THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES EDWARD SOMERSET, SECOND MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. AN EXACT REPRINT OF THE FAMOUS Century of Inventions, THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. (First Published in'l663.) INTRODUCTION, NOTES AND A LIFE OP THE AUTHOR, JOHN PHIN. W TH PORTRAIT AFTER A PA NT NG BY VANDYKE. NEW YOEK : THE INDUSTKIAL PUBLICATION COMPANY. 1887. Copyright secured, 1887, by John Phin. PREFACE. Our object in reprinting the famous " CEKTUBY OF IN- VENTIONS," as it is generally called, is not to give any novel solutions of the problems which it sets forth, but simply to place this famous and exceedingly interesting production within the reach of ordinary book-buyers. Although it has been several times reprinted, it is so scarce that copies are to be had only with considerable difficulty. Of the first edition, published in 1663, very few copies are to be found outside the shelves of a few well-known public libraries. It is said that this is largely due to the fact that all the copies that were procurable were bought up and burned by a rival inventor (Savary), who claimed to be the first in- ventor of the steam engine, Of subsequent reprints it will be found on inquiry that they have been so much sought after and read that they have been literally "thumbed out of existence," as the genial author of "The Book Hunter " expresses it in regard to similarly popular books. Under these circumstances it is to be hoped that our present offering will prove acceptable to a large number of those who are interested in the history of inventions and of mechanics. J. P. Cedar Brae, October, 1887. LIFE OF EDWARD SOMERSET, SECOND MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. Edward Somerset alias Plantagenet,* Second Marqu'u jf Worcester, like many of the Avisest and best of this eartf nay, like the wisest and best bore on his escutcheon Jie Baston Sinister. He was descended from John of Gau it, Duke of Lancaster, son of Edward the Third. Charles, the natural son of Henry Beaufort, third Duke of Somerset, in that line, assumed the surname of Somerset, and from him was descended the famous author of " The Century of In- ventions," who was the eldest son of Henry Lord Herbert and Anne, sole daughter and heir of John Lord Russell, eld- est son of Francis Russell, Earl of Bedford. He was born * See Patent granted by Charles the First on the 1st of April, 1644; ' diaries, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc., to our right trusty and right well beloved cousin, Edward Somerset alias Plantagenet, Lord Herbert, Baron Beaufort, of Caldicate, Grismond, Chopstow, Ragland and Gower, Earl of Glamorgan, son and heir apparent of our entirely beloved cousin, Henry, Earl and Marquis of Worcester, greeting." Etc., etc., etc. 8 LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. early in 1601 the exact date 'being unknown. During his father's life-time he was known first as Lord Herbert, and afterwards as Earl of Glamorgan. On the death of his father he succeeded to the titles of Earl and Marquis of Worcester. His education appears to have been conducted privately under the tutorship of a Mr. Adams. It does not appear that he was entered at any of the great English colleges, though it is possible that he may have been connected with some foreign university. Be this as it may, it is quite cer- tain that his education was as complete and thorough as that of any young man of his time. In the year 1628 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Dormer. She bore him one son and two daughters. The son, Henry Somerset, was created first Duke of Beau- fort. It is supposed that shortly after his marriage he retired to Raglan Castle and devoted himself to study and experiment, but of this we have no record. In the year 1635 (May 3151) he lost his wife, to whom he was greatly attached. Four years later he married Mar- garet, second daughter of Henry O'Brien, Earl of Thomond. He obtained by his second wife some valuable possessions, and he also became connected with some of the most wealthy and powerful families in Ireland. By his second wife he had one daughter who died while quite young. It is an unfortunate circumstance that we know very little of the daily life of the Marquis at this period, and nothing at LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. 9 all of his pursuits, studies and inventions, except in a most general way. Even the exact dates of important events in his life are unknown, and the length of time during which he was imprisoned in the Tower is a matter of conjecture. That he continued his scientific and mechanical pursuits even during the early tumults of the civil war is pretty certain, and that some of his inventions were put in operation, at Raglan Castle, on a scale of considerable magnitude, seems more than probable from the following anecdote related by Dr. Bayly : "At the beginning of this Parliament (Nov. 1640) there were certain rustics who came into Raglan Castle to search for arms, his lordship* being a Papist. The Marquis met them at the castle gate, desiring to know whether they came to take away his money, seeing they intended to dis- arm him. They stated that they made the application merely in consequence of his being a recusant. To which he re- plied, ' He was a peer of the realm, and no convict recusant, therefore the law could not in reason take notice of any such things.' Finding some sharp and dubious expressions com- ing from the Marquis, they were at last willing to take his word ; but he, not willing to part with them on such easy terms, had before resolved to return them one fright for an- other. With that view he conveyed them up and down the castle, until at length he brought them over a high bridge that arched over the moat that was between the castle and the great tower, wherein the Lord Herbert had newly con- * The father of the famous Marquis. 10 LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. trived certain water-works, which, when the several engines and wheels were to be set a-going, much quantity of water, through the hollow conveyances of the aqueducts, was to be letdown from the top of the high tower; which, upon the first entrance of these wonderful asinegoes, the Marquis had given order that these cataracts should begin to fall, which made such a fearful and hideous noise, by reason of the hol- lowness of the tower, and neighboring echoes of the castle, and the waters that were between, and round about, that there was such a roaring as if ihe mouth of hell had been wide open, and all the devils conjured up, occasioning the poor silly men to stand so amazed as if they had been half dead ; and yet they saw nothing. At last, as the plot was laid, up came a man staring and running, crying out ' Look to yourselves my masters, for the lions are got loose? Where- upon the searchers tumbled so over one another escaping down the stairs, that it was thought one half of them would break their necks, never looking behind them until out of sight of the castle." Troublous times were now approaching. Charles the First was in sore need of money, and Lord Herbert and his father advanced him large loans from their personal estate. In addition to this they raised and sustained a considerable body of troops. Up to this time the highest dignity at- tained by the family was that of Earl of Worcester. On the 2nd of November, 1642, Henry, (the father of the famous Edward) was created Marquis of Worcester. The civil war now raged, and Raglan Castle was garrisoned by troops LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. I I maintained by the Somersets in the interest of the King. The scientific and mechanical skill of Lord Herbert, (the fu- ture Marquis) were here brought into play, and a powder mill was erected on the estate and actively operated for the supply of ammunition to the royal troops. As a military man, however, Lord Herbert does not seem to have achieved much success. His troops were defeated by the Parliamentary forces, and his pecuniary losses were so enormous that he was made a poor man for the rest of his life. In 1645 he was sent to Ireland by the King with a commis- sion to raise a body of 10,000 Irish troops for service in Eng- land to oppose the parliamentary forces. To secure the aid of the Catholics in this effort, Lord Herbert, recently created Earl of Glamorgan, was empowered to offer the Romish dignita- ries the most liberal terms, not only as regarded toleration, but in the matter of lands, titles, etc., to be placed in their possession. This arrangement was, however, completely up- set by certain wholly unlocked for events. The Popish Archbishop of Tuam, President of Connaught, and one of the Supreme Council at Kilkenny, going into Ulster to visit his diocese, and put into execution an order for arrears of his Bishopric, granted to him by that Council, met with a body of Irish troops marching to besiege Sligo, and joined with them. When they came near that town, the garrison made a sally on the iyth of October, charged the troops, and utterly routed them, killing the Archbishop in the en- counter. Amongst the baggage of the Archbishop was 12 LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. found an authentic copy, attested and signed by several bishops, of the treaty concluded with them by the Earl of Glamorgan. The result of this disclosure was that Lord Digby charged the Earl with suspicion of high treason, and moved that his person be secured. The charge being fully substantiated, the Earl was committed to the custody of the Constable of Dublin Castle in the condition of a close prisoner. After a brief confinement he was liberated on bail, but under the condition that he should not leave the Kingdom of Ireland. Meanwhile Raglan Castle, the family seat and the scene of his early studies and experiments, was taken by General Fairfax after a prolonged seige. The letters and papers were carried off and the castle ordered to be demolished. It is probable that in the dispersion and destruction of these papers we have lost the records of many of the early experiments and inventions made by the Marquis. These accumulated misfortunes no doubt hastened the death of his father, which occurred in December, 1646. Very soon after these events matters were so arranged that he was enabled to go to France, where he remained in exile for four or five years. That some arrangement look- ing to his voluntary exile was made with the government is more than probable, as the Marquis was too honorable to leave in the lurch his friends, the Marquis of Clanricarde and the Earl of Kildare, who were on his bond for ten thousand pounds each. On the 3oth of January, 1649, Charles the First was exe- LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. 13 cuted; the commonwealth was established on the 6th of February following, and the Protectorate under Cromwell in 1654. Meanwhile Charles the Second had escaped to the continent and set up a migratory court. Although the Marquis was not a constant attendant at this court, he ap- pears to have been in communication with them, and in 1652 he was sent to England for private intelligence as well as for supplies. Unfortunately, however, he was recognized, made prisoner, and committed to the tower, where he re- mained for a period variously estimated at from two to six years. During his confinement he wrote the famous book known as " A Century of Inventions," which, however, was not published until 1663, though it was supposed that sev- eral manuscript copies were made and circulated amongst his friends. One of these is now in the British Museum, and is interesting on account of certain slight variations from the printed book. In 1660 Charles the Second returned to England and was placed upon the throne of his fathers. One would suppose that a man who had suffered so much in attestation of his loyalty would have been most liberally treated, but we find that, although the estates of the Marquis were restored, they were heavily encumbered and greatly despoiled. The tim- ber had been removed, the buildings were in ruins, and the sources of income were but trifling. He therefore took up his residence in London, where, in the hopes of retrieving his fortune, he devoted himself to the prosecution of his studies 14 LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF WORCESTER. and the perfecting of his inventions, though it would seem without any very marked financial success. Four years after the publication of the " Century " on the 3rd of April, 1667 he died in London, and on the igth of the same month he was buried in the family vault within the Parish Church of Raglan. Such is a meagre outline of the life of the Marquis of Worcester. Those who desire to follow out the details of his political relations more closely will find much material in the Life by Henry Dircks a crude and ill-digested per- formance, which should be called a collection of materials for a biography, rather than a biography. That the Marquis of Worcester was a keen student and an enthusiastic inventor, there can be no doubt. That the results which he attained have been greatly over-estimated is very certain, but the wonder is that he should have accom- plished anything at all when we consider the troublous times in which his lot was cast. As a man he was loyal, brave and honest, qualities not always found in high places in those days. Unfortunately, for himself, he was, during a great part of his life, attached to the losing side, and when the tide of success turned he was too old to secure the favor of such a frivolous and sen- sual monarch as Charles the Second. INTHODUCTIOlsr. If we except those who have taken an active controver- sial part in religion or politics there is no man in regard to whom such positively opposite opinions have been enter- tained, as the Marquis of Worcester. Dircks, in the Dedi- cation prefixed to his Life of the Marquis, affirms that it would be "impossible to name his compeer either amongst the highest nobility or the most eminent scientific celebrities of Europe, during the last two centuries." In other words, Newton, Davy, Faraday, Watt, Stephenson, and all the other stars in the bright galaxy which stretches across the last two two hundred years, pale before the effulgence of the fame of the Marquis of Worcester ! ! On the other hand Walpole speaks of the "Century of Inventions" as "an amazing piece of folly," and rates the author as little better than a madman ! It is pretty certain that the truth lies between these two extremes, for the one is the conclusion of a man of trinkets and trifles who never in his life grappled with a serious subject and conquered it, and the other is the out- come of mere toadyism on the part of a man Avho evidently wished to ingratiate himself with certain aristocratic fami- lies. Unfortunately, for the Marquis, the labors of Mr. Dircks 1 6 INTRODUCTION. have rendered certain the fact tljat to him we owe absolutely nothing so for as inventive progress is concerned. He may have constructed steam engines more perfect than those turned out by the best factories of the present day; he may have perfected inventions, which, if now understood, would render both telegraph and telephone useless, and his "Water-Commanding Engine" may have been not only " Semi-omnipotent " but actually omnipotent, and yet it is no injustice to him and no ingratitude on our part for us to say that we owe him NOTHING, for with all the efforts of Mr. Dircks and all the facilities placed at his command, as re- gards old papers, records, models, etc., there has not been brought to light one scrap of writing, or one fragment of a model, that tends to show that the Marquis ever developed a successful invention or that he ever carried one to such a de- gree of completion as would enable a modern mechanic to profit to any extent by his labors. It is therefore very obvious that we owe none of our me- chanical or inventive progress to him. Whether he actually succeeded in perfecting the inventions that he describes, and especially, whether or not he was the real inventor of the steam engine, are questions which will be attacked by those who desire to gratify their antiquarian curiosity, but not by those who desire to render to the name of a benefactor the homage which gratitude prompts. Many of the inventions described by the Marquis are frivo- lous and useless. He gives no clue to his ciphers, but it is the simplest of all tasks to devise methods which will con- INTRODUCTION. *7 form to all the conditions stated in his book ; the only diffi- culty is that in these days the deciphering of cryptographs has made such progress that any such ciphers would be use- less. A mere tyro in the art would be able to decipher them and in a few minutes force them to give up their true meaning. That many of the alleged inventions described in the Century were solved only in the imagination of the Marquis can hardly be doubted by any intelligent student. For ex- ample, No. 56 is a very perfect description of a common form of so-called perpetual motion that is to say, it is one of those forms which are almost certain to occur to every active mechanical mind that attempts to solve this famous problem. We have known it to be invented a dozen times by persons whose efforts and ideas were entirely independent of each other, and who had never heard of the thing before. We have had models of this contrivance brought to us, and so strong was the hold that the theoretical idea had taken upon the minds of the inventors that although in every case the models failed to operate yet this was invariably attributed to the mechanical defects and rude workmanship of the model and not to any fallacy lurking in the theory. And every edi- tor of a popular scientific journal and every person having much to do with inventors, will no doubt testify to the same experience. It is a fact well known to all who are actually brought into contact with mechanical progress that the inventive world is full of embryo inventions whose maturity is an im- 1 8 INTRODUCTION. possibility. At one time our. Patent Office required models of all inventions capable of being so illustrated. As a gen- eral rule the office accepted what were called "dummy" models that is to say, models that merely showed the form and arrangement of the parts without actually working. In particular cases the office had the power to demand " work- ing " models, but these were not often required. Now every patent agent will testify that the percentage of inventions which seemed f. asible in drawings and dummy models and yet failed in actual practice was very large. And, so plau- sible did these schemes seem that the authors would have had no hesitation in risking their lives on the results; far less would they have hesitated to describe them as " inventions which they had tried and perfected." So that we are far from impugning the veracity of the Marquis when we say that many of these things existed only in his imagination, for it must be borne in mind that every inventor is gifted with a vivid imagination ; indeed, if defective in this respect, he never could be an inventor. Those who will carefully study the inventions described in the " Century " will be surprised to see how many of them have been brought to a degree of perfection of which the Marquis could have had no idea. Not only has the power of steam been so developed that the claims of the Marquis have been far exceeded, but our telegraphs, tele- phones, armored ships, land turrets and other contrivances throw far in the shade anything ever conceived or named by him. But, when we read his wonderful descriptions we INTRODUCTION. IQ cannot but accord to him a power of vision far in advance of his day. He had a marvellous insight into the future, and unbounded faith in the possibilities of science and mechanics, and the probability is that if he had closely settled down to the hard work of thorough investigation, and the prosaic study of facts and principles, he would have been the real inven- tor of the modern steam engine. But not only did he fall upon evil times, his mind was too enthusiastic and flighty for such work, and he spread over a " Century " of inventions that power which he ought to have confined to one or two. Amongst the questions which always occur when the name of the Marquis of Worcester is brought forward, are those re- lating to the invention of the steam engine. Prof. Robi- son and some others broadly claim that he was the inven- tor of this modern aid to civilization, Avhile Arago claims the like for De Caus, others claim it for Savery, and the friends of other inventors make like claims. The thoughtful student will see that none of these claims are well founded. The development of the Steam Engine was a gradual process, pro- ceeding in some cases along distinct and unconnected lines, which in every case served to develop some useful princi- ple, but which did not always produce a practical result, capable of utilization in the modern machine. The principal stages of this course of invention seem to have been the following : 1. The discovery of the expansive force of steam. 2. Its direct application to the production of mechanical motion. 20 INTRODUCTION 3. Its direct application to the raising of water in closed vessels. 4. Its use in the formation of a vacuum so as to produce mechanical motion. 5. Its application to the direct movement of a piston in both directions. At every one of these stages various minor improvements were made, any one of which would, if not superseded by better, have made the fame and fortune of any inventor, but to no one inventor do we owe our advancement through more than one stage. Let us briefly glance at these several stages. The expansive power of steam was no doubt discovered at a very early period in the history of man's progress. In- deed, it is quite certain that it antedates many of our well- defined historic periods, such as the bronze and iron ages. It was probably discovered as soon as men had constructed rude vessels of earthen ware in which they could cook their food. The lids of these vessels would often be raised by steam ; explosions of pent-up vapor would occur, and even in the infancy of the arts, men would be taught to respect the tremendous power which now does us such noble ser- vice. We can easily imagine the consternation of the ancients at some of these tremendous manifestations, and we can easily suppose that they would be attributed to the working of some Genie or Spirit, for all the invisible forces were so re- garded by men in early times. Our modern word gas ig INTRODUCTION. 21 nothing but the word ghost in a different form, and it came to be applied to invisible airs, because these were supposed to be subterranean spirits. So the name of the metal Cobalt is merely a transformation of the word Kobold, the name of an evil spirit who was supposed to haunt mines, and change good metal to worthless alloy. In the hands of the ancient priests, steam played an important part in many Pagan ceremonies, and therefore we may safely conclude that this stage of the discovery of steam as a source of power ante- dates all history. The same is true of the second stage. In his work en- titled" Spiritalia," Hero, of Alexandria, describes three modes in which steam might be employed as a mechanical power : i, to raise water by its elasticity; 2, to elevate a weight by its expansive force, and 3, to produce a rotary motion by its reaction in escaping from the side of a tube. The latter works on the same principle that operates the well-known Barker's water-mill. Hero does not claim these inventions as his own, but, as has been well said, " though posterity is really not indebted to him for the invention, it is still more beholden to him for the bequest of his description, than if he had been the inventor and had omitted to describe it." The invention of Branca, and also the well known modifica- tion of Branca's device, in which a jet of steam is made to act directly on the buckets or vanes of a breast-wheel, come under this head. In the third stage we find steam used in close vessels and pressing directly upon the water to be raised. This was a 2 INTRODUCTION. direct step in advance, though in some of Its forms it was no doubt invented at a very early period. The crudest form of the device is that of which the so-called engine of De Caus is an illustration. In this " engine " the entire body of water to be raised must first be heated above the boil- / ing point an arrangement which is utterly impracticable so \ far as any useful mechanical purpose is concerned. This de- vice is, however, very old much older than De Caus. It would of course soon be found that it was not neces- sary to heat the water to be raised ; that steam from a separ- ate boiler would be much more economical. This method was fully described by Porta in 1601, and is still in use in a simple and tolerably efficient form of water-raising engine. The fact that when steam is condensed by cold, a vacuum is formed, was well known in very ancient times. The old steam blowers or Eolipiles were frequently filled by utilizing this principle, and it was not a great step from the mere raising of water into an Eolipile to the raising of a weight by the use of a piston. Pistons for raising water an- tedate any recorded form of the steam engine, and their adaptation to the production of mechanical movements by the pressure of the atmosphere, did not require any great stretch of the inventive faculty. The fifth stage in which steam was caused to act directly on a piston, was the culmination of the invention of the steam en- gine. An infinite number of modifications, and of additional devices and improvements may have been added, but this was the fundamental idea the adoption of which brought success. INTRODUCTION. 23 To which of these stages the inventions of the Marquis be- longed we have no means of knowing. There is not a scrap of drawing, a fragment of a model, or an intelligible description remaining to aid us on this point. True, we have many sketches, and so-called restorations, but they are all the products of the fancy and the inventive powers of biographers and commentators. As regards the engine at Vauxhall, it may, for aught we know, have been a mere pump. Two very intelligent travellers visited the works at times considerably apart, and both speak of the use of horses for driving the engines. A steam en- gine, worked by horses, is certainly a curious invention. Historians have indulged in much speculation as to the causes which delayed the invention of the steam engine to so late a period. It is acknowledged on all hands that the pro- perties and powers of steam were tolerably well understood, and all the mechanical elements of a successful engine had been invented the crank, the piston, etc. And the mechanical skill of the ancients has furnished a subject for many a lecturer on the " lost arts." Why then was not the steam engine produced ? Simply because it was not needed. What would have been the use of a motive power to a peo- ple who had no machinery for it to drive ? The Greeks and Romans had not even a threshing machine, far less spinning machinery, power looms, or rolling mills. All their mechan- ical work was done by hand-power, and so long as the spinning wheel was turned by women and the shuttle driven by men, of what use could a steam engine have been to them ? 24 INTRODUCTION. In the history of the arts., and sciences we find that the progress of each depends greatly upon that of the others. Astronomy and physiology came to a standstill until the science and practice of optics were so improved as to place the telescope, the spectroscope and the microscope at their command. Since then the progress made in these depart- ments has been simply marvellous. In the arts we find that every new demand gives rise to new inventions and new dis- coveries. As soon as the English mines required power of some kind to keep them free from water, pumps suited to the purpose were invented. At first these pumps were worked by hand, but as soon as greater power became ne- cessary new inventions were made and horse-power was ap- plied. This enabled the mines to be carried to a greater depth, and then a still more powerful motor was needed, and as soon as this became apparent the steam engine was in- vented. In the arts as in daily life, the extent of our wants is the measure of our civilization. NOTE. In the following pages we give a verbatim reprint of the Edition of 1663 the only one known to have been pub- lished during the life of the Marquis. There is in the British Museum (Harleian MS. No. 2428) a manuscript copy of the Century. Partington affirms that this copy is in the handwriting of the Marquis, but such is not the case. It is evidently a mere copy made by some one for his own convenience before the work was printed. The top of the title page of the MS. copy bears the words "from August ye 291!! to Sept. ye 2ist, 1659" This is supposed to indicate the time occupied in copying it. The MS. copy differs in several places from the printed edition. These variations we have given in foot notes, so that the reader may have the exact text of both the printed and the written copy. In the MS. copy, however, No. 88 instead of being a de- scription of a Brazen Head, is a description of "A Stamping Engine" for coining money. The description is as fol- lows: " An engine without ye least noyse, knock or use of fyre, to coyne and stamp 100 Ib. in an houre by one man." CENTURY OF THE Names and Scantlings OF SUCH INVENTIONS, As at prefent I can call to mind to have tried and perfected, which (my former Notes being loft) I have, at the inftance of a power- ful Friend, endeavoured now in the Year 1655, to fet thefe down in fuch a way as may fuiii- ciently inftrud me to put any of them in pra&ice. Artis & Naturae proles. LONDON: Printed by J. Grifmond\\\ the year 1663. TO THE KINGS Most Excellent MAJESTY. SIR, SCIRE, meum nihil est, nisi me scire lioc sciat alter, saith tJie S'oet, and I most justly in order to Your Majesty, whose satisfaction is my happiness, and ivhom to seii'e is my ouely aime, placing therein my Summum bonuni in this world: Be therefore pleased to cast Your gracious Eye over this Sum- mary Collection, and then to pick and choose. I confess, I made it but jor the superficial satisfaction of a friends curi- osity, according as it is set downe ; and if it might now serve to give aime to Your Majesty how to make use of my poor Endeavours, it would cimune my thoughts, who am neitJier covetous nor ambitious, but of describing Your Majesties favour upon my own cost and charges ; yet, according to the old English Proverb, It is a poor Dog not worth whistleing after. Let but Your Majesty approve, and I will effectually perform 10 the height of my Undertaking : Vouchsafe but to command, and with my Life and Fot tune I shall chcarfully obey, and maugre envy, ignorance and malice, ever appear YOUR MAJESTY'S Passionately-devoted, or otherwise dis-interested Subject and Servant, WORCESTER. To the Right Honourable THE LORDS SPIRITUAL AND TEMPORAL; And to the KNIGHTS, CITIZENS, AND BURGESSES of the Hon- ourable House of Commons ; NOW assembled in Parliament. My Lords and Gentlemen, Be not startled if I address to all, and every of you, this Century of Summary Heads of wonderful things, even after the Dedication of them to His most Excellent Majesty, since it is with His most gracious and particular consent, as well as indeed no wayes derogating from my duty to His Sacred Self, but rather in further order unto it, since your Lordships, who are his great Council, and you, Gentlemen, His whole Kingdom's Representatives (most worthily welcome unto Him,) may fitly receive into your wise and serious considera- tions what doth or may publickly concern both His Majesty and His tenderly-beloved People. Pardon me if I say (my Lords and Gentlemen) that it is joyntly your parts to digest to His hand these ensuing par- ticulars, fitting them to His palate, and ordering how to re- duce them into practice in a way useful and beneficial both to His Majesty and His Kingdom. Neither do I esteem it less proper for me to present them to you, in order to His Majesty's service than it is to give 2 CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. into the hands of a faithful aud provident Steward whatso- ever dainties and provisions are intended for the Master's diet; the knowing and faithful Steward being best able to make use thereof to his Master's contentment and greatest profit, keeping for the morrow what ever should be over- plus or needless for the present day, or at least, to save something else in lieu thereof. In a word (my Lords and Gentlemen), I humbly conceive this Simile not improper, since you are His Majesty's provident Stewards, into whose hands I commit my self with all properties fit to obey you, that is to say, with a heart harbouring no ambition, but an endless aim to serve my King and Countrey : and if my en- deavors prove effectual (as I am confident they will), his Majesty shall not onely become rich, but his people likewise, as Treasurers unto Him; and His Pierless Majesty, our King, shall become both belov'd at home and fear'd abroad, deeming the riches of a king to consist in the plenty enjoyed by His People. And the way to render Him to be feared abroad is, to content his People at home, who then, with heart and hand, are ready to assist him; and whatsoever God blesseth me with to contribute towards the increase of His Revenues in any considerable way, I desire it may be employed to the use of His People; that is, for the taking off such Taxes or Burthens from them as they chiefly groane under, and by a Temporary necessity onely imposed upon them, which being thus supplied will certainly best content the King and satisfie His People, which I dare say is the continual Tend of all CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. 3$ your indefatigable pains, and the perfect demonstrations of your Zele to His Majesty, and an evidence that the King- doms Trust is justly and deservedly reposed in you. And if ever Parliament acquitted themselves thereof, it is this of yours, composed ot most deserving and qualified Persons qualified, I say, with your affection to your Prince, and with a tenderness to His People; with a bountiful heart towards Him, yet a frugality in their behalfs. Go on, therefore, chearfully (my Lords and Gentlemen), and not onely our gracious King, but the King of Kings will reward you, the Prayers of the People will attend you, and His Majesty will, with thankful arms, embrace you. And be pleased to make use of me and my en- deavors to enrich them, not my self; such being my onely request unto you, spare me not in what your Wisdoms shall find me useful, who do esteem myself not onely by the Act of the Water-commanding Engine (which so chearfully you have past), sufficiently rewarded, but likewise with cour- age enabled to do ten times more for the future; and my Debts being paid, and a competency to live according to my Birth and Quality setled, the rest shall I dedicate to the service of our King and Countrey by your disposals: and es- teem me not the more or rather any more, by what is past, but what 's to come; professing really, from my heart, that my Intentions are to outgo the six or seven hundred thou- sand pounds already sacrificed, if countenanced and en- couraged by you, ingenuously confessing that the melancholy which hath lately seized me, (the cause whereof none of 34 CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. you but may easily guess,) bath, I dare say, retarded more advantages to the public service than modesty will permit me to utter: And now revived by your promising favors, I shall infallibly be enabled thereunto in the Experiments extant, and comprised under these heads practicable with my direc- tions by the unparall'd workman, both for trust and skill, Cas- per Kaltoffs hand, who has been these five-and-thirty years as in a school, under me imployed, and still at my disposal, in a place by my great expences made fit for publick service, yet lately like to be taken from me, and consequently from the service of King and Kingdom, without the least re- gard of above ten thousand pounds expended by me, and through my Zele to the Common good ; my Zele, I say, a field large enough for you (my Lords and Gentlemen) to work upon. The Treasures buried under these heads, both for War, Peace, and Pleasure, being inexhaustible ; I beseech you pardon me if I say so; it seems a Vanity, but compre- hends a Truth ; since no good Spring but becomes the more plentiful by how much more it is drawn, and the Spinner to weave his webb is never stinted but further inforc'd. The more then that you shall be pleased to make use of my Inventions, the more Inventive shall you ever find me; one Invention begetting still another, and more and more impro- ving my ability to serve my King and you ; and as to my heartiness therein, there needs no addition, nor to my readi- ness a spur. And therefore (my Lords and Gentlemen) be pleased to begin, and desisist not from commanding me till I CENTURY OP INVENTIONS. 35 flag in my obedience and endeavors to serve my King and Country. For certainly you'lfind me breathless first Vexpire, Before my hands grow voeary, or my legs do tire. Yet, abstracting from any Interest of my own, but as a Fellow-Subject and Compatriot, will I ever labor in the Vine- yard, most heartily and readily obeying the least summons from you, by putting faithfully in execution what your Judg- ments shall, think fit to pitch upon amongst this Century of Experiences, perhaps dearly purchased by me, but now frankly and gratis offered to you. Since my heart (me- thinks) cannot be satisfied in serving my King and Country, if it should cost them anything; As I confess, when I had the honor to be neare so obliging a Master as His late Majesty, of happy memory, who never refused me his Ear to any reasonable motion: And as for unreasonable ones, or such as were not fitting for him to grant, I would rather to have dyed a thousand deaths than ever to have made any one unto him. Yet whatever I was so happy as to obtain for any deserving Person, my Pains, Breath and Interest employed therein, satisfied me not, unless I likewise satisfied the Fees ; but that was in my Golden Age. And even now, though my ability and means are short- ened, the world knows why my heart remains still the same ; and be you pleased, my Lords and Gentlemen, to rest most assured, that the very complacency that I shall 36 CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. take in the executing your 'Commands shall be unto me a sufficient and an abundantly-satisfactory reward. Vouchsafe therefore to dispose freely of me, and what- ever lieth in my power to perform; first, in order to His Majesty's service; secondly, for the good and advantage of the Kingdom ; thirdly, to all your satisfactions, for particular profit and pleasure to your individual selves, professing that in all and eaeh of the three respects, I will ever demean my self as it best becomes, My Lords and Gentlemen, Your most passionately -bent Fellow -Subject in His Majesty's service, Compatriot for the publick good and advantage, and a most humble servant to all and every of you. WORCESTER. A CENTURY OF THE Names and Scantlings of Inventions by me already practised. i. Several sorts of Seals, some shewing by scrues, others by gages fastening or unfastening all the marks at once ; others by additional points and imaginary places, propor- tionable to ordinary Escocheons 1 and Seals at Arms, each way palpably and punctually setting down (yet private from all others but the Owner and by his assent) the day of the Moneth, the day of the Week, the Moneth of the Year, the Year of our Lord, the names of the Witnesses, and the indi- vidual place where any thing was sealed, though in ten thousand several places, together with the very number of lines contained in a Contract, whereby falsification may be discovered and manifestly proved, being upon good grounds suspected. Upon any of these Seals a man may keep Accompts of i Escucheons. 38 CENTURY OP INVENTIONS. Receipts and disbursements, from one Farthing to an hun- dred millions, punctually shewing each pound, shilling, peny, or farthing. By these seals, likewise, any Letter, though written but in English, may be read and understood in eight several lan- guages, and in English itself to clean contrary and different sense, unknown to any but ihe Correspondent, and not to be read or 1 understood by him neither, if opened before it ar- rive unto him; so that neither Threats nor hopes of Re- ward can make him reveal the secret, the Letter having been intercepted and first opened by the Enemy. 2. How ten thousand Persons may use these seals to all and every of the purposes aforesaid, and keq) their secrets 2 from any but whom they please. 3. A Cypher and Character so contrived, that one line, without returns and 3 circumflexes, stands for each and every of the 24. Letters ; and as ready to be made for the one letter as the other. 4. This invention refined, and so abbreviated that a point onely sheweth distinctly and significantly any of the 24. letters ; and these very points to be made with two pens, so that no time will be lost, but as one finger riseth the other may make the following letter, never clogging the memory with several figures for words and com- 1 nor to be. 2 secrets private. or / CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. 39 bination of letters, which with ease, and void of con- fusion, are thus speedily and punctually, letter for letter, set down by naked and not multiplied points. And nothing can be less than a point, the Mathematical definition of 2 be- ing, Cujus pars nulla. And of a motion no swifter imagin- able then 3 Semiquavers or Releshes, yet applicable to this manner of writing. 5. A way, by a Circular motion, either along a Rule or Ring-wise, to vary any Alphabet, even this of Points, so that the self-same Point, individually placed, without the least ad- ditional mark or variation of place, shall stand for all the 24. letters, and not for the same letter twice in ten sheets writ- ing; yet as easily and certainly read and known as if it stood but for one and the self-same letter constantly signified. 6. How at a Window, far as Eye can discover 4 black from white, a man may hold discourse with his Correspon- dent without noise made or notice taken ; being, according to occasion given and means afforded, Ex re nata, and no need of Provision beforehand ; though much better if fore- seen, and means prepared for it, and a premeditated course taken by mutual consent of parties. 7. A way to do it by night as well as by day, though as dark as Pitch is black. 1 combinations. 2 of it. than what expresseth even. 4 discern. 4 CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. 8. A way how to level aud shoot Cannon by night as well as by day, and as directly ; without a platform or meas- ures taken by day, yet by a plain and infallible rule. 9. An Engine, portable in one's Pocket, which may be carried and fastened on the inside 1 of the greatest Ship, Tanquam aliud age/is, and at any appointed minute, though a week after, either of day or night, it shall irrecoverably sink that Ship. 10. A way from a mile off to dive and fasten a like Engine to any Ship, so as it may punctually work the same effect either for time or execution. 11. How to prevent and safeguard any Ship from such an attempt by day or night. 12. A way to make a Ship not possible to be sunk, though shot an hundred times betwixt wind and water by Cannon, and should lose a whole Plank, yet in half an hours time, should be made as fit to sail as before. 13. How to make such false Decks, as in a moment should kill and take prisoners as many as should board the Ship, without blowing the Decks up or destroying them, from being reducible, and in a quarrer of an hours time should recover their former shape, and to be made fit for any imployment without discovering the secret. 14. How to bring a force to weigh up an Anchor, or to do any forcible exploit, in the narrowest or 2 lowest room in ithe side. *and -for or. CENTURY OE INVENTIONS. 41 any Ship, where few hands shall do the work of many; and many hands applicable to the same force, some standing, others sitting, and 1 by virtue of their several helps, a great force augmented in little room, as effectual as if there were sufficient space to go about with an Axle-tree, and work far from the Centre. 15. A way 2 how to make a Boat work it self against Wind and Tide, yea both without the help o( man or beast; yet 3 so that the Wind or Tide, though directly opposite, shall force the Ship or Boat against itself," and in no point of the Compass, but it shall be as effectual as if the wind were in the Pupp, or the stream actually with the course it is to steer, according to which the Oars shall row, and necessary motions work and move towards the desired Port or point of the Compass. 1 6. How to make a Sea-castle or Fortification Cannon proof, and capable of a thousand men, yet sailable at plea- sure to defend a passage; or, in and hour's time, to divide itself into three Ships, as fit and trimmed to sail as before : And even whilest it is a Fort or Castle, they shall be unani- mously steered, and effectually be driven by an indifferent strong wind. 17. How to make upon the TJiames a rioting Garden of iand yet. 2 a way omitted. but /or yet. 42 CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. pleasure, with Trees, Flowers, Banquetting-Houses, and Fountains, Stews for all kinds of fishes, a reserve for Snow to keep Wine in, delicate Bathing places, and the like; with musick made with 1 Mills, and all in the middest of the stream where it is most rapid. 18. An Artificial Fountain, to be turned like an Hour- glass, by a child in the twinkling of an eye; it 2 holding a great quantity of water, and of force sufficient to make snow, ice, and thunder, with a 3 chirping and singing of birds, and shewing of several shapes and effects usual to Fountains of pleasure. 16. A little engine within a Coach, whereby a child may stop it, and secure all persons within it, and the Coachman himself, though the horses be never so unruly 4 in a full career; a child being sufficiently capable to loosen them in what posture soever they should have put themselves, turn- ing never so short, for a child can do it in the twinkling of an eye. 20. How to bring up water Balance-wise, so that as little weight or force as will turn a Balance will be onely needful, more then the weight of the water within the Buckets, which counterpoised, 5 empty themselves one into > by for with. i jet for it. the /or a. and running. * counterpoise, and empty. CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. 43 the other, the uppermost yielding its water, (how great a quantity soever it holds), at the self-same time the lower-most taketh it in, though it be an hundred fathom high. 21. How to raise water constantly with two Buckets onely day and night, without any other force then its own motion, using not so much as any force, wheel or sucker, nor more pulleys than one on which the cord or chain rolleth, with a bucket fastened at eacli end. This I confess 1 I have seen and learned 2 of the great Mathematician Claudius 3 his studies at Rome, he having made a Present thereof unto a Cardinal ; and I desire not to own any other mens* inven- tions, but if I set down any, to nominate likewise the inven- tor. 22. To make a River in a Garden to ebbe and flow con- stantly, though twenty foot over, with a childs force, in some private room or place out of sight and a competent distance from it. 23. To set a Clock in 5 a Castle, the water filling the 6 Trenches about it 7 ; it shall shew by ebbing and flowing, the Hours, Minutes, and Seconds and all the comprehensible 1 confess to have. 2 in the great Mathematician's study, Clauius at Borne. Clauius. s as within a. s and the. 7 about it shall show the hours, minutes, and seconds by ebbing. 44 CENTURY OF INVENTIONS. motions of the Heavens and Counterlibation 1 of the Earth according to Copernicus. 24. How to increase the strength of a Spring to such a height as to shoot Bumbasses and Bullets of an hundred pound weight a Steeple height, and a quarter of a mile off and more, Stone-bow-wise; admirable for Fire-works, and astonishing of besieged Cities, when, without warning given by noise, they find themselves so forcibly and dangerously surprised. 25. How to make a Weight that cannot take up an hun- dred pound and yet shall take up two hundred pound, and 2 at the self-same distance from the Centre; and so, pro- portionally, to millions of pounds. 26. To raise weight as 3 well and as forcibly with the draw- ing back of the Lever, as with the thrusting it 4 forwards ; and by that means to lose no time in motion or strength. This I saw in the Arcenal at Venice? 27. A way to remove to and fro huge weights with a most inconsiderable strength from place to place. For example, Ten Tunne with ten pounds, and less; the i counterlibration. sand omitted. * so for as. The Builder and Wood- Worker," Author of "The Steel Square and Its Uses," etc., etc. 12mo., Cloth, $2.00 Easy Lessons ; or, The Stepping Stone to Architecture. Consisting of a Series of Questions and Answers Explaining in Simple Language the Principles and Progress of Architecture from the earliest times. By TIIOMAS MITCHELL. Illustrated by nearly 150 Engravings. New Edition with American additions, - - 50c. Architecture is not only a Profession and an Art, but an important branch of every liberal education. No person can be said to be well educated who has not some knowledge of its general principles and of the characteristics of the different styles. The present work is probably the best architectural text-book for beginners ever published. 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It has been written to furnish the very beginner in observational astronomy with such directions as shall enable him to employ, to the greatest possible advantage, the kind of instrument with which he will, in all proba- bility, at first provide himself. Like our edition of Webb, the book has been made for us by the English pub- lishers, and is in all respects the same as the English edition. Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes. By the Rev. T. W. WEBB, M. A., F. R. A. S. Fourth Edition, Revised and < in-iil ly Enlarged. Fully Illustrated with Engravings and a large Map of the Moon. Cloth, - - . - This edition has been made for usty the English publishers, and is in every respect the same as the English edition. The work itself is too well known to require commendation at our hands. No one that owns even the commonest kind of a telescope can afford to do without it. " Many things deemed invisible to secondary instruments, are plain enough to one who knows how to see them." SMYTH. 11 When an object is once discerned by a superior power, an inferior one will suffice to see it afterwards." SIB W. HERSCHKLL. The Sun. A Familiar Description of His Phenomena. Bylhe Rev. THOMAS WILLIAM WEBB, M. A., F. R. A. S., author of "Celestial Objects for Common Tele- scopes." With Numerous Illustrations. Cloth, - - lu-. This work gives in a delightfully popular style an account of the most recent discoveries in regard to the Sun. Il is very freely illustrated. Chemical History of the Six Days of Creation. By JOHX PHIX, author of "How to Use the Microscope.'' 12mo.. Cloth 75c. In this volume an attempt is made to trace the evolution of our globe from the primeval state of nebulous misl. "without form and void." and existing in "darkness." or with an entire absence of the manifestations of the physiral forces, to the condition in which it was fitted to become the habitation of man. Wliile the statements and conclusions arc rigidly ftdeutl fie, II gives some ex- ceedingly novel views of a rather hackneyed subject. Microscope Objectives. The Angular Aperture of Microscope Objectives. By Ir. C.EOUGE E. BLACK- HAM. 8vo., Cloth. Eighteen full page illustrations printed on extra fine paper, SI---" 1 This is the elaborate paper on Angular Aperture, read by Dr. Blackham before the Microscopical Congress, held at Indianapolis. Marvels of Pond Life. A Year's Microscopic Recreations Among the Polyps. Inlusoria. Rotifers. Water Hears and Polyzoa. By HENRY .1. SLACK. V. <:. S.. K R. M. S., etc. Second Edition. Seven full paire Plates and Numerous Woo,] Eiiirravinir* in the text. I'Jino.. Cloth. 51.00 Section Cutting. A. Practical Guide to the Reparation and Mounting 01 Sections for the Microscope ; Special Prominence being ^ven to the Subject of Animal Sections By Sylvester JUarsh. Reprinted from the London edition. With Illustrations. 12mo., Cloth, Gilt Title. 75 centa This is undoubtedly the most thorough treatise extant upon sectioi. cutting The following are the titles of the volumes already issued. Others rid bound in tough 'or One Dollar. already issued. Others will follow at short intervals. I. Cements and Glue. A Practical Treatise on the Preparation and Use of All Kinds of Cements, Glue and Paste. By JOHN PHIN, Editor of the Young Scientist and the A merican Journal of Microscopy Every mechanic and householder will find this volume of almost everyday use. It contains nearly 200 recipes for the preparation of Cements for almost every conceivable purpose. II. The Slide Rule, and How to Use It. This is a compilation of Explanations, Rules and Instructions suitable for mechanics and others interested in the industrial arts. Rules are given for the measurement of all kinds of boards and planks, timber ir. the round or square, glaziers' work and paint- ing, brickwork, paviors' work, tiling and slating, the measurement of vessels of various shapes, the wedge, inclined planes, wheels and axles, levers, the weighing and meas- urement of metals and all solid bodies, cylinders, cones, globes, octagon rules and formulae, the measurement of circles, and a comparison of French and English measures, with much other information, useful to builders, carpenters, bricklayers, glaziers, paviors, slaters, machinists and other mechanics. Possessed of this little Book and a good Slide Rule, mechanics might carry in their pockets some hundreds of times the power of calculation that they now have in the-_ heads, and the use of the instrument is very easily acquired. HI. Hints for Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers. Being a selection of Useful Rules, Data, Memoranda, Methods and Suggestions for House, Ship, and Furniture Painting, Paperhanging, Gilding, Color Mixing:, and other matters Useful and Instructive to Painters and Decorators. Prepared with Special Reference to the Wants of Amateurs. By an Old Hand. IT. Construction, Use and Care of Drawing Instruments. Being a Treatise on Draughting Instruments, with Rules for their Use and Care, Explanations of Scale ;, Sectors and Protractors. Together with Memoranda for Draughtsmen, Hints on Purchasing Paper, Ink, Instruments, Pencils, etc. Also a Price List of all materials required by Draughtsmen. Illustrated with twenty-four Explanatory Illustrations. By FRED. T. HODGSON. V. The Steel Square. Some Difficult Problems in Carpentry and Joinery Simplified and Solved by the aid of the Carpenters' Steel Square, together with a Full Description of the Tool, and Explanations of the Scales, Lines and Figures on the Blade and Tongue, and How to Use them in Everyday Work. Showing how the Square may be Used in Obtaining the Lengths and Bevels of Rafters, Hips, Groins, Braces, Brackets, Purlins, Collar-Beams, and Jack-Rafters. Also, its Application in Obtaining the Bevels and Cuts for Hoppers, Spring Mouldings, Octagons, Diminished Styles, etc., etc. Illustrated by Numerous Wood-cuts. By FRED. T. HODGSON, Author of the "Carpenters' Stee! Square." Note. This work is intended as an elementary introduction for the use of those who have not time to study Mr. Hodgson's larger work on the same subject. THE WORKSHOP COMPANION. A Collection of Useful and Reliable Recipes, Rules, Processes, Uletliods, Wrinlcles, and Practical Hints, FOR THE HOUSEHOLD J\*D THE SHOJR. Abyssinian Gold: Accidents, General Rules; Alabaster, how to work, polish and clean; Alcohol; Alloys, rules for making, and 26 recipes; Amber, how to work, polish and mend; Annealing and Hardening glass, copper, steel, etc.; Arsenical Soap; Arsenical Powder; Beeswax, how to bleach; Blackboards, how to make; Brass, how to work, polish, color, varnish, whiten, deposit by electricity, clean, etc., etc. ; Brazing and Soldering; Bronzing brass, wood, leather, etc.; Burns, how to cure; Case-hardening; Catgut, how prepared; Cements, general rules for using, and 56 recipes for preparing : Copper, working, welding, depositing ; Coral, artificial; Cork, working; Crayons for Blackboards ; Curling brass, iron, etc.; Liquid Cu- ticle; Etching copper, steel, glass; Eye, accidents to; Fires, to prevent; Clothes on Fire; Fireproof Dresses; Fly Papers; Freezing Mixtures, 6 recipes; Fumigating Pastils; Gilding metal, leather, wood, etc.; Glass, cutting, drilling, turning in the lathe, fitting stoppers, removing tight stoppers, powdering, packing, imitating ground glass, washing glass vessels, etc. ; Grass, Dry, to stain ; Guns, to make shoot close, to keep from rusting, to brown the barrels of, etc., etc. ; Handles, to fasten ; Inks, rules for selecting and preserving, and 54 recipes for; Ink Eraser; Inlaying; Iron, forging welding, case-hardening, zincing, tinning, do. in the cold, brightening, etc., etc.; Ivory, to work, polish, bleach, etc. ; Javelle Water ;_Jewelry and Gilded Ware, care of, cleaning, coloring, etc. ; Lacquer, how to make and apply; Laundry Gloss ; Skeleton Leaves; Lights, signal and colored, also for tableaux, photography, etc., 25- recipes; Lubricators, selection of, 4 recipes for; Marble, working, polishing, clean- ing; Metals, polishing ; Mirrors, care of, to make, pure silver, etc., etc.; Nickel, to plate with without a battery; Noise, prevention of; Painting Bright Metals; Paper, adhesive, barometer, glass, tracing, transfer, waxed, etc. ; Paper, to clean, take creases out of, remove water stains, mount drawing paper, to prepare for varnishing, etc , etc. ; Patina; Patterns, to trace; Pencils, inde'ible; Pencil Marks, to fix; Pewter; Pillows for Sick Room, cheap and good ; ?la-,ier-of- Paris, how to work; Poisons, antidotes for, 12 recipes; Polishing Powders, preparation and use of (six pages); Resins, their properties, etc.; Saws, how to sharpen: Sieves; Shellac, properties and uses of; Silver, properties of, oxidized, old, cleaning, to remove ink stains from, to dissolve from plated goods, etc., etc. ; Silvering metals, leather, iron, etc. ; Size, preparation of various kinds of; Skins, tanning and curing, do with hair on; Stains, to remove from all kinds of goods; Steel, tempering and working (six pages): Tin, properties, methods of working; Varnish, 21 recipes for; Varnishing, directions for; Voltaic Batteries; Watch, care of; Waterproofing, 7 recipes for; Whitewash; Wood Floo.-s, waxing, staining, and polishing; Wood, polishing; Wood, staining, 17 recipes; Zinc, to pulverize, black varnish for. 164 closely-printed pages, neatly bound. Sent bv mail for 36 cents (postage stamps received). NEW DESIGNS FOB Fret or Scroll Sawyers. MR. F. T. HODGSON, whose admirable series of articles on the USE OF THE SCROLL SAW are now in course of publication in the YOUNG SCIENTIST, has pre- pared for us a series of SEVENTEEN DESIGNS, of which the following is a list : No. i. This shows one side, back, and bottom, of a pen rack. It may be made of ebony, walnut, or other dark wood. No. 2. Design for inlaying drawer fronts, table tops, box lids, and many other things. It is a sumach leaf pattern. No. 3. Design for a thermometer stand. It may be made of any hard wood or alabaster. The method of putting together is obvious. No. 4. This shows a design for a lamp screen. The open part may be covered with tinted silk, or other suitable material, with some appropriate device worked oil with the needle, or, if preferred, ornaments may be painted on the silk, etc. No. 5. A case for containing visiting cards. Will look best made of white holly. No. 6. A placque stand, it may be made of any kind of dark 01 medium wood. No. 7. A design for ornaments suitable for a window cornice. It should be made of black walnut, and overlaid on some light colored hard wood. No. 8 A design for a jewel casket. This will be very pretty made of white holly and lined with blue velvet It also looks well made of ebony lined with crimson. No. 9. Frame. Will look well made of any dark wood. No. 10. Frame. Intended to be made in pairs. Looks well made of white holly, with leaves and flowers painted on wide stile. No. 11. Hovseshoe. Can be made of any kind of wood and used for a pen rack. When decorated with gold and colors, looks very handsome. No. 12. Design for a hinge strap. If made of black walnut, and planted on a white or oaken door, will look well. No. 13. Design for a napkin ring. May be made of any kind of hard wood. No. 14. Hinge strap for doors with narrow stiles. No. 15. Centre ornament for panel. No. 16. Corner ornament for panel. No. 17. Key-hole escutcheon. These designs we have had photo-lithographed and printed on good paper, so that the outlines are sharp, and the opposite sides of each design symmetrical. Common designs are printed from coarse wooden blocks, and are rough and unequal, to that it is often impossible to make good work from them. The series embraces over forty different pieces, and designs of equal quality cannot be had for less than five, ten or fifteen cents each. We offer them for twenty-five Cents for the set, which is an average price of only one cent and a half each. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. SHEET NO. REDUCED FIGURES OF NEW DESIGNS FOR FRET OR SCROLL SAWYERS. SIZE OF SHEETS s8 BY 22 INCHES. \For description see preceding page.) Si UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below MAR2&1 Form L9-75m.7/61(Cl43764)444 T Wi W89e