ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, U. S. ARMY. ON THE USE OF THE BAROMETER ON SURVEYS AND RECONNAISSANCES. A Compendium, without Plates, of No. 15 PROFESSIONAL PAPERS OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. LIEUT. OOL. E. S. WILLIAMSON, CORPS OF ENGINKERS, U. S. A. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1878. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, U. S. ARMY. ON THE USE OF THE BAROilETER ox SURVEYS AND RECOx\NAISSAXCES, IV BEIXG A Compendium, without Plates, of No. 15 OF THE PROFESSIONAL PAPERS OF THE CORPS OF ExNGINEERS. LIEUT. COL. E. S. WILLIAMSON, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, U. S. A. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1878. ■N b \ i Offioe of the Chief of Engineers, Washington, D. C, August 7, 1878. Sir : Lieut. Col. R, S. Williamson, Corps of Engineers, has submitted to this ofBce a compendium (without plates) of his paper "On the use of the Barometer," &c., Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers, Xo. 15. This condensed work contains most of the information to be found in the larger one, with a few tables which are new, the result of further investigation of the subject. As this compendium will be very useful and convenient to officers conducting barometric reconnaissances, I have the honor to recommend that it be printed at the Government Printing Ot3ace, and copies furnished upon the usual requi- sition. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. G. Wright, Acting Chief of Engineers. Hon. Geo. W. McCrary, Secretary of War. Approved. By order of the Secretary of War. H. T. Crosby, Chief Cleric. War Department, August 10, 1878. 382800 San Francisco, Cal., Ajiril 30th, 1878. General: 1 have the bonor to submit for your consid- eration a condensed copy of my work on meteorology and hypsometry, thinking that a small volume of this kind can easily be carried in the field and be usefully employed there, while the original work with its plates is not in a conven- ent form for that purpose. This little work contains most of the information to be found in the larger one, but 1 have added a few tables which are new, the result of further in- vestigation of the subject. In the concluding remarks I have compared the methods of treating meteorological observations with that of Prof. J. D. Whitney as described in his work entitled "Contributions to Barometric Hypsometry,'' and have shown conclusively that there are over forty per cent, more of maximum and mean errors by his method than by mine. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, R. S. Williamson, Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers. Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, U. S. A. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 11 Instruments and methods for determining altitudes — The mei- curial and aneroid barometers compared — The barometric formula — The scales in plotting observations. Horary and abnormal oscillation 15 Their periods — Horary corrections — Reduction to level — Re- duction to second level — Rules — Observations — Hourly and at intervals compared — Effect of season, altitude, and lati- tude on horary oscillation — Law of oscillation. Variation op temperature 30 Comparison of barometric and thermometric oscillations — Elimination of effects of temperature — Mean daily temper- ature — Comparisons. Hypsometrical results from daily means 38 Hypsometrical results from monthly mkans 43 Concluding remarks 45 Professor J. D. Whitney's method — Comparison of Whitney's and Williamson's methods. i LIST OF TABLES Page. Tahle I. — Showin^j; the (liti'.'reiice between the menu baroiuetric pressure iu the ditferent months as obtained from the mean of 24 hourly observations, and observations at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., the former being assumed as the standard 22 Taiu,e II. — Showing the diftereuce between the daily mean baro- metric pressure as obtained from the mean of 24 hourly obser- vations, and from corrected observations at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., 9 p. m., and 7 a. m. the next morning; and also between the first and those obtained from observations at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., the first being assumed as the standard 25 Table III. — Showing the difference between the monthly mean barometric pressure as computed from observations at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., and 6 a. m., noon, and 6 p. ra., the former being ijsed as a standard 27 Taijle IV. — Showing the difference between the niaan tempera- ture in the different months as obtained from the mean of 24 hourly observations, and those taken at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., the former being assumed as the standard 35 Table V. — Showing the difference between the monthly mean temperatures as computed from observations at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., and 6 a. m., noon, and 6 p. m., the former be- ing used as a standard 37 Table VI. — Consolidated table of maximum errors in computing differences of altitude from daily barometric and thermo- metr ic means 41 Table VII. — Consolidated table of mean errors in computing dif- ferences of altitude from daily barometric aud thermometric 42 means Table VIII. — Comparison of barometric results by Professor Whit- ney's and Colonel Williamson's methods, from observations taken at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., during W days of Au- onst, 1860 49 INTRODUCTION, To the large number of engineers, surveyors, and others, who are and will be engaged in developing the geography of this country, so large a portion of which is almost un- known or but partially explored, the best method of treating observations of the barometer and thermometer, so as to obtain the most reliable results in determining diiferences of altitude, is a matter of the first importance. It is well known that the mercurial cistern barometer is the best in- strument for that purpose, for the reason that the spirit- level is out of the question, except within very limited areas, the length of time and amount of labor required for its proper use being far greater than can be devoted to the determination of the vertical element on an ordinary sur- vey. The only instrument, that can be mentioned as at all to be compared with the cistern-barometer is the handy aneroid, the defects of which, however, as compared with the mercurial instrument, are so great as to preclude its being used as a substitute for the latter. Besides the fact that the aneroid is not susceptible of reading closer than one hundredth of an inch, while the mercurial cistern can be read to one-thousandth, the great defect that it is liable at any time to change its zero, particularly in travelling, with- out there being any evidence to show that a change has occurred, makes the instrument entirely unreliable on a survey of any extent. The mercurial cistern barometer is, then, the only instrument that can be used with any satisfac- tion for hypsometrical purposes, and the following few pages will be devoted to show the best method of using it with its accompanying open air thermometer. 12 I may remark, in tLe first place, tliat whenever tbe read- ings of tbe barometer are referred to in tbe following pages, those of the barometer reduced to 32° Fahrenheit are meant. In the barometric formula of Laplace and others, a term has been introduced to take into account tbe effect of tbe ex- pansion and contraction of tbe mercurial column by beat, in order to reduce tbe readings to what they would have been had tbe temperature of the instrument been always at the freezing point. But it is equally accurate and much more couvenient to reduce each reading in the first i)lace to the freezing point by tbe tables which have been pre- pared for the purpose. By adopting this course, the column so reduced, when plotted, shows the movements of a natural atmosphere, and their peculiarities can be studied with advantage ; whereas tbe readings of the barometer not so reduced give so irregular a curve, the movements being masked by tbe ever-varying temi)erature of the instrument, that it is scarcely possible to discover any law guiding them, if such a law exists. 1 also wish to point out that, unless special mention is made to tbe contrary, tbe formula used in tbe computations is the one found in Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, No. 15, only omitting the special correction for the moisture in tbe atmosphere. It is a translation of tbe formula of Plantamour. This formula differs from the one prepared by Guyot for the Smithsonian Institution, which is, in fact, the formula of Lai)lace, by a very small change in the barometric constant. Plantamour adopts the num- ber 00,384.3, while Guyot gives 60,lo8.G. This slight change causes the dittereuce of altitude to be greater by the former formula than by the latter by a little less than four feet for each thousand feet of difference of altitude. 1 shall freqaenrly have occasion to refer to the graphic representation of meteorological observations, which opera- tion is called plotting. In order to represent the various / 13 movemeuts of the atmosphere graphically, and in such a I ^ way that the value of the changes can be measured, it is necessary to attach scales to the drawings. In all cases to which I shall refer, the vertical scale is either a scale of inches of the barometric column, or of degrees of the ther- mometer. The horizontal scale is a scale of hours, or days, or mouth, as the case may be. But as I do not propose to illustrate this paper by such drawings, I shall endeavor to give my descriptions in such a way that my reuiarks will be easilv understood without them. OF THE HORARY AND AUXORMAL OSCILLATIONS OF THE BAROMETER, A study of barotnetriu observations, extended over a sufficient period of time, will reveal the existence of two dis- tinct oscillations. These Ijave been called respectivelj' the horary and abnormal oscillations. The horary oscillation lias a period of 24 hours. Within this period it presents, except during barometric storms, two distinct maxima and two minima, easily recognizable. The abnormal oscil- lation, on the other hand, is the result of a steady progress- ive movement of variable period, but usually it passes from one maximum to one minimum in from three to six days. When a series of hourly observations of the barometer, taken during ten or more days, is plotted, there appears dur- ing each day a regular movement, more or less marked, and indicating two maxima and two minima in the twenty-four hours. If a table is made by taking separately the mean of the observations at the same hour of each day, thus obtain- ing twenty-four mean readings when the observations are taken hourly and uninterruptedly, and this mean table is plotted, the mean curve so developed shows this double os- cillation very decidedly. If we were to make a grand meau by adding up the twenty-four mean hourly results, and dividing by twenty-four, and if we then subtract each mean result from the grand meau, we have a table in which some of the numbers would be greater and some less than the grand mean, and therefore some would be affected with a 16 plus and some with a minus sign. This table can be used as a table of corrections, to be ap[»lied to the mean results at each hour separately, in order to reduce each reading to the mean value. This table would represent approximately a true table of horary corrections, but only approximately, un- less the readings of the barometer at the beginning and end of the series happen to be the same, as will become appa- rent further on. Finally, if we api)ly these corrections to the original observations, we Mill have what has been called the "observations reduced." These, when plotted, show a wave-like movement in wjjich uo trace, or but a very slight trace, of the double horary oscillation api)ears. This curve represents very nearly the abnormal osciHation. It is very apparent, from the study of such curves plotte •"J- m (M o» g § 8 § § l" l' l' l' l' 00 n o o l" l' 1-2 oooooooooooo oooooooooooo l' 1 1* 1 1 1 1 1 1 I f 1 o o 1 1 2 ■^ ^ rt o o o coo l' l' l' »r; ^ c« •- "^ o o o o o o o o o o l' l" f l" l" o o 1 1 1 •j: ■» O o o o o o = l' l' l' s s s § s o o o o o l' l" l' f + § 2 o o l" l' <1 L-5 ffJ t= e^ o o o o o l' 1 l" t- § § i 1 + r -^ rt o o — ■ o o o o o o o o o o + +■ " -f 8 o o o + + ^2 o o S S o o o o § o o o g g s s § c o o O o + + + + + o n 2 8 + + o5 a 2 z < 1 z c E- c 11 11 J > t- !- > "i i 1 H 5 1 -. _a > ■ c •J J c c t c 1 a , « : a -1 i i C C2 B e 23 By examining the table, it will be seen that out of the 107 differences in the monthly results by the two methods there is one amounting to tea thousandths of an inch of the barometric column in the stormy mouth of December, one of seven thousandths, six of six thousandths, four of five thousandths, sixteen of four thousandths, and all the rest are less than that amount. In fact, out of the 107 results there are only twelve in which the differences are so great as five thousandths. The mean results show that the mean of observations at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m. is less than the mean of twenty-four hourly observations in the months of November, December, January, and February, the January results giving a difference of three thousandths of an inch, and that in the midsummer months it is greater by the same amount. In March and October there is no difference. The yearly mean difference by the two methods is less than one-thousandth of au inch. The above table can be used as a table of corrections to be applied to observations taken in any month in order to reduce them to the yearly mean. This table has been deduced from monthly means, and it is not to be supposed that observations taken in a single day, or even a series of a few days' duration, will afford so close an accord by the two methods. There is, however, a method, when the observations are taken at the Smithso- nian hours, which affords a very good value for the daily mean, as compared with the mean of twenty-four observations in a day beginning at 7 a. m. It is to take the mean of 7 a. m., 2 p. m., 9 p. m., and 7 a. m, of the succeeding day and apply to it a correction, so as to reduce it to what it would have been had the observations been taken strictly at eight hours apart. From 7 a. m. to 2 p. m. is an interval of but seven hours, and from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. is 14 hours. Hence the sum of these four observations is too small by the rise, or too great by the fall, between 2 p. m. and 3 p. m., together with the rise or fall between 9 p. m. and 11 p. m,; that is to say, during three hours. But 3 hours is one- eighth of a day, in which day the barometer had au average 24 rise or fall measured by the amouut which has been called "the correctiou to level for twenty-four hours," aud which is the difference in the readings of the barometer at 7 a. m. on one day and 7 a. m. on the next. Therefore one eighth of that amount should be applied as a correction to the sum of the four observations in question, so as to increase that sum when the barometer for the day had been rising and diminish it when falling. It must be borne in mind, however, that this correction is to be applied to the "ob- servations reduced," or, in other words, to tiie observations after the horary correction had been applied. We may therefore have the following rule for obtaining the mean daily pressure from four such " observations re- duced," the barometric day commencing at 7 a. m. Take the sum of the observations so reduced at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., 9 p. m., and 7 a. m. the next morning and apply to it one- eighth of the difference between the observations at the beginning of the two consecutive days, calling the difference 2)lus (-J-) when the barometer for the day had been rising and mimis (— ) in the reverse case, then divide the result by four, and we have the required daily mean. As it is desirable to have a definite idea of the difference between the daily barometric means as computed from twenty-four hourly observations and that given by the last described method, and also between the former and that from observations taken at 7 a. m., 2 p.. m., and 9 p. m., I present a table from ten days' observations at Sacramento, Placerville, Strawberry Valley, and Hope Valley, taken during August, 18G0. The upper line of each group gives the difference between the daily mean as calculated from twenty-four hourly observations aud the mean of 7 a. m., 2 p. m,, 9 p. m., aud 7 a. m. the next morning, corrected as above described. The lower line gives the difference between the first and the mean of 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m. It will be seen that the amount of variation from the mean of twenty- four hourly observations is nearly three times greater by the last mentioned method than by the first. 25 i^ « « js ^ > s s o ^ :^ o^ -^ B s: tl >» ** •■** ^^ «) -^ « -; s u ^^ s <. ^ 'a •TR c <» 3; •«: O 1.-? S .5 "^ « ^ t- _j — » to o o 00 -3« T E I'l s-. S CI in rH « o O w o o O rH O rt m J3 5* O T}< Tt« in CO rr in O <= o o o o o o O O O o o c? c^ o o (N . ir: 'OD ■^ I^ in Qj CO 00 C^ o — O ■1 o o o o o o o o o o ^ _ rf -Tf w O CO 00 o S o o o o OD o o o o o = o o A T-t —1 O {- 2 22 CO ^- o = = s o o XT' o o o o o o J fN O ira m o in •» Ln . o o o o o o o o S o o o o o o o, => '-' A w -^ in (N CO TC (N CO o o O -1 O -1 O r-i in o o o o o o o o '-' js M rH rH OJ o to CO at o o o o o o O —1 o o o o o o o o -■ 5 -H JO .-1 CO ■a< o> -H t~ o 2j O -H o o o o n o o o o o o o o ^ (U no — TI< -H 00 ^ CI o o O r-l o o o o OJ o o o o o o o o ^ 1- o "»< CD 00 (N 00 o o — • O J» O CO => o o o o o o o —' o CO oo rS la O -«A a H S -* M H a m <1 >-. s. a > >, o . IS a u 'S D ® a > t4 ^ > g a 6: 2 3 _« o* sj -r. s X w 1 26 In almost every iustauce it is shown that the second method gives results much nearer the mean of twenty-four hourly observatioDS than the third, which is a simple mean of the observations at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. ra. Taking the mean of twenty-four hourly observations as the stand- ard, and taking the difterence between this standard and the results given by the other two methods, we find that the sum of these differences in a ten days' series by the method of four observations so reduced is only 38 per cent, of the corresponding amount obtained from a simple mean of the observations taken at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p.m. 5 and the maximum errors are in proportion, they being at Sac- ramento .007 in. and .032 in., and at Hope Valley .008 in. and .030 in. As this method of obtaining the barometric mean involves very little additional trouble after the obser- vations have been actually taken, it appears to me worthy of being adopted. For, in the field, we cannot tell when the atmospheric conditions which cause the difference between the two methods are in operation, and when the maximum difi'erence will occur ; hence the results are apt to be considered untrustworthy up to the limit of the maxi- mum error. On the other hand, if that maximunj error can be reduced two-thirds or one-half, the results can surely be relied upon within the smaller limit. Although observations at the Smithsonian hours have been shown to give a close approximation to the mean of twenty-four hourly observations, still other hours have been adopted that give, also, very good results. The Coast Sur- vey adopted long ago the mean of a. m., noon, and 6 p. m. as a good barometric mean, though latterly they have adopted the hours of 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m. I have obtained from Louis Wilson, tidal observer at Astoria, Oregon, the following table, which explains itself: 27 28 This table shows nearly as good results as from observa- tions at the Smithsonian hours, but as the latter hours have been so universally adopted, and it is very desirable to have uniformity in the hours of observation, so that comparisons can be easily made, I would recommend that the Smith- sonian hours be adhered to in future observations where they are taken but three times a day. Having explained how the horary correction of the barom- eter can be obtained from a short series of observation, I now wish to point out certain facts concerning this oscilla- tion. It has been found that when the stations are near the sea level, the curves for each month at different localities are of the same character, the critical hours occurring at the same times, but varying in range or amplitude, the warmest localities giving the largest curves. Hence, as a general rule, the curves are smaller as the latitude increases. But in the same latitude and climate the curves for the dif- ferent months are different. They vary in the hours of maxima and minima, and also in the amplitude of the oscil- lation. While the hour of the morning maximum does not materially vary during the different months, that of the afternoon varies with the seasons, being usually between 2 and 3 p. m. in midwinter and between 5 and G p. m* in midsummer. The consequence of this is, that if the tables representing the hourly observations taken in Jan- uary and July are subtracted the one from the other and this difference plotted, it gives a curve nearly as great as is produced from either set of observations. But as soon as the element of altitude enters into consideration, the curve changes materially, and according to a law which has not yet been discovered. As a general rule, the curves for high altitudes are quite small. At the Grand Saint Ber- nard, that portion of the midsummer curve for the hours when the sun is above the horizon is exceedingly minute, while the night portion of the curve presents an oscillation 29 of about 0.040 inch. Near the summit of the Sierra Nevada iu July and August, the moruing maximum is at 7 a. m., while in the valley below it is at 11 a. m. There is no sim- ilarity between the Grand Saint Bernard curves and those of the Sierra Nevada, though the altitudes of the two sta- tions do not diifer materially. If we had a series of stations one thousand feet apart, vertically, from the sea level to the summit of the mountain, we would find that the curves at all the stations would be different. The amplitude of this oscillation iu the temperate zone usually varies from 0.010 in. to O.OSO in. Near the equator the oscillation is greater, amounting to nearly 0.120 in., and the abnormal oscillation being there very small, the horary oscillation is so regular, that the hour of the day can be ascertained, at least approximately, from the reading of the barometer. But the abnormal oscillation seems to in- crease with the latitude, while the horary movement becomes less, and iu high latitudes the latter is so masked by the former, that a long series of observations is required to ob- tain a reliable horary curve. From the above facts it becomes apparent that the effects of this horary oscillation ought to be neutralized in some way. The computed differences of altitude from observa- tions taken at different hours are different on account of the oscillations at the lower and upper stations being so entirely differeut. Now, as a change of 0.001 in. in the barometer at one station will affect the result about a foot, unless a corresponding change occurs at the other station, it is apparent that we should correct the observations before they are used in the determination of altitudes, so as to eliminate the effect of the horary movement. The follow- ing general conclusions are giv^eu in Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, No. 15, together with a large num- ber of horary tables and curves: 1st. As the value of the principal term of the barometric 30 formula depends upon the difference between the readings of the barometers at an upper and lower station, and as the horary oscillation of the barometer is quite different at the two stations when the difference of altitude is at all considerable, and as its amount is often sufQcient to cause considerable error in hypsometrical calculations if neglected, even when the observations at the two stations are simul- taneous, it is important to eliminate it as far as practicable. 2d. As the horary curves and tables for any two days, even in a short series, are not identical, the best way to eliminate the effect of this oscillation is to use the mean of observations taken at short intervals, as, for instance, hourly, for one day, or for a number of wJiole days, the day com- mencing at any convenient hour. 3d. When this is impracticable, and when the horary tables for the station and month are previously known, and the observations are for a portion of a day only, or for por- tions of several days, the horary correction should be applied to them before they are used in estimating differ- ences of altitudes. 4th. When the horary tables for one or both stations are unknown, and hourly observations cannot be taken, the aim should be to obtain the nearest approximation to a daily mean. For this purpose, the mean of observations taken at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., or of 6 a. m., 2 p. m., and 10 p. m., or 6 a. m., noon, and 6 p. m. have been found to afford quite good results. ON THE VARIATIONS IN TEMPERATURE. While the horary barometric oscillation, when freed from the abnormal movement, does not vary much from day to day at the same station during a short series, it is very dif- ferent with the corresponding thcrmometric oscillation. In the one case it is small as compared with the abnormal one, and so nearly uniform in character that a mean of a few days' 31 observations, properly treated, will give a characteristic horary table aud curve for that station and month; and, by elimination, the abnormal wave can be represented. In the case of the temperature, the horary movement is very large as compared with the other, and varies so much from day to day that no characteristic horary table can be used in elimi- nating this movement, and obtaining an abnormal ther- mometric wave; though the curve is a simple one, having but one maximum and one minimum in 24 hours, still the range, or vertical amplitude, may be several times as great in one day as in another during a series of ten days. The consequence is that the method of separating the two move- ments, which we have found practicable with the baromet- ric observations, is not applicable to those with the ther- mometer. While the barometer gives us a measure of the weight of the whole column of air over the place of observation, the thermometer is local in its character and affected by every pufi' of wind that blows over it. It is true that there is one paramount influence which i)roduces a horary thermometric oscillation with one decided maximum and one minimum, the former usually occurring between 2 and 4 p. m. and the latter about one hour before sunrise; but the amount of variation during the day is greatly modified by many acci- dental causes, such as the clearness or cloudiness of the atmos[)here, the direction and force of the wind, the rapid- ity or slowness of the evaporation or condensation of aqueous vapor, and many other local meteorological phe- nomena. For these reasons the amount of this oscillation must vary greatly from day to day, and this experience shows us to be the case. If, in a series of ten days' observations, the horary ther- mometric oscillations are plotted, it will almost always be found, in temperate latitudes, that the vertical range in the curve for some one day will be twice as great as for another 32 in that short series, aud it is not unusual to find that the difference is three and even four times as great. It is this great difference in range from day to day which prevents us from using advantageously a mean horary thermometric table for hypsometrical purposes. The same reason which makes it necessary to eliminate the effects of the horary oscillation of the barometer applies with still greater force to the varying temperature. It is principally by means of the pressure at the two stations, in connection with the corresponding temperature, that we are to obtain the dif- ference of altitude between them. If the change in temper- ature from hour to hour caused a proper corresponding change in the height of the barometer, we could disregard the effects of the horary oscillations altogether and use the observed pressure and temperature at the two stations. But this is not so. When we take twenty -four hourly ob- servations of the barometer and thermometer at stations of considerable difference of altitude, and estimate the verti- cal distance between these stations by the formula, using successively each pair of corresponding observations, we have a series of twenty-four numbers far from being alike. Again, when we do the same with the next two sets of twenty-four observations taken during the next day, we have another series differing from the first, and it would be very materially different if the horary theimometric oscilla- tions for the two days are quite different, as they are apt to be. For these reasons it is evident that the horary oscilla- tions of both the barometer and thermometer must be elim- inated before the observations can be properly used in esti- mating differences of altitude. Yet I believe it is a common practice with computers to use the observed air tempera- ture. When hourly observations of the thermometer are taken, aud the monthly mean for the different months are obtained, it has been found that the range of the horary thermomet- 33 lie oscillation varies from montli to moutli, the same be- ing greatest in the hottest months and least in the coldest. The (litfereuce in these ranges seems to be greatest when the (lilierence between the mean temperatures of the hottest and coldest month is gre;itest. The range is usually great- er ill arid districts than in thu more humid ones near the sea. It has been found from observations at stations vary- ing in altitude from the sea level to the summit of the Sierra Nevada, that in Angust the range at Sacramento, near sea level, was 17 degrees; at Placerville, about 2,000 feet high, it was 31 degrees; at Strawberry Yalley, al)out 5,700 feet high, it was 33 degrees ; and at Hope Valley, 7,000 feet high, it was 17 degrees. In January, at the same stations, the range was 11 degrees at Sacramento, 17.} de- grees at Placerville, 10^ degrees at Strawberry Valley, and 17 degrees at Hope Valley. It therefore by no means fol- lows that the range of this oscillation diminishes with the altitude, though it is doubtless samll at exceedingly high places. It is evident from the preceding remarks that the ques- tion of how best to obtain the daily mean tem[)erature, in order to secure good hypsoiuetrical results, is of great im- portance. Fortunately, this is not difficult. With the ba- rometer the daily mean can only be ascertained from obser- vations taken during that day at the precise locality, or ai)proximately so, by applying a horary correction But with the thermometer the case is different. As the tempera- ture during a day is nearly the same over a large area in a level country, observations can usually be taken in the field at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., and a good mean value to the temperature of the day thus obtained, ahhough the party has been in motion. It the party has been in an un- even or mountainous region, then the only way is to assume that the mean daily temperature varies three degrees with each thousand feet of difference of altitude. I am aware 3 u B 34 that this rule gives but a very rude approximatiou to the truth, but, except when the change in altitude from camp to camp is very great, the error from adopting it will be small. The following table gives a comparison between monthly mean temperatures obtained by twenty -four hourly obser- vations and the mean of those taken at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m. : 35 ■2 a >'V. 5"-= r S 35 ■2 ^ oooooo'oooooocfoooooooooooooooooo I I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I > o o < I I 10 00 = I I I I I o o < I I ) o o I i oo o oo 1 I I I I I ■c-.c>'Xn~naoo5c;o^f-tocrjm— im-5t-oo-3'Qoino'»(-^t--.c« ci?ccM«r^cMro^oc^r:'vc»cocO'^r-'»-^'rrcNcoOi-i5^^: I I I I oo< I I >o o o o o I I I I I oo ; I I > o o o t I I I >oo I I oo ! I I H o I I oi o I 1 + W^ODi>-OIC4CI-^i--000'^OSrt05t^Oi»n(?»C ^c^-Ci^-cccCTP^Tl«c^(c^«coQ^om(7^»o(o^noD■^co■o o >o o c I I > oo oo oc I I I I I > ooo I I I oi rH in o irt m « ■ o o I I ooo o o o MM + + O CO -H O 7 I L'^CllCOO^O^CtO'X'OCMQOCO^ M M M M M M M > O « O I I I O O O O O O O M M M I ooo I I I -csmocMi^oooom^oi-t^f^^t^ — t'O^QO^oor^oiOTC^Tf^ai I co©» !0'0 I I 't--(7»OCDt-;OCOf~-^OCO: J t-- -r 'V 1-* 1' c. 1 I I ooooo I M M --^^^■vt^roxoQOOOcc: 00( ->< o c lO O rl I I I J -^ tC CO :7»C^f-OOf(7^iTJi^Ci:oo-r^ooyra;i tHOOOOOOi-hOOOO M M M M M M tr. TTil^O'Tf-OHOOOICCt- IM M o o I I I I r- O O O O I M I + rt O < I I > O r-( rH I I I I I O O O OO rM O M M I M ooo I I I I 1 n o I I t^occc^c:r^ci:cc:ooeorHQor'(NO».1t-*coOTf^:o«irtc;ioicosQO •OC^?trHQCr-«{5«OrtOlrtr-4C:00Or5OOrH- > OO ! I I > I-H O r^O O M MH- O OrH ■- r-l rH M M M O O " rl O 1-1 1— > M M I M ■■c o St I I t^c. o!0^^ir;o--'T0or-t^005 O O T-H I I I O rl I I O O O O O .-I r- M I M I I OOO I I I I I — " r: cr. X L-: i • Gur^iO'^mooi^«ct-'^iftCTt--»- 1-1 mo w M M M M I • 00 — -< O O O 2? ! ITv o o oo o < M M I ICO m -v >o'o o I I I J « ■» -5 > o oo [Ml cotMcoia^^^irti-^cNOC^ ooooocSoooo I M I M M M I oo I I : o X o m r- ^ ^ ■ ^ r:i :n ^T Oi T n ^ i o o o o o o o M M M I 1— o o ooo I I I ^CiOOOCO::?Xl^*I3'VO-^i^Ot^3St^a!mOOO?J05QO^(?JQOi~-mr-0 (rj';!Tcoc>r;iu^x — ocoijJCJc»i-icoucoo«i-iO(r< ooo'oo" oooooooo o'o'ooooocJooo' ooooo o'o M M M M I M M M M M M M M M M I + o at 00 o I I J) S o c ; . .25 = c = 5 a o o^ >,5 il a ^- ft- o ® i .S 2 o o .2 ft- =3 w .. O c5 • : o 2 Sr t; •'; c .^ .3 g cs 5 :'5.5 =■<= 5-3 c= B » 36 It will be seen that tbemeau temperature of 7 a. m., 2 p. m., aud 9 p. m., at almost every station, gives a result too great, in every montb, as compared witli the mean of twenty-four hourly observations ; but the difference is not great, seldom exceed- ing in any one month one and one-half degrees. The mean results show that the mean temperature thus ob tained by the two methods most nearly agrees in December, where the difference is less than one-quarter of a degree, an d that the difference is greatest in June. From December to June the difference increases with much uniformity, and from June to December it decreases in the same manner ; so that if the table "were i^lotted it would show a smooth curve. This table can be used as a table of corrections, to be applied to observations taken at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m., in order to reduce them to the mean of twenty-four hourly observa- tions. I next present a table of comparison between the means of thermometric observations taken at 7 a. ra., 2 p. m., and p. m, aud that of those taken at a. m., noon, and 6 p. m. They were furnished me by Louis Wilson, tidal obser- ver at Astoria, Oreg., and are for three years. 37 5 '^ S s i ^ 1 o 1 O O i 1 1 d 1 -^ r- O o o o 1 1 1 d 1 CI c^ o o o o 1 1 1 d 1 C» ^ rH o o o 1 1 1 d 1 s . ■ 42 "t^ • P ^ ^ •jaqoiaoaa ? '"' 1 fe< -r 1-5 -; ! r »j 1- _ ^ •joqiuaAox •*< P ^ " ^- 1- — ~ •jaqoioo "" •^ O "N ^ TU •J- 00 jaqtne^dog § « " 00 t- CO fe( ■ki 00 in I- m "« O l.- cs I- '• '' ■;snSn\r § '-' " « « ^ m w ct ■ ^H fe< *^ iri ir^ _ ^ — ■- _ ^ ; 1 X 1 o •^nr 5j « CJ ^ 3 ■^ ot m ~ir 1— e3 o annp § C-5 C» ■^ a ^H ^ „ — I L- •abh: .c. rf Hi 00 in c (T» ludy t- W — TT ^ O •qojBK c u ■Ki o> 2j o c ^ •AJBHjqaj (^ "^ ■■ « 00 ■u: "J- cj I ""IT X ■;= ^"j. 1- ^ o l~ •iaunoBp ^ '^ '■ c- " t^ ^' : " : «;;'='= X X L-5 t- L- c c o o -»> o § !0 != t^ ■^ .- Ol O « rt •apni ■•J C5 O ac I; to O T ; — - ^- ~ > ' — ^ cli rt cS c ^ > '1 !>-. >■ (S Hope Valloy. .. 1 Aurora Hope Valley . . -§ 3 1 £ a > o P • 5 c [3 o H a - > S 1 = o > 5 c3 ci a c O c = S 1 1 >• 1 c 5 = cs 2 a c3 'i 1 o c s 2 5 3 S > o c S S 5 1 =5 3 St § c^ u S " t w — « rt s ts ri 7i ,= 3 « o o OJ as X t» X — CC •1 X ■Jl s^ =; o 1 43 From the examiuatiou of a large lumiber of observatious and computed results from daily means, I have come to the conclusion that there is no relation between the height of the barometer at the lower or upper station and the value of the differences of altitude. That is to say, the wandering from the monthly mean may be a maximum or a minimum with either a high or a low barometer. The cause of erratic results from daily means must be attributed to the fact that the atmosphere is seldom, if ever, in a state of equilibrium, and hence the wanderings cannot be controlled by any law, and must be incident to all measurements of this kind. OF THE VARIATIONS IN HYPSOMETRICAL RESULTS FROM MONTHLY MEANS. When observations of the barometer and thermometer have been continued for a number of years at two stations, and the mean monthly readings are used in computing the difference of altitude between them, it has been ascer- tained that these computed results from observations taken in the different months differ. If we take the series of 25 years at Geneva and the Grand St. Bernard as affording us the best tj'pe series available, we find that the computed differ- ence of altitude for the month of December and July differ by 101 feet, and that those for the different months vary by a definite law, so that when plotted they show a smooth curve. We can only ascertain what this law is bj' compar- ing results from observations taken in different latitudes, altitudes, and climates. Unfortunately, extensive series of reliable observations at high and low altitudes are seldom to be found. But I shall make use of such as I have had access to, and from which some important facts can be de- duced. Going back to the observations at Geneva and the Grand St. Bernard, the first fact of importance is, that while the 44 25 years' series gives a good curve, the observations taken in any one year do not, and the plotted results from monthly means of observations taken during a single year are so irregular that it would be difficult to develop from them a law in this variation. This fact shows that even with these stations, if a table of corrections were made to reduce the results taken during each of the mouths to the mean for the year, and if that table of corrections were applied to observations taken in any year, the correction would not with certainty be applied advantageously, though of course the chances are that they would be so applied. It is now necessary to ascertain if this variation in hypso- metrical results is peculiar to the climate of Switzerland, or whether it is applicable to other countries. The observa- tions taken in the Sierra Nevada, though not as numerous as are desirable, at least indicate that the same general law holds good in California; but while observations in mid- winter give the least results, and those in midsummer the greatest, the range is twice as great, which may be attrib- uted to the higher temperature of this country. The mean temperatures in the hottest and coldest months at Geneva and the Grand St. Bernard are respectively 64° and 31° at the former, and 43^ and 15^ at the latter. In the Sierra Nevada we have, in July, at Sacramento, 70-.0, and at the summit, about 7,000 feet high, 5o°.o, and in January they are 48^.9 and 26^.3, respectively. But unfortunately for the development of any law of practical importance that can be of use in making a table of corrections to be applied to results obtained in different months so as to reduce tliem to the yearly mean, the range in the variation of these results seems to depend more u[)on the temperatures of the stations than upon the difference of altitude between them. For example, the range between the winter and summer results, as develoi)ed from observa- tions taken at Sacramento and Fort Churchill, is 200 feet. 45 while the diiference of altitude is about 4,200 feet, and that from observations at Sacramento and summit of the Sierra Nevada at Hope Valley, about 7,000 feet, is 118 feet. This last result, however, is from observations in the single months of July of 1860 and January of 1804. From all that has been previously pointed out on this subject, we are certain that hypsometrical results generally give results which are considered greater in midsummer than in midwinter, but the amplitude of this variation de- pends so much upon the climate of the two stations that no definite rule can be given concerning it. COiNCLUDlNG REMARKS. In the previous pages I have explained the method which I have recommended to be adopted in i)roduciug the best hypsometrical results, the essentic^l points of which are to prepare the barometric observations beforehand by correct- ing them for the horary oscillation of the barometer, and then to use the mean daily temperature during the period in which the observations were taken, whether it be short or long. Prof. J. I). Whitney, formerly the State geologist for the State of California, with a full knowledge of my method as explained in Xo. 15 of the Professional Pa[)ers of the Corps of Engineers, has adopted another method, and has explained it in a work entitled "Contributions to Barometric Hypsom- etry, with tables for use in California." In the first chapter the distinguished professor gives an able and learned dis- cussion of the various forms of the barometric formula which have been used, and comes to the conclusion that no change in any of the constants is advisable. He says, in the beginning of his third chapter, that my formula, or that of Guyot (which is almost identical with it, and one or the other of which was used by him and his assistants during the geological survey of California), " is the one which leads 46 most directly to practical results, and upou which the chief dependence is to be placed/' Tbe third and last chapter of this work is also interesting, but the second one is the onl^- one which explains his method of treating barometric and thermometric observations. He had obtained observations during three years at Sacra- mento, near the sea-level; at Colfax, on tbe slope of the Sierra Nevada, at an altitude of 2,414 feet; and at Summit Station, at an altitude of 6,951 feet. The altitudes were as- certained during the leveling for the railroad. Tbe obser- vations were taken at 7 a. m., 2 p. m., and 9 p. m. From the monthly means of the barometer and thermometer at those three hours, he ascertains how much the mean hypso- metrical results at each of those hours in each month at each of the three stations differ from their altitudes as given by the level. He then forms a table of corrections to be ap- plied to such results from observations taken in tbe field during those months and at those hours, and by a simple interpolation assumes corrections for the intermediate hours between 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. He uses the actual observa- tions of the barometer and thermometer without other cor- rection than that of reducing the barometer to 32° F. From tbe monthly menu i)ressure and temperature at each of the three hours, he deduces bis table of corrections to be ap- plied to each hour of the day and month of the year. My method is to eliminate beforehand all causes of error, as far as possible, by first applying a correction to the bar- ometric readings so as to get rid of the effects of the horary oscillation, and then to eliminate the effects of the horary movement by using, instead of the observed tem- perature, the mean daily air temperature for tbe period during which the barometric observations were taken. It is evident to me that Professor Whitney's method must produce more "maximum errors" than mine; because tbe periods of the barometric and tbermometric observations, in 47 the field are not the same as the monthly })eiiods of obser- vations nsed by him in preparing his table of corrections. Observations in the field are usually for a short period ; his table of corrections is from the monthly means. During a barometric reconnaissance, the altitudes of most of the sta- tions on the line are approximately determined from single observations. In forming his table he has used the monthly mean of the thermometer at the three observed hours. Xow it is well known that during a month the range of the thermometer during the twenty-four hours may be twice, three times, and even four times as great in one day as in auother. If observations of the barometer had been taken during one day only, it might have happened that the ther- uiometric curve (if the observations had been plotted) for that day was a maximum or a minimuai, and the horary thermometric curve from the actual observatiotis would be quite different from that obtained from the thermometric monthly- mean. With regard to the barometer, its horary oscillations from day to day during a month at the same place are so nearly alike that no material error is made by adopting either the horary oscillation for the month or that for the period of observation. Within the limits of the State of California almost every variety of climate is to be found. There is the moist and uniform climate of the coast, and the arid and tropical cli- mate of the Mohave and Coiorado deserts. There are vast plains near the sea level, and a number of mountain peaks between fourteen and fifteen thousand feet above it. When we consider the greaL change of temperature during twenty- four hours in a considerablj portion of the State, the great variation in the range of that temperature in different days and in different localities, and the totally different character of the horary oscillations of the barometer at an upper and lower station, varying as these do with altitude, latitude, and climate, and, more than all, local peculiarities of climate, it 48 can be easily umlerstood that it is impossible to adopt, with good results, a table of corrections suitable to every part of such a State as California, or even to a considerable portion of it. My method is quite as easy of api)lication as that of Pro- fessor Whitney, except that itreurpose where full hourly observations were taken. I calculated for each of the three hours during the ten days the differ- ence of altitude by the two methods. 1 then made fiom them a table of maximum and mean errors, which is here- with submitted. 49 It will be seen that the amount of error in hypsometrical results is over forty per cent, more by Professor Whitney's method than by mine, and any intelligent man who has carefully studied the two methods can easily appreciate the reason. Table VIII. — Comparison of barometric 7'esuJt.s by Professor Whttneifs and Colonel lilUiamson's methods, from observations taken at 7 a. m., 2p.m., and 9 jj. ni., during ten days of August, 1860. SACRAMENTO AND HOPE VALLEY. Max. error. Max. error. Mean error. Grand mean. Whitney's method Williaiusou's method + -249. 7 + 155.7 — 214. 5 — 144. 2 61.6 54.5 6, 976. 9 6, 961. 7 + l.CO — 1.49 1.13 SACRAMENTO AND PLACERVILLE. + + 37.9 •21.9 — 36.8 — 24.6 13.5 13.0 1, f97. Williamson's method 1,918.4 + 1. 36 — 1. 50 1.04 PLACERVILLE AND STRAWBERRY VALLEY. Whitney's method 4-194.4 Williamson's method -|- 143.0 + 1.36 — 94. 1 — 51. 5 — 1.66 42.1 20.1 3, 715. 3, 731. 6 STRAWBERRY VALLEY AND HOPE VALLEY. + 64.5 + 49.2 — 4.5.3 — 41.0 21.3 21.0 1,362.3 Williamnon's tuethod 1, 368. 6 Ratio ... + L31 — 1.10 l.Ol 4 U B 'ANPERiODTTr^ ^^'^^