r i>- -- CONTAININO TEE NAMES AND RESfflENCE OF THE3 HEADS OF FAMILIES AND HOUSEIIOI.I> ERS, IN SAID ClTy> ON THE FIRST OF JULY 1832. TO WHICH IS IDOCD A SKETCH OF THK HISTORY OF THE VILLAGE, FROM 1801 TO 1832. (gi:^^©^=£:5=^ d. ^. 'HIS BOOK, BEING AN EXACT REPRODUCTION OF THE Buffalo City Di- rectory FOR the year 1832, has been set up, printed and bound by the J. W. Clement Co., COMBINED Wn H THE MATTHEWS-NORTHRUP WORKS IN THEIR PLANT AT THE CORNER OF Seneca, Lord AND Seymour Streets, Buffalo, New York, TO ASSIST IN commemo- rating the City of Buffalo Centennial AND IS one of A LIMITED EDITION PRESENTED, WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE PRINTERS, / TO Buffalo, New York, mcmxxxii @ DUIBUK^^MIE^ FOB THB CITY OF BUFFALO; CONTAINING THE NAMES AND RESIDENCE OF THE HEADS OF FAMILIES AND HOUSEHOLDERS, IN SAID CITY> ON THE FIRST OF JULY 1832. TO WHICH IS ADDED A SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF THE VILLAGE. FROM 1801 TO 1832. SSufCalo: PUBLISHED BY I« P. CRARY. STEELE & FAXON, PRINTERS. 1S32. SRLF URL OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF BUFFALO. Aldermen. EBENEZER JOHNSON. Mayor 1st Ward— ISAAC S. SMITH, JOSEPH W. BROWN, 2d Ward— HENRY ROOT. JOHN G. CAMP. Sd Ward— IRA A. BLOSSOM, DAVID M. DAY. 4th Ward- MAJOR A. ANDREWS, HENRY WHITE. ath Ward— EBENEZER WALDEN. THOMAS C. LOVE, D. TILLINGHAST. Clerk. GEORGE P. BARKER, Attorney. HENRY R. SEYMOUR. Treasurer. DAVID M. DAY, City Printer. ISAAC S. SMITH, Chief Eng. of Fire Department. JOHN W. REALS, Ussistants SAMUEL JORDAN, ;^^^'^^°'^^- WILLIAM JONES. \ Constables NELSON ADAMS, ) '-onstaDies. EDWARD BALDWIN, Street Commissioner. JAMES J. BALDWIN. City Surveyor. JOSEPH DEAN, Clerk of the Markets. E. JOHNSON. (Mayor) ) f-^-^fJU^^' Board of Health. L. F. ALLEN, C 3. CLARY. ) J. E. MARSHALL. Health Physician. INTRODUCTION The City of Buffalo is situated in the county of Erie, and state of New-York; is built upon the land adjoining Buffalo Creek and Lake Erie, at the junction of these waters, and contains 10,119 inha- bitants. Most of the City is situated upon a bluff of table land that rises about fifty feet above the level of the Lake. The low lands that extend from the foot of this bluff, (or Terrace, as it is gene- rally called,) to the margin of the Creek and Lake, offering many inducements to particular business pursuits, have been overspread with buildings, and are becoming thickly populated. The village was originally surveyed and laid out, by the Holland Land Company, to whom the site belonged in 1801 ; and the settlement may be said to have begun in the following year. Owing to the usual causes which retard new settlements in their advancement, the village made but inconsider- able progress in its growth, until the commence- ment of the war, in 1812, when it became a mili- tary resort. In December, 1813, the place was en- tered by the British and Indians, and every building but two was burnt. The inhabitants were many of them carried captives to Montreal, while others preserved their liberty by a precipitate flight. The loss of property fell mostly upon individuals, and was not only severe, but, in its consequences, truly calamitous — leaving in many instances, families destitute of house, clothing or provisions, with which to combat the severity of the season. From this period to the close of the war, nothing like a regular and permanent attempt was made to rebuild the town, although such of the inhabitants as could, returned and made temporary locations upon the sites of their former habitations. The news of peace was the signal for renewed exertions to re- build the place, but pecuniary embarassments, and remoteness from market, paralyzed all efforts so effectually as to keep back the place, and retain for it the character of a hamlet only, until the near approach of the Grand Canal, in its progress west- ward, in 1822, gave brighter prospects to those on whom exertions devolved. In 1825, payment was received from the United States, under certain re- strictions, for the buildings destroyed in 1813, but all remuneration for other property lost, was rigidly withheld. Exertions for public advancement now became more visibly efficient; and the attempts which had been several years making to render Buffalo Creek a commercial resort, were now first completely successful. The mouth of that stream had been obstructed by a sand bar which shut out most vessels that navigated the lake, and forced them to resort to Black Rock, where a temporary shelter only could be afforded them, in the open river. To effect the desired object, a loan had been procured from the state, of $12,000, which, aided by private donations, had so far perfected a pier on the south side of the mouth of the Creek, as to exclude sand, and leave an open channel for vessels into the mouth of the harbor. The consequences of thia were to create a new resort for vessels, and to arrest them in their passage to Black Rock. This neces- sarily caused the building of wharves, store houses, and such other conveniences as were required by the new business pursuits thus created. GENERAL VIEW. The village of Buffalo was incorporated in 1822 and its municipal government was administered by a President and board of trustees. The Act to in- corporate the City of Buffalo, was passed April 20, 1832. The common council were elected on the 26th day of May, and held their first meeting for the choice of Mayor, &c. on the 28th. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The Public Buildings consist of 6 houses of pub- lic worship, and 1 now building; Court House, jail, U. S. Branch Bank, Bank of Buffalo, Buffalo. Literary and Scientific Academy, Land OflBce, 2_; Markets, 3 Engine Houses, and a Light-House. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. The U. S. Branch Bank, was established here in 1829. OFFICERS. Wm. B. Rochester, President. J. R. Carpenter, Cashier. Directors. — Wm. B. Rochester, J. Wadsworth, D. E. Evans, C. Townsend, H. B. Potter, A. H. Tracy, W. A. Bird, Wm. HoUister, Geo. Palmer, Wm. Ruxton, B. D. Coe, E. Walden, Geo. B. Webster. 1* 6 The Bank of Buffalo, was incorporated in 1831. Capital $200,000. OFFICERS. G. H. Goodrich, President. Hiram Pratt, Cashier. Directors. — G. H. Goodrich, R. H. Heywood, Henry Root, Wm. Ketchum, George Burt, N. P. Sprague, Hiram Pratt, Thaddeus Weed, J. Stock- ing, Augustus Porter, M. A. Andrews, Henry Hamilton, S. G. Austin. Buffalo Fire and Marine Insurance Company, in- corporated in March, 1830. Capital $100,000. E, Walden, President. L. F. Allen, Secretary. Directors. — E. Walden, C. Townsend, Sheldon Thompson, Henry Root, Hiram Pratt, Lyman A. Spalding, G. H. Goodrich, Joseph Clary, George Palmer, Wm. Hollister, Thomos C. Love, Joseph Dart, Horatio Shumway. BuffaloLiterary and Scientific Academy, incoTpoTSL- ted in 1827. Capital $25,000. Officers. Ebenezer Johnson, President. D. Tillinghast, Secretary. J. W. Clark, Treasurer. Trustees. — Ebenezer Johnson, Charles Townsend, Henry White, S. Wilkeson, David Burt, Sheldon Thompson, Lewis F. Allen, Bela D. Coe, Hiram Pratt, Thomas C. Love, Heman B. Potter, R. W. Haskins, David M. Day, William Ketchum, John W. Clark, Dyre Tillinghast. Theodotus Burwell, Principal. Buff alo Hydraulic Association,'incoTpovaied[nl827 . Capital $25,000, which may be increased to 50,000. The object of this association was to create mill privileges within the city. This object was accom- plished by taking the water out of the Buffalo Creek about four miles from the city, and conveying it by a canal to the eastern boundary about a mile from the city, where there is suflBcient fall for the pur- poses intended. This canal was begun in 1828, and is now in successful operation. There is now in full operation on this canal, the following works: — 1 Woolen Factory; 1 Hat body do; 1 Pail do; 1 Last do; 1 Grist Mill; 1 Brewery. The village which has grown up in its vicinity con- tains nearly 500 inhabitants. Buffalo and Black Rock Jubilee Water Works Company, incorporated in 1827. Capital $20,000. The object of the company is to supply Buffalo and Black Rock with water. It has already been gene- rally introduced, into both places, nearly 16 miles of aqueduct being already laid. OFFICERS. Peter B. Porter, President. Donald Fraser, S. C. Brewster, Peter B. Porter, Directors. Absalom Bull, Secretary & Treasurer. Donald Fraser, Superinten- dent. Buffalo Lyceum, incorporated 1832. OFFICERS. Oran FoUett, President. James Stryker, Millerd Fillmore, Vice President. Alfred Handy, Recording Secretary. Lucien W. Caryl, Corresponding Sec- retary. Wm. Ketchum, Treasurer. John W. Clark, Oliver G. Steele, William Hull, Curators. This Institution was commenced in the winter of 1830 — 31 by a number of enterprising citizens, and has gradually risen in value and importance. The 8 objects of the Institution are mutual improvement in useful knowledge, the advancement of popular education, and the promotion of science generally. There is now belonging to the institution a library of several hundred volumes, and a quantity of chem- ical and philosophical apparatus. Weekly lectures are delivered before the Lyceum during the winter season, which are extremely well attended. BuffaloLibrary Association, incorporated in 1816, and now contains nearly 700 volumes. Trustees. — H. B. Potter, John G. Camp, George Stow, Joseph Dart, Jr., H. A. SaHsbury, Nathaniel Vosburgh, James Miller. J. Wilcox, Librarian. Religious Societies. — There are, 1 Episcopal, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Free Congregational, 1 Baptist, 1 Bethel, 1 Methodist, 1 Universalist, 1 Unitarian, and 1 Roman Catholic. Schools . — There are 1 6 district and private schools , exclusive of the Buffalo L. & S. Academy, embracing 1 Female Seminary, conducted on the most approved plan, by competent teachers, in which the higher branches of female education are taught. Mails. — There are 60 mails per week, received at, made up and despatched from, the Post OflSce in this city, during the winter season, and during the sum- mer, or season of navigation, there are 88 per week. The first mail received here was in March, 1803, on horseback. It was conveyed from the east once in two weeks in this manner, until 1805. A weekly route was thenestablished,andcontinued until 1809. In 1810, the mode of conveyance was changed, and a stage wagon was used. As the country advanced 9 in improvements, the route was changed to twice and three times a week, and subsequently to a daily route . The following is a list of mails arriving and depart- ing from the Post Office in this city in each week : Eastern Mail, two large and one small, daily. Northern " one " " " Western " " " " " One large mail for the West by water to Portland Harbor, daily. Two small do. to Dunkirk and Portland Harbor, daily. One large do. for Michigan, by steamboat, daily. There is also a mail leaving three times a week to Batavia, via Cayuga Creek and Alexander; one do three times a week, to Warsaw, via Aurora; one do. three times a week, to Olean and the north of Pennsylvania, via Springville ; and one twice a week to Fredonia, via Lodi. Newspapers. — There are the Buffalo Patriot, Buf- falo Journal, Buffalo Republican, and Buffalo Bulle- tin, all published weekly. The Patriot is the oldest establishment, having been commenced in 1811, un- der the name of the Buffalo Gazette. The Journal was commenced in 1815, under the name of the Niagara Journal. Public Works. — The principal of these is the pier, built to protect the entrance of the harbor from en- croachments of sand, and upon which the United States have bestowed the following appropriations: May 20, 1826, $15,000; March 2, 1827, $6,500; May 19, 1828, $34,206; April 23, 1830, $15,488; Total $71,194. It is built with great strength, with stone, and is }^ of a mile in length. A Light-House is to be built on the outer extremity of the pier the 10 base of which will connect with and strengthen that work. To this must be added the termination of the Erie canal, and its dependencies. The Erie Canal approaches the village across the low lands which form the shore of the Niagara river at its head, and terminates in the Little Buffalo Creek, a few rods from the foot of the Terrace. From the point of intersection with the Little Buf- falo, to where that stream is lost in Big Buffalo Creek, extensive excavations have been made, which render the whole distance a continued basin, and the same is true of a considerable distance above the point of intersection; making in all one of the most exten- sive and convenient resorts for boats to be found upon the Canal. From this basin, boats pass when necessary into the harbor, and assume their sta- tions either by the side of lake vessels, or at the wharves of store-houses, as convenience of dis- charging and receiving cargoes may require. Buffalo Harbor, with which the Canal thus com- municates, is formed by Buffalo Creek, which is of sufficient depth to receive the lake vessels for a dis- tance of about one mile from its mouth, and is con- sidered by mariners as affording the most secure and convenient harbor to be found on the Ameri- can shore of the lake. The present Light-House is situated on the shore of the lake, upon a tongue of landformedbytheshoreofthelakeandBuffaloCreek. STATISTICS. The number of vessels of various descriptions employed in the commerce of Lake Erie and the upper Lakes is about 100, and the amount of ton- nage about 8000. The increase of lake commerce at Buffalo may be seen by the following table, show- 11 ing the number of arrivals and departures from 1815 to the present year. No . of arrivals and No of arrivals and Years. departures. Years. departures. 1815 - 64 1824 -286 1816 - 80 1825 - - 359 1817 - 100 1826 -418 1818 - - 100 1827 - - 972 1819 - 96 1828 1520 1820 - - 120 1829 - - 1800 1821 - 150 1830 2052 1822 - - 200 1831 - - 3486 1823 -236 Of the amount of property shipped from this port, no certain information can be obtained; suf- fice to say, all vessels employed in the navigation of the Lake are constantly and actively employed. Table of Canal Clearances from the Collector's Office, Buffalo, from 1826 to 1831 inclusive. Clearances. Clearances. 1826 - - 1100 1829 - - 1608 1827 - 1426 1830 - 2083 1828 - - 1880 1831 - 2425 Buffalo and Detroit Steam Boat Line. — The follow- ing Steam Boats comprise the above line, one of which leaves each port every day during the season of navigation. Wm. Penn Capt. Wight. Enterprize " Miles. Ohio " Tyler. Superior Capt. Pease. Henry Clay " Norton. S.Thompson" Walker. Niagara " Stanard. The Steam Boat Wm. Peacock, Capt. Wilkins, leaves Buffalo every evening for Portland Harbor, connecting at that place with a line of stages to u Erie. Pa. and also with a line of stages to Mayville, and from thenoe by the Chautauqua Steam Boat to Jamestown. Storf Houses. — There are ten Store Houses for the transaction of Lake and Canal business. The following is a list of Forwarding and Com- mission Merchants, and of the Canal lines of which they severally are agents: Townsend. Coit & Co. ^ Troy & Erie Line. S. Thompson i^ Co. > Joy «!sc Webster. — Pilot Line. I*ratt, Taylor & Co. — Washington Line. Richard Sears. James L. Barton. — Western Line. Smith & Macy, — New-York & Ohio Line. Barker & Holt. — Merchants Line. Norton ic Carlisle. — Hudson & Erie Line. Augustus Eaton. — Clinton Line. Taremg. — There are a great number of Hotels and Taverns in this city, which the great influx of travellers renders necessary. The Eagle Tavern. Buffalo House. Mansion House, and City Hotel are the principal houses and are kept and furnished in a style equal to any others of the kind in the State. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BUFFALO. The People of the State of New- York, repreaerded in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1. The District of countrj' in the county of Erie, within the following bounds, that is to say: Beginning at a point in the west bounds of the State, due west from the southwesterly termination of York Street ; thence to the northwesterly line of said York Street at its southwesterly termination; thence along the northwesterly bounds of York St., to the northerly side of the Guide Board Road; thence easterly along the northerly bounds of said road to the westerly line of lot number 22, in the eleventh township and eighth range: thence south- erly along the west bounds of lot number 22, and part of lot number 16, in said town ship and range to the easterly termination of the north line of Eagle Street; thence easterly along a line which would be a continuation of the north line of Eagle Street to the Buffalo Creek Reservation; thence southwesterly along the line of said Reservation to the south bank of big Buffalo Creek, thence down the south bank of said creek to the northeasterly comer of a piece of land called the Gore; thence along the northwesterly bounds of said Gore to Lake Erie; thence due west to the State hne; thence northerly to the place of beginning: shall 2 14 hereafter be known by the name of the City of Buffalo. § 2. The inhabitants of said City shall be a Cor- poration by the name of the "City of Buffalo," and may sue and be sued, complain and defend, in any court; make and use a common seal, and alter it at pleasure; and take, hold, purchase and convey, such real and personal estate, as the purposes of the corporation may require. § 3. The said city shall be divided into five wards, as follows, to wit : all that part of the city which lies south and east of the following lines, to wit: Beginning at a point in the said Reserva- tion, where a line drawn through the centre of Crow Street would strike said Reservation ; thence along said line to the centre of Crow Street; thence pro- ceeding westwardly along the centre of said street to Cazenovia Terrace : thence to the centre of Caze- novia Terrace; thence westwardly and northerly along the centre of said Terrace to the centre of Erie Street; thence along the centre of Erie Street to the centre of Erie Canal ; thence along the cen- tre of the Canal to the west bounds of York Street; thence down the west bounds of York Street to Lake Erie; thence due west to the State line, shall be denominated the first ward of said city ; all that part of said city which lies east of the centre of Main Street, and north of the centre of Crow Street, and north of a line drawn through the centre of Crow Street to the said Reservation, and south of the centre of Eagle Street, and south of a line to be drawn in continuation of the north line of Eagle Street, to the Buffalo Creek Reservation, shall be denominated the second ward of said city; all that 15 part of said city, lying westerly of the centre of Main Street, and northeasterly of the bounds of the first ward, and southeasterly of the northwesterly bounds of said York Street, and southwesterly of the centre of Niagara Street, shall be denominated the third ward of said city; all the residue of said city lying east of the centre of Main Street, and north of the centre of Eagle Street, shall be denomi- nated the fourth ward of said city; all the residue of said city lying west of the centre of Main Street and northeasterly of the centre of Niagara Street, shall be denominated the fifth ward of said city. § 4. There shall be in and for said city, one Mayor, ten Aldermen, one Clerk, one Treasurer, one or more Collectors, five Assessors, and such other officers as are hereinafter authorized to be ap- pointed. Which Mayor, Aldermen and Assessors shall be freeholders in said city. § 5. An election shall be held in each of the wards of said city on the first Tuesday in March, in each year, after the year eighteen hundred and thirty two, at such place as the common council of said city shall appoint, and of which six days pre- vious public notice shall be given in writing, in three public places in each ward, by the inspectors thereof. § 6. At the first election under this act, and at each annual election thereafter, there shall be elected two Aldermen and one Assessor for each ward, each of whom shall be an actual resident of the ward in which he is elected. § 7. Thealdermenof each ward, or such persons as the common council shall for that purpose ap- point, shall be inspectors of such election after the 16 first; such inspectors shall have the same powers and authority as the inspectors of a general state election. § 8. The electors shall vote by ballot, and each person offering to vote, shall deliver his ballot, so folded as to conceal the contents, to one of the in- spectors, in the presence of the board. § 9. The ballot shall be a paper ticket, which shall contain, written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, the names of the persons for whom the elector intends to vote, and shall desig- nate the office to which each person so named is intended by him to be chosen; but no ballot shall contain a greater number of names of persons as designated to any office, than there are persons to be chosen to fill such office. § 10. The polls of such election shall be opened at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and continue open until four o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, and no longer. Poll lists shall be kept in the same manner, as nearly as may be, as is provided by law for keeping poll lists at the general state election. § 11. Every person voting at such election, shall be an actual resident of the ward in which he so votes, and shall, if required by any person qualified to vote thereat, before he is permitted to vote, take the following oath : "You do swear (or affirm) that you are a citizen of the United States, of the age of twenty-one years; that you have been an inha- bitant of this state for one year next preceding this election, and for the last six months a resident of this county, that you are now a resident of this ward, and tliat you have not voted at this election." If the person be a colored man, he shall, (if re- 17 quired as aforesaid,) before he is permitted to vote, take the following oath: "You do swear (or affirm) that you are of the age of twenty-one years, that for three years you have been a citizen of this state; that you have been an inhabitant of this state for one year next preceding this election, and during that time have been and now are seized and possessed of a freehold estate of the value of two hundred and fifty dollars, over and above all debts and incumbrances charged thereon, and have been actually rated and paid a tax thereon; that you have been for the last six months a resident of this county; that you now are a resident of this ward, and that you have not voted at this election." § 12. After the poll of any such election is closed, the inspectors holding the same in each of said wards, shall on the same or next day, canvass the votes given at such election. The canvass shall be public, and shall commence by a compari- son of the poll lists, and a correction of any mis- takes that may be found therein, until they shall be found or made to agree. The ballots shall be counted unopened, except so far as to ascertain that each ballot is single, and if two or more ballots shall be found so folded as to present the appear- ance of a single ballot, they shall be destroyed. § 13. If the ballots shall be found to exceed in number the whole number of votes on the poll lists, they shall be replaced in the box, and one of the inspectors shall publicly draw out and destroy so many ballots unopened as shall be equal to such excess. The ballots and poll lists being found or made to agree, the inspectors holding such election shall then proceed to canvass and estimate the votes. 2* 18 § 14. The canvass being completed, a statement of the result shall be drawn up in writing by the inspectors, which they shall certify to be correct, and subscribe with their names, and file the same with the clerk of said city, on the same or next day after the canvass is completed. The inspectors of each ward shall severally determine and certify who are by the greatest number of votes elected aldermen and assessors of their respective wards. § 15. No person entitled to vote at any election held under this act, shall be arrested on civil process within said city, on the day on which said election is held. § 16. The trustees of the village of Buffalo, for the time being, shall appoint the inspectors of the first election to be held under this act. Such elec- tion shall be held and conducted, and the votes given thereat canvassed, by said inspectors, and the result determined in the manner herein before pro- vided. The said Trustees shall also appoint the time and place of holding such first election, which time shall be some day after the passage of this act, and before the first day of June next. § 17. Vacancies in the oflSce of aldermen occur- ing in any manner, may be filled at a special elec- tion, called and appointed by the common council, and conducted in the same manner as an annual election. Vacancies in all other oflBces shall be filled by appointment by the common council. All appointments to fill a vacancy in an elective office under this act, and all appointments of mayor, clerk, treasurer, attorney for the city, police consta- bles, collectors, street commissioners, shall be by warrant under the corporate seal, signed by the 19 mayor, or presiding oflScer of the common council and clerk. In case of a failure to elect aldermen at an annual election, or if from any cause there shall be no aldermen, the clerk shall appoint the time and places for holding a special election, and appoint the inspectors. All officers appointed or elected to any office, under or by virtue of this act, shall be appointed or elected annually, and except to fill a vacancy, shall hold their respective offices for one year, and until others are chosen, and have taken the oath of office. § 18. The common council shall appoint as many police constables as they shall think proper, not exceeding one in each ward; who shall not have power to serve any civil process out of the limits of said city (except in cases of persons flee- ing from said city,) and to commit on execution where the Defendant shall have been arrested within said city. § 19. The mayor and aldermen of said city shall constitute the common council of said city. The common council shall meet at such places and times, as they shall by resolution direct, or as the mayor, or in his absence any two of the aldermen shall appoint. The mayor, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the common council, and shall have only a casting vote. In his absence, any one of the aldermen may be appointed to pre- side. A majority of the persons elected as alder- men, shall constitute a quorum. § 20. The common council shall meet annually after the year eighteen hundred and thirty two, on the second Tuesday of March in each year, (and in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, on the 20 day following the election,) and by ballot appoint a mayor, clerk, treasurer, attorney for the city, street commissioner, police constables, clerk of the market, one or more collectors, one or more pound masters, porters, carriers, cartmen, packers, beadles, bellmen, sextons, common criers, scavengers, mea- surers, surveyors, weighers, sealers of weights and measures, and gaugers. If for any cause the oflB- cers above named are not appointed on said second Tuesday of March or the day after the election in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, the com- mon council may adjourn from day to day, until such appointments are made, and no alderman shall be appointed to the office of mayor. § 21. If any inhabitant of said city, elected or appointed to any office in pursuance of this act, shall refuse or neglect to accept such office, and take and subscribe the oath of office, prescribed in the sixth article of the constitution, for five days after personal notice in writing from the clerk, of his election, he shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars. § 22. Every person chosen or appointed, to any executive, judicial or administrative office under this act, shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, take and subscribe, before some Justice of the Peace, or commissioner of deeds, the oath of office prescribed in the sixth article of the constitution of this state, and file the same duly certified by the officer before whom it was taken, with the clerk of the city. § 23. The treasurer, street commissioner, and collector or collectors of said city, shall severally before they enter on the duties of their respective offices, execute a bond to the city of Buffalo, in 21 such sum, and with such sureties as the common council shall approve, conditioned that they shall faithfully execute the duties of their respective of- fices, and account for and pay over all moneys re- ceived by them respectively ; which bonds, with the approval of the common council thereon certified by the clerk, shall be filed with the clerk of the city. § 24. Every person appointed to the office of con- stable in said city, shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, with two or more sureties, to be approved by the common council, execute in the presence of the clerk of the city, an instrument in writing, by which such constable and sureties shall jointly and severally agree to pay to each and every person who may be entitled thereto, all such sums of money as the said constable may become liable to pay, by reason, or on account of any execution or distress warrant which shall be delivered to him for collection. The clerk of the city shall certify the approval of the common council on such instru- ment, and file the same; and a copy of such instru- ment, certified by the clerk, under the corporate seal, shall be presumptive evidence in all courts, of the execution thereof by such constable and his sureties. All actions on any such instrument, shall be prosecuted within two years after the ex- piration of the year for which the constable named therein shall have been elected, or appointed, and may be brought in the name of the person or per- sons entitled to the money to be collected by virtue of such instruments. § 25. The treasurer shall receive all moneys be- longing to the city, and keep an accurate account 22 of all receipts and expenditures, in such a manner as the common council shall direct. All moneys shall be drawn from the treasury, in pursuance of an order of the common council, by warrants signed by the mayor or presiding officer of the council, and countersigned by the clerk. Such warrants shall specify for what purpose the amount specified there- in is to be paid; and the clerk shall keep an accu- rate account of all orders drawn on the treasury, in a book to be provided for that purpose. The treasu- rer shall exhibit to the common council, at least fifteen days before the annual election in each year, a full account of all receipts and expenditures, after the date of his last annual report, and also of the state of the treasury ; which account shall be filed in the office of the clerk. § 26. It shall be the duty of the common council, at least ten days before the annual election held under this act, in each year, to cause to be published in two or more of the public newspapers in said city, a full and correct statement in detail of the receipts and expenditures by the said common council for the contingent expenses of said city, from the date of the last annual report published in pursuance of this section, to the date of their said reports, and also a distinct statement of the whole amount of money assessed, received and expended, for making and repairing roads, highways and bridges in said city for the same period; together with such other information, in their power to furnish, as may be necessary to a full understanding of the financial concerns of said city. § 27. The clerk shall keep the corporate seal, and all the papers belonging to said city, and make 23 a record of the proceedings of the common council, at whose meetings it shall be his duty to attend; and copies of all papers duly filed in his office, and transcripts from the records of the proceedings of the common council, certified by him under the corporate seal, shall be evidence in all courts in like manner as if the original were produced. § 28. It shall be the duty of the street commis- sioner to superintend the making of all public im- provements ordered by the common council, and to make contracts for the work and materials which may be necessary for the same ; and he shall be the executive oflBcer to carry into effect the ordinances of the common council, under the 39th, 41st, 42d, 47th, and 49th sections of this act, and shall keep accurate accounts of all moneys expended by him, in the performance of any work, together with the cause of such expenditure; and to render such ac- count to the common council monthly. § 29. The common council shall have power to grant and allow to the mayor of said city, for the time being, in lieu of all fees and perquisites, an annual salary not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, payable out of the treasury. The treasu- rer, clerk, street commissioner, police constables, and collector or collectors, shall also be paid out of the treasury, such compensation for their services as the common council may deem reasonable. § 30. If any person having been an officer in said city, shall not within ten days after notification and request, deliver to his successor in office, all the property, papers and effects of every description, in his possession, belonging to the said city or apper- taining to the office he held, he shall forfeit and pay 24 for the use of the city, one hundred dollars, besides all damages caused by his neglect or refusal so to deliver. § 31. The common council shall hold stated meetings, and the mayor or any two aldermen may call special meetings by notice to each of the mem- bers of said council, served personally or left at his usual place of abode. Petitions and remonstrances may be presented to the common council. The common council shall have the management and control of the finances, and of all the property, real and personal, belonging to the corporation, and shall have power within said city, to make, estab- lish, publish, alter, modify, amend, and repeal ordi- nances, rules, regulations and by-laws for the fol- lowing purposes : 1 . Topre vent all obstructions in thewaterswhich are public highways in said city. 2. To prevent and punish forestalling and regra- ting,andtopreventandrestraineverykindof fraudu- lent device and practice. 3. Torestrainandprohibitalldescriptionsofgam- ing and fraudulent devices in said city. And all playing of cards, dice or other games of chance, with or without betting, in any grocery, shop or store. 4. To prohibit the selling or giving away any ar- dentspiritsbyanystorekeeper,traderorgrocer,tobe drank in the shop, store, grocery, out-house, yard or garden, owned or occupied by the person selling or giving away the same, except by inn-keepers duly licensed. 5. To forbid the selling or giving away of ardent spirits or other intoxicating liquors, to any child, ap- prentice or servant, without the consent of his or her parent,guardian,masterormistress,ortoanyIndian. 35 6 . To regulate or prohibit the exhibitions of com- mon show-men and of shows of every kind, or the exhibitions of any natural or artificial curiosities, caravans, circuses, or theatrical performances. 7. To prevent any riot, or noise, disturbance or disorderly assemblages. 8. Tosuppressandrestraindisorderly houses, and groceries, houses of ill-fame, billiard tables, nine or ten-pin alleys, or tables and ball alleys, and to au- thorize the destruction and demolition of all instru- ments and devices used for the purpose of gaming. 9. To compel the owner or occupant of any gro- cery, cellar, tallow-chandler's shop, soap-factory, tannery, stable, barn, privy, sewer or other un- wholesome or nauseous house or place, to cleanse, remove or abate the same, from time to time, as often as may be necessary for the health, comfort and convenience of the inhabitants of the said city. 10. To direct the location and direction of all slaughter houses, markets, and houses for storing powder. 11. To regulate the keeping and conveying of gun-powder and other combustible and dangerous materials, and the use of candles and lights in barns and stables. 12. To prevent horseracing,immoderateridingor driving in the streets, and to authorize persons im- moderately riding or driving as aforesaid, to be stop- ped by any person. 13. To prevent the incumbering of the streets, side walks, lanes, alleys, wharves and docks, with carriages, carts, sleighs, sleds, wheelbarrows, boxes, lumber, timber, fire wood, or any other substance or materials whatsoever. 3 26 14. To regulate and determine the times and places of bathing and swimming, in the canals, creeks, harbors, and other waters in said city. 15. Torestrainandpunish vagrants, mendicants, street beggars and common prostitutes. 16. To restrain and regulate the running at large of cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats and geese, and to authorize the distraining, impounding and sale of the same for the penalty incurred, and costs of proceedings. 17. To prevent the running at large of dogs, and to authorize the destruction of the same, when at large contrary to the ordinance. 18. To prohibit any person from bringing, de- positing, or having within the limits of said city, any dead carcass, or other unwholesome substance; and to require the removal or destruction by any person who shall have upon or near his premises any such substance, or any putrid or unsound beef, pork, fish, hides or skins of any kind; and on his default to authorize the removal or destruction thereof by some officer of said city. 19. To prohibit the rolling of hoops, playing at ball, or flying of kites, or any other amusement or practice, having a tendency to annoy persons pass- ing in the streets and on the side walks in said city, or to frighten teams and horses within the same. 20. To compel all persons to keep the snow, ice and dirt from the side walks in front of the prem- ises owned or occupied by them. 21. To prevent the ringing of bells, blowing of horns and bugles, and crying of goods and other things within the limits of said city. 22. To abate and remove nuisances. 27 23. To regulate and restrain runners for boats and stages. 24. To survey the boundaries of said city. 25. To regulate the burial of the dead. 26. To direct the returning and keeping bills of mortality, and to impose penalties on physicians, sextons and others for any default in the premises. 27. To regulate gauging, the place and manner of selling and weighing hay, of selling pickled and other fish, and of selling and measuring of wood, lime and coal, and to appoint suitable persons, to superintend and conduct the same. 28. To appoint watchmen, and prescribe their powers and duties. 29. To regulate cartmen and cartage. 30. To regulate the police of said city. 31. To regulate the quality of bread, and to pro- vide for the seizure or forfeiture of bread baked contrary thereto. 32. To establish, make, and regulate public pumps, wells, cisterns and reservoirs, and to pre- vent t^ie unnecessary waste of water. 33. To establish and regulate public pounds. § 32. The common council shall have power from time to time to prescribe the duties of all oflS- cers and persons appointed by them to any office or place whatever, subject to the provisions of this act; and may remove all such officers and persons at pleasure. § 33. The common council may make, publish, ordain, amend and repeal all such ordinances, by- laws and police regulations, not contrary to the laws of this state, for the good government and order of said city, and the trade and commerce thereof, and as may be necessary to carry into effect the powers 28 given to said council by this act; and enforce ob- servance to all rules, ordinances, by-laws and po- lice regulations made in pursuance of this act, by imposing penalties on any person violating the same, not exceeding twenty-five dollars for any one offence, to be recovered with cost, in an action of debt in any court having cognizance thereof; or by indictment for misdemeanor upon the complaint of the common council. Every such ordinance or by-law, imposing any penalty or forfeiture for a violation of its provisions, shall after the passage thereof be published for three weeks successively in the corporation newspaper, printed and published in said city, and proof of such publication by the affidavit of the printer or publisher of said news- paper, taken before any officer authorized to ad- minister oaths, and filed with the clerk of the city, or any other competent proof of such publication shall be conclusive evidence of the legal publication and promulgation of such ordinance or by-law in all courts and places. § 34. The common council at their annual meet- ing on the second Tuesday in March in each year, after eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and at their first meeting in that year, or within ten days there- after, shall designate one public newspaper printed in said city, in which shall be published all ordi- nances and other proceedings and matters required in any case by this act, or the by-laws and ordi- nances of the common council, to be published in a public newspaper. § 35. All actions brought to recover any penalty or forfeiture incurred under this act, or the ordi- nances, by-laws or police regulations, made in pur- suance of it, shall be brought in the corporate name; 29 and in any such action, it shall be lawful to declare generally in debt for such penalty or forfeiture, stating the section of this act or the by-law or ordi- nance under which the penalty is claimed, and to give the special matter in evidence; and the de- fendant may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. The first process in any such action shall be by warrant, and execution may be issued thereon immediately on the rendi- tion of judgment. If the defendant in any such action have no goods or chattels, lands or tene- ments, whereof the judgment can be collected, the execution shall require the defendant to be impri- soned in close custody in the jail of Erie county, for a term not exceeding thirty days. All expenses incurred in prosecuting for the recovery of any penalty or forfeiture, shall be defrayed by the cor- poration; and all penalties and forfeitures when collected, shall be paid to the treasurer for the use of the city. § 36. No person shall be an incompetent judge, justice, witness or juror, by reason of his being an inhabitant or freeholder in the city of Buffalo, in any action or proceeding in which the said city is a party interested. § 37. The mayor of said city shall, by virtue of his office, have and execute the like powers in said city in criminal cases as are given by law to jus- tices of the peace in the several towns in this state, and he shall also possess and exercise the same powers in the courts of oyer and terminer and gene- ral sessions of the peace, in the county of Erie, as are by law exercised by the judges of the county courts of said county. 3* 30 § 38. The common council shall have power to cause a sum in each year, not exceeding eight thou- sand dollars, to be raised by tax, to defray the ex- penses of lighting the streets, supporting a night watch, and making and repairing roads, highways and bridges in said city, and to defray the contin- gent and other expenses of said city. The taxes assessed and levied in pursuance of this section, shall, except as otherwise herein directed, be as- sessed and rated by the said council, upon or among the owners of the estates real and personal in said city, (according to the then last assessment roll made by the assessors of said city,) in the same manner and proportion, as nearly as may be, as taxes in and for the county of Erie are rated and assessed; and in the assessment roll made in pur- suance of this section it shall be the duty of the common council to set down and describe briefly the real estate and the amount of the personal es- tate on or in respect of which any assessment or tax is imposed or assessed. And no person or property exempt by law from assessments to work on high- ways in towns shall be assessed or taxed for making and repairing roads, highways and bridges. In the assessment roll made under this section, all persons who would be liable by law to be assessed to work on highways, if they reside in any of the towns in this state, shall be enumerated and may be taxed by the said common council, a sum not exceeding one dollar, as a poll tax, for making and repairing roads, highways and bridges. Said assessment roll shall, when completed and corrected, be filed with the clerk of the city. All taxes and assessments im- posed, rated and assessed by the said common coun- 31 cil, in pursuance of this section, shall be collected by the collector or collectors of said city, in the same manner and with the same power and authori- ty, as taxes in and for the county of Erie are col- lected by the collectors of the several towns, by virtue of a warrant or warrants under the corporate seal, signed by the mayor, or by suit in the corpo- rate name, with interest and costs. The assess- ment roll filed with the clerk shall in all cases be evidence on the part of the corporation; and all taxes and assessments imposed or assessed on or in respect of any real estate as aforesaid, shall be a lien, on filing the roll with the clerk of the city, on such real estate; and in case such taxes and assess- ments are not paid, and no personal property can be found by the collector or collectors, out of which to satisfy and collect the same by distress and sale, the common council may cause such real estate to be sold for the payment and collection of such taxes and assessments as aforesaid, together with the ex- penses of the sale, in the manner and with the effect, and subject to the provisions specified in the forty-third section of this act, relative to the sales of real estate for the non-payment of assessments in that section mentioned; but no such real estate shall be sold as aforesaid, except within one year from the time of the filing of the assessment roll as aforesaid. All taxes and sums of money, raised and collected in pursuance or by virtue of this sec- tion, shall be paid to the treasurer of the city. Any person who may be assessed to raise the amount for making roads, highways and bridges, may at his option discharge the same in labor, at the rate of one day for each fifty cents he may be 32 assessed for such purposes, provided such person shall within ten days after he shall have been first called upon by the collector to pay such tax, deliver to the collector a receipt from the street commis- missioner, specifying that he has labored upon the highways to the amount of such assessment, at the rate above specified. The street commissioner, whenever requested by any person assessed, for making highways, roads and bridges, shall desig- nate a time when, and not exceeding three days thereafter, and place where such person is to com- mence labor on the highways, under the direction of such commissioner, in discharge of such assess- ment; and upon the performance of such labor according to such designation, at the rate of eight hours for each day, the commissioner shall give such person a receipt therefor. § 39. The common council shall be commission- ers of highways in and for said city, and shall (sub- ject to the provisions of this act) possess the powers and perform the duties, and be subject to the liabil- ities of commissioners of highways in towns. They shall have power to regulate, repair, amend, alter and clean the streets, alleys, highways, brid- ges, side and cross walks, drains, sewers, wharves, piers, docks and slips in said city, and to prevent the incumbering of the same in any manner, and to protect the same from encroachments and injury. They shall also have power to direct and regulate the planting, rearing and preserving of ornamental trees in the streets of said city. § 40. That all those portions of the Big and Lit- tle Buffalo Creeks within the bounds of said city, be and are hereby declared to be public highways. 33 § 41. The common council shall have power to lay out, make and open streets, alleys, lanes, high- ways, wharves and slips, in said city, and to alter, widen, contract or discontinue the same; but no building exceeding the value of one thousand dol- lars shall be removed in whole or in part, without the consent of the owner. They shall cause all streets, alleys, lanes or highways, laid out by them, to be surveyed, described and recorded, in a book to be kept by the clerk, and the same when opened and made, shall be public highways. Whenever any street, alley, lane, highway, wharf or slip is laid out, altered or widened by virtue of this sec- tion, the common council shall give notice of their intention to take and appropriate the land necessa- ry for the same, to the owner thereof, his agent or legal representatives, if known or residing in this state, or if not known, and residing out of the state, then by publishing said notice for four weeks in one or more of the public papers in said city; and the mayor, or any two aldermen shall have power, by a precept under their seals, to command any consta- ble of said city, to impannel and return a jury of twelve reputable freeholders of said city not in- terested nor of kin to any person interested in the premises, to appear before him or them, within ten days from the date of such precept, to ascertain and assess the damages and recompense due the owner or owners of such land, and at the same time to de- termine what persons will be benefitted by such im- provement, and to assess the expenses thereof, on the real estate of the persons benefitted, in propor- tion, as nearly as may be, to the benefit resulting to each; and also to summon the owner of such land. 34 his agent or representatives, by written notice, served personally, or left at his or their usual place of abode, to appear before him or them, on the day specified in said precept. The jury shall be sworn by any justice of the peace in said city, faithfully and impartially to execute their duty, in making such assessments, according to the best of their ability. The jury shall view the premises, and in their discretion, receive any legal evidence, and may, if necessary, adjourn from day to day. Such jury shall determine and award to the owner or owners of such land, such damages as they shall judge such owner or owners to sustain in conse- quence of such street, lane, alley, highway, wharf or slip, after taking into consideration and making due allowance for any benefit which said owner or owners may derive from such improvement. The said jury shall also at the same time, assess and ap- portion the expenses of such improvement on the real estate benefitted thereby, as nearly as may be, in proportion to the benefits resulting therefrom; and shall describe the real estate on which any assessment is made under this section, in the same manner as is provided in the thirty-eighth section of this act, in relation to the assessment of taxes. If there be any building on any land taken for such improvement the owner thereof shall have ten days, or such time as the common council may allow, after the final assessment of the jury is returned to, and confirmed by the common council, to remove the same; and in case such owner removes such building, the value thereof to the owner to remove, shall be deducted from the amount of damages awarded to the owner thereof, and such value shall 35 be at the time of the assessment, determined by the jury. The determination and assessment of the jury shall be returned in writing, signed by the jury, to the common council. The common coun- cil, after such determination and assessment of the jury is returned to them, as aforesaid, shall give two weeks notice, in the corporation newspaper printed in said city, that such determination and assessment of the jury will, on a day to be specified in said notice, be confirmed by the common council, unless objections by some person interested are made thereto. All objections to any such determi- nation and assessment as aforesaid, shall be briefly stated in writing, and filed with the clerk. If no objections are made as aforesaid, the said determi- nation and assessment of the jury shall be confirmed by the common council. If objections are made as aforesaid, any person interested may be heard be- fore the common council, touching the said deter- mination and assessment of the jury, on the day specified in the aforesaid notice, or on such other day or days as the common council shall for that purpose appoint; and the said common council, on consideration of the objections made, shall have power in their discretion, to confirm such determina- tion and assessment of the jury, or [ to annul*] the same, and direct a new jury to be summoned for the purposes, and in the manner herein provided; and the determination and assessment of such second jury, shall when completed, be returned to and con- firmed as of course, by the common council, and filed with the clerk, and shall be final and conclu- *The words "to annul" were in the original draft, but were omitted in the bill when printed. 36 sive on all persons interested. But the said com- mon council shall not have power to discontinue any street, road or highway in said city without the consent in writing of all persons owning land adjoining such street, road or highway. § 42. The common council shall have power to cause any street, alley, lane, road or highway, in said city, to be graded, levelled, paved, repaved, or gravelled, and to cause cross and side walks, drains, sewers, and aqueducts to be constructed and made in said city; and to cause any side walks or drains, sewers and aqueducts, to be re-laid, amended and repaired, and to cause the expenses of all improve- ments except side walks made or directed under this section to be assessed upon all the real estate in said city, in proportion to the benefits resulting thereto, as nearly as may be. The common coun- cil shall determine the amount to be assessed for all improvements made or directed under this sec- tion, except side walks, and shall appoint five repu- table freeholders of said city, to make such assess- ment. The assessors shall be sworn before a jus- tice of the peace in said city, faithfully and impar- tially to execute their duty as such assessors, ac- cording to the best of their ability. They shall assess the amount directed by the common council to be assessed for any such improvement, on the real estate deemed by them to be benefitted there- by, in proportion to the benefit resulting thereto, as nearly as may be : and the said assessors shall brief- ly describe in the assessment roll to be made by them, the real estate, on or in respect of which any assessment is made under this section. When the assessment is completed they shall give the like 37 notice, and have the same power to make correc- tions as in the case of assessment of taxes. They shall deliver a corrected copy of the assessment roll to the clerk of the city, to be filed. Any person in- terested may appeal to the common council for the correction of the assessment. Such appeal shall be in writing, and shall be delivered to the clerk or presiding oflficer of the common council within twenty days after the corrected copy of the assess- ment roll is filed with the clerk. In case of appeal the common council shall appoint a time within ten days thereafter, for the hearing of those who are interested, and shall cause a notice to be posted for five days, in some convenient public place, des- gnating the time and place and object of hearing; and they may adjourn said hearing from time to time as may be necessary : and the common council shall, in case of appeal as aforesaid, have power, in their discretion, to confirm such assessment, or to annul the same and direct a new assessment, which shall be final and conclusive on all parties inter- ested, to be made in the manner herein before di- rected, by five other assessors, to be appointed as aforesaid by the said common council. If the first assessment in any case under this or the preceding section proves insufficient, the common council may cause another to be made, in the same man- ner, or if too large an amount shall at any time be raised, the excess shall be refunded ratably to those by whom it was paid. § 43. All assessments for improvements author- ized by the forty-first and forty-second sections of this act, shall be made upon the real estate, and be collected by or paid to the collector or collectors of 4 38 said city, except as herein otherwise directed. A corrected copy of the assessment roll shall in all cases, authorized by the said forty-first and forty- second sections, be filed in the office of the clerk of the city; and the assessments shall be a lien on the premises assessed, for one year only, after the final corrected copy of the assessment roll is filed as aforesaid. In case of non-payment, the premises may be sold at any time within the year from the time of the filing of the said assessment roll. Before any such sale, an order shall be made by the com- mon council, which shall be entered at large in the records of the city, kept by the clerk, directing the attorney of the city to sell, and particularly describing the premises to be sold, and the assess- ment for which the sale is to be made: a copy of which order shall be delivered to the said attorney. The said attorney shall then advertise the premises to be sold, in the manner, and for the time required in case of sales of real estate on execution, and the sale shall be conducted in the same manner. The proceedings may be stopped at any time before sale, by any person, by paying to the said attorney the amount of the assessment, interest and expenses of advertising. All sales in such cases shall be made for the shortest period for which any person will take the premises and pay the assessment, interest and expenses. Certificates of the sale shall be made and subscribed by the said attorney, one of which shall be filed by him within ten days after the day of sale, in the office of the clerk of the city and in the office of the clerk of Erie county, and shall contain a description of the property, and the term for which it was sold, and state the amount 89 of the assessment, interest and expenses for which the sale was made, and the time at which the right to redeem will expire. If the proceedings are stopped before a sale is made, the attorney may in- clude one dollar, and no more, in the expenses for his fees. If the premises are sold, the attorney may include two dollars in the amount of expenses for his fees, and no more. The right of redemption, in all cases, of such sales in the same manner and to the same extent, shall exist to the owner and his creditors, as is allowed by law in the case of sales of real estate by virtue of an execution. The mo- ney, in case of redemption, may be paid to the pur- chaser, or, for him, to the clerk of the city. In case of no redemption, or in case of redemption by the creditor or creditors, the common council shall make to the purchaser or his legal representatives, or the person entitled thereto, a declaration in wri- ting under the corporate seal, signed by the mayor and attested by the clerk, containing a description of the premises, the fact of assessment, advertise- ment and sale, and the period for which the premises were sold; which declaration shall be evidence of a right to the use and occupancy of the premises for the said period, to be computed from the expira- tion of fifteen months after the day of sale. All buildings put upon the premises in the exercise of such right of occupancy, during the period, may be removed, at or before the expiration thereof. 44, Any person interested may appeal from any order of the common council, for laying out, open- ing, making, altering or widening any street, alley, lane, highway, wharf or slip, to the court of com- mon pleas of the county of Erie, by notice in wri- 42 an application is pending before said council, for the laying out, making, widening, altering, contracting, discontinuing, paving or flagging such street, alley, road, highway, wharf or slip, sewer or aqueduct, which notice shall briefly describe the nature and object of the application, and specify at what time it will be finally acted upon by the common council. § 49. The common council shall have power to order the grading, paving, graveling, raising, clos- ing, fencing, amending, cleansing and protecting any public square or area, now or hereafter laid out in said city; and to improve the same by the con- struction of walks, and the rearing and protecting of ornamental trees therein ; and to cause such part of the expenses thereof as they shall deem just, to be assessed and collected in the manner prescribed in the forty-second and forty-third sections of this act, for assessing and collecting expenses of im- provements, mentioned in those sections; and to cause the sale of any real estate, on which such expenses are assessed, to be sold as provided in said forty-second and forty-third sections. But nothing herein shall empower the said common council to divert or obstruct the interest of any individual, in or to any such square or area. § 50. The common council shall have power to establish and regulate a market or markets in said city, and to restrain and regulate the sale of fresh meat and vegetables in said city, to restrain andpun- ish the forestalling of poultry, fruits and eggs, and to license, under the hand and seal of the mayor, annually, such and so many butchers as they shall deem necessary and proper; and to revoke such li- cense forany infraction of the by-la wsandordinances 43 of the common council, or other mal-conduct of such butchers, in the course of their trade. § 51. The common council for the purpose of guarding against the calamities of fire, shall have power to prescribe limits in said city, within which wooden buildings shall not be erected or placed, without the permission of said common council, and to direct that all or any buildings within the limits prescribed, shall be made or constructed of stone or brick, with partition walls, fire proof roofs, and brick or stone cornices and eave troughs, under such penalties as may be prescribed by the com- mon council, not exceeding one hundred dollars for any one offence; and the farther sum of twenty-five dollars for each and every week, any building so prohibited shall be continued. § 52. The common council shall have power to regulate the construction of chimneys, so as to ad- mit chimney sweeps, and to compel the sweeping and cleaning of chimneys; and to prevent chimney sweeps from sweeping unless licensed as they shall direct; to prevent the dangerous construction and condition of chimneys, fire-places, hearths, stoves, stove-pipes, ovens, boilers and apparatus used in any building or manufactory, and to cause the same to be removed, or placed in a safe and secure condition when considered dangerous; to prevent the deposit of ashes in unsafe places, and to appoint one or more officers to enter into all buildings and enclosures to discover whether the same are in a dangerous state, and to cause such as may be dangerous to be put in safe condition. To require the inhabitants of said city to provide so many fire-buckets, and in such manner and time as they shall prescribe, and to regu- late the use of them in times of fire; and to regulate 44 and prevent the carrying on of manufactories dan- gerous in causing or promoting fires, and to prevent the use of fire-works and fire-arms in the streets ; to compel the owners and occupants of houses and other buildings to have scuttles in the roofs, and stairs and ladders leading to the same ; to authorize the mayor, aldermen, fire-wardens, or other officers of said city, to keep away from the vicinity of any fire, all idle and suspicious persons and to compel all officers of said city, and other persons, to aid in the extinguish- ment of fires, and in the preservation of property ex- posed to danger thereat, and generally to establish such regulations for the prevention or extinguish- ment of fires as the common council may deem expedient. § 53. The common council shall procure fire en- gines, and other apparatus used for the extinguish- ment of fires, and have the charge and control of the same, and provide fit and secure engine houses, and other places for keeping and preserving the same; and shall have power to organize fire, hook, hose, bag, ladder, and axe companies; to appoint during their pleasure, a chief engineer, and two as- sistant engineers of the fire department, and a com- petent number of able and reputable inhabitants of said city, firemen, to take the care and manage- ment of the engines, and other apparatus, and im- plements used or provided for the extinguishment of fires ; to prescribe the duties of firemen, and to make rules and regulations for their government, and to impose such reasonable fines and forfeitures upon said firemen, for a violation of the same, as the said council may deem proper. And for in- capacity, neglect of duty, or misconduct, to remove them and appoint others in their places. 45 § 54. The members of the common council shall be fire wardens, and shall have power to appoint such other fire wardens, as they may deem neces- sary. § 55. The firemen appointed, by virtue of this act, shall, during the term of their service as such, be exempt from serving on juries, in all courts, and in the militia, except in case of war, invasion, or insurrection. The name of each person appointed a fireman, shall be registered with the clerk of the city, and the evidence to entitle him to the exemp- tion, as provided in this section, shall be the certi- ficate of the clerk, made within a year in which the exemption is claimed. § 56. The present firemen of the village of Buf- falo, shall be firemen of the city of Buffalo, subject to be removed by the common council, in like man- ner as other firemen of said city. § 57. Every fireman, who shall have faithfully served as such, in said city or village of Buffalo, or both, for the term of ten years, shall be thereafter exempt from serving on juries, in all courts, or in the militia, except in case of war, invasion, or in- surrection, and the evidence to entitle such person to the exemption, as provided in this section, shall be a certificate, under the corporate seal, signed by the mayor and clerk. § 58. The common council may authorize the mayor, or any other proper officer of the corpora- tion, to grant licenses to tavern keepers, grocers, and keepers of ordinaries or victualling houses, to sell wine and liquor in the manner prescribed by the Revised Statutes of this state. And may direct the manner of issuing, countersigning and register- 46 ing such licenses, and may fix the fee to be paid therefor, at any sum not less than five, nor more than fifty dollars; and the sum to be paid to the mayor or other officer for granting such license not exceeding one dollar. The bonds to be taken on granting such licenses, shall be the same as are pre- scribed by the 9th title of the 20tli chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes. They shall be filed, may be prosecuted, and the moneys collected shall be applied as directed in that title; and the persons receiving such licenses shall be in all re- spects subject to the provisions of the said title. § 59. The said common council shall have power to pass such ordinances as they shall judge proper for regulating or restraining keepers of ordinaries, victualling houses, and houses where any of the articles or commodities hereinafter mentioned shall be sold, and to enforce observance thereto in the manner prescribed by the thirty-third section of this act. The common council shall also have pow- er to grant licenses in their discretion to keepers of ordinaries, victualling houses, and houses where fruit, oysters, clams, meat, porter, ale, strong beer, cider, currant wine, cherry wine, soda water, meth- eglin, or any of them, shall be sold, and to deter- mine the sum to be paid for such license by each person applying under this section; which sum shall not be less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars; and to require of the applicant a bond to the city of Buffalo in the penal sum of one hun- dred and twenty-five dollars with such security or sureties as shall be approved by said council, con- ditioned that during the term for which his license shall be granted, he will not suffer his store, house, 47 grocery or shop, to become disorderly, and that he will not suffer any cockfighting, gaming, or plaj' ing with cards or dice, or keep any billiard table or other gaming table within the same, or in any out house, yard, or garden belonging thereto. All moneys received for licenses granted under this section shall be paid to the treasurer of the city of Buffalo for the use thereof, subject to the provisions of the last preceding section ; and all moneys which shall be recovered as penalties or forfeitures for vio- lating any of the provisions of this section shall be paid to the treasurer of said city for the use thereof. § 60. That the said common council shall be, and are hereby authorized to appoint annually, three commissioners as a board of health for said city, and the mayor of the said city, or presiding officer of the common council, shall be president of said board ; and the clerk of said city shall be clerk of said board, and shall keep minutes of the pro- ceedings thereof. The said common council shall also, at their pleasure, appoint a health physician annually, and as often as the office shall become vacant; and may remove him at pleasure, whose duty it shall be to visit every sick person, who may be reported to the board of health as hereinafter provided, and to report with all convenient speed his opinion of the sickness of said persons, to the clerk of the said board of health, and it shall be the duty of said physician to visit and inspect at the request of the president of the said board, all boats and vessels, running to or being at the wharves, landing places, or shores in said city, which are sus- pected of having on board any pestilential or infec- tious disease, and all stores or buildings which are 48 suspected to contain unsound provisions, or dam- aged hides, or other articles, and to make report of the state of the same with all convenient speed, to the clerk of the board of health. § 61. That in case any boat or vessel shall be at or near any of the wharves, shores; or landing pla- ces in said city, and the said board of health shall believe that such boat or vessel is dangerous to the inhabitants of the said city, in consequence of their bringing and spreading any pestilential or infectious disease among said inhabitants, or having just cause to suspect or believe, that if the said boat or vessel is suffered to remain at or near the said wharves, shores or landing places, it will be the cause of spreading among the inhabitants any pestilential or infectious disease, that it shall and may be law- ful for the said board, by an order in writing, signed by the president for the time being, to order such boat or vessel to any distance from said wharves, shores, or landing places, not exceeding three miles beyond the bounds of the city, within six hours after the delivery of such order to the owner, mas- ter, or consignee of said boat or vessel. And if the master, owner, or consignee to whom such or- der shall be delivered, shall neglect or refuse to comply therewith, the said president may enforce such removal, and said master, owner, or consignee shall be considered guilty of misdeameanor, and on conviction, shall be fined a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars, and imprisoned not ex- ceeding three months, in the jail of the county of Erie, by any court having cognizance thereof; the said fine when paid, to be applied by the said board, to the support of the treasury of the city of Buffalo. 49 § 62. That every person practicing physic in said city, who shall have a patient laboring under any malignant or yellow fever, or other infectious or pes- tilential disease, shall forthwith make report there- of , in writing to the clerk of the said board of health, and for neglecting so to do, shall be considered guilty of misdemeanor, and liable to a fine of fifty dollars, to be sued for and recovered in an action of debt, in any court having cognizance thereof, with costs, for the use of the treasury of said city. § 63. That all persons in the said city, not being residents thereof, who shall be infected with any infectious or pestilential disease, and all things within said city, which, in the opinion of the said board, shall be infected by or tainted with pestilen- tial matter, and ought to be removed, so as not to endanger the health of the city, shall, by order of the said board of health, be removed to some proper place, not exceeding three miles beyond the bounds of said city, to be provided by the said board, at the expense of said city ; and the said board may order any furniture or wearing apparel to be destroyed, whenever they may judge it necessary for the health of the city. § 64. That the said common council shall have power to appoint, and remove at pleasure, one or more harbor masters in said city, who shall have power, upon the application of the master, owner, or consignee of any ship, boat, or vessel in said city, to regulate and order all ships, boats and vessels, lying at any of the wharves, or landing places, or in any of the waters in said city, and to remove from time to time, such boats, ships, or vessels, as are not employed in receiving or discharging their cargoes 50 or passengers, to make room for such others as re- quire to be more immediately accommodated, for the purpose of receiving or discharging their car- goes or passengers; and if any master or other person having charge of any such ship, boat, or vessel, shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of such harbor master in the premises, he or they shall forfeit fifty dollars, to be recovered in an ac- tion of debt, with costs, for the use of the said city. The said harbor master shall recover from the mas- ter, owner, or consignee of every boat, ship, or ves- sel adjudged by him to be in default, for his com- pensation in the premises, the sum of one dollar, if the ship, boat, or vessel so adjudged to be in de- fault, is of the burden of twenty tons, or upwards ; and fifty cents, if under twenty tons. § 65. All the estate, real and personal, vested in, or belonging to, or held in trust, by the trustees of the village of Buffalo, at the time this act shall take effect, as a law, shall be, and is hereby de- clared to be vested in the city of Buffalo. § 66. All former acts and parts of acts, relative to the incorporation of the village of Buffalo, ex- cept the 6th section of the act passed April 11, 1826, entitled an act to amend the act entitled "an act to incorporate the village of Buffalo in the coun- ty of Erie, passed April 7, 1822," are hereby re- pealed; and the power, right, and authority con- tained in that section in favor of the trustees of the village of Buffalo, be and the same are hereby transferred as they then existed, to the common council of the city of Buffalo; but the repeal of said acts, shall not affect any act done, or right ac- crued or established, or any proceeding, suit or 51 prosecution, had or commenced, previous to the time when such repeal shall take effect; but every such act, right and proceeding, shall remain as valid and effectual, as if said acts had remained in force; and all the officers elected or appointed un- der, or by virtue of the acts hereby repealed, shall continue in office until, and including the day of the first election to be held under this act, unless the term for which they or any of them were elected or appointed shall sooner expire. § 67. This act shall take effect on the passage thereof, and the legislature may at any time alter, modify, or repeal the same. Passed the Assembly April 4, 1832. CHARLES L. LIVINGSTON, Speaker. Passed the Senate April 18, 1832. EDWARD P. LIVINGSTON, President. Approved April 20, 1832. E. T. THROOP. Certificate of Arch'd. Campbell, Deputy Secre- tary, May 9, 1832, that this is a copy. Erasures and additions noted in certificate. HEADS OF FAMILIES AND HOUSEHOLDERS. Allen, Orlando, wholesale and retail dealer in groceries, paints, dye woods &c. 224 main street dwelling swan st. Austin S. G. attorney, swan st. Austin, Jacob, farmer, niagara st. Allen, Lewis F. insurance office, Ellicott square. Arthur, laborer, pearl st. Arden, John, do. Abbott, Dwight, cabinet maker, pearl st. Armstrong, L. saddler, do Armstrong, James, laborer, do Andrews, Bushnel, joiner, chippewa st. Ammon, Henry, laborer, do Andrews, pearl st. Adams, Joseph, farmer, do Adams, Milan, do do Arnold, Richard H. cabinet maker, delaware st. Averv, Ebenezer R. chandler, do. Anthony, baker, franklin st. Attlebury, George, shoemaker, franklin st. Avery, Peter, shoemaker, niagara st. Amy, Isaac, mason, do Allen, Julius W. constable, swan st. Allen, Charles H. clerk, do Allen, Sarah, boarding house, do Allen, Zina, cordwainer. HEADS OF FAMILIES AIVD HOUSEHOLDERS. Allen, Orlando, wholesale and retail dealer in groceries, paints, dye woods &c. 224 main street dwelling swan st. Austin S. G. attorney, swan st. Austin, Jacob, farmer, niagara st. Allen, Lewis F. insurance office, Ellicott square. Arthur, laborer, pearl st. Arden, John, do. Abbott, Dwight, cabinet maker, pearl st. Armstrong, L. saddler, do Armstrong, James, laborer, do Andrews, Bushnel, joiner, chippewa st. Ammon, Henry, laborer, do Andrews, pearl st. Adams, Joseph, farmer, do Adams, Milan, do do Arnold, Richard H. cabinet maker, delaware st. Averv, Ebenezer R. chandler, do. Anthony, baker, franklin st. Attlebury, George, shoemaker, franklin st. Avery, Peter, shoemaker, niagara st. Amy, Isaac, mason, do Allen, Julius W. constable, swan st. Allen, Charles H. clerk, do Allen, Sarah, boarding house, do Allen, Zina, cordwainer. 54 Allen, Thomas, cordwainer. Adair, Joseph, laborer, seneca st. Andrews, Justin, do Ambrose, George, painter, do Atwater, M. shoemaker, do Amy, Michael, cabinet maker, delaware st. Abbott, Simon, joiner, do Adams, Hiram, grocer, Mohawk st. Anderson, Lucius, joiner, do Andrews, Wm. B. do do Adams, John, merchant, No. 5 cheapside main st. dwelling pearl st. Adams, Thomas, clerk, pearl st. Arthur, Wm. swan st. Athearn, Cyrus, merchant, huron st. Allen, Horace, blacksmith, do Archer, Arthur, mason, court st. Armstrong, B. farmer, do Allen, Stephen, carpenter, genesee st. Ashley, Jeremiah, cordwainer, church st. Aderson, Stephen, laborer, canal st. Abbott, John, grocer, do Alford, , joiner, main st. Allen, Jerry, plough maker, main st. Adams, Nelson, constable, do Abel, J. C. Joiner, do Adams, Harvey H. grocer, do Athearn & Havens, dealers in groceries, paints, &c. 191 main st. Andrews, John, clerk, main st. Annis, James, seaman, do Abbott, Lewis, hatter, do Anderson, J. B. joiner, do Allen, M. merchant, do 55 Ansel, Joseph, cabinet maker, main st. Adams, Orren, farmer, do Adams, Anson, do do Allen, Richard C. merchant, do Avery, Abel, blacksmith, Washington st, Armons, James, sail maker, do At water, Isaac P. carpenter & joiner, do Allen, G. W. auction and commission merchant. Clothing store main st. dwelling Washington st. Allen, Carlisle, clerk, Washington st. Adams, Lynes, farmer, water st. Andrews, M. A. attorney, batavia st, B Burt, David, merchant, main st. dwelling public sqr. Bull, Trumbul, merchant, eagle st. Bradley, Elias A. painter, do Bradley & Miller, painters and Glaziers 144 main st. and corner of Genesee and main st. Brown, painter, eagle st. Brown, Jonas, joiner, do Brooks, James, do do Bush, John, attorney, swan st. Bailey, Asa, joiner, Buffalo creek, Bartlet, merchant, canal st. Blossom, Peter, seaman, chippewa st. Bennet, Andrew, laborer, do Boles, Christopher, farmer, do Barnard, Selah, farmer, Huron st. Barnard, John, saddler, do Barton, J. L. & Co., forwarding and commission merchants, agents of vessels on the Lake and western line canal boats, foot canal and water st. Boyce, Isaac, tailor, Washington st. 56 Barker & Holt, forwarding and commission mer- chants — agents for steam boat Superior, St. Jo- sephs and Chicago Hne packet vessels and Mer- chants line of canal boats, foot of main st. Ball, Jonathan, land agent, comt st. Bowman, Elizabeth, do Bonnet, Joseph, laborer, do Bennet, David, joiner, do Bartlett, John, canal captain, seneca st. Bliss, Judah, physician, do Bezanson, cordwainer, do Brown, Wm. P. farmer, Genesee st. Burns, Thomas, carpenter, do Burt, Frederick, merchant, do Bivens, do Bertrand, Michael, seaman, do [pearl st. Burwell, Bryant, M. D. office seneca street, dwelling Baleman, Henry, laborer, Franklin st. Bunnell, Bradley, physician, office canal dock, dwelling Franklin st. Blackmond, Edwin, chair maker, Niagara st. Butler, Frederick, clock maker, do Bosworth, Samuel, jeweler and watch maker, dwel- ling swan St. Burr, Sidney, main st. Black, James, joiner, Delaware st. Burdick & Kimberley , dry goods & groceries main st . Bowe, A. boarding house, canal st. Bennett, James, pail maker, Seneca st. Bennett & Kay, do do do Brewer, Daniel, do do do Bixher, Joseph, laborer, do Bedford, John, do do Bemis, widow, do 57 Bennett, Benjamin, custom house officer, Seneca st. Barker, Z. W. canal collector, office on the canal, dwelling crow st. Blakely, Wm. carpenter and joiner, Seneca st. Brown, James, cigar maker, do Bolles, Nathaniel, blacksmith, do Bosworth, Isaac, cabinet maker, swan st. Briggs, Wm. clerk, do Barnum, Isaac, engineer, do Badgiey, Morgan, clerk, do Beebe, Reuben, do do Bruce, M. tailor, do Burmore, Nathaniel, gin distiller, Mohawk st. Brown, Rufus, clerk, swan st. Brayman, M. painter, do Baird, Jonathan, farmer, Niagara st. Bishop, John, brick maker, do Boyle, Michael, do do do Buchanan, Robert, painter, Franklin st. Brintnall, Phineas, grocer, dwelling Franklin st. Bower, Jacob, carpenter, do Brunner, Lewis, farmer, do Brainard, Josephus, baker, do Bedel, Joseph, laborer, do Blossom, Ira A. land agent, office corner of Wash- ington and Clinton st. dwelling Erie st. Bass, Daniel, laborer, terrace. Barber, John, pot ashery, do Battersly, Henry, farmer, do Barnes, John, mason, do Barnes, Jason, do do Buscare, Aaron, brick maker, delaware st. Black, James, joiner, do Burton, Darius, painter, do 58 Burton, Orlonzo, painter, delaware st. Barnes, Irvin, do do Bowen, Thomas, carpenter, mohawk st. Bates, John, laborer, do Bates, James, do do Bates, Stephen, joiner, do Bates, Ehsha, painter, do Barton, Thaddeus, farmer, do Bronson, Edwin, cordwainer, pearl st. Bigelow, Samuel A., clerk do Bressington, John, reed maker, do Balser, Ospelider, farmer, do Bennet, Philander, attorney, swan st. dwelling Barker, Geo. P., attorney, seneca st. [pearl st. Burwell, Elliott, teacher. Academy. Ball, Shelden, goldsmith, pearl st. Beyer, Jacob, farmer, do Bichant, John, cordwainer, do Buhut, Francis, laborer, do Boynton, Charles, joiner, do Barson, Samuel, farmer, do Benson, James H., hatter, do Backer, Nicholas, cordwainer, pearl st. Bower, John, sawyer, do Ballshizer, Bown, tailor, do Babcock, James, farmer, public square. Benedict, comb maker, swan st. Bush, John, attorney, do Barton, James L., forwarding merchant, church st. Braman, do Butrick, John B., joiner, do Bowen, Elizabeth do Bond, Ephriam, clerk, do Barton, Peter, do do 59 Barker & Hudson, attorneys, seneca st. Bowen, Daniel, carriage maker, erie st. Boyle, Hugh, laborer, crow st. Bartlett, Joseph, farmer,do Brideson, Thomas, do do Basket, Charles T. gardener, ellicott st. Bigdale, Robert, do do Busanty, Jacob, weaver, do Bowen, Caleb N. farmer, do Blake, Adams, mason, do Brown, James, laborer, do Bell, Christopher, mason, do Barnet, William, teamster, do Betts, chair maker, do Bennet, widow Mary Ann, canal st. Buzee, Mrs. do Burgess, Thomas, clerk, do Beeklin, seaman, do Bivins, Ebenezer, painter, do Baker, Hiram, laborer, do Burt & Storrs, wholesale dry goods, 234 main st. Baily, William, laborer, do Burton, Silas, chandler, do Burton & Crawford, grocers, do Brown, A. farmer, do Burwell, Theodotus, teacher L. & S. Acad'y- do Butler, Theodore, bookseller & stationer, 226 do Buffalo Bank, 186 do Bristol, Moses, M. D. 202 main st. dwelling Buffalo Buck, Ezra, chair maker, do [House. Bow, laborer, do Beckwith, J. P. innkeeper, do Bishop, Hiram G. clerk, do Benson, John, brewer, do 60 Brown, cordwainer, main st. Brandow, William, painter, do Brown, J. W. chandler, do Bugan, John, laborer, do Burn, John, do do Bestow, James, do do Boyle, Simon, do do Bush & Spicer, coach makers, main st. Beverly, Henry, do Bivins, William, phoenix hotel, do Babcock, Christopher, grocer, do Blackmer, William, carpenter, do Barton, Phineas, mansion house. Bump, Nelson, Brown, ostler, farmers' hotel, main st. Butler, hatter, do Bush&Chamberlin,shoe&leatherstore, 193mainst. Bristol, Dan, grocer, 9 ellicott square, d. mohawkst. Bulletin Office, 11 do Buffalo Fire and Marine Insurance Co. 12 ellicott sq. Brooker, Sylvester, laborer, main st. Brown, John, carpenter, do Brown, John, do Brown, George, do Burt, Jonathan, clerk, do Bolton, Seth, baker, do Bartholomew, blacksmith, main st. Brewster, Armstrong, clerk, do Boynton, Jonathan, clerk, do Baldwin, Edward, superintendent of the jubilee wa- ter works, street commissioner, Buffalo House. Babcock, M. L. clerk U. S. B. Bank, Buffalo House. Brockway, H. jr. agent for packets, do Boyden, George W. clerk, do 61 Butler, M. bookseller, main street, Bach, J. B. merchant, 220 do. Eagle Tavern. Brown, R. S. do do do Burt, Caryl & Co. wholesale & retail dry goods and groceries, main st. Babcock, G. R. attorney, pearl st. Ball, Henry L. lottery office, 130 main st. Beard, Wm. porter U. S. B. Bank, Eagle Tavern. Ball, Gideon I. goldsmith, main st. Bakle, George, baker, do Brintnall, Phineas, merchant, do Bard, Joseph, do Baker, Moses, merchant, do Bruner, do Bedford, Alford, seaman, prime st. Bulsom, Peter, baker, do Barber, Samuel, farmer, brooklyn st. Brown, Jesse, do Beattie, John W. cabinet maker, main st. Beach, E. do do Baker, Ebenezer, joiner, terrace. Bronner, Jacob, farmer, niagara st. Brooks, Josiah, seaman, canal dock. Bullard, Sanford, carpenter, do Beardsley, Josiah, grocer, do Barker, J. A. forwarding merchant, Washington st. Boyden, Moses, joiner, do Boyden, Nehemiah, sawyer, do Barnum, Austin, comb maker, do Barnum, Hiram, do do Brooks, Gabriel, cooper, do Brainard, Jeremiah, carpenter and joiner, do Barker, Zenas, do Brivin, Joseph, carpenter, do 6 62 Blessing, Thomas, cooper, Washington st. Beers, John, blacksmith, do Bradley, Benjamin, carpenter, do Brown, Thomas S. laborer, do Beers, xVnthony, a gent for the marine and mechanic's CO. store, prime street, dwelling, Washington st. Bush, Robert, carriage maker, do Banks, Stephen, do do Barker,Pierre A. collectorof customs, port of Buffalo creek, office 142 main st. dwelling, Washington st. Beals, John W. iron merchant, do Bush, John, cordwainer, do Buck, , shoemaker, do Bonka, Frances, laborer, do Buck, Clari, do Birmingham, James, teamster do Bedell, Nathaniel, founder, ohio st. Brown, Howgal, asher, do Benny, Thomas, joiner, do Balcom, Philo A. ferryman, do Baldwin, James J. city surveyor, eagle st. Brace, Lester, under sheriff, do Baker, Albert P. mason, oak st. Baker, Jeremiali, do do Brown, John, joiner, do Bates, John, junior clerk, m.ain st. Bedlow, William, grocer, do Bachellor, Amos, do do Bethel Church, do Bronson, Edwin, shoemaker, pearl st. Burdock, do Bartholomew, Chauncey, engineer, Washington st. Bacon, Samuel G. printer, main st. Butler, Comfort F. do do. 63 Clary, Joseph,attorney, main st.dwelling,franklin St. Coit, Gorge, forwarding merchant, dwelling, pearl st. Clark, John W., M. D. do Clark, Grosvenor, clerk, do Chamberlain, Sylvester, blacksmith, do Callender, S. N. merchant, 194 main st. dwel. erie st. Cutler, A . cabinet maker, 8 ellicott sqr . dwel . pearl st . Comstock, Fitch B. cabinet maker, do Caryl, Lucien W., M. D. oflSce, swan st, dw. crow st. Caryl, William O. student, do do Chapin, Cyrenus, physician, do Carrol, Michael, baker, eagle st. Crane, J. tinman, swan st. Camp, Seth, joiner, huron st. Clark, P. S. farmer, do Chittle, Frederick, gunsmith, court st. Connelly, Wiler, laborer, do Corning, James, druggist, seneca st. Coatsworth, Caleb, butcher, genesee st. Cook, Thomas B. clerk, church st. Camp, Bethuel, carpenter, do Churchill, P. shoe and leather store, 179 main st. Card, James, brewer, crow st. Chamberlin, David, tanner and currier, ellicott st. Carr, John, oyster dealer, canal st. Camp, S. L. clerk, do Cross, Daniel, grocer, do Cornwall, Samuel, grocer, do Cowen, carpenter, do Crippan, Alanson, laborer, main st. Colton, Manly, hardware store, 228 main st. Curtis, Medad, mason, franklin st. Caruth, Josiah, laborer, do 64 Caruth, Josiah, jr. brick maker, franklin st. Carey, Daniel, shoemaker, do Cooper, William W. pattern maker, do Carey, W. joiner, do Collect, Lambert, laborer, niagara st. Crillen, William, tailor, do Compton, Lewis, teamster, do Camp, Asahel, clock maker, do Caskey, Joseph, farmer, do Caskey, Joseph H. caulker, do Collect, John, butcher, swan st. Cogswell, Jerry, teamster, do Caldwell, Samuel, attorney, swan st. Coppock, Frederick, goldsmith, 173 main st. Cowles, John, grocer, canal st. Cowles, Absalom,, pearl st. Chittenden, W. S. eagle st. Camp, John G. alderman, seneca st. Corley, Titus, G. joiner, delaware st. Culver, John, blacksmith, canal st. Copper, John, tanner and currier, seneca st. Coleman, John, turner, do Cotton, Rowland, farmer, do Craig, Francis, laborer, do Clack, Charles, do do Carswell, Dimock, laborer, do Crane, Thomas, mill right, do Chapin, Sheldon, wholesale grocer, seneca st. Church, Thomas, grocer, canal st. dwelling crow st. Cleaveland, M. teamster, swan st. Childs, M. chair maker, do Craw, James, mason, franklin st. Craw, William, do do Chaplin, Anne, widow, do 65 Cooper, David, joiner, franklin st. Cotton, Joseph, merchant, do Cobb, Harry, joiner, terrace, Chapin, Roswell, attorney, delaware st. Carley, joiner, do Cooledge, James, painter, do Cunyan, James, do do Crane, Philips, mohawk st. Camp, Merlin, cordwainer, church st. Camp & Hallenbeck, shoe stores, main st. Curtis, Peter, merchant, main st. dwelling, pearl st. Cowdry, Stephen, inkeeper, do Cunningham, Lewis, laborer, do Carey, James, do do Claver, Francis, wagon maker, do Caskey, William, laborer, do Clows, Joseph, farmer, do Coppock & Co. music and fancy store, 217 main st. Clark, Stephen, farmer, do Cook, Mrs. Eliza, widow, do Coan, Jacob, carpenter, do Castle, John, do do Cook, Josiah, baker, do Crane, John, painter, do Crane, John, jr. do Coffe, Patrick, mason, do Castellora, James, laborer, do Carmady, Patrick, do do Croghan, John, do Carr, George, boarding house, do Crowell, Charles, chair maker, do Culverson, J. W. joiner, do Culverson, Silas, do do Church, Ralph, goldsmith, 199 do 6* 66 Case, Manning, Farmers' Hotel, main st. Case, Squire S. do do Case, Nehemiah, do do Crawford, Henry, attorney, do Cummings, M. laborer, do Case, Harlow, deputy P. M. do Cook, John, laborer, do Clark, Zenus, founder, do Cummings, John, blacksmith, do Comstoek, joiner, do Cooley, do do Cheesman, William, merchant, 198 do Caryl, B. C. do do Chittenden, Martin, attorney, swan st. Cornwall, W. R. merchant, main st. Carpenter, J. R. cashier U. S. B. Bank,. Eagle Tav. Cole, clerk, main st. Curtis, David, carpenter, main st. Catlin, Charles, do Cotesworth, Thomas, farmer, main st. Cotesworth, Joseph, do do Cotesworth, Francis, do do Cotesworth, Caleb, hatter, do Corfield, Peter, laborer, do Conway, Michael, do Cogger, Joseph, seaman, do Chalk, John S. confectioner, do Clary & Fillmore, attorneys, do Cameron, Hugh, draper, do Crary, L. P. acution store, canal st, dwel. ninth st. Cooper, Joseph, joiner, main st. Crawford, Peter, do do Carter, Charles A. sail maker, main st. Cowls, Mary Ann, Mrs. do 67 Chase, widow, main st. Cutler, T. carpenter, do Crowne, cordwainer, prime st. Culveer, John, machine maker, prime st. Crufoot, Luther, blacksmith, do Carl, John, laborer, terrace. Camp, J. G. 2d, grocer, flats. Cole, Aaron, pedler, terrace, Caryl, Benjamin, clothing store, canal dock, Coppock, John R. music store, main st. dwelling, Coppock, Wm. Washington st. [Washington st. Campbell, Charles, comb maker, do Calkins, Lucius, joiner, do Crane, Abel, blacksmith, do Carson, Marshal, painter, do Church, chair maker, do Case, Cicero, carriage maker, do demons, Alfred, mill wright, do Crittenden, Edward, joiner, do Cooper, Seth, clerk, do Coburn, Theodore, mason, do Cook, William, do clinton st. Comstock, Chauncy W. farmer, eagle st. Chamberlin, Alonzo, joiner, oak st. Culverson, tailor, do Carpenter, Wm. A. printer, do Chase, H. capt. schooner Atalanta. Carpenter, Samuel E. printer, oak st. Cutler, Clarinda, milliner, 167 main st. Clement, Richard, captain. Cook, Chloe, boarding house, pearl st. Curtiss, Amze W. clergyman, Washington st. Caryl, Alexander Hamilton, clerk, crow st. Coleman, John H. clerk, main st. 68 D Day, David M. printer, 204 main st. dwel. pearl st. Daley, Martin, merchant, do Doyle, Peter, laborer, do Doyle, Thomas, chandler, do Deer, Joseph, laborer, do Doler, Christian, sawyer, do Duncan, Seth K. cabinet maker, do Duncan, Samuel, stone cutter, eagle st. Doyle, James, mason, do Dewey, Horace, joiner, do Douglass, Robert, brewer, york st. Dunn, Christian, stone cutter, chippewa st. Drewer, Henry, laborer, do Dunn, John P. joiner, huron st. Dunningworth, Jacob, laborer, court st. Davis, William, cooper, genesee st. Dukes, John, cordwainer, church st. Devol, do do Drew, John, teacher, crow st. Drew, Francis, jr. clerk, crow st. Driscoll, Joshua, joiner, ellicott st. Darrow, Elijah, hatter, do Dunn, Harry, seaman, canal st. Deuther, Alexander, grocer, do Deuther, George, clerk, do Davison, George W. cordwainer, canal st. Dome, Seth, mason, do Day, Ebenezer, mason, main st. Darken, Edward J., M. D. 213 main st. Darrow, chair maker, do Doan, Jacob, cabinet maker, do Demarest, James, saddler, do DruUard, James, clerk, do 69 Delmas, John, shoemaker, main st. Dodge, Reuben, mason, pearl st. Doroze, Frederick, laborer, morgan st. Davis, William, joiner, franklin st. Delano, Lucian, mason, do Dusenbury, Benjamin, farmer, franklin st. Davenport, Joseph, clerk U. S. B. Bank, franklin st. Dart, Joseph, hat manufacturer, niagara st. Dennison, Ephraim H. boarding house, niagara st. Dilly, Richard, cooper, do Doty, M. tailor, Washington st. Day, Thomas, brick maker, niagara st. Dyer, Charles, innkeeper, do Dunning, hatter, Dygert, A. S. gunsmith, main st. Doty, J. T. ready-made clothing, canal st. Decker, Joel H. farmer, seneca st. Dike, Thomas J. baker, canal st. Durick, M. woolen factor, hydraulic's, seneca st. Daws, John, do Dash, Joseph, clergyman, do Dorothy, John, laborer, do Dockstader, Butler, clerk, do Dorr, Michael, laborer, do Dutcher, Ransom, blacksmith, do Dimon, John, teamster, swan st. Dana, Charles, clerk, do Dunn, James, gunsmith, do Dunham, Noah, tailor, main st. Dunning, Douglass, joiner, niagara st. Deming, Eleazer, canal capt. franklin st. Dinio, Heman, mason, do Dewing, Calvin, do do Dibble, Elah, joiner, do 70 Dunbar, Lyman, franklin st. Downie, D. A. joiner, franklin st. Day, Orren, mason, main st. Digel, John, baker, do Dougherty, A. F. bar tender Mansion House. Dunham, E. looking glass manufacturer, main st. Dusenbury, Jeremiah, grocer, do Dally, Joseph, blacksmith, do Dana, William K. merchant, 218 do Dockstader, W. B. hatter, do Dunn, Wm. Steam Boat Hotel, do Dole, do Duffee, A. do Denton, Robert, joiner, do Dickerson, Ira, wagon maker, do Ditz, Mary, do Davison, Daniel S. ship carpenter, prime st. Davis, Abner, baker, terrace. Denny, George, Washington st. Darrow, Noyes, livery stable, Washington st. Doty, Harvey, tailor, do Dean, Joseph, merchant, do Digner, Francis, ohio st. Darrow, H. P. teamster, clinton st. Dunmore, Amasa H. farmer, eagle st. Drake, David, tobacconist, do Donaldson, J. do Dodds, Stephen, mason, oak st. Dumont, R. joiner, water st. Davis, Samuel, do do Dawley, pearl st. Devens, Gilbert R. joiner, Washington st. De Bie, Luden H. clerk land office, Eagle Tavern. De Long, James, clerk, do 71 Degraff, Daniel, shoemaker, franklin st. Dayton, Sabin, farmer, do Donehue, James, joiner, do Davis, John, butcher, delaware st. E Efner, Elijah D. merchant tailor, 209 main street, dwelling, Washington st. Elliott, Thomas, carpenter, public square, Edwards, William, blacksmith, pearl st. Elliott, James, joiner, delaware st. Ellsworth, Viena, seneca st. Elliott, John, laborer, seneca st. Eaton, Sylvester, Rev. do Emery, Daniel, brick maker, niagara st. Everetts, comb maker, franklin st. Estye, Sarah, widow, milliner, ellicott st. Edmonson, upholsterer, do Errismond, martin, laborer, pearl st. Evans, Moses, cooper, do Earnest, John, tailor, do Edgerton, James, joiner, huron st. Egard, Martin, laborer, court st. Ermichad, Pane, do canal st. Edgecomb, Morgan, seaman, canal st. Ensign, Elisha, farmer, main st. Evans, Charles, mason, do Empie, David, joiner, do Earle, Enoch, sash maker, do Earle, Cornelius, do do Elliott, James, joiner, do Eustaphieve Alexis A. teller Bank of Buffalo.. Emons, F. Mansion House. Eldridge, Erasmus, burr mall stone factory, main st. n Eldridge, Ephraim, innkeeper, main st. Ensign, Otis, Jackson Hotel, do Edwards, Solomon, teamster, terrace. Everitts, Jesse, laborer, Washington st. Eldridge, Chas. do do Edwards, Richard, blacksmith, Washington st. Ellmore, Augustus, painter, do Evans, Benjamin G. brass founder, ohio st. Estis, David, asher, do Estis, William C. joiner, do Eldridge, Benjamin, tanner, clinton st. Eaton, Augustine, forwarding and commission mer- chant, agent for the clinton line of canal boats, big BufiFalo creek, dwelling, niagara st. F FoUett, Oran, printer, Buffalo House, Forward, Oliver, Mansion House, Fox, Robert, seaman, canal st. Fluke, Jacob, tailor, chippewa st. French, Harlow, blacksmith, huron st. Ford, Eli, joiner, do Forest, George, joiner, court st. Fromwell, Joseph, laborer, court st. Fetterson, Charles, do genesee st. Furman, John, custom house oflScer, church st. Fletcher, Horatio, burr mill stone factory, crow st. Friday, Michael, laborer, ellicott st. Frazier, joiner, canal st. Foot, John, mason, do Furlong, Hiram, seaman, canal st. FuUington, E. joiner, main st. Folsom, William, carpenter, main st. Ford, G. W. joiner, do 73 Frewer, Joseph, laborer, main st. Ferrier, John, saddler, do Fields, clerk, do Freeborn, clerk, do Fobes, John, farmer, swan st. Fobes, Silas A. farmer, corner pearl and swan sts. Fox, Simeon, seaman, eagle st. French, John, joiner, do Fuller, Amri, farmer, pearl st. FoUinsbu, Amos, brick maker, delaware st. Fletcher, Levi, lumber merchant, terrace. Fowler, John, mason, franklin st. Folsom, Noah, butcher, swan st. Favority, Elias, hatter, Flagg, John B. tin & copper manufacturer, main st. Franks, Warner, laborer, seneca st. Fox, Charles, tanner and currier, seneca st. Foster, Mariah, painter, do Fellows, Phillips, hatter, do Fellows, William, do do Foster, Stukely. carpenter, do Fawcet, George, teamster, swan st. Fraicaise, M. do Fox, Augustus C, do Folsom, David, do Fowler, Benjamin, grocer, Buffalo creek, dwelling, Fisk, M. blacksmith, franklin st. [niagara st. Forsyth, Gilbert S. attorney, franklin st. Fromi, Francis, laborer, morgan st. Folsom, G. W. do do Fuller, William, painter, delaware st. Foote, joiner, mohawk st. Foster, Richard, cabinet maker, mohawk st. Fenton, Joseph, do do 74 Fursman, Samuel, coach maker, mohawk st- Fisher, Nicholas, tailor, pearl st. Fenner, Caleb, cordwainer. Flick, Peter, mason, pearl st. Fawcet, William, laborer, pearl st. Fenner, Philip, butcher, do Foster, J. seaman, Buffalo creek, Faulkner, Morgan L. merchant, 216 main street, dwelling, Washington st. Fitch, Benjamin, wholesale dry goods, 288 main st. clothing store, corner main and seneca sts. Fought, George, baker, main st. Fields, A. & O. dry goods merchants, main st. Fitch, Frederick, do Fairchild, Elias, founder, do Fairchild, Raymond, do do Fairchild, Robert, do do Faulkner, Henry, teamster, do Ford, Elijah, a torney, office, do Fillmore, Millard, attorney, office, do Fairchild, Joseph, grocer, do Fairchild, Jared, clerk, do Frick, J. grocer, do Firsman, Samuel, coach and wagon maker, corner main and genesee sts. Fletcher, C. F. founder, loyd st. Foot, Oliton, C. farmer, terrace. Fisk, Arvin, distiller, do Furlong, Hiram, clerk, do Flint, Joseph, grocer, Washington st. Fitzgerald, John, do Ferris, Samuel, carpenter, eagle st. Friez, Joseph, cordwainer, oak st. Fried, George, tailor, do 75 Fox, Simeon, capt. schooner Constitution. Finney, Erastus, farmer, church st. Faxon, James, bookseller, 134 main st. Faxon, Charles, printer, main st. dwel. genesee st. Faxon, Henry, bookbinder, main st. Faulkner, J. M. clerk, 216 main st. GrijBBn, Horace, merchant, 190 main st. Goodrich, Guy H. president Bank of Buffalo. Gillett, Caleb, farmer, huron st. Gates, Michael, shoemaker, court st. Graham, Robert, wagon maker, ellicott st. Garrison, Cornelius K. joiner, do Gleason, Thomas, turner, do Green, Samuel, tailor, canal st. Goodell, J. bez, farmer, main st. Goodrich, G. H. & Co. wholesale and retail staple and fancy dry goods, 212 main st. Gardner & Patterson, importers and wholesale deal- ers in china, glass, eartherware & looking glasses, 208 main st. Green, WiUiam, cordwainer, main st. Goldsmith, Orton, farmer, do Girmit, George, laborer, do Gould, Isaac, grocer, do Gifford, Nathan, blacksmith, do Gleason, George B. clerk, do Gannis, S B. cordwainer, do George, J hn, seaman, do Green, S. B., M. D. do Gaynor, Thomas, teamster, do Gruhan, Michael, do Golden, Martin, do 76 Grigg, Andrew, shoemaker, main st. Grey, E. G. grocer, do Gardner, Charles, crockery store, main st. Gazley, George, shoemaker, do Godfrey, James, laborer, prime st. Grant, Orrin, carpenter, brooklyn st. Godfreys Charles, do GriflSth, Jesse, farmer, terrace. Griffith, Ira, on canal. Graham, Orion, carpenter, canal dock. Graham, Amasa, joiner, do Green, Samuel, tailor, terrace. Green, Elias, constable and collector, pearl st. Goodrich, Nathaniel, blacksmith, Washington st. Gruver, John, laborer, chippewa st. Garrison, Oliver, farmer, pearl st. Germain, Charles, laborer, delaware st. Germain, George, do do Gourmant, Francis, do morgan st. Goodrich, Anson, baker, franklin st. Gates, Silas, Farmers' Exchange, seneca st. Gardner, Noah H. tanner and currier, do Grear, George, pail maker, do Glote, Gerard, laborer, do Gates, Daniel, canal capt. water st. Gates, George, grocer, do Guiteau, Julius, farmer, niagara st. vegetable cellar. Green, John, teamster, swan st. [City Hotel. Gillespie, Robert, grocer, crow st. Gilbert, Jonathan, journeyman tinner, swan st. Gillett, Gates, mason, franklin st. Granger, comb maker, franklin st. Gill, Thomas, cabinet maker, do Goodrich, Aaron, clerk, do 77 Galligan, William, cabinet maker, 165 main street, dwelling, terrace. Goff, painter, delaware st. Goodale, Austin, joiner, mohawk st. Gillett, Henry, clerk, do Green, James, joiner, pearl st. Gilbert, Elijah, innkeeper, pearl st. Gross, Nicholas, laborer, do Gabriel, Michael, mason, do Globber, Jacob, tailor, Washington st, Goodman, Alonzo, clerk, do Gray, Patrick W. mason, do Gumbell, Joseph, teacher, do Gregg, John, joiner, do Gleason, John, do Goodrich, W. B. blacksmith, ohio, st. Gates, L. A. joiner, oak st. Gold, Wm. mason, do Gold, Philo, physician, oak st. Green, Michael, joiner, water st. Green, Morris, do do Grosvenor, S. K., J. P. office, main st. dwel. pearl st. Grosvenor, George, do Grosvenor, Seth H. clerk, do Grosvenor, Abel M. student, do H HoUister, Robert, druggist and grocer, 1 cheapside, main st. dwelling, seneca st. Hedge, George, jeweler, 8 cheapside and canal st. dwelling, seneca st. Hinds, John, farmer, genesee st. Howard, David H. mason, crow st. Howard, Leonard, do do 17* 78 Hicks, Daniel, cordwainer, crow st. Higgins, Zenas, stone manufacturer, crow st. Handel, Francis, block maker, ellicott st. Havens, Hiram, grocer, 191 mainst.dwel. ellicott st. Haskins, R. W. bokseller, 204 do do Hart, John L. grocer, canal st. Higgins, R. clerk, do Hind, John D. seaman, do Hews, Zacheus, laborer, do Hickox, Elisha C. merchant, main st. Heminway, Thomas, farmer, do Hempsted & Matson, wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 232 main st. Higgins, James W. tailor, do Hubbard, William H. merchant, 212 do Huntington, Alonzo, marble factory, do Hall, J, B. joiner, do Hall, J. S. do do Hamilton, Charles, do Henneberger, Daniel, cabinet maker, do Handy, Joy, jr. custom house clerk, do Hathaway, Isaac T. stage agent, Mansion House, Hill, Charles, do Hamilton, Henry, dry goods merchant, 187 main st. Hurlbert, Edwin, joiner, do Hutchins, Wm. boot & shoe store, 2 ellicott sqr. do Hubbard, Geo. & Co. tin factory, 4 do do Hunt, John, grocer, 7 do do Huyck, Darius, carpenter, main st. Harris, William, grocer, do Hayes,George E. druggist and dentist, 140 main st. Heywood, R. H. merchant, main st. dwel. seneca st. Hoir, Bustraw J. H. gunsmith, main st. Hoople, Charles M. clerk, pearl st. 79 Handy, Alfred, attorney and counsellor, seneca st. Heacock R. B. manufacturer, hydraulic 's, do Heaton, Luther, wagon maker, franklin st. Hanson, Stephen T. grocer, main st. dwel. niag. st. Hinds, Michael, brick maker, do Hardy, Henry, laborer, swan st. Hawkins, Joseph, farmer, do Hefford, Richard, joiner, do Hicks, John, livery stable, do Holmes, John K. cordwainer, Hitchcock, Elijah, painter, canal st. Hill, James, seneca st. Howard, Eddy, seneca st. Houck, George, gardener, seneca st. Hathaway, Elias, baker, do Hepburn, William, farmer, do Hubbard, Elias, merchant, main st. dw. seneca st. Hubbard, Justus, do do Howell, Robert, gardener, do Howell, William, engineer, do Hyde, Lewis, clerk, do Hill, Walter, tanner and currier, do Mildreth, Andrew, grocer, do Hubbard, George, tinman, main st. dwel. swan st. Hubbard, Lucius P. do do Hayward, Shadrick, boarding house, seneca st. Harman, Timothy, teamster, niagara st. Hextall, Richard, gardener, franklin st. Harris, John, do do Howard, Abel, laborer, do Harrison, Edmund, laborer, do Hinds, John, shoemaker, do Hinds, Jacob, laborer, do Hazleton, Charles, mason, do 80 Hicks, widow, franklin st. Harriett, Simon, joiner, do Hall, Jacob, do do Hoag, Stephen, stone cutter, franklin st. Hickox, Edward Y. clerk, do Hall, Amasa, laborer, terrace. Hill, William, S. engineer, terrace. Haines, Samuel, joiner, delaware st. Hedges, Wheeler, tanner and currier, delaware st. Hedges, Isaac A. carpenter, do Huggins, Stephen, do mohawk st. Harty, John D. joiner, do Hayes, Robert, cabinet maker, do Hartsuff, Steward, mason, do Haines, Josiah, pearl st. Hullard, John, grocer, pearl st. Hess, Penhart, cabinet maker, pearl st. Hallenbeck, G. S. cordwainer, do Havenstien, Henry, farmer, do Himistrut, Abraham, joiner, do Hall, Asaph, do do Higgins, widow, do Hoxey, Joseph, laborer, main st. Hull, Joseph S. cabinet maker, pearl st. Hull, Justus, brick maker, public square. Houghlin, John, joiner, eagle st. Huffman, Christian, laborer, eagle st. Hill, David, do york st. Hayes, M. seaman, Buffalo creek. House, John, mason, chippewa st. Hunt, Daniel M. canal capt. chippewa st. Hoag, W. Rev. court st. Havelor, John, laborer, court st. Herrick, Benjamin, baker, do 81 Hull & Bach, wholesale and retail dealers in drugs, medicines and groceries, 220 main st. Hill, Henry, joiner, do Hatch, Thompson I. attorney, 202 do House, Joseph, baker, do House, F. D. do do Hamilton, G. W. dyer & scourer, do Harris, J. W. innkeeper, do Harding, Henry, portrait painter, do Holmes, Henry, laborer, do Howard, Charles H. joiner, do Hamilton, do do Hunt, John, butcher, do Home, Samuel, seaman, do Hibbard, John, founder, do Housten, Joel, blacksmith, do Huff, William, Travellers' Home, do Huff, Henry, painter, do Hinman, E. teamster, do Harris, Joseph, boarding house, do Hawkins, R. tailor, do Hosmer, Theodore, clerk, do Hosmer, Sidney S. auctioneer, do Hulbert, Nathan K. clerk, do Holt, H. N. forwarding merchant, do Hoyt, M. clerk, do Hull, William, merchant, 220 do Hudson, John T. attorney, office, seneca st. Humphry, M. tailor, main st. Hildreth, James, editor. Eagle Tavern. Harrington, I. R. Eagle Tavern, main st. Harrington, B. do do Humburt, N. wagon maker, do Haverton, Michael, grocer, do 82 Hersh, John, main st. Hersh, Peter, do Hamilton, carpenter, prime st Hebard, ship carpenter, do Hurst, Robert, grocer, loyd st. Howell, George, carpenter, brooklyn st. Hibbard, S. do Hodge, widow, terrace. Hammond, Irwin, blacksmith, Washington st. Houseman, Lewis, mason, do Hoyt, Joseph D. farmer, do Howard, Ransom, tanner, do Hollister, William, merchant, do Hubbell, Curtis, plough maker, do Hill, John, , do Harris, Ichabod, founder, ohio st. Hartley, James, caulker, do Hampton, Isaac, carpenter, clinton st. Haskill, William, mason, oak st. Holmes, John, carpenter, water st. Hagerty, John, capt. schooner Post Boy. Hart, capt. do William Tell. Hollister & Curtiss, wholesale dry goods, 4 cheapside. Hamlin, D. R. chair factory, 175 main st. Haberstro, Joseph, rifle shop, 147 do Hall, Nathan K. attorney, do Hempsted, D. L. dry goods merchant, 132 main st. I Isaac, George, gunsmith, main st. Innman, Henry, shoemaker, seneca st. Ingram, M. joiner, terrace. Ingram, Henry, joiner, morgan st. Ingersoll, Ezra, mason, crow st. 83 Imus, joiner, main st. Irish, Charles, clerk, do Isham, William L. farmer, ohio st. Joy & Webster, commission merchants and for- warders, agents for the pilot line of canal boats, and a line of vessels on Lake Erie, Buflfalo creek. Joy, Walter, forwarding merchant, Buffalo House. Johnson, Ebenezer, & Co. exchange brokers, &deal- ers in bills of exchange, gold, &c.exch'g. buildings. Johnson, Ebenezer, Mayor, cottage, delaware st. Johnson, Joseph, brick maker, do Jourdan, Roswell B. joiner, pearl st. Joslin, John M. do eagle st. Johns, Jacob, laborer, court st. Johnson, Moses, turner, ellicott st. Jones, Jeremiah, teamster, do Jackson, laborer, canal st. Judevine, Henry, cordwainer, willow st. Jones, Michael, ship carpenter, main st. Jordan, Samuel, joiner swan st. Johnson,Samuel,grocer,mainst.dwelling,publicsqr» Jacocks, Samuel, joiner, pearl st. Jackman, C. C. do do Janett, Edward, brick maker, swan st. Jones, Thomas, painter, terrace. Johnson, James, laborer, seneca st. Johnson, Robert, farmer, do Jenkins, Josiah, do Joines, Daniel, laborer, do Jerome, Thomas, do Jones, George, founder, swan st. Jannan, Jacob, brick maker, swan st. 84 James, Freeman, grocer, canal st. Jones, carpenter and joiner, franklin st. Jewett, Charles, do do Jones, Miles, shoemaker, delaware st, Johnson, Peter, teamster, pearl st. Janney, Phineas M. cabinet maker, pearl st. Jackson, Gilbert, innkeeper, main st. Jerome, T. A. shoe and leather dealer, 205 main st. Jemison, John, painter, do Johnson, Christopher, painter, do Johnson, James, joiner, do Jones, William, light house keeper, brooklyn st. Jackson, Samuel, do Johnson, Samuel, terrace. Johnson, Jacob, carpenter, Washington st. Jackson, John, carriage maker, do Joslin, Alanson, mason, oak st. K Kimberley, Gideon, grocer, terrace. Ketchum, William, hat and fur store, 192 main street, dwelling, seneca st. Kimberly & Waters, grocery and provisions, cor- ner of prime and loyd sts. Kaene, Wm. grocer, main st. dwelling, public sqr. Knight, John, butcher, pearl st. Kibbe, Mrs. Isaac, do Kenyon, James, joiner, morgan st. Kenyon, John, do do Kane, James, do franklin st. Kennedy, James do do Kinskul, Jacob, do do Keever, George, shoemaker, do Kuchuson, John, farmer, do 85 King, Bryant, clerk, Washington st. Knapp, Henry A. cutler, swan st. Krufft, James, cordwainer, Kilgore, Alexander, clerk, main st. King, M. tinsmith, do Keizel, John, tanner and currier, seneca st. Knickerbocker, M. do do Knickerbocker, Andrew, laborer, do Kimball, Austin, farmer, do Kinney, Joseph, innkeeper, do Kaene, Robert, mason, niagara st. Kittenger, Samuel, farmer, franklin st. Kellogg, M. painter, do Knapp, Hiram E. joiner, mohawk st. Koups, Jesse, do pearl st. Kendrick, Harvey, farmer, do Kingsley, Benjamin, mason, do Kremer, Jacob, farmer, do Kail, Andrew, gardener, do Krellin, William, tailor, eagle st. Kress, Michael, shoemaker, do Kimble, exchange broker, main st. Kraft, Francis, cordwainer, chippewa st. Kraff, Frederick, mason, do Kroup, Philip, laborer, genesee st. Kingsworth, John, cordwainer, church st. Kinney, Dennis, do crow st. Kunty, Henry, block maker, ellicott st. Koon, Philip, boatman, do Kelly, Dennis, laborer, canal st. Kimball, John, seaman, do Kibler, Peter, joiner, main st. Kreigelstein, Samuel, grocer, main st. Kerrick, Mrs. do 8 86 King, J. D. carpenter, main st. Kelly, Stephen, grocer, do Kilgore, Wm. do do Ketchum, Lewis, hatter, 177 main st. Kelsey, J. steamboat dock boarding house, main st. Kinsey, Charles, blacksmith, do Kinsey, David, do do Kenny, Daniel, merchant tailor, 151 do Kimball, G. grocer and confectioner, do Kellogg, carpenter, do Kendrick, J. G. lottery office. City Hotel. Kip, Henry, ship chandler, loyd st. dwelling, wash- Kald, tailor, Washington st. [ington st. Knotts, H. milliner and fancy shop, main st. Kelly, Thomas, founder, ohio st. King, Elisha, cordwainer, eagle st. Kimberly, pearl st. Kip, Thomas, merchant, Washington st. Kenney, Theodore, laborer, do Kenney, Elijah, do do L Love, Thomas, C. attorney, dwelling, mohawk st. Leech, Elijah, pearl st. Lawrence, Cupot, laborer, eagle st. Lockwood, Gail, joiner, do Leach, Francis, clerk, court st. Leeds, cordwainer, church st. Loomis, do do Lum, Daniel, stave maker, crow st. Landon, Joseph, do Lee, David, teamster, ellicott st. Lodge, Thomas, mason, do Lines, Patrick, seaman, canal st. 87 Lambert, Tliomas, butcher, main st. Lozier, do Lay, John, jr. wholesale dry goods merchant, 236 main st. dwelling, eagle st. Laughman, William, tailor, main st. Lisenberriger, John, laborer, do Luce, Alfred, dry goods merchant, main st. Lewis, H. L. B., M. D. Mansion House, main st. Lynch, Philip, cordwainer, 2 ellicott sqr. do Love & Norton, attorneys, 11 do do Longster, baker, do Lacy, W. H. clerk U. S. B. Bank, Buffalo House. Lyman, Loomis, clerk, 230 main st. Lockwood, Daniel, attorney, office, swan st. Lapp, Christian, grocer, main st. Lush, H. C. baker, prime st. Langan, Peter, boarding house, terrace. Lemasney, James, laborer, do Lewis, Charles, clerk, Washington st. Lyons, Orren, do do Lee, R. Hargreave, tea and grocery merchant, 144 and eagle buildings, main st. dwel.washington st. Lewis, Charles H. clerk, 7 cheapside, main st. Larzelere, Abraham, goldsmith, 200 main st. dwel- ling, franklin st. Lecouteulx, Louis, gentleman, crow st. Lenhart, John W. Joiner, franklin st. Lamb, John, butcher, do Lathrop, Roswell, farmer, niagara st. Lechler, Foladine, do do Lawrence, David, cordwainer, public square. Lamb, Henry, butcher, swan st. Lamb, Thomas, do do Lamb, William, shoemaker, swan st. 88 Landus, Peter, tanner and currier, seneca st. Lovejoy, Henry, merchan , do Lovejoy, widow, do Landon, J. M. grocer, do Lathrop, Deloss, student, swan st. Leach, James O. tailor do Leper, John, farmer, do Louber, Charles A. joiner, franklin st. Lord, John C. attorney, delaware st. Layton, David, blacksmith, mohawk st. Levins, Peter, joiner, do Lackey, Robert, do pearl st. Liddy, John, ship carpenter, pearl st. Lee, Thomas, cordwainer, do Lathrop, H. B. mason do Lathrop, Dennison, mason, do Lefever, Robert, do Lyman, Asa, Rev. Washington st. Leuis, Isaiah, W. do Lefever, Frederick, do Lome, Peter, goldsmith,do Little, William, baker, do Lambkins, & Fletcher, brass founders, ohio st. Lane, George, seaman, do Long, William, farmer, clinton st. Lower, William, oak st. Levins, book pedler, water st. Laraway, Peter, joiner, do Long, R. M. watchmaker & Jeweller, 142i main st. Leace, pearl st. Long, M. clerk, 218 main st. Buffalo House. M Moorhead, R. merchant, main st. Buffalo House. 89 Moorhead & Adams, auction and commission mer- chants and comb manufacturers, 5 cheapside. Mather, A. E. clerk, main st. Manchestbr & Reynolds, clothing store, canal dock. Mosher, David, mason, Washington st. Mosher, Martin, do do M'Farlin, John, do Maxon, John D. mason, do M'Masters, Samuel, do Macy, JohnB. forwarding merchant, dwel, pearl st. Morgan, James, farmer, do Morrison, James, cordwainer. Miles, George, jr. capt. steam boat Enterprise. Mobley, William, clerk, main st. M'Kay, Robert, tanner and currier, delaware st, Mudge, Otis, laborer, morgan st. Munge, Ebenezer, mason, do Miller, Roderick, joiner, franklin st. Mowry, Franklin, do do Mathews, Sylvester, baker, mainstdwel. franklin st. Marsh, Perez, shoemaker, do Munson, Truman, farmer, do M'Masters, William, mason, niagara st. Mackavoy, Dominick, laborer, do Miller, Nicholas, farmer, swan st. M'Callister, Daniel, laborer, do M'Kay, James, attorney, 238 main st. dw. tupper st. Maynard, E. A. copper, tin & sheet iron factory, 164 M'Cloud, Morido, laborer, seneca st. [main st. Maynard, R. H. clerk, dwelling, 166 do Miller, John, laborer, seneca st. Miller, Andrew, do do Michael, Nicholas, laborer, seneca st. M'CuUoch, James, brewer, do 8* 90 M'Cracken, Volney A. pail maker, seneca st. Merrick, do do M'Meckan, James do M'Kay, Alvin, painter, do Miller, Peter, laborer, do Manrow, Asahel, tinner, do Marsh, Edwin A. silversmith, do Morrison, Truman, carpenter & joiner, do Miller, Adna, swan st. M'Callister, James, joiner, franklin st. Marvin, Edmund, do do Morrison, Horace, do do Mowry, Samuel, lumber merchant, terrace. Mowry, Phelps, engineer, do Munford, Daniel, laborer, morgan st. M'Neal, John, painter, delaware st. M'CuUock, Nathan, carpenter, pearl st. Manasseny, James, laborer, do Mitchell, William, do do Miller, Henry, comb maker, do Miller, Jacob, laborer, do Merrill, David E. constable, do Marshall, John E., M. D. office, 13 ellicott square, dwelling, pearl st. Marshall, Orsamus H. student at law, pearl st. Marvin, Benjamin, joiner, do Martin, William, carpenter, do Morgan, Amos, do do Morton, William, farmer, do MTntosh, harness maker, do Mattis, Myer, baker, do M'Cloud, Michael, laborer, do Mixer, Horace, carriage maker, erie st. Merrill, Mercey, eagle st. 91 Marvin, Le Grand, attorney, swan st. Murfit, jeweller, do Marvin, clerk, do Muddeman, Caleb, farmer, york st. Miles, Peter E. teacher, liuron st. M'Cann, John, farmer, do Morey, Joel P. painter, do Mayhew, J.& Co. wholesale dealers in stoves, hollow ware, pig iron, and iron castings generally, stone ware-house, Buffalo creek. M'Mahon, Roger, laborer, court st. M'WilHams, Hugh, do do Miller, Joseph, joiner, do Morrow, James, baker, do Murdock, cabinet maker, court st. Meatos, Amiable, joiner, genesee st. Manser, Thomas, wheel right, do Mitchel, cordwainer, church st, M'Donald, Michael, gardener, crow st. M'Kay, James, blacksmith, do M'Masters, James, mason, do M'Kinney, Jeremiah, joiner, do M'Gowen, Hugh, laborer, do M'Durmont, Matthew, laborer, do M'Howen, Joseph N. mason, ellicott st. M'CoUister, widow, do Mead, Franklin, chair maker, do M'Ewen, Stephen, tanner, do Mayo, Samuel R. grocer, canal st. M'Cloud, laborer, do Mayo, L. tailor, do M'Lean, canal agent, do Miner, William, carpenter, do Mooney, G. V. upholster, do 92 Mervin, Henry, teamster, canal st, Martin, L. grocer, do Marsh, Alexander, joiner, main st. Miller, Arvin, gardener, . do M'Clertock, Wilson, joiner, do Martin, Peter, do do Murr, Thomas, mason, do Martin & Brace, wholesale & retail grocers, 238 main Martin, John M. merchant, eagle st. [st. M'Knight, George, & Co. wholesale dealers in groce- ries,paints,oils,dyewoods&dyestuffs,202mainst. Madison, William, dry goods & groceries, 215 do Mason, Belden B. merchant tailor, 201 do M Kee, Joshua, umbrella maker, 201 do Mount, Faulkner & Co. wholesale and retail dealers in European and American dry goods, 216 main st. Merryfield, farmer, do M'Arthur, Andrew, do Mahar, John, farmer, do Mahar, Timothy, do do Mulvanaughty, Patrick, laborer, do Mahar, Andrew, do do Mullown, Richard, do do M'Williams, Henry, blacksmith, do Mil on, Patrick, farmer, do Murphy, William, stone cutter, do Morris, H. attorney, 13 ellicott square. do Mooney, upholsterer, 8 ellicott square, do M'Cormick, P. tailor, do Mead, Hiram, shoemaker, do Myers, John, clerk, do Molton, Orvell, do do M'Kay, William, blacksmith, do Martin, George B. clerk. Eagle Tavern, do 93 Mosely, William A. attorney, office, main st. M'Culloch, A. brewer. Farmers' Hotel. M ller, Jacob S. livery stable, do. Moseley, Egbert, cabinet maker, main st. Mariam, livery stable, do Moore, A. C. saddle and harness maker, main st. Miller, Anson, innkeeper, do Murray, James, laborer, do Murphy, John, do do M'Gowan, Andrew, teamster, do Miller, Archibald, grocer, do Miller, James, grocer and dry goods, do Martin, M. do Montgomery, G. W. Rev. do Murry, John C. carpenter, loyd st. Moody, William, calker, brooklyn st. Mitchell, Reuben, engineer, do Money, Francis, do Mooney, Joseph, do Morrison, O. do Murphy, John, terrace. Meacham, Alanson, pedler, terrace. Meacham, Reuben, do do Marsh, Lor in, do do Mosier, do canal dock. Marsh, clock do do M'Manus, Bryant, laborer, city alley. Miller, Harry, painter, Washington st. M rrills, Albert S. clerk, do M Ewen, Timothy, cordwainer, Washington st. Morgan, Joshua, farmer, do Mahar, John, do Mahar, William, do Mallet, Nicholas, mason, do 94 Miller, Anthony, blacksmith, ohio st. M'Peck, do Munro, Stephen, founder, do M'Kay, David, do Moore, Thomas, farmer, do Merryman, M. joiner, oak st. Mendall, Daniel, do do Miller, Philip, tailor, do Mangolt, Jacob, do Manuel, Pennil, joiner, water st. Morgan, John W. do do Morgan, Joshua P. merchant, water st. M'Manus, Charles, mason, do M'Knight, James, wholesale & retail dealers in Brit- ish, French and India dry goods, exchange build- ings, main st. dwelling, seneca st. Monson, H.N. dry goods and groceries, 2 cheapside. M'Clary, Miss Mary, milliner, 171 main st. Matson, S. J. merchant, 232 main st. Eagle Tavern. N Norton & Carlisle, forwarding and commission mer- chants, agents for the Hudson and Erie line canal boats, Buffalo creek. Norton, E. F. forwarding merchant, court st. Newton, John, mason, crow st. Newbury, William, carpenter, ellicott st. Norton, W. capt. steam boat Henry Clay. Norton, Henry, forwarding merchant, erie st. Newcomb, J. C. clerk, main st. Northrup, Stephen T. gardener, seneca st. Newel, Van Ransalaer, niagara st. Niraon, Michael, laborer, do Nelson, William, gardener, franklin st. Q6 Norris, William, joiner, franklin st, Niles, John, mason, terrace. Newitt, Robert, joiner, mohawk st. Norton, Orren H. pearl st. Norton, Morris, cabinet maker, pearl st. Nicholas, Ira, varnisher, do Newman, William, clerk Bank of Buffalo, main st. Negus, William, farmer, york st. Northum, Levi, grocer, canal dock. Nixon, Austin, gunsmith, Washington st. Newland, John, cordwainer, do Nichols, Erastus G. clothier, do Nevins, Henry, carpenter, do Norton, clerk, do Newel, Raphael, inspector of beef and pork,ohiost. Newton, Lyman, brick maker, do Norton, Charles, merchant, main st. O Osborn, Stephen, sheriff, office, court house, dwel- ling, public square. Osborn, Alanson, laborer, swan st. Osborn, Nelson, joiner, delaware st. Olmsted, Daniel, hatter, swan st. O'Brien, Cornelius, laborer, niagara st. Outhwait, John, gardener, franklin st. Orcutt, Benjamin J. grocer, canal st. Oakley, Jonathan H. butcher, pearl st. Oler, Tristam, joiner, canal st. O'Harra, Samuel, laborer, do O'Rourke Mrs. boarding house, main st. O'Neil, James, carpenter, do Odell, Benjamin, mason, do Orr, Lewis, brooklyn st. 96 Oughton, Thomas, shoemaker, terrace. O'Rourke, Darby, Washington st. OUver, J. C. capt. schooner Telegraph. Pratt, Taylor & Co. forwarding and commission merchants, agents for steam boat Ohio, & Wash- ington line of canal boats, Buffalo creek, Powell, Michael, laborer, court st. Pierce, Joseph, tailor, genesee st. Philips, John A. teacher, do Pierce, Loring, sexton, do Plimpton, L. K. do Pierson, Christopher, cabinet maker, ellicott st. Plummer, Enoch, mason, do Packard, Franklin H. joiner, canal st. Potter, William, laborer, do Pierson, William, grocer, do Pallacher, George, distiller, main st. Porter, Nathaniel, joiner, do Poole & Cheesman, importers, and wholesale deal- ers in china, glass and earthenware, 198 main st. Palmer, George, leather store and tanner & currier, Purnell, Joseph, mason, main st. [219 main st. Pratt, Lucius H. wholesale & retail dealer in gro- ceries, paints, oils, and dye stuffs, 210 main st. Paton, laborer, do Patterson, William, carpenter, do Page, George, laborer, do Plimpton, do Pomeroy, P. farmer, do Patterson, Hannah B. grocer, do Patriot Office, 13 ellicott square, do Post Office, 14 do do 97 Powell, E. Jr. Buffalo House, op. Bank of Buffalo, Prout, E. W. clerk, main st. [main street. Pierce, joiner, do Parmelee, Luther, burr mill factor, do Potter, M. clerk, Buffalo House, do Piddington, Joseph, tailor, eagle buildings, do Patterson, G. A. H. crockery merchant, do Patterson & Porter, tin, copper and sheet iron man- Pritz, E. saddler, main st. [ufactory, 118 main st. Patterson, William W. tinner, eagle st. Pratt, Hiram, cashier Bank of Buffalo, dw. swan st. Potter, Heman B. attorney, pearl st. Pierce, George M. laborer, chippewa st. Phillips, Peter, cabinet maker, do Phenix, mason, pearl st. Pierce, laborer, do Powell, George, laborer, delaware st. Peets, Levi, do do Puffer, Simon, brick maker, do Peacock, William, laborer, morgan st. Palmer, Merritt, do terrace. Porter, Walter, joiner, franklin st. Paine, William, do Prairie, Tellis, laborer, do Prestage, Henry, farmer, niagara st. Peacock, Thomas, do swan st. Paine, J. C. grocer, canal st. Paine, Almond, do do Peck, H. cordwainer, Pinney, Darius, do Pottecary, John, laborer, Palmer, Alexander, H. painter & glazier, canal st. Pierce, Charles S. woolen manufacturer, seneca st. Plant, Lewis, sawyer, terrace. 9 98 Phillips, Lorin, merchant, seneca st. Pratt, Richard, laborer, do Porter, Simon, tin maker, do Pomeroy, Oliver, cabinet maker, seneca st. Peterson, Benjamin, laborer, do Pennegar, Amos, chair maker, swan st. Perkins, Hiram, clock maker, niagara st. Peck, Jesse, mason, do Perkins, Leman, joiner, delaware st. Parks, Amasa, grocer, mohawk st. Palmer, William, laborer, do Phillips, John, teacher, pearl st. Parks, John, joiner, do Pixler, George, teamster, do Phelps, saddler, do Pierce, Daniel, laborer, do Palthaser, Feterspial, laborer, pearl st. Plumb, Abraham, lumber merchant, pearl st. Porter, William A. joiner, eagle st. Purtnon, laborer, do Pratt, Gorham, student, swan st. Packard, attorney, do Potter, Mrs. dyer, canal st. Pope, Mrs. huron st. Powers, St. John, main st. Philips, Jacob, laborer, main st. Porter, Peter B. Jr. attorney, main st. Philips, joiner, do Piddington & Humphrey, merchant tailors, eagle Postall, W. innkeeper, main st. [buildings. Pierce, Jesse, grocer, prime st. Piatt, carpenter, do Philip, Joel S. pedler, terrace. Perkins, Pelmetas, do do 99 Pierce, John, wagon maker, terrace. Pierce, D. farmer, Washington st. Pease, John, clerk, do Provoost, James P. sailmaker, Buffalo creek, dwel. Pond, Theron, Washington st. [Washington st. Provoost, John, sail maker, do Provoost, Robert, do do Planford, Isaac, carpenter, do Pitteford, Charles, carriage maker, do Palmer, A. builder & lumber merchant, do Parmelee, Frederick W. teacher, do Parmelee, Abner C. clerk, do PuUard, Richard, laborer, do Philips, L. teamster, ohio st. Philips, Enoch, do Page, Hiram, plough maker, do Pratt, Rachael Mrs. widow, do Parks, Aaron, cordwainer, oak st. Porter, mason, do Paddleford, R. W. merchant, water st. Pearsons, B. capt. schooner Prince Eugene. Patterson, Brothers, hardware store, 6 cheapside. Prince, John, wholesale spirits dealer, 149 main st. Pritz, E. & Co. saddlers, 143 do Philips, A. C. City Hotel, canal dock. Philips, cabinet maker, chippewa st. Patrick, Gil, pearl st. Pease, William T. capt. steam boat Superior. Poole, Rushmore, crockery merchant, 198 main st. Patterson, John, hardware do 6 cheapside. Q Quail, Ellen Mrs. eagle st. Quigley, James, carpenter, main st. 100 R Rochester, Wm B. president U. S. B.Bank, main st. Roop, Henry, merchant, chippewa st. Roop & Sherwood, merchants, main st. Ransom, EUas, farmer, huron st. Ross, WiUiam, carpenter, genesee st. Relay, Robert, crow st. Russell, Ellis, seaman, crow st. Root, Jacob, blacksmith, ellicott st. Ramsdell, Alexander, do Rice, Evan, teamster, do Redfield, Homer, do Redmore, chair maker, do Rood, Sidney L. bookbinder do Rexford, Stephen, grocer, canal st. Roberts, William, upholster, do Reed, S. & Co. clothing store, do Rathbun, Benjamin, wholesale & retail dry goods and groceries, 228 and 230 main st. Raynor, A. & A. general dealers in shelf & heavy hardware, 206 main st. Reynolds, John N. merchant tailor, 211 main st. Riggles, mason, do Ross, John, stone cutter, do Roop, William, grocer, do Ruxton, W^illiam, wholesale and retail dry goods and hardware, 199 main st. dwelling, franklin st. Rice, D. widow, main st. Rathbun, Moses, Ruden, E. book keeper, main st. Randall, Volney, cordwainer, main st. Root & Carver, attorneys, do Reed, James, grocer, do [main st. Randall, N. & V. leather and shoe merchants, 142 101 iRees, Thomas, coppersmith, main st. Rainey, Alexander, grocer, seneca st. Rainey, Hamilton, clerk, do Root, Edward, do Root, Henry, alderman, do Ransom, Amasa, farmer, do Ransom, William F. hatter, do Rice, M. joiner, swan st. Rogers, brick maker, swan st. Ransford, Nathaniel, saddler, franklin st. Ralish, M. laborer, do Ritt, Nicholas, tailor, do Rathbun, Lyman, merchant, do Reese, Richard, saddler, do Russell, M. joiner, do Rowen, Henry, laborer, niagara st. Rowen, Patrick, mason, do Root, John, attorney, main st. dwelling, niagara st. Robison, Timothy W. wheelright, seneca st. Remington, Edwin, blacksmith, do Relay, Charles C. brewer, do Ray, William D. mechanic, do Reed, Benjamin G. brick maker, do Reed, Samuel, do do Reed, Rinaldo, laborer, do Reed, Truman, do do Ratcliff, William, do do Reed, John M. clerk victualing cellar, City Hotel. Roberts, Robert, gardener, niagara st. Rowley & Bartlett, auction & commission merch'ts, Rees, David, blacksmith, seneca st. [canal st Rees, William S. canal capt. dwelling, seneca st. Reese, Mrs. franklin st. Runiple, John P. joiner, franklin st. 9* 102 Rossiter, Newton, lumber merchant, franklin st. Rhodes, Alfred E. joiner, do Richards, Richard G. laborer, delaware st. Rogers, James, carver, do Reccord, Christopher, farmer, pearl st. Remer, Lewis, laborer, do Reccord, John, farmer, do Razel, Philip, laborer, do Rudolph, Jacob, joiner, do Risley, Oliver, do eagle st. Raymond, John, farmer, york st. Richards, Samuel, grocer, Buffalo creek. Rowley, Obediah, merchant, canal st. Robins, Vincent, mason, main st. Rose, Edwin, innkeeper, do Rhodes, Samuel, joiner, do Rhodes, Edward, pedler, do Rider, Elbridge, carpenter, do Raynor, Alonzo, merchant, do Raynor, Augustus, do do Russell, Henry, seaman, do Ripp, Peter, do Richards, T. F. chandler, do Richards, Henry, lumber merchant, main st. Rufus, Joseph, blacksmith, do Reed, John, grocer, do Rufy, Joseph, do Rice, William, teamster, do Rowen, P. tailor, canal basin. Rascoe, James, grocer, do Radcliff, Woolsey, clerk, prime st. Radcliff, James, do do Resto, Charles, pedler, do Richardson, Eldad, do do 103 Rake, John E. cabinet maker, main st, Richardson, Charles, grocer, canal dock. Reynolds, Alfred J. do do Riley, James, teamster, city alley. Randall, Clinton, painter, Washington st. Roberts, John, carpenter, do RadcliflF, Jerry, grocer, canal basin, dwel. pearl st. Russel, H. P. auction, commission & lumber mer- chant, 136 main st. dwelling, Washington st. Russel, Samuel, post-master, oflBce, main and south division sts. dwelling, Washington st. Rathbun, Ezra, seaman, ohio st. Reynolds, Josiah, cordwainer, oak st. Ryerson, Edward, farmer, main st. Reynolds, Lodourick, joiner, water st. Raynor, John, carpenter, do Randall, N. K. capt. schooner, Maria Antoinette. Roworth, Thomas, clerk, canal st. Russell, R. commission bookseller and bookbinder, Ransom, John G. huron st. [145 main st. Russell, William E. gunsmith, do Seymour, H. R. exchange broker, 189 main street, dwelling, pearl st. Steward, Thomas, blacksmith, pearl st. Smith, William, merchant, dwelling, erie st. Salisbury, H. A. printer, Buffalo Patriot, 13 elJicott square, dwelling, public square. Steele Horace & L. L. printers, Buffalo Bulletin, 11 ellicott square, dwelling eagle st. Steele, Jeduthan L. printer, do Slayton, James, joiner, do See Richard A. do do 104 Stedman, James, joiner, eagle st, Sperry, Levi, laborer, Buffalo creek. Seeley, S. do do Sizer, H. H. merchant, dwelling, chippewa st. Summers, Isaac, sexton, do Shranks, Peter, laborer, do Sage, Reuben, joiner, huron st. Spalding, Frederick, carver, huron st. Smith & Macy, forwarding merchants, agents for steam boat Henry Clay, New- York & Ohio line canal boats & steam boat Wm. Peacock, Buffalo Shears, shoemaker, court st. [creek. Sprague, A. S., M. D. office, main st. dw. court st. Smith, Martin, laborer, do Shane, Mrs. do Shaw, Philip, comb maker, do Stevens, Solomon H. baker, do Swanson, Daniel, joiner, do Soper, Merlin, clerk, do Smith, P. M. teamster, do Storrs, Lucius, merchant, seneca st. Styles, jeweller, do Southwick, Jesse, genesee st. Smith, H. H. innkeeper, genesee st. Smith, Ira, do do Stebbins, Harrison P. main st. Smith, Thomas, grocer & provision store, 1 38 main st . Starkweather & Brown , dry goods merchants, arcade store, 146 main st. Sawin, Silas, house joiner, delaware st. Stocking, Joseph, merchant, swan st. Snow, R. G. physician, pearl st. Smith, William V. clock maker, niagara st. Stow, George, grocer, swan st. 105 Stoddard, Seward, farmer, swan st, Sniethen, Jay, cordwainer. Smith, E. W. painter, canal st. Scovill, E. do terrace. Smith, George, pail maker, seneca st. Shaw, Charles D. carpenter and joiner, seneca st. Still, James, laborer, do Smith, William, laborer, do St. John, Margaret K. do St. John, Le Grand, student, do Skinner, Orvil B. laborer, do Slocum, Benjamin T. tanner and currier, do Smith, James M. physician and surgeon, do Sherburn, Henry, blacksmith, do Smith, William, clerk, swan st. Sickles, George, do do Sprague, William, blacksmith, swan st. Smith, plough maker, do Sergeant, Phineas, clerk, do Smith, Owen, teamster, niagara st. Serret, Michael, laborer, do Skilleman, Jonathan, butcher, niagara st. Stark, Benjamin B. teacher, corner do Swartz, Henry, carpenter and joiner, franklin st. Swartz, John, do do Seabrooks, John, mason, do Smith, Nicholas, blacksmith, do Smith, Adam, do do Simpson, Cyrus, mason, do Scovill, Matthew, mate steam boat Ohio, do Stever, David, laborer, do Sullivan, James, mason, do Sewer, Joseph, turner, do Shaw, Joseph, carpenter and joiner, do 106 Swatz, Jacob, carpenter and joiner, franklin st. Skinner, Isaac W. iron foundry, big Buffalo creek, dwelling, franklin st. Stacy, John, carpenter and joiner, franklin st. Sloan, James, lumber merchant, canal. Sanderson, Lancton, millright, terrace. Storms, William, mason, delaware st. Secor, John, brick maker, do Sawin, Philander, joiner, do Stanley, John, painter, do Stainthorpe, James, mohawk st. Smith, William, carpenter, mohawk st. Stanger, Thomas, do do Stone, John B. joiner, do Scott, John, clerk, do Swayze, William D. grocer, do Staats, widow, do Soup, Anthony, cabinetmaker, do Stanbrough, Orren, mason, do Smith, Joseph H. plough manufacturer, main st. Stickney, Nathan, joiner, pearl st. Snyder, George, do do Shauree, John,-laborer, do Steele, Seth, merchant, main st. dwel. pearl st. Steele, Austin, do do Sherman, Anson, cooper, do Stevenson, Paul, do do Smith, Lysander, mason, do Smith, S. C. coach trimmer, do Spencer, Abel H. joiner, do Stanly, Archy, blacksmith, do Sacket, Julius, do do Smith, Sheldon, attorney, main st. dwel. genesee st. Sears, Parsons I. grocer, Buffalo creek. 107 Sherman, Silas W. comb maker, 10 ellicott square, dwelling, church st. Sears, Richard, forwarding & commission merchant, Buffalo creek, dwelling, church st. Smith, do Sherman,Daniel,stonecutter,do Sherman, John, do do Sergeant, blacksmith, do Scotchman, carpenter, do Sloan, Wm. museum, exchange buildings, main st. Smith, Isaac H. carman, crow st. Sheder, John, farmer ellicott st. Sherwood, John, silversmith, ellicott st. Sheffield, John, joiner, do Strickland, tanner, do Swift, John, laborer, canal st. Stone, Seth, pedler, do Sherwood, Josiah, grocer, canal st. Stephens, Charles, painter, do Starr, joiner, do Sauley, Henry, laborer, do Smith, William, main st. Smith, T. S. farmer, main st. Sturges, David, laborer, do Smith, Eli B. do do Stilwell, George, joiner, do Shaeffer, George, shoemaker, main st. [st. Slade, H. justices office, 242 do dw. Washington Sprague, Noah P. dry goods merchant, 240 main st. Sherwood, T. T. attorney, 236 do Sparrow,E.wholesale&retaildry goods, 190 do Steele & Faxon, wholesale & retail booksellers, prin- ters and bookbinders, 214 main st. Stebbins, A. Q. merchant, 212 main st. 108 Staats & Dana, whole & retail dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 218 main st. Stocking & Dart, manufacturers of hats and dealers in stock & trimmings, 221 corner main & swan sts. Smith, Gillman, grocer, main st. Sanford, Stephen, laborer, do Stubbs, Joseph, farmer, do Sturgess, carpenter, do Steward, Benjamin, cabinet maker, main st. Swartz, George, cordwainer, do Stention, Jeremiah, laborer, do Smith, Thomas, clerk, do Staats, Jeremiah, cabinet warehouseop. Eagle Tav. Stagg, H. R., M. D, op. Eagle Tavern, dw. niagara Sage, John, barber, op. do [st. Smith & Tredwell, attorneys, main st. Stryker, James, attorney, do Smith, David, joiner, do Smith, Philo, stone cutter, do Sherwood, Merril B. grocer, do Savage, T. do do Sawin, tailor, do Smith JsaacS.forwardingmerchant, Mansion House Smith, Ezra, clerk, do Smith, Patrick, saddler, 199 main st. Smith, E. hatter, do Seydel, Michael, innkeeper, do Smith, Joel, grocer, do Steward, Mrs. do Seward, John, laborer, do Southwick, Alonzo, do Stenchfield, E. canal capt. do Stevens, Lyman, blacksmith, do Smith, Darius, joiner, do 109 Strow, John, burr mill stone factory, main at. Sunderland, Olmsby, do Snyder, Henry, do Staim, John, blacksmith, do Sartwell, Levi, stage agent, Buffalo House. Smith, William C. sail maker, Buffalo creek. Shumway, H. attorney, swan st. Salter, J. teller, U. S. B. Bank, Eagle Tavern. Stevenson, E. L. clerk stage oflBce, do Smith, James M. attorney, main st. Stow, founder, do Sherwood, W. C. B. Steam Boat Hotel, main st. Simcoe, George L. baker, do Stanley, Seth, tanner, do Sullivan, John, laborer, do Sheppard, J. D. music store, do Sheppard, Edward, clerk, do Snyder, Joseph, grocer, do Sloan, Robert, draper, do Smith, William, grocer, do Stimel, Augustus, joiner, do Steele, Oliver G. bookseller, do Smith, John, blacksmith, prime st. Smith, Gideon, carpenter and joiner, prime st. Shred, Henry, seaman, do Simpson, Elisha A. joiner, loyd st. Skates, John E. do brooklyn st. Sauby, Aaron, do Sheer, Michael, farmer, niagara st. Sherman, mason, canal dock. Smith, Nelson, painter, do Swift, Michael, city alley. Sill, Enoch, joiner, Washington st, Sidway, Jonathan, do 10 no Sherwin, Leander, teamster, Washington st. Shenocker, M. cooper, do Sparks, William, do Sayre, Robert, carpenter & joiner, do Shephard, Robert, do do Shearer, Sextus, wholesale and retail dealer in hard- ware&cutlery,main St. on theflat,dw. washing. St. Sherman, Stephen M. painter, do Shank, Garret, carpenter, do Smith, John, farmer, do Spicer, Thomas, carriage maker, do Searls, Samuel, joiner, do Sinclair, James, tinsmith, do Smith, Christopher, cordwainer, do Stiff, hatter, do Sayre, John, Rev. do Searls, plough maker, ohio st. Sherwood, N. ship carpenter, do Smith, James, saddler, do Snow, Warren, farmer, do Smith, John, do do Smith Edward B. joiner, eagle st. Shepard, David, joiner, oak st. Stow, James H. stove pattern maker, oak st. Sinclair, Robert, painter, do Sears, I. P. & Co. grocers, big Buffalo creek. Smith, Harlow C. farmer, water st. Smith, George B. do Stanard, Benjamin, capt. schooner John Adams. Sweet, B. do do Columbus. Shooks, James, do do Coneaut Packet. Sanderson, James, do do President. Seibold, Jacob, grocery &provisionstore,3cheapside. Sill, Enoch E. gunsmith, 173 main st. Ill Sill, A. V. gunsmith, 173 main st. Stebbins, B. at Kendrick's lottery office, City Hotel Sheldon,James,attorney,senecast.dw.washingtonst Stickney, pearl st. Smith, James M. Jr. student at law. Eagle Tavern. Smith, John L. clerk, Buffalo creek. Townsend, Coit & Co. forwarding and commission merchants, proprietors and agents of the Troy and Erie line canal boats, steam boats and schoon- ers on Lake Erie, foot canal st. Buffalo creek. Thompson, S. & Co. forwarding & commission merchants, agents and owners of boats on the lake and canal, Buffalo creek. Thompson, S. forwarding merchant, Washington st. Tracy, Albert H. attorney, court st. Tonkay, William, carpenter, genesee st. Townsend, G. W. grocer, terrace. Turman, John, laborer, crow st. Thomas, John T. joiner, ellicott st. Thornton, William, mason, do Tolls, Benjamin, joiner, do Torrey, Charles, do do Thomas, George, cordwainer,do Townsend, H. W. grocer, canal st. Tisdale, H. cordwainer, main st. Taylor, Francis, teamster, do Taylor, George W. do Tice, cordwainer, do Thomas, Giles, cabinet maker, main st. Taylor, joiner, do Thompson, Francis, stone cutter,do Taylor, Charles B. 199 do 112 Troxel, Eli, chair ware-house, 8 ellicott sqr. main st. Thompson, Artemas, attorney, do Tupper, Charles, seaman, do Taylor, W. F. Porter, forwarding merchant, do Tredwell, T. attorney, do Tarbell, Peter, ship builder, do Turner, Chester, pump maker, do Tower, Reuben, clerk, do Tolun, Edward, do Thorpe, Aliel, chair maker, do Thayer, John, joiner, Washington st. Towers, Frederick, laborer, Buffalo creek. Tolls, Nathan, painter, eagle st. Tony, Perin, laborer, pearl st. Thrall, Russell, cordwainer, Terry, Anselum, laborer, seneca st. Tuttle, Daniel, tanner and currier, seneca st. Thompson, Moses, painter, do Tarbox, Henry, hatter, do Taby, John, laborer, do Thomas, William, farmer, do Tillinghast, Dyer, attorney, do TuU, M. joiner, do Taylor, M. joiner, do Tannehill,John,merchant,2cheapside,dw.senecast. Tucker, Elisha, clergyman, do Townsend, M. mason, swan st. Talbot, William, innkeeper, niagara st. Trowbridge, Ephraim, comb maker, franklin st. Tennimore, Benjamin, attorney, do Thayer, George, mason, do Teebold, Walter, laborer, delaware st. Twist, Salem, joiner, mohawk st. Tiffany, do do 113 Taft, Daniel, carpenter, pearl st. Tyrel, Harmon,. do do Tyrel, John, do do Taylor, Stephen, teamster, do Tallady, Mrs. do Twitchell, Samuel, farmer, do Twitehell, Freman, do do Tucker, John, cabinet maker, main st. Trowbridge, Josiah, M. D. office, eagle buildings, dwelling, pearl st. Tyler, William, chandler, main st. Tallmage, Collins J. joiner, do Tallmage, Joseph, farmer, do Townsend, Charles, forwarding merchant, main st. Torbin, Edward, laborer, terrace, Turrell, E. pedler, do Tubbs, William, comb maker, Washington st. Tiffany, Daniel, tailor, do Tredway, Thomas J. merchant, do Trainor, John, carpenter, do Trainor, George, do do Tunnecliff, Mrs. widow, do Tobin, John, do Tupper, Elisha, teamster, ohio st. Thomas, C. carpenter, eagle st. Taylor, Noah, do Tweedy & Ketchum, hat ware-house, 177 main st. Tracy, Charles E. pearl st. U Underwood, Horace H. cabinet maker, franklin st. Upham, Alvin, joiner, terrace. 10^ 114 Vantine & Williams, hat manufacturers, exchange Vantine, George, hatter, pearl st. [buildings. Vanorman, John D. butcher, swan st. Vatter, Jacob, laborer, niagara st. Van Rensselaer, Stephen, student, franklin st. Van Allen, J. D. merchant tailor, 130 main st. Verrien, Henry, bugler, steam boat Superior. Valentine, George, mason, delaware st. Verrien, John, do Vosburgh, Nathaniel, saddler, main st. dw. pearl st. Vanwinkle, Paul, mason, do Vaisson, Germain, mason, do Vaughan, George, mason, court st. Vaughan, George, Jr. blacksmith, court st. Vanleuven, Isaac, innkeeper, main st. Varischold, Jacob, shoemaker, do Valentine, George, bricklayer, do Valentine, William, do do Victor, Edward, seaman, terrace. Van Gilder, Horace, teamster, Washington st. Valleau, William, merchant, do W Webster, George B. forwarding merchant, seneca st. Wilkeson, Samuel, merchant, public square. Wilkeson, E. R. clerk, do Wilkeson, William, merchant, do Webb, James, laborer, eagle st. Wright, Haight, joiner, do Wilfly, Jacob, laborer, chippewa st. Woodworth, teamster, huron st. Wilkins, Christian, carpenter, court st. Wust, Frederick, tailor, do 115 Weiser, Joseph, laborer, court st. Weaver, Jacob, blacksmith, do Wood, David, sawyer, do White, Nathaniel S. cordwainer, genesee st. Wheeler, Nicholas, comb maker, church st. Wilcox, B. looking glass factory, 1 ellicott square, dwelling, church st. Woolvin, John, joiner, church st. Waters, William, grocer, dwelling, crow st. Wider, Peter, carpenter, ellicott st. Walker, Samuel G. joiner, do Wright, Thomas, teamster, do Wheeler, John, cordwainer, do Warren, Caleb, do canal st. Woodard, George, laborer, do Wilson, J. grocer, do Wheeler, Samuel, agent, do Walker, William, do Woodruff, joiner, do Wood, Calvin, innkeeper, do Washburn, mason, do Wells, William, hatter, willow st, Webber, Israel, joiner, main st. Walden, Ebenezer, attorney, main st. Williams, George, Buffalo House, main st. Welty, David, clerk, do do Williams, Alfred, dealer in salt, Buffalo creek. Winslow, Edward T. forwarding and commission merchant, Mansion House. Wisner, Casper, farmer, franklin st. Williams, J. D. hatter, main st, Wadsworth, Jared, cooper, do Whaples, Reuben, tinsmith, church st. Wells, Aldrich, joiner, seneca st. 116 Wilkeson, Beals & Co. steam engine manufactur- ers and iron founders, 160 main st. & 1 ohio st. Wells, Ziba, baker, canal st. Warner, Nelson, pail maker, seneca st. Wheeler, Isaac, shoemaker, Washington st. Waid, Joseph, butcher, seneca st. Webster, Mortimer, gardener, seneca st. Wells, clerk, do Worden, M. joiner, do Wadsworth, Jared, cooper, do Ward, Daniel, teamster, swan st. Woodruff, W. H. clerk crow st. Wright, Thomas, chair maker, swan st. Ward, M. painter, do Ward, Edward, clerk, do Watson, Henry, brick maker, do Watles, Nathaniel, farmer, do Wilder, N. tailor, Washington st. Ware, Elisha R. mason, franklin st. Watson, Craig, do do West, Stephen, baker, do Wadsworth, John, book keeper, franklin st. Waples, Reuben, tinner, do Waples, Daniel, do do Wood, Silas L. mason, do Walton, Harry, joiner, do White, M. mason, do Wheeler, Jonathan, cooper, terrace. Watts, Jesse, millright, do Wintworth, John, do do Wheeler, Jonathan, Jr. joiner, do Waldo, Daniel, farmer, do Watson, Samuel, tanner, and currier, delaware st. Warren, Martin, do 117 Warren, Horatio, merchant, delaware st. Winslow, George, marble manufacturer, pearl st. Wilson, clerk, do Woonts, John, laborer, do Walter, Joseph, farmer, do Welles, saddler, do Wilcox, Thomas R. clerk, do Wiezat, Jacob, laborer, do Wise, Anthony, farmer, do White, Sage, teamster, do Walter, Anthony, laborer, do Wilkeson, Asahel, grocer, do Worley, Michael, tailor, do Worley, Doland, do do Weed, Thaddeus, merchant, swan st. Wilber, Philip, steam boat agent, swan st. Wedgewood, William, tailor, public square. Whelen, Mrs. grocer, york st. Wilgus & Burton, painters and glaziers, main st. Weed, Thaddeus & Co. wholesale hardware mer- chants, 222 corner swan and main sts. Wheeler, Charles, grocer, do Wells, Benjamin, joiner, do Warden, Charles, do do Wilcox, Prentice, farmer, do Woods, Thomas, laborer, do Whittet, James, cordwainer, do Waddock, James, laborer, do Wood, Thomas, do do Welvely, Jacob, do do White, James, mason, do Wheelock, John, grocer, do Williamson, Wm. stove mounter, do White, Levi, cabinet maker, pearl st. 118 Wilkman, hatter, Mansion House. Warren, Henry H. printer, main st. Wells, Chauncy C. clerk, do Wadsworth & Pennegar, chair ware-house, 6 ellicott Worden, Truman B. carpenter, main st. [square. Wright, William, do do Walker, Warren, clerk, do White, James M. student, Eagle Tavern. Whitney, W. A. clock maker, do Walley, Jacob, clerk. Steam Boat Hotel. Willard, N. grocer, foot of main st. Buffalo creek, Williams, jeweller, main st. Whitney, joiner, main st. White, Henry, attorney, oiBBce, main st. dw. eagle st. Warmick, Robert, gardener, main st. Wesencraft, Charles, wagon maker, main st. Williams, David, clerk, prime st. Wright, joiner, loyd st. Warren, Levi R. pedler, terrace. Wheeler, Samuel W. pedler, terrace. Wicks, Comfort, grocer, canal dock. Wakely, Ebaza, cordwainer, Washington st. Wilgus, Nathaniel, painter, do White, chair maker, do Wood, laborer, do Willus, Anthony, mason, do Whitaker, John, do do White, Freeman, founder, ohio st. Wells, Joseph, farmer, do Whitney, Zerah, tanner, do Wendall, Daniel, tailor, oak st. Williams, W. grocer, big Buffalo creek. Winnings, Lewis, innkeeper, foot main st. Wheeler, Lyman, bookseller, water st. 119 White, Henry, cordwainer, water st, Wagstaff, Robert, eapt. schooner Red Rover. Walker, A. capt. steam boat Sheldon Thompson » Williams & Co. wholesale & retail dealers in drugs, medicines, groceries, paints, oils, dye woods, dye stuffs, &c. 1 cheapside, main st, Wadsworth, James, chair maker, mohawk st. Wilkins, T. capt. steam boat WiUiam Peacock. Wall, shoemaker, pearl st. Whittell, do do Wize, Jacob, agent. Mansion House. Wilgus, Alfred W. bookseller, Washington st. Y Youngs, Allen, carpenter and joiner, seneca st. Youngs, George, laborer, swan st. Youngs, T do do Young, Foster, miller, hydraulic 's. Young, William, hatter, main st. Z Zuhart, Michael, laborer, pearl st. Zuglehaust, Christopher, joiner, pearl st. BfAMES OF COLORED PEOPLE. Peter West, John Freeman, George Henderson, Henry Hawkins, Horatio Nelson, John Carey, Abram Young, P. Hopkins, William Hall, Henry Johnson, Charles Buckner, John Miner, John Banks, Henry Shelby, James Carpenter, Sol. Gilmore, Jacob Bronham, James Wallace, WiUiam Woodruff, Robison, Banks, Hector Ashley, Abraham Sykes, Fields, Isom Wilfrey, Jesse Washington, John Davis, David Davis, Israel Davis, William Prime, Allen, Gardner, Richard Carter, Charles Lemon, Charles Tillman, Liscom, John Thomas, James MTntyre, Robert Bristol, John Ward, Ephraim Graves, Fred. Mills, John Miner, Jr. John C. Ward, Robert Banks, Robert Johnson, Isam Bazelh, Thomas Robertson, Israel T. Davis, James Olney, Isaac Porter, Prime Wilhams, WilUam Washington, Isaac Morrison, WilUam Robinson, John Dennis, Nathan Hall, Daniel Lamed, William Fields, Henry Moxley, Aguila Scott, John Tillman, William Ross, Joshua Owens, George Curtis, Samuel Gardner, Samuel Jackson, Eh Hazard. 121 OFFICERS OF ERIE COUNTY. Judges— Philander Bennett, William Mills, Sam- uel Russel, Edward Paine, James Stryker. District Attorney — Henry White. Surrogate — Martin Chittenden. Clerk — Noah P. Sprague. Sheriff — Stephen Osborn. Under Sheriff — Lester Brace. Justices of the Peace — Absalom Bull, Joseph Clary, Stephen K. Grosvenor, Harry Slade. Pierre A. Barker, Collector of U. States Customs. Zen AS W. Barker, Collector of the Canal Revenue. ATTORNEYS. Albert H. Tracy, Love & Norton, Potter & Babcock, William A. Moseley, White & Ford, Root & Carver, Tredwell & Smith, Barker & Hudson, Clary & Fillmore, Horatio Shumway, Thomas T. Sherwood, Samuel Caldwell, Philander Bennett, I. T. Hatch, Daniel Lockwood, Martin Chittenden, Artemas Thompson, Ebenezer Walden, Harry Slade, Stephen G. Austin, Major A. Andrews, Dyre Tillinghast, Alfred Handy, James Stryker, George W. Johnson, C. G. Van Rensselaer, Henry Morris, Peter B. Porter, Jr. James M'Kay, Roswell Chapin, Sidney S. Taplin, Henry Crawford. Gilbert S. Forsyth, 11 122 FIRE DEPARTMENT. CATARACT COMPANY, NO. 1 House, between the Churches, Main Street. Foreman — Henry Root, Assistant — Nathaniel Wilgus, Secretary — Henry Hamilton. EAGLE COMPANY, NO. 2. House, near the Court House, Washington Street. Foreman — James Brown Bach, Assistant — Augustus Colson, Secretary — E. Ruden. FULTON COMPANY, NO. 3. House, on the Terrace, near the Market. Foreman — Edward Baldwin, Assistant — William C. Smith, Secretary — Rushmore Poole. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. G. W. AIiLEKT Sl Co. AT THE HEAD OF THE ERIE C AN AL,. M AIK-ST. BUFFALO, 3£y:ttnsi'oe 33ealcr3 m AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CONSISTING in part of Blue, Black, Brown and Olive Dress Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, Drab, iBrown, Olive and Mixed Box Coats, Drab Kersey Pea Coats, Jackets and Trowsers, Blue Cloth and Satinet Jackets, Pants, Vests and Coatees, fine and common Blue, Brown and Olive Camblet Clokes and Wrappers, Black Bombazine Stocks, Cravats, Hosieries, Suspend- ers, Cotton and Flannel Shirts, Wrappers and Drawers. Together with every article in their line, at low prices. Buffalo, August, 1S32. BY S. S. CASZ3, MAIN-STREET, BUFFALO. THIS Establishment is now fitted up in first rate style for the reception of company, and i^ equal in com- fort and convenience to any house in this City. Being situated near the centre of business, it is very convenient for business raen as well as for Every person stopping at the "Farmers' Hotel" may rely upon receiving the strictest attention, and charges leasouable. August, 1832. 'Wholesale anil Retail Dealers in KEEP at all times ageneral assortment of every ar- ticle in that line. Also, French and American PAPZ2R HANGINGS, with BORDERING to match, all of which \Nall be sold on the most accommodating terms. Merchants and Pedlees are invited to call at No. 212 Main Street and examine for themselves. We do ni^t say our Goods were bought for less than it cost to import them, but are willing to sell at the prices of those that have such astonishing facilities of purchasing as to enable them to undersell their neighbors: all we ask is to compare quality and prices with any of the would be cheap stores, JVo Mistakes not excepted. G. H. G. & Co. also keep constantly on hand a large assortment of INDIAN CURIOSITIES, from Green Bay and Saut de Ste Maria. Buffalo, August, 1832. BOOT, SHOE & LEATHER STORE. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends andthc pub- lic generally, that he has established himself in the Boot, Shoe, and Leather Business, at 205 Main st. op- posite Central Buildings, where he will keep constantly on hand, a complete assortment of a®®'®® fe eiJW-*« ®?Ea)Sis>5) of his own manufacture. Also, a general assortment of Sole and Upper LEATHER. Custom work done in the neatest and most fashionable manner, and on short notice Buffalo, August, 1832. MOOIIHSAD &, ABAMS, NO. 5 CHEAPSIDE, MAIiN-ST. AUCTION & COMMISSION STORE DEALERS in Dry Goods, wholesale and retail, at the lowest rates ; also, of all kinds, of their own manufacture, warranted. Merchants and Pedlers can always depend on a very heavy and general assortment at all times. Bufialo, August, 1832. DEMTISTRV. GEORGE E. HAYES, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of BuflaJo and its vicinity, that his attention hereafter will be more exclusively devoted to the practice of his profession. All useful operations for restoring the health and beaaty of the and replacing them when lost, \v\\\ be performed in the most approved manner. Whole sets of Teeth can be inserted, which will have all the beauty of natural teeth, and be nearly as useful. A good assortment of Human and Porcelain Teeth will constantly be kept on hand. Office 140 Main-st. Buffalo, Au gust, 1832^ DEALERS IN AMKRICAN AND IMPORTED DRUGS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, DYE WOODS and Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, W^indow Glass, Machine Cards, &;c. No. 1 Cheapside. Also, Agents for the sale of Buffalo, August, 1832. @^]^^^IE@ (^ IiI(DILIL(DWo^iilBI8« J. MAYHEW & CO. at tteft Stone Witt^'Mmst on SSuffald Cvccft, KEEP constantly for sale, Stoves, Hollow- Ware, Pig and Scrap Iron, and Iron Castings generally, also STOVE ^^^ Potath Kettles, FURNITURE ll^SSiS CAULDRONS. M-' StObeiKpe, ,^™|!HI'l"llM!B't'l^ Stiflar Settles. All of which they will sell low for cash or other prompt pay. Bufl'alo, August, 1832. BUFFALO B. WIJLCOX, No. 233 i«n[n=Strcct, corner oC Stoan<=Stteet, "ANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand, - a laree assortraent of Looking Glasses of' all descriptions and sizes, which he will sell as low as any other estfiblishment in the State. JDortraU antr J3 icture iF vamcs made to order — a few elegant Mantle CLOCKS yet on hand, also Looking Glass Plates, Reflectors, Prints, &c. Butfalo, August, 1832. ^^ HENRY R. SEYMOUR, 189 MAIX-STREET. BANK and other Stocks purchased and sold on Com- mission. Drafts on New-York and Albany for sale. Every description of uncurrent Bank Notes wanted, at the lowest rates of discount. Buffalo, Aug, 1832. E. JOHNSON ifc CO. THE late firm of E. Johnson & Co. composed of E. Jolmson and II. H. Sizer, having been dissolved, and Ebenezcr Johnson having taken into copartnership Philander IIodgk, the Exchange Business will be car- ried on as heretofore, under the name and fym of E. JOHNSON & CO. at the old stand, Exchange Build- ings, where will be paid the highest price I'or GOLD, and UNCURRENT BILZ.S of all denominations takon at low rates of discount. EBENEZER JOHNSON, PHILANDER HODGE. Buffalo, August, 1832. J. I).^HEPPARI>, KEEPS constantly on hand, a complete supply of all all kinds of iHusft, iHusfc.tl Xnstrumcttts, Set- Piano Fortes tuned and to hire, second hand ones taken in exchange for new. Bands and Musical Societies sup- plied on the most liberal terms. FANCV GOODS AND TOTS, a very large assortment. Also, a good supply of genuine Drills & Meclirhics, Pcrfiiincry* &.c. a kxv doors south of the Eagle Tavern, Main st. Buffalo, August, 1S32. 6S MZIiES DIST.A.NT FROXa BX7FF.A.Z.O, HAVE become a very healthy and fashionai)le resort for invalids and persons travelling for pleasure. Among the public houses we particularly recommend 'hat of Mr. O. CoMSTOcK, where every attention is ren- dered, and means of enjoyment furnished, that a travel- ler could desire.. August, 1832. M MAIN ST. NEARTHE EAGLE TAVERN, ANUFACTURER and Vender of PLOUGHS, warranted to beof the first quality, among which arCf WOOD'S, a g ALSO, EXTRA SHAHSS for most kinds of Ploughs now in use. Repairing of either wood work or irons, attended to on short notice. Buffalo, August, 1832. "^ 216 XMEAIN-STRncri ' (THE PLACE TO BUY DRY GOODS.) MOUNT, FAULKNER & Co. keep constantly on hand, and are receiving weekly from their Estab- lishment in the City of New-York, a large and well select- ed assortment of which they can and will sell lower than any other house in this City. Call and see if there is any Mistake at 216 Main-Street. Buffalo, August, 1832. A. Sl a. RA-STZf OR; GENERAL DEALERS IN IRON, STEEL, NAILS, &c. at the sign of the gU Anvil, 206 Main Street. Buffalo, August, 1832, T igrEW HAT iSTORE. I HE subscribers, under the firm^ of TWEEDY & KETCHUM, haye opened a Hat Store, at No. 177 Main st. three doors below the Buffalo House, in this city, where they will offer a general assortment of OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. Also, Men's and Boys' CAPS, of a variety of patterns, all of which they will sell at Wholesale or Retail, on as reasonable terms as they can be purchased at any other establishment in this place. Their friends and the public generally, are invited to call and examine for themselves. WILLIAM TWEEDY, LEWIS KETCHUM. Buffalo, August, 1832. lJ7fiOIJBSAI.S & BETAH.. ExtensiTC Grocery Establishment, AT the New Store, directly opposite the Ware-House of S. Thompson & Co. corner of Prime & Lloyd streets, have just received from New-York, and w ill con- stantly keep on hand a very extensive and general assort- ment of Genuine comprising all descriptions. Also, every description of All of w hich have been well purchased and selected with great care, and will be sold at least as low as they can be purchased in the city. Buffalo, August,' 1832. JiX 000 3093978