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%\)t llniteJj Ci)urcl) of Cnglanti anb 31relanD :
And sold by E. GAUDNEn, at the Oxford Bible Warehouse, Paternoster Row, London.
Cum Privilegic] 1S16. [Price Nine Shilling!.
1. 1 HE Acts for the Uniformity of Common Prayer, &c.
2. The Preface.
3. Concerning the Service of the Church.
4. Concerning Ceremonies, why some be abolished, and some retained.
5. The Order how the Psalter is appointed to be read.
6. The Order how the rest of the holy Scriptme is appointed to be read.
7. A Table of Proper Lessons and Psalms.
8. The Calendar, with the Table of Lessons.
9. Tables and Rules for the Feasts and Fasts through the whole Year.
10. The Order for Morning Prayer.
H. The Order for Evening Prayer.
12. The Creed of St. Athanasius.
13. The Litany.
14. Prayers and Thanksgivings upon several occasions.
15. The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, to be used at the Ministration of the holy Commmiion,
tliroughout the Year.
16. The Oi"der of the Ministration of the holy Communion.
17. The Order of Baptism both Publick and Private.
18. The Order of Baptism for those of riper Years.
19. The Catechism.
20. The Order of Confirmation.
21. The Form of Solemnization of Matrimony.
22. The Order for the Visitation of the Sick, and the Communion of the Sick.
23. The Order for the Burial of the Dead.
24. The Thanksgiving of Women after Child-birth.
25. A Commination, or denouncing of God's anger and judgements against sinner*.
26. The Psalter.
27- Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea.
28. The Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons.
29. A Form of Prayer for the Fifth Day of November.
30. A Form of Prayer for the Thirtieth Day of January.
31. A Form of Prayer for the Twenty-ninth Day of May.
32. A Form of Prayer for the Twenty-fifth Day of October.
33. Articles of Religion.
An AH for the Uniformity of Common Prayer, and Service in the
Church, and Adminijiration of the Sacraments.
WHERE at the death of our late Sovereign
Lord Khig Eduard the Sixth, there remained
one uniform Order of Common Service and Prayer,
and of the Administration of Sacraments, Rites
and Ceremonies of the Church of England, which
■was set forth in one Book, intituled, The Book of
Common Praijer, and Administration of Sacraments,
and other Riles and Ceremonies in the Church of Eng-
land, Authorized by Act of Parliament, holden in
the fifth and sixth years of our said late Sovereign
Lord King Eduard the Sixth, intituled, An Act for
the Uniformiti/ of Common Prayer, and Administra-
tion of the Sacraments; The which was repealed, and
taken away by Act of Parliament, in the first Year
of the K^igii of our late Sovereign Lady Queen
Mary, to the great decay of the due honour of
God, and discomfort to the Professors of the Truth
of Christ's Reiigion :
Be it therefore enacted by the Authority of this
present Parliament, That the said Statute of Repeal,
and every tiling therein contained, only concerning
the said Book, and the Service, Administration of
Sacraments, Rites and Ceremonies, contained or ap-
pointed in or by the said Book, shall be void and of
Done effect, from and after the Feast of the Nativity
of St. John Baptist next coming : and that the said
Book with the Order of Service, and of the Admini-
stration of Sacraments, Rites and Ceremonies, with
the Alterations, and Additions therein added and
appointed by this Statute, siiail stand, and be from
and after the said Feast of the Nativity of St. John
Baptist, in full force and effect, according to the
tenor and effect of the Statute: Any thing in the
foresaid Statute of Repeal to the contrary not-
And further be it Enacted by the Queen's High-
ness, with the assent of the Fiords and Commons
in this present Parliament assembled, and hv the
Authority of the same. That all and singulai iMi-
nisters in any Cathedral, or Parish-Cliuicli, or
other place within tlii.s Realm of Eng/and, I Vales,
and the Marches of the same, or otiier the Queen's
Dominions, sliall from and alter the Feast of the
Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming, be
boundcn to say and use the Mattins, Evensong,
Celebration of the Lord's Supper, and Administra-
tion of each of the Sacraments, and all their com-
mon and open Prayer, in such order and form as is
mentioned in the said Book, so Authorized by Par-
liament in the said fifth and sixth Years of the
Reign of King Echcard the Sixth : with one altera-
tion, or addition of certain Lessons to be used on
every Sunday in the Year, and the Form of the Li-
tany altered and corrected, and two Sentences only
added in the delivery of the Sacrament to the Com-
municants, and none other, or otherwise. And that
if any manner of Parson, Vicar, or other whatso-
ever Minister, that ought or should sing or say
Common Prayer mentioned in the said 13ook, or
minister the Sacraments, from and after the Feast
of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming,
refuse to use the said Common Prayer, or to minis-
ter the Sacraments in such Cathedral or Parish-
Church, or other places, as he should use to minis-
ter the same, in such order and form, as they be
mentioned, and set forth in the said Book ; or shall
wilfully, or obstinately standing in the same, use
any other Rite, Ceremony, Order, Form, or Manner
ot" Celebrating of the Lord's Supper, openly or pri-
vily, or Mattins, Evensong. Administration of the
Sacrainents, or other open Prayers, than is mention-
ed and set forth in the said Book, [open Praifer in
and thronghout this Act, is meant that Prayer which
is for others to come unto or hear, either in Common
Churches, or Private Chapels, or Oratories, commonly
called the Service of the Church^ or shall preach,
declare or speak any thing in the derogation, or
depraving of the said Book, or any thing therein
contained, or of any part thereof, and shall be tliere-
of lawfidly convicted, according to the laws of this
Realin, by verdict of twelve men, or by his own
confession, or by the notorious evidence of the fact,
shall lose and forfeit to the Queen's Highness, her
Heirs and Successors, for his first Offence, the profit
of all his Spiritual Benefices, or Promotions, com-
ing or arising in one whole Year next after his
Conviction: And also that the Person so convicted,
shall for the same Offence suffer Imprisonment by
the space of six Months, without Bail or Mainprise.
And if anv such Person, once convict of any Of-
fence concerning the Premisses, shall after his first
conviction eftsoons offend, ;ind be thereof in form
All A&: for the Unifornutij of Common Prayer.
aFoiesaid lawfully convict ; That then the same
Person shall for his second Offence suffer Impri-
sonment by the space of one whole Year, and also
shall therefore be deprived, ipso facto, of ail his
{spiritual Promotions, and, that it shall be lawful
to all Patrons, or Donors of all and singular the
same Spiritual Promotions, or of any of them to
present or collate to the same, as though the Per-
son or Persons so offending were dead. And that if
any such Person or Persons, after he shall be twice
convicted in form aforesaid, shall offend against any
of the Premisses the third time, and shall be there-
of in form aforesaid lawfully convicted ; That then
the Person so offending, and convicted the third
time, shall be deprived ipso facto of all his Spiritual
Promotions, and also shall suffer imprisonment dur-
ing his life. And if the Person that shall offend,
and be convicted in form aforesaid, concerning
any of the Premisses, shall not be beneticed nor
have any Spiritual Promotion, that then the same
Person so offending and convict, shall for the first
offence suffer imprisonment during one whole Year
next after his said Conviction, without Bail or
Mainprise. And if any such Person, not having
any Spiritual Promotion, after his first Conviction
shall eftsoons offend in any thing concerning the
Premisses, and shall in form aforesaid be thereof
lawfully convicted, that then the same Person shall
for his second Offence suffer imprisonment during
his life.
And it is Ordained and Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons whatso-
ever, after the said Feast of the Nativity of St. John
Baptist next coming, shall in any Enterludes, Plays,
Songs, Rhimes, or by other open Words, declare or
speak any thing in the derogation, depraving, or
despising of the same Book, or of any thing there-
in contained, or any part thereof: or shall by open
fact, deed, or by open threatenings, compel or
cause, or otherwise procure or maintain any Parson,
Vicar, or other Minister in any Cathedral or Parish-
Church, or in Chapel, or in any other place, to sing
or say any common or open Prayer, or to minister
any Sacrament otherwise, or in any other manner
and form than is mentioned in the said Book ; or
that by any of the said means shall unlawfully inter-
rupt, or let any Parson, Vicar, or other Minister,
in any Cathedral or Parish-Church, Chapel, or any
other Place, to sing or say common and open
Prayer, or to minister the Sacraments, or any of
them, in such manner and form, as is mentioned in
the said Book; that then every such Person, being
thereof lawfully convicted, in form abovcsaid, shall
forfeit to the Queen our Sovereign Lady, her Heirs
and Successors, for the first Offence, an hundred
Marks. And if any Person or Persons, being once
convict of any sucli Offence, eftsoons offend against
any of the last recited Offences, and shall in form
aforesaid be tiiereof lawfully convict; that the same
Person so offending, and convict, shall for the se-
cond Offence forfeit to the Queen our Sovereign
Lady, her Heirs and Successors, four hundred
Marks. And if any Person, after he in form afore-
said shall have been twice convict of any Offence
concerning any of the last recited Offences, shall
offend the third time, and be thereof in form above-
said lawfully convict, that then every Person so
offending and convict, shall for his third Offence,
forfeit to our Sovereign Lady the Queen, all his
Goods and Chattels, and shall suffer Lnprisonment
during his Life. And if any Person or Persons,
that for his first Offence concerning the Premisses,
shall be convict in form aforesaid, do not pay the
Sum to be paid by virtue of his Conviction, in such
manner and form, as the same ought to be paid,
within six Weeks next after his Conviction; That
then every Person so convict, and so not paying
the same, shall for the same first Offence, instead
of the said Sum, suffer Imprisonment by the space"
of six Months, without Bail or Mainprise. And if
any Person or Persons, that for his second Offence
concerning the Premisses, shall be convict in form
aforesaid, do not pay the said Sum to be paid by
virtue of his Conviction and this Estatute, in such
manner and form as the same ought to be paid, with-
in six Weeks next after his said second Conviction ;
That then every Person so convicted, and not pay-
ing the same, shall for the same second Offence,
instead of the said Sum, suffer Imprisonment dur-
ing twelve Months, without Bail or Mainprise.
And that from and after the said Feast of the Nati-
vity of St. John Baptist next coming, all and every
Person and Persons inhabiting within this Realm,
or any other the Queen's Majesty's Dominions,
shall diligently and faithfully, having no lawful or
reasonable excuse to be absent, endeavour them-
selves, to resort to their Parish-Church or Chapel
accustomed, or upon reasonable let thereof, to
some usual place, where Common Prayer, and such
Service of God, shall be used in such time of let,
upon every Sunday, and other days ordained or
used to be kept as Holy-days, and then and there
to abide orderly and soberly, during the time of
Common Prayer, Preaching, or other Service of
God there to be used, and ministered ; upon pain
of Punishment b}- the Censures of the Church, and
also upon pain that every Person so offending,
shall forfeit for every such Offence, twelve Pence,
An ASl/or the Uniformity of Common Prayer.
to be levied by the Church-wardens of the Parish
where such Offence shall be done, to the use of
the Poor of the same Parish, of the Goods, Lands
and Tenements of such Offender, by way of Dis-
And for the due execution hereof, the Queen's
most excellent Majesty, the Lords Temporal, and
all the Commons in this present Parliament assem-
bled, do in God's name earnestly require and
charge all the Archbishops, Bishops, and other Or-
dinaries, that they shall endeavour themselves to the
uttermost of their knowledges, that the due and
true execution hereof may be had throughout their
Dioceses and Charges, as they will answer before
God, for such evils and plagues wherewith Al-
Bjighty God may justly punish his people for neg-
lecting this good and wholesome law. And for their
Authority in this behalf, be it further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid, That all and singular the said
Archbishops, Bishops, and other their Officers ex-
ercising Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, as well in place
exempt as not exempt, within their Dioceses, siiall
have full Power and Authority by this Act, to
reform, correct and punish by Censures of the
•Church, all and singular Persons which shall offend
Avithin any of their Jurisdictions, or Dioceses, after
the said Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist
next coming, against this Act and Statute ; any
other Law, Statute, Privilege, Liberty or Provision
heretofore made, had or suffered to the contrary
And it is Ordained and Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid. That all and every Justice of Oyer and
Determiner, or Justice of Assize, shall have full
Power and Authority in every of their open and
general Sessions, to enquire, hear and determine
all and all manner of Offences, that shall be com-
mitted or done contrary to any Article contained in
this present Act, witliiu the limits of the Commis-
sion to them directed, and to make Process for the
execution of the same, as they may do against any
Person being indicted before them of Trespass, or
lawfully convicted thereof.
Provided always, and be it Enacted by the Au-
tliority aforesaid, That all and every Archbishop
and Bishop, shall or may at all time and times, at
his liberty and pleasure, join and associate himself
by virtue of this Act, to the said Justices of Oyer
and Determiner, or to the said Justices of Assize,
at every of the said open and general Sessions to be
holden in any place within his Diocese, for and to
the enquiry, hearing, and determining of the Of-
fences aforesaid.
Provided also, and be it Enacted by the Autho-
rity afo.esaid. That die Books concerning the said
Services, shall at the Costs and Charges of the Pa-
rishiouejs of every Parish and Cathedral Church,
be attained and gotten before the said Feast of the
Nativity of St. John Baptist next following ; and
that all such Parishes and Cathedral Churches, or
other places, where the said Books shall be attained
and gotten before the said Feast of the Nativity
of St. John Baptist, shall within three Weeks next
after the said Books so attained and gotten, use the
said Service, and put the same in use according t»
this Act.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority afore-
said. That no Person or Persons shall be at any
time hereafter impeached, or otherwise molested of,
or for any the Offences above mentioned, hereafter
to be committed, or done contrary to this Act,
unless he or they so offending, be thereof indicted
at the next general Sessions, to be holden before
any such Justices of Oyer and Determiner, or Jus-
tices of Assize, next after any Offence committed
or done contrary to the tenor of this Act.
Piovided always, and be it Ordained and Enacted
by the Authority aforesaid. That all and singular
Lords of the Parliament, for the third Offence
above mentioned, shall be tried by their Peers.
Provided also, and be it Ordained and Enacted
by the Authority aforesaid, that the Mayor of Lon-
don, and all other Mayors, Bailifts, and all other
Head-Officers of all and singular Cities, Boroughs,
and Towns-Corporate within this Realm, Wales,
and the Marches of the same, to the which Justices
of Assize do not commonly repair, shall have full
Power and Authority by virtue of this Act, to en-
quire, hear and determine the Offences abovesaid,
and every of them, yearly within fifteen Days after
the Feast of Easter and St. Michael the Archangel,
in like manner and form as Justices of Assize and
Oyer and Determiner may do.
Provided always, and be it Ordained and Enact-
ed by the Authority aforesaid, That all and singular
Archbishops and Bishops, and every of their Chan-
cellors, Commissaries, Archdeacons, and other Or-
dinaries, having any peculiar Ecclesiastical Juris-
diction, sliall have full Power and Authority, by
virtue of this Act, as well to enquire in their Visita-
tion, Synods, and elsewhere within their Jurisdic-
tion, at any other time and place, to take Accusa-
tions and Informations of all and every the things
above mentioned, done, committed, or perpetrated,
within the limits of their Jurisdictions ;uid Autho-
rity, and to punish the same by Admonition, Ex-
communication, Sequestration or Deprivation, and
other Censures and Process, in like form, as here-
An ABfor the Uniformity of Pnhlick Prayers.
tofore hath been used in like Cases by the Queen's
Ecclesiastical Laws.
Provided always, and be it Enacted, That what-
soever Person offending in the Premisses, shall for
their Offences, first receive Punishment of the
Ordinary, having a Testimonial thereof under the
said Ordinary's Seal, shall not for the same Offence
eftsoons be convicted before the Justices : And
likewise receiving for the said Offence, Punishment
first by the Justices, shall not for the same Offence
eftsoons receive Punishment of the Ordinary : any
thing contained in this Act to the contrary not-
Provided always, and be it Enacted, That such
Ornaments of the Church and of the Ministers
thereof, shall be retained, and be used, as was in
this Church of England, by Authority of Parlia-
ment, in the second Year of the Reign of King
Edward the Sixth, until otlier Order shall be therein
t-aken by the Authority of the Queen's Majesty,
with the Advice of her Commissioners appointed
and authorized under the Great Seal of England
for Causes Ecclesiastical, or of the Metropolitan of
this Realm. And also, that if there shall happen
any Contempt or Irreverence to be used in the
Ceremonies or Rites of the Church, by the mis-
using of the Orders appointed in this Book, the
Queen's Majesty may, by the like Advice of the
said Commissioners or Metropolitan ordain and
publish such further Ceremonies or Rites as may
be most for the advancement of God's Glory, the
edifying of his Church, and the due reverence of
Christ's holy Mysteries and Sacraments.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid. That all Laws, Statutes and Ordinances,
wherein or whereby any other Service, Administra-
tion of Sacraments, or Common Prayer, is limited,
established, or set forth to be used within this
Realm, or any other the Queen's Dominions or
Countries, shall from henceforth be utterly void
and of none effect.
An Adl for the Uniformity of Publick Prayers, and Adminiftration of
Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies : And for ejlablifiing the
Form of Making, Ordaijiing, and Confecrating Biflwps, Priefis, and
Deacons in the Church of England.
WHEREAS in the first Year of the late
Queen Elizabeth, there was one Uniform
Order of Common Service and Prayer, and of the
Administration of Sacraments, Rites and Ceremo-
nies of the Church of England, (agreeable to the
Word of God, and usage of the Primitive Church)
compiled by the Reverend Bishops and Clergy, set
forth in one Book, intituled. The Book of Common
Prayer, and Administration of Sacraments, and otlier
Riles and Ceremonies in the Church of England, and
enjoined to be used by Act of Parliament, holden
in the said first Year of the said late Queen, intitu-
led. An Act for the Uniformity of Common Prayer,
and Service in the Church, and Administration of the
Sacraments; Tery comfortable to all good people
desirous to live in Christian Conversation, and
most profitable to the Estate of this Realm, upon
the which the Mercy, Favour and Blessing of Al-
mighty God is in no wise so readily and plentifully
poured, as by Common Prayers, due using of the
Sacraments, and often preaching of the Gospel,
with devotion of the hearers : And yet this notwith-
standing, a great number of people in divers parts
of this Realm, following their own sensuality, and
living without knowledge and due fear of God, do
wilfully and schismatically abstain and refuse to
come to their Parish-Churches, and other publick
places where Common Prayer, Administration of
the Sacraments, and Preaching of the Word of
God is used upon the Sundays, and other days or-
dained and appointed to be kept and observed as
Holy-days : And v^'hereas by the great and scanda-
lous neglect of Ministers in using the said Order
of Liturgy so set forth and enjoined, as aforesaid,
great mischiefs and inconveniences, during the
time of the late unhappy troubles, have arisen
and grown ; and man}' people have been led into
Factions and Schisms, to the great decay and
scandal of the Reformed Religion of the Church of
England, and to the hazard of many Souls : For
prevention whereof in time to come, for settling
the peace of the Church, and for allaying the pre-
sent distempers, which the indisposition of the
time hath contracted, The King's Majesty (accord-
ing to his Declaration of the five and twentieth of
October, One thousand six hundred and sixty)
An Ad{ ftfT the Uniformity of Publick Prayers.
granted his Commission under the Great Seal of
England, to several Bishops, and other Divines, to
review the Book of Common Prayer, and to pre-
pare such Alteration and Additions as they thought
fit to offer ; And afterwards the Convocations of
both the Provinces of Canterbury and York, being
by his Majesty called and assembled, (and now
sitting,) His Majesty hath been pleased to autho-
rize and require the Presidents of the said Convo-
cations, and other the Bishops and Clergy of the
same, to review the said Book of Common Prayer,
and the Book of the Form and Manner of the
Making and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests and
Deacons : And that after mature consideration,
they should make such Additions and Alterations
in the said Books respectively, as to them should
seem meet and convenient; and should exhibit and
present the same to His Majesty in writing, for his
further Allowance or Confirmation : Since which
time, upon full and mature deliberation, they the
said Presidents, Bishops and Clerg3' of both Pro-
vinces, have accordingly reviewed the said Books,
and have made some Alterations which thej- think
fit to be inserted to the same ; and some additional
•Prayers to the said Book of Common Prayer, to be
used upon proper and emergent occasions ; and
have exhibited and presented the same unto His
Majesty in writing, in one Book, intituled. The
Book of Common Prayer, and jldminist ration of the
Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the
Church, according to the Use of the Church of Eng-
land : together zcith the Psalter or Psalms of David,
pointed as they are to he sung or said in Churches;
and the Form and Mariner of Making, Ordaining,
and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons :
All which His Majesty having duly considered,
hath fully approved and allowed the same, and
recommended to this present Parliament, that the
said Books of Common Prayer, and the Form of
Ordination and Consecration of Bishops, Priests
and Deacons with the Alterations and Additions,
which have been so made and presented to His
Majesty by the said Convocations, be the Book,
which shall be appointed to be used by all that offi-
ciate in all Cathedral and Collegiate Churches and
Cha])(ls, and in all Chapels of Colleges and Halls
in both the Universities, and the Colleges of Eton
and IVinchcster, and in all Parish-Churches and
Chupels, witliin the Kingdom of England, Domi-
nion of If ales, and Town of Berwick upon Tzcced,
and by all that Make or Consecrate Bishops, Priests
or Deacons, in any of the said places, under such
Sanctions and Penalties as the Houses of I'arlia-
nicnt shall think fit. Now in regard that nothing
conduceth more to the settling of the Peace of this
Nation (which is desired of all good men) nor to
the honour of our Religion, and the propagation
thereof, than an universal agreement in the Publick
Worship of Almighty God ; and to the intent that
every Person within this Realm, may certainly
know the rule, to which he is to conform in Pub-
lick Worship and Administration of Sacraments,
and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of
England, and the manner how, and by whom,
Bishops, Priests and Deacons are, and ought to be
Made, Ordained and Consecrated ;
Be it Enacted by the King's most Excellent
Majesty, by the advice, and with the consent of
the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Com-
mons in this present Parliament assembled, and by
the Authority of the same. That all and singular
Ministers, in any Cathedral, Collegiate or Parish-
Church or Chapel, or other place of Publick Wor-
ship within this Realm of England, Dominion of
JVales, and Town of Berzcick upon Tweed, shall be
bound to say and use the Morning Prayer, Evening
Prayer, Celebration and Administration of both the
Sacraments, and all other the Publick and Com-
mon Prayer, in such order and form as is mention-
ed in the said Book annexed and joined to this
present Act, and intituled. The Book of Common
Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and
other Rites a?ul Ceremonies of the Church, accord-
ing to the Use of the Church of England : together
zcith the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they
are to be sung or said in Churches; and the Form
and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrat-
ing of Bishops, Priests and Deacons: And that the
Morning and Evening Prayers tlierein contained,
shall upon every Lord's day, and upon all other
days and occasions, and at the times therein ap-
pointed, be openly and solemnly read by all and
every Minister or Curate, in every Church, Chapel,
or other place of Publick Worship within this
Realm of England, and places aforesaid.
And to the end that Uniformity in the Publick
Worship of God (which is so much desired) may
be speedily effected ; Be it furtlier Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid. That every Parson, Vicar, or
other Minister whatsoever, who now hath, and en-
joycth any Ecclesiastical Benefice or Promotion,
within this Realm of England, or places aforesaid,
shall in the Church, Chapel or place of Publick
Worship belonging to his said Benefice or Promo-
tion, upon some Lord's day before the Feast of St.
Bartholomew, which shall be in the Year of our
Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and
two, openly, publickly and solemnly read the Morn-
An Acl for the_ Uniformity of Puhlick Prayers.
ing and Evening Prayer appointed to be read by,
and according to the said Book of Common Prayer,
at the times thereby appointed ; and after such
reading thereof, shall openly and fiublickly, before
the Congregation there assembled, declare his un-
feigned assent and consent to the Use of all things
in the said Book contained and prescribed, in these
words and no other ;
1A. B. Do hereby declare my unfeigned assent
and consent to all and every thing contained
and prescribed in and by the Book intituled, The
Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of
the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of
the Church, according to the Use of the Church of
Ensrland : together nith the Psalter or Psalms of
David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in
Churches; and the Form and Manner of Making,
Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests,
end. Mastership, Headship, Fellowship, Profes-
sor's place, Reader's place, I'arsonagc, Vicarage,
I'kclesiaslicul Dignity or Promotion, C'urate's place.
Lecture and School, and shall be utterly disabled,
ond ipso facto deprived of the same : And that every
.such respective Deanry, Canonry, Prebend, Ma.s-
tership, llcadhhip, Fellowship, Professor's place,
Reader's place. Parsonage, Vicarjige, Ecclesiastical
Dignity or Promotion, Curate's place. Lecture and
School, shall be void, as if such person so failing
were naturally dead.
And if an)' School-master, or other person, in-
structing or teaching Youth in any private House
or Family, as a Tutor or School-master, sliall in-
struct or teach anj' Youth, as a Tutor or .School-
master, before Licence obtained from his respective
Archbishop, Bishop, or Ordinary of the Diocese,
according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm
(for which he shall pay twelve-pence only) and be-
fore such Subscription and Acknowledgement made,
as aforesaid ; Then every such School-master, and
other, instructing and teaching, as aforesaid, shall for
the first offence suffer three Months Imprisonment
without Bail or Mainprise ; and for every second
and other such offence, shall suffer three Months
Imprisormient without Bail or Mainprise, and also
forfeit to his Majesty the Sum of five pounds.
And after such Subscription made, every such
Parson, Vicar, Curate, and Lecturer, shall procure
a Certificate under the hand and seal of the re-
spective Archbishop, Bishop or Ordinary of the
Diocese (who are hereby enjoined and required up-
on demand to make and deliver the same) and shall
publickly and openly read the same, together with
the Declaration or Acknowledgement aforesaid, up-
on some Lord's Day within three Months then next
following, in his Parish-Church, where he is to offi-
ciate, in the presence of the Congregation there
assembled, in the time of Divine Service; upon
pain that every person failing therein, shall lose
such Parsonage, Vicarage or Benefice, Curate's
place, or Lecturer's place respectively, and shall be
utterly disabled, and ipso facto deprived of the same;
and that the said Parsonage, Vicarage or Benefice,
Curate's place, or Lecturer's place, shall be void as
if he was naturally dead.
Provided always. That from and after the twenty-
fifth Day of March, which shall be in the Year of
our Lord God One thousand six hundred eighty-
two, there shall be omitted in the said Declaration,
or Acknowledgement so to be subscribed and read,
these words following, scilicet :
' A ND I do declare. That I do hold there lies no
' -i*- Obligation upon me, or on any other person,
' from the Oath commonly called. The Solemn League
' and Covenant, to endeavour any change or altera-
' tion of Government either in Church or State; and
' that the same was in itself an unlawful Oath, and
' imposed upon the Subjects of this Realm against
' the known Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom.'
An AB for the Uniformity of Puhlick Prayers.
So as none of the persons aforesaid, shall from
thenceforth be at all obliged to subscribe or read that
part of the said Declaration or Acknowledgement.
Provided always, and be it Enacted, That from
and after the Feast of St. Bartholomew, which shall
be in the Year of our Lord One thousand six hun-
dred sixty and two, no person, who now is Incum-
bent, and in possession of any Parsonage, Vicarage
or Benefice, and who is not already in holy Orders
by Episcopal Ordination, or shall not before the
said Feast-day of St. Bartholomew be ordained Priest
or Deacon, according to the form of Episcopal Or-
dination, shall have, Iiold, or enjoy the said Parson-
age, Vicarage, Benefice with Cure, or other Eccle-
siastical Promotion within this Kingdom of England,
or the Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon
Tweed; but shall be utterly disabled, and ipso facto
deprived of the same; and all his Ecclesiastical Pro-
motions shall be void, as if he was naturally dead.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority afore-
said, That no Person wliatsoever shall thenceforth
be capable to be admitted to any Parsonage, Vicar-
age, Benefice, or other Ecclesiastical Promotion or
Dignity whatsoever, nor shall presume to consecrate
and administer the holy Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper, before such time as he shall be ordained
Priest, according to the Form and Manner in and
by the said Book prescribed, unless he have formerly
been made Priest by Episcopal Ordination, upon
pain to forfeit for every Offence the sum of one
hundred pounds ; one moiety thereof to the King's
Majesty, the other moiety thereof to be equally
divided between the Poor of the Parish where
the Offence shall be committed, and such Per-
son or Persons as shall sue for the same by Action
of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his
Majesty's Courts of Record, wherein no Essoign,
Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed, and
to be disabled from taking, or being admitted into
the Order of Priest, by the space of one whole
Year then next following.
Provided, That the Penalties in this Act shall not
extend to the Foreigners or Aliens of the Foreign
Reformed Churches allowed, or to be allowed by the
King's Majesty, his Heirs and Successors in England.
Provided always, That no Title to confer, or pre-
sent by Lapse, shall accrue by any avoidimce or
deprivation ipso facto by virtue of this Statute, but
after six Months after notice of such avoidance or
deprivation given by the Ordinary to the Patron, or
such Sentence of deprivation openly and publickly
read in the Parish-Church of the Benefice, Parson-
age or Vicarage becoming void, or whereof the In-
cumbent shall be deprived by virtue of this Act.
And be it further Enacted Ly the Aulliority afore-
said, That no Form or Order of Common Pr.iyers,
Administration of Sacraments, Rites or Ceremonies
shall be openly used in any Church, Chapel, or
other publick Place, of or in any College or iJall in
either of the Universities, the Colleges of IVestmiih-'
ster, IVirtchester, or Eton; or any of them, other than
what is prescribed, and appointed to be used in and
by the said Book ; and tliat the present Governor,
or Head of every College and Hall in the said Uni-
versities, and of the said Colleges of Westminster,
Winchester, and Eton, within one Month after the
Feast of St. Bartholomew, which shall be in the
Year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty
and two; and every Governor or Head of any of
the said Colleges or Halls, hereafter to be elected
or appointed, within one Month next after his Elec-
tion or Collation, and Admission into the same
Government or Headship, shall openly and pub-
lickly in the Church, Ciiapel, or other publick place
of the same College or Hall, and in the presence of
the Fellows and Scholars of the same, or the greater
part of them then resident, subscribe unto the Nine
and thirty Articles of Religion, mentioned in the
Statute made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign
of the late Queen Elizabeth, and unto the said Book,
and declare his unfeigned Assent and Consent unto,
and approbation of the said Articles, and of the
same Book, and to the use of all the Prayers, Rites
and Ceremonies, Forms and Orders in the said Book
prescribed and contained, according to the Form
aforesaid ; and tliat all such Governors, or Heads of
the said Colleges or Halls, or any of them, as are,
or shall be in holy Orders, shall once (at least in
every quarter of the year not having a lawful Im-
pediment) openly and publickly read the Morning
Prayer, and Service in and by the said Book ap-
pointed to be read in the Church, Chapel, or other
publick place of the same College or Hall; upon
pain to lose, and be suspended of and from all the
Benefits and Profits belonging to the same Govern-
ment or Headship, by the space of six Months, by
tlie Visitor or Visitors of the same College or Hall ;
and if any Governor or Head of any College or
Hall, suspended for not subscribing unto the said
Articles and Book, and for not reading of the
Morning Prayer and Service, as aforesaid, shall not
at, or before the end of six Months next after such
Suspension, subscribe unto the said Articles and
Book, and declare his Consent thereunto, as afore-
said, or read the Morning Prayer and Service, as
aforesaid, then such Government or Headship shall
be ipso facto void.
Provided always, That it shall and may be lawful
Att ABfor the Uniformity of Puhlick Prayers.
to Bse the Morning and Evening Prayer, and all
other Prayers and Service prescribed in and by the
said Booiv, in the Chapels or other publick places
of the respective Colleges- and Halls in both the
Universities, in the Colleges of Westrninster, Win-
chester, and Eto)i, and in the Convocations of the
Clergies of either Province, in Latin ; any thing in
this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority afore-
said. That no Person shall be, or be received as a
Lecturer, or permitted, suffered, or allowed to preach
as a Lecturer, or to preach, or read any Sermon or
Lecture in any Church, Chapel, or other place of
pubHck Worship, within this Realm of England, or
the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Bern^ick upon
Tweed, unless he be first approved, and thereunto
licensed by the Archbishop of the Province, or Bi-
shop of the Diocese, or (in case the See be void) by
the Guardian of the Spiritualities, under his Seal ;
and shall in the presence of the same Archbishop,
or Bishop, or Guardian, read the Nine and thirty
Articles of Religion mentioned in the statute of the
Thirteenth year of the late Queen Elizabeth, with
Declaration of his unfeigned Assent to the same;
and that every person and persons, who now is, or
hereafter shall be licensed, assigned, appointed, or
received as a Lecturer, to preach upon any Day of
the Week, in any Church, Chapel, or place of
publick Worship within this Realm of England, or
places aforesaid, the first time he preacheth (before
his Sermon) shall openly, publickly, and solemnly
read the Common Prayers and Service in and by the
said Book appointed to be read for that time of the
day, and then and there publickly and openly de-
clare his Assent unto, and Approbation of the said
Book, and to the Use of all the Prayers, Rites and
Ceremonies, Forms and Orders therein contained
and prescribed, according to the Form before ap-
pointed in this Act ; and also shall upon the first
Lecture-lick Worship,
until such time as he and they shall openly, pub-
lickly and solemnly read the Common Prayers and'
Service appointed by the said Book, and confoviH
in all points to the things therein aj>pointed and
prescribed, according to the purport, true intent,
and meaning of this Act.
Provided always. That if the said Sermon or
Lecture be to be preached or read in any Cathedral
or Collegiate Church or Chapel, it shall be suftici-
ent for the said Lecturer, openly at the time afore-
said, to declare his Assent and Consent to .all things
contained in the said Book, according to the Form
aforesaid. \. i ■■' .t^iMi-^;oiii;..' ,'^.i,,'-..'..' ■,
And be it further Enactetl by the Authority afore-
said. That if any person, who is by this Act disabled
to preach any Lecture or Sermon, shall during the
time that he shall continue and remain so disabled,
preach any Sermon or Lecture; that then for every
such offence, the person and persons so offending
shall suffer three Months Imprisonment in the com-
mon Gaol without Bail or Mainprise; and that any
two Justices of the Peace of any County of this
Kingdom and places aforesaid, and the Mayor or
other chief Magistrate of any City or Town-Corpo*
rate within the same, upon Certificate from the
Ordinary of the place made to him or them of the
offence committed, shall and are hereby required !«>
commit the person or persons so offending, to thcr
Gaol of the same County, City or Town-Corporate,
accordingly. ^ 'Uti «AjvijjVJ jiU \u i'.asi\ai«yt3J Visto
Provided always^ nn«J' he it fisVthfeT 'Enabted by
the Authority aforesaid. That at all and every time
and times when any Sermon or Lecture is to be
preached, the Common Prayers and Service in and
by the said Book appointed to be read for that time
of the day, shall be openly, publickly and solemnly
read by some Priest or Deacon, in the Church, Cha-
pel or place of publick Worship where the said Ser-
mon or Lecture is to be preached, before such Ser-
mon or Lecture be preached; and the Lecturer then
to preach shall be present at the reading thereof- to
Provided nevertheless, That this Act shall not ex-
tend to the University Churches in the Universities
of this Realm, or either of them, when or at such'
times as any Sermon or Lecture is preached or read
in the same Churches, or any of them, for, or as
the publick University Sermon or Lecture; but that
the same Sermons and Lectures may be pre.ichcd or
rejid in such 9ort and manner as the same have been
heretofore preached or read; thig Act, or any thing
An ASi/or the Uniformity of Pnhlick Prayers.
lierein contained to the contraiy thereof in any wise
.And be it further Enacted by the Authority afore-
&afA, That the several good Laws, and Statiitcs of
this Realm, which have been formerly made, and
are now in force for the Uniformity of Prayer and
Administration of the Sacraments, within this Realm
of England, and places aforesaid, shall stand in full,
force and strength, to all intents and purposes what-
soever, for the establishing and continniug of the
said Book, intituled. The Book of Common Prayer,
and Adminislration of the Sacraments, and other Ititea
and Ceremonies of the Church, according ti) the Use
of the Church of England : together with the Psa/ier
or Psalms of iJii\\d, pointed as they are to lie sung or
said in Churches; and the Form and Manner of
Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops,
Priests, and Deacons, herein before mentioned to be
joined and annexed to this Act; and shall be ap-
plied, practised, and |)ut in use for the punishing of
all ofi'ences contrary to the said Laws, with relation
to the Book aforesaid, and no other.
Provided always, and be it further Enacted by
the Authorit}' aforesaid. That in all those Prayers,
Litanies, and Collects, which do any way relate to
the King, Queen, or Royal Progeny, the Names be
altered and changed from time to time, and fitted
to the present occasion, according to the direction
of lawful Authority.
Provided also, and be it Enacted by the Autho-
rity aforesaid, that a true printed Copy of the said
Book, intituled, The Book of Common Prayer, and
Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites
and Ceremonies of the Chuirk, according to the Use
of the Church of England : together mth the Psalter
or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung
or said in Churches; and the Form and Manner of'
Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops,
Priests, and Deacons, shall at the Costs and Charges
of the Parishioners of every Parish-Church and
Chapelry, Cathedral- Church, College and Hall, be
attained and gotten before the Feast-day of St.
Bartholomew, in the Year of our Lord One thousand
six hundred sixty and two, upon pain of forfeiture
of tlu-ee pounds by the month, for so long time as
they shall then after be unprovided thereof, by every
Parish, or Chapelry, Cathedral-Church, College and
Hall, making default therein. onfsafl au'
Provided always, and be it Enacted by the Au-
thority aforesaid. That the Bishops of Hereford,
Saint David's, Asaph, Bangor, and Landaff, and
their Successors, shall take such Order among them-
selves, for the souls health of the Flocks committed
to their charge within Wales, that the Book here-
unto annexed be truly and exactly translated into
the British or Welsh Tongue; and that the same so
translated, and being by them, or f^^y three of them
at the least, viewed, perused and allowed, be im-
printed to such number at least, so that pne of the,'
said Books so translated and imprinted, may be had'
ibr every Cathedral, Collegiate and Parish-Church,-
and Chapel of Ease in tlie said respective Dioceses ,
and Places in Wales, where the Welsh is commonly
spoken or used, before the first Day of May, One,,
thousand six hundred sixty-five; and that from andj'
after the imprinting and publishing of the said Book;
so translated, the whole Divine Service shall be.-
used and said by the Ministers and Curates through-
out all Wales within the said Dioceses where the ,
Welsh Tongue is commonly used, in the British qf
Welsh Tongue, in such manner and form as is pre- '-
scribed according to the Book hereunto annexed to,"
be used iii the EnglishTongue, differing nothing in '
any Order or Form from the said English Book ; for
which Book so translated and imprinted, the Church-
wardens of every of the said Parishes sh^U pay out off
the ParisJi-Money in their hands for the use of the
respective Churches, and be allowed the same on *
thejr Account; and that the said Bishops and their
Successors, or any three of them at the least, shall
set and appoint the price for which the said Book
shall be sold : And one other Book of Common
Prayer in the English Tongue, shall be bought and_
had in every Church throughout Wales, in whicK
the Book of Common Prayer in PVelsh is to be had
by force of this Act, before the first Day of May,
One thousand six hundred sixty and four; and the
same Book to remain in such convenient places,
within the said Churches, that such as understand
them may resort at all convenient times to read
and peruse the same, and also such as do not un-
derstand the said Language, may, by conferring
both Tongues together, the sooner attain to the
Knowledge of the English Tongue; any thing in
this Act to the contrary notwithstanding : And un-
til printed Copies of the said Book, so to be trans-
lated, may be had and provided, the Form of Com-
mon Prayer established by Parliament, before the
making of this Act, shall be used as formerly in
such paits of Wales where the English Tongue is
not commonl}' understood.
And to the end that the true and perfect Copies
of this Act, and the said Book hereunto annexed,
may be safel}' kept, and perpetually preserved, and
for the avoiding of all Disputes for the time to
come; Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority^
aforesaid, That the respective Deans and Chapters
of every Cathedral or Collegiate-Church within
An ASi/or the Uniformity of Puhlick Prayers.
England and Wales, shall at their proper Costs and
Charges, before the twenty-fifth Day of Deceynber,
One thousand six hundred sixty-two, obtain under
the Great Seal of England, a true and perfect print-
ed Copy of this Act, and of the said Book annexed
hereunto, to be by the said Deans and Chapters,
and their Successors, kept and preserved in safety
for ever, and to be also produced, and shewed forth
in any Court of Record, as often as they shall be
thereunto lawfully required ; and also there shall
be delivered true and perfect Copies of this Act,
and of the sacne Book, into the respective Courts
at Westminster, and into the Tower of London, to
be kept and preserved for ever among tlie Re-
cords of the said Courts, and the Records of the
Tower, to be also produced and shewed forth
in any Court as need shall require : which said
Books, so to be exemplified under the Great Seal
of England, shall be examined by such persons as
the King's Majesty shall appoint, under the Great
Seal of England, for that purpose, and shall be
compared with the Original Book hereunto annex-
ed, and shall have power to correct and amend in
^ Writing any error committed by the Printer in the
printing of the same Book, or of any thing therein
contained, and shall certify in Writing under their
Hands and Seals, or the Hands and Seals of any
three of them, at the end of the same Book, that
they have examined and compared the same Book,
and find it to be a true and perfect Copy; wliich
said Books, and every one of them so exemplified
under the Great Seal of England, as aforesaid, shall
be deemed, taken, adjudged and expounded to be
good and available in the Law, to all Intents and
purposes whatsoever, and siiall be accounted as
good Records as this Book itself hereunto annexed ;
any Law or Custom to the contrary in any wise
Provided also. That this Act, or any thing therein
contained, sliall not be prejudicial or hurtful unto
the King's Professor of Law, within the University
of Oiford, for or concerning the Prebend of Shipton
within the Catliedral-Ch\nch of Sarnm, united and
annexed unto the Place of the same King's Profes-
sor for the Time being, by the late King James of
blessed memory.
Provided always. That whereas the Six and thir-
tieth Article of the Nine and thirty Articles agreed
upon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Pro-
vinces, and the whole Clergy in the Convocation
holden at London, in the Year of our Lord One
thousand five hundred sixty-two, for the avoiding
of Diversities of Opinions, and for establishing of
Consent touching true Religion, is in these Word?
following, viz. ^^
That the Book of Consecration of Archhishopit and
Bishops, and Ordaining of Priests and Deacons,
lately set forth in the time of King Edward the Sijcth,
and confirmed at the same time by Authority of Par-
liament, doth contain all things necessary to such
Consecration and Ordmning, neither h-ath it any thing
that of itself is superstitious and ungodlt/ : and there-
fore whosoever are Consecrated or Ordered according
to the Rites of that Book since the second Year of
the aforenamed King Edward unto this time, or here-
after shall be Consecrated or Ordered according to the
same Rites ; We decree all such to be rightly, orderly,
and lawfully Consecrated and Ordered;
It be Enacted, and be it therefore Eivacted by
the Authority aforesaid, That all Subscriptions here-
after to be had or made unto the said Articles by
any Deacon, Priest, or Ecclesiastical person, or
other person whatsoever, who by this Act, or any
other Law now in force is required to subscribe
unto the said Articles, shall be construed, and taken
to extend, and shall be applied (for and touching
the said Six and thirtieth Article) unto the Book
containing the Form and Manner of Makine:, Or-
daining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests and
Deacons, in this Act mentioned, in such sort and
manner as the same did heretofore extend unto the
Book set forth in the time of King Edward the
Sixth, mentioned in the said Six and thirtieth Arti-
cle ; any thing in the said Article or in any Statute,
Act or Canon heretofore had or made, to the coim
trary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. ^
Provided also. That the Book of Common Prayer,
and Administration of the Sacraments, and other
Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England,
together with the Form and Manner of Ordaining
and Consecrating Bishops, Priests and Deacons,
heretofore in use, and respectively established by
Act of Parliament in the First and Eighth Years
of Queen Elizabeth, shall be still used and observed
in the Church of England, until the Feast of Saint
Bartholomerc, which shall bo in the Year of cot
Lord God One thousand six hundred sixty and-
two. ' odw ftam
• i\
I. (loujstuqai
IT hath been the wisdom of the Ohurcli of Eng-
land, ever since the first compiling of her pub-
lick Liturgy, to keep the mean between the two
extremes, of too much stiffness in refusing, and of
too much easiness in admitting any vaiiation from it.
For, as on the one side common experience shewcth,
that where a change hath been made of things ad-
visedly established (no evident necessity so requiring)
sundry inconveniences have thereupon ensued; and
those many times more and greater than the evils,
that were intended to be remedied by such change:
So on the other side, the particular Forms of Divine
worship, and the Rights and Ceremonies appointed
to be used therein, being tilings in their ow n nature
indifferent, and alterable, and so acknowledged ; it
is but reasonable, that upon weighty and important
considerations, according to the various exigency
of times and occasions, such changes and alterations
should be made therein, as to those that are in
place of Authority should from time to time seem
either necessary or expedient. Accordingly we find,
that in the Reigns of several Princes of blessed
memory since the Reformation, the Church, upon
just and weighty considerations her thereunto mov-
ing, hath yielded to make such alterations in some
particulars, as in their respective times were thought
convenient : Yet so, as that the main Body and
Essentials of it (as well in the chiefest materials, as
in the frame and order thereof) have still continued
the same unto this day, and do yet stand firm and
unshaken, notwithstanding all the vain attempts and
impetuous assaults made against it, by such men as
are given to change, and have always discovered a
greater regard to their own private fancies and in-
terests, than to that duty they owe to the publick.
By what undue means, and for what mischievous
purposes the use of the Liturgy (though enjoined
by the Laws of the Land, and those Laws never
yet repealed) came, during the late unhappy confu-
sions, to be discontinued, is too well known to the
world, and we are not willing here to remember.
But when, upon His Majesty's happy Restoration,
it seemed probable, that, amongst other things, the
use of the Liturgy would also return of course (the
same having never been legally abolished) unless
some timely means were used to prevent it ; those
men who under the late usurped powers had made
it a^great part of their business to render the people
disaffected thereunto, saw themselves in point of
reputation and interest concerned (unless they would
freely acknowledge themselves to have erred, which
such men are very hardly brought to do) with their
utmost endeavours to hinder the restitution thereof.
In order whereunto divers Pamphlets were publish-
ed against the Book of Coininon Prayer, the old
objections mustered up, with the addition of some
new ones, more than formerly had been made, to
make the number swell. In fine, great importuni-
ties were used to His Sacred Majesty, that the said
Book might be revised, and such Alterations there-
in, and Additions thereunto made, as should be
thought requisite for the ease of tender Consciences :
whereunto His Majesty, out of 'tis pious inclina-
tion to give satisfaction (so far as could be reason-
ably expected) to all his subjects of what persuasion
soever, did graciously condescend.
In which review we have endeavoured to observe
the like moderation, as we find to have been used in
the like case in former times. And therefore of the
sundry alterations proposed unto us, we have reject-
ed all such as were either of dangerous consequence
(as secretly striking at some established Doctrine,
or laudable Practice of the Church of England, or
indeed of the whole Catholick Church of Christ) or
else of no consequence at all, but utterly frivolous
and vain. But such Alterations as were tendered
to us (by what persons, under what pretences, or to
what purpose soever tendered) as seemed to us in'
any degree requisite or expedient, we have willingly,
and of our own accord assented unto : not enforced
so to do by any strength of Argument, convincing
us of the necessity of making the said Alterations:
For we are fully persuaded in our judgments (and
we here profess it to the world) that the Book, as it
stood before established by Law, doth not contain
in it any thing contrary to the Word of God, or to
sound Doctrine, or which a godly man may not
with a good Conscience use and submit unto, or
which is not fairly defensible against any that shall
oppose the same; if it shall be allowed such just
and favourable construction as in common equity
ought to be allowed to all human Writings, especi-
ally such as are set forth by Authority, and even to
the very best translations of the holy Scripture itself.
Our general aim therefore in this undertaking
was, not to gratify this or that party in any their
unreasonable demands; but to tlo that, which to
our best understandings we conceived might most
tend to the preservation of Peace and Unity in the
Church ; the procuring of Reverence, and exciting
of Piety and Devotion in the publick Worship of
God ; and the cutting off occasion from them that
Concerning the Service of the Church.
seek occasion of cavil or quarrel agair>st the Liturgy
of the Church. And as to the several variations
from the former Book, whether by Alteration, Ad-
dition, or otherwise, it shall suffice to give this ge-
neral account, That most of the Alterations were
made, eitlier first, for the better direction of them
that are to officiate in any part of Divine Service;
which is chiefly done in the Calendars and Ku-
bricks: or secondly, for the more proper expressing
of some words or phrases of ancient usage in terms
more suitable to the language of the present times,
jind the clearer explanation of some other words
and phrases, that were either of doubtful significa-
tion, or otherwise liable to misconstruction : Or
thirdly, for a more perfect rendering of such portions
of holy Scripture, as are inserted into the Liturgy;
■which, in the Epistles and Gospels especially, and
in sundry other places, are now ordered to be read
according to the last Translation : and that it was
thought convenient, that some Prayers and Thanks-
givings, fitted to special occasions, should be added
in their due places ; particularly for those at Sea,
together with an office for the Baptism of such as
are of riper years : which, although not so necessary
when the former Book was compiled, yet by the
growth of Anabaptism, through the licentiousness
of the late times crept in amongst us, is now be-
come necessary, and may be always useful for the
baptizing of Natives in our Plantations, and others
converted to the Faith. If any man, who shall
desire a more particular account of the several Al-
terations in any part of the Liturgy, shall take the
pains to compare the present Book with the former;
we doubt not but the reason of the change may
easily appear.
And having thus endeavoured to discharge our
duties in this weighty affair, as in the sight of God,
and fo approve our sincerity therein (so far as lay
in us) to the consciences of all men ; although we
know it, impossible (in such variety of apprehen-
sions, humours and interests, as are in the world) to
please all; nor can expect that men of factious,
peevish, and perverse spirits should be satisfied with
any thing that can be done in this kind by any
other than themselves : Yet we have good hope,
that what is here presented, and hath been by the
Convocations of both Provinces with great dili-
gence examined and approved, will be also well ac-
cepted and approved by all sober, peaceable, and
truly conscientious Sons of the Church of England.
Concerning the Sei'vice of the Church.
^I^HERE was never any thing by the wit of man
-■• so well devised, or so sure established, which
in continuance of time hath not been corrupted :
As, among other things, it may plainly appear by
the Common Prayers in the Church, commonly
called Divine Service. The first original and ground
whereof if a man would search out by the ancient
Fathers, he shall find, that the same was not ordain-
ed but of a good purpose, and for a great advance-
ment of godliness. For they so ordered tlie matter,
that all the whole Bible, (or the greatest part there-
of) should be read over once every year; intending
thereby, that the Clergy, and especially such as
were Ministers in tiie congregation, should (by
often reading, and meditation in God's word) be
stirred up to godliness themselves, and be more
able to exhort others by wholesome Doctrine, and
to confute ihem that were adversaries to the truth ;
and further, that the people (by daily hearing of
lioly Scripture read in the Church) might continu-
ally profit more and more in the knowledge of God,
and be the more inflamed with the love of his true
But these many years passed, this godly and
decent order of the ancient FiUhers hath been so
altered, broken, and neglected, by planting in un-
certain Stories, and Legends, with multitude of
Responds, Verses, vain Repetitions, Commemora-
tions, and Synodals ; that commonly when any Book
of the Bible was begun, after three or four Chapters
were read out, all ths rest were unread. And in
this sort the Book of Isaiah was begun in Advent,
and the Book of Genesis in Sepluagcsima; but they
were only begun, and never read through : After
like sort were other Books of holy Scripture used.
And moreover, whereas St. Paul would have such
language spoken to the people in the Church, as
they might underhiaud, and have profit by heating
the same; The Service in this Church of England
these many years hath been road in Latin to the
people, which they understaTid not; so that they
have heard with their ears only, and their heart,
spirit, and mind, have not been edified thereby.
And furtiiermorc, notwithstanding that tlie ancient
Fathers have divided the Psalms into seven portions,
whereof every one was called a Noclurn: Now of
late tim<> a few of tiiem have been daily said, and
the rest utterly omitted. Moreover, the number
Of Ceremonies.
and hardness of the Rules called the Pic, and the
manifold changings of tlic Service, was the cause,
that to turn tlie Book only was so hard and intricate
a matter, that many times there was more business
to find out what should be read, than to read it
when it was found out.
These inconveniences therefore considered, here
is set forth such an Order, whereby the same shall
be redressed. And for a readiness in this matter,
here is drawn out a Calendar for that purpose,
which is plain and easy to be understood; wherein
(so much as may he) the reading of holy Scripture
is so set forth, that all things shall be done in order,
without breaking one piece from another. For this
cause be cut off Anthems, Reiponds, Invitatories,
and such like things as did break tbe^-continual
course of the reading of the Scripture. '■, -,
Yet, because there is no remedy, but that of
necessity there must be some Rules ; therefore
certain Rules are here set forth ; which, as they are
few in number, so they are plain and easy to be
understood. So that here you have an Order for
Prayer, and for the reading of the holy Scripture,
much agreeable to the mind and purpose of the old
Fathers, and a great deal more profitable and com-
modious, than that which of late was used. It is
more profitable, because here arc left out many
things, whereof some are untrue, some uncertain,
some vain and superstitious ; and nothing is ordain-
ed to be read, but the very pure AVord of God, tlie
■holy Scriptures, or that which is agreeable to the
same; and that in such a Language and Order as is
most easy and plain for the understanding both of
the Readers and Hearers. It is also more commo-
dious, both for the shortness thereof, and for the
pl.ainness of the Order, and for that the Rrrles be
few and easy.
And whereas heretofore there hath been great
diversityia saying and singing in Churches within
this Realm ; some following Salisbury Use, some
llerejord Use, and some the Use of Bangor, some
of York, some of Linco/n ; now from henceforth all
the whole Realm shall have but one Use.
And forasmuch as nothing can be so plainly set
forth, but doubts may arise in the use and practice
of the same; to appease all such diversity (if any
arise) and for the resolution of all doubts, concern-
ing the manner how to understand, do, and execute,
the things contained in diis Book ; the parties that
so doubt, or diversly take an^- thing, sliall alway
resort to the Bishop of the Diocese, who by his
discretion shall take order for the quieting and ap-
peasing of the same ; so that the same order be not
contrary to any thing contained in this Book. And
if the Bishop of the Diocese be in doubt, then he
may send for the resolution thereof to the Arch-
THOUGH it be appointed, that all things shall,
be read and sung in the Church in the English
Tongue, to the end that the congregation maj' be
thereby edified ; yet it is not meant, but that when
men say Morning and Evening Prayer privately,
they may say the same in any language that they
themselves do understand. -^ —
And all Priests and Deacons are to say daily the
Morning and Evening Prayer either privately or
openly, not being let by sickness, or some other
urgent cause. v -c,), - •,- 2,*^^'
And the Curate that ministereth in every Parish-
Church or Chapel, being at home, and not being
otherwise reasonably hindered, shall say the same
in the Parish-Church or Chapel where he minister-
eth, and shall cause a Bell to be tolled thereunto a
convenient time before he begin, that the people
may come to hear God's Word, and to pray with
0/ Ceremonies, why fame he aholijhed, and fome retained.
OJp such Ceremonies as be used in the Church,
,, . and have had their beginning by the institu-
.lion of man, some at the first were of godly intent
i^nd purpose devised, and yet at length turned to
vanity and superstition : some entered into the
Church by undiscreet devotion, and such a zeal as
M'as without knowledge; and for because they were
winked at in the beginning, they grew daily to
Imore and more abuses, which not onlj' for their
(Unprofitableness, but also because iheyjiave much
blinded the people, and obscured the glory of God,
are worthy to be cut away, and clean rejected:
other there be, which although they have been de-
vised by man, yet it is thought good to reserve
them still, as well for a decent order in the Church,
(for the which they were first devised) as because
they pertain to edification, whei'eunto all things
done in the Church (as the Apostle teacheth) ought
to be referred.
And although the keeping or omitting of a Ccre-
■ C
Of Ceremonies.
mony, in itself considered, is but a small tiling;
vet the wilful and contemptuous transgression and
breakin S. Jude
All Saints.
1 Lesson.
2 Lesson.
Eccl'" 4
John I. V. 43
2 Kings 2
Luke24. t). 44 Eph. 4. to v.^7
r.en. 11. lo V.
1 Cor. 12
1 Sam. 19.1)- IB
lThes.5.t!. 12
to v. 24
Num. 11. t). 16
to V. 30
1 Cor. 14. to V.
Deut. 30
1 John 4. to V.
Eccr 12
Actsl5. LESSONS.
MARCH hath xxxi. Days.
6 Non.
5 Non.
4 Non.
3 Non.
Prifl. Non.
8 Ifl.
7 Id.
5 Id.
4 Id.
3 Id.
Piid. Id.
17 CI. Apr.
16 Cal.
16 Cal.
14 Cal.
13 Cal.
12 Cal.
11 Cal.
10 Cal.
9 Cal.
8 Cal.
7 Cal.
6 Cal.
5 Cal.
4 Cal.
3 Cal.
Piid. Cal.
David, Archbishop of Menev.
Cedde, or Chad, B. of Litch.
Perpttiia Maiirit. Martyr.
4 IS on. 1 ''-
j^ '-'^^^ i
'^3 1
3 Is on.
; --- -"- .■■■■^- -y^
-'}_ _ ^14
Prill. Non.
St. John Evang. ante Port. Lat.
NonsE 1
r 1?|
8 Id.
- p
7 Id.
6 Id.
2 Kings'!
4j 11=^1
2 Kings 2
A r^l
3 Id.
.. ..-.^ ^
:i 1 ^l
4 Id. ■'•' '• , -
.i,'i .jW'
'-'- ' ♦-' 1*1 1
3 W^ i
Prid. Id.
Id us - j -
-^ 1^1
,.:,L !ii
4k 1
17 CI. Jun.
, ■ -•■
( .
l6CaL _^. _
1.5 €al. 15
\ .-■ , , _ .
^ ■'-■■■' !6
' ; "■■.
i iGW 1
14 Cal.
J)unsia!>, Archbishop of Cant.
13 Cal.
1 c-_ .;c ic-Jtb ■. ■ \:
- ■ 22
'- i - ■ ' - -?
12 Cal.
11 Cal.
■ te
i -■ ■ '4
. G*--
Ezra 1
, ._ .20
Ezra 3
; ■■■ '^i
10 Cal. ;■
..> '■■' -
— '- — t . r. 1
J.5'. 1^
9 Cal.
1 ! .^!'.ii\':.'ci i'.s
oV. /si \^.
-';:_:/.. 22
Nehenii 1
8Cai;^^:2 :
!.. .%
7 Cal. ' >
fi Cal.
.3 Cal.
4 Cal.
3 Cal.
Frid. Cal
Augustin, first Archb. of Cant.
Ven. 15ede, Presb.
■■ ■"'
: 1^1^
King Charles il. Nat. and R.___
b-i iv. 27
' ■ 1
Esther 1
Esthei' ^2
'■ ^ I'^b
Mark 1
4 14{|
JUNE hath XXX. Days.
,1: J I
Prid. Non.
0x1 ae
4 m:
3 Id.
Prid. Id.
1$ Q\. Julii.
17 Gal.
16 Cal.
15 Cal.
14 Cal.
18 Cal.
1? Cal.
H Cal.
10 Cal.
9 Cal.
Nicomede, Rom. t*. and Mar.
iuii. '.* ^^Lii^'X J
Bonifaie, B. of Mfentz, and M.
i Jfcii. JXU'i 31 .
i<; .anav-h Q
S^. Barnabas, Apostle and Mart.
7 Cal.
6 Cal
5 Cal.
3 Cal.
I rid. Cal.
- -~ 1
-"" "" i ^
'1 ; . - -
St. Alban, Martyr.
Tr. of Edward, K. of West-Sax.
' "" Fast.
Nativity 0^' St. John Baptist.
I :J:.^-ja}H .;. ;.^ .c
i ■>
1 > " \ ' Fast.
Si. Peteri Apostle, and Martyr.
i idllJiilL
1 Lesson.
Esther 5
26, 27
Prov. 1
2 Lesson.
Mark 2
_j —
.■iiislv'i 8
1 Lesson.
Esther 6
17, 18
2 Lesson.
1 Cor. 15
2 Cor. 1
■: jCP ^i
Galat. 1
Ephes. 1
JULY hath xxxi. Days.
1 Lesson.
Prov. 1 1
2 Lesson.
Luke 13
1 Lesson.
2 Lesson.
6 Non.
5 Non.
Visit, of the Bl. Virgin Mary.
Prov. 12
Philipp. I
4 Non.
3 Non.
Prid. Non.
Transl. of St. Martin, IV and C.
Coloss. 1
Non SB
8 Id.
7 id.
1 Thess. 1
5 Id.
4 Id.
Eccles. 1
Eccles. 2
3 Id.
Prid. Id.
John 1
2 Thess. 1
17 Cl. AuA i j .IIO¥«'-jJ 1 ]
I Lesson.
2 Lesson.
1 Lesson.
2 Lesson.
Lammas Day*, ^i-J f
J erem . 29
John 20
J erem. 30
Hebr. 4
4 iSon.
3 Non.
Acts 1
Prid. Non.
8 Id.
Transfiguration of" our Lord.
7 Id.
Name of Jesus.
6 Jd.
3 Id.
45, ^()
James \
4 Id.
St. Lawrence, A. D. of R. and M .
3 Id.
1 nd. Id.
Lam. 1
Lam. 2
1 1
i 4
Ul CI. Sept.
Iti Cal.
Lzekiel 2
Ezekiel 3
17 Cal.
1 J^eter 1
Iti Cal.
I.i Cal.
N Cal.
Daniel 1
13 Cal.
Daniel 2
li Cal.
2 Peter 1
11 Cal.
10 Cal.
9 Cal.
B Cal.
.S7. Buiiholomew, Ap. and Mart.
1 John 1
7 Cal.
6 Cal.
Hosea 1
Hos. 2, 3
5 Cal.
St. Auyju-stin, H. of Hippo, C. D.
4 Cal.
Beheading- of St. John Baptist.
2, 3 John
3 Cal.
Prid. Cal.
Matth. 1
Rom. 1
SEPTEMBER hath xxx. Days.
3 Non.
Prid. Non.
8 Id.
7 Id.
6 Id.
5 Id
4 Id.
18 CI. Oct.
17 Cal.
16 Cal.
5 Cal.
4 Cal.
3 Cal.
Prid. Cal
3 Id.
15 Cal.
14 Cal.
13 Cal.
12 Cal.
11 Cal.
10 Cal.
9 Cal.
8 Cal.
7 Cal.
6 Cal.
Giles, Abbot and Confessor.
Enurchu^s, Bishop of Orleans.
Nativity of the Bl. Virgin Mary.
1 Lesson.
Hosea 14
■ ■ '■'-■
Micah 2
Holv-Cross Dav.
Lambert, Bishop and Martyr.
St. Mallliew, Apostle and Evang.
St. Cypr. A. B. of Carth. and M.
St. Michael and A II A tigch.
St. Jcnuii, Pr. Con. and Doct.
Habak. 2
Zeph. 1
Haggai 2
Zech.2, 3
2 Lesson.
Matth. 2
Malac. 2
-Tobit-- -2
Mark 1
1 Lesson.
Amos 2
Jonah 2,3
Micah 1
Nahutn 2
Habak. 1
Haggai 1
Zech. 1
Malac. 1
Tobit 1
— ~6
2 Lesson.
1 Cor. 1
:" ];!
n.:?? ■
OCTOBER hatifi
'! 8
g- Nc
Calendae™ ■
3 Non.
4 ^on.
PriA. Non.
i»t.^Ji)€nys Areop. Bp. and Mart.
]-j r* — '-^
5^ id.
4 Id.
-17.Cl.-Nov.' j
U Cal.
13 Gill.
12 Gal.
10 i Gal.
9 Gal.
Gal. -
6 Gal.
- -4Gal.---
Prid. Gal.
S .ncxeasJ !
Remigiiis, Bishop of Rhemes.
Faitli, Virgin and Martyr.
-1-2 -^
'-'^■M pf
-Tj-ansl, 6i'-K. Bdw. Confessorr
Etlw;ldreda,V. Q. and A¥. of Ely?
.bV. Luke, Evattgelistr
, 1 . 1 1
Crispin, Martyr.
Tobit 7
— 9
Judith -1
- 5
Wisd. 1
St. SimanS^St.Jude, Ap- and M.
r^ — _10
:: — _42
2 Lesson.
Mark 4
Lii. 1 lesg
— 8
1 Lesson.
Tobit 8
Judith 2
&- r
Wisdr— 2" -
2 Lesson.
1 Cor. It)
2 Cor. 1
- 12
Galat. 1
-- 13
Philipp. 1
Colciss. 1
j NOVEMBER hath xxx. Days.
1 Lesson.
2 Lesson.
1 Lesson.
2 Lesson.
4 Non.
All Saints' Day. ^?— — - •
Eccl''* 16
Ltike 18
Eccl"^ 17
Coloss. 2
3 Non.
Prid. Non.
8 Id.
7 Id.
6 Id.
Papists' Conspiracy,
1 'I'hess. 1
Leonard, Confessor.
C) 25
John 1
2 Thess. 1
3 Id.
Prid. Id.
.St. Martin, Bislu>|)aiKl Confessor.
Britius, Bishop.
1 Tim. 1
18 CI. Dec.
17 Cal.
16 Cal.
Baruch 1
Machutus, Bi.>h<)|i.
15 Cal.
14 Cal.
13 Cal.
2 Tim. 1
12 Cal.
Edmund, King and Martjr. ^
Baruch 2
M Cal.
Titns I
10 Cal.
Cecilia, Virgin anil Martyr.
Hist. ijus.
Isaiah 1
9 Cal.
St. Clement, 1. B.of R. and M.
2, 3
8 Cal.
Isaiah 2
Philemon .
Ilchr. 1
7 Cal.
Catiiarine, X'irnjniiind Martyi-. ,
- 4
« Cal.
5 Cal.
1 1
_ .18
4 Cal.
3 Cal.
Prid. Cal.
St. Andrew, Apostle and Martyr.
.J .]
Acts 1
Note, That (') Eccl"' 25. is to be read only to v. 13. and (b) Eccl"' 30. only to v. in. uiul O Eccl"' 'lO. only to r. W. H
DECEMBER hath xxxi. Days.
. ™
1 Lesson.
2 Lesson.
Acts 2
1 Lesson.
2 Lesson.
Isaiah 14
Isaiah 15
Hebr. 7
4 Non.
3 Non.
Prid. Non.
20, 21
Nicholas, B. of Myra in Lycia.
7 to V. 30
7 Id.
6 Id.
5 Id.
7 V. 30
Concept, of the Bl. Virg. Mary.
James 1
4 Id.
3 Id.
Prid. Id.
19 CI. Jan.
Lucy, Virgin and Martyr.
1 Peter 1
18 Cal.
17 Cal.
16 Cal.
15 Cal.
2 Peter 1
14 Cal.
13 Cal.
12 Cal.
St. Thomas, Apostle and Martyr.
1 John 1
11 Cal.
10 Cal.
9 Cal.
8 Cal.
Christmas T)ay.
St. Stephen, First Martyr.
7 Cal.
6 Cal.
5 Cal.
St. John, Apostle and Evang.
Innocents' Day.
4 Cal.
2 John.
3 Cal.
Prid. Cal.
3 John.
Silvester, Bishop of Rome.
TABLES and RULES for the Moveable and Immoveable Feasts; together
with the Days of Fasting and Abstinence, through the whole Year.
Rules to know when the Moveable Feasts and Holy-Days begin.
TOASTER-DAY (on which the rest depend) is always the First Sinidai/ after the Full Moon which
"^ happens upon, or next alter the Twenty-first Day oi' March; and it' the Full Moon happens upon
a Sundaif, Easter-Day is the Sunday after.
Advent-Sunday is always the nearest Sunday to the Feast of St. Andrew, whether before or after.
■ Sunday is
Five Weeks
Weeks be-
Forty Days
fore Easter.
Seven Weeks
Eight Weeks
A Table of all the Feasts that are to he observed in the Church of
England throughout the Year.
All Sundays in the Year.
^ fThe Circumcision of our
The Epiphany.
The Conversion of St. Paul.
The Purification of the Bless-
ed Virgin.
St. Matt/lias the Apostle.
The Annunciation of the
Blessed Virgin.
[_St. Mark the Evangelist.
Monday and Tuesday in Easter-week.
'St. Philip and St. James the
The Ascension of our Lord
St. Barnahas.
The Nativity of St. John
St. Peter the Apostle.
.SV. James the Apostle.
St. Bartholomew the Apostle.
St. Matthexp the Apostle.
(St. Michael and all Angels.
.SV. Luke the Evangelist.
St. Simon and St. Jude the
All Saints.
St. Andrew the Apostle.
St. Thomas the Apostle.
The Nativity of our Lord.
St. Stephen the Martyr.
St. John the Evangelist.
The Holy Innocents.
Monday and Tuesday in JVhitsuii-tceek.
A Table of the Vigils, Fasts, and Days of Abstinence, to be observed in
the Year.
The Evens or Vigils before
Dec. I
Nov. 30
Dec. 3
Nov. 30
Dec. 3
Nov. 30
Dec. 2
Nov. 30
Nov. 29
Dec. 3
Nov. 30
Nov. 30
A TABLE of the MOVEABLE FEASTS, according
to the several Days that EASTER can possibly fall
Note, thai in a Bissextile or Leap Year, the Number of Suiidai/s after
Ei)iphany will be the same, as if pMster-Dmj hat! fallen One Day later
than it really does. And for the same Reason, One Day must, in every
Leap Year, l)e added to the Day of the Month given by the Table for
Septiwgesima Sunday: Ami the like must be done for tlic First Day of
Lent (commonly called yJ.sft~fVednesdai/) unless the Table gives some
Day in the Month of March for it; for in that Case, the Day given by
the Table is the right Day.
TABLE to find £:«A'-
ter, from the Year
1900, to 2199 in-
5 2.
o "
3 o
March 22
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
TMF Golilcn Niimlieri in the forpproinp
Calciular will point out the Dajs of the
Pafclul Full Monn.s, till the Yci' of our !-onl
1900 ; at which Time, in onlcr that ihs
I-cement with
thy fervant, O Lord; for in thy
fight (hall no man living be juili-
fied. Pfalm cxliii. 2.
If we fay that we have no fin,
we deceive ourfelves, and the truth
is not in us : but, if we confefs our
fins, he is faithful and juft to for-
give us our (ins, and to cleanfe us
from all uurighteoufnefs. 1 St. John
i. 8, 9.
DEARLY beloved brethren,
tlie Scripture mo\^eth us in
fundry places to acknowledge and
confel's our manifold fins and Avic-
kednefs; and that we Ihould not
diffemble nor cloke them before
the face of Almighty God our
heavenly Father ; but confefs them
with an humble, lowly, penitent,
and obedient heart; to the end
that we may obtain forgivenefs of
the fame, by his infinite goodnefs
and mercy. And although we
ought at all times humbly to ac-
knowledge our fins before God;
'yet ought we moil chiefly fo to do,
when we alfemble and meet to-
gether to render thanks for the
great benefits that we have re-
ceived at his hands, to fet forth
his mofl; worthy praife, to hear
his mofl; holy Word, and to aflv
thofe things which are requifite
and neceflary, as well for the body
as the foul. Wherefore I pray and
befeech you, as many as are here
prefent, to accompany me with
a pure heart, and humble voice,
imto the throne of the heavenly
grace, faying after me;
IF A general Confession to be said of the whole Con-
gregation after the Minister, all kneeling.
ALMIGHTY and moft merci-
ful Father ; We have erred,
and ftrayed fi-om thy ways like loft
flieep. We have followed too much
the devices and defires of oiu- own
hearts. We have offended againft
thy holy laws. We have left un-
done thofe things which we ought
to have done; And we have done
thofe things which we ought not
to have done ; And there is" no
health in us. But thou, O Lord,
have mercy upon us, miferable of-
fenders. Spare thou them, O God,
which confefs their faults. Reftore
thou them that are penitent ; Ac-
cording to thy promifes declared
unto mankind in Chrift Jefu our
Lord. And grant, O moft mer-
ciful Father, for his fake ; That we
may hereafter live a godly, right-
eous, and fober life, To the gloiy
of thy holy Name. Amen.
^ The Absolution, or Remission of sins, to be pro-
nounced hy the Priest alone, standing; the people
still kneeling.
ALMIGHTY God, the Father
of our I^ord Jefus Chrift, who
defireth not the death of a finner,
but rather that he may turn from
his wickednefs, and' live ; and hath
given power, and commandment,
to his Minifters, to declare and
pronounce to his people, being-
penitent, the Abfohition and Re-
mifliion of their fins : He pardoneth
and abfolveth all them that truly
re|>ent, and unfeignedly believe
his holy Gofpel. Wherefore let
us befeech him to grant us true
repentance, and his holy Spint,
that thofe things may pleafe him,
which we do at this prefent; and
that the reft of our life hereafter
may be pure, and holy; fo tliat at
the lall we may come to his eter-
nal joy; through Jeliis Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
^ Then the Minisler shall kneel, and sai/ the Lord's
Prayer; the people also kneeling, and repeating it
Kith him.
OUR Father, which ait in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth, As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpafles, As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
e^'^l : For thine is the kingdom.
The power, and the gloiy, For
evef and ever. Amen.
5 .- ^ Then likewise he shall say,
/:0 Lord, open thou our lips.
Anfwer. And our mouth ihall
fliew fortli thy praife.
Priefl. O God, make fpeed to
fave us.
Anfioer. O Lord, make hafte
ta help us.
^ Here all standing up, the Priest shall say.
Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son : and to the Holy
Ghoil ;
yhifwer. As it was in the be-
ginning, is now, and ever Ihall
be : world without end. Amen.
Pricft. Praife ye the Lord.
Anfwer. The Lord's Name be
If Then shall be said or sung the Psalms in order fl,«
they are appointed. Then a Lesson of the Old
Testament, as is appointed. And after that. Mag-
nificat {or the Song of the blessed Virgin Mary) in
English, asfoUoiceth.
Magnijicat. St. Luke i.
IV/TY foul doth magnify the
-^^ Lord : and my fpirit hath
rejoiced in God my Saviour.
For he hath regarded : the
lowlinefs of his hand-maiden.
For behold, from henceforth : all
generations fliall call me bleifed.
For he that is mighty hath
magnified me : and holy is his
Name. hju'ij brie
And his mercy is on them that
fear him : throughout all gene-*^
rations. wj>».
He hath Ihewed ftrenoth with
his arm : he hath fcattered the
proud in the unagination of their
hearts. r
He hath put down the mighty-
from their feat : and hath exalted
the humble and meek. ^ O
He hath filled the hungiy with
good things : and the rich he hath
fent empty away.
He remembering his mercy hath
holpen his fervant Ifrael : as he
promifed to our forefathers, Abra-
ham and his feed, for ever. />
Gloiy be to the Father, and
to the Son : and to the Holy
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever Ihall be : world
without end. Amen. di
^ Or else this Psalm ; except it be on the Nineteenth
Daif of tJie Month, when it is read in the ordinari/
Course ojthe Psabm.
Cantate Domino. Pfalm xcviii.
OSing unto the Lord a new
fono; : for he hath done mar-
velloiis things.
With his own right hand, and
with his holy arm : hath he gotten
himfelf the vi6lory.
The Lord declared his falvation :
his righteoiifnefs hath he openly
fliewed in the light of the heathen.
He hath remembered his mercy
and truth toward the houfe of If-
rael : and all the ends of the world
have feen the falvation of our God.
Shew yourfelves joyful imto the
Lord, all ye lands : ling, rejoice,
and give thanks. .i,...i '^^.
Praife the Lord upon the harp :
fing to the harp with a pfalm of
With trumpets alfo and Ihawms :
O fliew yourfelves joyful before
the Lord the King.
Let the fea make a noife, and all
that therein is : the round world,
and they that dwell therein.
Let the floods clap their hands,
and let the hills be joyful together
before the Lord : for he cometh
to, judge the earth, oi oo.
.With righteoufnefs ftiall he
judge the world : and the people
with equity.
! Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever fliall be : world
without end. Amen.
^ Then a Lesson of the New Testament, as it is ap-
pointed. And after that, Nunc dimittis (or the
Song of Symeon) in English, usfoilouetli.
Nunc dimittis. St. Luke ii. 29.
LORD, now letteft thou thy
feiTant depart in peace : ac-
cording to thy word.
For mine eyes have feen : thy
Which thou haft prepared :
before the face of all people ;
To be a light to lighten the
Gentiles : and to be the gloiy of
thy people Ifrael. ^
Gloiy be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever Ihall be : world
without end. Amen.
^ Or else this Psalm; except it be on the Tzcelfth
Day of the Month.
Deiis mifereatur. Pfalm Ixvii.
GOD be merciful unto us, and
blefs us : and fliew us the
light of his countenance, and be
merciful unto us :
That thy way may be known
upon earth : thy faving health a-
mong all nations.
Let the people praife thee, O
God : yea, let all the people praife
O let the nations rejoice and be
glad : for thou (halt judge the folk ;
righteoufly, and govern the nations
upon earth.
Let the people praife thee, O
God : yea, let all the people praife
Then fliall the earth brino^ forth
her increafe : and God, even our
own God, fliall give us his blefiing.
God Ihall blefs us : and all the
ends of the world ftiall fear him.
Gloiy be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
*" As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever fliall be : world
without end. Ainen.
^ Theti shall be said or sung the Apostles' Creed by
the Minister and the people, standing.
J Believe in God the Father Al-
mighty, Maker of heaven and
earth :
• And in Jefus Chrift his only
Son our Lord, \Mio was conceived
by the Floly Gholl, Born of the
Virgin Maiy, Suffered under Poii-
tiuis Pilate, Was crucified, dead,
and buried. He defcended into
hell ; The third day he rofe again
from the dead. He afcended into
heaven. And fitteth on the right
hand of God the Father Almighty;
From thence he Ihall come to
judge the quick and the dead.
1 believe in the Holy Ghoft ;
Tlie holy Catholick Church ; The
Communion of Saints ; The For-
givenefs of fins ; The Refurret^ion
of the l)o(ly, And the life everlafl-
ing. Amen.
^ And after that, these Prayers following, all devout-
ly kneeling ; the Minister Jirst pronoufwing with a
loud voice,
The Lord be with you.
Anfwer. And with thy fpirit.
Minifier. Let us pray.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Chrijt, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
^ Then the Minister, Clerks, and people, shall say
the Lord's Prayer with a loud voice.
OUR Father, which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth. As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpaffes. As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation ; But deliver us from
evil. Amen.
51 Then the Priest standing up shall say,
O Lord, fhew thy mercy upon us;
Anfwer. And grant us thy fal-
Prieji. O Lord, fave the King.
Anfwer. And mercifully hear us
when we call upon thee.
Priejf. Endue thy Minifters with
Anfwer. And make tliy chofen
peoj)le joyful.
Vriejl. O Lord, fave thy ])eople.
Anfwer. And blefs thine inhe-
PrieJl. Give peace in our time,
O Lord.
Anfwer. Becaufe there is none
other that fighteth for us, but only
thou, O God.
Priefl. O God, make clean our
hearts within us.
Anfwer. And take not thy holy
Spirit from us.
% Then shall foUoro three Collects ; the first of the
Dai) ; the second for Peace; the third for Aid a-
gainst all Perils, as hereafter followeth : which two
last Collects shall be duili/ said at Evening Prayer
ziitfioiit alteration.
The fecond ColleB at Evening
OGod, from whom all holy
defires, all good counfels, and
all juft works do proceed ; Give
unto thy fei-vants that peace which
the world cannot give ; that both
our hearts may be fet to obey thy
commandments, and alfo that by
thee we being defended from the
fear of our enemies may pafs our
time in reft and quietnefs ; through
the merits of Jefus Chrift our Sa-
viour. Amen.
■ Tlie third CoUeSi, for Aid againfi
all Perils.
LIGHTEN our darknefs, we
befeech thee, O Lord ; and
by thy great mercy defend us
fi'om all perils and dangers of this
night; for the love of thy only
Son, our Saviour, Jefus Chrill.
% In Quires and Places zchere theij sing, here followeth
the Anthem.
A Prayer for the King's Majefly.
OLord our heavenly Father,
high and mighty. King of
kings. Lord of lords, tlie only
Ruler of j3rinces, who doft from
thy throne behold all the dwellers
upon earth ; Moft heartily we be-
feech thee vAi\\ thy favour to be-
hold our moft gracious Sovereign
Lord, King GEORGE; and fo
replenifti him with the grace of
thy Holy Spirit, that he may alway
incline to thy will, and walk in
thy way : Endue him plenteoufly
with heavenly gifts ; grant him in
health and wealth long to live;
ftrengthen him that he may van-
quiih and overcome all his ene-
mies ; and finally, after this life, he
may attain everlafting joy and fe-
licity; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
A Prayer for the Royal Family.
ALMIGHTY God, the foun-
tain of all goodnefs, we hum-
bly befeech thee to blefs our gra-
cious Queen Charlotte, their Royal
HighnefTes GeorgeVYVwce of JVales,
the Princefs of Pi ales, and all the
Royal Family: Endue them with
thy holy Spirit ; enrich them with
thy heavenly grace; profper them
with all happinefs ; and bring
them to thine everlafting kingdom;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
A Vrayei'for the Clergy and people.
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, who alone workeft great
mangels ; Send down upon our
Bifliops, and Curates, and all
Congregations committed to tlieir
charge, the healthful Spirit of thy
grace; and that they may truly
pleafe thee, pour upon them the
continual dew of thy bleffing.
Grant this, O Lord, for the honour
of our Advocate and Mediator,
Jefus Chilli. Amen.
A Prayer of St. Chnfoftom.
ALMIGHTY God,' who haft
given us grace at this time
Avith one accord to make cm* com-
mon fuppUcatiqns unto thee ; and
doft promife, that when two or
three are gathered together in thy
Name thou wilt grant their re-
quefts : Fulfil now, O Lord, the
defires and petitions of thy fer-
vants, as may be moft expedient
for them; granting us in this world
knowledge of thy truth, and in
the world to come life everlafting.
2 Cor
THE grace of our Lord Jefus
Chriil, and the love of God,
and the fellowfiiip of the Holy
Ghoft, be with us all evermore.
Here endeth the Order of Evening Prayer throughout the Year.
^t Morning JPrayer.
^ Vpon thefe Feajis; Chriftmas-day, the Epiphany, Saint Matthias,
Eafler-day, Afcenfion-day, Whitfunday, Saint John Baptill, Saint
James, Saint Bartholomew, Saint Matthew, Saint Simon and Saint
Jude, Saint Andrew, and upon Trinity-Sunday, Jliall he fang orfaid
at Morning Prayer, inftead of the Apojiles' Creed, this Confejfion of
our Chrijlian Faith, commonly called The Creed of Saint Atlianafius,
by the Minijler and people Jianding.
Quicunqiie mdt.
WHOSOEVER will be faved :
before all things it is necef-
fary that he hold the Catholick
Which Faith except every one
do keep whole and undeiiled :
without doubt he Ihall perilh ever-
And the Catholick Faith is this :
That we worfliip one God in Tri-
nity, and Trinity in Unity ;
Neither confounding the Per-
fons : nor dividing the Subftance.
For there is one Perfon of the
Father, another of the Son : and
another of the Holy Ghoft.
But the Godhead of the Father,
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft,
is all one : the Glory equal, the
Majefty co-eternal.
Such as the Father is, fuch is
the Son : and fuch is the Holy
llie Father uncreate, the Son
imcreate : and the Holy Ghoft
The Father incomprehenlible,
the Son incomprehenlible : and
the Holy Ghoft incomprehenlible.
The Father eternal, the Son
eternal : and the Holy Ghoft eter-
And yet they are not three
eternals : but one eternal.
As alfo there are not three in-
comprehenlibles, nor three uncre-
ated : but one uncreated, and one
incomprehenlible .
So likewife the Father is Al-
mighty, the Son Almighty : and
the Holy Ghoft Almighty.
And yet they are not three Al-
mighties : but one Almighty.
So the Father is God, the Son is
God : and the Holy Ghoft is God.
And yet they are not three Gods:
but one God.
So likewife the Father is Lord,
the Son Lord : and the Holy
Ghoft Lord.
And yet not three Lords : but
one Lord.
For like as we are compelled
by the Chriftian verity : to ac-
knowledge eveiy Perfon by him-
felf to be God and Lord ;
So are we forbidden by tlie Ca-
tholick Religion : to fay. There
be three Gods, or three Lords.
The Father is made of none :
neither created, nor begotten.
At Morning Prayer.
The Son is of the Father alone :
not made, nor created, but be-
The Holy Ghoft is of the Father
and of the Son : neither made,
nor created, nor begotten, but
So there is one Father, not three
Fathers ; one Son, not three Sons :
one Holy Ghoft, not three Holy
And in this Trinity none is afore,
or after other : none is greater, or
lefs than another ;
But the whole three Pei-fons are
co-etenial together : and co-equal.
So that in all things, as is afore-
faid : the Unity in Trinity, and
the Trinity in Unity is to be wor-
He therefore that will be faved :
muft thus think of the Trinity.
Furthermore, it is neceffary to
everlafting; falvation : that he alfo
believe rio-htlv the Incarnation of
our Lord .Jefus Chrift.
For the right Faith is, that we
believe and confefs : that our Lord
Jefus Chrift, the Son of God, is
God and Man ;
God, of the Subftance of the
Father, begotten before the worlds :
and Man, of the S\ibftance of his
Mother, born in the world ;
I'erfedt God, and ])erfe6t Man :
of a reafonable foul and human
flefti fnbfilling ;
Equal to the Father, as touching
his Godhead : and Inferior to the
Father, as touching his Manhood.
Who although he be God and
Man : yet he is not two, but one
Chrift ;
One ; not by converfion of the
Godhead into flefti : but by taking
of the Manhood into God ;
One altogether; not by confu-
fton of Subftance : but by unity of
For as the reafonable foul and
flefti is one man : fo God and Man
is one Chrift ;
Wlio fuft'ered for our falvation :
defcended into hell, rofe again the
third day from the dead.
He afcended into heaven, he
fitteth on the right hand of the Fa-
ther, God Almighty : from whence
he fliall come to judge the quick
and the dead.
At whofe coming all men ftiall
rife again with their bodies : and
ftiall give account for their own
And they that have done good
ftiall go into life everlafting : and
they that have done evil into ever-
lafting fire.
This is the Catholick Faith :
which except a man believe faith-
fully, he cannot be faved.
Gloiy be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever fliall be : world
^vitllout end. Amen.
^ Here followeth the LITANY, or General Supplication, to he Jung or
faid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wednefdays, and Fridays,
and at other timea when itjhall he commanded hy tlw Ordinary.
OGod the Father, of heaven :
have mercy upon us niiferable
O God the Father, of heaven : have
mercy upon us mifei'ohle finners.
O God the Son, Redeemer of
the world : have mercy upon us
miferable finners.
O God the Son, Redeemer of the
world : have mercy upvn us mifer-
able Jinners.
O God the Holy Ghoft, pro-
ceeding from the Father and the
Son : have mercy upon us mifer-
able finners.
O God the Holy Ghoft, proceeding
from the Father and the Son : have
mercy upon us miferahle finners.
O holy, bleffed, and glonous
Trinity, three Perfons and one
God : have mercy upon us mifer-
able finners.
Oholy, hlefjed, and glorious Trini-
ty, three Perfons and one God: have
mercy upon us miferable Jinners.
Remember not. Lord, our of-
fences, nor the offences of our fore-
fathers ; neither take thou venge-
ance of our fins : fpare us, good
Lord, fpare thy people, whom thou
haft redeemed with thy moft pre-
cious blood, and be not angiy
with us for ever.
Spare us, good Lord.
From all evil and mifchief ; from
fin, fi-om the crafts and alfaults of
the devil ; from thy wrath, and
from everlafting damnation,
Good Lord, deliver us.
From all blindnefs of heart;
from pride, vain-glory, and hy-
pocrify; from envy, hatred, and
malice, and all uncharitablenefs,
Good Lord, deliver us.
From fornication, and all other
deadly fin ; and from all the deceits
of the world, theflelh, and the devil,
Good Lord, deliver us.
From lightning and tempeft ;
from plague, peililence, and fa-
mine ; from battle and murder,
and fi-om fudden death,
Good Lord, deliver us.
From all fedition, privy conlpi-
racy, and rebellion ; from all falfe
doctrine, herefy, and fchifm ; from
hardnefs of heart, and contempt
of thy Word and Commandment,
Good Lord, deliver us.
By the myftery of thy holy In-
carnation; by thy holy Nativity
and Circumciiion ; by thy Baptifm,
Fafting, and Temptation,
Good Lord, deliver us.
By thine Agony and bloody
Sweat ; by thy Crofs and Paflion ;
by thy precious Death and Burial ;
by thy glonous Refurre^ion and
Afcenfion ; and by the coming of
the Holy Ghoft,
Good Lord, deliver us.
In iill time of our tribulation ;
ui all time of om* wealth ; in the
hour of death, and in the day of
Good Lord, delive?' us.
We iinners do befeech thee to
hear us, O Lord God ; and that
it may pleafe thee to rule and
govern thy holy Church univerfal
in the right way ;
JVe hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to keep
and ftrengthen in the tnie wor-
fliipping of thee, in righteoufnefs
and holinefs of life, thy Servant
GEORGE, our moft gracious
King and Governour ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
Tliat it may pleafe thee to rule
his heart in thy faith, fear, and
love, and that he may evermore
have affiance in thee, and ever
feek thy honour and gloiy ;
fVe befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to be his
defender and keeper, giving him
the victory over all his enemies ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to blefs
and ])referve nmi yiniMimk Qmam
.V, iind all the Royal
Family ;
14/e befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to illu-
minate all Bilhops, Priells, and
Deacons, with true knowledge and
underllanding of thy Word ; and
that both by their preaching and
li\ang they may fet it forth, and
fliew it accordingly ;
We befeech thee to hear its, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to endue
the Lords of the Council, and all
the Nobility, with grace, wifdom,
and undei-ftanding ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to blefs
and keep the Magiftrates, giving
them grace to execute juftice, and
to maintain truth ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to blefs
and keep all thy people ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to give
to all nations unity, peace, and
concord ; •'" ''
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to give
us an heart to love and dread thee,
and diligently to live after thy
commandments ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to give
to all thy people increafe of grace
to hear meekly thy Word, and to
receive it with pure aft'eetiou, and
to bring forth the fruits of the
Spirit ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to bring
into tlie way of truth all fiich as
have erred, and are deceived;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may ])leare thee to
ftrengthen fuch as do (land; and
to comfort and help the weak-
hearted ; and to raife up them that
fall ; and finally to beat down Sa-
tan under our feet ; r sf,-*
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to fuc-
cour, help, and comfort, all that are
in danger, neceffity , and tribulation ;
JVe hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to pre-
feiTe all that travel by land or by
water, all women labouring of
child, all fick peifons, and young
children ; and to fliew thy pity up-
on all prifoners and captives ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to de-
fend, and provide for, the father-
lefs children, and widows, and all
that are defolate and opprefTed ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to have
mercy upon all men ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to for-
give our enemies, perfecutors, and
ilanderers, and to turn their hearts;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to give
and preferve to our ufe the kindly
fruits of the earth, fo as in due
time we may enjoy them ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to give
us true repentance ; to forgive tfe
all our fins, negligences, and ig-
norances ; and to endue us with
the grace of thy Holy Spirit to
amend our lives according to thy
holy Word ;
Tl e hefeech thee to hear us,goodL^ord.
Son of C>od : we befeech thee
to heai' us.
8on of God : we hefeech thee to
hmr us. ..\f, ^^^t
O Lamb of God : that takeft
away the fins of the world ;
' Grant us thy peace.
O Lamb of God : that takeft
away the fins of the world ;
Have mercy upon us.
O Chrifl;, hear us.
O Chrijl, hear us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Chrift, have mercy upon us.
Chrifl, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
^ Then shall the Priest, and the people with him, say
., .the Lord's Prayer.
OUR Father, which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth, As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpafleSj As
we forgive them that tre^pafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
evil. Amen.
Priejf. O Lord, deal not Avith
us after our (ins.
Anjwer. Neither reward us after
our iniquities.
Let us pray.
OGod, merciful Father, that
defpifell not the fighing of
a contrite heart, nor the delire of
fuch as be forrowful ; Mercifully
aiTiil our prayers that we make
before thee in all our troubles and
adverfities, whenfoever they op-
prefs us; and gracioully hear us,
that thofe evils, which the craft
and fubtilty of the devil or man
worketh againft us, be brought to
nought ; and by the providence of
thy goodnefs they may be difperf-
ed ; that we thy fervants, being
hurt by no perfecutions, may ever-
more give thanks unto thee in thy
holy Church ; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord.
O Lord, arife, help us, and deli-
ver us for thy Name's fake.
OGod, we have heard vA\\\ oiu:
ears, and our fathers have
declared unto us, the noble works
that thou didft in their days, and
in the old time before them.
O Lord, arife, help us, and deli-
ver us for thine honour.
Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son : and to the Holy
Ghoft ;
Anfwei'. As it was in the begin-
ning, is now, and ever Ihall be :
world without end. Amen.
From our enemies defend us,
O Chrift.
Gracioufly look upon our affiic-
Pitifiilly behold the forrows of
our hearts.
Mercifully forgive the fins of thy
Favourably with mercy hear
our prayers.
O Son of David, have mercy
upon us.
Both now and ever vouchfafe
to hear us, O Chrift.
Gracioufly hecvr us, O Chrijl;
gi'acioufly hear us, O Lord Chrift.
Prieft. O Lord, let thy mercy
be fliewed upon us ;
Anficer. As we do put our truft
in thee.
Let us pray.
WE humbly befeech thee, O
Father, mercifully to look
upon our infirmities ; and for the
gloiy of thy Name tiu'u from us
all thofe evils that we moft right-
eoufly have defei-ved ; and grant,
that in all our troubles we may put
our whole truft and confidence in
thy mercy, and evermore ferve
thee in holinefs and purenefs of
living, to thy honour and glory;
through our only Me(Hator and
Advocate, Jefus Chrift our Lord.
^Jh~ ^^ e?^»^^«'»»*f
A Prayer, of St. Chryfoftoin.
A LMIGHTY God, who haft
uiveii us ffrace at this time
with one accord to make our com-
mon fuppHcations unto thee ; and
doft promife, that wlien two or
three are gathered together in thy
Name thou ^vilt grant their re-
quefts ; Fulfil now, O Lord, the
defires and petitions of thy fer-
vants, as may be moft expedient
for them ; granting us in this world
knowledge of thy truth, and in
the world to come life everlafting.
2 C.
or. xni.
THE grace of our Lord Jefus
Chrift, and the love of God,
and the fellowlhip of the Holy
Glioft, be with us all evermore.
Here endeth the Litany.
^/, Cff^>j'yyU'('n4.^T^, rtru^e^,.
^ To he ufed before the two Jinal Prayers of the Litany, or of
Morning and Evening Praye)'.
For Rain.
OGod, heavenly Father, who
by thy Son Jefus Chrift haft
promifed to all them that feek thy
kmgdom, and the righteoufnefs
thereof, all things neceflaiy to their
bodily fuftenance ; Send us, we
befeech thee, in this our neceflity,
fuch moderate rain and ftiowers,
that we may receive the fruits of
the earth to our comfort, and to
thy honour; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen.
For fair Weather.
O Almighty Lord God, who
for the fin of man didft once
di-own all the world, except eight
perfons, and afterward of thy great
mercy didft promife never to de-
ftroy it fo again ; We humbly be-
feech thee, that although we for
our iniquities have worthily de-
feiTed a plague of rain and waters,
yet upon our true repentance thou
wilt fend us fuch weather, as that
we may receive the fruits of the
eaitli in due feafoii ; and learn both
by thy punifliment to amend our
lives, and for thy clemency to give
thee praife and glory ; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen,
hi the time of Dearth and Famine.
OGod, heavenly Father, whofe
gift it is, that the rain doth
fall, the earth is fruitful, beafts in-
creafe, and fifties do multiply ; Be-
hold, we befeech thee, the afflic-
tions of thy people; and grant that
the fcarcity and dearth, which we
do now moll juftly fufter for our
iniquity, may through thy goodnefs
be mercifully turned into cheapnefs
and plenty ; for the love of Jefus
Chrift our Lord, to whom with
thee and the Holy Ghoft be all
honour and glory, now and for
ever. Amen.
Or this.
OGod, merciful Father, who,
in the time of Eliftia the pro-
phet, didft fuddenly in Samaria turn
great fcarcity and dearth into plen-
ty and cheapnefs ; Have mercy up-
on us, that we, who are now for
our fins })uniflied with like adver-
fity, may likewife find a feafonable
relief: Increafe the fruits of the
earth by thy heavenly benedi^Hon ;
and grant that we, receiving thy
bountiful liberality, may ufe the
fame to thy gloiy, the relief of
thofe that are needy, and oiu* own
comfort ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
In the time of War and Tiomdts.
O Almighty God, King of all
kings, and Governoiu* of all
things, whofe power no creature is
able to refill, to whom it belongeth
juftly to punifli finners, and to be
merciful to them that truly repent ;
Save and deliver us, we humbly
befeech thee, from the hands of
our enemies ; abate their pride,
aflwage their malice, and confound
their devices ; that we, being anned
with thy defence, may be prefei-ved
evermore from all perils, to glorify
thee, who art the only giver of all
victory ; through the merits of thy
only Son, Jefus Chrift our Lord.
In the time of any common Plague
or Sicknefs.
O Almighty God, who in thy
wrath didft fend a plague up-
on thine own people in the wilder-
nefs, for their obftinate rebellion
againft Mofes and Aaron ; and alfo,
in the time of king David, didft
Hay with the plague of Peftilence
threefcore and ten thoufand, and
yet remembering thy mercy didft
fave the reft ; Have pity upon us
miferable finners, who now are vi-
fited with great ficknefs and mor-
tality ; that like as thou didft then
accept of an atonement, and didft
connnand the deftroying vVngel to
ceafe from ])unifliing, fo it may
now pleafe thee to withdraw from
us this plague and grievous fick-
nefs; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
^ In the Ember Weeks, to be /aid
every day, for thofe that are to
he admitted into Holy Orders.
ALMIGHTY God, our heaven-
ly Father, who haft purchafed
to thyfelf an univerfal Church by
the precious blood of thy dear Son ;
Mercifully look upon the fame,
and at this time fo guide and go-
vern the minds of thy fervants the
Bifliops and Paftors of thy flock,
that they may lay hands fuddenly
on no man, but faithfully and wife-
ly make choice of fit perfons to
fei've in the facred Minillry of thy
Church. And to thofe which Ihall
be ordained to any holy function
give thy grace and heavenly bene-
didlion ; that both by their life and
do^b-ine they may fet forth thy glo-
ry, and fet forward the falvation of
all men; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
Or this.
ALMIGHTY God, the giver of
all good gifts, who of thy di-
vme providence haft appointed di-
vers Orders in thy Church ; Give
thy grace, we humbly befeech thee,
to all thofe who are to be called
to any office and adminiftration in
the fame; and fo replenilh them
with the truth of thy do6lrine, and
endue them with innocency of life,
that they may faithfliUy ferve be-
fore thee, to the gloiy of thy great
Name, and the benefit of thy holy
Church ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
^ A Prayer that may he f aid after
any of the former.
OGod, whofe nature and pro-
perty is ever to have mercy
and to forgive, receive our humble
petitions ; and though we be tied
and bound with the chain of our
fins, yet let the pitifulnefs of thy
great mercy loofe us ; for the ho-
nour of Jefus Chrift, our Mediator
and Advocate. Amen.
^ A Prayer for the High Court of
Parliament, to he read during
their SeJJion.
MOST gTacious God, we hum-
bly befeech thee, as for this
Kingdom in general, fo efpecially
for the High Court of Parliament,
under our moft religious and gra-
cious King at this time aflembled :
That thou wouldeft be pleafed to
diredl and profper all their conful-
tations to the advancement of thy
glory, the good of thy Church, the
fafety, honour, and welfare of our
Sovereign, and his Dominions ;
that all things may be fo ordered
and fettled }3y their endeavours,
upon the beft and fureft founda-
tions, that peace and happinefs,
truth and juftice, religion and piety,
may be eftabliftied among us for all
generations. Thefe and all other
neceflaries, for them, for us, and
thy whole Church, we humbly beg
in the Name and Mediation of
Jefus Chrift our moft blefled Lord
and Saviour. Amen.
t//ir^^ H ^ ColleSl or Prayer for all Con-
'^"^^ ditions of men, to be iifed atfiich
TJ^^c^I. times lolien the Litany is not ap-
7^ ' ' pointed to he f aid.
God, the Creator and Pre-
ferver of all mankind, we
humbly befeech thee for all forts
and conditions of men ; that thou
wovddeft be pleafed to make thy
ways known unto them, thy fav-
mg health unto all nations. More
efpecially, we pray for the good
eftate of the Catholick Church ;
that it may be fo guided and go-
verned by thy good Spirit, that all
rt^eiu^^ 51 ^ General Thank fgiving.
■ ^^ ^r k LMIGHTY God, Father of all
J^ mercies, we thine unworthy
fervants do give thee moft hinnble
and hearty thanks for all thy good-
nefs and loving-kindnefs to us, and
* This to be to all men; \;^ parti-
said when any Cularhj tO thofe wko de-
SSeir'f^T /'•'■ «?"• to «!<■'■ "I> t'.'^jr
sire to return praijcs and thanhjgw-
P*^"'"^- ings for thy late mer-
cies voiichfafed unto them.^ We
blefs thee for our creation, prefer-
vation, and all the bleflings of this
life ; but above all, for thine inef-
timable love in the redemj)tion of
the world by our Lord Jefus Chrift ;
who profefs and call themfelves
Chriftians may be led into the way
of truth, and hold the faith in unity
of fpirit, in the bond of peace, and
in righteoufnefs of life. Finally,
we commend to thy fatherly good-
nefs all thofe, who are any ways
afflicted, or diftrefled, in mind,
body, or eftate ;[*/- * This to be
pecialll/ thofe for whom ''f'^ when any
X u 1 /» 1 -\ desire the rray-
our prayers are dejired,\ ers of the Con-
that it may pleafe thee gregation.
to comfort and relieve them, ac-
cording to their feveral neceffities,
giving them patience under their
fufferings, and a happy iflue out of
all their aiflidtions. And this we
beg for Jefus Chrift his fake. Amen.
for the means of grace, and for the
hope of glory. And, we befeech
thee, give us that due fenfe of all
thy mercies, that our hearts may
be unfeignedly thankful, and that
we ftiew forth thy praife, not only
with our lips, but in our lives ; by
giving u]) ourfelves to thy femce,
and by walking before thee in
holinefs and righteoufnefs all our
days ; . through Jefus Chrift our
Lord, to whom with thee and the
Holy Ghoft be all honour and glo-
ry, world without end. Amen. .^/tf. It'
tor Kam. U»»oc .^ M;
OGod our heavenly Father,
who by thy gracious provi-
t//u- 4-)^,
dence doll caufe the foiiiier and
the latter rain to defcend upon the
earth, tliat it may bring fortli fruit
for the life of man ; We give thee
humble thanks that it hath pleafed
thee, in our great neceflity, to fend
us at the lall a joyful rain upon
thine inheritance, and to refrefli
it when it was dry, to the great
comfort of us thy unworthy fer-
vauts, and to the gloiy of thy holy
Name ; through thy mercies in
Jefus Clirift om* Lord. Amen.
For fair Weather.
OLord God, who haft juftly
humbled us by thy late plague
of immoderate rain and waters,
and in thy mercy haft relieved and
comforted our fouls by this feafon-
able and blefled change of weather ;
We praife and glorify thy holy
Name for this thy mercy, and will
always declare thy loving-kindnefs
from generation to generation ;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
* For Plenty.
OMoft merciful Father, who of
thy gracious goodnefs haft
heard the devout prayers of thy
Church, and turned our dearth and
fcarcity into cheapnefs and plenty ;
iWe give thee humble thanks for
this thy fpecial bounty; befeech-
ing thee to continue thy loving-
kindnefs unto us, that our land
may yield us her fruits of in-
creafe, to thy gloiy and our com-
fort ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen. .
For Peace and Deliverance from
our Enemies.
O Almighty God, who art a
ftronff tower of defence unto
thy fervants againft the face of
their enemies; We yield thee jjraife
and thankfgiving for our deliver-
ance from tliofe great and apparent
dangers wherewith we were com-
pafled : We acknowledge it thy
goodnefs that we were not deli-
vered over as a prey unto them ;
befeeching thee ftill to contmue
fuch thy mercies towards us, that
all the world may know that thou
art our Saviour and mighty Deli-
verer; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
For reftoring Piihlick Peace at
O Eternal God, our heavenly
Father, who alone makeft men
to be of one mind in a houfe, and
ftilleft the outrage of a violent and
unruly people ; We blefs thy holy
Name, that it hath pleafed thee to
appeafe the feditious tumults which
have been lately raifed up amongft
us ; moft humbly befeeching thee
to grant to all of us grace, that
we may henceforth obediently walk
in thy holy commandments ; and,
leading a quiet and peaceable life
in all godlinefs and honefty, may
continually offer unto thee our fa-
crifice of praife and thankfgiving
I 2
for tliefe thy mercies towards us ;
throu2:li Jefus Chrift our Lord,
For Deliverance from the Plague,
or other common Sicknefs.
OLord God, who haft wounded
us for our fins, and confumed
us for our tranfgreffions, by thy
late heavy and dreadful vifitation;
and now, hi the midft of judgement
remembering mercy, haft redeem-
ed our fouls from the jaws of death;
We oifer unto thy fatherly good-
nefs ourfelves, our fouls and bodies
which thou haft delivered, to be a
living facrifice unto thee, always
praifing and magnifying thy mer-
cies in the midft of thy Chm*ch ;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
Or this.
WE humbly acknowledge be-
fore thee, O moft merciful
Father, that all the punifliments
which are threatened in thy law
might juftly have fallen upon us, by
reafon of our manifold tranfgi-ef-
fions and hardnefs of heart : Yet
feeing it hath pleafed thee of thy
tender mercy, upon our weak and
unworthy humiliation, to alfwage
the contagious ficknefs wherewith
we lately have been fore affli(ftedi
and to reftore the voice of joy and
health into our dwellings ; We of-
fer unto thy Divine Majefty the
facrifice of praife and thankfgiving,
lauding and magnifying thy glori-
ous Name for fuch thy prefei*vation
and providence over us ; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
^ l!^ote, that the ColleB appointed for every Simday, or for any Holy -day
that hath a Vigil or Eve,fliall he f aid at the Eoening Service next he/hre.
Thefirf Simday in Advent.
The ColleSi.
ALMIGHTY God, give us
grace that we may call away
the works of darknefs, and put
upon us the amiour of light, .now
in the time of this mortal life, in
which thy Son Jefus Chrift came
to vilit us in great humility ; that
in the laft day, when he fliall come
again in his glorious Majefty to
judge both the quick and dead,
we may rife to the life immortal,
through him who liveth and reign-
eth Avith thee and the Holy Ghoft,
now and ever. Amen.
% This Collect is to be repeated every day, with the
other Collects in Advent, until Christmas Eve.
The Epiftle. Rom. xiii. 8.
OWE no man any thing, but
to love one another : for he
that loveth another hath fulfilled
the law. For this. Thou flialt not
commit adultery. Thou flialt not
kill, Thou Ihalt not ileal, Thou
ftialt not beai' falfe witnefs, Thou
flialt not covet ; and if there be any
other conunandment, it is briefly
comprehended in this faying, name-
ly. Thou flialt love thy neighbour
as thyfelf. Love worketh no ill
to his neighbour; therefore love is
the fulfilling of the law. And that,
knowing the time, that now it is
high time to awake out of fleep *J
for now is our falvation nearer than
when we believed. The night is
far fpent, the day is at hand ; let
us therefore call oft' the works of
darknefs, and let us put on the
armour of light. Let us walk ho-
neftly as in the day ; not in rioting
and drunkennefs, not in chamber-
ing and wantonnefs, not in fl;rife
and envying. But put ye on the
Lord Jefus Chrift, and make not
provifion for the flefti, to fulfil the
lufts thereof.
The Gofpel. St. Matth. xxi. L
WHEN they drew nigh unto
Jerufalem, and were come
to Bethphage, unto the mount of
Olives, then fent Jefus two difci-
ples, faying unto them. Go into
the village over againft you, and
ftraightway ye fliall find an afs tied,
and a colt with her : loofe them,
and bring them unto me. And if
Tkefecond Sunday in Advent.
any man fay ought unto you, ye
fliall fay, The Lord hath need of
them ; and llraightway he will fend
them. All this was done, that it
might be fulfilled which was fpoken
by the Prophet, faying, Tell ye
the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy
King Cometh unto thee, meek, and
fitting upon an afs, and a colt the
fole of an afs. And the difciples
went, and did as Jefus commanded
them ; and brought the afs, and
the colt, and put on them their
clothes, and they fet him thereon.
And a veiy great multitude fpread
their garments in the way; others
cut down l^ranches from the trees,
and ftrawed them in the way. And
the multitudes that went before,
and that followed, cried, fapng,
Hofanna to the fon of David;
Blelfed is he that cometli in the
Name of the Lord ; Hofanna in the
hiiiheft. And when he was come
into Jerufalem all the city was
moved, faying. Who is this? And
the multitude faid. This is Jefus
the Prophet of Nazareth of (iali-
lee. And Jefus went into the tem-
ple of God, and cafl; out all them
that fold and bouo-ht in the tem-
pie; and overthrew the tables of
the money-changers, and the feats
of them that fold doves ; and faid
unto them, It is written. My houfe
fliall be called the houfe of pray-
er ; but ye have made it a den of
The fecond Sunday in Advent.
The Colledi.
BLESSED Lord, who hafl;
caufed all holy Scriptures to
be written for our learning ; Grant
that we may in fuch wife hear them,
read, mark, learn, and inwardly
digeft; them, that by patience, and
comfort of thy holy Word, we may
embrace, and ever hold fafi; the
bleffed hope of everlafting life,
which thou hafl; given us in our
Saviour Jefus Chrifl;. Amen.
The Epijile. Rom. xv. 4.
were wi'itten aforetime, were
written for our learning; that we
through patience, and comfort of
the Scriptures, might have hope.
Now the God of patience and con-
folation grant you to be like mind-
ed one towards another, according
to Chrill Jefus : that ye may with
one mind, and one mouth, glorify
God, even the Father of our l^ord
Jefus Chrift. Wherefore receive
ye one another, as Chrifl; alfo re-
ceived us, to the glory of God.
Now I fay, that Jefus Chrifl; was
a minifter of the circumcifion for
the truth of God, to confirm the
promifes made unto the fathers :
And that the (lentiles might glo-
rify God for his mercy ; as it is
written, For this caufe I will con-
fefs to thee among the CJentiles,
and fing unto thy Name. And
again he faith, Rejoice, ye Gen-
The third Sunday in Advent.)
tiles, with his people. And again,
Praife the Lord, all ye Gentiles,
and laud him, all ye people. And
again, Efaias faith, There lliall be
a root of Jeffe, and he that Ihall
rife to reign over the Gentiles, in
him fliall the Gentiles trull. Now
the God of hope fill you with all
joy and peace in believing, that
ye may abound in hope, through
the power of the Holy Ghoft.
The Go/pel. St. Luke xxi. 25.
AND there Ihall be figns in the
fun, and in the moon, and in
the ftars; and upon the earth dif-
trefs of nations, with perplexity,
the fea and the waves roaring ;
men's hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after thofe things
which are coming on the earth :
for the powers of heaven fliall be
Ihaken. And then ihall they fee
the Son of Man coming in a cloud
with power and great gloiy. And
when thefe things begin to come
to pafs, then look up, and lift up
your heads ; for your redemption
draweth nigh. And he fpake to
them a parable. Behold the fig-
tree, and all the trees ; when they
now flioot forth, ye fee and know
of your own felves that fummer is
now nigh at hand. So likewife ye,
when ye fee thefe things come to
pafs, know ye that the Kingdom
of God is nigh at hand. Verily
I fay unto you. This generation
fliall not pafs away, tiU all be fuW;
filled : heaven and earth fliall paft^
away ; but my words fliall not pais j
away. ,)
. — . : :i
The third Sunday in Advent . ,^.
The Colle^i,
OLord Jefu Chrift, who at thy
fidl coming didft fend thyi;
meflenger to }>repare thy way be^
fore thee ; Grant that the miiiifters
and ftewards of thy myfteries may
likewife fo prepare and make rea-
dy thy way, by turning the hearts
of the difobedient to the wifdom
of the jufi^, that at thy fecoiid comr^
ing to judge the world we may
be found an acceptable people in
thy fight, who liveft and reigneft
with the Father and the Holy Spi-
rit, ever one God, world without
end. Amen. -^
The Epijile. 1 Cor. iv. 1 .
LET a man fo account of us>
as of the minifters of Cluifl;,
and ftewards of the myfteries of
God. Moreover, it is required in
ftewards, that a man be found
faithful. But with me it is a veiy
fmall thing that I fliould be judged
of you, or of man's judgement;
yea, I judge not mine own felf.
For I know nothing Ijy niyfelf, yet
am I not hereby juftified ; but he
that judgeth me is the Lord.
Therefore judge nothing before
The fourth Sunday in Advent.
the time, until the Lord come,
who both will bring to light the
hidden things of darknefs, and will
make manifeft the counfels of the
hearts ; and then Ihall every man
have praife of God.
The Go/pel St. Matth. xi. 2.
NOW when John had heaid in
the prifon the works of Chrift,
he fent two of his difciples, and
faid unto him, Ait thou he that
fhould come, or do we look for
another? Jefus anfwered and faid
unto them. Go and fliew John again
thofe things which ye do hear and
fee : The blind receive their light,
and the lame walk, the lepers are
cleanfed, and the deaf hear, the
dead ai-e raifed up, and the poor
have the Gofpel preached to them :
And bleffed is he whofoever Ihall
not be offended in me. And as
they departed, Jefus began to fay
unto the multitudes concerning
John, What went ye out into the
\vildernefs to fee? a reed fliaken
with the ^vind? But what went ye
out for to fee? a man clothed in
foft raiment? behold, they that
wear foft clothing are in kings'
houfes. But what went ye out for
to fee? a prophet? yea, I fay unto
you, and more than a prophet.
For this is he of whom it is writ-
ten. Behold, I fend my meffenger
before thy face, which fliall pre-
pare thy way before thee.
The fourth Sunday in Advent.
The ColleSi.
OLord, raife up (we pray thee)
thy power, and come among
us, and vA\h great might fuccour
us ; that whereas, througli our fins
and wickednefs, we are fore let
and hindered in iiuming the i-ace
that is fet before us, thy bountiful
grace and mercy may fpeedily help
and deliver us; through the fatif-
facftion of thy Son our Lord, to
whom with thee and the Holy
Ghoft be honour and gloiy, world
without end. Amen.
The Epijlle. Phil. iv. 4.
REJOICE in the Lord alway,
and again I fay, Rejoice.
Let yom* moderation be known
unto all men. The Lord is at
hand. Be careful for nothmg : but
in eveiy thing, by prayer and fup-
plication with thankfgiving, let
your requefts be made known un-
to God. And the peace of God,
which palfeth all undei-ftanding,
Ihall keep your hearts and minds
thi'ough Clirill Jefus.
The Gofpel. St. John i. 19.
THIS is the record of John,
when the Jews fent Priefts
and Levites fi'om Jerufalem to allc
him, Who art thou? And he con-
feifed, and denied not; but con-
feffed, I am not the Chrill. And
they afked him, What then? Art
thou Elias? And he faith, I am not.
Art thou that Prophet? And he
anfwered, No. Then faid they un-
to him, Who art thou? that we
may give an anfwer to them that
fent us. What fay eft thou of thy-
felf? He faid, I am tlie voice of
one crying in the wildernefs, Make
ftraight the way of the Lord, as
faid the prophet Efaias. And they
which were fent were of the Pha-
rifees. And they afl^ed him, and
faid unto him. Why baptizeft thou
then, if thou be not tliat Chrift,
nor Elias, neither that Prophet?
John anfwered them, faying, I
baptize with water: but there ftand-
eth one among you, whom ye know
not : He it is who coming after me
is preferred before me, whofe (hoe's
latchet 1 am not worthy to unloofe.
Thefe things were done in Beth-
abara beyond Jordan, where Jolm
was baptizing.
The Nativity of our Lord, or the
Birth-day of CHRIST, coni-
monly called Chrijimas-day.
The Colledt.
ALMIGHTY God, who haft
given us thy only-begotten
Son to take our nature upon him,
and as at this time to be born of a
pure Virgin ; Grant that we being
regenerate, and made thy childi'en
by adoption and grace, may daily
be renewed by thy Holy Spirit ;
through the fame our Lord Jefus
Chrift, who liveth and reigneth
with thee and the fame Spirit,
ever one God, world without end.
The Kpijlle. Heb. i. 1.
GOD, who at fuudiy times and
in divers manners fpake in
time paft unto the fathers })y the
prophets, hath in thefe laft days
fpoken mi to us by his Son, whom
he hath appointed heir of all things,
by whom alio he made the worlds ;
who being the brightnefs of his
glory, and the exprefs image of his
|3erfon, and upholding all things
by the word of his power, when
he had by himfelf purged our fins,
fat down on the right hand of the
Majefty on high ; being made fo
much better than the angels, as
he hath by inheritance obtained a
more excellent name than they.
For unto which of the angels faid
he at any time, Thou art my Son,
this day have I begotten thee?
And again, I will be to him a Fa-
ther, and he Ihall be to me a Son?
And again, when he bringeth in
the firil-begotten into the world,
he faith. And let all the angels of
God worfhip him. And of the an-
gels he faith. Who maketh his an-
gels fpirits, and his minifters a
flame of fire. But unto the Son he
faith. Thy throne, O God, is for
ever and ever ; a fceptre of right-
eoufnefs is the fceptre of thy king-
dom : Thou haft loved righteouf-
iiefs, and hated iniquity ; therefore
God, even thy God, hath anointed
thee with the oil of gladnefs above
thy fellows. And, Thou, Lord, in
the beginning haft laid the founda-
tion of the earth ; and the heavens
are the works of thine hands : they
fhall perifli, but thou remaineft ;
and they all Ihall wax old as doth
a gaiTTient ; and as a vefture flialt
thou fold them up, and they ftiall
be changed; but thou art the fame,
and thy years fliall not fail. «
The Go/pel. St. John i. 1 .
IN the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. The fame
was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him ;
and without hun was not any thing
made that was made. In him was
life, and the life was the light of
i^eu. And the light fliineth in
dai'knefs, and the darknefs com-
prehended it not. There was a
man fent from God, whofe name
was .John. The fame came for a
witnefs, to bear witnefs of the
light, that all men through him
might believe. He was not that
light, but was fent to bear witnefs
of that light. That was the true
light, which lighteth eveiy man
that cometh into the world. He
was in the world, and the world
was made by him, and the world
knew him not. He came unto his
own, and his own received him
not. But as many as received him,
to them gave he power to became
Saint Stephens Day.
the fons of God, even to them that
believe on his Name : which were
born, not of blood, nor of the will
of the flefli, nor of the will of man,
but of God. And the Word was
made flefli, and dwelt among us
(and we beheld his glory, the glory
as of the only-begotten of the Fa-
ther) full of grace and tnitli.
h^ Saint Stephens Day,
TJie Colledl.
GRANT, O Lord, that, in all
our fufterings here upon earth
for the teftimony of thy tnith, we
may ftedfaftly look up to liea^a,
and by faith behold the gloiy that
Ihall be revealed ; and, being filled
with the holy Ghoft, may learn to
love and blefs our perfecutors by
the example of thy fii-ft Martyr
Saint Stephen, who prayed for his
murderers to thee, O bleifed Jefus,
who ftandeft at the right hand of
God to fuccour aU thofe that fuffer
for thee, our only Mediator and
Advocate. Amen.
5f Then shall follow the Collect of the Natirity, which
. shall he said coiitinuallj/ unto ]Seu'-j/eai''s Eve.
For the Epijile. A6ts vii. 55. ,,
STEPHEN, being full of the
holy Ghoft, looked up ftedfaftly
into heaven, and faw the glory of
God, and Jefus ftanding on the
right hand of God, and f to whom cuttom, fear to whom
feai-, honour to whom Ixmom-.
The Gofpel. St. Matth. viii. 23.
AND when he was entered into
a fliip, his difciples followed
hun. And behold, there arofe a
great tempeft in the fea, infomuch
that the fliip was covered with the
waves : but he was afleep. And
his difciples came to him, and a-
woke him, fa^ang. Lord, fave us,
we periih. And he faith unto them,
Why are ye fearful, O ye of little
faith? Then he ai'ofe, and rebuked
the winds and the fea, and there
was a great calm. But the men
mai-velled, faying, What manner
of man is this, that even the ^vinds
and the fea obey him ! And when
he was come to the other fide in-
to the countiy of the Gergefenes,
there met him two poifefled ^vith
devils, coming out of the tombs,
exceeding fierce, fo that no man
might pals by that way. And be-
hold, they cried out, faying, What
have we to do with thee, Jefus,
thou Son of God? art thou come
hither to torment us before the
time? And there was a good Avay
oft* from them an herd of many
fwine, feeding. So the devils be-
fouffht him, laving, If tliou caft us
out, fuft'er us to go away into the
herd of fwine. And he faid unto
them, Go. And when they were
come out, they went into the hei-d
of fwine : and behold, the whole
herd of fwine ran Aiolently down
a lleep place into the fea, and pe-
The fifth and fixth Sundays after the Epiphany.
rifhed in the wateis. And they
that kept tliem fled, and went their
ways into the city, and told eveiy
thmg, and what was befallen to
the poH'elled of the devils. And
behold, the whole city came out
to meet Jefus : and when they faw
him, they befought him, that he
would depai't out of their coafts.
Thejifth Sunday after theEjnphany.
OLord, we befeech thee to keep
thy Church and houfhold con-
tinually in thy true religion ; that
they who do lean only upon the
hope of thy heavenly grace may
evermore be defended by thy migh-
ty power; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen. . . ^^
The Epiftle. Col. iii. 12.
PUT on therefore, as the eledt
of God, holy and beloved,
bowels of mercies, kindnefs, hum-
blenefs of mind, meeknefs, long-
fuflfering ; forbearing one another,
and forgivmg one another, if any
man have a quarrel againft any ;
even as Chrift forgave you, fo alfo
do ye. And above all thefe things
put on charity, which is the bond
of perfe6lnefs. And let the peace
of God rule in your hearts, to the
which alfo ye are called in one
body; and be ye thankful. Let
the word of Chrift dwell in you
richly in all wifdom, teaching and
admoniftiing one another in plalms,
and hymns, and fpiritual fongs,
finging with grace in your hearts
to the Lord. And whatfoever ye
do, in word or deed, do all in the
Name of the Lord Jefus, giving
thanks to God and the Father by
The Go/pel. St. Matth. xiii. 24.
THE kingdom of heaven is lik-
ened unto a man which fow-
ed good feed in his field. But
while men flept, his enemy came
and fowed tares among the wheat,
and went his way. But when the
blade was fpnmg up, and brought
forth fi'uit, then appeared the tares
alfo. So the fervants of the houf-;
holder came, and faid unto him.
Sir, didft not thou fow good feed
in thy field? from whence then
hath it tares ? He faid unto them.
An enemy hath done this. The
fervants faid unto him, Wilt thou
then that we go and gather them
up ? But he faid. Nay ; left while
ye gather up the tares, ye root up
alfo the wheat with them. Let
both grow together until the har-
veft ; and in the time of harveft I
will fay to the reapers. Gather ye
together firft the tares, and bind
them in bundles to burn them :
but gather the wheat into my barn.
TheJiMh Sunday after the Epiphany.
The Collet.
OGod, whofe blefled Son was
manifefted that he might de-
The Jixth Sunday a^
ftroy the works of the devil, and
make us the foiis of God, and heirs
of eternal life ; Grant us, we be-
feech thee, that, having this hope,
we may purify ourfelves, even as
he is pure ; that, when he fliall ap-
pear again with power and great
gloiy, we may be made like unto
him in his eternal and glorious
kingdom ; where vAth thee, O Fa-
ther, and thee, O Holy Ghoft, he
liveth and reigneth, ever one God,
world mthout end. Amen.
The Kpijlle. 1 St. John iii. 1 .
BEHOLD, what manner of love
the Father hath bellowed up-
on us, that we fliould be called the
fons of God : therefore the world
knoweth us not, becaufe it knew
him not. Beloved, now are we
the fons of God, and it doth not
yet appear what we fliall be : but
we know, that, when he fliall ap-
pear, we fliall be like him ; for we
fliall fee him as he is. And every
man that hath this hope in him
purifieth himfelf, even as he is pure.
Whofoever committeth fin tranf-
grefleth alfo the law : for fin is the
tranfgreflion of the law. And ye
know that he was manifefted to
take away our fins ; and in him is
no fin. Whofoever abideth in him
finneth not : whofoever finnoth
hath not feen him, neither known
him. Little children, let no man
deceive you : he that doeth righte-
oufnefs is righteous, even as he is
er the Epiphany.
righteous. He that committeth fin
is of the devil : for the devil finneth
from the beginning. For this pur-
pofe the Son of God was manifefi;-
ed, that he might deftroy the works
of the devil.
The Go/pel. St. Matth. xxiv. 23.
THEN if any man fliall fay un-
to you, Lo, here is Chrifl;, or
there ; believe it not. For there
fliall arife falfe Clirifl;s, and falfe
prophets, and fliall fliew great figns
and wonders ; infomuch that (if it
were pofllible) they fliall deceive
the very ele6t. Behold, I have
told you before. Wherefore, if they
fliall fay unto you. Behold, he is in
the defert ; go not forth : behold,
he is in the fecret chambers ; be-
lieve it not. For as the lightning
Cometh out of the eafl:, and fliineth
even unto the weft ; fo fliall alfo
the coming of the Son of Man be.
For wherefoever the carcafe is,
there will the eagles be gathered
together. Immediately after the
tribulation of thofe days fliall the
fun be darkened, and the moon
flball not give her light, and the
ftars fliall fall from heaven, and
the powers of the heavens fliall be
fliaken. And then fliall appear the
fign of the Son of Man in heaven :
and then fliall all the tribes of the
earth mourn, and they fliall fee the
Son of Man coming in the clouds
of heaven, with power and great
glory. And he fliall fend his an-
geli? with a great found of a trum-
pet, and they fhuU gather together
his ele^t; from the four winds, from
one end of heaven to the other.
The Sunday called Septuagejima,
or the third Sunday before Lent.
The Collea.
Lord, we befeech thee favour-
ably to hear tlie prayers of
thy people; that we, who are juftly
puniflied for our oifences, may be
mercifully delivered by thy good-
nefs, for the gloiy of thy Name ;
through Jefus Chrift our Saviour,
who liveth and reigneth with thee
and the Holy Gholl, ever one God,
world without end. Amen.
The Epijile. 1 Cor. ix. 24.
T' NOW ye not, that they which
»- rim in a race run all, but one
receiveth the prize? So run that
ye may obtain. And every man
that ftriveth for the maftery is tem-
perate in all things : now they do
it to obtain a corruptible crown,
but we an incorruptible. I there-
fore fo run, not as uncertainly ; fo
fight I, not as one that beateth the
air: but I keep under my body,
and bring it into fubje6tion, left
that by any means, when I have
preached to others, I myfelf Ihould
^§ a caft-away. ,^,
^^,The Go/pel. St. Matth. XX* 1.
THE kingdom of heaven is
like unto a man that is an
houlholder, which went out eai'ly
Septuagejima Sunday.
in the morning to hire labourers
into his vineyard. And when he
had agreed with the labourers for
a peny a day, he fent them into
his vineyard. And he went out
about the third hour, and faw
others ft an ding idle in the market-
place, and faid unto them. Go ye
alfo into the vineyard, and what-
foever is right 1 will give you.
And they went their way. Again
he went out about the ftxth and
ninth hour, and did likewife. And
about the eleventh hour he went
out, and found others ftanding idle,
and faith unto them. Why ftaud ye
here all the day idle? They fay un-
to him, Becaufe no man hath hired
us. He faith unto them. Go ye alfo
into the vineyard, and whatfoever
is right, that fliall ye receive. So
when even was come, the lord of
the vineyard faith unto his fteward,
Call the labourers, and give them
their hire, beginning from the laft
unto the fii-ft. And when they came
that were hired about the eleventh
hour, they received every man a
peny. But when the firft came,
they fuppofed that they fliould
have received more; and they like-
wife received every man a peny.
And when they had received it,
they murmured againft the good-
man of the houfe, fayino^, Thefe
laft have wrought but one hour,
and thou haft made them equal
unto us, which have borne the
burden and heat of the day. But
he anfwered one of them, and faid,
Friend, I do thee no wrong; didll
not thou agree with me for a peny?
Take that thine is, and go thy way;
I Avill give unto this laft even as
unto thee. Is it not la\^^d for me
to do what I will with mine own?
Is thine eve evil, becaufe I am
good? So the laft (liall be firft, and
the fii-ft laft: for many be called,
but few chofen.
The Sunday called Setvagejima, or
thefecond Sunday before Lent.
Tfie Colledi.
OLord God, who feeft that we
put not our truft in any thing
that we do ; Mercifully grant that
by thy power we may be defended
againft all advei*fity ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
The Epijlle. 2 Cor. xi. 19.
^T^E fuffer fools gladly, feemg
A ye yourfelves ai'e wife. For
ye fufter if a man bring you into
bondage, if a man devour you, if
a man take of you, if a man exaJt
hmifelf, if a man finite you pn the
face. I fpeak as concerning re-
proach, as though we had been
weak : howbeit, whereinfoever any
is bold, (1 fpeak foolilhly,) I lun
bold alfo. Are they Hebrews? fo
am I. Are they Ifraelites? fo am I.
Are they the feed of yVbraham?
fo am I, yVi'c they miniliers of
Chrift? (I fpeak as a fool,) I am
Sexagefima Sunday,
more : in labours more abundant ;
in ftripes above meafure ; in pri-
fons more frequent ; in deaths oft.
Of the Jews five times received I
-forty ftripes fave one ; thrice was I
beaten with rods ; once was I fton-
ed ; thrice I fuft'ered fliipwreck ;
a night and a day I have been in
the deep ; in journeying often ; in
perils of waters ; in perils of rob-
bers ; in perils by mine own coun-
trymen ; in perils by the heathen ;
in perils in the city ; in perils m
the wildeniefs ; in perils in the fea ;
in perils among falfe brethren ;
in weai'inefs and painfidnefs ; in
watchings often ; in hunger and
thirft ; in faftings often ; in cold
and nakednefs; befides thofe things
that are without, that which com-
eth upon me daily, the care of all
the churches. Who is weak, and
I am not weak? who is offended,
and I burn not? If I muft needs
glory, I Avill gloiy of the things
which concern mine infirmities.
The God and Father of our Lord
Jefus Chrift, which is blefted for
evermore, knoweth that I lie not.
The Go/pel. St. Luke viii. 4.
WHEN nuich people were
gathered together, and were
come tt) him out of every city, he
fpake by a parable : A fower went
out to low his feed ; and as he fow-
ed, fome fell by the way-fide, awd
it was trodden down, and the fowls
of the air devoured it. And fome
Qiiinquagcfima Sunday.
fell upon a rock, and as foon as it
was fprung up, it withered away,
becaufe it lacked moifture. And
fome fell among thorns, and the
thorns fprang up with it, and
choked it. And other fell on good
ground, and fprang up, and bare
fruit an hundred-fold. And when
he had faid tliefe things, he cried.
He that hath ears to hear, let him
hear. And his difciples afl^ed him,
faying, What might this parable
be? And he faid, Unto you it is
given to know the myfteries of the
kingdom of God : but to others in
parables ; that feeing they might
not fee, and hearing they might
not underftand. Now the parable
is this : The feed is the Word of
God. Thofe by the way-fide are
they that hear ; then cometh the
devil, and taketh away the word
out of their hearts, left they Ihould
believe, and be faved. They on the
rock are they, which, when they
hear, receive the word with joy;
and thefe have no root, which for a
while believe, and in time of temp-
tation fall away. And that which
fell among thorns, are they, which,
when they have heard, go forth,
and are choked with cares, and
riches, and pleafures of this life, and
bring no fruit to perfedHon. But
that on the good ground, are they,
which in an honeft and good heart,
having heard the word, keep it, and
bring forth fruit with patience.
The Sunday called Quhiquagejima,
or the newt Sunday before Lent.
The Colle&.
Lord, who haft taught us that
all our doings without charity
are nothing worth ; Send thy Holy
Ghoft, and pour into our hearts
that moft excellent gift of charity,
the veiy bond of peace and of all
virtues, without which whofoever
liveth is counted dead before thee :
Grant this for thine only Son Jefus
Chrift's fake. Amen.
The Epijile. 1 Cor. xiii. 1.
THOUGH I fpeak mth the
tongues of men and of angels,
and have not charity, I am become
as founding brafs, or a tinldmg
cymbal. And though I have the
gift of prophecy, and undei'ftand
all myfteries, and all knowledge;
and though I have all faith, fo that
I could remove mountains, and
have no charity, I am nothing.
And though I beftow all my goods
to feed the poor, and though I
give my body to be burned, and
have not charity, it profiteth me
nothing. Charity fuffereth long,
and is kind ; charity envieth not ;
charity vaunteth not itfelf, is not
pufted up, doth not behave itfelf
unfeemly, feeketh not her own, is
not eafily provoked, thinketh no
evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, but
rejoiceth in the truth ; beareth all
things, believeth all things, hop-
eth all things, endureth all things.
Tk firjl Day of Lent.
Chai'ity never failetli : but whethei-
there be prophecies, they fhall fail;
whether there be tongues, they
{hall ceafe; whether there be know-
ledge, it fhall vanilh away. For we
know in part, and we jjrophefy in
part. But when that which is per-
fect is come, then that which is in
part (hall be done away. When I
was a child, I fpake as a child, I
imderftood as a diild, 1 thought as
(t child ; but when I became a man,
I put away childifli things. For
now we fee through a glafs darkly;
but then face to face : now I know
in part ; bnt then fliall I know even
as alfo I am kno\^ai. And now
abideth faith, hope, charity, thefe
three ; but the gTcateft of thefe is
The Go/pel. St. Luke xviii. 31.
THEN Jefus took unto him the
twelve, and faid unto them,
Behold, we go up to Jerufalem,
and all tilings that are \^Titten by
the pro{)hets concerning the Son
of Man fhall be accomplillied. For
he fhall be delivered unto the Gen-
tiles, and fhall be hiocked, and
fpitefully entreated, and fpitted on :
and they fliall fcourge him, and
put him to death ; and the third
day he fhall i-ife again. And they
nnderflood none of thefe things :
and this faying was hid from them,
neither knew they the things which
were fpoken. And it came to pafs,
that as he was come
Jericho, a certain blind man fat
by the way-fide begging : and
hearing the multitude pals by, he
allied what it meant. And they
told him, that Jefus of Nazareth
paffeth by. And he cried, faying,
Jefus, thou Son of David, have
mercy on me. And they which
went before rebuked him, that he
fhould hold his peace : but he cried
fo much the more, Thou Son of
David, have mercy on me. And
Jefus flood, and commandecl him
to be broup-ht unto him : and when
he was come near, he afked hiin,
faying, What vnXt thou that I
fliould do unto thee ? And he faid,
Lord, that I may recei^'e my fight.
And Jefus faid unto him, Receive
thy fight ; thy faith hath faved thee.
And immediately he received his
fight, and followed him, glorifying
God: and all the people, when they
faw it, gav^e praife unto God.
The Jirjl Day of Lent, commonly
called Ajh- Wednefday.
the ColleB.
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, who hateft nothing that
thou liafl made, and dofl forgive
the fins of all them that are peni-
tent ; Create and make in us new
and contrite hearts, that we wor-
thily lamcntino- our fins, and ac-
knowled£rini»; our wretchednefs,
may obtain of thee, the God of all
mercy, perfecit remiffion and for-
J'hejirft Sunday m Lent.
givenefs ; through Jefus Cliriil our
Lord. Amen.
II This Collect is to be read every day in Lent after
the Collect appointed for the Day.
For the Epiftle. Joel ii. 12.
TURN ye even to me, faith the
Lord, with all your heart, and
with falling, and with weeping,
and with mourning. And rend
yoiu* heart, and not your garments,
and turn vmto the Lord your God :
for he is gracious and merciful,
flow to anger, and of great kind-
nefs, and repenteth him of the evil.
Wlio knoweth if he ^vill return,
and repent, and leave a bleffing
behind him, even a meat-offering
and a drink-offering unto the Lord
your God? Blow the trumpet in
Zion, fandlify a fall, call a folemn
ailembly, gather the people, fanc-
tify the congregation, alfemble the
elders, gather the children, and
thofe that fuck the breafts ; let the
brideo-room oo forth of his cham-
ber, and the bride out of her clo-
fet ; let the priefts, the minillers of
the Lord, weep between the porch
and the altar, and let them fay.
Spare thy people, O Lord, and
give not thine heritage to reproach,
that the heathen Ihould rule over
them : wherefore fhould they fay
aanong the people, Where is then-
The Go/pel St. Matth. vi. 16.
HEN ye fiiil, be not as the
hypocrites, of a fax;l counte-
nance: for they disfigure their
faces, that they may appear unto
men to fall. Verily 1 fay unto you,
They have their reward. But thou,
when thou falleft, anoint tliine
head, and wafli thy face, that thou
appear not unto men to fall, but
unto thy Father which Is in fe-
cret; and thy Father, which feeth
in fecret, fliall reward thee openly.
Lay not up for yourfelves treafure^
upon eai-tli, -where moth and rufl
doth corrupt, and where thieve*
break through and ileal ; but lay
up for yourfelves treafures in hear
ven, where neither moth nor i-uft
doth corrupt, and where tliieves
do not break through nor Heal ;
for where your treafure is, there
will your heart be alfo.
Thejirji Sunday in hent.
The CoUeB.
OLord, who for our fake didft
fall forty days and forty nights ;
Give us grace to ufe fuch abili-
nence, that, our flefli being fubdued
to the Spirit, we may ever obey
thy godly motions in righteoufnefs,
and true holinefs, to thy honour
and glory, who Uvell and reigneft
with the Father and the Holy
Ghoft, one God, world mthout
end. Amen.
The Epiftle. 2 Cor. vi. L
WE then, as workers together
with him, befeech you alfo,
that ye recdve not the grace of
Thefecmid Smida^ m' LeWt.
God in vain; (for he faith, I have
heard thee in a time accepted, and
in the day of falvation have 1 fuc-
coured thee : behokl, now is the
accepted time ; behokl, now is the
day of falvation ;) giving no offence
in any thing, that the miniftry be
not blamed ; but in all things ap-
proving ourfelves as the minifters
of God, in much patience, in afflic-
tions, in neceffities, in diftreffes, m
ftripes, in imprifonments, in tu-
mults, in labours, in watchings, in
failings ; hy purenefs, by know-
ledge, by long-fuftering, by kmd-
nefs, by the holy Ghoft, by love
unfeigned, by the word of truth,
by the power of God, by the ar-
mour of righteoufnefs on the right
hand and on the left, by honour
and dilhonour, by evil report and
good report; as deceivers, and yet
true; as unknown, and yet well
known ; as dying, and behold, we
live ; as chaftened, and not killed ;
as foiTowful, yet alway rejoicing ;
as poor, yet making many lich ; as
having nothing, and yet pofl'efiing
all things. t dlio
The Gofpel. St. Matth. iv. 1.
THEN was Jefus led up of the
Spirit into the wildcrnefs, to
be tempted of the devil. And
when he had fafted forty days and
forty nights, he was afterward an-
hungred. yVnd when the tempter
came to him, he faid, If thou be
the Son of God, connnand that
thefe ftones be made bread. But
he anfwered and faid, It is written,
Man fball not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceedeth
out of the mouth of God. Then
the devil taketli him up into the
holy city, and fetteth him on a
pinnacle of the temple, and faith
imto him, If thou be the Son of
God, call thyfelf down ; for it is
^vritten, He Ihall give his angels
charge concerning thee, and in
their hands they fliall bear thee
up, left at any time thou daih thy
foot aojainft a Hone. Jefus faid un-
to him, It is written again. Thou
ihalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Again, the devil taketh him up in-
to an exceeding high mountain,
and fheweth him all the kingdoms
of the world, and the gloiy of them;
and faith unto him. All thefe things
will I give thee, if thou wilt fall
down and worfliip me. Tlien faith
Jefus unto him. Get thee hence,
Satan ; for it is written, Ihou (halt
worfliip the Lord thy God, and
him only Ihalt thou ferve. Then the
devil leaveth him, and behold, an-
gels came and minillered unto him.
The fecond S?f?i(Iaf/ in Lent.
The Colk'}^.
ALMIGHTY God, who fedl
that we have no })ower of
ourfelves to help ourfclves ; K6ep
us both outwardly in our bo(hes,
and uiwardly in our fouls ; that we
The third Sunday in Lent:
may be defended from all adver-
fities which may happen to the
body, and from all evil thoughts
which may aflault and hurt the
foul ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen. - iJiJ u/jU tni
The Epiftle. 1 Theff. iv. 1. "
WE befeech you, brethren,
and exhort you by the Lord
Jefus, that as ye have received of
us how ye ought to walk, and to
pleafe God, fo ye would abound
more and more. For ye know what
commandments we gave you by
the Lord Jefus. For this is the
will of God, even your fancftifica-
tion, that ye fliould abftain from
fornication ; that eveiy one of you
fliould know how to pofl'efs his
veflel in fan6lification and honour ;
not in the lull of concupifcence,
even as the Gentiles which know
not God ; that no man go beyond
and defraud his brother in any
matter ; becaufe that the Lord is
the avenger of all fuch, as we alfo
have forewarned you, and teftified.
For God hath not called us unto
uncleannefs, but unto holinefs. He
therefore that defpifeth defpifeth
not man, but God, who hath alfo
given unto us his holy Spirit, i
The Gofpel St. Matth. xv. 2L
JESUS went thence, and de-
parted into the coafts of Tyre
and Sidon. And behold, a woman
of Canaan came out of the fame
coafts, and cried unto him, faying,
Have Inercy on me, O Lord, tKou^
Son of David ; my daughter \n)
grievoufly vexed with a devil. But*
he anfwered her not a word. And>
his difciples came and befoughfeJ
him, faying. Send her away ; foi^>
flie crieth after us. But he an^f
fwered and faid, I am not fent,^i
but unto the loft flieej) of the houfe]
of Ifrael. Then came fhe and wor-r>
fliipped him, faying. Lord, help'
me. But he anfwered and faid. It
is not meet to take the children's
bread, and to call it to dogs. And
Ihe faid, Truth, Lord ; yet the dogi^I
eat of the crumbs which fall fromt
their matters table. Then Jefus'
anfwered and faid unto her, O wo-i
man, great is thy faith : be it untoi
thee even as thou wilt. And heui
daughter was made whole from"
that very hour. ^
The third Sunday in Lent. A
The ColleSi. '■{
WE befeech thee. Almighty?
God, look upon the hearty
defires of thy humble fervants, and
ftretch forth the right hand of thy
Majefty, to be our defence againft
all our enemies ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Ainen.
The Epiftle. Ephef. v. 1 .
E ye therefore followers of
God, as dear children ; and
walk in love, as Chrift alfo hath
loved us, and hath given himfelf
for us, an oft'ering and a facrific^
Tlie third Swiday in Lent
to God for a fweet-fiiielling favour.
But fornication, and all unclean-
nefs, or covetoufnefs, let it not be
once named amongft you, as be
cometli faints; neither filthinefs,
nor foolifli-talking, nor jefting,
which are not convenient; but ra-
ther mvinjy of thanks : for this ve
know, that no whoremonger, nor
unclean perfon, nor covetous man,
who is an idolater, hath any inhe-
ritance in the kingdom of Chrill,
and of God. Let no man deceive
you with vain words : for becaufe
of thefe things cometh the wrath
of God upon the chikh'en of dif-
obedience. Be not ye therefore
partakers with them : for ye were
Ibmetimes darknefs, but now ai*e
ye light in the Lord : walk as chil-
dren of hght ; (for the fruit of the
Spirit is in all goodnefs, and right-
eoufnefs, and tiiith ;) proving what
is acceptable vmto the Lord. And
have no fellowilii[) with the unfruit-
fiil works of darknefs, but rather
re})rove them : for it is a fhame
even to fpeak of thofe things which
are done of them in fecret. But
all things that are reprov^ed are
made manifeft by the Uglit : for
whatsoever doth make manifeil; is
light. Wherefore he faith, Awake,
thou that fleepeft, and arife from the
dead, and Chrill lliall give thee light.
Gofpd. St. Luke xi. 14.
ESUS was calling out a devil,
and it was diunb. And it came
to pafs, when the devil was gone
out, the dumb fpake; and the peo-
ple wondered. But fome of them
laid, He calleth out devils through
Beelzebub, the chief of the devils.
And others, tempting him, fought
of liim a fign from heaven. But
he, knowing their thoughts, faid
unto them, Every kingdom divided
againft itfelf is brought to defola-
tion ; and a houfe divided againft
a houfe falleth. If Satan alfo be
divided againft himfelf, how fliall
his kingdom ftand? becaufe ye fay,
that I call out devils through Beel-
zebub. And if I by Beelzebub
caft out devils, by whom do your
fons caft them out? therefore fliall
they be your judges. But if I with
the finger of God caft out devils,
no doubt the khigdom of God is
come upon you. When a ftrong
man armed keepeth his palace, Ijds
goods are in peace ; but when a
ftronger than he Ihall come upon
him, and overcome him, he taketh
from him all his armour wherein
he trulled, and divideth his fpoils.
He that is not with me is againft
me : and he that gathereth not with
me fcattereth. When the imclean
fpirit is gone out of a man, he
walketh through dry places, feek-
ing reft ; and finding none, he faith,
I will return unto my houfe whence
I came out. And when he cometh,
he findeth it fwept and garnilhed.
Then goeth lue and taketJ^ to \m\
The fourth Sunday in Lent.
feveii othei- fpiiits more wicked
than hiiiifelf, and they enter in,
and dwell there ; and the laft ftate
of that man is woife than the firll.
And it came to pafs, as he fpake
thefe things, a certain Avoman of
the company lift up her voice, and
faid unto him, Blelfed is the womb
that bare thee, and the paps which
thou haft fucked. But he faid. Yea
rather, bleffed are they that hear
the Word of God, and keep it.
The fourth Sunday in Lent.
The Colledi.
GRANT, we befeech thee. Al-
mighty God, that we, who
for our evil deeds do worthily de-
ferve to be pimiftied, by the com-
fort of thy grace may mercifully
be relieved ; through our Lord and
Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen.
The Epiftle. Gal. iv. 21.
TELL me, ye that delire to be
imder the law, do ye not hear
the law? For it is written, that
Abraham had two fons, the one by
a bond-maid, the other by a free-
woman. But he who was of the
bond-woman was born after the
flefti ; but he of the free-woman
was by promife. Which things are
an allegoiy : for thefe are the two
covenants ; the one from the mount
Sinai, which gendereth to bondage,
which is Agar. For this Agar is
mount Sinai in Arabia, and an-
fwereth to Jerufalem which now
is, and is in bondage with her
children. But Jerufalem which is
above is free ; which is the mother
of us all. For it is written. Rejoice,
thou barren that beareft not ; break
forth and cry, thou that travaileft
not : for the defolate hath many
more children than llie which hath
ail hulband. Now we, brethren,
as Ifaac was, are the children of
promife. But as then he that was
born after the flefti perfecuted him
that was born after the Spirit ; even
fo it is now. Neverthelefs, what
faith the Scripture? Caft out the
bond- woman and her fon ; for the
fon of the bond- woman ftiall not
be heir with the fon of the fi-ee-
woman. So then, brethren, we are
not children of the bond-woman,
but of the free.
The Go/pel. St. John vi. 1 .
JESUS went over the fea of Ga-
lilee, which is the fea of Tibe-
rias. And a great multitude fol-
lowed him, becaufe they faw his
miracles which he did on them that
were difeafed. And Jefus went up
into a mountain, and there he fat
with his difciples. And the Pafl*-
over, a feaft of the Jews, was nigh.
When Jefus then lift up his eyes,
and faw a great company come
mito him, he faith unto Philip,
Whence fliall we buy bread, that
thefe may eat? (And this he faid
to prove him ; for he himfelf knew
what he would do.) Philip anfwer-
The fifth Sunday in Lent,
ed him, Two hundred peny- worth
of bread is not fufficient for them,
that every one of them may take
a little. One of his difciples, An-
drew, Simon Peter's brother, faith
unto him. There is a lad here,
w^hich hath five barley loaves, and
two fniall fillies : but what are they
among fo many? And Jefus faid.
Make the men fit down. Now
there was much grafs in the place.
So the men fat down, in number
about five thoufand. And Jefus
took the loaves, and when he had
given thanks he diftributed to the
difciples, and the difciples to them
that were fet do\vn ; and likewife of
the fiflies as much as they would.
When they were filled, he faid
unto his difciples, Gather up the
fragments that remain, that no-
thing be loft. Therefore they ga-
thered them together, and filled
twelve bafl^ets with the fragments
of the five barley-loaves, which re-
mained over and above unto them
that had eaten. Then thofe men,
when they had feen the miracle
that Jefus did, faid, This is of a
truth that Prophet thatlliould come
into the world.
goodnefs they may be governed
and prefei-ved evennore, both in
body and foul ; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen.
The Epijile. Heb. ix. 11.
CHRIST being come an High
Prieft of good things to come,
by a greater and more perfect ta-
bernacle, not made with hands ;
that is to fay, not of this building;
neither by the blood of goats and
calves ; but by his own blood he
entered in once into the holy place,
having obtained eternal redemp-
tion for us. For if the blood of bulls
and of goats, and the alhes of an
heifer fprinkling the unclean, fanc-
tifieth to the purifying of the flefli ;
how much more fliall the blood of
Chrift, who, through the eternal
Spirit, offered himfelf mdiout fpot
to God, purge your confcience from
dead works to ferve the living God?
And for this caufe he is the Me-
diator of the new teftament, that
by means of death, for the redemp-
tion of the tranfgreflions that were
under the fii-ft teflament, they
which are called might receive the
promife of eternal inheritance.
The Go/pel St. John viii. 46.
^, ., o z . r TESUS faid. Which of you con-
Theffth Sundmj m Lent. ^ vinceth me of fm? and if I fay
Tlie Colledi. the trudi, why do ye not believe
WE befeech thee, Almighty me? He that is of God heareth
God, mercifully to look up- God's words ; ye therefore hear
on thy people ; that by thy gi'cat | diem not, becaufe ye are not of
The Sunday neoct before E after.
God. Tlien anfwered die Jews,
and Hiid unto him, Say we not
well, that thou art a Samaritan,
and hall a devil? Jefus anfwered,
1 have not a devil ; but I honour
my Father, and ye do diflionour
me. And I feek not mine own
glory ; there is one that feeketh and
judgeth. Verily, verily, I fay unto
you. If a man keep my faying, he
fliall never fee death. Then faid
the Jews unto him, Now we know
that thou haft a devil : Abraham is
dead, and the prophets ; and thou
fayeft. If a man keep my faying,
he fliall never tafte of death. Art
thou gi-eater than our father Abra-
ham, which is dead? and the pro-
phets are dead : whom makeft thou
thyfelf? Jefus anfwered, If I ho-
nour myfelf, my honour is nothing;
it is my Father that honoureth me,
of whom ye fay, that he is your
God: yet ye have not known him;
but I know him : and if I ftiould
fay, I know him not, I fliall be a
liar like unto you ; but I know him,
and keep his faying. Your father
Abraham rejoiced to fee my day,
and he faw it, and was glad. Then
faid the Jews unto him, Thou art
not yet fifty years old, and haft
thou feeii Abraham ? Jefus faid un-
to them. Verily, verily, I fay unto
you, before Abraham was, I am.
Then took they up ftones to caft
at him: but Jefus hid himfelf, and
went out of the temple.
The Sunday next before Eajler.
The ColleH.
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
Gou, who, of thy tender love
towards mankind, haft fent thy
Son, our Saviour Jefus Chrift, to
take upon him our flefli, and to
fuffer death upon the crofs, that
all mankind fliould follow the ex-
ample of his great humility ; Mer-
cifully grant, that we may both
follow the example of his patience,
and alfo be made partakers of his
refurre^tioii ; through the fame Je-
fus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
The Epijlle. Phil. ii. 5.
LET this mind be in you, which
was alfo in Chrift Jefus : who,
being in the form of God, thought
it not robbery to be equal with
God ; but made himfelf of no re-
putation, and took upon him the
form of a fervant, and was made
in the likenefs of men : and being
found in fafliion as a man, he hum-
bled himfelf, and became obedient
unto death, even the death of the
crofs. Wherefore God alfo hath
highly exalted him, and given him
a Name which is above every
name ; that at the Name of Jefus
every knee fliould bow, of things
in heaven, and thing's in earth,
and things under the earth; and
that every tongue fliould confefs
that Jefus Chrift is Lord, to the
glory of God the Father.
The Sunday nex
'Die Go/pel. St. Mattli. xx\ii. 1.
WHEN tlie morning was
come, all the chief priefts
and elders of the people took coiin-
fel againft Jefus, to put him to
death. And when they had bound
him, they led him away, and deli-
vered him to Pontius Pilate the
governour. Then Judas who had
betrayed him, when he faw that he
was condemned, repented himfelf,
and brought again the thirty pieces
of lilver to the chief priefts and
elders, faying, I have finned, in
that I have betrayed the innocent
blood. And they laid, What is that
to us? fee thou to that. And he
caft down the pieces of filver in
the temple, and departed, and
went and hanged himfelf. And
the chief priefts took the lilver
pieces, and faid. It is not lawful for
to put them into the treafury, be-
caide it is the price of blood. And
they took counfel, and bought with
them the potters field, to bury
ftrangers in. Wherefore that field
was called, The field of blood, unto
this day. (Then was fulfilled that
which was fpoken by Jeremy the
prophet, faying, And they took the
thirty pieces of filver, the })rice of
him that was valued, whom they
of the children of Ifrael did value,
and gave them for the j)otter's field,
as the Lord appointed me*) And
.Jefus ftood l)efore the goveniourj
and tiie governour alkedjmuj fay-
t before Eajter.
ing, Art thou the King of the
Jews? And Jefus faid unto him,
Thou fayeft. And when he was ac-
cufed of the chief priefts and eld-
ers, he anfwered nothino;. Then
faith Pilate unto him, Heareft thou
not how many things they witnefs
againft thee? And he anfwered him
to never a word, infomuch that
the governoiu" marvelled greatly.
Now at that feaft the governour
was wont to releafe luito the peo-
ple a prifoner, whom they would.
And they had then a notable pri-
foner, called Barabbas. Therefore
when they were gathered together,
Pilate faid vmto thein, Whom will
ye that I releafe unto you? Barab-
bas, or Jefus which is called Chrift?
For he knew that for en^y they
had delivered him. When he was
fet down on the judgement-feat,
his wife fent unto him, faying,
Have thou nothing to do with that
juft man : for I have fuftered many
things this day in a dream becaufe
of him. But the chief priefts and
elders perfuaded the multitude that
they fliould aik Barabbas, and de-
ftroy Jefus. The governour an-
fwered and faid unto them, Whe-
ther of the twain will ve that , jt
releafe unto you? They faid, B^f*
rabbas. Pilate faith unto them,
What Ihall 1 do then with Jefus,
which is called Chrift? They all
fay unto him, Let him be crucified.
iViid the gpvxjnioiu^ li^id, .W^byjj
The Sunday next before Eafier.
what evil hath he clone? But they
cried out the more, laying, Let
him be crucified. When Pilate
faw that he could prevail nothing,
but that rather a tumult was made,
he took water, and waflied his hands
before the multitude, faying, I am
innocent of the blood of this juft
perfon : fee ye to it. Then anfwer-
ed all the people, and faid, His
blood be on us, and on our chil-
di*en. Then releafed he Barabbas
unto them: and when he had
fcourged Jefus he delivered him
to be crucified. Then the foldiers
of the goveniour took Jefus into
the common hall, and gathered un-
to him the whole band of foldiers.
And they ftripped him, and put on
him a fcarlet robe. And when they
had platted a cro^vn of thorns they
put it upon his head, and a reed
in his right hand : and they bowed
the knee before him, and mocked
him, faying, Hail, King of the Jews.
And they fpit upon him, and took
the reed, and fmote him on the
head. And alter that they had
mocked him they took the robe off
fi'om him, and put his own raiment
on him, and led him away to cru-
cify him. And as they came out
they found a man of Cyrene, Si-
mon by name ; him they compel-
led to bear his crofs. And when
they were come unto a place call-
ed Golgotha, that is to fay, a place
of a fcull, they gave him vinegar
to drink mingled with gall : and
when he had tailed thereof, he
would not drink. And they cruci-
fied him, and parted his gannents,
calling lots : that it might be ful-
filled, which was fpoken by the
prophet, They parted my garments
among them, and upon my veilure
did they call lots. And fitting down
they watched him there ; and let
up over his head his accufation
were there two thieves cmcified
with him ; one on the right hand,
and another on the left. And they
that paffed by reviled him, wagging
their heads, and faying. Thou that
dellroyeft the temple, and build-
eft it in three days, fave thyfelf :
if thou be the Son of God, come
down from the crofs. Likewife
alfo the chief priefts mocking him,
with the fcribes and elders, faidy
He faved others, himfeif he cannot
fave : if he be the King of Ifrael,
let him now come down from the
crofs, and we will believe liiniY
He trufted in God ; let him deliver
him now, if he will have him : for
he faid, I am the Son of God. The
thieves alfo, which were crucified
with him, caft the fame in his teeth.«
Now from the fixth hour there was
darknefs over all the land unto the
ninth hour. And about the ninth
hour Jefus cried with a loud voice,
faying, £/?, Eli, lama fabachthanii
Monday before Eqfter.
tFat is to fay, My God, my God,
why haft thou forfaken me? Some
of them that flood there, when they
heard that, faid. This man calleth
for EHas. And ftraightway one of
them ran, and took a fpunge, and
filled it with \inegar, and put it
on a reed, and gave him to drink.
The reft faid. Let be, let ns fee
whether Elias will come to fave
him. Jefus, when he had cried
again with a loud voice, yielded
up the ghoft. And behold, the vail
of the temple was rent in twain
fi'om the top to the bottom, and
the earth did quake, and the rocks
rent, and the graves were opened,
and many bodies of faints which
flept arofe, and came out of the
graves after his refuiTe<5lion, and
went into the holy city, and ap-
peared unto many. Now when the
centurion, and they that were with
him, watching Jefus, faw the earth-
quake, and thofe things that were
done, they feared greatly, faying,
Truly this was the Son of God.
Moitday before Tlajlcr.
For the Kpijile. Ifaiah Ixiii. 1 .
WHO is this that cometh from
Kdom, with dyed garments
from Bozrah? this that is glorious
in his apparel, travelling in tlie
greatnefs of his ftrength? 1 that
fpeak in righteoufnefs, mighty to
fave. Where^fore art thou red in
thine apparel, and thy garments
like him that treadeth in the wine-
fat? I have trodden the ^vine-prefs
alone, and of the people there was
none with me : for I will tread
them in mine anger, and trample
them in my fury, and their blood
(hall be fprinkled upon my gar-
ments, and I ^vill ftain all my rai-
ment. For the day of vengeance
is in mine heart, and the year of
my redeemed is come. And I
looked, and there was none to help;
and I ^v^ondered that there was
none to uphold : therefore mine
own arm brought falvation unto
me, and my fury it upheld me.
And I will tread doAvn the people
in mine anger, and make them
drunk in my fury, and I will bring
do^vn their ftrength to the earth.
I will mention the loving-kindnefles
of the Lord, and the praifes of the
Lord, according to all that the
I^ord hath beftowed on us, and the
great goodnefs towards the houfe
of Ifrael, which he hath beftowed
on them, according to his mercies,
and according to the multitude of
his loving-kindneU'es. For he faid.
Surely they are my people, children
that will not lie : fo he was their
Saviour. In all their affli6tion he
was afflicted, and the angel of his
prefence faved them : in his love,
and in his pity, he redeemed them,
and he bare them, and carried them
all the days of old. F>ut they re-
belled, and vexed his Holy Spirit ;•
Monday before Eqfter.
therefore he was turned to be their
enemy, and he fought againft them.
Then he remembered the days of
old, Mofes and his people, faying,
Where is he that brought them
up out of the fea with the fliepherd
of his flock? where is he that put
his Holy Spirit within him? that
led them by the right hand of Mo-
fes, with his glorious arm, dividing
the water before them, to make
himfelf an everlafting Name? that
led them through the deep as an
horfe in the wildernefs, that they
Ihould not ftumble? As a beaft
goeth down into the valley, the
Spirit of the Lord caufed him to
reft : fo didft thou lead thy people,
to make thyfelf a glorious Name.
Look down from heaven, and be-
hold from the habitation of thy
holinefs, and of thy glory : where
is thy zeal, and thy ftrength, the
founding of thy bowels, and of thy
mercies towards me? Are they re-
ftrained? Doubtlefs thou art our
Father, though Abraham be igno-
rant of us, and Ifrael acknowledge
us not : Thou, O Lord, art our
Father, our Redeemer, thy Name
is from everlafting. O Lord, why
haft thou made us to eiT from thy
ways? and hardened our hearts
from thy fear? Return for thy fer-
vants' fake, the tribes of thine in-
heritance. The people of thy holi-
nefs have poffelfed it but a little
while: our adverfaries have trod-
den down thy fan61;uaiy. We are
thine : thou never bareft rule over
them ; they were not called by thy
Jlic Go/pel. St. Mark xiv. L
AFTER two days Avas the feaft
of the Paffover, and of unlea-
vened bread : and the chief priefts
and the fcribes fought how they
might take him by craft, and j^ut
him to death. But they faid, Not '
on the feaft-day, left there be an
uproar of the people. And being
in Bethany, in the houfe of Simon
the leper, as he fat at meat, there
came a woman having an alabafter
box of ointment of fpikenard, veiy
precious ; and flie brake the box,
and poured it on his head. And
there were fome that had indigna-
tion within themfelves, and faid,
Why was this wafte of the ointment
made ? for it mig-ht have been fold
for more than three hundred pences
and have been given to the poor;
and they murmured againft her.
And Jefus faid. Let her alone ; why
trouble ye her? ftie hath wrought
a good work on me : for ye have
the poor with you always, and
whenfoever ye will ye may do them
good; but me ye have not always.
She hath done what ftie could ; flie
is come aforehand to anoint my
body to the bur^nng. Verily I fay
unto you, Wherefoever this Gofpel
fliall be preached throughout the
whole world, this alfo that ihe hath
" a.5. ^^/.AA Sr-' i
done ftiall be fpoken of for a me-
morial of lier. And Judas Ifcaiiot,
one of the twelve, went unto the
chief priefts to betray him unto
them. And when they heard it
*they were glad, and promifed to
give him money. And he fought
liow he might conveniently betray
bim. And the firft day of unlea-
vened bread, when they killed the
pafTover, his difciples faid unto him,
Where wilt thou that we, go and
prepare, that thou mayeft eat the
paflbver? And he fendeth forth
two of his difciples, and faith unto
them, Go ye into the city, and there
fball meet you a man bearing a
pitcher of water; follow him: And
wherefoever he Ihall go in, fay ye
to the good-man of the houfe. The
Matter faith, Where is the gueft-
chamber, where I Ihall eat the paff-
over with my difciples? And he
will fliew you a large upper room
furnilhed, and prepared : there
make ready for us. And his dif-
ciples went forth, and came into
the city, and found as he had faid
unto them : and they made ready
the paflbver. And in the evening
he Cometh with the twelve. And
as they fat, and did eat, Jefus faid,
Verily I fay unto you. One of you
which eateth with me fliall betray
me. And they began to be for-
rowful, and to fay unto him one
by one, Is it I ? and another faid,
Is it I? And he anfvvered and faid
Moiiday before Eqfter.
umo them, It is one of the twelve
that dippeth with me in the difli.
The Son of Man indeed goeth, as
it is ^\Titten of him : but avo to that
man by whom the Son of Man is
betrayed: good were it for that
man if he had never been born.
And as they did eat, Jefus took
bread, and blefled, and brake it,
and gave to them, and faid. Take,
eat : this is my body. And he took
the cupj and when he had given
thanks he gave it to them : and they
all drank of it. And he faid imto
them. This is my blood of the new
teftament, which is flied for many.
Verily I fay unto you, I will drink
no more of the fruit of the vine,
until that day that I drink it new
in the Kingdom of God. And
when they had fung an hymn they
went out into the mount of Olives,
And Jefus faith unto them, All ye
fliall be offended becaufe of me
this night: for it is ^vi'itten, I will
finite the fliepherd, and the flieep
fliall be fcattered. But, after that
I am rifen I will go before you in-
to Galilee. But Peter faid unto
him. Although all fliall be ott'end-
ed, yet will not I. And Jefus faith
unto him. Verily I fay unto thee,
That this day, even in this night,
before the cock crow twice, thou
flialt deny me thrice. But he fpake
the more vehemently. If 1 fliould
die with thee, I will not deny thee
in any wife. Like wife alfo faid
Monday before Eajier.
they all. And they came to a place
which was named Gethfemane: and
he faith to his difciples, Sit ye here,
while I fliall pray. And he taketh
with him Peter, and James, and
John, and began to be fore amaz-
ed, and to be very heavy, and faith
unto them, My foul is exceeding
forrowful unto death ; tarry ye here,
and watch. And he went forward
a little, and fell on the ground, and
prayed, that, if it were poffible, the
hour might pafs from him. And
he faid, Abba, Father, all things
are poffible unto thee; take away
this cup from me ; neverthelefs, not
what I will, but what thou wilt.
And he cometh and findeth them
fleeping, and faith unto Peter, Si-
mon, fleepeft thou? eouldeft; not
thou watch one hour? Watch ye
and pray, left ye enter into tempta-
tion : the fpuit tinily is ready, but
the flelh is weak. And again he
went away, and prayed, and fpake
the fame words. And when he
returned he found them afleep a-
gain, (for their eyes were heavy,)
neither wift they what to anl^ver
him. And he cometh the third
time, and faith unto them. Sleep
on now, and take your reft : it is
enough, the hour is come ; behold,
the Son of Man is betmyed into
the hands of finners. Rife up, let
us go ; lo, he that beti'ayeth me is
at hand. And immediately, while
h^ yet fpake, cometh Judas, bne of
the twelve, and with him a great
multitude with fwords and ftaves,
from the chief priefts, and the
fcribes, and the elders. And he
that betrayed him had given them
a token, faying, Whomfoever I
ftiall kifs, that fame is he ; take
him, and lead him away fafely.
And as foon as he was come he
goeth ftraightway to him, and faith,
M after, matter; and killed him.
And they laid their hands on him,
and took him. And one of them
that ftood by drew a fword, and
fmote a fervant of the high prieft,
and cut off his ear. And Jefus
anfwered, and faid unto them, Are
ye come out as againft a thief, with
fwords and with ftaves, to take me?
I was daily with you in the temple
teaching, and ye took me' not: but
the Scriptures muft be fulfilled,^
And they all foi-fook him, and fled.
And there followed him a certain
young man, having a linen cloth
caft about his naked body ; and
the young men laid hold on him :
and he left the linen cloth, and
fled from them naked. And they
led Jefus away to the high prieft :;
and with him were affembled all
the chief priefts, and the elders^
and the fcribes. And Peter fol-„
lowed him afar off, even into the!!,
palace of the high prieft ; and he
fat with the fervants, and warmed,
himfelf at the fire. And the chief
prieftiS and all the council fougiit
Tiiefday before Eajler.
for Avitnefs againft Jefus to put liim
to death ; and found none. For
many bare falfe ^vitnefs againft
him, but their ^vitnefs agreed not
together. And there arofe cer-
tain, and bare falfe witnefs againft
him, faying, We heard liim fay, I
will deftroy this temple that is
made with hands, and mthin three
days I will build another made
without hands. But neither fo did
their witnefs agree together. And
the high prieftftood up in themidft,
and alked Jefus, faying, Anfwereft
thou nothing? what is it which
thefe ^vitnefs againft thee ? But he
held his peace, and anfwered no-
thmg. Again the high prieft alk-
ed him, and faid unto him, Art
thou the Chrift, the Son of the
Bleflfed ? ' And Jefus faid, I am ;
and ye fliall fee the Son of Man
fitting on the right hand of power,
and coming in the clouds of hea-
ven. Then the high jjrieft rent
his clothes, and faith, What need
we any further witnefles? ye have
heard the blafphemy : what think
ye? And they all condemned him
to be guilty of death. And fome
began to fpit on him, and to cover
his face, and to buftet him, and to fay
unto him, Prophefy : and the fer-
vants did ftrike him with the palms
of their hands. And as Peter was
beneath in the palace there com-
eth one of the maids of the high
prieft; and when ftie faw Peter
warming himfelf ftie looked upon
him, and faid. And thou alfo waft
with Jefus of Nazareth. But he
denied, faying, I know not, neither
imderftand I what thou fayeft. And
he went out into the porch ; and
the cock crew. And a maid faw
him again, and began to fay to
them that ftood by. This is one of
them. And he denied it ag^ain.
And a little after, they that ftood
by faid again to Peter, Surely thou
art one of them ; for thou art a
Galilean, and thy fpeech agreeth
thereto. But he began to curfe
and to fwear, faying, I know not
this man of whom ye fpeak. And
the fecond time the cock crew.
And Peter called to mind the word
that Jefus faid unto him. Before
the cock crow twice, thou flialt
deny me thrice. And when he
thought thereon, he wept.
Tnefday before Eajler.
For the Epiftle. Ifaiah 1. 5.
THE Lord God hath opened
mine ear, and I was not re-
bellious, neither turned away back.
I gave my back to the fmiters,
and my cheeks to them that pluck-
ed oft* the hair : I hid not my face
from flianie and fpitting. For the
Lord God will help me, tlierefore
fhall I not be confounded : there-
fore have I fet my face like a flint,
and I know that I (hall not be
afliamed. He is near that juftifieth
Titefday before Eajler.
me; who will contend with me?
Let us ftand together ; who is mine
adverfaiy? let him come near to
me. Behold, the Lord God will
help me ; who is he that fliall con-
demn me? Lo, they all fliall wax
old as a garment : the moth fliall
eat them up. Who is among you
that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth
the voice of his fervant, that walk-
eth in darknefs, and hath no light?
let him trufl; in the Name of the
Lord, and fl;ay upon his God.
Behold, all ye that kindle a fire,
that compafs yourfelves about with
fparks; walk in the light of your
fire, and in the fparks that ye have
kindled. This fliall ye have of
mine hand, ye fliall lie do^vn in
TJie Gofpel. St. Mark xv. L
AND ftraightway in the morn-
ing the chief priefi;s held a
confultation with the elders, and
fcribes, and the whole council, and
bound Jefus, and carried him away,
and delivered him to Pilate. And
Pilate aflved him, Art thou the King
of the Jews? And he anfwering
faid unto him, Thou fayefl; it. And
the chief priefl;s accufed him of
many things : but he anfwered no-
thing. And Pilate aflved him again,
faying, Anfwerefl; thou nothing?
behold how many things they wit-
nefs againil thee. But Jefus yet
anfwered nothing: fo that Pilate
marvelled. Now at that feaft he
releafed unto them one prifoner,
whomfoever they defired. And
there was one named Barabbas,
which lay bound with them that
had made infurre^tion with him,
who had committed murder in the
infurre^lion. And the multitude,
ciying aloud, began to defire him
to do as he had ever done unto
them. But Pilate anfwered them,
faying. Will ye that I releafe unto
you the King of the Jews? For he
knew that the chief priefl;s had de-i
livered him for envy. But the chief
priefts moved the people, that he
fliould rather releafe Barabbas un-
to them. And Pilate anfwered,
and faid again unto them, Wliat
will ye then that I fliall do unto
him whom ye call the King of the
Jews? And they cried out again.
Crucify him. Then Pilate faid unto
them. Why, what evil hath he
done? And they cried out the more
exceedingly. Crucify him. And fo
Pilate, willing to content the peo-
ple, releafed Barabbas unto them;
and delivered Jefus, when he had
fcourged him, to be crucified. And
the foldiers led him away into the
hall, called Pra^torium; and they
call together the whole band. And
they clothed him with purple, and
platted a crown of thorns, and put
it about his head : and began to
falute him. Hail, King of the Jews.
And they fmote him on the lieac^
with a reed, and did fpit upon him,
and bowing their knees worfliip-
ped him. And when they had
mocked him they took off the pur-
ple firom him, and put his own
clothes on him, and led him out to
crucify him. And they compel one
Simon a Cyrenian, who palled by,
coming out of the countiy, the fa-
ther of Alexander and Rufus, to
bear his crofs. And they bring
him unto the place Golgotha, wliich
is, being interpreted, The place of
a fcuU. And they gave him to
drink wine mingled with myrrh ;
but he received it not. And when
they had crucified him they part-
ed his garments, calling lots upon
them, what every man fhould take.
And it was the third hoiu', and they
crucified him. And the fuperfcrip-
tion of his accufation was written
iJEWS. And with liim they cru-
bify two thieves, the one on his
right hand, and the other on his
left. And the fcripture was ful-
filled, which faith. And he was
numbered with the tranfgreHbrs.
And they that ijall'ed by railed on
him, wagging their heads, and fay-
ing, Ah, thou that deftroyeft the
temple, and buildell it in three
days, fave thyfelf, and come down
from the crols. Likewifc alfo the
chief priefls mocking faid among
themfelves, with the fcribes, He
faved others ; himfelf he cannot
fave. Let Chrill the King of If-
Wednefday before Eqfter.
rael defcend now from the crofs,
that we may fee and believe. And
they that were crucified Avith him
reviled him. And when the fixth
hour was come, there was dark-
nefs over the whole land until the
ninth hour. And at the ninth hour
Jefus cried with a loud voice, fay-
ing, Eloi, Eloi, lama fahachthwii ?
which is, being interpreted, My
God, my God, why haft thou for-
faken me? And fome of them that
ftood by, when they heard it, faid.
Behold, he calleth Elias. And one
ran and filled a fpunge full of \'ine-
gar, and put it on a reed, and gave
him to drink, faying. Let alone ;
let us fee whether Elias will come
to take him down. And Jefus
cried with a loud voice, and gave
up the ghoft. And the vail of the
temple was rent in twain from the
top to the bottom. And when the
centurion, which ftood over againft
him, faw that he fo cried out, and
gave up the ghoft, he faid, IVuly
this man was the Son of God.
Wednefday before Eajfet\
The Epiftle. Hebrews ix. 16. i
HERE a teftament is, there
mull alfo of neceflity be the
death bf the teftator: for a tefta-
ment is of force after men are dead;
otherwifc it is of no ftreno-th at all
whilft the teftator liveth. Where-
upon, neither the firft teftament
was dedicated Avithout blood: for
when Mofes had fpokeii every pre-
cept to all the people, according
to the law, he took the blood of
calves and of goats, with water,
and fcarlet wool, and hyfi'op, and
fprinkled both the book, and all the
people, faying, This is the blood
of the teilanient, which God hath
enjoined unto you. Moreover, he
fprinkled with blood both the ta-
bernacle, and all the velfels of the
miniftry. And ahnoll all things are
by the law purged with blood ; and
without fliedding of blood is no
remiffion. It was therefore necef-
fary that the patterns of things in
the heavens fliould be purified with
thefe ; but the heavenly things
themfelves with better facrifices
than thefe. For Chrift is not en-
tered into the holy places made
with hands, which are the figures
of the true, but into heaven itfelf,
now to appear in the prefence of
God for us ; nor yet that he ftiould
offer himfelf often, as the high
prieft entereth into the holy place
eveiy year with blood of others :
for then mull he often have fuftered
fince the foundation of the world ;
but now once in the end of the
world hath he appeared to put a-
way fin by the facrifice of himfelf
And as it is appointed unto men
once to die, but after this the
judgement : fo Chrift was once of-
fered to bear the fins of many;
^nd unto them that look for him
Wcdiiefday before Eafid7\
fhall he appear the fecond time
without fin iHito falvation. />3q
The Go/pel. St. Luke xxii. 1. r
NOW the feaft of unleavened
ead drew nigh, which is
called the Palfover. And the chief
priefts and fcribes fought how they
might kill him ; for thev feared the
people. Then entered Satan into
Judas furnanied Ifcariot, being of
the number of the twelve. And
he went his way, and commmied
with the chief priefts and captains,
how he mifjht betrav him unto
them. And they were glad, and
covenanted to give hmi money.
And he promifed, and fought op?-
portunity to betray him unto them
in the abfence of the multitude.
Then came the day of unleavened
bread, when the paflbver muft be
killed. And he fent Peter and
John, faying. Go and prepare us
the paflbver, that we may eat. Aiid
they faid unto him, Where wilt
thou that we prepare? And he faid
unto them, Behold, when ye are
entered into the city, there ihall a
man meet you, bearing a pitcher
of water; follow him into the houfe
where he entereth in. And ye Ihall
fay unto the good-man of the houfe,
The Mafter faith unto thee, Where
is the gueft-chamber, where I fliall
eat the paflbver with my difciples?
And he fliall (hew you a large
upper room fumiflied ; there make
ready. And they went, and found
Wednefday before Eafier.
as he had faid unto them : and they
made ready the pailbver. And
when the hour was come he fat
down, and the twelve Ajjoltles with
him. And he faid unto them, With
delire I have deiired to eat this
palfover with yo" before 1 fuflfer :
for I fay unto you, I will not any
more eat thereof, until it be fulfil-
led in the Kingdom of God. And
he took the cup, and gave thanks,
and faid, Take this, and divide it
among" yourfelves. For I fay unto
you, I will not drink of the fruit
of the vine, until the Kingdom of
God fhall come. And he took
bread, and gave thanks, and brake
it, and gave unto them, faying. This
is my body, which is given for you :
this do in remembrance of me.
Like\^'ife alfo the cup after fupper,
faying, This cup is the new tella-
ment in my blood, which is flied
for you. But behold, the hand of
him that betrayeth me is with me
on the table. And tnily the Son
of Man goeth as it was determined;
but wo imto that man by whom
he is betrayed. And tliev bec^an to
enquire among themfelves, which
of them it was that fliould do this
thing. And there was alfo a ftrife
among them, which of them flioukl
be accounted the j^reatell. And
lie faid unto them, '\\\v kinus of
the Gentiles exercife lordfliip over
them, and they that exercilb au-
thority upon them are called bene-
fablors. But ye fliall not be fo :
but he that is greateft among you,
let him be as the younger; and
he that is chief, as he that doth
fei-ve. For whether is greater, he
that fitteth at meat, or he that
ferveth? is not he that fitteth at
meat? but I am among you as he
that ferveth. Ye are they which
have continued with me in my
temptations. And I appoint unto
you a kingdom, as my Father hath
appointed unto me ; that ye may
eat and drink at my table in my
kingdom, and fit on thrones, judg-
ing the twelve tribes of Ifrael.
And the Lord faid, Simon, Simon,
behold, Satan hath defired to have
you, that he may fift you as wheat :
but I have prayed for thee, that
thy faith fail not ; and when thou
art converted, llrengthen thy bre-
thren. And he faid unto him.
Lord, I am ready to go with thee
both into prifon and to death. And
he faid, I tell thee, Peter, the cock
fliall not crow this day, before that
thou (lialt thrice deny that thou
knoweft me. And he laid unto
them. When I fent you without
purfe, and fcrip, and Ihoes, lacked
ye any thing? And tliey faid. No-
thing. Then faid he unto them.
But now, he that hath a pui-fe, let
him take it, and likewife his fcrip:
and he that hatli no Iword, let him
fell his garment, and buy one. For
1 fay unto you. That this that is
Wedyiefday before Eafier,
written miift yet be acconi])li(lied
in nie, And he was reckoned anionj^
the tranfgreflbrs : for tlie
concerning me have an end. And
they faid, Lord, behohl, here are
two fwords. And he faid unto
them, It is enough. And he came
out, and went, as he was wont, to
the mount of OHves, and his difci-
ples alfo followed him. And when
he was at the place, he faid unto
them. Pray, that ye enter not into
temptation . And he was Avithdrawn
from them about a ftone's caft, and
kneeled down and prayed, faying,
Father, if thou be willing, remove
this cup from me : neverthelefs,
not my will, but thine be done.
And there appeared an angel unto
him fi'om heaven, ftrengthening
him. And being in an agony, he
prayed more earaeftly ; and his
fweat was as it were great drops of
blood falling down to the ground.
And when he rofe up from prayer,
and was come to his difciples, he
found them fleeping- for forrow,
and faid unto them, Why fleep ye?
rife and pray, left ye enter into
temptation. And while he yet
fpake, behold, a multitude, and he
that was called Judas, one of the
twelve, went before them, and
drew near unto Jefus to kifs him.
But Jefus faid unto him, Judas,
betrayeft thou the Son of Man with
a kifs? When they who were a-
bout him faw what would follow.
they faid imto him, Lord, fliall we
finite with the fword? And one of
them fmote the fei*vant of the hio-h
prieft, and cut off his right ear.
And Jefus anfwcred and i'aid, Suf-
fer ye thus far. And he touched
his ear, and healed him. llien
Jefus faid unto the chief ])riefts,
and captains of the temple, and
the elders who were come to him,
Be ye come out as againft a thief,
with fwords and ftaves? When I
was daily with you in the temple,
ye ftretched forth no hands againft
me : but this is your hour, and the
power of darknefs. Then took they
him, and led him, and brought him
into the high prieft's houfe : and
Peter followed afar oft'. And when
they had kindled a fire in the midft
of the hall, and were fet down to-
gether, Peter fat down among them.
But a certain maid beheld him, as
he fat by the fire, and earneftly
looked upon him, and faid, This
man was alfo with him. And he
denied him, faying, Woman, I
know him not. And after a little
while another faw him, and faid,
Thou art alfo of them. And Peter
faid, Man, I am not. And about
the fpace of one hour after, another
confidently affirmed, faying. Of a
truth this fellow alfo was with him ;
for he is a Galilean. And Peter
faid, Man, I know not what thou
fayeft. And immediately, while he
yet fpake, the cock crew. And the
Lord turned, and looked upon
Peter; and Peter remembered the
word of the Lord, how he had faid
unto him. Before the cock crow,
thou flialt deny me thrice. And
Peter went out, and wept bit-
terly. And the men that held Je-
fus mocked liim, and fmote him.
And when they had bhndfolded
him, they ftruck him on the face,
find afked him, faying, Prophefy,
who is it that fmote thee? And
many other things blafphemouily
fpake they againil him. And as
foon as it was day, the elders of
the people, and the chief pnefts,
and the fciibes, came together, and
led him into their council, faying,
Art thou the Chrift? tell us. And
he faid unto them. If I tell you, ye
will not believe : and if I alfo alk
you, ye will not anfwer me, nor let
me go. Hereafter fliall the Son of
Man fit on the right hand of the
power of God. Then faid they all.
Art thou then the Son of God?
And he faid unto them. Ye fay
that I am. And they faid, What
need we any furtlier witnefs ? for
we ourfelves have heard of his OAvn
Tlmr/'daj/ before Kajfer.
The Kpljlle. 1 Cor. xi. 17.
IN this that I declare unto you,
I ))raife you not ; that ye come
together not for the better, but for
the worfe. For firll of all, when
ye come together in the church, I
hear that there be divifions among
you, and I partly believe it. For
there muft be alfo herefies among
you, that they who are approved
mav be made manifeft among- vou.
When ye come together therefore
into one place, this is not to eat
the Lord's fupj)er : for in eating
eveiy one taketh before other his
own flipper ; and one is hungry,
and another is drunken. What,
have ye not houfes to eat and to
drink in? or defpife ye the church
of God, and lliame them that have
not? What (hall I fay to yon? fliall
I praife you in this? I praife you
not. For I have received of the
Lord that which alfo I delivered
unto you, Tliat the Lord Jefus, the
fame night in which he was be-
trayed, took bread; and when he
had given thanks, he brake it, and
faid, Take, eat ; this is my body,
which is broken for you : this do
in remembrance of me. After the
fame manner alfo he took the cup,
when he had fupped, faying, This
cup is the new teft anient in my
blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink
it, in remembrance of me. For as
often as ye eat this bread, and
drink this cup, ye do fliew the
Lord's death till he come. Where-*
fore, whofoever fliall eat this bread,
and drink this cup of the Lord,
unworthily, fliall be guilty of the
body and blood of the Lord. But
Thurjilay before JEaficr.
let a man examine himfelf, and
fo let him eat of that bread, and
drink of that cup. For he that
eateth and drinketh unworthily
eateth and drinketh damnation to
himfelf, not difcerning the Lord's
body. For this caufe many are
weak and fickly among you, and
many fleep. For if we would judge
ourfelves, we Ihould not be judg-
ed. But when we are judged, we
are chaftened of the Lord, that
we fliould not be condemned with
the world. Wherefore, my bre-
thren, when ye come together to
eat, tariy one for another. And if
any man hunger, let him eat at
home ; that ye come not together
unto condemnation. And the reft
will I fet in order when I come.
The Go/pel. St. Luke xxiii. 1.
THE whole multitude of them
arofe, and led him unto Pilate.
And they began to accufe him,
faying. We found this fellow per-
verting the nation, and forbidding
to give tribute to Caefar, faying.
That he himfelf is Chrift a King.
And Pilate alked him, faying, Art
thou the King of the Jews ? And
he anfwered him, and faid. Thou
fayeft it. Then faid Pilate to the
chief priefts, and to the people, I
find no fault in this man. And
they were the more fierce, faying,
He ftureth up the people, teaching
throughout all Jewry, beginning
fi-om Galilee to this place. When
Pilate heard of Galilee, he alked
whether the man were a Galilean.
And as foon as he knew that he
belonged unto Herod's jurifdi6tion,
he fent him to Herod, wlio himfelf
was alfo at Jerufalem at that time.
And when Herod faw Jefus he
was exceeding glad ; for he was
defirous to fee him of a long feafon,
becaufe he had heard many things
of him ; and he hoped to have feen
fome miracle done by him. Then
he -queftioned with him in many
words ; but he anfwered him no-
thing. And the chief priefts and
fcribes ftood and vehementlv ac-
cufed him. And Herod with his
men of war fet him at nought^ and
mocked him, and arrayed him in ^
gorgeous robe, and fent him again
to Pilate. And the fame day Pilate
and Herod were made friends to-
gether; for before they were at
enmity between themfelves. And
Pilate, when he had called together
the chief priefts, and the rulers, and
the people, faid unto them, Ye have
brought this man unto me, as one
that perverteth the jjeople : and
behold, I, having examined him
before you, have found no fault in
this man touching thofe things
whereof ye accufe him : No, nor
yet Herod : for I fent you to him ;
and lo, nothing wortliy of death is
done unto hhn. I will therefore
chaftife him, and releafe him. For
of neceflity he muft releafe one
Thiirfday before E after.
unto them at the feaft. And they
cried out all at once, faying, Away
vn\\\ this man, and releafe unto us
Barabbas : (who for a certain fedi-
tion made in the city, and for mur-
der, was call into prifon.) Pilate
therefore, wUling to releai'e Jefus,
fpake again to them. But they
cried, faying, Crucify him, crucify
him. And he faid unto them the
third time, Why, what evil hath
he done ? I have found no caufe of
death in him : I will therefore chaf-
tife him, and let him go. And they
were inltant with loud voices, re-
quiring that he might be crucified :
and the voices of them and of the
chief priefts prevailed. And Pilate
gave fentence that it fliould be as
they required. And he releafed
unto them him that for fedition
and murder was call into prifon,
whom they had defired ; but he
delivered Jefus to their will. And
as they led him away, they laid
hold upon one Simon a Cp-enian,
coming out of the country, and on
him they laid the crofs, that he
might bear it after Jefus. And
there followed him a ijreat com-
pany of people, and of women,
which alfo bewailed and lament-
ed him. But Jefus, turning imto
them, faid. Daughters of Jerufa-
lem, weep not for me, but weep
for yoiufelves, and for your chil-
dren. For behold, the days are
coming, in the which they lliall
fay, Blefled are the barren, and
the wombs that never bare, and
the paps which never gave fuck.
Then ill all they begin to fay to the
mountains, Fall on us ; and to the
hills. Cover us. For if they do
thefe things in a green tree, what
fliall be done in the diy ? And there
were alfo two other, malefadlors,
led with him to be put to death.
And when they were come to the
place which is called Calvaiy, there
they crucified hun; and the male-
fadlors, one on the right hand,
and the other on the left. Then
faid Jefus, Father, forgive them,
for they know not what they do.
And they parted his-ramient, and
call lots. And the people Hood
beholding ; and the rulers alfo with
them derided him, faying, He fav-
ed others; let him fave himfelf, if
he be Clirift, the chofen of God.
And the foldiers alfo mocked him,
coming to him, and offering him
vmegar, and faying, If thou be the
King of the Jews, fave thyfelf.
And a fuperfcription alfo was wi'it-
ten over him in letters of Greek,
and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS
And one of the malefa6lors, which
were hanged, railed on him, fay-
ing, If thou be Chrill, fave thyfelf,
and us. But the other anfwering
rebuked him, faying, Doll not
thou feai" God, feeing thou ait in
the fame condenmation? And we
indeed juftly ; for we receive the
due reward of our deeds, but this
man liatli done nothing aniifs. And
he faid unto Jefus, Lord, remem-
ber me when thou conieft into thy
kinsdom. And Jefus faid unto
him, Verily I fay unto thee, To-
day flialt thou be with me in pa-
radife. And it was about the fixth
hour : and there was a darknefs
over all the earth until the ninth
hour. And the fun was darkened,
and the vail of the temple was rent
in the midft. And when Jefus had
cried with a loud voice, he faid.
Father, into thy hands I commend
my fpirit: and having faid thus,
he gave up the ghoft. Now when
the centurion faw what was done,
he glorified God, faying. Certainly
this was a righteous man. And all
the peojile that came together to
that fight, beholding the things
that were done, fmote their breafl;s,
and returned. And all his acquaint-
ance, and the women that follow-
ed him from Galilee, ftood afar off,
beholding thefe things.
The CoUedis.
ALMIGHTY God, we befeech
thee gracioufly to behold this
thy family, for which our Lord
Jefus Chrifl was contented to be
betrayed, and given up into the
hands of wicked men, and to fuffer
death upon the crofs, who now
Good Friday.
liveth and reigneth with thee and
the Holy Glioli, ever one God,
world without end. ylmen.
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, by whofe Spiiit the
whole i^dy of the Church is go-
verned and fandlified ; Receive our
fupplications and prayers, which we
offer before thee for all eftates of
men in thy holy Church, that eveiy
member of the fame, in his voca-
tion and miniftry, may truly and
godly ferve thee; through our Lord
and Saviour Jefus Chrill. Amen.
O Merciful God, who haft made
all men, and hateft nothing
that thou haft made, nor wouldett
the death of a finner, but rather
that he fliould be converted and
live ; Have mercy upon all Jews,
Turks, Infidels, and Hereticks,
and take from them all ignorance,
hardnefs of heart, and contempt of
thy Word ; and fo fetch them home,
bleffed Lord, to thy flock, that
they may be faved among the rem-
nant of the true Ifraelites, and be
made one fold under one fhepherd,
Jefus Chiift our Loi*d, who liveth
and reigneth with thee and the
Holy Spirit, one God, world with-
out end. Amen.
The Epiftle. Hebr. x. 1.
THE law having a fliadow of
good things to come, and not
the very image of the things, can
never with thofe facrifices, which
they offered year by yeai* continu-
Good Fridd^.
ally, make the comers thereunto
pei*fe6t : for then would they not
have ceafed to be offered? becaufe
that the worfhippers once purged
fhoukl have had no moi'e confci-
ence of lius. But m tlo^'e facii-
fices there is a remembraiice a^ahi
made of fins every year. For it is
not poflible that the blood of bulls
and of goats fliould take away fins.
Wherefore, when he cometh into
the world, he faith, Sacrifice and
offering thou wouldeft not, but a
body haft thou prepared me: In
burnt- offerings and facrifices for fin
thou haft had no pleafure : Then
faid I, Lo, I come (in the volume
of the book it is \vritten of me) to
do thy Avill, O God. Above, when
he faid. Sacrifice and offering, and
bunit-oflferings, and offering for
fin thou wouldeft not, neither hadft
pleafure therein, which are offered
by the Law : then faid he, Lo, I
come to do thy will, O God. He
taketh away the firft, that he may
eftablilh the fecond. By the which
will we are fancftified, through the
offering of the body of Jefus Chrift
once for all. And eveiy prieft
ftandeth daily miniftering, and of-
fering oftentimes the fame facri-
fices, which can never take away
fins. But this man, after he had
offered one facrifice for fins, for
ever fat down on the right hand
of God ; from henceforth expecting
till his enemies be made his foot-
ftool. For by one offering he hath
perfected for ever them that are
fan(5tified: Whereof the HolyGhoft
alfo is a ^Htnefs to us : for after
that he had faid before. This is the
covenant that I will make with
them after thofe days, faith the
Lord, I will put my laws into their
hearts, and in their minds will I
^vi'ite them ; and their fins and ini-
quities will I remember no more.
Now where remiffion of thefe is,
there is no more offering for fin.
Having therefore, brethren, bold-
nefs to enter into the holieft by
the blood of Jefus, by a new and
Hving way, which he hath confe-
crated for us, through the vail, that
is to fay, his flefh ; and haiang an
High Prieft over the houfe of God;
let us draw near with a true heart,
in ftiU aflurance of faith, having
our hearts fprinkled fi*om an evil
confcience, and our bodies wafhed
with pure water. Let us hold faft
the profeflion of our faith without
wavering ; (for he is faithful that
promifed ;) and let us confider one
another to provoke unto love, and
to good works ; not forfaking the
alfembling of omfelves together, as
the manner of fome is ; but exhort-
ing one another: and fo much the
more, as ye fee the day appToacl^-
ing. f n:wir> 5^'i9W.
-^ >i^Tlw Go/pel. St. John xix. Itol
ILATE therefore took Jeftis,
anil fcourged him. And the
Good Friday.
foldiers platted a crown of thorns,
and put it on his head, and they
put on him a purple robe, and
laid, Hail, King of the Jews : and
they fniote him with their hands.
Pilate therefore went forth again,
and faith unto them. Behold, I
bring him forth to you, that ye
may know that I find no fault in
him. Then came Jefus forth, wear-
ing the crown of thorns, and the
purple robe. And Pilate faith un-
to them, Behold the man ! When
the cliief priefts therefore and offi-
cers law him, they cried out, fay-
ing, Crucify him, crucify him. Pi-
late faith unto them. Take ye him,
and crucify him : for I find no
fault in him. The Jews anfwered
him, We have a law, and by our
law he ought to die, becaufe he
^inade himfelf the Son of God.
When Pilate therefore heard that
faying, he was the more afraid;
and went again into the judge-
ment-hall, and faith imto Jefus,
Whence art thou? But Jefus gave
him no anfwer. Then faith Pilate
unto him, Speakeft thou not unto
me? knoweft thou not that I have
power to crucify thee, and have
power to releafe thee? Jefus an-
fwered. Thou couldeft have no
power at all againft me, except it
were given thee fi-om above: there-
fore he that delivered me unto thee
hath the gi'eater fin. And from
:?thenceforth Pilate fought to releafe
him : but the Jews cried out, fay-
ing. If thou let this man go, thou
art not Ca^far's friend : whofoever
maketh himfelf a king fpeaketh
againil Cajfar. When Pilate there-
fore heard that faying, he brought
Jefus forth, and fat down in the
judgement-feat, in a place that is
called the Pavement, but in the
Hebrew, Gabbatha. And it was
the preparation of the paffover,
and about the fixth hour : and he
faith unto the Jews, Behold your
King! But they cried out, Away
with him, away Avith him, crucify
hmi. Pilate faith unto them, Shall
I crucify your King? The chief
priefts anfwered, We have no king
but Ciefar. Then delivered he him
therefore unto them to be cruci-
fied : and they took Jefus, and led
him away. And he, bearing his
crofs, went forth into a place called
the place of a fcull, which is called
in the Hebrew, Golgotha : where
they crucified him, and two other
with him, on either fide one, and
Jefus in the midfi;. And Pilate
wrote a title, and put it on the
crofs ; and the writing was, JESUS
OF THE JEWS. This title then
read many of the Jews : for the
place where Jefus was crucified
was nigh to the city : and it was
written in Hebrew, and Greek,
and Latin. Then faid the chief
priefts of tlie Jews to Pilate, Wiite
'^ ^j?«/?er E
liot, Tlie King of the Jews ; but
that he faid, I am the King of the
Jews. Pilate anfwered, What I
have Avi'itten, I have written. Then
the foldiers, when they had cruci-
fied Jefus, took his garments, and
made four parts, to eveiy foldier
a part; and alfo his coat: now the
coat was without feam, woven from
tte top throughout. They faid
therefore among tliemfelves. Let
us^riot fend it, but call lots for it,
whofe it (hall be : that the Scrip-
ture might be fulfilled, which faith.
They parted my raiment among
them, and for my vefture they
did caft lots. Thefe things there-
fore the foldiers did. Now there
ftood by the crofs of Jefus, his mo-
ther, and his mother's filler, Mary
the wife of Cleophas, and Mary
Magdalene. When Jefus therefore
faw his mother, and the difciple
(landing by, whom he loved, he
faith unto his mother, Woman,
behold thy fon. Then faith he to
the difciple, Behold thy mother.
And from that hour that difciple
took her unto his own home.
After this, Jefus, knowing that all
things were nowaccompliflied, that
the Scripture might be fulfilled,
faith, I third. Now there was
fet a vell'el full of vinegar : and
they filled a fpunge with vin(>gar,
and put it upon hyil'op, and put it
to his mouth. When Jefus there-
fore had received the vinegar, he
faid, It is finilhed : and he bowed
his head, and gave up the ghoft.
The Jews therefore, becaufe it was
the preparation, that the bodies
fliould not remain upon the crofs
on the fabbath-day, (for that fab-
bath-day was an high day,) be-
fouo-ht Pilate that their le^s mig-ht
be broken, and that they might be
taken away. Then came the fol-
diers, and brake the legs of the
firft, and of the other which was
cinicified with him. But when they
came to Jefus, and faw that he was
dead already, they brake not his
legs. But one of the foldiers ^vith
a fpear pierced his fide, and forth-
with came thereout blood and wa-
ter. And he that faw it bare re-
cord, and his record is true : and
he knoweth that he faith true, that
ye might believe. For thefe things
were done that the Scripture fliould
be fulfilled, A bone of him Ihall not
be broken. And again, another
Scripture faith. They Ihall look on
hun Avhom they pierced.
Eajler Even.
The Colledl.
(~^ RANT, O Lord, that as we
y^ are baptized into the death
of thy ])lefled Son our Saviour Je-
fus C'hrill, fo by continual morti^-
fying rnir corru])t atte6lions w^
may be buried with him ; and that
thron«:h the erave, and g-ate of
death, we may pafs to our joyful
refurre6lioii ; for liis merits, who
died, and was buried, and rofe a-
gaiii for us, thy Son Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen.
The Epijlle. 1 St. Pet. iii. 17.
IT is better, if the will of God be
fo, that ye fufter for well-doing,
than for evil-doing. For Chrift alio
hath once fuffered for fins, the juft
for the unjull, that he might bring
us to God, being put to death in
the flefli, but quickened by the
Spirit. By which alfo he went and
preached unto the fpirits in prifon;
which fometime were difobedient,
when once the long-fuffering of
God waited in the days of Noah,
while the ark was a preparing;
wherein few, that is, eight fouls,
were faved by water. The like
figure whereunto, even baptifm,
doth alfo now fave us, (not the
putting away the filth of the flelh,
but the anfwer of a good confci-
ence towards God,) by the refur-
redlion of Jefus Chrift: who is gone
into heaven, and is on the rig-ht
hand of God, angels and authori-
ties and powers being made fub-
jedl; unto him.
The Gofpel. St. Matth. xxvii. 57.
V^THEN the even was come,
.^ "^r there came a rich man of
Arimathtea, named Jofeph, who
alfo himfelf was Jefus' difciple. He
went to Pilate, and begged the
body of Jefus. Then Pilate com-
manded this body to be delivered.
And when Jofeph had taken the
body, he wrapped it in a clean li-
nen cloth, and laid it in his own
new tomb, which he had hewn out
in the rock; and he rolled a great
ftone to the door of the fepulchre,
and departed. And there was Ma-
ry Magdalene, ^nd the other Mary,
fitting over againft the fepulchre*
Now the next day that followed
the day of the preparation, the
chief priefts and Pharifees came to-
gether unto Pilate, faying. Sir, we
remember that that deceiver faid,
while he was yet alive. After three
days I will rife again. Command
therefore that the fepidchre be
made fure until the third day, left
his difciples come by night and
fteal him away, and fay unto the
people. He is rifen from the dead :
fo the laft error fliall be worfe than
the fii-ft. Pilate faid unto them. Ye
have a watch ; go your way, make
it as fure as you can. So they went
and made the fepvdchre fure, feal-^
ing the ftone, and fetting a watch^
*moii EASTER -DAY. j
% At Morning Prai/er, instead of the Psalm, O
come Jet us sing, tStc. these Anthems shall be sung
or said.
CHRIST our paflbver is facri-
ficed for us : therefore let us
keep the feaft ;
Not with the old leaven, nor
with the leaven of malice and
wickednefs : but with the unlea-
vened bread of fincerity and truth, j
1 Cor, V. 7. I
CHRIST being raifed from the ■
dead dieth no more : death
hath no more dominion over him.
, For in that he died, he died
bnto fin once ; but^in that he liv-
eth, he hveth unto God. ^ *
Likewife reckon ye alfo your-
felves to be dead indeed unto fin :
but alive unto God through Jefus
Chrifi; our Lord. Rom. vi. Siidrrri
I H III ST is rifen from the dead :
'^ and become the firfi;-fi'uits of
them that flept. ^ «o^ ^^d
^ For fince by man came death :
by man came alfo the refurrecftion
of the dead.
^ For as in Adam all die : even fo
lii Chrifi; fliall all be made alive.
\ Cor. XV. 20.
^ Gloiy be to the Father, and to
Ae Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
y" As it was in the beginning, is
ftow, and ever (hall be : world
without end. Anien.
TJw Colledl.
A LMIGHTY God, who through
-^^ thine only-begotten Son Je-
fus Chrifi; hafi overcome death,
and opened unto us the gate of
everlalling Hfe ; We humbly be-
feech thee, that, as by thy fjjeciiil
grace preventing us thou doft put
into our minds good defires, fo by
thy continual help we may bring
the fame to good effedl; through
Jefus Chrifi our Lord, who liveth
and reigneth with thee and the
Holy Ghoft, ever one God, world
without end. Amen.
The Epijile. Col. iii. 1.
IF ye then be rifen with Chrift,
feek thofe things which are a-
bove, where Chrift fitteth on the
light hand of God. Set your afl*ec-
tion on things above, not on things
on the eartii : For ye are dead,
and your life is hid Vfith Chrift in
God. When Cluift, who is our
life, fliall a]ipear, then (hall, ye alfo
appear with him in gloiy. Mortity
therefore your members which are
upon the earth; fornication, im-
cleannefs, inordinate aft'edtion, evil
concupifcence, and covetoufnefs,
which is idolatry: For which things*
fake the A^Tath of God cometh on
the children of difobedience. In
the which ye alfo walked fome
time, when ye lived in them.
Tlie Go/pel. St. John xx. 1 .
THE fii*ft day of the week com-
eth Maiy Magdalene early,
when it was vet dark, imto the
fepulchre, and feeth the ftone taken
away from the fepulchre. Then
flie rimneth and cometh to Simon
Peter, and to the other difcij)le
whom Jefus loved, and faith unto
them. They have taken away the
Lord out of the fepulchre, and we
know not where they have laid
him. Peter therefore went forth,
Monday in Eajier-'week.
and that other difciple, and came
to the fepulchre. So they ran both
together ; and the other difciple
did outrun Peter, and came firft
to the fepulchre; and he, Hooping
down and looking in, faw the linen
clothes lying ; yet went he not in.
Then cometh Simon Peter follow-
ing him, and went into the fepul-
chre, and feeth the linen clothes
lie ; and the napkin that was about
his head, not lying with the linen
clothes, but wrapped together in a
place by itfelf. Then went in alfo
that other difciple which came firft
to the fepulchre, and he faw, and
believed. For as yet they knew not
the Scripture, that he muft rife a-
gaiu from the dead. Then the dif-
ciples went away again unto their
own home.
smca Monday in Eajler-week.
TJie ColleSi.
ALMIGHTY God, who through
- thy only-begotten Son Jefus
Chrift haft overcome death, and
opened unto us the gate of ever-
lafting life; We humbly befeech
thee, that, as by thy fpecial grace
preventing us thou doft put into
Our minds good defires, fo by thy
Continual help we may brmg the
fame to good effedl; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord, who liveth and
"reigneth with thee and the Holy
Ghoft, ever one God, world with-
- The GofpeL St. John xx. 19.
THE fame day at evening, be-
ing the firft day of the week,
when the doors were Ihut, where
the difciples were affembled for
fear of the Jews, came Jefus and
ftood in the midft, and faith unto
them, Peace be unto you. And
when he had fo faid, he fliewed
unto them his hands and his fide.
Then were the difciples glad when
they faw the Lord. Then faid Je-
fus to them again, Peace be unto
you : As my Father hath fent me,
even fo fend I you. And when
he had faid this, he breathed on
them, and faith unto them, Re-
ceive ye the holy Ghoft. Whofe-
foever fins ye remit, they are re-
mitted unto them ; and whofefoever
fins ye retain, they are retained.
^^^hefomnd Siindm/ after Eajier.
9" "1^ The ColleB.
ALMIGHTY God, who haft
given thine only Son to be
unto us both a facrifice for fin, and
alfo an enfample of godly life;
Give us grace that we may always
moft thankfully receive that his
ineftimable benefit, and alfo daily
endeavour ourfelves to follow the
blefled fteps of his moll holy life ;
through the fame Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
TheEpiftle. 1 St. Pet. ii. 19.
THIS is thank-worthy, if a man
for confcience toward God en-
dure grief, fuft'ering ^viongfully.
For what glory is it, if, when ye
be bufl^eted for your faults, ye {hall
take it patiently? but if, when ye
do well, and fuffer for it, ye take
it patiently ; this is acceptable with
God. For even hereunto were ye
called : becaufe Chrift alfo fuffer-
ed for us, leaving us an example,
that ye fliould follow his fteps :
who did no fin, neither was guile
found in his mouth : who, when
he was reviled, reviled not again ;
when he fuflbred, he threatened
not; but committed himfelf to him
that judgeth righteoufly : who his
OAvn felf bare our fins in his own
body on the tree, that we, being
dead to fins, fliould live unto right-
eoufnefs : by whofe ftripes ye were
healed. For ye were as flieep go-
ing aftray ; but are now returned
unto the Shepherd and Bifliop of
your fouls.
The Go/pel St. John x. 1 1 .
JESUS faid, I am the good fliep-
lierd : the good fliepherd give^h
The third Sunday after Eajler?
his life for the flieep. But he that
is an hireling, and not the fliep-
herd, whofe own the flieep are not,
feetli the wolf coming, and leaveth
the flieep, and fleeth ; and the wolf
catcheth them, and fcattereth the
flieep. The hireling fleeth, becaufe
he is an hireling, and careth not
for the flieep. I am the good fliep-
herd, and know my flieep, and am
knoT^ai of mine. As the Father
knoweth me, even fo know I the
Father: and I lay do^yn my life
for the flieep. And other flieep I
have, which are not of this fold ;
them alfo I mufl; bring, and they
fliall hear my voice ; and there fliall
be one fold, and one fliepherd.
iWhe third Sunday after Eajler.
>^ I ^ '-^ The Colle&.
ALMIGHTY God, who fliewefl;
to them that be in error the
light of thy truth, to the intent
that they may return into the way
of righteoufnefs ; Grant unto all
them that are admitted into the
felloAvfliip of Chrifl;'s Religion, that
they may efchew thofe things that
are contrary to their profeflTion,
and foUoAV all fuch things as are
agreeable to the fame ; through
our Lord Jefus Chrifl;. Ameji.
The Epijile. 1 St. Pet. ii. 11.
T^KAliLY beloved, I befeech
-■-^ you as fl;rangers and pilgrims,
abftain from fleflily lulls, which war
againll the foul ; having your con-
vei*fatioii honefl; among the Gen-
tiles ; that, whereas they fpeak a-
gainft you as evil doers, they may,
by your good works which they
fliall behold, glorify God ui the day
of vifitation. Submit yourfelves to
eveiy ordinance of man for the
Lord's fake ; whether it be to the
King, as fupreme; or unto gover-
nours, as unto them that are fent
by him, for the punifliment of evil
doers, and for the praife of them
that do well. For fo is the will of
God, that with well-doing ye may
put to filence the ignorance of
foolifli men : as free, and not ufiiig
your liberty for a cloke of malici-
oufnefs; but as the fervants of God.
Honour all men. Love the bro-
therhood. Fear God. Flonour the
The Go/pel. St. John xvi. 16.
JESUS faid to his difciples, A
little while and ye fliall not fee
me ; and again, a little while and
ye fliall fee me ; becaufe I go to the
Father. Then liiid fome of his dif-
ciples among themfelves, What is
this that he faith unto us, A little
while and ye fliall not fee me ; and
again, a little while and ye fliall fee
me; and, Becaufe I go to the Fa-
ther? They faid therefore. What is
this that he faith, A little while?
we cannot tefl what he faith. Now
Jefus knew that they were defirous
to aik him, and faid unto them, Do
ye enquire among yourfelves of
The fourth Sunday after Eafter.
that I faki, A little while and ye
Ihall not fee me ; and again, a little
while and ye fliall fee me? Verily,
verily I fay unto you, That yc lliall
weep and lament, but the world
ftiall rejoice : and ye lliall be for-
rowful, but your forrow fliall be
turned into joy. A woman, when
Ihe is in travail, hath forrow, be-
caufe her hour is come : but as foon
as Ihe is delivered of the child, flie
remembereth no more the angiiifh,
for joy that a man is born into the
world. And ye now therefore have
forrow : but I will fee you again,
and your heart Ihall rejoice, and
your joy no man taketh from you.
The fourth Sunday after Eajfer,
The CoUedt,
Almighty God, who alone
canft order the unruly Avills
and aflfe6lions of iinful men; Grant
unto thy people, that they may
love the thing which thou com-
mandeft, and delire that which
thou doll promife ; that fo, among
the fundry and manifold changes
of the world, our hearts may fure-
ly there be fixed, where true joys
are to be found ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
The Epijlle. St. James i. 17.
EVERY good gift, and eveiy
perfect gift is from above, and
cometh do^vn from the Father of
lights, with whom is no variable-
nefs, neither Ihadow of turnmg. Of
his own will begat he us with the
Word of truth, that we fliould be a
kind of firft-fruits of his creatures.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren,
let every man be fwift to hear,
flow to fpeak, flow to wrath ; for
the wrath of man worketh not the
nghteoufnefs of God. Wherefore
lay apart all filthinefs and fuper-
fluity of naughtinefs, and receive
Avith meeknels the engrafted Word,
which is able to fave your fouls.
The Gofpel. St. John xvi. 5.
JESUS laid unto his difciples,
Now I go my way to him that
fent me, and none of you afl<:eth
me. Whither goefi; thou? But, be-
caufe I have faid thefe things unto
you, forrow hath filled your heart.
Neverthelefs, I tell you the truth;
it is expedient for you that I go
away : for if I go not away, the
Comforter will not come unto you ;
but if I depart, I will fend him
unto you. And when he is come,
he will reprove the world of fin,
and of righteoufnefs, and of judge-
ment : of fin, becaufe they believe
not on me ; of righteoufnefs, bcr
caufe I go to my Father, and ye
fee me no more ; of judgement,
becaufe die prince of this world
is judged. I have yet many things
to fay unto you, but ye cannot
bear them now. Howbeit, when
he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he
will guide you into all tiiitli : for
he fliall not fpeak of himfelf ; but
The fifth
wliatfoever he fliall hear, that fhall
he fpeak : and he will Ihew you
things to come. He fhall glorify
me: for he Ihall receive of mine,
and Ihall fhew it unto you. All
things that the Father hath are
mine : therefore faid I, that he fhall
take of mine, and fliall ihew it un-
to you.
The fifth Sunday after Eajicr.
39ixn: i^u Yh^ Colledi.
OLord, from whom all good
things do come ; Grant to
us thy humble fervants, that by
thy holy infpiration we may think
thofe things that be good, and by
thy merciful guiding may perform
tlie fame ; through our Lord .Tefus
Chrilt. Amen.
The Epijtle. St. James i. 22.
BE ye doers of the Word, and
not hearers only, deceiving
your own felves. For if any be a
hearer of the Word, and not a
doer, he is like unto a man behold-
ing his natural face in a glafs. For
he beholdeth himfelf, and goeth
his way, and ftraightway forgetteth
what manner of man he was. But
whofo looketh into the perfect law
of liberty, and continueth therein,
he being not a forgetful hearer,
but a doer of the work, this man
ftiall be blefled in his deed. If any
man among you feem to be reli-
gious, and bridleth not his tongue,
but deceiveth his own heart, this
^cifter Eafler.
man's religion is vain. Pure reli-
gion, and undefiled before God and
the Father, is this, To vifit the fa-
therlefs and ^vidows in their afflic-
tion, and to keep himfelf unfpotted
from the world.
The Go/pel. St. John xvi. 23.
VERILY, verily I fay unto yoii,
Whatfoever ye fliall aflv the
Father in my Name, he mil give
it you. Hitherto have ye alked
nothing in my Name : afli, and ye
fliall receive, that your joy may
be full. Thefe things have I fpo-
ken unto you in proverbs : the
time Cometh when I fliall no more
fpeak unto you in proverbs, but I
fliall fliew you plainly of the Fea-
ther. At that day ye fliall alk in
my Name : and I fay not unto
you, that I mil pray the Father
for you ; for the Father himfelf
lovetli you, becaufe ye have loved
me, and have believed that I came
out from God. I came forth from
the Father, and am come into the
world : again, I leave the world,
and go to the Father. His dif-
ciples faid unto him, Lo, now
fpeakefl; thou plainly, and fpeak-
eft no proverb. Now are we fure
that thou knowefl; all things, and
needeft not that any man fliould
aflv thee : by this avc believe that
thou camefl; forth from God. Je-^^
fus anfwered them. Do ye now
believe? Behold, the hour com-
cth, yea, is now come, that ye
TJie Afcenfi07b-day.
iliall be fcattered every man to his
own, and fliall leave me alone :
and yet I am not alone, becaufe
the Father is with me. Thefe
things I have fpoken unto you,
that in me ye might have peace.
In the world ye fliall have tribula-
tion ; but be of good cheer, I have
overcome the world.
The Afcenjion-day.
The ColleSl.
GRANT, we befeech thee, Al-
mighty God, that like as we
do believe thy only-begotten Son
our Lord Jefus Clirift to have af-
cended into the heavens ; fo we
may alfo in heart and mind thi-
ther afcend, and with him conti-
nually dwell, who liveth and reign-
eth with thee and the Holy Ghoft,
one God, world without end . Amen .
For the Epijlle. A^ls i.
HE former treatife have I
made, O Theophilus, of all
that Jefus began both to do and
teach, until the day in which he
was taken up, after that he through
the Holy Ghoft had given com-
mandments unto the Apoftles whom
he had chofen : to whom alfo he
Ihewed himfelf alive after his paf-
lion, by many infallible proofs ; be-
ing feen of them forty days, and
fpeaking of the things pertaining
to the Kingdom of God : and, be-
ing aflembled together with them,
commanded diem that diey fliould
not depart from JeiTifalem, but
wait for the proinlle of the Father,
which, faith he, ve have heard of
me. For John truly baptized with
water, but ye fliall be baptized
with the Holy Ghoft not many
days hence. When they therefore
were come together, they aflied of
him, faying. Lord, wilt thou at this
time reftore again the kingdom to
Ifrael? And he faid unto them. It
is not for you to know the times
or the feafons^ which the Father
hath put ill his own power. But
ye fliall receive power after that
the Holy Ghoft is come upon you ;
and ye fliall be witnefles unto me,
both in Jerufalem, and in all Ju-
daea, and in Samaria, and unto the
uttermoft part of the earth. And
when he had fpoken thefe things,
while they beheld, he was taken
up, and a cloud received him out
of their fight. And while they
looked ftedfaftly toward heaven,
as he went up, behold, two men
ftood by them in white apparel ;
which alfo faid, Ye men of Gali-
lee, why ftand ye gazing up into
heaven? This fame Jefus, which is
taken up from you into heaven,
fliall fo come, in like manner as^
ye have feen hmi go mto heaven. ..
TJie GofpeL St. Mark xvi. 14.
JESUS appeared unto the ele-
ven as they fat at meat, and
upbraided them with their unbelief
and hardnefs of lieai't, becaufe tliey|
Sunday after
believed not them which had feeii
him after he was rifen. And he faid
unto them, Go ye into all the
world, and preach the (iofpel to
every creature. He that believeth
and is baptized Ihall be faved ; but
he that believeth not fliall be damn-
ed. And tliefe iigns fliali follow
them that believe : In my Name
ftiall they caft out devils ; they fliall
fpeak Avith new tongues ; they fliall
take up ferpents ; and if they drink
any deadly thing, it fliall not hurt
them; they fliall lay hands on the
iick, and they fliall recover. So
then after the Lord had fpoken
unto them, he was received up
into heaven, and fat on the right
hand of God. And they went forth
and preached eveiy where, the
Ijord working with them, and con-
firming the Word mth figns fol-
Sunday after AJcenjion-day.
The Colledl.
OGod the King of glory, who
haft exalted thine only Son
Jefus Chrift with great triumph
unto thy kingdom in heaven; We
befeech thee, leave us not com-
fortlefs; but fend to us thine Holy
Ghoft to comfort us, and exalt us
unto the fame place whither our
Saviour Chrift is gone before, who
liveth and reigneth with thee and
the Holy (Thoft, one God, world
Avithout end. Atnen.
The Epijile. 1 St. Pet. iv. 7.
THE end of all things is at
hand; be ye therefore fober,
and watch unto prayer. And above
all things have fervent chaiity a-
niong yourfelves : for charity fliall
copier the multitude of fms. Ufe
hofpitality one to another without
grudging. As every man hath re-
ceived the gift, even fo minifter
the fame one to another, as good
ftewards of the manifold grace of
God. If any man fpeak, let him
fpeak as the oracles of God : if
any man minifter, let him do it as
of the ability which God giveth ;
that God in all things may be
glorified through Jefus Chrift, to
whom be praife and dominion for
ever and ever. Amen.
The Gofpcl. St. John xv. 2(). and
part of Chapter xvi.
WHEN the Comforter is come,
whom I will fend unto you
from the Father, even the Spirit of
truth, which proceedeth from the
Father, he fliall teftify of me. And
ye alio fliall bear witnefs, becaufe
ye have been with me from the
beginning. Thefe things have I
fpoken unto you, that ye fliould
not be oftended. They fliall put
you out of the fynagogues : yea,
the time cometh, that whofoever
killeth you will think that he doeth
Cxod fervice. And thefe things will
they do imto you, becaufe they
have not known the Father, nor
me. But thefe things have I told
you, that, when the time fliall come,
ye may remember that I told you
of them.
The CoUeH.
GOD, who as at this time didft
teach the hearts of thy faith-
ful people, by the fending to them
the light of thy Holy Spirit ; Grant
us by the fame Spirit to have a
right judgement in all things, and
evermore to rejoice in his holy
comfort; through the merits of
■Chrift .lefus our Saviour, who liv-
eth and reigneth ^vith thee, in the
unity of the fame Spirit, one God,
world without end. Amen.
For the Epijile. A6ts ii. 1.
WHEN the day of Pentecoft
was fully come, they were
air with one accord in one place.
And fuddenly there came a found
from heaven, as of a rufliing migh-
ty wind, and it filled all the houfe
where they were fitting. And
there appeared unto them cloven
tongues, like as of fire, and it fat
upon each of them : and they were
all filled ^vith the Holy Ghoft, and
began to fpeak with other tongues,
as the Spirit gave them utterance.
And there were d^velling at Je-
rufalem Jews, devout men, out of
every nation under heaven. Now
when this was noifed abroad, the
multitude came together, and were
confounded, becaufe that eveiy
man heard them fpeak in his own
language. And they were all a-
mazed, and marvelled, faying one
to another. Behold, are not all
thefe which fpeak Galileans? And
how hear we every man in our own
tongue wherein we were born?
Parthians, and Medes, and E-
lamites, and the dwellers in Me-
fopotamia, and in Judaea, and
Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Afia,
Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt,
and in the parts of I^ibya about
Cyrene, and fi;rangers of Rome,
Jews, and Profelytes, Cretes, and
Arabians, we do hear them fpeak
in our tongues the wonderful works
of God.
The Go/pel. St. John xiv. 15.
JESUS faid unto his difciples,
If ye love me, keep my com-
mandments. And I will pray the
Father, and he ftiaU give you an-
other Comforter, that he may a-
bide with you for ever ; even the
Spirit of truth, whom the world
cannot receive, becaufe it feeth
him not, neither knoweth him :
but ye know him ; for he dwelleth
with you, and fliall be in you. I
will not leave you comfortlefs ; I
will come to you. Yet a little
while, and the world feeth me no
more ; but ye fee me : becaufe I
live, ye fliall live alfo. At that
day ye fliall know, that I am in
my Father, and ye in me, and I
the ^^'01x1
mine, but
in you. He that hath my com-
mandments, and keepeth them,
he it is that loveth me ; and he
that loveth me ihall be loved of
my Father, and I will love him,
and will manifeft myfelf to him.
Judas faith unto him, (not Ifca-
riot,) Lord, how is it that thou
wilt manifell thyfelf unto us, and
not unto the world? Jefus an-
fwered and faid unto him, Jf a
man love me, he Avill keep my
words, and my Father will love
him, and we wdll come unto him,
and make our abode with him.
He that loveth me not keepeth
not my fayinss : and
which ye hear is not
the Father s which fent me. Thefe
things have I fpoken unto you,
being yet prefent with you. But
the Comforter, which is the Holy
Ghoft, whom the Father will fend
in my Name, he Ihall teach you
all things, and bring all things to
your remembrance, whatfoever I
have faid unto you. Peace I leave
with you, my peace I give unto
you: not as the world giveth, give
I unto you. Let not your heart be
troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Ye have lieai'd how I faid unto
you, I go away, and come again
unto you. If ye loved me, ye
would rejoice, becaufe I faid, 1 go
unto the Father: for my Father is
greater than L i\nd now I have
told you before it come to pafs,
Monday in JVhitfun-'week.
that, when it is come to pafs, ye
might believe. Hereafter I will
not talk much with you : for the
prince of this world cometh, and
hath nothing in me. But that the
world may know that I io^e the
Father ; and ^as the Father gave
me commandment, even fo I do.
Monday in JVhitfun-iveek.
The Colledl.
GOD, who as at this time didft
teach the hearts of thy faith-
ful people, by the fending to them
the light of thy Holy Spirit ; Grant
us by the fame Spirit to have a
right judgement in all things, and
evermore to rejoice in his holy
comfort ; through the merits of
Clirift Jefus our Savioiu*, who liv-
eth and reigneth Avitli thee, in the
unity of the fame Spirit, one God,
world without end. Ameni\ io noit
For the Epijlle. A6ts x. 34. >ib
THEN Peter opened his mouth,
and faid, Of a truth I perceive
that God is no refpe6ter of perfons;
but in every nation he that feareth
him, and worketh righteoufnefs, is
accepted with him. The Word
which God fent unto the children
of Ifrael, preaching peace by Jefus
Chrill ; (he is Lord of all ;) that
Word, I fay, ye know, which was
publilhed throughout all .ludfca,
and began from (ialilee, after the
baptifm which John preached: how
God anointeil Jefus of Nazareth
Tucfday m
with the Holy Glioll, and witli
power ; who went about doing-
good, and healing all that were
opprefled of the devil : for God
was with him. And we are wit-
nelTes of all things which he did,
both in the land of the Jews, and
in Jerufaleni ; whom they flew,
and hanged on a tree : Him God
raifed up the third day, and ftiew-
ed him openly ; not to all the peo-
ple, but unto Avitnefles chofen be-
fore of God ; even to us who did
eat and drink with him after he
rofe from the dead. And he com-
manded us to preach unto the peo-
ple, and to teftify that it is he which
was ordained of God to be the
Judge of quick and dead. To him
give all the prophets witnefs, that
through his Name whofoever be-
lieveth in him fliall receive remif-
(ion of fins. While Peter yet fpake
thefe words, the Holy Ghoft fell
on all them which heard the word.
And they of the circumcifion,
which believed, were aftoniflied,
as many as came with Peter, be-
caufe that on the Gentiles alfo was
poured out the gift of the Holy
Ghoft. For they heard them fpeak
with tongues, and magnify God.
Then anfwered Peter, Can any
man forbid water, that thefe fliould
not be baptized, which have re-
ceived the Holy Ghoft as well as
we? And he commanded them to
be baptized in the Name of the
Lord. Then prayed they him to
tarry certain days.
The (iofpel. St. John iii. 16. -»
^()D \o loved the world, that
he gave his only-begotten
Son, that whofoever believeth in
him fliould not perifli, but have
everlallino; life. For God fent not
his Son into the world to condemn
the world, but that the world
through him might be faved. He
that believeth on him is not con-
demned : but he that believeth not
is condemned already; becaufe he
hath not believed in the Name
of the only-begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that
light is come into the world, and
men loved darknefs rather than
light, becaufe their deeds were
evil. For eveiy one that doeth evil
hateth the light, neither cometh to
the light, left his deeds fliould be
reproved. But he that doeth truth
cometh to the light, that his deeds
may be made manifeft, that they
are wrought in God.
-..Tucfday (71 Whitfun-week.
•! i ij.iOii a The Colle&.
GD, who as at this time didft
teach the hearts of thy faith-
ful people, by the fending to them
the light of thy Holy Spirit ; Grant
us by the fame Spirit to have a
light judgement in all things, and
evermore to rejoice in his holy
comfort ; through the merits of
Chiift Jefiis our Saviour, who liv-
eth and reigneth with thee, in the
unity of the fame Spirit, one God,
world without end. Amen.
For the Epiftle. A6ls viii. 14.
WHEN the Apoftles, which
were at Jerufalem, heard
that Samaria had received the
word of God, they fent unto them
Peter and John ; who, when they
were come do\vn, prayed for them,
that they might receive the Holy
Glioft : (for as yet he was fallen
upon none of them ; only they
were baptized in the Name of the
Lord Jefus.) Then laid they their
hands on them, and they received
the Holy Ghoft.
The Go/pel. St. John x. 1 .
VERILY, verily I fay unto you,
He that entereth not bv the
door into the flieep-fold, but climb-
eth up fome other way, the fame
is a thief and a robber. But he
that entereth in by the door is the
fliepherd of the iheep : to him the
porter openeth ; and the flieep hear
his voice, and he calleth his own
flieep by name, and leadeth them
out. 7\nd, when he putteth forth
his own flieep, he goeth before
them, and the flieep follow him ;
for they know his voice. And a
ftranger will they not follow ; but
will flee from him ; for they know
not the voice of ftrangers. , 'Hiis
pai-able fpake Jefus unto them : but
they undei-ftood not what things
they were which he fpake unto
them. Then faid Jefus unto them
again; Verily, verily I fay unto
you, I am the door of the flieep.
All that ever came before me are
thieves and robbers ; but the flieep
did not hear them. I am the door;
by me if any man enter in, he fliall
be faved, and fliall go in and out,
and find pafl;ure. The thief cometh
not but for to fl;eal, and to kill,
and to dettroy : I am come that
they might have life, and that they
might have it more abuiidantlyjoicji
TJie ColleBi -jh^ ^-i
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, who hafl; given unto us
thy fervants grace by the confeflTion
of a true faith to acknowledge the
gloiy of the eternal Trhiity, and
in the })ower of the Divine Majefl;y
to worfliip the Unity; We befeech
thee, that thou wouldefl; keep us
ftedfafi; in this faith, and evermore
defend us from all advei-fities, who
livefl; and reigneft;, one God, world
without end. Amen.
For the FpiJHe. Rev. iv. 1.
AFTER this I looked, and be-
hold, a door was opened in
heaven : and the fidl voice M'hich
I heard was as it were of a trum-
pet talking with me; which faid.
Come up hither, and I vAW fliew
thee things which mull be hereaf-
ter. And immediately 1 was in the
TRINJ^J--§ UNmji
Spirit; and behold, a throne was
fet in heaven, and one fat on the
throne : and he that fat was to look
upon like a jafper and a fardine
Hone : and there was a rainbow
round about the throne, in fight
like unto an emerald. And round
about the throne were four and
twenty feats ; and upon the feats
I faw four and twenty elders fit-
ting, clothed in white raiment ; and
they had on their heads crowns
of gold: And out of the throne
proceeded lightnings, and thun-
derings, and voices. And there
were feven lamps of fire burning
before the throne, which are the
feven fpirits of God. And before
the throne there was a fea of glafs
like unto cryllal : and in the midft
of the throne, and round about
the throne, were four beafts full of
eyes before and behind. And the
firft beaft was like a lion, and the
fecond beaft like a calf, and the
third beaft had a face as a man,
and the fourth beaft was like a
flying eagle. And the four beafts
had each of them fix wings about
him ; and they were full of eyes
within : and they reft not day and
night, faying. Holy, holy, holy.
Lord God Almighty, which was,
and is, and is to come. And when
thofe beafts give gloiy, and ho-
nour, and thanks, to him that fat
on the throne, who liveth for ever
and ever, the fom* and twenty eld-
ers fall do\vn before him that fat
on the throne, and worfliip him
that liveth for ever and ever, and
caft their crowns before the throne,
faying. Thou art worthy, O Lord,
to receive gloiy, and honour, and
power ; for thou haft created all
things, and for thy pleafure they,
are and were created.
The Gofpet. St. John iii. 1 .
THERE was a man of the Pha-
rifees, named Nicodemus, a
ruler of the Jews : the fame came
to Jefus by night, and faid unto
him. Rabbi, we know that thou art
a teacher come from God : for no
man can do thefe miracles that
thou doeft, except God be with
him. Jefus anfwered and faid un-
to him. Verily, verily I fay unto
thee. Except a man be born again,
he cannot fee the Kingdom of God.
Nicodemus faith unto him. How
can a man be born when he is old?
can he enter the fecond time into
his mother's womb, and be born?
Jefus anfwered, Verily, verily I
fay unto thee, Except a man be,
bom of water, and of the Spirit,
he cannot enter into the Kingdom
of God. That which is born of
the fleih is flefli ; and that which is
born of the Spirit is fpirit. Mai-vel
not that I faid unto thee, Ye muft
be born again. The wind bloweth
where it lifteth, and thou heareft
the found thereof, but canft not
Tli^JirJi Sunday after Trinity.
Hie Epijile. 1
tell whence it cometli, and whither
it goeth ; fo is eveiy one that is
born of the Spirit. Nicodenius
anfwered and faid unto him, How
can thefe thing-s be? Jefus anfwer-
ed and faid unto him, Art thou a
mafter of Ifrael, and knowell not
thefe tilings? Verily, verily I fay
unto thee. We fpeak that we do
know, and teltify that we have
feen ; and ye receive not our ^\dt-
nefs. If I have told you earthly
things, and ye believe not ; how
fhall ye believe, if I tell you of
heavenly things? And no man hath
afcended up to heaven, but he that
came down from heaven, even the
Son of man, who is in heaven.
And as Mofes lifted up the ferpent
in the wildernefs, even fo muft the
Son of man be lifted up : that who-
foever believeth in him fliould not
perifli, but have eternal life.
Thefirft Sunday after Trinity.
The Colledi.
OGod, the ftrength of all them
that put their tiiill in thee,
mercifully accept our prayers ; and
becaufe through the weaknefs of
our mortal nature we can do no
good thing without thee, grant us
the help of thy grace, that in keep-
ing of thy connnandments we may
pleafe thee, both in will and deed ;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
St. John iv. 7.
let us love one
another : for love is of God,
and every one that loveth is born
of God, and knoweth God. He
that loveth not knoweth not God;
for God is love. In this was ma-
nifelled the love of God towards
us, becaufe that God fent his only-
begotten Son into the world, that
we might live through him. Here-
in is love, not that we loved God,
but that he loved us> and fent his
Son to be the propitiation for our
fins. Beloved, if God fo loved us,
we ought alfo to love one another.
No man hath feen God at any
time. If we love one another, God
dwelleth in us, and his love is per-
fected in us. Hereby know we
that we dwell in him, and he in
us; becaufe he hath given us df
his Spirit. And we have feen, and
do teftify, that the Father fent the
Son to be the Savioiu' of the world.
Whofoever Ihall confefs that Jefus
is the Son of (jod, God dwelleth
in him, and he in God. And we
have known and believed the love
that God hath to us. God is \o\e ;
and he that dwelleth in love dwell-
eth in God, and God in him. Here-
in is our love made j)erfe(it that
we may have boldnefs in the day
of judgement; becaufe as he is, fo
are we in this world. There is no
fear in love ; but perfe(^t love call-
eth out fear ; becaufe fear hath tor-
The fecond Stmday after Trinity.
ment : lie that fearetli is not made
perfect in love. We love him, be-
cauie he fiilt loved us. If a man
fay, I love God, and hateth his
brother, he is a liar: for he that
loveth not his brother, whom he
hath feen, how can he love God,
whom he hath not feen? And this
commandment have we from him,
That he who loveth God love his
brother alfo.
1)9 /oi 9W JfidJ JO
iiThe Go/pel. St. Luke xvi. 19.
THERE was a certain rich
man, which was clothed in
purple, and fine linen, and fared
fumptuoufly eveiy day. And there
was a certain beggar named La-
zarus, which was laid at his gate
full of fores, and defiring to be fed
with the crumbs, which fell from
the rich man's table : moreover,
the dogs came and licked his fores.
And it came to pafs, that the beg-
gar died, and was carried by
the angels into Abraham's bofom.
The rich man alfo died, and was
buried : and in hell he lift up his
eyes being in torments, and feetli
Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in
his bofom. And he cried and faid.
Father Abraham, have mercy on
me, and fend Lazarus, that he
may dip the tip of his finger in
water, and cool my tongue; for I
am tormented in this flame. But
Abraham faid, Son, remember that
thou in thy life-time receivedft thy
good things, and like wife Lazarus
evil things ; but now he is com-
forted, and thou art tormented.
And belides all this, between us
and you there is a great gulf fix-
ed : fo that they who would pafs
from hence to you cannot ; neither
can they pafs to us, that would
come from thence. Then he faid,
I pray thee therefore, father, that
thou wouldeft fend him to my fa-
ther's houfe : for I have five bre-
thren; that he may tefi;ify unto
them, left they alfo come into this
place of torment. Abraham faith
unto him, They have Mofes and
the prophets ; let them hear them.
And he faid, Nay, father Abra-
ham; but if one went unto them
from the dead, they will repent.
And he faid unto him, If they hear
not Mofes and the prophets, nei-
ther will they be perfuaded, though
one rofe from the dead.
The fecond Sunday after Trinity.
The CoUedi.
Lord, who never faileft to
help and govern them whom
thou doll brino- up in thv ftedfaft
fear and love ; Keep us, we befeech
thee, under the protection of thy
good providence, and make us to
have a perpetual fear and love of
thy holy Name ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Aiuen.
Thefecond Sunday after Trinity,
The Epijile. 1 St. John iii. 13.
MARVEL not, my brethren,
if the world hate you. We
know that we have paifed from
death imto Hfe, becaufe we love
the brethren. He that loveth not
his brother abideth in death. Who-
foever hateth his brother is a mur-
derer : and ye know that no mur-
derer hath eternal life abiding in
hun. Hereby perceive we the love
of God, becaufe he laid down his
life for us : and we ought to lay
down our lives for the brethren.
But whofo hath this world's good,
and feeth his brother have need,
and Ihutteth up his bowels of com-
paffion from him; how dwelleth
the love of God in him? My Uttle
children, let us not love in word,
neither in tongue ; but in deed, and
m truth. And hereby we know
that we are of the truth, and Ihall
affure our hearts before him. For
if our heart condemn us, God is
greater than our heart, and know-
eth all things. Beloved, if our
heart condemn us not, then have
we confidence towards God. And
whatfoever we alk, we receive of
him, becaufe we keep his com-
mandments, and do thofe things
that are pleafing in his fight. And
this is his commandment. That we
fliould believe on the Name of his
Son Jefus Chrift, and love one an-
other, as he gave us command-
ment. And he that keepeth his
commandments dwelleth in him,
and he in him: and hereby we
know that he abideth in us, by the
Spirit which he hath given us.
The Go/pel. St. Luke xiv. 16.
A Certain man made a great fup-
per, and bade many; and fent
his fervant at fupper-time to fay
to them that were bidden. Come,
for all things are now ready. And
they all with one confent began to
make excufe. The firft faid unto
him, I have bought a piece of
ground, and I muft needs go and
fee it; I pray thee have me excufed.
And another faid, I have bought
five yoke of oxen, and I go to
prove them; I pray thee have me
excufed. And another faid, I have
married a wife, and therefore I
cannot come. So that fervant
came, and fliewed his lord thefe
things. Then the mafl;er of the
houfe being angry faid to his fer-i
vant. Go out quickly mto the ftreets
and lanes of the city, and bring in
hither the poor, and the maimed,
and the halt, and the blind. And
the feiTant faid. Lord, it is done
as thou hall commanded, and yet
there is room. And the Lord faid
unto the fervant. Go out into the
high-ways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my houfe
may be filled. For I fay unto you.
That none of thofe men which
were bidden ihall talle of my fup-
The third and fourth Sundays after Trinity.
The third Sunday after Trinity.
The Colledi.
OLord, we befeecli thee mer-
cifully to hear us ; and grant
that we, to whom thou haft given
an hearty delire to pray, may by
thy mighty aid be defended and
comforted in all dangers and ad-
verlities; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
The Epijlle. I St. Pet. v. 5.
ALL of you be fubje6l one to
another, and be clothed with
humility : for God refifteth the
proud, and giveth grace to the
humble. Humble yourfelves there-
fore under the mighty hand of
God, that he may exalt you in due
time; cafting all your care upon
him, for he careth for you. Be
fober, be vigilant ; becaufe your
adverfaiy the devil, as a roaring
lion, walketh about feeking whom
he may devour : whom relift fted-
faft in the faith, knoAving that the
fame afflictions are accompliftied
in your brethren that are in the
world. But the God of all grace,
who hath called us into his eter-
nal gloiy by Chrift Jefus, after that
ye have fuflfered a while, make you
perfect, ftablifh, ftrengthen, fettle
you. To him be glory and domi-
Miion for ever and ever. Amen.
The Gofpel. St. Luke xv. L
THEN drew neai' unto him all
the Publicans and linners for
to hear him. And the Pharifees
and Scribes murmured, faying,
This man receiveth fmners, and
eateth with them. And he fpake
this parable unto them, faying,
What man of you having an hun-
dred ftieep, if he lofe one of them,
doth not leave the ninety and nine
in the Avildernefs, and go after that
which is loft, until he find it? And
when he hath found it, he layeth it
on his Ihoulders, rejoicing. And
when he cometh home, he calleth
together his friends and neigh-
bours, faying unto them. Rejoice
with me, for I have found my ilieep
which was loft. I fay unto you,
That likewife joy ftiall be in hea-
ven over one finner that repenteth,
more than over ninety and nine
juft perfons, which need no repent-
ance. Either what woman having
ten pieces of filver, if flie lofe one
piece, doth not light a candle, and
fweep the houfe, and feek diligent-
ly till flie find it? And when ftie
hath found it, flie calleth her
friends and her neighbours toge-
ther, faymg. Rejoice with me, for
1 have found the piece which I
had loft. Likewife, I fay unto you.
There is joy in the prefence of the
angels of God over one finner that
The fourth Sunday after Trinity.
The CoUedi.
OGod, the protestor of all that
truft in thee, without whom
The^th Stimday after Trinity.
not be condemned
notliing is ftrong, nothing is holy;
Increafe and multiply upon us thy
mercy; that, thou being our ruler
and guide, we may fo pafs through
things temporal, that we finally
lofe not the things eternal : Grant
this, O heavenly Father, for Jefus
Chrift's fake our Lord. Amen.
The Epijile. Rom. viii. 18.
I Reckon that the fufferings of
this prefent time are not wor-
thy to be compared with the glory
which iliall be revealed in us. For
the earned expectation of the crea-
ture waiteth for the manifeftation
of the fons of God. For the crea-
ture was made fubjec^t to vanity,
not willingly, but by reafon of him
who hath fubje6led the fame in
hope: becaufe the creature itfelf
alfo fliall be delivered from the
bondage of corruption, into the
glorious liberty of the children of
God. For we know that the whole
creation groaneth, and travaileth
in pain together until now. And
not only they, but ourfelves alfo,
which have the firft-fruits of the
Spirit, even we ourfelves groan
within ourfelves, waiting for the
adoption, to wit, the redemption
of our body.
The Go/pel. St. Luke vi. 36.
BE ye therefore merciful, as
your Father alfo is merciful.
Judge not, and ye fliall not be
judged: condemn not, and ye fliall
forgive, and
ye fliall be forgiven: give, and it
ihall be
meafure, prelfed doAv^n, and fliaken
together, and running over, fliall
men give into your bofom. For
with the fame meafure that ye
mete withal, it fliall be meafured
to you again. And he fpake a pa-
rable unto them. Can the blind
lead the blind? fliall they not both
fall into the ditch? The difciple is
not above his inafter ; liut every
one that is perfect fliall be as his
mafter. And why belioldelt thou
the mote that is in thy brother's
eye, but perceivell not the beam
that is in thine own eye? Either
how canfl; thou fay to thy brother,
Brother, let me pull out the mote
that is in thine eye, when thou
thyfelf beholdefl; not the beam that
is in thine o^vn eye? Thou hypo-
crite, cafi; out lirll the beam out
of thine own eye, and then (halt
thou fee clearly to pull out the
mote that is in thy brother's eye.
-uijq ^_
The fifth Sumlaij after Trinity.
The ColieM.
GRANT, O Lord, we befeech
thee, that the courfe of this
world may be fo peaceably order-
ed by thy governance, that thy
Church may joyfully fcrve thee in
all godly qnietnefs ; through Jefus
Chrifl; our Lord, ylmcn.
Thejixth Sunday after Trinity.
J,, The Epijlle. 1 St. Pet. iii. 8.
BE. ye all of one mind, having
companion one of another,
love as brethren, be pitiful, be
courteous ; not rendering evil for
evil, or railing for railing ; but con-
trariwife blelling ; knowing that
ye are thereunto called, that ye
fliould inherit a blelling. For he
that will love life, and fee good
days, let him refrain his tongue
from evil, and his lips that they
fpeak no guile: let him efchew evil,
and do good ; let him feek peace,
and enfue it. For the eyes of the
Lord are over the righteous, and
his ears are open unto their pray-
ers : but the face of the Lord is
againft them that do evil. And
who is he that will harm you, if
ye be followers of that which is
good? But and if ye fuffer for
righteoufnefs' fake, happy are ye :
and be not afraid of their terror,
neither be troubled; but fan6tify
the Lord God in your hearts.
The Go/pel. St. Luke v. 1 .
T came to pafs, that as the peo-
])le })reired upon him to lieai*
the Word of God, he flood by the
lake of Gennefareth, and law two
fliips Handing by the lake ; but the
lilliermen were gone out of them,
and were waQiing their nets. And
he entered into one of the fliips,
which was Simon's, and prayed
him that he would thruH out a lit-
tle from the land : and he fat down,
and taught the jjeople out of the
lliip. Now when he had left fpeak-|
ing, he faid unto Simon, Launch
out into the deep, and let down
your nets for a draught. And Si-
mon anfwering faid unto him, Ma-
iler, we have toiled all the nighty
and have taken nothing; never-
thelefs, at thy word 1 will let down
the net. And when they had this
done, they inclofed a great multi-
tude of fillies, and their net brake.
And they beckoned unto their part-
ners which were in the other lliip,
that they fhould come and help
them. And they came, and filled
both the fhips, fo that they began
to fink. When Simon Peter faw
it, he fell down at Jefus' knees,
faying, Depart from me, for I am
a finful man, O Lord. For he was
afloniflied, and all that ^vere with
him, at the draught of the fifhes
which they had taken ; and fo was
alfo James, and John, the fons of
Zebedee, which were partners with
Simon. And Jefus faid unto Si-
mon, Fear not, from henceforth
thou flialt catch men. And when
they had brought their fliips to
land, they forfook all, and follow-
ed him.
The fixth Sunday after Trinity.
The CoUeSL
OGod, who haft prepai*ed for
them that love thee fuch good
things as pafs man's underftand-
Thefeventh Sunday after Trinity.
ing ; Pour into our hearts fuch love
toward thee, that we, loving thee
above all things, may obtain thy
promifes, which exceed all that we
can defire ; through Jefus X^hrift
our Lord. Amen. 'A ^'^^
The Epijile. Rom. vi. 3.
KNOW ye not, that fo many
of us as were baptized into
Jefus Chrift were baptized into his
death? Therefore we are buried
with him by baptifm into death;
that like as Chrift was raifed up
from the dead by the glory of the
Father, even fo we alfo Ihould walk
in newnefs of life. For if we have
been planted together in the like-
nefs of his death, we Ihall be alfo
ui the hkenefs of his refurredlion :
knowing this, that our old man is
fcrueified with him, that the body of
fin might be deftroyed, that hence-
f o rt h we ifaouM not ferve fin. For
he that is dead is freed from fin.
Now if we be dead with C iu-ift, we
believe that we fliall alfo live with
him ; knowing that Chrift being
raifed from the dead dietli no more;
death hath no more dominion over
him. For in that he died, he died
imto fin once ; but in that he liv-
eth, he liveth unto Ciod. Like^vife
reckon ye alfo yourfelves to be dead
indeed unto fin, but alive unto God
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
The Go/pel. St. Matth. v. 20.
JKSUS faid unto his difciples,
Kxcept yoiu* righteoufnefs Ihall
exceed the righteoufnefs of the
Scribes and Pharifees, ye fhall in
no cafe enter into the Kingdom of
heaven. Ye have heard that it
was faid by them of old time, Thou
flialt not kill : and whofoever ftiall
kill, fliall be in danger of the judge-
ment. But I fay unto you, that
whofoever is angiy with his bro-
ther without a caufe fliall be in
danger of the judgement : and
whofoever fliall fay to his brother,
Raca, fliall be m danger of the
council: but whofoever fliall fay.
Thou fool, fliall be in danger of
hell-fire. Therefore if thou bring
thy gift to the altar, and there
remembereft that thy brother hath
ought againft thee ; leave there thy
gift before the altar, and go thy
way, fiHl be reconciled to thy bro-
ther, and then come and offer thy
gift. Agree with thine adverfaiy
quickly, whiles thou art in the way
with him; left at any time the ad-
verfaiy deliver thee to the judge,
and the judge deliver thee to the
officer, and thou be call into pri-
fon. Verily I fay unto thee. Thou
flialt by no means come out thence,
till thou haft paid the uttermoft
farthing. j j
. — J
Thefeventh Sunday after Trmii^
The Collek. - -
LORD of all power and might,
who art the author and giver
of all good tilings ; Graft in our
The eighth Sunday after Trinitif,
hearts the love of thy Name, in-
creafe in us true rehgion, nourifli
us with all goochiefs, and of thy
great mercy keep us in the fame ;
through Jefus Chrift ^.ur.-Lord.
Amen. ;....- -.AA i(ju j.
The Epijile. Rbni. M. ' Is^.^'^
I Speak after the manner of men,
becaufe of the infirmity of your
flefli : for as ye have yielded your
members fervants to uncleannefs,
and to iniquity, unto iniquity; even
fo' now yield your members fer-
vants to rig-hteoufnefs, unto lioli-
nefs. ror when ye were the fer-
vants of fin, ye were free from
righteoufnefs. Wliat fruit had ye
then in thofe things whereof ye
are now afhamed? for the end of
thofe things is death. But now
being made free from fin, and be-
come fervants to God, ye have
your fruit imto holinefs, and the
end everlafl;ing life. For the wages
of fin is death : but the gift of
God is eternal life, through Jefus
Chrift our Lord.
> The GofpeL St. Mai*k viii. 1.
IN thofe days the multitude be-
ing very great, and having no-
thing to eat, Jefus called his dif-
ciples unto him, and faith unto
them, I have compaflion on the
multitude, becaufe they have now
bfeen with me three days, and have
nothing to eat: and if I fend them
away fafting to their OAvn houfes.
they will faint by the way; for di-
vers of them came from far. And
his difciples ^nfwered him. From
whence can a man fatisfy thefe
men with bread here in the wil-
dernefs? And he aflied them. How
many loaves have ye? And they
faid, Seven. And he commanded
the people to fit down on the
ground. And he took the feven
loaves, and gave thanks, and brake,
and gave to his difciples to fet be-
fore them; and they did fet them
before the people. And they had
a few finall fifties ; and he blefled,
and commanded to fet them alfo
before them. So they did eat, and
were filled: and they took up of
the broken meat that was left feven
balkets. And they that had eaten
were about four thoufand. And
he fent them away.
The eighth Sunday after Trinity.-.
The Colledl.
OGod, whofe never-failing pro-
vidence ordereth all things
heaven and earth
humbly befeech thee to put away
from us all hurtful things, and to
give us thofe things which be pro-
fitable for us ; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen.
The Epijile. Rom. viii. 12.
BRETHREN, we are debtors,
not to the flefti, to live after
the flefh. For if ye live after the
TMiikmSwid^'}^^ m-vrMy.
flefli, ye fliall die; but if ye through
the Spirit do mortify the deeds of
the body, ye ftiall hve. For as
mauy as are led by the Spirit of
God, they are the fous of God.
For ye have not received the fpirit
of bondage again to fear ; but ye
have received the fpu'it of adop-
tion, whereby we ciy, Abba, Fa-
ther. The Spirit itfelf beareth wit-
nefs with our fpirit, that we are the
children of God: and if children,
then heirs ; heirs of God, and joint-
heirs with Chrifl : if fo be that we
fuffer with him, that we may be
alfo glorified together.
The G of pel. St. Matth. vii. 15.
BEWARE of falfe prophets,
which come to you in flieep's
clothing, but iuAvardly they are
ravening wolves. Ye lliall know
them by their fruits : do men ga-
grapes of thorns, or figs of
Even fo every good tree
brino^eth forth jjood fruit; but a
tree cannot bring
fortli evil fruit; neither can a cor-
rupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Eveiy tree that bringeth not forth
good fiiiit is hewn down, and call
into the fire. Wherefore by their
fruits ye fliall know them. Not
evciy one that faith unto me, Lord,
Lord, fliall enter into the King-
dom of heaven ; but he that doeth
the will of my Father which is in
corrupt tree bringeth forth
fruit. A ffood
anv thing
The ninth Sunday after Trinity.
Tlie Collea.
GRANT to us. Lord, we be-
feech thee, the fpivit to think
and do always fuch things as be
that we, who cannot do
that is good without
thee, may by thee be enabled to
live according to thy will; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
The Epijfle. 1 Cor. x. L
BRETHREN, I would not that
ye fliould be ignorant, how
that all our fathers were under the
cloud, and all pafled through the
fea; and were all baptized unto
Mofes in the cloud, and in the fea ;
and did all eat the fame fpiritual
meat, and did all drink the fame
fpiritual drink : (for they drank of
that fpiritual Rock that followed
them ; and that Rock was Chrift.)
But with many of them God w^as
not well pleafed ; for they were
overthrown in thewildernefs. Now
thefe things were our examples,
to the intent we fliould not lull; af-
ter evil thinijs, as thev alio lulled.
Neither be ye idolaters, as were
fome of them ; as it is written, The
people fat down to eat and drink,
and rofe up to play. Neither let
us commit fornication, as fome of
them committed, and fell in one
(lav three and twentv thouilmd.
Neither let us tem])t Chrift, as
fome of them alfo tempted, and
were deftroyed of ferpcnts. Nei-
The tenth i^iuiiL
tlier murmur ye, as fome of them
alio murmured, and were deftroy-
ed of the dellroyer. Now all thefe
things happened unto them for
enfam])les : and they are written
for our admonition, upon whom
the ends of the world are come.
Wherefore let him that thinketh
he ftandeth take h^ed left he fall.
There • hath no temptation taken
you, but fuch as is common to
man : but God is faithful, who will
not fuffer you to be tempted above
that ye are able; but will with the
temptation alfo make a way to
efcape, that ye may be able to
bear it.
The Go/pel. St. Luke xvi. 1.
JESUS faid vmto his difciples.
There was a certain rich man
which had a fteward ; and the fame
was accufed unto him that he had
wafted his goods. And he called
him, and faid unto him, How is it
that I hear this of thee? Give an
accomit of thy ftewardfliip; for
thou may eft be no longer fteward.
Then the fteward faid within him-
felf, What ihall I do? for my lord
taketh away from me the fteward-
fliip : I cannot dig, to beg I am
aftiamed. I am refolved what to
do, that, when I am put out of the
ftewardfliip, they may receive me
into their houfes. So he called
every one of his lord's debtors unto
him, and faid unto the firft, How
much oweft thou unto my lord?
after Triiiity.
And he faid, An hundred meafures
of oil. And he faid unto him. Take
thy bill, and fit down cjuickly, and
write fifty. Then faid he to an-
other, And how much oweft thou?
And he faid, An hundred meafures
of wheat. And he faid unto him.
Take thy bill, and wi'ite fourfcore.
And the lord commended the un-
juft fteward, becaufe he had done
wifely: for the children of this world
are in their generation wifer than
the children of light. And 1 fay un-
to you, Make to yourfelves friends
of the mammon of unrighteoufnefs;
that when ye fail, they may receive
you into everlafting habitations..
The tenth Sunday after Trinity.
The ColleSi.
LET thy merciful ears, O Lord,
be open to the prayers of thy
humble fervants ; and that they
may obtain their petitions make
them to afli fuch things as fliaU
pleafe thee ; through Jefus Clirift
our Lord. Amen.
Tlie Epijile. 1 Cor. xii. L
CONCERNING fpiritual gifts,
brethren, I would not have
you ignorant. Ye know that ye
were Gentiles, carried away unto
thefe dumb idols, even as ye were
led. Wherefore I give you to un-
derftand, that no man fpeaking by
the Spirit of God calleth Jefus ac-
curfed ; and that no man can fay
that Jefus is the Lord, but by the
The eleventh Sunday after Trinity.
Holy Glioft. Now there are diver-
fities of gifts, but the fame Sph'it.
And there are differences of ad-
miniftrations, but the fame Lord.
And there are diverfities of opera-
tions, but it is the fame God, who
worketh all in all. But the mani-
feftation of the Spirit is given to
eveiy man to profit withal. For to
one is given by the Spirit the word
of wifdom ; to another the word of
knowledge by the fame Spirit; to
another faith by the fame Spirit ;
to another the gifts of healing by
the fame Spirit; to another the
working of mii'acles; to another
prophecy; to another difcerning
of fpu-its ; to another divers kinds
of tongues ; to another the inter-
pretation of tongues. But all thefe
worketh that one and the felfsame
Spirit, dividing to eveiy man feve-
rally as he will.
The Go/pel. St. Luke xix. 41.
AND when he was come near,
he beheld the city, and wept
over it, faying. If thou hadft known,
even thou, at leaft in this thy day,
the things which belong unto thy
peace! but now they are hid from
thine eyes. For the days fliall come
upon thee, that thine enemies fliall
call a trench about thee, and com-
pafs thee round, and keep thee in
on eveiy fide, and fliall lay thee
even with the ground, and thy chil-
dren within thee ; and they fliall
not leave m thee one Hone upon
anocher ; becaufe thou kneweft not
the time of thy vifitation. And he
went into the temple, and began
to call out them that fold therein,
and them that bought, faying unto
them. It is written, My lioufe is
the lioufe of prayer : but ye have
made it a den of thieves. And he
taught daily in the temple.
The eleventh Sunday after Trinity.
The ColleSi.
OGod, who declareft thy al-
mighty power moft chiefly in
fliewing mercy and pity; ]\Ierci-
fully grant unto us fucli a meafure
of thy grace, that we, running the
way of tliy commandments, may
obtain thy gracious promifes, and
be made partakers of thy heavenly
treafure; through Jefus Chrill our
Lord. Amen.
The Epijile. 1 Cor. xv. 1.
BRETHREN, I declare unto
you the Gofpel which I preach-
ed unto you, which alfo ye have
received, and wherein ye (land : by
which alfo ye are faved, if ye keep
in memoiy what I preached unto
you, unlefs ye have believed in
vain. For I delivered unto you
firft of all, that which I alfo receiv-
ed, how that Clirifi; died for our
fins, according to the Scri])tures ;
and that he was buried ; and that
he rofe again the third day, accord-
ing to the Scriptures ; and that he
was feen of Cephas, then of the
The twelfth Sunday after Trinity,
twelve : after that, lie was feen of
above five hundred brethren at
once ; of whom the greater part
remain unto this prefent; but fome
are fallen afleep : after that, he was
feen of James ; then of all the
Apoftles : and laft of all, he was
feen of me alfo, as of one born out
of due time. For I am the leaft
of the Apoftles, that am not meet
to be called an Apoftle, becaufe
I perfecuted the Church of God.
But by the grace of God I am
what I am : and his grace which
was beftowed upon me was not in
vain ; but I laboured more abun-
dantly than they all ; yet not I,
but the grace of God which was
with me. Therefore whether it
were I or they, fo we preach, and
fo ye believed.
The Go/pel. St. Luke xviii. 9.
JESUS fpake this parable unto
certain which trufted in them-
felves that they were righteous,
and defpifed others : Two men
went up into the temple to pray ;
the one a Pharifee, and the other
a Publican. The Pharifee ftood
and prayed thus with himfelf, God,
I thank thee, that I am not as o-
ther men are, extortioners, unjuft,
adulterers, or even as this Pub-
lican : I faft twice in the week, I
give tithes of all that I poffefs.
And the Publican, ftanding afar
off, would not lift up fo much as
his eyes unto heaven, but fmote
upon his breaft, faying, God bfc
merciful to me a finner. I tell you,
this man went down to his houfe
juftified rather than the other : for
every one that exalteth himfelf fhall
be abafed ; and he that humbleth
himfelf fliall be exalted.
The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.
The Colledi.
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, who art always more
ready to hear than we to pray, and
art wont to give more than either
we defire, or deferve ; Pour down
upon us. the abvmdance of thy mer-
cy; forgiving us thofe things where-
of our confcience is afraid, and
giving us thofe good things which
we are not worthy to alk, but
through the merits and mediation
of Jefus Chrift, thy Son, our Lord.
The Epijlle. 2 Cor. iii. 4.
SUCH truft have we through
Chrift to God- ward : not that
we are fufficient of ourfelves to
think any thing as of ourfelves ;
but our fufficiency is of God. Who
alfo hath made us able minifters
of the New Teftament ; not of the
letter, but of the Spirit : for the
letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth
life. But if the miniftration of death
written and engraven m ftones
was glorious, fo that the children
of Ifrael could not ftedfaftly behold
the face of Mofes for the gloiy of
The iMrteenth Sunday after Trinity.
Ms countenance, which glory was
to be done away ; how (hall not
the miniftration of the Spirit be
rather glorious? For if the minif-
tration of condemnation be glory,
much more doth the miniftration
of righteoufnefs exceed in glory.
T^e Go/pel. St. Mark vii. 31.
JESUS, departing from the coafts
of Tyre and Sidon, came unto
the fea of Galilee, through the
midft of the coafts of Decapohs.
And they bring unto him one that
was deaf, and had an impediment
in his fpeech ; and they befeech
him to put his hand upon him. And
he took him afide from the mul-
titude, and put his fingers into his
ears, and he fpit, and touched his
tdngue; and looking up to hea-
ven, he fighed, and faith unto him,
tEphj)hatha, that is, Be opened.
^And ftraightway his ears were o-
pened, and the ftring of his tongue
was loofed, and he fpake plain. And
he charged them that they ftiould
tell no man : but the more he
charged them, fo much the more
a great deal they publiflied it ; and
were beyond meafure aftonillied,
faying, He hath done all things
well ; he maketh both the deaf to
hear, and the dumb to fpeak.
TJie thirteenth Sunday aftei' Trinity.
TJie Colka.
ALMIGHTY and merciful God,
- of whofe only gift it cometh
that thy faithful people do unto thee
true and laudable fervice ; Grant,
we befeech thee, that we may fo
faithfully fei-ve thee in this life, that
we fail not finally to attain thy hea-
venly promifes ; through the merits
of Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
The Epiflle. Gal. iii. 16.
TO Abraham and his feed were
the promifes made. He faith
not, And to feeds, as of many; but
as of one ; And to thy feed, which
is Chrift. And this I fay, That the
covenant that was confinned be-
fore of God in Chrift, the Law,
which was four hundred and thirty
years after, cannot difannul, that
it Ihould make the promife of none
effedl. For if the inheritance be of
the Law, it is no more of promife;
but God gave it to Abraham by
promife. Wherefore then ferveth
the Law? It was added becaufe of
tranfgreflions, till the feed fliould
come, to whom the promife was
made ; and it was ordained by
angels in the hand of a mediator.
Now a mediator is not a mediator
of one ; • but God is one. Is the
Law then againft the promifes of
God? God forbid : for if there
had been a law given which could
have given life, verily righteoufnefs
ftiould have been by the Law. But
the Scripture hath concluded all
under fin, that the promife by faith
of Jefus Chrift might be given to
them that believe. . c
The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.
e The Go/pel. St. Luke x. 23.
BLESSED are the eyes which
fee the things that ye fee. For
I tell you, That many prophets
and kings have defired to fee thofe
things which ye fee, and have not
feen thein; and to hear thofe things
which ye hear, and have not heard
them. And behold, a certain Law-
yer ftood up, and tempted him,
faying, Matter, what (hall I do to
inherit eternal hfe? He faid unto
him, What is written in the Law?
how readeft thou? And he anfwer-
ing faid, Thou (halt love the Lord
thy God with all thy heart, and
with all thy foul, and with all thy
ftrength, and ^vith all thy mind;
and thy neighbour as thyfelf. And
he faid unto him, Thou haft an-
fwered right; this do, and thou
ftialt live. But he, willing to juftify
himfelf, faid mito Jefus, And who
is my neighbour? And Jefus an-
fwering faid, A certain man went
down from Jerufalem to Jeri-
cho, and fell among thieves, which
ftripped him of his raiment, and
wounded him, and departed, leav-
ing him half dead. And by chance
there came down a certain Prieft
that way, and, when he faw him, he
pafled by on the other lide. And
likewife a Levite, when he was at
the place, came and looked on
him, and paffed by on the other
fide. But a certain Samaritan, as
he journeyed, came where he was ;
and, when he faw him, he had
compaffion on him, and went to
him, and bound uj) his wounds,
pouring in oil and wine, and fet
him on his own beaft, and brought
him to an inn, and took care of
him. And on the morrow, when he
departed, he took out two pence,
and gave them to the hoft, and faid
unto him. Take care of him; and
whatfoever thou fpendeft more,
when I come again, I will repay
thee. Which now of thefe three,
thinkeft thou, was neighbour unto
him that fell among the thieves ?
And he faid, He that Ihewed mer-
cy on him. Then faid Jefus unto
him. Go, and do thou likewife.
Tlie fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.
TJie Colledi.
ALMIGHTY and everiafting
God, give unto us the increafe
of faith, hope, and charity ; and,
that we may obtain that which thou
doft promife, make us to love that
which thou doft command; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
m& The Epijlle. Gal. v. 16.
ISay then. Walk in the Spmt,
and ye (hall not fulfil the luft
of the flefh. For the fleOi lufteth
againft the Spirit, and the Spiiit
againft the flefli ; and thefe are
contrary the one to the other ; fo
that ye' cannot do the things that
ye would. But if ye be led by the
Spirit, ye are not mider the law.
The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.
Now the works of the flefti are
manifeft, which are thefe, adulteiy,
fornication, iincleamiefs, lafcivioid*-
nefs, idolatiy, ^vitclicraft, hatred,
vaiiance, emulations, wrath, ftrife,
feditions, herefies, envj^ings, mur-
ders, dnmkennefs, reveUings, and
fuch Hke : of the which I tell you
before, as I have alfo told you in
tune pall, That they who do fuch
things fliall not inherit the king-
dom of God. But the fruit of the
Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-fuf-
fering, gentlenefs, goodnefs, faith,
meeknefs, temperance: againftfuch
there is no law. And they that are
Chrift's have crucified the flelh,
with the affections and lulls.
The Go/pel. St. Luke xvii. 1 1 .
AND it came to pafs, as Jefus
went to Jenifalem, that he
pafTed through the midfl of Sama-
ria, and Galilee. And as he enter-
ed into a certain village, there met
him ten men that were lepers,
which Hood afar off And they
lifted up their voices, and faid, Je-
fus, Mafler, have mercy on us.
And when he faw them, he faid
unto them, Go, Ihew yourfelves
imto the pi-iells. And it came to
pafs, that, as they went, they were
cleanfed. And one of them, when
he faw that he was healed, turned
back, and with a loud voice glori-
fied God, and fell down on his face
at his feet, giving him thanks ; and
he was a Samaritan. And Jefus
anfwering faid. Were there not ten
cleanfed? but where are the nine?
There are not found that return-
ed to give glory to God, fave this
ftranger. And he faid unto him,
Arife, go thy way, thy faith hath
made thee whole.
The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity,
The Colledl.
KEEP, we befeech thee, O
Lord, thy Church with thy
perpetual mercy: and, becaufe the
fi'aiity of man without thee cannot
but fall, keep us ever by thy help
fi'om all things hurtful, and lead
us to all things profitable to om*
falvation; through Jefus Chrifl our
Lord. Amen.
The Epijile. Gal. vi. 1 L
E fee how large a letter I have
written unto you with mine
own hand. As many as defire to
make a fau* fliew in the fiefh, they
conllrain you to be circumcifed ;
only left they fliould fuffer perfecu-
tion for the crofs of Chrill. For
neither they themfelves who are
circumcifed keep the law; but de-
fire to have you circiuncifed, that
they may glory in your flefli. But
God forbid that 1 fliould gloiy,
fave in the crofs of our Lord Jefus
Chriil, by whom the world is cru-
cified unto me, and 1 unto the
world. For in Chrift Jefus neither
circumcifion availeth any thing, nor
uucircumcifion, but a new creature.
Tlw fifteenth Sunday after Trimty.
And as many as walk according to
this rule, peace be on them, and
mercy, and upon the Ifrael of God.
From henceforth let no man trou-
ble me ; for I bear in my body the
marks of the Lord Jefus. Bre-
thren, the grace of our Lord Jefus
Chrift be with your fpirit. Amen.
The Go/pel St. Matth. vi. 24.
NO man can ferve two maf-
ters: for either he will hate
the one, and love the other ; or elfe
he, will hold to the one, and defpife
the other. Ye cannot feiTe God
and Mammon. Therefore I fay un-
to you, Take no thought for your
life, what ye Ihall eat, or what ye
fliall drink ; nor yet for your body,
what ye fliall put on : Is not the
life more than meat, and the body
than raiment? Behold the fowls of
the air ; for they fow not, neither
do they reap, nor gather into barns;
yet your heavenly Father feed-
eth them. Are ye not much better
than they? Which of you by taking
thought can add one cubit unto his
ftature? And why take ye thought
for raiment? Confider the lilies of
the field how they grow : they toil
not, neither do they fpin : and yet
I fey unto you. That even Solo-
mon in all his glory was not ar-
rayed like one of thefe. Where-
fore, if God fo clothe the grafs of
the field, which to-day is, and to-
morrow is call into the oven; fliall
he not much more clothe you, O
ye of little faith? Therefore tak^
no thought, faying, What fliall we
eat? or what fliall we drink? or
wherewithal fliall we be clothed?
(for after all thefe things do the
Gentiles feek:) for your heavenly
Father knoweth that ye have need
of all thefe things. But feek ye firft
the kingdom of God, and his righ-
teoufnefs, and all thefe things Ihall
be added unto you. Take therefore
no thought for the morrow; for the
morrow fliall take thought for the
things of itfelf : fufficient unto the
day is the evil thereof.
The Jiocteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Colledi.
OLord, we befeech thee, let
thy continual pity cleanfe and
defend thy Church ; and, becaufe
it cannot continue in fafety without^
thy fuccour, prefei've it evermore '
by thy help and goodnefs ; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
TJie Epijile. Ephef. iii. 13.
IDefire that ye faint not at my
tribidations for you, which is »'
your gloiy. For this caufe I bow
my knees unto the Father of our
Lord Jefus Chiift, of whom the
whole family in heaven and earth
is named, that he would grant you,
according to the riches of his gloiy,
to be ftrengthened with might by
his Spu'it in the inner man ; that
Chrift may dwell in your hearts by
faith; that ye, being rooted and
Tiiefi^eM§M'>^^m§ii/')0er Trinity.
grounded in love, may be able to
comprehend with all faints, what
is the breadth, and length, and
depth, and height; and to know
the love of Clu'ift, which paffeth
knowledge, that ye might be filled
with all the fulnefs of God. Now
mito him that is able to do exceed-
ing abundantly above all that we
alk or think, according to the pow-
er that worketh in us, unto him
be glory in the Church by Chrift
Jefus, throughout all ages, world
without end. Amen.
J7ie Go/pel. St. Luke vii. 1 1 .
AND it came to pafs the day
after, that Jefus went into a
city called Naim ; and many of his
difciples went with him, and much
people. Now when he came nigh
to the gate of the city, behold, there
was a dead man carried out, the
only fon of his mother, and Ihe
was a widow ; and much people of
the city was with her. And when
the Lord faw her, he had com-
paffion on her, and faid unto her,
** Weep not. And he came and
touched the bier, (and they that
bare him flood ftill,) and he faid.
Young man, I fay unto thee, Arife.
And he that was dead fat up, and
began to fpeak : and he delivered
him to his mother. And there came
a fear on all, and they glorified
God, faying, That a great Prophet
is rifen up among us, and that God
hath vifited his people. And this
nimour of him went forth through-
out all Judaea, and throughout all
the region round about.
Tliefeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Colle8l.
LORD, we pray thee that thy
grace may always prevent and
follow us, and make us continu-
ally to be given to all good works ;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
Amen. ^' ""^""
The Epiflle. Ephef iv. L •
1 Therefore the prifoner of the
Lord befeech you, that ye walk
worthy of the vocation wheremth
ye ai'e called, vrith all lowlinefs
and meeknefs, with long-fuffering,
forbearing one another in love;
endeavouring to keep the unity of
the fpirit in the bond of peace.
There is one body, and one Spi-
rit, even as ye are called in one
hope of your calling ; one Lord,
one faith, one baptifm, one God and
Father of all, who is above all, and
through all, and in you all.
The Go/pel. St. Luke xiv. 1.
IT came to pafs, as Jefus went
into the lioufe of one of the
chief Pharifees to eat bread on the
fabbath-day, that they watched
him. And behold, there was a
certain man before him which had
the dropfy. And Jefus anfwering
fpake unto the La^vyers and Pha-
rifees, faying, Is it lawful to heal
on the fabbath-day? And they held
Tlie eighteenth Sunday after,. ^.rinity.
only God; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
The Epijlle. 1 Cor. i. 4.
their peace. And he took him, and
healed him, and let him go ; and
anfwered them, faying, Winch of
you Ihall have an afs, or an ox, fall-
en into a pit, and will not flraight-
way pull him out on the fabbath-
day? And they could not anfwer
him again to thefe things. And he
put forth a parable to thofe which
were bidden, when he marked how
they chofe out the chief rooms,
faying unto them. When thou art
bidden of any man to a wedding,
fit not do\vn in the higheft room;
left a more honourable man than
thou be bidden of him; and he
that bade thee and him come and
fay to thee, Give this man place ;
and thou begin with fliame to take
the loweft room. But when thou
art bidden, go and fit down in the
loweft room ; that, when he that
bade thee cometh, he may fay
unto thee. Friend, go up higher:
then Ihalt thou have worlhip in the
prefence of them that fit at meat
with thee. For whofoever exalte th
himfelf Ihall be abafed; and he
that humbleth himfelf Ihall be ex-
The eighteenth Sunday after Trinitif.
ij r> The CoUedi.
fX ORD, we befeech thee, grant
J-i thy people grace to withlland
the temptations of the world, the
flefli, and the devil, and mth pure
hearts and minds to follow thee the
I Thank my God always on your
behalf, for the grace of God
which is given you by Jefus Chrift ;
that in every thing ye are enriched
by him, in all utterance, and in all
knowledge; even as the teftimony
of Chrift was confirmed in you ; fo
that ye come behind in no gift;
waiting for the coming of our Lord
Jefus Chrift, who ftiall alfo confirm
you unto the end, that ye may be
blamelefs in the day of our Lord
Jefus Chrift.
The Go/pel. St. Matth. xxii. 34.
WHEN the Pharifees had
heard that Jefus had put
the Sadducees to filence, they were
gathered together. Then one of
them, who was a Lawyer, alked
him a queftion, tempting hun, and
faying, Mafter, which is the great
commandment in the Law? Jefus
faid unto him. Thou flialt love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy foul, and with all
thy mind. This is the firft and
great commandment. And the fe-
cond is like unto it, Thou Ihait
love thy neighbour as thyfelf On
thefe two commandments hang all
the Law and the Prophets. While
the Pharifees were gathered to-
gether, Jefus aflied them, faying.
What think ye of Chrift? whofe
fpn is^j^t^? They fay ijiitp hiin, The
The 'nineteenth Sunday after Trinity,
foil of David. He faith unto them,
How then doth David in fpirit call
him Lord, faying, The Lord faid
imto my Lord, Sit thou on my
right hand, till I make thine ene-
mies thy foot-ftool? If David then
call him Lord, how is he his Son?
And no man was able to anfwer
him a word ; neither dui*ft any man
from that day forth alk him any
more queftions.
The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.
The Colledi.
OGod, forafmuch as without
thee we are not able to pleafe
thee; Mercifully grant, that thy
Holy Spirit may in all things direct
and rule our hearts ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
The Ejnjlle. Ephef iv. 17-
THIS I fay therefore, and tefti-
fy in the Lord, that ye hence-
forth walk not as other Gentiles
walk, in the vanity of their mind ;
having the underilanding darken-
ed, being alienated from the life of
God through the ignorance that is
in them, becaufe of the blindnefs
of their heart : who, being pall
feeling, have given themfelves over
unto lafcivioufnefs, to work all un-
cleannefs with greedinefs. But ye
have not fo learned Chrift ; if fo be
that ye have heard him, and have
l>een taught by him, as the truth
is in Jefus : that ye put oft", con-
cerning the former converfation.
the old man, which is corrupt ac-
cording to the deceitful lufts ; and
be renewed in the fpirit of your
mind ; and that ye put on the new
man, which after God is created
in righteoufnefs and true holinefs.
Wherefore, putting away lying,
fpeak every man truth with his
neighbour : for we are members
one of another. Be ye angry and
fin not : let not the fun go do^vn
upon your wrath : neither give
place to the devil. Let hun that
ftole fteal no more ; but rather let
him labour, working with his hands
the thing which is good, that he
may have to give to him that need-
eth. Let no corrupt communica-
tion proceed out of your mouth,
but that which is good to the ufe
of edifying, that it may minifter
grace unto the hearers. And grieve
not the Holy Spirit of God, where-
by ye are fealed unto the day of re-
demption. Let all bitternefs, and
^vi'ath, and anger, and clamour,
and evil-fpeaking, be put away
from you, with all malice. And be
ye kind one to another, tender-
hearted, forgiving one another,
even as God for Chrift's fake hath
forgiven you.
The Go/pel. St. Matth. ix. 1.
JESUS entered into a Ihip, and
paifed over, and came into
his own city. And behold, they
brought to him a man fick of the
palfy, lying on a bed. And Jefus,
The twentieth Sun
feeinjr their faith, faid unto the
fick of the palfy, Son, be of ^oocl
cheer, thy lins be forgiven thee.
And behold, certain of the fcribes
faid Avithin themfelves, Tiiis man
blafphemeth. And Jefiis, knowing
tlieir thouMits, faid, Wherefore
think ye evil in your hearts r* 1^ or
whether is ealier to fay, Thy lins
be forgiven thee? or to fay, Arife,
and walk? But that ye may know
that the Son of man hath power
on earth to forgive lins, (then faith
he to the lick of the palfy,) Arife,
take up thy bed, and go unto thine
houfe. And he arofe, and departed
to his houfe. But when the multi-
tude faw it, they marvelled, and
glorified God, who had given fuch
power unto men.
The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.
The Colle6i.
O Almighty and moll merciful
God, of thy bountiful good-
nefs keep us, we befeech thee, from
all things that may hurt us ; that
we, being ready both in body and
foul, may cheerfully accomplifli
thofe things that thou wouldeft
have done ; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen.
The Epijile. Ephef. v. 15.
SEE then that ye walk circum-
fpe(5lly, not as fools, but as
wife, redeeming the time, becaufe
the days are evil. Wherefore be
ye not unwife, but underftanding
day after Trinity.
what the will of the Lord is. And
be not drunk with wine, wherein
is excefs ; but be filled with the
Spirit ; fpeaking to youri'elves in
pfalms, and hymns, and fpiritual
fongs ; finging and making melody
in your heart to the Lord ; giving
thanks always for all things unto
God and the Father, in the Name
of our Lord .Jefus Chrift; fubmit-
ting yourfelves one to another in
the fear of God.
The Go/pel. St. Matth. xxii. L
JESUS faid. The Kingdom of
heaven is like unto a certain
king, who made a marriage for
his fon ; and fent forth his fervants
to call them that were bidden to
the wedding ; and they would not
come. Again, he fent forth other
fervants, faying. Tell them which
are bidden. Behold, I have pre-
pared my dinner ; my oxen and my
fatlings are killed, and all things
are ready; come unto the maniage.
But they made light of it, and went
their ways, one to his farm, an-
other to his merchandife : and the
remnant took his fervants, and en-
treated them fpitefully, and flew
them. But when the king heard
thereof, he was wi-otli ; and he fent
forth his armies, and deftroyed
thofe murderers, and burnt up
their city. Then faith he to his
fei-vants. The wedding is ready,
but they who were bidden were
not worthy. Go ye therefore into
The one and twentieth
the high-ways, and as many as ye
fhall find bid to the marriage. So
thofe feiTants went out into the
high-ways, and gathered together
all, as many as they found, both
bad and good ; and the wedding-
was fxu-nilhed \\\i\\ guefts. And
when the king came in to fee the
guefts, he faw there a man which
had not on a wedding-garment.
And he faith unto him, Friend,
how cameft thou in hither, not hav-
ing a wedding-garment? And he
was fpeechlefs. Then faid the king
to the fenants. Bind him hand
and foot, and take him away, and
caft him into outer darknefs : there
fhall be weeping and gnalhing of
teeth. For many are called, but
few are chofen.
The one and twentieth Sunday after
The Colleel.
GRANT, we befeecli thee, mer-
ciful Lord, to thy faithful peo-
ple pardon and peace, that they
may be cleanfed from all their fins,
and {qyw^ thee with a quiet mind;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
The Epijlle. Ephef. vi. 10.
MY brethren, be ftrong in the
Lord, and in the power of
his might. Put on the whole ar-
mour of God, that ye may be able
to ftand againft the ^vilcs of the
devil. For we wreftle not affainll
^ I
Sunday after Trinity.
flefli and blood, but againft princi-
palities, againft powers, againft the
rulers of the darknefs of this world,
againft fpiritual wickednefs in high
places. Wherefore take unto you
the whole armour of God, that ye
may be able to withftand in the evil
day, and, having done all, to ftand.
Stand therefore, having your loins
girt about with truth ; and having
on thebreaft-plate of righteoufnefs;
and your feet fliod ^vith the pre-
paration of the Gofpel of peace ;
above all, taking the fliield of
faith, wherewith ye fliall be able
to quench all the fieiy darts of the
wicked; and take the helmet of
falvation, and the fword of the Spi-
rit, which is the Word of God :
praying always with all prayer
and fupplication in the Spirit, and
watching thereunto with all perfe-
verance, and fupplication for all
faints ; and for me, that utterance
may be given imto me, that I may
open my mouth boldly, to make
known the myfteiy of the Gofpel,
for which I am an ambalfador in
bonds ; that therein I may fpeak
boldly, as I ought to fpeak.
The Go/pel. St. John iv. 46.
THLRE was a certain noble-
man, wliofe fon was fick at
Capernaum. When he heard that
Jefus was come out of Judjra in-
to Galilee, he went imto him, and
befought him that he would come
down and heal his fon ; for he was
The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.
at the point of death. Then faid
Jefus unto him, Except ye fee figns
and wonders, ye will not believe.
The nobleman faith unto him, Sir,
come down ere my child die. Jefus
faith unto him. Go thy way, thy
fon liveth. And the man believ-
ed the word that Jefus had fpoken
unto him, and he went his way.
And, as he was now going down,
his fervants met him, and told him,
faying. Thy fon liveth. Then en-
quired he of them the hour when
he began to amend: and they faid
unto him, Yefterday at the feventh
hour the fever left him. So the
father knew that it was at the fame
hour, in the which Jefus faid unto
him, Thy fon liveth; and himfelf
believed, and his whole houfe. This
is again the fecond miracle that Je-
fus did, when he was come out of
Judaea into Galilee.
The two and twentieth Sunday after
The Colledi.
LORD, we befeech thee to keep
thy houlhold the Church in
continual godlinefs ; that through
thy protection it may be free fi'om
all adverlities, and devoutly given
to ferve thee in good works, to the
glory of thy Name ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Atneji.
The Epijile. Phil. i. 3.
1 Thank my God upon eveiy re-
membrance of you, (always in
eveiy [)rayer of mine for you all
making requeft with joy,) for your
fellowfliip in the Gofpel from the
fiiil day until now; being confident
of this very thing, that he who
hath begun a good work in you
will perform it until the day of
Jefus Chrift ; even as it is meet for
me to think this of you all, be-r
caufe I have you in my heart, in-
afmuch as both in my bonds, and
in the defence and confirmation of
the Gofpel, ye all are partakers of
my grace. For God is my record,
how greatly I long after you all in
the bowels of .Jefus Chrift. And
this I pray, that your love may
abound yet more and more in
knowledge, and in all judgement:
that ye may approve things that
are excellent, that ye may be fin-
cere, and without offence, till the
day of Chrift : being filled with the
fruits of righteoufnefs, which are
by Jefus Chrift, unto the glory and
praife of God.
The Gofpel. St. Matth. xviii. 21.
PETER faid unto Jefus, Lord,
how oft ftiall my brother fin
againft me, and I forgive hiiu? till
feven times ? Jefus faith unto him,
I fay not unto thee, until feven
times ; but until feventy times fe-
ven. Therefore is the Kingdom
of heaven likened unto a certain
king, which would take account of
his fervants. And when he had
begun to reckon, one was brought
The three ami twentieth Sunday after Trinity,
to him. So likewife iliall my hea-
venly Father do alfo unto yoU;, if
ye from your hearts forgive not
every one his brother their tref-
imto him, which owed him ten
thoufand talents. But forafmuch
as he had not to pay, his lord com-
manded him to be fold, and his
wife and children, and all that he
had, and payment to be made.
The forvant therefore fell down
and worfliipped him, faying. Lord,
have patience with me, and I will
pay thee all. Then the lord of that
fervant was moved mth compaf-
lion, and loofed him, and forgave
him the debt. But the fame fer-
vant went out, and found one of
his fellow -fervants, which owed
him an himdred pence ; and he
laid hands on him, and took him
by the throat, faying, Pay me that
thou oweft. And his fellow-fervant
fell do^^Ti at his feet, and befought
him, faying. Have patience Avith
me, and I will pay thee all. And
he would not ; but went and call
him into })rifon, till he Ihould pay
the debt. So when his fellow-fer-
vants faw what was done, they
were very forry, and came and told
unto their lord all that was done.
Then his lord, after that he had
called him, laid mito him, () thou
wicked fervant, 1 forgave thee all
that (kibt, becaufc thou defiredll
me : fliouldell not thou alfo have
had compafTion on thy fellow-fer-
vant, even as I had pity on thee?
7Vn(l his lord was wroth, and de-
livered him to the tormentors, till
he fhoiikl j)ay all that was due un-
through Jefus
The three and twentieth Sunday
after Trinity.
TJie Colledl.
OGod, our refuge and ftrength,
who art the author of all god-
linefs ; Be ready, we befeech thee,
to hear the devout prayers of thy
Church; and grant that thofe things
which we aik faithfully we may
obtain effe6lually
Chrift our Lord. Amen
The Epiftle. Phil. iii. 17.
BRETHREN, be followers to-
gether of me, and mark them
which walk fo as ye have us for
an enfample. (For many walk, of
whom I have told you often, and
now tell you even weeping, that
they are the enemies of the crofs
of Chrift ; whofe end is deftruc-
tion, whofe god is their belly, and
whofe glory is in their Ihame,
who mind earthly things.) For our
converfation is in heaven ; from
Avhence alfo we look for the Savi-
our, the Lord Jefus Chrift ; who
fliall clianoe our vile bodv, that it
may be falhioned like unto his glo-
rious body, according to the work-
ing whereby he is able ev^en to
fubdue all things unto himl'clf.
The four and twentieth
The Go/pel. St. Matth. xxii. 15.
THEN went the l*harifees and
took coiinfel how they miglit
entangle him in his talk. And they
fent out unto him their difciples,
with the Herodians, faying, Maf-
ter, we know that thou art true,
and teacheft the way of God in
truth, neither careft thou for any
man: for thou regardeft not the
jjerfon of men. Tell us therefore,
what thinkeft thou? Is it lawful to
give tribute unto Caefar, or not?
But Jefus perceived their wicked-
nefs, and faid, Wliy tempt ye me,
ye hypocrites? Ihew me the tribute-
money. And they brought unto
him a peny. And he faith unto
them, Whofe is this image and fu-
perfcription ? They fay unto him,
Csefar's. Then faith he imto them,
Render therefore unto Citfar the
things which are Ceefar's ; and un-
to God the things that are God's.
When they had heard thefe words,
they mai*velled, and left him, and
went their way.
The four and twentieth Sunday
after Trinity.
The ColleB.
OLord, we befeech thee, abfolve
thy people from their offen-
ces ; that through thy bovmtiful
goodnefs we may all be delivered
from the bands of thofe fins, which
by our frailty we have commit-
ted: Grant this, O heavenly Fa-
Sundmj after Trinity,
ther, for Jefus Chrift's fake, our
blelfed Lord and Saviour. Amen,
'The EpiJIle. Col. i. 3.
WE give thanks to God and
the Father of our Lord Je-
fus Chrift, praying always for you,
fince we heard of your faith in
Chrill Jefus, and of the love which
ye have to all the faints ; for the
hope which is laid up for you in
heaven, whereof ye heard before
in the word of the truth of the
Gofpel; which is come unto you,
as it is in all the world, and bring-
eth forth fruit, as it doth alfo in
you, fince the day ye heard of it,
and knew the grace of God in
truth. As ye alfo learned of Epa-
phras, our dear fellow-fervant, who
is for you a faithful miuifi;er of
Chrift ; who alfo declared unto us
your love in the Spirit. For this,
caufe we alfo, fince the day we
heard it, do not ceafe to pray for
you, and to defire that ye might
be filled with the knowledge of his
will in all wifdom and fpiritual un-
derftanding : that ye might walk
worthy of the Lord unto all j^leaf-
ing, being fruitful in every good
work, and increafing in the know-
ledge of God ; ftrengthened with
all might, according to his glorious
power, unto all patience and long-
luffering with joyfulnefs ; giving
thanks unto the Father, which hath
made us meet to be partakers of the
inheritance of the faints in liffht.
The jive and twentieth
The Go/pel St. Matth. ix. 18.
WHILE Jefus fpake thefe
things unto John's difciples,
behold, there came a certain ruler,
and worlhipped him, faying, My
daughter is even now dead ; but
come and lay thy hand upon her,
and (lie (hall live. And Jefus arofe,
and followed him, and fo did his
difciples. (And behold, a woman,
which was difeafed with an iffue
of blood twelve years, came behind
him, and touched the hem of his
garment ; for Ihe faid within her-
felf. If I may but touch his gar-
ment, I fliall be whole. But Jefus
turned him about, and, when' he
faw her, he faid, Daughter, be of
good comfort, thy faith hath made
thee whole. And the woman was
made whole from that hour.) And
when Jefus came into the ruler's
houfe, and faw the minftrels and
the people making a noife, he faid
imto them. Give place ; for the
maid is not dead, but fleepeth.
And they laughed him to fcorn.
But when the people were put
forth, lie went in, and took her by
the hand, and the maid arofe. And
the fame hereof went abroad into
all that land.
The Jive and twentieth Sunday after
The ColleSi.
STIR up, we befeech thee, O
Lord, the Avills of thy faith-
Sunday after Trinity.
ful people; that they, plenteoufly
bringing forth the fi-uit of good
works, may of thee be plenteoufly
rewarded ; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen.
For the Epijile. Jer. xxiii. 5.
BEHOLD, the days come, faith
the Lord, that I will raife un-
to David a righteous Branch, and
a King fliall reign, and profper,
and fliall execute judgement and
jullice in the earth. In his days
Judali fliall be faved, and Ifrael
fliall dwell fafely: and this is his
Name whereby he fliall be called,
OUSNESS. Therefore behold, the
days come, faith the Lord, that
they fliall no more fay. The Lord
liveth, which brought up the chil-
dren of Ifrael out of the land of E-
gypt ; but, The Lord liveth, which
brought up, and which led the feed
of the houfe of Ifrael out of the
north-country, and from all coun-
tries whither I had driven them ;
and they fliall dwell in their own
The Go/pel. St. John vi. 5.
WHEN Jefus then lift up his
eyes, and fa^v a great com-
pany coiiie unto him, he faith unto
Philip, Whence fliaflwe buy bread
that thefe may eat? (And this he
faid to prove him ; for he himfelf
knew what he would do.) Philip
anfwered him, Two hundred peny-
worth of bread is not fuflicient for
Sahit And?
them, that every one of them may
take a little. One of his difciples,
Andrew, Simon Peter's brother,
faith unto him, There is a lad here,
which hath five barley-loaves, and
two fmall fifties ; but what are they
among fo many? And Jefus faid.
Make the men fit down. Now
there was much grafs in the place.
So the men fat doAvn, in number
about five thoufand. And Jefus
took the loaves, and, when he had
given thanks, he difl:ributed to the
difciples, and the difciples to them
that were fet down, and likewife of
the fifties, as much as they would.
When they were filled, he faid un-
to his difciples. Gather up the frag-
ments that remain, that nothing
be loft^. Therefore they gathered
them together, and filled twelve
bafliets with the fragments of the
five barley-loaves, which remained
over and above unto them that had
eaten. Then thofe men, when they
had feen the miracle that Jefus did,
faid. This is of a truth that Prophet
that ftiould come into the world.
% If there be any more Sundays before Advent-Sun-
dai/, the Service of some of those Sundays that were
omitted after the Epiphany shall be taken in to
supply so many as are here wanting. And if there
be fewer, the overplus may be omitted: Provided
that this last Collect, Epistle, and Gospel shall al-
ways be used upon the Sunday next before Advent.
Saint Andreiii's Day.
The ColleSi.
ALMIGHTY God, who didft
give fuch grace unto thy holy
•eiios Day.
Apofl;le Saint Andrew, that he rea-
dily obeyed the calling of thy Son
Jefus Chrifl;, and followed him
without delay; Grant unto us all,
that we, being called by thy holy
Word, may forthwith give up our-
felves obediently to fulfil thy holy
commandments ; through the fame
Jefus Chrifl; our Lord. Amen.
The Epiftle. Uoni. x. 9.
IF thou flialt confefs with thy
mouth the Lord Jefus, and ftialt
believe in thine heart that God
hath raifed him from the dead,
thou Ihalt be faved. For with the
heart man believeth unto righte-
oufnefs, and with the mouth con-
feflion is made unto falvation. For
the Scripture faith, Whofoever be-
lieveth on him fliall not be aftiam-
ed. For there is no difference be-
tween the Jew and the Greek : for
the fame Lord over all is rich un-
to all that call upon him. For who-
foever fliall call upon the Name of
the Lord fliall be faved. How then
fliall they call on him, in whom
they have not believed? And how
fliafl they believe in him, of whom
they have not heard? And how
fliall they hear without a preacher?
And how fliall they preach, except
they be fent? As it is written, How
beautiful are the feet of them that
preach the Gofpel of peace, and
bring glad tidings of good things!
But they have not all obeyed the
Gofpel. * For Efaias faith, Lord,
Saint TJiomas the Apqftle.
who hatli believed our report? So
then faith cometh by hearing, and
hearing by the Word of God. But
I fay, Have they not heard? Yes
verily, their found went into all the
earth, and their words unto the
ends of the world. But I fay, Did
not Ifrael know? Firft Mofes faith,
I will provoke you to jealoufy by
them that are no people, and by
a fooliih nation I will anger you„
But Efaias is veiy bold, and faith,
1 was found of them that fought
me not; I was made manifeft unto
them that alked not after me. But
to Ifrael he faith. All day long I
have ftretched forth my hands un-
to a difobedient and gainfaying
TJie Go/pel St. Matth. iv. 18.
JESUS, walking by the fea of
Galilee, faw two brethren, Si-
mon called Peter, and Andrew his
brother, calling a net into the fea,
(for they were fifliers ;) and he faith
unto them, Follow me ; and I will
make you fi(hers of men. And
they ftraightway left their nets,
and followed him. And going on
from thence he faw other two bre-
thren, James the fon of Zebedee,
and John his brother, in a fliip
with Zebedee their father, mend-
ing their nets ; and he called
them. And they immediately left
the (hij) and their father, and fol-
lowed him.
Saint Thomas the Apojile.
The CoUeSt.
ALMIGHTY and everliving
God, who for the more confir-
mation of the faith didft fuffer thy
holy Apoftle Thomas to be doubt-
ful in thy Son's refurre6lion ; Grant
us fo perfectly, and without all
doubt, to believe in thy Son Jefus
Chrift, that our faith in thy fight
may never be reproved. Hear us,
O Lord, through the fame Jefus
Chrilt, to whom, mth thee and the
Holy Ghofl^, be all honour and glo-
ry, now and for evermore. Amen.
The Epiftk. Ephef. ii. 19.
NOW therefore ye are no more
ftranoers and foreio-ners, but
fellow-citizens with the faints, and
of the houQiold of God ; and are
built upon the foundation of the
Apoltles and Prophets, Jefus Chrift
himfelf being the chief corner-
ftone ; in whom all the building,
fitly framed together, groweth un-
to an holy temple in the Lord ; in
whom ye alfo are builded together
for an habitation of God, through
the Spirit.
The Go/pel. St. John xx. 24.
THOMAS, one of the twelve,
called Didymus, was not with
them when Jefus came. Ilie other
difciples therefore faid unto him,
We have feen the Lord. But he
faid unto them, Except I Ihall fee
in his hands the print of the nails,
The Converfion of Saint Paul.
and put my finger into the print of
the nails, and thruil my hand into
his fide, I will not believe. And
after eight days again his difciples
were within, and Thomas with
them : then came Jefus, the doors
being flint, and fl:ood in the midfl;,
and faid. Peace be unto you. Then
faith he to Thomas, Reach hither
thy finger, and behold my hands ;
and reach hither t4iy hand, and
thruft it into my fide ; and be not
faithlefs, but believing. And Tho-
mas anfwered and faid unto him.
My Lord, and my God. Jefus faith
unto him, Thomas, becaufe thou
haft feen me, thou haft believed ;
bleffed are they that have not feen,
and yet have believed. And many
other figns tiiily did Jefus in the
prefence of his difciples, which are
not written in this book. But thefe
are wi'itten, that ye might believe
that Jefus is the Chrift, the Son of
God ; and that believing ye might
have life through his Name.
The Converjion of Saint Paul.
The Colledi.
OGod, who, through the preach-
ing of the blefled Apoftle Saint
Paul, haft caufed the iio-ht of the
Gofpel to fliine throughout the
world ; Grant, we befeech thee,
that we, having his wonderful con-
verfion in remembrance, may fliew
forth our thankfulnefs unto thee for
the fame, by following the holy
doctrine which he taught ; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
For the Epijile. A6ts ix. L
ND Saul, yet breathing out
threatenings and llaughter
againft the difciples of the Lord,
went unto the high prieft, and de-
fired of him letters to Damafcus to
the fynagogues, that, if he found
any of this way, whether they were
men or women, he might bring
them bound unto Jerufalem. And,
as he journeyed, he came near
Damafcus, and fuddenly there fliin-
ed round about him a light from
heaven. And he fell to the earth,
and heard a voice faying unto him,
Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou
me? And he faid, Who art thou,
Lord? And the Lord faid, I am
Jefus whom thou perfecuteft: it
is hard for thee to kick againft the
pricks. And he, trembling and
aftoniflied, faid, Lord, what wilt
thou have me to do? And the Lord
faid unto him, Arife, and go into
the city, and it fliall be told thee
what thou muft do. And the men
which journeyed with him ftood
fpeechlefs, hearing a voice, but
feeing no man. And Saul arofe
from the earth, and when his eyes
were opened he faw no man; but
they led him by the hand, and
brought him into Damafcus. And
he was three days without fight,
Tlie Converfioii of Saint Paid.
and neither did eat nor drink. And
there was a certain difciple at Da-
mafcus, named Ananias, and to
hini faid the Lord in a vifion, Ana-
nias. And he faid, Behold, I am
liere, Lord. And the Lord faid
unto him, Arife, and go into the
ftreet which is called Straight, and
enquire in the houfe of Judas for
one called Saul, of Tarfus : for be-
hold, he prayeth, and hath feen in
a vifion a man named Ananias,
coming in, and putting his hand
on him, that he might receive his
fight. Then Ananias anfvvered.
Lord, I have heard by many of
this man, how much evil he hath
done to thy faints at Jerufalem ;
and here he hath authority from
the chief priefts to bind all that
call on thy Name. But the Lord
faid unto hun. Go thy way; for he
is a chofen veflel unto me, to bear
my Name before the Gentiles, and
kings, and the children of Ifrael :
for I will fliew him how great
things he muft fuffer for my Name's
fake. And Ananias went his way,
and entered into the houfe ; and,
putting his hands on him, faid,
Brother Saul, the Lord, (even Je-
fus that appeared unto thee in the
way as thou camell,) hath fent me,
that thou mightell receive thy fight,
and be filled with the holy Ghoft.
And immediately there fell from
his eyes as it had been fcales ;
and he received fight forthwith,
and arofe, and was baptized. And
when he had received meat, he was
fl:rengthened. Then was Saul cer-
tain days with the difci})les which
were at Damafcus. And ftraight-
way he preached Chrifl: in the fyna-
gogues, that he is the Son of God.
But all that heard him were amaz-
ed, and faid, Is not this he that
deftroyed them which called on
this N ame in Jerufalem, and came
hither for that intent, that he might
bring them bound unto the chief
priefts? But Saul increafed the
more in ftrength, and confounded
the .Tews which dwelt at Damafcus,
proving that this is very Chrift.
Tlie Go/pel. St. Matth. xix. 27.
PETER anfivered and faid un-
to Jefus, Behold, we have for-
faken all, and followed tJiee ; what
ftiall we have therefore? And Jefus
faid unto them, Verily I fay mito
you, That ye which have followed
me, in the regeneration when the
Son of man fliall fit in the throne
of his gloiy, ye alfo (hall fit upon
twelve thrones, judging the twelve
tribes of Ifrael. And every one
that hath forfaken houfes, or bre-
thren, or fifters, or father, or mo-
ther, or wife, or children, or lands,
for my Name's fake, fliall receive
an hundred-fold, and fliall inherit
everlatting life. But many that are
firft fliall be latt, and the lail fliall
be firft.
The Purification
The Prefentation of Chriji in the
; Temple, commonly called. The
Purification of Saint Mary the
TJie Colledl.
ALMIGHTY and everliving
God, we humbly befeech thy
Majefty, that, as thy only-begot-
ten Son was this day prefented in
the temple in fubllance of our
jflefh, fo we may be prefented un-
to thee \nt\\ pure and clean liearts,
by the fame thy Son Jefus Chrift
bur Lord. Amen,
. For the Epijile. Mai. iii. L
BEHOLD, I will fend my mef-
fenger, and he ihall prepare
the way before me : and the Lord,
whom ye feek, Ihall fuddenly come
to his temple; even the meflenger
of the covenant, whom ye delight
in ; behold, he fliall come, faith
the Lord of hofts. But who may
abide the day of his coming? and
who flaall ftand when he appear-
eth? for he is like a refiner's fire,
and like fullers' foap. And he fliall
fit as a refiner and purifier of fil-
ver ; and he fliall purify the fons
of Levi, and pm'ge them as gold
and filver, that they may ofier un-
to the Lord an ofl^ering in righte-
oufnefs. Then fliall the ofterings
of Judah and Jerufalem be plea-
fant unto the Lord, as in the days
of old, and as in former years.
And I will come near to you to
of Saint Mary.
judgement, and I will be a fwift
witnefs againfl the forcerers, and
againft the adulterers, and againll
falfefwearers, and againfl: thofe that
opprefs the hireling in his wages,
the widow, and the fatherlefs, and
that turn afide the ilranger from
his right, and fear not me, faith
the Lord of hofi;s.
The Go/pel. St. Luke ii. 22.
AND when the days of her pu-
rification, according to the
Law of Mofes, were accompliflied,
they brought him to Jerufalem, to
prefent him to the Lord ; (as it is
written in the Law of the Lord,
Every male that openeth the womb
fliall be called holy to the Lord ;)
and to offer a facrifice, according
to that which is faid in the Law of
the Lord, A pair of turtle-doves,
or two young pigeons. And be-
hold, there was a man in Jerufa-
lem, wliofe name was Symeoii ;
and the fame man was jufl; and
devout, waiting for tlie confolation
of Ifrael : and the Holy Gliofi; was
upon him. And it was revealed
unto him by the Holy Ghofi;, that
he fliould not fee death, before he
had feeii the Lord's Chnft. And
he came by the Spirit into the tem-
ple ; and when the parents brought
in the child Jefus, to do for him
after the cufl;om of the law, then
took he him up in his arms, and
blefled God, and faid, Lord, now
letteft thou thy fervant depart in
X 2
Sti.i AjiJs»
\^'^iv" Sciint Matthias s Day.
peace, according to thy word: for
mine eyes have feen thy falvation,
which thou haft prepared before
the face of all people ; a light to
lighten the Gentiles, and the gloiy
of thy people Ifrael. And Jofeph
and his mother marvelled at thofe
tilings which were fpoken of him.
And Symeon blelfed them, and faid
unto Maiy his mother, Behold,
this child is fet for the fall and
rifing again of many in Ifrael ; and
for a fign which fliall be fpoken
againft; (yea, a fword Ihall pierce
through thy own foul alfo;) that
the thoughts of many hearts may
be revealed. And there was one
Anna a prophetefs, the daughter
of Phanuel, of the tribe of Afer ;
Ihe was of a ffreat ag^e, and had
lived with an hulband feven years
from her virginity: and Ihe was a
widow of aliout fourfcore and four
years ; which departed not from
the temple, but ferved God with
faftings and prayers night and
day. And flie coming in that in
ftant gave thanks likewife unto the
Lord, and fpake of him to all them
that looked for redemption in Je-
rufalcm. And when they had ])er-
formed all things according to the
law of the Lord, they returned into
Galilee to their own city Nazareth.
And the child grew, and waxed
ftrong in fpirit, filled widi wifdom;
and the grace of God was upon
Sai7it Matthias's Day.
The Colledt.
O Almighty God, who into the
place of the traitor Judas didft
choofe thy faithful fervant Mat-
thias to be of the number of the
twelve Apoftles ; Grant that thy
Church, being alway prefeiTed
from falfe Apoftles, may be order-
ed and guided by faithful and true
paftors ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
For the Epijile. A6ls i. 15.
IN thofe days Peter ftood up in
the midft of the difciples, and
faid, (the number of the names to-
gether were about an hundred and
twenty,) Men and brethren, this
Scripture muft needs have been
fiilfilled, which the Holy Ghoft by
the mouth of David fpake before
concerning. ludas, which was guide
to them that took Jefus : for he
was numbered with us, and had
obtained part of this miniftiy. Now
this man purchafed a field with
the reward of iniquity ; and falling
headlong he burft afunder in the
midft, and all his bowels gulhed
out. vVnd it was known unto all
the dwellers at Jerufalem, info-
much as that field is called in their
proper tongue, Aceldama, that is
to fay, The field of blood. For it
is written in the book of Pfalms,
Let his habitation be defolate, and
let no man dwell therein ; and,
His biftioprick let another take.
The Annunciation of' the Virgin Mary.
Wherefore, of thefe men which
have companied with us all the
time that the Lord Jefus went in
and out among us, beginning from
the baptifm of John, unto that fame
day that he was taken up from us,
mull one be ordained to be a wit-
nefs with us of his refurrection.
And they appointed two, .Tofeph
called Barfabas, who was furnamed
Julius, and Matthias. And they
prayed, and faid, Thou, Lord,
which knowell the hearts of all
men, Ihew whether of thefe two
thou haft chofen ; that he may take
part of this miniftiy and apoftlefliip,
from Avhich Judas by tranfgreffion
fell, that he might go to his own
place. And they gave forth their
lots ; and the lot fell upon Mat-
thias, and he was numbered .with
the eleven Apoftles. > >
The Go/pel. St. Matth. xi. 25.
AT that time Jefus anfwered and
-^^ faid, I thank thee, O Father,
Lord of heaven and earth, becaufe
thou haft hid thefe things from
the wife and prudent, and haft re-
vealed them unto babes. Even fo.
Father, for fo it feemed good in
thy fight. All things are deliver-
ed unto me of my Father: and
no man knoweth the Son, but the
Father; neither knoweth any man
the Father, fave the Son, and he
to whomfoever the Son will reveal
him. Come unto me, all ye that
labour and are heavy laden, and I
will give you reft. Take my yoke
upon you, and learn of me; for I
am meek and lowly in heart : and
ye fliall find reft imto your fouls.
For my yoke is eafy, and my bur-
den is light.
The Annunciatioii of the hlejjed
Virgin Mary.
The ColleSl.
E befeech thee, O Lord,
pour thy grace into our
hearts ; that, as we have known
the incarnation of thy Son Jefus
Chrift by the meflage of an angel,
fo by his crofs and paflion we may
be brought unto the gloiy of his
refuiTe^tion ; through tlie fame Je-
fus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
For the Ejnjile. Ifai. vii. 10. r
lY/fOREOVER, the Lord fpake
-^ ▼ A again unto Ahaz, faying, Alk
thee a fign of the Lord thy God ;
afk it either in the depth, or in the
height above. But Ahaz faid, I
will not alk, neither will I tempt
the Lord. And he faid. Hear ye
now, O houfe of David; Is it a
fmall thing for you to weary men,
but will ye weary my God alfo?
Therefore the Lord himfelf iliall
give you a fign; Behold, a Virgin
Ihall conceive, and bear a fon, and
fliall call his name Immanuel. But-
ter and honey fliall he eat, that he
may know to refufe the evil, and
choofe the good.
r^j^Saint MarUs Day.
Tlie Go/pel St. Luke i. 26.
AND ill the fixth month the
angel Gabriel was fent from
God unto a city of Galilee named
Nazareth, to a Virgin efpoufed to
a man whofe name was Jofeph, of
the lioufe of David ; and the \ ir-
gin's name was Mary. And the
angel came in unto her, and faid.
Hail, thou that art highly favour-
ed, the Lord is with thee; blefl'ed
art thou among women. And when
Ihe faw him (he was troubled at
his faying, and caft in her mind
what manner of falutation tliis
fliould be. And the angel faid
unto her, Fear not, Mary; for thou
haft found favour mth God. And
behold, thou (halt conceive in thy
womb, and bring forth a Son, and
flialt call his name JESUS. He
Ihall be great, and fliall be called
the Son of the Higheft ; and the
Lord God fliall give unto him the
throne of his father David. And
he fliall reign over the houfe of
Jacob for ever; and of his king-
dom there fliall be no end. Then
faid Mary unto the angel. How
fliall this be, feeing I know not a
man? And the angel anfwered and
faid unto her, The Holy Ghoft fliall
come upon thee, and the power of
the Highell fliall overfliadow thee :
therefore alfo that holy thing which
fliall be born of thee fliall be call-
ed the Son of God. And lieliold,
thy coufm Elizabeth, flie hath alfo
conceived a fon m her old age ;
and this is the lixth month with
her who was called barren: for with
God nothing fliall be impofllble.
And Mary faid. Behold the hand-
maid of the Lord ; be it unto me
according to thy word. And the
angel departed from her.
Sfjiif'^o*^^^'^^ il/tfrA'V Day.
Almighty God, who haft in-
fti'u6ted thy holy Church with
the heavenly doctrine of thy Evan-
gelift Saint Mark ; Give us grace,
that, being not like children cai--
ried away with eveiy blaft of vain
dodlrine, we may be eftablilhed
in the truth of thy holy Gofpel ;
through J efus Chrift our Lord.
Amen. \ ip> <^>p5^^-^^
The Epi^le. Ephef. iv. 7.
T TNTO every one of us is given
^ grace, according to the iiiea-
fure of the gift of Clmft. Where-
fore he faith, When he afcended
up on high, he led captivity cap-
\Axe, and gave gifts unto men.
(Now that he afcended, what is it
but that he alfo defcended firft
into the lower parts of the earth?
He that defcended is the fame alfo
that afcended up far above all hea-
vens, that he might All all things.)
And he gave foiiie Apoftles, and
fome Prophets, and foiiic Evange-
lifts, and fome Paftors and teach-
ers ; for the perfedting of the faints,
Saint Philip and Saint James s Day.
forth much fruit ; for without me
for the work of the miniftry, for
the edifying of the body of Chrift ;
till we all come in the unity of the
faith, and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, mito a perfe6l man,
unto the meafure of the ftature
of the fulnefs of Chrift ; that we
henceforth be no more children,
toffed to and fro, and carried a-
bout with every wind of doctrine,
by the Height of men, and cunning
craftinefs, whereby they lie in wait
to deceive; but fpeaking the truth
in love, may grow up into him in
all things, which is the head, even
Chrift : from whom the whole bo-
dy fitly joined together, and com-
pacted by that which every joint
fupplieth, according to the effectual
working in the meafure of eveiy
part, maketh increafe of the body,
unto the edifying of itfelf in love.
The Go/pel. St. John xv. 1 .
IAm the true vine, and my Fa-
ther is the hulbandman. Every
branch in me that beareth not fruit
he taketh away; and eveiy branch
that beareth fruit, he purgeth it,
that it may bring forth more fruit.
Now ye are clean through the
word which I have fpoken unto
you. Abide in me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of
itfelf, except it abide in the vine ;
no more can ye, except ye abide
in me. I am the vine, ye are the
branches. He that abideth in me,
and I in him, the fame bringeth
ye can do nothing. If a man abide
not in me, he is caft forth as a
branch, and is withered; and men
gather them, and caft them into
the fire, and they are burned. If
ye abide in me, and my words a-
bide in you, ye Ihall alk what ye
will, and it fliall be done imto you.
Herein is my Father glorified, that
ye bear much fruit ; fo ftiall ye be
my difciples. As the Father hath
loved me, fo have I loved you :
continue ye in my love. If ye keep
my commandments, ye fhall abide
in my love ; even as I have kept
my Father's commandments, and
abide in his love. Thefe things
have I fpoken unto you, that my
joy might remain in you, and that
your joy
might be full.
Saint Philip and Saint James's Day.
'^^'^ The ColleB.
O Almighty God, whom truly
to know is everlafting life;
Grant us perfe6lly to know thy Son
Jefus Chrift to be the way, the
truth, and the life; that, following
the fteps of thy holy Apoftles, Saint
Philip and Saint James, we may
ftedfaftly walk in the way that lead-
eth to eternal life; through the
fame thy Son Jefus Chrift our Lord.
Tlie Epijlle. St. James i. I! "'
AMES, a fervant of God and
of the Lord Jefus Chrift, to the
Saint Philip and
t^A'elve tribes which are fcattered
abroad, greeting. My brethren,
count it all joy when ye fall into
di\'ers temptations ; kno\ving this,
that the trying of your faith work-
eth patience. But let patience
have her perfedl work, that ye
may be perfedl and entire, wanting
nothing. If any of you lack wif-
dom, let him alk of God, that giv-
eth to all men liberally, and up-
braideth not, and it (hall be given
hmi. But let him alk in faith,
nothing wavering ; for he that wa-
vereth is like a wave of the fea,
driven with the wind, and tofled.
For let not that man think that he
fliall receive any thing of the Lord.
A double-minded man is unliable
in all his ways.. Let the brother
of low degree rejoice in that he is
exalted ; but the rich in that he is
made low; becaufe as the flower
of the grafs he ftiall pafs away.
For the fun is no fooner rifen with
a burning heat, but it withereth
the grafs, and the flower thereof
falleth, and the grace of the fa-
fliion of it periflieth : fo alfo lliall
the rich man fade away in his
ways. Blelfed is the man that en-
dureth temptation ; for when he
is tried, he fhall receive the crown
of life, which the Lord hath pro-
mifed to them that love him.
The Go/pel. St. .John xiv. 1 .
AND Jefus faid unto his difci-
ples, Let not your heart be
Saint James s Day.
troubled ; ye believe in God, be-
lieve alfo in me. In my Father's
houfe ai'e many manfions ; if it
were not fo, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you:
and if I go and prepare a place
for you, I ^vill come again, and re-
ceive you unto myfelf, that where
I am, there ye may be alfo. And
whither I go ye know, and the
way ye know. Thomas faith unto
him. Lord, we know not whither
thou goell, and how can we know
the way? Jefus faith unto him, I
am the way, the truth, and the
life : no man cometh mito the Fa-
ther but by me. If ye had known
me, ye Ihould have knowii my Fa-
ther alfo : and from henceforth ye
know him, and have feen him.
Philip faith unto him, Lord, fliew
us the Father, and it fufficeth us.
Jefus faith unto him, Have I been
fo long time with you, and yet
haft thou not known me, Philip?
He that hath feen me hath feen
the Father ; and how fayeft thou
then. Shew us the Father? Be-
lieveft thou not that I am in the
Father, and the Father in me? The
words that I fpeak unto you I fpeak
not of myfelf; but the Father that
dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
Believe me, that I am in the Fa-
ther, and the Father in me ; or
elfe believe me for the very works'
fake. Verily, verily I fay imto you.
He that believeth on me, tlie works
that I do lliall he do alfo ; and
greater works than tliefe fliall he
do ; becaiife I go unto my Father.
And whatfoever ye Ihall alk in my
Name, that will I do, that the Fa-
ther may be glorified in the Son.
If ye Ihall aik any thing in my
Name, 1 will do it.
Saint Barnabas the JlpoJiU.
The Collect.
Lord God Almighty, who
didft endue thy holy Apoftle
Barnabas M'ith fingular gifts of the
Holy Ghoft; Leave us not, we be-
feech thee, deftitute of thy mani-
fold gifts, nor yet of grace to ufe
them alway to thy honour and
gloiy ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
For the Bpiftle. A^s xi. 22.
IDINGS of thefe things came
unto the ears of the Church
which was in Jerufalem ; and they
fent forth Barnabas, that he ftiould
go as far as Antioch. Who, when
he came, and had feen the grace
of God, was glad ; and exhorted
them all, that with purpofe of heart
they would cleave unto the Lord.
For he was a good man, and full of
the holy Ghoft, and of faith : and
much people was added unto the
Lord. Then departed Barnabas
to Tarfus, for to feek Saul. And
when he had found him, he brought
him unto Antioch. And it came to
pafs, that a whole year they airem-
Saint Barnabas the Apojile.
bled themfelves with the Church,
and taught much people : and the
difciples were called Chriftians firft
in Antioch. And in thefe days
came prophets from Jerufalem un-
to Antioch. And there ftood up
one of them named Agabus, and
fignified by the Spirit, that there
ftiould be great dearth throughout
all the world ; which came to pafs
in the days of Claudius Caifar.
Then the difciples, every man ac-
cording to his ability, determined
to fend relief unto the brethren
which dwelt in Judaea. Which
alfo they did, and fent it to the
elders by the hands of Barnabas
and Saul.
The Go/pel. St. John xv. 12.
THIS is my commandment.
That ye love one another, as I
have loved you. Greater love hath
no man than this, that a man lay
down his life for his friends. Ye
are my friends, if ye do whatfoever
I command you. Henceforth I call
you not fervants ; for the fervant
knoweth not what his lord doeth :
but I have called you friends ; for
all things that I have heard of my
Father I have made known unto
you. Ye have not chofen me, but
I have chofen you, and ordained
you, that ye ftiould go and bring
forth fruit, and that your fruit
ftiould remain : that whatfoever ye
Ihall aftc of the Father in my Name,
he may give it you.
Saint John Baptijl's Day.
Saint John Baptijl's Day.
The Colledi.
ALMIGHTY God, by wliofe
providence thy fervant John
Baptilt was wonderfully born, and
fent to prepare the way of thy Son
our Saviour, by preaching of re-
pentance ; Make us fo to follow
his dotftrine and holy life, that we
may truly repent according to his
preaching ; and after his example
conftantly fpeak the truth, boldly
rebuke vice, and patiently fufter
for the truth's fake ; through Jefus
Cliriil our Lord. Amen.
For the Epijtle. Ifai. xl. L
COMFORT ye, comfort ye my
' people, faith your God. Speak
ye comfortably to Jerufalem, and
cry unto her. That her warfare is
accompliflied ; that her iniquity is
pardoned: for flie hath received of
the Lord's hand double for all her
fins. The voice of him that crieth
in the wildernefs, Prepare ye the
way of the I^ord, make ftraight in
the defert a high -way for our God.
Eveiy valley Ihall be exalted, and
every mountain and hill fliall be
made low, and the crooked fliall
be made flraight, and the rough
places plain. yVnd the glory of the
Lord fliall be revealed, and all flefli
fliall fee it together: for the mouth
of the Lord hath fpoken it. The
voice faid, Cry. And he faid, What
fliall I ciy? All flefli is grafs, and
all the goodlincfs thereof is as the
flo\v'er of the field. The grafs wl-
thereth, the flower fadeth, becaufe
the Spirit of the Lord bloweth
upon it: furely the people is grafs.
The grafs withereth, the flower
fadeth ; but the word of our God
fliall ftand for ever. O Zion, that
bringefl good tidings, get thee up
into the hioh mountain : O Jeru-
falem, that bringeft good tidings,
lift up thy voice with ftrength ; lift
it up, be not afraid : fay unto the
cities of Judah, Behold your God.
Behold, the Lord God will come
with ftrong hand, and his arm ihall
rule for him: behold, his reward
is with him, and his work before
him. He fliall feed his flock like
a fliepherd ; he fliall gather the
lambs with his arm, and cany
them in his bofom, and fliall gently
lead thofe that are with young.
The Go f pel. St. Luke i. 57-
ELISABETH'S full time came
that flie fliould be delivered ;
and flie brought forth a fon. And
her neighbours and her coufins
heard how the Lord had fliewed
great mercy ujion her ; and they
rejoiced with her. And it came to
pafs, that on the eighth day they
came to circiuncife the child ; and
they called him Zacharias, after
the name of his father. And his
mother anfwered and faid, Notfo;
but he fliall be called John. And
they faid unto her. There is none
of thy kindred that is called by
this name. And they made figns
to his father, liovv he woidd have
him called. And he alked for a
writing-table, and wrote, faying,
His name is John. And they
marvelled all. And his month
was opened innnediately, and his
tongne loofed, and he fpake, and
praifed God. And fear came on
all that dwelt round about them ;
and all thefe fayings were noifed
abroad throughout all the hill-
country of Judaea. And all they
that had heard them laid them up
in their hearts, faying. What man-
ner of child fliall this be? And the
hand of the Lord was with him.
And his father Zacharias was filled
with the holy Ghoft, and prophe-
fied, faying, Bleffed be the Lord
God of Ifrael : for he hath vifited
and redeemed his people, and hath
raifed up an horn of falvation for
us in the houfe of his fervant Da-
vid ; as he fpake by the mouth of
his holy prophets, which have been
fince the world began ; that we
ftiould be faved from our enemies,
and from the hand of all that hate
us ; to perform the mercy promif-
ed to our fathers, and to remem-
ber his holy covenant ; the oath
which he fware to our father Abra-
ham, that he would grant unto us,
that we, beino^ delivered out of
the hands of our enemies, might
ferve him without fear, in holinefs
and righteoufnefs before him all
Saint Peters Day.
the days of our life. And thou,
Child, Ihalt be called the Prophet
of the llighell: for thou flialt go
before the face of the Lord to
prepare his ways ; to give know-
ledge of falvation unto his j3eo-
ple, by the remiflion of their fins,
through the tender mercy of our
God, whereby the day-fpring from
on high hath vifited us ; to give
light to them that fit in darknefs
and in the fliadow of death, to
guide our feet into the way of
peace. And the child grew, and
waxed ftrong in fpirit ; and was
in the deferts till the day of his
lliewing unto Ifrael.
Saint Peters Day.
The CoUeB.
O Almighty God, who by thy
Son Jefus Chrift didfi; give to
thy Apoftle Saint Peter many ex-
cellent gifts, and commandedft him
earnefl;ly to feed thy flock ; Make,
we befeech thee, all Bilhops and
Pafl;ors diligently to j)reach thy
holy Word, and the people obedi-
ently to follow the fame, that they
may receive the crown of everlafi-
ing glory; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen.
For the Epljtle. A6ls xii. L
ABOUT that time Herod the
king ftretched forth his hands
to vex certain of the Church. And
he killed James the brother of
Samt Peter's Day.
John with the fword. And, be-
caiife he faw it pleafed the Jews,
he proceeded fiuther to take Pe-
ter alfo. (Then were tlie days of
unleavened bread.) And when he
had apprehended him, he put him
in prifon, and deHvered him to
four quaternions of foldiers to keep
him, intending after Eafter to bring
him forth to the people. Peter
therefore was kept in prifon ; but
prayer was made without cealing
of the Church unto God for him.
And when Herod would have
brought him forth, the fame night
Peter was fleeping between two
foldiers, bound with two chains ;
and the keepers before the door
kept the prifon. And behold, the
angel of the Lord came upon him,
and a light fliined in the prifon ;
and he fmote Peter on the fide,
and raifed him up, faying, Arife
up quickly. And his chains fell
off from his hands. And the angel
faid unto him, Gird thyfelf, and
bind on thy fandals : and fo he did.
And he faith unto him. Call thy
garment about thee, and follow
me. And he went out and fol-
lowed him ; and wift not that it
was true which was done by the
angel ; but thought he faw a vifion.
When tliey were paft the fidl and
the fecond ward, they came unto
the iron gate that leadeth unto
the city, which opened to them of
his own accord; and they went
out, and paffed on through one
ftreet, and forthwith the angel
departed from him. And when
Peter was come to himfelf, he
faid, Now I know of a furety,
that the Lord hath fent his angel,
and hath delivered me out of the
hand of Herod, and fi'om all the
expectation of the people of the
The Go/pel. St. Matth. xvi. 13.
WHEN Jefus came into the
coafts of Caefarea Philippi, he
aflvcd his difciples, faying, \\liom
do men fay that I, the Son of
man, am? And they faid. Some
fay that thou art John the Baptift,
fome Elias, and others Jeremias,
or one of the prophets. He faith
imto them, But whom fay ye that
I am? And Simon Peter anfwered
and faid, Thou art Chrift, the Son
of the living God. And Jefus an-
fwered and faid unto him, Blelfed
art thou, Simon Bar-jona : for flefh
and blood hath not revealed it un-
to thee, but my Father which is
in heaven. And I fay alfo unto
thee. That thou art Peter, and
upon this rock I will build my
Church ; and the gates of hell fliall
not prevail againll it. And I will
give imto thee the keys of the
kingdom of heaven : and whatfo-
ever thou flialt bind on earth fliall
be bound in heaven ; and whatfo-
ever thou flialt loofe on earth fliall
be loofcd in heaven.
Saint James the Apqflle.
Saint James the Apoflle.
The ColleSl.
GRANT, O niercifiil God, that
as thine holy Apoftle Saint
James, leaving his father and all
that he had, without delay was
obedient unto the calling of thy
Son Jefus Chrift, and followed him;
fo we, forfaking all worldly and
carnal affections, may be evermore
ready to follow thy holy command-
ments ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
For the Epiftle. Aas xi. 27.
IN thofe days came prophets
from Jerufalem unto Antioch.
And there ftood up one of them
named Agabus, and fignified by
the Spirit, that there fliould be
great dearth throughout all the
world ; w^hich came to pafs in the
days of Claudius Caefar. Then the
difciples, every man according to
his ability, determined to fend re-
lief unto the brethren which dwelt
in Judaea. Which alfo they did,
and fent it to the elders by the
hands of Barnabas and Saul. Now
about that time Herod the king
ftretched forth his hands to vex
certain of the Church. And he
killed James the brother of John
with the fword. And, becaufe he
faw it pleafed the Jews, he proceed-
ed further to take Peter alfo.
The Go/pel St. Matth. xx. 20.
nr^HEN came to him the mother
J- of Zebedee's children with her
fons, worfliij^ping him, and defiring
a certain thing of him. And he
faid unto her, What wilt thou?
She faith unto hhn. Grant that
thefe my two fons may fit, the one
on thy right hand, and the other
on the left, in thy kingdom. But
Jefus anfwered and faid, Ye know
not what ye alk. Are ye able to
drink of the cup that I Ihall drink
of, and to be baptized with the
baptifm that I am baptized with?
They fay vmto him, We are able.
And he faith unto them. Ye (hall
drink indeed of my cup, and be
baptized Avith the baptifm that I ^
am baptized with : but to fit on
my right liand, and on my left, is
not mine to give ; but it Ihall be
given to them for whom it is ])re-
pared of my Father. And when
the ten heard it, they were moved
with indignation againft the two
brethren. But Jefus called them
unto him, and faid. Ye know that
the princes of the Gentiles ex-
ercife dominion over them, and
they that are great exercife au-
thority upon them. But it fliall
not be fo among you : but whofo-
ever will be great among you, let
him be your minifter ; and who-
foever will be chief among you,
let him be your fervant : even as
the Son of man came not to be
miniftered unto, but to minifter,
and to give his life a ranfom for
Saint Bartholoinew, and Saint MattJiew.
Sahit Bartholomew the Apojile.
The Colledi.
O Almighty and everlafting God,
who didll give to thine Apo-
ftle Bartholomew grace truly to
believe and to preach thy Word ;
Grant, we befeech thee, unto thy
Church, to love that Word which
he believed, and both to preach
and receive the fame ; through Je-
fus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
For the Epijlle. A6ls V. 12.
BY the hands of the Apoftles
were many ligns and wonders
\vTought among the people : (and
^ they were all with one accord in
Solomon's porch : and of the reft
durft no man join himfelf to them :
but the people magnified them :
and believers were the more -add-
ed to the Lord, multitudes both of
men and women :) infomuch that
they brought forth the fick into
the ftreets, and laid them on beds
and couches, that at the leall the
fliadow of Peter palling by might
overfliadow fome of them. There
came alfo a nuiltitude out of the
cities round about unto Jerufalem,
bringing ficU folks, and them which
were vexed with unclean fpirits ;
and they were healed every one.
The Go/pel. St. Luke xxii. 24.
AND there was alfo a Ilrife a-
mong them, Avhich of them
fliould l)e accounted the greateft.
And he faid unto them, I'he kings
of the Gentiles exercife lordlhip
over them ; and they that exercife
authority upon them are called
benefactors. But ye Ihall not be
fo : but he that is greateft among
you, let him be as the younger ;
and he that is chief, as he that
doth ferve. For whether is great-
er, he that (itteth at meat, or he
that feiTeth? is not he that fitteth
at meat? but I am among you as
he that ferveth. Ye are they which
have continued \vith me in my
temptations. And I appoint unto
you a kingdom, as my Father hath
appointed unto me ; that ye may
eat and drink at my table in my
kingdom, and fit on thrones judg-
ing the twelve tribes of Ifrael.
Saint Matthew the Apojile.
The ColleB.
O Almighty God, who by thy
blelled Son didft call Matthew
from the receipt of cuftom to be
an Apoftle and Evangelift ; Grant
us grace to forfake all covetous de-
fires, and inordinate love of riches,
and to follow the fame thy Son Je-
fus Chrift, wlu) liveth and reigneth
with thee and the Holv Ghoft, one
God, world without end. Amen.
The Epijile. 2 Cor. iv. L
THEKEFORE feeing we have
this miniftry, as we have re-
ceived mercy, we faint not ; but
have renounced the hidden thin"s
of diflionefty, not walking in craf-
tiiiefs, nor handling the Word of
Saint Michael and all Angels.
God deceitfully, but by nianifefta-
tioii of the truth conimciidlng- our-
felves to every man's confcience
ill the fight of God. But if our
gofpel be hid, it is hid to them
that are loll : in whom the God of
this world hath blinded the minds
of them which believe not, leil
the light of the glorious Gofpel of
Chrift, who is the image of God,
fliould Ihiiie unto them. For we
preach not ourfelves, but Chrift
Jefus the Lord ; and ourfelves your
fervants for Jefus' fake. For God,
who commanded the light to lliine
out of darknefs, hath fliined in our
hearts, to give the light of the
knowledge of the glory of God, in
the face of Jefus Chrift.
The Gofpel. St. Matth. ix. 9.
AND as Jefus pafled forth from
thence, he faw a man named
Matthew, fitting at the receipt of
cnftom : and he faith unto him,
Follow me. And he arofe, and fol-
lowed him. And it came to pafs,
as Jefus fat at meat in the lioufe,
behold, many Publicans and fin-
ners came, and fat down with him
and his difciples. And when the
Pharifees faw it, they faid unto his
difciples. Why eateth your Mafter
with Publicans and finners? But
when Jefus heard that, he faid un-
to them. They that be w^hole need
not a phyfician, but they that are
fick. But go ye and learn what
that meaneth, I will have mercy,
and not facrifice ; for I am not
come to call the righteous, but
finners to repentance.
Saint Blichael and all Angels.
OEverlafting God,
ordained and conlt:
The CollcSi.
who haft
conltituted the
fervices of Angels and men in a
wonderful order; Mercifully grant,
that as thy holy Angels alway do
thee fervdce in heaven, fo by thy
appointment they may iuccour and
defend us on earth ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
For the Epijlle. Rev. xii. 7.
THERE was war in heaven :
Michael and his angels fought
againft the dragon, and the dragon
fought and his angels ; and pre-
vailed not, neither was their place
found any more in heaven. And
the great dragon was caft out, that
old ferpent, called the devil and
Satan, which deceive tli the whole
world ; he was caft out into the
earth, and his angels were caft out
with him. And I heard a loud
voice faying in heaven, Now is
come falvation, and ftrength, and
the kingdom of our God, and the
power of his Chrift : for the accu-
ier of our brethren is caft down,
which accufed them before our
God day and night. And they
overcame him by the blood of the
Lamb, and by the word of their
teftimony ; and they loved not their
Saint Luke the Evangelijl,
lives unto the death. Therefore
rejoice, ye heaveiis, and ye that
dwell in them. Wo to the in-
habiters of the earth, and of the
fea : for the devil is come down
unto you, having great ^vi-ath, be-
caufe he knoweth that he hath but
a fliort time.
TJie Go/pel. St. Matth. xyiii. I.
AT the fame time came the dif-
ciples unto Jefus, fapng, Who
is the greateft in the Kino^dom of
heaven ? And Jefus called a little
child unto him, and fet him in the
midft of them, and faid, Verfly I
fay unto you, Except ye be con-
verted, and become as little chil-
dren, ye fiiall not enter into the
Kingdom of heaven. Whofoever
therefore fliall humble himfelf as
this little child, the fame is greateft
in the Kingdom of heaven. And
whofo Ihall receive one fuch little
child in my Name, receiveth me.
But whofo fliall offend one of thefe
little ones which believe in me, it
were better for him that a milftone
were hanged about his neck, and
that he were drowned in the depth
of the fea. Wo unto the world
becaufe of offences : for it nmfl
needs be that offences come : but
wo to that man by whom the of-
fence Cometh. Wherefore if thy
hand or thy foot offend thee, cut
them off, and call them from thee :
it is better for thee to enter into
life halt or maimed, rather than
having two hands or two feet to
be call into everlafting fire. And if
thine eye offend thee, ])luck it out,
and call it fi'om thee : it is better
for thee to enter into life with one
eye, rather than having two eyes
to be call into hell-fire. Take heed
that ye defpife not one of thefe
little ones ; for I fay unto you.
That in heaven their aneels do al-
ways behold the face of my Father
which is in heaven.
Saint Luke the Evangeliji.
The CoUedi.
ALMIGHTY God, who calledfl
Luke the Phyfician, wliofe
praife is in the Gofpel, to be an
Evangelill, and Phyfician of the
foul ; May it pleafe thee, that, by
the wholfome medicines of the doc-
trine delivered by him, all the dif-
eafes of our fouls may be healed ;
through the merits of thy Son Je-
fus Chrifl our Lord. Ameii.
The Epijlle. 2 Tim. iv. 5.
WATCH diou in all things,
endure afflictions, do the
work of an Evangelifl, make full
])roof of thy minifhy. For I am
now ready to be oflbred, and the
time of my departure is at hand.
I have fought a good fight, 1 have
finiflied my courfe, 1 have kept
the faith. Henceforth there is laid
up for me a crown of righteouf-
Saint Simon and Saint Jude.
nefs, which the Lord, the righte-
ous Judge, Ihall give me at that
day : and not to me only, but unto
all them alfo that love his appear-
ing. Do thy diligence to come
ftiortly vmto me : for Demas hath
forfaken me, having loved this pre-
fent world, and is departed unto
Theffalonica ; Crefcens to Galatia,
Titus unto Dalmatia. Only Luke
is with me. Take Mark and bring
him with thee : for he is profitable
to me for the miniftry. And Ty-
chicus have I fent to Ephefus.
The cloke that I left at Troas with
Carpus, when thou comeft, bring
with thee; and the books, but
efpecially the parchments. Alex-
ander the copper-fmith did me
much evil : the Lord reward him
according to his works. Of whom
be thou ware alfo, for he hath
greatly withftood our words.
The Go/pel. St. Luke x. L
THE Lord appointed other fe-
venty alfo, and fent them two
and two before his face into eveiy
city and place whither he himfelf
would come. Therefore faid he
unto them. The harveft truly is
great, but the labourers are few;
pray ye therefore the Lord of the
harveft, that he would fend forth
labourers into his harveft. Go your
ways ; behold, I fend you forth as
lambs among wolves. Carry nei-
ther purfe, nor fcrip, nor flioes,
and falute no man by the way.
And into whatfoever houfe ye en-
ter, firft fay. Peace be to this houfe.
And if the fon of peace be there,
your peace fliall reft upon it : if
not, it ihall turn to you agam. And
in the fame houfe remain, eating
and drinking fuch things as they
give: for the labourer is worthy of
his hire.
St. Simon and St. Jude, Apojlles.
The Colledl.
O Almighty God, who haft built
thy Church upon the founda-
tion of the Apoftles and Prophets,
Jefus Chrift himfelf being the head
corner-ftone ; Grant us fo to be
joined together in unity of fpirit
by their dodtrine, that we may be
made an holy temple acceptable
unto thee ; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen.
The Epijlle. St. Jude 1 .
JUDE, the fervant of Jefus
Chrift, and brother of James,
to them that are fandtified by God
the Father, and prefer>^ed in Jefus
Chrift, and called: Mercy unto you,
and peace, and love be multiplied.
Beloved, when I gave all diligence
to write unto you of the common
falvation, it was needful for me to
write unto you, and exhort you,
that ye ftiould earneftly contend
for the faith which was once deli-
vered unto the faints. For there
All Saints Day.
are certain men crept in unawares,
who were before of old ordained to
this condemnation ; ungodly men,
turning the grace of our God into
lafcivioufnefs, and denying the
only Lord God, and our Lord Je-
fus Chrift. I will therefore put you
in remembrance, though ye once
knew this, how that the Lord, hav-
ing faved the people out of the
land of Egyq3t, afterward deftroyed
them that believed not. And the
angels which kept not their firft
eftate, but left their own habita-
tion, he hath referved in everlaft-
ing chains under darknefs unto the
judgement of the great day. Even
as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the
cities about them in like manner
giving themfelves over to fornica-
tion, and going after ftrange flefli,
are fet forth for an example, fuf-
ferin"' the venoeance of eternal fire.
Likewiie alfo thefe filthv dreamers
defile the flefli, defpife dominion,
and fpeak evil of dignities.
The Gofpel. St. John xv. 17.
THESE things I command you,
that ye love one another. If
the world hate you, ye know that
it hated me before it hated you.
If vc were of the world, the world
would love his own : })ut becaufe
ye are not of the world, but I have
chofcn you out of the world, there-
fore the world hateth you. lie-
member the word that I laid unto
you. The fei-vant is not greater
than the lord : if they have perfe-
cuted me, they will alfo pedecute
you ; if they have kept my faying,
they will keep your's alfo. But
all thefe things will they do unto
you for my Name's fake, becaufe
thev know not him that fent me.
If I had not come and fpoken un-
to them, they had not had fin :
but now they have no cloke for
their fin. He that hateth me hat-
eth my Father alfo. If I had not
done among them the works which
none other man did, they had not
had fin ; but now have they both
feen, and hated, both me and my
Father. But this cometh to pafs,
that the word might be fulfilled
that is written in their law, They
hated me without a caufe. But
when the Comforter is come, Avhom
I will fend unto you from the Fa-
ther, even the Spirit of truth, which
proceedeth from the Father, he
fhall teftify of me. And ye alfo
(hall bear witnefs, becaufe ye have
been with me from the beginning.
:.- .or(t '\i :.
All Saints' Day.
The ColleSt.
O Almighty God, who haft knit
together thine ele(5l in one
connnunion and fellowfliip, in the
myftical body of thy Son Chrift
our Lord ; (irant us grace fo to
follow thy blefled Saints in all vir-
All Saints' Day.
tnous and godly living, that we
may come to thofe imfpeakable
joys, which thou hall prepared for
them that unfeignedly love thee ;
through Jefiis Chrift our Lord.
For the Epijik. llev. vii. 2.
AND I faw another angel af-
cending from the eaft, having
the feal of the living God ; and he
cried with a loud voice to the four
angels, to whom it was given to
hurt the earth, and the fea, faying.
Hurt not the earth, neither the
fea, nor the trees, till we have feal-
ed the fervants of our God in their
foreheads. And I heard the num-
ber of them which were fealed ;
and there were fealed an hundred
and forty and four thoufand, of
all the tribes of the children of
Of the tribe of Juda w6re fealed
twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of Reuben were
fealed twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of Gad were fealed
twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of Afer were fealed
twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of Nephthali were
fealed twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of ManalTes were
fealed twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of Svmeon were
fealed twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of Levi were fealed
twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of Ifachar were
fealed twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of Zabulon were
fealed twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of .Jofeph were feal-
ed twelve thoufand.
Of the tribe of Benjamin were
fealed twelve thoufand.
After this I beheld, and lo, a
great multitude, which no man
could number, of all nations, and
kindreds, and people, and tongues,
ftood before the throne, and be-
fore the Lamb, clothed with white
robes, and palms in their hands ;
and cried with a loud voice, fay-
ing, Salvation to our God which
litteth upon the throne, and unto
the Lamb. And all the angels
ftood round about the throne, and
about the elders, and the four
beafts, and fell before the throne
on their faces, and worlhipped God,
faying. Amen ; Bleffing, and gloiy,
and wifdom, and thankfgiving, and
honour, and power, and might, be
unto our God for ever and ever.
The Go/pel. St. Matth. v. L
JESUS, feeing the multitudes,
went up into a mountain ; and
when he was fet, his difciples came
unto him. And he opened his
mouth, and taught them, faying,
Bleffed are the poor in fpirit: for
their's is the kingdom of heaven.
Bleffed are they that mourn: for
they ftiall be comforted. Bleffed
All Saints Day.
are the meek : for they ftiall in-
herit the eai'th. Bleffed are they
which do hunger and thidl after
righteoufnefs : for they fliall be fill-
ed. Bleffed are the merciful : for
they fliall obtain mercy. Bleffed
are the pure in heart : for they fliall
fee God. Bleffed are the peace-
makers : for they fliall be called the
children of God. Bleffed aie they
which are perfecuted for righteouf-
nefs' fake : for their's is the king-
dom of heaven. Bleffed are ye,
when men fliall revile you, and per-
fecute you, and fliall fay all manner
of evil againfl; you falfely for my
fake. Rejoice, and be exceeding
glad ; for great is your reward in
heaven : for fo perfecuted they the
prophets which were before you.
^ SO many as intend to he partakers of the holy Communion Jliall Jignify
their names to the Curate, at leajl fome time the day before.
^ And if any of thofe he an open and notorious evil liver, or have done
any wrong to his neighbours hy word or deed, fo that the Congregation
he thereby offended; the Curate, having knoivledge thereof Jhall call
him and advertife him, that in any wife he prefime not to come to the
Lord's Table, until he hath openly declared himfelf to have truly re-
pented and amended his former naughty life, that the Congregation
may thereby be fatisfed, which before were offended ; and that he hath
recompenfed the parties., to whom he hath done wrong; or at leafi de-
clare himfelf to he in full purpofe fo to do, as foon as he conveniently
^ The fame order Jhall the Curate ufe with thofe hetwiwt whom he per-
ceiveth malice and hatred to reign ; not fuffering them to he partakei's
of the Lord's Table, until he know them to he reconciled. And if one
of the parties fo at variance be content to forgive from the bottom of
his heart all that the other hath trefpaffed againji him, and to make
amends for that he himfelf hath offended ; and the other party will not
he perfuaded to a godly unity, hut remain Jlill in his frowardnefs and
malice : the Minijier in that cafe ought to admit the penitent perfon to
the holy Communion, and not him that is ohjlinate. Provided that
every Minijier fo repelling any, as is fpecified in this, or the next pre-
cedent Paragraph of this Rubrick, fludl be obliged to give an account
of the fame to the Ordinary within fourteen days aj'ter at the farthejl.
And the Ordinary JJudl proceed againji the offending petf on according
to the Canon.
^ The Table, at the Communion-time having a fair white linen cloth
upon it, Jhall Jland in the Body of the Church, or in the Chancel,
tvhei'e Morning and Evening Prayer are appointed to be faid. And
the Prieji Jianding at the North-Jide of the Table Jliall fay the Lord's
Prayer, with the Collet following, the people kneeling.
The Communion.
UR Father which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
'V\\y kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth, As it is in heaven,
(live ns this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpalfes, As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
g-ainft us. And lead us not into
temptation ; But deliver us from
evil. Amen.
TJie ColleB.
A LMIGHTY God, unto whom
i^^ all hearts be open, all defires
kno\Aai, and from whom no fecrets
are hid ; Cleanfe the thoughts of
our hearts by the infpiration of thy
Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly
love thee, and worthily magnify
thy holy Name; through Chrill
our Lpl'd. ^,/lme/i .
^ Tlien shall the Priest, timiins^ to the people, rehearse
distmctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS;
and the people still kneeling shall, after every Com-
mandment, ask God mercy for their transgression
thereof for the time past, and grace to keep the
same for the time to come, as followeth.
C^ OD fpake thefe words, and
^ faid ; I am the Lord thy God :
Thou {halt have none other gods
but me.
People. Lord, have mercy upon
us, and incline our hearts to keep
this law.
Wimftcr. Thou (halt not make
to thyfelf any graven image, nor
the likenefs of any thing that is in
heaven above, or in the earth be-
neath, or in the water under the
earth. Thou flialt not bow down
to them, nor worfliip them : for I
the Lord thy God am a jealous
God, and vilit the fins of the fa-
thers upon the children, unto the
third and fourth o'eneration of them
that hate me, and fliew mercy un-
to thoufands in them that love me,
and keep my commandments.
People. Lord, have mercy upon
us, and incline our hearts to keep
this law.
Minijler. Thou (halt not take
the Name of the Lord thy God in
vain : for the Lord will not hold
him guiltlefs, that taketh his Name
in vain.
People. Lord, have mercy upon
us, and incline our hearts to keep
this law.
Minijler. Remember that thou
keep holy the Sabbath-day. Six
days flialt thou labour, and do all
that thou haft to do ; but the fe-
venth day is the Sabbath of the
Lord thy God. In it thou flialt
do no manner of work, thou, and
thy foil, and thy daughter, thy
man-feiTant, and thy maid-fervant,
thy cattle, and the ftranger that is
within thy gates. For in fix days
tlie Lord made heaven and earth,
tlie fea, and all that in them is,
and nulled the fcventh day : where-
fore the Lord bleffed the ieventh
day, and hallowed it.
People. Lord, have mercy upon
The Communion,
us, and incline our hearts to keep
this hiw.
Minllhr. Honour thy father and
thy mother; that thy days may be
long in the land, which the Lord
thy God giveth thee.
People. Lord, have mercy upon
us, and incline our hearts to keep
this law.
Minijier. Thou flialt do no mur-
People. Lord, have mercy upon
us, and incline our hearts to keep
this law.
Mmiftcr. Thou flialt not commit
People. Lord, have mercy upon
us, and incline our hearts to keep
this law.
Minijier. Thou flialt not Heal.
People. Lord, have mercy upon
us, and incline our hearts to keep
this law.
Minijier. Thou flialt not bear
falfe witnefs againfl; thy neigh-
People. Lord, have mercy upon
us, and incline our hearts to keep
this law.
Minijier. Thou flialt not covet
thy neighbour s houfe, thou flialt
not covet thy neighbour's wife,
nor his fervant, nor his maid, nor
his ox, nor his afs, nor any thing
that is his.
People. Lord, have mercy upon
us, and write all thefe thy laws in
our hearts, we befeech thee.
% Tlii-n sliult folloxv one of l/irse hco Collects for (lit
King, tite Pried standing un before, and saying,
Let us pray.
ALMIGHTY God, whofe king-
dom is everlalling, and pow-
er infinite; Have mercy ujion the
whole Church; and fo rule the heart
of thv chofen fervant GEORGE,
our King and Governour, that he
(knowing whofe miniller he is) may
above all things feek thy honour
and glory : and that we, and all his
fubjedls (duly confidering whofe
authority he hath) may faithfully
ferve, honour, and humbly obey
him, in thee, and for thee, accord-
ing to thy blefl*ed Word and ordi-
nance ; through Jefus Chrifl; our
Lord, who with thee and the Holy
Glioft liveth and reigneth, ever one
God, world without end. Amen.
LMIGHTY and everlafting
God, we are taught by thy
holy Word, that the hearts of Kings
are in thy rule and governance,
and that thou doft; difpofe and turn
them as it feemeth befl to thy god-
ly wifdoni : We humbly befeech
thee fo to difpofe and govern the
heart of GEORGE thy Servant,
our King and Governour, that, in
all his thoughts, words, and works,
he may ever feek thy honour and
glory, and ftudy to preferve thy
people committed to his charge,
in wealth, peace, and godlinefs^
Grant this, O merciful Father, for
The Communion.
thy deal- Son's fake, Jefiis Chrift
our Lord. Atne?!.
*[[ Then shall be said the Collect of the Day. And
immediately after the ColJect the Priest shall read
the Epistle, saying, The Epistle [or, The portion
of Scripture appointed for the Epistle] is written
in the Chapter of beginning at the
Verse. And the Epistle ended, he shall say. Here
endeth the Epistle. Tlien shall he read the Gospel
{the people all standing up) saying, The holy Gos-
pel is written in the Chapter of begin-
ning at the Verse. And the Gospel ended,
shall be sung or said the Creed following, the people
still standing, as be/ore.
I Believe in one God the Father
Almighty, Maker of lieaven
and earth, And of all things vifible
and invifible :
And in one Lord Jefus Chrift,
the only-begotten Son of God,
Begotten of his Father before all
worlds, God of God, Light of Light,
Very God of very God, Begotten,
not made, Being of one fubftance
with the Father, By whom all
things were made : Who for us
men, and for our falvation came
down from heaven. And was in-
carnate by the Holy Ghoft of the
A^irgin Mary, And was made man.
And was crucified alfo for us un-
der Pontius Pilate. He fuffered
and was buried, And the third
day he rofe again according to
the Scriptures, And afcended into
heaven. And fitteth on the right
hand of the Father. And he lliall
come again with glory to judge
both the quick and the dead :
Whofe kingdom fliall have no end.
And 1 believe in the Holy Ghoft,
The Lord and Giver of life, Wlio
proceedeth from the Father and
the Son, Who with the Father and
the Son together is worfliipped and
glorified. Who fpake by the Pro-
phets. And I believe one Catho-
lick and Apoftolick Church. I ac-
knowledge one Baptifm for the
remiflion of fins, And I look for
the llefurredlion of the dead, And
the life of the world to come.
^ Then the Curate shall declare unto the people what
Holy-days, or Fasting-days, are in the Wtek foU
lotcing to be observed. And then also (if occasion
be) shall notice be given of the Communion; and
Briefs, Citations, and Excommunications read.
And nothing shall be proclaimed or published in
the Church, during the time of Divine Service, but
by the Minister: nor by him any thing, but what is
prescribed in the Rules of this Book, or enjoined
by the King, or by the Ordinary of' the place.
If Then shall follow the Sermon, or one of the Homi-
lies already set forth, or hereafter to be set forth,
by authority.
^ Then shall the Priest 7'eturn to the Lord's Table,
and begin the Offertory, saying one or ynore of
these Sentences following, as he thinketh most con-
venient in his discretion.
LET your light fo fliine before
men, that they may fee your
good works, and glorify your Fa-
ther which is in heaven. St. 3Iatt. v.
Lay not up for yourfelves trea-
fure upon the earth ; where the ruft
and moth doth corrupt, and where
thieves break through and Ileal :
but lay up for yourfelves treafures
in heaven ; where neither ruft nor
moth doth corrupt, and where
thieves do not break through and
fteal. St. 3Iatt. vi.
The Communion.
Wliatfoever ye would that men
flioiild do unto you, even fo do
unto them ; for this is the Law
and the Prophets. St. Matt. vii.
Not every one that faith unto
me, Lord, Lord, fliall enter into
the Kingdom of heaven ; but he
that doeth the will of my Father
which is in heaven. St. 3Iatt. vii.
Zacchaeus flood forth, and faid
unto the Lord, Behold, Lord, the
half of my goods I give to the
poof; and if I have done any ^vi'ong
to any man, I reftore fourfold. St.
Luke xix.
Who goeth a warfare at any time
of his own coft? Who planteth a
vineyard, and eateth not of the
fruit thereof? Or who feedeth a
flock, and eateth not of the milk
of the flock? 1 Cor. ix.
If we have fown unto you fpiri-
tual things, is it a great matter if
we fliall reap your worldly things?
1 Cor. ix.
Do ye not know, that they who
minifl;er about holy things live of
the facrifice ; and they who wait
at the altar are partakers with the
altar? Even fo hath the Lord alfo
ordained, that they who })reach the
Gofpel fliould live of the Gofpel.
1 Cor. ix.
He that foweth little fliall reap
little ; and he that foweth plente-
oufly fliall reap plenteoufly. Let
every man do according as he is
difpofed in his heart, not grudg-
ingly, or of neceflity ; for God lov-
eth a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. ix.
Let him that is taught in the
Word minifler unto him that teach-
eth, in all good things. Be not
deceived, God is not mocked : for
wliatfoever a man foweth that fliall
he reap. Gal. vi.
While we have time, let us do
good unto all men ; and fpecially
vmto them that are of the houfliold
of faith. Gal. vi.
Godlinefs is great riches, if a
man be content with that he hath :
for we brought nothing into the
world, neither may we carry any
thing out. 1 Tim. vi.
Charge them who are rich in
this world, that they be ready to
give, and glad to difi;ribute ; laying
up in fi;ore for themfelves a good
foundation againfl; the time to
come, that they may attain eternal
life. 1 Tim. vi.
God is not unrighteous, that he
will forget your works, and labour
that proceedeth of love; which love
ye have fliewed for his Name's
lake, who have miniftered unto the
faints, and yet do minifl;er. Heb. vi.
To do good, and to diftribute,
forget not ; for with fuch facrifices
God is well pleafed. Heh. xiii.
Whofo hath this world's good,
and feeth his brother have need,
and fliutteth up his compaflion
from him, how dwelleth the love
of God in him? 1 St. John iii.
The Communion.
Give alms of thy goods, and
never turn thy face from any {Door
man ; and then the face of the
Lord fliall not be turned away
from thee. Toh. iv.
Be merciful after thy power. If
thou haft much, give plenteoufly :
if thou haft little, do thy diUgence
gladly to give of that little : for
fo gathereft thou thyfelf a good
reward in the day of neceffity.
Tob. iv.
He that hath pity upon the
poor lendeth unto the Lord : and
look, what he layeth out, it ftiall be
paid him again. Prov. xix.
Bleffed be the man that provid-
eth for the fick and needy: the
Lord ftiall deliver him in the time
of trouble. Pfalm xli.
^ Whilst these Sentences are in reading, the Deacons,
Church-zcardens, or other Jit person appointed for
that purpose, shall receive the Alms for the Poor,
and other devotions of the people, in a decent bason
to he provided by the Parish for that purpose; and
reverentlji bring it to the Priest, zcho shall humbly
present and place it upon the holy Table.
51 And when there is a Communion, the Priest shall
then place upon the Table so much Bread and Wine,
as he shall think sufficient.
After which done, the Priest sJiall say,
Let us pray for the whole ftate of
Chrift's Church militant here in
ALMIGHTY and everli ving
God, who by thy holy Aj)oftle
haft taught us to make j)rayers, and
fupplications, and to give thanks,
for all men ; We humbly befeech
thee moft mercifiilly
\iO accent our (thus V "'<^^re be no
J J I .' 7-1 alms or oblations,
and oblations, and\ , hen shall the rcords
to receive thefe our i^^ accepting our
prayers, which we f"-?-' ablations]
1 J ' he lejt out unsatd.
offer unto thy Di-
vine Majefty; befeeching thee to
infpire continually the univerfal
Church with the fpirit of truth,
unity, and concord : And grant,
that all they that do confefs thy
holy Name may agree in the truth
of thy holy Word, and live in
unity, and godly love. We befeech
thee alfo to fave and defend all
Chriftian Kings, Princes, and Go-
vernours ; and fpecially thy fervant
GEORGE our King; that under
him we may be godly and quietly
governed : And grant unto his
whole Council, and to all that are
put in authority under him, that
they may truly and indifferently
minifter juftice, to the punifliment
of wickednefs and vice, and to the
maintenance of thy true religion,
and virtue. Give grace, O heaven-
ly Father, to all Biftiops and Cu-
rates, that they may both by their
life and docSirine fet forth thy true
and lively Word, and rightly and
duly adminifter thy holy Sacra-
ments : And to all thy j)cople give
thy heavenly grace ; and efpecially
to this congregation here prefent;
that, with meek heart and due re-
verence, they may hear, and re-
ceive thy holy Word ; truly ferving
21ie CojnmuumL
thee in holinefs and rigliteoufnels
all the days of their life. And we
moft humbly befeech thee of thy
goodnefs, O Lord, to comfort and
fuccoiir all them, who in this tran-
fitory life are in trouble, forrow,
need, licknefs, or any other adver-
fity. And we alio blefs thy holy
Name for all thy fervants departed
this life in thy faith and fear ; be-
feeching thee to give us grace fo
to follow their good examples, that
with them we may be partakers of
thy heavenly kingdom : Grant this,
O Father, for Jefus Chrift's fake,
our only Mediator and Advocate.
^ JF/ien the Minister giveth warniiisr for the celebra-
tion of the hull/ Communion, {which he shall alzcw/s
do upon the Sundae/, or some Hoh/-dat/, immediately
preceding,) after the Sermon or Homily ended, he
shall rend this Exhortation Jbllozcing.
DEARLY beloved, on — day
next I purpofe, through God's
afliftance, to adminifter to all fuch
as Ihall be religioufly and devo'itly
difpofed the moll comfortable Sa-
crament of the Body and Blood
of Chrift; to be by them received
in remembrance of his meritorious
Crofs and Paflion ; whereby alone
we obtain remiffion of our fins,
and are made partakers of the
Kingdom of heaven. Wherefore
it is our duty to render moft hum-
ble and hearty thanks to Almighty
God our heavenly Father, for that
he hath given his Son our Saviour
Jefus Chrift, not only to die for
us, but alfo to be our fpiritual food
and fuftenance in that holy Sacra-
ment. Which being fo divine and
comfortable a thing to them who
receive it worthily, and fo danger-
ous to them that will prefume to
receive it unworthily; my duty is
to exhort you in the mean feafon
to confider the dignity of that holy
myftery, and the great peril of the
unworthy receiving thereof; and
fo to fearch and examine your own
confciences, (and that not lightly,
and after the manner of diifem-
blers with God ; but fo) that ye
may come holy and clean to fuch
a heavenly Feaft, in the maniage-
garment required by God in holy
Scripture, and be received as wor-
thy partakers of that holy Table.
The way and means thereto is ;
Firft, to examine your lives and
converfations by the rule of God's
commandments ; and whereinfo-
ever ye Ihall perceive yourfelves
to have oft'ended, either by will,
word, or deed, there to bewail
your own finfulnefs, and to confefs
yourfelves to Almighty God, with
full purpofe of amendment of life.
And if ye Ihall perceive your of-
fences to be fuch as are not only
againft God, but alfo againft your
neighbours ; then ye ihall reconcile
yourfelves unto them ; being ready
to make reftitution and fatisfadtion,
according to the uttermolt of your
powers, for all injuries and wrongs
A a 2
The Commimioji.
done by you to any other ; and
being likewife ready to forgive
others that have offended you, as
ye would have forgivenel's of your
offences at God's hand : for other-
wife the receiving of the holy Com-
munion doth nothing elfe but in-
creafe your damnation. Therefore
if any of you be a blafphemer of
God, an hinderer or llanderer of
his Word, an adulterer, or be in
malice, or envy, or in any other
grievous crime, repent you of your
fins, or elfe come not to that holy
Table ; left, after the taking of that
holy Sacrament, the devil enter in-
to you, as he entered into Judas,
and fill you full of all iniquities,
and bnng you to deftrudlion both
of body and foul.
And becaufe it is requifite, that
no man fliould come to the holy
Communion, but with a full truft
in God's mercy, and with a quiet
confcience ; therefore if there be
any of you, who by this means
cannot quiet his own confcience
herein, but requireth further com-
fort or counfel, let him come to
me, or to fome other difcreet and
learned Minifter of God's Word,
and open his grief; that by the
miniftiy of God's holy Word he
may receive the benefit of abfolu-
tion, together with ghoftly counfel
and advice, to the quieting of his
confcience, and avoicUng of all
fcniple and doubtfulnels.
^ Or, ill case he shall see the people negligent to come
to the hoi}/ Communion, instead of the former, he
shall Kse this Exhortation.
EARLY beloved brethren,
on I intend, by God's
grace, to celebrate the Lord's Sup-
per : unto which, in God's behalf,
I bid you all that are here prefent ;
and befeech you, for the Lord Je-
fus Chrift's fake, that ye will not
refufe to come thereto, being fo
lovingly called and bidden by God
himfelf. Ye know how grievous
and unkind a thing it is, when a
man hath prepared a rich feaft,
decked his table with all kind of
provifion, fo that there lacketh no-
thing but the guefts to fit do^vn ;
and yet they who are called (with-
out any caufe) moft imthankftilly
refufe to come. Which of you in
fuch a cafe would not be moved?
Who would not think a great in-
juiy and wrong done unto him?
Wherefore, moft dearly beloved
in Chrift, take ye good heed, left
ye, ^vithdrawing yourfelves from
this holy Supper, provoke God's
indignation againft you. It is an
eafy matter for a man to fay, I will
not communicate, becaufe I am
otherwife hindered \vith worldly
bufinefs. But fuch excufes are
not fo eafily accepted and allowed
before God. If any man fay, I
am a grievous finner, and therefore
am afraid to come : wherefore then
do ye not repent and amend? When
God calleth you, are yc not afliam-
The Com77iunio7t.
ed to fay ye will not come? When
ye (liould return to God, will ye
excufe yourfelves, iind fay ye are
not ready? Confider earneftly with
yourfelves how little fuch feign-
ed excufes will avail before God.
They that refufed the feaft in the
Gofpel, becaufe they had bought
a farm, or would try their yokes of
oxen, or becaufe they were marri-
ed, were not fo excufed, but count-
ed unworthy of the heavenly feall.
I, for my part, fliall be ready ; and,
according to mine Office, I bid
you in the Name of God, I call
you in Chrift's behalf, I exhort you,
as ye love your own falvation, that
ye will be partakers of this holy
Communion. And as the Son of
God did vouchfafe to yield up his
foul by death upon the Crofs for
your falvation ; fo it is your duty
to receive the Communion in re-
membrance of the facrifice of his
death, as he himfelf hath com-
manded : whiph if ye fliall negledl
to do, confider with yourfelves how
great injuiy ye do unto God, and
how fore punifhment hangeth over
your heads for the fame; when ye
wilfully abftain from the Lord's
Table, and feparate from your bre-
thren, who come to feed on the
banquet of that moll heavenly food.
Thefe things if ye earneftly confi-
der, ye will by God's grace return
to a better mind : for the obtaining
whereof we fliall not ceafe to make
our humble petitions unto Almigh-
ty God our heavenly Father.
^I At the time of the celebration of the Communion,
the Communicants being coutenienllj/ placed for the
receiving of the holy Sacrament, the Priest shall
sai/ this Exhortation.
DEARLY beloved in the Lord,
ye that mind to come to the
holy Communion of the Body and
Blood of our Saviour Chrift, muft
confider how Saint Paul exhorteth
all perfons diligently to try and
examine themfelves, before they
prefume to eat of that Bread, and
drink of that Cup. For as the
benefit is great, if with a true pe-
nitent heart and lively faith we
receive that holy Sacrament ; (for
then we fpiritually eat the flelh of
Chrift, and drink his blood ; then
we dwell in Chrift, and Chrift in
us ; we are one with Chrift, and
Chrift with us ;) fo is the danger
great, if we receive the fame un-
worthily. For then we are guilty
of the Body and Blood of Chrift
our Saviour ; we eat and drink our
own damnation, not confidering
the Lord's Body ; we kindle God's
wrath againft us; we provoke him
to plague us with divers difeafes,
and fundiy kinds of death. Judge
therefore yourfelves, brethren, that
ye be not judged of the Lord; re-
pent you truly for your fins paft ;
have a lively and fledfaft faith in
Chrift our Saviour; amend your
lives, and be in perfedl charity with
aU men ; fo Ihall ye be meet par-
The Communion.
takers of tliofe holy myfteiies. And
above all things ye muft give moll
humble and hearty thanks to God,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Ghoft, for the redemption of the
world by the death and paffion of
our Saviour Chrift, both God and
man; who did humble himfelf, even
to the death upon the Crofs, for
lis, miferable finners, who lay in
darknefs and the fliadow of death ;
that he might make us the chil-
dren of God, and exalt us to ever-
lafting life. And to the end that
we fliould alway remember the ex-
ceeding great love of our M after,
and only Saviour, Jefus Chrift, thus
dying for us, and the innumerable
benefits which by his precious
blood- fliedding he hath obtained
to us ; he hath inftituted and or-
dained holy myfteries, as pledges
of his love, and for a continual
remembrance of his death, to our
great and endlefs comfort. To him
therefore, with the Father and the
Holy Ghoft, let us give (as we are
moft bounden) continual thanks ;
fubmitting ourfelves wholly to his
holy will and pleafure, and Undy-
ing to ferve him in true holinefs
and rightcoufnefs all the days of
our life. Amen.
5[ Then shall the Priest say to them that come to re-
ceive the holif Communion,
YE that do truly and earneftly
repent you of your fins, and
are in love and charity with your
neighbours, and intend to lead a
new life, following the command-
ments of God, and walking from
henceforth in his holy ways ; Draw
near with faith, and take this holy
Sacrament to your comfort ; and
make your humble confeflion to
Almighty God, meekly kneeling
upon your knees.
^ Then shall this general Confession be made, in the
name of all those that are minded to receive the holy
Communion, by one of the Ministers ; both he and
all the people kneeling humbly upon their knees,
and saying,
ALMIGHTY God, Father of
our Lord Jefus Chrift, Maker
of all things, Judge of all men ; We
acknowledge and bewail our ma-
nifold fins and wickednefs, Which
we, from time to time, moft griev-
oufly have committed. By thought,
word, and deed, Againft thy Di-
vine Majefty, Provoking moft juft-
ly thy wrath and indignation a-
gainft us. We do earneftly repent.
And are heartily forry for thefe
our mifdoings ; The remembrance
of them is orievous unto us : The
burden of them is intolerable. Have
mercy upon us. Have mercy upon
us, moft merciful Father ; For thy
Son our Lord Jefus Chrift's fake,
Forgive us all that is paft ; And
m-ant that we may ever hereafter
Serve and pleafe thee In newnefs
of life, To tlie honour and glory
of thy Name; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord. Amen.
The Communion.
*[[ Then shall the Priest (or the Bishop, being present,)
stand up, and turning himself to the people, pro-
nounce this Absolution.
ALMIGHTY God, our heaven-
ly Father, who of his great
mercy hath promifed forgivenefs
of fins to all them that with hearty
repentance and true faith turn un-
to him ; Have mercy upon you ;
pardon and deliver you from all
your fins ; confirm and ftrengthen
you in all goodnefs ; and biing you
to everlafl;ing life ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
If Then shall the Priest say.
Hear what comfortable words our
Saviour Chrift faith unto all that
truly turn to him.
COME unto me all that travail
and are heavy laden, and I
will refrefti you. St. Matt. xi. 28.
So God loved the world, that he
gave his only-begotten Son, to the
end that all that believe in him
Ihould not perifli, but have ever-
lafting life. St. John iii. 16.
Hear alfo what Saint Paul faith.
This is a true faying, and worthy
of all men to be received. That
Chrift Jefus came into the world
to fave finners. 1 Thn. i. 15.
Hear alfo what Saint John faith.
If any man fin, we have an Ad-
vocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift
the righteous ; and he is the pro-
pitiation for our fins. 1 St. John
ii. 1.
^ After which the Priest shall proceed, saying,
Lift up your hearts.
ylnjwcr. We lift them up unto
the Lord.
Prieji. Let us give thanks unto
our Lord God.
Anfwer. It is meet and right fo
to do.
^ Then shall the Priest turn to the Lord's Table,
and say,
IT is very meet, right, and our
bounden duty, that we ftiould
at all times, and in all places, give
thanks unto thee,
f^ -r 1 u 1 "c Ihese words [Holy
(J Lord, Holy r a- Father] must be omit.
ther. Almighty, E- ^^^ "« Trinity Sun.
verlafting God. ''*^'
^ Here shall follow the Proper Preface, according to
the time, if there be any specially appointed: or else
immediately shall folloze,
THEREFORE Avith Angels
and Archangels, and with all
the company of heaven, we laud
and magnify thy glorious Name ;
evermore praifing thee, and fay-
ing. Holy, holy, holy. Lord God
of hofts, heaven and earth are full
of thy glory : Glory be to thee, O
Lord moft High. Amen.
Proper Prefaces.
Upon Chriftmas-day, and /even
days after.
ECAUSE thou didft give Je-
fus Chrift thine only Son to be
born as at this time for us ; who,
by the operation of the Holy Ghoft,
was made veiy man of the fub-
The Communion.
Itaiice of the \''irgin Maiy his mo-
ther ; and that mthoiit fpot of fin,
to make us clean from all fin.
Therefore with Angels, S^c.
Upon Eafter-day, and /even days
BUT chiefly are we bound to
praife thee for the glorious Re-
furredlion of thy Son Jefus Chrift
our Lord : for he is the veiy Paf-
chal Lamb, which was oftered for
us, and hath taken away the fin of
the world; who by his death hath
deftroyed death, and by his rifing
to life again hath reftored to us
everlafting life. Therefore with
Angels, ^ c.
Upon Afcenfion-day, and /even
days after.
THROUGH thy moft dearly
beloved Son Jefus Chrifl; our
Lord ; who after his moft glorious
Refurre6lion manifeftly appeared
to all his Apoftles, and in their
fight afcended up into heaven to
prepare a place for us ; that where
he is, thither we might alfo afcend,
and reign \vith him in glory. There-
fore with Angels, S^c.
Upon Whit-fimday, and Jix days
THROUGH Jefus Chrift our
Lord ; according to whofe
moft true promife, the Holy Glioft
came down as at this time fVom
heaven with a fudden great found,
as it had been a mighty wind, in
the likenefs of fiery tongues, light-
ing upon the Apoftles, to teach
them, and to lead them to all tiiith ;
giving them both the gift of divers
languages, and alfo boldnefs mth
fervent zeal conftantly to preach
the Gofpel unto all nations ; where-
by Ave have been brought out of
darknefs and eiTor into the clear
light and true knowledge of thee,
and of thy Son Jefus Chrift. There-
fore with Angels, ^c.
Upon the Feaji of Trinity only.
WHO art one God, one Lord ;
not one only Perfon, but
three Perfons in one Subftance.
For that which we believe of the
glory of the Father, the fame Ave
believe of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghoft, Avithout any differ-
ence or inequality. Therefore with
Angels, S^c.
^ After each of which Prefaces fJiall
immediately hefiing or faid,
THEREFORE Avith Angels and
Archangels, and wath all the
company of heaven, we laud and
magnify thy glorious Name; ever-
more praifing thee, and faymg,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of
hofts, heaven and earth are full
of thy glory: Gloiy be to thee,
O Lord moft high. Amen.
% Then shall the Priest, kneeling douii. at the Lord's
Table, suif in the name of all them that shall receive
the CommtDiinn this Prayer following.
WE do not prefume to come
to this thy Table, O mer-
ciful Lord, truiting in our own
Tlie Communion.
righteoufiiefs, but in thy iiianifokl
and great mercies. We are not
worthy fo much as to gather up
the crumbs under thy Table. But
thou art the fame Lord, whofe
property is always to have mercy:
Grant us therefore, gracious I^ord,
fo to eat the flefli of thy dear Son
Jefus Chrift, and to drink his blood,
that our finfiil bodies may be made
clean by his body, and our fouk
waflied through his mod precious
blood, and that we may evermore
dwell in him, and he in us. Amen.
% When the Priest, standing before the Table, hath so
ordered the Bread and Wine, that he may with the
more readiness and decency break the Bread before
the people, and take the Clip into his hands, he shall
say the Prayer of Consecration, asfolloweth.
ALMIGHTY God, our heaven-
- ly Father, who of thy tender
mercy didft give thine only Son
Jefus Chrift to fuflfer death upon
the crofs for our redemption ; who
made there (by his one oblation of
himfelf once offered) a full, per-
fedl, and fufficient facrifice, obla-
tion, and fatisfadlion, for the fins
of the whole world ; and did infti-
tute, and in his holy Gofpel com-
mand us to continue, a perpetual
memory of that his precious death,
until his coming again ; Hear us,
O merciful Father, we moft hum-
bly befeech thee; and grant that
we receiving thefe thy creatures of
bread and wine, according to thy
Son our Saviour Jefus Chrilt's ho-
ly inftitution, in remembrance of
[lis death and paffion, may be par-
takers of his moft blefled Body and
Blood: Avho, in the fame night
that he was betray-
ed, * took Bread ; * ^^«'*« ^/'« J^^iest
and, when he had trrLt:^"""
given thanks, t he f And here to break
brake it, and gave "'-^^''^"■'^^
it to his difbiples,
faying. Take, eat,
I this is my Body t^'^ here to lay
which is given for '«;;'-;'^ "/'"^ «« '*.
you : Do this in re-
membrance of me.
Likewife after fup-
per he * took the * Here he is to
Cup; and, when he tj'^^^Jh^ Cup into hi,
had given thanks, he
gave it to them, fay-
ing. Drink ye all of
this ; for this t is my .+ ^'"^ ^'""^ *" ^"^^
1)1 1 r* 1 AT ^'* hand upon even/
Blood Ot the New ,,,,,,/ (^e u Malice
Teftament, which is or Flagon) in ichich
Qied for you and for ^t'lirj.' '" '"
many for the remif-
fion of fins : Do this, as oft as ye
Ihall drink it, in remembrance of
me. Amen.
5f Then, shall the Minister first receive the Communion
in both kinds himself, and then proceed to deliver
the same to the Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, in
like manner, {if any be present,) and after that to
the people also in order, into their hands, all meekly
kneeling. And, when he delivereth the Bread to
any one, he shall say,
THE Body of our Lord Jefus
Chrift, which was given for
thee, preferve thy body and foul
unto everlafting life. Take and eat
this in remembrance that Chrift
The Communion.
died for thee, and feed on him
in thy heart by faith with thankf-
^ And the Minister that deliveretJi the Cup to aiii/
one shall sai/,
THE Blood of our Lord Jefus
Chrill, wliich was (hed for thee,
preferve thy body and foul unto
everlafting hfe. Diink this in re-
membrance that Chrift's Blood was
flied for thee, and be thankful.
^ If the consecrated Bread or Wine he all spent be-
fore all have communicated, the Priest is to conse-
crate more according to the Form before prescribed;
beginning at [Our Saviour Christ in the same
night, S)c.] for the blessing of the Bread; and at
[Likewise after Supper, S\:c.] for the blessing of
the Cup.
U fVhen all have communicated, the Minister shall
return to the Lord's Table, and reverently place
upon it what remaineth f the consecrated Elements,
covering the same with a fair litien cloth.
^ Then shall the Priest sni/ the Lord's Praj/cr, the
people repealing after him evert/ Petition.
OUR Father, which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth, As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpaffes, As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainll us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
e\i\ : For thine is the kingdom.
The power, and the glory, For
ever and ever. Amen.
U Jfter shall be said asfolloweth.
OLord and heavenly Father,
we thy humble fervants en-
tirely defue thy fatherly goodnefs
mercifully to accept this our facri-
fice of praife and thankfgiving ;
moll humbly befeeching thee to
grant, that by the merits and
death of thy Son Jefus Chrilt, and
through faith in his blood, we
and all thy whole Church may
obtain remiflion of our fms, and
all other benefits of his paffion.
And here we offer and prefent
Unto thee, O Lord, ourfelves, our
fouls and bodies, to be a reafon-
able, holy, and lively facrifice un-
to thee ; humbly befeeching thee,
that all we, who are partakers of
this holy Communion, may be ful-
filled with thy grace and heavenly
benediction. And although we be
unworthy, through our manifold
fins, to offer unto thee any facri-
fice, yet we befeech thee to accept
this our bounden duty and fervice ;
not weighing our meFits, but par-
doning our oftences, through Jefus
Chrift our Lord ; by whom, and
with whom, in. the unity of the
Holy Ghoft, all honour and gloiy
be unto thee, O Father Almighty,
world without end. Amen.
Or this.
ALMIGHTY and everliving
God, we moil heartily thank
thee, for that thou doll vouchfafe
to feed us, who have duly received
thefe holy mylleries, with the fpi-
ritual food of the mod precious
Body and IMood of thy Son our
The Communion.
Saviour Jefus Chrift ; and doll af-
fiire us thereby of diy favour and
goodnefs towards us ; and that we
are veiy members incorporate in
the myftical body of thy Son, which
is the blefled company of all faithful
people; and are alfo heirs through
liope of thy everlafting kingdom,
by the merits of the moft precious
death and paffion of thy dear Son.
And we moft humbly befeech thee,
O heavenly Father, fo to affift us
with thy grace, that we may con-
tinue in that holy fellowlhip, and
do all fuch good works as thou
haft prepared for us to walk in ;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord, to
whom, vA\\\ thee and the Holy
Ghoft, be all honour and gloiy,
world without end. Amen.
^ ThenJJiall be /aid or Jung,
GLORY be to God on high,
and in earth peace, goodwill
towards men. We praife thee, we
blefs thee, we worlliip thee, we
glorify thee, we give thanks to
thee for thy great gloiy, O I^ord
God, heavenly King, God the Fa-
ther Almighty.
O Lord, the only-begotten Son
Jefu Chrift; O Lord God, Lamb
of God, Son of the Father, that
takeft away the fins of the world,
have mercy upon us. Thou that
takeft away the fins of the world,
have mercy upon us. Thou that
takeft away the fins of the world,
receive our prayer. Thou that fit-
ted at the right hand of God the
Father, have mercy upon us.
For thou only art holy ; thou
only art the Lord ; thou only, O
Chrift, with the Holy Ghoft, art
moft high in the glory of God the
Father. Amen.
^ Then the Priejl [or BiJJiop if he
be prefent) Jliall let them depart
with this JBlejUing.
THE peace of God, which pafl"-
eth all underftauding, keep
your hearts and minds in the know-
ledge and love of God, and of his
Son Jefus Chrift our Lord: and
the blefling of God Almighty, the
Father, the Son, and the Holy
Ghoft, be among-ft you and remain
with you always. Amen.
^ ColleSts to be /aid after the Of-
fertory, when there is no Com-
munion, every fuch day one or
more; and the fame may be faid
alfo, as often as occajion fhall
ferve, after the Colledts either of
Morning or Evening Prayer,
Communion, or Litany, by the
difcretion of the Minijler.
ASSIST us mercifully, O Lord,
in thefe our fupplications and
prayers, and dif})ofe the way of thy
fervants towards the attainment
of everlafting falvation ; that, a-
mong all the changes and chances
of this mortal life, they may ever
The Conmmnion.
be defended by thy moft gracious
and ready help ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
O Almighty Lord, and everlaft-
ing God, vouchfafe, we be-
feech thee, to diretft, fandtify, and
govern, both our heai'ts and bo-
dies, in the ways of thy laws, and
in the works of thy command-
ments ; that through thy moft
miglity protection, both here and
ever, we may be preferved in body
and foul ; through our Lord and
Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen.
GRANT, we befeech thee. Al-
mighty God, that the words,
which we have heard this day with
our outward ears, may through
thy grace be fo grafted inwardly
in our hearts, that they may bring
forth in us the fruit of good living,
to the honour and praife of thy
Name ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. A?nen.
PREVENT us, O Lord, in all
our doings with thy moft gra-
cious favour, and further us with
thy continual help; that in all
our works begun, continued, and
ended in thee, we may glorify
thy holy Name, and finally by
thy mercy obtain everlafting life ;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
ALMIGHTY God, the fountain
of all wifdom, who knoweft
our neceflities before we alk, and
our ignorance in afliing ; We be-
feech thee to have compaflion upon
our infirmities ; and thofe things,
which for our imworthinefs we
dare not, and for our blindnefs
we cannot alk, vovichfafe to give
us, for the worthinefs of thy Son
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
ALMIGHTY God, who haft
promifed to hear the petitions
of them that afli in thy Son's
Name; We befeech thee merci-
fully to incline thine ears to us
that have made now our prayers
and fupplications unto thee ; and
grant, that thofe things, which we
have faithfully alked according to
thy will, may eft'edlually be obtain-
ed, to the relief of our neceflity,
and to the fetting forth of thy glo-
ry ; through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
II Ujxm the Sundays and oilier Holy-days (if there be no Conwiiinion) shall he said all that is ap-
pointed at the Cominunion, until the end of the general Prayer [For the whole state of Christ's
Church inihtant heie on earthj together with one or more of these Colleets lust before rehears-
ed, concluding with the Blessing.
^ And there shall be no celebration of the Lord's Supper, except theix be a convenie?it number to
communicate xvith the Priest, according to his discretion.
The Communion
If And if there be not above twenty persons in the Parish of discretion to receive the Conmiunion ;
yet there shall be no Communion, except four {or three at the least) communicate with the Priest.
% And in Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, and Colleges, where there are inani/ Priests and
Deacons, they shall all receive the Communion with the Priest every .Sunday at the least, except
they have a reasonable cause to the contrary.
1[ And to take away all occasion of dissention, and superstition, which any Person hath or might
have concerning the Bread and J fine, it shall suffice that the Bread be such as is iisual to be
eaten ; but the best and purest JVhcat Bread that conveniently may be gotten.
% And if any of the Bread and JVine remain unconsecrated, the Curate shall have it to his own
use: but f any remain (f that zvhich was consecrated, it shall not be canned out of the Church,
but the Priest and such other of the Communicants as he shall then call unto linn, shall, imme-
diately after the Blessing, reverently eat and drink the same.
% The Bread and JFine for the Communion shall be provided by the Curate and the Chmxh-
loardens at the charges of the Parish.
If And note, that every Parishioner shall communicate at the least three times in the yea?', ofzthich
Easter to be one. And yearly at Easter every Parishioner shall reckon ziith the Parson,
Vicar, or Curate, or hit or their Deputy or Deputies; and pay to the?u or him all Ecclesiastical
Duties, accustomably due, then and at that time to be paid.
% After the Divine Service ended, the money given at the Offertory shall be disposed of to such
pious and charitable uses, as the Minister and Chiarh-wardens shall think Jit. JFherein if
they disagree, it shall be disposed of as the Ordinary shall appoint.
""VM/^HEREAS it is ordained in this Office for the Administration of the Lord's Supper, that the Com-
" municants should receive the same kneeling; (which order is well meant, for a signification of our
" humble and grateful acknowledgement of the benefits of Christ therein given to all worthy Receivers,
" and for the avoiding of such profanation and disorder in the holy Communion, as might otherwise ensue;)
" yet, lest the same kneeling should by any persons, either out of ignorance and infirmity, or out of malice
" and obstinacy, be misconstrued and depraved; It is hereby declared. That thereby no adoration is intend-
" ed, or ought to be done, either unto the Sacramental Bread or Wine there bodily received, or unto any
" Corporal Presence of Christ's natural Flesh and Blood. For the Sacramental Bread and Wine remain
" still in their very natural substances, and therefore may not be adored ; (for that were idolatry, to be
" abhorred of all faithful Christians ;) and the natural Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ are in Hea-
" ven, and not here ; it being against the truth of Christ's natural Body to be at one time in more places
" than one."
^ The people are to he admotiished, that it h most convenient that Baptism should not be adminis-
tered but upon Suiulays, and other Holy-days, z-ihen the most number of people come together;
as well for that the Cmgregation there present may testify the I'eceiving of them that be newly
baptized into the number of Christ's Church; as also because in the Baptism of Infants every
j\Iaii present may be put in remembrance of his moi profession made to God in his Baptism.
For Xiihich cause also it is expedient that Baptism be ministered in the vulgar tongue. Never-
theless, {f necessity so require,) Children may be baptized upon any other day.
% And note, that there shall be for every Male-child to be baptized tivo Ciodfathers and one God-
viother; and for every Female, otw Godfather and two Godnwthers.
If When there are Children to be baptized, the Parents shall give knorvledge thereof over night, or
in the morning before the beginning of Morning Prayer, to the Curate. And then the God-
fathers and Godmothers, and the people with the Children, must be ready at the Font, either
immediately after the last Lesson at Morning Prayer, or else hnmediately after the last Lesson
at Evening Prayer, as the Curate by his discretion shall appoint. And the Priest coming to
the Font, {which is then to be filed with pure JVater,) and standing there, shall say.
HATH this Child been ah-eady
baptized, or no?
^ If they atiswer, No : Then shall the Priest proceed
DEARLY beloved, forafmuch
as all men are conceived and
born in (in ; and that our Saviour
Chrift faith, None can enter into
the kingdom of God, except he be
regenerate and born anew of Wa-
ter and of the holy Ghoil ; I be-
feech you to call upon God the
Father, through our Lord Jefus
Chrift, that of his bounteous mer-
cy he will grant to t/iis Child that
thing which by nature he cannot
have ; that he may be baptized
with Water and the holy (ihoft,
and received into C'hrift's holy
Church, and be made a lively/ mem^
her of the fame.
% Then shall the Priest say,
Let us pray.
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, who of thy great mercy
didft fave Noah and his family in
the ark from perifliing by water ;
and alfo didft fafely lead the chil-
dren of Ifrael thy people through
the Red Sea, figuring thereby thy
holy Baptifm ; and by the Baptifm
of thy well-beloved Son Jefus
Chrift, in the river Jordan, didft
lan6lify Water to the myftical wafli-
ing away of fin ; We befeech thee,
for thine infinite mercies, that thou
wilt mercifully look upon this Child;
wafli him and fan^tify him with the
holyCihoft; that//^, being delivered
from thy wrath, may be received
into the ark of C'hrift's Church ;
and being ftedfail in faith, joyful
Piiblick Baptifm of Infants.
through hope, and rooted in cha-
rity, may fo pafs the waves of this
troublefome world, that finally he
may come to the land of everlaft-
ing life, there to reign with thee
world without end; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
ALMIGHTY and immortal
God, the aid of all that need,
the helper of all that flee to thee
for fuccour, the life of them that
believe, and the refurre6tion of the
dead ; We call upon thee for this
Infant, that he, coming to thy ho-
ly Baptifm, may receive remifllon
oihis fins by fpiritual regeneration.
Receive him, O Lord, as thou hafi;
promifed by thy well-beloved Son,
laying^ Aik, and ye fliall have;
feek, and ye Ihall find; knock, and
it ftiall be opened unto you : So
give now unto us that alk ; let us
that feek find; open the gate unto
us that knock ; that this Infant
may enjoy the everlafl;ing bene-
didlion of thy heavenly wafliing,
and may come to the eternal king-
dom which thou haft promifed by
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
^ Then shall the people stand up, and the Priest
shall say,
Hear the words of the Gofpel,
written by Saint Mark, in the
tenth Chapter, at the thirteenth
THEY brought young children
to Chrift, that he lliould touch
them ; and his difciples rebuked
thofe that brought them. But when
Jefus faw it, he was much dif-
pleafed, and faid unto tliem, Sufl*er
the little children to come unto
me, and forbid them not ; for of
fuch is tlie kingdom of God. Verily
I fay unto you, Whofoever fliall
not receive the kingdom of God
as a little child, he fliall not enter
therein. And he took them up in
his arms, put his hands upon them,
and bleffed them.
If After the Gospel is read, the Minister shall make
this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Gospel.
BELOVED, ye hear in this
Gofpel the words of our Savi-
our Chrift, that he commanded the
children to be brought unto him ;
how he blamed thofe that would
have kept them from him ; how he
exhorteth all men to follow their
innocency. Ye perceive how by
his outward gefture and deed he
declared his goodwill toward them;
for he embraced them in his arms,
he laid his hands upon them, and
blefled them. Doubt ye not there-
fore, but earneftly believe, that he
will likewife favourably receive this
prefent hfant; that he will em-
brace him with the arms of his
mercy ; that he will give unto him
the blefling of eternal life, and
make him partaker of his everlaft-
ina: kingdom. Wherefore we be-
ing thus perfuaded of the goodmll
of our heavenly Father towards
this Infant, declared by his Son
Puhlich Baptifm of Infants.
Jefus Chrift ; and nothing doubt-
ing but that he favourably allow-
eth this charitable work of our's
in bringing this Infant to his holy
Baptifm ; let us faithfiilly and de-
voutly give thanks unto hun, and
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, heavenly Father, we give
thee humble thanks, for that thou
haft vouchfafed to call us to the
knowledge of thy grace, and faith
in thee : Increafe this knowledge,
and confirm this faith in us ever-
more. Give thy holy Spirit to this
Infant, that he may be born again,
and be made an heir of everlaftinff
falvation; through our Lord Je-
fus Chrift, who liveth and reigneth
with thee and the Holy Spirit, now
and for ever. Amen.
% Then shalt the Priest speak unto the Godfathers
and Godmothers on this wise.
DEARLY beloved, ye have
brought this Child here to
be baptized, ye have prayed that
our Lord Jefus Chrift would vouch-
fafe to receive hi)n, to releafe hi?n
of his fins, to fandtify him with
the holy Ghoft, to give him the
kingdom of heaven, and everlaft-
ing life. Ye have heard alfo that
our Lord Jefus Chrift hath pro-
mifed in his Gofpel to grant all
thefe things that ye have ])rayed
for: which promife he, for his part,
will moft furely keep and perform.
Wherefore, after this promife made
by Chrift, this Infant muft alfo
faithfully, for his part, promife by
you that are his fureties, (until he
come of age to take it upon him-
felf) that he will renounce the de-
vil and all his works, and conftant-
ly believe God's holy Word, and
obediently keep his command-
I demand therefore,
DOST thou, in the name of this
Child, renounce the devil and
all his Avorks, the vain pomp and
gloiy of the world, with all covet-
ous defires of the fame, and the
carnal defires of the flefli, fo that
thou wilt not follow, nor be led by
Anfwer. I renounce them all.
DOST thou believe in God the
Father Almighty, Maker of
heaven and earth?
And in Jefus Chrift his only-be-
gotten Son our Lord? And that he
was conceived by the Holy Ghoft ;
born of the A^irgin Mary ; that he
fuftered under Pontius Pilate, was
crucified, dead, and buried ; that
he went down into hell, and alfo
did rife again the third day; that
he afcended into heaven, and fit-
teth at the right hand of God the
Father Almighty; and from thence
fliall come ajjain at the end of the
world, to judge the quick and the
And (loft thou believe in the
Piiblich Baptifm of Infants.
Holy Glioft ; the holy Catholick
Church; the Communion of Saints;
the RemifTion of fins ; the Refur-
redtion of the flefli ; and everlaft-
ing hfe after death?
Anfwer. All this I ftedfaftly be-
WI LT thou be baptized in this
Anfiver. That is my defire.
WILT thou then obediently
keep God's holy will and
commandments, and walk in the
fame all the days of thy life?
Anfwer. I will.
% Then shall the Priest say,
O Merciful God, grant that the
old Adam in this Child may
be fo buried, that the new man
may be raifed up in hi??i. Amen.
Grant that all carnal affections
may die in him, and that all things
belonging to the Spirit may live
and grow in him. Ame?i.
Grant that he may have power
and ftrength to have vidloiy, and
to triumph, againft the devil, the
world, and the flefli. Amen.
Grant that whofoever is here
dedicated to thee by our office and
miniftry may alfo be endued with
heavenly virtues, and everlaftingly
rewarded, through thy mercy, O
bleffed Lord God, who doll live,
and govern all things, world with-
out end. Amen.
ALMIGHTY, everliving God,
whofe moft dearly beloved Son
Jefus Chrift, for the forgivenefs of
our fins, did flied out of his moft
precious fide both water and blood;
and gave commandment to his dif-
ciples, that they ihould go teach
all nations, and baptize tliem In
the Name of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Ghoft ; Regard, we
befeech thee, the fupplications of
thy congregation; fandtify this Wa-
ter to the myftical walliing away
of fin ; and grant that this Child,
now to be baptized therein, may
receive the fulnefs of thy grace,
and ever remain in the number
of thy faithful and ele6l children ;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
1[ Then the Priest shall take (lie Child into his hands,
and shall say to the Godfathers and Godmothers,
Name this Child.
•[[ Jnd then naming it after them {if they shall certify
him that the Child may well endure it) he shall dip
it in the Water discreetly and warily, saying,
NI baptize thee In the Name
• of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. Amen.
^ But if they certify that the Child is rceak, it shall
suffice to pour Water upon it, saying the foresaid
NI baptize thee In the Name
• of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. Amen.
^ Then the Priest shall say,
E receive this Child into
the congregation of Chrift's
Publick Baptifm of Infants.
*tj ,i p / flock, *and do fio-n
* Here the Friest ' _ S
shall make a Cross hwi witll the figll 01
Y^on the Child's fore- ^j^^ Qvok, ill tokcil
that hereafter he ihall
not be afliamed to coiifefs the faith
of Chrill crucified, and manfully
to fight under his banner, againil
fin, the world, and the devil ; and
to continue Chrifl;'s faithful foldier
and fervant unto his life's end.
^ Then shall the Priest say,
Sl^EING now, dearly beloved
brethren, that this Child is re-
generate, and grafted into the bo-
dy of Chrifl:'s Church, let us give
thanks unto Almighty God for
thefe benefits; and with one accord
make our prayers unto him, that
this Child may lead the rell of ///,y
life accordino^ to this be^innino-.
IT Then shall be said, all kneeling ;
^Ull Father, which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth, As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpafles, As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation ; But deliver us from
evil. Amen.
51 Then .-hall the Priest sai/,
WE yield thee hearty thanks,
moll merciful Father, that
it hath pleafed thee to regenerate
this Infant with thy holy Spirit,
to receive hint for thine own Child
by adoption, and to incorporate
him into thy holy Church. And
humbly we befeech thee to grant,
that he, being dead unto fin, and
living unto righteoufnefs, and be-
ing buried with C hrilt in his death,
may crucify the old man, and ut-
terly abolifli the whole body of fin ;
and that, as he is made partaker of
the death of thy Son, he may alfo
be partaker of his refurre6lion ; fo
that finally, with the refidue of
thy holy Church, he may be an
inheritor of thine everlafl;ing king-
dom ; through Chrift; our Lord.
^ Then, all standing up, the Priest shall say to the
Godfathers and Godmothers this Exhortation J'ol-
I^j^ORASMUCH as this Child
hath promifed by you his fure-
ties to renounce the devil and all
his works, to believe in God, and
to ferve him ; ye muft remember,
that it is your parts and duties to
fee that this Infant be taught, fo
foon as he fliall be able to learn,
what a folemn vow, promife, and
profefiion, he hath here made by
you. And that he may know thefe
things the better, ye fliall call up-
on him to hear Sermons ; and chief-
ly ye fliall provide, that he may
learn the Creed, the Lord's Prayer,
and the Ten Commandments, in
the vulo-ar tong-ue, and all other
. . .
things which a Chrillian ought to
know and believe to his foul's
health; and that this Child may
Private Baptifm of Infants.
be virtuoiifly brought up to lead a
godly and a chriftian life; remem-
bering- always, that Baptifm doth
reprefent unto us our profeffion ;
which is, to follow the example of
our Saviour Chrift, and to be made
like unto him ; that, as he died,
and rofe again for us, fo ftiould
we, who are baptized, die from
fin, and rife again unto righteouf-
nefs ; continually mortifying all our
evil and corrupt affedlions, and
daily proceeding in all virtue and
godlinefs of living.
* If Then shall he add and say,
YE are to take care that this
Child be brought to the Bi-
fliop to be confirmed by him, fo
foon as he can fay the Creed, the
Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Com-
mandments, in the vulgar tongue,
and be further infl;ru6ted in the
Church-Catechifm fet forth for that
IT is ceitaia by God's Word, that Children which are baptized, dying before they commit actual sin,
are undoubtedly saved.
To take away all scruple concerning the use of the sign of the Cross in Baptism; the true explication
thereof, and the just reasons for the retaining of it, may be seen in the xxxth Canon, first published in the
% The Curates of every Parish shall often admonish the people, that they defer not the Baptism
of their Children longer than the Jirst or second Sunday next after their birth, or other Holy-
day falling beticeen, unless upon a great and reasonable cause, to be approved by the Curate.
If And also they shall warn them, that without like great cause atid necessity they procure not
their Children to he baptized at home in their houses. But when need shall compel them so to
do, then Baptism shall be administered on this fisliion :
•f First, let the Minister of the Parish {or, in his absence, any other lauful Jl/inister that can be
procured) with them that are present call upon God, and say the Lords Prayer, and so many
ff the Collects appointed to be said before in the Form of Publick Baptism, as the time and pre-
sent exigence tnll suffer. And then, the Child being tiamed by some one that is present, the
Minister shall pour IFater upon it, saying these words ;
NI baptize thee In the Name
• of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the HolyGhoft. Amen.
^ Then, all kneeling dorcii, the Minister shall give
thanks unto God, and say,
E yield thee hearty thanks,
moft merciful Father, that
it hath pleafed thee to regenerate
this Infant with thy holy Spirit,
to receive him for thine own Child
by adoption, and to incorporate
him into thy holy Church. And
we humbly befeech thee to grant,
that as he is now made partaker
Cc 2
Private Baptifm of Infants.
of the death of thy Son, fo he may
be alfo of his refurredlion ; and
that finally, with the refidue of thy
Saints, he may inherit thine ever-
lafting kingdom ; through the fame
thy Sou Jefus Chrift our Lord.
^ And let them not doubt, but that the Child so
baptized is lazij'ulli/ and sufficiently baptized, and
ought not to be baptized again. Yet nevertheless,
if' the Child, which is after this sort baptized, do
aftencard live, it is expedient that it be brought
into the Church, to the intent that, if the Minister
of the same Parish did himself baptize that Child,
the Congregation may be certified of the true Form
of Baptism, bif him privately before used: In which
case he shall say thus,
I Certify you, that according to
the due and prefcribed Order of
the Church, at fiich a time, and at
fuch a place, before divers witneffes
I baptized this Child.
1[ But if the Child were baptized by any other lawful
Minister, then the Minister of the Parish, where
the Child was born or christened, shall examine and
try whether the Child be lavfuUy baptized, or no.
In which case, if those that bring any Child to the
Church do answer, that the same Child is alreadi/
baptized, then shall the Minister examine them fur-
ther, saying,
BY whom was this Child bap-
Who was prefent when this
Child was baptized?
Becaufe fome things elTential to
this Sacrament may happen to be
omitted through fear or halle, in
fuch times of extremity ; therefore
1 demand further of you,
With what matter was this Child
4f aptizcd ?
With what words was this Child
% And if the Minister shall find by the answers of
such as bring the Child, that all things were done
as they ought to be ; then shall not he christen the
Child again, but shall receive him as one of the
flock of true christian people, saying thus,
I Certify you, that in this cafe all
is well done, and according un-
to due order, concerning the bap-
tizing of this Child ; who being
born in original iin, and in the
wrath of God, is now, by the laver
of Regeneration in Baptifm, re-
ceived into the number of the chil-
dren of God, and heirs of ever-
lafting life : for our Lord Jefus
Chrift doth not deny his grace and
mercy unto fuch Infants, but moft
lovingly doth call them unto him,
as the holy Gofpel doth witnefs to
our comfort on this wife.
St. 3IarA- x. 13.
THEY brought young children
to Chi-ift, that he fliould touch
them ; and his difciples rebuked
thofe that brought them. But
when Jefus faw it, he was much
difpleafed, and faid imto them,
Suffer the little children to come
unto me, and forbid them not; for
of fuch is the kini>'dom of God.
Verily I fay imto you, Whofoever
fliall not receive the kingdom of
God as a little child, he Ihall not
enter therein. And he took them
up in his arms, put his hands upon
them, and blefl'ed them.
Private Bapti/ht of Iiifmts.
^ After the Qoapel is read, the Minister shall make
this brief Exhortation npon the Kords of the Gospel.
BELOVED, ye hear In this
Gofpel the words of our Savi-
our Chrill, that he coniuiandecl the
children to be brought unto him ;
how he blamed thofe that would
have kept them from him ; how
he exhorted all men to follow their
innocency. Ye perceive how by
his outward gefture and deed he
declared his good will toward them;
for he embraced them in his arms,
he laid his hands upon them, and
blefled them. Doubt ye not there-
fore, but earneftly believe, that he
hath likewife favourably received-
this prefent Infant; that he hath
embraced Mm with the arms of his
mercy; and (as he hath promifed
in his holy Word) will give unto
him the bleffing of eternal life, and
make him partaker of his everlaft-
ing kingdom. Wherefore, we be-
ing thus perfuaded of the good
will of our heavenly Father, de-
clared by his Son Jefus Chrift,
towards this Infant^ let us faith-
fully and devoutly give thanks un-
to him, and fay the Prayer which
the Lord himfelf taught us :
OUR Father, which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth. As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us om* trefpaffes. As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
evil. Amen.
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, heavenly Father, we give
thee humble thanks, that thou hall
vouchfafed to call us to the know-
ledge of thy grace, and faith in
thee ; Increafe this knowledge, and
confirm this faith in us evermore.
Give thy holy Spirit to this Infant,
that he, being born again, and be-
ing made an heir of everlafting
falvation, through our Lord Jefus
Chrift, may continue thy fermint,
and attain thy promife ; through
the fame our Lord Jefus Chrift
thy Son, who liveth and reigneth
with thee and the Holy Spirit, now
and for ever. Amen.
51 Then shall the Priest demand the Name of the Child;
zehieh being by the Godfathers and Godmothers pro-
itounced, the Minister shall sat/,
DOST thou, in the name of
this Child, renounce the devil
and all his works, the vain pomp
and glory of this world, with all
covetous defires of the fame, and
the carnal defires of the flefli, fo
that thou wilt not follow, nor be
led by them?
Anfwer. I renounce them all.
DOST thou believe in God the
Father Almighty, Maker of
heaven and earth?
And in Jefus Chrift his only-be-
gotten Son our Lord? And that he
was conceived by the Holy Ghoft;
Private Baptifm of Infants.
born of tlie ^^iroin Mary; that he
fufferecl under Vontius Pilate, was
crucified, dead, and buried; that he
went down into hell, and alfo did
rife again the third day; that he
afcended into heaven, and fitteth
at the riii'lit liand of God the Fa-
ther Ahniohtv; and from thence
lliall come aoain at the end of
the world, to judge the quick and
the dead?
And doft thou believe in the
Holv Gholl ; the holy Catholick
Church; the Connnuuion of Saints;
the llemidion of iins ; the llefur-
redlion of the fleilr; and everlaft-
ing life after death?
Anjher. All this I ftedfaftly be-
WILT thou then obediently
keep God's holy will and
commandments, and walk in the
fame all the days of thy life?
Anfwer. I will.
^ Then the Priest shall sat/,
WE receive this Child into
the congregation of C hrift's
*Here the Priest ^^^ck, * aud do figU
shall make a Cross llWl witll the figU of
^n^^'^theChMsforc- j.|j^, Q.^f'^^ J^^ fy].^,,^
that hereafter //<" fliall
not be afliained to confefs the faith
of Chrift crucified, and manfully
to fight under his banner, againll
fin, the Avorld, and the devil ; and
to continue Chriirs faithful Ibldicr
and fervant unto his life's end.
5[ Then shall the Priest say,
SEEING now, dearly beloved
brethren, that this Child is by
Baptifin regenerate, and grafted
into the body of Chrifl;"s Church,
let us give thanks unto Almighty
God for thefe benefits ; and with
one accord make our prayers un-
to him, that he may lead the reft
of his life according to this be-
51 Then shall the Priest say,
WE yield thee moft hearty
thanks, moft merciful Fa-
ther, that it hath pleafed thee to
regenerate this Infant with thy
holy Spirit, to receive him for thine
own Child by ado])tion, and to in-
corporate him into thy holy Church.
And humbly we befeech thee to
grant, that he being dead unto fin,
and living imto righteoufnefs, and
beino- bmied with Chrift in his
death, may crucify the old man,
and utterly abolifh the whole bo-
dy of fin ; and that, as he is made
partaker of the death of thy Son,
he may alfo be partaker of Iiis re-
furrec^tion ; fo that finally, with the
refidue of thy holy C hurch, he may
be an inheritor of thine cverlafting
kingdom ; throuirh Jefus Chrift our
Ijord. ylmen.
51 Then, all slandin'^ up, the Minister shall make this
K.ihorlation to the (jodfathers anil Godmothers.
ORASMUCIT as this Child
hath promifed by you his fure-
Private Baptifm (rf' Infants.
ties to renounce the devil and all
his works, to believe in God, and
to ferve him ; ye muft remember,
that it is your parts and duties to
fee that this' Infant be taught, fo
foon as he lliall be able to learn,
what a folemn vow, promife, and
profeflion he hath made by you.
And that he may know thefe things
the better, ye lliall call upon him
to hear Sermons ; and chiefly ye
(hall ])rovide, that he may learn
the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and
the Ten Commandments, in the
vulgar tongue, and all other things
which a Chriftian ought to know
and believe to his foul's health ;
and that this Child may be virtu-
oufly brought up to lead a godly
and a chriilian life ; remembering
alway, that Baptifm doth reprefent
unto us our })rofeflion ; which is,
to follow the example of our Savi-
our CIniil, and to be made like
unto him ; that, as he died, and
role again for us, fo Ihould we,
who are baptized, die from (in,
and rife again unto righteoufnefs ;
continually mortifying all our evil
and corrupt affections, and daily
])roceeding in all virtue and god-
linefs of living.
II But if t/iei/ which bring the Infant to the Church
do make such uncertain auszvers to the Priesfs ques-
tions, as that it cannot appear that the Child by/s
baptized zcith Water, In the Name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, {tthich
are essential parts of Baptism,) then let the Priest
baptize it in the form before appointed for Pub-
lick Baptism of Infants; saving that at the dipping
of the Child in the Font, he shall use this form of
F thou art not already baptized,
N. I baptize thee In the Name
of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Floly Ghoii iVmen.
BAPTISM to fuch as are of RIPER YEARS,
If IFIieu amj such, pemon-'i, as are of riper years, are to he baptized, time/i/ 7totice shall be given to
the Bishop, or whom he shall appoint Jor that purpose, a zreek before at the least, by the Parents,
or some other discreet persons ; that so due care may be taken for their Examination, -whether
they be sufficicnth/ instructed in the Principles of the Christian Religion; and that they may
be e.vhortcd to prepare themselves with Prayers and Fasting for the receiving of this holy
^ And if they shall be found ft, then the Godfathers and Godmothers (the people being assembled
upon the Sunday or Holy-dai/ appointed) shall be ready to present them at the Font immediately
after the second Lesson, either at Morning or Evening Prayer, as the Curate in his discretion
shall think ft.
•[ And .standing there, the Priest shall ask, z-vhether any rf the persons here presented be baptized,
or no : If they shall ansicer, No ; then shall the Priest say thus,
DEARLY beloved, forafmuch
as all men are conceived and
born in fin, (and that which is. born
of the flefh is liefli,) and they that
are in the flefli cannot pleafe God,
but live in fin, committing many
actual tranfgreffions ; and that our
Saviour Chrifl: faith, None can en-
ter into the kingdom of God, ex-
cept he be regenerate and born
anew of Water and of the Holy
Ghoft; I befeech you to call upon
God the Father, through our Lord
Jefus Chrifi;, that of his bounte-
ous goodnefs he vnW grant to thcfe
perfons that which by nature they
cannot have ; that they may be
baptized with Water and the holy
(ihofi;, and received into Chrifi's
holy Church, and be made lively
members of the fame.
^ Tlien shall the Priest say,
Let us pray.
(^ And here all the Congregation shall kneel.)
AL M I G H 1^ Y ^ and everlafting
God, who of thy great mercy
didfl; fave Noah and his family in
the ark from perifliing by water ;
and alfo didfl; fafely lead the chil-
dren of Ifrael thy people through
the Red Sea, figuring thereby thy
holy Baptifm ; and by the Baptifm
of thy well-beloved Son Jefus
Chrifl, in the river Jordan, didfl;
fantHify the element of water to
the myftical walhing away of fin ;
We befeech thee, for thine infinite
mercies, that thou wilt mercifiilly
lool^ upon thf^'e x\\y fervants ; wafli
them and fanc^lify them with the
holy Ghoft, that they, being deli-
vered from thy wrath, may be
Piiblick Baptifm qffach
received into the ark of Clirifl's
Church; and being lledfaft in faith,
joyful tlu-ough hope, and rooted in
charity, may fo pafs the waves of
tliis troublefome world, that finally
theij may come to the land of
everlalting life, there to reign with
thee world without end ; through
Jefus Chriil our Lord. Amen.
ALMIGHTY and immortal
God, the aid of all that need,
the helper of all that flee to thee
for fuccour, the life of them that
believe, and the refurredlion of the
dead ; We call upon thee for thefe
pcrfona, that they, coming to thy
holy Baptifm, may receive remif-
fion of their fins by fpiritual rege-
neration. Receive them, O Lord,
as thou haft promifed by thy well-
beloved Son, faying, Aflc, and ye
ftiall receive ; feek, and ye fliall
find; knock, and it Ihall be open-
ed unto you : So give now unto us
that alk ; let us that feek find ;
open the gate unto us that knock ;
that thefe perfons may enjoy the
everlafting benedi6lion of thy hea-
venly walhing, and may come to
the eternal kingdom which thou
haft promifed by Chrift our Lord.
If Then shall the people stand up, and the Priest
shall saif,
Hear the words of the Gofpel,
written by Saint John, in the
third Chapter, beginning at the
firft Veife.
as are of Riper Years.
THP2RE was a man of the Pha-
rifees, named Nicodemus, a
ruler of the Jews. The fame came
to Jefus by night, and faid unto
him, Rabbi, we know that thou
art a teacher come from God ; for
no man can do thefe miracles that
thou doeft, except God be with
him. Jefus anfwered and faid un-
to him. Verily, verily I fay unto
thee, Except a man be born again,
he cannot fee the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus faith unto him. How
can a man be born when he is old?
Can he enter the fecond time into
his mother's womb, and be born?
Jefus anfwered, ^ erily, verily I fay
unto thee. Except a man be born
of water and of the Spirit, he can-
not enter into the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flelh is
flefli ; and that which is born of
the Spirit is fpirit. Marvel not that
I faid unto thee. Ye muft be born
again. The wind bloweth where
it lifteth, and thou heareft the found
thereof; but canft not tell whence
it cometh, and whither it goeth :
fo is every one that is born of the
^ After which he shall say this Exhortation following.
BELOVED, ye hear in this
Gofpel the exprefs words of
our Saviour Chrift, that except a
man be born of water and of the
Spirit, he cannot enter into the
kingdom of God. Whereby ye may
perceive the great neceflity of this
Puhlick Baptifm offuch
Sacrament, where it may be had.
Like\vife, immediately before his
afcenfion into lieaven, (as we read
in tlie U\ft Chapter of Saint Mark's
Gofpel,) lie gave command to his
difciples, faying, Go ye into all the
world, and jsreach the Gofpel to
every creature. He that belie veth
and is baptized fliall be faved ;
but he that beiieveth not fliall be
daimied. \\ liich alfo flieweth unto
us the great benefit we reap there-
by. For which caufe Saint Peter
the Apoftle, when upon his firft
preaching of the Gofpel many were
pricked at the heart, and faid to
him and the reft of the Apoftles,
Men and brethren, what (hall we
do? replied and faid unto them,
Repent, and lie ba})tized every
one of you for the remiflion of
fins, and ye fliall receive the gift
of the Holy Ghoft. For the pro-
mife is to you and your children,
and to all that are afar oft', even
as many as the Lord our God
fliall call. And \\\\\\ many other
words exhorted he them, faying.
Save yourfelves from this untoward
generation. For (as the fame A-
poftle teftifieth in another j)lace)
even liaptifin doth alfo now fave
us, (not the putting away of the
filth of the flcfli, but the aiifwer of
a good confcience towards (iod,)
by the rcfurredtion of Jcfus Chrill.
l)oul)t ye not therefore, but ear-
iieltly believe, that he will favour-
as are of Rijoer Years.
ably receive tJufc prefent pcrfons,
truly repenting, and coming unto
him by faith ; that he will grant
them remiflion of their fins, and
beftow upon them the holy Ghoft ;
that he will give them the blefling
of eternal life, and make tliem par-
takers of his everlaftino- kingdom.
Wherefore we being thus per-
fuaded of the good will of our
heavenly Father towards thefe per-
fons, declared by his Son Jefus
Chrift ; let us faithfully and devout-
ly give thanks to Inm, and fay,
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, heavenly Father, we give
thee humble thanks, for that thou
haft vouchfafed to call us to the
knowledge of thy grace, and faith
in thee : Increafe this knowledge,
and confirm this fiiitli in us ever-
more. Give thy holy Spirit to thefe
per fons, that they may be born a-
gain, and be made heirs of ever-
lafting falvation; through our Lord
Jefus Chrift, who liveth and reign-
eth with thee and the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever. Amen.
^ Then the Priest shall speak to the persons to he
baptized OH this zcise :
WELL-beloved, who are come
hither dcfirino- to receive
holy l>aptifin, j/e have heard how
the congregation hath prayed, that
our Lord Jefus Chrift would vouch-
fafe to receive you and blefs you,
to releafe you of your fins, to give
you the kingdom of heaven, and
Piiblick Baptifm offuc
everlafting" life. Yc have heard
alfo, that our Lord Jefiis Chrifl
hath promifed in his holy Word to
grant all thofe things that we have
prayed for; whicli promife he, for
his part, will moll Jlirely keep and
Wherefore, after this promife
made by Chrift, yc muil alfo faith-
fully, for your part, promife in the
prefence of thefe your Witneffes,
and this whole congregation, that
ye will renounce the devil and all
his works, and conftantly believe
God's holy word, and obediently
keep his commandments.
% Then shall the Priest demand of each of the per-
sons to he baptized, severally, these Questions fol-
Que ft ion.
DOST thou renounce the devil
and all his works, the vain
pomp and gloiy of the world, with
all covetous defires of the fame,
and the carnal delires of the flefli,
fo that thou wilt not follow, nor
be led by them?
Aufwer. I renounce them all.
DOST thou believe in God the
Father Almighty, Maker of
heaven and earth?
And in Jefus Chrift his only-be-
gotten Son our Lord? And that he
was conceived by the Holy Ghoft ;
born of the Virgin Mary ; that he
fuffered under Pontius Pilate, was
crucified, dead, and buried; that
li as are of Riper Years.
he went down into hell, and alfo
did rife again the third day; that
he afcended hito heaven, and fit-
teth at the right hand of God the
Father Almighty; and from thence
fliall come again at the end of the
world, to judge the quick and the
And doft thou believe in the
Holy Ghoft ; the holy Cathoiick
Church; the Communion of Saints;
the Remifllon of fins ; the Refur-
redlion of the flefli ; and everlaft-
ing life after death?
Anfwer. All this I ftedfaftly be-
WILT thou be baptized in this
Anfwer. That is my defire.
WILT thou then obediently
keep God's holy will and
conmiandments, and walk in the
fame afl the days of thy life?
Anfwer. I will endeavour fo to
do, God being my helper.
^ Then shall the Priest say,
O Merciful God, grant diat the
old Adam in thefe pcrfons may
be fo buried, that the new man
may be raifed up in them. Aincn.
Grant that all carnal aftec^ions
may die in them, and that all diings
belonging to the Spirit may live
and grow in them. Amen.
Grant that they may have power
and ftrength to have vi6toiy, and
Dd a
Publick Baptifm offucli as are of Riper Years.
to triumph, againft the devil, the
world, and the flelh. Amen.
Grant that they, being here de-
dicated to thee by our office and
nimilliy, may alfo be endued with
heavenly virtues, and everlaftingly
rewarded, through thy mercy, O
blefled Lord God, who doll live,
and govern all things, world \vith-
out end. Amen.
ALMIGHTY, everliving God,
wliofe moft dearly beloved Son
Jefus Chrili;, for the forgivenefs of
our fins, did fhed out of his moll
jDrecious fide both water and blood,
and gave commandment to his dif-
ciples, that they fliould go teach
all nations, and baptize them In
the Name of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy GhoU ; Regard, we
befeech thee, the fupplications of
this congregation; fan6tify this Wa-
ter to the myftical wafliing away
of fin ; and grant that the perjons
now to be baptized therein may
receive the fulnefs of thy grace,
and ever remain in the number
of thy faithful and ele(5l children,
through Jefus Chrill our Lord.
H Then shall the Priest take each person to be bap-
tized 1)1/ the right hand, and placing him. coineid-
entltf hij the Font, according to his discretion, shall
ask the Godfathers and Godmothers the Name; and
then shall dip him in the neater, or pour xcatcr upon
him, saying,
NI baptize thee In the Name
• of the leather, and of the
Son, andofthcIIolyGlioll. Amen.
% Then shall the Priest say,
E receive this peifon into
the congregation of Chrill's
flock ; * and do fimi ..„ ,; n .
' o * Here the Priest
Jum with the fign of shall make a Cross
the Crofs, in token ".P^^^jj" p'''""''
that hereafter //c 111 all "
not be alliamed to confefs the faith
of Chriil crucified, and manfully
to fight under his banner, agaiiift
fin, the world, and the devil ; and
to continue Chrift's faithful foldier
and fervant unto his life's end.
^ Then shall the Priest say,
SEEING now, dearly beloved
brethren, that fhej'e pcrfons
are regenerate, and grafted into
the body of Chrifl's Church, let us
give thanks unto iVlmighty God for
thefe benefits, and with one accord
make our prayers unto him, that
they may lead the reft of their life
according; to this bemnnino-.
^ Then shall he said the Lord's Prayer, all kneeling.
OUR Father, which art in hea-
ven. Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth, As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpaifes. As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
evil. vVmen.
WE yield thee humble thanks,
( ) heavenly Father, that thou
haft vouchfafed to call us to the
Pitblick Baj)tifm offach as are of Riper Years.
knowledge of thy grace, and ftiitli
in thee ; Increafe this knowledge,
and coniinn this faith in us ever-
more. Give thy holy Spirit to
thefe perj'ons ; that, being now born
again, and made heirs of everlall-
ing falvation, through our Lord
Jefus Chrift, they may continue
thy fervants, and attain thy pro-
mifes ; through the fame Lord Je-
fus Chrift thy Son, who liveth and
reigneth with thee, in the unity of
the fame Holy Spirit, everlaftingly.
IT Then, all standing up, the Priest shall use this Ex-
hortation follomng ; speaking to the Godfathers and
Godmothers first.
FORASMUCH as thefe perfons
have promifed in your pre-
fence to renounce the devil and all
his works, to believe in God, and
to ferve him ; ye muft remember,
that it is your part and duty to
put them in mind, what a folemn
vow, promife, and profeflion they
hmie now made before this conore-
gation, and efpecially before you
their chofen witneffes. And ye are
alfo to call upon them to ufe all
diligence to be rightly inftru6ted
in Ciod's holy Word ; that fo they
may grow in grace, and in the
knowledge of our Lord Jefus
Chrift, and live godly, nghteoufly,
and foberly in this prefent world.
(^ And then, speaking to the new baptized persons, he
shall proceed, and say,)
AND as for you, who have now
by Baptifm put on Chrift, it
is your part and duty alfo, being
made the children of God and of
the light, by faith in Jefus Chrift,
to walk anfwerably to your Chrif-
tian calling, and as becometh the
children of light ; remembering al-
ways that Baptifm reprefenteth un-
to us our profeflion ; which is, to
follow the example of our Saviour
Chrift, and to be made like unto
him ; that as he died, and rofe
again for us ; fo (liould we, who
are baptized, die from fin, and rife
again unto righteoufnefs ; continu-
ally mortifying all our evil and
corrupt afte6tions, and daily pro-
ceeding in all virtue and godlinefs
of living.
IT It is cvpedient that every person, thus baptized, should be cmifii-mcd bi/ the Bishop so soon after
his Baptism as co?ivenientlt/ may be; that so he may be admitted to the holy Commiuiion.
% If any persons not baptized in their infancy shall be brought to be baptized be/ore they come to
years cf discretion to anstverfor themselves ; it may suffice to use the Office J or Publicfc Baptism
of Infants, or {in case of extreme danger) the Office for Private Baptism ; only changing the
zvord [Infantjybr [Child or Person] as occasion requireth.
WHAT is your Name?
Anjwer. N. or M.
QuejL \\ ho gave you this Name?
AuJ'w. My Godfathers and God-
mothers ill my Baptifm ; wherein
I was made a member of Chrill,
the child of God, and an inheritor
of the kino-dom of lieaven.
Queft. What cUd your Godfa-
thers and Godmothers then for
Anfw. Tliey did promife and
vow three thinos in my name.
Fiiil, that I fhould renounce the
devil and all his works, the pomps
and vanity of this wicked world,
and all the fiiiful lulls of the liefli.
Secondly, that I fliould believe all
the Aiticles of the Chriltian Faith.
And thirdly, that I fliould keep
God's holy will and command-
ments, and walk in the fame all
the days of my life.
Qucfl. Doll thou not think that
thou art bound to believe, and
to do, as they have promifed for
Anfw. Yes verilv ; and by God's
helpfo I will. And I heartily thank
our heavenly Father, that he hath
called me to this Hate of falvation,
through Jefus Chrill our Saviour.
And I pray unto God to give me
his grace, that I may continue in
the fame unto my life's end.
Rehearfe the Articles of thy
1 Believe in God the Father Al-
mighty, JMaker of heaven and
earth :
And in Jefus Clirift his only Son
our Lord, Who was conceived by
the Holy Ghoft, Born of the A ir-
giii Mary, Suffered under Pontius
Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and
buried. He defcended into hell ;
The third day he rofe again from
the dead. He afcended into hea-
ven. And fitteth at the right hand
of God the Father Almighty; From
thence he fliall come to judge the
quick and the dead.
I believe in the l^Ioly Ghoft ;
The holy Catholick Clnu'ch ; Ihe
Communion of Saints ; I'lie For-
li'ivenefs of fins : The Rcfurred^ion
of the body; And the life everlatt-
ino-. yVnieii.
^Qhc/L What (loft thou chiefly
learn in thefe Articles of thy Belief?
Anfw. Firft, 1 learn to believe in
A Cateclufm.
God the Father, wlio hath made
me, and all the world.
Secondly, in God the Son, who
liath redeemed me, and all man-
Thirdly, in God the Holy Ghoft,
who iancvlifieth me, and all the
elec^l people of God.
Yon faid, that yonr Godfathers
and Godmothers did promife for
yon, that yon llionld keep God's
Commandments. Tell me how
many there be?
Anfwer. Ten.
Quejiion. Which be they?
THE fame which God fpake
in the twentieth Chapter of
Exodns, faying, I am the Lord
thy God, w^ho bronght thee ont
of the land of Egypt, ont of the
honfe of bondage
Thon flialt have none other gods
bnt me.
Thon fhalt not make to thyfelf
any graven image, nor the likenefs
of any thing that is in heaven
above, or in the earth beneath,
or in the water nnder the earth.
Thon ftialt not bow down to them,
nor worfliip them : for I the Lord
thy God am a jealous God, and
vifit the fins of the fathers upon
the children, unto the third and
fourth generation of them that
hate me, and fhew mercy unto
thonfands in them that love me,
and keep my commandments.
Thon ihalt not take the Name
of the Lord thy God in vain : for
the Lord will not hold him gnilt-
lefs that taketh his Name in vain.
Remember that thou keep holy
the Sabbath-day. Six days flialt
thou labour, and do all that thou
haft to do ; but the feventh day is
the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
In it thou flialt do no manner of
work, thou, and thy foil, and thy
daughter, thy man-fervant, and thy
maid-fervant, thy cattle, and the
ftranger that is within thy gates.
For in fix days the Lord made
heaven and earth, the fea, and all
that in them is, and refted the fe-
venth day • wherefore the Lord
blefled the feventh day, and hal-
lowed it. jr
Honour thy father and thy mo-
ther, that thy days may be long in
the land which the Lord thy God
givetli thee. ttt
Thou flialt do no murder.
Thou flialt not commit adulteiy.
Thou flialt not fteal.
Thou flialt not bear falfe witnefs
againft thy neighbour.
Thou Ihalt not covet thy neigh-
bour's houfe, thou flialt not covet
tliy neighbom*'s wife, nor his fer-
vant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor
his afs, nor any thing that is his.
What doft thon chieflv learn by
thefe connnandments ?
Anfw. I learn two things : my
duty towards God, and my duty
towards my Neighbour.
Que/i. What is thy duty towards
God? '
A)ifw. My duty towards God,
is to believe in him, to fear him,
and to love him with all my heart,
with all my mind, with all my foul,
and with all my ftrength ; to wor-
fliip liun, to give him thanks, to
put my whole truft in him, to call
upon him, to honour his holy Name
and his Word, and to ferve him
ti*uly all the days of my life.
QueJL What is thy duty towards
thy Neighbour?
Anfw. My duty towards my
Neighbour, is to love him as my-
felf, and to do to all men, as I
would they fliould do unto me :
To love, honoiu*, and fuccour my
father and mother : To honour and
obey the King, and all that are put
in authority imder him : To fubmit
myfelf to all my governours, teach-
ers, fpiritual pallors and mailers :
To order myfelf lowly and reve-
rently to all my betters : to hurt
A Cateclufm.
no body by word nor deed : To be
true and juft in all my dealing :
To bear no malice nor hatred in
ni}' heart : To keep my hands from
picking and ftealing, and my tongue
from evil-fpeaking, lying, and flan-
dering : To keep my body in tem-
perance, fobernefs, and chaftity:
Not to covet nor delire other men's
goods ; but to learn and labour
truly to get mine own living, and
to do my duty in that Hate of life,
unto which it Ihall pleafe God to
call me.
]\Iy good Child, know this, that
thou art not able to do thefe
things of thyfelf, nor to walk in
the Commandments of God, and
to ferve him, without his fpecial
grace ; which thou nmft learn at
all times to call for by diligent
prayer. Let me hear therefore, if
thou canft fay the Lord's Prayer.
^"VUR Father, which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth. As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our tref})aires, As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainll us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
evil. Amen.
QncJL What defirell thou of God
in this Prayer?
Anfw, I delire my Lord God
our heavenly Father, who is the
giver of all goodnefs, to fend his
grace unto me, and to all peoj3le ;
that we may worfliip him, ferve
hinij and obey him, as we ought
to do. And 1 pray unto God, that
he will fend us all things that be
needful both for our fouls and
bodies; and that he will be mer-
ciful unto us, and forgive us our
fins ; and that it will pleafe him to
fave and defend us in all dangers
ghoftly and bodily; and that he will
keep us from all fin and mcked-
nefs, and from our ghoftly enemy,
and from everlafting death. And
this I truft he will do of his mercy
and goodnefs, through our Lord
Jefus Chrift. And therefore I fay,
Amen, So be it.
HOW many Sacraments hath
Chrift ordained in his Church?
Anfw. Two only, as generally
necelfary to falvation, that is to
fay, Baptifm, and the Supper of
the Lord.
QuejL What meaneft thou by
this word Sacrament f
Aufw. I mean an outward and
vifible fign of an inward and fpiri-
tual grace given unto us, ordain-
ed by Chrift himfelf, as a means
whereby we receive the fame, and
a pledge to affure us thereof.
Qiiejl. How many parts are there
in a Sacrament?
Anfw. Two; the outward vifi-
A Catechifm,
ble fign, and the inward fpiritual
Qiwft. What is the outward vi-
fible fign or form in Ikiptifm?
Anfw. Water ; wherein the j)er-
fon is baptized In the Name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghoft.
Queji. What is the inward and
fpiritual grace?
Anfw. A death unto fin, and a
new birth unto riohteoufnefs : for
being by nature born in fin, and
the children of wrath, we are here-
by made the children of grace.
QueJi. What is required of per-
fons to be baptized?
Anfw. Repentance, whereby
they foi*fake fin ; and Faith, where-
by they ftedfaftly believe the pro-
mifes of God made to them in
that Sacrament.
Quefl. Why then are Infants
baptized, when by reafon of their
tender age they cannot perform
Anfw. Becaufe they promife
them both by their Sureties ; which
promife, when they come to age,
themfelves are bound to perform.
Queft. Why was the Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper ordained?
Anfw. For the continual re-
membrance of the facrifice of the
death of Chrift, and of the benefits
which we receive thereby.
QueJl. What is the outward part
or fign of the Lord's Supper?
A Catcc/tifin.
Anfic. Bread and Wine, which
the Lord hath commanded to be
Quefl. What is the inward part,
or thino' fionified?
Anjw. The Body and Blood of
Chrill, which are verily and indeed
taken and received by the faithful
in the Lord's Supper.
Quejf. What are the benefits
whereof we are partakers there-
by ?
Aufw. The ftrengthening and
refrefliinof of our fouls l^v the Bo-
dy and Blood of Chrift, as our bo-
dies are by the Bread and \\^ine.
Quejl. What is recjuired of them
who come to the Lord's Supper?
AnJw. To examine themfelves,
whether they repent them truly of
their foiiner fins, ftedfaftly purpof-
ingf to lead a new life ; have a live-
ly faith in God's mercy through
Chrift, with a than]-s that be
good and acceptable unto thy di-
vine Majeliy; We make our hum-
ble fupplications unto thee for thefe
thy fervants, upon whom (after the
example of thy holy Apoftles) we
have now laid our hands, to certify
them (by this fign) of thy favour
and gracious goodnefs towards
them. Let thy fatherly hand, we
befeech thee, ever be over them ;
let thy Holy Spirit ever be with
them ; and fo lead them in the
knowledge and obedience of thy
Word, that in the end they may
obtain everlafting life ; through our
Lord Jefus Chrift, who with thee
and the Holy Ghoft liveth and
reigneth, ever one God, world
without end. Amen.
O Almighty Lord, and (
ins God, vouchfafe,
we be-
feech thee, to diredt, faultily, and
govern, both our hearts and bo-
dies, in the ways of thy laws, and in
the works of thy commandments;
that, through thy moft mighty pro-
tedtion both here and ever, we mav
be preferved in body and foul ;
through bur Lord and Saviour Je-
fus Chrift. Amen.
5J Then the Bishop shall bless them, saying thus,
THE r,leffing of God Almigh-
ty, the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Ghoft, be upon you, and
remain with you for ever. Amen.
If A}id there shall none he admitted to the holy Com-
munion, until such time as he lie coiifirmed, or be
ready and desirous to be conjirmed.
U First the Banns of all that art to be married together must be published in the Church three
several Sundays, during the time of Morning Service, or of Evening Service, {if' there be no
Morning Service,) immediately after the second Lesson; the Curate saying after the accus-
tomed manner.
IPublilli the Banns of Marriage
between M. of — and N. of — .
If any of you know caufe, or jiift
impediment, why thefe two perfons
fliould not be joined together in
holy Matrimony, ye are to declare
it. This is the firft S^fecond, or
thh'd\ time of alking.
iT And if the persons that are to be married dzvell in
divers Parishes, the Banns must be asked in both
Parishes ; and the Curate of the one Parish shall
not solemnize Matrimony betwixt them, without a
Certificate of the Banns being thrice asked, from the
Curate of the other Parish.
% At the day and time appointed for solemnization of
Matrimony, the persons to be married shall come
into the body of the Church rcith their friends and
neighbours : and there standing together, the Man
on the right hand, and the Woman on the left, the
Priest shall say,
EARLY beloved, we are ga-
thered together here in the
fight of God, and in the face of
this congregation, to join together
this Man and this Woman in holy
Matrimony; which is an honour-
able eflate, inftituted of God in
the time of man's innocency, fig-
nifying imto us the myftical uni-
on that is betwixt Chrift and his
Church ; which holy eftate Chrift
adorned and beautified with his
prefence, and firft miracle that he
wrought, in Cana of Galilee ; and
is commended of Saint Paul to be
honourable among all men : and
therefore is not by any to be en-
terprifed, nor taken in hand, un-
advifedly, lightly, or wantonly, to
fatisfy men's carnal lufts and ap-
petites, like brute beafts that have
no underftanding ; but reverently,
difcreetly, advifedly, foberly, and
in the fear of God ; duly confider-
inp; the caufes for which Matri-
mony was ordained.
Firft, It was ordained for the
procreation of children, to be
brought up in the fear and nur-
ture of the Lord, and to the praife
of his holy Name.
Secondly, It was ordained for a
remedy againft fin, and to avoid
fornication ; that fuch perfons as
have not the gift of continency
might marry, and keep themfelves
undefiled members of Chrift 's body.
Thirdly, It was ordained for the
mutual fociety, help, and comfort,
that the one ouo-ht to have of the
other, both in profperity and adver-
fity. Into which holy eftate thefe
two perfons prefent come now to
be joined. Therefore if any man
can ftiew any jnft caufe, why they
may not lawfully be joined toge-
ther, let him now fpeak, or elfe
hereafter for ever hold his peace.
Solemnization of Matrimony.
^ And also, speaking unto the persons that shall be
married, he shall say,
I Require and charge you hoth,
as ye will anfwer at the dread-
ful day of judgement when the fe-
crets of all hearts ihall be difclofed,
that if either of you know any im-
pediment, why ye may not be law-
fully joined together in Matrimony,
ye do now confefs it. For be ye
well affured, that fo many as are
coupled together otherwife than
God's Word doth allow are not
joined together by God ; neither is
theu' Matrimony lawful.
U At which day of Marriage, if any man do alledge
and declare any impediment, why they may not be
coupled together in Matrimoni/, by God's Law, or
the Laws of this Realm ; and will be bound, and
sufficient sureties with him, to the parties; or else
put in a Caution {to the full value of such charges
as the persons to be married do thereby sustain) to
prove his allegation : then the solemnization must be
deferred, until such time as the truth be tried.
^ If no impediment be alledged, then shall the Curate
say unto the Man,
M.Vl/^lLT thou have this Wo-
▼ » man to thy wedded wife,
to live tooether after God's ordi-
nance in the holy ellate of Matri-
mony? Wilt thou love her, com-
fort her, honour, and keep her in
licknefs and in health ; and, forfak-
ing all other, keep thee only unto
her, fo long as ye both Ihall live?
^ The Man JIuill aiifwer, I will.
^ Then shall the Priest, tuy unto the Woman,
iV.Vl/^ILT thou have this Man
^^ to tliy wedded hulband,
to live together after God's ordi-
nance in the holy eftate of Matri-
mony? Wilt thou obey him, and
ferve him, love, honour, and keep
him in ficknefs and in health; and,
forfaking all other, keep thee only
unto him, fo long as ye both ihall
^ The Woman Jhall anfwer, I will.
^ Then shall the Minister say,
W ho giveth this Woman to be
married to this Man?
51 Then shall they give their troth to each other in
this manner.
The Minister, receiving the Woman at her father's or
friend's hands, shall cause the Man with his right
hand to tu/:e the If onian by her right hand, and to
say after him asfolloweth,
131. take thee N. to my wedded
wife, to have and to hold from
this day forward, for better for
worfe, for richer for poorer, in
ficknefs and in health, to love and
to cherifti, till death us do part,
according to God's holy ordinance;
and thereto I plight thee my troth.
•ll Then shall they loose their hands ; and the IVoman,
with her right hand taking the Man bt/ his right
hand, shall likewise say after the Minister,
IN. take thee M. to my wedded
hulband, to have and to hold
from this day forward, for better
for worfe, for richer for poorer, in
iicknefs ami in health, to love, che-
rilh, and to obey, till death us do
part, accor(Ung to God's holy or-
dinance ; and thereto I give thee
mv troth.
^ Then shall they again loose their hands; and the
Man shall give unto the Woman a Ring, laying the
Solemnization of' Matrimony.
same Upon the book with the accustomed duty to
the Priest and Clerk. And the Priest, taking the
Hiii^, shall deliver it unto the Man, to put it upon
the fourth Jlnger of the Woman's left hand. And
the Man holding the liing there, and taught by
the Priest, shall say,
ITH this Ring I thee wed,
with my body I thee wor-
(hip, and with all my worldly goods
I thee endow: In the Name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghoft. Amen.
% Then the Man leaving the Ring upon the fourth
Jinger of the Woman's left hand, theij shall both
kneel down ; and the Minister shall say.
Let us pray.
(Eternal God, Creator and Pre-
ferver of all mankind, Giver
of all fpiritual grace, the Author
of everlalling life; Send thy blefling
upon tliefe thy fervants, this man
and this woman, whom we blefs
in thy N ame ; that, as Ifaac and
Rebecca lived faithfully together,
fo thefe perfons may furely per-
form and keep the vow and cove-
nant betwixt them made, (where-
of this Ring given and received is
a token and pledge,) and may ever
remain in. perfect love and peace
together, and live according to
thy laws ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
% Then shall the Priest join their right hands together,
and say,
Thofe whom God hath joined
together let no man put afunder.
If Then shall the Minister speak unto the people.
FORASMUCH as M. and N.
have confented together in
holy wedlock, and have witnefled
the fame before God and this com-
})any, and thereto have given and
pledged their troth either to other,
and have declared the fame by
giving and receiving of a Ring,
and by joining of hands ; I pro-
nounce that they be Man and Wife
together, In the Name of the Fa-
ther, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghoft. Amen.
% And the Minister shall add this Blessing.
GOD the Father, God the Son,
God the Holy Ghoft, blefs,
preferve, and keep you ; the Lord
mercifully with his favour look up-
on you ; and fo fill you with all
fpiritual benedidiion and grace,
that ye may fo live together in
this life, that in the world to
come ye may have life everlafting.
^ Then the Minister or Clerks, going to the Lord's
Table, shall say or sing this Psalm following.
licati omne.S'. Pfalm cxxviii.
LESSED are all they that fear
the Lord : and walk in his
For thou flialt eat the labour of
thine hands : O well is thee, and
happy flialt thou be.
Thy wife fliall be as the fruitful
vine : upon the walls of thine lioufe;
Thy children like the olive-
branches : round about thy table.
Lo, thus fliall the man be blefl*-
ed : that feareth the Lord.
The Lord from out of Sion fliall
SoJemnhation of Matrimony.
To blefs thee : that thou Ihalt fee
Jeriifalem in profperity all thy hfe
long ;
Yea, that thou flialt fee thy chil-
dren's children : and peace upon
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever lliall be : world
without end. Amen.
t Or this Psalm.
Deiis inijheatar. Pfalm lx\ai.
GOD be merciful unto us, and
blefs us : and lliew us the
light of his countenance, and be
merciful unto us.
That thy way may be known
upon earth : thy faving health a-
mong all nations.
Let the people praife thee, O
God : yea, let all the people praife
O let the nations rejoice and be
glad : for thou flialt judge the folk
righteoufly, and govern the nations
upon earth.
Let the people praife thee, O
God : yea let all the people praife
Then fliall the earth bring forth
her increafe : and God, even our
own God, Ihall give us his blefling.
God (hall blefs us : and all the
ends of the world Ihall fear him.
Gloiy be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is
no\v, and ever fliall be : world
without end. Amen.
% The Psalm ended, and the Man and the JVomnn
kneeling before the Lord's Table, the Priest stand-
ing at the Table, and turning his face towards them,
shall say,
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Anfwer. Chrift, have- mercy up-
on us.
Minijier. Lord, have mercy up-
on us.
OUR Father, which art in hea-
ven. Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth. As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpalfes, As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation ; But deliver us from
e^dl. Amen.
Minijier. O Lord, fave thy fer-
vant, and thy handmaid ;
Anfwer. Who put their truft in
Minijier. O Lord, fend them
help from thy holy place ;' '"
Anfwer. And evermore defend
Minijier. Be unto them a tower
AnJ'wer. From the face of their
Minift. O Lord, hear our prayer.
AnJ'wer. And let our cry come
imto thee.
OGod of yVbraham, Godof Ifaac,
God of Jacob, blefs thefe thy
Solemnization of Matrimony.
fervants, and fow the feed of eter-
nal life in their hearts ; that what-
foever in thy holy Word they fliall
profitably learn, they may in deed
fulfil the fame. Look, O Lord,
mercifully u})on them from hea-
ven, and blefs them. And as thou
didll fend thy blefTmg u})on Abra-
ham and Sarah, to their great com-
fort, fo vouchfafe to fend thy blelf-
ing- upon thefe thy fervants ; that
they obeying thy will, and alway
being in fafety under thy protec-
tion, may abide in thy love unto
their lives' end ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Ameft.
% This Prayer next fotlowhig shall be omitted, where
the fi'oman is past child-bearing.
O Merciful Lord, and heavenly
Father, by whofe gracious gift
mankind is increafed ; We befeech
thee, affift with thy blefling thefe
two perfons, that they may both
be fruitful in procreation of chil-
dren, and alfo live together fo long-
in godly love and honefty, that
they may fee their children chrif-
tianly and virtuoufly brought up,
to thy praife and honour ; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
OGod, who by thy mighty pow-
er haft made all things of no-
thing ; who alfo (after other things
fet in order) didft appoint, that
out of man (created after thine
own image and fimilitude) woman
ftiould take her beginning; and,
knitting them together, didft teach
that it fliould never be lawful to
[)ut afunder thofe whom thou by
M atrimony hadft made one : O God,
who haft confecrated the ftate of
Matrimony to fuch an excellent
myftery, that in it is fignified and
reprefented the fpiritual marriage
and unity betwixt Chrift and his
Church ; Look mercifully upon
thefe thy fervants, that both this
man may love his wife, according
to thy Word, (as Chrift did love
his fpoufe the Church, who gave
himfelf for it, loving and cherifli-
ing it even as his own flefti,) and
alfo that this woman may be lov-
ing and amiable, faithful and obe-
dient to her hulband ; and in all
quietnefs, fobriety, and peace, be
a follower of holy and godly ma-
trons. O Lord, blefs them both,
and grant them to inherit thy ever-
lafting kingdom ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
If Then shall the Priest sa)/,
ALMIGHTY God, who at the
beginning did create our fii-ft
parents, Adam and Eve, and did
fandlify and join them together in
marriage; Pour upon you the riches
of his grace, fandlify and blefs you,
that ye may pleafe him both in
body and foul, and live together
in holy love unto your lives' end.
If ^fter which, if there be no Sermon declaring the
duties of Man and Wife, the Minister shall read as
Solemnization of Matrimony.
ALL ye that are married, or
that intend to take the lioly
eftate of matrimony upon you, hear
what the holy Scripture doth lay
as touching the duty of hulbands
towards theu* wives, and wives to-
wards their hulbands.
Saint Paul, in his Epiftle to the
Ephelians, the fifth Chapter, doth
give this commandment to all mar-
ried men ; Hulbands, love your
wives, even as Chrift alfo loved the
Church, and gave himfelf for it,
that he might fan61;ify and cleanfe
it Avitli the wafliing of water, by
the Word ; that he might prefent
it to himfelf a glorious Church,
not having fpot, or wrinkle, or any
fuch thing ; but that it fliould he
holy, and without blemith. So
ought men to love their wives as
their own bodies. He that loveth
his wife loveth himfelf: for no man
ever yet hated his own flelh, but
nourillieth and cherillieth it, even
as the Lord the Church : for we
are memlicrs of his body, of his
flefli, and of his bones. For this
caufe Ihall a man leave his father
and mother, and lliall be joined
unto his wife ; and they two fliall
be one flefli. Tliis is a great my-
ftery; but I fpeak concerning Chrift
and the Chiu'ch. Neverthelefs, let
evciy one of you in ])articular fo
love his wife, even as himfelf.
Likewifc the fame Saint Paul,
writing to the ColofTians, fpeaketh
thus to all men that are married ;
LIufbands, love your wives, and
be not bitter againft them.
Hear alfo what Saint Peter, the
Apoftle of Chrift, who was him-
felf a married man, faith unto them
that are married ; Ye hulbands,
dwell with your wives according
to knowledge; giving honour unto
the wife, as unto the weaker veflel,
and as being heirs together of the
grace of life, that your prayers be
not hindered.
Hitherto ye have heard the duty
of the hulband toward the wife.
Now likewife, ye wives, hear and
learn your duties toward your huf-
bands, even as it is plainly fet
forth in holy Scripture.
Saint Paul, in the aforenamed
Epiftle to the Ephelians, teacheth
you thus; Wives, fubmit yourfelves
unto your own hulbands, as unto
the Lord. For the hulband is the
head of the wife, even as Chrift is
the head of the Chm-ch : and he is
the Saviour of the body. There-
fore as the Chiu'ch is fubjedl unto
Chrift, fo let the wives be to their
own hulbands in every thing. And
again he faith. Let the wife fee
that flie reverence her hulband.
And in his J^piftle to the Colof-
fians. Saint Paul giveth you this
ftiort leflbn ; W ives, fubmit your-
felves inito your own hulbands, as
it is fit in the Lord.
Saint Peter alfo doth inftriit^
Tlie Vifitatmi of the Side.
you very 'well, thus faying; Ye
wives, be in fubje^tion to your
own hulbands ; that, if any obey
not the Word, they alfo may with-
out the Word be won by the con-
verfation of the wi^^es ; while they
behold your challe converfation
coupled with fear. Whofe adorn-
ing, let it not be that outward
adorning of plaiting the hair, and
of wearing of gold, or of putting
on of apparel ; but let it be the
hidden man of the heart, in that
which is not corruptible; even the
ornament of a meek and quiet
fpirit, which is in the fight of
God of great price. For after
this manner in the old time the
holy women alfo, who truiled in
God, adorned themfelves, being
in fubjedlion unto their own huf-
bands ; even as Sarah obeyed A-
braham, calling him lord ; whofe
daughters ye are as long as ye do
well, and are not afraid with any
% It is convenient that the new-married persons should receive the holy Communion at the time of
their Marriage, or at the first opportunity after their Marriage.
% When any person is sick, notice shall be given thereof
to the Minister of the Parish; who, coming into the
sick person's house, shall say,
PEACE be to this houfe, and
to all that dwell in it.
^ IVhen he cometh into the sick man's presence he shall
■say, kneeling down,
REMEMBER not. Lord, our
iniquities, nor the iniquities
of our forefathers : Spare us, good
Lord, fpare thy people, whom thou
haft redeemed with thy moft pre-
cious blood, and be not angry with
us for ever.
Anfw. Spare us, good Lord.
51 Then the Minister shall say.
Let us pray.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Chriji, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
OUR Father, which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth. As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpalfes. As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
evil. Amen.
Minifier. O Lord, fa^e thy fer-
vant ;
Anfwer. Which putteth his truft
in thee.
Mmijier. Send him help from
thy holy place ;
Anfwer. And evermore mightily
defend him.
Ff 2
The Vifitation of the Sick.
]\ftinijier. Let the enemy have
no advantage of //2'?w;^vi^-' x^j*'* 61
Anfwer. Nor the Hvicke3 lip-
proach to hurt him. y ....
Minijier. Be unto A^ O'Lofit,
a ftrong tower,
Aufwev. From the face of his
enemy. : ;
Min. O Lord, hear our prayers.
Anfwer. And let our cry come
unto thee. ai 6'i^iii 9t
OLord, look down from hea-
ven, behold, vifit, and relieve
this thy fervant. Look upon Mm
with the eyes of thy mercy, give
him comfort and fure confidence
in thee, defend him from the dan-
ger of the enemy, and keep him in
peipetual peace and fafety; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. A^m^n.
HEAR us, Almighty and moft
merciful God and Saviour;
extend thy accuftomed goodnefs
to this thy fervant who is grieved
\vith ficknefs. 8an6lify, we befeech
thee, this thy fatherly correction
to him ; that the fenfe of his weak-
nefs may add ftrength to his faith,
and ferioufnefs to his repentance :
That, if it Ihall be thy good plea-
fure to rellore him to his former
health, he may lead the refidue of
his life in thy fear, and to thy glory:
or elfe, give him grace fo to take
thy vilitation, that, after this pain-
ful life ended, he may dwell with
thee in life everlafting ; through Je-
fus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
^ Then shall the Minister exhort the sick person after
this form, or other like.
DEARLY beloved, know this,
that Almighty God is the
Lord of life and death, and of all
things to them pertaining, as youth,
ftrength, health, age, weaknefs,
and iicknefs. Wherefore, whatfo-
ever your ficknefs is, know you
certainly, that it is God's vifitation.
And for what caufe foever this
ficknefs is fent unto you ; whether
it be to tiy your patience for the
example of others, and that your
faith may be found in the day of
the Lord laudable, glorious, and
honourable, to the increafe of glo-
ry and endlefs felicity; or elfe it
be fent unto you to correct and
amend in you whatfoever doth of-
fend the eyes of your heavenly Fa-
ther; know you certainly, that if
you tiaily repent you of your fins,
and bear your ficknefs patiently,
trufting in God's mercy, for his
dear Son Jefus Chrift's fake, and
render unto him humble thanks
for his fatherly vifitation, fubmit-
ting yourfelf wholly unto his will,
it Ihall turn to your profit, and
help you fonvard in the right way
that leadeth unto everlafting life.
^ If the person visited be verxf sick, then the Curate
muy end his exhortation in this place, or else pro-
TAIvE therefore in good part
the chaftifement of the Lord :
The Vifitation of the Sick.
For (as Saint Paul faith in the
twelfth Chapter to the Hebrews)
whom the Lord loveth he chaften-
eth, and fcourgeth eveiy fon whom
he receiveth. If ye endure chaf-
tening, God dealeth with you as
with fons ; for what fon is he whom
the Father chafteneth not? But if
ye be without chaftifement, where-
of all are partakers, then are ye
baftards, and not fons. Further-
more, we have had fathers of our
flelh, which corredled us, and we
gave them reverence : Ihall we not
much rather be in fubje6lion unto
the Father of fpirits, and live? For
they Verily for a few days chaften-
ed us after their own pleafure; but
he for our profit, that we might
be partakers of his holinefs. Thefe
words, ^oodi bj'other, are MTitten in
holy Scripture for our comfort and
inftrudlion; that we fhould pati-
ently, and with thankfgiving, bear
our heavenly Father's corredlion,
whenfoever by any manner of ad-
verfity it fliall pleafe his gracious
goodnefs to vilit us. And there
fliould be no greater comfort to
Chriftian perfons, than to be made
like unto Chrift, by fuffering pati-
ently advei*fities, troubles, and lick-
neffes. For he himfelf went not
up to joy, but firft he fuffered pain ;
he entered not into his gloiy be-
fore he was crucified. So truly
our way to eternal joy is to fuffer
here with Chrifi; ; and our door to
enter into eternal life is gladly to
die with Chrill ; that we may rife
again from death, and dwell with
him in everlafl;ing life. Now there-
fore, taking your ficknefs, which is
thus profitable for you, patiently,
I exhort you, in the Name of God,
to remember the profefllon which
you made unto God in your Bap-
tifm. And forafmuch as after this
life there is an account to be given
unto the righteous Judge, by whom
all muft be judged, without refpedt
of perfons, I require you to exa-
mine yourfelf and your eftate, both
toward God and man ; fo that, ac-
cufing and condenming yourfelf
for your own faults, you may find
mercy at om* heavenly Father's
hand for Chrift^'s fake, and not be
accufed and condenmed in that
fearful judgement. Therefore I
ihall rehearfe to you the Articles
of our Faith, that you may know
whether you do believe as a Chrif-
tian man fliould, or no.
^ Here the Minister shall rehearse the Articles of the
I Faith, saying thus,
DOST thou believe in God the
Fatlier Almighty, Maker of
heaven and earth?
And in Jefus Chrifi; his only-be-
gotten Son our Lord ? And that he
was conceived by the Holy Ghoft,
born of the Virgin Marv ; that he
fuftered under Pontius Pilate, was
crucified, dead, and buried ; that
he went down into hell, and alfo
The Vifitation of the Sick.
ilicl rife again the third clay; that
he afcended into heaven, and lit-
teth at the right hand of God the
Father Ahiiiglity; and from thence
fliall come again at the end of the
world, to judge the quick and the
And doft thou believe in the
Holy Ghoft ; the holy Catholick
Church; the Communion of Saints;
the Remillion of lins ; the Refur-
redlion of the flelh ; and everlaft-
ing Life after death?
51 The sicl; person shall aiimer,
All this I Itedfaftly believe.
^ Then shall the Minister examine tchether he repent
him truly of his sins, and he in charifi/ zcitk all the
Kvrld; exhorting him to forgive, from the bottom of
his heart, all persons that hate offended him; and if
he hath offended am/ other, to ask them forgiveness;
and shere he hath done injur)/ or u'roiig to am/
man, that he make amends to the uttermost of his
power. And if he hath not before disposed of his
goods, let him then be admonished to make his If ill,
and to declare his Debts, zehat he orcelh, and tchat
is ozring unto him; for the better discharging of his
conscience, and the quietness of his Executors. But
men should often be put in remembrance to take
order for the settling of' their temporal estates, whilst
they are in health.
% These words before rehearsed may be said before the
Minister begin his Prai/er, as he shall see cause.
^ The Minister should not omit earnesthj to move such
sick persons as are of ability to be liberal to the poor.
^ Here shall the sick person be moved to make a spe-
cial Cojfession of his sins, if he feel his conscience
troubled with am/ iceighty matter. After which
Confession, the Priest shall absolve him (if he huni-
bly and heartily desire it) after this sort.
OUR Lord Jefus Chrift, who
hath left power to his Church
to abfolve all (inuers who truly
repent and believe in him, of his
great mercy forgive thee thine of-
fences : And by his authority com-
mitted to me, I abfolve thee from
all thy fins, In the Name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghoft. Amen.
% And then the Priest shall say the Collect following.
Let us pray.
OJMoft merciHil God, who, ac-
cording to the multitude of
thy mercies, doft fo put away the
fins of thofe who truly repent, that
thou remembereft them no more ;
Open thine eye of mercy upon
this thy fervant, who moft earneft-
ly defireth pardon and forgivenefs.
Renew in him, moft loving Father,
whatfoever hath been decayed by
the fraud and malice of the devil,
or by his own carnal will and fi'ail-
nefs ; preferve and continue this
fick member in the unity of the
Church ; confider his contrition,
accept his tears, afl*wage his pain,
as fiiall feem to thee moft expe-
dient for him. And forafmuch as
he putteth his full truft only in thy
mercy, impute not unto him his
former fins, but ftrengthen him
with thy blelfed Spirit ; and, Avhen
thou art pleafed to take him hence,
take him unto thy favour, through
the merits of thy moft dearly be-
loved Son Jefus Chrift our Lord.
5[ Then shall the Minister say this Psalm.
In te, Domine, fperavi. Ffalm Ixxi.
N thee, O Lord, have I put my
truft ; let me never be put to
confufion : but rid me, and deliver
The Vifitation of the Sick.
me in thy righteoiifnefs ; incline
thine ear unto me, and fave me.
Be thou my ftrong hold, where-
unto I may alwjiy refort : thou
haft promiied to help me ; for
thou art my houfe of defence, and
my caftle.
Deliver me, O my God, out of
the hand of the ungodly : out of
the hand of the unrighteous and
cruel man.
For thou, O Lord God, art the
thing that I long for : thou art my
hope, even from my youth.
Through thee have I been hold-
en up ever fince I was born : thou
art he that took me out of my
mother's womb ; my praife fliall
alway be of thee.
I am become as it were a mon-
fter unto many : but my fure truft
is in thee.
O let my mouth be filled with
thy praife : that I may fing of thy
glory and honour all the day long.
Caft me not away in the time
of age : forfake me not when my
ftrength faileth me.
For mine enemies fpeak againft
me, and they that lay wait for my
foul take their counfel together,
faying : God hath forfaken him,
perfecute him, and take him ; for
there is none to deliver him.
Go not far from me, O God :
my God, hafte thee to help me.
Let them be confounded and
perilh that are againft my foul : let
them be covered with iliame and
dillionour that feek to do me evil.
As for me, I will patiently abide
alway : and will praiie thee more
and more.
My mouth ftiall daily fpeak of
thy righteoufnefs and falvation : for
I know no end thereof
I will go forth in the ftrength
of the Lord God : and will make
mention of thy righteoufnefs only.
Thou, O God, haft taught me
from my youth up until now :
therefore will I tell of thy won-
drous works.
Forfake me not, O God, in mine
old age, when I am gray-headed :
until I have fliewed thy ftrength
unto this generation, and thy pow-
er to all them that are yet for to
come. '
Thy righteoufnefs, O God, is
veiy high, and great things are
they that thou haft done : O God,
who is like unto thee?
Glory be to the Father, fyc.
As it was in the beginning, S^c.
51 Adding this.
O Saviour of the world, who by
thy Crofs and precious Blood
haft redeemed us, Save us, and
help us, we humbly befeech thee,
^ Then shall the MinistW satf,
THE Almighty Lord, who is a
moft ftrong tower to all them
that put their truft in him, to whom
all things in heaven, in earth, and
under the earth, do bow and obey,
be noAv and evermore thy defence ;
and make thee know and feel, that
there is none other Name under
heaven given to man, in whom,
and through whom, thou mayeft
receive health and falvation, but
only the Name of our Lord Jefus
Chrift. Amen.
^ And after that shall say,
UNTO God's gracious mercy
and protedtion we commit
thee. The Lord blefs thee, and
keep thee. The Lord make his
face to Ihine upon thee, and be
gracious unto thee. The Lord lift
up his countenance upon thee, and
give thee peace, both now and
evermore. Amen.
The Vi/itation of the Sick.
bitations, where the fouls of them
that lleep in the Lord Jefus enjoy
perpetual reft and felicity. Grant
this, O Lord, for thy mercies fake,
in the fame thy Son our Lord Je-
fus Chrift, who liveth and reigneth
with thee and the Holy Ghoft, ever
one God, world without end. Amen.
A Prayer for a sick child.
Almighty God, and merciful
Father, to whom alone belong
the iffues of life and death ; Look
down from heaven, we humbly be-
feech thee, \vith the eyes of mercy
upon this child now lying upon the
bed of ficknefs : Vilit him, O Lord,
with thy falvation ; deliver him in
thy good appointed time from his
bodily pain, and fave his foul for
thy mercies fake : That, if it fliail
be thy pleafure to prolong his days
here on earth, he may live to thee,
and be an inftrument of thy glory,
by ferving thee faithfully, and do-
ing good in his generation ; or elfe
receive him into thofe heavenly ha-
A Prayer for a sick person, ivhen
there appeareth small hope of re-
O Father of mercies, and God
of all comfort, our only help
in time of need ; We fly unto thee
for fuccour in behalf of this thy
fervant, here lying under thy hand
in great weaknefs of body. Look
gracioufly uj^on him, O Lord ; and
the more the outward man de-
cayeth, ftrengthen him, we befeech
thee, fo much the more continu-
ally with thy grace and holy Spi-
rit in the inner man. Give him
unfeigned repentance for all the
errors of his life paft, and ftedfaft
faith in thy Son Jefus ; that his iins
may be done away by thy mercy,
and his pardon fealed in heaven,
before he go hence, and be no more
feen. We know, C) Lord, that there
is no word impoflible with thee ;
and that, if thou wilt, thou canft
even yet raife him up, and grant
hi)n a longer continuance amona'ft
US : Yet, forahuuch as in all appear-
ance the time of his dillblution
drawcth near, fo fit and j)repare
him, we befeech thee, againft the
The Vifitation of the Sick,
hour of death, that after his tle-
pai'ture hence in peace, and in thy
favour, his foul may be received
into thine everlalling- kingdom,
through the merits and mecUation
of Jefus Chrill, thine only Son,
our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
A commendatory Prayer for a sick
person at the point of departure.
O Almighty God, with whom do
live the fpirits of juft men
made perfedl, after they are deli-
vered from their earthly prifons ;
We humbly commend the foul of
this thy feiTant, our dear brother,
into thy hands, as into tlie hands
of a faithful Creator, and moll mer-
ciful Saviour; moft humbly be-
feeching thee, that it may be pre-
cious in thy fight. Walli it, we
pray thee, in the blood of that im-
maculate Lamb, that was flain to
take away the fins of the world;
that whatfoever defilements it may
have contradled in the midft of
this miferable and naughty world,
through the lufts of the flelh, or
the wiles of Satan, being purged
and done away, it may be prefent-
ed pure and without fpot before
thee. And teach us who furvive,
in this and other like daily fpe6la-
cles of mortality, to fee how frail
and uncertain our own condition
is ; and fo to number our days,
that we may ferioufly apply our
hearts to that holy and heavenly
wifdom, whilft we five here, which
may in the end bring us to life
everlalling, through the merits of
Jefus Chrift thine only Sou our
Lord. Amen.
A Prayer for persons troubled in
mind or in conscience.
OBlefled Lord, the Father of
mercies, and the God of all
comforts ; We befeech thee, look
down in pity and compaflion upon
this thy afflidled fervant. Thou
writell bitter things againft /t?w?,
and makeft him to poflefs his for-
mer iniquities ; thy wrath lieth hard
upon him, and his foul is full of
trouble : But, O merciful God, who
hall written thy holy Word for our
learning, that we, through patience
and comfort of thy holy Scriptures,
might have hope ; give him a right
underftanding oUiimfelf, and of thy
threats and promifes; that he may
neither call away his confidence
in thee, nor place it any where
but in thee. Give him flrength a-
gainfl all his temptations, and heal
^1 his dillempers. Break not the
bruifed reed, nor quench the fmok-
ing flax. Shut not up thy tender
mercies in difpleafure ; but make
him to hear of joy and gladnefs,
that the bones which thou haft
broken may rejoice. Deliver him
fi'om fear of the enemy, and lift up
the light of thy countenance upon
him, and give him peace, through
the merits and mediation of Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
f For-asmuck as all viortal men be subject to inatiy sitd:len perils, diseases, and sicknesses, and ever
uncertain xchat time they shall depart out of this iij'e; tlicrejhre, to the intent they may be always
in a readiness to die, whensoever it shall please Almighty God to call them, the Curates shall
diligently from time to time {but especially in the time of pestilence, or other injections sichtess)
exhort their Parishioners to the often 7-eceiving of the holy Communion of the Body and Blood
of our Saviour Christ, when it shall be publickly administered in the Church; that so doin-
doni of God ; neither doth corrup-
tion inherit incorruption. Behold,
I fliew you a myftery: We Ihall
not all ileep, but we Ihall all be
changed, in a moment, in the
twinkling of an eye, at the laft
trump, (for the trumpet Ihall found,)
and the dead fhall be raifed incor-
ruptible, and we Ihall be changed.
For this corruptible muft put on
iucoiTuption, and this mortal muft
put on immortality. So when this
corruptible fliall have put on incor-
ruption, and this mortal lliall have
put on innnortality ; then fliall be
brought to pafs the faying that is
vvi'itten, Death is fwallowed up in
vidtoiy. O death, where is thy
fting? O grave, where is thy vic-
tory? The fting of death is fm, and
the ftrength of fin is the law. But
thanks be to God, which giveth
us the victory through our Lord
Jefus Chrift. Therefore, my be-
loved brethren, be ye ftedfaft, un-
moveable, always abounding in the
work of the Lord, forafmuch as ye
know that your labour is not in
vain in the Lord.
^ When the}/ come to the Grave, while the Corpse is
made readi/ (o be laid into the earth, the Priest shall
sal/, or the PrieH and Clerics shall sing :
MAN that is born of a woman
hath but a fliort time to live,
and is full of mifery. He conieth
up, and is cut down, like a flower;
he fleeth as it were a fliadow, and
never ciontinueth in one flay.
In the midil of life we are in
death : of wlioni may we feek for
fiiccoiir, but of thee, () Lord,
who for our iins art juftly dif-
Yet, O Lord God moft holy,
O Lord moll mighty, O holy and
moft merciful Saviour, deliver us
not into the bitter pains of eternal
Thou knoweft, Lord, the fecrets
of our hearts ; Ihut not thy merci-
ful ears to our prayer ; but fpare
us. Lord moft holy, O God moft
mighty, O holy and merciful Savi-
our, thou moft worthy Judge eter-
nal, fuifer us not, at our laft hour,
for any pains of death, to fall from
^ Then, znhile the earth shall be cast upon the Body
by some standing by, the Priest shall say,
FORASMUCH as it hath pleaf-
ed Almighty God of his great
mercy to take unto himfelf the
foul of our dear brother here de-
parted, we therefore commit his
body to the ground ; earth to earth,
allies to allies, duft to duft ; in fure
and certain hope of the Refurrec-
tion to eternal life, through our
Lord JefusChrift; who ftiall chano-e
our vile body, that it may be like
unto his glorious body, according
to the mighty working, whereby
he is able to fubdue all things to
^ Then shall be said or sung,
Heard a voice from heaven,
faying unto me, Write, From
At the Burial of the Dead.
henceforth blefled are the dead
which die in the Lord : even fo
faith the Spirit ; for they reft from
their labours.
•[[ Then the Priest shall say,
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Chri/i, have mere?/ iqnm us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
OUR Father, which art in hea^
veil. Hallowed be thy Name/
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth. As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpalTes, As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gaiiift us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
e^dl. Amen.
ALMIGHTY God, with whom
do live the fpirits of them
that depart hence in the Lord,
and with whom the fouls of the
faithful, after they are delivered
from the burden of the flefli, are
in joy and felicity; We give thee
hearty thanks, for that it hath
pleafed thee to deliver this our
brother out of the miferies of this
fulfill world ; befeeching thee, that
it may pleafe thee, of thy gracious
goodnefs, fliortly to accomplifli the
number of thine ele6t, and to haft-
en thy kingdom ; that we, wdth
all thofe that are departed m the
true faith of thy holy Name, may
have our perfect confunimation
At the Burial of the Dead,
and blifs, both in body and foul,
in thy eternal and everlaftmg glo-
ry ; through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
The Colledl.
OMerciM God, the Father of
our Lord Jefus Chrift, who
is the refurredtion and the life; in
whom whofoever believeth fliall
live, though he die ; and whofo-
ever liveth, and believeth in him,
fliall not die eternally; who alfo
hath taught us, by his holv Apo-
ftle Saint Paul, not to be forry, as
men without hope, for them that
fleep in him ; We meekly befeech
thee, O Father, to raife us from
the death of fin unto the life of
righteoufnefs ; that, when we fliall
depart this life, we may reft in
him, as our hope is this our bro-
ther doth ; and that, at the general
Refurre6lion in the laft day, we
may be found acceptable in thy
fight ; and receive that blefling,
which thy well-beloved Son fliall
then pronounce to all that love
and fear thee, faying, Come, ye
bleffed children of my Father, re-
ceive the kingdom prepared for
you fi'om the beginning of the
world : Grant this, we befeech thee,
O merciful Father, through Jefus
Chrift, our Mediator and Redeem-
er. Amen.
THE grace of our Lord Jefus
Chrift, and the love of God,
and the feUowfliip of the Holy
Ghoft, be with us all evermore.
II The JVuman, ill l/ic imial time after Iter Ddhery, shall come into the Church decentlj/ appa-
relled, and there shall kneel down in some convenient place, as hath been accustomed, or as the
Ordinary shall direct: And then the Priest shall say unto her.
FORASMUCH as it hath pleaf-
ed Ahnighty God of his good-
iiefs to give you fafe deliverance,
and hath preferved you in the great
danger of Child-birth ; you fliall
therefore give hearty thanks unto
God, and fay.
(^ Then shall the Priest say the cxvi"' Psalm,)
Dilecvi qiioniam.
Am well pleafed : that the
Lord hath heard the voice of
my prayer ;
That he hath inclined his ear
unto me : therefore will I call
upon him as long as I live.
The fnares of death compafled
me round about : and the pains of
hell gat hold upon me.
I found trouble and heavinefs,
and I called upon the Name of
the Lord : O Lord, I hefeech thee,
deliver my foul.
Gracious is the Lord, and right-
eous : yea, our God is merciful.
The Lord prefeiTeth the lim-
ple : I was in mifery, and he help-
ed me.
Turn again then unto thy reft,
O my foul : for the Lord hath re-
warded thee.
And why? thou haft delivered
my foul from death : mine eyes
fi'om tears, and my feet from fall-
I will walk before the Lord : in
the land of the living.
I believed, and therefore will I
fpeak ; but I was fore troubled : I
faid in my hafte, All men are liars.
What reward fliall I give unto
the Lord : for all the benefits that
he hath done unto me?
I will receive the cup of falva-
tion : and call upon the Name of
the Lord.
I will pay my vows now in the
prefence of all his people : in the
courts of the Lord's houfe, even in
the midft of thee, O Jerufalem.
Fraife the Lord.
Gloiy be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft;
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever fliall be : world
without end. Amen.
The CJmrclii
Or, Pfalm cxx\ai. Niji Dominus.
EXCEPT the Lord build the
hoiife : their labour is but loft
that build it.
Except the Lord keep the city :
the watchman waketh but in vain.
It is but loft labour that ye
liafte to rile up early, and ib late
take reft, and eat the bread of
carefulnefs : for fo he giveth his
beloved fleep.
Lo, children and the fruit of the
womb : are an heritage and gift
that Cometh of the Lord.
Like as the arrows in the hand
of the giant : even fo are the
young children.
Happy is the man that hath his
quiver full of them : they fliall not
be aftiamed when they fpeak with
then' enemies in the gate.
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever ftiall be : world
without end. Amen.
% Then the Priest shall say,
liCt us pray.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Chrijl, have mei'cy upon us.
l-(Ord, have mercy upon us.
OUR Father, which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
ng of Women.
dojie in earth. As it is in heaven.
Give us this day oiu' daily bread.
And forgiv^e us our trefpaffes. As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation ; But deliver us from
e\\\ : For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the gloiy, For
ever and ever. Amen.
Blinifte)-. O Lord, fave this wo-
man thy fervant ;
Aiifwer. Who putteth her truft
in thee.
Minijier. Be thou to her a ftrong
tower ;
Anfwer. From the face of her
Minijier. Lord, hear our prayer.
Anfwer. And let our ciy come
unto thee.
Minijier. Let us pray.
O Almighty God, we give thee
humble thanks for that thou
haft vouchfafed to deliver this wo-
man thy fervant from the great pain
and peril of Child-birth; Grant, m'c
befeech thee, moft merciful Fa-
ther, that Ihe, through thy help,
may both faithfully live, and walk
according to thy will, in this life
prefent; and alfo may be partaker
of everlafting glory in the life to
come ; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
fl The jyoman, that comcth to give he?' Tha files, must offer accustomed Offerings ; and, if there he
a Commwiion, it is convenient that she receive the holy C'oymmmion.
With certain Prayers, to be used on the first Day of Lent, and at other times,
as the Ordinary shall appoint.
H After Morning Prayer, the Litany ended according to the accustomed manner, the Priest shall,
in the Reading-Pezv or Pulpit, say,
BRETHREN, in the Primitive
Church there was a godly dif-
cipline, that, at the beginning of
Lent, fuch perfons as ftood con-
victed of notorious fin were put to
open penance, and puniftied in this
world, that their fouls might be
faved in the day of the Lord ; and
that others, admonifiied by their
example, might be the more afraid
to offend.
Inflead whereof, (until the faid
difcipline may be reilored again,
which is much to be wiflied,) it is
thought good, that at this time
(in the prefence of you all) fliould
be read the general fentences of
God's curfing againfi; impeniterit
finners, gathered out of the feven
and twentieth Chapter of Deute-
ronomy, and other places of Scrip-
ture; and that ye Ihould anfwer to
eveiy Sentence, Amen : To the in-
tent that, being admonifiied of the
great indignation of God againfi;
finners, ye may the rather be mov-
ed to earneft and true repentance ;
and may walk more warily in thefe
dangerous days ; fleeing from fuch
\'ices, for which ye afliirm with
your own mouths the curie of God
to be due.
CURSED is the man that mak-
eth any carved or molten
image, to worfliip it.
^ And the people shall answer aiid say. Amen.
Minijfer. Curfed is he that curf-
eth his fiitlier or mother.
An fiver. Amen.
Mimjicr. C'urfed is he that re-
moveth his neighbour's land-mark.
Anfiver. Amen.
Minifier. Curfed is he that mak-
eth the blind to go out of his way.
Anfwer. Amen.
Minijhr. Curfed is he that per-
verteth the judgement of the ftran-
ger, the fatherlefs, and ^vidow.
Anfwer. Amen.
Minijler. Cui-fed is he that fmit-
eth his neighbour fecretly.
Anfwer. Amen.
Minijler. Curfed is he that lieth
with his neighbour's wife.
Anfwer. Amen.
A Commination.
cxix. 21.
S. Matt,
iii. 10.
Hcb. X.
Psalm xi.
Mimjier. Curfed is he that tak-
eth revvard to Hay the innocent.
■it.Anfwe}\ Amen.
yMinijler. Curfed is he that put-
teth his trull in man, and taketh
man for his defence, and in liis
heart goeth from the Lord.
Anj'wer. Amen.
.'^.Mimjler. Curfed are the unmer-
ciful, fornicators, and adulterers,
covetous peifons, idolaters, flan-
derers, drunkards, and extortion-
Anfwer. Amen.
NOW feeing that all they are
accurfed (as the prophet Da-
vid beareth witnefs) who do err
and go afti'ay fi*om the command-
ments of God ; let us (remember-
ing the dreadful judgement hang-
ing over our heads, and always
ready to fall upon us) return unto
our Lord God, with all contrition
and meeknefs of heart ; bewailing
and lamenting our linful life, ac-
knowledging and confefling our of-
fences, and feeking to bring forth
worthy fruits of penance. For now
is the ax put unto the root of the
trees, fo that every tree that bring-
eth not forth good fniit is hewn
down, and call into the fire. It
is a fearful thing to fall into the
hands of the living God : he fliall
pour down rain upon the iinners,
fnares, fire and brimftone, llorm
and temped ; this fliall be their por-
tion to drink. For lo, the Lord'"'"*''
C \ • 1 •/> x'^vi. 21.
IS come out ot Ins place to vilit
the wickednefs of fuch as dwell
upon the earth. But who may Mai. iii.
abide the day of his coming? Who ~
fliall be able to endure when he
appeareth? His fan is in his hand, s. Matt,
and he will purge his floor, and '" ^""
gather his wheat into the barn;
but he will burn the chaft* with
unquenchable fire. The day ofixhess.
the Lord cometh as a thief in the^'^'/n.
night : and wlien men fliall fay.
Peace, and aU things are fafe, tlieii
Ihall fudden dellrin5tion come up-
on them, as forrow cometh upon
a woman travailing with child, and
they Ihall not efcape. Then fliall Rom. ii.
appear the wrath of God in the
day of vengeance, which obftinate
finners, through the llubbornnefs
of their heart, have heaped unto
themfelves ; which defpil'ed the
goodnefs, patience, and long-fuf-
feraiice of God, when he calleth
them continually to repentance.
Then fliall they call uiioii me, (faith p^v- «•
•' 1 ^ 28 20 30
the Lord,) but I will not hear; ' '
they fliall feek me early, but they
fliall not find me; and that, be-
caufe they hated knowledge, and
received not the fear of the Lord,
but abhorred my counfel, and de-
fpifed my correc^tion. Then fliall s. Matt.
it be too late to knock when the 11,12.*
door fliall be Ihut; and too late to
cry for mercy when it is the time
of jufl;ice. O terrible voice of moll
A Commination,
jiift judgement, which fliall be ])ro-
iioiinced upon them, when it fliall
be faid unto them, Go, ye cui'fed,
into the fire eveilalling-, wliich is
prepared for tlie devil and his an-
cor. vi. gels. Therefore, brethren, take we
heed betime, while the day of fal-
. John vation lafteth ; for the night com-
''*'^' eth, when none can work. But
let us, while we have the light, be-
lieve in the light, and walk as chil-
. Matt, dren of the light ; that we be not
"'^^'^ call into utter darknefs, where is
weeping and gnafhing of teeth.
Let us not abufe the goodnefs of
God, who calleth us merciliilly to
amendment, and of his endlefs pity
promifeth us forgivenefs of that
which is paft, if with a perfe^ and
true heart we return unto him.
Isaiah i. Poi« though our fins be as red as
18. ^
fcarlet, they fliall be made white as
fno^v ; and though they be like pur-
ple, yet they fliall be made white
Ezekiei as wool. Turn ye (faith the Lord)
from all your wickednefs, and your
fin fliall not be your deftru(5tion :
Caft away from you all your un-
godlinefs tliat ye have done: Make
you new hearts, and a new fpirit :
Wherefore will ye die, O ye houfe
of Ifrael, feeing that I have no
pleafure in the death of him that
dieth, faith the Lord God? Turn
lis. John ye then, and ve fliall live. Although
'"■ ' ■ we have finned, yet have we an
Advocate with the Father, Jefus
Chrill the righteous; and he is the
xviii. 30.
propitiation for our fins. For he i;:^>ah
was wounded for our offences, and
fmitten for our wickednefs. Let
us therefore return unto him^ who
is the merciful receiver of all true
penitent finners ; affuring ourfelvCvS
that he is i-eady to receive us, and
nioft willing to pardon us, if we
come unto him witli faithful re-
})eiitance ; if we fubmit ourfelves
unto him, and from henceforth
walk in his ways ; if we will take ^: ^^*^
his eafy yoke, and light burden
upon us, to follow him in lowli-
iiefs, patience, and charity, and
be ordered by the governance of
his Holy Spirit ; feeking always
his glory, and ferving him duly
in our vocation with thankfoiv-
ing : This if we do, Chrift will tie-
liver us from the curfe of the law,'
and from the extreme malediciion
which fliall light upon them that
fliall be fet on the left hand ; and ^-Jl^f^]
he \vill fet us on his right hand, 3^-
and give us the gracious benedic-
tion of his Father, commanding
us to take pofl'eflion of his glorious
kingdom : unto Avliich he vouchfafe
to bring us all, for his infinite mer-
^ llien shall they all kneel upon their knees, and the
Priest and Clerks kneeling (in the place zohere they
are accustomed io sai/ the Litany) shall say fkii
Wlifcrere met, Deus. Pfalm li.^q
Hy\VE mercy upon me, O
God, after thy great good*
A Commination.
nefs : according to the multitude
of thy mercies do away mine of-
Wafli me throughly from my
wickednefs : and cleanfe me from
my fin.
For I acknowledoe mv faults :
and my fm is ever before me.
Againft thee only have I fmned,
and done this evil in thy fight :
that thou mighteft be juftified in
thy faying, and clear when thou
art judged.
Behold, I was (hapen in wick-
ednefs : and in fin hath my mother
conceived me.
But lo, thou requireft; truth in
the inward parts : and ftialt make
me to underlland wifdom fecretly.
Thou flialt purge me with hyf-
fop, and I fliall be clean : thou
flialt wafli me, and I fliall be whiter
than fnow.
Thou flialt make me hear of
joy and gladnefs : that the bones
which thou haft; broken may re-
Tiu'ii thy face away from my
fins : and put out all my mifdeeds.
Make me a clean heart, O
God : and renew a right fpirit
within me.
Call me not away from thy pre-
ience : and take not thy holy Spirit
from ine.
O give me the comfort of thy
help again : and ftablilh me witli
thy free Spiiit.
Then fliall I teach thy ways un-
to the wicked : and fiimers fliall
be converted unto thee.
Deliver me fi'om blood-ffuilti-
nefs, O God, thou that art the
God of my health : and my tongue
fliall fino' of thv riohteoufnefs.
Thou flialt open my lips, O
Lord : and my mouth fliall fliew
thy praife.
For thou defireft no facrifice,
elfe would I give it thee : but
thou delio-hteft not in burnt-ofter-
The facrifice of God is a trou-
bled fpirit : a broken and contrite
heart, O God, flialt thou not de-
O be favourable and g-racious
unto Sioii : build thou the walls of
Then flialt thou be pleafed with
the facrifice of righteoufnefs, vnih.
the burnt offerings and oblations :
then fliall they oft'er young bul-
locks upon thine altar.
Gloiy be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
AnJ'wer. As it was in the begiii-^
ning, is now, and ever fliall be :
world without end. Amen.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Chrijl, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
OUR Father, ^vhich art in hea-
ven, 1 lallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdojii come. Thy will be
A Commination.
done ill earth, As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpalies, As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation; But dehver us from
evil. Amen.
Mimjier. O Lord, lave thy fer-
vants ;
Anfwer. That put their truft in
Mimjier, Send unto them help
from above.
Anfwer. And evermore mightily
defend them.
Minifier. Help us, O God our
Anfwer. And for the gloiy of
thy Name deliver us ; be mer-
ciful to us finners, for thy Name's
Mm. O Lord, hear our prayer.
Anfwer. And let our cry come
unto thee.
Mimjier. Let us pray.
OLord, we befeech thee, mer-
cifully hear our prayers, and
fpare all thofe who confefs their
fins unto thee; that they, whofe
confcienccs by fin are accufed, by
thy merciful pardon may be ab-
folved ; through Chrift our Lord.
OMofi mighty God, and mer-
ciful Father, who hall com-
paffion upon all men, ^aiid hateft
nothing that thou haft made ; who
wouldell not the death of a finnerj
but that he lliould rather turn
from his fin, and be faved ; Mer-
cifully forgive us our treljialfes ;
receive and comfort us, who are
grieved and wearied with the bur-
den of our fins. Thy property is
always to have mercy ; to thee on-
ly it appertaineth to forgive fins.
Spare us therefore, good Lord,
fpare thy people, whom thou haft
redeemed ; enter not into judge-
ment mth thy fervants, who are
vile eardi, and miferable finners ;
but fo turn thine anger from us,
who meekly acknowledge our vile-
nefs, and truly repent us of our
faults, and fo make hafte to help
us in this world, that we may ever
live with thee in the world to
come; through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
^ Thm shall the people say this that follovseth, after
the Minister.
TURN thou us, O good Lord,
and fo (hall we be turned.
Be favourable, O Lord, be favour-
able to thy people. Who turn to
thee in weeping, fafting, and }3ray-
ing. For thou art a merciful God,
Full of compaflion, Long-fiifter-
ing, and of great pity. Thou fpar-
eft when we deferve puniihment.
And in thy wrath thinkeft upon
mercy. Spare thy people good
Lord, fpare them. And let not
thine heritage be brought to con-
j4 Commination.
fufion. Hear us, O Lord, for thy
mercy is great, And after the mul-
titude of thy mercies look upon
us ; Tlu'ough the merits and me-
diation of thy bleffed Son, Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
5[ Then the Minister alone shall say,
THE Lord blefs us, and keep
us ; the Lord lift up the light
of his countenance upon us, and
give us peace, now and for ever-
more. Amen.
Psalm i. Beatus vir, qui non
abiit S^c.
BLESSED is the man that hath
not walked in the counfel of
the ungodly, nor ftood in the way
of finners : and hath not fat in the
feat of the fcornful.
2 But his delight is in the law
of the Lord : and in his law will
he exercife himfelf day and night.
3 And he Ihall be like a tree
planted by the water-fide ; that
will bring' forth his fruit in due
4 His leaf alfo fliall not wither :
and look, whatfoever he doeth, it
fliall profper.
5 As for the ungodly, it is not
fo with them : but they are like
the chaff, which the wind fcat-
tereth away from the face of the
6 Therefore the ungodly fliall
not be able to ftand in the judge-
ment : neither the finners in the
congregation of the righteous.
7 But the Lord knoweth the
way of the righteous : and the way
of the ungodly fliall perifli.
Psalm ii. Quare fremueruni -
WHY do the heathen fo fu-
rioully rage together : and
why do the people imagine a vain
2 The kings of the earth fl;and
up, and the rulers take counfel
together : againft: the Lord, and
againfl; his Anointed.
3 Let us break their bonds a-
funder : and cafl; away their cords
from us.
4 He that dwelleth in heaven
fliall laugh them to fcorn : the
Lord fliall have them in derifion.
5 Then fliall he fpeak unto them
in his wi'ath : and vex them in his
fore difpleafure.
6 Yet have I fet my King : upon
my holy hill of Sion.
7 I will preach the law, where-
of the Lord hath faid unto me :
Thou art my Son, this day have I
begotten thee.
8 Defire of me, and I fliall give
thee the heathen for thine inherit-
ance : and the utmofi; parts of the
earth for thy pofleflion.
9 Thou flialt bruife them with
Daijl. THE P
a rod of iron : and break them in
pieces like a potter's veffel.
10 Be wife now therefore, O ye
kings : be learned, ye that are
judges of the earth.
1 1 Serve the Lord in fear : and
rejoice unto him with reverence.
12 Kifs the Son, left he be
angiy, and fo ye perilh from the
rio-ht way : if his wrath be kindled,
(yea, but a little,) blefled are all
they that put their truft in him.
Psalm iii. Domhie, quid multipli-
ORD, how are they increafed
that trouble me : many are
they that rife againft me.
2 Many one there be that fay
of my foul : There is no help for
him in his God.
3 But thou, O Lord, art my de-
fender : thou art my worfliip, and
the lifter up of my head.
4 I did call upon the Lord with
my voice : and he heard me out of
his holy hill.
5 I laid me down and flept,
and rofe up again : for the Lord
fuftained me.
6 I will not be afraid for ten
thoufands of the people : that have
fet themfelves aijainft me round,
about. ,, ,
7 Up, Lord, and help me, O
my God : for thou fmitelt all mine
enemies upon the cheek-bone ;
thou haft broken the teeth of the
S A L M S. Day 1.
8 Salvation belongeth unto the
Lord : and thy bleliing is upon
thy people.
Psalm iv. Cum invocarem.
EAR me when I call, O God
of my righteoufnefs : thou
haft let me at liberty when I was
in trouble ; have mercy upon me,
and hearken unto my prayer.
2 O ye fons of men, how long
will ye blafpheme mine honour :
and have fuch pleafure in vanity,
and feek after leafing?
3 Know this alfo, that the Lord
hath chofen to himfelf the man
that is godly : when I call upon
the Lord, he will hear me.
4 Stand in awe, and fin not :
commune with your own heart,
and in your chamber, and be ftill.
5 Offer the facrifice of right-
eoufnefs : and put your truft in
the Lord.
6 There be many that fay : Who
will fliew us any good?
7 Lord, lift thou up : the light
of thy coimtenance upon us.
8 Thou haft put gladnefs in my
heart : fince the time that their
corn, and wine,- and oil, increafed.
9 I will lay me down in peace,
and take my reft : for it is thou,
Lord, only, that makeft me dwell
in fafety.
Psalm v. Verba men cmribtis.
PONDER my words, O Lord :
coniider my meditation.
2 O heiu'ken thou unto the voice
Day 1.
Day 1.
of my calliiiig, my King*, and my
God : for unto tiiee will I make
my prayer.
3 My voice Hialt thou hear be-
times, O Lord : early in tlie morn-
ing will I direct my prayer unto
thee, and will look up.
4 For thou art the God that hail
no pleafure in wickednefs : neither
fliall any evil dwell with thee.
5 Such as be foolilli fliall not
Hand in thy fight : for thou hateft
all them that work vanity.
6 Thou flialt deftroy them that
fpeak leafing : the l^ord will abhor
both the blood-thirrty and deceitful
7 But as for me, I will come
into thine houfe, even upon the
multitude of thy mercy : and in
thy fear will I worfliip toward thy
holy temple.
8 Lead me, O Lord, in thv
righteoufnefs, becaufe of mine ene-
mies : make thy way plain before
my face.
9 For there is no faithfulnefs in
his mouth : their inward parts ai-e
very wickednefs.
10 Their throat is an open fe-
pulchre : they flatter with their
11 Deftroy thou them, O God;
let them perifli through their own
imaginations : cafl; them out in the
multitude of their ungodlinefs ; for
they have rebelled againft thee.
12 And let all them that put
their tnift in thee rejoice : they
fliall ever be pivinfj of thanks, be-
caufe thou defendeft them ; they
that love thy Name fliall be joyful
in thee ;
13 For thou. Lord, Avilt give
thy bleflTing unto the righteous :
and with thy favourable kindnefs
wilt thou defend him as with a
evening |0raper.
Psalm vi. Domine, ne in furore.
OLord, rebuke me not in thine
indignation : neither chaften
me in thy difpleafure.
2 Have mercy uj)on me, O
Lord, for I am weak : O Lord,
heal me, for my bones are vexed.
3 My fold alfo is fore troubled :
but, Lord, how long wilt thou
punifli me?
4 Turn thee, O Lord, and de-
liver my foul : O fave me for thy
mercy's lake.
5 For in death no man remem-
bereth thee : and who will give
thee thanks in the pit?
6 I am weary of my groaning;
every night wafli I my bed : and
water my couch with my tears.
7 My beauty is gone for very
trouble : and worn away becaufe
of all mine enemies.
8 Away from me, all ye that
work vanity : for the Lord hath
heard the voice of my weeping.
9 The Lord hath heard my pe-
Day 1.
titioii : the Lord will receive my
10 All mine enemies fiiall be
confounded, and fore vexed : diev
Ihall be turned back, and put to
fhame fuddenly.
PsAL3r vii. I)omi?ie, Deus mens.
OLord my God, in thee have I
put my truft : fave me from
all them that perfecute me, and
deliver me ;
2 Left he devour my foul, like a
lion, and tear it in pieces : while
there is none to help.
3 O Lord my God, if I have
done any fuch thing : or if there
be any mckednefs in my hands;
4 If I have rewarded evil unto
him that dealt friendly with me :
yea, I have delivered him that
without any caufe is mine enemy;
5 Then let mine enemy perfe-
cute my foul, and take me : yeai
let him tread my life down upon
the earth, and lay mine honour in
the duft.
6 Stand up, O Lord, in thy
wrath, and lift up thyfelf, becaufe
of the indignation of mine ene-
mies : arife up for me in the judge-
ment that thou haft commanded.
7 And io Ihall the congregation
of the people come about thee :
for their fakes therefore lift up thy-
felf ao-aia,
8 The Lord fliall judge the peo-
ple; give fentence witli me, O
Lord : according to my righteouf-
Day 1.
nefs, and according to the inno-
cency that is in me.
9 O let the wickednefs of the
ungodly come to an end : but
guide thou the juft.
10 For the rijjhteous God : tri-
eth the very hearts and reins.
11 My help Cometh of God :
who preferveth them that ai'e true
of heart.
12 God is a righteous Judge,
ftrong, and patient : and God is
provoked every day.
13 If a man will not turn, he
will whet his fword : he hath bent
his bow, and made it ready.
14 He hath prepared for him
the inftruments of death : he or-
daineth his arrows againft the per-
15 Behold, he travaileth with
mifchief : he hath conceived for-
row, and brought forth ungodlinefs.
16 He hath graven and digged
up a pit : and is fallen himfelf in-
to the deftrudtion that he made
for other.
17 For his travail fliall come
upon his own head : and his
wickednefs fliall fall on his own,
18 1 will a'ive thanks unto the
I^ord, according to his righteouf-
neis : and I will praifc the Name
of the Lord moft High.
FsALM viii. Difumt^ Dumhins nojier.
OLord our Governour, how
excellent is thy Name in all
■.Jl'JVJL '-JlV-> •'
Dmj 2.
the world : thou that haft fet thy
glory above the heavens !
2 Out of the mouth of very
babes and fucklings haft thou or-
dained ftrength, becaufe of thine
enemies : that thou mighteft ftill
the enemy, and the avenger.
3 For 1 will confider thy hea-
vens, even the works of thy fin-
gers : the moon and the ftars,
which thou haft ordained.
4 What is man, that thou art
mindful of him : and the fon of
man, that thou vifiteft him ?
5 Thou madeft him lower than
the ansfels : to crown him with
glory and worlhip.
6 Thou makeft him to have do-
minion of the works of thy hands :
and thou haft put all things in fub-
jedlion under his feet ;
7 All Iheep and oxen ; yea, and
the beafts of the field ;
8 The fowls of the air, and the
fifties of the fea : and whatfoever
walketh through the paths of the
9 O Lord our Governour : how
excellent is thy Name in all the
world !
horning i&raper.
Psalm ix. Conjitehor tihi.
I Will give thanks imto thee, O
Lord, with my whole heart :
I will fpeak of all thy marvellous
2 I will be glad and rejoice in
thee : yea, my fongs will I make
of thy Name, () thou moft iligheft
3 While mine enemies ai'e dri-
ven back : they fliall ftirfl and perifti
at thy prefence.
4 For thou haft maintained my
right and my caufe : thou art fet
in the throne that judgeft right.
5 Thou haft rebuked the hea-
then, and deftroyed the ungodly :
thou haft put out their name for
ever and ever.
6 O thou enemy, deftru6lions
are come to a perpetual end : even
as the cities which thou haft de-
ftroyed ; their memorial is perifti-
ed with them.
7 But the Lord ftiall endure for
ever : he hath alfo prepared his
feat for judgement.
8 For he ftiall judge the world
in riffhteoufnefs : and niinifter true
judgement unto the people.
9 The Lord alfo will be a de-
fence for the opprefled : even a re-
fuse in due time of trouble.
10 And they that know thy
Name will put their truft in thee .
for thou, Lord, haft never failed
them that feek thee.
11 O praife the Lord which
dwelleth in Sion : ftiew the people
of his doings.
12 For, when he inaketh inqui-
fition for blood, he remembereth
them : and forgetteth not the com-
plaint of the poor. . ,
\6 Have mercy upon me, TJ
Day 2.
Lord ; confider the trouble which
I fuffer of them that hate me :
thou that lifted me up from the
gates of death.
14 That I may fliew all thy
praifes within the ports of the
daughter of Sioii : 1 will rejoice in
thy falvation.
15 The heathen are funk down
in the pit that they made : in the
fame net which they hid privily,
is their foot taken.
16 The Lord is known to exe-
cute judgement : the ungodly is
trapped in the work of his own
17 The wicked fliall be turned
into hell : and all the people that
forget God.
18 For the poor fliall not alway
be forgotten : the patient abiding
of the meek fliall not perifli for
19 Up, Lord, and let not man
have the upper hand : let the hea-
then be judged in thy fight.
20 Put them in fear, O Lord :
that the heathen may know them-
felves to be but men.
Psalm x. Ut quid, Domine?
WHY ftandeft thou fo far ofl",
() Lord : and hidefi; thy face
in the needful time of trouble?
2 The ungodly for his own lufi^
doth perfecute the poor : let them
be taken in the crafty wilinefs that
they have imagined.
o For the ungodly hath made
S A L M S Bay ±
boalt of his own heart's defire :
and fpeaketh good of the covetous,
whom God abhorreth.
4 The ungodly is fo proud, that
he careth not for God : neither is
God in all his thoughts.
5 His ways are alway grievous :
thy judgements are far above out
of his fight, and therefore defieth
he all his enemies.
6 For he hath faid in his heart,
Tuih, I fliall never be cafl; down :
there fliall no harm happen un-
to me.
7 His mouth is full of cui'fing,
deceit, and fraud : under his tongue
is imgodlinefs and vanity.
8 He fitteth lurking in the
thievifli corners of the fi;reets : and
privily in his lurking dens doth he
murder the innocent; his eyes are
fet againft the poor.
9 For he lieth waiting fecretly,
even as a lion lurketh he in his
den : that he may ravifii the poor.
10 He doth ravifli the poor :
when he getteth him into his net.
1 1 He falleth down, and hum-
bletli himfelf : that the congrega-
tion of the poor may fall into the
hands of his captains.
12 He hath faid in his heart,
Tufli, God hath forgotten : he hid-
eth away his face, and he will ne-
ver fee it.
13 Arife, O Lord (jod, and lift
up thine hand : forget not the
14 Wherefore flioiild the wicked
blafpheine God : while lie doth
fay ill his heart, Tufti, thou God
careft not for it.
15 Surely thou haft feen it : for
thou beholdeft uno-odlinefs and
16 That thou may eft take the
matter into thine hand : the poor
committeth himfelf unto thee ;
for thou art the helper of the
17 Break thou the power of the
ungodly and malicious : take away
his ungodiinefs, and thou flialt
find none.
18 The Lord is King for ever
and ever : and the heathen are
periihed out of the land.
19 Lord, thou haft heard the
delire of the poor : thou prepareft
their heart, and thine ear hearken-
eth thereto ;
20 To help the fatherlefs and
poor unto their right : that the man
of the earth be no more exalted
againft them.
In Domino conjido.
IN the Lord put I my truft :
how fay ye then to my foul,
that flie iliould flee as a bird unto
the hill?
2 For lo, the ungodly bend their
bow, and make ready their arrows
within the quiver : that they may
privily llioot at them which are
true of heart.
3 For the foundations will be
Day 2.
caft down : and what hath the
righteous done?
4 The Lord is in his holy tem-
ple : the Lord's feat is in heaven.
5 His eyes conlider the poor :
and his eye-lids try the children
of men.
6 The Lord alloweth the right-
eous : but the ungodly, and him
that delighteth in wickednefs doth
his foul abhor.
7 Upon the ungodly he fliall rain
fnares, fire and brimftone, ftorm
and tempeft : this fliall be their
portion to drink.
8 For the righteous Lord loveth
righteoufnefs : his countenance will
behold the thing that is juit.
Psalm xii. Salvum me fac.
ELP me, Lord, for there is
not one godly man left : for
the faithful are miniflied from a-
mong the children of men.
2 They talk of vanity eveiy one
with his neighbour : they do but
flatter with their lips, and diflem-
ble in their double heart.
3 The Lord fliall root out all
deceitful lips : and the tongue that
fpeaketh proud things ;
4 Which have faid. With our
tongue will we prevail : we are
they that ought to fpeak, who is,^
lord over us ? rj
5 Now for the comfortlefs trou4j
bles' fake of the needy : and be-
Day 9,.
Day ±
caufe of the deep figliing of the
6 I will up, faith the Ijord : and
will help every one from him that
fwelleth againft him, and will fet
him at reft.
7 The words of the Lord are
pure words : even as the filver,
which fi'om the earth is tried, and
purified feven times in the fire.
8 Thou flialt keep them, O
Lord : thou (halt preferve him
from this generation for ever.
9 The ungodly walk on every
fide : when they are exalted, the
children of men are put to re-
Psalm xiii. Vfque quo, Domine?
HOW long wilt thou forget
me, O Lord, for ever : how
long wilt thou hide thy face from
2 How long fliall I feek coun-
fel in my foul, and be fo vexed in
my heart : how long fliall mine
enemies triumph over me?
3 Confider, and hear me, O
Lord my God : lighten mine eyes,
that I fleep not in death.
4 Left mine enemy fay, I have
prevailed againft him : for if I be
caft down, they that trouble me
will rejoice at it.
5 But my truft is in thy mercy :
and my heart is joyful in thy fal-
6 I will fing of the Lord, be-
caufe he hath dealt fo lovingly
with me : yea, I will praife the
Name of the Lord moft Hioheft.
Psalm xiv. Divit injipicns.
THE fool hath faid in his heart :
There is no God.
2 They are corrupt, and be-
come abominable in their doings :
there is none that doeth good, no
not one.
3 The Lord looked down from
heaven upon the children of men :
to fee if there were any that would
underftand, and feek after God.
4 But they are all gone out of
the way, they are altogether be-
come abominable : there is none
that doeth good, no not one.
5 Their throat is an open fepul-
chre, with their tongues have they
deceived : the poifon of afps is un-
der their lips.
6 Their mouth is full of curfing
and bitternefs : their feet are fwift
to Ihed blood.
7 Deftrucftion and imhappinefs
is in their ways, and the way of
peace have they not known : there
is no fear of God before their eyes.
8 Have they no knowledge, that
they are all fuch workers of mif-
chief : eating up my people as it
were bread, and call not upon the
9 There were they brought in
great fear, even where no fear
was : for God is in the generation
of the righteous,
10 As for you, ye liave made a
Bay S.
mock at the counfel of the poor :
becaufe he putteth his truil in the
1 1 Who fhall give falvation un-
to Ifrael out of Sion? When the
Lord turneth the captivity of his
people : then fliall Jacob rejoice,
and Ifrael fliall be glad.
JHonung j^raper.
Psalm xv. Domine, quis habitabit?
LORD, who fliall dwell in thy
tabernacle : or who fliall reft
upon thy holy hill?
2 Even he, that leadeth an un-
cormpt life : and doeth the thing
which is right, and fpeaketh the
truth from liis heart.
3 He that hath ufed no deceit
in his tongue, nor done evil to his
neighbour : and hath not flander-
ed his neighbour.
4 He that fetteth not by him-
felf, but is lowly in his own eyes :
and inaketh much of them that
fear the Lord.
5 He that fweareth unto his
neighbour, and difappointeth him
not : though it were to his own
6 He that hath not given his
money upon ufury : nor taken re-
ward againil the innocent.
7 Whofo doeth thefe things :
Ihall never fall.
Psalm xvi. Conferva me, Domine.
PRESERVE me, O God : for
in thee have I put my truft.
Day S.
2 O my foul, thou haft faid un-
to the Ijord : Thou art my God,
my goods are nothing unto thee.
3 All my delight is upon the
faints, that are in the earth : and
upon fuch as excel in virtue.
4 But they that run after an-
other god : fliall have great trouble.
5 Their drink-ofl'erings of blood
will I not offer : neither make men-
tion of their names within my lips.
6 The Lord himfelf is the por-
tion of mine inheritance, and of
my cup : thou flialt maintain my
7 The lot is faflen unto me in a
fair ground : yea, I have a goodly
8 I will thank the Lord for giv-
ing me warning : my reins alfo
chaften me in the night feafon.
9 I have fet God always before
me : for he is on my right hand,
therefore I fliall not fall.
10 Wherefore my heart was
glad, and my glory rejoiced : my
flefli alfo fliall reft in hope.
11 For why? thou flialt not
leave my foul in hell : neither flialt
thou fuffer thy Holy One to fee
12 Thou flialt fliew me the path
of life ; in thy prefence is the ful-
nefs of joy : and at thy right hand
there is pleafure for evermore.
Psalm xvii. Ecvaudi, Domine.
HEAR the right, O Lord, con-
fider my complaint : and
Bay S.
hearken unto my prayer, that go-
eth not out of feigned lips.
2 Let my fentence come forth
from thy prefence : and let thine
eyes look upon the thing that is
3 Thou haft proved and vilited
mine heart in the night-feafon ;
thou haft tried me, and ftialt find
no wickednefs in me : for I am
utterly purpofed that my mouth
ftiall not offend.
4 Becaufe of men's works, that
are done againft the words of thy
lij)s : I have kept me from the
ways of the deftroyer.
5 O hold thou up my goings in
thy paths : that my footlleps flip
6 I have called upon thee, O
God, for thou flialt hear me : in-
cline thine ear to me, and hearken
unto my words.
7 Shew thy marvellous loving-
kindnefs, thou that art the Savi-
our of them which put their truft
in thee : from fuch as refift thy
right hand.
8 Keep me as the apple of an
eye : hide me under the Ihadow of
thy wings,
9 From the ungodly that trou-
ble me : mine enemies compafs
me round about to take away my
10 They are inclofed in their
own fat : and their mouth fpeak-
eth proud things.
Day 3.
1 1 They lie waiting in our way
on every fide : turning their eyes
down to the ground ;
12 lAke as a lion that is greedy
of his prey : and as it were a lion's
whelp, lurking in fecret places.
13 Up, Lord, diiappoint him,
and caft him down : deliver my
foul from the ungodly, which is a
fword of thine ;
14 From the men of thy hand,
O Lord, from the men, I fay, and
from the evil world : which have
their portion in this life, whofe
bellies thou filleft ^vith thy hid
15 They have children at their
defire : and leave the reft of their
fubftance for their babes.
1 () But as for me, I will behold
thy prefence in righteoufnefs : and
when I a\A'ake up after thy like-
iiefs, I ftiall be fatisfied with it.
Psalm xviii. DiUirmn te, Domine.
I Will love thee, O Lord, my
ftrength; the Lord is my ftony
rock, and my defence : my Savi-
our, my God, and my might, in
whom 1 will truft, my buckler, the
horn alfo of my falvation, and my
2 I will call upon the Lord,
which is "svorthy to be praifed :
fo ftiall I be fafe from mine ene-
3 The forrows of death com-
Bay 3.
Bay 3.
pafled me : and the overflowings
of ungodlinefs made me afraid.
4 The pains of hell came about
me : the fnares of death overtook
5 In my trouble I will call up-
on the Lord : and complain unto
my God.
6 So fliall he hear my voice out
of his holy temple : and my com-
plaint Ihail come before him, it
Ihall enter even into his ears.
7 The earth trembled and quak-
ed : the very foundations alfo of
the hills fliook, and were removed,
becaufe he M^as wroth.
8 There went a fmoke out in
his prefence : and a confuming fire
out of his mouth, fo that coals
were kindled at it.
9 He bowed the heavens alfo,
and came down : and it was dark
under his feet.
10 He rode upon the cherubims,
and did fly : he came flying upon
the wings of the wind.
1 1 He made darknefs his fecret
place : his pavilion round about
him with dark water, and thick
clouds to cover him.
12 At the brightnefs of his pre-
fence his clouds removed : hail-
ftones, and coals of fire.
13 The Lord alfo thundered
out of heaven, and the Higheft
gave his thunder : hail-flones, and
coals of fire.
14 He fent out his arrows, and
fcattered them : he caft forth light-
nings, and dellroyed them.
15 The fprings of waters were
feen, and the foundations of the
round world were difcovered, at
thy chiding, () Lord : at the
blafl;ing of the breath of thy dif-
16 He fliall fend down from on
high to fetch me : and fliall take
me out of many waters.
17 He fliall deliver me from my
ftrongeft; enemy, and from them
which hate me : for they are too
mighty for me.
18 They prevented me in the
day of my trouble : but the Lord
was my upholder.
19 He brought me forth alfo
into a place of liberty : he brought
me forth, even becaufe he had a
favour unto me.
20 The Lord fliall reward me
after my righteous dealing : ac-
cording to the cleannefs of my
hands fliall he recompenfe me.
21 Becaufe I have kept the
ways of the Lord : and have not
forfaken my God, as the wicked
22 For I have an eye unto all
his laws : and will not cafl; out his
commandments fi-om me.
23 I was alfo uncorrupt before
him : and efchewed mine own
24 Therefore fliall the Lord re-
ward me after my righteous deal-
Day S.
Day 8.
ing : and according unto the clean-
nefs of my hands hi his eye-fight.
j: 25 With the holy thou fliah be
holy : and with a perfect man thou
flialt be perfedt.
26 With the clean thou ftialt be
clean : and with the froward thou
flialt learn frowardnefs.
27 For thou ftialt fave the peo-
ple that are in adverfity : and
ihalt bring down the high looks
of the proud.
28 Thou alfo flialt light my
candle : the Lord my God fliall
make my darknefs to be light.
29 For in thee I fliall difcomfit
an hoft of men : and with the
help of my God I fliall leap over
the wall.
30 The way of God is an un-
defiled way : the word of the Lord
alfo is tried in the fire ; he is the
defender of all them that put their
tnifl; in him.
31 For who is God, but the
Lord : or who hath any fl;rength,
except our God?
32 It is God, that girdeth me
with ftrength of war : and maketli
my way perfect.
33 He maketh my feet like
harts' feet : and fetteth me up on
34 He teacheth mine hands to
fight : and mine arms fliall break
even a bow of fteel.
35 Thou hafl; given me the de-
fence of thy falvation : thy right
hand alfo fliall hold me up, and
thy loving corredlion fliall make
me great.
36 Thou flialt make room e-
iiougli under me for to go ; that
my footfteps fliall not flide.
37 I will follow upon mine ene-
mies, and overtake them ; neither
will I turn ao^aiii till I have de-
ftroyed them.
38 I will finite them, that they
fliall not be able to fl;and : but fall
under my feet.
39 Thou haft; girded me with
fl;rengtli unto the battle : thou
flialt throw down mine enemies
under me.
40 Thou haft made mine ene-
mies alfo to turn their backs upon
me : and I fliall deftroy them that
hate me.
41 They fliall cry, but there
fliall be none to help them : yea,
even unto the Lord fliall they ciy,
but he fliall not hear them.
42 I Avill beat them as fiiiall as
the duft before the wind : I will
caft them out as the clay in the
43 Thou flialt deliver me from
the ftrivings of the people : and
thou ftialt make me the head of
the heathen.
44 A people whom I have not
known : fliall ferve me.
45 As loon as they hear of me,
they fliall obey me : but the ftrange
children fliall diftemble with me.
Day 4.
46 The ftrange children ftiall
fail : and be afraid out of their
47 The Lord liveth, and blelTed
be my llrong helper : and praifed
be the God of my falvation.
48 Even the God that feeth
that I be avenged : and fubdueth
tlie people unto me.
49 It is he that delivereth me
from my cruel enemies, and fet-
teth me up above mine adver-
faries : thou flialt rid me from the
wicked man.
50 For this caufe will I give
thanks unto thee, O Lord, among
the Gentiles : and ling praifes un-
to thy Name.
51 Great profperity giveth he
unto his King : and flieweth lov-
ing-kindnefs unto David his An-
ointed, and unto his feed for ever-
£@orning l^uvtx.
Psalm xix. Coeli enarrant.
THE heavens declare the gloiy
of God : and the firmament
flieweth his handy-work.
2 One day telleth another : and
one night certifieth another.
3 There is neither fpeech nor
language : but their voices are
heard among them.
4 Their found is gone out into
all lands : and their words into the
ends of the world.
5 In them hath he fet a taber-
SALMS. Day^.
nacle for the fun : which cometh
forth as a bridegroom out of his
chamber, and rejoiceth as a giant
to run his couife.
6 It goeth forth from the utter-
moft part of the heaven, and run-
neth about unto the end of it
again : and there is nothing hid
from the heat thereof
7 The law of the Lord is an
undefiled law, converting the foul :
the teftimony of the Lord is fure,
and giveth wifdom unto the fimple.
8 The ftatutes of the Lord
are right, and rejoice the heart :
the commandment of the Lord is
pure, and giveth light unto the
9 The fear of the Lord is clean,
and endureth for ever : the judge-
ments of the Lord are true, and
righteous altogether.
10 More to be delired are they
than gold, yea, than much fine
gold : fweeter alfo than honey,
and the honey-comb.
11 Moreover, by them is thy
fervant taught : and in keeping of
them there is great reward.
12 Who can tell how oft he of-
fendeth : O cleanfe thou me from
my fecret faults.
13 Keep thy fervant alfo from
prefumptuous fins, left they get
the dominion over me : fo fliall I
be undefiled, and innocent from
the great offence.
14 Let the words of my mouth.
Day 4.
and the meditation of my heart :
be alway acceptable in thy fight,
15 O Lord : my lirength, and
my redeemer.
Psalm xx. Kcvaudiat te Domiims.
THE Lord hear thee in the day
of trouble : the Name of the
God of Jacob defend thee ; _
2 Send thee help fi*om the fanc-
tuaiy : and ftrengthen thee out of
Sion ;
3 Remember all thy offerings :
and accept thy biu'nt facrifice ;
4 Grant thee thy heart's defire :
and fulfil all thy mind.
5 We will rejoice in thy falva-
tion, and triumph in the Name of
the Lord our God : the Lord per-
fomi all thy petitions.
6 Now know I, that the Lord
helpeth his Anointed, and will
hear him from his holy heaven :
even with the wholefome llrength
of his right hand.
7 Some put their trull in cha-
riots, and fome in horfes : but we
will remember the Name of the
Lord our God.
8 They are brought down, and
fallen : but we are rifen, and ftand
9 Save, Lord, and hear us, O
King of heaven ; when we call
upon thee.
Psalm xxi. Domme, in virtute tun.
THE King ihall rejoice in thy
ftrength, O Lord : exceeding
glad fliall he be of thy falvation.
Day 4,
2 Thou haft given him his
heart's defire : and haft not deni-
ed him the requeft of his lips.
3 For thou flialt prevent him
with the bleflings of goodnefs :
and flialt fet a crown of pure gold
upon his head.
4 He alked life of thee, and
thou gaveft him a long life : even
for ever and ever.
5 His honour is great in thy
falvation : gloiy and great worfliip
flialt thou lay upon him.
6 For thou flialt give him ever-
lafting felicity : and make him
glad with the joy of thy counte-
7 And why? becaufe the King
putteth his truft in the Lord : and
in the mercy of the moft Highell
he fliall not mifcarry.
8 All thine enemies fliall feel
thy hand : thy right hand Ihall
find out them that hate thee.
9 Thou flialt make them like a
fiery oven in time of thy wrath :
the Lord fliall deftroy them in his
difpleafure, and the fire fliall con-
fume them.
10 Their fniit flialt thou root
out of the earth : and their feed
from among the children of men.
11 For they intended mifchief
againll thee : and imagined fuch
a device as they are not able to
12 Therefore flialt thou put
them to flight : and the ftrings of
Day 4<.
Day 4:
thy bow flialt thou make ready
againll the face of them.
13 Be thou exalted, Lord, in
thine own ftrengtli : fo will we
ling, and praife thy power.
Psalm xxii. Dens, Dens mens.
MY God, my God, look upon
me ; why haft thou forlak-
en me : and art fo far from my
health, and from the words of my
2 O my God, I cry in the day-
time, but thou heareft not : and
in the night feafon alfo I take no
3 And thou continueft holy : O
thou worfliip of Ifrael.
4 Our fathers hoped in thee :
they trufted in thee, and thou
didft deliver them.
5 They called upon thee, and
were holpen : they put their truft
in thee, and were not confounded.
6 But as for me, I am a w^orm,
and no man : a very fcorn of men,
and the out-caft of the people.
7 All they that fee me laugh me
to fcorn : they Ihoot out their lips,
and fliake their heads, faying,
8 He trufted in God, that he
would deliver him : let him deli-
ver him, if he will have him.
9 But thou art he that took me
out of my mother's womb : thou
waft my hope, when I hanged yet
upon my mother's breafts.
10 1 have been left unto thee
ever fince I was born : thou art^
my God even from my mother's
11 O go not from me, for trou-
ble is hard at hand : and there is
none to helj) me.
12 Many oxen are come about
me : fat bulls of Bafan clofe me in
on eveiy fide.
13 They gape upon me with
their mouths : as it were a ramp-
ing and a roaring lion.
14 I am jjoured out like water,
and all my bones are out of joint :
my heart alfo in the midft of my
body is even like melting wax.
15 My ftrengtli is dried up like
a potlherd, and my tongue cleaveth
to my gums : and thou ftialt bring
me into the duft of death.
16 For many dogs are come a-
bout me : and the council of the
wicked layeth fiege againft me.
17 They pierced my hands and
my feet ; I may tell all my bones :
they ftand ftaring and looking up-
on me.
18 They part my garments a-
mong them : and caft lots upon
my vefture.
19 But be not thou far from me,
O Lord : thou art my fuccour,
hafte thee to help me.
20 Deliver my foul from th^
fword : my darling from the pow-
er of the dog.
21 Save me from the lion's
Diouth : thou haft heard me alfo
from among the horns of the uni-
22 I ^vill declare thy Name un-
to my brethren : in the midft of
the congregation will I praife thee.
23 O praife the Lord, ye that
fear him : magnify him, all ye of
the feed of Jacob, and fear him,
all ye feed of Ifrael ;
24 For he hath not defpifed,
nor abhorred, the low eftate of the
poor : he hath not hid his face
from him, but when he called un-
to him he heard him.
25 My praife is of thee in the
great congregation : my vows ^vill
I perfonn in the fight of them
that fear him.
26 The poor fliall eat, and be
fatisfied : they that feek after the
Lord fliall praife him ; your heart
fliall live for ever.
27 All the ends of the world
fliall remember themfelves, and be
turned unto the Lord : and all the
kindreds of the nations fliall wor-
fliip before him.
28 For the kingdom is the
Lord's : and he is the Governour
among the peojile.
29 All fuch as be fat upon eai'th :
have eaten, and worfliipped.
30 All they that go down into
the duft fliall kneel before him :
and no man hath quickened his
own foul.
31 My feed fliall ferve him :
SALMS. Day 5.
they fliall be counted unto the
Lord for a generation.
32 They fliall come, and the
heavens fliall declare his righteouf-
nefs : unto a people that fliall be
born, whom the Lord hath made.
Psalm xxiii. Dommus regit me.
THE Lord is my fliepherd :
therefore can I lack nothing.
2 He fliall feed me in a green
paftm'e : and lead me forth befide
the waters of comfort.
3 He fliall convert my foul :
and bring me forth in the paths of
righteoufnefs, for his Name's fake.
4 Yea, though I walk through
the valley of the fliadow of death,
I will fear no evil : for thou art
mth me ; thy rod and thy ftaff
comfort me.
5 Thou flialt prepare a table be-
fore me againft them that trouble
me : thou haft anointed my head
Avith oil, and my cup fliall be full.
6 But thy loving-kindnefs and
mercy fliall follow me all the days
of my life : and I will dwell in the
houfe of the Lord for ever.
£0ormng i^raper*
Psalm xxiv. Domini eji terra,
THE eai'th is the Lord's, and
all that therein is : the com-
jiafs of the world, and they that
dwell therein.
2 For he hath founded it upon
the feas : and prepared it upon
the floods.
Day 5.
3 Who fliall afcend into the hill
of the Lord : or who fliall rife up
in his holy place?
4 Even he that hath clean
hands, and a pure heart : and that
hath not lift up his mind unto
vanity, nor fworn to deceive his
5 He fliall receive the blefling
from the Lord : and righteoufnefs
from the God of his falvation.
6 This is the generation of them
that feek him *. even of them that
feek thy face, O Jacob.
7 Lift up your heads, O ye
gates, and be ye lift up, ye ever-
lafl;ing doors : and the King of
glory fliall come in.
8 Who is the King of gloiy :
it is the Lord fl;rong and mighty,
even the Lord mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, O ye
gates, and be ye lift up, ye ever-
lafting doors : and the King of
gloiy fliall come in.
10 Who is the King of glory :
even the Lord of hofts, he is the
King of glory.
Psalm xxv. Adte, Domine, levavi.
UNTO thee, O Lord, will I lift
up my foul ; my God, I have
put my truft in thee : O let me
not be confounded, neither let
mine enemies triumph over me.
2 For all they that hope in thee
fliall not be afliamed : but fuch as
tranfgrefs without ^ caufe fliall be
put to confufion.
Day 5.
3 Shew me thy ways, O Lord :
and teach me thy paths.
4 Lead me forth in thy truth,
and learn me : for thou art the
God of my falvation ; in thee hath
been my hope all the day long.
5 Call to remembrance, O Lord,
thy tender mercies : and thy lov-
ing-kindnefles, which have been
ever of old.
6 O remember not the (ins and
offences of my youth : but accord-
ing to thy mercy think thou upon
me, O Lord, for thy goodnefs.
7 Gracious and righteous is the
Lord : therefore will he teach lin-
ners in the way.
8 Them that are meek fliall
he guide in judgement : and fuch
as are gentle, them fliall he learn
his way.
9 All the paths of the Lord are
mercy and truth : unto fuch as
keep his covenant, and his tef-
10 For thy Name's fake, O
Lord : be merciful unto my (in,
for it is great.
1 1 What man is he, that fear-
eth the Lord : him fliall he teach
in the way that he fliall choofe.
12 His foul fliall dweU at eafe :
and his feed fliall inherit the land.
13 The fecret of the Lord
is among them that fear him :
and he will fliew them his cove-
14 Mine eyes are ever looking
unto the Lord : for he fliall pluck
my feet out of the net.
15 Turn thee unto me, and
have mercy upon me : for I am
defolate, and in mifery.
16 The forrows of my heart are
enlarged : O brino- thou me out
of my troubles.
1 7 Look upon my adverfity and
mifery : and forgive me all my fm.
18 Conlider mine enemies, how
many they are : and they bear a
tp'annous hate againft me.
19 O keep my foul, and deliver
me : let me not be confounded,
for I have put my truft in thee.
20 Let perfedtnefs and right-
eous dealing ^vait upon me : for
my hope hath been in thee.
2 1 Deliver Ifrael, O God : out
of all his troubles.
Psalm xxvi. Judica me, Domine.
BE thou my Judge, O Lord,
for I have walked innocently :
my truft hath been alfo in the
Lord, therefore fliall I not fall.
2 Examine me, O Lord, and
prove me : try out my reins and
my heart.
3 For thy loving-kindnefs is
ever before mine eyes : and I will
walk in thy truth.
4 I have not dwelt with vain
perfons : neither will I have fel-
lowftiip with the deceitful.
5 1 have hated the conorcffa-
tion of the wicked : and will not
fit among the ungodly.
Day 5.
6 I \vill wafli my hands in in-
nocency, O Lord : and fo will I
go to thine altar ;
7 That I may fliew the voice of
thankfgiving : and tell of all thy
wondrous works.
8 Lord, I have loved the habi-
tation of thy houfe : and the place
where thine honour dwelleth.
9 O fliut not up my foul with
the finners : nor my life vnth the
blood-thirfty ;
10 In whofe hands is wicked-
nefs : and their rio^ht hand is full
of gifts.
1 1 But as for me, I will walk
innocently : O deliver me, and be
merciful unto me.
12 My foot ftandeth light : I
will praife the Lord in the congre-
Psalm xxvii. Domimis illuminatio.
THE Lord is my light, and my
falvation ; whom then fliall I
fear : the Lord is the ftrength of
my life ; of whom then fliall 1 be
2 When the mcked, even mine
enemies, and my foes, came upon
me to eat up my flefli : they ftum-
bled and fell.
3 Though an hoft of men were
laid againft me, yet fliall not my
heart be afraid : and though there
rofe up war againft me, yet will 1
put my truft in him.
4 One thing have I defired of
the Lord, which I will require :
even that I may dwell in the houfe
of the Lord all the days of my
life, to behold the fair beauty of
the Lord, and to vifit his temple.
5 For in the time of trouble he
fliall hide me in his tabernacle :
yea, in the fecret place of his
dwellinjr fliall he hide me, and fet
me up upon a rock of ftone.
6 And now fhall he lift up mine
head : above mine enemies round
about me.
7 Therefore will I oifer in his
dwelling an oblation with great
gladnefs : I will fing, and fpeak
praifes unto the Lord.
8 Hearken unto my voice, O
Lord, when I cry unto thee : have
mercy upon me, and hear me.
9 My heart hath talked of thee.
Seek ye my face : Thy face. Lord,
will I feek.
10 O hide not thou thy face
from me : nor call thy fervant a-
way in difpleafure.
1 1 Thou haft been my fuccour :
leave me not, neither forfake me,
O God of my falvation.
12 When my father and my
mother forfake me : the Lord tak-
eth me up.
13 Teach me thy way, O Lord :
and lead me in the right way, be-
caufe of mine enemies.
14 Deliver me not over into the
will of mine adverfaries : for there
Day 5.
are falfe witnefles rifen up againft
mc, and fuch as fjjcak wrong.
151 Ihould utterly have fainted :
but that 1 believe verily to fee the
goodnefs of the Lord in the land
of the liviup.
IT) O tarry thou the Lord's lei-
fure : be llrong, and he fhall com-
fort thine heart ; and ])ut thou thy
truft in the Lord.
Psalm xxviii. Ad fe, Domine.
UNTO thee will I cry, O Lord
my ftrength : think no fcorn
of me ; left, if thou make as though
thou heareft not, I become like
them that go down into the pit.
2 Hear the voice of my hum-
ble petitions, when I cry unto
thee : when I hold up my hands
towards the mercy-feat of thy ho-
ly temple. ■ '
3 O pluck me not away, neither
deftroy me with the ungodly and
wicked doers : which fpeak friend-
ly to their neighbours, but ima-
gine mifchief in their hearts.
4 Reward them according to
their deeds : and according to the
wickednefs of their own inventions.
5 Recompenfe them after the
work of their hands : pay them
that they have deferved.
6 For they regard not in their
mind the works of the Lord, nor
the operation of his hands : there-
fore Ihali he break them down,
and not build them up.
7 Praifed be the Lord : for he
Day 5.
hath heard the voice of my hum-
ble petitions.
8 The Lord is my ftrength, and
my fliieid ; my heart hath trailed
in him, and I am helped : there-
fore my heart danceth for joy, and
in my fong will I praife him.
9 The Lord is my ftrength :
and he is the wholfome defence of
his Anointed.
10 O fave thy people, and give
thy bleffing unto thine inherit-
ance : feed them, and fet them
up for ever.
Psalm xxix. Afferte Domino.
BRING unto the Lord, O ye
mighty, bring young rams
unto the Lord : aibribe unto the
Lord worlhip and ftrength.
2 Give the Lord the honour
due unto his Name : worfliip the
Lord ^vith holy worfliip.
3 It is the I^ord, that command-
eth the waters : it is the glorious
God, that maketh the thunder.
4 It is the Lord, that ruleth the
fea ; the voice of the Lord is migh-
ty in operation : the voice of the
Lord is a glorious voice.
5 The voice of the Lord break-
eth the cedar-trees : yea, the Lord
breaketh the cedars of Libanus.
6 He maketh them alfo to Iklp
like a calf : Libanus alfo, and Si-
rion, like a young unicorn.
7 The voice of the Lord divid-
eth the flames of fire ; the voice
of the Lord ftiaketli the wilder-
Day 6.
nefs : yea, the Lord fhaketh the
wildernefs of Cades.
8 The voice of the Lord maketh
the hinds to bring forth young,
and difcovereth the thick buflies :
in his temple doth eveiy man fpeak
of his lionour.
9 The Lord fitteth above the
water-flood : and the Lord re-
maineth a King for ever.
10 The Lord fliall give ftrength
unto his people : the Lord fliall give
his people the blefluig of peace.
iEottting l^ra^er.
Psalm xxx. ILxaltaho te, Domine.
I Will magnify thee, O Lord, for
thou haft fet me up : and not
made my foes to triumph over me.
2 O Lord my God, 1 cried unto
thee : and thou haft healed me.
3 Thou, Lord, haft brought my
foul out of hell : thou haft kept
my life from them that go down
to the pit.
4 Sing praifes unto the Lord, O
ye faints of his : and give thanks
unto him for a remembrance of
his holinefs.
5 For his wrath endureth but
the twinkling of an eye, and in
his pleafure is life : heavinefs may
endure for a iiiglit, but joy com-
eth in the morning.
() And in my profperity I faid,
I fliall never be removed : thou,
Lord, of thy goodncfs haft made
my hill I'o ftrong.
Day 6.
7 Thou didft turn thy face from
me : and I was troubled.
8 Then cried 1 unto thee, O
Lord : and gat me to my Lord
right humbly.
9 What profit is there in my
blood : when I go down to the pit?
10 Shall the dull give thanks
unto thee : or ftiall it declare thy
11 Hear, O Lord, and have
mercy upon me : Lord, be thou
my helper.
12 Thou haft turned my hea-
vinefs into joy : thou haft put off
my fackcloth, and girded me with
gladnefs. j i. ^
13 Therefore fliall every good
man fing of thy praife without
ceafing : O my God, I will give
thanks unto thee for ever.
Ps A L M xxxi. hi te, Domine,fperam.
JN thee, O Lord, have I put my
truft : let me never be put to
confufion, deliver me in thy right-
2 Bow down thine ear to me :
make hafte to deliver me.
3 And be thou my ftrong rock,
and houfe of defence : that thou
mayeft fave me.
4 For thou art my ftrong rock,
and my caftle : be thou alfo my
guide, and lead me for thy Name's
5 Draw me out of the net, that
they have laid privily for me : for
thou art my ftrength.
Day 6.
6 Into thy hands I commend
my fpirit : for thou haft redeemed
me, O Lord, thou God of truth.
7 I have hated them that hold
of fupei-ftitious vanities : and my
truft hath been in the Lord.
8 I will be glad, and rejoice in
thy mercy : for thou haft confi-
dered my trouble, and haft known
my foul in advei*fities.
9 Thou haft not ftiut me up in-
to the hand of the enemy : but haft
fet my feet in a large room.
10 Have mercy upon me, O
Lord, for I am in trouble : and
mine eye is confumed for very hea-
vinefs ; yea, my foul and my body.
11 For my life is waxen old
\vith heavinefs : and my years with
12 My ftrength faileth me, be-
caufe of mine iniquity : and my
bones are confumed.
13 I became a reproof among
all mine enemies, but efpecially a-
mong my neighbours : and they of
mine acquaintance were afi'aid of
me ; and they that did fee me with-
out conveyed themfelves from me.
14 I am clean forgotten, as a
dead man out of mind : I am be-
come like a broken veflel.
15 For I have heard the blaf-
phemy of the multitude : and fear
is on every fide, while they con-
fpire together againft me, and take
tlieir counfel to take away my fife.
16 But my hope hath been in
Day 6.
thee, O Lord : I have faid. Thou
art my God.
1 7 My time is in thy hand ;
dehver me from the hand of mine
enemies : and from them that
perfecute me.
18 Shew thy fervant the light of
thy countenance : and fave me for
thy mercy's fake.
19 Let me not be confounded,
O Lord, for I have called upon
thee : let the ungodly be put to
confufion, and be put to lilence
in the grave.
20 Let the lying lips be put to
iilence : which cruelly, difdainful-
ly, and defpitefully, fpeak againft
the righteous.
2 1 O how plentiful is thy good-
nefs, which thou haft laid up for
them that fear thee : and that
thou haft prepared for them that
put their truft in thee, even before
the fons of men !
22 Thou (halt hide them privi-
ly by thine own prefence from the
provoking of all men : thou ftialt
keep them fecretly in thy taberna-
cle from the ftrife of tongues.
23 Thanks be to the Lord :
for he hath ftiewed me marvellous
great kindnefs in a ftrong city.
24 And when I made haftc, I
faid : I am caft out of the fight of
thine eyes.
25 Neverthelefs, thou heardeft
the voice of my prayer : when I
cried unto thee.
Bay 6.
26 O love the Lord, all ye his
faints : for the Lord preferveth
them that are faithful, and plente-
oufly rewardeth the proud doer.
27 Be ftrong, and he fliall efta-
blilh your heart : all ye that put
your truft in the Lord.
Psalm xxxii. JSeati, quorum.
BLESSED is he whofe unrigh-
teoufnefs is forgiven : and
whofe fin is covered.
2 Blelled is the man unto whom
the Lord imputeth no fin : and in
whofe fpirit there is no guile.
3 For while I held my tongue :
my bones confumed away through
my daily complaining.
4 For thy hand is hea\'y upon
me day and night : and my moif-
ture is like the drought in fumnier.
5 I will acknowledge my fin un-
to thee : and mine unrighteoufnefs
have 1 not hid.
6 I faid, I will confefs my fins
unto the Lord : and fo thou for-
gaveft the wickednefs of my fin.
7 For this ftiall every one that is
godly make his prayer unto thee, in
a time when thou mayeft be found :
but in the great water-floods they
(liall not come nigh him.
8 Thou art a place to hide me
in, thou flialt jjreferve me from
trouble : thou flialt compafs me
about with foiigs of deliverance.
9 1 will inform thee, and teach
Day 6.
thee in the way wherehi tlioii flialt
go : and I will guide thee with
mine eye.
10 Be ye not like to horfe and
mule, which have no undei*ftand-
ing : whole mouths mull be held
with bit and bridle, led they fall
upon thee.
11 Great plagues remain for
the ungodly : but whofo putteth
his truli in the Lord, mercy em-
braceth him on eveiy fide.
12 Be glad, O ye righteous, and
rejoice in the Lord : and be joyful,
all ye that are true of heart.
Psalm xxxiii. Kobndtate, jufti.
~ EJOICE in the Lord, O ye
righteous : for it becometh
well the juft to be thankful.
2 Praife the Lord with harp :
fing praifes unto him with the lute,
and inftrument of ten firings.
3 Sing unto the Lord a new
fong : fing praifes luftily unto him
with a good courage.
4 For the word of the Lord is
true : and all his works are faithful.
5 He loveth righteoufnefs and
judgement : the earth is full of
the goodnefs of the Lord.
6 By the word of the Lord
were the heavens made : and all
the hofts of them by the breath of
his mouth.
7 He gathereth the Avaters of
the fea together, as it were upon
an heap : and layeth up the deep,
as in a treafure-houfe.
Day 6.
8 Let all the earth fear the
Lord : ftand in awe of him, all ye
that dwell in the world.
9 For he fpake, and it was done :
he commanded, and it flood faft.
1 The Lord bringeth the coun-
fel of the heathen to nought : and
maketh the devices of the people
to be of none eftedl, and cafteth
out the counfels of princes.
1 IThe counfel of the Lord fhall
endure for ever : and the thoughts
of his heart from generation to ge-
1 2 Blefled are the people, whofe
God is the Lord Jehovah : and
blelled are the folk, that he hath
chofen to him to be his inheritance.
13 The Lord looked down from
heaven, and beheld all the chil-
dren of men : from the habitation
of his dwelling he confidereth all
them that dwell on the earth.
14 He fafiiioneth all the hearts
of them : and underftandeth all
their works.
15 There is no king that can
be faved by the multitude of an
hofi^ : neither is any mighty man
delivered by much ftrength.
1 6 A horfe is counted but a vain
thing to fave a man : neither fliall
he deliver any man by his great
17 Behold, the eye of the Lord
is upon them that fear him : and
upon them that put their truft in
his mercy;
Day 6.
18 To deliver their foul from
death : and to feed them in the
time of dearth.
19 Our foul hath patiently tar-
ried for the Lord : for he is our
help, and our fliield.
20 For our heart fliall rejoice
in him : becaufe we have hoped
in his holy Name.
21 Let thy merciful kindnefs,
O Lord, be upon us : like as we
do put our truit in thee.
Psalm xxxiv. Benedicam Domino.
IWill alway give thanks unto
the Lord : his praife ftiall ever
be in my mouth,
2 My foul Ihall make her boaft
in the Lord : the humble fliall
hear thereof, and be glad.
3 O praife the Lord with me :
and let us magnify his Name to-
4 I fought the Lord, and he
heard me : yea, he delivered me
out of all my fear.
5 They had an eye. unto him,
and were lightened : and their
faces were not afliamed.
6 Lo, the poor crieth, and the
Lord heareth him : yea, and faveth
him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the Lord tarri-
eth round about them that fear
him : and delivereth them.
8 O tafte, and fee, how gracious
the Lord is : blefled is the man
that trufteth in him,
9 O fear the Lord, ye that aie
Day 6.
his faints : for they that fear hun
lack nothing.
10 The lions do lack, and fuffer
hunger : but they who feek the
Lord fliall want no manner of
thing that is good.
11 Come, ye children, and
hearken unto me : I wiU teach
you the fear of the Lord.
12 What man is he that lufi;eth
to live : and would fain fee good
13 Keep thy tongue from evil :
and thy lips, that they fpeak no
14 Efchew evil, and do good :
feek peace, and enfue it.
15 The eyes of the Lord are
over the righteous : and his ears
are open unto their prayers.
16 The countenance of the Lord
is againfl; them that do evil : to root
out the remembrance of them from
the earth.
17 The righteous cry, and the
Lord heareth them : and deliver-
eth them out of all their trou-
18 The Lord is nigh unto them
that are of a contrite heart : and
will fave fuch as be of an humble
19 Great are the troubles of the
righteous : but the Lord deliver-
eth him out of all.
20 He keepeth all his bones :
fo that not one of them is broken.
2 1 But misfortune fliall flay the
Day 7.
ungodly : and tliey that hate the
righteous ihall be defolate.
22 The Lord delivereth the
fouls of his fervants : and all they
that {lut their trull in liini Ihall
not be deilitute.
ililorning |araper»
Psalm xxxv. Judica, Domine.
PLEAD thou my caufe, O Lord,
with them that ftrive with me :
and fight thou againft them that
light againft me.
2 Lay hand upon the fliield
and buckler : and ftand up to
help me.
3 Bring forth the fpear, and
flop the way againft them that
perfecute me : fay unto my foul,
I am thy falvation.
4 Let them be confounded, and
put to Ihame, that feek after my
foul ; let them be turned back,
and brought to confufion, that
imao-ine mifchief for me.
5 Let them be as the duft be-
fore the wind : and the angel of
the Lord fcattering them.
6 Let their way be dark and
flippeiy : and let the angel of the
Lord perfecute them.
7 For they have privily laid
their net to deftroy me without a
caufe : yea, even without a caufe
have they made a pit for my foul.
8 Let a fudden deftrudlion come
upon him unawares, and his net,
that he hath laid privily, catch
Day 7.
himfelf : that he may fall into \\n
own mifchief.
9 And, my foul, be joyful in
the Lord : it Ihall rejoice in his
10 All my bones Ihall fay. Lord,
who is like unto thee, who deliver-
eft the poor from him that is too
ftrong for him : yea, the poor,
and him that is in mifery, from
him that fpoileth him?
1 1 Falfe witnefles did rife up :
they laid to my charge things that
I knew not.
12 They rewarded me evil for
good : to the great difcomfort of
my foul.
13 Neverthelefs, when they
were lick, I put on fackcloth, and
humbled my foul with fafting : and
my prayer Ihall turn into mine
own bofom.
14 I behaved myfelf as though
it had been my friend, or my bro-
ther : I went heavily, as one that
mourneth for his mother.
15 But in mine advei-fity they
rejoiced, and gathered themfelves
together : yea, the very abje^ls
came together againft me una-
wares, making mouths at me, and
ceafed not.
16 With the flatterers were bu-
fy mockers : who gnaftied upon me
with their teeth.
17 Lord, how long ^vilt thou
look upon this : O deliver my
foul fi'om the calamities which
M m
Bay 7
they biing on iiie, and my darling
from the lions.
18 So will I give thee thanks
in, the great congi'egation : I will
praife thee among much people.
19 O let not them that are
mine enemies triumph over me
ungodly : neither let them wink
with their eyes that hate me with-
out a caufe.
20 And why? their communing
is not for peace : but they imagine
deceitful words aoaiiiil them that
are quiet in the land.
21 They gaped upon me with
their mouths, and faid : Fie on
thee, fie on thee, we faw it with
our eyes.
22 This thou haft feen, O Lord :
hold not thy tongue then, go not
far from me, O Lord.
23 Awake, and iland up to
judge my quarrel : avenge thou
my caufe, my God, and my Lord.
24 Judge me, O Lord my God,
according to thy righteoufnefs :
and let them not triumph over me.
25 Let them not fay in their
hearts, There, there, fo would we
have it : neither let them fay, We
have devoured him.
26 Let them be put to confufi(m
and fliame together, that rejoice at
my troul)le : let them be clothed
with rebuke and diihonour, that
boaft themfelves aoainft me.
27 Let them be glad and rejoice,
that favour my righteous dealing :
Day 7.
yea, let them fay alway, Bleffed be
the Lord, who hath pleafure in
the profperity of his fervant.
28 And as for my tongue, it fliall
be talking of thy righteoufnefs :
and of thy praife all the day long.
Psalm xxxvi. Didi't injiijius.
]%/FY heart flieweth me the
I^jL wickednefs of the ungodly :
that there is no fear of God be-
fore his eyes.
2 For he flattereth himfelf in
his own fight : until his abomina-
ble fin be found out.
3 The words of his mouth are
unrighteous, and full of deceit : he
hath left off to behave himfelf
wifely, and to do good.
4 He imagineth mifchief upon
his bed, and hath fet himfelf in
no good way : neither doth he ab-
hor any thing that is evil.
5 Thy mercy, O Lord, reacheth
unto the heavens : and thy faith-
fulnefs unto the clouds.
6 Thy righteoufnefs fl;andeth
like the llrong mountains : thy
judgements are like the great deep.
7 Thou, Lord, (halt fave both
man and beall ; How excellent is
thy mercy, O God : and the chil-
dren of men Ihall put their trull
imder the fliadow of thy wings.
8 They Ihall be fatisfied with
the plcnteoufnefs of thy houfe :
and thou Ihalt give them drink of
thy pleafures, as out of the river.
i) For with thee is the well of
Day 7
Day 7.
life : and in thy light (liall we fee
O continue forth thy lov-
indnefs unto them that know
: and thy righteoufnefs unto
that are true of heart.
O let not the foot of pride
come againll me : and let not the
hand of the ungodly caft me down.
12 There are they fallen, all that
work wickednefs : they are caft
down, and fliall not be able to ftand.
Psalm xxxvii. Noli cemiilari.
FRET not thyfelf becaufe of
the ungodly : neither be thou
envious againft the evil doers.
2 For they fliall foon be cut
down like the grafs : and be wi-
thered even as the green herb.
3 Put thou thy truft in the Lord,
and be doing good : dwell in the
land, and verily thou flialt be fed.
4 Delight thou in the Lord : and
he fliall give thee thy heart's defire.
5 Commit thy way unto the
Lord, and put thy truft in him :
and he fliall bring it to pafs.
6 He fliall make thy righteouf-
nefs as clear as the light : and thy
juft dealing as the noon-day.
7 Hold thee ftill in the Lord,
and abide patiently upon him : but
grieve not thyfelf at him, whofe
way doth profper, againft the man
that doeth after evil counfels.
8 Leave off from wrath, and let
go difpleafure : fret not thyfelf, elfe
flialt thou be moved to do evil.
9 Wicked doers fliall be rooted
out : and they that jiatiently abide
the Lord, tliofe fliall inherit the
10 Yet a little while, and the
ungodly fliall be clean gone : thou
flialt look after his place, and he
fliall be away.
1 1 But the meek-fpirited fliall
poflefs the earth : and fliall be re-
freflied in the multitude of peace.
12 The ungodly feeketh coun-
fel againft the juft : and gnaflieth
upon him with his teeth.
13 The Lord fliall laugh him to
fcorn : for he hath feen that his
day is coming.
14 The ungodly have drawn
out the fword, and have bent their
bow : to caft down the poor and
needy, and to flay fuch as are of
a right converfation.
1 5 Their fword fliall go through
their own heart : and their bow
fliall be broken.
16 A fmall thing that the right-
eous hath : is better than great
riches of the ungodly.
17 For the arms of the ungodly
fliall be broken : and the Lord up-
holdeth the righteous.
18 The Lord knoweth the days
of the godly : and their inherit-
ance fliall endure for ever.
19 They fliall not be confound-
ed in the perilous tune : and in
M m 2
Bay 7.
the days of dearth they fliall have
20 As for the ungodly, they
fliall perifh ; and the enemies of
the Lord fliall confunie as the fat
of lambs : yea, even as the fnioke,
fliall they confume away.
2 1 The ungodly borroweth, and
payeth not again : but the righte-
ous is merciful, and liberal.
22 Such as are blefl^ed of God
fliall poffefs the land : and they
that are curfed of him fliall be
rooted out.
23 The Lord ordereth a good
man's going : and maketh his way
acceptable to himfelf.
24 Though he fall, he fliall not
be caft away : for the Lord up-
holdeth him with his hand.
25 1 have been young, and now
am old : and yet law I never the
righteous forfaken, nor his feed
begging their bread.
2() The righteous is ever mer-
ciful, and leiideth : and his feed
is blefled.
27 Flee from evil, and do the
thing that is good : and dwell for
28 For the Lord loveth the
thing that is right : he forfaketh
not his that be godly, but they arc
preferved for ever.
29 The unrighteous fliidl be
puniflied : as for the feed of the
ungodly, it fliall be rooted out.
30 The righteous fliull inherit
the land : and dwell therein for
31 The mouth of the righteous
is exercifed in wifdoni : and his
tongue will be talking of judge-
32 The law of his God is in his
heart : and his goings fliall not Aide.
33 The ungodly feetli the right-
eous : and feeketh occafioii to flay
34 The Lord mil not leave him
in his hand : nor condemn him
when he is judged.
35 Hope thou in the Lord, and
keep his way, and he fliall pro-
mote thee, that thou Ihalt poffefs
the land : when the ungodly fliall
perifli, thou flialt fee it.
36 I myfelf have feen the un-
godly in great power : and flourifli-
iiig like a green bay-tree.
37 I went by, and lo, he was
gone : I fought him, but liis place
could no where be found.
38 Keep innocency, and take
heed unto the thing that is right :
for that fliall bring a man peace
at the lafl;.
39 As for the tranfgreffors, they
fliall perifli together : and the end
of the ungodly is, they fliall be
rooted out at the laft.
40 But the falvation of the
righteous cometh of the Lord :
who is alfo their ftrength in the
time of trouble.
41 And the Lord fliall ftand by
them, and fave them : he fliall de-
liver them from the ungodly, and
fliall fave them, becaufe they put
their trull in him.
£©ornins draper.
Ps A L M xxxviii. Domine^ ne m furore.
PUT me not to rebuke, O Lord,
in thine anger : neither chaften
me in thy heavy difpleafure.
2 For thine arrows ftick faft in
me : and thy hand prefTeth me fore.
3 There is no health in my
flefli, becaufe of thy difpleafure :
neither is there any reft in my
bones, by reafon of my fin.
4 For my wickednelfes are gone
over my head : and are like a fore
burden, too heavy for me to bear.
5 My wounds ftink, and are
corrupt ; through my fooliflinefs.
6 I am brought into fo great
trouble and mifeiy : that I go
mourning all the day long.
7 For my loins are filled with a
fore difeafe : and there is no whole
part in my body.
8 I am feeble, and fore fmitten :
I have roared for the veiy difquiet-
nefs of my heart.
9 Lord, thou knoweft all my
defire : and my groaning is not
hid fi'om thee.
1 My heart panteth, my ftrength
hath failed me : and the fight of
mine eyes is gone from me.
11 My lovers and my neigh-
bom-s did ftand looking upon my
Day 8.
trouble : and my kinfmen ftood
afar off.
12 They alfo that fought after
my life laid fnares for me : and
they that went about to do me evil
talked of wickednefs, and ima-
gined deceit all the day long.
13 As for me, I was like a deaf
man, and heard not : and as one
that is dumb, who doth not open
his mouth.
14 1 became even as a man that
heareth not : and in whofe mouth
are no reproofs.
15 For in thee, O Lord, have I
put my trull : thou (halt anfwer
for me, O Lord my God.
16 1 have required that they,
even mine enemies, Ihould not tri-
umph over me : for vrhen my foot
flipped, they rejoiced greatly a-
gainft me.
17 And I, truly, am fet in the
plague : and my heavinefs is ever
in my fight.
18 For I will confefs my wicked-
nefs ; and be foriy for my fin.
19 But mine enemies live, and
are mighty : and they that hate
me wrongfully are many in num-
20 They alfo that reward evil
for good are againft me : becaufe
I follow the thing that good is.
2 1 Forfake me not, O Lord my
God : be not thou far from me.
22 Hafte thee to help me : O
Lord God of my falvation.
Day \
Psalm xxxix. Dili, ciiJtoiUam.
I Said, I will take heed to my
ways : that I offend Dot in my
2 I will keep my mouth as it
were with a bridle : while the un-
godly is in my fight.
3 I held my tongue, and fpake
nothing : I kept filence, yea, even
from good words ; but it was pain
and grief to me.
4 My heart was hot within me,
and while I was thus mufing the
fire kindled : and at the lafl; I fpake
with my tongue ;
5 Lord, let me know mine end,
and the number of my days : that
I may be certified how long I have
to live.
6 Behold, thou haft made my
days as it were a fpan long : and
mine age is even as nothing in
refpe6l of thee ; and verily eveiy
man living is altogether vanity.
7 For man walketh in a vain
ftiadow, and difquieteth himfelf in
vain : he heapeth up riches, and
cannot tell who fliall «ather them.
8 And now, Lord, what is my
hope : truly my hope is even in
9 Delivei* me from all mine of-
fences : and make me not a rebuke
unto the fooliflh
10 I became dumb, and open-
ed not my mouth : for it was thy
1 1 Take thy plague away from
Day 8.
me : I am even confumed by the
means of thy heavy hand.
12 When thou with rebukes doft
chaften man for fin, thou makeft
his beauty to confume away, like
as it were a moth frettino; a ffar-
ment : eveiy man therefore is but
13 Hear my prayer, O Lord,
and with thine ears confider my
calling : hold not thy peace at my
14 For I am a ftranger with
thee : and a fojourner, as all my
fathers were.
15 O fpare me a little, that I
may recover my ftrength : before I
go hence, and be no more feen.
Psalm xl. EjrpeBans eivpedlavi.
1 Waited patiently for the Lord :
and he inclined unto me, and
heard my calling.
2 He brought me alfo out of
tlie horrible pit, out of the mire
and clay : and fet my feet upon
the rock, and ordered my goings.
3 And he hath put a new fong
in my mouth : even a thankfgiving
unto our God.
4 Many fliall fee it, and fear :
and fliall put their truft in the
5 Blefl'ed is the man that hath
fet his hope in the Lord : and
turned not unto the proud, and to
fuch as go about with lies.
() Lord my (iod, great are the
wondrous works which thou haft
done, like as be alfo thy thoughts
which are to us-ward : and yet
there is no man that ordereth them
unto thee.
7 If 1 ihould declare them, and
fpeak of them : they Ihould be
more than I am able to exprefs.
8 Sacrifice, and meat-offering,
thou woiddeft not : but mine ears
haft thou ojjened.
9 Burnt-offerings, and facrifice
for lin, haft thou not required :
then faid I, Lo, I come,
10 In the volume of the book
it is written of me, that I fliould
fulfil thy will, O my God : I am
content to do it ; yea, thy law is
^vithin my heart.
11 I have declared thy right-
eoufnefs in the oreat consfreoa-
tion : lo, I will not refrain my lips,
O Lord, and that thou knoweft.
12 I have not hid thy right-
eoufnefs within my heart : my talk
hath been of thy truth, and of thy
13 I have not kept back thy
loving mercy and truth : from the
great congregation.
14 Withdraw not thou thy mer-
cy from me, O Lord : let thy lov-
ing- kindnefs and thy truth alway
preferve me.
15 For innumerable troubles are
come about me ; my fins have
taken fuch hold upon me that I
am not able to look up : yea, they
are more in number than the hairs
Day 8.
of my head, and my heart hath
failed me.
10 O Lord, let it be thy pleafure
to deliver me : make hafte, O Lord,
to help me.
17 Let them be afliamed, and
confounded together, that feek af-
ter my foul to deftroy it : let them
be driven backwai'd, and put to
rebuke, that wifli me evil.
18 Let them be defolate, and
rewarded with ftiame : that fay
unto me, Fie upon thee, fie upon
19 Let all thofe that feek thee
be joyful and glad in thee : and
let fuch as love thy falvation fay
alway, The Lord be praifed.
20 As for me, I am poor and
needy : but the Lord caretli for me.
21 Thou art my helper and re-
deemer : make no long tarrying,
O my God.
Ctjentng |0ra|>er.
Psalm xli. Beat us qui iiitelUgit.
BLESSED is he that confider-
eth the poor and needy : the
Lord ftiall deliver him in the time
of trouble.
2 The Lord prefei-ve him, and
keep him alive, that he may be
bleffed upon earth : and deliver
not thou him into the will of his
3 The Lord comfort him, when
he lieth fick upon his bed : make
thou all his bed in his ficknefs.
Day 8.
4 I faid, Lord, be merciful unto
me : heal my foul, for I have fin-
ned againft thee.
5 Mine enemies fpeak evil of
me : When fliall he die, and his
name perifli?
6 And if he come to fee me,
he fpeaketh vanity : and his heart
conceiveth falfliood within him-
felf, and when he cometh forth
he telleth it.
7 AH mine enemies whifper to-
gether againft me : even againft
me do they imagine this evil.
8 Let the fentence of guiltinefs
proceed againft him : and now that
he lieth, let him rife up no more.
9 Yea, even mine own familiar
iiiend, whom I ti-ufted : who did
alfo eat of my bread, hath laid
great wait for me.
10 But be thou merciliil unto
me, O Lord : raife thou me up
again, and I Ihall reward them.
1 1 By this I know thou favour-
eft me : that mine enemy doth
not triumph againft me.
12 And when I am in my health,
thou upholdeft me : and Ihalt fet
me liefore thy face for ever.
13 Blelled be the Lord God of
Ifrael : world without end. Amen.
Psalm xlii. Quonadinofhan.
LIKE as the hart defireth the
water-brooks : fo longeth my
foul after thee, O God.
2 My foul is athirft for God,
yea, even for the living God : when
Day 8.
fhall I come to appear before the
prefence of God ?
3 My tears have been my meat
day and night : while they daily
fay unto me. Where is now thy
4 Now when I think thereupon,
I pour out my heart by myfelf : for
I went with the multitude, and
brought them forth into the houfe
of God ;
5 In the voice of praife and
thankfgiving : among fuch as keep
6 Why art thou fo full of hea-
vinefs, O my foul : and why art
thou fo difquieted within me?
7 Put thy truft in God : for I
vnW. yet give him thanks for the
help of his countenance.
8 My God, my foul is vexed
Avithin me : therefore will I re-
member thee concerning the land
of Jordan, and the little hill of
9 One deep calleth another, be-
caufe of the noife of the water-
pipes : all thy waves and ftorms
are gone over me.
10 The Lord hath P-ranted his
loving-kindnefs in the day-time :
and in the night-feafon did I fing
of him, and made my prayer unto
the (lod of my life.
Ill will fay unto the God of
my ftrength, Why haft thou for-
gotten me : why go I thus heavily,
while the enemy oppreft'eth me?
Bay 8.
12 My bones are fmitten afun-
der ' as with a fword : while mine
enemies that trouble me caft me
in the teeth ;
13 Namely, while they fay daily
unto me : Where is now thy God?
14 Why art thou fo vexed, O
my foul : and why art thou fo dif-
quieted within me?
15 O put thy trull in God : for
I will yet thank him, which is the
help of my countenance, and my
Psalm xliii, Judica me, Deus.
GIVE fentence with me, O
God, and defend my caufe
againft the ungodly people : O de-
liver me from the deceitful and
wicked man.
2 For thou art the God of my
ftrength, why haft thou put me
from thee : and why go I fo hea-
vily, while the enemy oppreffeth
3 O fend out thy light and thy
truth, that they may lead me :
and bring me unto thy holy hill,
and to thy dwelling.
4 And that I may go unto the
altar of God, even unto the God
of my joy and gladnefs : and upon
the harp will I give thanks unto
thee, O God, my God.
5 Why art thou fo heavy, O
my foul : and why art thou fo dif-
quieted within me?
6 O put thy truft in God : for
I will yet give him thanks, which
Baij 9.
is the help of my countenance,
and my God.
iHortiittg |0raper»
PsALAi xliv. DeiiSy aurilms.
WE have heard with our ears,
O God, our fathers have
told us : what thou haft done in
their time of old ;
2 How thou haft driven out the
heathen with thy hand, and plant-
ed them in : how thou haft de-
ftroyed the nations, and caft them
3 For they gat not the land
in poffeflion through their own
fword ; neither was it their own
arm that helped them ;
4 But thy right hand, and thine
arm, and the light of thy counte-
nance : becaufe thou hadft a favom*
unto them.
5 Thou art my King, O God :
fend help unto Jacob.
6 Through thee will we over-
throw our enemies : and in thy
Name will we tread them under,
that life up againft us.
7 For I Avill not truft in my
bow : it is not my fword that fliall
help me ;
8 But it is thou that faveft us
from our enemies : and putteft
them to confufion that hate us.
9 We make our boaft of God
all day long : and will praife thy
Name for ever.
10 But now thou ai't far oft^
Day 9.
and putted us to confufion : and
goeft not forth with our armies.
1 1 Thou makeft us to turn our
backs upon our enemies : fo that
they which hate us fpoil our goods.
12 Thou letteft us be eaten up
Uke fheep : and haft fcattered us
among the heathen.
13 Thou felleft thy people for
nought : and takeft no money for
14 Thou makeft us to be rebuk-
ed of our neighbours : to be laugh-
ed to fcorn, and had in derifion of
them that are round about us.
15 Thou makeft us to be a by-
word among the heathen : and that
the people Ihake their heads at us.
16 My confufion is daily before
me : and the fliame of my face
hath covered me ;
17 For the voice of the flan-
derer and blafphemer : for the
enemy and avenger.
18 And though all this be come
upon us, yet do we not forget thee :
nor behave ourfelves frowardly in
thy covenant.
10 Our heart is not turned
back : neither our fteps gone out
of thy way ;
20 No, not when thou haft
fmitten us into the place of dra-
gons : and covered us with tiie
fliadow of death.
21 If we have foro-otten the
iXame of our God, and holden up
our hands to any ftrange god :
Ihall not God fearch it out? for he
knoweth the veiy fecrets of the
22 For thy fake alfo are we kill-
ed all the day long : and are count-
ed as ftieep appointed to be flain.
23 Up, Lord, why fleepeft thou :
awake, and be not abfent fi'om us
for ever.
24 Wherefore hideft thou thy
face : and forgetteft our mifery and
25 For our foul is brought low,
even unto the duft : our belly
cleaveth unto the ground.
26 Arife, and help us : and de-
liver us for thy mercy's fake.
Psalm xlv. Eriidlavit cor meum.
MY heart is inditing of a good
matter : I fpeak of the things
which I have made unto the King.
2 My tongue is the pen : of a
ready writer.
3 Thou art ftiirer than the chil-
dren of men : full of grace are thy
lips, becaufe God hath blefted thee
for ever.
4 (tird thee \\\\\\ thy fword up-
on thy thigh, O thou moft Migh-
ty : according to thy worfliip and
5 Good luck have thou with
thine honour : ride on, becaufe
of the word of truth, of meeknefs,
and righteoufncfs ; and thy right
.^„...., ..... handfliall teacli thee terrible things.
6 Thy arrows are veiy (liarj),
and die people fliall be fubdued
unto thee : even In the midft a-
mong the King's enemies.
7 Thy feat, O God, enduretli for
ever : the fceptre of thy kingdom
is a right fceptre.
8 Thou hail loved righteoufnefs,
and hated iniquity : wherefore God,
even thy God, hath anointed thee
with the oil of gladnefs above thy
9 All thy garments fmell of
myrrh, aloes, and caffia : out of
the ivory palaces, whereby they
have made thee glad.
10 Kino's' daug-hters were a-
mong thy honourable women : up-
on thy right hand did (land the
queen in a vefture of gold, wrought
about with divers colours.
11 Hearken, O daughter, and
confider, incline thine ear : forget
alfo thine own people, and thy fa-
ther s houfe.
12 So (hall the King have plea-
fure in thy beauty : for he is
thy Lord God, and worfliip thou
13 And the daughter of Tyre
fliall be there ^vith a gift : like as
the rich alfo among the people
fliall make their fupplication be-
fore thee.
14 The King's daughter is all
glorious within : her clothing is of
wrought gold.
15 She fliall be brought unto
the King in raiment of needle-
work : the virgins that be her fel-
Day 9.
lows fliall bear her company, and
fliall be brought unto thee.
16 With joy and gladnefs fliall
they be brought : and fliall enter
into the King's palace.
17 Inllead of thy fathers thou
flbalt have children : whom thou
mayeft make princes in all lands.
18 1 will remember thy Name
from one generation to another :
therefore fliall the people give
thanks unto thee, world without
Psalm xl vi . Dens nojier refugium .
GOD is our hope and ftrength :
a very prefent help in trouble.
2 Therefore will we not fear,
though the earth be moved : and
though the hills be carried into
the midfl; of the fea.
3 Though the waters thereof
rage and fwell : and though the
mountains fliake at the tempeft of
the fame.
4 The rivers of the flood there-
of fliall make glad the city of God :
the holy place of the tabernacle of
the moft; Highefl;.
5 God is in the iiiidfl; of her,
therefore fliall flie not be removed :
God fliall help her, and that right
6 The heathen make much ado,
and the kingdoms are moved : but
God hath fliewed his voice, and
the earth fliall melt away.
7 The Lord of liofts is with us :
the God of Jacob is our refuge.
N n 2
8 O come hither, and behold
the works of the Lord : what de-
llrudtion he hath brought upon
the earth.
9 He maketh wars to ceafe in
all the world : he breaketh the bow,
and knappeth the fpear in funder,
and burnetii the chariots in the fire.
10 Be ftill then, and know that
I am God : I will be exalted a-
mong the heathen, and I will be
exalted in the earth.
1 1 The Lord of hofts is with us :
the God of Jacob is our refuge.
Ps A L M xlvii . Omnesgentes,plaudite.
OClap your hands together,
all ye people : O fing unto
God with the voice of melody.
2 For the Lord is high, and to
be feared : he is the great King
upon all the earth.
3 He fhall fubdue the people
under us : and the nations under
our feet.
4 He fliall choofe out an herit-
age for us : even the worlliip of
Jacob, Avhom he loved.
5 (lod is gone up with a meriy
noife : and the Lord with the found
of the trump.
6 () fing jjraifes, fing praifes
unto our God : O fijig praifes,
fing |)raifes unto our King.
7 For God is the Kino; of all
the earth : fing ye praifes with un-
Bay 9,
8 God reigneth over the hea-
then : God fitteth upon his holy
9 The princes of the people are
joined unto the people of the God
of Abraham : for God, which is
very high exalted, doth defend the
earth, as it were with a lliield.
Psalm xlviii. Magnus Dominus.
GREAT is the Lord, and highly
to be praifed : in the city of
our God, even upon his holy hill.
2 The hill of Sion is a fair place,
and the joy of the whole earth : up-
on the north-fide lieth the city of
the great King ; God is well known
in her palaces as a fure refuge.
3 For lo, the kings of the earth :
are gathered, and gone by together.
4 They marvelled to fee fuch
things : they were aftoniflied, and
fuddenly call down.
5 Fear came there upon them,
and forrow : as upon a woman in
her travail.
6 Thou (halt break the (hips of
the fea : through the eaft-wind.
7 Like as we have heard, fo have
we feen in the city of the Lord of
hofts, in the city of our God : God
upholdeth the fame for ever.
8 We wait for thy loving-kind-
nefs, () God : in the midft of thy
9 O God, according to thy
Name, fo is thy j)raife unto the
world's end : thy right hand is
full of righteoufnefs.
Day 9.
10 Let the mount Sion rejoice,
and the daughter of Judah be
glad : becaufe of thy judgements.
11 Walk about Sion, and go
round about her : and tell the
towers thereof.
12 Mark well her bulwarks, fet
up her houfes : that ye may tell
them that come after.
13 For this God is our God for
ever and ever : he fliall be our
guide unto death.
Psalm xlix. Audite hcec, omnes.
OHear ye this, all ye people :
ponder it with your ears, all
ye that dwell in the world ;
2 High and low, rich and poor :
one ^vith another.
3 My mouth fliall fpeak of wif-
dom : and my heart Ihall mufe of
4 I will incline mine ear to the
parable : and Ihew my dark fpeech
upon the harp.
5 Wherefore fliould I fear in
the days of wickednefs : and when
the wickednefs of my heels com-
pafleth me round about?
6 There be fome that put their
truft in their goods : and boaft
themfelves in the multitude of
their riches.
7 But no man may deliver his
brother : nor make agreement un-
to God for him;
8 For it coft more to redeem
their fouls : fo that he muft let
that alone for ever ;
Day 9.
9 Yea, though he live long : and
fee not the grave.
10 For he feeth that wife men
alfo die, and pcrifli together : as
well as the ignorant and foolifli,
and leave their riches for other.
1 1 And yet they think that their
houfes fhall continue for ever : and
that their dwelling-places fliall en-
dure from one generation to an-
other; and call the lands after their
own names.
12 Neverthelefs, man will not
abide in honour : feeing he may
be compared unto the beafl;s that
perifli ; this is the way of them.
13 This is their fooliflmefs : and
their pollerity praife their faying.
14 They lie in the hell like
flieep, death gnaweth upon them,
and the righteous fliall have domi-
nation over them in the morning :
their beauty fliall confume in the
fepulchre out of their dwelling.
15 But God hath delivered my
foul from the place of hell : for he
Ihall receive me.
16 Be not thou afraid, though
one be made rich : or if the gloiy
of his houfe be increafed ;
17 For he fliall carry nothing
away with him when he dieth :
neither fliall his pomp follow him.
18 For while he lived, he
counted himfelf an happy man :
and fo long as thou doefl; weU
unto thyfelf, men will fpeak good
of thee.
Day 10.
19 He fliall follow the genera-
tion of his fathers : and fliall never
fee liofht.
20 Man beino; in honour hath
no undei-ftanding : but is compar-
ed unto the beaits that perifli.
Psalm 1. Dt'us deorimi.
HE Lord, even the moft migh
ty God, hath fpoken : and
called the world, from the riling
up of the fun, unto the going down
2 Out of Sion hath God appear-
ed : in perfect beauty.
3 Our God fliall come, and fliall
not keep filence : there fliall go
before him a confuming fire, and
a mighty tempeft fliall be ftirred
up round about him.
4 He fliall call the heaven from
above : and the earth, that he may
judge his people.
5 Gather my faints together un-
to me : thofe that have made a co-
venant with me with facrifice.
6 And the heaven fliall declare
his righteoufnefs : for God is Judge
7 Hear, O my people, and I
will fpeak : I myfelf will teftify
againll thee, O Ifrael ; for I am
God, even thy God.
8 I will not reprove thee becaufe
of thy facrifices, or for thy burnt-
offerings : becaufe they were not
alway before me.
9 I will take no bullock out of
thine houfe : nor he-goat out of
thy folds.
10 For all the beafts of the fo-
rell are mine : and fo are the cattle
upon a thoufand hills.
1 1 I know all the fowls upon
the mountains : and the wild beafts
of the field are in my fight.
12 If I be huiigiy, I will not
tell thee : for the whole world is
mine, and all that is therein.
13 Thinkeft thou that I will eat
bulls' flefli : and diink the blood
of goats?
14 Offer unto God thankfgiv-
iiig : and pay thy vows unto the
moft Hioheft.
15 And call upon me in the
time of trouble : fo will I hear
thee, and thou fhalt praife me.
16 But unto the ungodly faid
God : Why doft thou preach my
laws, and takeft my covenant in
thy mouth ;
17 Whereas thou hateft to be
reformed : and haft call my words
behind thee?
18 When thou faweft a thief,
thou confentedft unto him : and
haft been partaker with the adul-
19 Thou haft let thy mouth
fpeak wickednefs : and with thy
tongue thou haft fet forth deceit.
20 Thou fateft, and fpakeft a-
gainft thy brother : yea, and haft
flandered thuie own mothers fon.
Bay 10.
21 Thefe things haft thou done,
and I held my tongue, and thou
thoughteft wickedly, that I am
even fuch a one as thyfelf : but I
will reprove thee, and fet before
thee the things that thou haft done.
22 O confider this, ye that for-
get God : left 1 pluck you away,
and there be none to deliver you.
23 Whofo offereth me thanks
and praife, he honoureth me : and
to him that ordereth his converfa-
tion right will I ftiew the falvation
of God.
Psalm li. Miferere met, Deus.
HAVE mercy upon me, O
God, after thy great good-
nefs : according to the multitude
of thy mercies do away mine of-
2 Walh me throughly from my
wickednefs : and cleanfe me from
my fin.
3 For I acknowledge my faults :
and my fin is ever before me.
4 Againft thee only have I fin-
ned, and done this evil in thy fight :
that thou mighteft be juftified in
thy faying, and clear when thou
art judged.
5 Behold, I was fliapen in wick-
ednefs : and in fin hath my mother
conceived me.
6 But lo, thou requireft truth in
the inward parts : and (halt make
me to underftand wifdom fecretly.
7 Thou flialt purge me with
hyflbp, and I fliall be clean : thou
Day 10.
flialt wafli me, and I fliall be whiter
than fnow.
8 Thou flialt make me hear of
joy and gladnefs : that the bones
which thou haft broken may re-
9 Tiu'ii thy face from my fins :
and put out all my mifdeeds.
10 Make me a clean heart, O
God : and renew a right fpirit
within me.
1 1 Caft me not away from thy
prefence ; and take not thy holy
Spirit from me.
1 2 O give me the comfort of thy
help again : and ftablifli me with
thy free Spirit.
13 Then fliall I teach thy ways
unto the wicked : and finners fliall
be converted unto thee.
14 Deliver me from blood-guil-
tinefs, O God, thou that art the
God of my health : and my tongue
fliall fing of thy righteoufnefs.
15 Thou flialt open my lips, O
Lord : and my mouth fliall fliew
thy praife.
1 6 For thou defireft no facrifice,
elfe would I give it thee : but thou
delighteft not in burnt-oft'erings.
17 The facrifice of God is a
troubled fpirit : a broken and con-
trite heart, O God, flialt thou not
18 O be favourable and gracious
unto Sion : build thou the walls of
19 Then flialt thou be pleafed
Bay 10.
Bay 10.
wath the facrlfice of righteoufnefs,
with the burnt-offerings and obla-
tions : then fliall they offer young
bullocks upon thine altar.
Psalm lii. Quid gloriaris?
WHY boaflefl thou thyfelf,
thou tyrant : that thou canfl
do mifchief ;
2 Whereas the goodnefs of God :
endureth yet daily?
3 Thy tongue imagineth ^vick-
ednefs : and with lies thou cutteft
like a Iharp razor.
4 Thou haft loved unrighteoiif-
nefs more than goodnefs : and to
talk of lies more than righteoufnefs.
5 Thou haft loved to fpeak all
words that may do hurt : O thou
falfe tongue.
6 Therefore fliall God deftroy
thee for ever : he fhall take thee,
and pluck thee out of thy dwell-
ing, and root thee out of the land
of the living.
7 The righteous alfo fliall fee
this, and fear : and Ihall laugh
hmi to fcorn;
8 Lo, this is the man that took
not God for his ftrength : but
trufted unto the multitude of his
riches, and ftrengthened himfelf
in his wickednefs.
9 As for me, I am like a green
olive-tree in the houfe of God : my
truft is in the tender mercy of God
for ever and ever.
10 I will always give thanks
unto thee for that thou haft done :
and I will hope in thy Name, for
thy faints like it well.
Psalm liii. Didit injipiens.
THE foolifti body hath faid in
his heart : There is no God.
2 Corrupt are they, and become
abominable in their wickednefs :
there is none that doeth good.
3 God looked down from hea-
ven upon the children of men : to
fee if there were any, that would
underftand, and feek after God.
4 But they are all gone out of
the way, they are altogether be-
come abominable : there is alfo
none that doeth good, no not one.
5 Are not they without under-
ftanding that work wickednefs :
eating up my people as if they
would eat bread? they have not
called upon God.
6 They were afraid where no
fear was : for God hath broken the
bones of him that befieo ed thee :
thou haft put them to confiifion,
becaufe God hath defpifed them.
7 Oh, that the falvation were
given unto Ifrael out of Sion : Oh,
that the Lord would deliver his
people out of captivity !
8 Then Ihould Jacob rejoice :
and Ifrael ftiould be right glad.
Psalm liv. Deus, in nomine.
SAVE me, O God, for thy
Name's fake : and avenge me
in thy ftrength.
Day 10.
2 Hear my prayer, O God : and
hearken unto the words of my
3 For ftrangers are rifen up a-
gainft me : and tyrants, which have
not God before their eyes, feek
after my foul.
4 Behold, God is my helper :
the Lord is Avith them that up-
hold my foul.
5 He fliall reward evil unto
mine enemies : deftroy thou them
in thy truth.
6 An offering of a free heart
will I give thee, and praife thy
Name, O Lord : becaufe it is fo
7 For he hath delivered me out
of all my trouble : and mine eye
hath feen his defire upon mine
Psalm Iv. Eaiaiidi, Deus.
HEAR my prayer, O God :
and hide not thyfelf from
my petition.
2 Take heed unto me, and hear
me : how I mourn in my prayer,
and am vexed.
3 The enemy crieth fo, and the
ungodly cometh on fo fail : for they
are minded to do me fome mifchief;
fo malicioufly are they fet againft me.
4 My heart is difquieted within
me : and the fear of death is fallen
upon me.
5 Fearfulnefs and trembling are
come upon me : and an horrible
dread hath overwhelmed me.
Day 10.
6 And I faid, O that I had wings
like a dove : for then would 1 flee
away, and be at reft.
7 Lo, then would I get me away
far off : and remain in the wilder-
8 I would make hafte to efcape :
becaufe of the ftormy wind and
9 Deftroy their tongues, O
Lord, and divide them : for I have
fpied unrighteoufnefs and ftrife in
the city.
10 Day and night they go a-
bout within the walls thereof :
mifchief alfo and forrow are in the
midft of it.
1 1 Wickednefs is therein : deceit
and guile go not out of their ftreets.
12 For it is not an open enemy,
that hath done me this difhonour :
for then I could have borne it.
13 Neither was it mine adver-
faiy, that did magnify himfelf a-
gainft me : for then peradventure
I would have hid myfelf from him.
14 But it was even thou, my
companion : my guide, and mine
own familiar friend.
15 We took fweet counfel to-
gether : and walked in the houfe
of God as friends.
16 Let death come haftily upon
them, and let them go down quick
into hell : for wickednefs is in their
dwellings, and among them.
17 As for me, I will call upon
God : and the Lord ihall fave me.
Day 11.
18 In the evening, and morn-
ing, and at noon-day ^vill I pray,
and that inftantly : and he fliall
hear my voice.
19 It is he that hath deUvered
my foul in peace from the battle
that was againft me : for there
were many with me.
20 Yea, even God, that endur-
eth for ever, (hall hear me, and
bring them dowai : for they will
not turn, nor fear God.
2 1 He laid his hands upon fuch
as be at peace ^vitll him : and he
brake his covenant.
22 The words of his mouth were
fofter than butter, having war in
his heart : his words were fmooth-
er than oil, and yet be they veiy
23 O call thy burden upon the
Lord, and he fliall nourifli thee :
and fliall not fuffer the righteous
to fall for ever.
24 And as for them : thou, O
God, flialt bring them into the pit
of deftrudtion.
25 The blood-thirfl;y and de-
ceitful men fliall not live out half
their days : neverthelefs, my trull
fliall be in thee, O Lord.
iHorntns i^raper^
Psalm Ivi. Mifererc met, Dens.
BE merciful unto me, O God,
for man goetli about to de-
vour me : he is daily tigliting, and
troubling me.
Day 11.
2 Mine enemies are daily in
hand to fwallow me up : for they
be many that fight againft me, O
thou iiioft Higheft.
3 Neverthelefs, though I am
fometime afraid : yet put I my
truft in thee.
4 I will praife God, becaufe of
his word : 1 have put my truft in
God, and will not fear what flelh
can do unto me.
5 They daily miftake my words :
all that they imagine is to do me
6 They hold all together, and
keep themfelves clofe : and mark
my fteps, when they lay wait for
my foul.
7 Shall they efcape for their
wickednefs : thou, O God, in thy
difpleafure flialt caft them down.
8 Thou telleft my flittings; put
my tears into thy bottle : are not
thefe things noted in thy book?
9 Whenfoever I call upon thee,
then Ihall mine enemies be put to
flight : this 1 know; for God is on
my fide.
10 In God's word will I re-
joice : in the Lord's word will 1
comfort me.
1 1 Yea, in God have I put my
truft : I will not be afraid what
man can do unto me.
12 Unto dice, () God, will I
pay my vows : unto thee will I
give thanks.
13 For thou haft delivered my
Day 11.
Day 11.
foul from death, and my feet from
falling : that I may walk before
God in the light of the living.
(/** Psalm Ivii. Miferere mei, Deus'.
BE merciful unto me, O God,
be merciful unto me, for my
foul trufteth in thee : and under
the fliadow of thy wings Ihall be
my refuge, until this tyranny be
2 I will call unto the moll high
God : even unto the God that
fliall perform the caufe which I
have in hand.
3 He fliall fend from heaven :
and fave me from the reproof of
him that would eat me up.
4 God fliall fend forth his mercy
and truth : my foul is among lions.
5 And I lie even among the
children of men, that are fet on
fire : whofe teeth are fpears and
arrows, and their tongue a Iharp
6 Set up thyfelf, O God, above
the heavens : and thy glory above
all the earth.
7 They have laid a net for my
feet, and prefled down my foul :
they have digged a pit before me,
and are fallen into the niidH of it
8 My heart is fixed, O God,
my heart is fixed : I will fing,
and give praife.
9 Awake up, my glory; awake,
lute and harp : I myfelf will awake
right early.
1 I will give thanks unto thee,
() Lord, among the people : and
I will fing unto thee among the
1 1 For the greatnefs of thy mer-
cy reacheth unto the heavens : and
thy truth unto the clouds.
12 Set up thyfelf, O God, above
the heavens : and thy gloiy above
all the earth.
Psalm Iviii. Si vere utique.
ARE your minds fet upon right-
eoufnefs, O ye congregation :
and do ye judge the thing that is
right, O ye fons of men?
2 Yea, ye imagine mifchief in
your heart upon the earth : and
your hands deal with wickednefs.
3 The ungodly are froward,
even from their mother's womb :
as foon as they are born, they go
afl;ray, and fpeak lies.
4 They are as venomous as the
poifon of a ferpent : even like the
deaf adder that ftoppeth her ears ;
5 Which refufeth to hear the
voice of the charmer : charm he
never fo wifely.
6 Break their teeth, O God, in
their mouths ; finite the jaw-bones
of the lions, O Lord : let them
fall away like water that runneth
apace ; and when they flioot their
aiTOws let tljem be rooted out.
7 Let them confume away like
a fiiail, and be like the untimely
fruit of a woman : and let them
not fee the fun.
Oo 2
Day 11.
8 Or ever your pots be made
hot ^vith thorns : fo let indignation
vex him, even as a thing that is raw,
9 The righteous fliall rejoice
when he feeth the vengeance :
he fliall wafli his footfteps in the
blood of the ungodly.
10 So that a man fliall fay,
Verily there is a reward for the
righteous : doubtlefs there is a
God that judge th the earth.
Ctienins |0raj»er.
Psalm lix. Eripe me de inimicis.
DELIVER me from mine ene-
mies, O God : defend me
from them that rife up againfi; me.
2 O deliver me from the wick-
ed doers : and fave me from the
blood-thii"fty men.
3 For lo, they lie waiting for
my foul : the mighty men are ga-
thered againft me, without any of-
fence or fault of me, O Lord.
4 They run and prepare them-
felves without my fault : arife thou
therefore to help me, and behold.
5 Stand up, O Lord God of
hofl;s, thou God of Ifrael, to vilit
all the heathen : and be not mer-
ciful unto them that offend of ma-
licious wickednefs.
6 They go to and fro in the
evening : they grin like a dog, and
nm about through the city.
7 Behold, they fpeak with their
mouth, and fwords are in their
lips : for who doth hear?
Day 11.
8 But thou, O Lord, Ihalt have
them in derifion : and thou flialt
laugh all the heathen to fcorn.
9 My fl;rength will I afcribe un-
to thee : for thou art the God of
my reftige.
10 God flieweth me his goodnefs
plenteoufly : and God fliall let me
fee my defire upon mine enemies.
1 1 Slay them not, left my people
forget it : but fcatter them abroad
among the people, and put them
down, O Lord, our defence.
12 For the fin of their mouth,
and for the words of their lips,
they fliall be taken in their pride :
and why? their preaching is of
curfing and lies.
13 Confume them in thy ^vi*ath,
confume them, that they may pe-
rifli : and know that it is God that
ruleth in Jacob, and unto the ends
of the world.
14 And in the evening they
will return : grin hke a dog, and
will go about the city.
1 5 They will run here and there
for meat : and giiidge if they be
not fatisfied.
1 6 As for me, I mil fing of thy
power, and vnW })raife thy mercy
betimes in the morning : for thou
haft been my defence and refuge
in the day of my trouble.
17 Unto thee, O my ftrength,
will I fing : for thou, O God,
art my refuge, and my merciful
Day 11.
Dmj l±
Psalm Ix. Deiis^ repulijli nos.
OGod, thou haft caft us out,
and fcattered us abroad : thou
haft alfo been difpleafed ; O turn
thee unto us again.
2 Thou haft moved the land,
and divided it : heal the fores
thereof, for it Ihaketh.
3 Thou haft ftiewed thy people
heavy things : thou haft given us
a drink of deadly wine.
4 Thou haft given a token for
fuch as fear thee : that they may
triumph becaufe of the truth.
5 Therefore were thy beloved
delivered : help me with thy right
hand, and hear me.
6 God hath fpoken in his ho-
linefs, I will rejoice, and divide
Sichem : and mete out the valley
of Succoth.
7 Gilead is mine, and Manafles is
mine : Ephraim alfo is the ftrength
of my head; Judah is my law-giver;
8 Moab is my walh-pot; over
Edom will I caft out my flioe :
Philiftia, be thou glad of me.
9 Who will lead me into the
ftrong city : who will bring me
into Edom?
10 Haft not thou caft us out,
O God : wilt not thou, O God, go
out Avith our hofts?
1 1 O be thou our help in trou-
ble : for vain is the help of man.
12 Through God will we do
great a6ts : for it is he that ftiall
tread down our enemies.
Psalm Ixi. Ecvcmdi, Dcus.
EAR my crying, O God :
give ear unto my prayer.
2 From the ends of the earth
will I call upon thee : when my
heart is in heavinefs.
3 O fet me up upon the rock
that is higher than 1 : for thou
haft been my hope, and a ftrong
tower for me againft the enemy.
4 I will dwell in thy tabernacle
for ever : and my tiiift Ihall be un-
der the covering of thy wings.
5 For thou, O Lord, haft heard
my defires : and haft given an
heritage unto thofe that fear thy
6 Thou ftialt grant the King
a long life : that his yeai's may
endure throughout all genera-
7 He ftiall dwell before God for
ever : O prepare thy loving mer-
cy and faithfulnefs, that they may
preferve him.
8 So \vill I alway fing praife
unto thy Name : that I may daily
perform my vows.
iS^orning draper.
Psalm Ixii. Nonne Deo?
MY foul truly waiteth ftill up-
on God : for of him cometh
my falvation.
2 He verily is my ftrength and
my falvation : he is my defence, fo
that I ftiall not greatly fall.
Day 12.
3 How long will ye imagine
niifchief againll eveiy man : ye
fliall be flain all the fort of you ;
yea, as a tottering wall fliall ye
be, and like a broken hedge.
4 Their device is only how to
put him out whom God will exalt :
their delight is in lies ; they give
good words with their mouth, but
curfe with their heart.
5 Neverthelefs, my foul, wait
thou Hill upon God : for my hope
is in him.
6 He truly is my ftrength and
my falvation : he is my defence, fo
that I fliall not fall.
7 In God is my health, and my
glory : the rock of my might, and
in God is my truft;.
8 O put your trufl; in him al-
way, ye people : pour out your
hearts before him, for God is our
9 As for the children of men,
they are but vanity : the children
of men are deceitful upon the
weights, they are altogether lighter
than vanity itfelf
10 O trufl; not in Avi'ong and
robbery, give not yourfelves unto
vanity : if riches increafe, fet not
your heart upon them.
11 God fpake once, and twice
I have alfo heard the fame : that
power belongeth unto God ;
12 And that thou, Lord, art
merciful : for thou rewardefl: every
man according to his work.
Day 12.
Psalm Ixiii. Deus, Deus mens.
OGod, thou art my God : early
will I feek thee.
2 My foul thirfteth for thee, my
flefli alfo longeth after thee : in a
barren and diy land where no
water is.
3 Thus have I looked for thee
in holinefs : that I might behold
thy power and gloiy.
4 For thy loving-kindnefs is
better than the life itfelf : my lips
fliall praife thee.
5 As long as I live ^vill I mag-
nify thee on this manner : and lift
up my hands in thy Name.
6 My foul fliall be fatisfied,
even as it were with marrow and
fatnefs : when my mouth praifeth
thee with joyful lips.
7 Have I not remembered thee
in my bed : and thought upon
thee when I was waking?
8 Becaufe thou haft been my
helper : therefore under the flia-
dow of thy wings will I rejoice.
9 My foul hangeth upon thee :
thy right hand hath upholden
10 Thefe alfo that feek the hurt
of my foul : they fliall go under
the earth.
1 1 Let them fall upon the edge
of the fword : that they may be a
portion for foxes.
1 2 But the King fliall rejoice in
(lod ; all they alfo that fwear by
him (hall be conmiended : for the
Bay 12.
mouth of them that fpeak Hes fliall
be Hopped.
Psalm Ixiv. JEcraudi, Deus.
HEAR my voice, O God, in
my prayer : preferve my life
from fear of the enemy.
2 Hide me from the gathering
together of the froward : and fi-om
the infurre^lion of wicked doers ;
3 Who have whet their tongue
like a fword : and fboot out their
arrows, even bitter words;
4 That they may privily Ihoot at
him that is perfect ; fuddenly do
they hit him, and fear not.
5 They encourage themfelves
in mifchief : and commune among
themfelves how they may lay
fnares, and fay, that no man fliall
fee them.
6 They imagine wickednefs, and
pra6tife it : that they keep fecret
among themfelves, every man in
the deep of his heart.
7 But God fliall fuddenly flioot
at them with a fwift arrow : that
they fliall be wounded.
8 Yea, their own tongues fliall
make them fall : infomuch that
whofo feeth them fliall laugh them
to fcorn.
9 And all men that fee it fliall
fay, This hath God done : for they
fliall perceive that it is his work.
10 The righteous fliall rejoice
in the Lord, and ])ut his trufl;
in him : and all they that are
true of heart fliall be glad.
Day 12.
Psalm Ixv. Te decet hymnus.
THOU, () God, art praifed in
Sion : and unto thee fliall the
vow be performed in Jerufalem.
2 Thou that hearefl; the prayer :
unto thee fliall all flefli come.
3 My mifdeeds prevail againfl;
me : O be thou merciful unto our
4 Blefled is the man, whom thou
choofeft, and receiveft unto thee :
he fliall dwell in thy court, and fliall
be fatisfied with the pleafures of
thy houfe, even of thy holy temple.
5 Thou flialt fliew us wonder-
ful things in thy righteoufnefs,
O God of our falvation : thou that
art the hope of all the ends of
the earth, and of them that remain
in the broad fea.
6 Who in his ftrength fetteth
fafl; the mountains : and is girded
about with power.
7 W ho fl;illetli the raging of the
fea : and the iioife of his waves,
and the madnefs of the people.
8 They alfo that dwell in the
uttermoft parts of the earth fliall
be afraid at thy tokens : thou that
niakeft the outgoings of the morn-
ing and evening to praife thee.
9 Thou vifitell the earth, and
blefleil it : thou makeft it veiy
10 The river of God is full of
water : thou prejiarefl; their corn,
for fo thou providell for the earth.
Dmj 12.
11 Thou watereft her fiirrows,
thou fendeft rain into the little
valleys thereof : thou makeft it
foft with the drops of rain, and
blefleft the increafe of it.
12 Thou crowneft the yeai* mth
thy goodnefs : and thy clouds di'op
13 They fliall drop upon the
dwellino's of the mldernefs : and
the little hills fliall rejoice on eve-
ly fide.
14 The folds fliall be full of
flieep : the valleys alfo fliall fl:and
fo thick with com, that they fliall
laugh and fing*.
Psalm Ixvi. Jubilate Deo.
OBe joyful in God, all ye lands :
fing praifes unto the honour
of his Name, make his praife to
be glorious.
2 Say unto God, O howwondei'ful
art thou in thy works : through the
greatnefs of thy power fliall thine
enemies be found liars unto thee.
3 For all the world fliall wor-
fliip thee : fing of thee, and praife
thy Name.
4 O come hither, and behold
the works of God : how wonderfiil
he is in his doing toward the chil-
dren of men.
5 He turned the fea into dry
land : fo that they went through
the water on foot ; there did we
rejoice thereof.
6 He ruleth with his power for
ever j his eyes behold the people :
Day 12.
and fuch as will not believe fliall
not be able to exalt themfelves.
7 O praife our God, ye people :
and make the voice of his praile to
be heard ;
8 Who holdeth our foul in life :
and fuft'ereth not our feet to flip.
9 For thou, O God, haft proved
us : thou alfo haft tried us, like as
filver is tried.
10 Thou broughteft us into the
fnare : and laideft trouble upon
our loins.
1 1 Thou fufferedft men to ride
over our heads : we went through
fire and water, and thou brought-
eft us out into a wealthy place.
12 I will go into thine houfe
with burnt-oft'erings : and will pay
thee my vows, which I promifed
with my lips, and fpake with my
mouth, when I was in trouble.
13 I will offer unto thee fat
burnt-facrifices, vni\\ the incenfe
of rams : I will offer bullocks and
14 O come hither, and hearken,
all ye that fear God : and 1 will
tell you what he hath done for
my foul.
15 I cafled unto him ^vith my
mouth : and gave him praifes with
my tongue.
16 If I incline unto wickednefs
with mine heart : the Lord wsSi
not hear me.
17 But God hath heard me : and
confidered the voice of my prayer.
Day\^. THE P
18 Praifed be God who hath
not call out my prayer ; nor turn-
ed his mercy from me.
Psalm Ixvii. Deus mifereatur.
GOD be merciful unto us, and
blefs us : and fliew us the
light of his countenance, and be
merciful unto us ;
2 That thy way may be known
upon earth : thy faving health a-
mong all nations.
3 Let the people praife thee, O
God : yea, let all the people praife
4 O let the nations rejoice and
be glad : for thou (lialt judge the
folk righteoufly, and govern the
nations upon earth.
5 Let the people praife thee,
O God : let all the people praife
6 Then Ihall the earth bring-
forth her increafe : and God, even
our own God, fliall give us his
7 God (hall blefs us : and all the
ends of the world fliall fear him.
Psalm Ixviii. EcViirgat Dens.
LET God arife, and let his ene-
mies be fcattered : let them
alfo that hate him flee before him.
2 Like as the fmoke vaniflieth,
fo flialt thou drive them away : and
like as wax melteth at the fire, fo
let the ungodly perifli at the pre-
fence of God.
Day 13.
3 But let the righteous })e glad
and rtyoice before (lod : let them
alfo be merry and joyful.
4 O fing unto God, and fing
praifes unto his Name : magnify
him that rideth upon the heavens,
as it were upon an horfe ; praife
him in his Name JAH, and re-
joice before him.
5 He is a Father of the fadier-
lefs, and defendeth the caufc of
the widows : even God in his holy
6 He is the God that maketh
men to be of one mind in an houfe,
and bringeth the prifoners out of
captivity : but letteth the runa-
gates continue in fcarcenefs.
7 O God, when thou wenteft
forth before the people : when thou
wenteft through the wildernefs,
8 The earth fliook, and the hea-
vens dropped at the prefence of
God : even as Sinai alfo was mov-
ed at the prefence of God, who is
the God of Ifrael.
9 Thou, O God, fenteft a gra-
cious rain upon thine inheritance :
and refi-eftiedft it when it was
10 Thy congregation fliall dwell
therein : for thou, O God, haft of
thy goodnefs prepared for the poor.
11 The Lord gave the word :
great was the company of the
12 Kings with their armies did
flee, and were difcomfited : and
Day\^. THE P
they of the hoiifliokl divided the
13 Though ye have hen among
the pots, yet ihall ye be as the
winos of a dove : that is covered
with iiher wings, and her feathers
hke i>okl.
14 \\ hen the Ahnighty fcatter-
ed kin us for their fake : then were
they as white as fnow in Sahiion.
15 As the hill of Bafan, fo is
God"s hill : even an high hill, as
the hill of Bafan.
16 \\ hy hop ye fo, ye high hills?
this is God's hill, in the which it
pleafeth him to dwell : yea, the
Lord will abide in it for ever.
17 The chariots of God are
twenty thouHmd, even thoufands
of angels : and the Lord is among
them, as in the holy place of Sinai.
18 Thoo art gone up on high,
thou haft led captivity captive, and
received gifts for men : yea, even
for thine enemies, that the Lord
God might dwell among them.
19 Praifed be the Lord daily :
even the (iod who helpeth us, and
poureth his benefits upon us.
20 He is our God, even the
God of Avhoni cometh falvation :
God is the Lord, by whom we
efcape death.
21 (Vod fliall wound the head
of his enemies : and the hairy
fcalp of fuch a one as goeth on
ftill in his wickcdnefs.
22 The Lord hath faid, 1 will
SAL MS. Z)rt^ 13.
bring my people again, as I did
from Bafan : mine own will I brino-
again, as I did fometime from the
deep of the fea.
23 That thy foot may be dip-
ped in the blood of thine enemies :
and that the tongue of thy dogs
may be red through the fame.
24 It is well feen, O God, how
thou goeft : how thou, my God
and King, goeft in the fandhiaiy.
25 The fingers go before, the
minftrels follow after : in the midft
are the damfels playing with the
26 Give thanks, O Ifrael, unto
God the Lord in the congrega-
tions : from the ground of the heart.
27 There is little Benjamin their
ruler, and the princes of Judah
their counfel : the princes of Zabu-
lon, and the princes of Nephthali.
28 Thy God hath fent forth
ftreno-th for thee : ftablilh the
thing, O God, that thou haft
wrought in us,
29 For thy temple's fake at
.Jerufalem : fo lliall kings bring
prefents unto thee.
30 When the company of the
fj>ear-men, and multitude of the
mighty are fcattered abroad a-
mong the bcafts of the people, fo
that they humbly bring pieces of
fiber : and \vhen he hath fcattered
the people that delight in war ;
31 Then Ihall the j)rinces come
out of Lgy})t : the IVlorians' land
Bay 13.
fliall fooii ftretch out her hands
unto God.
32 Sing unto God, O ye king-
doms of the earth : O fing praifes
unto the Lord ;
33 Who fitteth in the heavens
over all from the beginning : lo,
he doth fend out his voice, yea,
and that a mighty voice.
34 Afcribe ye the power to
God over Ifrael : his worfliip, and
llrength is in the clouds.
35 O God, wonderful art thou
in thy holy places : even the God
of Ifrael ; he will give ftrength and
power unto his people ; blefled be
€\3emng i^raper.
Psalm Ixix. Sahnim me fac.
SAVE me, O God : for the waters
are come in, even unto my foul.
2 I Hick fall in the deep mire,
where no ground is : I am come
into deep waters, fo that the floods
run over me.
3 I am weaiy of crying ; my
throat is dry : my fight faileth me
for waiting fo long upon my God.
4 They that hate me without a
caufe are more than the hairs of
my head : they that are mine ene-
mies, and would deftroy me guilt-
lefs, are mighty.
5 I paid them the things that I
never took : God, thou knoweft my
fimplenefs, and my faults are not
hid from thee.
Day 13.
G Let not them that truft in
thee, O Lord (lod of holls, be a-
Ihamed for my caufe : let not thofe
that feek thee be confounded
through me, O Lord God of Ifrael.
7 And why? for thy fake have
I fuffered reproof : iliame hath co-
vered my face.
8 I am become a ftranirer unto
my brethren : even an alien unto
my mother s children.
9 For the zeal of thine houfe
hath even eaten me : and the re-
bukes of them that rebuked thee
are fallen upon me.
10 1 wept, and challened myfelf
with falling : and that was turned
to my reproof.
1 1 I put on fackcloth alfo : and
they jelled upon me.
12 They that fit in the gate
fpeak againll me : and the drunk-
ards make fongs upon me.
13 But, Lord, 1 make my prayer
unto thee : in an acceptable time.
14 Hear me, O God, in the
multitude of thy mercy : even in
the truth of thy falvation.
15 Take me out of the mire,
that I fink not : O let me be deli-
vered from them that hate me,
and out of the deep waters.
16 Let not the water-flood
drown me, neither let the deep
fwallow me up : and let not the
pit Ihut her mouth upon me.
17 Hear me, O Lord, for thy
loving-kindnefs is comfortable :
Pp 2
Day 13.
turn thee unto me according to
the muhitude of thy mercies.
18 And hide not thy face from
thy fervant, for I am m trouble :
O halle thee, and hear me.
19 Draw nigh unto my foul,
and fave it : O deliver me, becaufe
of mine enemies.
20 Thou haft knoAvn my re-
proof, my fliame, and my diflio-
nour : mine adverfaries are all in
thy fight.
2 1 Thy rebuke hath broken my
heart ; I am full of heavinefs : I
looked for fome to have pity on
me, but there was no man, nei-
ther found I any to comfort me.
22 They gave me gall to eat :
and when I was thirfty they gave
me vinegar to drink.
23 Let their table be made a
fnare to take themfelves withal :
and let the things that fliould have
been for their wealth be unto them
an occafion of falling.
24 Let their eyes be blinded,
that they fee not : and ever bow
thou downi their backs.
25 Pour out thine indignation
upon them : and let thy wrathful
difj)leafure take hold of them.
26 Let their habitation be void :
and no man to dwell in their tents.
27 For they perfccute him whom
thou haft fmitten : and they talk
how they may vex them whom
thou haft wounded.
28 Let them fall from one wick-
Bmj 13.
eduefs to another : and not come
into thy righteoufnefs.
29 Let them be wiped out of
the book of the living : and not
be written amono- the rio-hteous.
30 As for me, when 1 am poor
and in heavinefs : thy help, O God,
fliall lift me up.
311 will praife the Name of God
with a fong : and magnify it with
32 This alfo fliall pleafe the
Lord : better than a bullock that
hath horns and hoofs.
33 The humble fliall confider
this, and be glad : feek ye after
God, and your foul fliall live.
34 For the Lord heareth the
poor : and defpifetli not his pri-
35 Let heaven and earth praife
him : the fea, and all that inoveth
36 For God will lave Sion, and
build the cities of Judah : that
men may dwell there, and have it
in pofleflion.
3/ rhe pofterity alfo of his fer-
vants fliall inherit it : and they that
love his Name fliall dwell therein.
Psalm Ixx. De^is in acljntorhim.
HASTE thee, O God, to deli-
ver me : make halle to help
me, O Lord.
2 Let them be afliamed and con-
foun(i(Hl that leek after my foul : let
them be turned backward and put
to coiifufion that wifli me evil.
Bay 14.
3 Let them for their reward be
foon brought to ftiame : that cry
over me, There, there.
4 But let all thofe that feek thee
be joyful and glad in thee : and let
all fuch as delight in thy falvation
fay alway, The Lord be praifed.
5 As for me, I am poor and in
mifery : hade thee unto me, O God.
C Thou art my helper, and my
redeemer : O Lord, make no long-
jOPortiing; i^raper*
Psalm Ixxi. In te, Domin€,fperavi.
IN thee, O Lord, have I put my
truft, let me never be put to
confufion : but rid me, and deliver
me, in thy righteoufnefs ; incline
thine ear unto me, and fave me.
2 Be thou my ftrong hold,
whereunto I may alway refort :
thou haft promifed to help me, for
thou art my houfe of defence, and
my caftle.
3 Deliver me, O my God, out of
the hand of the ungodly : out of
the hand of the unrighteous and
cruel man.
4 For thou, O Lord God, art the
thing that I long for : thou art my
hope, even from my youth.
5 Through thee have I been
holden up ever lince I was born :
thou art he that took me out of
my mother's womb ; my praife fliall
always be of thee.
6 I am become as it were a
Day 14.
monfter unto many : but my fare
truft is in thee.
7 O let my mouth be filled with
thy praife : that I may fing of thy
glory and honour all the day long.
8 Call me not away in the time
of age : forfake me not when my
ftrength faileth me.
9 For mine enemies fpeak againft
me, and they that lay wait for my
foul take their counfel together,
faying : God hath forfaken hi.n;
p^rfecute him, and take him, for
there is none to deliver him.
10 Go not far from me, O God :
my God, hafte thee to help me.
1 1 Let them be confounded and
perifli that are againft my foul :
let them be covered with fliame
and diflionour that leek to do me
12 As for me, I will patiently
abide alway : and will praife thee
more and more.
13 My mouth fliall daily fpeak
of thy righteoufnefs and falvation :
for I know no end thereof.
14 1 will go forth in the ftrength
of the Lord God : and will make
mention of thy righteoufnefs only.
15 Thou, O God, haft taught
me from my youth up until now :
therefore will I tell of thy won-
drous works.
16 Forfake me not, O God, in
mine old age, when I am gray-
headed : until I have fliewed thy
ftrength unto this generation, and
Day 14.
thy ])o\ver to all them that are yet
for to come.
17 Thy nghteoufnefs, O God,
is very high : and great things are
they that thou haft done ; O God,
who is like unto thee?
18 O what great troubles and
advei*fities haft thou ftiewed me !
and yet didft thou turn and re-
frefti me : yea, and broughteft me
from the deej3 of the earth again.
19 Thou haft brought me to
great honour : and comforted me
on every lide.
20 Therefore will I praife thee
and thy faithfulnefs, O God, play-
ing upon an inftrument of inufick :
unto thee will I fing upon the harp,
O thou Holy One of Ifrael.
21 My lips will be ftiin when I
fing unto thee : and fo will my
foul whom thou haft delivered.
22 My tongue alfo fliall talk
of thy righteoufnefs all the day
long : for they are confounded
and brouo'ht unto fliame that feek
to do me evil.
Psalm Ixxii. Dcus, judicium.
GIVE the King thy judge-
ments, O God : and thy
righteoufnefs unto the King's fon.
2 Then ftiall he judge thy peo-
ple accor(Hng unto right : and de-
fend the poor.
'3 The mountains alfo Ihall brin<>-
peace : and the little hills right-
eoufnefs unto the people.
4 He fliall keep the (imple folk by
Day 14.
their right : defend the children of
the poor, and punilh the wrongdoer.
5 They fliall fear thee, as long as
the fun and moon endureth : from
one generation to another.
6 He fliall come down like the
rain into a fleece of wool : even as
the drops that water the earth.
7 In his time fliall the rio-ht-
eous flourifli : yea, and abundance
of peace, fo long as the moon
8 His dominion fliall be alfo
from the one fea to the other : and
from the flood unto the world's end.
9 They that dwell in the wil-
dernefs fliall kneel before him :
his enemies fliall lick the duft.
10 The kings of Tharfis and of
the ifles fliall gi\e prefents : the
kings of Arabia and Saba fliall
bring gifts.
11 All kings fliall fall down be-
fore him : all nations fliall do him
12 For he fliall deliver the poor
when he crieth : the needy alfo,
and him that hath no helper.
13 He fliall be favourable to the
fimple and needy : and fliall pre-
feiTe the fouls of the poor.
14 He fliall deliver their fouls
from falfliood and wrong : and dear
fliall their blood be in liis fiMit.
15 He fliall live, and unto him
fliall be given of the gold of Arabia:
prayer fliall be made ever unto him,
and daily fliall he be praifed.
Day 14.
16 There fliall be an heap of
corn in the earth, liigh iij)on tlie
hills : his fruit Ihall Ihake like Li-
banus, and fliall be green in the
city like grafs upon the earth.
17 His Name fliall endure for
ever; his Name fliall remain un-
der the fun among the pollerities :
which fliall be blefled through him;
and all the heathen fliall praife
18 Blefled be the Lord God,
even the God of Ifrael : which
only doeth wondrous things;
19 And blefled be the Name
of his Majefl;y for ever : and all
the earth fliall be filled with his
Majefl;y. Amen, Amen.
Psalm Ixxiii. Qiiam homts Ifrael!
TRULY God is loving unto
Ifrael : even unto fuch as are
of a clean heart.
2 Neverthelefs, my feet were
alniofl; gone : my treadings had
well-nigh flipt.
3 And why? I was grieved at
the wicked : I do alfo fee the im-
godly in fuch profperity.
4 For they are in no peril of
death : but are lufty and fl;roiig.
5 They come in no misfortune
like other folk : neither are they
plagued like other men.
' 6 And this is the caufe that
they are lb holden with pride :
and overwhelmed with cruelty.
Day 14.
7 Their eyes fwell with fatnefs :
and they do even what they luft.
8 They corrupt other, and fpeak
of wicked blafphemy : their talk-
ing is againft the moll High.
9 For they ftretch forth their
mouth unto the heaven : and their
tongue goetli through the world.
10 Therefore fall the people
unto them : and thereout fuck
they no fniall advantage.
11 Tufli, fay they, how fliould
God perceive it : is there know-
ledge in the moft High?
12 Lo, thefe are the ungodly,
thefe profper in the world, and
thefe have riches in polfeflion :
and I faid, Then have 1 cleanfed
my heart in vain, and waflied mine
hands in innocency.
13 All the day long have I
been puniflied : and chaftened
eveiy morning.
14 Yea, and I had almoft faid
even as they : but lo, then I fliould
have condemned the generation of
thy children.
15 Then thought I to underftand
this : but it was too hard for me,
16 Until I went into the fanc-
tuary of God : then underftood I
the end of thefe men ;
17 Namely, how thou dofl; fet
them in flippery places : and cafteft
them down, and dellroyeft them.
18 Oh, how fuddenly do they
confume : perifli, and come to a
fearful end!
Day 14.
19 Yea, even like as a dream
when one awaketh : fo flialt thou
make their miage to vanilh out of
the city.
20 Thus my heart was grieved :
and it went even through my reins.
2 1 So foolifli was I, and ignorant :
even as it were a bealt before thee.
22 Neverthelefs, I am alway by
thee : for thou haft holden me by
my right hand.
23 Thou flialt guide me with
thy counfel : and after that re-
ceive me ^vith gloiy.
24 Whom have I in heaven but
thee : and there is none upon earth
that I delire in comparifon of thee.
25 My flefli and my heart fail-
eth : but God is the ftrength of
my heart, and my portion for ever.
26 For lo, they that forfake thee
fliall perifli : thou haft deftroyed
all them that commit fornication
againft thee.
27 But it is good for me to
hold me faft by God, to put my
truft in the Lord God : and to
fpeak of all thy works in the gates
of the daughter of Sion.
Psalm Ixxiv. Vt quid, Deu.s?
OGod, wherefore art thou ab-
fent from us fo long : \\\\y is
thy wrath fo hot againft the flieep
of thy pafture?
2 O think upon thy congrega-
tion : whom thou haft purchafed,
and redeemed of old.
3 Think upon the tribe of thine
Day 14
inheritance : and mount Sion,
wherein thou haft dwelt.
4 Lift up thy feet, that thou
mayeft utterly deftroy eveiy ene-
my : which hath done evil in thy
5 Thine adverfaries roar in the
midft of thy congregations : and
fet up their banners for tokens.
6 He that hewed timber afore
out of the thick trees : was known
to bring it to an excellent work.
7 But now they break down all
the carved work thereof : with axes
and hammers.
8 They have fet fire upon thy
holy places : and have defiled the
dwelling-place of thy Name, even
unto the ground.
9 Yea, they faid in their hearts.
Let us make havock of them alto-
gether : thus have they burnt up
all the houfes of God in the land.
10 We fee not our tokens, there
is not one prophet more : no, not
one is there among us, that un-
derftandeth any more.
no God, how long fliall the
adverfaiy do this diflionour : how
long fliall the enemy blafpheme thy
Name, for ever?
12 Why withdraweft thou thy
hand : why pluckeft thou not thy
right hand out of thy boibm to
confume the enemy?
13 For God is my Ring of old :
the help that is done upon earth
he doeth it himfelf.
14 Thou didft divide the fea
through thy power : thou brakeft
the heads of the dragons in the
15 Thou fmoteft the heads of
Leviathan in pieces : and gaveft
him to be meat for the people
in the wildeniefs.
16 Thou broughteft out foun-
tains and waters out of the liard
rocks : thou driedft up mighty
17 The day is thine, and the
night is thine : thou haft pre-
pared the Hght and the fun.
18 Thou haft fet all the borders
of the earth : thou haft made fum-
mer and winter.
19 Remember this, O Lord,
how the enemy hath rebuked :
and how the foolifti people hath
blafphemed thy Name.
20 O deliver not the foul of thy
turtle-dove unto the multitude of
the enemies : and forget not the
congregation of the poor for ever.
2 1 Look upon the covenant : for
all the earth is full of darknefs, and
cruel habitations.
22 O let not the fimple go away
afliamed : but let the poor and
needy give praife unto thy Name.
23 Arife, O God, maintain
thine own caufe : remember how
the foolifli man blafphemeth thee
24 Forget not the voice of thine
enemies : the prefumption of them
Dai/ 15.
that hate thee increafeth ever more
and more.
Psalm Ixxv. Conjitehimur tihi.
UNTO thee, O God, do we
give thanks : yea, unto thee
do we give thanks.
2 Thy Name alfo is fo nigh :
and that do thy wondrous works
3 When I receive the congre-
gation : I fliall judge according
unto right.
4 The earth is weak, and all the
inhabiters thereof : I bear up the
pillars of it.
5 I faid unto the fools. Deal
not fo madly : and to the ungod-
ly, Set not up your horn.
6 Set not up your horn on high :
and fpeak not with a ftiff neck.
7 For promotion cometli nei-
ther from the eaft, nor from the
weft : nor yet from the fouth.
8 And why? God is the Judge :
he putteth down one, and fetteth
up another.
9 For in the hand of the Lord
there is a cup, and the wine is red :
it is full mixed, and he poureth out
of the fame.
10 As for the dregs thereof : all
the ungodly of the earth lliall drink
them, and fuck them out.
1 1 But I will talk of the God of
Jacob : and praife him for ever.
12 All the horns of the ungodly
Daij 15.
alfo will 1 break : and the horns of
the riohteous fhall be exalted.
Psalm Ixxvi. Notus in Juclooa.
IN JewTy is God known : his
Name is g-reat in Ifrael.
2 At Salem is his tabernacle :
and his dwelling in Sion.
3 There brake he the arrows of
the bow : the flaield, the fword,
and the battle.
4 Thou art of more honour and
might : than the hills of the robbers.
5 The proud are robbed, they
have flept their fleep : and all the
men whofe hands were mighty
have found nothing.
6 At thy rebuke, O God of
Jacob : both the chariot and hoife
are fallen.
7 Thou, even thou art to be
feared : and who may ftand in thy
fight when thou art angiy?
8 Thou didft caufe thy judge-
ment to be heard from heaven :
the earth trembled, and was Hill,
9 When God arofe to judge-
ment : and to help all the meek
upon earth.
10 The fiercenefs of man (hall
turn to thy praife : and the fierce-
nefs of them flialt thou refrain.
1 1 Promife unto the Lord your
God, and keep it, all ye that are
round about him : bring prefents
unto him that ought to be feared.
12 He Ihall refrain the fpirit of
princes : and is wonderful among
the kings of the earth.
Day 15.
Psalm Ixxvii. Voce mea ad
I Will cry unto God with my
voice : even unto God will I
ciy with my voice, and he fliall
hearken unto me.
2 In the time of my trouble I
fought the Lord : my fore ran,
and ceafed not in the night fea
fon ; my foul refufed comfort.
3 When I am in heavinefs, I
will think upon God : when my
heart is vexed, I will complain.
4 Thou holdeft mine eyes wak-
ing : I am fo feeble, that I can-
not fpeak.
5 I have confidered the days of
old : and the years that are pail.
6 I call to remembrance my
fong : and in the night 1 commune
with mine own heart, and fearch
out my fpirits.
7 Will the Lord abfent himfelf
for ever : and will he be no more
8 Is his mercy clean gone for
ever : and is his promife come ut-
terly to an end for evermore?
9 Hath God forgotten to be
gracious : and will he ftiut up his
loving-kindnefs in difpleafure?
10 And I faid, It is mine own
infirmity : but I will remember
the years of the right hand of the
moll Highell.
1 1 I will remember the works
of the Lord : and call to mind
thy wonders of old time.
Day\5. THE P
12 I will think alfo of all thy
works : and my talking Ihall be of
thy doings.
13 Thy way, O God, is holy :
who is fo great a God as our God?
14 Thou art the God that doeth
wonders : and haft declared thy
power among the people.
15 Thou haft mightily delivered
thy people : even the fons of Jacob
and Jofeph.
16 The waters faw thee, O God,
the waters faw thee, and were
afraid : the depths alfo were trou-
17 The clouds poured out wa-
ter, the air thundered : and thine
arrows went abroad.
18 The voice of thy thunder
was heard round about : the light-
nings flione upon the ground ;
the earth was moved, and ftiook
19 Thy way is in the fea, and
thy paths in the great waters : and
thy footfteps are not known.
20 Thou leddeft thy people like
ftieep : by the hand of Mofes and
Ctiemng 0raj>er»
Psalm Ixxviii. Attendite, popule.
HEAR my law, O my people :
incline your ears unto the
words of my mouth.
2 I will open my mouth in a
parable : I will declare hard fen-
tences of old ;
SAL MS. Day 15.
3 Which we have heard and
known : and fuch as our fathers
have told us ;
4 That we ftiould not hide them
from the children of the genera-
tions to come ; but to ftiew the ho-
nour of the Lord, his mighty and
wonderful works that he hath done.
5 He made a covenant with Ja-
cob, and gave Ifrael a laAV : which
he commanded our forefathers to
teach their children ;
6 That their pofterity might
know it : and the children which
were yet unborn ;
7 To the intent that when they
came up : they might fliew their
children the fame ;
8 That they might put their
truft in God : and not to forget the
works of God, but to keep his
commandments ;
9 And not to be as their fore-
fathers, a faithlefs and ftubborn ge-
neration : a generation that fet not
their heart aright, and whofe fpirit
cleaveth not ftedfaftly unto God ;
10 Like as the children of E-
phraim : who being hamefled, and
carrying bows, turned themfelves
back in the day of battle.
1 1 They kept not the covenant
of God : and would not walk in
his law;
12 But forgat what he had
done : and the wonderful works
that he had ihewed for them.
13 Marvellous things did he in
Day \5. T H E P
the fight of our forefathers, in the
land of Egypt : even in the field
of Zoan.
14 He divided the fea, and let
them go through : he made the
waters to ftand on an heap.
15 In the day-time alfo he led
them with a cloud : and all tlie
night through with a light of fire.
16 He clave the hard rocks in
the wildernefs : and gave them
drink thereof, as it had been out
of the great depth.
17 He brought waters out of
the ilony rock : fo that it guihed
out like the rivers.
18 Yet for all this they finned
more againfi; him : and provoked
the mofi; Highefl; in the wildernefs.
19 They tempted God in their
hearts : and required meat for
their luit.
20 They fpake againfi; God alfo,
faying : Shall God prepare a table
in the wildernefs?
21 He fmote the ftony rock in-
deed, that the water guflied out,
and the ftreams flowed \vithal : but
can he give bread alfo, or provide
flefli for his people?
22 When the Lord heard this,
he was wroth : fo the fire was kind-
led in Jacob, and there came up
heavy difpleafure againft Ifrael ;
23 Becaufe they believed not
in God : and put not their truil
in his help.
24 So he connnanded the clouds
SAL MS. Day 15^
above : and opened the doors of
25 He rained down manna alfo
upon them for to eat : and gave
them food from heaven.
26 So man did eat angels
food : for he fent them meat
27 He caufed the eafl;-wind to
blow under heaven : and through
his power he brought in the fouth-
28 He rained flelh upon them
as thick as dull : and feathered
fowls like as the fand of the fea.
29 He let it fall among their
tents : even round about their
30 So they did eat, and were
well filled ; for he gave them their
own defire : they were not difap-
pointed of their lull.
31 But while the meat was yet
in their mouths, the hea^y wrath
of God came upon them, and flew
the wealthiell of them : yea, and
fmote do^vn the chofen men that
were in Ifrael.
32 But for all this they finned
yet more : and believed not his
wondrous works.
33 Therefoi'e their days did he
confume in vanity : and their years
in trouble.
34 When he flew them, they
fought him : and turned them
early, and enquired after God.
35 And they remembered that
Day 15.
God was their ftrenoth : and that
the hiffh God was their redeemer.
36 Neverthelefs, they did but flat-
ter him with their mouth : and dif-
fembled with him in their tongue.
37 For their heart was not whole
with him : neither continued they
iledfaft in his covenant.
38 But he was fo merciful, that
he forgave their mifdeeds : and
deftroyed them not.
39 Yea, many a time turned he
his wrath away : and would not fuf-
fer his whole difpleafure to arife.
40 For he confidered that they
were but flelh : and that they were
even a wind that pafleth away, and
Cometh not again.
41 Many a time did they pro-
voke him in the wildernefs : and
grieved him in the defert.
42 They turned back, and
tempted God : and moved the
Holy One in Ifrael.
43 They thought not of his
hand : and of the day when he
delivered them from the hand of
the enemy;
44 How he had wi'ought his
miracles in Egypt : and his won-
ders in the field of Zoan.
45 He turned their waters into
blood : fo that they might not
drink of the rivers.
46 He fent lice among them,
and devoured them up : and frogs
to deftroy them.
47 He gave their fruit unto the
Day 15.
caterpillar : and their labour unto
the grafshop[)er.
48 He deflroyed their vines
with hail-flones : and their mul-
berry-trees with the froH.
49 He fmote their cattle alfo
with hail-ltones : and their flocks
with hot thunder-bolts.
50 He call upon them the furi-
oufnefs of his wrath, anger, dif-
pleafure, and trouble : and fent
evil angels among them.
51 He made a way to his in-
dignation, and fpared not their
foul from death : but gave their
life over to the peftilence ;
52 And fmote all the firil-
born in Egypt : the moft prin-
cipal and mightieft in the dwell-
ings of Ham.
53 But as for his o^vn people,
he led them forth like Iheep : and
carried them in the wildernefs like
a flock.
54 He brought them out fafe-
ly, that they fhould not fear : and
overwhelmed their enemies with
the fea.
55 And brought them within
the borders of his fan6luary : even
to his moimtain which he purchaf-
ed with his right hand.
56 He cafi; out the heathen alfo
before them : caufed their land to
be divided among them for an he-
ritage, and made the tribes of If-
rael to dwell in their tents.
57 So they tempted, and dif-
Day 15.
pleafed the luoft high God : and
kept not his teftimonies ;
58 But turned their backs, and
fell away hke their forefathers :
ftarting afide Hke a broken bow.
59 For they grieved him ^vith
their hill-ahars : and provoked him
to difpleafure with their images.
60 When God heard this, he
was wi'oth : and took fore dif-
pleafure at Ifrael.
6 1 So that he forfook the taber-
nacle in Silo : even the tent that
he had pitched among men.
62 He delivered their power
into captivity : and their beauty
into the enemy's hand.
63 He gave his people over al-
fo unto the fword : and was wroth
with his inheritance.
64 The fire confumed their
young men : and their maidens
were not given to marriage.
65 Their j)riefts were llain with
the fword : and there were no en-
dows to make lamentation.
66 So the Lord awaked as one
out of fleep : and like a giant re-
freflied with wine.
67 He fmote his enemies in the
hinder parts : and put them to a
perpetual fliame.
68 He refufed the tabernacle of
Jofeph : and chofe not the tribe of
Ephraim ;
()!) I^)ut chofe the tribe of Ju-
dah : even the hill of Sion which
he loved.
70 And there he built his tem-
ple on high : and laid the founda-
tion of it like the ground which
he hath made continually.
7 1 He chofe David alfo his fer-
vant : and took him away from
the flieep-folds.
72 As he was followmg the ewes
great with young ones he took
him : that he might feed Jacob his
people, and Ifrael his inheritance.
73 So he fed them with a faith-
ful and true heart : and ruled them
prudently with all his power.
iHorning i^raper*
Psalm Ixxix. Detts, venerunt.
OGod, the heathen are come
into thine inheritance : thy
holy temple have they defiled, and
made Jerufalem an heap of ftones.
2 The dead bodies of thy fer-
vants have they given to be meat
unto the fowls of the air : and the
fleih of thy faints unto the beafts
of the land.
3 Their blood have they Ihed
like water on every fide of Jeru-
falem : and there was no man to
bury them.
4 We are become an open fliame
to our enemies : a very fcorn and
derifion unto them that are round
about us.
5 Lord, how long wilt thou be
angry : fliall thy jealoufy burn like
fire for ever?
6 Pour out thine indignation
Day 16.
upon the heathen that have not
known thee : and npon the kino-
donis that have not called upon
thy Name.
7 For they have devoured Jacob :
and laid waile his dwelling-place.
8 O remember not our old fins,
but have mercy upon us, and that
foon : for we are come to great
9 Help us, O God of our falva-
tion, for the glory of thy Name :
O deliver us, and be merciful un-
to our fins, for thy Name's fake.
10 Wherefore do the heathen
fay : Where is now their God?
11 O let the vengeance of thy
fervants' blood that is Ihed : be
openly ftiewed upon the heathen
in our fight.
12 O let the forrowful fighing
of the prifoners come before thee :
according to the greatnefs of thy
power, prefei've thou thofe that
are appointed to die.
13 And for the blafphemy where-
with oiu- neighbours have blaf-
phemed thee : reward thou them,
O Lord, feven-fold into their bo-
14 So we, that are thy people,
and ftieep of thy pafture, Ihall give
thee thanks for ever : and will al-
way be fhewing forth thy praife
from generation to generation.
Psalm Ixxx. Qui regis Ifrael.
HEAR, O thou Shepherd of If-
rael, thou that leadeft Jofeph
Day 16.
like a flieep : Ihew thyfelf alfo,
thou that fitteft upon the cheru-
2 Before Ephraini, Benjamin,
and Manaffes : ilir up thy fl;rength,
and come, and help us.
3 Turn us again, O God : fliew
the light of thy countenance, and
we ihall be whole.
4 O Lord God of hofls : how
long wilt thou be angiy with thy
people that prayeth?
5 Thou feedefl; tliem with the
bread of tears : and givefl; them
plenteoufnefs of tears to drink.
6 Thou haft made us a veiy
ftrife unto our neighbours : and
our enemies laugh us to fcorn.
7 Turn us again, thou God of
hofts : fliew the light of thy coun-
tenance, and we fliall be whole.
8 Thou haft brought a vine out
of Egypt : thou haft caft out the
heathen, and planted it.
9 Thou madeft room for it :
and when it had taken root it
filled the land.
10 The hills were covered with
the fliadow of it : and the boughs
thereof were like the goodly ce-
1 1 She ftretched out her branch-
es unto the fea : and her boughs
unto the river.
12 Why haft thou then broken
down her hedge : that all they that
go by pluck off her grapes?
13 The wild boar out of the
Day 16.
Day 16.
wood doth root it up : and the
wild beads of the field devour it.
14 Turn thee again, thou God
of hofls, look down from heaven :
behold, and vilit this vine;
15 And the place of the vineyard
that thy right hand hath planted :
and the branch that thou madeft
fo ftrong for thyfelf.
16 It is burnt with fire, and cut
down : and they Ihall perifti at the
rebuke of thy countenance.
17 Let thy hand be upon the
man of thy right hand : and upon
the fon of man, >vhom thou madefl;
fo fi;rong for thine own felf.
18 And fo will not we go back
fi'om thee : O let us live, and Ave
fliall call upon thy Name.
19 Turn us again, O Lord God of
hofl;s : fliew the light of thy coun-
tenance, and we Ihall be whole.
Psalm Ixxxi. Emdtate Deo.
SING we merrily unto God our
ftrength : make a cheerful noife
unto the God of Jacob.
2 Take the pfalm, bring hither
the tabret : the meriy harp with
the lute.
3 Blow up the trumpet in the
new-moon : even in the tune ap-
pointed, and upon our folemn
4 For this was made a ftatute
for Ifrael : and a law of the God
of Jacob.
5 This he ordained in Jofeph
for a teftimony : when he came
out of the land of Egypt, and had
heard a fl;range language.
6 I eafed his flioulder from the
burden : and his hands were deli-
vered from making the pots.
7 Thou calledft upon me in
troubles, and I delivered thee : and
heard thee what time as the fi;orm
fell upon thee.
8 I proved tliee alfo : at the
waters of ftrife.
9 Hear, O my people, and I
will affure thee, O Ifrael : if thou
wilt hearken unto me,
10 There fliall no ftrange god
be in thee : neither Ihalt thou wor-
fliip any other god.
1 1 I am the Lord thy God, who
brought thee out of the land of
Egypt : open thy mouth wide, and
I fliall fill it.
12 But my people would not
hear my voice : and Ifrael would
not obey me.
13 So I gave them up unto their
own hearts' lufts : and let them fol-
low their own imaginations.
14 O that my people would
have hearkened unto me : for if
Ifrael had walked in my ways,
15 1 fliould foon have put down
their enemies : and turned my hand
againft their adverfaries.
10 The haters of the Lord
fliould have been found liars : but
their time fliould have endured
for ever.
17 Me fliould have fed them
alfo with the fineft wheat-flour :
and with honey out of the llony
rock flioukl I have fatisfiecl thee.
DciT/ 16.
6t3mm0 i^iaper.
Psalm Ixxxii. Deus Jiet'd.
GOD ftandeth in the congre-
gation of princes : he is a
Judge among gods.
2 How long will ye give wrong
judgement : and accept the per-
fons of the ungodly?
3 Defend the poor and father-
lefs : fee that fuch as are in need
and necelTity have right.
4 Dehver the out-caft and poor :
fave them from the hand of the
5 They will not be learned nor
undei-ftand, but walk on ftill in
darknefs : all the foundations of
the earth are out of courfe.
6 I have faid, Ye are gods : and
ye are all the children of the moft
7 But ye fhall die like men :
and fall like one of the princes.
8 Arife, O God, and judge thou
the earth : for thou (halt take all
heathen to thine inheritance.
Psalm Ixxxiii. Deus, quis Jimilis?
HOLD not thy tongue, O God,
keep not ftill filence : refrain
not thyfelf, O God.
2 For lo, thine enemies make a
murmuring : and they that hate
thee have lift up their head.
3 They have imagined craftily
againft thy people : and taken
counl'el againft tliy fecret ones.
4 ITiey have faid, Come, and
let us root them out, that they be
no more a people : and that the
name of Ifrael may be no more in
5 For they have call their heads
together with one confent : and
are confederate againft thee ;
G The tabernacles of the E-
domites, and the Ifinaelites : the
Moabites, and Hagarens ;
7 Gebal, and Annnon, and A-
malek : the Philiftines, Avith them
that dwell at Tyre.
8 Affur alfo is joined with
them : and have holpen the chil-
dren of Lot.
9 But do thou to them as unto
the Madianites : unto Sifera, and
unto Jabin at the brook of Kifon ;
10 Who periihed at Endor : and
became as the dung of the earth.
11 Make them and their prin-
ces like Oreb and Zeb : yea, make
all their princes like as Zeba and
Salmana ;
12 Who fay, Let us take to
ourfelves : the houfes of God in
13 O my God, make them like
unto a wheel : and as the ftubble
before the wind ;
14 Like as the fire that burneth
up the wood : and as the flame
that confmneth the mountains.
15 Perfecute them even fo with
Day 16.
thy tempeft : and make them a-
fraid watli thy ftorm.
16 Make their faces alhamed,
O Lord : that they may feek thy
17 Let them be confounded
and vexed ever more and more : let
them be put to Ihame, and perilh.
1 8 And they (hall know that thou,
whofe Name is Jehovah : art only
the moft Higheft over all the earth.
Psalm Ixxxiv. Quam diledia!
OHow amiable are thy dwell-
ings : thou Lord of hofts !
2 My foul hath a defire and
longing to enter into the courts of
the Lord : my heart and my flelh
rejoice in the living God.
3 Yea, the fparrow hath found
her an lioufe, and the fwallow
a nefl where (lie may lay her
young : even thy altars, O Lord
of holls, my King and my God.
4 Bleffed are they that dwell
in thy houfe : they will be alway
praifing thee.
5 Blefled is the man whofe
ftrength is in thee : in whofe
heart are thy ways.
6 Who going through the vale
of mifery ufe it for a well : and
the pools are filled with water.
7 They will go from ftrength to
ftrenffth : and unto the (iod of o'ods
appeareth every one of them in Sion.
8 () Lord (lod of hofts, hear my
prayer : hearken, () (lod of .Tacob.
9 Behold, O God our defender :
Bay 16.
and look upon the face of thine
10 For one day in thy courts :
is better than a thoufand.
1 1 I had rather be a door-keeper
in the houfe of my God : than to
dwell in the tents of ungodlinefs.
1 2 For the Lord God is a light
and defence : the Lord will give
grace and worfliip, and no good
thing fliall he AA^thhold from them
that live a godly life.
13 O Lord God of hofts : blefled
is the man that putteth his truft
in thee.
Psalm Ixxxv. Benedij?ijii, Domhie.
LORD, thou art become gra-
cious unto thy land : thou
haft turned away the captivity of
2 Thou haft forgiven the oftence
of thy people : and covered all
their fins.
3 Thou haft taken away all thy
difpleafure : and turned thyfelf
from thy wrathful indignation.
4 Turn us then, O God our
Saviour : and let thine anger ceafe
from us.
5 Wilt thou be difpleafed at us
for ever : and wilt thou ftretch out
thy wrath from one generation to
6 Wilt thou not turn again, and
quicken us : that thy people may
rejoice in thee?
7 Shew us thy mercy, O Lord :
and grant us thy falvation.
Day 17.
Day 17.
8 I will hearken what the Lord
God will fay concerning nie : for
he fliall fpeak peace unto his peo-
ple, and to his faints, that they
turn not again.
9 For his falvation is nigh them
that fear him : that glory may dwell
in our land.
10 Mercy and truth are met
together : righteoufnefs and peace
have kilfed each other.
11 Truth fliall flourifli out of
the earth : and righteoufnefs hath
looked down from heaven.
12 Yea, the Lord fliall fliew
loving-kindnefs : and our land fliall
give her increafe.
13 Righteoufnefs fliall go be-
fore him : and he fliall dire6t his
going in the way.
£0ormns i^raper*
PsALk Ixxxvi. Inclina, Domine.
BOW down thine ear, O Lord,
and hear me : for I am poor,
and in niifery.
2 Preferve thou my foul, for I
am holy : my God, fave thy fervant
that putteth his trufl; in thee.
3 Be merciful unto me, O Lord :
for I will call daily upon thee.
4 Comfort the foul of thy fer-
vant : for unto thee, O Lord, do
I lift up my foul.
5 For thou. Lord, art good and
gracious : and of great mercy unto
all them that call upon thee.
6 Give ear, Lord, unto my
prayer : and ponder the voice of
my humble delires.
7 111 the time of my trouble I will
call upon thee : for thou heareft me.
8 Among the gods there is none
like unto thee, O Lord : there is
not one that can do as thou doeft.
9 All nations whom thou hafi;
made fliall come and worfliip thee,
O Lord : and fliall glorify thy
10 For thou art great, and doefl;
wondrous things : thou art God
1 1 Teach me thy way, O Lord,
and I will walk in thy truth : O
knit my heart unto thee, that I
may fear thy Name.
12 I will thank thee, O Lord
my God, with all my heart : and
will praife thy Name for evermore.
13 For great is thy mercy to-
ward me : and thou hall delivered
my foul from the nethermoft hell.
14 O God, the proud are rifen
againfl; me : and the congregations
of naughty men have fought after
my foul, and have not fet thee be-
fore their eyes.
15 But thou, O Lord God, art
full of compaflion and mercy :
long-fuffering, plenteous in good-
iiefs and truth.
16 O turn thee then unto me,
and have mercy upon me : give
thy fl;rength unto thy fervant, and
help the fon of thine handmaid.
17 Shew fome token upon me
Rr a
Day 17.
for good, that they who hate me
may fee it, and be alhamed : be-
caufe thou, Lord, haft holpen me,
and comforted me.
Psalm Ixxxvii. Fundamenta ejus.
HER foundations are upon the
holy hills : the Lord loveth
the gates of Sion more than all the
dwellings of Jacob.
2 Very excellent things are fpo-
ken of thee : thou city of God.
3 I will think upon Rahab and
Babylon : with them that know
4 Behold ye the Philiftines alfo :
and they of Tyre, with the Mo-
rians; lo, there was he born.
5 And of Sion it fliall be report-
ed that he was born in her : and
the nioft Hio-h ihall ftablifh her.
() The Lord ihall rehearfe it
w^hen he writeth up the people :
that he was born there.
7 The fingers alfo and trumpet-
ers (hall he rehearfe : All my frefh
fpnngs fliall be in thee.
Psalm Ixxxviii. Domine Dens.
Lord God of my falvation, I
have cried day and night be-
fore thee : O let my prayer enter
into thy prefence, incline thine
ear unto my calling.
2 For my foul is full of trouble :
and my life draweth nigh unto hell.
3 I am counted as one of them
that go down into the pit : and I
have been even as a man that hath
no ftrength.
Day 17.
4 Free among the dead, like
unto them that are wounded, and
lie in the grave : who are out of
remembrance, and are cut away
from thy hand.
5 Thou haft laid me in the
loweft pit : in a place of darknefs,
and in the deep.
6 Thine indignation lieth hard
upon me : and thou haft vexed me
with all thy ftorms.
7 Thou haft put away mine ac-
quaintance far from me : and made
me to be abhorred of theuL
8 I am fo faft in prifon : that I
cannot get forth.
9 My fight faileth for veiy trou-
ble : Lord, I have called daily up-
on thee, I have ftretched forth my
hands unto thee.
10 Doft thou fliew wonders a-
mong the dead : or fliall the dead
rife up again, and praife thee?
1 1 Shall thy loving- kindnefs be
fliewed in the grave : or thy faith-
fuhiefs in deft ru(ft ion?
12 Shafl thy wondrous works
be known in the dark : and thy
riohteoufnefs in the land where all
things are forgotten?
13 Unto thee have I cried, O
Lord : and early fliall my prayer
come before thee.
14 Lord, why abhorreft thou
my foul : and hideft thou thy face
from me?
1 .3 I am in mifery, and like unto
him that is at the point to cUe : even
Day 17.
from my youth up thy terrors have
I fufferetl with a troubled mind.
16 Thy wrathful difpleafure go-
eth over me : and the fear of thee
hath undone me.
17 They came round about me
daily like water : and compafled
me together on every fide.
18 My lovers and friends haft
thou put away from me : and
hid mine acquaintance out of my
Psalm Ixxxix. Mifericordias
1%/TY fong Ihall be alway of the
-^^ A loving-kindnefs of the Lord :
with my mouth will I ever be
ihewing thy truth from one gene-
ration to another.
2 For I have faid, Mercy ftiall
be fet up for ever : thy truth flialt
thou ftablifti in the heavens.
3 I have made a covenant with
my chofen : I have fworn unto
David my fervant ;
4 Thy feed will I ftablifti for
ever : and fet up thy throne from
one generation to another.
5 O Lord, the very heavens
fliall praife thy wondrous works :
and thy truth in the congregation
of the faints.
6 For who is he among the
clouds : that ftiall be compared
unto the Lord?
7 And what is he among the
Day 17.
gods : that ftiall be like unto the
8 God is veiy greatly to be fear-
ed in the couiifel of the faints : and
to be had in reverence of all them
that are round about him.
9 O Lord God of hofts, who is
like unto thee : thy truth, moft
mighty Lord, is on every fide.
10 Thou ruleft the raging of the
fea : thou ftilleft the waves thereof
when they arife.
11 Thou haft fubdued Egypt,
and deftroyed it : thou haft fcat-
tered thine enemies abroad with
thy mighty arm.
12 The heavens are thine, the
eardi alfo is thine : thou haft laid
the foundation of the round world,
and all that therein is.
13 Thou haft made the north
and the foutli : Tabor and Her-
mon fliall rejoice in thy Name.
14 Thou haft a mighty arm :
ftrong is thy hand, and high is thy
right hand.
15 Righteoufnefs and equity are
the habitation of thy feat : mercy
and truth fliall go before thy face.
16 Bleffed is the people, O
Lord, that can rejoice in thee :
they fliall walk in the light of thy
17 Their delight fliall be daily
in thy Name : and in thy right-
eoufnefs fliall they make their
18 For thou art the glory of their
BayXl. THE P
ftrength : and in thy loving-kind-
nefs thou flialt lift up our horns.
19 For the Lord is our defence :
the Holy One of Ifrael is our King.
20 Thou fpakeft fometime in
vilions unto thy faints, and faidft :
I have laid help upon one that is
mighty ; I have exalted one cliofen
out of the people.
211 have found David my fer-
vant : with my holy oil have I
anointed him.
22 My hand ftiall hold him faft :
and my arm fliall ftrengthen him.
23 The enemy fliall not be able
to do him violence : the fon of
wickednefs fliall not hurt him.
24 I will fmite down his foes
before his face : and plague them
that hate him.
25 My truth alfo and my mercy
fliall be with him : and in my
Name fliall his honi be exalted.
26 I will fet his dominion alfo
in the fea : and his right hand in
the floods.
27 He fliall call me, Thou art
my Father : my God, and my
ftrong falvation.
28 And I will make him my
firll-born : higher than the kings
of the earth.
29 My mercy will I keep for
him for evermore : and my cove-
nant fliall fl;and faft with him.
30 His feed alfo will I make to
endure for ever : and his throne as
the days of heaven.
SAL MS. BayXl,
31 But if his children forfake
my law : and walk not in my
judgements ;
32 If they break my ftatutes,
and keep not my commandments :
I will ^i(it their offences with the
rod, and their fin with fcourges.
33 Neverthelefs, my loving-
kindnefs will I not utterly take
from him : nor fuffer my truth
to fail.
34 My covenant will I not
break, nor alter the thing that is
gone out of my lips ; I have fworn
once by my holinefs, that I will
not fail David.
35 His feed fliall endure for
ever : and his feat is like as the
fun before me.
36 He fliall ftaiid faft for ever-
more as the moon : and as the
faithful %vitnefs in heaven.
37 But thou haft abhorred and
forfaken thine Anointed : and art
difpleafed at him.
38 Thou haft broken the cove-
nant of thy fervant : and caft his
crown to the ground.
39 Thou haft overthrown all
his hedges : and broken down his
ftrong holds.
40 All they that go by fpoil
him : and he is become a reproach
to his neighbours.
41 Thou haft fet up the right
hand of his enemies : and made all
his adverfaries to rejoice.
42 Thou haft taken away the
Dmj 18.
edge of his fword : and giveft him
not vi6tory in the battle.
43 Tliou haft put out his glory :
and caft his throne down to the
44 The days of his youth haft
thou Ihortened : and covered him
with diflionour.
45 Lord, how long wilt thou
hide thyfelf, for ever : and ftiall
thy wvdXh burn like fire?
46 O remember how fhort my
time is : wherefore haft thou made
all men for nought?
47 What man is he that liveth,
and (liall not fee death : and lliall
he deliver his foul from the hand
of hell?
48 Lord, where are thy old
loving-kindneffes : which thou
fwareft unto David in thy truth?
49 Remember, Lord, the re-
buke that thy fervants have : and
how I do bear in my bofom the
rebukes of many people ;
50 Wherewith thine enemies
have blafphemed thee, and flander-
ed the footfteps of thine Anointed :
Praifed be the Lord for evermore.
Amen, and Amen.
iHorning i^ra^er.
Psalm xc. Domine, refugiiim.
LORD, thou haft been our re-
fuge : fi-om one generation
to another.
2 Before the mountains were
brought forth, or ever the earth
Bmj 18.
and the world were made : thou art
God from everlafting, and world
without end.
3 Thou turneft man to deftruc-
tion : again thou fayeft. Come a-
gaiu, ye children of men.
4 For a thoufand years in thy
fight are but as yefterday : feeinj^
that is paft as a watch in the night.
5 As foon as thou fcattereft them
they are even as a lleep : and fade
away fuddenly like the grafs.
6 In the morning it is green,
and groweth up : but in the even-
ing it is cut down, dried uj3, and
7 For we confume away in thy
difpleafure : and are afi'aid at thy
wrathful indignation.
8 Thou haft fet our mifdeeds
before thee : and our fecret fins in
the light of thy countenance.
9 For when thou art angiy all
our days are gone : we bring our
years to an end, as it were a tale
that is told.
10 The days of our age are
threefcore years and ten ; and
though men be fo ftrong that they
come to fourfcore years : yet is
their ftrength then but labour and
forrow; fo foon paffeth it away,
and we are gone.
1 1 But who regardeth the power
of thy wrath : for even thereafter
as a man feareth, fo is thy dif-
12 O teach us to number our
Day 18.
days : that we may apply om* hearts
unto wifdom.
13 Turn thee again, O Lord, at
the laft : and be gracious vmto thy
14 O fatisfy us with tliy mercy,
and that foon : fo fliall we rejoice
and be glad all the days of our life.
15 Comfort us again now after
the time that thou haft plagued us :
and for the years wherein we have
fuifered adverlity.
16 Shew thy fervants thy work :
and their children thy glory.
17 And the glorious Majefty of
the Lord our God be upon us :
profper thou the work of our hands
upon us, O profper thou our han-
Psalm xci. Qui habitat.
WHOSO dwelleth under the
defence of the moft High :
fliall abide under the fliadow of
the Almighty.
2 I will fay unto the Lord, Thou
art my hope, and my ftrong hold :
my God, in him will I truft.
3 For he fliall deliver thee from
the fnare of the hunter : and from
the noifome peftilence.
4 He fliall defend thee under his
wings, and thou flialt be fafe under
his feathers : his faithfulnefs and
truth fliall be thy fliield and buckler.
5 Thou flialt not be afraid for
any terror by night : nor for the
arrow that flietli by day;
6 For the peftilence that walk-
Dmj 18.
eth in darknefs : nor for the ficknefs
that deftroyeth in the noon-day.
7 A thoufand fliall fall befide
thee, and ten thoufand at thy right
hand : but it fliall not come iiish
8 Yea, with thine eyes flialt thou
behold : and fee the reward of the
9 For thou. Lord, art my hope :
thou haft fet thine houfe of defence
veiy high.
10 There fliall no evil happen
unto thee : neither fliall any plague
come nigh thy dwelling.
1 1 For he fliall give his angels
charge over thee : to keep thee in
all thy ways.
12 They fliall bear thee in their
hands : that thou hurt not thy foot
againft a ft one.
13 Thou flialt go upon the lion
and adder : the young lion and
the dragon flialt thou tread under
thy feet.
14 Becaufe he hath fet his love
upon me, therefore will I deliver
him : I will fet him up, becaufe he
hath known my Name.
15 He fliall call upon me, and I
will hear him : yea, 1 am with him
in trouble; 1 will deliver him, and
bring him to honour.
1(> With long life will I fatisfy
him : and fhew hlin my ftdvation.
Psalm xcii. Bo/mm ejl conjitcri.
IT is a good thing to give
thanks unto the Lord : and to
Bay 18.
fing praifes unto thy Name, O
moll Ilig'heft;
2 To tell of thy loviiig-kindnefs
early in the morning : and of thy
truth in the night-feafon ;
3 Upon an inftrument of ten
firings, and upon the lute : upon
a loud inftrument, and upon the
4 For thou. Lord, haft made
me glad through thy works : and
I will rejoice in giving praife for
the operations of thy hands.
5 O Lord, how glorious are thy
works : thy thoughts are very deep.
6 An. un wife man doth not well
confider this : and a fool doth not
undei*ftand it.
7 When the ungodly are green
as the grafs, and when all the
workers of wickednefs do flou-
rifti : then fliall they be deftroyed
for ever ; but thou. Lord, art the
moft Higheft for evermore.
8 For lo, thine enemies, O Lord,
lo, thine enemies (hall perilh : and
all the workers of wickednefs Ihall
be deftroyed.
9 But mine horn fliall be exalted
like the horn of an unicorn : for I
am anointed with fi'efli oil.
10 Mine eye alfo fliall fee his
luft of mine enemies : and mine
ear fliall hear his defire of the
wicked that arife up againft me.
11 The righteous fliall flourifli
like a palm-tree : and fliall fpread
abroad like a cedar in Libanus.
Bay 18.
12 Such as are planted in the
houfe of the Lord : fliall flourifli
in the courts of the houfe of our
13 They alfo fliall bring forth
more fruit in their age : and fliall
be fat and well-liking.
14 That they may fliew how true
the Lord my ftrength is : and that
there is no unrighteoufnefs in him.
Psalm xciii. Dominus regnamt.
THE Lord is King, and hath
put on glorious apparel : the
Lord hath put on his apparel, and
girded himfelf with ftrength.
2 He hath made the round world
fo fure : that it cannot be moved.
3 Ever fince the world began
hath thy feat been prepared : thou
art from everlafting,
4 The floods are rifeii, O Lord,
the floods have lift up their voice :
the floods lift up their waves.
5 The waves of the fea are
mighty, and rage horribly : but
yet the Lord, who dwelleth on
high, is mightier.
6 Thy teftimonies, O Lord, are
very fure : holinefs becometh thine
houfe for ever.
Psalm xciv. Deus ultiomim.
OLord God, to whom venge-
ance belongeth : thou God,
to whom vengeance belongeth,
fliew thyfelf.
2 Arife, thou Judge of the world •
Dmj 18.
and rewai'd the proud after their
, 3 Lord, how long Ihall the un-
godly : how long Ihall the ungodly
triumph ?
4 How long fliall all wicked
doers fpeak fo difdainfully : and
make fuch proud boafting?
5 Tliey fniite down thy peo-
ple, O Lord : and trouble thine
6 They murder the widow, and
the ftranger : and put the father-
lefs to death.
'^^7 And yet they fay, Tufli, the
Lord Ihall not fee ; neither lliall
the God of Jacob regard it.
8 Take heed, ye unwife among
the people : O ye fools, when will
ye underftand?
9 He that planted the ear, fliall
he not hear : or he that made the
eye, Ihall he not fee?
10 Or he that nurtureth the hea-
then : it is he that teacheth man
knowledge, fliall not he punifli?
11 The Lord knoweth the
thoughts of man : that they are
but vain.
12 Blefled is the man whom
thou chaftenell, O Lord : and
teachcil him in thy law;
13 That thou mayeft give him
patience in time of adverfity : until
the pit be digged up for the ungodly.
14 For the Lord will not fail his
peopk; : neither will he forfake his
inheritance ;
-: ■■5
Bay 19.
15 Until righteoufnefs turn a-
gain unto judgement : all fuch as
are true in heart fliall follow it.
1 6 Who will rife up with me a-
gainfl; the wicked : or who will take
my part againfl; the evil-doers?
17 If the Lord had not helped
me : it had not failed but my foul
had been put to filence.
18 But when I faid. My foot
hath llipt : thy mercy, O Lord,
held me up.
19 In the multitude of the for-
rows that I had in my heart :
thy comforts have refreflied my
20 Wilt thou have any thing to
do with the ftool of wickednefs :
which imagineth mifchief as a law?
21 They gather tliem together
ag-ainfl; the foul of the rio-hteous :
and condemn the innocent blood.
22 But the Lord is my refuge :
and my God is the ftrength of my
23 He fliall recompenfe them
their wickednefs, and deftroy them
in their own malice : yea, the Lord
our God fliall defl;roy them.
iHorntng iBraper,
Psalm xcv. Venite, eciultemiis.
OCome, let us fing unto the
Lord : let us heartily rejoice
in the ilrength of our falvation.
2 Let us come before his pre-
fence with thankfoivina" : and (hew
ourfelves glad in him with pfahns.
Bay 19.
3 For the Lord is a great God :
and a great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are all the corners
of the earth : and the ftrength of
the hills is his alfo.
5 The fea is his, and he made
it : and his hands prepared the
dry land.
6 O come, let us worlhip and
fall down : and kneel before the
Lord our Maker.
7 For he is the Lord our God :
and we are the people of his paf-
ture, and the Iheep of his hand.
8 To-day if ye will hear his
voice, harden not your hearts : as
in the provocation, and as in the
day of temptation in the wildernefs;
9 When your fathers tempted
me : proved me, and faw my works.
10 Fijrty years long was I griev-
ed with this generation, and faid :
It is a people that do err in their
hearts, for they have not known
my ways ;
1 1 Unto whom I fware in my
wrath : that they ftiould not enter
into my reft.
Psalm xcvi. Cantate Domino.
OSing unto the Lord a new
fong : fing unto the Lord,
all the whole earth.
2 Sing unto the Lord, and praife
his Name : be telling of his falva-
tion from day to day.
3 Declare his honour unto the
heathen : and his wonders unto all
Day 19.
4 For the Lord is great, and
cannot worthily be praifed : he is
more to be feared than all gods.
5 As for all the gods of the hea-
then, they are but idols : but it is
the Lord that made the heavens.
6 Glory and worfliip are before
him : power and honour are in his
fandluary. ^ ' - ';,
7 Afcribe unto the'Lord, O ye
kindreds of the [)eople : afcribe un-
to the Lord worlhip and power.
8 Afcribe unto the Lord the ho-
nour due unto his Name : bring
prefents, and come into his courts.
9 O worfliip the Lord in the
beauty of holinefs : let the whole
earth ftand in awe of him.
10 Tell it out among the hea-
then that the Lord is King : and
that it is he who hath made the
round world fo faft that it cannot
be moved ; and how that he fliall
judge the people righteoufly.
1 1 Let the heavens rejoice, and
let the earth be glad : let the fea
make a noife, and all that therein is.
12 Let the field be joyful, and
all that is in it : then fliall all the
trees of the wood rejoice before
the Lord.
13 For he cometh, for he com-
eth to judge the earth : and with
righteoufnefs to judge the world,
and the people with his ti-utli.
Psalm xcvii. Dominus regnavit.
THE Lord is King, the earth
may be glad thereof : yea,
Day 19.
Bmj 19.
the multitude of the ifles may be
glad thereof.
2 Clouds and darknefs are
round about him : righteoufnefs
and judgement are the habitation
of his feat.
3 There Ihall 20 a fire before
1 •
him : and bum up his enemies
on every fide.
4 His lightnings gave ftiine un-
to the world : the earth faw it, and
was afraid.
5 The hills melted like wax at
the prefence of the Lord : at the
prefence of the Lord of the whole
6 The heavens have declared
his righteoufnefs : and all the peo-
ple have feen his gloiy.
7 Confounded be all they that
worfliip carved images, and that
delight in vain gods : worfliip him,
all ye gods.
8 Sion heard of it, and rejoiced :
and the daughters of Judah were
glad, becaufe of thy judgements,
O Lord.
9 For thou. Lord, art higher
than all that are in the earth :
thou art exalted far above all gods.
10 O ye that love the Lord, fee
that ye hate the thing which is evil :
the Lord preferveth the fouls of
his faints ; he Ihall deliver them
from the hand of the ungodly.
1 1 There is fprung up a light
for the righteous : and joyful glad-
nefs for fuch as are true-hearted.
12 Rejoice in the Lord, ye right-
eous : and give thanks for a re-
membrance of his holhiefs.
Ctjenms draper*
Psalm xcviii. Cantate Domino.
OSing unto the Lord a new
fong : for he hath done mar-
vellous things.
2 With his own right hand, and
with his holy arm : hath he gotten
himfelf the vidlory.
3 The Lord declared his falvation :
his righteoufnefs hath he openly
fliewed in the fight of the heathen.
4 He hath remembered his mer-
cy and truth toward the houfe of If-
rael : and all the ends of the world
have feen the falvation of our God.
5 Shew yourfelves joyful unto
the Lord, all ye lands : Ijng, re-
joice, and give thanks.
6 Praife the Lord upon the
harp : fing to the harp with a
pfalm of thankfgiving.
7 With trumpets alfo, and
fliawms : O Ihew yourfelves joy-
ful before the Lord the King.
8 Let the fea make a noife, and
all that therein is : the round world,
and they that dwell therein.
9 Let the floods clap their hands,
and let the hills be joyful together
before the Lord : for he is come
to judge the earth.
10 With righteoufnefs ftiall he
judge the world : and the people
with equity.
Day 19.
Psalm xcix. Dominus regnavit.
THE Lord is King, be the peo-
ple never fo impatient : he
fitteth between the cheriibinis, be
the earth never fo unquiet.
2 The Lord is great in Sion : and
high above all people.
3 They Ihall give thanks unto
thy Name : which is great, won-
derful, and holy.
4 The King's power loveth judge-
ment ; thou haft prepared equity :
thou haft executed judgement and
righteoufnefs in Jacob.
5 O magnify the Lord our God :
and fall down before his footftool,
forifhe is holy.
6 Mofes and Aaron among his
priefts, and Samuel among fuch as
call upon his Name : thefe called
upon the Lord, and he heard them.
7 He fpake unto them out of
the cloudy pillar : for they kept his
teftimonies, and the law that he
gave them.
8 Tliou heardeft them, O Lord
our God : thou forgaveft them,
O God, and punifliedft their own
9 O magnify the Lord our God,
and worlhip him upon his holy hill :
for the Lord our God is holy.
Psalm c. Jubilate Deo.
OBe joyful in the Lord, all ye
lands : ferve the Lord with
gladnefs, and come before his pre-
sence with a fono-.
2 Be ye fure that the Lord he is
Daij 19.
God : it is he that hath made us,
and not we ourfelves ; we are his
people, and the flieej) of his pafture.
fi () go your way into his gates
with thankfgiving, and into his
courts with praife : be thankful unto
him, and fpeak good of his Name.
4 For the Lord is gracious, his
mercy is everlafting : and his truth
endureth from generation to ge-
Psalm ci. Mifericordiam et
MY fong fliall be of mercy and
judgement : unto thee, O
Lord, will I fing. j»
2 O let me have underftand-
ing : in the way of godlinefs.
3 When wilt thou come unto
me : I will walk in my houfe with
a perfe6t heart.
4 I will take no wicked thing in
hand ; I hate the fins of unfaith-
fulnefs : there fliall no fuch cleave
unto me.
5 A froward heart fliall depart
from me : I will not know a wick-
ed perfon.
6 Whofo privily flandereth his
neighbour : him will I deftroy.
7 Whofo hath alfo a proud look
and high ftomach : I will not fuf-
fer him.
8 Mine eyes look upon fuch as
are faithful in the land : that they
may dwell with me.
9 Whofo leadeth a godly life :
he fliall be my fervant.
Day 20.
10 There fliall no deceitful per-
fon dwell in my houfe : he that
telleth lies fliall not tariy in my
Ill fliall foon defl;roy all the
ungodly that are in the land : that
I may root out all wicked doers
from the city of the Lord.
£Pormns draper.
Psalm cii. Dombie, eocmidi.
HEAR my prayer, O Lord :
and let my crying come un-
to thee.
2 Hide not thy face from me in
the time of my trouble : incline
thine ear unto me when I call ;
O hear me, and that right foon.
3 For my days are confumed a-
way like fmoke : and my bones are
burnt up as it were a fire-brand.
4 My heart is fmitten down,
and withered like grafs : fo that I
forget to eat my bread.
5 For the voice of my groan-
ing : my bones will fcarce cleave
to my flefli.
6 I am become like a pelican in
the wildeniefs : and like an owl
that is in the defert.
7 I have watched, and am even
• as it were a fparrow : that fitteth
alone upon the houfe-top.
8 Mine enemies revile me all
the day long : and they that are
mad upon me are fworn together
againfi; me.
9 For I have eaten alhes as it
Bay 20.
were bread : and mingled my drink
with weeping ;
10 And that becaufe of thine
indignation and wrath : for thou
haft taken me up, and caft me
11 My days are gone like a
fliadow : and I am withered like
12 But, thou, O Lord, flialt en-
dure for ever : and thy remem-
brance throughout all generations.
13 Thou flialt arife, and have
mercy ujion Sion : for it is time
that thou have mercy upon her,
yea, the time is come.
14 And why? thy fei'vants think
upon her Hones : and it pitieth
them to fee her in the duft.
15 The heathen fliall fear thy
Name, O Lord : and all the kings
of the earth thy Majefty;
16 When the Lord fliall build
up Sion : and when his glory fliall
appear ;
17 When he turneth him unto
the prayer of the poor deftitute :
and defpifeth not their defire.
18 This fliall be written for
thofe that come after : and the
people which fliall be bom fliall
praife the Lord.
19 For he hath looked down
from his fan^hiaiy : cut of the
heaven did the Lord behold the
earth ;
20 That he might hear the
mournings of fuch as are in cap-
Day 20.
Bay 20.
tivity : and deliver tlie children
appointed unto death ;
21 That they may declare the
Name of the Lord in Sion : and
his worfliip at Jeriifalem ;
22 When the people are ga-
thered together : and the king-
doms alfo, to ferve the Lord.
23 He brought down my ftrength
in my journey : and ihortened my
24 But I faid, O my God, take
me not away in the midft of mine
age : as for thy years, they endure
throughout all generations.
25 Thou, Lord, in the begin-
ning haft laid the foundation of
the earth : and the heavens are
the work of thy hands.
26 They ftiall perilh, but thou
ihalt endure : they all fliall wax
old as doth a garment ;
27 And as a vefture (halt thou
change them, and they lliall be
changed : but thou art the fame,
and thy years Ihall not fail.
28 The children of thy fervants
fliall continue : and their feed fliall
ftand faft in thy fight.
Psalm ciii. Henedic, anima meet.
PRAISE the Lord, O my foul :
and all that is within me praife
his holy Name.
2 Praife the Lord, O my foul :
and forget not all his benefits ;
3 Who forgiveth all thy fin : and
healeth all thine infirmities ;
4 Who faveth thy life from
(lellru(^lion : and crowneth thee
with mercy and loving-kindnefs ;
5 Who fatisfieth thy mouth with
good things : making thee young
and lufty as an eagle.
The Lord executeth right-
eoufnefs and judgement : for all
them that are opprefl'ed with wrong.
7 He fliewed his ways unto
Mofes : his works unto the chil-
dren of Ifrael.
8 The Lord is full of com-
paflion and mercy : long-fuffer-
ing, and of great goodnefs.
9 He will not alway be chid-
ing : neither keepeth he his anger
for ever.
10 He hath not dealt with us
after oiu* fins : nor rewarded us
according to our wickednefles.
1 1 For look how high the hea-
ven is in companion of the earth :
fo great is his mercy alfo toward
them that fear him.
12 Look how wide alfo the eaft
is from the weft : fo far hath he
fet our fins from us.
13 Yea, like as a father pitieth
his own children : even fo is the
Lord merciful unto them that feai*
14 For he knoweth whereof we
are made : he remembereth that
we are but duft.
15 The days of man are but as
grafs : for he flouriflieth as a flower
of the field.
16 For as foon as the wind go-
Bay 20.
eth over it, it is gone : and the place
thereof (hall know it no more.
17 But the merciful goodnefs
of the Lord endureth for ever
and ever upon them that fear
him : and his lighteoufnefs upon
children's children ;
18 Even upon fuch as keep
his covenant : and think upon
his commandments to do them.
19 The Lord hath prepared
his feat in heaven : and his king-
dom ruleth over all.
20 O praife the Lord, ye angels
of his, ye that excel in ftrength :
ye that fulfil his commandment,
and hearken unto the voice of
his words.
21 O praife the Lord, all ye
his hofts : ye fervants of his that
do his pleafure.
22 O fpeak good of the Lord,
all ye works of his, in all places
of his dominion : praife thou the
Lord, O my foul.
Psalm civ. Benedic, anima mea.
PRAISE the Lord, O my foul :
O Lord my God, thou art be-
come exceeding glorious; thou art
clothed with majefty and honour.
2 Thou deckeft thyfelf with light
as it were with a garment : and
fpreadeft out the heavens like a
3 Who layeth the beams of his
chambers in the waters : and
maketh the clouds his chariot, and
walketh upon the wings of the
4 He maketh his angels fpirits :
and his minifters a flaming fire.
5 He laid the foundations of
the earth : that it never ftiould
move at any time.
6 Thou coveredft it with the
deep like as with a garment : the
waters Hand in the hills.
7 At thy rebuke they flee : at
the voice of thy thunder they are
8 They go up as high as the
hills, and down to the valleys be-
neath : even unto the place which
thou haft appointed for them.
9 Thou haft fet them their
bounds which they fliall not pafs :
neither turn again to cover the
10 He fendeth the fprings into
the rivers : which run among the
11 All beafts of the field drink
thereof : and the wild afl'es quench
their thirft.
12 Befide them ftiall the fowls
of the air have their habitation :
and fing among the branches.
13 He watereth the hills from
above : the earth is filled with the
fruit of thy works.
14 He bringeth forth grafs for
the cattle : and green herb for the
fervice of men ;
15 "^That he may bring food out
Day 20.
of the earth, and wine that mak-
eth olad the lieart of man : and
oil to make him a cheerful coun-
tenance, and bread to llrcngthen
man's heart.
16 The trees of the Lord alfo
are full of fap : even the cedars of
Libanus which he hath planted ;
1 7 Wherein the birds make their
nefts : and the fir-trees are a dwell-
ing for the ftork.
18 The high hills are a refuge
for the wild goats : and fo are the
ftony rocks for the conies.
19 He appointed the moon for
certain feafons : and the fun know-
eth his going down.
20 Thou makell darknefs that
it may be night : wherein all the
beafts of the foreft do move.
21 The lions roaring after their
prey : do feek their meat from God.
22 The fun arifeth, and they
get them away together : and lay
them down in their dens.
23 Man goeth forth to his work,
and to his labour : until the evening.
24 O Lord, how manifold are
thy works : in wifdom haft thou
made them all; the earth is full of
thy riches.
25 So is the great and wide fea
3,lfo : wherein are things creeping
innumerable, both fmall and great
26 There go the ftiips, and there
is that Leviathan : whom thou haft
made to take his paftime therein.
Day 2L
27 Thefe wait all uj)on thee :
that thou mayeft give them meat
in due feafon.
28 When thou giveft it them
they gatlier it : and when thou
openell thy liand they are filled
with good.
29 When thou hideft thy face
they are troubled : when thou tak-
eft away their breath they die, and
are turned ajjain to their duft.
30 When thou letteft thy breath
go forth they (hall be made : and
thou flialt renew the face of the
31 The glorious Majefty of the
Lord fliall endure for ever : the
liOrd fliall rejoice in his works.
32 The earth fliall tremble at
the look of him : if he do but
touch the hills, they fliall fmoke.
33 I will fing unto the Lord
as long as I live : I will praife my
God while I have my being.
34 And fo fliall my words pleafe
him : my joy fliall be in the Lord.
35 As for finners, they fliall be
confumed out of the earth, and the
ungodly fliall come to an end :
praife thou the Lord, O my foul,
praife the Lord.
Psalm cv. Conjitemini Domino.
OGive thanks unto the Lord,
and call upon his Name :
tell the people what things he
hath done.
Bay 21
2 O let your fongs be of him,
and praife him : and let your talk-
ino- be of all his wondrous works.
3 Rejoice in his holy Name ; let
the lieai't of them rejoice that feek
the Lord.
4 Seek the Lord and his ftrength :
feek his face evermore.
5 Remember the marvellous
works that he hath done : his
wonders, and the judgements of
his mouth,
6 O ye feed of Abraham his
fervant : ye children of Jacob his
7 He is the Lord our God : his
judgements are in all the world.
8 He hath been alway mindful of
his cov'Cnant and promife : that he
made to a tlioufand generations ;
9 Even the covenant that he
made with Abraham : and the
oath that he fware unto Ifaac ;
10 And appointed the fame un-
to Jacob for a law : and to Ifrael
for an everlafting teftament ;
11 Saying, Unto thee will I
give the land of Canaan : the lot
of vour inheritance ;
12 When there were yet but a
few of them : and they Ilrangers
in the land ;
13 What time as they went from
one nation to another : from one
kingdom to another people ;
14 He futfered no man to do
them wrong : but reproved even
kings for their fakes;
SALMS. Day 21,
15 Touch not mine Anointed :
and do my prophets no harm.
10 Moreover, he called for a
dearth upon the land : and de-
ftroyed all the provifion of bread.
17 But he had fent a man be-
fore them : even Jofeph, who was
fold to be a bond-fervant ;
18 Whofe feet they hurt in the
Hocks : the iron entered into his
foul ;
19 LTntil the time came that his
caufe was known : the word of the
Lord tried him.
20 The king fent, and delivered
him : the prince of the people let
him go free.
21 He made him Lord alfo of
his houfe : and ruler of all his
fubilance ;
22 That he might inform his
princes after his will : and teach
his fenators wifdom.
23 Ifrael alfo came into Egypt :
and Jacob was a llranger in the
land of Ham.
24 And he increafed his peo-
ple exceedingly : and made them
llronger than their enemies ;
25 Whofe heart turned fo, that
they hated his people : and dealt
untruly with his fervants.
20 Then fent he Mofes his fer-
vant : and Aaron whom he had
27 vVnd thcfe fliewed his tokens
among them : and wonders in the
land of Ham.
Daij 21,
28 He fent darknefs, and it was
dark : and they were not obedient
unto his word.
29 He turned their waters into
blood : and flew their fi(h.
30 Their land l)rought forth
frogs : yea, even in their kings'
31 He fpake the word, and there
came all manner of flies : and lice
in all their quarters.
32 He gave them hail-fl;ones
for rain : and flames of fire in
their land.
33 He fmote their vines alfo and
fig-trees : and deftroyed the trees
that were in their coafl;s.
34 He fpake the word, and the
grafshoppers came, and caterpillars
innumerable : and did eat up all
the grafs in their land, and devour-
ed the fruit of their ground.
35 He fmote all the firft-born
in their land : even the chief of all
their ftrength.
36 He brought them forth alfo
w^tli filver and gold : there was
not one feeble perfon among their
37 Egypt was glad at their de-
parting : for they were afraid of
38 He fpread out a cloud to be
a covering : and fire to give light
in the night-feafon.
39 At their defire he brought
quails : and he filled them with the
bread of heaven.
Dajj 21.
40 He opened the rock of fl^one,
and the waters flowed out : fo that
rivers ran in the dry places.
41 For whv? he remembered
his holy promife : and Abraham
his fervant.
42 And he brought forth his
people with joy : and liis chofen
with gladnefs ;
43 And gave them the lands of
the heathen : and they took the la-
bours of the people in pofleflion ;
44 That they might keep his
ftatutes : and obferve his laws.
ClJening draper.
Psalm cvi. Conjitemini Domino.
OGive thanks unto the Lord,
for he is gracious : and his
mercy endureth for ever.
2 Who can exprefs the noble
acfts of the Lord : or fliew forth
all his praife?
3 Bleflcd are they that ahvay
keep judgement : and do right-
4 Remember me, O Lord, ac-
cording to the favour that thou
beared unto thy people : O vifit
me with thy falvation ;
5 That I may fee the felicity of
thy chofen : and rejoice in the
gladnefs of thy people, and give
thanks with thine inheritance.
6 We have finned with our fa-
thers : we have done amifs, and
dealt wickedly.
7 Our fathers regarded not thy
Tt a
Daij 21.
wonders in Egypt, neither kept
they thy great goodnefs in remem-
brance : but were difobedient at
the fea, even at the Red fea.
8 Neverthelefs, he helped them
for his Name's fake : that he might
make his power to be known.
9 He rebuked the Red fea alfo,
and it was dried up : fo he led
them through the deep, as through
a wildernefs.
10 And he faved them from the
adverfary's hand : and delivered
them from the hand of the enemy.
11 As for thofe that troubled
them, the waters ovenvhelmed
them : there was not one of them
1 2 Then believed they his words :
and fang praife unto him.
13 But within a while they for-
gat his works : and would not
abide his counfel.
14 But lull came upon them in
the wildernefs : and they tempted
God in the defert.
15 And he gave them their de-
fire : and fent leannefs withal into
their foul.
1(5 They angered Mofes alfo in
the tents : and Aaron the faint of
the Lord.
17 So the earth opened, and
fwallowed up Dathan : and cover-
ed the conurepation of Abiram.
18 And the fire was kindled in
their company : the flame burnt
up the ungodly.
Day 21.
19 They made a calf in Horeb :
and worfliipped the molten image.
20 Thus they turned their glory :
into the fimilitude of a calf that
eateth hay.
21 And they forgat God their
Saviour : who had done fo oreat
things in Egypt ;
22 Wondrous works in the land
of Ham : and fearful things by
the Red fea.
23 So he faid, he would have
deftroyed them, had not Mofes
his chofen fl^ood before him in
the gap : to turn away his wrath-
ful indignation, left he fliould de-
ftroy them.
24 Yea, they thought fcorn of
that pleafant land : and gave no
credence unto his word ;
25 But murmured in their tents :
and hearkened not unto the voice
of the Lord.
26 Then lift he up his hand
aii'ainft them : to overthrow them
in the wildernefs ;
27 To call out their feed among
the nations : and to fcatter them
in the lands.
28 They joined themfelves unto
Baal-peor : and ate the offerings of
the dead.
29 riuis they provoked him to
anger with their own inventions :
and the plague was great among
30 Then ftood up Phinees and
prayed : and fo the [)lague ceafetl.
Day 21. THE P
31 And that was counted uiito
him for riohteoufnefs : amono; all
pofterities for evermore.
32 riiey angered him alfo at the
waters of llrife : fo that he punifli-
ed Mofes for their fakes ;
33 Becaufe they provoked his
fpirit : fo that he fpake unadvifed-
\y with his lips.
34 Neither deftroyed they the
heathen : as the Lord command-
ed them ;
35 But were mingled among the
heathen : and learned their works.
36 Infomuch that they wor-
fliipped their idols, which turned
to their own decay : yea, they
offered their fons and their daugh-
ters unto devils ;
37 And (hed innocent blood,
even the blood of their fons and of
their daughters : whom they offered
unto the idols of Canaan ; and the
land was defiled with blood.
38 Thus were they ftained with
their own works : and went a whor-
ing with their own inventions.
39 Therefore was the wrath of
the Lord kindled againft his peo-
ple : infomuch that he abhorred
his own inheritance.
40 And he gave them over in-
to the hand of the heathen : and
they that hated them were lords
over them.
41 Their enemies oppreffed
them : and had them in fubjecftion.
42 Many a time did he deliver
Da2j 22.
them : but they rebelled againft him
with their own inventions, and were
brought down in their wickednefs.
43 Neverthelefs, when he faw
their adverfity : he heard their
44 He thought upon his cove-
nant, and pitied them, according
unto the multitude of his mercies :
yea, he made all thofe that led
them away captive to pity them.
45 Deliver us, O Lord our God,
and gather us from among the
heathen : that we may give thanks
unto thy holy Name, and make
our boall of thy praife.
46 Blelled be the Lord God of
Ifrael from everlafting, and world
without end : and let all the peo-
ple fay. Amen.
;0tormng lara^et.
Psalm cvii. Confitemini Domino.
OGive thanks unto the Lord,
for he is gracious : and his
mercy endureth for ever.
2 Let them give thanks whom
the Lord hath redeemed : and deli-
vered from the hand of the enemy ;
3 And gathered them out of the
lands, from the eaft, and from the
weft : from the north, and from
the fouth.
4 They went aftray in the wil-
dernefs out of the way : and found
no city to dwell in ;
5 Hungry and thirfty : their
foul fainted in them.
Day '1±
6 So they cried unto the Lord
in their trouble : and he delivered
them from their diflrefs.
7 He led them forth by the right
way : that they might go to the
city where they dwelt.
8 O that men would therefore
praife the Lord for his goodnefs :
and declare the wonders that he
doeth for the children of men !
9 For he fatisfieth the empty
foul : and filleth the hungiy foul
with goodnefs.
10 Such as fit in darknefs, and
in the fliadow of death : being fail
bound in mifery and iron;
1 1 Becaufe they rebelled againft
the words of the Lord : and lightly
regarded the counfel of the moft
Higheft ;
12 He alfo brought down their
heart through heavinefs : they fell
down, and there was none to help
13 So when they cried unto the
Lord in their trouble : he deliver-
ed them out of their dillrefs.
1-4 For he brought them out of
darknefs, and out of the fliadow
of death : and brake their bonds
in funder.
1 5 O that men would therefore
[)raife the Lord for his goodnefs :
and declare the wonders that he
doeth for the children of men !
16 For he hath broken the gates
of brafs : and fmitten the bars of
iron in funder.
Bay 22.
17 Foolifli men are plagued for
their offence : and becaufe of their
18 Their foul abhorred all man-
ner of meat : and they were even
hard at death's door.
1 9 So when they cried unto the
Lord in their trouble : he delivered
them out of their diilrefs.
20 He fent his word, and healed
them : and they were faved from
their deftru6tion.
21 O that men would therefore
praife the Lord for his goodnefs :
and declare the wonders that he
doeth for the children of men !
22 That they would offer unto
him the facrifice of thankfgiving :
and tell out his works with gladnefs!
23 They that go down to the
fea in fliips : and occupy their bufi-
nefs in great waters ;
24 Thefe men fee the works of
the Lord : and his wonders in
the deep.
25 For at his word the ftormy
wind arifeth : which lifteth up the
waves thereof.
2() They are carried up to the
heaven, and down aijain to the
deep : their foul melteth away be-
caufe of the trouble.
27 1 hey reel to and fro, and
tlaii'2'er like a drunken man : and
are at their wit's end.
28 So when they cry unto the
Lord in their trouble : he deliver-
eth them out of their dilh-efs.
Bay 2^.
29 For he maketh the ftorm to
ceafe : fo that the waves thereof
are IHll.
30 Then are they glad, becaiife
they are at reil : and fo he bring-
eth them unto the haven where
they would be.
3 1 O that men would therefore
praife the Lord for his goodnefs :
and declare the wonders that he
doeth for the children of men !
32 That they would exalt him
alfo in the congregation of the
people : and praife him in the feat
of the elders !
33 Who turneth the floods into
a wildernefs : and drieth up the
34 A fruitful land maketh he
barren ; for the wickednefs of them
that dwell therein.
35 Again, he maketh the wil-
dernefs a Handing water : and
water-fprings of a dry ground.
36 And there he fetteth the
hungry : that they may build
them a city to dwell in ;
37 That they may fow their
land, and plant vineyards : to
yield them fruits of increafe.
38 He blefleth them, fo that
they multiply exceedingly : and
fuffereth not their cattle to de-
39 And again, when they are mi-
niflied, and brought low : through
oppreflion, through any plague, or
trouble ;
Bay 22.
40 4 hough he fuffer them to
be evil intreated through tyrants :
and let them wander out of the
way in the wildernefs ;
41 Yet helpeth he the jjoor out
of mifery : and maketh him houfe-
holds like a flock of fheep.
42 The righteous will confider
this, and rejoice : and the mouth of
all wickednefs fliall be flopped.
43 Whofo is wife will ponder
thefe things : and they fliall un-
derftand the loving- kindnefs of
the Lord.
6bemns i^raper.
Psalm cviii. Paratiim cor meitm.
OGod, my heart is ready, my
heart is ready : I will fing
and give praife with the beft mem-
ber that I have.
2 Awake, thou lute, and harp :
I myfelf will awake right early.
3 I will give thanks unto thee,
O Lord, among the people : I will
fing praifes unto thee among the
4 For thy mercy is greater than
the heavens : and thy truth reach-
eth unto the clouds.
5 Set up thyfelf, O God, above
the heavens : and thy gloiy above
all the earth.
6 That thy beloved may be
delivered : let thy right hand
fave them, and hear thou me.
7 God hath fpoken in his holi-
nefs : I will rejoice therefore, and
Bay^^ THE P
divide Sichem, and mete out the
valley of Succotli.
8 Gilead is mine, and Manaffes
is mine : Epliraim alfo is the
ftrength of my head.
9 Judah is my law-giver, IMoab
is my wafh-pot : over Edom will I
caft out my flioe ; upon Philiftia
will I triumph.
10 \\^ho will lead me into the
ftrong city : and who will bring
me into Edom?
11 Hail not thou forfaken us,
O God : and wilt not thou, O
God, go forth with our hofts?
12 O help us againft the enemy :
for vain is the help of man.
13 Through God we Ihall do
great a6ls : and it is he that Ihall
tread down our enemies.
Psalm cix. T>eus laudum.
HOLD not thy tongue, O God
of my praife : for the mouth
of the ungodly, yea, the mouth of
the deceitful is opened upon me.
2 And they have fpoken againft
me with falfe tongues : they com-
pafl'ed me about alfo with words
of hatred, and fought againft me
without a caufe.
3 For the love that I had unto
them, lo, they take now my con-
traiy part : but I give myfelf un-
to j)rayer.
4 Thus have they rewarded me
evil for good : and hatred for my
good will.
5 Set thou an ungodly man to
Day 22.
be ruler over him : and let Satan
ftand at his right hand.
() When fentence is given upon
him, let him be condemned : and
let his prayer be turned into iin.
7 Let his days be few : and
let another take his office.
8 Let his children be father-
lefs : and his wife a widow.
9 Let his children be vagabonds,
and beg; their bread : let them feek
it alfo out of defolate places.
10 Let the extortioner confume
all that he hath : and let the ftran-
ger fpoil his labour.
1 1 Let there be no man to pity
him : nor to have compaffion upon
his fatherlefs children.
12 Let his pofterity be de-
ftroyed : and in the next gene-
ration let his name be clean put
13 Let the wickednefs of his
fathers be had in remembrance
in the fight of the Lord : and let
not the fin of his mother be done
14 Let them alway be before
the Ijord : that he may root out
the memorial of them from off
the earth ;
15 And that, becaufe his mind
was not to do good : but per-
fecuted the poor helplefs man,
that he might flay him that was
vexed at the heart.
16 His delight was in curfing,
and it fliall happen unto him :
Day 22.
he loved not blefling, therefore
fliall it be fur from him.
17 He clothed himfelf with cmf-
ing, Uke as with a raiment : and it
fliall come into his bowels like wa-
ter, and like oil into his bones.
18 Let it be unto him as the
cloke that he hath upon him :
and as the girdle that he is al-
way girded withal.
19 Let it thus happen from
the Lord unto mine enemies :
and to thofe that fpeak evil a-
gainft my foul.
20 But deal thou with me, O
Lord God, according unto thy
Name : for fweet is thy mercy.
21 O deliver me, for I am
helplefs and poor : and my heart
is wounded within me.
22 I go hence like the fliadow
that departeth : and am driven
away as the grafshopj^er.
23 My knees are weak through
fading : my flefli is dried up for
want of fatnefs.
24 I became alfo a reproach
unto them : they that looked upon
me flaaked their heads.
25 Help me, O Lord my God :
O fave me according to thy mercy ;
26 And they fliall know, how
that this is thy hand : and that
thou, Lord, haft done it.
27 Though they curfe, yet blefs
thou : and let them be confound-
ed that rife up againft me ; but let
thy fervant rejoice.
Bay 28.
28 Let mine adveifaries be
clothed with fliame : and let them
cover themfelves with their own
confiifion, as with a cloke.
29 As for me, I will give great
thanks unto the Lord with my
mouth : and praifc him among
the multitude ;
30 For he fliall ftand at the
right hand of the poor : to fave
his foul from unrighteous judges.
Psalm ex. Divit Domhiua. ^
THE Lord faid unto my Lord :
Sit thou on my right hand,
until I make thine enemies thy
2 The Lord fliall fend the rod
of thy power out of Sioii : be thou
ruler, even in the midft among
thine enemies.
3 In the day of thy power fliall
the people oft'er thee free-will of-
ferings with an holy worfliip : the
dew of thy birth is of tlie womb
of the morning.
4 The Lord fware, and will not
repent : Thou art a Prieft for ever
after the order of Melchifedech.
5 The Lord upon thy right
hand : fliall wound even kings in
the day of his wrath.
6 He fliall judge among the
heathen ; he fliall fill the places
with the dead bodies : and finite
in funder the heads over divers
Day^Q. THE P
7 He fliall drink of the brook in
the way : therefore Ihall he Hft up
his head.
y Psalm cxi. Conjitchor tihi.
T Will give thanks unto the Lord
A with my whole heart : fecretly
amono: the faithful, and in the
2 The works of the Lord are
great : fought out of all them that
have pleafure therein.
3 His work is worthy to be
praifed, and had in honour : and
his riffhteoufnefs endureth for ever.
4 The merciful and gracious
Lord hath fo done his marvellous
works : that they ought to be had
in remembrance.
5 He hath given meat unto them
that fear him : he fliall ever be
mindful of his covenant.
6 He hath fliewed his people
the power of his works : that he
may give them the heritage of the
7 The works of his hands ai'e
verity and judgement : all his com-
mandments are true.
8 They Hand fall for ever and
ever : and are done in truth and
1) He fent redemption unto his
people : he hath connnanded his
covenant for ever ; holy and reve-
rend is his Name.
10 The fear of the Lord is tlie
beginning of wifdom : a good un-
deHbmding have all they that do
SALMS. Day 03,
thereafter ; the praife of it endur-
eth for ever.
Psalm cxii. Beatiis vir.
BLESSED is the man that fear-
eth the Lord : he hath great
delight in his commandments.
2 His feed fliall be mighty upon
earth : the generation of the faith-
ful fliall be blefled.
3 Riches and plenteoufnefs fliall
be in his houfe : and his righteouf-
nefs endureth for ever.
4 Unto the godly there arifeth
up light in the darknefs : he is
merciful, loving, and righteous.
5 A good man is merciful, and
lendeth : and will guide his words
with difcretion.
6 For he fliall never be moved :
and the righteous fliall be had in
everlafting remembrance.
7 He will not be afraid of any
evil tidings : for his heart fi;andetli
faft, and believeth in the Lord.
8 His heart is efl:abliflied, and
Avill not flirink : until he fee his
delire upon his enemies.
9 He hath difperfed abroad, and
given to the poor : and his right-
eoufiiefs remaineth for ever ; his
horn fliall be exalted with honour.
1 The ungodly fliall fee it, and
it fliall grieve him : he fliall gnafli
with his teeth, and coiifume away;
thedefireof the ungodly fliall perilh.
Ps A L M cxiii . Landitti', pueri.
PRAISE the Lord, ye fervants :
() praife the Name of the Lord.
Day 23.
2 BlelTed be the Name of the
Lord : from this time forth for
3 The Lord's Name is praifed :
from the rifing up of the fun unto
the going down of the fame.
4 The Lord is high above all
heathen : and his glory above the
5 Who is like unto the Lord
our God, that hath his dwelling
fo high : and yet humbleth him-
felf to behold the things that are
in heaven and earth?
6 He taketh up the (imple out
of the duft : and lifteth the poor
out of the mire ;
7 That he may fet him with the
princes : even with the princes of
his people.
8 He maketli the ban'en woman
to keep houfe : and to be a joyful
mother of children.
Ctjening j^rapet*
Psalm cxiv. In exitu Ifrael.
WHEN Ifrael came out of
Egypt : and the houfe of
Jacob from among the ftrange
2 J udah was his fandtuaiy : and
Ifrael his dominion.
3 The fea faw that, and fled :
Jordan was driven back.
4 The mountains fkipped like
rams : and the little hills like
young Iheep.
5 What aileth thee, O thou fea,
Day 28.
that thou Heddeft : and thou Jor-
dan, that thou wall driven back?
Ye mountains, that ye flvipped
like rams : and ye little hills, like
young Iheep?
7 Tremble, thou earth, at the
prefence of the Lord : at the pre-
fence of the God of Jacob ;
8 Who turned the hard rock
into a ftandino; water : and the
flint-ftone into a fpringing well.
Psalm cxv. Noii nobis, Domine.
NOT unto us, O Lord, not
unto us, but unto thy Name
give the praife : for thy loving
mercy, and for thy truth's fake.
2 Wherefore lliall the heathen
fay : Where is now their God?
3 As for our God, he is in
heaven : he hath done whatfo-
ever pleafed him.
4 Their idols are filver and gold :
even the work of men's hands.
5 They have mouths, and fpeak
hot : eyes have they, and fee not.
6 They have ears, and hear not :
nofes have they, and fmell not.
7 They have hands, and han-
dle not ; feet have they, and walk
not : neither fpeak they through
their throat.
8 They that make them are
like unto them : and fo are all
fuch as put their truft in them.
9 But thou, houfe of Ifrael,
truft thou in the Lord : he is
their fuccour and defence.
10 Ye houfe of Aaron, put your
Uu a
Day 24.
triift in the Lord : he is their
helper and defender.
1 1 Ye that fear the Lord, put
your trull in the Lord : he is their
helper and defender.
12 The Lord hath been mindful
of us, and he fliall blefs us : even
he (hall blefs the houfe of Ifrael, he
ihall blefs the houfe of Aaron.
13 He fliall blefs them that fear
the Lord : both fmall and great.
14 The Lord fliall increafe you
more and more : you and your
15 Ye are the blefled of the
Lord : who made heaven and earth.
16 All the whole heavens are
the Lord's : the earth hath he
given to the children of men.
17 The dead praife not thee,
O Lord : neither all they that go
down into filence.
1 8 But we will praife the Lord :
from this time forth for evermore.
Praife the Lord.
iHorntng iara^ct.
Psalm cxvi. Diliui, qnoniam.
I Am well })leafed : that the
Lord hath heard the voice of
my prayer ;
2 riiat he hath inclined his ear
unto me : therefore w^ill I call
upon him as long as I live.
3 The fnares of death com-
paffed me round about : and the
pains of hell gat hold upon me.
4 I fliall find trouble and heavi-
Day 24.
nefs, and I will call upon the
Name of the Lord : O Lord, I be-
feech thee, deliver my foul.
5 Gracious is the Lord, and
righteous : yea, our God is mer-
6 The Lord preferveth the fim-
ple : I was in mifeiy, and he help-
ed me.
7 Turn again then unto thy reft;,
my foul : for the Lord hath re-
warded thee.
8 And why? thou haft delivered
my foul from death : mine eyes
from tears, and my feet from falling.
9 I will w^alk before the Lord :
in the land of the living.
10 1 believed, and therefore will
1 fpeak ; but I was fore troubled : I
faid in my hafte, All men are liars.
11 What reward fliall I give
unto the Lord : for all the benefits
that he hath done unto me?
12 1 will receive the cup of fal-
vation : and call upon the Name
of the Lord.
13 I will pay my vows now in
the prefence of all his people :
right dear in the light of the Lord
is the death of his faints.
14 Behold, O Lord, how that
I am thy fervant : I am thy fer-
vant, and the Ion of thine hand-
maid ; thou haft broken my bonds
in funder.
IT) 1 will ofl'er to thee the facri-
fice of thankfgiving : and will call
upon the Name of the Lord.
Day 24.
Day 24.
16 1 will pay my vows unto the
Lord, in the fight of all his peo-
ple : in the courts of the Lord's
houfe, even in the niidll of thee,
Jerufalem. Praife the Lord.
Psalm cxvii. luimdate Dominum.
O Praife the Lord, all ye hea-
then : praife him, all ye na-
2 For his merciful kindnefs is
ever more and more towards us :
and the truth of the Lord endur-
eth for ever. Praife the Lord.
Psalm cxviii. Conjitemini Domino.
OGive thanks unto the Lord,
for he is gracious : becaufe his
mercy endureth for ever.
2 Let Ifrael now confefs, that
he is gracious : and that his mercy
endureth for ever.
3 Let the houfe of Aaron now
confefs : that his mercy endureth
for ever.
4 Yea, let them now that fear
the Lord confefs : that his mercy
endureth for ever.
5 I called upon the Lord in
trouble : and the Lord heard me
at large.
6 The Lord is on my fide : I will
not fear what man doeth unto me.
7 The Lord taketh my part with
them that help me : therefore fliall
1 fee my defire upon mine enemies.
8 It is better to trufl; in the
Lord : than to put any confidence
in man.
9 It is better to truft in the
Lord : than to put any confidence
in princes.
10 All nations compalfed me
round about : but in the Name
of the Lord will I dellroy theuL
11 They kept me in on eveiy
fide, they kept me in, I fay, on
every fide : but in the Name of
the Lord will 1 dellroy them.
12 They came about me like
bees, and are extin6l even as the
fire among the thorns : for in the
Name of the Lord I will defl;roy
13 Thou hafl; thrufi; fore at me,
that I mio-ht fall : but the Lord
was my help.
14 The luord is my fl;rength,
and my fong : and is become my
15 The voice of joy and health
is in the dwellings of the right-
eous : the riglit hand of the Lord
bringeth mighty things to pafs.
16 The riffht hand of the Lord
hath the pre-eminence : the right
hand of the Lord bringeth mighty
things to pafs.
17 1 fliall not die, but live : and
declare the works of the Lord.
18 The Lord hath challened
and corrected me : but he hath
not given me over unto death.
19 Open me the gates of right-
eoufnefs : that I may go into them,
and give thanks unto the Lord.
20 This is the gate of the Lord :
the righteous fliall enter into it.
Day M.
211 will thank thee, for thou
haft heard me : and art become
my falvation.
22 The fame ftone which the
builders refufed : is become the
head-ftone in the corner.
23 This is the Lord's doing :
and it is man^ellous in our eyes.
24 This is the day which the
Lord hath made : we will rejoice
and be glad in it.
25 Help me now, O Lord : O
Lord, fend us now profperity.
26 Blefled be he that cometh in
the Name of the Lord ; we have
wilhed you good luck, ye that are
of the houfe of the Lord.
27 God is the Lord who hath
fliewed us light : bind the facrifice
with cords, yea, even unto the
horns of the altar.
28 Thou art my God, and I
will thank thee : thou art my
God, and I will praife thee.
29 O give thanks unto the Lord,
for he is gracious : and his mercy
endureth for ever.
Psalm cxix. Bead immaculati.
BLESSED are thofe that are
uudefiled in the way : and
walk in the law of the Lord.
2 Blefled are they that keep
his teftimonies : and feek him with
their whole heart.
3 For they who do no wicked-
iiefs : walk in his ways.
Day 24.
4 Thou haft charged : that we
(hall diligently keep thy command-
5 O that my ways were made
fo direct : that I might keep thy
ftatutes !
() So fliall I not be confounded :
while I have refpedt unto all thy
commandments .
7 I will thank thee with an un-
feigned heart : when I lliall have
learned the judgements of thy
8 I will keep thy ceremonies :
forfake me not utterly.
In quo corri^et?
young man cleanfe his way :
even by ruling himfelf after thy
10 With my whole heart have
1 fought thee : O let me not go
^vi'ong out of thy commandments.
1 1 Thy words have I hid with-
in my heart : that I ftioidd not
(in againft thee.
12 Blefled art thou, O Lord :
O teach me thy ftatutes.
13 With my lips have I been
telling : of all the judgements of
thy mouth.
14 I have had as great delight
in the way of thy teftimonies : as
in all manner of riches.
15 1 will talk of thy command-
ments : and have refpedl unto
thy ways.
16 My delight fliall be in thy
Dmj 24.
ftatutes : and 1 will not forget
thy word.
Hetrihue fervo ttio.
ODo well unto thy fervant : that
I may live, and keep thy word.
18 Open thou mine eyes : that
I may fee the wondrous things of
thy law.
19 1 am a flranger upon earth :
O hide not thy connnandments
from me.
20 My foul breaketh out for
the very fervent defire : that it
hath alway unto thy judgements.
21 Thou haft rebuked the
proud ; and curfed are they that
do err from thy commandments.
22 O turn from me ftiame and
rebuke : for I have kept thy
23 Princes alfo did fit and fpeak
againft me : but thy fervant is oc-
cupied in thy ftatutes.
24 For thy teftimonies are my
delight : and my counfellors.
Adha'Jit pammento.
MY foul cleaveth to the duft :
O quicken thou me, ac-
cording to thy word.
26 I have acknowledged my
ways, and thou heardeft me : O
teach me thy ftatutes.
27 Make me to underftand the
Avay of thy commandments : and fo
fliall I talk of thy wondrous works.
28 My foul melteth away for
very heavinefs : comfort thou me
according unto thy word. '
Day 25.
29 Take from me the way of
lying : and caufe thou me to make
nuich of thy law.
30 1 have chofen the way of
truth : and thy jutlgements have
I laid before me.
31 1 have ftuck unto thy tefti-
monies : O Lord, confound me
32 I will run the way of thy
commandments : when thou haft
fet my heart at liberty.
flgorniits |)raper»
Legem pone.
TEACH me, O Lord, the way
of thy ftatutes : and I lliall
keep it unto the end.
34 Give me underftanding, and
I fliall keep thy law : yea, I fliall
keep it with my whole heart.
35 Make me to go in the path
of thy commandments : for therein
is my defire.
36 Incline my heart unto thy
teftimonies : and not to covet-
37 O turn away mine eyes, left
they behold vanity : and quicken
thou me in thy way.
38 O ftablifli thy word in thy
fervant : that I may fear thee.
39 Take away the rebuke that
I am afraid of : for thy judge-
ments are good.
40 Behold, my delight is in thy
commandments : O quicken me in
thy righteoufnefs.
Day 25.
Et veniat fuper me.
LET thy loving' mercy come
alfo unto me, O Lord : even
thy falvation, according unto thy
42 So lliall I make anAver unto
my blafphemers : for my trull is
in thy word.
43 O take not the word of thy
truth utterly out of my mouth :
for my hope is in thy judge-
44 So Ihall I alway keep thy
law : yea, for ever and ever.
45 And I will walk at liberty :
for I feek thy commandments.
46 I will fpeak of thy teftimo-
nies alfo, even before kings : and
will not be alliamed.
47 And my delight Ihall be in
thy commandments ; which I have
48 IMy hands alfo will I lift up
unto thy commandments, which
I have loved : and my ftudy tliall
be in thy ilatutes.
Memor ejlo fervi tui.
O Think upon thy fervant, as
concerning thy word : where-
in thou haft caufed me to put my
50 The fame is my comfort in
my trouble : for thy word hath
quickened me.
5 1 riie proud have had me ex-
ceedingly in derifion : yet have I
not ihrinkc.'d from thy law.
52 For 1 remembered thine
Daij 25.
everlafting judgements, O Lord :
and received comfort,
53 I am horribly afraid : for the
ungodly that foifake thy law.
54 Thy ftatutes have been my
fongs : in the houfe of my pil-
55 I have thought upon thy
Name, O Lord, in the night-
feafon : and have kept thy law.
56 This I had : becaufe I kept
thy commandments.
Portio mea, Domine.
THOU art my portion, O
Lord : I have promifed to
keep thy law.
58 I made my humble petition
in thy j^refence with my whole
heart : O be merciful unto me,
according to thy word.
59 I called mine own ways to
remembrance : and turned my feet
unto thy teftimonies.
60 I made hafte, and prolonged
not the time : to keep thy com-
61 The congregations of the
ungodly have robbed me : but I
have not forgotten thy law.
62 At midnight I w\\\ rife to
give thanks unto thee : becaufe of
thy righteous judgements.
63 I am a companion of all
them that fear thee : and keep
thy commandments.
64 The earth, O Lord, is full
of thy mercy : O teach me thy
Day ^25.
Bonitatem fecijli.
OLord, thou haft dealt gra-
cioufly with thy fervaiit : ac-
cording unto thy word.
6G O learn me true underftand-
ing and knowledge : for 1 have
believed thy commandments.
67 Before I was troubled, I
went wrong : but now have I
kept thy word.
68 Thou art good and gracious :
O teach me thy ftatutes.
69 The proud have imagined a
lie againft me : but I will keep
thy commandments with my whole
70 Their heart is as fat as
brawn : but my delight hath been
in thy law.
71 It is good for me that I
have been in ti'ouble : that I may
learn thy ftatutes.
72 The law of thy mouth is
dearer unto me : than thoufands
of gold and filver.
Manns tuoe fecerunt me.
THY hands have made me and
fafhioned me : O give me
underftanding, that I may learn
thy commandments.
74 They that fear thee will be
glad when they fee me : be-
caufe I have put my truft in thy
75 I know, O Lord, that thy
judgements are right : and that
thou of very faithfulnefs haft cauf-
ed me to be troubled.
76 O let thy merciful kindnefs
be my comfort : according to thy
word unto thy fervant.
11 O let thy loving mercies
come unto me, that I may live :
for thy law is my delight.
78 Let the proud be confound-
ed, for they go wickedly about to
deftroy me : but I will be occupied
in thy commandments.
79 Let fuch as fear thee, and
have known thy teftimonies : be
turned unto me.
80 O let my heart be found in
thy ftatutes : that I be not afliamed.
Defecit anima mea.
MY foul hath longed for thy
falvation : and I have a
good hope becaufe of thy word.
82 Mine eyes long fore for thy
word : faying, O when wilt thou
comfort me?
83 For I am become like a bot-
tle in the fmoke : yet do I not
forget thy ftatutes.
84 How many are the days
of thy fervant : when wilt thou
be avenged of them that pei*fe-
cute me?
85 The proud have digged pits
for me : which are not after thy
86 All thy commandments are
true : they perfecute me falfly; O
be thou my help.
87 They had almoft made an
Day 25.
end of me upon earth : but I for-
fook not thy commandments.
'^S O quicken me after thy lov-
ing-kindnefs : and fo Ihall I keep
the teftimonies of thy mouth.
In ceternum, Domine.
OLord, thy word : endureth
for ever in heaven.
90 Thy truth alfo remaineth
fi'om one g-eneration to anotlier :
thou haft laid the foundation of
the earth, and it abideth.
91 They continue this day ac-
cordine: to thine ordinance : for
all things ferve thee.
92 If my delight had not been
in thy law : I fliould have periftied
in my trouble.
93 I will never forget thy com-
mandments : for with them thou
haft quickened me.
94 I am thine, O fave me : for I
have fought thy commandments.
95 The imgodly laid wait for
me to deftroy me : but I ^vill con-
fider thy teftimonies.
3^, 96 I fee that all things come to
an end : but thy commandment is
exceeding broad.
Qiiomodo dilexil
LORD, what love have I unto
thy law : all the day long is
my ftudy in it.
98 Thou through thy command-
ments haft made me wifer than
mine enemies : for they are ever
with me.
99 I have more underftandinj>-
Bay 26.
than my teachers : for thy teftimo-
nies are my ftudy.
100 I am Avifer than the aged :
becaufe I keep thy command-
101 I have refrained my feet
from eveiy evil way : that I may
keep thy word.
102 I have not flirunk from thy
judgements : for thou teacheft me.
1 03 O how fweet are thy words
imto my throat : yea, fweeter than
honey unto my mouth.
104 Through thy command-
ments I get underftanding : there-
fore I hate all evil ways.
iHorning f^rapet*
Liicerna pedihus meis.
THY word is a lantern unto
my feet : and a light unto
my paths.
106 I have fworn, and am fted-
faftly purpofed : to keep thy right-
eous judgements.
107 1 am troubled above mea-
fure : quicken me, O Lord, ac-
cording to thy word.
108 Let the free-will offerings
of my mouth pleafe thee, O Lord :
and teach me thy judgements.
109 My foul is alway in my
hand : yet do I not forget thy law.
110 The ungodly have laid a
fnare for me : but yet I fweiTcd
not from thy commandments.
111 Thy teftimonies have I
claimed as mine heritajre for ever :
and why? they are the very joy of
my heart.
112 I have appHed my heart to
fiilfil thy ftatutes alway : even im-
to the end.
Im'quos odio hahui.
IHate them that imagine evil
things : but thy law do I love.
114 Thou art my defence and
fliield : and my truft is in thy word.
115 Away from me, ye wicked :
I will keep the commandments of
my God.
116 O ftablifli me according to
thy word, that I may live : and let
me not be difappointed of my hope.
117 Hold thou me up, and I
Ihall be fafe : yea, my delight fliall
be ever in thy ftatutes.
118 Thou haft trodden down all
them that depart from thy ftatutes :
for they imagine but deceit.
119 Thou putteft away all the
ungodly of the earth like drofs :
therefore I love thy teftimonies.
120 My flefti trembleth for fear
of thee : and I am afraid of thy
Feci judimmi.
IDeal with the thing that is law-
ful and right : O give me not
over unto mine oppreflbrs.
122 Make thou thy fervant to
delight in that which is good :
that the proud do me no wrong.
123 Mine eyes are wafted away
with looking for thy health ; and
for the word of thy righteoufnefs.
Bay 26.
1 24 O deal with thy fervant ac-
cording unto thy loving mercy :
and teach me thy ftatutes.
125 I am thy fervant, O grant
me undei'ftanding : that I may
know thy teftimonies.
120 It is time for thee, Lord,
to lay to thine hand : for they
have deftroyed thy law.
127 For I love thy command-
ments : above gold and precious
128 Therefore hold 1 ftraight
all thy commandments : and all
falfe ways I utterly abhor. "?
THY teftimonies are wonder-
ful : therefore doth my foul
keep them.
130 When thy word goeth
forth : it giveth light and under-
ftanding unto the fimple.
131 I opened my mouth, and
drew in my breath : for my de-
light was in thy commandments.
132 O look thou upon me, and
be merciful unto me : as thou ufeft
to do unto thofe that love thy
133 Order my fteps in thy word :
and fo fliall no wickednefs have
dominion over me.
134 O deliver me from the
^vrongful dealings of men : and fo
fliall I keep thy commandments.
135 Shew the light of thy coun-
tenance upon thy fervant : and
teach nie thy ftatutes.
Day m.
136 IMine eyes giifli out with
water : becaufe men keep not thy
Juftiis es, Domine.
RIGHTEOUS art thou, O
Lord : and true is thy judge-
138 The teflimonies that thou
haft commanded : are exceeding
rio-hteous and true.
139 My zeal hath even con-
fumed me : becaufe mine enemies
have forgotten thy words.
140 Thy word is tried to the
uttermoft : and thy fervant lov-
eth it.
141 I am fmall, and of no re-
putation : yet do I not forget thy
142 Tliy righteoufnefs is an
everlafting righteoufnefs : and thy
law is the truth.
143 Trouble and heavinefs have
taken hokl upon me : yet is my
delight in thy commandments.
144 The righteoufnefs of thy
teftimonies is everlaftin«- : O ijrant
me underftanding, and 1 lliall live.
€\)ening draper*
Clamavi in toto corde mco.
ICall with my whole heart :
hear me, O Lord, I will keep
thv ftatutes.
146 Yea, even unto thee do I
call : help me, and I fliall keep
thy teftimonies.
147 Early in the morning do 1
Day 26.
cry unto thee : for in thy word is
my truft.
148 Mine eyes prevent the
night-watches : that I might be
occupied in thy words.
149 Hear my voice, O Lord,
according unto thy loving-kind-
nefs : (juicken me, according as
thou art wont.
150 They draw nigh that of
malice perfecute me : and are far
from thy law.
151 Be thou nigh at hand, O
liOrd : for all thy commandments
are true.
152 As concerning thy teftimo-
nies, I have known long fince :
that thou haft grounded them for
Vide humilitatem.
OConfider mine adverfity, and
deliver me : for I do not
forget thy law.
154 Avenge thou my caufe, and
deliver me : quicken me, according
to thy word.
155 Health is far from the un-
godly : for they regard not thy
15G Great is thy mercy, O Lord :
quicken me, as thou art wont.
157 Many there are that trou-
ble me, and perfecute me : yet do
1 not fwerve from thy teftimonies.
158 It grieveth me when 1 fee
the tranfgrelibrs : becaufe they
keep not thy law.
159 Confider, O Lord, how I
Day 26.
love thy commandments : O quick-
en me, according to thy loving-
KJO Thy word is true from ever-
lafting : all the judgements of thy
righteoufnefs endure for evermore.
Principes perfeciiti funt.
PRINCES have perfecuted me
without a caufe : but my heart
ftandeth in awe of thy word.
162 I am as glad of thy word :
as one that lindeth great fpoils.
163 As for lies, I hate and ab-
lior them : but thy law do I love.
164 Seven times a day do I
praife thee : becaufe of thy right-
eous judgements.
1 65 Great is the peace that they
have who love thy law ; and they
are not offended at it.
166 Lord, I have looked for
thy faving health : and done after
thy commandments.
167 My foul hath kept thy tefti-
monies : and loved them exceed-
168 I have kept thy command-
ments and teftimonies : for all my
ways are before thee.
Appropinquet deprecatio.
LET my complaint come be-
fore thee, O Lord : give me
underftanding, according to thy
170 Let my fupplication come
before thee : deliver me, according
to thy word.
171 My lips ihaU fpeak of thy
Bay *et thee, O .Jerufalem :
let my right hand forget her cun-
() If I do not remember thee,
let my tongue cleave to the roof
Dmj 28.
of my mouth : yea, if I prefer not
Jeruialem in my mirth.
7 Remember the children of
Edom, O Lord, in the day of
Jerufalem : how they faid, Down
with it, down with it, even to
the o-round.
8 O daughter of Babylon, waft-
ed with mifeiy : yea, happy Ihall
he be that rewardeth thee, as thou
haft ferved us.
9 Blefled Ihall he be diat taketh
thy children : and throweth them
againft the ft ones.
Psalm cxxxviii. Conjitehor tibi.
I Will give thanks unto thee, O
Lord, with my whole heart :
even before the gods will I fing
praife unto thee.
2 I will worfliip toward thy
holy temple, and praife thy Name,
becaufe of thy loving-kindnefs and
truth : for thou haft magnified
thy Name, and thy Word, above
all things.
3 When I called upon thee,
thou heardeft me : and enduedft
my foul with nuich ftrength.
4 All the kings of the earth ftiall
praife thee, () Lord : for they have
heard the words of thy mouth.
5 Yea, they lliall fmg in the
ways of the Lord : that great is
the glory of the Lord.
() For though the Lord be high,
yet hath he refpecft unto the lowly :
as for the ])roud, he beholdeth
them afar oft".
Bay 29.
7 Though I walk in the iiiidft
of trouble, yet ftialt thou refreih
me : thou fhalt ilretch forth thy
hand upon the furioufnefs of mine
enemies, and thy right hand fliall
fave me.
8 The Lord fliall make good
his loviug-kindnefs toward me :
yea, thy mercy, O Lord, endur-
eth for ever ; defpife not then the
works of thine own hands.
JHormns |Draper«
Psalm exxxix. Domine, prohafii.
OLord, thou haft fearched me
out, and known me : thou
knoweft my doAvn-fitting, and mine
up-rifing; thou underftandeft my
thoughts long before.
2 Thou art about my path, and
about my bed : and fpieft out all
my ways.
3 For lo, there is not a word in
my tongue : but thou, O Lord,
knoweft it altogether.
4 Thou haft faftiioned me be-
hind and before : and laid thine
hand upon me.
5 Such knowledge is too won-
derful and excellent for me : I
cannot attain unto it.
6 Whither fliall I go then from
thy Spirit : or whither fliall 1 go
then from thy prefence?
7 If I climb up into heaven,
thou art there : if I go down to
hell, thou art there alfo.
8 If I take the wings of the
Bay 29.
morning : and remain in the ut-
termoft parts of the fea ;
9 Even there alfo fliall thy hand
lead me : and thy right hand fliall
hold me.
10 If I fay, Peradventure the
darknel's fliall cover me : then fliall
my night be turned to day.
1 1 Yea, the darknefs is no dark-
nefs with thee, but the night is as
clear as the day : the darknefs and
lijjht to thee are both alike. -^
1 2 For my reins are thine : thou
"haft covered me in my mother's
13 1 will give thanks unto thee,
for I am fearfully and wonderfully
made : marvellous are thy works,
and that my foul knoweth right
14 My bones are not hid from
thee : thous-h I be made fecret-
ly, and fafliioned beneath in the
15 Tliine eyes did fee my fub-
ftance, yet being imperfedl : and
in thy book were all my mem-
bers written ;
16 Which day by day were
fafliioned : when as yet there was
none of them.
17 How dear are thy counfels
unto me, O God : O how great is
the fum of them !
18 If I tell them, they are
more in number than the fand :
when I ^\^ake up I am prefent
with thee.
Daij 29.
19 Wilt thou not flay the wick-
ed, O God : depart from me, ye
blood- thirfty men.
20 For they fpeak unrighteoufly
asrainft thee : and thine enemies
take thy Name in vain.
21 Do not I hate them, O
Lord, that hate thee : and am
not I grieved with thofe that rile
up againll thee?
22 Yea, I hate them right fore :
even as though they were mine
23 Try me, O God, and feek
the ground of my heart : prove
me, and examine my thoughts.
24 Look well if there be any
way of wickednefs in me : and
lead me in the way everlaft;ing.
Psalm cxl. Kripe me, Domine.
DELIVER me, O Lord, from
the evil man : and preferve
me from the wicked man.
2 Who imagine mifchief in their
hearts : and ilir up llrife all the
day long.
3 They have fliarpened their
tongues like a ferpent : adder's
poifon is under their lips.
4 Keep me, O Lord, from the
hands of the ungodly : preferve
me from the wicked men, who
are purpofed to overthrow my
(i I faid uiito the Lord, Thou
5 The proud have laid a fnare
for me, and fpread a net abroad
with cords : yea, and fet traps in
my way.
art my God : hear the voice of
my prayers, O Lord.
7 O Lord God, thou ftrength of
my health : thou haft covered my
head in the day of battle.
8 Let not the ungodly have his
delire, O Lord : let not his mif-
chievous imagination profper, left
they be too proud.
9 Let the mifchief of their own
lips fall upon the head of them :
that compafs me about.
10 Let hot burning coals fall
upon them : let them be caft into
the fire, and into the pit, that they
never rife up again.
11 A man full of words ftiall
not ])rofper upon the earth : evil
fliall hunt the wicked perfon to
overthrow him.
12 Sure I am that the Lord
will avenge the poor : and main-
tain the caufe of the helplefs.
13 The righteous alfo fliall give
thanks unto thy Name : and the
juft fliall continue in thy fight.
Psalm cxli. Domine, clamavi.
LORD, I call upon thee, hafte
thee unto me : and confider
my voice when I cry unto thee.
2 Let my prayer be fet forth in
thy fight as the incenfe : and let
the lifting up of my hands be an
evening facrifice.
3 Set a watch, O Lord, before
my mouth : and keep the door of
my lips.
Day 29.
4 O let not mine heart be in-
clined to any evil thing : let me
not be occupied in ungodly works
with the men that work \vicked-
nefs, left I eat of fuch things as
pleafe them.
5 Let the righteous rather finite
me friendly : and reprove me.
6 But let not their precious
balms break my head : yea, I will
pray yet againft their wickednefs.
7 Let their judges be over-
thrown in ftony places : that they
may hear my words, for they are
8 Our bones lie fcattered be-
fore the pit : like as when one
breaketh and heweth wood upon
the earth.
1) But mine eyes look unto thee,
O Lord God : in thee is my truft,
O caft not out my foul.
10 Keep me from the fnare that
they have laid for me : and from
the traps of the wicked doers.
11 Let the ungodly fall into
their own nets together : and let
me ever efcape them.
Psalm cxlii. VocemeaadDomimim.
1 Cried unto the Lord with my
voice : yea, even unto the Lord
did I make my fupplication.
2 I poured out my complaints
before him : and Ihewed him of
my trouble.
3 When my fpirit was in hea-
Day 29.
vinefs thou kneweft my path : in
the way wherein I walked have
they privily laid a fnare for me.
4 I looked alfo upon my right
hand : and faw there was no man
that would know me.
5 I had no place to flee unto :
and no man cared for my foul.
6 I cried unto thee, O Lord,
and faid : Thou art my hope, and
my portion in the land of the living.
7 Confider my complaint : for
I am brought very low.
8 O deliver me from my per-
fecutors : for they are too ilrong
for me.
9 Bring my foul out of prifon,
that I may give thanks unto thy
Name : which thing if thou wilt
grant me, then fliall the righteous
refort unto my company.
Psalm cxliii. Domine, exaudi.
HEAR my prayer, O Lord,
and confider my defire :
hearken unto me for thy truth
and righteoufnefs' fake.
2 And enter not into judgement
with thy fervant : for in thy fight
fliall no man living be juftified.
3 For the enemy hath pei-fe-
cuted my foul ; he hath fmitten
my life down to the ground :
he hath laid me in the darknefs,
as the men that have been long
4 Therefore is my fpirit vexed
within me : and my heart within
me is defolate.
Day 30.
5 Yet do I remember the time
paft ; I mufe upon all thy works :
yea, I exercife myfelf in the works
of thy hands.
6 I ftretch forth my hands unto
thee : my foul gafpeth unto thee
as a thirlly land.
7 Hear me, O Lord, and that
foon, for my fpirit waxetli faint :
hide not tliy face from me, left I
be like unto them that go down
mto the pit.
8 O let me hear thy loving-
kindnefs betimes in the morning,
for in thee is my truft : fliew thou
me the way that I Ihould walk in,
for I lift up my foul unto thee.
9 Deliver me, O Lord, from
mine enemies : for I flee unto
thee to hide me.
10 Teach me to do the thing
that pleafeth thee, for thou art my
God : let thy loving Spirit lead
me forth into the land of right-
1 1 Quicken me, O Lord, for
thy Name's fake : and for thy
righteoufnefs' fake bring my foul
out of trouble.
12 And of thy goodnefs flay
mine enemies : and deftroy all
them that vex my foul ; for I am
thy fei*vant.
£©orning draper,
PsAi.M cxliv. BenediSius Domiiius.
BLESSED be the Lord my
ftrength : who teacheth my
Day 80.
hands to war, and my fingers to
fight ;
2 My hope and my fortrefs, my
caftle and deliverer, my defender
in whom I truft : who fubdueth
my people that is under me.
3 Lord, what is man, that thou
haft fuch refpe^t unto him : or the
fon of man, that thou fo regard-
eft him?
4 Man is like a thing of nought :
his time palfeth away Uke a flia-
5 Bow thy heavens, O Lord,
and come down : touch the moun-
tains, and they fliall fmoke.
6 Caft forth thy lightning, and
tear them : flioot out thine arrows,
and confume them.
7 Send down thine hand from
above : deliver me, and take me
out of the great waters, from the
hand of ftrange children ;
8 Whofe mouth talketh of va-
nity : and their right hand is a
right hand of wickednefs.
9 I will fing a new fong unto
thee, O God : and fing j)raifes un-
to thee upon a ten-ftringed lute.
10 Thou haft given victory un-
to kings : and haft delivered Da-
vid thy fervant from the peril of
the fword.
11 Save me, and deliver me
from the hand of ftrange children :
whofe mouth talketh of vanity,
and their right hand is a right
hand of iniquity.
Bay 30.
12 That our fons may grow up
as the young plants : and that our
daughters may be as the poHlhed
corners of the temple.
13 That our garners may be full
and plenteous with all manner of
ftore : that our Iheep may bring
forth thoufands and ten thoufands
in our ftreets.
14 That our oxen may be ftrong
to labour, that there be no decay :
no leading into captivity, and no
complaining in our ftreets.
15 Happy are the people that
are in fuch a cafe : yea, blefled
are the people who have the Lord
for their God.
Psalm cxlv. Ea^altaho te, Deus.
IWill magnify thee, O God, my
King : and I will praife thy
Name for ever and ever.
2 Eveiy day will I give thanks
unto thee : and praife thy Name
for ever and ever.
3 Great is the Lord, and mar-
vellous, worthy to be praifed : there
is no end of his greatnefs.
4 One generation ftiall praife
thy works unto another : and de-
clare thy power.
5 As for me, I ^vill be talking
of thy worlhip : thy glory, thy
praife, and wondrous works ;
6 So that men fhall fpeak of the
might of thy marvellous a6ts : and
1 will alfo tell of thy greatnefs.
7 The memorial of thine abun-
dant kindnefs fliall be fliewed :
Day 30.
and men fliall fing of thy right-
8 The I^ord is gracious, and
merciful : long-fuffering, and of
great goodnefs.
9 The Ijord is loving unto eve-
ry man : and his mercy is over all
his works.
10 All thy works praife thee, O
Lord : and thy faints give thanks
unto thee.
11 They fliew the gloiy of thy
kingdom : and talk of thy power ;
12 That thy power, thy glory,
and mightinefs of thy kingdom :
might be known unto men.
13 Thy kingdom is an everlaft-
ing kingdom : and thy dominion
endureth throughout all ages.
14 The Lord upholdeth all fuch
as fall : and lifteth up all thofe
that are down.
15 The eyes of all wait upon
thee, O Lord : and thou giveft
them their meat in due feafon.
16 Thou openeft thine hand :
and filleft all things living with
17 The Lord is righteous in
all his ways : and holy in all his
18 The Lord is nigh unto all
them that call upon him : yea, all
fuch as call upon him faithfully.
19 He will fulfil the defire
of them that fear him ; he alfo
will hear their cry, and will help
Day 80.
Day 80.
20 The Lord preferveth all them
that love him : but fcattereth a-
broad all the ungodly.
21 My mouth fliall fpeak the
praife of the Lord : and let all
flelli give thanks unto his holy
Name for ever and ever.
Psalm cxlvi. Lauda, anima meet.
PRAISE the Lord, O my foul ;
while I live vnW I praife the
Lord : yea, as long as I have
any being, 1 will ling praifes unto
my God.
2 O put not your truft in prin-
ces, nor in any child of man : for
there is no help in them.
3 For when the breath of man
goeth forth he fliall turn again
to his earth : and then all his
thoughts perifh. '
4 Blelled is he that hath the
God of Jacob for his help : and
whofe hope is in the Lord his God ;
5 Who made heaven and earth,
the fea, and all that therein is :
who keepeth his promife for ever;
6 Who helpeth tliem to right
irtiat fuffcr AATong : \\\\o feedeth
the hungiy.
; 7 The Lord loofeth men out of
prifon : the Lord giveth fight to
the blind.
8 The Lord helpeth them that
are fallen : the Lord careth for
the righteous. ^ ' ^^
9 riie Lord caretli for the
11 rangers ; he defendeth the fa-
therlefs and widow : as for the
way of the ungodly, he turneth
it upfide down.
1 The Lord thy God, O Sion,
Ihall be King for evermore : and
throughout all generations.
Psalm cxlvii. Laudate Domimim.
O Praife the Lord, for it is a
good thing to fing praifes
unto our God : yea, a joyful and
pleafant thing it is to be thankful.
2 The Lord doth build up Je-
rufalem : and gather together the
out-cafts of Ifrael.
3 He healeth thofe that are
broken in heart : and giveth me-
dicine to heal their ficknefs.
4 He telleth the number of
the ftars : and calleth them all by
their names.
5 Great is our Lord, and great
is his power : yea, and his wifdom
is infinite.
6 The Lord fetteth up the
meek : and bringeth the ungodly
down to the ground.
7 O fing unto the Lord with
thankfgiving : fing praifes upon
the harp unto our God ;
8 Who covereth the heaven
with clouds, and prepareth rain
for the earth : and maketh the
grafs to grow upon the moun-
tains, and herb for the ufe of men;
9 W ho giveth fodder unto the
cattle : and feedeth the young ra-
vens that call upon him.
Day 30.
10 He hath no pleafiire in the
ftreng'th of an horfe : neither de-
lig'hteth he in any man's legs.
1 1 But the Lord's dehght is in
them that fear him : and put their
truft in his mercy.
12 Praife the Lord, O Jerufa-
lem : praife thy God, O Sion.
13 For he hath made faft the
bars of thy gates : and hath blefled
thy children within thee.
14 He maketh peace in thy
borders : and fiUeth thee with the
flour of wheat.
15 He fendeth forth his com-
mandment upon earth : and his
word runneth very fwiftly.
16 He giveth fnow hke wool :
and fcattereth the hoar-froft like
17 He cafteth forth his ice like
morfels : who is able to abide his
18 He fendeth out his word,
and melteth them : he bloweth
with his wind, and the waters
19 He flieweth his word unto
Jacob : his ftatutes and ordinances
unto Ifrael.
20 He hath not dealt fo with
any nation : neither have the hea-
then knowledge of his laws.
Psalm cxlviii. Lmidate Dominum.
O Praife the Lord of heaven :
praife him in the height.
2 Praife him, all ye angels of
his : praife him, all his hoft.
Bay 30.
3 Praife him, fun and moon :
praife him, all ye ftars and light.
4 Praife hun, all ye heavens :
and ye waters that are above the
5 Let them praife the Name of
the Lord : for he fpake the word,
and they were made ; he com-
manded, and they were created.
6 He hath made them fall for
ever and ever : he hath given them
a law which fhall not be broken.
7 Praife the Lord upon earth :
ye dragons, and all deeps;
8 Fire and hail, fnow and va-
pours : wind and ftorm, fulfilling
his word;
9 Mountains and all hills : fruit-
ful trees and all cedars ;
10 Beafts and all cattle : worms
and feathered fowls ;
11 Kings of the earth and all
people : princes and all judges of
the world ;
12 Young men and maidens,
old men and children, praife the
Name of the Lord : for his Name
only is excellent, and his praife
above heaven and earth.
13 He Ihall exalt the horn of
his people ; all his faints fliall
praife him : even the children of
Ifrael, even the people that ferveth
Psalm cxlix. Cantate Domino.
OSing unto the Lord a new
fong : let the congregation
of faints praife him.
Z Z 2
Day 80.
2 Let Ifrael rejoice in him that
made him : and let the children of
Sion be joyful in then- King.
3 Let them praife his Name in
the dance : let them ling praifes
unto liim with tabret and harp.
4 For the Lord hath pleafure
in his people : and helpeth the
5 Let the faints be joyful with
glory : let them rejoice in their
6 Let the praifes of God be in
their mouth : and a two-edged
fword in their hands ;
7 To be avenged of the hea-
then : and to rebuke the people ;
8 To bind their kings in chains :
and their nobles with links of iron.
9 That they may be avenged of
Day 80.
them, as it is written : Such ho-
nour have all his faints.
Psalm cl. Laudate Domimim.
O Praife God in his holinefs :
praife him in the firmament
of his power.
2 Praife him in his noble a6ls :
praife him according to his excel-
lent greatnefs.
3 Praife him in the found of
the trumpet : praife him upon the
lute and harp.
4 Praife him in the cymbals
and dances : praife him upon the
firings and pipe.
5 Praife him upon the well-
tuned cymbals : praife him upon
the loud cymbals.
6 Let every thing that hath
breath : praife the Lord.
^ The Morning and Evening Service to be iifed daily at SeaJJiall he the
fame ivhich is appointed in the Book of Common Prayer.
U These two folloiving Prayers are to be also used in
his Majesty's Navy every day.
O Eternal Lord God, who alone
fpreadeft out the heavens, and
ruleft the raging of the fea ; who
haft compafled the waters with
bounds until day and night come
to an end ; Be pleafed to receive
into thy Almighty and moft gra-
cious protection the peirfons of us
thy fervants, and the Fleet in which
we ferve. Preferve us from the
dangers of the fea, and fi-om the
violence of the enemy ; llml, wt
l uny ItP 'A fMfHg i iH i- d ii i i ( n ii i ir ii mfl
grHrioiiK Sitvt^rrign TiOril, King
GEORGE, and his Du i nii i ioiis ,
and a fecurily fur fucli as pafs on
the feas upon, their lawful occa =-
fiuns ; ihiU l]w ii i liMliilaiU^i uf our
['fland iiJiiy in ph'arn and iimgU i rrs
; aiKlTtha
lat we
may return in fafety to enjoy the
bleffings of the land, with the fruits
of our labours, and with a thank-
ful remembrance of thy mercies to
praife and glorify thy holy Name ;
through Jefus Chr&l our Lord.
The ColleB.
PREVENT us, O Lord, in all
our doings, with thy moft gra-
cious favour, and further us with
thy continual help ; that in all our
works begun, continued, and end-
ed in thee, we may glorify thy holy
Name, and finally by thy mercy
obtain everlafting life ; through Je-
fus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
1 Prayers to be used in Storms at Sea.
OMoft powerful and glorious
Lord God, at whofe com-
mand the winds blow, and lift up
the waves of the fea, and who ftill-
eft the rage thereof; We thy crea-
tures, but miferable linners, do
in this our great diftrefs cry unto
thee for help : Save, Lord, or elfe
we perifli. We confefs, when we
have been fafe, and feen all things
quiet about us, we have forgot thee
our God, and refufed to hearken
to the ftill voice of thy word, and
to obey thy commandments : But
now we fee, how terrible thou art
in all thy works of wonder; the
Forms of Prayer to he ufed at Sea.
great God to be feared above all :
And therefore we adore thy Di-
^-ine Majefty, acknowledghig thy
power, and imploring thy good-
nefs. Help, Lord, and fave us for
thy mercy's fake in Jefus Chrift
thy Son, our Lord. Amen.
Or this.
O^Ioft glorious and gracious
Lord God, who dwelled in
heaven, but beholdeft all things
below ; Look down, we befeech
thee, and hear us, calling out of
the depth of mifery, and out of
the jaws of this death, which is
ready now to fwallow us up : Save,
Lord, or elfe we perifli. The liv-
ing, the living, ftiall praife thee.
O fend thy word of command to
rebuke the raging winds, and the
roaring fea ; that we, being deli-
vered from this diftrefs, may live
to ferve thee, and to glorify thy
Name all the days of our life.
Hear, Lord, and fave us, for the
infinite merits of our blelfed Savi-
our, thy Son, our Lord Jefus Chrift.
% Tlie Prayer to be said before a Fight at Sea
against any Enemt/.
OMoft powerful and glorious
Lord God, the Lord of hofts,
that ruleft and commandeft all
thino-s : Thou fitteft in the throne
judging right, and therefore we
make our addrefs to thy Divine
Majefty in this our neceffity, that
thou wouldeft take the caufe into
thine own hand, and judge be-
tween us and our enemies. Stir
up thy ftrength, O Lord, and come
and help us ; for thou giveft not
alway the battle to the ftrong, but
canft fave by many or by few. O
let not our (ins now ciy againft us
for vengeance; but hear us thy
poor fervants begging mercy, and
imploring thy help, and that thou
wouldeft be a defence unto us a-
gainft the face of the enemy. Make
it appear that thou art our Saviour
and mighty Deliverer, through Je-
fus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
^ Short Prayers for single persons, that cannot meet
to join in Prayer with others, by reason of the
Fight, or Storm.
General Prayers.
LORD, be merciful to us fin-
ners, and fave us for thy mer-
cy's fake.
Thou art the great God, that
haft made and ruleft all things :
O deliver us for thy Name's fake.
Thou art the great God to be
feared above all : O fave us, that
we may praife thee.
Special Prayers tvith respect to the
• Enemy.
THOU, O Lord, art juft and
powerful : O defend our caufe
againft the face of the enemy.
O God, thou art a ftrong tower
of defence to all that flee unto
thee : O fave us from the violence
of the enemy.
Forms of Prayer to he ufed at Sea.
O Lord of hofts, fight for us,
that we may glorify thee.
O fuffer us not to fink under
the weight of our fins, or the vio-
lence of the enemy.
O Lord, arife, help us, and de-
liver us for thy Name's fake.
Short Prayers in respect of a Storm.
THOU, O Lord, that ftillefl;
the raging of the fea, hear,
hear us, and fave us, that we pe-
rifli not.
O bleffed Saviour, that didfl;
fave thy difciples ready to perilh
in a llorm, hear us, and fave us,
we befeech thee.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Chrifl;, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
O Lord, hear us.
O Chrifi;, hear us.
God the Father, God the Son,
God the Holy Ghoft, have mercy
upon us, fave us now and ever-
more. Amen.
OUR Father, which art in hea-
ven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth. As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpaffes. As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainfl; us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
evil : For thine is the kingdom.
The power, and the gloiy. For
ever and ever. Amen.
f When there shall be imminent danger, as many as
ean be spared from neces.wri/ service in the Ship
shall be called together, and make an humble Con-
fession of their sin to God: In which every one
ought seriously to reflect upon those particular sins
of which his conscience shall accuse him ; saying as
The Confession,
ALMIGHTY God, Father of >
our Lord ,Jefus Chrifi, Maker
of all things. Judge of all men; We
acknowledge and bewail our ma-
nifold fins and wickednefs, Which
we, from time to time, moft griev-
oufly have committed, By thought,
word, and deed, Againil thy Di-
vine Majefty, Provoking moll juftly
thy wrath and indignation againil
us. We do earneftly repent, And
are heartily foriy for thefe our mif-
doings ; The remembrance of them
is grievous unto us ; The burden
of them is intolerable. Have mer-
cy upon us. Have mercy upon us,
moft merciful Father ; For thy Son
our Lord Jefus Chrift's fake. For-
give us all that is paft ; And grant
that we may ever hereafter Serve
and pleafe thee In newnefs of life.
To the honour and glory of thy
Name ; Through Jefus Chrift our
Lord. Amen.
1[ Then shall the Priest, if there he any in the Ship,
pronounce this Absolution.
ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly
- Father, who of his great mer-
cy hath promifed forgivenefs of
fins to all them that with hearty
repentance and true faith turn un-
to him ; Have mercy upon you ;
Forms of Prayer to he ufed at Sea
pardon and deliver you from all
your fins ; confirm and ftrengthen
you in all goodnefs, and bring you
to everlafl;ing life ; through Jefiis
Chrifl; our Lord. Amen.
Thank/giving after a Storm.
Juhikite Deo. Pfalm Ixvi.
O Be joyful in God, all ye lands :
fing praifes unto the honour
of his Name, make his praife to
be glorious.
Say unto God, O how wonderfiil
art thou in thy works : through
the greatnefs of thy power fliall
thine enemies be found liars unto
' For all the world fliall worfliip
thee : fing of thee, and praife thy
O come hither, and behold the
works of God : how wonderful he
is in his doing toward the chil-
dren of men.
He turned the fea into dry land :
fo that they went throuorh the wa-
ter on foot ; there did we rejoice
He ruletli with his ])ower for
ever ; his eyes behold the people :
and fuch as will not believe fliall
not be able to exalt themfelves.
O j)raife our God, ye people :
and make the voice of his praife
to be heard ;
Who holdeth our foul in life :
and fuffereth not our feet to flip.
For thou, O God, hafl; proved
us : thou alfo haft tried us, like
as filver is tried.
Thou broughteft us into the
fnare : and laideft trouble upon
our loins.
Thou fufleredft men to ride over
our heads : we went througch fire
and water, and thou broughteft us
out into a wealthy place.
I will go into thine houfe ^vith
burnt-oiferings : and will pay thee
my vows, which I promifed with
my lips, and fpake with my mouth,
when I was in trouble.
I will oft'er unto thee fat burnt-
facrifices, with the incenfe of rams :
I will offer bullocks and goats.
come hither, and hearken,
all ye that fear God : and I will
tell you what he hath done for my
1 called unto him with my
mouth : and gave him praifes with
my tongue.
If I incline unto ^vickednefs with
mine heart : the Lord will not
hear me.
But God hath heard me : and
confidered the voice of my prayer.
Praifed be God who hath not
caft out my prayer : nor turned
his mercy from me.
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever fliall be : world
without end.
Forms of Prayer
Con/itemini Domino. Pfalm cvii.
OGive thanks unto the Lord,
for he is gracious : and his
mercy endureth for ever.
Let them give thanks whom the
Lord hath redeemed : and deliver-
ed from the hand of the enemy ;
And gathered them out of the
lands, from the eaft, and from the
weft : from the north, and from
the fouth.
They went aftray in the wilder-
nefs out of the way : and found
no city to dwell in ;
Hungry and thirfty : their foul
fainted in them.
So they cried unto the Lord in
their trouble : and he delivered
them from their diftrefs.
He led them forth by the riglit
way : that they might go to the
city where they dwelt.
O that men would therefore
praife the Lord for his goodnefs :
and declare the wonders that he
doeth for the children of men !
For he fatisfieth the empty foul :
and filleth the hungry foul with
Such as fit in darknefs, and in
the fhadow of death : beinor faft
bound in mifeiy and iron ;
Becaufe they rebelled againft
the words of the Lord : and lightly
regarded the counfel of the moft
Higheft ;
He alfo brought down their
heart through heavinefs : they fell
to be vjed at Sea.
down, and there was none to lielp
So when they cried unto the
Lord in their trouble : he deliver-
ed them out of their diftrefs.
For he brouo-ht them out of
darknefs, and out of the fliadow
of death : and brake their bonds
in funder.
O that men would therefore
praife the Lord for his goodnefs :
and declare the wonders that he
doeth for the children of men !
For he hath broken the gates
of brafs : and fmitten the bars of
iron in funder.
Fooliili men are plagued for
their oflence : and becaufe of their
Their foul abhorred all manner
-of Uieat : and they were even hard
at death's door.
J50 when they cried unto the
Lord in tiieir trouble : he delivered
them out of their diftrefs.
He fent his word, and healed
them : and they were faved from
their deftru6lion.
O that men would therefore
praife the Lord for his goodnefs :
and declare the wonders that he
doeth for the children of men !
That they would offer unto him
the facrifice of thankfgiving : and
tell out his works with gladnefs!
They that go down to the fea
in fliips : and occupy their bufinefs
in great waters ;
Forms of Prayer to be iifed at Sea.
Tliefe men fee the works of
the Lord : and his wonders in
the deep.
For at his word the ftormy wind
arifeth : which lifteth np the waves
They are carried up to the hea-
ven, and down again to the deep :
their foul nielteth away becaiife of
the trouble.
They reel to and fro, and ftag-
ger like a drunken man : and are
at their wit's end.
So when they ciy unto the Lord
in their trouble : he delivereth
them out of their diftrefs.
For he maketh the ftorm to
ceafe : fo that the waves thereof
are ftill.
Then are they glad, becaufe
they are at rell : and fo he biing-
eth them unto the haven where
they would be.
O that men would therefore
praife the Lord for his goodnefs :
and declare the wonders that he
doeth for the children of men !
That they would exalt him alfo
in the congregation of the people :
and praife him in the feat of the
elders !
Who turneth the floods into a
wildernefs : and drieth up the wa-
A fruitful land maketh he bar-
ren : for the wickednefs of them
that dwell therein.
Again, he maketh the wilder-
nefs a Handing water : and water-
fprings of a diy ground.
And there he fetteth the hun-
gry : that they may build them a
city to dwell in ;
That they may fow their land,
and plant vineyards : to yield them
fruits of increafe.
He blelfeth them, fo that they
multiply exceedingly : and fu|fereth
not their cattle to decreafe.
And again, when they are mi-
nilhed, and brought low : through
oppreflion, through any plague, or
trouble ;
Though he fuffer them to be
evil intreated through tyrants : and
let them wander out of the way in
the wildernefs ;
Yet helpeth he the poor out
of mifery : and maketh him houfe-
holds like a flock of flieep.
The righteous will conflder this,
and rejoice : and the mouth of
all wickednefs fliall be flopped.
Whofo is wife mil ponder thefe
things : and they fliall undei*fi;and
the loving-kindnefs of the Lord.
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever fliall be : world
without end.
Colie&s of Thankfginng.
OMoftblefled and glorious Lord
God, who art of infinite good-
nefs and mercy; We thy poor
Forms of Prayer
creatures, whom thou haft made
and preferved, holding our fouls
hi life, and now refcuing us out
of the jaws of death, humbly pre-
fent ourfelves again before thy Di-
vine Majefty, to ofter a facrifice of
praife and thankfgiving, for that
thou heardeft us when we called
in our trouble, and didft not caft
out our prayer, which we made
before thee in our great diftrei's :
Even when we gave all for loft,
our fliip, our goods, our lives, then
didft thou mercifully look upon us,
and wonderfully command a deli-
verance ; for which we, now being
in fafety, do give all praife and
glory to thy holy Name ; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
Or this.
OMoft mighty and gracious
good God, thy mercy is over
all thy works, but in fpecial man-
ner hath been extended toward
us, whom thou haft fo powerfully
and wonderfully defended. Thou
haft fliewed us terrible things, and
wonders in the deep, that we might
fee how powerful and gracious a
God thou art ; how able and rea-
dy to help them that truft in thee.
Thou haft ftiewed us how both
winds and feas obey thy com-
mand ; that we may learn, even
from them, hereafter to obey thy
voice, and to do thy will. We
therefore blefs and glorify thy
Name, for this thy mercy in fav-
to be ufed at Sea,
ing us, when we were ready to
perifli. And, we befeech thee,
make us as truly fenfible now of
thy mercy, as we were then of
the danger : and give us hearts
always ready to exprefs our thank-
fulnefs, not only by words, but
alfo by our lives, in being more
obedient to thy holy command-
ments. Continue, we befeech thee,
this thy goodnefs to us ; that we,
whom thou haft faved, may ferve
thee in holinefs and righteoufnefs
all the days of our life ; through
Jefus Chrift om- Lord and Savi-
our. Allien,
An Hymn of Praise and Thanksgiv-
ing after a dangerous Tempest.
Come, let us give thanks un-
to the Lord, for he is gra-
cious : and his mercy endureth
for ever.
Great is the Lord, and greatly
to be praifed ; let the redeemed
of the Lord fay fo : whom he hath
delivered from the mercilefs rage
of the fea.
The Lord is gracious and full
of compaffion : flow to anger, and
of great mercy.
He hath not dealt with us ac-
cording to our fins : neither re-
warded us according to our ini-
But as the heaven is high above
the earth : fo great hath been his
mercy towards us.
3 A a
Forms of Prayer
We found trouble and heavi-
nefs : we were even at death's
The waters of the fea had well-
nigh covered us : the proud wa-
ters had well-nigh gone over our
The fea roared : and the ftonny
wind lifted up the waves thereof.
We were carried up as it were
to heaven, and then down again
into the deep : our foul melted
within us, becaufe of trouble ;
Tiien cried we unto thee, O
Lord : and thou didft deliver us
out of our diftrefs.
Blefled be thy Name, who didft
not defpife the prayer of thy fer-
vants : but didft hear our cry, and
haft faved us.
Thou didft fend forth thy com-
mandment : and the windy ftorm
ceafed, and was turned into a
O let us therefore praife the
Lord for his goodnefs : and de-
clare the wonders that he hath
done, and ftill doeth for the chil-
dren of men.
Praifed be the Lord daily :
even the Lord that helpeth us,
and poureth his benefits upon us.
He is our God, even the God
of whom Cometh falvation : God
is the Lord by whom we have
efcaped death.
Thou, Lord, haft made us glad
through the operation of thy
to be ufed at Sea.
hands : and we will triumph in
thy praife.
Bleffed be the Lord God : even
the Lord God, who only doeth
wondrous things ;
And blefled be the Name of his
JMajefty for ever : and let every
one of us fay, Amen, Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever Ihall be : world
without end. Amen.
2 Cor. xiii.
THE grace of our Lord Jefus
Chrift, and the love of God,
and the fellowftiip of the Holy
Ghoft, be with us all evermore.
After Vidioj'y or Deliverance fj'om
an Enemy.
A Psahn or Hymn of Praise and
Thanksgiving after Victory.
F the Lord had not been on
our fide, now may we fay :
if the Lord himfelf had not been
on our fide, when men rofe up
againft us ;
They had fwallowed us up quick:
when they were fo wrathfully dif-
pleafed at us.
Yea, the waters had drowned
us, and the ftream had gone over
our foul : the deep waters of the
proud had gone over our foul.
Forms of Prayer
But praifed be the Lord : who
hath not given us over as a prey
unto them.
The Lord hath wrought : a
mighty falvation for us.
We gat not this by our own
fword, neither was it our own
arm that faved us : but thy right
hand, and thine arm, and the Hght
of thy countenance, becaufe thou
hadil a favour unto us.
The Lord hath appeared for us :
the Lord hath covered our heads,
and made us to Hand in the day
of battle.
The Lord hath appeared for us :
the Ijord hath overthrown our ene-
mies, and daflied in pieces thofe
that rofe up againft us.
Therefore not unto us, O Lord,
not unto us ; but unto thy Name
be given the glory.
The Lord hath done great
things for us : the Lord hath
done great things for us, for which
we rejoice.
Our help ftandeth in the Name
of the Lord : who hath made hea-
ven and earth.
Bleffed be the Name of the
I^ord : from this time forth for
Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son : and to the Holy
As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever fliall be : world
without end. Amen.
to be ufed at Sea.
1 After this Hymn may be sung the
Te Deum. ^
^ Then this Collect.
O Almighty God, the Sovereign
Commander of all the world,
in whofe hand is power and might
which none is able to withftand ;
We blefs and magnify thy great
and glorious Name for this happy
Vi6lory, the whole glory whereof
we do afcribe to thee, who art
the only giver of Vi6tory. And,
we befeech thee, give us grace to
improve this great mercy to thy
glory, the advancement of thy Gof-
pel, the honour of our Sovereign,
and, as much as in us lieth, to
the good of all mankind. And,
we befeech thee, give us fuch a
fenfe of this great mercy, as may
eno-ao-e us to a true thankfulnefs,
fuch as may appear in our lives
by an humble, holy, and obedient
walking before thee all our days,
through Jefus Chrift our Lord ;
to whom with thee and the Holy
Spirit, as for all thy mercies, fo in
particular for this Vi6toiy and De-
liverance, be all glory and honour,
world without end. Amen.
2 Co7\ xiii.
THE grace of our Lord Jefus
Chrill, and the love of God,
and the fellowfliip of the Holy
Ghoft, be with us all evermore.
Forms of Frayer to he ufed at Sea.
At the Burial of tJieir Dead at
% The Office in the Common Prayer-book may be
used; only instead of these zmrds [We there-
fore commit his body to the ground, earth to
earth, &c.] say,
WE therefore commit his body
to the deep, to be turned
into corruption, looking for the
refuiTcdtion of the body, (when
the Sea fliall give up her dead,)
and the life of the world to come,
through our Lord Jefus Chrift ;
who at his coming fliall change
our vile body, that it may be like
his glorious body, according to
the mighty working, whereby he
is able to fubdue all things to
J. T is evident unto all men dilis^ently reading the holy Scripture and
ancient Authors, that from the Apoftles time there have been thefe Orders
of Minifiers in Chriji's Church; Bijhops, Priejis, and Deacons. Which
Offices ivere evermore had infuch reverend EjUmation, that no man might
prefume to execute any of them, except he were frjl called, tried, examined^
and known to have fuch qualities as are requijite for the fame ; and alfo
by piiblick Prayer, with Impojition of Hands, were approved and ad-
mitted thereunto by lawful Authority. And therefore, to the intent that
thefe Orders may be continued, and revo'ently ufed and ejleemed, in the
United Church o/' England and Ireland; no man fliall be accounted or
taken to "he a lawful Bijhop, Prieji, or Deacon in the United Church of
England and Ireland, or fuffered to execute any of the faid Funbtions,
except he be called, tried, examined, and admitted thereunto, according to
the Form hereafter following, or hath had formerly Epifcopal Confe-
cration, or Ordination.
And none fliall be admitted a Deacon, except he be Twenty-three
years of age, unlefs he have a Faculty. And every man which is
to be admitted a Prieji Jhall be full Four-and-twenty years old. And
every man which is to be ordained or confecrated Bijhop fhall be full
Thirty years of age.
And the BiJJiop, knowing either by himfelf or by fufficient tejlimony,
any Perfon to be a man of virtuous converfation, and ivithout crime ; and,
after examination and trial, fnding him learned in the Latin Tongue,
and fufficiently injlrudied in holy Scripture, may at the times appointed
in the Canon, or elfe, on urgent occafon, upon fome other Sunday or
Holy-day, in the face of the Church, admit him a Deacon, in fuch man-
nei' and form as hereafter followeth.
% JVhen the day appointed by the Bishop is cuvie, after Morning Prayer is ended, there shall be a
Sermon or Exhortation, declaring the Duty and Office of such us come to he admitted Deacons;
how necessary that Order is in the Church of Christ, 'and also, how the people ought to aiteem
them in their Oj/ice.
^ First the Archdeacon, or his Deputy, shall present
unto the Bishop {sitting in his chair near to the holy
Table) such as desire to be ordained Deacons, {each
of them being dccerilli/ habited,) saying these teords,
REVEREND Father in God, I
prefeiit unto you thefe perfons
prefent, to be admitted Deacons.
The Bishop.
TAKE heed that the perfons,
whom ye prefent unto us, be
apt and meet, for their learning
and godly converfation, to exercife
their Miniftry duly, to the honour
of God, and the edifying of his
^ The Archdeacon shall answer,
I Have enquired of them, and
alfo examined them, and think
them fo to be.
5[ Then the Bishop shall sai/ unto the people:
BRETHREN, if there be any
of you who knoweth any Im-
pediment, or notable Crime, in
any of thefe perfons prefented to
be ordered Deacons, for the which
he ought not to be admitted to
that Office, let him come forth in
the Name of God, and (hew what
the Crime or Impediment is.
^ And if ant/ great Crime or Impediment be objected,
the Bishop shall surcease from ordering that person,
until such time as the party accused shall be found
clear oftlmt Crime.
% Then the Bishop (commending such as shall be
found meet to be Ordered to the Prayers of the
congregation) shall, with the Clergy and people pre-
sent, sing or say the Litany, with the Prayers as
The Litany and Sujfrages.
OGod the Father, of heaven :
have mercy upon us mifer-
able linners.
O God the Father, of heaven :
have mercy upon us miferahle Jinners,
O God the Son, Redeemer of
the world : have mercy upon us
miferable linners.
O God the Son, Redeemer of the
tvorld : have mei'cy upon us vnijer-
able Jinners.
O God the Holy Ghoft, pro-
ceeding from the Father and the
Son : have mercy upon us mifer-
able linners.
O God the Holy Ghojl, proceed-
ing from the Father and the Son :
have mercy upon us miferable Jinners.
O holy, bleffed, and glorious
Trinity, three Perfons and one
God : have mercy upon us mifer-
able linners.
O holy, blejfed, and glorious Tri-
nity, three Perjons and one God :
have mercy upon us miferable Jinners.
Remember not, Lord, our of-
Tlie Ordenng
fences, nor the offences of our fore-
fathers; neither take thou venge-
ance of our (ins : fpare us, good
Lord, fpare thy people, whom thou
haft redeemed witli thy moft pre-
cious blood, and be not angiy with
usjfpr ever. ■ ^^ ,^ ,
oj {v Spare uSy good Lord/ Avr
;Frpm all evil and mifchief ; from
fin> from the crafts and affaults of
the devil; from thy wTath, and
from eyerlafting damnation,
. ! Good Lord, deliver its.
VvFrom all blindnefs of heart; from
pridcj vain^gloiy, and hypocrify;
from envy, hatred, and malice, and
all uncharitablenefs,
; ^ Good Lord, deliver us.
/,; From fornication, and all other
deadly fin ; and from all the deceits
of die world, the flefli, and the devil,
Good Lord, deliver us. ' ^'
From liglitning and tempeft ;
from plague, peltilence, and fa-
mine; from battle and murder, and
from fudden death, .S-^'^V
■iin Good Lord, deliver 2/*, d i
From all fedition, privy confpi-
racy, and rebellion ; from all falfe
doctrine, herefy, and fchifm; from
hardnefs of heart, and contempt
of thy Word and Commandment,
Good Lord, deliver us.
By the myllery of thy holy In-
carnation ; by thy holy Nativity
and C ircumciiion ; by thy Baptifm,
Fafting, and remj)tation,
Good Lord, deliver us.
of Deacons.
By thine Agony and bloody
Sweat ; by thy Crofs and Paflion ;
by thy precious Death and Burial ;
by thy glorious Refurre6tion and
Afcenfion ; and by the coming of
the Holy Ghoft,
Good Lord, deliver us.
In all time of our tribulation ; in
all time of our wealth; in the hour of
death, and in the day of judgement,
V^Qk^ Good Lord, deliver tis. ^^^
We linners do befeech thee to
hear us, O Lord God ; and that it
may pleafe thee to rule and govern
thy holy Church univCrfal in the
right way; auj J, .;; , ><-.i-
PVe hefeecli thee to^efh'iis, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to keep
and ftrengthen in the true wor-
fliipping of thee, in righteoufnefs
and hoUnefs of life, thy Servant
GEORGE our moft gracious
King and Governour ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to rule
his heart in thy faith, fear, and
love, and that he may evermore
have affiance in thee, and ever feek
thy honour and glory;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to be his
defender, and keeper, giving him
the vi(^loiy over all his enemies ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to blefs
and preferve our gracious Queen
Charlotte, their Royal llighneffes
George Prince of Wales, tlie Frin-
eefs of Wales, and all the Royal
Family ;
We be/'cech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to illu-
minate all Bifhops, Priefts, and
Deacons, with true knowledge and
nnderftaiiding of thy Word ; and
that both by their preaching* and
living- they may fet it forth, and
fhew it accordingly ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to blefs
thefe thy fervants, now to be ad-
mitted to the Order of Deacons,
[or Priejls,^ and to pour thy grace
upon them ; that they may duly
execute their Office, to the edify-
ing of thy Church, and the glory
of thy holy Name ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to en-
due the Lords of the Council, and
all the Nobility, with grace, wif-
dom, and underftanding ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to blefs
and keep the Magiftrates, giving
them grace to execute juftice, and
to maintain truth ; ariofi yil
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to blefs
and keep all thy people ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to give
to all nations unity, peace, and
concord ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to giv6
The Orderkigof iTeacms.
us an heart to love and dread thee,
and diligently to live after thy com-
mandments ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to give to
all thy people increafe of grace to
hear meekly thy Word, and to re-
ceive it with pure affection, and to
bring forth the fruits of the Spirit;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to bring
into the way of truth all fuch as
have erred, and are deceived ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to
ftrengthen fuch as do ftand ; and
to comfort and help the weak-
hearted ; and to raife up them that
fall; and finally to beat down Satan
under our feet ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to fuc-
cour, help, and comfort, all that
are in danger, neceffity, And tri-
bulation ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to pre-
ferve all that travel by land or by
water, all women labouring of
child, all fick perfons, and youuff
children; and to fliew thy pity up-
on all prifoners and captives ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to de-
fend, and provide for, the father-
lefs children and widows, and all
that are defolate and opprefl'ed ;
We hefeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
Th^ Ordering
That it may pleafe thee to have
mercy upon all men ;
We befeech thee to hear ii^, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to for-
give our enemies, perfecutors, and
ilanderers, and to turn their hearts;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to give
and prefene to our ufe the kindly
fi-uits of the eaith, fo as in due
time we may enjoy them ;
We befeech thee to hear us, good Lord.
That it may pleafe thee to give
us true repentance ; to forgive us
all our fins, negligences, and igno-
rances; and to endue us with the
grace of thy Holy Spirit to amend
our lives according to thy holy
Word ;
We befeech thee to hear i(s, good Lord.
Son of God : we befeech thee
to hear us.
Son of God : we befeech thee to
hear u^.
O Lamb of God : that takeft
away the fins of the world ;
Qrant ns thy peace.
O Lamb of God : that takeft
away the fins of the world ;
Have mercy upon us.
O Chrift, hear us.
(Jhrif, hear us.
liOrd, have mercy upon us.
Lord, hare mercy upon us.
Chrift, have mercy uj)on us.
Chrijl, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
of Deacons.
^ Then shall the Priest, and the people with him, $ay
the Lord's Prayer.
UR Father, which art in hea-
ven. Hallowed be thy Name.
Tliy kingdom come. Thy will be
done in earth. As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trefpafl*es. As
we forgive them that trefpafs a-
gainft us. And lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from
evil. Amen.
Priejf. O Lord, deal not with
us after our fins.
Anficer. Neither reward us after
our iniquities.
OGod, merciful Father, that
defpifeft not the fighing of
a contrite heart, nor the defire of
fuch as be foiTowful ; Mercifully
alfift our prayers that we make
before thee in all our troubles and
adverfities, whenfoever they op-
prefs us ; and gracioufly hear us,
that thofe evils, which the craft and
fubtilty of the devil or man worketh
againft us, be brought to nought ;
and by the providence of thy good-
nefs thev may be difperfed; that
we thy fervants, being hurt by no
peifecutions, may evermore give
thanks unto thee in thy holy Church;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
O Lord, arife, help us, and deli-
ver us for thy Name's fake.
OGod, we have heard with our
ears, and our fathers have de-
The Ordering of Deacons.
clared unto us, the noble works
that thou dicHl in their days, and
in the old time before them. ^ •
O Lord, arife, help us, and deli-
ver us for thine honour.
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
Anfwer. As it was in the begin-
ning, is now, and ever (hall be :
world without end. Amen. ^
From our enemies defend us,
O ChrilL
*' Gracioujly look upon our afflic-
Pitifully behold the forrows of
our hearts.
Mercifully forgive the fins of thy
Favourably with mercy hear our
O Son of David, have mercy up-
on us.
Both now and ever vouchfafe
to hear us, O Chrift.
Gracioii/ly hear us, O Chrifi ;
gracioufiy hear us, O Lord Chrijl.
Priejl. O Lord, let thy mercy
be Ihevved upon us ;
Anfiver. As we do put our truft
in thee.
WE humbly befeech thee, O
Father, mercifully to look
upon our infirmities ; and for the
glory of thy Name turn from us all
thofe evils that we moft righteoufly
have deferved ; and grant, that in
all our troubles we may put our
whole truft and confidence in thy
mercy, and evermore fei-ve thee in
holinels and purenefs of living, to
thy honour and gloiy ; through our
only Mediator and Advocate, Jca^
fus Chrift our Lord. Amen. '
If Then shall be sung or said the Service for the Com-
munion, with the Collect, Epistie, and Gospel, as
followeth. ^ rv>;^i.u
The Colledi. ~ *
J •}..
ALMIGHTY God, who by thy
Divine Providence haft ap^i
pointed divers Orders of Minifters
in thy Church, and didft infpire
thine Apoftles to choofe into the
Order of Deacons the firft Maityr
Saint Stephen, with others ; Mer^
cifully behold thefe thy fervants
now called to the like Office and
Adminiftration ; repleniih them fo
with the truth of thy Doctrine, and
adorn them with innocency of life,
that, both by word and good ex-
ample, they may faithfully ferve
thee in this Office, to the gloiy of
thy Name, and the edification of
thy Church ; through the merits of
our Saviour Jefus Chrift, who liv-
eth and reigneth with thee and
the Holy Ghoft, now and for ever.
The Epiftle. 1 Tim. iii. 8.
IKEWISE muft the Dea-
cons be grave, not dou])le
tongued, not given to much wine,
not greedy of filthy lucre, holding
the myftery of the faith in a pure
confcience. And let thefe alfo fii-ft
The Ordering of Deacons,
be proved; theu let them life the
Office of a Deacon, being found
blamelefs. Even fo muft their wives
be gi'ave, not flanderers, fober,
faithfiil in all things. Let the Dea-
cons be the hulbands of one mfe,
ruling their children and their own
boufes well. For they that have
ufed the Office of a Deacon well
pufchafe to themfelves a good de-
gree, and great boldnefs in the
faiti^ which is in Chrift Jefus.
Or eke this, out of the Sixth of the Acts of the
:}(^iiQ x^^nsAas vi. 2. ^^^
^REN the twelve called the
multitude of the difciples unto
them, and faid, It is not reafon
that we fliould leave the Word of
God, and fei-ve tables. Wherefore,
brethren, look ye out among you
feven men of honeft report, full of
the holy Ghoft and wifdom, whom
we may appoint over this bufinefs.
But we will give ourfelves continu-
ally to prayer, and to the minilliy
of the Word. And the faying
pleafed the whole multitude. And
they chofe Stephen, a man full of
faith, and of the holy Gholl, and
Philip, and Prochorus, and Nica-
nor, and I'imon, and Parnienas,
and Nicolas a profelyte of Antioch;
whom they fet before the 7\poftles ;
and, when they had prayed, they
laid their hands on them. And
the Word of God increafed, and
the number of the difciples multi-
plied in Jerufalem greatly, and a
great company of the Priefts were
obedient to the faith.
^ And before the Gospel, the Bishop, sitting in his
chair, shali cause the Oath of the King's Supremacy,
and against the power and authority of all foreign
Potentates, to be ministered unto every one of them
that are to be Ordered.
The Oath of the King's Sovereignty.
I A. B. do fwear, that I do from
my heart abhor, deteft, and ab-
jure, as impious and heretical, that
damnable Do6lrine and Pofition,
That Princes excommunicated or
deprived by the Pope, or any Au-
thority of the See of Rome, may
be depofed or murdered by their
Subjects, or any other whatfoever.
And I do declare, that no foreign
Prince, Peifon, Prelate, State, or
Potentate, hath, or ought to have,
any Jurifdi6tion, Power, Superi-
ority, Pre-eminence, or Authority,
Ecclefiaftical or Spiritual, within
this Realm. So help me God.
% Then shall the Bishop examine every one of them
thai are to be Ordered, in the presence of the people,
after this manner following.
DO you truft that you are in-
^vardly moved by the Holy
Ghoft to take upon you this Office
and Miniftration, to ferve God for
the promoting of his glory, and
the edifying of his people?
AnJ'wer. 1 truft fo.
'■''' The Bishop.
DO you think that you are truly
called, according to the will
of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and the
due order of this Realm, to
Miniftry of the Church?i(rKj:
Anfwer. I think fo.
The Bishop. -^A^ 9w\'
DO you unfeignedly believe all
the Canonical Scriptures of
the Old and New Teftament?
Anfwer. I do believe them.
The Bishop.
WILL you diligently read the
fame unto the people af-
fembled in the Church where you
fliall be appointed to ferve?
^Anfwer. I will.
The Bishop,
IT appertaineth to the Office of
a Deacon, in the Church where
he fliall be appointed to ferve, to
affifl the Prieft in Divine Service,
and fpecially when he minillereth
the holy Communion, and to help
him in the diftribution thereof, alid
to read holy Scriptures and Homi-
lies in the Church ; and to inftru6t
the youth in the Catechifm ; in the
abfence of the Prieft to baptize
Infants, and to preach, if he be
admitted thereto by the Bifliop.
And furthermore, it is his Office,
where provifion is fo made, to
fearch for the fick, poor, and im-
potent people of the parifli, to in-
timate their eftates, names, and
places where they dwell, unto the
Curate, that by his exhortation they
may be relieved with the alms of
the Pariftiioners, or others. Will
you do this gladly and willingly?
The Ordering of Deacons.
Anfwer. I will fo do, by the help
of God.
The Bishop,
WILL you apply all your dili->
gence to frame and fafliion
your own lives, and the lives of
your families, according to the
Dodlrine of Chrift ; and to make
both yourfelves and them, as much
as in you lieth, wholefome exam-
ples of the flock of Chrift?
Anfwer, I will fo do, the Lord
being my helper.
The Bishop.
WILL you reverently obey
your Ordinary, and other
cliief Minifters of the Church, and
them to whom the charge and gOr
vernment over you is committed,
following with a glad mind and
will their godly admonitions?
Anfwer. I will endeavour my-j
felf, the Lord being my helper. »
5f Then the Bishop laying his Hands severally upon
the Head of every one of them, humbly kneeling
before him, shall say,
TAKE thou Authority 'to~e5c&
cute the Office of a Deacon in
the Church of God committed un--
to thee ; In the Name of the Fa-
ther, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghoft. Amen.
51 Then shall the Bishop deliver to every one of them
,'f,-, , , ^ the New Testament, saying,
TAKE thou Authority to read
the Gofpel in the Church of
God, and to preach the fame, if
thou ben thereto licenfed by the
Bifliop himfelf. ,
The Ordering of Deacons.
% Then one of them, appointed by tlie Bishop, shall
read the Gospel.
St. Luke xii. 35.
LET your loins be girded about,
and your lights burning; and
ye yourfelves like unto men that
wait for their Lord, when he will
return from the wedding ; that,
when he cometh and knocketh,
they may open unto him immedi-
ately. Blelfed are thofe fervants,
whom the Lord when he cometh
fliall find watching. \ erily I fay
unto you, that he fliall gird him-
felf, and make them to (it down to
meat, and will come forth and ferve
them. And if he fliall come in
the fecond watch, or come in the
third watch, and find them fo,
blefled are thofe fervants.
^ Then shall the Bishop proceed in the Communion,
and all that are Ordered shall tarry, and receive the
holy Commitnion the same day withithe Bishop.
*|f The Ctimmnnion ended, after the last Collect, and
immediately before the Benediction, shall be said
these Collects following.
ALMIGHTY God, giver of all
good things, who of thy great
goodnefs haft vouchfafed to accept
and take thefe thy Serv^ants un-
to the Office of Deacons in thy
Church ; Make them, we befeecli
thee, O Lord, to be modeft, hum-
ble, and conftant m their Minif-
tration, to have a ready will to
obferve all fpiritual DifcipUne; that
they having always the teftimony
of a good confcience, and continu-
ing ever ftable and ftrong in thy
Son Chrift, may fo well behave
themfelves in this inferior Office,
that they may be found worthy to
be called unto the higher IMiniftries
in thy Church ; through the fame
thy Son our Saviour Jefus Chrift, to
whom be glory and honour world
without end. Amen.
PREVENT us, O Lord, in all
our doings with thy molt gra-
cious favour, and further us with
thy continual help ; that in all our
works begun, continued, and end-
ed in thee, we may glorify thy
holy Name, and finally by thy mer-
cy obtain everlafting life; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
THE peace of God, which pafl*-
eth all underftanding, keep
your hearts and minds in the know-
ledge and love of God, and of his
Son Jefus Chrift our Lord : And
the Blefling of God Almighty, the
Father, the Son, and the Holy
Ghoft, be amongft you, and remain
with you always. Amen.
% And here it must be declared unto the Deacon, that he must continue in that Office of a Deacon the space of
a whole year {except for reasonable causes it shall otherwise seem good unto the Bishop) to the intent he may
be perfect, and well expert in the things appertaining to the Ecclesiastical Administration. In executing
whereof if he be found faithful and diligent, he may be admitted by his Diocesan to the Order of Priesthood,
at the times appointed in the Canon ; or else, on urgent occasion, upon some other Sunday, or Iloly-day, in the
face of the Church, in such manner and form as hereafter followeth.
H fr/ien the (lay appointed hy the Bis/iop is come, after Morning Prayer is ended, there shall he a
Sermon or Exhortation, declaring the Duty and Office oj' such as come to he admitted Priests;
how necessary that Order is in the Church of Christ, and also horv the people ought to esteem
them in their Ojjice.
% First, the Archdeacon, or, in his absence, one ap-
pointed in his stead, shall present unto the Bishop
{sitting in his clinir near to the holy Tabic) all ihem
that shall receive lite Order of Priesthood that day
(each of them being decently habited) and say,
REVEREND Father in Gocl,
I prefent unto you thefe per-
fons prefent, to be admitted to the
Order of Priefthood.
The Bishop.
TAKE heed that die perfons,
whom ye prefent unto us, be
apt and meet, for their learning
and godly converfation, to exercife
their Miniftry duly, to the honour
of God, and the edifying of his
5[ The Archdeacon shall answer,
I Have enquired of them, and
alfo examined them, and think
them fo to be.
11 Then the Bishop shall say unto the people ;
GOOD people, thefe are they
whom we purpofe, God will-
ing, to receive this day unto the
holy Office of Priefthood : For after
due examination we find not to
the contrary, but that they be law-
fully called to their Fundlion and
Miniftiy, and thafe they be perfons
meet for the fame. But yet if there
be any of you, who knoweth any
Impediment, or notable Crime, in
any of them, for the which he ought
not to be received into this holy
Miniftry, let him come forth in
the Name of God, and fliew what
the Crime or Impediment is.
If And if any great Crime or Impediment he objected,
the Bishop shall surcease from Ordering that per-
son, until such time as the party accused shall be
found clear of that Crime.
^ Then the Bishop {commending such as shall be
found meet to be Ordered to the Prayers of the
congregation) shall, nith the Clergy and people pre-
sent, sing or say the IJtany, tcith the Prai/ers, as is
befoi-e appointed in the Form of Ordering Deacons;
save only, that, in the proper Suffrage there added,
the word [Deacons] shall be omitted, and the word
[Priests] inserted instead of it.
^ Then shall be sung or said the Service for the Com-
munion, with the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, as
The ColleM.
ALMIGHTY God, giver of all
good things, who by thy Holy
Spirit haft appointed divers Orders
of Minifters in the Church ; x^Ier-
cifully behold thefe thy fervants
now called to the Office of Prieft-
hood ; and replenifli them fo with
the truth of thy do6lrine, and adorn
them with innocency of life, that,
both by word and good example,
they may faithfully ferve thee in
this Office, to the glory of thy
Name, and the edification of thy
The Ordering of Priejh.
Church ; through the meiits of our
Saviour Jefus Chrift, who liveth and
reigneth with thee and the Holy
Ghoft, world without end. Amen.
The Epijile. Ephef. iv. 7.
UNTO eveiy one of us is given
grace, according to the mea-
fure of the gift of Chrift. A^liere-
fore he faith. When he afcended
up on high, he led captivity captive,
and gave gifts unto men. (Now
that he afcended, what is it but
that he alfo defcended fii-ft into
the lower parts of the earth? He
that defcended, is the fame alfo
that afcended up far above all hea-
vens, that he might fill all things.)
And he gave fome Apoftles, and
fome Prophets, and fome Evangel -
ifts, and fome Paftors and Teach-
ers; for the perfecting of the Saints,
for the work of the Miniftry, for
the edifying of the Body of Chrift ;
till we all come in the unity of the
faith, and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, unto a perfect man,
unto the meafure of the ftatiu'e of
the fulnefs of Chrift.
% After this shall he read for the Gospel part of the
ninth Chapter of Saint Matthew, asfolloueth.
St. Matth. ix. 36.
WIH^N Jefus faw the multi-
tudes, he was moved with
companion on them, becaufe tliey
fainted, and were fcattered abroad
as Iheep having no lh(;pherd. Then
faith he unto his difciples, Fhe
hai-vcft tnily is plenteous, but the
labourers are few. Pray ye there-
fore the Lord of the harveft, that
he will fend forth labourers into
his harveft.
^ Or else this thatfolloxceth, out of the tenth Chapter
of Saint John.
St. John X. 1.
"¥^ERILY, verily I fay unto you,
▼ He that entereth not by the
door into the flieep-fold, but climb-
eth up fome other way, the fame
is a thief and a robber. But he
that entereth in by the door is the
Shepherd of the Iheep. To him
the porter openeth, and the flieep
hear his voice ; and he calleth his
own fheep by name, and leadeth
them out. And when he putteth
forth his own flieep he goetli be-
fore them, and the flieep follow
him ; for they know his voice. And
a ftranger will they not follow,
but will flee from him ; for they
know not the voice of ftranoers.
This parable fpake Jefus unto
them, but they underftood not
what things they were Avhich he
fpake unto them. Then faid Jefus
unto them again, Verily, verily I
fay unto you, I am the door of the
flieep. AH that ever came before
me are thieves and robbers ; but
the flieep did not heai* them. I am
the door ; by me if any man enter
in, he fliall be faved, and fliall go
in and out, and find paflure. J'he
thief Cometh not but for to fteal,
and to kill, and to deftroy : I am
come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more
abimdaiitly. I am the good Shep-
herd : the good Shej)herd giveth
his life for the flieep. But he that
is an hireling, and not the Shep-
lierd, whofe own the flieep are not,
feeth the wolf coming, and leaveth
the flieep, and fleeth ; and the wolf
catcheth them, and fcattereth the
flieep. The hireling fleeth, becaufe
he is an hireling, and careth not
for the flieep. I am the good
Shepherd, and know my Iheep, and
am known of mine. As the Father
knoweth me, even fo know I the
Father; and I lay down my life
for the flieep. And other flieep I
have, which are not of this fold :
them alfo I niufl; bring, and they
fliall hear my voice ; and there fliall
be one fold, and one Shepherd.
1[ Then the Bishop, sitting in his chair, shall minister
unto every one of them the Oath concerning the
King's Supremacy, as it is before set forth in the
Form for the Ordering of Deacons.
^ And that done, he shall say unto them as hereafter
YOU have heard, Brethren, as
well in your private examina-
tion, as in the exhortation which
was now made to you, and in the
holy Leflbns taken out of the Gof-
pel, and the writings of the Apo-
ft;les, of what dignity, and of how
great importance this Office is,
whereunto ye are called. And
now again we exhort you, in the
Name of our Lord Jefus Chrift,
The Ordering of Priefts.
that you have
into how hioh
in remembrance,
a Dignity, and to
how weighty an Office and Charge
ye are called : that is to fay, to be
Meffengers, Watchmen, and Stew-
ards of the Lord ; to teach, and
to premonifli, to feed and provide
for the Lord's family ; to leek for
Chrift's flieep that are difperfed
abroad, and for his children who
are in the midft of this naughty
^vorld, that they may be faved
through Chrifl; for ever.
Have always therefore printed
in your remembrance, how great
a treafure is committed to your
charge. For they are the flieep
of Chrift, which he bought with
his death, and for whom he flied
his blood. The Church and Con-
gregation whom you muft ferve, is
his Spoufe, and his Body. And
if it fliall happen the fame Church,
or any Member thereof, to take
any hurt or hindrance by reafon
of your negligence, ye know the
greatnefs of the fault, and alfo the
horrible punifliment that will enfue.
Wherefore coiilider with yourfelves
the end of your Miniftry towards
the children of God, towards the
Spoufe and Body of Chrift ; and
fee that you never ceafe your la-
bour, your care and diligence, until
you have done all that lieth in you,
according to your bounden duty,
to bring all fuch as are or fliall be
to your
The Ordering of Priejts.
that agreement in the faith and
knowledge of God, and to that
lipenefs and perfe^tnefs of age in
Chrift, tliat there be no place
left among you, either for error
in religion, or for vicioufnefs in
Forafmuch then as your Office
is both of fo great excellency, and
of fo great difficulty, ye fee Avith
how great care and lludy ye ought
to apply yourfelves, as well that ye
may Ihew yourfelves dutiful and
thankfid unto that Lord, who hath
placed you in fo high a Dignity ;
as alfo to beware, that neither you
yourfelves offend, nor be occalion
that others offend. Howbeit, ye
cannot have a mind and will there-
to of yourfelves ; for that will and
ability is given of God alone : there-
fore ye ought, and have need, to
pray earnellly for his holy Spirit.
And feeing that you cannot by any
other means compafs the doing of
fo weighty a work, pertaining to
the falvation of man, but with doc-
trine and exhortation taken out of
the holy Scriptures, and with a life
agreeable to the fame ; confider
how ftudious ye ought to be in
reading and learning the Scrip-
tures, and in framing the manners
both of yourfelves, and of them
that fpecially pertain unto you,
according to the rule of the fame
Scri])tures : and for this felf-fame
caufe, how ye ought to forfake and
fet afide (as much as you may) all
worldly cares and ftudies.
We have good hope that you
have well weighed and pondered
thefe things with yourfelves long
before this time ; and that you have
clearly determined, by God's grace,
to give yourfelves wholly to this
Office, whereunto it hath [)leafed
God to call you : fo that, as much
as lieth in you, you will apply your-
felves wholly to this one thing,
and draw all your cares and ftu-
dies this way; and that you will
continually pray to God the Fa-
ther, by the Mediation of our only
Saviour Jefus Chrift, for the hea-
venly affiftance of the Holy Ghoft;
that, by daily reading and weighing
of the Scriptures, ye may wax riper
and ftronger in your Miniftry ; and
that ye may fo endeavour your-
felves, from time to time, to fanc-
tify the lives of you and yours, and
to falhion them after the Rule and
Doctrine of Chrift, that ye may be
wholefome and godly examples and
patterns for the people to follow.
And now, that this prefent Con-
gregation of Chrift here aflembled
alfo underftand your minds
thefe things, and that
this your promife may the more
move you to do your duties, ye
ftiall anfwer plainly to thefe things,
which we, in the Name of God,
and of his Church, fliall demand
of you touchhig the fame.
and wills
The Ordering of Priejls.
\0 you think in your heart,
that you be truly called, ac-
cording to the will of our Lord
Jefus Chrift, and the order of this
United Church of Knuland and
Ireland, to the Order and Miniftry
Anfwer. I think it.
The Bishop.
ARE you perfuaded that the
holy Scriptures contain fuffi-
ciently all Doctrine required of ne-
ceflity for eternal falvation through
faith in Jefus Chrift? and are you
determined, out of the faid Scrip-
tures to inftrudl the people com-
mitted to your charge, and to teach
nothing, as required of neceflity to
eternal falvation, but that which
you fliall be perfuaded may be con-
cluded and proved by the Scriptiu'e?
Anfwer. I am fo perfuaded, and
have fo determined by God's grace.
The Bishop.
WILL you then give your
foithful diligence always fo
to minifter the Doctrine and Sacra-
ments, and the Difcipline of Chrift,
as the Lord hath commanded, and
as this Church and Realm hath re-
ceived the fame, according to the
Commandments of God ; fo that
you may teach the people commit-
ted to your Cure and Charge with
all diligence to keep and obferve
the fame?
Anj'wer. I will fo do, by the help
of the Lord.
▼ ▼ rra
The Bishop.
ILL you l)e ready, with all
faithful diligence, to baniili
and drive away all erroneous and
ftrange dod^trines contrary to God's
Word ; and to ufe both publick
and private monitions and exhor-
tations, as well to the fick as to
the whole, within your Cures, as
need Ihall require, and occafion
fliall be given?
Anfwer. I will, the Lord being
my helper.
The Bishop.
L you be diligent in
ayers, and in reading of
the holy Scriptures, and in fucli
ftudies as help to the knowledge
of the fame, laying afide the ftudy
of the world and the flefli?
Anfwer. I will endeavour myfelf
fo to do, the Lord being my helper.
The Bishop.
ILL you be diligent to frame
and fafliion your own felves,
and your families, according to the
Doctrine of Chrift ; and to make
both yourfelves and them, as much
as in you lieth, wholefome exam-
ples and patterns to the flock of
Anfwer. I will apply myfelf there-
to, the Lord being my helper.
The Bishop.
WILL you maintain and fet
forwards, as much as lieth
in you, quietnefs, peace, and love,
among all Chriftian people, and
The Ordering of Priejls.
efpecially among them that are or
fliail be committed to your charge?
Anficer. I will fo do, the Lord
being my helper.
The Bishop.
WILL you reverently obey
your Ordinary, and other
chief Minifters, unto whom is com-
mitted the charge and government
over you ; following with a glad
mind and vnW their godly admo-
nitions, and fubmitting youifelves
to their godly judgements?
Anfwer. I will fo do, the Lord
being my helper.
% Then shall the Bishop, standing up, say,
A LMIGHTY God, wlio hath
this will to do all
thefe things ; Grant alfo unto you
ftrength and power to perform the
fame ; that he may accomplilh his
work which he hath begun in you ;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
% After this, the Congregation shall be desired, secretly
in their Prayers, to make their hiimhle supplications
to God for all these things: for the which Prayers
there shall be silence kept for a space.
If After Tihich shall be sung or said by the Bishop
(the persons to be ordained Priests all kneeling)
Veni, Creator Spiritus; the Bishop beginning, and
the Priests, and others that arc present, answering
by rerses, asfolloueth.
COME, Holy Ghoft, our fouls
And lighten with celejlialjire.
Thou the anointing Spirit art,
Who doft thy feven-f old gifts impart.
Thy blefled Un6tion from above,
/* comfort, life, and fire of love.
Enable with perpetual light
TJie dulnefs of our blinded jight.
Anoint and cheer our foiled face
With the abundance of thy grace.
Keep far our foes, give peace at
home :
Where thou art guide, no ill can come.
Teach us to know the Father, Son,
And thee, of both, to be but One.
That, through the ages all along,
This may be our endlefsfong;
Praife to thy eternal merit,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Or this :
COME, Holy Ghoft, eternal God,
Proceeding from above.
Both from the Father and the Son,
The God of peace and love ;
Vifit our minds, into our hearts
Thy heavenly grace infpire;
That truth and godlinefs we may
Purfue with full dejire.
Thou art the very Comforter
In grief and all diftrefs ;
The heavnly gift of God mojl high.
No tongue can it eaprefs;
The fountain and the living fpring
Of joy celeftial;
The fire fo bright, the love fo fweet.
The Undiion fpiritual.
Thou in thy gifts art manifold,
By themChrill's Church doth ftand:
In faithful hearts thou wrifjithy laWy
The finger of God's hand.
According to thy promife. Lord,
Thou giveft fpeech with grace ;
That thro' thy help God\spraifes may
Kefound in every place.
O Holy Glioft, into our minds
Send down thy heavenly light;
Kindle our hearts icith fervent zeal,
To ferve God day and night.
Our weaknefs ftrengthen and con-
(For, Lord, thou know'ft us frail;)
That neither devil, world, nor jlejh,
Againji ns may prevail.
Put back our enemy far from us,
And help us to obtain
Peace in our hearts with God and
[The heji, the truejl gain;)
And grant that thou being, O Lord,
Our leader and our guide,
We may efcape the fnares of Jin,
And never from thee Jlide.
Such meafures of thy powerful grace
Grant, Lord, to us, we pray;
That thou may'Ji be our Comforter
At the lajl dreadful day.
Of ftrife and of diffention
Diflblve, O Lord, the bands.
And knit the knots of peace and love
Throughout all Chrijlian lands.
Grant us the grace that wemay know
The Father of all might,
That we of his beloved Son
May gain the blifsful Jight ;
And that we may with perfect faith
Ever acknowledge thee,
The Spirit of Father, ajid of Son,
One God in Perfons Three.
To God the Father laud and praife.
And to his bleffed Son,
And to the Holy Spirit of grace,
Co-equal Three in One.
The Ordering of Priejis.
And pray we, that our only Lord
Would pleafe his Spirit to fend
On all that Jhall prof efs his Name,
From hence to the xvorUVs end. Amen.
\ That done, the Bishop shall pray in this wise, and
Let us pray.
ALMIGHTY (lod, and heavenly
- Father, who, of thine infinite
love and goodnefs towards us, haft
given to us thy only and moft
dearlv beloved Son Jefus Chrift, to
be our Redeemer, and the Author
of everlafting life ; who, after he
had made perfect our redemption
by his death, and was afcended into
heaven, fent abroad into the world
his Apoftles, Prophets, Evangelifts,
Do6lors, and Paftors ; by whofe
labour and miniftry he gathered
together a great flock in all the
parts of the world, to fet forth the
eternal praife of thy holy Name :
For thefe fo great benefits of thy
eternal goodnefs, and for that thou
haft vouchfafed to call thefe thy
fervants here prefent to the fame
Office and Miniftry appointed for
the falvation of mankind, we ren-
der unto thee moft hearty thanks,
we praife and worfhip thee ; and
we humbly befeech thee, by the
fame thy blefled Son, to grant un-
to all, which either here or elfe-
where call upon thy holy Name,
that we may continue to ihew our-
felves thankful unto thee for thefe
The Ordering of Priefls
and all other thy benefits ; and
that we may daily increale and go
forwards in the knowledae and
faith of thee and thy Son, by the
Holy Spirit. So that as well by
thefe thy Minifters, as by theiii
over whom they fliall be apjjointed
thy Minifters, thy holy Name may
be for ever glorified, and thy blell-
ed kingdom enlarged ; through
the fame thy Son Jefus Chrift
our Lord, who liveth and reign-
eth with thee in the unity of the
fame Holy Spirit, world -without
end. Amen.
If Wten this Prayer is done, the Bishop zcith the
Priests present shall /ai/ their hands severalh/ upon
the head of every one that receiveth the Order of
Priesthood; the Receivers humb/i/ kneeling upon
their knees, and the Bishop sai/in^,
RECEH^E the holy Ghoft for
the Office and Work of a
Prieft in the Church of God, now
committed unto thee by the impo-
fition of our hands. Whofe fins
thou doft forgive, they are for-
given ; and whofe fins thou doft
retain, they are retained. And be
thou a faithful Difpenfer of the
Word of God, and of his holy Sa-
craments ; In the Name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghoft. Amen.
U Then the Bishop shall deliver to every one of them
kneeling, the Bible into his hand, saying,
TAKE thou Authority to preach
the Word of God, and to mi-
nifter the holy Sacraments in th§
Congregation, where thou (halt be
lawfully appointed thereunto.
% When this is done, the Nicene Creed shall he sung
or said; and the Bishop shall after that go on in the
Service of the Communion, tchich all they that re-
ceive Orders shall tale together, and remain in the
same place where Hands were laid upon them, until
such time as they have received the Communion.
^ The Communion being done, after the last Collect,
and immcdii.tely before the Benediction, shall be said
these Collects.
OST merciful Father, we be-
feech thee to fend upon thefe
thy fervants thy heavenly blefl*-
ing ; that they may be clothed with
righteoufnefs, and that thy Word
fpoken by their mouths may have
iuch fuccefs, that it may never be
fpoken in vain. Grant alfo, that
we may have grace to hear and
receive what they fliall deliver out
of thy moft holy Word, or agree-
able to the fame, as the means of
our falvation ; that in all our words
and deeds we may feek thy glory,
and the increafe of thy kingdom ;
through Jefus Chrift our Lord.
PREVENT us, O Lord, in all
our doings, with thy moft gra-
cious favour, and finther us with
thy continual help ; that in all our
works begun, continued, and end-
ed in thee, we may glorify thy holy
Name, and finally by thy mercy
obtain everlafting life ; through Je-
fus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
The Ordering of Priejls.
THE peace of God, which
pafTetli all ii n d c rllanding',
keep your hearts and minds in
the knowledge and love of God,
and of his Son Jefus Chrift our
Lord : And the blefling of God
Alniighty, the Fatlier, the Son,
and the Holy Gholl, be amongft
you, and remain with you always.
% And if on the same day the Order of Deacons be given to some, and the Order of Priesthood to others ; the
Deacons shall be first presented, and then the Priests ; a?id it shall suffice that the Litany be once said for
both. The Collects shall both be used; first, that for Deacons, then that for Priests. The Epistle shall be
Eplics. iv. 7 — 13, as before in this Office. Immediately after which, they that are to be made Deacons
shall take the Oath of Supremacy, he examined, and Ordained, as is above prescribed. Then one of them hav-
ing read the Gospel (which shall be either out of St. Matth. ix. 3G — 38, «.s before in thin Office; or else
St. Luke xii. 35 — 38, as before in the Form for the Ordering of Deacons,) they that are to be made Priests
shall likewise take the Oath of Supremacy, be examined, and Ordained, as is in this Office before appointed.
Which is always to be performed upon some Sunday or Holy-day.
fl W/ien all things are dulj/ prepared in the Church,
and set in order, after Morning Prayer is ended,
the Archbishop (or some other Bishop appointed)
, shall begin the Communion Service; in which this
shall be
The Colledi.
ALMIGHTY God, who by thy
Son Jefus Chrift didft give to
thy holy Apoftles many excellent
gifts, and didft charge them to feed
thy flock; Give grace, we befeech
thee, to all Bifliops, the Paftors of
thy Church, that they may dili-
gently preach thy Word, and du-
ly adminifter the godly Difcipline
thereof; and grant to the people,
that they may obediently follow
the fame ; that all may receive the
crown of everlafting glory; through
Jefus Chrift our l^ord. Amen.
5[ And another Bishop shall read the Epistle.
1 Tim. iii. 1.
THIS is a true faying, If a man
defire the Oflice of a Bifliop,
he defireth a good work. A Bi-
fliop then muil be blamelefs, the
hulband of one wife, vigilant, fo-
ber, of good behaviour, given to
hofpitality, apt to teach ; not given
to wine, no ftriker, not greedy of
filthy lucre, but patient, not a
brawler, not covetous ; one that
ruleth well his own houfe, having
his children in fubjedlion with all
gravity ; (For if a man know not
how to rule his own houfe, how
ihall he take care of the Church of
God?) Not a novice, left being
lifted up with pride he fall into the
condemnation of the devil. More-
over, he muft have a good report
of them which are without ; left
he fall into reproach, and the fnare
of the devil.
Or this.
For the Epijile. A6ts xx. 17.
FROM Miletus Paul fent to
Ephefus, and called the elders
of the Church. And when they
were come to him, he faid unto
them, Ye know, from the fii-ft day
that I came into Alia, after what
manner I have been with you at
all feafons, ferving the Lord with
all humility of mind, and W\t\\ ma-
ny tears and temptations which
befel me by the lying in wait of
the Jews : and how I kept back
nothing that was profitable unto
you, but have fliewed you, and
have taught you publickly, and
from houfe to houfe, teftiiying both
to the Jews, and alfo to the Greeks,
repentance toward God, and faith
toward our Lord Jefus Chrift. And
The Confecration of BiJIiops.
now behold, I go hound in the
fpirit unto Jerul'aleni, not know-
inff the thing's that lliall befal me
there ; fave that the Holy Gholl
witnefleth in every city, faying,
That bonds and affli6tions abide
me. But none of thefe things move
me, neither count I my life dear
unto myfelf, fo that I might finirti
my courfe with joy, and the mi-
nillry which I have received of the
Lord Jefus, to teftify the Gofpel
of the erace of God. And now
behold, I know that ye all, among
whom I have gone preaching the
kingdom of God, Ihall fee my face
no more. Wherefore I take you
to record this day, that I am pure
from the blood of all men. For I
have not ftiunned to declare unto
you all the counfel of God. Take
heed therefore unto yourfelves, and
to all the flock over the which the
Holy Ghoft hath made you Over-
feers, to feed the Church of God,
which he hath purchafed with his
own blood. For I know this, that
after my departing fliall grievous
wolves enter in among you, not
fparing the flock. Alfo of your
own felves fliall men arife fpeak-
ing perverfe things, to draw away
difciples after them. Therefore
watch, and remember, that by the
fpace of three years, I ceafed not
to warn eveiy one night and day
with tears. And now, brethren, I
commend you to God, and to the
word of his grace, which is able to
build you up, and to give you an
inheritance among all them which
are fanctified. 1 have coveted no
man's iilver, or gold, or apparel ;
yea, ye yourfelves know, that thefe
hands have miniftered unto my
neceflities, and to them that were
with me. I have Ihewed you all
things, how that fo labouring ye
ought to fupport the weak ; and to
remember the words of the Lord
Jefus, how he faid, It is more
blefled to give than to receive.
^ Then another Bishop shall read the Gospel.
St. John xxi. 15.
JESUS faith to Simon Peter, Si-
mon, fon of Jonas, loveft thou
me more than thefe? He faith un-
to him. Yea, Lord, thou knowefl
that I love thee. He faith unto
him. Feed my lambs. He faith to
him again the fecond time, Simon,
fon of Jonas, loveft thou me? He
faith unto him. Yea, Lord, thou
knoweft that I love thee. He faith
unto him. Feed my flieep. He faith
unto him the third time, Simon,
fon of Jonas, loveft thou me? Peter
was grieved becaufe he faid unto
him the third time, Loveft thou
me? And he faid unto him, Lord,
thou knoweft all things ; thou
knoweft that I love thee. Jefus
faith unto him, Feed my ilieep.
Or elfe this. St. John xx. 19.
THE fame day at evening, be-
ing the flrft day of the week,
The Confecration of Bifliops.
when the doors were fliut where
the difciples were affembled for
fear of tlie Jews, came Jefus, and
flood in the midft, and faith unto
them, Peace be unto you. And
when he had fo faid, he fliewed
unto them his hands and his fide.
Then were the difciples glad,. when
they faw the Lord. Then faith
Jefus to them again, Peace be un-
to you : as my Father hath fent me,
even fo fend I you. And when he
had faid this, he breathed on them,
and faith unto them, Receive ye
the holy Ghoft. Whofefoever fins
ye remit, they are remitted imto
them ; and whofefoever fins ye re-
tain, they are retained.
Or this. St. Matth. xxviii. 18.
JESUS came and fpake unto
them, faying. All power is giv-
en unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore and teach all na-
tions, baptizing them In the Name
of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Ghofi; ; teaching them
to obferve all things whatfoever I
have commanded you : and lo, I
am \vith you alway, even unto the
end of the world.
U After the Gospel, and the Nicene Creed, and the
Sermon are ended, the Elected Bishop (vested rcith
hi.1 Rochet) shall he presented by tno Bishops unto
the Archbishop of that province (or to some oilier
Sishop ajipointed by luuful commission') the Arch-
bishop sitting ill his chair near the holy Table, and
the Bishops that present him saying,
MOST Reverend Father in
God, we prefent unto you
this godly and well-learned man
to be Ordained and Confecrated
% Then shall the Archbishop demand the King's Man-
date for the Consecration, and cause it to be read.
And the Oath touching the acknowledgement of the
King's Supremacy, shall be.ministered to the persons
elected, as it is set down before in the Form for the
Ordering of Deacons. And then shall also be mi-
nistered unto them the Oath of due Obedience to the
Archbishop, asfolloweth.
The Oath of due Obedience to the
IN the Name of God. Amen. I
N. chofen Bilhop of the Church
and See of A'^ do profefs and pro-
mife all due reverence and obedi-
ence to the Arch bifliop and to the
Metropolitical Church of N. and
to their Succeflbrs : So help me
God, through Jefus Chrift.
TJ This Oath shall not be made at the Consecration of
an Archbishop.
^ Then the Archbishop shall move the Congregation
present to pray, saying thus to them :
BRETHREN, it is written in
the Gofpel of Saint Luke, That
our Saviour Chrifi; continued the
whole night in prayer, before he
did choofe and fend forth his twelve
Apollles. It is written alfo in the
A6ls of the Apollles, That the
Difciples who were at Antioch did
fail and pray, before they laid hands
on Paul and Barnabas, and fent
them forth. Let us therefore, fol-
lowing the example of our Saviour
Chriil, and his Apollles, firll fall
to prayer, before we admit, and
The Coiifecration of Bipiops.
fend forth this perfoii prefented
unto us, to the work whereunto
WG truft the Holy Ghoft hath call-
ed him.
If And then shall he said the hitany, as before in the
Form of Ordering Deacons, save only, that after this
place That it may please thee to illuminate all Bi-
shops, <5)('. the proper Stiff rage there following shall
be omitted, and this inserted instead of it ;
THAT it may pleafe thee to
blefs this our Brother elected,
and to fend thy grace upon him,
that he may duly execute the
Office whereunto he is called, to
the edifying of thy Church, and
to the honour, praife and glory of
thy Name ;
Anfwer. TFe hefeech thee to hear
us, good Lord.
^ Then shall be said this Prayer following.
ALMIGHTY God, giver of all
good things, who by thy Holy
Spirit hall appointed divers Orders
of Minillers in thy Church ; Mer-
cifully behold this thy fervant now
called to the Work and Miniftry of
a Billiop ; and replenifli him fo
with the truth of thy do6lrine, and
adorn him with innocency of life,
that, both by word and deed, he
may faithfully ferve thee in this
Office, to the glory of thy Name,
and the edifying and well govern-
ing of thy Church ; through the
merits of our Saviour Jefus Chrift,
who liveth and rcio-neth with thee
and the Holy Ghoft, world with-
out end. Amen.
1[ Then the Archbishop, sitting in his chair, sliall say
to him that is to be Consecrated.
BROTHER, forafmuch as the
holy Scripture and the ancient
Canons conunand, tliat we fliould
not be hafty in laying on hands,
and admitting any perfon to (io-
vernment in the Church of Chrift,
which he hath purchafed with no
lefs price than the effiiliou of his
own blood; before 1 admit you to
this Adminiftration, I will examine
you in certain Articles, to the end
that the Congregation prefent may
have a trial, and bear witnefs, how
you be minded to behave youifelf
in the Church of God.
ARE you jDcrfuaded that you be
truly called to this Minift ra-
tion, according to the will of our
Lord Jefus Chrift, and the order
of this Realm?
Anfwer. I am fo perfuaded.
' The Archbishop.
ARE you perfuaded that the
holy Scriptures contain fuffi-
ciently all Do6trine required of ne-
ceffity for eternal falvation through
faith in Jefus Chrift? And are you
determined out of the fame holy
Scriptures to inftru6t the people
committed to your charge ; and to
teach or maintain nothing as re-
quired of neceflity to eternal fal-
vation, but that which you fliall be
perfuaded may be concluded and
proved by the fame?
The Co7ifecration of Bijhops.
Anfwer. I am fo perfuaded, and
determined, by God's grace.
The Archbishop.
WILL you then faithfully ex-
ercife yourfelf in the fame
holy Scriptures, and call upon God
by prayer, for the true undei-ftand-
ing of the fame ; fo as you may be
able by them to teach and exhort
with wholefome Do(ftrine, and to
wathftand and convince the gain-
fay ers ?
Anfwer. I will fo do, by the
help of God.
The Archbishop.
ARE you ready, with all faithful
diligence, to banifli and drive
away all erroneous and llrange
dodVi'ine contraiy to God's Word ;
and both privately and openly to
call upon and encourage others to
the fame?
Anfwer. I am ready, the Lord
being my helper.
The Archbishop.
WILL you deny all ungodli-
nefs and worldly lufts, and
live foberly, righteoully, and god-
ly, in this prefent world ; that you
may fliew yourfelf in all things an
example of good works unto others,
that the adverfaiy may be alhamed,
liaving nothing to fay againft you?
Anftcer. I will fo do, the Lord
being my helper.
The Archbishop.
WILL you maintain and fet
forward, as much as fliall
lie in you, quietnefs, love, and
peace among all men ; and fuch as
be unquiet, difobedient, and cri-
minous, within your Diocefe, cor-
rect and punifli, according to fuch
authority as you have by God's
Word, and as to you fliall be
committed by the Ordinance of
this Realm?
Anfwer. I will fo do, by the
help of God.
The Archbishop.
WILL you be faithful in Or-
daining, fending, or laying
hands upon others?
Anfwer. I will fo be, by the
help of God.
The Archbishop.
WILL you Ihew yoiirfelf gen-
tle, and be merciful for
Chrift's fake to poor and needy
people, and to all ilrangers defti-
tute of help?
Anfwer. I will fo fliew myfelf,
by God's help.
% Then the Archbishop standing np shall sat/,
ALMIGHTY God, our heaven-
- ly Father, who hath given you
a good will to do all thefe things.
Grant alio unto you ftreno-th and
power to perform the fame ; that,
he accomplifliing in you the good
work which he hath begun, you
may be found perfec^t and irrepre-
henlible at the latter day ; through
Jefus Chriil our Lord. Amen.
The Confecration of .B'ljhoin.
^ Then sha/l the Bishop elect put on l/ie rest i^' the
Episcopal habit; and kneeling doicn, Vciii, Creator
Spii-itus, shall be sung or said over him, the Arch-
bishop beginning, and the Hislwps, with others that
are present, anszeering by verses, as followeth.
COME, Holy Ghoft, our fouls
And lighten with celejlialjire.
Tliou the anointing Spirit art,
Who dojl thy feven-f old gifts impart.
Thy bleired Un6tion from a}3ove.
Is comfort, life, and fire of love.
Enable with perpetual light
The dulnefs of our blinded fight.
Anoint and cheer our foiled face
With the abundance of thy grace.
Keep far our foes, give peace at
home :
Where thou art guide, no ill can
Teach us to know the Father, Son,
And thee, of both, to be but One.
That, through the ages all along.
This may be our endlefs fong ;
Praife to thy eternal merit,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Or this.
COME, Holy Ghoft, eternal
God, ^c.
As before in the Form for Ordering Priests.
^ That ended, the Archbishop shall sai/,
Lord, hear our prayer.
Anfwer. And let our cry come
unto thee.
Let us pray.
ALMIGHTY God, and moft
merciful Father, who of thine
infinite goodnefs haft given thine
only and dearly beloved Son Jefus
Chrift, to be our Redeemer, and
the Author of everlafting life; who,
after that he had made perfect our
Redemption by his death, and was
afcended into heaven, poured down
his gifts abundantly upon men,
making fonie Apoftles, Ibme Pro-
phets, fome Evangelifts, fome Paf-
tors and Doctors, to the edifying
and making perfect his Church ;
Grant, we befeech thee, to this
thy fervant fuch grace, that he
may evermore be ready to fpread
abroad thy Gofpel, the glad tidings
of reconciliation with thee; and ufe
the authority given him, not to
deftru6lion, but to falvation ; not
to hurt, but to help : fo that as a
wife and faithful fervant, giving to
thy family their portion in due fea-
fon, he may at laft be received in-
to everlafting joy ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord, who, with thee
and the Holy Ghoft liveth and
reigneth, one God, world without
end. Amen.
% Then the Archbishop and Bishops present shall latf
their hands upon the head of the elected Bishop
kneeling before them upon his knees, the Archbishop
RECEIVE the holy Ghoft, for
the Office and Work of a
Biftiop in the Church of God, now
committed unto thee by the Impo-
fition of our hands ; In the Name
of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Ghoft. Amen. And
remember that thou ftir up the
grace of God which is given thee
The Confecration of Bi/hops.
by this Impofition of our hands :
for God hath not given us the
fpii'it of fear, but of power, and
love, and fobernefs.
f Thfn the Archbishop shall dtUver him the Bible,
GIVE heed unto reading, ex-
hortation, and doctrine. Think
upon the things contained in this
Book. Be dihgent in them, that
the increafe coming thereby may
be raanifeft unto all men. Take
heed unto thyfelf, and to do6lrine,
and be diligent m doing them :
for by fo doing thou fbalt both
fave thyfelf and them that hear
thee. Be to the flock of Chrift a
ihepherd, not a wolf; feed them,
devour them not. Hold up the
weak, heal the fick, bind up the
broken, bring again the out-calls,
feek the loll. Be fo merciful, that
you be not too remifs ; fo minifter
difcipline, that you forget not mer-
cy: that when the chief Shepherd
(hall appear you may receive the ne-
ver-fading crown of glory; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
^ Then the Archbishop shall proceed in the Commii-
mon-Servire ; zcilh whom the new Consecrated Bishop
(with others) shall also communicate.
IT And for the last Colled, immediately before the Be-
nediction, shall be said these Prayers.
Mi )ST merciful Father, we be-
I'eech thee to fend down up-
on tliis thy fervant thy heavenly
bleffing ; and fo endue him with
thy holy Spirit, that he, preaching
thy Word, may not only be earneft
to reprove, befeech, and rebuke
with all patience and doctrine ; but
alfo may be to fuch as believe a
wholefome example, in word, in
converfation, in love, in faith, in
chaftity, and in purity; that, faith
fully fulfilling his courfe, at the lat-
ter day lie may receive the crown
of righteoufnefs laid up by the
Lord the righteous Judge, who
liveth and reigneth one God with
the Father and the Holy Ghoft,
world without end. Amen.
PREVENT us, O Lord, in all
our doings, with thy moft gra-
cious favour, and further us with
thy continual help ; that in all our
works begun, continued, and end-
ed in thee, we may glorify thy
holy Name, and finally by thy mer-
cy obtain everlafting life; through
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.
THE peace of God, which paff-
eth all underllanding, keep
your hearts and minds in the know-
ledge and love of God, and of his
Son Jefus Chrift our Lord : And
the Blefling of God Almighty, the
Father, the Son, and the Holy
Ghoft be amongll you, and remain
with you always. Amen.
To be used yearly upon the Fifth Day of November^
For the happy DeHveraiice of King JAMES I. and the three Eftates
of England, from the moft traitorous and bloody-intended Maflacre
by Gunpowder : And alfo for the happy Arrival of his Majefty King
William on this Day, for the Deliverance of our Church and Nation.
iT The JM'nnstcr of cveri/ Parish shall give warning to his Parishio7iers puhlicldy in the Church
at Morning Prayer, the ^Sunday before, for the due Observation of the said Day. And after
Morning Prayer, or Preaching, upon the said Fifth Day o/' November, shall read puhlickly,
distinctly, and plainly, the Act of Parliament, made in the third Year of King James the First,
for the Observation of it.
f The Service shall be the same with the usual Office for Holy-days in all things; except where
it is hereafter otherwise appointed.
IF If this Day shall happen to be Sunday, only the Collect proper for that Sunday shall be added
to this Office in its place.
% Morning Prayer shall begin with
these Sentences.
THE Lord is full of compaffion,
and mercy : long-fuft'ering, and
of great goodnefs. Pfalm ciii. 8.
He will not alway be chiding :
neither keepeth he his anger for
ever. Ver. 9.
He hath not dealt with us after
our fins : nor rewarded us accord-
hig to our wickednefs. Ver. 10.
IT Instead of Venite exultemus skaH this Hymn fol-
lowing he used; one Verse by the Priest, and another
by the Clerk arid people.
OGive thanks unto the Lord, for
he is gracious : and his mercy
endureth for ever. Pfalm cvii. 1 .
Let them give thanks, whom the
Lord hath redeemed : and delivered
from the hand of the enemy. Ver. 2.
Many a time have they fought
againft me from my youth up : may
Ifrael now fay. Pfalm cxxix. 1.
Yea, many a time have they vexed
me from my youth vp : hut they have
not prevailed againji me. Ver. 2.
They have privily laid their net
to deftroy me without a caufe : yea,
even without a caufe have they
made a pit for my foul. Pf. xxxv. 7.
They have laid a net for my feet y
and prefj'ed down my foul: they have
digged a pit before me, and are
fallen into the midjl of it themfelves.
Pfalm Ivii. 7.
Great is our Lord, and great is
his power : yea, and his wifdom is
infinite. Pfalm cxlvii. 5.
The Lord fetteth up the meek :
and hringeth the ungodly down to
the fl-round. Ver. 6.
Let thy hand be upon the man
of thy right hand : and upon the
fon of man whom thou madefl; fo
fi;rong for thine own felf. Pfalm
Ixxx. 17.
And Jo ivill not we go hack from
thee : O let us live, and we Jhall call
upon thy Name. Ver. 18.
Gloiy be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
^ As it teas in the hegijuiing, is
note, and ever Jhall he : tvorld with-
out end. Amen.
Proper PJalms. Ixiv, cxxiv, cxxv.
Proper Lemons.
The Firji. 2 Sam. xxii.
Te Deum.
The Second. A6ls xxiii.
% In the Suffrages after the Creed these shall be in-
serted and used for the King.
Prieji. O I^ord, fave the King ;
People. Who putteth his tiufl
in thee.
Prieji. Send him help from thy
holy place.
People. And evermore mightily
defend him.
, Prieji. Let his enemies have no
advantage againft him.
People. Let not the wicked ap-
proach to hurt him.
^ Instead of thefrst Collect at Morning Praj/er shall
these tzc'o lie used.
ALMIGHTY God, who haft in
all ages fliewed thy Power and
Mercy in the miraculous and gra-
cious deliverances of thy Church,
and in the protection of righteous
and religious Kings and States pro-
fefliug thy holy and eternal truth,
from the wicked confpiracics, and
malicious i)ra6tices of all the ene-
Gunpoxaler Treafon.
mies thereof: We yield thee our
unfeigned thanks and praife, for the
wonderful and mighty Deli\'erance
of our gracious Sovereign King
James the Firft, the Queen, the
Prince, and all the Royal Branch-
es, with the Nobility, Clergy, and
Commons oi England, then aflem-
bled in Parliament, by Popilli trea-
chery appointed as ftieep to the
flaughter, in a moft barbarous and
favage manner, beyond the exam-
ples of former ages. From this
imnatural Confpiracy, not our me-
rit, but thy mercy ; not our fore-
light, but thy providence delivered
us : And therefore not unto us,
O Lord, not unto us, but unto
thy Name be afcribed all honour
and glory, in all Churches of the
from generation to
through Jefus Chrifl
Lord. Amen.
ACCEPT alfo, moft gracious
God, of our unfeigned thanks
for filling our hearts again with joy
and gladnefs, after the time that
thou hadft affliCled us, and putting
a new fong into our mouths, by
bringing His MajeftyKingiFF?7//w//,
upon this Day, for the Deliverance
of our Church and Nation from
Poj)ifli 1 yranny and arbitrary Pow-
er. We adore the wifdom and
jufticc of thy Providence, which fo
timely interpofed in our extreme
danger, and difappointed all the
defigns of our enemies. Wc be-
feech thee, give us fucli a lively
and lalUnir fenfe of what thou didil
then, and hail fince that time done
for us, that we may not grow fe-
cure and carelefs in our obedience,
by prefuming upon thy great and
undeferved goodnefs ; but that it
may lead us to repentance, and
move us to be the more diligent
and zealous in all the duties of our
Religion, which thou haft in a mar-
vellous manner preferved to us.
Let truth and juftice, brotherly
kindnefs and charity, devotion and
piety, concord and unity, with all
other virtues, fo flouriiii among us,
that they may be the liability of
our times, and make this Church
a praife in the earth. All which
we humbly beg for the fake of our
bleffed Lord and Saviour. Amen.
% In the end of the Litani/ {which shall akcai/s this
■ Day be used) after the Collect [We humbly be-
seech thee, O Father, &)C.'] shall this be said which
ALMIGHTY God and heaven-
ly Father, who of thy gracious
Providence, and tender mercy to-
wards us, didft prevent the malice
and imaginations of our enemies,
by difcovering and confounding
their horrible and wicked Enter-
prize, plotted and intended this
day to have been executed againft
the King, and the whole State of
England, for the fubverfion of the
Government and Religion eftablilh-
ed among us ; and didft likewife
upon this day wonderfully coududt
r Treafon.
thy Senant King William, and
bring him fafely into England, to
preferve us from the attempts of
our enemies to bereave us of our
Relimon and Laws: We moil hum-
bly praife and magnify thy moft
glorious Name for thy imfpeakable
goodnefs towards us, expreifed in
both thefe a6ts of thy mercy. We
confefs it has been of thy mercy
alone, that we are not confumed :
For our fins have cried to heaven
againft us; and our iniquities juftly
called for vengeance upon us. But
thou haft not dealt with us after
our fins, nor rewarded us after
our iniquities ; nor given us over,
as we dei'erved, to be a prey to
our enemies ; but hail in mercy
delivered us from their malice, and
preferved us from death and de-
ftru6lion. Let the confideration of
this thy repeated goodnefs, O Lord,
work in us true repentance, that
iniquity may not be our ruin. And
increafe in us more and more a
lively faith and love, fruitful in all
holy obedience ; that thou mayeft
ftill continue thy favour, with the
light of thy GofjDcl, to us and our
pofterity for evermore ; and that
for thy dear Son's fake, Jefus Chrift
our only Mediator and Advocate.
^ Instead of the Praijer [In time of War and Tu-
mults] shall he used this Prayer following.
Lord, who didft this day dif-
cover the fnares of death that
Strengthen the hands
Sovereign Kini>'
were laid for us, and didft wonder-
fully deliver us fi'om the fame ; Be
thou ftill our mighty Prote($lor, and
fcatter our enemies that delight in
blood : Infatuate and defeat their
counfels, abate their jjride, af-
fwage their malice, and confound
their devices
of our ffracious
GEORGE, and all that are put in
authority under him, \\Ai\v judge-
ment and jullice to cut off all iiich
workers of iniquity, as turn Reli-
gion into Rebellion, and Faith in-
to Faction ; that they may never
prevail againft us, or triumph in
the ruin of thy Church among us :
but that our gracious Sovereign,
and his Realms, being pr
in thy true Religion, and by thy
merciful goodnefs protected in the
fame, we may all duly ferve thee,
and give thee thanks in thy holy
congregation ; through Jefus Chrilt
our Lord. Amen.
% In the Communion Service, instead of the Collect
for the Day, shall this rchich folluweth be used.
ETERNAL God, and our moft
mighty Protestor, we thy un-
worthy fervants do humbly prefent
ourfelves before thy Majeliy, ac-
knowledging thy power, wifdom,
and goodnefs, in preferving the
King, and the Three Eftates of
the Realm of Eni(lanfl affembled
in Parliament, from the dellru^tion
this day intended againll them.
Make us, we befeecl) thcc, truly
Gmipoivder T'reafon,
thankful for this, and for all other
thy great mercies towards us ; par-
ticularly for making this day again
memorable, by a frelh inltance of
thy loving- kindnefs towards us.
We blefs thee for giving his late
Majefly King William a fafe arrival
here, and for making all oppofition
fall before him, till he became our
King and Governour. We befeech
thee to protect and defend our
Sovereign King GEORGE, and
all the Royal Family, from all trea-
fons and confpiracies ; Preferve him
in thy faith, fear, and love ; Prof-
per his Reign with long hap])inefs
here on earth ; and crown him with
everlafting glory hereafter; through
Jefus Chrift our only Saviour and
Redeemer. Amen.
The Epijlle. Rom. xiii. L
LET every foul ])e fubje(51; unto
the higher powers ; for there
is no power, but of God : the pow-
ers that be are ordained of God.
Whofoever therefore relifteth the
power relifteth the ordinance of
(lod ; and tliey that reiift (hall re-
ceive to themfelves damnation. For
rulers are not a terror to good
works, but to the evil. Wilt thou
then not be afraid of the power?
do that which is good, and thou
flialt have ])raife of the fame : for he
is the minifter of Ciod to thee for
a'oo(k But if thou do that which
is evil, be afraid ; for he bcareth
not the fword in vain
the miniller of God, a revenger to
execute wrath upon him that doeth
evil. Wherefore ye mull needs be
fubjecft, not only for wrath, but
alfo for confcience fake. For for
this caufe pay ye tribute alfo ; for
they are God's minillers, attending
continually upon this very thing.
Render therefore to all their dues ;
tribute to whom tribute is due,
cullom to whom cuftom, fear to
whom fear, honour to whoni ho-
The Gofpel. St. Luke ix. 51.
AND it came to pafs, when the
time was come that he fliould
be received up, he ftedfaftly fet
his face to go to .Terufalem, and
fent meffengers before his face ;
and they went and entered into a
village of the Samaritans, to make
ready for him : And they did not
receive him, becaufe his face was
as though he would go to Jerufa-
lem. And when his difciples James
and John faw this, they faid. Lord,
wilt thou that we command fire to
come down from heaven, and con-
fume them, even as Elias did? But
he turned and rebuked them, and
faid, Ye know not what manner of
fpirit ye are of: For the Son of
man is not come to dellroy men's
lives, but to fave them. And they
went to another villao-e.
^ After the Creed, if there he no Sermo7i, shall be
read one of the six Homilies against Rebellion.
Gunpowder Trea/bn.
: for he is
*[[ This Sentence is to be read at the Ofertori/.
WllATSOEVEll ye would
that men fliould do to you,
do ye even fo to them ; for this is
the Law and the Prophets. St.
Matth. vii. 12.
^ Jfler the Pratfer for the Church militant this fol-
loK'inii Pr/ii/cr is to he used.
God, whofe Name is excellent
in all the earth, and thy gloiy
above the heavens ; who on this
day didft miraculoully preferve our
Church and State from the fecret
contrivance and hellifli malice of
Popifli confpirators ; and on this
day alfo didll begin to give us a
mighty deliverance from the open
tyranny and oppreffion of the fame
cruel and blood-thirlly enemies :
We blefs and adore thy glorious
Majelly, as for the former, fo for
this thy late marvellous loving-
kindnefs to our Church and Na-
tion, in the prefervation of our
Relio'ion and Liberties. And we
humbly pray, that the devout fenfe
of this thy repeated mercy may
renew and increafe in us a fpirit
of love and thankfulnefs to thee its
only Author ; a fpirit of peaceable
fubmiflion and obedience to our
gracious Sovereign i^ord. King
GEORGE; and a fpirit of fer-
vent zeal for oui* holy Religion
which thou hail fo ^wonderfully
refcued, and ellabliflied, a blefllng
to us and our poflerity. And this
we beg for Jefus Chrill his fake.
To be used yearly on the Thirtieth of January,
Being the Day of the JMartyrdom of the Blefled King CHARLES the
Firft ; to implore the mercy of God, that neither the Guih of that
facred and innocent Blood, nor thofe other fins, by which God was
provoked to deliver up both us and our King into the hands of cruel
and unreafonable men, may at any time hereafter be vifited upon us
or our ])ofterity.
!1 If this Day shall happen to be Suiiday, this Form of Prayer shall be used and the Fast kept the
ne.vfDayfollvuing. And upon the Lord's Day next before the Day to be kept, at Morning Prayer^
immediately after the Niceiie Creed, notice shall be given for the due Observation uj'the\said Day.
If The Service of the Day shall be the same with the usual Office for Holy-days in all things; ex-
cept where it is in this Office otherrvise appointed.
If He that ministereth, shall begin
ivith one or more of these Sentences.
TO the Lord our God belong
mercies and forgivenefles,
though we have rebelled againft
him : neither have we obeyed the
voice of the Lord our God, to walk
in his laws w^iich he fet before us,
Daniel ix. 9, 10.
Con'e(ft us, O Lord, but with
judgement : not in thine anger,
left thou bring us to nothing. Jer.
X. 24.
Enter not into judgement with
thy fervants, O Lord : for in thy
fight fliall no man living be juiti-
fied. Pfabn cxliii. 2.
^ Instead of Venite exultemus the Hymn follozciug
shall he said or sinig; one Verse by the Priest, an-
other by the Clerk a7id people.
RIGHTEOUS art thou,0 Lord:
and juft are thy judgements !
PJalm cxLx. 137.
T/tou art juji, O Lord, in all
that is hronght upon lis : for thou
haji done right, but ice have done
wicliedly. Neh. ix. 33.
Neverthelefs, our feet were al-
moft gone : our treadings had well-
nigh Hipped. Pfabn Ixxiii. 2.
For ichy ? tee icere grieved at the
wicked : we did alfofee the ungodly
in fuch proj'perity. Verfe 3.
The people ftood up, and the ru-
lers took counfel together : againft
the Lord, and againft his Anoint-
ed. Pfabn ii. 2.
They cajl their heads together tvith
one conj'ent : and were confederate
againji him. Pfalm Ixxxiii. 5.
He heard the blafphemy of the
multitude, and fear was on eveiy
fide : while they confpired together
againft him, to take away his life,
Pfabn xxxi. 15.
King Chaiie.
They /poke againfi Mm unth falfe
toiigiiea, and compajjhd Jiim ahout
with words of hatred : and fought
againjl hwi without a caufe. Pfalm
cix. 2.
Yea, his own familiar friends,
whom he trufted : they that eat of
his bread laid o-reat wait for him.
If aim xh. 9.
They rewarded him evil for good :
to the great dif comfort of his foul.
Pfalm XXXV. 12.
They took their counfel toge-
ther, faying, God hath forfaken
him : perfecute him, and take him,
for there is none to deliver him.
Pfalm Ixxi. 9.
The breath of our nojlrils, the
Anointed of the Lord teas taken in
their pits : of whom we f aid, Under
his Jhadow we fJiall he fafe. Lam.
iv. 20.
The adverfary and the enemy
entered into the gates of Jerufa-
lem : faying, When fliall he die,
and his Name perifli? Ver. 12.
Pfalm xli. 5.
Let thefentence of guiltinefs pro-
ceed againjl him : and now that he
lieth, let him rife up no more. Ver. 8.
Falfe witnefles alfo did rife up
againft him : they laid to his charge
things that he knew not. Pfalm
XXXV. 1 1 .
For the Jins of the people, and
the iniquities of the priejis ; they
filed the Mood of the jujl in the midji
of Jerufalem. Lam. iv. 13.
v the Martijr.
O my foul, come not thou into
their fecret ; unto their aifembly,
mine honour, be not thou united :
for in their anger they flew a man ;
Gen. xlix. 6.
Rven the man of thy right hand :
the Son of man, whom thou hadjl
made fo ftrong for thine own felf
Pfalm Ixxx. 17.
In the fight of the unwife he
feemed to die : and his dej^arture
was taken for mifery. Wifd. iii. 2.
They fools counted his life mad-
nefs, and his end to he without ho-
nour : but he is in peace. Wifd.
V. 4. & iii. 3.
For though he was puniflied in
the fight of men : yet was his hope
full of immortality. Wfd. iii. 4.
Uow is he numbered with the chil-
dren of God : and his lot is among
the faints! Wifd. v. 5.
But, O Lord God, to whom ven-
geance belongeth, thou God, to
whom vengeance belongeth : be
favourabla and gracious unto Sion.
Pfalm xciv. 1. & li. 18.
Be merciful, O Lord, unto thy
people, whotn thou hajl redeemed :
and lay not innocent blood to our
charge. Deut. xxi. 8.
O fliut not up our fouls with
finners : nor our lives with the
blood- thirfty. Pfalm xxvi. 9.
Deliver us from blood-guiltinefs,
O God, thou that art the God of our
falmition : and our tongues /hall fng
of thy righteoufnefs. Pfalm H. 14.
King Charles
■ For tlioii art the God that haft
no pleafure in wickednefs : neither
fliall any evil dwell with thee.
Pfalm V. 4.
77^0?^ wilt defiroy them that fpeah
leajing : the Lord abhors hoth the
hlood-thirjiy and deceitful man. Ver.
O how fuddenly do they con-
fume : perilh, and come to a fearful
end! Pfalm Ixxiii. 18.
Yea, even like as a dream, lehen
one awaketh : fo didji thou make
their image to vanifli out of the city.
Ver. 19.
Great and marvellous are thy
works, O Lord God Almighty :
juft and tiiie are thy ways, O King
of faints. Kev. xv. 3.
Righteous art thou, O Lord : and
jujl are thy judgements. Pfalm cxix.
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son : and to the Holy Ghoft ;
As it teas in the beginning, is
now, and ever fliall be : icorld with-
out end. Amen.
Proper Pfalms. ix, x, xi.
Proper Leffons.
The Firjl, 2 Sam. i.
The Second, St. Matth. xxvii.
^ Instead of the First Collect at Morning Praj/er
shall these tno zchich follow be used.
OMoft mighty God, terrible in
thy judgements, and wonder-
ful in thy doings toward the chil-
dren of men ; who in thy heavy dif-
pleafure didft fuft'er the life of our
the Martyr.
gracious Sovereign King Charles
the Fii-ft, to be (as this day) taken
away by the hands of cruel and
bloody men : We thy finful crea-
tures here affembled before thee,
do, in the behalf of all the people
of this land, humbly confefs, that
they were the ciying fins of this
Nation, which brought down this
hea\y judgement upon us. But,
O gracious God, when thou mak-
eft inquifition for blood, lay not
the guilt of this innocent blood,
(the Ihedding whereof nothing but
the blood of thy Son can expiate,)
lay it not to the charge of the peo-
ple of this land ; nor let it ever be
required of us, or our pofterity.
Be merciful, O Lord, be mercifnl
unto thy people, whom thou haft
redeemed ; and be not angry with
us for ever : But pardon us for thy
mercies fake, through the merits
of thy Son Jefus Chrift our Lord.
BLESSED Lord, in whofe fight
the death of thy faints is pre-
cious ; We magnify thy Name for
thine abundant grace beftowed
upon our martyred Sovereign ; by
which he was enabled fo cheerfiilly
to follow the fteps of his blelfed
Mafter and Saviour, in a conftant
meek fufl*ering of all barbarous in-
dignities, and at laft refifting unto
blood; and even then, according
to the fame pattern, praying for
his murderers. Let his memory,
King Charle
O Lord, be ever bleirecl among-
us; that we may follow the example
of his courage and conftancy, his
meeknefs and ])atience, and great
charity. And grant, that this our
land may be freed from the venge-
ance of his righteous blood, and
thy mercy glorilied in the forgive-
nefs of our iins : and all for Jefus
Chrift his fake, our only Mediator
and Advocate. Amen.
% In the end of the Litany (which shall always on this
Day be used) immediately after the Collect [Wc
humbly beseech thee, O Father, ^c] the three Col-
lects next following are to be read.
Oljord, we befeech thee mer-
cifully hear our prayers, and
fpare all thofe who confefs their
fins unto thee ; that they whofe
confciences by lin are accufed, by
thy mercifiil pardon may be abfolv-
ed; through Chrift our Lord. Amen.
OMoft mighty God, and mer-
ciful Father, who haft com-
paflion upon all men, and hateft
nothing that thou haft made ; who
wouldeft not the death of a finner,
but that he fliould rather turn from
his fin, and be faved : Mercifully
forgive us oin* trefpafles ; receive
and comfort us, who are grieved
and wearied Avith the burden of
our fins. Thy property is always
to have mercy ; to thee only it ap-
pertaineth to forgive fins. Spare
us therefore, good Lord, fpare thy
people, whom thou haft redeemed ;
enter not into judgement with thy
feiTants, who are vile earth and
s tJte Martyr.
miferable finners : but fo turn thine
anger from us, who meekly ac-
knowledge our vilenefs, and truly
repent us of our faults ; and fo
make hafte to help us in this world,
that we may ever live with thee in
the world to come ; through Jefus
Chrift our Lord. Amen.
TURN thou us, O good Lord,
and fo fliall we be turned.
Be favourable, O Lord, be favour-
able to thy people. Who turn to
thee in weeping, falling, and pray-
ing. For thou art a merciful God,
Full of compaflion, Long-fiiffering-,
and of great pity. Thou fpareft
when we deferve punilliment, And
in thy wrath thinkeft upon mercy.
Spare thy j3eople, good Lord, fpare
them. And let not thine heritage
be brought to confufion. Hear
us, O Lord, for thy mercy is great.
And after the multitude of thy
mercies look upon us, Through
the merits and mediation of thy
bleffed Son Jefus Chrift our Lord.
% In the Communion Service, after the Prayer for
the King [Almighty God, whose kingdom is ever-
lasting, iSfc] instead of the Collect for the Day shall
these two be used.
O moft mighty God, ^ c.
Bleffed Lord, in whofe
fight, ^-c. ^ ^'"y'''
TJie Epiftlc. 1 St. Peter ii. 13.
SUBMIT yourfelves to every or-
dinance of man for the Lord's
fake ; whether it be to the King,
as fupreme ; or unto governours, as
As in the
King Charles
unto tliem that are fent by liiin, |
for the punillnnent of evil-doers,
and for the praife of them that do
welh For lb is the will of God,
that with well-doing- ye may put
to lilence the ionorance of foolifli
men : as free, and not ufing your
liberty for a cloke of malicioufnefs,
but as the fervants of God. Ho-
nour all men. Love the brother-
hood. Fear God. Honour the
King. Servants, be fubje6l to your
joaafters with all fear, not only to
the good and gentle, but alfo to
the fro ward. For this is thank-
worthy, if a man for confcience
toward God endure grief, fuifering
wrongfullv. For what glory is it,
if when ye be buffeted for your
faults ye ftiall take it patiently? but
if when ye do well, and fuft'er for it,
ye take it patiently ; this is accept-
able with God. For even here-
unto were ye called ; becaufe Chrift
alfo fuffered for us, leaving us an
example, that ye fliould follow his
fteps ; who did no (in, neither was
guile found in his mouth.
The Go/pel. St. Matth. xxi. 33.
THERE was a certain houfe-
holder which ])lanted a vine-
yard, and hedged it round about,
and digged a wine-prefs in it, and
built a tower, and let it out to
huibandmen, and went into a far
country. And Avhen the time of
the fruit drew near, he fent his
fervfuats to the huibandmen, that
the Martyr.
thev mii^ht receive the fi'uits of it.
And the huibandmen took his fer-
vants, and beat one, and killed an-
other, and ftoned another. Again
he fent other feiTants, more than
the lii*ft : and they did tmto them
likewife. But lait of all he fent
unto them his fon, faying, They
will reverence my fon. But when
the huibandmen faw the fon, they
laid among themfelves. This is the
heir, come, let us kill him, and let
us feize on his inheritance. And
they caught him, and call him out
of the vineyard, and flew him.
When the lord therefore of the
vineyard cometh, what will he do
unto thofe hufcandmen? They fay
unto him. He will miferably dellroy
thofe wicked men, and will let out
his vineyard unto other huiband-
men, which fliall render him the
fruits in their feafons.
^ After the Tsicene Creed, shall he read, instead of
the Sermon for that Day, thejirst and second parts
oj" the Homilj/ against Disobedience and zcilftil Re-
bellion, set forth In/ Authority; or the Minister who
officiates shall preach a Sermon of his own composing
upon the same argument.
^ //; the Oflertori/ shall this Sentence be read.
that men fliould do unto
you, even fo do unto them ; for
this is the Law and the Prophets.
St. J/rt//. vii. 12.
^ After the Prayer [For the whole state of Christ's
Cliurch Sfc] these two Collects follozdng shall be
OLord, our heavenly Father,
who didll not punifli us as
our fins have deferved, but haft in
the midft of judgement reiiiem-
bered mercy; We acknowledge it
thine efpecial favour, that, though
for our many and great provoca-
tions, thou didll fuffer thine an-
ointed blefled King Charles the
Firft (as on this day) to fall into
the hands of violent and blood-
thirfty men, and barbarouily to be
murdered by them, yet thou didft
not leave us for ever, as flieep
without a fliejiherd ; but by thy
gracious providence didft miracu-
loufly preferve the imdoubted Heir
of his Crowns, our then gracious
Sovereign King Charles the Se-
cond, from his bloody enemies,
hiding him under the fliadow of
thy mngs, until their tyranny was
overpaft ; and didft bring him back,
in thy good appointed time, to fit
upon the throne of his Father ; and
together with the Royal Family
King Charles the Martyr.
didft rcftore to us our ancient Go-
vernment in Church and State.
For thefe thy great and unfpeak-
able mercies we render to thee our
moft humble and unfeigned thanks;
befeeching thee, ftill to continue
thy gracious prote6tion over the
whole Royal Family, and to grant
to our gracious Sovereign King
GEORGE^ a long and a happy
Reign over us : So we that are thy
people will give thee thanks for
ever, and will alway be (hewing
forth thy praife from generation to
generation ; through Jefus Chrift
our Lord and Saviour. A men.
AND grant, O Lord, we befeech
thee, that the courfe of this
world may be fo peaceably ordered
by thy governance, that thy Church
may joyfully ferve thee in all godly
quietnefs ; through Jefus Chrift our
Ijord. Amen.
•^ The Hymn appointed to be used at Morning Prayer
instead of Venite exultemus shall here also be used
before the Proper Psalms.
Righteous art thou, O I^ord, S^c.
Proper Pfalms. Ixxix, xciv, Ixxxv.
Proper Lejfons.
The Firji, Jer. xii. or Dan. ix. to
verfe 22.
The Seco?id, Hebrews xi. verfe 32.
and xii. to verfe 7.
% Instead of the first Collect at Evening Prayer shall
these two which next follow be used.
O Almighty Lord God, who by
thy wifdom not only guideft
and ordereft all things moft fuit-
ably to thine own juftice; but alfo
performeft thy pleafure in fuch a
manner, that we cannot but ac-
knowledge thee to be righteous in
all thy ways, and holy in all thy
works : We thy finful people do
here fall down before thee, con-
fefling that thy judgements were
right, in permitting cruel men, fons
3F 2
King Charles
of Belial (as on this day) to imbrue
their hands in the blood of tlihie
A-nointed ; we having dra^\^i down
the fame upon ourfeives, by the
great and long provocations of our
fins againft thee. For which we
do therefore here humble ourfeives
before thee; befeeching thee to
deliver this Nation from blood-
guiltinefs, (that of tliis day efpe-
cially,) and to turn from us and
our pofterity all thofe judgements,
which we by our fins have wor-
thily deferved : Grant this, for the
all-fufficient merits of thy Son our
Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen.
BLESSED God, juft and pow-
erful, who didll permit thy
dear Servant, our dread Sovereign
King CJmrles the Firft, to be (as
upon this day) given up to the vio-
lent outraoes of ^\'icked men, to be
defpitefully ufed, and at the lafl;
murdered by them : Though we
cannot reflect upon fo foul an adl,
but with horror and aftonilhment;
yet do we moft gratefully comme-
morate the glories of thy grace,
which then fliined forth in thine
Anointed; whom thou waft pleafed,
even at the hour of death, to en-
due with an eminent meafure of
exemplaiy patience, meeknefs, and
charity, before the face of his cruel
enemies. And albeit thou diclil
fuffer them to proceed to fuch an
height of violence, as to kill him,
and to take j)oncflion of his Throne;
As before at
the Martyr.
yet didft thou in great mercy ])re-
ferve his Son, wliofe right it was,
and at length by a wonderful pro-
vidence bring him back, and fet
him thereon, to reftore thy true
Religion, and to fettle peace a-
mongft us : For tliefe thy great
mercies we glorify thy Name,
through Jefus Chrift our blelfed
Saviour. Amen.
51 Immediatelii iifter the Collect [Lighten our dark-
ness, cSc] shall these three next follouiiig be used.
O Lord, we befeech ^t. ^
O moft mighty God, S^c. r
Turn thou us, Sj-c. ^
% Immediateh/ before the Prayer of St. Chrysostom
shall this Collect tchirh next follozceth be used.
ALMIGHTY and everlafting
God, whofe righteoufnefs is
like the ftrong mountains, and thy
judgements like the great deep ;
and who, by that barbarous mur-
der (as on this day) connnitted
upon the facred Perfon of thine
Anointed, haft taught us, that nei-
ther the greateft of Rings, nor the
beft of men, are more fecure fi-om
violence than from natural death :
Teach us alfo hereby fo to number
our days, that we may apply our
hearts unto wifdom. And grant,
that neither the fplendour of any
thino^ that is PTcat, nor the conceit
of any thing that is good in us,
may withdraw oiu* eyes from look-
ing upon ourfeives as finful duft
and alhes ; but that, according to
the example of this thy blelfed
Martyr, wc may ])rcl's forward to
The Refioration of the Royal Family.
vVnd all tliis tor tliy Son our Lord
.Jefiis Chrift his i'ake ; to whom
Avith thee and the Holy Ghofl he
all honour and glory, world with-
out end. Amen.
the prize of the high calling that
is before us, in faith and patience,
hmnility and meeknefs, mortifica-
tion and felf-denial, charity and
conftant perfeverance unto the end:
For having put an end to the Great Rebellion, by the Reftitution of the
King and Royal Family, and the Reftoration of the Government after
many years interruption; which imlpeakable Mercies were wonder-
fully completed upon the Twenty-ninth o^ May, in the Year IGfiO.
And in Memory thereof that Day in every Year is by A61 of Parlia-
ment appointed to be for ever kept holy.
f Tlie Act of Parliament made in the Tzoelfth, and conjinned in the Thirteenth Year of King Charles
the Second, for the Observation of the Ttventy-ninth Day of May i/eaiij/, as a Day of' Public k
Thanksgiving, is to be read publickli/ in all Charches at Morning Prayer, immediately after the
Nicene Creed, on the Lord's Day next before every such Txventy-ninth of May, and notice to be
given for the due Observation of the said Day.
f The Service shall be the same with the usual Office for Holy-days ; eaxept where it is in this
Office otherwise appointed.
^ If this Day shall happen to be Ascension-Day, or Whit-Suntlay, fbe Collects of this Office are
to be added to the Offices of those Festivals in their proper places : If it be Monday or Tuesday
in Wliitsun-week, or Trinity-Sunday, the Proper Psalms appointed for this Day, instead of
those of ordinary Course, shall be also used, and the Collects added as before ; ajid in all these
cases the rest of this Office shall be omitted: But if it shall happen to be any other Sunday, this
whole Office shall be used, as it followeth, entirely. And xshat Festival soever shall happen to
fall upon this solemn Day of Thanksgiving, the following Hymn, appointed instead o/' Venite
exultemus, shall be constantly used.
1 Morning Prayer shall begin with
these Sentences.
TO the Lord our God belong
mercies and forgivenelfes,
though we have rebelled againft
him : neither have we obeyed the
voice of the Lord our God, to walk
in his laws which he fet before us.
Daniel ix. 9, 10.
It is of the Lord's mercies that
we were not confumed : becaufe his
compaflions fail not. Lam.
iii. 22.
The Rcftoration of the Royal Family.
% Instead of Venite exultemus shall be sung or said
this Hymn following ; one Verse by the Priest, and
another by the Clerk and People.
MY fong flialJ be alway of the
loving-kindnefs of the Lord :
with my mouth \vill I ever be fliew-
iiig forth his truth from one gene-
ration to another. Pfalm Ixxxix. 1 .
The merciful and gracious Lord
hath Jo done his marvellous works :
that theif ought to he had in remem-
hrance. Pfahii cxi. 4.
Who can exprefs the noble adls
of the Lord : or Ihew forth all his
praife? Pfalm cvi. 2. ,
Tlie works of the Lord are great :
fought out of all them that have
pleafure therein. Pfalm cxi. 2.
The Lord fetteth up the meek :
and bringeth the ungodly dowii to
the ground. Pfalm cxlvii. 6.
The Lord ewecuteth righteonfnefs
and judgement : for all them that
are opprcfjed with wrong. Pf. ciii. 6.
For he will not alway be chid-
ing : neither keepeth he his anger
for ever. Ver. 9.
Me hath not dealt with us after
our fins : nor rewarded us according
to our wickednefs. Ver. 10.
For look how high the heaven
is in comparifon of the earth : fo
great is his mercy toward them
that fear him. Ver. 11.
yREDESTINATION to Life is the everlasting
purpose of God, whereby (before the founda-
tions of the world were laid) he hath constantly de-
creed by his counsel secret to us, to deliver from^
curse and damnation those whom he hath chosen
in Christ out of mankind, and to bring them by
Christ to everlasting "salvation, as vessels made to
honour. Wherefore, they which be endued with
so excellent a benefit of God be called accordir|f'
Articles of Religion.
to God's purpose by his Spirit working in due sea-
son : rhey through Grace obey the calling : they be
justified freely: they be made sons of God by adop-
tion : they be made like the image of his only-
begotten Son Jesus Christ: they walk religiously
in good works, and at length, by God's mercy, they
attain to everlasting felicity.
As the godly consideration of Predestination, and
our Election in Christ, is full of sweet, pleasant,
and uii-peakable comfort to godly persons, and such
as feel in themselves the working of the Spirit of
Christ, mortifying the works of the flesh, and their
earthly members, and drawing up their mind to
high and heavenly things, as well because it doth
greatly establish and confirm their faith of eternal
Salvation to be enjoyed through Christ, as because
it doth fervently kindle their love towards God: So,
for curious and carnal persons, lacking the Spirit
of Christ, to have continually before their eyes the
sentence of God's Predestination, is a most danger-
ous downfal, whereby the Devil doth thrust them ei-
ther into desperation, or into wretchlessness of most
unclean living, no less perilous than desperation.
Furthermore, we must receive God's promises in
Such wise, as they be generally set forth to us in
holy Scripture: and, in our doings, that will of God
is to be followed, which we have expressly declared
onto us in the Word of God.
XVIII. Of obtaining eternal Salvation only bj/ the
Name of Christ.
T^HEY also are to be had accursed that presume
to say. That every man shall be saved by the
Law or Sect which he professeth, so that he be
diligent to frame his life according to that Law,
and the light of Nature. For holy Scripture doth
set out unto us only the Name of Jesus Christ,
whereby men must be saved.
XIX. Of the Church.
nr^HE visible Church of Christ is a Congregation
-^ of faithful men, in the which the pure Word
of God is preached, and the Sacraments be duly
ministered according to Christ's ordinance in all
those things that of necessity are requisite to the
As the Church of Jerusalem, Alexandria, and
Aniioch, have erred; so also the Church of Rome
hath erred, not only in their living and manner of
Ceremonies, but also in matters of Faith.
XX. Of the. Authority of the Church.
nr^HE Church hath power to decree Rites or
• Ceremonies, and authority in Controversies of
Faith : And yet it is Hot lawful for the Church lu
ordain any thing that is contrary to God's Word
written, neither may it so expound one place of
Scripture, that it be repugnant to another. Where-
fore, although the Church be a witness and a keeper
of holy Writ, yet, as it ought not to decree any
thing against the same, so besides the same ought
it not to enforce any thing to be believed for neces-
sity of Salvation.
XXI. Of the Authority of General Councils.
M^^ ENERAL Councils may not be gathered toge-
^-^ ther without the commandment and will of
Princes. And when they be gathered together,
(forasmuch as thfey be an assembly of men, whereof
all be not governed with the Spirit and Word of
God,) they may err^ and sometimes have erred,
even in things pertaining unto God. W^herefore
things ordained b}' them as necessary to salvation
have neither strength nor authority, unless it may
be declared that they be taken out of holy Scrip-
XXII. Of Purgatory.
nr^HE Romish Doctrine concerning Purgatory,
-^ Pardons, Worshipping and Adoration, as well
of Images as of Reliques, and also invocation of
Saints, is a fond thing vainly invented, and ground-
ed upon no warranty of Scripture, but rather re-
pugnant to the Word of God.
XXIII. Of Ministering in the Congregation.
XT is not lawful for any man to take upon him
-"- the office of publick preaching, or ministering
the Sacraments in the Congregation, before he be
lawfully called, and sent to execute the same. And
those we ought to judge lawfully called and sent,
which be chosen and called to this work by men
who have publick authority given unto them in the
Congregation, to call and send Ministers into the
Lord's vineyard.
XXIV. Of speaking in the Congregation in such a
tongue as the people underslandeth.
TT is a thing plainly repugnant to the Word of
-*- God, and the custom of the Primitive Church,
to have publick Prayer in the Church, or to mini-
ster the Sacraments in a tongue not understanded
of the people.
XXV. Of the Sacraments.
t^ACRATVIENTS ordained of Christ be not only
^^ i)adges or tokens of Christian men's profession,
but rather they be certain surtv witnesses, and etlic-
lual signs of grac«, antl 'God's 'giJod will toworfls
Articles of Religion.
us, by the which he dotli work invisibly in us, .-inil
doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and
confirm our Faith in him.
There are two Sacraments ordained of Christ our
Lord in the Gospel, that is to say, Baptism, and the
Supper ot" the Lord.
Those five commonly called Sacraments, that is
to say. Confirmation, Penance, Orders, Matrimony,
and extreme Unction, are not to be counted for
Sacraments of the Gospel, being such as have grown
partly of the corrupt following of the Apostles,
partly are states of life allowed in the Scriptures ;
but yet have not like nature of Sacraments with
B^iptism, and the Lord's Supper, for that they have
not any visible sign or ceremony ordained of God.
The Sacraments were not ordained of Christ to
be gazed upon, or to be carried about, but that we
should duly use them. And in such only as worthily
I'eceive the same they have a wholesome effect or
operation: but they that receive them unworthily
purchase to themselves damnation, as Saint Faul
XXVL Of the Unworthiness of the Ministers, which
hinders not the effect of the Sacrament.
A LTHOUGH in the visible Church the evil be
-^^ ever mingled with the good, and sometimes
the evil have chief authority in the Ministration of
the Word and Sacraments, yet forasmuch as they
do not the same in their own name, but in Christ's,
and do minister by his commission and authority,
we may use their Ministry, both in hearing the
Word of God, and in receiving of the Sacraments.
Neither is the effect of Christ's ordinance taken
away b^' their wickedness, nor the grace of God's
gifts diminished from such as by faith and rightly
do receive the Sacraments ministered unto them ;
which be efl'ectual, because of Christ's institution
and promise, although they be ministered by evil
Nevertheless, it appertaineth to the discipline of
the Church, that enquiry be made of evil Ministers,
and that they be accused by those that have know-
ledge of their offences ; and finally being found
guilty, by just judgement be deposed.
XXVIL Of Baptism.
TD APTISM is not only a sign of profession, and
'^'^ mark of difference, whereby Christian men are
discerned from others that be not christened, but it
is also a sign of Regeneration or new Birth, where-
by, as by an instrument, they that receive Baptism
rightly are grafted into the Church ; the promises
of forgiveness of sin, and of our adoption to be the
sons of God by the Holy Ghost, are visibly signed
and sealed; Faith is confirmed, and Grace increased
by virtue of prayer unto God. Tlie Baptism of
young Cliildreu is in any wise to be retained in tlie
Church, as most agreeable with the institution of
XXVIIL Of th£ Lord's Supper.
T^HE Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of
the love that Christians ought to have among
themselves one to another ; but rather is a Sacra-
ment of our Redemption by Christ's death : inso-
much that to such as rightly, worthily, and with
faith, receive the same, the Bread which we break
is a partaking of the Body of Christ; and likewise
the Cup of Blessing is a partaking of the Blood of
Transubstantiation (or the change of the sub-
stance of Bread and Wine) in the Supper of the
Lord, cannot be proved by holy Writ ; but is repug-
nant to the plain words of Scripture, overthroweth
the nature of a Sacrament, and hath given occasion
to many superstitions.
The bod}' of Christ is given, taken, and eaten, in
the Supper, only after an heavenly and spiritual
manner. And the mean whereby the Body of
Christ is received and eaten in the Supper is Faith.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not by
Christ's ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up,
or worshipped.
XXIX. Of the wicked rchich eat not the Body ef
Christ in the use of the Lord's Supper.
''■"'HE Wicked, and such as be void of a liveJy
faith, although they do carnally and visibly
press with their teeth (as Saint Augustine saith) the
Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, yet in
no wise are they partakers of Christ : but rather, to
their condemnation, do eat and drink the sign or
Sacrament of so great a thing.
XXX. Of both kinds.
nr^HE Cup of the Lord is not to be denied to the
^ Lay-people : fbr both the parts of the Lord's
Sacrament, by Christ's ordinance and commandment^
ought to be ministered to all Christian men alike.
XXX L Of the one Oblation of Christ finished upon
the Cross.
T^HE Offering of Christ once made is that perfect
'*- redemption, propitiation, and satisfaction, for
all the sins of the whole world, both original and
Articles of Religioti.
actual ; and there is none other satisfaction for sin,
but that alone. Wherefore the sacrifices of Masses,
in the which it was commonly said, that the Priest
did offer Christ for the quick and the dead, to have
remission of pain or guilt, were blasphemous fables,
and dangerous deceits.
XXXII. Of the Marriage of Priests.
TDISHOPS, Priests, and Deacons, are not com-
-*-^ manded by God's Law, either to vow the estate
of single life, or to abstain from marriage: therefore
it is lawful for them, as for all other Christian men,
to marry at their own discretion, as they shall judge
the same to serve better to godliness.
XXXIII. Of excommunicate Persons, how they are
to be avoided.
^THHAT person which by open denunciation of
■*• the Church is rightly cut off from the unity of
the Church, and excommunicated, ought to be
taken of the whole multitude of the faithful, as an
Heathen and Publican, until he be openly reconcil-
ed by penance, and received into the Church by a
Judge that hath authority thereunto.
XXXIV. Of the Traditions of the Church.
TT is not necessary that Traditions and Ceremonies
be in all places one, and utterly like; for at all
times they have been divers, and may be changed
according to the diversities of countries, times, and
men's manners, so that nothing be ordained against
God's Word. Whosoever through his private
judgement, willingly and purposely, doth openly
break the traditions and ceremonies of the Church,
■which be not repugnant to the Word of God, and
be ordained and approved by common authority,
ought to be rebuked openly, (that othei's may fear
to do the like,) as he that offendeth against the
common order of the Church, and hurteth the au-
thority of the Magistrate, and woundeth the consci-
ences of the weak brethren.
Every particular or national Church hath autho-
rity to ordain, change, and abolish, ceremonies or
rites of the Church ordained only by man's autho-
rity, so that all things be done to edifying.
XXXV. Of the Homilies.
^T^HE second Book of Homilies, the several titles
whereof we have joined under this Article, doth
contain a godly and wholesome Doctrine, and ne-
cessary for these times, as doth the former Book of
Homilies, which were set forth in the time of Edward
the Sixth; and therefore we judge them to be read
in Churcijes by the Ministers, diligently and dis-
tinctly, that they may be understanded of the peo-
Of the Names of the Homilies.
Of the right Use of the Church.
Against peril of Idolatry.
Of repairing and keeping clean of Churches.
Of good Works : first of Fasting.
Against Gluttony and Drunkenness.
Against Excess of Apparel.
Of Prayer.
Of the Place and Time of Prayer.
That Common Prayers and Sacraments ought to
be ministered in a known tongue.
Of the reverend estimation of God's Word.
Of Alms-doing.
Of the Nativity of Christ.
Of the Passion of Christ.
Of the Resurrection of Christ.
Of the worthy receiving of the Sacrament of the
Body and Blood of Christ.
Of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost.
For the Rogation-days.
Of the state of Matrimony.
Of Repentance.
Against Idleness.
Against Rebellion.
XXXVI. Of Consecration of Bishops and Ministers.
'T^HE Book of Consecration of Archbishops and
Bishops, and Ordering of Priests and Deacons,
lately set forth in the time of Edward the Sixth,
and confirmed at the same time by authority of
Parliament, doth contain all things necessary to
such Consecration and Ordering : neither hath it
any thing, that of itself is superstitious and ungodly.
And therefore whosoever are consecrated or ordered
according to the Rites of that Book, since the se-
cond year of the forenamed King Edifard unto this
time, or hereafter shall be consecrated or ordered
according to the same Rites; we decree all such to
be rightly, orderly, and lawfully consecrated and
XXXVII. Of the Civil Magistrates.
T^HE King's Majesty hath the chief power in
-^ this Realm of England, and other his Domini-
ons, unto whom the chief Government of all Estates
of this Realm, whether thoy be Ecclesiastical or
Civil, in all causes doth ap|>ertain, and is not, nor
ought to be, subject to any foreign Jurisdiction.
Where we attribute to the King's Majesty the
chief government, by which Titles we understand
the minds of some slanderous folks to be offended ;
Articles of lleligion.
We give not to our Princes the ministering either of
God's Word, or of tiie Sacninients, the wliicli thing
tlie Injunctions also lately set forth by Elizabeth
our Queen do most plainly testily ; but tliat only
prerogative, which we see to have been given al-
ways to all godly Princes in holy Scriptures by God
himself; that is, that they should rule all states
and degrees committed to their charge by God,
whether they be Ecclesiastical or Temporal, and
restrain with the civil sword the stubborn and evil-
The Bishop of Rome hatli no jurisdiction in this
Realm oi England.
The Laws of the Realm may punish Christian
men with death, for heinous and grievous oflences.
It is lawful for Christian men, at the command-
ment of the Magistrate, to wear weapons, and serve
in the wars.
XXXVIII. Of Christian men's Goods, which are noi
^^IIE Riches and Goods of Christians are not
common, as touching the right, title, and pos-
session of the same, as certain Anabaptists do falsely
hoast. Notwithstiinding, every man ought, of such
things as he posscsseth, liberally to give alms to the
poor, according to his ability.
XXXIX. Of a Christian man's Oath.
/4 S we confess that vain and rash .Swearing is
-^^ forbidden Christian men by our Lord Jesus
Christ, and James his Apostle, so we judge, tliat
Christian Religion doth not prohibit, but that a
man may swear when tlie Magistrate requireth, in
a cause of faith and charity, so it be done according
to the Prophet's teaching, in justice, judgement,
and truth.
^nmS Book of Articles before rehearsed, is again approved, and allowed to be holden and executed within
the Realm, by the assent and consent of our Sovereign Lady ELIZABETH, by the grace of God, of Eng-
land, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. Which Articles tvere deliberately read, and
confirmed again by the subscription of the hands of the Archbishops and Bishops of the Upper-house, and by the
subscription of the whole Clergy of the Nether-house in their Convocation, in the Year of our Lord 1571.
1. f^F Faith in the Holy Trinity.
2. ^ Of Christ the Son of God.
3. Of his going down into Hell.
4. Of his Resurrection.
5. Of the Holy Ghost.
6. Of the Sufficiency of the Scripture.
7. Of the Old Testament.
8. Of the Three Creeds.
9. Of Original or Birth-sin.
10. OfFree-Will.
1 1 . Of Justification.
12. Of Good Works.
13. Of Works before Justification.
14. Of Works of Supererogation.
15. Of Christ alone without Sin.
16. Of Sin after Baptism.
17. Of Predestination and Election.
18. Of obtaining Salvation by Christ.
19. Of the Church.
20. Of the Authority of the Church.
21. Of the Authority of General Councils.
22. Of Purgatory.
23. Of Ministering in the Congregation.
24. Of Speaking in the Congregation.
25. Of the Sacraments.
26. Of the Unworthiness of Ministers.
27. Of Baptism.
28. Of the Lord's Supper.
29. Of the Wicked which eat 7iot the Body of Christ.
30. Of both kinds.
31. Of Christ's one Oblation.
32. Of the Marriage of Priests.
33. Of Excommunicate Persons. *
34. Of the Traditions of the Church.
35. Of the Homilies.
36. Of Consecrating of Ministers.
37. Of Civil Magistrates.
38. Of Christian men's Goods.
39. Of a Christian man's Oath.
The Ratification.
A Man may not marry his
2 VX Grandfather's Wife,
3 Wife's Grandmother.
4 Father's Sister,
5 Mother's Sister,
6 Father's Brother's Wife.
7 Mother's Brother's Wife.
8 Wife's Father's Sister,
9 Wife's Mother's Sister.
10 Mother,
11 Step-Mother,
12 Wife's Mother.
14 Wife's Daughter,
15 Son's Wife.
16 Sister,
17 Wife's Sister,
18 Brother's Wife.
19 Son's Daughter,
20 Daughter's Daughter,
21 Son's Son's Wife.
22 Daughter's Son's Wife,
23 Wife's Son's Daughter,
24 Wife's Daughter's Daughter.
25 Brother's Daughter,
26 Sister's Daughter,
27 Brother's Son's Wife.
28 Sister's Son's Wife,
29 Wife's Brother's Daughter,
30 Wife's Sister's Daughter.
A IVoman may not marry with her
Grandmother's Husband,
3 Husband's Grandfather.
4 Father's Brother,
5 Mother's Brother,
6 Father's Sister's Husband.
7 Mother's Sister's Husband,
8 Husband's Father's Brotlier,
9 Husband's Mother's Brother.
10 Father,
1 1 Step-Father,
12 Husband's Father.
13 Son,
14 Husband's Son,
15 Daughter's Husband.
16 Brother,
17 Husband's Brother,
18 Sister's Husband.
19 Son's Son,
20 Daughter's Son,
21 Son's Daughter's Husband.
22 Daughter's Daughter's Husband,
23 Husband's Son's Son,
24 Husband's Daughter's Son.
25 Brother's Son,
26 Sister's Son,
27 Brother's Daughter's Husband.
28 Sister's Daughter's Husband,
29 Husband's Brother's Son,
30 Husband's Sister'^ Son.
iM. ^,
t. : r
i'A.'Tit St.:-! :\ .'. ■i*,':i''