sSBsi Freago fir "Great milliters." EDITED BY PROFESSOR ERIC S. ROBERTSON, M.A. ET&I7J ZZfiE OF SHERIDAN. LIFE OF RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN BY LLOYD C. SANDERS. II LONDON: WALTER SCOTT, 24 WARWICK LANE. NEW YORK: 3 EAST 14TH STREET, AND MELBOURNE. [All rights reserved.] ttffO 4/7.73 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Ancestors of Richard Brinsley Butler Sheridan ; his birth in Dublin, October 30, 1751 ; parents ; removal to Henrietta Street, Covent Garden; goes to Harrow, 1762-8; life at Frith Street, Soho ; removal to Bath, 1770; first literary efforts; social life at Bath; "Clio's Protest" and "A Panegyric to the Ridotto " ; the Linley family ; Miss Linley's admirers ; her elopement with Sheridan ; their marriage, April, 1773 9 CHAPTER II. The Sheridans settle in Orchard Street, Portman Square, 1774; their entrance into society ; Sheridan chooses literature as a profession ; his preference for the drama ; " The Rivals " fails on its first production, January, 1775; its failure largely due to the then prevalent taste for sentimental comedy ; the charges of plagiarism made against Sheridan to what extent true ; the plot of the play ; its characters and dialogue . . . 22 CHAPTER III. " St. Patrick's Day ; or The Scheming Lieutenant," produced, May, 1775; * ts plot ; "The Duenna" collaboration of Sheridan and Mr. Linley; Sheridan's irregular way of^ working ; the opera's success, November, 1775 ; its music ; its plot ; its characters ; Sheridan's estimate of its worth 44 6 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. page Sheridan's popularity Dr. Johnson introduces him to the Literary Club ; he purchases a share (one-seventh) in Drury Lane Theatre, 1776 (increased to one-half in 1778); troubles at Drury Lane; "A Trip to Scar- borough," February, 1777; "The School for Scandal" produced, May, 1777 j its success ; the actors ; its brilliant dialogue the labour spent upon it by Sheridan ; the limitations of Sheridan's art he excelled in the depiction of manners, not life ; the dialogue of " The School for Scandal" not too witty; the length of the play and its plot ; the play purely non-moral ; the charges of plagiarism made against Sheridan in connection with " The School for Scandal " . . 54 CHAPTER V. Unsatisfactory state of affairs at Drury Lane ; death of Garrick Sheridan's monody ; "The Critic," October, 1779; the originals of some of its characters ; its plan not new ; very little borrowed from earlier writers ; the. comedy of the first act and the satire of the second still preserve their vitality; "The Critic" the last of Sheridan's important literary and dramatic productions ; later works . .81 CHAPTER VI. The circumstances in which Sheridan turned to politics ; he joins the Whig Opposition under Fox ; is returned for Stafford, 1780; his position and bearing in the House of Commons ; on Lord North's resignation he is appointed Under Secretary of State, 1782, and Secretary to the Treasury, 1783 ; again in opposition, 1784 ; his speech for the impeachment of Warren Hastings, 1787 ; his great speech against Hastings in Westminster Hall, 1788 ; opinions with regard to it ; his qualities as an orator the most effective speaker of his time ; his me'hods of pre- paration ; his final speech in the Hastings trial . . 92 CONTENTS. 7 CHAPTER VII. pag. Moore's and other biographies of Sheridan very incomplete and unsatisfactory ; his serious inner self ; his attitude towards society ; his dissipations ; his brilliant conversation ; his practical jokes ; his friends ; his relations with his family his second marriage ; his laxity in money matters his way of treating his creditors ; Drury Lane Theatre Sheridan's qualities and troubles as manager ; his stage- managers ; the Theatre rebuilt consequent debt ; the performances there ; success of " Pizarro " its worth ; increasing embarrassments ; the Theatre destroyed by fire, 1S09 . . . 113 CHAPTER VIII. Sheridan's hopes of his connection with the Prince of Wales . their disappointment ; he supports Fox's denial of the Prince's marriage with Mrs. Fitzherbert, 1787 ; he asserts the Prince's claim to an unrestricted regency, 1788 ; dis- sensions among the Whigs he quarrels with Burke, 1790 ; Whig factions the part played by Sheridan ; his later political career from 1794 to 1812; he loses his seat for Stafford ; general view of his political life . . . 147 CHAPTER IX. Sheridan's financial position after the burning of Drury Lane Theatre ; his manner of existence thereafter ; he breaks with the Prince Regent and is exiled from Carlton House ; his last relations with Drury Lane ; all his property is dis- posed of to pay his debts ; the misery of his last illness the Prince Regent's behaviour ; his death, July 7, 1816 . 161 INDEX . . . . . . . .171 ^ OP THP ^ she is capable of, which is pretty well ; and, for variety, we want Mr. Simpson's hautboy to cut a figure with reply- ing passages, &c, in the way of Fisher's ' M'ami il bel idol mio? to abet which I have lugged in Echo, who is always allowed to play her part." 1 Mr. Linley, though he submitted in the end, seems at first to have resented the dictation of a young spark, who did not know a note of music, while his artistic feelings were outraged by the use that was made of other people's compositions, though he might have found consolation in the example of "The Beggar's Opera." He vented his feelings in a letter to Garrick, which is to be found in the Garrick Correspondence. " I have promised to assist Sheridan in compiling I believe this is the properest term an opera, which I understand from him he has engaged to produce at Covent Garden this season. I have already set some airs which he. has given me, and he intends writing new words to some tunes of mine. My son has likewise written some tunes for him, and I understand he is to have some others from Mr. Jackson of Exeter. This is a mode of proceeding in regard to his composition which I by no means approve of. I think he ought first to have finished his opera with the songs he intends to introduce into it, and have got it entirely new set. No musician 1 Mattocks' song was finally omitted. He was the Don Fer- dinand of the piece. But Miss Brown's is Donna Clara's song in the third act. 11 Adieu, thou dreary pile, where never dies The sullen echo of repentant sighs ! Ye sister mourners of each lonely cell Inured to hymns and sorrow, fare ye well ! For happier scenes I fly this lonesome grove To saints a prison, but a tomb to love." 48 LIFE OF cnn set a song properly unless he understands the character and knows the performer who is to exhibit it. . . . I would not have been concerned in this business at all, but that I know there is an absolute necessity for him to endeavour to get some money by llrs means, and he will not be persuaded upon to let his wife sing, and indeed at present she is incapable, and nature will not permit me to be indifferent to his success." Every one with whom Sheridan had to work was in- clined from time to time to kick against his disorderly method of procedure, but in the end they had little cause to regret the partnership. Mr. Linley would have written in a very different strain after the piece was fairly launched. "The Duenna" was performed at Covent Garden on the 21st of November, 1775. It had an unprecedented run of seventy-five nights, as against the sixty-three of " The Beggar's Opera." Moore declares that its attractions seriously diminished the audiences at Drury Lane. Garrick, he tells us, was even compelled to have recourse to the expedient of playing off the mother against the son by reviving Mrs. Sheridan's comedy, "The Discovery." "The old woman," it was said, " would be the death of the old man." But the story is obviously absurd. There is contemporary evidence that Drury Lane was drawing enormous houses, Garrick's approaching retirement from the stage having already been hinted abroad. Besides, the English Roscius was at this time in treaty with Sheridan for the purchase of his share of the theatre, and the revival of his mother's comedy, if made with any deliberate intention, was far more likely to have been made in the spirit of compli- ment than of rivalry. It seems Garrick only acted Sir SHERIDAN. 40 Anthony Branville six nights, and the simple explanation would appear to be that, as one of his favourite and less fatiguing parts, it was assumed without any afterthought whatever. Much of the popularity of " The Duenna " was evi- dently gained by the music, of which what was not Mr. Linley's was selected from the well-known airs of Dr. Harrington, Rauzzini, Jackson, and other composers. But Sheridan's songs have intrinsic merits, and are deservedly remembered apart from their setting. Though, perhaps, of no very high order of poetry Sheridan was never more than a writer of clever verses they are far superior in literary execution to the halting rhymes and florid sentiments of ordinary comic opera, and are at once sparkling and refined. Curiously enough Sheridan's livelier efforts are hardly so successful as those in which he appealed to the gentler emotions of his audience. Don Jerome's, " Oh, the days when I was young," once in the mouth of every street-boy, is now almost forgotten. But "Had I a heart for falsehood framed," " I ne'er could any lustre see," and " Oh, had my love ne'er smiled on me," seem secure of immor- tality, though " The Duenna n left the stage with Braham. Perhaps the most ambitious song in the opera is Donna Clara's, in the fifth scene of the first act, and it comes nearest to true poetry, in spite of Moore's rather captious objection to the fourth line : " When sable night, each drooping plant restoring, Wept o'er the flowers her breath did cheer, As some sad widow o'er her babe deploring, Wakes its beauty with a tear : 4 SO LIFE OF When all did sleep, whose weary hearts did borrow One hour from love and care to rest ; Lo ! as I press'd my couch in silent sorrow, My lover caught me to his breast ! " The plot of "The Duenna" contains some ingenious though rather common-place complications, and is quite sufficient for its three acts, without placing a very severe strain upon the intellectual faculties of the audience. Moore thinks that the central incident was suggested by the scene in Wycherley's " Country Girl," in which Mrs. Pinchwife escapes from the house of her jealous husband in her sister-in-law's clothes. But disguise is surely com- mon enough in comic opera, and the general scheme of " The Duenna " seems to suggest Moliere rather than Wycherley. As the opera is never acted now, and but little read, a short description of the plot may not be amiss. It turns upon the efforts of Don Jerome to pre- vent his daughter Louisa from marrying her lover, Don Antonio, by forcing her into matrimony with Isaac, a recently converted Jew. The girl and the Duenna together contrive to outwit the old man. The Duenna is caught by him in the act of conveying a letter from Antonio, and is promptly ordered out of the house. It is however Louisa, disguised in the old woman's cardinal and veil, not the Duenna, who is turned out. She meets her friend Donna Clara, an old flame of Antonio's, but now in love with Louisa's brother Ferdinand, though there is a temporary coolness between the pair owing to his importunity. Clara is about to take refuge in a convent from her lover and stepmother, and thither Louisa resolves to follow her if she can find Antonio. SHERIDAN. 51 This she effects through Isaac himself, who has never seen her, and is therefore easily gulled by her use of Clara's name into bringing the lovers together in his own lodgings. The second act opens with Isaac's courtship of the Duenna, who has been locked by Don Jerome into her mistress's room, and the scenes in which his expectations are excited by the old man's enthusiastic descriptions of his daughter's charms, only to be dashed to the ground by the sight of the hideous old harridan, are extremely amusing, though the humour is occasion- ally not far removed from vulgarity. It is needless to state that the Jew's cupidity gets the better of his dis- appointment, and he readily accepts the Duenna's proposal that he should elope with her. After some incidental scenes the two pairs of lovers meet at a Priory j there Clara and Ferdinand are reconciled, and they all including Isaac and the Duenna, who have also found their way thither are united in wedlock by a jovial monk, Father Paul. The usual explanations folio. v at Don Jerome's house, and with the forgiveness of the lovers and the discomfiture of Isaac, the curtain falls. The characters in " The Duenna " are conventional, and there is little attempt to give them individuality with the exception of Isaac. He is very well drawn, supremely proud of his own cleverness, "roguish, you'll say, but keen, hey ? devilish keen ! " and invariably made the dupe of every one whom he comes across. Originally he was supplied with a friend of the same stamp, styled Cousin Moses j but the part was cut down either, as Moore says, because it would apply too personally to its creator Leoni, or, according to another story, because 52 LIFE OF Leoni's English was limited until there remains an un- important and colourless person called Carlos. The Duenna herself has few distinguishing features beyond her ugliness, which is made the subject of some very homespun wit on the part of Isaac; and the airy Antonio, the jealous Ferdinand, and the irascible Don Jerome are little better than the ghosts of Captain Absolute, Falk- land, and Sir Anthony. Sheridan probably thought that elaboration of character and pointed dialogue were wasted on a comic opera, and it is quite possible that more than one member of the company may have been, as Sir Walter Scott said of Braham, Leoni's successor in the part of Carlos, " a beast of an actor, though an angel of a singer." He certainly troubled himself remarkably little about local colour, any more than did Vanbrugh in his least satisfactory comedy, " The False Friend," the scene of which is also laid in Spain. It was enough that the dialogue was bright and easily delivered ; he seems to have aimed at little more. Here and there is a touch of his own peculiar fancy ; for instance, the description of the recently converted Jew, Isaac, "stand- ing like a blank page between the Old and the New Testament." But, on the whole, " The Duenna " does not contain much that is really worthy of him, and Byron was but a partial critic when, by styling it u the best opera " in our language, he ranked it above Gay's masterpiece with its Captain Macheath and Polly Peachum. Certain it is that Sheridan does not seem to have set great store by the book of the opera. He never took the trouble to revise any of the printed editions, SHERIDAN. 58 and several of them do not include one of its best songs, "Ah, cruel maid, how hast thou chang'd." Many years afterwards, in 1807, Kelly the musician and singer, left the printed play of "The Duenna" on his table, after looking over the part of Ferdi- nand which he was to perform that evening. On his return home he found Sheridan reading it, and cor- recting it as he read. To his question, " Do you act the part of Ferdinand from this printed copy ? " Kelly replied in the affirmative, and added that he had done so for twenty years. " Then," said Sheridan, "you have been acting great nonsense," and corrected every sentence before he left the room. The corrections were preserved by Kelly in Sheridan's own handwriting, but he does not seem to have published them. It is quite possible, then, that the text of " The Duenna " is not particularly cor- rect. But, at least, it does not seem to be disfigured by the gags of subsequent generations of actors, though a very vulgar interpolation is constantly introduced on the present stage into Bob Acres' challenge in "The Rivals," though a meaningless " I'll take my oath of that" is put into the mouth of Moses in " The School for Scandal," and though " The Critic " is translated out of all recog- nition by extravagant business and exaggerated clowning. CHAPTER IV. A FIVE-ACT comedy, a two-act farce, and a three- act comic opera, were not a bad year's work. At the beginning of 1775 Sheridan was an unknown literary tyro ; at its close the first dramatist of his time. He was in great request as a writer of prologues and epilogues, a class of composition peculiarly suited to his somewhat ostentatious muse. Thus to Savage's tragedy of "Sir Thomas Overbury," which was revived at Covent Garden in February, 1777, he contributed a prologue which con- tained a well-turned compliment to Savage's biographer, Dr. Johnson : '* So pleads the tale that gives to future times The son's misfortunes, and the parents' crimes. There shall his fame (if own'd to-night) survive, Fixed by the hand that bids our language live." The Doctor was evidently delighted by the young man's discriminating praise, and hastened to return the compliment. Some six weeks afterwards he proposed, and of course carried, the election of Sheridan as a member of the Literary Club, observing: "He who has LIFE OF SHERIDAN. 55 written the two best comedies of the age is surely a considerable man." * Meanwhile Sheridan, in conjunction with Linley and Dr. Ford, was in communication with Garrick for the purchase of his share in Drury Lane Theatre, and the bargain, after many delays, was concluded in June, 1776. The theatre was valued at ^70,000, so that Garrick's half was worth ^"35,000. It was agreed that Dr. Ford should find ^15,000; Sheridan and Mr. Linley ^10,000 each. Whence Sheridan obtained the money has, until recent years, been a mystery, for not only did he raise the original ; 10,000, but two years later, dissensions having arisen between the new partners and Willoughby Lacy, the last was bought out by Sheridan for " a price ex- ceeding ^45,000." But Mr. Brander Matthews can fairly claim to have solved the difficulty. Here is his most ingenious explanation : "Of the original ,35,000 paid Garrick, Sheridan was to find 10,000. Dr. Watkins asserts that he raised S,7oo of this 10,000 by two mortgages, one of 1,000 to a Mr. Wallis, and another of 7,700 to Dr. Ford. If we accept this assertion and I see no reason why we should not all that Sheridan had to make up was 1,300, a sum which he could easily compass after the success of 'The Rivals' and 'The Duenna/ even supposing he did not encroach on, or had already exhausted, the 3,000 settled on his wife by Mr. Long. ... A note in Sheridan's handwriting, quoted by Moore, states that Lacy was paid 'a price exceeding 45,000,' which would go to show that the total value of the property had risen in two years from 70,000 to 90,000. Most writers on the subject have taken this note of Sheridan's to mean 1 That is, " The Rivals " and " The Duenna," though the latter is hardly a comedy. 56 LIFE OF that he paid at least ,45,000 in cash, and they have all exhausted their efforts in guessing where he got the money. But if we compare Moore's statement with Watkins's we get nearer a solution of the difficulty. Watkins says that Lacy's share was already mortgaged for 31,500, and that Sheridan assumed the mortgage, and agreed further to pay in return for the equity of redemption two annuities at 500 each. This double obligation (the mortgage for 31,500 and the annuities) represents ' a price exceeding 45,000,' but did not require a single penny in cash. On the contrary, the purchase of Lacy's half of the theatre actually put money into Sheridan's pocket, for he at once divided his original one-seventh between Linley and Dr. Ford, making each of their shares up to one-fourth ; and even if they paid him no increase on the original price, he would have been enabled to pay off the 8,700 mortgages to Dr. Ford and to Mr. Wallis, and to get back the 1,300 which he seems to have advanced himself. In fact, it appears that Sheridan invested only 1,300 in cash when he bought one-seventh of Drury Lane Theatre in 1776, and that he received this back when he became possessed of one-half of Drury Lane Theatre in 1778, then valued at 90,000." x 1 Among the documents quoted in The English Illustrated Maga- zine is a memorandum of Sheridan's anent the purchase of Lacy's share, in which the figures differ from those of Dr. Watkins and Moore, but not to such an extent as to affect materially Mr. Brander Matthews's argument. Supposing it to be genuine and it certainly looks so we may have in it the final terms of an agreement, of which Moore could only discover the preliminary negotiations. The figures are : Exceeding 3 I > 00 The share in the debt of the new manage- ment, much to be attributed to Mr. Lacy l,5 To pay him in money, every shilling paid ... 7>5 To secure on the theatre an annuity of 1,000 on the lives of Langford and Mr. Lacy 500 each ... 16,000 56,000 SHERIDAN. Dr. Watkins further suggests that when Sheridan borrowed the ^7,700 from Dr. Ford, Garrick stood behind Ford. But the last statement is certainly incorrect. It appears from the Garrick Papers (vol. ii. p. 293) that Garrick had already lent ^22,000 to Lacy on mortgage, which he allowed to remain on loan under the new partnership. The careful David certainly did not lend any more, for when, shortly afterwards, he found it necessary to press the new management for his interest, the ^22,000 alone is mentioned, and nothing is said about a new loan (Ibid. p. 303). So that the legend about Garrick having come to the rescue of a brother genius in distress must be abandoned. His assistance was purely negative, and consisted in his not withdrawing his money from the speculation, and that after all was something. But Drury Lane was evidently regarded as good security, for Linley had no difficulty in raising his money at four per cent. Whether, therefore, Dr. Ford was financially sound, or whether he was a man of straw with a " Little Premium " at his back, does not seem to be a very important question. The new management opened on September 21, 1776, and did not begin well. Sheridan had nothing ready, and was compelled to fall back upon "The Rivals," transferred from Covent Garden, and a revival of Congreve's "Old Bachelor." Nor did "Semiramis," an indifferent tragedy by Captain Ayscough, remedy matters, though Sheridan contributed an epilogue to it, in which the lady spectator was bade ft . Go, search, where keener woes demand relief, Go, while thy heart yet beats with fancied grief; LIFE OF Thy lip still conscious of the recent sigh, The grateful tear still quivering in thine eye. Go and on real misery bestow The blest effusions of fictitious woe." Worse was to follow. In October Lacy attempted to infringe the deed of partnership by introducing two new partners into the business. Sheridan thereupon took the extreme step of seceding from the theatre for several days, and the actors, following his example, shammed sickness when summoned by the prompter. King and Smith, the future Sir Peter Teazle and Charles Surface, were chief among the malingerers. To Sheridan the whole affair seemed an excellent joke, and he wrote to Garrick on the 15th : "Indeed, never was known such an uncommon epidemic disorder as has raged among our unfortunate company ; it differs only from the plague by attacking the better sort first. The manner, too, in which they are seized, I am told, is very extraordinary ; many who were in perfect health at one moment, on receiving a billet from the prompter to summon them to business, are seized with sudden qualms, and before they can get through the contents, are absolutely unfit to leave their rooms ; so that Hopkins's notes seem to operate like what we hear of Italian poisoned letters, which strike with sick- ness those to whom they are addressed. In short, if a successful author had given the company a dinner at Salt Hill, the effects could not be more injurious to our dramatic representatives." His imperturbability carried the day. Lacy was com- pelled to write an apology to the public, and Sheridan returned to his duties. But it is evident that harmony did not long continue, for two years later Lacy, as we have seen, was bought out. SHERIDAN. 5more, for she there seems something heavenly a spirit or a vision ; and, as it were, shames her destiny, brighter for the foil of circum- stances. Milhmant is nothing but a tine lady ; and all her airs and affectation would be blown away with the first breath of misfortune. Enviable in drawing-rooms, adorable at her toilette, fashion, like a witch, has thrown her spell about her; but if that spell were broken, her power of fascination would be gone. For that reason I think the character better adapted for the stage : it is more artificial, more theatrical, more meritricious. I would rather have seen Mrs. Abington's Millamant than any Rosalind that ever appeared on the stage. Somehow, this sort of acquired elegance is more a thing of costume, of air and manner ; and in comedy, or on the comic stage, the light and familiar, the trifling, superficial, and agreeable, bears, perhaps, rightful sway over that which touches the affections or -exhausts the fancy." The quotation is somewhat long, but scissors and paste may be excused where Hazlitt is concerned. Besides, the extract helps us to formulate the true answer to the charge so often brought against Sheridan, that his characters are too witty, and that their wit is the same. It is best met by a plea, of guilty, combined with the assertion that the offence committed is not a crime but a virtue. From the artistic point of view it is no doubt a blunder to make Trip talk like his master, and it is inconceivable that a simple, common-place old gentle- man like Sir Peter could utter the recondite witticism "In all cases of slander currency, whenever the drawer of the lie was not to be found, the injured parties should have a right to come down on any of the indorsers." So, too, it is difficult to imagine a mere fribble, like Sir Ben- jamin Backbite, the perpetrator of the excellent jest about the widow Ochre. " Come, come, 'tis not that she paints so ill butwhen she has finished her face, she joins it 68 LIFE OF on so badly to her neck, that she looks like a mended statue, in which the connoisseur may see at once that the head is modern, though the trunk's antique." But when dramatic effect alone is aimed at, the more wit there is to be found in the dialogue the better. The object of comedy is amusement and delight, the more its audience smile the greater its success. It is impossible to imagine a greater intellectual treat, nor one, alas,. more unlikely of realization, than would be the perform- ance of "Love for Love" with an adequate interpretation, and "The School for Scandal" is not unworthy to be ranked with "Love for Love;" for its wit, if more laboured, is at the same time more surprising. Most of it is Sheridan's own, but we catch, too, something of the tones which prevailed in that by-gone age, when. Brookes's hung on the lips of Fitzpatrick, George Selwyn, and Hare, and when Reynolds immortalized the beauty of rank with " That art, which well might added lustre give To Nature's best, and Heaven's superlative : On Granby's cheek might bid new glories rise, Or point a purer beam from Devon's eyes." 1 When Horace Walpole complained that " The School for Scandal " was too long, he allowed that he was badly posted for hearing, and the admission accounts for the- censure. Enthusiasm is apt to flag when half the -sen- tences of a dialogue are lost. But modern audiences are by no means inclined to yawn over the last act of 1 A Portrait, addressed to Mrs. Crewe ; with the comedy of " The.- School for Scandal," by R. B. Sheridan, Esq. SHERIDAN. C9 the play, containing, as it does, the final appearance of Lady Sneerwell and her associates. When, however, he complained that several of the scenes were un- necessary, he certainly hit upon what has been con-; sidered a defect in the comedy. It is pretty certain that he alludes to the scandal-scenes proper, and they are but loosely connected, if at all, with the main plot. " I wish," said a first-nighter in the pit during the scene -at Lady Sneerwell's, " that these people would have done talking and let the play begin." As Moore has pointed out, the peculiarity is due to the fact that the play is a combination of two distinct plots, one dealing with the Teazles, the other with Lady Sneerwell and Sir Benjamin Backbite as the principal personages, and not even Sheridan's art could effect a perfect blend. But, after all, a certain amount of digression is surely per- missible in comedy, where the characters are not, as in tragedy, hurried towards their doom under the compul- sion of a relentless destiny. " Plot stood still ! " ex- claims Bayes in the Duke of Buckingham's "Re- hearsal," "what a devil is a plot good for but to bring in fine things ! " That is an extreme view, no doubt, but when the way is pleasant it is not culpable. to loiter, especially in the company of Sir Benjamin, Crabtree, and Mrs. Candour. If the plot is to be everything, .and all accessories and ornamentations are to be ruth- lessly debarred, the art of the playwright is lowered at once to the mere ingenuity of the mechanician. But .apart from the scandal-scenes the play possesses a very interesting and well-developed plot leading up to the --screen-scene, which is flawless. Hypercriticism has 70 LIFE OF urged that the hiding of Lady Teazle behind the screen, exposes her to the view of the maiden lady across the way to foil whose prying eyes Joseph Surface had placed the screen before the window. But, as Mr. Brander Matthews has remarked, Lady Teazle rushes behind it in her terror without consulting Joseph, and so the objection falls to the ground. Is " The School for Scandal " moral, or immoral, or non moral? Hazlitt, in his Lecture, comments on the moraTvalue of the play, which, he says, " as often as it is acted, must serve to clear the air of that low, creeping fog of cant and mysticism, which threatens to confound every native impulse or honest conviction in the nauseous belief of a perpetual lie, and in the laudable profession of systematic hypocrisy." But, with all due respect to so admirable a critic, any attempt to extract a sermon from "The School for Scandal" is beside the point. The play is, as has been said already of " The Rivals," purely non-moral, except for its occasional and rather incongruous conformity with the canons of genteel comedy. It appeals to what Charles Lamb called the "middle, emotions." The audience can, if they like, think that a solid victory has been won by virtue, when the hypocrisy of Joseph Surface has been exposed, and the scandalous college has been turned out by Sir Peter Teazle, but they are quite mistaken. Ganick was, in his generation, wiser than they, when he? wrote in his prologue " Is our young bard so young, to think that he Can stop the full spring-tide of calumny ? SHERIDAN. v' 71 Knows he the world so little, and his trade ? Alas ! the devil's sooner raised than laid ; So strong, so swift, the monster there's no gagging Cut Scandal's head off, still the tongue is wagging. Sheridan would have answered that the devil did not come into his scenario, and that he appealed to the intellects not the consciences of h's audience. He meant them to admire the wit of his dialogue, and appreciate the ingenuity of his plot, not to bother their heads because a full measure of poetic justice does not overtake Lady Sneerwell, and Joseph Sur- face does not expiate his crimes in Newgate. Both characters are purely artificial, not meant to be taken seriously, and as such they were played by the actors who learnt their parts under Sheridan's instruc- tion. 1 Even in Charles Lamb's time the spirit of true criticism was beginning to desert theatre-goers, and he doubted if they would have endured Palmer's habit of addressing his sentiments as much to you as to Sir Peter, and King's method of playing off his " teasings " upon his audience. From the advent of the frock- coat the comic Muse had fled, and people insisted upon a realistic Joseph, with whom they could work themselves up into a fitting state of virtuous indignation. At best, as Lamb has pointed out, the character is full of incongruities, caused by Sheridan's concessions to sentimental comedy, and is one that requires to be 1 Sheridan, however, was dissatisfied with all his Sir Peters, from King to the elder Mathews. They were unable, says Mrs. Mathews, in her memoirs of her husband, to follow his reading of the character. 72 LIFE OF played lightly and with discretion, notably in the scene with Sir Oliver, disguised as Old Stanley. The modern Joseph Surface, stalking solemnly about the stage, is an altogether tiresome person, who appears to have strayed from some transpontine melodrama into the wrong theatre, and to be oppressed by the fact without having the courage to take himself off. He never rises to the full sense of the dignity of his mission as a reformer of morals, nor, considering that he has to pose as the devil's advocate, is his failure altogether surprising. Besides, it is difficult to throw intensity into a character, who, when he has been hopelessly found out, contents himself with the complacent remark " Sure Fortune never played a man of my policy such a trick before. My character with Sir Peter, my hopes with Maria, destroyed in a moment ! I'm in a rare humour to listen to other people's distresses ! I sha'n't be able to bestow even a benevolent sentiment on Old Stanley." Where is the remorse, the gnawing of conscience which, in the interests of morality, Joseph Surface should have displayed ? Nor can the moral test be applied with any more propriety to the characters which, for want of a better word, must be called sympathetic Charles Surface, Sir Peter and Lady Teazle. All the dramatis persona are really sympathetic or unsympathetic, just as you choose to take them, that is to say, they are untrammelled by the domestic affections. Moore was at pains to defend Sheridan from the charge of having damaged the interests of honesty and virtue by the gay charm which he has thrown round the irregularities of Charles Surface. SHERIDAN. 7ft He does so by quoting Burke's famous phrase, that u vice loses half its evil by losing all its grossness," and exalts Charles at the expense of the rakes of Congreve -and Farquhar. But the volatile and spendthrift hero of "The School for Scandal," despite his regard for his absent uncle and his generosity towards Old Stanley, is not conceived with any more serious purport than the Roebuck of Farquhar's "Love and a Bottle." The contrast between his open-handed recklessness and the the sentimental hypocrisy of Joseph is an effective stage- contrast, and nothing more, and is to be judged neither by copybook texts nor the Duty towards my Neighbours. It is stage-virtue which triumphs and stage-vice which is defeated, but though we are glad that all ends happily, there is no " Go thou and do like- wise " in the matter at all. It is the fashion to talk about the elevating influence of the stage and its capacity for handling social problems, yet there is not much profit to be derived from plays professing to deal with problems social or moral, nor anything but weariness and nausea from a medical blue-book of the Ibsen class. But to read or hear a good comedy, such as Sheridan's masterpiece, is, to use Hazlitt's phrase, "to keep the best company in the world, where the best things are said, and the most amusing happen." It is not life, but a relief from life, with its appointments, its Avork, and its butchers' bills. If we became acquainted with Lady Teazle in society we should be outraged by the brutality of her desire to become a widow, and when we discovered that she had voluntarily returned to Joseph Surface's house, in which she had been a few 74 LIFE OF hours previously on the brink of transgression, we should' look upon her as a brazen baggage. But on the stage these incongruities only appear in a half light, and she- remains a purely delightful and irresponsible creature. Similarly, it is possible to feel a sense of genuine satis- faction, when Sir Peter escapes cuckoldry, without caring, whether his indignation is at all adequate to the occasion. From the moralist's point of view a husband who in a similar situation thinks only of the ridicule which will fall upon himself is a somewhat contemptible person y and Sir Peter's reconciliation with his wife would be- set down as dictated by uxoriousness rather than magnimity. But somehow it is impossible to conceive Sir Peter Teazle as other than a thoroughly estimable and simple-minded old gentleman. In real life how terrible must have been his discomfiture on the fall of the screen, and how heartless would the speech of Charles have sounded. The scene is frequently acted as if it were tragedy, and then it becomes simply absurd. Garrick saw that any expression of genuine emotion, would ruin it at once. " A gentleman," he wrote to Sheridan on the 12th of May, " who- is as mad as myself about y e School remarked, that the characters upon the stage at y e falling of the screen stand too long before they speak. I thought so too y e first night tho' they should be astonish'd and a little petrify'd, yet it may be carry'd to too great a length." Off the stage a good deal of astonishment would surely have been legitimate on such an occasion, but Garrick knew, what many of Sheridan's critics have not known, that comedy has laws of its own. Its merit may not be in proportion to its unreality, but it can have little SHERIDAN. 75- merit if it be real, for the average incidents and the average conversations of life are but poor comedy. It remains to deal with the charges of plagiarism which have been brought against this, as against the- other plays of Sheridan. On the whole, they may be said at once to amount to a hint borrowed from one- source and another, and to nothing more. And though plagiarism is not, as Ben Jonson contended, meritorious. in itself, Sheridan at least could claim that nearly every- thing he appropriated from others was improved by the process. Dr. Watkins, indeed, in his scissors-and-paste biography of Sheridan, was good enough to hint that: "The School for Scandal" was not Sheridan's at all,, but the work either of Mrs. Sheridan or of an anony- mous young lady, who died of consumption at Bristol' Hot-wells. Moore, whether advisedly or no, destroyed! this comically foolish myth by printing extract after extract from Sheridan's rough drafts, demonstrating thereby the intellectual labour by which the comedy was built up. Sheridan himself, it may be noted, never condescended to meet this and similar accusations^ except by a little genial banter in " The Critic." " Dangle. Sir Fretful, have you sent your play to the managers. yet ? or can I be of any service to you ? " Sir fretful. No, no, I thank you ; I believe the piece hadi sufficient recommendation with it. I thank you though. I sent it to the manager of Covent Garden Theatre this morning. " Sneer. I should have thought now that it might have been cast (as the actors call it) better at DRURY LANE. " Sir Fretful. O, lud, no ! never send a play there while I live*. Ilark'ee ! {a'/iz's/ers Sneer.) " Sneer. Writes himself ! I know he does ! 7G LIFE OF " Sir Fretful. I say nothing. I take away from no man's merit. Am hurt at no man's good fortune. I say nothing. But this I will say, through all my knowledge of life, I have discovered that there is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human breast as envy. " Sneer. I believe you have reason for what you say, indeed. " Sir Fretful. Besides, I can tell you it is not always so safe to -leave a play in the hands of those who write themselves. " Sneer. What ! they may steal from them, hey, my dear Tlagiary ? ' ' Sir Fretful. Steal ! to be sure they may, and egad ! serve your best thoughts as gipsies do stolen children, disfigure them to make 'em pass for their own. " Sneer. But your present work is a sacrifice to Melpomene, and HE you know never " Sir Fretful. That's no security a dexterous plagiarist may do anything. Why, Sir, for aught I know, he might take out some of the best things in my tragedy and put them into his own comedy." This was answer enough ; and as to the actual genesis of " The School for Scandal," we are informed by Miss Lefanu that Sheridan conceived the idea of dealing witfr the subject on perusing the wild legends current in the Bath papers after his second duel with Captain Mathews. The statement is borne out by Moore's evidence that the scandalous college was, in the first sketch of the play, established in the Pump Room at Bath, and Crabtree may after all have been drawing upon the imagination of ;some journalist, not his own, when he described how " Charles' shot took effect, as I tell you, and Sir Peters missed ; 'but, what is very extraordinary, the ball struck against a little bronze Shakespeare that stood over the fire-place, grazed out of the window at a right angle, and wounded the postman, who was just coming to the door with a double letter from Northamptonshire." But scandal, like most of the other failings of mankind, SHERIDAN. 77 had already been made the subject of satire, and Sheridan was not above taking a hint from his pre- decessors in his management of the theme. We can trace the scandal-scenes properly so-called of "The School " through three generations. The first is the scene in the " Misanthrope " of Moliere, where Celimene dis- cusses her acquaintance. Then we have a short scene in Wycherley's "Plain Dealer" (act ii. scene i), in which Novel and Olivia talk over the people with whom Novel had been dining. From the latter play Sheridan seems to have borrowed one or two suggestions : for instance, Joseph Surface's ironical compliment to Mrs. Candour on her forbearance and good nature, and Lady Sneer- well's description of Mrs. Evergreen. To Congreve's. "Double-Dealer" (act hi. scene 10), Sheridan was even more indebted, and it can hardly be said that his wit materially improves that of the original. Indeed, Sir Benjamin Backbite's verse must be pronounced inferior in drollery to Lady Froth's admirable effusion : u For as the sun shines every day, So of our coachman I may say, He shows his drunken fiery face Just as the sun does more or less." Again, the comments of Lady Sneerwell, Mrs. Candour, and Sir Benjamin upon their absent friends, though more elaborate than those of Lady Froth and Brisk, are not, pace Moore, a whit more pointed. And Sheridan has lessened the dramatic effect of the whole scene, as Mr. Gosse, in his monograph on Congreve has pointed out, by making Lady Teazle join in the destruc- < 78 LIFE OF tion of reputations, instead of imitating Cynthia in her expression of disgust at the whole proceeding. Nor do the two scandal-scenes exhaust the points of resemblance between " The School for Scandal " and " The Double- Dealer." Joseph Surface's relations with Lady Teazle and Maria are very similar to those between Maskwell, Lady Touchwood, and Cynthia, though Congreve pro- vides an additional complication by making Lady Touch- wood in love with Mellefont, the Charles Surface of the piece, who it may be noted has a friend called Careless. Lady Touchwood, in fact, combines the functions of Lady Teazle and Lady Sneerwell. But it is pretty cer- tain that the resemblance is accidental, since we know that " The School for Scandal," as we have it, is an amalgamation of two distinct plots, conceived inde- pendently, and therefore not derived from a common source. All that can be said is, that when Sheridan decided on joining his plots together he may possibly have seen that the characters lent themselves to a denouement something similar to Congreve's. If so, the origin of the screen-scene is to be discovered, not, as the over-ingenious Boaden suggested, in the exposure of Square though the fall of a rug in Molly Seagrim's bed- room, but in the elaborate intrigue in the fourth and fifth acts of " The Double-Dealer," which brings Mask- well, Mellefont, Lord and Lady Touchwood together in Lady Touchwood's chamber, with the result that Lord Touchwood's eyes are opened to the villainy of Mask- well. The remainder of Sheridan's indebtedness may be briefly dismissed. It has been said that Charles and SHERIDAN. 79 Joseph Surface are copied from Fielding's Tom Jones and Blifil, and Joseph Surface has also been traced to Moliere and to the Malvil of Arthur Murphy's " Know your own Mind." It was quite possible that the contrast between Charles and Joseph may have been immediately suggested to Sheridan by Fielding ; but it is old enough in all conscience, and if Sheridan did not go to sleep in church he must frequently have heard the story of Esau and Jacob. Strange it is that Sheridan's critics should have failed to see that the very fact that Joseph Sur- face can be traced to so many sources proves that he can owe very little to any of them. A play must have .a bad man in it, otherwise it becomes insipid and un- dramatic, and assassins being out of place in comedy, hypocrites are almost indispensable. TartufTe and Joseph Surface are both hypocrites, but there the resemblance ends. As to the Malvil theory, which has the authority of Hazlitt, it is more tenable. But all that can safely be asserted is that Sheridan may have seen the play it was produced at Covent Garden on February 22, 1777 while he was writing " The School for Scandal." From a solitary sentence uttered by Malvil, " To a person of sentiment like you, madam, a visit is paid with pleasure," Sheridan may have conceived the idea of making Joseph Surface a sententious hypocrite, but otherwise the two characters have nothing in common beyond being hypocrites. Old Sheridan once made a remark which, though it was given an uncomplimentary turn, pro- bably contained a good deal of truth. "Talk of the merit of Dick's comedy," said he, " there's nothing in it He had but to dip the pencil in his own heart, 80 LIFE OF and he'd find there the characters both of Joseph and Charles " that is, his father, in his most censorious- mood, thought them original creations. Again, it is quite possible that Sheridan may, as Boaden suggested, have borrowed from his mother's novel, "Miss Sidney Biddulph," the incident of the arrival of Sir Oliver from India, and his visit to his relations in dis- guise. The loan is a trivial one, hardly more consider- able than the name of Surface which was taken from her comedy, "A Trip to Bath." So, too, the idea of " little Premium" may have been taken from the " little Transfer the broker," of Foote's " Minor," and Rowley is neither the first nor the last of the faithful stewards who have trod the stage of comedy. None of these appropriations matters in the least when compared with the manner in which it is used ; and none is incom- patible with a due respect to tradition. If plagiarism is- made the sole test of literary merit, we may welL exclaim with the Scotchman in the pit at the first representation of Home's "Douglas," "Whar's Wullie Shakespeare noo ? " But a lack of originality in minor details is as dust in the balance, if the treatment and style of the whole be excellent. They are the only true touchstones, and it is by them "The School for Scandal " must be judged. If they are applied, " The School for Scandal," even when placed by the side of "Love for Love," or "The Way of the World," must be pronounced a great comedy, with an adequate plot,, several perfect scenes, and a dialogue of consummate brilliance and polish. As literature it may not be equal to Congreve, but as acted drama it is far superior. CHAPTER V. IN spite of the complete triumph of "The School for Scandal," there seems to have been still a good deal of uncertainty about the fortunes of Drury Lane. Gar- rick was at first sanguine. " This is but a single play," ob- served a critic, "and in the long run will be but a slender help to support the theatre. To you, Mr. Garrick, I must say the Atlas that propped the stage has left his station." "Has he?" said Garrick; "if that be the case he has found another Hercules to succeed him." But soon afterwards, on July 13, 1777, we find him writing to King : " Poor old Drury ! it will, I fear, very soon be in the hand of the Philistines." And Mrs. Clive, though long retired from the stage, was evidently well posted in theatrical news, for she wrote to the great actor in the following year : " Everybody is raving against Mr. Sheridan for his supineness ; there never was such a contrast as between Garrick and Sheridan ; what have you given him that he creeps so ? " To make matters worse, old Sheridan, whom in an evil hour his son had appointed stage manager, by way of sealing their long-delayed reconciliation, contrived, through his 6 82 LIFE OF ridiculous self-importance, to pick a quarrel with Garrick, who wrote indignantly : "Pray assure your father that I meant not to interfere in his department. I imagined (foolishly indeed) my attending Bannister's rehearsal of the part I once played, and which your father never saw [Zaphna], might have assisted the cause without giving the least offence. I love my ease too well to be thought an interloper, and I should not have been impertinent enough to have attended any rehearsal had not you, Sir, in a very particular manner, desired me. However, upon no consideration will I ever interfere again in this business, nor be liable to receive such another message as was brought to me this evening by young Bannister." The letter is undated, but it was probably written in October, 1778, 1 and on January 20, 1779, David Garrick died. Sheridan was chief mourner at his funeral, and wrote a monody to his memory, which was recited by Mrs. Yates on the 2nd of March, at Drury Lane. It is Sheridan's longest essay in poetry, and certainly his least successful. The metre is correct, and there is a fine line or two, but the whole is monotonous. In fact, the heroic couplet taken seriously was beyond Sheridan. Again, in his treatment of the subject there is much to be desired. Sheridan used to declare that he had never seen Garrick act, and the statement was probably put forward as an excuse for the fact that there is not an attempt throughout the poem to recall the peculiar genius of the great comedian, whom most of those present must have remembered so well. Instead, they had to put up with elaborate commonplaces on the fugitive nature of 1 The play was called " Mahomet," and it was produced on October nth. SHERIDAN. 83 the actor's art and fame, a thought which, as Moore well remarks, had already been more simply expressed by Garrick himself in his prologue to "The Clandestine Marriage." The best passage in the poem owed its inspiration to a saying of Burke's over the grave, which in Sheridan's hands became " The throng that mourn'd as their dead favourite pass'd, The grac'd respect that claim'd him to the last ; While Shakespeare's image, from its hallow T d base, Seem\i to prescribe the grave, and point the place.''' During all these months Sheridan's pen lay idle. The public chose indeed to attribute to him an indifferent trifle called " The Camp," which was produced in Octo- ber, 1778. But it was really by his friend Tickell, and Sheridan, out of sheer good nature, allowed the rumour to go uncontradicted. Many people besides Mrs. Clive were probably angry with him for his indolence, but " The School for Scandal " continued to draw good houses, and the company having been strengthened by the accession of Henderson, who was seen at his best in tragedy, Shakespearian revivals were of frequent occur- rence. Sheridan, then, had more than one excuse for resting on his oars, and of them he was, in all probability, only too glad to avail himself. At length he resumed his activity, and set to work on " The Critic," his last genuine play, which was brought out on October 30, 1779. Though the farce was evidently written with the utmost care, Sheridan as usual could not be induced to finish it until the last moment. Two days before it was announced, the final scene had not been written, but the combined 84 LIFE OF intelligences of Linley and King were equal to the occa- sion. Linley decoyed Sheridan down to the theatre, and King locked him into the green-room, with the prompter's unfinished copy of " The Critic," writing materials, two bottles of claret, and a dish of anchovy sandwiches. He was told that he was to finish the wine and the farce, but was to consider himself a prisoner until they were both at an end. Sheridan laughed and obeyed. According to a familiar story, "The Critic" was written to repay Cumberland for his conduct on the first night of 11 The School for Scandal." It was said that the captious author took his children to the play, and when they screamed with delight he pinched them, exclaiming, " What are you laughing at, my dear little folks ? You should not laugh, my angels, there is nothing to laugh at ! " and then in an undertone, " Keep still, you little dunces ! " When Sheridan was told of this, he is reported to have said, " Devilish ungrateful that, for I sat out his tragedy last week, and laughed from beginning to end." The anecdote is good, but unfortunately it will not bear investigation. Cumberland's first tragedy, "The Battle of Hastings," was not produced until 1778, the year after " The School for Scandal," and in his Memoirs he denies the whole story, declaring that he was at Bath at the time, and that he did not see the play at all during its first run. There can be no doubt, however, that Sir Fretful Plagiary was intended for Cumberland, and many passages in his Memoirs attest the accuracy of the portrait. So too Dangle, who is concisely described by Mrs. Dangle as " a mock Maecenas to second-hand authors," is said to have been a caricature of one SHERIDAN. 85 Vaughan. If this is the " Hat " Vaughan who befriended Sheridan during his last days, he took. a very noble revenge. As a matter of fact the travesty of a rehearsal, the sub- ject of " The Critic," was new neither to Sheridan nor lo the stage, and Sir Fretful Plagiary and Dangle were evidently afterthoughts. We have seen that a burlesque called "Jupiter," written in conjunction with Halhed, was one of his earliest dramatic efforts, and Moore tells us that the form of a rehearsal into which the whole was thrown, was suggested and arranged entirely by Sheridan. The character of Simile in the boyish attempt is clearly a rough draft of our friend Puff. Besides, the repro- duction and improvement of old material is entirely characteristic of Sheridan. He even adapted, and in- serted in his pieces, the love-poems addressed to his wife. But if Sheridan reproduced in " The Critic * a plan which had been already attempted by himself, he also reproduced a plan which had been attempted many times by earlier dramatic authors, since Fletcher had set the fashion by his " Knight of the Burning Pestle." By far the most successful of these efforts was the Duke of Buckingham's " The Rehearsal," written to ridicule Dryden under the character of Bayes. Latterly Fielding had tried the same scheme in a variety of plays, of which " Pasquin " was the most meritorious. Sheridan could, then, hardly lay claim to originality of design ; but it is absurd to dismiss "The Critic," as did Horace Walpole, with the remark that it was " wondrously old and flat; a poor imitation." For here, again, the charges of plagiarism brought 86 LIFE OF against Sheridan are very inconclusive ; the model was old, but the treatment was almost entirely his own. A phrase or two exhausts his indebtedness to Fielding, and his borrowings from the Duke of Buckingham are hardly more considerable. They are confined to the play rehearsed, "The Spanish Armada," and the only loans that are at all obvious are Mr. Puff's announcement of his grand scene, "Now then for my magnificence, my battle, my noise, and my procession ! " and the opening words of Sir Christopher Hatton, " True, gallant Raleigh," with Dangle's query, '* What, they had been talking before ? " and Puffs reply, " Oh, yes ; all the way as they came along." Otherwise Bayes has little in common with Puff, beyond being a dramatic author, and he resembles Sir Fretful Plagiary only in keeping a common- place book, into which he conveys other people's ideas. But so it is to be presumed do most plagiarists. And, Sheridan, as always, improved upon his predecessors. Not that u The Rehearsal " does not contain many excellent points. In particular, the eclipse formed by a dance in which three actors representing the sun, moon, and earth, change places, is quite as good as, if not better than, Sheridan's Thames with his two banks on one side. But, as a whole, it is diffuse and too evidently written to satisfy the spleen of the moment by ridiculing Dryden's personal peculiarities. Sheridan's Dangle, Sir Fretful Plagiary, and Puff, on the other hand, arc types which even at this distance of time have not lost their vitality, though two, if not the third, were intended to satirise individuals. The first act in which Mr. Puff developes the art of puffing, contains some of Sheridan's very best comedy. SHERIDAN. 87 Fanny Burney, when she read it, decided that it was " as full of wit, satire, and spirit, as of lines." It is never acted now except in a mangled form. But one can well imagine how the audiences of 1779 must have enjoyed King's clear delivery of the description of the "puff direct," especially when he gave vent to an eloquent panegyric on Dodd (Dangle), Palmer (Sneer), and him- self : " Mr. Dodd was astonishingly great in the character of Sir Harry. That universal and judicious actor, Mr. Palmer, perhaps never appeared to more advantage than in the colonel ; but it is not in the power of language to do justice to Mr. King : indeed, he more than merited those frequent bursts of applause which he drew from a most brilliant and judicious audience." Incidentally, too, the first act of " The Critic " is im- portant as containing Sheridan's valedictory remarks on sentimental comedy, which he had killed by the success of his own plays. They are rather severe. M Dangle [reading]. Bursts into tears and exit. What is this ; a tragedy ? " Sneer. No, that's a genteel comedy, not a translation enly taken from the French ; it is written in a style which they have lately tried to run down ; the true sentimental, and nothing ridicu- lous from the beginning to the end. 11 Mrs. Dangle. Well, if they had kept to that, I should not have been such an enemy to the stage ; there is some edification to begot out of those pieces, Mr. Sneer. " Sneer. I am quite of your opinion, Mrs. Dangle : the theatre, in proper hands, might certainly be made the school of morality ; but now, I am sorry to say it, people seem to go there principally for their entertainment I " If the comedy of the first act of "The Critic" has 88 LIFE OF stood the wear and tear of time, so has the satire of the second act. The particular plays at which it was aimed, such as Home's " Fatal Discovery," have long since become obsolete, and have had but few successors. For 11 The Critic " killed bombastic tragedy much as " The School for Scandal" killed sentimental comedy. "Zorayda," which was brought out immediately after- wards, was withdrawn after a run of eight nights, as its heroine was found to have been forestalled by Tilburnia. But " The Spanish Armada " is a burlesque of bad plays in general, quite as much as bad tragedies individually. So long as convention rules the drama, conversations will be overheard under the most improbable circumstances, under-plots will continue to have but little connection with main-plots, and heroines will go mad, though no longer in white satin. And until all sense of humour has been eliminated from English life, people will quote and laugh at " No scandal about Queen Elizabeth, I hope," " The Spanish fleet thou can'st not see because It is not yet in sight," and " Where they do agree upon the stage, their unanimity is wonderful." With " The Critic," Sheridan's literary and dramatic productions came, practically speaking, to an end. He was still ready to help an acquaintance, for instance, by writing the lively epilogue to Hannah More's play, " The Fatal Falsehood," and the prologue to Lady Craven's M Miniature Picture," which was eventually transferred to " Pizarro." But even so far as poetry was concerned, he was content to shine in ladies' albums, and the frag- ments which Moore found among his papers were unimportant. Shortly after his death there appeared SHERIDAN. 89 under his name an " Ode to Scandal," which, if it be really his, is as good as any verse he ever wrote. 1 It has been included as Sheridan's in more than one poetical anthology. But its genuineness appears to be quite an open question. Moore never so much as mentions it, though he must have known of its existence, and though in writing Sheridan's life he was, as may be seen in his diary, often at a loss for materials. Again it was sent anonymously to the publisher, Wright, of Fleet Street, accompanied by a letter of Sheridan's which, as it is not given by Wright, evidently had nothing to do with the Ode. Wright says, indeed, in his advertisement to the public, that he was sure of the quarter whence the Ode came; but was he likely to have been particularly scrupulous, when the supposed author could no longer bring him to book? Internal evidence also points to the conclusion that the Ode is not Sheridan's. The metre is far more elaborate than any he was accustomed to use, 1 As the " Ode to Scandal " has been seldom republished, an ex- tract from it may be given here : " The first informations Of lost reputations As offerings to thee I'll consign ; And the earliest news ff^f Of surprised billet-doux Shall constant be served at thy sh Intrigues by the score Never heard of before Shall the sacrifice daily augment, And by each Morning Post Some favourite toast A victim to thee shall be sent." 90 LIFE OF and the poem, so far from being as the publisher impu- dently suggested, the origin of " The School for Scandal," does not contain a single anticipation of that play. Possibly the Ode, like a good deal of pseudo-Sheridan work, may have been Tickell's. Sheridan's subsequent contributions to the drama were not . of much greater consequence. He applied the pruning-knife, as we shall see, to "The Stranger," and adapted the adaptation of "Pizarro." He even sketched out the plot of " The Glorious First of June," and of two spectacular pieces, the "Forty Thieves" and the pantomime, " Robinson Crusoe," in the last of which pieces of pot-boiling he was accused by the clown Delpini of having stolen from him the joke of pulling off a man's leg together with his boot. But from dramatic authorship of a more elevated character he instinctively recoiled. No doubt his time was much taken up by politics, society, and the routine of management. But it is clear also that he recognized that in " The School for Scandal " he had reached his zenith, and feared the risk of a temporary failure, perhaps of a gradual decline. Two unfinished plays, or sketches of plays, were found among his papers by Moore. The first in its original form was a musical drama, without a name, but evidently founded on " The Goblings " of Sir John Suckling, since its chief personages were a band of out- laws in the guise of Devils. It was left very incomplete, and all that can be said of it is that it was apparently written subsequently to his residence at Bath. From this unnamed play was evolved an opera-book, called "The Foresters." Of this piece Moore could only dis- SHERIDAN. 91 cover a fragment or two, but the anonymous Octogena- rian who subsequently published some loose memoirs of Sheridan, declared that at least two acts were finished, and that the piece was undertaken just after his second marriage, that is, in 1795. Far more to be regretted is his abandonment of his projected comedy of "Affecta- tion," which never progressed beyond a few sketches of character, many embryo jokes, and the christening of three of the intended personages Sir Babble Bore, Sir Peregrine Paradox, and Feignwit. Evidently he failed to hit upon an interesting plot in which to set the characters, and though Sir Peter Teazle's opinion of them would have been worth listening to, Sheridan had the example of Vanbrugh's comparative failure in " Sir Henry Wildair," to warn him against a sequel to "The School for Scandal." He certainly wished it to be believed that he was hard at work on both plays. "Wait," he used to say, smilingly, "until you have seen my 'Foresters;'" and from time to time the "puff preliminary" appeared in the papers, announcing the approaching completion both of " The Foresters " and of " Affectation." But those who knew him well never believed that either play would ever see the light. Michael Kelly said to him one day, " You will never write again ; you are afraid to write." Sheridan fixed his penetrating eye on Kelly, and asked, " Of whom am I afraid ? " Kelly retorted, " You are afraid of the author of 'The School for Scandal.'" If Kelly really made the remark, and did not merely improve in his Reminiscences upon a similar saying of Garrick's, it was very clever of him. Cf TATTER VI. AT the close of 1779 Sheridan commanded a source of income which, fluctuating though it might be, must have seemed to a person of his sanguine disposition well-nigh inexhaustible. Now was the time for realizing what had probably been from the first the main object of his ambition a reputation as a statesman. It is clear that all along he intended literary fame to be merely a stepping-stone to political renown. The stage of the House of Commons appealed to a larger audience than that of Drury Lane, and he hoped, no doubt, to supple- ment the revenue derived from the theatre by the salary of office. It was an age of political adventurers, most of them, remarkably enough, of Anglo-Irish parentage. Eurke had preceded Sheridan, Tierney and Canning were to follow him. They, one and all, won their way to great positions, but about all of them there hung the suspicion that a man who makes politics a trade, is to be used rather than trusted. Sheridan, in particular, never attained a status higher than the second rank, though his capacities were of the highest. Indeed his oppor- tunities of ministerial distinction of any sort were remarkably few, since he was condemned to serve under LIFE OF SHERIDAN. 98 a leader whose blundering tactics condemned the Whig party to year after year of opposition. It was not very long before Mrs. Sheridan, at any rate, discovered that the pursuit of politics was having a disastrous effect upon her husband's circumstances. " I am more than ever convinced," she wrote to him in 1790, "we must look to other resources for wealth and independence, and consider politics merely as an amusement." The theatre suffered from the scanty time that Sheridan was able to bestow upon it, and the chance of Fox's return to power became more and more remote. But when Sheridan resolved on embracing a political career the prospects of the Whigs were far rosier. Lord North's star was obviously setting, Pitt's had not yet risen, and the Opposition were confident of a speedy return to office. Everything com- bined to urge him to lay down his pen, and mount the hustings. Youth is generally in antagonism to the powers that be. Besides, Sheridan's political friendships were chiefly among the assailants of Lord North's ministry. He had formed the acquaintance of Mr. Windham at Bath ; he met Burke at the Turk's Head Club, and the intimacy was continued at the Literary Club. To Fox he was introduced by Lord John Townshend, and a mutual admiration ensued. It would be interesting if we could fix the date of the acquaintances. But it is impossible to do so with exactitude. So far back as August, 1777, we find Lord Camden writing to Garrick that Fox had marked Sheridan down as the first genius of his time. Fox must presumably have arrived at the conclusion after their first interview, from which he rose with the remark 94 LIFE OF that he had always thought Hare, after Charles Town- shend, the wittiest man he ever met with, but that Sheridan surpassed them both infinitely. Under these auspices his pen was readily enlisted on the side of the Opposition. Of his earlier efforts, however, an answer to Dr. Johnson's u Taxation no Tyranny," perished stillborn, and an " Essay on Irish Absentees " never advanced beyond a rough draft. He now became a contributor to The Englishman, a periodical in which Lord North's administration was held up to the scorn and opprobrium of mankind. Like most men of Irish extraction, Sheri- dan was a born journalist, and a paper in which the Premier was compared to the "most poor, credulous monster " of " The Tempest " may possibly have annoyed even Lord North's amiability, though it is equally possible that he did not take the trouble to read the lampoon. Election to Brookes's Club, effected, if Wraxall . may be trusted, in spite of the determined blackballing of George Selwyn and Lord Bessborough, converted Sheri- dan into a full-blown Whig, and at the general election of 1780 he was returned for Stafford. At the same time William Wilberforce was returned for Hull ; and William Pitt, after unsuccessfully canvassing Cambridge, was brought in shortly afterwards for Appleby. It is well known that Sheridan's maiden speech was something like a failure, but his depression was of short duration, and he anticipated young Benjamin Disraeli by exclaiming to Woodfall, " It is in me, however, and, by God, it shall come out." However, he seems to have recognized that the House was not to be taken by storm, and for several sessions intervened but rarely in debate. Indeed his SHERIDAN. 95 position was none of the most encouraging. He had no powerful borough-monger at his back, and his connection with the stage was resented by more than one member of that fastidious assembly. Thus Mr. Courtenay, " Lord No th's deputy buffoon," accused him of not being able to endure wit in any house except his own ; and even after he had been advanced to ministerial rank, a young prig named William Pitt, recommended him to confine his abilities to their proper stage sui plausu gaudere tluatri. The reply was wonderfully happy. " Flattered and encouraged by the Right Honourable Gentleman's panegyric on my talents, if ever I again engage in the composition he alludes to, I may be tempted to an act of presumption to attempt an improvement on one of Ben Jonson's best characters, the character of the Angry Boy in the Alchemist.'" Compelled to fight mainly for his own hand, Sheridan won his way by what Wraxall terms " a sort of fascina- tion." To an insuperable command of temper was added that rare style of wit which is always appropriate and never offensive. Though nearly every sitter on the Government benches was exposed in turn to the sting of his satire, none of them ever had an excuse for calling him out. How, for instance, could a luckless pedant pick a quarrel with Sheridan when he began his reply to a speech full of classical quotations with Tbv tf'a7ro/m- j8o/fvoc Trpoa'ttpi] Sheridanios vp^c ? x 1 This version of the story has the authority of De Quincey ("Selections Grave and Gay," vol. ii. p. 41). Another version is that when the speaker, Lord Belgrave, had finished, Sheridan rose and declared that if the noble Lord had proceeded a little further and completed the quotation, he would have seen that it pointed 96 LIFE OF Though Sheridan took but little part in the debates on American affairs, which were the chief topic of discussion during the last years of Lord North's luckless ministry, he rapidly became an important member of the Whig party. In 1781 he was chosen to propose a motion against the employment of the military in the suppression of the Gordon Riots; and in the following year, when Lord North finally succumbed, was appointed Under- the other way. He then proceeded to rattle off, ore rotund 0, a sentence of bogus Greek, the ais and ois of which completely took in Lord Belgrave, the House, and even Charles Fox, excellent scholar though he was. The second story is evidently an exaggeration of the first, and it may be that all that really happened was that Lord Belgrave misquoted, and Sheridan set him right. This view is borne out by some lines of Sheridan's, communicated to Notes and Queries of April, 1S63, by " B.S.," evidently a member of the Sheridan family. They will be readily recognized as part of the series in which occurs the well-known verse : Johnny Wilkes, Johnny Wilkes, Thou greatest of bilks," &c. The lines arc " Lord Belgrave, Lord Belgrave, Why look you so h-llgrave, And why do you seldom now speak ? Have the damned Sunday papers Giv'n your Lordship the vapours (a) Or are you revising your Greek, Lord Belgrave, Or are you revising your Greek ? " {b) (a) Vide his Lordship's methodistical language in support of Mr. Wil her force's motion to suppress the Sunday papers. {!>) See Debrett's reports of a celebrated Greek misquotation of his Lordship's. SHERIDAN. 97 Secretary of State to his friend Fox. He had, however, but little chance of distinguishing himself before the death of the Prime Minister, the Marquis of Rocking- ham, broke up the administration. When Lord Shel- burne, " the Jesuit of Berkeley Square," accepted the office of first Lord of the Treasury, for which he had long been intriguing, Sheridan followed Fox into oppo- sition. The step was a most disinterested one on the part of a iesser placeman, inasmuch as the majority of the Cabinet adhered to Shelburne, but Sheridan summed up the situation in a bright sentence : " Those who go are right, for there is really no other question but whether, having lost their power, they ought to stay and lose their characters." Unfortunately for their credit, the friends of Mr. Fox were not content to form an isolated Oppo- sition, but, throwing themselves into the arms of Lord North, formed that coalition against Lord Shelburne upon which the verdict of history is one of merited, if somewhat exaggerated, condemnation. To Sheridan's sound common sense a union of parties, made in defiance of public opinion and past professions, seemed a pro- ceeding fraught with danger, and he expostulated with his headstrong leader. " It is as fixed," was Fox's reply, "as the Flanover succession." 1 Nothing but success, as Fox owned, could justify the 1 Lord John Townshend, writing many years afterwards, i.e., in 1830, declared that Sheridan was most anxious for the Coalition, and that it was not until it failed that he began to declaim against it (Lord John Russell's " Memorials and Correspondence of C. J. Fox," vol. ii. p. 24). The tone of Sheridan's speeches, however, during his tenure of office supports the view taken in the text that ii, if the versions given by Wraxall can be relied upon. 7 98 LIFE OF Coalition, and success was not to be theirs. At first, however, they seemed practically invincible, and Sheridan, now Secretary to the Treasury, rendered them valuable service in debate through his readiness of tongue. " He improved daily in speech," wrote Horace Walpole, 11 turning all the Opposition said into excellent ridicule, and always brought the House into good humour with the Ministers." There seems to have been some sort of promise that on the first re-arrangement of the Cabinet, he should be made Chancellor of the Exchequer ; but whatever hopes he may have cherished were cut short when the king, taking advantage of the clamour excited by Fox's India Bill, induced the House of Lords by a personal canvass to throw out the obnoxious measure, and then ordered the ministers to deliver up their seals of office. The rout of the Opposition at the general election, which followed Pitt's assumption of power in the teeth of a Parliamentary majority, was complete. Sheridan however managed to escape being one of " Fox's Martyrs," after expending over two thousand pounds on his election, with items ale tickets, ^40 ; subscription to clergymen's widows, ^2 2s. In the Parliament of 1784, Pitt was entirely master of the situation. Nearly 160 of the Opposition failed to re-appear, and on the new India Bill Mr. Fox only obtained a minority of 60 against a majority of 271. With a caution beyond his years the Prime Minister refrained from pressing heroic measures upon his sup- porters, who were for the most part reactionaries of the type of Mr. Rolle, the hero of the " Rolliad," and during the next few sessions schemes of financial reform, cau- SHERIDAN. 99 tiously conceived and modestly introduced, were the topics of discussion. Sheridan, on the strength of his experience as Secretary to the Treasury, was put forward as the Opposition critic. Though Moore retails a somewhat absurd story about his qualifying himself for the post of honour by four days' study of arithmetic, there is no real reason why Sheridan should not have been quite as competent an authority on money matters as any other of Fox's followers, with the exception of Burke. Ignorance of finance was supreme on the Opposition benches. Fox himself confessed that he did not know why the Funds went up or down, and Lord John Caven- dish, who had presided over the Exchequer in the Rockingham and Coalition ministries, was, for the time being, out of Parliament. Such criticism as Sheridan could offer, however, was practically valueless. He played round questions rather than attacked them directly, and failed alike to detect the merits of the commercial treaty with France, or the demerits of the sinking fund. At the same time he very nearly exposed the fallacy upon which that famous expedient was founded. Pitt, he declared, might say with the person in the comedy, " If you won't lend me the money, how can I pay you?" Even more shortsighted was the support given by him to the clamour raised by the English merchants against Pitt's measure for establishing commercial equality between England and Ireland. Sheridan loved his country, but his advocacy of her interests was not always well-advised. It was that of a fighting politician, not of a statesman. As a relief to dull debates on financial and adminis- 100 LIFE OF trative reform, came in 1786 the impeachment of Warren Hastings. The indictment of the ex-Governor-General, as every schoolboy knows, had long been determined upon by Burke ; it was precipitated by the indiscretion of Hastings' supporter, Major Scott. In April the charges were laid before the House, and the leaders of the Opposition proceeded to show cause for moving for an impeachment. After Burke had dealt with the Rohilla War, and Fox with Cheyte Singh, came the prorogation. Of the merits of that great and intricate case it is un- necessary to say further here than that in spite of much exaggeration on the part of Hastings' accusers, there can be no doubt that on more than one point they proved their charges up to the hilt. Yet Hastings saved an empire by his exactions from the native princes, and if ever the end justified the means, it did so in his case. However, such considerations are only too apt to go to the wall when a question is made one of party, and so far as Sheridan was concerned it is only due to him to say that of all the gravamina laid at the Governor- General's door, his conduct towards the Begums of Oude is the least defensible. This charge Sheridan made his own, and on February 7, 1787, delivered a speech which was universally regarded as one of the most magnificent displays of oratory that had ever been exhibited. 1 1 It is perhaps unnecessary to point out, at this time of day, the thorough wrong-headedness of Macaulay's conception of Hastings' character. The authentic materials for a dispassionate examination of his wonderful administration have now been given to the world by Mr. G. W. Forrest, in his " Selections from State Papers, preserved in the Foreign Department of the Government of India, 1 772-1 785." SHERIDAN. 101 It would of course be absurd to suppose that Sheridan in his indictment of Hastings was animated by the pious, though Quixotic, zeal of Burke, or by Fox's generous, if misguided, enthusiasm for humanity. Still it would be equally unjust to assume that he regarded the Begum charge simply as an opportunity for display, or that he was not inspired by something better than a mere advocate's enthusiasm. It is true that during the .pre- paration of Fox's India Bill, he had wished.*!}^ ijt should not be made retrospective in any of \li clauses, and .had., gone so far as to inquire of Major- Scrjiti,, .Hast'mgsN champion in the House, whether, if the Governor-General were recalled, he would come home. But it is more than probable that, indolent as he naturally was, Sheridan at that date had only partially acquainted himself with the facts of Hastings' administration. Be that as it may, there can be no doubt that he seized the occasion of the Begum speech with admirable dexterity. Pitt's sudden change of front after Fox's speech on the wrongs of Cheyte Singh had practically given Hastings over to the enemy, and Sheridan spoke to an audience which was more than willing to hear him. But he made the impeachment inevitable. Unfortunately the speech was so badly reported, that it may be said to have perished. The only passage in which even a faint echo of Sheridan's eloquence is preserved, is the following description of the East India Company : " Alike in the political and military line could be observed auc- tioneering ambassadors and trading generals and thus we saw a revolution brought about by affidavits ; an army employed in 102 LIFE OF executing an arrest ; a town besieged on a note of hand ; a prince dethroned for the balance of an account. Thus they exhibited a government, which united the mock majesty of a bloody sceptre, and the little traffic of a merchant's counting-house, wielding a truncheon with one hand, and picking a pocket with the other." But if we have not the speech, we know at any rate how it was received. He sat down not merely amidst cheering, but amidst the loud clapping of hands, in which the Lords below the bar and the strangers in the gallery joined, and the excitement was so great that the debate had to be adjourned. Such was the effect upon the public that within four-and-twenty hours he was offered a thousand pounds for the copyright of the speech if he would himself correct it for the press. Possibly from indolence, but more probably from motives of discretion, Sheridan did not avail himself of the offer. The opinion of highly competent judges fully endorsed that of the public. Burke declared it to be " the most astonishing effort of eloquence, argument, and wit united of which there was any record or tradition." Mr. Fox said '* all that he had ever heard, all that he had ever read, dwindled into nothing, and vanished like vapour before the sun." And Mr. Pitt acknowledged "that it surpassed all the eloquence of ancient or modern times, and possessed everything that genius or art could furnish, to agitate or control the human mind." The impeachment of Hastings resolved upon, Sheridan was appointed one of the managers. So high was the general expectation that Fox recommended him to repeat his former speech with very little change. But Sheridan had other views. Though there was some difficulty in SHERIDAN. 103 getting him to attend the committees, he had every intention of making a supreme effort, and, aided by his wife, prepared his evidence with the utmost care. When the time came, he was equal to the occasion, and for three days (June 3rd, 6th, and 10th, 1788) that audience in Westminster Hall, which Macaulay has described in an immortal passage, hung upon his lips. Fortunately we have the speech, edited by Dr. Bond, the late principal librarian of the British Museum, from the shorthand reporter's notes, almost in its entirety, and it is quite possible to form a fair idea of its merits and demerits. To look upon Sheridan as a mere rhetorician would of course be the last degree of absurdity. On the contrary, the result of a perusal of the whole speech is an impression of logical arrangement, close reasoning, and carefully selected evidence. No barrister could have marshalled the facts with a more critical sense of their legal effect; no solicitor could have got up the case with a keener eye to discrepancies in dates, or to the difference in tone between the public and private letters of Hastings and his officers. Nor were the elaborate bursts of pre- pared eloquence mere purpurei panni ; they appear, on the contrary, to arise naturally from what has gone before, though it is true that they can be detached from the argument without materially affecting it. To attempt a summary of Sheridan's argument here would be impos- sible, and all that can be done is to give one or two specimens of his most finished periods, and even so we must exclude the highly-wrought description of the zenana. Hastings claimed that he was actuated by state ne- cessity ; upon which Sheridan said : 104 LIFE OF " My Lords, ... I want to strip the crimes which we charge upon this man of all that false glare which, in the eyes of weak and timid men, dazzle and produce a sort of false respect to guilt. I want to strip them of everything that can give dignity to crimes. I want to show your Lordships the coarse and homely nature of his offences. State necessity ! No, my Lords ; that imperial tyrant, state neces- sity, is yet a generous despot. Bold is his demeanour, rapid his decisions, and terrible his grasp. But what he does, my Lords, he dares avow, and, avowing, scorns any other justification than the great motives that placed the iron sceptre in his hand. But a skulking, quibbling, pilfering, prevaricating state necessity a state necessity that tries to skulk behind the skirts of justice a state necessity that tries to steal a pitiful justification from whispered accusations and fabricated rumours ! No, my Lords, that is no state necessity. Tear off the mask, and you see coarse, vulgar avarice lurking behind the gaudy disguise, and adding the guilt of libelling the public honour to the fraud of private peculation." And here are Sheridan's reflections on the desolation of Bengal occasioned by the rapacity of the Company's officers : M If your Lordships look over the evidence, you will see a country that, even in the time of Suja-ud-Dowla, is represented as populous desolated . A person looking at this shocking picture of calamity would have been inclined to ask, if he had been a stranger to what had passed in India if we could suppose a person to have come suddenly into the country, unacquainted with any of the circum- stances that had passed since the days of Suja-ud-Dowla he would naturally ask, ' What cruel hand has wrought this wide desolation ? What barbarian foe has invaded the country, has desolated its fields, depopulated its villages ? ' He would ask, ' What disputed succes- sion, what civil rage, what mad frenzy of the inhabitants, has induced them to act in hostility to the beneficent works of God and the beauteous works of man? ' He would ask, What religious zeal or frenzy has added to the mad despair and horrors of war ? The ruin is unlike anything that appears recorded in any age. It looks 105 neither like the barbarities of men nor the judgment of vin\iMirfe^, O*^ ' Heaven. There is a waste of desolation, as if caused by>feHV*V , destroyers never meaning to return, and who made but a short period of their rapacity. It looks as if some fabled monster had made its passage through the country, whose pestiferous breath has blasted more than its voracious appetite could devour.' " If there had been any men in the country who had not their heart and soul so subdued by fear as to refuse to speak the truth at all upon such a subject, they would have told him that there had been no war since the time of Suja-ud-Dowla tyrant indeed as he was, but then deeply regretted by his subjects ; that no hostile blow of any enemy had been struck in that land ; that there had been no disputed succession, no civil war, no religious frenzy ; but that these were the tokens of British friendship, the marks of the embraces of British alliance more dreadful than the blows of the bitterest enemy. That they had made a prince a slave, to make him the principal in the extortion upon his subjects. They would tell him that their rapacity increased in proportion as the means of supplying their avarice diminished. They made their sovereign pay as if they had a right to an increased price, because the labour of extortion and plunder increased. They would tell him that it was to these causes these calamities were owing. . . . "And then I am asked to prove why these people arose in such concert. There must have been machinations, and the Begums' machinations, to produce this ; there was concert. Why did they rise ? Because they were people in human shape ; the poor souls had human feelings. Because patience under the detested tyranny of man is rebellion to the sovereignty of God. Because allegiance to that Power that gives us the forms of men commands us to maintain the rights of men. And never yet was this truth dismissed from the human heart never, in any time, in any age never in any clime where rude men ever had any social feeling, or where corrupt refinement had subdued all feeling never was this unextinguishable truth destroyed from the heart of man, placed in the core and centre of it by its Maker, that man was not made the property of man ; that human power is a trust for human benefit ; and that, where it is abused, revenge is justice, if not the duty of the injured. These, my Lords, are the causes why these people rose." 106 LIFE OF Here is one of Sheridan's elaborate sarcasms : "I beg your Lordships to observe that the committee appointed to draw up the charges for the Commons had at that time regularly recapitulated every one of the cruelties, the severities, and [had dealt with] the famished state of the Khourd Mahal. Upon that recapitulation Mr. Hastings states he had had full and perfect explanation ; and then, having had that explanation, he makes this concluding remark : ' Because I hold the whole series of the acts thus connected strictly reconcilable to justice, honour, and good policy, whoever were the parties concerned in them.' Now, my Lords, recollect, I beseech you, the information we had from Major Scott, the incomparable agent of Mr. Hastings, relative to this passage. You will recollect that this incomparable Major Scott told you at your Bar that after the defence had been finished that after Mr. Hastings had approved of it Mr. Hastings added this paragraph with his proper hand. He seems to have said to Mr. Middleton, ' You have done well indeed in owning these transactions. You have done what I expected from you. You have acted up to that character in your celebrated letter from Lucknow, when you offered, God willing' and never had a man more reason to trust in the connivance of God for awhile to wickedness than this agent had 1 that you were ready, God willing, not only to do anything, but to take the share of any blame upon yourself. You have done well, my trusty agent, in this ; but you have not defended the acts you have not said that they were defensible by justice or policy. Give me the paper, puny profligate ! My conscience is light ; my character will bear it out. I will claim merit and applause from them. I will state that they were reconcilable to honour, justice, and policy' by policy I presume he means that wise and just policy which con- ducts good actions to a wise and good end. This seems the dialogue between him and Middleton. Mr. Middleton doubtless extends the compliment. ' I will own everything. You find character ; I'll find memory' and memory is his forte. ' You bear the sword ; 171 carry the shield.' And forth these twin warriors sally to encounter the justice and indignation of their country." SHERIDAN, 107 The celebrated outburst on filial piety ran as follows: "And yet, my Lords, how can I support the claim of filial love by argument, much less the affection of a son to a mother, where love loses its awe, and veneration is mixed with tenderness ? What can I say upon such a subject ? What can I do but repeat the ready truths which, with the quick impulse of the mind, must spring t the lips of every man on such a theme ? Filial love the morality, the instinct, the sacrament of nature a duty; or, let me say, it is mis- called a duty, for it flows from the heart without effort its delight its indulgence, its enjoyment. It is guided not by the slow dictates of reason ; it awaits not encouragement from reflection or from thought ; it asks no aid of memory ; it is an innate but active consciousness of having been the object of a thousand tender soli- citudes ; a thousand waking watchful cares, of much anxiety and patient sacrifices unremarked and unrequited by the object. It is a gratitude founded upon a conviction of obligations not re- membered, but the more binding because not remembered because conferred before the tender reason could acknowledge or the infant memory record them a gratitude and affection which no circumstances should subdue, and which few can strengthen a gratitude in which even injury from the object, though it may blend regret, should never breed resentment and an affection which can be increased only by the decay of those to whom we owe it then most fervent when the tremulous voice of age, resist- less in its feebleness, inquires for the natural protectors of its cold decline." When Sheridan, at the close of a brilliant peroration, sank as though exhausted into the arms of Burke an excellent piece of theatrical business it was felt by more than one critic that, rare though the display had been, it had fallen short of the speech in the House of Commons. Burke indeed exclaimed to Fox, " There, that is the true style ; something between poetry and prose, and better than either." But Fox retorted with 108 LIFE OF sense " Such a mixture is for the advantage of neither, as producing poetic prose, or, still worse, prosaic poetry." Indeed, the opinion of many competent judges was that the style was too glittering and too artificial, and that with less labour a more satisfactory, if less splendid, result would have been forthcoming. Horace Walpole thought that Sheridan did not " quite satisfy the passionate expectation that had been raised, but it was impossible that he should, when people had worked themselves into an enthusiasm of offering fifty guineas for a ticket to hear him." Lord Grenville, who heard both speeches, pronounced the second vastly inferior to the first. Similarly, during the House of Common's speech, Sir Gilbert Elliot (Lord Minto) recorded that " the bone rose repeatedly in his throat, and tears in his eyes." Cut at the close of the first day's speech in Westminster Hall, he remarked, with much acuteness, that "Sheridan's flowers are produced by great pains, skill, and prepara- tion, and are delivered in perfect order, tied up in regular though beautiful bouquets^ and quite unlike Burke's wild and natural nosegays. I think in this respect that Sheridan's excellence becomes perversely a sort of defect; for the fine periods and passages are so salient from the rest, are so finished, and bear so strongly the evidence of regular and laborious composi- tion produced by premeditation and delivered by memory, as to give the whole performance a character of design and artificial execution which keeps the author rather than his work, the orator than his speech, before you, which draws the attention away from the purpose to the performance^ and which can at most exercise the SHERIDAN. 109 wonder and admiration of his audience, leaving both their passions and their judgment unaffected." These remarks on a particular speech may be supple- mented by a criticism of a more general character, which is to be found in the " Reminiscences " of Charles Butler, the legal writer and Catholic apologist. " Sheri- dan," he says, " required great preparation for the display of his talents : hence he was not a debater one who attacks and defends on every occasion that calls him forth. ... But though Mr. Sheridan was no debater, he was sometimes most felicitous in an epi- grammatic reply. He had very little information ; had even little classical learning j but the powers of his mind were very great. He had a happy vein of ridicule he could, however, rise to the serious and severe and then his style of speaking was magnificent ; but even in his happiest effusions he had too much prettiness." Add to these qualities a commanding rather than handsome presence, a hazel eye of remarkable penetra- tion, and a voice which, if sometimes indistinct, as on the first day of the Westminster Hall speech, was, as a rule, sonorous and rich, an utterance of extraordinary fluency, and we have Sheridan the orator before us so far as it is possible to recall him now. Of the four great speakers of the time and it was an age of Parliamentary eloquence which will bear comparison with any that have preceded or succeeded it Sheridan was certainly the most effective. In wit he surpassed all his contem- poraries, and he avoided alike the natural redundancy of Fox, and the deliberate diffusiveness of Pitt, of 11Q LIFE OF whose monotonous declamation he aptly remarked, "that his was a brain that never worked but when his tongue was set agoing, like some machines that are set in motion by. a pendulum." Equally true is his estimate of the permanent value of the utterances of his great rival Burke. "What will they think ot the public speaking of this age in after-times when they read Mr. Burke's speeches, and are told that in his day he was not accounted either the first or the second speaker?" It is clear that Sheridan foresaw the time when Burke's philosophy would be a permanent source of political wisdom, w r hile his own eloquence had become a voice and little more. Perhaps he did not greatly care for the opinion of posterity, and was content to win the applause of his hearers by his music, suavity, and lucidity, while Burke's harsh Irish accent, irritability, and profundity, annoyed and puzzled them. Nor can it be denied that from the practical point of view he was entirely right. Speeches are nominally made to win votes, and Sheridan is one of the very few speakers who have been able to alter materially the numbers on a division. He aimed at the ayumo-jua ig to Trapa^/y^a, not the KTrijia ig dtt, and he had his reward. His methods of prepara- tion were conducive to that end. Burke the statesman prepared his argument with care, and trusted to the inspiration of the moment for his illustrations. Sheridan the rhetorician, spent enormous labour on his ornaments, polishing his own wit, and occasionally pressing that of others into service, and having once mastered the facts, left the argument to be supplied by his innate common- sense. He treasured up his figures from similar motives. SHERIDAN. Ill If a good phrase could not be used in one debate, he kept it until it could be employed with effect in another. But though he had a store of prepared epigrams on hand, his impromptu sallies were fully as good as his prepared witticisms. A perusal of his great speech in Westminster Hall impresses one with the conviction that he was, like all the orators of the past century, with the exception of Burke, to be heard rather than read. If he had prepared an edition of his speeches for the press, his readers might have been tempted to venture upon the converse proposition \o Fox's true paradox, and say, "They read badly, then they were good speeches." Sheridan was content that their good- ness should have been established by the unanimous verdict of his contemporaries, and has considerately spared us the trouble of deciding whether his speeches read well or badly. Of the amount of preparation which he bestowed on a great effort we have evidence in the little memoir by Professor Smyth. On May 14, 1794, Sheridan was called upon to reply to Hastings' counsel. Though he had gone over the ground before, and intended to be comparatively brief, he worked for four days and the greater part of four nights at the papers, " until the motes were coming into his eyes." The speech itself deals with minute points of evidence, and is a monu- ment of ingenuity rather than of eloquence. It is chiefly remembered because of the practical joke played by Sheridan on his audience, in causing an elaborate search to be made for a bag full of papers which had no existence, with the evident intention of astonishing 112 LIFE OP SHERIDAN. them with the readiness of his resources. But it also contains a dignified rebuke to Hastings' counsel, Mr. Plumer, who had accused Sheridan of attempting to delude a witness by handing him a wrong treaty, and, taken as a whole, forms no unworthy conclusion to Sheridan's speeches on the impeachment. As specimens of partisan oratory and they are essentially partisan those speeches rank among the masterpieces of human eloquence. It is a pity that they do not display some slight appreciation of the necessities of empire. CHAPTER VII. IF the immortals are liable to human emotions, they must groan rather than smile over the monuments raised to their memory by the " standard " biographer. And it is not easy to recall any one who has been in this respect more unfortunate than Sheridan. Not that Moore is altogether to be blamed for the inadequacy of the record that he has left us. His acquaintance with Sheridan was but slight, and dated only from the period of his decline when he was expiring a show, indeed, though assuredly not a driveller. Nor, though he seems to have taken some pains to collect information from those who had known Sheridan in his prime, do their reminiscences seem to have been particularly valuable. Again, one can well understand that a person of Sheridan's habits would not leave behind him a very complete or carefully arranged collection of pieces justi- ficativeS) though it is quite possible that Moore might have examined them more carefully than he did. He seems, indeed, to have become tired of the undertaking very soon, and to have hurried over the concluding part in a perfunctory manner. Lastly, as regards Sheridan's political career, Moore wrote too soon after his death to be able to tell the whole truth about one important side of it, his relations with George IV., and was himself 114 LIFE OF too much of a partisan to deal fairly with many of its passages; for instance, his conduct on the outbreak of the French Revolution. In fact, if Moore had spent less time in padding out the book with windy Whig apologies, and more time in informing himself, about prosaic questions like names and dates, his performance would have been far more satisfactory. Lord Melbourne, who was already in the field as Sheridan's biographer, when Moore undertook the task, is known to have expressed a regret that he yielded up his claims and materials to the professional writer. 1 Still more must ^ posterity lament that Sheridan's accomplished grand- daughter, Mrs. Norton, never carried out her intention of giving to the world some final account of the most talented member of a talented race. Little light is thrown on Moore's darkness by ^\ Sheridan's other biographers. Dr .Jffintkins' life, which appeared before Moore's, is a mere scissors and paste affair. It contains no original information, and is written from an avowedly Tory standpoint, with a considerable spice of gratuitous malice, such as the insinuation that Sheridan was not the author of "The School for Scandal." The memoir of Professor Smyth, who was tutor to his son, Tom Sheridan, deals only with the \ period subsequent to the death of his first wife, when Sheridan had begun to go down-hill. It contains some interesting anecdotes about his private life, and not a little malevolent gossip, for which the professor was severely taken to task by Mrs. Norton. The anonymous Octogenarian, who professed to have been brought up 1 Mrs. Norton in Macmillaris Magazine^ vol. iii. SHERIDAN. 115 at Sheridan's knee, dished up some stale anecdotes about the Prince of Wales, and evidently, as Sheridan would have said, "relied on his imagination for his facts," if not "on his memory for his wit." An attempt, then, to form an estimate of Sheridan, apart from his writings and speeches, can at best be extremely imperfect. The man is a riddle. At times he was guilty of extravagances which caused superficial observers to set him down as a brilliant butterfly without any thought for the morrow. Nor can there be any doubt that the vice of ostentation was one of his most salient failings ; he himself allowed he was always in an extreme, and that he expected wings to spring from his shoulders. Complaints of his vanity occur again and again in Fox's letters in connection with his political fortunes, whi'e in society Lord John Townshend and Fitzpatrick used to declare that he was jealous even of a pretty woman. But the recollec- tions of Smyth, his son's tutor, and others who knew him intimately, enable us to pronounce, with some con- y ndence, that deep beneath a thoughtless exterior lay a solitary and unhappy soul. His literary tastes are an instance in point. Spenser, not Pope as we should imagine, was his favourite poet, while of Dryden, of whom he was also fond, the lines most frequently on his lips were the melancholy passage from "Palamon and Arcite." " Vain men ! how vanishing a bliss we crave, Now warm in love, now withering in the grave ; Never, oh, never more to see the sun ; Still dark, in a clamp vault, and still alone." 116 LIFE OF Add to these indications that he was a firm believer in dreams and portents, and had a rooted dislike of meta- ^ physical discussion. When his son tried to entangle him in a debate on the doctrine of necessity, Sheridan at once disproved its cardinal thesis, the impossibility of indifference, by declaring that there was one thing which he could do with total, entire, thorough indifference, namely, listen to his questioner. He used to say, too, that those were intolerably cruel, who, because they have not the hopes and consolations of religion themselves, can find in their heart to destroy them in others. If we accept as genuine, as we surely may, these revelations of Sheridan's inn"e^r~self, it is clear that the secret of his reckless moods may well have been a desire to silence < *the promptings of a gloomy and restless imagination. In any case, he was in many respects so great, that his memory deserves to be treated with reverence, not, as has been before now the case, made the subject of cheap and obvious satire. Towards society Sheridan's attitude was peculiar, and in many respects unique. It sought him quite as much as he sought it ; he ranked as the equal of the great men of his time, and would never have accepted for a moment the situation of a mere dependent of the nobility, after- wards occupied with much ostentation by his biographer Moore. It is probable that he made his way through the advocacy of the ladies, for instance, of Mrs. Crewe, to whom he dedicated " The School for Scandal," and of Mrs. Greville, whose accomplishments are celebrated in an / admirably turned preface to " The Critic." Mrs. Sheridan* won over the men. His devotion to so worthless a SHERIDAN. 117 patron as the Prince of Wales must be condemned with- out reserve, and, as will be noticed later on, its effect upon his own fortunes was lamentable in the extreme. But so far as we know for the secrets of Carlton House were well kept, and it is not quite clear what were the services of a non-political nature which Sheridan rendered to the Prince beyond those of a boon-com- panion and amateur steward the connection was not incompatible with a fair amount of self-respect on the part of the servant. It is true that he allowed himself to be mixed up in a dubious affair which abruptly terminated the Prince of Wales' connection with Newmarket. In 1 791, Sam Chifney, the Prince's jockey, was accused of pulling Escape on the first day of the October meeting, in order to affect the betting on the next day's race, which the horse was allowed to win. Sir Charles Bun- bury was thereupon sent to warn the Prince that if he continued to let Chifney ride for him no gentleman's horse would start against him, and George, in high dudgeon, broke up his stable and sedulously avoided the heath. But his conduct was not incompatible with innocence, and one does not see why Fox accused Sheridan of want of principle when he acted as the Prince's advocate before the Jockey Club. 1 Besides, with the exception of an occasional loan, he incurred no pecuniary obligations to George until towards the close of their long acquaintance. Nor was he ever servile ; on the contrary, he treated appointments at Carlton House 1 If, indeed, that was the occasion on which Sheridan appeared as the Prince's advocate. The information on the point is rather vasue. 118 LIFE OF with the same negligence as he treated those with Smyth, or an impecunious dramatist. Even at his worst Sheridan seems never to have wholly lost a fine sense of the dignity of independence. But if Sheridan did not truckle to the leaders of society, he took more than his share in dissipations which they could afford and he could not. The game was barely worth the candle. It is true that he was not a gambler, and he made his wild bets at Brookes's, as Pro- fessor Minto has well remarked, during the period when he was driven to extra recklessness by the death of his wife. But his extravagant entertainments must have formed a serious item in his embarrassments, and he persisted in them long after his circumstances had become hopelessly involved. Perhaps he felt that rumours of retrenchment would only precipitate the crash. Again, his drinking ' habits were notorious even in a drunken age, with serious consequences to his character. Possibly there is not much difference, from the standpoint of abstract morality, between Pitt getting decorously fuddled on port, and Sheridan becoming speechlessly "forrarder" on claret, and latterly on brandy. But the practical bearing of their potations on the fortunes of the two men will hardly bear comparison. Pitt died Prime Minister, while Sheridan died a pauper, just as the bibulous Pitt was incommoded only by a shaking hand in private, while the convivial Sheridan's purple face and blazing nose were the theme of the Premier's witticisms in the House of Commons, and the laughing-stock of many a hustings crowd. In short, Pitt's indiscretions affected himself only, while Sheridan's were something like a public calamity. SHERIDAN. 119 In spite of his over-devotion to the bottle, Sheridan's company was the delight alike of London drawing-rooms and of country-houses. Lord Holland tells us that when he was in his prime nothing could exceed the evenness of his temper, or the readiness with which he made light of his embarrassments. He was above all things a gentleman, urbane and full of consideration, silent as a rule, except when he saw a chance of saying something that was worth saying, and then he made his effect with unerring certainty. So brilliant indeed were his interpositions in conversation, that people used to hint that they were prepared beforehand, and that the attack was only delivered after a long course of elaborate manoeuvres. It may have been so in some cases, but cer- tainly not in all, though we have little means of judging. Boswell sets down a conversation at the Club when Sheri- dan was there, but he seems to have been repressed by the presence of his elders. Fanny Burney met him at Mrs. Cholmondeley's, in 1779, and recorded her impressions at some length. But Sheridan's wit on this occasion con- fined itself to the remark that ladies should not write verses until they were past receiving them, and his time was chiefly spent in paying elaborate compliments to the delighted young authoress. Again, Windham noted in his diary that he met Sheridan at Mrs. Crewe's in 1794, after the split in the Whig party. M The charm of his conversation," he wrote, " and the memory of past times made me regret the differences that now separate us." These indications of Sheridan at his best are vague enough, and we must be content to accept the uni- versal verdict of Sheridan's contemporaries without 120 LIFE OF seeking to inquire into its cause. Indeed, the isolated specimens of his wit that survive are few, and quite as disappointing as those of George Selwyn, Hare, or the other brilliant talkers of the time. It was probably manner rather than matter that gave point to such a remark as " By the silence that prevails I conclude that Lauderdale has been making a joke " ; or his reply to the same friend's request to repeat one of his stories, " I must be on my guard in future ; for a joke in your mouth is no laughing matter." Rather better was his answer to the elderly maiden lady who wished to take him for a walk in doubtful weather "It has cleared up enough for one but not enough for tivo ; " and the saying that a tax upon milestones would be unconstitutional, " as they were a race that could not meet to remonstrate." This much at any rate seems clear, that Sheridan's aim was to delight and amuse rather than to wound. He was a man " Whose humour, as gay as the fire- fly's light, Played round every subject, and shone as it played, Whose wit, in the combat as gentle as bright, Ne'er carried a heart-stain away on its blade." And in the same way his practical jokes in country- houses were the sheer outcome of animal spirits, and on the whole as innocent as his cricket with the children, and as harmless as his Cockney attempts at shooting. Fairly familiar specimens of them are his introduction of a young farmer to Mrs. Crewe as his friend Joseph Richardson, with the result that she was horrified at the oddness of his manners and language; and the sermon SHERIDAN. 121 which he wrote for Mr. O'Beirne, afterwards a bishop, and which, besides containing the unintentional blunder, " It is easier for a camel, as Moses says," was nothing less than a scathing comment on the penurious habits of a member of the congregation. In his later years, when past playing jokes himself, he was the inspiring spirit of Charles Mathews' most famous mystifications. Practical jokes formed indeed a prominent feature in Sheridan's more intimate friendships, as Tickell discovered when he pursued Sheridan into an ambuscade of crockery care- fully prepared in a dark passage. Richardson he once compelled to pay his cab fare by beckoning him into a cab, entangling him in a violent disputation, and then jumping out with the exclamation that he would not sit any longer by the side of such a fellow. Another feature in his friendships was li terary jealousy, for Sheridan was not too scrupulous in laying claim to the best part of his friends' work, and gravely assured Tierney that he had written the greater portion of Tickell's pamphlet, "Anti- cipation." Yet, though the relations between the two were often strained, Sheridan on the suicide of Tickell, in 1793, at once gave a home to his widow, 1 and provided for his boys, sending one of them into the Navy, and procuring for the other a situation in India, and this though he was in great straits at the time. Ten years later, when Joseph Richardson died, Sheridan arrived too late for the funeral, but characteristically made up for the neglect by persuading the clergyman to perform the ceremony over again. With these two exceptions, however, Sheridan 1 Born Leigh. Tickell's first wife, who died in 1787, was a sister of Mrs. Sheridan. 122 LIFE OF seems to have been a man of many acquaintances rather than of many friends. Everybody knew him, but with few people did he ever open out his heart. His connection with Fox, Lord John Townshend, and Lord Lauderdale, seems to have been prompted by political motives quite as much as by the affections, and to have waned when his devotion to Carlton House caused him to act in opposition to the bulk of the Whig party. It was characterized by that love of independence which marked his relations with the Prince; he was never a parasite, and never in the habit of sponging on his associates. Sheridan's dealings with his family were in many respects admirable. He was a good son, and though his father had treated him with harshness and caprice, his efforts to win back the old man's heart were persevering, and his attentions during his last illness unceasing. As his brother and sisters lived mostly in Ireland, Sheridan saw little of them, but their relations, thanks to the industrious correspondence of Mrs. Sheridan, seem to have been conducted on the most affectionate terms. As to his married life, the evidence is rather inconclusive. Mrs. Sheridan, beautiful, amiable, and natural, whom even the licentious Wilkes declared to be the most lovely flower that ever grew in nature's garden, seems to have been thoroughly devoted to her husband's interests. She acted as his political secretary and confidante, and watched over the interests of the theatre. There she kept an account of the receipts, read the new pieces sent in, and besides helping him in the composition of "The Duenna," is known to have adapted from the French SHERIDAN. 123 a spectacular piece called "Richard Coeur de Lion." She may have been liable to be carried away by her own and her husband's social success; but, on the whole, she made Sheridan an excellent wife. Her letters are among the most pleasant in Moore's book, and combine a good deal of very excellent advice with much artless gaiety and wholly spontaneous affection. This is how the pair appeared to Fanny Burney in 1779 : "The elegance of Mrs. Sheridan's beauty is unequalled by any that I ever saw, except Mrs. Crewe. I was pleased with her in all respects. She is much more lively and agreeable than I had any idea of finding her ; she was very gay and unaffected and totally free from airs of any kind. . . . Mr. Sheridan has a fine figure, and a good, though I don't think a handsome, face. He is tall and very upright, and his appearance and address are at once manly and fashionable without the smallest tincture of foppery or modish graces. In short, I like him vastly, and think him every way worthy of his beautiful companion. And let me tell you what I know will give you as much pleasure as it gave me, that, by all I could observe in the course of the evening, and we stayed very late, they are extremely happy in each other : he evidently adores her, and she as evidently idolizes him. The world has by no means done him justice." Unfortunately this mutual idolatry was by no means incompatible with numerous quarrels. They were alike of a romantic and jealous disposition. And while it is certain that on Mrs. Sheridan's side there was only too much cause for tears and recriminations, Sheridan seems to have been racked by suspicions which had no real foundation notwithstanding the scandal that connected his wife's name with that of Lord Edward Fitzgerald and to have been indignant that while he took his 124 LIFE OF pleasures abroad she should have entertained a circle of worshippers at home. Even in her happier moments she wrote to her sister-in-law : "So Mrs. is not happy j poor thing, I dare say, if the truth were known, he teases her to death. Your very good husbands generally contrive to make you sensible of their merit somehow or other." With all his faults as a husband, Sheridan loved her deeply, and was filled with remorse during their temporary estrangements. " Could anything bring back those first feelings ? " he used to say ; " Yes, perhaps, the cottage in East Burnham might." But there does not seem to have been anything like a permanent coldness ; indeed the failure to appreciate so charming a companion would have argued a vulgarity of taste of which he was quite incapable. Sheridan pos- sibly remembered a sentence in the Latin Grammar " Amantinm irce, amoris integratio est " and acted upon it. When, in spite of his constant devotion, she died of consumption in 1792, his sorrow was prolonged and violent. " The victory of the grave," he wrote, " is sharper than the sting of death ; " and when shortly after vvards the infant daughter followed the mother to the tomb he was quite frantic with grief. Of Sheridan's second marriage which, after a violent flirtation with Pamela, the adopted daughter of Mme. de Genlis, he contracted in 1795 w ^ tn Miss Ogle, daughter of the Dean of Winchester, there is not much to be said except that it may be described as an exaggerated repetition of his first. He was then aged forty-four and barely able to keep his head above water. In Smyth's brief memoir of Sheridan is given an SHERIDAN. 125 animated picture of his restless and extravagant manner of life immediately after the first Mrs. Sheridan's death, of the three establishments kept up in various parts of the country while he himself lived at an hotel, of the livery-stables full of horses whose corn-bills were hope- lessly in arrear, of a housekeeper without any money to buy provisions, of a tutor without his salary. To introduce order and economy into such a household would have been a hopeless task for a young bride, and certainly the second Mrs. Sheridan seems to have thought that the attempt was not worth making. For, except when provoked beyond measure by his irregu- larities, she seems to have been content to regard him with an uncritical admiration, as may be judged from her remark "As to my husband's talents, I will not say anything about them, but I will say that he is the handsomest and honestest man in England." * Yet at times she was severely tried. Thus Harness records that he once discovered her walking up and down her drawing-room in a frantic state of mind and calling her husband a villain. After some hesitation she explained the cause of her disorder. She had just discovered that the love-letters written to her were copies of those which Sheridan had sent to his first wife. Towards the other member of the strange household, his son Tom, Sheridan acted, as one might expect, the part of an easy-going elder brother, rather than that of a father. He was morbidly anxious after his health, and took pride in his cleverness, but gave him no regular educa- 1 Catalani, on the contrary, remarked, with much more truth, that he had " beaucoup de talent et tres peu de beaute." 126 LIFE OF tion, and, with the exception of a brief spell at soldiering, no regular profession. "Tom," he complacently re- marked, M you have genius enough to get a dinner every day ' the week at the first tables in London, and that is something, but that is all, you will go no farther." And when Tom said that if he went into Parliament he would attach himself to neither party, but hang out a notice, "Lodgings to let," his parent rejoined, "Yes, Unfurnished." Not a good sort of bringing-up, but much the same as Sheridan himself had received. When Sheridan's critics talk about his want of principle, they usually mean his laxity in money matters. It was Lord Holland's theory that he had formed a totally unattainable ideal of moral rectitude, and thought nothing worth aiming at which fell short of that ideal, and that kind of reasoning is by no means rare. But Richardson, who knew Sheridan far more intimately than Lord Holland they frequently backed one another's bills was probably nearer the . truth when he said, "that it was his sincere conviction that could some enchanter's wand touch Sheridan into the possession of fortune it would instantly convert him into a being of the nicest honour and the most unimpeachable moral excellence." And to those who possess a fluctuating income themselves, or who have friends in that position, the good sense of Richardson's observation will be at once apparent. Sheridan's difficulties sprang from several causes. Thriftlessness was in his blood, and the tendency had been increased by his haphazard education as well as by the extraordinary rapidity of his rise. Even if he had SHERIDAN. 127 not been naturally inclined to display, his public position both as the chief proprietor of Drury Lane and as a statesman compelled him to adopt a lavish style of entertainment. Besides, it would have been Jmost impossible, even if he had tried to regulate his expendi- ture, to anticipate with any certainty what his income from the theatre would be for the next month or even for the next week. Again, his sanguine nature induced him\ to underrate his embarrassments, while his habits of pro- J destination and want of method caused him to increase/ them tenfold. "Letters unanswered," groans Smyth,/ "promises, engagements, the most natural expectations totally disregarded. He seemed quite lawless and out of the pale of human sympathies and obligations." Certainly any one who became in any way a creditor of Sheridan's must have had many an anxious moment. Yet Smyth forgave him. So too Messrs. Hammersley, his bankers, who must have known Sheridan well, told Moore that they were certain he never meant to cheat. Again the Linleys were the victims of one of his most discreditable transactions, whereby they were induced to part with their share in Drury Lane for annuities which were never paid them. Yet the younger Linley told the same authority that he acquitted Sheridan of any low pre- meditated design in his various shifts and contrivances. Sheridan's tradesmen are far less deserving of sympathy, indeed it is probable that much pity has been wasted on them. His theory evidently was that it was a trial of skill between them and himself, if by repeated dunning they could get their money, well and good. But if he could talk them over or evade payment so much the 128 LIFE OF better. Boaden, in his "Life of Kemble," tells us that so cordial were Sheridan's manners, his glance so masterly, and his address so captivating, that tradesmen for the most part seemed to forget that they actually wanted money, and went away from his levee as if they had only come to look at him. Their case Was regarded by him as altogether different to an obligation incurred towards a friend. A creditor once found Sheridan in unexpected possession of money. He was told that it was to meet a debt of honour. The creditor thereupon burnt his bond before Sheridan's face, and declared that he should consider his debt as one of honour, and Sheridan paid him at once. As a rule he was eventually driven into a corner. Though his tradesmen had to wait for their money, they received in the end a hundred and fifty per cent., while as he never kept his receipts and scorned to examine items, the dishonest were paid two or three times over. It is clear too that a pure love of fun was the actuating motive of many of his most in- genious/ subterfuges. ,It gave him supreme pleasure to induce a creditor to show off the paces of a horse while he bolted up a narrow passage, or to borrow ^25 more from a lender to whom he already owed several hundreds. " My dear fellow," he once said, "hear reason; the sum you ask me for is a very con- siderable one ; whereas I only ask you for five-and- twenty pounds." It would be absurd to criticise seriously a person of such an irresponsible tempera- ment. Rogers was right when he said that in his dealings with the world Sheridan certainly carried the privileges of genius as far as they were ever carried by SHERIDAN. 120 any man. But after all posterity has no right to look upon such abuses as a matter in which it has any personal concern. To these remarks on Sheridan's money transactions may be added, by way of illustration, some extracts from his letters to Peake, the treasurer of Drury Lane, a collection of which is among the MSS. at the British Museum. It is needless to state that they are undated. Here is one written from the Shakespeare Club on Saturday night, and couched in a curiously rambling hand : " You must positively come to me here and bring 60 in your pocket. Fear nothing. Be civil to all claimants, and trust me in three months there will not exist one unsatisfied claimant. Shut up the office and come here directly. Keep as punctual with Kemble as you can. . . . Borrow and fear not. . . . God Lless you till I see you again, when I will make a success of all diffi- culties." Here is another letter written from Newcastle where Sheridan was, as was often the case with him, "money- bound " :-r 11 1 am so uneasy that I send Edwards back. I am sure you will do anything possible to keep things straight for a fortnight. I am without a shilling for Tom and Mrs. S . Try a few small loans as a personal favour to me. I never ask'd anyone but Mitchell. Don't write me a croaking letter, and you shall see what a lasting settlement I will make on my return so that you shall have no more of these anxieties. God bless you. " I owe ^40 at Newcastle." Poor Peake 1 his must have been an anxious life. At 9 133 LIFE OF one time he is directed to arrange some way of settling a tradesman's bill, at another to borrow money for the taxes. "Discounting small acceptance with a douceur must be the way," wrote Sheridan, and the phrase is worthy of insertion in one of his comedies. Then Mrs. Sheridan had been assured by her husband that a certain sum should be sent her every week ; why did not Peake forward it? And it is needless to add that Tom Sheridan's appeals for money were incessant. The following is a specimen : " If you can possibly do so, send me ten or twenty pounds. I have not, by God, been master of a guinea scarcely since I have been in town and wherever I turn myself I am disgrac'd to my Father it is in vain to apply. He is mad and so shall I be if I don't hear from you." x Sheridan once told Charles Butler that his supreme ambition was to be the best possible manager of a theatre. But when a manager is compelled by his private debts to make perpetual raids on the treasury, it is evident that he falls very short of that ideal. On the other hand, it is certain that Sheridan had great and abnormal difficulties to struggle against. The nature of the ownership of theatrical property must always be a 1 Here is another of Tom Sheridan's missives: "To-morrow I propose setting off for Stafford town, if I can raise the supplies. I want io to start with, and on the road I have a hoard lying perdtie that will carry me through. I should have wished a few minutes' conversation with you before I went. Can you give me any hint or advice as to my conduct there ? Write me an answer, but, above all, do not disappoint me as to the cash. My father C;ives me noue, and is mad I believe." SHERIDAN. 131 mystery to the layman, and Moore who might have fathomed its depths, so far as Drury Lane was concerned, seems to have shirked the difficulty with the conven- tional plea that it was unnecessary to bother the reader with a mass of wearisome details. As an excuse for Moore it may be stated that the variety of interests and authorities in the theatre seems to have been consider- able. The profits from the private boxes did not go to the ordinary shareholders, but were under a separate and conflicting control ; there were also two classes of renters, the old and the new. Besides Sheridan, so far from being the autocrat that one would imagine, was supposed latterly, at any rate, to act under the directions of a Board of Management before he accepted a piece for the stage. "Every day's experience," he writes on May 26, 1778, after a dispute about the- boxes, " with the persons I have had to deal with determines me to be trifled with in this business no longer, and paid I will be the whole of my debt some way or other. At least I will not look on and see many other persons paid before me, for no reason but because I have never pressed my claims, or because I have done the greatest service to the Property, and been the principal cause of other People getting paid at all." Under the circumstances it can hardly be wondered that he should have been feverishly anxious to buy out as many of the other proprietors as possible, in order to get the control of the theatre into his own hands. And when once he had made up his mind, he was not a man to stick at obstacles whether they were great or small. Lacy, Dr. Ford, and the Linleys were successively got rid of; the Linleys by the ingenious expedient of annuities, 132 LIFE OF but Dr. Ford demanded ;i 7,000 in cash. It was some time before the sum was paid. Even Sheridan could not raise money by magic, and that he should have been able to do so at all argues considerable confidence 0:1 the part of his anonymous money-lenders in his business integrity and capacity. These obligations had doubtless considerable effect upon the internal economy of the theatre. We read in Kelly's " Reminiscences " of tradesmen and scenery- painters unpaid, and it is known that the actors frequently had to go without their salaries. 1 Miss Farren once took the extreme step of absenting herself from the theatre the occasion was during the run of Holcroft's "Force of Ridicule" in 1796 as a protest against Sheridan's conduct. But the manoeuvre does not seem to have succeeded, for after her marriage she sent her husband, Lord Derby, to press for arrears. Sheridan gently remonstrated with the noble dun, "You have taken away from us the brightest jewel in the world ; and you now quarrel with us for a little dust she has left behind her." But Miss Farren's conduct seems to have been quite the exception, and the actors, an easy-going class themselves, were blind to Sheridan's faults, and full of admiration for his fertility of resource. When an alarm of fire was raised, Suett was instructed to tell the audience that if they did not keep still they would be drowned by the enormous supplies of water in the 1 On the other hand, Reynolds the playwright declares in his " Reminiscences " that his royalties were paid with the utmost regu- larity. So contradictory are the statements about this perplexing man. SHERIDAN. 133 establishment, and to wind up his remarks by making a face. When the King, while sitting in the royal box in the theatre, was shot at by a madman, Sheridan was equal to the occasion, and scribbled off an impromptu verse to " God Save the King," which evoked from all present a wild demonstration of patriotic fervour. Hear Kelly, who served him in several capacities, as manager of the Italian opera, as composer, and as an operatic singer : " During the five-and-twenty years through which I enjoyed his friendship and society, I never heard him say a word that could wound the feelings of a human being." And yet Kelly in his time was arrested for debt to an upholsterer on furniture which Sheridan had ordered, but with which he had been rash enough to identify himself. Never did Sheridan's fascination of manner stand him in better stead than when dealing with his company, and it is only just to him to say that he never seems to have forgotten that he was himself an actor's son. For instance, nothing could exceed his kindness to Mrs. Robinson, and he never took advantage of the unpro- 1 This tribute to Sheridan does all the more credit to Kelly, because they had more than one tiff about money-matters. Thus there is at the British Museum the draft of a letter from Peake to Kelly : " I am desired by Mr. Sheridan to express his extreme astonish- ment at the letter you have thought fit to write to Mr. Peake. Your talking of ' lending hitti the .100 he wants,' he considers an insult and not proceeding from ignorance, real or pretended, of the Proposition he made you, which was that you should actually abate ^ioo from your salary this year, and certify it to the Trustees, in consequence of your having taken a sum of money last year from the Theatre for doing so little." 134 LIFE OF tected situation in which she was placed by her scamp of a husband. Nor does this power of managing men exhaust the list of Sheridan's good qualities as the director of a theatre. He had an instinctive knowledge of the public, and he inspired them with quite as much confidence in his undertakings as Whitbread and the other capitalists and business men who succeeded him. And if his own improvidence was the cause of the numerous financial crises that arose during his regime, he was unequalled in the resource with which those crises were overcome. Kelly tells us that he once went to Sheridan's house in despair, the performers of the Italian Opera having struck for arrears of salary amounting to ^"3,000, and the bankers, Messrs. Morland, having declined to advance a shilling. After two hours Sheridan appeared from his bedroom. " Three thousand pounds, Kelly," he said with the utmost coolness, " why there is no such sum in nature. There is one passage in Shakespeare," he con- tinued, " which I have always admired particularly, and that is where Falstaff says, ' Master Robert Shallow, I owe you a thousand pounds.' c Yes, Sir John,' says Shallow, c which I beg you will let me take home with me.' 'That may not so easy be, Master Robert Shallow,' replies Falstaff; and so I say unto thee Master Mick Kelly, to get three thousand pounds may not so easy be." However, he drove off with Kelly to the bankers, and, continues the latter, " in less than a quarter of an hour, to my joy and surprise, out he came, with- ^3,000 in bank-notes in his hand. By what hocus-pocus he got them, I know not, nor can I imagine even at this SHERIDAN. 135 moment, but those notes he brought to me, out of the very house, where, an hour or two before, the firm had sworn that they would not advance him another six- pence." Similarly when the opera-house had at last to close its doors, Sheridan allowed his co-lessee, Mrs. Harris, to find asylum at Boulogne while he remained and serenely faced the storm. Nor was it long before his plausible address enabled him to dispose of the remainder of the lease on very advantageous terms. Even in minor matters Sheridan was probably far more energetic than has been generally supposed. Boaden says that although it took a Troy siege to engage his attention, he decided at length rapidly and correctly. In knowledge of stage-effect, as might be expected from his life-long connection with the theatre, he was very skilled. Kelly describes the method by which he was directed to compose the incidental music for " Pizarro." Sheridan, he says, made a sort of rumbling noise with his voice, resembling a dog's gruff bow-wow-wow, but though there was not the slightest re- semblance to an air in the noise he made, yet so clear were his ideas of effect that Kelly perfectly understood his meaning. He seems, in fact, to have confined his own superintendence to the production of those specta- cular pieces which the low taste of the public demanded, and where Shakespeare's plays were concerned to have relied entirely upon Kemble. It cannot, indeed, be said of Sheridan, that he was ambitious to raise the tone of the stage by the production of new plays of merit. He brought out at haphazard farces, spectacular pieces, musical medleys, Shakespeare, and revivals of his own 136 LIFE OF comedies. But with his own exception it was an age of great actors rather than of great dramatists. Against Kemble, Mrs. Siddons, Mrs. Jordan, Miss Farren, Mrs. Powell, Bannister, and John Palmer are to be set writers like Holcroft, Cumberland, Reynolds, Monk Lewis, Mrs. Inchbald, and the other small fry whom Gifford trounced in the " Mseviad." O'Keeffe was a respectable playwright, but owing apparently to the impression that he was re- tained by Covent Garden, Sheridan employed him only once. Most of the plays of the younger Colman were produced at the Haymarket. And if Sheridan did not, as Kemble complained, take the trouble to look at the plays of the " great unacted," he was not the first or last manager against whom that failing has been alleged. But during the earlier years of his management the first Mrs. Sheridan performed the functions of dramatic reader, and that Sheridan himself was not altogether neglectful of rising talent is proved by several collections of unacted plays in the British Museum, in which the dialogue is freely corrected and condensed by Sheridan's hand. 1 Altogether it is probable that in spite of his 1 Some of Sheridan's comments are perhaps worth quoting. Thus in an opera called "The Castles of Athlyn and Dunbayne," a peasant, who had appeared in the first act, is introduced very abruptly in the last. Sheridan notes that the " Peasant must be introduced or spoke of otherwise he will be totally forgot before his entrance." In another opera without a title there is a note : " The young soldier Albert wants a horse to go three miles in search of his mistress! Make it longer." A play called "The Picturesque Incidents," after several alternative titles have been suggested, becomes, " The Artist, or Love in a Garret," and the names of some of the characters are altered, thus Sir Gregory Greylove becomes Sir Lionel Latelove. A soliloquy by Sir Lionel with the SHERIDAN. 137 natural indolence and dilatoriness, he really spent much time and trouble over the interests of the theatre, though, no doubt, in an irregular and spasmodic manner. It is evident that much of the chaos, that prevailed behind the scenes during the earlier years of Sheridan's connection with Drury Lane, was due to the incapacity of his acting-managers. His old father, who was appointed to the post in 1778, was not a success, owing apparently to his fussiness. In 1782 he drifted off once more to his " Attic Entertainments," the curious medleys of recitations and lectures, with a facetious address to the ladies thrown in, to which he had recourse when regular engagements failed. Old Sherry's successor, King, was too good-natured to do well, and his regime is memorable only for the return of Mrs. Siddons to the London stage, on which she had appeared in Garrick's time without attracting notice. The season of 1788 opened without a stage-manager, and it was not until October of that year that Kemble undertook the post, and a period of Shakesperian revivals, well - mounted and admirably acted, began. With Kemble and Mrs. Siddons at their best, the fortunes of Drury Lane must have been exceedingly prosperous, and Sheridan seems to have managed the pair with considerable tact, though Kemble stilted opening, " It is a thousand pities that I should not have felt sweet Love's influence sooner. Summer is gone," &c., is made by Sheridan to begin much more naturally, " Rather late in the day to be sure for both of us. Summer is gone." Again, a farce entitled " Folygamy " had been sent in without the author's name. Sheridan read it until he came to a passage where either of six ladies is spoken of. "Mr. O'B's for a million" is his conclusion possibly O'Brien, author of " The Friend in Need." 138 LIFE OF complained that he would trouble himself very little about Shakespeare. The significant warning to Peake already quoted, " Keep as punctual with Kemble as you can," is not the only intimation of the sort that occurs in the correspondence. Here is another: " Ten Pounds will not break our bank. Therefore by no means I beg most particularly fail to pay Kern by a draught to-day the order I have given him. His wife is staying at Polesden, and after what has happened there for him to be sent back without money would be the Devil." x In spite of the deference paid him, Kemble seems to have been inclined to kick against managerial pro- ceedings, especially when he was in his cups. Thus Boaden describes him as proclaiming in the irregular blank-verse which he affected when in that condition : " I am an Eagle, whose wings have been bound down by frosts and snows, but now I shake my pinions and cleave into the general air into which I was born." But on the appearance of Sheridan he soon laid his resentment by, and a mutual reconciliation was effected by the deity to whom they were both devoted. In 1792 a new crisis occurred in Sheridan's fortunes. The theatre, which in the previous year had been pro- nounced unsafe and incapable of repair, was pulled down, and pending the rebuilding the company had to find a temporary home, at considerable expense, first at the Opera House, and then at the Hay market 1 British Museum MSS. The letter was evidently written after 1795, as Polesden was settled on the second Mrs. Sheridan as a marriage portion. SHERIDAN. 139 Theatre. Nor was this all; though 150,000 was easily raised for the purposes of rebuilding and paying off mortgages, the completion of the new theatre was constantly delayed, and when it was finished the archi- tect's estimate, ,75,000, was found to have been vastly under the actual cost incurred. According to Moore the new theatre started with a debt of 70,000, and though Sheridan was full of expedients, in the way of entering into new partnerships and creating new shares, it never got clear. However, though the mine of his fortunes showed signs of giving out, he laboured on with unflagging spirits. New Drury opened on the 21st of April, 1794, with "Macbeth" performed by a cast in. all probability unequalled either before or since Kemble as Macbeth ; John Palmer, Macduff; Charles Kemble, a boy of eighteen, Malcolm ; Charles Bannister, Hecate; Parsons, Moody, and Baddeley, the witches ; and Mrs. Siddons, Lady Macbeth. On the 2nd of July was acted, in honour of Lord Howe's victory, The Glorious First of June," a musical trifle written to order by Cobb, from a sketch supplied him by Sheridan, and conceived, rehearsed, and produced within three days. Kelly took a part, and not having time for study, requested Sheridan that it might be short. Sheridan assured him that he would comply with his wish, and gave to the innocent Irishman the sublime and solitary speech, "There stands my Louisa's cottage ; she must be either in it or out of it." Two years later Sheridan fell a dupe to William Ire- land, and was induced by him to accept the forgery, 140 LIFE OF " Vortigern," as an original play of Shakespeare's. His admirers may well wish that he had never been con- nected with so dubious a transaction. It is probable, however, that he looked at the matter purely from a manager's point of view, and thought that the play would win, at any rate, a success of curiosity. Besides, did not his old tutor. Doctor Parr, and the equally learned scholar, Dr. Warton, solemnly announce their belief in the genuineness of Ireland's documents ? Why should Sheridan, who was not an enthusiastic admirer of the great dramatist, listen to Malone's denunciation of Ireland, or pay any attention to the grumblings of Kemble ? Not that his conscience was altogether at rest. "This is strange," he said to Ireland, "for, though you are acquainted with my opinion of Shake- speare, he always wrote poetry." However his own suggestion that " Vortigern " was an immature pro- duction of the bard's came readily to his relief, and the play was produced on the 2nd of April. As is well known, the audience, after numerous expressions of rest- lessness, broke out into loud cries of dissatisfaction, which continued until Kemble, who had been trudging gloomily through his part, came to the line 11 And when this solemn mockery is o'er." Then they lifted up their voices, and damned the play without mercy. This, by the way, was not the last literary imposture with which Sheridan was concerned ; but again his share in the fraud was merely that of an innocent middle- man. In April, 1802, a comedy entitled "Fashionable SHERIDAN. 141 Friends " was produced at Drury Lane, professedly as a posthumous work by Horace Walpole. It was really by Miss Berry, and its fate was that of dismal failure. As a welcome relief to a treasury exhausted by the Vortigern catastrophe came, in 1798, the striking success of "The Stranger," a play adapted from the German of Kotzebue by Mr. Thompson, and touched up by Sheridan. His actual share in the dialogue is not very clear, though he himself claimed, curiously enough, to have written every word of it from beginning to end. However, the familiar song, "I have a silent sorrow here," was avowedly written by him, as was its music by the Duchess of Devonshire. The literary merits of the play are nil, and its popularity was due to the wonderful acting of Mrs. Siddons as Mrs. Haller. According to an anecdote, which would appear however to lack authen- ticity, Sheridan did not deceive himself on the point, and sought consolation in the lines " The drama's laws, the drama's patrons give, And those who live to please must please to live." But he was too shrewd a manager not to see that the vein of German drama might be exploited with profit, and his adaptation of Kotzebue's " Spaniards in Peru," was brought out on May 24, 1799, under the title of "Pizarro." Its production was marked by his charac- teristic indolence. The alterations from the plot, of the German original, or rather from the English trans- lation, by some unknown hack, upon which he relied, were slight ; and Kelly tells the almost incredible story that until the end of the fourth act, Mrs. Siddons, Charles 142 LIFE OF Kemble, and Barrymore, had not received their speeches for the fifth, as Sheridan was writing them upstairs in the prompter's room. 1 Nor did he take the trouble to compose a new prologue, but reproduced that written by himself for Lady Craven's "Miniature Picture," in 1780, which had little relation to Spaniards or Peru, but con- tained a neat passage describing the '' spark " in Hyde Park : " Careless he seems, yet vigilantly sly, Woos the gay glance of ladies passing by, While his off-heel, insidiously aside, Provokes the caper that he seems to chide." But he took much pains with the spectacular and musical accessories, and was feverishly anxious for the success of the piece. It was a great though wholly spurious triumph, thanks to Kemble and Mrs. Siddons, and brought in at least ^15,000 into the theatre during its first season, while the published edition sold like wild-fire. The book was dedicated to his wife, " whose approbation of the drama, and whose peculiar delight in the applause it had received from the public, had been to him the highest gratification derived from its success." Two celebrated men recorded their opinions of "Pizarro," and both were substantially just. Charles Fox declared that it was the worst thing possible, and Pitt said that he had heard it already in the 1 Boadcn, on the other hand, represents him, on the first night, as seated in a box with Richardson, and watching the performance with great anxiety. He could hardly have been in two places at once, any more than Sir Boyle Roche. Kelly's anecdote may be an improved edition of what occurred at one of the rehearsals. SHERIDAN. 143 Begum speech. The style indeed is closely akin to that of the oration, " something between poetry and prose," and one of Sheridan's additions to the dialogue, the simile of the vulture and the lamb, had actually done duty in Westminster Hall. It occurs in Rolla's address to the Peruvians : "Yes; they will give enlightened freedom to our minds ! wfcO are themselves the slaves of passion, avarice, and pride. They offer us our protection ; yes, such protection as vultures give to lambs covering and devouring them ! They call on us to barter all of good we have inherited and proved, for the desperate chance of something better which they promise. Be our plain answer this The throne we honour is the people's choice ; the laws we reverence are our brave fathers' legacy ; the faith we follow teaches us to live in bonds of charity with all mankind, and die with hope of bliss beyond the grave. Tell your invaders this, and tell them too we seek no change ; and, least of all, such change as they would bring us." The whole address seems to have been composed of tags from his speeches, and particularly from one on the dangers of invasion delivered in the previous year, and it had, at any rate, the merit of being a propos. Indeed a madman imagined that its recitation was an invaluable specific for raising recruits for the British army, and knocked up the Prime Minister in the middle of the night to communicate the discovery to him. But there its good qualities begin and end, and Sheridan's other amplifications of the original are the merest Fitzball. The best that can be said of them is that they are few in number, and that many of the false images and "nice derangement of epitaphs," which have been ascribed to the famous dramatist, are really the con- 144 LIFE OF tributions of the unknown hack, whose attempts to write himself up to Sheridan were about on a par with Sheridan's attempts to write himself down to his understrapper. Why the author of "The Critic" ever put his name to such a production it is easier to wonder than to guess. Perhaps at the bottom of his heart he had a sneaking fondness for " his magnificence, his noise, and his procession." He must also have felt that the piece would be more certain of success if it received his endorsement, than if it appeared as the effort say of the humble Cobb. Meanwhile the tide of embarrassment was beating upon the theatre with a violence which not even " Pizarro " could stem. In the year of its produc- tion an action was brought against him by some of the co-proprietors who were unable to secure their dividends. Sheridan defended in person, and won an oratorical triumph in a totally untried field. But he had to submit to comments on his improvidence from the defendants' counsel, Mr. Mansfield, which wounded him to the quick; while the Lord Chancellor, in tone 5 of fatherly admonition, applied to him the concluding words of Johnson's " Life of Savage " : "Negligence and irregularity long-continued will make knowledge useless, wit ridiculous, and genius contemptible." From time to time he made half-hearted attempts to get straight. In 1 80 1 the following announcement appeared in The Morning Post: " The Principal Proprietor of the Theatre of Drury Lane has, at length, made an arrangement by which Justice shall keep pace zvith generosity. He retains to himself an income of ^"2,000 a year. To SHERIDAN. 145 his son he allots ^"500. The rest of his revenue is appropriated to discharge within four years the whole of his debts." The announcement was probably made on authority, since it is corroborated by the following letter of Tom Sheridan's to Peake, but it was never carried into effect : " My Father's theatrical property was of his own creating. I had no right to complain had he sold it twice over and told me to go and seek my fortune as I would (would to God I had, even my present standing in the army would have nearly afforded me independence), but he was not justified in day after day pointing to the Theatre as my ultimate object, and incessantly assuring me it was to be mine (as far as he could make it so), precluding me from other pursuits." It was in vain that Sheridan called in the talents of his son to supply his own increasing deficiencies. Tom worked hard and, unlike his father, kept appointments with punctuality, while his practical and somewhat cynical knowledge of the public may be gathered from the following extract from one of his letters: "Much depends on the arrangement of the people. Remember ' St. Quentin,' and make a damnable noise and bustle whatever you do." x But the accession of a second Sheridan did but little to compensate the company for the loss of Kemble, who, after throwing up the stage management in 1796, and taking it up again in 1800, finally seceded altogether from Drury Lane in 1802, having failed to come to terms with Sheridan for the purchase of a quarter share in the theatre. Deprived of the great actor (who, availing himself of the fact that x Dated February 13, 1809, a few days before the theatre was destroyed by fire. IO 146 LIFE OF SHERIDAN. 141 Kemble, Charles, the actor, 139,. 142 Kemble, the actor, 61, 62, 129,. 135-140, 142, 145 King, the actor, 62, 71, 8r, 84,. 87. 137 L. Lacy, Mr. Willoughby, 55-58,. 131 Lamb, Charles, quoted, 61, 62, 70,71 Langford, Mr., 56 {note) Lauderdale, Lord, 120, 122 "Lectures on the Comic Writers," Hazlitt's, quoted, 63-67, 70,. 73 Lee, Mr. , the actor, 25, 26 (note) Lefanu, Miss, quoted, 23, 65, 76 " Life of Sheridan," Moore's, see- Moore, Thomas Linley, Miss, see Sheridan, Mrs., Sheridan's first wife Linley, Mr., 17-20, 22, 24, 46-49. 55-57. 84. 127, 131, 161 Lisle, 19 Long, Mr., 17-18, 22 Loughborough, Lord, 150 174 INDEX. M. Macmillan's Magazine, 114 [note) "Mathews, Mr., 18-19, 37> 7^ Mathews, Mrs., quoted, 71 {note) 146, 165 [note) ^Mathews, the actor, 71 (note), 121 Matthews, Mr. Brander, quoted, 27. 3 8 - 55-56, 70 ^Melbourne, Lord, 114 " Memoirs of Mrs. Frances Sheri- dan," Miss Lefanu's, quoted, 23 Miller, Lady, 15, 16 Minto, Professor, quoted, 118 Moliere, influence of, 44-45, 50, 77, 79 -Moore, Mr. Peter, 166, 167 -Moore, Thomas, 11, 88, 89, 90, 113, 114, 116, 131, 164, 168 ; his " Life of Sheridan " quoted, 14, 20, 23, 24, 41, 46, 48, 49, 50. 5i. 55. 56, 64, 69, 72, 75, 76, 83, 85, 99, 123, 127, 139, 159, 163, 165 (note), 167, 169 -Morning Advertiser, The, 20 Morning Post, The, 23, 144-145, 168 -Murphy, Arthur, his "Know your own Mind,'' 79 N. " Nourjahad," Mrs. Sheridan's, 13 North, Lord, ir, 22, 93, 94, 96, 97 -Norton, Mrs., Sheridan's grand- daughter, 114 and note ; quoted, 18 -Notes and Queries, 96 (note) O. O'Beirne, Mr., 121 Octogenarian, the Sheridan me- moirs of an, 90, 114-115 " Ode to Scandal," 89 Ogle, Miss, see Sheridan, Mrs., Sheridan's second wife O'Keeffe, John, dramatist, 136 Orchard Street, Portman Square, 22, 23 Palmer, John, the actor, 62, 71, 87, 136, 139 "Panegyric to the Ridotto, A," 16-17 Parr, Dr., 13, 140 ; quoted, 12 Parsons, the actor, 162 Patmore, Mr. Coventry, 30 Peake, Mr., the treasurer at Drury Lane, 129-130, 133 (note), 145 Pitt, William, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99 102, 109, 118, 150-152, 155, 157, 160 ; quoted, 142 " Pizarro," 60, 88, 90, 135, 141- 144, 146 Pope, Miss, the actress, 62 Prince Regent, the, 113, 115, 117- 118 147-151, 156, 158-160, 161, 163- 164, 167-169 ; quoted, 10 " Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language," Thomas Sheridan's, 12, 14 R. Raymond, Mr. J. G., 162 "Relapse, The," Vanbrugh's, Sheridan's "Trip to Scar- borough '' an adaptation of, 59 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 68, 166 1 ' Reynolds's Life and Times " quoted, 26 (note), 132 (note) INDEX. 175 Richardson, Joseph, 120, 121, 126, 142 [note), 167 Richardson, Samuel, 11 Ridgway, Mr., 64 "'Rivals, The," its first appear- ance, 25-29 ; charges of plagi- arism made against it, 29-34 ; its plot, 34-36 ; its characters and dialogue, 36-43 ; its suc- cess, 44 ; referred to, 53, 55, and note, 57, 61, 63, 64, 70 "Robinson Crusoe," a panto- mime, 90 Robinson, Mrs., the actress, 59, 133 Rogers, the poet, 162, 164, 168 ; quoted, 30, 61, 128 Rolle, Mr,, 149 "School for Scandal, The," first performance and success, 60- 63 ; its brilliant dialogue, 63- 65 ; its shortcomings, 65-67 ; its wit, 67-68 ; its length and its plot, 68-70 ; its morality, 7~75 > tne charges of plagi- arism brought against it, 75- 80 ; referred to, 41, 53, 81, 114, 116 Scott, Major, 100, 101 Scott, Sir Walter, quoted, 52 Selwyn, George, the wit, 68, 94, 120 Shelburne, Lord, 97 Sheridan, Alicia, Sheridan's sister, 11, 122 Sheridan, Charles, Sheridan's brother, 13, 18, 122 Sheridan, Dr. Thomas, Sheridan's grandfather, 9-10 -Sheridan, Frances, Sheridan's mother, 10-13, l8 2 5 4 8 ', her son'sborrowings from her works, 30-33, 80 Sheridan, Mrs., Sheridan's first wife, 17-24, 37, 46-47, 93, 103, ' 116, 118, 122-125, I 36. 166 Sheridan, Mrs., Sheridan's second wife, 124-125, 130, 162, 165 (note), 167, 168 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler, his ancestors, 9-10 ; parents, 10-13 ; birth, 12 ; school at Harrow, 13 ; life at Frith "Street, Soho, 13-14 ; removal to Bath, 14 ; first literary efforts, 14-15 ; his entry into Bath society, 15- 17 ; his elopement and marriage with Miss Linley, 17-21 ; they settle in Orchard Street, Port- man Square, 22 ; their entrance into society, 23-24 ; he chooses V literature as a profession, 24 ; ? his preference for the drama, 25; "The Rivals," 25-44; "St. Patrick's Day, or The Scheming Lieutenant," 44-46; collaboration with Mr. Linley, 46-48 ; "The Duenna," 48-53; popularity, 54-55 ; he purchases a share in Drury Lane Theatre, 55-57 > his troubles as manager, 57-58; "A Trip to Scar- borough," 59-60 ; " The School for Scandal,'' 60-81 ; continued troubles at Drury Lane, 81-82 ; a monody on the death of Garrick, 82-83 '> " The Critic," 83-88 ; his later literary pro- ductions, 88-91 ; the circum- stances in which he turned to politics, 92-93 ; he joins the Whigs, 93-94 ; is elected for Stafford, 94 ; his position in the 176 INDEX. House of Commons, 94-96 ; he holds office, 96-98 ; in opposi- tion, 98-99 : his speech for the impeachment of Warren Hast- ings, 100-102 ; his great speech against Hastings in Westmin- ster Hall, 102-111 ; his final speech in the Hastings trial, 111-112 ; unsatisfactory charac- ter of all biographies of Sheri- dan, 113-115 ; his general characteristics, 115-116; his attitude towards society, 116- 118 ; his dissipations, 118 ; his brilliant conversation, 119- 120 ; his practical jokes, 120- 121 ; his friends, 121-122 ; his relations with his family, 122- 124 ; his second marriage, 124- 126 ; his money difficulties, 126-130 ; his management of Drury Lane Theatre, 130-137 ; troubles with his stage-mana- gers, 137-138 ; he rebuilds Drury Lane Theatre, 138-139 ; performances in the new theatre, 139-141 ; "Pizarro," 141-144 ; his increasing embarrassments, 144-146 ; Drury Lane Theatre burnt down, 146; his connec- tion with the Prince of Wales, 147-148 ; unfortunate consequences, 148-151 ; he quarrels with Burke, 151-152 ; subsequent political career, 152- 159 ; review of his political life, 159-160 ; his financial position after the burning of Drury Lane Theatre, 161 ; his manner of j existence thereafter, 162-163 ; | rupture with the Prince Regent I and exile from Carlton House, ; 163-164 ; his final relations with Drury Lane, 164-165 ; his property disposed of to pay his debts, 166-167 ; the misery of his last illness, 167-169 ; his death, 169-170 Sheridan, Thomas, Sheridan's father, 10-14, 18, 20, 22, 25, 37, 81-82, 122, 137'; quoted, 79 80 Sheridan, Tom, Sheridan's son, 114, 116, 125-126, 130, 145, 167 Siddons, Mrs., the actress, 136,. 137, 139, 141, 142 Smith, the actor, 61-62 Smollett, influence of, 33, 34 Smyth, Professor, 114, 118;. quoted, 37, in, 115, 124-125, 127, 167 Stafford, Sheridan's representation of, 94, 159, 163 Steele, influence of, 34 ' ' St. Patrick's Day, or The Schem- ing Lieutenant," 44-46 "Stranger, The," 90, 141 Sumner, Dr., 13 T. Thompson, Mr., his adaptation^ of " The Stranger, " 141 Thurlow, Lord, 149 Tickell, Mr., 83, 89, 121 Townshend, Charles, the wit, 94 Townshend, Lord John, 93, 97- {note), 122; quoted, 115 "Trip to Bath," Mrs. Sheridan's, 30-33, 80 "Trip to Scarborough, A," 59 60 INDEX. 177 V. Vanbrugh, adaptation of his "Relapse," 59 Vaughan, " Hat," 85, 167, 168, 169 "Vortigern," William Ireland's, 140 W. Wallis, Mr., 55-56 Walpole, Horace, 141 ; quoted, 16, 61-65, 68-69, 8 5. 9 8 > 108 Warton, Dr., 140 Watkins, Dr., 114; quoted, 55- 57,75 Westminster Abbey, 169 Whitbread, Mr., 134, 159, 161, 163, 164, 165 and note Whyte, Mr., Sheridan's school- master, 11 Wilberforce, William, 94, 166 Windham, Mr., 93, 156 ; quoted, 2 3> "9 Woodfall, Mr., 94 Wraxall, Mr., quoted, 94, 95, 97 {note) Wright, Mr., the publisher, 89 Wycherley, influence of, 27, 28, 30. 38, 50, 77 Y. Yates, Mrs., the actress, 82 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY. BY JOHN P. ANDERSON (British Museum). L Works. II. Dramatic Works. III. Speeches. IV. Selections. V. Single Works. VI. Appendix Biography, Criticism, etc. Magazine Articles, etc. VII. Chronological List of Works. I. WORKS. The Works of the late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 2 vols. London, 1821, 8vo. The Works of the late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Collected by Thomas Moore, Esq. A new edition. Complete in one volume. Leipsic, 1833, 8vo. The Works of the Right Honour- able Richard Brinsley Sheridan, with a memoir by James P. Browne, M.D. Containing ex- tracts from the life by Thomas Moore. 2 vols. London, 1873, 8vo. Also issued the same year, in one volume, without " The Camp, a musical entertainment," not written by Sheridan, but included in the two-volume edition. The Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Dramas, poems, translations, speeches, and unfinished sketches. Edited by F. Stainforth. London, 1874, 8vo. II. DRAMATIC WORKS. The Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, containing 11 BIBLIOGRAPHY. The School for Scandal, The Rivals, The Duenna, The Critic. London [1795 ?], 12mo. The Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. With some ~> observations upon his personal and literary character. Gree- nock, 1828, 12mo. The Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. With a biographical and critical sketch. By Leigh Hunt. London, 1840, 8vo. Another edition. London, 1846, 8vo, The Dramatic Works of Richard I Brinsley Sheridan. With a memoir of his life, by G. G. S[imund]. London, 1848, 8vo. Part of "Bohn's Standard Library." The Dramatic Works of Richara Brinsley Sheridan, with a bio- graphical and critical sketch Edited by Ludwig Gantter. Stuttgart, 1854, 8vo. No. 3 of " The Standard Poets of Great Britain." The Plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, with an introduction by Henry Morley. London, 1883, 8vo. Part of Motley's Universal Library. Sheridan's Comedies. The Rivals and the School for Scandal. \ Edited, with an introduction, and notes to each play, and a biographical sketch of Sheridan, by Brander Matthews. Illustra- tions by E. A. Abbey, etc. Boston, 1885, 8vo. Dramatic Works of Sheridan and Goldsmith. With Goldsmith's Poems. 2 vols. London, 1884, 32mo. Another edition. London [1886], 16mo. Part of "Cassell's Miniature Library of the Poets." The Rivals, and the School for Scandal. London, 1886, 16ino. Forms part of " Cassell's National Library." The Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London [1887], 8vo. Forms part of "Cassell's Red Library." Plays of Sheridan. Containing The Rivals, The School for Scandal, The Critic. London, 1889, 8vo. Part of "Bohn's Select Library." The Rivals, The School for -, Scandal, and other plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London, 1890, 8vo. III. SPEECHES. Speeches of the late Right Honour- able Richard Brinsley Sheridan. , (Several corrected by himself.) Edited by a Constitutional Friend. 5 vols. London, 1816, 8vo. The Speeches of the Right Honour- able Richard Brinsley Sheridan. {Modern Orator, vol. 1.) Lon- don, 1845, 8vo. The legislative independence of Ireland vindicated in a speech of Mr. Sheridan's on the Irish Propositions in the British House of Commons, etc. Dub- lin, 1785, 8vo. Speeches in the Trial of Warren Hastings. Edited by E. A. Bond. 4 vols. London, 1859-61, 8vo. Vols. 1 and 4 contain Sheridan's Speeches, taken from Gurney's reports. The Speech of R. B. Sheridan in bringing forward the fourth charge against Warren Hastings relative to the Begums of Oude. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 111 The second edition. London, 1787, 8vo. Speech before the High Court of Parliament on summing up the evidence on the Begum Charge against Warren Hastings, Esq. London, 1788, 8vo. Speech in the House of Commons, on the 21st of April, 1798, on the motion to address His Majesty, on the present alarm- ing state of affairs. [London t 1798] 8vo. Speech of Richard Brinsley Sheridan in the House of Commons in reply to Mr. Pitt's speech on the Union with Ireland. Dublin, 1799, 8vo. The Speech of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, in the House of Commons (8th December 1802), on the motion for the Army Establishment for the ensuing year. London, 1S02, 8vo. New edition. London, 1803, 8vo. The Speech of R. B. Sheridan in the House of Commons, Dec. 8, 1802, on the Army Estimates, etc. Birmingham [1802], 8vo. IV. SELECTIONS. The Beauties of Sheridan, con- sisting of selections from his poems, dramas, and speeches, by A. Howard. London [1834?], 12mo. V, SINGLE WORKS. The Camp, a Musical Entertain- ment. By Richard Brinsley Sheridan [or rather by R. Tickell]. London, 1795, 12mo The Camp, a Musical Entertain- ment. Another edition. Lon- don, 1803, 12mo. Another edition. (Cumber- land's British Theatre, vol. 32.) Loudon [1829], 12mo. Clio's Protest ; or, the Picture Varnished [signed Asmodeo i.e., R. B. Sheridan]. {The Rival Beauties, etc., pp. 5-17.) London [1771], 4to. Clio's Protest; or, " The Pic- ture" varnished, with other poems. London, 1819, 8vo. A Comparative Statement of the two Bills for the bettor govern- ment of the British possessions in India, brought into Parlia- ment by Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt ; with explanatory observations. London, 1788, 4to. Third edition. London, 1788, 4to. Crazy Tales. By the late Richard Brinsley Sheridan [or rather by J. H. Stevenson. In verse]. London, 18:5, 12mo. The Critic ; or, a tragedy re- hearsed. A dramatic piece in three acts. London, 1781, 8vo. Produced at Drury Lane in 1779. Fourth edition. London, 1781, 8vo. The title-page is engraved. Another edition. Dublin, 1785, 12mo. Another edition. (Cavithorn's Minor British Theatre, vol. 6.) London, 1807, 8vo. Auother edition. (Modern British Drama, vol. 5, pp. 642-659.) London, 1811, 8vo. Another edition. (The Lon- don Theatre, by Thomas Dibdin, vol. 8.) London, 1814, 16mo. Another edition. (Mrs. Inch- bald's Collection of Farces, vol. 3.) London, 1815, 12mo. v^ IV BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Critic. Another edition. London, 1820, 8vo. Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 9. Another edition. (The Lon- don Stage, vol. 1.) London [1824], 8vo. Another edition. (British Drama, vol. 1, pp. 554-566.) London, 1824, 8vo. Another edition. (Cumber- land's British Theatre, vol. 15.) London [1829], 12mo. Another edition. (Penny National Library, vol. 5.) London [1830], 8vo. Another edition. (The Acting Drama, pp. 27-38.) London, 1834, 8vo. Another edition. (Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 8.) London [1850], 12mo. Another edition. (British Drama, vol. 3, pp. 657-670.) London, 1865, 8vo. The Duenna: a Comic Opera. London, 1775, 8vo. Produced at Covent Garden on the 21st November, 1775. The Duenna; or, the Double Elopement; a comic opera as it is acted at the Theatre, Smoke Alley, Dublin. [Dublin] 1786, 8vo. Another edition. London, 1794, 8vo. Another edition. Dublin, 1794, 12mo. Another edition. (Mrs. Inchbald's British Theatre, vol. 19.) London, 1808, 12mo. Another edition. London, 1818, 8vo. Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 2. Another edition. (London Stage, vol. 1.) London [1824], 8vo. Another edition. (Duncombe's Edition, vol. 39.) London [1825], 12mo. Another edition. (British Drama, vol. 2, pp. 1102- 1119.) London, 1826, 8vo. Another edition. (Cumber- land's British Theatre, vol. 2.) London, 1829, 12mo. Another edition. ( The Penny National Library, vol. 5.) Lon- don [1830], 8vo. Another edition. (The Lon- don Theatre, pp. 78-95.) Lon- don, 1834, 8vo. Another edition. (British Drama, vol. 4, pp. 1055-1072.) London, 1865, 8vo. Songs, duets, trios, etc., in the Duenna, etc. Sixth edition. London, 1775, 8vo. Eighth edition. London, 1776, 8vo. Fifteenth edition. London, 1776, 4to. Twenty-fifth edition. Lon- don, 1778, 8vo. Twenty-ninth edition. Lon- don, 1783, 8vo. The Forty Thieves ; a romantic drama, by R. B. Sheridan and Colman the Younger. (Dun- combe's Edition, vol. 2.) Lon- don [1825], 8vo. The General Fast; a lyric ode: with a form of prayer proper for the occasion ; and a dedica- tion to the King. By the author of the Duenna. London [1775 ?], 4to. The Love Epistles of Aristaenetus, translated from the Greek into English metre [by N. B. Halhed and R. B. Sheridan]; with notes. London, 1771, 8vo. Second edition, corrected. London, 1773, 8vo. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Love Epistles of Aristsenetus. Translated by R. B. Sheridan and Mr. Halhed. {Erotica. The Elegies of Propertius, etc.) London, 1854, 8vo. The Love Epistles comprise pp. 430-496. A ro-issue of this work appeared in 1883. An Ode to Scandal ; to which are added, Stanzas on Fire. Second edition. London, 1819, 8vo. Pizarro, a tragedy in five acts, taken from the Gorman drama of Kotzebue, and adapted to the English stage, by R. B. Sheridan. London, 1799, 8vo. Twentieth edition. London, 1799, 8vo. Twenty-sixth edition. Lon- don, 1800, 8vo. Another edition. {London Stage, vol. 1.) London [182-1], 8vo. Another edition. London, 1824, 8vo. Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 20. Another edition. {British Drama, vol. 2, pp. 982-1000.) London, 1826, 8vo. Another edition. {Cumber- land's British Theatre, vol. 1.) London, 1829, 12mo. Another edition. ( The Penny National Library, vol. 5.) Lon- don [1830], 8vo. Another edition. ( The Acting Drama, pp. 95-111.) London, 1834, 8vo. Another edition. {Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 27.) London [1856], 12mo. Another edition, with histori- cal notes, by Charles Kean. London [1856], 8vo. Another edition. {British Drama, vol. 1, pp. 65-81.) London, 1864, 8vo. The Rivals, a Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Covont Garden. London, 1775, 8vo. Produced at Covent Garden on the 17th of January 1775. Second edition. London, 1775, 8vo. Third edition. London, 1776, 8vo. Another edition. {Collection of New Plays, vol. 4, pp. 143- 282.) Altenburgh, 1778, 8vo. Fifth edition. London, 1791, 8vo. Another edition. Dublin, 1793, 12mo. Another edition. {Mrs. Inch- J bald's British Theatre, vol. 19.) London, 1808, 12mo. Another edition. {Modern J British Drama, vol. 4, pp. 619- 648.) London, 1811, 8vo. Another edition. {The London Theatre, by Thomas Dibdin, vol. 1.) London, 1815, 16mo. Another edition. London, > 1818, 8vo. v Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 1. Oxberry's Edition. London, 1820, 12mo. Another edition. {British / Drama, vol. 1, pp. 346-368.) London, 1824, 8vo. Another edition. {The Lon- ^/ don Stage, vol. 1.) London [1824], 8vo. Another edition. {Cumber- y land's British Theatre, vol. 2.) * London, 1829, 12mo. Another edition. {The Penny National Library, vol. 5.) London [1830], 8vo. Another edition. {Sinnett's Family Drama, pp. 1-80.) Hamburg, 1834, 8vo. VI BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Rivals. Another edition. {The Acting Drama, pp. 39-60.) London, 1834, 8vo. Another edition. {Buncombe's Edition, vol. 40.) London [1852], 12mo. Another edition . {Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 33.) London [1858], 12mo. Truchy's edition. Paris, 1861, 8vo. Another edition. {Library of English Literature, No. 1.) Gouda [1885], 8vo. The Rivals. Illustrated by F. M. Gregory. London [1890], 4to. Only 100 copies printed. St. Patrick's Day. {Cumberland's British Theatre, vol. 28.) Lon- don [1829], 12mo. Produced at Covent Garden in 1775. Another edition. {Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 114.) London [1879], 12mo. The School for Scandal, a Comedy. Dublin [1777?], 8vo. Performed on the 8th of May 1777. Another edition. Dublin, 1781, 12mo. Fourth edition. Dublin, 1782, 12mo. Another edition. The real and genuine School for Scandal. London, 1783, 12mo. Another edition. {A volume of plays, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Smoke Alley, Dublin.) [Dublin], 1785, 16mo. Another edition. Dublin, 1787, 12mo. Fifth edition. London, 1788, 12mo. Another edition. {Collection of English Plays, vol.1.) Copen- hagen, 1807, 12mo. (Sinnett's 147-226.) London The School for Scandal. Another, edition. London, 1823, 8vo. Another edition. ( The London Stage, vol. 4.) London [1824], 8vo. (Duncombe's edition, vol. 1.) London [1825], 12mo. Another edition. {British Drama, vol. 2, pp. 1600-1624.) London, 1826, 8vo. Another edition. {Cumber- land's British Theatre, vol. 14.) London [1829], 12mo. Another edition. {The Penny National Library, vol. 5.) Lon- don [1830], 8vo. Another edition. {The Acting Drama, pp. 1-26.) London, 1834, 8vo. Another edition. Family Drama, pp. Hamburg, 1834, 8vo. Another edition. [1837], 8vo. Part of vol. vii. of Webster's "Acting National Drama." Another edition. Paris, 1852, 12mo. Another edition. {Lacy's Act- ing Edition of Plays, vol. 27.) London [1856], 12mo. Another edition. Leipzig, 1861, 8vo. Another edition. Gottingen, 1863, 8vo. Another edition. Drama, vol. 2, pp London, 1864, 8vo. A Trip to Scarborough, a Comedy . . . altered from Vanbrugh's Relapse; or, Virtue in Danger, etc. London, 1781, 8vo. Produced at Drury Lane, 24th February, 1777. Another edition. (Mrs. Inch- bald's Modern Theatre, vol. 7.) London, 1811, 12mo. Another edition. {The Lon- / {British 85-410.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. vn / don Theatre, by Thomas Dibdin, vol. 14.) London, 1815, 16mo. Another edition. London, / 1824, 8vo. / Oxberry's New English Drama, vol. 20. Another edition. (London Stage, vol. 2.) London [1824], 8vo. Another edition. (Cumber- ( land's British Theatre, vol. 4.) London, 1829, 12mo. Another edition. (The Penny National Library, vol. 5.) London [1830], 8vo. Another edition. (The Acting Drama, pp. 61-77.) London, 1834, 8vo. Another edition. (Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays, vol. 103.) London [1875], 12mo. Verses to the memory of Garrick. Spoken as a monody, at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. London, 1779, 4to. Second edition. London, 1779, 4to. Another edition. The Tears of Genius. A monody on the death of Mr. Garrick. Dublin, 1780, 12mo. VI. APPENDIX. Biography, Criticism, etc. Albion, pseud. Second edition. Four pleasant epistles written for the entertainment and gratification of four unpleasant characters viz., A very exalted subject in his Majesty's Domin- ions [George Prince of Wales]. The most unpatriotic man alive [C. J. Fox]. The most artful man alive [R. B. Sheridan], and second childhood [E. Burke]. London, 1789, 4to. Bardsley, Samuel A. Critical remarks on Pizarro, a tragedy taken from the German drama of Kotzebue, and adapted to the English stage by R. B. Sheridan, etc. London, 1800, 8vo. Britton, J. Sheridan and Kotze- bue. The enterprising adven- tures of Pizarro . . .with bio- graphical sketches of Sheridan and Kotzebue, etc. London, 1799, 8vo. Brougham, Henry, Lord. His- / torical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. London, 1839, 8vo. Mr. Sheridan, pp. 210-218. Byron, Lord. Monody on the ^ death of the Right Honourable R. B. Sheridan, written at the request of a friend, to be spoken at Drury Lane Theatre. [By Lord Byron. London, 1816, 8vo. Cobbett, William, The Political Proteus. A view of the .public character and conduct of R. B. Sheridan, Esq., etc. London, 1804, 8vo. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ency- clopaedia Britannica. Eighth edition. Edinburgh, 1860, 4to. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, by James Browne, LL.D., vol. xx., pp. 106-112. Ninth edition. London, . 1886, 4to. * Richard Brinsley Sheridan, by Professor W. Minto, vol. xxi., pp. 797-800. Fitzgerald, Percy. The Lives of * the Sheridans. 2 vols. Lon- ^ don, 1886, 8vo. Fry, Alfred A. A Lecture on the Right Honourable R. Brinsley Sheridan, delivered at Constan- tinople. Constantinople, 1S62, 8vo. via BIBLIOGRAPHY. Gent, Thomas. Monody : to the memory of the Right Honour- able Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London, 1816, 4to. Georgian Era. The Georgian Era : Memoirs of the most eminent persons, who have flourished in Great Britain, from the accession of George the First to the demise of George the Fourth. Loudon, 1832, 12 mo. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, vol. i., pp. 364-376. Harsha, David A. The most eminent Orators and Statesmen of ancient and modern times. Philadelphia [1875], 8vo. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, pp. 240-255. Hazlitt, "William. Lectures on the English Comic Writers. London, 1819, 8vo. Sheridan, pp. 334-338. j Heron, D. C. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. (Afternoon Lectures on Literature and Art, Dublin, 1867 and 1868.) Dublin, 1869, 8vo. Lefanu, Alicia. Memoirs of the life and writings of Mrs. Francis Sheridan, with remarks upon a late life of the Right Honour- able R. B. Sheridan, etc. Lon- don, 1824, 8vo. Mangin, Edward. A Letter to Thomas Moore, Esq., on the subject of Sheridan's " School for Scandal." Bath, 1826, 8vo. Mathias, T. J. The Political Dramatist of the House of Commons in 1795. A satire [in verse by T. J. Mathias]. London, 1796, 8vo. Molloy, J. Fitzgerald. Famous v Plays, etc. Sheridan's Rivals, and School for Scandal, pp. 175-218. / Moore, Thomas. Memoirs of the ^ life of the Right Honourable / Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London, 1825, 4to. Nicoll, Henry James. Great Orators. Burke, Fox, Sheridan, Pitt. Edinburgh, 1880, 8vo. Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant. i Sheridan. London, 1883, 8vo. -* Part of the English Men of Letters Series. Pepperpod, Peter, pseud. The Literary Bazaar . . . with a pic-nic elegy on Richard Brins- ley Sheridan. London, 1816, 8vo. Philips, Charles. A Garland for the grave of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London, 1816, 8vo. Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox, etc. London, 1874, 8vo. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, pp. 141-245. S., R. B. The Critick Antici- pated; or, the Humours of the Green Room ; a farce [written in imitation of Sheridan'spiece]. London, 1779, 8vo. Satiricon, Bamley, pseud. More Kotzebue ! The origin of My own Pizarro, a farce. [A satire on Sheridan's "Pizarro."] London, 1799, 8vo. Scott, John. Observations upon Mr. Sheridan's Pamphlet in- tituled " Comparative State- ment of the two Bills for the better government of the British Possessions in India." London, 1788, 4to. Second edition. London, 1788, 4to. Third edition. London, 1789, 4 to. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. The case of the Stage in Ireland, wherein the conduct and abilities of Mr. Sheridan are BIBLIOGRAPHY. IX examined, etc. Dublin [1758], 8vo. La Governante ; or the Duenna ; a new comic opera. Tli3 poetry by Mr. Badini, the music by Signor Bertoni. Lon- don, 1779, 8vo. The struggles of Sheridan, or the Ministry in full cry. [A satire in verse.] London, 1790, 4 to. Memoir of the life of R. B. Sheridan, with a concise critique upon the New Tragedy of Pizarro. London, 1799, 8vo. A Critique on the Tragedy of Pizarro, as represented at Drury Lane Theatre with such un- common applause. To which is added, a new prologue, that has not yet been spoken. Lon- don, 1799, 8vo. Mr. Fox's title to Patriot and Man of the People disputed; and the political conduct of Mr. Sheridan and his adherents accurately scrutinised, etc. London, 1806, 8vo. An Address to Richard Brins- ley Sheridan, on the public and private proceedings during the late election for Westminster, etc. London, 1807, 8vo. Authentic Memoirs of the life and death of R. B. Sheridan. With an estimate of his charac- ter and talents. London, 1816, 8vo. Lines on the death of [i.e., R. B. Sheridan], London, 1816, 8vo. Lines supposed to be written on the death of the late R. B. Sheridan, Esq. . . . [Edited] with additional lines, Addressed to * Friendship [by M. Can- canen]. London [1816], folio. The Life of R. B. Sheridan, with the remarks of Pitt, Fox, and Burke on his most cele- brated speeches. Second edi- tion; London [1816 ?], 8vo. Sheridaniana ; or, Anecdotes of the life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan ; his table-talk, and bon-mots. London, 1826, 8vo. Sheridan and his Times ; by an Octogenarian who stood by his knee in youth, and sat at hia k table in manhood. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1859, 8vo. Smyth, William. Memoir of Mr. ^ Sheiidan. Leeds, 1840, 8vo. Stewart, C. B. A Second Letter to Mr. Sheridan. With stric- tures on the general conduct of opposition. By a Suffolk Free- holder [C. B. Stewart]. Bury St. Edmunds, 1796, 8vo. Surface, Joseph, pseud. An epistle from Joseph Surface, Esq., to Richard Brinsley Sheridan, etc. [A satire.] London, 1780, 4to. Watkins, John. Memoirs of the public and private life of the Right Honorable Richard Brins- ley Sheridan, with a particular account of his family and con- nexions. London, 1817, 4to. Weiss, Kurt. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, als Lustspieldichter. Leipzig, 1888, 8vo. Wharton, Grace and Philip, pseud. i.e., Mrs. Katharine and J. C. Thomson. The Wits and Beaux of Society. 2 vols. London [1860], 8vo. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, vol. fL, pp. 97-161. Whipple, Edwin P. Essays and Reviews. 2 vols. Third edi- v tion. Boston, 1856, 8vo. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, pp. 260-302. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Zinck, A. G. L. Congreve, Van- brugh og Sheridan. Kj0ben- havn, 1869, 8vo. Magazine Articles, Sheridan, Richard Monthly Review, vol. 89, 1819, < pp. 225-235 ; same article, Analectic Magazine, vol. 14, 1819, pp. 341-350. Black- wood's Mag azine, vol. 20, 1826, pp. 25-41, 5*01-214. North i AmericanReview,vol.4,1826,pp. 32-38. D ublin University Ma g- azine, voTT9 r L837 T pp. 469-485. 600-615, 672-695; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 36, pp. 656-672. Southern Literary Messenger, vol. 3, 1837, pp. 470- 472. Fr aser's Magazin e, vol. 26, 18427"pp. lOS-lll.-^North Ajrifiricarj Rp.view., by T P. c Whippl vnl. fifi, 14S J pp. 72- IToT Universal Review, vol. 3, I860, pp. 75-98 ; same article, T,it.tftir Living Age, vol. 64. pp. 771-785. Fortnightly Re- vie^ by W. FTj tae, vol. 8, 1867, pp. 310-332; same article, Li ttell's Living Age, vol. 95, "ppT 102-115. New Monthly Magazine, vol. 148, 1871, pp. 705-715. Gen tleman's Man a- ging, hy H.TOkker. vol. ,243. 1878, 'pp. 304-320. Jl'emple Bar, vol. 60j l 880, pp. 48 8^03^; lame article. JLittell's Liyin g Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. and his Wives. Gentleman's Magazine, by Percy Fitzgerald, vol. 260, 1886, pp. 42-61. as an Orator. Hogg's In- structor, by G. Gilfillan, vol. 1 Brinsley. rjJ^JLS5_3u>P. 361-370. vol. 148V jp. 131-140.- V. Dicey, vol. JJaliojL, by A "3*9, 1884, pp. 136, 137. and his Biographers. Mac- jmll an's M a gazine, by t he Hon. MrsrJNorton, vol. 3, 1861, pp. 173-179. Princeton Re^ if^j h Y B. M atthews, voL_13__N.S., TS84, pp. 2y2-3U3. ~~ -at Work. ^oh47 i _pp J __ -The GritieV Tinsley's Maga- zine, by C. Matthews, vol. 11, 1872, pp. 414-418. Lippin- cott's Magazine, by J. B. Mat- thews, vol. 24, 1879, pp. 629- 635. Duels with Captain Mathews. All the Year Round, vol. 18, 1867, pp. 128-136. The Duenna. Harper's Ne w Monthl y, Magazin e, bv J. B. Matthews, vol. 67), 1880, pp. 501-508. Faulkland. New Monthly Magazine, by F. Jacox, vol. 132, 1864, pp. 414-421. Life of. Portfolio, vol. 3, 4th Series, 1817, pp. 365-377. Life and Writings of. DublinJMY^iaity^Ias.azine, by jr^CCajc raft, vol. 46, 1855, *pp. 38-DSK ' Loves of. Belgravia, by Percy Fitzgerald, vol. 14, 1871, pp. 163-175. Mrs. Oliphant's Life of. Academy, by T. H. Caine, vol. 24, 1883, pp. 171, 172. Month, vol. 49, 1883, pp. 281-286. _Ajhhpnpftmr y Aug. 25. J S3^-DP. 234-236. Literary World (Bos- ton), vol. 15, 1884, pp. 22, 23. Spectator, Jan. 2 6^1884, pp. 124, 1 '2ft. Saturday ' Review, vo l. 56, 18 83, pp. 3/ ^Moore's 'Life of. Ed in] .Revi ej K. by F. J effrey, vol. 45, T3?6 T pp. 1-4?. Bla ckwood's BIBLIOGRAPHY. XI Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 19. ^T826, pp. 113-130, S51-353. United States Literary Gazette, vol. 3, 1826, pp. 361-367. Monthly Review, vol. 108 N.S., 1825, pp. 149-162. Quarterly Review, by J. "W . Croker, vol. "3?, T82(5, pp. 561-593. -^lkuJ^ TftY^aMis^llan y, vol , ] T 1S37, r pp! JT9-427. New Monthly Magazine, vol. 14 N.S., 1825, pp. 474-484. Christian Obser- ver, vol. 26, 1826, pp. 478-494. Boston Monthly Magazine, vol. 1, 1826, pp. 438-445. Metropolitan Quarterly Maga- zine, vol. 1, 1836, pp. 203-255. Portfolio, vol. 20 N.S., 1825, pp. 401-413. Richard Grant White on. Atlantic Month ly. Oct. 1883 pp. 566-5 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Rivals. Scribner's .Mont hly. by J . B. Mat thews, vol. 21, l&STJfPP. 183-189. First Cast of Rivals. Theatre, by Austin Brereton, June 2, 1884, pp. 281-289. Rivals and School for Scandal. All the year Round, July 24, 1886, pp. 541-547. School for Scandal. Apple- ton's Journal, vol. 2 N.S., 1877, pp. 556-562. London Magazine, vol. 5, 1822, pp. 481-483. Academy, by F. Wedmore, vol. 21, 1882, pp. 109,110. Theatre, by Percy! Fitzgerald, March 1, 1882, pp. 1 171-174. Sheridaniana. London Maga- zine, vol. 5 N.S.. 1826, pp. 97- 103. VII. 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