'imm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/dictionaryofcollOOgilerich tin DICTIOMRY OF COLLOQUIAL IDIOMS IN THE MANDARIN DIALECT BY HERBERT A. GILES OF H. B. M.'s CONSULi^R SERVICE. ^^ Difficile est proprie communia dicer e.'' Horace. UNIVERSITY SHANGHAI: A. H. DE CARVALHO, PRINTER & STATIONER. c^yr- ■ PL \lvf B} m in) [Wkl^ DEDICATED -;Te3? similar phrases with a view to present in a useful shape a number of sentences in bon^ fide kuan hua, each containing one of those common expressions of every-day life which are generally troublesome, but should certainly be familiar, to all students of colloquial Mandarin. Two thousand sentences were originally set aside for publication, but these were finally reduced by one half, and the volume interleaved, to enable any student to add a like number taken from his own particular experience and more adapted to his own peculiar wants. By confining the present collection to kuan hua, many neat and expressive idioms in the Peking dialect were cast, though reluctantly, aside ; for while pronounced to be kuan hua by a northern teacher, they were rejected ^^ patois by natives of An-hui and Ho-nan to whom the question was referred. The following are two examples taken at random : — We two don't agree ^ iPI fS Jt >?^ JK This road is i7npassahle ia 10 ^ ^ ^ ^ B3 The alphabetical arrangement was adopted for the sake of convenience, and is purely arbitrary, for many sentences would stand as well, and perhaps better, under other headings ; but the object was to keep as much as possible to Saxon verbs which are more likely to come uppermost in the flow of ordinary conversation. It is not, however, supposed that every sentence as it now stands will be found of sufficient value to commit to memory, but only that each one contains a usefal idiom which was actually heard in conversation, and may be adapted as circumstances require; moreover, that as all trace of dialect or local taint has been carefully eliminated, the speaker will find himself on common groimd with educated natives from any one of the eighteen provinces. And here I may be allowed to add that if typographical errors are conspicuous by their absence, this desirable result is due to the care and accuracy of Messrs. Jamieson and Budler of H. I. M. Customs' Service, each of whom kindly gave every proof a separate and patient revision. H. A.. GILES. H. B. M.'s Consulate, NiNGPO, SOth September, 1873. Act- Acts up to his words, He Add— Add on a few more — (the present number being too few) Add on another dollar — (over and above the sura agreed upon) Add on five more — (reckoning with an abacus) Add on that court-yard, I want to — (by breaking down the wall between) Add it all up together — {i.e. make one grand total) Add it up first Afford— Afford to buy this enamel, I can't Afford to pay? How can he — (compensation for damages) Affbrd to live in this house, I can't — (rent too high &c.) Afford to keep you, I can't — (to a servant, wdiose wages are high or who is above his work) 2''a shuo te cJi'u lai, tso te cJiu lai. mnm±mp (iVi tnai fien shang chi kc. f I& t, jun ± - * n or m± iKei fa cJiia shang yi k'uai ch^ieTi or ta shang. ta^ H tr ± 5: tl Ni tsai ta shang ivu ko. Na k'uai yuan-tzii yao ta fvng kuo lai. iV^t yi hing hao yi ko via '?'/t JVi hsien sha yi ko tsung ''rh. Che ko fa Ian ico mai pu clCi. ffi ti^m IS # ® T^aju ho p'el ie ch^i. (CAe ko fang-tzU ico chu pu chH. i^JSi che ko jen wo shih pu c'h'i. Agree- Agreed between themselves. They have — (come to an understanding) Agreed upon. The price is already Agree with him. The climate here doesn't Agree, We two don't Agree about the price. We can't Agree, Those two don't — (in their opinions) Pi tz'a shuo k'ai liao. Chia chHen i ching ting hsia liao. i^Che k\iai ''rh shui fu Va fa pju hsia lai. ( Wo men lia ho pre shang. ( Che ko chia cNien wo men shang Hang pu shang. (7 ''a men Ha cldang jm lai. ■■v Arrange— Arrange these skeins — (of silk) Ask— Asked leave of absence yesterday. He Ask him to be kind enough to come over — (to help in anything) Ask him to come — (I have something to say to him) Asphyxiate — Asphyxiated, Open the window and you won't be Back- Back the cart towards me — (also of horses &c.) Bail- Bail him out. You must get somebody to Bale- Bale the water in with a bowl — (j/ao is also read Bale the water out of the boat Bear- Bear that weight. This table won't Bear the blame for this? Who is to Bear the blame for your mistakes, I shall have to Bear me, I'm afraid that donkey ia too small to Bear this pain, I can't Bear great heat, I can't Che lisieh liu^ ^rh lu^ cJCu lai. T^a tso fien pa chia kao hsia. iV7 pa fa fan kuo lai. [ifi cKu pa Ha yiio cKu lai, \K*ai k^ai cJCaang hu ni chiu hsiin^ pu chao> fflS 115 fS M j® ?u [Pa na Hang ch'e shao kuo lai. [ pT it A flS il « Hi * (J^'o t^o jen pa €a pao cKu lai, (iVa wan pa shui yao^ kuo lai, \^Fa cKuan li fou ti skui yao cKu ck'u. i^Fen Hang ia, die, ko cho-tzu ko"^ pu chu, \Che ko ts^o VA shui tan to ch^i. iNi nung ch^u ts^o *rh lai, wo chHh pu chu. m M m ^h w I jc ^ ft [j^a ko lu hsiao, p'a fo^ pu chu. {Che yang 'I'h t^eng loo jen^ pxi chu. [Taje t^ien wo nai pu chu. Beat- Beat me. You can't (at games) Beat him at chess. You can't Begin— Begin work early to-morrow. Tell him to Began to get angry. He then Began to laugh. Directly he heard it he Begin? How am I to Began it. He — (of a quarrel &c.) Begin? How did that fire Began to fight. They all Begin? How did it — (of a row &c.) Begun to get hot now. It has Bend- Bend your head down Bend my finger yet, I can't Bend a piece of iron wire into a ring Bend it straight — (of a bent rod) Bind— Bind some rag round it Jh iVi ying pu liao wo. ( C/i't shih ni hsia pu kuo fa. ( Chiao fa ming ^rh yi tsao shang kung. {Shuo too na ^rh fa chiu nu chH lai lo. ( Yi fing fa chiu Iisiao chH lai lo. it -IB M M JS IS; ® Clv& ko hua tsen mo shuo cKL \CIH shou sJiih fa. (iVa ko huo shih tsen mo chao cKi lai ti. i^Ta chia huo ^rh ton ta chH lai lo. ( Yi chH fou ^rh shih tsen mo cho. \m^ mp * T iHsien tsaije ch!i lai lo. \,Ni pa fou ti^ hsia. (. Wo ti chih fou hai shih wan ptu kuo lai. (Pa fieh ssil ^rh wan kuo lai. Nipa fa chih chH lai. [JVa pu kuo shang. Blte- Blto aflor ilio ninth moon, MoAquitoes donH Biio it, This poar in to hard I can*t Blto thia piece of Htring in two Bitton oil' my linger, 'J'ho do;; ha» Bitton my girdio in two, The rat ha» Blow- Blow thn diiHt ofT — (in tlio JUJilh J; Cu would 1)0 UMod, wjjich i»i ilio Hoiith iH confined to duht ontsuh a lioiiwo) Blow, It han just begun to Blow oft' tho lid, Tho stoam Blew tho door opon, Tho wind Borrow— Borrow Bome wine-glasses. Go and Break— Broak it up with a hanunor— (of coal &c.) Broke the door down in the night. Thieves Broak it with your ImudH: don't use a knifo Broak thoir rankw? Who can Broken its banks at Yang-ts'un, The river has Broken, Tho button-holo (or loop) iH I Yi cICu cida yili-.h rvm-fztt c/du tbuj pu chao. i,C'/ie ko li i/irif/, wo ijao^ pu tung. fffi i2 f* m ^ K m [I'd r.l.il /Mao Hlif:n(j-!zu j/ao Icai. ( Kou yao IimUi wo yi ko cidk i'ou clCii to. iM m «i ^ "^ m m i {Ijtto aliu pa tai-izU yao tuan lo. j Fa hui cJiui hda cliU. \kan * ffi « S f i© * \Ni cJCii pa chiu pei chieh kuo lai. Na cliin-tzii cfiiao k\n. ?? a ^ M « Pill W Yeh li yxi tsei pa mm jri* k\d. (Pu yung taO'tzU, shih shou pai^ k^ai. I itt m « 315 n m. m fiu iShni 111' fig pa na ko chihi. cliuang k'ai. \m n m t o ^ n«. (. Vang-ts*un I'ai liao k'ou-'.zil lo, m m ft $s m i {Niu p'an ^rh huo k\d lo. Break — Continued — Break open the padlock — (by twisting it round) \^ ^ ^ f^ ^, \^Pa so t'ou ning k''ai. Broken liis chains, He has— (of a prisoner) K^ ffi i^ ^"^ "T* # If T (. 2 'a pa 50 lien-tzii ning tuan lo. Broken out of gaol, The prisoner has |f C. A^W^m T \L an jen pa yu cha k'ai lo. Broke into the town, The rebels | ^ ."^ ^. "^ ^^ J. \Tsei pa cheng hung Icai lo. Break yourself of this habit, You must [^.^ % ^ # K aS ^ {_Che ko mao ping tei pan^ kuo lai. Break that string, I can't [M i^^M^ ^Wi'^ M i^JYa t iao sheng-tzu ico chiu pu tuan. Break this stick, I can't \^P ^ ^ 3fe # T^ Sf \Che ko kun-tzu wo ao j)U tung. Broken off his engagement, I hear ho has — \^^ ^ g^ fiii is, J pt, P^ (of marriage) \T'ing cJiien shuo fa fui liao cKin lo. Broken up that ice yet. He hasn't— (in Peking, f^H 10 M^ lffi ^ '^ ^ I? B^ read tsao^) j^^^ ko ping fa hai mei tso" k''ai ni. Broken in two by the wind,. The flag-staff was |>K ff ^ M. .^ ^ T (CA'^' kan chiao feng kua she lo. Broken by the wind. The hawser was I^S ^^ ^- M. B^J \Mao pen chiao feng peng k^ai lo. Broke this bottle? Who— (in Peking read tsa (ig 1@ )K ^ ft It ^L # ft^ probably ^) \CM ko p'ing-tzu shih shui cha sui ti. Bring— Bring the money back with you? Why didn't f^i@^fS^:^SS^^^ you \^^a ko ch^ien ni wei shen mo yao pu lai. Bring mo that chair of yours ff. 115 13 ^ f ^ « « ^ 3R (iVt na ko yi-tzU kei wo no kuo lai. Bring it with him. Tell him to (^4 iffi ? # JS S 5l$ l^Chiao fa na cho sung kuo lai. Bring him over with you |f3^ ^fi ffi J^ M ^ \^Ni pa fa tai kuo lai. Bring over those things— (of baggage &c.) |f^ ^ ffi SB 10 St ® 5S J® ^ (iVt f/t'M pa na ko tung hsi yiXn kuo lai. Bring that cart over here. Tell him to 1?^ f^ ^,"^^ ^ ^ ^^, * . (iVa Hang ch e chiao t a kan kuo lax. Bring — Continued — Bring me a lighted lantern iifi i^ H SS M ^ \Pa tenq lung tien kuo la Bring my pony. Tell him to H. ffi ftl •! fe >M 3^ \Chiao fa pa ma la kuo lai. Bring him over, Hire a chair and | K ^ ■?* Ifl flfc ^ JS ^ l^Ku chiao-tzU pa ia fax kuo lai. Bring a shovelful of coal jffi /S ^ >S ^ \Fa mei t^^o kuo lai. Bring some water for washing [ffi J^ ^ A< iT M^ (Pa hsi lien shui ta kuo lai. Bring in the soup when it's ready | ^ W JT m^M^ ( 2 'anff te lo, tuan kuo lai. Brought forth from the earth, All things are [M ^ &^^M ^IH ^ ^ ( Wan wu shih ti li sheng cJCu lai ti. Brought that trouble upon himself. He f ?B 10 ^ ft (ffi S E ^ IH ^ ^^ [Na ko hiio shih ta tzU chi p cICu lai ti. Brought up in our family. He was (#. ft ?6 ^ ?M # |1| ^ fi^ (2"a shih xoo chia li kuan ch'u lai ti. Bring an action against him, I shall Y^ i^i^m ^W'M ( [Vo yao pa fq^jping lai cho. Brought back his old complaint, By not taking (ffil^*® M^ ^W^^f care he {^I'^apu liu shen, kou chH chiu ping lai lo. Brought on his illness by catching cold. He K^ ft. ^ ^. ?( ttJ ^ ^ T ^ (2''a shih chao Hang yiyi cKu ping lai lo. Bring him round, At last I managed to f Slj Ig Ife ^fl ^M ^ ® ,S^ T [Tao ti wo pa ta chiu huo kuo lai lo. Brush- Brush the dirt off these boots [^] ffi Ht ^ ± iKf ;i/B M T ^ \Ni pa hsueh-tzU shang ti ni shua hsia lai Build- Build a partition wall |B^ ^ ^ PiS M CCA't yi tu ch^iang ko k'ai. Build another house by the side, I want to \F^ang pien *rh haiyao kai chHyi chien/ang-tzA lai. 1\^ Buy- Bought last year. This house was Buy up what you want beforehand Buy some lamp-oil to-morrow — (to is also used of rice) Buy it for this elsewhere, I can Buy it at this price elsewhere. You can't Buy a pecul of coal. Send a man to Carry- Carry away the table — (two men using their hands only) Carry away the stove — (any number of men using ropes and poles) Carrying a dish on the hand % Carry him across on your back Carry this bag over your shoulder Carry on a business like that. He isn't fit to Carrying a large bowl with both hands Carry it away very carefully Carry a lantern at night. You should Catch- Catch hold of me. Don't Catch hold of his tail and pull him over here Ca. CM ko fang-tzU ski cKil nien chih hsia ti, [J^i hsien pa tung hsi mai hsia. {_Ming fien pa teng yu ta hsia. mm m % « # tti ^ CM ho chia ''rh mai te cKu lai. it jS M la i55 pT ^ ^.T * CM ho chia 'rh ni Uo mai pu hsia lai. ( Ta fa jen cKii chiao tan mei lai. Pa cho-tzu ta Icai. \Fa lu-tzU fai k'ai. {^Shou shang to cho yi ho p'an-tzU. (iVt pa fa pei huo cliil. Pa cM ko h'ou tai Wang huo cKil. Na mo ta mai mai fa chieh pu chu. Liang shou p'eng cho yi ho ta wan. Ni pa fa tuan chu lo. Hei hsia ni kai tang ta teng lung. iNi pieh chiu cho wo. [Pa fa pien-tzU chiu huo hi. Ca^tch. — Continued — Caught yet. Not one of the thieves has been Caught a single fish, I haven't — (with a rod and line ^ tiao) Caught cold. He has Catch that disease. Take care you don't — (in Peking ^ is written for ^g) Catching, The itch is veiy Change- Change hands — (use the other. In Peking -^J tao^ with huo lai) Change the plates Change it. This bread is stale : take it away and Change it for a better one Change things which have been taken away. We don't Chew- Chew his food well, He doesn't Chop— Chop the stick in two with a hatchet Chop off the gristle and bone with a knife Chop this rope in two Chopped up small. The suet must be \ Yi ho tsei hai met na chu. Wo yi t'iao yil mei yu ta chao^. T^a chao lo Hang lo or shang lofeng lo. PJB 1B 5ps f* ^h >^^ m ± Ha ho ping ni hsiao hsin cJiao^ shang, iChieh cKuang Uui neng chao jen. N^i pa shoii huan hto lai. Pa p'an-tzU huan huo lai. Che ko mien pao shih dim ti, na liao huan cKil. t»et(#t^7 5fc Yu hao ti tiao huan liio lai. iTwig hsi na cKu win pu huan fui. {^T\i so cKlh ti tung hsi tou chiao pu Ian. Yung fu-tzu pa mu hun-tzu tuan JCaL Na tao pa chin hu to* hsia lai. Pa che Mn sheng-tztl to fi'ai. INiu yu yao cKieh sui lo. a %<' Clean- Clean out the tobacco-pipo Clean the grease off the lamp Ditto Cleaned this fish, you haven't Clear- Clear out, Tell that fellow to Clear, this sort of sky won't Cleared out of that house yet, I haven't Climb- Climbed to the top of the mast. The sailor Climb to the top of this house, I caji't Climb over that wall, He can't Comb- Comb it out. Your hair is in a tangle: take a comb and Come— Come, I long for home letters but they don't Come out, The sun has Come to owe this money? How do you Come round yet, Ho hasn't — (from drunkenness or a fit) Come back. His colour has quite — (lie looks well again) Pa yen tax fung k^aL {Pa teng shang ti yu ni ts'a hsia lai. {Pa teng shang ti la yu cl\!i clang lo. ( CM fiao yil ni mei yu k'ai t'ang. {Chiao na hsiao-tzU kei wo kun k'ai, Che ko t^ien ta pu k'ai. Na kofang^tzu wo liai mei ieng cltlu lai ni. {Shui shou p'a^ tao wei kan ting ^rh shang. Che kofang-tzu too p'a pu shang chHi. Na ko dCiang t^a p'a pu kuo chil. Ni ti ton fa hsiu chu lo, na shu-tzU iung k^aL P^an wang chia hsin tsung p^an pu tao* T^ai yang huang^ k'ai lo, {Che hsiang yin-^tzU wei shen mo ch'ien hsia lo. {T'a hai mei hsing^ kuo lai ni. {T'a ti ch^i se chuan^ kuo lai lo. ''iLlhwriNi'''!. Come — Continued — • Come back to him. His luck ha3 Come through the alley Come out, That affair of yours has all Come up to his, My abilities don't Come out. This affair must Come to my turn to-day, It has Come, He is too busy to Come through yet. It hasn't — (of a gimlet &c.) Came round after a while. He — (of drowned or asphyxiated people) Come back. His old complaint has Copy- Copy out this evidence for me Cover- Cover over the meat Cover over that cup of tea with the cover Cover this chair-cushion again Covered his face with his hands. He Covered the ground, The snow has quite Covered the bridge. The water has T'a ti yiln chH chuan^ kuo lai lo. Ni ts'ung cliia tao ^rh clCuan kuo lai. Ni na chien shih toil fa tso cJtu lai lo. Wo ti pen shih ti pu chu fa. Che ko shih ch''ing pu neng pu hsieti clUu lai. Chin ''rh k^o lun tao wo shen shang. T'a na *rh yu shihy kuo pu lai. Ilai mei fou kuo lai. Pu ta ti kung fu fa yu huo kuo lai lo. r'a ti chiu ping fan kuo lai lo. M P m It ffe ^ tU ?R . Che ko Uou kung kei wo feng ch^u lai. Pajou kai shang. _ Pa ch^a ivan kai \h men shang. ffi mm ^ H ii'± - ® Pa yi tien-tzti tsai man^ shang yi ts^eng, T'a pa lien wu^ chu lo. « «1 «j S5 It V, T Ilsiieh pa ti ton man pHng lo. (* «1 1® it M 5l5 T \Shui pa chHao man* kuo lai lo. 10 Crack- Crack this walnut, I can't— (with my teeth) Crack this wahiut, I can't — (in my hands) Crack tliis walnut, I can't — (with nut-crackers) Cracked this bowl? Who Crawl- Crawl, This snake can't — (may be used of children) Criminate— Criminate him ? "Why do you want to — (^ -pan^ without the aspirate is to take out or to pull out) Cure- Cured, This disease can certainly be Cure this complaint, I don't think you can Cured of that habit. He can't be Che ko ho fao ico yao pu k^ai. Che ko ho fao wo chi pu p'o. M J^ l^t fg 3)^ >P K Che ko ho fao lOO chia pu k\d. mm ^&m mn y fit Che ko wan shih shui p'eng iieh lo ti. Che ko she p'a pu tung. 1 Cured, This ham isn't thoroughly Cut- Cut this sheet of paper — (doubling it) Cut this piece out. Tell the tailor to Cut up the fruit with a small knife — (in Peking Cut up the water-melon with a large knife Cut it with scissors Cut off this button-loop ) Ni loei shen mo yao pa fa p'an^ clCu laL Che ko ping tsung chih te kuo lai. m.pi m^mw^ f^ X- M Che ko ping too k\in ni chili pu lai, T^a na ko mao ping chih pu liao. mm'Kmi^mm.'S Che ko huo fui mei yen Vou lo, nm.mm.m^ Pa che chang chih tsai"^ k^ai. f « li ffi it M ^1 T 515 \Chiao t^aifeng pa che lHuai wan hsia lai. Yu7ig hsiao tao-tzn pa kuo-tzii p'ou k^ai. Na ts'ai tao pa hsi kua ch^ieh k^ai, Na chien-tzu chien k^ai. Pa niu pkin-tzU ch\d hsia lai. II Cut — Continued — Cut out this picture for me Cut so thick, I dou't waut the bread Cut my thumb, I have Cut the reeds down with a sickle Decide— Decide this case, I can^t Deduct— Deduct one dollar first Depute— Deputed by His Excellency, I am Despise— Despise that class of man, I Die- Die of cold this year. He won't Digest- Digest, My food won't Digest my food, I Can't Disperse— Dispersed, The clouds have all Distinguish— Distinguish between the four tones. He can't Distinguish their faces, I can't iPa cM ko hua 'r/t kei wo tea hsia lai. lAIien pao ch^leh ti pu yao cM mo hou. Wo pa ta mil chih fou la p^o lo. Na lien tao pa wei^-tzU ko haia lai. ( CM '"^Oan wo tuan pu clCu lai. lllsien pa yi k'uai ehHen cJiu Mai. [Wo ahih tajen p'ai hsia lai ti. {.JSa tsung jen wo chHao pu clCL ( Chin nien fa ehiu tung pu chao. {^So cKih ti tung hsi hua pu k'ai. (/So chHh ti tung hsi wo hsiao hua pu tung. ( Yiin ts'ai tou san k^ai lo. [Ssii sheng Vafenpu UaL [ J"a men ti lien mien *rh wo k^an pu chHng ch^u. 12 Dive- Dive down and look for it Divide- Divide a dollar between the two Divide this pumelo between them Do— Do away from home, That behaviour won't Do this work, I can't Do, That plan of yours won't Do without this book, I can't — (in Peking, of a book constantly in use — ^^ ^ j^) Do this sort of thing, I don't Does, He doesn't mind what he Do without that money you owe me, I can't Done this work well. You haven't Do at all, This kind of article won't Doing just now? What is the tailor Doing? What work have you been Do for me? What work did you — (to an appli- cant for money) Doing here? What are you Do without spectacles now, I can't UW cha meng-tzu hsia ch'il chao. [Yi Fuai clHen kei fa men Ha pH^ Fai. Pa cM ko yu-tzu kei Ha rmnfen k^au ( Na ko hsing ivei loai fou tsou pu k^ai or hsingpu k^ai. Che ko huo ivo tso pu shang lai. Ni 7ia ko chu yi sliih pu shang. Che pen shu wo li pu k'ai. Che chung yang 'r/t shih wo tso pu cKu lai. Shen mo yang ^rh shih fa tou hsing te clfu lai. Ni kai wo ti cKien too chia pu chu. \CM ko huo ni mei tso tao chia. ( Che ya7ig tung hsi Fan pu shang yen. [Ts'aifeng hsien tsai tso shen mo huo ni, \Ni tso shen mo huo lai cho. Ni kei wo tso shen mo huo lai cho. Ni men tso shen m,o lai lo. Wo hsien tsai iiu pu Fai yen ching 'rA. 13 Do — Continued — Do, This one won't— (too big or too small &c.) ] ^,® IS ^ .11 (. Che ho shih pu shavg. Do without it, I can't | f^ ^^ #- 7 # ( Wo shao fa pu te. Do, Though not good, it will js^*^»m WWTflJ* Or jl#* (.//ao shhpu hao yeh k'o yi hsia te cliiX or kuo te cliu. Do, This knife won't— (blunt or broken. Too [iS ffi 7J ^ ^ # small &c. would be as above ^ ;?; ±) \che pa tao shih pu te. Drain— Drained off yet, The water here hasn't been— f fS^ jfl il ^ |S^ ^K § J^ ^ ffl T (of floods) [jYi jji^fi che ^rh ti shut hai met hsieh k'ai lo. Draw- Drawn out that money, I have already |S5 ^ ffi ;?* Ife B |S 5^ [Ij ^ 'T iNa hsiang yin-tzU wo yi chlng ch'ii diu lai lo. Draw up the mat— (in front of a verandah) 1® ^rS "T* fe ^ _^ (Pa hsi-tzU la ch'i lai. Draw up a draft. Make haste and | % M^^M^M ^ (iVi kan chin ch^i ho kao-tzu. Draw this sword, I can't \^P^ K f J ^ tt ^ ttl ,^ ( Che ko 2)ao chien loo cliou pu cltu lai. Draw, This pipe won't |^,^ iffl ^ ^ M ^ IE \Che ko yen ted pu t^ung clUi 'rh. Draw this bow, I can't |i« JS ^ ?fe fe ^ ^1' ( Che ko kung wo la pu k\a. Draw me two buckets of water — (from a well \\j$\ t\x\ ^ tT m TO Ti^ or over a boat's side) \]Si kei wo ta Hang t\mg shui. Draw me out a plan or pattern (fS^ Inffe^ ffi — .10 # ^^ [Ni kei wo hica cICu yi ko yang-tzu led. Drive- Driven to it by poverty. He was |f^ S II ^ [±l 3R ft^ (jt 'a shih yin chiung eld chhi lai ti. Drive it out. The Taoist priest wasn't clever (^ i ^ y J j^ 1^ ^ fE enough to— (of an evil spirit) * \Tao shih fa li ch'ien, hsiang pu chu. Drove the rebels back with great loss. The Im- l^iiSffiMS^S-T perialists {^Kuan ping pa tsei sha Via lo. 14 Drop- Drop that lawsuit, They have been persuaded to jffi (H ^R ^ ^ «J ^ A W ffi {^1 a men na chang kuan ssu T/ujeti cnilan hat. Drop that coal about, Don't \f « « f*.|'| f ^. ^ ^ {^JSa ko met ni pie/i la to yi ti. Drop, Don't let it |^l] »4 « If T iUsT l^Pwi chiao t a tmo liao ti hsia. Drown— Drowned that puppy? Have you If P,"^' ^ ^, ^* '^ ^ J ^ ^ y^JSa no hsiao kou rh m yen ssti hao mei yu. Drowned himself. He jumped into the river |fl& 9^ ^ fe ?rI V& ^ T yesterday and (2"a tso t'ien fou ho yen ssii lo. Eat— Eat in three days more. It won't be good to — {^ ^H ^ 5c ^ I^ >f» t^ (in Peking ^"^ ^ ' \Tsai ko san t'ien chiu cJiih pu te. Eat any more, I really can't (S ^^ ^X- T * f^ ( 1 sat cli III wo ch ill pu hsia cli u lo. Eaten away with rust, This iron post is quite X^^r ?, , ^^Wi^-^^ J \Lhe hen tieli chu-tzU change asm chang hsi lo. Eaten, This garment is moth-(in Peking ^J f) j^.'^f . '^^^^^,^^'^ , , i^Che chien yi shang chiao chung-tzU dm lo. Explain— Explain this, I can't |f (S IS ?fe fl ^ ± ?K ( Che lio hua wo p i pu shang lai. Explain this to n.e (f € fi IS .!& f^ .^ tti ^, (jPa che ho hua kei loo chiang ch u lai. Explain the taste of it, I can't exactly \^^ ^ 1^ Bt^ ?fe ^ 7 ffi M ( Cm yang rh tzu tcei ivo siuio pu ch u lai. Explain this sentence very clearly. You don't |^, '^ IS f3> i^ fi^J ^ |^ ^ (6/(6 chil hua m chiang ti pu hen t ou. FaU— Fallen down. Your handkerchief has \^^. ^^1 ^ # "T ^ 7 {^JSi ti chiian-izu tiao hsia lai lo. Fell down of itself, The matting was wet and If 3 '''^ , .f , ^ ^, ^ ."^ T • 7 • f \^Jr eng sink lo, tzu clii chiu t a hsia lai lo. Fell down. He didn't hold tight and so— (from ('ftfcf^#):ft^^'T*^T a height) (T'a mei chiu chu chiu chui'* hsia lai lo. 15 Fall — Continued — Fall any lower. The price of opium can't f^ ^ "'j .f? ^ S "^ ^^^. T ( Yang yao ti hang shin tsai pu neng lao lo, FeU off hi. horse. He m«#.iJfT^65. ( i a smn en i cho ma shuai lisia lai ti. Peel— "T" /I J ^^ % ^ o/ioit 7/iM f 0, j9tf cimeli t eng. Fetcli— i Feteh some mud and mend that road \%^^' ^, ^ ^$ ^.P ^ ^ {Cni hen rn tu tun cm ko tao rh. Fetch me a couple of buckets of water— (carried H^ In ^ % PH tS ;^ 5K by 07ie man) {Ni hei wo fiao Hang fung sJiui lai. Fetch me that box—(carried by two or more (ffi M M M ^ la Ife tl M ^ . men) \^Pa na ko hsiang-tztL ltd wo fai liuo lai. Fetch his wife and family, He is going to (#, ± :(t 'P}^ ^ # ^ P^ Peking to (2"a shang Pei-cldng chieh chia chilan cKU lo. Find- Fetch his breath, He can't l1?l ^. C^ "4 ^ ^, , \L a cmen pu smng ch i rJu d- Find out where ha lives. You must \% ^ j^ fi ^' * ^P ^ ^ {^1 ati chu ch u ni tsung tei fang ch u lai. Find out his name form, ^ ft^ « ^'^ ffe ff || ffi ^ ( 7' a ti hsing ming hei too ta fing ch u lai. Find out with whom this originated, I must l^.^,^ ?^. ^ '?' ^ ^' ^ ^ ^V, , • ( Cm shih shui ti chu yi wo tsung yao chiu chu lai. Found out what he was good for, I soon \f^^^^^ P^. ^, ^, ^. T ^ 11 a ii jxn shi/i wo k uai shin ch u lai lo. Found those stolen goods? Have you (f iS iK #1 ^« « ^tti * T .^^ W (.iVa ko tsang wu ni sou ch u lai lo mei yu. Find hin, out, You must {f ^- ^^.^ ^M^ (.in tsung tei pa ta chao ch u lau Found the stolen goods? Has the constable |'^ Vk&J M^)S. W {Ala li'uai cKi lo tsang lai mei yu. Find aU that money, I can't |f M ;^ ffl ^^ ^ « 7 ^ \jSa mo ta yung hsiang wo /mug pu chu Find your own food and firing, You must |^^ © B #^i # fe ^C M lJ\i tzU chi ko rh tei ch i hue smn. 16 Find — Continued — Find out the good men, I am certain to (?f A ^ ''^ ^^ ^f ^ ^ l^IIao jen wo hsii pHn te cJi'u lai. Find it, I have looked all over the room and can't j<[®SSjt>tiwT ^A^M {Man wu li cliao pien lo, chao pu chao. Find out the meaning of this. You must \^.T • '®\^ ^^'^^ f^ J^ ^ (_ CM ko yi ssU ni tsung tei fui Ic^aL Pinisli— finished, The eclipse of the moon is \^ f * B $S ?& ^„T. ( Yileh sJah yi ching fui k ai Jo. Finish your work, Make haste and j «^ '1?^ P^, ffi V « ^ tU ^ (^K\iai k'nai ii pa huo kait cliu lai. Finish it to-day, I am afraid I shan't ] 7, . ^. ' ^ ^ '^ ^ ( Chtn fien p^a kan pu icaru Fix- Fix up a gauze window, Tell the carpenter to — (tt^ /I^E^Jt — 'iH^M*?* (in the south ^^ \%,) \ Chiao mu chiang "■ffan shang yi ko sha pi-tzU, Fix his attention at all, He ^ Pg- 14 ^ ft ( 2"a ti hsin yeh^ lo, shou pu clnu Fix on a lucky day (If tti ~* 1S fiF ^^ ( Tse cKu yi ko hao jih-tzu lai. Flatter- Flattered, I don't like being |^ 7 -g* Ul ^ -^ ( Wo pu hsi huanfeng dCeng. Fold- Fold up this letter— (— ^ ^ is a letter already f IE iS ?i 1S t^ 'S ^ in its envelope) \pa cM chang hsin die kuo lai. Fold up the clothes jffi * ^ # ® ^ {Pa yi shang tieh chH lai. Folded his arms, He |ffi «1 ^ 5?, # ± Bg- ( T^a pa shou ^rh dCao shang lo. Force- Force him, If he doesn't want to come, you can't ( ftfc ^ IS S ^ I 'KS ?S #. ^ M ( T''a pu yiian yi lai, -ni chHang ia pu kuo. Force him, Don't-(to drink &c.) 1^^ ^^J Mi^MM {Wi pieh mien cKiang kua^i fa. 17 Forget— Forgetting this, I keep on 1^.^. 9-^ Mjm~h^ ICM chien shih wo ching xcang hsia lo. Freeze- Freeze this year, The river won't \^ .^ . ^ "j® M ^ 7^ ±. ( Chin nieri che ko ho tiing jm slicing. Frozen on. The cover of the water-pot is \ ^}^ ^ fI9 ^ 7L ^ 1± J i^Shui hu ti ktti ^rh tung chu lo. Get- Get off it or out of it, I must tiy and— (see Fhid) \^^ TT V 5fe IS :^ 1^ m INa chien shih loo tsung yao fui k\ii. Get out of the way of a train. It's easy to ?$ Iw $ ^ A # ^^ ^ 13 ( I u lun cA'e lai, jen yung yi shan k^ai. Get out of the way first. Let him j '^^' yt^immm {^Ni hsien jang fa to Fai. Get out of each other's way. Ships meeting should \^ ^M, 7\am 7K %A m ^m {^Tui fou ''rh dCuan lai kai tang ts'o k^ai. Get an anchor out- (for hauling on) jffi ^S # f^ \Pa mao p*ao Fai. Get off. punishment? How can he i^MM^^^J& Hb 'S, i§ ( T^a na ko tsui tsen mo nmg fao Fai. Get him out of it, We must try to— (of a scrape, |# ffi & '?' ffi fifi. |# ^ or action at law &c.) | Tei hsiang fa-t&u pa fa pHeh k'ai. Get rid of your cold. Drink a cup of hot wine {\% — M^'M^MWt^^ and you 11 (//o ^i chung je chiu han dCi chiu san Fai. Get some coal in yesterday? Why didn't you 1^ ^ ^ @ ^ ^ ffi ffi ^4 "^^ ( 2 so 'rA icei shin mo pu pa mei chiao hsia. Get dinner ready a little earlier. Tell the cook to |^. W S ffi ffi -?r SS 55 fit T iChiao chhcfang pa fan tsao hsich yu pei hsia. Get my spade back. Go and \^ ^ ffi ^ ^^ i§.&i^M^ {JVi clUiX pa wo ti fieh dCiao yao kuo lai. Get back the wine-glasses he borrowed flffi-^iS^/S^^ClBj^ 2''a chieh ch^ii ti chiu pei chHl hui lai. Got in here. The smoke from that room has |SR M ^ 6^ ffl ^ $ Jl^ ^ T \Na ivu li ti yen cKi cliuan kuo lai lo. Get rid of l,im, Try to (^3? it ^ ^ «! 1, ^[1 ffi * (iW hsiang fa-tzU pa €a nien cKu cKu. 18 Get — Continued — Got much better. He seems to have Got over it, I never thought he'd have Got warm again, The weather has Get hold of that house, I can't Get some tea. Go and Got my bearing.-5 yet, I haven't Get hold of it somehow or other, Try and Get into trouble. If you make a mistake I shall Got by practice, Skill is Got by study. Official honours are Got about. That affixir of yours has all Get money out of people on false pretences. To Get into the city, I'm afraid we shan't — (before the gates are shut) Get out my fur coat — (from a box or wardrobe) Got what I wanted, After a great deal of trouble I — (of a request) Get this leg of mutton boiled quickly — (Asm lai implies thoroughly/ cooked) Get back those bills for food &c. — (Iisia implies fro7n a superior) Get rid of him. Let us try and — (of a fellow- servant, by ruining his character with the master) lK^a7i fa ti ping huan kuo lai lo. \Hsiang pu tao ta yu hiio kuo lai lo, iT^ien chH Ic'o 7iuan ho kuo lai lo. Na so fang-tzil tsung nung pu kuo lai. f * ffi ^ jgl M * iVi cA'm pa ck\i clCi kuo lai. I M :*r ifi)^ ig i^ t S -t « ( Clie ko fang hsiang wo hai met hui kuo yi lai lo. JSfa ko tung hsi ni ch*ii loan chuan kuo lai. f3'> S It T Ife pf fl :t> ft Ni yao ts*o lo wo k''o ko pu chu. Pen shih shih tsai kung fu li lien cliu lai ti. Kuan chih shih nien sJiu li te ch^u lai ti, i% m w ¥m » ffi ^. T Ni na chien shih tou lou ch\i lai lo. Shuo chia hua pa yin-tzu khtang dCu lai. P''a kan pu chin ch^eng cliii lo. Pa wo p''i ao fan cliu lai. Pan fien ti kung fu wo ts'ai ch^iu hsia lai lo. Pa che ko yang fui k^uai cliu hsia lai. Pa 7ia hsieh ts'ai tan-tzit yao hsia lai. I Tsan men hsiang fa-tzu pa fa kung^ hsia lai. 11 19 C-ALlFOflNtAi. G©t — Continued — V Got you in a fix now, I have Get into this bad liabit? How did you Get up. That man has fallen down and can't Getting up. The sea is Get a Pass first. You must Got prickly heat, I have Get out that grease-spot Get back my capital, I shan't even Get there in one day, I don't think he will Get hold of that money, I can't — (of a bad debt) Get any of your earnings. He won't Got very old-looking. He has — (or aged) Get a word in, I can't Get them on. These spectacles are too small, I can't Get this hat on, I can't — (too small) Get these trousers on, I can't Get away to-day, I can't — (too busy) Got for that in a shop. It can't be iHsien tsai wo pa ni cJiih dm lo. {Ni cM ko mao ping shih tsen mo hum hsia lai ti. \^Na ko jen tsai tao^ lo, jp'a pu chH lai. \Po lang yao fan clH lai. |i* % %Mm ft a?. \Ni Jmen tei clii ko cJdh chao. IWo shin shang chH lofei-tzU lo. Iffi i|5 ^ yft fe T 5R {Pa na k^uai yu clCi hsia lai ( Wo ti pen dCien hai liu pu chic. ( Yi fien p'a fa kan pu tao. (iVa tsung yin-tzu lao pan pii tao shou. {Ni ch^ng ti cKien fa te pu chao. {^T^a lao shang lai lo. ( Yi chit hua too yeh ch^a pic shang. ( Che ko yen ching hsiao, wo tai pu shang. i^Che ko mao-tzii wo lai pu hsia cKii. {^CM fiao k^u-tzU wo cTCuan pu shang. ( Chin ^rh ico fo pu k^ai shen. iF^U'tzU li max pu Jisia lai. 20 Get — Continued—' Get out of what you said yesterday. You can't | '^^^ Bf^WxlfSSll^ifi^ ■ \Ni tso fien ti hua sldli lai pu cliil ti. Getting into trouble, Don't you go ('^ ^'J ^ tH il|£ jfc (.iW pieh nao ch^u Ian ^rh lai. Get ill, If you don't take care you'll |^ ^ ^J^ ^^^^J&M'^ (iW pu Jisiao hsin yao sheng cKi ping lai. Get the better of him in argument. You'll never ('^^^ XK ^ f ^t ftfi. ^ S (iVz yung yuan pien fa pu kuo. Get back in time, I'm afnuM I shan't jlf ^ f^, ^ "^^ ^ . {K ung p a kan pu hui lai, • Give- Give them one each j"^ A — 10'i^ ^ IMei jen yi ko fen k'ai. Gave the order yesterday. I ^ |l$ % ffe ^ t^ P^i" T "^ (250 'r/i wo chiufenfu Asia lo. Given by His Excellency, This order was l^^'^ IS :& ^'C A It T ^ S^ i^Che ko hua shih tajenfa hsia lai ti. Give it a name ff^ I& Hfc ® « =S ^ (iVi' kei fa ch'i ko ming tzU. Give these presents back to him [^.^ f^ 4^ >& ^ ffi ^ 44 \Che ko li tou fui /man fa pu shou. Giving up opium, but he won't do so. He talks of jilW'/^l^iSiilif^ilT^T ( 7^'a ti yang yao shuo tuan, Fo tuan pu liao. Give that price, He won't |I5 fi (I ^ llfcln^ ± (iVa ko chia cKien fa kei pu shang. Give up the idea. You'll have to [^^^ ^^ 'S ^' ^& ^ ^ W ( Che ko hsin ssu ni tsung tei tiu k ai. Gave me up his own bed. He 111 W ftfc 6\l ?fr ^ In ^ 7 ( J"a pa fa ti cliuang jang kei too lo. Give up that horse. He won't I^P ^^^'Z^^^ ^ {Na pH ma fa pu chiao ch u lai. Gave him his nickname? Who |#. 6^ ^^ ^ IE ;^ St ^ ft-^J (. 2"a ti loai hao '>Vt shih shui ch i ti. Go- Gone away yet. The water hasn't— (of floods) [^ *S ^X ffi T ^ [Shui hai mei hao hsia ch U. 21 Go — Continued-' Go away. Tell them to l"f . ^, ^"^ .^ ^„ . ( Chiao t a men tsou k ai. Go away, TelUhem to HlH ffl S T ( C/iiao t a men t ui hsia. Go away from here If" ^ ^. ^ (i\ t ch I k at i:>a. Go off like this? AVho could tell he'd— (die) ||f ^ #• ~; '^ ^ ^ [Shui ciiih t a yi ping pu cli'i. Go back a few steps jtf ^^ ,^ ^ ^ ,^ (iVt jfao i Mt chi pu Til, Going that way, I'm not |B 1^ ^tt IE Ife ^ 7 ^ (JVa t iao tao rli ivo tsou pu chao. Gone through, The oil hasn't— (the lid of a box jvffi i^M,M^ &c.) [ Yu mei fou kuo cliu. Gone through a great deal. He has T\i ching kuo hao hsieh ko huan nan. Grow— Grow, This tree won't \^^ ISl ft ^ ^^ {^Uie ko shu chang pu chi lea. Guard- Guard this place alone, I can't \%^ * ^ f^ ^. 7^.^, A ^ ^ f± (CAe ko ti fang rh wo yi ko len hu pu chu. Guess- Guessed his ridcUe, I have-(In Peking ^ fM) \^ ^^ P '^,^ ^ tf M 7 (i a 7ia ko teng hu too ta chao to. Gaess his meaning, I can't ^ fK( « .© ?fe Jj^ ^ flj 3K (_ i a ti yi ssu too hao pu chii lau Guess? Ca.1 you |f fn-Mfr-f (iVt ts ai ie chao tsat pic chao. Guess odd or even? Do you (^f ^ ^ * ^ %^ ^ ^ , , iJSi shih tsai tan rh shih tsai shuang r/u Guess your scheme, I can't \^^^ ^,*, t^ 1 ffe p ^^ (,i\ I che ko chi kuan wo shih pu po. Guess, No one could * (It ^ ^ ^ ^ .-^ ^ ^. \,Siien mo jen tou tsai pu ch u lau 22 Hand- Hand me that knife Handed down. Customs are — (from one genera- tion to another) Hang- Hang it on. That nail 18 too small to Hang up this pair of scrolls Hanged himself. He Hang up the curtains Hang up the leg of mutton — (with string) Hatch- Hatched yesterday, The fowl's eggs were Hatched in water. Fish-spawn is Hear— Hear when you called me just now, I didn't Hear what you say, I can't quite Hear distinctly, I can't — (e.g. — ^whether it's a gong or a bell) Help- Helping, He's one of those men it's no use Help him up — (of one unable to move) Help him out — (support him out of a room) Hinder- Hindered all my business. You've f35 «S 77 ^ M M ?f5 Ni pa tao-tzU ti kuo lai. {_Feng su ton shih cliuan hsia lai ti. Na ko ting-tzU hsiao, kua pu cliu. IE it @I if i^ M # fe ?15 Pa cM fu tui-tzU hsiian kua cJii lai. T'a tzU chi ko \h tiao ssU lo. Fa chang-tzu kua shang. ffi ¥ 11 ff? M or f{? Jt Pa yang fui tiao cKi lai or tiao shang. {Chi tzii 'rh shih tso fieri fu cUu lai ti. (iw shuai-tzu shih shui lipien cKu IqL JSin kang ts^ai chiao too, wo mei fing chien. Ni shuo na ko hua ivo fing pu cken. Wo fing pu cKu lai. [Z"a shih yi ko tH pu chH lai tijen. \^Ni pa fafu chH lai. [Ni pa ia cKan cliu cKiX. [ Wo ti shih ch^ing ni tou tvu hsia lo. 23 Hire- Hire a single boat, I can't Hire the boats to-day- Hired that piece of land, I have Hire carts, I have been trying all day to Hit- Hit the target, I can't manage to — (Manchus call a target ^ fj) Hit that bird, I didn't Hit me on the leg with a brick. He iLien yi chih cl\!uan wo tou ta pu shang. ( Chin ''rli pa cJiuan hi hsia. JVa k^uai ti mou too tsu kuo lai lo. Ku liao yi fien ti die yeh ku pu chao. Pa-izU wo tsung she pu chao. Na ko niao VA ico mei ta chao lo. T''a na chuan Hou k^an lo ivo ti fid lo. Hoe- Hoe away all those weeds [na Na cliu pa hum ts'ao cKu" k^ai. Hoist- Hoist the big flag. Tell him to Hold- Hold it all. One box will easily Hold it. One bowl won't Hold his head up again. He will never Hold this horse, I can't — (used of a led animal) Hold in this horse, I can't — (used when riding) Hold him by myself, I can't — (of a thief «&;c.) Hold it tight — (securely) N.B. — Lay great stress on chu. \Chiao Ca pa ta chH kua cKi laL Yi chih hsiang-tzu tsu yi chuang hsia lo. Yi ho ta wan cNeng pu Jisia. 7''a yung yilan fai pu cKi iou lai. \mM .i ^ te :^ tt ( Che ho ma wo la jJU chu. ( Che ho ma wo lo pu chu. ( Wo yi ho jen chiu pu chu Ha. \Ni pa fa na chu lo. 24 Hold — Conthmed — Hold in the mouth, This pipe is too long to l^.^® ^ ^ ^ '^ ^ "^ ( the ko yen tai c/i ang, nan pu chu. Holding it up underneath, There is something \^,\^^^.f^,*^ J ° 111 lism yu tung hsi to chu lo. Hold it up— (by putting the hand underneath) V^, ™,^ ^ -^ Hold up, It's too heavy for me to \f^i^^^Z-J^^ {^Jt'en Liang ta, ico ju pii clii lai. Holding a pot in his hand — (by a handle over the \^ ^M vB m — ' tE ^ top of the pot) \Shou li tH cho yi pa kit. Hold him back, I |f ttl i& fe tt T (. no pa t a la chu lo. Hurt- Hurt a bit. The small bamboo doesn't W^.^ ^T tT ^ M iHsiao pan-tzU ta pu chao. Increase- Increased, The price of this kind of goods has (^ "l^ "^ ,^ ®, X ^ ^ X , ( Che yang rh huo chi liao hang shih lo. Increase your wages next month, I will \^^^^ mf X ^ T >^ ^ In 'W\/IB {^Ni ti kung ch ien hsia yileh wo kei m chia. Interfere— Interfere with each other. You two won't 1^ \v\mv^A^M [Ni win lia ai pu chao. Invent— Invented by foreigners. Telegraphy was 1^ ^ ^ ^} H A ^ W ^ »7 . ( Tien hsien shih loai kuo jen wu chu lai ti. Investigate— Investigate this affair, You must |f .^ ♦ f . ^^ ^ ^ %^ * . ( Che ko shih ching nt tsung tei ch a chu lai. Iron- Iron out the creases in the clothes. \Pa yi shang cite ''rh yi'm k\ii. Join- Join, Those two walls don't j^R ^ ^ ^m^ ^ -t {Na hang tit ch'iang chieh pu shang. Joined in the conversation, As we were talking | ^ In sSl fS" Iffii IB iM^^ ^ X he also came and | Wo men shito hua fa yeh ts'ou kuo lai lo. 25 Join — Continued — Join these two together — (used of anything) Join these stove-pipes together Join these t.wo pieces of cloth Jump- Jumped over the wall, He Jumped out of the bowl. That fish has Jump up on me, Don't let the dog Jumped into the river yesterday. He — (and drowuied himself) Keep- Keep this out of sight, You must Keep this for me Keep this for me — (take care of it) Keep back that ^10 of his, I must * Keep them in order. He is quite unable to Keep anything secret. You can't Keep my dog at home, I cannot Keep out cold like this. My clothes won't Keep him down. Once drunk, two men can't Keep the rain out. Cotton blinds won't f ffil ^ ffi iH ^ ± \^Pa die Hang ho cJdeh shang. \Pa cM hsieh ko yen thing ^ao sliang. Fa che Hang khiai pu feng shang. 2"a pa cliiang tHao kuo lai. Na fiao yil peng clCu wan lai lo. mnmKMn \Pieh chiao koii p'a clio ico. T^a tso tHen fou lo Jio lo. mm M m f* # m m CM ko tung hsi ni tei ts'ang k^ai. Che ko tung hsi ni kei loo liu hsia. Pa die ko kei loo shou chH lai. T^a na ko shih k^uai chHen tei k^ou kuo lai. T'a mei clUuan heng, chih pu chu. a s * 'KT^ IP 1^ ^ ft Shen mo shih ni tou tiang pu chu. Wo che ko kou lao yang pu chu. Che ko leng wo ti yi shang Vang pu chu. ( 7''« yi ho tsui lo, Hang ko jen ""Oen pu chu. Yi hsia yu pu cliang-tzi1, chiu tang^ pu chu. 26 I- Keep — Continued — Keep it up, One piece of wood won't ] ^f^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ \^ ( i I ken mu ton cinh pn chu. Keep him, He will go : I can't \^^ ~^ ^^ ^ ^ P ^^ f^ 1.1 a yi ting yao tsou^ wo hu pu chu. Keep him indoors. This child is very fidgetty: {jg 1@ >J^ ^ ^ \% S ?fe S! ^ ft I can't ( CM ko hsiao hai-tzu fao cl^i, ivo clCuan pu cliu. Keep me, My income won't— (so I can't lend (^ Q E lJ\| ^ ^ H ^ ft you anything) ( Wo tztl eld ti chin hsiang hu pni chu. Keep the sun off, That hat doesn't ^} TI 'tS ^ E ^ ft % ^ \^jSa ting inao-tzU che pu chu fat yang. Keep the dog in or at home jffi ^ft 111 ® M i^Pa kou chiian ch i lai. Keep things to himself. He can't |f^ 6^ ^^ -t M 7 ft P ( T'a ti hsin shang ko pu dm shih. Keep my eyes open, I am so tired I can hardly \ •^ '^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ . l^K^un te 100 cMng pu Fai yen. Keep on stirring it It!" ^,^^ W. S ^ # IJS'i pa t a chin huo nung cho. Kept off [the blow] with a stick, He f #. ^ l!^ "^ ^ ft P^- (7 'a na kun-tza t\mg chu lo. Knock— Knocked hh„ down, I f f ffi fi& ff fl^ T T Wo pa ta ta tang hsia lo. Knocked down the lamp, He — (by accident) mmmtm T^a pa teng peng tao^ lo. Knocked over the bottle, He— (on puri^se) | fft ffii W i^ ® ^ll T [^T'' a pa p ing-tzu cKung tao^ lo. Knock harder at the door f f ® iHl S& »4 PI ^ INi shih tien ^rh chin chiao men. Knock twice at the door— (with the palm of the (fS^ ffi PI tt PB T^ ^ band) {^Ni pa men p'ai Hang hsia ^rh. Knocked into people. Skill is— (lit. knocked out (^ ® :^ tT ffi ^ fi\l o^' them) [Shou yi shih ta chht lai ti. Knocked it down with my arm, I jlfe " * B| S£ W ^ ^ T ^ T ( Wo yi hui ko pei chiu kuai hsia lai lo. . ^'^tx'~ Know— Know, You go first and let him Know his place. He doesn't Last- Last, Thincjs from that shop don't — (In Peking ^^i± niaj bo used) Last over the year, I don't think he will Last, This shower won't Lay- Lay this work aside for a while Lay, All these fowls Learn— Learnt the whole of the Golden Mean, I have — (not necessarily hi/ heart) Learnt the Five Classics by heart, I haven't yet Leave- Leave that house, I want to Leave every other line blank — (in copying) Left it off. Don't begin opium again when you have once Leave father, mother, wife, and children? How can I Leave out anything. Take care not to Left his children destitute. He Left off working for me? Why have you \Ni hden cl\!u pa hua shuo hsia, [Mei shang mei hsia ti pu chili kuei chu. Ka ko p'u-tzii ti tnng hsi pu citing yung. K''an fa ti ping ai pu kuo nien cICu. CM chen yil cKang pu liao. it 10 y^ f^» :fc Ht T Che ko huo 7ii hsien fang hsia. Cite hsieh ko hsiao chi-tzu tou hsia tan. iChung Yung wo tou tu fou lo. 3t J^ ^ 1 {^ f 1 BIS or i^ ,ft Wu citing ico hai mei pei shu ni or nien shu, Na ko fang-tzti wo yao pan k\ii. \^Ko yi fang hsieh yi fang. Tuan liao ya p'ien yen tsai pielt k^ai chieh. Fu mu cKi tzU^ tsen mo p'ieh te hsia. Liu shen tung hsi pielt la hsia. 2 'a pa erli-tzU nil ''rh tou liao hsia lo. Wo ti kung fu ni tsen mo kei ko hsia. 28 Leave — Continued — Leave off this work, I can't Left that house long ago, I Leave, The cook wants to Left me by my ancestors. This house was Leave off, Don't Lefl me by my father. This money was Left his son out of his will. He Land- Lend a hand. Tell him to come and — (In Pe- king % ^) Let— Let go Let go Let him pass first Let you off again, I can't — (forgive you) Let him go, I have already Let down the bamboo screen Let down the table-curtain or cloth Let this stirrup out a little Let the dogs out. Don't f il fi ?S nm % -f I Che ko huo xco jeng pu hsia. \]Sm ho fang-tzU loo tsao yi pan chhi lai lo. Cliu-tzil yao tz'ti t\i{. . Che ko fa7ig-tzU shih lao pel liu hsia lai ti. Ni pieh dm shou 'rh. Che ko cliien shih u'ofu chHn yi Hit hsia ti, H flS m iKi E ^ l^.=S :^ « J"a pa fa ti erh-tzU cUu ming pu siian. [Chiao ia lai tso pang shou. [J^i pa shou sung k^ai, or simply sung. jyi sa k'ai shou pa. iVt hsienjang fa kuo ch^ii. ^ nr^ m m u Wo tsai pu neng jung ni. Wo yi ching pa fa fang clCu lai lo. mm'^my^ or ticr-^ or ^y^ Pa lien-tzu chieh hsia lai or fang hsia lai or lao hsia lai Pa cho wei-tzU liao hsia lai. * Pa die ko ma tmg loang hsia fang fang. Pieh pa kou fang di'u lai, « 29 Let — Continued — Let this sleeve out a little; it's too tight • Let my house, I can't — (can't find a tenant) Let him off, The Magistrate doesn't wish to Let you have it back to-day, I can't Let him get up Lie- Lying down long, His illness prevents him from Lift- Lift this stove, I can't Lift the clock down, Let two men Lift up your hand Lift the door off its hinges Lift up the cover of this box, I can't Lift up the curtains Light- Light the lantern. It's impossible to — (in a wind, where it won't keep alight more than an instant) Light, This tobacco is wet : it won't Light you, I'll get a lautei'n and Light the fire Lighted the lamp yet, You haven't Cha ko hsiu-tzu shou, tsai ts'aifei Hen *rJi. Wo tifang-tzu Un pu cltu cliu. Chill listen pu yuan yi jao fa. (. Chin 'r/i wo pu neng linan kei ni. Pa fa fang clii lai. ffi iJI5 10 ^ * it :7 -tt 2"a na ko j^i'ng sliili fang pu chu. Che ko lu-tzii wo fipu tung. Lia jen pa tsochung ta lisia lai. Pa shou fai cKi lai. Pa mm tuan hsia lai. Che ko hsiang kai *rli wo hsien pu Fai. Pa chang-izu hsien Ifai. I CM ko teng lung tien pu chu. ( Che ko yen clUao lo, tien pu chao. ^mmm i« -fst m m Wo na teng lung kei ni chao chao. m>xm± Pa huo lung sliang. Ni liai mei tien shang teng. 1 30 Like- Like liim, None of them Like his mother, He is very Look- Looked for it everywhere, I have Looked into every place, I have — (searching with a light for thieves &c.) Looked at all those houses, I have Look after the house while I am away Look so angry, You needn't Loose- Loosened his hold. At last he Loosen my waistband, I must Loosen this tow Lose— Lose by not paying ready money. You'll Lose your head like this? What makes you Lose your watch, I shan't Lost that game of chess. He Lost a battle. He has never Make- Make a cup of arrowroot, Tell the cook to Make out what you mean, I can't Che ko jen ta chia huo ^rh jung pu hsia. T^a chang te hen hsiang fa ti mu cKin. Ko cliu ^rh tou cliao tao lo. Ko cKu ^rh tou chao tao lo. Na so ^rh fang-tzu ton k^an tao lo. Wo pu tsai chia ni k^an shou men hii. N'i pu yung tung huo. I Jan hou fa pa shou sung k'ai lo. mm^ ^.# m m m ^ { Wo ti tai-tzic tei sung k'ai tien ^rh. CM ko ma tao yao ssii k^ai. (Pm kei hsien caHen pu shang suan. uS^i tsen mo che mo shili shen. iV7 ti piao ico tiu pu liao. (5J5 S P ;g ffi # T \Na p'an cKi si ah fa shu lo. T\i yung yuan mei ta kuo pai chang. Chiao chhi-tzu chhing yi wan oufen. Ni che ko hua tvo chieh pu Mai. 31 Mako — Con tinned — Made up tliis quarrel, Tliey have Make up the number. Add on a few to Make the water boil Make out what you mean, I just begin to Make an omelette Made a hole in the wall, The thieves Make a hole with a gimlet Made into the next room, I want a passage Make out this bill, I can't — (not clearly drawn out) Make a hole in the gromid first Make out your bill first Makes people hate him, It Is he himself who Made up all these stories? Who Made his son retire, He — (from official life or business) Make up his mind about his profession. He can't Make that hole right through, Don't — (using a gimlet) Manage— Managed it at last, I Managed that matter for him, I have — (got him what he wanted) T^a m6n ti cJiou hen chieh k*ai lo. T'ic'Ti sliang chi ko, pa die ko shu 'rh pu shang. ffii Mm m Pa shui shao Fai. fi^ f ^ « -g. «fe S iiJ M iVi ti yi ssti too tsai tie Uai, Pa chi-txu 'rh t'an k'ai. Tsei pa cKiang ica k'ai yi ko k\t lung. JSi na tsuan ta yi ko yen \h. Yao pa ko \_c]ue1i\ pi wu-tzil Hung kuo lai. Che ko chang ico suan pu kuo lai. Hsien pa ti p'ao Kai. Hsien pa chang kai cKu lai. Jen chia Mn fa shih fa chao cIilu lai ti. 51 » IS W * it ii tH * St or Jt^ Che hsieh yao yen shih shui tsao cKu lai ti or tsao cKi f W ii flH£ i=- »f T ?f5 T T'a pa fa ti erh-tzii chiao hsia lai lo. T'a ti chih hsiang hai shih ting pu ehu. Na ko yen ^rh ni pieh ta fung lo. i^IIao yung yi ico ts'ai nung hsia lai lo. (iVa ko shih cKing woyi ching kei fa shuo hsia lai lo. 32 Manage — Continued — Manage so much as that, I can't — (of subscrip- tions, &c.) Manage your son, You don't know how to Manage that pony, I can't Meet- Meet him even if you go and look for him, I don't think you'll Meet, The place is so large that I'm afraid we shan't Meet hira if you go by road, I don't think you'll Met your match now. You've Meet, The two ends won't Met before? Have we ever Melt- Melted, The ice in the river has all Mind- Mind other people's business. Don't you Mind him. You needn't Mix- Mix the mustard Mix up that affair with this. You mustn't Mix, Wine and oil won't Mix with that sort of people, I don't Na mo hsieh clUien wo cliieh eld pu clii. Ni ti erh-tzU ni hui kuan pu cJiu. JS^a pH ma zoo nung pa cliu. Ni yao cliao fa ch^il yeh p'a yu pu chao. mm^iiK ^ m :r # or ? t -p ^ 2'i mien ^rh ta,p\ip%igpu chao or p'eng pu chien. JSfi ta han lu cliic p^a ying pu chao. iHsien tsai ni p'eng chien lo yi ko tui shou. \Liang fou ^rh kou pu shang or pu chao. T'saji men lia hsien cKien chien kuo mei yu. Ho li ti ping tou hua k'ai lo. Jen chia ti shih ni kuan pu chao. {Ni p7i yung li fa. Pa chieh mo huo k^ai. SB M » }i 7 ?'J it « M Na ko shih ch'an pu tao che li fou. •a M -a- :^ SI) - ^ la Chill yu ho pu tao yi k''uai ^rh. il iHn f 15 ffl « Str a ^ ?15 ft Wang fa men na ko yang ti too pu lai loang. 33 Mix — Continued — Mix a little water with your wine |% 6\J VS ^ ^^ W. ^ i^ [_Ni ti chill li tui tien ^rh sltui. . Mix me up in it. He wants to jll S fl! Ife fe tH ^ ( 7"a yao pa too la clCu lai. Move- Move the child away jft! ^ ^ fS 1^ (Pa hai-tzU pao Mai. Move away the things in the way of your hand \^ ^ "^ &y M © # PI {^Pa ^Vai shou ti tung lisi no k'ai. Move a little: it's under your foot jf^ #P W 7- # ffi W IS T (iV^i 720 Ic'ai yi pu, tsai chiao ti hsia. Move over? When does he jffi. :ft^ la # S ^ ( 7"a shih to tsan pan kuo lai. Move over to-morrow, I shall (^ ?^ ^ W >M "i ( Wo ming fien no kuo clCiX. Move this barrow, I can't ^^P^ ^^^ $ Ife #P ^ ® ( CM ho hsiao clUe ico no pu twig. Move this box, I can^t \^.^ ^^'^^^W) ( CM ko hsiang-tzU loo hsien pu tung, ( T^a ping te li hai, tsou pu chH lai. Move, He's too ill to Neglect- Neglect this? Why do you ] * Open— Che ko shih tsen mo liao ti hsia. Open the bag IW P ^ ^ 11 iPa k^ou tai chieh^ k'ai. Open the bundle— (or box, if not nailed down) jiE "© Iffc ^ W {Papaofu ta k^ai. Open the padlock jffi # ffl PI (_Pa so tung l^ai. Open the book |ffi ff ^ ^ M PI \Pa shu pen ^rh hsien k'ai. Open your mouth wide chang k'ai. Open your eyes wide — (It's right under your (flj ^1^ Hfl 3p P| ^^^V \Pa yen ching cheng k^ai. 34 Open — Continued-— Opened this year, That port was Open this watch, I can't Open, That door doesn't — (properlj of a false door) Opened, Tlie front door is not — (except on special occasions &c.) Open the private door, I can't — (either locked or jammed) Open the window, I can't Order- Order about his servants, I can't Overflow- Overflowed, The river has — (in Peking ^ |i{ ^ "J* ^ang* cICu lai lo) Pass- Pass, You can't Pass througli on foot, The river is too deep to Passed his examination. He hasn't Pass this water throuo;h the filter Pass Peking on your way. You'll have to Pa^^sed through my hands. That money all Na ko h^ou '^Ocin chin 7iien clCu l^ai. Passed through a great many dangers. He has Pay- Pay his rent? Why doesn't he (. CM ko piao wo chHa pu Uai. i^Na ko men Jc'ai pu k'ai. w PI II ^ T . Cliien men k''ai pu liao. \Pien men ^rh wo k''ai pu tung. ClCxiang hic xco thd pu k^ai. J" a tijen too chih sJiih pu cliao. sr * it Hi * T Ho shui man ck'u lai lo. {Kuo pu cliii. Ho fai sltin, tsou pu kuo cli'u. T^a mei k\io chicng lo. ffi if ® 7K M ^ Pa die ko shui kuo lin. Ni tsung tei lu kuo Pei-ching. S 10 is ^ t5 iff ® 1^ f 5 ¥ JYa ko yin-tzu tou ching kuo wo ti shou, T^a ching kuo hao hsieh ko hsien cKu. [T^a na ko tsu chia icei shen mofupu lai. 35 Pay — Continued — Pay me that money, Make haste and Paid yesterday. The compensatiou-money was Paid yet. My bill hasn't been Pay any attention to what I say, You don't Pay you out for this treatment, I'll Pay duty. Cheese doesn't Peel- Peel this pear — (with a knife) Peel this orange — (with the fingers) Peel after scarlet fever. You're sure to Pick- Pick out the best Pick out the stones — (with the finger) Pick that flower Picked all the fruit, I have Pick up that ric3 — (In Peking J^ j|E ^) Pick out the peach-stones with a knife Pick up the poker Pick a quarrel with me. You evidently want to _Na hsicmg yin-tzU ni k'uaifu kuo lai. IS ^ 9^ 5a ^ tn ^ 7 P''ei hsiang tso 'r-A chiao cJiu lai Jo. Wo ti cJiang hai rnei srian hsia lai. Wo kao su ti shih ni tsung pu shang hsiru Ki tai ivo cM ko clCon wo pi yao pao. » l# ^ ^ i^ la ,Nai ping-tzu pu na shut. Pa cM ko li hsiian* pH cliu. Pa che ko chu-tzU po hsia p'i lai. ( Wen chen hoii p>i yao fo pH. Chien hao ti fiao ch'u lai. «1 M B ti "F ?^ or ^g nj ?fj Pa ho ^rh Fou Jisia lai or k'ou cKu lai. s ^ ^z% m T 5K Na to hua ^rh ch^ia hsia laL {^Kuo-tzu ICO tou chai hsia lai lo. \Pa na ko pai mi shih ch'i lai. ]Sa tao-tzU wan cliu fao ho lai. ffi i$ a jt fe ^ Pa fich kun li ch^i lai. iShih ni ^an hsin wang wo kuo pu cKH. 36 Pluck- Pluck this fowl— (In Peking ^ is here read tse) Pluck this goose, Make haste and — (scald the feathers off with hot water, Chinese fashion) Point- Point out whom you say it is Pour- Pour out a glass of water Press- Press it down — (with the hands) Press it down with something heavy Press me so closely, Don't — (in a crowd &c.) Press it down with your feet Print- Print off some New Year's visiting cards be- forehand Pronounce— Pronounce the Chinese sounds, I can't Prove— Proved myself right at last, I Pull- Pull the cover off that box — {e. g. — the cover of a coffee-tin) Pull aside the mosquito curtains Pull this button off, I can't Pull this boot on, I can't — (too small) [Pa che ko hsiao chi~tzu ti mao chai cldng lo. ( CM ko yen ni k^uai fid ching lo. f« la * ift =t§ in * Ni sJiuo shih s/nii, chih cJiu lai. (.7ao'* cli\i yi pel shui lai. iNi jxi fa '"Oen hsia. Na cliung tung hsi pa fa ya chu. Pieh che mo chi cho too. Fa fa clCuai"^ hsia cKu. Pai nien ti ming p'ien tsao hsieh yin hsia. Chung kuo ti tzu yin wo nien pu shang lai. Tao ti hh pa li cheng kuo lai lo. Pa na ho-tzu kai chieh Mai. Pa wen chxmg fiao k^ai. Che ko nhi-tzu chiu pu hsia lai. . Che hsiieh-tzu cKuan pu hsia cKil. 37 -^^\t.if;CHNUV.-.^- Pull — Contimwd — Pull my boots off, I can't |¥ik "? flft 7 T ^ ijlsueh-tzu t^o pu hsia lo.L Pull him out— (of water) ItE ffi If ± ^ {Pa fa lao slicing lai. Pull clown this house, I want to \^.^ ^ ^^^M {Che ho fang-tzu yao cliai k'ai. Pull the rope out tight, You two— (in Peking j'fS^ JH ffi ffi '% ^ # ^ f^ §^ en en is used) (^^{ ^j^,j ii^ ^q, sMng-tzU sMn chin Ic. Pull the cork out of the bottle jffi )ffi^ -? S IE |5t T ^ {,Pa p'ing-izu sal ^rh pa hsia lai. Pull down that rope— (hanging from a ceiling (ffi ?R f^ ^H ^ ^ T* ^ "^^•) [.Pa na fiao sheng-tzn chiu hsia lai. Pull out that hair jffi M « IS ^ ^ T ^ {Pa na ken t'oufa nieh^ hsia lai. Pull out the third volume for me— (from a pile (ffi |^ H 2|5: |a 5fe :f^ Hj ^ 01 books) {Pq^ ti san pen kei too cliou ch^u lai. PuU out that nail with pincers ^ |S tt ^ ^ Ul JR 1S tf -7* {Na dCien-tzu clii cliu na ko ting-izU, Pull down the small flag, Tell him to i^,^ ffi ^J\^ Mf^ i Chiao fa pa hsiao cKi lao hsia lai. Pull the door aftef you when you go out i fo W ^ ffi Pi ^ Jt {Ni cliu cJiil pa men tai shang. PuU open the drawer |W tt ffi tt 13 {Pa cliou fi la k^ai. Pulled out. He has had all his teeth jlffifi^J^^ffifRlRT^T (. T'a ti ya chHh iou pah^ hsia lai lo. PuU out this tooth, I can't JM 10 3^ Ife & ^ S!l { CM ko ya wo jyan pit tiing. Pull the knot undone jffi ^ ^ ftt 11 {Pa k^ou ^rh chiu k^ai. Pulled up his horse. He (#. ffi '?! ® ft T ( 2"a pa ma lo chu lo. Push- Pushed back the bolt of the door, The thieves— f M ffi P^ ffl ^ ^ T (in Peking this bolt or bar is called ^M^) \ Tsei i^a men shuan po k'ai lo. Push that plate over here jffi ^R ffl^ T W S& ^ {Pa na ko tieh-tzU t\d kuo lai. 38 Push — Continued — . 1 1 {1[^ P^>^#b4PR;^T-^B^ Pusliing the door open I got my finger pmclied V^ f J^^ ^ T. 7 . , , , ^T ui men lai cJio chiao men chi lo sliou lo. Push open the door I'S^ H , . ?? . [Jra men tui k ai. Pushed me down from behmd. He— (into a jtr^feflt^ftl^iffiT^T river &e.) \^Ta too pel liou pa ivo fui hsia cli^u lo. Pushed me into the river, He |§ «1 « » ^ W « M IT a pa wo tut tsai ho h tou. Push this barrow up, I cau't-(up a bank &c.) |^.^ Z"!'' ^,^ ?fe ti 7 Jl ^ (CAe ko hsiao che-tzU wo tw pu sliang lau Put- Put your hands behind you— (in Peking fE ^ {ft^^^R^M ^V ^ ^) i-^* ^/w^' shoufan pamj cJio. (i^ jt\^ ^ :3L ^ M #Sg -jT -TT Put all the chairs inside, There's no room to ]*~.t^. r\^^ ^^' f^ ^'^ "V . ' ( Che hsieh yi-tzu lou ii pai pu hsia. (^ — ffii} C3 ;§ ^ HJ; h Put a piece of sticking-plaster on {"^ . r^\^,, ^ ^. , , [JSa yi hen rk kao yao t leh shang. Put the lamp-glass on | ffi {^ -f. ^ -P- X or ^ _t \_Fa teng chao-tzU chao shang or ^^9an shang. Put my foot in the stirrup, I can't— (in Peking |^j^ i^ >P Jt IS j^ jen is used) ( Wo k'ua pu shang teng. Put your foot in the stirrup first | ^j^ /^ ^ ^^ & , IJS'i hsien k iia shang teng. Put on your hat jfflj Ti "h M -C iPa tnao-tzU tai shang. Put it in the bag « f « ^,P ^„« «« <"; « {^Jra ta yeh tsai kou tax h tou or ch a. Put the cap on the brush when you have done |i^ j^ J ^ ^S ^ ^% ^ ^ JL. writing — (in Peking f|[ cKa is used) \Esieh loan liao tzu pa pi mao 'rh fao shang. Put all the clothes away together fffi ^ :k |5 ^ # ® ^ (Pa yi shang tou kuei cho ch i lai. Put in the wardrobe. This box is too big to [^^^-^ ~hM- "7* S S J^ > (^ Che ko hsia-tzU ta, kuei-tzu li ko pu hsta. Put some water to il;. If the soup is not enough {^^ ^ J. f^ ^W^^'/^ . [2 ^ang chai lo, tei tui tien rh shut. Put it on the fire. Fill a pot with water and |^ W'.^..yi (Kuan yi hu shut lai, tso tsai huo shang. 39 Put — Con tinned — Put something under the leg of the table Put the books in the book-case — (for Chinese books use ^ ^ ^o tsai) Put the books away Put up the umbrella Put up the umbrella. The wind is too high to Put on fur clothes yet. It's too soon to Put up yet. The frame-work of that house is not Put up yet, The scaffolding is not Put on your hat and clothes Put him off. Think of some way to Put all these things. There's no room to Put up with your temper, I can't Put your hat straight Put it in the cupboard, There's no room to Put some more coal on : the fire is ffetting low Put another stool on the top Put on. This joy of yours is all Put up that flag-staff yet. You haven't Pa cho-tzU iui ^rh tien shang tien *rh. Pa shu cJia tsai chia-tzu shang. Pa shu pm ^-h shou clii lai. Pa yii san chih clii laL [Feng kuo ta, yu san shih ta pu chii. PH ao hat shih cKuan pu chu. Na fang-tzU ti mu chia hai mei li ch^i lai, Chiao shou hai mei ta chH lai. Tai shang mao, cKuan cNi yi shang. Ni hsiang fa-tzil pa t'a iang k^ai. Che mo hsieh ko tung hsifang pu k'aL iVi ti p'i c/i'z ivo shih tsai jen pu hsia. Ni pa mao-tzu cheng kuo lai. {Kuei-tzu man lo, ko pu hsia. llluofa lo, t'ien shang mei. Ni tsai chieh shang yi ko icu-tzU. Ni che ho lo shih chuang tso cKu lai. Na kin cKi kan ni hai mei li cICi hi. 40 Raise— Raise the money somehow, You must \ ' ^. ^'■'^' I ^r li-» 3«5 TJk mm. I li\t tswig tei pa cli ten cliang lo hsia. Raise this money, I can't 1^.^. ®,^ S ^ ® (_CAe hsieh ch ten wo na pu chu Raised to his present position by yourself. He j-ftfi, S^S^^tS^fe^l^ was shih nin na fi pa cKi lai ti. Raise him up-(of a sick person) \^J] W/^, ^ P^^ ^ i U i^- 1 v .. (irt pa ^ a chiu ch i lai, ^ ^ ^ ^ {i^ ^ YflJ i^ ifni ^ Raise him up — (of a person making a kotoxo) \ '_:, '«•-' '^ J ^ V7T /v l-Ni pa ta cICan ch i lai. Reach— KeachiUca,.'t |f |i ^ S ffe^ « {JVa ko tU7ig hsi wo kou pu chao. Reach clown that case of books It? ^'^ ,® ^ 3C > ^ {^Fa na tao shu chu hsia lai. Reach up to the eaves. This ladder won't 1^.^ t^ ^ ® ^ # W M Xj (CAe ko fi-tzii kou pu chao/arig yen rh. Reach to the end. The string is too short to |^ ■? ^1 ^ ^ ^'J M 7D {Sheng-tzto tuan, kou pu tao tou rh. Reach to that end. The carpet is too small to (^ ^ ^V . , '^ ^'^ ^ , . (i an-tzU hsiao, pu pu tao na t ou rh. Reach to the wall, I want the matting (mat- f 5c ^B S" T^ SJ ^m tfi ^ shed) to \T''ie7i p'eng yao ting tao cliiang ken ^rh. Reach up to my door, The stone road doesn't |S SR ^ >£ ^'J ^ T ?fe W\l PI P /£ (^/S/w'/t t''ou tao rh tao pu Imo wo ti men k ou im. Read- Read Chinese, I can't ^^ ^ ?^ f^^ -^ W ,^ (/ia« tzu wo jen pu ch u lai. Read all the Four Books, He has— (and under- ffl # #, SS i^t [ij ^ 7 stands them) [San shu fa tou nien chhi lai lo. Read the "Peking Gazette," I can't— (too dif- JM tB ^ # ^ T ^ ficult) \Ching pao too Han pu hsia lai. Receive— Receive me. When I got to the door he came |^J T PI P l£ #< It; Ml tti ^ T out to \Tao liao men k'ou ^rh fa chiu ying cliu lai lo. Received my month's pay to-day, I |>9 #1 4^ %^3. !±j ^ T ( Yixeh hsiang chin 'rh ling ch u lai lo. 41 Receive — Continued — Received his wages, He hasn't | ll fi}J ^ ^ /i^ ^ T 3f^ (T'a ti kung cK'ien mei ling hsia lai. Recognize— Recognize yo„. I didn't f f* fl^J^ ®f IE «fe ^ HI M l^JVi ti lien mien ^rh tvo mei cICiao chen. Recognize this character, I don't \^.^ ^ ^ iS ^ ttj 51$ (, Che ko tzU 100 jen pu clCu lai. Remain- Remain one, Tm afraid that widow won't )MWMM^&^^A^V^ [^Na ko kuafu p'a shou pu chu. Remain long out of work, He won't 1^^ 1S A M ^ ft (iViz ko jen hsien pu dm. Remain emptj long. The houses here don't \^^^ W! 3^ 51 6x1 M ^ ffl 7 # \Clie ko tifang V/i tifang-tzu hsien pu chu. Remain long on one's hands. These goods don't ] ^^2, IISJ 1^ yu n v ^ Ty -^^ i"t (C/ie ko yang ^rh ti huo is'unpu chu. Remember— Remember things, I never can {^ ^^ '^^ ±. P ^ ft ^ \^Wo ti hsin shang Aro* pu chu shih. Remember all this, I shan't be able to j^.^. ^ '^^ wE ^ ft ( CM hsieh hua p'a chi pu chu. Remember what you have to buj— (don't forget (f3> "i* ^ ^ 25 f5> Pj* i® JlJ T anytnmg) • ^js^i f,/i'>^ ^^^' ^^^^ ^^-^ ^j* ^,»^ hsiang tao lo. Remember where I put it, I can't iM^ MM^M^f \IIsiang pu chao ko tsai na *rh lo. Remove- Removed, He must be— (of a sick man) If^, ^ ^ ^, W ( Tei pa fa i k'ai. Remove tumours. Foreign doctors can »>'r 1^ W ^ HE tCi jm "T' )P'J P "S* ( Wai kuo i sheng neng pa liu-tzU la hsia ch^ii. Ride- Ride, This pony isn't strong enough for me to jia Ek ii§ ^ 'T* ffi ^ 13 (. C/ie pH ma chin pu chu wo cKi, Rise- Rose from the ranks. He- (if an official, ?! sMng |#,;StrTS^fe^fi4 may be used) |2^»^ ^/^.y, ^^ j^^i^ ;•,, ;^^,j-„^ cKi lai ti. Risen, The sun has just ll^C p^ Kl tH ^ 7 ( T^ai yang kang ch\b lai lo. 42 RoU- Rolled down from the top of tlio bank, Ho Roll it up in paper Row- Row your boat over here Row against the stream. You can't Run- Ran away with another man's wife. He Run out. The water has all Run any more, I'm too blown to Ran up against me and knocked me down, He Rush- Rushes at me directly he sees me. That dog Rushed out of the door, He Save— Save a single cash, I don't Save a single dollar. He doesn't Saved me from the fire, He Saw- Saw this board in two. Tell the carpenter to Say- Say, These two seem to have plenty to T^a shih ta p*o Vh sJiang kun hsia lai ti. Na chih chiXan chH lai. Pa ni men ti cKuan chao kuo lai, ( Ting liu ni chao pu tung. ( T''a pa jen cliia nil jen kuai cli'u lai. {^Shui ton lou ch^u lai lo. \ Wo ti chH tuan lo, p'ao pu tung, (2^'a pa wo cl^uang^ tao^ lo. ' \]Ya ko kou chien lo wo cJiiu pen kuo lai, m m Hi PI * T ( J"a cliuang cKu men cli^u lo. \ Yi ko chHen wo yeh lao pu hsia. {Lien yi'k^uai chHen fa tou tshcn pu chu. \ Tsai huo li iou fa pa wo chiu cKu lai lo. f Chiao mu chiang pa rnu pan chii k'ai, [CM liajen k'o shito k^ai lo hua lo. 43 Say — Continued — Say this. It's not my place to Say how much you want for it Say, You simply had nothing to — (in defence of yourself ) Say oiF all the Four Books, I can Say out what you want? Why don't you — (instead of beating about the bush) Scoop- Scoop out the inside with a spoon Screw- Screw it round and it will open Screw in this screw Screw off the door-handle Seal- Seal up the letter Secure- Secure this man, I won't See- See him, I went to his house but didn't See him off, I am going to See through your trick, I Sell- Sell anything just now, I can't — (bad market) Sells at the New Year, Nothing CM ho hua wo skiio pu shang. Ni shiio cKu chia 'rh led. Shih ni na ko hua ti pu tao. Sstt shu wo toil p)ei ti hsia lai or pei kuo lai. Ni shuo hua wei slien mo shiio pu foic. m -^^mn^tnui * or m m ^ \Wa chHh-tzUpa jang^-tzU fao cNu lai or wan cKu lai. \ Yi ning lo so chiu k'ai lo. Pa che ko lo so ting-tzU ning shang. Pa men huan'^-tzU ning hsia lai iPa hsinfeng shang. IChe ko jen wo pao pu dm. [ Wo tao Ha chia li rnei chien chao. [ IVo kei fa sung hsing cKii. \Ni na kofa-tzU wo ch'iao ti fou. Ilsien tsai tvo ii huo mai pu cliu ch^ii. i^Hsin nien shin mo huo tou mai pu tung. 44 Send— Sent, That despatcli has just been Sent by Heaven, This trouble is Separate- Separate them — (of men fighting) Separate from his father and mother. He wants to Separate them — (make them live apart) Separate these skeins of silk according to colour Separate, Husband and wife want to Set- Set out your wares Set to work at last. He Set about it for you to-morrow, I'll Settle- Settled, That affair of theirs is already Settle it for? How much will he Settled yet, That marriage affair of theirs isn't Shake- Shake off this melancholy. You must Shake the dust off the clothes Shake out the cinders — (through the grating at the bottom of a stove) iVa ko wen shu kang fa ch^u cldiX lo. {CM ko huo shih lao tHen chiang hsia lai ti. Pa fa men la k\i. T^a fling fafu mu yao li k^ai. Pa fa men tiao* Fai. Pa cM cid liu hsien ko kuei ko yen she. T^a men liang Mou-tzii yao fen cliia. Pa huo wu pai^ Mai. iij JS 1. Sf ^ ¥ ?fJ fi^ ^ ■ Tao ti fa tung cJii sJiou lai tso huo. \Che ko shih wo ming fien kei ni pan chH. T'a min na chien shih i ching shuo k\d lo, Kei fa to shao ch^ien neng liao hsia lai. Na men cKin shih hai mei shuo shang. Che ko ch^ou men ni tsung yao chieh^ Mai. Pa yi shang shang ti fu tou^ lou hsia lai. Pa fa mei sou hsia lai. 45 IU13-I vI^HSIT^ CALIFORNIA' Li. tj Share— js,^ mvh 9r 4^ M Che tsung chien m fen pu chao. Shift- Shift your debt on to anybody else's shoulders, f f5^ ^ ^ #| ^ 5(1 A ^ ^ Jt You can't \^Ni kai cliien ko^ pu tao jen chia sMn shang. Shirk- Shirk anything, You won't bo able to j®. ^ ^./^^'.'^t ^7^ J \_ohen mo s/ah m yen t ui pu liao. [JS I pie 11 hsiang to^ cICu s/ien cliu. Shoot- Shot himself. He or He shot it himself— (in (#, § E S ^^t tT ^ T answer to a question) JT'a tzu chi na ch'iang ta ssU lo. Shot him dead with an arrow, I |^ ? If ffi #. ^t ^ T ( Wo na chien pa t a she ssU lo. Shot himself with a gun. He \^ ^^,f. ^ ^ ^,P ^ J 11 a na chiang pa tzU chi ta sstl lo. Shove your boat a little farther up \^ ^' ^^ ^ & 1.^ ^ M ^ \_Fa ni ti ch uan loang shang chih k'ai tien rh. Shove him on to me? Who told you to [^ l^.'^ ^ '^ ^, ^ ^. (o/mi chiao ni pa t a chili kuo lat. Shove the sampan this way SWi=^MmM3^ [Fa san pan po kuo lau Shove the cart up. Get out and— (if upset) • ((f ,T "^ ^ ^ f^ ^,^. (iVi hsia en il pa ch e hsien ch i Lau Shove me off. Don't— (a bench; or out of a cart) \\}^ ^^ ffi Ife ;^ T 4* [^JSvpieh pa wo chi hsia ch u. Shove— Shut- Shut him up, I — (by asking a question to which f ^ ffi ftfi» 55 "tt ^S" he couldn't reply) ( Wo pa fa wen chu lo. Shut to. This door won't \%P PI 13 7 il (.CAe ko men kuan pu shang. Shut, That door won't keep |SR 10 PI ^ ^ ft [^Na ko men kuan pu chu. Shut him up, I very soon If f f^ F ^P'f^^ f^ ( Wo chi chu hua pa ia ting hut ch il lo* 46 Shut — Continued — Shut up the book Shut, The box won't— (too full) Shut his eyes, He hasn't Sit- Sit down just now, I haven't time to Sit a little closer together Sitting, That turkey is now Skin- Skin that sheep Sleep- Sleep with all this noise, I can't Slip- Slipped away, I watched my opportunity and Slipped down on the ice. He Slipped away without my knowing it. The whole day Smell- Smell anything, I can't — (have lost the sense of smell) Smell anything, I don't Smoke- Smoke, This chimney doesn't Snatch- Snatched it from me. He \Pa sJiu ho shang. [Hdang-tztl sai pu hsia lo. [T'a mei pi sliang yen ching. Wo hsien tsai yu shih, tso pu chu. Ni men tou chi cho tien ^rh tso. Na ko huo eld hsien tsai pao ico ni. Pa che ko yang pH la hsia lai. Che mo ta hsiang sheng wo shuipu chao chiao. Ch^ou^ Uung ^rh wo chiu liu hsia lai lo, T'a tsai ping shang tsai tao^ lo. Pu chih pu chueh ti yi {ien tou kuo lo. \Shm mo wo tou loen pu chien. [ Wo iven pu ch\i shen mo loei ^rh lai, \Che ko yen Hung mao pu clCu yen laL \J^a ko tung hsi shih fa to kuo lai. 47 Snuff- Snuff the candle Soak- Soak the sea-weed — (in cold water) Soak the mushrooms — (in hot water) Spare- Spare time to go, I can't Spare time to go, I can't Spare any coal, I can't Spend— Spend two dollars. You'll have to Spend so much, I can't afford to SpiU— Spill that water. Don't SpUt— Split of itself. This table Split this firewood, I can't Spoil- Spoil it. Don't — (by using it roughly &c.) Spread- Spread out the blanket Spread the ointment out on paper Spread all these false reports? Why do you Spread all over the village. This disease has Pa la hua '7 A chia hsia lai. Pa liai tai tsai p'ao k'ai. Pa lisiang chiin fa k*ai. {^Mang pu kuo lai, ivo mei kung fu cJiil. Wo ieng pu Icai kung fu cICU. Wo ti mei shao, fen pit k^ai Ni tei hua shang Hang k''uai cICien. [ CM hsieh c/iien wo hua pu dii. iNa ko shui ni pieh kuang tang cKu lai. \CM chang cho-tzit tzU chi chiu lieh k*ai lo, Che ko pH^ dCai luo pH''- pu k'ai. iVi pieh pa ia shih huai lo. Pa chan-tzu p'u k'ai. Na chih pa yao tan kai. Ni wei slien mo cliuan k'ai che hsieh ko yao yen, Che ko ping mart tsun-tzU tou cliuan Fai lo. 48 Stand- Stand even one pipe of opium, I can't Stand up, This stool won't Stand against you five, I can't Stand the heat of this place, I can't Stand up; you needn't kneel Stand up, This man can't Stand his temper. No one can Stand the consequences, I won't Stand a beating. He can't Starch- Starch the clothes. Get some starch and Start- Started this year. Railways were only Start to-day, I can't Steal- Stolen out of my room. That was Stick- Stick, Thin paste won't make it — (in Peking ^^ y(\ \^ chan pit cini) Stick it in the book — (i. e., put anything in between the leaves of a book. In Peking iM y^^^ ^^ used) Stuck up all over the street. Notices are Yi k'ou yen wo yeh cliih pu hsia. \Clie ko teng-tzU ko^ pu dm. ( Wo yi ko jen tl pu chu ni men wu weL [mpi^mMm^^r^^ or ^z^j^ ( CM k''uai ^rJi che ko je loo shoupu lai or shoupu chu. Ni pu yung kud cho, chan chH lai. ( Che ko jen chan pu chu. T^a na ko p'i chH shui yeh nai pu chu. [m.n m \%^ « ^ ft ( Che ko kuan hsi wo tan pu chu. Pa na ko je7i ko pu chu ta. \Na fen-tzu pa yi shang cldang* cKu lai. Huo lun ch^e chin nien ts'ai hsing k'ai. Chin fien wo pu neng cKi shin. Na shih ta wo ti wu li Vou cKu lai ti. m nm^ fi -r ft ( A'a hsi chiang-tzu Jiien pu chu. 1 Che tsai shu pen li. {^Alan chieh fieh cJiu kao pai lai lo. 49 stick — Continved — Stick so close to me. Don't \^^ ^}i ^ BjS M ^ (iVi pieh chin t ieh cho wo. Stick, The paper on the wall won't |^ .-t ft^ ^ .^?.,'^. '^ , {^Cliiang shang ti chi/i Viehpu c/iu. Stuck a pin into my leg, He l^^^^hJ ^.'^.^^ ^ (.i a 7za chen cha lo wo ti t*ui lo. Stick on that pony, I can't ||R G5 1^ ^ |S ^ ft (^i\ a pi ma too chi pu cnu. Stuck fast. This cover has \^.^ ^,^f^ ^ J iC/ie ko kai rh man cnu lo. Stuck tight, The doors have all— (swelled from |P1 ^ S^ J^S ft T damp, &c.) \Men liu ton chang dm lo. Stick them up — (of pins in a bowling-alley &c.) ] -^ '^ "^ \Li chH lai. Stop- Stop this affair, I can't— (hush it up) [%^ ♦ 1 W ?fe ffi ^ ft ( CM ko Sinn ch ing wo ya pu chiu Stop here to-night. It's so late you had better 1 3c fl^ T V^SC ft P ( THeJi wan lo, ni chiu chu hsia. Stop that blood-spitting. He can't [^ ^ ^^ ,%-^ ^ "^ (.T'a lao fu h-neh, chih pu chu. Stop that break. They'll never— (in a river bank) {f R 10 tJ '7' ^ ^ ft (,iVa ko k'oti-tzU tu pu chu. Stopped, He's in a hurry to go and won't be jffi ^ )£ ^ ^ P ^ ft ( /"a chi su yao cnii, Ian pu chu. Stop long in this place, I am not going to \^^^ ^^if "^^ ^'X^ ^ \^Che ko ti fang ''rh wo chu pu chu. Stops speaking, He never \%^^ ."^ IS ^i ^ ft ( T^a tsui li ti hua tsung pu chu. Stop snowing. It doesn't |ia 10 • :^ ^ ft (_ Che ko hsueh lao pu chu. Stop here, I don't care to — (in consequence of (ia 10 Wl >7 yE» ^Jc "f^ '^ ft some unpleasantness) \che ko tifang \h wo tai pu chu. Stopped, The steamer has (S ^ 1? ft T l^Lun cJiuan fivg chu lo. Stop there long, He won't— (of a servant &c.) (li" ffi 5P M ^ ft ^ T ^ [T'a tsai 7ia k\iai ^rk ck'ang pu liao. 50 stop — Continued — Stopped by the Imperial troops. The rebels were ] ^ T"*, M > > ga 1±l 4 i^Tsei chiao kuan ping tang^ chu lo. Stopped that hole. You haven't [MM M^i^^ M^S.^ "& (iVa ko k^u lung ni hai mei tu^ chu. Stopped? Has the wind — (also oisnow, rain, &c.) ] ^ '^ -* "^^ " l^Feng chu lo mei yu. Stopped for two months, I have had my leave |S9'®^f^^^T.''^.^. {^the iicmg ko yiieh wo kao pu lisia chia lai. Stop, Don't— (doing anything) | '^ >r S" tt ^ \_Ni pu yao chu shou. Strain— strain this wine jffil ^ IS Y^ S/S ^ * \Pa cm ko chiu kuo kuo an ctCii. Strained myself just now, I S^w)^ srf M i Wo kang ts^ai nu cJiao lo. Stretch- Stretch out your hand ( !?' ^ ."^ 1^ P . f^jyi pa shou shen kai. Stretch your legs a little and be off as quick as {\^ ^ M. '[^ 'I^ 6\[ ^ you can \Sa Fai fui, khiai k'uai ti p'ao. Stretching themselves. Dogs and cats are very (^^ |S ]^ ^ 'f^ 1^ SS fond of iKou mao tsui ai shen Ian yao. Stretch this rope tight— (c7m should be read with (:jfi i2 ^ ^ "f fe ft T marked emphasis) |pa che t'iao shmg-tzU la chu lo. Strike- Struck three. That clock has just [MM^Wi^ =^1^% \^Na ho chung kang ta san hsia rh. Strike now, This clock doesn't [M 10 M £8 jffi ^ 4T l^Che ko chung hsten tsai pu to. Struck work. They have all-(slang) [k^^ %^t^ %1 ^1 (.2a chia kuo \h ton kei liang lo tat lo. Struck by lightning. His uncle was J llu p] J ^ ^ "\V m «¥ 4 (T'a ti chill chiu chmo leipi lo. Strike the flag [^TM'f'^ {Lao hsia clCi-tzu lai. 51 Stuff— Siuflfed, I want it— (of poultrr Ac) (^ ^ -t fej JS. I loo ftgn manff ktieH rh, SlBfi^wsMrnoscis (^^^^,^P^. ( U O pk-izH pu t UJt^ k not. Succeed— Succeed in li^ That stjleof man doesnt (SBHAjSI^S^^^ (x>a tstmgjfn it pm eh*i shih ych laL Soeoeed, That business doesn*t— (iroM'f succeed (JR ifi S K ^ ^ ft ^'o^ ^ S >^ j& 3fS) (Jra ko mat mai Jfai pu cliu. Suck— s«ktk,p«BtoiF,D«n^ mmm&mny^ (Pieh pa yoi *k£ *rk t*i hsia ItU. Surround- Sraroanded hj a crowd of people. He was \^ S A ft! (ffi. B ft ^ (Hao hsieh Jen pa ta ur^i ciiu la. Swallow- Swallow eroi half a glass of wine, I can't j^-^iS^-tk^^T [Pan ehung chiu wo yek yai pm k (7^a eh^ih ekin eh^ii lo yi io di\n Swaflofwed an insect. He has Swear- Swears it wasn't he, He f ^ ^^, SS: 7 g iffii {^T*a cA*t shih shuopu skik fa. Sweep— Sw€^ the dust off the bed \^ ^f Jl R\f dl ^ ~F ^ (.Pa c.'i'ii'.:7-j i'.^nj ti fu sao hsia laL Swell— Swelled up, Stiddaihr it l^^^'^^^Ji Swelled, The wood has (^ ^ "^ *^ ,^,T, \Mu toH (hang eau lai la. Take- Take away the things {"^ ^ 1^^ {Pa ehia htu Ditto ffl5^1*»l3orftT:^ \Pa ehia hiio chien^ h^ai or chien hsia Take the coTer off that pot jfll 5B 18 ^ ^ W ^ (Pa na kuo kai VA hsien l^at. Pa ehia kuo na k'aL ai or chien hsia laL m Take — Continued — JSa cMn i'lao k'ai. Take away tlie ladder— (or take down) V^l"! -fCi w "T Take it out with a needle — (of a thorn) Take the cover off that box— (if nailed down) l*^ ?"? ^ ^, ^T'^ , „ , \_Jra hsiang-tzfi km chiao^ kai. Take away this basin If « '^^ ^^ ^^ \JSli pa cue ko p en tuan k ai. Take the capital, They'll never \% *,f f^ * ^ ^ „ . i^blieng cli eng t a men p o pu kai. Take it from him, Make haste and— (relieve |fS^ 'I^ ^ S 3K him of it) \^Ni k^uai chieh kuo lai. Take off the Wshade |fftl.@f.«T^. (iVi pa ieng cliao cliai lisia lai. Take down this door— (ila is used specially of (ffi i§ 10 PI tT "T* ^ fixtures. See Lifi) \Pa cM ko men ta hsia lai. Take out this pane of glass [^ ^ ,tS .^ f ^ ^ "T^ ^ \J:^a che kuai po k chi lisia lai. [Hi pa fi-tzu clCe k^ai. Take all the books out of the book-case l"^ ^ ^ "T "^ -W ^ "^ . . ^ [Jra chia-tzU sliang ti shu ton na hsia lai. Take the kettle off the fire— (Za implies the use i^ ^C -t ft& ^ fe T* ^ of one hand only) |pa huo sliang ti hu la hsia lai. Take off your shoes before getting on the chair l^^.^^.'^^^, ''', ^ , . \leng y'l-tzu^ hsien pa hsieh t o^ hsia lai. Take down the pictures from the wall— (framed jffi ^^^^ -t t^ M WF* ^K pictures hanging to nails) \Pa ch'iang shang kua p'ing chai hsia lai. Take the pot off the stove— (using two hands) [W 'M "7* -t mm J^ffiJ T ^, (Pa lu-tzU shang ti kuo tuan hsia lai. Take off the candle-end— (from the spike on a (ffi i^ IS % -K T* ^ Chinese candle-stick) |pa la t'ou 'rh pa hsia lai. Take up the mat on the ifc'aw jffi i^ i^ tK T ^ i^Pa k^ang hsi hsien hsia lai. Pa fai pu chieh hsia lai or hsien cKi lai. Take in anybody, His tricks don't if- ^^^ Ig 1+ 0® 7 ft A ITatikuei^chimanpuchujen. 63 {^JslVBlisiTT Take off the table-cloth Take — ConUnued — Take in man but not Heaven, You may [^ f I 5® A i® ^^ M ^ \3ian te kuo jen, man pu kuo fien. Take root, That tree doesn't \^ j® j*f +5 :S 7 ft l^Na ko shu ken chang pu chu. Take root. He doesn't— (seem likely to stop long) jffc H}I ffi ^ ^ ft ( /' a ti ken '"^9 an pu chu. Take up pigeon's eggs with chopsticks. You can't [^ |l jS 8 'i^ -7* 5^ J7^ ft iCnih ko tan, na Kuai-tzu chia pu cJiu, Take off your glove first [^ ffi "^ # IE IS T i* {^Hsien pa shou fao rh fun hsia cJiu, Take this back--(to a shop) 1^ ^ ,^ It ^ .^ 7 7 ^ i^Jra i'he ko kei t a tui lo pu yao. Take out the ashes— (from a grate) j*^ 5" • ,, , • \Faja mei pa ck u lau Take itoutofthebox— (using finger and thumb. (fT :^ -y* ^ tA Hi ^ In Pekingese |g nieh) [Ta ho-tztc li nien cliu lai. V'A hsien chH lai. Take off your apron \f^^P^-7:'^.. {^JSi pa wei chun chieh hsia lai. Take that pair of ear-rings out of pawn |^ ^'*,^!! ,'S,'^ ^ H! , . {^Fa na fu era en lian shu chu lau Take your long coat out of pawn — (by putting | |E A IH* "T* IH W ^ something else in so as to raise the money) \Pa cKang kua-tzu ting cKu lai. Take a handful of ashes |^ ^, ,"'.*' ^ ,^ (C/« ± ?fJ \Man-chou hua wo shuo pu shang lai. Talking to you, It's no use — (it doesn't improve you) iJS'i ti mao ping shih shuo pu kuo laL Talk of people behind their backs. Don't \Pei ti li pieh i lun jen. Tear- Tear that piece of calico }Pa na k^uai pu ssU k^ai. Tear down that torn paper — (from a Chinese window &c.) (Pa na ko p^o chili ssU hsia lai. Tear down all the pictures — (pasted against a wall) {Fa hua ^rh iou chieh hsia lai. TeU- Tell the good from the bad, I can easily \Hao tai too hen k'an te cliu lai. Tell the quality by looking at it. You can {Ch'^eng se shih cKiao te ch'u lai ti. Tell me what you have spent |H! fel fi^ t# # ^ ttj ^ ( Yung ch^ien ti chang ni pao cKu lai. Tell whether it's a man or a woman, I can't \Shih nan shih nil loo pien pu ch'u lai. Thaw- Thaw it with hot water \l^a je shui chiao k'ai. Thawed, The ice has all \Fing tou hua k^ai lo. 55 Think— Think of his name, I can't mtl^iA^MZ^mM ll^a ti hsing ico hsiang pu clii led. Think of it? How did he ever come to— (of in- i^g' %^ ft ^, S ifi tH ^ 6^ ventions &c.) {^Tang cliu shlh Uen mo hsiang cJiu lai tu Thought he'd have come? Who would have |^ ^ ^. ^^ ^i 1® ^ B|& IShui yu hsiang te tao fa lai ni. Thinks nothing of a sum hke this, He |^.^ 1S ^ #. tfl 7 S'J W^ M (. CM chi ko cKien fa ko pu tao yen li. Think much of this thumb-ring, I don't |^.^ i& ^H ffe ♦ ^ -t ( Che ko pan chih too k'an pu shang. Thread- Thread me a needle Na hsien jen shang chin. Throw- Throw open all the doors in the morning — {also ) — ' -^ 7t» lEi \\ w wi pQ ^ to unbutton a coat in hot weather) {Yi tsao 'rh pa men tou cKang^ k'ai lo. Throw away the water in the basin j ''^ T* . . ^ . ^ , . i^Pa p en li ti shui p o k^ai. Thrown up all the medicine he took. He has jlffi ^ ^^ 6\I 1^ ^ Pi tti ^ T i^T a so ch ih ti yao tou fu cKu lai lo. Throw away all the broken crockery — {Jeng"^ (^ ^ ^ ^ |J7 |lj "^ or jeng^) |p'o t£u dii toujeng cKu ch'u. Threw me down. He if ffi « If #J T iT^a pa ICO shuai tao^ lo. Throw so high, I can't |?fe jj7 ^ -t i" ^ (. Wo jeng jm shang cliH. Throw across? Can you— (a river &c.) 1''^ ^^ ^f ® ^.|^ ^ S ^ (iW jeng te kuo ch'il jeng pu kuo cKu, Throw the dog into the river [^ ^^ fp ^J '^^ ^ ^ (Pa kou jeng tao ho li fou. Throw it over here \Ni pa fa jeng kuo lai. Threw three sixes. He— (with dice) • [^ P 7 — 1® <> (T"a cliih liao san ko liu. C >*^ .to VAi «^^ ^0 ^ h nr ^ it 1^ Hi Throw this into the bargain. You must ]^ "^ ^^' ^^ W i/t, -i- "^ ^ '^il m m i^Che ko 7ii tsuug teijao^ shajig or jao tsai li tou. Throw it in through the window \^ i^m P }77 *B 3v ( Ja ch'uang hujeng chin lai. 56 Throw — Continued — Threw down the lamp, His hand slipped and he | (ffi" >^ "^ ffi '>^ ITJ ffi Mfe T T ( T*a shih shou pa teng jeng tsai ti hsia lo. Threw down the looking-glass on purpose, He | j^ ^ ^Ci* ?Si fe "^^ ?f T ( 7' a ^ffan hsin pa ching-tzU shuai lo. I — • Tie two pieces of ice together. You can't |^ ^, ^^ tt ^ ^ \TAang Kuai ping kunpii chu. Tie it up tight i^ ^ ^Wl^l yPa sheng-tzU lei chin lo. Tied together, I want these two pieces of string |«a^ ^/mS ^ S 1^ ffi "^ M >£ {^Che Hang t'iao sMng-tzu yao shuan tsai i k'uai *rh. Tie, My girdle won't— (too short) |^ 6\f ^ ^ ^ ^ -t ( Wo ti tai-tzU chi pu shang. Tie up the pony j-p '^ ^^ -^ {^Pa ma shuan shang. Tied up to the post. He is — (chu-tzU the column f ^ 7^^ ~^ Jl. ^ t3E J of a verandah &c.) \ Tsai chu-tzu shang pang chu lo. Tie his hands together jffi #. &\f ^ W ± \^Pa ^a ti shou k^un shang. ce— Traced, This is— (not written or drawn) \^.^. '^^' ^ '^^ -TS # 6v ( Cite shih chao cho ying \h cliao ti* Trace- Treat— Treats people with contempt. He jlffi B^ ^ It ^ ^ A ( 2 'a yen li cliiao pu chH fen. Treat you tomorrow. It's my turn to | ?^^ :^ ^ m M 7D i^Ming fien shih wo ti twig ^rh. Try- Try if it is gold or copper 1^. ^ ,& ^ ^^^ ^ ^ B Hi ^ i^Shih chin shih fung ni kei wo mo cliu lax. Try, You don't ^ ^ !« 'C^ # \Ni pu clieng hsin tso. Tried to drown himself yesterday, He |ff^ ^ il& tt ® ?rI \Tso fien ia iou kuo ho. Tried to hang himself. He once j #. #- -t >© rpl (2"a cliang shang kuo tiao. Tried to commit suicide. He once [p" a ^ '^ ^ ( T^a ch ang hsiin kuo ssH. 57 Turn- Turn over this leaf— (of a book) II? ^ . ,^ ^ ^^ (Pa cM yi p ien fan k au Tuni tliese sheep out--(to grass &c.) Jffi ^I> ^ ^ ^ PQ i^Fa na chiin yang fang kai. Turn round, The room is so small you can't \^r i -i "^^ ^' .. . ( Wu-tzU c/iat, cliuan jm kat. Turned out fine. The weather has \^.^ ^ % ^' M ^ T ( Che ko tien clii pien kuo lat lo. Turn your faco round f > «1 St |E # ■;§ ^^ [Ni pa lien rh tiao kuo lat. Turn the coat inside out (^ fS' ^RM^ \Pa kua-tzU fan kuo lai. Turn the bench round straight — {teng is proper- (ftl 5J5 ^ ® ^ ^^ ® 3l^ \y fer^) [Pa na t'iao pan teng lieng kuo lai. Turn the cart round and bring it back \^.^ ^ W-S IBJ ^ {^Chiao na ko cKe mo hui lai. Turn it round the proper way [MM^MW-M^ ( 7ao' cho niy tiao kuo lai. Turn to the west when you get to the end— [;$ PJ JR IR fE f± ffi ^ S 3|J (of the street) [ Tsou tao na fou V/t wang hsi kuai kuo lai. Turn the things out— (of a bag or box) jftl ^ 25 1^ HJ ^ (Pa tu7ig hsi t''ao ch^u lai. Turn the box upside down |ft! ^ ■?" IH >M 3l^ i^jPa hsiang-tzU fan kuo lai. Turn it the other side up— (of blankets &c.) jffli ffi ^ 10 '® 52. (Pa i^afan ko kuo ''rh. Turned him out of doors, His parents }X#?GTta:^u1^ \ \Fu mxi pa fa fen chhi lai lo. Turn out, It's impossible to say how he will K^l ft\I tw tt^ ^ ft ( Z"a ti cluing hsing ting pu chit. Turn him out— (by force) (ffi #. W Hi 4* \ra ta tui en u cliu. Turn it out— (of animals) Iffi #. W tti i* \^Pa fa hung^ cliu ch^U, Turning over and over, quite unable to get to OT ®^^Mi#^ffi>?^# sleep \Fan kuo lai tiao kuo ch^u, tsung shut pu chao. 58 Turn — Contin tied — Turn that bowl upside down fffl JP 1S ^^ :|l1 ± [Pa na ko wan k^ou shang. Turned white. His hair has all jlffi (IKl SS S ^^ S T ( T^a ti t ou fa tou pien pai lo. Tarn that bottle upside down |f* «J SI5 « JE ^ M 5l5 \Ni pa na ko p^ing tao kuo -loL 3utton— Unbutton this button, I can't \^^ ^ ^ ^,^ ^„^ (^ Che ko niu-tzU loo chieh pu k at. Unbutton— Understand— Understand you, I begin to (f^> 6^ M ^ P ff >S ^ (in ii hua wo ts ax wu kuo lai. Understand his meaning, I 1^ '^?. '^ '® ^^^.^'^ [,1 a ti I ssii wo t ing cliu lai to. Understand his temper, I can't i^ ^^ ^P' |fe S ^ ^ [T a tip I mi wo na pu chu. Understand this sentence, I don't | ^, V ^ ^ ^ , T ^, . {^Clie chu hua wo hsieh* pu kai. Undertake— Undertake that work. He won't ^ ^,^ nJ&B^ "f M . l^Jya ko kung ch eng fa ymg pu hsia lai. Unravel— Unravel this ball of tangled silk — (in Peking (flS 3^ @1 ML m^ 3^ pQ ^1^) \Pa cM Vuan Ian hsien lu k^ai. Use- Use this, I can't — (have no use for it or find it iia 10 ^ BS ^JC ^ -^ ^ unsuitable) \Che ko tung hsi wo yung pu chao. Use pork-fat in cooking, Don't (t^^ ^ij 1^^ Vft ^ ^ {^Ni pieh shih chu yu tso ts ai. Use this cash-note here. You can't \^.^ ^ ^ 5lJ ia X. W^ Uip iChe ko chienpiao, tao che rh shin pu chu chu. Wait- Wait, I can't \^r^^^ I Wo teng pu lai. Wait ..pon him, He has four men to l§ * ffl A j3 -^ ffi [_1 a yu ssU ko jen tz U hou t a. Wait at table? Do you know how to |f ^f ^^^M'^ MJ^M (iVz tung te kaifan ti kuei chu mo. 59 Waive— Waive this for the present Wake- Waked yet. He hasn't Walk- Walk, I can't Walk so far, I am not accustomed to Walk 200 li, I can't Want- Want all these men, I don't Want all those rooms, I shan't Warp- Warped, The board is Wash- Wash out that black mark, Take some soap and — (ts'o to rub between the two hands) Wash all the crockery, plate &c Water- Watered, These flowers must be Water the pony just yet. Don't Wear— Wears very badly, That stuff Wear this jacket, I can't — (too small) Worn out my fur coat. You have quite \Che ko hua hs'ien ko^ k^ai. (2"a liai tnei hsing lo. \ Wo tsou pu tung. ( Wo tsou pu kuan na mo yiian. \Erh pai li ti wo tsou pu liao. \ CM hsieh ko jen wo yung pu k^ai. (iVa hsieh wu-tzu wo chu pu k^ai. \^Mu pan-tziX ku^ cICi lai lo. Na yi-tzU pa na tien hei ts'o hsia lai. [lyu chH chia huo tou kuo kuo shui, [Che hua ^rh tei chiao shang shui. [llsien pieh yin ma. iNa ko ts'ai liao ch''uan pu chu. [ Che ko ma kua *rh too ch^uan pu shang. Wo ti pH ao ni tou diuan huai lo. 60 Wind- Wind up that watch Wind some iron wire round it Wind some string round it Work— Work hard enough at it, It must be because I don't Worth- Worth while for an affair like this, It's not Worth so much as that, It's not Wrap- Wrap it up in paper Wrap it up in dough — (as a dumpling) Write— Written out that notice? Have you Write the li character, I can't Write with that soft brush, I can't Write on it. The paper is oily : I can't {JVi pa na ko piao shang shang hsien, Na fieh ssU ^rh chUan shang, \Na sheng-tzU jao shang. [Tsung shih too ti kung fu hsia pu tao. ( Wei che ko shih fan pu shang. i^Chih pu liao na mo hsieh ko cKieru \Na chihpao chH lax. {,Na mien pao shang. \Na ko kao pai ni hsieh ch^u lai lo m^i yu. \Li tzU wo hsieh pu shang lai. i^Na ko pi juan, wo hsieh pu lai. \m± « vft ?fe 1 ;:?; ± \Chih shang yu yUy wo hsieh pu shang. I UNIVERSITY 61 MONOGRAPH, (v^^s^i^ ^4Cf^O?UW.fA' The cupboard is locked : I can't get at It \Kuei-tzU so lo, wo na pu chao. I can't keep this piece of ice in my hand — (too (ia j^ ^y<. ^ ^ ^ T± slippery or too cold) I can't lift this weight He can't lift that sack — (too heavy) He won't let me have any of your money I am not used to a Chinese pen The criminal is not caught yet I can't take them all in an hour I can't take them all at once Bribes are not to be accepted The hole is too small to get it through One man can't take it all There isn't time to get it now He can't take that puzzle to pieces Che Icuai ping wo na pu chu. Che mo churig ti chin liang wo na pu cliHi, SB 10 P 3g Iffi, S :^ li Na ko k'ou tai fa na pu tung, \Ni ts^un kei fa ti cINen, ico cKu na pu tung, ( Chung kuo pi wo na pu kuan, \Fan jen hai na pu tao. Yi tien chung ti kung fu na pu wan. i I Yi t£iX na pu chin. Hui lu shih na pu te. (C/ie ko yen VA hsiao, na pu kuo. Yi ko jen na pu liao. i^Shih hou k'uai loan lo, na pu chi. Na ko liu diiao fa na pu Fat. I shall be a long time taking aU these different |^l®;jfc^^P^$^'ft Tung hsi fai ling sui lo, na pu k'uai. things I can't say whether he'll come or not He can't make up his mind (7"a lai pu lai, na pu chun. (7 'a ti dm i na pu ting. 63 One is never sure to win or lose in gambling You can't take fresh fish far Tai li means that the appointment is temporary I can't get his account books — (he won't let me have them) He can't take away the seized goods The window is too small to bring it in by I haven't got so much in ready money I can't get the cork out of the bottle — (a cork which has been pushed in by accident) I can't present this petition — (informal i&c.) I can't get that looking-glass down — (nailed to the wall &c.) Tu cKien ti sJiu y'mg na pu iveru Hsien yi'i na pu yilan. Tai li ti yin pa ^rh shih na pu cliang, T'a ti pu-tzii. wo na pu lai. K''ou Liu ti huo wu ia na pu cliu, Cliuang hu hsiao^ na pu chin. CM hsieh hsien yin-tzu wo na pu cliu. PHng li ti sai-tzU wo na pu cVu. mp » W ^ * :^ ± Che ko ping fieh wo 7ia pu shang. Na ko ching-tzu loo na pu hsia. 64 NOTE The phrase ^ — •;^j|S^^^^_h ^ cant hire a single boat occurring under Hire^ is used north of Shanghai with the meaning here given ; but in the south the sense would follow more closely the primary meaning of ^ and be — / can't get a passage in a single boat — implying that all the boats were full. "-"'^^^^^ OF THE TCTKlVERsiTT 65 1^ 8 6 1^ 14 0^I&'^'*°^*° 10 -%} sT^"^! to ^ 't* ,,-?,%«?r-^^^ Wj^B