UC-NRLF B ^ fiEb Mfi3 GIFT OF i>W:{• property situated on street, between and streets. and hereby guarantee that the within named applicant is a resident of Alameda County, and I hereby promise to pay, if called upon, any obligation for loss, damage, or delinquency on books taken out on cards issued on this application. Guarantor must fill blanks a'nd sign his or her own full name IN INK. ; Guarantor (If no number, say near what street) Residing at No Street My relation to the applicant is that of For Non- Residents, Not Taxpayers of Alameda County. (c) By application, endorsed by some Alameda County taxpayer and the payment of $1.00 for each six months in advance. A deposit of $5.00 may be made in lieu of endorsement. ETxception: Non-residents, attending educational institutions or employed or engaged in business or professional pursuits daily and regularly within Alameda County, may draw books from the Library by furnishing a satis- factory guarantor and agreeing to notify the Librarian in case the cardholder ceases to be thus regularly occupied in the County, Application must be on regular Library blank. 10 (d) Children tinder twelve must have their application countersigned by parent or guardian in addition to the usual guarantor. A special Children's blank is to be used for this purpose, omitting the words "Over twelve years old," and providing space for parent's signature. 4. Two cards are issued on each application, (a) One taking any book that circulates, and (b) one taking any book that circulates, except fiction. The form of card (a) shall be as follows: No Good for 2 Years Begi'nning OAKLAND FREE LIBRARY. This card must not be used by anyone outside of your own household. Return It to the desk on expiration or discontinuance. A fine of two cents will be imposed for each day, or fraction thereof/ (not counting Sundays or holidays), a bock is kept, beyond the last date stamped in the back. New books are not renewable, and no book may be renewed more than once. All changes of address must be reported immediately at the desk. For loss of card thirty days' notice Is required, or payment of twenty-five cents before it will be replaced. Good for Any Book That Circulates. The form of card (b) shall be the same, with the exception that the last sentence shall read: "Good for any non-fiction book that circulates." 5. Read carefully the application blank and the card, also the notices on the label in front of the book and on the dating slip in! the back. 6. Special deposits of $5.00 or more may be required on valuable books. For return of deposit one day's notice may be required. 7. A card is good for two years from its date of issue. After that it must be renewed within 30 days after notice, verbal or written, of its expira- tion. Cards are good at the Library and all Branches. 8. Non-renewable books are not transferable to another card belonging to a member of the same household. 9. A non-renewable book must remain in the Library twenty-four hours before it may again be* taken out by the same person. 10. A cardholder is responsible for books issued on his cards until the cards are surrendered to the Library. 11. Only one book may be taken on a single card, but two volumes may bf taken in case a book is published in more than one. 12. No person, whether director, employee, member or visitor, shall take any book from the room in which it belongs without having it properly recorded at the desk. 13. Members of the Board of Directors, and by special permission of the Librarian or Associate Librarian in each case, clergymen, teachers, persons 11 making advanced investigations, and confirmed invalids, may take out a greater number of books tlian the rules allow or keep them a longer time. 14. Books of reference, usually marked "R," may be taken, out only by special permission of the Librarian or Associate Librarian, and for short periods. This privilege cannot be granted for books or periodicals of great value or most frequent reference. Books loaned in this way are subject to recall at any time. 15. Notices of delinquency, when sent, are a courtesy; the first and sufficient notice is the date stamped in the book. After ten days' delinquency the book may be sent for by messenger at a charge of twenty-five cents in addition to the fine. 16. A fine of two cents will be imposed for each day or fraction thereof, a book is kept beyond the last date stamped in the back of the book. Twenty-five cents fine will be exacted for losing or defacing the dating slip In the back of the book. Fines are not allowed to exceed the value of the book as appraised by the Librarian, but both fine and cost of book will be charged if the book is not returned. 17. A book delivered to a cardholder is assumed to be in good condition; if it is not, the fact should be at once called to the attention of the attendant. Unless such notice is given the last borrower will be held responsible for its damaged condition. 18. Guarantors are liable for fines and delinquencies of cardholders that remain unpaid after ten days' notice. Release from such liability can be had only by the return of the cards and settlement of all charges. 19. A standing reward of ten dollars is hereby offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person found guilty of mutilating or defacing any book, periodical, newspaper, or other property of the Library, or guilty of carrying away from the building where it belongs, unauthorized, any book, periodical, newspaper or other property belonging to it. 20. A renewable book may be renewed once by written notice, or by telephone, provided that the notice shall reach the Library on or before the date stamped in the book, and provided also that the name of the cardholder and the date of expiration, both be given. The Library has installed a telephone service by which renewable books may be renewed, and any information regarding books or otherwise asked for. 21. Any cardholder having special need for a particular book that is in circulation may leave a written request to be notified by telephone, at a number given on the request, when it is next available, and it will be reserved for a time not to exceed twelve hours. This does not apply to seven-day books. 22. Cardholders going out of town on vacation may draw not more than five books; and may keep them not more than four weeks, provided that at the end of two weeks they write a request to have the time extended from two to four weeks. This privilege must be asked when the books are borrowed. New books and those in special demand are not subject to the vacation privi- lege. 23. In the first issue of new books not more than one card may be presented by the same person. 12 24. The Library Is not a conversation room. Nothing is permitted in it that tends to disturb readers or to injure property. No dogs are allowed in the building. Men and boys must remove their hats. 25. In taking notes, pencils, not pens, shall be used, except by a special permit from the Librarian in charge. 26. No person is allowed to use a paper over ten minutes consecutively while others desire to see the same paper. 27. The Library associates itself with other libraries in the system of inter-library loans under the rules provided therefor. 28. A person at any Branch, City or County, desiring any book, or material on any subject other than fiction or juvenile fiction, by making out a requisition card for it, and giving it to the attendant at the Branch, may have the book or material sent to him, free of charge, if it is possible for the Library to get it. 29. In filling out requisition cards fill out the date, author and title, or subject. Then fill in the space marked "For" with applicant's name. The other space is left for the attendant to stamp with the Branch stamp. 30. In the case of books sent on special request, the book may be renewed once an^.A^y{ 1 LD 21-100m-12,'43 (8796s) :^98045_. u L^^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY *' t. r