PettimgiBs TypwBook for 1901-02 ■ 1^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF Roger levenson Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation Jl Handy Type Book for the Newspaper Publisher Pettingill CgL Co. Copper Alloy Type BooK Comprising Ne"wspaper, BooK, and Display Types, Borders and Ornaments; also. Brass Rules, DasKes, etc. The only TYPE ever cast of the famous Copper Alloy Metal, j^ Is light, tough, and durable, j^ Pettingill ®. Co 22 School Street Boston COPYRIGHTED, I90I By PETTINGILL & CO. T^pe cast from Copper Alloy Metal is the lightest and most durable in the world Our Specimen ^ook In response to an urgent demand, quite general with the 6,000 and odd newspaper publishers witl^ whom we are constantly doing business, we have prepared this book of type specimens and printing information for the publisher' s desk, for daily use and reference. The Type and Borders shown in this Specimen Book excel in design, and their durability is assured by the use of the celebrated Copper Alloy Metal, the standard for excellence. They are the productions of the largest and most complete type foundry in the world, and the newspaper or job office supplied from this Specimen 'Book is worth far more for use or for sale, than one made up from any ordinary, incomplete type foundry. With many customers our business relations have extended over a long term of years, with mutual respect and satisfaction, we sincerely believe, and we ask such customers, and all others, to carefully examine the pages of this book, and to make as generous selections as their wants suggest, sending us their orders, and allowing us to apply their purchases upon such advertising account as our business will permit. 'Bespeaking a continuance of the cordial and friendly relations of the past, we are sincerely yours for mutual business and success. Pettingill & Company 22 School street. Boston (See following page) T>elivery Joints dAll orders must be addressed ^ettingill & Co., 22 School Street, Boston, deliveries will be made f. o. b. at either of the following cities, where a com- plete stock is carried for prompt service to local publishers and printers : Boston Philadelphia 'Buffalo Cleveland Chicago ^Minneapolis Denver Los Angeles ^ew York Baltimore Tillsburgl^ Cincinnati St. Louis Kansas City Portland, Oregon San Francisco^ cAll orders to be sent direct to 'PETTINGILL & CO. Type and Supply T>epartment 22 School Street, Boston CLASSIFIED INDEX PART PAGE I. — Body Letter 1-24 II. — Circular Letter and Script Type 25-40 III. — Italic Type Styles 4^-76 IV. — Modern Jobbing Letter 77-156 V. — Lightweight Jobbing Designs 157-180 VI. — Contour Type Styles 181-200 VII. — Old Style and Modern Roman Jobbing Type, Lightface AND Two-Line Letter, Boldface Roman, Title and Condensed Title 201-244 VIII. — Antique, Clarendon, Caledonian, Doric and Ionic . . . 245-268 IX. — Gothics 269-292 X. — Black Letter 293-300 XI. — German Faces 301-316 XII. — Advertising Figures, Fractions, Mail List Type and Logotypes, Signal Flags and Weather Indicators, Engraving Blanks, Stars and Maltese Crosses, Card Indicators, Whist Markers, Chessmen and Checkers, Recipe Marks, Election Signs, Metal Braces and Dashes, Cutting and Scoring Rule, Cir- cular Quads, Corner Quads, Angular Quads, Leads AND Slugs and Metal Furniture 371-332 XIII. — Borders and Ornaments . 333-372 XIV. — Newspaper Headings, Sub-Headings and Date Lines . . 373-384 XV.— Cast Cuts 385-392 XVI. — Brass Rule, Leaders, Braces and Dashes 393-403 INDEX TO TYPE SPECIMENS 317-321 I ■ • 397 ^ Accented I^etters Advertising: Figures Advertising Rules . . . American Press Associa tion Series No. 61 ... . i American Script .... 34, 35 Angular Quads 331 \ Antique No. 42 248 Antique No. 124 248 I Antique No. 125 260 1 Antique No. 126 262 I Antique No. 127 263 Antique Cond. No. 36 . . 245 Antique Cond. No. 116 . . 255 ' Antique Cond. No. 122 255, 263 ; Antique Cond. No. 123 . . 246 ] Antique Cond. No. 152 . . 263 \ Antique Extd. No. 120 . . 267 ; Antique Extd. No. 122 . . 268 : Antique Extd. No. 123 . . 267 j Antique Extd. No. 124 . . 268 ; Antique Extra Condensed No. 150 266 ! Antique Fractions .... 323 Archaic 150, 151 Arlington Border 335 Arlington Old Style . . . 96-99 Arlington O. S. Italic . . 46, 47 Arrows 329 Art Borders 348-352 Ballet Dancers .... 387 Baseball. Series i 385 Bearers 327 Binner 77-79 Binner Gothic 142 Binner Open 181 Binny Old Style No. 77 . 14-16 Black No. 12 296 Body Type : German 301-306 — Self Spacing .... 301 Modern Roman and Italic 1-7 Old Style Roman and Italic 8-24 Boldface No. 114 231 Boldface No. 120 231 Boldface No. 120 Fractions 323 Boldface Celtic 179 Boldface German 311 Boldface Italic No. 23 . . . 64 Boldface Italic No. 120 . . 64 Borders : —Arlington 335 —Art 348-352 — Caxton 365 —Collins Bands . . . 363-365 — Collins 362 —Colonial ........ 335 —Daisy 353 —Darling 353 —Eighteen Point .... 341 —Empire . 356 —Flag 360 —Flame 344 PAGE Borders — Continued —Florentine .... 354, 355 —Klondike 345 —Laurel 343 — Manila 361 — Myrtle 360 —Newspaper . . 333, 337-341 —Nonpareil 333 — Palm Border 358 —Pica 333, 342 —Point Combination, Se- ries A and B . . 346, 347 —Pointer 353 —"Post" 334 —Primrose 357 —Regal 353 —Rococo 357 —Six Point 333 —Tiger Lily 359 — Triple-Line 336 — Twelve Point . . . 333, 342 — Twenty-four Point . . 342 — Twinkler 359 Boston Black 297 Braces, Brass 401 —Metal 330 Bradley 94, 95 Bradley Extended . . . 92, 93 Bradley Initials 95 Bradley Italic 56, 57 Bradley Italic Outline . . 183 Bradley Outline 182 Brass Braces 401 Brass Circles 403 Brass Column Rules . . . 400 Brass Dashes 402 Brass Dash Rules 397 Brass Head Rules 397 Brass Leaders 401 Brass Leads and Slugs . . 332 Brass Newspaper Head- ings 378 Brass Ovals 403 Brass Perforating Rules . . 396 Brass Rules, Labor-Saving 398,399 Brass Rules, Strips . . 393-396 Brass Scoring Rules . . . 396 Brass Space Rule .... 396 Brass Sub-Headings and Date Lines 379 Breton 247 Broad Face Series No 51 .2,3 Caledonian Fractions . 323 Camelot Old Style . . 158-161 Campaigners 387 Card Indicators 329 Card Mercantile . . . 164, 165 Card Pips 329 Caslon Old Style No. 471 201-205 Caslon Old Style Italic No. 471 70, 71 Cast Cuts . . 392 Caxton Borders 365 PAGE Caxton Old Style Italic . . 65 Central Antique 261 Central Ornaments .... 369 Chamfer Condensed . 290, 291 Checkers 328 Chessmen 328 Circles, Brass 403 Circular Quads 331 Claretidon No. 120 .... 253 Clarendon Lightface No. 30 254 Collins Bands 363-365 Collins Borders 362 Colonial Border 335 Columbus Initials 115 Columbus No. 2 . . . 114, 115 Columbus Outline . . 184, 185 Columbus Outline Initials, 185 Column Rules 400 Combination Cond. Gothic Nos. 161 to 166 284 Combination Gothic Nos. no to 120 283 Combination Gothic Nos. 151 to 159 284 Condensed No. 45 237 Condensed No. 124 ... . 237 Condensed Aldine No. 150 . 233 Condensed Black No. 42 . 293 Condensed Black Shaded No. 40 293 Condensed Clarendon No. 42 254 Condensed German Black No. 150 310 Condensed Title No. 46 . . 238 Condensed Title No. 104 . 239 Condensed Title No. 123 . 232 Condensed Title No. 124 . 234 Cond. Title No. 125 . . 238, 239 Contour No. x 194 Contour No. 2 198 Contour No. 3 198 Contour No. 4 197 Contour No. 5 199 Contour No. 6 195 Contour No. 7 196 Contour Palmetto Orn'm'ts 369 Contour Pointers 368 Copper-Alloy Fine-Dot Leaders 75 Copper-Alloy Take Slugs . 331 Copperplate Roman . 162, 163 Coppers 386 Gushing . . 22, 23, 28, 168, 169 Gushing Fractions .... 332 Gushing Italic ... .29, 68, 69 Gushing Monotone .... 24 Gushing Monotone No. 2 . 24 Gushing Old Style . . 140, 141 Cuts, Cast 392 Cutting Rules 396 Daisy Borders 353 Darling Borders 353 Dashes, Brass 402 —Metal 330 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY PAGE Dash Rules, Brass .... 397 Delmonico Chefs and Wait- ers 385 De Vinne 130-133 De Vinne Condensed . 134-137 DeVinneCond. Fractions . 322 De Vinne Extended . 127-129 De Vinne Extra Cond. 138, 139 De Vinne Fractions . . . 322 De Vinne Italic 58, 59 De Vinne Italic Outline, 186, 187 De Vinne Shaded 193 Dewey Ornaments .... 361 Domestics 388 Doric No. 120 251 Doric Fractions 323 Doric Italic 41 Druggists 386 Eastman 120, 121 Edinburgh Title 216 Egyptian Ex.Cond. No. 120 265 Egyptian Ornaments . . . 366 Eighteen Point Borders . . 341 Elandkay 157 Election Signs 330 Electrotyped Take Slugs . 331 Elzevir Italic 26, 73 Empire Borders 356 Engraving Blanks .... 326 Epitaph Open 192 Erebus 145 Extra Condensed No. 43 . 244 Extra Condensed No. 123 . 241 Extra Condensed No. 234 . 240 Facade 153 Facade Condensed .... 155 Facade Condensed No. 2 . 154 Fine-Dot Leaders . . xvi, 75 Fists 390 Five-Pointed Stars .... 327 Flag Borders 360 Flame Borders 344 Florentine Borders . . 354, 355 Florentine Heavy face . . 126 Foot Slugs 331 Fractions : — Antique 323 —Boldface No. 120 .. . 323 — Caledonian 323 — Cushing 322 — DeVinne 322 — DeVinne Condensed . 322 —Doric 323 — Full Face No. 7 . . . . 323 — Gothic 323 — Gothic Condensed . . 323 — Quentell 117,322 — Roman 323 Franklin Old Style No. 79 11-13, 208, 209 French Clarendon No. 120 . 264 French Elzevir No. i . . . 218 French Old Style Extd. . 219 French Old Style No. 2 20, 21, 210-213 French Old Style Italic No. 2 26, 27, 73 I PAGE i Full Face Fractions . . . 323 j Full Face No. 123 230 Full-Grown Series No. 63 . 6, 7 Furniture. Metal 332 German : I — Heintzemann 310 i — Ihlenburg 315 I —Ihlenburg Extended . 314 1 —Modern Fractur ... 309 —No. 30 316 —No. 31 316 —No. 32 316 i —No. 121 302-304 i —No. 153 305 j —No. 155 306 I — Schwabacher 307 [ —Self Spacing 301 —Title 311-313 —Title Cond. No. 30 . . 308 I —Title Cond. No. 150 . . 308 —Title No. 2 311 j —Title No. 122 312 I Gothic No. 122 292 Gothic Conden'd Fractions 323 ; Gothic Condensed No. 37 . 286 i Gothic Condensed No. 112 285 j Gothic Condensed No. 129 287 Gothic Ex. Cond. No. 150 291 Gothic Fractions 323 Gothic Italic No. 112 .. . 60 Gothic Italic No. 113 .. . 60 Gothic Italic No. 123 ... 60 Graphic 199 Hades 192 Half Title No. 120 ... . 235 Half Title No. 122 ... . 235 Hapgood Florets 367 Head Rules, Brass .... 397 Heintzemann 310 Hoboes 3S5 Howland 110-113 Howland Open .... 190, 191 Ihlenburg 315 Ihlenburg Extended . . . 314 Inclined Gothic 76 Index Corners 391 Index Cuts 390 Interchangeable Gothic . . 282 Ionic No. 30 252 Ionic No. 120 249 Ionic No. 122 249, 252 Ionic No. 150 i. 250 Ionic No. 159 252 Jagged 157 Jenson Heavyface . . . 88-91 i Jenson Italic 32,52-55 [ Jenson Old Style . . . 100-105 1 Job Commercial Signs . . 323 I Johnston Gothic 285 Kitcat Klondike Borders Klondikers . . . . 148 345 385 I/abor-Saving Brass I/caders 401 Labor-saving Brass Rule 398, 399 PAGE Labor-saving Leads ... 332 Labor-saving Metal Fur- niture 332 Labor-saving Quotation Furniture 332 Labor-saving Slugs .... 332 Laclede 62 Lady Speakers 388 Large Face Series No. 54 . 4,5 Latin Antique No. 120 . . 259 Latin Compressed No. 30 . 156 Latin Condensed No. 150 . 152 Laurel Borders 343 Law Italic No. 42 74 Law Italic No. 120 ... 33, 75 LawTtalic No. 122 .... 74 Leaders, Brass 401 — Dotted xvi — Fine Dot xvi — Hyphen xvi Leads and Slugs 332 Lightface Celtic No. 150 . 175 Light-Face No. 158 ... . 174 Light Runic No. no ... 178 Light Runic No. 152 ... 178 Lining Gothic Extd. No. 40 278 Lining Gothic No. 43 . . . 279 Lining Gothic No. 44 . . . 280 Lining Gothic No. 45 . . . 281 Lining Gothic Nos. 414 to 417 279 Lining Gothic Nos. 418 to 422 280 Lining Gothic Nos. 423 to 427 281 Lining Roman No. 153 . . . 229 Lippincott 123 Listeners 387 Livermore 63 Livermore Outline .... 188 Locus Sigilli 329 Mail I/ist I,ogotypes . 324 Mail List Specimens . . . 324 Maltese Crosses 327 Manila Border 361 McCullagh 118, 119 Mercantile 166, 167 Mercantile Bold 180 Metal Braces 330 Metal Corner Quads ... 331 Metal Furniture 332 Midget Tail Pieces .... 366 Mid Gothic 288, 289 Miscellaneous Cast Cuts . 392 Modern Antique . . . 256, 257 Modern Antique Wide No. no 258 Modern Fraktur 309 Modern Roman: —No. 51 2, 3 —No. 54 4, 5 —No. 63 6, 7 Myrtle Borders 360 New Index Cuts .... 390 New Metal Braces .... 330 Newspaper Borders 333, 337-341 Newspaper Cuts 392 Newspaper Date Lines . . 379 PKTTINGILL CD. COMPANY Newspaper Headings . 373-384 Newspaper Sub-Headings 379, 380 Nonpareil Borders .... 333 Norman Condensed ... 173 Novelty Script 40 Old Style Antique No. 40 224 Old Style Antique No. 112 . 223 Old Style Antique No. 120 224, 225 Old Style Bold 222 Old Style Condensed No. 4 215 Old Style Condensed No. 40 216 Old Style Extended ... 221 Old Style Latin Condensed 156 Old Style No. 43 217 Old Style No. 83 Italic . . 72 Old Style Roman : — No. 72 . . . -8-10, 206, 207 —No. 77 14-16 —No. 79 . . . 11-13,208,209 —No. 80 17-16 —No. 471 201-205 Old Style Title .... 226, 227 Old Style Two-Line ... 217 Open Title No. 120 ... . 234 Ornaments : —Central 369 —Contour Palmetto . . . 369 —Contour Pointers . . . 368 — Egj'ptian 362 — Hapgood Florets ... 367 —Midget Tail Pieces . . 366 —Palmetto 369 —Pin, Nail and Screw Heads 368 —Pointers 368 — " Post " 372 —Printers' Nic-Nacs . . 368 —Rogers Embellish- ments 367 —Shaded Palmetto . . .369 —Shaded Pointers ... 368 —Stellar 369 —Turner 369 — Twinklers 358 —Wayside 37°, 37 1 Outline Type 181-200, 343, 368, 369 Overgrown Series No. 80 17-19 Palm Border ..... 358 Palmetto Ornaments . . . 369 Palo Alto .200 Parisian Black No. 120 . . 297 Perforating Rule 396 Philadelphia Lining Gothic 269-277 Pica Borders 333, 342 PAGE Pick-Ups 386 Piece Accents xvi Pin. Nail and Screw Heads 368 Point Combination Borders Series A and B . . . 346, 347 Pointers 368 Pointer Borders 353 "Post" Border^ Nos. i and 2 334 "Post" Old Style Italic. 42-45 "Post" Old Style Roman No I So-83 "Post" Old Style Roman No. 2 84-87 " Post" Ornaments . . . . 372 Primrose Borders 357 Printer's Nic-Nacs .... 368 Priory Text 298, 299 Quads, Angular 331 —Circular 331 —Corner 331 Quaint 143 Quaint Open 189 Quaint Roman No. 2 . . . 144 Quentell 116, 117 Quentell Fractions . . 117,322 Quotation Furniture ... 332 Recipe Marks 329 Regal Borders 353 Regal Italic 66 Remington Standard ... 25 Reversible Metal Furniture 332 Rigs and Traps 389 Rimpled 124, 125 Rococo Border 357 Rogers Embellishments . 367 Romanesque 173 Roman Extended No. 120 . 242 Roman Fractions 323 Roman No. 44 228 Ronaldson Clarendon . . 122 Ronaldson Condensed . . 214 Ronaldson Extended . . . 220 Ronaldson Old Style No. 72 8-10, 206, 207 Ronaldson Title Slope . . 61 Round Corner Rule .... 392 Royal Script 36. 37 Rubens 146, 147 Runic Condensed No. 120 . 176 Runic Condensed No. 122 . 177 Santa Cru« 200 Schoefter Old Style . . 106-109 Schoeffer Old Style Ini- tials 108, 109 Schwabacher 307 Scorchers 389 Scoring Rules 396 PAGE Script Type: —American 34, 35 —Novelty 40 —Royal 36, 37 — Steelplate 38, 39 Self Spacing German . . . 301 Shaded Palmetto Ornam'ts 369 Shaded Pointers 368 Shaved Leads and Slugs . 332 Shoppers 388 Signal Service Weather Signs 326 Silhouettes 386 Six Point Borders 333 Six Point Braces and Dashes 330 Six Point Metal Braces . . 330 Six Point Stars 327 Slugs, Labor-saving ... 332 —Foot 331 Smith-Premier Typewriter 25 Space Rule 396 Speakers 387, 388 Standard Lining Antique . 149 Stars 327 Steel Cutting Rules . . 331, 396 Steelplate Script ... 38, 39 Steel Scoring Rule . . . . 33^ Stellar Ornaments .... 369 Take Slugs 331 Tiger Lily Border .... 359 Time-saving Mail List Type 324 Title Expanded No. 120 . 243 TouraineO.S. Italic 30,31,48-51 Triple-Line Border ... 336 Tudor Black 294, 295 Turner Ornaments .... 369 Twelve Point Borders 333, 342 Twenty-four Point Borders 342 Twinkier Borders .... 359 Twinklers . 358 Two-line Letter No. 35 . . 236 Two-line Letter No. 124 . 236 Two-line Letter No. 128 . 235 Two-line Letter No. 129 . 236 Two-line No. 151 235 Two-line Pica Borders . . 342 Typewriter : —Remington Standard . 25 — Smith-Premier .... 25 Unique Celtic 170 Unique Celtic Condensed . 171 United States Signal Flags 326 "Victoria Italic 67 Wayside Ornaments 370, 371 Weather Indicators .... 326 Webster 172 Whist Markers 329 Yonkers 300 iNDi:x TO usi:ful information PAGE . xvi Accents Used in F'oreign Languages . American Point System xii Consecutive Numbers, To Print xiv How to Estimate xii How to Order Sorts xii, xiv Number of Ems in One Pound of Type . . . xiii Number of Ems in Square Inches of Type . xiii Number of Leads to the Pound xiii Number of Words in a Square Inch .... xiv Relative Proportion of Type Bodies .... xii Roman Numerals xiii Type Standards xii PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY USEFUL INFORMATION FOR PRINTERS HOW TO ESTIMATE. To ascertain the quantit}' of body type required for a publication, find the number of square inches and divide the same by four, and the quotient will be the approximate weight of type required ; but, as it is impossible to set the cases entirely clear, it is necessary to add 25 per cent, to the weight of large fonts, and 33 ^'3 per cent, to small fonts, to allow for dead letter. HOW TO ORDER SORTS. In ordering sorts always inclose a metal cap H and lower-case ni of the t^pe you wish to match, and plainly state the quantity of each character required. Be sure and inclose sample before sealing envelope inclosing order. Better put sample in a small envelope. Order every article by the exact name and number given in the specimen book. Variations from the book names frequently cause error and delay. Do not mutilate a specimen book. It does not help us to receive printed specimens taken from our specimen books. In ordering, write each item on a separate line. Orders written in long f)aragraphs invite error. Separate the order rom the accompanying letter. It will save time. TYPE STANDARDS. The following is the standard adopted by the International Typographical Union. The basis of measurement is the lower-case alphabet, from a to z inclusive, and the ems used are the same body as the type measured : AfYz Point \% ■' 6 7 EMS . iH • 17 . 16 ■ 15 8 Point 9 " 10 " EMS ■ 14 - 13 ■ 13 • 13 • 13 AMERICAN POINT SYSTEM. The following table gives the names of the old bodies and their new designation by points: Zy2 Point . . . Brilliant. 4^ " ... Diamond. 5 "... Pearl. 5^ " ... Agate. 6 " ... Nonpareil. 7 " . . Minion. 8 "... Brevier. 9 " ... Bourgeois. 10 " ... Long Primer. 11 " ... Small Pica. 12 "... Pica. 14 "... 2-line Minion or English. 15 "... 3-line Pearl 16 "... 2-line Brevier. 18 "... Great Primer. 20 " . . . 2-1 ine Long Primer or Paragon. 22 " ... 2-line Small Pica. 24 "... 2-line Pica. 28 "... 2-line English. 30 " . . 5-line Nonpareil. 32 "... 4-line Brevier. 36 " ... 2-line Great Primer. 40 " ... Double Paragon. 42 " ... 7-line Nonpareil. 44 "... 4-line Small Pica or Canon. 48 "... 4-line Pica. 54 " ... 9-line Nonpareil. 60 "... 5-line Pica. 72 "... 6-line Pica. RELATIVE PROPORTION OF TYPE BODIES. Table showing the number of ems of different bodies contained in 1000 ems space of any given body. Also the weight and space occupied by 1000 ems of any body. Also the number of ems of any body, and the number of inches, in one pound. 3M 4'-^ 5 5M 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 8Q. POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT INCHES 3i Point . . . 60,5 490 405 341 250 192 151 122 lOI 85 10 oz. 2.36 4I Point . . . 16.5,3 Bid 670 413 316 250 203 167 141 x^ lbs. iiJ 5 Point . . . 2041 1235 827 695 510 391 309 250 207 174 li lbs. 5i Point . . . 2469 1493 1780 1210 840 617 473 373 303 250 210 iT% lbs. .5.83 6 Point . . . 2940 1440 1X92 735 .■S63 445 360 297 ' 250 \\l lbs. 2i lbs. 6.94 7 Point . . . 4000 2420 i960 1620 1364 766 604 490 405 340 9-44 8 Point . . . 5224 3160 2560 2II6 1780 1306 790 640 529 445 3t% lbs. 12.35 9 Point . . . 6612 4000 3240 2680 2252 1653 1266 810 670 564 4i lbs. 15.62 10 Point . . . 8164 4940 4000 3308 2780 2041 1563 1236 828 696 5 lbs. 19.29 11 Point . . . 9876 5972 4840 4000 3360 2469 1891 1492 I2IO 840 6i lbs. 23.30 12 Point . . . 1 1 756 7II2 5760 4760 4000 2939 2250 1778 1440 1 190 ^\ lbs. 27.77 Ems in one lb. 1600 960 790 650 550 400 300 240 200 160 140 i 3.75 Ems in square inch .... 422? 256 207i 171* 144 I05f 81 64 5if 42« 36 4J0Z. PE.TTINGILL m. COMPANY NUMBER OF EMS IN ONE POUND OF TYPE. Two by two inches (foursquare inches) soHd type weighs approximately one pound EMS 5 Point 829 5% Point 685 6 Point 576 7 Point 423 8 Point 324 9 Point 256 10 Point 207 11 Point 171 12 Point 144 NUMBER OF EMS IN SQUARE INCHES OF TYPE. [Copyrighted by D. Ramaley.] SQ. IN 6 PT. 7 PT. 8 PT. 9 PT. 10 PT. 11 PT. 2PT. SQ. 1 N. 6 PT. 7 PT. 8PT. 9PT. 10PT. 11 PT. 12 PT. I . . . 144 106 Si 64 52 43 36 29 . . . 4176 3074 2349 1856 1508 1249 1044 2 288 . 212 162 128 104 86 72 30 4320 3180 2430 1920 1560 1292 1080 3 432 318 243 192 I.S6 129 108 31 4464 3286 251 1 1984 1612 1335 III6 4 576 424 324 2.S6 208 172 144 32 4608 .3392 2592 2048 1664 1.378 1152 I 720 530 405 320 260 215 180 33 4752 3498 2673 2II2 I716 I42I 1 188 864 636 486 384 312 2.S8 216 •34 4896 3604 27.S4 2176 1768 1464 1224 7 1008 742 5b7 448 364 301 252 3.S 5040 3710 283.S 2240 1820 1507 1260 8 1 152 848 648 512 41b 348 288 36 .SI84 3816 2916 2304 1872 i,S.SO 1296 9 1296 9.S4 729 .S7b 468 387 324 37 5328 3922 2997 2368 1924 1332 10 1440 1060 810 640 520 430 360 38 5472 4028 3078 2432 1976 1636 1368 II 1584 1 166 891 704 572 473 396 39 5616 4134 3159 2496 2028 1679 1404 12 1728 1272 972 768 624 516 432 40 5760 4240 3240 2560 2080 1722 1440 13 1872 1378 1053 832 676 .S.S9 468 41 5904 4346 3321 2624 2132 1765 1476 14 2016 1484 1 134 896 728 602 504 42 6048 4452 3402 2688 2184 1808 ISI2 15 2160 i.SQO 1215 960 780 645 540 43 6192 4558 .3483 2752 2236 i8si IS48 16 2304 1696 1296 1024 832 688 576 44 6336 4664 2816 2288 1894 1584 17 2448 1802 1377 1088 884 733 612 45 6480 4770 3645 2880 2340 1937 1620 18 2592 1908 14.58 1 152 936 776 648 46 6624 4876 3726 2944 2,392 1980 1650 19 2736 2014 1539 1216 988 819 684 47 6768 4982 3807 3008 2444 2023 1696 20 2880 2120 1620 1280 1040 862 720 48 6912 .S088 3888 3072 2496 2066 1728 21 3024 2226 1701 1344 1092 905 75b 49 7056 .S194 3969 31.36 2548 2109 1764 22 3168 2332 1782 1408 1 144 948 792 .SO 7200 5300 4050 3200 2600 2152 1800 23 3312 2438 1863 1472 1 196 991 828 60 8640 6360 4860 3840 3120 2580 2160 24 3456 2544 1944 1536 1248 1034 864 70 10080 7420 5670 4480 3640 3010 2520 25 3600 2650 2025 1600 1300 1077 900 80 1 1520 8480 6480 5120 4160 3440 2880 26 3744 27.S6 2106 1664 1352 1 120 936 90 12960 9540 7290 5760 4680 3870 3240 27 3888 2187 1728 1404 1 163 972 100 14400 10600 8100 6400 5200 4300 3600 28 4032 2968 2268 1792 1456 1206 1 108 NUMBER OF LEADS TO THE POUND. Table showing the approximate number of 2-point and 3-point leads contained in a pound. For i-point leads, multiply the 2-point columns by 2. For i>^-point leads, multiply the 3-point columns by 2. For 6-point slugs, divide 3-point columns by 2. EMS 2 POINT 3 POINT EM8 2 POINT 3 POINT EMS 2 POINT 3 POINT EMS 2 POINT 3 POINT 3 288 192 15 57 38 27 31 21 39 22 15 4 216 144 16 54 36 28 30 20 40 21 14 5 168 112 17 51 34 29 30 20 41 21 14 6 144 t 18 48 32 30 19 42 20 14 7 123 1 ^9 45 3? 31 28 19 43 20 13 8 108 72 j 20 42 28 32 27 18 44 19 13 9 96 64 21 40 27 33 26 17 45 19 13 10 78 56 22 39 26 34 25 17 46 18 12 II 52 23 37 25 24 16 47 18 12 12 11 48 24 36 24 36 24 16 48 18 12 13 66 44 25 34 23 % 23 15 49 17 II 14 61 41 26 33 22 22 15 50 17 II ROMAN NUMERALS. I— I VI— 6 XI— II XVI— 16 XXX— 30 LXXX— 80 II— 2 VII— 7 XII— 12 XVII— 17 XL— 40 XC— 90 III— 3 VIII— 8 XIII— 13 XVIII— 18 L— 50 C— 100 IV— 4 IX— 9 XIV— 14 XIX— 19 LX— 60 CL— 150 V— 5 X— 10 XV— 15 XX— 20 LXX— 70 CC— 200 CCC— 300 DCCC— 800 CCCC— 400 DCCCC— 900 D — 500 M — 1000 DC— 600 DCC— 700 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF WORDS IN A SQUARE INCH. In calculating the number of pages a manuscript will occupy, these figures may be used: WORDS TO SQ. IN. i8 Point, solid 7 14 Point, solid 11 12 Point, solid 14 12 Point, leaded 11 II Point, solid 17 II Point, leaded 14 10 Point, solid 21 10 Point, leaded 16 9 Point, solid 28 WORDS TO SQ. IN. 9 Point, leaded 21 8 Point, solid 32 8 Point, leaded 23 7 Point, solid 38 7 Point, leaded . . . 27 6 Point, solid 47 6 Point, leaded 34 5 Point, solid 69 5 Point, leaded 50 " Leaded," as here used, means an opening of lines with 2-point leads. USEFUL IN ORDERING SORTS. In ordering sorts always send a cap H and lower-case m of the font you wish to match. These letters should be sent, no matter what the characters are that you wash to purchase. The following table shows what each box in the type case will holcl : acdismnhoutr boxes, each hold 2 pounds. f b 1 V g y p w boxes, each hold 15 ounces. kjzxqand all figures boxes, each hold 6 ounces. e box holds 3 pounds. Caps and small caps boxes, each hold 5 ounces. A B C D E F G H I K L I II 21 .31 41 .51 61 71 81 91 oil 2 22 .S2 42 .52 62 72 82 92 02 12 .S 3.^ 43 .S.3 63 7.3 «3 93 03 13 23 • 4 44 64 74 84 94 04 14 24 34 c 6s 7S 8,S ?i 05 i.S 25 3.S 45 6 66 76 86 96 16 26 36 46 56 7 77 »7 V, 07 17 27 47 57 67 8 88 98 18 28 3H 48 58 68 7« ! 9 99 09 19 29 39 49 59 69 Z9 89 , 00 xo 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 TO PRINT CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS. Orders to print consecutive numbers are received more or less frequently by every printing office, large or small. In the average office, to print the numbers i to 200 con- secutively would be quite a task, and when undertaken in the ordinary way, with the facilities usually at hand, the cost is so high that the customer usually concludes to get along with something else than printed numbers, and what might be a profitable job is lost to the office. Suppose an order for two hundred reserved seat numbers from i to 200, six copies of each. It is not necessary to set up more than the units i to o. These figures are to be set up, properly spaced, one above the other, as shown in column A of the table annexed. One hundred and twenty impressions are taken on strips of cardboard cut to the required width. This done, gives the required number of units. Change the gauge pins in a manner to print the same form beside the printed figures to form the tens, as shown in column B of the table. Take twelve impressions of this form on twelve of the already printed strips. The next .step is to change the form by taking the top figure (i) and place it at the bottom of the column, so the next impression on a strip of the first form will read as shown in column C of the table. We print again twelve strips of the first form. This change of the top figures, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and o, respectively, is repeated eight more times, shown in the table as columns D, E, F, G, H, I, K and L. From each change twelve impressions on the printed slips containing the first form must be made. This will finish the tens, and by changing the form to ten figure Is and again moving the pins to the left for the space-width of the type, and printing six strips of each the former changes from B to L, gives the hundreds, or a continuous run of numbers from i to 199 in an edition of six copies. To obtain number 200, print upon the six strips left a figure 2 to head the 00 of column B. In assorting the numbers it wall be found that each six copies of the heavy type cannot be used, but this small loss in stock is compensated many times by the advantage derived from the method. PE.TTINGILL CEL COMPANY PRICE LIST OF BODY TYPE SUBJECT TO DISCOUNT POINT BODIES. 25 LBS. 500 LBS. TO 500 LBS. TO 1000 LBS.] AND OVER. 3^ 1^ Point on 4 J^ -Point . 16 to 28 Point incl. Per lb. $500 I 60 I 29 074 O 64 056 052 048 o 46 044 o 42 o 40 o 40 040 Per lb. $4 75 340 I 55 I 15 o 72 o 62 054 o 50 o 46 044 o 42 o 40 o 40 o 40 o 40 Above 28 Point at Second-class Prices Per lb. $450 330 I 50 I 10 o 71 O 61 053 049 045 043 o 41 o 40 o 40 o 40 o 40 Roman and German Body Type is put up in fonts of 25, 50 and 100 pounds, or some multiple of these weights. Included in each 25 pounds are 5 pounds. of Spaces and Quads, and same proportions in larger fonts. Italic and Accents will not be sent with Roman fonts unless specially ordered. Smallest font of Italic furnished weighs 5 pounds. A pair of full-size cases holds 50 pounds of body type. SPACES AND QUADS IN JOB FONTS Spaces and Quads are put up in Job Fonts at the following prices: Per Font 5 Point $1 40 5^/2 " I 00 6 " 065 7 ;; 065 8 " 065 9 " o 60 10 " 055 11 " o 60 12 " O 60 14 " o 60 15 " 060 16 " 055 18 " 055 20 " o 60 22 " O 50 24 Po; 28 ' 30 ' 36 40 44 48 54 60 l\ 96 120 Per Font nt $0 60 055 o 50 o 50 °55 o 60 o 60 o 60 o 80 I 10 1 15 1 25 o 90 I 70 I 40 Spaces and Quads are also put up in assorted fonts of five pounds, at Body Type Prices. PETTINGILL CEl COMPANY PRICE LIST OF JOB HPE SUBJECT TO DISCOUNT Point Bodies Second-Class Type ill fonts of 25 lbs. and over Second-Class Special Type in fonts of 25 lbs. and over U 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 28 30 32 36 40 42 44 48 54 60 72 84 96 Point Per lb. $2 50 I 80 I 44 I 16 I 00 o 90 o 80 o 74 o 70 o 66 o 62 o 62 o 60 o 60 o 60 o 56 o 56 o 56 o 56 o 56 o 56 50 lbs. and over $054 054 054 o 54 Sold in Fonts only Per lb. $2 80 2 00 I 60 I 28 I 12 I 00 o 90 o 82 o 78 074 o 70 o 70 o 70 o 66 o 66 o 64 o 64 o 64 o 62 o 62 o 62 50 lbs. and over $0 60 O 60 O 60 O 60 Sold in Fonts only Third-Class Scripts, Pat- ented Letters, etc. I 25 lbs. and over Per lb. $3 20 2 80 2 40 2 00 I 80 I 60 44 30 22 16 12 08 06 00 94 90 90 o 86 o 84 o 82 o 82 50 lbs. and over $0 78 o 72 o 72 o 72 Sold in Fonts only ALLOWANCE FOR OLD TYPE AND OTHER METALS Old type (clean and unmixed with other metals), electrotypes, leads and brass, delivered at foundry free, will be taken at current prices in even exchange for new type or printing material. Customers sending in old metal are requested to mark their names on all packages, and to forward by mail a shipping receipt or bill of lading, with the net weight of each kind of material, as soon as shipment is made. Compliance with this request will aid in identifying shipments, and prevent errors. Ship as " old metal " to secure low freight rate. SPECIAL NOTICE. — Zinc plates, metal containing zinc, or type and other plates mixed with zinc plates, and stereotype plates, will not be received at any price. Type, electrotype plates, leads and brass, must be packed separately, as the value of each differs. PKTTINGILL CgL COMPANY ACCENTED LETTERS We make a vast number of accented letters for both bodj- and job type for use in the Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish and Bohemian languages. We print below assortments of accents used in various languages for the information of our customers, who will be informed upon application as to which of these accents can be supplied for any size or series of type. Accents not in common use in this country will be cut to order at a special price. The following lower case accented letters of Roman and Italic are furnished with the body type for which they are made, and a number of these accented letters can also be furnished in capitals and small capitals. a e 1 6 U I Circumflex a e 1 6 u Acute Grave a e i 6 U Diaeresis . a e 1 O U Long Short . a e 1 O U Spanish (Nya) . . a e 1 5 ii French (Cedilla) ACCENTED LETTERS USED IN VARIOUS MODERN LANGUAGES ACDEEINORSTUUYZ acd'eeinofsliuuyz DANISH AND NORWEGIAN FRENCH EAEUAEIOUg eaeuaei6u9ieii GERMAN A U a o ii HUNGARIAN AEIOUOUOU aeiouoiiou Italian AEIOUaeiou POLISH 4cei>6szz PORTUGUESE AEIOUNguAO aeioungiiao SPANISH A E I 6 U N U a e 1 6 u n ii SWEDISH A A O a a o 12 POINT NO 6 PIECE ACCENTS PER FONT $1 50 12 POINT " PER FONT $1 50 6 POINT NO 150 $0 50 ^ ^ ^ r' ••••••■■■■ >A. .^. O O /«^ /«' ^^ \ / A /^ •• 4 POINT NO 150 « POINT B PER PONT $1 10 3 POINT NO 150 6 POINT SHADED NO 150 ^ 40 $0 30 $0 25 LEADERS FOR BODY TYPE These are put up in 5-lb. fonts, at body-type prices, and are not included in fonts of body type. It is always necessary to state the type the leaders are required to line with, or to send a cap " H " and lower case " m " of the type. We make the following styles : Ond Dot to the Em (open) For 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II and 12 point bodies Two Dots to the Em For 5, 5%, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II and 12 point bodies Copper Alloy Fine-Dot Leaders For 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II and 12 point bodies Three Dots to the Em For 5, 5/^,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 point bodies Two Strokes to the Em (hyphen) For 5, sJ^, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II and 12 point bodies PART L BODY LETTER Modern and Old Style Romans pi:ttingill cel company MODERN ROMANS American Press Association Series No 61 6 POINT NO 61 When, in the course of human events, it be- comes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pur- suit of happiness. Tliat, to secure these yignts, governments are founded among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the gov- erned ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its founda- tion on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be clianged for light and transient causes; and, accordingly , all ex- perience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, Lower case a to z, i6% ems 7 POINT No 61 Whex, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them vrith another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are in- stituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a neiv government, Laying its foundation on such principles, arid organizing its powers iri such form, as to Lower case a to z, 15% ems 8 POINT NO 61 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have coiuiected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the law\s of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-e^ddent, that all men are created equal ; that they are endow^ed by their Creator \^^th certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, lib- erty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secui-e these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of govenunent becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the peoj^le to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, lay- ing its foundation on such principles, and Lower case a to z, 1454 ems 9 POINT No 61 When, in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the i)olitical bands which connect them with another, and to assume, among the powders of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which imi^el them to the sepa- ration. We hold these truths to be self-e\'ident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien- able rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- piness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among 7neny deriving their just j^owej^s from the consent of the governed; that^ whenever any form of government Lower case a to z, 14^ ems PHTTINGILL CSL COMPANY Bkoad-Face Series No 51 5H POINT NO 51 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the pow ers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain un- alienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more dis- posed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the Lower case a to z, 15 4-5 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRBTUVWXYZ 1234567890 6 POINT NO 51 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- ness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government^ laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such lorm, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience Jiath shoum, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, ivhile evils are sufferable, than to right them- Lower case a to z, 17 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT NO 51 When, in the course of hniiian events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God en- title them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien- able rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the gov- erned ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a netv government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizi7ig its poivers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely Lower case a to z, 165^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PilTTINGILL CEL COMP>».NY 8 POINT NO 51 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of man- kind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life^ liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that^ whenever any form of gov- ernment becomes destructive of these ends^ it is the right of the Lower case a to z, 15 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 9 POINT NO 51 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights^ governments are instituted among men^ deriv- ing their just powers from the consent of the governed; that^ Lower case a to z, 13 4-5 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT NO 51 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the iDolitical bands which have connected them wdth another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal 5 that they are endow ed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty , a7id the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments Lower case a to z, 13 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PETTINGILL CSl COMPANY Large-Face Series No 54 6 POINT NO 54 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands whicli have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are' life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new goveimment, laying its foundation on Lower case a to z, 15% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT NO 54 When, in tlie course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the pohtical bands which have connected them witli another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to wliich the laws of nature and of nature's God- entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator witli certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pcursidt of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just porvers from the consent of the governed; Lower case a to z, 15 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1231567890 8 POINT NO 54 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the sep- arate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nattire's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that tfey should declare the causes which impel them to the separa- tion. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, Lower case a to z, 14^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1284567800 POINT NO 54 When, in the course of human events, it l^ecomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel theyn to the separation. We hold these truths to he self-evident, that all vfien are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator ivith cer- Lower case a to z, 13 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 10 POINT NO 54 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have con- nected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the sej)arate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which imjDel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator Avith certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- ness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Lower case a to z, 12 3-5 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 11 POINT NO 54 When, in the course of human events, it becomes neces- sary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to wdiich the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator ivith certain unalienable rights; that, among these are Lower case a to z, 12% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 12 POINT NO 54 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which connected them Avith another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes ivhich impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to he self-evident, that all men are Lower case a to z, 12% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVAVXYZ 1234507800 PE.TTINGILL CEl COMPANY Full Grown Series No 63 5 POINT NO 63 5^ POINT NO 63 When, in the course of Iminan events, it be- comes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are cre- ated equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, de- riving their just powers from the consent of thegoverued ; that, whenever any form of gov- ei-nme7it becomes destructive of these ends, it Lower case a to z, 17 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dis- solve the political bands which have con- nected them with another, and to assume, amon^ entitle them, a decent respedl to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Lower case a to z, i2j^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Old Style Figures only included in regular fonts. Modern Figures furnished if desired 10 PETTINGILL CSL COMPANY 12 POINT OLD STYLE NO 72 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have conneAed them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the sep- arate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respe6l to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separa- tion. We hold these truths to be self-evident^ that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, govern- ments are instituted among men, deriving their just I.ower case a to z, 12J4 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 15 POINT OLD STYLE NO 72 '^ When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dis- solve the political bands which have con- ne6led them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the sepa- rate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respe6l to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are en- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW 1234567890 Old Style Figures only included in regular fonts. Modern Figicres furnished if desired Larger sizes of this series are shown on pages 20b and 207 PCTTINGILL Ca. COMPANY 11 Franklin Series No 79 5 POINT OLD STYLE NO 79 ^ When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connedted them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respecft to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destrudtive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will di<5tate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown, that maytkind are more disposed to suffer, luhile evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to Lower case a to z, 14% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 6 POINT OLD STYLE NO 79 * When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new governmetit, lay- ing its foundation on such principles, and organizing its po^vers in such form, as to them Lower case a to z, 13% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT OLD STYLE NO 79 * When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dis- solve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, literty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of governtnent becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the peofle to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying Lowe.- case a to z, 13 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 8 POINT OLD STYLE NO 79 * When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal sta- tion to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, goziC7'nments are instituted among men^ deriving their just powers from the consetit of the Lower case a to z, 12% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 12 PIITTINGILL CSl COMPANY 9 POINT OLD STYLE NO 79 ' When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of na- ture's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are insti- tuted among ?nen, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any for?n of government becoines de- Lower case a to z, 12)^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT OLD STYLE NO 79 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of na- ture and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- ness. That, to secure these rights, gozerjiments are instituted among Lower case a to z, 12 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 11 POINT OLD STYLE NO 79 When, in the course of human events, it becomes neces- sary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created eqnal ; that they are endoived by their Creator Lower case a to z, ii% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 13 12 POINT OLD STYLE NO 79 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the sepa- rate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are en- dowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, goveiniments are instituted among nien^ deriving their just powers from the consent of the goveinied ; that, Lower case a to z, 12 2-5 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 14 POINT OLD STYLE NO 79 * When, in the course of human events, it be- comes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of na- ture's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain ztnaliejtable rights; that among these, Lower case a to z, 12 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 1 234567890 Larger sizes shown on pages 208 and 2oq 14 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY BiNNY Series No 77 6 POINT OLD STYLE NO 77 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among; the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, when- ever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same objeft, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism Lower case a to z, 15% ems. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT OLD STYLE NO 77 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respe<5t to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable fights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pur- suit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long es- Lower case a to z, 14 4-5 ems. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 8 POINT OLD STYLE NO 77 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God en- title them, a decent i-espeH to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new govern- Lower case a to z, 13% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 15 9 POINT OLD STYLE NO 77 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have conne6led them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to w^hich the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respedl to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, govermnents are instituted among me?i, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organ- izing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effedl; their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to Lower case a to z, 13 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT Old style no 77 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respeft to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all 7ne7i are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are in- stituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of govern- ment becomes destru6live of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new govern- ment, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effe6l their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dic- tate that governments long established, should not be changed Lower case a to z, 12 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 16 PHTTINGILL CEL COMPANY 11 Point old style no 77 When, in the course of human events, it becomes ne- cessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connedled them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent resped; to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal; that they are en- dowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on Lower case a to z, 12 4-5 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 12 POINT OLD STYLE NO 77 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connedl:ed them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the sepa- rate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respedt to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the sepa- ration. We hold these truths to be self-evident^ that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, govern- ments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that when- I.ower case a to z, i2,''2 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PEITTINGILL CEL COMPANY 17 Overgrown Series 5l4 POINT OLD STYLE NO 80 6 POINT OLD STYLE NO 80 When, in the course of human events, it be- When, in the course of human events, it comes necessary for one people to dissolve becomes necessary for one people to dis- the political bands which have connected solve the political bands which have con- them with another, and to assume, among the nected them with another, and to assume, powers of the. earth, the separate and equal among the powers of the earth, the'sepa station to which the laws of nature and of . ^ i * , ^ .• . ,• ? .i , ' nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they rate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, should declare the causes which impel them \ a decent respect to the opmions of man- to the separation. We hold these truths to j kmd requires that thev should declare the be self-evident, that all men are created I causes which impel them to the separa- equal ; that they are endowed by their Crea- tion. We hold these truths to be self- tor with certain unalienable rights ; that ' evident, that all men are created equal ; among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit , that they are endowed by their Creator of happiness. That, to secure these rights, with certain unalienable rights; that £^07>eru,fieriis are ifistttuted among vten, de- \ among these, are life, liberty, and the rtvmg their just Pmvers from the consent i p^irsuit of haPfiness. That, to secure Lower case a to z, 15 ems , Lower case a to z. 15 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV "34567890 , 1234567890 7 POINT OLD STYLE NO 80 WHiiN, ill the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new govern- ment, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in sjtch form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happi- ness. Frndence, indeed, zvill dictate that governments long established should Lower case a to z, 14% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 8 POINT OLD STYLE NO 80 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the sepa- rate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separa- tion. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, de- riving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that when- ever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and 07'ganizing Lower case a to z, 14 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 18 PHTTINGILL CEl COMPANV 9 POINT OLD STYLE NO 80 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, de- riving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such princi- ples, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience hath shonm, that inankiiid are more disposed to suffer while evils a7-e sufferable^ thaji to right themselves by abolishing Lower case a to z, 13^^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT OLD STYLE NO 80 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them v^ith another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a de- cent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separa- tion. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect tJieir safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments Lower case a to z, 13 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PE-TTINGILL CEL COMPANY 19 11 POINT OLD STYLE NO 80 When, in the course of human events, it becomes ne- cessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should de- clare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are insti- tuted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, Lower case a to z, 13^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 12 POINT OLD STYLE NO 80 When, in the course of human events, it be- comes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among- the pow- ers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opin- ions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the sep- aration. We hold these truths to be self-evi- dent, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are insti- tuted among men, deriving their fust powers Lower case a to z, 14^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU 1234567890 20 PE-TTINGILL CO. COMPANY FRENCH OLD STYLE No 2 6 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE NO 2 30 A $1 25 30 A 20 A 100 a $4 00 When, in the course of human events, it i tive of these ends, it is the right of the becomes necessary for one people to dissolve ! people to alter or to abolish it, and to insti- the political bands which have connected tute a new government, laying its founda- them with another, and to assume, among ., „ ^„ ^„^^ ^,.i„,-;^\^^ ^^a ^^rvor,!,ir.r» i+o the powers of the earth, the separate and i *'«" °" ^""^^ principles, and organizing its equal station to which the laws of nature Po^ers m such form, as to them shall seem and of nature's God entitle them, a decent most likely to effect their safety and happi- respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destruc- Lower case a to z, 14 ems ness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable,than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE NO 2 30 A $1 60 30 A 15 A 90 a $4 60 WHEN, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien- able rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall Lower case a to z, 14^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 8 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE NO 2 30 A $1 65 30 A 15 A 90 a $4 60 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ail men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of Lower case a to z, 13% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PUTT IN GILL CO. COMPANY 21 10 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE NO 2 24 A $1 60 24A 12 A 75 a $4 70 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have con- nected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of govern- ment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new govern- ment, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing Lower case a to z, 12% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 12 POINT FRENCH OLD STYLE NO 2 20 A $1 55 20 A 10 A 60 a $5 00 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien- able rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, de- Lower case a to z, 13 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 The complete series shown on pages 210-213 PETTINGILL CB. COMPANY GUSHING SERIES 6 POINT GUSHING 20 A 12 A 50 a $2 50 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain un- alienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes de- structive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolish- ing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations I^ower case a to z, 13% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 8 POINT GUSHING 20 A 12 A 44 a $2 70 When, in the course of human events, it beconries necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a de- cent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organiz- Lower case a to z, 12J8 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT GUSHING 16 A 10 A 40 a $2 90 When, in the course of human events, it beconaes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights Lower case a to z, 11^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PETTINGILL m. COMPANY 23 12 POINT GUSHING 14 A 8 A 36 a $3 25 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the sepa- rate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separa- tion. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- piness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their right to govern Lower case a to z, 12 ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 15 POINT GUSHING 15 A 25 a $3 50 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW 1234567890 The complete series shown on pages ib8 and ibq 24 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY GUSHING MONOTONE 8 POINT GUSHING MONOTONE f When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the. earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respedl to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with Lower case a to z, 12% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT GUSHING MONOTONE * When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have conne6led them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of na- ture and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respe6l to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes Lower case a to z, 12^ ems ABGDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT GUSHING MONOTONE NO 2 ^ When, in the course of human events, it becomes neces- sary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that Lower case a to z, 13^ ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 11 POINT GUSHING MONOTONE f When, in the course of human events, it becomes neces- sary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that Lower case a to z, 11% ems ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 PART 11. Circular Letter and Script Type PE.TTINGILI, ca. COMPANY 25 REMINGTON STANDARD 12 POINT 110a $5 25 20A 110a $7 25 Mayew, Lose and Moan Dear Sirs — In answer to your letter of April 3 concerning Trees. Knowing all about such things we have prepared a small booklet entitled Trees — How to Grow Them--which will be sent for the small sum of 14 cents to all farm-houses east of Timbuctoo and north of Easton. The edition contains fine engravings and wood-cuts carved on the wood of trees raised through our efforts, and is printed on hand-made paper. Respectfully The Hawaiian Nurseries SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRITER 12 POINT 108 a $4 10 20A108a$7 50 SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Whereas, John Smith and Samantha Smith, his wife, by their deed of Trust, dated May 23d, 1890, and duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, in book 966, page 7, conveyed to the undersigned, as trustee, following described real estate, situate in the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri, to-wit: Lot thirty-five (35) of Claggett's second division, and in block number 4468. Said lot having a front of twenty-four (24) feet on the west side of Eagon street, by a depth westwardly of one hundred and twenty spaces are inchided with each/ont of Typewriter 26 PE.TTINGII,I, ca. COMPANY FRENCH OLD STYLE No 2 ITALIC 10 POINT 20 A 50 a $3 00 In the earlier years of his life the parents of Horace E. IValker moved to Claremont, t^Q. H., thence to "Brooklyn, N. Y., the father returning to that place from a short stay in California. From thence the family returned to Clare- mont, at which place the author's poetic labors have since been performed. Come of poor parents his ed- ucational advantages were small, he not having 'T^OBERT "BURNS attended school since he was about sixteen years zAND HIS of age ; and his best work was mostly composed HIGHLAND [MAR Y in a cotton factory while tending the Slasher so often referred to in his poems. "But not till after he had reached the age of twenty-four did he attempt poetry. zAnd strange enough, the ''Lady's Cabinet of Polite Literature" was the star-book of Us poetic career, which having been published in 1808, was enchanting to the view. 14 POINT ELZEVIR ITALIC * 16 A 36 a $3 90 On August g, 18^2, a child was born at Charlestown, N. H., who, Burns4ike, was to eke out a precarious and uncertain poetic ex- istence in the coming years. You see the little gable-roofed house where he THE LADY was born at the top of the long OF T)ARDALE bill, with its ancient moss-covered watering trough, just on the out- skirts of the historic town. It stands there to-day in its unassuming simplicity, with but slight marks of age, though nearly half a century has passed since its birth there. pi:ttingill cel company 27 FRENCH OLD STYLE No 2 ITALIC 24A 60a $2 75 THE IVORLD'S GREAT EMPIRES IVe now come to the commencement of the third period of Grecian history, at which time the Grecians became intermixed with the Tersians in their late history. T)ariits, son of Hystaspes, being in possession of the Persian throne, resolved to conquer the Greeks, and bring their territory under his immediate control. He therefore sent his army, under the command of his most able officers, into Greece, and the T^ersians were so sure of success that they carried marble with them for the purpose of erecting a monument to their glory, as conquerors, when the Grecians should be defeated. The celebrated battle of {Marathon followed, when the Ter- sian soldiers came in contact with such men as Themistocles, tAristides, tMiltiades, and many others of considerable note, distinguished for their courage and valor — who were prepared to resist them, and to defend their country. It is well to notice the character of these promi- nent men as they come before us in this capacity, and, in doing so, we shall see that they were not unlike men of our own times. The two first mentioned, Themistocles and tAristides, were a perfect contrast in their principles of life. 6 POINT 20 A 45 a $2 25 ^RISTIDES WAS A STRONG CONTRAST TO THEMISTOCLES, and appeared everywhere to op- pose his corrupt principles. He was a man of true and noble character, straightforward and upright in all his deportment. He would not sacrifice principle to favor his best friend ; and because of these excel- lent traits of character he was called tAristides the Just. tAristides was banished from Greece at one time, through the influence of Themistocles, who wanted to be rid of his constant reproof, and when the people came to vote for his banishment, as was customary, the name of the accused was written upon a shell. (A peasant who could not write, and who did not know Aristides personally, approached a stranger and requested that be would write the name of tAristides upon his shell; when the stranger asked : "Why do you vote against him; has he done you any wrong, that you are anxious to condemn him ? " "No," replied the peasant, " I do not even know him ; but I am tired and angry with hearing him called 'The Just.' " Then that stranger took the shell, and wrote the name tAristides upon it, and quietly and courteously returned it to the peasant. That stranger was tAristides himself. 16A 40a $3 50 Themistocles, though having great ability, was always work- ing especially for bis individual interest. He loved office, and was ready to do anything that would insure his election to an official position. He had great wealth and considerable influence, which he used for that pur- pose. He favored those who would favor him in return; like some men of to-day. Jlbout election time there are often those who are ready to grant favors in order THE to secure the desired object. Their money is made to j^RMY flow freely , and their affability is most remarkable. OF This was characteristic of Themistocles. 12^4^6 VALOR 28 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY GUSHING SERIES 12 POINT EXHIBITION OF SCIENCE CLUB BOOK PAPERS. 1898 PARLORS OPEN ENTIRE MONTH OF APRIL, AND THE PUBLIC IS INVITED DAILY. 14 A 8A 36 a $3 25 Can you afford to miss an opportunity for the preservation of your eyesight if it is presented to you? Many years since men of study, bookkeepers, clerks, and the like, were unable to obtain any relief from the strain upon their eyes caused by the constant use of paper made in an unscientific manner. After many years of experiment and study we have made a paper in which this is eliminated. 10 POINT 16A lOA 40a $2 90 NEW SHADES IN MY LADY'S STATIONERY FOR COUNTRY AND SEASHORE EFFUSIONS. One of the most attractive of the new shades has been called Antique Bronze. It is a very fair imitation of some verdigris-covered bronze of ancient statues and coins. Among the new shades of gray are Pearl Gray and the Gray Musketeer, both of which are neutral in tone and in contrast with most every variety of color in writing inks. Mauve and a sap green called Empire seem to be in favor, although neither of these are as attractive as the names might indicate. In our store will be found writing material of every description FRANKLIN STATIONERY COMPANY WASHINGTON INSURANCE ARCADE SOUTH NORWALK, WEST VIRGINIA 8 POINT 20 A 12 A 44 a $2 70 HIGHER IN QUALITY AND LOWER IN PRICE SIX DAYS IN THE WEEK. Many business houses seem to think a good reputation is something that their customers should pay a good price for. As soon as an enviable distinction is ac- quired, the price of goods is advanced and the cream is skimmed as long as it rises. Our goods are recognized as the standard of the world, and yet they were never sold so cheap as the present time. SOUTH AMOSKEAG MANUFACTURING COMPANY BROWN AVENUE, HYDE PARK, NORTH DAKOTA 6 POINT 20 A 12 A 50a $2 50 AUTOMATIC FLYING MACHINE COMPANY ORGANIZED APRIL 1, 1900 These machines embody the results of thirteen unlucky days of foolishness and inexperience. In their construction the highest grade of gold bricks is used for the foundation, and inflation is of that quality of verdure which has gained for our house a reputation second to none in the country, other- wise known as the hay-seed district. Drop in and SEE THEM SOAR, THEN DROP OUT AND FEEL THE SORENESS For a co77tplete showing of this series, see pages /OS and ibg PETTINGILl, ca. COMPANY 29 GUSHING ITALIG 12 POINT 20 A 50 a $3 94 EMBRACING OPPORTUNITIES, TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE SITUATION, OR Timing your action to the exact moment when all indications are propitious, is the acme of good business judgment. How many possess these qualities? 1234567 890 10 POINT 28 A 80 a $3 80 MEN, LIKE PICTURES, MAY BE PLACED IN AN OBSCURE OR UNFAVORABLE LIGHT! There is a secret propensity in human nature, from generation to generation, in the blockheads of one age to admire those of another. Is lying a "clever" faculty F [NT 28 A 80 a $3 00 THE OLD CANTEEN I tell you, Jim, it ain't no use. You recollect as well as I A soldier can' t forget, The hunger and the thirst, Those bloody scenes are just as fresh The mad career of horse and men, As on the day we met; Where rebel shells had burst; But all the relics of the war. But after all, you gray old vet.. The broken sword, I ween. The best remembered scene Ben knapsack old, there is none like Was when we stole a chance to drink The dear old tin canteen. From out the old canteen. 28 A 80 a $2 60 THE OLD BRASS KNOCKER Now, children dear, 'tis the song of the knocker, The old brass knocker of grandfather' s days, A sweet sad tale where harshly asunder The household were torn in the prime of their Mays; But turn to the picture now mellowed forever By the gray hand of Time in his strange lapse of years. And a home like your own so dear to your bosom, May shine like a halo thro' the mist of your tears. For a complete showing of this series, see f ages 68 and bg 30 pi:ttingill cel company TOURAINE OLD STYLE ITALIC ^--^pp'-^ -'-"^ and registered in England A 12 a $4 50 IRREGULARITIES notice is hereby given to each 12 POINT 14 A 28 a $3 25 PRESENTIMENTS Of impending dangers are only the fancies of a fevezish bzain, un- consciously cteeping in upon out 8 POINT 18 A 36 a $2 75 MOONLIGHT EXCURSIONS TO THE CELESTIAL ORB 'Sy the use of tlie "^rio-Naught," tlie latest and greatest of inventions for aeriel flight, two /^undred persons can be wafted from the earth to the moon on each trip. 'Passage can be taken after supper, and those who desire it can be returned in time for breakfast. Trip, free 10 POINT 16 A 32 a $3 00 CONSTABLE SUMMONS For a debt of fifty cents, and nineteen cents as interest, we command you to summon tlie said Bill Lazy to appeat befote out said Justice andsl^ow good 6 POINT 18 A 40 a $2 50 FAITHLESS SALLY 'SROWN An Old Ballad Young "ZJe/i was a nice young man — c^ catpenler by Izade ; And he fell in love with Sally Brown, That was a lady 's maid. "But as tliey fetched a walk one day They met a press-gang crew ; And Sally sl^e did faint away. Whilst Ben he was broug/^t to. The boatswain swore with wicked words, Enougli to shock a saint, That thougli she did seem in a fit, 'Twas nothing but a feint. "Come, gill, " said lie, "hold up yout head- He 'II be as good as me; For when your swain is in our boat nA boatswain he will be. " So when tt^ey'd made ttieir game of Ijer, And taken off her elf. She toused, and found she only was r^;IJ!i TOURAINE OLD STYLE ITALIC and registered in England (Announcement To our Matrons and the Public: AUTUMN OPENING OF ANTIQUE CABINETWARE Out stock is replete witli some of the most aAttistic and zaze speci- mens of Cabinetware of the Six- teentli Centuty, collected from the ancient Halls, Castles and Palaces of Englandy Italy, Gezmany and Fzance, and the remoter poztions of Nozthern Euzope and Pezsia, %ANSACK & SCAREUP 35 1 Baltimore Road ^fter Julv 4th, I go I. UTOPIATOWN Tliispageset in 8, lo, 12, 1 8 and 24 Point Touiaine Old Style Italic See opposite page fot pzices Complete Seties s/^own on pages 48 to 5 1 32 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY JENSON ITALIC 18 POINT 10 A 25 a $4 00 THIS SERIES AS A DISPLAY LETTER is a novelty. It is of a. distinct and striking character, and is made to the same line as the Jenson Old Style. Its usefulness as a com- panion letter "will he appreciated by printers 6 POINT 20 A 50 a $2 50 EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER, FROM A PAIR OF TWEEZERS TO A perfecting press (fo say nothing of type) can be delivered on the shortest notice by any branch House of the American Type Founders' Company, These Houses are all con'veniently located throughout the United States for the benefit of the trade and to facilitate the ivork of sup- plying the demands made upon us by an appreciati've and increasing patronage. Therefore, by placing your orders loith the House nearest your place of business you ivill insure promptness. A printing office that is supplied ivith the products of this Company is luorth far more for use or sale than one made up from productions of incomplete type foundries. This Company leads in the production of popular type styles as the number of them used in standard maga- zines will testify. Many of its designs are imitated, but its originals are never equalled nor even approached. Unique types for all classes of ')vork are being constantly brought out by this Company 12 POINT 10 POINT 20 A 45 a $3 00 THE TYPE TURNED OUT BY THIS COMPANY CONCEDED BY EXPERT printers to outrank that of alt competitors in beauty of design, style of finish, ^nd in its n/ .^pi€a^C. tyc/L^€/c/cify^c€itci'tii^a^ ^«#t.^V^ i::n.€>-cAt*eAi Yv* /A«-*nS*/v^S , 7-t^'^^ Qy ■^^.--p^-t't^a-t-pd^ ^/C-p-^^-c^: (.^....^Oi^'^ <;% (D(D O Card Font 4 A 12 a $5 00 30 POINT NO 2 Circular Font 7 A 25 a $9 00 7/ -zt-e^^i- or ^ -t^iP Z^e^ (L^J^-a^'-^^e^d^^ -t-e-t^g^'A' -o-^ -^-^-^ ^'^- \U 'i''Z-'i-t^t^^^2''&^t^^^'^ ■e^'-T^^ -^tz-^^ 24 POINT NO 2 cJ^vC*, .-/ Card Font 4 A 14 a $4 00 Circular Font 8 A 28 a $7 00 (a^^. «<2i ***-^Ci- **-^Cl- C_>''-4-C!-'**«- C_^ (/ L.^e-'f^ «5?^cy ■t-iC-'t^^^-i «^ -?*MS--«-«^ , -t-tJ^^- ***#*i i-'i^t'C-^- js^si:- t^«^ «-«^ t^'t^t^i^-e-e^ a^^ y 12 POINT Card Font 5 A 16 a $3 00 Circular Font 10 A 32 a $5 00 (Lydi-f^u^^to-f^j -^^-ez^l- ciJl/e-(^/i- ^x.-^^c/ i/ Cci^tt^o^-t^EC AY MORE IN Peace P>isturber Rusli $65 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 49 TOURAINE OLD STYLE ITALIC — pp»^^^°J""^ and registered in Eng-land 4 A 8 a $5 50 cAGROUND Before the Centuries Jostled Him 6 A 12 a $4 50 dVlade many new abodes in elegant style wherein they vied in preserving merely what was picturesque in 32 JUNIOR POLITICIANS "^AND POINT 18 A 36 a 42 75 'VICTOR HUGO cA quoi ton entendre Les oiseaux des bois ? L'oiseaux le plus tendre . Chante dans ta voix. Que Dieu montre ou voile Les astres des cieux ! La plus pure etoile Brille dans tes yeux. Qu'avril renouvelle Le j'ardin en fleuz I La fleur la plus belle Fleurit dans ton cceur. EVERY TOURAINE TOWN HAS ITS LEGENDS OF THE (fDLACK Count, the one great J-J buildez beneath^ whose hands many reaches of the Loire bristled witJi fortresses, each being a step toward the dream of his life, the greatness of Anjou. His prowess as a fighter was early shown in a victory at La Conquereux, where in spite of Breton pitfalls he led his cavalry upon the enemy again and again, as the storm wind that sweeps down upon a cornfield £4 50 PEITTINGILL CEL COMPANY :^^!i!n^S.^ TOURAINE OLD STYLE ITALIC 5 A 10 a S5 00 PRESENTING PRIME NOVELTIES from Bright 'Brain and 'T>eft Digits 6 POINT 18 A 40 a $2 50 THE SONG OF THE 'PRINTER "Pick and click Goes Touraine in the stick, cAs the artist stands at his case ; His eyes glance quick as his fingers pick Touraine at a rapid pace ; cAnd one by one as the letters go, ^obs are piled up steady and slow. Steady and slow, '^ut still they grow. And modern jobs they soon will show, 'beautiful Jobs, that without a sound Appeal to the people all around. 18 POINT 10 A 18 a $4 00 TOURAINE cMODEL GRAND T>E SIGNS igo2 10 POINT 16 A 32 a $3 00 SONG OF THE WORLD AND mAN O where is the man with sucli simple tools can govern this world of fame ? Witli a print- ing press, an iron stick, and a series of Touraine; witli ink of black and paper of white, he 'II bring fortli what will live next doomsday night at 12 o 'clock dAccents are Made for Numerous Job letters hut the^ are never put up witli Regular fonts. Special order pi:ttingill cel company 51 TOURAINE OLD STYLE ITALIC r.:^J^.ts«i^En£a^ci T*ansian cMilliner}^ Extraordinary bargain Sale If you have money to burn fo every cent of it to go for Qu more style , better fabric, pei newest materials and choice which appeals to refined tas of these exquisite creations. EXCLUSIVE T>E Guaranteed to Patro Tfei (V •VAUDET ho formerly recommended the use of old style letters to their clientele ^11 recognize in the Jenson Italic a monotony-breaking substitute, and the reading public l^ill be attracted by advertisements in this striking letter ORNAMENTAL LOWER-CASE LETTERS^ ^ ^ The Jenson Italic ornamental lozver-case letters are intended to be used exclusively as final letters. To get the best results they should be used sparingly in all classes of work. One or t7vo letters properly placed in a job will add to its attractiveness. The ornamental lower-case letters are made in three char- acters, n,g,y, and are cast in all the sizes from 12 Point to 72 Point. They are not put up with regular fonts, as all fonts are complete without them. They are furnished at the following prices per font : 12 POINT, 18 POINT AND 24 POINT, EACH 50 CENTS. 30 POINT, 36 POINT, 42 POINT AND 48 POINT: EACH 75 CENTS 54 POINT 60 POINT AND 72 POINT, EACH $1 00 PETTINGILL Ca. COMPANY 55 JENSON ITALIC ^1 HE type made by the American Type Founders'^ Company is conceded by expert printers to outrank all competitors in its beauty of design, style of finish, and admirable ^wearing qualities* ^hese three cardinal features are, in themselves, sufficient to recommend them to the T^ast army of purchasing printers and magazine publishers as a money-sa'ving in'vestment POINTS TO CONSIDER 20 A 45 a $3 00 Leon, my lo^er. Why should you despair. When Love comes unbidden With %freaths in his hair? 1 love you, my Mona, Is easy to say (As bird on the tree-top To sing out his lay* 8 POINT JENSON TYPE, Injenson type my printer knoTVS The height of typographic pose ; The letters cross the page Like mummers of some by-gone age In solemn, sad, funereal ro^ws* cN^ matter ivhat is said, " it goes,'" Though doggerel 'verse — puerile prose — If but its Ivr etched rantings rage Injenson type. Go, foolish rhyme, and dress your ^oes In this prehich one 'would you select? You 'won't hesitate to choose that 'which is the most profitable, ARGUMENT AND EXPLANATION 6 POINT EVERYTHING that is required in a printing office, from a pair of tweezers to a perfecting press {to say nothing of type) can be supplied on the shortest notice by any 'Branch House of the American Type Founders' Company, These 'Branches are all conveniently located throughout the United States for the benefit of the trade and to facilitate the -work of supplying the demands made upon us by an appreciative and increasing patronage. Therefore, place your orders ')»ith 'Branch nearest your place of business to insure promptness. c4 printing office completely supplied with the products of our manufacture is ivorth far more for use or sale than one made up from the productions of incomplete type foundries. INFORMATION FOR THE ENTERPRISING 1234567890 20 A 50 a $2 50 cMona, you tease me, cAnd "hex me for aye ; 'But, Mona, I love you. Shall love you alivay ; 1 ivould to the altar cNow lead you a bride, 'But love makes me falter c4nd sway with the tide. Then bye, oh bye, darling, For Mona must part From Leon her lover With dread in his heart ; Your love is the devudrop That dies in the sun, Good-by, and forever. With Mona untvonl 56 PE.TTINGILL O. COMPANY BRADLEY ITALIC 3 A 5 a $9 00 Sound Banker J^ecem Drafts 48 POINT 3 A 7 a $7 25 Electrical Winder Hovel time Clock 36 POINT 4 A 10 a $5 50 monthly Reports Given Lombard Insurance (a 5 A 12 a $5 00 Quakers Welcome Visitors Unique Patriotic Ceremony Bradley Italic Outline, registering with this series, is shown on page 183 PETTINGILL CBL COMPANY 57 BRADLEY ITALIC 6 A 18 a $4 50 Tdme and fortune neper overtake men in the da^ of their discontent 9A 26a $4 00 tbi perilous rush of Speculators and the Jldoantunsomc Winer to the Gold Tields has been overshadowed b^ Greater Issues 15 POINT 12 A 36 a $3 50 Couched in tones of unmistakable patriotism, the Declaration of Independence endowed the people of the United States with privileges of the most far-reaching importance to JImerican citizenship 14 A 40 a $3 25 tb^ Laws of Progression h^ve marlied the closing of the nineteenth Century as the Jfge of Wonders. With pros= pects of stiff greater attainments in the near future, the best^thinfiing minds have predicted revofutions in sociaf and pofiticaf fife that iviff astonish the most conservative 14 A 45 a $3 00 Pride and humility ate rela^' fwe terms, tbey suggest a comparison of some sort with an object higher or lower; and the same mind may be proud J234567S90 8 POINT 16 A 48 a $2 75 Of two minds that possess equal excellence, w/jicf) is the noblest: that which, however high the ex- cellence attained by it, has some nobler excellence in view; or that which thinks only of those who I234S67890 58 PETTINGILL CD. COMPANY DE VINNE ITALIC , "l^" 72 POINT 4 A 5a $19 00 Lost RIG 4A 5a $13 25 7? WV Fast 54 POINT • 4A 5a $11 25 Read NICE 48 POINT 4 A 5 a $7 75 BEAR Skins 4A 6a $7 25 Beaver DIVES 5 A 8a $6 50 GRAND Festival De Vinne Italic Outline, registering ivith this series, is sho7vn on pages i8b, 1S7 PKTTINGILL CEL COMPANY 59 DE VINNE ITALIC PATENTED 6A Qa $5 75 BLUSTERING Destructive Cyclones 8A 10a $4 50 FIRING ROCKETS Distress Signals Answered lOA 16a $4 00 WANDERING ARABIANS Experienced Numerous Hardships 12 A 18 a $3 25 DELIGHTFUL HOLIDAY SEASON Society Whirlwinds Unceasingly Blowing Frivolous Dames Dancing 12 POINT 16 A 20a $3 00 UNDERSTANDS Thoroughly Mechanical 8 POINT 22 A 30 a $2 50 CHICAQO WEEKLY NEWS Universally Pronounced Brilliancy 1234567890 10 POINT 20 A 26 a $2 75 ARMENIAN MASSACRE Turkish Cruelty Shows Plainly 6 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 25 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDRY Manufactures Superior Printlag Materiata 1234567890 De Vinne Italic Outline, registering with this series, is shcnvn on pages i8b, 187 60 60 POINT NO 123 PETTINGILL CSl COMPANY GOTHIC ITALIC SERIES GHANDArmy 48 POINT NO 123 4 A 8 a S7 80 Managers POOR 36 POINT NO 123 5 A 10 a $6 40 UNHAPPY Children 30 POINT NO 112 10 A 14 a $4 50 RENOWHED OFFICERS Prominent American Senator 20 POINT NO 112 18 A 24 a $3 65 18 POINT NO 112 18 A 25 a $2 80 POPULAR DESIGN Beautiful Specimen 12 POINT NO 112 22 A 38 a $2 50 HARMONIOUS COMBINATIONS Fancy Typographic Decoration 8 POINT NO 112 36 A 52 a $2 60 PLEASANT STEAMBOAT EXCURSIONS Lovely Sights Mid Picturesque Valleys 1234567890 COURAGEOUS FIGHTERS Grand Army Encampment 10 POINT NO 112 30 A 42 a $2 60 UNPRECEDENTED INDUCEMENTS Extraordinary Bargains Extended 6 POINT NO 113 30 A 60 a $2 40 DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN STATESMEN Berlin Historical and Poetical Association 1234567890 PEITTINGILL CEL COMPANY 61 RONALDSON TITLE SLOPE 36 POINT 5 A 8a $6 00 CHILD Spankers 30 POINT 6 A 10 a $5 25 GR UMBLING Jawtickler Curatives 24 POINT 8 A 14 a $4 50 TMXAN STMMRS Cowboy Lassos MlectrMed 18 POINT 12 A 22 a $4 15 POCKMT BATTSRY Thoroughly Paralyzes Pickpockets 12 POINT 20 A 40 a $3 55 ELECTRICAL Burglar Alarm Hinges Chicken Coops 8 POINT 25 A 50 a $3 15 CRIMn PUNISHED Appliances to Produce Torture Suitable to the Offense 1^34567890 22 A 45 a $3 35 RAPID TRANSIT Fleeting Landscape Scene Passing Glimpse 6 POINT 30 A 60 a $3 00 DYNAMO & COMPANY Contrivers of Mlectrical Machinery Adapted to Various Purposes 1234567890 62 PETTINGILL ^cct,/>faA/e to Ao/A Countries /234S6 7 S9 O \ /^s^sezsso The five larger sizes register rvith Livermore Outline shown on page i88 64 PE.TTINGILL CEL COMPANY BOLDFACE ITALIC * 48 POINT NO 23 4A 6a $7 00 SURE Bounty * 36 POINT NO 22 5 A 7 a $5 50 ^Southern CHEER 30 POINT NO 120 6 A 12 a $4 55 AMERICAN Knowledge 24 POINT NO 120 10 A 20 a $4 55 HONEST PROCLAMATION Cuban Insurgents Dissatisfied 18 POINT NO 120 12 A 24 a $3 90 12 POINT NO 120 12 A 24 A $2 65 PICKPOCKETS OCEAN STEAMER Hunting Steamer Flagship Neiv York 11 POINT NO 120 18 A 36 a $3 05 \ 10 POINT NO 120 ISA 36a $2 90 MEXICAN SOLDIEBS GOVERNMENT BOND Raised Window Curtain Relating many Incidents 9 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $2 95 8 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $3 00 REVENUE COMMISSIONEli | DESPERATE ENCOUNTER United States Treasiu*y Notes { Volunteers atid Spanish Troops 7 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $2 55 PERFECTLY WELL SATISFIED With Constitutional Amendments 1234:567890 6 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $2 25 RESTORING rUBLIC CONFIDENCE Delay Reptiblican National Convention 1234567890 PE-TTINGILL CgL COMPANY 65 CAXTON OLD STYLE ITALIC 18 A 100 a $5 70 SOME UNUSUAL VALUES FOR TO-DAY— TAILOR-MADE SUITS All the Garments are handsomely made in the latest styles, and sold at most reasonable prices $12.50 6 POINT 32 A 200 a $6 70 SPRING IN BRADFORDVILLE. Spring; has come to Bradfordville— Trees are blossorti-dressed ; Flowers blooniin' on the hill Look their purtiest. Wimnienfolks a-cleanin' house Like they know their biz; Brockway's sody fountain, too, Has begun to fizz! Got the tiredness in my bones— Can't do much but rest Until mealtime comes aroun'— Then I do my best. If I git much tireder, though— Tell you how it is, I'll get Brockway jest to put A wink in my Fizz! 8 POINT 32 A 200 a $8 15 THIS UNIQUE AND MODERN EXHIBITION IS UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE REN AND PENCIL CLUB OF NEWPORT The collection gives some idea of what American artists have done in this line, as nearly all of the wash drawings are repro- ductions of work done hy noted Americans. The drawings are copies of designs from some of the largest and best decorated buildings in the United States, including the Appellate Court- house, New York, the residence of G. W. C. Mount, Philadelphia, the St. John's Church, Detroit, and the Congressional Library 10 POINT 24 A 140 a $6 65 BICYCLE OUTFITS FOR THE LADIES LATEST STYLES, AND ALL COLORS Continuation of our great sale of Ladies' Bicycle Clothing; made from the latest patterns. This stock includes Bloomers, Divided Skirts and Short Skirts $20.57 66 PETTINGILI, CB. COMPANY REGAL ITALIC 36 POINT 4 A 8 a $6 50 HIRE Domestics 30 POINT 5 A 10 a $6 00 Emblematic CORDS 6 A 12 a $5 25 ACHIEVEMENT Meritorious Instruction 7 A 14 a $4 50 MONROE DOCTRINE Historic Document Ruhlistied 14 POINT 9 A 18 a $4 20 LEARNED EDUCATORS Conclusive Academical Examination 12 POINT 12A24a$4 00 | lo POINT 14A28a$3 50 GYMNASI UM organ iz A tion Masculine Exerciser Universal Peace Societies ® ^°^^'^ ^"" ■ j 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 50 SURGICAL RECORDS ; INFORMATION BUREAU Scientific Theories Examined j valuable Services Rendered Citizens 1234567 890 I 1234567890 PETTINGILL CD. COMPANY 67 VICTORIA ITALIC 24 POINT NO 1 8 A $3 75 24 POINT NO 2 8 A $3 25 SEVERE STORMS 18 POINT NO 1 12 A $3 25 MIDNIGHT RAMBLE 18 POINT NO 2 12 A $2 75 SUBURBAN RESIDENCE 12 POINT NO 1 16 A $2 50 DECOROUS SPINSTERS MUTUAL ADORATION SOCIETY 12 POINT NO 2 16 A $2 25 LUDICROUS AND ANNOYING SUDDEN BURSTING OF PANTALOONS 12 POINT NO 3 18 A $2 GO 6 POINT NO 1 30 A $2 50 FLOWER PLANTS ROYAL VISITORS GERANIUM ADMIRED SALUTING THE FLAGSHIP 6 POINT NO 2 30 A $2 25 HUMOROUS ANECDOTES GUARDED SECRETS OVERHEARD 6 POINT NO 4 36 A $2 GO HARMLESS SIMPLETONS RAMPANT VICTIMS OF CHEAP AND TRASHY NOVELS 1234567 890 Line STri 6 POINT NO 3 30 A $2 GO ROBINSON CRUSOE OUTDONE HISTORY OF SINBAD THE MARINER 6 POINT NO 5 36 A $2 GO CYCLONIC WINDS RACING FIERCELY DESTRUCTIVE STORM DEMOLISHING PROPERTY 1234567890 CTLY ACCUR ATE SIGN 68 PE-TTINGILL CO. COMPANY GUSHING ITALIG 8 A 15 a $4 50 RULES GOVERNING BOSTON SHOUTER VOTING CONTEST Non-compliance will invalidate all coupons, so read the rules slowly 12 POINT 20A 50a $3 94 A TAME and address must be plainly written in the spaces shown ^ in the coupon. A nom-de-plume or an alias will not answer, nor will the location of a cow pasture he acceptable. In guessing the height of the house it must be considered that in addition to a French roof there is also a mortgage on it. The taxes, insurance and water rates for 1898-99 are unpaid and will of course make it higher. See that your coupons are directed SHOUTER SECOND-HAND HOUSE CONTEST EDITOR 10 POINT 28 A 80 a $3 80 NO COUPONS SENT US LA TER THAN MARCH 25 WILL COUNT Given Away ■ The Boston Shouter will give a fine brick house to the man or woman correctly guessing its height, and in accordance therewith I submit as follows : Height, over-all, from street level. Points Name, in typewriter, Address, in confidence. And no packages will be received froni messengers. The result of the contest will be made public in a special edition which will be issued a few moments after the last vote has been counted. Our bulletin boards also will be utilized. Watch them PETTINGILL / C7^ T \T T^ ^^ ^^^ OLDEST ITALIC ■^ J. J-\~ ^ J- V_> _^X KJ -£. -£ -Z. y J_ Jace noiv in general use^ having been cut in the year 1^22^ and first cast This country over 40 in this country by MacKdlar, smiths & w/ ' Jordan. Like the Roman, it has sur- years agOy it survives Jordan, Like the Roman^ it has sur- 'vi'ved because of exceptional grace and beauty^ and the demand for it continues 14 POINT 12A36a$3 00 EXCEPTIONAL MERIT IS THE Cause for its retaining its strong hold on the popular fancy, which faB is attested 3 A 5 a $5 50 ORIGINAL Caslon Italic Series 11 POINT 16 A 48 a $2 75 KNOWING THE DILIGENCE WHICH HE Possessed^ he disclosed an error which might have had a serious effeSi upon his future career. The foundry of the Gravers being then in the market^ he contracted 10 POINT 16 A 48 a $2 50 30 POINT 5 A 10 a $4 00 TTTATTS, a printer, noticed C L) J7 /^ T ]\/f T7 ATC '^'^ the extreme neatness of >0 JL Hj \^ JL 1V± JLIj 2 V O Caslon* s work, and ashed him to —. , j persevere in letter-cutting, giv- Jf /J fHOTC pOpUlaf ing him personal support which ± JL to-day than ever 4 ing him personal support which was of the utmost advantage y and introducing him to the prominent 72 PETTINGILL (U. COMPANTT OLD STYLE No 83 ITALIC 42 POINT 3 A 6 a $6 00 GRIMY Opening 10 A 20 a $3 10 NEVER SEE DAYLIGHT It is a well known fact that in sojne of the coal ^niites of Pemtsylvania mtiles are e^n- ployed which have never seen the light of day 8 A 16 a $4 25 LIFELONG DUTY Spending their entire lives in the mines, their eyes become used to 22 POINT 8 A 16 a $3 80 TOTAL DARKNESS Enabling them to see and to move about with an accuracy that is truly astonishing, saving many lives by 30 POINT 5 A 10 a $5 00 SHAFT Entrance 5. PETTINGILL CBl COMPANY 73 FRENCH OLD STYLE No 2 ITALIC 14 POINT ELZEVIR ITALIC * 16 A 36 a $3 90 TO THE 0\4ESSIEURS ELZEl/IR I am indebted to you, and more so, perhaps, than you may imagine. The honor of T^oman citi:{enship is even less than the benefit you have co i2^4^6'j8go 12 POINT 16 A 40 a $3 50 TO THE {MESSIEURS ELZEVIR I am indebted to you, and more so, perhaps, than you im- agine. The honor of Rjjman citizenship is even less than the benefit you have conferred on me. For what do you think was this honor in comparison with that of being 1234^678^0 10 POINT 20 A 50a S3 00 TO THE [MESSIEURS ELZEl^IR I am indebted to you, and more so, perhaps, than you imagine. The honor of '^man citi:(^enship is even less than the benefit you have con- ferred on me. For what do you think was this honor in comparison with that of being placed in the ranks with your authors ? It is to rank with the consuls and senators of Rome; it is to be made fell i2^4^6y8go 8 POINT 24 A 60a $2 75 TO THE {MESSIEURS ELZEVIR I am indebted to you, and more so, perhaps, than you imagine. The honor ofT^oman citizenship is even less than the benefit you have conferred on me. For what do you think was this honor in comparison with that of being placed in the ranks with your authors? It is to rank with the consuls and senators of Rome : it is to be made fellow with the Sallusts and Ciceros ? What glory it is to say, I am a member of this immortal republic : 12^4^67 7 POINT 24 A 60 a $2 50 TO (MESSIEURS ELZEVIR I am indebted to you, and more so, per- haps, than you imagine. The honor of 'Roman citizenship is less than the benefit you have conferred on me. For what do you think was this honor in comparison with thai of being placed in 12341^67890 6 POINT 20 A 45 a $2 25 TO THE MESSIEURS ELZEVIR I am indebted to you, and more so, perhaps, than you imagine. The honor of Roman citi:{enship is even less than the benefit you have conferred on me. For what do you think was this honor in compar- ison with that of being placed in the ranks with your authors? It is to rank with the consuls and senators of Rome: it is to be made f el i234§6j8po This Italic lines with French Old Style No. 2 74 PilTTINGILL CEL COMPANY LAW ITALIC 30 POINT No 42 7 A 14 a S4 50 REGULATION FOR VOTERS Citizens must have Paid Taxes 24 POINT NO 42 8 A 20 a $3 60 HIGH COURT OF FINAL APPEALS Right of Appeal from the Lower Court is hereby Extended to any Defendant 18 POINT NO 122 10 A 28 a $3 30 WELCOMED RESTRICTIVE PROCEEDINGS Notice is hereby given that Imperative Orders were Issued to rigidly Enforce the Curfew Law 12 POINT No 122 14 A 42 a $3 00 HONORARY CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Robert Jay Nevertoil is an Honorary Member of the Noble Society to facilitate Corner Lounging 8 POINT NO 122 25 A 70 a $2 85 AN INDENTURE OF APPRENTICESHIP This Indenture witnesseth: That Marion Highstrung with and by the consent of her mother, as her next friend, has bound and put herself apprentice to Arabella Lofty, to learn the art of Extravagant Housekeeping 1234567890 10 POINT NO 122 20 A 52 a $2 80 SUMMONS AGAINST A MASTER You are hereby commanded to take the body of Ephraim Lazy, if he can be found in this County, and bring him before me, Jonathan Resolute, a Justice of the Peace, to be sentenced 6 POINT NO 122 25 A 70 a $2 45 COMMONWEALTH VERSUS JOSEPH SLOWPAY Whereas Joseph Slowpay, of Indolent Township, in this County, hath failed to pay his Dog Taxes for one year, according to law, therefore we command that you summon the above said Joseph Slowpay to appear before us and show ample and satisfactory cause why he hath failed to make such payments 1234567890 PETTINGILI, CEL COMPANY LAW ITALIC No 120 Card Font 9 A 25 a $2 10 Circular Font 18 A 100 a $6 60 Said Company furthermore agrees to mahe good to the assured Persons all Damages from Water whieh is the Result of a Fire in the Adjoining Building, provided that Preeaution was Taken Card Font 12 A 35 a $2 30 Circular Font 24 A 140 a $7 40 Pursuant to Section 2935 of the Code of this State, we hereby furnish you with the List of Persons subject to Taxation and Valuation required by Law to be yearly ascertained, together with the Amounts paid by them Card Font 16 A 50 a $2 50 Circular Font 32 A 200 a $8 05 In case of Violation of any of the foregoing Conditions upon which the Policy is issued and accepted, as mentioned before, this Policy shall become Void 1234567890 6 POINT Card Font 16 A 50 a S2 00 Circular Font 32 A 200 a $6 70 This Agreement is made and accepted subject to the Foregoing Conditions and Stipulations, together with such Provisions as may be added thereto, and no Officer of the Company shall have Power to Cancel the Regulation 1^34-367890 COPPER ALLOY FINE-DOT LEADERS These are used as a substitute for Dotted Brass Rule, and save the time spent in justification. Made on 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Point bodies. When ordering, state the type (if our make) they are required to line with, and send cap " H " or lower- case " m." The following examples show Fine-Dot Leaders lining with 8 Point and 10 Point Law Italic No. 120 and 8 Point and 10 Point Law Italic No. 122 : 8 POINT LAW ITALIC NO 120 In combination with 8 Point Fine-Dot Leaders t4 Court of. will be held on the day of in the city of 10 POINT LAW ITALIC NO 120 In combination with 10 Point Fine-Dot Leaders You are commanded by to take before 8 POINT LAW ITALIC NO 122 In combination with 8 Point Fine- Dot Leaders In consideration of $ and cents, we hereby agree to lease the building on premises 10 POINT LAW ITALIC NO 122 In combination with 10 Point Fine-Dot Leaders Executed this day of. 190 in County of in presence of the Put up in s-lb. fonts at the folloiving prices per lb.: 6 Point Per pound $0 64 7 Point Per pound 56 8 Point Per pound 52 9 Point 10 Point Per pound $0 48 Per pound 46 11 Point Per pound |o 44 12 Point Per pound 42 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY INCLINED GOTHIC 24 POINT 8 A $3 00 JUBILEE SONG 12 A $2 50 MUSICAL CHILDREN 16 POINT 14 A $2 25 MASSACHUSETTS EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION 12 POINT 20 A $2 00 FAMOUS STATESMEN ASSEMBLED IN CONFERENOE 10 POINT 24 A $1 75 NUMEROUS PEOPLE WITNESS THE GRAND NAVAL DISPLAY 8 POINT 26 A $1 50 EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION PERFORMING ELEPHANT BATHING IN RESERVOIR 6 POINT NO 7 28 A $1 25 : 6 POINT NO 6 30 A $1 25 MOUNT WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT CITIZENS VIEWED BY EXCURSIONISTS 6 POINT NO 5 32 A $1 25 FAVORABLE TO RAPID TRANSIT 6 POINT NO 4 34 A $1 25 NAVIGATION SUSPENDED CIRCUMSTANTIAU EVIDENCE BETWEEN TWILIGHT AND MIDNIGHT j PRODUCED BY THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1234Be7B90 I 12 3*567890 PART IV. MODERN JOBBING LETTER Fashionable Styles used by Printers and Publishers who Lead in the Profession PE-TTINCILL CBu COMPANY BINNER SERIES 72 POINT 4A Sa $17 00 BmCK Hue Qolf Shoes 4A 5a $12 25 CINDER Path Road Bicycle Binner Open, registering ivith this series, is shown on page i8i 78 PETTINGILI, CO. COMPANV BINNER SERIES 54 POINT 4 A 5 a $10 25 BE»T niGn Price Onion» 4 A 5 a $7 75 INDIAN MEAL Flour and t1aiii» 36 POINT 5 A 8 a $5 50 CO^IC 5KETCI1 With Lead Pencils Not Traced Binner Open, registering ivith this series, is shown on page i8i PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY 79 BINNER SERIES 30 POINT 6A ga t5 00 MAGNIFICENT Harbor and River View 8 A 10 a S4 50 RADICAL CriANCEd During Presidential Election 18 POINT lOA 16a $4 00 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA Raising Numerous Valuable Equines Thoroughly Acclimated 16A 20a $3 25 6RAND HOLIDAY Printers aDd Editorial fabricators 8 POINT 22 A 30 a $2 75 WORCESTER CELEBRATION Attended by Small Army from Ohio and California, with Bright Bunting 12 34567890 Binner Open, registering with this series, is shown on page i8i 10 POINT 20 A 26 a $3 00 TWILIGHT 111)811 ilcDce the Shadows GrowiDg Lnsur|)assabl6 6 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 50 TACC or LATE TYPOCRAPHY Handsome, Durable and Com|>r6hensive the Fervor of Its Rece|>tion Should be Lnmixed 1234567890 80 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANTf "POST" OLD STYLE ROMAN No I 72 POINT 3 A 4a $19 00 DESIRE Many 3 3 A 4a $11 50 REFORM Homes 72 3 A 4a $10 75 SECURED Bonds of 4' PETTINGILL CD. COMPANY 81 "POST" OLD STYLE ROMAN No 1 3 A 4a $8 50 REGIMENT Soldier ^ 34 3 A 4a $7 00 CRUEL RING U/>e reign $38 3 A 5 a $5 50 FINAL REPORT of President >^ 12 4 A 6a $4 25 NEWEST DESIGN Ornaments included in all fonts j^ $9032 82 PETTINGILI, ca. COMPANY "POST" OLD STYLE ROMAN No I 24 POINT 6 A 9a $3 75 COMMENDABLE AND USEFUL SERIES jS^ 'Ufye vario\JS sizes are made to line ^tK tKe aid of point justification >^ >^ 8 A 12 a $3 25 CHEAPNESS EXEMPLIFIED FINE SPRING GOODS Our FiftK Annual Sale of Fine WKite La^wn Goods begins tKis morning. People "who "vsratcK for real cHeapness in Honest %^^7 12 A 18 a S3 00 FALL SALE OF DRESS FABRICS IN BLACn AND COLORS Jvidging by tKe great variety of \veaves tKat are no^w on exKibition in tKe BlacK Dress Goods Department, it would be difficult to name a special leader. From present indications it^vould appear tKat Pebble CKeviots ^will be popular 2-478 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 83 'POST" OLD STYLE ROMAN No I 14 A 20 a $2 75 DOMESTIC WOOLENS AND WORSTEDS WONDERFUL AUTUMN SHOWING Last -weeK -we told yoxi the ne^v ^vsroolens and worsteds for tKe closing sartorial season of tHe Nineteenth Centxiry \vere ready. TKe shoAV is complete and -wonderfxil in its varied b\it quiet beauty. Never before w^ere our designers and cutters so fully equal to tKe fastidious demands of prevailing fasKion as at tKe present time 758 14 A 20 a $2 50 STEADY DOWNWARD SLUMP IN COTTON NOT SUFFICIENT TO RUN MILLS U/ye current AveeK begins ^witK less tKan a tKree -weeKs' supply of American cotton in tKe Liverpool marKet and about a tKree days' supply on tKe sea. Cotton last -weeK -was mucK more active tKan it Kas been of late, business nearly equaling tKe average consumption of spot cotton. Business in yarns >vas irregularly distributed and -was some-wKat belo^w tKe average production, altKougK tKe improvement on tKe preceding -weeKs "was very important 3980 8 POINT 16 A 24 a $2 25 choice: lots for sale ^6e people are learning tKat prices on valxiable real estate are lo"wer Here tKan at any otKer leading Kovises in ovir line ©y^ trade. XKere is notKing vincertain abovit tKis. It is in p\jirs\jiance of a perfectly safe plan of bxisiness "wHicH -w^e are finding very effective «559 6 POINT 16 A 25 a $2 00 HIGH GRADE PIANO SELLING AVe Have inavi^virated a special piano sale for tKe month of May to dispose ©y a lar^e stocK of very sligHtly used pianos. THe sale is necessitated tHrovigH tHe exten- sive alterations -wHicH are to be made in our -warerooms. A.11 tHe pianos are marKed do-wn from one-tHird to one-Half Helo-w our regular prices. All of tHe Pianos offered in tHis sale are in S* 72& 84 PETTINGILL CB. COMPANY "POST" OLD STYLE ROMAN No 2 72 POINT 3 A 4 a $20 00 HEIRS More 3 60 POINT 3 A 4a $13 00 Di:SIGN Gow^ns 8 3 A 4a $11 25 MAIDEN Rescue 12 PETTINGILI, ca. COMPANY 85 "POST" OLD STYLE ROMAN No 2 3 A 4a $9 50 RETIRING Members 4 3A 4a $7 50 burdb:ni:d Mankind >^ 5 3 A 5 a $5 75 AMUSBMBNT Bright People 7 4 A 6 a $4 50 SCENIC DRAMA Grand Climax j2^ 4 86 PETTINGILl, CB. COMPANY "POST" OLD STYLE ROMAN No 2 24 POINT 5 A 8 a $3 50 INCREASE PROFITS EXPERIENCE Constant endeavor to furnish none but the best of material j^ $29 18 POINT 7 A 10 a $3 25 SOUND SWEET MELODIES SYMPHONIES Music is tHe source of our social pleasures; it sootKes violent impulses of man, it dig'nifies ceremony j^ $047 10 A 15 a $3 00 EDUCATION AND ENJOYMENT STUDIES ENLIVENED Milton was not only tHe grandest poet virho Has lived since Homer, but He ivas one of tHe most able scHoolmasters of tHe period, and devised for all His pupils a plan of education in wHicH ^ ^ 2346 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 87 'POST" OLD STYLE ROMAN No 2 12 POINT 12 A 18 a. $2 75 AUTUMN EXHIBIT OF DRESS GOODS FINE SILKS ca SATINS To-day yoti are invited to inspecfl tHe richest display of Dress Goods, Satins and Silks ever seen in tHis city -^ TKe entire Main Aisle of tKe Center Store is ^iven tip to tbis great exKibit, tHe result of an organized, diligent search tHrotigHotit tHe markets of tHe ^ ^ 240 10 POINT 12 A 18 a $2 50 THE NOVELTIES BAFFLE DESCRIPTION COME AND SEE THEM To adecftiately describe tHese Satins and SilKs is beyond otir power j^ THey sHo-w flasHes of color and form tbat Know no rule b\it tHe artistic impulse of designer and -weaver j^ THere are delicate evening sHades all aglow^ >vitH printings of gold in botH large and small designs j^ THere are brocaded Panne Velvets ^ivitH embossings. THere are soft weaves of SilK >? -^ 934078 8 POINT 14 A 20 a $2 25 SUPERIOR. TELESCOPE ^6e principal tKing in st telescope is tKe objecSt* glass, -wHicH brings tHe rays of ligHt to a foctis, and tHese create an im- age of tHe oHjecSi looKed at. THe image is in turn magnified l>y means of a poMrerful eyepiece 234^5 6 POINT 15 A 24 a $2 00 riche:st coi^or effects XHis display of Dress Goods incltides every -wortHy ^nreave tHat Has conke from tHe looms o^ t-wro continents dtxrin^ tHe past t-virelv-e-montH— a display tHat mtist interest e-very lady in otir lar^e circle of patrons. Many o^ tHe fabrics are en- ricHed by fine scarf lines of tHreads and colorings* and by variotis otHer J^ <^ 123456 88 PETTINGILI, ca COMPANY JENSON HEAVYFACE 3 A 4a $22 50 FINE Brake 4A 5a $12 25 BANGLED Designed for work of J899 PETTINGILL CB. COMPANY 89 JENSON HEAVYFACE 3 A 4a $19 00 BRICK Sttikcts 4A 5a $17 00 SPREAD Duty Bold Plants $2 90 PETTINGILI, CB. COMPANY JENSON HEAVYFACE 4 A 5 a $7 75 NEW SERIES Bright Method Plain 48 Gtstdc 36 POINT 5 A 8 a S5 50 PRIOR NOTICE Liberal 56 Pati^on Eti^oy Clear Strong 6 A 10 a S5 00 CONVEY MEANING As necessary for Jenson Old Style as boldface is for ordinary romans 73 PETTINGILL ca. COMPANY 91 JENSON HEAVYFACE 24 POINT 10 A 15 a $4 50 REWARD FOR BEST LINE EDUCATED CUSTOMERS Appreciate Ptogtessive Ptknt^ts Investing in 53 Modern Letters Substantial Harvest Gathering 12 A 20 a $4 00 TRADESMENS MODEST PRAISE IS MERITED IN EVERY RESPECT Every ptintct shofild inclfide this sedes of Jenson Heavyface in stock for regular use. Clear-ctft characters with a style that wftl look wellt cast in metal that wilt wear long 18 A 30 a S3 25 DEMAND FOR JENSON HEAVYFACE IS POSITIVE PROOF OF ITS POPULARITY WITH THE CRAFT A strikingly handsome and impressive clean cot face made complete with Figures in JO well graded si^es, is especially adapted for xsse with the Jenson Old Style and is receiving generous and merited praise from printers of every section. It has become one of the most popular of out recent products 92 PETTINGILI, CB. COMPANTf BRADLEY EXTENDED 3 A 4a $10 50 Bank notes 3 A 6 a $8 50 fy^mst People 36 POINT 4 A 10 a $6 50 Cimely l>iiit$ often make our Fortune 30 POINT 5 A 12 a $6 00 national Hcbievement of Eminent Diplomats A 16 a $5 50 Cbe Predominant Ideas of modern Jlcquirement are both Useful and Expedient PETTINGILL (St. COMPANY 93 BRADLEY EXTENDED 10 A 28 a $5 00 Cbe ricb soil of California i$ bidbly adapted to tbe cultivation of grapes 12 A 36 a $4 50 Cbe cactus plant grows quicUly in every section, and is used for hedging, in many places making an impervious barrier 307 12 POINT 14 A 42 a S4 00 €very little difficulty is aecotii|>anied by its own compensations. It should be a comparatively easy matter to succeed in the printing business* It is not essential that he be a first=class printer 10 POINT 16 A 48 a $3 50 Cbe very keenness of competition in tbe large cities will develop in tbe sbrewdest workers an ability to design and to execute, wbicb gives to tbe output of tbe sbop an individuality, a quality, wbicb not only bolds tbe steady customers but invariably attracts many new ones $249 8 POINT 16 A 50 a $3 25 Our salesman, nir* 3o$bua Voundt will call on your firm on or about tbe I6tb of next montb witb numerous samples of goods for tbe Tall and Ullnter Crade« Ole bave added a small line of tbe most expensive Parisian novelties, of wbicb we will mall to vou a few cbolce samples* Cbanklnd you very beartlly for past favors, and bopind for a continuance of tbe same, we remain 6 POINT 20 A 60 a $3 00 In obedience to the wishes of our many patrons and the general public we bave secured the services of several welUknown ehaperones who will In turn accompany each one of our Personally Conducted Summer Cours during the foHhcoming season of 1902. Chis new innovation will be highly appreciated by parents desirous of sending their ehildren, who may thus feel assured of unremitting service and attention. For detailed account of trips, rate of fare» and other useful information, write to Ulilliam Dare Brown, Qeneral manager 94 PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY BRADLEY SERIES 60 POINT 3 A 5 a $8 50 Cead$ the Style in Black Dttm 3A 8a $6 75 early primm wm loud In tbclr praise 4 A 10 a S5 00 6otbic went out of fashion in Geimanv and Trance at tbe end of tbe i6tb cenniry Bradley Outline, registering with this series, is shown on page 182 PE-TTINGILL CEL COMPANY 95 24 POINT BRADLEY SERIES 6 A 16 a $3 50 ERmJin primm of i45o used bold Black Cemrs $o that tbey could avoid detection in tbeir many undertakings of a hazardous nature 18 POINT 8 A 25 a $3 25 1)6 pages of early books were either large or small folios, but sottietimes quartos, ana were therefore cumbrous and unbandy. « Jlldus manuccio, of Uenice, was tbe first to introduce tbe 15 A 45 a $3 00 16 A 50 a $2 75 flXCOnw3j months* There are men before me who have sent, and are sendingf, proofs to Europe, and even to the Pacific Islands, and Asia* A prominent printer of Paris told me that the weight of the book types in his house largely exceeded two million pounds* Tne tied-up pages piled up like bricks on every floor of the house was proof of the statement* Fifty years ago a book and job printer could keep sixty compositors at work on a plant of types and appurtenances that cost less than $ J 0,000* 6 POINT 35 A 50 a $2 50 A GOOD FEATURE IN PREVAILING FASHIONS IS THE GEN- ERAL DISLIKE FOR ALL ORNAMENT AL AND FRAIL TYPES. *HEN Whittinghouse of London revived the trade for old style letter, in J 844, the old order changed. Not liked at all in the beginning, old style slowly grew in favor, especially with those who wished to give distinction to their work. Before J 860 it was required of every prosperous book and job printer that he should have a full series of old style faces, complete from Pearl to Canon. This compelled a doubling of the expense of equipping the composing room j but if the demand for novelty had stopped here, this added expense might not need any notice. But it did not stop with the modernized old style. Think of the varieties now offered to us by the type founders — Caslon, Franklin, Barth, Binny, Ronaldson, Cadmus or Elzevir, French, Jenson, etc. Nor is this all : other faces with peculiar mannerisms are meide abroad, and there are publishers who will have them. Standard or modem-cut Roman is pro- vide! by type founders in greater variety. The book printer who has two faces only in series soon finds them insufficient. He has demands for others. 8 POINT 25 A 35 a $2 75 THE MANUFACTURERS OF OUR MACHINES ASSURED US AGAIN AND AGAIN THAT THEIR LAST MACHINES WERE PERFECTION.^^.^.^^.^ '^T was not possible to make anything better ; they would meet every demand for strength, speed, accuracy, and ease of handling. So they did for a time ; but in a few years on came the improvements, once declared impossible, and in the form of larger and more efficient machines. The presses that were the best of their kind in 1865 proved too small and too slow in 1875. To con- tinue to use them would be to do work at cost or at loss. "When one has room enough, the old machines may be set aside and put to an inferior class of presswork. But when rents are high and space is contracted the old machines must be sold. What do we get for old presses ? It often happens that after only seven or ten years of service, the press that cost $3000 or $5000 will be sold for from $300 to $600. It is not worn out, it may be in good condition, and should be efficient for twenty years more, but it must be sold because it is not up to present needs. It will not pay to keep it when your rival is using new machines. 106 PETTINGIH, Ca. COMPANY SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE "i^" 72 POINT 3 A 4 a $8 50 DESERVING Student tried for Diplomas 3 A 5a $700 REMARKABLE Time was made on the Voyages PETTINGILI, ca COMPANY 107 SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE PATKNTCD 4 A 7a $6 00 BRIGHT PERSONS Blessed with Sound Health and Millions 6 A 9 a $5 00 CHARITABLE REMEDY Wc should always assist those who arc deserving 8 A 12 a $4 50 INTREPID AND PATRIOTIC They stood on the deck like heroes, so firmly intent were they on the seizure of the fort 108 PE.TTINGILL CB. COMPANY SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE '""""> 12 A 18 a $4 00 ADVANTAGES OF KNOWLEDGE HORTUNE may be left to us by our parents, but the resources of education must be developed by ourselves, or we must lack it forever 48 POINT SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 3 A $4 00 ( m 10 POINT 25 A 50 a $2 25 FOR HIS GREAT QUALIFICATION PETER SCHCEFFER WAS MADE MANAGER OF THE OFFICE IN MENTZ alETER SCHCEFFER before the a^e of twenty years ' was considered a perfect copyist of old manuscripts, with a slight knowledge of printing taught him by Gutenberg. He attracted the attention of Fust, who found in him one who could cleverly manage a Printing Office, and by adding to his great knowledge the acquirement of ingenuity, he made many acceptable changes in the pages of the Bible and Psalter. Between 1462 and 1464 turbu- lent times occurred in Mentz, and business was at a standstill. 24 POINT SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 6 A $2 50 15 A 25 a $3 50 DIFFICULTY IN CHOOSING COMPANIONS HE task is a dilemma, but we all should endeavor to make a good selection and not come to hasty conclusions as to the relative value of our friends, for in many instances time may develop a different phase of character, and 36 POINT SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 4 A $3 50 PCTTINGILL ca. COMPANY 109 SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE PATENTED 18 A 30 a $3 00 AN IDEA OF DISCOVERING A NEW HEMISPHERE D T was Columbus, the intrepid Italian, who conceived the idea about the world bein^ round instead of flat, and who sailed off into an unknown sea in the expectation to discover a hemisphere of two continents. Encouraged by the Spanish Crown in his undertaking, he set sail on August 3, 1492, sailing in a westerly direction. 36 POINT SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 4 A $3 50 THE FIRST COPIES OF THE BIBLE DO NOT CONTAIN THE NAME OF THE PRINTER NOR THE YEAR OF PUBLICATION 1 NLY a few impressions have been preserved to the present day; indeed, they were entirely lost to the world until the latter half of the eighteenth century, when a copy was found in the library of Cardinal Mazarin in Paris; hence, the few existing copies are generally spoken of as Mazarin Bibles. Some of these were printed on vellum, but the earliest copies were on paper. There are only six copies now extant, two of which are in the United States, one belonging to the collection of Mr. George Brin- ley, of Connecticut, and the other owned by the late Mr. James Lenox, of New York City. These two copies are on paper. The Brinley copy is said to have a leaf or two in fac-simile, while the Lenox copy is perfect in every respect. This copy now enriches 15 POINT SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 6 A $1 50 12 POINT 20 A 40 a $2 50 FEW THOUGHTFUL POINTS ON THE STUDY OF ASTRONOMY DO many of us it will be very interesting to note the fact that during the month of August there is to be seen Jupiter and Venus in conjunction. It takes place low down in the western part of the horizon, and will be worth all the trouble we can take to witness such beautiful display; also the conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon, and Venus and the Moon. It is an infrequent occurrence to see these three bodies so close together, and the students should therefore avail themselves of this rare opportunity of viewing them. 24 POINT SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 6 A $2 50 110 PETTINGII-I- <& COMPANY HOWLAND SERIES 96 POINT 4 A 5a $15 00 Hard and 120 POINT 3 A 4a SI 9 00 BIG 12 POINT 20 A 30 a $3 00 OUR BIG SIZES CAST IN HARD DURABLE METAL All new sizes to complete any of our popular series, up to and including 120 Point, are Cast in Metal; they are NOT wood type 72 POINT 4A 5a S12 00 FOUR HUNG Strong Lines Hoivland Open, registering with this series, is shown on pages iSq and iqo PETTINGILL (EL COMPANY 111 HOWLAND SERIES 96 POINT 4A 5 a S15 00 MURDER 10 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 75 PRINTERS CAN APPRECIATE THE THREE NEW SIZES WE Show on these pages. They are the t2, 96 and 120 Point sizes, and they are every way just as useful as the smaller sizes. In fact they could not well be any more useful, as printers know 3A 4a $19 00 Dog 72 POINT 4A 5a $12 00 QUICKTIME Scare Heads Horvland Open, registering with this series, is shown on pages i8g and iqo 112 PHTTINGILL CO. COMPANY HOWLAND SERIES 6 A 10 a $6 00 FIGURING FOR PROFITS Reliable Printing Concern 4A 5 a $9 00 GRAND 8 POINT 28 A 40 a $2 50 NOW FOURTEEN NICELY GRADED SIZES IN THIS HANDSOME SERIES Useful alike in Newspaper and Job work, and §:ives the best satisfaction wherever used. Special attention is called to the capital O, which being made in two degrees of fatness, is a great help in making a line fill out to the required length. This feature is oftentimes the means of saving a lot of valuable time for the printers 8 A 12 a $5 00 DISCHARGE ONE MUSICIAN Charming Melodious Strains 10 A 16 a $4 00 DESIGNING HANDSOME BROCHURE Quickly Readable Impression Pages Howland Open, registerijig; with this series, is shown on /ages i8q and iqo PETTINGILL CB. COMPANY HOWLAND SERIES / 113 48 POINT 5 A 8a $7 00 UNIQUE AND BRIGHT Reclaimed Character 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 25 CLEAN AND LEGIBLE FIGURES PUT UP WITH EACH OF THE FOURTEEN SIZES, AND A PLENTY OF THEM $1,234,567,890 Printers who already have this series to and including: the 60 Point cannot make a better move than to order the 72, 96 and 120 Point sizes shown on preceding pages. Such a movement is certain to he a prolitahle one when the popularity of the Howland Letters is considered. The complete series, with double fonts of the small sizes, constitutes an item of your composing-room equipment that cannot fail in paying handsomely for the outlay 4 A 6 a $8 00 QUINCES Jdly $62 12 A 20 a $3 25 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN COMFORTABLES AND DOUBLE BLANKETS FOR CAMPING PARTIES HOLDING perhaps the largest stock of vacation supplies in this part of the country, we have concluded to make an effort to reduce many of our lines before the season closes. To this end we have marked all goods to absurd prices $46.59 Howland Open, registering luith this series, is shown on pages iSg and iqo 114 PETTINGILL CB. COMPANY COLUMBUS No 2 PATENTED 3A 4a $12 35 NO eard 36 POINT WITH 60 POINT INITIALS Raise VTnes 3 A 5 a $9 35 Same CAR 24 POINT WITH 48 POINT INITIALS ^valrous [ftOIES 5 A 8 a $8 00 GAME Record Columbus Outline, registering with this series, is shown on pages i8s and i8b pi:ttingill ca. company 115 COLUMBUS No 2 PATCNTKD 10 A 15 a $7 05 MORE Homes 15 A 20 a $6 10 ANIMATED Fervent (Comedian 18 A 25 a $5 00 WINTER GAMES Stormy Weather Endured 12 POINT 25 A 35 a $4 25 HaWDSOME STEAMER Expedition Traveling Homeward 10 POINT 26 A 40 a $3 75 ELEeTRie LIGHTING Resplendent Spectacular Extravaganza 8 POINT 30 A 45 a $3 50 SPARKLING OPERane eOMEDY Burlesque Company Received Great Applause 6 POINT 35 A 50 a $3 25 PALLTIMB eLOTHING SAeRIPieBD Bargain Sale Advertised for Every Tuesday In March 1234567890 18 POINT WITH 36 POINT INITIALS Quaint ^eENE Coluvtbus Outline, registering ivith this series, is shown on pages iSsandiSb G» CofumfiuB 3ntttafB 36 POINT $2 00 48 POINT 3 00 60 POINT 4 00 e E IT L a. T w FONTS CONTAIN THE ABOVE CAPITALS ONLY 116 PETTINGILL CBl COMPANY QUENTELL SERIES 72 POINT 4A 5a $17 00 TIME Runs 4A 5a $12 25 Count GIRLS 54 POINT 4 A 5 a $10 25 NIGHT Return 4 A 5 a $7 75 Order GENERAt 4A 6a $7 25 EXCIRSIONS Divorce Register PETTINGILL CEt COMPANY 117 QUENTELL SERIES 5 A 8a $5 50 PERFORMANCES Remarkable Country 30 POINT 1 A 9 a $5 00 CORRESPONDENCE Distinguished Questions 8 A 10 a $4 00 ENTERPRISING MERCHANT Sending Phonograph Message 18 POINT lOA 16a $3 25 12 A 18 a S3 25 UNREALIZATION BASEBALL GAMES Beautiful Floriated Enchanted Amusement 16A 20a $3 00 ^q point 20 A 26 a $2 75 POCKET ESTIMATE photographers resolition Provocation and Sensation Beautiful, Glorious and Charming 8 POINT 22 A 30 a $2 50 THROIGH COINTLESS DANGERS Charitable Society Distributing Clothing 1234567890 6 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 25 PATENT CYLINDER PRINTING MACHINE Magnificent Assortment Woodwork Exhibited 1234567890 QUENTELL FRACTIONS %V2%%Y^Y^%%% A /l /4 /a /8 78/8/3/3 PRICES : 6 POINT TO 24 POINT, INCLUSIVE. 50 CTS. PER FONT ; 30 POINT AND 36 POINT. 75 CTS. PER FONT Made for all sizes on this page 118 PETTINGILL Ca. COMPANV McCULLAGH SERIES 72 POINT 3 A 5 a $9 50 HOiR Clocks 3 A 5 a $8 50 Annque BARGE 48 POINT 4A 7 a $6 50 CHIVALROUS Mountain Cllmhcrs 5 A 8 a $6 00 UINGOVERINADLE Conditions DescrlDed PETTINGII,!- ca. COMPANY 119 McCULLAGH SERIES 36 POINT 6 A 9 a $5 50 ROAMING AMAZONS Nomadle HaMts inenvicd 7A 10a $4 25 IINGEINIOIS MECHANICS Handsome lakeview ecsMence 8 A 12 a $4 00 DOCTORS EMTING JOIRNALS Renowned Medical Manuals PuMlshed 10 A 14 a $3 25 DEMANDING EXORBITANT INTEREST Conventional inducement ot investment company 20 A 26 a $2 75 BENEVOLENT GOVERNMENT entertaining society maidens Wounded Combatants Pensioned Admiring Juvemie comedians simplicity 1234567590 1234567590 120 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY EASTMAN SERIES 72 POINT 3 A 5a $10 65 MINES Enhanced 4 A 5 a $9 90 DREAMS Imagination 48 POINT 4A 6a $6 95 FICTION Ghost Stories pe:ttingill m. company 121 EASTMAN SERIES 5 A 8 a $5 50 ATHLETIC Olympian Games 6 A 9 a $5 00 GYMNASTICS Interesting Tournament 24 POINT 8 A 10 a $4 00 CHAMPION PITCHER Rowing and Cricket Matches lOA J6a $3 25 PREVIOUS Records Broken 20 A 26 a $2 75 SHARP FIELDING Defeated the Visiting Team 8 POINT 22 A 3.0 a $2 50 AMERICAN SPORTSMEN Receive an Ovation in England 1234567890 12 POINT 16 A 20 a $3 00 INTERNATIONAL Amateur Bicycle Race 9 POINT 20 A 40 a $2 55 SUBURBAN RIDERS Demand Tollgates Abolished 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 30 GOLF AND HOCKEY GROUNDS Opening Games on the Splendid Links Fine Contests Expected 12 3 4567890 122 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY RONALDSON CLARENDON 5 A 8a $8 35 Rubber SHOES 6 A 10 a S7 CO HONEST Merchant 8A 16a S6 05 STARVATION Stoppage for Luncheon 10 A 20 a $5 00 j ^q pqint SUGAR Maple Region 14 A 28 a $4 65 WEDDINGS Joyous Occasions 12 POINT 22 A 45 a $3 95 ! 10 POINT REFORMATION Honest Officials Accept Public Trusts 30 A 60 a $3 45 POI/ITICAI/ PROBIvBM Discovering Methods to Secure Rapid Postal Service 1234567890 25 A 50 a $3 55 BXAMINATIONS Application Blanks Mailed Gratuitously 6 POINT 36 A 70 a S3 35 BXPOSTUIVATING CITIZENS Freeholders and Taxpayers Combined Grand Mass Meeting 1234567890 PE.TTINGILI, o^ith the perfectly constructed and minutely adjusted Benton Punch-Cutting Machine, ending >x^ith the ^ell designed and highly efficient Barth Automatic Steam Po^x^er Type-Casting and Type-Finishing Machine, in the production of copper alloy type of correct proportions. Given at Chicago in the year 1 893 PETTINGILL & COMPANY Boston 22 school street I FURNISHER OF POPULAR TYPE STYLEJ FOR ALL PRACTICAL PURPOSE/ THE BEST DESIGNED TYPE 8 POINT THE LADY OF SHALOTT On either side of the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye, That clothe the wold and meet the sky And through the field the road runs by To many-towered Camelot. And up and down the people go, Gazing where the lilies blow Round an island there below, The island of Shalott. 44 a $1 55 2CA 44 a $3 00 WILLOWS WHITEN AND ASPENS QUIVER LITTLE BREEZES DUSK AND SHIVER THRO The wave that runs forever by the island in the river flowing down to Cannelot. Four gray walls and four towers overlook a space of flowers and the silent isle em- bowers the lady of Shalott. By a nnargin willow veiled, slide the cumbrous barges trailed by slow horses, and unhailed the shallop flitteth silken-sailed, skims $45 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 161 CAMELOT OLD STYLE pat.nt_appu.o pob 6 POINT 50 a $1 40 24 A 50 a $2 50 PROGR^ FIRST PART 1 GERMANIA MARCH MANDOLIN CLUB 2 BALLAD The King a-Hunting Go GLEE CLUB 5 MARY HOGAN'S BALL Ke MR. O'MALLORY T 4 DREAMS OF THE PAST MANDOLINS 5 JUMBO CANTEPIC Newton MR. FOSTER and CLUB 6 MAN BEHIND THE GUN GUITAR CLUB /ousa Z CAMPUS /ONG F. F. Bullard GLEE CLUB HERE she weaves by night and day A magic web with colors gay. She has heard a whisper say A curse is on her if she stay To look down to Cannelot. She knows not what the curse nnay be, And so she weaveth steadily, And little other care hath she, The Lady of Shalott. And moving through a mirror clear. That hangs before her all the year. Shadows of the world appear. There she sees the highway near. Winding down to Camelot ; There the river eddy whirls, And there the surly village churls. And the red cloaks of market girls, Pass onward from Shalott. J'ometimes a troop of damsels glad. An abbot on an ambling pad, Sometimes a curly shepherd lad. Or long-haired page in crimson clad. Goes by to towered Camelot. And sometimes through the mirror blue The knights come riding two and two. She hath no loyal knight and true, The Lady of Shalott. 24 POINT 15 a $2 10 10A15a$4 50 OF CAMELOT ;r> Uses Robert A. BxjRTsrnA:M: KEPRESEMTINO 330STON AUTOMODILE COMPANY OFFICE 10-* MILK STREET GEOROE H. REBERS aOSEPH K. HRONCH Rebers & 33ro:n^ch: Securities ;Meihbers >Je\v York and Boston Stock Exchanges BONDS SUBtJI«BA.>r Properties Collateral Loans Without Security to Persons in Prosperous Circumstances RoojNis 35-36 Arlizstgto^t BxTiLDiisrcfs BOSTON, MASS. George AIoroan Broavn born JULY 14, lOOX ■WEIGHT, 8 POUNDS 166 PE.TTINGILI, OoOO a A 26 a $5 00 We uisK to ca.ll to ©,f fe^ ht tKe to oui^ /ii\e stock ®/ i\ Vasej ^i\3 ^Ks3€i\ iclk Ue ^^€ j^TCj^^i^eS HC€ of $123456890 SANTA CRUZ 24 POINT ID EiEIOLEHT AS NfflTUTION^RE OK ORGffllZED JDERE 18 POINT 24 A $3 00 ECORfflON mi 30 A $2 50 IG^AWUSEiENTS aENT S687 PART VII. Old Style and Modern Roman JOBBING TYPE Lightface and Two-Line Letter Boldface Roman Title and Condensed Title PETTINGILL (S. COMPANY 201 CASLON OLD STYLE No 471 72 POINT 3 A 3a S12 50 SONGS Patriotic 60 POINT 3 A 4 a $9 25 SALUTE Old Glory 4A 6a $6 50 AMERICAN Liberty reigns Fourth of July 202 PETTINGILI- ca. COMPANV CASLON OLD STYLE No 471 4 A 6a $5 25 CONTENTED When, in course of human events 5 A 7 a $4 50 NOTED WRITER When, in the course of human events, it becomes needful for 6 A 10 a $4 00 RESOLUTE SIGNERS When, in course of time, it becomes necessary for one people to break the Small Caps for Job fonts {put up separately, 6 Point to jb Point) only furnished when specially ordered PETTINGILL CSX. COMPANY 203 CASLON OLD STYLE No 471 7 A 14 a $3 50 ADVENT OF LIBERTY When, in the course of time, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the poHtical bands which connected 9567 8 A 16 a $3 25 DESIRED BY THE PEOPLE When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume 408 18 POINT 10 A 25 a $3 25 LOVING FREEDOM AND HONOR When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connefted them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to 2596 Small Caps for Job fonts {put up separately, b Point to 3b Point) only furnished when specially ordered 204 PETTINGII-I, CBL COMPANY CASLON OLD STYLE No 471 14 POINT 14 A 40 a $3 00 COLONIAL REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS ADOPTED THE DECLARATION When, in the course of human events, it becomes neces- sary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have conned:ed them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent resped: to the opinions of mankind re- quires that they should declare the causes which 32564 12 POINT 15 A 45 a $2 75 BUILDING THE FOUNDATIONS OF FREEDOM IMPARTIAL PETITIONS SLIGHTED When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have conneded them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent resped: to the opin- ions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights 9243 11 POINT 18 A 52 a $2 75 BIRTH OF A GOVERNMENT UPON REPUBLICAN IDEAS MUNICIPAL LAWS RECOGNIZED When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respe6t to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure 1234 Small Caps for Job fonts {put up separately. 6 Point to 3b Point) only furnished ivhen specially ordered PETTINGILL CBl COMPANY 205 CASLON OLD STYLE No 471 10 POINT 18 A 55 a $2 50 MANY NOTEWORTHY MEN PUT THEIR SIGNATURES TO THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE OF AMERICA When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connedled them with another, and to as- sume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respeft to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That 1234567 8 POINT 20 A 60 a $2 25 INDEPENDENCE IS A NECESSITY FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connedled them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of na- ture and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respedt to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalien- able rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, de- riving their just powers from the consent 123456 6 POINT 22 A 65 a $2 00 A DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE When, in the course of human events, it shall become necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have conne£\ed them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respeft to the opinions of man- kind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit ot happiness. That, to secure these rights, gov- ernments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the gov- erned ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destruftive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to in- stitute a new government, laying its 1234567890 9 POINT 20 A 60 a $2 50 CITIZENS OF OUR LAND OF FREEDOM TOOK UP ARMS AGAINST THE KING'S TYRANNICAL OPPRESSION When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respeft to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal j that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that whenever 123 Small Caps for Job fonts {put up separately, b Point to 3b Point) only furnished when specially ordered 206 PETTINGILL CB. COMPANTT RONALDSON SERIES 48 POINT OLD STYLE NO 72 5 A 8 a $8 00 EQUESTRIAN Rode through the natural tunnel 76 36 POINT Old Style no 72 6 A 12 a $7 oo ROMEO AND lAGO Dramatic Society was started by youths 3164 30 POINT OLD STYLE NO 72 8 A 16 a $5 85 FEMININE ALARMED Great excitement prevailed in the village on account of some idle rumors that 389 PETTINGILI, CEL COMPANY 207 RONALDSON SERIES 24 POINT OLD STYLE NO 72 10 A 20 a $4 70 EXHIBIT AT OUR STORE Pessimists say commerce sways the world because men are after gold; optimists say, because it is manifest destiny, and that 2364 18 POINT Old style no 72 14 A 30 a $4 30 STRANGERS WILL BE WELCOME This store has as many conveniences as the best appointed hotel, with a reception room dedicated especially to the comfort of strangers in town. It is supplied with newspapers, writing facilities, telephones, restful chairs and sofas for your use 1289 15 POINT Old STYLE No 72 12 A 6 A 40 a $4 55 SALE OF DOWN QUILTS and BLANKETS This Sale of Fine Bedding has helped many a household to liberal economies and splendid Bed Coverings. One of the most notable instances of value giving is this selling of one thousand Down Quilts from our own factories. Most of them are already taken, gladly welcomed into hundreds of tasteful homes, where they 123456 J^or S7naller sizes oj^ this series, see pages 8-10 208 PETTINGILL CBl COMPANY FRANKLIN OLD STYLE No 79 FRANKLIN Press Room See Opposite Page G. PERKINS C. AND J. BRAINTR CHAPMAN & CON 1902 A title page set in Old Style No. 79 A Popular Old Style Series MARIE GRIND THE STORY OF A HARD WORKING GIRL'S LIFE SOME VICISSITUDES OF A BUTTERFLY EXISTENCE IN A CROWDED METROPOLIS A cover page set in Old Style No. 79 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 209 FRANKLIN OLD STYLE No 79 8A 4A 14a $8 79 ROCKED Heartless Booming Cannon Roar 12 A BA 28a $6 99 Hardy Oracle RESCINDED Ecclesiastical 12903 Entertainers 12A 8A 32a $5 06 GRAND RIDING Beyond Blackstone Roadways and Boulevards Smooth as Glass 14 POINT 20 A 10 A 50 a $5 21 Groceries or Hardware BRACES OR BUTTER Everything Grand for Painstaking Female Shoppers 12 POINT 28 A 16 A 62 a $5 21 AMERICAN PRODUCT Modern Fashion Unique Type Designs 8 POINT 40 A 20 A 90 a $4 17 ROMEO AND JULIET IN BOSTON Sincere ^^2.30 Regrets Longing for the Paying Boarders The smaller sizes of this series also shown on pages ii-rj 10 POINT 40 A 20 A 80 a $4 81 ROMAN LETTERS PLEASED Popular Printers Hundreds of Years Before 6 POINT 40 A 20 A 100 a $3 60 CONGRESS ADJOURNED IN FEBRUARY Legislature in September Presidential Message Expected in March 210 PCTTINGILI, CB. COMPANY FRENCH OLD STYLE No 2 3 A 4 a $14 00 PUBLIC Guard 8 60 POINT 4A 5 a S12 50 HEROES Ending 98 48 POINT * 4A 7a $8 50 FRANKLIN When from Debaters 76 PETTINGH-L (S. COMPANY 211 FRENCH OLD STYLE No 2 5 A 9 a $6 00 SOUND FACTS When a natural cause forces the people to rise 82 7 A 12 a $5 75 HAIL COLUMBIA! When, in the course of human events, it will be necessary 6^ 10 A 20 a $5 75 TRUE GOVERNMENT When, in the course of time, it became the sad duty for one people to dissolve the bands 260 212 PETTINGILL r)ii 4 A 6 a S9 50 ^tAre OTlps 24 POINT 5 A 7 a $6 00 18 POINT 7 A 10 a $4 50 ]M;;^«ster'iotJ.«» Pef isoin. 12 POINT 14 A 18 a $4 00 a POINT 18 A 24 a $3 50 10 POINT 15 A 20 a $3 50 6 POINT 16 A 22 a $3 00 PETTINGII-I, ca. COMPANY 223 OLD STYLE ANTIQUE No 112 48 POINT 4 A $5 00 FLORIDA 5 A $4 PRINTERS J6 POINT 7 A $4 50 PREVENTED 10 A $3 75 FOREST SCENES 12 A S3 15 WEEKLY SPECIMEN 18 POINT STEAMBOAT EXCURSIONS 18 A $1 80 UNIVERSAL PRINTING MACHINE 1246780 224 PETTINGILL CS). COMPANY OLD STYLE ANTIQUE 48 POINT NO 40 4 A 6 a $8 GO BROADSIDE Stone Arches 36 POINT No 40 6 A 9a $7 10 THE WAYSIDE Hunting Grounds 30 POINT NO 40 8 A 12 a $6 00 LOUIS FAVAWALE Designer of Fashions 24 POINT NO 120 8 A 16 a S5 80 POSTER FONT 16 A 48 a $12 40 DESIRED FLOWER Beautiful Rose Gardens 20 POINT NO 120 10 A 20 a $4 60 HANDSOME ROMANCER Southern Californian Legends PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 225 OLD STYLE ANTIQUE 18 POINT NO 120 12 A 24 a $4 30 POSTER FONT 24 A 96 a $12 45 ROMAN WAS FIRST USED IN the Netherlands about 1472. Being introduced into the Netherlands by Johannes de Westfalia, who, it is said, brought it from Italy in 1234 12 POINT NO 120 16 A 32 a $2 85 POSTER PONT 48 A 192 a $12 60 ROMAN WAS FIRST USED IN THE NETH- erlands about 1472. It was introduced into the Netherlands by Johannes de Westfalia, who, it is said, brought it from Italy in the year 1472. He located at Louvain, and after a number of works in semi-Gothic, published in 1483 an edition of Aeneas Silvius in the Italian letter. His font is elegant 890 10 POINT NO 120 18 A 36 a POSTER FONT 54 A 288 a $13 45 ROMAN WAS FIRST USED IN THE NETHERLANDS about 1472. It was introduced into the Netherlands by Johan- nes de Westfalia, who, it is said, brought it from Italy in the year 1472. Then located at Louvain, and, after a number of works in semi-Gothic, published in 1483 an edition of Aeneas Silvius in the Italian letter. His font is elegant, and rather a lighter face than most of the Roman fonts of other countries. This printer seems to have been the only one in the Low Coun- tries who used this type during the fifteenth century; nor 123456 8 POINT NO 120 20 A 40 a $2 10 POSTER FONT 80 A 400 a $14 50 ROMAN WAS FIRST USED IN the Netherlands in 1472. It was in- troduced into the Netherlands by Jo- hannes de Westfalia, who, it is said, brought it from Italy in the year 1472. He located at Louvain, and, after a number of works in semi-Gothic, pub- lished in 1483 an edition of Aeneas Silvius in the Italian letter. His font is elegant, and rather a lighter 123456 6 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $2 00 POSTER FONT 120 A 624 a $18 50 ROMAN WAS FIRST USED IN THE Netherlands in 1472. It was introduced into the Netherlands by Johannes de W^estfalia, who, some say, brought it from Italy in the year 1472. He located at Louvain, and after a number of works in semi-Gothic, published in 1483 an edition of Aeneas Sil- vius in the Italian letter. His font is ele- gant, and rather a lighter face than most of the early Roman fonts of other coun- tries. This printer appears to have been the only one in the Low Countries who used this type during the fifteenth cen- 12345 226 PETTINGILL OX COMPANY OLD STYLE TITLE 4A 7 a $6 85 DYNAMO Great Progress 6 A 9a $6 25 ELECTRIC Lig^hting^ Xriumph 24 POINT 8 A 12 a $5 50 ASTRONOMER Heavenly Observation 12 A 22 a $5 25 MODERN ^WONDER Musical Selections Repeated Automatically 18 A 30 a $5 00 STRIKING LIKENESS Instaittaneouis Photograph Produced Sunshine Necessary PETTINGILL SOEDIERS OIFT Rejoieing; at Family Reunions 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 55 SPORTIVE I>EMO^»TRATIOAS Memorable Scenes are Reproduced 1%34567H90 55^ POINT 24 A 48 a $2 75 RAII.ROAI> FREIOHT C05fTRACT Cornineal, ^'lieat aiid Rye Sliipnients 1%34567S90 PE-TTINGILL CO. COMPANY 231 BOLDFACE SERIES *48 POINT NO 114 4 A 4a $6 30 KING Rulers *36 POINT NO 114 4 A 8a $5 20 Banker CONVICT 30 POINT NO 120 6 A 12 a $5 25 FARM MACHINERY Saves Granger Labor 24 POINT NO 120 lOA 20a $4 85 GREAT MEN Cuba Liberty 18 POINT NO 120 12 A 24a $4 55 12 POINT NO 120 12A 24a $2 60 LAUGHING GIRLS Snow Covered Walk MICROSCOPIC Beautiful Stars 11 POINT NO 120 18 A 36 a $2 90 SURPRISED SOLDIERS Wounded Heads Dressed 10 POINT NO 120 18 A 36 a $2 80 9 point NO 120 24 A 48 a $3 00 AMERICAN TRIUMPHS BRILLIANT DECORATION Move Victorious Onward Great Tri- Annual Horse Show 8 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $3 10 IMPROVED SHOEMAKING Fashionable Ladies Footwear 7 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $2 60 ANNUAL CALEDONIAN SPORTS Blooded Steed Blue Ribbon Parade 6 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $2 30 UNEARNED FORTUNES ACQUIRED Bold Liiberty Enliglitening the World 1334567890 5J4 POINT NO 120 24A 48a $2 65 SAVED THROUGH MANY BATTLES Multitudes Encored Fauious Generals 1234567890 232 PETTINGILL CSu COMPANY CONDENSED TITLE No 123 * 54 POINT 4 A 5 a $8 00 TIRE Makers 48 POINT 4A 6a $7 00 Minstrel SONG 42 POINT 5 A 10 a $7 55 FISHINGS Tackles 6 A 12 a $7 15 Army MUSTERINO 30 POINT A 16 a 85 50 PRINTERS Help Improve 24 POINT 12 A 24 a $4 75 Scholars WENT 14 POINT 12 A 24 a $2 60 STEAMERS Discover 10 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 95 LAUGHABLE PERFORMER Tired People Form Company 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $1 95 ASTOXISHIXO TYPOGRAPHIC INVENTION Great Schemes Receive Liberal Endorsements 1234567890 18 POINT 10 A 20 a $3 05 Retailed IMPORT 12 POINT 18 A 36 a $3 10 SAILOR On Stormy Sea 8 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 50 SUMMER FRUITFUL RIPENING Wasted Occasion during Springtime 5 POINT 32 A 64 a $2 40 aruies mist sot exceed foi rtekn hlndred men Very Doubtful Circumference of the Terrestrial Sphere Economical Democratic State Convention 1284567690 pe:ttingill cq. company 233 CONDENSED ALDINE No 150 72 POINT 4 A 6 a $8 00 5 A 7 a $7 00 6 A 10 a $6 30* 10 A 15 a $6 00 30 POINT 10 A 15 a $4 00 BAl Discount eyinastic POMS 12 A 16 a $4 00 18 A 26 a $4 00 Potomac River BRIDGE 14 POINT 18 A 26 a $3 75 HOMT BOY Advocate Principle 11 POINT 24 A 36 a $3 00 mKJlE POSTERS DESIGNED Special Poster and Painting Exhibition 9 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 90 THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Message of Freedom Proclaimed to Mankind 7 POINT 36 A 50 a $2 25 PROFESSIOIAL TAMBOURINE SERENADERS Cireat Authors were Present from Aastralia and Europe 1234567890 MARBLE Heart Fire Engine 12 POINT 22 A 32 a $3 50 Printer Observe COOBMAMSCRIPT 10 POINT 24 A 36 a $3 00 WHERE SMARS DOMINATE Decent Men Should Assert Their Rio:hts 8 POINT 26 A 38 a $2 80 SKILLFUL POLITICAL WIRE PULLERS Again Deceiving Voters by Meaningless Phrases 6 POINT 30A 60a $2 00 HARD TIMES BEfiET DEEP THOUGHTS History Bears Witness as to the Veracity of Above Statement 1234567890 PETTINGILI, Ca COMPANY OPEN TITLE No 120 12 A 24 a $3 65 EXTENSIVE FARMING DISTRICT Develojjing Tremendous Resources 12 POINT 12 A 24 a $2 55 REFIilGERATOES Beautiful Products 10 POINT 18 A 36 a $2 90 PROPHETIC EXPERT Fashionable Street Cars 8 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 95 IIEMODEI.ED MACHI]S"ERY Severely Coiidemiiecl Makers 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 20 ENTERING DESPERATE BATTLE Severely Condemned Election Tactics 1234567890 11 POINT 18 A 36 a $3 00 FRIVOEOUS IS^OTIOX Dramatic Society Circle 9 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 85 i:n^formatio:n^ bureaus Ai^plicants Furnislied Works 7 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 25 SPLENDID CREAMERY BUTTER Farmer Receiving Handsome Flowers 5^ POINT 24 A 48 a $2 00 GUARDING WESTERN MINING CLAIM United States Internal Revenue Department 1234567890 CONDENSED TITLE No 124 14 POINT • 18 A 36 a $3 70 PRESIDENT GRANT Smoked Havana Cigar 11 POINT 18 A 36 a S2 60 FASCINATING MAIDENS Marching Through Georgia 9 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 75 TIRED HARVESTING HAND Reading: Papers By Candlelight 7 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 05 HAPPY AND CONTENTED HUSBAND Discovered Roadbed For Baby Carriages 1234567890 12 POINT 18 A 36 a $3 05 HARDWOOD BOUGHT Splendid For Buildings 10 POINT 24 A 48 a $3 30 PLEASANT SITUATIONS Escaping Fast and Furious 8 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 50 COLORED TROOPS MARCHING Along the Rough and Stony Roads 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 05 SO YANKEE DOODLE CAME TO TOWN Remarkable and Extraordinary Incident 1234567890 PETTINGILL ca. COMPANY 235 TWO-LINE LETTER No 128 16 A $2 30 DISPOSED PRINTING MACHINE 14 POINT 18 A $2 20 LIGHT RUNNER 11 POINT 24 A SI 95 FOREIGN POLITICS KLONDIKE MINE 10 POINT 24 A $1 60 ORCHESTRA SINGER 16 POINT NO 120 TIMELY HIT 12 POINT NO 120 24 A $2 50 LODGE ROOMS HALF TITLE SERIES 14 POINT NO : SIMPLE CASE 18 A $2 95 14 POINT NO 120 10 POINT NO 120 24 A $1 70 mou:n^tai:n^ iiAiN^aES 8 POINT NO 120 32 A SI 85 MACHII^E DEPARTMENTS 1234567890 11 POINT NO 120 SHORT MEASURE 8 POINT NO 122 16 A 32 A $2 30 WELCOME PROOFSHEETS FOR^WARDED BY GAIL y I^istr-essecl Soia.ler X3345G'rSOO 244 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY EXTRA CONDENSED No 43 7 A $12 60 I rr n r\ i UX a VJ 7A $8 40 1 IDA $8 2C IS 10 A $6 30 D 14 A $4 illiS liHmg 36 POINT 14A $3i 22 A $4 50 20 POINT 25 A $3 40 VTTi Tnrro 12 POINT 36 A $2 60 BOARBIM IIOOSE BEANSOUP DILOIION 8 POINT 52 A $2 70 g POINT 52 A $2 00 MAMMOTH EXHIBITION OF NATIONAL CURIOSITIES conceited diminutive folks provoking abundance of humor 1234567890 I 1234567890 PART vm Antique Clarendon Doric Caledonian lonic PE.TTINGILL CO. COMPANY 245 ANTIQUE CONDENSED No 36 60 POINT 4 A 6a $9 85 GUN Makers 5 A 10 a $8 25 Handsome MAIDS 44 POINT ON 48 POINT 5 A 8 a $5 95 Albion RACE Course lA 10 a S5 25 10 A 15 a $4 55 NICE Trick mud weather 12 A 20 a $3 95 ' j^g point 15 A 25 a $3 45 FRONT GATE Haunts of Maidens TURKISH BATH Nile Exploration Club 15 A 25 a $2 70 12 POINT 20 A 30 a $2 60 * PRAIRIE HOMES Big Fields of Golden Grain 10 POINT 25 A 40 a $2 65 THE MARBLE HEART Charming Bloomer Bicycliennes 1234567890 MIDNIGHT RAIDERS Consternation in Truckville 8 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 60 MAGNIFICENT WONDERLAND Tellowstone National Park Expeditions 1234567890 246 PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY ANTIQUE CONDENSED No 123 3 A 6a $6 55 HODHTiH Stream 4 A 8a $5 75 Summer FRIENDSHIP 6A 12a $5 55 REPUBLICAN Pyrotechnics 30 POINT 8A 16 a $4 40 24 POINT 12 A 24 a S4 20 COHHUNICATE Evening Gown ANCIENT CnSTOH National Triumph 12 A 24 a «3 05 16 POINT 12 A 24 a $2 40 HANDSOME FLOWERS Raised in Greenhouse CONVENTION DELEGATE Member Securing Ticket 14 POINT 16 A 32 a S2 70 600D BUSINESS CHANCES Between Darlt and Morning 12 POINT ISA 36a $2 30 FALL OF NAPOLEON TEACHES European Commanders a Lesson 10 POINT 24 A 48 a 42 30 LATEST STYLES IH LADIES SHOES lannfactured by the Late lohn Smith 1234567890 8 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 15 EXTRAORDINARY COURAGE TESTED Herculean Effort Accomplislied Resnlt 1234567890 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 247 BRETON SERIES 3 A 3 a $8 00 ICE Boat 3 A 4 a $5 00 MODERN Frame House 24 POINT 7 A 10 a $4 00 UNION STATION Great Building Complete 12 A 18 a $3 25 EUROPEAN COUNTRY Touring in Germany and Scotland 12 POINT 16 A 24 a $3 00 HIGH BRIDGE Over the Charles River 8 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 50 RAIN EVERY SUNDAY Laboring Hardly Every Other Day 10 POINT 20 A 30 a $2 75 BEAUTIFUL SNOW Don't Push those Drifts Away 6 POINT 28 A 42 a $2 25 DOWN BY THE RIVULET Wlien Summer Comes Creeping Along 1234567890 248 PETTINGILL CBL COMPANY ♦72 POINT NO 124 D ANTIQUE SERIES 3 A 4a $14 15 Her SIN 60 POINT NO 42 5 A 6 a $15 60 FIR Grove 48 POINT NO 124 3 A 6 a $8 40 Cared SURE 43 Ponrr no 124 4 A 8 a $7 50 I 36 POINT NO 124 5 A 10 a $5 05 SILver BIG Plot 30 POINT NO 124 6 A 12 a $4 55 24 POINT NO 124 lOA 20a $4 80 Note COIN High STONE 18 POIHT NO 124 12 A 24 a $4 00 MEAN HABITS Contains Arsenic 10 POWT NO 124 18 A 36 a $2 60 INSURGENT PRISONER True American Generosity e POINT NO 124 24 A 48 a $2 35 INTRODUCING NEW MACHINES Disregard Some Questionable Methods 1234667890 12 POINT NO 124 18 A 36 a $3 40 TICKET OPERATOR Northwestern Routes 8 POINT NO 124 24 A 48 a $2 90 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES Commercial Printing done here 5 POINT NO 124 ON 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $1 85 DEMANDING A THOROUGH RESEARCH Two Independent Philadelphia Manufacturers 1234567880 PETTINGILL CSL COMPANY 249 IONIC SERIES 48 POINT No 122 3 A 6 a $10 25 FISHING Rent Main 42 POINT NO 122 3 A 6a $7 15 DAMAGING Fine Harvest 36 POINT NO 120 6 A 12 a 47 70 HANDY Carriage 24 POINT NO 120 10 A 20 a S5 65 18 POINT NO 120 16 A 32 a $4 90 STRONG WIND "Wheat Destroyed 10 POINT NO 120 18 A 36 a $3 05 ^VINSOME MAIDENS Sunshine After Storms 6 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $2 50 EQUINE SAGACITY OBSERVED Feline Trainers Amusing Ail^dience 1234567890 CURTAINS Fine Design 12 POINT NO 120 18 A 36 a $3 65 DARING SCOUTS Famous Publication 8 POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $3 10 MOURNED BY MILLIONS When Did The Dead Sea Die 5% POINT NO 120 24 A 48 a $2 55 MAGNIFICENT AMERICAN FARMS Are in Evidence East West North South 1234567890 250 PE.TTINCII,I. CO. COMPANY IONIC No 150 48 POINT ^^ 5 a $7 00 TRUE Colors 5 A 6 a $6 00 Inexorable JUDGE 36 POINT 6 A 10 a $5 00 GRACEFUL Benefactor 7 A 11a $4 00 ROMAN ASCETICS Scorned Culinary Pleasures 20 POINT 10 A 16 a $3 50 ARTISTIC IMPROVEMENTS Performances Warmly Complimented 12 POINT 17A28a$3 00 [ 10 POINT 22A32a$2 75 ORIGINAL IDEA strictest economy Deserved Recognition I Necessary for city Legislators 8 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 50 ENGLISH ARCHITECTURE Wanderings Through Southampton 1234567890 6 POINT 30 A 45 a $2 25 GOVERNMENT RAILROAD SERVICE Unsurpaesed Facilities for Handling Materials 1234567800 PETTINGILL CBL COMPANY 251 DORIC No 120 3 A 6 a $9 00 RICH Mine 42 POINT 3 A 6 a $6 90 FAST COLOR Perfect Shade 4 A 8 a $6 40 SNAKE Oil Sold 8 A 16 a $5 50 FLOWERS Keep Sake TIGER HUNTER Fighting Elephant 20A 40a S3 10 KENTUCKY WHISKY Excellent as Nose Paint 30 POINT 4 A 8 a $5 40 GAITER Late Cut 18 POINT 10 A 20 a $5 20 NOBLEMAN Prison Bird 12 A 24 a $2 90 jq POINT 16 A 32 a $2 95 HOXEST FAKMEB Wearing* Old Clothes 7 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 75 BLACK EYES AND RED HAIR Diamonds and Jewelry in Plenty 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 55 GOVERNMENT MULE KICKED For More Pay and Shorter Hours H H 1234567890 H H 5 POINT ON 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 55 BLEAKEST SEASON ANNOUNCED Cold Wintry Winds of December 1234567890 252 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY IONIC SERIES *48 POINT NO 30 4 A 6 a $8 90 RICH Lands *42 POINT NO 159 4 A 5 a S6 40 Liberal TERM POINT No 122 4 A 8 a $5 20 POSTER PONT 8 A 24 a $12 60 PRODUCTS Siberian Diamonds 6 A 12 a $4 90 30 POINT NO 122 POSTER FONT 12 A 36 a $13 70 SHIPS Cool Trips 10 A 20 a $3 70 18 POINT NO 122 POSTER FONT 20 A 100 a $13 20 INDIANA National Glueen 10 POINT NO 122 18 A 36 a $2 60 SOCIAL LEADERS Great Annual Horse Shew 6 POINT NO 122 24 A 48 a $2 30 BRILLIANT DECORATION Blue Ribbon Parade of Blooded Steeds 1234567890 8A 16a $4 70 24 POINT NO 122 POSTER FONT 16 A 64 a $13 25 SILENT Prison Halls 16 A 32 a $3 15 12 POINT NO 122 POSTER FONT 32 A 160 a $11 35 REPRIMANDS Social Reformations 8 POINT NO 122 24 A 48 a $2 60 FASHION EXHIBITION Grand Display of Gotham Beauty 5 POINT NO 122 24 A 48 a $2 60 ANNTJAL CALEDONIAN GABIES Rosy Cheeked Maids in the Matrimonial Race 1234667890 PETTINGILL CBl COMPANY 253 CLARENDON No 120 4A 8a $8 30 GRAIN Binder 36 POINT 5 A 10 a $8 40 Famous FRIENDS 30 POINT A 12 a $4 15 RIVERSIDE TRAMWATS Publishing Domestic Trouble 24 POINT A 16 a $3 35 ! 18 POINT 10 A 20 a $2 95 YOUNG HORSE CONTRA COSTA Becoming Sulky Honest Treatment 16 A 32 a $2 95 16 A 32 a $2 40 OOOD MESSENGERS cuban independence Wonderful Hardship Summer Comfort for Guests ISA 36a $2 50 18 A 36 a $2 00 GRASP OPPORTUNITIES GRAND FUNDING OPERATION Marine Insurance Company Gigantic Accumulation of Securities 8 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 50 FEVER IN SANTIAGO DE CUBA Sickly People Forming a Company 1234567890 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 05 CONSTITUTION OF UNITED STATES Wealth Speedily Acquired by Purchasing 1234567890 254 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY CLARENDON LIGHTFACE No 30 I A 12 a S5 85 EXPERT Motor Drivers 8A 15a $5 20 Electric Mechanical WORKS 20 A 30 a $2 80 PROPHETIC LORE Cabinet Making Politician 10 POIKT 30 A 40 a $3 15 IMPULSIVE HORDE Cowboy Business Promenade 9 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 85 AMERICAN JOURNALS National Educational Advantages 8 POINT 25 A 40 a $2 20 NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE Unlimited Modem Perfecting Presses 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 05 COTTON HAND SPINNING WHEEL Modem Machinery Supersedes Antique Method 38 Niagara Water-FaU 5 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 25 PIPE LINES TO PETROLEUM CENTEK Broad Tracts of Rocky Ground Cultivated by Speculator 527 Appropriate niustrations CONDENSED CLARENDON No 42 12 POINT 25 A 42 a $2 75 10 POINT 36 A 52 a S2 70 GENIAL HOME COMFORTS Contents of a Well-Stocked Larder 8 POINT 36 A 70 a $2 75 SUMMER FRUITFUL RIPENINGS Glimpse at the Contents of Nature's Cornucopia 1234567890 AUTUMN GATHERING GARNERED Fruit for the Benefit of Hungry Humanity 6 POINT 52 A 70 a $2 50 WASTED OCCASIONS DURING SPRINGTIME Lazy Donothing Bemoaning the Loss of Golden Opportunities 1234567890 PETTINGILI, CEl COMPANY 255 ANTIQUE CONDENSED 72 POINT NO 122 3 A 5 a $10 00 Clear RED Inks 60 POINT NO 122 3 A 6a $7 25 Denver GOLD Mine 48 POINT NO 122 4 A 8a $5 50 Northern INTERESTS 36 POINT NO 122 6 A 12 a $5 45 SEVENTH Entertainment 30 POINT NO 122 8A 16 a S4 65 24 POINT NO 122 10 A 20 a $3 65 STATE Prison &RAND Concerts 18 POINT NO 116 15 A 24 a $2 90 14 POINT NO 116 16A 30a $2 85 National COLLEGES Northern HOMESTEADS 12 POINT NO 116 20 A 30 a $2 55 STANDARD LETTER 10 POINT NO 116 24 A 50 a $2 70 GREAT FOREST LANDS Excellent Condensed Series North American Lumber District 1234567890 1234567890 256 PETTINGILL CgJ. COMPAN.Y MODERN ANTIQUE 3 A 4a $11 20 MINER Mountain 60 POINT 4 A 5 a $10 25 RESORT Convulsion 5 A 8a $10 90 to ruiwT c MEETING Administrator PETTINGII-L CO. COMPANY 257 MODERN ANTIQUE 6 A 10 a $8 90 Patriotic LODGE 8 A 12 a $8 50 EMBROIDERY Commission Brokers 30 POINT 10 A 16 a $6 40 SECOND OUTING Lake St. Clair Excursions 20 POINT 12A20a$4 50 , 18 POINT 16A24a$3 90 COMBINED MEMORANDUM Printers Album Domestic Expenses 12 POINT 20 A 40 a $3 00 iq point 24 A 50 a $3 00 MODERN PRINTING ornamental carving Numerous Improvement Prize Compositions by Horn 8 POINT 30 A 60 a $3 00 ; q point 30 A 60 a $2 50 TRUMPET MANUFACTURER Composer of Excellent Overture 1234567890 NORTHERN LUMBER MERCHANT Fine Pine Forest of Nortliepn Michigan 1234567890 258 PETTINGILL O. COMPANY MODERN ANTIQUE WIDE No 1 1 3 A 4 a $8 90 OLD Rites 36 POINT 4 A 6 a $7 00 Silver MINES 6 A 8 a $5 60 SKETCHING Ground Cinnamon 10 A 16 a $4 85 SELECTED DESIGN Handsomest Adornments 18 POINT 10 A 16 a $3 75 CUMBERLAND RIVER Pleasant Steamboat Excursion 12 POINT 20 A 30 a $3 65 DISTINGUISHED NEIGHBORS North American Insurance Companies 1234567890 PE-TTINGILL CBl COMPANY 259 LATIN ANTIQUE No 120 48 POINT 3 A 5 a $7 70 China BIRD 36 POINT 4 A 8 a $5 90 POSTER PONT 8 A 24 a S13 80 MILK Crackers 30 POINT 6 A 12 a $5 35 POSTER FONT 12 A 36 a $14 40 Household WORDS 24 POINT 8 A 16 a $4 50 POSTER FONT 16 A 64 a $13 95 ROBUST MAIDEN Regular Business Gowns 10 A 20 a $3 65 18 POINT POSTER PONT 20 A 80 a $11 10 GARDEN Rustic Baskets 10 POINT 18 A 36 a $2 95 HAYSEEDERS Untutored Dunderpates 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 IMPECUNIOSITY Decidedly Small Bank Accounts 1234-567890 12 A 24 a $2 45 12 POINT POSTER FONT 36 A 168 a $12 40 BURDENSOME Weighing Machines 8 POINT 24 A 48 a $3 00 WINTER STORMS Sweeping Hurricane Decks 5 POINT ON 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 15 HARMONIOUS GATHERING Conducted Without Pomp or Ceremony 1234-56 7890 260 pe:ttingill csl company ANTIQUE No 125 48 POINT 4 A 8 a $9 35 FINE Horse 36 POINT 5 A 10 a $7 00 POSTER PONT 5 A 20 a $11 00 Perilous RIDE 30 POINT 6 A 12 a $5 80 POSTER FONT 12 A 36 a S14 00 Gray MOON Dogs 24 POINT 8 A 16 a $4 70 POSTER PONT 16 A 64 a $13 40 UNIFORM OVERCOATS Modern Trousers Imported 12 A 24 a S4 45 18 POINT POSTER FONT 24 A 96 a $13 50 REPUTATION Honest Morals 24 A 48 a $3 05 10 POINT POSTER FONT 72 A 240 a $13 25 MEXICANS CONVERTED Political Courage Uprising 8 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 80 CURIOUS HISTORICAL ITEM Don't Roam Around the House 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 30 DETERMINED MECHANICS STRIKE Pea-ce Reigns Throughout the World 1234567890 18 A 36 a $3 20 12 POINT POSTER FONT 54 A 180 a $12 15 BEAUTIFUL LADIES Evening Concert Given 9 POINT 24 A 48 a $3 05 DRINKING LIGHT LIQUOR Brightest Hopes are Fleeting 7 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 25 EASTERN CARTILAGINOUS FISHES Comprehend European Disintegration 554 POINT 32 A 64 a $2 95 DISCERNING COMMENTATORS APPROVED Numerous Excellent Graduated Nutriments 1234567890 PIITTINGILL CEL COMPANY 261 CENTRAL ANTIQUE 3 A 5 a $10 00 IG 3 A 5 a $8 00 Dark RIDE 4 A 6 a $7 00 GEMS Bound 4 A 6 a $5 00 Enrich MISERS 5 A 8 a $4 50 6 A 10a $4 00 SIX Men : dish Cloth 18 POINT 10 A 16 a $3 26 14 pqint 14 A 20 a $3 00 Trained HORSES Danish SONG 12 POINT 18 A 22 a $3 00 22 A 30a $2 75 GERMAN DANCERS Excite Society Maiden 8 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 50 ENTHUSIASTIC KLONDIKBRS Return Sadder but Wiser Miners 1234567890 BOSTON CONCERT G-IRLS Unique Amusement Created 6 POINT 30 A 42 a $2 25 FROLICSOME EUCHRE COMPANIONS Escorts Delighted with. Buxom Paxtners 1234567890 262 PIITTINGILL CEL COMPANY ANTIQUE No 126 36 POINT 6 A 12 a $6 00 EXTREME LABOR International Brands 10 A 20 a $4 95 FOSSILIZED MONUMENT Celebrated Popular Statesmen 12 A 24 a $3 60 DELIGHTFUL HOLIDAY MEMORIES Able Statesmen Assembled in Conference 12 POINT 16 A 32 a $2 50 ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE BECAME RESTLESS Autocratic Millionaires Purchasing Government Bonds 11 POINT 16 A 32 a $2 20 STEREOTYPING DISPLAYS Celebrated Historical Teacher 9 POINT 18 A 36 a $2 10 COUNCILMANIC DEPARTMENT Unscrupulous Counterfeit Method Reversible Seamless Spring Coats 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 15 HEARTRENDING APPEALS TO PATRIOT Zealously Guard Contagious Localities Contributions from Patriotic Volunteer Entertainments in Gymnastic Contests 1234567890 10 POINT 18 A 36 a $2 35 KINDHEARTED GARDENER Grave Diplomatic Statements 8 POINT 20 A 40 a $2 25 DISPLAY WONDERFUL NERVE Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep Pensioning Wounded Combatants 5^ POINT 24 A 48 a $2 00 REINVIOORATE DEPOPULATED NATIONALITIES Sweet Voices Singing Requiems Over the Departed Suburban Residences Destroyed by the Tidal Wave Revised Histories of Celebrated Discoveries Finished 1234567890 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 263 6 A 10 a $5 00 ANTIQUE CONDENSED Grand EUCHRE Parties 30 POINT NO 152 8A 12a $450 I 24 POINT NO 152 10A14a$400 NEW Scorer QUICK Games 20 POINT NO 152 12 A 16 a $3 50 ^g pgiuT NO 122 12 A 24 a $3 50 Exultant MADS Celebrated SINGEE, -36 POINT NO 152 12 POINT NO 122 24 A 48 a $2 85 18 A 36 a $2 85 jq pqjnt NO 122 GENUINE Scotch Texture RENOWNED French Landscape 8 POINT NO 122 24 A 48 a $2 35 q poiNT NO 122 24 A 48 a $1 90 Enterprising American COMEDIANS Manufacturer Advances SOUND ARGUMENT 1234567890 1234567890 ANTIQUE No 127 24 POINT 8 A 16 a $5 45 DEPOSED Renegades 10 A 20 a S3 90 Paying Positions CAPTURED 12 POINT 16 A 32 a $2 95 GREAT MEMORIES Experience Required 10 POINT 18 A 36 a $2 70 BRIGHTEST CHANCES Produced "Without Favor 8 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 70 NEARING DESTROYED PARK Multiplied Submarine Disorders 1234567890 11 POINT 16 A 32 a $2 45 DISCOURAGE TRAMPS Throughout the Universe 9 POINT 18 A 36 a $2 05 FAMISHED RECRUITS PERISH Lost By Erroneous Calculations 6 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 30 THOUSANDS DISCUSSED RETURNS Severely Criticised Monroe Doctrine 1234567890 264 72 POINT PETTINGILL CD- COMPANY FRENCH CLARENDON No 120 3 A 5a $14 15 MINE Shaft 3 A 6 a $8 50 Lead REGION 48 POINT 4 A 8a $6 80 INDIAN Prisoners 6 A 12 a $6 50 A 16 a $4 65 BIG Horn Morning run 12 A 24 a $4 55 INDUCEMEITTS Landscape Garden 12 POINT ISA 36a $2 90 CLEVER PERFORMERS Good American Products 8 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 30 NEBRASKA PUBLISHING COMPANY Atlantic and Grand Rapids Railway 1234567890 18 POINT 12 A 24 a $3 00 CHINESE INCURSION Dramatic Conformation 10 POINT 24 A 48 a $2 65 EXPERIMENTAL MERCHANT Manufacturers Easily Controlled 6 POINT 32 A 64 a $2 10 CUEIOSITIES FSOM NOETHWESTEEN COUNTEIES 7ouBg Maidens Escape From Seminary Boarding House 1234567890 PETTINGILL (B. COMPANY 265 EGYPTIAN EXTRA CONDENSED No 120 3 A 6 a $8 70 4A 8a $7 40 EiOFEiS konstrate 4A 8a $5 20 BraktiDg SCHOLARS Fromptel 8 A 16 a $7 05 kpiciouslj Decoraieil !Bi BBIIS 8A 16a $5 25 L 24 POINT 12 A 24 a $4 30 lewspaper PuUIiie Inisrssiin! FlIEIilL lELmFinEFDETS 12 A 24 a $2 16 A 32 a $2 60 DETERMINED POLICEMEN j mmi^H SOLDISKS mm Caught Notorious Surglars Flundoring terous Hardships are Encountered Abroad 266 PHTTINGILL CEL COMPANY ANTIQUE EXTRA CONDENSED No 150 *96 POINT 3 A 4a $10 85 48 POINT 36 POINT 24 POINT 18 POINT 3A 5 a $8 50 ;««m 4A 7a $5 00 7A 11a $4 25 11 A 17 a $3 75 14 A 20 a $3 25 20 POINT 12 POINT 4A 6a $6 50 m 5 A 8 a $4 50 9 A 12 a $4 00 10 A 16 a $3 50 16 A 26 a $3 00 Choicest EMBROIDERY Barpin \ DesiraMe handkerchief Noyeities 20 A 32 a $2 75 8 POINT ENAMELED Llmoges orEaglM PORCELAIN 1234567890 22 A 32 a $2 50 COMPULSORY Disposals Ol Maplflcent FURNITURE 1234567890 PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY 267 ANTIQUE EXTENDED No 120 24 POINT 4 A 8 a $5 75 EiXTLigrratixi-g: 6 A 12 a $5 25 12 POINT 8 A 16 a $3 95 10 POINT 12 A 24 a $3 95 6 POINT 12 A 24 a $2 50 X2 3456 7880 8 POINT 12 A 24 a $3 20 5 POINT 18 A 36 a $3 50 ACOOPO'XjXGrXX'X' X33CPOSZS Ooltx.xi3.l9ick.xx £S3Kp»ositxoxx CcK.xr X 2 34S6708O ANTIQUE EXTENDED No 123 12 POINT 16 A $2 35 18 A $2 05 8 POINT oo3sr:FiiD.A.3srTs 6 POINT 24 A $1 90 1234567890 E3SrOOTJE.^G-IIsrG 5 POINT 24 A $1 65 1234B67890 268 PHTTINGILL CSL COMPANY 42 POINT 30 POINT ANTIQUE EXTENDED No 124 3 A 6a $10 40 4 A 8 a $6 40 3iw^OR,El Life 6 A 12 a $5 45 18 POINT 8 A 16 a $4 45 Finders =Eiot st-u-ff 10 A 20 a $3 65 LIGi-IITIIlSrO 10 A 20 a $2 75 STOITE JXJOS 8 POINT 16 A 32 a $3 30 6 POINT 18 A 36 a $2 90 E]22:A2sj:iisrATiON free Servioe Qiiestions S3 4 ANTIQUE EXTENDED No 122 E 4 A 8 a $6 45 [ 24 POINT 5 A 10 a $5 05 A 16 a $4 00 I 10 POINT 10 A 20 a $3 70 X^vm i»^i>ii! PART IX, Gothics PETTINGILL CB. COMPANY 269 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC c 48 POINT NO 648 7 A 9 a $6 50 MOTHERLY Inspirations 36 POINT NO 636 8 A 10 a $5 50 Cosmopolitan SQUADRON 30 POINT NO 630 ' 12 A 15 a $5 00 ENTHUSIASTIC Parliamentarians 24 POINT NO 624 16A24a$4 50 Fascinating Exterior ORNAMENTATIONS 18 POINT NO 618 30 A 42 a $4 00 CATECHUMEN \ DELIBERATIONS Educational Supremacy Great and Eloquent Orator 12 POINT NO 612 35 A 52 a $3 75 iq pqinT NO 610 45 A 60 a $3 50 BARTHOLDI STATUE PRINTERS DELIGHTED Liberty Enlightening the World Astonishing Typographic inventions 8 POINT NO 608 52 A 70 a $3 25 q pqint NO 606 60 A 70 a $3 00 EQUINE SAGACITY OBSERVED j MAGNIFICENT BUILDING OPERATIONS Modern Feline Trainer Electrifying Audience Great Schemes Receive Liberal Public Opitulation 1234567890 1234567890 A/l sizes align at top and bottom of /ace 270 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC 48 POINT NO 748 6 A 9 a $7 50 REPORTS Believed 36 POINT NO 736 8 A 10 a $6 50 Gorgeous EXHIBITION 30 POINT No 730 10 A 15 a $5 50 ANTIQUATED Construction 24 POINT NO 724 14 A 20 a $4 75 Grand Operatic ENTERTAINMENT 18 POINT NO 718 18 A 28 a $4 50 DESTROYED Western Entrance 12 POINT NO 712 30 A 45 a $4 GO SUPERB LECTURE Patronized by Juveniles 8 POINT NO 708 45 A 60 a $3 50 GUARDIANS FRIGHTENED Serious Results from Extravagance 14 POINT NO 714 25 A 35 a $4 25 HANDSOMEST Presents Exchanged 10 POINT NO 710 35 A 50 a $3 75 1234567890 Alt sizes align at top and bottom of face PROUD SENTIIVIENT Youths Declining Invitations 6 POINT NO 706 50 A 60 a $3 25 INGENIOUS CONTRIVANCE Plan to Avoid Detection During Absence 1234567890 PE.TTINGILL CD. COMPANY 271 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC 48 POINT NO 848 6 A 8 a $8 50 PUBLIC Service 36 POINT NO 836 7 A 10 a $7 00 National PROTEST 30 POINT NO 830 9 A 12 a $6 00 SECTIONAL Grievances 24 POINT NO 824 14 A 20 a $5 25 Emblematic CONTEMPLATION 18 POINT NO 818 16 A 26 a $4 75 STARLIGHT Buxom Ramblers 12 POINT NO 812 30 A 42 a $4 25 HARMONIOUS Flowery Garden Spots 8 POINT NO 808 45 A 60 a $3 75 MONETARY VALUES Upholding the Credit of Nations 1234567890 14 POINT NO 814 25 A 35 a $4 50 KNOWLEDGE Napoleonic Copyist 10 POINT NO 810 35 A 50 a $4 00 CONSIDERATION Golden Rules of Obeisance 6 POINT NO 806 45 A 60a $3 50 MISREPRESENTATION Humanity is Susceptible to Blarney 1234567890 Al/ sizes align at top and bottom of face 272 pi:ttingill cel company PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC 48 POINT NO 948 5 A 7 a $8 50 WAVE Depart 36 POINT NO 936 i A 9 a $7 GO Northern HOME 30 POINT NO 930 8 A 10 a $6 00 PATRIOT Embarked 24 POINT NO 924 12 A 16 a S5 25 Advertisement PRINTED 18 POINT NO 918 14 A 22 a $4 75 PAINTED Winter Scene 12 POINT NO 912 25 A 38 a $4 25 REGIMENT Mountain Fortress 8 POINT NO 908 38 A 50 a $3 75 TRANSPORTATION Declined by Foreign Visitor I23A567890 14 POINT No 914 20 A 30 a $4 50 MODERN Design Admired 10 POINT NO 910 30 A 45 a $4 00 REDUCTIONS During Holiday Season 6 POINT NO 906 40 A 50 a $3 50 COMPANIES ORGANIZED Frolics Beneath a Starry Heaven I23A567890 All sizes align at top and bottom of /ace PETTINCII,!, CEt COMPANY 273 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC 48 POINT NO 1048 4 A 6 a $9 25 NICE Robes 36 POINT NO 1036 6 A 8 a $7 75 Rapid DREAM 30 POINT NO 1030 7 A 10 a $6 50 HONEST Games 24 POINT NO 1024 10 A 15 a $5 50 Charming MUSICALE 18 POINT NO 1018 14 A 20 a S5 00 14 pqint NO 1014 18 A 26 a $4 75 OBLIQUE PRECIOUS Short Lanes Crown Jewels 12 POINT NO 1012 22 A 30 a $4 50 jq POINT NO 1010 25 A 40 a $4 25 PROVERBS Forget Injustice DEPICTING Dramatic Elevation S POINT NO 1008 35 A 45 a $4 00 q p^^^^^ ^g ^006 38 A 50 a $3 75 CALIFORNIAN NURSERY EDIBLES Discovery of Gold Mines i Promoters of Epicureanism 12345678 12 34567890 A// sizes align at top and bottom of face 274 PIITTINGILL CEL COMPANY PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC 48 POINT NO 1148 4 A 6 a $10 00 RED Mask 36 POINT NO 1136 5 A 9 a $8 50 Sound MIND 30 POINT NO 1130 7 A 10 a $7 00 HOME Comfort 24 POINT NO 1124 10 A 15 a $6 00 Ornament BROKEN 18 POINT NO 1118 12 A 18 a $5 25 Tame Herd 14 POINT NO 1114 16 A 26 a $5 00 12 POINT NO 1112 20 A 32 a $4 75 Heated Season 8 POINT NO 1108 35 A 45 a $4 25 CELEBRATION Gathering of Speakers 12345678 CHANGE Fickle Maids 10 POINT NO 1110 25 A 40 a $4 50 FORTUNATE Reporter Engaged 6 POINT NO 1106 35 A 50 a $4 00 GENTI.E EXERCISE Developing the Youngster I 234S67890 All sizes align at top and bottom of fa PHTTINGILL CEL COMPANY 275 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC 48 POINT NO 1248 4 A 5 a $9 25 DIN Heard 36 POINT NO 1236 5 A 7 a $7 75 Noted MEN 30 POINT NO 1230 iA 9 a $6 50 shoe: Marked 24 POINT NO 1224 9 A 12 a $5 50 Dannaeed BENCH 18 POINT NO 1218 12 A 15 a $5 00 ^4 point NO 1214 MATCH 14 A 22 a $4 75 MUSING u rn Cord Connie Song 12 POINT NO 1212 18 A 28 a $4 50 NOISOME Martial Sound 10 POINT NO 1210 22 A 35 a $4 25 RERORXS Sporting Writers 8 POINT NO 1208 28 A 42 a $4 00 IINJSXRUCXIOIVIS EciuiC3'tecl IVIeohianics i Doligh-toci with Sermons 123 A5678 6 POINT NO 1206 30 A 45 a $3 75' CO ISI G FR EO AT I O IM htoci with S©rn 1234. 567890 All sizes align at top and bottom 0/ /ace 276 PE.TTINGILL CO. COMPANY PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC 48 POINT NO 1348 3 A 4a $10 00 36 POINT No 1336 N 4 A 6 a $8 50 I 30 POINT NO 1330 6 A 8 a $7 00 MAY Rsr-ti 24 POINT NO 1324 lO 7 A 12 a $6 00 18 POINT NO 1318 10 A 14 a $5 25 14 pqjnt NO 1314 Ol-ID id 12 POINT No 1312 18 A 28 a $4 75 14 A 22 a $5 00 IIM no 10 POINT NO 1310 20 A 35 a $4 50 IVI l=>ARK3ID r Right IMai: -al ^c^^ri^! 8 POINT NO 1308 25 A 40 a $4 25 B 1 00 F? A F» M E FR 6 POINT NO 1306 28 A 40 a $4 00 F-ASO I IM AT I O IM IH is't^ri^eil NA/ri'tings I l^rodieious ^^ae>ciar-is All sizes align at top and bottom of fa PETTINGILL ca. COMPANY PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC 277 48 POINT NO 1448 36 POINT NO 1436 3A 5a $11 25 NO R3in 5 A 7a $9 75 IVIsrk VAX 30 POINT NO 1430 6 A 9a $8 25 ins 24 POINT NO 1424 9 A 12 a $7 00 18 POINT NO 1418 12 A 15 a $6 00 14 POINT NO 1414 15 A 22 a $5 50 IPASX \A/ORIM F'ine Si-te Gold Rope 12 POINT NO 1412 16 A 26 a $5 00 10 POINT NO 1410 22 A 32 a $4 75 DEPA.RT F>ARDOIM Slo^A^ Trains Hones-fc People 8 POINT NO 1408 25 A 40 a $4 50 6 POINT NO 1406 28 A 45 a $4 25 E3ESIi9A.BI.E OI^ARDSIVIEN ^eau-ti-ful ^esie^^s ExKaus-fced Regii-tnon-fc 1234567 1 2 34.56 78 All sizes align at top and bottom of /ace 278 PEITTINGILL CEL COMPANY LINING GOTHIC EXTENDED No 40 4 A 6 a $7 10 5A 7a $5 15 Beau MONDE 7 A 10 a $4 50 HARTFORD Pleasure Steamer 18 POINT IDA 14a $4 30 FAMILY GROURS Basking in Sunbeanns 12A 18a $3 50 MODERN SAYINGS Rhonographs Reclnargecl 12 POINT 14 A 22 a $3 40 DEMANDS Monoy Losns 8 POINT 20 A 30 a $3 00 TEARQUICkC RashtioriakDie Gi€i8l 6 A 10 a $5 00 leauiiam g>. Cljanfrau iA 15a $4 25 C!)e Bebenge of t|)e CanD^ Womm HotoarD ^ti)ettaeum 18 POINT 8 A 20 a $4 00 Cijree #uartismen, Ctoo (i^rpijans Cije itttlfetoijtte jflas, anti Celepljone #irl0 Conser\)ator? of JEusic 12 POINT 8 A 24 a $3 19 iSicl^atti Sl^aniefftelti Stlone in |^eto llonDon !3t9tti^ummer I^i0l)t38? 2Dream on tfje M>ttttt^ of l^eto Sotft 1234567890 PETTINGILL Ca. COMPANY 299 PRIORY TEXT No 1 8 A 24 a $3 64 )CV pi^otogmpi^t. 31t tjs a fact tootti^t of «ote ti^at erpenmenting (n pl^otogmpl^tc engmbing gabe rijse to pl^otogmpl^V (tjself. Ci^e aim of ii^iepce, tol^en l^e be^ gan l^ijs tesieawi^ejs, twais not onlt to fir ti^e image l^e obtaineD bt ti^e camera obiscura upon a metal plate. 12 POINT 12 A 32 a $3 08 ^ut to contim tl)i0 plate into an engraving tDl)icl) coulu be u^eD >W on a printing pre00; but bifl^ ^arl^ ^tui) pretienteD perfecting tlje proce00 to tuljicti \)t IjaD Detooteu mucl) time anD 0tutJ^» iFrom tbat time experimenting tia^ been continued b^ sfeberal ott)er0» anu tlie result i0 tlje proDuction of a number of Different proce^sfes?* E popular one is? tlje sitoelleu gelatine proce00, tbougl) Ijantiling 2468 10 POINT 16 A 40 a $3 42 /^fKMfit metl)0li of enffrabinff I)afl! an aUtjantaffe oter toonU enffratjinff in tl)e matter V^ of cbeapnefiifi; ; but it I)a0 cottnterbailins titfiialibantag:efi(> anti tbtvt are manp snbiectfii in tDl)itI) toooU en^ratiinff dttrpacifiieg all met|)oti0 of proceeifi! en^abing:* Co reproUnce a Uratoinff for printing purpofieg, tl)e picture il^mlti be formeU of clean, fiiljarp, anU berp black lines or liotfi! on perfectly tol)ite paper* jFlat tints anU toafiil)eli or blurreU 0()aliotofl; toill not anstoer, tinlesfl! tl)ep are first translated into lines or stipple. WJ^tvt an enffratjing; in to represent macl)ineri>, tl)e 13579 8 POINT 16 A 44 a $3 00 (fSbitct is pbotO0rapbeti mice tbe 9i3t tbe plate is to be wben finti^beti. (iCbe pbotograpb^ or ^^ filter print, a0 it is tccbnican? cafieli, on wbicb tbe bratuing i? to be mabe, is not toneb, but simpip fijreb in a frepb fipna batb, anb tben tborougblp toasbeb aub brieb. ft is now reabp for tbe artist, tobo, toitb pen anb suitable inft, bratxjs birectl)? on tbe silter print, portraping in belicatc lines anb bots tbe ligbts anb sbabotus of tbe pbotograpb. 2tfter tbe bratuinc 19 com- plete tbe pbotograpb is bleacbeb, b)o pouring upon it an alcobolic solution of bi--cbloribe of mer- cur)?, leating tbe infe lines of tbe artist on clean tobite paper, (^be abtoantage of tbis metbob of bratximg is at once apparent. (Cbe artist bas tbe abtiantage of toorhing birectl? on anb otaer 300 PE-TTINGILL CgL COMPANY YONKERS SERIES 3 A 8 a $6 95 ©ricntal Stream 4 A 8a $4 50 (Sallant CriBe Ccabers 5 A 10 a $3 85 Soutl^ern Cl^tpalry Cruly Propcrbtal Beauty 8 A 15 a $3 45 10 A 20 a $2 30 Cecal CajeeS Combincb Efforts helpless Ptcttrrt ^'"''^^ ^^^^ ^"^^'"^ 12 POINT 15 A 25 a $2 30 Keactionary ZTToDement Partisan Doctrines (Explobeb 8 POINT 25 A 40 a S2 10 Society for tt^c Suppression of 3nbepenbent CEtjougbt among Bact^elors 123^567890 10 POINT 20A 30a S2 25 Prosperous Cegtslators Panbemonium ^ei^ns Supreme 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 15 professional pi]iIantbrof»ic Heforniers 3nconsistent Prcact^crs anb impractical Ceact)ers 123^567890 PART XL gertnan faces PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 301 Self Spacing German B 6 POINT NO 42 Unit of measure, 12 to Pica *iluf feinem (Sebiete roaren bJe gortfdjritte feit ofer :5ot)rt)unberten fo gering lute in ber ^unft bcs iSci)riftfe^eno. 2)ie t)icr iinb ba in (Sebrauct) befinblidjen 9Lllafd)incn finb burd)au^ unooUf ommen ; bie bei meitein grofete iUiaffe ber iiblidien e^ ift "Cit unb bod) immer ta^, 2llte. SBir leben mitten in iiir unb finb if)re greunbe. Sie jprid)t unaufl)orIid) mit uus unb tierrdt un^ i^r ®el)eimni§ nid)t. SBir mirten beftdnbig auf fte ein unb l)aben bod) leine ©emalt iiber fie. ©rofee unb beilige JJatur ! in beineu 4»allen manbelt ber SJJenfd^ unb lernt t)on 8tauben unb SSdumen ; fein 9luge ruf)t mie ein giihiljorn am blauen ^immet, unb fud)t nad) bem, uad) >ueld)em fid) lein i^er^ in ber !8ruft aueftredt. Sann mirb er fetbft gum ^riefter biefeS 2:empels einge^ meibt: mit Xbrdnen enbet er bie geierlid)teit. 2)urd) aRenfc^enliebe prebigt er anbern 9J?enfd)en, burd) 2roft, burd) 9JittIeib unb i)iilfe.— 9Ber tann bie unenblidie Siebe nid)t fiiblen, bie iiber uu§ au^gefpannt ift, unb un§ auf biefer SSelt mit 3drtlic^teit gefangen abcfcefgl)iitImno^qrflut)mjl)s 812:34 9rg363)e5®€>»KS9K«RD^£l3fi(SXUSB2BX?)3 567890 7 POINT GERMAN NO 121 ^tatur! 2Sir finb toon il^r umgeben unb umjd)lungen — unbermogenb, au§ \'i)X l^erau^-^utreten, unb untoermogenb, tiefer in fie I)tnetn5ufommen. Ungebeten unb ungemarnt nimmt fie un§ in ben Umlauf tt)re§ 2;age§ auf unb tretbt fic^ mit un§ fort, bi§ mir ermiibet finb unb il^rem Slrme entfallen. ift neu unb bod) immer ha§> ^Ite. 2Bir leben mitten in i^r unb finb il)re ?^reunbe. ©ie fprid)t unauf^or^ lid) mit un0 unb t)errdt un§ i^r @e^eimm§ nid)t. SBir roirfen beftdnbig abcbefg^ijflmnopqrftuoroy^^ $1234 2l53S1)e0f@«^^SlS9JigiO^O9iS^U3)2iB9e?)3 567890 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 303 10 POINT GERMAN NO 121 9^atur! SBir finb t)on t!)r umgeBen unb umfd^Iungen — unt)er= mogenb, an§> i^r ^erau^^utreten, unb unbermogenb, ttefer in fie f)mein5u!omnten. Ungebeten utib ungemarnt nimmt fie un§ in ben Umtauf ii)re§ Xage§ auf unb Ireibt fic§ mtt un§ fort, bt§ Wii ermitbet finb unb intent 5(rme entfallen. (Sie f(i)afft en)ig neue (SJeftatten; h)a§ ba ift, n)ar noc^ nte; n)a§ rt)ar, !ommt nid^t n)teber — 3ebe§ tft neu unb bo(^ intmer ba§ 5(Ite. SSir leben mitten in i^r unb finb i^re greunbe. (gie fpricfjt unauf^orlic^ mit un» unb t)errdt un§ i^r (^e^eimni§ nic^t. SSir n)irfen beftdnbig auf fie ein unb ^aben boc^ feine (^emalt iiber fie. (^roge unb ^eilige D^latur! in beinen fatten njanbelt ber SO^enfc^ unb ternt t)on (gtauben unb abcbefg^ijflmnopqrftutinj^^g $1234 §rS3(5;^@g(^§3^£9Jl^D^09f{@XU«3S9e?)3 567890 11 POINT GERMAN NO 121 9^atur! SSir finb t)on i^r umgeben unb umfi^tungen — unt)erntogenb, au§ i^r ^erau^^utreten, unb unt)ermogenb, tiefer in fie ^inein^iifommen. Ungebeten unb ungetDarnt nimmt fie un§ in ben Umtauf i^re§ SEage§ auf unb treibt fic^ mit un§ fort, bi§ tt)ir ermiibet finb unb i^rem 5(rme entfallen. @ie fd^afft ett)ig neue (^eftalten; tt)a§ ha i% tvax noc^ nie; tva^ wax, fommt nic^t tnieber — 3ebe§ ift neu unb boc^ immer ha^ 5llte. SSir (eben mitten in if)r unb finb i^re ^reunbe. ©ie fprid^t unauf^orlic^ mit un§ unb tjerrdt un§ i^r ^ef)eimni§ nic^t. SBir tt)ir!en beftdnbig auf fie ein unb Ijaben hod) feine ©emalt iiber abcbefg^ii!(mnopqrftut)tt)jt)5 $1234 TOe^eg(55§3^29}?9^0¥Oei©XUS5S[B9e 56Y890 12 POINT GERMAN NO 121 yiatuxl SBir jinb t)on i^r umgeben unb umjc^Iungen — unt)ermogenb, au§ i^r fierau^jutreten, unb unt)er= mogenb, tiefer in fie ^inein^ufommen, Ungebeten unb ungett)arnt nimmt fie un§ in ben Umlauf it)re§ Xage§ auf unb treibt fic^ mit un§ fort, big mir ermiibet finb unb i^rem Slrme entf alien, ©ie fd^afft ett^ig neue ®e= ftalten; ma^ ha ift, wax noc^ nie; tva^ mar, fommt nii^t mieber — 3ebe§ ift neu unb bod^ immer bag 2tlte. SBir leben mitten in if)r unb finb i^re g^reunbe, ©ie fpric^t abcbefgf)ii!Imuopqrftut)mjt5^ $1234 3tS3eS)eg®^3^S3R5RD^Cl3t@2U 567890 304 PETTINGILL CgL COMPANY 14 POINT GERMAN NO 121 dlatnxl 2Sir finb t)on xi)x umgeben unb umfi^lungen — unt)ermogenb, an§ x^x i)exan^u- trcten, unb unt)crmogenb, tiefer in fie ^ineingu^ fomntcn. Ungcbeten unb ungetDarnt nimmt fie un§ in \>cn Umlauf i^re§ %aQe§ auf unh treibt fid) mit un§ fort, bi§ tDir ermiibet finb unb it)rem 3lrme entfatlen* @ie f(i^afft ett)ig neue 18 POINT German No 121 20 a 100 a $12 48 9^otur! 2^on ber 9?atur umgekn itnb umfc^Iuitgen, finb luir mtuermogenb au§ . i^r ^erouSgutreten, unb nnoermogenb tiefer in fie lineinptommen. Ungebe^ ten unb ungewornt nimmt fie un§ in 24 POINT GERMAN NO 121 14 A 40 a $12 00 ^atur ! SStr finb ftet§ t)on i^r umgebeti unb nmfc^Inngen, finb nnt)ermi)genb an§ i|r ^eran^gn^ treten, nnb nntJermiigenb tiefer 30 POINT GERMAN NO 121 8 A 60 a $12 00 35Dn ber $Ratiir umge= Ben unb umfi^Iuugen, finb iDir unDermBgenb an§> i^r PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY 305 Gekman No 153 6 POINT GERMAN NO 153 9luf feinem @ebtete Toaren bte >yortfd^ritte fett oter ^va^r^unberten fo gering roic in bcr ffunft be% ®c^riftfe|en^. "Die ^ier unb ba in ©ebrauc^ be^nblicben aJJafc^inen finb burc^= au§ unooUfommen; bic 5ei njeitem grofete DJfaffe ber iiblid^en Sd^rift ift nod^ genau bcr 5lrt roie oor oier^unbert 3a^rcn. aSenn granflin ^eute roieber oor bem Soften ftanbe, roiirbe er ni(^t§ ^Jeue^ ju lernen l^oben. ©ie ®c^rtftfe|erei ift Ijinter ber rounberbaren 3SerooU!ommnung ber ^reffen DoUftanbig (iurucfgeblieben; bie oergro^erte ®ejc^n)inbig= fett im ©d^riftfelen beru^t au^fc^IicBlid) in ber a^erme^rung ber Sciften. 2lUe ^es miil^ungen, biejem Uebelftanbe abjulielfen, gingen barauf ^inou§, ®e|maf(^inen ^u er= finbcn, ftatt bie SIrt unb QBeife be§ A^anbfeieng ju oerbeffern. (Sin§ beri!»aupt^inberniffe, roeld^eg ben ©e|mafc^inen im SBege [tonb, ift bie ^fJot^roenbigfeit, thit ber A?anb gu „juftiren"« Tiaran fd^eiterte ^auptfac^licf) bie (Sinfii^rung biefer a)iajd)inen. (I§ liegt boiler auf ber A?anb, ha% jeber '45Ion jur 93erbefterung unferer ©e5=9Jiet]^oben in erfter yinie bie ^uftirung ju oereinfad^cn i)at, benn ba bie§ ber ^^Juntt ift, um ben fic^ bie Sac^e obcbefgl^ijtlmnopqr§tut)roE93 $1234 9ig3S'D(S5®§3S«a)J9i?D^S:i9iSa;U3S2B3£S3 567890 8 POINT German no 153 2luf feinem ©ebiete roaren bie ^ortfc^ritte feit oier ^afirl^unberten fo gering roie in ber ^unft beg ©cf)riftfe^eng. ®ie f)ier unb ba in ©ebraud) befinb= lichen 2)iafcl^inen finb burd)aug unooUfommen ; bie bei rceitem gro^te 2Jiaffe ber iiblid^en ©cfjrift ift nod) genau ber 2lrt roie vox t)ierf)unbert ^a^ren. 2Senn ^ranflin ^eute roieber vox bem ^aften ftanbe, roiirbe er nid)tg 9Zeueg 3u lernen ^aben. ^ie ©c^riftfe^erei ift Winter ber rounberbaren 3Sen)oU= lommnung ber ^reffen roUftdnbig ^urudgeblieben ; bie t)ergrbf;erte @efdj)roin= bigfeit im ©rfiriftfe^en berut)t au^fdjlie^Iic^ in ber ^erme^rung ber ^ciften. 2lUe 33emiif)ungen, biefem Uebelftanbe abjul^elfen, gingen barauf l^inau^, abcbefg^iiflmnopqratu»rojt)3 $1234 2l«©^e5©^S^«2«9^D^D9i©XU3S2B3e3)3 567890 10 POINT GERMAN NO 153 3luf feinem ©ebiete roaren bie gorlfd^ritte fett t)ier 3at)r^unberten fo gering roie in ber 5lunft be§ ©d^riftfe^eng. ^ie f)ter unb ba in ®e= brauc§ befinblicf)en ^JJafd^inen finb burd^auS unDoUfommen ; bie bet roeitem gro^te 3Jlaffe ber iiblidien (Sc^rift ift nod^ genau ber 2lrt mk vox t)ier^unbert ga^ren. 2Benn granflin f)eute roieber vox bem ^aften ftanbe, roiirbe er md)t§ 5^eueg §u lernen f)aben. ®ie Sc^riftfe^erei ifl Winter ber rounberbaren 3Sert)o[l!ommnung ber 'ifreffen t)£)Eftanbig ^u- abcbefg^tjfImnopqr§tut)roj9g $1234 2l33e)D@g®§3^23}Z5f2D$D9ft©^H3S2B3e3)3 567890 11 POINT GERMAN NO 153 Sluf feinem ©ebiete raaren bie gortfd^ritte feit viex ^a^x^unhexten fo gering raie in ber Slunft be^ ©c^riftfe^en^. ®ie ^ier unb ha in ©ebraud^ befinbli($en 9}Zafd^inen finb burd^au^ unx)olI!ommen; bie bei raeitem gro^te 9)?affe ber iiblii^en ©^rift ift nod^ genau ber 2lrt tnie nor t)ier()unbert 3a()ren. SBenn granflin |)eute roieber nor bem ^aften ftdnbe, roiirbe er nid^t^ 9^eue§ gu lernen abcbefg()ij!(mnopqr§tut)rop3 $1234 2lS(£>De5@§3^S3}29^D^D5R©XU332B3e3)3 567890 306 PHTTINGILL CEL COMPANY German No 155 6 POINT German no 155 14 A 42 a $2 25 8 POINT GERMAN NO 155 12 A 36 a $2 50 9?atur! S8ir fmb tion tl^r umgeBen unb umfd^Iungen — unbermogenb, aug i^r J^erouSjutreten, unb unbcrmbaenb, tief er in fie qineinjubtingen. Ungeocten unb ungeraarnt nimmt fie un^ in ben Umlauf i^reS SageS auf unb treibt fid^ mit un§ fort, bi^ tvix ermiibet finb unb il^rem Sltme cntfaQen. 6ie fd^afft enjig neue ©eftalten ; maS ba ift, roar nod^ nie ; roaS roar, fommt nid^t roieber— 3fcbe§ ift neu unb bod^ immer roieber ba§i Sllte. SBir leben mitten in i^r unb finb il^re abcbefgt)iitImnopqrftuorojt)a $1234 9l93eS)egf@^3K29Jl9lD$ 567890 S^Zatur! SStr finb bon i^r um= geben unb umjcf)lungen — unber* mogenb, au§ ii)x !^erau§gutreten, jotiDte unbermOgenb, tiefer in fie j^ineingufommen. Ungebeten unb ungemarnt nimmt fie ung in ben Umlauf i^re§ Xage§ auf unb treibt fief) mit un§ fort, bi§ mir ermiibet ttjerben unb itirem 5lrme entfaHen abcbefg^ii!Imno)3qrftut)tt)£t)j $1234 5I^e5)eS@|)S^^ 567890 POINT GERMAN NO 155 12 A 36 a $2 75 9^atur! 2Bir finb t)on i^v untgeben unb umfi^Iungen— unber^ mogenb, au§ t^r l^erouS^utreten, unb unt}ermogenb, tiefer in fie l^ineinsubringen. Ungebeten unb ungeniarnt nimmt fie un§ in ben Umtauf il^reS XageS auf unb treibt fid^ mit un§ fort, bi§ n:)tr ermiibet fmb unb ij^rem 5Irme entfallen. @ie f(f)afft etnig neue (Seftalten; tva§> ha ift, tvax nod^ nie; tva§> n:)ar, !ommt nie mieber — ^ebe§ ift neu unb oorf) immer ba^^ 5Itte. SSir leben mitten in i^r uno finb i^re ^^reunbe. @ie \pxiiijt unaufl^ortic^ mit un§ unb t)er= abcbefgl^ii!Imnopqrftut)n:)£t)5 $1234 5I93(5;®(Sg®§S^2WJl£)$C3^@XUSSSS3e?)3 567890 10 POINT GERMAN NO 155 10 A 30 a $2 75 9^atur ! 2Sir finb bon il^r umgeben unb umfd^Iungen — un= bermogenb, au§ t^r l^erauSgutreten, unb unt)ermogenb, tiefer in fie l^inein^ufommen. Ungebeten unb ungemarnt nimmt te un§ in ben Umlauf il^reS Staged auf unb txeiht fic^ mit un§ ort, big tt)ir ermiibet finb unb if)ren Slrmen entfallen. ©ie d^afft en:)ig neue ©eftalten; niag ha ift, tvax noc^ nie; maS tear, fommt nid^t mieber— 3ebe§ ift neu, jeboc^ ftets bag 5((te abcbefg^ii!(mnopqrftut)tt:)jt)5 $1234 5(33e^@g@§3^2ajl$yiD^C^©XU3SS» 567890 12 POINT GERMAN NO 155 8A 24a $3 00 9iatur ! SBir finb t)on tl^r umgeben unb umf (i)Iun= gen — undermogenb, aug i^r ^erauSjutreten ober tiefer in fie eingubringen, Ungebeten unb ungeitiarnt nimmt fie ung in ben Umlauf i^re§ 2:age§ auf unb treibt fid^ mit un^ fort, big mir ermiibet finb unb iJirem 2lrme abcbefgi)ij!tmno<3qrftut)tr)£^5 $1234 Sl33e®(£g®|)3SS5m5«D^Cl3{@2: 567890 PE-TTINGILL CEL COMPANY 307 SCHWABACHER SERIES 3 A 8 a $6 95 prac^t^(5cbdubc 4A 8a $4 50 30 POINT 5 A 10 a $3 85 (Sefdjidjtcn unb Coblicber 5 A 15 a $3 15 i^ POINT Can5fd?ulen £uftige Knaben 9 A 30 a $3 20 5d)tDar3C 2lugcn 3tI6fd?6nc gigcuncrin 12 POINT 9 A 30 a $2 35 10 POINT 12 A 40 a $2 20 Berliner promenaben Unb ilnlagen ber Umgegenb 8 POINT 15 A 50 a $2 65 ZTad?rid?tcn aus ber J^cimatl] (SIan3enbc (Eroffnung bcr 2IusfteIIung 123^567890 Drucffad^en fiir moberne gufd^neiber unb alte Dummfopfe 6 POINT 15 A 50 a $1 95 Die Sdjriftcn von 3otjann (Butcnberg (Sleidj nadj ber €rftnbung ber Budjbrucfcrkunjl U34567890 308 PE,TTINGILL CSL COMPANY GERMAN TITLE CONDENSED 72 POINT NO 150 3 A 8 a $12 00 ^cutfr^t Xtmt 60 POINT NO 150 4A 10a $13 00 ®Hte 9{^eintoeine 42 POINT NO 150 4A 10a $10 00 9Jttturfinb 30 POINT NO 150 8 A 20a $6 60 36 POINT NO 150 5 A 15 a $7 75 SBalbfriiutet 20 POINT NO 150 §D(|jeitgglD(Iett 18 POINT NO 150 9 A 30 a $4 50 ^cliftttc^ (Baklfrii^ttld 12 POINT NO 150 16A 50a $4 50 2)tt^ Snd) bcr 5Ratnr liegt fiir bic SUttc bcr 3)knfc^en aufgcfci^Iagen 8A 24a $5 75 KnInttiMa Sraueret 14 POINT NO 150 12 A 40 a $4 00 10 POINT NO 150 16A 50a $3 50 !5)o« S3u(6 bcr 91atur liegt fcit Mt= taufcnben geiiftnet tjor bem 23Uftc bcr 8 POINT NO 150 16 A 50 a $3 00 2)a« «u(ft bcr ^f^atur liegt feit 3a^rtaufen= ben ttjeit oufgeft^Iagcn uor bem ^lirfc bc^ 1234567890 11 POINT NO 150 16A 50a $3 75 2)a§ S3u(i^ bcr ^atnx lag aiifgcf(i^Ia= gen \>ox bem ^lirfc bc0 9}knf(ftcn feit 9 POINT NO 150 16A 50a $3 15 2)ag SBud) bcr ^atux licgt feit ^a^rtoufen= ben toett aufgcft^Iagcn tjor bem ^litfe beg 6 POINT NO 30 15 A 50 a $2 00 ;^a^ 53u(^ bcr yiatuv tiegt fcit ^a^rtaufcnDcii onfge* ftfttaflcn Bor bem Sarfe bc« SWcnftftcn. m ifl in gro^cn 1234567890 PETTINGILL CEl COMPANY 309 MODERN FRAKTUR 4 A 10 a $6 55 ^i^a^Ummtt'-^txi^i 5 A 15 a $4 90 6 A 20 a $4 05 Umfturj itx Wlmax^xt in S^rantreicJ 18 POINT lA 20 a $2 70 ' 14 POINT 9 A 30 a $2 ; SttttftC Sl^rittC ?frifd)c reinc guft Xtagifl^cr 5(ttfcnt^ttlt SBmbmiililcn fitr ^radtiten 12 A 40 a $3 00 SReffittgnnien uitb Crnatnente 10 POINT §umoriftifi^c @rja|(ungen Unterl^ttltcnbc Ccftilre unb 5luffa^e 8 POINT 15 A 50 a $2 30 @cf(^lc(^t5s unb iWcmcnlciticn tftudfti^t mebiainifi^er Sai^Derftiinbtger 1234567890 11 POINT 12 A 40 a $2 40 S^erjttubettc ^rinffd^alcn 6^tcnmomcttt '^tx ^xtx^txMdmH^Ux 12 A 40 a $2 25 g pqint 15 A 50 a $2 ^vnHiiHvt Ut\nUait finer Untrrfuii^uno 6 POINT 15 A 50 a $2 00 CrtQinede Statitatuvtn nntt SBi^e 9t\prtHinn^ tiber 2age§erttgntf(e nnftrer VoUM 1234567890 310 PETTINGILI, Ca. COMPANY HEINTZEMANN SERIES 6 A 20 a $7 10 (SttJtgcr ^am^f urn |^rct|cit 24 POINT 8 A 25 a $5 80 ^orfii^t ift bte mutter bet mti^dt lOA 30a $4 95 ©in c^rentioller dlavxt unb gutcr ©^araftci: 14 POINT 12A40a»4 80 ! 12 point 12A40a$3 35 SJicl ^umor unb 8St^C ©"fee aWeifter ft^oncr tiinfte 10 POINT 12 A 40 a $2 85 9 pomT 12 A 50 a $2 60 SKatcrtalictt unb ncuefter ©ti^riften ma @I)rHd)!ett unb glcift ^ommt man am beftcn bnrdj btc SBcIt 8 POINT 15A 50a $2 15 2)tt§ menfd)arf)c fiebcn Mctct bcm | gKorscnftunbc fiat ®oib im anunbc ©C^arfen ©CObaJ^tcr Ciu gute^ Sc^rbilb j man m memoir bctt Sag uor bcm Slbcnb loBcn 1234567890 ! 1234567890 CONDENSED GERMAN BLACK No 150 F 30 POINT 4 A 10 a $3 50 Bfimifclies Solktmlager im UiiiUr 24 POINT 4 A 10 a $2 50 lubif(l)e Clepliatttettjager unli ShlflDetttreiber 18 POINT 8A 20a $3 50 | 12 POINT 16A 50a $4 50 JHollCrnCB ^ittcnbilil 56 I «rat lomlmrflct lompfftlinifn 78 PETTINGILL CEl COMPANY 311 GERMAN TITLE No 2 4 A 10 a $3 80 ©liidlic^e iunge ^rfieiter 7 A 20 a $4 75 S^f^ue ^ed)t uitb fescue SWemmtb 7 A 20 a $3 15 lA 25 a $2 70 | 12 POINT 9 A 30 a $2 65 ^t\)t tinfad) «llb bcutlid) ©i-moljming ttii fciiic 5lff iiitcn 12 A 40 a $2 45 ^liaMitQirt SI??cpf;iftD fcmcn ^cit^cn 12:U5(n8!)0 15 A 50 a $2 50 2:i*aumburf) fiii* uctficbtc §8adffffd)c 0cifcnDfafcu unb vvdrfjti.qc Suftfrijfbffcr 1234567890 BOLDFACE GERMAN 9 A 30 a $3 00 @rfinia6ettftteici|e bet beuifi^en (Siubetttcti ^a§ ^eibeltietget ^a^ ffai fo manc^en ^utft geftifft 10 POINT 12 A 40 a $3 00 ^pc^icU fiir %^aivioicn ^h^ai)tt beutff^et ^vlhaten 8 POINT 15 A 50 a $2 95 ^f)otoQvapf)iett hex ^tctttctttuclt 1234567890 9 POINT 15 A 50 a $3 35 @inc IRofc o^tte ^otnen :Sft lute tin ^aunt of)nc flatter 6 POINT 15 A 50 a $2 60 Untevirbifd^e Stefen hcv $8a(t>er ^tc Scbcngobcrn bcr Sfclbcr unb CueUen 1234567890 312 PE-TTINGILL CEl COMPANY GERMAN TITLE No 122 42 POINT 3 A 6 a S5 35 ^ttwrnet ^^aod^ttttb 3 A 6 a $3 95 ^ttoettb tttt^ ^xd^cxi 30 POINT 4 A 10 a $4 a$ct|ette 35cttietfttna 7 A 20 a $4 75 7 A 20 a $3 50 ^ie SScittfttt^e 9la^i}^ti>atmetci 8 A 25 a $3 25 9 A 30 a $3 10 11 POINT 9 A 30 a $2 60 '^a^ ©ud) t>et Plaint tiegt feit 3<>ftttaufcnt>cn ifox t>en 10 POINT 12 A 40 a $3 00 ^ii^ 23ttd) t>ct Plaint ixc^i 15 A 50 a $3 95 ^a^ ©ltd) l>et 9latut lic^t feit 3a()ttattfenJ>en i)ot l>em !©(irf t>e^ 9Wenfc()ett* (g^ ift in ato= 15 A 50 a $3 15 ^a^ ©ttd> itev maittt iic^i fcit beiS mcn^d^cn. iS^ ift in gtofeen 1 POINT 15 A 50 a $3 10 taufen^en aufoefd^laoen t>0x bent «arfe bed awenfdiett. m ift in gto-- 1234567890 6 POINT 15 A 50 a $2 85 ^ttd »wcfi ^c1r 9latuv ift fctl ^ttJirtaufcns ten aufgcfcf)laoen ttov dem fBlide bed SRen: fdKtt. ^d ift in o¥of{cn, lievvlirfien ^ui)^** 1S34567890 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 313 GERMAN TITLE 3 A 6 a $10 35 fSlmt Mmm 48 POINT 4A 10a $10 15 ^tne pte ^alde 4 A 10 a $6 70 ^a^ Sie& 24 POINT 7 A 20 a $5 20 ^ei^e ^ahm 14 POINT 8 A 25 a $3 00 11 POINT A 30 a $2 35 ^cht oft gtofie 3S$irfttttgett POINT 15 A 50 a $3 05 5Ctbcit ift Mc 35Surge t>c^ Sebcitg 7 POINT 15 A 50 a $2 25 ®cn golbcncn $ud)fcn fmb ^e{ne Srauben toeber ju I)od) noc^ }u fauer 1234567890 30 POINT 4 A 10 a $4 10 ^0fe Saute 18 POINT 7 A 20 a $3 70 (^(^mete ^olf en I A 30 a $3 00 iSc^ut^ Httb WiiiUet 10 POINT 12 A 40 a $3 00 bitten S!n^ in ^lyten oUten Wliitd)en ^etv&bten 8 POINT 15 A 50 a $3 35 @in 3eid>cn bcr 3tit SBcrciite cttttduf4>tcr iiieb^abcr 6 POINT 15 A 50 a $2 25 ^od) f lingt bad :?{eb oom braocn !Dlattn il»cr and) ^antoWeUttfranncn !5ro(f bieten fanw 1234 5 67890 314 PETTINGILL CSl COMPANY IHLENBURG EXTENDED 60 POINT 3 A 4a $11 20 Scbriftfet^er 3 A 6 a $9 15 Bud)liebbaber 4 A 10 a $7 00 neue Tacbfcitf cbrift 5 A 12 a $6 45 Deutfcbes Kunftinftitut 6A 16a $5 85 SfylDOlle nccidetiiarbeiten 10 A 28 a $5 35 12 A 36 a $4 85 £briftopb Sauer druditc die erfte 12 POINT 14 A 42 a $4 30 Bibel in diefem Catide und }war in deutfd)er 8 POINT 16 A 50 a $3 50 $prad)C, an Welcber JHrbcit Cr j eeacii ende des Ulerkes iedo* war vier Sabre tbatid war und die I $aucr dcnstbist Him scbnft fcibft }u er in 1743 ditidklicb beendiflte ' fl»«^«ti. er Itarb im September 1758 Preffe und Scbrtften wurden von einigen 10 POINT 16 A 48 a $3 75 Treutideti in marbutQ, wo er ftudirt batte, ^udefcbickt 6 POINT 20 A 60 a $3 20 PETTINGILL CEl COMPANY 315 IHLENBURG SERIES 60 POINT 3 A 5 a $9 65 Der alte meifter 3 A 8a $7 35 €rf indcr gutenkrg 36 POINT 4 A 10 a $5 40 Staniiiitausdenilebralten 5A 16a $3 Rimrlt(ben 6ef(bk(ht der 6en$f kifd) 8 A 25 a $3 55 Jilt Jabrc mi \tM fein Urdro^vaten Ratbsberr f rielo 6en$fleif(b, bel dem JTuf jtanae der Zilnfte 15 A 45 a $3 25 6e9en den JIdel v^on iDaim ^n der Spllje der Patrl^le^* Seine ^mi $$bne, Peter und Clans, von iveld)en jener Burgermeifter 8 POINT 18 A 52 a $2 70 Ulurde und die 1)aupt1inie dc$ 6cfd)lcd)t$ fortteutc, wabrend diefer einc Scitcnllnlc ftiftcte, deren Jfbkommen in dem Uabre 1432 den Beinamen Sorgenlod) Oder Selgen- locb annabmem « Der $obn Peters, Trielo, griindete in der l^auptlinie ebenfalh eine 10 POINT 16 A 50 a $3 00 $eitenlitile« «wel(be nad) einetn t^on Peters eattin 8. Geltbus ^ur Eaacn ^ugeDrachtcn StatnttiDaure acti Bci' namen ^ur Caden annabtn. « « Der €nkel Peters, mmt eDenfalls den 6 POINT 20A 60a $2 40 namcn Tiielo fflbrtc, tiahm die EUe lum Gutenberg, die erbtod)ter des mit ibr erloTd)enden 6erd)led>ts der CSmmerer )um Gutenbem, )ur eemablin und teugte mit ibr ?wei $8bne, Trielo und Jobann, won wel*en der le^tere Tid) !Iobann eensfleifd) }um Gutenberg nannte, und die pereinigtcn namen der beiden alten 6erd)led>ter durd) die erfindung der Bud)drud(er- kunft den fpiteften nad)kommen aberlief ert bat. « « 316 PETTINGII-L Ca. COMPANY GERMAN SERIES 60 POINT GERMAN NO 30 4 A 8a $10 50 6cfianc 23ilt»er 9t(M^ tieinob 42 POINT GERMAN NO 32 4 A 10 a $8 00 3Seite fiir SWufifer 3)eutfcf)e awelobien 48 POINT GERMAN NO 31 5 A 10 a $9 50 fSirf tticpt ®teitte 42 POINT German no 31 4A lOa $7 50 PART XII. MISCELLANEOUS Advertising Figures Fractions Mail List Type Mail List Logotypes Signal Flags and Weather Indicators Engraving Blanks Stars and Maltese Crosses Card Pips Card Indicators Whist Markers Chessmen and Checkers Recipe Marks Election Signs Metal Braces Cutting and Scoring Rule Corner Quads Circular Quads Angular Quads Leads and Slugs Metal Furniture PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 317 ADVERTISING FIGURES Eackfofit contains five each figures 2, 3, 4, b, 7, 8, q, dollar mark, period and lower case "c :" nine each figures i, j" and — seventy-seven characters in all. NO 6022 $4 45 I NO 6021 $5 50 2345 234 $3 80 ! NO 5421 $4 70 12345 1234 $3 00 ! NO 4821 $3 65 67890 5678 $2 40 NO 4221 $3 15 1234561 12345 $1 90 1 NO 3621 1234567 567890 $1 35 No 3021 $1 90 123456789 123456 NO 2422 $1 00 ; NO 2421 $1 25 1324567890 123456789 $0 75 ! NO 1821 1234567890 1234567890 318 PETTINGILL Cgl COMPANY ADVERTISING FIGURES Each font contains five each figures 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, q, dollar mark, period and lozver case "c:" nine each figures i,j and o — seventy-seven characters in all. NO 6023 123456 S'O 5423 S2 80 1234567 $2 15 12345678 NO 4223 $1 80 1 23456789 11 U UU^U aiU W^J 123 No 5426 • $5 20 456 NO 4826 7890 NO 4226 1234 $1 40 NO 3626 mmm 12345 NO 3023 ai 95 1234567890 123456 No 2423 $0 75 NO 2426 $1 30 1234567890 12345678 $0 50 NO 1826 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1234567890 PETTINGILL hiladelphia lining Gothic no 924 123,456.78 i'HILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC NO 1024 12,345.67 ILADB] i, TIN A] 123,456.78 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC NO 1124 LATIN ANTIQUE NO 120 PE-TTINGILL CEL COMPANY 321 JENSON OLD STYLE 18 POINT ADVERTISING FIGURES 1 Lb. and over, 66 Cents per lb. quentell JENSON ITALIC DORIC ITALIC 12,345,678.90 ITALIC 12,345,678.90 [TALIC 1,234,567,89 »ost" Old Style Roman no i 1,234367.89 >0ST" old style ROMAN NO 2 1.234.567.89 »0ST" old style ITALIC 12,345,678.90 ILINGTON Old STYLE ITALIC 12,345,678,90 EY ITALIC I2,34S,67$.90 EY Extended I2,345,67$*90 faldson title Slope 12,345,678-9^ IMORE /2, 345, 678. 90 INSON HEAVYPACE 12,345,678.90 SR OLD STYLE 12,345,678.90 JS NO 2 123,456.78 BRADLEY ITALIC BRADLEY EXTENDED LrVERMORE SCHCEPPER OLD STYLE COLUMBUS NO 2 ANTIQUE NO 46 ANTIQUE NO 125 12,345,678.90 STMAN 12,345,678.90 'PINCOTT 12,345,678.90 S4PLED 12.345.678.90 .CHAIC 12,345,678.90 3 NO 46 12,345,678.90 3 No 125 12,345,678.90 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC NO 618 12,345,678.90 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC NO 718 12,345,678.90 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC NO 818 12,345,678.90 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC NO 918 1,234,567.89 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC NO 1018 123,456.78 PHILADELPHIA LINING GOTHIC NO 1118 123,456.78 LATIN ANTIQUE NO 120 12,345,678.90 322 PE-TTINGILL CEL COMPANY HF VINIMF FDATTinN^ Each font has satne assortment MXL VIIMNC TKA^^I IUI>i3 ^^ ^^^^^^ ^.^ ^^ ^^^.^^^ sj>ccunen 24 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS I V\ViW/2,Ji 14 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS Va Vi ^ Vz % % ^ 10 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS 7 POINT PER PONT 50 CTS 'A i^ U Vi % ^ ^ ^ 7^ if % DE VINNE CONDENSED FRACTIONS 36 POINT PER FONT 75 CTS ± ± ± ± 1. 4 2 4 3 3 30 POINT PER FONT 75 CTS 424338888 24 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS lXiL± J-Xi. 5. i 424338S8S PER FONT 50 CTS 14 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS i 1 i. X 2 1 3 5 7 4 2 4 aJTsTs" 12 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS 10 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS i + liillli 8 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS i i I i I i i I i 6 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS i \ i i i i i i i 18 POINT I PER FONT 50 CTS 54 '^ ^ ^ % 12 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS ¥3 ^^^^T^ ^ % 8 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS 6 POINT PER PONT 50 CTS V4 Vz U VS % 'y^ ^ ^ 7^ ^ % QUENTELL FRACTIONS 36 POINT PER PONT 75 CTS AAAAA 30 POINT PER FONT 75 CTS A A A A A PER PONT 50 CTS 1/ I i A A A A A A 18 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS /4 14 POINT /^ A /i A A A A A INT PER FONT 50 CTS 12 POINT PER PONT 50 CTS 10 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS % % y* 'A Vs % Vs Vs Vs 8 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS % *A X '4 }i ys % % % 6 POINT PER PONT 50 CTS y* *A X 'A % *A % % % CUSHING 12 POINT FONT $100 8 PT FONT $1 00 6 PT PONT $1 00 10 PT FONT $1 00 FRACTIONS' i^^xiiiji iiUHIH iiHHiH ^^J4-^|^|J PEITTINGILL CO. COMPANY 323 DORIC FRACTIONS ROMAN FRACTIONS 42 POINT 1 LB FONT 54 CTS j ^q pQijjT 1 LB FONT 54 GTS 1^ Iz 3/ 1/ 1/ 3 GOTHIC COND. FRACTIONS 36 POINT B 1 LB PONT 56 CTS I I 3 I 2 ^^m^^^:*,2.*Jjl 36 POINT 1 LB FONT 56 CTS 30 POINT 1 LB FONT 56 CTS khhhhk 30 POINT 1 LB PONT 56 CTS h h k 24 POINT 1 LB PONT 56 CTS h h GOTHIC FRACTIONS Each font has same assortment as shown in 6 Point specimen 18 POINT 1 LB FONT 60 CTS 12 POINT 1 LB PONT 66 CTS %y3%y8%% 6 POINT 1 LB PONT $1 16 y^y2y^y3yz'^%%% 24 POINT 1 LB FONT 56 CTS BOLDFACE No 120 FRACTIONS 30 POINT 1 LB FONT 56 CTS 1/ a- t/ ^ -^ -€ ^ ^ 24 POINT 1 LB PONT 60 CTS 1.1/3/1/^ -4 '^ -4 -^ -^ 18 POINT 1 LB FONT 60 CTS _1 5. I 8 8 8 8 24 POINT 1 LB PONT 56 CTS 1 i i 1 2 I 4 2 4 3 3 F 3 5. I 8 8 8 9. l6% h 1 LB FONT 66 CTS H ANTIQUE FRACTIONS All sizes are complete as here shown 36 POINT NO 20 PER FONT $1 00 30 POINT NO 20 PER FONT $1 00 18 POINT NO 20 H y^ % PER PONT $1 00 ly sy b/ 1/ /8 /8 /S Xs 12 POINT NO 22 1^ PER PONT $1 00 y^ Sy. '8 '8 "8 8 18 POINT NO 22 PER FONT $1 00 : 14 POINT NO 22 PER FONT $1 00 113 113 4 2 4 4 2 4 All Fractions and Sig^ns on this page are cast to 18 POINT 1 LB FONT 60 CTS i I 3 1 2 i 3 5. 7 4 5" 4 3 3 8 t 8 I 12 POINT 1 LB FONT 66 CTS CALEDONIAN FRACTIONS 18 POINT f 1 LB PONT 60 CTS 1/1/3/2/ FULL FACE FRACTIONS 8 POINT NO 7 f 1 LB PONT 90 CTS %^%%%%%%% 6 POINT NO 7 1 LB FONT $1 16 JOB COMMERCIAL SIGNS Each size is complete as here shown 36 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS 30 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS 18 POINT PER PONT 50 CTS 1 2 4 8 3 12 POINT PER FONT 50 CTS a) % tb c^ 1 7 6 1« 2 order only 324 PETTINGILL (S. COMPANY MAIL-LIST LOGOTYPES 10 POINT EM SET NO 122 e Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jne July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 00 Mr Mrs Miss Box Dr Rev Esq 01 10 POINT EN SET NO 123 ^ '»feS'».— WHITE AND BLUE, SQUARE FLAG. Use No. 3, or print No. 7 in blue over lower half of No. i in black. Displayed alone, indicates local rain, stationary temperature ; displayed with No. 4 above it, indicates local rain, warmer ; displayed with No. 4 below it, indicates local rain, colder. Temperature Signal.— ^X^KQY., TRIANGULAR FLAG. Print No. 4 in black. Displayed in conjunction with other signals, as above descritied. Cold /raT/^.— WHITE, SQUARE FLAG, BLACK CENTER. Print No. 5 in black. Displayed alone indicates temperature will fall 20° or more, to a minimum of 32° or less. When displayed with No. i, indicates fair weather, cold wave. EXPLANATION OF WIND SIGNALS .Worw.— RED, SQUARE FLAG, BLACK CENTER. Print No. 10 in red over No. 5 in Black. When displayed, indicates that storm of marked violence is expected. Hurricane — Indicated by two Storm Flags displayed one above the other. CaHtionary.—V.V.Xi, SQUARE FLAG, WHITE CENTER. Print No. 10 in red over No. i in black. When displayed, indi- cates that the winds expected will not be so severe. Well-found, seaworthy vessels can meet them without danger. Easterly H'inds.— RED PFINNANT. Print No. 9 in red over No. 8 in black. When displayed above either Cautionary or Storm Flags, indicates northeasterly winds ; when below, southeasterly ; when alone, that special information of storms is to be obtained by calling on Signal Officer in charge. Westerly «'»>/i^ ^ ^ Nos. 301 B to 304.B, ei^ht of any size, 2jc.: No. 305B, per set of eight, 30c.: Nos. 3obB, 30JB, 31b B, 3i7B,four of any size,3sc.: Nos. 30SB, 30gB, 314B, 31 jB, four of any size, joc; Nos. 310B, 313B, 20c. each ; Nos. 311 B, 312B, 23c. each. SIX POINT STARS • 3-pound fonts, containing both light and dark stars, with spaces and quads, $3.2j 5 **TV7VTV***-5!r**)*r*-A-****TV*-!ir J -K J •*••• • •••• 5 • X • •••*• M • S • Cast to order in fonts of not less than 2J Ids. 0/ one size at Roman prices 12 POINT PER LB $0 66 11 PQINT PER LB $0 70 10 POINT PER LB $0 74 9 POINT PER LB $0 80 8 POINT PER LB $0 90 • • • • ••• • ••• 7 POINT PER LB $1 00 6 POINT PER LB $1 16 • •••• •••••• 328 PIITTINGILL m. COMPANY CHESSMEN AND CHECKERS 24 POINT CHESSMEN 1 2 3 1 ^l.^# i PER PONT WITH RULES $4 80 4 5 6 10 11 12 ^1## k 20 POINT CHESSMEN m m^ 11/ 1! 1 m. km imimim. ^:^ W&- //// //////. V/' ^^ mi 1 ^^ 20 PT CHECKERS Per Font with Rules $3 40 27 26 23 29 28 24 PT CHECKERS Per Font with Rules $3 40 29 28 25 27 2H 16 PT CHESSMEN Per Font with Rules $4 80 1 % t -& <& i 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 ^ 1 W 19 20 21 25 22 23 24 PER PONT WITH RULES $4 80 3 4 5 41 ± 10 22 11 12 i U 15 21 16 ^ i SIP11I ^ y/z/y/y/y/. y>/7////y. 'fT^ri^. i^*^ y/y «^l f^^ Wm i^P '/M: S wA iMy. m m. 25 II 25 23 18 19 20 '0 1 m 1 24 PT 8 PER FONT $1 75 A*J4 12345 6 POINT PER FONT $5 50 « Complete with Rules, Leads and Spaces 10 PT 12 PT PER LB $1 30 PER LB $1 16 2 345678 Cast to order on lO Point or 12 Point body 3 « 6 70 ^ 9 4k 2 ^ 2 ^ 3 2 ♦ 5 ♦ 6 4k 9 4k ^ 7 A « J 9 ^lO 4k A 4k J ^ 6 4k 5 « 6 4k 9 104k ^ K ^ 8 4 4k KO 20 5 4k 3 4kQ ^ A K4k 7 ♦ 8 4k 10 4k J 4k Q4k 4k 4 AO QO lOO A 7 4k K 9? 4 ^ 5 8 40 3 4k 8 ^ J ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ SET OF ^^^^^y ^^^^^ ^^^^^B ^^^^^ FOUR ^^^^V ^^^^^ ^^^m VIV ^0 GENTS ^^^ ^v^ No. 82^. 15 cts. No. 83J^. 15 cts. No. 84J^. IS cts. No. 85J^. 15 cts. ^^^P^ ^^^^k SET OF ^^^^^1 ^^^^^ ^■^H^^ ^^^^^^ FOUR ^^^^^^V ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^H ^^^^^H GENTS ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ■1" •!• ▼ ▼ No. 918E. 20 cts. No. 919E. 20 cts. ARROWS 6 POINT 15 CTS PER SET No. 920E. 20 cts. No. 921E. 20 cts. WHIST MARKERS 18 POINT $1 00 PER POUND RECIPE MARKS IK 2E 4K 8E 9E 6 cts. 6 cts. 6 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. « ^ I^ No. 2410F 20 cts. % RKS 6F 7E 6K 5E 3E ;ts. Sets. Sets. 6 cts. 6 cts. No. 12D No. 2415F 25 cts. 20 Cts. No. 2412F No. 1991 A IS Cts. No. 2420F 15 cts. 15 cts LOCUS SIGILLI r 25 cts. D 30 cts. No. 513E 2Scts. N0.664E 25 cts. j B 15 cts. A 10 cts. L.S.I No. 311E 25 cts. No. 453E 2s cts. ^B 330 PETTINGILL Ca. COMPANY ELECTION SIGNS For the various States using the Australian ballot. Additional signs will be tnade/rom time to time on/orm with the changes in the election laws of the different States. If recent changes have been de in the election laws of your State, send for specimen sheet, which will contain all nezv signs and ILLINOIS AND IOWA 20 POINT ANTIQUE EX. COND. NO. 150 10 A $2 00 12 POINT ROMAN NO. 64 emblems. INDEPENDENT TICKET. JOHN J. BROWNING. MISCELLANEOUS No. 18 No. 20 No. l.i No. 19 ONo. 1 No. 2 No. 3 .^■— ^ , , I 1 / \ No. 18 No. 20 No. 1.5 No. 19 KENTUCKY AND MICHIGAN OHIO No. 7 No. 8 □ DO WISCONSIN D "/THWTv^^ No. Body I— 12 Point 2 — 20 Point 3—20 Point 4—40 Point 5—40 Point 6—12 Point 7—10 Point Each Each Each $0 05 $0 04 $0 03 04 03 No. Body Each 8— 8 Point . $0 06 9 — 30 Point . 10—30 Point . II — 30 Point . 12—30 Point . 13—30 Point . 14—72 Point . Each Each No. Body Each Each Each $0 04 $0 03 15—24 Point . $0 06 $0 04 $0 04 04 04 16 — 30 Point 06 04 04 04 04 17 — 30 Point . 06 04 04 04 04 18 — 30 Point . 06 04 04 04 04 19 — 30 Point .06 04 04 04 04 20 — 24 Point . 06 04 04 RULES FOR WISCONSIN BALLOTS Brass End Wood I Brass End Wood 5 Point, per foot $0 25 |o 15 10 Point, per foot $0 50 *o 15 6 Point, per foot 30 15 1 12 Point, per foot 60 15 Note.— The minimum sizes given in the Election Laws of Wisconsin are ^ of an inch (4^^ Points) and -^^ of an inch (9 Points). NEW METAL BRACES POINT PER PONT (two of each length) $1 00 PER DOZEN- OP ANY ONE SEE 50 CENTS 28 36 40 72 68 24 42 30 4>J 52 32 60 64 44 56 The No. also indicates the length of each Brace in points 6 POINT BRACES AND DASHES No 2 PRICE PER FONT $1 25 4 5 6 7 Nos. 8 to 12 are complete ; Nos. i to 7 are for piecing. 6 POINT METAL BRACES PRICE PER PONT $1 00 PHTTINGILL CBL COMPANY 331 STEEL CUniNG AND SCORING RULE Cutting Scoring 2 Point, soft, per foot $o lo $010 2 Point, hard, unpolished, per foot 15 15 2 Point, hard and polished, per foot 25 25 3 Point, soft, per foot 15 15 Cutting Scoring 3 Point, hard and polished, per foot |o 30 $0 30 6 Point, soft, per foot 25 25 6 Point, hard and polished, per foot 50 50 ■ slip] METAL CORNER QUADS These insure a better junction of mitered corners, by preventing them from slipping past each other. 6 Point, per set of four $0 20 12 Point, per set of four 20 ^H CIRCULAR QUADS Per font, $3.50 Each font is put up in a wooden box, containing four pieces each of twenty different curves. Each curve mortised as shown in examples. ANGULAR QUADS These Quads, introduced by us, are for setting rules and lines at an angle. When there is occasion for their use they are invaluable time- savers. They are of ordinary space and quad height. Fonts, four of all sizes . . . . $1 50 Price, per set of four : 12 Point . . $0 20 48 Point . . $0 30 18 Point . . 20 60 Point . . 35 24 Point . . 20 72 Point . . 40 36 Point . , 25 48 Point "-: /■■■■ .„i!'l!t!lll!iil!.,.. jiiL,, „„..uiliii 36 Point COPPER ALLOY TAKE SLUGS The only Take Slug cast in a mould in extra durable copper alloy metal. Better, cheaper and more durable than electro- typed slugs. Any number, from i to 100, in this style figure only : Price, each, 15 cents. ELECTROTYPED TAKE SLUGS With Word, Letter or Figure each, net, $0 25 Single Column 12 Point, Brass fo 15 18 Point, Brass 20 24 Point, Brass 25 FOOT SLUGS Double i Single Double Column i Column Column $0 25 I 12 Point, Metal *o 04 |o 06 30 ! 18 Point, Metal 05 07 35 24 Point, Metal 06 08 332 PIITTINGILL CSl COMPANY LIST PRICE OF LEADS AND SLUGS Uncut Point (i2-to-Pica), per lb $050 Point (lo-to-Pica), per lb 40 Point ( 8-to-Pica) , per lb 32 Points and thicker, per lb 16 Cut 8 ems Pica and longer, and Labor- Cut shorter Saving Fonts than 8 ems I064 $068 50 54 40 44 20 25 METAL FURNITURE Put up in fonts containing the following sizes : 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 ems Pica wide, and 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 50 ems Pica long. 12 pound font $3 00 I 50 pound font $12 50 25 pound font 6 25 | 100 pound font 25 00 Attention is invited to the new design of this furniture. The strain-bearing braces have been increased in number and placed in the best possible positions, increasing the strength while not increasing the weight. LABOR-SAVING QUOTATION FURNITURE Finished with the strictest regard for accuracy. Made 2, 3 and 4 ems Pica wide, and 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 ems Pica long. If desired, furnished in lengths from 20 ems to 80 lllililllliillilllilllllllllllillliiiilll ems, graduated by 4 ems. Regular fonts do not contain pieces longer than 20 ems. 12 pound font $300 25 pound font 6 25 50 pound font 12 50 100 pound font 25 00 Following Sizks Cast to Order Only: Additional small sizes, 2x5, 2x6, 3x5, 3x6, 4x5,4x6, 5x5, 5x6 and 6x6, cast accurately to Pica ems. Additional long sizes, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ems Pica wide by 10, 12, 15, 18, 24, 25, 30, 35, 36,40, 42, 45. 48, 5O1 54. 55. 60, 65, 66, 70, 72, 75, 78 and 80 ems Pica long ; also, 6 ems Pica wide by 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72 and 78 ems Pica long. Price, per pound, 25 cents. REVERSIBLE METAL FURNITURE This Labor-Saving Reversible Furniture is the strongest and also the most accurate. It is made on the Point System of Bodies, and is useful for blanking out and making up forms and for general imposition. List of sizes fur- nished : 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 ems Pica in width, and 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ems Pica in length ; also 2, 3, 4 and 5 ems in width by 50 ems in length. Fonts of 50 pounds or more in weight contain all of the above sizes. 25 pound font . . $6 25 50 pound font . . $12 50 75 pound font . . $18 75 100 pound font . . $25 00 PART XIII. Borders and Ornaments NEWSPAPER BORDERS 3 POINT ON 6 POINT NO. 48 5 FEET $1 40 rr-T"^ "^ 6 POINT NO. 254 5 FEET $1 40 r- v_ % 334 pi:ttingill cel company •POST" BORDERS 11 ^OST" BORDER NO. 2 PER PONT $3 65 ^'^^ ^^ h A good Ad. is the result of ^ good talk and good type. Rightly used, they give EFFECTIVENESS dUR ORIGINALITY All the deservedly popular Type Styles are sold by Pettingill & Company Boston, Mass. iH ^^»^^rf^%g VJr-*«A(S ID <) 5 ^ 10 \£ II POST" BORDER NO. 1 PER FONT $3 25 pi:ttingill cbl company 335 I p*|— I— I— I— I— I— I— 1"-| I ARLINGTON BORDERS L |Riiiasii=siiiissii=siiin| j rO POINT NO. 255 i" n.-iJI 5 FEET $1 40 111 ll:iiissiissiiiissiissiiittl L.i-.i..i-.i..i_i..i«.i.J COLONIAL BORDER 6 POINT NO. 256 5 FEET $1 40 I I These Borders are put together as quickly as ORDINARY Quads. 7 18 2 9 I 336 PHTTINGILL CEL COMPANY TRIPLE-LINE BORDERS . 12 POINT No. 1 PRICE PER FONT $2 50 r *■ -■% NEWSPAPER BORDERS S^ATATATATATATATATATATATATATATAl^ ^^ 12 POINT NO. 232 5 FEET $1 60 ^^ ^[ S^ 12 POINT NO. 233 5 FEET $1 60 X^ ^^ ^TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATi^ PETTINGILL CEl COMPANY 337 ^ 6 POINT NO 84 48 INCHES $1 25 NEWSPAPER BORDERS 6 POINT NO 77 48 INCHES $1 25 J 6 POINT NO 72 48 INCHES $1 25 J U 6 POINT NO 81 48 INCHES $1 25 338 PHTTINGILL Ca. COMPANY NEWSPAPER BORDERS PEITTINGILL (Sl COMPANY 339 NEWSPAPER BORDERS ••• ••••••■••••••■••••••••••••■••••••••I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I ••• ••< ••• ••• •J2 12 POINT NO 83 • •• 24 INCHES 75 CENTS ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a I 12 POINT NO 76 24 INCHES 75 CSNTS 12 POINT NO 80 t^ 24 INCHES 75 CENTS ^ ^ 12 POINT NO 63 ^T ^A 24 INCHES 75 CENTS ^^ 18 POINT NO 18 24 INCHES $1 00 ^uuuuauiuuii^ /^ 12 POINT NO 84 /^ ^^ 24 INCHES 75 CENTS ^^ m^mimmmjm^tt 12 POINT NO 64 24 INCHES 75 CENTS ^W 12 POINT NO 68 fi ^1 24 INCHES 75 CENTS ^^ 340 PETTINGILL CEl COMPANY NEWSPAPER BORDERS t 18 POINT NO 24 24 INCHES $1 00 ? • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• ••••••••••••••••• ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••• •••• 24 POINT NO 4 •••• •••• 24 INCHES $1 50 •••• »•••< •••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• ••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • •••••••• ^r 18 POINT NO 22 ^L ^^ 24 INCHES $1 00 ^F A^ •••••••••••••• ^* •••••*; 24 POINT NO 5 *.,•••• ^^^__, 24 POINT NO 2 ,_^^^m ^ 24 INCHES $1 50 \^^^ rmmmz :mwmmvti 36 POINT KO 1 2 4 INCHES $2 00 ;»UMUiiiiiiiUUiE3 PE.TTINGILL Ca. COMPANY 341 NEWSPAPER BORDERS EIGHTEEN POINT BORDERS NO 1804 72 INCHES $3 00 6i^$ii@^i@©® 'Ml fcif '^ NO 1802 W^M ^fe>? 72 INCHES $3 00 ^i^ NO 1805 72 INCHES $3 00 NO 1803 72 INCHES $3 00 342 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANV TWELVE POINT BORDERS NO 1201 72 INCHES $2 50 NO 1227 72 INCHES $2 50 NO 1207 72 INCHES $2 50 NO 1228 72 INCHES $2 50 IISI2IS2I222I No 1209 72 INCHES $2 50 NO 1232 72 INCHES $2 50 NO 1220 72 INCHES $2 50 NO 1233 72 INCHES $2 50 NO 1225 72 INCHES $2 50 NO 1234 72 INCHES $2 50 TWENTY-FOUR POINT BORDERS NO 2404 INCHES $3 50 ^ m^ m^mm ;S^jiS(^| l^v^l^^^^H NO 2 6 INCH 405 iBWg ES $3 50 i^WS NO 2406 66 INCHES $3 50 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 343 LAUREL BORDERS r' 18 POINT PER FONT $2 00 >iW 13 U 17 <♦> ^ V^ .A,. •^^ t^^ m^^ ^Wr 37 16 ^1^^ Font measures 36 inches •^^^i, ^. ^i. ^!, ^, '^ *^ *^ *^ '^\ 18 POINT NO 2 PER FONT $2 00 4ii 6 POINT PER FONT $1 75 W 4 1 i.5 * ♦ fl> Font measures 42 inches ^ €€€€€€€€€€€« >|V 12 POINT ilk ^K^ ^ *.^ -rtS' 25 2a » **^ ^13 /^?«/ measures 3b inches V'^-^^-^^-'^*^^'^^*'^-^^''^'^:^" PER FONT $1 75 These Borders register for Colors 344 PIITTINGILL CD. COMPANY FLAME BORDERS £:ac/i size is furnished with Round and Square Corners PIITTINGILL CEL COMPANY 345 346 PE,TTINGILL CEL COMPANY POINT COMBINATION BORDER SERIES A PETTINGILL CEl COMPANY 347 POINT COMBINATION BORDER SERIES B 348 PIITTINGILL CSL COMPANY ART BORDERS These Borders are made to register /or two colors. 12 POINT NO 5 OPEN U % 12 POINT NO 5 TINT ^ n 60 INCHES $1 60 pf A 60 INCHES $1 60 A K 9 18 POINT NO 7 TINT 60 INCHES $2 00 ©^^ 24 POINT NO 7 OPEN {[(7^ J) 36 INCHES $1 65 \\S^J 18 POINT No 5 OPEN 60 INCHES $2 00 12 POINT NO 7 TINT 60 INCHES $1 60 ii:::^ 18 point No 7 Open n^:;^ 'p^ 60 INCHES $2 00 /^^ 24 POINT NO 7 TINT 36 INCHES $1 65 /5^^ 18 POINT NO 6 OPEN //^^ IVyy 60 INCHES $2 00 V^^F PHTTINGILL CEL COMPANY 349 ART BORDERS These Borders are made to register for two colors J^ . 12 POINT NO 3 TINT ^ ^ 12 POINT NO 3 OPEN _5^ 7P" 60 INCHES $1 60 ^ '^ 60 INCHES $1 60 ^ ^ 18 POINT NO 3 Open 60 INCHES $2 00 ^1^^^^%. * 24 POINT NO 3 TINT 36 INCHES $1 65 <-^^ «^^^^^^ .%wi.>A>%A>vA>:,>w.>-. 12 POINT NO 4 OPEN 60 INCHES $1 60 iSSKKKKKK 'V 18 POINT NO 4 TINT ~V ^fc 60 INCHES $2 00 J^ 4 4 12 POINT NO 8 OPEN 60 INCHES $1 60 18 POINT NO 3 TINT 60 INCHES $2 00 24 POINT No 3 OPEN 36 INCHES $1 65 J^ 12 POINT NO 4 TINT J^ ^^ 60 INCHES $1 60 ^r S5 18 POINT NO 4 OPEN ICJI 60 INCHES $2 00 "wryL I 4 12 POINT NO 8 TINT 60 INCHES $ 1 60 ^«j^«lj^«j^^<^^«j^^«j^^^ 350 PETTINGILL CBL COMPANY 4 4 4 4 ART BORDERS 6 POINT NO 8 TINT 60 INCHES $1 50 ^¥¥=PP¥¥¥=PPF¥=PFPF¥=PPPPPFA '<%[^'^%t^'<'9lJf^'^1hr^ 12 POINT NO 12 60 INCHES $1 60 24 POINT NO 15 36 INCHES $1 65 /^M%>> />.%>» /!*.%>> />^%>> 18 POINT NO 22 60 INCHES $2 00 ^T^^Tc^^T^^T^^T^^^ 24 POINT NO 20 36 INCHES $1 65 t?;*r4Sr4^4fir4Sr*rt% 18 POINT NO 18 60 INCHES $2 00 24 POINT NO 18 36 INCHES $1 65 PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY 351 ART BORDERS Art Borders Nos. b, Q and lo, all sizes, are made to register for two colors #24 POINT NO 6 36 INCHES $1 65 18 POINT NO 10 ^■^0* 60 INCHES $2 00 \^Ai 18 POINT NO 9 60 INCHES $2 00 352 pi:ttingill cel company ART BORDERS POINT NO 6 Open # ♦ 6 point no 4 TINT ♦ -^ 6 POINT NO 3 TINT 4 60 INCHES $1 50 # "fr 60 INCHES $1 50 ^ # 60 INCHES $1 50 * 24 POINT NO 25 36 INCHES $1 65 PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY 353 POINTER BORDERS 6 POINT NO 2 i^- ^ -^ 5 FEET $1 50 .-^.-^.-^-^^.^ V 6 POINT NO 3 5 FEET $1 50 T O 1 2 3 O :• •••••••I »•••••••••••• • • • • 6 POINT NO 1 1 2 3 5 FEET $1 50 • • • • • • ••• • • •• P99999999999 •••••••< >•••••••••••• • • • DARLING BORDERS >l< >l< M< >k >k M< >k ^, ^, .^ >^, >jx ■^1^ 12 POINT 6 FEET $1 75 ■^- ■^ 6 POINT 6 FEET $1 50 ^ ^ ^ ^ J^ Jte. Jfe JiiuK !ft i^i*. f l >i fJK !^K At! )1 < ft*, ^^f'■ .'^K ftt fix yti Jfc jKjKjitiJt> *««<^»>«««<^»>«««< I 6 POINT NO 224 54 INCHES $1 50 i • • s I s 8 POINT NO 226 S 50 INCHES $1 50 I 6 POINT NO 225 54 INCHES $1 50 I j 1 1 8 POINT NO 168 50 INCHES $1 50 | L 1 r Lo, 00<=>000<=>000 6 POINT NO 54 INCHES 1 r $1 50 \) l) 1 r 8 POINT NO 166 50 INCHES $1 50 6 POINT NO 167 54 INCHES $1 50 ()0<=X>(>0<=>00 ^«c< •OaO «S^ 090 <=> 099 <=>«0 8 POINT NO 161 50 INCHES $1 50 16 POINT NO 154 36 INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES $1 50 12 POINT NO 164 36 INCHES $1 50 8 POINT NO 227 50 INCHES $1 50 8 POINT NO 156 50 INCHES $1 50 8 POINT NO 152 50 INCHES $1 50 12 POINT NO 151 36 INCHES $1 50 ^mcmom^m&^^mm 12 POINT NO 149 36 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 163 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 148 30 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT NO 162 20 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT NO 147 20 INCHES $1 50 PETTINGILL CBL COMPANY 355 FLORENTINE BORDERS 8 POINT NO 277 8 POINT NO 160 50 INCHES $1 50 50 INCHES $1 50 12 POINT NO 159 36 INCHES $1 50 16 POINT NO 158 m> 18 POINT HO 233 ^Ky.i: <»>:x<#>:>xt 18 POINT NO 232 30 INCHES $1 50 sms^QSESgns 6 POINT NO 276 54 INCHES $1 50 10 POINT NO 157 12 POINT NO 153 40 INCHES $1 50 36 INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES $1 50 16 POINT NO 150 30 INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 230 8 POINT NO 230 30 INCHES $1 50 20 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 229 12 POINT NO 143 30 INCHES $1 50 36 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 142 24 POINT NO 141 30 INCHES $1 50 20 INCHES SI 50 12 POINT NO 146 36 INCHES $1 50 12 POINT NO 140 36 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 145 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 139 30 INCHES $1 50 m^, M§WMMMWM 24 POINT NO 144 20 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT NO 138 20 INCHES $1 50 mimmm 356 PETTINGILL CEl COMPANY 36 POINT NO.l 24 INCHES $2 50 36 POINT NO 2 24 INCHES $2 50 36 POINT NO 3 24 INCHES $2 50 PHTTINGILL CEL COMPANY 357 ROCOCO BORDER Characters Nos. i, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are cast on 12 Point body ; Nos. j and 7 on 24 Point body. Font contains 12 characters each of Nos. i, 2, 3 and 4:8 each of Nos. j and 7, and 24 of No. b. CHARACTERS 30 POINT BORDER NO 1 18 INCHES $1 50 24 INCHES $1 00 PRIMROSE BORDERS 24 POINT 36 INCHES $2 65 358 PETTINGILL CgL COMPANY PALM BORDER Mortised Point bodies FONT OF 30 INCHES $3 00 TWINKLERS Cast on b, I2, i8, 24 and j6 Point bodies PER PONT $1 00 liy #% ^* COMPANY^ 5i^ 5^ Twinklers can be utilized as quickly as ordinary quads c PETTINCILI, CEt COMPANY 359 TWINKLER BORDERS TIGER LILY BORDER 36 POINT 30 INCHES $2 50 6 POINT NO 155 10 FEET $2 60 12 POINT NO 156 5 FEET $1 75 "7^ "7|^ "T^ T^ T^ "^^ "T^ "n^ M^ "n^ ~^^ "T^ ^ # ^^^^ ^ ************ 12 POINT NO 157 5 FEET $1 75 ^ 12 3 ^ **************** 18 POINT NO 158 4 FEET $3 10 nW nW nW nW nW nW nW nW nW nW nW nW nW nW -Aj/ ^W 18 POINT No 159 4 FEET $3 10 :^ 1 2 4 3 i^ 18 POINT NO 160 4 FEET $3 10 ^^ * •^* ^* ^^ ^^ 12 3 4 ^ ^^ * ■^* ^* ^^ 360 PEITTINGILL CEL COMPANY FLAG BORDERS 36 POINT NO 1 FOR ONE COLOR 36 POINT NO 2 FOR TWO COLORS 18 INCHES $2 25 18 INCHES $4 50 24 POINT NO 1 FOR ONE COLOR 24 POINT NO 2 FOR TWO COLORS ^.fcfcP 60 INCHES $4 40 30 INCHES $4 40 18 POINT NO 1 FOR ONE COLOR 18 POINT NO 2 FOR TWO COLORS 60 INCHES $3 35 30 INCHES $3 35 12 POINT NO 1 FOR ONE COLOR 12 POINT NO 2 FOR TWO COLORS 72 INCHES $3 50 36 INCHES $3 50 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 361 ^i MANILA BORDER J^fi ? «jr^ FONT MEASURES 30 INCHES $1 50 >^X. «» «*«»^^ ,t^ f\^*^* I ^ ^m* ^V There are seven characters, as above DEWEY ORNAMENTS SERIES ONE FONT (one of each character) $1 50 ^ 17 19 20 «4Kl ^ (f 15 18 11 i &l^ 7 7 SERIES TWO Font (one of each character) $2 00 JL Jj^^m 10 7 8 ^1 ^ ^W5 4 i SERIES THREE 4fr 5 j 27 30 .lf» .SS?^ ^ ^1^ ^1^ 9 -««ii^(iftr«>v~-=^^(istf«>»~«<^ w 362 PETTINGILL CBi COMPANY COLLINS BORDERS 36 POINT NO 197 18 INCHES $1 50 36 POINT NO 172 18 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 198 30 INCHES $1 50 W^ 18 POINT NO 173 30 INCHES $1 50 8 POINT NO 201 50 INCHES $1 50 ifQf¥¥^^¥¥¥¥¥^¥¥¥^¥^¥^¥¥¥¥^¥¥^¥¥^¥¥¥¥¥¥^¥¥¥'^'^ ^AA^A^AHi^A^ikAAA^^AAA^^^^^ik^A^A^^A^^AAA^^^ 18 POINT NO 223 30 INCHES $1 50 4» " ^^^ 24 POINT NO 196 20 INCHES $1 50 i PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY 363 COLLINS BANDS 12 POINT NO 175 36 INCHES $1 50 12 POINT NO 202 36 INCHES SI 50 18 POINT NO 216 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 182 30 INCHES SI 50 18 POINT NO 183 30 INCHES SI 50 18 POINT NO 215 30 INCHES Si 50 rS^tf^ rS^tf^ rSltf^ rS^tf^ 18 POINT NO 218 30 INCHES $1 50 12 POINT NO 174 36 INCHES SI 50 •m-Sr-^-^-^-9--m-TF — •^ — — — 12 POINT NO 176 36 INCHES SI 50 18 POINT NO 181 30 INCHES SI 50 o^'o^ ^o~ o~ o~ o — o 18 POINT NO 220 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 184 30 INCHES SI 50 4^/4x4/4^/44^/4x4/4 18 POINT NO 213 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 178 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 214 30 INCHES SI 50 18 POINT NO 221 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 219 30 INCHES SI 50 42 POINT NO 204 12 INCHES SI 50 42 POINT NO 193 12 INCHES $1 50 Corner Pieces are not furnished with Collins Bands 364 PETTINGILL (SL COMPANY COLLINS BANDS 18 POINT NO 177 18 POINT NO 212 30 INCHES $1 50 | 18 POINT NO 180 I 30 INCHES $1 50 ! 18 POINT NO 179 i;^)ii^?xj?x^x^x^x^x^ 24 POINT NO 188 20 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT NO 186 24 POINT NO 211 24 POINT NO 217 o o o o o o o 24 POINT NO 190 20 INCHES SI 50 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ 24 POINT NO 208 20 INCHES $1 50 ) eJb C) e)(9 o e)(9 o 9) (a c 42 POINT NO 194 30 INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES SI 50 24 POINT NO 185 1 20 INCHES SI 50 R/ 1 20 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT NO 222 20 INCHES SI 50 ^S/^ ^a/^ ^.i/^ ^i/^ Ca/^ ^3^ 24 POINT NO 187 20 INCHES SI 50 20 INCHES $1 50 20 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT NO 206 20 INCHES SI 50 24 POINT NO 207 20 INCHES SI 50 [ES $1 5 m 24 POINT NO 189 20 INCHES $1 50 12 INCHES $1 50 48 POINT NO 205 12 INCHES SI 50 idbL idilL iSfeL iitSiL idiL i(tL Corner pieces are not furnished 7uith Collins Bands PETTINGILL CSL COMPANY 365 30 POINT NO 191 30 POINT NO 192 24 POINT NO 209 36 POINT No 210 COLLINS BANDS 20 INCHES $1 50 20 INCHES $1 50 20 INCHES $1 50 ^ 18 INCHES SI 50 CAXTON BORDERS 10 POINT NO 238 40 INCHES $1 50 ***************** $^^«$#$»$»$$$$< g^r^^^^^^r^^^^r^^-^^^r*^**-*-^^ ************************** ^ 6 POINT NO 237 54 INCHES $1 50 ^ 61 POINT NO 236 54 INCHES $1 50 1 i*jiiJiAA»i*iJiAA»JiA^i T7UO styles of corners furnished ivith Borders No. 237, 2j8, 2jg and 240 366 PETTINGILL CgL COMPANY EGYPTIAN ORNAMENTS 'pHE simplicity of these Ornaments is at once apparent. Artistic effects are quickly produced with the aid of these Ornaments and two-point full-face Brass Rule ' H SERIES A 3 4 12 PER FONT $2 50 HALF FONT 1 25 \^^Pv SERIES B 11 12 PER FONT $2 50 HALF FONT 1 25 15 16 17 18 10 SERIES C PER FONT $2 50 HALF FONT 1 25 26 27 MIDGET TAIL PIECES PER FONT (containing three of each character) $1 25 7 8 9 10 -J^ J^ ^?k ^ PETTINGILL (SL COMPANY HAPGOOD FLORETS 367 CAST ON 48 POINT BODY, SINGLE CHARACTER 25 CENTS 458 457 466 453 3& a& Jf M 448 455 462 467 43* 2B^ ^ i^* 459 464 460 465 i^ oT il» <% 449 452 454 463 461 456 450 451 ROGERS EMBELLISHMENTS COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, $3 00 30 cts. 30 cts. 30 cts. 30 cts. 444 35 cts. 445 446 447 35 cts. 35 cts. 35 cts. 436 437 438 439 20 cts. 20 cts. 20 Cts. 20 Cts, :ts. 20 CIS. 20 cts. 20 cts. . lY^ ^.'^^ m T i 368 PHTTINGILL ca. COMPANY CONTOUR POINTERS Per font $i 25 SHADED POINTERS PER PONT $1 25 POINTERS PER FONT $1 25 PIN, NAIL AND SCREW HEADS No 2 « PER FONT $3 GO Fonts contain twelve pieces 0/ each character 1 2 3 6 5 4 PIN, NAIL m. SCREW HEADS PER FONT 75 CENTS Fonts contain twelve of each character 12 15 18 19 16 13 9 % ^ % ^ % % 90 2 5 4 11 U 10 6 3 1 » 8 7 10 11 12 14 1.H 39 41 40 20 21 22 23 24 25 8 e 8 (?) «) « 22 24 26 25 23 21 16 18 20 19 17 15 34 36 38 37 35 33 • e d ^ ® • •28 30 32 31 29 27 I PRINTERS' NIC NACS • All on b Point body per FONT $1 00 12 3 4 5678 • ■ ♦ A 9 10 11 12 • - ► — : ♦ ♦ • • PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 369 PALMETTO ORNAMENTS PER FONT $1 00 8 - 9 SHADED PALMETTO ORNAMENTS ^^44^fe J4^| PER FONT $1 00 8 9 Y^ CONTOUR PALMETTO ORNAMENTS PER FONT $1 00 ^ I aMii,fe^^ CENTRAL ORNAMENTS No 1 CENTRAL ORNAMENTS No 2 PER FONT $1 00 PER PONT $1 00 CENTRAL ORNAMENTS No 3 PER FONT $1 00 2 TURNER ORNAMENTS PER PONT $2 00 STELLAR ORNAMENTS f PER FONT $1 25 370 PCTTINGILL CEL COMPANY No. 3dOA. 30 cts. WAYSIDE ORNAMENTS Cast in type mould No. 435A. 20 cts. No. 420A. 20 cts. No. 320A. 30 cts. No. 338A. 30 cts. No. 424 A. 20 cts. No. 425A. 20 cts. ^~^ k Sl^ ..^^ No. 429A. 20 cts. No. 430 A. sects. No. 410A. 20 cts. No. 409 A. 20 cts. No. 417A. 20 cts. No. 373 A. 15 cts. No. 374A. 15 cts. 371A. 30 cts No. 366A. 25 cts. No. 358A. 30 cts. No. 393A. 30 cts. No. 394A. 30 cts. No. 346A. 30 cts. No.347A. 30 cts. No. 336A. sects. No.337A. 30 cts. No. 326 A. 30 cts No. 335A. so cts. No. 330 A. 30 cts. iWi-' pe:ttingill cel company 371 \o. SUA. 30cts WAYSIDE ORNAMENTS Cast in tyPe mould No. 318 A. 3octs. No. 388 A. 20Cts. Xo. 385A. 30 No. 387A. 3octs. Xo. 389A. 20cts. No. 327A. 30 cts. No. 3.54A. 30 cts. XO.360A. 20 cts. No.372A. 25 cts. No. 361A. 20cts. Xo. 355A. 30 cts. 5^ f f f !^ X0.328A. 30 cts. No. 341 A. so cts. No. 333 A. 30 cts. No. 406 A. 20 cts. No. 391A. 20 cts. 3^ No. 390A. 20 cts. No. 421A. 20 cts. No. 418 A. 20 cts. 372 pi:ttingill cel company POST" ORNAMENTS Order by Niuue and No. Electrotypes blocked on kilndried cherry wood, excepting the smaller designs, which are on solid metal point bodies Xu. 30. 50 cts. No. 31. 50 cts. No. 32. 50 cts. PART XIV. Newspaper Headings Svb-Headings and Date Lines PE-TTINGILL CEL COMPANY ELECTROTYPED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS 373 77ie following prices, subject to a Discount, are for XX Copper face Electros on solid hard metal bases WIDTH OF HEADING 4 Column 5 6 7 8 9 BODY— PICA MEASUREMENT $2 00 2 25 2 50 2 75 3 00 3 25 5-UNE $2 25 2 50 2 75 3 00 3 25 3 50 6-LINE 7-LINE $2 50 2 75 3 00 3 25 3 50 3 75 $2 75 3 00 3 25 3 50 3 75 4 00 8-LINE $3 00 3 25 3 50 3 75 4 00 4 25 9-LINE $3 25 3 50 3 75 4 00 4 25 4 50 $3 50 3 75 4 00 4 25 4 50 4 75 STYLE NO 149 POUR-LINE PICA REPORTER STYLE NO 31 FOUR-LINE PICA TRIBUNE STYLE NO 160 POUR-LINE PICA HERALD STYLE NO 159 POUR-LINE PICA Newburgh STTLE NO 21 8 SEVEN-LINE PICA CEDOR 374 PETTINGILL CD. COMPANY ELECTROTYPED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS For prices, see page 373 STYLE NO 34 <= SIX -LINE PICA TORCH STYLE NO 35 . <: SLX-LlNE PICA The Echo STYLE NO 151 ' SIX-LINE PICA MAKER Style no 150 * Six -line pica Pounder STYLE NO 41 <> NINE-LINE PICA Market PETTINGILI, CEt COMPANY 375 ELECTROTYPED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS For prices, see page 3J3 . SrYLE NO 16 8 Six-line pica The Sun Style no 44 = six-line pica Christian STYLE NO 50 SIX-LINE PICA CIRCUIT STYLE NO 51 SIX-LINE PICA Recorder STYLE NO 45 = FIVE-LINE PICA eiTIZEN STYLE NO 46 <= - PIV^-LINE PICA Atco Sun 376 PETTINGILL Ca. COMPANY ELECTROTYPED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS For prices, see page 373 STYLE NO 37 "^ SIX-LINE PICA TRUTH Style no 39 '^ six-line pica The Sun Style no 36 •= Five-Line pica COURIER style no 32 ^ FIVE -LINE PICA LEDGER Style No 67 " Eioht-line pica PETTINGILL (B. COMPANY ELECTROTYPED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS For prices, see page 373 377 STYLE NO 65 EIGHT-LINE PICA STYLE NO 64 SEVEN-LINE PICA Style no 30 SIX-LINE PICA wild STYLE NO 57 EIGHT-LINE PICA %t\tmii^ 378 PETTINGILL o i-H Ph • o o 'f-H l-H Ph < g h— a;) 1—5 1 ^ rH -^ [2 z -J LU 1 » ►J o o ^ a;) pp F — \ BRASS NO , OOKLYN rH C/2 H z < S Oi p^ o IS S8 C/} CO =3 o 2 C/2 ft S HH ;5 S I— 1 ft C/2 CQ H ^ IM H H ^ HH > CO H o W (H W W ^ ^ o 5 S O H 380 PETTINGILL CO. COMPANY NEWSPAPER SUB-HEADINGS Order hy name, No and Initial TRIMMED TO 13 EMS PICA NO IC PRICE 50 CENTS BACH HUDSON RECORD. NO 20 Morning World. NO 3C BOSTON GLOBE. NO 4C CAMDEN MESSENGER. No 5C Morning Review. No 60 DAILY TRUTH. /T^ No 70 Xhe Sentinel. No 80 Brooklyn Inquirer. NO 90 New York Argus. NO IOC Sunday Visitor. NO 110 SCRANTON EVENING NEWS. NO 120 The Mining Journal NO 13C Hotel Reporter. No 150 NORFOLK COURIER. No 160 STAGE BUDGET. NO 170 The Jefferson Hawkeye NO 180 BRISTOL SIGNAL. NO 190 FALL RIVER ITEM. No 200 • pt0ili Jfiliii iit»ej0* NO 210 'W^t %\Xmm indejjcnilcttt No 220 No 230 Evening #taijlur. NO 240 NO 250 NO 260 Baltimore Hmcrican. NO 270 Xht Harvard Guide. NO 280 flew Bebforb Hoe. No 290 Boston IReview. NO 300, PETTINGII-I, ca. COMPANY 381 ATTRACTIVE HEADINGS Realty in a Tangle 2 PROPERTY ON PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 3 Lands Both in Manila and Elsewhere Claimed by Orders ^PROBLEM FOR COMMISSION 5 Tax Sales Imminent— Will Have to Oust Many of the Present Holders on Squatter Claims Manila, April 2.— One of the first and perhaps the most important duties of the Commission, upon taking charge of affairs in the Philippine Isiand.s, will be to appoint a court to determine the possession of large tracts of the best land and town property which had been usurped by the Spanish padres with- out the formality of a grant. When the American forces appeared off" Manila these men saw the probability of Spain's loss of pos- session and therefore concluded to be bold and ag- gressive at the start, and thus avert a bloody conflict WANT TO EXTEND TRADE 8 MANUFACTURERS AT A FEAST 9 Chinese Minister and Others of Prom- inence Tell How Americans Can Capture Oriental Markets 10 Washington, April 24.— The members of the Board of Trade held their annual banquet here last evening. Speeches bearing on sub- jects of great importance to the manufacturer WILL LIVE AFTER PLUNGE Marie Rosalie Dinse Tries Suicide Had Lost Her Money in a Board- ing-House Venture New York, May 1.— Marie Rosalie Dinse is the 5 second woman who has attempted suicide by dropping from Brooklyn bridge into the black water 125 feet below. When picked up it was supposed that her terrible fall had without doubt killed her, but she was alive, though unconscious. After a few minutes' work she was restored to con- sciousness, when she expressed sorrow that her effort had fallen short of her intention, as she was in earnest in her desire to end life. She was taken to the hospital, and it is thought as soon as she has recovered from the effects she will be able TOWARD IMPROVING RIVER WORK WILL BE PUSHED RAPIDLY 7 Sanitary Trustees File Papers of Condemna- 8 tion of Certain Property Contracts were a-vvarded yesterday to the United 9 Dredging Company of New York for the removal of the obstructions which spoil the harbor of this STYLES OF TYPE USED IN ABOVE HEADINGS 1—24 Point Schoeffer Old Style 12A i8a $4.00 2—8 Point Schoeffer Old Style 25A Caps $0.95 3—8 Point Schoeffer Old Style 2SA 50a $2.00 4—12 Point Schoeffer Old Style 20A Caps $1.15 5 — 10 Point Schoeffer Old Style 25A 50a $2.25 6—5^ Point No. 51 7 — 14 Point Gothic Condensed No. 123 18A Caps fi.45 8 — 8 Point Old Style Antique No. 120 2oA Caps $1.00 9—6 Point Caxton Bold 24A 48a S2.6J 10—6 Point No. 51 1—42 Point Gothic Extra Condensed No. 150 6A Caps 52.35 2 — 8 Point Ronaldson Clarendon 30A 60a $3.45 a— 12 Point Gothic Condensed No. 124 18A Caps $1.25 4—8 Point Old Style Antique No. 120 2oA 40a $2.10 6 — 6 Point No. 54 6 — 20 Point Extra Condensed No. 123 loA Caps Si .45 7—6 Point Latin Antique No. 120 24A Caps f 1.15 8 — 6 Point Old Style Antique No. 120 24A 48a $2.00 9—6 Point No. 54 382 pi:ttingill cel company ATTRACTIVE HEADINGS L 2 Czar Inaugurates a Three-Day Cele- bration and then Holds a State Levee at the Kremlin A LARGE GATHERING AT EASTER SERVICE 4 Attended by 250,000 People— The City is Ablaze with Electric and Gas Illuminations 5 Moscow, April 2. — Such a night of pomp and ceremony as that which be- . gan just before midnight of Easter Eve has not been known in Moscow since 'SEE MICHIGANJN A MIRAGE 7 Illinois Central Passengers Think Lake Has Dwindled Suddenly— Sand Hills Glisten in the Sun 'TEN KILLED IN EXPLOSION 9 A Powder Magazine in China Blows Up Destroying 244 Houses 10 Hong Kong, April 26. — The Imperial Powder Magazine, wherein was stored the new consignment of high explosives, was blown up this morning destroying two hundred and forty-four houses, and HOUSE BANS MAILTUBES CUTS OUT ENTIRE APPROPRIATION FOR SUP- 2 PORT AND EXTENSION BACKEDS STILL HOPEFUL They ThinK Senate Will Help the Measure 4 Throujjh— Char[Jcs of Corruption arc Made Washington, Maj' 25. — Two prominent 5 Representatives, one a staunch Republi- can and the other a consistent Democrat, were responsible this afternoon for the defeat of the bill introduced several days ago looking to the extension of mail-tube service to all first-class post-offices. The bill provided, among other things, for LOCAL STOCK MARKET POLLY L PREFERRED ON THE DOWN GRADE 7 Diamond Match Active and Scores a Decided 8 Advance — Standard Oil is Firm New York, Ai)ril 26. — The market was g unusually quiet to-day owing to the un- settled conditions which prevail all over STYLES OF TYPE USED IN ABOVE HEADINGS 1 — 36 Point Gothic Extra Condensed No. 122 6A Caps $2.: 2 — 8 Point Ionic No. 122 24A 48a $2.60 S — 10 Point Gothic Condensed No. 122 20A Caps $0.80 4 — 6 Point Ionic No. 122 24A 48a $2.30 6—8 Point No. 51 6 — 18 Point Latin Condensed No. 150 20A Caps $1.75 7 — 6 Point Boldface No. 120 24A 48a $2.30 8 — 12 Point Gothic Condensed No. 124 18A Caps $1.25 9 — 6 Point Antique No. 125 24A 48a $2.30 10—7 Point No. 51 1 — 24 Point Arlington 8A Caps $2.30 2 — 6 Point Howland 30A Caps $1.25 3 — 12 Point Arlington 16A Caps $1.70 4 — 10 Point Arlington 20A 26a $2.75 5—8 Point No. 54 6 — 12 Point Runic Condensed No. 122 18A $1.35 7 — 6 Point Howland 30A Caps $1.25 8 — 6 Point Old Style Antique No. 120 24A 48a $2.00 9—8 Point No. 54 PETTINGILL Ca. COMPANY 383 AHRACTIVE HEADINGS MUST USE THE FENDER All Trolley Cars Must be Supplied With Proper Safeguards Immediately COMES UNDER THE NEW LAW 4 Street Committee and the Trolley Com- pany Take Opposite Views of the Question 5 The Chairman of the Oommittee on Streets of the City Council raised an important question at a meeting of that committee last night. He had been ab- sent from several preceding meetings, at one of which the Railway Company was given the privilege of attaching a »NEW CHANCELLOR ON THE BENCH 7 His First Orders Stirred Up Dilatory Lawyers. Found Them Unprepared Trenton, May 15. — The Chancellor revived a dead rule of the court to- day which requires lawyers to be FIERCE FLAMES Scores of Spectators See Girls Jumps From the Fifth-Story Windows or Slide Down Ropes TWOKILLED^FIVEHURT^ Flames Fed on Flimsy Fabrics Malte a Beacon 4 of Fire Seen Fifty Miles Away Ten Minutes After the Start ORIGIN OF THE FIRE YET A MYSTERY 5 For the second time within two months 6 flames threatened last night to wipe out the entire millinery district centering at Eighth and Arch Streets. Three build- ings were completely destroyed and many others damaged, causing a loss of more than half a million dollars. One woman jumped from the fifth story of a burning HEAVY BAII^PROCURED^ Iron Worker Who Killed Fellow Work- s man is Released on Bail Norristown, Feb. 23.— The man who was com- 9 mitted to jail several days ago on the charge of causing the death of his fellow- workman, STYLES OF TYPE USED IN ABOVE HEADINGS 1 — 24 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 624 2 — 12 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 612 3 — 12 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 612 4 — 6 Point Lining Gothic No. 417 60A 70a $4.0 5—8 Point No. 6i 6 — 10 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 610 7—8 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 608 8—9 Point No. 61 16A Caps $2.25 3SA 52a $3.75 45 A Caps $1.90 52 A 70a $3.25 1— 30 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 630 12A Caps $2.80 2 — 10 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 610 4sA 60a $3-5«J 35A Caps $1.90 3 — 18 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 618 22 A Caps S2.25 1 4 — 8 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 608 52A 70a $3.25 5 — 8 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 608 S2A Caps $1.75 6 — 7 Point No. 61 7— 18 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 618 22A Caps $2.25 8 — 10 Point Philadelphia Lining Gothic No. 6ro 45A 6oa $3.50 9_6 Point No. 61 384 PETTINGILL (S. COMPANY ATTRACTIVE HEADINGS MURDER INA SHANTY 2 FISHERMAN TRIES TO KILL-DRINK-CRAZED SLAYER WIELDS A KNIFE— HIS FRIENDS FIGHT FOR LIFE ^ One IVIan Dead and Two Hurt 4 THE MIRDERER THEN SURRENDERS TO THE POLICE WITHOUT A STRUGGLE 5 Imprisoned in a fisherman's " shack" at the foot of 54th street with a demented fisherman five of his com- panions were cut and slashed with a fish knife, and only after a fierce struggle was he overcome. The wild man, whose name he would not reveal, was engaged in cleaning a mess of fish to cook for the supper of himself and friends, when without a warn- ing he bounded over the table, behind which he was at work, and plunged the fish knife deep into the neck of the first man he reached. The other mem- bers of the party were compelled to overcome him MAKING SAUSAGES OF HORSEFLESH 7 A Factory Alleged to Have Been Located in the Town of Milwaukee « RAILROAD INTERESTS 9 NINETY SYSTEMS REPRESENTED 10 American Railway Association Meet- ing the Largest in its History. 11 The American Railway Association held the largest meeting in its history at St. Louis last week. Delegates from ninety systems were DyKii 5 TO am PASSENGERS IN THE PARK I/incoln Park Pachyderm Trained ^ to Entertain Visitors IK (MS m 10 Dt m STORY OF SXnn)AY WEATHER ''Dutch," the big elephant in Lincohi Park, received her Sunday callers in her stays yesterday — four long planks se- curely roped to one another and bound about her ample waist to protect her skin from abrasion by the rough corners of the howda. She will be housed in her old summer quarters, which have been moved to a point directly west of DAY IN WALL STREET ' SUGAR THE PRINCIPAL FEATURES CMcago Operator Said to Have Been Pinched in the Advance— Railway Stronger New York, May 5. — The market was lo very quiet to-day owing to the unsettled condition which exists throughout the STYLES OF TYPE USED IN ABOVE HEADINGS 1— 18 Point Quentell loA Caps $i.6o 2—6 Point Quentell 24A Caps $1.10 3 — 12 Point Quentell 16A 20a $3.00 4— 8 Point Quentell 22A Caps $1.30 &—S]4 Point No. 51 6— 8 Point Quentell 22A Caps $1.30 7—6 Point Quentell 24A 36a I2.25 8 — 12 Point Condensed Title No. 124 18A Caps $1.40 9 — 6 Point Latin Antique No. 120 24A Caps f 1.15 10—6 Point Caxton Bold 24A 48a $2.60 11—6 Point No. SI 1—36 Point Dinner Gothic loA Caps $3.15 2 — 6 Point No. 5 Interchangeable Gothic 36A f 1.70 3 — 8 Point Ronaldson Clarendon 30A 60a $3.45 4 — 24 Point Binner Gothic 14A Caps $2.20 5 — 6 Point Rowland 30A Caps $1.25 6—8 Point No. 51 7 — 14 Point Condensed Title No. 125 18A Caps Si-4S 8 — 6 Point Latin Antique No. 120 24A Caps $1.15 9 — 6 Point Rowland 30A 50a $2.25 10— 7 Point No. 51 PART XV. Cast Cuts PETTINGII,!, (EL COMPANY 385 DELMONICO CHEFS AND WAITERS PER PONT $1 50 HOBOES PFR Pont $i 50 KLONDIKERS 9 10 2 386 PICK-UPS pe:ttingill ca. company FONT $1 75 DRUGGISTS PER PONT $1 50 i m\ 2 10 7 i tfrfff COPPERS PER PONT $1 50 SILHOUEHES PER FONT $1 75 Ml m\t PE-TTINGILL CEL COMPANY 387 CPFAKFR^ i LARGE FONT $2 50 •^* *-'^*^*-'^'^ SMALL FONT 150 ^ ♦ ^WA CAMPAIGNERS * per font $i 75 LISTENERS E PER font $1 50 H A BEG F 1 K C D BALLET DANCERS font $2 00 fff 13 12 11 14 388 pe:ttingill cq. company LARGE LADY SPEAKERS $2 00 SMALL LADY SPEAKERS PER FONT E $125 t 12 13 is 14 15 SHOPPERS PER FONT $1 50 DOMESTICS PER PONT $1 50 U it PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 389 LARGE SCORCHERS $2 00 SMALL SCORCHERS PER FONT B $1 50 17 13 RIGS AND TRAPS PER FONT F $1 50 W^^ /^^vJw ^»* 7^^ <^W 390 PETTINGILL CSu COMPANY INDEX CUTS No. 3846B. 30 cts. No. 3847B. 30 cts. aiF^ ^'^ ^^m^ No. 1078E. 30 cts. No. 1079E. 30 cts. No. 4015F. 20 cts. 9^ No. 3220 A. 60 cts. No. iOieF. 20 cts. NEW INDEX CUTS SIX POINT 514 515 5 cts. each TEN POINT EIGHT POINT 518 519 516 517 8 cts. each 6 cts. each TWENTY-FOUR POINT 15 cts. each TWELVE POINT 520 521 EIGHTEEN POINT 522 523 Per set (2 of each, right and left) $1.50 No. 1072E. 12 cts No. 1074K. 20 cts. No. 1075E. 20 cts. No. 1073E. 12 cts. No. 4018F. 25 cts. No. 4013P. No. 4012F. No. 4009P. No. 4007F. No. 4005F. No. 4006F. No. 4008F. No. 4010F. No. 4011F. No. 4014F. 15 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. ID cts. s cts. 5 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 15 cts. W ^ No. 4001F. s cts. No. 4003F. 5 cts. No. 4004F. 5 cts. No. 4002F. £ PE-TTINGILL CEL COMPANY 391 COPYRIGHTED INDEX CORNERS No. 3986C. No. 3987C. No. 3991 C. No. 3990C. No. 3989C. No. 3988C. No. 3992C. No. 3993C. No. 4037C. 1^ No. 4038C. ,-A^ — ^ PRICES Nos. 3986C to 3993C, set of eight . fi.75 Single Corner 25 Nos. 4037C to 4044C, set of eight . 2.50 Single Corner 35 Nos. 4045C to 4052C, set of eight . 3.50 Single Corner 50 No. 4053C 50 ELCCTROTVPCD ON SOLID MKTAL SODIKS 392 PE-TTINGILL CEL COMPANY 8c. 8B. I2C. 117F.. I2C. HE. 8c. 121 MISCELLANEOUS CAST CUTS M •:^^ 13B. 8c. 14B. 12C. 15B. 12c. 255K. 12c. 20B. 12c. n9K. loc. 22B. 12c. 23B. 12c. .>4B ,2c 25B. 2SC. 26 B. 12 c. I2C. 37B. i2< 28B. 8c. 437E. 15c. 30B. 8c. 3UE. loc. 32B. 8c. 431E. 12c. 35B. 12c. 36B. 12c. 37B. 12c. 38B. 12c. 39B. 25c. 40B. 12;. 41B. 8c. 42B I2C. 43B. I2C. 44B. I2C. 45B. 8c. 450E. 20c. 511E. 15c. 2527F. 15c. ♦ 53B. I2C. 524E. isc. 501E. 12c. 353E. 8c. 59B. 12c. 60B. 370C. iSc. 490C. 25c. 70B. 25c. 71B. i:c. 435E. 15c. 404E. 8c. 2B. I2C. 409E. 8c. 65B. S M X A SI 72B. 25c. 412E. 10c. 74B. 15c. 75B. 12c. 532E. 25c. fB. 15c. 78B. 15c. 79B. 15c. SOB. is< PART XVI, BRASS. . . Rules in Strips RuleSy Labor-Saving Leaders, Hyphen and Dotted Braces and Dashes Circles ands Ovals ROUND CORNER RULE ) PATENT APPUED POR Put up in regular Labor Saving fonts with round corner pieces instead of the mitred corners usually sent 2 Point 0/C rkrk 4 Point 0JT O^ 6 Point ^J^ 3 lb, font •pO*UU 3 lb, font •pO*j£0 5 lb, font %pOm/0 f 2 Point 4 Point The large ctxroe shovis the top— the square comer shoivs the bottom of the rale — which is square inside up to quad height, giving a firm locking surface "without shortening form at comers. Each piece is 6% picas long and 18 points "wide outside, luhich ivill be found a convenient size for both Newspaper and Job Work, EXTRM COHNEIi PIECES 2 Point per set of four ' ^ 44 44 44 44 ^ 44 44 44 44 50 cents 50 " 50 " Offices not fuLving nco) fonts of rule 'coitt find it less expensroe to ta,ke the fonts ahofoe quoted. Not quite so much is charged for the comer pieces ^^^ 310 C 6 Point 30 311 C 7 Point 35 312 C 8 Point 40 313 C 9 Point 45 ^^^ 314 C 10 Point 50 ^^^ 315 C 11 Point 55 ^^^ 316 C 12 Point 60 ^^^ 501 C 1 Point 5 502 C 1% Point 7% 503C 2 Point 10 504 C 3 Point 15 505 C 4 Point 20 506 C 5 Point 25 ^^^ 507 C 6 Point 30 ^^^ No 508 C BODY 7 Point PER FOOT $0 35 ^^^ 509 C 8 Point 40 ^^M 510 C 9 Point 45 ^^H 511 C 10 Point 50 ^^^ 5120 11 Point 55 HH 513 C 12 Point 60 H^H 514 C 1 Point 5 515 C ly^ Point iy^ 516 C 2 Point 10 517 C 3 Point 15 518 C 4 Point 20 519 C 5 Point 25 520 C 6 Point 30 521 C 7 Point 35 522 C 8 Point 40 ^^^ 523 C 9 Point 45 ^^^ 524 C 10 Point 50 ^^^ 525 C 11 Point 55 ^^^ 526 C 12 Point 60 ^^^ For Labor-Saving Brass Rules, see pages jgS and ^qq 394 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY NO. 527 C BODY 1 Point PER FOOT $0 05 528 C 1% Point 7% 529 C 2 Point 10 530 C 3 Point 15 531 C 4 Point 20 532 C 5 Point 25 533 C 6 Point 30 534 C 7 Point 35 535 C 8 Point 4.0 536 C 9 Point 45 ^^ 537 C 10 Point 11 Point 538 C 55 H ■ 12 Point 539 C 60 H ■ 540 C 1^4 Point '7y^ 541 C 2 Point 10 542 C 3 Point 15 543 C 4 Point 20 544 C 5 Point 25 545 C 6 Point 30 7 Point 546 C 35 8 Point 547 C 40 9 Point 548 C 45 10 Point 649 C 50 11 Point 550 C 55 ^H 12 Point ■ 551 C 60 H NO. 552 C BODY IK Point PER FOOT $0 07% 553 C 2 Point 10 554 C 3 Point 15 555 C 4 Point 20 556C 5 Point 25 557 C 6 Point 30 ^^^ 558 C 7 Point 35 ^^^ 559 C 8 Point 40 ^^^ 560 C 9 Point 45 ^^^ 561 C 10 Point 50 ^^^ 662 C 11 Point 55 H^H 563 C 12 Point 60 HHj 564 C 2 Point 10 565 C 3 Point 15 566 C 4 Point 20 567 C 5 Point 25 568 C 6 Point 30 569 C 7 Point 35 570 C 8 Point 40 571C 9 Point 45 572 C 10 Point 50 ^^^ 573 C 11 Point 55 ^^^ 574 C 12 Point 60 ^^^ ^^H For Labor-Saving Brass Rules, see pages jgS and jqq PE.TTINGILL C8l COMPANY 395 NO. 575 C BODY 2 Point PER FOOT $0 10 576 C 3 Point 15 577 C 4 Point 20 578 C 5 Point 25 579 C 6 Point 30 ^^ 580 C 7 Point 35 ^ 581 C 8 Point 40 ^_ 582 C 9 Point 45 1^ 583 C 10 Point 50 1^ 584 C 11 Point 55 ^ 585 C 12 Point UO m 317 C 1 Point 5 319 C 1)4, Point iy^ 320 C 2 Point 10 322 C 3 Point 15 323 C 4 Point 20 324 C 5 Point 25 325 C 6% Point 273^ 326 C 6 Point 30 327 C 7 Point 35 328 C 8 Point 40 329 C 9 Point 45 330 C 10 Point 50 331 C 11 Point 55 332 C 12 Point 60 NO. 333 C BODY 2 Point PER FOOT $0 10 335 C 3 Point 15 336 C 4 Point 20 337 C 5 Point 25 339 C 6 Point 30 340 C 7 Point 35 341 C 8 Point 40 342 C 9 Point 45 343 C 10 Point 50 347 C 3 Point 15 348 C 4 Point 20 350 C 5% Point 27^ 351 C 6 Point 30 352 C 7 Point 35 353 C 8 Point 40 355 C 10 Point 50 356 C 11 Point 55 359 C 3 Point 15 360 C 4 Point 20 361 C 5 Point 25 362 C 5>^ Point 27>^ 363 C 6 Point 30 364 C 7 Point 35 For Labor-Saving Brass Rules, see pages 3q8 and sqq 396 PETTINGILL ca. COMPANY NO. 365 C BODY 8 Point PER FOOT $0 40 366 C 9 Point 45 367 C 10 Point 50 368 C 11 Point 55 369 C 12 Point 60 372 C 3 Point 15 373 C 4 Point 20 374 C 5 Point 25 375 C 5% Point 27>^ 376 C 6 Point 30 377 C 7 Point 35 378 C 8 Point 40 379 C 9 Point 45 380 C 10 Point 50 381 C 11 Point 55 382 C 12 Point 60 NO. 386 C BODY 5 Point PER FOOT 25 388 C 6 Point 30 389 C 7 Point 35 390 C 8 Point 40 391 C 9 Point 45 392 C 10 Point 50 393 C 11 Point . 55 415C 1 Point 5 416 C l}i Point 7K 417 C 2 PQint 10 455 C IX Point 10 456 C • 2 Point 10 457 C 3 Point 15 459 C 1% Point 10 460 C 2 Point 10 462 C 3 Point 15 472 C 473 C 474 C 3 Point 3 Point 3 Point 18 15 15 476 C 1}4 Point 10 For Labor-Saving Brass Rules, see pages jq8 and 3qg PERFORATING RULES No. iC, Brass. 3 Point. Per foot, 18 cts. BRASS SCORING RULES No. 2C, Brass. 3 Point. Per foot, 18 cts. No. 3C, Steel. 10 teeth to i in. Per foot, 50 cts. No. 4C, Steel, iidotstoiin. Per foot, 50 cts. Steel Perforating Rule also put up in fonts containing 4 feet of Rule cut to Pica ems of assorted lengths. Price per font |2.oo 2 Point, per foot, .10 | 4 Point, per foot, .20 3 Point, per foot, .15 6 Point, per foot, .30 STEEL CUTTING RULES 2 Point, regular, per foot 20 2 Poitit, bright and hard, per foot 30 3 Point, regular, per foot 30 6 Point, regular, per foot 50 BRASS SPACE RULE 1 Pornt Per pound, $3.50 iVz Point Per pound, 2.75 2 Point Per pound, 2.00 phttingill csl company 397 BRASS HEAD RULES ^ The following prices are for any Single, Double, Parallel or Triple Rule shown in this book ; a POINT 4 POINT 4-column $0.15 $0.15 5-column 20 .20 6-column 25 .25 7-column 30 .30 8-column 30 .30 9-columii 35 .35 POINT 6 POINT 7 POINT 8 POINT $o ).20 $0.25 $0^25 $0. •25 •30 •30 •30 •35 •35 . •35 .40 .40 .40 •45 •45 •45 •50 •55 . 30 $0.30 35 .40 45 •50 50 •55 55 .60 60 .70 No. 21 4 Point No. 22 3 Point No. 23 4 Point No. 24 4 Point No. 25 4 Point No. 26 5 Point No. 28 5^ Point No. 29 5 Point No. 30 6 Point No. 32 5 Point No. 33 6 Point No. 34 . 7 Point ADVERTISING RULES Prices quoted are for columns 15 Pica ems wide and under. No. 21 SINGLE COL. 4 cts. DOUBLE COL. 7 Cts. No. 22 4cts. 7 cts. No. 23 5 cts. Sets. No. 24 sets. Sets. No. 25 5 cts. Sets. No. 26 6 cts. 12 cts. No. 27 SINGLE COL. 6 Cts. DOUBLE COL. 12 Cts. No. 28 6 Cts. 12 Cts. No. 29 6 Cts. 12 Cts. No. 30 6 cts. 12 Cts. No. 31 6 cts. 12 Cts. BRASS DASH RULES • Cut to single newspaper column. Prices quoted are for columns 15 Pica ems wide and under. No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 No. 25 No. 26 No. 27 EACH 6 Cts. No. 28 6 Cts. No. 29 6 Cts. No. 30 8 cts. No. 31 8 cts. No. 32 8 cts. No. 33 Sets. No. 34 EACH 6 Cts. 6 Cts. 6 cts. Sets. 8 cts. 8 cts. Sets. 29* 398 PETTINGILL CSL COMPANY LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULES Price per font Body No. 5 lbs 2i^lbs ij^lbs 2 Pt. 304C $8 25 $4 38 $2 19 X ' 317C 14 50 7 50 3 75 3 ' 335C 7 50 4 00 2 00 4 ' 336C 700 375 188 6 • 339C 7 00 3 75 8 ' 341C 700 3 75 3 ' 359C 750 400 200 2 ' 417C 8 25 4 38 2 19 2 " 436C 8 25 4 38 2 19 No 317C— 1 Point No 417C 2 Point No 304C 2 Point No 436 C 2 Point No 359C 3 Point Labor-Saving Brass Rules are cut in length to twelve-point body, unless otherwise ordered, and are graduated by ens and ems. All fonts have mitered corner pieces. Fonts of not less than j% lbs. furnished from any Single, Double, Parallel or Triple Rule at following prices : Per lb. Per lb. 1 Point . $3 00 I 3 Point . |i 60 1% " . 2 00 4-8 " . 1 50 2 " . I 75 I 10-12 Pt. I 40 Special prices on application for Labor-Saving Ornamental Brass Rules. " No 341C 8 Point PHTTINGILL CEl COMPANY 399 LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULES No 373C 4 Point No 376C — 6 Point Price per font Body. No.. ID lbs 5 lbs 2 J^lbs 6 Pt. 351C $14 00 $7 00 $3 75 8 ' ' 353C 1400 700 3 75 5 ' ' 361C 14 00 7 00 3 75 6 • ' 363C 14 00 7 00 3 75 8 ' ' 36SC 14 00 7 00 3 75 10 ' ' 367C 14 00 7 00 3 75 4 ' * 373C 700 3 75 6 ' ' 376C 1400 700 3 75 10 ' 1 ' 380C 14 00 7 00 3 75 i No 367C 10 Point 400 PETTINGILL CEL COMPANY 6 PT. 7 PT. 8 PT. BRASS COLUMN RULES SIZE FACE LENGTH 6PT. 7PT. 8PT. 9PT. 10 PT. 4-Col. Folio or Quarto . . 13% ins. $0.40 $0.45 $0.50 I0.55 «o.6o 5-Col. Folio or Quarto . . I7K >ns. •50 •55 .65 .70 .80 6-Col. Folio or Quarto . . 19% ins. •55 .60 .70 .80 .85 7-Col. Folio or Quarto . . 21% ins. .60 .70 •75 •85 •95 8-Col. Folio or Quarto . . 23% ins. .65 •75 •85 •95 1.05 Q-Col. Folio 25K ins. .70 .80 .90 I.OO I. ID Each additional inch . . .02 •03 .04 •05 •05 Column Rules nicked under for the use of Brass Reglet, 10 cents extra ; nicked under and over for Perfecting Presses, 25 cents each extra. Labor-saving, 6, 7 and 8 Point, $1.50 per lb. ; 9 and 10 Point, $1.40 per lb. Column Rules for Linotype Matter SIZE 5x6 Point 6x7 Point 7x8 Point 6-Column . . . 7-Column . . . 8-Column . . . •95 10.85 •95 1^05 $0.95 1.05 1^15 Either size, Labor-saving, $2.00 per pound. BRASS LEADS AND SLUGS i-point, per pound ij^-point, per pound . . . . 2-point, per pound 6-pt., and thicker, per pound Full Cut Col. Cut Length Measure L.S. $0.95 |i.oo $1.50 •75 .80 1.25 .70 •75 125 .70 •75 I.OO STANDARD SIZES OF NEWSPAPERS This table of sizes is based upon the standard sizes of newspapers, with columns 13 12-point ems wide and 6-point column rules. The adoption of these sizes is advisable especially in starting newspapers or putting in new outfits, thereby gaining desirable uniformity. 4-Column 5-Column 6-Column 7-Column 8-Column 5-Column 6-Column 7-CoIumn 8-Column 9-Column Quarto Quarto Quarto Quarto Quarto Folio Folio . Folio . Folio . Folio . Standard Size of » Face Length of Length of Head Size of Paper. Each Page. 6-pt. Col. Rules. Rules required. INCHES. INCHES. INCHES. 22x30 8BXI4 11^X18 I3K 53/4 Pica ems. 26x40 I7K 67 Pica ems. 30x44 13% X 20 I9K 21% 23^ 80^ Pica ems. 35x48 15^x22 94 Pica ems. 40x52 i7ifx24 . 11^X18 io7>4 Pica ems. 20x26 21^ 23% 25)i 67 Pica ems. 22x30 i^ya X 20 8oJ^ Pica ems. 24x35 15^x22 94 Pica ems. 26x40 1711x24 20I/& X 26 107^ Pica ems. 28x44 121 Pica ems. Length of column rules for first page determined by size of headings, or say about two inches shorter than full length. TABLE FOR NEWSPAPER ESTIMATES Showing the number of ems of the different sizes of newspaper type in a line, the number of lines necessary to make one thousand ems, and the length in inches ; the number of ems in the regular lengths of columns and the number of leads required. There are 66 13-em 2-point leads in one pound. ESTIMATED ON WIDTH OF STANDARD COLUMN, 13 EMS PICA. 5^ POINT 6 POINT 7 POINT 8 POINT 9 POINT 10 POINT Number ems in line 28^ 26 221^ I9H 17/^ 15^ Number lines in looo ems 2% 5040 38 J4 4325 3175 51 H 5% 2465 57?^ 1950 64% ^ 9 1610 4-Column Folio or Quarto ^ f . . . 5-Column Folio or Quarto ( number ems . . . 6505 5615 4"5 3200 2525 2085 6-Column Folio or Quarto f in column . . . 7-Column Folio or Quarto J I . . . 7180 6160 4515 3510 2770 2290 7900 6785 4970 3865 3050 2520 8-Column Folio, number ems in column 8630 7410 5440 4220 3330 2755 9-Column Folio, number ems in column 9310 8030 5885 4575 3615 2970 2-point leads in looo ems of leaded matter .... 26 29 35 41 47 .S4 2-point leads in column, 4-column paper 132 124 no 99 90 82 2-point leads in column. 54oz. 10 oz. iiy2 oz. 13 oz. Weight of 2-point leads needed to lead 1000 ems of solid matter 8%oz. 9>4oz. II oz. 12^ oz. 14 oz. 16 oz. PETTINGILL