BIOLOGY LIBRARY 'HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY BY HARRIS HAWTHORNE WILDER ii Professor of Zoology in Smith College NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1909 LtBRAHY G COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY Seinem Lehrer und Freunde <*lj*tm-Ijufrat Unhurt WwterBljrtm wird dieses Buck in Liebe und Dankbarkeit gewidmet. DER VERFASSER. 257867 PREFACE THIS book has a twofold purpose: first, to present the re- sults of modern anatomical and embryological research rela- tive to the human structure in a form accessible to the general student, and, secondly, to furnish students of technical human anatomy with a basis upon which to rest their knowledge of details. Regarding the first of these purposes, it may be said that, while many of the phases of the doctrine of evolution have been thoroughly exploited, and their general teaching has be- come the property of the general scholar, the contribution to thought furnished by anatomy has been considered of too technical a character for popular presentation. It is true that this science necessarily rests upon a material basis, and in- volves a mass of extremely intricate details, and it is also true that a more or less complete knowledge of these is absolutely necessary before the contribution of this science to evolution- ary thought can be appreciated ; but in these respects anatomy does not differ from other branches of natural science, the essential teachings of which are already a matter of general knowledge. If, then, the technical difficulties have been sur- mounted in the case of Geology, Astronomy and general Zoology, it is not too much to hope that in the course of the next few years the mission of Anatomy may also become gen- erally known, especially since its results touch human interests more closely than do those of any of the kindred sciences. Concerning the second purpose, that of assisting in the technical study of 'human anatomy, it is hardly necessary to present an argument, since the great advantages of studying human anatomy in connection with both comparative anatomy and embryology are patent to all who have employed this method. While there are still a few human anatomists who present the old argument that the science is too full of detail already to allow the assumption of additional facts, the ex- VI PREFACE perience of everyone who has learned the parts of some com- plicated organ like the brain, by the old method, and has had it later elucidated by the new, is a sufficient refutation of such a position. It takes but a little experience with anatomy, as taught by the modern comparative method, to see that this latter furnishes a rational basis for an absolute knowledge of the fundamental relationships, while the old method is largely an intricate system of mnemonics. A student of the older anat- omy must needs remember arbitrarily that two given parts are related in a certain way and not in the reverse way, and if his memory is inadequate to the task he has nothing to save him, while a student, furnished with a morphological basis for his knowledge and able to refer the parts back to a time in which they were in a much simpler condition, will know that they must be related in a certain definite way, and cannot be otherwise arranged. The present work has especially the needs of the medical student in mind, since it is not a general comparative anatomy, but, as its title signifies, a " history of the human body," in which the structure of the lower vertebrates is expounded only so far as is needed to throw light upon the relations found in Man. Thus the lines that do not lead in this direc- tion, but represent specialized side-branches, like those of birds or snakes, are barely touched upon, other than as illus- trations of principles similar to those under consideration, although certain exceptional modes of development or eccen- tric specializations are often mentioned on account of their general interest. The technical terms of human anatomy employed in this work conform in general to the list prepared by the Basle Anatomical Nomenclature (BNA), but in cases where these terms differ widely from those in common use in America the latter are placed in brackets after the BNA term. In cases where the BNA nomenclature is not in accord with morpho- logical principles, these terms are rejected, but are indicated in brackets or otherwise. Of these, the most important are the following: PREFACE vii 1. In the case of the bones of the carpus and tarsus. For these the BNA nomenclature employs the terms used on the Continent, and especially Germany (e.g., triquetrum, multan- guhim majuSj etc.), instead of those to which the Americans and English are accustomed. The synonomy of these terms is presented in the form of a table, but as both sets are purely arbitrary and describe the shapes and relative sizes as found in Man alone, there seems no reason why one should be pre- ferred to the other, or, indeed, why either should be longer perpetuated, in preference to the simple system employed by comparative morphologists. 2. In several cases in which terms of orientation are still employed with reference to Man in a standing position (e.g., superior and inferior instead of anterior and posterior; an- terior and posterior instead of ventral and dorsal). Thus, in the case of the columns of the spinal cord, it is thought best to reject the BNA terms posterior and anterior in favor of the more natural dorsal and ventral, as employed in the case of all other animals. In the same way the two vence cava are referred to as anterior and posterior instead of superior and inferior. 3. In the case of the pads of the palm and sole. Here the principle involved is one of use rather than position, and the point at issue depends upon the true function of these parts. The two views held at present are (i) that their function is tactile, and (2) that it is mechanical, preventing the tendency to slip by presenting a surface covered by ridges, [cf. Chap- ter IV.] The BNA term for these pads is toruli tactiles, a term which does not accord with the view expressed here. In a few cases the adoption of the new nomenclature in- volves changes in well-established terms ; for example, ductus [vas] deferent, stratum germinativum [mucosum], and renal [Malpighian~] corpuscles; and in some there is a slight change in spelling, as thyreoid and chorioid, but as these are all in the interest of exactness and do not violate morphological princi- ples, they are employed here. In the case of a work which, like the present one, attempts VI 11 PREFACE to cover a large field, in each and every point of which there are opposing views, both as to the facts themselves and to their interpretation, errors and misinterpretations are inev- itable, and the writer craves the indulgence of those who have directed their special attention to any one of the subjects touched upon here. The book is primarily intended as an interpretation of the work of the specialists in anatomy, especially during the last half-century, and its mission will be accomplished if it serves to render the facts obtained more accessible to the general reader. DRYADS' GREEN, NORTHAMPTON, May, 1909 CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE v CHAPTER I. THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE i II. THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 26 III. THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES .... . . . 48 IV. THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON ... 76 V. THE ENDOSKELETON . . . . 122 VI. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 189 VII. THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS . . . 257 VIII. THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 317 IX. THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 365 X. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 406 XL THE SENSE-ORGANS 465 XII. THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES 506 APPENDIX . . . . 539 PLATES PLATE I. Diagrams showing Vertebrate development ; stages I and II. Based upon a stereogram by KINGSLEY. 62 PLATE II. Diagrams showing Vertebrate development ; stages III and IV. Based upon a stereogram by KINGSLEY. 63 PLATE III. Development of uro-genital system in Amniotes from stage of sexual indifference (a) to male vb), and to female (c). In part after GEGENBAUR. . 386 PLATE IV. Longitudinal median sections of Vertebrate brains corresponding to the first half of the series in Fig. 117 in the text, [(b) and (c) after EDINGER]. 414 PLATE V. Longitudinal median sections of Vertebrate brains corresponding to the second half of the series in Fig. 117. [After EDINGER] . . . . 415 PLATE VI. Diagram of cranial nerves in Anamnia. [After WIEDERSHEIM]. ...... 448 PLATE VII. Diagram of cranial nerves in Amniota. [After WIEDERSHEIM]. ...... 449 PLATE VIII. Inter-relation of Trigeminus, Facialis, Glossopharyn- geus, and Vagus, together with the sympathetic ganglia in man. Based upon diagrams by several anatomists (ARNOLD, GRAY, GEGENBAUR). . 456 "Man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin." CHARLES DARWIN : " Descent of Man '" (closing sentence) CHAPTER I THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE " Ich sage immer tmd wiederhole es, die Welt konntt nicht bestehen, wenn sie nicht so einfach ware." JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE, in Eckermann, Gesprache mit Goethe, n Apr., 1827. OXE of the grandest generalizations formulated by modern biological science is that of the continuity of life; that the protoplasmic activity within the body of each living being now on earth has continued without cessation from the remote beginnings of life upon our planet, and that from that period until the present no single organism has ever arisen save in the form of a bit of living protoplasm detached from a pre- existing portion; that the eternal flame of life, once kindled upon this earth, has passed from organism to organism, and is still going on, existing and propagating, incarnated within the myriad animal and plant forms of the present day. Built up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, together with traces of a few other elements, yet of a complexity of struc- ture that has hitherto resisted all attempts at complete analysis, protoplasm is at once the most enduring and the most easily destroyed of substances; its molecules are con- stantly breaking down to furnish the power for the manifesta- tions of vital phenomena, and yet, through its remarkable property of assimilation, a power possessed by nothing else upon earth^itxaj) constantly builds up its substance anew from the surrounding medium, usually in excess of that lost by dis- integration, and possessed of qualities identical w r ith those of the parent mass. The continuity, then, is not one of ma- terial, but of qualities, and it is this that makes an organism the same from birth till death. An acorn, a sapling, an oak ^^: ; > ; 'HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY all are the same organism, although the bulk of the acorn is but the hundredth part of the sapling, and that the thou- sandth part of the oak, and although every particle that con- stituted the organism in an early stage may have been elim- inated long before the next stage is reached. Upon the at- tainment of a certain size-limit, the most or the whole of the constantly accumulating excess is freed from the parent or- ganism, in the form of germinal particles, each of which, still continuing the process of assimilation, wrests building ma- terial from its surroundings, from other organisms as well as from inorganic substances, and, if successful, develops into a new organism, which often to the minutest details reproduces the parent from which it arose. Through this power of assimilation there is a constant en- croachment of the organic upon the inorganic, a constant attempt to convert all available material into living substance, and to indefinitely multiply the total number of individual organisms. This tendency receives a check, however, from two sources : from the forces of the inorganic world, since each organism is particularly sensitive to surrounding con- ditions, and, secondly, from other organisms. It has been to offset these that all variations in organisms have taken place, changes which have furnished a great power of adaptation to various conditions and have resulted in the invasion and occu- pancy of all environments in which the conditions do not absolutely prohibit protoplasmic activity. Thus have developed all the plant and animal forms which have ever appeared on the earth, and since no one of these can have arisen spontaneously, but depends for its develop- ment upon a bit of living protoplasm thrown off from a pre- viously existing organism, it follows that all living beings may be traced back through continuous though converging lines of life to the first beginning of all life the primordial proto- plasm. Difficult as this may be to follow in the case of the more complex organisms, those which, through constant modification, have departed most widely from the original condition, this continuity of life is easily seen in the one- THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 3 celled organisms, or Protozoa, which are the simplest in struc- ture of all living things. The essential body substance con- sists of a minute mass of semi-fluid protoplasm, in the interior of which lies a denser portion which constitutes its most im- portant organ, the nucleus. This latter is the physiological center for the control of all the vital functions of the animal, and is undoubtedly extremely complex in structure, even in the simplest members of the group. In some protozoans the protoplasm is enclosed by a thin but fine cell-membrane, which preserves for the animal a more or less definite shape ; in other cases there is no such membrane, and the protoplasm is free to assume an irregular and constantly changing outline, each species, however, still preserving a certain characteristic range of form. Through the intaking of other organisms, either alive or in a state of disintegration, the protoplasm of all Protozoa has the power of adding to its bulk, through assimilation ; a pro- cess perhaps more than all others characteristic of life and not imitated in any way by lifeless matter. For this process a nucleus is absolutely essential, for it has been experimentally proven that non-nucleated fragments of the simpler Protozoa are capable of continuing their existence for some time, and can even receive foreign materials, yet have no power of assimilation. A fragment containing a nucleus, on the other hand, will continue to grow and will^ukimately completely restore the lost part. This process of growth is limited, however, not by any failure in the vital process, but by the mathematical law of the ratio of surface to mass.* The intaking of both food and oxygen, and also the expulsion of all waste products, take place on the external surface, or, in the case of those covered by a cell-membrane, over a restricted portion of that area, but on * This law is that the surfaces of homologous solids are to each other as the squares, and their masses as the cubes, of their homologous dimen- sions. A protozoan which has increased to twice its normal size, i. e., twice its original diameter, has increased its surface four times and its mass eight times. It has therefore reduced its proportionate surface by one half, and its supply of food and oxygen in the same degree. HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY account of the law just mentioned, the mass of a growing animal increases faster than its external surface, and the time is soon reached at which it is in danger both of starving and of suffocation. To offset this, recourse is had to a process called fission, which effects at the same time a relief from the physiological difficulty and a multiplication of the individual. In its simplest form this reproduction by fission, as it is termed, is inaugurated by (i) a lengthening of the nucleus; (2) a contraction of its middle portion, producing a form FIG. i. Simple fission. Diagrams based on the infusorian Paramcecium. In all the figures the macronucleus is on the left, the micronucleus on the right. The division of the micronucleus is effected by mitosis, that of the macro- nucleus is direct. like an hour-glass, and (3) a separation of the two halves, forming two independent nuclei, each half of the original size. A similar subdivision of the body of the cell follows, the arrangement being such that each piece becomes supplied with one of the two nuclei, and is capable of beginning an independent existence. In certain other cases the proceeding is more complicated. The organism surrounds itself with a shell or cyst, secreted by the protoplasm, and after a quiescent period, breaks up, not into two, but a larger number, usually four, eight or sixteen, which become released by the bursting of the cyst and swim out into the water, each in its turn to assimilate foreign matter until of the size for another encyst- ment. It is but natural to refer to the undivided organism as the THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 5 " parent," and to the resultant organisms, whether two or one, as the " offspring," yet it is here plain that we do not have to do with either parent or children in the usual sense. The " parent," as such, ceases to exist the moment it becomes divided; yet no death has ensued, for there is no dead body. The vital activity of protoplasm has been perpetuated, without an interruption, from the undivided mass to each piece result- ing from the fission, or in other words, the life is continuous. In a restricted sense, then, a protozoan is immortal: its FIG. 2. Multiple fission as shown by the parasite of malaria, Ha-ma- morba malaria. [After Ross and FIELDING-OULD.] The enclosing outline represents a human blood corpuscle, within which the transformation takes place. (a) Young amoeboid stage formed from a sporozoid. (b) Older amoeboid stage, showing growth, (c) Beginning of multiple fission, .(d) Division of the mass into eight sporozoids. At this stage the sporozoids become liberated through the distintegration of the remains of the corpuscle, and invade the plasma. From this they enter new corpuscles, and assume the amoeboid form as at a, thus completing the cycle. vital activities have been continuous, without interruption from the beginning of life upon the planet. It is not meant, of course, that a protozoan is indestructible, for countless num- bers of them are continually succumbing to mechanical or chemical injury; but each accident of this sort extinguishes a life which has existed without cessation from the first life of all. The actual material particles are constantly changing, even while a protozoan is retaining its identity as an indi- vidual, yet that which is continuous from moment to moment in such an individual, is equally so during and after each fission, and is perpetuated without interruption, in each piece, so long as it does not meet with conditions which destroy it. Aside from the phenomena of reproduction by fission, there is another procedure which has been observed in many forms 6 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of Protozoa, and while in the present state of knowledge it cannot be asserted that it is a universal procedure, existing in all species, it is very likely that this or a similar process is oc- FIG. 3. Conjugation. Diagrams based on the infusorian Paramacium. Here the two gametes are of the same size and the fusion is temporary with similar results in the case of each. (a) The two micronuclei are forming mitotic figures preparatory to division, (b) The two micronuclei have elongated; the macronuclei are disintegrating. (c) One-half of each micronucleus passes into the other individual through the mouth, (d) Fusion occurs in each individual between the half nucleus that originally belonged to it and the half nucleus that has come from the other. This forms a fusion-nucleus, (e) The fusion-nuclei form mitotic figures preparatory to division. At about this time the two individuals separate. (f), (g), (h) The fusion-nucleus divides three times in succession, eventually forming eight nuclei. (i) Four of the eight nuclei enlarge and form macronuclei, and four re- main small and become micronuclei. These become associated in pairs, one micro- and one macro-nucleus, and are distributed to four individuals that result from two successive divisions. Each of these, evidently as the result of the conjugation, has a renewed power of fission, and multiplication continues in this way [cf. Fig. i] until the power becomes diminished, when it is renewed by a new conjugation [cf. Fig. 5 (a)]. casionally undergone in all cases. This is the process of con- jugation [Fig. 3] which, in the cases best studied, seems to bear a definite relation to the process of reproduction by fission. In these cases the number of fissions which can occur in succession appears to be limited, for after a series of these THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 7 it seems that the reproductive force becomes lessened, causing longer pauses between successive fissions, and ultimately the death of the organisms. It is at this time, when the fissions are farther between and carried on with less activity, that conjugation appears. This consists typically of the temporary fusion of two individuals, during which there is a mutual inter- change of certain of the elements of the nuclei. When this is accomplished the two individuals, or gametes, as they are here termed, separate, and begin anew a fresh series of fissions as at first. The purpose of the process thus seems to be something like a rejuvenescence, by means of which the reproductive activity may be renewed; yet, that the action is chemical rather than physiological is suggested by experiments in which a similar increase of activity, taking the place of conjugation, may be induced by the addition of food-substances like beef broth to the water containing the species under investigation. In many cases the process of conjugation is rendered more complicated by the introduction of two sorts of individuals, macro- and micro-gametes, which are evidently produced for this especial purpose by a variation in the usual course of the fission process. In this case the two usually unite perma- nently and form a zygote, which becomes thus endowed with special reproductive activity. [Fig. 4.] In multicellular organisms the matter becomes still more complicated, but is essentially the same so far as concerns pro- toplasmic continuity. Here only certain cells, which are called germ-cells , act as gametes and conjugate, producing the new organisms by their repeated divisions, while the remainder, often vastly preponderating over the former in actual bulk, build up a body or so ma, which forms a shelter and protection for the germ cells. Somata possess a high degree of adapt- ability to external conditions, and become modified to fit them, so that in this way they and the germ-cells contained within them may come to be developed in places and under circum- stances where otherwise they could not possibly exist. In this way all animal and plant forms have been produced, 8 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY FIG. 4. Carchesium, a sessile protozoan colony, showing conjugation. [Diagram in part after BUTSCHLI and SCHEWIAKOFF.] a a Macrozooids, which, by their division produce either b, other macrozooids, or c microzooids, which eventually become free, d Free-swimming microzooids, per- haps from another colony, d microzooid (here a microgamete) in conjugation with a macrozooid (macrogamete). In each of the above individuals may be seen a vermiform marcronucleus and a spherical micronucleus. e Detail of conjugation. The macronucleus of each component is shown broken into fragments previous to dis- solution; the two micronuclei are dividing mitotically into two halves, one-half of each destined to pass into the other component. The micro- and macro-gametes are designated, respectively, as male and female. [Subsequent stages similar to those shown in Fig. 3.] THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 9 each being but the temporary dress of a proliferating mass of protoplasm; a detached mass of tissue, which feeds, breathes, and often moves and perceives, for the better support and pro- tection of the continuous living protoplasm. The soma is mortal, and after a longer or shorter period loses its vitality and goes to dissolution; the germ, in the restricted sense of being coeval with life upon the earth, is immortal; and yet, in spite of the far greater value of the latter, the two are very closely associated. As the soma becomes modified, the germ becomes equally so, since each germ, as it develops, repro- A A ^ _ A A * A A A,J_A .A. A A A ' " A A ~ ATTuA AMAj s t yrfrfrtiTT""" 8 ' ^sffff**** FIG. 5. Diagrams illustrating the life cycle in unicellular and multicel- lular organisms. The round dots represent cells. In (b) and (c) the germ cells are gray, the somatic cells black. In all cases the destruction of a cell is indicated by a heavy black bar placed beneath it. (a) Protozoan type, with equivalent gametes. The series begins with a con- jugation, after which the gametes separate and a series of simple fissions follows in the case of each gamete. After several generations of these, in which many of the individuals produced are destroyed, conjugation again appears, completing the cycle. (b) Life cycle in a male Metazoan. The cycle begins with a conjugation between a macro- and a micro-gamete (ovum and spermatozoon), after which there follows a series of simple fissions, which differ from those of (a) in the perpetual union of the components thus formed, represented here by connecting lines. There is thus built up an interdependent cell-colony, the soma, shown in the fifth row from the top. Certain of the somatic cells become microgametes (^spermatozoa), destined for conjugation, and capable of independent existence when separated from the rest. The remaining somatic cells perish simultaneously. (c) Same as (b), but th'e gametes produced are macrogametes ( = ova), and the soma is consequently female. The conjugation of these cells with microgametes is shown in the lower row, thus completing the life cycle. The bars placed beneath the completed germ cells in (b) and (c) suggest the probable proportion of accidental destruction. duces a soma almost identical with that from which it came; a result which can be explained only by supposing that each germ contains a controlling mechanism, directing and de- termining the development of every individual part in the future soma. io HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The differences between unicellular and multicellular organ- isms in these respects may be graphically expressed in the accompanying diagrams. [Fig. 5.] In the first of these (a), which represents the condition in the simpler unicellular animals, a cycle of cell generations begins with a conjugation, a procedure during which a part of the nuclear material of the two conjugating individuals is mutually exchanged, the result seeming to be an increased activity of division for some time. The resulting cell genera- tions are followed in the diagram in the case of but one of the two conjugating individuals, that of the other being sim- ilar. Several generations are indicated, as also the chance mortality of individuals, the result of this last being to keep the total number of individuals in each generation approxi- mately the same in spite of the geometrical ratio in which the individual cells tend to increase. The two other diagrams (b) and (c) represent a similar cycle of cell generations in two multicellular organisms, male and female, respectively. In these, the cycle begins with the union of a male and female germ-cell, that is, a permanent conjugation between a micro- and a macro-gamete, forming a fertilized ovum. Because of the cellular differentiation due to a necessary adaptation, the male cell is small and active and equipped with a locomotive organ in the form of a vibratile flagellum, while the female cell is more or less immobile and furnished with a large amount of yolk, the food supply for the embryo during its early development, when it cannot ob- tain its own nourishment. After the conjugation there ensues a series of cell generations, as in the other case, with the essential difference that here they remain in organic con- tinuity with one another and form, not independent indi- viduals, but the component parts of a multicellular organism. The number of such generations is often very great, certainly much greater than here represented, and the cells early begin a differentiation of form and function which leads eventually to the formation of all the tissues necessary to build up the adult body or soma. Among those early cells are the THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE n primordial germ-cells, differently marked in the diagrams, which seem to retain the general qualities of the first egg-cell and to resist the tendency to specialization seen in the others. From these the final germ-cells develop, small and mobile in the case of the male, large and provided with yolk in the case of the female. These, liberating themselves from the soma, unite in pairs to form another cycle like the first, while all the generations of the somatic cells are sooner or later brought to an end simultaneously, the death of the individual. This organic connection between the cells, which constitutes the essential difference between unicellular and multicellular organisms, has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. The chief among the first is the great power of differentiation among individual cells or cell-groups, with the resultant di- vision of labor; a great disadvantage lies in the fact that through this very specialization of function, any vital accident occurring in one part drags down to death all the other cells of the organism. The germ-cells alone are the immortal parts, the continuous principle which survives the destruction of the soma, and each contains within itself, expressed in the form of an ultra-complex mechanism, the ability to reproduce in its cell descendants every detail of the soma from which it originated. In this is seen the primary value of the soma, which be- comes clear when taken in connection with the struggle on the part of nature to develop as much protoplasm as possible. The soma is a mass of protective cells, capable of a high degree of specialization, and thus able to adapt itself in accord- ance with the needs of every environment in which it is possible for organic beings to exist. Even its death is an adaptation, for by this means new and perfect somata are con- stantly taking the place of those whose usefulness as guardians of the germ-cells has become impaired by the inevitable injury to which organisms are constantly exposed. Life is con- tinuous in the germ-cells from generation to generation and has been carried into all environments and protected and multiplied through a constant succession of perishable somata. 12 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The adaptations of the soma are extremely gradual, and thus, if all forms that have ever existed could be arranged in order, they would form a continuous series, not in the form of a straight line, but in that of a profusely branching tree, since from one parent form two or more varieties are constantly arising, capable of inhabiting a slightly different environment, and, if successful, continuing along separate lines of develop- ment. As a matter of fact, however, the fauna and flora of the world at present represent, for the most part, but isolated units in the great system, and while a careful study of the structure of every known form has led to the restoration of many portions of this tree, there are in other places great gaps filled thus far only by inferences, and therefore matters of continual controversy. v This continuity of all life and the recognition of animals and plants as no more than the countless adaptive forms of the plastic soma, enable the zoologist to trace out with con- siderable accuracy the history of those series of which the records are the best preserved, a history which, while lying in the past, is represented in the present by forms which arose in earlier periods, the complete adaptation of which has allowed them to successfully struggle with their competitors and thus to survive with but little change to the present day. It is in this sense, then, that there can be a history of the human body, the history of the struggles and successes and" failures of our remote ancestors, as they successively encountered the various environments wherein this history has been enacted. The ocean, the marsh, the prairie, the forest, each has formed the complex stage-setting of an historic period and has contributed to the formation of the human soma. Man's body was, like all others, not made new, but adapted, and this not once, but repeatedly. Old organs have been readapted to new uses or are retained as merely functionless rudiments, new organs have arisen through the change of function of some preexisting part, the body has in all its details been molded and shaped with each new change to the end of producing the highest degree of physiological efficiency, and this always with sole THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 13 reference to the problem in hand and with no regard to the future inconveniences which may arise from a certain form or arrangement. To learn this history we must turn to the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Some of them are still so similar to the early stages of our own development that we may almost look upon them as our former selves; others represent development along other lines to which their environment and its necessities have brought them, and they show us what we might have been, had chance led us in their direction. The first period of vertebrate history was an aquatic one, in which the environment was represented, not merely by the water, which developed a certain kind of respiration, and al- lowed a style of locomotive organs inadmissible on land, but by the vast hordes of carnivorous enemies generated in the depths of the ocean; yet, through these struggles was gained an exoskeletal armor with which to ward off the attacks of the powerful molluscs and crustaceans of the Silurian seas; and of the armor plates thus obtained the relics are still re- tained in the cranial region, forming the dermal bones of the skull (f rentals, parietals, squamosals, etc.). Profound changes became necessary when our ancestors left the ocean and sought refuge in the marshes and upon land; changes not merely in the mode of respiration, but in the entire skeletal and muscular system, owing to the great difference in specific gravity between water and air. Differ- ences in food caused modifications in the digestive system, and all surfaces exposed to the air developed glands in pro- fusion to resist the drying effect of sun and wind. During this period were acquired pentadactylous extremities, lungs and larynx, and the salivary and lacrimal glands. The or- ganism became modified in countless ways, as the attempts to inhabit dry lands, apart from the marshes, ushered in the next great period, that of the rocks and plains. Here began a complete aerial respiration, the development of the permanent kidneys, which replaced the Wolffian bodies of amphibians, and the formation of a cornified epidermis, with 14 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY its proliferations in the form of scales, horns and claws. The great increase in the size and strength of the limbs, begun in the previous period, reached here a high degree of perfection, and towards the end of this period vertebrates were for the first time enabled by the help of these to lift their bodies com- pletely from the ground and exchange the crawling move- ments for a definite walk. But the most important of all the changes produced by a land environment has been the rapid increase in the size and efficiency of^ the central nervous system, which became de- veloped in part through the need of controlling the larger limb muscles, and in part in response to the far more varied environment afforded by the land surfaces and the consequent necessity of recording a larger number of sensory impressions. By a curious and indirect method this development, especially that of the perceptive centers of the brain, has been still more encouraged in a certain group of rather generalized mammals through the occupation of an arboreal environment. The direct result of this was, that in these animals, which were, in the main, large enough to grasp the boughs in climbing, a prehensile paw with an opposable first digit was developed on both anterior and posterior limbs, and this new tool, especially the anterior set, which became hands, from now on allowed the animals to grasp all sorts of objects, and expose them to a more careful scrutiny, thus causing a continually greater development of the recording centers of the brain. As this arboreal environment has been the latest in the line of human history previous to the assumption of a strictly terrestrial life, there are still in man's body more evidences of this than of the earlier stages, but these, because they are the latest, are also the most superficial, and consist of such characters as the flattened nails, the pectoral position of the mammae, and the opposable thumbs. The latest change of all, the assumption of an erect position and the emancipation of the anterior limbs from all locomotive functions, has necessitated a few modifications, especially changes in the pelvic girdle and in the relative size and THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 15 strength of the muscles of the legs, but has effected little in the way of actual change of structure, so that anatomically man still stands very near his arboreal kinsmen that represent the immediate past in the history of human development. This study of the succession of forms upon the earth is termed race history or phylogenesis, and forms one of the two sources from which the past history of animal development may be obtained. The other is the sequence of stages re- corded during the embryonic development of each individual, and is termed the developmental history or ontogenesis. By what is at once the most natural and the most mysterious law of nature each individual animal inherits, not only the struc- ture of its immediate parents, the attainment of which means the end of its development, but also that of its entire line of ancestors, which appear in approximately the natural order of succession and constitute the stages of its ontogenetic de- velopment. As a result of this it follows that the two records, phylo- genetic and ontogenetic, run closely parallel, and each serves in many places to bridge a gap or explain an obscure period in the other. This parallelism of the two records lies at the basis of all morphological speculation, and forms what is often termed the law of biogenesis* It must not be expected, however, that the correspondence in the two records is com- plete, since numerous disturbing causes must be taken into consideration which tend to modify each record quite inde- pendently of the other. In the race history there are many gaps caused by extinction, and the forms that have come down to us from earlier periods have become much changed from their former condition and represent their ancestors in a qualified sense only; while in the individual development there are many characters that are in no sense historic, and have to do with such immediate environmental problems as nutrition or protection. These latter characteristics, which * The " Biogenetisches Grundgesetz " of Haeckel ; formulated by him as follows: "Die Ontogenie (Keimesgeschichte) ist eine kurse IVieder- hohmg der Phylogenie (Stammesgeschichte)." 16 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY are called c&nogerietic, or modern, are clearly of no importance in such inquiries as the present, and must be carefully distin- guished from those that are palingenetic, that is, actual repe- titions of past history. It is essential, then, in order to interpret correctly the two records, phylogenetic and ontogenetic, and from them to re- produce the past history of our race, with its solutions of the details of man's structure, that the nature of 'each form of record be thoroughly understood. The phylogenetic or race- history is the plainer and more direct of the two, and presents fewer technical difficulties to the student, but it contains at present extensive gaps, not yet filled in by the discovery of fossil remains; the manuscript is plain and clear, but has suf- fered much from the ravages of time and is fragmentary at best : the ontogenetic, on the other hand, presents a more con- tinuous story, but the difficulties in the way of investigation are very great; here the manuscript is written in a micro- scopic hand, and is, moreover, a palimpsest, scribbled over with extraneous material, added at late dates and connected with the exigencies of development. The characteristics of the phylogenetic record may be made clear by the aid of the accompanying diagram [Fig. 6], which represents a purely hypothetical case, and the conditions in- volved may be presented in the form of laws, as follows : I. Development has not been in a single direction, but in many, since the constant rivalry between allied forms causes them to continually push their vvay into neiv environments, the gradual adaptation to which causes a greater and greater divergence between the descendants of those that entered the new environment and those that remained in the old. To illustrate this by the diagram, suppose 29 to represent a terrestrial carnivorous animal, living on the border of the ocean and preying upon the forms of life found upon the shore, or within shallow water. Pressed by the struggle for existence, in this instance represented by the scarcity of this sort of food, certain individuals venture farther out into deeper water and attempt to capture fish. Thus begins the THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 17 establishment of a group which becomes more and more aquatic, as represented by the divergent line leading to 34, until finally a completely aquatic fish-eating animal or group of animals is the result, the form at the end of the line, 34, representing the highest point of specialization attained. The remaining descendants of 29, continuing to live in pre- cisely the same habitat as their ancestors, as is here indicated 15 FIG. 6. Hypothetical tree illustrating the interrelations of organisms. Extinct forms are represented by open circles, living forms by solid black ones. The same number distinguished by exponent letters signifies a close relationship. The dotted areas suggest some special environment, the inhabitants of which show " adaptive resemblance " although representing several unrelated lines. by the continuance of the line 29-35, m the same direction as 28-29, either remain exactly as their ancestors, or probably become more highly specialized in the same direction. Con- i8 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY tinual divergencies on the part of animals, as they seek new environments in this way, produce the numerous divergent branches, the relative time of the divergence being expressed by the position of the intersection and the amount of the mod- ification by the length of the line. II. Although animal forms are not related to one another as members of a single linear series, they yet form a con- tinuum, and any two living forms, however great the struc- tural difference between them, are connected to one another by a continuous chain of animals, a connection which will become apparent by tracing the lines backwards along the" ancestral course of each until they meet at their earliest com- mon ancestor. Thus, in tracing the relationships of 9 and 14, neither form is ancestral to the other, but both arose from the common ancestor 7, back of which their history is identical. As the ancestral forms are now wholly extinct, they are no longer available for study save when found in the fossil state, but their place may often be supplied by modern forms which are but little modified from the condition of the actual ancestors. Thus the recent forms 8a and 7a are almost as useful in re- producing this part of the phylogenetic history as 8 and 7 would be, and through them the inter-relationship of 9 and 14 may be readily traced. This may be stated as a third law : III. Although the actual ancestral forms lying at the fork- ing of the branches no longer exist and have seldom been found in a fossil state, many clews of their structure may be obtained by the study of those of their descendants which have retained most completely the ancestral environment, and which have, therefore, kept many or most of the ancestral characteristics. Thus in studying the relationships and comparing the struc- ture of two such divergent forms as 32 and 34, the living form 300 would be of the greatest assistance, as it would enable the investigator to see what was the common structural heritage from which, through two lines of modification, the two forms in question have developed. IV. Among the fossil remains of extinct forms which geo- THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 19 logical investigation has unearthed, many forms have been found which are the actual ancestors of groups now distinct, and they have thus been of the greatest value in tracing out phylo genetic relationships. Others, however, represent a series of forms which developed, culminated and became ex- tinct before modern times, thus presenting a group of great value to the student, but having no bearing upon the present discussion. Perhaps the most famous of the ancestral forms found in a fossil state is the Archccopteryx, a definite transition be- tween reptiles and birds. Of this, two specimens were discov- ered in the lithographic slate quarry at Solenhofen, Germany. Others, of almost equal importance, have assisted greatly in suggesting the relationship between amphibians and reptiles, and have furnished clews to the proper arrangement of the orders of living mammals. As illustrations of large groups of animals whose history lies wholly in the past may be men- tioned the trilobites, a group of crustacean-like articulates, which became wholly extinct at the end of the Palaeozoic Age, and the ammonites, a group of cephalopod molluscs. V. The relative amount of structural difference between any two divergent forms is proportionate to the amount of contrast between their environments, and not necessarily to the amount of time that has elapsed since their divergence from the common ancestor. That time has in itself no power to modify an animal species is shown by the slight differences that exist in some cases between certain living forms and their fossil allies. Perhaps the most conspicuous example of this is the brachio- pod, Lingula, a worm enclosed in a bivalve shell. This form has existed from the earliest Silurian times to the present day, and yet there are hardly sufficient differences between the earliest fossil Lingula and those now alive to allow them to be treated as distinct species. As a rule, however, successive geological periods show almost a complete change in their fauna and flora, and most of the modern forms are quite recent in origin. The persistence of ancestral types in a slightly modified 20 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY condition is indicated in the diagram by such forms as 30 or 300 where the shortness of the line connecting the living form with its ancestor indicates but little change from the earlier condition. VI. As a given environment tends to exert a similar influ- ence upon all of its occupants, members of quite distantly related groups which become associated in the same environ- ment often become so similarly influenced as to bear, super- ficially, at least, a great resemblance to one another. This is called " .analogical resemblance" and has been productive of many mistakes in the attempt to clear up phylogenetic rela- tionships. Many striking examples of this are found among verte- brates. Thus a pelagic environment, as seen among the extinct ichthyosaurs and the modern Cetacea, has changed the fore-limbs into fin-like paddles, reduced the hind-limbs to functionless rudiments, shortened the neck, and given head and body a piscine form; limbless, attenuated forms occur among fishes, amphibians and several groups of reptiles other than snakes ; and a grazing habit produced in the herbivorous reptilian group of the dinosaurs a close resemblance to the large ungulate mammals of a later day. This law is illustrated in the diagram by the forms included by the dotted line, which represents a given environment, in- vaded by members of several groups. Here the descendants, not only of related forms like 5 and 6, but those of quite distant ancestors, as 6 and 30, have become similarly modified, until they may resemble one another so closely as to deceive the casual observer. Forms 20 and 33, representing totally dis- tinct stocks, may thus bear so close a superficial resemblance as to be popularly classed together under the same general term.* * Thus whales and porpoises are vulgarly supposed to be fishes ; shrew- moles, mice; and bats, birds. Salamanders are usually confused with lizards; and certain blind and limbless lizards (Rhineura) which occur in Florida and burrow in the earth, so closely resemble earth-worms as to deceive at first glance a professional naturalist. THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 21 In the above exposition of phylogenesis there can be seen at once both its advantages and its disadvantages as an his- torical record. In cases in which a line of descent is well represented by a series of adult animals, the advantage of being able to study large forms with functional parts is obvious; but where the extinction of intermediate forms has obliterated the record at some important point, the phylogenetic data fail completely and must be supplied by the parallel history found in the indi- vidual development of the nearest allied forms. The great- est assistance has often been furnished by palaeontology, but as the hard parts alone leave their imprint in the rocks, they are of little or no assistance in the history of many of the sys- tems. Again, through the metamorphosis of the earlier geo- logical formations and the consequent obliteration of all organic remains occurring in them, the palseontological record has lost beyond hope of recall all of its early stages, and at the period of the first fossiliferous strata, the main classes of animals as we have them at present, had already become established. It is here that the study of comparative embryology lends its assistance, since in the embryological record the earliest stages are preserved, although often overlaid with secondary modifications. By its aid may be traced, not only the lines connecting any two forms (Rule II. above), but it furnishes faint though definite clews to the early history of animal de- velopment previous to the beginning of the palaeontological record. Its defects, though many, are not the same as those of the phylogenetic record, and the two thus reinforce one another to a remarkable degree, each completing the gaps left in the other, and corresponding closely in those places in which both records are preserved. The exposition of developmental history, or ontogenesis, may be given in the form of laws as in the former case. I. The developmental history of an animal includes all stages from that of the fertilized egg (ovum) to that of the sexually mature adult, and is not in any way interrupted by 22 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY the act of birth or hatching. These latter are purely external phenomena and mark no important stage in the development of the animal save in the line of certain necessary adaptations. The birth period often varies considerably in allied forms. These external phenomena are wholly adaptive and are regulated by the conditions imposed by the struggle for exist- ence. Thus aquatic salamanders lay eggs which pass through all the stages from the beginning outside of the body of the parent, but in the more terrestrial species, although closely allied to the foregoing, the eggs are detained in the oviducts of the mother, where development continues throughout the larval period and the young are produced in a practically adult condition. It is advantageous to some species to produce a large num- ber of immature offspring, relying upon chance for the sur- vival of a few of them ; under other circumstances it has been proven the better course to produce a small number of well- developed young, furnished with a better equipment for fight- ing the battle of life. II. In developmental history a given species reproduces in miniature its own ancestral history, and thus passes through those stages only through which its actual ancestors have also passed. Thus, in the diagram, form iSb has passed through the stages 1 8a, 18, 17, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and I as well as the innumer- able stages between these points as represented by the lines connecting them, but would not reproduce any stage in the history of some allied form through which the latter has passed since the divergence, such as 7 or 19. The only stages common to any two recent forms, allied or not, are those below the point represented by their latest com- mon ancestor. This may be formulated as follows : III. In any two given forms only those developmental stages which represent common ancestors are the same in both. From the point at which their ancestors diverged their developmental histories are distinct and different. It follows from this that the more closely allied the two forms, the more THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 23 completely will their embryonic development coincide, and conversely, in forms widely apart the divergence begins very early and only the first of the two developmental histories will be coincident. To illustrate those points: if the development of 16 and 34 be compared, only the early stages i, 2 and 3 will be seen to coincide; if, however, the developmental histories of 21 and 1 6 be taken, they will be found coincident as far as their last common ancestor, 5. In closely allied forms, such as 37^ and 37g, almost the entire embryological history in the two animals will closely correspond, differences being noted only at the last. IV. The more highly specialised the animal, the more changes its ancestors have passed through; and therefore so much the more is to be recapitulated onto genetically. This is effected in part by lengthening the embryonic period and in part by sliding over or dropping out some of the stages. In the fish, for example, after the development of a simple circulation designed for a water-breathing vertebrate, there is nothing farther to do than to perfect and to mature it as it is ; in the mammal, however, the circulatory system, which is at first like that of the embryonic fish, must become successively modified as amphibian, reptilian, and finally mammalian; a much longer history, which involves numerous changes and adaptations. V. The different historic stages are not given the same time value, but the earlier the stage, the more it is accelerated. The earlier stages also lose in distinctness and detail and are more often lost than the later ones. It follows from this that the early part of the history is best learned from the lower forms, in which the stages sought are not very remote from the adult condition. The approximate time values of the developmental stages are seen in the development of the hen's egg ; the segmentation stages, and the formation of blastula and gastrula, which rep- resent all the earlier invertebrate portion of the history, are passed through in a few hours ; the establishment of the meso- dermic somites (myomeres), which makes it a vertebrate, is 24 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY well marked by the end of the second day ; at the age of four days the embryo is sauropsidan, at five or six definitely avian, and the remaining fifteen days are spent in perfecting the details first of a gallinaceous bird, and lastly of the particular species to which it belongs. Furthermore, the remainder of the history, until the adult stage is reached, that is, the latest historical period, requires many months. The value of the study of the more primitive forms is well seen by the forma- tion of the mesoderm, and especially that part of it which give rise to the myomeres or primitive muscle segments. In Amphioxus, a form considerably below the fishes, the mesoderm arises from the primordial intestine in the form of paired di- verticula, from the dorsal part of which the myomeres arise; in fishes and amphibians these elements are not distinct diverticula, but still possess cavities or the rudiments of them ; and in birds and mammals the myomeres arise as solid cubes cut from an indifferent cell mass, and give absolutely no clew to their early history. VI. In studying an embryological record one must con- stantly distinguish between palin genetic characters, or those which are true repetitions of the past history, and cccnogenetic characters, or those which have been more recently acquired as the result of some special adaptation. One of the most universal among these latter is the presence of yolk, a food supply for the embryo, which lies between or within the cells and, when excessive, causes misleading distortions in the pro- portion of parts and effects the obliteration of many important features. In general the actual size of an egg is due to the amount of yolk it contains, and thus the historic records are reproduced with greater faithfulness in very small ones. This is well shown by the comparison of the almost yolkless egg of Am- phioxus with that of the bird, which represents the other extreme. In the one the cylindrical form of the primitive vertebrate is well preserved and appears almost at the begin- ning; in the other the dorsal portion of the future body lies for a time almost flat on the surface of an enormous sphere of yolk, and is enabled later to assume the cylindrical form THE CONTINUITY OF LIFE 25 only through a secondary adaptation by which the embryonic and vitelline (yolk) portions of the egg become nearly sep- arated from one another, the connection being retained through a narrow stalk. It will be seen by the above exposition of the two historical records, phylogenetic and ontogenetic, that they are by no means complete and that the fragments that exist are often difficult to interpret. This has necessarily occasioned a large amount of controversy among morphologists, not alone in the interpretation of the facts, but even in some cases in the recognition of the facts themselves, owing to the great me- chanical difficulties in the way of their examination. As in all earnest investigation, however, the differences grow less as the work progresses, and at the present time there is a prac- tical agreement upon the main features of vertebrate history, the differences being confined mainly to details. In some cases in the following chapters attempts have been made to set forth divergent views, but, for the most part, both for the sake of clearness and in order to present the matter within suitable limits, the selection has been made of that theory which, in the judgment of the writer, possesses the greatest probability. The significance of an anatomical fact depends upon the phylogenetic position of the animal studied, yet at the same time it must be remembered that the only criterion we possess for making the phylogenetic arrangement is that of the an- atomical structure, so that the two lines of investigation are mutually dependent and are likely to become equally modified by the presentation of each new fact. As a basis for this history of the human body, which is at the same time a history of vertebrates, especially of those that lie in the direct line of human ancestry, it is thus necessary to consider the various vertebrate groups, both living and extinct, so far as we know them, and study their mutual relationships as deduced from their structure and development. This is, in fact, a brief study of vertebrate phylogenesis, and will be considered in the next chapter. CHAPTER II THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES* " The Epicureans, according to whom animals had no creation, doe suppose that by mutation of one into another, they were first made; for they are the sub- stantial part of the world; like as Anaxagoras and Euripides affirme in these tearmes: nothing dieth, but in changing as they doe one for another they show sundry formes." PLUTARCH'S Morals; transl. by Philemon Holland, 1603, p. 846. ALTHOUGH no great subdivision of animals, with the pos- sible exception of the echinoderms (star-fish, sea-urchins, etc.), possesses a more isolated position than do the verte- brates, this latter group is connected in an obscure way with the invertebrate world through a series of animal forms of uncertain position themselves and usually grouped together under the name of Prevertebrata or Protochordata. These comprise a worm-like form, Balanoglossus, that burrows in the mud along the sea-coasts, the sac-like tunlcates, and the small and slender Amphioxus. Formerly classed at great distances from one another among molluscs, worms and even plants (e. g., sessile tunicates), they are now united, owing to the common possession of pharyngeal gill-slits, a dorsal nervous system, and an internal skeletal rod, the notochord, although in some cases these two latter characteristics are transitory structures that appear only during the early steps of development. The highest of these animals, and consequently the one nearest the true vertebrates, is Amphioxus, a small marine creature something like a headless fish, which is found in the * For a detailed classification of vertebrates, to accompany this chap- ter, the reader is referred to the Appendix THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 27 shore water of the warmer seas, usually buried in the sand in a perpendicular position, with the anterior end projecting into the water, expanded into a sort of hood for the collection of its food. When fully grown it is about two inches in length and is in the form of a cylinder, flattened laterally, and pointed at either end. It is divided into a succession of body segments, somites, by V-shaped lines, which represent the edges of the partitions of connective tissue, the myocommata. These run through the masses of body muscles, and divide them into segmental portions, the myomeres. The internal skeletal axis, which forms one of the chief characteristics of the group of vertebrates, is here represented by a flexible cylindrical rod of a substance resembling cartilage, running through the body from tip to tip. This rod, the notochord, shows no trace of segmentation, and it is thus seen, as is also the case in all vertebrate embryos, that the segmentation so fundamentally characteristic of vertebrates, and so well marked in their internal skeleton (vertebrae, ribs, etc.), was acquired first by the muscular system, perhaps as an adapta- tion to facilitate the flexibility of the body, and that it was secondarily carried over to the skeleton. In arranging a phylogenetic tree of the vertebrates, Amphi- o.nis should be placed at the bottom, although, if absolute accuracy is demanded, neither Amphioxus nor any modern animal, with its later modifications, should be placed at any point along the main stems of the phylogenetic tree, but all should be placed at the termini of branches ; proximity to the ancestral line being indicated by the shortness of the branch. If, however, later modifications, since they have undoubt- edly affected all modern forms to a greater or less extent, may be left out of account, and if the successive animal forms may be placed in the positions occupied by their direct ances- tors, we may thus form a phylogenetic tree like the one given here, which expresses the relationships of modern forms to one another in a simple and essentially correct manner. Above Amphioxus ensues a great gap, the greatest in the entire series, bridged over by no forms, either living or fos- 28 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY sil, with which we are acquainted, and only suggested in part by the members of the next higher group, the cyclostomes. This group comprises eel-like forms, to be carefully distinguished, however, from true eels or from any of the true vertebrates, /PLACE.VTAL MAMMALS XUS FIG. 7. Phylogenetic tree of vertebrates. Double underscoring indicates an extinct group; single underscoring one that has but a few living representatives. The boundaries of the Classes are represented by dotted lines. since they possess neither jaws nor teeth in the sense of those of the higher vertebrates, but have the mouth surrounded by a circular lip which is capable of being extended so as to re- mind one of the hood possessed by Amphioxus. Within this mouth there are variously shaped spines or plates which serve THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 29 as teeth. A most important distinction between Amphio.rus and the cyclostomes, however, lies in the fact that the latter possess a definite head, with brain and sense organs, parts which exist only in a rudimentary or potential sense in Am- phlOJCUS. In distinction from the cyclostomes, or " round-mouths," are the true vertebrates, which are termed gnathostomes, or " jaw-mouths," the possession of jaws being a constant char- acteristic of the entire group. The lowest class of gnathos- tomes is that of the fishes (Pisces), but these are in turn subdivided into several groups, some of which represent lateral branches, that is, specializations along definite direc- tions, and thus not in the direct line of human history. The most primitive group is that of selachians, which comprises the sharks and dog-fish, and the skates or rays. This group of animals is absolutely fundamental for the morphologist and represents the first great stage in the main line of verte- brate history. Selachians have a wholly cartilaginous skele- ton, the mouth upon the lower side of the head and not at the anterior end, as in other fish, and five gill-slits which open separately and free, not covered by an operculum (gill-flap). Their position in the tree is clearly in the main line above the cyclostomes. The ganoid fishes are also of great importance to us. They represent a T:ew remnants of what was the dominant group during the Devonian epoch and are the direct de- scendants of the selachians. As in the case of all such rem- nants, they are extremely diverse in structure among them- selves and are placed in a single group rather more for con- venience than because of a very close relationship to one another. They are characterized by the tendency of the scales to fuse into bony plates, a tendency which in the past resulted in the development of a special group, -the placo- dcrms, which were entirely covered by a suit of mail formed in this way. Similar plates cover the head in all modern ganoids and they occur in rows along the body in a few forms (sturgeons). The skeleton is mainly cartilaginous in 30 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY the lower representatives of this group, but becomes more or less bony in the higher. The gill-slits no longer open directly and separately to the outside, as in their selachian ancestors, but are grouped together and covered by a gill-flap or oper- culum. The two remaining groups of fishes, teleosts and dipnoans, represent independent lateral branches that have specialized in accordance with certain definite lines and are consequently not in the direct line of man's ancestry. Such groups often form collateral testimony of considerable morphological value and are thus not without importance even in the present line of speculation. The teleosts have an almost completely ossi- fied skeleton and are the descendants of the bony ganoids, with which they are so closely connected through intermediate forms that the separation between them is mainly an artificial one.* They are essentially a modern group and constitute the great majority of the fishes in the world to-day, thus taking the place of the ganoids of earlier times. The dipnoi are represented by but three forms, one found in Africa, one in Australia and one in South America. They are fresh-water fishes and are remarkable for their power of sustaining long periods of drought by digging into the mud, and breathing air through a modified air-bladder. They were thus for- merly considered the link between fishes and amphibians, but later researches into their structure do not confirm this view. As a matter of fact the amphibians seem to have come from the ganoids, although by means of forms now lost, and to have developed first into the Stegocephali, a group wholly extinct but well represented by fossil remains occurring in and about the coal deposits. These had many of the characteristics of our modern amphibians, but possessed scales arranged in definite rows, organs which are entirely lacking in all living representatives of this Class, with the exception of the * Although the employment of the two terms " ganoid " and " teleost " is a convenient one in comparative anatomy, modern ichthyologists tend strongly to the rejection of both terms and the fusion of the two groups into a single one, the Teleostomi. Cf. Appendix. THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 31 Gymnophiona, which still possess scale rudiments, not visible externally. The Stegocephali are of extreme importance, since they were the ancestors both of the present-day amphibians and of the two main reptilian lines, and the survival of a single representative would have been of priceless value to mor- phologists. As it is, however, we are in possession of a large number of fossil remains, many of them extremely well pre- served, and representing four distinct orders ; and further dis- covery along this line may well be expected at any time. Of the soft parts the fossil imprints furnish but little evidence, a lack which must be supplied by the study of the urodeles, undoubtedly their nearest living allies and presumably not very different in the essential internal features. These latter animals, though not quite in the direct line of human ancestry, are thus of the greatest importance as the best representatives of what may be called the amphibian stage. The urodeles comprise the tailed amphibians, their most typical representatives being the forms known as sala- manders and newts, also in many sections, unfortunately, " lizards," owing to their superficial resemblance to these latter animals. The more primitive members of this group are often large (10-40 cm.), and the giant Cryptobranchus of Japan, the largest of all living amphibians, attains the length of a meter. The Anura, or tailless amphibians, include frogs, toads and tree-toads, and attain their tailless condition in part by a retrogressive development of the caudal region and in part through the excessive development of the ilia and the thigh muscles, a feature connected with their jumping habits. The Gymnophiona are blind subterranean forms, burrowing in the earth like earth-worms, to which they bear considerable re- semblance. They are much attenuated, are without external limbs, and have their bodies clearly marked off into annular segments. They occur only in the warmer parts of the world and consist of but few forms. Arising also from the Stegocephali come the reptiles, which have apparently developed along two lines, the one leading to 32 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY the birds, the other to the mammals. Of the first of these, the oldest group is that of the Rhyjiekocephalia, mainly fossils, but with a single living species, which fate has preserved in New Zealand, the Sphenodon (Hatteria). This represents the ancestor of lizards and snakes, Lacertilia and Ophidia re- spectively, and also a group of extinct reptilian giants, the dinosaurs, whose nearest living allies are the crocodiles. Here this line would have ended, so far as human knowledge is concerned, had it not been for the chance discovery, about the middle of the nineteenth century, of two specimens of one of the most remarkable " missing links " ever found, the Archceopteryx, a form midway between reptiles and birds, and of undoubted affinity to the stem of the dinosaurs. This creature was bird-like, possessed wings and a certain number of contour feathers, but had a long vertebrated tail, several free digits in the hand, furnished with curving claws, and a heavy jaw containing conical teeth, reptilian in character. This discovery, followed by that of the toothed birds, completed the chain of evidence, and supplied one of the most isolated groups of vertebrates with a definite line of ancestry. The other line of reptiles, which may have arisen from the Stegocephali more or less independently of the first, was that beginning with the theromorphs, an extinct group, many of which attained a gigantic size. Some members of this group are so near the mammals in many particulars that it has been only with the greatest care, and through the consideration of all the available parts, that their reptilian nature has been de- termined. In studying the remains of these forms, especially those of the sub-group of theriodonts, the most of which were small animals, like the earliest mammals, it seems impossible not to assign them a close relationship to the latter, probably that of actual ancestry. Indeed, there is at present but one other claimant for that position, and that is the group of Stegocephali, and as these were contemporary with the theromorphs,. and at one time probably graded into them by imperceptible transitions, the two views are not very wide apart. All things considered, it seems that the gap between THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 33 Stegocephali and the mammals requires some intermediate link, and thus the addition of the theromorphs in this place seems rather a completion than an opposition to the theory of Stegocephalan ancestry. The only living reptiles associated with the same branch as the theromorphs are the turtles (Chelonia), which, although highly specialized in the matter of trunk skeleton, are of the greatest value in regard to their soft parts, which are un- doubtedly similar to those of the extinct members of the branch, and are thus the best living representatives of the important stage between amphibians and the early mammals. The earliest mammalian remains are contemporary with those of the theromorphs, and are those of small forms, like the most mammalian of the reptilian remains. These are ap- parently nearly related to the monotremes, the lowest living mammals, which are represented by two forms occurring in Australia and New Zealand, the Duck-bill Platypus (Ornith- orhynchus) and the spiny ant-eater (Echidna). The latter has no connection with the true ant-eaters (Myrmecophagida) of South America, which are placental mammals. The mono- tremes are strongly reptilian in certain skeletal features; like true reptiles and unlike all other mammals, they possess a single terminal orifice, that of a common cloaca, into which open the alimentary canal, the ureters and the genital ducts; and they actually lay eggs, that is, very immature em- bryos, surrounded by\ a thin, cornified shell. The mammary glands, one of the essential characteristics of the class of mam- mals, are seen here in a very simple condition. They consist of two lateral groups of integumental glands, apparently of the tubular type, which open separately in the bottom of an oval depression, the mammary pocket. There are no teats, and the young obtain the secretion either directly from the de- pressions or by sucking at the hair in this region. The next group above the monotremes are the marsupials, with the exception of the opossum also confined to the Aus- tralian region. As in the previous group, the young are born 34 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY in an immature state, but are unprotected by an egg-shell, and are matured in an external abdominal pouch (marsupium) until able to care for themselves. The relation between the mono- tremes and the modern marsupials is hardly close enough to justify an immediate succession, but suggests that each group, as we now know it, has descended from more primitive an- cestors that were thus related; that is, that the ancestor of modern marsupials was a direct descendant of the ancestor of the monotremes. Beyond the marsupials all the mammals are placenta!, that is, the embryos are retained for a longer time within the uterus of the parent and are nourished by means of an organ formed in part from the mucous membrane of the uterus and in part from tissue furnished by the embryo but not included within its body. This organ is termed the placenta and is connected with the body of the embryo through an umbilical cord. This cord contains fetal blood vessels which connect proximally with the main circulatory system of the embryo and develop distally into a system of capillaries that lie in villi in the embryonal portion of the placenta, obtaining their nourishment and effecting the interchange of respiratory gases through osmotic transmission. There is thus no direct organic continuity between mother and offspring, and neither nerves nor blood vessels are continuous from one to the other. In- deed, in the lower placental mammals the connection between the maternal and embryonal portions of the placenta is very loose and the two easily separate at birth, although in the higher forms the connection becomes more intimate and the separation takes place between the muscular and mucous coat of the uterus, thus involving an actual loss of maternal tissue. The placental mammals, although their appearance was com- paratively recent, geologically speaking, have specialized in all directions, and now occupy almost every available environment, not only of the land, but of the water. Some are fitted to pursue and drag down large herbivorous animals, while others feast upon dead bodies or suck the blood of the living after THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 35 the manner of parasites. Many are specially adapted to the capture of insects, either on or beneath the surface of the ground, or on trees, and some have even developed the power of flight by which they may follow their prey through the air. The hosts of the vegetable feeders are as highly dif- ferentiated and become specially adapted to feed either upon low herbage or the leaves of trees, roots, bark or fruits, and have even developed one group of oceanic forms, fitted to browse upon the sea- weeds and other submerged vegetation. These various lines of specialization, together with the usual extinction of intermediate forms, have produced a series of more or less isolated groups, or Orders, the interrelationships of which have been deciphered in part by the labors of anat- omists, in part by those of palaeontologists, but are still more or less uncertain. A suggestion of this is shown in the ac- companying phylogenetic tree of mammals (Fig. 8.), which takes into consideration both living and extinct groups, so far as known. The earliest mammalian forms, of which we possess only fragmentary remains, were more like the reptiles, and espe- cially the theromorphs, than any now extant, but possessed many of the characters of the monotremes, which may be con- sidered their somewhat highly specialized descendants. To this group has been given the name Pantotheria, and as the ancestors of all the rest they may form the main trunk of the phylogenetic tree. The monotremes are the nearest living descendants, and they have been derived from them through an ancient and closely related group, the Multituberculata. All three of these groups were reptilian in structure, and may be classed together and in contrast to all the other mammals, as the Sub-class Prototheria. \Yhile still primitive, however, the Pantotheria began to differentiate along two lines, the one somewhat resembling the marsupials, the other the insectivores, and thus early these two lines of development became inaugurated. Eventually the reptilian characters were dropped, and the animals, passing over into the Sub-class Eutheria, or typical mammals, be- HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY came respectively the Didelphia, or marsupials, and the Mono- delphia, or placentals. The first of these lines then differ- PROTOTHERIA EUTHERIA FIG. 8. Phylogenetic tree of mammals. A branch that terminates in an arrow point still possesses living representativesr, one that ends in a short cross bar is extinct. entiated into the marsupialian Orders of the present time, dis- tinguished mainly by variation in the dentition, and the second, THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 37 which resembled the present-day Insectivora, passed over into that Order. This insectivorous stem, in addition to perfecting its own type along the narrow lines first laid down, developed several lines of differentiation, and it was from these that all the higher placental mammals have arisen. A very ' primitive stem is that of the Rodentia, of which the extinct group of Tillodontia may have been the first; succeeded by the Du- plicidentata or gnawing animals, like the rabbits, in which, back of the two sharp upper incisors, there is a second re- duced pair, and later by the Simplicidentata, like squirrels, rats, mice, and beavers, in which the upper incisors consist of a single pair. The branch represented here as immediately above the last, suggesting a little less primitive character, is that leading to the group usually called the Edentata, and consisting of the sloths, armadilloes, ant-eaters, besides several extinct forms, such as the Megatherium, Megalonyx, and Glyptodon, the first two like the sloths, the last like an armadillo. In the more specialized of these there is a peculiar joint between two of the vertebrae of the back, and they are called the Xenar- thra in contrast to those in which this joint is normal, the No- marthra. This group has always been exclusively American, the living forms mainly South American. From this same generalized group, the Insectivora, there have developed two distinct lines of flying or soaring forms, the Chiropfera or bats, and the Galeopithecus, a single species found in Madagascar, but not nearly related to any of the other stems. By far the most prolific of the stems proceeding from the Insectivora is that which started with the extinct group of Creodonta. These animals were at first small, generalized mammais, scarcely distinguishable from the parent insecti- vores, but they gradually took on special characters which suggest the modern Carnivora, which are considered their direct descendants. Before specializing along this line, how- ever, some of them began to differentiate in several other di- 38 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY rections and thus gave origin to the Primates, the Condy- larthra, a generalized form of ungulate, and probably a line of aquatic carnivorous forms, destined to become the most erratic and singular of all mammals, the Cetacea, or whales and porpoises. These earliest ancestors of divergent lines were very much alike, and the early primate, carnivorous, and hoofed forms, were all very generalized, and without the differential characteristics that their descendants later de- veloped. The most primitive of the Primates were a group called the Mesodonta, of which the modern lemurs are the most direct descendants. Very early, however, forms like the modern monkeys, Anthropoidea, began to make their appear- ance, forms in which the orbit was entirely separated from the temporal fossa, and in which the dentition was the same as in the monkeys of the Old World and in Man ; and in these we find the direct human ancestors. The creodont stem developed, as stated above, the modern Carnivora, including the cats, dogs, bears, and weasels, and from this, at an early date, there probably arose a carnivorous line that adapted itself to the sea. This is the Pinnipedia, or those with fin-like feet, the seals, the walrus, sea-lion, etc. The remaining stem, that of the Condylarthra, was per- haps the most prolific of all in respect to the amount of vari- ation, and the extent of modification, for it has produced the Sirenia, aquatic forms, nearly as highly specialized as the whale ; the Proboscidia, or elephants, with an excessive modifi- cation of the nose; and an enormous variety 'of animals with a reduction of toes, the series reaching its absolute limit in the horse, which has lost all the digits but one, this be- coming greatly strengthened to serve the purpose of an en- tire foot. The original Condylarthra have long been extinct, as well as the earlier derivatives, the Amblypoda, Ancylopoda, Taxe- opoda, and Litopterna; but, fortunately, of all these there is left a single solitary Genus, Procavia or Hyrax, for which the Order Hyracoidea has been made. This is a little animal of about the size of a rabbit ; the one referred to in the King THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 39 James Bible as the " coney." It frequents Syria and the ad- joining countries, and a related species is found in South Africa ; the sole survivors of the early ungulates. The modern ungulate forms, aside from Hyrax, may be represented by two stems, the one leading to the Proboscidea and Sirenia, the other branching immediately into the Peris- sodactyla, with an odd number of functional digits, and the Artiodactyla, with an even number. The Proboscidea include the two species of living elephants, besides several extinct ones, like the mammuth, the mastodon, and the dinotherium, and the Sirenia consist of two living genera of unwieldly aquatic herbivores, the manatee or sea-cow, and the dugong, which subsist on sea-weeds and consequently do not wander far from the coasts. The Perissodactyla include the three lines represented by the tapir, the rhinoceros, and the horse; and the Artiodactyla embrace the non-ruminant pigs and hippopotami, and the almost numberless species of ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, antelopes, and deer. Of these perhaps the most distinct are the giraffes, and the Tylopoda, or camels. In reviewing the two phylogenetic trees as given in Figs. 7 and 8, it will be seen that it is precisely those forms that are the most needed to show the interrelationships of groups that have suffered the most from the extinction of their species, which is but another way of expressing the fact that general- ized and transition forms are not as well fitted for the struggle for existence as are their more specialized and better adapted descendants, and are hence often exterminated by the very races which have developed from them. This extermination tends to isolate the terminal groups and thus to disguise the plan of development, as may be seen by reference to Fig. 7, in which the distinction is shown between living and extinct groups. The effect of extinction will here be shown if the reader imagines the extinct groups completely blotted out, which will leave the modern orders entirely cut off from one another. The same principle may be seen also in the second diagram, the phylogenetic tree of mammals (Fig 8). Here the groups 40 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of the greatest importance in showing relationships are the primitive Insectivora, the Mesodonta, the Condylarthra, and the Creodonta, and although the existence of the first could be surmised from their modern descendants, the discovery of the fossil remains of the others were absolutely essential to the reconstruction of the original relations between the three great groups of primates, carnivores, and ungulates. It is thus not surprising that the various orders of mammals have, until recently, been treated like isolated groups, and that, even yet, any scheme that may be offered must be looked upon as provisional and liable to be modified by the bringing to light of new evidence, especially that from palseontological sources. It will be noticed that the branch leading to the Primates, the order to which Man belongs, is represented in the dia- gram as- one of the shortest and least specialized, a presentation which, although opposed to the prevailing opinion, is in strict accord with the facts ; since in anatomical structure these ani- mals show comparatively little deviation from the primitive mammalian type and do not exhibit the extreme specialization displayed by the groups representing most of the other terminal branches. Such aberrant orders as those of the bats, whales, and horses, which have departed farthest from the original mammalian environment, show in consequence the greatest modifications and are thus the most specialized; certain other groups, the peculiarities of which are not so striking, are still greatly modified in comparison with the Primates. Thus the majority of the ungulates show a reduction in the original number of digits, the extremes resulting in either two, as in the camels and deer, or one, as in the horse ; but the Primates, together with the rodents and modern insectivores, preserve the original number of five, inherited directly from the am- phibians and reptiles. The teeth of ungulates are character- ized by a great complexity in the folding of the enamel layer, and in the number and arrangement of the cusps ; those of ro- dents are specialized for the purpose of gnawing, and in the Cetacea they are either secondarily reduced to the form of simple cusps, all alike, or are lost altogether; the Primates, THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 41 however, are very simply constructed in these particulars and remain close to the lower type as shown in the marsupials. Primates are also primitive in their muscular system, pos- sessing in many instances a single undifferentiated muscle- mass where the members of other Orders show a complex group of muscular units. Aside from the adaptation of their extremities to an ar- boreal life, the one line of development by which the Primates have become differentiated is in that of their central nervous system, and especially that of the cerebrum, which has given them a far greater capacity for recording their sensory im- pressions, and thus of profiting by experience, the basis for the development of reason. It is chiefly in this respect that the human species has developed so far beyond the condition of the other Primates that the world has long, and perhaps 'will- ingly, been deceived in regard to their true relationship. In spite of all prejudice, however, man is, anatomically speak- ing, a typical primate, closely related, even in many of the smaller details, to the rest, and the only way in which he has proved superior, through the excessive development of the cerebral hemispheres, is not a modification calculated to pro- duce important correlated changes in the other parts. Of the two living Sub-orders, the Lemur oidea and the Anthro- poidea, the former are the more primitive and more nearly represent the generalized Mesodonta from which the race sprung. In the completeness of the partition which separates the orbital and temporal fossae, Man is seen to be an Anthro- poid; and in important characters, such as the reduction of the premolars from three to two, he agrees with the Catarrhine division of this Sub-order. If we employ the usual schedule of values to be attached to points of structural difference, as used for the purpose of classification, we cannot fairly place him in a Family apart from the large tailless apes of the Old World, and aside from this we have several intermediate links, which the researches of the past few years have brought to light, and which reduce even the slight gap formerly con- sidered to be between them. 42 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The date of Man's appearance on the earth has been pushed back many thousands of years beyond what was formerly be- lieved to be possible, and this has been absolutely proven by the most indisputable facts. Crania of the present human type have been discovered in Europe in association with the re- mains of such extinct forms as the cave-bear and the hairy mammuth, and numerous carvings and incised drawings have been discovered in which the latter animal has been por- trayed by an eye-witness and with much artistic ability. This brings the present species, Homo sapiens, with proportions like that of the modern European, back to the end of the last glacial epoch, or, as some think, to a time contemporary with it. Aside from this, there have also been found, dating from about the same period, remains of men, or man-like creatures, of proportions unknown at the present time and constituting a distinct species, Homo primigenius (H. neanderthal ensis). Such remains have been found at Spy in Belgium, in the Neanderthal near Diisseldorf, at Cannstadt in Prussia, in the bed of the river Liane near Boulogne-sur-mer, and in other localities, the specimens all closely corresponding to one another and equally unlike the present living species. The forehead and cranium of the " Neanderthal man," as seen from these specimens, was extremely low and flat, and the superciliary ridges above the eyes were so heavy and promi- nent that they formed together a pair of projecting arches hung over the deep-set eyes. There was almost no chin. The height was that of a rather small man; the arms were not excessively long, but the thigh-bones were permanently curved and the tibiae were short, so that an absolutely erect position was impossible. In spite of the general ape-like appearance and the low character of the cranium, the actual capacity of the latter was about that of a modern Australian, and the presence of flint implements in association with the remains show that this species could lay claim to being termed a man although of a distinct type from the one that has survived. The fossil remains of an animal, in many respects pre- THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 43 cisely intermediate between Homo primigenius and the an- thropoid apes, were discovered in Java in 1891 in deposits of the late Tertiary period, and were named Pithecanthropus erectus, the generic name, " ape-man," having been proposed some years before for the then hypothetical transition form, the " missing link " of popular fancy. These remains consist of a cranium, a femur and three molar teeth, and although not found in contact with one another, their relation to their surroundings was such as to declare them the -fragments of a single skeleton. In the cranium the ape-like characters seen in Homo primi- genius are here still more pronounced ; the cranial vault is still lower, the superciliary ridges are still more prominent, closely approximating those of a chimpanzee or gibbon. The pro- portions of the teeth suggest a dental arcade intermediate be- tween the flattened form seen in man and the elongated arch of the living anthropoids; the probable shape of the tongue and hard palate, as deduced from this, would seem to have allowed the production of many of the more elementary sounds occurring in human speech. An independent fact that corrob- orates this conclusion was determined later when the con- figuration of the brain surface was obtained by means of a cast of the interior of the cranium, for here the center of articulate speech (the left lower frontal convolution) was found to have been more developed than in the highest apes but considerably less so than in man. The femur does not exhibit the transitional characters which one would be led to expect from the nature of the cranium, for it is essentially human in form and shows a higher type than that of the European Homo primigenius. Pithecanthropus must thus represent a parallel or collateral form in which the development in the direction of an erect position had reached a high plane while the cranium and brain remained at a stage intermediate between the highest apes and the Neanderthal man. Concerning the ancestry of Pithecanthropus and its rela- tionships to the apes the widest opinions still prevail, but the 44 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY trend of opinion leads to the rejection of the four living an- thropoids (gorilla, chimpanzee, orang and gibbon) as direct ancestral forms. Owing to the modifications time is apt to produce in animal species it seems more logical to expect to find the connection in some extinct type, as, for example, the European Dryopithecus of the middle Miocene. As the case stands at present, however, there are few animal species con- cerning which so many of the intermediate links have been preserved as in the case of man, and to the scientist the " missing-links," the discovery of which would be of the greatest importance, are not those representing intermediate anthropoidal forms, but those lying in the far greater gaps lower down, as, for example, between lemurs and primitive insectivores, or between the Pantotheria and the theromorphs, which would throw further light upon the reptilio-amphibian ancestry of the Mammalia. Naturally the phylogenetic stages which lie in the direct line of human ancestry are of the most value as historical records, and as such form the main subject of study for the morphologist, but collateral lines furnish many helpful sug- gestions, and in cases where a group of animals which repre- sents an ancestral line has become wholly extinct, dependence must be placed upon the nearest related group, although not directly in the line of descent. With this in mind it will be seen from the foregoing that the phylogenetic stages of the greatest value in the present discussion are the following : 1. Amphioxus. 2. Cylostomes. 3. Selachians. 4. Ganoids. 5. Urodeles (as a substitute for the Stegocephali). 6. Reptiles (preferably the chelonians, as the nearest living allies of the theromorphs). 7. Monotremes (the nearest living allies of the Pantotheria). 8. Marsupials (probably not very near the direct line, but suggestive of the conditions in the primitive Insec- tivora). THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 45 9. Insectivora (of the modern type, still quite primitive. The rodents are valuable here also as collateral lines, descended from the primitive Insectivora). 10. Lemurs (practically modern Mesodonta, and hence repre- senting fairly well the immediate ancestors of the anthro- poids). 11. Cercopithecidoe (tailed monkeys of the Old World). 12. The large tailless apes of the Old World (Gorilla, Chim- panzee, Orang, Gibbon). 13. Pithecanthropus (extinct). 14. Homo primigenius (extinct). 15. Homo sapiens. In this list an attempt has been made to enumerate only living forms, specimens that are still available to the anatomist for dissection and full comparison. In two cases, however, 13 and 14, this resolution was broken, owing to the vital importance of these forms. It must also be remembered that we possess at least a partial skeletal record of some of the extinct groups that lie in the direct line of ancestry, and that these records, although extremely fragmentary, are of the utmost value. It will also be seen that these stages are not those of coordinate groups, but that they grade from Classes to Orders, then to Families, and finally to Genera and Species ; this is, however, the natural manner of considering an an- cestry, for the early stages are the less detailed and are ex- pressed equally well by all the members of a large group, while the finishing touches, which separate genera from ge- nera and species from species, consist of slight differences, more recent and superficial in character. A similar gradation is seen in the developmental history, as studied in comparative embryology, in which the earliest features laid down are those of the main subdivisions; then come in succession those of the Class, the Order, the Family, and so on until the distinguishing characters of the Species make their appearance, the latter usually not fully expressed until maturity. The truth of this actual recapitulation of the history became 46 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY apparent to the early morphologists, one of the greatest of whom thus expressed his feelings while gradually tracing back from the adult condition the developmental history of the skull of the common fowl : " Whilst at work I seemed to myself to have been endeavoring to decipher a palimpsest, and not one erased and written upon again just once, but five or six times over. Having erased, as it were, the characters of the culminating type, that of the gaudy Indian bird, I seemed to be among the sombre Grouse; and then, towards the end of incubation, the characters of the Sand-grouse and Hemipod stood out before me. Rubbing these away, in my downward work, the form of the Tinamou looked me in the face; then the aberrant Ostrich seemed to be described in large archaic characters; a little while, and these faded into what could just be read off as pertaining to the sea-turtle ; whilst, underlying the whole, the Fish in its simplest Myxinoid form could be traced in morphological hieroglyphics." * In following out the historical development of the different systems, as outline^ in the ensuing chapters, both embryonic and phylogenetic records have been drawn upon as the primary sources from which this history may be deduced, and the conclusions which have the corroboration of both may be naturally considered the most trustworthy ones. Each of these two records has its advantages and its disadvantages ; in the former the stages are continuous, although the early ones are obscure, and all parts of the record are apt to be overlaid and mystified by caenogenetic changes ; in the latter the record is far 1 more fragmentary and its stages are discontinuous, but the facts are usually plainer and more easily read. An adult lower animal which represents a phylogenetic stage in the history of a higher shows the parts in full physiological efficiency, while in an embryonic stage the organs are at the best not wholly functional, and often render it difficult to imagine an adult animal with the same relationship of parts ; on the other hand, in places where a long historic period has no known living or * W. K. Parker, in Trans. Roy. Philos. Soc , 1869, pp. 803-804. THE PHYLOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 47 fossil representative among adult animals, the only clew is that furnished by embryology. It will be seen that in a few cases, notably in the history of the transition from fins to walking limbs between fishes and amphibians, both records are unsatisfactory, and in such cases the only hope of a definite solution lies in the future discovery of some extinct form which may bridge the gap and thus furnish a clew by which the two discontinuous threads may be united. CHAPTER III THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES "... the embryological record, as it is usually presented to us, is both imperfect and misleading. It may be compared to an ancient manuscript, with many of the sheets lost, others displaced, and with spurious passages interpolated by a later hand. . . . Like the scholar with his manuscript, the embryologist has by a process of careful and critical examination to determine where the gaps are present, to detect the later insertions, and to place in order what has been misplaced." FRANCIS BALFOUR, Comparative Embryology. Vol. I, p. 3. WITH the exception of a few cases of asexual reproduction, that is, cases in which an individual arises from a single parent, every multicellular organism results from a conjugation be- tween a macro- and a micro-gamete. These are called the ovum and spermatozoon, respectively, and are the product of two distinct parent individuals. Precisely the same phenome- non occurs frequently among colonial unicellular organisms, where an entire colony produces gametes of only one sort, and in this case the distinction between such a colony and the mass of cells which constitute the body of a simple Metazoan is extremely slight and depends solely upon the amount of differentiation between the individual cells and the consequent degree of mutual interdependence attained. In both cases the cell mass, aside from the gametes, constitutes a soma, composed in the one case of homogenous, in the other of heterogenous, cells. The soma, or cell colony, is perishable and restricted to a definite time of existence; the gametes by their conjugation produce zygotes, each of which, by its re- peated division, may form a new soma, that is, the colony, or the individual, of the succeeding generation. 48 THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 49 Among multicellular organisms, the gametes are produced in definite organs, the gonads, or germ-glands, which pro- duce but a single sort of gamete, either macro-gametes (ova) or micro-gametes (spermatozoa). Those glands are termed respectively ovaries and testes, and may occur in the same or in different individuals. In the latter case the individuals are said to be of separate sexes and are termed male and fe- male, the former secreting the micro-, the latter the macro- gametes. Individuals possessing both sorts of gonads are termed hermaphroditic or bisexual, but owing to the fact that usually the two sorts of organs are functionally active at different times, the organisms are seldom functionally bi- sexual, but alternately male and female. Such hermaphroditic forms are frequent among invertebrates, and occur regularly in certain classes, but in vertebrates they are found only among the Cyclostomes (Myxinoids-), although in all cases the curious homology between the parts in the two sexes (Cf. Chap. VIII) suggests that the phenomenon may have been widespread or even universal among the ancestors of modern vertebrates. In most aquatic animals the gametes are liberated in the water and conjugation takes place without any act on the part of the parents, through the motor action of the micro- gametes themselves, exactly as in Protozoa; in terrestrial forms, however, since the gametes need a liquid medium, this latter is supplied by glands, and the seminal fluid of the male, in which the micro-gametes swim actively, is conveyed to the female by some form of copulation. Since the superficial phenomena are so obvious that they are universally recognized without technical study, while the es- sential details require for their detection the care and patience of an experienced microscopist, and since especially the parallel phenomena occurring among the Protozoa have re- mained unknown until within comparatively recent years, it may be easily comprehended that the terms in common use relative to these phenomena fail to express the underlying bio- logical principles and are not of universal applicability. Thus HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY the micro-gametes, first discovered in the seminal fluid of mammals,* were termed spermato-zoa, or sperm animals, a term expressing the view held at that time that they were parasitic or adventitious organisms occurring in a fertilizing or quickening fluid, and from this the act of mixing the spermatic fluid with the ova was termed fertilization. This term is now applied technically to the entrance of the spermatozoon FIG. 9. Earliest stages of Metazoan development. The upper row represents the egg of Sycandra, a calcareous sponge [after F. E. SCHULZE]; the lower row represents that of the rabbit [after BISCHOFF]. In the rabbit the egg is surrounded by a thick capsule, the zona pellucida. The egg of the sponge is without this and floats freely in the water. into the ovum, i. e., to the union of the two gametes, and is thus synonymous with conjugation, when applied to Metazoa. Furthermore, since, in the majority of cases, the bulk of the ovum so far exceeds that of the spermatozoon that the latter appears to be lost in the process, the term ovum, or egg, is com- monly used to designate not only the macro-gamete (the un- fertilized egg), but also the double cell resulting from the conjugation (the fertilized egg), a use of terms which neces- sitates constant watchfulness in order to guard against con- fusion. Ovum and spermatozoon, the macro- and micro-ga- * Discovered in 1677 by Ludwig Hamm, a pupil of Leeuwenhoek. THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 51 metes respectively of a conjugation, are essentially Protozoa, and thus the first stage in the development of multicellular animals is an historic repetition representing the first and simplest of organisms. The spermatozoon with its motor organ still retains its protozoan character even in the highest of the vertebrates, but the ovum, loaded down with yolk, bears for the most part little resemblance to an active or- ganism. Even here, however, in certain sponges and hydroid polyps, a more primitive form of ovum is still preserved, for it is here amoeboid in form and possesses functional pseudo- podia, being often impossible to distinguish from genuine Amoebae, the simplest of Protozoa. This is a good illustration of Rule V of ontogenesis as given in the previous chapter, since it is to be expected that here, among the lowest and simplest of the Metazoa, the early stages would receive the fullest attention in the ontogenetic recapitulation. In size ova vary greatly, but the difference is due mainly to the actual amount of food stuff, or yolk, which is required in each case: this in turn is proportional, not to the size of the adult animal, but to the degree of maturity at which it is most advantageous for the young animal to begin its free existence. Some animals produce a few very large eggs and thus use up their reproductive energy in developing yolk; others produce large quantities of tiny eggs which will develop into innumerable minute larvae. Both extremes and all in- termediate grades are the result of adaptation to the various conditions that surround the different organisms and thus regulate the size of the egg, as well as the size and shape of the parts in the adult. Thus, for example, the ova of jelly- fish, earth-worms, many molluscs, star-fish, and most mam- mals, are very small, almost microscopic; those of insects, crustaceans and fishes are usually of an appreciable size, those of frogs and of certain fish are still larger, while the eggs of reptiles and birds are enormous, those of the latter having reached the extreme limit relative to the size of the parent. In the eggs of placental mammals, which are practically yolkless, there is no great difference in actual size between 52 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY such extremes as those of the elephant and the mouse; in the birds, on the other hand, the true egg, i. e., the yellow sphere usually termed the " yolk," is approximately propor- tionate to the size of the parent. This difference is due to the fact that in mammals the egg is little more than the first cell of the new individual, since the food supply comes en- tirely from outside sources, while in birds the food is placed wholly within the egg and is the only source available to the young bird. The spermatozoon, never having yolk to give it bulk, is al- ways small, usually far beyond the limits of the unaided eye. Its form is typically that of an oval cell-body or " head " to which is attached a locomotive flagellum, which may at- tain an appreciable dimension in respect to length, but is al- ways extremely delicate. When the seminal fluid and the ova are brought together there is always a vast excess of spermatozoa, and in cases in which direct observation has been possible, as in aquatic forms, in which the mingling of the elements occurs freely in the water, the eggs are seen to be assailed by dozens of active spermatozoa, each endeavoring to effect an entrance. To permit the entrance of one and only one of the entire number, several devices are made use of by the eggs of various species ; one of these is the encasement of the entire ovum in a shell, in which there is a single minute opening, the micropyle, through which a single spermatozoon enters and in so doing effectually blocks the way for all successors. In other cases the entrance of a spermatozoon seems to cause some chemical or physical change which renders the egg substance impervious to the other male cells or incompatible with their continued ex- istence. In the eggs of echinoderms (star-fish, sea-urchins, etc. ) the stimulus of an entering spermatozoon causes the im- mediate formation of an external membrane which effectually prevents any farther entrance. In mammals it is probable that the zona radiata proves an impassable barrier to all sper- matozoa except those that approach it in a direction perpen- dicular to its surface, thus greatly reducing the number that THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 53 are in condition to enter the egg. It is also likely that here, as in many other cases, several spermatozoa may actually enter the egg substance, but that all except one are simply added to the yolk and serve as food.* The spermatozoon, after the entrance into the egg is once effected, drops its locomotor apparatus and becomes merely a nucleus, which fuses with the one belonging to the egg, a procedure similar to conjugation in the Protozoa. The egg cell thus becomes furnished with a fusion-nucleus, and may be considered from now on the first cell of a new organism. From it arise all the cells of the developing animal through the process of fission, and, since a division of the nucleus al- ways precedes the division of the cell, it follows that this fusion-nucleus is in the same way the primary one from which all later nuclei are to be derived. Since now, as has been shown bv direct observation, this fusion-nucleus becomes divided in such a way as to effect an exactly equal division of both maternal and paternal components, and since the process has been found to continue as far as the investigators have been c.ble to follow it, it is extremely probable that the nucleus of each and every cell of the adult organism contains an element derived from each of its parents. Herein lies a material basis for the phenomena of heredity, and it thus becomes evident that all hereditary traits and char- acters are perpetuated through the direct transmission and growth of a bit of material furnished by each parent and handed doii'n to each cell of the organism. Although this is still the mystery of mysteries to the biologist, the careful study of the past twenty or thirty years, directed upon this very point, has revealed much, but in so doing has added more * Until 1875 it was generally supposed that more than one sperma- tozoon took part in the fertilization of an egg. The true facts in the case were first determined by observation, and later proven by direct experiment. Polyspermy, or the introduction into the egg of more than one spermatozoon, has been experimentally brought about in the eggs of various marine animals by such methods as the application of heat and cold or the use of poisons, and in all cases the resulting development has been abnormal. 54 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY that is still unknown. It has shown the nucleus to be a mi- crocosm of extraordinary complexity, and has" opened up a new world, the very existence of which has until lately re- mained unsuspected. What seems to be the essential element of all nuclei, found alike in plants and animals, is a substance which, from its extreme susceptibility to staining fluids when artifically treated for purposes of microscopic examination, has been designated by the non-committal term of chromatin. During functional VII VIII FIG. 10. Diagrams representing normal mitosis. In I the nucleus is "resting"; the centrosome is seen by its side. In II the spireme appears, which in III becomes separated into chromosomes. In IV the centrosomes have become placed at opposite poles, while the chromosomes form an equatorial plate midway between them. Each chromosome divides longitudinally in V, and in VI and VII becomes drawn to the two opposite poles. In VIII the cell divides into two. activity this substance is diffused throughout the nucleus in little, irregular masses, but assumes the form of a continuous thread or chain preparatory to a cell division, and eventually becomes separated into a definite number of equal bodies, the chromosomes. The number of these found in any somatic cell of a given species of animal is always the same for that species, but may be different in an allied species, and the num- ber seems to bear no reference to the size or the degree of complexity of the animal. For instance, the number four oc- curs in Ascaris, the pin-worm, eight in certain nematode THE OXTOGEXESIS OF VERTEBRATES 55 worms, twelve in the mole-cricket, and sixteen in a water beetle, the rat and Man, as well as in the pine and the onion. Cyclops, a minute crustacean, possesses twenty-four, as do also the frog, mouse, snail, lily and a fern (Osmnnda). The earth-worm has thirty-two chromosomes, the torpedo thir- ty-six, and Artemia, a small shrimp, the unusual number of 1 68. Whenever a cell divides in a growing or proliferating tissue, the maintenance of the same number of chromosomes in each of the two resulting cells is effected by means of a complex mechanism of minute threads, radiating from two opposite centers, which results in the separation of each in- dividual chromosome into equal halves, thus assuring for each daughter cell, not merely the same number of chromosomes, but halves of the same ones. This process is known as mito- sis or karyokinesis. To the general rule concerning the constancy in the num- ber of the chromosomes, there is, however, one very important exception, and that is, in the germ cells, that become the gametes in a conjugation, the starting point of a new organ- ism. Here, owing to a difference in their mode of formation, the number of chromosomes in a given species is exactly one- half of that characteristic of the somatic cells of the same species, and it is only by the fusion of the two gametes, ovum and spermatozoon, that the normal somatic number is re- stored. This reduction of the number of chromosomes is brought about through an extremely complex process, the es- sentials of which are : first, the formation of certain germ-cells, spermatogonium or oogonium, which develop twice the normal number of chromosomes, and, secondly, two successive divi- sions of the cells, and of the number of chromosomes also, by means of which four cells are produced, each with one-half the normal number. In the case of the male cells each of the four is effective, and, through a metamorphosis in its form, becomes a functional spermatozoon; but in the case of the female, owing to the disadvantages which would arise from the division of the yolk into four ova of equal size, one of them retains it all and becomes a functional ovum while the 56 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY others become yolkless, abortive, eggs, attached to the ovum and called polar globules. Owing to the enormous disparity in size between the abortive and the functional ova the divi- sions of the oogonium by which they are formed were for a long time not recognized as true cell divisions, but the polar globules were spoken of as extruded or cast off from the VI VII FIG. ii. Diagram of fertilization. Stage I represents the egg just previous to maturation. The chromosomes, ar- ranged in tetrads, are twice the number found in somatic cells, which, in this dia- gram is assumed to be 12. At II a mitotic figure is formed, which, in III, results in the formation of two cells; a little one, the first polar globule, a, and the egg, each with a reduced number of chromosomes, in this case 12. In IV and V a second mitotic figure is formed, which results in the expulsion of a second polar globule, b, and the reduction of the chromosomes of the egg nucleus to six, one- half the normal number. Meanwhile a spermatozoon head has entered the egg, com- posed mainly of chromatin, the equivalent of the six chromosomes of the reduced egg nucleus, and a new centrosome, to replace that of the egg which was destroyed during the expulsion of the second polar globule. The spermatozoon head rotates through 180, thus bringing the centrosome between the male and female germ nuclei, as in VI. The first cleavage spindle is seen forming in VII and VIII, after which the cell divides into two and development begins. "egg/' terms which express the phenomena as observed, but mask their true biological significance. Usually, owing probably to the rudimentary condition of the polar globules and their lack of function, the globule formed by the first of the two reductive divisions, and hence the equivalent of the definite ovum plus one abortive egg, does not carry through its division into two, but remains as THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 57 a single mass, and is spoken of as the " first polar globule " in distinction from that resulting from the second division, which is termed the " second." Strictly speaking, the first and second polar globules are not equivalent, but the first is the equivalent of two abortive eggs and the second of but one ; and corresponding to this the first polar globule pos- sesses twice the number of chromosomes exhibited by either the second globule or the functional egg. Furthermore, the two polar globules are frequently not extruded until after the entrance of the spermatozoon, the presence of which seems to act as a stimulus for these cell divisions. In these cases, the unfertilized " egg " is, strictly speaking, not the ovum, but the oogonium, which requires the two reductive divisions to become the equivalent of the spermatozoon. To illustrate this by an actual example, let us suppose an animal that possesses in each somatic cell sixteen chromosomes. The spermatogonium t would thus possess thirty-two which, by the reductive divisions, would result in the formation of four spermatozoa, each with eight. Similarly the oogonium would possess thirty-two chromosomes, a number which would be reduced to sixteen by the expulsion of the first polar globule, the latter body having the like number. The second reductive division would result in the formation of a second polar body with eight chromosomes, and would leave eight in the egg. This number, when added to the same amount introduced by the spermatozoon, restores the normal number, sixteen, and thus forms the first cell of the new organism, equipped with the regular somatic number, one-half from either parent. In this is seen a provision for avoiding that enormous in- crease in the number of chromosomes that otherwise must be the inevitable result of each conjugation. Furthermore, when taken in connection with the fundamental law of heredity that in the long run the two parents are equally potent in trans- mitting their characteristics to their offspring and that neither sex has the preponderance of influence in this direction, it is seen that the hereditary substance must lie in the chromosomes alone, since these are the only elements in which both parents 58 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY are equally represented. Neither the preponderating bulk of the ovum (macro-gamete) nor the flagellum and other loco- motor apparatus of the spermatozoon (micro-gamete) are of any significance in hereditary transmission, but are mere adaptive characters, of provisional functional importance, and without influence in directing the development of the new or- ganism ; while the chromosomes, to effect the union and equal division of which the other parts have been developed, form the true germ-plasm, transmitted in direct continuity from both parents and entering every cell as it develops, directing both the architectural plan which these cells assume and also their gradual differentiation into the tissues which form the adult soma of the succeeding generation. In this " Continuity of the germ-plasm " is found the ma- terial basis also for the recapitulation theory, the law of biogenesis explained in the first chapter; for the continuously living chroniatin, which pervades each cell of an organism, has in its ozvn existence actually experienced all the somatic modifications of its entire past history, traces of which it must retain in some form of structural expression, enabling it to control the development of the soma during every stage of its existence. How this is effected is far beyond our present means of observation, and perhaps of experiment, but the re- sults presuppose an inconceivably complex structure in the chromatin in order to render such results possible. The first stage in the development of all Metazoa, that of the fertilized ovum or zygote, is followed, in most cases imme- diately after fertilization, by a succession of cell-divisions, or cleavages, as they are here termed, which, in typical cases, fol- low a general geometrical plan and result in the formation of a mass of cells that shape themselves into a definite embryological stage, that of the blastula. As the various geometrical forms assumed by the cells during the cleavage stages are all rep- resented among colonial one-celled organisms, so there are also a few such that, in the arrangement of their cells, closely resemble the blastula. In this stage the cells form a hollow sphere, one cell in thickness, and in cases in which the blastula THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 59 floats freely in the water, as in that of many of the inverte- brates, each cell is provided with long vibratile flagella, by which the colony is moved. This larval form is closely imi- tated by such an organism as Volvox, which is usually reck- oned as a plant, but serves to show a physiologically functional adult organism in the corresponding stage. The folding in, or collapse of one portion of the blastula, as in the diagram, in vm FIG. 12. Early Metazoan development; typical. [After models of Am- phioxus by HATSCHEK.] I, the egg. II, III, and IV, cleavage stages. V and VI, blastula f in VI, which represents a somewhat older stage than V; one-half has been removed. VII repre- sents the beginning of the gastrular invagation, and VIII is the completed gastrula, both sectioned as in VI. produces a two-layered cup which forms the next important ontogenetic stage, the gastrula, and in attaining this the embryo passes beyond the Protozoa in its imitative repetition and assumes the essential form of the simplest of the Metazoa, the Ccelenterata. A typical gastrula is radiate in structure, and possesses a central axis with two poles, oral and apical, the former characterized by the presence of the gastrula mouth or protostome. This latter leads into the large central cavity, the gastroccele, which has developed from the exterior at the expense of the cavity of the blastula, the blastoccele. In some 60 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY gastrulae this latter cavity is completely obliterated by the com- pletion of the process of imagination, but often remains as a space between the two layers, the ectoderm and endoderm. When this type is completed and becomes an adult animal it often assumes a considerable complexity of structure but never gets far away from the original plan and does not de- velop more than the two primary layers. The fresh-water hydra is an example of one of the simplest coelenterates or gastrula-animals, and the coral polyps and medusse represent the more complex ones. In none of these does a blastocoele appear, in the simpler forms ectoderm and endoderm are everywhere in contact, and in the more complex medusse the space between them is filled by a gelatinous tissue developed from the other layers, and termed mesenchyme* Up to this point the course of development is the same for all Metazoa, allowing for the adaptive modifications always met with in the application of a general plan to a group of organisms. From this point on, however, there is a divergence in the course of development, and the various branches of the higher Metazoa proceed along different paths, yet all de- velop, although through different means, the three following attributes, which differentiate them from the lower Metazoa, the Ccelenterata : 1. The formation of a third germ element, the mesodenn, situated between ectoderm and endoderm. 2. The formation of a new cavity or system of cavities, the metaccele, lined wholly by the mesoderm. 3. The attainment of a new body axis, and a bilateral, in- stead of a radiate, symmetry. Omitting all further reference to the other branches, it ap- pears that in the branch leading to the vertebrates the gas- * This is carefully to be distinguished from the mesoderm, or middle layer, which appears first in animals above the coelenterates and is always in the form of a definite layer. The mesenchyme never appears as a layer, but its cells serve to fill in the spaces between the true germ layers, and the structures formed from this source are thus determined by the form of the surrounding tissues. THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 61 trula assumes the form and position shown in Fig. 13, b, in which it becomes placed horizontally, with the apical pole for- a ZtHHHHSSS ant, FIG. 13. Diagrams of gastrulae. [Based on models of Amphioxus by HATSCHEK.] (a) Typical gastrula, as in Fig. 12, VIII, but differently placed, for comparison with the others. (b) Early gastrula of Amphioxus, a probable ancestor of the vertebrates, (c) Later embryo of the same. xy, primary axis, t. e., that of the gastrula; ab, secondary axis, that of the adult Amphioxus; en, neural canal; cne, neurenteric canal; np, neuropore; ntc, notochord. ward and the protostome posterior and dorsal and in the median line. The plan of structure is a bilateral one, with 62 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY dorsal, ventral and two lateral aspects. If this metamorphosis has any biogenetic value, that is, if it is indicative of a genu- ine historic stage in the phylogeny of vertebrates, it suggests an ancestral gastrula that sank to the bottom, lay upon its side and exchanged a free swimming for a crawling mode of locomotion, apical pole forward. Such an hypothetical form as this corresponds, however, to nothing known at the present time, but may well have disappeared without trace, since a similar fate has happened to the transition forms linking the vertebrates to the other Metazoa, leaving the group un- usually isolated. [See Chapter XII. ] There now occur several simultaneous changes which inau- gurate the essential vertebrate structure and are best explained by the help of the accompanying diagrams. [Plates I. and II.] The gastrula has now become considerably elongated in the direction of the newly acquired secondary axis and is rep- resented as cut transversely across, the diagram representing the posterior portion and showing the cross-section as well as a portion of the length. The most superficial of these changes involves a longitudinal mid-dorsal stripe, which becomes grad- ually turned in, forming a trough. Through the fusion in the median line of the edges of the trough, the turned-in portion becomes a tube, which ultimately frees itself from its attach- ment to the rest of the ectoderm, and forms the neural tube, the anlage* of the nervous system. The walls of this tube, by an excessive thickening of certain definite portions, become the brain and spinal cord, and the lumen is perpetuated as the ven- tricles of the brain and the canalis centralis of the cord, the embryonal communication between these cavities being re- tained throughout life. A somewhat similar structure, also median, arises from the dorsal wall of the endoderm. This appears at first as an in- verted trough, and possesses a narrow lumen, but it eventually * The word Anlage is borrowed from the German to express a concep- tion for which there is no English equivalent. It signifies the first visible indication of a part that appears in the embryo, and may thus signify either a definite cell-mass or a slight change in the arrangement of cells. PLATE I. Diagrams showing Vertebrate development, ex- plained in the text; stages I and II. Based upon a stereogram by KINGSLEY. PLATE II. Diagrams showing Vertebrate development; stages III and IV. Based upon a stereogram by KINGSLEY. THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 63 becomes pinched off from its place of origin, not as a tube, but as a solid rod of cells, the notochord, which forms the precursor of the vertebral column. A third procedure, more complicated than the other two, is that involved in the formation of the mesoderm. Like the notochord, this arises also from the endoderm, and appears typically in the form of paired, lateral pockets, the mesodermic diverticula. There is reason to suppose that originally, that is, in certain of the lost forms between the creeping gastrula and Amphioxus, these diverticula were used as gonads, or sac-like cavities, in the lining of which the germ cells were developed, but in the vertebrates this function is retained by but a very small portion of their surface, as will be shown later. These diverticula soon separate themselves from the intestinefand expand until they fill practically the entire space between ectoderm and endoderm and lie in close contact to one another. They thus form a series of paired cavities, the metacccles, those of each side separated by transverse par- titions composed of the walls of adjacent diverticula, and those of the two lateral series similarly separated by longi- tudinal partitions which lie in the median line above and be- low the intestine. The early loss of the transverse partitions converts the segmental series of lateral cavities into a single pair, one for each side, while a similar reduction of the greater portion of the ventral longitudinal partition throws the two cavities together and forms eventually a single large metacoele or body cavity, lined by the mesoderm. One layer of this invests the outer body wall, the other the intestine, the parie- tal and 'visceral layers respectively. The longitudinal parti- tions, both dorsal and ventral, serve as suspensory ligaments in the intestine and are termed mesenteries. The dorsal one is retained throughout its entire extent; the ventral one disap- pears posterior to the liver. It will be noticed that the meso- dermic diverticula during their development have expanded at the expense of the protoccele, the original cavity included between ectoderm and endoderm, and thus at the completion of the process the protoccele has become reduced to a com- 64 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY plicated system of narrow spaces lying everywhere between the other layers. The protoccele is thus called the primary and the metaccele the secondary body-cavity, and it is this latter, the one lined by the mesoderm and included between its two layers, that forms the permanent body-cavity of verte- a FIG. 14. Diagrammatic cross sections through vertebrate embryos, based upon the conditions found in selachians. [Modified, after VAN WIJHE.] (a) Earlier stage, in which the three parts of the mesodermic diverticula are still continuous. (b) Later stage, in which the epimeres of the mesodermic di- verticula have separated from the meso-hypomeres and form a continuous layer around the body, interrupted only at the mid-dorsal and the mid-ventral lines. In all the figures the ectoderm is represented by square cells, the endoderm by crossing diagonal lines, the mesoderm by solid black, the mesenchyme by dots. I, epimere; II, mesomere; III, hypomere; a, aorta; g, gonad; *, intestine; m, myo- tome of epimere; me, metaceele (the definite crelom) ; n, nerve cord; nc, notochord; nph, nephridium; sk, sklerotome, the anlage of the axial skeleton; w, protonephrotic duct (Wolffian duct). brates, the so-called dcelom or pleuro-peritoneal cavity. The narrowed spaces of the protoccele become filled with embry- onal connective tissue cells, the tnesenchyme -, which never as- sume the form of a definite layer, and are produced by pro- liferation from the mesoderm, and perhaps from the other two as well. Canals are left here and there which in time are built up into a continuous system of vessels, with walls of THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 65 connective tissue, and form the vascular system (blood-vessels and lymphatics). The arrangement of the various embryonic elements at this point is shown in the accompanying diagrams based upon selachian embryos, and exhibiting the actual proportions as they exist in a rather primitive vertebrate. [Fig. 14.] The general arrangement of parts in an adult dog-fish is not ma- terially different from the last of these. Through the forma- tion of a restricted middle area, the mesodermic diverticula become divided into dorsal, middle and ventral portions, the epimere, mesomere and hypomere respectively, each with a distinct, separate history. The epimere, the inner wall of which becomes greatly thick- ened, eventually cuts itself off from the remaining meso-hypo- mere, and expands both dorsally and ventrally between the latter and the ectoderm until it meets the opposite one in the mid-dorsal and mid-ventral lines, separated only by thin strips of connective tissue. From the thickened inner wall of this develop the voluntary muscles of the body, the segmentation of which is retained among the fishes throughout the greater part of the body, and still appears in unmistakable traces among the highest forms. The mid-ventral connective tissue partition separating the muscle masses of the two sides be- comes the linea alba, a conspicuous white line, which persists in all vertebrates. The cavity of the epimere becomes sup- pressed by the growth of the inner wall and thus comes to nothing. The consecutive meso-hypomeres soon lose their independ- ence through the breaking down of the transverse partitions, as described above, but the metameric repetition found among the parts derived from them continues to suggest their origin as separate diverticula. From the narrowed mesomere there arise the essential organs of the urogenital system, many parts of which retain throughout life the indications of a segmental origin. The cavities of the mesomere become those of the systems derived from it. The hypomeres, fused into a single bag or sac, form the 66 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY definite ccelom, or pleuro-peritoneal cavity, of which they fur- nish the lining membrane, the peritoneum. The outer layer (parietal mesoderm) lines the body wall; the inner (visceral mesoderm) invests the primary intestine and, later on, its derivative organs, as lungs, pancreas and liver. In all ex- cept mammals the membrane is a continuous one, but here, through the formation of the diaphragm and the consequent setting apart of a separate thoracic cavity, the portion thus cut off is treated as a distinct membrane and called the pleura. Although the above sketch represents the underlying plan upon which the development of all vertebrates is based, it is not found in an unmodified condition save in the lowest classes. It is most typically represented in the development of Am- phioxus, for which the foregoing description, save in a few points, might well be used; in the selachians, also, the modi- fications are not very great and the plan may be easily traced. In the amphibians, however, the plan is so much obscured, especially in its earlier stages, that for a long time, during the early history of the science of embryology, the homologies were not recognized. These modifications become still greater in the Sauropsida and Mammalia, in which, without the help of the amphibians, which here, as elsewhere, form a valuable connecting link, the recognition of the early stages would be hardly possible. The principal disturbing factor, at least in amphibians and the sauropsida, is the presence of increasingly greater quantities of yolk, which presents numerous mechan- ical problems, and its influence is felt with equal emphasis in the case of placental Mammals, where the egg, although yolk- less, has evidently become so through a secondary reduction and still follows in its development that of the yolk-filled eggs of the Sauropsidan type. One of the most important modifications in the develop- mental history of the higher classes concerns the appearance and subsequent development of the mesoderm and the forma- tion of the definite ccelom. In Amphioxus the pairs of di- verticula arise in quite typical fashion from the sides of the primitive intestine, and this procedure is almost as easily THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 67 recognized in the case of the selachians. The amphibians show considerable modification, and these are the last in the ascend- ing scale in which the diverticula are provided from the first FIG. 15. Four cross-sections of vertebrate embryos showing develop- ment of the mesoderm. (a), Amphioxus [after HATSCHEK]; (&) Triton (a salamander) [after HERT- WIG]; (c) bird, diagrammatic; (c?) mole [after HEAPE], k, ectoderm; n, endoderm; m, mesoderm; mt, parietal layer of the mesoderm; mp, visceral layer of the mesoderm; v, nerve cord; t, notochord; w, Wolffian duct; g, gastroccele. with a definite lumen, which is here in the form of an irregular crack between the outer and inner cell layers. Above this class the mesoderm appears first in the form of an irregular cell layer which starts at the sides of the noto- chord and invades the space between ectoderm and endoderm. 68 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY In it the region of the epimeres becomes easily distinguished by a great increase in the thickness of the layer, and an indi- cation of the separate diverticula appears through a series of transverse fissures, which divide the mass into separate square blocks, the so-called mesodermic somites. These first appear at about the middle of the body, and are added to progres- FIG. 16. Three early vertebrate embryos, showing mesodermic somites. (a) turtle [after MITSUKURI]. (&) chick [after DUVAL]. (c) pig [after KEIBEL]. nt, nerve cord (brain) ; nt', nerve cord (spinal cord) ; ms, mesodermic somites; e, ear; yv, yolk veins. sively both anteriorly and posteriorly until the full number is reached. The meso-hypomeric region remains for a time as a single undivided layer, but ultimately splits into two, outer and inner, containing between them a single undivided space, the future ccelom. This latter is here called a schizoccele, in re- spect to its mode of origin. There is thus attained in the higher vertebrates a much shortened and greatly modified method of producing the ele- THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 69 ments for the later developments, hardly recognizable on com- paring it with the more expanded and simple form found among the lower types. Aside from such modifications as those mentioned, which are explained through mechanical exigencies, there appear to be differences in the origin of the first mesoderm cells themselves, differences which tend to shake our faith in the absolute homology of the germ layers. Since, however, in spite of such variation in the early history, the same embryonic elements eventually appear in all cases, so that the anlagen of the principal organs are the same for all, it is hardly possible that the early modifications, however profound, have any deeper significance than that of caenoge- netic adaptations to the various changed conditions of develop- ment. The presence of yolk has a great modifying influence, both on the general shape of the early embryo and upon the definite- ness of its stages. Yolk is an inert substance, the presence of which in large quantities within the cells interferes with their normal division and with their assumption of normal positions. Beyond a certain proportion, in fact, no cell division is possi- ble, and the egg comes to consist of two portions, (i) the protoplasmic area, in which all cell divisions take place, and which ultimately becomes developed into the embryo, and (2) the yolk-sac. These two areas are indicated in some eggs, as in those of the frog, by a difference in color, the protoplasmic area being deeply pigmented and the yolk area not. The extreme of disproportion is seen in the bird's egg, where the protoplasmic area is represented by the light yellow embryonal disc, about 4-5 mm. in diameter, which floats on the upper surface of the huge, non-cellular yolk mass. In such cases, the embryo, when passing through the early stages, or until after the establishment of the mesodermic somites and the formation of head and tail, is spread out on the surface of the spherical yolk, in proportion to which it is so small as to be almost flat, but later on becomes nearly separated from it, re- taining its connection by a narrow yolk-stalk attached in the umbilical region. The embryo grows at the expense of the yolk-sac, and as the former increases in size, the latter dimin- 70 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY iS&fc, FIG. 17. Diagrams of Amniotes, showing the relation of the extra- embryonal membranes. (A) Sauropsidan, with functional yolk-sac and respiratory allantois. (B) Mam- ma!, with functionless yolk-sac and with the allantois converted into an umbilical cord and placenta. THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 71 ishes, so that by the time the animal assumes a free life the yolk-sac has nearly or wholly disappeared. The embryos of the higher vertebrates differ from those of the lower in one very conspicuous feature, and that is, in the possession of fetal membranes, external to the embryo and designed in part for protection and in part for the obtaining of nourishment. The two membranes of the most extensive occurrence are the amnion and the allantois, which are present in reptiles, birds and mammals and absent in fishes and am- phibians, a difference which is expressed in the two terms Amniota and Anamnia (with and without amnion), applied respectively to the two divisions in question. The amnion appears to be solely for the protection of the embryo. It is a thin transparent membrane, composed of parie- tal mesoderm and ectoderm, and is formed by the growth of folds about the embryo. It invests the latter on all sides and forms about it an enclosed space, the amniotic cavity, in which the embryo lies, immersed in a colorless amniotic fluid, of about the same specific gravity as the embryo itself. The allantois is in the form of an empty sac, composed of two layers, visceral mesoderm and endoderm, and develops from the umbilical region of the embryo. In reptiles and birds it pushes its folded edges between yolk-sac and amnion on the inner, and the shell on the outer, side, and thus comes to com- pletely invest the former and line the latter with a double mem- brane. In this there develop two large allantoic (umbilical) arteries and two allantoic veins, and the organ thus serves as an excellent respiratory organ, affecting the interchange of gases through the porous shell. In placental mammals the egg-shell is replaced by a membranous chorion, and the allan- tois effects a close union with this, either involving the entire surface or more generally a restricted area, and this surface, entering into a more or less intimate relationship with the mucous membrane of the maternal uterus, forms the essential organ of nutrition, the placenta. That portion of the chorion which is involved in the formation of a placenta is covered by branching processes, the chorionic villi, forming a surface 72 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY known as the chorion frondosum in distinction from the smooth area, the chorion Iceve. A diffuse placenta, where the villi cover the entire external surface of the chorion, is the most primitive type, and is found in pigs, horses, whales and por- poises; if a small portion of the chorion is left smooth, the placenta is bell-shaped, as in some edentates and lemurs. By a continuation of this process, that is, by a farther extension of the smooth area, the placenta becomes discoidal, which is the form characteristic of Man and the higher anthropoids, insectivores, bats and rodents ; in the lower monkeys there are two such discs, placed at opposite poles, the placenta discoidea duplex. It is the single discoidal type, as found in man, that gave the name " placenta " to this organ, as the word signi- fies a round, flat cake. If there are two smooth areas at opposite poles, with pla- cental villi between them, the zonary placenta is formed, the type characteristic of all carnivores, elephants, Hyrax and the Sirenia. A very distinct type of placentation is the cotyle- donal, characteristic of ruminants. Here the placental struc- ture is confined to small nodules or cotyledons scattered over the entire surface of the chorion, and varying in number from three to five in the deer to more than a hundred in the sheep and cow. All of the above forms of placentation are easily derived from the primitive diffuse type, and as a rule actually pass through the changes during early development, the form finally assumed being attained through the growth of smooth areas (chorion lave). The methods of placentation may be again divided with reference to the relationship to the uterine mucous membrane ; in one type the villi at birth are simply drawn out of the ma- ternal portion, leaving pits, and in the other type the union between fetal and maternal elements is more intimate and the separation occurs between the mucous and muscular walls of the uterus itself, thus involving the loss of maternal mucous membrane, called in this connection, the decidua. The latter of these types, in which the placenta becomes a far more spe- THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 73 cialized organ, is termed detiduate, the former indeciduate. In ungulates and in many of the edentates the placenta is in- deciduate, in most others it is deciduate. When the fertilized egg of a placental mammal first enters the uterus it does not at once become fixed, and development proceeds for some time before there is any attempt at the for- mation of a placenta. Meanwhile the egg passes through a series of typical cleavage stages and attains the condition of a hollow sphere, similar to the blastula of more typical onto- genesis. This, however, is not a blastula, but the blastodermic vesicle, upon one side of which there develops an embryonal area similar to that of the bird, that is, spread out in the form of a flattened disc, and not cylindrical as in the case of other yolkless eggs. This apparently useless circumlocution can be understood only on the ground, supported also by the early development in the marsupials and monotremes, that mammals have been derived from ancestors having large, yolk-filled eggs and that the secondary reduction of this substance has been too recent to effect a corresponding modification in the course of development. Adhesion to the walls of the uterus occurs through the formation of chorionic villi over the sur- face of the blastodermic vesicle, in which the form of placen- tation characteristic of the species soon becomes manifest. The later developmental history of vertebrates subsequent to the formation of the germ layers and the establishment of the anlagen of the various systems, belongs to that division of the subject known as organogeny, or the development of the various organs, and cannot be followed ' further in this place; it receives a fuller treatment, however, in the ensuing chapters, where the systems are considered separately and where embryological facts are made use of in so far as they are needed to explain the history of the several organs. Most of the systems arise from a single germ layer, often, indeed, from a definite restricted locality in one of them, the anlage of which appears at an early period, and there is thus a time at which an organ, however complex and difficult to understand as it exists in the adult, is exceedingly simple. This primitive 74 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY condition furnishes the best possible starting point from which to follow its gradual modifications step by step until the adult form is reached. The derivation and original anlage of most of the systems have been given above and are expressed graph- ically in several of the diagrams [Plates I and II; Fig. 14], but it may be also useful to introduce the chapters on the several systems by a table which shows the derivation of each. In studying this it must be borne in mind that the mesenchyme, which is everywhere distributed and forms all of the connect- ive tissues of the body, enters into the final structure of every other part, and hence is not taken into consideration here. EMBRYONAL ELEMENT. DERIVATIVE I. Ectoderm Epidermis; including that of the entire exter- nal surface, as well as the more external parts of mouth cavity, rectum, and other cavities opening to the exterior. Epidermic structures; including all glands of the integument, nails and claws, hair and feathers, horny scales, the enamel of the teeth and the crystalline lens. Nervous System; including brain and cord; peripheral nerves and sympathetic system with the ganglia associated with each; the epithelium of the sense organs, and the tapetum of the eye. II. Endoderm Alimentary canal, that is, its essential layer, the mucous membrane; also all organs de- rived from this, as thymus and thyroid glands, larynx, trachea and lungs, liver and pancreas. Notochord; the anlage about which the ver- tebrae (mesenchymatous structures) are formed. III. Mesoderm. a. Epimeres Voluntary muscles, except those of jaw, hyoid and branchial arches. b. Mesomeres. . Urogenital system, including the germ glands. c. Hypomeres. . Peritoneum; including pleura of mammals; germ-glands; voluntary muscles of jaw, THE ONTOGENESIS OF VERTEBRATES 75 hyoid and branchial arches, including the muscles of the larynx. IV. Mesenchyme Connective tissues; including those in the strict sense, also cartilage and bone, and the corium. Involuntary muscles of the viscera and of the skin. Vascular system ; including heart, blood-vessels and blood; lymphatics; and the septum of the diaphragm. CHAPTER IV THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON " Seit Huxley seine Schrift ' Zeugnisse fiir die Stel- lung des Menschen in der Natur ' veroffentlicht hat, sind 31 Jahre vergangen, und wenn man erwagt, was in diesem Zeitraum auf dem Gebiet der physischen Anthropologie, der Embryologie und Morphologic iiberhaupt gearbeitet und erreicht worden ist, so ist es, meine ich, an der Zeit, den Blick wieder einmal ruck- warts zu richten, das zu einem einheitlichen Ganzen zusammenzufassen, was an vielen Orten zerstreut liegt, tin daraus endlich zu ersehen, was der Mensch war, was er ist, und was er sein wird." ROBERT WIEDERSHEIM, Der Bau des Menschen, 1893, P- 3- THE usual invertebrate form of integument is composed of a single layer of epidermic cells, the external surface of which is covered by a non-cellular structure formed from the cell walls. This outer element is often a transparent cuticula* or in other cases may consist of vibratile cilia. Beneath the in- tegument, and separated from it by a thin layer of connective tissue, lie the muscles. The integument of Amphioxus conforms to this general type, but in all true vertebrates important changes take place, rendering it quite different in structure and of far greater complexity. The epidermis becomes many-layered and loses the external cuticula, although cilia persist in a few early larval forms, and the underlying connective tissue becomes thick, often much exceeding the epidermis in this respect. As this latter layer, the corium \_cutis~], is almost indissolubly as- * The flattened outer cells of the epidermis, which form the stratum cor- neum, are, under certain circumstances, easily separated from the next, and form a thin layer often termed the "cuticle." The use of the word in this connection is questionable, on account of its liability of being confused with the non-cellular cuticula of invertebrates 76 THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 77 sociated with the epidermis, while very loosely attached on its under side to the parts which it covers, the two form to- gether an easily detachable part, known as the skin or hide, similar in general function to the integument of invertebrates, but far more complex in structure. The vertebrate integument is further characterized by a great variety of secondary struc- tures, involving one or both layers and either remaining be- neath the surface, as is the case with glands and pigment, or projecting conspicuously beyond, as in hairs, feathers and scales. Concerning the integument itself, in so far as it can be treated apart from its accessory organs, it may be noted that the epidermis is always several cells deep and is in constant growth, being renewed from the innermost layer in about the same proportion as it is worn off at the surface. This inner layer is a fairly definite one and is termed the stratum gcrm- inativiim [sir. mucosum or Malpighii]. Its cells are con- stantly proliferating and the older cell generations are grad- ually pushed toward the surface, becoming flattened and more cornified as they progress. They thus form a protective cov- ering for the more delicate cells that lie beneath them, and compose a layer, which, in distinction to the stratum germ- inativum, is called stratum cornenm. Some authorities dis- tinguish for convenience a stratum lucidum, lying between the two, although the exact limits of none except the stratum germinativum are definitely fixed. It is evident that, in order to avoid an excessive growth of these upper layers, there must be some way by which they may be continually removed. This is accomplished in reptiles and amphibians by periodic moults or ecdyses, through which the entire surface layer is cast off by a single process, and quite often in one continuous piece, after the formation of a new layer beneath it. In many forms with a cornified skin, like snakes and lizards, these cast-off " skins," the exuviat, are matters of common observation, and are seen to reproduce most faithfully every scale, horn or other protuberance charac- teristic of the animal ; in certain other cases the cast-off skin 78 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY is eaten by the owner. In birds and mammals there is no periodic moult, so far as the skin is concerned, and no con- tinuous layer cast off, but the dead and dried cells are con- stantly being worn from the surface and pass away unnoticed. In these animals, however, there is usually a definite period for the renewal of the accessory parts, the feathers and hairs, a form of moult to be carefully distinguished from the fore- going. The corium, in common with other connective tissues and in contrast to the epidermis, is not composed wholly of cells, but consists in great measure of fibers, which run in all direc- tions between the cells and are produced through their agency. These fibers, which, though not the formative element of the corium, are the most important structural ones, form a rather loose and often very elastic felting, which, in many vertebrates, notably mammals, forms the main bulk of the skin. In fact, it is this layer alone, which, artificially thickened by the action of tannin, is used for leather, the epidermis being first removed by maceration. The corium is the thickest in mammals, but is also fairly thick in amphibians and in many fishes. In rep- tiles and birds it is thin, the amount of protection thus lost being compensated for by the dense and firm covering afforded by the accessory epidermic structure, scales and feathers re- spectively. Birds have the thinnest corium of all vertebrates, a condition undoubtedly correlated with the development of the feather coat, which renders the protection of a thick corium superfluous. In the formation of the accessory organs each of the two layers furnishes materials characteristic of itself, and, although in later growth a structure that originates in one layer can, and generally does, invade the province of the other, there is a definite place of origin for each element involved. Thus from the epidermis come intppnm* gland* of all sorts, al- though they usually dip down into the corium from which they receive a fibrous investment. Pigment may_ba-.deriveH from cither_layer, but more usually from the corium, and when found in the epidermis, as it commonly is, it is more likely to THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 79 have wandered in from the corium than to have originated in place. Blood-vessels, with the single exception of the pharyngeal mucous membrane of lungless salamanders,* are entirely confined to the corium. Sensory nerve endings of the simplest type are distributed freely through the epidermis, but the more specialized forms remain in the corium, although they may be located in papillae pushed up into the epidermic zone. The epidermis thus forms a bloodless covering with but slight sensitiveness, the main function of which is to protect the more delicate structures included in the lower layer. Aside from this general protection afforded by the unmodified epi- dermis, both layers of the skin have the power of originating hard parts, which enter into the formation of certain acces- sory external structures that form a more or less complete exoskeleton. Thus the corium produces true "bone, with the haversian canals and other osseous characters, while the epi- dermis forms hamjmd enamel, the latter superficially resem- bling bone, but harder and with a different structure. The structures formed from these may be composed of one sub- stance and involve but a single layer in their formation, al- though the other usually cooperates in some other way, or again may be composites formed from material furnished by both layers Thus exclusively horny structures, such as hairs or feathers, are formed frorjuthe epidermis alone, but, through the neces- sity of nourishment, they dip down into the richly vascular corium, which forms special organs to further this result. The dermal scutes of ganoids, and the dermal bones of higher forms arise wholly within the corium, while a tooth is a com- posite structure composed of dentine, a hard sort of bone, from the corium, overlaid with enamel from the epidermis. As exoskeletal structures are universal among vertebrates, and often form their most obvious characteristics, and espe- cially as they have interesting morphological histories of their" own, they deserve special treatment, and will be taken up in the order of their appearance. * See Chapter VII, under Respiration. 8o HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The indifferent or generalized condition that serves as the starting point for all exoskeletal elements is found in the body covering of the dog-fish, which consists of imbricated rows of pointed scales, that is, rows arranged in such a way tHat the scales of one row cover the intervals of the one behind it. This typical arrangement is seen also in the scales of other fishes and reptiles and in the feather papillae on the skin of a plucked FIG. 18. Comparison in development and structure between a placoid scale and a tooth. (a), (b), and (c) represent the scale; (d), (e), and (f) the tooth. In all the figures the stratum corneum is dotted, the stratum germinativum is represented by a layer of large cells with nuclei; and the cutis is presented as composed of fibers with scattered cells. x, enamel membrane; y, cutis papilla; e, enamel; d, dentine; p, pulp cavity. bird. A similar, though less obvious, plan underlies the ar- rangement of the hair in mammals, as will be shown later. The scales in the dog-fish are of the form known as placoid, each consisting of an approximately flat base from which rises a sharp-pointed cusp, inclined in the direction of the free edge of the scale, or posteriorly when the scale is in place. This scale is somewhat complex in structure and consists of a basis or core of dentine overlaid by a layer of enamel, especially thick over the cusp, which is almost wholly composed of it. The scale is hollow beneath and a nutrient papilla formed from the corium finds its way into the interior. It arises in THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 81 the skin of the embryo from a fold which involves about equally both layers, and the scale develops between them, the dentine being formed from the corium and the enamel from the epidermis. In selachians the jaws are equipped with several rows of pointed teeth, usually arranged like the scales which cover the surface, and as the former have exactly the same embryonic history as the latter and are composed of the same two layers, it must be concluded that they were once simple placoid scales like the rest, and that their later modifications have been due to the difference of the function to which they have become subjected, an inference sufficient to account for their slight changes in form as well as for their increased size and hard- ness, which is correlated with the greater amount of work to be accomplished. These teeth, seen here almost at their point of departure from generalised placoid scales, are inherited by all higher vertebrates, although in some cases, like turtles and birds, they have become secondarily lost. Aside from the correspondence in form, arrangement and structure, the ho- mology is clearly shown by the development, which proceeds in all cases from a fold, involving both corium and epidermis, in which the tooth subsequently appears. These organs, when once acquired, are subjected to great variations as an accom- modation for the prehension and mastication of the innum- erable kinds of food; they develop as pointed needles, fangs for inoculating poison, sharp-edged chisels, flat surfaces for grinding, and ornamental tusks, in all' retaining the general structure characteristic of placoid scales. The morphology of the teeth will be taken up somewhat more at length in the chapter on the digestive system, with which those parts be- come so early associated. In ganoids, to which, as the lineal descendants of sela- chians, one should look for the next phase of this history, the scales develop from the corium alone, the epidermis remain- ing passive. There is thus formed a type of scale that is com- posed entirely of dentine, and lacks all trace of enamel. This dentine, however, is very fine and hard in character and usu- 82 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY ally presents an extremely smooth and polished surface which has been often referred to as genuine enamel. Scales of this B D FIG. 19. Dorsal views of various skulls, showing the dermal bones. (A) sturgeon (Acipenser). (B) salamander (Amllytfoma). (C) turtle. (D) sea-lion (Otaria). ROS, rostral plates; N, nasal; F, frontal; Pr. F, pre- frontal Post. Fr, post-fron- tal; PMX, pre-maxillary; MX, maxillary; J, jugal; QJ ', quadrato-jugal; P, parieialj_ SQ, squamosal; PT, pterygoid; PO, pro-otic; OO, opisth-otic; SO, supra-occipital; Oc. Lot., lateral occipital; OP, opercular; S. Cl., supra-clavicle. type, termed ganoid (i. e., shining; from which the Order re- ceives its name), are usually rhomboid in shape and lack the THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 83 cusp or point of the placoid type. In the sturgeon the scales consolidate into large, bony shields or scutes, and this principle was carried to the extreme in the long extinct and nearly re- lated groups of placoderms, where the entire fish was covered with a heavy suit of mail, probably as a protection from the huge molluscan forms which then thronged the seas. In the sturgeon, however, these plates are not continuous, but are arranged in longitudinal rows along the back and sides, leav- ing large areas unprotected. In all ganoids similar scutes cover the entire head, and fit together by their edges, forming sutures, but leaving no appreciable intervals. These are fairly definite in number and arrangement in the different species and form the so-called dermal bones of the skull. [Cf. Chap. V.] Certain of these, as the / 'rentals, parietals, ma.nllaries and squamosals, persist in the highest groups ; others, like the opercular and rostral series, disappear completely, while of an extensive orbital series one alone persists as the lacrimal. The dermal bones that line the mouth cavity, such as the vomers, palatines and parabasal, retain the indications of their origin longer than do the others, since, in many cases among both fishes and amphibians, they are covered with teeth which are arranged in imbricated series over a considerable area; occasionally, even, as in the vomers of the frog larva, these elements begin as separate conical teeth which fuse secondarily to form the plate, thus repeating ontogenetically their mode of origin. Nearly always, however, the history is curtailed, and the dermal bones first appear as thin, lace-like structures, lying in the sub-cutaneous connective tissue, and enlarge from defi- nitely located " centers of ossification " by marginal additions. The scales of teleosts are developmentally and structurally like those of ganoids, the ancestors of the group, but in form, although often rhomboid in the young, they become approxi- mately circular, and are hence termed cycloid. Ctenoid scales are a variety of this in which the inner margin attached to the skin is extended into numerous small processes like the teeth of a comb. Modern amphibians have a soft, slimy skin, without exo- skeletal structures of any kind, save in the rare order of ccecil- 84 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY ians (Gymnophiona), in which scale rudiments lie in pits sunk beneath the surface. In the extinct group of Stegocephali, which possessed many amphibian characters, the body was covered ventrally with well-developed, imbricated scales. These facts together furnish sufficient proof that amphibians were originally scaly and that the present naked condition is due to a secondary reduction. These scales were probably bony, like those of ganoids and teleosts. It is an abrupt transition from the scales of fishes to those of reptiles, since, in this latter class, the scales are purely epi- dermic in origin and are composed of horn (keratin), a sub- stance allied to enamel, without trace of bone. The corium, it is true, nourishes the scales by means of richly vascular papillae placed beneath each, but furnishes none of the hard parts. There is no doubt that in some way these scales must be related to the bony ones of ganoids and teleosts, but the relation appears to be an indirect one. They may have had a common origin in scales which, like those of the placoid type, possess both elements, the one emphasizing the epidermic portion, the other that of the corium. This would seem to con- flict with the direct derivation of reptiles from the ganoids as we know them, and shows the incompleteness of our records at this point. Aside from scales the reptilian integument possesses a great variety of other exoskeletal forms, such as spines, combs, and claws, all made of keratin, and equally unlike anything in ganoids or amphibians. In this wealth of horny exoskeletal elements the reptiles are closely followed by their lineal de- scendants, the birds, where the scales are represented by the far more elaborate, but strictly homologous, feathers, and where beak and feet are encased in horny coverings. The cov- ering for the beak has evidently replaced teeth, as in turtles, and is undoubtedly a recently acquired character, since fossil birds occur in the Cretaceous formation, in all respects like modern birds save in the presence of conical teeth set in sockets ; furthermore, tooth germs have been found in the jaws of the embryos of several species of modern birds, transitory THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 85 in character and never developing far enough to break through the gums. The scales of mammals are commonly little emphasized, owing to the conspicuous nature of the hairy coat, principally associated with them, but they are, nevertheless, of great mor- phological value. They occur in definite regions and only in certain forms, but are so widely distributed that, were all other reasons absent, their former more extensive distribu- tion would be strongly suggested. In most cases they are found only on tails and paws, but in the Manidce, an edentate group, the entire dorsal surface of the body and limbs is cov- ered with large, imbricate scales, and in the closely related armadillos, similar scales fuse to form a dorsal carapace, as well as shields for the head, tail and limbs. Scale formation on paws and tail occurs mainly in marsupials, rodents and insectivores, and may be seen particularly well on the dorsal surface of the paws of moles and shrews, or on the flat tails of the beaver and muskrat, in which the scales are usually rounded and regularly imbricated. Where the tail is cylin- drical, as in the rats and mice, the scales are arranged in rings, those of one row standing in imbricated relation to the one which it overlaps. In structure the scales are epidermic, like those of reptiles, underlaid by corium papillae. They usually remain more or less embryonic, and the epidermis, though cornified, does not de- velop definite hard parts, but in the Manidce distinct horn scales are produced, as thick and heavy as those of reptiles, the main difference being that there are here no periodic ecdyses, and the scales are shed and renewed singly, as occa- sion requires. In young armadillos the scales that form the carapace and shields are like those of Manis, but they become soon reinforced by ossifications of the corium, one for each scale, which enlarge and finally fuse to form an osseous sub- structure. These corium elements are plainly secondary struc- tures and are not to be considered as primary elements of the mammalian scale, which, as stated above, is entirely epidermic. Aside from the sporadic occurrence of scaled areas in 86 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY various mammals, as previously noticed, a more definite proof of the former completeness of the scaly coat is found in the relationship between scales and hairs in scaled areas, and in a FIG. 20. Hair arrangement in various mammals. Diagrammatic. [After DE MEIJERE.] (a) Myopotamus (South American rodent). Tail, with scales and hairs, (b) Mid:is (Brazilian monkey). Back. (c) Sus vittatus (pig). Back. The finer bristles are left out upon the right side of the picture, (d) Ccelogenys paca (the " paca," a South American rodent). Back, (e) Dasyurus viverrinus (Australian marsupial). Back, (f) Loncheres cristata (South American rodent, allied to Myopotamus). Back. the arrangement of the hair in other places. If almost any scaled surface be examined, the tail of the rat for example, it THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 87 will be noticed that scattered hairs appear among the scales in a definite relationship, and that a group of three hairs, one median and two lateral, projects from beneath the margin of each scale, the median hair being somewhat longer and stouter than the others. It further appears that there is a similar ar- rangement of hairs, usually in groups of three, upon hair areas not associated with scales, the hair groups being arranged in imbricated series, and that this arrangement is general, even in mammals without trace of scales. There are some modifica- *e & FIG. 21. Hair arrangement \ ,'.".. ';; '& ,-v in various mammals. \i? C ; -- y (a) Ursus arctos (brown /TN ^-.. ,.-. ~j, '';" *{$$ bear). Front of chest. Dia- V^- 5 C.*- ; '-^ V*x' grammatic. [After DE MEI- ^ ,-; v .,... JERE.] (b) Cants familiaris (T) V.~-. v *' : ..^ - v***' ? (dg) Four developmental ^' , ; . t ' } stages. The adult arrange- '/ .^-. ment is like that of (a). S (^ .-v. .'7 Vl' [After DE MEIJERE.] (c) i.V> Homo. Scalp of negro. Cam- ,. ^^ era drawing from the actual " -V> -^ >*J1V ; %.' object. fl v./ f O tions of this, due to secondary changes, such as the need of a thick fur, but even in these modifications the original plan is still apparent. Thus, in the pig, there are two sets of bris- tles, a coarser set arranged in imbricated groups of three, and a finer set, filling the intervening areas without definite ar- rangement; to obtain a thick fur, as in the rabbit, each hair in the group may become a bundle of hairs, the bundles being arranged in groups of three as in the typical case; even the number three is not always kept, and groups of five occur, 88 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY with two lateral hairs on each side, or groups of seven with three. Occasionally, as in the dog and cat, the plan becomes partly obscured in the adult, but is evident during development, FIG. 22. Formation of friction ridges from single rows of epidermic warts. [After Miss WHIPPLE.] (a) Midas rosalia (Brazilian monkey). Proximal portion of hypothenar pad. (b) Midas rosalia. Apical pad. (c) Homo. Advanced fetus. Side of finger in tran- sition region. The dotted lines indicate the position of sweat-glands. the three-hair group being definitely marked in the advanced fetus. A still further corroboration of the former presence of scales in mammals may be obtained from the study of the lower surfaces of the.paws, where, except in such extreme modifica- tions as the ungulates, scales either still exist or have left a permanent record in a peculiar configuration of the epidermis, THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 89 FIG. 23. Formation of friction ridges in pairs from rings formed by the confluence of epidermic warts. [After Miss WHIPPLE.] All the figures are taken from Lemur macaco (semi-ape from Madagascar). (a) Detail of area below the interspace between index and medius. Here are seen individual isolated warts w; groups of these forming rings g; fully formed rings r; also the formation of ridges in pairs by the lengthening of rings in one direction (best shown at the right) ; the single isolated ring enclosed by the ridges of the pattern is also suggestive, (b) A portion of the interdigital pad. (c) Apical pad. (d) Detail showing two methods of formation of three ridges from the rings. 90 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY directly traceable to them. In their simplest form the scales or scale rudiments are in the form of rounded, wart-like epi- dermic -organs, which cover the entire surface in Ornitho- rhynchus and large portions of it in marsupials, insectivores and lemurs. They possess a more or less imbricated arrange- ment, and their identity with scales is shown, not merely by their structure and development, but by a comparison with the scaled dorsal surface of the paw in such cases as that of the shrew or the star-nosed mole, where the transitions from one form to the other may be seen along the edges of the paw. This primitive condition is modified in most cases by the pres- ence of characteristic mammalian organs, the pads, which are used as contact surfaces, and are typically eleven in num- ber, five for the tips of the digits, four for the distal margin of palm or sole, below the interdigital intervals, and two near the wrist or ankle. Upon these the scale rudiments become arranged in rows, and by their fusion form friction ridges, so called from their use, which is to prevent slipping, like the parallel ridges seen on the handles of certain steel instruments. These friction ridges are always arranged at right angles to the direction in which there is the greatest tendency to slip, that is, directly across the pads in walking forms, but arranged in concentric circles about the highest part of the pad in the arboreal lemurs and monkeys where slipping in all directions is equally to be expected. Owing to the general principles that the separate scale rudiments form friction ridges on the ac- tual contact surfaces only, it follows that when the pads re- main high their surfaces alone are ridged, while the depressed areas are covered with separate units, but when, as in lemurs and monkeys, there is a progressive tendency to utilise the entire surface for contact, the ridged areas spread in exact correspondence with the acquirement of contact surface, un- til, in the higher primates, the entire ventral surface of the paws becomes covered with ridges, leaving separate scale rudi- ments only along the boundaries, where this modified skin meets that of the dorsal surface. Had the friction ridges, which completely cover the palmar THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 91 and plantar surfaces in Man and the other higher primates developed primarily in forms in which the entire surface was used for contact, it may be assumed that they would have taken some simple form, designed with reference to the area as a whole; since, however, they have passed through the longer and more complex history caused by the introduction and secondary reduction of various pads, they have preserved the indications of the former relief by an arrangement otherwise without cause or meaning. This may be seen by a compari- son of the lower surface of the paw in some animal in which the pad system is in full function with that of one in which the inequalities of the surface have become secondarily re- duced. (Fig. 24.) The one is an actual relief, the other a flat sketch; the one possesses raised pads surrounded by folds of skin which diverge in three directions from points known as triradii, the other indicates the former location of the pads by whorls and other patterns, and that of the folds by the arms of embracing triradii. Thus in the field-mouse (Fig. 24, a) there are present four interdigital pads, the first situated im- mediately below the interval between thumb and index, the second below the interval between the latter and digit III, and so on. Each of these is inclosed by folds of skin which diverge in three directions from points known as triradii, and there are three triradii about each pad except the third, which possesses a fourth one, located between digits III and IV. Below these lie the thenar and hypothenar pads, the folds of which are often well marked, though not especially so in this case. The apical pads at the ends of the digits also possess folds, not well shown in the figure, with two triradii, one upon each side. Turning now to the paws of Macacus, a small monkey (Fig. 24, b), in which the relief has been reduced to a flat surface, each of the above features (except the thenar in this especial case) is expressed by the configuration of the ridges, as indicated in the figure. The ridges essential in marking the palm are represented by" solid lines, although in reality not different from the rest. Each pad is represented by a figure or pattern, of which the four interdigital are the HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY most typical, and are in the form of concentric circles, the center coincident with the summit of the pad. The spiral form II IV FIG. 24. Ventral surface of anterior chiridium of an insectivore and of a primate showing correspondence between relief and arrangement of friction ridges. [After Miss WHIPPLE.] (a) Crocidura caerulea (shrew-mouse). Fore paw showing walking-pads enclosed by triangular folds of skin, (b) Macacus sp? (Old World monkey). Hand, covered by friction ridges, the arrangement of which corresponds to the relief of (a). The pads are represented by concentric circles, and the triangular folds by triradii. These latter features are here designated by heavy lines, although in the real object they are not more conspicuous than the others. of the hypothenar is a degeneration from the primitive type, to which it is connected by the existence of transitional forms, either in other individuals of the same species or in different THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 93 species. The thenar pattern has here become entirely re- duced, but is often present. The apical patterns are also modified, but in a lateral view would show the triradii. Inasmuch, however, as in the Primate hand and foot the ridges are still of considerable functional importance, they are apt to become modified at each point of the surface in ac- cordance with the use of that point, and it thus happens that in different species and in different parts of the surface there are varying degrees of faithfulness to the ancient records. Thus in Macacus the use of the hand is such that thenar, hypotheriar and apical pads tend to degenerate, while the in- terdigitals are preserved in their typical relations, while in the human hand the reverse is the case, and the apical patterns are nearly always well marked, and often in the form of typical whorls with two lateral triradii ; while the interdigital patterns are usually lost or obscurely indicated. A hypothenar pattern is frequent, especially in the white race, and occasionally oc- curs as a whorl with three triradii ; but the thenar is of rare occurrence, and then usually associated with the first interdigi- tal. These changes are in part explained by the tendency of the ridges to assume an approximately transverse direction, a tendency in which the right hand has surpassed the left, owing to the long preferential use of the former. In the human foot the apical patterns are about as well marked as in the hand, but with a smaller percentage of the primitive whorl type ; the four interdigital pads are fairly well indicated and often appear in infants as rounded elevations. Of .these the most constant is .the first, placed on the balPof the foot below the great toe, and is frequently of the whorl type, occasionally with three triradii; the primitive condition again corresponding to the functional importance of the region which here bears the main force of the body during a portion of each step. The hypothenar is occasionally indicated by a loop on the outer edge, but the thenar is practically lost. An additional loop, of uncertain morphological significance, occasionally occurs on the heel. 94 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY FIG. 25. Print of right hand of boy (Anglo-American), showing a com- plete set of friction-skin patterns. I, II, III, IV, the four interdigitals; a, the thenar; b, the hypothenar; the five apical patterns (not lettered) are seen on the finger-tips. THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 95 It thus appears that, aside from the sporadic distribution of scales in various mammals, the palmar and plantar surfaces, save in the most modified cases (Ungulates, Cetacea), gre^ covered with scale elements, either distinct or united in rows to form ridges; and, furthermore, that in other parts of the body the hair follicles occur in definite groups, arranged in alternate series; facts that can be interpreted only as indica- tive of the former presence of a scaly coat. That this stage is actually passed through in embryo mam- mals has not as yet been definitely determined, but some cir- cumstances seem to indicate that the vestiges of this covering may be looked for in the epitrichium, which is a superficial epidermic formation without definite structure so far as is known. This at one time covers the surface, but save in the palmar and plantar regions disintegrates and disappears ; con- tributing in man to the formation of the vernix caseosa, found upon the surface of the new-born infant. Upon the palms and soles, however, at least in man, where it has been mainly studied, it appears to persist and take part in the formation of the friction ridges. This brings with it the suggestion that the epitrichium rep- resents the primitive scaly coat of ancestral mammals, greater part of which becomes lost by an embryonal ecd\sis. How this epitrichium appears and what its fate is on surfaces where scales persist, other than the palms and soles, or in the few scaled mammals, is not known; but in the sloths and ant-eaters, nearly related to the last, it is especially firm and remains until birth as a definite covering. In many mammals the similarity to a moulting external layer is increased by the presence of a thick layer over the nails or claws, continuous with the epitrichium, and cast off with it, the eponychium. The hair, which forms the characteristic coat of present-day mammals, may be safely considered as once accessory to a covering of scales, which it has secondarily replaced, as ex- plained in the foregoing, but this does not account for its origin, or suggest its primary function. An attempt has been made to homologize hairs with the integumental sense organs 9 6 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of amphibians, owing to a similarity in the early stages of development; but although this view may receive some little extra support from the considerable degree of sensitiveness Str.C Str.muc Cutisf Layerl FIG. 26. Development of hair. sir. c, stratum corneum; str. mite., stratum germinativum; seb, sebaceous gland; fol, follicle; out, outer root sheath; in, inner root sheath; G, hair germ; d, beginning hair; pap, corium papilla. which some hairs attain, the evidence in favor of it is slight, and the idea does not .receive general credence. It seems likely that the hair developed subsequently to the scales and THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 97 not before them, and may have exercised some function of protection, possibly that of a fringe upon or near the free edges to prevent the accumulation of dirt in the folds where they overlap, a purpose for which organs of similar appear- ance but of different origin are frequently employed in in- sects and crustaceans. In development the hair is wholly epidermic, formed by the stratum germinativum, but dips down into the corium in the form of a solid column of rapidly proliferating cells, the outer layer of which soon differentiates into a sheath or follicle, while the inner cells become horny and form a shaft which projects beyond the surface and becomes the hair. Growth is constantly kept up at the bottom of the follicle, and proceeds from a small area of actively proliferating cells which are nourished by a corium papilla and form the true root, or matrix, of the hair. From an inspection of the fol- lowing figure (Fig. 26), it becomes evident that this matrix is merely a specialized portion of the stratum germinativum and that the hair consists of the upper layers derived from it, and renewed from beneath as in the superficial skin. When a hair is pulled out, the break usually occurs immediately above the matrix, and the lost portion involves the hair, the epider- mic sheath, and quite often the follicular sheath as well, parts that are easily regenerated so long as the matrix remains. Associated with this structure are typically two sorts of glands, tubular and acinous, which are formed as outpushings from the sides of the follicle and grow down into the corium. These develop in various mammals to subserve many different pur- poses, often becoming dissociated from the original connec- tion with the hair. To these two types all forms of integu- mental glands occurring in mammals may be referred. Their modifications and transformations may be considered later. The occurrence and distribution of the hair are. in strict ac- cordance with the needs of the animal, and show great dif- ferences, corresponding to the various environments to which mammals have become adapted. The hair may differ in length, in caliber, in thickness (/. e., the number of groups in 98 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY a given area), in texture, or in form; it may be increased to a thick, matted wool, or may show every degree of reduction down to a total loss. It may develop into bristles, as in the hog, or even form spines, as in the hedgehog and porcupine, although this latter result is usually brought about by the con- fluence of numerous individual hairs. The " horn " of the rhinoceros is such a structure, and not a true horn. Many variations in thickness are brought about by modifications in the hair groups, or by the interpolation of supernumerary hairs independent of the group system. In the former case the num- ber of single hairs in each group may be increased, or each primary hair may be represented by a bundle ; or again, each primary hair may be accompanied by a series of accessory hairs, arranged as satellites about the former. In the latter case there is usually a marked difference between the hairs that are included in the primary system and those that are not, as is seen in the case of the hog, in which there are two sizes of bristles, coarse ones in groups, and finer ones interpolated without system (Fig. 20, c). It may be said in general that arctic forms and those liv- ing at high altitudes are the most plentifully supplied with hair, while tropical and sub-tropical forms are sparsely cov- ered. An aquatic life tends to reduce the hair coat; if the animal is but semi-aquatic, as seals and otters, the hair is reduced to the form of a fine plush, but in the Cetacea and Sirenia, which are wholly aquatic, the reduction is almost a complete one. Many apes are but scantily supplied with hair, the ventral side of body and limbs being but sparsely covered, while the upper part of the face and ears are nearly bare. The same tendency is continued farther in Man, who shows considerable racial variation, ranging from the hairy Airius and certain hairy individuals in the white race to the smooth and beardless Malays. That Man was formerly sup- plied with a thick coat of hair, however, is shown by the fetal condition, at one stage of which the entire body, not excepting the face, is covered by a coat of fine down, the lanugo. This mainly disappears before birth, and becomes eventually re- THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 99 placed by the permanent coat, which usually shows but slight development save in certain definite localities. The lanugo persists in a reduced condition on the face, especially in females, forming the down which gives to the cheeks their character- istic bloom. Abnormal hairiness in man, or hypertrichosis, is fortunately rare, and is of two kinds ; the one, hypertricho- sis vera, is due to an excessive growth of the permanent coat which replaces the lanugo; the other, psendohypertrichosis, is the result of the persistence of the lanugo. Localized hypertrophy in various mammals in the form of manes, crests or tufts of hair, is of frequent occurrence and is used for various purposes, such as defense from flies or other noxious insects, attraction of the other sex, or as a pro- tection from the teeth of rivals. Under this general head come also the beard of man, which corresponds in position and direction to that found in other primates, and the long hair of the head. The other locations in Man in which long hair occurs, the axillary and pubic regions, do not seem to belong here, and probably represent portions that escaped reduction rather than hypertrophy. The obvious function of the cranial hair is a protection from the sun, and its location suggests that it is developed with reference to the erect and not the quadrupedal position, in which latter case it would have extended farther down the back. The axillary and pubic tufts may be for lessening the friction between the limbs dur- ing motion ; it has been also suggested that they possessed a use in transitional forms in furnishing places to which the infant might cling, thus leaving the arms of the parent free for climbing. In support of this latter view it may be noticed that the distances between these locations correspond approxi- mately to the proportions of a normal infant, and that an in- fant thus attached is also in the right position for nursing. Aside from differences in caliber and length, the hair of vari- ous mammals differs markedly in structure, in color, in the shape of its cross-sections in various places and in the shape assumed by each hair. In structure a hair consists of a firmer cortex of varying thickness enclosing a softer medulla; a ioo HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY single layer of epidermic cells covers the cortex externally. Differences in color and luster are due to the amount of pig- ment in the cortex, the sculpture of the epidermic covering and the presence or absence of air in the medulla. The cells of the epidermic covering may fit smoothly upon one another or may project like scales. A typical illustration of this latter case is that found in wool, and by virtue of this peculiarity the separate hairs may be made to cling together by causing the minute teeth to interlock, a result effected throught the act of spinning. To this peculiarity the possi- bility of wool as a textile fabric is due. In Man there is much racial variation in the hair of the head, a character of considerable value in ethnology. The degree of waviness or curliness is due to the shape of the single hairs; if they are cylindrical, that is, circular in cross- section, they are perfectly straight, as in the typical Mongo- lian ; a slight degree of flatness with an elliptical cross-section, allows the hairs to become wavy, as in many Europeans; if more flat, they are curly, and if very flat, the hairs are woolly, as in the Negroes. In this last class there are two subdivisions, the Eriocomi, where the hair is evenly dis- tributed, making a solid mat, and the Lophocomi, the " che- veux en grains de poivre," in which the hair is collected into little tufts with partings between them. This latter pe- culiarity is seen in adult Bushmen and Hottentots and in the children of most other negro races. The degree of flatness of the cross-section is expressed by an index in which the longer diameter is considered unity and the shorter is compared with it in the form of a decimal fraction. Thus, in a perfectly cylindrical hair, the index would be ioo, in one in which the breadth of the oval is half the length the index would be 50. As a matter of fact there is no index so high as ioo, but it ranges between 85, that of the Japanese, and 40-50, that of the Hottentots. In Euro- peans it varies between 62 and 72. In length the hair varies greatly, straight hair being the longest and woolly hair the shortest. In races with either extreme (straight or woolly) THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELSTON i6i the hair of the two sexes is of equal length, but in those with wavy or curly hair that of the female considerably exceeds in length that of the male. The hair exhibits a definite slant or direction of groivth, which varies in different parts of the body, so that one may speak of hair-streams or hair-currents. This direction is the one shown by the follicle and by the hair immediately after its emergence from the skin, and is entirely unrelated to the various directions which the free masses may temporarily assume under the influences of gravitation, wind, or other external forces. It is thus best seen in animals with a coat of short, appressed hair, like horses or short-haired dogs, and is often quite obscured in those with long hair, or in those with soft, plush-like fur, like seals and moles. In these latter, however, it may be accurately ascertained by shaving or clip- ping the hair. In general it may be said that a given area shows a defi- nite direction, the lines of which may be parallel or some- what divergent, two adjacent areas being separated either by a parting, where the streams diverge from one another, or by a raised crest or seam where they converge. At certain points special features may be noticed, the most important of which are the vortex or whorl, the rhomboid and the feath- ering. In the vortex variously directed hair currents unite to form a spiral figure, which either converges to form a central tuft, convergent vortex, or starts at the center and diverges, divergent vortex. The first type of vortex often marks a point at which some projecting organ is later to ap- pear, as at the corners of the forehead in the calf before the appearance of the horns ; or else one where a former pro- jecting organ has disappeared, as at the umbilicus; but, on the other hand, there are numerous instances where such a rela- tionship cannot be established. The significance of the second type is unknown. Either type may form either a right- or a left-handed spiral (clockwise or contra-clockwise). A rhom- boid is an open space of the shape designated by the name, and appears where the corners of four areas meet. It is thus IQ-2 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY FIG. 27. Hair direction in human fetus. [After VOIGT.] The black lines designate the lines of parting, the arrows show the direction of the hair currents. Rhomboids and vortices are also shown. THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 103 always so arranged that the hairs converge at two opposite corners and diverge at the other two. A feathering is a spe- cial form of area, usually more extensive than the two last, occurring only in association with a vortex, of which it forms a continuation in one direction. It is in the form of a long and narrow ellipse, and the hair currents run along a central axis and diverge to the margin. All of the above forms may be readily seen upon our do- mestic animals, and are often well marked in man, especially in individuals whose skin is covered with very short appressed hairs. An especially good object is the broad, square chest of the bull-dog, on which are usually three vortices and three rhomboids ; a vortex above and a rhomboid below in the me- dian line, a lateral rhomboid on each side of the vortex, and a lateral vortex on each side of the rhomboid. Aside from these there occurs a vortex on each elbow, usually one on each side of the neck, and upon the hinder parts a pair of especially conspicuous vortices, above which, at the base of the tail, are two rhomboids. Individual variation may show depar- tures from this description. In Man the various features are present and often well marked, but as they require for their expression a certain grade of pilosity, they are usually overlooked. Here, also, as in other animals, there is considerable individual variation, and a feature marked on one person may be absent on another ; the two sides, also, are not necessarily symmetrical. The most conspicuous vortex is the one at the crown of the head, easily observed in boys with short hair. This may be either clockwise or contra-clockwise, and seems to follow no rule in this respect. Other vortices occur above the angle of the jaw and in front of the axilla. Rhomboids occur along the mid-ventral line; one of them is situated at the angle between the throat and the chin, immediately above the thy- reoid protuberance, a second at the anterior end of the sternum, and a third on the abdomen, midway between the umbilicus and the pubic eminence. A rhomboid is found constantly upon the lower part of the ulna, a little above the wrist. 104 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The study of hair direction has excited an occasional inter- est among morphologists, and a number of theories have been advanced to explain the origin of the various features, but there has been as yet too little morphological work in this field to allow much theorizing or to serve as a basis for definite con- clusions. The general tendency of the hair to slope backwards from the point of the nose to the end of the tail suggests the influence of the air-currents upon a rapidly moving body, or at least an adaptation to them, the same phenomenon being strikingly exhibited by the direction of feathers in birds, and that of scales in reptiles; in the same way the general down- ward slope of the hair along the sides of quadrupeds suggests the influence of gravitation, especially when taken in connec- tion with the apparent hair direction in the sloth, which shows a parting along the mid-ventral line and is directed ventro- dorsally, as if in correlation with the customary inverted posi- tion of the animal. In opposition to this, however, it may be pointed out that in certain areas the direction is the reverse of that which either of the above forces would produce, and as for the case of the sloth, the direction observed may be that assumed by the long hair after emerging from the surface, since the direction of the follicles seems never to have been investigated. Darwin's well-known attempt to attribute the hair direction on the human arms to the direct influence of tropical rains upon the arms of simians, when held above the head for protection, is at variance with the facts, and hence must be dismissed from the discussion. Recently a new line of explanation has been sought in the influence of underlying parts, especially that of the sub-cutane- ous muscles, the constant traction of which influences the hair follicles over definite areas, but this idea cannot as yet be con- sidered to have passed the stage of a vague hypothesis, especially since many of the observations are fallacious, and hence have no weight in establishing the conclusions. It seems likely, since the hairs originated in association with a complete coat of scales and at a time which must be designated as premammalian, and since the original hair direc- THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 105 tion must have been the same as that of the scales which pre- ceded them, that this original "direction would have been retained after the loss of the scales, and that the hereditary transmission of this may account for at least a general plan underlying the variations occurring in the mammals of the present day. The existence of individual variations, known to be considerable in man and certain domestic animals, points to a diminution of the original functional importance, which has become no longer sufficient to retain the various features at a definite standard. Aside from the formation of horny scales, feathers, and hair, the epidermis produces numerous other organs composed of keratin, and fitted for various uses. The most of these appear as isolated instances to subserve a particular purpose in a small group of animals, 'but in one case, that of claws or nails, the organs are possessed by both Sauropsida and Mam- malia and form a strictly homologous series throughout, which presents some interesting modifications. The first employment of this substance in this locality appears to be in the dog-fish, where the fins are lengthened beyond the limits of the fish skeleton by numerous horn threads, set close together and forming two series, overlapping the cartilaginous rays on each side. Otherwise there is little use of keratin among fishes and almost none at all among amphibians, unless there be included a certain form of wart found in toads and due to the local thickening of the stratum corneum. One species of salamander also (Siren) possesses horny plates in the mouth, serving the purpose of teeth. In turtles, a dorsal carapace and a ventral plastron are formed from parts of the endoskeleton, with the addition of dermal elements, and these are covered by large plates of keratin, the so-called " tortoise-shell." The jaws of the same animal are also covered with horny plates equipped with a sharp cutting edge, and a precisely similar formation produces the charac- teristic beak of birds, although it is hardly to be supposed that the two structures are genetically connected. Aside from the coat of imbricated scales, many reptiles possess horns, io6 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY crests and other cornified structures, many of which are un- doubtedly scale modifications; and in birds there are occa- sionally horny structures, often with a core of bone, like the spurs of the game cock, of doubtful morphological value. The lower legs and feet of birds are encased by a horny epidermis, a part of which is covered by definite scales, while other parts of it are divided by grooves into square or polygonal areas. The skin of crocodiles is marked in much the same way and does not form overlapping scales, yet it is highly probable that in both cases the areas separated are the equivalent of scales, since overlapping is not a necessary characteristic of these organs. In mammals there are many special organs composed of keratin. The " whalebone " of whales is derived from the epidermis of the hard palate and forms a thick fringe which hangs from the upper jaw and is employed as a strainer. There are three types of horns: that of the rhinoceros, formed by a coalescence of numerous keratin fibers, probably the morphological equivalent of hairs; the hollow type found in some ruminants, in which a hollow keratin structure is fitted over a core of bone; and, thirdly, the solid horn of deer and antelopes, where the final structure is composed of the bony core alone, the epidermis being represented by the " velvet/* an external covering which atrophies after the horn is com- pleted and is rubbed off by the animal. Thus this last, in its final condition, cannot be counted among epidermic structures. In reptiles, birds and mammals the ends of the digits are armed by horny structures, strictly homologous throughout, although variously denominated as claws, nails or hoofs, in accordance with their shape. In the typical claw (Fig. 28, a) the parts to be noted are the convex dorsal plate (Krallen- platte), the concave ventral plate (Sohlenhorn) and the apical pads of the digit (Zehenballen). In the sauropsidan claw (a) the two plates are of about equal importance and the terminal pad is represented by an unmodified scale or by several scales. In the typical mammalian claw (b) the ventral plate is somewhat reduced and the terminal pad is well developed THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 107 and covered with friction-ridges. In monkeys (d) the dorsal plate is flatter and broader as an adaptation to the prehensile hand or foot and does not project much beyond the end of the digit; the ventral plate is much reduced in extent and is not very horny, and the terminal pad has decreased in volume and is indicated mainly by the friction-ridges, which are in the form of a loop or whorl. The extreme of this line of develop- FIG. 28. Diagrammatic longitudinal sections through digits of various mammals, to illustrate the morphology of claws, hoofs, and nails, [(a), after GEGENBAUR; (b)-(e), after BOAS.] (a) Echidna, (b) Typical unguiculate. (c) Horse, (d) Monkey, (e) Man. The dorsal plate is represented by solid black; the ventral plate is striped. The bones are dotted. ment is reached by man (e) in which the last remnant of the ventral plate appears in the narrow strip of skin between the inner surface of the nail (i e., the dorsal plate) and a terminal fold where the friction-ridges commence. The terminal pad is much as in monkeys. In the hoofed quadruped another line of development is shown (c) in which the ventral plate forms a horny, though rather soft, surface for contact with the ground. There is no pad, and the soft integument represent- ing that area lies behind the hoof, continuous with the ventral plate. Glands occur in the integument of all vertebrates, profusely in fishes, amphibians and mammals, rarely and strictly local- ized in the sauropsida. They are always derived from the stratum germinativum of the epidermis and vary greatly in io8 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY complexity of development and in the nature of their secre- tion. The principles underlying gland formation are very simple, and may be briefly considered in this place before taking up in detail their occurrence and distribution in verte- FIG. 29. Diagrams of various types of glands, shown as invaginations from a layer of indifferent epithelium. (a) represents a region in which certain of the surface cells are differentiated as unicellular glands. (b) is a simple tubular gland and (c) a simple acinous gland, each formed from a complex of gland cells. Tubular glands may become coiled (d), or branched (e). Acinous glands may consist of a single acinus, as in (c), or of several, as in (f). A still greater complexity is seen in (g), where each acinus possesses its own excurrent duct, all being collected into a common duct which leads to a single outlet. brate integument. The protoplasm of all cells has the power of storing up some form of secondary material, metaplasm, extracted from the materials supplied to it, and a gland cell differs from another mainly in the fact that its metaplasm is of use to some other part of the organism and that its chief value to the organism lies in the material which it produces. THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 109 Usually also a gland cell, specialized as it were in this direc- tion, secretes these products in greater abundance than in the case of other cells. As a single cell may thus have all the attri- butes of a gland, the simplest glands are composed of but one such elementary unit and are unicellular. Such simple glands are of extensive occurrence among animals and are generally used where a surface is to be kept uniformly moistened with some secretion, as a protection against water or air, and \yhere there is no special auxiliary structure, like the eyelids of land vertebrates, to insure an even distribution. The majority of glands, however, are multicellular and represent various solu- tions of the problems of how to increase the physiological efficiency within a definite space, i. e., how to increase the effective secreting surface without increasing the mass. The diagrams in Fig. 29 represent various solutions of this prob- lem, as well as varying degrees of physiological efficiency, the most complex form being in general the most successful. Be- ginning with single cells opening upon a free surface it is evident that the efficiency increases with the number of gland cells in a given space, the limit of this type being reached when all the cells have become thus employed. If, however, the problem allows the utilization of a certain amount of depth, the efficiency may become much increased by folding or invaginating portions of the original surface below the general level, either in the form of tubules (b) or flask-shaped glo- bules, acini (c). Each of these primary types may become still further complicated in several ways. The tubular form may become convoluted (d) or branched (e), and the acinous form may develop secondary acini (f). Through a slight cellular differentiation the cells nearest the outlet of the gland may become flattened and form a non-secreting duct through which may pass the fluid manufactured in the secretory por- tion. This principle may be extended to the secondary acini, and when these latter become profusely multiplied, the result is a definitely localized and very effective organ, as in (g). These varied forms are not sharply defined, and even the fundamental types of tubular and acinous glands may grade i io HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY into one another in such a way as to make the classification indeterminate. Glands may be also divided according to their method of furnishing the secretion, since some cells, when surcharged, liberate their fluid by bursting, and thus become destroyed, while others allow their secretion to pass through their walls, retaining their physiological life for an indefinite period. In the former case the supply of cells is kept up by a constant prolifer- ation from a zone of growth ; in the other case the community of cells retains its identity. The glands in the former case are termed necrobiotic, in the other they are vitally secretory. This physiological distinction is often of use in determining homologies at times when the structure is non-committal or misleading. Unlike most other structures, the integumental glands of vertebrates do not appear to have a continuous history in the various Classes, but are developed in each Class, or even in specific cases, to suit the needs of particular environ- ment or habits. In fishes and amphibians the main function of integumental glands is to secrete a protective slime, to defend the surface from the action of the water, to which, as a secondary function, probably accidental at first, there is often added to the secretion some acrid or even actively poisonous quality, for defense against predaceous animals. The glands supplying this function are often of the unicellular type, with a narrowed neck at the surface, and called beaker cells from their shape; the simple acinous type, in the form of flask- shaped glands, is widely distributed among amphibians, where the glands often occur in clusters, causing a conspicuous pro- tuberance. The integument of the Sauropsida is characterized by an almost complete absence of glands, certain special ones appearing in definite localities and employed for some special purpose. Such are the cloacal glands of snakes, which secrete for defensive purposes a milky fluid having a nauseating odor, and the musk glands of certain turtles, which may be defensive or used as a sexual allurement. In the males of certain lizards a single line of glands opens along a definite row of scales on THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON in the inner aspect of the femora; at the time of pairing these secrete a gummy fluid which hardens into short spines or teeth, employed during copulation. In birds the sole integumental Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum }- Epidermis Stratum mucosum j - Corium FIG. 30. Typical mammalian hair with its accessory parts. [After WEBER.] 67. ac., acinous gland, usually sebaceous; GL tb., tubular gland, usually per- spiratory in function; M, ar. piL, arrector pilarum muscle. gland is the uropygial, a compound mass situated on the dorsal aspect of the tail rudiment, and secreting an oily fluid used for anointing the feathers. In mammals, the skin is, as a rule, profusely glandular, and the glands possess the highest degree of physiological dif- ferentiation. In spite of their diversity, however, they may H2 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY all be referred to two primary forms, each originally de- veloped in association with a hair. This primitive condition is still common, though often with some slight modifications, and is shown in diagrammatic form in Fig. 30. The glands arise as outpushings from the wall of the follicle, into which they empty. One of these types is a long, slender tube, often convoluted at its free end, a tubular gland; the other short and somewhat lobed, an acinous gland. Aside from this morphological distinction the tubular gland is vitally secre- tory, the acinous necrobiotic. As a secondary modification either type may exist without a hair, but such cases are excep- tional. It seems likely that such a complex as that represented in the figure was originally associated, as are the hairs, with the primary scales, one for each, the glands being associated with the median hair only, but this cannot as yet be definitely asserted. Each of the two glandular elements is capable of great mod- ifications, both morphologically and physiologically. The tubular type is not always convoluted, but may be straight and simple, or branched. Its characteristic secretion is a thin, colorless, watery fluid, the perspiration or sweat, but it is viscous and reddish in the hippopotamus and albuminous and of a blue color in Cephalophus, a South African antelope. A much modified form of these glands furnishes the thick and oily ear-wax. In distribution these glands are often found over the entire body (hippopotamus, bear), but may be strictly localized, as in most rodents, where they are found mostly on the ventral surface of the paws. They fail entirely in the two aquatic orders of Sirenia and Cetacea, also in Manis, in a sloth (Chol&pus), and an insectivore (Chrysochloris). They are usually found on the palmar and plantar surfaces, where, in man and the monkeys, their openings are readily seen at regular intervals along the middle line of the friction ridges. In this location, by moistening the ridges, they undoubtedly assist the firmness of the grasp, often a factor of vital im- portance in an arboreal animal. When distributed over the general surface and yielding the customary colorless watery THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 113 fluid, these glands are usually called sweat glands (glandular sudoriparc?), but enough has been said to show that this term is too limited to be employed in general. In Man, where they fulfill this function, they do not appear to be evenly distributed, and there seem to be individual differences in the extent and copiousness of the secretion. As it has been found that these glands rarely occur in the integument of the Fuegians, there are undoubtedly marked racial differences, but there is, a,t present, little knowledge upon this point. The primary use of the second, or acinous, type of integu- mental gland seems to be to furnish an oily secretion for the lubrication of the hair, forming the sebaceous glands; and cor- responding to this use, they appear less inclined than does the other type to become disassociated from a hair follicle. Modified forms do occur, however, often unconnected with hair follicles, and modified in their secretion to subserve some special use. Such are the tar sal [meibomian] glands of the eyelid, which are properly the hypertrophied sebaceous glands of the eyelashes, whose purpose it is to supply a line of oil for the edges of the lids and thus prevent the overflow of tears. Other modified forms of this type are found at the orifices of the body, as the lips, the anus, and upon the external genitals (Tyson's glands, preputial glands, etc.). Corresponding to their primary function as sebaceous glands, they are wanting in Cetacea and in adult Sirenia ; the scale-covered Mqnis retains only the modified orificial glands. They are, however, wholly wanting in some sloths (Cholcepus) and in an African insec- tivore (Chrysochloris), the same animals in which the'glands of the tubular type are also wanting. Aside from these small, generally distributed, glands, the integument of mammals is especially characterized by the oc- currence of localized masses of glands, often voluminous in size and furnishing a secretion intended for a special purpose. The elements of which these masses are composed are some- times of the tubular and sometimes of the acinous type, or of both sorts together. Of these the anal sacs are widely dis- tributed, composed mainly of tubular glands, and forming ii4 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY from two to five sacs which open into the rectum immediately within the anus, from which in some cases they may be pro- truded by being turned inside out. The best known of these are the two lateral ones of the skunk, weasel, and allied forms, which are covered with a muscular layer derived from the levator ani muscle, and secrete an ill-smelling fluid as defense. Other similar glands secrete odoriferous fluids employed as a mode of sexual attraction, some of which are agreeable to man and are used in the manufacture of perfumes (musk, civet). In their simplest form such glands open separately, but near together, the surface covered by the opening being designated as a glandular area, usually free from hair or nearly so ; but in many cases this glandular area becomes depressed and forms a sac or bursa sunken beneath the surface and serving at times as a reservoir for the secretion. It is as such a structure that the mammary or milk glands, so characteristic of the Class of Mammalia, have arisen, and their appearance in the momo- treme, Echidna, exhibits nearly their original condition. The female of this animal possesses upon the ventral side an integu- mental pouch, the marsupium, in which the eggs are placed, and in which the young are nurtured when hatched. Opening into the sides of this pouch is a pair of glandular sacs or pouches, supplied with glands which are probably of the tubu- lar type, although long supposed to be acinous. These sacs are the mammary pockets, at the bottom of which lies the glandular area with its numerous openings. The secretion, which is a form of milk, pours out into the pockets, where it is taken up by the young. There are no traces of nipples, but the lips of the sac, the corium wall, fit around the nose of the young and prevent loss (Fig. 31, a). A slight advance is seen in the young Halmaturus, a marsupial, where the mammary pocket is deeper, and a rudimentary nipple is formed by the elevation of the middle of the glandular area at the bottom (d). This structure is still further developed in the young opossum (e), and in this latter animal the functional activity of these organs causes the complete extrusion of the nipples, and the mammary pocket is lost (f). THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 115 This type of nipple, in reality a mammary pocket turned inside out, is the most usual among the higher animals. In it the glandular area forms the nipple itself, while the corium wall, the rampart-like lip of the pocket, becomes the areola, a circular FIG. 31. Morphology of nipples. [After WEBER.] (a) Primary condition, as in Echidna. (b) Embryo calf, comparable with the condition seen in (a). (c) Cow (adult) showing " false " nipple produced by the prolongation of the cutis wall, (d) Halmaturus (a marsupial) previous to lactation, (e) Didelphys (a marsupial) previous to lactation, (f) Didelphys during lactation, showing " true " nipple, produced by the eversion of the mammary pocket. In all th'e figures the area glandularis, *. e., the surface of the 'mammary pocket, is represented by a dotted line; the cutis wall by a full line. The branching lines opening either at the bottom of the depression or at the summit of the elevation, are the milk gland*. area of modified skin surrounding the nipple. Quite another type of nipple, though derived equally with the former from the mammary pocket of the Echidna, is that occurring in ruminants. In this the glandular area remains at the bottom of the pocket, while the surrounding corium wall becomes ele- vated more and more until a long pendulous nipple is formed from that (Fig. 31, b and c). The mammary pocket is here retained as a long lactiferous duct running through the nipple. In many placental mammals the earliest embryonic indication of the mammary glands consists of a lateral ridge, n6 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY extending from axilla to groin, occupying the position of a future row of nipples. By the suppression of this mammary ridge at regular intervals there arises a series of elevations which at first sight appear to be the nipples, but which become secondarily reduced and eventually come to form actual de- pressions. These are evidently the ontogenetic repetitions of the mammary pockets, since from these, after the manner detailed above, the true nipples arise, faithfully repeating the stages shown in Fig. 31. The mammary ridge perhaps repre- sents the wall of the marsupium or pouch, thus suggesting that the placental mammals have been derived from ancestors which possessed a marsupium. The conclusion is not neces- sary, however, that these ancestors were the Didelphia of the present day, but that the common ancestors of both modern types of mammals, marsupial and placental, possessed this organ, and that the Didelphia have retained it as a functional organ, while in the Monodelphia but few traces remain. The occurrence of a marsupium among the monotremes, the only living representatives of the Prototheria, points to the same thing. (See Fig. 8, and the accompanying text.) The number and position of the nipples vary much in the different groups of monodelphic mammals, and furnish a series of illustrations of adaptation, both to the habits of life and the number of the young. In that type which appears to be the most primitive, there is a series of nipples arranged in a lateral row upon either side and extending from axilla to groin. In this case, as in pigs, most carnivora, and many rodents, the animal lies upon one side while nursing. By the suppression of the anterior end of this series inguinal mamma are produced, as in ungulates, which nurse their young while standing erect. In the Cetacea the single pair of inguinal nipples lies in the bottom of a pocket, not the primitive one of the Echidna, but one secondarily developed to solve the prob- lem of nursing under water. The lips of this pocket fit tightly about the snout of the young, which can suckle beneath the surface, being at the same time able to breathe through the nostrils, which in these animals have migrated backward from THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 117 their primary position. By a suppression of the posterior portion of this series, pectoral mammce are produced, either two pairs, as in some lemurs, or a single pair, as in the majority of primates, and in bats. In the aquatic Sirenia, also, the mammae are pectoral. As they bear but a single young at a time and nurse it by clasping it in the flippers while stand- ing upright in the water, these animals, as suggested by the name, are probably the real origin of the well-nigh universal mermaid myth. The pectoral position is the most convenient for arboreal animals like the Anthropoidea and enables them to carry the offspring in one arm and leave the other free for climbing. In many animals with a restricted number of mammae there have been frequently observed cases of supernumerary nipples or supernumerary mammae. These are termed respectively hyperthelism and hypermastism, and are looked upon as atavistic and indicative of the former development of a com- plete series, of which those normally developed form a part. They are often noted in the adult human subject, and the anlagen of numerous pairs of nipples occur regularly in the embryo. The occurrence of six-nippled sheep that have a tendency to cast two young at a birth has been recently made the subject of experiment with a view to perpetuating the latter peculiarities, and thus form a race adapted to countries with a short summer, like Canada. Whether there is a definite correlation between these two characters, or whether in Man there is any correspondence between hypermastism and a tendency to produce twins, has never been determined. The occasional occurrence of mammae in unusual positions, as on the thigh or the back, as has been noted in the human subject, is a displacement, and not a reversion, and hence has no normal morphological meaning. The occurrence of rudimentary nipples in the male is the rule among placental mammals, but seems not to be the case in monotremes and marsupials. If this be true, this is a definite instance of the hereditary transmission to the male sex of parts that developed first in the female, and formed for a long n8 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY time an exclusive characteristic. Since neither natural selec- tion nor sexual selection could have a part in this transmis- sion, it has been brought forward as a case of the direct trans- mission of an acquired characteristic. It may, however, be a phenomenon similar to the strange series of homologies of the various parts of the reproductive organs, treated in full in Chapter IX., where such an explanation is inadmissable, although at the present time no satisfactory one can be offered. Although usually the only parts of the mammary apparatus to occur in the male are the rudimentary nipples, yet cases of so-called gynecomastism are known, in which well-defined and even functional mammae occur in persons of the male sex, unaccompanied by any sexual abnormality. Pigment is a coloring matter, occurring in the form of granules, and existing in certain cells as a form of metaplasm secreted by them and retained within their substance. These pigment cells are found in both epithelium and connective tissue. Pigment often occurs in the interior of the body, notably in the peritoneum of amphibians, where it lines the ccelom and invests the organs with a brown or even black covering. It occurs in the integument or the integumental structures of all vertebrates except certain white animals, and in albinos, the peculiarity of which consists of a total absence of pigment from all parts of the body. These two cases may be readily distinguished by observing the iris of the eye, which retains its pigment in normally white animals, but lacks it in albinos, giving the eyes a pinkish cast. As a general rule the integument of vertebrates is pigmented when without ac- cessory structures, or when these form an insufficient covering, but in those birds and mammals in which the feathers or hair are respectively sufficient to entirely conceal the skin, these ac- cessory parts receive the color and the integument is unpig- mented. This rule is further emphasized by the fact that bare places, like the head and neck of vultures and the ischial cal- losities of monkeys, or scantily covered places like the entire integument of elephants and rhinoceroses, are pigmented, and occasionally highly colored. THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 119 The pigment of vertebrate integument is usually contained in branching connective tissue cells, produced in the corium, but capable of wandering into the epidermis. In some cases, as in Man and monkeys, the stratum germinativum of the epi- dermis is pigmented, and varying degrees of this are respon- sible for the great variety of skin color in Man. Although the connection is hard to prove, it is a general truth that human races that live in the tropics are the darkest and that the skin grows gradually paler in races nearing the poles, there being a correlation in this respect between skin color and hair color. As instances of this, there may be recalled the sooty blackness of the Sudanese, and the dark color of the aborigi- nes of India, which may be compared with the lighter color of Europeans and northern Asiatics. More convincing cases of this are seen in representatives of the same race ; such as is shown by the contrast between the Italians and Spaniards on the one hand and the Scandinavians on the other, or between the American Indians in Canada and those in Mexico. A similar reduction in pigment is found in people living at high altitudes in comparison with the same race living in the bor- dering lowlands. The importance of these correlations has been repeatedly denied, and there are numerous instances of exceptions, often conspicuous ones like the dark skin and hair of the Eskimo, and at the present state of our knowledge too much cannot be urged on this point. Another point of interest lies in the regions of the body in which the pigmentation is the densest. As a general rule it may be observed, not in vertebrates alone but in invertebrates as well, that the darkest and most deeply colored parts are those that lie uppermost, exposed to the light, while the under parts are lacking in pigment. That this bears no relation to the architecture of the body may be seen in the case of the flounder, a fish that is much compressed laterally and has the habit of lying upon one side at the bottom in rather shallow water. This habitual lower side, which is sometimes the left, sometimes the right, half of the body, is entirely colorless, while the upper side is marked with a complicated pattern 120 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY resembling the sandy or muddy bottom on which the fish lies. This principle is a general one and applies to the distribu- tion of pigment, whether in the integument itself or in its accessory structures, a fact that may be readily seen by com- paring a form with a naked skin, like a frog or a porpoise, with one covered with hair. In terrestrial mammals the dif- ference is not always a marked one and is apt to be greater in short-legged forms that creep close to the ground ; in birds, which in the majority of cases expose nearly the entire surface to the light, the body may apparently be of uniform color, but here the deeper pigmentation is confined to the exposed sur- faces of the feathers, while the portions which are shielded from the sun are less deeply colored or even without pigment. The white ventral surface of aquatic birds like snipe and gulls is a protective coloring and comes under another principle. In man the distribution of pigment is also unequal, the darker areas being, in all races, the back and the dorsal aspect of arms and legs, while the chest and abdomen, the ventral aspect of the limbs, and especially the palms and soles, are lighter in color. This distribution, it will be noticed, corresponds to the influence of the light, when man assumes the quadrupedal, and not the usual human, position. Aside from these general areas, a deep local pigmentation occurs in the axilla and groin, about the anus and the external genitals, and upon the nip- ples and areola, where it is evident that the pigmentation is for some other purpose and can bear no relation to the distribu- tion of light. In this general connection between a darker color and the increase of the sun's light and heat, there must be some physiological advantage which a dense pigmentation gives its possessor, an advantage which seems to be a real one whenever there is a chance for comparison between a black man and a white man in the tropics in regard to their relative power of enduring the heat of the sun. Although the subject is still an obscure one, it seems probable that the presence of a dense layer of pigment in the stratum germinativum effectually prevents the direct action of the light upon the surface capil- THE INTEGUMENT AND THE EXOSKELETON 121 laries, thus allowing them to expand and retain the blood at the surface where the excess of heat can be constantly thrown off. Thus repeated observations have been made in Samoa* when whites and natives have been together and doing the same work, that the skin of the latter would be dry and glow- ing as in a fever, while that of the former was cold and damp. Under these circumstances the Samoans would be constantly giving off heat while the whites were compelled to retain theirs. In the presentation of the above facts in connection with one another, the conclusion seems almost unavoidable that the various conditions are directly due to the solar action upon each individual, and to the propagation of the conditions thus acquired until the physiological advantages become inborn in the race. Although this may seem at first the simpler expla- nation, there are numerous biological facts associated with heredity that seem to render impossible so direct a transmis- sion of somatic peculiarities, and point to a more indirect method of attaining the same end through individual variation and the selection for survival in each generation of those in which the desired peculiarity is the most marked. This ex- planation, however, is in many points as unsatisfactory as the other when applied to this case, since we know that the strug- gle for existence in man has never been severe enough to compel the extinction of individuals differing from others by a shade of color; neither is sexual selection operative here, since among a primitive people all who are not physically unfit become the propagators of the race. The matter must be left at present as one in which the facts are evident but the explana- tion of them obscure; the problem is to be solved sometime, and when solved will offer an explanation of the relation of structure to environment everywhere. * According to Dr. A. Kramer. Die Samoa Inseln, Stuttgart, 1903. CHAPTER V THE ENDOSKELETON ". . . our ' physic ' and ' anatomy ' have embraced such infinite varieties of being, have laid open such new worlds in time and space, have grappled, not unsuccessfully, with such complex problems, that the eyes of Vesalius and of Harvey might be dazzled by the sight of the tree that has grown out of their grain of mustard seed." THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY, in his essay: On the advisableness of improving natural knowledge. AN endoskeleton or internal framework for the support of the muscles and the protection of the viscera is one of the dis- tinguishing characteristics of vertebrates, for with the excep- tion of a few sporadic cases in which internal skeletal parts occur, invertebrates are without such a system. The verte- brate endoskeleton is a part of the connective tissue system of the body and, in its usual sense, includes only bone and cartil- age, although both developmentally and physiologically the associated ligaments and other connective tissues belong with the former. Primarily the endoskeleton consists of three systems, originally distinct from one another, the axial, the visceral, and the appendicular. The axial__ includes the vertebral column and a large part of the skull ; the visceral includes the lower jaw, certain elements in and about the upper jaw, the hyoid apparatus, and the branchial or gill arches ; and the appendic- ular includes the shoulder and hip girdles and the skeleton of the free limbs. Of these, the axial is the oldest, and is represented in its simplest form by the notochord, although this organ soon yields in functional importance to the connective tissue sheath which enwraps it, from which, in higher forms, the main ele- 122 THE ENDOSKELETON 123 ments of the vertebrae are derived. The notochord, which is endodermic and arises from the primitive alimentary canal in the manner related above, is the only portion of the endo- skeleton not formed from the mesenchyme, and is hence not a FIG. 32. Diagram of vertebrate, showing relation of skeleton to soft parts. AXIAL SKELETON: tr, trabecula; p, parachordal ; d, dermal bones of skull; nt, notochord; np, neuropophyses; hp, haemapophyses. VISCERAL SKELETON: m, mandible; br, branchial arches. APPENDICULAR SKELETON: ga, anterior; d, its dermal element; gp, posterior girdle; x, anterior free limb; y, posterior free limb. SOFT PARTS: nv, nervous system; hy, hypophysis; a, aorta; v, sub-intestinal vein (an embryonic organ) ; int, intestine. connective tissue ; but this becomes gradually replaced by skeletal elements formed from true mesenchymatous tissue, so that in the higher forms the adult skeleton is wholly from this latter source. The notochord seems to have been a very ancient form of endoskeleton, antedating that formed of con- nective tissue and functioning in the immediate ancestors of the present-day vertebrates. It is present in what may be nearly its original condition in Amphioxus, where it appears as a cylindrical rod, extending through the longitudinal axis of the body from end to end. This rod furnishes a certain degree of rigidity and allows the animal to maintain a fixed length, while permitting a considerable amount of flexibility through its elasticity. In about the same condition it appears as a constant organ during the early embryonic life of every vertebrate ; and, although it is usually replaced in great measure by mesenchymatous elements, yet in some fishes, even in those 124 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY as high as ganoids, it retains much of its original appearance and function. Both in Amphioxus and in these forms, as well as in all embryos, it is formed of a semi-gelatinous tissue, often called pre-cartilage, and is surrounded by a firm sheath of connective tissue, which, in those adult forms with a per- sistent notochord, supplies the necessary firmness and rigidity in which particular the notochord alone would be inadequate. This sheath becomes, in fact, of far greater importance than the notochord, and the cartilaginous and osseous tissues formed from it come to encroach more and more upon the yielding tissue within, and eventually supply the main elements used in the construction of the vertebrae. The first stage in this advance is seen in the lamprey and other cyclostomes, where there appear pairs of little cartilages, lying upon the side of the notochord sheath and projecting upwards to protect the nerve cord, which lies along the dorsal side of the notochord. These little cartilages are of two kinds. The primary ones develop from the edges of the intermuscular septa, and are hence intersegmental, a point which is important to remember in connection with the relative position of the vertebrae in higher forms. A secondary set alternate with these, and form intercalary pieces, protecting the intervals between the first set. A second advance over the condition found in Amphioxus is seen in the formation of a head, which, since here the noto- chord no longer extends to the tip of the snout but ends a little behind the plane of the eyes, has been supposed to be in part a transformation of the anterior end, and in part a new formation added anterior to this. Whether this may be safely assumed or not, the anterior termination of the notochord forms in the embryo an important topographical point, the portion of the head along the sides of the notochord being referred to ,as parachordal, and that anterior to it as pra- chordal. The hypophysis, an organ lying in the median line and depending from the lower surface of the brain, lies at the anterior point of 'the notochord, and will thus serve to mark the boundary between these two portions of the head. THE ENDOSKELETON 125 The next few stages in the history of these parts, lying between the condition above described and definite vertebrae, are still somewhat a matter of controversy, since, in the various a c d FIG. 33. Diagrams illustrating a theory of the development of the ver- tebrate. (a) Condition previous to the formation of vertebral anlagen (caudal region). The body is divided into segments by transverse myocommata through which run the notochord, the nerve cord, and the aorta. In the region of the coelom the myocom- mata open ventrally and allow the alimentary canal to pass. There is no trace of bone or cartilage, (b) Later stage, in which skeletal bridges have formed along the edges of the myocommata, both dorsally and ventrally. (c) Detail of stiil later stage, in which the sheath of the notochord has chrondrified (or ossified) at the points where the bridges come in contact with it. (d) Completed vertebrae, formed by the fusion of the elements shown in (c). types of fish, where these stages should be sought, numerous modifications have taken place which are to be explained as 126 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY special adaptations, admirably fitted to the habits and environ- ment of the various species, but covering up the original race- history which we are seeking to interpret. While, then, one cannot be dogmatic about this portion of the history, the fol- lowing seems to be the most likely course of development, and its various stages are to be found, with some little modifica- tion, in living species. It would seem, then, that the primary pairs of neural processes, for the purpose of better fulfilling their mission of protecting the nerve cord, became more elongated until they finally met in the middle line above the nerve cord, thus form- ing a series of intersegmental neural arches, shaped like inverted Vs; and since the aorta, lying immediately beneath the noto- chord, needed a similar protection, other arches became developed for this purpose, situated immediately below the former, and with their points directed downwards. When these two systems of arches were well established, they would naturally seek to secure a firmer attachment to the notochordal sheath by spreading out their bases, and as the two sets of arches, neural and hamal, were opposite each other, each neural arch being associated with its corresponding haemal arch, the enlarged bases would grow together. To support the increasing weight of these parts, the notochordal sheath would then chondrify or ossify beneath these bases in the form of rings, and the fusion of three elements, a neural and a haemal arch and a notochordal ring, would form a vertebra of the type found in the ordinary bony fish. The condition just described, with neural and haemal arches alike, is that found in the tail region, posterior to the visceral cavity, while in the trunk the haemal arches are open and their halves widely divergent, forming the ribs, which embrace the visceral cavity. The rings, whicTTare formed from the notochordal sheath, begin in the center of the future vertebrae, and as they grow, expand along both edges until they come in contact with the preceding and succeeding ones. At the same time, however, the ossification has proceeded inwards as well, re- stricting the notochord, and as the central portion of the ring THE ENDOSKELETON 127 is the oldest, that part becomes the most restricted, often com- pletely severing the notochord at this point, or intra-verte- brally; while the notochord is retained at practically its original caliber at the newest edges of the ring,- or inter-vertebrally. The completed ring, which forms the body or centrum of the vertebra, is cylindrical, with concave ends like the interior of conical cups. Such vertebrae are called amphiccclous (=both ends hollow), and the hollows of the adjacent vertebrae enclose masses of notochord in the form of two cones, placed base to base. Although the above sketch is, in a way, hypothetical, many of the stages described actually occur as the adult condition in various fishes, especially ganoids, and the final condition is exactly shown by the teleosts, as one may have frequent occa- sion to observe. That the evolution of the vertebral column up to this point has been somewhat after the plan here given, may be generally conceded, and it is hoped that important links in the history may be discovered in the field of palaeontol- ogy, which has already furnished us so many valuable records and bridged so many gaps. Above the fish the development of the vertebral column has been, not so much in the acquirement of new elements, as in the regional modification of those already possessed. This is strikingly shown by the comparison of the vertebral column of a fish with that of a reptile or mammal ; in the first of these the vertebrae are all very much alike, while in the second they are differentiated into successive groups, and in cases in which this differentiation has reached its extreme each vertebra may be sufficiently unlike the rest to be identified by the anatomist when isolated, a feat impossible in the former case. This regional differentiation is due chiefly though indirectly to the change of environment from water to land, a change which necessitates the replacement of soft and weak fins by two pairs of firm limbs, and substitutes for the evenly dis- tributed buoyancy of the water a fixed support at two points, the shoulder and hip girdles. In the first land animalsy the limbs were small and weak, and progress was attained trirough 128 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY a sinuous motion of the body. Even here, however, the influ- ence of the limbs would be felt, since they would cling to the surface and thus furnish definite fixed points where the sinu- ous motion of the vertebrae would be lessened. By a gradual increase in the size and strength of the limbs, the animal would attain the power of crawling, that is, of dragging the body over the ground through the action of the limb muscles as well as those of the back, and finally the limbs would become strong enough to bear the entire weight and the body would be lifted wholly above the surface of the ground, thus changing the crawling motion into a true walk. This gradual development of the free limbs is accompanied by important correlated changes in the vertebral column, due in the main to two causes. The first of these is the increased size and functional impor- tance of the limb girdles, or those parts of the limb skeleton enclosed within the body, to which the free part is movably attached, usually by a ball-and-socket joint; and the second is" the increase in size of the proximal limb muscles. As the limbs become larger and stronger, their girdles, i. e. } the proxi- mal portion of their skeleton, feel the need of a stronger sup- port and a more intimate association with the axial skeleton, a need especially felt by the hip-girdle, since here the greater weight is sustained. This girdle, seeking the necessary sup- port, grows dorsally around the body, until it meets the ends of a pair of ribs with which it articulates. In the lower forms the ribs are very short and are borne upon the end of short transverse processes, and the girdle with its dorsally developing process, known as the ilium, the rib, the transverse process, and the vertebra, form a complete chain around the body. At first this association involves but a single vertebra, the location of which is apt to vary. Thus in Necturus] the most primitive salamander now in existence, the hip-girdle is usually attached to the iQth vertebra, counting from the head, but the 2Oth is occasionally employed instead, and two cases have been reported in which the attachment was to the i8th. Cases are also known in which the attachment is oblique, either to the THE ENDOSKELETON 129 on one side and the 2Oth on the other, or to the i8th on one side and the igth on the other. In these low forms this sacral vertebra shows no special modification save that it may be slightly stouter than its fel- lows, and have longer transverse processes and stouter ribs, but as the posterior limbs increase in size and functional power their girdle increases with them and may form similar attach- ment to two or more adjacent vertebrae, which may become more and more modified and form a more or less complete FIG. 34. Variations in the composition of the human sacrum. [After GEGENBAUR.] fusion into a single piece, the sacrum. This anchylosis of adjacent sacral vertebrae is the most complete in birds and in Man, and for the same reason, namely, the employment of the hind limbs alone for the support of the body ; although in the two cases the number and arrangement of the associated parts differs very considerably. Variation in the sacral region is not confined to the lower forms, although it is more frequent in these latter (e. g., Necturus) and becomes relatively stable in the higher and more specialized classes. As shown in Fig. 34, there is varia- tion both in the point of attachment of the hip bones and in the number of vertebrae involved in the composition of the human sacrum, and similar variations have been noted in other mammals. These, like the variation in the number of ribs and in the groups of vertebrae, not infrequent in the human subject, should serve to dispel the idea that the body of man or any 130 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY other animal is formed in accordance with a definite pattern or is constructed upon any other principle save those of hered- ity and environment. The anterior, or pectoral, girdle never becomes directly at- tached to the vertebral column, and consequently the latter receives no direct modification through the development of the former, but the use of this region as a secondary center of support causes a division of function between the vertebrae that lie anterior and posterior to it^the first forming the neck. By the establishment of this point and the sacrum, the two centers of support, the vertebral column becomes divided into regions, the differentiation of which depends upon the degree of development of the limbs and the amount of difference in the function to which these parts are subjected. Beginning anteriorly the vertebrae anterior to the first center of support are the cervical or neck vertebrae, the first one or two of which are especially modified to bear the head and allow of its special motions. The vertebrae between the shoulder-girdle and the sacrum are spoken of in general as the trunk vertebra, and in birds and mammals allow a further subdivision into thoracic and lumbar, the former being provided with free ribs, and the latter being without them. Then follow the sacral vertebra, usually more than one in forms above the amphibia, followed by the caudal vertebra or tail. The correlation between the regional differentiation and the development of the limbs is especially emphasized by such forms as the whales, which have secondarily lost the hind limbs, and snakes, which have lost both pairs, since in the former the deprived region, and in the latter the entire vertebral column, have lost all trace of such differentiation. The second cause of modification of the vertebral column is correlated with the first and is directly due to the increase in size of the limb muscles and their consequent need of broader and stronger points of origin. The limb muscles, in the case of animals with well-developed limbs, are usually broad, fan- shaped sheets, like the trapezius and latissimus dorsi, attached wholly or in part to certain processes of the vertebral column, THE ENDOSKELETON 131 and cause much local differentiation in the varying degrees of development of these processes. Although topographically related to the trunk, and classed with trunk muscles in works on anatomy, they belong morphologically to the limbs, and when these latter are small, as in salamanders, the muscles are small also, seldom extending to the vertebral column, and thus exercise little or no modifying influence upon it. Other modifications of the vertebral column are due to the movement of the body as a whole and to the separate and more or less specialized motions of the head and tail. Thus, to perform the crawling movement of salamanders and most reptiles, where a sinuous motion of the body axis forms the principal mode of locomotion, there must be a large amount of flexibility, especially in regard to lateral movements, be- tween the separate vertebrae; and thus the amphiccelous form of intervertebral articulation, the restricted motion of which proves sufficient for fishes, becomes converted into true ball- and-socket joints by the ossification (or chondrification) of the ball of notochord contained in the cavities between each pair of adjacent cups, and by its anchylosis to one of the con- tiguous vertebrae. This forms the ball; the unmodified cup- shaped end of the other vertebra serves as a socket. The anchylosis of the notochordal balls may take place with either the preceding or the succeeding vertebra ; in the former case each vertebra of the series will have the cup at its anterior, and the ball at its posterior end, forming the type known as precocious, while in the latter case the reverse condition is the result, such vertebrae being designated as opisthoc&lous. Both of these conditions are common among amphibians and reptiles, but with the attainment of limbs sufficiently stout to entirely sustain the weight of the body such a flexibility of the vertebral column is not only unnecessary but becomes a positive detriment, and thus in mammals the vertebrae become accelous, that is, the articulations are reduced to mere flat contact surfaces, and the notochordal balls are transformed into the intervertebral cartilages that serve as cushions. In the cervical vertebrae of many mammals the opisthoccelous 132 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY type of articulation is retained. In birds even this restricted motion is undesirable except in neck and tail, owing to the, use of the entire body as an air-ship which must be held in a rigid position, and the trunk-vertebrse ossify into two completely anchylosed pieces, the first including the thoracic, and the sec- ond the lumbar, sacral, and a part of the caudal, vertebrae. The head is responsible for many modifications of the verte- bral column, developed in part in response to the necessity of turning it in all directions, and in part to the need of lifting it from the ground, or even sustaining it above the level of the rest of the body. Like many others, these problems are as- sociated with a terrestrial environment and are not experienced by fishes, in which the main endeavor is to retain the head in a rigid state as the direct anterior extension of the body axis, since a pliant head would render a change of direction while swimming of almost momentary occurrence and would entirely forbid those quick, arrow-like propulsions upon which most fishes depend for safety and for the successful pursuit of their prey. In the first experience of a terrestrial life, however, all this becomes changed. The turning of the head not only gives an increased power of observation, but is necessary in attack and defense, and thus the vertebrae lying between the skull and the place of support for the anterior limbs become differ- entiated to form a cervical or neck region, the main en- deavor of which is to gain flexibility and increase the mobility of the head. Although in some of the higher terrestrial' vertebrates this power is but little used, in others it develops to an extraordi- nary extent, notably among the birds, in which this is the only part of the vertebral column, except the tail, to which motion is allowed. Here, in some instances, the neck not only becomes extremely flexible, but greatly elongated, accompanied by extraordinary modifications of the trachea and the blood- vessels, in order to accommodate themselves to the rapid changes of shape and position of which the neck becomes capable. On the other hand, certain mammals, like the whales and THE ENDOSKELETON 133 porpoises, and the dugongs or sea-cows, which, having de- scended from terrestrial ancestors, have become, secondarily adapted to an aquatic life, form a remarkable corroboration of the statement that a movable neck is incompatible with a natatory habit, since in these the seven cervical vertebrae, typi- cal of the Mammalia, have become greatly flattened antero- posteriorly, and are either fitted so closely together that but little motion is possible between them, or are even anchylosed into a single piece, thus not only reducing the length of the neck region and approximating the head to the shoulders, but depriving it' of motion, two important piscine charac- teristics. Not only are the intervertebral articulations in the cervical region extremely flexible in general, but that of the first with the skull and the first with the second become especially modi- fied, changes which often profoundly affect the shape of these vertebrae. The first of these articulations is a double modified ball-and-socket joint, the protuberances, or occipital condyles, occurring upon the occipital region of the skull along the lateral edges of the foramen magnum, and fitting into saucer- shaped depressions on the anterior face of the first vertebra, or atlas. In Amphibia and Mammalia these condyles are wide apart and distant from one another, while in reptiles and birds they coalesce in the mid-ventral line and form what appears to be a single median condyle, the two components being usually indicated by a median groove. In all cases the motion between the skull and the atlas is in one plane only and imparts to the head the bowing motion. The turning from side to side is effected by the articulation of the first vertebra with the second, and is due to a curious modification by which the body of the first vertebra remains disconnected from its own neural arch and anchyloses with that of the second vertebra, the axis, forming its pivot-shaped odontoid process, around which the ring-shaped atlas may rotate. This typical relation of the first two vertebrae, occur- ring in reptiles, birds and mammals, is modified in amphibians through a secondary inclusion of the elements of the atlas 134 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY within the skull, leaving the axis with its pivot to serve as the first free vertebra. This bone secondarily acquires artic- ular surfaces to articulate with the lateral condyles. In animals whose limbs are strong enough to sustain the body above the ground the weight of the head and the -necessity of holding it in place beyond the anterior center of support causes considerable modification of the vertebrae, the influences sometimes reaching beyond the middle of the body. In these cases the head is held up in part by muscles, but in mammals there is also an important auxiliary appa- ratus in the form of a strong ligament, the ligamentum nuchce, which extends between the occipital region of the skull and the spinous processes of the cervical and dorsal vertebrae on a principle similiar to that of a check rein. In mammals with large and heavy heads, especially when the weight is augmented by voluminous horns or large tusks, the weight sustained by this ligament becomes enormous, and not only is the ligament developed in proportion, but so, also, are the occipital crests and the spinal processes of the vertebrae, which serve it as points of attachment, the pro- cesses especially involved being those of the anterior dorsal region opposite the shoulders. This correlation between a heavy head and exaggerated spinous processes is such that from a slight indication of the one in a fossil the other may be assumed. In the Cetacea, which have the buoyancy of the water to assist them, and in Man, through the erect po- sition of whom the head becomes almost perfectly balanced upon the summit of the vertebral column, this entire appara- tus, including the ligament and its points of attachment, be- comes much reduced, but from a totally different cause in the two instances. The tail, or post-sacral region of the vertebral column, is developed strictly in correlation with the needs of the animal and varies in development from a voluminous portion of the body, containing a large number of vertebrae and furnished with metameric muscles, to a mere rudiment, invisible ex- THE ENDOSKELETON 135 ternally. Examples of the former may be seen in salamanders and in many snakes, in which the caudal region, that posterior to the cloacal orifice, may be even more extensive than the remainder of the body; the opposite condition appears in the frog, where the long caudal notochord of the tadpole becomes in the adult consolidated into an unsegmented urostyle, situ- ated between the two elongated ilia and entirely enclosed by the soft parts. Similar reductions are found in birds, in which the tail skeleton consists of six free and six anchylosed verte- brae, and in the higher anthropoids, in which the 3-5 embryonic vertebrae become in the adult consolidated into a single piece (coccyx). There are two distinct sets of ribs developed among Ver- tebrates, having a slightly different history, but subserving the same general purpose, that of protecting the viscera, and of furnishing attachments for the muscles. Since one set is suf- ficient for use in the same animal, both do not occur simul- taneously save in a single instance, but the one set is, with some exceptions, characteristic of fishes, the other of higher forms. The origin of the first of these sets has been already explained in the discussion of vertebras, where they were described in teleost fishes as expansions of the lower or haemal arches. The other ribs have in their origin no direct connection with the vertebrae, that is, they are not derived from portions of them, .but develop from the free edges of the intermuscular septa, the myocommata, where they border upon the visceral cavity. This process of rib formation does not necessarily involve the entire free edge of the septa, but is confined in lower forms to the extreme dorsal region, bordering on the vertebras, with which they articulate. Thus in selachians, almost the only fish that possess this sort of rib, and in amphib- ians, they are very short, being functionally scarcely more than movable tips for the transverse processes and of no value for the protection of the viscera. They make no attempt to reach around the body, and thus never come into relation with a sternum. This latter, to us the typical relation for ribs to assume, appears first in reptiles, which thus form the prototype HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of the later development in birds and mammals. In these latter a typical rib possesses two well-marked segments, a dorsal and a ventral, often bent at an angle to each other ; both ^ A FIG. 35. Morphology of ribs. [After WIEDERSHEIM.] (a) Ganoid, (b) Dipnoan. (c) Teleost. (d) Selachian, (e) Polypterus (a spe- cial case among ganoids), (f) Urodele. In the three first the condition in both trunk and tail is given. In all the figures the " fish rib " is striped, the myocommatous rib is black, and the basal stumps are outlined. may be fully ossified, as in birds, or the ventral segments may remain cartilaginous, forming the so-called " costal car- tilages," characteristic of mammals. In birds the dorsal seg- ments possess flat uncinate processes, which extend backwards from their posterior edges and overlap the succeeding rib, thus THE ENDOSKELETON 137 effecting here the rigidity necessary in all parts of the body in adaptation to flight while allowing for play of the respiratory motions. The distribution of the two types of ribs among vertebrates is a little unusual, since the second or myocommatous type appears, not only in amphibians and amniotes, the higher groups, but also in the selachians, one of the most primitive. This is one of the many indications of kinship between these and the higher forms, and suggests the direct descent of the amphibians from selachian-like ancestors, thus disposing of the remaining fishes as collateral lines, in which the piscine type attains its special line of development, without relation- ship to the higher classes, save through a common ancestor. The haemal arch ribs, or true " fish-ribs," are characteristic of teleosts, dipnoi, and most ganoids ; in one of the latter, Polyp- terus, both sets appear simultaneously, the myocommatous set being functional, while the haemal arch set is rudimentary, not attached to the vertebrae, and hence of little use to the fish, but of great significance to the anatomical historian. In a strict sense it cannot be said that the fish-rib or haemal arch ribs are in all cases exactly homologous with one another, or even that they are in all cases formed mainly from the haemal arches, since recent investigation has demonstrated the existence of other elements, derived directly from the bodies of the vertebrae, and normally supporting the haemal arches, which are often concerned in the formation of the ribs; but not only would an exposition of this lead us too far into details, but would take us away from the main inquiry, since the phe- nomena do not occur on the direct road traced in our present history. ' The conception of these ribs as expanded haemal arches is not in any case far from the truth, since the other elements concerned are themselves functionally if not mor- phologically parts of the haemal arches. As shown by amphibians and reptiles every vertebra 5e>~ tween the second (axis) and the sacrum is typically fur- nished with a pair of ribs, which in these Classes are usually free. In birds and mammals certain of these become anchy- 138 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY losed to the vertebrae which bear them, leaving a set of thoracic vertebrae (the " dorsal " vertebrae of the older termin- ology) interpolated between two groups, cervical and lumbar, in which the rib elements are fused. In the cervical vertebrae these fused ribs form the ventral element of the plainly double transverse processes, and enclose between themselves and the original transverse process (diapophysis) the vertebral for- amina. In the lumbar vertebrae the rib elements form the large wing-like transverse processes (pleurapophyses), and are thus seen to be not equivalent to the processes of the same name in other regions. The number, both of free ribs and of vertebrae forming each group, differs considerably, not only in different mam- mals, but even in different individuals of the same species. Thus in Man, although twelve pairs of free ribs is the rule, the rib element of the last (7th) cervical vertebra is occasion- ally free, " cervical rib, 3 ' and, more commonly, a free rib ap- pears on the first lumbar vertebra. As this is perhaps the rule rather than the exception in the gorilla, one of Man's nearest living allies, this anomaly is often called the (f gorilla rib." Variation in the sacral vertebrae has already -been noticed [Cf. Fig. 34 and accompanying text]. The origin of the sternum is still a matter of controversy, and it seems likely that there may have been two sternums, of different origin, the one succeeding the other during his- torical development, the archisternum and the neosternum. Fishes lack the part entirely, but it is present in some form in all other vertebrates save in a few aberrant cases, for ex- ample, the snakes, where it is incompatible both with their mode of locomotion by means of the ends of the very numer- ous ribs, and with their habit of swallowing huge mouthfuls, far too large to pass through the ring formed by the vertebrae, ribs, and sternum, as is the usual arrangement. What is ap- parently the first indication of a sternum is seen in the sala- mander Nee turns ~, perhaps the lowest amphibian, in which from three to five of the thoracic myocommata chondrify in the ventral region, forming small V-shaped elements, indefi- THE ENDOSKELETON 139 nite in shape and irregular in occurrence, as is usually found in an organ at its beginning, before the type has become fixed. d in c FIG. 36. Morphology of the sternum. (a) Necturus (a primitive salamander), (b) A higher salamander, (c) Frog, (d) Lacerta (European lizard), (e) Cat. c, coracoid; d, epicoracoid; e, episternum; f, clavicle; g, scapula; h, suprascapula, p, procoracoid; st, sternum; m, manubrium; stb, sternebrae; x, xiphisternum. If we seek the reason for their appearance we shall probably find it in an attempt to lessen the pressure upon an important 140 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY point. One of the sternal elements, usually the largest, lies in the fourth myocomma, in close connection with the over- lapping coracoids, and as at the same point in higher salaman- ders there is a definite sternal plate of a rhomboid shape, this latter has evidently developed from the element in question, while the others have been lost. This must also be the same piece found in frogs and other tailless amphibians, again in the same relationship to the coracoids, and entering into a more or less complete connection with the two halves of the shoulder-girdle in forming the skeletal armature that covers the pectoral region. As the ribs of all amphibia are very short and rudimentary, and do not reach even half way around the body, there is never the slightest attempt at a connection be- tween them and the sternal piece, a characteristic that defi- nitely distinguishes this archisternum from the neosternum of the Amniota. This last organ, the second form of sternum, is characteristic of reptiles, birds, and mammals, and is not only always connected with several pairs of thoracic ribs, but undoubtedly owes its origin to them, being probably due to the fusion of the ribs in the mid-ventral line. This fusion forms in reptiles and birds a flat plate, especially extensive in the latter, where it serves as a place of origin for the enormously developed muscles of flight, but in the mammals the sternum, continuous with the ribs while in the cartilaginous state, ossifies in the form of a series of sepa- rate elements, the sternebra, one for each pair of ribs involved. The original number of these elements may be retained throughout life, as in most mammals, or may become reduced by a secondary fusion to a smaller number. The confinement of the sternum to the thoracic region leaves the ventral abdominal surface unprotected, an affair of no great moment so long as an animal remains small, or not very much elongated, but when, as in the Crocodilia, the elongation of the body greatly increases the extent of the unprotected surface, while at the same time the increase in size renders the body ponderous, the pressure exerted on the abdominal viscera by the weight of the body as the animal THE ENDOSKELETON 141 crawls, or even lies passively on the surface of the ground, must be very great. It is evidently to overcome this in part and furnish some protection for the soft parts that there de- velops in this region a series of skeletal elements precisely similar in origin to the primitive sternal pieces of Nectums, formed by the ossification of the ventral portion of the ab- dominal myocommata. Developing along the mid-ventral line also, many of the pieces become connected together and form a system of " abdominal ribs," as they have been called, better known as the parasternum. As these do not appear to be represented in any other Order, they are of no phylogenetic value, but serve to explain the reason for the origin of the archisternum in the salamanders by furnishing an exact phy- siological parallel. Associated with the sternal region, both in Amphibia and in the Amniota, there is a rather problematic element, known as the episternum, of which no continuous history is yet known, so that it is not even certain that the various elements in different animals called by that name are homologous. The typical episternum is a skeletal piece occur- ring in lizards and consisting of a thin cross-shaped or T-- shaped piece lying, as its name denotes, upon (i. e., on the ventral side of) the sternum, and a little anterior to it. This part is not clearly present in other vertebrates, but similar pieces occur in several cases, and are often designated by the same name. Thus, in the shoulder-girdle-sternum com- plex of the frog there is a piece extending anteriorly along the mid-ventral line, between the clavicles, and closely resembling the true sternum (archisternum) that extends posteriorly. This has been often called the episternum, but is more likely a portion of the archisternum, formed like the other, from myocommata. Again, the well-known " wish-bone " of birds is formed by a fusion of the two clavicles with a middle piece, the inter clavicle, which forms the " head " and is es- pecially well developed in the common fowl. This element also has been identified with the episternum by some investigators, as have also certain parts of the keel of the sternum, which develop from separate centers of ossification. 142 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY Among the Mammalia the lowest Order, the Monotremata, possess in this region a large T-shaped bone, the stem of which, very broad and flat, articulates with the true sternum, forming its anterior extension, while the lateral arms are ap- plied along the sides of the clavicles. This piece has been called by some an episternum and by others- an interclavicle, but its precise homologies are not definitely determined. In all other mammals the clavicles apparently articulate directly with the most anterior of the sternal pieces, the manubrium; FIG. 37. Sternum and shoulder-girdle of mammals. [After W. K. PARKER.] (a) Ornithorhynchus. (b) Human embryo. c, coracoid; d, epicoracoid; e, episternum; f, clavicle; g, scapula; h, suprascapula; m, manubrium; stb, sternebrae; x, xiphisternum. but in the embryo there are found definite disc-shaped skeletal elements, interposed between the two, which develop later into thin, interarticular discs. These, usually designated omosternum, have been likened to the lateral arms of the T-shaped bone of the Monotremata. X"The ontogenetic history of the skull, a complex of skeletal / elements developed at the anterior end of the notochord, is singularly constant in all classes, and we may thus feel con- \ fident that we have in this a repetition of stages once passed THE ENDOSKELETON 143 through by the adult ancestors of the present-day vertebrates. It is true that the early stages thus indicated do not correspond with the adult condition of any form now living, but of the two types in which we might expect to find a correspondence with this period of the history, Amphioxus has no head, and, of course, no skull, and the cyclostomes with their parasitic habit are too much modified to be reliable ; there is, moreover, an enormous gap between the t\yo ancKa secqrKi, almost as great, between the latter and the selacmans/sVUiat: it may well be conceded that adult animals representing the stages indi- cated by the embryonic history once existed in the places now left vacant. Nothing could fit better into this ontogenetic history at a later period than the selachian skull, as will be shown further on, thus verifying the record at an important point, and rendering it more probable that the earlier em- bryonic stages, so constant in appearance in all vertebrates, are equally accurate in reproducing the conditions once found in forms now lost to us. To outline the history, then, with the help of embryology, it appears that the ancestral vertebrate, after the acquirement of the prachordal addition to its head, developed several pairs of external sense organs in the cephalic region, three of which, the nasal sacs, the eyes, and the (inner) ears, have persisted. Of others there are indications in early embryonic life, such as the one placed between the eye and ear and supplied by the seventh nerve, and there are reasons to believe that the original sense organ of the second pair was not the eye as we have it now, but the lens alone, in the form of a simple capsule; but these matters hardly belong in this place and are suggested merely as indications of the elaborate past history of the head, entirely gone from the world of adult life, but now restored in part by the labors of a gener- ation of embryologists. At this time the notochord, termi- nating at the hypophysis, a downgrowth of the brain just an- terior to the ear capsules, was the only skeletal element in the head, and could have had little value as an organ of sup- port, and none whatever as an organ of protection. This condition of affairs is represented in Fig. 38, A, which, it 144 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY must be noted, represents the head as seen, not from above, as it is more usually drawn, but from below, a view that en- ables one to see the notochord and its termination behind the hypophysis. To this condition there are added, but no one yet knows how or from what source, two pairs of later- ally placed cartilages (Fig. 38, B), the one alongside the noto- FIG. 38. Diagrams showing the development of the primordial skull. Since this organ develops primarily beneath the brain as a support the figures represent the ventral aspect. (A) Early stage, before the appearance of cartilage. The notochord is seen lying along the nerve cord as far forward as the hypophysis. The three sense-organs, nose, eye, and ear, have already appeared. (B) This stage shows the trabeculae [t], the parachordals [p], and the capsules around the sense-organs. (C) In this the trabeculae, the parachordals, and the nasal and otic capsules have fused into a single mass, the primordial skull, or chondrocranium. The anterior end of the notochord is imbedded in this. The cartilaginous capsule of the eye remains free to allow the necessary movements of the eyeball. chord and the other anterior to .it, the parachordal and prce- chordal elements respectively. The former are rather flat, of an elongated crescentic shape, filling in the space between the notochord and the ear capsules; the latter are elongated and rod-like or beam-like, hence often termed the trabeculce (di- minutive of trabs, trabis, a beam), and lie a little beneath the eyes and nearer the median line. At the same time the three persisting pairs of sense organs THE ENDOSKELETON 145 become enclosed by cartilaginous capsules, differing some- what in their development, according to the needs of the organ. Thus the nasal capsules remain open anteriorly for the free admission of the fluids to be tested, the eye-capsules involve the sclera alone, while the otic capsules usually become entirely closed and develop fairly thick walls, since sound vibrations can pass easily through solids and do not need a special opening. As these several cartilaginous elements, the para- and prae- chordals and the sense capsules, increase in size, they fuse together in about the following manner. The two trabeculse expand anteriorly and fuse with each other across the middle line and with the nasal capsules as well ; extending backwards, they fuse with the parachordals. These latter, growing in width, fuse both with the otic capsules and with each other, including in this fusion the anterior end of the notochord, which becomes lost in the general mass. There is thus formed a single, curiously shaped piece of continuous cartilage, composed of all the elementary pieces, with the natural exception of the otic capsules, which must remain free to allow the turning of the eyeball (Fig. 38, C). These pieces fuse so completely that all boundaries are lost, and we can speak only of a parachordal or a trabecular re- gion, and so on, without assigning definite boundaries. This consolidated piece is termed the primordial skull or chondro- cranium, and remains at this stage in selachians, where it is characteristic of the entire Order, being throughout life with- out trace of ossification and with such slight modifications only as are necessary for the adaptations of the various adult forms. It is a natural supposition drawn from common ex- perience that a skull is intended for the protection of the brain, but in this case the function is rather that of support, since it lies laterally to and in part beneath the brain, leaving practically the entire dorsal and the anterior part of the ven- tral aspects without protection. In the adult selachians, in- deed, these deficiencies are made up in part by the formation of firm membranes, continuous with the cartilage and closing in the open fontanelles, but they are plainly secondary modifi- 146 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY cations, for use during active adult life, and are not empha- sized in the embryonic history of higher forms. This stage of the chondro cranium, or the selachian stage, as it may be called, is passed through with during the de- velopment of all the higher vertebrates, and although in the various forms the shape and proportion of the parts often differ widely in anticipation of the various needs of the adult, they all possess in common the origin in the same' way, from the same elemental parts, and the characteristic regions may in all cases be readily identified. For the next stage in this history it will not be necessary to have recourse to embryology save to verify the conclu- sions, since it is represented with almost diagrammatic clear- ness among the ganoids, a very few of which have been, by a fortunate chance, saved from the general destruction of the Order during an earlier geological period. This stage may be thus conveniently denominated the ganoid stage, for the type of which we may select the sturgeon. Although similar to the selachians in many respects, this animal differs markedly from them in its external covering, for while the former is evenly and uniformly covered by small placoid scales arranged in a regularly imbricated pattern, the sturgeon possesses a series of large, bony plates, or scutes, as they are called, which may be considered as having been formed originally from the fusion of the basal pieces of many scales. These scutes are arranged on the body in longitudinal rows, leaving the intervening regions bare, but are continued over the head as somewhat modified scutes, the edges of which are in con- tact, thus forming an external armor, with sutures between the different scutes (Fig. 19, A). Immediately beneath this lies a cartilaginous skull, very similar to that of selachians, and the dermal armor encases it like an external skull, which it really is. These dermal plates are quite definite in their arrangement, and the same general plan may be followed throughout the Order of ganoids. The snout, or rostrum, is covered by a series of small rostral plates, which extend back as far as the nostrils ; back of these openings may be found a THE ENDOSKELETON 147 pair of nasals; behind these again, and between the eyes, is a pair of frontals, often accompanied by prce- and post-frontals. Behind these is a pair of parietals, and one or more supra- occipitals. On the sides of the head, at about the level of the parietals, are the squamosals, and around the eye are several orbitals, distinguished as pre-, supra-, post-orbitals, etc. The operculum, or gill-flap, which is present in these fishes, is cov- ered and augmented by supra-, sub-, and pre-operculars. In short, to anticipate the history a little at this point, we see in the dermal scutes the first appearance of the so-called dermal bones of the skull which in later forms are to sink in beneath the surface and become internal, thus coming into close connection with the primordial skull and the osseous elements derived from it. They are not all inherited by higher forms exactly as they occur in the ganoid, the question of their retention being based in each case upon their functional importance. Thus, the opercular series, retained in the fish, becomes lost with the reduction of the part which they cover ; the orbital series is retained in part by reptiles, but becomes lost in birds and mammals, with the single exception of one of the prae-orbitals, which becomes the lacrimal; and the supra- occipital series becomes reduced to a single piece. On the other hand, certain ones are retained in all higher vertebrates, and are recognizable throughout, although by secondary fu- sions and divisions they are not always strictly homologous. Thus, the frontals may or may not include the originally separate prae- and post-frontals, and in a given case the ab- sence of one of these latter elements as a distinct piece may mean either that it has fused with one of the others or has been gradually reduced in size until it has become lost. The frontals in some form, however, are among the most constant of dermal elements, and the same may be said of the parietals, squamosals and nasals, which can be traced in all the verte- brate classes (Fig. 19). The ventral side of the cranium becomes also encased in a similar manner by dermal bones that develop in the roof of the mouth, among which are the vomers, the palatines, the pterygoids, and the extensive parabasal i 4 8 HISTORY OF THE I^UMAN BODY * * > (parasphenoid*) , which forms almost the entire base of the cranium in fishes and amphibians. Certain of these last named do not develop, strictly speaking, iivassociation with the cra- nium, but are formed about certain'elements of the visceral skeleton, as will be explained below, but as these latter ele- ments early lose their physiological independence and become closely incorporated with the original chondrocranium, the statement is in no way misleading. 'These dermal plates thus form an almost complete case of bone, surrounding and protecting the internal cartilaginous skull, and, by supplying the deficiencies of the latter, effect the complete enclosure of the brain within the skeletal parts. There are thus formed two skulls, one within the other, and in the ganoids, where the relation between the two is not as yet a very intimate one, the outer or bony skull may be easily removed from the other. The next step in advance is one shown also among the ganoids, and consists of the strengthening of the chondrocra- nium directly by the development of centers of ossification within the cartilage itself (endochondral ossification) forming definite osseous elements, called from their mode of origin cartilage bones, in distinction from the other, the dermal bones. Among these centers may be enumerated the exoc- cipitals, the pro-otics f epiotics, and opisthotics, which together form the petrosals, the all-sphenoids, the orbito-sphenoids, and the ethmoids, well-known elements in the skulls of higher vertebrates, but here found at their inception, arising as iso- lated areas of the chondrocranium and developing at the ex- pense of the cartilage, clearly differing from the dermal bones in origin. We thus find in the skull of the ganoids the elements of the vertebrate skull almost at their beginning, and can trace the origin of parts familiar to us as they appear in the spe- cialized skulls of mammals, where, under the cloak of an exactly similar external appearance, their diverse origin has become lost. The ganoids seem thus a vital link in the story of the skull, yet even had they become entirely extinct, as they THE ENDOSKELETON 149 came very near being, this portion of the history might have been deciphered from the embryological records, since even in the mammals the primordial skull develops from its primitive elements, the cartilage bones appear as centers of ossification within it, and the dermal bones, never preformed in cartilage, appear as subcutaneous ossifications in the connective tissue. A FIG. 39. Two views of the skull of Cryptobranchus allegheniensis, a primitive salamander, a little higher than Necturus. CA) Dorsal. (B) Ventral. DERMAL BONES: pm, premaxillary; mx, maxillary; n, nasal? f, frontal; pr. f, pre-frontal; p, parietal; sq, squamosal; pt, pterygoid; vp, vomero-palatine; pb, para- basal. CARTILAGE BONES: os, orbitosphenoid; q, quadrate; ex. o, exoccipital op, operculum, OTHER PARTS: col, columella; nas, nasal capsule; ec, eye capsule; ot, otic cap- sule. In both figures the dermal bones have been retained on the right side of the skull and removed on the left. In that case, however, we could hardly have obtained an idea of the appearance of the adult ganoids', since embryology, with its distortion of the facts through an early assumption of the proportions of the perfected animal, is an unsafe guide upon which to base more than very general conclusions. Had the ganoids been lost we would have believed in a general way in the former existence of fish-like forms in which the dermal bones were still in the form of an exoskeletal armature, but their exact appearance and relationship would have given rise 150 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY to endless controversy, such as always occurs with regard to places where the records are incomplete, and this vital period in the history of the skull would have lost much of its reality. As to the necessity which caused the appearance of these endochondral ossifications in the primordial skull, there has been pointed out a curious relationship between them and the principal cranial nerves, namely, that the ossifications de- velop about their places of exit from the brain cavity as though to protect them. Thus we have the olfactory nerve surrounded by the ethmoid, the optic nerve perforating the orbito-sphe- noid, and similar relations existing between the trigeminus and the alisphenoid, the facial nerve and the prootic, and the ninth and tenth and the exoccipital. These are certainly the topographical conditions, but whether a causal relation really exists between them is not known. In completing the history of the skull, it remains to no- tice the ^amphibian stage, best exhibited by urodeles, and the amniote stage., typically represented by reptiles and mammals. In the first of these the dermal bones are no longer external at any stage of their development and have become definitely incorporated with the skull as physiological parts of the in- ternal skeleton. Aside from this the characteristically piscine elements, like the rostrals, the orbitals and those associated with the operculum, have become lost, and the bones assume more the number and relationships of the higher terrestrial forms (Fig. 19, B, and Fig. 39). In the Amniota one of the fundamental changes is the loss of the parabasal as the main element of the cranial floor, and its functional replacement by a series of median cartilage bones, the basi-o capital, basi-sphenoid and pr fin in the dog-fish. - which the THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 219 belonging to the tenth myotome, which seems here far from the fin, but even this eventually reaches the fin, as does also a second one from the same myotome, forming buds XVIII and XIX respectively. The cause of this apparent struggle to reach the fin on the part of the most posterior myotomic buds, is one which ex- plains also certain other characteristic features of the develop- ment, and is found in the unequal rate of growth of fin anlage and of body axis, the latter considerably surpassing the former. There results from this the concentration or bunching together of the nerves of the free limb, especially noticeable in Fig. 57, C, a circumstance favorable to the formation of a nerve plexus, and as this concentration of a number of pairs of nerves to form those supplying the limbs is also seen in the case of all higher vertebrates, it is a convincing proof of the derivation of the limb muscles from a more extensive series of myotomes than that indicated by the adult size of the limb. From this sketch of the development of a limb as seen in the selachians it becomes apparent that, were it possible in each group of vertebrates to trace the derivation of each limb muscle to a given myotomic bud, or, in other words, were it possible to follow the later history of each separate myotomic bud to the complex conditions of higher forms, a sure and certain homology of the limb muscles could be carried out ; as a matter of fact, however, the primitive history in the development of limb muscles is found only in fishes, which, in their adult state, are scarcely beyond the last of the three stages shown here, while in all higher vertebrates, from the urodeles on, these early stages are dropped out completely, and in a developing limb, in which for a time the cells seem exactly alike, and with- out differentiation of any kind, the first indication of any defi- nite arrangement is the collection of these apparently indif- ferent cells into masses that suggest the parts as they exist in the adult. In such a case, then, the only recourse lies in the comparison of adult forms, and here, owing to the complexity of the subject and the technical cifficulties in the way of such investigation, 220 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY much remains to be accomplished. There has, indeed, been a large amount of anatomical work done on the subject, but little has as yet been attained in the study of the phylogenetic devel- opment of the separate muscles or muscle groups, and the morphological history of the limb muscles is as yet far from complete. The key to the interpretation of the muscles associated with the hand type of limb (chiropterygium) must be found, if at all, among the tailed amphibians, which are the first animals to possess a true chiropterygium, that is, a free appendage furnished with digits instead of fin-rays, and here, in fact, are found many highly suggestive conditions, showing many of the most characteristic muscles of the higher type still in partial connection with the myotomes from which they have arisen. On the other hand, a direct comparison of these muscles with those of man and other mammals is by no means impossible and yields many interesting results, since the distance between these two groups of animals is much less than is commonly supposed, and the intermediate stages do not include either the tailless amphibians, the birds, or even the majority of reptiles, since all these have specialized along lateral lines. Indeed, man himself is far more primitive in the condition of his limbs, with their ancient inheritance of pentadactylism, than are either the salient Anura, with their four anterior digits and their specialized hip-girdle, or such reptiles as the turtles, in which both girdles have become much modified in connection with the formation of carapace and plastron. Probably the most primitive living vertebrate, above the fishes, is a large aquatic salamander, Necturus, generally dis- tributed throughout the United States, except the Northeastern States, and the extreme South. It may thus be assumed to represent in the muscles of its free limbs the earliest condition of chiropterygial musculature yet remaining to us, and is con- sequently of the utmost importance in the present inquiry. It will be remembered that in most vertebiates there exists a certain close correspondence in the skeletal parts of anterior and posterior limbs, a so-called serial homilogy, and in many THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 221 cases this correspondence is at least suggested in certain details of the muscular system. Here, in Necturus, however, the correspondence of the free limbs front elbow or knee down is practically an exact one, and includes, not only the skeletal parts, but the muscles, arteries and nerves, precisely what would be expected in this primitive form if the serial homology is reall\ fundamental and not due to secondary modification through a similarity of use. Proximal to the elbow and knee, however, there is little if any correspondence or even similarity in the musculature, cor- responding in this respect to the great differences in the two girdles, and therefore for descriptive purposes the limb may be divided into unlike proximal portions, to be treated separately, FIG. 58. Lateral view cf shoulder muscles of Necturus. Id, latissimus dorsi; ds, dorso-scapularis; t, trapezius; /, omohyoid; k, levator anguli scapulae; la, levatores arcuum; d, dorso-trachealis; ph, procoraco-humeralis; as, anconeus scapular is; al, anconeus lateralis. and similar distal portions, which are almost identical and may thus be considered together. The first will include the girdle and the proximal joint of the free limb, the upper arm or thigh, and the second the remainder, or that from elbow or knee to the end. The principal muscles of the proximal portion of the anterior limb in Necturus are shown in figures 52 and 58. Of these certain are extrinsic and extend from trunk or head to the appendicular skeleton ; others are intrinsic, both origin and in- sertion being upon the latter part. _ Conspicuous among the first is the latissimus dorsi, certain parts of which are still seen to arise from myocommata in the form of elements in the ^act of separating themselves from the 222 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY axial musculature, while other fibers, the anterior portion, no longer show their segmental origin. Anterior to the girdle lies the trapezius, now, like the anterior part of the latissimus, showing no trace of myotomic origin, but undoubtedly from that source originally. Ventral to these are seen two slips clearly derived from the long superficial rectus, and still farther ventral, covering the chest region, lies the voluminous pector- aliSj still in part composed of slips attached to the myocom- mata. Beneath these superficial layers are deeper muscles, like the levator scapula and the serratus magnus, here plainly de- rived from the axial muscles in the form of separating slips. Turning to the intrinsic muscles, it is seen that the outer surface of the three portions of the girdle is covered with fan- shaped sheets that converge to the head of the humerus, where they insert near together. Of these the dorsalis scapulce cov- ers the scapula, the procoraco-humeralis the procoracoid, and the supracoracoideus the coracoid. ^ Distal to these come the muscles, the bellies of which occupy the region of the upper arm, and which may thus form a third group. Of these there are three that occupy the flexor aspect, and a complex one with several heads that lies upon the ex- tensor aspect. Of the first the two coraco-brachiales, longus and brevis, arise from the coracoid and insert on the humerus. These lie on the medial side. On the outer or lateral side lies the humero-antebrachialis, which arises along the humerus and inserts by a tendon into the proximal end of the radius. The complex muscle on the extensor side, the anconeus, is con- stant in the character of arising from several heads and in the insertion of all by a common tendon into the olecranon process of the ulna, although the name of " triceps," applied to this muscle in man, is objectionable, since the number of heads is variable and three is by no means the typical number. Thus here in Necturus there are four, a central superficial one from the scapula, a median and a lateral one from the humerus and a median one from the coracoid. The term anconeus, bearing no suggestion of the number of points of origin, but referring to its location alone (a^xou, elbow, ulna), is much preferable. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 223 In mammals, corresponding to the great difference of struc- ture shown among the different Orders, there is a great di- versity in the appendicular musculature, but if there be taken for comparison with the above any of the more primitive pentadactylous quadrupeds, such as a marsupial, a rodent or a lower primate, the majority of the muscles in the two can be readily homologized (Figs. 59, 60). Latissimus dor si and trapezius have greatly increased in extent ; the former, having reached the mid-dorsal line, no longer possesses a free dorsal margin anteriorly, and posteriorly shows no trace of the primi- tive myotomic slips of which it was originally composed. A slip, segmented off from its anterior edge, has become a sep- arate muscle, with the name of teres major. The trapezius extends from the occipital region of the skull, a point which it attains in the higher salamanders, along the mid-dorsal line, to a point considerably posterior to the scapula, where it overlaps the latissimus. It may either be divided into three distinct slips, anterior, middle and posterior, or may be in the form of an unbroken sheet; and in climbing arboreal forms, like the monkeys and apes, and in man, is of enormous extent, the two covering the entire upper half of the back and prolonged posteriorly into a median point like a monk's hood, whence the alternative name of cucullaris, employed by European anato- mists. From its anterior margin a bundle of fibers is set off and becomes the sterno-cleido mastoideus, a muscle running obliquely across the side of the neck from the anterior end of the sternum to the skull just behind the ear, and conspicuous in man. The deeper layer of extrinsic muscles, levator scapula and serratns anterior [magnus], have increased meanwhile, prob- ably by the addition of intermediate slips that arise from the myotomes between the two, and become in most mammals a continuous layer, the primary metamerism being expressed in its slips of origin, which form " digitations," or separate pointed slips that arise from the successive ribs, or from their equivalent processes in the cervical region. In man these muscles are again separated into two by the failure of certain 224 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY FIG. 59. Diagram of human muscles, showing their relation to the skeleton. [After EUSTACHIUS.] This figure and the next were drawn originally by the gifted Italian anatomist, Bartolomeo Eustachio, who died in 1574. His very numerous anatomical drawings, embracing all parts of the body, were neglected for nearly two centuries, and were finally collected and published, first, by Lancisi in 1714, and later by Albinus in 1761. These figures are taken from the latter edition. aa, attollens auris; oc, occipitalis; t, trapezius; d, deltoid; rr, rhomboideus, major and minor; Id, latissimus dorsi; gj, glutaeus maximus; gd, glutaeus medius; gl, gracilis; st, semitendinosus; b, biceps femoris. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 225 Fie. 60. Diagram of human muscles, showing their relation to the skeleton. [After EUSTACHIUS. See explanation of Fig. 59.] te, temporalis; spl, splenius; las, levator anguli scapulae; spa, serratus posterior superior; spp, serratus posterior inferior; sa, serratus anterior (magnus) ; t, triceps; tm, teres major; gn, glutaeus minimus; p, piriformis; st, semitendinosus, origin; bl, long head of biceps femoris, origin; bs, short head of biceps femoris; ve, vastus lateralis; vi, vastus medialis; sm, semimembranosus; am, adductor magnus; cr, vastus intermedius; po, popliteus. 226 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of the intermediate slips. Aside from these a second series of slips, more superficial than the above, appears in the higher amphibians, and these develop in mammals into the rhomboid- ens system. This inserts into the scapula and consists pri- marily of a slip from the occipital bone, rhomboideus capitis, and one from the vertebral spines in the interscapular region, rhomboideus dorsi. Both of these occur in most mammals, but in man rhomboideus dorsi alone is normally present, sub- divided into two slips, major and minor,, while rhomboideus capitis appears only as a rare anomaly. The pectoralis in many mammals forms a complex system of distinct and semi- distinct portions, showing at least a superficial and a deep layer. In man and the anthropoids these two layers are repre- sented by two muscles, pectoralis major and minor respectively. The subclavius is a differentiation from the deeper layer. Of the intrinsic group the dorsalis scapula? becomes mainly the deltoid, often divided into several portions, spino-deltoid, acromio-deltoid, etc., but single in man. A small portion of this muscle becomes the teres minor, topographically associated with the teres major, derived from the latissimus. VThe sufera- coracoideus is probably represented by the supra- and ivrfra- spinati, which have extended dorsally over the scapula, pushing their way beneath the deltoid, as this muscle has gradually lifted itself up from the general outer surface of that bone. The procoraco-humeralis seems to have become lost, together with the axial slips that insert into the procoracoid. The anconeus, the extensor muscle of the upper arm, varies mainly in the number and position of its heads, and not in its insertion or general position. Its identity with the human triceps has been already commented on. On the flexor side of the upper arm the history is not as plain. In the mammals there are two long muscles that insert into the forearm, the biceps brachii, that arises from the shoulder girdle and inserts by a tendon into the proximal portion of the radius, and the brachialis [anticus] that arises along the shaft of the humerus, and inserts into the proximal end of the ulna. Aside from these, there is a coraco brachialis, from the coracoid process THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 227 to the shaft of the humerus. These do not homologize readily with the muscles of the same region in urodeles, but the last muscle, which appears in some mammals as two, compares well with those of like name in Necturus. This leaves the humero- antebrachialis to be compared with both biceps and brachialis, and it may well be the ancestral form from which both have originated. In origin it is like the latter, and shows no sim- ilarity w r ith the biceps, which arises, usually by a single head, from the scapula and the coracoid process ; it is, however, pre- cisely like the biceps in its mode of insertion, and must be at least in part homologous with this latter muscle. The second region to be considered is the proximal portion of the posterior limb and includes the muscles of the pelvic girdle and thigh. As in the skeleton there is in the muscula- ture little suggestion of serial homology between the two pairs of appendages, although in Necturus the two limbs closely cor- respond in the distal portion. A fundamental difference in the muscles of the two girdles is that in the posterior limb they are nearly all intrinsic, and arise from the appendicular skel- eton, while in the anterior limb an extensive system of extrinsic muscles controls in part both the girdle as a whole and the proximal part of the free limb. This difference is undoubtedly correlated with the definite attachment of the posterior girdle to the axial skeleton through the formation of a sacrum, while in the anterior girdle there is either no attachment to the verte- bral column, or a freely movable one through clavicle, sternum and ribs. In Necturus (Fig. 61), in which the pelvic girdle is in the form of a flat pubo-ischiadic plate and a narrow ilium, the muscles are naturally divided into those of the outer (ventral), and those of the inner (dorsal) side of the plate, and, thirdly, those which arise from the ilium. Of the first there are two, forming as many layers on the outer side of the plate; the pubo-ischio-tibialis, which runs down the inner side of the leg, passes the femur and inserts into the proximal end of the tibia, and the pubo-ischio-femoralis externus, which inserts into the femur. Upon the inner side of the plate there is a single large 228 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY muscle, the pub o-ischio-femor alls internus, the fibers of which part to accommodate the ilium, but reunite again upon the outer side of this obstacle. This also inserts into the femur. Aside from these, a narrow band, the pubo-tibialis, arises from the lateral edge of the pubo-ischiadic plate, and inserts in the tibia. From the ilium arise an ilio-extensorius, which inserts into the femur, an ilio-femoralis, also to the femur, and FIG. 61. Ventral view of the pelvic muscles of Necturus. pife, pubo-ischio-femoralis externus; pifi, pubo-ischio-femoralis internus; pit, pubo- ischio-tibialis; pt, pubo-tibialis; isf, ischio-femoralis; isc, ischio-caudahs; cpit, caudali- pubo-ischio-tibialis; cf, caudali-fermoralis; ra, rectus abdominus. Other designations: gl, cl., cloacal gland; Pub., pubic portion of pubo-ischiadic plate; isch., ischiadic portion of the same. an ilio-nbularis, a narrow band, which inserts into the proximal end of the fibula. A femoro-fibularis, also band-like, arises from the flexor side, of the femur, and inserts into the fibula, near the last. The only extrinsic muscles are found in a set of three caudal muscles, which arise along the sides of the tail not far below the pelvis, and run in a sheath anteriorly to the THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 229 posterior limbs, inserting the one into the ischium, another into the femur, and the third, into the margin of the pubo- ischio-tibialis. Unlike the anterior limb, in which the most of the muscles occurring in Necturus may be readily recognized in mammals, the homologies of the proximal portion of the pelvic limb are all more or less doubtful. As a beginning, there are found upon the outer side of the pubo-ischium in mammals the obturator externus, the adductor es, the gracilis, which -belongs with the adductor group, and possibly the sartorius. Of these the obturator is probably the homologue of the pubo-ischio- femoralis externus, and the remainder may be derivatives of the pubo-ischio-tibialis, in spite of the difference in respect to insertion. The pubo-ischio-femoralis internus seems to give rise to the obturator internus -with the two associated gemelli, as well as to the ilio-psoas complex, which appears first as a distinct muscle in reptiles. The ilio-extensorius is probably the prototype of the great complex of the front of the thigh, quad- riceps femoris f composed of the three vasti, externus, medialis \_crur eus~\ and internus, and the rectus femoris. The glutai are probably derived from the ilio-femoralis. Of the muscles of the posterior aspect of the thigh, enor- mously developed in mammals, the inner ones, Mm. semimem- branosus and semitendinosus, are probably also derived from the pubo-ischio-tibialis, while the two heads of the outer one, the biceps femoris, come from two distinct sources, and in many mammals are separate muscles. The derivation of the long head is uncertain, but it may be homologous with the ilio- fibularis of urodeles, in spite of the difference in origin. The short head, on the other hand, is derived from the glutaeal group, and is identical with the long narrow band, described in many mammals as the teniiissimus. Since it is associated with the long head to form a " biceps " muscle in a few mam- mals only, including man and several apes, this slip is best considered as a separate muscle of the glutaeal group, under the name of glutceo-cruralis. The caudal group of muscles, 230 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY which extends in urodeles from the sides of the tail to the ischium and femur, persists with some modifications in mam- mals ; in man and the higher anthropoids, in which the reduc- tion of the caudal vertebrae restricts the origin, the group is represented by a single muscle, the piriformis, extending from the coccygeal region across to the femur. The muscles of the distal portion of the vertebrate chirop- terygium, that is, from elbow or knee on,Jaside from the mod- ifications imposed upon them by the varying shapes of the limbs themselves, and the great difference in their use, are, in their essential features, quite similar in all living forms; and in their differences show the modifications of a primary type due to environment rather than the suggestions of an historic development of that type. The study is, therefore, one mainly of the adaptations of a given set of elements, rather than a phylogenetic history, which latter, as is the case also with the bones of the same region, must be sought in the gap separating fin and hand, that is, in the phylogenetic stages represented by lost forms of ganoids, stegocephali, and their allies. The salamander Necturus, probably the nearest approach to this series represented by living fauna, offers in its distal muscles some few suggestions of an earlier phylogenetic stage, and is thus of fundamental importance in the present inquiry. The well-nigh complete correspondence in the fore and hind limb as regards not only bones and muscles, but other parts as well, has been commented on above and offers strong support for the doctrine of serial homology, to be considered later. There are, also, as is the case with higher forms, some traces of a correspondence between the dorsal and ventral surfaces of a single paw, giving a suggestion of the derivation of the chiridial musculature from a fin-like precursor, in which the jointed rays (digits) were supplied by similar muscular ele- ments applied both dorsally and ventrally, as in present-day fishes. The following description is that of the anterior limb, but with the substitution of the terms tibia and -fibula for radius and ulna, tarsus for carpus, and so on, it will be found almost equally applicable to the posterior one. In a few cases a muscle THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 231 which is well developed in the anterior limb is small or want- ing in the posterior, and thus the former is a little more typical* The dorsal aspect of the antebrachium (Fig. 62, a and b) is largely taken up superficially by a single muscular mass, M. dgrsalis antebrachii (da.) which arises from the distal end of the humerus. This separates, spreads out over the ante- brachium, and divides distally into four slips, three for the in- ter-digital spaces and one for the ulnar side of digit V. Each of these in turn divides into two, which insert by tendons into the bases of the adjoining metacarpals. The muscle is thus an abductor-adductor complex, furnishing the digits with lateral motions, but without any power in extending them. The radial aspect of digit II is alone unsupplied from this system, and this deficiency is made up by the supinator (s), a muscle which underlies the former, arising from the ulnar side of the carpus. It crosses the limb obliquely, and inserts into the internal or free aspect of metacarpal II. Extension of the digits is effected by four short muscles, Mm. extensores breves (x, x) , \vhich arise from the distal row of carpalia and become continued into tendons that lie along the dorsum of the sep- arate digits and insert into the bases of the terminal phalanges. Partly along the sides of the dorsalis, and partly covered by it, thus forming a deeper layer, are two long muscles, associated respectively with radius and ulna, Mm. extensor radialis and extensor ulnaris (er. and eu.). These arise from the humerus with the dorsalis and insert, the one along the shaft of the * In one point the free limb of Necturus diverges from what is gener- ally believed to be the typical chiropterygium, and that is, it possesses but four digits in each extremity instead of the canonical five which is usually considered primitive. Since the nearest ally of this species, the cave form, Proteus, exhibits a still greater reduction of digits (anterior, 3; posterior, 2), it has been presumed that this is in both cases a secondary reduction. Certain facts, however, lead one to think that the first land vertebrates possessed a smaller number of digits than five, and if this be so, the condition in these two salamanders is primitive, and not a second- ary reduction. According to the reduction theory digit I is assumed to be the one lost, and in accordance with this the four digits present are designated here, both in text and illustrations, as II-V. 232 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY radius and into certain of the radial carpals, the other along the ulna and into ulnar carpals. The ventral (palmar) aspect .of the limb is more complicated in respect to its muscles. These are covered superficially by a dense palmar fascia or aponeurosis (//>), * which many of the IT III FIG. 62. Muscles of the fore-paw of Necturus ; dorsal aspect (a) Superficial muscles. (b) Deeper muscles. da, djrsalis antebrachii, its separate insertions into the metacarpalia are shown in (b) ; er, radial extensor; eu, ulnar extensor; fit, ulnar flexor, showing from the other side; xx, extensores breves; s, supinator; 22, intermetacarpales. ventral muscles are attached. This aponeurosis is a continu- ation of the fascia covering the ventral muscles of the forearm and appears at its thickest and densest as it passes over the car- pal and metacarpal regions. At the separation of the digits this aponeurosis is also divided into four bands which run along the ventral surface of the separate digits and insert into the THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 233 terminal phalanges. These slips are functionally and probably morphologically the long flexor tendons (ft.), and correspond in a way to the long extensor tendons of the dorsal side, but it must be remembered that here they are the continuation, not of muscular bellies, but of a non-contractile aponeurosis. The entire aponeurosis, however, is caused to move by serving as point of insertion of several muscles, more proximally placed, III III FIG. 63. Muscles of the fore-paw of Necturus; ventral aspect. (a) Superficial muscles, (b) Deeper muscles. fp, palmar fascia; ps, palmaris superficialis ; pp, palmaris profundus; uc, ulno- carpalis; fu, ulnar flexor; fr, radial flexor; pr, pronator; yy, flexores breves super- ficiales; tt, terminal tendons of the palmar fascia. the palmaris superficialis (ps) , which inserts along its proximal edge, or, more exactly, between its two layers, which thus invest the muscle, and the palmaris profundus (pp), which is entirely covered by the aponeurosis and inserts into its dorsal (internal) side. The action of these muscles upon the aponeu- rosis causes it to act indirectly, through its digital slips, upon the separate digits, and cause a complete flexion. Aside from the palmaris system, the physiological action of which is that 234 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of a system of flexors, there are two sets of short flexors, Mm. flex ores breves super ficiales and Hex ores breves profundi, each consisting of four muscles, one to each digit. The super- ficiales arise from the distal row of carpalia, and pass into ten- dons, which, encountering the long slips of the aponeurosis, divide into two lateral tendons and insert upon the sides of the penultimate phalanges. The Hexores profundi lie close to the bone, arise beneath the former, and insert into the bases of the proximal phalanges. There are here also, as on the dorsal side, two long muscles which arise from the humerus and insert along the shafts of radius and ulna and into the corresponding sides of the carpals, serving as flexors of antebrachium and manus as a whole. These are respectively the flexor radlalis .and flexor ulnaris (fr and fu). The ventral muscles thus far enumerated, act either directly T>r indirectly as flexors, but beneath all of these is a set of short abductors and adductors of the metacarpals, abductores and adductores breves, which correspond in function to the large muscle mass of the dorsal aspect, M. dorsalis antebrachii, with its abductor and adductor tendons. These extend across the interval between the distal carpalia and the metacarpals, and like those of the dorsal mass, supply both sides of the two inner digits, III and IV, and the inner sides of II and V. As in the case of the abductor and adductor system of the dorsal side, M. dorsalis antebrachii, the internal (radial) side of digit II remains unsupplied from this system and the deficiency is made good by the pronator (pr), a muscle which lies obliquely across the antebrachium and is related to the skeletal parts precisely as is the supinator of the dorsal side. Like the latter it arises from the shaft of the ulna and passes obliquely downwards to the radial side of the limb, where it inserts by a tendon into the radial side of the base of metacarpal II. Deepest of all, beneath the short abductors and adductors, and reached equally well from either dorsal or ventral aspect, a set of three intermetacarpales stretch their fibers across the interspaces between the separate metacarpals and act either as THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 235 abductors or adductors of the separate digits (Fig. 62, b, ~<~ \ Reviewing the conditions in this, probably the most primi- tive chiropterygium now left to us, several interesting points become manifest. The digits are moved in two ways, either flexed and extended or moved sideways, but while the system which provides for this latter form of motion is extremely well perfected, that for flexion and extension is not. For abduc- tion and adduction there are typically five separate muscles for each digit, that is, two ventral, two dorsal and one intermeta- carpal, while for flexion and extension, aside from the system supplied by an aponeurosis, and evidently a newly introduced feature, there are but three. This extreme perfection of the sideways movement of the digits in the most primitive chirid- ium knowm, together with the weak and makeshift arrange- ments for bending and straightening the digits, strongly sug- gest the derivation of the chiridial type from one in which the digits (fin-rays?) required to be constantly opened and shut by lateral movements, precisely as in the case of the fins of most fishes. During later phylogenetic history there is an evident tend- ency to increase the efficiency of the flexor-extensor system and diminish that of the abductors and adductors, except in the case of the two digits that form the ends of the series (I and V), and the most of these changes have already occurred among the higher urodeles. Thus in Cryptobranchus the dorsalis antebrachii, which in Necturus serves as an abductor-adductor system and terminates at the base of the metacarpals, is con- tinued into four long tendons, which insert into the terminal phalanges, and thus becomes the extensor communis digitorum, although in the hind limb at least, from the sides of the long tendons, small lateral slips extend still to the sides of the metacarpals, the remains of the abductor-adductor system. The short extensors become more complicated than in Nec- turus, but insert along the proximal part of the digits and are no longer continued into long tendons to the ter- 236 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY minal phalanges, as that function has been usurped by the other muscle. Upon the ventral side a more intimate connection between the tendons of the palmar aponeurosis and the associated muscles gives rise to the system of long flexors, as found in the higher vertebrates. In the arm, where this history has been most completely followed, the palmaris muscles, superficial and deep, uniting with the palmar fascia and its long tendons, form the two long flexors characteristic of mammals, flexor digit- orum sublimis and profundus. In the monotremes the bellies form a common mass, flexor communis digitoruni, although with double tendons to the separate digits, a deep tendon which inserts on the terminal phalanx and a superficial tendon which forks. The two resulting parts insert upon the edges of the penultimate phalanx, and allow the deep tendons to pass through between them. A later differentiation of the belly divides it into a flexor profundus, continued into the deep ten- don, and a flexor sublimis, continued into the superficial tendon. The most superficial of the fibers separate into the somewhat inconstant " palmaris longus" The flexor pollicis longus of man belongs with the profundus. The tendons of the short superficial flexors of amphibians become mainly employed in the formation of the profundus tendons, while the bellies degenerate, but those associated with digits I and V develop in the mammalian hand and foot into special muscles connected with those digits, such as the abduc- tors of pollex and minimus, the opponentes of the same, and the flexor brevis minimi digiti. The short, deep flexors of the amphibians, flex ores breves profundi, become the mammalian lumbricales; and the still deeper set of abductors and adduc- tors, together with the intermetacarpales, become the two sets of interossei, palmares and dorsales, the latter arising upon the ventral aspect and coming through to the dorsal side during development. The four muscles which in Necturus lie along the ulnar and radial sides of the antebrachium on both dorsal and palmar THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 237 aspect, and furnish a ftexor and an extensor for each side, are continued with some modifications in higher animals. The origin from the distal end of the humerus remains the same, but the insertions along the shafts of ulna and radius are given up, and are either confined to the carpal bones of the corre- sponding sides or a new tendinous insertion is acquired which extends to the base of some metacafpal, the muscles becoming flexor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnaris, and so on. The extensor carpi radialis of mammals becomes divided into two similar muscles, longus and brevis, which insert into the bases of metacarpals II and III respectively. A final group of limb muscles are the pronator and supinator f which give the limb the power of turning about its axis, thus crossing or tending to cross the two bones of the forearm or lower leg. Of these the pronator lies upon the flexor, the supinator upon the extensor aspect of the limb, their fibers extending diagonally across from one bone to the other. In Necturus there is one upon each aspect, the character of which suggests their derivation from the primary system of abductors and adductors. The striking correspondence in many features between the anterior and posterior limb, especially shown in cases in which the two are used in a similar way, has naturally led to the theory of the serial homology between them, that is, an original homology, not between different animals, as is usually meant by the term, but between different parts of the same animal. The theory presupposes a time at which both sets of limbs were exactly alike, part for part, and thus the final results, however unlike in the two cases, are referable to a single ground plan from which both have been derived. It would be thus possible to homologize bone for bone, muscle for muscle, and to extend the parallelism to the vessels and nerves as well. A strong proof of this is afforded by the close similarity of the two limbs in the lowest of the amphibians, as stated above, for here, as shown especially in that form which is probably the most primitive of all, the correspondence is very remark- 238 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY able. It must be noted, however, that this serial homology is clear only in the case of the distal portion of the limb, the part beyond the elbow or knee, while in the portion proximal to this point, there is very little suggestion of such a parallelism. From this may be drawn the following conclusions : Granting that both limbs have arisen from a similar origin, and were alike at the start, it is allowable to suppose that the distal portions, being used in a similar manner, have either retained their primitive structure, or have differentiated alike, up to the point exhibited by the present-day urodeles ; the proximal por- tions, facing from the start radically different problems con- nected with the poise of the body, the varied action of different parts of the trunk, and other differentiating factors, have become modified along different lines, and have attained results that suggest little of the original homology. The fin-fold theory of the origin of the limbs, given in the previous chapter, throws but little light upon the theory of serial homology, and, it must be confessed, even stands some- what in the way of such an hypothesis, since, although in its primitive form, the fin-fold may be considered to have been made up of similar elements, repeating themselves metameric- ally, and appearing probably as skeletal rays supplied with muscles from the trunk musculature in the form of " myotomic buds/' yet there is no suggestion that an identical number of these elements was originally taken in the case of the two sets of limbs or that the strictly pentadactylous character of the hand form could have been in any sense primitive, or could have existed at the time at which the two limbs might be sup- posed to have been strictly identical. However, as opposed to all theory in the matter, and it must be remembered that the fin-fold theory itself rests upon very little actual evidence, there is the fact of the actual close corre- spondence in the fore and hind limbs of urodeles in general, and especially in the case of Necturus, the particular form which from other reasons is considered especially primitive, perhaps even the oldest living representative of all animals possessing the hand form of appendage. Among mammals the limbs of the primates, even in the THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 239 slightly modified form possessed by bipedal man, are quite primitive, and, together with those of the allied insectivores and rodents, retain the typical five digits, a character in which most of the Carnivora and nearly all of the ungulate groups show a much greater specialization. Thus the distance sep- arating primates from the amphibians is not very great, and it is therefore not surprising that in the distal portion an homol- ogy, not merely of the bones, but of the muscles as well, is still quite evident. In the chapter on the endoskeleton the close correspondence was pointed out between the bones of the arm and hand and those of the leg and foot; here the similar corre- spondence may be considered between the muscles of these parts, the subject being confined in this case, however, to the distal portion, that is, the portion from the elbow or knee on. Take in the first place the set of four radial and ulnar muscles, which in their final form in the primates become five, namely, the flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnaris and the two extcnsores carpi radiales, longus and brevis. Their homologues in the leg have naturally become modified through the difference in function and the formation of a heel, and their determination is perhaps the least clear of any of the distal limb muscles. There are, however, to correspond to the two flexors, the tibialis posterior and the soleus-gastrochnemius complex, of which the first, a tibial flexor, represents the radial one, and the second, primarily a fibular flexor, the correspond- ing muscle on the ulnar side. Upon the extensor aspect, the tibalis anterior may be the serial homologue of both radial extensors, while the ulnar extensor is represented by the two peroncci, longus and brevis. In tabular form the above homol- ogies appear as follows : ARM . LEG Flexor carpi radialis Tibialis posterior Flexor carpi ulnaris Soleus-gastrochnemius Extensor carpi radialis longus ) Extensor carpi radialis brevis J TtbiallS anU r Extensor carpi ulnaris Peronaus \ longus brevis 240 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The set of supinators and pronators may next be considered, and in Necturus, in which in each limb there is a single supinator on the extensor side, and a single pronator on the flexor side, the homologies are evident. In all cases they extend from a more proximal origin upon the outer side (ulnar or fibular) to a more dorsal insertion upon the inner (radial or tibial). In the human arm there are two pronators, teres and quadratus, but as these are continuous in many marsupials and carnivores, they may be considered as derivatives of the single urodele muscle. Their homologue in the leg is undoubtedly the popliteus. Upon the dorsal side most works on human anatomy record two supinators,, longus and brevis, but as the longus [=brachioradialis BNA] is really a portion of M. brachialis, and belongs with the upper arm, the only true supinator is the one designated brevis [supinator, BNA], undoubtedly the same as that in the urodeles. Its homologue in the leg seems to have disappeared. The remaining muscles, those controlling the action of the separate digits, are still more in accord, and that too in spite of the great difference in use between the hand and foot, especially in civilized man, suggesting the conservatism of these parts, and the fact that it is easier to keep a complicated structure, when once obtained, even when not used in all its parts, than to replace it with a simple structure without unnecessary parts, provided only that the more complicated structure is in no case detrimental to the effective working of the organ in its simpli- fied function. It is often presumed that the reason why such changes as these have not occurred is that the time has been insufficient to effect it, but this is not the case. The only reason for an adaptation lies, not in the lapse of time, which in itself is powerless to effect even the slightest change, but in the question of expediency for the animal, that is, whether the part comes within the power of natural selection or not. In the present case the foot of man and his immediate ancestors has borne its present shape from pre-glacial times, a period given by conservative estimates at 50,000 to 100,000 years, and has as yet undergone but little change along the line of reduc- THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 241 tion. A needful progressive change has indeed taken place, namely, the development of the peroncuits tertius, a muscle for lifting the outer edge of the foot and thus counteracting the 1 1 5 $ o S p ^ d tendency to walk exclusively upon this portion ; but the change in the line of reduction of a needless complexity of parts has 242 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY been but slight, simply because there has been no need of such a modification. To review the complete homology of the muscles of the hand and foot would prove too long a task for the present work, but a large part of the correspondence may be presented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 64), which gives all the muscles of the flexor surface, excepting the lumbricales and the intcr- ossei. In both there is seen a double system of flexor tendons, perforantes and perforati; the first digit has the perforans alone, in both hand and foot, and in the foot a perforatus is wanting in digit V, possibly a regressive change. In the anterior limbs both of these systems are long muscles, their bellies lying along the forearm, while in the foot the belly be- longing to the three perforated tendons of digits II to IV is a short one, confined to the foot region. The two outer digits are richly supplied with individual muscles, in which there is a remarkable correspondence between hand and foot, and that too in spite of the loss of independent action in the case of the little toe. This fact of the rich supply of muscles to the marginal digits, I and V, is made much of by supporters of the theory of the pra-pollex and post-minimus, theoretical digits that may have once existed at either end of the present series of five. The muscles in question are interpreted as the musculature of these extra digits, remaining after the loss of the skeletal parts to which they were originally attached. It is noteworthy also that the opponens hallucis is absent in man and has to be supplied in the diagram from the orang and other apes in which it is present, and that a similar loss or, at least, lack of individuality, is observable in the appearance of the little toe, two further regressive characters suggestive of a slight simplification through reduction. The subject of the homology of the limbs cannot be complete without reference to the various methods of comparison which have been proposed by numerous investigators, and which depart more or less radically from the one given here. Thus the torsion to which the limbs have been plainly subjected ap- pears to many a hindrance to a direct comparison of similar THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 243 parts as given above and leads them to make the comparison in other ways ; thus, in the earliest of these theories, more than a century ago, the right arm was compared, not with the right- leg, but with the left; the thumb became thus the homologue D FIG. 65. Diagrams explanatory of various theories of limb homology. (A) Syntropist theory, members of the same side homologized. (B) Antitropist theory, members of opposite sides homologized. (C) Homology between the spinal nerves involved in the antitropist theory. The cervical and dorsal nerves going posteriorly, are compared with the lumbo-sacral nerves going anteriorly. Thus, the fourth cervical nerve (C 4 ) is the homolog of the second sacral (S 2 ), and so on. (D) Theory of FOLTZ, 1863. The first digit of each limb is bivalent, and the equivalent of digits 4+5 of the other. (E) Theory of EISLER, 1895. Here the relation is a.n- titropic, but the homology applies to the three inner digits only in each member, leaving no homologue for digits 4 and 5 in each case. of the little toe, radius was compared with fibula, and ulna with tibia (Fig. 65, B). That this theory, fantastic as it may seem, is not merely a vague speculation, but one to the aid 244 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of which many facts may be invoked, is shown by its per- sistence in one form or another even to the present day. In fact, the theorists on the subject of limb homology have been well divided into two schools, syntropists and antitropists, the former making a direct comparison of the limbs of the same side, with the digits in their usual order, the latter changing the order either by reversal, by comparing the limbs upon opposite sides of the body, or by some other unusual means. Of this there is every possible variation ; one theory considers in the first place the limbs of the same side to be the symmetri- cal equivalent of each other, and that thus the ulna is the homologue of the tibia and the radius that of the fibula, and considers also the three radial fingers to be the equivalent of the three tibial toes, but in the reverse direction, as indicated in the diagram at E. This leaves the two outer digits of each member without correspondence in the other. Another theory compares the digits, also in the reverse order, but considers both the thumb and the great toe bivalent, that is, equal to two digits, and thus compares each with two other digits of the other member D. This comparison of the digits in the reversed direction, however, when carried to its conclusion, leads also to the homologizing also in the reversed direction, of the spinal nerves that supply the limbs. Thus the nerves of the brachial plexus proceeding posteriorly, must be the homologues of the nerves of the lumbo-sacral plexus, proceeding anteriorly, as in C. Perhaps the most recent of the theories in which there is a reversal of any part is one in which the limbs of the same side are taken for the comparison, and in the normal position as far as the knees, but which assumes that in the distal portion there has been a torsion of both arm and leg, thus causing the original extensor muscles to become flexors and vice versa. This homologizes the flexors of the upper arm with the exten- sors of the thigh, but allows in the distal portion a direct com- parison of the flexors with flexors and extensors with ex- tensors. As already suggested, the theories just enumerated are not mere vague surmises, but rest in most cases upon careful study THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 245 of the anatomical details; as they are not in accord with one another, however, they cannot all be right, and the remarkable degree of correspondence in bones and muscles, not merely in the salamanders, but also in many mammals, including man, a correspondence that is obvious and easily apparent, is a strong argument in favor of a natural syntropic comparison, as given here. The embryological history, moreover, so far as it is given, shows no sign of such a torsion or reversal as is de- manded by the antitropists, but presents as the first stage of the fore and hind limb, two pairs of lateral flaps, each with a cranial and a caudal border and a dorsal (outer) and a ventral (inner) surface. Of these the cranial border becomes respec- tively the radial and tibial side of the future limb, the caudal border the ulnar and fibular. The muscles of the original dorsal and ventral surfaces remain in their primary position and may be compared in the two limbs; in the distal portion the dorsal muscles become extensors, the ventral, flexors, in each limb. The embryological history thus furnishes a definite proof in favor of the hypothesis of syntropism, or that of direct comparison, limb with limb, in the normal position, and this theory is espoused at the present time by the majority of in- vestigators. The visceral musculature differs from the axial-appendicular, thus far considered, in its derivation from the ventral portions of the mesoderm, that is, from the hypomeres instead of from the epimeres. The skeletal parts w r ith which it is associated are those of the visceral arches and their derivatives, including the jaw and the hyoid, and, in the higher forms the numerous cartilages of the larynx and the auditory ossicles. This system has thus its most extensive though perhaps not its most special- ized development among the fishes, for here the gill-arches are functional and need to be regulated by systems of levators, depressors, constrictors, dilatators and so on, which often attain a high degree of complexity. In the amphibians, where, in spite of the existence of gill-slits, at least in the larva, there is tut little need of controlling the movements of the separate arches so precisely, the visceral musculature appears in a 246 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY greatly simplified form, and the few muscles that persist enter into the service of aerial respiration and regulate the opening and closing of the pharyngeal cavity and the larynx. Among them appear two well-defined series of muscles, the one dorsal and the other ventral to the visceral arches, that act respectively as levators and depressors of those parts. Their condition in urodeles, together with a diagram representing an hypothetical FIG. 66. Diagrams of primitive visceral muscles. (A) Typical form, hypothetical. (B) Condition based upon that of the urodele Siren, with a few details supplied from Necturus. I-VII&, levators of the arches; I-VIIv, depressors of the arches; m, mandibular arch; h, hyoid arch; b\ to b 7 , branchial arches; t, trigeminus; fa, facialis; gl, glosso- pharyngeus; v, to v 4 vagus (pneumogastric) elements; x, temporalis; y, masseter; z, digastricus; la 1-4, levatores arcuum; dl, dorso-laryngis and dorso-trachealis; a, inter- mandibularis anterior; c, intermandibularis posterior; d, hyo-pharyngeus, anterior por- tion; e, hyo-pharyngeus, posterior portion; /, laryngei. ancestor from which may have been derived, are given in Fig. 66. In the diagram A the seven visceral arches, including the mandible, are given in order, representing as many somites, with their motor nerve supply. For the first or mandibular somite this latter is the mandibular branch of the trigeminus; for the second or hyoid, the facialis; for the third, the glosso- THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 247 pharyngeus; and for the remaining four, a like number of branches from the vagus, which is a complex of several original elements. The dorsal muscles attached to the arches are Icvators, the ventral depressors. In the second figure, B, is shown the actual condition in urodeles, the derivation of which from the first is obvious. Beginning with the levator series, the first becomes the equiv- alent of the adductor mandibulce of fishes, here differentiated into temporalis and masseter, the muscles of mastication. The second, having its primary connection with the hyoid arch, be- comes also attached to the mandible, but in such a way that it opens it, thus acting as the antagonist to the first. This mus- cle is usually referred to as the " digastric," a name taken from human anatomy, but it is probably homologous with the pos- terior belly alone of the mammalian muscle of the same name. The next four muscles are those associated with the first four gill-arches, and function in the lower urodeles and in the larvae of the more specialized ones as the levatores arcuum; the next and last belongs plainly in the same series, but as its arch has become specialized as the primary laryngeal cartilage [Chapter V], it extends ventrally to meet it. On account of this rela- tionship it has received the name of dorso-laryngeus. The ventral series consists of flat sheets, arising from the mid-ventral line, where they meet in pairs. Of these, the first two, the intcrmandibulares, anterior and posterior, form the muscular floor of the mouth and are attached respectively to the mandible and the hyoid. Of the next two, those associated with the two first gill-arches, there is no trace, and the next, the fifth, is present only in Necturus and its ally, Proteus, the lowest of the urodeles. The sixth, under the often inappro- priate name of hyo-laryngeus, is generally present, and the seventh, stretching between the two lateral laryngeal cartilages, becomes a set of true laryngeal muscles, the dorsal and ventral laryngei (laryngcus dorsalis and laryngeus ventralis). Above this stage the further phylogenetic history of the visceral muscles has been followed only in part, and the con- clusions drawn are those which are the most obvious. 248 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The two masticatory muscles, temporalis and masseter, occur in all higher forms and are homologous throughout, save that two farther slips, the pterygoideus externus and interims, be- come differentiated from them, probably from the original masseter. In mammals a small slip from the pterygoideus internus, becomes the tensor tympani of the middle ear. The second levator becomes associated with a muscular slip from the first depressor, intermandibularis anterior, and forms the digastricus of mammals, the two elements being united by a tendon. The diploneuric character of this muscle, that is, the innervation of the anterior belly from the trigeminus and that of the posterior from the faciaKs, receives thus an explanation. A portion of the posterior belly, that is, of the second levator, becomes separated from it in reptiles, and follows the stapes into the middle ear, whence it becomes the stapedius muscle, innerved by a special branch of the facialis. The ventral mus- cles of these same first two segments are perpetuated, the first in part as the anterior belly of the digastricus just mentioned and in part as the mylo-hyoideus; the second as the stylo- hyoideus. Beyond this, however, the history is not clear. In the previous chapter it was shown that the various gill-arches, beginning posteriorily, become associated with the original pair of laryngeal cartilages to form the complicated larynx of higher forms, but whether the muscular elements primarily \ associated with them assist in the formation of the musculature ^ of the final organ, or whether this musculature is derived entirely from the muscles primarily belonging to the seventh arch, that is, dorso-laryngeus and the laryngei, cannot yet be definitely stated. The musculature of the tongue, especially its extrinsic muscles, such as hyo-glossus, genio-glossus, stylo- glossus, etc., is probably derived from the visceral muscles, but here another element is introduced, and that is the muscular layer of the anterior end of the alimentary canal, which, although of mesenchymatous origin, and primarily composed of unstriated cells, involuntary in their action, are yet capable of acquiring striae and of becoming at least semi-voluntary. From this THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 249 layer are derived the pharyngeal constrictors, and it is probable that the intrinsic muscular fibers which make up the mass of the tongue and known as the lingualis, come from the same source. Superficial to the muscular systems already described, and lying directly beneath the integument there are found in many vertebrates muscular elements, usually in the form of sheets or layers, and connected with the integument, which thus ac- quires locally some power of movement. These muscles form what may be conveniently termed the integumental system, although there are included here contributions from several wholly unrelated systems, independently developed in the dif- ferent groups of animals to subserve special functions and therefore restricted in their occurrence. These integumental muscular elements have arisen from whatever preexisting muscles happen to be adjacent to the location where such a part is needed, and thus they may be in their origin either axial,, visceral or appendicular, or may represent a combination of these systems. They usually possess at one end a firm attach- ment to some skeletal part or at least to skeletal muscles, while at the other end, or perhaps along an extended surface, they adhere to the inner side of the integument, thus furnishing the skin area involved with the degree of motion required. In both birds and mammals certain shoulder muscles furnish an important contribution to the integumental system, but, as would be expected, the two cases are totally independent of one another. In birds the integumental area involved is the patagium or web, extending across the angles of the axilla and elbow and increasing the resisting surface of the wing. This is regulated by a series of patagial muscles, strictly integumental in their relations, but derived from the various muscles of shoulder and arm ; of these the most important are M. propatagialis, derived from the anterior portion of the pectoralis, and an associated slip from the biceps. In mammals an extensive layer, derived from latissimus and pectoralis, spreads over the side of the body, and in some cases the two extend to the mid-dorsal and mid-ventral lines,. 250 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY encasing- the trunk in a sub-cutaneous muscular sheet. This is the panniculus carnosus, and is primarily employed in mov- ing and wrinkling the skin as a defense against insects. In the monotremes the portion derived from the pectoralis ex- tends over the entire ventral aspect of the body, and where it meets the marsupial pouch and the cloacal orifice forms D FIG. 67. Phylogenesis of the panniculus carnosus. [After TOBLER.] (A) Macropus bennett (kangaroo). (B) Cynocephalus hacmadryas. (C) Cerco- pithecus sabaeus. (D) Cercopithecus cephus. from its fibers certain more specialized slips to serve as sphincters (sphincter marsupii and sphincter cloacce). A panniculus carnosus, perhaps here mainly a contribution from the latissimus, is also present in marsupials (Fig. 67, A) and covers the flanks with fibers that converge to an insertion into the humerus. From these it is directly continued to the Insectivora and Carnivora, and to other Orders of mammals. Its action is seen in the shaking of the skin of a wet dog or the twitching along the outer portion of the legs of horses and cattle when these surfaces are stimulated by the bite of an insect. In the lower primates, the panniculus appears as THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 251 a broad sheet upon each side, much as in marsupials (Fig. 67, B), but within this Order it is seen to separate into axil- lary and inguinal portions (Fig. 67, C and D) and in the an- thropoids, the former alone remains, much reduced in size (Fig. 68). In man there appear to be normally no traces of FIG. 68. Anterior remnant of the panniculus carnosus, " achselbogen," in the gorilla. [After TOBLER.] pmj, pectoralis major; fob, coraco-brachialis fascia; Id, latissimus dorsi; pa, " pectoralis quartus," a part of the panniculus; x, tendinuous fibers from the latter. this muscle, but there occurs occasionally a system of slips in the axillary region, the axillary arch ("Achselbogen") asso- ciated with both latissimus and pectoralis and very variable in appearance, a typical characteristic of a rudiment. In asso- ciation with this, there occasionally develops a more posterior pectoralis slip, the pectoralis abdominis, a relic from a remote part. Still another rudiment of the panniculus system is seen 252 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY B FIG. 69. Two cases of axillary panniculis rudiments in man. ;, GEHRY] - pmj ' Pectoralis major; pmn, pec- minor; d deltoid; Id, latissimus; pa, pectoralis quartus," a part of the panmculus; x, the definite achselbogen ; st, the sternalis, a rare muscular anomaly, also a part of the panniculus. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 253 in the stcrnalis muscle, an element of very rare occurrence and proven to belong here by its occasional relationship with both pectoralis abdominis and the elements of the axillary arch, as well as by its innervation from the anterior thoracic nerve, in common with the foregoing (Fig. 69). The st emails muscle has been recently shown to occur much more frequently in the Japanese than in Europeans (13 per cent, against 4 per cent. ) . It lies superficial to the pectoralis major, and when well developed may be so contracted as to be plainly visible from the exterior. Another system of integumental muscles is derived from the visceral musculature and appears in its simplest form in the sphincter colll of amphibians, reptiles and birds, and is itself a direct descendant of a selachian muscle, the superficial con- strictor. The fibers of this sheet enwrap the neck region and in turtles and birds the muscle is well developed and covers the entire neck. In mammals this sheet differentiates into two layers, a more extensive superficial layer, the platysma, and a smaller and deeper layer, which retains the original name of sphincter colll. The fibers of these two sheets run primarily at right angles to one another, those of the platysma being directed upwards and towards both snout and ear, those of the sphincter in more nearly the original direction across and around the neck. In following the phylogenetic series through marsupials and lemurs to primates, a considerable extension of both of these layers over the face and head is noticed, and as they meet the eyes, nose, ears, and lips there is seen a pronounced 'tendency to form special slips for the regulation of these parts t a tendency precisely similar to that of the ventral panniculus in the case of the marsupial pouch and the cloaca of the mono- tremes. There is thus formed the extensive system of facial muscles, often termed the "mimetic" muscles, which become so highly differentiated in the apes and in man, and this grad- ual differentiation can be clearly followed in the phylogenetic series (Fig. 70). The superficial sheet or platysma extends upwards across 254 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY Occ. Tri. AlLttt Hat Front Plat. FIG. 70. Mimetic muscles in Ateles (a South American monkey). [After RUGE.] (A) Superficial layer. (B) Deep layer. Front, frontalis; Au. sup, auricularis superior; O. p, orbicularis palpebrarum; Zyg, zygomaticus; Nas, nasalis; A, I, s, auriculo-labialis superior; A. I. i., auriculo-labialis inferior; Au. ant, auricularis anterior; Au. post, auricularis posterior; Antitr, anti- tragicus; Plat, platysma myoides; Occ, occipitalis; Tri, triangularis; MX. lab, maxillo- labialis; O. or, orbicularis oris; Bucc, buccinator. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 255 the side of the neck, and, reaching the ear, divides into two sheets, dorsal and ventral. The dorsal sheet, auriculo-occipit- alls, subdivides once more and furnishes the auricularis pos- terior [retrahens auris~] and the occipitalis (i.e., the occipital portion of the " occipito-frontalis " of human anatomy), and from the latter are derived the intrinsic muscles of the dorsal surface of the ear-flap, rudimentary in man. The ventral or facial portion gives off along the sides of the mandible the two slips, levator menti and quadratus labii inferioris [depressor labii inferioris'] , which latter becomes attached to the bone, and is continued over the face as M. sub-cutaneus faciei. The ulti- mate differentiations of this latter portion are quite complex and concern three portions into which the sheet divides itself. Of these an auriculo-labialis inferior furnishes the intrinsic muscles upon the ventral or forward surface of the ear-flap and an auriculo-labialis superior differentiates into the zygo- maticus [major], the orbicularis oculi [palpebrarum] and the levators of the lip and side of the nose. Finally a third element, the or bit o -auricularis, furnishes two of the extrinsic ear mus- cles, auricularis anterior and superior [attrahens and attol- leus auris~\, and the frontalis, which in the apes comes nearly in contact with the occipitalis previously mentioned, the two becoming connected by a fascia. The gradual lifting of the cranial dome and the formation of a forehead, culminating in man, spreads apart the two muscular elements of this occipitalis-frontalis sheet and extends the intervening fascia to become the gale a aponeurotica, so extensive in Man. That portion of the platysma which covers the sides of the neck in Man remains in its original undifferentiated condition, and, although quite variable in its occurrence and in the control over it, is yet often capable of throwing the skin into longi- tudinal folds, its original function. The deeper layer, the sphincter colli proper, extends also to the face, but is mainly confined to the region about the mouth, where it gives rise to orbicularis oris, caninus [levator anguli oris], buccinator and the intrinsic muscles of the nose. The original sphincter colli, as found in reptiles and mono- tremes, lies within the province of the seventh cranial nerve 256 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY and is wholly supplied from this source. Exhibiting a superb example of the constancy of a muscular innervation, the branches of this nerve expand and differentiate into the mus- cle which it supplies, and with the migration of the latter to the face there comes also the nerve; and it thus happens that this element, originally the motor nerve of the hyoid region, comes to be called the " facialis," corresponding to the region in which it is met with in Man, whose anatomy first at- tracted especial attention. That this system of facial muscles was primarily developed for the purpose of regulating the orifices of the mouth and the organs of special sense there can be no question, but the high degree of specialization attained in the higher pri- mates suggests a totally distinct function, that of communi- cation of the moods of the animal to its associates, that is, a language. That some outward expression for the developing power of thought should show itself pan passu with the de- velopment of brain was to be expected, and it appears that at about the point at which this muscular differentiation became apparent, that is, among the lemurs, the various cries produced by the larynx became insufficient and were supple- mented by the development of mimetic muscles, through the medium of which far more subtle shades of meaning could be expressed. For a time, therefore, in the anthropoid precur- sors of man, both forms of intercommunication must have ex- isted side by side, and have been of about equal value or with some advantage in favor of the mimetic muscles, as in the apes of the present day; but when, by the shortening of the snout and the consequent flattening of the dental arcade a greater differentiation of articulate sounds became possible, these latter became more and more employed as the better medium of intercommunication, and the help of the facial muscles became less and less necessary. Corresponding to this change, many of the mimetic muscles, such as those of the ears, the nose, and the scalp, show in man less power than in the apes, while those of the cheeks and lips, employed as auxiliary to the production of articulate sounds, have reached a still higher degree of development. CHAPTER VII THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS " Wie in jeder Wissenschaft aus den Thatsachen Schliiss sich ergeben, welche das werthvollste Ergebnis der Forschung darstellen, so sind auch fur die vergleichende Anatomic die geistige Verwerthung der Thatsachen durch ihre Verkniipfung das wissen- schaftliche Ziel. Was kann es nutzen, unendlich die Organisation betreffende Erfahrungen zu sammeln, wenn daraus nicht eine Einsicht in jene erwachst, ihr allmahliches Werden verstandlich wird, indem es sich in mannigfachen, aber auseinander hervorgegangenen Zustanden darstellt, die ihre Verwandtschaft unter einander in der Organisation zum Ausdruck kom~ men lassen." CARL GEGENBAUR, Lehrbuch d. vergl. Anat. 1898 ed., p. 27. THE first step in the evolution of the Metazoa from pro- tozoan cell colonies, that is, the procedure which initiated the transformation of a colony of similar, one-celled organisms into a single organism of many cells, was the inpushing of its walls at a given point, resulting in the formation of a two- layered cup, the gastrula. From that moment on, the inner and outer cells become placed in a .different position relative to the entire organism, and were thus subjected to different experiences. The outer layer was interposed between the organism and the external world; the inner dealt entirely with the material received into the cavity formed by it and used for food. It is obvious that this difference of experience would result in a physical differentiation of the cells, and such was, indeed, the case. The cells of the outer layer, the ecto- derm, became in part protective and in part receptive of ex- ternal stimuli, differentiations later to result in the formation of an exo-skeleton and a nervous system ; those of the inner layer, the endoderm, developed the power of obtaining, ab- 258 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY sorbing, and assimilating the nutritive qualities of the food, and thus formed the digestive cavity, the first portion of the organism to differentiate as a distinct system. This digestive /cavity, or gastroccele, remains in the lower invertebrates as a blind cavity with but a single opening, and first among the worms (Vermes), it becomes converted into a complete canal by the formation of an anal orifice, thus obviating the necessity of employing the same orifice for both the intaking and the expulsion of the contents of the cavity. A further advance in the development of the endodermic portion of the organism is seen in the higher invertebrates (articulates, echinoderms, etc.), and in the vertebrates, where certain lateral diverticula become divided off from the primary alimentary canal, and form a definite body cavity, the cceloin, so that the ultimate alimentary canal of these animals is but a part of the canal of the lower organisms. In vertebrates the canal suffers a still farther loss by the formation and later separation of the notochord. Another departure from the primary condition is seen in the mouth and anus of vertebrates, which are shown by their development not to be homologous with the similarly named cavities of lower forms but new formations, involving other morphological relations, and , formed by contributions from the ectoderm. In the develop- ment of many invertebrates the primary mouth of the gastrula becomes the permanent one of the adult organism and an anus is formed by continuing the blind end of the gastrular invagination until it meets the surface ectoderm at a point opposite that of the mouth ; in the vertebrate embryo, how- ever, the gastrular mouth lies postero-dorsally with reference to the future animal and thus bears no relation to either , mouth or anus of the perfected form (Fig. 71, A). During the development of the nervous system, however, there comes a curious and inexplicable connection between the lumen of the neural tube and the gastrular mouth, which effects a temporary connection between this cavity and that of the gastrocoele through the so-called neur enteric canal (Fig. 71, B), but this connection is only transitory and the entire struc- THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 259 ture soon disappears, leaving the gastroccele as a closed sac,' with neither oral nor anal orifices. These are formed secon- darily through inpushings of the ectoderm, the blind ends of which come in contact with the endoderm and later break through at the point of contact, thus completing the canal (Fig. 71, B, in and an). The functional alimentary canal B FIG. 71. Diagrams showing the formation of the vertebrate alimentary canal and nerve cord, and the early relation between them. (A) Early embryo, immediately after the gastrular stage, based on Amphioxus. Compare this with Fig. 13 (c). (B) later stage, based on the embryo of the frog. g, gastroccele (=cavity of alimentary canal); n, neurocosle (= The muscular fibers of the alimentary canal usually change from voluntary to involuntary in the upper part of the oesophagus, but in some mammals striated fibers, probably THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 291 partly under the control of the will, extend farther down, and in ruminants, where the food is voluntarily disgorged in the form of cuds for a second chewing, the entire oesophagus thus equipped. \ The stomach is originally a simple, spindle^sliaped enlarge- ment of the canal, extended lengtjnvise and indefinitely sepa- rated from the oesophagus,-a4tii6ugh more completely limited below by a restriction, the pylorus, which forms a valve for the purpose of temporarily converting it into a closed sac. This typical form is seen in fishes and tailed amphibians, but an attempt to increase its efficiency both in digestive surface and in capacity causes the formation of a curvature extending to the left, so that there is a longer outline upon its left side and a shorter one upon its right, the greater and lesser curva- tures respectively. As the same tendency continues the stomach turns, still to the left, in such a way that ultimately its longitudinal axis lies across the body, which places the upper or cardiac end on the left, the lower or pyloric end, on the right, the lesser curvature above and the greater curvature below. Below the cardiac orifice the left end of the stomach usually bulges out laterally to form the fundus, which in some cases becomes a more or less distinct receptacle for the food when first received ; and beyond approximately the middle the stomach tapers toward the pyloric end (right) and forms an upward curve at the culmination of which is placed the pylo- rus. This may be considered the typical form of mammalian stomach and is seen in Primates, Carnrvora, Insectivora, and Edentata, these being in other respects also most primitive of placental mammals (Fig. 80, a). Modifications of this primary form are due, first^to an at- tempt to localize and define the different portions of the stom- ach and specialize their functions, and, secondly^ to various attempts to increase the general surface and thus develop a greater physiological efficiency, usually in connection with in- nutritious food or with the necessity of taking in a large amount in a short space of time. Progress in the first of these directions is shown by such a HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY stomach as that of the mouse (Fig. 80, b), in which the con- diac and pyloric halves are separated by a marked restriction, and this tendency reaches its extreme in the ruminants (Fig. 80, h), where each of these two primary sub-divisions is again divided, forming a stomach of four compartments, in two pairs. The cardiac portion is divided into a voluminous paunch (rumen), which receives the food when first taken in, and a small, round honey-comb stomach (reticulum), in which the food from the paunch is made up into cuds. The pyloric por- FIG. 80. Stomachs of various mammals. (a) Man; (b) mouse; (c) pig; (d) seal; (e) vampire bat; (f) manatee; (g) sloth; (h) sheep. tion is divided into an omasus and an abomasus, into which the food passes in succession when swallowed a second time. Local enlargements of surface frequently appear in the form of a prolongation of the fundus into one or more diverticula (Fig. 80, e, f and g). There are two of these in the hippo- potamus; three in Tarsipes, a small, insect-eating marsupial; and in the vampire bat, Desmodus (Fig. 80, e), the fundus is elongated to form a ccecum of twice the length of the body, used as a reservoir for blood. THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 293 It is of interest in this connection to trace the changes in the mesentery of this region, more precisely termed the mesogas- trium, as they appear in successive stages in the mammalian embryo which are undoubtedly of historical significance (Fig. 81). The formation of the initial curvature to the left natu- rally broadens the corresponding part of the mesogastrium, an effect still further increased by the lateral torsion of the entire stomach. At this point the widened mesentery comes under ir IV FIG. 81. Development of the peritoneal folds and of the windings of the alimentary canal in the human embryo. [From HERTWIG, Figure I after His; Figure II after TOLDT.] Figure I shows the. spindle-shaped stomach, the lung anlagen, and the beginning of the liver in the form of a median diverticulum; in Figure II the peritoneum is shown, with pancreas and spleen; figures III and IV show the development of the omentum and the lesser peritoneal cavity. the influence of the spleen, which develops within it and by its weight produces a fullness which sags down behind (dorsal to) the lesser curvature, while attached to the greater; and the continuation of this tendency causes the free lower fold of the bag-like extension to hang down behind the contour of the stomach. This fold is the greater omentum (omentum mafus), which, as all mesenteries are essentially double, consists of four layers 294 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of serous membranes, applied two and two, each pair holding between them the blood and absorbent vessels naturally be- longing to a mesentery. The cavity of the bag is the lesser peritoneal cavity of human anatomy, and its mouth, opening into it behind the stomach, is the foramen cpiploicnm [foramen of Winslow]. In most mammals'The bag is Twfclely open, but in man the foramen is much reduced in size and the layers forming the pendulous fold are fused together, and form a four-layered apron that hangs below the stomach and covers the intestinal folds. The remainder of the canal below the pylorus forms the in- testine, and although this has been divided for convenience into several more or less definite regions, they are for the most part artificial in character. The most definite of these are the cloaca of Amphibia and Sauropsida, and the large in- testine of mammals [intestinum crassuni], both enlargements of the posterior portion of the intestinal tract, but probably not equivalent to one another; in distinction from this the re- mainder is termed the small intestine [intestinum tenue"]. In this latter the most definite subdivision is defined by the en- trance of the bilary and pancreatic ducts ; and the space be- tween the pylorus and this point is designated the duodenum. This portion often forms a conspicuous loop, consisting of ascending and descending limbs, which enclose the pancreas between them. The liver and the pancreas, the two digestive glands asso- ciated with this region, are derived from the mucosa of the intestines, from which they arise as ev aginations, the former ventral, the latter dorsal. As they increase in size they pro- trude beyond the intestinal walls and force their way between the two layers of their respective mesenteries, as a result of which relation they become invested with a serous membrane continuous with that covering the intestines (peritoneum), and remain attached by ligaments both to the latter and to the body wall. These relations are clearly shown in the accompanying diagrams (Fig. 82), which show the origin of these organs from the intestine, their serous investment and their dorsal and THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 295 ventral mesenteries. In spite of the great increase of size these typical relations remain in the case of the liver, and its two suspensory mesenteries become the ligamcntum hepato- gastriciim [y~\ (sometimes termed the lesser omcntnm), and the ligamentum suspensoriitm hepatis \_x}. While primarily the entire length of the alimentary canal that passes through the ccelomic region becomes attached by both a dorsal and a A FIG. 82. Diagrams showing the relation of the liver and pancreas to the peritoneum. [After HERTWIG.] (a) Lateral view with ventral surface towards the left. The organs are seen lying within the peritoneum, which is represented in a vertical plane stretched across from mid-dorsal to mid-ventral lines, (b) A cross-section. The place through which it is taken is indicated approximately in (a) by the arrows. Organs: s, stomach; n, spleen; /, liver; p, pancreas; i, intestine. Ligaments: x, ligamentum suspensorium hepatis; y, ligamentum hepatogastrium ( = lesser omentum) ; a and b, parts of the mesogastrium which form the pancreatic ligaments similar to those of the liver. ventral mesentery, the ventral one becomes lost below the region of the liver, thus leaving a sharp ventral edge to the two hepatic ligaments. The gall-bladder is formed as an enlargement of the hepatic duct and is by no means of universal occurrence; it develops rather in response to certain conditions, much as in the case of the crop, and its slight physiological importance is shown by its occurrence in one of two allied animals and its ab- 296 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY sence in the other. A good example of this is that of the pigeon and the common fowl, in the latter of which a well- developed gall-bladder occurs while absent in the former. The pancreatic duct is normally without such a resevoir, but a pan- creatic bladder has occasionally been observed as an abnor- mality in the common cat, existing side by side with a normal gall-bladder, the two exhibiting about the same size and pro- po^tions. ,/The terminal portion of the alimentary canal in Amphibia / and Sauropsida, and in some fishes (e. g., selachians), enlarges into a cloacal chamber which bears within its walls the out- lets of the urinary and reproductive organs, and receives their products as well as that of the intestines. In the Sauropsida and in monotremes the terminal portion of this serves as the functional cloaca and receives also the urinary and reproduc- tive products, but in all mammals except these last the uro- genital outlets are emancipated from the alimentary canal, which thus terminates in a rectum instead of a cloaca, and its external opening is a true anus and not a cloacal orifice. At the junction of the small intestine with the large, there is a strong tendency to form one or more cceca, or blind sacs, which often become digestive organs of great physiological efficiency. The characteristic form in reptiles is that of a single rather short and wide ccecum, symmetrically placed. In birds there are usually two symmetrical ones, which attain great length in scratching birds (e. g. f the common fowl), and in ducks and geese, but are quite rudimentary in certain others (woodpeckers, parrots, etc.). Ostriches possess a single coecum of great length (7 to 8 meters) and furnished with an internal spiral partition, which greatly increases its ef- fective surface. In mammals a single coecum is developed,* which varies greatly in size and functional importance. Rudimentary in * There are two very short coeca in the arboreal ant-eater, and in the manatee a single coecum bears two supplementary diverticula. In Hyrax, in addition to a moderately large coecum, there are two smaller diverticula situated farther down on the colon. THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 297 edentates, most insectivores, and bats, it frequently attains an enormous size in herbivorous or graminivorous forms. In certain rodents (e.g., muskrat, woodchuck), its total capacity equals or exceeds that of the remainder of the alimentary canal, and in the marsupial Phascoloarctus it is three times the length of the body. In the rabbit it is provided with an internal spiral valve ; in certain other rodents and in the higher apes and man, the free end becomes rudimentary, restricts its lumen, and forms a worm-like process, the processus (appen- dix) vermif ormis , which, like all rudimentary organs, is sub- ject to a large amount of individual variation. Thus in the human subject the appendix varies in length between the limits of 2-23 cm., the average for an adult being 8-9 cm. It is longest proportionally during fetal life, its length relative to that of the large intestine being i :io, while in adult life it is 1 120. It is longest absolutely between the ages of ten and twenty, after which it shows a slight reduc- tion.* Its. status as a rudiment of slight functional value is shown by the tendency towards the obliteration of its lumen, a tendency which increases steadily with age.** Furthermore, these two characters, reduction in length and obliteration of the lumen, go hand in hand, short appendices being usually solid, while large ones are apt to possess a lumen. The position and arrangement of the colon varies consider- ably among various mammals. In man it begins low down *Zuckerkandl tabulated the length of the appendix in 161 bodies, with the following result : mm mm 17 20 2 cases. 90 100 15 cases. 30 40 8 100 no 4 4050 6 no 120 5 5O 60 28 120 I3O 2 6070 26 " 130140 I 7080 29 " 140150 I 8090 23 " 150160 I " ** Wilhelm Miiller, from data obtained from 1,005 bodies dissected at Jena between 1895 and 1897, found the amount of obliteration, partial and total, to be as follows: (See table on p. 298.) 298 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY on the right side, from which there proceed in order an ascending, transverse, and descending portion, connected with the rectum by a sigmoid flexure, through which the tube attains the median line; a similar disposal is seen in many other an- thropoids, in lemurs and rodents, the majority of carnivores, and a few others. A more complex condition than this is pro- duced by the formation of long, narrow loops along the course of either the ascending or transverse colons, or both, and these loops may remain simple or roll into spirals. Such colon labyrinths are seen in ruminants, in certain rodents as the lemmings and jumping mice, and in a few lemurs (Figs. 83 and 84). From this brief review of the alimentary canal and its modi- fications the impression is gained that in this array of enlarge- ments, elongations, diverticula, spiral valves, and other de- vices, we have to do, not with a consecutive anatomical history, but with numerous special cases of physiological adaptations, developed in response to need; and that a similarity in one of Continued from p. 297. MALES FEMALES Age in Years No. of In- dividuals No. of Cases of Oblitera- Per- cent- Age in Years No. of In- dividuals No. of Cases of Oblitera- Per- cent- tion age tion age o 48 o o 46 o o i 78 o i 58 o o 2 10 5i i 2.0 2 IO 4i o II 20 39 2 5-1 II 2O 19 I 5-4 2130 47 3 6.4 2130 23 2 8-7 3140 55 7 12.7 3140 38 9 23.8 4150 84 22 26.2 4150 46 16 34.8 5 r_6o 73 15 20.5 5160 60 18 300 6 1 70 58 17 2-9-3 61 70 48 24 50.0 7180 3i 12 38.7 71-80 30 8 26.6 8190 15 8 53-3 8190 i? 9 52.9 579 426 Comparison of the percentage columns shows that in women there exists a greater tendency towards obliteration than in men. The few dis- crepancies in the table, for example, the smaller average given for men between 50 and 60, and in women between 70 and 80, are doubtless due to the small number of individuals examined. THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 299 these particulars implies, not genetic relationship necessarily, but a similar demand responded to in a similar way. The main object to be achieved in all cases is to regulate the amount of digestive surface to the demands offered by the various kinds of food, and as there is but a limited number of me- chanical or architectural devices possible, the same ones are employed in unrelated groups of animals, having arisen in- dependently in response to a similar physiological need. This phenomenon of parallel development (or " analogical resem- \ FIG. 83. Colon labyrinth of Ceruus canadensis. [After WEBER.] blance," as Darwin calls it), may appear in any system or part and has been a frequent source of error in the estimation of the inter-relationship of animals. The relation of the total length of the intestine to the kind of food has been frequently emphasized, the idea prevailing that it is short in carnivores and long in herbivorous forms, in accordance with the difference in nutrient qualities and the ease of digestion in the two sorts of food, but this statement is to be accepted only in a general way, as it is subject to 300 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY modifications through the compensation furnished by other factors, such as the special devices just considered. Thus in the ox the length of the entire intestine, small and large, in proportion to the length of the body taken as unity is 20:1, FIG. 84. Colon labyrinth of Propithecus diadema. [From WEBER, after VAN LOGHEM.] while in the horse, which eats similar foods, it is but 12:1, but in this latter animal an enormously developed coecum furnishes a compensation for the reduction in length of the main canal. Perhaps the greatest extremes of variation within the same Order are shown within the limits of the Cetacea, where the proportionate length varies between 4:1 and 32:1. This last, THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 301 probably the largest among mammals, is reported to be that of Pontoporia, a South American dolphin, while the shortest mammalian intestine is that found in certain insectivorous bats, the proportion of which to the body length is 2:1. A change in the length or volume of an organ is, however, so easily effected even during an animal's lifetime, that it is prob- able that members of the same species may show considerable difference in length of intestine, especially if a comparison be made between specimens from quite different localities where the diet is different. Thus in man, the intestinal canal of the Japanese, whose food is largely vegetable, exceeds in average length by one-fifth that of Europeans; and in whites of me- dium stature the length of the intestine proper, from pylorus to anus, averages 960 cm., while the average length of the same in nine negroes was but 866.7 cm. This whole subject, therefore, gives but little indication of phylogeny and is valuable in the present inquiry mainly as an example of the complete correlation between environment and structure. In the examples given mammals have been pur- posely emphasized and instances of adaptations in the other groups of vertebrates have been omitted as far as possible, since their inclusion would convey the subject far beyond the proper limits of this work. The function of respiration is the simplest of the major functions, since it consists primarily of an interchange of gases through osmosis, and involves in itself nothing save a moist membrane, with air or aerated water, on one side and blood on the other. The blood must be constantly renewed through some form of circulation, and there is usually some auxiliary mechanism to create a current in the respiratory medium also. It is also imperative that the osmotic membrane be kept moist, a matter of no difficulty in an aquatic animal, but one involving some little additional apparatus, usually an interior chamber with a regulated outlet, in terrestrial forms. Thus in aquatic invertebrates the respiratory membrane is usually external, often a modified portion of the integument. In many minute forms in which the integument is thin, respiration takes place 302 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY through the general surface without the formation of localized organs for the purpose, and in larger forms effective organs of respiration are produced by the formation of external folds or other outpushings of the integument. These are formed in the embryo when the skin is still soft and thin and remain in the adult state unaffected by the process of chitinization which involves the surrounding integument. Such organs are called gills, a general term for all aquatic respiratory organs. These present numerous mechanical devices for increasing the surface ; they may be in the form of single plates, sets of plates placed parallel to one another, dendritic structures formed by the repeated branching of simple diverticula, sets of parallel tubes for the blood with interspaces for the water, and so on, and are in most cases provided with accessory structures, some for protection and others for producing a current of water. In a terrestrial animal, on the other hand, the respiratory system must be internal in order to secure the proper con- ditions of moisture, and as all terrestrial animals are the descendants of aquatic ones that succeeded in adapting them- selves to the difficult environment of land, with its many dis- advantages, it forms an interesting study in adaptation to compare the respiratory system in each terrestrial group with that of the animals which most nearly represent their aquatic ancestors. In some cases the old respiratory organs are re- tained by sinking them into deep recesses kept moist by glands, in others they are discarded in favor of new ones, formed, per- haps, by the transformation of some ready-to-hand cavity, which is lined with blood vessels and made to communicate with the exterior through some regulated outlet. Still another principle is seen in the tracheal tubes of insects, which are branching tubes lined with chitin and leading from a series of external openings into the interior, ramifying all the inter- nal organs. These, as shown by their development, are in origin integumental folds, like the plate-like gills of their an- cestors, which, as they develop, turn in instead of out, thus satisfying the conditions of aerial respiration. THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 303 Essentially different in principle from all of the respiratory methods thus far mentioned is that which utilizes for the purpose some portion of the wall of the alimentary canal, a method employed sporadically among invertebrates, especially the echinoderms, and forming the essential system in verte- brates and allied forms. In this, which, by using the term in its most comprehensive sense, may be called intestinal respi- ration, the function is usually located near one end of the ali- mentary canal, for the purpose of obtaining the respiratory medium, and the wall at this place is richly supplied with capillaries, through which the interchange of gases takes place. The respiratory medium, which may be either air or water, is kept in motion by a system of involuntary or semi- voluntary muscles, and the motion thus generated is usually rhythmic in character. In the vertebrates, as well as in those invertebrates that probably represent their ancestors, the respiratory function is located in the pharynx and the respiratory current is primarily taken in at the mouth and driven out through a series of lateral openings, the gill-slits.* These latter, as seen in the worm-like Balanoglossus, and in Amphioxus, as well as in the embryos of true vertebrates, are seen to be metameric in character, a pair for each somite, and to be arranged in a single row along each side ; but in the more specialized group of Tunicata, these rows of slits which appear in the larva become secondarily modified by the forma- tion of numerous cross-bars, so that ultimately the entire pharynx comes to resemble a grating or a loosely woven basket. The number of these slits is very large in both Balanoglos- sus and Amphioxus, but has suffered a considerable reduction * Aside from the respiration at the anterior end of the canal there are a few isolated instances of respiratory action in other parts of its extent. Thus in the teleost Cobitis, an Eastern Hemisphere carp, some respira- tory function is possessed by the intestine ; and in turtles, two lateral bladders, opening from the cloaca in association with the median, or allantoic bladder, are used for aquatic breathing. chics. When, in the history of the race, vertebrates came out of the water and adapted themselves to a terrestrial element, they 304 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY in true vertebrates, so that even in the lowest of the fishes no more than nine pairs are ever indicated, and this number suffers a constant reduction in higher forms, the loss being progressively from behind forwards. In the lower vertebrates also the effectiveness of the system is increased by the forma- tion, in the endoderm lining the pharynx, of soft structures, richly supplied with blood vessels, which border the gill-slits and form the true respiratory organs, the definite gills or bran- \ substituted for this branchial system a pulmonary one, em- ploying as lungs a pair of sacs which open into the floor of the pharynx a little behind the last gill-slits, and which were un- doubtedly in existence at the time of the change, employed as air bladders. In the gradual perfection of this second respira- tory system many of the parts of the old one obtained employ- ment, and were one after another selected and modified to add to its efficiency. This history of the sudden replacement of one system by another, and of the gradual perfection of the second by making over to its own use the material of the first, forms one of the most interesting although most complex bits of anatomical history, and one of which the record has been especially well preserved. As it involves, however, the entire region and in- cludes skeletal parts, muscles, nerves and other elements aside from those which may be strictly termed respiratory organs, much of the history will be found in the chapters devoted to those other parts. Here an attempt will be made to outline the history of the parts as a whole, with special reference to the function of respiration. The fish type of respiratory apparatus is presented in its most primitive form in the sharks and dog-fish, since numerous modifications which have been acquired in the more specialized fish are absent. It is a type that looks both ways, and, while in many respects similar to that of Amphioxus, from it may be clearly derived the branchial respiratory system of higher forms. Like all special respiratory organs of vertebrates, it THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 305 is essentially pharyngeal and consists primarily of a series of lateral pockets in the walls of the pharynx, which break through to the exterior and form slits. These openings are metameric in arrangement and are paired, each pair corre- sponding to a single metamere as expressed in the associated organs, but show considerable reduction in number from those found in Amphioxus, the functional slits in most cases being limited to five pairs. In two especially primitive genera, how- FIG. 85. Respiratory organs. (a) Cyclostome. (b) Selachian, (c) Teleost. (d) Selachian embryo, (e) Am' phiuma larva. (f) Cryptobranchus larva [from a Japanese print]. n, nostril; s, spiracle; g, gill-slits. ever, Hexanchus and Heptanchus, there are respectively six and seven, facts which suggest that the number at present rep- resents a reduction from a previously more extensive series, the reduction being from behind forwards. Upon the pharyn- geal side of these slits there develops a series of soft organs in the form of fringes or tubes, which consist of localized elabora- tions of the pharyngeal wall, the gills or branchice. These are profusely vascular and are supplied with a rich capillary network developed between two sets of branchial arteries, the 306 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY afferent branchials, which bring the blood directly from the heart to the gills, and the efferent branchials, which collect the blood from the gill capillaries and unite to form the main aorta. Since the blood is aerated in the capillary network of the gills it follows that the blood coming from the heart through the afferent vessels is impure, while that in the effer- ent vessels is pure ; and since these latter unite to form the main aorta, this vessel, the branches of which supply the entire body, contains only aerated blood, while the heart is employed merely to receive the venous blood which returns from all parts, and to send it to the gills. This is the primitive type of vertebrate circulation, and obtains not only in all fishes, but reappears as the early form in all vertebrate embryos, thus proving its fundamental character as an historic stage. The essential respiratory cavity is thus the entire pharynx, through which a current of water is kept in constant flow by being taken in at the mouth and exhaled through the gill- slits; and while in earlier forms, as suggested by Ampkioxus, the capillaries lie in the unmodified pharyngeal wall in the vicinity of the gill-slits, the selachians show a considerable ad- vance by the formation of definitely localized organs, with a Jarge increase of surface, and thus physiologically more effi- cient. In other fishes this gill-system, which is essentially similar to the foregoing, exhibits several secondary modifications, the most apparent of which is the formation of a large gill-flap (operculum) , which arises in front of the most anterior slit and extends backwards, and as the slits become closely ap- proximated and are reduced in number to four, the operculum becomes capable of closing entirely over them, meeting a ridge of integument behind the last slit (Fig. 85, a). The current of water is directed by rhythmic respiratory movements, which consist of opening and closing the mouth and operculum, the motions of the two alternating with each other. With the fishes true internal (endodermic) gills pass away, but in the permanently aquatic salamanders and in all larval amphibians one or more slits break through, usually two to THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 307 three, in connection with which certain integumental struc- tures arise which are gills physiologically, but are unrelated to the former. The most widely distributed form of these is that of the external branchic?, three in number upon each side, and attached to the cartilaginous gill-arches. In structure they are usually plumose or dendritic (Fig. 85, e and f), although in a few cases they are thin and leaf-like. The slits appear between these, with occasionally an additional one in front of the first, and the animals obtain fresh water for res- piration in part by forcing a current through these slits in the manner of fishes, and in part by waving the branchiae up and down by means of special muscles with which these organs are furnished. As stated above, external branchiae are char- | acteristic of the larvae of all amphibians, and are found per- j manently in a few aquatic salamanders, which are either more primitive than the rest, or are paedogenetic, that is, they retain the larval form while becoming sexually mature. These sala- manders are called perennibranchiate in distinction from those in which the branchiae become lost, the caducibranchiate sala- manders. A second form of gills which are external in origin but become internal in position, occurs in frog larvae, where they replace the former, which appear at first. As these are plate-like and are attached to the gill-arches, they have often been considered exactly homologous with the gills of fishes, but their ectodermic origin renders such a conclusion impos- sible. Aside from the two sets of branchiae most amphibians pos- sess definite lungs, which arise in the larvae and exist for a time side by side with the external branchiae, usually replacing them in later life. These are often in the form of simple sacs, without any formation of internal partitions, and even when in their highest development, as in frogs, are far from complex. It thus seems probable that, although they are true lungs anatomically, they play a subordinate role in respiration, and are perhaps primarily used either for regulating the spe- cific gravity of the animal in the water, or in the production of the voice, since the larynx is often very large and curiously 308 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY specialized, and is of considerable importance in the produc- tion of sexual calls. The slight respiratory importance of the lungs in amphibians is further emphasized by the fact that in a large number of species of salamanders, both lungs, trachea and larynx are entirely wanting, although in a few cases rudi- ments of these parts attest the former presence of these organs. The question will naturally occur at this point: what are the means of respiration in adult amphibians if they have lost their branchiae and yet possess either no lungs at all or those of slight functional importance? The answer to this lies in the fact that amphibians have developed two other systems, neither branchial nor pulmonary, the assumption of which shows how great may be the systematic response to a physi- ological need, and suggests also the trying period of transition when vertebrates first essayed the terrestrial environment, and when attempts were made in all possible directions to adapt themselves to the new respiratory medium. These two sys- tems are the integumental and the pharyngo-cesophageal, and as both of these demand for their highest efficiency a moist environment with an occasional submersion in water, they are successful in amphibians with their semi-aquatic mode of life, but in higher forms have been discarded in favor of the pul- monary system, which enables its possessor to leave the marshes and inhabit the dry land. The origin of the assumption of a respiratory function by the amphibian skin may be traced to the abundance of integu- mental glands, inherited from the fishes and used to protect the surface from the action of the water. The presence of these glands necessitates the formation of a superficial net- work of capillaries to supply them with nourishment, and the integument becomes thus transformed into an organ that pos- sesses the qualities necessary for a respiratory organ, that is, a moist surface bathed by the respiratory medium and sup- plied with a rich capillary net-work. Thus apparently by ac- cident, as in all morphological changes, an organ which be- comes modified for a certain function shows a capability of assuming a second one, not intended in the original plan, and THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 309 the moist, glandular skin becomes an effective respiratory organ. The pharyngo-cesophageal system appears to be a special compensation for the loss of the lungs, and is present in only those salamanders in which the pulmonary system has been lost (Fig. 86). Here again the incentive towards the for- mation is a moist membrane richly supplied with capillaries, Pharyngeal,. Muscle Gesophageal Muscle Art.Pharyngea , Portion, of PulmonaiyArcK /Art.Gastrica \anasiomoses [heremththe \pulraoiiaryArch Art.Gastrica V. oesophagea FIG. 86. Pharyngo-cesophageal lung of Desmognathus, showing pha- ryngeal and oesophageal muscles, and the net-work of blood-vessels in the walls of the pharynx and oesophagus. in this case, the mucous lining of the pharynx and oesophagus. The natural vascularity of this structure has been considerably increased, while the capillaries themselves have become more superficial and even invade the external epithelial layer, the only case known. The muscles of the lost pulmonary system have been in part retained, and through their aid, together with that of others which are developed for that purpose, the 310 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY pharynx and oesophagus are dilated and contracted in asso- ciation with the usual respiratory movements of nostrils and floor of the mouth, and the anterior part of the alimentary canal thus becomes a functional lung with the power of in- spiration and .expiration, forming doubtless a more efficient organ than the simple air-sacs which these salamanders allowed to atrophy. Above the amphibians, which, with their numerous methods of respiration, suggest the experimentation of our early an- cestors in their attempts to occupy what must have been at first an unnatural environment, the pulmonary system becomes supreme, and its further development is shown principally in the increased efficiency of its two main organs, the lungs and the larynx. The later history of this system is quite well known, especially that of its development in terrestrial verte- brates, but the origin of the system is still in part obscure, and rests upon surmises rather than upon actual proof. The history begins with the period represented by fishes, during which the pharynx exhibits a tendency to throw off median diverticula, sometimes dorsal and sometimes ventral, for the purpose of forming pneumatic cysts or air-bladders to add to the buoyancy and thus aid in swimming. In many cases these become closed and depend upon the adjacent blood vessels for the gases with which they become distended, but in others the original connection with the pharyngeal cavity is retained and the two are kept in communication through a small duct. In this latter case the cyst is filled with air, which is expelled and renewed through the mouth when the fish is at the surface of the water, a proceeding that demands some sort of regulator at the orifice of the duct, an opening to which, by an extension of meaning, the term glottis may be applied. Such an apparatus, which consists of muscles and fibro-carti- lage, is a functional larynx, of which there must be two distinct organs, a larynx dorsalis, and a larynx ventralis, in accordance with the position of the pneumatic cyst. That cysts in these two positions cannot be homologous is evident; indeed, those in the same position in fish not closely related are not neces- THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 311 sarily the same, yet until the subject has been thoroughly in- vestigated, the latter may be assumed to be the case. In several ganoids either one or the other of these pneu- matic systems becomes complex in character and serves as an accessory respiratory organ. The air-bladder functions as a lung; it becomes honeycombed with connective tissue parti- tions, and is profusely vascular, thus forming an organ of far greater functional activity than the definite lungs of many amphibians ; corresponding to this its larynx, the regulator of the air supply, develops an extensive set of muscles and masses of fibro-cartilage. That such a structure, when dorsal in position, as in Lepisosteus, cannot be the precursor of the final pulmonary system of higher forms is self-evident, but when such an organ is ventrally placed, thus corresponding exactly to the embryonic stages of the latter, as in Polypterus, such an homology, although not definitely proven, is very likely. As for the dorsal system, there is no indication that it is represented in any way above the fishes. If, however, the ventral air-bladder of Polypterus is identi- cal with the paired lungs of higher forms (which begin as a single median diverticulum that divides later into two branches), the larynx can be the same only in respect to its opening, the glottis, since the accessory parts, that form the functional organ, are derived from two totally different sources in the two cases. In the fish larynx the hard parts are derived from the adjacent connective tissue, and are composed of fibro-cartilage, which represents as it were the first stage in cartilage formation and differs but little from a compact form of simple connective tissue. The muscles are evidently slips differentiated from the muscular walls of the pharynx. That this forms a very effective organ cannot be denied and, had no. better material for a laryngeal mechanism been furnished, that of the ganoid with its fibro-cartilage and slips of pharyn- geal muscle would have undoubtedly developed to fill all the needs of a pulmonary system, even including the functions of \ voice and speech. It chanced, however, that at this period, the fifth branchial arches with their accompanying muscles, 312 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY emancipated from all respiratory function, and employed in a desultory way as tooth-bearing structures or as parts assisting in deglutition, were lying in the immediate neighborhood, one on each side of the glottis but a little anterior to it, and equipped with well-differentiated muscles ; and it may well have happened that little by little these parts may have usurped the function of the other apparatus, being better fitted for the purpose. Be that as it may, when, after a succession of forms that have become lost, the curtain rises upon the lowest of the amphibians, this very pair of arches is seen lying, one upon each side of the glottis, and forming with its muscles a primi- tive though very effective larynx. These cartilages are proven to be the actual 5th pair of gill-arches through the iden- tity of their nerve supply, and the weak point in the story is the identity of the two pulmonary systems, that of the ganoid and the definite one found in terrestrial vertebrates, a point not yet proven; but, granting this, a theory which seems extremely probable, the rest must follow. In all events the history of both lungs and larynx from the amphibians on is a continuous one, and the latter organ, equipped at the start with the $th branchial cartilages and their associated parts, becomes more complex by the gradual addition of other arches, proceeding from behind forwards, each accommodating itself in shape and position to the especial function desired in each case. The simplest amphibian larynx is that of the perenni- branchiate salamander Necturus, where the two cartilages in question are in the form of flattened triangular pieces, the lateral cartilages, placed one upon each side of the glottis (Fig. 87, a). A short membranous trachea, entirely without cartilaginous support, leads to the bag-like lungs. In an allied form, Proteus (Fig. 87, b), a slight advance is seen in the fact that the posterior angles of the lateral cartilages are more prolonged and appear as slender processes which are applied along the sides of the entire trachea as far as the bronchi. These in adult animals show a tendency to separate from the main mass. This differentiates the cartilaginous THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 313 pieces into an anterior pair of arytanoids, upon either side of the glottis, and a posterior pair of tracked pieces. Within the Class of Amphibia there are no new pieces formed beyond these, but they exhibit a great variety of forms, and become especially complex in the Anura, where they are employed in the production of various sorts of notes used as sexual calls (Fig. 87, c-e). The muscles associated with these skeletal elements consist originally of a pair of dilatators, which are attached to the outer edges of the cartilages and serve to draw them apart, and a double pair of adductors, the laryngei, which stretch across from one to another and serve to approxi- mate them. These give rise in many of the more complicated A a b c d e FIG. 87. Laryngeal cartilages of various Amphibians. (a) Necturus (mud-puppy), (b) Proteus. (c) Amphiuma. (d) Triton (Newt), (e) Rana (frog). cases to an entire system of muscles, mainly connected with the arytaenoid cartilages, which form the essential skeletal or- gan of the larynx, and to which the vocal cords in the form of mucous folds become attached. In the Sauropsida there are two conspicuous points of ad- vance ; the one concerns the larynx, the other the trachea. The first consists of the addition of the 4th pair of branchial car- tilages, which become reduced in size, unite in the middle and form a triangular flap, the epiglottis; this, during passive breathing, stands erect above the glottis but shuts down over the latter during the act of swallowing, thus preventing the entrance of solid food into the trachea. The second advance consists of the presence of a series of rings of approximately 314 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY equal size, which embrace the trachea and protect it from collapse. These are deficient behind, where the trachea comes in contact with the oesophagus, as a provision to allow the passage of a large mouthful, but are strongly developed in front and serve to keep the trachea distended. The most an- terior of these rings is much heavier than any of the others and is probably formed by the fusion of several of them. It is known as the cricoid cartilage and is topographically con- sidered a part of the larynx. The tracheal rings must have been developed in some way from the tracheal pieces that segmented off from the lateral cartilages, but the manner of their formation is not known. Similar rings occur in the trachea of the Gymnophiona, the rare Order of subterranean amphibians, but whether these are homologous with those of the reptiles and birds has not yet been determined. There is but little variation in laryngeal form among the representatives of the Sauropsida, and this in spite of the great differentiation of voice in the case of the birds, since in these the voice is produced, not by the larynx, but by a special organ, the syrinx, or lower larynx, situated at the forking of the bronchi and not found outside of the group of birds. In mammals a conspicuous addition is seen in the thyreoid cartilage. The origin of this piece is not apparent in pla- cental mammals, in which it appears as an extensive shield, covering the ventral surface of the entire organ, but in the more primitive monotremes, instead of the single shield-like piece, there are two pairs of narrow bars which from their origin and their similarity to the more anterior ones, as well as from their mode of development, are clearly s branchial arches, evidently the 2nd and 3rd (Fig. 8 leaves only the first arch, which in this Order unites true hyoid arch to form the hyoid complex (" hyo of human anatomy), to which it contributes its cornua, the thyreo-hyals. The cricoid cartilage is n Sauropsida and is manifestly the result of the con en to be ;). This with the id bone " posterior uch as in solidation of certain of the upper tracheal rings. The development of the lungs is mainly along the lines of THE DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 315 physiological efficiency through a repeated subdivision of the interior. This results in the production of smalft chambers, commonly known as " air-cells," more properly alvboli, which are connected with the bronchi by means of numerous smaller branches. The walls of these alveoli are covered with a net- work of capillaries, thus making them the ultimaie organs of respiration to which all other parts are accessory. Pri- marily there are no cartilages in the lungs themselves, but in reptiles they may be seen to develop along the course of a FIG. 88. Larynx of Echidna (monotreme). [After GCEPPERT.] (a) Ventral, (b) Lateral. St. H, stylo-hyal; EH, epi-hyal; CH, cerato-hyal; BH, basi-hyal; Th. H, thyro- hyal; Thy, I, first thyreoid cartilage; Thy, 2, second thyreoid cartilage. the bronchi and invade the lungs; in mammals the smaller bronchial tubes are similarly equipped, almost as far as the ultimate branches, although in the course downwards the rings become less complete and are finally reduced to irregu- lar pieces lying in the sides of the tubes. The smallest tubules, which are without cartilaginous pieces, are termed bronchioli. In birds and in many mammals the lungs are subdivided by grooves into lobes, but in other cases the grooves are shal- low, and the lobes become hardly more than slight protuber- 3i6 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY ances. Although quite constant in number and arrangement in a given mammal there is the greatest variation of the lobes in forms not closely related ; and that these parts are of slight physiological importance is shown by their complete absence in mammals quite unlike structurally and occupying different environments. Thus the lungs are without lobes in the Cetacea, Sirenia, and some seals, thus suggesting a modi- fication due to an aquatic life, but on the other hand the lungs are similarly undivided in sloths and ant-eaters, and in cer- tain rodents, as mice and squirrels. The left lung in the elephant is also without lobes. The development of a diaphragm in mammals separates the general body-cavity into thoracic and abdominal portions and cuts off the pleura, which invests the lungs and lines the tho- racic cavity, from the peritoneum, which stands in similar relationship to the abdominal viscera. These changes cause some variation in the mechanism of breathing, in which the diaphragm becomes a powerful accessory organ. CHAPTER VIII THE VASCULAR SYSTEM " However, if we consider that all the characteristics which have been cited are only differences in degree of structure, may we not suppose that this special condition of organization of man has been gradually acquired at the close of a long period of time, with the aid of circumstances which have proved favorable? What a subject for reflection for those who have the courage to enter into it ! " LAMARCK in Recherches sur V Organization des corps vivans. 1802. Transl. Packard, 1901. A VASCULAR system of some sort occurs in all ccelomate animals, except in some reduced parasitic forms, and consists essentially, of a cavity, or series of connected cavities, in which a fluid circulates, containing detached cells of one or more kinds. Both fluid and cells are concerned in metabolism and act as carriers of material both to and from the various tissues. In many Metazoa, especially the smaller and less highly organized ones, the system is lacunar, and the circu- lating medium, here often termed the perivisceral fluid, occu- pies everywhere the irregular spaces between the organs, and its circulation is furthered by the movements of these latter and of the entire body; in other cases the lacunar system be- comes reinforced, or largely replaced, by the formation of definite channels in the form of branching tubes, through which the fluid circulates. Such a circulation is said to be dosed, in distinction from the lacunar or open type first mentioned, and in such a system, deprived as it is of the pro- pelling power insured by the movement of external parts, de- pendence must be placed upon some intrinsic force within the vascular system itself, and thus there arise pulsating vessels, 317 318 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY certain localized portions of the system of tubes, the walls of which are caused to dilate and contract rhythmically through the development of a layer of involuntary muscles. Vertebrates possess the tubular or closed type of vascular system, reinforced by a few definitely localized lacuna, and indirectly aided by the various serous cavities of the body like the ccelom and the capsules of the joints. Both anatomically and physiologically this system is divided into two subordi- nate systems, hccmal and lymphatic, of which the first is the one principally emphasized, while the other bears to it the relationship of an important auxiliary. The tubules of the first system are divided into the heart, a localized pulsating vessel with enormously hypertrophied muscular walls ; arteries, in which the current flows from the heart ; veins, in which the current flows toward the heart ; and lastly capillaries and sinu- soids, two forms of the minute vessels which extend between the arteries and veins and supply every tissue of the body. To these, which collectively bear the name of blood-vessels, there are associated a few definitely bounded lacuna, here spaces limited by membranes, and mainly differing from the rest of the system, into which they are continued, by the absence of walls of their own. The circulatory medium contained in this system is termed blood, and consists of two main types of cells, the erythrocytes or " red blood corpuscles," and the leucocytes or " white blood corpuscles," suspended in a liquid plasma. The auxiliary system consists primarily of lymphatic vessels, which in distinction from the veins and arteries are small and thin-walled, and of lymph glands, which are not glands in the usual sense, but storehouses for leucocytes. With the lymphatic system are associated the serous cavities of the body (ccelom, capsules of joints, bursse about the larger ten- dons, etc.), with which numerous lymphatic vessels communi- cate so that, by a physiological though not a morphological right, these cavities have been considered as expanded lymphatic vessels. In the lower vertebrates a number of definitely located pulsating organs, or lymph hearts, further THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 319 the circulation of the liquid medium, which is here termed lymph and consists of plasma containing leucocytes alone. These two latter elements constantly escape from the blood through the walls of the capillaries during the process of feeding the tissues, and it is one of the functions of the lym- phatic system to collect these by means of its smaller vessels and eventually to return them to the blood. The other main function of the lymphatic system is to aid in the extraction of digested foods from the alimentary canal and convey them also to the circulatory system. In no system of the body does the embryonic record tell the story of the race development so completely as in the case of the circulatory system, and although the change in vertebrate history from water to air, replacing one set of respiratory organs by another, has profoundly modified the blood-vessels, yet even this change is repeated with great fidelity in the individual life of each of the higher vertebrates. This might be expected of the amphibians, in the most of which the actual change of external environment is individually experienced, yet a similar metamorphosis in the circulatory system takes place in Sauropsida and Mammalia, although it is confined to embryonic life. Since this is so, the best introduction to the history of the circulatory system is that furnished by embryology, the early part of which may be here given in the form of a general sketch, which, although not intended to represent the details of development in any one animal, or even of any one group, yet is based rather more upon the development of the higher vertebrates, since in these alone is the story complete. In beginning this sketch a certain characteristic of nearly all vertebrate embryos must be emphasized, since it is closely connected with the circulatory system, especially in its earlier stage, and that is, the extra-embryonal yolk-sac, which de- velops a set of blood-vessels for the purpose of feeding the embryo. In this is seen a probable reason why the history of this system is retained in so much more perfect condition than 320 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY are most of the others, and that is, because this system is actively functional almost from the beginning of embryonic life, while in other cases the parts lie passive and let themselves gradually assume the final shape without contributing anything to the functional life of the organism, a condition most favor- able to the suppression of intermediate stages. The early vertebrate embryo, during its cleavage stages, ap- pears most frequently as a circular disc of rapidly proliferating cells floating on the surface of a spherical or spheroidal yolk- mass ; and although at first these cells possess sufficient energy within themselves to continue development, there soon comes a time at which they become dependent upon the nutriment stored in the yolk, and it is thus one of the earliest cares of the organism to develop blood-vessels for the purpose of carry- ing yolk granules to. the embryonic area. These blood-vessels first appear as irregularly branching spaces on the surface of the yolk beyond the limit of the definite embryo; these spaces soon form themselves into a capillary net-work and unite upon each side of the embryo into a vitelline vein. Within the embryo a similar process lays down the first blood-vessels and the entire system appears as in Fig. 89, A. The two vitelline veins unite into a median vessel, the future heart, situated ventrally with reference to the embryo, and immediately back of the future gill region. Further anteriorly the median vessel divides and forms two lateral loops, the first arterial gill-arches, which continue around the pharynx until they come in contact with one another upon the ventral side of the notochord, from which point they run backwards, forming two aorta. At a point a little posterior to the entrance into the embryo of the vitelline veins, the aortae pass mainly into the forma- tion of two vitelline arteries, which spread out over the yolk, but the small vessels which continue into the posterior end of the embryo form morphologically their real continuation. During later development the posterior aortcc fuse into one and increase greatly in size so that the proportions between 1HE VASCULAR SYSTEM 321 them and the vitelline arteries become reversed; and, as this part of the embryo expands and develops legs, tail, and pelvic organs, these latter become supplied by secondary branches from this main trunk. A similar arterial supply to the head region is furnished by the artery which develops anteriorly from the arterial gill-arch. In the figure it appears as a mere stump, but is destined to become the carotid artery, which in- FIG. 89. Early circulation of vertebrate embryo. (A) First appearance of definite vessels. (B) Later stage, during the formation of gill arteries. AC, carotid artery; A, dorsal aorta; AV , vitelline artery; VV , vitelline vein; H, heart. creases in size and the complexity of its branches in exact proportion to the development of the part which it supplies. As these last two vessels, carotid artery and posterior aorta, distribute the blood ouside of the main channel, a new set of vessels must be developed to bring it back again and thus complete the circuit. Those appear in the form of the four cardinal veins, two anterior and two posterior (not shown in 322 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN IODY the figure), which collect the blood sent to the growing tis- sues of the embryo by the arteries and return it into the main channel. The anterior and posterior cardinals of each side unite opposite the heart and form a lateral vessel, the duct of Citvier (ductus Cuvieri), which enters the heart from the side immediately after its formation through the union of the two vitelline veins. In this system of vessels is seen the first systemic venous system, the function of which is to collect from the body the blood supplied it by the arteries and return it to the heart. A considerable advance is seen in Fig. 89, B, which repre- sents a somewhat older embryo. The heart has increased both in caliber and in length, which has caused it to assume a some- what contorted attitude, the prelude to those later changes which will result in the formation of a compact organ with definite compartments. To the single arterial loop which forms the first arterial arch in the gill region others have been added in a posterior direction, the general method of forma- tion being shown by the last one, in this figure the 5th. The appearance of limbs has caused the development of arteries to supply them, subclavians for the anterior, and iliacs for the posterior; these are duplicated by veins associated with the cardinal system. At about this stage a striking change, but one the signifi- cance of which is mainly embryonic, consists in the develop- ment of the bag-like allantois with its accompanying blood- vessels, the allantoic (or umbilical) veins and arteries (see Fig. 17). This appears indeed in amphibians as an evagina- tion from the ventral wall of the cloaca, where it functions as a urinary bladder, but here it never surpasses the limits of the body ; in Sauropsida and Mammalia, however, it develops into an enormous extra-embryonal organ of great functional importance. It begins in the form of a small sac that pushes its way out from the embryo, and is supplied with two arteries from the posterior aorta, and two veins which enter the heart in association with the vitelline vein, but it soon increases greatly in size, and its blood-vessels increase proportionately. THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 323 Ultimately, in Sauropsida, animals with very large eggs en- cased in a porous shell, the allantois comes to line the entire shell and serves as the embryonal respiratory organ; in mam- mals it forms the main part of the placenta and umbilical cord, and functionally replaces the yolk sac, which is here a useless rudiment, although equipped with its full complement of blood-vessels. In both cases the allantois is cast away from the embryo at birth, haemorrhage being prevented by an atrophy of the blood-vessels at the point at which they leave the body. Further important modifications of the circulatory system are caused by the development of liver and kidneys and by the increase in bulk of the intestine. Owing to an original continuity between the yolk sac and the intestine, the veins from this latter organ empty into the vitelline veins, forming a compound vein, composed of intestinal and vitelline branches, the omphalo-mesenteric. Of these the right one does not develop beyond a certain point, and the main, and ultimately the entire, duty falls upon the left. About this the develop- ing liver grows, and in such a way as ultimately to include it within its substance, and as a result of this that part of the vein which runs through the liver becomes divided into a system of capillaries. The result of this is that the blood coming from both yolk and intestine has no longer any way of getting directly into the heart through a large vessel, but must first pass through the capillary system of the liver, and be re-collected upon the other side. From this stage on the single omphalo-mesenteric vein, that originally of the left side, becomes known as the portal vein, and the collecting vein upon the other side of the liver, which brings the blood from that organ into the heart, forms the hepatic. Throughout this portion both of the original vitelline veins are preserved, and it thus happens that there are two hepatic veins, but only one portal. A similar change is that inaugurated by the development of the embryonic kidney. The blood comes back from the tail in a median caudal vein, which, posterior to the cloaca, divides 324 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY into two branches. These pass along the outer sides of the kidneys and are resolved entirely into a set of small branches, the vena renales advehentes, which enter these organs and break up into capillaries. From these the blood is re- collected by veins which emerge from their inner edges, the vence renales revehentes, which unite to form the posterior cardinals. There is thus formed a portal system similar to that of the liver, and called the renal portal, in distinction from the latter, the hepatic portal. This relationship is a permanent one in fishes and amphibians, but in the Sauropsida and Mam- malia the kidneys in which this portal system is developed function as such only in the embryo, and become eventually replaced as kidneys by a new organ in connection with which no such portal system becomes developed. Thus far in the development of the circulatory system all Classes of vertebrates agree, allowing for slight differences in the relations of the extra-embryonal parts, such as the rela- tive development of the allantois, or the amount of yolk ; one Class, the lowest, that of fishes, remains permanently at this stage, while the others progressively modify the fundamental plan. It may be well, then, to consider the condition in the adult selachian, which is practically that of the foregoing sketch, after which the later development of the various parts of the system may be taken up one after another. The circulatory system of the selachians is represented in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 90), in considering which the reader may begin at the heart and trace the vessels an- teriorly. The heart is situated very far forward, immedi- ately behind the gills, its embryonic position in higher animals, and consists of four chambers arranged in a single longi- tudinal row along the median line. The most posterior of these, the sinus venosus, is the receptacle into which is brought the impure blood from all parts of the body. Next in order, into which the blood passes in succession, are the atrium, the ventricle, and the conus arteriosus. This last and most anterior compartment is prolonged into an arterial trunk (truncus arteriosus), which breaks up into THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 325 paired lateral branches, the afferent branchial arteries. These pass along the cartilaginous gill-arches and supply the gills, dividing into very fine branches for the purpose. Thus far FIG. 90. Diagram of primitive vertebrate circulation, based on the condition found in selachians. s, sinus venosus; t, atrium; v, ventricle; x, conus arteriosus; br, branchial arteries: ad, carotid artery; aoa, aortic arch; aod, dorsal aorta; ce, coeliac axis, consisting of (m) mesenteric, and hepatic and splenic (unmarked) branches; can, caudal arteries and veins; it, iliac arteries and veins; sb, subclavian arteries and veins; ra, renales advehentes; rr, renales revehentes; I, lateral vein; cp, posterior cardinal vein; ca, an- terior cardinal vein; p, hepatic portal vein; h, hepatic vein. the blood is impure, in the state in which it was received from the body, but at this point there intervenes a system of capil- 326 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY laries, in which the exchange of respiratory gases takes place, and when it is re-collected into the efferent branchial arteries, corresponding in number to the afferent branchials, the blood has become aerated. These latter arteries converge to the median line, where they unite to form a median aorta, which lies upon the ventral side of the vertebral centra, and gives off the main arteries of the body. Before the arches of the two sides unite they give off the carotid arteries, which supply the head and brain ; and then, not far from the point of union, the subclavians, to the anterior paired limbs (pectoral fins). Lower down appear branches that supply the body walls and the viscera; and the posterior paired limbs (ventral fins) are supplied by the iliacs. As these branches are given off, the aorta diminishes in size and terminates at the end of the tail as a mere thread, protected throughout the caudal region by the haemal arches of the vertebrae. The entire body is thus supplied with aerated blood from a single main channel with its branches, but on its return its course is not so simple, and involves three distinct venous systems connected with one another by capillaries. The first of these consists of four great longitudinal veins, the two anterior and the two posterior cardinals, which collect the blood from the head, the anterior fins, and the walls of the trunk. As in the embryological sketch, the anterior and pos- terior cardinal veins of each side unite into a ductus Cuvieri, which enters the sinus venosus. Associated with the posterior cardinals are the two large lateral veins which lie in the body wall and were perhaps originally situated along the bases of the lateral fin-folds, from which the paired limbs have been derived. They arise as very small vessels along the sides of the tail and enlarge rapidly as they proceed anteriorly through the assumption of tributary branches from each somite. In the cloacal region the two lateral veins communicate by numerous anastomosing branches, forming a cloacal plexus (represented in the diagram by a single vein), and receive the iliac veins from the posterior fins. Anterior to this they still receive meta- meric contributions from each somite and finally empty THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 327 into the posterior cardinals near their fusion with the an- terior ones to form the ductus Cuvieri. The subdavian vein from the anterior fin enters either the lateral vein or the posterior cardinal near the entrance of the latter. In the former case, which may be considered the more primitive, we have the suggestion of the early relation of the lateral vein to the fin-fold, for this condition suggests strongly a primitive one in which the lateral vein received a branch from each metameric element of the fin-fold. When the definite limbs were established by the hypertrophy of an anterior and posterior region and the loss of the intermediate portion, the veins corresponding to the regions retained became large and important, while the rest were somewhat reduced. To ac- count for the retention of a single vein for each appendage, rather than one from each somite represented, one may sup- pose either the retention of one and the loss of the others, or the fusion of several. Since, in the pelvic fin of the skate, there are, in addition to the principal iliac vein, one or two small vessels which open independently into the lateral vein, the former alternative is the more probable. The second system begins by a median caudal vein, which starts at the tip of the tail and runs within the haemal arches, upon the ventral side of the aorta. When near the cloaca this vein divides into two lateral branches, which run along the lateral margins of the long and narrow kidneys, and give off to these organs numerous lateral branches, the vena renales advehentes. These break up into a capillary system within the substance of the kidneys and form the renal portal system. 'From this capillary net-work the blood is collected along the medial margin of the kidneys by numerous vena renales revehentes, the union of which into a common trunk forms the origin of each posterior cardinal. The third, or hepatic portal system, is exactly as given in the embryological sketch. It collects the blood from the intestines and stomach into a common trunk, the portal vein, which enters the liver upon its dorsal side and becomes resolved into capil- laries, as in the former case. From this organ the blood is re- 328 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY collected by one or more hepatic veins, lying more on the ven- tral side of the liver, and is emptied into the sinus venosus. Thus all the impure blood, through one channel or another, finds its way into this most posterior chamber of the heart, from which it passes in succession through atrium, ventricle, and conus arteriosus, and finally into the gills, where it be- comes aerated. It thus happens that the heart contains only impure or venous blood, since it is not purified until it reaches the gills, which suggests that the terms " arterial " and " venous," as applied to pure and impure blood respectively, are not applica- ble in the case of the lower vertebrates, and are much better dropped, since they are often misleading. Furthermore, in Amphibia and Reptilia these two kinds of blood are not sharply defined, since both sorts are often allowed to mingle, forming a mixed blood of varying degrees of purity. All confusion on this point, however, may be avoided if the terms artery and vein and their corresponding adjectives are used in their an- atomical sense only, arteries being, as previously defined, those vessels in which the blood flows from the heart, and veins those in which the blood flows towards the heart. The physiological distinction which designates pure blood as arterial and impure blood as venous is taken from its condition in the two sets of vessels in birds and mammals, and even here in the case of the pulmonary system the conditions are reversed and physio- logically arterial blood flows in the veins, and physiologically venous blood in the arteries. The history of the arterial arches is shown in synoptical form by the accompanying series of diagrams (Fig. 91 ), which present the facts as deduced from the combined study of both the adult anatomy and embryological development of repre- sentatives of each Class of vertebrates. The diagrams repre- sent the adult conditions in each case, the relationship being morphologically interpreted by the help of the development. There are typically six pairs of arterial arches, which lie along the sides of the pharynx and extend from a ventral vessel that proceeds directly from the heart to a dorsal one that col- THE VASCULAR SYSTEM lects the blood from the arches and conveys it to all parts of the body, the ventral and dorsal aortse respectively (Fig. 91, a), f In all the diagrams the parts of both sides are shown, viewed ventrally and flattened out so that the ventral aorta lies in the middle and the dorsal aortse converge from the outer sides. In selach- ians (Fig. 91, b) five of these arches are present and functional; each arch is divided into an afferent and an efferent branch, between which respiration is effected by means of capillaries spread out over soft endodermic gills. From the anterior portion of the efferent system the carotids are given off, vessels which include the only remnants of the first arterial arches. /fin the urodelous am- phibians (Fig. 91, c) the first two arterial arches disappear in the embryo, leaving four functional arches. Of these arch III unites with remnants of I and II to form the carotids, IV and V on FIG. 91. Diagrams showing modifi- cations in the arterial arches of Ver- tebrates. (a) Typical, embryonic, (b) Fishes. (c) Amphibians. (d) Reptiles. (e) Birds. (f) Mammals. /, //. ///, IV, V, VI, arterial arches; of, Art. carotis dextra; cs. Art. carotis sinistra; sd, Art. subclavia dextra; ss, Art. subclavia sinistra; ad, Aorta dextra; ay, Aorta sinistra; bd. Ductus Botalli dexter; bs, Ductus Botalli sinister; pd, Art. pulmonalis dextra; ps t Art. pulmonalis sinistra. 330 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY both sides form complete arches and unite to form the dorsal aorta, and VI becomes the pulmonary (here the puhno-cutane- ous). Of the two aortic arches IV is the principal one and V is a subordinate, and is of such slight functional importance that in the higher Classes it is destined to disappear altogether. These arches are usually continuous, and are not as a rule interrupted in the midst by the interposition of respiratory capillaries as in fishes; in larval urodeles, however, and in a few adult forms, the perennibranchs, a branch from the ven- itral side of the arch supplies the external gill-bushes with capillaries, from which a collecting branch returns the blood to the arch at its dorsal end. When such a gill-bush is of much functional importance these lateral branches are large, and in extreme cases it is possible that practically all the blood of a given arch may pass through these indirect channels. In most cases the external gills, and with them their supplying branches, disappear at the expiration of larval life, and the arches form continuous vessels, as in higher forms. The sixth arch is in the larva a complete one, and joins the dorsal aorta, as do the two preceding ; with the development of the lungs and the integumental respiration a small branch, which arises from this arch near the middle, becomes engaged in supplying the lungs and skin, and increases so much in size that it ultimately transmits all of the blood that enters the arch, leaving the distal half of the arch without employment. This part then closes its lumen and is retained as a connecting band, the ligamentum arteriosum [Botalli], extending along its old path between the pulmonary artery and the dorsal aorta. A similar ligament, or in many cases a small perviotis artery, is also retained between the carotid arch and the main aortic arch (III and IV). In reptiles (Fig. 91, d) the metamorphosis of the arterial system is pushed back into embryonic life, and, from this point on, no longer appears after birth. In other words, the transi- tion from water to land, an historic scene actually enacted during the post-natal existence of amphibians in the form of the metamorphosis, with all the changes involved, not only in THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 331 the circulatory, but in other systems as well, is pushed back among the stages that are recapitulated in the embryo; there is a metamorphosis in reptiles and mammals just as truly as in the case of amphibians, but it is embryonic. Here, as in amphibians, arch III, with rudiments of I and II, forms the carotids and its connection with arch IV disappears. This latter becomes the aortic arch, and is retained on each side, as right and left arches, the two uniting dorsally and back of the heart to form the main aorta. Arch V, which in am- phibians is practically superfluous, is given up in reptiles, and from this point on is seen no more, save in the em- bryo, where it often appears as a rudiment. A pulmonary artery develops from the sixth arch of each side, as in am- phibians, leaving a right and left ligamentum arteriosum \_Bo- talli]. The subclavian arteries, that supply the fore-limbs, which in most fishes and amphibians arise from the dorsal aorta after the union of the two lateral arches, possess a more anterior origin and arise from the right aortic arch. Croco- diles and turtles present an exception to this, and in these, as in birds, the subclavians arise from the base of the carotids, an origin so radically different as to lead morphologists to be- lieve that these vessels are not the subclavians at all, but are secondarily developed arteries (subclavice secundaric?) which have functionally replaced the true subclavians. In birds and mammals (Fig. 91, e and f) but a single aortic arch comes to development ; in birds this is the one on the right side, in mammals the one on the left, a convincing proof, if proof were wanting, of the independent development of these two Classes. There is thus, in each case, but one ligamentum arteriosum, connecting the pulmonary and aortic arches. In the mammalian fetus, in which pulmonary respira- tion is not assumed till the moment of birth, this vessel is functional and is known as the ductus arteriosus [Botalli]. It is still pervious at birth, but the lumen closes within a few days by the rapid thickening of the wall of the vessel. There is here to be noted an important difference also in the sub- clavians; in birds, as in the turtles, these vessels are repre- 332 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY sented by sub-clavi), a part destined to play an important role later on. Arch III has become large; arch IV is very large, and a rudiment of arch V has appeared. The dorsal stump of I has divided into two branches, the maxillaris (ms), which goes to the de- veloping upper jaw, and the mandibularis (md), which be- comes distributed to the lower jaw. In stage g the maxillary artery just mentioned has divided again into a supra-orbital (o) and an infra-orbital (t), thus giving three terminal branches of the dorsal stump of arch I. From the free end of the ventral aorta (av) appears a branch that goes to the tongue-anlage, the lingualis (/). The point especially to be noted here is that of the two buds, (x) and (y), which arise from the dorsal stumps of arches I and II, respectively, and grow toward one another. The formation of the arteria vertebralis cerebralis (vc) by the union of the hypo- glossal and first cervical arteries with one from much further forward is also to be noticed, but is without special interest. In stage h the buds (x) and (y) have united the dorsal buds of I and II, and the significance of this step is seen by compar- ing this with stage t, for here the portion connecting the com- 336 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY FIG. 93. Development of arterial arches in Rat embryo. [After TANDLER.] I, II, III, . IV, V, VI, represent the respective arches or their rudiments; a, conus arteriosus; ad, dorsal aorta; av, ventral aorta (truncus arteriosus) ; ccb, art. carotis cerebralis; p, arteria pulmonalis; ec, first cervical artery; s, segmental arteries, hy, hypoglossal artery; ms, maxillary artery; md, mandibular artery; o, supra- orbital artery; i, infra-orbital artery; /, lingual artery; vc, art. vertebralis cere- bralis; x, y, stumps which ultimately join, and form the stapedial artery, (st.) THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 337 mon origin of the supra- and infra-orbital and mandibular arteries has become lost and their source of supply has become transferred to the dorsal stump of II. The artery thus formed penetrates the mass of cells destined to become the stapes and forms the foramen characteristic of this bone in the higher FIG. 94. (h)-(l), Continuation of the series given in Fig. 93. Ultimate condition in Man, for comparison with (1). [All figures after TANDLER.] xy, the artery formed by the union of x, and y, in the previous figure; cc, common carotid artery; ce, external carotid artery; ci, internal carotid ?rtery; st, stapedial artery; n, anastomosing branch between the external carotid and mandib- ular arteries. The other abbreviations are given under FIG. 93 or are explained in the text. Mammalia. In the monotremes, where this action does not take place, the bone is columnar, and without a foramen. From now on the artery formed by the dorsal stump of arch II, the anastomosing branch (xy), and a bit of the dorsal stump of arch I, becomes called the stapedialis (st) f through its relation- 338 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY ship to the stapes. How it comes to bear the three important branches of the later external carotid has been already seen. Between stages h and i a second important change has been inaugurated in the reduction of that part of the dorsal aorta which connects arches III and IV. This finally effects a complete separation of the two arches in this place, and causes the third arch to become a common carotid artery (cc) which divides into two branches, an external carotid (ce) which was formerly the anterior part of the ventral aorta plus the ventral stumps of arches I and II, and an internal carotid (a), the main third arch plus the original arteria carotis cerebralis. One more change in relationship is to be effected, and that is inaugurated through the growth of another anastomotic branch (n in stage i) which enters the side of the mandibularis (or, perhaps, the continuation of the stapedialis) and forms a complete circuit, as in stage k. From this point on the history differs in the rat and in Man, as is indicated by the two arrows, with their respective designations. In the rat the cir- cuit breaks at the point between the infra-orbital and the man- dibular, and in Man at a point above the supra-orbital. The two results of these are seen in diagrams / and n, which rep- resent the adult condition of this detail in the rat and in Man, respectively. In the former (/) the stapedial artery, a branch of the internal carotid, bears both supra- and infra-orbital arteries, while the external carotid becomes continued mainly into the mandibular. In the latter the external carotid bears all three of the branches in question, while the stapedial ar- tery, being of no further use, disappears, and leaves in the stapes the hole through which it formerly ran, thus account- ing for the particularly curious shape of this little bone, which attracted the attention of the early anatomists, but for which they had no explanation. In considering the details of the de- velopment of any part of the circulatory system, the process is seen to be a metamorphosis, correlated with the changes in the parts supplied by the blood-vessels under consideration. Such a metamorphosis is like the changes in the roads and THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 339 paths of a given district, due to a shifting of the centers of population, and the development or decay of any points of human interest. Changes like these set the traffic now over one, now over another, series of roads, which increase or de- crease in width and degree of development in exact propor- tion to this use, certain ones becoming highways and others lanes, solely through the functional importance of the locali- ties which they connect. Even the atrophied rudiments have their counterpart in the ancient roads, entirely overgrown and lost to all save the antiquary. The branches of the aorta posterior to the arterial gill- arches and their derivatives are sufficiently similar in all ver- tebrates to be easily recognized, but it may be said in general " that, as is the case with other systems, these branches show many more indications of metameric arrangement in the lower vertebrates, and are accordingly more numerous. Instances of this are seen in the numerous lateral and dorsal branches which supply the muscles of the body wall and are segmen- tally arranged in fishes and amphibians, while in higher forms their number is much reduced, forming the intercostal and lumbar arteries. It is again strikingly shown in the mesen- teric arteries which, in lower forms, are very numerous and suggest a metameric series, while in higher forms they are collected at their origin into a common trunk (Fig. 95). The relative size of the various branches varies directly with that of the parts which they supply, a fact especially noticeable in the case of the subclavian and iliac arteries, which are small and unimportant in fishes, with small lateral fins, but which become excessively developed in connection with the hypertrophy of one or both pairs of limbs. The caudal aorta, like the other elements of the tail, retains its primitive charac- ter and gives off metamerically arranged branches in the case of well-developed tails, in which the other parts are sufficiently emphasized to allow it. In Man the caudal artery becomes reduced to the insignificant arteria sacralis media, in which the earlier anatomists failed to see the continuation of the aorta. This is in part due, however, to the enormous development 340 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of the legs correlated with the erect position, which has de- veloped the iliac arteries out of all proportion, giving the er- roneous but inevitable impression that these latter arteries form the real continuation of the aorta, which becomes bi- furcated, and that the arteria sacralis media is an unimportant median branch arising from the point of bifurcation and sup- plying the coccygeal region. In the adult selachians, which in their venous system rep- resent practically the starting point of the history so far as vertebrates are concerned, the two sets of cardinal veins, an- a FIG. 95. Metamerism in the mesenteric arteries of Amphibia. [After KLAATSCH.] (a) Siren, (b) Necturus. (c) Cryptobranchus. (d) Cryptobranchus (a second specimen). (e) Anura. terior and posterior, are in control of the venous blood, except that from the alimentary canal, and return it from all parts of the body to the sinus venosus. However, during the em- bryological development of these animals one catches glimpses of a still earlier systemic vein, the sub-intestinal, which, here embryonic and transitory, must have preceded the cardinal sys- tem historically, and have been totally replaced by the latter before the advent of true vertebrates as we now know them. It appears soon after the establishment of the two yolk veins, always for practical reasons the first to appear in vertebrate embryos, and extends from the left yolk vein, from which it THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 341 arises, to the tip of the tail, lying in the median line, just ven- tral to the intestine. At the very first it consists of a pair of fine vessels running very near one another, but these soon coalesce into a single median vessel, much as in the case of the aorta. At the level of the cloacal opening the two original elements remain distinct, and run along the sides of the in- testine, but fuse again posterior to it, forming a loop or ring. Previous to this the cardinal system has begun its develop- ment in the form of minute vessels which grow out from the sides of the sinus venosus, and as they extend farther and be-j come of larger size the free ends of the posterior cardinals form several anastomoses with the subintestinal vein anterior to the cloacal ring and at the place about which the kidneys (mesonephros) are to develop. This connection furnishes two large lateral channels for the blood from the subintestinal system, a change which has two direct results, first, the gradual usurpation of function of that part of the subintestinal vein which lies anterior to the anastomoses, a relationship that leads to its ultimate disappearance, and second, the retention of the part posterior to the connection as the caudal vein, now become a part of the cardinal system. At the point where the original anastomoses occur, the development of the kidneys causes the formation of a rich capillary net-work, a process which ends in the establishment of the renal portal system with caudal veins for conveying the blood to the kidneys and posterior cardinals for re-collecting it and conveying it to the heart. Although we know that stages like those just described no longer exist in living adult animals, it is quite certain that in these embryonic changes an early phylogenetic history is recapitulated; that in some past group of animals, dimly foreshadowing the vertebrate type, a well-developed subin- testinal vein existed, and that the usurpation of its function by the cardinal system, repeated with great faithfulness to detail in selachian embryos, was once actually experienced and slowly worked out in adult animals through the action of natural selection or whatever other forces are and have been in operation for the gradual improvement of organisms. 342 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY As has been shown above, the Class of fishes comprises forms which have remained at the stage last described, tire one in which the cardinal system holds the supremacy; but by the time the amphibians are reached there has been another usurpation in that partTof the body posterior to the heart, and the posterior cardinal ,syst prn ^S i" ^ turn, subordinated to a third svstern j that nf the or, more briefly, the postcava. How this appears in full func- tional activity is seen in the diagram representing the main venous channels of the urbdele (Fig. 96, pc), where it has secured nine-tenths of the traffic between the kidneys and the heart, and allows but a small part to be conveyed by the pos- terior cardinals, formerly completely in charge of this territory. Still another rival of the cardinal system has appeared in the abdominal vein (abd), which begins as two lateral veins that issue from the iliacs, run along the ventral abdominal wall until they meet in the median line, and continue as a single vessel until opposite the liver, when the vessel leaves the body wall, and enters this latter organ, forming a part of the hepatic portal system. The origin of the vena cava historically cannot be now learned from adult anatomy, since it undoubtedly took place in those forms which successfully achieved the transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial life, or to, at least, a paludic one, and, having left for their descendants this new world with its opportunities, perished and left no trace save in the per- fected parts which render a terrestrial life possible. Here again, however, embryology furnishes us with some information concerning at least the place and mode of origin of this new vein, as may be seen by a comparison of the diagrams given in Fig 97, d and e, where is shown the develop- ment of the postcava in the lizard. During the early stages in the development of the liver and its extensive system of capilla- ries, developed in association with the portal system to be con- sidered later, the postcava appears as a partially distinct element in this capillary system, and becomes gradually more definite. This vein grows posteriorly and ultimately reaches the renal THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 343 portal system and the anastomoses between the caudal vein arid the posterior cardinals. Here it is united with the pos- terior ends of these latter vessels and annexes them as well as the caudal vein to itself, thus establishing a single path FIG. 96. Venous system of urodeles, based on that of Desmognathus. [In part after (Mrs.) ANNE BARROWS SEEL YE.] ji, internal jugular; je, external jugular; sc, subclavian; pc, postcava; h, hepatic; pt, portal; g, gastric; si, splenic; abd, abdominal; res, vesical; ec, epigastric; ms f mesenteric; il, iliac; c, caudal; z, anastomotic branch between the two caudals; ra, venae renaJes advehentes; cl, lateral cutaneous; cdp, cardinalis posterior; x, anastomotic branch between postcardinal and renal. The systemic veins are given in black; the portal system is in outline. 344 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY from the end of the tail, between the kidneys, to the heart. The remainder of the posterior cardinals, anterior to the con- nection with the vena cava, becomes reduced in proportion to the loss of function and the two remain either as small but continuous vessels, as in the Amphibia, or as the azygos veins, which continue to play a subordinate role by collecting a FIG. 97. Development of the postcava and the hepatic portal system in the lizard (Lacerta}. [After HOCHSTETTER.] The figures (a) to (e) represent consecutive stages of development. s, sinus venosus; c, c, ductus Cuvieri; ud, right umbilical vein; us, left umbilical vein; omd, right omphalo-mesenteric vein; oms, left omphalo-mesenteric vein; pc, postcava; i, intestine; x v x z , x v commissures between the veins of the two sides. the blood from the sides of the trunk, especially from the intrrrostnl sprvrf^ a function which they exercise in gauropsids and mammals. Fig. 98 shows the development of the postcava in a mam- mal in which the part played by the posterior cardinals is especially emphasized. In some details the developmental THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 345 history in reptiles, birds, and mammals differs a little; there may, in fact, be slight differences within the limits of each group, but the essentials are in all cases as given above. In this specific case the posteriorly developing postcava enters the right of two small veins developed in the (here transitory) renal portal system (stage a). Stage b is developed from stage a through the formation of a transverse anastomosis between this vein and the two posterior cardinals, with an ac- companying increase of size in these parts. This anastomosis, x, divides the original posterior cardinal into two parts, y FIG. 98. Development of the postcava in mammals. [After HOCH- STETTER.] (a)-(d), Rabbit; 1 (e), ' Man. j, anterior cardinal (jugular) ; y, z, the two arts pi^the posterior cardinal, divided by the anastomotic vessel x ; pc, postcava;' zd, zs, right and left posterior cardinals, between the commissure x and their union posteriorly; in (e) the left one of these atrophies in part, the remainder becoming a portion of the spermatic vein st; k, kidney; s, suprarenal body. . f ' and 2, of which the former becomes reduced and forms the azygos, while the latter develops as part of the postcaval sys- tem. In stage -c the permanent kidneys have formed, The ureters from which run through a temporary ring in the part 2, a relation without special significance. In stage d an important change is effected, first by the fusion of the two lateral elements, once the caiiHal p nds ^f the pos- ter jorjcardinals. ^and, second, by the precedence in size and function established by the right portion of the part 2 anterior to this fusion. T). (B) Here a third layer has appeared in the form of paired gonadic sacs (m), and paired nephridial tubules (f) ; with external openings at o and x respectively. The nephridia are furnished with an inner opening, the nephrostom (n). (C) In this the gonadic sacs (m) have expanded and form the definite ccelom, limiting the primary body cavity to a series of small spaces in all parts of the body. The nephridia open internally into these sacs, and their outer ends open into a longitudinal duct (#). and hence its functional efficiency within the prescribed limits. Nephridia of this type are frequent among invertebrates. The other sort of organ, the gonad, has the form of a simple epithelial sac, with a narrow duct. Its walls are con- stantly proliferating and furnish cells which project into the interior and finally become free, passing out through the duct. These are the germ-cells, and may be either ova or spermatozoa, the product respectively of female and male parent individuals. Gonads of this character are frequently found among invertebrates, often in quite typical form. THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 367 Taking now an animal of the type shown in Fig. 105, B, with a continuous protocoele and with a metamerism marked by several successive pairs of associated nephridia and gonads, imagine the result of a gradual and equal expansion of the latter until they attain the furthest possible limits (Fig. 105, C; also Plate II). The protoccele becomes suppressed and in its place exists a series of paired chambers, metacoeles, each pair in contact with the previous and succeeding ones and en- closing between them the alimentary canal. This latter part is thus hung between dorsal and ventral partitions, the mesenter- ies, each double and composed of the walls of the gonadic sacs ; also each pair of cavities is separated from the next by similar double partitions which form intersegmental diaphragms or dissepiments. Each lateral metacoele opens to the exterior by the opening which was once that of the gonadic duct. Thus far no provision has been made for the nephridia, which, with the suppression of the protocoele, find themselves deprived of their original function. Their fate is, however, simple and obvious, for they receive an investment of the gonadic wall, and although lying between this and the outer body wall, project into the metacoelic cavity, with which they communi- cate through the ciliated nephrostome at their free end. But- one further modification is necessary to adjust matters to the new conditions, and that concerns the walls of the meta- cceles. When in their original condition as the walls of small sacs employed for the production of germ cells, every portion of their surface is needed for the production of these latter elements, but when expanded to their final dimensions, they become mesenteries, dissepiments and the lining mem- brane of body walls, and form a thin and firm membrane, the peritoneum, while their original reproductive function is con- fined to certain restricted areas, situated near the dorsal me- senteries. These, by a slight evagination, produce rounded elevations that project into the lumen of the cavity and form specialized germ glands, the ovaries and the testes. Their prod- ucts, when mature, separate from their place of origin and wander freely about in the metaccelic cavity. From this they 368 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY have two avenues of escape, the nephridia and the original openings of the gonadic sacs, and while so far as is known no animal exists that utilizes both methods, either one may become specialized to subserve this function. Furthermore, in an animal with many somites it is not necessary that ovaries or testes should develop in each pair of metaccelic sacs, but these may be confined to a few pairs or even a single pair, in which either the nephridia or the gonadic openings develop into special excurrent ducts for the liberation of the germ cells. The conditions of this second hypothetical historic stage' are realized in almost every detail by the annelid worms, allowing for a few modifications. [Cf. Fig. 139.] To some this indicates the conclusion arrived at independently by the consideration of other systems, that these animals lie very near the main stem of vertebrate ancestry, but to others this is no more than a case of parallel development, in no way more remarkable than countless other adaptive resemblances, such as the instance of the eye in cephalopods and vertebrates. However this may be, the example of the annelid is most use- ful in showing us that animals can exist in precisely the con- dition of - the hypothetical form indicated by the study of vertebrate embryology and constructed from the data thus furnished. From this second stage, which must be very near the actual condition in the ancestor of modern vertebrates, the final type may be reached by the introduction of a few slight and very natural modifications. The first of these concerns the metaccelic sacs and consists, first, of the breaking down of the dissepiments between the body segments, thus throwing all the sacs of each side into one, and secondly, a similar loss, at least in part, of the ventral mesentery, making the two lateral sacs confluent below the intestine and allowing this latter to swing free in the cavity, suspended dorsally. Thus, for the first time is reached a single secondary body cavity or metaccele (the definite (( ccelom"), lined ivith peri- toneum, which is re-fleeted along the mid-dorsal line and THE URO-GEXITAL SYSTEM 369 furnishes an investment and suspensory ligament for the in- testine. The ccclom is formed, as has been shown, by the ex- pansion and later fusion of numerous pairs of gonadic sacs, and is thus an expanded gonadic cavity, while the peritoneum- is identical with the walls of a great compound gonadic sac. The many pairs of gonadic openings are lost and appear either as a single pair (the pori abdominalis of cyclostomes and selachians) or are entirely lost (all higher vertebrates). Owing to this reduction either the second method for the liberation of germ-cells is employed, the utilization of ne- phridia, or else secondary ducts are developed to serve the purpose. The proliferating masses of germ-cells project from the peritoneal wall and become suspended in band-like liga- ments like the mesenteries of the intestine, the mesovarium or mesorchium, and may either remain in their original loca- tion or become displaced and assume a secondary position. Finally the nephridia become confined to a certain region of the body, where they may form a pair of single definite masses, the kidneys, the units of which no longer open externally by independent openings, but become attached to a common ex- current duct, which opens, either independently, or, more usually, into the terminal portion of the alimentary canal. Turning now from theory to fact, we may take up the uro- genital organs as they actually exist in the various vertebrate groups, thus tracing a history by means of which the con- dition found in Man may receive at least a partial explanation. The condition in the cyclostomes is difficult to interpret; the teleosts seem not to come into line with the rest and represent a side branch, which, perhaps, presents an independent so- lution of the problem ; but from the selachians and certain ga- noids directly to the amphibians, and from them to the Am- niota the history is a fairly continuous one. For the sake of clearness it will be best to consider separately the two systems involved, beginning with the urinary. \Ye have already learned that organs performing the same function in the different groups of vertebrates are not neces- sarily homologous, and are familiar with such phenomena as 370 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY the two tongues, the two sternums, the two sets of ribs and the possibility of two mouths, but here we enter into a greater complexity, for the history of the urinary organs in- volves three kidneys, pronephros, mesonephros, and metanc- phros, each with its associated parts, which represent as many successive dynasties of organs that have replaced one another. In cases like that of the two respiratory systems, where the branchial system becomes replaced by the pulmonary, many of the parts of the first become employed by the second, often in quite a new capacity; but in the present case an added element is introduced on the part of the neighboring repro- ductive system, which not only employs at times portions of one of the urinary systems, but retains them in its service long after the system of which it formed a part has disappeared. The first, or pronephrotic, system, appears in the embryo of all vertebrates; it functions during the larval life of some fishes and amphibians (Fig. 106), and in a few teleosts per- sists as a functional organ in the adult, but in other fishes and in all higher forms it becomes reduced to a few rudiments. It thus strongly suggests the assumption that it once formed the functional kidney in some vertebrate ancestors, from which it has been inherited. It consists of a few nephridial tubules, strictly metameric in arrangement, that is, a pair for each of several successive somites, situated very far anteriorly, often involving the first of the trunk somites. The nephridia of each side become associated together to form a single kidney, the pronephros, and enter a common pr one phr otic duct, laterally placed, and opening either directly to the ex- terior in the vicinity of the cloacal opening or, more usually, within the cloaca itself by means of a papilla which projects from its dorsal wall. This duct is, for the most part, like the nephridia them- selves, mesodermic in origin, although in some of the lower forms the posterior portion arises from the ectoderm, giving to the entire duct a double origin. This strange condition may be in part accounted for if we consider that originally there was a larger number of nephridia and that each opened THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM by itself directly to the exterior. It may then be supposed that for the better disposal of the excretory fluid the separate openings became connected by a groove which continued to the side of the cloacal orifice and deepened posteriorly into a trough, from which by a further continuation of the process an internal tube would be formed, opening either at the margin of the cloaca or jusf within it. The meso- dermic anterior portion may be the result of the fusion of the outer ends of the succesive nephridia, each one contributing that portion belonging to its own somite. Typical pronephridia (Fig. 107, A), the units of the pronephros, closely resemble the one given in the theoretical description above. They possess at the inner end ciliated nephrostomes and show a greater or less tendency to coil, suggesting a former condition of considerable physiological effi- ciency. Aside from this, they show the beginning of a relationship es- sentially vertebrate, and carried out in greater detail in the meso- FIG. 106. Frog tadpole with and meta-nephrotic systems, fu * ctional pronephros and de- 1 . . . ~ velopmg mesonephros. [After namely, an association with capil- MARSHALL.] lary blood-VeSSels, enabling the v, ventricle of heart; *, truncus; .... g, gill arteries; ph, pharynx; a, nephridia to extract waste mate- aor ta; h, aniage of hind Hmbs; rial directly from the blood. This ^ nep \ n r u s s ; ; *' ^l\ " association is here very slight, Wolffian duc *- and consists of segmentally arranged tufts of capillaries, glo- meruli, which protrude into the ccelomic cavity and form rounded elevations covered by the peritoneum. These are located opposite the nephrostomes, and the excretory fluid, which passes from the glomeruli to the ccelomic cavity, is 372 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY A FIG. 107. Diagrams illustrating the two forms of nephridia character- istic of pro- and meso-nephros, respectively. (A) Pronephros. (B) Mesonephros. Farther explanation in text. THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 373 taken up by these latter organs. There is no direct connec- tion between glomerulus and nephridium, although in several instances both the elevation containing the former and the nephrostome become included within a recess of the ccelom, an arrangement which furthers the mutual action of these parts. The number of pairs of nephridia involved is usually small (3-4), but in the Gymnophiona, in which the prone- phros functions for a considerable period, there may be as many as 10-13. Naturally the pronephrotic system is seen in its most complete state among the lower vertebrates; in Amniota it is often quite rudimentary and variously modified. The pronephros, even when best developed, possesses but a temporary existence and becomes supplanted by the mesone- phros, the kidney of the second or mesonephrotlc system. This organ is formed from nephridia which are, like the first, seg- mental in origin and arise from somites posterior to those associated with the previous system. It forms the perma- nent kidney of fishes and amphibians, and in the embryo of Sauropsida and Mammalia it is large and prominent and has been known as the " Wolflian body'' named in honor of its discoverer. The separate units of this system, the mesonephridia (Fig. 107, B), differ in one essential particular from those of the pronephros, namely, in their closer association with the ar- terial glomeruli. In the case of the pronephridia these capillary tufts were merely brought into close relation to the nephrostomes, but each mesonephridium surrounds a glomerulus with a thin- walled evagination from its side, which fits about it like a double cup and forms what is known as a Bowman's capsule. The entire structure thus formed, including both the capsule and its glomerulus, forms a renal [Malpighian] corpuscle. Otherwise the mesonephridia are like those of the former system, and possess nephrostomes and coils. They develop no duct of their own but utilize the pronephrotic duct, be- coming secondarily connected with it posterior to its con- nection with the pronephridia. Later on both pronephridia 374 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY and that portion of the duct anterior to the connection with the mesonephridia become atrophied, and the duct thus be- comes the mesonephrotic, the " Wolffian duct " of an earlier nomenclature. On account of this utilization of the prone- phrotic duct by the mesonephrotic tubules it has been held by some that both belong to one system and that the latter are merely later appearing elements of the pronephrotic series, but this is discredited by others on the ground of the differ- ence in the time of functional activity of the two systems and also on account of the several somites without nephridia of either kind that intervene between the two. The structural difference between the two types of nephridia, one with a Bowman's capsule, the other without, may be also employed as an argument in favor of the distinctness of the two systems, but this argument is weakened by a consideration of the man- ner of formation of this new part, and by the assumption of the existence of almost every grade of transition between the two. Thus in its more usual form a pronephrotic tubule is related to the accompanying glomerulus much as in Fig. 108, A, but in some cases the projection bearing the glomerulus becomes partly enclosed in a recess of the ccelom, and the nephrostome opens into this instead of into the main cavity (Fig. 108, B). The development of cilia at the narrow passage which leads into the recess, and the loss of them around the mar- gin of the original nephrostome, would convert the entire apparatus into a mesonephrotic tubule, in which the added por- tion, including the new nephrostome and the Bowman's capsule, is a contribution from the peritoneum. These dia- grams seem absolutely persuasive, but unfortunately do not correspond with the actual facts, since, although in special cases the glomeruli of the pronephrotic system are related much as in the second diagram, the Bowman's capsules of the mesonephrotic tubules develop directly as evaginations from their walls, and there is thus no indication of either the par- ticipation of the ccelom or of the formation of a new nephro- stome. The mesonephrotic system may be found in full functional THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 375 activity in any adult fish or amphibian. Originally involving a large number of somites the mesonephros extends, usually as a pair of long, narrow organs, along a large portion of the trunk, lying close up against the vertebrae and ribs. The original nephridia become greatly multiplied and lose more or less of their original segmental arrangement, the nephro- stomes appearing irregularly along the ventral surface, that is, the surface turned toward the ccelomic cavity. The mesone- FIG. 108. Diagrams to illustrate a theory of the relationship of the pro- and meso-nephrotic tubules to each other. [After GEGENBAUR.] (A) Stage of the pronephros. Its nephrostome (p) is placed opposite the glomerulus, but with a small portion of ccelom interposed between them. (B) Stage of the mesonephros. Here by the formation of a new nephrostome at s the inter- posed piece of the ccelom has become included in the nephridium, forming a Bow- man's capsule. phrotic (Wolffian) duct lies along its outer side and sustains that relationship to the cloaca noted above under the pro- nephrotic system, usually opening by a urinary papilla into the dorsal wall of the cloaca. The third urinary system, the metane phrotic, arises di- rectly from the second, and thus the relation between the two is closer than that between the second and the first. It is the definitive urinary system of the amniotes, and in all reptiles, birds and mammals ultimately replaces the mesonephrotic, although this latter system is well developed during embry- 376 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY onic life. The metanephrotic system is not laid down at first in the form of nephridia as in the other cases, but arises as a blind canal or evagination from the mesonephrotic duct near its lower end. This evagination, medial at its origin, comes to lie dorsal to the mesonephrotic duct and develops anteriorly until it comes in contact with the dorsal wall of the ccelomic cavity, where it meets a mass of indifferent cells proliferating from it. From the differentiation of this cell mass develop numerous nephridia of a type similar to but in certain charac- ters distinct from either of the other types, and from the re- peated branching of the anteriorly growing canal there de- velop collecting tubules with which the nephridia unite. The expanded bases of the terminal branches of the tube form a pocket or pelvis, which collects the fluid from the tubules. The nephridia and collecting tubules form together the definitive kidney, the metanephros, while the main tube, beginning with its expanded pelvis, becomes the ureter. Each elementary unit of the metanephros, a metanephri- dium, is like that of the previous system without the nephro- stome. The connection with the circulatory system through the glomeruli, which when first introduced was clearly a sec- ondary function of the nephridia, becomes in the mesone- phros of primary importance through the development of a Bowman's capsule, and in the metanephros all direct connec- tion with the ccclom is- given up. Here,* in addition to the association with the circulatory system through the Bowman's capsules, the tubules themselves become very long and at- tenuated, and, as they are accompanied by a rich network of capillaries, they are enabled to extract the waste products through their entire length as well as at the localized renal corpuscles. This history of the development of the metanephrotic sys- tem, so different in origin from that of the other two, and yet so similar in its results, has led to much speculation. It can- not be supposed for a moment that nephridia so nearly alike as those of the meso- and meta-nephros can have developed independently, for that would involve also an independent THE URO-GEXITAL SYSTEM 377 origin in the two cases of such complicated structures as the renal corpuscles. The primary location of the metane- phros, posterior to that of the mesonephros, or at least to that of its functional portion, leads to the idea that the nephridia of this system were originally a part of the mesonephrotic series, belonging to its more posterior somites, and that their development from a structureless mass is a case of shortened development, in which the primary segmental arrangement has become lost. The necessity for the development of a new ureter is easily seen in the employment of the older one (the mesonephrotic or Wolffian duct), as a ductus [vas] deferens, a point to be brought out later in connection with the re- productive system. The external form of the metanephros varies considerably. This in the Sauropsida is in accordance with the form of the dorsal skeletal wall, to which it is closely applied. In struc- ture it is usually distinctly divided into lobes that correspond to the terminal branches of the ureter. This is characteristic of the kidney of most mammals, and the compact form found in Man is attained considerably after birth, and is met with in only a few cases. As may be followed from the development, the ureters ter- minate posteriorly in the mesonephrotic ducts and may be ex- pected to share the common outlet into the cloaca. This is actually the case in snakes, crocodiles and birds, which con- sequently never perform urination as a distinct act, but in other reptiles and in mammals there is found a terminal resevoir, the urinary bladder, with which the ureters become secondarily connected. This opens at first directly into the cloaca, but its narrowed neck develops in the higher mammals into a distinct canal, the urethra, which in the male comes into direct association with the ductus deferens. The urinary blad- der is no new r formation, but is the remnant of the inner end of the allantois, an extensive embryonal membrane, which passes out of the body at the umbilicus and becomes in the Sauropsida an external respiratory organ, and in mammals furnishes the essential parts of the umbilical cord and placenta. 378 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY After birth a portion of this becomes shut within the body by the closure of the umbilical connection, and as this portion is in the form of an open bag leading out from the cloaca, it is easily converted into a reservoir for urine, the greatest change necessary being a slight shifting of the terminal portions of the ureters. Only the lower portion is actually utilized for this purpose, and the remainder atrophies into a ligament, which extends from the apex of the bladder to the umbilicus. Ap- proaching the cloaca the bladder becomes narrowed to a small neck which is continued as a median duct or canal, the urethra, and opens, in common with the genital ducts, into the urogenital sinus. A structure called a urinary bladder is present in amphib- ians. This is in the form of a collapsed bag leading out from the ventral wall of the cloaca and is without direct connection with the urinary system. This seems to represent morpholog- ically an undeveloped allantois, and is thus really homologous with the bladder of the Amniotes. Its function is not wholly understood, as it never appears to contain liquid, but the occa- sional presence within it of excretory salts suggests a sub- ordinate use in connection with the urinary system. The second of the two associated systems to be considered is that of reproduction (generation), and consists primarily o the germ glands, in vertebrates a single pair, together with some definite avenue of escape for the mature germ cells. To these may be added secondarily external parts to insure the union of the two sorts of germ cells. The germ glands, the essential organs of reproduction^ develop as localized areas on the peritoneal wall of the ccelom, and are primarily located dorsally, one on either side of the vertebral column, in about the middle of the trunk region. This similar origin, from a v layer which otherwise forms noth- ing but investing membranes and suspensory ligaments, is easily explained by the theory given above, which considers the entire ccelom as the result of the fusion of a series of ex- panded gonads, a theory perfectly in harmony with all the related facts. The germ glands, primarily patches of germinal THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 379 epithelium, become reinforced from behind by the prolifera- tion of connective tissue, containing nerves and blood-vessels ; and thus are formed mounds projecting into the ccelom, cov- ered with germ cells. This association becomes more intimate through the intrusion of the germinal epithelium into the in- terior in many places, where the cells receive the nourishment necessary for their complete development. The germ cells themselves are of two sorts, ova and sper- matozoa, and their differences in form and size necessitate a more or less apparent difference in the organs that produce them, the ovaries and testes respectively. In certain cases among cyclostomes the same germ gland produces both sorts of germ cells, although at different times, but with this exr ception the sexes are normally separate. The occasional oc- currence of a few cells of one sort in a gland which normally produces the other, as the development of a few ova on the side of a testes, or vice versa, occurs as an anomaly among many of the lower vertebrates, and this phenomenon, taken in connection with the cases among the cyclostomes just cited, has led to the possible theory that the ancestors of vertebrates were hermaphroditic, as is the case in many invertebrates, but there is little else to indicate this. Reported hermaphro- dites among higher vertebrates are usually if not always ap- parent rather than real and are in fact malformations due to some error in development affecting mainly the external parts. All that is essential for the production of a new organism is the complete and intimate union of the two germ cells, one of each sort, but the varied environment of the parents often makes it a problem to arrange the means by which this may be accomplished. It offers the least difficulty in the case of aquatic forms, for all that is here necessary is to liberate the cells of both sorts into the water, in which the union can be easily effected, since the water furnishes the fluid jmedium nec- essary for the locomotion of the spermatozoa. Often, too, such animals associate in pairs and develop elaborate instincts which insure the discharge of the two products in close prox- imity to one another. 380 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY This absolute necessity of a fluid medium causes the de- velopment in land forms of a number of accessory parts. Thus there develop in the male special glands to supply a ve- hicle for the spermatozoa, forming a spermatic fluid; and as this cannot be allowed to dry up, it must be conveyed directly to the female by an internal copulation, necessitating again- certain modifications of the cloacal margin, from which de- velop the various external organs. Although it is evident that the development of the process of copulation is here due solely to the terrestrial life, there are sometimes other conditions that develop it, for although, on the one hand, it is universal among terrestrial forms, invertebrates as well as vertebrates, it is occasionally found among aquatic animals, notably in tliis connection the selachians; that, however, it is here an inde- pendent development is shown by the source from which the copulatory organs are derived, namely, from the inner margin of the ventral fins, and not from the rim of the cloaca, as in higher vertebrates. There are thus two groups of accessory reproductive organs to be considered, (i) those which furnish an outlet for the germ cells, and (2) those which are concerned in internal copulation. These may be taken up' in order. The conception of the peritoneal cavity as an expanded go- nadic sac demands that the germ cells generated in its wall should break loose and float about within the ccelom, until finally expelled either through some direct channel of com- munication with the exterior, the original gonadic ducts, or else by utilization of some part of the nephridial system; and as a matter of fact all conditions found in vertebrates, with the possible exception of that of teleosts, may be directly re- ferred to one of these methods. The most primitive condition is that seen in cyclostomes, in which the peritoneal cavity communicates directly with the .exterior by means of a pair of pori abdominales, canals which begin at the posterior part of the ccelom and open along the sides of the cloacal orifice. The germ cells, when matured, become freed from their place of origin and float about in the THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 381 peritoneal cavity until discharged through these abdominal pores. The urinary organs have no direct connection with this system other than through the nephrostomes which open into the peritoneal cavity, and these are not specialized to re- ceive the free germ cells. There is thus shown the original condition of gonads and their excurrent ducts, slightly modified by the fusion of all the gonads into one and the reduction of the gonadic ducts to a single pair. Otherwise the primitive physiological functions are carried on as they were before the gonadic cavities became converted into a metaca?le. It will be noticed that in the above description the ne- phrostomes open directly into the ccelomic cavity and thus suggest the possibility of the use of nephridia for the exit of the germ cells. Such is actually the next stage in the history of these organs, for in the selachians certain of the nephridia are so employed while the pori abdominales, although they still exist, are no longer used for their original purpose. In the male the testes lie in close proximity to the anterior por- tion of the kidneys, and enter into direct connection with the nephridia of this region through the development of a series of tubes, the vasa efferentia, which extend from the testes and enter the nephridia a little beyond the nephrostomes. The original function of this part of the kidneys is not impaired, and during the greater part of the time it exercises the urinary function alone; but during the periods of sexual activity the nephridia involved become filled with the spermatic fluid and deliver it directly from the testes to the mesonephrotic duct and thence to the cloaca. From there it is received into a channel formed by the approximation of the inner modified portions of the ventral fins, and delivered within the cloaca \ of the female by an internal copulation, an unusual method / among aquatic animals. That there is no genetic connection between this act and that developed among terrestrial verte- brates may be seen from the employment of very different organs for the purpose in the two cases and from the fact of the interposition, in the direct line of descent, of forms that 382 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY do not develop any such method. Through this close con- nection between the originally distinct reproductive and uri- nary systems it results that both the anterior part of the meso- nefrhros and the mesonephrotic duct become, apart from their urinary function, accessory reproductive organs, the former serving as a " sexual kidney," and the latter as a ductus deferens, or excurrent seminal duct. In the female selachian a different modification takes place, seemingly not due to association with the urinary system, but proven to be so by the developmental history of the parts. The ovary of the adult occupies about the same position as do the testes of the male, but shows no direct connection with the anterior part of the kidney. In place of this there appears on each side a long tube running along the side of the mesone- phrotic duct and opening posteriorly into the cloaca beside that of its associate. This is the oviduct, or " Midler's duct " of many writers. At the free anterior end, which extends to almost the forward limits of the ccelom, it opens by an ex- panded mouth, ostium tubes, directly into this latter cavity and receives into this the mature ova which become released from the ovary and wander about in the ccelom in the primitive fashion. The oviduct arises in the embryo as a tube seg- mented off longitudinally from the mesonephrotic duct by the common method of the development of two longitudinal folds opposite one another, and thus points to a period at which the ova as well as the spermatozoa were conveyed to the cloaca through the mesonephrotic duct. The ostium is probably an enlarged and specialized nephrostome, associated with a single nephridium,* and it is thus easily imagined that the primary conditions in the female corresponded closely to that of the male, but, that owing to the greater size of the products to be *The not infrequent occurrence, even in the human subject, of two ostia upon one side may possibly be the result of the retention of two nephrostomes instead of a single one, or it may be simply an anomaly like the multiplication of digits on other parts. If it be the first it con- cerns a very ancient bit of history, and suggests an extreme degree of reversion. THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 383 transmitted, a single nephridium with its nephrostome became differentiated for this purpose, and that later on there came a longitudinal splitting of the primary mesonephrotic duct, be- ginning above and progressing gradually, for the better ac- commodation of the sexual products. The employment of a nephrostome instead of vasa efferentia is quite a fundamental difference, but rudiments of these latter vessels are to be de- tected in association with the ovaries, and thus the use of the former may have been a later adaptation. The uro-genital relations of the selachians seem to have been inherited directly by the amphibians (Fig. 109, a and c), for the two correspond closely; in the male there is the same re- lationship between testes and sexual kidney, and the meso- nephrotic duct is a common ureter and ductus deferens. A rudimentary oviduct tapering anteriorly to a blind end, is usu- ally found attached to the side of this latter tube. In the fe- male the oviduct is often very long and convoluted, and its walls are often glandular and furnish membranous and gelat- inous encasements for the eggs. In a few instances the lower part of the tube is expanded into a uterus for the retention of the larva. Corresponding to the lack of internal copulation there are no external organs, but there are various instincts developed which have for their purpose the mingling of the sexual products. Thus the males of some aquatic salamanders pro- duce conical spermatophores, which rest upon the sand at the bottom of the pond and are taken up by the cloaca of the fe- male ; a similar purpose is seen in the amplexation of frogs and toads, in which the males embrace the females during ovi- position and void the seminal fluid over the egg masses as soon as laid. A fundamental change of relationship is seen in the Am- niota, caused by the appearance of the third kidney, the meta- nephros. This organ, which possesses a separate ureter and is thus a complete urinary system in itself,' assumes the entire control of this function, and leaves to its predecessor, the mesonephrotic system, nothing but reproductive functions. 384 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY A FIG. 109. Comparison of the urogenital system in Anamnia and Ammota. (Continued at bottom of p. 385.) THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 385 As a result of this, those parts of this latter system which have been previously employed for reproductive purposes are re- tained and even become more highly specialised, while the parts that were wholly urinary disappear, with the exception of a few vestiges. In this the two sexes are affected differently, as may be made clear by a reference to Fig. 109, in which a and b show the changes produced in the male, c and d those in the female. In the male amphibian the sexual parts^are the testes, the vasa efferentia and the mesonephrotic duct; in the male amniote these parts are retained while the remainder of the mesone- phrotic system has disappeared, being replaced by the meta- nephrotic. The mesonephrotic duct, released from all urinary function, becomes the definite ductus deferens, and the re- maining portion of this system, including vasa efferentia, sexual kidney ana collecting efferent tubules, becomes closely associated with the testes under the name of the epididymis. In the female amphibian the reproductive system has become prac- tically independent of the urinary through the development of a separate excurrent duct, the oviduct, and thus, with the rise of the metanephrotic system, that of the mesonephros becomes reduced to a few functionless vestiges ; yet the more conserva- tive embryonic history records the fact that both oviduct and ostium were originally portions of the mesonephrotic system, and, although with a different history, both sexes are in reality about equally indebted to it for their accessory organs. Although the reproductive organs, as given in the above sketch, are the common heritage of all amniotes, the separate groups of reptiles, birds, and mammals have been left to work out the details in accordance with their own necessities. In each there is a metanephrotic urinary system, with kidneys and ureters distinct from the reproductive system except for intimate topographical relationships at their outlets; in the (A) Male anamnian. (B) Male amniote. (C) Female anamnian. (D) Female amniote. t, testis; o, ovary; ms, mesonephros; c, that part of the mesonephros which is associated with the germ gland, (in male amniotes this becomes the epididymis); t, Wolffian duct (ductus deferens); in, Miiller's duct (oviduct; mu, uterus); k, metanephros; b, bladder (of the Amniota) ; n, ureter; r, rectum; v, vagina. 386 . HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY male the testes are accompanied by an epididymis and a ductus deferens, respectively the anterior portion of the mesonephros and the mesonephrotic duct; and in the female there is an oviduct with an enlarged ostium, into which the wandering ova are received. In the present treatise the details of these parts in reptiles and birds cannot be considered further, but the history that is shown in mammals is of much importance, as it includes the human conditions. In the mammalian embryo the mesonephrotic system at- tains a high degree of development, and the mesonephros, under the name of the " Wolffian body," is large and con- spicuous. In the marsupial young of monotremes and mar- supials it forms the functional kidney, and as this is but one of several organs that become profoundly modified or replaced during later life, the development may be rightly considered a true metamorphosis in which the marsupial young represent a larval stage. In placental mammals a similar replacement of urinary systems takes place, but as the intra-uterine life is here made longer than in former cases and includes also approxi- mately the period passed by lower mammals in the marsupial pouch, there is no free larva, and the changes are considered a part of the embryonic development. As both the stage of the functional mesonephros and its later reduction are of importance in understanding the adult conditions, they may be first studied by the aid of the accom- panying Plate. During the period designated as that of sexual indifference, which includes all the early development and continues until the embryo is quite well matured in many other particulars (up to 70 or 80 daysJn the human species), the sexes, although definitely determined, show absolutely no difference in the general appearance of the uro-genital organs. [Plate III, a]. The mesonephros is large and functional and stands out freely from the dorsal wall of the abdomen, held in place by a suspensory fold of peritoneum, the mesonephrotic ligament. This fold becomes prolonged posteriorly beyond the limits of the Wolffian body and forms the inguinal liga- ment, a part of great importance in subsequent relationships. C rt 2 a i o -H* e w o THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 387 Upon the inner side of each mesonephros appears a longitudi- nal fold of its peritoneal investment, along the free edge of which the cells become proliferated and form the germ gland ; the remaining, or basal portion of this fold is later to form the mesorchium or mesovarium, the suspensory ligament of the mature testis or ovary respectively. The Wolffian (meso- nephrotic) duct lies along the free edge of the mesonephros, and not far from this is Muller's duct, suspended in a fold which projects from the ventral surface of the mesonephros. These two pairs of ducts are brought together at their distal ends and form a common chamber, into which all four empty, the uro-genital sinus. From this stage the conditions found in the female are readily developed. [Plate III, c.] Its most important organs are the germ gland, which becomes the ovary, and Muller's duct, the upper part of which becomes the oviduct [uterine (Fallopian) tube], and the lower part, the uterus. The en- tire mesonephrotic system, since it is in no wise concerned in the reproductive function and since the urinary function is wholly assumed by the metanephrotic system, disappears ex- cept for a few useless vestiges; its loss allows the mesone- phrotic ligament to become continuous with that of Muller's duct, and thus to extend as the broad ligament of oviduct and uterus from the dorsal body wall to the latter organs. The round ligament is formed from the posterior extension of this latter, the ligamentum inguinale. Muller's duct gives rise to the oviduct, uterus and vagina, which are thus seen to be nothing more than differentiations of the various regions of a single tube. The ostium is much nearer approximated to the ovary than in Sauropsida, and as it opens and partly surrounds the latter during ovulation, the entrance of the ova into the oviduct is practically assured. In some mammals there is a special arrangement in the form of a recess or pocket of peritoneum, the bursa ovarica, in which the ovary lies, covered by the ostium, and in a few cases the fusion of the edges of ostium and bursa convert the latter into a capsule which may either open to the ccelom through a small 388 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY foramen or may be absolutely closed. In the primates, in- cluding Man, the connection is not as intimate as this, and the ova occasionally escape into the ccelomic cavity, as is normally the case among lower forms. Here, however, they usually disintegrate and become lost, but in rare cases a fertilized egg escapes in this way and may even attain considerable de- velopment through the formation of a sort of placenta, at- tached to the ccelomic wall. A uterus is more or less an adaptive organ, related to Miiller's duct much as the crop is to the oesophagus; it is primarily nothing but a localized enlargement and develops whenever needed, in some cases appearing in a given form, while absent in a closely related one. Thus in vivaparous sharks (e.g., Squalus), the expanded lower portion of each Miiller's duct becomes enlarged and forms a uterus in which the embryos are retained until they reach practically the adult form; and the same is true in the case of a certain salamander (Salamandra atra). In none of these cases, however, is the organ more than a container or brood cavity, and there is no placenta formation or other direct connection between embryo and uterine wall. The same is true of the lower mammals, the marsupials and monotremes, in which there is no placenta, and the young are produced in a very immature state ; but in the higher, or placenta!, mammals, the wall of the uterus becomes differentiated for the purpose of the nutrition of the embryo, and thus becomes a definite physiological organ. There are numerous types of uterus among the mammals, depending on the degree of fusion between the Miiller's ducts of the two opposite sides ; and these types consequently pre- sent a regular graded series between two distinct lateral uteri and a single median one (Fig. no). In the first type of this series, that seen in monotremes, the two ducts are entirely distinct from one another. They are short, thick walled, and of rather large caliber, and may be termed oviducts or uteri, according to the taste of the writer, although the former term is more usually applied to them. They open separately into a common urogenital sinus in close THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 389 association with the openings of the ureters. There are no vaginae, although the urogenital sinus serves functionally as one. In the oviducts the small oval eggs, 3.5 x 4.0 mm. in diameter when they leave the ovary, are retained for some time and increase in size to about 12x15 mm. through the absorption of nutrient fluids secreted by the oviducal walls. The next stage is that of the marsupials, in which the two ducts are still distinct, but each shows a differentiation into oviduct, uterus and vagina. The two vaginal orifices open DUPLEX BIPARTITUS SIMPLEX FIG. no. Different types of mammalian uterus: explanation in text. into a common urogenital sinus, which is here prolonged into a canal, and opens to the exterior separately from the rectum. Here for the first time the complete separation of these two canals, urogenital and alimentary, is met with, since in mono- tremes, although internally distinct, there is externally a com- mon cloacal orifice. The partition separating the two becomes thicker and of more importance in the higher mammals, and forms the perin&um. Above the marsupials the two ducts fuse into one at their 390 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY terminal portions, and form a single vagina, though usually with two lateral uteri, various stages of the fusion of which form the successive steps known as uterus duplex, uterus bipar- titus, and uterus bicornis. The first of these types possesses two distinct openings for the uteri (ora uteri), which open into a common vagina; in the others there is a single os, but two uterine compartments. In all cases the vagina is single, but an indication of its former duplicity is observed in a few animals (e.g., Equus), in the form of a median longitudinal fold. The 'duplex type occurs in Procavia (Hyrax), an iso- lated group of small mammals found in Western Asia and in Africa; the bicornis is widely distributed and occurs in ungu- lates, cetaceans, most bats, and other forms; the bipartitus occurs in carnivores, the pig, and a few bats. When several embryos are developed simultaneously, as in most small mammals, the two uterine halves become drawn out into long tubes, and the embryos are fixed at approximately equal intervals, each half containing about the same number. As the embryos develop, the portions of the tube in which they lie become greatly enlarged, while the intervening parts are restricted, giving the whole the appearance of a necklace or a string of sausages. The uterus simplex, characteristic of man and the apes, represents the extreme degree of fusion of the two parts. In this nearly all signs of its double origin are lost and the uterus assumes the form of a balloon-shaped or piriform or- gan, somewhat flattened dorso-ventrally, and possessing two oviducts, which open at the slightly prolonged antero-lateral angles. Uterus and oviducts are supported in all mammals by two principal suspensory ligaments, the broad and the round (ligg. latum et teres), which are easily explained by comparison with the indifferent condition. [Plate III, a.] Here the two layers of peritoneum that form the mesonephrotic ligament contain between them the mesonephros and its duct, and become con- tinued along the ventral surface of the mesonephros as a low THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 391 longitudinal fold which contains in its margin the Mullerian duct. The germ gland (here the ovary) is attached to this along the inner side of the mesonephros by means of a narrow mesovarium. Imagine now the two important changes which actually occur, namely, the complete reduction of the meso- nephrotic system and the development of the Mullerian duct into oviduct and uterus, and we have as a result the broad ligament, arising from the body wall and extending to the oviduct, which it enwraps along its free edge. The round ligament is formed from the posterior slip of the original meso- nephrotic ligament, the ligamentum ingninale. The vestiges of the mesonephrotic system are found ex- actly where they would be expected, lying in the broad liga- ment not far from the oviduct, bet\veen it and the insertion of the mesovarium. They consist of three portions, epoophoron, its longitudinal duct, and paroophoron. [Plate III, cJ] The first of these (" organ of Rosenmiiller ") consists of a series of blind tubules attached to a common duct, and plainly repre- sents the vasa efTerentia and the upper portion of the Wolffian duct, in other words, the " sexual kidney." Below this are a few scattered tubules, forming the paroophoron and represent- ing the lower or urinary portion of the mesonephros. The longitudinal duct of the epoophoron ("Gartner's duct") is the remnant of the main part of the Wolffian duct, and lies imbedded in the wall of the uterus; it occasionally joins its upper part and thus completes the representation of the meso- nephrotic system. It occurs quite regularly in the pig, the horse and in ruminants, but is only occasional in Man. The original direction of the mesonephrotic ligament, that is, the direction which it has in the embryo, and that which is retained in adult Sauropsida, becomes changed in mammals and comes to lie transversally across the- dorsal wall as though laid over laterally from above, the lower part remaining as at first. The principal effect of this is to remove the ovaries, and with them the oviducts, from their primary position in the lumbar region and located them near or within the brim of the pelvis, not far from the inguinal region. This occa- 392 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY sions several compensatory changes, such as the lengthening of the ovarian nerves and blood-vessels, which are con- tained in the mesovarium. The significance of this process, known from its principal feature as the decensus ovarioruin, is unknown, but it seems to correspond in part to a somewhat similar but more extensive descensus of the testis, found in the male. To comprehend the relationships of the male organs in mammals, it is best to begin again at the indifferent stage [Plate III, a], which is thus seen to furnish the starting-point for the explanation of the reproductive organs in both sexes. While the accessory organs in the female are mainly the pro- duct of differentiation in the Miillerian duct, the Wolffian duct becoming vestigial, in the male it is the Wolffian duct that is emphasized, together with the upper portion of the meso- nephros, while the Miillerian duct is reduced to a few rudi- ments. [Plate III, &.] As in male selachians and amphibians, the anterior tubules of the mesonephros serve as vasa efferentia for the conduction of the spermatozoa, but here they are used exclusively for this purpose, while the nephrostomes, Bow- man's capsules, and all parts of those tubules once associated with the urinary function, are no longer developed. The tubules are much convoluted and form a compact mass, closely associated with the testis, the epididymis. The remaining mesonephrotic tubules, those of the posterior, or exclusively urinary portion in lower forms, never develop into functional organs, but one or two of them, with blind free ends, may retain their connection with the Wolffian duct, and form the so-called vasa aberrantia, while the remainder, without con- nection at either end, form a rudiment termed the paradidymis ("Organ of Giraldes"), the homologue of the paroophoron, of the female. The Wolffian duct, freed from all association from urinary functions, becomes the exclusive spermatic duct, the ductus deferens (vas deferens). The Miillerian duct is lost along the greater portion of its extent, but leaves rudi- ments at either end. The anterior end is represented by the appendix testis [hydatid of Morgagni], a knobbed body at- THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 393 tached to the epididymis; the posterior by a median vesicle which leads from the dorsal wall of the urethra and lies im- bedded in the prostate gland, the prostatic vesicle, sometimes referred to as the uterus masculinus. The history of the urogenital organs, as thus far consid- ered, with their correspondence in the two sexes, may be con- veniently shown in a table, in which the first column gives the part in its primary morphological significance, while the second and third state their ultimate fate in the male and female Amniota respectively. Vestigeal parts are given in italics. This table may be studied in connection with the one at the end of the chapter, in which the external parts are considered in the same way. In the monotremes the ductus deferentes [vasa deferentia] open into a urogenital sinus, the ventral recess of a common cloaca, in common with the urethra or excurrent duct of the urinary bladder; in all higher mammals, however, with the formation of a perinaeum or division between this uro-genital sinus and the rectum, the ductus deferentes are received by the much prolonged urethra so that the distal portion of this is a common duct for -both urinary and reproductive products, a resumption of early conditions under another form. While in the monotremes and in certain placental mammals the testes remain throughout life in or near the original posi- tion, in others they experience a more or less marked change of location. This is termed the descensus testiculorum, and is more or less comparable to a similar descent on the part of the ovaries, although the procedure involves different parts, and is quite likely of a different historical significance. Aside from the monotremes, no appreciable descent takes place in elephants and in certain insectivores, while in sloths and ant- eaters the testes descend considerably and take up a final posi- tion in peritoneal folds between bladder and rectum, but still within the pelvic cavity. The only other placental mammals in which there is no external manifestation of this process are the armadillos, related to these last, and the two aquatic or- ders of Cetacea and Sirenia, in which the condition is plainly a 394 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY secondary modification due to the needs of an aquatic life. In all remaining mammals the process is connected with the for- mation of an inguinal canal, a subcutaneous evagination of the body wall involving muscles and peritoneum, and the testes pass into this either periodically, in association with sexual activity, or permanently. The former condition occurs MORPHOLOGICAL DESIGNATION (Embryonic or phylogenetic) MALE AMNIOTE FEMALE AMNIOTE Germ gland Testis Ovary Mesonephros (upper portion) Epididymis Epo'dphoron (in part) Ductuli Mesonephros (lower portion) aberrantes Paradidymis Paro'dphoron Mesonephrotic (Wolffian) duct. Ductus de- ferens Epo'dphoron (in part) Longitudinal duct of epoophoron Mailer's duct Appendix testis Vesicula prostatica Oviduct Uterus Vagina Urogenital sinus Morphologi- cal urethra, /'. e. the por- t i on be- Urethra (entire) tween the bladder and entrance of the ductus deferentia among many insectivores and rodents, and in the bats; the latter is characteristic of the land carnivora, ungulates, most lemurs and the primates. In the majority of animals coming under this latter head, that of permanent descent, the testes lie in a special integumen- tal sac, the scrotum, but in some cases, as tapirs, rhinoceros, etc., there is no definite scrotum, and the testes lie beneath the THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 395 integument of either the inguinal or perinaeal regions. The scrotum is originally double, furnishing a separate sac for each testis, but usually the two are fused into single median sac in which the suture of union is usually apparent. In relation to the penis the scrotum is originally anterior to it, prepenial, as in all marsupials that possess one, but in placental mammals these relations are reversed and the scrotum becomes postfcnial through the migration of the penis in an anterior direction. No definite cause for the descensus is known, either phylo- genetic or physiological, and the phenomenon has gained rather than lost in complexity through recent researches which show the cooperation of several distinct elements previously not taken into consideration. Formerly a mechanical explanation was found in the gradual contraction of the band of perito- neum which extends from the testis to the inguinal region (Plate III, b), and termed the gubernaculum in reference to its supposed function, but the matter is not as simple as that, since this band itself is composed of several originally dis- tinct elements, and, furthermore, can hardly be considered to exert the tension ascribed to it. The initiative in the process seems to be a slight invagination of the abdominal wall at the point of insertion of the inguinal ligament. Through a sub- sequent evagination followed by a second invagination a coni- cal body is formed, the conus inguinalis (Fig. in, A), which involves the muscular layers, and by a final outpushing of this and the surrounding structures a subcutaneous muscular pouch is formed, the bursa inguinalis, in the bottom of which lies the conus, which serves as a point of insertion of the in- guinal ligament. The bursa is lined by a pocket of perito- neum, the processus vaginalis, which is reflected up over the conus. The inward development of the conus absorbs and shortens the inguinal ligament, and eventually the testis comes to lie in the bursa, covered internally by the reflected peri- toneum. As shown above, the bursa may or may not become placed in a scrotal sac, but when it does, a scrotal ligament (chorda gubernaculi) extends from the bottom of this sac to the base of the conus. 396 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY In a complete, or typical descensus, in which the bursa is contained in a scrotal sac, the parts are related as in Fig. in, B. The processus vaginalis of the peritoneum, continuous beyond the sac with that which lines the abdominal wall, wraps itself partly around testis and epididymis, thus forming a membrane, the tunica vaginalis propria, with a parietal and visceral layer, and a serous cavity included between them. This serous cavity is naturally continuous with the main ab- dominal cavity, the ccelom, and the passage between them re- mains open in those mammals in which the external appearance of the testes is periodic; in those, however, in which the descent is final and definite, it closes up during late, often post-natal, development, and all communication between the two cavities is lost. The vessels and nerves of the testis, to which is added the ductus deferens, become united by con- nective tissue into a single structure, the spermatic cord, which escapes from the testis along the side not invested by perito- neum, becomes recurved and enters the abdominal cavity by running along the wall of the pouch, covered by the parietal layers of peritoneum i.e., the tunica vaginalis propria. Outside of this come three layers which represent the ab- dominal muscles and their fascia; in order, beginning from within: i, the tunica vaginalis communis, i.e., common to both testis and spermatic cord, a continuation of the fascia trans- versa ; 2, the cremaster muscle, a continuation of the trans- versalis and internal oblique, and 3, the fascia cremast erica [Cooper's], which represents the external oblique, but is with- out muscular fibers. Beyond this comes the integument, although this is often differentiated into two layers through the development of its involuntary muscular fibers into a layer of integumental mus- cles, the tunica dartos, which occasions a wrinkling of the surface in response to slight stimuli. The external reproductive organs have arisen as one of the adaptations required by the assumption of a terrestrial exist- ence, the ultimate cause being found in the non-suitability of the air as a medium for the transmission of the spermatozoa. THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 397 These delicate motile cells can exist only in a liquid medium, and from this cause alone arise in all terrestrial animals the necessities, first, of secreting a liquid to serve as a vehicle for the male germ cells, and second, of developing organs through which this liquid may be directly transmitted to the cavities of the female organs, without suffering from the drying action of the air. That this necessity was not immediately apparent FIG. in. Diagrams illustrating the descent of the testes in mammals. [After WEBER.] t, testis; p, epididymis; s, spermatic cord; m, mesorchium; It, ligamentum testis; /*, ligamentum inguinale; i, bursa inguinalis; x, conus inguinalis; y, chorda guber- naculi ( = ligamentum scroti) ; a, tunica vaginalis propria, visceral layer; b, the same, parietal layer; c, tunica vaginalis communis, continuous with the fascia trans- versa; d, cremaster (=transversalis-obliq. int. abdom.); e, fascia cremasterica Cooped ( obliq. ext. abdom.); f, integument, including the tunica dartos and involuntary muscular layer. is due to the semi-aquatic habits of most amphibians, even the most terrestrial of which resort to the water at the breeding season and are thus able to dispense with any external mech- anism; yet here, notwithstanding the absence of external organs, there have arisen numerous habits, such as the love antics of salamanders and the amplexation of frogs and toads, which are designed to secure a greater likelihood of fertiliza- 398 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY tion and thus form the prelude to the development of a gen- uine copulation. It is evident, however, that with the complete relinquish- ment of an aquatic life, and the subsequent impossibility of employing an external vehicle for the conveyance of the sper- matozoa, some method must be found by means of which the seminal fluid may be conveyed direct from the male to the female; and this process, beginning with the most natural stage of the approximation of the two unmodified cloacae, would develop first a temporary evagination of a portion of the inner cloacal wall, and then a permanent modification of this evaginating portion; a development which would naturally take place in the male alone, as the producer of the fluid to be transferred. There thus arises for the first time in vertebrates an intromittent organ or penis, three distinct types of which are found; these appear to have arisen independently, al- though in all cases by a modification of the cloacal wall. The first is seen in those highly specialized burrowing amphibians, the Gymnophiona, and consists of a protrusible tube worked by muscles ; the second is that of lizards and snakes, and is in the form of two lateral protrusible sacs, the walls of which are often cornified, and possess a spiral groove for the convey- ance of the spermatic fluid ; the third occurs in its simplest form in turtles and crocodiles and suggests a terrestrial origin for both groups. This latter is the type from which the penis of both birds and mammals is derived, and may be described more at length. Owing to the imperfectly understood law of sexual homology which obtains among vertebrates, this organ, sometimes termed the phallus to distinguish it from the other types, exists also in the female in a much reduced form, and is termed the clitoris. Although useless as an intromittent organ, it reflects the peculiarities of the male organ and in the various groups often shows in a reduced form the characteris- tics developed by the latter. The phallus develops from the ventral wall of the cloaca and consists of a longitudinal thickening of fibrous tissue, the corpus fibrosum, upon which rests a mass of cavernous (erec- THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 399 tile) tissue in the form of two lateral ridges, the corpora cavernosa, with a median groove between them, the seminal groove. This entire organ is somewhat tongue-shaped and free at the tip, and is capable of considerably protrusion be- yond the cloacal orifice. The urogenital sinus, bearing the openings of the ductus deferentes, opens into the seminal groove near its proximal end. Although the phallus of these reptilian forms seems at first sight quite distinct from that of mammals, and although there exist at present no transition forms among adult animals, the development of these parts in mammals supplies the missing portions of the history and substantiates the homology. The essential change is that of the conversion of the spermatic groove into a complete tube, which is accomplished by the increase in size of the lateral ridges and their subsequent fusion, a process repeated during early development. The failure to complete this produces the condition known as hypospadias, and is thus seen to be a case of arrested develop- ment, the retention of the reptilian stage. The relative position of the penis changes completely during its mammalian history from a post-scrotal one with the free end directed posteriorly to one that is pre-scrotal and directed anteriorly. The first of these positions is similar to that of the turtles and crocodiles and is seen in the monotremes, and to a lesser extent in marsupials ; the latter position is characteris- tic of placental mammals. This change may be made clear by the accompanying diagrams (Fig. 112). In the monotremes the conditions are still essentially rep- tilian. There is a common cloaca and the penis projects a little from its ventral wall. The ureters, ductus deferentes and urinary bladder form a common duct which under normal con- ditions serves merely as a passage for the urine. This duct is morphologically the urethra as far as the entrance of the ductus deferentes and ureters ; beyond this point it is morpho- logically the urogenital sinus. The erection of the penis, through the slight lengthening of its inner end, closes the entrance into the cloaca, but continues the urogenital canal 400 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY into its own lumen, thus forming a direct outlet from the ductus deferentes to the exterior. At the same time the free end becomes protruded from the cloacal orifice, and the organs, a FIG. 112. Relationships of the male urogenital organs in mammals. [After WEBER.] (a) Monotremes. (b) Marsupials. (c) Placental mammals. s, symphysis pubis; in, intestine; v, urinary bladder; u, ureter; t, testis; w, ductus deferens; p, prostate; g, vesicular gland; c, bulbo-urethral gland; cp, corpus cavernosum penis; cu, corpus cavernosum urethrze (^corpus spongiosum). THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 401 usually wholly subservient to the urinary function, become for the time being wholly reproductive. % The marsupials show an intermediate condition by which the transition to the placental mammals can be explained. The cloaca has been divided by a perinaeum and the alimentary and urogenital outlets have become entirely separated. The testes show a marked descensus and usually come to lie in a scrotal sac, which is prepenial in position. The penis is posterior to the testes and is still directed backwards as in monotremes and sauropsids, but becomes attached at its proximal end to the posterior margin of the os pubis. The true urethra is very short, as the ductus deferentes enter the tube soon after its origin, but the urogenital tube thus formed is permanently continuous with the lumen of the penis, forming a long urogenital canal. This condition is essentially that found in placental mammals except for the relative posi- tion of the penis, which in the latter animals, retaining its proximal attachment to the lower margin of the os pubis, turns about and becomes directed anteriorly, thus changing its ap- parent relations with the testes, which are now post-penial. Connected with the penis are various sorts of glands, em- ployed mainly for the purpose of furnishing a liquid vehicle for the spermatozoa. They are thus the most widely developed in mammals of marked fertility, like rodents and insectivores, and may be arranged in five groups, each associated with a definitive part of the spermatic tract (Fig. 113). The glandules ductus deferentis are thickenings of the wall of the ductus deferens, and are situated near its entrance into the urogenital canal. The glandule? vesicates are large and evi- dent glands, which open near the latter. These have often been considered as receptacles for the spermatic fluid, and are hence usually called seminal vesicles, but they are clearly glan- dular in their nature, and their cavities contain spermatozoa only by accident. Of the remaining three, which open into the urogenital canal, the primitive condition is seen in the urethral glands, tubular glands occurring in the walls of the above canal, especially along its proximal portion. From 402 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY such elementary structures are derived the two other sets, the prostate and the bulbo-urethral [Cowper's]. Of these the former are more proximal in position, the latter more distal. The function of these five sets of glands seems in all cases that given above, and their occurrence in the various mam- FIG. 113. Penis of placental mammals. (A) Mouse (.Mus musculus). [Combined from RAUTHER and OPPEL.] (B) Hedgehog (.Erinaceus curopaeus.) [From OPPEL, after SEUBERT.] k, kidney; u, ureter; b, bladder; t, testis; e, epididymis; v. d., ductus deferens; cc, corpora cavernosa; v, vesicular glands; pr, prostate glands; c, bulbo-urethral (Cowper's) glands; p, preputial glands. mals is such that the large development of one is compensatory for the small size of another. Thus in monotremes and marsupials there is no prostate gland, but the urethral glands are very abundant ; the vesicular glands are wanting in carnivores, but large and well developed in primates. In Man the most important of these is the pros- tate, but the vesicular are also well developed. The bulbo- urethral glands are evident but not voluminous. In addition THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 403 to the above glands, the function of which is to furnish a liquid vehicle for the spermatozoa, occur certain modified in- tegumental glands, like the preputial, the function of which is to lubricate the parts. The external organs of the female are but slightly developed and appear to represent the various elements found in the male, though retained permanently in a reduced and almost embryonic condition. This is best shown by a comparison of the two as they appear in development, differentiating from an indifferent condition common to both, as in the case of the internal parts. As this history begins with a simple cloaca and develops the external parts from its walls and margin, the history recapitulates also, in a very complete fashion, the stages shown phylogenetically in the preceding pages (Fig. 114). In an early human embryo the cloacal orifice is approxi- mately circular in shape and is surrounded by a rounded and somewhat elevated margin, the genital ridge. From within its ventral wall, and projecting a little beyond the cloacal ori- fice, rises a conical papilla, the genital tubercle [g], which is really in the form of an inverted trough, enclosing the uro- genital sinus and freely open along its ventral aspect, thus forming the genital cleft [r]. At a later stage the cloacal orifice becomes more prolonged dorso-ventrally, and the genital ridge has become more pronounced along the edges, forming two lateral ridges [h~\, instead of a circular lip. The genital tubercle has also developed and projects conspicuously from the ventral margin of the orifice; its groove is still conspicu- ous, but not so widely open, and its lateral lips take on the aspect of rounded folds [c~\ . The terminal end of the rectum has become visible and forms an anus, distinct from the gen- ital parts, but almost continuous with them. Thus far the conditions in the two sexes are precisely alike and the stages are termed indifferent, although we have reason to believe that the sex determination is made at a far earlier period than the -first one considered here, probably even in the fertilised egg previous to segmentation. 404 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY At about this point, however, sexual differences begin to appear, as may be seen by a comparison of the remaining figures. The female organs, which remain nearer the embry- onal condition, are not essentially different, save in propor- tions, from the last stage common to both. The genital cleft remains open, forming the introitus vagince, into which empty the united Miillerian ducts (uterus) and the two ureters. The genital folds form the corpora cavernosa (labia minor a or a h-\ FIG. 114. Development of the external genitals in Man. (a) and (b) Indifferent stages, (c) Early stage of the male organs, (d) Early stage of the female organs. g, genital turbercle; c, genital folds; h, genital ridges; r, genital cleft; ra, anus; p t perinaeum. nympha) and the free tubercle itself forms the clitoris. The external lips of the cloaca, the lateral genital ridges, form the greater labia (labia major a). In the male the genital tubercle develops into the glans and corpus cavernosum urethra [corpus spongiosum], and the genital folds become the corpora cavernosa penis. By the fusion of these latter the groove becomes converted into the uro-genital canal, which becomes continuous with the urethra, THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM 405 and into which the ductus deferentes empty. The lateral gen- ital ridges unite to form the scrota! sac, and the point of union between these is marked by a raphc. A median line of dark pigment lies along the under side .of the penis continuous with the latter and marks the fusion of the lips of the genital groove. Special muscles, also in part sexually homologous, develop in connection with the external organs of both sexes. These are composed of striated fibers and are more or less under the control of the will. The elements of the indifferent stage and their differentia- tions in the two sexes may be expressed in the following table, which shows the sexual homologies. This table, taken in connection with the one given above, for the internal parts, will form a brief synopsis of the entire subject. EMBRYONAL PART MALE FEMALE Genital ridges Scrotum Labia majora Genital tubercle Corpus c'avernosum urethrae Glans penis Clitoris Genital cleft Pigmented line Introitus vaginae Genital folds Corpora cavernosa penis Labia minora CHAPTER X THE NERVOUS SYSTEM " Indeed, while Nature is wonderfully inventive of new structures, her conservatism in holding on to old ones is still more remarkable. In the ascending line of de- velopment she tries an experiment once exceedingly thorough, and then the question is solved for all time. For she always takes time enough to try the experi- ment exhaustively. It took ages to find how to build a spinal column or brain, but when the experiment was finished she had reason to be, and- was, satisfied." JOHN TYLER, The Whence and Whither of Man, p. 173. THE central nervous system begins its history as a straight tube lying along the mid-dorsal line just beneath the integ- ument. Anteriorly this tube ends blindly and exhibits a series of three vesicular enlargements, the beginnings of the brain ; posteriorly it ends blindly also and tapers to a point, although there are certain mysterious indications in the embryonic record of a former connection with the lumen of the alimentary canal, indications which have not as yet received any satis- factory explanation, and which may be after all merely de- velopmental necessities, without historic significance. Through modification of this simple neural tube without the addition of extraneous elements save as auxiliary to this, there arise in all vertebrates the brain and spinal cord, which, even in their highest and most complicated form, appear to the morpholo- gist as still tubular; the walls, enormously thickened in places and often folded, give rise to such solid masses as the cere- bellum or the cerebral hemispheres, the lumen persists as the ventricles of the brain, and their continuation through the spinal cord as the canalis centralis. All nervous systems have arisen in the beginning in response to stimuli from without, and hence developed originally upon 406 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM the surface of the body, especially upon that /portion whichjr through the customary position of the body, isjfl^xposed to such stimuli. Such superficial systems are still found among lower invertebrates ; in sessile radiate forms equally developed on all sides of the projecting rim or upon the tentacles, in free- swimming forms as an apical plate located upon the point which first comes in contact with external objects. That such was also the case with the unknown ancestor of vertebrates is suggested by the embryonic history of the neural tube, for it i.y formed here by the rolling in of the external dorsal sur- face of the early embryo. This process is inaugurated by the formation of two longitudinal medullary folds, one upon either side of the middle line, and as these are united around the anterior end and diverge posteriorly, they form for a time a figure not unlike that of an ordinary hair-pin. The area en- closed by these, which consists of a strip along the dorsal surface, becomes somewhat sunken, and as the two medullary folds, beginning anteriorly, approach one another, and finally unite, the area becomes the bottom of a trough, and eventually the inner surface of a tube. The complete coalescence of the folds and the pinching off of the trough are the final steps in the process, which results in the formation of the neural tube as described above, the anlage of the central nervous system. If we may take this process as a recapitulation of pre-vertebrate conditions, a view sustained by its universality and the reasonableness of the con- clusions, it suggests that the primitive ancestor of vertebrates was exposed to external stimuli mainly over its dorsal surface, a supposition which in its turn suggests a slightly flattened, worm-like form, with the ventral side resting upon the ground, here undoubtedly the ocean bottom. The greater development of the anterior portion of this tube, even from the first, sug- gests a locomotive habit, which would thus favor the anterior end in this regard. As this superficial nervous system became more highly developed, and hence more sensitive, it was pro- tected in the most natural way for such a system, by the for- mation of elevated ridges along its lateral borders, thus form- 408 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY ing a dell or trough, in the bottom of which lay the sensitive surface. Such a method of protection, once inaugurated, could have but one logical outcome, the gradual formation of a tube through the increase in height and the approximation of the protecting lateral folds, until in this way the form was at- tained with which all the present-day vertebrates are equipped. We must here not lose sight of the fact that the original ex- ternal, and hence the sensitive, surface is not that of the ex- terior, but that of the lumen of the tube, which explains the fact, to be developed later, that in all lower vertebrates the central or ganglion cells, which form the " gray matter," are situated along the lumen, and not along the external surface, a condition retained throughout in the more conservative spinal cord, although secondarily in the higher forms large masses of gray matter develop also over the external surface of parts of the brain. A central nervous system, by thus sinking into the interior and becoming entirely covered up by a much less sensitive surface, gains the protection which it seeks, but, in order to retain its functicn as a receiver of external stimuli, a function upon which its very existence as a nervous system depends, it must retain its connection with the exterior through sets of secondary cells which remain external and are yet continuous with the central organ. These are the sensory cells, which, when grouped over a certain area and specialized to receive a certain form of stimulus, become definite sense-organs. These are connected with the central system by sensory nerves, in which the direc- tion of the impulse is always from without inward, that is, afferent or centripetal. As the sensory cells become themselves more specialized and hence more sensitive as well as more vital to the organism, they themselves need protection, which they obtain either by the formation of an external non-sensi- tive horny layer, the epidermis, which protects the sensory cells scattered over the general surface while it still allows the transmission of the stimuli ; or, in the case of such special sense organs as the patches of sensory cells that form the es- THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 409 sential organs of vision and hearing- (retina and acoustic mac- ula) elaborate series of protective organs become developed, while at the same time the special stimuli are intensified by various accessory organs. Thus, while this secondary system of sensory cells, like the rank and file of a modern army, meets the external world with its hazards, the central nervous system, and more espe- cially the brain, like the general staff, remains in safety, though in constant communication with the front. The eyes see, the ears hear, the outer surface receives constant evidence of the external world, while the brain, immured within a dense wall of bone, sits in utter darkness and silence. It neither hears nor sees; no ray of light ever penetrates its obscurity, and even when exposed through injury or operation it is found to have no power of direct perception or even of sensation ; and yet it directs the entire mechanism with the utmost intelligence, sending its messages to the motor system, and causing the entire body to act in the strictest harmony with the external conditions. In the performance of this function it has developed a complexity immeasurably in excess of that of any other organ, and even far beyond that of its own sense- organs, since these latter attain a high degree of development among fishes, while the brain continues its development through amphibians and reptiles, becomes larger and more complex among the mammals, especially along the line leading to the anthropoids, and attains its highest point in the human species, a member of the latter Order, not otherwise to be especially distinguished from the remainder of the group. It is thus to be concluded that the remarkable development of brain characteristic of mammals in general, and the Anthro- poidea in particular, has not been brought about through a greater perfection of the sense-organs, but rather by increasing its own power of receiving the sensory impressions and of recording them through the formation of association paths; and this, like all other structural advances, has been gradually brought about through the w r orking of natural law, as a more perfect adaptation to environment. 4io HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The material history of this advance appears to the mor- phologist as the gradual modification of the simple neural tube described above, a development which is traceable alike in the comparison of adult animals, Class by Class, and in the em- bryological record of a single animal, the lower forms preserv- ing in greater detail the early stages of the history, the higher FIG. 115. Diagrams of the primary and secondary cerebral vesicles. (A) The primary vesicles. (B) The typical form of brain of vertebrates as de- rived from A. The correspondence between the two is indicated by the horizontal dotted lines, which mark off the areas of the primary vesicles, I, II, and III. forms recording the later stages. Completed in this way from the numberless fragmentary records presented to the investigator, the history of the neural tube in its progressive modifications is as follows : It begins, so far as records go, with a form in which the an- terior part of the tube, that corresponding to the head of the THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 411 animal, is somewhat enlarged and divided by two transverse constrictions into three successive vesicles (Fig. 115, A), the fore-, middle-, and hind-brain, or, more technically, prosen- cephalon, mesencephalon and metencephalon, each with its cavity or primary ventricle. Of these the first two seem to represent the very rudimentary cerebral vesicle found in Am- phioxus and may be termed the archencephalon, or primordial brain, while the third may be considered the anterior end of the spinal cord, which becomes added to the brain at some point between Amphioxus and the cyclostomes. This cerebral vesicle of Amphioxus bears two rudimentary sense organs, an olfactory groove and a pigment spot; it may be more than a coincidence, then, that in the higher forms the first two original vesicles furnish but two pairs of nerves, olfactory and optic, while the other nerves are derived from the primary third vesicle. Of all vertebrates the cyclostomes alone possess a brain which may be interpreted as still consisting of three primary vesicles; in all others several modifications take place (Fig. 115, B). The prosencephalon becomes modified by the forma- tion of two diverticula, which are thrown out from the sides and grow anteriorly, often reaching a point considerably be- yond the anterior limits of the primary tube. These are the two lobes of the telencephalon (the cerebral hemispheres of the higher vertebrates), in distinction from which the un- paired remainder is designated as the diencephalon. Internally the primary first ventricle becomes divided into the two lateral ventricles and the one naturally denominated the third; the latter communicates with the two first through a passage which is inclined to become narrow, the foramen in- terventriculare [foramen of Monro"]. The mesencephalon is the most conservative of the primary vesicles, and other than a lateral expansion which sometimes forms a pair of prominent optic lobes, suffers no marked change. Its ventricle is often large and obvious, but has re- ceived no special name or number. The third primary vesicle, the metencephalon, shows a 412 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY greater or less differentiation of its anterior portion, which forms the metencephalon in a restricted sense (the cerebellum of higher forms), while the posterior portion, which tapers in- definitely into the spinal cord, is distinguished as the myelen- cephalon or medulla.* The ventricle of the third primary vesi- cle, or more especially that of the myelencephalon, is a large and conspicuous cavity in lower vertebrates and in the embryo of the higher ones, and is known as the fourth ventricle. That part of the lumen which lies between this and the third ven- tricle, including the ventricle of the mid-brain, forms in Man a small tube or duct, and has consequently received the name of aqueductus cerebri \_Sylvii], or the " iter a tertio ad quar- tum ventriculurn." The original three primary cerebral vesicles, by a secondary subdivision of the first and third, thus become increased to five, and form a fundamental plan to which the brain of all higher vertebrates may be referred. In the development of the many forms of adult brains from this ground plan certain mechanical principles are involved which it is well to consider separately before continuing the special history. These mechanical principles are as follows : i. Increase in the thickness of the wall over a definite area. *The ease with which the German anatomists have translated into the vernacular the somewhat ponderous Greek terms for the parts of the brain (Vorderhirn, Zwischenhirn, Mittelhirn, etc.) has led to various attempts on the part of English-speaking scholars to emulate their ex- ample, but with varied success. Thus " fore-brain " and " mid-brain " for prosencephalon and mesencephalon respectively are convenient although somewhat mediaeval, and these, together with the inelegant " hind- brain," are now in general use. The forms " after-brain " for myelen- cephalon (Ger. Nachhirn) and " twixt-brain," or " tween-brain " for diencephalon (Ger. Zwischenhirn) are less happy, and it is doubtful if they will ever receive general favor. The Greek terms are, on the whole, the most satisfactory, and are more in accordance with our usage than are their rather crude Anglo-Saxon equivalents. The numbering of the cerebral ventricles is that of an old enumeration and does, not at all correspond with the morphological value of the parts. They are most conveniently named in accordance with the vesicles of which they form the cavities, thus: telocozles, diaccele, mesoccele, metaccele and myeloccele. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 413 This is seen almost everywhere, but the extent of the develop- ment in thickness varies much. It is well shown by the thick- ening of the floor of the telencephalic lobes, forming the corpora striata, or by that of the roof and sides of the same parts in the higher vertebrates, forming the cerebral hemi- spheres. 2. The retention of the embryonal thinness over a definite area, forming a place where the lumen is separated from the exterior by merely a thin, often a transparent, membrane. Such places are extremely puzzling, and misled anatomists until within a generation. The physiological purpose of such a thin place is to allow the blood to communicate with the lymph of the ventricles and to nourish the inner surfaces without violat- ing the integrity of the original neural tube. A plexus of blood-vessels is thus the constant accompaniment of such a thin place, and the relations usually become still more compli- cated by the sinking into the cavity of the entire structure, although each loop of capillaries is covered and veiled by the membranous wall, and thus the integrity of the tube is never violated.* In extreme cases almost the entire thin area, cov- ering a network of capillary loops and following its intricacies, may come to lie within the cavity of a ventricle and form a so- called chorioid plexus. The most important of these organs are (i) those of the lateral ventricles, formed by the imagination of a thin area in the inner wall of each, (2) a similar one in the third ventricle, invaginated from its roof, and (3). one formed from the roof of the fourth ventricle immediately behind the cerebellum. * As the only exception to this rule there have been described in Man and in certain other mammals one or more small perforations in the roof of ihe fourth ventricle, the foramina of Majendie, which form a direct communication between the lumen of the neural tube and the sub- arachnoid space. The existence of this communication, which violates the morphological principle of the complete integrity of the walls of the neural tube, has given rise to much discussion, but it seems now probable that, while these foramina certainly do occur occasionally, it is an individual peculiarity, like the epitrochlear foramen of the humerus, and of no especial significance. 414 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY In other cases localized thin areas push out instead of in and form evaginations of more or less importance in the formation of various organs, which are supplementary to the actual brain. In this way are formed the retina of the eyes, a portion of the hypophysis, and one or two problematic structures arising dor- sally from the diencephalon. 3. Folding or creasing of a certain part of the wall. This mechanical device means here as elsewhere an increase of sur- face, and hence of physiological efficiency, without a corre- sponding increase in bulk. Its best manifestation is, perhaps, that of the cerebellum, morphologically formed from roof and sides of the metencephalon. In some forms, as in the adult dog-fish, these folds, three or four in number, are seen with the clearness of a diagram; in others, as in adult birds and mammals, the original creases become shallow by a coalescence of the applied surfaces of adjacent folds, but the structure is still marked by the characteristic dendritic arrangement of the white matter, which marks the core of each fold. In some cases a secondary or even tertiary folding is thus marked. 4. Flexure, or the bending upon itself of the entire longi- tudinal axis of the neural tube (Fig. 116). The possible flexures are three in number, apical flexure, flexure of the pons, and cervical, the two first appearing in birds and quadrupedal mammals, the last found only in Man, caused directly by the erect position and the consequent bending of the skull over an angle of nearly 90. The reason for the other flexures is un- doubtedly the same as in the case of the foldings of the surface, since by folding the parts on themselves a larger brain may be accommodated within the length limits of a given skull. The gradual formation of these flexures may be well seen during the embryonic development of a bird or mammal, preferably, however, in Man, in which alone the third or cervical flexure is involved. They occur in the order of their position, begin- ning anteriorly, the first being dorsal, the second ventral, and the third dorsal again, in accordance with the natural law of folded objects. With the above principal in mind, the further history PLATE IV. Longitudinal median sections of Vertebrate brains corresponding to the first half of the series in Fig. 117 in the text, [(b) and (c) after EDINGER.] (a). Selachian; (b). Teleost; (c). Amphibian. Color Scheme -.yellow, telencephalon; blue, diencephalon; red, mesenceph- alon; green, metencephalon; brown, myelencephalon and cord. r~i> -\- "', /^N PLATE V. Longitudinal median sections of Vertebrate brains corresponding to the second half of the series in Fig. 117. [After EDINGER.] (d). Reptile; (e). Bird; (f). Mammal. Color Scheme: yellow, telencephalon; blut t diencephalon ; red, mesenceph- alon; green, metencephalon; brmvn, myelencephalon and cord. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 415 of the development of the five areas of the brain, as shown in the different vertebrate Classes, may be studied by the help of the accompanying diagrams [Plates IV and V], which rep- resent the adult brains of a dog-fish, a teleost, an amphibian, a reptile, a bird and a mammal, sectioned sagittally in the median plane and viewed from the inner aspect. The comprehension FIG. 116. Diagram of the cerebral flexures. Angle between axes ab and cd apical flexure. Angle between axes cd and ef = flexure of the pons. Angle between ef and gh = cervical flexure. of these will be facilitated by comparing them with Fig. 117, which shows the dorsal aspect of the same series. The telencephalon in the dog-fish is inconspicuous in size but of a considerable thickness, which is approximately uniform save at the posterior part of the roof, where a considerable area retains its membranous character and invaginates to form 416 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY three chorioid plexuses, one for each telencephalic lobe and one for the diencephalon (third ventricle). The thickening in the floor forms the area to be known later as the corpus striatum; that of the roof and sides is the potential cerebrum. The two telencephala thus represent the cerebral hemispheres together with the corpora striata ; their cavities are the lateral ventricles in which lie the two plexus chorioides, the entrance of which into the ventricles is effected through the interventricular foramina. The anterior portion of each telencephalon forms an extensive olfactory lobe (rhinencephalon), which is here voluminous and stalked. This latter portion is in reality noth- ing less than the " olfactory nerve," which, when stalked as here, and especially when prolonged, as in some lizards and in birds, gives the appearance of a true cranial nerve. It is here seen not to be a genuine cranial nerve, but an element of the brain. The teleosts and ganoids show a unique development of this part; the entire roof and sides remain membranous, but the corpora striata are enormously developed. Since the mem- branous portion, which is here called the pallium, or mantle, is absolutely transparent and extremely delicate, it is usually lost in dissection, or if retained, seems of no importance ; and as the corpora striata are very large and convex, they seem to the casual observer to be the true cerebral hemispheres. The rhinencephala are well developed and appear as the direct con- tinuation of these latter parts. The telencephalon of amphibians and reptiles is not unlike that of the selachians (dog-fish), of which it seems a direct descendant. The rhinencephalon is proportionately smaller, although in many lizards it becomes greatly extended, in adap- tation to the prolonged snout. In birds there is again, as in teleosts, an enormous develop- ment of the corpora striata, which makes up the bulk of the cerebrum, although the roof and sides have some thickness and are not reduced to the condition of a pallium. In the mammals the telencephalon reaches its highest development, when it usu- ally greatly exceeds in bulk the remainder of the brain. This THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 417 excessive development is mainly that of the roof and outer side of each of the telencephalic lobes, which form enormous hemi- spheres that extend forward over the rhinencephalon and backward over di- and mesencephalon, usually coming- almost in contact with the cerebellum (metencephalon), from which they are separated merely by a membranous or bony par- tition, the tentorium. In addition to increase in bulk there is also an important histological change, namely, the appear- ance of large masses of ganglion cells over the outer surface, arranged in definite layers and constituting the most important nervous element, the seat of the highest faculties. This ganglionic tissue forms a definite layer of gray matter of con- siderable thickness, the cortex cerebri. In lower mammals, such as the marsupials and rodents, the outer surface of the hemispheres remains smooth, but in the higher Orders, such as the ungulates, the carnivores, and especially the primates, it becomes folded up into irregular rounded elevations, the gyri or convolutions, separated from one another by grooves, the deeper of which are termed fissures, (e. g. t lateral cerebral fis- sure [fissure of Sylvius] ) ; and the others, sulci (e. g., sulcus centralis [fissure of Rolando]). This folding of the surface has the evident effect of still further increasing the physiological efficiency of the cerebral cortex by extending its surface area within the same mass limits. While the main mass of the hemispheres is derived from the roof and the outer side of the telencephalic lobes, the inner side, remaining thin at first, makes a contribution in the form of a longitudinal imagination which thickens, and forms a ridge that encroaches upon the lateral ventricle. This is the hippo- campus [hippocampus major or Amman's horn}. It attains a considerable development in Man, where it forms a conspicu- ous elevation upon the inner side of the floor of the ventricle and becomes prolonged posteriorly into a free rounded end, terminating in digitations [pes hippocampi]. This intrudes itself upon the thick outer portion and lies imbedded in it, covered by the temporal lobe. 4 i8 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY Still further down, ventral to the hippocampus, and partly enclosed by the surrounding parts, the same inner walls of the two hemispheres come in contact and form a thin double par- tition known as the septum pellucidum. The two walls en- close a small space to which the name "fifth ventricle" was formerly given. It is unnecessary to state that this is not a true ventricle and has no connection with the lumen of the neural tube. The telencephalon of all higher mammals is further distin- guished by the formation of an extensive bridge or commissure across the middle line between the two lobes. This lies dorsal, and is easily seen by drawing the hemispheres a little apart and looking down from above. It is called the corpus callo- sum, and consists of fibers of white matter that form a me- dium of intercommunication between corresponding parts of the two hemispheres and insure harmony of action. Aside from this extensive commissural system, which has evidently arisen in mammals in connection with the added needs coming from larger hemispheres, there are three smaller transverse bundles, common also to the brain of lower forms, the ante- rior, middle and posterior commissures. Of. these the first alone comes within the province of the telencephalon, the others are respectively di- and mesencephalic. The diencephalon, never an extensive element in the verte- brate brain, becomes nearly or wholly covered dorsally and laterally in the higher forms by the excessive development of other parts, but though small and of subordinate interest in itself, it is especially characterised by the formation of second- ary organs, either as in- or out-pushings. Some of these latter become of fundamental importance while others appear to be more or less vestigial, presumably inherited from preverte- brate ancestors and of problematic significance. Several of these formations occur along the dorsal aspect^ where over a considerable area of debatable territory between tel- and di-encephala the roof remains thin. The most an- terior consists of an extensive invagination into the third ventricle, which lies just beneath this region. This invagina- THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 419 tion is accompanied by blood-vessels, and by division forms three chorioid plexuses, a median one for the third ventricle (the tela chorioidea of human anatomy) and the two lateral d e f FIG. 117. Dorsal views of vertebrate brains, corresponding to the lon- gitudinal sections given in plates IV and V. (a) Selachian (dog-fish), (b) Teleost (sculpin). (c) Amphibian (frog.) (d) Rep- tile (turtle), (e) Bird (sparrow), (f) Mammal (cat). I, telencephalon; II, diencephalon; III, mesencephalon ; IV, metencephalon; V, myelencephalon. In (f) cerebrum and cerebellum have been drawn apart to expose the mid-brain. 420 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY ones already mentioned (tcenice chorioides), which pass through the interventricular foramina and supply the two lateral ventricles of the telencephalon. Behind the plexuses there appear in the mid-dorsal line typi- cally two median diverticula, which, owing to the many grades of development under which they appear, as well as to the fact that they have long been treated as identical, have received a large number of distinct designations. The more anterior of these is best known as the paraphysis, the posterior one the epiphysis, but the former is also correctly known as the parietal organ, the latter as the pineal organ. Both show a tendency to pass through the skull and attain a position directly beneath the skin in the middle line, developing there a rudimentary sense organ of uncertain nature, but probably an eye in each case. In the cyclostome Petromyzon, both structures attain consid- erable development, and the optical structure of the epiphysial organ is evident through the occurrence of pigment in what may be well a vestigial retina. The paraphysial organ is smaller, but of similar structure. In no other form are both of these structures so well developed, but in several cases one may attain an even higher development while the other is rudi- mentary. In some instances the highest point in development is reached during embryonic life, while in others it is exhibited by the adult. Thus in the selachians, the epiphysis passes through a minute foramen in the skull and reaches the surface ; its terminal organ is visible externally, but the paraphysis is not developed at all. In frogs and toads the paraphysis attains a development similar to that of the epiphysis in the former case, while this latter part has not been found. The para- physial organ, here known as the " frontal organ," is plainly visible externally, but in the adult is entirely separated from the brain by the retrogression of its stalk. The highest de- velopment of either organ is reached among certain lizards, where it is the epiphysis that is thus favored. The terminal organ here lies in a socket (parietal foramen) formed in the interparietal suture and represents a fairly good eye, with pig- THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 421 mented retina, a more or less makeshift lens, and a well-devel- oped nerve connecting the terminal organ with the brain. Above this, on the surface, is situated a transparent scale, surrounded by a ring of smaller opaque ones, making a con- FIG. 118. Lateral views of the developing human brain; drawn from wax models by F. ZIEGLER after WM. His. The cranial nerves are indicated by roman numerals; exponent letters m and s denotes respectively motor and sensory branches; e, the otic vesicle spicuous object on the heads of these forms. The paraphysis appears to be associated with this epiphysial structure. In birds and mammals there seems to be no trace of a paraphysis, while the epiphysis is reduced to the form of the so-called "pineal gland," pushed backwards from its original position 422 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY by the growth of other parts. In man it lies so hidden that the early anatomists, finding- it as it were in the innermost pene- tralia of the organ of life and individuality, deemed it the seat of the soul, a view from which the morphologists of the pres- ent day have escaped only by substituting one mystery for another. The sporadic occurrence of these vestigial sense organs, paraphysis and epiphysis, which, save perhaps in the case of the parietal (epiphysial) eye of the lizard, cannot be of the slightest use, points definitely to the presence of similar organs in a functional condition in some remote ancestor. That these parts were organs of vision there can be but little doubt, and there are certain indications which lead us to think that they were once paired, although always close together. Beyond this, investigation has as yet shown nothing, and the whole subject remains at present one of those half-completed histo- ries, of which the record consists of a few poorly preserved fragments. Far more satisfactory is the history of the diverticula which develop laterally from the sides of the part under consideration, for, although we do not have adult animals which show the steps in the development, they are yet traced in perfect agree- ment during the embryological history of every vertebrate, a procedure familiar to all students of embryology. These appear at an extremely early age, often beginning before the com- pletion of the telencephalic lobes, and soon assume the form of spherical vesicles, connected with the brain by narrow stalks, and almost in contact at their outer surface with the external germ-layer, the surface ectoderm. By an invagination of this outer surface the vesicle is transformed into a double-layered cup, and in this one may recognize the fundamental elements of the eye. The primary vesicle is hence called the optic vesicle, the transformed cup-like figure, the optic cup. [See Fig. 136.] Of this the invaginated layer, now lining the cup, becomes the retina, certain cells of which give rise to the rods and cones, the essential nervous elements of the organ ; the other layer, now forming the covering of the cup, develops pigment and THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 423 becomes the tapetiun nigrum, a layer which, together with the blood capillaries later to be associated with it, will become the chorioid coat. The stalk, although not directly transformed into the optic nerve, forms the path along which it develops and thus marks its final position. (For the details of this cf. the last part of Chapter XL) During the time at which the optic cup has been forming by a turning in of the outer part of the vesicle, an associated process takes place in the ectoderm directly opposite the cup, This process consists of an inpushing from without on the part of this ectoderm, the inpushing going rapidly through the stages of a simple depression, a depression with a narrowed neck, and finally that of a spherical vesicle entirely cut off from its layer of origin. That this may once have been the essential sense organ to supply the needs of which the diverticulum from the brain may have originated, seems likely from the similarity of its early development to that of certain actual sense organs, especially the otic capsule, which develops into the inner ear. This latter, as will be shown later, appears to have been at first merely a single unit of the system known as the " lateral line organs," and the lens, although no longer sensory in func- tion, may with some probability be referred to the same source. In all present-day vertebrates, however, it is no longer sensory, but develops into an auxiliary though essential organ of the eye, the crystalline lens. This is accomplished by an enormous thickening of the inner w r all of the vesicle, which finally fills up the entire lumen, leaving the outer wall to fit over it in the form of a protecting epithelium. During later development the eye receives its vitreous humor, its blood-vessels, its sclero- tic coat and other essential parts from the surrounding tissue, mainly the mesenchyme, and develops into the adult form. But one other diverticulum arises from the diencephalon, and that one is directed downwards from the middle of its floor. Like the lateral eyes, it does not form a complete organ in itself, but unites with a similar diverticulum which develops upward from the roof of the mouth, and together they form an organ of slight functional importance, in respect to which the 424 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY elaborate method of development, involving as it does two dis- tinct elements, is disproportional. It is thus generally sup- posed that we have a vestigial organ like those developing dor- sally and laterally from the same region, and that it, like them, represents the remnant of an organ of considerable importance in some unknown ancestral group. This organ is a noticeable feature of the ventral aspect of all vertebrate brains, and bears the noncommittal name of hypophysis, literally that which grows beneath, in allusion to its position. In most skulls, es- pecially in the more completely ossified one of the amniotes, there is a distinct depression for its lodgment (the sella turcica of human anatomy), and, as the hypophysis is often connected with the brain by a narrow stalk around which the bone may fit quite tightly, it is seldom removed in its entirety with the brain, and hence its true relations are apt not to be wholly understood. The portion contributed by the diencephalon is in the form of a hollow cone or funnel, the infundibulum. About this the invagination from the mouth cavity, which is glandular in its nature, and termed pituitary body, becomes developed, and by the secondary loss of the original connection between this latter and the roof of the mouth, through the development of the palate, the hypophysis is made to appear like a simple organ, attached to the brain. Although there is no feeling of certainty among morpholo- gists concerning the original form of this organ, the opening of the pituitary portion into, or rather from, the exterior in the more primitive forms, suggests that this part may repre- sent the rudiment of an earlier mouth, the palceostoma, with which, as shown by other data, the prevertebrate ancestors seem to have been equipped prior to the development of the definite vertebrate mouth, the neostoma* Aside from these diverticula and the organs found in asso- *The pituitary diverticulum arises in gnathostomes from the ectoderm of the stomatodaeal invagination, but in cyclostomes is beyond the limits of the mouth and pushes in from the external surface of the head in close association with the medial nasal invagination. For farther details and theories concerning this part see Chapters VI, XI and XII; also Fig. 129. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 425 ciation with them the diencephalon develops in mammals a pair of lateral ganglionic masses, the thalami optici, which arise as thickenings of the sides of the vesicle beneath the optic stalks. These are to be sharply distinguished from the lobi optici (optic lobes), under which name the lateral halves of the mesencephalon are usually described. The mesencephalon is the most conservative of the elements of the brain : it develops very little that is new throughout its entire history, and in Man and the other mammals, although suffering little or no actual diminution in size, it becomes re- duced proportionately to a very small portion of the brain through the excessive growth of the surrounding parts. This is made clear by the diagrams, in which the mesencephalon may be followed through fishes, amphibians and reptiles with but little change. Its roof and outer sides are moderately thick- ened and usually divided along the mid-dorsal line by a longi- tudinal groove, thus forming a bilobate organ, the corpora bigemina or lobi optici. In many fishes they form a conspicu- ous part of the brain which, so long as the cerebral lobes remain but slightly developed, must be of great functional importance. In some teleosts, for example, in which the cerebral hemi- spheres are represented merely by a non-nervous membrane, they furnish at least two-thirds of the dorsal surface, and thus perhaps functionally replace the former. In amphibians and reptiles the gradual development of the cerebral hemispheres reduces the importance of the optic lobes, although in birds, forms not in the direct line of human ancestry, they again reach a certain prominence; thus when the enormously developed corpora striata and the small and thin walls of the hemispheres are taken into consideration, birds are seen to be as unique in their brain development as they are in their skeleton and their general form. In mammals the mesencephalon is to be looked for between the two greatly hypertrophied elements, telencephalon and metencephalon (cerebrum and cerebellum), and here the bilobed organ has become transformed into one with four lobes, the corpora quadrigemina. The beginning of this 426 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY change may be found in some reptiles, where the develop- ment of a pair of small subordinate lobes posterior to the main ones makes it clear that the four-lobed form in mammals is due to the development of a new pair of lobes posterior to the others, and not merely to the formation of a cross-furrow. Subordinate lobes like those of reptiles are found also in birds. The floor of the mesencephalon is thickened in all cases and is of considerable functional importance. Through this region pass the fibers of connection between the cerebral lobes and the medulla, and as the hemispheres increase in size, these bundles become greater and form the pedunculi cerebri [crura cerebri}, especially conspicuous in mammals, as would be expected. During the process of phylogenetic development the roof and sides of the metencephalon become selected as a region where a large part of the work of the central nervous system is accomplished. This part, the cerebellum, is thus almost al- ways large and voluminous, and often, even in fishes, becomes folded up into several plicae, thus emphasizing its great func- tional importance. It has already been shown how both the corpora striata and the lobi optici, although of supreme importance in some fishes, eventually become, except perhaps in birds, entirely subordi- nated to the cerebral hemispheres ; the cerebellum, on the other hand, has retained from the first an office of great importance, and in mammals becomes subordinated to the hemispheres alone. There are occasional exceptions to the general impor- tance of this part, as in the case of the singularly small cere- bellum of the frog, but such cases are very few. The floor of the metacephalon is utilized in part for the location of com- missural fibers between the two lateral halves of the cerebellum, and in mammals, corresponding to the increase in size of this organ, this commissural bundle becomes large and conspicu- ous, forming a broad loop around the base of the medulla, the pons [ Varoli\\ . Although this region of the myelencephalon is perhaps the most complex of any part of the brain, this complexity lies in THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 427 the minute structure rather than in the external form, in which latter respect it is singularly simple and uniform throughout all vertebrates. Its sides and floor, which alone come into consid- eration as a nervous organ, together with the crura cerebri and the pons, form the central system of commissures for the entire nervous system, receiving the fibers from all other parts and forming the necessary connections of these with one another and with the spinal cord. That these connections become vastly more complex in the higher than in the lower vertebrates is evidenced both by the gradual growth of the various parts of the brain in size and complexity, and by the results as seen in the behavior of living animals. A rhomboidal area which includes the greater part of the roof of this part remains mem- branous and forms an important chorioid plexus, that of the fourth ventricle (tcenia ventriculi quarti). As this thin place and its subjacent rhomboid cavity (fossa rhomb oidalis) are extremely conspicuous objects in all embryos, this portion of the brain is often conveniently termed the rhomben- cephalon. Morphologically the medulla is the anterior continuation of the spinal cord, and the nerves that proceed from it resemble the spinal nerves more than do those which arise farther for- ward. In fact the line of division between medulla and cord is an artificial one, the first being considered as coterminous with the skull in all cases. Similarly those nerves in that region which obtain their exit through a foramen in the skull are termed cranial and are accorded to the medulla. The ar- tificial character of this distinction involves confusion at one point at least, namely, the varying limits of the skull between amphibians and reptiles due to the absorption of a vertebra. (See Chap. V.) In this way the hypoglossal nerve (Xllth), a spinal nerve in amphibians, becomes added to the list of cranial nerves in the Amniota, although this case involves rather more than the simple addition of a single pair of spinal nerves, and is still a somewhat obscure point. Beyond the medulla the neural tube becomes the spinal cord f which, although it often shows some little regional differentia- tion, is far more conservative than the anterior portion and 428 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY consists essentially in all cases of a tube with a minute lumen (canalis centralis) and extremely thick walls. It consists of both ganglion cells (gray matter) and connecting fibers (white matter) and, as the latter usually form the greater part of its bulk, it is to be considered in the main a great central nerve bundle proceeding from the brain and distributing its fibers to all parts. This distribution takes place through the formation of pairs of spinal nerves, which are arranged metamerically, a pair for each body somite. The proportion of the spinal cord in weight as compared with that of the brain may be said in a general way to decrease as we ascend the scale of vertebrates, but this is due rather to the increase in the size of the brain than to a decrease in that of the cord. There is, however, another principle, that of pro- gressive cephalization, which tends to shorten the cord and con- centrate the nervous system at the anterior end, and it is through this that the changes may be best explained. This principle appears equally well among many groups of inverte- brates and is shown in ( i ) ) a tendency to shorten the body axis, and (2) to concentrate and hence shorten the longitudinal nerve axis. The results of this process may be especially well followed among such a group of animals as that of insects, in which the central nervous system originally consists of a pair of small ganglia for each somite, this condition running through the entire body. Thus in the myriapod (Fig. 119, A), an ancestral form, the primitive condition is still realized ; in such a low form of insect as the dragon fly or grasshopper the concentration of ganglia has commenced, and in the fly the highest cephalization is reached. That these stages are passed through during the de- velopment is shown by a comparison of the nervous system of the fly in its various stages, that of the larva still showing a quite primitive condition (Fig. 119, cf. B and C). This principle is shown in vertebrates by the progres- sive shortening of the spinal cord in a series of gradually ceph- alizing forms, but can be used as a criterion of development only within the limits of a single group. Thus the frog, with THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 429 its extreme shortening- of the cord, exhibiting but ten pairs of spinal nerves, is not to be compared with Man, in which there are more than thirty, but with the long-bodied salamanders, B FIG. 119. Nervous systems of invertebrates, showing the principle of concentration. [A, from LANG, after OUDEMANS; B and C after LOWNE.] (A) Nervous system of the myriapod Lithobius, showing a connected chain of approximately equal ganglia. (B) Nervous system of the larval Chironomus, the " harlequin fly," showing a long chain of ganglia as in A. (C) Nervous system of the adult Chironomus, with all the ganglia concentrated into two, cephalic and mid-thoracic. 430 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY animals in its own class, in which the cord is nearly coterminous with the tail (Fig. 120). Indeed, an almost absurd result of this is shown in a certain teleost, Orthagoriscus (Fig. 121, b), a Brach H ll/hy Cm. Sciat FIG. 120. Spinal nerves of two amphibians, showing differences in the degree of concentration. (a) Frog. [After GAUPP.] (b) Necturus. [Combined from drawings by WAITE.] Hpgl, hypoglossal nerve; Brach. brachial; Thor. abd, thoraco-abdominal ; Sp. cor, supracoracoid ; //. hy, ilio-hypogastric ; Cru. crural; Sciat, sciatic. The vertebrae are numbered by arabic numerals, the spinal nerves by roman. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM in which the entire cord is perhaps a little shorter than the brain. In all cases in which a shortening has occurred two con- nected phenomena may be observed at the posterior end of the cord: first, the thick, functional portion terminates more or less abruptly and the cord is continued as a taper- ing thread known as the filum terminate, without function as a nervous organ, and secondly, the shortening is usually so great that the posterior portion of the cord is drawn up considerably ahead of the parts which it supplies, compelling the nerves involved to turn around at a progressively sharper angle until the most posterior ones run in a longitudinal direction paral- lel to the filum terminale. This bundle of approximate- ly longitudinal nerves which appears thus to terminate the cord, is known collective- ly as the cauda equina, and is often a noticeable object, as in the frog and in Man (Fig. 121, c). In the higher vertebrates, especially in mammals, the relation of spinal cord to tail becomes quite different from that of the lower forms, a change that is correlated in an inter- FIG. 121. Spinal cords, show- ing the intumescentia, also a marked length variation. (a) Turtle. [After BOJANUS.] (b) Orthagoriscus (telecost). [From GEGEN- BAUR after B. HALLER.] (c) Human spinal cord without the brain. [After WlEDERSHEIM.] 432 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY esting way with changes in the musculature of that part. In such forms as fishes and salamanders, the metameric mus- culature is not discontinued at the cloaca, which marks the posterior limit of the body cavity, but is continued in a grad- ually reducing series to the extreme tip of the tail. Each of these caudal metameres is supplied with a pair of spinal nerves, to furnish which the cord must of necessity be continued quite or nearly to the end. In mammals, although in some cases the tail is long and extensive, its metameric muscles have been given up except those of its most anterior somites, and the tail is moved by a complex system of tendons proceeding from these latter. The only nerves necessary for the tail, then, are those of its anterior metameres, which are easily supplied from the cauda equina, thus obviating all necessity on the part of the cord for extending very far posteriorly. Indeed, with the exception of the primitive Ornithorhynchus and a few rodents, the spinal cord of mammals fails to reach even the sacrum. In much the same way as the development of the caudal muscles conditions the point and manner of termination of the cord, so is its caliber modified in other places through the rela- tive amount of muscular development in the various body regions, especially in the case of the limbs. In such a form as Amphioxus, where the successive metameres are practically alike, the spinal nerves, and consequently the cord, are of about an equal caliber throughout the body, gradually tapering to the end of the tail, and for the same reason in forms like eels and snakes, which have secondarily lost their metameric differenti- ation, the cord is correspondingly simple; where, however, a certain metamere, or a series of successive ones, becomes greatly developed, the nerves which supply this part are neces- sarily increased in caliber, and this causes a corresponding in- crease in the cord at or near the point from which they originate. The most conspicuous example of this principle is, of course, that of the limbs, which are often excessively developed in the higher forms and cause a corresponding increase of size in THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 433 the metameric nerves from which they receive their supply, as well as in the cord of the region from which these nerves pro- ceed. It will be remembered that each vertebrate limb above those of the fishes is a development of a few (not more than 5-6) metameres, and thus involves primarily a corresponding number of nerves. There are thus in the spinal cord two swellings (inhtmescentitp) , cervical and lumbar, corresponding respectively to the anterior and posterior limbs. These swel- lings are directly proportionate to the amount of development in each pair and are markedly unequal in such forms as bats, with their exaggerated fore limbs and reduced hinder pair, and in the ostrich, in which the development shows the re- verse tendency. In snakes, in which the limbs have been lost, the intu- mescentise are also absent ; on the other hand, in turtles, mem- bers of the same class, the disappearance of the most of the trunk muscles has caused a considerable reduction in the size of the cord between the intumescentiae, making the latter, which are well developed, seem still greater by contrast (Fig. 121, a). The most exaggerated development of these spinal intu- mescentise seems to have been among the extinct dinosaurs, in which the excessive development of the hind limbs, on which they supported their enormous weight, caused a proportionate exaggeration of the corresponding swelling, the intumescentia lumbalis. As shown by the cavities in the vertebrae (neural canal), this intumescence was often considerably larger than the entire brain, exceeding that organ some twelve times in Stegosavrus. In shape, as seen best by cross-sections, the spinal cord varies somewhat in the different regions of the body, and consider- ably more in the various vertebrates, especially the lower as compared with the higher. In the cyclostomes it is strongly flattened, convex dorsally and concave ventrally. In am- phibians it is elliptical, flattened from above downwards, and with a noticeable, though not very deep, ventral furrow. In mammals, by the addition of a dorsal and two lateral furrows, 434 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY all longitudinal and parallel, the well-known form of a fluted column is produced, with a dorsal, lateral and ventral column upon each side [posterior, lateral, anterior, BNA], The shape of the mass of gray matter as seen in section varies from that of a symmetrical triangle in lower forms to that of a figure like a double crescent in the higher; in all cases it retains the primitive position, bordering the lumen of the tube, the original external surface. All parts of the body are in constant communication with the central nervous system through the medium of the peripheral nerves, which are in structure essentially the same as the white matter of the brain and cord, as seen in the various commis- sures of the former and in the columns of the latter, save that here there is added a connective tissue element, which not only forms an external sheath for each entire nerve (perineurium), but also a delicate wrapping about each nerve fiber (neuri- lemma). These nerves issue in pairs from both brain and cord, and, although in form and character the transition from one group of nerves to the other is a gradual one, the two groups are distinguished for convenience as cranial and spinal. The latter, which are the less modified, issue from the cord at approximately equal intervals and are metameric in arrange- ment, a pair corresponding to each metamere or body somite, as expressed in the muscles or the skeletal parts. This meta- meric arrangement, which is often expressed with great clear- ness in the trunk, is not distinct in the head, and the cranial nerves, although showing indications of a former metameric order, cannot be satisfactorily resolved into their separate ele- ments. According to their use nerves are sharply divided into two groups, sensory and motor. The first are distributed chiefly to the external surface and are the media by which the central organ receives intelligence concerning external stimuli. These terminate in many cases in special sense organs arranged to receive certain definite stimuli, but are distributed also over the general surface, where they respond to simple contact. Other sensory nerves supply certain internal parts, as the THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 435 muscles, giving these parts some degree of sensation. In all sensory nerves the impulse necessarily travels from the termi- nus to the central organ, and these nerves are consequently designated as centripetal or afferent. The other type of nerve, the motor, supplies the muscles and furnishes them with the impulse to contract. In these nerves the current runs from the center to the terminus, and they are thus centrifugal, or efferent. The nerves that regulate the action of other organs, Dorsal VENTRAL Ventral FIG. 122. Diagram of a typical spinal nerve. such as the secretion of glands, are a subdivision of the motor class. Nerves issue from the central organ, whether brain or cord, in bundles called roots, each of which contains mainly one type of nerve fiber. The roots are hence called either motor or sensory, but since a given part must usually be supplied with both motion and sensation, two roots, one of each sort, become associated together, and blend their fibers within a single ex- ternal sheath, thus forming a mixed nerve. This is true of all of the spinal nerves and of some of the cranial pairs, but others of this latter class arise from single roots and retain their simple character. Each metamere possesses typically a pair of sensory and a pair of motor roots, the sensory situated dorsally, the motor ventrally, thus forming two longitudinal 436 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY rows on each side.* The two roots of the same side unite soon after their exit from the cord into a single metameric nerve, containing both sorts of fibers, but then divides again almost immediately into dorsal and ventral branches, each con- taining both sorts of fibers. These, like all subsequent di- visions, are merely topographical, and not physiological, as in the case of the roots. A spinal ganglion appears in association with each pair of roots, usually associated with the sensory root, but in lower forms often connected with both and situ- ated at the point of union. This typical arrangement of nerve roots and their association in the formation of single pairs of metameric nerves is a con- stant one in all vertebrates and is already suggested by the somewhat more primitive condition in Amphioxus. In the lower phylogenetic stages, however, the plan is a little less precise, and there is sufficient indication to show that here, too, as elsewhere, the final arrangement has been obtained by a natural development from a less definite one. Thus in Amphioxus the motor roots consist of a series of fibers distinct from one another; the sensory roots are more definite and are placed in the intervals between the first, in such a manner that the motor roots correspond to the myo- meres, the sensory roots to the myocommata. Moreover, since in this singular animal the body somites on the two sides do not match but alternate with one another, the nerve roots do the same, and a sensory root of one side will lie in the same transverse plane as a motor root of the other. The sensory and motor roots do not unite, and the former becomes as- sociated with a subcutaneous ganglion. This alternate arrangement of the roots, excepting the non-correspondence between the two sides, is continued in most fishes. In the selachians, for example, the motor root passes through a foramen in the side of the vertebra, the sensory root through a similar foramen in the intercalary piece ; the latter is thus inter-, the former intra-vertebral. As we ascend the series the tendency is more and more * The sensory roots often contain motor fibers. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 437 towards an intervertebral exit for both roots, but even in birds and mammals there are cases of an exit through a verte- bra. Thus in the pre-sacral vertebrae of birds there are two foramina on each side in the bodies of vertebrae for the separate exit of the two roots; there are also many instances among mammals of the piercing of a vertebra for nerve exits; for example, the majority of the cervical and dorsal vertebrae in pigs, or the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae among ruminants. Regarding the union of dorsal and ventral roots ; in the cy- clostome Petromyzon the two remain separate, although in other cyclostomes, (e.g., Myxine) they unite. In true fishes the union of the two roots takes place outside of the vertebral canal ; in the higher forms the union is within it and the united nerves pass through the inter- (or intra-) vertebral foramen. The spinal ganglia, which, in the higher forms, are exclusively associated with the sensory roots, are often in the lower con- nected with both. They may possibly be homologous with the subcutaneous ganglia found on the sensory nerves of Amphi- v.vus, but their development from a ridge along the spinal cord does not seem to support this idea. In studying the distribution of the peripheral nervous system there are two fundamental principles to be first considered, ( I ) that of the exact relation between the size of a nerve and the amount of development of the part to which it is distributed ', and (2) that of the permanence of nerve distribution. The first follows from the fact that every cell or related group of cells in a given organ has each its own nerve fiber, and there are thus as many fibers in the nerve bundle supplying the organ as there are such units in the organ itself. If, then, a part re- duces or increases its total number of cells, the change is di- rectly indicated in a corresponding reduction or addition of nerve fibers; and, furthermore, as the separate nerve fibers must each reach a central cell in the brain or cord, there are changes there also. These latter are sometimes sufficient to become easily noticeable, as in the case of the intumescentias of the spinal cord, which are correlated with the development of the limbs. 438 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The second principle, that of the permanence of nerve dis- tribution, has already been referred to in several places, since many of our safest and surest conclusions concerning homolo- gies are based upon it. This principle, more fully expressed, affirms that a part never changes its nerve supply, and that a given nerve, once associated with a certain organ or complex \of organs, will follow it through all its subsequent transforma- tions and even migrations. A good illustration of this is seen in the history of the stapedius muscle of the middle ear, which is supplied by a branch of the facial nerve. This supply is by no means the most convenient, and is reached only through overcoming a series of mechanical disadvantages, yet it is rendered necessary by the fact that the muscle in question was once a part of the digastricus (the posterior belly of the mam- malian muscle of the same name), and as such was supplied by the Facialis. Through the application of this inviolable principle numerous homologies have been established, and others, long believed in, have been disproven. Of undoubted connection with this close correspondence be- tween peripheral nerves and the organs to which they are dis- tributed, as enunciated in the above principles, is the singular phenomenon of plexus formation, seen in the nerves which supply the limbs. These plexuses consist of a more or less intricate set of intercommunications between the spinal nerves that are distributed to the limbs, and are hence two in number, plexus brachialis and plexus lumbo-sacralis, involving the nerves which supply the anterior and posterior limbs respec- tively. The number of nerves involved in each plexus differs considerably, and reaches a large number in certain fishes, in which the fins are associated with a large number of myotomes, but in animals with the hand form of limb (chiridia) the num- ber varies between two and seven. Of this series one or two, usually the central ones, perform the greater part of the task of supplying the limb, and are consequently the largest; the others grade off above and below to those of normal size. The number and complexity of the intercommunications also reach THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 439 their extremes in the center of the plexus in connection with these larger nerves, above and below which the nerves become gradually less involved, until those are reached which have so slight a connection with the plexus that they are included within it by some authors and not by others. There is, in fact, considerable individual variation in a given plexus, and a debatable nerve may furnish a communicating branch in one specimen which may be absent in another. The organization of a plexus may be best learned by actual examples, for which the brachial plexuses of two amphibians, two birds, and two mammals may be selected (Fig. 123). From these it will be seen that not only is the number of nerves involved a different one, but that the nerves themselves are not the same, counting from the first. This latter fact is but another way of saying that the girdles shift along the columns in different animals, locating in all cases at the point where the support will be the most effective, a fact brought out in previous chapters in relation to the bones and muscles. It shows clearly that homologies cannot rest upon definite body metameres, since there is great variation, both in the total num- ber of metameres and in the relative length of each subdivision of the body; neck, trunk and tail. Thus in a frog, with a total of but ten pairs of spinal nerves, the brachial plexus involves the first three and the lumbo-sacral plexus the last four, leaving but three pairs of spinal nerves not involved in plexus forma- tion ; yet the metameres thus represented cannot be taken, meta- mere for metamere, as the homologues of the first ten of other animals, which, in some cases, as in most birds, for example, would be included entirely in the neck ; it may rather be said that the ten of the frog are homologous in a general way with the total number of other animals, the two plexuses serving as fixed points for comparison. In comparing the various forms of plexus with one another, there are, in spite of the great diversity of combinations, cer- tain points of similarity. In the first place, both plexuses are alzvays formed entirely of the ventral divisions of the spinal 440 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY nerves, the dorsal branches being in all respects similar to those of adjacent nerves; secondly, the final outcome of the branch- ing results in the formation of distinct dorsal and ventral xvn XVIII jxix XX FIG. 123. Brachial plexus of various vertebrates. (a) Frog. [After GAUPP.] (b) Axolotl (urodele). [After FURBRINGER.] (c) Cassowary. [After FURBRINGER.] (d) Domestic fowl. [FURBRINGER.] (e) Dog. [After ELLENBERGER and BA'UM.] (f) Man. [GEGENBAUR.] The roman numerals indicate the spinal nerves. The other abbreviations are sufficiently complete to designate the nerves coming from the plexuses. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 441 branches, each one or two in number, the former distributed along the extensor, the latter along the flexor, aspect. In the figures given, which are drawn from the ventral side, the dorsal elements are represented as forming a deeper layer, and are shaded for the purpose of rendering them more distinct. It will be seen, also, that each of these final elements involves more than one root, and also that the same roots furnish fibers for more than one nerve. Furthermore, owing to the embryonal relation of the chiridium to the body, the first digit being anterior in both cases, the nerves supplying the inner (radial or tibial) side of each limb are derived more from the anterior portion of the plexus ; those supplying the outer side from the posterior. Based upon the principles given above, the formation of a plexus possesses great morphological signifi- cance; for its intercommunications and its branchings are, in part at least, records of the past history of the limbs, rec- ords which are so complicated that but little progress has as yet been made in their interpretation. It may be supposed, however, that if any two parts, two muscles, for example, each supplied by its own nerve, should coalesce, their nerves would also fuse into a single bundle, at least distally, and even that the extent of this fusion, that is, the distance from the origin at which these two nerves come together, would meas- ure the relative length of time the parts have remained fused. Similarly, if a single part should differentiate into two, a phenomenon constantly occurring among limb muscles, the nerve would branch; and, furthermore, the increase of the differentiation between them, that is, a gain in the independ- ence of action, would tend to separate the nerve still more and cause the point of bifurcation to move proximally. It is thus probable that the plexuses have a meaning for him who is able to read it, the well-known conservatism of nerves in regard to their course assisting greatly in the preservation of these records. This conservatism is well shown in the case of snakes, in which the limbs have been lost, but where there are still traces of the plexuses, a fact attesting the former presence of the limbs. In certain other cases, as in the 442 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY Gymnophiona and in the lost hind limbs of the urodele Siren, not only have the limbs and their girdles utterly vanished, but there is also no trace of a plexus, showing that since the reduc- tion of the limbs a much longer time has elapsed than in the former case, a conclusion in full accord with the relative place of these animals in the system and in their geological appear- ance. It is not probable, however, that all the changes in a plexus have a historic significance, since another factor must be taken into consideration, one that is the cause of certain changes, especially those of an individual character. This factor is found in the evident tendency, of certain forms at least, to shift the position of their girdles. This tendency is shown in individual cases by an increase in the size of certain of the nerves involved and a corresponding diminution in that of those either anterior or posterior to them ; and, in certain species, by making careful counts of the separate fibers of the main nerves in a large number of individuals of a given species, the direc- tion in which the girdle is migrating has been definitely estab- lished. Thus in the common toad there is shown a tendency to push the shoulder girdle still further anteriorly, and as its present position is extremely cephalic, the continued tendency must be an instance of the inertia of variation through which a line of development, once started, is often carried far beyond the point of greatest efficiency. This procedure involves more generally the posterior than the anterior girdle, and hence the lumbo-sacral plexus is more apt to vary individually. This migratory tendency may result in the establishment in a given species of two or three types of plexus, to which all individual variations may be referred, as has been established in the case of the urodele Necturus, well known also for its variability in pelvic attachment. The early anatomists, by a careful count of the nerve roots as they were found proceeding from the brain in the human subject, enumerated the following twelve pairs of cranial nerves, that is, of nerves which originate within the cranial cavity and escape through foramina in the bone: THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 443 NAME FUNCTION I. Olfactorius special sense, smell. II. Opticus special .sense, sight. III. Motor oculi motor. IV. Trochlcaris [Patheticus] motor. V. Trigetmnus [Trifacial] { mainl y sensor y, with a small motor ( root VI. Abducens motor. VII. Facialis mixed. VIII. Acusticus [Auditprius] special sense, hearing. IX. Glosso-pharyngeus mixed. X. Vagus [Pheumogastricus] mixed. XI. Accessorius [Willisii] mixed, mainly motor. XII. Hypoglossus mixed. Of these the first two arise from the primary fore-brain, the tel- and di-encephalon respectively ; the remaining ten take their origin from the met- and myelencephala, leaving the mesencephalon without any. It would thus seem that the former may be nerves of the archencephalon or primary brain, laid down in Amphioxus, while the latter belong to the second- ary addition from the anterior end of the original spinal cord. The last ten were thus at first spinal nerves, in which, in spite of their extreme specialization, it might be possible to recognize the original spinal elements, each with its sensory and motor roots, its accompanying ganglion, and so on. That the original elements have in some cases become modified is evidenced by several facts, first, the existence among them of wholly motor nerves without sensory fibers and lacking a gan- glion ; and, again, the fact that some of the nerves in the above list are shown to be composed of several primary nerves by their origin from multiple roots, or from the presence of sev- eral associated ganglia. The twelfth nerve is outside of the cranium in fishes, and becomes later included within it, proba- bly by the fusion with the skull of the vertebra with which it is associated. The eleventh is closely associated with the Vagus and appears as a distinct cranial nerve only in mammals. Aside from the elements found in the above there are traces 444 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of several other spinal elements originally belonging to the primary anterior end of the cord, which do not survive in the higher forms as definite cranial nerves. These are desig- nated as the spino-occipital nerves, and are first met with in the selachians, where they appear as 1-5 pairs, placed very far back, along the medulla. They are spinal in character and not associated with the other cranial nerves, although they are all included within the skull. As this latter part ends abruptly with the otic region in cyclostomes, and is im- mediately followed by the successive pairs of true spinal nerves, it seems reasonable to suppose that when, in the sela- chians, the cranial cavity became enlarged by an addition at the posterior end, several of the original spinal nerves were included, forming the nerves in question. In the higher car- tilaginous fish (Holocephali), and in ganoids, this set of nerves becomes reduced to two pairs, yet a second set, also of 1-5 pairs, has been taken in, presumably in the same way. To distinguish between these two sets of spino-occipital nerves, the first are termed occipital, the second occipito-spinal. Rep- resentatives of both sets occur in varying proportions in other fishes, but in the amphibians they seem to have wholly disappeared, and are never seen again as distinct nerves. Al- though nothing has as yet been definitely proven in the matter, it is probable from other evidence that above the fish the occipital region suffers considerable reduction, during which many of these elements may have become lost, while others may have become established among the root elements of the twelfth nerve, the hypoglossal, since this nerve appears first as a cranial element in the reptiles and continues throughout Sauropsida and Mammalia. For purposes of description and with reference to their morphology the cranial nerves fall naturally into groups which are best considered separately. These may now be taken up in detail. i. THE ANTERIOR GROUP. (Qlfactorius and Options.) These, the two first in the list, are nerves of special sense, the fibers of which are distributed respectively to the nasal- THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 445 mucous membrane and to the retina. The morphological position is doubtful, for, while they are considered by some to be the first true cranial nerves and to belong to a much earlier period than any of the rest, others deny them the right to be called nerves at all, and treat them as parts of the brain, the olfactory lobes (rhinencephalon) and the optic stalks re- spectively. Attempts have been made to bring this condition into ac- cord with that found in Amphioxus, for here the archen- cephalon, a rudimentary brain formed by the enlargement of the anterior end of the spinal cord and possibly the equiva- lent of the telencephalon of vertebrates, bears two rudimentary sense-organs, the first an olfactory pit and the second a pigment speck. Of these the first is connected with the brain by a short diverticulum, while the second is embedded within the brain wall. Although similarity of function of the two sets of organs in the two cases tempts one to believe in an homology between them, the decision really hinges upon the identity of these sense-organ rudiments and the perfected organs of the higher vertebrates ; for if the olfactory groove and the pigment speck are historically the anlagen of the nose and eye, a point not definitely established, then the identity of the nerves with the corresponding parts of the archencephalon naturally fol- lows. In favor of this latter assumption is the fact of the origin of these tzvo nerves from the primary fore-brain, while none of the others arise anterior to the metencephalon. An entirely problematical element belonging to this region is that of a definite pair of nerves, Nervus terminalis, which occur in all selachians, and extend from the anterior part of the telence- phalic lobes, where they originate, along the anterior aspect of the olfactory stalks. As they have been but recently dis- covered they have escaped enumeration with the classical twelve pairs; their origin from telencephalon is also anoma- lous. Nothing can as yet be predicted of their morphological significance. II. THE MOTOR NERVES OF THE EYEBALL. (Motor OCllH, Trochlearis and Abducens.) 446 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY These three pairs are small and very special nerves, having no other distribution than the six muscles of the eyeball. They are thus exclusively motor, and on the theory that the cranial nerves, excepting, perhaps, those of the preceding group, represent modified spinal nerves, seem to correspond to the ventral roots of three original nerves, the sensory roots of which are either lost, or, more probably, contained in the ,**m a Mes FIG. 124. The Nervus terminalis of the selachians. [After LOCY.] (a) Dorsal view of the brain of the dog-fish, Squalus acanthias. (b) Horizontal section through the anterior part of the same, showing the origin of Nervus ter- minalis. Nas, nasal capsule; Olf ', olfactory lobe; N. ter, Nervus terminalis; gl, its ganglion; Tel., telencephalon; Di, diencephalon; Mes, mesencephalon; Met, metencephalon; Myel, myelencephalon. sensory elements of adjacent cranial nerves such as Trige- minus or Facialis. The fact which suggests this hypothesis most strongly is the strictly metameric character of their field of distribution, namely, the eye muscles themselves, as is shown by their developmental history. In selachian em- bryos, which have preserved this early history more completely than have the higher forms, there develops in the head a series of myotomes, similar to and continuous with those of the trunk. Some of them soon atrophy, but the first three fold THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 447 about the developing eyeball and furnish it with muscles. From the first arise three of the straight muscles and one oblique, from the second the other oblique, and from the third the remaining straight muscle. These three myotomes are innerved by the three nerves under consideration, and in their natural order of succession, as follows : SOMITE MUSCLES DEVELOPED NERVE No. Myotome I Rectus superior Rectus intemus A 1 ** Rectus inferior IT Obliquus inferior Motor oculi Ill IV Myotome II Obliquus superior Trochlearis Myotome III Rectus externus fif fl Abducens VI These relationships are constant throughout all vertebrates, corroborating the idea that we have here the enumeration of some very primitive morphology. In certain Orders, in re- sponse to special needs, other special muscles appear in con- nection with the eyeball, but these are seen to be differentia- tions of certain of the above, and retain the same innervation ; thus the retractor bulbi * arises from the external rectus, and, like it, is innerved by the sixth nerve. The relation of these three nerves to adjacent sensory ele- ments and their right to be considered ventral roots are matters concerning which, although much has been done, few definite conclusions may be drawn as yet. The Motor oculi, although its fibers are purely motor, yet becomes connected with the small ciliary ganglion, through which its fibers innerve the ciliary muscles and the iris. This ganglion may have the morphological value of the one belonging to a sensory root now lost, a conclusion which would make this nerve an entire spinal element with a reduction of the sensory root. Other views associate with it as its sensory element a portion of the Trigeminus. The Trochlearis, although essentially a motor nerve, possesses in fishes and amphibians a few sensory fibers, * This muscle is rudimentary or wanting in the Anthropoidea. 448 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY yet, in spite of this, all are agreed that the sensory element originally associated with this has become incorporated with the Trigeminus. The sensory portion of the Abducens is probably also a part of the Trigeminus, although certain facts indicate an association with the Facialis. III. THE TRIGEMINUS-FACIALIS GROUP. ( Trf^eminus' Fa- cialis, Acusticus.) This group and the next are by far the most extensive, and together constitute the main bulk of the nerves of the head. Their relationships differ considerably in fishes and aquatic amphibians on the one hand [Plate VI], and in terrestrial (and secondarily aquatic) vertebrates on the other [Plate VII], a difference largely due to the presence in the one and the suppression in the other of an extensive system of ex- ternal sense-organs of uncertain function but undoubtedly of assistance in an aquatic life. These organs, variously termed " integumental sense-organs " or " dermal canal sys- tem'' are visible externally and are arranged in definite lines running about the head and continued in a single (or double) longitudinal row, the lateral line, down the sides of the body. The system of nerves which supplies these is shown in the first of the accompanying diagrams, and consists of three su- perficial trunks directed forwards and a fourth one directed backwards, the former referred to the Facialis (VII), the lat- ter to the Vagus (X). To each trunk there belongs typi- cally a special ganglionic swelling, placed near its origin ; but these are distinct in only a few forms (selachians, dipnoans, a few aquatic amphibians) and in all others become completely fused with the ganglion semilunare of the Trigeminus and are demonstrable only in the embryo. To the compound gan- glion thus resulting, which is found in most amphibians and in all the amniotes, may be applied the term Gasserian, long in use in human anatomy for this organ. The most dorsal of the three Facialis branches of this sys- tem is the superficial ophthalmic (ramus ophthalmiais super- ficialis Septimi), and is accompanied by a like-named branch of the Trigeminus (ramus ophthalmiais superficialis Quinti), !* ! M 3 or E 3 a .2 i g -a 3 7 s 1 1 . * . --1 3 1 li 5 s 2 " ' S "^i S rt < o S -.JS-tf g 2 | I - * ~ > a mi 20 t fit : : v THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 449 which supplies general sensation to this region. The second branch is the buccal (ramus buccalis), accompanied in its turn by the maxillary branch of the Trigeminus. The third is the external mandibular, divided into anterior and posterior branches. The companion branch from the Trigeminus, associated with the anterior of the two subdivisions, is the mandibular of that nerve (ramus mandibularis Quinti). In the Dipnoi there is a communicating branch between this part of the system and that belonging to the Vagus, but this seems to be wanting in other cases. The remaining branches of the facial nerve are divisible into two portions, sensory and motor. The sensory portion pos- sesses at its origin the large genicular ganglion, from which proceed (i) a large palatine branch and (2) a small internal mandibular. The motor portion incorporates within itself the external mandibular branch of the lateral line system given above, and this forms the mixed hyo-mandibular branch which supplies the region of the lower jaw and the hyoid arch. Much of the Trigeminus has already been described in as- sociation with the Facialis. There remain to be mentioned the large semilunar ganglion (often fused with the sensory ganglia of the lateral line nerves of Facialis) which lies at the base of the three branches already described, and the deep ophthalmic branch (ramus ophthalmicus profundus). This latter possesses a ganglion of its own and issues from the skull by a separate foramen. It is thus semi-distinct from the remainder and may be considered a separate nerve, originally anterior to the Trigeminus, and secondarily associated with it. There are some indications to show that it may have once been associated with the Trochlearis, as sensory and motor roots, respectively, of the same elementary nerve. The mandibular branch of the Trigeminus possesses a few motor elements, which prevent the nerve from being classed as wholly sensory. The later history of the parts above considered may be fol- lowed from the second diagram [Plate VII], which represents in a general way the terrestrial type, but which in its propor- 450 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY tions and certain other details suggests more especially the mammalian condition. The first and most striking change is the loss of the special system supplying the lateral line sense- organs, the entire equipment for which vanishes in amphibians that become terrestrial and never reappears. This causes at jfonce, among other changes to be considered later on, a loss of three branches of the facial nerve, the superficial ophthalmic, the buccal, and the external mandibular. There remain the palatine, the internal mandibular and the motor element of the hyo-mandibular, of which the first two become reduced in size and fuse with Trigeminus elements, while the third loses in one direction but more than compensates for it in another. The palatine, under the name of N. petrosus superficialis major, passes through the pterygoid \_Vidian~} canal (in Mammals) and enters the spheno-palatine ganglion of the sympathetic system, where it meets with fibers of the Fifth nerve, and con- tinues under the name of palatinus major, usually considered as a part of the Trigeminus. The internal mandibular, now known as the chorda tympani, transverses the tympanic cavity, running between malleus and incus. It leaves the middle ear through the Glasserian fissure (in mammals) and blends with the lingual branch of ramus mandibularis V., encountering in its course the sub-maxillary ganglion (better, sub-mandibular) of the sympathetic system. The explanation of these complicated relationships becomes clear when we consider the history of the related parts. Mal- leus and incus are primarily the condyle of the jaw and the quadrate bone, respectively, and the branch in question runs along the articulation between them. In the Mammalia these osseous elements become drawn within the cavity of the middle ear, where they undergo a transformation into auditory ossicles; and the nerve, in order to preserve its original rela- tionships, must follow them, thus producing a complicated condition, easily explained by their morphological history, but wholly inexplicable otherwise. Furthermore, with the in- creased importance of the tongue, and more especially with the development of the fleshy part of it in mammals, the orig- THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 451 inal branch of the Trigeminus gains in importance and the two become secondarily associated. With the reduction in bulk of the hyo-branchial musculature the motor element of the hyo-mandibular, the only portion now remaining, tends to decrease in size, but this is more than compensated for in mammals by the development of the mi- metic muscles. These have been shown to originate from the integumental muscular layer of the neck region, innerved by the branch under consideration, and, as this layer spreads up over the neck and differentiates into specialized slips, the in- nervation increases also and spreads eventually over the entire face, thus gaining its right to the name " Facialis," a right which, curiously enough, it possessed originally, in connection with the lateral line organs, but which it afterward lost until it regained through its motor elements what it had lost in its sensory. The branch to the stapedius muscle of the middle .< ear, N. stapedialis, proceeds also from the hyo-mandibular, and comes originally from the branch supplying the digastric muscle. The Trigeminus of the second, or terrestrial, type, suffers no reduction through the loss of the lateral line organs, since it has nothing directly to do with them, but the four original branches become reduced to three through the loss of the deep ophthalmic element, which seems, in part at least, to fuse with the superficial branch of the same nerve to form the " first branch " of human anatomy, the ophthalmicus. The maxil- laris and mandibularis show but little change and form the second and third branches, respectively, thus giving the reason for the name "Trigeminus" first applied in Man. The great increase in the size of the lingual branch of the mandibularis has already been noticed ; otherwise the most im- portant innovation is found in the new relations of the Tri- geminus with the Facialis, the Glosso-pharyngeus, and the sympathetic ganglia. The first of these has already been treated in detail. The Glosso-pharyngeus sends a communi- cating branch (tympanic [Jacobson's~\ nerve) to the otic gan- glion, which rests upon the base of ramus mandibularis; the 452 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY two nerves also come into indirect contact in the tongue, where the fibers of the gustatory and lingual branches of the two nerves interlace. Four ganglia of the sympathetic system, the entire cephalic group, become associated with the Trigeminus, the ciliary with the first branch, the spheno-palatine with the second, and the otic and submaxillary with the third. The Acusticus (eighth nerve) is originally a part of that Facialis element which supplies the lateral line, and as the essential part of the ear, the labyrinth, closely resembles in its early development the sense-organs of the lateral line, the suggestion is strongly felt that we have here a case of the local specialization of a single element out of a series of simi- lar parts, and that the Eighth nerve is consequently nothing more than a branch of the superficial sensory system of the Facialis, the region of distribution of which chanced to develop a high degree of complexity as an organ of special sense. IV. THE VAGUS GROUP. (Glosso-pharyngeus, Vagus, Ac- cessorius. ) This group includes in all vertebrates the Glosso-pharyngeus and Vagus nerves, to which is added in mammals the Acces- sorius, secondarily derived from the Vagus, and existing in the Sauropsida as a semi-independent slip. This group is pri- marily associated with the gill-region, but secondary sends branches backwards and forwards which may even reach the extreme ends of the body, thus having a more extensive dis- tribution than that of any other cranial nerves. In the lower forms this group is extremely regular and possesses a well- pronounced metamerism, thus strongly suggesting its origin from spinal nerves, similar to those which form a direct con- tinuation of the series. Taken in connection with the much greater differentiation of the other cranial nerves it seems evident that the acquisition of the anterior end of the primor- dial spinal cord by the cranium has been a gradual one, and that the Vagus group is less modified than the nerves anterior to it, because it has been annexed later. The primitive condi- tion, that found in fishes, may be first considered by the help of the diagram previously referred to [Plate VI]. The most THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 453 superficial, and at the same time, the most aberrant, is the ra- mus lateralis, which belongs to the system of lateral line nerves and supplies the lateral line itself, which extends typically to the end of the tail. It is thus the longest nerve in the body, co-extensive with the spinal cord itself. The lateral nerves of the two sides are connected with one another by the supra-tem- poral branch, which forms a connecting loop over the top of the head ; in the Dipnoi, though not in other fish, lateral communi- cating branches connect it with the superficial ophthalmic nerve of the Facialis, thus uniting the two parts of the system. The ramus lateralis has at its proximal end a ganglion of its own (ganglion laterale), although it arises in connection with the combined ganglionic mass of the Vagus. In spite of this asso- ciation, however, it is probable that the ramus lateralis did not originally belong to the Vagus alone, but zvas built up as a collecting trunk from branches supplied by each metameric nerve of the body, beginning with the Vagus. The gradual \ loss of these metameric connections, beginning posteriorly, would, in time, leave the most anterior one alone f the condition found at present. Ventral to the ramus lateralis appear five elements, similar to one another, each associated with a gill-slit, and possessed of its own ganglion. This extremely primitive condition is seen in a few forms only (e.g., the rays and skates), but these ani- mals are in other respects so primitive, and the condition is so exactly what one would expect as an early one, that it may be taken as undoubtedly the starting point. The first of these elements is more distinct than the others, and forms the Glosso- pharyngeus, treated as a separate nerve; the remaining four are Vagus elements and in all but very primitive forms arise from a single ganglionic mass, the ganglion jugidare, formed of a fusion of the four primary ones. It is with this that the ganglion laterale of the ramus lateralis is associated. Each of these five elements ( Glossus-pharyngeus, and the four Vagi) possesses an identical distribution. From the ganglion the main stem passes downwards, and forks into two branches, including a gill-slit in the fork. The two branches, one in 454 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY front and one behind the slit, are known respectively as rami prcz- and post-trematici. In this connection it is interesting to see that the spiracular opening, which probably represents the gill-slit next in order anteriorly to the regular series, is simi- larly included between the internal mandibular (chorda tym- pani) and the hyo-mandibular of the Facialis, which thus be- come, respectively, the prcz- and post-trematic branches of that nerve. It is even possible in like manner to consider the maxil- lary and mandibular branches of the Trigeminus as similarly related to the mouth opening, resting upon the probability of the identification of the mouth with an original gill-slit anterior to the spiraculum. We have thus a character of great value in the resolution of the cranial nerves into their original meta- meric elements, one which will be considered later in the treat- ment of this difficult and unsolved problem. Of these five branchial nerves, the Glosso-pharyngeus, as the most anterior and consequently the most modified (earliest absorbed by the cranium) possesses additional branches not represented in the others, and these have run forward and supply parts anterior to it. One of these is a communicating branch between this nerve and the Facialis and passes from its ganglion (ganglion petrosum) to that of the Facialis (ganglion geniculare). This nerve possesses no special name in lower forms, other than the generic ramus communicans, but in the higher forms it becomes the tympanic (nerve of Jacobson), and forms an intimate means of communication between these nerves and the Trigeminus. Below this is the palatine, lying near the Facialis branch of the same name, and developing a few connections with it. A small lingual branch is present in the Dipnoi. There remains but one further element to be considered, but this is an extensive one, the ramus intestinalis Vagi. This appears in primitive forms as a separate element, with its own ganglion, but in all other cases it arises with the rest of the Vagus and its ganglion becomes lost in the general mass, the ganglion jugulare. This is the branch which, even more than the lateralis, has earned for the nerve to which it belongs THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 455 the title of Vagus (wandering), since it becomes distributed to the oesophagus and stomach, the heart, and, in higher forms, the lungs. In spite of its great length and extensive distribu- tion, however, it is not to be considered,, like the ramus lateralis, a compound nerve, but its length is due rather to the extension posteriorly of parts once placed far forward and thus within the legitimate province of the original nerve. Thus, the heart has primarily a very anterior position ; the oesophagus and stomach were probably once very far forward, and the lungs are diverticula of the primary oesophagus. The wide distribu- tion of this branch is thus a striking illustration of the prin- ciple of conservatism of nerve distribution enunciated above, and belongs in the same category as the case of the stapedial nerve or that of the innervation of the mimetic musculature. In the transition to terrestrial life the Vagus group suffers naturally the loss of the branchial elements in which metamer- ism zvas so clearly displayed, but has gained by the greater de- velopment of the tongue and the sense of taste, and has differ- entiated the Accessorius element. The intestinal branch also f corresponding to the higher development of its field of distribu- tion, is still more extensive and complex. The extreme differentiation of this group may be learned from Plate VII, which here especially, in the separation of the Accessorius and in other points, suggests the mammalian con- ditions. The communicating branch, the tympanic nerve, be- comes somewhat more complicated and forms connections be- tween four ganglia ; starting from the ganglion petrosum of the Ninth nerve it runs forward and sends branches to the gan- glion geniculare of the Seventh, and to the otic and sphenopala- tine ganglia of the sympathetic system. It is also involved in a small plexus of sympathetic nerves which surround the carotid artery. The relationships of this nerve, which are so complex in mammals, become especially so in Man, owing to the short- ening of the longitudinal axis of the skull and the formation of the cervical flexure, both of which tend to the shortening of the distance between the nerve roots. The relations found in Man are shown in the accompanying figure (Plate 456 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY VIII), which is to be carefully compared with Plate VII. As special names are often given in human anatomy to parts spoken of by the morphologists under more general terms, a list of equivalent terms is here added, for the better compari- son of the figures alluded to. TERMS IN HUMAN ANATOMY. Ganglion Gasseri, composed of. Ganglion geniculare, MORPHOLOGICAL EQUIVALENTS. Ganglion ophthalmicum superfi- ciale VII. Ganglion buccale VII. Ganglion mandibulare VII. Ganglion semilunare V. Ganglion ophthalmicum prof undum. C Sensory ganglion of VII, excepting J the parts belonging to the lateral |^ line system. Ganglion petrosum J Together form the sensory gan- Ganglion jugulare IX glion of IX. Compound sensory ganglion of X, formed by the fusion of the ganglia of all of the original sensory elements with the excep- tion of the ganglion laterale of the lateral line system. N. petrosus superficial major Ramus palatinus VII. Ganglion jugulare X N. palatinus major V. Continuation of the ramus pala- tinus VII beyond the spheno- palatine ganglion, plus some fibers from the Trigeminus. Chorda tympani N. mandibularis internus VII. N. tympanicus f T g ether f orm Jacobson's nerve N. petrosus superficial minor'. \ which is '. morphologically, ramus (^ commnnicans IX. N. petrosus profundus major. ( * oth included in the branch of the N. petrosus prof undus minor.. ] abovet ^ spheno-palatme ganglion. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 457 The lingual branch of the Glosso-pharyngeus, which appears first in the Dipnoi, becomes in the Amniota, and especially in the mammals, a large and important nerve, and specializes as the nerve of taste (gustatory). The remaining branch is motor and is distributed to those muscles which are derived from those of the first branchial arch. In the same way motor branches of the Vagus supply the muscles of the larynx and trachea, and the walls of the pharynx. The ramus lateralis disappears with the advent of terrestrial life, but, on the other hand, the increase in size and complexity of heart, lungs, oesophagus, and stomach so increase the im- portance of ramus intestinalis that it alone comes to be con- sidered the main nerve (hence the name " Pneumo-gastric "), of which the other elements are considered branches. The circumstance which leads in Sauropsida to the partial, and in mammals to the complete, separation of the Accessorius is clearly found in the greater development and higher degree of independence of the parts to which it is supplied, the trape- zius and sterno-cleido-mastoid muscles, a development due in its turn to the increased importance of the neck. This nerve is still a part of the Vagus in the human embryo and shows the steps of its gradual emancipation during develop- ment (Fig. 125). V. HYPOGLOSSUS. The Hypoglossal nerve, which appears in the higher verte- brates as the last of the cranial nerves, is plainly one or more adopted spinal nerves, found still in their original office in fishes and amphibians. It is mainly a motor nerve and arises from several roots which belong in the ventral series; this is rendered more certain by the appearance, usually transi- tory and embryonal, of corresponding dorsal roots, equipped with ganglia, which thus complete the elements necessary for genuine spinal nerves. In Plate VII these latter are indicated by dotted lines; and the two spinal nerves which are shown in Plate VI may be considered to represent the potential hypoglossal still in an indifferent condition. Some of the spino-occipital elements may also enter into the formation of 458 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY the Hypoglossus, but this has not yet been definitely shown. The Hypoglossus enters into connection with one or two of the first cervical nerves, forming the ansa hypoglossi, a union gang crest Opthal div Sup max & N masticatcrius Tnf max.d/V FIG. 125, a. Reconstruction of peripheral nerves in human embryo. [After STREETER.] Four weeks human embryo, 6.9mm long. N. tymp, tympanic nerve; N. laryg. sup, superior laryngeal nerve; Gang, petros, ganglion petrosum; Gang nodos, ganglion nodosum; Fronep, Froriep's ganglion. The cranial nerves are designated by roman numerals, the spinal by arabic. The other designations are evident. from which proceed motor nerves to certain of the hyoid and extrinsic laryngeal muscles. It is now time, after this review of the cranial nerves and their morphological history, to take up the question of the original segmentation of the vertebrate head, and consider what light the nerves throw upon this obscure and much-disputed subject. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 459 V suggest that they have differentiated from an original series of typical spinal nerves. Thus, as primary sensory roots, each with a ganglion, we may suggest the Trigeminus, Facialis, Glosso-pharyngeus, and Vagus, the latter a compound nerve, capable of resolution into four, or perhaps, five elements. If to these the ramus oph- thalmicus profundus be added with its ganglion as an origi- nally separate element, we have the sensory roots of eight origi- nal pairs. The three nerves of the eye muscles are, both in origin and function, motor roots, and in some cases, as in the relation of Abducens to Facialis, they seem to belong with cer- tain definite sensory elements. The tracing out of prae- and post-trematic branches which include a gill-slit as above men- tioned assists in locating seven elements, if the mouth opening and spiraculum be included. The above relations are summarized in the following dia- gram, which, although not claimed as the ultimate solution of the problem is, at least, suggestive (Fig. 126, A). The head is here represented as being composed of nine somites on the basis of nine pairs of " head cavities " (muscle somites or myo- tomes) found in dog-fish embryos. These are represented by the heavy black rings numbered from I-IX. For the first 462 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY somite the Ophthalmicus profundus represents the sensory, and the Motor oculi the motor root. To the second the remain- ing portion of the Trigeminus and the Trochlearis are similarly related, the former with prae- and post-trematic branches about the mouth. The third is supplied by the Facialis for a sensory rx Olf. CiL v vn vra ix ' B G G* Gj FIG. 126. Two suggestions for the solution of the problem of verte- brate cephalogenesis. (A) According to VAN WIJHE. (B) According to BEARD. The roman numerals enclosed in the ovals in A designate the head somites, all other roman numerals refer to the cranial nerves, m, mouth; n, nasal opening; sp, spiracular cleft; G v G v etc., gill-slits; Olf, olfactory nerve; Cil, ciliary nerve. and by the Abducens for a motor root, but for the fourth we have the Acusticus alone, with the motor root wanting. The remaining five possess the five elements shown in the Vagus group in fishes, while two Hypoglossus roots supply motor ele- ments for the last three somites. Fig. 126, B, shows a sug- gestion made by another investigator, and based mainly upon THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 463 the relation of prse- and post-trematic branches to their cor- responding gill-slits. Later researches have modified these diagrams somewhat, as, for example, the discovery of transitory sensory roots for the hypoglossal elements, and indications of other nerves an- terior to the Ophthalmicus profundus; the spino-occipital nerves, although of unknown value, seem indicative of still other somites in the occipital region and need to be thoroughly explained before the problem of the segmentation of the head can receive its final solution. There remains to be mentioned an auxiliary system of gan- glia and nerve fibers, not directly under the control of the will, but often of great importance in regulating the physiological activities of certain of the internal organs. This is the sym- pathetic system, often erroneously treated as originally a dis- tinct nervous system coordinate with the cerebro-spinal, thus far the subject of this chapter. As a matter of fact, however, the sympathetic system is an integral portion of the latter, and its differentiation from this may be followed both in the race history as well as during individual development. It attains its greatest degree of individuality only among the higher forms. It consists primarily of a series of ganglia, segmented off from the sensory ganglia of the spinal nerves, although re- taining connection with their places of origin through commu- nicating branches. The ganglia of the two sides, which come to lie ventral to the spinal nerves on either side of the ver- tebral column, may become secondarily connected with one an- other by longitudinal connectives, thus forming two lateral trunks. This appearance of metameric ganglia connected in two lon- gitudinal series, and especially their ventral position, has led the sympathetic system to be compared to the ventral chain of ganglia found in articulates (e.g., insects, crustaceans), a suggestion of homology that is sufficiently disproved by* the mode of origin and the fact that the similarity is most perfect in the higher forms. Indications suggest that the separation of sympathetic ganglia began historically in the head, since in 464 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY fishes the system is better developed in this region than in the trunk. In the embryo also the cephalic portion develops be- fore the rest. The system appears well developed in Amphibia, with its two lateral trunks. In Sauropsida a pair of subsidiary trunks in the neck region accompanies the vertebral arteries, the only instance of a distinct dorsal position for any part of this system. From the ganglia as centers numerous nerve fibers proceed, supplying many of the internal organs, especially the alimen- tary canal and the arteries, the favorite mode of distribution being an intricate plexus, which spreads over the broader sur- faces and enwraps the smaller parts. Owing to the origin of the sympathetic system from the strictly metameric sensory ganglia of the cerebro-spinal nerves, this system also shows at first a metameric character; this ap- pearance becomes modified, however, in regions of the greatest differentiation, as in the head and neck and the pelvic region. The four cephalic ganglia, ciliary, spkeno-palatine, otic, and submaxillary, which in mammals assist in forming connec- tions between certain of the cranial nerves, and which have been treated with these latter parts, belong to the sympathetic system. CHAPTER XI THE SENSE-ORGANS " Die wunderbare und wirklich iiberraschende Ahnlichkeit in der inneren Organisation, in den anatomischen Structurverhaltnissen, und die noch- merkwiirdigere Ubereinstimmung in der embryonalen Entwickelung bei alien Thieren, welche zu einem und demselben Typus, z B., zu dem Zweige der Wirbel- thiere, gehoren, erklart sich in der einfachsten Weise durch die Annahme einer gemeinsamen Abstammung derselben von einer einzigen Stammform. Entschliesst man sich nicht zu dieser Annahme so bleibt jene durch- griefende Ubereinstimmung der verschiedensten Wir- belthiere im inneren Bau und in der Entwickelungs- weise vollkommen unerklarlich." ERNST HAECKEL, Schopfungsgeschichte, Kap. III. IT will be remembered that the nervous system is primarily external, developed in response to stimuli from without, and that, as this system becomes more specialized, and hence of greater importance to the organism, it withdraws in great part into the interior, leaving upon the surface a set of sense-organs, capable of receiving the impressions and transmitting them to the central organ. Taking into consideration the intimate con- nection between these two portions, external and internal, it might be supposed that the enormous development in size and complexity shown by the brain would be the result of a corresponding degree of differentiation of the external parts, yet such is by no means the case. The sense-organs are early brought to a high state of efficiency and develop but little during the entire vertebrate history. The eye of the fish is almost as good an optical instrument as is that of the mam- mal, and, save for a few external parts, is as complex; the sense of hearing, although not as early in development as the eye, is yet very acute in reptiles, and, perhaps, in amphibians, and gains in birds and mammals very little except, perhaps, 465 466 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY the recognition of musical tones; indeed, the early aquatic forms possess in the lateral line organs an entire system, no trace of which seems to have survived the transition to land, and yet, with no especial progress on the part of the sense- organs, the central nervous system, and especially the brain, the receiving organ of the special senses, has increased from a simple condition to one showing a marvelous degree of complexity. The cause of this extreme development must be laid, then, not to the* sense-organs, but to the direct and cumu- lative influence of the impressions received. The motor cen- ters, which have contributed not a little to the complexity of the central nervous system, have also developed in response to the external environment, though rather more indirectly, perhaps, through the necessity of controlling the more spe- cialized limbs and other parts, which, in their turn, were directly influenced by external conditions. The morphological history of the sense-organs does not, therefore, show the extensive progress exhibited in the case of most of the other systems; but as certain definite changes were necessitated by the transition from water to land, this history is divided into two great stages, ( i ) that of the aquatic, and (2) that of the terrestrial life. Throughout the animal kingdom, the elementary type of sense-organ is a single epithelial cell, connected by a nerve with some sensory center. From this as a starting point higher efficiency is gained in three ways: (i) by the asso- ciation of a number of these elementary units to form a larger sensory area, (2) by the specialization of the cell itself, and (3) by the development of accessory parts. The area over which a given form of sensory cell may occur may be a general surface of indefinite limits, or it may be restricted and form a definite sense-organ. Most generally the epithelial cells composing such an area are not homogene- ous, but are differentiated among themselves into two sorts, sensory cells and supporting cells; the first are the receptive units of the nervous system ; the latter are non-sensitive, and are grouped about the sensory cells in such a way as to form THE SENSE-ORGANS 467 a support and protection for the essential elements of the sense- organ, which may thus attain a high degree of sensitiveness. Regarding the differentiation of the sensory cells themselves, they may present at their free end a ciliated or simple sur- face, or may bear one or more flagella. In the most special- ized types the flagella themselves may be modified for the better reception of certain definite forms of impression, as in the case of the rods and cones of the retina, or the acoustic hairs of the inner ear; these types, however, owing to the extreme delicacy of the projecting parts, can exist only upon an external surface bathed by water, as in many aquatic invertebrates, or upon a surface that faces some internal cavity furnished with an artificial fluid or semi-fluid. Accessory organs for the reception and intensification of the external stimuli or for the protection and care of the essential parts are the rule in the case of the more specialized and com- plex organs, but are not employed to assist in the reception of general tactile impressions save in certain invertebrates with a thick and hard exo-skeleton which would naturally prevent such impressions from reaching the interior. In this latter case the sensations are transmitted by sensory hairs which are protruded through pores in the external armor, and communi- cate with underlying sense-organs. In those vertebrates in which the integument is covered by non-sensitive parts, such as scales, feathers, or hairs, often necessary to protect the ani- mal from serious injury, the sensory organs are developed between them, or may be situated about their bases, when they are stimulated indirectly through the movements of the insen- sitive outer parts, much as in the previous case. Concerning the actual sensations produced by the different kinds of sense-organs found among vertebrates we know very little, and inferences must be made with extreme caution. Al- though something can be deduced from the mechanical struc- ture of a terminal organ, especially from that of its accessory parts, and although from the physiological side something can be learned from the behavior and responses of an animal under observation, the only certainty concerns our own sense-organs 468 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY and those formed like them. Thus, we are positive concerning the sense furnished by the eye, since the variations from the human structure are very slight in any case, even in fishes; the ear, however, is somewhat more variable, and presents sev- eral problems, since the lower types of ear lack certain parts, like the cochlea, which in Man are essential to the complete- ness of the sense of hearing as we understand it. In this case we have two alternatives, either that in the different forms the same function is subserved by different parts, as is possible in the case of the brain (cf. the pallium of teleosts and the cerebral hemispheres of mammals), or else that there are ele- ments in the human sense of hearing not perceived by ears be- longing to other types. Aside from the above, the sense of smell seems to be a com- mon possession, and in terrestrial forms the sense of taste also seems general if we are to judge from the similarity in the location and structure of certain specialized sense-organs and the identity of their nerve supply. After these are excepted, however, there remains a large number of types of terminal sense-organs, more or less localized in different areas, the spe- cial functions of which are practically unknown, but are in- cluded within the comprehensive terms of touch or feeling. That many distinct impressions are involved in this is shown by this very dissimilarity in the structure of the terminal or- gans, the complexity of which, in certain cases, suggests the possibility of definite senses, at least as distinct as those of smell or taste ; but as few of these types occur in Man, and as even here the elementary sensations have not been wholly coordi- nated with the various forms of nerve terminations, but little can yet be stated on the subject, and the psychology of the tactile sensations of the lower vertebrates remains an unex- plored field. Probably the lowest form of vertebrate sense-organ, and one that is universally distinguished among them, is that of simple sensation, the contact sense, which resides in the epidermis and is thus generally met with over the entire surface. The vertebrate epidermis, which, in contrast to that of invertebrates, is many cells thick, is supplied everywhere by sensory nerves THE SENSE-ORGANS 469 which branch repeatedly and with their ultimate fibers form a delicate net-work which permeates the entire layer, stopping only at the most external cells. This type is characteristic of all vertebrate integument, including both cyclostomes and mammals, and furnishes them all with a surface capable of re- sponding to general tactile impressions. Aside from this general tactile sense vertebrates possess a large number of more or less specialized sensory endings, usually classed also as tactile. These are local in distribution, often confined to a single group of animals, and usually oc- cur upon prominent portions of the body or occasionally, as in the case of certain fishes, upon special papillae or long fila- ments. The most extensive of these, and the only one to develop into a definitely organized system, is that of the lateral line organs, referred to above in connection with the cranial nerves and possessed by the primarily aquatic vertebrates (fishes and amphibians). Although this system, as such, to- gether with its nerves, disappears utterly with the- assumption of a terrestrial life, it is yet of importance in this connection because of the possible derivatives from it in higher forms, among which have been mentioned, with more or less basis for the claim, the taste-buds, the inner ear, and the mammalian hair. In its simplest form a lateral line organ consists of a small group of sensory cells, slightly convex in form and protected by a wall of non-sensitive supporting cells. This organ gains its simplest form of protection by sinking slightly beneath the surface, its supporting cells remaining at the general level, or even projecting a little above it. By continuing this process the sense-organ comes to lie at the bottem of a flask-shaped cavity, communicating with the surface by a narrow neck. From this point on, greater complexity may be gained by development in one of two directions, the flask-shaped cavities may either become associated in rows and break down their adjacent walls, forming the slime canals, or else each separate flask may become elongated, bearing the sense-organ at its very bottom, as in the canals of Lorenzini. In the first of these, the coalescence may result in the formation of either a 470 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY THE SENSE-ORGANS 471 deep trough or, more usually, an enclosed tube, running just below the surface ; and in this latter case, each organ may open by its own pore, placed directly above it, or an entire tube may open by a single common pore at one end. These canals are usually filled with a clear mucous or gelatinous material, secreted by the walls, and destined to protect the sensory cells. In the case of the second form of development, there will be produced local groups of associated, though distinct, canals, each beginning superficially at an external pore and running obliquely beneath the surface to terminate proximally in a bulb or ampulla, in which the sense-organ is located. These organs occur in localized masses in the heads of selachians, associated topographically with the mucous canal type, the ampullae with their nerves clustered in such a way as to resemble bunches of grapes (Fig. 127). That a system so highly developed and so extensive in its distribution as that of the lateral line organs should have wholly disappeared in terrestrial vertebrates, together with its nerves, is a phenomenon of so unusual a nature that numerous attempts have been made by morphologists to find its direct continuation among the parts of higher vertebrates. Thus, one well-known theory associates these organs with the taste-buds, a view arising naturally from the extreme similarity between the two structures. There seem, ho\vever, to be no definite data to form the logical steps between the two, and the fact that the nerve supply to the taste-buds comes from the Glosso- pharyngeus and not from any part of the extensive sensory system associated with the lateral line organs speaks strongly against this homology. As an added evidence in the same direc- tion there are found in the nasal mucous membrane of many fishes and of certain of the lowest urodeles (Siren) groups of cells forming (f smell-buds/' extremely similar to taste-buds, and yet by no possibility connected with the lateral line system. A second possible survival of the lateral line organs is seen by some in the hair of mammals. This theory is based upon a certain similarity in the early stages of development of the two structures, that is, the initial procedure in both 472 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY cases concerns the epidermis alone and consists of a concentric arrangement of a small group of cells. If this homology be a true one we must also consider the amphibians as the direct ancestors of mammals, since the lateral line organs do not occur in reptiles. In this comparison the original sense-organ is, of course, the equivalent of the convex hair papilla, which lies at the root, covering the corium papilla, and from which proliferate the cornified cells of the hair shaft. Something analogous to this exists in the so-called " pearl-organs," horny bodies which develop from certain of the lateral line organs in some fishes, showing that there is present in these organs a tendency to produce cornified structures. Again, the sensitiveness of the hair root, and its abundant nerve supply, especially in cases like that of the vibrisscz (whis- kers) of the upper lip in many mammals, speaks in favor of such a derivation. The great multiplicity of the hairs, con- sidering that each represents an original sense-organ, and also their almost universal distribution, is paralleled by the adap- tive multiplication of other parts, such as the mammae in some forms or the vertebrae in elongated animals. On the other hand, the test of nerve supply fails to even suggest this hypoth- esis, since in the earliest terrestrial vertebrates the extensive system of superficial nerves associated with the lateral line organs becomes entirely lost (unless the Acusticus may be looked upon as derived from it) ; furthermore, the close asso- ciation between hairs, scales, and integumental glands turns the argument in a totally different direction. (Cf. Chap. IV.) The third possible derivative of the lateral line system, the inner ear, does not come into the same category as the taste- buds and the hair, since if it came from this system at all, it must have separated from it very early, and thus could not in any case be considered a survival of the system as it exists in fishes and amphibians. This theory receives its strongest sup- port from the developmental origin of the Eighth nerve, which has been clearly proven to segment off from that part of the Seventh which supplies the lateral line organs, certainly a strong argument, since, if the Eighth nerve were once an ele- THE SEXSE-ORGANS 473 ment of this system, the part to which it is distributed must have been so also. A suggestive comparison has also been made between the semicircular canals of the inner ear, each with its own ampulla, and the canals of Lorenzini, the resem- blance between which is apparent. The actual value of this comparison is somewhat questionable, and the theory itself, al- though far better supported by the facts than are either of the others, is seriously opposed by the actual developmental history of the labyrinth ; which arises as a vesicle invaginated from the exterior long previous to and not associated with the lateral line organs. The otic vesicle seems rather to form one ' of a series of very early organs, to which belong also the lens of the eye and possibly the nasal sacs, as well as a few transi- tory structures associated with other cranial nerves and usually interpreted as lost sense-organs of unknown function. In our present state of knowledge it seems a surer course to believe that the entire lateral line system of the Ichthyopsida, the function of which is in some way associated with an aquatic habitat, disappears completely where the assumption of a ter- restrial life renders it no longer necessary. In connection with the description of the general tactile sense, that of the so-called " free nerve endings," certain more specialized forms of nerve termini were referred to, which in our present lack of precise knowledge are classed under the general head of organs of touch. The most elementary of these are the tactile cells (Fig. 128, b), which are scarcely more than isolated units of the general type, somewhat more specialized and thus rendered conspicuous. They are first seen in tailless amphibians, where they are associated in groups, forming small areas known as tactile spots. In other cases the ending has a tendency to form a bulb or sphere, composed of many cells, and often of appreciable size; these are termed collectively tactile corpuscles, each different type being designated by the name of the investigator who first made an accurate description of it. These tactile corpuscles show various types of structure and make use of very different mechanical principles. Thus, in Meissner's corpuscles (Fig. 128, c) the terminal cells form HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY an oval core, upon which the nerve fibers are wound in an irregular branching spiral. Certain types, on the other hand, seem to possess no epidermal elements, as in Krause's cor- puscles (Fig. 128, d), which consist of a globular snarl of nerve fibers like a capillary glomerulus, enclosed within a thin covering of connective tissue. In still another type, shown by Grandry's corpuscles (Fig. 128, e), the nerve terminus is en- closed between two large epidermal cells which seem to pro- FIG. 128. Various endings of sensory nerves. (a) Free nerve ending. (b) Merkel's corpuscles. (c) Meissner's corpuscle, (d) Krause's corpuscle;, (e) Grandry's corpuscle. (f) Pacini's corpuscle. duce the stimulus by transmitting any pressure to which they are subjected. This last principle is employed in a more elaborate manner in Pacini's corpuscles, perhaps the largest and most complex of the series, where the nerve terminus is enclosed first by a layer of epithelial cells, then by a series of consecutive lamellae of connective tissue, something like the coats of an onion, and finally by an external connective tissue wrapping, the continuation of the nerve sheath or neurilemma. THE SENSE-ORGANS 475 All of the above types of tactile corpuscles occur in man and other mammals with the exception of Grandry's corpuscles, which are found only in the beaks of various birds. They do not seem to occur over the general hair-covered surface, but are found, often in association with one another, upon such modified hairless surfaces as the palms and soles, the tips of the digits, the lips, the nipples, the external genitals, and, in many mammals, on the end of the nose or snout. The Pacinian corpuscles also occur in such various internal organs as the pancreas, the submandibular gland, and, in the cat, even in the mesentery. This internal distribution has led to doubt con- cerning the function of these corpuscles as tactile organs, but, on the other hand, their profuse occurrence and large size in such places as the balls of fingers and toes can be accounted for in no other way. The sense of taste, which in popular estimation is raised to the value of one of the special senses, is, all things considered, but little more than a tactile sensation, and the organs in which it is located are but little differentiated from certain of the foregoing. The organs of taste themselves, cut off from all association with the sense of smell, are restricted in function to the perception of certain elementary qualities of liquid substances, as sweet, sour, bitter, and salt, qualities which are mechanical or chemical in their action and, as such, can be also perceived and, in part, distinguished, by the general tactile sense. To prove this last it is only necessary to bring some acid or astringent liquid in contact with a surface from which the external layer of the epidermis has been removed. The ultimate organs of the sense of taste, the taste-buds or taste-beakers, are found, from the amphibians on, only within the cavity of the mouth, especially upon the tongue and palate ; but in fishes they are far more general in their distribution, and have been found in some species (e.g., bull-heads) scat- tered over the skin of the external surface. Such fishes are thus probably enabled to taste the water through which they pass. A taste-bud consists of a group of long, spindle-shaped cells, surrounded by a rampart of supporting cells of shape 476 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY similar to the others, but longer, and thus greatly resemble the terminal organs of the lateral line system. At their free ends the sensory cells usually possess one or more modified flagella, which project into a small space, that is formed about them by the supporting cells, and communicates with the ex- terior through a small opening. In mammals the taste-buds are associated together in groups in connection with several sorts of papillae, especially the circumvallate, and the foliate, the latter not occurring in Man. The sense of smell is located in a pair of ectodermic cavities, situated anterior to the eyes, thus forming the most anterior of the sense organs. They are thus in the most favored po- sition for organs of sense, and although the data are too in- sufficient for theories, this fact suggest^ that they were the earliest to develop and that the primaeval habitat was either in mud or in the deep sea where the olfactory sense was of pri- mary importance. Amphioxus gives no clew to this, for here the sense of smell is located in a median ciliated pit at the anterior end and pushed a little to the left side by the develop- ment of the median fin. The early stages of the cyclostomes furnish much material for speculation, but unfortunately there is no certainty felt as yet concerning the meaning of the details presented. Here (Fig. 129) there appear at the anterior end two median invaginations, the more posterior of which is the cavity of the mouth (stomatod&um). The anterior de- pression is that of a median nasal cavity, which would suggest a primitive condition and possibly a kinship with the ciliated pit of Amphioxus were it not for the fact that it is supplied by two olfactory nerves from as many olfactory lobes, showing that the single or monorrhine condition has here been secondar- ily attained from a previous paired (amphirrhine) one. From the posterior wall of this depression there develops a tubular process, which, in Myxine, connects ultimately with the pharynx and thus forms a direct communication between nose and throat, but in the other cyclostomes ends blindly and soon disappears. This passage is of interest as a prophecy of the similar connection to develop later in air-breathing vertebrates, THE SENSE-ORGANS 477 and is of still greater interest for its direct connection with the hypophysis, which develops from it. // in this may be seen the remains of an earlier entrance into the alimentary canal, FIG. 129. Median sagittal sections through the head of two stages of the Ammoccetes embryo of Petromyzon. [After von KUPFFER.] I, II, III, the three primary cerebral vesicles; d, intestine (mesodaeum) ; m, mouth cavity (stomatodaeum) ; nc, notochord; ep, epiphysis; hy, hypophysis; hy', portion detached from distal end of hypophysis; rg, olfactory pit; lo, median olfactory lobe; ch, optic chiasma. 478 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY then its associated mouth (palaostoma) must have been the later nasal cavity, and its unpaired condition in cyclostomes, in spite of the contradictory testimony of the olfactory nerves, would then be primitive and not secondary. In all other vertebrates the nose is strictly amphirrhine, that is, it consists of two lateral cavities, symmetrically placed. These cavities begin as localized thickenings of the ectoderm, which invaginate and form nasal sacs, a condition that per- sists in fishes. In the Dipnoi, the first air-breathers, these sacs become prolonged posteriorly and break through into the mouth cavity, forming the choana [posterior nares'], forma- tions which are present also in amphibians and all higher ver- tebrates. When these are present, the lower part of the cavity is used more or less exclusively for respiration, and the olfac- tory sense becomes limited to the more dorsal portion, thus dividing the cavity into a pars respiratoria and a pars olfactoria. Within possible limits the greatest diversity exists in the location of the nasal cavities, and especially their openings, the anterior and posterior nares. The former may be placed ventrally, as in dog-fish, and may occupy all intermediate positions to an extreme dorsal one. Marked adaptations in this respect are seen in those air-breathers which have become secondarily aquatic, enabling them to breath at the top of the water without being seen. Thus in the whales and porpoises the nostrils seem to be moved to the top of the head, the deception being due to very short frontal and nasal bones and to an excessive anterior prolongation of the maxillaries and premaxillaries. In some birds, like the albatrosses and pe- trels, the nostrils become prolonged into tubes formed by the beak, so that they open near the tip of that organ instead of at its base. An extreme case is seen in the Dipnoi, in adap- tation to their annual hibernation within a cocoon of dry clay; for in these animals the openings of the anterior nares lie within the mouth cavity, and the mouth is connected with the exterior during hibernation by means of a long tube com- posed of slime secreted by the animal. As regards the choanae, their original position is shown by THE SENSE-ORGANS 479 amphibians to be very far forward, a position retained, with some variation, by Sauropsida. In mammals this becomes greatly modified by the formation of the hard palate, which develops from the fusion of two lateral shelves, beginning anteriorly. This shuts off from the mouth cavity its own primary roof, including the openings of the choanae, and therefore pushes back their communication with the mouth cavity to its posterior limit. A trace of the former communi- cation is retained, however, in many mammals in the form of the naso-palatine canal (Stenson's canal), which opens into the roof of the mouth behind the incisor teeth. A rudiment of this duct occasionally occurs in man, lodged in the incisive canal of the maxillaries. For greater efficiency the olfactory surface may be increased in three ways : ( i ) by folding the nasal mucous membrane in an oval or otherwise simple cavity, (2) by complicating the walls of the cavity itself, usually by means of ridges or shelves which may themselves become rolled or variously convoluted, or (3) by the addition of accessory cavities within the ad- jacent bones. The first of these devices is seen in fishes, where the folds are variously disposed, either transverse or longi- tudinal. This folding of the mucous surface may become extremely complex and thus furnish an organ of considerable efficiency. The second and third methods reach their highest development in mammals and are best treated separately. The interior of the mammalian nasal cavity, which is usu- ally very large, is by no means a simple space, but is well filled up by projecting folds, composed of thin lamellae of bone covered by mucous membrane. These are termed turtiinalia and come under three categories, in accordance with their relationships to other parts: (i) a naso-turbinal, (2) several ethtno-turbinals, and (3) a maxillo-turbinal. The maxillo-turbinal lies ventral and usually anterior to the others, in the pars respiratoria, and in mammals has lost all olfactory function, but is often very complicated and forms a filter or screen to intercept the foreign matter in the air taken in, or to temper it if cold. This is the homologue of the 4 8o HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY single turbinal found in certain groups of reptiles, where its function is wholly olfactory. The bone which forms the framework of this part is usually distinct from the ethmoid, and forms the " inferior turbinated bone " of human anatomy. The name " maxillo-turbinal " is to be preferred, as it better expresses its relationship. The remaining turbinalia, all of which are olfactory, form a set of parallel projecting ridges, arising from the lateral wall of the cavity and arranged in series from above downwards; the most dorsal of these is borne, at least in part, by the nasal bone and is termed the naso-turbinal; the others are ethnio- turbinalia, that is, they arise from the ethmoid. The total number of turbinalia, not counting the maxillo-turbinal, is most usually five, but larger numbers are met with up to eleven, the number found in certain edentates. Besides these primary turbinalia which, although arising from the outer wall, yet nearly reach the inner one, there is often present a variable number of secondary and even tertiary turbinalia filling the spaces left free by the first. These relations are shown in Fig. 130, A and B, which represent diagrammatic cross sec- tions of nasal .cavities ; A, with primary turbinalia alone, and B, with secondary and tertiary ones. The primary ones are termed end o turbinalia from their position, to which all the rest are contrasted as ecto turbinalia. The various possibili- ties which arise from rolling the edges of the laminae are also shown; the edge may be rolled inwards (B, I), or outwards (B, IV), or again there may be two free edges either rolled in different ways (B, III), or in the same way (B, II' and II"). This latter possibility, when viewed from the free inner surface, appears like two separate turbinalia, but is morpho- logically a single one. Such involved forms of turbinalia are the rule rather than the exception among quadrupedal mammals, the greatest de- gree of complexity being reached by the ungulates (Fig. 130, C), rodents and carnivores, a structure which gives them a high degree of power in the sense of smell. These structures become much reduced in the anthropoids; and in Man (Fig. THE SENSE-ORGANS 481 130, D-F), but three ethmo-turbinalia are usually represented, and these are of the simplest character. Of these the two largest, II and III, form the " upper and middle concha " of human anatomy. The first, I, is a rudiment, and the last. FIG. 130. Diagrams of ethmoturbinals in Mammals. [After PAULLL] (A) Type showing endoturbinalia alone. (B) Type with endoturbinalia (heavy lines) and two ranks of ectoturbinalia. (C) Diagram of turbinals and pneumatic cavities in the ox. (D), (E), (F) Diagrams of three actual cases in man, showing individual variation. IV, is usually absent. The " lower concha " is a distinct bone, the maxillo-turbinal, and is not shown in the diagrams. In the human embryo a larger number of ethmo-turbinals occurs, showing that man's immediate predecessors possessed a much 482 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY more highly developed olfactory sense than appears at present (Fig. 131). Still another method for increasing the olfactory surface and thus sharpening the scent seems to be found in the system of accessory cavities, hollowed out in the surrounding bones and communicating with one another and with the primary cavity. These occur in the maxillary, sphenoid and frontal bones, and in animals with the most elaborate nasal equipments are lined with olfactory mucous membrane and may even develop tur- binalia themselves. Some of these cavities are retained after the loss of their olfactory function and are lined by simple mucous membrane. The largest of these accessory cavities FIG. 131. Lateral wall of human nasal cavity, showing the turbinals. (A) Embryo, after KILLIAN. (B) Adult, in part after WIEDERSHEIM. I mx, maxilloturbinal ; II- VI, ethmoturbinals. in Man is the sinus maxillaris \_antrum of Highmore~\ in the maxillary bone; the frontal and sphenoid sinuses also belong to the same system. [Cf. Fig. 130, C-F.] This extraordinary development of the organ of smell in mammals is an illustration of the late perfection of a part that has existed as a functional organ for a very long time, yet without the necessity of a high degree of specialization. The need of a turbinal is first felt in reptiles, but here a single one, and that of the simplest pattern, is found to suffice. That the human nose during its own past history once reached a much higher state from which it has since failed through degenera- tion and loss of the parts once gained is shown by the anlagen THE SENSE-ORGANS 483 in the embryo of turbinalia that never develop, and is indicated also by the simple condition of the cavities, and the lack of complexity in the turbinalia. An interesting bit of morphology in connection with the his- tory of the nose is that of Jacobson's organ (vomero-nasal organ), at first a sinus or pocket leading out of the main nasal cavity, later an independent organ, and finally a rudiment. This organ is first seen in urodeles, where it appears upon the medial side of the nasal cavity and gradually migrates along the floor, attaining ultimately a lateral position, though still included w r ithin the nasal capsule. This migration is seen by comparing the lower with the higher members of the order and actually takes place during the embryological development of such a form as Triton, where it may be followed step by step. When its lateral position is fully established, it gradually restricts its communication with the main cavity until it is connected by a small duct in the region of the posterior nares, as in Gymnophiona. In Hzards and snakes, where it reaches its highest degree of development, it forms upon each side a tubular, somewhat contorted organ, with a blind anterior end, opening posteriorly into the roof of the mouth by an inde- pendent opening, yet still near the posterior nares. Its ventral wall is rolled up into its thickened and strongly convex dorsal one, and this latter possesses olfactory sense-cells. The position of the organ has again changed owing doubtless to the development of related parts, and it lies almost directly beneath the primary nasal cavity, between it and the hard palate, and thus more nearly in its original position near the median line. In turtles, crocodiles, and birds, Jacobson's organ exists 1 only in the form of embryonic vestiges, but, on the other hand, K i& luLdlxd upun cither skle^oMhc, carlrtegiTiOtts-iiasal septitm^ a definite organ and persisting throughout life in many cases. is located upon either side of the cartilaginous nasal septum, and is protected by a cartilage of its own, the paraseptal, vo- mero-nasal, or Jacobson's, cartilage. When well developed the organ is in the form of a short tube, which opens anteriorly 484 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY into the naso-palatine canal, thus retaining its early relation- ship to the primitive choanse, but in anthropoids and some other mammals, it is quite vestigial and appears only in em- bryonic life. In the monotremes it reaches the highest de- velopment attained among mammals, and is here entirely en- cased in its cartilage, through which passes a small branch of the olfactory nerve to , supply the organ. From the lateral wall of the cartilage a turbinal process develops, similar to the turbinalia of the main cavity, but very simple in form and covered with indifferent non-olfactory epithelium. Remains of this process are seen in marsupials and even in rodents, forms in which the entire organ is well developed. If we except such special adaptations as the tubular pro- longations of the nostrils which exist in certain fishes and a few aquatic birds, an external nose as a separate organ is a mammalian characteristic. It possesses a cartilaginous frame- work derived from the primordial skeleton and thus, in part, homologous with the cartilaginous capsule of amphibians, and it is supplied with superficial muscles from the mimetic group. It shows great power of adaptation in the various mammals, sometimes forming a flexible snout or trunk, as in swine, ele- phants, and moles, and sometimes developing a moist, sensitive surface, as in carnivores and ruminants. In the anthropoids it is reduced in size, corresponding to the lessened importance of the olfactory sense, although its muscles are very mobile and assist greatly in the expression of emotions. These latter powers seem to be undergoing degeneration in Man in spite of the fact that the external nose is more prominent than in most primates. The ultimate organ -of smell is the olfactory membrane, which in fishes and amphibians is distributed over the entire nasal cavity, but which, with the establishment of air-breathing and the setting apart of a respiratory portion, tends to confine itself to the more dorsal region. It consists of a highly differ- entiated form of epithelium in which occur the terminal olfac- tory cells surrounded by supporting cells, some or all of which may be ciliated. In certain fishes and in the lower urodeles THE SEXSE-ORGAXS 485 there occur in the nasal mucous membrane definite groupings of the olfactory cells, surrounded by protecting cells, thus forming olfactory buds, almost identical in form with the taste- buds, which in turn resemble the lateral line organs. Some have seen in this, as well as in the condition of the primary olfac- tory pits, which, in the embryo, form the anlage of the nasal cavities, a possible genetic connection with the lateral line or- gans, but this homology is rendered improbable from other reasons. Of these the most fundamental is the singular rela- tionship between the individual olfactory cells and their nerve fibers, the two being directly continuous, and not, as in all other known cases of sensory cells among vertebrates, simply in contact with one another. This continuity of fiber with ter- minal cells is, however, characteristic of the sensory cells of the lower invertebrates and suggests that the sense of smell, or at least the primary olfactory membrane, has been inherited from some far-away invertebrate ancestor, and is thus much older than any of the other sense organs. Another possible relationship with certain other parts will be taken up below in connection with the lens of the eye. The essential orafan of hearing is the labyrinth or inner ear, a series of membranous tubes or sacs, the complicated struc- ture of which has suggested its name. In fishes it is placed immediately beneath the bones of the head and in its compara- tively superficial position needs no accessory apparatus, but in the higher vertebrates it is located deep in the interior and associates with itself a number of auxiliary parts to aid in the collection and transmission of sound vibrations. Probably the chief reason for this difference lies in the change from water to air, since the denser medium transmits the sound waves with so much more intensity than does the air that the apparatus which develops in adaptation to the former requires an inten- sifying mechanism when placed in the latter. The anlage of the labyrinth appears in the early embryo as a slight thickening of the ectoderm over a small lateral area at about the level of the metencephalon. As the cells of this area proliferate more rapidly than those of the surrounding 4 86 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY ectoderm, they gradually fold in and form a deep pit, which, as the process continues, pushes further into the interior, where it expands into an otic vesicle, retaining its connection with the exterior, however, through a narrow tube, the ductus endolym- phaticus. In selachians this connection is retained throughout life, and a minute but evident external pore is found near the top of the head which communicates through a small duct with the interior of the labyrinth ; but in all other cases the connec- tion with the exterior becomes severed and the endolymphatic FIG. 132. Development of human otic capsule. Drawn from model' by F. ZIEGLER, after WM. His. duct ends in a somewhat expanded blind sac, the saccus endo- lymphaticus. In mammals the endolymphatic duct is lodged in a canal of the petrosal bone, the aqueductus vestibuli, and enters the cranial cavity, where its terminal sac lies just be- neath (i.e., outside of) the dura mater.* * In some cases the ductus endolymphaticus and its terminal sac attain mgh degree of development and come into association with organs re- from its place of origin. Thus in certain teleosts the two ducts unite into a median sinus which is connected with the air bladder by a cham of four ossicles (Weber's apparatus), developed from the ribs of irst four vertebrae. By this means the degree of fullness of the air- bladder may be perceived. In the Anura the endolymphatic ducts form a common sinus, which THE SENSE-ORGANS 487 The otic vesicle itself develops, mainly by the unequal growth of the different regions, into the labyrinth. This de- velops first into two expanded portions, utriculus and sacculus, with a restricted portion between them, the utriculo-saccular canal. [Cf. Figs. 133 and 134.] From the utriculus, which lies dorsally, develop three flattened folds, which by the adhe- sion and subsequent atrophy of the middle portion of their walls, develop their marginal portions into tubes. Thus are formed the three semicircular canals, which are constant in all vertebrates above the cyclostomes, and vary but little in general appearance or relationships. They are set approxi- mately at right angles to one another in such a way that one lies horizontally and the other two vertically, but at an angle of about 45 with the bilateral plane of the body. They empty at either end into the utriculus, one end of each being expanded into a flask-shaped ampulla. These are so placed that the ampullae of the anterior vertical and horizontal canals open together into a pocket of the utriculus (recessus utriculi), while that of the posterior vertical canal opens by itself into a similar pocket on the other side (sinus utriculi posterior). The two vertical canals unite at their expanded end and enter or form the sinus utriculi superior, a diverticulum which ex- tends directly upward; the unexpanded end of the horizontal canal enters the main body of the utriculus unassociated. The parts of the utriculus with its derivations, the semicir- cular canals, appear first in the form described above in the extends posteriorly, dorsal to the spinal cord and outside of the dura mater, as far as the tail rudiment (urostyle). This extensive sinus sends to the roots of the spinal nerves a series of diverticula which wrap them- selves about the spinal ganglia and expand into sacs containing granules of calcium carbonate. In many reptiles the duct reaches the top of the skull and even escapes, its terminal sac being subcutaneous. In snakes this sac contains calcareous crystals, which in some cases may be seen through the skin of the living animal. This apparatus reaches its highest development, so far as reptiles are concerned, in the lacertilian family of the geckos (Ascalabota} , where the sac escapes from the skull through the parieto-occipital suture and pushes its way between the muscles of the neck and shoulder as far as the pharynx. It is filled with a soft cal- careous mass. 4 88 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY selachians and are retained with very little deviation by all higher vertebrates. The sacculus, however, exists in a simple form in fishes and shows considerable advance in the higher forms. This advance consists of the gradual development of a lateral sac, the lageyia, which is situated upon the inner side and which in fishes and amphibians is barely indicated. In reptiles and birds the lagena becomes considerably elongated and curved, and in mammals it becomes spirally wound and, associating certain outside elements with itself, forms the cochlea, here attaining the highest degree of complexity of any part of the labyrinth. In the higher forms also the direct connection between utriculus and sacculus becomes replaced by an indirect one through the ductus endolymphaticus, which arises by two branches, one from each of the two parts [Cf. Fig. 134]. These unite and thus indirectly retain the con- nection in question. The labyrinth of the cyclostomes stops at a lower point of development than is represented by any of the gnathostomes and may well represent the permanence of what is, in the higher forms, an early embryonic stage. It consists of a simple oval sac, not yet differentiated into utriculus and sacculus, and possessed of either one (Myxine) or two (Petromyzori) semi- circular canals. Its endolymphatic duct, however, is short and loses its connection with the exterior (Fig. 133, a). The walls of the embryonic labyrinth are composed of a single layer of epithelial cells of appreciable thickness and all alike; as development proceeds, however, the greater part of the cells become flattened and form a transparent membrane, while over certain definite areas, 6 to 8 in all, the cells are thickened and columnar, forming neuro-epithelinm. Certain of these cells form the ultimate organs of hearing and are provided with various sorts of terminal flagella and other similar structures (auditory hairs), which project into the lu- men of the labyrinth and are bathed in the endolymph, i.e., the fluid filling the interior. These are supplied with nerve fibers from the auditory nerve. About these are placed various sorts of supporting cells, which are without auditory function and THE SENSE-ORGANS 489 serve to hold and protect the others. These spots, which thus show a higher degree of cellular differentiation, are the seat of the auditory sense, and appear from their greater thickness a Mac Hacsac Pap lagKoch) FIG. 133. Ear labyrinths of various Vertebrates. [After RETZIUS.] (a) Cyclostome; Myxine glutinosa (hag fish), (b) Selachian; Chimaera monstrosa, (c) Teleost; Anarrhichas lupus (wolf-fish), (d) Amphibian; Rana esculenta (frog), (e) Bird; Bubo ignavus (horned owl), (f) Mammal; Sus scrofa domestica (pig). aa, ampulla anterior; ae, ampulla extcrna; ap, ampulla posterior; e, ductus endolymphaticus; fee, facial nerve; mac, macula communis; mac. ittr, macula utriculi; mac. sac, macula sacculi; n, macula neglecta; pap. lag, papilla lagenae; pap. bos, papilla basilaris. as white patches in the otherwise transparent wall. They are further indicated by their association with the nerve. The largest occurring number of such auditory areas is eight, although all do not occur simultaneously. Of these the three which are associated with the semicircular canals are some- 490 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY what different from the rest and are absolutely constant. They are situated in the ampullae and are in the form of ridges which encircle them and project into the lumen. They are thus dis- tinguished from the others as cristcz acusticcz, The remaining five are evidently formed by the successive breaking up of a single large area, due to the differentiation of parts of the laby- rinth, and the history of this segmentation and later migration is represented in the phylogenetic series (Fig. 133). Thus, in the cyclostomes the acoustic region, aside from the one or two semicircular canals, is represented by a single area, macula acustica communis, covering the bottom of what is here a simple sac (Fig. 133, a). The differentiation of utriculus and sacculus gives a separate area to each, respectively, the ma- cula acustica recessus utriculi and macula acustica sacculi (Fig. 133, b). With the gradual development of the lagena in fishes there appears an outgrowth of this latter area which finally separates from its place of origin and establishes itself as the auditory area for the newly developed part, under the name of papilla acustica lagena. This gradual separation of both lagena and its acoustic area is accompanied by a similar separation of the nerve, which splits off a supply branch for the new area. (Fig. 133, cf. b and c.) A small macula is also formed near the utricular macula, the macula acustica neg- lecta, evidently an offshoot from the latter, although no phylo- genetic proof of this appears as in the former case. The fifth and last of the auditory areas, not counting the cristse acus- ticae of the ampullae, the papilla acustica basilaris, also be- longs in the lagenar region, and appears in the higher urodeles as an offshoot of the papilla lagenae (Fig. 133, d). To put these points into the form of a phylogenetic history we may take as a starting point the macula communis of cyclostomes, which may be considered to hold all the later elements within itself. In fishes we find a primary macula for each of the two parts into which the labyrinth has become divided, also a macula neglecta, which has presumably sepa- rated from the one belonging to the utriculus at some point below the fishes. Within the group of the selachians the THE SENSE-ORGANS 491 papilla lagenae appears, sometimes as a separate area, some- times as a lobe of the macula sacculi, thus giving four acoustic maculae for most fish. In amphibians the papilla basilaris ap- pears while the others are retained, although there is a slight transposition of the macula neglecta. This condition, with five acoustic areas, is retained by the Sauropsida with some variation, such as the division of the papilla basilaris in certain lizards and a great reduction of the macula sacculi in turtles, points referable to special adaptation and of no general signifi- cance. In mammals there are important changes. The macula neglecta has entirely disappeared and the papilla lagena is found only in Ornithorhynchus (monotreme), leaving in this Class but three acoustic areas aside from the three cristae acusticse of the semicircular canals. The most important difference in the mammalian labyrinth is the great development of the lagena. The tendency, already shown in crocodiles and birds, to prolong this part and to curve its axis, results here in an excessive elongation which becomes wound into a close spiral, the nerve forming the central axis. The number of complete coils in man is about 3, but varies among mammals between the limits of ij and 5.* This coiled lagena becomes complicated by the addition of parts of the outer bony labyrinth, to be explained later, which form two additional coiled passages, scala vestibuli and scali tympani, that receive between them the lagena under the anatomical name of ductus cochlearis [scala media'}. This entire organ, including both this part of the labyrinth and its accessory or- gans, is called the cochlea. The papilla basilaris lies along the floor of the coiled lagena (scala media) and becomes highly differentiated into a number * Examples are as follows : Erinaceus (Hedgehog) i^ Whales and porpoises 1^2 Rabbit 2^ Cat , 3 Ox 354 Swine 3 l / 2 Ccelogenys (South American rodent) 5 492 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY of kinds of histological elements, which change their propor- tionate size along the course, being the smallest at the base and the largest at the apex. The most important of these cellular elements are certain elongated cells associated in pairs, the rods of Corti, and two groups of cells with specialized terminal organs, the outer and inner hair cells. The ventral portion of the lagena, that is, the floor of the scala media beyond the auditory area, is termed the basilar membrane, and the dorsal portion (roof) is Reissner's membrane; these terms are, how- ever, purely anatomical ones, expressing certain relationships canalis cochlearis. FIG. 134. Diagram of membranous labyrinth of human ear. [From GEGENBAUR, after RETZIUS.] A, A, A, ampullae; U, utriculus; S, sacculus; E, ductus endolymphaticus; ant, ext, post, the three semicircular canals. to the surrounding parts and are without morphological significance. The membranous labyrinth as above described, that is, the higher development of the auditory vesicle of the embryo, be- comes surrounded while still embryonic by a gelatinous connec- tive tissue, its first accessory organ. Later on in development this tissue becomes converted either to cartilage or bone, leav- ing, however, a nearly uniform layer of the original tissue be- tween it and the membrane. There is thus formed a mold which reproduces the membranous labyrinth in its details, the bony (or cartilaginous) labyrinth. The gelatinous tissue be- comes soon converted into a serous fluid, called the perilymph, in distinction from the endolymph of the interior, and the cav- ities involved are conveniently distinguished as the perilym- THE SENSE-ORGANS 493 phatic and endolymphatic cavities respectively. The mem- branous labyrinth is held in place by scattered strings of the original connective tissue, which connects it with the Sony wall, aside from which the two come into close contact at the places of entrance of the various branches of the auditory nerve. In the lower vertebrates the outer labyrinth remains as a mold imbedded in the petrosal bone, but in higher forms, especially in mammals, the bony labyrinth appears over certain regions, especially the semicircular canals and the lagena, as a thin but very hard wall, with a space between its outer surface and the main mass, thus reproducing from without also, the main de- tails of the membranous labyrinth. The transition from water to air, undoubtedly the greatest change which vertebrates have ever experienced, and one which demanded modifications affecting every part, affected the organ of hearing directly, for a change was made from a denser medium, which readily transmitted sound vibration, to a lighter one in which transmission was more difficult. This disadvantage was undoubtedly felt by the urodeles, which ex- hibit a new organ, evidently destined to assist in the reception of less powerful vibrations. In the cartilaginous otic capsule surrounding the labyrinth, that which partly corresponds to the " bony labyrinth " of higher forms, there exists an oval opening with a reinforced rim, closed by x an ossicle in the form of a lid, usually with a process projecting from its center [cf. Fig. 39, op~\. The opening, which persists in all higher vertebrates, is the fenestra ovalis, and the osseous lid, which is, in origin, a portion cut off from the wall of the capsule, is the operculum. This latter is fitted to the rim of the fenestra ovalis by a membrane, and, as it is nearly subcutaneous, it is set in mo- tion by the impact of sound waves, and thus serves to slightly intensify the vibrations. This apparatus proves sufficient for urodeles, which are much in the water, but in the tailless forms (Anura), far more terrestrial than the salamanders, the sound-receiving apparatus is much improved by an important addition, the tympanum, or cavity of the middle ear. This is developed from the gill 494 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY pouch of the spiracular opening, the one associated, as will be remembered, with the hyoid arch. The inner portion of this cavity communicates with the pharynx and forms the auditory or Eustachian tube, but direct communication with the outside is prevented by the presence of a circular tympanic membrane at the outer end, just beneath the skin, and usually very evi- dent from the outside. This membrane, which is covered outwardly by integument and on its inner side by mucous membrane, is a separate formation, usually of connective tissue, but in a few cases it is cartilaginous. It has been doubtfully homologized with the spiracular cartilage of selachians, but this is too uncertain to be definitely asserted. In many cases there exists a second opening in the wall of the otic capsule, the fenestra cochlea? [rotunda], filled with a thin membrane, also termed the inner tympanic membrane. This part is present in all higher verte- brates, thus giving the tympanum the characteristic from which it derives its name, i.e., two drum heads, outer and inner. To complete the likeness of the middle ear to a drum the Eustachian tube represents the opening always present in the cylinder of a drum and employed in both purposes for equalizing the air pressure on either side of the drum heads. A mechanism, however, which is lacking in a drum, is that formed by the columella, a delicate spindle of bone or cartilage, which extends from the center of the outer tympanic mem- brane to the operculum. By this means the sound vibrations that impinge upon the former are transmitted directly to the latter, and through it to the perilymph within the otic capsule. Another channel for the transmission of sound waves is fur- nished by the air enclosed in the tympanic cavity, the vibrations striking the inner tympanic membrane. The apparently new skeletal element, the columella, is probably nothing more than a process of the operculum, but it has been considered by some to be a distinct element and to represent the hyo-mandibular of fishes, employed there as a suspensory piece for the man- dible and originally the dorsal segment of the second visceral arch (hyoid). THE SENSE-ORGANS 495 In the Sauropsida there is but little change in the tympanic cavity from that of the Anura. The two Eustachian tubes often form by their union a median duct, which opens into the pharynx in the mid-dorsal line. Such is the case in birds and in crocodiles, and in the latter the tubes under consideration form a complicated system of cavities, many of which are lodged in the bones of the cranium. In other cases similar sys- tems extend out from the main tympanic cavity, and in certain instances the two latter communicate with one another across the median line. A characteristic and important addition is gained in mam- mals by the appearance within the tympanic cavity of the artic- ular and quadrate bones, hitherto employed in forming the mandibular articulation. These form respectively the malleus and incus, and become added to the columella to form a chain of ossicles which reaches across the cavity from the other drum head to the fenestra ovalis, thus assuming the function formerly sustained by the columella alone. This latter apparently be- comes reduced in size and forms the stapes. (Cf. Chap. V.) The singular and characteristic foramen in this bone, to which it owes its similarity to a stirrup, is caused by the development of a small artery, which perforates the columella. This re- lation appears only in the embryo in most mammals, includ- ing Man, but in some (certain rodents and insectivores) it per- sists throughout life. (Cf. Chap. IX.) In others still, mainly monotremes and marsupials, the perforation does not take place, but the bone remains in the primitive cylindrical form. The stapes is supplied by a tiny muscle, the stapedius, which is shown by its embryology to be a slip separated from the digastric muscle, an element primarily associated with the hyoid arch. To the malleus is attached a second small muscle, the tensor tympani. This was originally a portion of the com- mon mass from which the masticatory muscles of the jaw have differentiated, the abductor mandibuli of the selachians. This little slip arises from that portion which forms the pterygoid muscles, and is innerved by a branch from Trigeminus, the nerve associated with the first or mandibular arch. These two 496 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY tympanic muscles have thus had a history as old as the parts to which they are attached, and form here, together with their associated nerves and ossicles, groups of parts which have retained their original relationships through all their migrations and changes of form and function. Another characteristic mammalian element, not directly within the tympanic cavity but closely associated with it, is the tympanic bone (os tympanicum). This, when in its full development, forms a complete bony ring or frame about the outer tympanic membrane, and often develops in addition a concave osseous shell or tympanic bulla, which forms a conspic- uous object at the base of the skull and aids in protecting the delicate parts of the middle ear. Occasionally, too, the bone extends outwards to form an osseous wall for the external meatus. This bone remains distinct throughout life in mono- tremes, marsupials and a few others, but in the majority of cases, as in Man, it fuses with the petrous elements and becomes eventually lost in the complex designated as the " temporal bone." The homologies of this bone are uncertain, although some consider it the same as sauropsidan quadrato-jugal. It can hardly be a new osseous element, but that it appears here in a new role and is thus a new bone physiologically is evident. The external ear, characteristic of the mammalia, is mainly a cartilaginous structure covered by integument, and consists of a round tube, the external auditory meatus, and an external flap, the auricula [pinna]. The first of these, the meatus, allows the outer tympanic membrane to sink below the surface and still retain connection with the exterior and its curve affords the membrane a more or less complete concealment. In cases where the tympanic bone furnishes a prolonged tube for this purpose, the external cartilaginous element is less ex- tensive, and the two together form the wall of the canal. The auricula shows a large degree of adaptation, being very large and mobile in cases where acute hearing is desired, for example, in bats, and in most ungulates; and is reduced or entirely wanting in many burrowing or aquatic forms. The characteristic anthropoid ear is shaped at the base much as in THE SENSE-ORGANS 497 Man, but there is no lobule and little or no reclining to the free edge. This latter peculiarity, which starts at the upper part of the base, is distinctively human, but extends over a varying dis- tance in different individuals, and is often hardly begun in the new-born infant. A rudimentary point, tuberculum auriculi [Darwini], is. often retained at the free edge, and is brought over by the rolling process so as to point forward instead of backward, its primary position. This is occasionally a con- spicuous feature, and in all cases its place can be determined by feeling, being indicated by a thicker, harder area on the outer rim a little below the top of the curve. A lobule is usually present, but is rudimentary or absent in certain races. Concerning the origin of the cartilaginous elements of the external ear, it becomes evident from the condition found in monotremes that it is largely or wholly derived from the upper end of the hyoid arch, which curves about the tympanic mem- brane and forms a tubular meatus together with a rudimentary pinna. This leaves unaccounted for a series of protuberances in the integument surrounding the opening of the meatus, which are seen to form in the human embryo and fuse to- gether to build up the external portion (pinna). These pro- tuberances are considered by some to be elements furnished by the first four visceral arches, i.e., mandibular, hyoid and the first two branchial, but this is rendered very improbable by the innervation of the pinna, which is wholly from the Facialis. It may thus prove to be a modification of devel- opment, and portions which were originally hyoid elements may here appear in this form. In the Sauropsida the outer tym- panic membrane is frequently depressed a little below the sur- face and provided with small protuberances or flaps which as- sist in its protection, but these are evidently incidental adapta- tions and can have nothing to do with the external ear of mam- mals. The developmental history of the eye, as given in the pre- vious chapter, shows that this sense-organ, that is, its essential part, the retina, differs radically from all the others in being originally a portion of the brain surface, the cells of which have 498 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY become specialised in form and function so that they respond directly to the stimulus of light vibrations. To this essential part, which, with a pigmented outer layer, are the only parts derived from the brain, accessory organs are added from two sources to complete the formation of the eyeball; the lens, formed from the ectoderm of the outer surface; the chorioid and sclerotic coats and the vitreous body from the surrounding connective tissue. Aside from the eyeball itself there are many external accessory parts, such as muscles and glands, conjunctiva and eyelids, which come from several sources and aid in the movement and protection of the sensitive organ. To begin with the essential sense-organ, that is, the retina, if we follow the in- and outpushings of its layer of origin from the beginning, it is clear that the original external surface lines the lumen of the neural tube and eventually forms the outer retinal surface, that is, the surface turned toward the pigmented tapetum. Now in all cases it is the primarily external surface that becomes specialized to receive external stimuli, and it is also the original outer or superficial end of the sensory cells that develop the specially modified flagella and other parts. It thus happens that the terminal cells of the sense of vision are not only the outer ones of the retina, which is several cell- layers in thickness, but also that their free ends, bearing the terminal rods and cones, point in the same direction, namely, towards the interior of the head and away from the source of light. Moreover, since a sensory nerve must approach its terminal cells from their physiological inner side, this arrange- ment compels the optic nerve first to penetrate the entire retina and attain the interior of the eyeball, and there spread out its separate fibers, which severally become recurved and pass back again through the retina to supply the terminal cells. Finally, in order that the image, received through the pupil and focused by the lens upon the physiological outer side of the retina, may reach the terminal rods and cones, all the intervening parts, the nerve fibers and the various layers of retinal cells, have to be perfectly transparent; and, furthemore, the terminal rods and cones must needs be buried in the pigment of the tapetum in THE SENSE-ORGANS 499 order to stop possible light impressions from coming from with- out the eyeball, i.e., the natural direction for the receptive cells. The necessity of this arrangement becomes clear to anyone who has followed the foldings of the embryonic layers, yet there is scarcely anything in vertebrate construction that seems a greater mechanical mistake, although there are many others, like the appendix and the inguinal canal in man, where a lesser error involves far more serious consequences. This error in the arrangement of the retina, however, becomes still more ap- parent when a comparison is made with the structurally sim- ilar eye of the cephalopod molluscs (squid, devil-fish, etc.), in which the retina is developed directly from the surface ecto- derm and is placed in the natural way, with the terminal cells lining its interior and the optic nerve entering it from behind. Notwithstanding the fundamental differences in developrhent between this eye and that of vertebrates, the final results, when compared part by part, are marvelously similar, and the adult eye of each is furnished with retina and crystalline lens, iris and cornea. This case is thus one of the best examples of what Mr. Darwin termed " analogical resemblances " ; that is, the production of a similar organ in two unrelated forms and often from entirely different starting points, not through any genetic connection, but because of the same environmental influences, which give rise to the same necessities. In its histological structure the vertebrate retina shows some similarity to other well-developed portions of the brain, and ex- hibits several layers of cells, connected with one another by branching processes which interlace and thus continue the com- munication from one to another. At the exact focal center of the lens all but the terminal sense-cells disappear, and produce a small depressed area, the area centralis. This is often in the form of a circular pit, fovea centralis, but may be oval, or in the form of a broad band or streak. It is, however, not always depressed, and . may be entirely wanting. These variations seem to bear little or no relation to phylogeny, since a fovea is present in some fishes and in most Sauropsida, while the area 500 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY seems entirely lacking in many mammals (Insectivora and some rodents). In the anthropoids it is very pronounced, and in man it is designated by a yellow color (hence "macula lutea"). Certain birds possess two such areas, medial and lateral. To understand the addition of the accessory organs and the formation of the eyeball it is necessary to examine more thoroughly the early stages in the formation of the optic cup. The study of a few actual sections will show that the invagina- a h FIG. 135. Diagrams of the retina. ^ (a) Section including the fovea, showing the separate elements. [From GEGENBAUR, after RAMON v CAJAL.] (b) More conventionalized representation of retinal layers. [After GEGENBAUR.] fov fovea; /, membrana limitans interna; II, nerve fiber layer; III, nerve cell layer; IV inner granular layer; V, inner nuclear layer; VI, outer granular layer; VII, outer nuclear layer; VIII, membrana limitans externa; IX, rod and cone layer; X, tapetum. tion of the primary outpushing is not a symmetrical one, but is so effected that the cup is deficient for a little space on the ven- tral aspect, and that this deficiency is continued as a groove along the lower side of the optic stalk. It thus happens that when the lens, which at this time is added to the optic cup, be- comes closely applied to its rim, a fissure or oblong aperture, the chorioid fissure, is left, through which communication may be made with the interior of the cup behind the lens. Through this inlet migrate embryonal connective tissue cells (mesen- THE SENSE-ORGANS 501 chyma) and form a gelatinous tissue, the basis of the vitreous humor. From similar mesenchymatous elements added exter- nally is formed the vascular network of the chorioid coat, and outside of this is formed the solera [sclerotic coat]. The an- terior portion of the chorioid forms the iris and the corre- sponding portion of the sclera forms the cornea. This latter stands out from the lens in front and thus forms an anterior chamber, filled with the aqueous humor, a colorless lymph, which serves as a refracting medium. The corresponding chamber of the cephalopod eye is perforated by a foramen communicating with the exterior, and through this it is filled with sea water which serves the same purpose. This expe- FIG. 136. Development of the optic cup. (a) Plastic representation. [After HERTWIG.] (b) Median longitudinal section of (a), (c) Cross section in plane indicated by the line xy. dient is comparable with that of the internal ear of selachians, with its direct communication with the exterior through the ductus endolymphaticus. The crystalline lens, the formation of which has been alluded to elsewhere, is a product of the ectoderm and appears first as a thickening opposite the optic cup. It soon invaginates and pinches off from its layer of origin, at first as a vesicle with a nearly uniform wall and a central lumen. The posterior wall soon thickens and restricts the lumen more and more until this latter becomes entirely suppressed, while the wall itself, becom- ing lenticular in shape, is covered by the anterior portion as by a cap. This thickening is produced by an extreme elonga- tion of the cells, which remain in the form of a single layer. 502 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY The functional lens is formed by the cornification of these cells, and the mass thus formed is covered anteriorly with a thin epithelium, the original anterior wall of the vesicle. It will be noticed that there is in this development of the lens a striking similarity with the early stages of both the nose and the ear, and if there be taken in connection with these cer- tain temporarily thickened areas of the external ectoderm in association with the Facialis and the Glosso-pharyngeus nerves, which appear and vanish again during the embryonic life of the lower vertebrates, the idea comes at once to mind that we have here the record of a series of ancient sense-organs laterally placed, perhaps a pair for each metamere, some of which have specialized in various ways while others have be- come lost. If this be true, the lens was originally, not a re- fracting medium, but a sense-organ itself, which has given up its primary function entirely and entered the service of another sense-organ, different in origin from that of any other in ver- tebrate history, namely, a specialization of a portion of brain surface. The idea of this ancient series of sense-organs suggests many questions. What was the primary function of this series? Did these sense-organs sustain any relation to trie lateral line organs ? To these questions, belonging themselves to the realm of pure suggestion, we can give but speculative answers. Both the nose and the ear, as we have already seen, have in their structure and development something to suggest a kinship with the lateral line organs ; this is especially true of the latter, with its nerve appearing in connection with that ele- ment of the facial nerve that supplies these organs in fishes, and with its semicircular canals that resemble the canals of Lorenzini. The eye itself cannot, of course, be included in any series of sense-organs of integumental origin, but the lens can, and there seems no intrinsic difference, up to a certain stage, between the lens capsule and that of the inner ear. The nasal sacs, again, are similar capsules that do not lose their connec- tion with the exterior, and it must be remembered that in the endolymphatic duct of the selachians we see the same retention THE SENSE-ORGANS 503 of the original connection. We seem here almost able to re- produce an important bit of lost history, but the proofs are not forthcoming and may always be wanting, since the early phy- logenetic stages were probably passed in those lost forms be- tween Amphioxus and the selachians, and concern soft parts, no trace of which is likely to be found in fossil remains. The absolute size of the eyeball is very variable. In gen- eral it is somewhat in proportion to the size of the body, yet the eyeballs of the elephant or the whale, although large in both cases, are not proportionate to their enormous bulk when compared with those of Man, for instance. Again there is a certain proportion between the size of the eyeball and the sharpness of vision, as, for example, the enormous eyes of birds ; but here, again, must be mentioned the small but exceed- ingly acute eyes of rodents where the decrease of size seems to be due to the excessive development of the masseter muscles, and appears to have no direct influence upon the vision. The eyes are apt to be large in animals with nocturnal vision, like the lemurs, and it is possible that the relatively large eyes of Man, which have encroached upon the nasal cavities, and thus reduced the power of smelling, may be the result of a nocturnal habit in some not very remote ancestors. Of the organs external to the eyeball which are accessory to the sense of sight the muscles have been treated in a preceding chapter (Chap. VI). There thus remain for consideration only the eyelids and the glands, two sets of structures closely associated with one another. They are both employed in pre- venting the surface of the eyeball from becoming dry upon exposure to the air, and belong to that series of changes necessi- tated by the change of environment from water to air. They are consequently found only in the higher vertebrates, and are absent in fishes, and but poorly developed in aquatic urodeles. In fishes the integument fits smoothly over the region sur- rounding the eyeball, and is continuous over the latter as a thin skin, usually transparent, but occasionally ornamented in places with pigmented areas, which continue the color scheme of the rest of the skin. The eyelids, which appear first in 5 o 4 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY amphibians, form as dorsal and ventral folds of the integument, which may become stiffened, either by connective tissue or by cartilage, as in mammals (tar sal cartilages). That portion of integument which forms the inner face of the folds and is con- tinued over the front of the eyeball is very thin and sensitive, and forms the conjunctiva. A nictitating membrane is formed in some vertebrates by an inner fold of this last ; it attains in birds and in some mammals the dignity of a third eyelid; in Man it is represented by the plica semilunaris, a delicate fold situated in the inner corner. The lubricating fluid, the "tears," is furnished by twc groups of glands which arise as invaginations of the conjunc- tiva and retain their connection with that layer, supplying the pockets formed by the lids. These are (i) the harderiar, glands, which are located about the anterior (inner) corner anc are associated with the nictitating membrane, and (2) the lacrimal glands, located near the posterior (outer) corner This differentiation is not found in the amphibians where the glands are all alike and are evenly distributed, but appears ir reptiles, from which point the two groups are distinct, both ir location and structure. The harderian glands are well de- veloped in reptiles, birds and most mammals, but are rudi- mentary in the Anthropoidea. The lacrimal gland is asso- ciated in reptiles and birds with the lower eyelid, beneath whicr. its ducts empty, but migrates in mammals to a more dorsad position and thus becomes almost exclusively associated witl the upper lid. In some mammals a few ducts occur in the lower fold; indications of its former location. The lacrima. fluid, supplied by both of these glands, is continually being se creted and is as constantly spread in an even layer over the outer surface of the eyeball by the movement of the lids. Th< excess is conveyed to the nasal cavities through the nasolacrima duct, which appears in amphibian larvae as an integumenta groove extending from eye to nostril. This eventually close; up, sinks into the interior, and gains its independence from the integument, thus forming an internal canal connecting the con- junctival sac with the anterior end of the nasal cavity. THE SENSE-ORGANS 505 Aside from these conjunctival glands there appear in mam- mals certain glands associated with the eyelashes. These are 1 i ) the tarsal [meibomian], which are modified sebaceous, and (2) the ciliary, modified perspiratory glands. These open along the edges of the lids and produce narrow lines of oil which repel the lacrimal fluid and assist in retaining it within the peripheral folds. As the eyelashes are modified hairs, the tarsal glands may be looked upon as the associated sebaceous glands, considerably hypertrophied, and changed somewhat in their relation to the hairs. This entire lacrimal apparatus, including the glands and the nasolacrimal duct, becomes much reduced in such aquatic mam- mals as the hippopotamus, seal and otter, and in the pelagic whales and porpoises is entirely rudimentary. In snakes there occurs a singular adaptation, which protects their eyes from the danger of the thick grasses and twigs by fusing the two eyelids together over the eyeball and then rendering them ab- solutely transparent. There is thus formed a plate, in shape like a watch glass, and serving as a second cornea. This is shed with each successive skin and forms a conspicuous feature of the exuviae, or " snake-skins," objects commonly met with in fields frequented by snakes. A lacrimal apparatus is wholly wanting. As special protective organs to the eye may be mentioned the long superciliary bristles, which in cats and a few mammals project over the eye and when touched cause the automatic closing of the lids ; also the eyebrows of the higher anthropoids, especially Man, the hairs of which point outwards and curve downwards at the outer end to receive the perspiration of the forehead and convey it away from the eyes. CHAPTER XII THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES " Ainsi la plus ancienne couche fossilifere connue nous montre des representants de presque toutes les classes d'Invertebres. Cela demontre 1'existence d'une longue periode anterieure a celle sur laquelle la Paleontologie peut nous fournir des renseignements et dans laquelle ont pris naissance presque tous les types actuels. Parmi ces etres, dont les formes resteront tou jours tin mystere, devaient se trouver les ancetres sans squelette des Vertebres actuels." DELAGE ET HEROUARD, Les Procordes, 1898, p. 357, PREVIOUS to the establishment of the modern theory of evo- lution, which removed each animal and plant from an isolated position unrelated to the rest, and assigned to it a place in a connected chain of organic beings, morphological speculation was limited to ingenious comparisons with little or no logical basis, conjured up to explain real or fancied resemblances. Thus Lorenz Oken, having conceived the idea that the head must possess parts corresponding to those of the trunk, consid- ered the nasal cavity, the cephalic thorax ; the mouth cavity, the cephalic abdomen ; and the palate, the cephalic diaphragm ; to him the halves of the upper and lower jaws represented re- spectively the anterior and posterior limbs, in which the teeth were the digits. Thus Geoffrey St. Hilaire compared insects with vertebrates, making the exoskeletal rings the equivalent of the vertebrae, and the jointed legs that of the ribs. The rela- tion of nerve cord, intestine, and main blood-vessels was made the same by placing the insect upon its back. Others, like Goethe and Cuvier, sought to base the compari- son between different forms upon the assumption of an arche- type (Goethe's " Urbild "), of which a certain related group of animals might be considered as so many various modifications. // such an archetype had been considered to have or to have had 506 THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES 507 a real existence, it would have been the ancestor of the group in the modern sense, but there is little to be found in the writings of these early morphologists to suggest such a relationship, and the archetype seems to have been considered a mere ab- straction, a working hypothesis in definite architectural form, employed for the purpose of facilitating comparison. There is often indeed the idea that the archetype, non-existent in its per- fection, forms a divinely constructed plan upon which the Creator has modeled each member of a group of organisms, and that Man is able to grasp and understand this plan through his spiritual insight, a faculty akin to that of the Deity himself. Says Goethe, " Sollte es denn eben unmoglich sein, da wir einmal anerkennen, dass die schaffende Gewalt nach einem allgemeinen Schema die vollkommeneren organischen Naturen erzeugt und entwickelt, dieses Urbild, wo nicht den Sinnen, doch dem Geiste darzustellen, nach ihm -als nach einer Norm unsere Beschreibungen auszuarbeiten und, indem solche von der Gestalt der verschiedenen Thiere abgezogen ware, die verschiedensten Gestalten wieder auf sie zuruckzufuhren ? "* This employment of an hypothetical archetype for the com- parison of organisms reached its culmination in the marvelous structure reared by the English anatomist, Sir Richard Owen, who first established his great fundamental conception of a typical vertebra, and then described in terms of this all the skeletal parts of every known vertebrate, including here not the vertebral column alone but the skull and appendicular skeleton as well. His diagram of a typical vertebra, reproduced here (Fig. 137), shows that he, too, as well as so many others, conceived of the typical or primordial form as a symmetrical and perfect * " But should it then be impossible, when once we recognize that the Creative Power has produced and developed the more completely organ- ized natures after a general plan, for us to represent this Archetype, if not to the senses, at least to the mind, to elaborate our descriptions in ac- cordance with it as with a norm, and, since such archetypes were taken from the forms of different animals, to refer the most varied forms back to it again?" Johann Wolfgang Goethe, " Uber einen aufzustellenden Typus zu Erleichterung der vergleichenden Anatomic," 1796. 508 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY one ; the Golden Age idea appearing in Anatomy, but here, as everywhere else, the reverse of actual history. Yet this dia- gram, although erroneous as an explanation of early con- ditions, represents in a clear manner the parts that appear in actual cases, especially in the higher forms, and as such has been taken as the foundation of our modern nomenclature. This typical vertebra consists of a cylindrical centrum, fur- nished with a neural arch, a hcemal arch and several lateral ele- ns FIG. 137. Owen's original diagram of a typical vertebra, to illustrate his theory of the archetype. [After OWEN.] ns, neural spine; s, zygapophysis ; np, neurapophysis ; d, diapophysis; pi, pleura- pophysis; p, parapophysis; hp, haemapophysis; hs, haemal spine; h, haemal canal. ments. The neural arch consists of a pair of neurapophyses and a neural spine, and bears a pair of articular processes, the zygapophyses; and in like manner the haemal arch is composed of a pair of hamapophyses, a hcemal spine and a second pair of zygapophyses. Of the lateral pieces the central ones are the pleurapophyses or rib elements, sometimes forming free ribs, and dorsal and ventral to these lie respectively the diapophyses and parapophyses, more occasional elements. THE ANCESTRY OP THE VERTEBRATES 509 From this typical vertebra Owen was able to explain the skeletal elements in each segment of the body in every verte- brate, and was thus able to construct the skeleton of an Arche- FIG. 138. Owen's interpretation of mammalian skulls. [After OWEN.] (A) Generalized mammal. (B) Man. For explanation see accompanying table given in text. type, which consisted of a series of such vertebrae gradually tapering and losing their characteristic features in the caudal 5 io HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY region and somewhat modified also at the anterior end, through the development of the brain and the introduction of the sense- organs. The skull was formed by four of these typical vertebrae, called nasal, frontal, parietal and occipital. The centra are rep- presented by vomer, presphenoid, basisphenoid, and basi-occipi- tal, the neurapophyses by prefrontals, orbitosphenoids, alisphe- fioids and exoccipitals, and the neural spines, composed mainly of paired pieces, by the nasals, the f rentals, the parietals and the supraoccipital. The postfrontal was the diapophysis of the frontal vertebra, and the mastoid that of the parietal. Pleura- pophyses were represented by the palatine, which belonged to the nasal vertebra, the tympanic, which belonged to the fron- tal, the stylohyals, parts of the parietal vertebra, and the suprascapula and scapula, which were reckoned with the oc- cipital. The hcemopophyses were respectively represented by the maxillaries, the articularia, the ceratohyals and the cora- coids, and the haemal spines by the premaxillaries, the dentaries, the basihyals and the episternum. Other parts, such as the squamosal, the thyreohyal, and the free limb, formed ele- ments called appendages. Never was there a more stupendous result of the labor of a single human life than this great work of Owen, and yet of the entire structure reared by his incessant toil all that re- mains is the large amount of accurate description and a great enrichment of osteological nomenclature. It was a house built upon the sand, and Owen's " typical vertebra " may be placed alongside of Goethe's " Urbild " as the noble attempt to picture the great truths which they felt in spirit and saw but dimly. The formulation by Charles Darwin in 1859 of the doctrine of animal descent, with the implied conception of actual blood relationship between the different groups, introduced into The theory may be further elucidated by the help of the following table and by the accompanying diagrams (Fig. 138, A and B). The small letters added to the names of the separate elements in the table correspond to those used in the diagram, so that the former may be used to explain the latter. THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES 511 s 1 S| S ii g if n o *^ *o^ 1 ill II 1 11 M S5 s | _ "3 i 'x If" 73 2 ~ a O 1 E I Ii s! 12 g a " 1 "" ^ 8 V CO S I s g 1 t 2: 2 "S ** s - 8I 1" 1 S i (i 04 8 2 1 "3 D fc. | a 1 i " 1 1, * i o 1 i i s 3 la *s "SI 2 1(3 M i ** it* Q i 5 1 "3 1 i 3 i 1 jf ^ f ! ~ M 2 i B 2 1 E IT. _ "3 3 |a 1 a 1 - a 1 S 1 S a s i ^ g f Eb O SB j j . J 1 J H 1-1 & 512 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY anatomical speculation that necessary principle which had been lacking in the philosophy of pre-Darwinian anatomists, and from that time on actual ancestors took the place of theoretical archetypes. It became then of fundamental importance to establish the true interrelationships of the various animal groups, that the structure of a given form might be explained in terms of the ancestral structure of which it might be consid- ered a modification. Naturally the intensest interest centered about the establish- ment of the group from which the vertebrates were derived, and here for a long time the most of the speculation followed the lines laid down by St. Hilaire with his reversed insect. Certainly one of the most characteristic features of a verte- brate, and one of the earliest to appear in the embryo, is the division of the body into somites, and the search for a bilateral segmented ancestor must inevitably lead back to the articulates, which alone of the invertebrates emphasize this characteristic to an equal degree. It is true that in the two groups the arrange- ment of the internal organs is in the main reversed, for in the one the central nervous system is ventral and the main blood- vessel dorsal, and in the other the former is dorsal and the lat- ter ventral ; but the device employed by St. Hilaire to explain this is by no means an absurd one, since what is called dorsal or ventral in a given animal is merely its constant physiological relation to the surface of the earth, and in several cases, like the flounder and the squid, is known to be quite at variance with the condition usual in related forms. Thus by postulating the occurrence of a change quite in ac- cord with several known instances the differences in the rela- tionships of the different systems in the simplest members of both groups (annelids and selachians) may be brought into almost complete harmony (Fig. 139, a and c). Even the noto- chord, perhaps the greatest problem of vertebrate structure, may be compared to the " Faserstrang," a bundle of fibers run- ning along the nerve chain and serving as a support. This and the notochord lie in a precisely similar position in relation to the other organs, and in both cases they are enclosed with THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES 513 the nerve cord in a common sheath of connective tissue. In the blood system there are equal points of resemblance, for in each case there are two median longitudinal vessels, one on either side of the intestine. In the vertebrate the dorsal one is the aorta, which sends the blood in a posterior direction, while the ventral one, with a current in the reverse direction, is repre- sented by the embryonic subintestinal vein posteriorly and by the heart anteriorly. In an unreversed annelid it is true that the dorsal blood-vessel sends its blood from tail to head, while in l he ventral one the blood flows from head to tail, but by re- versing the animal the correspondence in the direction of the current becomes complete. The vertebrate aorta is then repre- sented by the original ventral (now dorsal) vessel in which the current flows backwards, and the subintestinal vein and heart are represented by the original dorsal (now ventral) vessel, in both cases with the current directed forwards. The most convincing of the many correspondences, however, lies in the nephridial system of annelids and selachians, which in both cases consist of segmentally arranged pairs of tubes that open into the ccelom at their inner ends by ciliated nephro- stomes. There are also close correspondences in the rela- tion of these tubules to the germ glands and to the ccelom. The more primitive type may be considered to be that found in annelids, in which each somite possesses a separate ccelom, or rather a pair of cceloms, since those of adjacent somites are separated by transverse dissepiments, and those of the two sides of the same somite by median sagittal partitions, which form dorsal and ventral mesenteries. Each of the compartments thus formed is supplied with a single nephrostome, the tubule from which pierces the posterior dissepiment and enters the next posterior ccelomic pocket, where it exhibits a convoluted portion and a vesicular enlargement, and eventually opens di- rectly into the exterior by a lateral opening. (Fig. 139, a and b.) The germ glands develop on the anterior walls of the ccelomic cavities, and the germ cells become free and float about in the ccelomic fluid until they are taken up by the nephrostome and find their way to the exterior, through the 514 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY sh uph eh FIG. 139 Figures illustrating the Annelid theory. [After SEMPER.] (a) Cross section of Annelid (reversed). (b) Longitudinal section of THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES 515 nephridium, which thus serves as ductus deferens or oviduct. Typically, as in the diagram, a germ gland belongs with each lateral coelomic cavity, but in actual cases they develop in only a few y segments, and the associated nephridia become espe- cially modified for the conveyance of the germ cells from the body. If, now, the primitive vertebrate nephridia, germ-glands and ccelom, as described in Chapter IX above, be compared with the annelid condition, the similarities are found to be remark- able. Here also the nephridia are at first strictly segmental, although they no longer open to the outside independently, but through the medium of a common Wolffian duct. Since, how- ever, this develops in part from the ectoderm, it may have be- gun as a simple external trough-like depression which ran along the sides of the animal and connected the several indi- vidual openings for the better disposal of their secretion. The segmental subdivisions of the coelom are no longer continued in the higher vertebrates but the mesodermic diverticula, which appear clearly in Amphioxus, and in a more imperfect manner in the others, suggest the former presence of transverse dissepi- ments, and both dorsal and ventral mesenteries actually persist as far back as the posterior boundary of the liver, beyond which the ventral one disappears. Nor can it be said that the trans- verse dissipiments are wholly lacking, since, although they no longer divide the coelomic cavity, they are still represented in the body wall by the intermuscular septa (myocommata) with which the nephridia sustain in the embryo similar relationships as in annelids (Fig. 139, d) . In both cases the germ glands arise as localized portions of the ccelom (peritoneum), and the presence of a single pair in the true vertebrates may be corre- lated with the confluence of the several coelomic cavities into a single one. The larger number of gonads in Amphioxus indicates the former presence of a much larger number of coelomic cavities. That in vertebrates as in annelids the Annelid. (c) Cross section of Selachian. (d) Longitudinal section of Selachian in region of kidney. n, nerve cord; nc, notochord; g, " faserstrang " of Annelid; sh, sheath sur- rounding nerve cord and notochord; d and r, muscle masses; en, intestine; nph, nephridium; a and b, longitudinal blood vessels. 516 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY nephridial system is made to furnish channels of exit for the germ cells has been already shown (Chapter IX), and the open- ing into the oviduct has been homologized with a prone- phridial nephrostome, while in the male the entire anterior portion of the mesonephros and its duct becomes utilized for the passage of the seminal fluid. One of the most fundamental characteristics of vertebrates is the presence of paired gill-slits, extending in two lateral rows along the pharyngeal region and forming direct communica- tions between the pharynx and the exterior; these may be readily derived from nephridia by supposing, first, that the inner ends of these tubes become secondarily connected with the pharyngeal lumen, and secondly, that the tubules become reduced in length until ectoderm and endoderm come in con- tact. Only in some such way can one explain the embryonic development of gill-slits from a series of ectodermic inpushings that meet a similar series of endodermic outpushings, a mechan- ical process that necessitates some reason back of that which is apparent in order to account for the accuracy with which these several folds meet one another. In the embryo of the cyclo- stome Myxine, precisely the form where we would look for the retention of the earliest phases, there still appears at first a fairly long canal between each ectodermic inpushing and its endodermic associate, perhaps a remnant of the nephridial tube. It may also be more than a coincidence that, when genuine nephridia of the pronephrotic system appear immediately posterior to the gill region, none arise in the somites that de- velop the gill-slits. Important changes seem to have taken place in both outlets of the alimentary canal, and indications show that vertebrates have acquired both a new mouth and a new anus, although they still retain in the embryo many traces of the older organs. That the mouth of the vertebrates is not the primitive one is shown by a variety of indications, one of the strongest being its exceptionally late appearance in embryonic life. A mouth is one of the most essential of organs, and in other animals, cor- responding to its important function, is one of the first to THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES 517 appear. In vertebrates, however, the reverse is true; the nervous system is laid down, the brain is differentiated, the notochord is formed, even the special sense-organs ap- pear, and still the alimentary canal remains a sealed cavity, without communication with the exterior. At last a mouth appears, placed very far ventrally, in line with the gill-slits, and in certain fishes appears first as two lateral openings which eventually become confluent. All this seems a complete cor- roboration of the fact arrived at independently through adult anatomy that the vertebrate mouth has resulted from the con- fluence of a pair of gill-slits anterior to those now functioning, and still equipped with gill-arches \vhich serve as jaws. There comes, then, the inevitable conclusion that previous to this con- version, and while the mandibular slits were still functioning as gill-slits, the ancestral forms must have had another mouth, traces of which are to be looked for in the earlier embryo. Such a primary mouth is actually found indicated in precisely the place where it would be looked for in the annelid, taking the reversal of the body into account, and this indication appears in the widely open " fourth ventricle " of the nerve cord. In annelids, as in all Articulata, the mouth is upon the ven- tral side, and, since the alimentary canal is dorsal to the nerv- ous system, this position is reached by means of an oesophagus, which turns downwards almost at right angles to the remainder of the canal, and runs between the two nerve connectives that connect the first and second pairs of ganglia. The first gangli- onic pair thus becomes the supra-cesophageal, the second, infra-Ksophageal, and the connections between them form a circum-ocsophageal ring through which the oesophagus passes. These relationships will be clearly seen by reversing the accom- panying figure (Fig. 140), which will thus give the conditions as seen in annelids. In all true vertebrates the actual external opening of this early mouth has disappeared, but it may be identical with the neuropore in the embryo of Amphioxus, which forms in this place a direct communication between the lumen of the neural tube and the exterior and is otherwise un- accounted for. Aside from the indications of the early mouth 5 i8 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY and its oesophagus, furnished by fourth ventricle and neuro- pore, there is also the hypophysis, or rather, that portion of it that is pushed up from the alimentary canal, for which there is yet no satisfactory explanation. Its origin from the alimentary canal, its constant appearance in all vertebrates, its relationship to the nervous system and its position, all suggest that it also is a remnant of an early oesophagus. The formation of a new, ventrally placed anus is due to a procedure similar to that which forms the new mouth, although there is here no suggestion of a gilt-slit. The vertebrate anus arises as a mid-ventral inpushing of the ectoderm at some dis- tance from the end of the tail, and thus reaches the primary intestine along its course, leaving beyond it a piece of consid- erable length, the post-anal gut, which soon atrophies. This HI FIG. 140. Reversible diagram illustrating the Annelid theory. Reversible designations, applying to both forms: S, brain; X, nerve cord; H, alimentary canal. Designations applying to Annelid only: m, mouth; a, anus. Designations applying to Vertebrate only; st, stomatodaeum; pr, proctodaeum; nt, notochord. phenomenon, inexplicable by other means, is easily explained by the postulate of an annelid ancestor, for in these animals the anus is at the posterior extremity of the body, and the forma- tion of a new anus in the vertebrate position would actually leave just such a piece as the one in question. The gills of aquatic vertebrates receive also an adequate ex- planation through the annelid hypothesis. The annelid gills are external duplicatures of the integument, and occur upon the sides of every somite, attached to the parapodia, or short locomotor organs. In simple forms they are plates, but when specialized they become fringed or dendritic and somewhat re- semble the external gill-bushes of amphibians. Although pri- marily distributed along the entire body, in certain specialized THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES 519 forms they are confined to the anterior end. Gills of this sort are well adapted to slow-moving or crawling forms, but when there is a necessity for the development of rapid motion, as is indicated for the direct ancestor of the rapidly moving fishes, such gills, especially if long and fringed, would tend to retard the motion. It would thus be natural to consider that they might wander within the openings of the nephridia, which in annelids lie close to these external gills, and this relationship gives, in its turn, the motive for the secondary connection of such nephridia with the alimentary canal, in order to supply the gills with a current of water. The increase in the size of the gills would tend to develop some firmer tissue at their base to support them, and in this way there may have been developed a series of cartilaginous arches, which, together with the gills themselves, may have been at first and for a long time coextensive with the body itself, or have extended at least as far as the anus. When at a later period the gills became restricted to a few anterior pairs while the rest atrophied, the arches accompanying the former would be the persistent gill-arches, and form the visceral skeleton of vertebrates, while the remainder, freed from their gills, and repeating themselves metamerically, would become the ribs. It is even permissible to conceive of the limb skeletons as further derivatives of the metameric system of gill-arches ; per- haps also the original elements of the primordial skull, the trabeculse and parachordals, may be traced to the same source, thus accounting for all parts of the skeleton save the dermal bones, which are integumental, and the notochord, which has already been accounted for. Convincing as these comparisons seem when taken by them- selves, the influence of later investigation has tended rather away from the annelid hypothesis, and at present, although there are many investigators who seek the ancestor of verte- brates in some worm-like form, there are few who wish to defi- nitely assert that this ancestor was an annelid. The annelid theory rests largely upon the definite body seg- mentation of both these animals and vertebrates, yet segmenta- 520 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY tion is not in itself as fundamental a character as would appear at first, and may be easily acquired by an animal group in any one of several different ways. It is likely, for example, that such a segmentation as that possessed by vertebrates may have been gained through the muscular action of a previously unsegmented form, and the fact that in vertebrate embryos the segmentation first appears in the mesoderm, from which the muscles are derived, furnishes a strong support for this view. The oldest of the annelids, on the other hand, begins life as an unsegmented larva, upon which the somites become developed one after another through a sort of budding, a process totally unlike that in which the vertebrate initiates its segmentation. A second group of vermian forms from which the vertebrates may have developed is that of the nemerteans, a group of mainly marine worms, of uncertain affinities, but probably allied to the platyhelminths (flat-worms). Here the nervous system is not a ventral one, but consists of two lateral cords im- bedded in the body wall, and often a smaller mid-dorsal cord, the three being bound together by commissural nerves which run around the animal (Fig. 141, A). A branching intesti- nal nerve proceeds from one of these and is distributed to the sides of the intestine; and from the ventraLportion of some of the anterior commissural nerves small nerve branches appear, also distributed to the intestinal wall. The anterior end of each lateral nerve is enlarged into a ganglion, from which a few nerves proceed anteriorly. The manner in which such a nervous system may become converted into that of a typical vertebrate may be readily seen by a comparison of A and B of Fig. 141, the first of which has already been referred to. Of the three longitudinal nerves the dorsal one has become the central nervous system, and has expanded its anterior end into a brain, while the two lateral nerves have become subordinated to it, but persist in lower vertebrates as the lateral nerves of the Vagus system, rami laterales X, with which the long intestinal nerve is also asso- ciated. The original ganglion of the lateral nerves breaks up THE ANCESTRY OF - THE VERTEBRATES 521 into the various ganglia found in vertebrates, in association with the cranial nerves. As for the commissural nerves, they become alternately sensory and motor in function and associate together in pairs, forming the metamerically arranged spinal nerves of vertebrates, the elements of which are in lower forms still separate and issue from the neural canal through separate foramina. Lastly a sympathetic system is formed by collect- B FIG. 141. Nemertean theory of the origin of Vertebrates. [After HUBRECHT.] (A) Typical diagram of Nemertean. d, dorsal nerve cord; gl, ganglion; It, lateral nerve cord; v, intestinal nerve; sb, small intestinal branches. (B) Typical diagram of Vertebrate; db, brain; d, dorsal nerve cord; s, sensory, and m, motor spinal nerves; gl, sympathetic ganglia; -v, ramus intestinalis vagi; It, ramus lateralis vagi; sb, sympathetic branches. ing together the small intestinal branches that come from the ventral portions o'f the commissural nerves. Concerning the other systems it is only fair to say that their correspondence is by no means as close as is that of the nervous system, although a characteristic nemertean structure, the proboscis, has been likened to the hypophysis, while its sheath, into which it may be retracted, has been cited as possibly fur- 522 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY nishing material for the notochord. Attention has also been called to the respiratory function of the anterior portion of the intestinal canal in nemerteans. Aside from all hypotheses which have at their basis the con- sideration of a worm-like ancestor may be briefly mentioned a recent theory which finds the vertebrate ancestor among the more primitive arachnoids, now represented by such animals as the scorpion and the horse-shoe crab (Limulus) and for- merly exhibited by the extinct group of Merostomata. To ap- preciate this one must at the outset dispose of the cyclostomes and 'other low forms like Amphioxus as degenerate and with- out special significance, and take as the starting point of verte- brates such forms as the ganoids, or more especially the placo- derms, which lived in Devonian times and were contemporaries of certain aquatic arachnoids, allies of the horse-shoe crab. As the starting point in this theory there may be taken a certain series of resemblances between the brain and cranial nerves of vertebrates and the fused cephalo-thoracic gangl ionic mass found in such arachnoids as the scorpion and the horse- shoe crab. In these forms this central mass is divisible into three distinct portions, comparable to fore-, middle- and hind- brains, with an accessory part corresponding to the medulla. The number of neuromeres, or primary nerve somites of which these parts are composed, i, e., 3-1-5 for the brain and 2 to 4 for the medulla, also corresponds closely with tfie conclusion of many specialists concerning the segmental values of those parts of the head in vertebrates. A similarly suggestive resemblance exists in the cranial nerves and the relations of the organs of sense. Although the anatomy of the soft parts of the Merostomata will never be known, they could not have been very different from the condition found in Limulus and the scorpion, and it may even be supposed that they and modern vertebrates have developed in distinctly different directions from these as com- mon ancestors, and that thus their condition may have been far more like that of the vertebrates than is that of any of the arachnoids now living. Aside from the nervous system, THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES 523 numerous other parts are more or less comparable. For ex- ample, the eyes of the Merostomata consisted of a pair of widely divergent lateral eyes, and a pair of closely ap- proximated median eyes, a peculiarity seen in the present- day Limnlits; in the vertebrates there are the same widely divergent lateral eyes, and the median pair is well repre- sented by the pineal eye, in the development of which there are many suggestions of its having been double at an earlier period. In Limulus the central nerve-complex is protected by V FIG. 142. Comparison of heart and gill arches of (a) Arachnoid, and HE VERTEBRATES 535 formed into four longitudinal cords, slightly differentiated from the rest, a dorsal, a ventral, and two lateral, all of which run the entire length of the animal. Of these the dorsal re- ceives slightly more emphasis than the others, since it continues forward to the base of the proboscis, where it divides into two diverging branches, which encircle it in the form of a ring. As for the notochord, this has been doubtfully identified with a small diverticulum, which arises from the dorsal wall of the pharynx, and extends some distance forward into the proboscis, and this supposition has been greatly strengthened through the recent discovery of an allied form belonging to a new genus (Harrimania) in which the diverticulum is much es - Lro FIG. 148. Harrimania maculosa. [After RITTER.] Schematic representation of dissection, including collar and small portion of the anterior pharyngeal region. The anterior and posterior aspects are designated as A and P, respectively, es, oesophagus; es. No-c, cesophageal notochord; d. n. c, dorsal nerve cord; SK. C, skeletal crura; br. o, branchial orifices. larger, and in its mode of origin is strikingly similar to that of the true vertebrate notochord, and is thus without much doubt homologous with this organ. From the testimony afforded by the structure of Balanoglos- sus and its allied genera (the group Enteropneusta) it may be quite confidently asserted that these forms lie nearly in the line of vertebrate descent, and represent an earlier stage than that of the tunicates. But here the chain seems to end, for Balano- glossus is itself unusually isolated and shows no close affinity to any other invertebrate types. There is, in such cases, but 536 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY one possible way out, a single remaining clew, and that is, the embryology of the form in question, and even here the primary, historic features may be overlaid with secondary changes rendered necessary as an adaptation, and thus the value of a given feature is often hard to estimate. In the case of Balanoglossus, however, it seems probable that the early development is in great part an actual repetition of the race- history, but if so, it leads us to surprising and not very satis- fying results, for the animal begins life as a minute transparent floating larva, the Tornaria-) furnished with bands of cilia, by which it moves, a larva strikingly like that of star-fish, sea- urchins, and other echinoderms, and one which an unprejudiced A B FIG. 149. Comparison of Tornaria larva with larval Echinoderms. [After O. HAMANN.] Main ciliated bands in black, lesser systems cross- lined. (A) Tornaria, ventral view. (B) Tornaria, dorsal view. (C) Auricularia, ven- tral view. (D) Bipinnaria, ventral view. mind would not hesitate to classify with these latter. These larvae are all of about the same size, all bilateral in structure, all transparent and equipped with bands of cilia, and there is even a close correspondence in the manner of disposal of these bands. In the case of the echinoderms the universal occurrence of such larvae is taken everywhere as a proof that they represent an early stage in the history of the Class, and that the ancestors of these radiate, crawling, or sessile, bottom forms were bi- lateral and pelagic. Now it would be highly improbable that THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES 537 an unrelated form should, as an adaptation, so modify its early stages as to resemble these echinoderm larvae as closely as does the Tornaria, and the only alternative is to accept as a very ancient common ancestor of both echinoderms and verte- brates the form which all these larvce may be said to copy; a form having the characteristics common to all, including bi- laterally, minute size, transparency, locomotion by bands of cilia, and pelagic life. The lineal descendants of this hypotheti- cal ancestor chose two paths, the one leading to the Echino- dermata, the other to Balanoglossus, the Tunicata, Amphi- oxus, and eventually the Vertebrata. This theory, although incomplete and unsatisfactory in B FIG. 150. Comparison of Tornaria and Echinoderm larvae, lateral views. [After BALFOUR.] (A) Tornaria. (B) Auricularia. (C) Bipinnaria. a, apical area; b, oral area; c, post-oral area; d, anal area. parts, is consistent with the most approved lines of biological thought; it rests upon development as well as adult structure, and bears the indorsement of the majority of investigators at the present time. The weakest part of the argument is that of the significance of the Tornaria larva ; and while the acceptance of this gives us very little enlightenment, to abandon it would be to sacrifice but little, and would render the gulf between the adult Balanoglossus and other invertebrates only a little more profound. To summarize in the words of two recent 538 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY authors,* " The question of the descent of the Chordata is not solved by accepting their relationship to the Enteropneusta, since this latter group holds an uncommonly isolated position. Only from the structure of the Balanoglossus larva can there be concluded a distant connection with the echinoderms. We must resign ourselves to the thought that at the present time we are not in a condition to assert from what ancestral form the Chordata, and with them Balanoglossus, are to be derived. The origin of the vertebrates is lost in the obscurity of forms unknown to us." * Korschelt u. Heider. Entwickelungsgeschichte. Jena, 1893, p. 1465. "Die Frage nach der Abstammung der Chordaten wird durch die An- nahme von verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen derselben zu den Enterop- neusten nicht gelost, da die letzere Gruppe selbst ungemein isolirt dasteht. Nur aus dem Bau der Balanoglossuslarve lasst sich eine entferntere Zusammenhang mit den Echinodermen erschliessen. Wir miissen uns bei den Gedanken resigniren, dass wir vorlaufig nicht im Stande sind, anzugeben, von welchen Urformen die Chordaten und mit ihnen Balan- oglossus herzuleiten sind. Der Ursprung der Wirbelthiere verliert sich in das Dunkel uns unbekannter Formen." - APPENDIX CLASSIFICATION OF THE VERTEBRATA. The following list of the larger subdivisions of the Vertebrata, arranged in synoptical form, may be of use in explaining the names of groups as used in the body of the work. Through the labors of palaeontologists so many forms have been unearthed and so many new groups established that it seems best to include in the list these latter as well as modern animals, especially since many of the extinct groups consist of generalized forms from which several living groups have differentiated. The names of all groups, of whatever rank, that contain living representatives are printed in bold-faced type; those groups in which these latter are represented by but one or two isolated forms are farther designated with an asterisk. In this way the amount of dam- age wrought in the phylogenetic record, as well as the relative position of the groups, may be seen at a glance. The synopsis follows : VERTEBRATA (or Chordata). Division I. Cyclostomata.* Class I. Marsipobranchii.* Sub-Class I. Cyclostomi.* Order I. Myxinoidea * (Myxine, the hag-fish). Order 2. Petromyzontoidea * (Petromyzon, the lamprey eel). Sub-Class II. Ostracodermi. Order i. Heterostraci (Pteraspis). ' Order 2. Osteostraci (Cephalaspis). Order 3. Antiarchi (Pterichthys). 539 540 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY Division II. Gnathostomata. Super-Class I. Ichthyoidea. Class I. Pisces. Sub-Class I. Elasmobranchii. Order i. Pleuropterygii (Cladoselache) . Order 2. Ichthyotomi (P I eur acanthus). Order 3. Acanthodii (A cant hod es, Diplacanthus). Order 4. Selachii. Sub-Order I. Squall (sharks, dog-fish). Sub-Order 2. Raiae (skates). Sub-Class II. Holocephali.* Order i. Chimaeroidei * (Chimcera). Sub-Class III. Dipnoi.* Order i. Sirenoidei * (Protopterus, Ceratodus). Order 2. Arthrodira (Coccosteus, Dinichthys). Sub-Class IV. Teleostomi. Order i. Crossopterygii.* Sub-Order i. Haplistia (Tarrasius). Sub-Order 2. Rhipidistia (Holoptychius; Oste- olepis). Sub-Order 3. Actinistia (Ccelacanthus ; Undina). Sub-Order 4. Polypteroidei * (Polypterus; Cala- moichthys). Order 2. Actinopterygii. Sub-Order i. Chondrostei * (Palaoniscus ; Aci- penser, sturgeon). Sub-Order 2. Protospondyli * (Lepidottts; Eu- gnathus; Amia, bow-fin). Sub-Order 3. ^Etheospondyli * (Aspidorhynchiis; Lepisosteus, gar-pike). Sub-Order 4. Isospondyli (Leptolepis; herring; salmon; trout). Sub-Order 5. Eventognathi (carp ; minnow; sucker). Sub-Order 6. Nematognathi (siluroids, e.g. bull- heads, cat-fish, etc.). Sub-Order 7. Haplomi (pike; killifish). Sub-Order 8. Apodes (eels). Sub-Order 9. Synentognathi (flying-fish). APPENDIX 541 Sub-Order 10. Lophobranchii (sea-horse; pipe- fish). Sub-Order n. Hemibranchii (stickleback). Sub-Order 12. Acanthopteri (mackerel; cod; perch; sculpin; flounder). Sub-Order 13. Pediculati (angler-fish; frog-fish). [In the Class of Pisces the process of extinction has left in our modern fauna five more or less isolated groups, usually treated as Orders. These are the Selachii, Holo- cephali, Dipnoi, Ganoidei and Teleostei. The first is the only remaining group of the elasmobranchSj of the second and third the only fossils known are much like those of the present day and their affinities have thus not been definitely traced ; and the fourth and fifth are respectively the earlier and later types of teleostomes. The living ganoids are very few in number and are for the most part unrelated to one another. There are but two crossoptergyians, and but one or two living genera of each of the three groups Chondrostei, Protospon- dyli, and sEtheospondyli. At this point the " ganoids " are considered to end, and the remaining Sub-orders, be- ginning with the Isospondyli, are included with the tele- osts (i. e. Teleostei, to be carefully distinguished from Teleostomi, the larger group). Sub-orders 4-8 are sometimes grouped as the Physostomi and the remaining sub-orders, 5-13, as the Physoclysti. In the former of these the air-bladder retains its connec- tion with the alimentary canal; in the latter this becomes lost during development and the air-bladder is a closed sac.] Class II. Amphibia (Batrachia). Order i. Urodela. Sub-Order i. Perennibranchiata (Necturus; Si- ren). Sub-Order 2. Derotremata (Cryptobranchus). Sub-Order 3. Salamandrida (newts; salaman- ders). Order 2. Gymnophiona (subterranean forms, with- out limbs or eyes). Order 3. Anura. Sub-Order i. Aglossa * (Surinam toad). Sub-Order 2. Arcifera (toads; tree-toads). Sub-Order 3. Firmisternia (frogs). 542 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY Order 4. Stegocephali. Sub-Order I. Branchiosauria (Branchiosaurus) . Sub-Order 2. Aistopoda (snake-like forms, with- out limbs). Sub- Order 3. Microsauria (small forms, in shape like salamanders). Sub-Order 4. Labyrinthodontia (Archcegosaurus, Mastodonsaurus) . [Of the four Orders of Amphibia, one is entirely extinct and the other three essentially modern, and with few traces of older representatives. With regard to the ex- tinct group, that of Stegocephali, it could be placed in the list either at the first or the last, since it shows strong affinities to both ganoids and reptiles and thus lies inter- mediate between the two. The modern Orders seem to have arisen directly from the Stegocephali, the Urodela being the least altered and hence the most important morphologically. This complex relationship between the groups mentioned, the Ganoidei, Stegocephali, Urodela, Reptilia, etc., cannot thus be represented in linear lines but may be partly expressed in the form of a tree, as in the diagram given in Chapter II. (p. 28). The three modern Orders of Urodela, Gymnophiona, and Anura, are quite distinct from one another, and, the first and third espe- cially, are well represented in the living fauna.] Super-Class II. Sauropsida. Class III. Reptilia. Order i. Theromorpha. Sub-Order i. Pariasauria (Pariasaurus). Sub-Order 2. Theriodontia (Cynognathus; Trity- lodon). Sub-Order 3. Dicynodontia (Dicynodon; Gordo- nia). Order 2. Sauropterygia (Pleisiosaurus; Cryptocli- dus). Order 3. Chelonia. Sub-Order i. Cryptodira (the majority of living turtles). Sub-Order 2. Pleurodira (Miolania; Chelys). Sub-Order 3. Trionychia (soft-shelled turtles). Order 4. Ichthyopterygia (Ichthyosaurus). APPENDIX 543 Order 5. Rhynchocephalia.* Sub-Order i. Proterosauria (Proterosaurus ; Pa- Iceohatteria) . Sub-Order 2. Rhynchocephalia vera * (Sphe no- don [Hatteria], the only living representative of the Order). Order 6. Squamata. Sub-Order I. Dolichosauria (Dolichosaurus). Sub-Order 2. Pythonomorpha (Mosasaurus). Sub-Order 3. Lacertilia (lizards). Sub-Order 4. Ophidia (snakes). Order 7. Dinosauria. Sub-Order I. Theropoda (Anchisaurus) . Sub-Order 2. Sauropoda (Brontosaurus). Sub-Order 3. Ornithopoda (Iguanodon; Stego- saurus). Order 8. Crocodilia.* Sub-Order i. Parasuchia (Belodon). Sub-Order 2. Mesosuchia (Pelagosaurus; Teleo- saurus) . Sub-Order 3. Eusuchia * (Thoracosaurus ; Croco- dilus; Alligator). Order 9. Pterosauria (Pterodactylus; Rhamporhyn- chus). [As is indicated above by the difference in type the proc- ess of extinction in the group of Reptilia has gone very far, leaving but four isolated spots to be represented among the living forms; (i) the Chelonia, essentially a modern group, (2) the Rhynchocephalia, represented by a single living species, (3) the last two Sub-Orders of the Squamata, the lizards and snakes, and (4) a very few modern representa- tives or the Crocodilia. In arrangements in which living forms are alone taken into consideration, these are given as five Orders; the lizards and snakes count as two; in the earlier works Sphenodon was counted among the lizards, redr.cing the number to four. The Orders, as thus arranged, are as follows : Chelonia, Rhynchocephalia, Lacertilia f Ophidia, Crocodilia.} Class IV. Aves. Order i. Saururae (Arch&opteryx; Laopteryx). Order 2. Odontormae (Ichthyornis; Apatornis). 544 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY Order 3. Odontoholcse (Hesperornis; Lestornis). Order 4. Eurhipidurae. Sub-Order i. Dromaeognathi. Section I. Struthiones (ostrich, casuary). Section II. Aepiornithes (^piornis). Section III. Apteryges * (Apteryx). Section IV. Crypturi (tinamoo, Crypturus). Section V. Gastornithes (Gastornis). Sub-Order 2. Impennes (penguins). Sub-Order 3. Euornithes [a recent group, begin- ning in the Eocene], Section I. Desmognathae (ducks; herons; eagles; hawks; owls; cuckoos; kingfisher ; trogon ; parrot) . Section II. Schizognathae (grebes; loons; gulls; snipes; grouse; quails; pigeons; humming-birds ; woodpeckers ) . Section III. .^Egithognathae (Passeres, a group which includes over one-half of the species of living birds). Super-Class III. Mammalia. Class V. Mammalia. Sub-Class I. Prototheria * [Ornithodelphia]. Order i. Pantotheria (Dromotherium; Amphilestes). Order 2. Multituberculata (Ctenadon; Polymasto- don). Order 3. Monotremata * (Ornithorhynchus; Echid- na). Sub-Class II. Eutheria. Super-Order i. Didelphia [Marsupialia]. Order I. Polyprotodontia (opossum; Thylacinus). Order 2. Paucituberculata * (Ccenolestes). Order 3. Diprotodontia (Petaurus; wombat; kan- garoo). Super-Order 2. Monodelphia [Placentalia]. Order i. Insectivora (moles; shrews; hedgehog). Order 2. Cheiroptera (bats). Order 3. Galeopithecidae * (flying lemur). Order 4. Edentata. APPENDIX 545 Sub-Order I. Tubulidentata * (Orycteropus, the earth-hog or " aard-vark."). Sub-Order 2. Pholidota * (Manis, a scaled animal of Asia and Africa). Sub-Order 3. Xenarthra (Glyptodon; Megathe- rium; Grypotherium; ant-eaters; armadilloes; sloths). Order 5. Rodentia. Sub-Order i. Tillodontia ( Tillotherium; Es- thonyx) . Sub-Order 2. Duplicidentata (hares; rabbits). Sub-Order 3. Simplicidentata (squirrels; beavers; mice). Order 6. Primates. Sub-Order i. Mesodonta (Adapis; Anaptomor- phus). Sub-Order 2. Lemuroidea (Lemurs; Chiromys; Tar si us). Sub-Order 3. Anthropoidea. Division i. Platyrrhini (Hapale; Midas; Ce- bus). Division 2. Catarrhini (Cercopithecus; Semno- pithecus; Gorilla; Homo). Order 7. Creodonta (Arctocyon; Hyanodon). Order 8. Carnivora (cats; dogs; bear; weasel). Order 9. Pinnipedia (seals; walrus; sea-lion). Order 10. Cetacea (whales; porpoises). Order n. Condylarthra (Phenacodus). Order 12. Hyracoidea * (Procavia [Hyrax]). Order 13. Amblypoda (Coryphodon). Order 14. Sirenia * (manatee; dugong). Order 15. Proboscidea * (Mastodon; elephants). Order 16. Ancylopoda (Homalodontotherium). Order 17. Typotheria (Typotherium). Order 18. Toxodontia (Toxodon). Order 19. Litopterna (Proterotherium). Order 20. Perissodactyla (Palaotherium; Titano- therium; rhinoceros; horse). Order 21. Artiodactyla. 546 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY Sub-Order i. Suina (Elotherium; pigs; peccaries; hippopotamus). Sub-Order 2. Tylopoda (Oreodon; camel; llama). Sub-Order 3. Anthracotherioidea (Anthrac other i- um). Sub-Order 4. Dichobunoidea (Dichobune; Ano- plotherium). Sub-Order 5. Traguloidea (Tragulus, several small species in E. Indies). Sub-Order 6. Pecora (deer; sheep; cattle; gi- raffe). [The arrangement of animal groups in the form of a list, in which they follow one another in a single series, is seldom more unsatisfactory than it is in the case of mammals. The inadequacy of this method in expressing the true relationships is seen if the list be compared with the phylogenetic tree given in Chapter II. (p. 36). There are several distinct stems to be followed and the order in which they are taken in a list is largely a matter of preference. Here the attempt is made to proceed from the generalized to the more specialized ones, and thus the main stem of the Inscctivora is taken first ; then that of the Primates, and lastly the complex and highly spe- cialized branch leading- to the carnivore and ungulate Orders. This arrangement has the advantage of empha- sizing the primitive and rather generalized structure of the Primates as compared with the groups just men- tioned, a comparison entirely lost sight of by the usual arrangement, which places the apes and man at the top. If the arrangement be made solely on the basis of the development of the nervous system there can be no ques- tion of the rightfulness of this position; but if all the systems be taken into consideration, and especially the bones, muscles and teeth, which in other groups form the principal criteria for the purpose of classification, the Primates are found to have retained a larger number of primitive characters than any other placenta! group with the exception of the Insectivora, Rodentia, and Edentata, and thus to stand far loivcr in the scale of specialisation than the manifold descendants of the Creodonta and Condylarthra. The arrangement of the subdivisions of the Primates given above is a conservative one, and will accord with the most of the literature on the subject. Certain im- portant modifications have, however, been recently pro- APPENDIX 547 posed, based upon a more complete study of anatomical characters. Through these the extinct genus Anaptomor- phus, which is probably very near the direct ancestral line leading to Man, has been placed in Sub-order 3, Anthropoidea, and with it has been placed the living genus, Tarsius, a closely related form. For convenience in classification all the descendants of the Condylarthra, together with this latter, but excepting the aberrant Sirenia, are often grouped together under the single Order of Ungulata, or hoofed animals, connected both by descent and by the common peculiarities embodied in the name. This will include Orders 11-21 in the above list. In the same way the Creodonta may be included in the Carnivora, although the Cetacea are treated as a sepa- rate, though allied group. The Galeopithecoidea are often included within the Insectivora. This reduces the Orders of placenta! mammals to nine, viz : Insectivora, Cheiroptera, Edentata, Rodentia, Primates, Ungulata, Sirenia, Cetacea, Carnivora. There are, of course, as in all groups of ani- mals, many other possible arrangements, the differences being based on the relative value of the various groups, their relationships to one another, and the comparative de- gree of specialization of each ; points upon which there is much room for difference of opinion.] Owing to the extinction of so many of the groups, especially those forming the connection between two others, a classification that rests wholly upon living forms is far from complete and in some points differently arranged from one that includes all known forms. Thus among the fishes the selachians alone are left of all the elasmobranchs ; a few remnants remain of the first few Orders of teleostomes, isolated from one another and from the others ; and of the Holocephali and Dipnoi only a few species occur. Among the amphibians, the Stegocephali, the most im- portant Order of all, have disappeared entirely, and among the reptiles a still greater destruction has left but four isolated spots in a once continuous history. This loss has affected also all the transition forms between reptiles and the modern type of birds, and completely isolated the Aves from all related forms. The mammals are still rich in Orders but the synthetic types that once united them have long since disappeared. Without going into the Sub-Orders this abbreviated classification, in some respects different from the above synopsis, may be given here for con- venience in comparison. Only the gnathostomes may be con- sidered. 548 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN BODY SYNOPSIS OF VERTEBRATA (living forms alone). Class I. Pisces. Sub-Class I. Selachii. Sub-Class II. Holocephali (often considered with the previous group). Sub-Class III. Ganoidei. Sub-Class IV. Teleostei. Sub-Class V. Dipnoi. Class II. Amphibia. Order i. Urodela. Order 2. Gymnophiona. Order 3. Anura. Class III. Reptilia. Order i. Chelonia. Order 2. Lacertilia (including Sphenodon). Order 3. Ophidia. Order 4. Crocodilia. Class IV. Aves. Sub-Class I. Ratitse (running birds; with flat breast- bone, e.g. Ostrich). Sub-Class II. Carinatse (flying birds; with keeled breast-bone). Class V. Mammalia. Sub-Class I. Prototheria. Order i. Monotremata. Sub-Class II. Eutheria. Super-Order i. Didelphia (Marsupialia). Super-Order 2. Monodelphia (Placentalia). Order i. Edentata. Order 2. Insectivora. Order 3. Rodentia. Order 4. Cetacea. Order 5. Sirenia. Order 6. Ungulata. Order 6a. Proboscidea (occasionally separated from the Ungulata). Order 6b. Hyracoidea (occasionally separated from the Ungulata). APPENDIX 549 Order 7. Carnivora. Order 8. Cheiroptera. Order 9. Primates. In this arrangement there will be noticed especially the separa- tion of ganoids and teleosts, the small number of reptilian Or- ders, the complete isolation of the birds, and the arrangement of the mammalian Orders in such a way as to bring the Primates at the top. Certain of these faults, like the isolation of the birds, have been corrected for some time, the separation of ganoids and teleosts is a convenient one for purposes of comparative anat- omy, and is employed for this purpose in the body of this work. The arrangement of the mammals to show the supremacy of Man is natural, and is based, of course, in part, on the high de- velopment of the brain, but much is due to natural human pride which recognizes man's mental supremacy, and feels that a su- premacy in physical structure must also be granted. As a matter of fact, in all other aspects save that of the brain, the apes and man are rather primitive in their structure and show a far less bodily specialization than almost any of the other living Orders of mammals, the Insectivora and a few others being alone excepted. INDEX (In "using this index consult, for a given animal, both the sci- entific and common names.) abdominal ribs, 141 abomasus, 292 achselbogen, 251 acinous glands, 97, 112 Acipenser, 171 acoelous vertebrae, 131 acoustic hairs, 467 acoustic maculae, 409 adenoid tissue, 362 afferent nerves, 408, 435 air-bladder, 270, 310, 311 air-cells, 314 albatross, 478 alimentary canal, 258, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 299, 365 alisphenoids, 148 allantoic arteries, 70, 71 allantoic veins, 70, 71 allantois, 70, 71, 322, 323, 324, 377, 378 alveoli, of jaws, 273 alveoli, of lungs, 314 Amblypoda, 38 Ammocoetes, 477 Ammon's horn, 417 amnion, 70, 71 Amniota, 19, 70, 78, 174, 373, 378, 383, 384, 385, 393, 427, amniotic fluid, 70, 71 amphibians, no, 148, 166, 170, 174, 178, 200, 202, 203, 220, 239, 245, 253, 271, 272, 283, 288, 291, 294, 296, 308, 310, 322, 328, 331, 344, 346, 347, 353, 356, 358, 369, 375, 383, 392, 398, 409, 415, 416, 419, 427, 439, 444, 456, 464, 465, amphibians (Continued) 472, 479, 484, 488, 489, 491, 504, 5i8 amphiccelous vertebrae, 127 Amphioxus, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 44, 59, 61, 63, 66, 67, 76, 123, 143, 152, 154, 162, 163, 200, 260, 267, 289, 290, 303, 305, 306, 353, 365, 411, 432, 436, 443, 445, 460, 461, 476, 503, 515, 517, 521, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 531, 533, 534, 537 amphirrhine condition, 476 Amphiuma, 305, 313 amplexation, 383, 397 ampullae, of semicircular canals, 487 ampullae, of slime canals, 471 260, anal fin, 164 298, anal sacs, 113 Anamnia, 70, 78, 384 Anarrhichas, 489 Ancylopoda, 38 angulare, 156 347, annelids, 368, 460, 512, 513, 514, 515, 517, 518, 519, 520, 524 annelid theory of vertebrate ances- try, 513, 520 ansa hypoglossi, 458 ant-eater, 316, 393 anterior girdle, 130 anthropoids, 38, 41, 43, 45, 90, 214, 375, 226, 230, 251, 256, 298, 409, 447, 457 480, 496, 500, 504 antitropists, 244 172, antrnm of Highmore, 482 237, Anura, 31, 220, 313, 355, 486, 493, 285, 495 319, anus, 258, 259, 296 352, aorta, aortse, 320, 326, 339, 351, 354 385, apes, 45, 214, 223, 229, 253, 297, 425, 390 469, apical pads, 91 551 552 INDEX appendages, 510 appendicular muscles, 190, 192, 193 appendictilar skeleton, 122, 162 appendix, 297, 298 appendix testis, 392, 394 aqueductus cerebri, 412 aqueductus Sylvii, 412 aqueductus vestibuli, 486 aqueous humor, of eye, 501 arachnoids, 522, "524 arachnoid theory of vertebrate an- cestry, 522, 525 Archaeopteryx, 19, 32 archencephalon, 411, 443, 527 archetype, 500, 509 archipterygium, 176, 185 archisternum, 138, 141 area centralis, of retina, 499 armadillo, 85, 393 Artemia, 55 arterial arches, 320, 321, 328-339 artery, or arteries: 318, 328; al- lantoic, 322; anonyma, 332; aorta, aortse, 320, 326, 339, 351, 354; aortic arch, 331, 356; affer- ent branchials, 325, 329; arterial arches, 320, 321, 328; branchials, afferent, 325, 329; branchials, efferent, 326; carotid, 321, 326, 332-339; carotis cerebralis, 333, 338; caudal, 339; common carotid, 338; ductus arteriosus, 331 ; ductus botalli, 331 ; efferent branchials, 326; external carotid, 338; hypoglossal, 335; iliac, 322, 326, 339; innominata, 332; in- fra-orbital, 335; intercostal, 339; internal carotid, 338; liga- mentum arteriosum, 330; liga- mentum botalli, 330, 331; lingu- alis, 3355 lumbar, 339; man- dibularis, 335, 338; maxillaris, 335; mesenteric, 339, 340; poste- rior aorta, 320; pulmocuta- neous, 330; pulmonary, 330; 354; sacralis media, 339, 340; seg- mental, 335; stapedialis, 159, 337, 338; subclaviae secundarise, 331; subclavian, 322, 326, 332, 339; supra-orbital, 335; umbili- cal, 322; vertebralis cerebralis.^ 335- articulare, 159, 495 articulates, 258, 259, 463 articulation of jaw, 450 Artiodactyla, 39 arytaenoids, 160, 313 Ascalabotae, 487 Ascaris, 54 assimilation, 2 Ateles, 254 atlas, 133 atriopore, of Amphioxus, 526 atrium, 324, 353, 357 auditory hairs, 488 auditory ossicles, 159 auditory tube, 494 auricula, 496, 497 Auricularia, 536, 537 axial muscles, 190, 192, 200, 217 axial skeleton, 122 axillary arch, 251 axis, 133 axolotl, 440 B babyroussa, 274 Balanoglossus, 26, 303, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537 basihyal, 160, 284 basioccipital, 150 basipterygium, 169, 175 basisphenoid, 150 bat, 183, 184, 292, 394, 433, 496 bats, insectivorous, 301 beak: of birds, 84, 105; of tur- tles, 84. beaker cells, no belly, of a muscle, 197 biogenesis, law of, 15, 58 Bipinnaria, 536, 537 birds, in, 172, 174, 182, 183, 184, 201, 202, 203, 220, 249, 253, 263, 268, 272, 290, 296, 315, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 360, 375, 377, 35, 386, 398, 414, 415, 416, 419, 426, 437, 439, 465, 475, 483, 488, 489, 491, 495, 500, 504 birds, toothed, 272 bisexual, 49 bladder, 377, 378 blastocoele, 59 blastodermic vesicle, 73 blastula, 58 INDEX 553 blood, 318, 356 blood vessels, 65, 79, 318 body axis, 60, 61 body, of a vertebra, 127 body wall, 365 bone complexes of skull, 151 bone, or bones (see skeletal ele- ments) bony labyrinth, 492, 493 Bovidae, 276 Bowman's capsule, 373, 374 brachial plexus, 438, 439, 440, 441 brain, communication with out- side world, 409 brain, development of, 410, 427 branchial arches, 155 branchial system, 260 Branchiostoma (see Amphioxus) broad ligament, of uterus, 387, 390 bronchi, origin of, 270 bronchioli, 315 .Bubo, 489 buccal glands, 285 bulbo-urethral glands, 403 bull-heads, 475 bursa inguinalis, 395 bursa ovarica, 387 caducibranchiate amphibians, 307 caenogenetic characters, 16 canalis centralis, 62 canalis centralis, of spinal cord, 406 canals of Lorenzini, 469, 473, 502 Canidae, 286 canines, 275 Canis, 87 capillaries, 318 carapace : armadillo, 85 ; turtles, 105 Carchesium, 8 cardiac end of stomach, 291 Carnivora, 37, 38, 175, 239, 250, 291, 394, 402, 417, 480, 484 carotid gland, 288 carpus : nomenclature of, I77> 178, 179, 180; various forms of, 179; primitive condition of, 179; supernumerary elements, 181. cartilage, or cartilages (see skeletal elements) cartilage bones, 148 cartilage lateralis, 160 cassowary, 440 cat, 271, 276, 287, 419, 491 Catarrhini, 41, 278 cauda equina, 431 caudal fin, 164 caudal vertebrae, 130 cavernous tissue, 398, 399, 404 cell membrane, 3 centers of ossification, 83, 148 centrifugal nerves, 435 centripetal nerves, 408, 435 centrum of a vertebra, 127, 508, 5io Cephalophus, 112 cephalopod eye, 499 cephalopods, 499, 501 cerato-hyal, 160, 284 Cercopithecidae, 45 cerebellum, 412, 417, 425, 426 cerebral hemispheres, 411, 413, 416 cerebrum, 411, 415-418, 425 cervical fistula, 269 cervical intumescence, in cord, 433 cervical rib, 138 cervical vertebrae, 130 Cervus, 299 Cestracion, 186 Cetacea, 20, 38, 40, 98, 113, 116, 175, 184, 275, 277, 285, 300, 316, 393 Chelonia, 33, 44 Chimaera, 489 chimpanzee, 45 chiridium, derivation from fin, 186, 220 Chironomus, 429 Chiroptera, 37 chiropterygium, 167, 184 chiropterygium, typical form of, 177 chiropterygium vs. ichthyoptery- gium, 184-188 Chlamydoselachus, 186 choanae, 269, 478 Choloepus, 112, 113 chondrocranium, 145, 146, 153, 156 chordo gubernaculi, 395 Chordata, 538 chorioid plexuses, 413, 419, 420 chorion, 70, 71, 72 554 INDEX chorionic villi, 70, 71 chorioid coat of eye, 498, 501 chorioid fissure of eye, 500 chromatin, 54, 58 chromosomes 54, 58 chromosomes: number of, 54, 55, 57 Chrysochloris, 1 12, 113 ciliary ganglion, 447 ciliary glands, 505 circulation, in selachians, 324, 325 circumvallate papillae, 476 cisternae chyli, 362 clavicle, 173, 174, 175 claws, 105, 106, 107 cleithrum, 173 clitoris, 398, 404 cloaca, 266, 296, 370, 375, 378, 381, 383, 403 cloacal cceca, 266 cloacal glands, no closed type of circulation, 317, 318 Cobitis, 303 coccyx, 135 cochlea, 488, 491, 492 cceca, of intestine, 296, 297, 298 Coelenterata, 59, 60 Ccelogenys, 86, 491 ccelom, 64, 66, 258, 365, 368, 369, 37i, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378, 381, 382 colic cceca, 266 colon, 298 colon labyrinths, 298 columella auris, 494 columns, of spinal cord, 434 commissures, of brain, 418, 427 concha, of ear, 161 conchae, of nose, 480-482 concrescence theory, 280 Condylarthra, 38, 40 conjunctiva, 498, 504 contact sense, 468 continuity of germ plasm, 58 continuity of life, 12 conjugation, 6, 49, 50, 51 conus arteriosus, 324, 353 conus inguinalis, 395 Cooper's fascia, 396 convolutions, of brain, 417 copulation, 49, 380, 381, 398 coracoid, 174 coracoid process, 175 coral polyps, 60 corium, 76, 78 cornea, 501 corpora bigemina, 425 corpora cavernosa, 399, 404 corpora striata, 413, 416, 426 corpora quadrigemina, 425 corpus callosum, 418 corpus cavernosum urethrse, 404 corpus fibrosum, 398 corpus spongiosum, 404 cortex cerebri, 417 costal cartilages, 136 cotyledonal placenta, 72 cranial nerves, 427, 442-458 cremaster, 396 Creodonta, 37, 40 cricoid, 314 cristae acusticae, 490 Crocidura, 92 crocodile, 164, 272, 360, 377, 398, 399, 483, 491, 495 crop, 290 crura cerebri, 426, 427 crustaceans, 259, 463 Cryptobranchus, 31, 235, 305 crystalline lens, 423, 498, 501, 502 ctenoid scales, 83 cuticula of invertebrates, 76 cutis, 76 Cuvier, theories of types, 506, 507 cyanosis, 357 cycloid scales, 83 Cyclops, 55 cyclostoma, 266 cyclostomes, 28, 29, 44, 49, 200, 267, 286, 287, 289, 305, 347, 365, 369, 379, 38o, 411, 420, 433, 437, 444, 461, 487, 488, 489, 490, 516 D Darwin, Charles : theory of de- scent, 510, 512 Darwin's point, on ear, 497 Dasyurus, 86 decidua, 72 deciduate placenta, 73 deer, 299 Delphinus, 277 INDEX 555 dental formulae, 276-277 dermal bones, 79, 82, 146, 147, 156 dermal scutes, 79, 83, 147 dentary, 156 dentine, 79 dermal canal system, 448 descensus ovariorum, 392 descenscs testiculorum, 203, 392, 393 Desmodus, 292 Desmognathns, 309, 343 developmental history, 15 development of hair, 96 devil-fish, 499 diaphragm, 316 diapophyses, 138, 508, 510 Didelphia, 36 diencephalon, 411, 418-425, 443 diffuse placenta, 72 digestive cavity, 258, 315 digestive glands, 262 digits: names of, 177; number of, 182 ; reduction of, 182. dinosaurs, 32 diphyodont dentition, 280 dipnoans, 30, 176, 449, 453, 454, 457, 478 discoidal placenta, 72 dissepiments, 367 diverticula of intestine, 266 dog, 271, 286 dog-fish, 414, 415, 419, 446, 461, 478 dorsal fin, 164 dorsal nerves, 436 dragon-fly, 428 drum of ear, 493-496 Dryopithecus, 44 duck, 296 duck-billed platypus, 33 duct of Cuvier, 322 ductns arteriosus, 331 ductus Botalli, 331 ductus Cuvieri, 322 ductus deferens, 377, 383, 385, 386, 392, 393, 394, 401 ductus endolymphaticus, 486 ductus venosus Arantii, 348 duodenum, 266, 294 duplex placenta, 72 Duplicidentata, 37 E ear, 485-497 ear, of anthropoid, 496-497 ear, external, 161, 496, 497 earth-worm, 460 ecdyses, 77 ; of epitrichium, 95 Echidna, mammary pocket of, 114 Echidna, 33, 288 echinoderms, 26, 258, 536-538 ectoderm, 60, 63, 257 ectoturbinalia, 480 Edentata, 37, 291 eel, 432 efferent nerves, 435 eggs, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 69, 73 elephant, 274, 484 enamel, 79 endochondral ossification, 148 endoderm, 60, 63, 257 endolymph, 488, 492 endolymphatic space, 357 endolymphatic cavity, 493 endolymphatic duct, 486 endoskeleton, 122 endoskeleton, parts of, 122 endostyle, 289, 528, 531 endoturbinalia, 480 Enteropneusta, 260, 535, 538 entocone, 279 epi-hyal, 160, 284 epidermic warts, 88, 89, 90 epidermis, 76, 408 epididymis, 385, 386, 394 epiglottis, 160, 313 epimere, 64, 65 epimeres, 190, 245 epimeric muscles, 190, 192 epi-otics, 148 epiphysis, 420, 421, 422 episternum, 141 epithelial bodies, 363 epithelial corpuscles, 286 epitrichium, 95 eponychium, 95 epoophoron, 391, 394 Equus, 390 erectile tissue, 398, 399 Erinaceus, 402, 491 erythrocytes, 318, 364 ethmoid, 148 ethmo-turbinal, 479, 480 556 INDEX Eurypterus, 524 Eustachian tube, 269, 494 Eutheria, 35 excretory tubules, 365, 366 exoccipitals, 148 exoskeleton, 79 exoskeleton of reptiles and birds, 84 external ear, 161, 496, 497 external genitals : male, 398-401 ; female, 403 ; development of, 403-405. exuviae, 77 external nose, 484 eye, 497-505 eyeball, muscles of, 503 eyeball, skeletal elements of, 144, 145, 151 eyeball, size of, 503 eyebrows, 505 eye-capsules, 145 eye, development of, 422, 423 eyelids, 498, 503, 504 eye of cephalopod, 499 Fallopian tube, 387 fascia cremasterica, 396 femoral glands, of lizard, no, III fenestra cochleae, 494 fenestra ovalis, of ear, 493 fertilization, 50, 379, 397, 398 fetal circulation, 320-324, 332-339, 342-352, 357 field-mouse, 91 fifth ventricle, 418 filum terminale, 431 fins of fishes, 164, 167 fin, development of, 168, 218-219 fin-fold, 327 fin-fold theory, 163, 238 fin rays vs. digits, 184, 185 fin spines, 162 fin vs. hand, 184-188 fishes, 29, 30, no, 148, 163, 164, 165, 167, 175, 192, 200, 245, 247, 262, 263, 268, 271, 272, 285, 291, 296, 304, 306, 307, 310, 311, 324, 330, 339, 342, 347, 352, 353, 355, 358, 375, 409, 425, 436, 437, 452, 460, 465, 468, 469, 471, 484, 485, 488, 490, 491, 503, 517, 519, 527- fission, 4, 5 fiss'ues, of brain, 417 fissue of Rolando, 417 fissue of Sylvins, 417 flat-worms, 520 flexures, in brain, 414 fly, 428 fly, nervous system of, 428 foliate papillae, 476 foramen epiploicum, 294 foramen interventriculare, 411, 416, 420 foramen of Monro, 411 foramen ovale (of heart), 357 foramina of Majendie, 413 forebrain, 411, 443 fossa rhomboidalis, 427 fourth ventricle, of brain, 412 fovea centralis, of retina, 499 free-limbs: development of, 218, 219; early history of, 175, 176, 177 ; modifications of, 165, 182, 183, 184; nomenclature of, 178; origin of, 165 ; serial homology of, 178; typical skeleton of, 176. free nerve endings, 473 friction ridges, 90, 107 ; formation of, 88, 89, 90; ground plan of, 92; relation to pads, 90, 91. friction ridge patterns, 92, 93 frog, 198, 263, 264, 285, 290, 307, 313, 359, 37i, 397, 420, 426, 428, 430, 439, 440, 489, 526 frontal organ, 420 fundus of stomach, 292 furcula, 174 galea aponeurotica, 255 Galeopithecus, 37 gametes, 7, 49, 55 ganglion, or ganglia : buccale, 456; ciliary, 447, 452, 464; gas- serian, 448, 456; geniculare, 454, 456; jugulare, 453, 456; laterale, 453, 456; list of, in head, 456; mandibulare, 456; of articulates, 428, 429, 463; of fly, 428, 429; of myriapod, 428; otic, 451, 452, 455, 464; ophthalmicum profun- dum, 456; ophthalmicum super- ficiale, 456; petrosum, 454, 456; INDEX 557 ganglion, or ganglia (Continued) semilunare, 448, 449; spinal, 436; spheno-palatine, 452, 455, 456, 464; submaxillary, 452, 464; sympathetic, 451, 463. ganoids, 29, 44, 148, 149, 170, 171, 173, 176, 184, 230, 270, 311, 369, 416, 444 ganoid scales, 8l Gartner's duct, 391 gastrocoele, 59, 258, 365 gastrula, 59, 61, 62, 257, 365 gall-bladder, 259 gecko, 487 geese, 296 genital cleft, 403 genital ridge, 403 genital tubercle, 403 germ cells, 7, 366, 368, 378, 379 germ glands, 49, 366, 367, 391, 394 germ layers, derivatives of, 74, 75 germ plasm, continuity of, 58 germinal epithelium, 378, 379 gibbon, 45 Gigantostraca, 524 gill arches, fifth pair, 312 gill-flap, 306 gill, innervation of, 453, 454; of Amphioxus, 526, 527 ; of Balan- oglossus, 533, 534; of tunicates, 530, 531- gills, 302-307 gill-slits, 267, 268, 303, 305 gill system, 260 gland, or glands: acinous, 97, 112; anal sacs, 113; beaker-cells, no, 262; buccal, 285; bulbo- urethral, 403; carotid, 288; cil- iary, 505; cloacal, no; femoral, of lizard, no, in; germ, 49; glandulse ductus deferentis, 401 ; glandulae vesicales, 401 ; harde- rian, 504; integumental, 78, 107; intermaxillary, 285; labial, 285; lacrimal, 504; lingual, 285; mam- mary, 33, 114-118; meibomian, i*3 5O5; mesenteric, 362; molar, 286; musk, 110; necrobiotic, no; odoriferous, 114; of mouth cav- ity, 285, 286; of mucosa, 262; orbital, 286; parotid, 286; pre- putial, 113, 403; prostate, 403; gland, or glands (Continued) rectal, 114; retrolingual, 286; salivary, 286; sebaceous, 113; sublingual, 285 ; submandibular, 285 ; submaxillary, 285 ; sweat, 112, 113; tarsal, 113, 505; thy- mus, 286, 287, 290, 363 ; thyreoid, '286, 289, 290, 363; types of, 108, 109; Tyson's, 113; tubular, 97, 109, 112, 262; urethral, 401; uropygeal, ill; vitally secretory, no. glandular area, 114 glans penis, 404 Globicephalus, 183 glomeruli, 371, 374 glottis, 270, 310, 311, 312 Glyptodon, 37 gnathostoma, 267 gnathostomes, 29 Goethe, theories of the " Urbild ", 506, 507 gonads, 49, 63, 366 Gorilla, 45 gorilla rib, 138 Grandry's corpuscles, 474 grasshopper, 428 gray matter, 408, 428 growth, 2, 3 greater curvature of stomach, 291 gubernaculum, 395 Gymnophiona, 31, 84, 313, 373, 398, 442, 483 gynaecomastism, 118 gyri, of hemispheres, 417 H haemal arches, 126, 508 haemal spine, 508, 510 haemal system, 318 Haemamoeba, 5 haemapophyses, 508, 510 hair, 469, 471, 472; arrangement of, 86, 87; development of, 96; di- rection of, 101, 103, 104, 105; distribution of, 99; of mammals, 95-105; structure of, 97, ioo; varieties of, 97, 98. hair currents, 101 hair groups, 87, 88 558 INDEX hair of Man: direction of, 102, 103, 104; racial differences, 100; shape of cross section, 100. harderian glands, 504 hard palate, 270, 271, 479 Harrimania, 535 Hatteria, 32 head cavities, 461 head, formation of, 124 head, relation to vertebral column, 134 heart 318, 320, 324, 352-3575 of amphibians, 354, 355, 356; of Amphioxus, 353, 528; of fishes, 353, 354; of mammals, 356, 357; of reptiles, 356. hedgehog, 491 Heptanchus, 305 heredity, material basis for, 53, 57, 58 hermaphrodites, 379 hermaphroditic, 49 hemispheres, of cerebrum, 411, 413 heterodont dentition, 275 Hexanchus, 305 hibernation of Dipnoi, 478 hind brain, 411 hip-girdle, 128 hippocampus, 417 Hippopotamus, 274, 292, 505 Holocephali, 444 Homo, 87, 88 homodont dentition, 275 homology, of body somites, 439; of limbs, 177-180, 237-245; sex- ual, 394, 404, 405 Homo neanderthalensis, 42 Homo primigenius, 42, 43, 45 Homo sapiens, 42, 45 honeycomb stomach, 292 hoofs, 106, 107 horn, 78 horns of mammals, 106 horny structures, 105, 106 horse, 182, 250, 391 horse-shoe crab, 522 human phylogenesis, 44, 45 hydatid of Morgagni, 392 Hydra, 60 Hydromys, 277 hyobranchial apparatus, 283 hyobranchial complex, 160, 283 hyoid apparatus, 160, 283 hyoid arch, 155, 157 hyoid bone, 314; body, 160; cornua, separate elements of, 160, 161 hyomandibular, 155, 157 hyperdactylism, 182 hypermastism, 117 Hyperoodon, 277 hyperphalangy, 183 hyperthelism, 117 hypertrichosis, 99 hypobranchial groove, 289 hypospadias, 399 hypothenar pads, 91 hypocone, 279 hypoglossus, 427 hypomeres, 64, 65, 190, 245 hypomeric muscles, 192 hypophysis, 414, 423, 424, 477 Hyracoidea, 38 Hyrax, 38 Ichthyopsida, 473 Ichthyopterygium, 167, 184 Ichthyosaurus, 20, 183, 184, 185, 186 ilium, 128, 171 immortality of Protozoa, 5 incisors, 275 incus, 159, 150, 195 inferior turbinated bone (see max- illo-turbinal) infundibulum, 424 ingluvies, 290 inguinal ligament, 386, 387, 391, 395 inner ear, 469, 472, 473, 485-493 insect, insects, 259, 428, 460, 463, 506, 512 Insectivora, insectivores, 37, 40, 44, 45, H3, 175, 239, 250, 277, 291, 393, 394, 401, 495, 500 insertion, of a muscle, 195, 197 integument : of amphibians, 83, 84; of Amphioxus, 76; of fishes, 80-83 5 of invertebrates, 76 ; of mammals, 85; of reptiles, 84, 85; pigmentation of, 118-121. integumental glands, 78, 107 integumental muscles, 190, 192 INDEX 559 integumental respiration, 308 integumental sense-organs, 448 interclavicle, 141, 174 interdigital pads, 91 interdural space, 357 intermaxillary glands, 285 intermuscular lymph spaces, 358 interventricular foramina, 416, 420 intestinal diverticula, 266 intestinal respiration, 303 intestine, 266, 294 intestine, length of, 299, 300, 301 intestinum crassum, 294 intestinum tenue, 294 introitus vaginae, 404 intromittent organ, 398 intumescentiae of spinal cord, 432, 434 involuntary muscles, 189 iris, 501 ischium, 172 iter a tertio ad quartum ventricu- lum, 412 Jacobson's cartilage, 483 Jacobson's nerve, 451 Jacobson's organ, 483 jaws, origin of, 153, 154 jumping mice, 298 karyokinesis, 55 keratin, 84 kidneys, 323, 345, 369, 385, kiwi-kiwi, 165 Krause's corpuscles, 474 labial cartilages, 153, 155 labial glands, 285 labia minora, 404 labia majora, 404 labyrinth, 452, 485-493; bony, 492; development of, 485-490; sen- sory areas of, 488-490. Lacerta, 287, 344 Lacertilia, 32 lacrimal apparatus, 504, 505 lacrimal apparatus, 504, 505 lacrimal bone, origin of, 83 lacrimal fluid, 504 lacrimal glands, 504 lacunae, 318 lacunar circulation, 317 Laemargus, 470 lagena, 488, 491, 492 language, development of, 256 lanugo, 98 large intestine, 294 larynx, 160, 270, 307, 310, 311, 312; of amphibians, 312, 313; of mammals, 314, 315; of Saurop- sida, 313, 314 larynx dorsalis, 310, 311 larynx ventralis, 310, 311 lateral cartilages, of larynx, 160 lateral cerebral tissue, 417 lateral line, 192, 448 lateral line organs, 469 lateral ventricles, of brain, 411, 416 lemmings, 298 Lemuroidea, 41 Lemurs, 38, 45, 89, 90, 284, 298, 3H, 394 lesser curvature, of stomach, 291 lesser omentum, 295 lesser peritoneal cavity, 294 leucocytes, 318, 362 life cycle, 9, 10 ligamentum : arteriosum, 330, 331 ; Botalli, 330, 331 ; hepato-gastri- cum, 295; hepato-umbilicale, 347; inguinale, 386, 387, 391; nuchae, 134; suspensorium hepatis, 295; teres hepatis, 347 limb muscles, 130 limb girdles, 128 limb plexuses, 438-442 limbs, 164-188; of primates, 238, 239 ; reduction of, 165, 166 ; re- dundancy of, 166; serial homol- ogy of, 177-180, 237-245 Limulus, 522, 523, 524 linea alba, 65 Lingula, 19 lion, 282 Lithobius, 429 Litopterna, 38 liver, 266, 294, 323, 348 lizards, no, in, 166, 287, 288, 342, 344, 398, 416, 420, 422, 483 560 INDEX lobes, of lungs, 315, 316 lobi optici, 425, 426 Loncheres, 86 love antics of salamanders, 397 lumbar intumescence, 433 . lumbar vertebrae, 130 lumbo-sacral plexus, 438 lungless salamanders, 308 lungs, 307, 310-316 lungs, origin of, 270 lung system, 260 lymph, 319 lymph glands, 318, 362 lymphatic nodes, 362 lymphatics, 65, 318, 358 lymphatic spaces, 318, 357, 358 lymphatic system, 318, 319, 357- 364; development of, 360; ori- gin of, 363 lymphatic vessels, 318, 358 lymphocytes, 362 lymph hearts, 318, 358, 359 lymphoid tissue, 362 lyssa, 385 M Macacus, 91, 92, 93 macrogametes, 7, 48, 49, 50, 58 maculae acusticae, 490 macula lutea, 500 malleus, 159, 45O, 495 Malpighian corpuscles, 373 mammae, 116, 117; inguinal, 116; pectoral, 117; unusual position of, 117. Mammalia, mammals, 39, in, 113, 148, 172, 174, 175, 179, 198, 200, 201, 203, 206, 212, 215, 2l6, 226, 227, 229, 236, 247, 248, 249, 250, 263, 264, 268, 269, 271, 275, 280, 283, 284, 288, 290, 291, 294, 296, 301, 314, 315, 319, 322, 324, 331, 333, 337, 347, 349, 350, 351, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 361, 363, 373, 377, 385, 386, 388, 389, 390, 391, 395, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 409, 414, 415, 419, 425, 426, 431, 437, 439, 444, 450, 451, 452, 455, 465, 469, 471, 472, 475, 479, 481, 486, 488, 489, 491, 496, 504, 509 mammary glands, 33, 114-118 mammary pockets, 114, 115 mammary ridge, 116 mammuth, 42 mandibular articulation, 159 mandibular cartilages, 153, 156, 157 Manidae, 85 marrow, 363 marsupials, 33, 44, 203, 223, 276, 284, 292, 297, 357, 388, 389, 399, 400, 401, 402, 417 marsupium, 34, 116 maxillo-turbinal, 479, 480, 481 Meckel's cartilage, 156, 159 median fins, 163, 164 medulla, of brain, 427 Medusa, 60 Megalonyx, 37 Megatherium, 37 meibomian glands, 113, 505 Meissner's corpuscles, 473 membraneous labyrinth, 485-492 Merostomata, 522, 523 mesencephalon, 411, 425, 426 mesenchyme, 60, 64 mesenteries, 63, 261, 265, 367, 368 mesenteric glands, 362 mesodseum, 259 mesoderm, 60, 63, 66 mesodermic diverticula, 63-67 mesodermic somites, 68, 69 Mesodonta, 38, 40, 41, 45 mesomeres, 64, 65 meso-hypomeres, 64, 65, 68 mesogastrium, 293 mesonephridia, 373, 374 mesonephros, 370, 373-375 J 382, 385, 386, 390, 391, 394 mesonephros; remains in Amniota, 385 mesonephrotic duct, 374, 375, 376, 381, 383, 385, 387 mesonephrotic ligament, 386, 390, 391 mesonephrotic system, 373-375 ; vestiges of in female, 391 ; ves- tiges of in male, 392 mesonephrotic tubules, 373, 374 mesopterygium, 176, 185-187 mesorchium, 369-387 mesovarium, 369, 387, 391 metacoele, 60, 63, 64, 365, 367, 368, 38i metacone, 278 INDEX metaccelic sacs, 367, 368 metamerism in vertebrate head, 460 metanephridia, 376 metanephros, 370, 375-377, 3$3 metanephrotic system, 375, 377 metapleural folds, 527 metapterygium, 176, 185-187 Metazoa, 257, 317 metencephalon, 411, 426, 443 microgametes, 7, 48, 49, 50, 58 Midas, 86, 88 midbrain, 411 middle ear, 493-496 milk glands, 114-118 mitosis, 54, 55 molar glands, 286 molars, 275 mole, 277, 287, 284 mole, star-nosed, 90 monkeys, 90, 91, 92, 112, 223, 254, 277 Monodelphia, 36 Monodon, 277 monophyodont dentition, 280 monorrhine condition, 476 monotremes, 33, 44, 236, 255, 337, 357, 388, 393, 399, 400, 402, 491 motor nerves, 434 motor roots, of nerves, 435, 436 mouse, 316, 402 mouth, 466, 467 mouth cavity, 466 mouth, origin of, 258, 259 mucosa, 260, 262 Miiller's duct, 382, 387, 388, 391, 392, 394 Multituberculata, 35 Mus, 402 muscle, or muscles: abductor cau- dae dorsalis, 212 ; abductor cau- dae ventralis, 212; abductor coccy- gis, 214; abductores breves, 234; abductors, of pollex and minimus, 236; achselbogen, 251; acromio- deltoid, 226; adductores (fem- oris), 229; adductor laryngis, 313; adductor mandibulae, 247; adductor mandibulae, 495 ', an- coneus, 222, 226; auricularis anterior, 255; auricularis pos- terior, 255; auricularis superior, muscle (Continued} 255; auriculo-labialis, 55; au- riculo-occipitalis, 255 ; appen- dicular, 190, 192, 193, 217-245; axial, 190, 192, 200-217; axil- lary arch, 251 ; biventer cervicis, 226, 227; biceps femoris, 229; brachialis, 226, 227 ; brachiora- dialis, 240; buccinator, 255; cau- dal, 212-214; caninus, 255; cervi- calis ascendens, 208; coccygeus, 214; coraco-brachialis ; 226; co- raco-brachialis brevis, 222 ; coraco- brachialis longus, 222; complexus, 210; crureus, 229; cremaster, 396 ; cucullaris, 223 ; curvatores coccygis, 214; deltoid, 195, 226; depressors of visceral arches, 245, 246, 247; diaphragm, 316; diaphragma pelvis, 214; di- gastricus, 196, 247, 248, 438; dilatator laryngis, 313; dorsalis antebrachii, 231, 235; dorsalis scapulae, 222 ; dorso-laryngeus, 247, 248; extensor caudae later- alis, 212; extensor caudae medi- alis, 212; extensor carpi radialis, 237, 239; extensor carpi ulnaris, 237, 239; extensor communis dig- itorum, 235; extensores breves, 231 ; extensor radialis, 231 ; ex- tensor ulnaris, 231 ; facial mus- cles, 254-256 ; f emero-fibularis, 228; flexores breves profundi, 234; flexores breves superficiales, 234; flexor caudae, 212; flexor carpi ulnaris, 237, 239; flexor carpi radialis, 237, 239; flexor digitorum profundus, 236; flexor digitorum sublimis, 236; flexor pollicis longus, 236; flexor u'l- naris, 234; flexor radialis, 234; galea aponeurotica, 55; gastro- chnemius, 239 ; genio-glossus, 248 ; glutaeo-cruralis, 229; glutaei, 229; gracilis, 229; hyo-glossus, 248; hyo-laryngeus, 247; homology of, 194-199; humero-antebrachialis, 222, 227; ilio-coccygeus, 214; ilio-costalis, 208; ilio-femoralis, 228, 229; ilio-fibularis, 228, 229; ilio-extensorius, 228, 229; ilio- 562 INDEX muscle (Continued} psoas, 229; in fishes, 200, 201; infra-spinatus, 226; insertion, 195; integumental, 190, 192, 249- 256 ; intercostales, externi et in- terni, 204 ; intermetacarpales, 234 ; intermandibularis anterior, 247; intermandibularis posterior, 247; interossei, 236; interossei dorsales, 236; interossei pal- mares, 236; interspinales, 210 ; intertransversarii, 210, 211; inter- transversarii caudae, 213; inter- vertebral system, 210-212; invol- untary, 189 ; ischio-cavernosus, 214, 215; laryngeus dorsalis, 247; laryngeus ventralis, 247; laryngei, 247, 248, 313; latissimus dorsi, 199, 206, 221, 223, 226, 249, 250, 251; levator ani, 214; levator an- guli oris, 255 ; levatores arcuum, 247 ; levatores costarum, 204 ; levator menti, 255; levator of visceral arches, 245, 246, 247 ; lev- ator scapulae, 222, 223 ; lingualis, 249; longissimus, 208, 212, 215; longus colli, 202; longus capitis, 204; masseter, 248; mimetic mus- cles, 253-256, 451 ; multifidus, 210, 212; mylo-hyoideus, 248; nasal muscles, 255; obliqui capitis, 198, 215; obliqui oculi, 216, 447; obliquus capitis inferior, 212; ob- liquus capitis superior, 212; ob- liquus externus abdominis, 198, 203, 204 ; obliquus inferior oculi, 447; obliquus internus abdominis, 203, 204; obliquus superior oculi, 447; obturator externus, 229; obturator internus, 229; occipito- frontalis, 255; of eyeball, 216, 447 ; of hip girdle and thigh, 227, 230; of shoulder and upper arm, 217, 227; of the free limbs, 230, 237; opponens hallucis, 242; op- ponentes of pollex and minimus, 236; orbicularis oris, 255; orbicu- laris oculi (palpebrarum), 255; origin, 195 ; palmaris, 236 ; pal- maris profundus, 233; palmaris longus, 236; palmaris superfici- alis, 233 ; panniculus carnosus, 250, muscle ( Continued} 251; parietal, 190, 192; patagial muscles, 249; pectoralis abdomi- nalis, 251; pectoralis, 199, 222, 226, 249, 250, 251, 253; pectoralis major, 226; pectoralis minor, 226 ; peronaeus brevis, 239 ; pero- naeus longus, 239; peronaeus ter- tius, 241; petro-hyoideus, 198; pharyngeal constrictors, 249; piri- formis, 230; platysma, 196, 253; prevertebral, 202; principles of muscle formation, 198; proco- raco-humeralis, 222, 226; pro- nator, 234, 237; pronator teres, 240; pronator quadratus, 240; propatagialis, 249; pterygoideus externus, 248; pterygoideus inter- nus, 248; pubo-coccygeus, 214; pubo-ischio-femoralis externus, 227, 229 ; pubo-ischio-femoralis internus, 228, 229; pubo-ischio- tibialis, 228, 229; pubo-tibialis, 228 ; pyramidalis, 203 ; quadratus labii inferioris, 255; quadratus lumborum, 203; quadriceps fem- oris, 229; recti oculi, 216, 447; rectus abdominis, 199, 203; rectus capitis anterior, 204; rectus capitis posterior major, 212; rectus capitis posterior minor, 212; rectus femoris, 229; rectus externus oculi, 447; rectus inferior oculi, 447; rectus inter- nus oculi, 447; rectus lateralis capitis, 204; rectus superficialis, 222; rectus superior oculi, 447; retractor bulbi, 447 ; rhomboidei, 206, 226 ; rhomboideus capitis, 226; rhomboideus dorsi, 226; rhomboideus major, 206, 226; rotatores, 210; sacro-coccygei an- teriores, 214; sacro-coccygei, posteriores, 214; sacro-lumbalis, 207 ; sacro-transverso-transversa- lis system, 207, 208, 215; sarto- rius, 229; scalenus anterior, 204; scalenus medius, 204 ; scalenus posterior, 204; semi-membra- nosus, 229; semi-spinalis, 210; semitendinosus, 229; serratus an- terior (magnus), 223; serratus IXDEX 563 muscle (Continued) magnus, 222, 223; serrati poste- riores, 203, 206; soleus-gastro- chnemius, 239; sphincter ani, 214; sphincter colli, 253; sphincter cloacae, 250; sphincter marsupii, 250; spinalis capitis, 209; spinalis cervicis, 208 ; spinalis dorsi, 208 ; spino-deltoid, 226 ; spino-spinalis system, 208, 215 ; spino-transver- salis system, 207; splenius capi- tis, 207; splenius cervicis, 207, 215; stapedius, 196, 248, 438, 495; sternalis, 253; sterno-cleido mas- toideus, 223; sterno-cleido mas- toideus, 457; striated, 189, 190; stylo-glossus, 248; stylo-hyoideus, 248; subclavius, 226; subcutaneus faciei, 255; supinator, 231, 237; supinator brevis, 240; supinator longus, 240; supracoracoideus, 222, 226; supra-spinatns, 226; temporalis, 190, 248; tenuissimus/ 229; tensor tympani, 248, 495; teres major, 223, 226; teres minor, 226; tibialis anterior, 239; tibialis posterior, 239; trachelor-mastoid, 208; transversalis abdominis, 203, 204; transversalis, colli, 208; transverso-spinalis system, 210, 215; transversus thoracis, 204; trapezius, 206, 222, 223, 457; tri- angularis sterni, 204; triceps, 222, 226; unstriated, 189; vastus group, 229; visceral, 190, 192, 245- 249; voluntary, 189, 190; zygoma- ticus, 255 muscles of Necturus, 191-193, 220- 222, 227-229, 230-235 muscles, of alimentary canal, 290, 291 muscle somites, 192 muscular homology, 194-199 musculosa, 260 musk glands, no muskrat, 297 myelencephalon, 412, 426, 42;, 443 myocommata, 27, 192 myology, comparative, 195 myomeres, 27 (see also myotomes) Myopotamus, 86 myotomes, 192, 461 myotomic buds, 217, 218, 219 myriapod, 428, 429, 460 myriapod, nervous system, 428 Myrmecophaga, 277 Myrmecophagidae, 33 Myxine, 437, 476, 488, 489, 516 myxinoids, 49 nails, 105, 106, 107 nares, anterior, 478 nares, posterior, 478 narwhal, 277 nasal capsules, 145 nasal cavities, 269 Nasodon, 281 naso-lacrimal duct, 504 naso-pahtine canal, 479 Neanderthal man, 42 neck, 132, 133 neck, formation of, 130 Necturus, 128, 138, 171, 172, 183, 186, 191, 220, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 240, 246, 247, 312, 313, 430, 442 nemerteans, 520, 521 nemertean theory of vertebrate an- cestry, 520, 521, 522 nerve, or nerves : abducens, 216, 443, 445, 446, 447, 461, 462 ; acces- sorius, 443, 452, 455, 457; acusti- cus, 443, 448, 452, 462; auditorius (see acusticus) ; ansa hypoglossi, 458; brachial plexus, 438, 439- 441 ; buccalis, 449 ; chorda tym- pani, 450, 451 ; communicans IX, 454, 456; facialis, 196, 246, 248, 256, 443, 448-452; 453, 454, 461, 502; glosso-pharyngeus, 246, 247, 443, 451, 452, 457, 461, 502; gus- tatorius, 452 ; hyomandibularis, 449; hypoglossus, 443, 457-459, 462, 463; intestinalis, 454, 457; Jacobson's, 451, 454, 456; later- alis X, 453, 457; lingualis, 452; 454; lumbo-sacral plexus, 438; mandibularis externus VII, 449; mandibularis internus VII, 449; mandibularis V, 449, 451 ; maxil- laris, 449; motor, 434; motor oculi, 216, 443, 445, 446, 447, 462; occipital, <\/\/\ ; occipito-spinal, 444; olfactorius, 443, 444; oph- thalmicus, 451; ophthalmicus 5 6 4 INDEX profundus, 449, 462, 463; oph- thalmicus superficialis V, 44; ophthalmicus superficialis VII, 448; opticus, 443, 444; palatinus, 449; palatinus major, 450, 456; patheticus (v. trochlearis) peripheral, 434, 437; petrosus profundus major, 456; petrosus profundus minor, 456; petrosus superficialis major, 450, 456; pe- trosus superficialis minor, 456; plexus, 196, 197; plexus brachi- alis, 438, 439-441; plexus lumbo- sacralis, 438; plexuses, of sym- pathetic system, 464; pneumo- gastric (v. vagus) ; posttrematici, 454, 462, praetrematici, 454, 462; sensory, 434; spinal accessory (v. accessorius) ; spino-occipi- tal, 444; stapedialis, 451; sym- pathetic plexuses, 464; sympa- thetic system, 451, 463, 464; ter- minalis, 445; trifacial (v. trig- eminus) ; trigeminus, 247, 248, 443, 447, 448-452, 461, 495 ; troch- learis, 216, 443, 445, 446, 447, 449, 462; tympanic, 451, 454, 456; vagus, 247, 443, 452-457, 461 nerves, motor, 434 nerves, peripheral, 434, 437 nerves, sensory, 434 nerve supply to muscles, 438 nervous system : anlage of, 62 ; origin of, 406, 407 neosternum, 138 neostoma, 154, 424 nephridia, 366, 368, 370, 371, 381, 382, 383 nephrostomes, 366, 373, 374, 382, 383 neural arches, 126, 508 neural processes, 126 neural spine, 508, 510 neural tube, 62, 406; development of, 407, 408; early history of, 406, 407 neurapophyses, 508, 510 neurenteric canal, 258 neurilemma, 434 newt, 313 nictitating membrane, 504 nipples, 115-118; morphology of, 115; rudimentary, 117 noduli lymphatici aggregati, 362, 363 Nomarthra, 37 nose, cartilages of external, 151 nose, external, 151, 484 notochord (see under skeletal ele- ments) notochord : of Amphioxus, 123, 527; of Balanoglossus, 535; of tunicates, 531 nucleus, 3 O obturator foramen, 172 occipital condyles, 133 odontoblasts, 273 odontoid process of axis, 133 oesophagus, 290 Oken, Lorenz, his theories, 506 olfactory buds, 485 olfactory lobes, 416, 445 olfactory nerve, 416 olfactory pit of Amphioxus, 445 olfactory surface, increase of, 479, 482 omasus, 292 omentum, 293 ontogenesis, 15 ontogenesis, laws of, 20-25 oogonium, 55, 56, 57 open type of circulation, 317 operculum, of ear, 493 operculum, of gills, 157, 306 Ophidia, 32 opossum, 33, 276 optic cup, 422, 423 optic lobes, 411, 425 optic stalks, 445 optic vesicle, 422, 423 optici thalami, 425 opisthocoelous vertebrae, 131 orang-utan, 45 orbital glands, 286 organs of Corti, 492 organs of Giraldes, 392 organ of hearing, 485-497 organ of Rosenmiiller, 391 origin, of a muscle, 195 Ornithorhynchus, 33, 90, 432 Orthagoriscus, 430, 431 INDEX 565 ossicula auditus, 159 ostium tubae, 382 ostrich, 165, 172, 433 otic capsules, 145 otic vesicle, 473, 486 otter, 505 ova, 366, 379, 382, 389 ovaries, 49, 367, 379, 383, 387, 389, 39i, 393, 394 oviduct, 382, 383, 385, 387, 388, 389, 39i, 394 ovum, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 58 Owen Sir Richard, his theories, 507-512 owl, 489 ox, 182, 491 Pacini's corpuscles, 474 pads, mammalian, 90, 91 Palaeostoma, 154, 424, 478 palatine cleft, 271 palingenetic characters, 16 pallium, 416 palm print of boy, 94 pancreas, 266,^294 Pantotheria, 35, 44 papilla acustica basilaris, 490, 491 papilla acustica legenae, 490 parachordal elements, 144, 145 parachordal region of head, 124, 144, 46o paracone, 278 paradidymis, 392 Paramoecium, 4, 6 paraphysis, 420, 422 parapophyses, 508 pars olfactoria, of nose, 478 paraseptal cartilage, 483 parasternum, 141 pars respiratoria, of nose, 478 parathyreoid bodies, 289 paired fins, 163. 164 parietal foramen, 420 parietal eye, 422 parietal mesoderm, 63, 66 parietal muscles, 190, 192 parietal organ, 420 paroophoron, 391, 394 parotid glands, 286 parrots, 296 patagium, 249 patella, 178 paunch, 292 pearl organs, 472 pectoral fins, 164 pectoral girdle, 130 pedunculi cerebri, 426 pelvic girdle, 169-172; phylogenesis of, 170-172 pelvis, of kidney, 376 penis, 398, 399, 400, 401 penis, position of, 399, 400 perennibranchiate amphibians, 307, 330 perilymph, 492 perilymphatic cavity, 492-493 perilymphatic space, 357 perinaeum, 389, 401 perineurium, 434 Perissodactyla, 39 peristalsis, 265 peritoneal cavity, 367-369, 380 peritoneal cavity, lesser, 294 peritoneum, 66, 261, 293, 294, 316, 367, 374 perivisceral fluid, 317 perspiration, 112 pes hippocampi, 417 petrel, 478 Petromyzon, 289, 420, 477, 488 Peyer's patches, 362 phallus, 398 pharyngeal pockets, 268 pharyngeal pouches, 265, 266 pharyngo-oesophageal respiration, 308, 309 pharynx, 265, 266 Phascoloarctus, 297 philthrum, 271 phylogenesis, 15 phylogenesis, laws of, 16-20 phylogenesis of man, 44, 45 phylogenetic tree, of mammals, 36, 39; of vertebrates, 28 pig, 182, 274, 361, 391, 437, 489 pigment, 78, 118-121 pigment speck, of Amphioxus, 445 pineal gland, 421 pineal organ, 420 pinna, of ear, 161, 496, 497 Pinnipedia, 38 Pisces, 29, 30 Pithecanthropus, 43 5 66 INDEX pituitary body, 424 placenta, 34, 70, 71, 72, 73, 377, 388 placoderms, 29, 83, 524, 525 placoid scales, 80, 81, 267 placoid scales on teeth, 154 plasma, 318, 319 plastron of turtles, 105 platyhelminths, 520 Platyrrhini, 278 Pleisiosaurus, 185 pleura, 66, 316 pleurapophyses, 138, 508, 510 pleuro-peritoneal cavity, 64, 66 plexus, blood vessels in brain, 413, 419, 420 plexus brachialis, 438, 439-441 plexuses, chorioid, 413, 416, 419, 420 plexuses, of nerves, 438 plexuses, sympathetic, 464 plexus formation, nerves, 438 plexus lumbo-sacralis, 438 plica fimbriata, 284 plica semilunaris, 504 pneumatic cyst, 310, 311 poikilothermous animals, 356 poison fangs of serpents, 280 polar globules, 56, 57 Polypterus, 171, 186, 187, 188, 311 Polypterus, ribs of, 137 polyspermy, 53 pons Varolii, 426, 427 Pontoporia, 301 pori abdominalis, 369, 380, 381 porpoise, 478, 491, 505 postbranchial bodies, 288, 289 posterior limb, 169 posterior nares, 269, 478 post-minimus, 182, 242 praechordal elements, 144, 145 praechordal portion of head, 460 praechordal region of head, 124, 144 pre-hallux, 182 prehistoric man, 42 premolars, 275 pre-pollex, 182, 242 preputial glands, 113, 403 Prevertebrata, 26 primary body cavity, 365 Primates, 38, 40, 41, 90, 91, 92, 93, 165, 175, 216, 223, 238, 250, 277, 291, 394, 402, 417 Primates, limbs, 239 primitive dentition, 277 primordial brain, 411 primordial skull, 145 Proboscidea, 38, 39 Procavia, 38 processus vaginalis, 395 precocious vertebrae, 131 procoracoid, 174 proctodaeum, 259 pronephridia, 371 pronephros, 37<>373 pronephrotic duct, 370 pronephrotic tubules, 371, 374 Propithecus, 300 propterygium, 176, 185-187 prosencephalon, 411 prostate gland, 403 prostatic vesicle, 393, 394 Proteus, 231, 247, 300, 312, 313 Protochordata, 26 protocoele, 63, 64, 365, 367 protocone, 278 protoplasm, characteristics of, I protostome, 59, 61 Prototheria, 35 Protozoa, 3, 257 ; immortality of, 5 ; conjugation of, 6 pseudohypertrichosis, 99 Pterichthys, 524 Pterodactyl, 183, 184 pterygoid canal, 450 pubic bones, 172 pubo-ischiadic symphysis, 172 pulmonary system, 260, 270, 304, 308, 310-316 pulsating vessels, 317 pyloric coeca, 266 pyloric end of stomach, 291 pylorus, 265, 291 R rabbit, 297, 334, 345, 346, 491 race history, 15 Rana, 313, 489, 526 Ranodon, 186 rat, 336, 338 ratio of surface to mass, 3, 261, 262 ray, 453 receptacula chyli, 362 recessus utriculi, 487 rectum, 298, 389 red blood corpuscles, 318, 364 INDEX 567 reduction of limbs, 165, 166 reduction of teeth, 277 Reissner's membrane, 492 renal corpuscle, 373 reproduction by fission, 4 reproductive system, 378-405 reptiles, 44, 172, 201, 203, 212, 220, 229, 248, 253, 255, 268, 272, 280, 296, 328, 330, 331, 352, 353, 355, 356, 358, 375, 377, 385, 386, 399, 409, 415, 4i6, *I9, 425, 426, 465, 472, 487, 488, 504 respiration, 301-316; in amphibians, 306-308, 312-313; in Amphioxus, 304; in Balanoglossus, 304; in fishes, 304, 305, 306; integumen- tal, 308; intestinal, 303; pharyn- go-oesophageal, 308 ; pulmonary, 307, 310-316 reticulum, 292 retina, 409, 422, 497, 498 retrolingual glands, 286 rhinencephalon, 416, 445 Rhineura, 20 Rhinoceros, 394 rhombencephalon, 427 Rhynchocephalia, 32 ribs, 126, 135, 136, 137, 138; distri- bution of, 137, 138; two types of, 135, 137; variation in, 129, 130 rodents, 37, 45, 175, 203, 223, 239, 274, 277, 297, 298, 316, 394, 401, 417, 480, 495, 500 roots, of nerves, 435 roots, of teeth, 273, 274 rods and cones, of retina, 422, 467, 498 rods of Corti, 492 rostral plates of skull, 146 round ligament of uterus, 387, 390 rumen, 292 ruminants, 292, 297, 484 sacculus, 487, 488 saccus endolymphaticus, 486 sacral vertebrae, 129, 130 sacrum, variation in, 128, 129 St. Hilaire, his theories, 506, 512 salamanders, 179, 185, 186, 192, 220, 223, 307, 3o8, 309, 354, 383, 388, 397, 429, 493 saliva, 285 salivary glands, 285 Sauropsida, no, 200, 264, 283, 284, 285, 294, 296, 313, 314, 319, 322, 323, 324, 347, 36o, 373, 375, 377, 391, 444, 457, 464, 479, 491, 495, 497, 499 scales : ctenoid, 83 ; cycloid, 83 ; epidermic, 84; of fishes, 80; of ganoids, 81 ; of mammals, 85, 86, 90; of palmar and plantar sur- faces, 95; of Stegocephali, 84; placoid, 80; structure of, 80 Scaphyrhynchus, 171 schizocoele, 68 sclerotic coat, of eye, 423, 498, 501 scorpion, 524 scrotal raphe, 404 scrotal sac, 395, 396 scrotum, 394, 395 sculpin, 419 scutes, 79, 83, 146 seal, 282, 316 sebaceous glands, 113 segmentation of head, 458, 460, 461 selachians, 29, 44, 152, 153, 170, 172, 173, 184, 185, 217, 218, 219, 253, 272 288, 305, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 340 341, 369, 38o, 381, 382, 392, 416, 419, 420, 436, 460, 486, 488, 489, 490, 512, 515 selachians, circulation in, 324, 325 selachians, skull of, 145, 146, 153 sella turcica, 424 semicircular canals, 487 seminal fluid (see spermatic fluid) seminal groove, 399 sensations, 467, 468 sense of contact, 468 sense-organs, 408, 465-468 sense-organs, accessory parts, 467 sense-organs, cells of, 466 sense organs of head, 143 sensory cells, 408, 466, 467 sensory nerves, 408, 434 sensory roots of nerves, 435, 436 septum atriorum, 354 septum linguae, 285 septum pellucidum, 418 serial homology of limbs, 178, 237- 245 serosa, 260 568 INDEX serous cavities, 318 serpents, 285 sesamoid bones, 178 sex determination, 403 sexes, definition of, 49 sexual homologies, 393, 394, 404, 405 sexual kidney, 382, 383, 385 sharks, 388 sheep, 276 shoulder-girdle, 172-175; of Amni- ota, 174, 175; of amphibians, 174; of ganoids, 173; of teleosts, 174; of selachians, 173 shrew-mouse, 92 sigmoid flexure, 298 Simplicidentata, 37 sinuses, in bones of face, 482 sinus maxillaris, 482 sinusoids, 318 sinus utriculi posterior, 487 sinus utriculi superior, 487 sinus, venosus, 324, 326, 340, 341, 353-357 Siren, 165, 246, 442, 471 Sirenia, 38, 39, 98, 113, H7, 3i6, 393 skates, 453 skeletal elements: abdominal ribs, 141; accelous vertebrae, 131; ali- sphenoids, 148; alveoli of jaws, 273; amphicoelous vertebrae, 127; angulare, 156; appendicular skel- eton, 122; appendicular skeleton, 162 ff. ; archisternum, 138 ; artic- ulare, 159, 495; arytaenoids, 160, 313; atlas, 133; auditory ossicles, 159 ; auricula, 496, 497 ; axial skele- ton, 122; axis, 133; basihyal, 160, 284; basioccipital, 150; basiptery- gium, 169, 175 ; basisphenoid, 150; bone complexes of skull, 151; bony labyrinth, 492; bran- chial arches, 152, 155 ; carpus, 177- 181 ; cartilage bones, 148 ; carti- lago lateralis, 160; centers of os- sification, 148; centrum of verte- bra, 127; ceratohyal, 160, 284; cervical rib, 138; cervical verte- brae, 130; chondrocranium, 145, 146, 153, 156; clavicle, 173-175 ; cleithrum, 173; coccyx, 135; col- skeletal elements (Continue d^ umella auris, 494; conchse of nose, 480-482 ; coracoid, 174 ', cos- tal cartilages, 136; cricoid, 314; dentary, 156; dentine, 79; der- mal bones, 79, 82, 146, 147, 156; dermal bones of skull, 82, 146, 147, 156; diapophyses, 138; dor- sal vertebrae (see thoracic verte- brae) ; ear, external, 496, 497; ectoturbinalia, 480; endochondral ossification, 148; endoturbinalia, 480 ; entoglossum, 283-285 ; epi- glottis, 160, 313; epihyal, 160, 284; epiotics, 148; episternum, 141 ; ethmoid, 148 ; ethmo-turbi- nal, 479, 480; exoccipitals, 148; external ear, 496, 497; eyeball, skeleton, elements of, 144, 145, 151; eye capsules, 145; falci- forme, 182; fangs of serpents, 280; fin spines, 162; free-limb, skeleton of, 176-178; f rentals, 82, 83, 147; furcula, 174; ganoid scales, 81 ; gill arches, 312-314; haemal arches, 126; hard palate, 270, 271, 479; hip- girdle, 128; hyobranchial appa- ratus, 283 ; hyobranchial complex, 160, 283; hyoid, 160, 161 ; hyoid apparatus, 160, 283; hyoid arch, 155, 157; hyoid bone, 314; hyoid complex, 314; hyomandibular, 155, 157; ilia, 171; ilium, 128; incus, 159, 450, 495; inferior tur- binated bone (see maxillo-turbi- nal) ; interclavicle, 141, 174; ischia, 172 ; Jacobson's cartilage, 483; jaws, origin of, 153, 154; labial cartilages, 153, 155 ; laby- rinth, bony, 492; lacrimal, 83, 147; lateral cartilages of larynx, 160; limb-girdles, 128; lumbar vertebrae, 130; malleus, 159, 450, 495 ; mandibular cartilage, 153, 156, 157; maxillaries, 83, 156; maxillo-turbinal, 479-481 ; Meek- el's cartilage, 156, 159; meso- pterygium, 176, 185-187; meta- pterygium, 176, 185-187; nasal capsules, 145; nasals, 82, 147; naso-turbinal, 479, 480; neo- INDEX 569 skeletal elements (Continued} sternum, 138; neural arches, 126; neural processes, 126; nose, car- tilages of external, 157; noto- chord, 26, 27, 63, 122, 123; noto- chord, of Amphioxus, 527; noto- chord, of Balanoglossus, 535; notochord, of tunicates, 531 ; oc- cipital condyles, 133 ; odontoid process of axis, 133; omoster- num, 142; operculum, of ear, 493 ; operculum, of gills, 147, 157 ; opercular bones, 147 ; opisthocoe- lous vertebrae, 131 ; opisthotics, 148; optic capsules, 145; orbitals, 83, 147; orbitosphenoids, 148; os entoglossum, 283-285; os falci- forme, 182 ; ossicula auditus, *59; ossification, centers of, 148; otic capsules, 145; palate, 270; 271 ; palatines, 83, 147, 156 ; pa- tella, 178; parabasal, 83, 147; parachordal elements, 144, 145; paraseptal cartilage, 483 ; para- sphenoid, 148 ; parasternum, 141 ; parietals, 82, 83, 147; pectoral girdle, 130, 169-172; petrosal bone, 493; petrosals, 148; pinna, 496, 497; placoid scales, 80, 81, 267; placoid scales, as teeth, 154; plastron, of turtle, 105; pleura- pophyses, 138; post-frontals, 82, 147 ; post-temporals, 174 ; prae- choidal elements, 144, 145; prae- f rentals, 82, 147; praemaxillary, 156; praesphenoid, 150; primor- dial skull, 145; precocious verte- brae, 131; procoracoid, 174; pro- otics, 148; propterygium, 176, 185-187; pterygoids, 147, 156; pubic bones, 172 ; quadrate, 156, 450, 495; quadrate- jugal, 496; ribs, 126, 129, 130, 135- 138; ribs, abdominal, 141; ribs, distribution of, 137, 138; ros- tral plates, 146; sacrum, 129; sacral vertebrae, 129, 130; scales, ganoid, 81 ; scales, placoid, 80, 81, 267; scapula, 174; scapulo- coracoid, 173; sesamoid bones, 178; shoulder girdle, 173-175; sinuses, in bones of face, 482; skeletal elements (Continued") skull, amniote stage, 150, 151 ; skull, amphibian stage, 150; skull, bone complexes of, 151; skull, development of, 142-145; skull, ganoid stage, 146; skull, of cyclostomes, 143; skull, of sela- chians, 144, 145, 146, 153 ; skull, primordial, 145; skull, selachian stage, 144-146; spinous processes, 134; spiracular cartilage, 155; squamosals, 82, 83, 147; stapes, 159, 337, 495; sternebrae, 140; sternum, 138, 139, 142; stylo-hyal, 161, 284; styloid process, 161, 284; supra-clavicles, 174 ; supra-clei- thra, 174 ; supra-occipital, 82, 147 ; suspensorium, of jaws, 155; tar- sal cartilages, 504; tarsus, 177- 182; teeth, 267, 271-283; teeth, evolution of shapes, 278-280; teeth of birds, 84; teeth of se- lachians, 81 ; teeth, origin of, 81, I53> 154; teeth, replacement of, 280-283; thecae of jaws, 273; thoracic vertebrae, 130, thyreo- hyal, 284, 314; thyreoid, 314; thyreoid cartilage, 160; tongue- bars, of Amphioxus, 290; tooth, Structure of, 80; trabeculae, 144; trachea, 270, 312; tracheal pieces, 160, 313; tracheal rings, 313, 314; trunk vertebrae, 130; turbinalia, 479-482; tympanic bone, 496; tympanic bulla, 496; tympano-hyal, 161, 284; typical vertebrae, 507-511; uncinate pro- cesses, 136; urostyle, 136; verte- brae, 129, 130; vertebrae, develop- ment of, 124-127; vertebrae, typi- cal, 507-511; vertebral column, 130-133; vertebral column, devel- opment of, 124-127; visceral arches, 267; visceral skeleton, 122, 152-162; vomero-nasal car- tilage, 483; vomers, 83, 147, 150; Weber's apparatus, 486; wish- bone, 141. skeleton, relation to soft parts, 123 skin, 77 skin color in Man, 119 skin, pigmentation of, 118-121 INDEX skull: amniote stage, 150, 151; amphibian stage, 150; develop- ment of, 142-145; ganoid stage, 146; selachian stage, 144-146. slime canals, 469 sloths, 113, 316, 393 small intestine, 294 smell, 468, 476-485 smell-buds, 471 snakes, 110, 166, 377, 398, 432, 433, 441, 483, 487, 505 soft palate, 266, 271 soma, 7, 11, 48, 58 somatic cells, 55 somites, 27 somites of head, 458-463 sparrow, 419 spermatic cord, 396 spermatic fluid, 49, 52, 380, 381, 383 spermatogonium, 55, 56, 57 spermatophores, 383 spermatozoon, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 58, 366, 379, 382, 397, 401 Sphenodon, 32 spider, 259 spinal cord, 427, 428; caliber of, 432, 433 ; columns of, 434 ; length, 428-431 ; shape of cross-section, 433, 434 spinal ganglia, 436, 437 spinal nerves, 427-434 spinous processes, excessive devel- opment of, 134 spiny ant-eater, 33 spiracular cartilage, 155 spiracular opening, 493, 494 spiraculum, 155, 269 spleen, 293, 363. Squalus, 388, 446 squid, 499 squirrel, 316 squamosals, 82, 83, 147 stapedial artery, 159 stapes, 159, 337, 495 Stegocephali, 30, 31, 32, 44, 84, 230 Stegosaurus, 433 Stenson's canal, 479 sternebrae, 140 sternum, 138 sternum, morphology of, 139 sternum of monotremes, 142 stoma, 266 stomach, 265, 290, 291, 292 stomatodaeum, 259, 476 stomato-pharyngeal cavity, 266 stratum corneum, 77 stratum germinativum, 77 stratum lucidum, 77 stratum mucosum, 77 striated muscle, 189, 190 sturgeon, 29 stylo-hyal, 161, 284 stylo-hyoid ligament, 161 styloid process, 161, 284 sub-cutaneous lymph sacs, 358 subdural space, 357 sub-lingua, 284 sublingual glands, 285, 286 submandibular glands, 285, 286 submaxillary glands, 285, 286 submucosa, 260 subperitoneal space, 357 subvertebral space, 357, 363 sulci, of brain, 417 sulcus centralis, 417 superciliary structures, 505 supra-clavicles, 174 supra-cleithra, 174 suprapericardial bodies, ,288 Sus, 86, 489 suspensorium of jaw, 155 sweat-glands, 112, 113 swine, 484, 491 Sycandra, 50 sympathetic plexuses, 464 sympathetic system, 451, 463, 464, symphysis pubic, 172 syntropists, 244 syrinx, 314. tactile cells, 473 tactile corpuscles, 473 tactile sense, distribution of, 475 tactile spots, 473 taania ventriculi quarti, 427 taenise chorioides, 419, 420 tail, 130, 132, 134, 135 tail, nerves of, 431, 432 talon, 279 Talpa, 277 tapetum nigrum, 423 tapir, 394 tarsal cartilages, 504 tarsal glands, 113, 505 INDEX 571 Tarsipes, 292 tarsus: nomenclature of, 177-180; primitive condition of, 179; su- pernumerary elements, 181, 182 taste, 475, 476 taste-beakers, 475 taste buds, 469, 471, 475 Taxeopoda, 38 teleosts, 30, 174, 287, 303, 305, 415, 416, 419, 430, 486, 489 teeth, 267, 271, 283. (V. also tooth) : evolution of shapes, 278-280; growth of, 273, 274; kinds of, 275; of birds, 84; of selachians, 81 ; origin of, 81, 153, 154, 271, 272; parts of, 273; re- duction of, 277; replacement of, 280-283 tela chorioidea, 419 telencephalon, 411, 415-418, 443 temperature of animals, 356 tentorium, 417 testes, 49, 367, 379, 383, 394, 39$ testes, position of, 393, 395 thalami optici, 425 thecadont articulation, 273 thecse of jaws, 273 thenar pads, 91 theories of vertebrate ancestry : from annelids, 513-520; from arachnoids, 522-525 ; from arche- type, 506-512; from articulates, 512, 513; from insect, 506, 512; from nemertean, 520-522; from protochordata, 525-538 theromorphs, 32, 44 third ventricle of brain, 411 thoracic duct, 357, 360 thoracic vertebrae, 130 thymus gland, 286, 290, 363 thymus, origin of, 286-287 thyreoid cartilage, 160, 314 thyreoid gland, 286, 289, 290, 363 thyreo-hyal, 284, 314 Tillodontia, 37 toad, 285, 290, 397, 420, 442 tongue, 283-285 tongue bars, of Amphioxus, 290 tonsils, 363 tooth. (V. also teeth) tooth generations, 281 tooth, primitive form of, 274 tooth, structure of, 80 Tornaria, 536, 537 tortoise-shell, 105 trabeculae, 144 trachea, 312 trachea, origin of, 270 tracheal pieces, 160, 313 tracheal rings, 313, 314 triconodont dentition, 279 trigonodont dentition, 279 trilobites, 19 triradii, 91 Triton, 19, 67, 313, 483 tritubercular theory, 278, 279 truncus arteriosus, 324 trunk vertebrae, 130 tuba auditiva, 269 tuberculum auriculi, 497 tubular glands, 97, 112 tunica dartos, 396 Tunicata, 26, 260, 303, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 537, 538 tunica vaginalis communis, 396 tunica vaginalis propria, 396 turtles, 33, 179, 201, 253, 331, 360, 398, 399, 419, 431, 433, 483 Tylopoda, 39 tympanic bone, 496 tympanic bulla, 496 tympanic cavity, ossicles of, 159 tympanic membranes, 494 tympano-hyal, 161, 284 tympanum, 493-496 typical vertebra (Owen's), 507, 508, Tyson's glands, 113 U ultimo-branchial bodies, 289 umbilical arteries, 70, 71 umbilical cord, 377 umbilical veins, 70, 71 umbilicus, 347 umbilicus, relation to bladder, 378 uncinate processes, 136 ungulates, 394, 417, 480, 496 unstriated muscle, 189 ureter, 376, 383 urethra, 377, 393, 394, 401 urethral glands, 401 urinary bladder, 377, 378 urinary organs, 369-378 urinary papilla, 374 572 INDEX urinary system, 369-378 urodeles, 31, 44, 174, 187, 201, 206, 227, 229, 238, 247, 287, 288, 346, 354, 355, 440, 442, 47i, 493, 5O3 urogenital sinus, 378, 387, 388, 393, 394 urogenital system, origin of, 64, 65 uropygeal gland, HI urostyle, 135 Ursus, 87 uterine ligaments, 390 uterine mucous membrane, 72 uterus, 383, 387, 388, 389, 394; bicornis, 390; bipartitus, 390; duplex, 390; masculinus, 393; simplex, 390 utriculo-saccular canal, 487 utriculus, 487. vagina, 387, 389, 390, 394 vasa aberrantia, 392 vasa efferentia, 381, 383, 385 vascular system, 65, 317-319 Vas deferens, 377. (See ductus def- erens) vein or veins: 318, 328; abdom- inal, 342; allantoic, 322, 346, 347, 348; anterior cardinal, 321, 326, 349, 350; azygos, 344, 350, 351; cardinal, 321, 326, 341 ; caudal, 327, 341, 343 ; Cuvierian duct, 322, 326, 346 ; duct of Cuvier, 322, 326, 346; ductus venosus Arantii, 348, 349; external jugular, 350; hemi- azygos, 351; hepatic, 323, 327; hepatic portal, 324, 327, 342, 344; iliac, 326, 346, 358; in- ternal jugular, 350; jugular, 350, 358; lateral, 326, 346; omphalo- mesenteric, 323, 347, 348; ova- rian, 346; portal, 323, 327; post cava, 342, 344, 345, 349; posterior cardinal, 321, 326, 343, 344, 345, 349, 358; pulmocutaneous, 354; renal, 345; renales advehentes, 324, 327; renales revehentes, 324, 327; renal portal, 324, 327, 341; spermatic, 346; subclavian, 327, 350, 358; subintestinal, 340, 349; subintestinal of Amphioxus, 528; veins ( Continued} umbilical, 322, 346, 347, 348; vena anonyma, 350, 352; vena cava anterior, 352; vena cava pos- terior, 342, 344, 345, 349; vitel- line, 320, 340, 347, 353; yolk, 320, 340, 347 velum palati, 271 ventral fins, 164 ventral nerves, 436 ventricle, 324, 353-357 ventricles of brain, 62, 406, 411, 412 Vermes, 258 vertebrae, articulations of, 131 vertebrae, development of, 124-127 vertebral column, development of, 124-127 vertebral column of birds, 132 vetebral column, regional differen- tiation of, 130 vertebral foramina, 138 vertebrate history, sketch of, 13-15 vertebrates, phylogenetic tree of, 28 vesicles of brain, 411 vesicula prostatica, 393, 394 vernix caseosa, 95 vibrissae, 472 vidian canal, 450 villi, chorionic, 70, 71 visceral mesoderm, 63, 66 visceral arches, 267 visceral muscles, 190, 192, 193 visceral skeleton, 122, 152-162 visceral skeleton, metamorphoses of, 161 vitreous humor, 423, 498, 501 vomero-nasal cartilage, 483 vomero-nasal organ, 483 voluntary muscle, 65, 189, 190 W Weber's apparatus, 486 whale, 165, 478, 491, 505 white blood corpuscles, 318, 362 white matter, 428 wish-bone, 141 Wolffian body, 373, 386 Wolffian duct, 64, 374, 375, 387, 392 woodchuck, 297 woodpecker, 283. INDEX .573 X yolk stalk, 69, 70 Xenarthra, 37. Z Y zona radiata, 52 zonary placenta, 72 yolk, 52, 53, 69, 73 zygapophyses, 508 yolk sac, 69, 70, 319 zygote, 7, 48, 58. LAST DATE CENTS 883510 2-57967 BiOLOGY '.,nO . 3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY