v. (work) sebenza. Poach, r. panga. ,, (game) eba innyama- zane. Pock, n. intutumba (in). Police, n. ipolisi (i). Poll, v. (the head) sika izinwele. ,, (as Zulu head) cwala. Pollen, 11. utuli lwembalasi. Polypode, n. (millipede) ityon- gololo (i). Pomade, n. amafuto ezinwele. Pomp, n. (splendid show) urn- bukwane. Pooh pooh ! intj. iya ! Populous country, n. isibam- bane (isi). Port, n. (for ships) iteku lezi- kepe. Port-monnaie, n. isikwama (isi). Portraj'er, n. umfanekisi (urn). Pose, v. (puzzle) dipizisa. it (perplex) didakalisa. Position, H. (place) indawo (in). ,, (office) isikundhla (isi). Post, ad. emuva. Posterity, n. inzalo (in). Posthumous, a. emva kwokufa. Post-master, n. umbali (um). Post-mortem, a. emva kwokufa. Postpone, v. (delaj T ) libalisa. Postulant, n. isisusa (isi). Pother, v. (bother) fundekela. ,, n. (bustle) ukuwalazela (uku). Pother, n. (confusion) ukunj^a- kaza (uku). Potion, )i. (dose) itamalomuti. Potsherd, ;/. udengezi. Poultice, n. (bread) isinkwa sokutoba. Pound, v. (as mealies) gqula. ,, (do., for) gqulela. (do., thoroughly) gqu- lisisa. Pound, v. (help one another to) gqulisana. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 119 Pound, v. (as cattle) vimbezela esikitini. Pound, /'. (pulverise) colisisa. Poupee, )i. isifanekiso (isi). Pout, n. (young turkey), ukalu- kuni omutya. Pout, n. (moroseness) ukuhlu- nama (uku). Pout, v. hlunama. Pouting, a. hluneme. Powder, ji. impupu (im). ,, (gunpowder) umsizi (urn). Powder, v. colisisa. Powder-room, ??. ikamelo -lom- sizi. Powder and shot, umsizi nezin- hlamvu. Pox, n. intutumba (in). ,, (small-pox) ipokisi (i), ingqakagqa (in). Prattle, v. boboza, feteza. Precentor, n. isihlonzi (isi). Precession, n. ukwandulela (uku). Precincts, n. imikaulo (imi). Precipitous, a. nelenge. ,, n. (height) udenge (ulu). Precipitous, n. (hill) ummango (um). Precipitous, n. (place, abyss) ilindityoba (i). Precipitous, n. (steep place) in- kelekete (in). Preclude, v. vimbela. Precursor, n. (forerunner) isi- gijimi (isi). Precursor, n. (omen) umhlola (um). Precursor, r. (indicate) komba. Pre-establish, v. misa kuqala. Pre-exist, v. ma-kuqala. Preface, n. (introduction) isi- susa (isi). Prefect, n. (of police) inkosi yamapolisi. Prelate, //. umfundisi omkulu- kazi. Preliminary, //. (introduction) isisusa (isi). Prelude, n. (to dancing) in- kondhlo (in). Premature, a. (hasty) walazele, qiqizele. Premidate, r. zindhla pambili. Premier, n. isikonzisikulukazi. Premonish, v. yala pambili. Preside, v. pata. President, n. umongameli (um), umpati (um). Price, n. (low) imalana (i). Prig, v. ntyontya. ,, n. (thief) isela (i). Prize, v. (as a door) qoboza. Probe, v. (examine) bonisisa. Proffer, i\ (offer) nika. (try) linga. Prolific, a. telayo. Prolong, v. nweba. Promulgate, v. memezela. Promulgator, n. ummemezeli umazisi (um). Prone, a. tambekele. Propensity, n. ukutambekela. Propinquity, n. ubeduze (ubu). Proprietress, n. umninikazi. Proscribe, v. (curse) qalekisa. ,, (banish) xotya. ,, (prohibit) nqabela, alela. Protecting care, n. ubulondolozo (ubu) . Protuberant forehead, n. (per- son with) isipongo (isi). Provide, v. (collect) buta. 120 ZULU VADE-MECUM Provide, v. (make read)') lun- gisa. Provider, n. umbekeli, umfuneli (um) . Providence, n. (as to food) uku- hlinzeka (uku). Providence, n. (general) uku- bekela (uku). Provoke, v. (make angry) tuku- telisa Pudding-face, n. ubuso obuku- lupeleyo. Pudding-head, n. isipukupuku (isi). Puddle, v. (in water) bukuda. „ (make water muddy) dunga. Puddly, a. namacibi. Pudency, n. inhloni (in). Pudenda, n. (male) umcamo (um). Pudenda, n. (female) umpakato, ilebe (i), umsunu (um). Pudicity, n. (modesty) ukuhlo- nipa (uku). Pudicity, h. (chastity) uku- cweba (uku). Puerile, a. njengomntwana. Puerility, n. ubuntwana (ubu). Puerperal, a. ngokubeleta. Pugilism, n. ukubakelana, uku- bububuzana (uku). Pugnacious, a. bakele. Pule, v. (as a child) bubula. Pull, v. (down, humble) tobisa. ,, (cause to pull up, as weeds) sipulisa. Pulled, v. (out, to get, as the hair) ncotuka. Pulled, v. (up, to be, as weeds) sipuka. Pulmonary, a. ngamapapu. Puma n. ibubesi lase Melika. Pump, v. fukula amanzi ngen- simbi. Pun, v. (quibble) banda, ebanda, feceza. Punch, v. (make a hole) boboza. ,, (with hard words) dubula. Punctilio, n. izinhlonzi. Puncture, n. imbobo (im). Punish, v. (fine) hlaulisa. Purl, v. (as water) cwaza. Purling, a. (do.) cwazayo. Purvey, v. (as food) hlinzeka. Push, r. (lightly aside for) cili- zela. Push, v. (through difficulty) qopelela. Push, v. (drive) qubela pambili. ,, (push one another) qubana. Push, v. (forward with the hands) sunduza, kahlela. Pushed, v. (to be) qubeka. Put, v. (down, overcome) nqoba. ,, (off, delay) libazisa. (out, as leaves) kahlela, hluma. Put, v. (to, add) engeza. ,, (confidence in) temba. ,, (on, as belt before mar- riage) ceka. Python, n. (Natal rock snake) inhlwati (in). q. Quaff, v. gobolozela. Quag, n. ubuku (ulu). Quail, v. qaqazela ngovalo. ,, (faint) quleka. Quake, v. qaqazela ngovalo. ,, (shudder) tutumela ngovalo. ENGLISH- ZULU VOCABULARY 121 Qualify, v. (make fit) fanelisa. ,, (soften) tambisa. ,, (diminish) ncipisa. ,, (limit) kaulisa. Qualmish (to feel), nakana. Quandary, n. (doubt) konona. Quantity, n. (weight) isisindo (isi). ' Quantity, n. (of space) umkati (urn).' Quarry, v. mbaamatye. Quarter, n. ikwata (i). Quebec, n. iKwebeka (i). Query, v. (inquire) buza. Quick-hearing person, igagu (i). Quicken, v. (as the apprehen- sion) qabukisa. Quickness, n. (swiftness) ubelo (ulu). Quid, n. (of tobacco) ugwai em- lonyeni. Quiet, v. (smooth down person or chief) tyweleza. Quiet person, n. (inoffensive) isinamba (isi). Quip, v. (scoff) swabula. ,, (jeer) gabisela. ,, n. ukuswabula (uku). Quire, n. idhlazana labahlabe- leli. Quiver, n. iyika (i). Quivering (fluttering), injube (in). Qui vive ? ubani lapo ? Quiz, v. (banter) gagula, binqa. ,, (examine) bonisisa. Quotum, n. (share) isabelo (isi). E. Babble, n. (crowd) umbonda (urn). Rabble, n. (concourse in com- motion) isinyakanyaka (isi). Race, n. (water) umsele wa- manzi. Race,w. (of people) uhlobo (ulu). ,, v. (progress) ukuqubela (uku) . Race-course, n. indawo yokuja- risa amahashi. Race-horse, n. ihashi elijarayo. Rack, v. (as wine) cwenga. ,, (torture) binya ngobu- hlungu. Racy, a. (piquant) babayo. ,, (fresh) luhlaza. ,, (rich) vundile. Radiance, n. ukucwazimulu (uku). Radiate, v. (shine) kanya. ,, (cause to do) kan- yisa. Radiate, n. (fill with brightness) cwazimulisa. Radical, n. (root) impande (im). Radius, n. (spoke of wheel) ispoke (i). Radius, n. (line) umudwa opu- mayo epakatini. Radix, n. (root) impande (im). Raff, n. isinyakanyaka (isi). Raffle, v. dhlala ngenkato. Raft, v, tuta ngesihlenga. Ragamuffin,"?/, ishinga (i). Ragged, a. namadhlepu. Ragman, n. umbuti wamad- hlepu. Rail, v. (enclose) biya. ,, (away at, scold) sauzela. ,, n. (garment) ingubo (in). Railer, n. (one who rails) umbi- yeli (um). Railer, n. (abuser) umtuki (um). Railing, n. isibondana (isi). ,, a. tukayo. Raillery, n. ukubinqa (uku). 122 ZULU VADE-MECUM Rain, n. (very heavy) isanci (isi). Eaise, v. (up, as seed for brother) hlumelela. Eaise, v. (arouse) vusa. ,, (as taxes) telisa. ,, (as dust in a room) tu- quza. Raise, v. (make to smoke) tun- qisa. Raise, v. (increase) andisa. ,, (collect, as money) ko- kisa. Raise, v. (begin) qala. ,, (assemble) hlanganisa. ,, (make porous) mfan- gamfangisa. Raise, v. (procure) zuza. Raised, v. (up, to be, as smoke, dust, &c.) qonga. Rake, v. (rove) zula. ,, (wander) ndinda. ,, n. (idle man) ivila (i). ,, (vicious person) itya- koki (i). Rakehell, n. ityakoki (i). Ramal, a. ngezingaba. Ramble, v. (in talk) bamuza. Rambling, ndindayo. Ramify, v. hlumisa amagaba. Ramous, a. nezingaba. Ramp, v. (jump) eqa. ,, (sport) dhlalisela. ,, (climb) kwela. ,, n. (leap) ukweqa (uku). Rampage, v. tyekula. Ramrod, n. isihlohlo, inhlohlo (in). Ramuli, n. amagaba (ama). Rancid, a. (stinking) nukayo, nepunga. Rancid, a. (musty) kuntile. Rancour, n. (spite) igqubu (i). Random, n. isiwici (isi). Range, n. (row) uhla (ulu). ,, (class) uhlobo (ulu). ,, (space) umkati (um). ,, (of a gun) ukufinye- lela (uku). Range, n. (rove) zula. ,, (travel without aim) ndinda. Rank, n. (line of soldiers) isi- ceme (isi). Rank, v. (raise up in) kulisa. ,, (arrange for dancing) hlela. Rank, a. (strong) namandhla. ,, (in quality) vundile. ,, (musty) kuntile. ,, (strong tasted) babayo. ,, (over rich) canuzele. ,, (offensive) canulayo. ,, ad. (strongly) ngaman- dhla. Rankled, r. (in mind to be) canuka. Ransacked, p.})., pangiwe. Rant, v. (swagger) vubula. ,, (be noisy) xokozela. ,, n. (bragging talk) iwawa Rap, v. (with a stick) pampata. ,, (seize) bamba. ,, (snatch) hlwita. Rapacious, a. (of plunder) pan- gay o. Rapacious, a. (greedy) rarayo. Rapacity, n. ukupanga (uku). ,, (greediness) umgo- lo, ubugege, ukurara. Rapid, a. (swift) nobelo. Rapid, n. (of water) isikukula ( isi )' Rapier, n. isinkemba (isi). Rapine, n. ukupanga (uku). ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 123 Raree-show, n. umbukwane eki- sini. Rate, n. (tax) isitelo (isi). ,, (class) uhlobo (ulu). ,, (of sailing) ubelo (ulu). Ratifer, n. umqinisi (urn). Rattle, v. (as assegais in hand) xaKaza. Rave, v. (furiously, as a man) bangalala. Ravenous hunger, n. ipango (i). Ravine, n. isikumbu (isi). Reach, v. (extend to) kaulela. ,, (touch) tinta. ,, n. (extent)umkaulo(um). ,, (effort) isilingo (isi). , , (touch) ukutinta(uku) . Reading-book, n. incwadi yoku- funda. Re-adorn, v. vunula kabili. Re-affirm, v. tyo kabili. Realise, v. (feel strongly) zwi- sisa. Realise, v. (turn into money) pendulela emalini. Realise, v. (come up to expecta- tions) hlaluka kahle. Realm, n. umbuso (um). Re-annex, v. hlanganisa. Reaped, p.p. vuniwe. Reaping-hook, n. ingwegwe yo- kuvuna. Reaping machine, n. imeshini yokuvuna. Re-apparel, v. gqokisa kabili. Reappear, v. vela futi. Reappoint, v. misa futi. Reapposition, v. abela futi. Rear, v. (set up) misa. Reassemble, v. hlanganisa futi. Re-attach, v. jobelela kabili. Re-attempt, v. linga futi. Reave, v. panga. Reavow, v. tembisa futi. Rebaptise, v. bapatisa futi. Rebate, n. (groove) umselana (um). Rebate, n. (of money) ukunci- piswa kwemali. Rebate, v. (to blunt) qunda. Rebreathe, v. pefumula futi. Rebuild, v. aka futi. Rebury, v. mbela kabili. Rebus, n. (riddle) imfumbe (im). Rebut, v. (answer) pendula. Recall, v. (to mind) kumbuza. ,, (cause to return) bu- yisa. Recant, r. buyisamazwi. Recast, v. bumba futi. Recede, v. (withdraw) monyula. ,, (desist) peza. Receive, v. (take) tata. ,, (get) zuza. ,, (admit) vunela. ,, (believe) kolwa. ,, (welcome) takazela. ,, (take in) ngenisa. Received, p.p., amukelwe. Recelebrate, babaza futi. Recent, a. (fresh) luhlaza. ,, (new) tya. Reception, n. ukwamukelisa (uku) . Reception, n. (treatment) uku- pata (uku). Recess, n. (hollow) inkoto (in). Rechange, v. pendukisa futi. Recharge, v. sukela futi. Recheat, v. buyisa izinnja. Rechoose, v. keta kabili. Recipient, n . ummamukeli (um) . Reciprocate, v. amukezelanisa. Recision, n. ukunquma (uku). Recite, v. pindamagama. ,, (relate) landa. 124 ZULU VADE-MECUM Keck, v. (regard) naka. ,, (heed) qapela. Reclaim, v. buyisa. ,, (make right) lungisa. ,, (as land) lima. ,, (regain) zuza futi. Recline, v. (slope) tambekela. Reclose, r. vala futi. Recoil, v. (fall back) genuka. ,, (shrink back) tikazela. ,, (hate) zonda. Recommence, v. qala ngo- kutya. Recommend, v. (advise) yala, luleka. Recompact, v. hlanganisa ngo- kutya. Reconduct, v. kapa futi. Reconfirm, r. qinisisa. Reconnoitre, v. hlolela ngama- buto. Reconstruct, v. aka futi. Reconvene, v. hlanganisa futi. Reconvert, v. pendula futi. Recount, v. bala futi. Recreate, v. (cheer) enamisa. Recross, v. pambana kabili. Rectify, v. (purify) hlambulula, cwebisa. Rectifier, n. umlungisi (urn). Recumbent, a. (reclining) cam- balele. Recuperative, a. pilisayo. Redcoat, n. ibuto (i). Redeemed, a. kululiwe. Redeliver, v. kulula kabili. ,, kulula futi. Redemand, v. biza futi. Redescend, v. ehla futi. Redissolve, v. ncibilikisa kabili. Reduce, i\ (arrange) hlela. Redundant, <7. (overflowing) cici- mayo. Re-echo, v. enanela kabili, Re-edify, v. aka kabili. Re-elect, v. keta kabili. Re-embrace, v. singata kabili. Re-enter, v. ngena futi. Re-examine, v. bonisisa futi. Re-exchange, v. enanela futi. Re-exhibit, v. bonisa futi. Re-expel, v. kipa futi. Refer, v. (allude) gwengula. Refine, v. (purify) hlambulula, ewenga. Refine, v. (polish) kazimulisa. Refix, v. qinisa kabili. Reform, v. (repent) penduka. ,, n. (change, moral) uku- penduka (uku). Reform, v. (rearrange as sol- diers) tyaya amabuto futi. Refract, r. (as rays of light) pambukisa imisebe. Refractory, a. dondayo. Refrain, v. (hold back) godhla. ,, (one's self) zibamba. Refresh, v. (cool) polisa. Refund, v. buyisa imali. Refurbish, v. kazimula kabili. Refuse, v. (point-blank) zaba. ,, (to let go) qokotela. Regather, v. buta kabili. Regerminate, v. hluma futi. Regicide, n. umbulali wenkosi. Regnant, a. busayo. Regorge, v. (swallow) gwinya futi. Regorge, v. (eject) hlanza. Regress, v. (go back) buya. , , (step backwards) hlehla. Regression, n. (returning) uku buya (uku). Regret, v. (repent) penduka. Rehearse, v. pinda. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULAKY 125 Eeillumine, v. kanyisa futi. Reimburse, v. buyisa imali. Eeimpose, v. telisa kabili. Reimpregnate, v, mitisa futi. Reimpress, v. cindezela kabili. Reinhabit, v. hlala futi. Reinspect, v. bonisisa kabili. Rein spire, v. pefumulisa futi. Reinstate, v. (restore) buyisa, Reinstruct, v. fundisa futifuti. Reinter, v. mbela kabili. Reinterrogate, v. buza futifuti. Reinvigorate, v. (revive) pilisa. Reiterate, v. tyo futifuti. Reject, v. (discard) dela. ,, (do., one another) delana. Reject, v. (with disdain) eya. Rejoin, v. (answer) pendula. ,, (join, as a rope) jobe- lela futi. Rejoin, v. (as persons) hlanga- nisa futi. Rekindle, v. (as a fire) pemba futi. Rekindle, v. (arouse) vusa ka- bili. Relapse, v. hlehla. ,, (slip back) tyelela emuva. Relative, n. (in law) umhlobo (um) . Relative, n. (bv blood) iselamane (isi). Relatives, n. (family circle) um- deni (um). Relax, v. (as a spring) kwebula. ,, (unbind) sombulula. ,, (mitigate) tambisa. Relaxation, n. (play) ukudhlala (uku). Relegate, v. (banish) xotya. Relieve, >.>. (as pain) tambisa Relieve, v. (reduce, as a swell- ing) toba. Relight, v. (as a fire) pemba kabili. Relight, v. (cause to shine) kanyisa futi. Relinquish, v. (forsake) lahla. Reload, v. twalisa futi. ,, (as a gun) hlohla futi. Remand, v. buyisa etilongweni. Remark, n. ukutyo (uku). Remarry, v. zeka kabili. Remelt, v. ncibilikisa kabili. Remiss, a. (careless) delele. ,, (slow) libele. Remissness, n. ukudelela, uku- libala (uku). Remodel, v. bumba futi. Remote, ad. (in time) kade, pakade. Remount, v. kwela futi. Renal, a. ngezinso. Render, v. buyisa. Rendezvous, n. indawo yoku- hlangana. Reneform, a. njengenso. Renounce, v. (abandon) lahla. Rent, ii. (annual income) inzuzo ngeminyaka. Reopen, v. vula futi. Repacify, v. lamula kabili. Repay, v. buyisa imali. Repeat, v. (give in addition) engeza. Repel, v. (check advance) vim- bela. Repine, v. (fret) tetema. ,, (grumble) kononda. Repining, a. (fretful) teteme. , , (grumbling) konon- dile. Repiner, umkonondi, umtetemi (um). 126 ZULU VADE-MECUM Replace, v. beka kwenye in- dawo. Eepolish, v. kazimula futi. Eeport, v. (give an account of) landa. Eeport, v. (brazen out one's deeds) ncoka. Eepose, v. (recline) cambalala. ,, (sleep) lala. Eepour, v. tela futi. Eeprehend, v. (lay hold of) bamba. Eequiem, n. igama labanleyo. Eequire, v. (ask) cela. ,, (call for) bizela. ,, (need) dinga. Eequisite, n. (need) ukudinga (uku). Eeremouse, n. isihlulandhlebe (isi). Rereward, )i. amabuto okug- cina. Eesalute, v. bingelela kabili. Eescind, v. (cut) nquma. Eepresent, v. (describe) fane- Eescission, n. (act of abrogating) kisa. Eepress, v. (subdue) nqoba. , , (restrain) bambezela. , , (crush down) fohloza. ,, (as speech) binda. Eeprint, v. cindizela kabili. Eeprobate, a. (depraved) ona- kele. Eeprobate, a. (rejected) nqabe- kile. Eeprobate, v. (curse) qalekisa. Eeprove, v. (chide) tetisa. ,, (blame) sola. ,, (look sternly at) jamela. Eeptant, a. (creeping) nabuzele. Eepudiate, v. dela. ,, (discard) "lahla. Eepulse, u. (refusal) ukwala (uku). Eepulse, n. (denial) ukupika (uku). Eepurchase, v. tenga futi. Repute, >.\ (think) cabanga. ,, (estimate) buka. Eequest, v. (earnestly) celisisa. ,, (for one another) celelana. Eequested, p.p. (earnestly) celi- sisiwe. ukupelisa (uku). Eesearch, v. buzisisa futifuti. Eesentment, n. (anger) intuku- telo (in), ukutukutela (uku). Eeside, v. aka, hlala. Eesidency, n. indhlu yika rula- meni. Eesign, v. (forsake) lahla. ,, (quit) shiya. Eesist, v. struggle violently) sabalala. Eesist, v. (act against) mela, qinela. Eespite, n. (interval) umkati (um). Eest, n. (remainder) insali Eetaliate, v. pindinya, pindisa. Retard, v. hinder, tinta. ,, (hold back) tiziyeka. Re-tell, v. tyela futi. Eeticence, /". ukutula (uku). ,, (concealment) rihla ngokutula. Retinue, v. (train of persons) udwendwe (ulu). Retort, v. pendula kalukuni. Re-tread, v. nyatela futi. Retreat, n. (place of retirement) indawo yokufulatela. ENGLISH- ZULU VOCABULARY 127 Ketreating forehead, n. (person with) isiqendu (isi). Retrench, v. finyeza. ,, (of money) ncipisa imali. Eetrograde, a. hlehlile. ,, v. hlehla. Retrovert, v. buya. Return ticket, n. ikasana loku- buya. Retuse, a. (blunt) butuntu. Revenue, n. inzuzo yezitelo. Revise, v. (amend) lungisa. ,, (alter) pendula. ,, (correct) kipa izipo- siso. Revive, v. (an old affair) basa. Reviving, a. pilisayo. Revived, p.p. pilisiwe. Revivalist, umvuseli (urn), Revoke, v. (annul) pelisa. Re-vomit, v. hlanza futi. Re -write, v. bala kabili. Rex, n. inkosi (in). Rice, n. ilisi (i). Rich, v. (to make, in stock) fuyisa. Rich, v. (do., as soil) vundisa. ,, (do., in money, &c.) notisa. Riddle, n. (sieve) isihlungulo (isi). Ride, v. (boldly) qiama. ,, (dexterously) ntente- leza. Riding habit, //. ingubo yoku- kwela. Ridicule, v. (depreciate) tunisa. ,, (speak ill of good) jivaza. Ridiculous, v. (to make) tuna, dumaza. Rife, a. (abounding) vamileyo. Rift, v. (split, as a log) hlekeza. ,, (as ordinary wood) banda. Rift, v. (split open) qekeza. Right, a. (true) qinisile. ,, v. (to be) lunga. ,, (to make) lungisa. Right hand, v. esokunene isan- dhla. Rightly, ad. lungile. Right and left, ezindaweni zonke. Right, ad. (on the right) ngase- kunene. Rights, v. (put to, arrange) hlela. Rigid, a. (inflexible) ngagobeki. Rigmarole, n. ukupupuza (uku). Rigor, n. ukuqaqazela (uku). ,, (sternness) ulunya (ulu). Rigor mortis, u. ubulukuni bo- kufa. Rigorous, a. (severe) nolunya. Rim, n. (of a cup) udini (ulu). ,, • (border) umpeto (um). ,, (ring) indandato (in). Rime, n. (hoar frost) isitatwa (isi). Rimose, a. (chinky) nezimfa. Rimple, v. (pucker) flngqa. Ringless, a. ngenandandato. Ring-finger, /Mimunwe wendan- dato. Ring-shaped, a. nesimo sendan- dato. Ringing, u. inkencezo (in). Ringer, n. umtyayi wensimbi. Ringent, a. (gaping) zamulayo. Rise, v. (start up) vuka. ,, (up, for attack) vukela. ,, (begin) qala. ,, n. (ascent) ukwenyuka(uku). 128 ZULU VADE-MECUM Eise, n. (source) umtombo(um). Bising, a. (ascending) nyukayo. ,, (advancing) qubezele. ,, (above the horizon) pumayo. Eising, a. (in wealth) andile ngokunota. Eising, a. (from death) vuka ekufeni. Eiver, n. (bend in) inngoni (in). Eoar, v. (howl) bangalasa. ,, (make a hullabaloo) qaqamba Rout, v. (break the ranks) da- musa. Eout, n. umbonda (um). , , (multitude) isixuku(isi) . Eoute, n. indhlela (in). Eow, v. (scold) bangalasa. Rub, v. (as soap on clothes) kata. Rub, v. (graze) ruzula. Rubbed, v. (to be grazed) ru- zuka. Rubbed, v. (to be, as the skin) pucuka. Roaring, n. (growling) ibodhlo Rubbed, v. (to be worn) zukeka (i). Rob, v. (cause to) pangisa. ,, (for) pangela. Robust, a. (strong) namandhla. ,, (hardy) lukuni. Rock pigeon, n. ivukuto (i). Roll, v. (for) tendela, songela. Rolled, v. (to be) tendeka. Rotate, v. (as a wheel) ngele- zela. Rotten, v. (to be putrid) bu- cuka. Rotund, a. dilingile. Rough, a. (porous) mfanga- mfanga. Rough country, n. isiroqoba (isi). Roughly, v. (to 'sound) ukuti ratyaratya. Round thing, n. (hard, as bullet) imbumbulu (im). Round, v. (to come, revive) pila. Round, v. (to bring, restore) pi- lisa. Round, v. (to get, wheedle) ncenga. Roundabout, a. (circuitous) ze- kelele. Rude person, n. (violent) isi- dhlova (isi). Rude person, n. (unmannerly) isipangabuli (isi). Rugas, n. izinhlonze-zompakato (izin). Rugged, a. (rocky) namatye. ,, (harsh) nolunya. ,, (rough) marolo. Ruined, v. (to be destroyed) tyabalala. Rumble, v. (as wind in stomach) qubutya. Rumple, V. fingqa. Run, v. (more quickly) dhlula. ,, (to do something) qiqi- zela. Running sore, n. umfula (um). Runt, n. (woman) isalukazi (isi). Rupture, n. isapulo (isi). Rushlight, 11. ubaqa (ulu). Rusted, a. gwalile. ^ Rustic, v. (violently) rwatya- zela. S. Sabbath-breaker, n. umapuli wesonto. Sabre, n. isinkemba (isi). EXCTJSH-ZULU VOCABULARY 129 Sabulous, a. nesihlabati. Saccharine, a. ngoshukela. ,, (sweet) mtoti. Saccule, n. (satchel) isikwama (isi). Sack, v. (plunder) panga. Sacred, a. ngcwele. Sacrilege, n. ukweba endhlini yika Tixo. Sag, v. gob a. Sage person, n. umhlakanipi (um) . Sage person, n. (crafty) ihla- kani (i). Sail, v. (fly as a bird) ndiza. Salary, n. imali-yokusebenza. Saleable, a. tengekayo. Sally, v. (rush as troops) duma. Sandal, n. isicatulo (isi). Sapid, a. mnandi. Saponaceous, a. nensipo. Satchel, n. isikwama (isi). Sate, v. sutisa. Satiate, v. sutisa. Satire, n. ukuqanga, ukubinqa. Saw-mill, n. indhlu yokusara. Saying, n. (riddle) imfumbe (im). Say (that is to say) ukuti. Scarify, v. sika ngomesana. Scath, n. (injury) ukulimala (uku) Scold, v. (speak crossly to) ka- kanya. Scraped, v. (to get) puculeka. Scrapings, n. (of hide) amapalo (ama). Scratch, v. (to get off ticks) nxenxa. Scrawl, v. loba (or) bala kabi. Scribble, v. bala, loba. Scrotum, n. isisende (isi). Scuffle, n. ukulwana (uku). Scuffle, v. (strive together) za- mana. Scuffle, v. (in confusion) ukuti xakalala. Scullery, n. ikamelo lokugeza izitya. Scut, n. (tail of a hare) umsila womnogwaja. Scuttle, v. (as a ship) tyonisa isikepe. Sea (beyond the) petsheya kwol- wandle. Sea (half seas-over) dakiwe. Sea-breeze, n. umoya wolwan- dhle. Sea-captain, n. inkosi yesikepe. Sea-green, a. luhlaza jengol- wandhle. Sea-room, n. umkati wesikepe. Sea-shore, n. usebe lolwandhle. Sea-sickness, n. umhlanziso wolwandhle. Sea-water, n. amanzi olwan- dhle. Sea-wrack, n. utyani bolwan- dhle. Section, n. (of a regiment) uhlangoti (ulu). Section, n. (wing of an army) umkono (um) ipiko (i). Section, n. (advanced guard) imilomo (imi). See, v. (one another) bonana. ,, (cause to) bonisa. ,, (for) bonela. ,, (help one another to) bonisana. See, v. (clearly) bonisisa. Seek, v. (one another) funana. ,, (for) funela. ,, (ask for) cela. ,, (glean) kotoza. Seethe, v. (boil) bilisa. K 130 ZULU VADE-MECUM Seize, v. (and dash down) swaca. Self-culture, n. ukuzifimdisa (uku). Self-deceit, n. ukuzikohlisa (uku) . Self- degradation, n. ukuzitobisa (uku). Self-examination, n. ukuzibu- zisa (uku). Self-praise, )i. ukuzibabaza (uku). Self-reliance, //. ukuzitemba (uku). Self-seeking, u. ukuzifunela (uku). Seminary, n. isikolo (isi). Send, v. (out, as an army) saba- lalisa. Senile, a. dala. Senility, n. ubuxeku (ubu). Senseless person, n. isibuzen- gana (isi). Separate, v. (as a string) juqula. Separated, v. (to be, as a string) juquka. Sequence, n. ukwelama (uku). Serf, n. innqoboka (in). Serious, a. temelezile. ,, v. (or devout, to be) temeleza. Serjeant, n. induna yamapolisi. ,, (in the army) in- duna yamabuto. Serrated, a. namazinyo njenge- sara. Set, v. (as a limit) kaula. ,, (off, adorn) vunula. ,, (out, allot) abela. ,, (in, commence) qala. ,, (cause to rest) pumuza. ,, (as a razor) lola. ,, (begin a journey") emuka. Set, v. (at ease) tulisa. ,, (eyes on) bona. ,, (one's cap at) xoxa. Set-to (with fists) ukubukela (uku) . Settle, n. isihlalo-eside (isi). Sex, n. (progeny) inzalo (in). ,, (women; isifazana (isi). ,, (men) isilisa (isi). Shaft, n. (of a pit) ilinditvobo (i). Shaft, n. (of a carriage) isi- bonda sekalishi. Shake, v. (with cold) qaqazela. Shaking, v. (to go, as fat man) tikiza. Shaking, r. (to get) xukuzeka. Shaky (to be, as waggon-wheel) xeka. Sharper, u. umkohlisi (urn). Shatter, v. (break in pieces) pa- hlaza, zuka, dengeza. Shattered, p.p. pahlaziwe, zu- kekile. Shawl, 11. itshali (i). Shed, v. (let fall) wisa. ,, (as leaves) vutuluka. ,, (cast off) ebuka. ,, (scatter) cita. ,, (spread abroad) hla- kaza. Shed, v. (as the teeth) kumuka Shedder, n. (of blood) umopisi (urn). Sheen, n. ubucwazicwazi (ubu). Sheep-dog, n. inja yezimvu. Sheep excrements, imisimbane yezimvu. Sheepfold, n. isibaya sezimvu. Sheep-shearer, n. umgundi we- zimvu. Sheepskin, n. isikumba semvu. Sheepwalk, n. idhlelo lezimvu. ENGLISH- ZULT VOCABULARY 131 Shelfy, a. namatala. Shelving, a. (sloping) tambe- kele. Shelter, n. (of branches) um- peme (urn). Shelter, v. (defend) vikela. Sheol, v. amaliba (ama). Shewbread, n. izinkwa zetem- pili. Shield-stick, n. umsita. Shift, v. (remove) tuta. ,, n. (working time) isikati sokusebenza. Shift- about, v. zulazula tenga- tenga. Shilling, n. ushelene (n). Shine, v. (be famous) duma. ,, n. ukucwazimula (uku). Shining, a, (splendid) cwazi- mulayo . Shining, a. (distinguished) du- mileyo. Ship-carpenter, n. imbazi yom- kumbi. Ship-master, n. inkosi yom- kumbi. Ship-owner, n. umniniwom- kumbi. Shire, n. isabelo selizwe. Shirk, v. pepa, epepa. Shock, v. (offend) dubisa. ,, (provoke) cunula. ,, (horrify) esabisa. ,, (surprise) zuma. ,, (cause to recoil) kwe- bula. Shoot, v. (with an arrow) cibi- tyela. Shoot, v. (as from^a cart) etula. Shop, v. (talk shop) kuluma ngomsebenzi. Shop, v. (buy) tenga. Shopping, n. ukutenga (uku). Short person, n. (thick-set) isi- tupana (isi). Shortcoming, //.ukuputa (uku). Short-spoken, a. bebezile. Short-winded, a. nepika. Short, v. (to cut) finyeza ,, (to fall) puta ,, (to stop) peza. Shot, n. (bullet) imbumbulu (im). Shot, n. (payment) isabelo soku- koka. Shoulder, v. sunduza. ,, (carry) twala nge- hlombe. Shoulder-belt, n. ibande le- hlombe. Shoulder-of-mutton, n. ihlombe lemvu. Shout, v. (from a distance) len- geza. Shout, v. (drive off) kuza. ,, n. (of army in full action) isimema (isi). Shove, n. ukusunduza, ukuquba (uku). Shovel, v. (throw into a heap) fumba. Show, v. (publish) memezela. ,, (inform) bika. ,, (bestow) nika. ,, (forth) bonakalisa. ,, (of hands) pakamisa izandhla. Show, v. (as fault) dalula. Showman, ii. umbonisi (um). Shrew, n. (scold) inndhlondhlo (in). Shrinking, // . ukushwabana (uku). Shroud, n. ingubo yesidikadika. Shuffle, v. (dodge) pepa, epepa. ,, (quibble) feceza, ebanda. 132 ZULU VADE-MECUM Shuffle, n. (artifice) icebo (i). Shut, v. (as a box) vimba. Shy, v. etuka, tuka. ,, (to be, keep away from) xwaya. Shy, v. (beware of) xwayela. Shying, n. ukutuka (uku). Sibilant, a. kwisizayo. Sick headache, n. (to have) kwelwa ikanda. Sick-room, n. ikamelo lesiguli. Sicken, v. gulisa. Side, n. (of the head) uhlangoti lwekanda. Side by side, lungelelene. Sidereal, a. ngezinkanyezi. Sight, v. (see accurately) boni- sisa. Sight, v. (to come in) bonakala. Sightless, a. mpumpute. Sight- seer, n. umbuki (urn). Sign, v. loba, bala, dweba. ,, (indicate) kombisa. Signal post, n. insika yokuqa- misa. Silent person, n. (dumb) isi- mungulu (isi). Silly person, n. (noodle) ilul- wane (i). Silly tiling, n. insumo (in). Simmer, v. bila kahle. Sinciput, n. ibunzi (i). Singed, v. (to be) ramuka, hamuka. Sir, umngane (um). Sit, v. (a long time) quia. ,, (cause to) hlalisa. „ (hold a session) hlangana. ,, (up, rise) vuka. Sitting, n. (seat) isihlalo (isi). Situated, a. bekiwe Skedaddle, v. baleka. Skilled, a. lumbile. Skin, r. (cause to) hlinzisa. ,, (for) hlinzela. Skin cloak, n. isipuku (isi). Skipping, n. ukweqa. ,, (as calves) tyadula, tyekula. Skirt, v. (from the edge) peta. Skittish, a. (easily frightened) etukayo. Skittish, a. (frisky) tyekulayo. ,, (shy) coyacoyile. ,, (wanton) dalazele. Slabber, v. bibiza. Slabby, a. (sloppy) manzi. Slake, v. (as thirst) puzisa. Slant, a. tambekile. ,, )i. utambeka (u). Slap- dash, ad. kanye. Slash, ». ukuvitya (uku). Slate, n. (building stone) ukete (ulu). Slattern, n . (woman) ivilakazi (i). Slaver, n. (drivel) ukubibiza (uku). Slaver, v. bibiza. Slayer, n. (of a person) umbu- lali (um). Slayer, n. (of an ox, &c.) um- hlabi. Sleek, a. (smooth) butyelezi. Sleigh, n. isislipi (isi). Sleight, n. umkuba. Slender, a. (lean) zacile. Slenderness, n. (thinness) uku- zaca (uku). Slenderness, n. (weakness) ubu- takataka (ubu). Slim, a. (thin) zacile. Slip knot, 11. isirebe (isi). Slipped, z\ (out to get) punyuka. Slippery fellow, n. iwetywetye 0)- Slope, v. tambeka. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 133 Sloppy, a. nodaka. Smear, v. (plaster) nameka, Slough, n. (bog) ixapozi (i). gudula. Slovenliness, n. (carelessness) Smear, v. (as a floor) tyapalaza. ubuyatayata (ubu) Slovenly person, n. (careless) iyatayata (i). Slow, v. (hesitating, to go) zenga. Slow, v. (to be drawling) ne- kenda. Slow business, n. innsindan- sinda (in). Slumber, v. (sleep) lala. ,, n. (sleep) ubutongo (uku). Slyly, v. (to act) nyenya. Smack, n. (of the hand) ma- kula. Smack, n. (kiss) ukwanga (uku). ,, (of the lips after eat- ing) ukuhlwabula (uku). Smack, n. (with the hand) ma- kula. Small, a. (soft) tambile. ,, (slender) zacile. ,, (small, short woman) umtekelikazana . Small, a. (house, or hut) ind- hlwane (in). Smaller, v. (to become, wane) sinya. Small person, n. (rather small) umunci (umu). Smart, v. (throb) tyotyozela. ,, (as from nettles) baba. ,, (in mind) dabuka. ,, a. (pungent) babayo. ,, (sharp) hlakanipile. ,, (well dressed) qamile. Smashed, v. (to be) pahlazeka, fohloka, bodhloka. Smatter, v. (smack with the tongue) hlwabula. (paint) ruba. ,, (as an axletree) tam- bisa. Smear, v. (the face) ncomba. Smell, v. (snuff at, as a horse) sezela. Smell, v. (out one another) nukana. Smell, v. (for) nukela. ,, (cause to) nukisa. ,, (as a flower) sezela. Smite, v. (with palm of hand) makula. Smite, v. (revile) tuka. ,, (upbraid) jezisa. Smiter, n. umtyayi (um). Smock, n. iyembe (i). Smoker, n. ixwele (i). Smooth, a. butyelezi. Smooth-tongued, a. tobozile^o. Smother, v. (as fire) cima. ,, (choke) binda. Smoulder, v. (as a fire) lota. Smudge, v. (make dirty) ngco- lisa. Smudge, v. (blot) capazela. ,, (with smoke) fuza. Snack, n. (of food) umpako (um). Snacks, //. (to go) abelana. Snaffle, u. (bridle) itome (i). Snau', n. (knot in wood) ipuzu (i). Snake, //. (blind) impumpute (im). Snake, u. (brown, harmless) unizingandhlu. Snake, n. (large puti'-adder) ibu- lulu (i). Snake, n. (large boa) imfun- daino (im). 134 ZULU VADE-MECUM Snake, ft. (very deadly) urnan- ' qandalungopi (u). Snake, n. (cobra di capello) im* fezi (im). Snap, v. (as a bone) fehleza. Snapped, v. (off, to be) kepuka. ,, (do., as a bone) fehleka. Sneak, v. nyelela. ,, n. umnyeleli (urn). Sneaking, a. nyeleleyo. Snip, v. (cut off) nquma. ,, (cut into small pieces) qobisisa. Snob, n. itonqana (i). Snooze, v. ozela. ,, n. ukwozela (uku). Snore, n. ukuronqa (uku). Snorting, n. ukutimula (uku). Snot, v. (blow the nose) finya. Snotty, a. namafinyila. Snub, v. tetisa. So -forth, ad. njalonjalo. Soaker, n. isidakwa (isi). Soapstone, n. ivando (i). Soave, a. (in music) nobum- nandi. Sodden, a. (with rain) nukubele. Soft, a. (comfortable, as a gar- ment) ntobontobo. Soft, v. (yield to pressure) bud- hluka. Soft soil, )(. (rich, loamy) im- budhlumbudldu (im). Soft soil, u. (loose) imvundum- vundu (im). Soft matter, n. (slush) icibizi Soil, n. (soft and rich) imbo- bombobo (im). Soil, n. (filth) insila (in). ,, (mud) udaka (ulu). ,, (dry mud) idaka (i). Solicitation, n. (urgent request) ukuncengisisa (uku). Solid, a. (strong) namandhla. Soluble, a. ncibilikayo. Somnambulism, ukuhamba ebu- tongweni. Somniferous, a. lalisayo. Somnific, a. ozelisayo. Somnolent, a. ozele. Sooty, a. nomule. Sophism, n. ukufitiza (uku). Sophistical, a. kohlisayo ngoku- pika. Soporiferous, a. lalisayo. Sore, n. (scrofula) umcoboko (um). Sore, n. (made by doctor) in- hlumba (in). Sororicide, v. (to commit) bulala udade. Sort, v. (separate) ahlukanisa. Sough, v. (as the wind) xuxu- zela. Sough, v. (as the sea) cwaza. Sound, n. (arm of the sea) um- kono wolwandhle. Speak, v. (in an excited man- ner) pakazela. Speak, v. (publish) memezela. ,, (in right earnest) ku- taza. Speak, v. (scold severely) fica. ,, (confidentially together) gudhlana. Speak, v. (truthfully) nyanyisa. ,, (in admiration of) tusa. ,, (roughly) tekela. Spear, n. (large, short shaft, broad blade) iboqo (i). Specious, a. (showy) qamile. Speck, n. (spot) icatyana (i). ,, (stain, as in wood) umenyele (um). ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 135 Speck, n. (a grain) uhlamvu (ulu). Spectre, n. isituta, idhlozi (i). Speculum, n. isibuko (isi). Spell, n. (of work) umsebenzi (um). Spend, v. (buy) tenga. ,, (squander) hlapaza. ,, (waste) cita. ,, (consume) dhla. Spender, n. (generous) ihlapa- hlapa. Sphere, n. indilinga (in). Spit, v. (on) felela. Spited, v. (to be) guzeka. Spirt, v. mpompoza. Splayed foot, n. ibata (i). Split open, v, (to be) hlezuka. Spoil, v. (take captive) tumba. Spoiled child, v. inncengancenga (in). Spokesman, n. isilomo (i). Spotted, a. rungqu namananga- nanga. Spouse, n. umfazi (um). Spout, n. umbobo wamanzi. Sprained, (to be) pinyazeka. Sprawling, a. bambalele. Sprite, n. isituta, idhlozi (i). Spring, v. (down) ngqibita. ,, n. (small) isitonjana(isi). Spruce, a. (fine in dress) qamile. Spume, n. (froth) igwebu (i). ,, v. kihlika. Spun, p.p. (to be twisted) po- teka. Spurt, v. (out, spit) tyatyaza. ,, (out upon) tyatyazela. Sputum, n. amate (ama). Squabble, v. (wrangle) pikisana.. ,, (quarrel) xabana. ,, n. (brawl) ukuxokoze- la (uku). Squabble, )i. (wrangle) ukupiki- sana (uku). Squabbler, n (brawler) isiruzu, umxokozeli (um). Squad, n. isigaba (isi). Squanderer, n. umsapazi (um). Squashed, v. (to be) cibizeka. Squatted, v. (to be) qotyameka. Squatter, n. (settler) umhlali (um). Squaw, n. umfazi (um). Squeak, n isikalo (isi). Squeal, v. kala. Squeamish, a. cunukile, dube- kile. Squeeze, v. (drain) fica. ,, (together) cindeze- lana. Squeezed, v. (to get) sindeleka. ,, (to get crowded) nyinyeka. Squeezed (out, as filth, to get) bicika. Squelch, v. (as a toad) ukuti bwaba. Squib, v. binqa. Squirt, v. tyatyaza. ,, isityatyazo (isi). Stab, v. (one another) hlabana. ,, (cause to) hlabisa. ,, (for) h label a. Staff, n. (long, walking) udon- dolo (ulu). Staff, n. (very long) unhJon- gweni (u). Staff, n. (" staff of life ") udon : dolo (ulu). Stain, v. ninda. Stall, n. isahlukaniso sesiste- bili. Stamp, v. (pound) kanda. ,, (pound, as corn) si la. ,, (crush) fihliza. 136 ZULU VADE-MECUM Stamp, v. (tread on) nyatela. Stay, v. (rely) fcemba, etemba. Stampede, v. ukubaleka (uku). ,, (stop) peza. Stance, n. (site) isiza (isi). ,, (stand firmly) simama. Stand, v. (fearlessly) qiama. Steak, v. iqata (i). ,, (cause to stand up) Steal, v. (away, slink along) sukumisa. nyenya. Stand, v. (as one ready to strike) Steep-hill, n. uqolo (ulu). giana. Stark-naked, v. (to be) nquna. ,, (to lie) qungqu- luza. Stark-naked, v. (to go) ntikiti- zela. Start, v. (as one about to vomit) qubuka. Start, v. (make a sudden move- ment) eqa. Start, v. (for) sukela. Steep-place, n. inkelekete (in). Steep-side, n. (of a hill) iqele (i). Stem, v. (stop) pezisa. ,, (hinder) vimbela. Step, 77. (distance) ibanga (i). ,, (of a dance) isigqi (isi). Steps, n. izitezi (izi). ,, (sound of, to make) ukuti gqi. Sternutation, n. ukutimula (uku) . State, n. (condition) ukuma Stertorous, a. ronqayo. (uku). State, n. (dignity) ubukulu (ubu) . State, n. (body of people) isiiitu (isi), Stew, n. (broth) umhluzi (um), ,, (confusion, state of) ukudidakala (uku) . Stew, ii. (bad house, brothel) indhlu yezifebe. State, n. (civil power) amakosi Stick, v. (cause to adhere) nama- (ama). State, v. (set forth) tyo. (tell at full length) landa. Stately, a. dumile. ,, (majestically) nobu- kosi. Staunch, a. (firm) qinile. ,, v. (as blood) kaulela. Stave, n. (pole) isibonda (isi). , , (in music) imidwa eyi- sihlau. Stave, v. boboza. Staw, v. (surfeit) sutisa. Stay, v. (delay) libalisa. ,, (obstruct) vimbela. ,, (hold) bamba. ,, (remain for) salela. telisa. Sticking-plaster, n. ikasi elinama telayo. Stirle, v. (choke) gwaliza. ,, (as a report) kuza. Stifled, v. (stuffed in the nose, to be) cinana. Sting, v. (as a nettle) qubula. ,, (pierce) hlaba. ,, (to pain) hlupa. Stinging-nettle, n. imbabazane (im). Stink-wood,//, umfusamvu(um). Stiver, //. indibilitye (in). Stock, n. (in trade) innqwaba (in). Stone, n. (mass of rock) ingu- zungu (in). ENGLISH- ZULU VOCABULARY 137 Stoop, v. (as one writing) gomfa. Stop, v. (make to finish) qedisa. Store, n. isitolo (isi). Storm, v. (as an army) boboza. ,, ( r age) tukutela. ,, (furiously, as a man) bangalasa. Storm, v. (speak angrily) kwi- pila. Storm, v. (large raindrops, driven) izinsunsu (izin). Strain, v. (make great efforts) gabavuleka. Strain, n. (great effort) isiga- bavu (isi). Strait, n. incingo-yolwandhle ( in )- Strait, a. (difficult) lukuni. ,, (avaricious) rarayo. Stramash, n. ukuxabana (uku). Strain ony, n. mntuma (urn). Stretch, v. (as a man on waking) zamula. Stridulous, a. kwisizayo. Strike, v. (as a stone upon waggon- wheel) guzula. Strike, v. (hammer in naib?) betela. Strike, v. (swipe) dansula. ,, (on the head) nqanda. Strip, v. (off, as beads from string) rulula. Strip, v. (bereave) amuka. Striped-dog, u. irungqu (i). Striped-animal, n. umqunge (um) . Stripling, n. umfana ozacileyo. Stripped, v. (off to be, as grass) pundhleka. Stroke, n. (blow) isigalelo (isi). , , (touch) ukutinta (uku) . Stroll, v. ndinda vagatya. Strong, v. (to get, after sick- ness) lulama. Strong drink, n. (extra strong) isiraradolo (isi). Struck, v. (violently, to get) qu- zuka. Strop, n. istopi (i). Structure, n. (house) indhlu , ( in )- Strumpet, u. isifebe, isiropo (isi). Stubby person, # n. isil)iikubuku (isi). Stuck-up, a. zidhlayo. Stump, v. (lop) nquma. ,, (along as a child) tu- paza. Stump, v. (walk heavily) sin- dana. Stump, u. (short, thick-set per- son) isitupuna (isi). Stun, v. hlwatizisa. Stunt, v. (dock) nquma. Stupe, v. (foment) toba. Stupefy, v. (stun) hlwatizisa. Stupid person, n. (silly) isiye- jane (isi). Style, n. (mode) isimo, ukuma (uku). Style, v. (call) biza. Suavity, n. ubunene (ubu). Subduce, v. (withdraw) mon- yula. Subito, ad. (quickly) ngoku- byetya. Sublimate, v. (elevate) paka- misa. Sublime, a. (exalted) pakami- siwe. Sublime, a. (grand) kulukazi. ,, (majestic) nobukosi. Sublingual, a, ngapansi kolwi- mi. 138 ZULU VADE-MECUM Sublunary, a. ngapansi kwen- nyanga Subluxation, n. ukupinvaza (uku). Submarine, a. ngapansi kwol- wandhle. Submaxillary, a. ngapansi kwomhlati. Submerge, v. (drown) minzisa. ,, (sink) tyona. Submerged, a. cwilisiwe. ,, (drowned) minzile. Subnascent, a. mila ngapansi. Subovate, a. njengesimo se- qanda. Subscribe, v. (write) loba, bala. ,, (promise money) tembisamali. Subsection, n. (of men) isiju- qujuqwana (isi). Subsequent, a. landelayo. Subsequently, ad. emuva. Subside, v. (become quiet) tula. Subsiding, a. (sinking) tyonayo. Substance, n. (goods) izim- pahla (izim). Substance, n. (wealth) ukunota (uku). Substantiate, v. misa. Substitute, v. faka esikundhleni. Subter, ngapansi. Subterfuge, n. icebo (i). ,, (evasion) izaba(i). Subtracter, //. umpunguli (urn). Subtraction, ;/ . ukupungula, ukususa (uku). Suburb, //. ipandhle (i). Suburbs, n. (outside the town) amapandhle (ama). Subversion, n. (ruin) ukucita- kala (uku). Subvert, v. (cause to fall) wisa. Subvert, v. (ruin utterly) cita- kalisa. Subway, n. indhlela ngapansi kwomhlaba. Succeed, v. (follow) landela. ,, (take the place of) ngena esikundhleni. Succeed, v. (obtain) zuza. ,, (prosper) busa. Succeeding, a, (prospering) bu- sile. Succeeding, a. (getting) zuzi- leyo. Succeeding, a. (taking the place) tata isikundhla. Succinct, a. (brief) futyane. Succession, n. ufehlane (ulu). Such, ad. (as this) njena. ,, (as that) njeya. Suffice, v. (satisfy) sutisa. Suffocated, v. (to be) xwiliza. Sugar-bird, n. inncwincwi (in). Suggestive, a. funzelayo. Suicide, n. ukuzibulala (uku). Suit, i'. (agree together) vume- lana . Suit, v. (lit) fanelisa. ^, v. (adapt) linganisa. ,, (please) toko/isa. ,, (make content) enamisa. Suitor, ;/. (wooer) umxoxi (um), ,, (lover) isixebi (isi). ,, (at law-court) ungi- mangele (u). Sullen, a. (cloudy) hpele. ,, (moody) konkobele. Sulphur, 11. ublimstoni (u). Sultry, a. tyisayo kakulu. Sum, v. balisa. ,, (collect) buta. Summary, n. (abridgment) uku- finyezwa (uku). Summary, a. (short) futyane. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULAEY 139 Summon, v. (to court) biza ngobukosi. Sunny, a. (bright) kanyayo. ,, (warm) fudumele. Sun-like, a. njengelanga. Sun- stroke, n. ukuhlwatisizwa ngelanga. Sun of Kighteousness, uLanga Lokulunga. Sun (under the) emhlabeni. Sundry, a. (many) ningi. Sup, v. puza ngamatama. ,, dhla kusihlwa. ,, n. itama (i). Superable, a. nqobekayo. Superabound, v. vama kakulu. Superadd, v. engezelela. Superangelic, a. pezu kwezinge- losi. Superannuate, v. pumisa en- konzweni. Superb, a. (stately) dumayo. ,, (showy) qamile. Supercelestial, a. pezu kwesi- bakabaka. Superexalt, v. pakamisa kakulu. Superexcellent, a. dhlulayo ka- kulu. Superficial, a. (showy) qamile. ,, (without depth) ngenabude. Superhne, a. colekile kakulu. Supertluous, a. cicimayo. Superheat, v. tyisayo kakulu. Superhuman, ngapezu kwc- sintu. Superior, a. dhlulayo. Superlunar, a. ngapezu kwen- nyanga. Supermundane, a. ngapezu kwomhlaba. Supernatant, a. ntantayo. Superpose, v. bekelela. Superscribe, v. loba pezulu. Supersede, v. kipaesikundhleni. Superterrestrial, a. ngapezu kwomhlaba. Supervene, v. (happen) hlela, vela. Supervise, v. pata. ,, (inspect) hlola. Supper, n. (the Lord's) umten- deleko wen Kosi. Supplication, n. (prayer) urn- tandazo (um). Supplication,;/, (entreaty) ukun- cengisisa (uku). Support, v. (help, or cause to) sekelisa. Support, v. (stand for) melela. Supreme chief, n. ungqongqotye (u). Sur, pezu. Surcharge, v. tuta pezu kwa- mandhla. Surface, u. ubuso (ubu). Surfeiting, a. canulayo. Surloin, n. isinqe (isi). Surmount, v. (go beyond) dhlula. Surplice, isaplisi (i). Surprise, v. (strike with wonder) mangalisa. Surprise, v. (confuse) didaka- lisa. Survey, v. (measure) linganisa. ,, n. (of land) ukulinga- niswa (uku). Surveyor, ;/. umlinganisi worn- hlaba. Susceptible, a. (feeling) zwayo, ezwayo. Susceptible, a, (tender) tambe- kile. Suspect, v. (doubt) konona. Suspected, a. (not trusted) nga- tembekile. 140 ZULU VADE-MECUM Suspend, v. (interrupt) putisa. Suspended, a. (stopped) pezi- siwe. Sustain, v. (keep alive) pilisa. ,, (nourish) ondhla. Swale, n. (land) imfunda (im). ,, (shade) itunzi (i). Swan, n. iswani (i). Swap, v. enanela. Swash, v. (bluster) vubula, ku- kumala. Swathe, v. (bandage) tandela. Sway, v. (as grass, or trees) nyakaza. Sweal, v. (singe, as a hog) ramula. Swearing, a. fungayo. Sweater, n. umjulukisi (urn). Sweet-potato, n. (place for growing) isihlaza (isi). Swelling, a. kukumele. Swerve, v. (wander from) eduka. ,, (deviate) pambuka. ,, (rove) ndinda. ,, (bend) goba. Swerving, n. ukugoba, ukun- dinda, ukweduka (uku). Swig, v. gobolozela. Swill, v. hlanza. ,, ii. ukugobolozela (uku). Swing, v. (dangle) lengalenga. ,, (a man round) gqen- i gqa. Swop, v. enanela. Sycophant, ;/. umtobozi (um). Symposium, )i. ukupuzana (uku) . Synagogue, n. isinegogi (i). T. Tabby, a. nemitende. Tabes, u. ukuwonda (uku). Table, ??. (of the Lord) umten- deleko wen Kosi. Tablet, n. (scented) ika (i). Tailor, n. umtungi (um). Tail-feather, u. (of a fowl) um- gomba (um). Take, v. (ensnare) tiya, cupa. ,, (consent) vumela. ,, (choose) qoma, keta. ,, (bring up, as child) ondhla. Take, v. (from place to place) tuta. Take, v. (down) hlisa. ,, (down, destroy) diliza, cita. Take, v. (in, fence) biyela. ,, (take off, cut off) nqu- ma. Take, v. (take out of) epula. ,, (up, begin) qala. ,, (the, field, invade) hla- sela. Take, v. (completely) tyaqa. ,, (one another, marry) tatana. Take, v. (for) tata. ,, (cause to) tatisa. ,, (the land of) tonya, ncindela. Take, v. (away, as pot from fire) epula. Take, v. (serve out food) paka. ,, (out with the hand) tap a. Take, v. (up on stick, as dead snake) cupuluza. Take, v. (care, avoid) pepa. ,, (off, strip as hair) qo- tula. Take, /\ (trouble about) naka. ,, (by surprise) zuma. ,, (home) godusa. ENGLISH-ZULU VOCABULARY 141 Talk, v. (chatter) nkenkeza. ,, (j°k e ) nconkola. ,, (preach) shumayela. ,, (one to another) kulu- mana. Talk, v. (for) kulumela. ,, (cause to) kulumisa. ,, (violent words) jigida. ,, (rudely) bekuza. ,, (much as drunken man) cevuza. Talk, n. (about ordinary mat- ters) ixoxo (i). Talkative, v. (to be) boba. Talkativeness, n. ukumpopoza, ukuboboza (uku). Tall person, umdwamba (um). ,, ,, (lanky) imvongolo- lo (im). Tall person (fine woman) um- tekelikazi. Tall thing, n. (jointed) umxeke (um). Tall thing, n. utatamela (ulu). Tallow, n. (fat) amafuta (ama). Talpa, n. (mole) imvukuzane (im). Tame, v. (to make) tambisa. Tangible, a. tintekile, patekile. Tangibility, n. ukuzwa ngoku- patwa. Tangle, v. bijisana. Tanned, a. shukekile. Tanner, n. umshuki (um). Tantivy, ad. nobelu. Tantrums, n. ukuhlunama (uku) . Tape- worm, n. (kind of) um- tyumane (um). Tarry, v. (abide) hlala. ,, (cause to) libalisa. Tassel, n. ityoba (i). Tatter, n. (rag) idhlikidhliki (i). Tatters, n. (rags) amadhlikidh- liki (ama). Tatters, n. (draggled clothes) amanikiniki (ama). Tatterdemalion, n. unikiniki (u). Tawdry, a. (in dress) qamile. Tawdriness, n. ukuqama (uku). Tax, v. (cause to pay) telisa imali. Tearful, a. hlengezele lilayo. Tear, v. (in pieces as a dog) hlikiza. Techy, a. (be cross) teteme. Te Deum, n. sikudumisa Tixo. Tedium, n. isizungu (isi). Tegument, n. (skin) isikumba (isi). Telegraph, n. ulobakude. Telegram, //. indaba ngoloba- kude. Tell, v. (many times) dulela. ,, (cause to) tyelisa. ,, (for) tyelela. ,, (thoroughly) tyelisisa. ,, (a story, partly false) rarula. Tell, v. (privately) hlebela. ,, (lies) rutyuza qamba- manga. Tell-off, v. bala. Tell-tale, n. umhlebi (um). Tell-on, v. bika. Tenable, a. bambekayo. Tenacious, a. (holding) bam- bayo. Tenacious, a. (sticking) nama- teleyo. Tenacious, a. (obstinate) don- day o. Tenacious, a. (niggardly) nci- tyayo. Tenant, n. umhlali (um). Tend, v. (be attentive) qapela. 142 ZULU VADE-MECUM Tend, v. (lean) tambekela. Tendency, n. ukutambekela (uku). Tender, v. (as money) kokamali. Tendon, n. (used as thread) usinga (ulu). Tenebrious, a. fipele. Tenesmus, n. ukukanula (uku). Tenet, n. inhloko yokukolwa. Tenor, n. (stamp) isicindezelo (isi). Tenotomy, n. ukunquma urn- sipa. Tense, a. (rigid) lukuni. ,, (stretched) qibukile. Tentative, a. lingayo. Tenter (stretch) qibula. Tepefy, v. fudumalisa. Tepid, a. fudumele. Terebrate, v. boboza. Term, v. (call) biza. Termagant, n. indhlondhlo (in). Terminate, v. (cause to) kaulisa. Terra, n. umhlaba (um). Terrified, v. (to look) yangaza. Testa, n. (covering) igobolondo &■ Tete-a-tete, n. ukukulumana (uku) . Tether, v. bamba ngentambo. Tetra, kane. That, loko. That, conj. (in order that) uku- ba. That, adv. (that is to say) okuti okukuti. That, adv. (by reason that) okuba okokuba. That, adv. (for that) okoba. ,, conj. (to the end that) ukuze. That, conj. (that, namely) ukuti. ,, (in that) ngoba. Thaw, v. (melt) ncibilika. Their home, kwabo. Then, ad. (well then) kambe. ,, (you see then) pela. ,, (and so then) yikona. Thereabouts, ad. ngalapo. Thereby, ad. nga. Therein, ad. kulapo. Thick, v. (with trees, to be) ng- qaingana. Thick end, ;/. (as stump of tree) isiqu (isi). Thick grass, n. ukwena (uku). Thick-set person, n. isibuku- buku (isi). Thin out, v. (as mealies) pa. Think, v. (about) camangela. ,, (well of value) tanda. ,, (purpose) lokota. This day, ad. namuhla. Thistle, n. (thorn) ibangulo (i). Thong, n. intambo (in). ,, (made of skin) idum- bu (i). Thong, n. (kind of) umcilo (um). Thornapple, n. (fruit of large kind) ituma (i). Thornapple, n. (fruit of small kind) umtuma (um). Thrall, n. (slave) innqoboka (in). Thraldom, n. ubunqoboko (ubu). Thrapple, v. (seize by the throat) bamba ngompimbo. Threshold, n. (gate) isango (i). ,, (door - sill) itala lomnyango. Thrill, v. (pierce) hlaba. Throw, v. (in, inject) boja. ,, (into a heap) fumba. ,, (one's self back) qe- tuka. ENGLISH-ZULI' VOCABULARY 143 Throw, v. (as a wrestler) labia. Thrust, r. (out) kipa xotya. ,, (in, insert) hlokoza. Thumb, v. ngcolisa ngeminwe. Tick, n. (large bluish) itula (i). Tickle, v. (cause to) gidazisa. ,, (one another) gida- zana. Tickling, n. ukukitakita (uku). Tidy, a. nono. Tidy person, n. inono (i). Tie, v. (join together) bangqa. ,, (together) tekezela. Tier, n. (row) uhla (ulu). Tile, n. itili (i). ,, v. fulela ngamatili. Timber, n. (long log) ugoqo (ulu). Timber, n. (heap of logs) igoqo «• . . Timber, n. (wooden bars) imi- goqO (imi). . Timber, n. (log) isibuku isi. ,, (rafters) imijanjato (imi). Timber, n. (door posts) izitum- banja (izi). Timber, n. (poles) izibonda (izi). ,, (masts) izinsika (izin). ,, (beams) imijijibe (imi). ,, (trunk of a tree) isi- godo (isi). Timber, n. (small rafters) imi- jibe (um). Time, n. (future and distant) iyakade (i). Time-keeper, it. umlindisikati (um). Time-killing, a. dhlulisayo isi- kati. Time, v. (to lose) libala. Timorous, a. novalo. Tinge, v. (stain) ninda. Tinker, v. (patch) ciciyela. Tint, v. (stain) ninda. Tintinnabulation, n. ukuncen- ceza (uku). Tip, v. (hint) ukusikisela (uku). ,, (give money) nikela ima- li. Tip, v. (make a point) gcija. ,, (sharpen, as a pencil) baza. Tippit, n. itipiti (i). Tipple, v. puza. Tippler, n. isirula ngotywala. Tipsiness, n. ukudakwa (uku). Tire, n. (row) uhla (ulu). ,, (head-dress) umnqwazi (um). Tit-bit, n. (of meat) iqata (i). Tit-for-tat,7f. ukupindinya (uku). Tittle-tattle, n.ukubamuza (uku). Tit, v. (talk idly) bamuza. Title, n. ibizo (i). ,, v. (call) biza. To {prep.) ku, uku. To-you (jplur.) kuni. To-thee, kuwe. To-them, kubo. To-night, n. kulobubusuku. To-night, n. (in the evening) (kusihlwa). To-the-face, n. ebusweni. Tobacco, n. (new) uhlaza (ulu). Toddy, n. ugologo namanzityi- sayo. Together, ad. (all) kanyekanye. Toll, n. (tax) isitelo (isi). ,, v. telisa. Toll-bar, it. isango lokutelisa. Tom-cat, n. induna yekati. Tome, n. (book) incwadi (in). Tomfool, n. isiulakazi (isi). ,, (simpleton) isipuku- puku (isi). 144 ZULU VADE-MECUM Tongs, n. udhlau (ulu). Tonsils, n. amalaka (ama). Tool, n. into yokusebenza. Toothful, a. (palatable) mnandi, mtoti. Toothless, a. ngenamazinyo Toothache, n. ubuhlungu-be- zinyo. Toothsomeness, uburntoti, ubu- mnandi (ubu). Teeth, v. (to show, threaten) cupisa. Toper, n. isirula ngogologo. Topography, n. ukufanekisa kwendawo. Topsy-turvy, ad. ngokugumbu- qeka. Tornado, n. isivunguvungu (isi). Torpid, a. (dull) butuntu. (numbed) ndikindiki. Torrefy, v. (roast) osa. Tortoise-shell, n. igobolondo lo- fudu. Tortuous, a. (twisted) sontekile. ,, (winding) songile. Toss, v. (fling out of the hand) ukuti ji. Totter, v. (go feebly) tengezela. Tottering, ??.ukutengezela (uku). Touch, v. (strike gently) qu- kuza. Touch, v. (upon in conversa- tion) tatela. Touch, n. ukutinta, ukupata (uku) . Touched, p.j). tintekayo. Touchy, a. hluneme. Touchiness, n. ukuhlunama (uku). Touch-hole, n. imbobo yom- baimbai. Touch-upon, v. pata. Touch-up, v. (repair) lungisa. Tough, a. (hard) lukuni. Tour, n. (ramble) ukundinda (uku) . Tour, n. (roving) ukuzula (uku). Tow, v. (drag) rola. Tow-rope, n. igoda lokurola. Track, v. landa. Tractable, a. (docile) fundise- kile. Trail, v. (drag) rola. Trailing, a. rolayo. Train, v. (teach) fundisa. ,, (tame) tambisa. Train up, v. fundisa ondhla. Traitor, n. umhlubuki (urn). Trammel, v. (hamper) libalisa. ,, (restrain) godhla. ,, (hinder) vimbela. ,, (shackle) bopa. Tramp, ». (stroller) umdindi (urn). Tramp, n. (wanderer) umham- buma (um). Tramp, n. (vagrant) umzuli (um). Tranquillity, a. (calmness) uku- tula (uku). Transact, v. (act) enza. ,, (perform) sebenza. ,, (manage) pata. Transcend, v. (surpass) tantata. , , ( surm aunt) k wela . Transcending, a. tantayo. Transcribe, v. fanekisa isibalo. Transcription, n. ukufanekisa kwesibalo. Transfer, v. (sell) tengisa. Transient, a. dhlulayo. Transition (change) ukupenduka (uku) . Translate (carry) tuta. Transmarine, a. ngapesheyo Ivwolwandhle, ENGLISH- ZULU VOCABULARY 145 Transmute, v. pendula. Transport, v. (with joy) jabuli- sisa. Transport, v. (banish) xotya. Trapped, v. (to be) tiyeka. Travel, v. (go a weary distance) dandabuza. Travel, v. (through mud and rain) baxazela. Travel, n. ukuhamba (uku). Travelling, a. hambayo. Tread, v. (rest upon tiptoes) cokama. Tread, v. (very slowly) catula. ,, (stealthily) nyelela. Trembling, n. (palsy) idumbe (i). Trembling, n. (fear, agitation) itweletwele (i). Treasurer, n. umpatisikwama. Trend, n. ukutambekela (uku). Trepan, n. (cheat) umkohlisi (um). Trepidation, n. itweletwele (i). Triable, a. lingekayo. Trial, n. isilingo (isi). ,, (on trial, to be) sekulin- gweni. Trick, v. (deceive) kohlisa. ,, (defraud) eba. Trickling, a. consayo. ,, n. ukuconsa (uku). Trier, n. umhloli (um). Triliteral, a. namagama ama- tatu. Trim, v. (shave) puca. ,, (shave off hair of head) gega. Trim, v. (decorate) vunula. ,, (dress, as heathen) am- bata. Trim, v. (do, as Christian) gqo- ka. Trim, v. (rluctuate) yapaceka. Trinket, n. (toy) indhlaliso (in). Trouble, n. (fidgets) amatezane (ama). Trouble, n. (sorrow) usizi (uluj. ,, (care) isineke (isi). ,, (hardship) ukahla (ulu). Trouble, n. (ordinary) ukupiceka ukupityeka (uku). Trough, n. umkombe (um). Trow, v. (kolwa). Truant, n. (idler) ivila (i). ,, (dilatory person) isi- libazi (isi). Truculent, a. (cruel) nolunya. ,, (destructive) bubi- sayo. Truly, v. (to speak, or act) ku- taza. Trull, ii. isifebe (isi). Trump, v. (lie) qambamanga. ,, (cheat) kohlisa. ,, (boast) kuluma iwa- wa (i). Truncate, r. (cut off) nquma. ,, (maim) limaza. Truncheon, u. indukwana (in). ,, v. tyaya. Trundle, gingqa. Trust, v. (lose trust) tembambu- lala. Truth, n. iqiniso (i). Try, v. (examine) hlola. ,, (purify) hlambulula. Trying, a. lingayo. Try-on, v. (lit) fanelisa. Tryst, c, misa indawo yoku- hlangana. Tuck-up, v. (as wristband) peca, Tuition, n. (being taught) uku- fundiswa (uku). Tulip, u. itulipi (i). Tump, u. iduli (i). 146 ZULU VADE-MECUM Tumulus, n. (graves) amaliba (ama) . Tumulus, n. (hillock) iduli (i). Tune, n. ivumo (i). Turbid, a. (as water) dungekile. Turgid, a. kukumele. Turmoil, 11. (noise) umsindo (um) . Turmoil, n. (confusion) isipiti- piti (isi). Turmoil, n. (tumult) ukuxoko- zela (uku). Turmoil, n. (trouble) ukuhlu- peka (uku). Turn, v. (aside) guleka. ,, (up, as the sleeves) finyeza. Turn, v. (out of the path) gwe- gwesa. Turn, v. (as a person's words) hlanezela. Turn, v. (light-headed) gcwane- kisa. Turn, v. (translate) kumusha. ,, (tail) baleka. Turned, a. (back to be) tinteka. Turtle-dove, n. (dark-coloured) ivukuto (i). Turtle-dove, n. (green) ijuban- toto (i). Turtle-dove, n. (large) ijuban- tendele (i). Turtle-dove, 11. (ordinary) ijuba Tush, mtj. (away) lya. ,, (derision) yeye ! Twiddle, v. tinta. Twine, v. (tw T ist) pota, sonta. ,, (embrace) singata. Tw T inge, v. (pinch) ncinza. ,, (give pain) hlaba. , , n. (pain) ukuhlaba (uku) . ,, (pinch) ukuncinza (uku). Twinge, n. (stabbing, pain in chest) uhlabo (ulu). Twisted, v. (together to be) alu- kana. Twit, v. (upbraid) jezisa. Twitter, n. (of birds) ukukala (uku). Twitter, n. (of the nerves) ama- tezane (ama). Tying, v. bopa. U. Udometer, n. isilinganiso sem- vula. Ulcers, n. (in the mouth) ama- lovula (ama). Ulterior, a. pambile, pandhle. Ultima, a. ukupela. Ultra,