625 A2 1857a GREAT BRITAIN S ^ 3 ^ 2 ^ 4 S 4 ^ 7^g LAWS, STATUHS, ETC. ANNOVICESIMO& ViCESIMO PRIMO VICTORlSE REGINAE THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ANNO VICES 1 MO & VICESIMO PHLMO VICTORIiE REGIN^, ^i^^*********^**************************-************* CAP. XL An Act to amend " The Militia (Irdand) Act, 1854." \\d\\xJuly 1857.] WHEREAS by "The Militia {Ireland) Act, 1854," it is, i amongst other thiiias, enacted, that the Costs of pro- *^ viding- any House or Place for the keeping of the Arms. Accoutrements, Clothing, or other Stores of the Militia in each County or County of a City in Ireland when not embodied shall be defrayed by the County and County of a City respectively, and the necessary Sinn for that Purpose, and all Arrears in respect of such Cost Avhich sliall have become due before the Certilicate thereof shall be transmitted as thereafter mentioned, shall be raised by the Presentment of the Grand Jury of such Countj^ and County of a City, and in the City oi Ditbliii by the Town C'ouncil of the Borough of Dublin ; and by the same Act such Grand Jury and Town Council are empowered to borrow all or any Part of the Money necessary for the aforesaid Purpose upon Mortgage of the County Cess and Rates, and to provide for and cause to be paid out of the Count/ Cess of such County and C'ounty of a City, and out of the Rates of such Borough of Duhlin, the Principal and Interest of the Money so borrowed in manner therein mentioned: And whereas by "The Cork Improvement Act, 18.32,"' and "The Limerlrh Improvement Act, 1853," the Powers, Rights, and Duties oi' the Grand Junes ol" the \j Counties 7 & 18 Vict. , 107. ;& IfiVioi. cxiiii. G& 17 Vict, rxciv. 41S7'^() 42 20" & 21" VICTORLE, Cap. 11. Militia (Ireland) Act (1854) Amendment. Comities of the Cities of Co7-k and Limerick, in regard to the presenting and levying of Rates for any Purpose, have been trans- ferred to the Councils of the Boroughs of Cork and Limerick re- spectively ; but, inasmuch as the said first-recited Act was passed subsequently to the said Two last-recited Acts, Doubts have arisen whether the Councils of the Boroughs of Cork and Limerick respec- tively can make such Presentments and do such other Acts as the Grand Juries of the Counties of Cities are by the first-recited Act required and empowered to make and do : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows : Councils of I. The Councils of the Boroughs of Cork and Limerick respec- Cork and tively shall and may raise, by way of Rate upon such Boroughs respec- raise by way tively, sucli Sums as the Gi'and Juries of the Counties of the Cities of ofEatessuch Qq^-j^ and Limerick respectively would have been required or enabled GiandJuries to raise b}^ way of Presentment by virtue of the first-recited Act if would have i]^q Two last-recited Acts had not been passed, and shall and may quired to do if do all such other Acts as the said Grand Juries or the Foremen last-recited thereof respectively might have done under the said first-recited Act Acts had not . , ^ ., passed. '^^ ^"^^ event aloresaid. Interpreta. II. The Expression " the County Cess and Rates" or " the tion o County Cess " contained in the said first-recited Act shall, in relation lerms. •' ' to the Boroughs oi Dublin, Cork, imdi Limerick, be construed to mean the Rates of such Boroughs respectively. As to Exe- III. Any Mortgage to be executed in pursuance of the first- oution of recited Act for the Borough of Cork or of Limerick shall be executed Mortgages. ° by the Mayor and Two of the Council of each such Borough. Short Title. IV. This Act may be cited for all Purposes as " The Militia ( Ireland) Act, 1857." LONDON: Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1857. 41S720 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last dave stamped below m L-9 -2.'i3(5205) tj^^IVERSlTY OF CALIFORNU AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY D :• 5