ll(,0 h UC-NRLF B 3 2m 3flD ADDRESSES MADE AT A SUPPER TO MR. AM) MRS., EDWARD J. de COPPET AND THE FLOPiZALfeY QUARTET NEW YORK, MARCH NINTH, 19 4 AT SHERRY'S y ET^LISKIS Sir fjEKru Ht^mfLvs^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/addressesmadeatsOOnewyrich At the Guest Table, from Left to Right: — Mr. d'Archambeau; Mr. K: Mrs. de Coppet; Mr. Holt; Mr. de Coppet; Mrs. Schelling; Mr. Ara; Mrs. Kneisel. el; Mrs. Sveceiiski; Mrs. Bauer; Mr. Delano; Mr. Betti ; Mr. Schelling; I. Pochon ; Mrs. Whitman; Mr. Svecenski ; Mrs. Holt; Mr. Wilson; ADDRESSES MADE AT A SUPPER TO MR. AND MRS. EDWARD J. dh COPPET AND THE FLONZALEY QUARTET NEW YORK, MARCH NINTH, 1914 AT SHERRY'S PRIVATHLY PRINTED ML 'ltc> PREFATORY On the evening of March 9th, 1914, the Flonzaley Quartet completed its tenth season in New York at a concert given in Aeolian Hall. In acknowledgment of the distinguished services ren- dered to the cause of chamber music by Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. de Coppet in founding the Quartet, an invitation was extended to them and to the members of the Quartet to attend a supper immediately after the concert. More than two hundred musicians and music lovers assembled at Sherry's to do honor to the guests of the evening, in the course of which presentations were made of a silver tankard to Mr. and Mrs. de Cop- pet, and gold watches and fobs to the members of the Quartet. After the supper, Mr. Henry Holt presided as Toast- master, and the following addresses were delivered. 5ri