EXCHANGE i:?^rT^/.>'^'r DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY ROLLIN A. SAWYER, Jr. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1917 DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BT ROLLIN A. SAWYER, Jr. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1917 NOTE nnHlS list contains the titles of works relating to the -* diplomatic history of the European War, owned by the Reference Department of the New York Public Library on June 1, 1917. They are in the Central Building at Fifth .Ivcnue and forty-second Street. Reprinted August 1917 FROM THE Bulletin of The New York Public Libhaky OF June 1917 fmlll p-DT tvlii-13-17 3cl DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR A LIST OF REFERENCES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT Official Documents, Collections. Separate Countries. Official Documents, continnetl. Correspondence on Particular Cases. Unofficial Publications. This list aims to include all official publications in the Library. Of books and periodical articles only the more important are listed. Official Documents Collections Andriulli, Giuseppe A. I documenti della grande guerra. . .con una prefazione di Gugl- ielmo Ferrero. Milano: Rava &: C. |1914.| 117 p. 16°. BTZE p.v.128, no.2 I documenti della guerra italiana. raccolti da Giuseppe A. Andriulli. Milano: Societa editoriale italiana, 1915. xii, 232 p. 16°. BTZE Documents relating to the great war ...with an introduction by Guglielmo Ferrero. London: T. Fisher Unwin [1915]. 127 p. 12°. BTZE Translation of his I documenti della grande guerra. Contains selections from diplomatic correspon- dence, addresses from thrones, and speeches of ministers in all the belligerent countries. Association for International Concilia- tion. — American Branch. Additional offi- cial documents bearing upon the European war. New York: American Association for International Conciliation, 1914. 59 p. 12°. (International conciliation, no. 84.) BTZE p.v.34, no.8 Contents: Speech of the imperial chancellor to the Reichstag, Aug. 4, 1914. Speech of the prime minister to the House of Commons, Aug. 6. 1914. Russian orange book. Austrian note of July 23, 1914 and Servian reply of July 25, 1914. Official documents bearing upon the European war. New York: American Association for International Conciliation, 1914. 123 p. 12°. (International concilia- tion, no. 83.) BTZE p.v.34, no.9 Contents: Austro-Hungarian note to Servia. Ser- vian reply. P.ritish white paper. German white book. Beer, Max, editor. Die europaischen Kriegsverhandlungen; die massgebenden Dokumente, chronologisch und sinngemass zusammengestellt. . . Bern: F. Wyss, 1915. xi, 392 p. 8°. BTZE At head of title: "Das Regenbogen-Buch"; deutsches Weissbuch, osterreichisch-ungarisches Rot- buch, englisches Blaubuch, franzosisches Gelbbuch, russisches Orangebuch, serbisches Blaubuch, und belgisches Graubuch. Belgie betrokken in den oorlog; verzame- ling van diplomatieke stukken. Getrouwe en onverkorte vertaling van het Belgische Grijsboek. 's-Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1914. 88 p. 8°. BTZEp.v.13, no.l Documents sur la guerre de 1914. (Revue generale de droit international public. Paris, 1914-16. 8°. annee 21, Documents, p. 37-57; annee 22, p. 1-124; annee 23, p. 1- 144.) XBA Further despatches and correspondence relating to the great war. (Britannic re- view. London, '1914-15. v. 1, p. 683-704; V. 2, p. 22-75.) *DA Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Col- lected diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European war. London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. iii p., 1 1., 561 p. 8°. (Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 10. Cd. 7860.) fXBI London: Wyman and Sons. 1915. xixp., 11., 561 p. 8°. BTZE Contents: 1. List of principal persons mentioned. 2. British diplomatic correspondence. 3. French yellow book. 4. Russian orange book. S. Belgian grey book. 6. Servian blue book. 7. German white book. 8. .\ustro-Hungarian red book. I 3 ] 3G5236 TH1-: XEW YORK PUBLIC LlURAkV Offu iiil P('(Uiiu-iits. loiitiinicd. Ci'llrctioiis. i-o)itiiiurd. Hamburgisches Kcilonialiiistitiit. Docu- iiiciitos (ifiiciacs relatives a jji'crra europea (ie 1914... Haml>un?o: Brosclick (!t Cia. ,1915?) 46 p. 8°. BTZEp.v.l01,no.3 Contents: German white hook; Session of Ger- man parliament .August 4. 1914; Negotiations be- tween (Germany and Belgium; Ultimatum of Japan to (iermany; IJecIaration of war by .\ustria-ITungary upon Helgium. Junker, Carl, editor. Dokumente zur Geschichte des europaischen Krieges 1914/15, mit besondercr Beriicksiclitigunff von Osterreich-Uiisarn und Dcutschland. Gesaiiinielt und in chronologischer Folge herausLieueljen von Carl Junker. Wien: Moritz Perles. 1915. 2 v. 8\ BTZE V. 1. 23 31 July 1914. V. 2. 1-10 .August 1914, anil supplements to July. V. 1 incomplete. Abteilung 2. Wien: Moritz Perles, 1915. 3 parts^ 8^ BTZE The war with Italy. Der Krieg 1914. Dokumente iiber seinen Ursprung. Genf: Journal de Geneve, 1914. 2 V. 12°. " BTZE Contains the ultimatums to Serbia and Belgium and the replies; addresses from thrones and speeches of ministers in England, Germany, France, Belgium, Russia and Italy. Kriegs-Chronik in autliontischen Berich- ten und offiziellen Depeschen. Dokumente des grossen Krieges 1914-15. Bd. 1. Ber- lin: Adler Verlag. 1915. 272 p. 12°. BTZE Contains extracts from the German white book. Mach, Edmund Robert Otto von, editor. Official diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European war, with photographic reproductions of official edi- tions of the documents (blue, white, yellow, etc., books) published by the governments of Austria-Hungar}', Belgium, France, Ger- many, Great Britain. Russia and Serbia... New York: Alacmillan Company, 1916. V. p. 4°. 6 -BTZE The first part of the book contains the documents of all the belligerents arranged in one chronological series with notes. The second part is composed of facsimiles. Withdrawn by the publishers. Official documents. New York: Ameri- can Society of International Law, 1914. iv, 422 p. 8°. (American journal of interna- tional law. V. 8, supplement.) XBA (American) Contains the British and German "white papers." and dispatch of the British ambassador at Berlin respecting the rupture of diplomatic relations with the German government. Official documents. New York: .\meri- can Society of International Law |1915j. vii. 444 p. 4°. (.\morican journal of inter- national law. V. 9, supplement.) XBA (American) Documents jirinted in the American journal of international lax(.\ January - October, 1915. .Among them are the documents respecting the war published by Russia, Belgium, France, Germany and Austria, and the neutrality proclamations of the United States. Official (locuiueiits. New ^'ork: .Viucri- can Society of International Law, 1916. v, 318, V. p. 4°. (.American journal of inter- national law. V. 10, supplement.) XBA European war, p. 18-27. De Oorsprong van den oorlog. Ver- zameling van diplomatieke stukken... 's-Gravenha^e: Al. Nijhoff, 1914. 68 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.8, no.6 Pages d'histoire, 1914-. serie 2. Les pourparlers diplomaticiues. Paris: Berger- Levrault. 1914-15. 16°. BTZE no. 1. 23 juillct-4 aoiit. Le livrc bleu anglais. 166 p. (fasc. 15, whole series.) no. 2. 24 juillet — 29 aout. Le livre gris beige. 132 p. (fasc. 20, whole series.) no. 3. 10/23 juillet - 24 juillet/6 aoiit. Le livre orange russe. 106 p., 1 1. (fasc. 21, whole series.) no. 4. 16/29 juin — 3/16 aout. Le livre bleu serbe. 78 p., 1 1. (fasc. 22, whole series.) no. 5. 24 iuillet - 2 aoiit. Le livre blanc allemand. 77 p., 1 1. (fasc. 25, whole series.) no. 6. 19 juillet/1 aoiit -19 octobre/1 novenibre 1914. Le second livre orange russe. 92 p. (fasc. 38, whole series.) no. 7. 29 juin - 24 aoiit. Le livre rouge austro- hongrois. 175(1) p. (fasc. 47, whole series.) no. 8. 3 aout - 4 novembre. 1914. Le second livre bleu anglais. 206 p., 1 1. (fasc. 51. whole series.) no. 9. decembre 1914 — 4 mai 1915. Le livre vert italien. 173 p., 1 1. (fasc. 55, whole series.) no. 10. 17 mars 1913-4 septembre 1914. Le livre jaune frangais. 178 p. (fasc. 67, whole series.) no. 11. 2 avril 1914 - 6 avril 1915. Deuxieme livre gris beige. 156 p. (fasc. 100, whole series.) Pourquoi nous avons la guerre; pieces diplomatiques et parlementaires pour servir a I'histoire de la guerre de 1914. Paris: Attinger freres rl914|. 1 p.l., 46 p. 8°. BTZEp.v.37, no.ll Shepherd, William Robert, editor. The protection of neutral rights at sea. Docu- ments on the naval warfare. New York: Sturgis & Walton, 1915. 129 p., 1 1. 8°. BTZEp.v.l58,no.5 Contains the British and Cjernian notes regarding a war zone in European waters and the correspon- dence of those countries with the Lhiited States re- garding the seizure and destruction of .American vessels. United States. — State Department. Diplomatic correspondence with belligerent governments relating to neutral rights and commerce. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., f°. BTZE 1915. 1915. 1916. P- Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 198 p. f°. (European war no. 2.) BTZE Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 387 p. f°. (European war no. 3.) BTZE DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR Official Documents, continued. Collections, continued. Diplomatic correspondence be- tween the United States and belligerent governments relating to neutral rights and commerce... New York: American So- ciety of International Law, 1915. xliv, 405 p. 8°. (American journal of interna- tional law. V. 9, special number.) XBAandBTZE Separate Coui^jtries Austria Austria-Hungary. — Ministerium des Aeussern. Austro-Hungarian red book. (In: Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Col- lected diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European war. London, 1915. 8°. p. 441-534.) BTZE Austro-Hungarian red book. Of- ficial English edition with an introduction. rNew York: John C. Rankin Co., 1915.i xvii, 98 p. 8°. BTZE Supplement 1. Collection of evidence concerning the violations of inter- national law by the countries at war with Austria-Hungarv. [New York: John C. Rankin Co., 1915.] 48 p. 8°. BTZE Austro-Hungarian red book. Of- ficial English edition. (In: American journal of international law. New York, 1915. 4°. v. 9, supplement, p. 309-413.) XBA (American) Diplomatic documents concern- ing the relations of Austria-Hungary with Italy. From Julv 20th, 1914, to May 23d, 1915. n. p., n. d. 190 p. 8°. BTZE Italy on the path of war. n. t.-p. 22 p. 8°. BTZE ■ II libro rosso; note e documenti dell' Austria-Ungheria sulle trattative diploma- tiche con I'ltalia, prima della guerra. Milano: Case editrice Collezioni Esperia [1915]. 30 p. 8°. BTZE Le livre rouge austro-hongrois. . . Librairie militaire Berger-Levrault, 175 p. 12°. (Pages d'histoire, . fasc. 47; serie 2, no. 7.) BTZE Osterreich-ungarisches Rotbuch. Berlin: Paul Singer, 1915. 53 p. 12°. (Dokumente zum Weltkrieg. no. 9.) BTZE Osterreichisch-ungarisches Rot- buch. Diplomatische Aktenstiicke betref- fend die Beziehungen Osterreich-Ungarns zu Italien in der Zeit von 20. Juli 1914 bis 23. Mai 1915. Wien: Manzsche Buchhandlung. 1915. X, 213 p. 8°. BTZE Sammlung von Nachweisen fiir die Verletzungen des Volkerrechtes durch die mit Osterreich-Ungarn kriegfiihrenden Staaten... Wien: Hof- und Staatsdruck- erei, 1915. xiii, 184 p. 4°. BTZE Zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges mit Italien. Wien: K. K. Hof- und Staatsdruck- erei, 1915. 33 p. 8°. BTZE Belgium Belgium. — Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres. Belgian grey book. (In: GreatBritain. — Foreign Office. Collected diplomatic documents relating to the out- break of the European war. London. 1915. 8°. p. 299-367.) BTZE Belgische Aktenstiicke 1905-1914. Berichte der belgischen Vertreter in Berlin, London und Paris an den Minister des Aeusseren in Briissel. Herausgegeben vom Auswartigen Amt. Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, n. d. ix, 140 p., 8 1. f°. Das belgische Graubuch. Berlin: Paul Singer, 1915. 46 p. 12°. (Dokumente zum Weltkrieg. no. 5.) BTZE The case of Belgium in the light of official reports found in the secret archives of the Belgian government after the occu- pation of Brussels. (New York: Interna- tional Monthly, n. d.] 16 p. 4°. BTZE Introduction by Dr. Bernhard Dernburg. Correspondance diplomatique rela- tive a la guerre de 1914. (24 juillet-29 aoi:t.) Antwerp: Imprimerie et publicite Flor Burton, n. d. 3 p.l., 25 p. f°. t BTZE Reimpression textuelle pub- liee par la legation de Belgique a La Haye. La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 1914. 27 p. fo tBTZE Correspondance diplomatique rela- tive a la guerre de 1914-1915. ii. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1915. vi, 65 p., 1 1. f°. fBTZE Deuxieme livre gris beige, Corres- pondance diplomatique relative a la guerre de 1914-1916. Paris: Berger-Levrault [1916]. 156 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire 1914- . fasc. 100; serie 2, no. 11.) BTZE (Pages) Diplomatic correspondence respect- ing the war published by the Belgian gov- ernment. London: Harrison and Sons, 1914. viii, 76 p. 8°. (Great Britain.— For- eign Office. Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 12. Cd. 7627.) ttXBI Diplomatic correspondence respect- ing the war [Belgian grey book]. (In: American journal of international law. New York, 1915. 4°. v. 9. supplement, p. 50-100.) XBA (American) THK NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Official Doiiiinoits. continued. Scf>aratc Countries — Belgium, continued. The facts aliout Bol.uiuni. Wash- ington: Columbian Co.. n. d. 8 p. 8". BTZE p.v.140, no.5 II lil)ro griffio helga; note e docu- menti diplomatici fra il Belgio e le potenze europee prima dell' invasione qcrmanica. Milano: Casa editrice Collezioni l-'spcria tl915i. 30 p. 8°. BTZE Le livre gris beige... Paris: Librairie militaire Berger-Levrault, 1914. 132 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914- . fasc. 20. serie 2, b. 2.) BTZE Livre gris beige. Correspondance diplomatique du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. . .relative a la guerre de 1914. . . Berne: K. T. Wj-ss, 1915. xvi p.. 70 1. 2. ed. 8°. ' BTZE Title-page ami text in French and German. La neutralite de la Belgique. Pre- face de M. Paul Hymans... Edition offi- cielle du gouvernement beige. Paris: Librairie militaire Berger-Levrault [1915]. 165 p., 1 1. 12°. BTZE Contains the Belgian grey book, diplomatic corres- pondence and other documents concerning the war. Protest by the Belgian government against the German allegation that Belgium had forfeited her neutrality before the out- break of war. London: Wyman and Sons. n. d. 3 p. f°. tXBFp.v.9, no.2 Reports of the Belgian representa- tives in Berlin, London and Paris to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Brussels, 1905-1914. European politics during the decade before the war as described by Bel- gian diplomatists. Documents issued by the Imperial German Foreign Office, n. p., 1915. xx.xi, 144 p. f°. ' BTZE The second Belgian grey book. Part 1 and part 2 (section 10). London: Wyman and Sons, 1915. 78 p. 8°.' BTZE Syeraya kniga... Cipan KHura. Be.ibrificKaH ;],iin.iioMaTii- HecKan nepeniicKa, OTHOcamaacji /j,o BoiiHLi 1914 ro;i,a. (24 ivyjisi — 29 aBrycxa.) Petrograd : Melye i Ko., 1914. 75 p. 8°. *QGp.v.40, no.l4 Belgium. — Ministere de la Justice et Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. Guerre de 1914-1916. Reponse au livre blanc alle- mand du 10 mai 1915. "Die volkerrechtswi- drige Fiihrung des belgischen Volkskriegs." Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1916. viii, 517 p., 1 1., 1 map. i\ BTZE France France. — Ministere des Affaires fitran- gcros. The deportation of women and girls from Lille. Translated textually from the note addressed by the French government to the governments of neutral power's on the conduct of the German authoriti^ towards the population of the French departments in the occupation of the enemy. , With extracts from other documents, anne-xed to the note, relating to German breaches of international law during 1914, 1915, 1916. New York: G. H. Doran Co. il916., 2 p.l., (1)4-81 p. 4°. BTZE Diplomatic correspondence respect- ing the war. [French Yellow book.) (In: American journal of international law. New York, 1915. 4°. v. 9, supplement, p. 133-307.) XBA (American) Diplomatic correspondence respect- ing the war published by the French government. London: Eyre and Spottis- woode. 1914. xxx, 194 p. 8°. (Great Brit- ain. — Foreign Office. Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 15. Cd. 7717.) tt XBI Documents diplomatiques 1914. La guerre europeenne. i. Pieces relatives aux negociations qui out precede les declara- tions de guerre de I'Allemagne a la Russie (1" aout 1914) et a la France (3 aout 1914). Declaration du 4 septembre 1914. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1914. xix p.. 2 I., 3-216 p. f°. tBTZE • European war. Diplomatic corres- pondence published by the French govern- ment. Melbourne: A. J. MuUett, 1915. 77 p. i°. (Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. 1914-15.) f BTZE Het Fransche Geel-Boek betref- fend den Europeeschen oorlog. Diplo- matieke documenten 1914... Amsterdam: Scheltema & Holkema's Boekhandel, 1915. 222 p. 8°. BTZE French yellow book. (In: Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Collected diplo- matic documents relating to the outbreak of the European war. London, 1915. 8°. p. 121-264.) BTZE The French yellow book. Author- ized translation for the French govern- ment of diplomatic documents showing why France went to war. Republished from the New York Times Sunday, De- cember 13th. 1914. New York: N. Y. Times Co., 1914. 27 p. f°. t BTZE p.v.116, no.l4 The French yellow book. An au- thorized translation by the Times for the French government of official documents proving how Germany forced the war. London: Times Publishing Co., n. d. xxxvii, 182 p. 8°. BTZE DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR Official Documents, continued. Separate Countries — France, continued. Das Gell)buch Frankreichs. . . Berlin: Paul Singer, 1915. 16^ (Doku- inente zum Weltkrieg. no. 6-8.) BTZE Germany's violations of the laws of war 1914-15. Compiled under the auspices of the French ministry of foreign affairs. Translated and with an introduction by J. O. P. Bland. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1915. xxxvi. 346p. facs. 8°. BTZE II libro giallo francese; note e docu- menti nelle trattative diplomatiche con la Germania prima della guerra. Milano: Casa editrice Collezioni Esperia, n. d. 29 p. 8°. BTZE Le livre jaune frangais. Paris: Librairie militaire Berger-Levrault [1915]. 178 p.. 1 1. 16°. (Pages d'histoire 1914- 1915. no. 67.) BTZE Official documents. Diplomatic correspondence respecting the war pub- lished by the French government. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1915. 133- 307 p. 4°. (American journal of interna- tional law. V. 9, no. 2-3. Supplement.) XBA Les violations des lois de la guerre par I'Allemagne. i. Paris: Librairie Berger-Levrault, 1915. 208 p. 8°. BTZE Zheltaya knisfa. . . /Kejixan KHIira. ^OKyMCHTBI OTHOCHmieCH Kt BeJiiiKon eBponeiicKOfi BOfini 1914 r. Co BCTynHTejii.HOK) cxaTteio aKa/i;e- MiiKa H 6biBiu. MHHiicTpa IlnocTpaH- HLixt ^ijiT, ra6pi3JiK FaHOTO. Petro- grad : "Osvobozhdeniye," 1914. xv(i), 191(1) p. 8°. ' *QG Russian translation of French yellow book. Germany Germany. — Auswaertiges Amt. Akten- stiicke zum Kriegsausbruch. [Berlin: Georg Stilke, n. d.] 78 p. 4°. BTZE Der Ausbruch des Weltkrieges 1914/15 in amtlichen Aktenstiicken. Leip- zig: Bibliographisches Institut, n. d. 112 p. 24°. BTZE _ The Belgian people's war. A viola- tion of international law. Translations from the official German white book pub- lished by the imperial foreign office. [New York, 1915.] 135 p., 2 maps"^. 8°. BTZE Depcschen des Weltkrieges 1914. Eine Geschichte des gegenwartigen Krieges in den markanten offiziellen Tele- grammen... n. p.: Ortolf & Walther, 1914-15. 7 parts in 5 V. 8°. BTZE Contains official and unofficial telegrams, prin- cipally German. Das deutsche Weissbuch. Berlin: Paul Singer, 1915. 44 p. 12°. (Dokumente zum Weltkrieg. no. 1.) BTZE Das deutsche Weissbuch. Dem deutschen Reichstag vorgelegt am 4. August 1914. Berlin: Carl Heymann. 1914. 44 p. 8°. BTZE Das deutsche Weissbuch liber den Ausbruch des deutsch-russisch-franzosi- schen Krieges... Leipzig: R. Hierony- mus, n. d. 47 p. 8°. BTZE Documenti ufficiali sulle cause della guerra del 1914. Traduzione del libro bianco tedesco (con un appendice). Frank- furt am Main: Joseph Baer & Co., 1914. 52 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.140, no.l8 Employment, contrary to interna- tional law, of colored troops upon the Euro- pean arena of war by England and France, n. t.-p. 35 p. facs. f°. ' BTZE Franktirorkriget i Belgien och dess Krankningar av Folkratten. Ur en officiell tysk redogorelse. Stockholm: Chelius & Co. [1915., 127 p. 12°. BTZE German white book. (In: Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Collected diplo- matic documents relating to the outbreak of the European w^ar. London, 1915. 8°. p. 403-439.) BTZE The German white-book. Au- thorized translation. Documents relating to the outbreak of the war, with supple- ments, n. p., n. d. 81 p. 8°. BTZE The German white-book. The Eng- lish translation issued by the German gov- ernment August, 1914. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1914. 48 p. 8°. BTZE German white book on armed mer- chantmen with facsimiles of the secret orders of the British admiralty, n. p., n. d. 30 p. 8°. BTZE The German white book with im- portant official addenda. Documents anent the outbreak of the European war issued by the German government. Au- thorized edition for America. New York: The Fatherland, n. d. 32 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.140, no.4 ■ Germany's reasons for war with Russia. How Russia and her ruler be- trayed Germany's confidence and thereby made the European war. With the original telegrams and notes. Berlin: Liebheit & Thiesen, n. d. 48 p. 8°. BTZE Greueltaten russischer Truppen ge- gen deutsche Zivilpersonen und deutsche Kriegsgefangene. 1, 881. f°. BTZE 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Official Documents, continued. Separate Countries — Germany, continued. Grynihctcr f(")r(")vadc av Ryska trupper. Officicll Tvsk rcdojjcirelse. Stockholm: Chclius & Co. il9LS., ,100 p.., 1 1. 12^ BTZE How tlic Franco-German conflict might have been avoided. Official docu- ments published by the German govern- ment. Berlin: Liebhcit & Thiesen, 1914. 7 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.140, no.3 Der Kriegsausbruch 1914. Thron- rede, Kanzlerrede, Denkschrift und Akten- stiicke. Berlin: Carl Hcymann, 1914. 58 p. 8°. BTZE Le livre blanc allcmand... Paris: Librairie militaire Berger-Levrault. 1915. 77 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914- . fasc. 25; serie 2, e 5.) BTZE Die volkerrechtswidrige Fiihrung des belgischen Volkskriegs. n. t.-p. 328 p., 2 maps. f°. BTZE Authorized American ed. n. t.-p. 320 p., 2 maps. 8°. BTZE Why England and Germany went to war. "The white papers" of England and Germany. Reprinted from the New York Times... 23 p. f°. BTZE Great Britain Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Ac- cession of Russia to the convention of November 9, 1914, between the United Kingdom and France relating to prizes captured during the present European war. London, March 5, 1915. London: Harri- son & Sons, 1915. 21-24 p. 8°. (Treatv series. 1915, no. 4. Cd. 7858.) XBDD Brief van zijnen majesteits am- bassadeur te Weenen aangaande het af- breken der diplomatieke betrekkingen met de Oostenrijksch-Hongaarsche regeering ... 's-Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1914. 14 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.13, no.5 Byelaya kniga. . . Bi-uaH KHiira. IlepeniicKa Anrjiiii, othoch- ma^icH Kt cBponencKOMy Kpiisiicy, npe;i,CTaB.7eHnaH od'feiiMi. najraxaMt no noBe-Tfeniio Ero Be.iiiHecTBa Kopojia Feopra V. ABrycTt 1914 r. Petro- grad : Ya. S. Rozen, 1914. xxi, 112 p. 8°. *QG Russian translation of the British white book. Byelaya kniga. Bi.ian Knnra. EBponencKifi Kpnsnct. ^nnjiOMaxn- Hecican nepenncica Anrjiiii, npe^- iiiecrnoBaBuiaH BOitui. ABrycxt 1914 T: npe,';cTaB.iena o6inMT. ITa-iaTaMi, Ilap.iaMeHTa no noBciiniio Ero lecTBa KopojiH Feopra V. Petrograd : "Osvobozhdeniye," 1914. 191 p. 8°. (/l^OKy.MeHTLi OTHoonniecH kt. BeJin- KOfl eBponeficKori Bofini, 1914. No. 3. Hs/i;. Mhhhct. Ilnocxp. ^i.i-B.) * QG Russian translation of the British white book. Collected diplomatic documents re- lating to the outbreak of the European war. London: W^vman and Sons, 1915. xix p., 1 1., 561 p. 8°. BTZE Contents: 1. List of principal persons mentioned. 2. Britisli diplomatic correspondence. 3. French yellow book. 4. Russian orange book. 5. Belgian grey book. 6. Servian blue book. 7. German white book. 8. Austro-Hungarian red book. Contestacion de Sir Edward Grey al Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg. 6 sea carta dirigida a la prensa britannica el 22 de agosto de 1915, junto con una declaracion publicada por el ministerio de estado el 1 de septiemljre de 1915. . . Edimburgo: Thos. Nelson & Sons [1915?). 20 p. 16°. BTZE p.v.196, no.2 Convention between the United Kingdom and France relating to prizes captured during the present European war. Signed at London, November 9, 1914. Ratifications exchanged Dec. 21, 1914. London: Harrison & Sons, 1915. 5- 14 p. 8°. (Treaty series. 1915, no. 2. Cd. 7739.) XBDD Corespondenta relativa la criza euro- peana. Prezintata Parlamentului Englez din ordinul Majestatei Sale Regelui Marei Britanii. August, 1914. Traducere din Englezeste de D. Mitrany. Bucuresti: Tipografia "Cooperativa," 1914. 2 p.l., 68 p. f °. t BTZE Correspondence of the British Foreign Office from July 20 to August 8, 1914. Correspondence between His Majesty's government and the United States governmeilt respecting the rights of belligerents. (In: Canada. — State Depart- ment. Copies of proclamations, orders in council and documents relating to the European war. Ottawa: Gov. Prtg. Bureau, 1915. 8°. First supplement. Ap- pendix K.) BTZE Correspondence witli the United States ambassador respecting the execu- tion of Miss Cavell at Brussels. London: Darling and Son, 1915. 24 p. 8°. BTZE Correspondencia. . .con el embaja- dor de los Estados Unidos en Londres re- specto a la ejecucion de Miss Cavell en Bruselas. Edimburgo: Thomas Nelson & Sons, n. d.. 23 p. 8°. BTZE Declaration between the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, and Rus- DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR Official Documents, continued. Separate Countries — Great Britain, cont'd. sia, engaging not to conclude peace sepa- rately during the present war. Signed at London, November 30, 1915... London: Harrison & Sons, 1915. 81-84 p. 8°. (Treaty series. 1915, no. 14. Cd. 8107.) XBDD Declaration between the United Kingdom, France, and Russia, engaging not to conclude peace separately during the present European war. Signed at Lon- don, September 5, 1914. London: Harri- son & Sons, 1915. 3 p. 8°. (Treaty se- ries. 1915, no. 1. Cd. 77Z7.) XBDD Documents authentiques sur le complot austro-allemand aux Etats-Unis. . . Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1916. 67 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914- . fasc. 88.) BTZE French translation of Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 16. Documents relative to the European war... Ottawa: J. de L. Tache, 1914. 167, 6 p. 8°. BTZE Engeland in oorlog voor de gewaar- borgde rechten van kleine naties. Getrou- we en onverkorte vertaling van het Engelsche Witboek. 's-Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1914. 171 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.8, no.7 Das englische Blaubuch... Berlin: Paul Singer, 1914-15. 16° (Dokumente zum Weltkrieg. no. 2-3.) BTZE Das englische Weissbuch in deutscher Uebersetzung. Berlin: Fr. Zill- essen, 1914. viii, 110 p. 8°. BTZE European war. Report of a speech by the Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Grey. . .in the House of Commons on the 3rd August, 1914. n. t.-p. 12 p. 8°. BTZE Exchange of notes respecting the accession of Japan to the declaration of September 5, 1914, between the United Kingdom, France, and Russia, engaging not to conclude peace separately during the present European war. ("Treaty se- ries, no. 1 (1915). "i London, October 19, 1915. London: Harrison & Sons, 1915. 53-56 p. 8°. (Treaty series. 1915. no. 9. Cd. 8014.) XBDD Great Britain and the European crisis. Correspondence, and statements in Parliament, together with an introductory narrative of events. London: Wyman & Sons, 1914. xxxiii, 144 p. 8°. BTZE London: Wyman and Sons, 1914. xxvi, 102 p. 8°. BTZE Great Britain and supplies for Bel- gian industries, n. t.-p. n. p., 1916. 3 p. 8°. BTZE The great war and how it arose. London: Wyman and Sons [1915i. 56 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.107, no.4 Intoxicating liquors. (Restrictions in foreign countries during war.) Corres- pondence relative to the measures taken in certain foreign countries for the restriction of the sale of intoxicating liquors since the outbreak of the war. London: Darling and Son. 1915. 23 p. f°. (Cd. 7965.) BTZE II libro bleu inglese; note e docu- menti diplomatic! dell' Inghilterra con le potenze europee, prima della guerra. Milano: Casa editrice Collezioni Esperia, n. d. 32 p. 8°. BTZE Le livre bleu anglais... Paris: Librairie militaire Berger-Levrault, 1914. 166 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914- . fasc. 15; serie 2, a, 1.) BTZE Memorandum from British em- bassy. January 13, 1917. n. t.-p. 3 p. f°. BTZE Relates to the "peace note" sent to the belligerents by President Wilson. Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 6. Cor- respondence respecting the European crisis. London: Harrison and Sons, 1914, xvi, 77(1) p. f°. (Cd. 7467.) ft XBI Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 8. Des- patch from His Majesty's ambassador at Berlin respecting the rupture of diplomatic relations with the German government... London: Harrison and Sons, 1914. 5(1) p. f°. (Cd. 7445.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 9. Des- patches from His Majesty's ambassador at Berlin respecting an official German or- ganization for influencing the press of other countries. London: Harrison and Sons, 1914. 8 p. 8°. (Cd. 7595.) ft XBI Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 10. Des- patch from His Majesty's ambassador at Vienna respecting the rupture of diplomatic relations with the Austro-Hungarian gov- ernment. . . London: Harrison and Sons, 1914. 1 p.l., 5(1) p. f°. (Cd. 7596.) ft XBI Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 11. Docu- ments respecting the negotiations preced- ing the war pul)lished by the Russian gov- ernment. London: Harrison and Sons, 1914. 1 p.l., 60 p., 1 1. 8°. (Cd. 7626.) ft XBI Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 12. Diplo- matic correspondence respecting the war published by the Belgian government. London: Harrison and Sons, 1914. viii, 76 p. 8°. (Cd. 7627.) ft XBI Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 13. Cor- respondence respecting events leading to the rupture of relations with Turkey. London: Harrison and Sons, 1914. 1 p.l., xiv, 77 p. f°. (Cd. 7628.) tt XBI 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Official Documents, continued. Separate Countries — Great Britain. co)it'd. Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 14. Des- patch from His Majesty's ambassador at Constantinoi>le, summarizinj? events lead- ing uj) to ruiiturc of relations with Turkey, and reply thereto... London: Harrison and Sons. 1914. 1 p.l.. 7(1) p. f°. (Cd. 7716.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1914, no. 15. Diplo- matic correspondence respectinj? the war published 1)}' the French government. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode. 1914. XXX, 194 p. 8°. (Cd. 7717.) ft XBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 1. Des- patch to Sir Henry Howard, containing instructions respecting his mission to the Vatican. London: Harrison and Sons. 1915. 2 1. f°. (Cd. 7736.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 2. Des- patch from His Majesty's ambassador at Petrograd enclosing a memorandum on the subject of the temperance measures adopted in Russia since the outbreak of the European war. London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 3(1) p. f°. (Cd. 7738.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 3. Letter of Jul}" 31, 1914, from the president of the French republic to the king respecting the European crisis, and His Majesty's reply of August 1, 1914. London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 2 1. f°. (Cd. 7812.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 5. Cor- respondence between His Majesty's gov- ernment and the United States ambassador respecting the treatment of German prisoners of war. . . London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 1 p.l., 3(1) p. i°. (Cd. 7815.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 6. Cor- respondence between His Majesty's gov- ernment and the United States government respecting the rights of belligerents. Lon- don: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 1 p.l., 29 (1) p. f°. (Cd. 7816.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 7. Cor- respondence between His Majesty's gov- ernment and the United States ambassador, respecting the treatment of prisoners of war... London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. xi, 87(l)p. f°. (Cd. 7817.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 8. Cor- respondence between His Majesty's gov- ernment and the United States ambassador, respecting the release of interned civilians ... London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. x, 65(1) p. f°. (Cd. 7857.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 9. Notes exchanged with the Chilean minister re- specting the sinking of the German cruiser "Dresden" in Chilean territorial waters. London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 2 1. f°. (Cd. 7859.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 10. Col- lected diplomatic documents relating to the outl)rcak of the European war. London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 1 p.l., iii p.. 1 1.. 561 p. 8°. (Cd. 7860.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1915. no. 11. Re- ports by the L^nited States officials on the treatment of British prisoners of war. . . London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 1 p.l., 22 p., 1 1. f°. (Cd. 7861.) ttXBI Aliscellaneous. 1915, no. 12. The treatment of prisoners of war in England and German}' during the first eight months of the war. London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 36 p. 8°. (Cd. 7862.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 13. Note from the United States ambassador trans- mitting a report, dated June 8. 1915, on the conditions at present existing in the intern- ment camp at Ruhleben. London: Harri- son and Sons, 1915. 7(1) p. f°. (Cd. 7863.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1915. no. 14. Cor- respondence with the United States ambas- sador respecting the treatment of British prisoners of war. . . London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. iii, 56 p. i°. (Cd. 7959.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 15. Further correspondence with the LTnited States ambassador respecting the treat- ment of British prisoners of war. . . Lon- don: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 1 p.l., 20 d., 1 1. f°. (Cd. 7961.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 16. Aus- trian and German papers found in posses- sion of Mr. James F. J. Archibald, Fal- inouth, August 30, 1915. London: Harri- son and Sons, 1915. 1 p.l., 21(1) p. f°. (Cd. 8012.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 17. Cor- respondence with the United States am- bassador respecting the execution of Miss Cavell at Brussels. London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. 1 p.l., 15(1) p. f°. (Cd. 8013.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1915, no. 19. Cor- respondence with the United States am- bassador respecting the treatment of Brit- ish prisoners of war. . . London: Harrison and Sons, 1915. iv, 64 p., 1 1. f°. (Cd. 8108.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 3. Cor- respondence with the United States am- bassador respecting conditions in the in- ternment camp at Ruhleben... London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 18 p. f°. (Cd. 8161.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 5. Cor- respondence with the United States am- bassador respecting the treatment of mails on neutral vessels. London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 2 p. f°. (Cd. 8173.) tt XBI DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR 11 Official Documents, continued. Separate Countries — Great Britain, cont'd. Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 6. Selec- tion from papers found in the possession of Captain Von Papen, late German military attache at Washington, Falmouth, January 2 and 3, 1916. London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 35 p. facs. f°. (Cd. 8174.) tfXBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 11. Cor- respondence with the United States am- bassador respecting the "Trading with the Enemy (Extension of Powers) Act, 1915." London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 2 p. f°. (Cd. 8225.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 14. Further correspondence between His Majesty's government and the United States government respecting the rights of belligerents. . . London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 21 p. f°. (Cd. 8233.) ft XBI • Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 15. Further correspondence between His Majesty's government and the United States government respecting the rights of belligerents. . . London: Harrison & Sons. 1916. 32 p. f°. (Cd. 8234.) ft XBI ■ Aliscellaneous. 1916, no. 16. Further correspondence with the United States ambassador respecting the treatment of British prisoners of war and interned civilians in Germany. . . London: Harrison & Sons. 1916. 89 p. i°. (Cd. 8235.) ft XBI Aliscellaneous. 1916, no. 17. Cor- respondence with the United States am- bassador respecting the transfer to Switzer- land of British and German wounded and sick combatant prisoners of war. London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 6 p. f°. (Cd. 8236.) ttXBI ■ Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 18. Re- port by Doctor A. E. Taylor on the condi- tions of diet and nutrition in the intern- ment camp at Ruhleben received through the United States ambassador. London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 12 p. f°. (Cd. 8259.) tfXBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 20. Note froin the United States government re- garding the examination of parcels and letter mails. . . London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 5 p. f°. (Cd. 8261.) ft XBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 21. Further correspondence respecting the conditions of diet and nutrition in the in- terninent camp at Ruhleben... London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 9 p. f°. (Cd. 8262.) tfXBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 22. Note addressed to the United States ambassador regarding the examination of parcels and letter mails. . . London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 4 p. f°. (Cd. 8293.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1916. no. 23. Note addressed to the United States ambassador regarding the examination of parcels and letter mails. . . London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 4 p. f°. (Cd. 8294.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 24. Cor- respondence with the United States am- bassador regarding the relief of allied terri- tories in the occupation of the enemy. London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 3 p. f°. (Cd. 8295.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 25. Further correspondence respecting the conditions of diet and nutrition in the in- ternment camp at Ruhleben and the pro- posed release of interned civilians. . . Lon- don: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 4 p. f°. (Cd. 8296.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 26. Further correspondence with the United States ambassador respecting the treat- ment of British prisoners of war and in- terned civilians in Germany... London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 59 p. f°. (Cd. 8297.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 27. Col- lective note addressed to the Greek gov- ernment by the French, British, and Rus- sian ministers, and the reply of the Greek government. London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 5 p. i°. (Cd. 8298.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 28. Cor- respondence with the Swedish minister on the subject of the detention by the Swedish government of the British transit mail to Russia. . . London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 25 p. f°. (Cd. 8322.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 30. Re- ports of visits of inspection made by offi- cials of the United States embassy to various internment camps in the United Kingdom. London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 40 p. f°. (Cd. 8324.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 35. Further correspondence respecting the pro- posed release of civilians interned in the British and German empires... London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 6 p. f°. (Cd. 8352.) ttXBI • Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 36. Further correspondence with the United States ambassador respecting the "Trading with the Enemy (Extension of Powers) Act, 1915"... London: Harrison & Sons. 1916. 7 p. f°. (Cd. 8353.) tt XBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 37. Cor- respondence with the Belgian minister re- specting the deportation of Belgians to Germany and the forced labour imposed 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Official Documents, coiiliiiucd. Sclyaratc Countries — Great Britain, cont'd. upon them hy the German authorities. London: Harrison & Sons. 1916. 5 p. f°. (Cd. 8404.) tfXBI Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 38. Note communicated by the United States am- bassador. December 12. 1916. London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 1 1. f^ (Cd. 8406.) ft XBI Letter from the German chancellor to the Ameri- can charge-d'affaires in Berlin transmitting peace proposal to the allies. Miscellaneous. 1916, no. 39. Note communicated 1)y the United States am- bassador, December 20, 1916. London: Harrison & Sons, 1916. 3 p. f°. (Cd. 8431.) ft XBI Peace proposal by President Wilson. Miscellaneous. 1917, no. 1. Further correspondence respecting the proposed release of civilians interned in the British and German empires... London: (Harri- son & Sons., 1917. 6 p. f°. (Cd. 8437.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1917, no. 2. Memo- randum addressed by the French and British governments to the United States government regarding the examination of parcels and letter mails... London: [Harrison & Sons,] 1917. 10 p. i° . (Cd. 8438.) ttXBI Miscellaneous. 1917, no. 3. Des- patch to His Majesty's ambassador at Washington respecting the allied note of January 10, 1917. London: (Harrison & Sons,, 1917. 3 p. f^ (Cd. 8439.) ff XBI Miscellaneous. 1917, no. 4. Reply to the German peace note... December 30 1916. London: (Harrison & Sons,] 1917. 5 p. f^ (Cd. 8467.) ft XBI Miscellaneous. 1917, no. 5. Reply of the allied governments to the note com- municated by the United States ambassador on December 20, 1916. London: (Harrison & Sons,, 1917. 5 p. f^ (Cd. 8468.) ft XBI Aliscellaneous. 1917, no. 7. Further correspondence with the United States ambassador respecting the treatment of British prisoners of war and interned civilians in Germanv... London: (Harri- son & Sons,, 1917. 29 p. i\ (Cd. 8477.) ft XBI Miss Cavells Henrettelse i Bryssel. Korrespondance med de Forenede Staters gesandt... K0benhavn: V. Fios, 1915. 34 p. 8°. BTZE Officieele publicatie der Engelsche Regeering van de door haar met den sezant der Vereenigde Staten in zake de terechtstclling van Miss Cavell te Brussel. Gevoerde correspondentie. . . London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, n. d. 26 p. 8°. BTZE "The scrap of paper." German chancellor's explanation and Great Brit- ain's reply, n. t.-p. n. p., 1915. 6 p. f°. BTZE Le second livrc l)leu anglais. Cor- respondance relative aux evcnements qui ont amene la rupture des relations avec la Turquie. Paris: Librairie militaire Berger- Levrault (1915,. 206 p. 16^ (Pages d'histoire, 1914- . fasc. 51; serie 2, a, 2.) BTZE Sir Edward Grey's reply to Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg; being a letter ad- dressed to the British press on the 25th August, 1915, together with a statement issued by the Foreign Office on the 1st September, 1915 (regarding negotiations with the German Foreign Office in 1912,. London: T. Fisher Unwin, n. d. 20 p. 16°. BTZEp.v.l28,no.5 The war. Correspondence respect- ing events leading to the rupture of rela- tions with Turkey. (Melbourne:, A. J. Mullet, 1915. 47 p. i° . (Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. 1914—15.) t BTZE p.v.255. no.7 Why England and Germany went to war. "The white papers" of England and Germany. Republished from the New York Times... 23 p. i° . BTZE Italy Italy. — Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Documenti diplomatici presentati al parla- mento italiano... Austria-Ungheria. Seduta del 20 maggio 1915. Roma: Tipo- grafia della Camera dei Deputati. 1915. vi, 66 p. r. BTZE Documents diplomatiques echanges entre I'ltalie et I'Autriche-Hongrie et pre- sentes au parlement italien (seance du 20 mai 1915). Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie., 1915. iv, 92p. 8°. BTZE Das Gritnbuch Italiens... Berlin: Paul Singer, 1915. 2 parts. 12°. (Doku- mente zum Weltkrieg. no. 10-11.) BTZE II libro verde. Documenti diplo- matici presentati al parlamento italiano... nel seduta del 20 maggio 1915. . . Milano: Fratelli Treves, 1915. 128 p., port. 12°. BTZE Le livre vert italien. Correspond- ance relative aux evenements qui ont amene la rupture des relations avec I'Autriche-Hongrie. Paris: Librairie mili- taire Berger-Levrault [1915,. 173 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914- . fasc. 55: serie 2 h '9 ) BTZE DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR 13 Official Documents, continued. Separate Countries, continued. Japan Japan. Ultimatum do Japao a Alle- manha de 2Z de agosto, 1914. (In: Ham- burgisches Kolonialinstitut. Documentos officiaes relatives a guerra europea de 1914. Hamburg. 1915. p. 45.) BTZE p.v.lOl, no.3 Russia Russia. — Ministerstvo Inostran- nykh Dyel. CdopHiiKt ^iinjiOMaxii- HeCKIIXt ;i;OKyMeHTOB'B. Pe(|)OpMH Bt ApMeniir. 26 HoH6pK 1912 ro;i;a — 10 Man 1914 Toj\2i. Petrograd: Go- sudarstvennava Tipografiya, 1915. 294 p. 4°. ' ' *QG Documents respecting tl*e negotia- tions preceding the war. [Russian orange book.] (In: American journal of interna- tional law. New York, 1915. 4°. v. 9, supplement, p. 9-50.) XBA (American) Documents respecting the negotia- tions preceding the war published by the Russian government. London: Harrison and Sons. 1914. 1 p.l., 60 p.. 1 1. 8°. (Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Mis- cellaneous. 1914, no. 11. Cd. 7626.) ttXBI Le livre orange russe... Paris: Librairie militaire Berger-Levrault. 1914. 106 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914- . fasc. 21; serie 2, c, 3.) BTZE Recueil des documents dip- lomatiques. Negociations ayant precede la guerre, 10/23 juillet-24 juiIlet/6 aout 1914. Retrograde: Imprimerie de I'etat. 1914. 59 p. A\ tBTZE Russian orange book. (In: Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Collected dip- lomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European war. London, 1915. 8°. p. 265-298.) • Das russische lin: Paul Singer, 1915. mente zum Weltkrieg BTZE Orangebuch. Ber- 39 p. 12°. (Doku- no. 4.) BTZE Wien: Moritz Perles, 1915. 82 p. 8°. BTZE Title-page reads "Das serbische Blaubuch, Das russische Orangebuch." 82 pages in all, of which the Russian orange book covers p. 49-82. Le second livre orange russe. Pour- parlers ayant precede la guerre avec la Turquie. Paris: Librairie militaire Berger- Levrault, 1915. 92 p. 12°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914- . fasc. 38; serie 2, c. 2.) BTZE Servia Servia. — Ministerstvo Inostrannykh Dyel. Serbian blue book. (In: Great Brit- ain. — Foreign Office. Collected dip- lomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European war. London, 1915. 8°. p. 369-402.) BTZE The Serbian blue book. New York: American Association for International Conciliation, 1915. 27 p. 12°. (Docu- ments regarding the European war. Series no. 7.) BTZE Advance copy, printed on one side of leaf. Le livre bleu serbe... Paris: Librairie militaire Berger-Levrault, 1914. 78 p. 16°. (Pages d'histoire, 1914- . fasc. 22; serie 2, d, 4.) BTZE Das serbische Blaubuch. Berlin: Paul Singer, 1915. 40 p. 12°. (Dokumente zum Weltkrieg. No. 12.) BTZE Wien: Moritz Perles, 1915. 82 p. 8°. BTZE Title-page reads "Das serbische Blaubuch, Das russische Orangebuch." 82 pages in all, of which the Servian blue book covers p. 1-48. Sinyaya kniga... Chhhh KHiira. Cep6cKa;i /i;iinjiOMaTiiHecKaa nepeniicKa, OTHOcamaHCH kt. BoiiHi 1914 ro;i,a; nepeBO/i;i. H. M. JIaroBa. Petrograd : B. Melye i Ko., 1915. 55 p. 8°. *QG Russian translation of the Servian blue book. Switzerland Switzerland. — Bundesrath. Schweize- rische Neutralitatserklarung. (In: Der Krieg 1914. Dokumente iiber seinen Ursprung. Genf: Journal de Geneve. 1914. V. 1, p. 82-84.) BTZE United States United States. — President. Relations with the German government. Address of the president of the United States de- livered at a joint session of the two houses of congress April 19, 1916. Washington: [Gov. Prtg. Off.,, 1916. 6 p. 8°. (U. S. 64. cong. House doc. no. 1034.) * SEE United States. — State Department. (Circular, dated Oct. 1, 1915, sent from the Office of Foreign Trade Advisers, relative to British Foreign Office notice that goods of German or Austrian origin shipped from neutral ports will not be interfered with under certain conditions.] BTZE Three typewritten sheets. 14 THE XEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Official Documents, continued. Separate Countries — United States, cont'd. Compilation of certain departmental circulars rclatintj to citizenship, registra- tion of American citizens, issuance of pass- ports, etc. Washington: Gov. Prtt?. Off., 1915. 88 p. 8°. Diplomatic correspondence be- tween the United States and bellip^erent .governments relating- to neutral rights and commerce... Xew York: American So- ciety of International Law. 1915. xliv, 405 p. 8°. (American journal of interna- tional law. V. 9, special number.) XBA and BTZE Diplomatic correspondence with belligerent governments relating to neutral rights and commerce. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1915. 88 p. f°. BTZE Trinted and distributed May 27, 1915. Diplomatic correspondence with belligerent governments relating to neutral rights and duties. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1915. 198 p. f°. (European war. no. 2.) BTZE Printed and distributed Oct. 21, 1915. Diplomatic correspondence with belligerent governments relating to neu- tral rights and duties. W'ashington: Gov. Prtg. Off.. 1916. 387 p. f°. (European war. no. 3.) BTZE Printed and distributed August 12, 1916. Contents: Papers relating to British restraints on commerce. Papers relating to P.ritish contraband lists. Case of the "Joseph W. Fordney." Hovering of British warships near the territorial waters of the United States. Interferences by belligerents with mails. Correspondence regarding submarine inter- ferences with commercial vessels. Case of the "Arabic." Case of the "Leelanaw." Case of the "Sussex." Case of the "William P. Frye." Recall of Capt. von Papen and Capt. Boy-Ed. Case of the "Appam." Neutrality. Correspondence be- tween the secretary of state and chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations relating to certain complaints made that the Ameri- can government has shown partiality to certain belligerents during the present European war. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1915. 14 p. 8°. (U. S. 63. cong.. 3. sess. Senate doc. 716.) * SBE The United States and the war... Diplomatic correspondence between Ger- many, England and the L'nited States on events preceding the sinking of the Lusi- tania. . . Brooklyn: Brooklyn Daily Eagle. 1915. b^ p. BTZE Correspondence on Particular Cases The Ancona The Ancona case: second phase. (Cur- rent history. A monthly magazine of the New York Times. New Y'ork, 1916. 8°. V. 3, p. 856-859.) BTZE Sinking of the Ancona. President Wil- son's note and the Austrian reply. (Cur- rent historj'. A monthly magazine of the Xew Y'ork Times. New Y'ork, 1916. 8°. V. 3, p. 653-655.) BTZE The Appam United States. — State Department. Case of the British steamship "Appam," captured bj' German naval forces and brought by a prize crew into an American port. (In: United States. — State Depart- ment. Diplomatic correspondence with ])elligerent governments. European war, no. 3. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off.. 1916. p. 329-344.) BTZE The Arabic United States. — State Department. Case of the British steamship "Arabic" torpedoed by a German submarine. (In: United States. — ^State Department. Dip- lomatic correspondence with belligerent governments. European war, no. 3. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1916. p. 197- 227.) BTZE The Cusiiing [Cases of Lusitania, Gulflight, Gushing and Falaba.i (In: American journal of international law. New York, 1915. v. 9, special number, p. 129-141.) XBA The Dacia The Case of the Dacia. (Independent. New York, 1915. 4°. v. 81, p. 147-148.) *DA [Decision of French prize court in case of the Dacia.] (American journal of inter- national law. New York, 1915. v. 9, p. 1015-1027.) XBA The Falaba [Cases of Lusitania, Gulflight, Gushing and Falaba.] (In: American journal of in- ternational law. New Y'ork, 1915. v. 9, special number, p. 129-141.) XBA The Gulflight [Cases of Lusitania, Gulflight, Gushing and Falaba.] (In: American journal of in- ternational law. New Y^ork, 1915. v. 9. special number, p. 129-141.) XBA Germany. — Auswaertiges Amt. Note, June 1. 1915, in reference to attacks on the Gulflight and the Gushing. (In: W. R. Shepherd, Protection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 95-96.) BTZE p.v.158, no.5 DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR 15 Official Documents, continued. Correspondence on Particular Cases, cont'd. The Joseph W. Fordney United States. — State Department. Case of the American steamship "Joseph W. Fordney" in British prize court. (In: United States. — State Department. Dip- lomatic correspondence with belligerent governments. European war no. 3. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1916. p. 115- 128.) BTZE The Leelanaw United States. — State Department. Destruction of American steamship "Lee- lanaw" by a German submarine. (In: United States. — State Department. Dip- lomatic correspondence with belligerent governments. European war no. 3. Wash- ington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1916. p. 229-234.) BTZE The Lusitania [Cases of Lusitania, Gulflight, Gushing and Falaba.] (In: American journal of in- ternational law. New York, 1915. v. 9, special number, p. 129-141, 149-153, 155, 157.) XBA Germany. — Auswaertiges Amt. Note, May 10, 1915, expressing regret for the loss of American lives through the sinking of the Lusitania. (In: W. R. Shepherd, Pro- tection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 85.) BTZE p.v.158, no.5 The Odenwald Attempt of German ship Odenwald to sail without clearance papers. (In: Ameri- can journal of international law. New York, 1915. V. 9, special number, p. 2?)7- 342.) XBA The Seguranca Detention of the American merchant ship Seguranca. (In: American journal of international law. New York, 1915. v. 9, special number, p. 343-344.) XBA The Sussex United States. — State Department. Papers relating to the torpedoing of the steamship "Sussex." (In: United States. — State Department. Diplomatic correspond- ence with belligerent governments. Euro- pean war no. 3. W^ashington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1916. p. 235-307.) BTZE The Wico Detention of American ship Wico. (In: American journal of international law. New York, 1915. v. 9, special number, p. 345-348.) XBA The Wilhelmina Case of the Wilhelmina. (In: American journal of international law. New York, 1915. V. 9, special number, p. 173-179.) XBA Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Memo- randum, February 19, 1915, regarding the Wilhelmina. (In: W. R. Shepherd, Pro- tection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 54-56.) BTZE p.v.l58, no.5 Memorandum, April 8, 1915, in reference to the Wilhelmina. (In: W. R. Shepherd, Protection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 80-8i.) BTZE p.v.158, no.5 United States. — State Department. Note of February 15, 1915, regarding the Wilhelmina. (In: W. R. Shepherd, Pro- tection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. p. 44-46.) BTZE p.v.158, no.5 The William P. Frye Case of the William P. Frye. (In: American journal of international law. New York, 1915. v. 9, special number, p. 180-193.) XBA Germany. — Auswaertiges Amt. Note, April 5, 1915, in regard to the William P. Frye. (In: W. R. Shepherd, Protection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 79-80.) BTZE p.v.158, no.5 Note, June 7, 1915, in regard to the William P. Frye. (In: W. R. Shepherd, Protection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 96-98.) BTZE p.v.158, no.5 United States. — State Department. Destruction of American merchantman "William P. Frye" by the German ship "Prinz Eitel Friedrich." (In: United States. — State Department. Diplomatic correspondence with belligerent govern- ments. European war, no. 3. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1916. p. 309-318.) BTZE Note, April 28, 1915, in regard to the William P. Frye. (In: W. R. Shepherd, Protection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 84-85.) BTZE p.v.158, no.5 Note, March 31, 1915, in regard to the William P. Frye. (In: W. R. Shepherd, Protection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 76-77.) BTZE p.v.158, no.5 Note, Tune 24, 1915, in regard to the William P. Frye. (In: W. R.' Shepherd, Protection of neutral rights at sea. New York, 1915. 8°. p. 105-109.) BTZE p.v.158, no.5 The William P. Frj-e case. (American journal of international law. New York, 1915. V. 9, p. 497-502, 703-707.) XBA 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Unofficial Publications The American note and Sir Edward Grev's replj'. (Economist. London, 19LS. 4^ 'v. 80. p. 90-91.) TAA Archer, William. The thirteen days. July 23-Aiisust 4, 1914; a chronicle and interpretation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1915. 244 p. 8°. BTZE .\ppendix on Mr. M. P. Price's Diplomatic history of the, p. 229-237. The Archibald incident. Dr. Dumba's recall requested... (Current historj;. A monthly magazine of the Xew York Times. New York. 1916. 8^ v. 3, p. 10-17.) BTZE Aulneau, Joseph. La Turquie et la guerre. (Revue politique et parlementaire. Paris, 1915. 8^ v. 83, p. 75-86.) SEA Bagot, Richard. The Vatican and the war. (Fortnightl}' review. London, 1915. 8^ V. 103, p. 854-864.) * DA Bainville, Jacques. La guerre et I'ltalie Paris: Artheme Fayard & Cie., 1916. 319 p. 8°. BTZE Italy and the war. Translated by Bernard Miall. London: Hodder & Stough- ton, 1916. 267 p. 8°. BTZE Bassompierre, Albert de. La nuit du 2 au 3 aoi^it 1914 au Ministere des Affaires fitrangeres de Belgique. Paris: Perrin et Cie., 1916. 47 p. 4. ed. 8°. BTZE Belgium's gray book. (Living age. Boston. 1914. 8°. series 7, v. 65, p. 694- 696.) * DA British diplomacy in the near East. (Quarterly review. New York. 1916. 8°. v. 225, p. 164-187.) * DA The British mission to the Vatican. (American journal of international law. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 9, p. 206-208.) XBA Brooks, Eugene Clyde. Woodrow Wil- son as president. Chicago: Row, Peterson & Co. [1916.] 572 p. 8°. AN Discussion of diplomatic negotiations with the belligerents, p. 271-351. Bruccoleri, Giuseppe. Gli obliqui con- tatti documentati dall' Austria. (Vita italiana. Roma, 1915. 8°. v. 6, p. 481- 493.) SEV Bullard, Arthur. The diplomacy of the great war. . . New York: Macmillan Co.. 1916. xii, 344 p. 12°. BTZE Bibliography, p. 325-333. Our relations with Great Britain. (Atlantic. Boston, 1916. 4°. v. 118. p. 451-461.) *DA Cheradame, Andre. La pai.x que vou- drait I'.Mlcmagne. Paris: Librairie Chape- lot, 1915. 116 p., 2 maps. 12°. BTZE p.v.167, no.3 Le plan pangermaniste demasque; le redoutable piege berlinois de "la partie nulle." Paris: Librairie Plon, 1916. 356 p. 12°. BTZE The pangerman plot unmasked. Berlin's formidable peace-trap of "the drawn war." With an introduction by the earl of Cromer. . . New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1917. xxxi, 235 p. 12°. BTZE Chirol, Sir Valentine. The origins of the present war. (Quarterly review. London, 1914. 8°. v. 221, p. 415-449.) * DA Chronology of the diplomacy that led to war. (World's work. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 28. p. 135-136.) * DA Collins, William J. Diplomacy at The Hague. (Contemporary review. London, 1914. 8°. V. 106, p. 645-650.) * DA The Controversy between the United States and Germany over the use of sub- marines against merchant vessels. (Ameri- can journal of international law. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 9, p. 666-680.) XBA Cook, Sir Edward Tyas. How Britain strove for peace. A record of Anglo-Ger- man negotiations, 1898-1914. Told from authoritative sources. London: Macmillan and Co., 1914. 39 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.8, no.4 Why Britain is at war; the causes and the issues set out. in brief form, from the diplomatic correspondence and speeches of ministers. London: Macmil- lan and Co., 1914. 24 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.l, no.6 Crook, W. M. The war: its origin and causes. (London quarterly review. Lon- don. 1915. 8°. v. 123, p. 1-14.) *DA Crowning proof. (Living age. Boston, 1915. 8°. V. 284, p. 369-372.) * DA Statement of Italian prime minister to the effect that Germany was planning for the war in 1913. Davison, Charles Stewart. The case of the "Kronprinz Wilhelm" and "Bernstorf- fian diplomacy." A second letter to Hiram Freeborn, U. S. A. . . [New York.i 1915. 11 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.64, no.l9 Delbrueck, Hans. Germany's answer. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1915. 8°. V. 115, p. 233-242.) * DA DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR 17 Unofficial PublicatioJis, continued. Dennis, W. C. The diplomatic corres- pondence leading up to the war. (Ameri- can journal of international law. New York, 1915. 4°. v. 9, p. 402-442.) XBA Dernburg, Bernhard. Search-lights on the war... New York: Fatherland Cor- poration, 1915. 62 p. 8°. BTZEp.v.22, no.l England's share of guilt. A critical analysis of the English "white book," p. 15-35. Les Devoirs de la diplomatie beige. (Revue de Paris. Paris, 1916. 8°. annee 23, tome 4, p. 657-672.) XBA Dillon, Emile Joseph. The battle of the diplomats. (Contemporary review. Lon- don, 1915. 8°. V. 107, p. 29-48.) * DA Bulgaria and entente diplomacy. (Fortnightly review. London, 1915. 8°. new series, v. 97, p. 755-766.) * DA Italy and the Triple Entente. (Con- temporary review. London, 1916. 8°. V. 109, p. 18-34.) *DA The Diplomatic correspondence. (Eng- lish review. London, 1914. 8°. v. 18, p. 216-232.) *DA Dontenville, J. L'Angleterre n'a pas voulu la guerre. Paris: H. Floury, 1915. 29 p. 8°. BTZEp.v.lll,no.2 Durkheim, finiile, and E. Denis. Qui a voulu la guerre? Les origines de la guerre d'apres les documents diplomatiques. Paris: Armand Colin, 1915. 65 p., 1 1. 8°. (fitudes et documents sur la guerre.) BTZE (Etudes) Who wanted war. The origin of the war according to diplomatic documents. Translated by A. M. Wilson-Garinei. Paris: Armand Colin, 1915. 62 p., 1 1. 8°. (Studies and documents on the war.) BTZE (Studies) Eisenmann, Louis. L'alliance austro- allemande et la triple-alliance. (Revue poli- tique et parlementaire. Paris, 1915. 8°. V. 83. p. 62-74, 237-249.) SEA English diplomacy and the future of the "Huns." (Open court. Chicago, 1915. 8°. V. 29, p. 484-498.) * DA Factors in the American attitude. (Liv- ing age. Boston. 1915. 8°. v. 287, p. 370- 373.) ' * DA The Fine art of garbling. (Nation. New York, 1915. 4°. v. 101, p. 615-616.) * DA Comments on the publication by the German government of Belgian diplomatic reports. Fox, Frank. Bulgaria's attitude. (Fort- nightly review. London, 1915. 8°. v. 103, p. 483-494.) * DA Frank, Reinhard. Belgium's neutrality. Its origin, significance and end. Tiibingen: I. C. B. Mohr, 1915. 42 p. 8°. BTZEp.v.l01,no.7 Maintains that Belgium forfeited its neutrality before the war by conspiring with England against Germany. The French yellow book. (Living age. Boston, 1915. 8°. series 7, v. 66, p. 170- 173.) *DA Fullerton, William Morton. The Balkan cauldron. (World's work. New York, 1916. 8°. V. 31, p. 421-428.) * DA Italy and the great war. (World's work. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 31, p. 148- 169.) *DA Problems of power. A study of international politics from Sadowa to Kirk- Kilisse. London: Constable and Co., 1913. XX, 323 p. 8°. BAG Though published before the war and having no direct bearing on it. this book describes the inter- national conditions which resulted in the conflict. Gauvain, Auguste. Les origines de la guerre europeenne. Paris: A. Colin, 1915. 336 p. 12°. BTZE German University League. Analysis of diplomatic papers issued by the Austro- Hungarian, Belgian, English, French, Ger- man and Russian governments... New York: H. J. Boldt, 1915. 54 1. ob. 16°. BTZE Germany and the neutrality of Belgium. (American journal of international law. New York. 1914. 8°. v. 8, p. 877-881.) XBA Germany, the United States and peace. (Quarterly review. New York, 1917. Janu- ary, 1917. p. 263-296.) * DA La Guerre mondiale... Paris: Plon- Nourrit & Cie.. 1915. 32 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.66, no.3 The Hague conventions and the neu- trality of Belgium and Luxemburg. (American journal of international law. New York. 1915. 8°. v. 9, p. 959-962.) XBA Hale, William Bayard. American rights and British pretensions on the seas. The facts and the documents, official and other, bearing upon the present attitude of Great Britain toward the commerce of the L^nited States. New York: Robert M. McBride & Co., 1915. 172 p. f°. BTZE A protest against British methods of handling neutral vessels, giving a list of vessels detained and diplomatic correspondence on the subject between England and the United States. Hart, J. M. The Brussels documents. (Nation" New York, 1915. 4°. v. 100, p. 330.) *DA 18 THE N'EW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Unofficial Publications, continued. Hawkin, Robert Crawford. The Belgian proposal to neutralise central Africa dur- inij tlic European war. . . With an appendix of diplomatic documents. . . London: Sweet & Maxwell [1915,. 24 p. 8'. BTZE p.v.l26,no.6 Hajrward, Charles Williams. What is diplomacy? London: G. Richards. 1916. 256 p. 12'°. BTZE Headlam, James Wycliffe. The Balkans and diplomacv. (Atlantic monthly. Bos- ton, 1916. 8^ 'v. 117, p. 122-134.) *DA The history of twelve da^-s. July 24th to August 4th, 1914; l^eing an account of the negotiations preceding the outbreak of war based on the official publications. London: T. F. Unwin, 1915. xxiv. 412 p. 8°. *R-BTZE Hodges, Henry Green. The doctrine of intervention. Princeton: Banner Press. 1915. xii. 288 p. 12°. XCH Appendices: Neutrality proclamation of the president. Correspondence between the secretary of state and the chairman. Committee on Foreign Relations concerning neutrality of the United States. Bibliography, p. 263-271. Hyndman, Henry Mayers. England's secret diplomacy. (North American re- view. New York, 1916. 8°. v. 203, p. 711- 725.) *DA Italy and the European conflict. (Edin- burgh review. London, 1915. 8°. v. 222, p. 60-77.) *DA J'accuse, by a German; translated by Alexander Grav. . . London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1915. viii, 448 p. 8°. BTZE J'accuse! par un Allemand... Paris: Payot & Cie., 1915. 336 p. 8°. BTZE J'accuse! Von einem Deutschen. . . Lau- sanne: Payot & Cie., 1915. 378 p. 8°. BTZE Jacques, Pierre. Les sources du conflit europeen de 1914, ou Guillaume ii respon- sable... Paris: Librairie aeronautique, 1915. 318 p., 1 1. 8°. BTZE Jastrow, Morris, jr. The real significance of the Brussels documents. (Nation. New York, 1915. 4°. v. 100, p. 246.) * DA Johnston, Charles. The Balkan states and the allies. (North American review. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 202, p. 404-412.) *DA Kennedy, J. M. Causes and consequences of the American note. (Nineteenth cen- tury. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 77, p. 325- 336.) * DA Kerofilas, C. Un homme d'etat. E. \'enizclos; sa vie — son oeuvre... Paris: fidition de I'lmprimerie de I'ctat, 1915. 198 p., 1 1. 12°. AN Eleftherios Venizelos, his life and work. With an introduction by Take Jonescu. Translated by Beatrice Barstow. London: John Murray, 1915. 198 p., 1 1. 12°. AN Lathbury, D. C. Clearing skies. (Nine- teenth century. New York, 1916. 8°. v. 79, p. 920-932.) *DA Part of the article is a discussion of allied diplomacy in the Balkans. Lawton, Lancelot. The errors and mis- calculations of German diplomacy. (Fort- nightly review. London, 1914. 8°. v. 102, p. 431-444.) *DA Louis, Paul. La diplomatic beige et la crise europeenne. (Mercure de France. Paris. 1915. 8°. tome 112, p. 460-475.) *DM Lovejoy, A. O. What was the casus belli? (Nation. New York, 1915. 4°. V. 100, p. 246-247.) * DA Maccas, Leon. Ainsi parla Venizelos; etudes de politique exterieure grecque... Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1916. ix, 319 p. 12°. BTZE Mach, Edmund Robert Otto von. Ger- many's point of view. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1915. 443 p. 12°. BTZE Contains chapters on the French yellow book and Sir Edward Grey. Sir Edward's evidence... An ad- dress delivered before the German Univer- sity League. New York, April 24, 1915. n. p. [1915.] 20 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.113, no.lO This address was printed as chapters xxxi, x.xxii of the author's Gennaiiv's point of view, Chicago, 1915. Mahon, J. The United States and the world crisis. Legal and moral aspects of the attitude of the United States toward the European war. New Y'ork: [the author,, 1916. 96 p. 8°. BTZE Morel, Edmund Deville. Ten years of secret diplomacy; an unheeded warning (being a reprint of "Morocco in diplomacy") . . . London: National Labour Press, 1915. XXX, 198 p., 5 maps. [3. ed.j 8°. BKG Morison, J. L. Modern British foreign policy. (Queen's quarterly. Kingston, Ont., 1915. 8°. V. 22, p. 363-383.) * DA Neilson, Francis. How diplomats make war. by a British statesman [i.e. Francis Neilson,; introduction by A. J. Nock... New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1915. xviii, 376 p. 8°. BTZE New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1916. xviii. 382 p. 2. ed. 8°. BTZE DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR 19 Unofficial Publications, continued. The Neutrality of Belgium. (American journal of international law. New York, 1915. 8°. V. 9, p. 707-720.) XBA Nicholson, Joseph Shield. President Wil- son's patience. (Current history. A monthly magazine of the New York Times. New York, t916. 8°. v. 3, p. 472-475.) BTZE Nolan, R. S. The responsibility for the war: German and British official papers compared. (Nineteenth century. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 76, p. 980-1002.) * DA Oliver, Frederick Scott. Ordeal by bat- tle. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1915. 3 p.l., ix-li, 437 p. 8°. BTZE Abridged edition. London: Macmillan & Co., 1916. Ixxiii, 329 p. 8°. BTZE O'Regan, John Rowan Hamilton, editor. The German war of 1914- . Illustrated by documents of European history, 1815- 1915. London: Oxford University Press, 1915. ix, 101 p. facs. 8°. BTZE Outis. Problems of diplomacy in the near East. (Fortnightly review. London, 1915. 8°. new series, v. 97, p. 583-591.) *DA Parker, Sir Gilbert. The world in the crucible. An account of the origins and conduct of the great war. London: Tohn Murray, 1915. vii, 423 p. 8^ BTZE New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1915. viiip., 1 1., 422p. 8°. BTZE Passelecq, Fernand. Le second livre blanc allemand (Aktenstiicke zum Kriegs- ausbruch); essai critique et notes sur I'alteration officielle des documents beiges Avec de nombreux facsimiles inedits. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1916. 134 p., 1 1. facs. 16°. (Pages d'histoire. 1914-1916. [fasc] 93.) BTZE (Pages) Translation by H. Maresquelle. Contents: Avertissement des editeurs. Essai critique sur les documents beiges contenus dans les Aktenstiicke zum Kriegsausbruch. Traduction des pieces inedites du deuxieme livre blanc allemand. Annexes. — nocuments ajoutes par I'editeur fran^ais. Perrinjaquet, J. La guerre commerciale sous-marine. Les torpillages du Lusitania, de I'Arabic, de I'.Ancona, et du Persia. Les protestations des Etats-Unis et les conces- sions de I'Allemagne. (Revue generale de droit international public. Paris, 1916. 8°. annee 23, p. 117-203, 394-423.) XBA The Picture at Yildiz. The sad chronicle of our diplomacy in the Levant. (World's work. London, 1915. 8°. v. 26, p. 503-508.) *DA Pourquoi I'Angleterre a pris les amies, par plusieurs membres de la faculte d'his- toire moderne de I'universite d'Oxford. Avec un appendice comprenant les docu- ments originaux ainsi que le livre blanc public par le gouvernement allemand. 2e ed. . .revue et contenant le livre jaune russe Oxford: Imprimerie de I'universite, 1914. 122 p., 1 I., 125(1) p., 1 map. 8°. BTZE A translation of ll'liy we are at war, 2. ed. Price, Crawfurd. The Balkans and the war. (British review. London, 1915. 8^^. V. 11, p. 161-175.) *DA Price, Morgan Philips, editor. The dip- lomatic history of the war; including a diary of negotiations and events in the different capitals, the text of the official documents of the various governments, the public speeches in the European parliaments, an account of the military preparations of the countries concerned, and original matter. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd. [1914.] vii, 344 p. 8°. BTZE Bound in the same volume is: Great Britain. — Foreign Office. Great Britain and the European crisis. London, 1914. 102 p. 8°. The Questions in dispute between the United States and Great Britain with refer- ence to interference with neutral trade. (American journal of international law. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 9, p. 680-687.) XBA Qui a voulu la guerre? Quelques docu- ments a I'addresse de M. Sazonoff. (Revue de Hongrie. Budapest, 1916. 4°. tome 17, no. 38, p. 7-27.) * DM Randglossen zum franzosischen Gelb- buch. Gesammelte Gegenerklarungen und Kritiken. Berlin: Concordia deutsche Ver- lags-Anstalt, 1915. 56 p. 8°. BTZE p.v.139, no.4 A collection of articles from German newspapers. The Recall of Ambassador Dumba. (American journal of international law. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 9, p. 935-939.) XBA Rep, Charles. 1914. L'agression alle- mande... Paris: Bibliotheque des ouvrages documentaires [1915]. 93 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.69, no.3 Riera, Augusto. La gran guerra. . . v. 1. Barcelona: C. Martinez Perez, 1915. 12°. BTZE The Sale of arms and ammunition by American merchants to belligerents. (American journal of international law. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 9, p. 687-694.) XBA The Sale of munitions of war. (Ameri- can journal of international law. New York. 1915. 8°. v. 9, p. 927-935.) XBA Sauveur, Albert. L'Allemagne et la guerre europeenne. Paris: Bloud & Gay, 1915. 70 p. 12°. (Pages actuelles. 1914- 1915. no. 2,2.) BTZE (Pages) 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Unofficial Pnhlications, contiuucd. Schmitt, Bernadotte Everly. The dip- lomatic hackgjround of the European war. (Mid-West quartcrlv. New Rochelle, I'M 5. V. 2. p. 197-299.) *DA England and Germany, 1740-1914. Princeton: Princeton L'nivcrsitv Press, 1916. ix. 524 p.. 1 map. 8\ BTZE Seton-Watson, Robert \Villiam. The failure of Sir E. Grev. (English review. London, 1916. 8°. v. 22, p. 135-161.) * DA Severus, pseud. Zehn Monate italien- ischer Neutralitat; was das italienische Grunbuch sagt und verschweigt. . . Gotha: F. A. Perthes A.-G., 1915. iv p.. 11.. 101 (1) p. 8°. (Perthes' Schriften zum Welt- krieg. [Heft, 8.) BTZE (Perthes) Seymour, Charles. The diplomatic back- ground of the war. 1870-1914. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1916. xv, 311 p. 8°. BTZE Sharpe, .Mfred. A definite policy in the Balkans. (Nineteenth century. New York, 1915. 8\ v. 78, p. 541-547.) * DA Simonds, Frank Herbert. Diplomacy and battle in the Balkans. (American re- view of reviews. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 52, p. 693-702.) * DA The French j-ellow book. (New republic. New York. 1914. Dec. 19. 1914, p. 14-15.) *DA Sir Edward Grev, K.G. . . Newnes [1915]. 192 d. 12°. London: G. AN Sir Edward Grey's speech [Aug. 3, 1914]. (Round table. London, 1914. 8°. v. 4, p. 790-801.) SEA Smith, Munroe. American diplomacy in the European war. (Political science quarterly. New York, 1916. 8°. v. 31, p. 481-518.) SEA If Germany ? (North Ameri- can review. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 202, p. 665-680.) * DA Military strategy versus diplomacy. (Political science quarterly. New York, 1915. 8°. V. 30, p. 37-81.) SEA Stoddard, T. Loth rop. The blundering in Greece. (Century. New Y'ork, 1917. 4°. V. 93, p. 723-732.) * DA Stowell, Ellery Cory. The diplomacy of the war of 1914. . . v. 1. Boston: Hough- ton Mifflin Co., 1915. 8°. BTZE Strauss, Albert Anselm. The absolute truth in regard to the causes of the Euro- pean world war!. . . New York City: A. A. Strauss (1914j. 78 p. 8°. BTZEp.v.l26,no.5 Struycken, Antonius .A.lexis Hcndrikus. The German white l)Ook on the war in Bel- gium. \ commentary. . . Edinburgh: Tliomas Nelson & Sons |1916?|. 56 p. 12°. BTZE p.v.220, no.4 Translation of articles in \'an Onzen Tijd, Amsterdam. July 31, August 7, 14, and 21, 1915. Thompson, James Westfall. Russian diplomacy and tlie war. . . Published under the auspices of the Germanistic Society of Chicago. [Chicago, 1915.] 16 p. 8°. (Germanistic Society of Chicago. Pam- phlets dealing with the war. no. 11.) BTZE (Germanistic) Turner, Edward Raymond. The perma- nent neutrality of Belgium. An examina- tion of the binding force upon the German empire of the treaty of 1839 signed by Prussia. (Nation. New York, 1915. 4°. V. 100. p. 409-411.) *DA Voltolini, F. L., Graf von. Was das Griinhuch nicht erzahlt. (Nord und Siid. Breslau, 1916. 4°. Bd. 156, d. 273-279.) *DF Wampach, Gaspard. Le dossier de la guerre. Paris: Fischbacher, 1915. 3 v. 12°. BTZE V. 1. Le pretexte; le groupenient des puissances. V. 2. La crise diplomatique. V. 3. Pieces justificatives. The War in Europe. (American journal of international law. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 8, p. 853-857.) XBA The War — so far. (Candid. London, 1915. 8°. Nov., 1915, p. 733-747.) * DA Weiss, Andre. The violation by Ger- many of the neutrality of Belgium and Lux- emburg, translated by Walter Thomas. Paris: Armand Colin, 1915. 56 p., 1 1. 8°. (Studies and documents on tlie war.) BTZE (Studies) Welschinger, Henri. Les legons du Livre jaune (1914). Paris: Bloud et Gav, 1915. 139 p. 12°. ("Pages actuelles," 1914-1915. no. 17.) BTZE (Pages) Contents: Les avertissements de 1913. Les depeches du Livre jaune et les documents relatifs a la guerre de 1914. La mission du prince de Bi.ilow a Rome (decembre 1914 -mai 1915). Paris: Bloud et Gay, 1915. 95 p. 12°. (Pages actuelles, 1914-1915. no. 55.) BTZE (Pages) La neutralite de la Belgique. Paris: Bloud & Gav, 1915. 63 p. 12°. (Pages actuelles, 1914-1915. no. 3.) BTZE (Pages) DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN WAR 21 Unofficial Publications, continued. Whelpley, James Davenport. The American note (Dec. 28, 1914]. (Fort- nightly review. London, 1915. 8°. new series, V. 97, p. 219-231.) * DA American politics and the American note. (Fortnightly review. London, 1915. 8\ v. 104, p. 1129-1137.) * DA A German fog in Washington. (Fortnightly review. London, 1915. 8°. v. 104, p. 725-732.) * DA More German promises to America. (Fortnightly review. London, 1916. 8°. v. 105. p. 1072-1079.) * DA President Wilson in the toils. (Fortnightly review. London, 1916. 8°. V. 105, p. 516-525.) * DA President Wilson's pro-ally propa- ganda. (Fortnightly review. New York, 1917. 4°. V. 101, p. 348-356.) * DA Purpose of American neutrality. (Fortnightly review. London, 1916. 8°. V. 105, p. 907-912.) * DA The United States and Germany. (Fortnightly review. London, 1915. 8°. new series, v. 97, p. 1103-1109.) * DA The White book. (Round table. Lon- don, 1914. 8°. V. 4, p. 748-789.) SEA Why we are at war; Great Britain's case, by members of the Oxford faculty of modern history. With an appendix of original documents including the au- thorized English translation of the White book issued by the German government. 2. ed. revised. . .containing the Russian orange book. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1914. 251 p. 8°. BTZE Yo acuso, por un Aleman... Valencia: Hijos de F. Vives Mora, 1915. 308 p. 8°. BTZE Zero. The new phase of the campaign. (Fortnightly review. New York, 1915. 4°. V. 104, p. 815-825.) * DA Deals with diplomacy in the near East. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. f^fcC 2^, iy^c. LD 21-100m-7,'40 (6936s) RiNTBD At TwiE New York PoBtic LmtAHY Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 U C. 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