Iil!ill!!!|||l!l!ll!ll il IfiTiiiiid h I Miiiiiiiiuiniui s / .o UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES /^\ ^ A VERBA NOMINALIA; OR, WORDS DERIVED FROM PROPER NAMES. BY RICHARD STEPHEN CHARNOCK, Ph.Dr., F.S.A., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.S.A., F.R.S.N.A., FELLOW OF THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON ; FOIiEIGN ASSOCIATE OF THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PARIS ; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC-GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 'Nomina si nescis, perit cognitio rerum." Coke on Littleton. LONDON : TRtJBNER & CO., 60, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCOCLXVI. ) J * ' printed by chakles jones, west harding street (late sumfield and jones) * «. * . *- » • ^**- * * t- •- '- •■ * n fc <: 'J re PREFACE. It must, without any research, have been apparent to most people that many well-known words have had their origin in Proper Names ; but whoever has made even a slight study of the various branches of etymology will ^ have discovered that the number of words so derived is ^ , very large indeed. The ordinary reader of history may know that " to roam " is to wander about on the pretence of a pilgrimage to Rome ; that the word calico is derived from Calicut ; humbug from Hamburg ; or that bayonets ^ are supposed to have first seen the light at Bayonne. He will doubtless be further interested in finding dimity re- ferred to Damietta, marigold to the Virgin, mayduke to Medoc, fuchsia to Dr. Fuchs, coffee to Kafa, quince to Cydonia. This latter class of names, however, not being usually met with in the narrative of great and exciting ^ events, required an independent chronicler, and I deter- mined to volunteer my services to investigate and register them. The chief difficulty lay in deciding where to stop. Should the work be confined to the most common words found in a dictionary of the English language ? or should it embrace also those used in the Arts and Sciences? On the whole, I was inclined to think that these also /^:3i8 IV PEEFACE. should be included, since terms teclmical in their origin frequently force themselves into general use, after which there is, through lapse of time, a difficulty in framing for them an accurate genealogy. To remedy the errors, omissions, and defects unavoidable in the first issue of such a work, I beg the corrections, additions, and suggestions of etymologists, with a view to a more com- plete edition. In carrying out my design, I have availed myself of all information within reach, and have, I believe, generally acknowledged my authorities. To the Rev. S. F. Creswell, M.A., of Lancaster School, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical and Geographical Societies, I am indebted for some useful information and many hints and corrections. My learned friend also, at my request, suggested the title, " Verba Nominalia," and he is quite willing to father it. Some additions and corrections Avill be found at the end of the work. R. S. CHARNOCK. Gray's Inn, 1st October, 1865. VERBA xNOMINALIA, ABDERIAN. Foolish or incessant laughter is so named, from Abdera, in Thrace, the birthplace of Democritus, who was much given to laughter, and Avho was styled the Abderite. See Whitaker ; Webster. ACADEMY (L. academia, Gr. a>ca(5£ju,lack powder ; a silico-aluminate of iron found at Baralon, Cote du Nord, France. BARB. A horse of the Barbary breed, much esteemed for its swiftness. BARBARIAN. A man in his rude savage state; an uncivi- lized person ; a cruel, savage, brutal man ; one destitute of pity and humanity. The Greeks and Romans denoiniuated most foreign nations barbarians ; and many of these were less civilized than themselves, or unacquainted with their language, laws, and manners ; but with them the word was used less reproachfully than with us. Some derive the L. word harbarus, Gr. ^ocpfSxpos, Russ. varvar, from Heb. hardr (Pip. barhdr) "to separate," " one who is separated," " a foreigner." Passow says, " the word was used of all defects which the Greeks thought foreign to themselves and natural to other nations; but as the Hellenes and barbarians were most of all separated by lan- guage, the word had always reference to this: yXiuaffo, (3apj3oipa (foreign tongue). The word is most probably derived from the Berbers, i. e. the inhabitants of Berbery or Barbary, in the North of Africa ; from lav-bar, " sons of the west," which the West Arabs, &c., call themselves. Cf. Miiller, Univ. Hist. b. xxxii. s. 1. BAREGE. A light plain woollen stuff for shawls, ladies' dresses, &c., so named from being manufactured at Barege, at the foot of the Pyrenees, famous for its mineral waters. BARNARDIA. A genus of Chinese bulbous plants, so called in honour of E. Barnard, Esq., F.R.S. BARNHARDTITE. A mineral composed of dopper and iron, from a mine on the land of Dan Barnhardt, Cabarras County, North Carolina ; also found at other places in the same county, and in the neighbourhood of Charlotte, in Mecklenburg County. BARRERIA. A genus of plants, whose species are shrubs, natives of Guinea ; called after Prof. Barrere, of Perpignan. 16 VERBA NOMINALIA. BARRINGTONIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. MyrUicece, called after the Hon. Daines Barrington. — Crahb. BARTSIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Scroplmlariacece, called after John Bartsch, a physician. — Crahh. BASSEIN. Rice from Bassain or Bassein, a seaport town of Pegu, taken by the British, in May, 1852. BASSIA, a genus of plants, nat. or. SapotacecB, named after Ferdinand Bassi, curator of the Botanic Garden as Bologna. — Crahh. BASSORINE. A constitutuent part of a species of gum from Bassora, in Asiatic Turkey, as also of gum ti^agacanth and some guija resins. — Ure. BASTITE. A mineral of an olive and pistaccio green, found in the euphotide of the Baste and other places in the Harz, It is another name for schiller spar. BATIST (Fr. hatiste). A French linen cloth of a very fine thread and very close tissue, used for pocket handkerchiefs and body linen, chiefly made in deps. Nord, Pas de Calais, and La Somme ; but also made in the Netherlands, in Bohemia, Silesia, and Switzerland, and, those most esteemed, in India. It had its name from Baptiste, its first manufacturer. - BAUHINIA. A genus of plants, shrubs, or. Monogynia; natives of India ; named in honour of the brothers Gaspard and John Banhin, celebrated botanists. BAULITE. A mineral, consisting of silica, alumina, lime, soda, and potash, analysed by Genth. The name was first given by Forchammer to a greyish-white porous metal from the Baula Mountain, in Iceland, having nearly the same com- position as the crystals analysed by Genth. BAVARO Y. Formerly a kind of cloak or surtout ; pez'haps originally written havarois ; from Bavaria. BAVAROISE. (Fr.) Tea sweetened with syrup of capillaire; a kind of milk posset, first made by the Bavarians. BAYONET (Fr. halonette, Sp. bayoneta, It. haionetta). A short pointed instrument of iron, or broad dagger, formerly with a handle fitted to the bore of a gun, where it was inserted for use after the soldier had fired ; but now made with an iron handle and ring which go over the muzzle of the piece, so that VERBA NOMINALIA. 17 the soldier fires with his bayonet fixed. {Encyc.) Ford says the bayonet is said to have been first used by some Basques at Bayonne, in the war of 1814, who stuck their knives into their muskets' muzzles ; others assert that the bayonet was first in- vented in 1671 ; but it is without doubt of a much more ancient origin. The word does not appear in Palsgrave's Dictionary, published in 1530. In Cotgrave's Dictionary, first published in 1611, we find " bayonnette, a kind of small flat pocket dagger, furnished with knives ; or a great knife to hang at the girdle like a dagger ;" also " hayonnier, an arbalestier (an old word)," which is rendered " a crosse-bow-man, that shoots in or serves with a crosse-bow ; also a crosse-bow- maker." Again, Puysegur, who was sent to Flanders in 1642, in his memoirs speaks of the use of the bayonet at Bergues, Ypres, Dixmunde, and Laquenoc. Miege (Great French Diet., Lond. 1688) renders ^^bayonette (Fr.) a dagger, or knife dagger- like, such as the dragoons wear." Phillips (World of Words) gives " bayonette, a long dagger much in use of late, and carried by the grenadiers." In the Diet. Anglo-Britan., or a General Eng. Diet. (John Kersey, 1715), we find " bayonette (Fi\) a broad dagger with a round taper handle, to stick in the muzzle of a musket." The New World of Words (Edw. Phillips, fo. 1720) has ^'bayonette, a broad dagger without a guard, made with a round taper handle, to stick in the muzzle of a musket, so that it may serve instead of a pike to receive the charge of a horse." Les Travaux de Mars, ou I'Art de la Guerre (par Manusson Mallet, .Amst. 1685, tom. iii. 30) gives " une bayonette, ou une petite lame montee dans un manche de bois ; le soldat s'en sert dans quelques occasions comme une demi- pique, en mettant son manche dans le canon de sou mousquet ou son fusil." The name of this instrument is also found written bayonet, and we find also baggonnetts and bajonetts ; indeed, as late as 1735 the word was written and printed bagonet. In the Glossary appended to Memoirs Historical and Military of the Marquis Feuquiere (trans, from the French, Lond. 1735) bagonet is rendered " a short broad dagger made with iron handles and rings that go over the muzzle of the firelock, and are screwed fast, so that the soldier fires with the c 18 VERBA NOMINALIA. bagonet on the muzzle of the piece, and is ready to act against horse." Roquefort (Gloss, de la Langue Romaine, 1808) renders baionier " arbalatrier, a crossbow-man." The general opinion seems to be that the bayonet was first invented at Bayonne, in France, whence it had its name. Mr. I. Y. Aker- man (Notes on Origin and Hist. Bayonet, Archeeol. xxviii., 428) says, " I have sought in vain for the origin and source of the tradition that the bayonet was invented at Bayonne. The story runs that in a battle which took place in a small hamlet in the environs of that city, in the middle of the seventeenth century, between some Basque peasants and a band of Spanish smug- glers, the former, having exhausted their ammunition, defeated their opponents by charging them with their long knives fastened in the muzzle of their muskets. Such an event may have occurred, but it requires authentication, and the relation begets a suspicion that the mere similarity of name has laid the foundation of the supposed connection of the bayonet with Bayonne. True or false, the story is immortalized in the verse of Voltaire, who, in the eighth book of the " Henriade," thus alludes to this occasion : — " Cette arme, que jadis, pour depeuplerla terre, Dans Bayonne inventa le demon de la guerre, Rassemble en meme temps, digne fruit de I'enfer, Ce qu'ont de plus terrible et la flamme et le fer." Voltaire, however, was not the inventor of the figment, if it is really to be regarded as such, for we find bayonet thus glossed in the Dictionary of Menage, published in 1694 : — " Bayonette, sorte de poignard, ainsi appelee de la ville de Baionne." On the whole it would seem most probable that the word bayonet is a diminutive formed from Bayonne (in Sp. Bayona). It does not follow, however, that the bayonet was invented at Bayonne in France. There are places called Bayon and Bayona in Spain, in provinces Oviedo, Pontevedra, Toledo, and Madrid. In machinery, a term applied to pins which play in and out of holes made to receive them, and which thus serve to engage or disengage parts of the machinery {Nichohon). VERBA NOMINALIA. 19 BEAUGENCY. A fine red wine made from grapes growing in the neighbourhood of Beaugency, France, dep. Loiret. BEAUJOLAIS. A celebrated wine made at Beaujolais, a district of France, part of the ancient Lyonnais, the capital of which was Beaujeau. BEAUNE. A fine wine made from grapes grown at Beaune, a town of France, dep. Cote-d'Or, renowned for its vineyards, BEAUVAIS. A beautiful tapestry made at Beauvais, in France, dep. Oise. BECHAMEL. A fine French white sauce made of strong pale veal gravy, and now very much served at good English tables ; said to have been named after the Marquis de Becha- mel, maitre d'hotel to Louis XIV. Sauce a la bechamel ; De la morue a la bechamel ; Une bechamel de brochet ; Bechamel maigre. BEDLAMITE. An inhabitant of a madhouse; a madman ; from Bedlam, a hospital for lunatics in Lambeth, Surrey, properly Bethlehem, and anciently a religious house. Shak" speare used bedlam figuratively for a place of uproar. BEGONIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. BegoniacecB, called after Michael Begon. — Crabb. BELCHER. A kind of neckkerchief of a blue colour with white spots (blue birdseye). In pugilistic encounters it is the fashion for each combatant to provide himself with a quantity of kerchiefs, which may be used either as hand or neckker- chiefs, of a different colour and pattern fi'om those of his oppo- nent. These kerchiefs are distributed among the supporters of each party, who after the fight pay to the successful champion a sovereign each for the same. The Belcher neckkerchief derives its name from the celebrated pugilist James Belcher. BENEDICT. A married man ; a man newly married ; so called from Benedict, a young lord of Padua, one of the dramatis personcB in Much Ado about Nothing, who says, " When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think that I should live to be married." BENGAL. A thin stuff made of silk and hair, for women's apparel, so called from Bengal. — Bailey; Johnson. c 2 20 VERBA NOMINALIA. BERAUNITE. A mineral, supposed to be a hydrous phos- phate of peroxide of iron, found in limonite near Beraun, in Bohemia. BERENGrELITE. A mineral consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, found in the province of St. Juan de Berengela, in South America. BERENICE. In chemistry, another name for amber, perhaps from its power of attracting hair &c. Berenice, in astronomy, is a name given to seven stars in the tail of the constellation Leo, in honour of Berenice, wife of Ptolemy Evergetes, who offered her hair in sacrifice to the gods for the pi'esei'vation of her husband. B ERE SITE. A mineral, a fine-grained granite containing pyrites ; from near Beresof, in the Ural. BERGtAMO. a coarse tapestry manufactured with flocks of wool, silk, cotton, hemp, and ox or goat's haii', said to have been invented at Bergamo, in Italy. — Encyc. BERGAMOT (Fr. Bergamotte). A species of pear (Bergamotte de Hollande, Bergamotte Suisse) ; a species of citron, at first casually produced by an Italian, who grafted a citron on the stock of a Bergamot pear-tree, the fruit of which has a fine taste and smell, and whose essential oil is in high esteem as a perfume. According to some the pear was named from Ber- gamo, in Italy, whence it is said to have been first brought ; others assert that the pear was first brought from Turkey, and they derive the word from the Turkish beg, bey, lord ; arnioud, pear ; " prince of pears." A species of snufi' perfumed with bergamot. In France, the word bergamotte is also used to denote little boxes of sugar plums (bonbonnieres), lined with the peel of this kind of citron. BERGERA. A genus of plants nat. or. Monogynia, named in honour of Professor Berger, of Kiel. BERGIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. pentagynia, named in honour of Dr. Bergius, of Stockholm. BERGMANITE. A variety of scapolite, by some regarded as a distinct species, of a grayish colour, of different shades ; found in Norway ; named after Bergman, the mineralogist. BERTHIERA. A genus of plants, of which there is but one VERBA NOMINALIA. 21 species, the Berthiera Qiiianensis ; a shrub, native of Guinea, named in honour of Professor Berthier, of Paris. BERTHIERITE. A mineral, consisting of antimony, sul- phur, iron, and zinc ; named after M. Berthier. BERTHOLETIA. A name given to the Brazil nut tree, a tall tree of South America, the fruit of which is well known in our markets ; named after M. Bertholet. BERYTUS. A genus of hemipters, an order of insects, so named from Berytus, now Beyrout, Syria. BERZELINE. A name for sileniuret of copper, given in honour of Berzelius. A mineral occurring in minute octahe- dral crystals, found in Italy, is thus named by Necker. BESIDERY, or Le Bezi d'Hery ; the wilding of Heri. A pear, so named from the Forest of Heri, in Bretagne, between Rheims and Nantes, where it was found. BERKELEYA. A genus of small ball-shaped sea-weeds ; named in honour of the Rev. Dr. Berkeley. BERLIN. A vehicle of the chariot kind, named from Berlin, Prussia, where it was first made. Others derive the name from It. berlina, a sort of stage or pillory, and a coach. BESLERIA. A genus of plants, the species of which are either shrubs or perennials ; named after Basil Besler, a Ger- man botanist. BESANT or BEZANT. A very ancient gold coin stamped at Byzantium. See Bezant. BESSEMER. A steel invented by Mr. Bessemer. BETON Y (Fr. betoine). A name common to diflferent species of j)lants of the genus Betonica, celebrated for almost every medicinal virtue. The word Betonica is said to be corrupted from Vettonica, which is further derived from the Vettones or Vetones, an ancient people of Spain, who first used this plant. Much has been written in praise of betony ; indeed, in Italy, " You have more virtues than betony " is a proverbial com- pliment. BEZANT. A round flat piece of bullion without any im- pression, which is supposed to have been the current coin of Byzantium. The bezant was, in all probability, introduced into 22 VERBA NOMINALIA. coat armour by the Crusaders. Being always of metal, bezants ought to be emblazoned or, or argent. — Crabb. BEZANTY. In heraldiy, an epithet for a cross composed of bezants. See Bezajjt. BIDDERY or BIDRI. A species of inlaid ware of excel- lent form and graceful patterns, composed of copper, lead, tin, and spelter ; so named from being made at Biddree, a town of Hindustan, in the presidency of Bombay. BIEBERITE. A mineral of a flesh and rose-red colour, found in the rubbish of old mines at Bieber, near Hanau, and at Leogang, in Salzburg. BIGGIN (formerly ^z^'^ew, Fr. legiiin). A sort of female head- dress ; so named from being worn by the Beguines, a religious sect in Flanders, who, without having taken the monastic vows, are united for the purposes of devotion and charity, and who live together in houses called beguinages, BIGNONIA. An extensive genus of plants, consisting mostly of shrubs, natives of South America, named in honour of the Abbe Bignon, librarian to Louis XIV. BIGOT. Derived by Menage from ''by God-;' by others from bigote (Sp.) a moustache. Probably from the Beguttse or Beguines, a religious community in Belgium. — *S'. F. Creswell. BILBO. A sort of rapier, so named from Bilboa, in Spain, where the best were made. Hence probably bilboes, spars or bolts of iron, with shackles, used to confine the feet of prisoners at sea ; hence, the punishment of offenders in this manner is called by the same name. BISANTIUM, BESANT, orBESANTINE. A gold coin of Byzantium, formerly current in England, equal to half a ducane silver, or two shillings sterling. See Besant. BISTOURY (Fr. bistoiiri). A surgical instrument for making incisions, either fixed in a handle like a knife, or else the blade moveable like a lancet ; named from Pistoria, in Italy, where it was first made. BIVON-^A. Cruciferous plants found in Italy, named after M. A. Bivoni Bernardi. BLAKEA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Monogynia, named after M. Blake. VERBA NOMINALIA. 23 BLANKET. A cover for a bed, made of coarse wool loosely- woven, and used for securing against cold. Some assert that blankets had their name from three brothers at Worcester, by whom they were first invented; that, according to Nash's history, a family of the name resided there in the reign of Edward I., and that at Caines, adjoining the city, is a place still called the Blanquets. According to another writer, blankets were first manufactured in Bristol, and derived their name from their inventors, who lived either in St. Thomas Street or Temple Street, although the writer does not deny that the inventors may have been Worcestershire men. A correspondent of iV^. and Q. says : — " There were three brothers of the name of Blanket who were connected with Bristol in the Middle Ages. I find it first occurring in the annals of the city in the year 1340, when Thomas Blanket was bailiff; his brother Edmund held the same office in 1349, and was member of Parliament for the town in 1369, to which dignity a third brother, Edward, who was the eldest of the three, had been elected in 1362. The trio seem to have been extensively engaged in the manufacture of coarse woollen cloths, for which at that time Bristol was much celebrated ; but to Thomas, the youngest of the three, the introduction of the article of bedding called after the family name is probably due. The cloths made by the brothers, although of the coarser sorts, were sold by them in large quantities to be made into garments for the peasantry, who until their time had worn only coarse cloths made from hemp. Blankets soon came to be used by sportsmen, soldiers, and travellers, in lieu of the loose mantle and puckered cloak and cape, which, as well as the long loose robe or gown, were inconvenient. The former could be readily thrown across the shoulders, or used to wrap about the wearer in cold or wet weather ; and Edward I. found them very useful in his army when encamped against the Welsh and Scots. When stump bedsteads came into use among the wealthy, about the reign of Edward III. (before which time they had slept on rushes, straw, or fern, laid upon the floor), blankets, soon afterwards manu- factured, came to be part of the necessary furniture, and re- peated mention is made of them in the Expenses of the 24 VERBA NOMINALIA. Great Wardrobe of Edward III., from 29 Sep., 1347, to 31 Jan., 1349." See Archasologia, vol. xxxi. In Rymer's Foedera, and in the Close Rolls of 13 Edw. III., we find letters of pro- tection given to Thomas Blanket against the burgesses of Bristol, who had obstructed him in the manufacture of blankets. Bailey gives also plonlcets, a kind of coarse woollen cloth (An. 1, R. III., c. 8), "otherwise called vervise" {Coioel). Among printers, woollen cloths or white baize laid between the tjonpans of a printing-press to produce a fair impression of the letter. The French has blanchet, the blanket of a printer's press, which would seem to be a diminutive of hlanche, white. Bailey derives blanket in both senses from the French blanchet, and gives also bkmquet as the name of a sort of pea. BLARNEY. Smooth deceitful talk, flattery (Irish). Blarney is the name of a castle in the south of Ireland, in a town of the same name, formerly the seat of the powerful clan of Mac- Carty, created Lord Muskerry, and celebrated from a curious superstition. T. Crofton Croker (Res. S. Ireland, 1824, p. 306) says, " a stone in the highest part of the castle wall is pointed out to the visitors which is supposed to give whoever kisses it the peculiar privilege of deviating from veracity with unblushing countenance whenever it may be convenient — hence the well-known phrase blamei/." The celebrated groves of Blarney are about five miles from Cork. Others derive the word blarney from Fr. baliverne, a lie, fib, gull ; also a babbling or idle discourse. BLETHIA. A variety of tropical bulbous plants, named after Louis Blethia. BLETONISM. The faculty of perceiving and indicating subterraneous sjjrings and currents by sensation ; so called from Bleton, a Frenchman, who was supposed to possess this faculty. BLOOMER. Formerly a sort of female dress in imitation of male attire, first set on foot by Mrs. Bloomer, wife of Colonel Bloomer, an American. BLUCHER. A kind of half-boot, named in honour of General Bliicher, who commanded the Prussians at Water- loo. VERBA NOMINALIA. 25 BOBBY. A slang term for a policeman, because the force was introduced by the late Sir Robert Peel. — *S'. F. Creswell. BOCCONIA. The tree celandine, a genus of beautiful plants, natives of Mexico ; named after Paolo Bocconia, a Sicilian monk, physician, and botanical writer. BODENITE. A mineral ; colour from reddish-brown to nearly black; from Boden, near Marienberg, in the Saxon Erzgebirge. BODLEIAN. Pertaining to Sir Thomas Bodley, who founded a celebrated library at Oxford, in the sixteenth century. BQEBERA. A family of plants, nat. or. Polygamia cpqualis, found in America; named in honour of M. Boeber. BQ5HMERIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Tetraiidria, natives of America and the West Indies, the species of which are mostly shrubs ; named after George Rudolph Boehmer, professor of botany at Wittenberg, in Germany. BCEOTIAN. Stupid ; from Bceotia (^jSoicvncc), a country of ancient Greece, whose inhabitants were remarkable for a natural stupidity. " In this Bceotian era of the C^sars the prefect of police is the god of letters." — Letters of an English- man on Louis Napoleon in the " Times" BOERHAAVIA. Hogweed; a genus of exotic plants, named after the celebrated physician and botanist Boerhaave, who was born at Woarbout, near Ley den, in 1688. BOHEA (in Chinese woo-e-cha). A sort of coarse or low- priced tea brought from Woo-e (called by Europeans Bohea) in Fo-keen, China. Indeed, black tea is chiefly brought from Woo-e. See Grosier, vol. 1, 467. BOLDOA. A genus of Indian plants, named after Dr. Boldo. BOLOGNA. A sausage or polony, first made at Bologna, in Italy. BOLOGNIAN, BOLONIAN, BONONIAN, or BO- LOGNA. A variety of sulphate of barytes, found in roundish masses ; first discovered near Bologna, in Italy. BOLOGNINO. A copper coin at Bologna and its neigh- bourhood, the same with the bajoccho. 26 VERBA NOMINALIA. BOLSOVER. A yellowish limestone combining carbonate of soda with carbonate of lime, and containing no organic remains ; from Bolsover, in Derbyshire. The new palace at Westminster is built of this stone. BOLTONIA. A genus of North American perennial shrubs, named in honour of Mr. Bolton, a botanist of Halifax. BOLTONITE. A granular mineral of a greyish or yellowish colour, chiefly found at Bolton, Massachusetts. BOMBITE. A blueish-black mineral of impalpable com- position, found in Bombay ; apparently a variety of flinty slate. — Shepard. BONAPARTEA. A genus of Peruvian plants, named in honour of Napoleon Bonaparte. BONAPARTISM. The policy or manners of Napoleon Bonaparte. BONATEA. A genus of plants, natives of the Cape of Good Hope, named in honour of Professor Bonata. BON CHRETIEN (" good Christian"). A pear, said to have been so called from the name of a gardener. BONDY. A fine large pear, which probably had its name from the Forest of Bondy, in France, dep. Seine. BONNEMAISONEA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Algce ; named after Bonnemaison, the French cryptogamist. BONNETIA. A tree of which only one species is known, growing in Cayenne and Guiana ; named in honour of M. Charles Bonnet, a naturalist, philosopher, and distinguished metaphysician, &c. BONPLANDIA (Fr. honplandie). A plant from which the bark angustora, used in fever, is obtained. '" The name of two kinds of American trees ; so called in honour of M. Bonpland, the celebrated traveller." — Bescherelle. BONSDORFITE. A sort of mineral found near Abo, in Finland ; named after Bonsdorf, the mineralogist. BONTIA. A plant, an evergreen much cultivated at Bar- badoes for making hedges ; named after Jacobus Bontius, a distinguished physician and naturalist of Batavia, author of De Medicina Indorum, &c. &c. BORBONIA. A genus of plants, the species of which are I VERBA NOMINALIA. 27 shrubs, natives of the Cape of G-ood Hope; named after Gaston de Bourbon, Duke of Orleans. BORDEAUX. A celebrated wine made at Bordeaux, a city and seaport of France, on the Garonne. BORNEEN. The name given to a compound of carbon and hydrogen, found in valeric acid, and which on exposure to moisture acquires the properties of Borneo camphor ; which latter, according to Pereira, rarely comes to this country as a commercial article. BORNEOL. Another name for Borneo camphor. BORYA. A genus of North American shrubs ; nat. or. Digynia; named in honour of M. Bory de St. Vincent. BO SCI A. A genus of shrubs or small trees, natives of the Cape of Good Hope ; named from L. Bosc, the French naturalist. A genus of coleopterous five-jointed insects, containing five species, from the United States. BO SEA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Digynia, of which there is but one species, a native of the Canaries ; named after E. G-. Bose, a German botanist. BOSTON. A complicated game of cards still played in Paris, said to have been originally from Boston, in America. BOSSIQllA. A genius of leguminous plants named in honour of M. Bossien Lamar tiniere. BOSWELLIA. A genus of plants, one species of which yields the gum resin called thus, or frankincense, the olibanum of commerce, so much used in the Roman Catholic Church ; named in honour of Dr. J. Boswell, of Edinburgh. BOSWELLISM. A peculiarity of James Boswell, a writer of merit, well known as the friend of Dr. Johnson. BOULANGERITE. A mineral sulphuret of antimony and lead, occurring abundantly at Molieres, in France, dep. G-ard ; also in Lapland, Tuscany, &c. &c. ; named after M. Boulanger. BOULINIS or BOULYNIS. A copper coin in Italy, answering to an English penny ; so called from having been struck at Bologna. BOURNONITE. A mineral of a metallic lustre, found in the Hartz and in other places in Europe ; and also in Potosi, in 28 VERBA NOMINALIA. Mexico. It was first found at Endellion, near Redruth, in Cornwall, and hence called endellionite by Count Bournon, after whom it has since been named bournonite. BOURRERIA. A genus of West Indian trees (the Ehretia Bourreria of Linnaeus) ; named in honour of M. Bourer. BOUSTRAPA. A nickname given to Louis Napoleon, suggestive of three important events in the career of the Prince ; from Bou for Boulogne, stra Strasbourg, im Paris. — Times, 11 Jan. 1853, p. 5, c. 2. BOUVARDIA. A genus of South American plants, nat. or. Monogyiiia ; named in honour of Dr. Bouvard. BOUGIE. In Continental Europe, the name given to a candle originally and still sometimes made of wax. According to Corruvias, the Sp. hugia is quasi hiquica, from buco, because in making the bougie it is passed through a hole. The word is more correctly derived from Boiijah (found Bugie), a town of Algeria, whence the French originally imported both their wax and their bougies. The place has still a considerable trade in wax. According to Scaliger, the Moors also called a monkey lugia, because a great many of them were imported from Boujah. Cf. Menage, Diet. Etym. " Bougie ;" Gramaye, Afrique, liv. ii. ch. 10 ; Scaliger, centre Cardan, 213 ; Kimchi, Lex. voc. "Semamith;" Juvenal, Sat. x. " Quales, &c.;" Pierre Dau, Hist, de Barbaric, liv. i. ch. 6 ; Strabo, liv. xvii. ; Bo- chart, Col. des Phoen. 539 ; and P. Labbe, Etym. Fran9. part ii. p. 16. A long slender insti'ument, introduced through the urethra into the bladder to remove obstacles. It is usually made of slips of waxen linen coiled into a cylindrical or slightly conical form by rolling them on any hard smooth surface. It is also made of catgut, elastic gum, and metal ; but those of Avaxen linen are generally preferred. BOVEY. Brown lignite, an inflammable fossil resembling in many of its properties bituminous wood ; found at Bovey Hatfield, near Exeter. BOWENITE. A mineral of a bright apple-green colour found at Smithfield, in Rhode Island, in nodules imbedded in granular limestone, analysed by Bowen. BOWIE, BOWIE-KNIFE, A long knife or dagger used VERBA NOMINALIA. 29 by hunters in the Western States of America ; so named from an American colonel. — S. F. Creswell. BOWLESIA. A plant ; nat. or. Umbelliferce, named after Bowles, author of Travels in Spain. BRAGATIONITE. A silicate in form closely agreeing with epidote ; found in the Achmatowsk Mine, district of Slatoust, in the Ural; probably named after Prince Bragation. BRADLEYA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Monadelphia, the species of which are shrubs, natives of India and China ; named after Professor Bradley, of Cambridge. BREGUET. In England, a term usually applied to a particular kind of watch-key and chain. The word is pro- perly applicable to the watches made by M. Breguet, a celebrated manufacturer, who was born in 1747 at Neufchatel, in Switzerland, and died in 1823 at Paris. M. Breguet rendered very great services to both astronomy, natural philosophy, and navigation ; was member of the Bureau des Longitudes, and afterwards of the Institute, where he replaced Carnot. BRAHMINISM. The religion of the Brahmins. BREISLAKITE. A newly-discovered Vesuvian mineral which lines the small cavities in the lava of Scala, and in that of Olebano ; named from Breislak, a celebrated Italian naturalist. — Journal of Science. BREITHAUPTITE. A mineral consisting of nickel, iron, antimony, and sulphuret of lead, found at Andreasberg ; named after Breithaupt. BREVICITE. A mineral, a hydrous silicate, found in white fibrous subfoliated masses, probably in syenite, near Brevig, in Norway. BREWSTERITE. A mineral found in attached crystals at Strontian, in Argyleshire; at the Giant's Causeway; at St. Turpet, in the Breisgau ; in dep. Isere, France ; and in the Pyrenees ; named after Sir David Brewster. BREWSTOLINE. A mineral occurring in crystal of topaz, chrysoberl, quartz, crystals from Quebec, and amethyst from Siberia, where it was detected by Sir David Brewster. BREYNIA. A genus of plants, the only species of which is the Breynia disticha, a native of New Caledonia, &c.; named 30 VERBA NOMINALIA. in honour of J. Breynius, and his son J. P. Breynius, both celebrated botanists. Bescherelle says, " De J. Breynius, bot. Beige, probablement le meme que Jacques Breyn de Dantzig." BRIAREAN. Hundred-handed, like Briareus, son of Titan and Terra, one of the giants, feigned by the poets to have had a hundred arms and fifty heads. BRIGAND. A robber ; probably derived from the Brigan- tes, a people of Continental Europe ; or from the Brigantes, the most northern and powerful people, who ravaged Great Britain in the time of the Romans, and who were subdued by Cerialis. They probably had their appellation from the W. brig, a top or summit, from frequenting the tops of the mountains. The W. hrigant is a summit ; also a highlander. BRITANNIA. A metallic compound or alloy, consisting chiefly of block tin, with some antimony, and a small portion of copper and brass {^Encyc. Dom. Econ.) Explains itself. BRITANNIC A (Gr. ^psravvi-na). A plant, so called because it is said by the ancients to have been discovered by the Friez- landers on the coast of the British Channel. — Crobb. BROBDIGNAGIAN. Gigantic; from the kingdom of Brobdignag, in Gulliver's Travels. — S. F. Creswell. BROCHANTITE. A basic sulphate of copper, occurring in emerald-green crystals, at Katherinenburg, in Siberia; named by Levy after Brochant de Villiers. BROMELIA. A genus of plants, the species of which are shrubs, natives of South America, Jamaica, &c. ; named after Bromel, the Swedish botanist. — Crabb. BROOKITE. A mineral consisting of titanic acid and red oxide of iron ; first observed by Mr. Brooke in crystals from Snowdon. BROUGHAM. A four-wheeled carriage named after Lord Brougham. BROWALLIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Scrophulariaceoe, named after J. Browallius, Bishop of Abo, in Finland. BROWNE A. A genus of plants, nat. or. Leguminaceoe, called after Dr. Browne, the historian of Jamaica. — Crabb. BROWNISM. The doctrines or religious creed of the VERBA NOMTNALIA. 31 Brownists, who rejected both episcopacy and presbyterianism. They had their name from Robert Brown, a dissenter from the Church of England, who left England with his congregation and settled at Middleburg, in Zealand. BROYHAN. A celebrated white Hanoverian beer first brewed by Cord Broyhan in 1526. It is doubtless the same as that called Halberstadtische Briehan by Zedler. BRUCEA. A genus of plants, nat. or. XanthoxylacecB, the species of which are evergreen ornamental shrubs, natives of the East Indies ; named after Bruce, the Abyssinian traveller. BRUCITE. Native hydrate of magnesia, named in honour of A. Bruce, Esq. The name has also been given by American mineralogists to chondrodite. — Dana. • BRUMSFELSIA. A genus of plants, the species of which are shrubs, natives of the East Indies ; named after Otho Brunsfelsius, a monk, physician, and botanist of Mentz. BRUNIA. A genus of plants, shrubs, nat. or. Escalloniaceoe^ principally natives of the Cape of Good Hope ; named in honour of Cornelius Brun, the celebrated traveller. BRUNONIA. A genus of plants, natives of Australia, named in honour of Robert Brown, the distinguished botanist. BRUNSVEGIA. A name given to the Amarythis orientalis, a splendid species of the genus, in honour of the Brunswick family, one of great antiquity. BRUTIA. A resinous pitch used to make the oleum picinum ; from Brutia (Brutium ?), in Italy. BUCELLAS. A wine named from a small village near Lisbon. BUCHNERA. A genus of plants, the species of which are shrubs, natives of the Cape of Good Hope ; called after Buchner, a German botanist. BUCHOLZITE. A newly discovered fibrous mineral, of great hardness, consisting chiefly of silex and alumina; named after M. Bucholz. A fibrous mineral called fibrolite, brought from the Carnatic, is supposed to be identical with bucholzite. An Americn mineral so called is nothing but kyanite. BUCKLANDIA. A fossil plant supposed to have be- 32 VERBA NOMINALIA. longed to the Liliacece ; named in honour of Dr. Bucklaud, the geologist. BUCKLANDITE. A silicate found in small crystals in the Neskiel Mine at Arendal, in Sweden ; and also, under other circumstances, in Siberia, and at the Lake of Laach, near the Rhine ; probably named in honour of Dr. Buckland. BUDDHISM or BOODHISM. The doctrines of the Buddhists; a system of religion in Eastern Asia It teaches that at distant intervals a Boodh or deity appears, to restore the world from a state of ignorance and decay, and then sinks into a state of entire non-existence or Nirvana, or rather, perhaps, of bare existence, without attributes, action, or consciousness. Four Boodhs have thus appeared and passed into Nirvana, the last of whom, Guadama, became incarnate about 500 years before Christ. The objects of worship, until another Boodh appears, are the relics and images of Guadama. BUDDLEA. A genus of plants, shrubs, natives of Jamaica ; named in honour of Adam Buddie, a botanist. BUHL, Ornamental cabinet furniture in which mother- of-pearl, tortoiseshell, and various coloured woods are inlaid with brass ; so called after its inventor, a German. BULLACE. The wild plum (called also bullace plum and bullace-tree), the Primus instititia of Linnaeus. The word is found written bullis, and is corrupted from burdelais or burlace, q. v. The bully-tree, a native of the West Indies. BUNGALOW. In Bengal, a thatched cottage, such as is usually occupied by Europeans in the jDrovinces or in the military cantonments, and constructed of wood, bamboo, mats, and thatch. The word is a corruption of the Bengali bdngld, which Professor Wilson thinks may be from Banga, Bengal. BUNKUM. In America, high-flown talk, bragging. The origin of bunkum is explained in Wheeler's History of North Carolina. " Several years ago, in Congress, the member for that state, a resident of No. 6, County of Buncombe, rose to address the House, without any extraordinary power in manner or matter to interest the audience. Many members left the hall. Very naively the orator told those who remained that they might go too ; he should speak for some time, ' but he was VERBA XOMINALIA. 33 only talking for Buncombe.'" Cf. Bartlett, Dictionary of Americanisms ; Haliburton ; Illustrated News for June 26, 1858 ; and N. & Q. 2nd S. vi. 92 ; 3rd S. iii. 427. BURDWAN. An oriental dish of high savour, made with a young fowl or chicken pai-boiled ; named fi'om Burdwan, a district of British India, prov. Bengal. BURG-UNDY. A celebrated wine, so called from Bur- gundy {Bourgogne), an ancient province of France, where it is produced ; a district whose soil is fertile in grain and fruits, and above all in renowned wines. BURL ACE. A sort of grape ; a contraction of hurdelais ; from the Fr. hourdelais, " variete de raisin a grains ovales et noirs ;" from Le Bourdelais, pays de Guyenne, of which the capital is Bordeaux. BURKE. To suffocate by fixing an adhesive plaister or other obstruction over the nose and mouth ; a crime rendered notorious by an Irishman named Burke, who sold the bodies of his victims for dissection. He was executed in 1829. Metaphorically, to burke a report or an invention is to exclude it from publicity, to consign it to oblivion. BURMANNIA. A genus of plants of which there are two species, natives of Ceylon, Virginia, and Carolina ; named in honour of John Burmann, M.D., Professor of Botany at Amsterdam, author of Thesaurus Zeylanicus, and Decades Rariorum Plantarum Africanarum. BURSERA. A genus of West Indian plants of but one species, the Bursera gummifera or Jamaica birch-tree, which yields the gum elemi; named in honour of Joachim Bursera, pupil of Caspar Bauhin, a great collector of plants, whose Herbarium, in thirty volumes, may be seen at Upsala. BUSBY. A sort of fur hat worn by the light cavalry, copied from the Hungarian or Polish; said to have derived its name from Dr. Richard Busby, a celebrated master of West- minster School, who Avore a hat of a somewhat similar de- scription. Dr. Busby was born in 1606; in 1640 he became head master of the Westminster School, which appoint- ment he retained till his death in 1695, a period of fifty-five years. 34 VERBA NOMINALIA. BIJTTNERIA. A genus of plants, whose species consist of shrubby perennials ; named in honour of A. Biittner. BYTOWNITE. A mineral, a silicate occurring in large boulders near Bytown, Canada West. BYZANT, BEZANT, or BYZANTINE. A gold coin of the value of £15 sterling, so called from having been coined at Byzantium. Also a piece of gold of the value of £15, offered by the king on certain festivals. — Camden; Ash. 0. CABAL. A number of persons united in some close design, usually to promote their private views in church or state by intrigue ; a jumble. The Fr. cahale is a club, society, or combination ; the It. cabala, knowledge of secret things ; the S|). cabala, secret science ; cabal, perfect, just, exact ; probably from the Heb. b^p kahal, to take, receive, accept, whence cabala, certain traditions of the Jews ; but according to some, cabal was the appellation given to the ministry of Charles II., the initials of their names being Clifford, J.shley, Buckingham, J.rlington, iauderdale ; " than which," says Hume, " never was a more dangerous ministry in England, nor one more noted for pernicious councils." CABANNAH. A cigar originally from Cuba, so named from the manufacturer. In the " present age of progress " they are, in England, principally made of cabbage-leaves. CACHOLONG. An opaque or milk-white chalcedony, a variety of quartz. It often envelops common chalcedony, and is sometimes associated with flint. According to Webster, the word is said to be from Cach, the name of a river in Bucharia (in the empire of Russia), and cholon, a Calmuc word for stone. CADILLAC. A sort of pear, from Cadillac, in France, dep. Gironde. CADMEAN or CADMIAN. A name applied to the ancient Greek or Ionic letters, such as they were brought by Cadmus into Greece from Phoenicia, whence Herodotus calls them VERBA NOMINALIA. 35 Pha3nician letters. They were the sixteen simple letters of the alphabet as follows : — a, /3, y, ^, £, i, >c, A, /^, V, 0, TT, f, 0-, r, u. According to some writers, Cadmus was not the inventor, nor even the importer of Greek letters, but only the modeller and reformer thereof; and it was hence they acquired the appella- tion of Cadmean or Phoenician letters, whereas before that time they were called Pelasgian letters. C^ SALPINX A. A genus of plants, the species of which are natives of hot climates, and afford the wood used in dyeing known in commerce under the name of Brazil-wood. So named in honour of C^salpinus, chief physician to Pope Clement VIII. C^SIA. A genus of liliacious plants, natives of Austra- lasia ; named by Mr. Brown in honour of Frederico Cajsio, a Roman nobleman illustrious for his patronage and cultivation of science, who founded the celebrated academy of the LyncEci at Rome, in 1603, whence have sprung most of the scientific associations of Europe. C^SIO. A genus of fishes, having the dorsal and anal spines remarkably large, and their base coated with scales ; probably named in honour of Caesio. See C^siA. CAHORS. A celebrated French wine made from a black grape growing in the neighbourhood of Cahors, dep. Lot. CAIRNGORM. A yellow or brown variety of rock- crystal, or crystallized quartz, found in the mountain of Cairn- gorm, in Scotland. CAJETA. In entomology, the name under Avhich Cramer figures the Gmelinian Noctua fullonica. The word cajeta is either derived from Gaeta, in Italy; or from a surname formed from Caius. CALATRAVA. A Spanish military order, named from Calatrava, in Spain. CALCAVALLA. A kind of sweet wine from Portugal, doubtless named from a locality. CALEDONITE. A mineral consisting of the sulphate and carbonate of lead, and carbonate of copper, occurring at Lead- D 2 36 VERBA NOMINALIA. hills, in Scotland ; named from Caledonia, the ancient name of Scotland. It is also found in Cumberland, in the Hartz, and in Missouri. CALEMBOURGr. (Fr.) A pun, witticism; from a Ger- man Count KahUinberg, noted for his blunders in the French language. {Brande. See instance in N. & Q., 3rd S., V., 257.) Kahlenberg is the name of a hill in Austria, on the Danube, on whose side the army of Sobieski arrived to the rescue of Vienna when besieged by the Turks in 1683 ; and Calemberg is the name of a chfiteau near Coburg, in Germany. CALEPIN. Formerly a common name for a lexicon, and still used in French for a memorandum-book, scrap-book, or commou- place book. The word is derived from Ambrose Calepin or Da Calepio, a celebrated grammarian and lexicographer of the fifteenth century, a native of Bergamo, in Italy ; author of a polyglot dictionary, of which there are many editions with the improvements of later philologists. Cf. Moreri; Tiraboschi, CALEYA. A genus of Australian bulbous-rooted plants named in honour of George Cayley, the eminent botanist. CALICO. A kind of cotton cloth, so named from Calicut, on the Malabar coast, where it was first manufactured. It is now also made both in Europe and the United States. CALIPPIC. In chronology, a term applied to a period of 76 years, continually recurring, after which it was supposed by Calippus, an Athenian astronomer, that the lunations, &c., of the moon would return again in the same order ; but this is incorrect, as it brings them too late by a day in 225 years. CALUMBA, COLUMBO, COLUMBA, or COLOMBO. A root of an aromatic smell and pungent bitter taste, used as a tonic, imported from Colombo, in Ceylon. According to Webster, it is the root of the Cocculus palmatus, growing in Mozambique, where its native name is halumh. CALVINISM. The theological tenets or doctrines of Cal- vin, who was born in Picardy, in France, and in 1536 chosen professor of divinity and minister of a church in Geneva. CAMBRIC (Fr. toile de Camhrai). A very fine white linen, named from Cambray, in French Flanders, where it was first manufactured bv the Dutch emigrants in 1563. at which time VERBA NOMINALIA. 37 it was chiefly used for large ruffs. The fabric souietimos called cambric iu England is made of cotton ; that of France and Ireland, of flax. Cf. also Anders. Comm. 11, 170; Stow's "Annals, 869, ed. Howes ; Strutt's Dresses, 209. CAMELLIA. A genus of beautiful flowering shrubs, the principal of which are the Camellia Japonicu, and the Camellia sasanqua, natives of China and Japan ; named in honour of G. J. Kamel or Camellus, a Jesuit and botanist, CAMERARIA. A genus of plants, the species of which are natives of South America and Ceylon; called after J. Came- rai'ius, a botanist of Nuremberg. — Crahh. CAMPEACHY. A tree and wood (logwood) much used in dyeing ; named from the Bay of Campeachy, in Spanish America, whence it is brought. CANAANITE. A mineral allied to scapolite, from Canaan, Connecticut, U.S. CANARINA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Campanulacece ; so called because they come from the Canaries. — Crahh. CANARY. A wine, the same with sack, from the Canaries, where the Spaniards first planted vines. Hence canary, name of an old dance. Indeed, Shakspeare has used the word as a verb for to dance, in a kind of cant phrase. A singing-bird from the Canary Isles, although now bred in other countries. A grass, the seeds of which are collected for canary-birds. CANNIBAL. A human being that eats human flesh. Columbus, in the narrative of his discoveries, mentions certain people called Cannibals ; but in the isles he says the natives lived in great fear of Carihals, or people of Cariba, called in Hispaniola Carih. Again, in old maps the Caribbee Islands are called the Cannibal Islands. CANOPY. From the L. canopeum or conojHum ; from Kcovoo^', a gnat ; or from Canopus, a town in Lower Egypt. {S. F. Creswell.) But qu. from jcwvwTTsiov, a curtain to keep off" gnats ; from yuovw^, a gnat ; or from -kouvoq, a cone, from its form. CANT. A whining singing manner of speech ; a quaint affected mode of uttering words, either in conversation or preaching. "This word, which is now generally applied (o fanaticism and hypocrital conduct, is derived from two Scotch ■"'«■ **.,/ 38 VERBA NOMINALIA. Presbyterian ministers in the reign of Charles II. They were father and son, both named Andrew Cant ; and Whitelock in his Memoirs, after narrating the defeat at Worcester in 1651, says, Divers Scotch ministers were permitted to meet at Edinburgh to keep a day of humiliation, as they pretended, for their too much correspondence with the king ; and in the same month, when Lord Argyll had called a Parliament, Mr. Andrew Cant, a minister, said in his pulpit that God was bound to hold this Parliament, for that all other Parliaments were called by man, but this Avas brought about by His own hand" (_Timbs). Dr. Jamieson, under emit, says, " to sing in speaking, to repeat after the manner of recitative. (Scot.) This term is generally applied to preachers who deliver their discourses in this manner ;" and, after referring to the above anecdote, he says, " but there is reason to suppose that this ungraceful mode of speaking is much more ancient, and that it was imported by our Reformers from the Church of Rome, as it undoubtedly bears the greatest resemblance to the chanting of the service, and the word may have had its origin immedi- ately from the L. canto, to sing, chant. Some even go so far as to assert that Cicero and the other Roman orators delivered all their orations in recitative." CANTABRICA. Lavender-leaved bindweed, a herb of the genus Convolvulus ; so named from having been discovered in Cantabria, the appellation formerly given to the north-eastern part of Spain. See Pliu. 25, 47. CANTERBURY. A receptacle for music, portfolios, loose papers, &c., being an ornamental stand with divisions, first made at Canterbury. A pivot crane. CAOUTCHOUC (found cahuca). Another name for India rubber, an elastic substance impermeable to water, produced from the Hevea Chiianensis, and various other plants. It is brought from the forests of Guiana, in South America, and either the word is of native origin or the substance may have been so named because produced in great abundance on the banks of the Cauca, in New Granada. CAPE. A wine of which there are tAvo kinds, made in the Cape Colony. VERBA NOMINALIA, 39 CAPORCIANITE. A mineral, a hydrous silicate occurriug in geodes witli calcite, in the gabbro rosso of Monte Capor- ciano at L'Impruneta, and other places in Tuscany. CARADOC. A sandstone, a division of the Lower Silurian rocks, consisting of red, purple, green, and white micaceous, sometimes quartzose, grits, and limestones, 2500 feet thick, con- taining corals and mollusca ; so named from a ridge in Shrop- shire, on the flanks of which it is exposed. " The chief and loftiest central mass, or that of Caer-Caradoc, gives name to the Avhole range." — 31urchison. CARAWAY. A biennial ; the Carum carui, having a root like a parsnip, and esteemed equal to a parsnip. Its seed is a strong aromatic, abounding in essential oil. See Carum. CARICA. The systematic name of a genus of plants, nat. or. Papayacece; so called because it was brought from Caria. CARICUM. A detergent ointment for ulcers, named after its inventor Caricus. CARL D'OR. A gold coin of Brunswick, worth about five rix-dollars, or about sixteen shillings sterling ; probably named from one of the rulers of the dukedom. CARLINA or CARLINE. A thistle ; a genus of plants so called from the Emperor Charlemagne, whose army is said t© have been preserved from the plague by the use of its root. CARLINO, CARLINE, or CAROLINE. A small coin and money of account in Naples and Sicily equal to 4|d. In Piedmont, a gold piece coined before 1785, equal to £51 8s. 8d; subsequently to that year equal to £5 12s. 3c?.; probably named from a ruler, Carlo, CARLUDOVICA. A genus of plants named after Charles IV. of Spain and his queen Louisa. CARMxiGNOLE. A name given to the members of a revolutionary party in France, the most exalted of the club of the Jacobins. The Carmagnoles were leagued in 1792 against the unfortunate Queen Marie Antoinette. They had their name from a dance song which they sang, and which was com- posed on the occasion of the taking of Carmagnola, in Pied- mont. The word carmagnole is also applied to the dress worn 40 VERBA NOMINALIA. by the Carmagnoles; and also, in disparagement, to a soldier of the Republican armies of France. CARMELITE. A woollen stuff used for dresses, and so named as resembling the garb of the Carmelites, an order of mendicant friars established on Mount Carmel, Syria, in the twelfth century. CAROLATHINE. A mineral, colour honey-yellow to wine-yellow, resembling mellite, found near Gleiwitz; named after the Prince of Carolath. CAROLIN or CAROLIN D'OR. A gold coin of Bavaria, Hesse-Darmstadt, and Wiirtemburg, equal to £1 Os. 4^d., probably named from a ruler. Carlo. CAROLINE A. A genus of plants, nat. or. StercuUacce, the species of which are natives of Guinea, called after Sophia Caroline, Margravine of Baden. CAROLUS. A broad piece of gold struck in the reign of Charles I., equal to 205. CARPET. A covering for the floor, a manufacture of oriental origin. Skinner suggests that the It. car'petta may be from Cairo and tapeto ; "q. d. tapes Cairicus seu Ilemphiticus," a carpet of Cairo or Memphis. This agrees with Cotgrave, who renders the O. Fr. cairin " Turkie carpet ; such a one as is brought from Caire, in Egypt." Carpets with hair or shag on one side only were called by the ancients tapetes ,• those having shag on both sides were styled amphitapetes. CARP-MEALS. A kind of coarse cloth made in the north of England (Phillips) ; most probably named from some place on the coast. Bailey renders meales, vales, " the shelves or banks of sand on the sea-coast of Norway;" but the term is also found in localities on the English coast. CARRONADE. A short piece of ordnance, so called from the village of Carron, in Stirlingshire, where first made. CARTESIAN. Pertaining to Descartes, or to his philo- sophy, which taught the doctrine of vortexes round the sun and planets. CARUM. A plant from Caria, in Asia Minor, where it Avas first found. It is now the name of a genus of plants, nat. or. TJmbelliferce. VEKBA NOMINALIA. 41 CAR YATES, CARYATIDES. In architecture, figures of women dressed in long robes after the Asiatic manner, serving to support entablatures. The Athenians had been long at war with the Caryans ; the latter being at length vanquished, and their wives led captive, the Greeks, to perpetuate the event, erected trophies, in which figures of women, dressed in the Caryatic manner, were used to support entablatures. Other female figures were afterwards used in the same manner, but they were called by the same name {Encyc.) They were called Caryatides from Carya, a city in the Peloponnesus which sided with the Persians, and on that account was sacked by the other G-reeks, its males butchered, and its females reduced to slavery (Cyc.) CASHMERE or CACHEMERE. A peculiar textile fabric first imported from the kingdom of Cashmere, and noAV well imitated in France and Great Britain. The material of the Cashmere shawls is the downy wool found about the roots of the hair of the Thibet goat. — Ure. CASSANDRA. A name given by several authors to a very elegant sea-shell, of concha glohosa or clolium kind, more usually known under the name of the lyi^a or harp-shell. It is sup- posed to be called cassandra because of its being found on the island of Cassan. — Cliamb. Cyc. CASSERIAN. The name given to a semi-lunar ganglion formed by the fifth nerve, and immediately dividing into the ophthalmic, superior maxillary, and inferior maxillary nerves ; named after Julius Casserius, of Padua. CASSIANISM. Sometimes used for Semi-pelagianism ; the tenets of Cassian, a teacher of Gaul towards the close of the fifth century. CASSIOPEIA. One of the forty-eight old constellations near Cepheus, not far from the North Pole ; so named from Cassiopeia, who, with her husband Cepheus, was fabled by the Greeks as placed among the constellations to witness the punishment inflicted on their daughter Andromeda. CASSIUS. A purple colour obtained from the chloride of gold by means of tin, much valued for the beautiful colour 42 VERBA NOMINALIA. which it gives to glass or enamel ; named from the discoverer, M. Cassius. CASTANEA. The chestnut ; a genus of plants, trees, nat. or. Polyandria ; so called from Castauea, a town of Thessaly, whence it was brought. See Chestnut. CASTANET. An instrument composed of concave shells of ivory or hard wood ; used by the Spaniards, &c., as an accompaniment to their dances; from Sp. castaneta, from cas- taha, a chestnut, from the resemblance to two chestnuts. See Chestnut. CATESBQ5A. A genus of plants, the species of which are ornamental shrubs ; called after Mr. Catesby, author of the Natural History of Carolina. — Crahh. CATILINISM. Conspiracy ; the practices of Catiline, the Roman conspirator. See Webster. CATONIAN. Grave, severe, inflexible ; pertaining to or resembling Cato, the Roman, who was remarkable for his severity of manner. See Bailey and Webster. CAUDEBEC. A hat made of lamb's wool, down of os- triches, or camel's hair, worn in England about the year 1700 ; named from Caudebec, in Normandy, which, prior to the Pro- testant emigration after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, was famed for the manufacture of this kind of hat. CAULINIA. A genus of endogenous aquatic plants named in honour of Don Filippo Cavolini, a Neapolitan naturalist, author of several botanical works. CAUZERANITE. A crystallised mineral of a black or dark blue colour, found at Cauzeran, in the Pyrenees. CAVOLINITE. A variety of nepheline, a mineral occurring in glassy crystals, &c. ; named after Cavolini, a Neapolitan naturalist. CAYENNE. A very pungent pepper prepared from several species of capsicum, but especially the capsicum mini- mum ; so called because originally imported from Cayenne, capital of French Guiana, on N.E. coast of South America. CECROPIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Urticacece, one species of which is the trumpet-tree or snake-wood, a native VERBA NOMINALIA. 43 of Jamaica ; called after Cecrops, king of Athens, whose legs were fabled to be snakes. CELLARIUS. A dance introduced by the celebrated French professor of the same name. CELSIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Scrophulariacece, called after Dr. Celsius, professor of Oriental languages in the University of Upsal. CENTAUREA. A herb named after Chiron, the Centaur, who was healed by it. The name is now applied to a genus of plants, nat. or. CompositcB. CEPHEUS. A constellation in the northern hemisphere, fabled by the Greeks to represent Cepheus, husband of Cassio- peia, and father of Andromeda. CEREAL. Pertaining to edible grain, as wheat, rye, &c.; from Ceres, goddess of corn. CEREMONY. Outward rite ; external form in religion ; forms of civility ; rules established by custom for regulating social intercourse ; outward forms of state ; from L. ceremonia for cceremonia or cmrimonia, literally sacredness, sanctity, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity ; then a religious action or usage, a sacred rite, religious ceremony; supposed to be from Caere or Ccerete (anc. Agylla, now Cervetere), a town of Etruria which stood in a very ancient religious connection with Rome ; hence the Romans in their Gallic war carried their sacred relics there. (See Val. Max. I. 1, No. 10 ; Fest. 34. Cf. Nieb. Rom. Gesch. I. 428.) Others derive the Latin word from the goddess Ceres, or from ceinis, which, according to Scaliger, was anciently used for " holy." CERES. One of the asteroids revolving between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, discovered byPiazzi at Palermo in 1801 ; named from Ceres. CERITE. The siliceous oxide of cerium, q.v. CERIUM. A metal of great specific gravity discovered in Sweden, in cerite ; named from the planet Ceres. CERVANTITE. A mineral ; colour Isabella yellow, sulphur yellow, or nearly white ; found with grey antimony, and resulting from its alteration, atCerva)ites, inGalicia, Spain; 44 VERBA NOMINALIA. Cliazelles, in Auvergne ; aad Felsobanya, Kremnitz, and else- where in Hungary. CESARE. In logic, a syllogism in the second figure, consisting of a universal affirmative between two universal negatives ; probably from CcBsar. CESAREAN. The Cesarean operation is the taking of a child from the womb by cutting ; an operation which, it is said, gave birth to Cajsar, the Roman emperor. CESAREWITCH or CZAREWITCH. The name of a stake run for at Newmarket. It was called in honour of the eldest son of the Czar, whose title is Czarewitch, i.e. son of the Czar, in token of his gift of the 500-guinea gold cup called the " Emperor's Cup," run for at Ascot, which, however, since the Crimean War, has been withdrawn. CEYLANITE. A mineral classed with the ruby family, and called also pleonaste. It is the Scorbus genuinus of Linnaeus, and is chiefly found in the sand of the rivers of Ceylon, from which island it derives its name. CHABLIS. A celebrated white wine made at Chablis, a town of France (Yonne), in the midst of vineyards. CHAILLETIA. A genus of shrubs, type of nat. or. Chailletiacece ; named in honour of M. Chaillet. CHALCEDONY. An uncrystallised translucent variety of quartz, having a whitish colour, found in a variety of trap rock. The word is derived from Clialcedon, a town of Asia Minor, opposite to Byzantium, where it was first found. CHALLIS. A fine printed soft woollen fabric used for ladies' dresses ; from ChoUet, in France, dep. Maine-et-Loire. CHALYBEATE. Any wafer or other liquor into which iron enters. As an adjective the word means impregnated with parti- cles of iron; from L. chalyhs, Gr. p^aXt;^/, steel; so named from the Chalybes (or, as some say, Chalybs, their city), a people on the Black Sea, near Thermodon, in Pontus, and perhaps partly in Paphlagonia, in whose country very good iron was found, and who are said to have possessed the art of making iron or steel, and also the fahrica (eraria. (Cf. Plin, H. N. VI. 4, s. 4; and VIL 56 ante mcd. s. 57; I. 9. med.; Virg. Geo. 1.58.) Chalybs VERBA NOMINALIA. 45 (;:^aAyr|/) was the name of a river of Spain, on which the Chalybes dwelt. (Cf. Just. xliv. 3.) CHAMBERTIN. A fine red wine from Chambertin, a celebrated coteau in France, dep. Cote-d'Or. CHAMOISITE. A mineral, considered to be a mixture of magnetic iron and a hydrous silicate of alumina, dug from Mount Chamoisin, in the Valais, Switzerland, CHAMPAG-NE. The wine so called ; from Champagne, one of the largest and most important of the former provinces of France. That consumed in England is principally made from gooseberries. CHAMPA WK. The Michadia champaca, a tree held in great religious veneration by the Hindoos. It is distinguished by large deep-yellow flowers, which during the day are sweet- scented, but have at night an exceedingly disagreeable odour. It has its name from Champaca, a small island of Cochin China, of which it is a native. CHAMPIGNY. A red wine, from a place of the same name in France. CHAMPOLLIONIST. A follower of Champollion the Younger in respect to Egyptian hieroglyphics {Webster). Jean Francois Champollion, the celebrated savant, was born at Figeac, Lot, in 1791, and died in 1832. CHANDELI. A very fine species of cotton fabric of so costly a description as to be used in native courts only [Elliott) ; from Chandel or Chanderi, properly Chandhairee, a town of Malwa, India. CHANTILLY. A fine rich hand-made lace, which, from its price, can only be worn by the wealthy ; from a place of the same name in France. CHAPTALIA. A species of plants, answering to the Liiinasan genus Perdicium; named in honour of M. Chaptal. CHARADE. A sort of riddle, usually in verse, the subject of which is a word of one or more syllables. It is said to have had its name from its inventor. Charadrus (Jiodie Keyrimios Potamos) is the name of a river, on the left bank of which stood Marathon. The word, however, is not probably of very ancient origin. 46 VERBA NOMINALIA. CHARLEY. A small patch of hair, sometimes called a door-mat, immediately under the upper lip; named after Charles (I. or II. ?) A familiar name anciently applied to ward- beadles, street-keepers, and other drowsy functionaries. CHARLOTTE. In the culinary art, a sweet dish, probably named from the maker. In French cookery the term is of frequent use; as Charlotte depommes aux confitures; Charlotte de poires a la vanille ; Charlotte d'abricots ; Charlotte de peches ; Charlotte a ITtalienne ; Charlotte Russe. CHASALIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Monogynia, natives of the Mauritius ; named in honour of D. Chasal. CHATEAU MARGAUX. One of the four superior sorts of wine called Bordeaux ; produced at the celebrated vineyard of the same name, dep. Gironde, Haut-Medoc. So progressive is the present age that this wine, like that called Lafitte, may be had at nearly all the hotels in Europe, although only 750 hectolitres of the first, and 200 of the second quality, are made annually. CHATHAM. A moiety of the duty payable by foreign- built ships, and applied to the chest at Chatham. Chatham Chest was established for the relief of English mariners wounded or superannuated in their country's service. — Crahh. CHEDDAR. A celebrated cheese made at Cheddar, Somerset. CHELMSFORDITE. A siliceous mineral, found usually associated with quartz, mica, and apatite ; occurring at Chelms- ford, Mass., U.S. CHERLERIA. A genus of plants usually growing in moist places near the summits of high mountains ; named in honour of John Henry Cherler, son-in-law and fellow-labourer of the botanist John Bauhin. CHERRY (anc. ciris, L. cerasus, Gr. xspa-cnov). The fruit of the Prumis cerasus. It is said to derive its name from Cerasus, a city of Pontus, near the Euxine, whence it was bi'ought by Lucullus, a.r. 680, after the defeat of Mithridates ; and to have been introduced into England by the Romans about 120 years afterwards, a.d. 55. Pliny, lib. xviii. ch. 23. VERBA NOMINALTA. 47 " Cerasi, ante victoriam Mithridaticam L. LucuUi non fuerc in Italia. Ad urbis annum mclxxx is primiim vexit a Ponto : annisque 120 trans oceanum in Britanniam usque pervenire eadem, ut diximus in ^gypto non potuere gigni." Ac- cording to others the cherry-tree was known to the Greeks long before the time of Lucullus ; and Cerasus (-Kspacrovg) itself may have had its name from the number of cherry-trees growing there. Menage says it is not true that this fruit was called from the town of Cerasus, and that it is the reverse, as has been very truly remarked by Casaubon ; and that Theo- phrastus, a more ancient author than Diphilus, mentions the cherry in his History of Plants, lib. 3, ch. 13. After quoting Ser- vius (" Cerasus civitas est Ponti, quani cum delesset Lucullus, genus hoc pomi inde advexit, et a civitate cerasum appellavit. Nam arbor cerasus pomum, cerasum dicitur. Hoc autem etiam ante Lucullum erat in Italia, sed durum, et cornum ap- pellabatur : quod postea mixto nomine cornocerosum dictum est ") Menage adds, " Ce qui donne sujet de croire que Kspatrog a ete fait de v-spag [a horn], et que les cerises ont ete appelees y.spaj of Theophrastus and Dioscorides). A genus of plants, whose species are shrubs of no great height ; named from the nymph Daphne, whose fabled metamorphosis is well known. DARIC. A gold coin, supposed to have been equal to 25s. sterling ; so called from Darius, by whom it was struck. F 66 VERBA NOMINALIA. DARWINIA, A genus of plants, drooping shrubs, natives of Australia ; named after Dr. Erasmus Darwin. DASEY, In Ireland, a name for a cloak. A Dublin phy- sician, named Dasey, was in the habit of wearing a cloak to conceal his thefts from the houses which he visited profession- ally. After he was hanged, for this or some other crime, cloaks were universally discarded in Ireland, and were gene- rally called daseys. — Anon. DAUBENTONIA. A genus of leguminous shrubs, natives of Mexico ; named in honour of the French naturalist, Louis Jean Marie Daubenton. DAVENPORT. A sort of writing desk or escritoire; doubtless named after the maker. DA VILLA. A genus of climbing shrubs, with yellow flowers, named after H. C. Davilla, an Italian historian. DAVINA. A nQ\Y Vesuvian mineral, the same with nepheline ; called in honour of Sir H. Davy. DAVY JONES. A sailor's name for a sea-devil. Hence, " to go to Davy Jones's locker " means " to die," because sailors' dead bodies are buried in the sea. — S. F. C. DELF. Earthenware, covered with enamel or white glazing, in imitation of china ware or porcelain ; made at Delft, in Holland ; properly. Delft-ware. DELIA. A festival in honour of Apollo, annually cele- brated at Athens, and quintennially at Delos. During its continuance it was illegal to execute any malefactor : thus Xenophon and Plato inform us that Socrates was kept in prison thirty days after his condemnation, on account of the Delian solemnities, whereas they did not scruple to putPhocion to death during a festival dedicated to Jupiter. The origin of the festival is imputed to Theseus. DELI AC. A kind of sculptured vase ; also beautiful bronze and silver {Elmes), from Delos, an isle in the Grecian Archipelago. DELIAN. The name of a celebrated problem proposed by the oracle at Delos, and known to geometers as the "duplication of the cube." " The finding the side of a cube which will be VERBA NOMINAI.IA. 67 double that of another cube is thus named, it is said, because during a pestilence the Delians, on consulting their oracle, were required to construct a cubical altar double the size of the one which they then possessed. This problem is reported to have puzzled all the school of Plato at Athens." DELPHIN. An edition of the Latin classics, prepared for the Dauphin's use {in usum Delpliini) by order of Louis XIV. DELTA. Originally applied to the triangle included between the two main arms of the Nile, and so called fi'om its resemblance to the G-reek letter A. Subsequently applied to any tract of alluvial land at the mouth of a river, though of different shapes, as the delta of the Mississippi, the delta of the Ganges. — ;S'. F. Cresivell, DELVAUXENE. A mineral of a yellowish brown, brownish black, or reddish colour; from Berneau, in Belgium ; analysed by Delvaux. DENNET. A two-wheeled carriage, named after its manufacturer. DENSHIRING. Cutting off the turf of land and burning it to ashes ; so called because first begun in Devonshire.^ Crabb. DEODAND. In England (formerly) a personal chattel which was the immediate occasion of the death of a rational creature, and for that reason given to God {Deo dcmdus); that is, forfeited to the king, to be applied to pious uses, and dis- tributed in alms by his high almoner. DERBY (The). " Since the reign of James I., who founded the Epsom meeting during his residence at Nonsuch, its imme- diate locality has been regarded as classic ground by our race- loving public. In the little parish of Woodmansterne is ' Lam- bert's Oaks,' formerly an inn, but latterly a place of some inter- est to the Jockey Club, since it gave name to the famous Oaks stakes at Epsom races. The house, which stands high and commands very fine views, was erected by a society called the Hunters' Club, under a lease from the Lambert family. It afterwards became the residence of the unfortunate Lieut. - General Burgoyne, from whom it passed to the eleventh Earl F 2 68 VERBA NOMINALIA. of Derby, whose grandson Edward Smith Stanley, the twelfth earl, much improved it. Here was given, on the 9th of June, 1774, in anticipation of the marriage of Lord Stanley with Lady Betty Hamilton, the celebrated ' Fete, Champetre,' the first of the kind in England, under the superintendence of Lieut.-General Burgoyne. This rural festival furnished the general with the subject of a dramatic entertainment entitled the ' Maid of the Oaks,' and which, after a few bold touches from Garrick's pen, Avas performed for the first time at Drury Lane, on Nov. 5, 1774 — " Whose is this piece ? 'tis all surmise — suggestion — Is't Mb, or hers, or yours, sir ? — that's the question : The parent, bashful, whimsical, or poor, Left it a puling infant at the door : 'Twas laid on flowers, and wrapt in fancied cloaks, And on the breast was written ' Maid o' th' Oaks.' The actors crowded round; the girls caress'd it — ' Lord, the sweet pretty babe !' — they prais'd andbless'd it; The master peep'd, Bmil'd, took it, and dress'd it." On May 14, 1779, Edward Smith Stanley, the twelfth Earl of Derby, originated the famous Oak stakes, so named from his sylvan retreat at Woodmansterue. The first winner of the Oaks stakes at Epsom was Bridget, a bay mare, foaled in 1776, the property of the earl. Bridget was of royal blood, got by King Herod out of Jemima. In the following year (1780) the earl started the Derby stakes, so named out of compliment to its noble founder. The first winner of the Derby stakes was Diomed, a chestnut horse, foaled in 1777, bred by the Hon. Richard Vernon, of Newmarket, and sold to Sir C. Banbury, Bart. Diomed was got by Florizel out of the Spectator mare, dam of Pastorella, Fame, &c. After the death of the Earl of Derby, in 1834, ' The Oaks ' estate was sold to Sir Charles Grey, and has since passed to its present proprietor, Joseph Smith, Esq."— ^cZ. of N. <|- Q. DERRICK or DERIC. A contrivance for raising heavy weights by means of a pully, and especially for raising ships, and difierently constructed according to circumstances ; named after its inventoi'. Derrick. " It is said to have been named VERBA NOMINALIA. 69 after the Tyburn Jack Ketch, whose namelike instrument it resembled."— Cf. Times, 28 Sep. 1858. DESCLOIZITE. A mineral colour, mostly deep black, from South America; analysed by Descloizeaux. DEUCE or DEUSE. A demon or evil spirit. "What the deuce is the matter?" "The deuse is in you." "The deuce take you." According to some, the word owes its origin to the name of the Roman general Claudius Drusus, stepson of Augustus. Albert Mira3us (Annales Belgici, Bruss. 1624, p. 9) says the name of Drusus, after his German victories, became so dreaded that it was still used in the imprecation common with the Flemings, Dat den Droes hale — May Druse take you ; Drusus te auferat seu evehat ; and Dr. Smith (Diet. Anc, Biog. vol. 1, p. 1086) says, " The misery that Drusus occasioned among the German tribes was un- doubtedly excessive. Some antiquaries have imagined that the German imprecation, Das dich der Drus hoi, may be traced to the traditional dread of this terrible conqueror. Junius gives Deus take you; Abi in malam rem, Diobolus te abripiat ; and refers to Dusius, the name of a certain evil spirit. Sharon Turner informs us that Bede, in his Commentary on Luke, mentions demons appearing to men as females, and to women as men, whom he says the Gauls call Dusii (quosdam diemones quas dusios Galli nuncupant), the presumed origin of our word deuce. Again, from Dusius is said to have been formed the Old Teut. duyse, a concubine." See Todd's Johnson; Keysler Antiq. Septentrion. 547 ; Kilian in v. Duyse ; Isidorus, Gloss. 51 ; Augustine de Civ. Dei, lib. xv., c. 23 ; Dr. Whitaker, Cathedral of Cornwall, vol. 1, pp. 345 — 347, and N. & Q. 2nd S., No. 43, 331. It comes rather from diaus, a Celtic corruption of diabolus, the devil. DEVIL. A very wicked person ; named after Satan. An idol or false god, Lev. xvii., 2 Chron. xi. In ludicrous language, any great evil ; in profane language, an expletive expressing wonder, vexation, &c. A printer's errand boy. A machine for cutting up rags and cloth for manufacturing purposes. To pepper excessively; to devil a fowl or a bone. 70 VERBA NOMINALTA. DEVILISH. Partaking of the qualities of the devil ; diabolical ; very evil and mischievous ; malicious ; exces- sive, enormous, in a vulgar and ludicrous sense, as a devilish cheat. DEVIL' S-BIT. The Scabiosa prcemorsa, so called from having its root, as it were, bitten off at the end. DEVONIAN. The name given by Professor Sedgwick and Sir R. Murchison to a great portion of the paleozoic strata of N. and S. Devon, and referred to as coeval in formation with the .old red sandstone of Herefordshire. DHOLLERA. A description of Indian cotton, named from Dholarra or Dholera, a town in the British district of Ahme- dabad. DIANA. A name formerly given to silver, from its white shining appearance, like the moon, i.e. Diana. A name given to the arborescent form of the crystallized silver Avhich is disengaged when mercury is put into a solution of nitrate of silver. An African species of the monkey, the Simia Diana of Linnjeus, and Palatine monkey of Pennant ; but perhaps better known as the African spotted monkey. It was so called because from the top of its nose is a white line, passing over each eye to the ears in an arched direction, resembling the crescent assigned by the poets to Diana. DIANELLA. A genus of plants found in woody recesses in warm climates, whence their name from the sylvan Diana. DIANTHUS. Classical name of the pink, carnation, sweet William, &c. ; from Aio; avSog, Jove's flower, or divine flower, from the colour and odour in some species. The genus con- tains upwards of seventy species. DIAPER (Fr. diapre, diapered). Figured linen cloth ; a cloth wove in floAvers or figures, much used for towels or nap- kins : hence, a towel or napkin. The word is derived from d'Ypres, i.e. from Ypres, in Flanders, where this article was first manufactured. DICKEY. A common word for a false shirt-front. The original term still in use at the Dublin University is tommy, not from the Christian name, but from Gr. ro^a^j, a section. VERBA NOMINALIA. 71 DICKSONIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Fob/podiacecB ; named after Mr. Dickson, a British botanist. DICTAMNUS. Dittany ; now applied to a'genus of plants, nat. or. RiitacecB, the species of which are perennials ; so called from Dictamnus, in Crete, on whose mountains it grows. DILLENIA. A genus of very elegant plants, whose species are found in India, New Holland, China, and Brazil ; named in honour of John James Dillenius, born at Darmstadt, in 1607 ; appointed the first botanical professor at Oxford, on Sherrard's foundation ; author of a History of Mosses, and Hortus Eltha- mensis. DILLNITE. A mineral consisting of silica, alumina, lime, magnesia, and watei", found in the Dilln Mine, at Schemnitz, Hungary. DILLWYNIA. A genus of papilionaceous plants, con- sisting of subshrubs, natives of America ; named in honour of L. W. Dillwyn, F.R.S., a writer on the British Confer^vce. DIMITY (found written dimittjj, dimitie, Fr. demitte; also demitton, sorte de toile de coton moins large et moins serree que la demitte ; D.diemit). A kind of white cotton cloth, ribbed or figured {Webster), It is a cross-barred stuff composed entirely of cotton, and similar in fabric to fustian, from which it differs chiefly in having ornaments woven in it, and in not being dyed. The manufacture of dimities in Europe was first esta- blished at Lyons about 1580, and for a long period our markets were supplied by the French. The works at Manchester have now almost wholly superseded the necessity of importation. Junius derives dimitie from Si^^it'os, wove of a double thread ; hence, says he, (j.ovojj.t-tog, wove of a simple thread ; ifoXvix^iros, wove of many threads ; XsTtT'0[wroQ, wove of a thin thread ; s^ay^iro;, samit (samite). The word is more probably derived from dimyati, i.e. made at Damietta, in Egypt. " In Tennis and Dimyat," says Idrisi, who wrote in the middle of the twelfth century, " they manufacture the finest dresses of tanned leather, cotton, and linen ; and the dyed striped clothes of Tennis, which for price and beauty are unrivalled, A single robe, when embroidered with gold, is sometimes sold for a 72 VERBA NOMINALIA. thousand dinars or thereabouts (,£400). Those that have no gold in them sell for one or two hundred dinars (£35 or £40). The manufactures of Fu and Damireh and the neighbouring islands, though of a very superior kind, do not at all ap- proach those of Tennis and Dimyat." " This curious passage," says the writer in the Encyc. Metrop., " is entirely omitted in the Epitome of Idrisi's work, translated into Latin under the title of Geographia Nubiensis. The fine manufactures, especially those of cotton, were all imported from the East in the Middle Ages ; hence our calicoes received their name from Calicut ; our musselines [muslins] from Miisul; and, if the con- jecture here made be correct, our dimities from Damietta." DINITE. An aggregation or druse of crystals, having the appearance of ice ; found by Professor Dini, at Lunigiana, in Tuscany. DIOGENES' CUP. A term applied to the cup-like cavity of the hand, occasioned by bending the metacarpal bone of the little finger. DIOMEDA. The heron ; a genus of birds ; so called from the Grecian general Diomedes, whose companions are said to have been changed into herons. DIOPHANTINE. A name applied to problems relating to square and cube numbers, &c., the properties of which were first solved by Diophantus, of Alexandria, who lived in the third century, and was one of the first writers on algebra. DIOSCOREA. A genus of perennial plants, of which there are several species, mostly tropical plants, chiefly natives of the West Indies ; named in honour of Pedacius Dioscorides, an eminent physician and botanist, who was born at Anazarbus, in Cicilia, and lived in the time of Nero ; he was author of Ma- teria Medica, in which from 500 to 600 plants are described ; a work which, till the beginning of the seventeenth century, was considered the most essential to the student of botany. DIOSCURIA. In classical history, festivals celebrated by the Lacedgemonians with great mirth and festivity in honour of the Dioscuri, or sons of Jupiter, viz., Castor and Pollux. DITTANY. A plant of the genus Dictamnus, q.v. VERBA NOMINALIA. 73 DODON^A. A genus of j^lants, nat. or, Sapindacece, the species being shrubs ; named after Dodonseus, a celebrated botanist. DOILEY, DOYLY, or DOYLEY. A small napkin, generally coloured, used with fruit and wine (Smat^t) ; formerly a species of woollen stuff; named from the first maker, Mr. Doyley, "a very respectable warehouseman, whose family had resided in the great old house next to HodsoU's, the bankers, from the time of Queen Anne." This refers to 346, Strand, east corner of Upper Wellington Street. See Notes and Queries. DOLLAR (G. thale)\ D. daalder, Dan. and Sw. daler, Sp. dalera, Russ. taler). A silver coin of Spain and of the United States, equal to 100 cents, or about 4s. 4cZ. sterling (Web- ster). In different parts of Germany the name is given to coins of different values. The Prussian dollar or thaler is equal to about 3s. Ad. sterling. It seems to have originated in Germany. Some derive the name from Dale, the town where they assert it was first coined ; but the word thaler is more correctly an abbre- viation of JoacJwnsthaler, from Joachimsthal, near Carlsbad, in Bohemia, where these pieces were first struck in 1519. The town was formerly of greater importance than at present, owing to its mines of silver and cobalt. With the exception, perhaps, of the mines of Larium, in Attica, opposite JEgina, here is the oldest silver mine in Europe, and the first that was en- dowed with mining laws. It is 300 fathoms deep, but, instead of 800 miners, only 400 are now employed. " Joa- chimsthaler : on designe sous ce uom les pieces de monnaie d'argent frappees, vers le fin du XV siecle, dans les mines du Conte de Schlick, a Joachimsthal, en Boheme. C'etait une imitation des florins d'empire, et la purete de leur titre les mit bientot en telle reputation, que ce type finit par predo- miner en meme temps que leur nom restait affecte par I'usage aux pieces d'une valeur analogue, sauf que par abbreviation on finit par ne plus dire que thalers au lieu de Joachimsthaler {sous entendu munze), monnaie de Joachimsthal. C'est la I'etymo- logie du mot thaler, que nous traduisons en Francois par notre 74 VERBA NOMINALIA. mot ecu. Ces pieces de monnaie sont dites encore Icewenthaler (ecus du lion), a cause du lion a deux queus de Boheme qu'elles representent, et quelquefois aussi Schlickenthaler, du nom du seigneur qui les fit frapper, en Latin Slicni, et aussi Joachiomici, ou Vallones" {Diet, de la Conversation). DOLLOND. A telescojje on the acliromatic principle, first introduced by the late Peter Dolloud, son of John Dolloud, an eminent optician, descended from a French refugee family. DOLOMITE. A variety of magnesian limestone occurring chiefly massive, and softer than common limestone. Much of the common white marble is dolomite ; the Apennines are partly composed of dolomite ; it occurs at lona, and there are dolomite mountains in Tyrol. It was named after the French geologist Dolomieu, born at Grenoble in June, 1750, and who in less than three years i^ublished twenty-seven original memoirs, among which were those on the nature of leucite, peridot, anthracite, pyroxene, &c. " See also report, mention- ing the two kinds of dolomite, one of which was used in the New Parliament House, London ; the sort used decays on exposure." — *S'. F. CresivelL DOMBEYA. A genus of vS. American plants, the only species of which is a tree, native of Chili, called D. Chilensis ; named in honour of the French botanist, J. Dombey. DOMITE. A mineral, having the aspect and gritty feel of a sandy chalk ; from Puy de Dome, in Auvergne. DONARIUM. A new metal found at Brevig, in Norway, in the same zircon-syenite that contains wohlorite and enkolite ; named from the god Donar. DONATISM. The principles of the Donatists, or folloAvers of Douatus, African schismatics of the fourth century. DONIA. A genus of beautiful American papilionaceous shrubs, natives of Mexico, &c. ; named after David Don, the Scotch botanist. DON PEDRO. A low game at cards, probably invented by the mixed English and Irish rabble who fought in Portu- gal in 1832-3. DOPPLERITE. A mineral, brownish-black when fresh, found in peat, near Aussee, in Styria ; named after M. Doppler. VERBA NOMINALIA. 75 DORIC. In architecture, the second order of columns, between the Tuscan and the Ionic, distinguished for simplicity and strength ; named from Doris, in Greece. The dialect of the Dorians, one of the five dialects of the Greek language, differ- ing little from that of Lacedajmon. It is found in the writings of Archimedes and Theocritus. In music, the first of the authentic modes of the ancients. Its character is to be severe, tempered with gravity and joy. DORICISM or DORISM. A phrase of the Doric dialect. DORKING. A peculiar variety of fowl of a large size ; distinguished from the common barn-door kind by having five claws on each foot, the hinder claw being double ; named from Dorking, Surrey. They are said to have been brought hither by the Romans, and to degenerate in other counties. DORNIC (found written dornix). A species of linen cloth ; from Doornik, the Flemish form of Tournay, in Belgium. The carpets commonly called Brussels are made at Doornik. DORNOCK. A kind of figured linen, made at Dornoch, Scotland. D'ORSAY. Formerly a sort of overcoat ; named after the late Count d'Orsay. An article of furniture, and several other things, were called after the same person, DORSTENIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Urticacece ; named in honour of Dr. Dorsten, a German botanist. DOUGLASSIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Primulacece ; called after Mr. Douglas, an ardent botanist. — Crahh. DOVERCOURT. A term made use of at Dovercourt, near Harwich, in Essex, for a " great noise." " There is a legend that Dovercourt Church once possessed a miraculous cross which spoke ; thus noticed in the Collyer of Croyden : — ' And now the rood of Dovercot Confirming his opinions to be true :' SO that it is possible, as Nares suggests, that this church was the scene of confusion alluded to in the proverb, ' Dovercourt — all speakers and no hearers.' Foxe (Martyrology, vol. ii. 502) states that " a rumour was spread that no man could shut 76 VERBA NOMINALIA. the door, which, therefore, stood open night and day ; and that the resort of people to it was mucli and very great." Others think the proverb may have arisen from the fact that the court held at Dovercourt is composed chiefly of seamen. DOWLAS. A kind of coarse linen cloth ; probably from the proper name Douglas, which corrupts into Dowlas ; but whether from a surname or local name is doubtful. There is the Forest of Douglas, in Scotland, whose inhabitants are much engaged in cotton weaving and spinning. " From Dour- lans, in Picardy " {Richardsoii). " This should be Doulens or Doullens" {S. F. C.) DREELITE. A mineral, found in small unmodified crystals, and in the cavities of a quartzose I'ock, atBeaujeu, dep. Rhone; and Badenweiler (Baden); named by Dufrenoy after M. de Dree, a liberal patron of science DRUGGET. A coarse slight woollen fabric, used as a protection for, and sometimes instead of, a carpet. The Rev. S. F. Creswell derives the name from Drogheda, in Ireland, where it is said to have been first manufactured. Dr. Johnson renders it " a slight kind of woollen stuff;" and there is no doubt that it was anciently used as an article of attire. " In druggets drest, of thirteen pence a yard. See Pliilip's son amidst his Prussian guard." — Stoift. " Even I, a dunce of more renown than they, Was sent before but to prepare thy way ; And, coarsely clad in Norwich drugget, came To teach the nations in thy greater name." Dryden (Mac Flecknoe). DRUMMOND LIGHT. A very intense light, produced by turning two streams of gas, one oxygen, the other hydro- gen, in a state of ignition, upon a ball of lime ; named from the inventor, Lieut. Drummond. DRYANDRA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Proteacece, named after Dryander, a Swedish botanist. DUBOIvSIA. A genus of South Australian shrubs ; named in memory of Louis Dubois, a French botanist. DUCAT. A coin of several countries of Europe. It is of silver or gold. The silver ducat is generally equal to 4s. 6d. VERBA NOMINALIA. 77 sterling, and tlic gold ducat is of twice the value. Some assert that Roger II., Duke of Apulia, first (in 11 40, or, as others say, in 1240 or 1280) coined the gold ducat bearing the effigy of Christ with the following legend: — " Sit tibi, Christe, datus, quern tu regis, iste ducatus " (Cf. Zachenberg, Diss, de Germ. Med. X. 20, p. 372 ; and Ducange). According to others, the origin of the ducat is referred to one Longinus, governor of Italy, who, revolting against the Emperor Justin the younger, made himself Duke of Ravenna, and called himself Exarcha, i.e. without lord or ruler'; and, to show his independence, struck pieces of money of very pure gold, in his own name and with his own stamp, which were called ducati, ducats, in the sixth century (Cf. Procopius ; Verg Polydorus de Invent. Rer. 20). DUCATELLO. An Egyptian silver coin, current at Alex- andria for ten medimni, or measures of capacity ; a diminutive of Ducat, q.v. DUCATOON. A silver coin ; that of Venice being equal to about 4s. 8d, sterling ; that of Holland about 5s. 6d. ster- ling; a diminutive of Ducat, q.v. DUFFEL. A coarse woollen cloth with a thick nap or frieze ; from Duffel, a town of Belgium, prov. Antwerp, having manufactures of linen and flax spinning. DUFRENITE. A mineral consisting of phosphoric acid, red oxide of iron, oxide of manganese, protoxide, and water ; found at Siegen ; Hirscherg in Reuss ; and Limoges, France ; named after Dufrene. DUFRfiNOYSITE, A mineral, composed of lead, silver, copper, iron, arsenic, and sulphur ; found with realgar, blende, and pyrite, in the dolomite of St. Gothard ; named after M. Dufreynoy. DUMASINE. An empyreumatic oil, obtained by rectifying acetone derived from the acetates ; named from Dumas ; perhaps Charles Louis Dumas, professor of anatomy and physiology to the University of Montpellier, who died in 1806. DUMDUMMER. In Calcutta, a vehicle ftxmiliarly so called, because much used to convey passengers to Dum-Dum, near Calcutta. 78 VERBA NOMINAT.IA. DUNCE. A person of weak intellect ; adoltoi- thickskull. Some derive the word from L. attonitus, as if thunderstruck, or struck by lightning ; amazed, astonished, bewildered ; others from dumb, q.d. dmnps, i.e. dumbish. " Dujice is said by Johnson to be a word of unknown etymology Stanihurst explains it. The term Duns, from Scotus, ' so famous for his subtill quiddities,' he says, ' is so trivial and common in all schools, that whoso surpasseth others either in cavilling, so- phistrie, or subtill philosophic, is forthwith nicknamed a Ditns.^ This, he tells us in the margin, is the reason ' why schoolmen are called Dunses ' (Description of Ireland, p. 2), The word easily passed into a term of scorn, just as a blockhead is called a Solomon, a bully Hector, and as Moses is the vulgar name of contempt for a Jew " (Dr. Southey's Omniana, vol, I. p. 5).—E. H. B. DURANTIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Verhenacece ; named after M. Durantes, a physician and botanist. B. EAU-DE-COLOGNE. A spirit principally used as a perfume ; first made at Cologne by Johann Maria Farina. There are are at present twenty or thirty persons at Cologne who claim to be makers of the veritable article. EDELFORSITE. A mineral ; colour white or gi-ayish ; found at Aedelfors in Smaoland, Cziklowa in the Bannat, and Gjelleback in Norway. EDENIZED. Admitted into Paradise (Davies) ; from the Scripture Eden. EDTNGTONITE. A mineral, colour grayish-white, oc- curring in the Kilpatrick Hills, in Scotland. There are three places named Edington in England, and Edington Castle CO. Berwick. Edington is also a personal name. EGERAN. A sub-species of pyramidal garnet, occurring in felspar and hornblende at Haslan, near Eger, in Bohemia. EHLITE. A mineral; colour verdigris-green; found at Ehl, on the Rhine, and at Nischne-Tajilsk, in the Ural. VERBA NOMINALIA. 79 EHRETIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Ehretiacece ; called after M. Ehret, a German botanical draughtsman. — Crahb. EKEBERGIA. A genus of plants, the only species of which is a native of the Cape ; named by Sparrman in honour of Sir C. G. Ekeberg, who first brought the tea-plant alive to Europe. EKEBERGITE. A mineral, a supposed variety of scapo- lite ; doubtless named after AndrcAV Gustavus Ekeberg, a che- mist, who was born at Stockholm in 1767, became chemical teacher at the University of Upsal, and obtained great celebrity from his analysis of the mineral gadolinite, and many other scientific discoveries. ELECAMPANE. A plant, named also starwort. The word in Latin is written Inula and Enula campana, and is de- rived from helenium, Gr. sAeviov, and was so called because it was said to have sprung from the tears of Helen (EAsv)]). (See Pliny). Ccmijxma signifies a bell. ELIZABETHAN. Pertaining to Queen Elizabeth or her times ; e.g. to the styles of architecture, literature, &c., then prevalent. ELLISIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Hydrophi/llacecB ; so called after M. J. Ellis, an English botanist. — Crabb. ELYSIAN. Pertaining to Elysiurn ; yielding the highest pleasures ; deliciously soothing ; exceedingly delightful ; as Elysian Fields. ELZEVIR. A name given to certain editions of the classics, &c., published by the Elzevir family at Amsterdam and Ley- den, from about 1595 to 1680, and highly prized for their accuracy and elegance. ENFIELD. A celebrated rifle, first manufactured at En- field, Middlesex, but now also at other places. It was adopted for public service in 1853. ENGLISHERIE. The state or privilege of being an Englishman (not used), " which it was necessary to prove a man to be in the reign of Canute, in case he was murdered, in order that the hundred might be exempt from the amercement which it would otherwise have been liable to." — Crabb. EOLIC. A dialect of the Greek language, which was used by the inhabitants of Eolia, in Asia Minor. 80 VERBA NOMINALIA. fiPERNAY. One of the best champagnes, from a place of the same name in France. £PERGNE. (Fr.) An ornamental stand for a large dish in the centre of a table {Smart) ; probably made at fipergne, in France. EPHESIAN. One of a dissolute life {Shah.) ; so called from Ephesus, in Asia Minor, one of the most splendid cities of antiquity, whose inhabitants are said to have lead a Sybarite life. EPHESITE. A mineral, placed by Dr. Smith near mar- garite ; found with the emery of Gumuch-dagh, near Ephesus. EPICTETAN. Pertaining to Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher in the time of the Roman emperor Domitian. — Arhuthnot. EPICURE. One devoted to sensual enjoyments ; hence, one who indulges in the luxuries of the table ; a follower of Epicurus, the ancient Greek philosopher, who, however, lived chiefly on bread and water, and placed the sniiwmm honum in tranquillity of mind ; but whose followers disregarded his principles. EPICUREAN. Pertaining to Epicurus, as the Epicurean philosophy or tenets ; a follower of Epicurus ; one given to the luxuries of the table. A sauce made of Indian soy, chili vinegar, walnut catsup, and mushroom catsup. EPICURIANISM. Attachment to the doctrines of Epi- curus. EPICURISM. Luxury, sensual enjoyments ; indulgences in gross pleasure ; voluptuousness ; the doctrines of Epicurus. EPSOMITE. A mineral common in mineral waters, as at Epsom, and as an efflorescence on rocks in many other places. ERASTIANISM. The principles of the Erastians, fol- lowers of Thomas Erastus, a German, who maintained that the church is " a mere creature of the state," dependent upon it for its existence, and for all its powers. ERDMANNITE. A mineral, colour dark brown, found in the isle of Stoko, in the Langesundfiord ; named after M. Erelmann. ESCALLONIA. A genus of S. American plants, inhabiting Alpine regions ; named after their discoverer, Escallon, a Spanish botanist. VERBA NOMINALIA. 81 ESCULAPIAN. Medical ; pertaining to the healing art {Young) ; from ^sculapius, the celebrated physician. ESMARKITE. A mineral, a silicate ; named after M. Esmark. Two different minerals appear to bo confounded under this name. EUGENIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Monogynia ; named by Micheli after Prince Eugene of Savoy, who sent him from Germany nearly all the plants described by Clusius. EUGENIE. A carriage named after the Empress Eugenie. EUGUBINE. A name given to certain bronze tables having five inscriptions in the Umbrian language, mixed with Etruscan, and two in Latin characters, containing facts relative to the wars of Italy ; found at Eugubio or Gubbio, a town of Umbria, in 1444, EUMACHIA. A genus of plants, or. Monogynia ; natives of Australia ; named after Eumachus, a Greek wi-iter cited by Theophrastus. EUMENIDIA. Festivals celebrated by the Athenians in honour of the Eumenides, another name for. the Furies. EUPATORINA. An alkaloid obtained from Eupatorium cannabimnn. See Eupatorium. EUPATORIUM. A genus of plants, nat. or. Compositce, the species of which are known as hemp agrimony ; called after its discoverer, Mithridates, surnamed Eupator. EUSTACHIAN. A term applied to a slender tube, af- fording a passage for the air from a cavity in the ear to the back part of the mouth and the external air ; named after its discoverer, Eustachius, a distinguished Italian physician, who flourished in the sixteenth century at Rome. The Eustachian valve is a fold of the lining membrane of the auricle of the heart. EUTERPEAN. A term often given to music clubs ; from Euterpe, the muse who presides over wind instruments. EUTYCHIANISM. The doctrines of Eutychius (Welster). Eutychius, who lived a.d. 443, held that the divine and human natures of Christ, after their union, became so blended to- gether as to constitute but one nature. a 82 VERBA NOMINALIA. F. FABIAN. Delaying, dilatory, avoiding battle, in imitation of Quintus Fabius Maximus, a Roman general, who conducted military operations against Hannibal, by declining to risk a battle in the open field, but harassing the enemy by marches, counter-marches, and ambuscades. — Webster. FABRICIA. A genus of Australian shrubs ; named in honour of the celebrated entomologist Johann Christian Fabricius, i3upil of Liunteus, and author of Systema Ento- mologige, in 1775. FAGONIA. Herbaceous plants with a woody base, nat. or. RutacecB ; named by Tournefort in compliment to M. Fagon, principal physician to Louis XIV., and a great patron of botany. He was one of the chief promoters of Tournefort's journey to the Levant, which he strongly recommended to the consideration of his sovereign. See Tourn. Inst. 265, t. 141 ; Linn. Gen. 212; and Mart-Mill. Diet. v. 2. FAHLUNITE. A mineral occurring in opaque, brownish- green, six-side prisms, transversely foliated ; from Fahlun, in Sweden. FAHRENHEIT. An arrangement of the thermometrical scale, in which the space between the freezing and the boiling points of water, under a medium pressure of the atmosphere, is divided into 180° ; the freezing point being marked 32°, and the boiling 212° ; invented by Fahrenheit, of Amsterdam, in 1720. See also Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. vol. xxxiii. FAIENCE. Imitation porcelain ; a kind of fine pottery embellished with painted designs ; from Faenza (Faventia), in Italy, where first made. FALERNIAN. An Italian wine celebrated by Horace, and made at Falernus. According to Mazella, Mount Falernus is now called Rocca di Mondragone ; Baudraud says, Monte Massico. Pliny praises the pears of Falernus. FALKIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Nolanacece ; called after Falk, a Swedish botanist. — Crahb. FALLOPIAN. A term applied to two ducts arising from VERBA NOMINALIA. 83 the womb, usually called tubes ; first described by Fallopius, a celebrated anatomist of the sixteenth century, and pupil of Versalius. FAMAGUSTA. An apple ; from Famagosta, in the isle of Cyprus. FANCHONNETTE. In pastry, an entre-niets made of fine pufi" paste and apricot or peach jam; from Fanchonneite, a French name formed from Franqoise. FARO. A game at cards, in which one plays against the bank kept by the proprietor of the table. The name was formerly written pharaoh (Fr. faron), the common title of the kings of anc. Egypt, The game is not now played — certainly not in France. FARSETIA. A genus of cruciferous plants, with purple or light yellow flowers ; named after P. Farseti, an Italian botanist. FASSAITE. A mineral; a variety of pyroxene, found in the Fassa Thai, North Tyrol. FAUJASITE. A mineral; a hydrous silicate, occurring at Kaiserstuhl, in Baden ; named by Damour after Faujas de Saint Fond. FAUNA. The various kinds of minoraki peculiar to a -o^t/'niuzy^ country constitute its Fauna, as the various choice plants con- stitute its Flora. The term is derived from the Fauni, rural deities in Roman mythology. FAUNIST. One who attends to rural disquisitions ; a naturalist. See Fauna. FAYALITE. A mineral found in large nodules and angu- lar pieces on the sea-shore in Fayal, and also in Ireland. FENUGREEK. A plant allied to clover, whose seeds are used by farriers in cataplasms and fomentations ; from L. fcenum Grcecwn, Greek hay. FERGUSONITE. An ore, consisting of columbic acid, and yttria, with some oxide of cerium and zii'conia; brought from Cape Farewell ; named after Robert Ferguson, Esq., of Raith. FERRARA (ANDREA). A celebrated sword named after its maker, who worked either in Spain or the Spanish Nether- lands. G 2 84 VERBA NOMINALTA. FERRARIA. A genus of bulbous plants, natives of the Cape and South America ; named after J. B. Ferrari, an Italian botanist. FESCENNINE. Licentious; a licentious gay song, a nuptial song. Fesceunine verses were gay, satirical, rude, or licentious verses sung by young men at weddings and before the nuptial chamber, and were so called from having origi- nated at Fescennium, a town of ancient Etruria, near the present site of Civita Castellana. The same name was applied to pieces of poetry recited by youths at rustic festivals, and sung by country people at harvest time. This is a very ancient custom in Italy, and the practice of making licentious jokes upon each other, and upon strangers passing by, is very prevalent among the vintagers. FEVILLEA. A genus of plants, the chief species of which are natives of Brazil; called in South America ghandir- hoba ; held in great repute as an antidote to various poisons ; named in honour of Louis Feuillee, a French Franciscan monk, Peruvian traveller, and botanist, who died in 1732. FEZ (Turc. fess). A name by which the red woollen skull-caps or tarbouch are known in Turkey and the Levant. They had their name from Fez or Fas, capital of the province of the same name in Morocco, where they were first made. The town has a large commerce with the interior of Africa, and is still famous for its silk stuifs, gauzes, fine figured girdles of gold and silk, moroccoes, arms, saddlery, &c. The fezzes are now principally made at Constantinople. The Turks call the caps of Tunis fesi tounes. FIACRE. A French hackney coach ; so named because the first hackney coach set up in Paris customarily started from the Hotel St. Fiacre. Compare our " Elephants," " Eyre Arms," " Favourites," " Royal Blues," &c. " Le mot Jiacre vient de ce que les premiers carrosses de cette espece logeaient a I'image Saint Fiacre, dans la rue Saint Antoine." FICHTELITE. A resin found in flat acicular crystals, in a bed of turf at Redwitz, near the Fichtelgebirge. ■^ FILBERT. The fruit of the cultivated Corylus or hazel. Bailey writes, " Filberds, of full and heard, the skin thereof VERBA NOMINALIA. 85 being covered with a down, like the first appearance of the beard upon the chin ;" but the first syUable is rather from the L. avellcma, id. Avellana nuces, filberts ; lit. nuts of Abella or Avella, a town of Campania. Conf. Macrob. ; also Virg. ; and Sil. Minshew says, " filberd or hazel-nut, q. Belg. wild- beijer, i. acinus sive fructus sylvestris. Fr. aueldine, Port. auelad, It. D. Lat. auelldna, primum dictae sunt abellinse, ab Abellino, Campaniae oppido, quod inVirgilio appellatur Abella, aut Auella, nux est coryli arboris, quae alio nomine dicitur Nux Pontica quod in Asia Greciamque primum e Ponto vene- rit ; et Pi'JEuestina qviod Praenestini his abundant, sive (ut Macrob. placet) quod Praenestini ab Annibale obsidione cincti, his nucibus famem toleraverint." Filbert may have been anciently written avel-nut ; and afterwards vel-nut, Jil-nut,fil-but; whence Jllbei-t. There are still towns in Naples called Avella and Avellino, and to this day the neighbourhood of the latter abounds in chestnuts and hazel nuts. The latter were much prized by the Romans, and are still celebrated under the name of Avellino nuts. " Hazel-nuts are the fruit of the wild bush of Cori/lus Avellana, unchanged and unimproved by cultivation. They are brought from Spain, the south of France, and Italy, The finest kinds, called Avelines, are brought to Paris from several quarters, as from Toulon, Languedoc, and Piedmont." FILIPPO. An old silver coin of Milan equal to 4s. 8^d. ; doubtless first struck in the reign of Philipp Marie, son of the Duke John Galeacius, who succeeded his brother Johann Marie in 1412. A money of Modena equal to 6fr. 13c. FIORITE. A siliceous incrustation ; from -F/ora, in Ischia. FLACOURTIA. A genus of shrubs, named after M. de Flacourt, a director of the French India Company. FLEMINGIA. A genus of leguminous plants ; named after Dr. John Fleming. FLORALIA. Festivals held by the Romans in honour of Flora, goddess of flowers. Hence floral, pertaining to Flora; as floral games. FLOREN, FLORENCE. A gold coin of the time of Edward III., equal to Qs. sterling. 86 VERBA NOMINALIA. FLORENCE. A kind of wine from Florence. A kind of cloth. — Webster. FRIDAY (G. freitag. Plat, freedag, D. vrijdag, Fries, fvedi, A. S. frigdcEg). The sixth day of the week ; Friga's day, the day on which our ancestors worshipped Friga, Frega, or Frea, consort of Woden, Wodin, or Odin ; and Venus of the northern nations. FLORENTINE. A kind of silk cloth from Florence. A marble (called also landscape marble) in which the figures of buildings &c. are naturally represented. A sort of baked tart or pudding. FLORIN. A name given to several coins of gold or silver, of different values in different countries; the silver florin varying from Is. to Is. Ad. sterling; the gold florin of Hanover being valued at 6s. \\d. sterling. It is also used as a money of account {Kelly). The name is said to be derived from fiorino, originally a gold coin first struck at Florence in 1252. According to others, it was named after Lucius Aquilius Florus, who impressed it with the head of Augustus on one side, and on the other with a flower, with these words, " Lucius Aquilius Florus III., vir." Menage says this is ridiculous, and he asserts that it was named from the Jleur de lis, the arms of Florence, which Avere stamped upon it. " Fiorino, moneta d'oro battuta nella citta di Firenze ; e cosi detta dal giglio fiore, impreso d'essa citta, impressovi dentro." FLOUNCE. A narrow piece of cloth sewed to a petticoat, frock, or gown, with the lower border loose and spreading ; per- haps the same as the O. 'E.ng. florouns (Fr.Jleuron), a border of flower-work or Jlorences, a sort of cloth from Florence. FLUELLEN or FLUELLIN. The plant speedwell; from the surname Fluellyn, a Celtic corruption of Lewellyn. FONTANESIA. A genus of plants, an evergreen shrub, native of Syria ; named after M. Desfontaines, author of Flora Atlantica. FORNACALIA. Moveable feasts held among the ancient Romans in honour of the goddess Fornax or Fornix. They were first instituted by Numa ; the Quirinalia being instituted for the sake of those Avho had not kept the Fornacalia. They VERBA NOMINALIA. 87 were solemnized with sacrifices, performed before the mouth of an oven, wherein they dried their corn, baked their bread, &c. The grand curio pi'oclaimed the time of celebration every twelfth of the kalends of March. FORSKOHLEA. A genus of plants, or. Pentagynia, whose species are natives of the Cape and of Teneriffe ; named in memory of Forskohl, a Swedish botanist. FORSTERITE. A crystallized mineral containing silica and magnesia, found at Vesuvius with pleonaste and pyroxene ; named after Mr. Foster. FORSYTHIA. A genus of plants, of which, in the Lin- naean system, there is but a single species, a native of Carolina; named in honour of William Forsyth. FORUM. A tribunal, a court ; any assembly empowered to hear and decide causes ; also jurisdiction ; named from the Forum at Rome, a public place where causes were judicially tried, and orations delivered to the people. FOSTERA. A genus of plants of but one species, a native of New Zealand ; named in memory of J. R. Foster and G. Foster, father and son, who, in a voyage round the world, collected and described many new genera and species of plants. FOTHERGILLIA. A genus of plants, the species of which is F. anifolia, native of Carolina ; named after Dr. John Fothergill. FOURIERISM. The system of Charles Fourier, a Frencn- man, who recommends the reorganization of society into small communities living in common, FOURIERITE. One who favours Fourierism. FRANC. A French silver coin equal to about \0d. sterling, so named from Francia, France. FRANCESCONE. A silver coin in Tuscany, of 10 paoli, equal to 4s. 6d. sterling ; doubtless named from Francesco, one of the Dukes of Tuscany. FRANGIPANE. A celebrated essence used to perfume the gloves called " gants de Frangipane ;" first made by Mutio Frangipanni, who was both a Roman noble and a noble Roman, he having distributed bread amongst the people in time of famine, whence his name. Near Fiume, in Hungary, is still 88 VERBA NOMINALIA. to be seen an old castle which formerly belonged to the Frangi. panni. Bescherelle doubts this derivation, and thinks the word may be from '■' frangipanier, arbre odoriferant et laiteux ;" or contracted from two Italian words signifying " pain ou pate odoriferante." A stomachic made by Frangipanni, and called by him rosolis (ros solis, sun-dew). A sort of pastry (tourte de frangipane, tarte a la frangipane) containing cream and almonds. An extract of milk for preparing arti- ficial milk, made by evaporating skimmed milk to dryness, mixed with almonds and sugar. FRANCOA. A genus of perennial plants, named after Franco, a Spanish physician and botanist of the sixteenth century. — W light. FRANKENIA. Sea heath, a genus of small jDerennial plants, named after John Frankenius, a Swedish botanist. FRANKLINITE. A mineral compound of iron, zinc, and manganese, found in New Jersey ; named from Dr. Franklin. — Cleaveland. FREDERICK or FREDERICK D'OR. A gold coin of Px'ussia, equal to 16s. 3|cZ. ; named after one of its monarchs (Frederick the Great ?) FREISLEBEN or FRIESLEBENITE. A mineral of a blue or bluish-grey colour, occurring in the Himmelsfiirst at Freiberg, in Saxony, and at other places in Europe. Friesleben is a local surname. FRONTINIAC or FRONTIGNAC. A French wine, so called from Frontenac, in Languedoc, where it is produced. FUCHSIA. A genus of plants, whose species are very numerous; all natives of Ameinca, chiefly of Mexico and Chili ; named in honour of Leonard Fuchs or Fuchsius, physician and botanist, born at Wembdingen, in Bavaria, in 1501. FUCHSIASINE. A kind of purple produced chemically from the refuse matter of our gas-works. See Fuchsia. FUDGE. A made-up story; stuflT; nonsense; an exclama- tion of contempt {Goldsmith). " Todd does not trace it beyond Goldsmith (Vicar of Wakefield), but it is no invention of his. In a pamphlet entitled, 'Remarks upon the Navy, 1700,' the VERBA NOMINALIA. 89 term is declared to have been the name of a nautical personage who lived in the lifetime of the writer. ' There was in our time one Captain Fudge, commander of a merchantman, who upon a return from a voyage, however ill fraught soever his ship was, always brought home his owners a good stock of lies, so much so that now aboard ship the sailors, when they hear a great lie told, cry out. You fudge it.' " (Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, article " Neology.") FUIRENA. A genus of plants of only one species, F. paniculata ; native of Surinam ; named after Fuiren, a Danish botanist. FUSTIAN. A coarse twilled cotton stuff, embracing pillow, corduroy, velveteen, &c. Some derive the word from fustanum, used by corrupt Latin writers in the same sense ; supposed from L. fustis, because a sort of fustian is made from a wood which bears cotton. Bochart (with whom Menage agrees) derives the word from Fustdt, the Arabic name of Memphis or Misr, in Egypt, where it was first made, and where cotton was produced in great abundance. Menage also informs us that in Arabic they call alfusta "a house whose walls are hung with fustian" {fustdt, tentorium jjec. ex pilis caprinis). Cf. Elmain, Hist. Saras, liv. 1, chap. 3 ; Voss de Vit. Serm. liv. 2 ; Du Cange, Gloss. An inflated style of writing ; a kind of writing in which high-sounding words are used, above the dignity of the thoughts or subject ; a swelling style ; bombast. Indeed the stuff may, like that called bombast, have been used to swell out garments. Bailey seems to think that fustian in the second sense of the word may also be from Gr. (fjucn^roe, blown wg. FUSTIANIST. One who writes bombast.— l/z7to?i. G. GADOLINITE. A mineral ; colour blackish, having the appearance of vitreous lava; called after Professor Gadolin. It contains the earth called ittria. 90 VERBA NOMINALIA. GAHNITE. A mineral containing oxide of zinc in com- bination with alumina and oxide of iron ; named after Gahn, its discoverer. GALATEA. A name given by M. Tempel to the secondary planet discovered by him at Marseilles on the 29th Aug. 1862; from Galatea, daughter of Nereus and Doris. GALENIC. The appellation given to certain remedies, consisting of preparations of herbs and roots by infusion, decoction, &c., conformable to the rules of the celebrated phy- sician Galen. GALENISM. The doctrines of Galen. GALIGNANI. A daily newspaper in English published in Paris ; named from the publishers, Galignani & Co., Rue de Rivoli. GALILEAN. The name of a refracting telescope, in which the eyeglass is a concave instead of a convex lens ; so named because originally adopted by Galileo, the celebrated astronomer. GALILEE. A large portico, porch, or chapel, usually situated at or near the west end of great abbey churches, although the word has also been frequently, but improperly, used to designate the nave of the church. The term is sup- posed by some to have arisen from the fact that in ancient times, when any female applied at the abbey gate for leave to see her relative, who was a monk, she was directed to the western porch of the church, and told in the words of Scrip- ture, " He goeth before you into Galilee ; there shall you see him." One writer, speaking of the galilee at Durham, says, " As this building was erected expressly for the use of females, and as, according to Gervase, all interviews between the males and their female relatives took place in these porches or chapels, the name may have been given to denote that the monks, in their occasional interviews with women, were to be as cautious and guarded as the Jews, who dwelt in Judea in the south, and in Samaria, in the centre of Palestine, were, in their communi- cations with the people of Galilee, termed Galilee of the Gentiles, because it was peopled chiefly by Phoenicians, Syrians, and Arabians." Another writer says, " The galilee VERBA NOMINALIA. 91 porch or chapel was always considered as somewhat loss sacred than the other portions of the sacred edifice" {Bloxani). *' Comparatively speaking, it was ' looked down upon ;' it was the despised portion of the sacred building ; it was the farthest distance (either literally or figuratively) from the altar or holy place. And this is the reason why, as it seems to me, this ^porch or chapel was called ' the Galilee,' that is to say, ' the despised place.' For what was the geographical Galilee but the despised place ? Not only locally, but figuratively, it was considered to be far off from the Holy City." GALLICISM. A mode of speech peculiar to the French nation ; an idiomatic manner of using words in the French or Gallic language. GALLIGASKINS. Large open hose ; used only in ludi- crous language (Philips) ; said to be from caligce Vasconum, Gascon hose. Bailey says, " Galligaskins (q.d. caligce Gallo- Vasconicce, so called because the Vascones used such instead of splatterdashes), a sort of wide slops or breeches used by the inhabitants of Gascoign, in France." GALLIO. One indifferent in matters of opinion. " Then all the Greeks took Sosthenes, the chief ruler of the synagogue, and beat him before the judgment-seat. And Gallio cared for none of those things (Acts xviii. 17). — S. F. Creswell. GALLITZINITE. Rutile, an ore of titanium ; named after one of the Gallitzins, a princely Eussian family ; probably from Demetrius de Gallitzin, the celebrated mine- ralogist and naturalist ; author of several works, and president of the mineralogical society of Yena. GALLOWAY. A horse of a small size, first bred in Galloway, Scotland. GALOSH or GOLOSH (Fr. galoche, Sp. galocha, a clog or wooden shoe). A patten, clog, or wooden shoe, or a shoe to be worn over another shoe to keep the foot dry ; said to be from the L. gallicce, wooden pattens, lit. Gaulish shoes. It is now made generally of India rubber and gutta percha. GALVANISM. A method in which electricity is de- veloped without the aid of friction, and in which chemical 92 VERBA NOMINALIA. action takes place between certain bodies ; named from Galvani, of Bologna, the discoverer. GALVANIZED. Affected with galvanism. Galvanized iron is a name given to sheets of iron which are first dipped into melted zinc, and then into melted tin, and are thus pre- pared, by the supposed galvanic action of these metals, to resist oxidation. GAMBOGE. A resinous juice, produce of a tree, the Gamhogia gutta, or Garcina Gambogia, used as a pigment, and in medicine as a drastic purge ; brought from Cambodia, Cam- bodja, orCambogia, an extensive country without the Ganges. GAMBROON. A kind of twilled linen cloth for linings ; perhaps originally from Gombroon, a seaport of Persia, con- venient for Kerman, which has a trade in carpets. GARCINIA. A genus of Asiatic trees, among the chief species of which are Mangostan or Mangosteen, common in Java and the Molucca Islands, whose fruit is esteemed the most delicious and salubrious of all Oriental fruits ; named in honour of Dr. Laurence Garcin, the Oriental traveller, w^ho accurately described it. GARDENIA. A genus of plants, containing about fifty species of trees and shrubs, chiefly natives of the East Indies and the Cape ; named in honour of the eminent Scottish botanist and zoologist Alexander Garden, who died in 1791. GARDNERIA. A genus of East India climbing shrubs ; named in honour of the Hon. Edward Gardner. GARIBALDI. A dress or jacket worn by ladies ; made after the fashion of a garment worn by Garibaldi and his soldiers, the Garibaldini. GARIDELLA. A genus of small, slender, erect herbs ; named in honour of Pierre Garidel, M.D. GASCONADE (Fr. gasconade). A boasting ; a vaunt ; a bravado ; a bragging ; so called from the people of Gascony, who are noted for boasting : — '' Voila Philisj quant aux Gascons, II etait Gascon, c'est tout dire; Je laisse a penser si le sire Importuna la veuve, ct s'il fit des serments. VERBA NOMINALIA. 93 "Ceux des Gascons et des Normands Passent peu pour mots d'Evangile." "Sans etre Gascon, }& puis dire Que je suis un merveilleux sire." La Fontaine. GAULTHERIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Ericacece ; called after Gaulthier, a botanist of Canada. — Crabb. GAUZE (Fr. gaze, Amor, gazen, Sp. gasa). A very thin, slight, transparent stuff of silk or linen. The word is said to have had its name from Gaza, in Palestine, where it was first manufactured. It may, however, be from the L. gossi- pium or gossipion, the cotton tree ; or gausape, gausapa, gausa- pum, gausap)es, a kind of thick woollen cloth; a frieze or rough garment Avhich soldiers used; a furred- coat, a hair mantle; Gr. yauffOLitrii. GAVOT (Fr. gavotte, formerly gavote; Sp. gavota). A kind of dance or tune, the air of which has two brisk and lively strains in common time, each of which is played twice over (Encyc.) The word is said to be derived from the Gavots, a people inhabiting the mountainous region called Gap, in France. Lamartiniere mentions Gavot as the name of a little district of Savoy, in the Chablais, the principal places in which are Evian and St. Gigo. GAY-LUSSITE. A crystalline mineral substance, found in South America ; named after the French chemist, Gay- Lussac. GEIILENITE. A mineral of a greyish colour, consisting chiefly of silica, alumina, 'and lime ; found principally at Mount Monzoni, in the Fassa Thai, Tyrol ; named by Fuchs after his colleague Gehlen, the celebrated chemist, member of the Royal Academy of Munich, born in 1775. GELDER-ROSE or GUELDER ROSE. A plant, a species of Viburnum. This singular variety is probably from Gelderland, in Holland, as the Dutch call it Gheldersche roose. From the extreme whiteness of the flowers, and swelling; out into a globular form, some country people have given it the name of snowball-tree, which Miller seems to think preferable to the common appellation of Guelder-rose, and which is conform- 94 VERBA NOMINALIA. able to the Sclmeeball of the Germans. Gerarde calls it Elder-rose and Rose-elder. GENAPPE. A worsted yarn or cord used in the manu- facture of braids, fringes, &c., its smoothness enabling it to be well combined with silk ; from Genajype, in Belgium. GENEVANISM. Calvinism, Calvin having resided at Geneva. GENOVINA. A coin of Geneva, i.e. Genoa, both in gold and silver. The assay value of the genovina of 100 lire was £3 9s. 9d. sterling; that of the genovina of 1790, £3 3s. 4f?. GENTIAN (Fr. gentiane, L. gentiana, Gentiana lutea; Gr. ysyttavYj). The popular name of a genus of plants of many species, whose root, sometimes called felwort, is used as an ingredient in stomachic bitters. The officinal gentian is a native of the mountainous parts of Germany. The gentian is also found in other parts of Europe, under the Sub-Alpine mountains ; also in Auvergne ; upon the most elevated summits of the Vosges, and in the plain near Dijon. Pliny derives the Latin word from Gentius, king of Illyria, who is said to have discovered the properties of this plant. GENTIATINE. An alkali discovered in Gentiana lutea by MM. Henri and Caventori. See Gentian. GEOCRONITE. A lead-grey ore of antimony and lead {Dana) ; from Gr. yij earth, Kpovos Saturn, the alchemistic name of lead. GEOFFROYA. A genus of plants, trees, natives of the tropical parts of America ; of two species, one of which, G. inermis, yields a bark having emetic, drastic, purgative, and narcotic properties, and much valued as a powerful anthel- mintic ; named after Geoffi'oy, Memb. Acad. Paris, author of Materia Medica, who died in 1731. GEORGE. A figure of St. George on horseback, worn by knights of the Garter. {Shak.) A brown loaf. GEORGE THE FOURTH. Name of a peach tree. GEORGIA. The bark of the Pinchieya puhens, used as a substitute for cinchona; from Georgia, U.S. GEORGIA. The moss called by Linnaeus Mnium pellucidum. VERBA NOMINALIA. 95 which Ehrhart established as a new genus, and named after George III. of Great Britain. GEORGIAD. A poem in honour of one of the Georges. GEORGIUM SIDUS. (L.) The name first given, in honour of George III., to the planet Uranus. GERARDIA. A genus of plants consisting of herbs or undershrubs ; named after John Gerarde, author of the Herbal. GERMANISM. An idiom of the German language. GERVILLIA. A genus of fossil bivalves, placed by Cuvier under Les Femes, between Crenatida and Inoceramus ; named after M. de Gerville, by whom the species, on which the genus was established, was found iu the Baculite limestone of Normandy. GESNERA or GESNERIA. A genus of plants, named after Conrad Gesner, of Ziirich, the celebrated naturalist, who died in 1788. GHIBELINES, GHIBELLINES, or GIBBELINES (Fr. Gibelins). A faction in Italy in the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries, which favoured the German emperors, and opposed the Guelfs or adherents of the Popes. They are said to have had their name from Waiblingen (anc. Wibe- lingen), a small town of Wiirtemberg, near Stuttgart. At the battle of Wemsberg (1140), between Conrad III. of Waib- lingen and Duke Welf (Guelf), the battle-cry of the former was " Hie Waiblingen !" Some assert that the Guelfs or Guelphs derived their name from G. wolf, a wolf, on account of the grievous evils committed by this faction. According to others, they were called from a German family named Guclfe, who lived at Pistoia, and they assert that his brother Gihel gave the appellation to the Ghibelines, According to others, the Emperor Conrad III. having taken the duchy of Bavaria from Welfe III., brother of Henry, duke of Bavaria, Welfe, assisted by the forces of Roger, king of Sicily, made war on Conrad, and thus gave birth to the faction of the Guelphs. Guelph, Guelf, Welfe, Welfo would seem to be merely different orthographies of the same name. GIBBERISH (found written geberish). Rapid and in- 96 VERBA NOMINALIA. articulate tattle ; unintelligible language ; unmeaning words. Webster derives the word from gibber (obs.), to speak rapidly and inarticulately ; probably allied to gabble and to jabber. Bailey gives also the 0. Fr. gaber, to banter ; It. gabbaj-e, to put a trick on. Mr. Ford says the language of the Iberians was the Basque, which was superseded by the Romance, a corrupt idiom formed from the fusion of the Roman and Gothic languages ; that this hybrid underwent a further change from its admixture with the Arabic at the Moorish invasion, when two new dialects were formed — the Aljamia or Spanish, as spoken by the Moors, and the Algarabia or Arabic, as spoken by the Spaniards ; that the latter was so bad that the term in its secondary sense is applied to any gibberish (garabia) — a word which, strictly speaking, means logat-al-arabra, the Arabic language. Dr. Johnson supposes that the term gibber- ish was originally applied to the language of Geber, the Arabian alchemist ; and, as a learned writer observes, many of the quotations given by Dr. Salmon (Clavis Alchymise, 1692) would certainly justify the etymology. GIBBSITE. A mineral, colour dirty white, greenish white, and greyish ; occurring in irregular stalactical masses at Rich- mond in- Massachusetts; named after George Gibbs, Esq., president of the American Geological Society. GIBUS. A celebrated spring hat (a sort of cha^^eau bras) ; named from the inventor, M. Gibus. GIESECKITE. A mineral occurring in six-sided j^risms; considered identical with elaolite ; named after Sir C. Giesecke. GILBERTIA. A genus of plants, consisting of small trees or shrubs ; named after J. E. Gilibert, the French botanist. GILBERTITE. A mineral, colour yellowish-white, con- sisting of alumina, silica, lime, magnesia, protoxide of iron, and water ; from Stonagwyn, St. Just, Cornwall ; named by Dr. Thomson, in honour of Davies Gilbert, president of the Royal Society. GILIA. A genus of plants, or. Monogynia ; named in honour of Philippe Salvador Gilio, a Spanish botanist. VERBA NOMINALIA. 97 GILLIESIA, A genus of plants ; named in honour of Dr. Gillies, of Concepcion, iii Chili. GINGER (Fr. gingembre, It. gengivo, Sp. gengihre, Port, gen- givre, G. ingher, D. gemher, Sw. ingefdra, Dan. ingefer, Arab. Pers. and Turc. zingibil or zinjibil, Syr. and Ch. nearly the same). A plant, or the root of Zingiber officinale, a native of China and the East Indies, but extensively cultivated in the West Indies and America. The word, Avhich in L. is zingiber, in Gr. ^lyyi^spis, is said to derive its name from the town of Gengi in China, in the neighbourhood of which it was first found. I find no such place, but Gingee is the name of a town of British India. GINGERLY. Nicely, cautiously ; from ginger, q.v. GINGHAM. A kind of striped cotton cloth ; so named from Guingamp, France, Cotes du Nord, where its manufac- ture, as well as that of cotton and linen goods in general, is largely carried on {S. F. Creswell). An umbrella made of gingham. GIPSY (L. ^gj/pti, Hun. Pharas hnerpek, race of Pha- raoh ; It. cingani, cingari, zingani, zingari, Sp. gitdnos, bandits ; G. ziguener, zigeni, and zigeuni, Fr. Bohemiens, Dan. and Sw. Tartares; Arab, arami, thieves ; D. heidenen, idolators ; Hind. Sliders; by others Saracens, and in 22 Hen. VIII. cap. 10 (1530), Egyptians). One of a race of vagabonds who infest Europe, Africa, and Asia, strolling about, and subsisting mostly by theft, robbery, and fortune-telling. Pope Pius II. calls them Zigari, and supposes them to have migrated from the country of the Zigri, which nearly answers to the modern Circassia. The word gipsy is without doubt derived from ^gyptii, from the supposition that the gipsies were from Egypt, although their language indicates that they originated in Hindustan. Cf. Munster, Geog. lib. iii. cap. 5 ; Pasquier, Recherch. liv. iv. chap. 19 ; Ralph Volaterranus ; Grellman, Germ. Disser. on Gipsies, trans, by Matt. Raper, 1787; Sir Wm. Jones, Asiat. Res. V. iii. p. 7; Miscell. Bolognese, in 18 vol. Rer. Italic; Krantz, Hist. Sax.; and Muratori, Antich. Ital. A reproachful name for a dark complexion. {S/iak.) A name of slight reproach to a woman, some- H 98 VERBA NOMINALIA. times implying artifice or cunning. The language of the gipsies. GIPSYISM. The state of a gipsy ; the arts and practices of gipsies ; deception ; cheating ; flattery. GIRARDIN. A kind of graft, after the manner of Gi- rardin, a French gardener. GIRONDE. In French political history, the name of a celebrated Republican party, which, during the first years of the Revolution of 1789, formed a powerful section of the second National Assembly, called the Legislative, in contradistinc- tion to the first, or Constituante, which framed the constitu- tion of 1791, It was so named from the department of La Gironde, which had returned Vergniaud, Gensonne, Guadet, &c., the leaders of the party ; and it consisted chiefly of the members of the departments of the west and south. GIRONDIN, GIRONDIST. One of the Gironde, q.v. GISEKIA. A genus of plants, consisting of one species, the trailing gisekia, a native of the East Indies ; named in honour of P. D. Giseke, a Dutch botanist. GISMONDINE. A mineral consisting chiefly of silica and lime, with traces of magnesia, oxide of ii'on, and oxide of manganese ; found at Capo de Bove, near Rome ; named in honour of the mineralogist Gismondi. GIULIO or JULIO. A small coin of base silver, at Leghorn and Florence, equal to about Qd. sterling ; doubtless named after one of the Popes of Rome. GLEDITSCHIA. A genus of plants, trees, which attain a height of fifty to eighty feet, natives of the Carolinas and Virginia ; named after Gottlieb Gleditsch, of Leipsic. GLOXINIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Gesneriacece ; called after M. Gloxin, a German botanist. — Crahb. GMELINA. A tree, one species of which is a native of Java, Amboina, and other parts of the East Indies. It received its name from John George Gmelin, native of Tiibingen, pro- fessor of chemistry and natural history at Petersburg, who spent ten years in travelling through Siberia at the expense of the Russian government, and whose Flora Sibirica is a work of great reputation and merit. This genus also serves to com- VEllJiA NOMINALTA. 99 memorate four or five other botanists of the same family, espe- cially Samuel Theophilus G-melin, nephew of the former. GMELINITE. A mineral, a hydrous silicate, occurring at Montecchio Maggiore ; at Castel, in the Vicentine ; at Glenarra; and in the island of Magee ; named after Professor C. Gmelin, of Tiibingen. GOBELINS. A term applied in France to a species of rich tapestry ; derived from Gilles Gobelins, a celebrated dyer in the reign of Francis I. {Diet, de I' Acad.) " Gobe- lins, a celebrated manufactory established in Paris in the Faubourg St. Marcel, for the making of tapestry and other furniture for the use of the crown. The house where this manufactory is carried on was built by two brothers, Giles and John Gobelins, both excellent dyers, and the first that brought to Paris, in the reign of Francis I., the secret of dyeing that beautiful scarlet colour still known by their name, as well as the little river Bievre, on whose banks they fixed their dye- house, and which is now known by no other name than that of the Gobelins. It was in 1667 that this place, till then called Gobelins' Folly, changed its name into that of the Hotel Royal des Gobelins, in consequence of an edict of Louis XIV. M. Colbert, having re-established, and with new magnifi- cence enriched and completed, the king's palaces, particularly the Louvre and Tuilleries, began to think of making furni- ture suitable to the grandeur of those buildings. With this view he called together all the ablest workmen in the divers arts and manufactures, particularly painters, tapestry makers, sculptors, goldsmiths, ebonists, &c., and by splendid offers, pensions, privileges, &e., called others from foreign nations. And to render the intended establishment firm and lasting, he besought the king to purchase the Gobelins for them to work in, and draw up a system of laws or policy in seventeen articles. By these it is provided that the new manufactory shall be under the administration of the superintendent of the king's buildings, arts, 8fc. ; that the ordinary masters thereof shall take cognizance of all actions and processes brought against any of the persons in the said manufactory, their servants and dependants ; that no other tapestry work shall be imported H 2 100 VERBA NOMINALIA. from any other country, &c. The Gobelins has since then remained the first manufactory of the kind in the world. The quantity and noble works that have been produced by it, and the number of the best workmen bred up therein, are incredible ; and the present flourishing condition of the arts and manufac- tures of France is in a great measure owing thereto. Tapestry work in particular is their glory. During the superintendence of M. Colbert and his successor M. de Louvois the working of tapestry is said to have been practised to a degree of per- fection scarce inferior to what was before done by the English and French. The Battles of Alexander, the Four Seasons, the Four Elements, the King's Palaces, and a series of the principal actions of the life of Louis XIV. from the time of his marriage to the first conquest of Franche Comte, done from the designs of M. le Brun, director of the manufactory of the Gobelins, are masterpieces in their kind {Chamb. Cyc. 1788). GODOYA. A genus of plants, trees; named in honour of Emanuel Godoy, duke of Arcadia. GOETHEA. A genus of plants, consisting of trees and shrubs ; named in honour of the poet Goethe. GOETHITE. A rare German mineral, colour brownish-red, by reflection yellowish ; named in honour of the poet Goethe. GOLDFUSSIA. A genus of plants, or. Angiospermia ; named after Dr. Goldfuss. GOLGOTHA. The elevated pew or gallery in which the heads of houses till lately sat at Great St. Mary's, Cambridge ; so called because it was the place of skulls. Cf. John xix. 17. — S. F. Creswell. GOLIATH. A name given by Lambert to a genus of in- sects remarkable for their size and beauty, whose species in- habit Africa, the East Indies, and the tropical parts of America ; named from Goliath, the giant leader of the Philistines. A synonym for giant. GOMARA. A genus of plants, or. Angiospermia ; natives of Peru ; named in honour of Lopez de Gomara, a Spanish botanist. GOMESA. A genus of orchidaceous plants ; named in honour of Serior Gomez, a Spanish physician. VEKBA NOMINALTA. 101 GONGORISM. A term usod for bombastic writing ; so called from Luis Gongora y Argote, a poet who tortured the Spanish language without mercy, called his new phraseology estilo culto, and answered with intemperate abuse the judicious censure of his eminent contemporaries, the two brothers Argensolas, Lope de Vega, and Quevedo. Gongora was born at Cordova in 1561. A romawcero entitled " Delicias del Par- nasso," contains all his romances and letriUas. The cultorista Alonso Castillo Solorzano extended Gongorism even to Ame- rica, Avhere he published his own works in Mexico in 1625. See P. Cyc. GOODENIA. A genus of herbaceous perennial plants, or. Monogynia ; named in honour of Dr. Goodenough, bishop of Carlisle. GOODYERA. A genus of plants, one species of which, G. repens, is found in Scotland ; named after Mr. John Goodyer. GORDIAN KNOT. An inextricable difficulty; hence, to cut the Gordian knot is to remove a difficulty by bold or un- usual measures. The Gordian knot was a knot in the leather or harness of Gordius. a king of Phrygia, so very intricate that there was no finding where it began or ended. An oracle declared that he who should untie this knot should be master of Asia. Alexander, fearing that his inability to untie it should prove an ill augury, cut it asunder with his sword. GORGON A. A name given to the anchovy from the isle of Gorgona, in the Gulf of Genoa, noted for its anchovy fisheries, in which the inhabitants are chiefly en- gaged. GORGONEIA. In architectural sculpture, masks carved in imitation of the head of Medusa, who was one of the three Gorgons ; used generally as key-stones. The Gorgons by a mere look killed men, and even petrified them ; they were destroyed by Perseus because they had polluted the temple of Minerva. Perseus gave the head of Medusa to Minerva, who fixed it on her segis or shield, which thenceforth had the power of turning the beholders into stone. GORGONEUM. A mask used in Greek and Roman 102 VERBA NOMINALIA. theatres to represent hideous figures, in imitation of the Gorgons. GORTERIA. A genus of composite plants, mostly shrubs, named after Professor Gorter, physician to Elizabeth, empress of Russia. GOSLARITE. A mineral, colour white, reddish, bluish ; found in the Rammelsberg Mine near Goslar in the Harz, and at other places in Europe. GOSSAMER (found written gossamore, gossamour, and gos- somer). A fine filmy substance, like cobwebs, floating in the air in calm clear weather, especially in autumn. It is seen in stubble fields, and on furze or low bushes, and is probably formed by a species of spider. Some derive the word from L. gossipmm, cotton. A contributor to N. & Q. 3rd S. 11, 16, says, " The hold which the fable of the origin of these webs had on the minds of the vulgar is shown by the persistent use of the name Mary in Marien-Fdden, Mariengern, and Marien- sommer." (Nativ. V. M., 8th Sep.) The French name also is Fil lie la Bonne Vierge. Hence, and as all these religious fables were necessarily widely known, it appears to me that gaze a Marie (Mr. T. Keightley says gase-Marie), Eng. gauze o' Mary, is a more likely derivation of gossamer than any yet proposed. The old spellings of gossamour and gossamore perhaps show the tendency to emphasize the last syllable, and as equivalent to love-down (Fr. amour, It. amore'). They are worth notice as exemplifying the fanciful and euphuistic ety- mologies of Holofernes and others of his day." GOTH. A rude, ignorant, or uncivilized person : lit. one of the tribe or nation that anciently inhabited Scandinavia, now Sweden and Norway. GOTHAMIST. A wiseacre ; a person deficient in wisdom ; so called from Gotham, in Nottinghamshire, noted for some pleasant blunders {Bp. Morton). Old "Drunken Barnaby" seems to have visited Gotham in one of his poetical journies to the North, for he sings — " Thence to Gotham, where sure am I, Though all not fools, I saw many ; VERBA NOMINALIA. 103 Here a she- gull found I praucing, And in moonshine nimbly dancing ; There another wanton madling, Who her hog was set a i / z,y] T ccyacvo!ppo(ruvT], ko-l crois _-_a y -s eitmrixi. Nugae Metrical, an unpublished work by Lord Grenville, 1824, p. 86. E. II. B.) HEDENBERGITE. A dark or nearly black cleavable variety of augite, semi-metallic in appearance, containing a large proportion of oxide of iron (Dana) ; from Hedenberg, who first analysed it. HEISTERIA. A genus of plants, uat. or Olacacece, called after M. Heister, professor of botany at Helmstadt. — Crahb. HELILAII-KABULEE or CABULI. A purgative Indian plum, the myrobalan of the Arabs. D'Herbelot thinks the name to be from Cahul, from having been first brought thence to Arabia. HELLENISM. A phrase in the idiom, genius, or construc- tion of the Greek language, i.e. the language spoken by the Hellenes, who were so called from Hellas, in Greece, or, as some say, from Hellen. HELLENIST. A Grecian Jew; a Jew who used the Greek language ; one skilled in the Greek language. See Hellenism. HELLENISTIC. Pertaining to the Hellenists; as the Hellenistic language, i.e. the Greek spoken or used by the Jews who lived in Egypt and other countries whei'e the Greek language prevailed. HELOT. A slave in ancient Sparta; so named from Helos (EA05), a city of Laconia, which was taken and destroyed by the LacediBmonians, under Agis III., who reduced the EiAcyra; to the lowest and most miserable slavery. HELOTISM. The condition of the Helots, q.v. HERACLEA. Water horehound ; from Heraclea, near which it grows. — Forsyth. HERCULEAN. Very great, difficult, or dangerous; such I 2 116 VERBA NOMINALIA. as it would require the strength aud courage of Hercules to encounter or accomplish; as Herculean labour or task. Having extraordinary strength aud size; as Herculean limbs. HERCULES. A constellation in the northern hemisphere, near Lyra; named I'rom Hercules. It has also been called Hercules cum Bamo et Cerbero. HERDERITE. A mineral occuiTing in Saxony, in crystals imbedded in fluor (Brcmcle) ; named from Herder, who dis- covered it. HERITIERA. Looking-glass plant, a genus, nat. or. Ster- culariacece ; called after L'Heritier de Bautelle, a French botanist. — Crabb. HERM ANNIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Sterculanacece ; called after Hermann, a botanist and traveller in Ceylon. HERMAPHRODITE. An animal partaking of the nature of the two sexes. The word is said to be derived from Her- maphroditus, son of Hermes and Venus. The poets feign that Salmacis fell in love with him, and begged of the gods that their bodies might be always united, and make but one. The word is derived from 'Epfxrjs Mercury, A^po^irrj Yenus; i.e. partaking of both sexes. A flower that contains both the stamen and the pistil, or the male and female organs of generation within the same calyx, or on the same receptacle. A plant that has only hermaphrodite flowers. A brig that is square-rigged forward, and schooner-rigged aft. HERMENEUTIC, HERMENEUTICAL. Interpreting, explaining, unfolding the signification, as hermeneutic theo- logy, the art of expounding the Scriptures; from spij^rjVBVs an interpreter, from Ep!J.rjS Mercury. HERMENEUTIC S. The science of interpretation, or of finding the meaning of an author's words and phrases, and of explaining it to others; particularly applied to the interpreta- tion of the Scriptures. See Hermeneutic. HERMES. A name given to rough quadrangular stones or pillars, having a head sculptured on the top, without arms or body. Such stones were placed by the Greeks in front of buildings, and used by the Romans as boundaries or land- marks. As they originally bore the head of Hermes, or VERBA NOMINALIA. 117 Mercury, thej have been called by this name, even when sur mounted by the heads of other deities, &c. HERMETIC, IIERMETICAL. Designating chemistry; chemical ; as the hermetic art; so named from Hermes, Mercury, fabled inventor of chemistry; others say from Hermes Trismegistus, an Egyptian priest and philosopher, who, according to Diodorus, was the friend and counsellor of the great Osiris. Designating that species of philosophy which pretends to solve and explain all the phenomena of nature from the three chemical principles, salt, sulphur, and mercury; as the hermetic philosophy. Designating the system which explains the causes of diseases, and the operations of medicine, on the principles of the hermetic philosophy, and particularly on the system of an alkali and acid ; as hermetical physic or medicine. Perfectly close, so that no air, gas, or spirit can escape; as a hermetic seal. Hence, hermetic books; books of the Egyptians, which treat of astrology ; books which treat of universal principles, of the nature and orders of celestial beings, of medicine, and other topics. HERMITAGE. A fine, high-flavoured, red wine, grown on the slope of a hill near L'Hermitage, Tain, in the valley of the Rhone. A white wine. The grape is called Ceras, and is said to have been brought from Shiraz, in Persia, by one of the hermits of the mountain, on whose summit are ruins of what is supposed to have been a hei'mit's cell. HERMODACTYL. In the materia medica, a root from Turkey, in the shape of a heart flattened, anciently in great repute as a cathartic; but that which is now fui'nished having little or no cathartic quality. Some derive the word from E^|X7jc Mercury, 5axTuAoc a finger; Mercury's finger. Eor- syth, however, thinks it was more jirobably named from Hei'- inius, a river of Asia, upon whose banks it grew; and SccktvXo;, a date, which, he says, it resembles. HERNANDIA. A genus of plants, the only species of which ai'e H. so7iora, Whistling Ilernandia, or jack-in-a-box, a tall erect tree, native of various parts of the East and West Indies; named from the noise made by the wind in whistling through its persistent involucels ; and the H. ovigera or Jno- 118 VERBA NOMINALIA. carpus, egg-pointed Hernandia, native of North America. Tlie genus derives its name from Francisco Hernandez, a naturalist sent out to Mexico by Philip II. of Spain. HERSCHEL. A planet discovered by Dr. Herschel in 1781, first called Georgmm Sidus, and now Uranus. HERSCHELIAN. Designating a reflecting telescope of the form invented by Sir William Herschel. In this telescope only one speculum is employed, by means of which an image of the object is formed near one side of the open end of the tube, to which the eyeglass is applied directly. HERSCHELITE. A mineral found in olivine, i.e. an olive- coloured silicate of lime and magnesia, along with Phillipsite, at Aci Castello, Etna, Sicily, by one of the Herschels. HESSIAN. A boot formerly much worn in England ; so named either from being introduced from Hesse, in Ger- many, or from being first worn by Hessian troops. A small two-winged fly or midge, nearly black, very destructive to young wheat ; so called from having been brought into America by the Hessian troops during the revolution. HESYCHIUS. A valuable Greek lexicon extant, bearing the name of the author, who is supposed to have lived about the fifth or sixth century after the Christian era. HEULANDITE. A mineral, colour of various shades of white passing into red, grey, and brown; occurring principally in amygdaloidal rocks, also in gneiss, &c. ; named after the English mineralogist Heuland. HIBBERTIA. A genus of plants, natives of Australia ; named in honour of George Hibbert, F.R.S. HIBERNICISM. An idiom or mode of speech peculiar to the Irish, i.e. the natives of Hibernia. HILARY TERM. The term of courts, &c , beginning about the festival of St. Hilary, or near the middle of January. HINDOOISM or HINDUISM. The doctrines and rites of the Hindoos or Hindus ; the system of religious principles among the Hindoos, or natives of Hindustan. HINDOOSTANEE or HINDUSTANI. The language of the Hindoos or Hindus. VERBA NOMINALIA. 119 IIIPPOCRAS or IPOCRAS. A medicinal drink, composed of wine with an infusion of spices and other ingredients ; used {IS a cordial. A name given to a kind of hot spiced wine, inuch in use in the Middle Ages, and drank at all great enter- tainments between the courses, or at the conclusion of the repast. It appears to have been indifferently made of red or white wine. Some assert that it was first made by Hippo- crates or Hippocras. Webster says " quasi wine of Hippo- crates." According to others it had its name from a peculiar sort of cloth bag called Hippocrates' sleeve, through which it was strained. Menage derives the Fr. hypocras (formerly written ipocras) from iitOQ, which he says in Hippocrates signifies a drink, and xaacriov, a word used by the modern Greeks for wine; although it evidently comes from Kpacng, sig- nifying a mixture, and everything made of wine with water. See also Quar. Rev. June, 1825, 245. Gent. Mag. vol. 98, part ii. 304, 1828 ; and Pegge. HIPPOCRATEA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Hippocra- teacem ; called after Hippocrates, a Greek physician, considered the father of botany. HIPPOCRATISM. The philosophy of Hippocrates, as it regards medicine. HISINGERITE. A mineral found in the cavities of cal- careous spar, in Sudermannland ; doubtless named after Hisin- ger. Hisingen is the appellation of an island upon which Gottenburg was originally built. HOBBISM. The principles of the sceptical Thomas Hobbes. — Skelton. HOBSON'S CHOICE. A vulgar proverbial expression denoting a choice without an alternative ; the thing offered or nothing. It is said to have had its origin in a person at Cambridge named Hobson, who let horses, and obliged every customer to take in his turn that horse which stood next the stable door. — Encyc. Am. HOCK. A highly esteemed Rhenish Avine, properly called Ilochheimer ; from Hochheim, in Nassau, where it is pro- duced. HOCUS-POCUS. A juggler, a juggler's trick, a cheat used 120 VERBA NOMINALIA. by jugglers; and, as a verb, to cheat. Webster suggests that this word may be from W. hoced, a cheat or trick, and Iwg or pwca, a hobgoblin. According to others, this familiar phrase originated in derision of the words Hoc est coi-pus meumi slovenly pronounced by the mumbling priest in delivering the emblem as a reality (Cf. D'Israeli, Amen. Lit., and Athen. Sept. 18, 1841). Tillotson is of the same opinion. He says, " In all j)robability these common juggling words are nothing but a corruption of Hoc est corpus, by way of ridiculous imita- tion of the priests of the Church of Rome in their trick of Transubstantiation. Sharon Turner (Hist. Anglo-Saxons, Ap- pend, to b. ii. c. 3), however, derives the word from Ochus- Bochus, a magician and demon much feared in the north of Europe. Further he derives the term Old Nick from Nechus, a malign deity who frequented the waters. HOFFMANSEGGIA. A family of leguminous plants, shrubs, named in honour of J. C. HofFmansegg, a German botanist. HOLLAND. Fine linen first manufactured in Holland. It is called in French toile d'Hollande. In like manner the Spaniards call a sort of fine linen Iretana, from being brought from Bretagne. HOLLANDS (^Schiedani). A spirit made in Holland. It resembles gin, except in the impurity of the latter. HOLMITE. A variety of carbonate of lime, analysed by Holme. HOMERIC. Pertaining to Homer or his poetry ; resem- bling his verse. HONITON. A pillow or cushion lace remarkable for the beauty of its figures and sprigs, which are sewed on to a net ; made at Honiton, in Devonshire. HOO SZE. Raw silk ; so called from Hoo-kwang, a pro- vince of China, where it is produced. HOTTENTOT. A savage brutal man ; lit. one belonging to a South African tribe, formerly considered the most degraded of the human race. HOTTENTOTISM. Amman distinguishes two species of stammering ; the first he calls Hotteutotism, which consists VERBA NOMINAT.IA. 121 in modifying the sounds in such a manner that they become unintelligible; so called from the Hottentots of South Africa. IIOTTONIA. The water-violet, a genus of plants; named in honour of Professor Hotton, of Leyden. nOUSTONIA. A vernal plant, native of Virginia; named after Wm. Houston, F.R.S., an English physician and botanist. He died in the West Indies in 1733, leaving a MS. catalogue of plants, the publication of vv^hich was undertaken by Sir Joseph Banks. HOUTTUYNIA. A plant, root annual, discovered by Thunberg in Japan ; named in honour of Mart. Houttuyn, M.D., of Holland, author of Natuurlyke Historie, Amst. 1773-83. HOVENIA. A genus of Asiatic plants, or. Monogynia ; named in honour of Dr. Ploven, of Amsterdam. HUDIBRASTIC. A term applied to doggerel verse, like that in which Butler's Hudibras is composed. "Its author is known as the immortal Samuel Butler, and every specimen of later satirical verse remotely approaching his in measure or style is christened Hudibrastic." ..." From the general level of broad humour and pungent wit which has given a name to the Hudibrastic manner, he sometimes rises by a touch of imagination into a pure poetical beauty which would not be generally called Hudibrastic." Sat. Rev. July 16, 1864. HUDSONIA. A genus of plants, shrubs; or. Monogynia; named after William Hudson, F.R.S. HUERNIA. A genus of plants, or. Digynia; named in honour of the botanist Justus Huernius. HUGONIA. A plant, a tree, of only one species, native of the East Indies ; named by Linnseus in memory of Augustus Johannes de Hugo, who travelled in Switzerland with Haller in 1732, and assisted him with his Herbarium. HUGUENOT. A name formerly given to a Protestant by the Catholics of France, Numerous derivations have been suggested, many of which will be found in Menage. Among others are G. eidgenossen, confederates, from eid oath, genoss consort ; les guenots de Husse, John Huss's imps ; hue nos venimus, the beginning of the first protestation of the 122 VERBA NOMINALIA. Apologetical Oration nicacle before Cardinal Lotliaringus, temp. Francis II. of France ; but the most reasonable suggestion is from Ilugon, a gate in Tours, where they first assembled ; or fi-om Hugo, Hugon, or Ungues, their leader. The author of Memoires et Eecherches de la France, attributed to Jan de la Haye, p. 261, speaking of the ravages made by the Huguenots against the Ecclesiastics, says, " De la furent appellez Huguenots, parce que les Francois se souvinrent de la grande persecution que leur ayeux avoient receu tant des Gots, Visigots, et Ostro- gots, et nommerent ces dei'niers persecuteurs Huguenots, acause d'un nomme Hugues, lequel avoit este Sacramentaire du temps du Roy Charles VI." Again, J. Le Frere de Laval, La Vraye et entiere Histoire des Troubles, p. 103, says " Un certain historien Espagnol, qui a ecrit I'Histoire des Papcs en sa langue, a invente un homme de sa fa^on, appelle Hugo, Heresi- arque Sacramentaire ; Hugo, Haeresiarcha Sacramentarius ; de qui les Heretiques de France ont este appellez Huguenots." Bailey gives also " Huguenote (Fr.), a kind of kettle for a stove, or an earthen stove for a pot to boil on ; hence, A la huguenote, in cookery, a particular way of dressing eggs with gravy." HUMBOLDTINE. A native oxalate of iron ; named after Humboldt. IIUMBOLDTITE. A rai-e mnieral, consisting of a boro- silicate of iron, found in trap rocks in the Tyrol ; named after Humboldt. HUMBUG-. An imposition under pretences ; one who thus imposes. According to some, the word is derived from Ham- burg, or rather, " news from Hamburg," because in war times news from that city, being frequently false, was generally looked upon with distrust. The word has also been derived from Ilomberg, the distinguished chemist of the court of the Duke of Orleans, who, according to a passage from Bishop Berkeley's Shns, was an ardent and successful seeker after the philosopher's stone ! " The derivation of this Avord, now in such common use, is not generally known ; but it is of Scotch origin. There was in former years residing in the neighbourhood of the Mearns, in Scotland, a gentleman of VERBA NOMINALIA. 123 liinded property whose name was Hume or Home ; and his estate was known as the Bogue. From the great falsehoods that Hume of the Bogue was in the habit of relating about himself, his family, and everything connected with him, it soon became customary, when persons heard anything that was remarkably extravagant or absurd, to say, ' That is a Hume o' the Bogue.' The exj^ression spread like wildfire over the Avhole country, and those who did not understand the origin of the phrase, and applied it only to any extravagant action or saying, contracted it into one word, and corrupted it to hum- hug. We must define humbug. It is not naked untruth. A draper's assistant who tells a lady that a dress will wash when it will not does not humbug her — he merely cheats her ; but if he persuades her to buy a good-for-nothing muslin by telling her that he has sold such another to a duchess he humbugs her, whether he speaks truly or not ; he imposes an inference in favour of his commodity, through her large vanity upon her small mind. Humbug thus consists in making people deceive themselves, by supplying them with premises, true or false, from which, by reason of their ignorance, weakness, or pre- judice, they draw wrong conclusion." — Pulleyn. See also Hotteri's Slang Diet. HUMITE. A reddish-brown mineral, found near Naples in a rock of granular topaz ; named after Sir Abraham Hume. HUNGARY GREEN or MOUNTAIN GREEN. A sort of greenish powder found in little grains, like sand, among the mountains of Kernausent in Hungary, and those of Moldavia. HUNTERIA. A genus of plants, trees, named in honour of Dr. William Hunter, of Bengal. HUNTLEYA. A genus of orchidaceous plants ; named after the Rev. J. T. Huntley. HUREAULITE. A mineral of a reddish-yellow hue, oc- curring in very small crystals, found in the granite of Hureau or Ilureault, near Limoges, in France. HURLY-BURLY. Tumult, bustle, confusion (ShaL); "said to owe its origin to Hurleigh and Burleigh, two neigh- 124 VERBA NOMINALIA. bouring families that filled the country around theni with contest and violence " {Pulleyn). HURONIA. The generic name assigned by Mr. C. Stokes to certain radiated corallines found by Dr. Bigsby in the trans- ition limestone of Lake Huron, Upper Canada. HUEONITE. A mineral, colour yellowish-green ; found in boulder stones in the neighbourhood of Lake Huron. HURRAH. A shout of joy or exultation. The origin of this word belongs to the primitive idea that all men who die for their country go to heaven; hur-raj in Slavonic meaning Paradise. — Dalmatian Observer. HUYGHENIAN. An eye-piece for diminishing the spherical aberration by producing the refractions at two glasses instead of one, and increasing the field of view ; invented by Huyghens, the eminent mathematician and astronomer. HYACINTII (L. hjacinthus, Gr. vccynv^os). Popular name of some species of a genus of plants, said by the poets to have been called after the youth Hyacinthus, who, having been accidentally killed, was changed by his friend Apollo into this flower. A red variety of zircon, sometimes used as a gem. The colour of " tenne " or orange. HYACINTHINE. Made of, consisting of, or resembling hyacinth. — Milton. HYGIEINA, HYGIEINE, or HYGIENE. Health, or the art or science of preserving health ; that department of medicine which treats of the preservation of Irealth ; said to be so named from Hygeia, goddess of health. The Greek has vyiaiyco, to be well. HYGIENIC. Pertaining to health. See Hygieina. HYMEN (Gr. vixr^v). The virginal membrane; said to- have been so called from Hymen, son of Bacchus and Venus, who presided over marriages, because this membrane is sup- posed to be entire before marriage. The fine pellicle which encloses a flower in the bud. HYMENEAL, HYMENEAN. Pertaining to marriage (Fope). A marriage song {Milton). See Hymen. HYSON. A species of green tea from China ; named after the merchant Avho first imported (exported ?) it. — Encyc. Brit. VERBA NOMINALIA. 125 I. IBERIS. A genus of plants, nat. or. Cruciferce ; so called from Iberia, in Spain, where it was fii'st found. ICARIAN. Adventurous in flight; soaring too high for safety, like Icarus, son of Dajdalus, who fled on wings to escape the resentment of Minos, but whose flight being too high, he fell into the sea and was drowned, the sun having melted the wax that cemented his wings. IDRIALIN. A substance consisting of carbon and hydro- gen ; from the quicksilver mines at Idria, in Carniola. ILIAD. An epic poem in twenty-four books, composed by Homer. The subject of this poem is the wrath of Achilles, in describing which the poet exhibits the miserable effects of disunion and public dissensions ; hence the phrase Ilias malo- runi, an Iliad of woes or calamities ; a world of disasters {^Cicero); named from Ilium, Ilion, Troy. ILMENITE (another name for Mengite). A black metallic mineral, consisting of titanic acid and oxide of iron; said to occur in granite veins in the Ilmen mountains ; but qu. where ? Ilmen is the name of a lake of Russia, gov. Novgorod, which discharges its surplus waters into Lake Ladoga ; and Ilmenau is the appellation of a town and of a river of Germany. Brooke's name Ilmenite being preoccupied, it was changed by Rose to Mengite. INDIA or INDIAN RUBBER. A substance produced by incision from several trees of different genera ; from India. INDIAMAN. A large ship employed in the India trade. INDIAN or INDIA INK. A substance said to consist of lampblack and animal glue, brought chiefly from China, and used in water colours. INDIANITE. A doubtful mineral of the feldspar family ; from India. INDICOLITE. A variety of shorl or tourmalin of an indigo-blue colour, sometimes with a tinge of azure or green ; from indicum, indigo, and Xi^o;, a stone. 126 VERBA NOMINALIA. INDIGO. A drug of a fine colour, prepared from the leaves and branches of the Indigofera tinctoria. The word was formerly written indico, and is derived from Tndicum lignum, being brought from India. INDIGrOGEN. White or reduced indigo, produced by the action upon blue indigo of any deoxidating body. INDIGOMETEE. An instrument for ascertaining the strength of indig-o. INNISHEOWN. A celebrated whisky distilled at Inni- sheown, near Derry, Ireland. INULA. See Elecampane. INULIN. A peculiar vegetable principle extracted from the Inula helenium, or elecampane. See Elecampane. INVERNESS. A sort of woollen cape worn by men; from Inverness, in Scotland. IONIC. An oz'der in architecture characterised by a species of column, simple and majestic, more slender than the Doric and the Tuscan, but less slender and less ornamented than the Corinthian and Composite, and whose distinguishing feature is the volute of its capital; named from Ionia, in Asia Minor, where it originated. A dialect of the Greek language used in Ionia. In poetry, a foot consisting of four syllables, either two short and two long, or two long and two short. Among the ancients a light and airy kind of music. IRANEE. A horse well limbed, and very powerful in the quarters ; brought from Iran, the ancient name of Persia. IRISHISM. A mode of speaking peculiar to the Irish. IRVINISM. The ism of the Rev. Edward I rving, who associated himself with the so-called " prophets," who pre- tended to be inspired with the gift of prophecy, encouraged manifestations of the " unknown tongues," and committed other offences against ecclesiastical discipline. In 1830 he was convicted by the Scotch presbytery in London, and dis- missed from his incumbency in Regent Square. A vacant picture gallery in Newman Street, Oxford Street, was, how- ever, afterwards converted into a chapel for him by his ad- VERBA KOMINALIA. 127 mirers, and here he was i^ermitted to indulge unrestrained the pro^ihetic messages with Avhich he believed himself to be charged. He was born in 1792 at Annan, in Scotland, and died 6th December, 1834. ISABEL (Fr. isahelle, couleur Isabelle). A brownish-yellow colour Avith a shade of brownish-red ; named after Isabelle of Austria, daughter of Philip II. of Spain and Elizabeth of France. Isabelle (born 1566, died 1633), having married Albert, son of the Emperor Maximilian, and received as a dowry the sovereignty of the Low Countries, declared war against Holland, was present and assisted at the famous siege of Ostend, and frustrated the attempts of the Prince of Orange to draAV over to his side the Roman Catholic j)rovinces. Despairing at the long resistance of the siege, Isabelle, it is said, swore she would not change her linen until she was mistress of the place. Ostend having resisted nearly three years, the linen worn by the princess became of a tawny colour ; hence, it is said, the name Isabelle for this colour. The French biographer says, " The epoch at Avliich the infanta made this strange voav is not fixed, but, inasmuch as the siege lasted three years, three months, and three days, it is not at all astonishing that the linen Avhich the princess wore should have become of the faAvn colour, Avhich, after her name, is still called couleur Isabelle." It is possible, hoAvever, that the colour may haA'e been named from the complexion of the princess. After speaking of the vain attempts to place the princess on the throne of France, the biographer says, '*' C'est ainsi que des anuees entieres d'eiforts et de combinaisons politiques se terminerent par une scene de comedie. Ce ridi- cule ne pouvait echapper aux auteurs de la fameuse Satire Menippee. Dans la caricature des etats de Paris, c'est le portrait de VEpousee de la Ligue, c'est-a-dire de I'infante elle- meme, qui est suspendu sur la tete du president. Au-dessous du portrait sont ecrits ces vers, qui contiennent une double epigramme — ' Pourtant si je suis brutette. Amy, n'en prenez emoy; Car autant aimer souhaitte Qu'une plus blanche que moy.' 128 VERBA NOMINALIA. Le teint basane de la princesse, et son age, qui n'etait cepen- (iaiit que de vingt-huit a trente ans, ne sont jamais oublies dans les satires ni meme dans les discours dont elle etait I'objet." The French word is also used in Entomology, Ichthyology, Ornithology, &c. ISABELLINO. A new gold coin of Spain equal to 100 reals ; named from Queen Isabel. ITALICS. Italic letters or characters; letters which stand inclining ; the letters in which this clause is printed. So called because first used in Italy. ITALIANATE. To render Italian, or conformable to Italian customs (obs.) ITALIANIZE. To play the Italian ; to speak Italian. lOXIA. A genus of bulbous plants, or. 7l/o«o^j/«z'a. Some derive the word from Gr. <^oe, glue, from its viscous juice. According to others, it was so called because its flower when open resembles the wheel of Ixion. J. JACK. A general term of contempt for any saucy or paltry fellow ; from Jack, nickname for John. An instru- ment that supplies the place of a boy ; an instrument to pull off boots. An engine to turn a spit ; as a kitchen jack, a smoke jack, a bottle jack. A young pike. A pitcher of waxed leather, A small bowl thrown out for a mark to the bowlers. Part of a musical instrument called a virginal. The male of certain animals, as of the ass. A horse or wooden frame on which wood or timber is sawn. In archaeology, a kind of defensive coat-armour formerly worn by horsemen. In sea language, a flag, ensign, or colours, displayed from a staff" on the end of a bow- sprit. A quarter of a pint; in Yorkshire half-a-pint. In mechanics, a machine for raising heavy weights. In botany, a species of the bread-fruit tree. A term often VEKBA NOMINALIA. 1 -'9 applied to seafaring men. A large wooden male screw turning in a female one. JACK KETCH. In England, a public executioner or hangman, a most useful officer. Macaulay (Flist. Eng. vol. I. 627), describing the execution of the Duke of Monmouth on Tower Hill, July 15, 1685, says, "Monmouth mounted the scaffold, then accosted John Ketch, the executioner, a wretch who had butchered many brave and noble victims, and whose name has, during a century and a half, been vulgarly given to all who have succeeded him in his odious office. 'Here,' said the duke, ' are six guineas for you. Do not hack me as you did my Lord Russell. I have heard that you struck him three or four times : my servant will give you some more gold if you do the work well.' He then undressed, felt the edge of the axe, expressed some fear that it was not sharp enough, and laid his head on the block. The hangman addressed him- self to his office, but he had been disconcerted by what the duke had said. The first blow only made a slight wound. The duke struggled, rose from the block, and looked reproach- fully at the executioner. The head sank once more, the stroke was repeated again and again, but still the neck was not severed, and the body continued to move. Yells of rage and horror rose from the crowd. Ketch flung down the axe with a curse : ' I cannot do it,' he said, ' my heart fails me.' ' Take up the axe, man,' said the sheriff, 'Fling him over the rails,' roared the mob. At last the axe was taken up. Two more blows extinguished the last remains of life, but a knife was used to separate the head from the shoulders. In the year which followed Monmouth's execution Ketch was turned out of his office for insulting one of the sheriffs, and was succeeded by a butcher named Rose ; but in four months Rose himself was hanged at Tyburn, and Ketch was reinstated." JACKET (Fr. Jaquette, Bas. jacaya, O. Sp. xaqueta, now jaquefxi, a jacket, a short loose coat; xaco, now jdco, a short jacket; xaquetilla, now jacquetilla, a small jacket). The garment so named, said to be of German origin. The word is probably a diminutive of the name Jacques, or, as some say, of Jack. Froissart says Henry, duke of Lancaster, on his K 130 VERBA NOMINALIA. retm'n to England, entered London in a " courte Jacques of cloth of gold, a, la faclioa d'Almayne " (see Planche). Mr. Boys thinks jacket is " Little John," or " Little Jacky," the term being transferred from the wearer to his coat ; and he instances the Portuguese josezinlio, i.e. Little Joseph or Little Joey, which is often used for the dress of the schoolboy. JACOB. A ladder ; from Jacob's dream. — Grose. JACOBiEA. St. James's wort ; ragwort ; " so named because it was dedicated to St. James, or because it was directed to be gathered about the feast of that saint." — Forsyth. JACOBINISM. Unreasonable or violent opposition to legitimate government ; an attempt to overthrow or change government by secret cabals or irregular means ; popular turbulence ; the principles of the Jacobins, a society of violent revolutionists, who, during the French Revolution of 1789, held secret meetings, in which measures were concerted to direct the proceedings of the National Assembly, and who had their name from the place of meeting, the monastery of the Jacobiue monks. JACOBITISM. The principles of the partisans or adhe- rents of James II. of England after he abdicated the" throne, and of his descendants of course ; opposers of the Revolution in 1688 in favour of William and Mary. From Jacohus, James, JACOB'S LADDER. In naval affairs, a rope ladder with wooden steps or spokes for going aloft ; so named from Jacob's ladder (G-en. xxviii. 12). A plant of the genus Smilax. JACOB'S MEMBRANE. The thin external membrane of the retina, considered by Dr. Jacob to be a serous mem- brane. JACOB SON'S NERVE. Another name for the tympanic branch, described by Jacobson. JACOB'S STAFF. An instrument (called also cross-staff and bore-staff) formerly used for taking the meridian altitude of the sun or stars ; said to be so named because the divisions marked upon it resembled the steps of Jacob's ladder (Gen. xxviii. 12). "On I'appelait, dit-on, baton de Jacob, parceque VERBA NOMINALIA. 1.31 les divisions marquees sur le nioutaut ressemblaieut aux degres de rechellc mysterieuse de Jacob (See Encyc. Cathol. " Baton "). A i^ilgrim's staiF, concealing a dagger, formerly used by pilgrims in Spain. JACOBUS. Gold coins of the value of 20s., 23s., and 25s., struck in the reign of James I. JACONET. A light soft muslin, of an open texture, used for dresses, necklocks, &c.; probably from the name of the first manufacturer. Jaconet, a double diminutive of Jacques. JACQUARD. An appendage to a loom, consisting of a set of perforated cards and droppers for weaving figured goods, both silk and cotton ; named from the inventor, Jacquard, who was born at Leyden 7th July, 1752, and who caused so great a revolution in the industry of weaving. The term has also been applied to carpets. JAQUEMONTIA. A genus of South American plants, herbs or sub-shrubs; named in honour of Victor Jacque- mout. JACQUERIE. In French history, the name given to the revolt of the French peasantry against the nobility in 1356 ; so called from their leader Jacques, or Jacques Bonhomme. Roque- fort gives '■'Jacquerie, revolte qui eut lieu en 1356; elle fut ainsi nommee de son chef, qui s'appeloit Jacques; (\!o\\Jacquiers, les seditieux qui participerent a cette revolte ; en bas Bret, jacqiier, persecuteur ; Jaquerie, Jaques ; soldats, faction de seditieux et de voleurs. Ce nom fut donne a une troupe de paysans qui se revolterent en 1318 (suivant Borel) centre leur seigneurs, a cause des exactions qu'ils exerQoient contr'eux. Comme le Roi Jean, qui regnoit alors, etoit prisonnier en Angleterre (ce qui n'est arrive qu'en 1356), les seigneurs, par derision, ap- pelerent cette sedition la Jaquerie, du nom de leur chef Jaques Bonhomme, et les factieux Jacquiers : elle commenga dans le Beauvoisis. Froissart parle de cette sedition." The Encyc. des Gens du Monde says, " Jacquerie : en France, vers le milieu du XIV^ siecle, les nobles appelaient par derision le peuple Jacques Bonhomme, et quand leur exces eurent fait soulever ce dernier, la sedition populaire s'appela Jacquerie. La Jacquerie appartient an regne du Roi Jean, I'uu des plus K 2 132 VERBA NOMINALIA. malheureux que I'histoire nous ait fait counaitre ; guerre etrangere, guerre civile, peste, famine, tout sembla se reunir alors pour livrer la France a la plus horrible misere." JACQUINIA. A genus of plants, the species of which are shrubs, natives of South America and other warm climates ; named by Linngeus in honour of the celebrated Nicholas Joseph Von Jacquin, professor of botany at Vienna, born at Ley den in 1727, who published a history of American plants, &c. JALAP (Sp. and Port, jaldpa, Fr. jalaj)). The root of a plant having little or no taste or smell, much used in powder as a cathartic ; from Xalapa or Jalapa, in Mexico, whence it is imported. JALAPIN. A vegetable proximate principle of the offi- cinal jalap. JAMACINA or JAMAICIN. An alkaloid obtained from the Andira inermis, or cabbage bark tree, of the West Indies ; named from Jamaica. JAMESONITE. A steel-grey ore of antimony and lead; named after Professor Jameson. JANSENISM. The doctrine of Cornelius Jansen, a Roman Catholic bishop of Ypres, in Flanders, who was as- serted to have denied free will, and to have held to irresistible grace and atonement, in his book called Augustinus. — S. F. Cresswell. JANUARY (L. Januarius). The first month of the year according to the present computation. At the foundation of Rome March was considered the first month. January and February were introduced by Numa Pompilius (Encyc). The Latin word is said to be derived from the Roman god Janus (Dor. Zav, ZoivoQ, Jupiter), to whom this month was supposed to be sacred. He had tAvo faces, and the doors of his temple were shut in time of peace, and open in time of war. Hall says January was so called from being the gate or opening (^janua) of the year. JAPAN. Work varnished and figured in the manner prac- tised by the Japanese. Hence, to cover with a thick coat of iiard brilliant varnish, an art derived from the Japanese ; VERBA NOMINALIA. 133 hence, to black and gloss, as in blacking shoes or boots, To ordain (JJniversitij'). JAPHETIC. A term formerly applied to the nations in- habiting the north of Asia and all Europe, and to the lan- guages spoken by them ; so called from Japhet, eldest son of Noah, JASEY, A contemptuous name for a wig, and even for a head of bushy hair ; as if composed of Jersey yarn, of which jazy is a corrupt pronunciation. — Forhy. JEAN. A twilled cotton, usually striped, used for stays, &c. ; probably from the first maker, Jean (John). Satin jean is woven smooth and glossy, after the manner of satin. JEFFERSONIA. A genus of North American herba- ceous plants ; named in honour of Jefferson, president of the- United States. JEFFERSONITE. A variety of augite, colour dark olive green, passing into brown; found embedded in franklinite and garnet, in New Jersey, North America ; named in honour of Jefierson, president of the United States. JEHU. A name for a coachman ; said to be so called from- Jehu, son of Nimshi, who rode in a chariot. " And the driving is like the driving of Jehu, the son of Nimshi, for he driveth furiously." 2 Kings, ix. 20. — S'. F. Cresu-ell. JEMMY. In thieves' language, a short and stout crowbar for opening doors ; from the nickname for James. JENNETING, JUNEATING, JUNETING, or GINET- TING. A species of early apple; " said to be corrupted from juneating, an apple ripe in June, or at St. Jean, the name of a place in France. — Webster. JENNY. A machine for spinning, moved by water or steam, and used in manufactories, " It was originally in- vented by Hai'greaves in 1767, but ultimately improved by Richard Arkwright, a barber, but who afterwards became an eminent manufacturer, ultimately Sir Richard Arkwright, Bart, The term jenny was derived from his wife, whose name was Jane, but whom he used to address by the familiar name of Jenny ; thinking, no doubt, that, as the latter had been very prolific, his new invention would be equally so under a simi- 134 VERBA NOMINALIA. lar ai^pellation. The result justified such a conclusion." — PuUei/n. JEREMIADE. Lamentation; a tale of grief, sorrow, or complaint ; from the Lamentations of Jeremiah, the prophet, over Jerusalem. JERKIN. A jacket ; a short coat ; a close waistcoat. Bailey derives the word from A. S. cyrtelhin, diminutive of cyrtel, a coat. The Rev. Mr. Boys thinks jerkin may be a diminutive of Jerry, i.e. Little Jerry, and he instances the dress of the schoolboy in Portugal, often called josezinlio, i.e. Little Joseph or Little Joey, the term being facetiously trans- ferred from the wearer to his coat." JERSEY. A fine yarn of wool; named from the island so called. A woollen over-jacket all in a piece, used in rowing, &c. JESSE. A branch, or large candlestick of brass branched into several sconces, hanging down in the middle of a church or choir, in order to spread the light to all parts ; so called as resembling the branch or genealogical tree of Jesse (arbor Jessce ; stirps Jessce), of w-hich a picture was formerly hung up in churches. It was first brought over into England by Hugh de Flory, abbot of St. Austin's in Canterbury, about 1100, as thus recorded by the historian of the abbey : — " Pul- pitum etiam in ecclesia fecit, candelabrum etiam magnum in choro aireum, quod Jesse vocatur, in partibus emit transma- rinis." Chron. Will. Thorn., p. 1796 ; and Cowel, Interpreter. JESUITIC, JESUITICAL. Designing; cunning; de- ceitful ; prevaricating ; lit. pertaining to the Jesuits or their principles and arts. The Jesuits were members of the Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1534, a society re- markable for their cunning in propagating their principles. JET {D.git, Fi-.jayet, L. gagates). A mineral, of a velvet- black colour, found in unconnected heaps ; wrought into toys, buttons, mourning jewels, &c. ; the same word as agate, q.v. JEW. A cheat; to cheat ; overreaching being by all na- tions supposed to be the peculiar function of a Jew. — S. F. Creswell. JEWISHNESS. The rights of the Jews.— 3Iartm. VERBA NOMINALIA. 135 JEW'S EAR. Popular name of a species of fungus bearing some resemblance to the human ear. JEZEBEL. Formerly employed to denote a forward im- pertinent woman, and perhaps not yet wholly disused (^John- son) ; an impertinent, daring, vicious woman (Spectator) ; so called from Jezebel, who displayed her pernicious charms at her window {Ibid). Jezebel (whose name, by the bye, in Hebrew signifies chaste) was such an impious woman that she is regarded in the Scriptures as the symbol of fornication and wickedness. After Jehu had slain her son Jehoram he came to Jezreel, and "Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face and tired her head, and looked out at a window " (2 Kings, ix. 30). JINGO. " By Jingo." A common form of oath, said to be a corruption of St. Gingoulph. See Halliwell. JOBATION. A scolding; a long tedious reproof (Grose) ; a lecture, reprimand; from Job, his friends having remon- strated much with him. " Probably corrupted from jaivbat/on, a jawing" (*S'. F. Cresivell). JOB'S TEARS. A grass-like plant of the genus Coix, with shining pearly fruit, resembling fixlling tears. JOCKEY. A man who rides horses in a race ; primarily a boy that rides horses ; from Jaclce;/, a diminutive of Jack. A dealer in horses; one Avho makes it his business to buy and sell horses for gain. A cheat; one who deceives or takes undue advantage in trade. To cheat ; to trick ; to deceive in trade. — — To jostle by riding against one. JOE. A too marvellous tale, a lie, a stale joke ; from Joe Miller. The full name is occasionally used, as in the phrase, " I don't see the Joe Miller of it," i.e. I don't perceive ihe wit you intend. — J. C. Hotten. JOE or JOEY. A fourpenny piece, a supply of which was kept by the late Joseph Hume for paying cabmen {S. F. Cres- well). " These pieces are said to have owed their existence to the pressing instance of Mr. Hume, from whence they for some time bore the nickname of Joeys. As they were very convenient to pay short cab fares, the Hon. M.P. was extremely unpopular with the drivers, who frequently received only " a 136 VERBA NOMINALIA. groat " where otherwise they would have received a sixpence without any demand for change" (Hawkins's Hist. Silver Coinage of England). JOHANNES. A Portuguese coin equal to 8 dollars; often contracted into joe; as a joe, half-joe; named from the figure of King John, which it bears. JOHANNITE. A mineral consisting of sulphate of cop- per, sulphate of oxide of uranium, and Avater, in unknown proportions ; found in crystals and reuiform masses at Joa- chimsthal and Jo/ia/i/i-Georgenstadt, in Bohemia. JOHANNISBERG. The most famous of the Rhenish wines ; named from the Chateau of Johannisberg, the property of Prince Metternich, near Riidesheim, on the right bank of the Rhine, situated in the midst of the vineyards themselves. The first owners of the vineyard were the monks, it having been originally attached to the abbey and convent of St. John, afterwards secularized. The best grapes grow close under the castle, and, indeed, partly over the cellars. So precious are they that those which fall are picked off the ground with a kind of fork made for the purpose. JOHN. A pear used in Worcestershire for making perry ; probably named from the gardener. JOHN APPLE [Deux Ans). An apple good for spring use, when other fruit is spent ; perhaps named from tlie gardener. It is probably the same with the Apple John men- tioned by Shakspeare. JOHN BULL. The well-known collective name of the English nation, first used in Arbuthnot's satire, the History of John Bull, usually published in Swift's works. JOHNSONISM. A peculiar word or manner of Dr. Johnson ; the literary style introduced by him. JONATHAN. The origin of this term, as applied to the United States, is as follows : — " When General Washington, after being appointed commander of the army of the revolu- tionary war, went to Massachusetts to organize it, he found a great want of ammunition and other means for its defence, and on one occasion it seemed that no means could be devised for ihe necessary supply. Jonathan Trumbull the €lder was then VERBA NOMIXAfJA. 137 governor of the State of Connecticut, uud the general, placing the greatest reliance on his excellency 's j udgment, remarked, ' We must consult Brother Jonathan on the subject.' The general did so, and the governor was successful in supplying many of the wants of the army ; and thenceforth, when difficulties arose, and the army was spread over the country, it became a bye- phrase, ' We must consult Brother Jonathan,' and the name has now become a designation for the whole country, as 'John Bull ' has for F.ngla.mV'—Bartlett. JONCQUETIA. A genus of plants of only one species, native of Guiana, where it is called Tapirhn ; named in memory of Denis Joncquet, who published a catalogue of his own garden, entitled Hortus, sen Index Plantarum, quas colebat a 1658 & 1659. JONESIA. A genus of leguminous plants, trees, whose species are few, and indigenous to the islands of the Malayan Archipelago ; named in honour of Sir Wm. Jones, the cele- brated scholar; born 1743, died at Calcutta 1794. JOSEPH. A woman's riding dress, formerly much in use (Grose). See Jacket. JOSEPHINIA. A genus of Australian herbaceous plants ; named by Ventetat in honour of his munificent patroness, the Empress Josephine. JOSEPHISM. The Emperor Maximilian belonged to a family which, although it boasts of its orthodoxy, has given a name to the heresy which under the name of Josephism is more distasteful than Jansenism or Protestantism to the Court of Rome. — Sat. Rev. 16th July, 1864. JOSSINIA. A genus of plants, trees and shrubs, indige- nous to the Mauritius ; named after Jossiu. JOVE. The planet Jupiter ; from Jove, the supreme deity among the Romans. The air or atmosphere, or the god of the air. In alchemy, a name for tin. JOVELLANA. A genus of South American plants, or. Angiospermia ; named in honour of Don Gaspar Melchior de Jovellanos, one of the most distinguished Spaniards of modern times. JOVIAL. Gay, merry, airy, joyous, jolly, as a jovial youth, 138 VERBA NOMINALIA. a jovial throng ; from L. jovialis, lit. belonging to Jupiter ; or, as others say, " Merry as Jove ;" or q.d. one born Jove la'to, under the influence of the planet Jove or Jupiter. See Jove. JUDAIC, JUDAICAL. Pertaining to the Jews; from Judah. JUDAISM. The religious doctrines and rites of the Jews, as enjoined in the laws of Moses ; from Judah. Conformity to the Jewish rites and ceremonies. JUDAIZE. To conform to the religious doctrines and rites of the Jews. JUDAS. A deceitful person ; so named from Judas Is- cariot. Judas-haired : red haired, deceitful. JUDAS-TREE. A leguminous lowering tree, of the genus Cercis, common in the East, on one of which Judas is said to have hung himself. JUGLANS. A genus of plants of eight species, one of which is the common walnut-tree ; from Jovis glans, the nut or acorn of Jupiter, to whom the oak was sacred. " Quasi Jovis glans, the royal fruit, from its magnitude." — Forsyth. JULIAN. In chi'onology, the designation of a period of 7980 years, a number produced by multiplying 28, the years of the solar cycle, by 19, the years of the lunar cycle, and their product by 1 5, the years of the Roman indiction ; named in honour of Julius Scaliger, who invented it. The old account of the year, as regulated by Julius Ctesar, which con- tinued to be used in England till 1752, when the Gregorian year, or new style, was adopted. Among the Romans, a law which made adultery punishable by death ; also a law made by Julius C^sar to regulate the office and duties of a judge. Cf. Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, c. ii. ; Heineccius, p. 646 ; and Gibbon.— — In cookery, a pottage made of a leg of mutton roasted, and put into a pot with beef, a fillet of veal, &c. JULIENNE {soupe a la Julieime). A soup made of several sorts of herbs and vegetables ; perhaps named after a French cook. The name of a French plant. JULY (L. Julius). The seventh month of the year. It was at first called by the Romans Quintiiis, or the fifth month, ac- cording to the old calendar, in which March was the first VERBA NOMINALIA 139 month of the year. The name was afterwards changed to Julius, in honour of Julius Cajsar, who was born in this month. JUNE (L. Junius, Junius mensis). The sixth month of the year ; from the surname of a Roman family, the most noted of whom was L. Junius Brutus, who abolished regal power at Rome. JUNGERMANNIA. A genus of cryptogamic plants ; named after Louis Jungermann, a German botanist, who died in 1653. JUNO. A small telescopic planet, which revolves round the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter ; discovered in 1804 by Harding of Bremen ; named after Juno, sister and wife of Jupiter. JURA. A term applied to the limestones belonging to the oolitic group, and constituting the chief part of the mountains of the Jura, between France and Switzerland. JURANQON. A white wine, perhaps the best in the Py- renees ; named from the village of Juran^ou, where it grows. JURASSIC. A system, with Continental writers, synony- mous with our oolitic system ; named from the mountains of the Jura, q.v. JUSSIEUA or JUSSIiEA. A genus of plants, of eleven species, mostly annuals, natives of Jamaica, Java, Japan, South America, and India ; named by Linneeus in honour of Antoine de Jussieu (uncle of the celebrated Antoine Laurent de Jussieu), demonstrator of plants in the royal garden at Paris, who edited Tournefort's Institutes in 1719, and de- scribed plants in the Paris Memoirs for 1709. JUSTICIA. A genus of tropical plants, whose species are very numerous, mostly shrubby or herbaceous annuals ; named after James Justice, F.R.S. JUSTINIAN. The appellation of a code or general com- pilation of the best and most useful laws or constitutions, promulgated by the emperors previous to the reign of Justi- nian, beginning from Hadrian's perpetual edict down to his own time; made by order of Justinian. The code was first pub- lished in April, a.d. 529, and the revised code, under the title of Codex Justinianeus, repetitte preelectionis, in December, 534. 140 VERBA NOMINALIA. K. KALLABIZE. To open letters surreptitiously. " Tlie trial of Kallab, the post official, who iu three years opened and destroyed above 60,000 letters, is now going on at Vienna. The fellow lies so impudently that he severely tries the patience of his judges and of the public. T'he Viennese have formed a verb from the man's name, and letters surreptitiously opened are said to be hallabizedr — Times, 1 Oct., 1862, p. 10. KANEITE. A miueral, consisting of manganese, arsenic, and a trace of iron; supposed to be from Saxony; so named from being first observed attached to a mass of galena by Mr. R. J. Kane, of Dublin. KANTISM. The doctrines or theory of Emanuel Kant, the celebrated German metaphysician. KAOLIN (Fr. terre a porcelaine ; G. porzellanerde). The name given by the Chinese to fine white clay with which they fabricate the biscuit of their porcelains. " A variety of clay used for making porcelain, jjroceeding from the decomposition of the mineral feldspar; it is also called petunse " {Dana). In Chinese the word is written kaou-ling {kaou lin), and was so called from a hill on the east side of the village of King- tih-chin, where it is found. The earth of this hill (says Morrison), when first taken to form the tun (or petuntsze), belonged to four people, whose names were Wang, Ho, Fung, Fang, and these names are still stamped on the kaouling clods. From the Kaouling Hill there were superior, middling, and inferior earths taken. The best sort was known by breaking and examining the porcelain, i.e. if the breaking was smooth and even, and without veins or granular coarseness ; but if it appeared as cut with a knife, the porcelain was of a weak brittle nature. Speaking of j)etmitze (var. petuntse, petunse'), Morrison says the tun or stone is divided into red, yellow, and white tun (^petuntsze) ; the red and white tun are used for the fine wares ; the yellow only for tlie coarse wares. Morrison does not, however, render tun, stone ; it is therefore possible t\i&t petuntsze, i.e. white tuntsze {^pili tuntsze), may have been so VERBA NOMINALIA. 141 called as coming from Tuntsze, the name of a place on the Grand Canal. I note, however, that pih tung signifies white copper {tung, copper or brass). " Kaolin is found in Devon and Cornwall " {S. F. Cresivell). KEITIIIA. A genus of labiate plants ; named in honour of the Rev. Patrick Keith. KENDAL-G-REEN. A species of green cloth formerly made at Kendal or Kirby-Kendal, county Westmoreland. KENNEDY. A poker ; also to strike or kill with a poker ; a St. Giles's term, so given from a man of the name being killed with a poker ; frequently shortened to neddy. — J. C. H. KEPLER'S LAWS. In astronomy, laws established by Johann Kepler, who was born in 1571 near Weil, in Wiirtem- burg ; called to the chair of astronomy at Gratz in 1593, and died in 1630. These laws are three: 1. That every planet moves so that the line drawn from it to the sun describes about the sun areas proportional to the times. 2. That the planets all move in elliptic orbits, of which the sun occupies one of the foci. 3. That the squares of the times of the revolutions of the planets are as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. KERSEY (D. kerzaai; 0. D. and Teut. karsaye, kersei/e ; Sp. carisea ; Fr. cariset, carisee, carize). A species of coarse woollen cloth ; a coarse stuif made chiefly in Kent and Devon- shire. Kerseymere, more commonly cassimere (found cassimer and casimer, Sp. casimero), is a twilled cotton cloth. Accord- ing to some, kersey is a corruption of " coarse say" (say, a kind of serge used for linings, &c. ; Fr. sayette, a sort of woollen stuff made at Amiens). If so, kerseymere would seem to be compounded of kersey and mere, which anciently signified " en- tire ;" or of Fr. mh'e, " principal, first," whence mere-laine, " choice wool." Skinner queries kersey as being derived from Cesarea, or Jersey. The Encyc. Metrop. says, " Kersey is either coarse and say (a stuff"), or from the island of Jersey (Gersey), formerly, perhaps, famous for this kind of cloth ; kerseymere is a thin stuff, generally woven plain from the finest wools, and in England manufactured chiefly in the Western districts ; but that kersey, on the other hand, is a very 142 VERBA NOMINALIA. coarse stuff, usually ribbed and woven from long wool, and the principal manufactures of it are in the North of England. It is plain that these two words signifying such distinct things cannot have a common origin ; whatever may be the source of kersey, kerseymere is probably a corruption of Cashmir, a country in which the finest wool is produced, and which consequently is most celebrated for the works of its looms." KERSEYMERE. See IvERSEr. KEVENHULLER. A large triangular cocked hat worn in England about the end of the reign of George II., imported from Germany (See Planche's Hist, Brit. Cost.); probably named after the ancient and illustrious German family of Kevenhuller. KIDDERMINSTER. An ingrain carpeting, named from Kidderminster, in Worcestershire, where it was originally made. The largest quantity is now manufactured in Scot- land. KIEFEKIL or KEFFEKIL. A species of clay used chiefly in forming the bowls of tobacco pipes ; and by the Tatars in place of soap. According] to some, it is another name for meerschaum, and signifies " earth of Kaffa " (Turc. K" ghll, clay) ; but qu. from Kaffa, a country of Eastern Africa, south of Abyssinia; or from Kaffa (Theodosia), a town of Russia on the south-east coast of the Crimea ; or Kaiffa, a seaport of Palestine, This clay is also found in Canada, in Flanders, and in other places, KILLINEY. A mineral resembling spodumene, discovered in granite veins at Killiney, near Dublin. KILLINGIA or KYLLINGIA, A genus of plants of seven species, natives of the East and West Indies, Japan, the Society Isles, and the Levant ; named by Rottboll in memory of Petrus Kylling, a Dane, who in 1688 published a botanical work entitled Viridarium Danicum, KIMMERIDGE. A thick bed of clay, constituting a member of the oolitic group, occurring well develo23ed at Kimmeridge, in the isle of Purbeck, Dorsetshire. KIN ATE (D. kina). A salt formed by the union of kinic acid with a base. See Kinic Acid and Cinchona. VERBA NOMINALIA. 143 KINIC ACID. An acid procured from the Cinchona or Peruvian bark. See Cinchona and Quinine. KIRSCH or KIRSCHWASSER. A distilled liquor ob- tained by fermenting the small black cherry ; from G. kirsche, a cherry, q.v. KIRWANITE. A mineral, colour dark olive-green ; found in cavities of basalt on the north-east coast of Ireland ; named in honour of Mr. Richard Ivirwan, an eminent mineralogist, who died in 1812. KITAIBELIA. A genus of herbaceous plants ; named in honour of Professor Robert Kitaibel, of Hungary, one of the authors of Plantar Rariores Hungarise. KIT-KAT. A name given to a particular size or dimension of portrait-painting, viz., three feet by two feet four inches of canvas ; so called from a club of gentlemen in the reign of Queen Anne, whose portraits were taken on canvas of that dimension. The club held their meetings at a house kept by one Christopher Kat or Kit Kat, and consisted of forty-two members, whose portraits were painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller in 1710. The apartment not being sufficiently large for half- lengths, a shorter canvas was adopted ; hence the technical term Kit-Kat size. " A term applied to a club in London to which Addison and Steele belonged ; so called from Christopher Cat, a pastrycook, who served the club with mutton pies ; applied also to portraits a little less than a half-length, because such were placed in the club-room." — Chalmers. KLAPROTHIA. A genus of plants or twining shrubs ; named iu honour of M. H. Klaproth, distinguished for his chemical and mineralogical researches, and professor of chemistry at Berlin ; born at Wernigerode, Upper Saxony, iu 1743, died in 1817. KLEINHOVIA. A genus of plants of only one species, the K. hospita, a tree, native of Java, Amboina, and the Philippine Islands ; named by Linnasus in honour of M. Ivlein- hoff, formerly director of the Botanic Gardens in Batavia. KLEINIA. A genus of plants, or. Polygamia ccqualis ; named iu honour of the German zoologist, James Theodore Klein, who flourished in the early part of the eighteenth century. 144 VERBA NOMINALIA. KLUGrlA. A genus of plants, or. Angiospermia ; named in honour of Dr. F. A. Klug. KNAUTIA. A genus of herbaceous plants ; named in honour of two distinguished Gei'mau botanists, Christopher Knaut the father, and Christian Knaut the son. KNEBELITE. A mineral ; colour gray, spotted dirty- white, red, brown, and green ; locality unknown ; named by Dobereiner after Major Von Knebel. KNICKERBOCKERS or NICKERBOCKERS. Long loose breeches, generally worn without braces, and buckled or buttoned round the waist and knee (See Times, 23 May, 1859, p. 12, c. 3); of American origin, but whether derived from a proper name is doubtful. Washington Irving published his Sketch Book and his History of New York under the name of Diedrich Knickerbocker. Mr. J. A. Bartlett renders the word Knickerbocker, " a descendant of one of the old Dutch families of New York City." KNOXIA. A genus of plants of only two species, K. Zey- lanica, native of Ceylon, and K. corymhosa, native of the East Indies ; named by Linnseus in honour of Robert Knox, an Englishman, who spent many years in examining the natural productions of Ceylon, and who published an historical rela- tion of that island in 1681. KOBELLITE. A mineral resembling grey antimony, but brighter in lustre ; from the cobalt mine of Hvena, in Sweden ; named after Von Kobell. KOELPINIA. A genus of plants, formerly established by several eminent botanists under the name of Rhagadiolus, and by LinnjEUs under that of Lapsana ; named by Pallas in honour of Alexander Bernard Koelpin, professor of physic at Stettin, and author of several botanical tracts. KQi^NlGlA. A genus of plants of but one species, an annual, native of Iceland ; named by Linnaeus in honour of his friend and disciple, Dr. John Gerard Koenig, M.D., of Courland, who first found the plant in Iceland, in 1 765, and who made several valuable botanical contributions to Linnasus from his observations in India. KOHAUTIA. A genus of erect herbaceous plants ; named in honour of Francis Kohaut. VERBA NOMINALIA. 145 KOLREUTERIA. A j^euus of [jlauts, uatives of China; named in honour of John Theophihis Koh-euter, M.D., pro- fessor of natural history at Carlsruhe, and author of several botanical dissertations. KONIGA. A genus of cruciform plants ; named in honour of Charles Konig, F.R.S., of the British Museum. KRAMERIA. A genus of plants, shrubs, nat. or. Poly- galacece ; natives of South iVmerica ; named in honour of the German botanists, J. G. H. and W. H. Kramer, father and son. KREMNITZ. A pure variety of white lead, from Krem- nitz, in Hungary. KRUBERA. A genus of herbaceous plants ; named in honour of John Julius Kruber. , KUHNIA. A genus of North American plants, trees ; named by Linnseus in honour of his pupil, Adam Kiihn, of Pennsylvania, who first brought this plant to Europe. KUMAON. A celebrated tea from Kumaon, a province of North Hindustan, at the foot of the Himalayas. KUTCHIN-KUTCHING. A child's amusement which consists in jumping about with the legs bent in a sitting pos- ture. A correspondent of Notes and Queries, speaking of the expedition of Sir John Richardson to the Arctic shores, refers to his picture of the Kutchin-Kutcha Indians dancing, in which the principal performer is actually figuring in the midst of the wild circle in the way described ; and he thinks the nursery term may be something more than a mere coincidence. SeeN. & Q. 1st S. ix. 304. KYANIZE. To prevent the rotting of wood by immersing it in a solution of corrosive sublimate or other substances (Silliman) ; from Ki/an, the inventor of the process (Webste?'). L. LABATIA. A genus of plants, evergreen trees, natives of Guiana and Hispaniola ; named by Professor Schwartz in honour of Jean Baptiste Labat, a Dominican friar, who, L 146 VERBA NOMINALIA. between 1700 and 1713, investigated the plants of Africa and the West Indies. LABRADORITE. A variety of opalescent felspar from Labrador. It is also called opaline, or Labrador spar. LABYRINTH (L. lahyrintlms, Gr. KajSvpiv^os). A maze, an inexplicable difficulty ; so called from the Egyptian or Cretan Labyrinths, places formed with winding passages, which rendered it difficult to find the way from the interior to the entrance. In anatomy, that part of the internal ear behind the cavity of the tympanum. In metallurgy, a series of troughs in a stamping-mill through which water passes for v/ashiiig pulverized ore. LACHENALIA. A genus of bulbous plants, almost exclusively natives of the Cape; named by Jacquin jun. in honour of Werner de Lachenal, formerly professor of botany and anatomy at Basle, a distinguished pupil of Haller, and friend of Linn^us. LACONIC, LACONICAL. Short, brief, pithy, senten- tious, expressing much in few words, as a laconic phrase ; so named from the Laconians or Spartans, who spoke in this style. LACONICUM. A stove or sweating-room ; so called because they were much used by the natives of Laconia. LACONISM or LACONICISM. A concise style ; a brief sententious phrase or expression. — See Laconic. LACRIMA CRISTI {Lachryma Christi). " The tears of Christ ;" a celebrated wine made from a grape growing at the foot of Vesuvius. LAFAYETTE FISH {Leiostomus obliquus). A delicious sea-fish, Avhich appears in the summer in great abundance at Cape Island, on the Jersey coast, and is hence called the Cape May-Goody. The name Lafayette Fish, by which it is known at New York and its vicinity, was given it on account of its appearance one summer coinciding with the last visit of Gene- ral Lafayette to America. — Professor S. F. Baird. LAFITTE (CHATEAU). One of the four famous red Bor- deaux wines, called Clarets by the English ; so named from the extensive vineyard of Chateau Lafitte in the Haut-Medoc, VERBA NOMINALIA. 147 wliicli produces {uinuully about 943 hectolitres of the first quality, and 200 of the second quality. LAGERSTROEMIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Ly- thracecB, whose species are natives of the East Indies ; called after M. Lagerstroem. LALLA ROOKH. A mantle of pale grey cloth, trimmed with black velvet, and forming a plain circular in front ; so called from Moore's Lalla Rookh. LAMIUM. A genus of plants, nat. or. Lahiatce (arch- angel or dead nettle) ; so named from Lamium, a mountain of Ionia, where it grew ; or from lama, a ditch, because it usually grew about ditches and neglected places. — Forsyth. LANARKITE. A mineral, a sulpho-carbonate of lead, found at Leadhill, in Lanarkshire, Scotland ; also in Siberia, the Harz, and the Tyrol. LANDAU. A carriage whose top may be opened and thrown back ; called from Landau, in Germany, where first made. LANDAULET. A chariot opening at the top like a landau, of which word it is a diminutive. LAODICEAN. Lukewarm in religion, like the Christians of Laodicea (now Latakia), in Asia Minor. LAODICEANISM. Lukewarmness in religion. Revela- tion of St. John, iii. 16. LAPUTAN. Impossible, absurd, ridiculous; a term derived from Laputa, the flying island mentioned in Gulliver's Travels, whose inhabitants (or rather those of Lagudo, metro- polis of the underlying island) were engaged in all sorts of absurdities. " It is plain from the context that the late Arch- bishop of Dublin meant to include his friend's project among those which are taken for Laputan before they are realized, and taken for granted after, as if neither in conception nor execution they had ever involved any theoretical or practical difficulty."— The Globe, on Babbage, Sep. 1864. LARDIZABALA. A genus of South American plants, a twining shrub, found in the woods of Chili and Peru ; named in honour of Michael Lardizabala, a Spanish naturalist. LATAKIA. A tobacco famed both in the East and 148 VERBA NOMINAIJA. throughout Europe; brought from Latikia (the anc. Laodicea), in Syria, near which it is largely cultivated. LATERAN. Certain ecclesiastical councils, so called from having been held at the Lateran, one of the churches at Rome, with a palace and other buildings annexed to it. The church is said to have been named from a man who owned the ground in the time of Nero. See Burgon's Letters from Rome, and Wordsworth's Italy. LATINI8M. A Latin idiom, a mode of speech peculiar to the Latins, or people of Latium, in Italy. LATOUR. A celebrated Bordeaux wine from Chateau Latour, between Julien and Pauillac. LATROBITE. A mineral, colour pink or rose red, allied to the felspars ; from the island of Latrobe, near the Labrador coast. LAUBENHEIMER. A wine from Laubenheim, in Ger- many. LAUG-ERIA. An upright branching shrub ten feet high, native of Carthagena, Havannah, &c.; named by Jacquin after Robert Laugier, professor of chemistry and botany at the University of Vienna when the botanic garden was first esta- blished there. LAUMONITE. A mineral found in groups of prismatic crystals or prismatic distinct concretions ; called from Gillet Laumont, who first observed it, in 1785, in the lead mines of Hulgoet, in Bretagne. LAURENTIAN. A vast series of stratified and crystal- line rocks of gneiss, mica-schist, quartzite, and limestone, about 40,000 feet in thickness, discovered by Sir W. E. Logan northward of the St. Lawrence, in Canada. LAUROSIS. The spodium of silver ; so called from Mount Laurus, where there were silver mines, — Forsyth. LAVATERA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Malvacece; named by Tournefort in honour of Lavater, physician and botanist of Zurich, and father of the celebrated physiognomist. LAVOISERA. A genus of showy Brazilian shrubs, or. Monogynia ; named in honour of M. Lavoisier. LAWSONIA. A genus of plants, nat. or, Lythracece ; na- VERBA NOMINALIA. 149 tive of India, Egypt, &c., whose leaves are much used by the Egyptian women to colour their nails yellow, which they esteem an ornament ; dedicated by Linnaeus to John (Miller says Isaac) Lawson, M.D., of North Britain, author of a Voyage to Carolina, containing much information on the plants of that country, Lond. 1709. The Arabian plant alcanna or henna is a species of Lawsonia. LAXMANNIA. A name originally given by Forster (Genera, t. 47) to a syngenesious tree of St. Helena, which Solander considered as a Bidens, but which George Forster (Plautffi AtlanticEe, 56) subsequently referred to Spilanthus. The name was given in honour of the Rev. Ericus Laxmann, native of Finland (professor of the Academy at Petersburg), who made many botanical discoveries in Siberia, and who died in 1796. LAZAR (Sp. lazaro). A person infected with nauseous and pestilential disease (^Shahs. Dryderi); named from Lazarus. LAZARET or LAZARETTO {^i^lazereto; It. lazzeretto ; Fr. lazaret). Sometimes called a lazar-house ; a public build- ing, hospital, or pest-house for the reception of diseased per- sons, especially those affected with contagious distempers ; so named from Lazarus. For a good account of a Lazaret see Diet, de la Convers. Par. 1837. LAZZARONI (It.). In Naples, the poor who live by begging, or have no permanent habitation ; so called from the hospital of St. Lazarus, which serves as their refuge. — Brande, LEADHILLITE. A mineral related to aragonite, found principally at Leadhills, in Lanarkshire, Scotland, associated with other ores of lead. The island of Grenada, and that of Serpho in the Grecian Archipelago, are also stated to be localities for it. LEBECKIA. A genus of leguminous plants, natives of the Cape ; named in honour of M. Lebeck. LEBRETONIA. A genus of plants, or. Polyandria ; named in honour of Manuel le Breton, a French botanist. LECCA GUM. The gum of the olive tree, which is abundantly collected at Lecca, in Calabria. LECHEA. A genus of North American plants, or. Orl- 150 VERBA NOMINALIA. gynia ; named by Linnaeus in honour of Professor John Leche, of Abo, Finland, member of the Stockhohn Academy, and author of several papers on zoology, botany, and rural eco- nomy. LECHENAULTIA. A genus of plants, or. Monogynia, natives of the tropical parts of New Holland ; named after M. Lechenault, a distinguished French botanist and traveller. LEDEBURIA. A genus of umbelliferous plants ; named in honour of M. Ledebure. LEDERERITE. A mineral ; a hydrous silicate ; found in bright, transparent, six-sided prisms at Cape Blomidon, in Nova Scotia, supposed to be chabasie ; named after Baron Lederer, formerly Austrian consul at New York. LEEA. A genus of shrubby plants, natives of the East Indies ; named by Linn^us in honour of Mr. James Lee, author of An Introduction to Botany. LEEDSITE. A mineral regarded as a mechanical mixture of sulphates of lime and baryta ; from near Leeds, Yorkshire. LEELITE. A mineral ; colour deep flesh-red ; consisting of silica, alumina, protoxide of iron, and potash ; called after Dr. Lee, of St. John's College, Cambridge. LEHUNTITE. A compact zeolite found in Antrim by Captain Lehunt. LEMANEA. A genus of Fuci, in which the frond is hollow, and converted into a recepticle ; named in honour of M. Leman, a French botanist. LEMANITE. A synonym of felspar ; named from Lac Leman (Lake of Geneva), where it is found. LEMNIAS (Lemnian earth). A kind of astringent medi- cinal earth used in the same cases as bole ; from the isle of Lemnos, in the ^gean Sea, whence it is brought. LEMONIA. A genus of West Indian plants, or. Mono- gynia; named after Sir C. Lemon. LENZINITE. A mineral of two kinds, the opaline and argillaceous ; a variety of clay found at Eifeld, in Prussia ; named after Lenzius, a German mineralogist. LEONHARDITE. A mineral, consisting chiefly of silica, alumina, and lime ; found in Hungary and Bavaria ; also at VERBA NOMINALIA. 151 Copper Falls and in Lake Superior region ; doubtless named after its discoverer Leonhard. LEOPOLD. A gold coin of Belgium, equal to 24fr. 20c.; named after the present King of Belgium. LEOPOLDONE. A silver coin of Tuscany, similar to the francescone ; that of 1790 being of the assay value of 4s. 5|d. ; njimcd after Leopoldo, a Duke of Tuscany. LERBACHITE. A mineral composed of lead, mercury, and selenium; found under the same circumstances as claus- thalite at Lerbach and Tilkerode, in the Harz. LERCHEA. An irregular-growing shrub ; named by LinniBus in honour of John James Lerche, principal physician to the Russian armies, who was born at Potsdam in 1703, and died at. Petersburg in 1780. LESPEDEZA. A genus of North American leguminous plants ; named after Lespedez, formerly Governor of Florida. LESSERTIA. A genus of leguminous plants, natives of the Cape ; named after M. B. Lessert, of Paris. LESTIBUDESIA. A genus of plants, the best known species of which is the L. ai^borescens, found in New Holland ; named in honour of Lestiboudois, a French naturalist. LETHEAN, Inducing forgetfuluess or oblivion. " Time will show how far the Prince (Napoleon) is superior to the Lethean and somniferous effects of the atmosj)here of the official circle " (^Standard). Shakspeare uses letheed in the same sense. From Lethe, a river of the infernal regions, whose waters were said to cause forgetfuluess of the past (Gr. \rj&rj, forgetfulness, oblivion). LETTSOMIA. A genus of plants, or. Monoyynia ; named after Dr. John C. Lettsom, F.R.S. LEUCHTENBERGITE. A mineral, composed of silica, alumina, magnesia, peroxide of iron, lime, and water ; named after the Duke of Leuchtenberg, or from Leuchtenberg in Bavaria. LEUISIA. A genus of plants ; named after Captain M. Lewis, Avho accompanied Captain Clerke to North America. LEUSEA. A genus of composite plants ; named by Can- dolle after his friend M. Leleuse. 152 VEKBA NOMINALIA. LEUTHRITE or LEUTTRITE. A greyish-white mine- ral ; a decomposed rock, analogous to the sandy varieties of dolomite ; found at Leuthra or Leuttra, near Jena, in Saxony. LEVANTER. A strong easterly wind in the Mediterra- nean, so called because it comes from the Levant. The cant name for one who bets at a horse-race, and runs away without paying the wager lost ; any one who runs away disgracefully. It was no doubt formerly considered fashionable to travel in the East ; when, therefore, any one was in pecuniary difficulties, and it was convenient for him to keep out of the way, it was perhaps given out that he was gone to the Levant ; hence doubtless the term levanter. LEVANTIN. A name still given not only to all the traffickers and ships of the maritime towns of the Levant, but also to those of the States of Barbary. The sailors of Pro- vence and Languedoc were called Levantins, when the French marine was divided into Ocean marine or of the West, and marine of the Mediterranean or of the Levant or East. LEVANTINE. A kind of silk cloth from the Levant. LEVITICAL. Priestly (i/iYtoft); from the Levites, officers in the Jewish church. LEVITICUS. A canonical book of the Old Testament, containing the laws and regulations relating to the priests and Levites among the Jews, or the body of the ceremonial law. LEVYNE. A mineral, supposed to be identical with chabasite ; found in Scotland, Farol, Greenland, Iceland, &c.; named after the English mineralogist Levy. LEYDEN JAR. A glass jar or bottle used to accumulate electricity ; invented at Leyden, in Holland. LHERZOLITE. A mineral, a variety of pyroxene ; from Lherz, in the Pyi'enees. LIB ANUS. The frankincense tree ; from Lebanon (or Libanus), a mountain in Syria, where it grows. — Forsijth. LIBETHENITE. A mineral, consisting of phosphoric acid, oxide of copper, and Avater ; found in cavities in mica slate at Libethen in Hungary, at Ehl near Linz on the Rhine, at Gunnis Lake in Cornwall, and at Nischnii-Tagilsk in the Ural. VERBA NOMINALIA. 153 LICIITENBERG'S FIGURES. When the knob of u charged Leydeii phial is drawn over a flat surface of lac or resin, as, for instance, the plate of an electro-phosphorus, it leaves a charge in its track, positive or negative, as we choose ; and if after this a mixture of certain powders be sifted upon the plate, as, for instance, of powdered sulphur and red lead, the sulphur will adhere to the one, and the red lead to the other electrified surface, and, with a little management, groups of figures resembling flowers may be thus brought out as Lich- tenberg first observed. — Brande. LIEBERKUHNIAN GLANDS. In anatomy, simple secerning cavities, thickly distributed over the whole surface of the large and smaller intestines ; so called after Lieber- kiihnn, who observed them in the small intestines, where they ai"e visible only with the aid of a lens, their orifices appearing as minute dots scattered between the villi. LIEBIGIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Gesneracece ; named in honour of Professor Liebig. LIEBIGITE. A mineral of a green colour, found with pechuran at Adrianople ; named after Liebig. LIEVRITE. A mineral first discovered in 1802 on the Rio la Marina, in the isle of Elba, by M. Lelievre. It has also been found in Norway, Siberia, the Harz, and in Tyrol and Saxony. It was named lievrite after its discoverer ; ilvaite from Elba ; and yenite or jenite by the French, in commemoration of the battle of Jena, in 1806. LIGURITE. A mineral ; colour apple-green, occasionally speckled ; named from Liguria, in ancient geography a divi- sion of Italy. LILLIPUTIAN. A person of very small size (sometimes used as an adjective) ; lit. one belonging to a diminutive race described in Swift's Kingdom of Lilliput (Gulliver's Travels). " Cette fable est une imitation assez ingenieuse de celle des pyg- mees dont il est tant de fois question dans les anciens poetes." LINARITE. The cupreous sulphate of lead, a mineral so named from occurring at Linares, in Andalusia ; but also found at Leadhills in Scotland, Roughten Gill in Cumberland, and near Ems in Germany. 154 VERBA NOMINALIA. LINCOLN GREEN. A colour of clotli formerly made in Lincoln (*S'/)enser). "And worn by foresters and rovers" (;S'. F. C.) LINCOLNIA. A genus of plants, shrubs, natives of the Cape ; named by Linnaeus in honour of a botanist named Lincoln. LINDACKERITE. A mineral, vitreous ; verdigris to apple-green ; analysed by Lindacker. LINDERA. A genus of plants, the only species of which is a tree, L. umbella, native of Japan ; named by Thunberg in memory of John Linder, a celebrated Swedish botanist, author of Flora Wiksbergensis. LINDERNIA. A genus of plants, or. Angiospermia, whose species are herbaceous annuals ; named by Alboni in honour of Francis Balthazar von Lindern, a physician of Strasbourg. LINNvEA. A genus of plants, or. Angiospermia ; named by Gronovius in honour of his friend Linnaeus. LINN^AN SYSTEM. The mode of classification for distinguishing plants, animals, and minerals adopted by Lin- naeus or Von Linue, the celebrated botanist, who was born at Rashult, province Smaland, in Sweden, 13 May, 1707, O.S. LINSEY-WOOLSEY. Stuff made of linen and wool (mixed), originally manufactured at Lindsey, near Hadleigh, in Suffolk. Vile ; mean ; of different and unsuitable jDarts (^Johnson). LISBON. A sweet light-coloured wine from Lisbon. LIVONICA-TERRA. A species of fine bole found in Livonia, a government of Russia. LIVORNINA. An old silver coin current at Livorno (Leghorn), equal to 4s. o^d. LLOYD'S. A part of the Royal Exchange, in London, appropriated to the use of underwriters and insurance brokers; so named from Lloyd's Coffee-house, where there were formerly rooms for the same purpose. LOBELIA. An extensive genus of plants ; named after M. Lobel, a French physican to King James I. The L. injlata, or Indian tobacco, is an annual plant of North America, and has been often used as an emetic and expectorant, &c. VERBA NOMINALIA. 155 LOCHABER AXE. A formidable war weapon formerly used by the Scotch Highlanders ; so named from Lochaber. a district of Invernessshire, domain of Banquo, Thane of Loch- aber, and ancestor of the royal house of Stewart. It was upon one of the wildest mountains in this wild country that the Pretender erected his standard in 1745. " Farewell to Lochaber, and farewell my Jean, Where heartsome with thee I have many days been." Ramsay. LOLLARDY. The doctrines of the Lollards {Webster), a sect in G-ermany who dissented from the church before she re- nounced popery. They sprang from William Lollard, who began to propagate his opinions in 1315, and was burned at Cologne in 1351. After his death the term was used reproach- fully to designate the disciples of WicklifFe. They were pro- scribed by Parliament in 1406, and many of them were exe- cuted about 1414. LOMBARD. A money-lender or banker ; a profession first exercised in London by the Lombards. — Smart. LOMBARD-HOUSE or LOMBARD. A public institu- tion for lending money to the poor at a moderate interest upon articles deposited and pledged ; called also Mont de Piete. See Lombard. LOMBARDIC. Au epithet applied to one of the ancient alphabets derived from the Roman, and relating to the manu- scripts of Italy {Astle); so named from the Lombards. LONDON CLAY. An extensive deposit of a bluish clay, except near the surface, abounding in Middlesex, Essex, Suf- folk, and part of Norfolk. It occasionally includes beds of sandstone, and of a coarse argillaceous limestone, from which Parker's Roman cement is made. LONDON PRIDE. A flower ; the Saxifraga imbrosa. LONDONISM. A mode of speaking peculiar to London. —Fegge. LONDONIZE. To give a manner or character which distinguishes the people of London. — Smart. LORCHA. A Chinese ship ; Mr. Cobden (H. of C. 26 156 VERBA NOMINALIA. Feb. 1857) says, "a vessel called a lorcha, a name derived from the Portuguese settlement at Macao, at the mouth of the Can- ton River, opposite Hong Kong, and which merely means that it is built after the European model, but not that it is built in Europe." This word may however be from the Chinese loiv chuen, a sort of fighting ships ; from chuen, a ship, or any vessel that navigates the water ; or from the Portuguese lancha, a launch, pinnace, or small ship. LORETTE. A modern French term designating a class of women of light and easy manners, and given to pleasure. The lorette has much analogy with the grisette, from whom, how- ever, she distinguishes herself by habits of luxury, ordinarily ignored by the latter. " The Lorettes are said to have received their name from formerly frequenting the Church of Notre Dame de Lorette at Paris " {_S. F. Creswell). LOTHARIO. A gay deceiver. A correspondent of Notes and Queries says, " This expression doubtless takes its name from Don Quixote, where, in the ' Impertinent Curiosity ' (a story inserted in the second part of that romance), Lothario is the name of one of the characters, who seduces his friend's wife;" but the term is more probably derived from the follow- ing line in Rowe's tragedy of the Fair Penitent, act v. sc. 1: — " Is this that haughty gallant, gay Lothario ?" Another correspondent of N. & Q. says, " ' The gallant, gay Lothario !' the ' dear Perfidious !' is a character in one of the early tragedies of the poet Nicholas Rowe, the Fair Penitent, which is somewhat upon the model of Le Festin de Pierre of Moliere : the hero of each being a libertin effreiie ; and perhaps I may more delicately explain the characters of both by quoting the monologue of the valet of Moliere's hero (^Sganarelle), upon the denouement ; or I might say, la catastrophe, did not Moliere call it a comedy : — ' Voila par sa mort, un chacun satisfait. Ciel offense, lois violees, filles seduites, families deshonorees, parens outrages, femmes mises a mal, maris pousses a bout, tout le monde est content.'" See also Notes and Queries, 2nd S. 102, 479. VERBA NOMINALIA. 157 LOUDONIA. A Swan River shrub discovered by Drum- mond in 1843. "The genus was named by Dr. Lindley in compliment to Mr. Loudon." — Ift^s. Loudon. LOUIS D'OR. A gold coin of France, first struck in 1640, in the reign of Louis XIII. ; value 20s. sterling. LUB AN-MATTEE. A gum olibanum, possessing a strong agreeable citron-like odour, and but little taste ; named from Bunder Mattee, the port whence it is brought. LUCERN, LUCERNE, or LUZERNE (Port, luzerna and medicagem dos pastos). A leguminous plant of the genus 3Ien- dicago, cultivated for fodder. " Qu. W. llysau, plants ; lly- sieuyn, a plant ; Corn, lyzuan ; or from Lucerne, in Switzer- land." — Webster. LUCULLITE. A sub-species of rhomboidal limestone, the nero antico of the Italians. The Consul Lucullus so much admired its compact variety as to honour it with his name. LUDLOW ROCKS. A name given by Murchison to the upper portion of the Silurian system, as developed near Ludlow, in Shropshire. LUDWIGrlA. A genus of plants, natives of India; named by Linnteus in honour of C. T. Ludwig, author of Definitiones Plantarum. LUHEA. A genus of plants, trees, natives of Brazil; named by Willdenow in honour of Charles Van der Luhe, a German botanist. LULLABY. A song to soothe babes ; that which quiets (Locke). " As is a nurse's song of lullaby, to bring her babe to sleep " (Shak.) From lull and by. " Lullaby, or L'Elaby, from a supposed fairy called EUaby Gathon, Avhom nurses in- vited to watch the sleeping babes, that they might not be changed for others. Hence changeling, or infant changed " (Pidleyn). LUNANEA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Terebinthacece ; named after John Lunan, author of Hortus Jamaicensis. LUSH. Intoxicating drinks of all kinds, but generally used for beer. " Lush and its derivatives claim Lushington, the brewer, as sponsor," — Globe, 8 Sep. 1859. LUSHINGTON. A drunkard, or one who continually 158 VERBA NOMINALIA. soaks himself with drains and pints of beer. " Some years since there was a Lushington Club in Bow Street, Covent Garden " (J. C. H.) See Lush. LUSIAD. The celebrated epic poem written by Camoens on the establishment of the Portuguese government in India. The Portuguese title which he gave it, Os Lusiados, " The Lusitanians," denotes the true motive of its subject. Don Luis de Camoens, called the Homer and Virgil of Portugal, was born at Lisbon, although Coimbra and Santarem have disputed this honour. According to some, he was born in 1517; but most biographers say 1524. LUTHERANISM. The doctrines of religion as taught by Martin Luther, who was born in 1483 at Eisleben, in Lower Saxony, and died there 18 Feb. 1546. LYCEUM (Fr. Lijcee). A house or apartment appropriated to instruction by lectures or disquisitions ; named from Lyceum {AvKsiov), a place near the River Ilissus, in Attica, where Aristotle taught philosophy. An association of men for literary purposes. LYDIAN. Soft, effeminate ; a kind of soft slow music anciently in vogue ; so called from Lydia, in Asia Minor. LYDIAN STONE. A flint slate used by the ancients to try gold and silver ; a touchstone ; named from Lydia, in Asia Minor, where it was doubtless found. LYNCH (an American word). To inflict pain or punish summarily without the forms of law, as by a mob, or by un- authorized persons. See Lynch Law. LYNCH LAW. The practice of punishing men for crimes or oflx;nces by private unauthorized persons without a legal trial. " A name given in America to an irregular and sum- mary administration of justice by the populace, and which originated from the difliculty of adhering to the usual forms of law in the newly-formed states. The name is derived from a Virginian farmer of the name of Lynch, who was the first to flog a thief without any judiciary appeal." {T. Wright, M.A.) Lynch law originated in what is now known as the Piedmont country of Virginia, which was at the time the western fron- tier. The nearest court of criminal jurisdiction held its sessions VERBA NOMINALIA. 159 at Williamsburg, which is but seven miles from Jamestown, where the first settlement was made. When the condition of the country at that time is duly considered, it will be seen that practically the inliabitants of the Piedmont country had no law, and were actually forced to be a law unto themselves. Misdemeanours and crimes of every sort were of frequent occurrence ; and yet the apprehension and delivery of a crimi- nal involved an arduous journey of hundreds of miles, mostly through a wilderness, which not only occupied weeks, but months. Now in every district there were men of sound judgment and high character, to whom controversies were constantly referred, and whose decisions Avere regarded as final. Prominent among these was a man named Lynch, whose awards exhibited so much justice, judgment, and im- partiality that he was knoAvn throughout the country as Judge Lynch. In the course of time criminals were brought before him, and he awarded such punishments as he considered just and proper. There were other persons, in different districts, who acted as arbitrators, and who awarded punishments ; but Judge Lynch was the most conspicuous, and consequently the system took his name, and was called Lynch law. This was a com- pliment to his integrity and high character. But of late years the term has been regarded as a reproach, because violent and unprincipled men, such men as Lynch was wont to punish, have set the laws at defiance, and, while inflamed with passion, or maddened by a thirst for revenge, have usurped the prero- gatives of the courts of justice. — Washington Sentinel. LYSANDRIA. A Samian festival, celebrated with sacri- fices and games, in honour of Lysander a Spartan general, very celebrated about the close of the Pelojionnesian War. LYSIARCH. An ancient magistrate, being the pontiff of Lycia, or superintendent of the sacred games of that province. LYSIMACHIA. A genus of herbaceous plants, of four British species, one of which (money-wort) is very common in marshes in the north of England ; named after Lysimachus of Sicily, who is said to have discovered its styptic and astringent qualities. 160 VERBA NOMINALIA. M. MAASTRICHT ROCKS. An upper calcareous formation about ten feet thick, reposing on ordinary Avliite chalk with flints, at Maastricht, on the banks of the Meuse. MACABRE or MACABER, Antiquaries are not decided as to the origin and meaning of the name of the Macaber Dances, commonly called Dance of Death. The general opinion seems to be that they I'eceived their name from Macaber, a German, who first headed this whimsical subject in some verses, in 1460, translated by P. Desrey of Troyes into Latin. The most ancient known representation of these dances is in the cloisters of a convent at Minden, in Westphalia, bearing date in 1 383. In the fifteenth century they were painted on the walls of cloisters, cemeteries, and churches ; on covered bridges, as on the bridge at Lucerne, in Switzerland; in castles, as at the Castle of Blois, built by Louis XII. in 1502 (See Universite Catholique, vol. ii. 376). "Macaber: an early German poet, author of a work entitled the Dance of Death, or the Dance of Macaber, consisting of a series of dialogues between Death and a number of personages belong- ing to various ranks of society. An English translation of this work was published by Dugdale and Dods worth, in the third volume of the Monasticon Anglicanum ; and French and Latin versions have been repeatedly printed. The Dance of the Dead painted by Holbein, in the cloister of the Augustinian convent at Basle, has contributed much to the fame of Macaber." {Rose Bio(j. Diet.') Macaber, poete alle- mand, serait tout a fait inconnu sans I'ouvrage qu'on a sous son nom : c'est un recueil de dialogues entre la Mort et des personnages choisis dans les divers etats de la societe ; idee rajeunie et developpee par Jacques Jacques, chanoine d'Em- brun, dans le Faut mourir. Cet ouvrage, indique par Fabricius (Bibl. mecl. et infin. latinitai) sous ce titre. Speculum morticini, on Specxdum chorea mortttorum (le Miroir de la mort, ou le Miroir de la danse des morts), parait avoir ete ecrit originaire- VERBA NOMINALIA. 161 ment en allemaud, et a passe de cet langage en latin, en fran- pais, et meme en anglais. La l'"^ edition fran^aise, restee longtemps inconnue aux plus savants bibliographes, a ete decouverte par ChampoUion-Figeac, dans les manuscrits de la bibliotbeque de Grenoble ; et il a donne une Notice de ce livre siugulier dans le Magasiii EncyclojJe'dique, annee 1811, t. 6, 355 et suiv. Cette edition, composee de deux cahiers for- mant dix feuillets et vingt pages petit in-fol., contient dix- sept dialogues et autant de petites estampes gravees sur bois ; elle a ete imprimee a Paris, par Guy ou Guyot Marchant, demorant au grant hostel de.Nauarre, le 28 Septembre, 1485, Lc mcme imprimeur en publia une 2<^ edition, augmentee de plusieurs nouveaux personnages, avee cet intitule, Ce present livre est appele Miroir salutaire j^our toutes gens, et de tous estats, et est de grande utilite et recreation, etc. Paris, 1846, le 7 juin. Debure en a donne la description dans la Bihliographie instruc- tive, no. 3109; mais il n'en a pas copie le titre, et il a reuni sous le meme article deux ouvrages distincts ; la Danse Maca- bre des homines, et la Danse Macabre des femmes. D'apres le catalogue de la bibliotbeque de Paris, Debure attribue la ver- sion franijaise de cet ouvrage a Micbel Marot; mais c'est une distraction uu pen forte, puisque Clement, pere de Micbel Marot, n'etait pas encore ne. Les biographes indiquent une 3® edition de la Danse Macabre, sortie des presses de Guy Marcliant, sous ce titre — Chorea ab eximio Macabro versibus alemanicis edita, etc., Paris, pour Godefroi de Marnef, Octobre, 1490, in-fol., fig.; elle avait ete revue et corrigee par Pierre Desrey de Troyes. Champollion, qui a donne la note chrono- logique des editions de la Danse Macabre, n'a pas cite celle de Desrey ; et M. Brunei, trompe par le double titre latin et fran- 9ais, a suppose qu'il avait paru deux editions diiferentes de cet ouvrage, en 1490, cbez le meme imprimeur {voy. le Manuel du Libraire, t. l""- 385 et 386). La Danse Macabre des hommes et celle des femmes out ete reunies pour la premiere fois, suivant Champollion, dans I'edition de Troyes, Nicolas Lerouge, in- fol., fig. gotb. sous ce titre — la Grant Danse Macabre des hommes et des femmes, historiee et augmentee de personnages et beaux dits en latin, en vers, sans date, mais avant Fan 1500; M 162 VERBA NOMINALTA. et ce savant n'a connu que deux editions posterieures — Geneve, 1503, in-4"' et Paris, 1589, in 8°' citees toutes deux dans la Bibliogi-aphie de Debure. M. Brunet en indique trois autres : Lyon, 1499, in-fol. goth.; Rouen, Guill. de la Mare, sans date, in-4°'fig., lettres rondes; et Paris, Groulleau, 1550, petit in- 12, fig. La traduction anglaise de la Danse Macahre est due "k Jean Porcy, poete reste inconnu meme a ses compatriotes; elle a ete inseree dans le Monasticon anglicanum de Rog. Dodsworth et Guill. Dugdale (Londres, 1673), t. 3, 368—374, precedee d'une seule gravure de W. Hollar. La Danse des morts a ete souvent reproduite par les artistes du 15® et du 16® siecle; on en retrouve les differents sujets dans les encadrements des livres de prieres, reimprimes si frequemment en caracteres eemi-gothiques, de 1490 ^ 1550. La Danse des morts, que le fameux peintre Holbein avait executee dans le cloitre du cou- vent des augustins de Bale, a joui longtemps d'une grande celebrite {yoy. Holbein et Mathias Merian). Paul Chretien Hilscher, pasteur a. Dresde, mort le 3 aout, 1730, a public en allemand une notice des Danses des morts, a I'occasion des dessins et des tableaux de ce genre conserves dans la galerie de Dresde : Beschreihung des Todten Tantzes wie solcher zu Dressden auf den Schloss gemaldet, Budissen, Riclitei', 1721, in-8° Biog. Univ. vol. 25, Par. in voce Macaber. The writer of the article, in a note, says: — Est-ce bien la le nom d'un ecri- vain ? " Et u'est ce pas plutot, suivant I'ingenieuse conjecture de M. Van Praet, I'alteration du mot arabe Magharah, qui siguifie cimitiere ? C'est ce qu'on ne pent deviner ; et on a du suivre I'opinion commune, ne fut-ce que pour pouvoir donner une idee d'un livre siugulier et recherche des curieux." MACADAMIZE. To cover, as a road, way, or path, with small broken stones, so as to form a smooth, hard surface ; so called from the inventor, McAdam. MACASSAR OIL. An oil which is said to beautify and promote the growth of the hair ; so called from Macassar, a Dutch settlement on the south-west peninsula of the island Celebes, whence it is said to be brought. Hence anti- macassar, a coverlet for chairs, sofas, &c., originally used to protect from oil and dirt, but now chiefly as an ornament. VERBA NOMINALIA. 163 MACCABEES. Name of certain apocryphal books of the Old Testament, which give an account of Jewish affairs in the time of the Maccabean princes, — Murdoch. MACHIAVEL. An epithet for a knave. See post. MACHIAVELISM. The principles of Machiavel, or practice in conformity with them; political cunning and artifice, intended to favour arbitrary power. — Cyc. . " Am I politick ? am I subtle ? am I a Machiavel ?" Merry W. of W. " Alen9on, that notorious Machiavel." 1 Hen. VI. " And set the murd'rous Machiavel to school." 3 Hen. VI. From Niccolo Machiavelli, the celebrated political writer and historian, secretary and historiographer to the Republic of Florence, author of Del Principe, who was born at Florence in 1469, and who died in 1530. The intention of the writer of Del Principe has been matter of great controversy, some holding him up as a promoter of tyranny, others maintaining that he was its concealed but decided enemy, and that he meant to put the people on their guard against its machinations. It has nevertheless affixed to his name a lasting stigma, and machia- velism has become a received appellation for perfidious and in- famous politics. The present age had better pass no judg- ment upon the matter. MACKINTOSH. A term applied to waterproof garments, particularly overcoats, made so by the use of India rubber ; named from the inventor. MACLEAYA. A genus of plants, natives of China; named in honour of A. Mac Leay, F.R.S. MACLURITE. A mineral, colour brilliant pale green, consisting of magnesia with other matters ; occurring in New Jersey, in Orange County, New York, and at Pargas, in Fin- land; named in honour of Dr. Maclure, the mineralogist. MAQON. A celebrated red wine made from grapes grown in the neighbourhood of Ma9on, on the Saone. MACQUARIA (Fr. Macquarie ; L. Macquaria). A genus M 2 164 VERBA NOMINALIA. of fishes established by Cuvier and Valenciennes (Hist, de Poiss. t, 2, 377), the only species of which is the Macquaria Australasica, whose flesh is said to be very delicate ; named from the River Macquarie, in Eastern Australia; also the name of a river of Tasmania. MACQUER'S SALT {Sel arsenical de Macquer-). Neutral arsenical salt ; super-arseniate of potass ; so named from Pierre Joseph Macquer, who first discovered the combinations of arsenic acid. Macquer was born in Paris in 1718, of a noble family, originally from Scotland ; was a skilful chemist, phy- sician, and professor of pharmacy; made many discoveries in natural philosophy, and was author of several works on chemistry, &c. He died in 1784. MADAPOLLAM. A sort of long cloth sufficiently fine to be fit for the Indian market ; named from Madapollam or Maddapollum, a maritime town of Hindustan, prov. Madras, in whose vicinity it is manufactured. MADEIRA. A rich sherry formerly made on the Isle of Madeira. I have drank very good at Christiania within the last ten years, and it might even be had in England within the last twenty years. MADELINE {Poire de la Madelaine). A pear, called, among other names, poire de St. Jean. MADONNA. Artistic name for any picture representing Our Lady. MADONNINA. A silver coin of Genoa of twenty soldi ; probably struck in honour of the Madonna. MADRAS. A handkerchief made at Madras. A rice. MADRIGAL (Sp. and Port, id.; It. madrigale). A little amorous poem, sometimes called a pastoral poem, containing a certain number of free, unequal verses, not confined to the scrupulous regularity of a sonnet, or the subtilty of the epigram, but containing some tender and delicate, though simple, thought, suitably expressed {Cyc.) An elaborate vocal composition in five or six parts. There is a diversity of opinion as to the origin of the word. Some derive it from Gr. (xxySpoc, a fold, stable, enclosure. Covarruvias (Tresor de la langage Cas- tillane), under mandra, says, " y de aqui se dixo madrigal, can- VERBA NOMINALIA. 165 cion de pastores, quando se recogen a festear en las madras o cayernas ; quasi mandrigal ;" and hence madrigal, song of the shepherds, when they assemble together to feast in tlie madras or caverns ; as though mandrigal. And at the word madrigal : "Madrigal, villa famosa por el buen vino; madrigal, quasi mandrigal ; cancion de las que los pastores cantan sesteando en las cavernas ;" Madrigal, famous place for good wine ; madrigal, as though mandrigal, song sung by shepherds when feasting in the caverns. Of the same opinion are Bembo, Dolce, and Menage. Menage, citing the above passages from Covarruvias, says, " The Italians have dropped the n in mad- riale, from mandriale, as in sposo from sjjonsus, misura from mensura, preso from prehensus, &c.;" and that in French the word was anciently madrigale, not madrigal. Menage, how- ever, admits — from the passage in Covarruvias, and from the following, from Papirius Masso, in the life of Pope Euge- niusIV., "Alfonsum Testatum, Hispania, excellentium ingeni- crum parens, in Madrigale tenuivico, genuit " — that there was a place in Spain called Madrigal ; and he adds, " N 'auroit-ou point appele de ce lieu les Madrigaux ? de la mesme fa^on que de la vallee de Vire, on a appele Vaudevilles, les Vaudevilles." There can be little doubt that the word is derived from some locality in Spain. There is Madrigal, a town, province Avila, memorable as the birthplace of Isabella of Castile ; Madrigal, in Guadalajara ; Madrigal, a small village, province Caceres ; Madrigal, a pasture ground and a house, province Toledo ; and Madrigal del Monte, province Burgos. Of Madrigal in Avila, Madoz says, " Destruida esta poblacion en las guerras entre cristianos y musulmanes, la repoblaron estos, quienes la dieron el nombre de Madrigal." Huet (Traite des Romans, 124, last ed.) thinks Martegalcs and Madrigaux the same thing, and that both words had their origin from the Martegaux, montagnards of Provence ; and he says in. like manner the G-avots, montagnards of the country of Gap, gave name to the dance called Gavotte. MAGDEBURG HEMISPHERES. A hollow sphere composed t)f two hemispheres which fit air-tight ; intended to show the amount of the air's pressure, by the amount of force 166 VERBA NOMINALIA. with which they are so held together after the interior air has been removed by the air-pump. It was first suggested by Otto Von Guericke, an eminent philosopher, who was born in 1602, settled at Magdeburg, and died in 1686. MAGELLANIC CLOUDS. Three conspicuous nebulse situated near the South Pole, resembling thin white clouds ; so called from Magellan or Magalhaens, the Portuguese navigator, who also discovered the Straits of Magellan, at the extremity of South America. MAGENTA. A brilliant red colour (discovered by Hoff- man ?) ; so called in honour of Napoleon III.'s victory at Magenta, in North Italy. — S. F. Creswell. MAGIANISM. The doctrines of the Magi, a sect of philo- sophers, who held that there are two principles, one the cause of good, the other of evil. See Magic. MAGIC. The production of wonderful effects by the sup- posed aid of superhuman beings, or of departed spirits ; sor- cery ; enchantment ; L. magia, G. ^oiyzia. ; so called, according to some, from Mouyog, a Persian philosopher. MAGNESIA. A soft white powder without taste or smell, seldom found pure, but mixed with other minerals ; so named from Magnesia, in Asia Minor, now Manisa or Manser, a city in the pashalic of Anadolia, where it was found. Others derive the word from fji^ccyvrji, the loadstone, because it sticks to the tongue as iron does to the magnet. MAGNESITE. A silicate of magnesia, containing a large quantity of water ; a name also given to a carbonate of mag- nesia, q.v. MAGNET. The loadstone ; a term applied to certain specimens of iron ore, having the property of attracting iron and some of its ores, and, when freely suspended, of pointing to the Pole ; a bar of steel to which the peculiar properties of the loadstone have been imparted, either by contact or by other means. L. magnes, tis, Gr. [xayvrjs, the loadstone ; so called from the mountains of Magnesia, in Asia Minor, which were famous for the production of the loadstone. According to Pliny (i. 5, c. 30 and 36, and i. 36, c. 16), the loadstone was found on Ida, in Phrygia, by one Magnes. Lempriere says " Magnes was a young VERBA NOMINALIA. 167 man who found himself detained by the iron nails which were under his shoes as he walked over a stone mine. This was no other than the magnet, which received its name from the per- son who had been first sensible of its power." Some make Magnes a slave of Medea, whom that enchantress changed into a magnet. MAGNETIC. A term applied to any metal, as iron, nickel, cobalt, &c., which may receive, by any means, the pro- perties of the loadstone, and lie when suspended in the direc- tion of a magnetic meridian. MAGNETISM. The properties of the magnet, q.v. MAGNOLIA (Fr. magnolier). A genus of plants, trees or shrubs, all natives of North America and Asia ; named by Plumier in honour of Professor Magnole, of Montpellier. MAJOLICA (It. viaioUca, maiorica) . A name given to a kind of earth used for making dishes, vases, &c. ; afterwards applied to the ware itself, which resembles porcelain ; so called from Maiolica or Maiorica, i.e. Majorca, where it was first made. A similar ware was also anciently made at Faenza, in the Romagna. MAJORANA (Origcma majoranci). Systematic name of sweet marjoram ; so called from flowering in May {quod mense Maio Jloreat). MAHERNIA. A genus of plants, natives of the Cape ; named, according to Professor Martyn, as anagrararaatic of Hermannia (q.v.), a genus to which it is very nearly allied. MAHMOUDI or MAMOUDI. A silver coin of Persia, equal to about 50 centimes French money ; also a silver piece of 5 piasters, equal to 4fr. 14c. ; struck by Sultan Mahmoud in 1811. MAHOUND. A term which was popularly applied to any idol, and thence given to the devil, and sometimes to any savage character ; mediaeval corruption of the name Mahom- med.— T. Wright, M.A. MAID MARIAN. Originally the lady of the May games, in a morris dance ; afterwards a character personated by a man in woman's clothes ; also the name of a dance. — Toone. Smart. 168 VERBA NOMINALIA. MAINTENON (cotelettes a la). A manner of dressing cutlets ; so called after Madame de Maintenon, mistress of Louis XIV. MALABATHRUM (/xaAa/SaS^ov). The leaf of the tree whose bark is called Cassia ; named from Malabar, whence it is brought, and Hind, hetre, a leaf. MALAGA. A sweet wine from Malaga, in Spain. MALAPROPISM. An ignorant vulgar misapplication of language ; so named from Mrs. Malaprop, a character in Sheridan's comedy of The Rivals. Mrs. Partington has lately succeeded to the mantle of Mrs. Malaprop, but the phrase Partingtonism is as yet uncoined. — /. C. Hotten. MALAYAN. A great variety of the human family, sup- posed to have originated in the Malay peninsula, and which are distributed over the Western Oceania. The language of the Malay peninsula. MAL DE SIAM. In India, a name for yellow fever ; sup- posed to have been originally brought from Siam. MALLAM-TODDALI. A tree in Malabar, whose root, bark, leaves, and fruit are esteemed as a specific in epilepsy ; so called from Malayalam, native name of the province of Malabar. MALKIN. A mop; hence, a dirty drab {Webster). A kind of mop, made of clouts, for sweeping ovens ; hence a frightful figure of clouts dressed up ; hence a dirty wench {Ha/imer) — " The kitchin malkin pinnes Her richest lockram 'bout her reechie necke, Clamb'ring the walls to eye him." — Shalts. " Put ou the shape of order and humanity, Or you must marry vialkin the May lady." Beaum. and F. Mens. Thomas. " He went, and ere malkin could well lick her ear (For it but the next door was, foi-sooth), we were there." — Cotton. Voyage to Ireland, c. 2. A diminutive of Mai, Moll, the nickname of Mary. MALLIGO. Malaga wine. Corruption of Malaga. "And Malliyo glasses fox thee." — Sd. Gipsy, iii. 1. VERBA NOMINALIA. 169 MALMSEY (Fr, malvoisie, formerly inalvaise, It. malvosio, Sp. marvisia). A sort of grape ; also a strong and sweet wine. " And then throw him into the malmsey-biitt in the next room." — Shahs. " I'll drown you in the mnlmsey-hutt within." — Ibid. " That arrant malmsey-nose knave, Bardolph." — Ibid. The word is derived from Malvasia (hodie Monemvasia), a town near Argos, in the Morea, in whose territory the grape grew. This wine is now principally made at Madeira, and if not manufactured in London, it is simply because it is not in demand. MALPIGHIA. A genus of plants, trees or shrubs ; called after Malpighi, a naturalist of Pisa. MALTHUSIAN. The political doctrines of the Rev. Thomas Robert Malthus, F.R.S., as laid doAvn in his essay on the Principles of Population. In this work the learned author advocates the anti-connubial system ; a system founded on the supposition that population increases in a geometrical^ while food only increases in an arithmetrical, degree. Malthus was born at Albury, in Surrey, in 1766, and died at Bath in 1835. MAMERTINES (Fr. Mamertins). A band of mercenaries, who, uniting with the Sicilians, seized upon Messana (Messina) B.C. 270. Pressed by the Carthaginians, they sought the aid of the Romans (b.c. 264-265), and thus originated the first Punic war. Some assert that the Mamertines were so called from Mamers or Mars ; but according to the best authority, these people derived their name from Mamerte, in ancient geogi-aphy 'a town of Sicily, near Messina. Mamers is the name of a place in France (Sarthe). MAMMET. A doll, or dollish person ; probably so called from Mahomet, to whom the black dolls hanging over rag- shops bear a distant resemblance. Mammet and jioppet were old names for what is now called a Marionette (*S'. F. Cres- tvell). Webster renders vumimet, a puppet ; a figure dressed. Johnson derives mammet from mum or mamma. Richardson ren- 170 VERBA NOMINALIA. ders maivmet, mammot, mammet, anything set up as an object of adoration : a popet or puppet, a fondling ; generally an idol, a graven image ; from Mahomet ; and mawmetry, the religion of Mahomet ; idolatory ; the worship of graven images. " This no is world to play with mammets, and to tilt with lips." — 1 Hen. iv. " And then to haue a wretched puling foole, A whining mammet, in her fortune's tender, To answer, lie not wed, I cannot loue." — R. & J. " There you shall find in every corner a mmunet ; at every door a beggar ; and in every dish a priest." — B}^- Sail. Ep. i. Dec. 1. " In destruction of maumetrie, And in encrese of Cristes lawe dere, They ben accorded so as ye may here." Chaucer. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 4656. " An idolastre peraventure ne hath not but o maumet or two, and the avaricious man hath many ; for certes, every fl^orene in his cofFro is a mau- met. And certes, the sinne of vtnumetrie is the first that God defended in the ten commandments, as bereth witnesse Exod. c. .xx. Thou shalt have no false gods before me, ne thou shalt make to thee no graven thing." — Id. The Persones Tale. " We charge the prelatical clergy with popery, to make them odious, tho' we know they are guilty of no such things : just as heretofore they call'd images mammets, and the adoration of images mamvietry ; that is, Mahomet and Mahometry ; odious names, when all the world knows the Turks are forbidden images by their religion." — Seldeii. Table Talk. Popery. See also Notes and Queries, July 6, 1864, p. 28 ; and Promp. Parv. under " Mawmet," et scq. MAMMON (Syr.). Riches, wealth. " Mammon is liches or aboundance of goods." Tyndall. Works, p. 233. . " Ye cannot serve God and yjiammon." — Matt. vi. " And of mavimonaes money mad hym many frendes." Piers Ploughman, p. 170. So called from Mammon, god of riches, the god chiefly wor- shipped by Christians in the present age of progress. MAMMONIST. One devoted to the acquisition of wealth; VERBA NOMINALIA. 171 one whose affections are placed supremely on riches ; a world- ling {Hammond). So called from Mammon, god of riches. " When I'd arrive the very top of all, That the mistaken maniinonists miscall, And think their chiefest blessings, health and wit." Brome. A Paraphrase upon Ecclesiastes, c. i. " The great mnminonist would say, he is rich that can maintain an army." — Bp. Hall. The Righteous Mammon. MANCINITE. A mineral, colour brown ; from Mancino, near Leghorn. MANDILLIAN. A kind of garment worn temp. Elizabeth ; i.q. Mandeville, which Randal Holmes describes as " a loose hanging garment," and much like to our jacket or jumps, but without sleeves, only having holes to put the arms through ; yet some were made with sleeves, but for no other use than to hang on the back {Planche). The word is doubtless derived from either a local name or a local surname. MANDOZY. A term of endearment ; probably named from the valiant fighter Mendoza. — /. C. Hotten. MANGABEY. The precarious name of a monkey found in the territory of Mangabey, near Madagascar. See Buffon. MANGANATE, MANGANESATE. A compound of manganesic acid, with a base. See Manganese. MANGANESE (at first called by Gahn magnesium). A greyish-white metal, found in the ashes of plants, the bones of animals, and in many minerals; very hard and difficult to fuse; from Magnesia, q.v, MANGANITE. One of the ores of manganese {q.v.); called also manganese ore. MANICHEISM. The doctrines or system of principles of the Manichees or Manicheans, followers of Manes, a Persian, who tried to combine the Oriental philosophy with Christianity, and maintained that there are two supreme principles, the one good, the other evil, which produce all the happiness and calamities of the Avorld. They held the first principle, or light, to be the author of all good ; the second, or darkness, the author of all evil. 172 VERBA NOMINALIA. MANILLA. A cigar from Manila, capital of Luzon, and of all the Philippine Isles. MANNHEIM GOLD. Another name for Dutch gold or orsedew, an inferior sort of gold-leaf, made of copper and zinc, sometimes called leaf-hrass ; so named from being principally manufactured at Mannheim, on the Rhine. MANSARD. In architecture, a roof Avith a double slope on each side ; a gambrel roof (Fr. mansarde, a garret ; garret- window) ; so called from its inventor. Mansard, a French architect, who died in 1666. MANTON. A celebrated gun manufactured by the late Joseph Man ton. MANUS CHRISTL Refined sugar, so boiled as to make a cordial for weak persons. — Crahh. MANX. A term applied to the ancient language of the Isle of Man ; whence its name. MAPPIA. A genus of plants, the only species of which is the M. guianensis, a shrub, native of Guiana ; named after Marcus Mappus, professor of medicine at Strasburg, author of Catal. Plantarum Horti Acad. Argentinensis, 1691 ; Hist. Plant, Alsaticarum, a posthumous work by Ehi'mann, 1742. MARANTA. A genus of perennial tropical plants, from the roots of one species of which (J7. arundinacea) is priucijjally obtained the aiTowroot of commerce, which species is much cultivated in the gardens and provision grounds of the West Indies ; named by Plumier in memory of Bartholomeo Maranta, a Venetian physician, who lived towards the middle of the six- teenth century, and was one of the chief Italian botanists of his time. MARAUDER. A rover in quest of booty or plunder; a plunderer ; usually applied to small parties of soldiers. To go in a marauding party is to go in search of pillage or plunder . " Some place decoys, nor will they not avail, Replete with roasted crabs ; in every grove These fell jnarcmders gnaw." Grainger. Sugar Cane, b. ii. Some derive the word from the Fr. niaraud, a rascal ; from Gr. fj.iapo§, stained, contaminated, infamous. Webster gives the VERBA NOMINALIA. 173 Fr. maratul, tlie Ethiopic marnda, to hurry, to run ; the Ileb. •]nn {marad), to rebel ; the Dan. marodei', a robber in war, a corsair. The Heb. marad signifies to be disobedient, perverse, rebel, fall away from one's allegiance; the Arab, marada, to be obstinate, stubborn, contumacious, wilful. Richardson seems to think the word may be from the verb to mar. Menage notices the derivation from a Count Merodes, who commanded in the armies of Ferdinand II., but Duchat shows that the word existed long before. A correspondent of Notes and Queries says, " On the old carriage road from Achen to Cologne, not many miles from Achen, is an extensive wood, in which is a fine old chateau called Merode. It was formerly quite concealed from the road by the thick wood, or perhaps, more correctly speaking, forest. It had the reputation of pos- sessing a brigand for its owner. The persons who made expe- ditions with the owner from this chateau were called Ileroder^s, and were marauders." MARAVEDI. In Spain, a small copper coin less than a farthing sterling. It is now a fictitious money, of which 2 form an ochavo, and 34 a real. The word is derived from the Arab, mardbateen, literally money of the tyrants Alraoravides, a family of Mussulman princes (five in number, of whom Abubekr, son of Omar, was the first) who reigned in Africa and Spain in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth cen- turies, and who were so called from Arab, almoraheth, signifying " champion of religion." " Mot par lequel les Espagnols de- signaient une petite monnaie.de cuivre qui vaut un centime et demi. C'est aujourd'hui une monnaie fictive dont deux ferment un ochavo, et 34 un real. La plus ancienne mention qui soit faite des maravedis dans I'histoire d'Espagne est sous Alphonse, lors de la bataille de Las Navas. On trouve dans les lois Es- pagnoles des maravedis de differentes especes (de Almoravide)." MARCELINE. A mineral, colour greenish-black ; so named from being found near Saint Marcel, in Piedmont. MARCELLIANISM. The doctrines and opinions of the Marcellians, a sect towards the close of the second century ; so called from Marcellus of Ancyra, their leader, who was accused of reviving the errors of Sal^ellius. Some, however, are of 174 VERBA NOMINALIA. opinion that Marcellus was orthodox, and that it was his enemies, the Arians, who fathered their errors upon him. — Chambers's Cyc. MARCETIA. A genus of Brazilian shrubs ; named in honour of M. Marcet, a friend of De Candolle. MARCH (L. Martins). The third month of the year, according to modern computation. The Roman year originally began with this month. Romulus named it Martius in honour of his father, Mars, god of war. *' March is drawn in tawny, with a fierce aspect, and a helmet upon his head, to show this month was dedicated to Mars " (Peacham). MARCHIONESS. A maid of all work ; a title now in regular use, but derived from the nickname of a character in Charles Dickens's Old Curiosity Shop. — J. C. Hotten. MARCOBRUNNER. A celebrated Rhine wine, posses- sing much body and aroma, from Markobrunn. MARE (A. S. mara, G-. mar, D. maere, Sw. mara, incubus, D. nacht-merrie, Gr. nachtmar'). The morbid oppression in sleep otherwise called incubus. " The word is now only used in the compound 7iightma7'e, which ought to be written nightmar " (Web- ster). " Mushrooms cause the incubus, or the mare in the sto- mach " (Bacon's Nat. Hist,). The word is said to be derived from Mara, in Northern mythology, a spirit that oppressed persons in sleep. ^'Ma7'a, from whence our nightmare is derived, was, in the Runic theology, a spirit or spectre of the night, which seized men in their sleep, and suddenly deprived them of speech and motion" (Warton, Higt.Eng. Poetry, vol. i. diss. 1). " Mab, his merry queen, by night Bestrides young folks that be upright, In elder times the inare that hight, Which plagues them out of measure." — Drayton. MARENGO. In Piedmont, an appellation for the twenty franc gold piece ; doubtless named from Marengo, province Alessandria. MARGARET or MAGDALEN. An apple so named. MARGARET (QUEEN) or CHINESE STAR. A plant (Beine Marguerite). VERBA NOMINALIA. 175 MARIBOUS. In a deed of John Arundell, Esq., of Lan- herne, Cornwall, dated 25 Jannary, 1632, appointing John Dale, his baylifF foi' the Manor of Connerton and Hundred of Penwith, Cornwall, said John Dale is ordered to collect " Ale Silver, Smoke Silver, Tything-money. Maribous-money, and Maribous of themselves." In a deputation (10 April, 1648) the word is written Mariboues or Maribones, the letters u and n in all old deeds being commonly written exactly alike. This word may be the same with maraboutin, of which Bescherelle says, " Monnaie d'or qui eut cours dans le moyen age en Espagne, en. Portugal, en Languedoc. De graves discussions s'^leverent au commencement du XVIII'' siecle au sujet de ce mot ; mais aucun d'eux ne parait avoir devine la veritable Etymologic du nom de cette monnaie, qui doit avoir ete intro- duite ou frappee dans la Peninsule, sous la denomination des Morabethoun ou Almoravides." MARIENGROSCHE. A coin of Hamburg, equal to about a penny ; so named from Marie, and G-. groschen. MARIGOLD {Mary and gold; Caltha, Lat.) A yellow flower, devoted, I suppose, to the Virgin (Johnson) ; " q.d. aurum Mariw, a colore floris luteo ; from the yellow colour of the flower " (Skintier). " Absence hath robb'd thee of thy wealth and pleasure, And I remain, like marigold, of sun Deprlv'd, that dies by shadow of some mountain." Druminond. Son. C4, pt. i. MARIOLA. In ancient writers, a shrine or image of the Virgin Mary {Bailey). Hie quoque fere i^erficit pulclwam Mario- lam cum pertinentiis. Mat. Paris in Vitis Abbatum S. Albani. In australi ecclesice parte, juxta nohilem Mariolam, ibid (Coivel). MARIOLATRY. A term used to denote the worship of the Virgin Mary by Roman Catholics {Xar^svuj, to worship). MARIONETTES. Puppets moved by springs. Menage renders the word "■ petites Jilles ; en prenant I'espece pour le genre : comme qui diroit, petites Marions " {Marion being itself a diminutive of Marie). Bouillet (Diet, des Sciences, &c., Paris, 1854) derives the name from Marion, an Italian, who 176 VERBA NOMINALIA. introduced the marionettes into France under Charles IX. The Greeks knew marionettes under the name of neuros^msta, and the Romans under that of imagunculcB, simulacra, oscilla. The Italians, who are very great amateurs in marionettes, call them pupiji and fantoccini. M. Ch. Magnin published in 1852 a curious " Histoire des Marionnettes." MARMATITE. A black mineral, consisting of the sul- phurets of zinc and iron ; so named fi'om being found at Candado and Salto, near Marmato, in New Granada. MARONEAN ( Vinum Maroneum). Among the Greeks, a wine said to have been grown on the side of Ismarus, a hill or promontory of Thrace ; doubtless near the town of Maronea ; probably so named from Maro or Maron, a king of Thrace and priest of Apollo, who gave Ulysses the excellent wine that would bear twenty times as much water, and with which he intoxicated Polyphemus. See Horn. Od. i. 197, seq. ; Pliny, H. N. X. iv. 4. MARRIOTTE'S LAW. In pneumatics, a general pro- perty of elastic fluids, that the pressure is directly proportional to the density ; discovered by Marriotte, an eminent French philosopher, native of Burgundy, who flourished about the middle of the seventeenth century, and w^as author of several important works. MARRUBIUM. Horehouud, a genus of plants. Some derive the word from the Heb. marrob, a bitter juice, on account of its taste. According to others, it was so called by the ancients from having been originally found near Marruhium, a town of the Marsyans in Italy, eastward of Lake Fucinus. MARRY (properly 3Iart/). A vulgar oath. " Ye ? quod the preest, ye, sire, and wol ye so? Mary thereof I pray you hertily." — Chauc. A corruption of Bj/ Mary (^Tyrivliitt) or By Holy Mary — "By Holy Mary (Butts), there's knavery, Let 'em alone, and draw the curtaine close." — Shaks. MARS. One of the seven primary planets, remarkable for the red colour of his light ; named after Mars, god of war. VERBA NOMINALIA. 177 In heraldry, another name for gules or red. An old mythological designation of several preparations of iron. MARSALA. A wine made at Marsala, a seaport of Sicily. The Marsala wines only came into repute since 1802, when Lord Nelson introduced them for the use of the British fleet. The district is estimated to yield annually about 30,000 pipes of wine, of which two-thirds are exported. There are at Marsala six establishments, four British and two Sicilian. Three of the British are on a large scale. MARSDENIA. A genus of plants, natives of New Hol- land; named in honour of William Marsdeu, Esq., F.R.S., late secretary to the Admiralty, author of a History of Su- matra, and of a Dictionary of the Malayan Language. MARSEILLAISE. A patriotic and warlike hymn, the words and music of which were composed at Strasbourg, in 1792, by Rouget de Lisle, an officer in the army. It had been written for the army of the Rhine, and on that account re- ceived from its author the title of " Le chant de guerre de I'armee du Rhin," but shortly afterwards, the Marseillais, who in 1792 came to Paris to demand the abolition of royalty, and who took part in the attack on the Tuileries, made it known in the capital, when it was baptised by the name of the Mar- seillaise, or Hymne des Marseillais, the only appellation by which it is now known. MARSELLA. A twilled linen, probably from Marseilles, which is also noted, amongst other articles, for its elegant quilts. MARTELLO. A sort of tower or fortification adapted to the defence of sea-coasts ; so named from Martello, a Corsican engineer, the first inventor. Hence our Martello towers, circular buildings of masonry erected along parts of the British coasts as a defence against the meditated invasion of Bonaparte. MARTEN or MARTERNE. A carnivorous animal allied to the weasel, whose fur is used in making hats and muffs. " L. martes, a name that seems to come a Marte, because it destroys poultry and other birds ; Vi martia (Vossius and Gresner)." — Richardson. N 178 VERBA NOMINALIA. MARTIAL. Pertaining to war, united to war, as martial equipage, martial music, martial appearance ; so called from Mars (gen. Martis), god of war. Warlike, brave, given to war, as a martial nation or people. Suited to battle, as a martial array. Belonging to war, or to an army and navy ; opposed to civil, as martial law ; a court-martial. Per- taining to Mars, or borrowing the properties of that planet. Pertaining to iron, called by the old alchemists Mars. MARTIAL. A pear ; in some parts called Angelic Pear {Poire Angelique), and in the South of France Poire Douce. MARTIALISM. Bravery; martial exercises. See Mak- TIAL. {obs.) MARTIN, MARTINET, or MARTLET (Fr. martinet, Sp. martinete). A bird of the swallow kind, which forms its nest in buildings. The Germans call it mauer-schwalbe, wall swallow, and Webster seems to think, therefore, that the word may have been formed from the root of L. miiru,s (W. mur), a wall : " But, like the martlet, Builds in the weather on the outward wall, Euen in the force and rode of casualtie." — Shaks. Miushew thinks — with more ingenuity than truth, says Skinner — " that these birds are so called because they come here about the end of March, and leave us about the feast of St. Martin." MARTIN. The Lord Martin (Martin Sire) ; a pear so named ; called also Hocrenaille and Ronoille. MARTINET. In military language, a strict disciplinarian, or rather one who is stupidly fussy about trifles, derived from Col. Martinet, an officer of'the French infantry. MARTIN GAL, MARTINGALE (Fr. martingale, It. and Sp. martingala). A strap or thong fastened to the girth under a horse's belly, and at the other end of the musrole, passing between the fore legs. " Lord what a hunting head she carries ; sure she has been ridden with a martingale. — Beaum. §* F. According to Berenger (Hist, and Art of Horsemanship, c. VERBA NOMINALIA. 179 10), it was invented by Evangelista, an eminent horseman of Milan. The primary signification of the French word is rendered " Culottes dont le pent etait place par derriere." The martingale breeches are said to have been so called from the Martegaux, a people of Provence, who first wore them. They were still in fashion at the French court in 1579. See Beza, H. Stephens, Manage Diet. Nat. ; Dial, du Nouv. Lang. Fr. Ital. p. 210 ; and Rabelais, liv. i. ch. 20. In ships a short perpendicular spar, under the bowsprit end, used for reeving the stays. Technical name of a system employed by gamblers, as they imagine, to make success certain. It consists in doubling the stake every time you lose. MARTINMAS. The mass or feast of St. Martin, the 11th of November. MARTYNIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Pedaliacece ; named after Professor Martyn. MARYLAND. One of the principal kinds of tobacco im- ported into England ; from Maryland, in the United States. MASCAGNIN (mas-kan'-i/m). Native sulphate of am- monia, found in volcanic districts ; named after Mascagni, who first discovered it. MASDEU. A red wine, doubtless from Masdeu, France, dep. Pyrenees-Orientales (Roussillon). Mas-dieu is the name of a village, dep. Gard (Languedoc). MASONITE. A mineral, colour blackish-green, found near Katharinenburg, in Siberia, and in Rhode Island ; named after Mason. MASORETIC, MASORETICAL. Relating to the Maso- rites, inventors of the Hebrew vowel points and accents. They adhered to the traditionary readings of the Scriptures, and were authors of the Masora, a Jewish critical work on the text of the Hebrew Scriptures, written in the eighth and ninth centuries. The word masora signifies tradition, from IDD, to deliver. MASSONIA. A genus of plants of four species, natives of the Cape ; named by Thunberg after Francis Masson, author of Stapeliae Novae, who, in company with Thunberg, found these plants. N 2 180 VERBA NOMINALIA. MATARO. A wine from Mataro, in Catalonia. MATLOCKITE. A mineral of a yellowish colour, with sometimes a greenish tinge, found in the Cromford Level, near Matlock, county Derby. MATTHIOLA. A tree, a species of Guettarda, a native of America; named by Plumier after Pietro Andrea Matthio- lus, the celebrated botanist and commentator on Dioscorides. MATUSCHK^A. A genus of plants of only one species, a native of Guiana ; named after Count Matuschka, author of Flora Silesiaca. MAUD. A grey woollen shepherd's plaid, something between a shawl and a railway rug. The word occurs in Guy Manuering. It was probably named after one of the royal family of England or Scotland, perhaps Matilda or Maud, daughter of Malcolm, King of Scots, and first wife of Henry I. ; or Henry's daughter, the Empress Matilda ; or Matilda, who married Stephen, grandson of William the Conqueror. MAUDLIN. Sentimental ; drunk ; fuddled ; approaching to intoxication ; stupid. " And the maudlin crowd melts in her praise." — Southern. "She largely, what she wants in words, supplies With maudlin eloquence of trickling eyes." — Roscommon. The word is corrupted from Magdalen, from a ludicrous resemblance to the picture of St. Mary Magdalene, who is drawn by painters with eyes swelled and red with weeping. A reformed prostitute. (Sweet) A jslant of the genus Achillea, allied to milfoil. MAUMETRY. See Mammet. MAURANDIA. A genus of plants, evergreen climbing herbs ; named by Dr. Ortega in honour of the wife of Dr. Maurandy, professor of botany at Carthagena. MAURI A. A genus of plants, trees, nat. or. Terebtnthacece ; natives of Peru ; named in honour of Antonio Mauri. MAURITIA. A genus of plants, or. Hexandria ; natives of Surinam ; named in honour of Prince Maurice of Nas- sau. VERBA NOMINALIA. 181 MAUSOLEUM. A magnificent tomb, or stately sepul- chral monument ; so called from Mausolus, king of Caria, a pi-ovince of Asia Minor, to whom Artemisia, his widow, raised a superb monument. This building, erected B.C. 352, was esteemed one of the seven wonders of the world. Ac- cording to Pliny, it was 111 feet in circumference, and 140 feet high, and it is said to have been encompassed by thirty- six columns, and greatly enriched with sculpture. " Arte- misia was renowned in history for her extraordinary grief at the death of her husband Mausolus. She is said to have mi*ed his ashes in her daily drink, and to have gradually died away in grief during the two years that she survived him. She induced the most eminent Greek rhetoricians to proclaim his jiraise in their oratory, and to j^erpetuate his memory she built at Halicarnassus the celebrated monu- ment Mausoleum, which was regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world, and whose name subsequently became the generic term for any splendid sepulchral monument " (Cic. Tusc. iii. 31 ; Strabo xiv. p. 656 ; Gellius x. 18 ; Plin. H. N. XXV. 36, xxxvi. 4, 9 ; Val. Max. iv. 6, ext. 1 ; Suid. Harpocr, s. vv. AprsjaicTia and MocvtrcuXo;). Another celebrated monu- ment was erected by her in the island of Rhodes, to com- memorate her success in making hei'self mistress of the island. The Rhodians, after recovering their liberty, made it inaccessible, whence it was called in later times the AfSarov (Vitruv. ii. 8). See Dr. W. Smith's Diet. " Some (great princes) have amused the dull, sad years of life, (Life spent in indolence, and therefore sad) With schemes of monumental fame ; and sought By pyramids and mausolean pomp, Short liv'd themselves, t' immortalise their bones." Coioper. Task, b. 5. "The whole chapel called by his (Henry VII.) name, is properly but his mausoleum, he building it solely for the burial-place of himself and the royal family, and accordingly ordering by his will that no person should be interred there." Dart. Antiq. Westm. Abbey, vol. I. p. 32. See also Holland, Plinie, b. xxxvi. c. 5. 182 VEKBA NOMINALIA. MAWMETRY or MAUMETRY. See Mammet. MAWWORM. A hypocrite ; so named from a character in Gibber's play of the Hypocrite. "Ah, do despise me ; I'm the prouder for it ; I likes to be despised." MAX D'OR or MAXIMILIAN. A gold coin of Bavaria, equal to 13s. 7^d. ; doubtless named after the Emperor Maximilian. MAY (L. Mains, Fr. Mai, It. Maggio, Sp. Mayo). The fifth month of the year beginning with January, but the third beginning with March, as was the ancient practice of the Romans. Some derive " Maius a majoribus, like Junius a junioribus." Bailey says, " Maius from majores, so called by Romulus in respect of the senators." Festus derives the word from Maia, mother of Mercury, to Avhom this month was made sacred. To celebrate the 1st of May with rural sports. MAY-DUKE. The popular and most universally culti- vated cherry, thriving well in nearly all countries, situations, and soils. The name is said to be a corruption of Medoc, a district in the south of France, where this variety (the type of all the class now called dukes) is said to have originated. Charles Mcintosh's Book of the Garden, ii. 542. MAZARINE. Formerly a hood made after the fashion of that worn by the Duchess of Mazarin. — Bailey. MAZARINE. A deep blue colour ; probably named after Cardinal Mazarin, regent of France during the minority of Louis XIV. A particular way of dressing fowls (in Fr. a la Mazarine). Formerly a little dish to be set in the middle of a large one. Formerly a sort of small tart filled with sweetmeats. MEANDER. A winding course ; a winding or turning in a passage, as the meanders of the veins and arteries {Hale). " While lingering rivers in meanders glide." — Blackmore. So named from Meander, a tortuous river of Phrygia. A maze ; a labyrinth ; perplexity, as the meanders of the law (Arbuthnot). To wind, to turn, to flow round; to make VERBA NOMINALIA. 183 flexuous ; to wind or turn in a course or passage ; to be in- tricate. A fretwork in arched roofs (found mccander'). MEANDRINA. A genus of corals with meandering cells, as the braiu-stone coral. — Mantell. See Meander. MEC^ENATIANUM. In ancient Italy, a rare wine, of exquisite flavour, introduced at his table by Mecaenas, the friend of Augustus, Virgil, and Horace. MECHLIN. A species of beautiful and durable lace made at Mechlin (Malines), in Belgium. It is now nearly super- seded by the manufacture of tulles, and only a very small quantity is made. MECHOACAN {mechoacanna) . White jalap, the root of an American species of convolvulus, from Mechoacan, in Mexico ; a purgative of slow operation, but safe. — Encyc. MEDICA. A sort of trefoil ; from Media, its native soil. — Forsyth. But see Medicago. MEDICAGO, A genus of plants, nat. or. Leguminosce ; from Medike, the name given by Discorides to a Median grass. MEDIN, MEDINO. A coin and money of account in Egypt. According to Kelly, at Cairo forty Medini are equal to Is. 7jf/. It was probably first coined at Medina. MEDINENSIS VENA. The muscular worm, which in some countries inhabits the cellular membrane between the skin and-muscles ; the guinea worm. " So called because it is frequent in Medina, and improperly called vena for vermis; and sometimes nervus Iledinensis.'" Hooper, Lex. Med. MEDJIDITE, A mineral, a hydrous sulphate, occurring near Adrianople, Turkey; also at Joachimsthal, in Germany ; named in honour of Sultan Abdul Medjid. MEDOC. A celebrated red wine produced at M^doc, an ancient district of France, prov. Guienne, now comprised in dep. Gironde. A kind of shining pebble. MEDUSA. A tree from Cochin China. See Medusa. MEDUS-iE. A genus of gelatinous radiate animals called sea-nettles ; so named because their organs of motion spread out like the snaky hair of Medusa. MEDUSIDANS. Gelatinous radiate animals, which float or swim in the sea, of which Medusse is the genus. See Medusa. 184 VERBA NOMINALIA. MEIBOMIAN or MEIBOMIUS'S GLANDS {ciUarrj follicles). The small glands lying under the inner membrane of the eyelid, first described by Henry Meibomius, an emi- nent professor of medicine, who was born at Liibeck in 1638. Hooper, Lex. Med. MELAMPODIUM. Black hellibore ; from Melampus, the shepherd who first used it {Forsyth). But qy. from Gr. fj.eXa.iJ.iroSiov, blackfoot. MELEAGRIS. The guinea-fowl, a genus of birds of the or. Gallince ; so called f>om Meleager, whose sisters were turned into this bird. A bulbous plant, a species of fritil- laria or crown imperial; so called because its flowers are spotted like a guinea-fowl. MEMBRANA RUYSCHIANA. " Ruysch discovered that the choroid membrane of the eye was composed of two laminae. He gave the name of Membrana RuyscMana to the internal lamina, leaving the old name of choroides to the external." — Forsyth. MEMPHIAN. Pertaining to Memphis; very dark; a sense borrowed from the darkness of Egypt in the time of Moses ; from Memphis, the ancient metropolis of Egypt. " Qy. from some oracle, or covered labyrinth at Memphis " {S. F. C). MENACHANITE. One of the ores of titanium, a metal, colour deep blue, discovered by Gregor in 1791 in the bed of a rivulet which flows into the valley of Menacan, in Cornwall. Other ores of this metal are called Iserine, from the river Iser, in Silesia ; Nigrine, from its black colour ; Spene, Rutile, and Octahedrite. MENDIPITE. A mineral ; yellowish-white, straw-yellow, pale red, pale blue ; found with ores of lead, calcite, and earthy black manganese, at Churchill, in the Mendip Hills, in Somersetshire, and at Brilon, in Westphalia. MENEGHINITE. A mineral in compact fibrous forms ; from Bottino, in Tuscany, where it was obtained, along with Boulangerite and Jamesonite, by Professor Meneghini. MENILITE. A brown impure opal, occurring in flattened nodular concretions at Menil Montant, near Paris. — Dana. VERBA NOMINALIA. 185 MENTOR. A wise and faithful counsellor or monitor ; so called from Mentor, counsellor of Telemachus. MENTZELIA. A genus of annual plants, natives of South America ; named by Plumier in honour of Dr. Christian Mentzel, a German botanical writer, and councillor and phy- sician to the Elector of Brandenburg. MEMNON. A celebrated statue (of which there is a copy in the British Museum) which stood near Thebes in Egypt, and which was said to have the property of emitting a sound like the snapping asunder of a musical string, as the first beams of sunrise fell upon it ; named, as Mannert thinks, after Memnon, a celebrated architect of Syene ; but according to Champollion, after Memnon, whom he identifies with Ameno- phis II. Champollion, indeed, makes the inscription on the base of the statue equivalent to Amenoph (A[ji.svcu^). But see Lempriere. MEMNONIDES or MEMNONIANS. Certain birds which are said to have arisen from the ashes of Memnon (a king of Ethiopia, son of Tithonus and Aurora), who was killed at the siege of Troy, and which birds came every year to visit his tomb upon the banks of the Hellespont. But see Lempriere, under " Memnon." MENZIESIA. A genus of plants, shrubs, mostly natives of North America ; named in honour of Archibald Menzies, F.L.S., who made a voyage round the world with Vancouver, and collected many rare plants in New Holland and North America. MEPHISTOPHELIAN. Diabolical, sardonic, like to Mephistopheles, one of the principal characters in Goethe's Faust, the subject of which was suggested by the tale of Dr. Faustus, where, however, the name under which the devil appears is Mephostopheles, supposed to be for Neplwstopheles, from v£'i;>og a cloud, (pjAea; to love. MERCATOR'S CHART. A chart constructed on the principle projected by Mercator, a Flemish geographer. In this chart the degrees upon the meridian increase towards the poles in tlie same pro[)ortion as the parallel circles decrease towards them. 186 VERBA NOMINALIA. MERCURIAL. Formed under the influence of the god Mercury ; active, sprightly, full of fire or vigour ; as, a mer- curial youth, a mercurial nation. Pertaining to Mercury, as god of trade; hence money-making, crafty. Pertaining to or containing quicksilver, or consisting of mercury ; as, mercurial preparations or medicines. MERCURIALIS. A genus of plants, nat. or. Euphorbiacece ; called after Mercury, its fabled discoverer. MERCURIALIST. One under the influence of the god Mercury, or one resembling him in variety of character. MERCURY. The smallest of the inferior planets ; named after Mercury, messenger and interpreter of the gods. Quicksilver, a metal used in barometers. " Sol gold is, and Luna silver we thi-epe ; Mars iren, Mercurie qTiicksilver we clepe." — Chaucer. Heat of constitutional temperament, spirit, sprightly qualities. The name of a newspaper or periodical publica- tion. A messenger, a news-carrier ; " from the ofl&ce of the god Mercury" {Webster'). In heraldry, the tincture pwr- pure in blazoning. MEROVINGIAN. A term applied to the written character of certain MSS. still extant in the French libraries ; so called from Merovee, first king of France of a race which reigned 333 years, viz., from Pharamond to Charles Martel. MERRY-ANDREW. A buffoon, a zany, one whose busi- ness is to make sport for others ; particularly one who attends a mountebank or quack doctor. " He would be a statesman, be- cause he is a buffoon ; as if there went no more to the making of a counsellor than the faculties of a Merry- Andreio or tumbler " (L'Estrange). " The first who made the experiment was a Merry -Andreiv" (Spectator). '"This term is said to have origi- nated from one Andrew Borde, a physician in the time of Henry VIIL, who attracted attention and gained patients by facetious speeches to the multitude " (Smart). " 'Twas from the doctor's method of using such speeches at markets and fairs that in after-times those that imitated the like humorous jocose VERBA NOMINALIA. 187 language were styled Merry-Andrews, a term much in vogue on our stages " (Wharton, English Poetry). MESMERISM. Animal magnetism ; the art of communi- cating a sort of sleep which is supposed to affect the body while the mind, i.e. the brain, is active and intelligent ; first introduced in 1778 by Frederic Anton Mesmer, a physician, born at Mersburg, in Swabia, about 1734. Now-a-days phreno- logy and spirit-rapping are more in vogue. METONIC. The cycle of the moon, or period of nineteen years, in which the lunations of the moon return to the same days of the month ; so called from its discoverer Meton, the Athenian. See Aelian, Var. Hist. x. 7; Censorinus, c. 18; Diodorus, xii. 36 ; Ptol. Synt. iii. 2 ; and Dr. W. Smith's Diet., under " Meton." MEXICANUM. A name of the balsam of Peru ; so called from Mexico, whence it is brought. MIASCITE. A columnar variety of bitterspar, intermixed with asbestos ; from Miaska, in Siberia. MICHAEL ITE. A sub-variety of siliceous sinter, found in the isle of St. Michael. — /. W. Webste?-. MICHAELMAS. The feast of St. Michael, a festival of the Roman Catholic church celebrated September 29th. In colloquial language, autumn. MIDAS. The generic name of a small monkey of which there are seven species, among which are Midas rosalia and Marikina or Silhy Tamarin ; probably called Midas from the large size and breadth of its ears, like to those of Midas, which were changed by Apollo into ass's ears. MIDDLETONITE. A resin found in small rounded masses, or thin seams between layers of coal, at Middleton, near Leeds, and also at Newcastle. MIEMITE. A variety of magnesian limestone, colour light green or greenish-white ; first found at Miemo, in Tus- cany. MIKE. To loiter ; or, as a costermonger defined it, to " lazy about." The term probably originated at St. Giles's, which used to be thronged with Irish labourers (Mike being so common a term with them as to become a generic appellation 188 VERBA NOMINALTA. for Irishmen with the vulgar), wlio used to loiter about the Pound, and lean against the public-houses in the " Dials " waiting for hire. — J. C. Hotten. MILESIAN, A term sometimes applied to the Irish ; so called from Milesius, whose eight sons are said to have made an expedition from Spain, and to have obtained possession of Ireland. The term Milesian fables is given to certain tales or novels composed by Aristides of Miletus (the Boccaccio of his time), much praised for the grace and naivete of the style and the gaiety of the narration. They were translated into Latin by the historian Sisenna, friend of Atticus, and had a great success at Rome. Plutarch, in his life of Crassus, tells us that after the defeat of Carhes (Carrhje ?) some Milesiacs were found in the baggage of the Roman prisoners. The Greek text and the translation have been long lost. The only fable of this sort that we have left is that of Psyche, which Apuleius calls Milesius sermo, a work which gives a very good idea of the Milesian fables, and which makes one much regret their loss. MILLEA. A genus of Mexican plants ; named after Julian Milla, chief gardener of Royal Botanical Gardens at Madrid. MILLER. A word frequently called out when a person relates a stale joke ; for Joe Miller. — J. C. H. MILLERIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Compositce ; called after Mr. Miller, author of the Gardener's Dictionary. — Crabb. MILLINER. A woman who makes and sells headdresses, bonnets, &c., for females. " He hath songs for man or woman, of all sizes ; no milliner can so fit his customers with gloues." — Shaks. Richardson says, " one who deals in a mixed vavietj of articles." Bailey renders milliner a seller of ribbons, gloves, &c., of L. mille, a thousand (i.e., one who sells a thousand sorts of things). Richardson says, " so called from Milaner, one from Milan; or Malineer, from Maline {Malines); or millenarius, because he deals in a thousand articles. It is perhaps mistlener, from mistleyi or mestlin, a medley or mixture." MILTONIA. A genus of Orchidaceous plants, said to have been named in honour of the poet Milton. VERBA NOMINALIA. 189 MINERVALIA. Festivals at Rome in houour of Minerva. During these solemnities scholars obtained some relaxation from their studies, and it was customary for them to offer to their masters a present called minerval, in allusion to the god- dess being the patroness of literature. MINIE. A celebrated rifle invented by Captain (now Colonel) Minie, a Frenchman. MINOTAUR (L. minotaurus). A monster invented by the poets, half nnan and half bull, kept in D^edalus's labyrinth. " Thou may'st not wander in that labyrinth, There minotaurs and ugly treasons lurk." — Shahs. " Here I, enclosed fi'om all the world asunder, The minotaur of shame, kept for disgrace ; The monster of fortune, and the world's wonder, Liv'd cloist'red in so desolate a cave." Daniel. The Complaint of Rosamond. " And by his banner borne in his penon Of gold full riche, in which ther was ybete The minotaure which that he slew in Crete." Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 981 . The word is derived from Minois taurus, bull of Minos. MIQUELETS. A species of partisan troops raised in the north of Spain {T. Wright). They were found principally in the Pyrenees, upon the borders of Catalonia and Arragon, and received their name from their leader Miguel. Napoleon in 1808 created a corps called Miquelets Fran^ais, to oppose the Spanish guerillas. Louis XIV. had previously formed a corps in 1689, Louis XV. another in 1744, and the Republic had done the same in 1789. MIRBELIA. A genus of Australian subshrubs ; named in honour of M. Mirbel, a French botanist, formerly superinten- dent of the botanic garden at Malmaison, author of several excellent works on the anatomy and physiology of vegetables. MITCHELLS. Among builders, Purbeck stones, from fifteen inches square to two feet, squared and hewn ready for building; probably from a surname. MITHRIDATE, An antidote against poison, or a compo- sition in form of an electuary, supposed to serve either as a 190 VERBA NOMINALIA. remedy or a preservative against poison. " Were it not strange a physician should decline exhibiting of mithridate, because it was a known medicine, and famous for its cures many ages since ?" (Boyle, Works, vol. ii., p. 288.) *' But as in mithridate, or just perfumes, Where all good things being met, no one presumes To govern, or to triumph on the rest." Donne. Progi-ess of the Soul. It is said to take its name from Mithridates, king of Pontus, its supposed inventor. " Cratevas hath ascribed the invention of one hearbe to King Mithridates himselfe, called after his name Mithridation " (Holland, Plinie, b. xxv. c. 6). " Mith- ridates experiencing the virtues of the simples separately, afterwards combined them; but then this composition consisted of but few ingredients, viz., twenty leaves of rue, two walnuts, two figs, and a little salt: of this he took a dose every morning, to guard himself against the effects of poison, &c." {Forsyth). MOAB. An university term applied to the turban-shaped hat fashionable among ladies, and ladylike swells of the other sex, in 1858-9; from the Scripture phrase, " Moab is my washpot" (Ps. Ix. 8), which article the hat in question is supposed to resemble. — J. C. Hotten. MOCHA. A celebrated coffee which still maintains its superiority over the coffee produced in the European colonies. It is brought from Mocha, in Arabia ; or rather, it is grown at Bulgosa, near Bait-al-Fakih, and exported from Mocha. A term applied to a cat of a black colour, intermixed with brown ; from the Mocha pebble. (Prov.) — Hallkvell. MOCHA STONE. A mineral, in the interior of which appear brown, reddish-brown, blackish, or green delineations of shrubs destitute of leaves ; from Mocha, in Arabia. MOCO. A monkey so called, as coming from Moco, in the Persian Gulf. See Buffon. MODENA. A crimson-like colour ; from Modena, in Italy. MOEHRINGIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. CaryophyllecB ; named after P. H. G. Moehring, a German physician, author of Hortus Proprius, and other works. MOliNCHIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Ca7'yophyllece ; VERBA NOMINALIA. 191 named after Conrad Moench, professor of botany at Marburg, author of Enumeratio Plautarum Indigenaruni Hassige, prae- sertim inferioris, and a work on the cultivation of North American forest trees in Germany, &c. MOGADORE. A bees'-wax from Mogador, a seaport of Morocco. MOHAMMEDANISM. The religion or doctrines and pre- cepts of Mohammad or Mahomet, as contained in the Koran. MOHAWK or MOHOCK. The appellation given to cer- tain ruffians who infested the streets of London early in the eighteenth century; so called from Mohawk or Mohock, native name of one of the Iroquois tribes of Indians. Cf. Amer. Jouru. Sciences, conducted by Prof. Silliman, vol. 41, p. 28. M0LIN-.3EA. A genus of plants (by some treated as a species of Cupania) ; named by Commerson in honour of Johannes Molinaeus (Jean des Moulins), to whose assistance Dalecliamp had recourse in the composition of his work. MOLINISM. The doctrines of the Molinists or followers of the opinions of Molina, a Spanish Jesuit, which doctrines somewhat resemble the tenets of the Arminians. MOLL. A girl ; nickname for Mary. — /. C. H. MOLMUTIN LAWS. The laws of Dunwallo Molmutius, sixteenth king of the Britains. They were famous here till the time of William the Conquei'or, — Bailey. MOLUCCELLA (Molucca balm). A genus of plants, nat. or. Labiatce ; said to be natives of the Moluccas. — Crabb. MONARDA. A genus of North American herbaceous perennial plants ; named after Nicholas Monardes, a Spanish physician and botanist, who lived at Seville about the end of the sixteenth century ; author of the Materia Medica of the New World, and other works. MONETIA. A genus of plants ; named by M. L'Heritier in honour of J. B. de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck, a cele- brated French botanical writer. MONEY. A stamped piece of metal ; from L. moneta, the Roman name for money or coins ; so called, it is said, because the Romans kept their silver money in the Temple of Juno Moneta, mother of the Muses, on which account the latter is 192 VERBA NOMINALIA. commonly represented on medals ns a female with a pair of scales, and is symbolical of justice, liberality, &c. See Liv. vi. 20; Cic. Phil. vii. 1 ; Cic. Att. viii. 7; Suet.; Cfes. 76. MONMOUTH CAP. A kind of flat cap formerly worn by the common people. — Halliwell. MONONGAHELA. Rye whiskey ; so called in America because large quantities of it were produced in the neighbour- hood of the Monongahela, a river of Pennsylvania {Bartlett). American whiskey in general, as distinguished from usquebaugh and innishowen, the Scotch and Irish sorts. MONRADITE. A mineral, a hydrous silicate, from Eei-gen, in Norway ; named after M. Monrad. MONROLITE. A mineral consisting of silica, alumina, magnesia, and water ; found at Monroe, Orange Co., New York. MONS MENELAUS. A modern northern constellation of eleven stars ; named after Menelaus, husband of Helen. MONTANISM. See Montanize. MONTANIZE. To think as Montanus thought ; to adopt, to follow, the doctrine of Montanus {Ency. Met.) " TertuUian, together with such as were his followers, beganne to montanize, and pretending to perfect the seueritie of Christian discipline, brought in sundrie unaccustomed dayes of fasting, continued their fasts a great deale longer, and made them more rigorous than the vse of the church had been " (Hooker, Eccles. Pol. b, V. s. 72, fol. 392). " Whereupon TertuUian, proclaiming euen open warre to the church, maintained Montanisme, wrote a booke in defence of the new fast, intituled the same, a Treatise of Fasting, against the opinion of the carnall sort " {Id. ih.) MONTEFIASCO. A rich wine made at Montefiascone, in Italy. MONTEPULCIANO. A celebrated wine made at Monte- pulciano^ a town of Tuscany, prov. Florence. MONTETH. A vessel in which glasses are washed ; named after the inventor. " New things produce new words, and thus Monteth Has by one vessel sav'd his name from death." — King. MONTGOLFIER (Fr. montgolfiere). A name given to VERBA NOMINAT.TA. 193 balloons which receive their buoyancy from the burning of combustible materials ; so called from their originator, Jacques Etienne Montgolfier, celebrated for his inventions. MONTMARTRITE. A mineral, colour yellowish ; found at Montmartre, Paris. MONTMORILLONITE. A mineral, a hydrous silicate, colour rose-red ; from Montmorillon, in France ; also found at Confolens (Charente), and near St. Jean de Colle (Dordogne). MOORCROFTIA. A genus of East Indian plants ; named in honour of William Moorcroft. MORAVIAISISM. The religious system of the Moravians, a congregation of Christians who sprung up in Moravia and Bohemia at the dawn of the Reformation, and are otherwise called United Brethren, and on the Continent Herrn Hiiters. They generally adhere to the Augsburg Confession, and are distinguished by their Christian virtues and great simplicity of dress and manners. They have settlements in Germany, Switzerland, England, and America, and are noted for the energy they display in directing missions for the conversion of what are termed " the heathen " to the remotest parts of the globe. MOREA. A genus of plants whose species are bulbs, na- tives of the Cape ; named by Miller after Robert More, of Shrewsbury, a celebrated botanist and naturalist. MORESQUE or MORESCO (It. morcsco). A kind of painting or carving done after the Moorish manner, consisting of grotesque pieces and compartments promiscuously intei'- spersed ; arabesque. MORETTIA. A genus of cruciferous plants ; named in honour of J. L. Moretti, an Italian botanist. MORGANIA. A genus of herbaceous plants, natives of the tropical parts of Australia ; named by Mr. R. Brown in honour of Hugh Morgan, an English horticulturist, who flourished temp. Queen Elizabeth, and whose garden is often mentioned by Lobel and Gerarde. MORION (found morrion, morian, and murrion ; Fr. morion, It. morione, Sp. morrion). A kind of open helmet, without visor or beaver, somewhat resembling a hat. o 194 VERBA NOMINALIA. " Fhilopoemen reformed all this, perswadlng them to use the pike and shield instead of the little target, spear, or bore-staff, and to put good morians or burganets on their heads." — Sir Thomas North, Plutarch, fol. 309. " Their beef they often in their murrions stewed." King. Art of Cookery. " Then to herselfe she gives her ^gide shield, And steel-hed speare, and morion on lier hedd, Such as she oft is seene in warlike field." Spenser. Muiopotmos. Somo derive the word from L. motnts, dark -coloured, black ; and Menaae tells us that the Low Latin writers call a cuirass bninia, on account of its brown colour. According to others, it was so called because introduced into Europe by the Moors. Bochart says "from Maurus, & Maurorum usu (because used by the Moors) : ut Moresque, saltationis genus," " C'^tait autrefois la coiffure sp^ciale des arquebusiers et des mousquetaires. C'6tait aussi le nom d'une sorte de chatiment militaire qui consistait a frapper sur le derriere le soldat coupable avec la hampe d'une hallebarde ou la crosse d'un mousquet " (Bouillet, Diet, des Sciences). MORISCO or MORISK. A term variously applied by old writers to the work called moresque ; to the J/oon'sA lan- guage ; and also to a dance, or a dancer of morris or Moorish dances. — Webster. MORMONISM. The doctrines of the Mormonites, follow- ers of the factitious prophet Mormon, usually called Mormons. MORNA. A genus of composite plants ; so named after a heroine of Northern romance. — T. Wright, M.A. MOROCCO (found marroquin, Fr. maroquin). A fine kind of leather, prepared commonly from goatskin (though an infe- rior kind is made of sheepskin), and tanned with sumach ; from Morocco, or rather Marocco, where first manufactured. A strong ale brewed with beef or some other sort of meat at Levens Hall, in Cumberland. " Morocco is the name of the drink ; it is brewed at Levens, near jMilnthorp, from a re- cipe found wrapped up in lead near an evergreen in the old garden. Flesh is certainly introduced, as I believe it to be in VERBA NOMINALIA. 195 the Durham University strong beer. The exact recipe for brewing morocco is kept strictly secret. There is a legend that the secret was brouglit by a Crusader, Howard, and during the Civil Wars buried where it was found, as above, some years ago. Helpless, truly, is the state of that man Avho stoops to drink inferior liquor after imbibing the mighty morocco. It is almost dark, pours like oil, and tastes mild as milk in its treachery." See N. & Q. 3rd S. vii. 74. MORPHIA, MORPHINA, or MORPHINE. A vege- table alkaloid extracted from opium, of which it constitutes one of the narcotic principles ; so called fi^om Morpheus, god of sleep. MORRIS or MORRICE (Fr. moresque). A Moorish dance ; a dance in the Middle Ages, in imitation of the Moors, as saral>ands, chacons, &c., usually performed with castanets, tambours, &c., by young men in their shirts, with bells at their feet, and ribbons of various colours tied round their arms and flung across their shoulders. It was common in Spain. The Spanish fandango, danced to the present day, is the old Moor- ish or morris dance. A kind of game sometimes played in the field with nine holes in the ground, and called nine-men's morris ; sometimes played on a board (Skak. Torhy). The morris or morrice (found moriske) is said to have been inti'o- duced into England by John of Gaunt, who supposed the Galician Spanish dance to be of Moorish origin. MOSAIC, MOSAICAL. Pertaining to Moses; as the Mosaic law, rites, or institutions. MOSAIC (Fr. mosaique; It. mosaico ; Sp. mosayco ; L. musivus, musivum opus). An assemblage of little pieces of glass, marble, precious stones, &c., of various colours, cut square, and cemented on a ground of stucco, in such a manner as to imitate the colours and granulations of painting ; from ^ovcrsiov, relating to the Muses, on account of its elegance. Hence mosaic gold {cturum niusiviini), the alchemical name of the bi-sulphuret of tin, produced in fine flakes of a beautiful gold colour, and used as a pigment. See also Museum. MOSASAURUS. A saurian reptile, related to the crocodile, whose remains are found in beds of clay near Maestricht, in o 2 196 VERBA NOMINALIA. Holland; from Mosa, Latin name of the Meuse, and Gr. ffav^o;, a lizard. [N.B. — Maestricht was called Pons Mosce. S. F. C] MOSELLE. A sparkling wine made, or supposed to be made, on the banks of the Moselle, which falls into the Rhine, at Coblenz. The Moselle wines, however, like the Rhine wines, are usually denominated from the particular locality where they are made. MOUCHARD. " In the vocabulary of iha secret police the terms mouchard and mouton are the two which are most familiar to those who are uninitiated in its mysteries. The word mouchard is not of modern origin. A certain Antoine de Mouchy, otherwise Democharis, a Doctor of the Sorbonne and Canon of Xoyon, in 1574 acquired an unenviable notoriety among his contemporaries by his zeal against the Reformers, and was appointed ' Inquisitor of the Faith.' The Reformers who were persecuted by, and wlio naturally hated him, gave the name of mouchards to those whom he employed as spies to hunt out dissenters. In his History of the Parliament of Paris, Voltaire says, ' The famous Mouchy was in reality an informer, a spy of the Cardinal de Lorraine, and it was for him that the nickname of mouchard was invented, and which de- signated all spies. The term has become an insult.' Other authorities will have it that it comes from mouche, a fly, be- cause the mouchard, like the fly, is ever buzzing about the ears of people. ' Mouton ' is applied to an agent who, a prisoner himself, is employed to lead the conversation of his fellows in plots and conspiracies, and to gradually tempt them to disclose their plots with the same apparent frankness that he reveals his own. They follow him as a flock of sheep follow their leader. Agents of this kind are employed in most political conspiracies, and when all is ready they either disappear, or may be included among the arrested as a matter of form, and when brought to trial inform against their accomplices or those who confide their secrets to them." — Times, 26 Feb., 1864. MUHLENBERGIA. A genus of American grasses ; named by Schrceber in honour of Henry Muhlenberg, D.D., of Lan- VERBA NOMINALIA. 197 caster, in Peiiusylvanin, who discovered this genus, and wrote iseveral valutible botanical treatises. MULLERIZE. To cut down a hat, after the manner of the late Franz Miiller ; a term now used by some hatters. MULLINGAR HEIFER. A girl with thick ankles (/m/j). *' The story goes that a traveller passing through IMullingar was so struck with this local peculiarity in the women that he determined to accost the first he next met. ' May I ask,' said he, ' if you wear hay in your shoes ?' ' Faith ! an' I do,' said the girl, ' and Avhat then ?' ' Because,' says the traveller, ' that accounts for the calves of your legs coming down to feed on it.' " — J. C. Rotten. MUM (G. mumme, D. momme). A laalt liquor, made of malt of wheat, oatmeal, and ground beans, brewed with water, much used in Germany, and called sometimes Brunswick mum; sometimes Hamburg mum. " See how the Belgae, sedulous and stout. With bowls of fattening mum or blissful cups Of kernel-relisli'd fluids, the fair star Of early phosphorus salute." — J. PhU'qJs. Cider, b. ii. *' The clamorous crowd is husli'd with mugs of 71111 m, 'Jill all, tun'd equal, send a general hum." Pope. The Dunciad, b. ii. *' Skinner," says Richardson, " calls the G. mumme a strong kind of beer introduced by us from Brunswick, and derived either from G. mummeln, to mumble, or from mnm (silentii in- dex), i.e. either drink that will (ut nos dicimus) make a cat speak, or drink that will take away the power of speech." The German word is with more probability derived from Christiern Mumme, a brewer of Braunschweig (Brunswick) Wolfenbiittel, who first made it in 1492, and who, in 1498, lived in the house No. 846, which is still standing, -with his sign, viz., the backbone of a fish (Cf. Itiu. d'Allemagne, Richard). For a Catch in Praise of Mum, see Playford's Second Book of the Musical Companion, W. Pearson, 1715. Cf. also Notes and Queries, 3rd S. vi. 434, 503; and vii. 41. MUMMERS. Performers at a travelling theatre {cine.) 198 VERBA NOMINALIA. Rustic performers at Christmas in the West of England (/. C. Hotten). See Mummery. MUMMERY (Fr. momerie; 0. Fr. mommerie ; Sp. momeria). Masking, sport, diversion, frolicking in masks, low contempti- ble amusement, buffoonery, farcical show, hypocritical disguise and parade to delude vulgar minds. " Curse not (this mad-man sayd), but sweare That women be vntrew, Their loue is but a muinmerie, t)r as an April's dew." — Warner. Albion's England. " This same truth is a naked and open day-light, that doth not shew the masques, and tnununerics, and triumphs of the world, half so stately, and daintily, as candle-lights." — Bacon. Ess. of Truth. " The temple and its holy rites profan'd, By mum'ries he that dwelt in it disdain'd." Cowper. Expostulation. Ducange derives this word from Mahomeria, the temple of the Mahometans. Cowel says, " Mahomeria, the temple of Maho- met, so called by Matt. Paris ; and because the gestures, noise, and songs there used were ridiculous to the Christians, there- fore they called antic dancing, and every ridiculous thing a 7)ionimerie." Manage derives ?nommerie from Momus, god of ridicule and raillery: thus Momvs, momarms, momaria, mommerie. We have, however, the word mummer, one who masks himself, and makes diversion in disguise ; originally, says Webster one who made sport by gestures, without speaking ; and Webster gives also the word mumm, to mask, to sport or make diversion in a mask or disguise, Dan. mumme, a mask ; D. mommen, to mask ; G. mumme a mask or muffle, mummehi to mask, to mumble ; Sw. Jormumma, to personate ; which he thinks may be allied to the god Momus. (Mco^ao;, the make- game even of his brother gods, transmitting his name and characteristics to all the modern European languages, says Richardson). Others, again, derive the word from Gr. [ji^opfiu, terriculum. (what Ave call a bugbear). MUNTZ'S METAL. A brass composed of forty parts of zinc to sixty of copper. The proportions may be somewhat VERBA NOMINAl.lA. 199 varied, but the above arc commonly regarded as the most favourable for rolling into sheets ; manufactured by Mr. Muntz. MURCHISONITE. A variety^ of felspar ; named after Sir Roderick Murchison, the geologist. MURPHY. A vulgar name for a potato ; probably so called from the common Irish surname. JMURRAYA. A genus of plants, riat. or. AurantiacecB, w^hose species are natives of the East Indies ; called after Mr. Murray, professor of botany at Gottingen. MUSA. A genus of plants of three species, natives of the East Indies, and other parts of the Asiatic continent, the Molucca Islands, and probably of Africa. The Egyptian name was Mauz, which was changed into Musa by Plumier, in memory of Antonius Musa, freedman of Augustus. MUSEIA. Grecian festivals in honour of the Muses. MUSEUM. A repository of natural, scientific, and literary curiosities, or of works of art; from MovTsiov, originally the name of places in Alexandria and Athens ; so called as being destined and set apart to the Muses and the sciences. MUSLIN (found mxisselin ; Fr. monsseline ; It. mussoUna, mussoUno, mussolo ; Sp. museUna). A sort of cotton cloth. Some derive the Fr. word from mousse, moss, because all the cloths of fine cotton brought from the Indies have a down which they compare to mousse. Webster says, " If this is a compound word, it is formed from mousse, moss, or its root, on account of its soft nap, and liii, flax." The most reason- able etymology is that from Moussoul (Musul), a town of Asiatic Turkey (Mesopotamia), whence this cloth was first brought. According to others, however, it was imjjorted from the East Indies circa 1670; and if so, the name may be derived from Masulipatam, cap. district same name, pres. Madras. A sort of Indian calico is called by the French masulipatan. Bailey says muslin is a fine sort of cotton linen cloth brought from India, &c. The towns of Alenpon, Tarare, and St. Quentin, in France, now produce very first-i'ate muslins ; in- deed, with the exception of Switzerland, they may be said to have the monopoly of this industry. 200 VERBA NOMINALIA. MUSLINET. A sort of coarse cotton cloth ; diminutive of muslin, q,v. MUSSCHIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. CampanulacecB ; named in honour of J. M. llussche. MUSSITE. A variety of pyroxene of a greenish-white colour ; otherw^ise called diopside ; from Mussa, a valley in Piedmont. MUSTARD VILLARS. Formerly a colour so named. " Of olden times," says Stow, " I read that the officers of this city wore gowns of party- colours, as the right side of one colour and the left side of another. As for example, I read in books of accounts in Guildhall that in the nineteenth year of King Henry VI. there was bought for an officer's gown two yards of cloth coloured mustard villars, a colour now out of use, and two yards of cloth coloured blew, price two shillings the yard, in all eight shillings more, paid to John Pope, draper, for two gown-cloths, eight yards, of two colours, eux ombo deux de rouge or red medley, brune and porre (or purple) colour. Price the yard two shillings. These gowns were for Piers Rider and John Buckle, clerks of the chamber." " Mustard villars has been said to be a corruption of moitie velours, and consequently to signify the species of stuff, and not the colour ; but Stow speaks of it here as a colour distinctly. A town called Mous- tiers de Villiers, near Harfleur, is mentioned by the historians of the preceding reign in their accounts of Henry's expedition, and most probably gave its name to the dye or the stuff there manufactured " {Planche), MUTISIA. A climbing plaut, like clematis, of only one species ; named in memory of Joseph Coelestine Mutis, an American botanist, who designed a History of American Plants, especially of palms, and communicated many new plants to the younger Linnseus and others. Joseph de Jussieu had before given this genus the Peruvian name Cruariruma. MUTSCHEN DIAMONDS. A kind of crystals found near Mutschen, in Saxony. MYATT'S PINE. A celebrated strawberry; named after its cultivator. MYGINDA. A genus of plants, shrubs, natives of the VERBA XOMINALTA. 201 West Indies; named by Jacquiu in honour of Francis von Mjgind, a German nobleman, who largely patronised the botanic garden at Vienna, and was himself a practical scientific botanist. MYRMIDON. A soldier of a rough character, a desperate soldier or ruffian under some daring leader : hence the " myr- midons of the law," &c. " The mass of the people will not endure to be governed by Clodius and Curio, at the head of their myrmidons, though these be ever so numerous, and composed of their own representatives." — Swift. So called from the Myrmidons, a people on the borders of Thessaly, who accompanied Achilles to the war against Troy. The Myrmidons were probably named either from their num- bers or their industry ; from Gr. [MupiJiyjSuiy, an ant-hill. MYSORIN or MYSORINE. A mineral of a blackish- brown colour when pure ; usually green or red, from mixture with malachite and red oxide of iron ; found at Mysore, in Hindustan. N. NABONASSAR. A computation of time from the reign of Nabonassar, on that account called the Era of Nabonassar, which was the era followed by Ptolemy the astronomer. NABOTH'S GLANDS {Ovula Nabothi). Small semi- transparent vesicles situated within and around the cervix uteri ; mistaken by Naboth for ovula. NAJAS. A water plant of only one species, native of the sea-coast of Europe ; in the canal between Pisa and Leghorn, and in the Rhine near Bale ; named after Najas or Naias, nymph of the springs. NAMBY-PAMBY. Particular; over-nice; effeminate. "A term applied to that which is contemptible for affected pretti- ness" (Smart), Sir John Stoddart, in his article "Grammar" (Encyc. Met., vol. 1, p. 118), remarks that the word nambij- paiiiby seems to be of modern fabrication, and is particularly 202 VERBA NOMINALIA. intended to describe tliat style of poetry whicli affects the in- fantine simplicity of the nursery, and that it would perhaps be difficult to trace any part of it to a significant origin. It is asserted that Henry Carey, author of " Chrononhotonthologos," and of " The Dragoness of Wantley," wrote a work called Nambij-Pamhy, in burlesque of Ambrose Phillips's style of poetry, and the title of it was probably intended to trifle with that poet's name. Macaulay, in his essay on Addison and his Writings, speaks of Ambrose Phillips, who was a great adula- tor of Addison, as " a middling poet, whose verses introduced a species of composition which has been called after his name, narnhj-pamhij ." Johnson, in his life of Ambrose Phillips, says, " The pieces that please best are those for which Pope and Pope's adherents procured him the name of Namhy-Pamhy, the poems of short lines, by which he paid his court to all ages and characters — from Walpole, ' the steerer of the realm,' to Miss Pulteney in the nursery. The numbers are smooth and sprightly, and the diction is seldom faulty. They are not loaded with much thought; yet if they had been written by Addison they would have had admirers. Little things are not valued but when they are done by those who can do greater." Another writer says, ^^Namby-pamby belongs to a tolerable numerous class of words in our language, all formed on the same rhyming principle. They are all familiar, and some of them childish, which last circumstance probably suggested to Pope the Invention of namby-iKimby, to designate the infantine style which Ambrose Phillips had introduced. Many of them, however, are used by old and approved writers, and the prin- ciple upon which they are formed must be of great antiquity in our language " (Cf. N. h Q., 1st Series). Pamby is doubt- less an iiliteration of Namby, for Amby, a nickname for Am- brose. Among many other words of the namby-pamby school have been given the following : bow-woAV, chit-chat, fiddle- faddle, flim-flam, hab or nab, handy-dandy, harum-scarum, helter-skelter, &c. See also Hotten's Slang Dictionary. NANCEIC ACID. An acid procured from sour rice and other acescent vegetable substances; named by Braconuot in honour of his native town, Nancv, in France. VERBA NOMINALIA. 2t 3 NANKEEN, A species of cloth made of cotton, naturally of a kind of permanent yellow colour ; first manufactured at Nankin, in China. It is now also made in Georgia, United States, and is imitated by the manufacturers of Great Britain, though with far less permanency of colour than the Chinese fabric. A dye made by boiling anatto and carbonate of potash in water. NAPIER'S BONES. A set of rods made of bone, ivory, horn, or the like, contrived by Lord Napier for facilitating the arithmetical operations of multiplication and division. They have, however, been completely superseded by the use of logarithms, which were also invented by the same eminent mathematician. NAPLES YELLOW. A fine yellow pigment used in oil painting, also for porcelain and enamel ; long prepared in Italy by a secret process. Its proper name is gialloUno, a diminutive of It. giallo, yellow. NAPOLEON. A gold coin of France ; a piece of twenty francs bearing the effigy of the Emperor Napoleon. The word is also applied to twenty-franc pieces with the efiigy of the kings who have succeeded Napoleon. There were formerly napoleons of the value of forty francs, and the name is also applied to certain French cupper pieces of the value of ten centimes, marked with the letter N. A fine plant from Africa. In the United States, a sort of cannon. NAPOLEONISM. The ism of Napoleon III. ; sphinx- ism. NAPOLITE. A blue mineral from Vesuvius ; doubtless derived from Napoli, i.e. Naples. NATRON or NATRUM (anc. called Nitrum). Native carbonate of soda ; so called from being found crystallised in great abundance in Lake Natron, in Judea. It is, however, also found in other hot countries, in sands surrounding lakes of salt water. Name formerly given by the College ef Physicians to the alkali now called soda. An impure sub- carbonate of soda, obtained by burning various marine plants. NAUMANNITE. A mineral consisting of silver, lead, and selenium ; found at Tilkerode, in the Harz ; probably 204 VERBA NOMINALIA. named after Dr. Carl Friedrich Naumaim, prof, of the Uni- versity of Leipzig, author of Lehrbuch der Geognosie. NAUPACTUS. A genus of insects found abundantly upon the leaves of vegetables, of which there are 140 species, natives of America ; so called from Naupactus, a town of Etolia. The genus was formed by Megerle, and adopted by Dejean and Schoenherr, NAZARITISM. The vow and practice of the Nazarites, Jews who bound themselves to extraordinary purity of life and devotion ; lit. inhabitants of Nazareth. NEAPOLITANUS MORBUS. The venereal disease; so called because it was said to have been first discovered at Naples (Neapolis), when in possession of the French. — Forsyth. NECKERA. A genus of cryptogamic plants ; named in honour of Dr. Natalis Joseph de Necker, a German botanist to the Elector Palatine ; born 1730, died 1793. NEDDY. A life preserver ; contraction of Kennedy, name of the first man, it is said, in St. Giles's, who had his head broken by a poker. Vide Mornings at Bow Street. — J. C. H. NEEDHAMIA. A genus of Australian plants; named in honour of John Tuberville Needham, who, in his work, " An Account of Some New Microscopical Discoveries," gave the earliest account of the structure and economy of the pollen in plants. NEGRO (Sp. and It. id.) A native or descendant of the black race of men in Africa. The word is never applied to the tawny or olive-coloured inhabitants of the northern coast of Africa, but to the more southern race of men, who are quite black ; doubtless so called from dwelling in the country watered by the Niger. Hence Nigritia (Soudan), and perhaps the Latin word niger, black. Pliny calls the Negros Nigritce ; and their chief city, Guber or Cano, is called by Ptolemy Nifiira. NEGUS. A liquor made of wine, water, sugar, nutmeg, and lemon-juice ; said to have been named after its first maker. Colonel Negus. Mr. Pulley n says, " Wine and water fii'st received this name from Francis Negus, Esq., in the reign of George I. Party spirit ran high at that period between Avhigs VERBA NOMINALIA. 205 and tories, and wine-bibblng was resorted to as an excitement. On one occasion some leading whigs and tories having, par accident, got over their cups together, and Mr. Negus being present, and high words ensuing, he recommended them in future to dilute their wine as he did, which suggestion fortu- nately directed their attention from an argument which pro- bably would have ended seriously, to one on the merits of wine and water, which concluded by their nicknaming it ' Negus.' " NEILLIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Homaliacew ; named after Patrick Neill, a Scotch botanist, secretary to the Wer- nerian and Caledonian Horticultural Societies of Edinburgh. NEMESIA. In antiquity, a religious solemnity in memory of deceased persons ; so called from the goddess Nemesis, who was supposed to defend the I'elics and the memory of the dead from all insult. A genus of herbaceous plants, nat. or. Scrophulariacece. NEPTUNE. A large planet beyond Uranus, discovered in consequence of the computations of Le Verrier, of Paris, by Galle, of Berlin, Sep. 23, 1846 ; named after Neptune, god of the ocean. "Discovered theoretically in 1845 by Mr. Adams, of St. John's College, Cambridge " (;S'. F. C.) NEPTUNIAN. Pertaining to the ocean or aqueous solu- tion ; as Neptunian rocks, Neptunian theory ; the theory of Werner, which refers the formation of all rocks and strata to the agency of water ; opjwsed to the Plutonic theory ; so called from Neptune, god of the ocean. One who adopts the theory that the substances of the globe were formed from aqueous solution. — Pinkerton. NEUFCMATEL. A celebrated cream cheese, not, as the Times once asserted, made at Neufchatel in Switzerland, but Neufchatel-en-Bray in France, dep. Seine-Inferieure, also noted for its excellent butter. NEWMARKET. In the sporting world, the ordinary methods of tossing are styled " two and three," and " five and nine," i.e. best out of three, best out of nine. Newmarket is first call, equivalent to " sudden death." Mr. J. C. Hotten makes it best two out of three, but I am told there never were any heats at Newmarket. 206 VERBA NOMINALIA. NEWTONIAN. A follower of or pertaining to Sir Isaac Newton, or formed or discovered by him, as the Newtonian philosophy or system. A reflecting telescope of the form invented by Newton, in which, by means of a plane mirror, the image is reflected to the eye through one side of the tube, where it is viewed by the eyeglass. NICARAGUA WOOD. The wood of a tree growing in Nicaragua, in Central America, used in dyeing red. NICENE CREED. A summary of Christian faith, drawn up by the Council of Nice against Arianism, a.d. 325, altered and confirmed by the Council of Constantinople, a.d. 381. This was the first and most important general council ever held by the Christian Church. From Nice (now called by the Turks Isnik), a town of Asia Minor. NICKEL (Niccoluin). A metal, colour white or reddish- white, of great hai'dness, difficult to bo purified, always mag- netic, and, when perfectly pure, malleable and ductile. It doubtless had its name from its discoverer, a German. Nickel is found as a German surname, and in composition of local names, as Nickelhajen, Nickelsdorf (Prussia), Nickelstadt (Silesia). NICOTIAN. Pertaining to or denoting tobacco; and, as a noun, tobacco. See Nicotin. NICOTIANA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Solanacece ; called after M. Nicot, ambassador from the King of France to Portugal, who first introduced it into France in 1560. NICOTIANINA or NICOTIANINE. A concrete or solid oil obtained from tobacco, and one of its active principles. See Nicotin. NICOTIN. An alkaloid obtained from tobacco, and one of its active principles. See Nicotianina. NIERSTEINER. A good second-class wine, produced in the vineyards surrounding Nierstein, near Mayence, on the Rhine. NILOMETER. A graduated column for measuring the increase and decrease of the Nile (Gr. [ji^etpov, a measure). NIOBIUM. A metal recently discovered in tanlatite in Bavaria ; so named from Niobe, daughter of Tantalus. VEUBA NOMINALIA. 207 NISSOLIA. A genus of Soutli American plants ; named byJacquin and Linnaeus in memory of William NissoUe, M.D., of Montpellier, author of several botanical essays, and men- tioned as an excellent naturalist by Tournefort, who dedicated a supposed genus to him. NIVERNOIS. A hat much worn in 1770. " It was ex- ceedingly small, and the flaps fastened up to the shallow crown, which was seen above them, by hooks and eyes. The corner worn in front was of the old spout or shovel shape, and stiffened out by a wire " (Planche), Doubtless so called from Le Nivernois or Nivernais, an old province of France, now composing dep. Nievre; or from Nievre, or its capital, Nevers, where they were tirst worn. NIZZARD. A native of Nizza or Nice, in France ; for- merly a division of the continental portion of Sardinia. NOACHIAN. Pertaining to Noah, or to his time, as the Noachian flood. NOBILFS FIGURES. The name given to an electro- chemical phenomenon discovered by Nobili. NONTRONITE. A mineral consisting of silica, peroxide of iron, alumina, magnesia, clay, and water, occurring in an ore of manganese, in the arrondissement of Nontron, Fi-ance, dep. Dordogne. NOOTH'S APPARATUS. A series of three glass vessels, placed vertically, for the purpose of impregnating water with carbonic acid gas {Brande) ; invented by Nooth. NORFOLK CRAG (better known as Norwich Crag). In geology, an English tertiary formation, consisting of irre- gular, ferruginous, sandy clay, mixed with marine shells. NORMAN. In seaman's language, a sliort wooden bar, to be thrust into a hole of the windlass, on which to fasten the cable ; probably named from the inventor. NORTHAMPTON TABLES. Life assurance tables based upon the calculation of the average mortality in North- ampton. NORWICHER. More than one's share ; said of a i)erson who leaves less than half the contents of a tankard for his companion. In what the term originated, or why Norwich 208 VERBA NOMINALTA. was selected, before any other city, I have not been able to discover. — J. C. H. NORY. Mathematical tables comprising logarithms, num- bers, sines, tangents, quo-sines, and quo-tangents, with minor tables of lunar phases and equations of time, calculated and published by the late Mr. Nory. NUITS {vin de Nuits). A fine Burgundy wine ; named from Nuits, dep. Cote-d'Or, situated in a fine wine country. NUREMBERG EGGS. The name given to watches, or pocket clocks, originally of an oval form, and generally be- lieved to have been first invented at Nuremberg. Cf. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Lond. May, 1848, p. 267, and Beckman, Orig. Invent. NUSSIERITE. A mineral containing phosphoric acid, arsenic acid, oxide of lead, lime, protoxide of iron, chloride of lead, and silica ; found at La Nussiei'e, near Beaujeu, dep. Rhone, France. NUTTALLITE. A mineral occurring in prismatic crys- tals at Boston, in Massachusetts ; by some considered as identical with seapolite ; the wernerite of Haiiy ; named after Px'ofessor Nuttall. O. OAKS. See Derby. OBRINE (KNIGHTS OF). A military order, instituted in the thirteenth century by Conrad, Duke of Mazovia and Cujavia, whom some authors call also Duke of Poland. Con- rad I. styled it the Order of Jesus Christ ; but he having put the knights in possession of Fort Obrine, in the county of Cedeliz, in Cujavia, they hence took the name of Knights of Obrine. The principal object of the order was to oppose the incursions of the Prussians in Poland, but the Prussians blocking up the fort, so that none of the knights could get out, the order became useless, and was soon suppressed by Conrad, who called to his assistance the Teutonic Knights. — T. Wright, M.A. VERBA NOMINALIA. 201) OBSIDIANUM (Vitrwa ohsidianum, Plin.) A species of glass which resembled the obsidian stone (the obsidianiis lapis of Pliny, in Isid. ohsins lapis). Another name for the Chian marble. Some derive the word from o^ig, seeing, being called by Greek writers ovJ/ 212 VERBA NOMINALIA. ORONTIACE^. A genus of herbaceous plants ; named from Orontum, the principal genus, of which there are only two species — Aquatic 0., native of rivers and pools in North America, and Japan 0., both perennials, and cultivated at Kew. The genus is said to have been so called from growing on the banks of the Orontes, in Syria. ORPHEAN or ORPHIC. Pertaining to Orpheus, a poet who had the power of moving inanimate bodies by the music of his lyre ; as, Orphic hymns. ORPHIC A. Certain works falsely ascribed to Orpheus, which embodied the opinions of a class of persons described by Miiller. Fabricius's Bibliotheca Graeca contains a list of the writings ascribed to Orpheus. But see Tiedemann's Initia Philos. Grgec, p. 1-100 ; Fabric, Bib. Grasc. I., p. 140 ; Clinton's Fasti ; Funke's Real. SehuUexicon ; P. Cyc, " Orphica." ORRERY. An astronomical machine for exhibiting the several motions of the heavenly bodies. It was invented by George Graham, but Rowley, a workman, borrowed one from him, and made a copy for the Earl of Orrery, after whom it was named by Sir Richard Steele. Similar machines are called also planetariums (Barloiv). The origin of the term " orrery " is thus given by Mr. Desaguliers, in his Course of Experimental Philosophy, 4to, London, 1734, I. p. 431. After stating his belief that Mr. George Graham, about 1700, first invented a movement for exhibiting the motion of the earth about the sun at the same time that the moon revolved round the earth, he remarks, " This machine being in the hands of an instrument maker, to be sent with some of his own instruments to Prince Eugene, he copied it, and made the first for the late Earl of Orrery, and then several others, with additions of his own. Sir Richard Steele, who knew nothing of Mr. Graham's machine, in one of his lucubrations, thinking to do justice to the first encourager, as well as to the inventor, of such a curious instrument, called it an orrery, and gave Mr. J. Rowley the praise due to Mr. Graham " (P. C?/c.) ORVIETAN (Fr. orvietan). An antidote or counter poison ; also a charlatan, an empiric ; It. orvietano ; so called VERBA NOMINALIA. 213 from a cluulatan of Orvieto, who first made it. " From a mountebank of Orvieta (Orvieto ?), in Italy, who first made himself famous by taking such things upon the stage, after doses of pretended poisons. Though some say its inventor was one H. F. Orvietanus, and that it is named after him " {Forsyth). Menage (writing in 1694) says the charlatan in question was not long since living in Paris. OSBECKIA. A plant of two species, the one, native of the East Indies and China, called by the Chinese komm-hyong- loaa, " feather of gold roses;" the other, native of Ceylon, where it was found by Kcenig ; named by Linnaeus in honour of Peter Osbeck, rector of Hasloef and Woxtorp, in Sweden ; member of the Academy of Stockholm, &c. ; author of a Voyage to China and the East Indies in 1751. OSMANLI. The language of the Osman or Ottoman Turks, who form the ruling portion of the Turkish empire. *' It is spoken by persons of rank and education, and by all government authorities in Syria, in Egypt, at Tunis, and at Tripoli. In the southern provinces of Asiatic Russia, along the borders of the Caspian, and through the whole of Turkes- tan it is the language of the people. It is heard even at the Court of Teheran, and is understood by official personages in Persia" {Max Midler). The Avord originated in Othman or Osman, a sultan who assumed the government about 1300, and whose descendants were called Osmanli or Ottomans. OSMUND. A plant of the genus Osmunda, whose most remarkable species is the Osmund royal, or flowering fern, which is used in stiffening liuen. "According to Gerarde (herbal), it is a type or memorial of one Osmund, a waterman, whose history had not come down even to that old writer, but whose heart, he says, was commemorated in the core of the root." " Osmunda, from Osmund, who first used it " {Forsyth). OSNABURGr. A species of coarse linen, of which there are two kinds, the one white, the other brown ; imported from Osnaburg (Osnabriick), Hanover. OTAHEITE SALEP. Another name for Tacca starch, or Tahiti arrowroot ; from Tahiti, or Otaheite, the principal of the Society Islands. 214 VERBA NOMINALIA. OTTOA. A genus of umbelliferous plants ; named in honoui' of Frederick Otta, a Prussian botanist. OTTOMAN. A sort of thick-stuffed mat used by the Turks or Ottomans. In England, a stool with a stuffed seat. OTTRELITE. A mineral, colour blackish-grey, greenish- grey, black ; found in clay slate at Ottrez, near Stavelot, on the frontier of Luxemburg. OUT-HEROD. To overact the character of Herod, whicli in the old plays was always a violent one. — Smart. " It out-herod's Herod." — Hamlet. OXFORD CLAY. Clunch clay; a great argillaceous bed interposed between the lower and the middle oolite. In its lower part are beds of limestone called Kelloway rock. OZARKITE. A mineral occurring with elceolite at the Ozark Mountains, Arkansas. P. PACCHIONIAN GLANDS. The small round whitish granulations found in the superior longitudinal sinus of the membranes of the brain, whicli Pacchioni incorrectly described as conglobate glands. PACTOLIAN. Pertaining to Pactoius, a river of Lydia, famous for its golden sands. — Webster. PACTOLUS. A genus of brachyurous Crustacea, of only one species, locality unknown {Encyc. Met.') ; named from the River Pactoius. PADDY, PAT, or PADDY WHACK. An Irishman. " I'm Paddy Whack, from Ballyhack, Not long ago turn'd soldier ; In storm and sack, in front attack, None other can be boulder," — Irish Song. From Paddy, nickname for Patricius. " The meanest subjects of the Roman empire assumed the illustrious name of Patricius, which, by the conversion of Ireland, has been communicated to a whole nation " (Gibbon, vol, 6, c. xxxvi.) VERBA NOMINALIA. 215 PADRA. A kind of black ten of superior quality; perhaps from Padra. a town of Guzerat. PADUAN COINS. A modern coin, closely imitating the antique ; or a new medal struck with all the marks and cha- racters of antiquity. The name is derived from Paduan or Paduanus, who succeeded so well in this kind of forgery that the best judges are at a loss to distinguish his medals from genuine ones. Paduan, who flourished in the seventeenth century, was called, from his birthplace, Padua ; his proper name was Giovanni Cavino (others say Lewis Lee). Gotlieb Rink says he had an associate in his forgery named Alexander Bassianus. His son Octavian, though born at Rome, was also called the Paduan. Properly, those medals only are called Paduan that are struck on the matrices of the elder Paduan, which are still preserved. The term, however, is commonly applied to medals generally that closely imitate the ancient, and are of masterly execution. Joubert observes that there have been a Paduan and a Parmesan in Italy, and a Carteron in Holland, who had the knack of imitating the antique in per- fection. The Parmesan was Laurentius Parmesanus. We may also add another Italian who excelled in this way, viz., Valerius Bellus Vicentinus. PADUASOY. A kind of silk stuff from Padua (Fr. soie, silk). "By tailors called Paddaway, a mispronunciation of Padua" (.S'. F. C.) P-^AN or PEAN (Gr. Ttaiav). Among the ancients, a song of rejoicing in honour of Ilaioov, Apollo: hence a loud and joyous song; a song of triumph. P^ON (Gr. iraiujv ; written also, though less correctly, pgean). In ancient poetry, a foot of four syllables, of which there were four kinds ; so called from Hatoov, Apollo. P^ONY (ircciouvia). A plant and flower of the genus Pceonia, nat. or. Ranunculacece ; so called from Hoacvv, Apollo, who is said to have first applied it to medicinal purposes. PAISBERGITE. A mineral allied to Rhodonite; from Paisberg's iron mine, in Phillipstadt, Sweden. PAISLEY. A shawl made at Paisley, co. Renfrew (Scotland) ; celebrated also for its manufactures of silk 216 VERBA NOMINALIA. and other shawls, muslin, cotton thread, and ornamental fancy goods. PAIXHAN. A howitzer of great weight and strength, used by the Americans for throwing shells of a very large size, first adopted in France about 1824 ; named after the inventor, Henri Joseph Paixhaus, general of artillery in the French army, author of many military works; born in 1783 at Metz, in France. PALACE. A magnificent house in which an emperor, king, or other distinguished person resides ; from the Fr. palais, L. jialatium ; so named from the first imjDerial residence on the Palatium or Palatine Hill, one of the seven hills of Rome, the first that was built upon. The emperor Augustus dwelt on this hill, and many fine palaces were consequently built there. PALADIN (anc. palatin, i.e. man of the palace, of the court). A knight-errant. In the old romances the name was given to certain knights whose whole occupation was to seek adventures, and to find out occasions to exercise their valour and to prove their gallantry. At the close of their adventures they retired in the palaces of the princes, where they were received with courtesy, and notably in the palace of King Arthur, at whose court, it is said, commenced the mania of knight-eiTuutry. See Palace. PALAGONITE. A mineral found as an ingredient of the volcanic tufa near Palagonia, in the Val di Noto, in Sicily, and also in Iceland. PALAMPO. A quilt or bed-cover ; probably from Palan- pore, a town of India, renowned for its manufacture of chintz counterpanes. — J. C. Hotten. PALAVIA. A genus of South American plants, of two species ; named by Linna3us in honour of Dr. Antonio Palau y Verdera, professor of botany in the royal garden at Madrid. PALEMPUREZ. A kind of carpet brought from the East Indies. " Palemporez, a species of Indian dimity, of elegant patterns, used for bed coverlets. They are sometimes flowered with gold, made of silk, and worked in shawl and other VERBA NOMINALIA. 217 patterns of coloured woven cotton " (Sitnmonds) ; doubtless from Prtlilunporo, pres. Bombay ; or Pahlunpore in Guzerat. PALLADIUM (Gr. iraWccStov). Something that affords effectual defence, protection, and safety ; as when we say the trial by jury is the palladium of our civil rights ; primarily, a statue of Pallas, which represented her as sitting with a pike in her right hand, and in her left a distaff and spindle. On the preservation of this statue depended the safety of Troy. " The Romans, imagining that ^neas brought the true Palla- dium to Rome, preserved the image with the utmost care as their safeguard" (Crabb). A metal drawn from crude platina, discovered by "Wollaston in 1803. PALLAS. A new planet discovered by Dr. Olbers, of Bremen, in 1802; named after Pallas, goddess of wisdom. PALLASIA. A genus of North American plants, nat. or. Corymbiferce ; named by Linnaeus in honour of Dr. Peter Simon Pallas, the celebrated Prussian naturalist. PALMERSTONISM. The ism of Lord Palmerston; old- soldierism ; soft-soap; lip-salve for the million; rhodomoutade. PANDEAN PIPES. An ancient wind instrument made of reeds ; named after Pan, god of shepherds, &c., who in- vented the flute with seven reeds, which he called Syrinx, in honour of a beautiful nymph of the same name. PANDER, prop. PANDAR. A pimp, a procurer. " To whom you should have been a pandar." M. W. of Windsor. " Troilus the first employer of pandars." M. Ado about Nothing. " Camillo was his help in this, his pandar." — W.'s Tale. " Let all pitiful goers-between be call'd to the world's end after my name ; call them all pandars." — Troilus and Cress. Pandarus is the name of one of the characters in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida. " From Pandarus (says Skinner), who procured the love and good graces of Chryseis ; which impu- tation, it may be added, depends upon no better authority than the fabulous histories of Dictys Cretensis and Dares Phrygius." 218 VERBA NOMINALIA. PANIC (Sp. and It. panico ; Fr. jxmique ; Gr. Tfa.vmoa-'). Sudden fright ; particularly a sudden fright without real cause, or terror inspired by a trifling cause or misapprehension of danger; as, panic fear, i.e. extreme or sudden fear; the troops were seized with a panic ; they fled in a panic ; lit. agitated by Pan, the frightful deity of the woods or shepherds, also god of huntsmen, and all (irav) the people of the country. " Poly- nseus fetches the origin of the phrase (panic fear) from Pan, one of the captains of Bacchus, who, with a few men, put a numerous army to rout, by a noise which his soldiers raised in a rocky valley, favoured with a great number of echoes. This stratagem making their number appear much greater than it really was, the enemy quitted a very commodious encampment and fled. Hence all ill-grounded fears have been called jmnics or 2yanic fears ; and it was this that gave occasion to the fable of the nymph Echo being beloved by the god Pan. Others derive the origin of the expression hence ; that, in the wars of the Titans against the gods. Pan was the first who struck terror into the hearts of the giants. Theon on Aratus says he did it by means of a sea-shell, which served him for a trumpet, whereof he was the inventor" {^Chambers's C>/c.) PANSLAVONIC. A term used to express a union of all the Slavonic nations (tfav, all). PANTALOON (Fr. pantalon). A garment for males, in which breeches and stockings are in a piece (ohs.); in the plural, pantaloons, a sort of close long trowsers. A character in the Italian comedy. A character in panto- mimes. " And as the French we conquer'd once Now give us laws tor pantaloons, The length of breeches." — Hudib. pt. 1, c. 3. "The next age shifts into the lea,ne and slipper'd pantaloone." — As You Like it. Webster queries the W. pa?inu, to involve, or panu, to cover, and Fr. talo7i, the heel. Addison says the pantaloon in Italian comedies was so called from his close dress. Meyrick says, " From the circumstance of the standard-hearers of the Vene- VEKBA NOMINALIA. 219 tian army wearing tight hose, that kind of dress came to be called pantaloons, a corruption of pianta leone, i.e. ' plant of Leon,' the standard of the Republic being the ' Lion of St. Mark.' " ! ! ! Charpentier (Origines) says the name and the usage of the pantalon was derived from the Venetians, who first introduced this habit, which they called panta- loni, from St. Pantaleon, their patron : that according to others, Pantalon was the name of a buffoon in the Italian theatre, clothed ordinarily in this manner, which gave the name oi pantalon first to those who wore this sort of chaussure, and finally to the chaussure itself. J. B. J. Breton (Voyage en Piemont, 8°' 1803, vol, 1, p. 167, and note 12 at end), alluding to the origin of the characters of harlequin, pantaloon, punch, &c., says each of these masked personages was origi- nally destined to characterise the principal towns of Italy. " Pantaleone etoit un marchaud Venitien; Dottore, un medecin de Bologne ; Spaviento, un tirailleur ou spadassin de Naples ; PuUicinella, un goguenard de la Pouille (Apulia), province du meme royaume de Naples, dont on pretendoit que la plupart des habitans etaient bossus ou contrefaits; Giangvrla et Coviello, des pay sans de la Calabre ; Gelsomino, un petit maitre de Rome; Beltrame, un niais de Milan; Brighella, un intrigant de Ferrara ; et enfin Arlechino, un valet de Bergamo." There is a town in Italy called Pantaleone, and Pantaleone is also a surname. Charpentier says also that pantalon is the appella- tion of a vertical harpsicord, having a body straighter than the ordinary harpsicord, and that it was named after its in- ventor, Pantaleon Hebenstreit, who made it known at the court of Dresden in 1718. PAOLO (Paul). A Roman coin. See Paul. PAPHIAN. Pertaining to the rights of Venus, who was worshipped at Paphos (hod. Baffa), a city of Cyprus. PAPIRIA (LEX). The Jus Papirianum was a collection of ancient Roman laws, containing those made by the kings of Rome, and compiled immediately after their expulsion. It is supposed to have been collected by Sextus or Publius Papirius, and is sometimes called the Lex Papiria. PAPIST (Fr. papiste, It. papista). A Roman Catholic ; 220 VERBA NOMINALIA. one that adheres to the Church of Rome and the authority of the Papa or Pope. PAEACELSIAN. A follower of Pavacelsus, a celebrated Swiss physician, who lived at the close of the fifteenth century. The medical practice of Paracelsus. PARADISE. French slang for the gallery of a theatre, " up amongst the gods." — J. C. Hotten. PARADISE A. Bird of Paradise, a genus of birds, or. Piece, which chiefly inhabit New Guinea. PARADISUS {Granum Paradisi, grain of Paradise). A pungent seed I'esembling cardamom ; named on account of its virtues. PARAMATTA. A soft woollen fabric used for dresses, &c. ; named from Paramatta, a town of New South Wales, where it is manufactured. PARCHMENT (L. pergamena; Fr. parchemin; Norm. pargam, pargemin, a MS. on parchment; Armor, parich, parichemin ; It. pargameno ; Sp. pargamino ; G-. pergament ; D. parkement). The skin of a sheep or goat prepared and ren- dered fit for writing on. It was invented B.C. 198 by Eume- iies II., king of Pergamos, in Asia, in consequence of the prohibition of the export of papyrus from Egypt by Ptolemy Epiphanes. Pliny says, " Eumenes having established a rival library to that of Ptolemy Epiphanes, the Egyptian monarch, in a fit of jealousy, forbade the exportation of papyrus from his dominions, and that the invention of parchment (C'harta Per- gamena), or perhaps the improvement of this material, was the consequence." PARGASITE. A mineral, a variety of hornblende, colour greyish or bluish green ; from Isle Pargas, in Finland. PARIAN. A superior kind of white marble; named from Paros, an isle in the ^gfean Sea, where it was found. A chronicle of the city of Athens, which was engraved on marble in capital letters in the Isle of Paros. It contained a chrono- logical account of events from Cecrops, 1582 B.C., to the archonship of Diognetus, 264 B.C. ; but the chronicle o the last ninety years is lost. This marble was procured from Asia Minor in 1627 by the Earl of Arundel, and, being broken. VEimA NOMINALIA. 221 the pieces are called Amndelian marbles. They are now de- posited in the University of Oxford. The antiquity of the inscription has been disputed. — P. Cyc. Edin. Encyc. PARIS. A genus of plants, nat. or. MelanthacecB, of two species, natives of most parts of Europe, particularly the northern parts, and also of Japan. The juice of P. quadrifolia, Herb Paris, True-Love, or One-Berry, has been considered useful in inflammations of the eyes. Ambrosinus derives the word a paritate foliomim, from- the uniformity or equality of the four leaves, which make, as it were, two pairs, equally situated; but it was more probably named after Paris, who adjudged the golden apple to Venus. PARKINSONIA. A plant, a small tree, called in Jamaica Jerusalem thorn ; named by Plumier in memory of John Par- kinson, apothecary of London, author of Paradisus Terrestris, 1629, and Theatrum Botanicum, 1640. PARMESAN. A. delicate kind of cheese made at Parma, in Italy. PARNASSIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. SaxifragacecB ; said to be called from Mount Parnassus, on which, according to Dioscorides, a plant called gramen Parnassi grew. The name was altered by Tournefort to Pariiassia. PARNASSIAN. Pertaining to Parnassus, a celebrated mountain in Greece, sacred to Apollo and the Muses. PARNEL. A wanton immodest girl ; a slut ; doubtless named from a character in one of the old plays ; probably corrupted from Petronilla, a feminine diminutive of Peter. PARSEEISM. The religion of the Parsees or fire-wor- shippers of India ; substantially the religion of the ancient Persians. In Persia they are called by the Mohammedans, Guebers, infidels, and their sacred book is the Zend-Avesta. The Parsees, who reside near Surat and Bombay, are an honest thrifty people, and number about 700,000. PARTSCHIN. A mineral found in sand from Olahpian, in Hungary, with rutil, ilmenite, zircon, and kyanite ; named after P. Partsch, of the Vienna Museum. PASCALIN. A mathematical instrument invented by the celebrated French mathematician Pascal. 222 VERBA NOMINALIA. PASQUINADE (found pasquin and pasquil). A lampoon, a satirical writing. " He never valued any pasquils that were dropped up and down, to think them worthy of his revenge." — Howel. " The pasquils, lampoons, and libels we meet with now-a-days are a sort of playing with the four and twenty letters, without sense, truth, or wit." — Tatler. Pasquino was the name of a Roman cobbler who was remark- able for his sneers and gibes. Near his shop, in a corner of the palace of the Orsini, was dug up a mutilated statue, which Avas called Pasquin. From it having been customary, in later times, to paste satiric papers upon this statue, is said to have originated the word pasquinade. " Pasquin, the name given to a mutilated ancient statue which stood at the corner of the Palace Santobuono, in a small open place in the city of Rome, near the Piazza Navona. It represents a warrior in the attitude of defence. The subject of the statue is not known. Pasquino was the name of a tailor who lived in that neighbourhood ' many years since,' says Parisio in his Antiquities of Rome, published A.D. 1600. The shop of Pasquino was a sort of place of meeting for the people of the district, who came there to tell or hear the news of the day, as is still the custom in the apothecaries' shops in the provincial towns of Italy. The tailor was a facetious man, and his witty sayings were styled ' Pasquinate,' which afterwards became a common appellation for humourous epigrams and sarcastic lampoons, a kind of composition for which the modern Romans are noted. These lampoons, which often attacked people in high stations, and the government itself, were fixed in the night on or near the statue already mentioned ; and thus the statue itself came to be called Pasquino, as being the representative of the witty tailor of that name. Collections of these epigrams have been made, and some of them are very witty, though often scurrilous and coarse" (P. Ci/c.) The writer in the Encyc. des Gens du Monde concludes : " Le muet Pasquin recevait sur son piedestal les satires et les epigrammes adressees a la cour du souverain pontife, et il entretenait a cet egard un echange incessant de VERBA NOMINALIA. 223 bons mots avec un confrere du iiom de Marforio. Cet usage durait encore a I'entreo des troupes fran^aises dans les £tats pontificaux. Par extension, on a nomme pasquinade toute I'aillerio satirique lanc^e contre le public ou contre les gens en place. Mais en g(§n6ral, une ixisquinade est un bon mot de bas ^tage." For a full account of Pasquino, see Menage, quoting Castelvetto, in his work entitled Eagioni d'alcune cose segnaie nella Canzone di Messer' Annibal Caro. PATAGONULA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Cordiacece ; natives of Patagonia, in South America, PATAVINITY. The use of local words, or the peculiar style or diction of Livy, the Roman historian ; so called from Patavium (Padua), in Italy, where he was born. PAUL (It. Paolo). A silver coin of Tuscany and the States of the Church, with its double, half, and quarter. In the former foi'ty-six, and in the latter forty-five pauls are equal to an English sovereign ; named after one of the Popes of Rome. PAUL PRY. An inquisitive person ; so named from a character in the well-known play of the same name, in which the late Mr. Listen gained much celebrity. " An infamous newspaper so called, now extinct " {S. F. C.) PAULLINIA. A climbing shrub, some species of which are natives of the East Indies, and others of the West Indies, Jamaica, Mexico, the Caribees, Curasao, vSouth America, &c.; named by Linngeus after Simon Paulli, professor of botany at Copenhagen, author of Botanicum Quadripartitum, 1640, and Flora Danica, 1648. PAUSANIA. A Spartan festival in honour of Pausanias, under whose conduct the Greeks defeated Mardonius at Platjeae. At this feast there were public games, in which free-born Spartans only were allowed to contend. An oration was always spoken in praise of Pausanias. PA VAN or PAVIN (Fr. j^civane, It. and Sp. pavana). A grave dance among the Spaniards. " Your Spanish pavin [is] the best dance." 13, Jonson. The Alcliymist, Act iv. sc. 2. 224 VERBA NOMINALIA. "And with that turning up of his mustachoes, and marching as if he would begin a paven, he went toward Zelmane." — Sidney. Arcadia, b. iii. "Then he's a rogue, and a passy-measure pavln ; I hate a drunken rogue." — Shahs. Tw. N. "Spanish pavan—The'Engelscheindraeyende Dans Londesteyn' (the turning dance of London) in Friesche Lust-Hof, 1634, is another version of this tune. The two first bars are identical. / love my love for love again, in the Skene MS., is the same after the first eight bars. ' Pavan. Instrumental players play the pavan faster,' says Thoinot Arbeau, 'and call it the passamezzo ' — Anglice, the passing measures' pavan. Putten- ham says, ' Songs, for secret recreation and pastime in cham- bers, with company or alone, were the ordinary musickes amorous ; such as miglit be sung with voice, or to the lute, cithern, or harpe ; or daunced by measures — as the Italian pavan and gulliard are at these daies in princes' courts, and other places of honourable or civil assembly'" (Art of Poesie, p. 37, reprint). See also Chappell's Popular Music, 157, 242; 772, 776. " In this dance the performers make a kind of wheel before each other, the gentlemen dancing with cap and sword, princes with long robes, and the ladies with long trails, the motions resembling the stately steps of the peacock (jjavo) " {Enci/c. ; Sp. Diet.) Hawkins likewise derives the word from pavo, a peacock ; but according to the Italian writers, pavan is derived from Paduana, i.e. a Paduan dance, a dance from Padua. PAVIN. See Pavan. PEA (A. S. pisa, Fr. pois, It. ^?2seZfo, Jj. pisuvi, Gr. Tficrov). A plant of the genus Pisum, q.v. PEACH (It. pesca, Fr. jjeche, G. pfirsiclie, Arab, fiisic). A tree, and its fruit of many varieties. The Avord is derived from jjessicum, for Persicum malum, a peach ; persica, a peach- tree ; literally a tree and fruit from Persia. PECKSNIFF. A hypocritical rascal ; from a character in Dickens's Martin Chuzziewit {J. C. Hotten); a character said to be founded on that of a late shifty minister, whose memory VERBA NOMINALIA. 225 is still much revered by the present age of hypocrisy and humbug. PEDRO XIMENES. A sweet Spanish wine of the sherry grape ; named after the grower. PEELER. A vulgar appellation given to a policeman ; so called after the late Sir Robert Peel, who brought in the Police Act. " Properly applied to the Irish constabulary rather than the City police, the former force having been established by Sir Robert Peel " (/. C. Hotten). PEEPING TOM. A nickname for a curious prying fellow, derived from an old legendary tale told of a tailor of Coventry, who, when Godiva, Countess of Chester, rode at noon quite naked through that town, in order to procure certain immuni- ties for the inhabitants (notwithstanding the rest of the people shut up their houses), slily peeped out of a hole in his house, for which he was miraculously struck blind. His figure, peeping out of a window, is still kept up in remembrance of the trans- action, and an annual procession is still held at Coventry, in which the feat of Lady Godiva is attempted to be represented without violating the principles of public decency. See Halliwell. PEGASUS. One of the forty-eight old northern constel- lations, figured in the form of a winged horse ; so called from Pegasus, rLr^ya.a-rjg, a winged horse, generated from the blood of Medusa, when Perseus cut off her head. A genus of fishes with large pectoral fins, by means of which they take short flights or leaps through the air. PELAGIANISM. The doctrines of Pelagius, a monk of Bangor, in Wales, who lived in the fourth century. He denied original sin, and asserted the doctrine of free will and the merit of good works. PEN-^A. A genus of plants, natives of the Cape; named by Linnasus in honour of Peter Pena, a learned Frenchman, who afiforded great assistance to Lobel in the composition of his Adversaria Botanica, published in 1570. PENTELIC. The appellation of a marble resembling the Parian, but somewhat denser and finer grained, with occasional greenish zones, produced by greenish talc, whence it is called 226 VERBA NOMTNALIA. by the Italians cipilino statuario. The Parthenon, Propyleum, the Hippodrome, and other monuments at Athens were made of this marble, of which fine specimens may be seen among the Elgin collection in the British Museum. It was named from Mount Penteles, near Athens, where it was found. PENTZIA. A genus of plants, natives of the Cape; named by Thunberg after his puj^il J. C. Pentz. PEPYSIAN. A valuable collection of MSS. of naval memoirs, prints, ancient English poetry, &c., bequeathed to Magdalen College, Cambridge, by Samuel Pepys, secretary to the Admiralty, temp, Charles II, and James IL, is called the Pepysian Library, in honour of the donor. PERALTIA. A genus of leguminous plants, subor. Coesalpinice, subshrubs, natives of Mexico ; named in honour of Joseph Peralt, a Spanish botanist, who assisted Hum- boldt in collecting several botanical specimens in South America. PERCYLITE. A mineral, colour sky-blue, found in minute crystals, accompanied by gold, in a matrix of quartz and red oxide of iron ; said to have come from La Sonora, in Mexico ; analysed by Dr. Percy. PERESKIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Cactacece, shrubs and trees ; named by Plumier in honour of Nicholas Fabricius Peiresk, a senator of Aix, in Provence, celebrated for his botanical learning. PERKINISM. A mode of treatment introduced by Per- kins, of America, consisting in the application, to diseased parts, of the extremities of two needles made of different metals, called by him metallic tractors. PERKINS. Beer ; dandy or affected shortening of the more widely-known slang phrase, " Barclay and Perkins." — J. C. Hotten. PERMIAN. A geological term applied to magnesian lime- stone by Sir R. Murchison ; from Perm, a province of Russia, where this is a prominent characteristic. — S. F. Creswell. PEROWSKITE. A mineral, consisting of titanic acid, lime, magnesia, and protoxide of iron ; found at Vogsburg, on the Kaiserstuhl, and at Achmatowsk, near Slatoust, in the VERBA NOMINALIA. 227 Ural ; named in honour of Von Perowski, of St. Petersburg. The mineral tetraphyline is called perowskine. PERROQUET or PARRAKEET (Fr. perroquet). A small sj^ecies of parrot. Some derive the French word from Perrot, diminutive of Pierre (Peter), the man's name given to the bird. Menage says, " Nous avons donne des noms d'homme aux animaux. C'est ainsi que nous avons appele un merle, Sansonnet ; un pie, Ilargot ; un corbeau, Colas ; uu geay, Ri- chard; un asne, Ifartin ; un singe, Pobert ; un ecureuil, Fouquet; une chevre, G-uionne; et en Basse Normandie, Janne." Accord- ing to others, perroquet is a diminutive of parrot; from L. parra, a bird whose cry was esteemed an ill omen, perhaps a jay; but 2^<^f'>'ot itself may have even been corrupted from perroquet. " Probably parrot is a contracted form of some Spanish or Portuguese word derived from parra " {S. F. C.) PERRYAN. A celebrated steel pen invented by the late Mr. James Perry, of London. PERSEPOLITAN. Pertaining to Persepolis, or its archi- tecture ; in ancient geography, the cap. of Persis Proper and of the Persian Empire. PERSEUS. A northern constellation of fifty-nine stars, the principal of which is Algenib ; named after Perseus, son of Jupiter by Danae. PERSIAN FIRE {Persicus ignis). A term applied by Avicenna to a carbuncle attended with pustules and vesica- tions. PERSIAN WHEEL. A contrivance for raising water to some height above the level of a stream, by means of a wheel with buckets on its rim. — Brande. PERSICA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Rosacece, the fruit of which is known by the English name of peach and necta- rine; so called from Persia, of which it is a native. PERSICARIA, POLYGONUM PERSICARIA. A plant; so called because its blossoms are like those of the p)ersica or peach. PESTALOZZIAN. Pertaining to the system of education founded by Pestalozzi, a philosopher and philanthropist, who was born at Zurich in 1745, and died in 1827. Pestalozzi's Q 2 228 VERBA NOMINALIA. method turns on the idea of communicating all instruction by- immediate address to the sensations or conceptions, and effect- ing the education of the child by constantly calling all his powers into exercise. He composed some works illustrative of his plans, and, among other productions of a moral tendency, wrote the romance of " Leinhard and Gertrude." PETAGNA. A genus of herbs, natives of Sicily ; named in honour of Vincent Petagna, a Neapolitan botanist, author of Institutiones Botanic£e, 1787. PETER. A very common oath or imprecation in the early English writers; "by St. Peter." Cowslips. Arch. xxx. 411. A portmanteau or cloak bag (a bundle or valise, Bulwer's Paul Clifford). A cash-box. Formerly a familiar epithet applied to the watermen, fishermen, and mariners of the Thames (Giff.) A wine, one of the richest and most delicate of the Malaga wines, generally termed Peter-see-me, q. v. PETER-BOAT. A fishing-boat ; a small boat formed alike at stem and stern, and which may be rowed with either fore- most at pleasure ; or, as Fosbrooke has described it, " precisely the Roman amphiprora." See Peter-Man. PETER-MAN. "A familiar term for a fisherman; from the occupation of St. Peter " (T. Wright, M.A.) " Peterer or Peterman, one who follows hackney and stage coaches, and cuts off the portmanteaus and trunks from behind. Nearly obsolete. Ancient term for a fisherman, still used at Graves- end " {J. C. Hotten). Cowel, however, renders Peter-men, " those who used unlawful arts or engines for catching fish on the River Thames." See also Stow's Survey of London, p. 19. May not the word, therefore, have been originally peder-men, i.e. men who unlawfully used baskets or ^^ec/s to catch fish with ? The word Peterman seems also to have had another meaning. John Aubrey, in one of his MSS., says of Kington Langley, near Chippenham, " Here was a chapel dedicated to St. Peter. The Revel is still kept (1670) the Sunday after St. Peters Day: it is one of the eminentest feastes in these partes. Old John Wastefield told me that he had been Peterman in the beginning of Her Majesty's reign." A correspondent of N. & Q., referring to the above, asks, "Is it probable that the Peter- VERBA NOMINA LI A. 229 man was a sort of master of the ceremonies at the revel ?" See N. & Q., vol. vi., No. 149, Sep. 4, 1852, p. 223. PETER-PENCE. An annual tax or tribute formerly paid by the English to the Pope ; being a penny for every house, payable at Lammas Day ; so called from St. Peter. It was called also Romescot. — Hall. PETER -SEE -ME, PETER- SA-MEENE, PETER - SEMINE, or PETER. A rich Malaga wine. " Peter-see-me shall wash thy nowl, And Malligo glasses fox thee." Middl. Span. Gipsy, iii. 7. Said to be corrupted from Pedro Ximenes (q.v.), name of a Spanish wine. PETER'S FISH. The haddock. It has spots on either side, which are said to be marks of St. Peter's fingers, when he caught that fish for the tribute. — T. Wright, M.A. PETERER. See Peter-Man. PETERSHAM. Formerly, a great-coat made of a sort of rough cloth ; named after Lord Petersham, who probably set the fashion. " A large hat with curly brims, now worn by old dandies " {S. F. C.) PETER WORT or SAINT PETER'S WORT. A plant of the genus Ascyrum, another of the genus Hypericum. PETIVERIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Petiveriacece, whose species are called in English heniveed ; named in honour of James Petiver, F.R.S., an eminent English botanist in the beginning of the eighteenth century, author of several works on history, but principally celebrated for his extensive collection of rare and various plants, animals, and insects, for which, after his death. Sir Hans Sloane gave ^4000, and which now form part of the collection in the British Museum. PETREA. A genus of South American plants, or. Angio- spermia ; named in honour of Lord Petre, a patron of botany. PETUNTSE. See Kaolin. PET WORTH MARBLE ^Sussex marble). A variously- coloured limestone, occurring in the Weald clay, composed of 230 VEEBA NOMINALIA. the remains of fresh-water shells j named from the town of Petworth. PEUTINGERIAN TABLE. An epithet applied to a rude chart drawn on parchment by an unknoAvn hand during the reign of Theodosius the Great, and marking the Roman military roads throughout the greatest part of the Western empire. It was found in the fifteenth century, in the library of a monastery at Speyer, by Conrad Celtes, who presented it to Conrad Peutinger, a learned German writer, born at Augs- burg in 1465. He intended to publish it, but it did not appear for several years after his death. At length fragments of it were found and published at Venice in 1591, under the title of Fragmenta Tabulae Antiquae ex Peutingerarum Bibliotheca. The original map remained at Augsburg in the possession of Peutinger's descendants till 1714, when it was purchased by Prince Eugene, who gave it to the imperial library of Vienna. An exact copy of it was made by F. C. von Sclieyb at Vienna in 1753, with notes and dissertations, and dedicated to the Empress Maria Theresa. See T. Wright. PETER'S GLANDS {Plexus intestinales). The small glands under the villous coat of the intestines ; first discovered by Peyer, of Schaifhausen, who described them in a work entitled Exercitatio Anatomico-Medica de Glandulis Intestino- rum, published in 1677. Von Brun compared them collec- tively to a second pancreas, and after him they have been also named Brunner's Glands. PH-^BE. "A dance mentioned in an old nursery rhyme. A correspondent gives me the following lines of a very old song, the only ones he can recollect : — ' Cannot you dance the Phwbe ? Don't you see what pains I take ? Don't you see how my shoulders shake ? Cannot you dance the Phcebef' " — Halliwell. Probably so called from Phcehe, a name of Diana, or the moon. PHAETON. An open carriage like a chaise, on four wheels, and drawn by two horses ; so called from Phaeton (son of Phoebus), driver of the chariot of the sun. Phaeton, to prove his paternity, begged of Phoebus to permit him to guide VEKliA NOiMlNALIA. 231 his chariot of the suu, in doing which he manifested want of skill, and, being struck with a thunderbolt by Jupiter, was hurled headlong into the River Po. " Such a waggoner as Phaeton would whip you to the West." — Rom, & J . " Down, down I come, like glistering Phaeton, wanting the manage of unruly jades." — Rich. II. " Now Phaeton hath tumbled from his car, and made an evening at the noon- tide pride." — 3 Hen VI. -Tropic-bird, a genus of birds, or. Anseres. PHALECIAN. A term applied to verses of eleven syl- lables ; so called from Phalecus {Bailey). Phaloecus was an old Grecian poet mentioned by Ausonius. His verse was called Carmen Phaloecium, Phaloecum, or Phaleucium. Cf. Scheller's Grammar ; Auson. E. iv., 85 ; and Scheller's Lex. PHANARIOTS. A portion of the Greek people, who in the days of bondage peopled the famous quarter of Constan- tinople called the Phanar. PHARAON, PHARO, or FARO. Name of a game of chance; Fr. pJiaraon, a game at cards; probably from Pharaon (the Fr. form of Pharaoh), but why is doubtful. PHARICUM. A violent kind of poison ; from Pharos, the island whence it was brought. — Forsyth. PHARISAIC, PHARISAICAL. Addicted to external forms and ceremonies ; making show of religion without the spirit of it ; as pharisaic holiness ; lit. pertaining to or resem- bling the Pharisees, a Jewish sect distinguished by their zeal for the traditions of the elders, and by their exact observance of these traditions and the ritual law, and whose pretended holiness led them to separate themselves as a sect, considering themselves more righteous than other Jews. PHARISAISM. The notions, doctrines, and conduct of the Pharisees, as a sect; rigid observance of external forms of religion without genuine piety ; hypocrisy in religion. PHAROAH. A strong ale. " Old Pharoh " is mentioned in the Praise of Yorkshire Ale, 1697, p. 3 {Halliwell). PHAROS (Fr. phare, It. faro). Any lighthouse for the 232 VERBA NOMINALIA. direction of seamen ; a watch-tower ; a beacon ; eo called from Pharos, a lighthouse or tower erected by Ptolemy Philadelphus on a small isle of the same name near one of the mouths of the Nile. It consisted of seven stories and galleries, with a lantern on the top, which was kept burning at night as a guide to seamen, the coasts being full of sands and shelves. It was considered by the ancients as one of the seven wonders of the world. There are still several faros, as Faro di Messina, &c. PHASIANUS. A genus of birds, or. GalUnce. See Pheasant. PHEASANT (Fr. faisan, Sp. faysan, It. fagiano, D. faizant, G. fasan, Russ. phazan, L. pliasianus, gallus pJiasi- anus, Gr. ^oc(Tia.vo.g). A name common to several species of gallinaceous birds, all the known species of which are natives of Asia. This bird is said to have been called ^afficcvog from having been originally brought from the banks of the Phasis^ a river of Colchis, flowing into the Black Sea. It is the Rhion of modern geography, a river of Asiatic Russia, Trans- caucasia. It is said, indeed, that the bird still frequents an island at the mouth of this river. The word phasid in Syi*iac signifies a river. PHELYPOiA. A genus of plants of three species, natives of the Levant, the district of Mount Caucasus, Portugal, Bar- bary, Arabia, Algiers, &c. ; named in honour of the family of Phelipeaux, two of whom are mentioned by Tournefort as the MaBcenates of his time. PHEREPHATTIA. A festival kept at Cyricum in honour of Proserpine, who was also called Pherephatta. The sacrifice was a black heifer. PHIGALIAN. An epithet applied to certain marbles discovered near the site of the ancient Phigalia, a town of Arcadia, in Greece, and which have been brought to England, and deposited in the British Museum among the collection known by the name of the Elgin marbles. The Phigalian marbles form a series of sculpture in alto-relievo. — T. Wright. PHILADELPHIA LAWYER. This Transatlantic limb of the law is considered to be the very acme of acuteness. Sailors relate many stories of his artful abilities. — /. C. Hotten. VERBA NOMINALIA. 233 PHILADELPHIAN. Pertaining to Ptolemy Philadelphus. PHILADELPHUS. The common or white syringa or mock orange, a shrub, mentioned by Athenaeus, that sends up a great number of slender stalks from the root, seven or eight feet in height ; probably a native of the south of Europe. It is the 4>;AaJ£Acj)0e of Aristotle ; and Linnaeus supposes it w^as designed to commemorate Ptolemy Philadelphus, King of Egypt ; but, says Rees, it is much more probable that the plant of Athenceus was of the twining or clasping kind, some- thing like Periploca Grceca, and that the word, by a poetical fancy, was intended to express its brotherly love for those near it {^iXoq-ahX^oo) . PHILANDERING. Making love ; from Philander, name of a character in one of the old ballads, garlands, or operas. Under the head "Philander" and "Philandering" I find the fol- lowing in the Library of the British Museum: — L A Strange Apparition; or, the Second Meeting of Two Self-Murthering Lovers, Phillis and Phillander; Lond. fo. 1680 ? (a very curious old ballad). 2. Philander's Garland, composed of five delight- ful new songs, Newc. \2'^< 1780. 3. Philandering; or the Rose Queen. A comic opera in three acts, performed at the New Theatre Royal Drury Lane on Tuesday, January 13, 1824. The music by Mr. C. E. Horn. [By S. Beazley]. Lond. 8°' 1824 (in prose). 4. Songs, duets, and concerted pieces in the comic opera of Philander ; or the Rose Queen, 8fc. Lond. 8°' 1824. No. 1 is headed — " Mistaken Phillis kill'd herself, thinking Philander slain; Philander quickly followed her, and now they are met again." To the tune of " Oh, Cruel Bloody Fate." In No. 2 the first song is entitled " Philander's Complaint to his Beautiful Phillis;" the second, "Beautiful Phillis' Answer to Philander's Complaint." No. 3 commences with an essay on the Art of Philandering. The chorus to the finale runs — " All Philanders must expect To give their lovers pain, sir, Nor should they certainly object rr f men should ) xi- i. • m If < . , > flirt aaam." ( maidens ) " 234 VERBA NOMINALIA. The title page has the following : — " To be paddling palms, and pinching fingers, And making practis'd smiles, as in a looking-glass ; And then to sigh, as 'twere the mort of the deer ; that is Philandering ! Is whispering nothing? Is leaning cheek — stopping the career Of laughter with a sigh — wishing clock more swift — Hours minutes — minutes hours — noon midniglit — Is this nothing ? 'Tis Philandering This weak impress of love is as a figure Trench 'd in ice, which, with an hour's heat, Dissolves to v/ater, and doth lose its form." Shakspeare (mutilated). PHILIP. A Macedouiau coin, value unknown ; named after Philip the Great. PHILIPPEI or PHILIPPI. Pieces coined in the reign of Philip of Macedon, and with his image. Horat. Ep. 2, 1, 284 ; Liv. 34, 52 ; 37, 59 ; 39, 5, 7 ; and Lempriere. PHILIPPIC. Discourse or declamation full of acrimonious invective ; so called from an oration of Demosthenes against Philip of Macedon, in which the orator aroused the Athenians from their indolence. The fourteen orations of Cicero against Mark Antony are also called Philippics. PHILIPPIZE. To write or utter invective ; to declaim against (Burke). To side with Philip ; to support or advocate Philip (Sivift). See Philippic. PHILIPSIA. A genus of trilobites found in the mountain limestone of England and Ireland ; doubtless named from the discoverer, Philips. PHILISTINE. A cant term applied to bailiffs, sheriffs' oflficers, and drunkards {Halliwell). "A policeman. The German students call all townspeople not o^ih-Qirhodij Philister, as ours say cads. The departing student says, mournfully, in one of the Burschenlieder, ' Muss selber nun Philister seyn !' ' I must now myself PAzYzs^me be !' ". (Slang. J.C. Hotten). PHILISTINISM. Manners of the Philistines.— Car/^Ze. PHILLIP SITE. A mineral consisting chiefly of silica andaluminia; allied to harmotone, i.e. cross-stone or staurolite; named after W. Phillips. VERBA NOMINALIA. 235 PHILLYREA. Mock-privet. A genus of plauts, or. De- candria ; name of the daughter of Chiron, who first applied it medicinally. — Forsyth. PHILOMEL or PHILOMELA. The nightingale; said to be so called from Philomela, daughter of Pandion, king of Athens, who was changed into a nightingale. " For worse than Philomel you us'd my daughter." — Tit. Andron. " Wer't thou thus surpris'd, sweet girl, ravish'd and wrong'd as Philomela was." — Ibid. PHILONIUM. A warm opiate ; from Philo, its inventor. — Forsyth. PHRYGIAN. An epithet applied to a sprightly, animated kind of music ; so called from the Phrygians, in Asia Minor. A warlike kind of music, fit for trumpets, hautboys, &c. PHRYGIAN STONE. A stone described by the ancients, used in dyeing ; a light spongy stone, resembling a pumice, said to be drying and astringent ; so called from Phrygia. PIAST. As history goes, the Poles^ in 700, gave the command, under the title of Duke, to Cracus, founder of Cracow. His posterity failing, a peasant, in the year 830, named Piastus, was elected. He lived to the age of 120, and from the length and prosperity of his reign every native Pole who was subsequently elected king was called Piast. The Polish dictionary says the term Piast was used to denote a Polish nobleman, who stood candidate for the crown elective of Poland, in competition with a foreign prince. Jedni cheieli Piasta drudzy cudzoziemca ; some have wished to have a Pole, others a foreigner, for a king. PIAUZITE. An earthy resin, colour brownish-black ; found in a bed of brown coal in the vicinity of Piauze, near Neustadt, in Carniola. PICCADEL or PICCADILLY. Formerly a game so called. " And their lands to coyn they distil ye, And then with the money You see how they run ye To loose it at piccadilly." — Flecknoe. Epigrams. Doubtless so called from Piccadilly, London,where it was played. 236 VERBA NOMINALIA. PICKERINGITE. A mineral found in white fibrous masses ; from Iquique, in South America ; found also in some parts of Africa and Europe; named after Pickering. PICKLE (D. pekel, G. iwkel, 0. G. hotel). Brine ; a solution of salt and water or of vinegar, sometimes impregnated with spices, in which flesh, fish, or other substance is pre- served: hence, a vegetable or fruit preserved in pickle. Several derivations have been suggested ; but the general opinion seems to be that the O. G. hokel is derived from Beukelzoon (who was born and died at Biervliet, a small town on an island in the West Scheldt), who invented the art of salting and barrelling herrings. Authors differ as to the date of the invention, some making it in 1337, others 1347, 1397, and 1414 ; and the name of the inventor is found written Bockel, Biickel, Beukels, Bokel, Bokelszoon, Beukelzoon. See N. & Q. 2nd S. vii., No. 4, p. 78 ; also Zedler "Bieruliet." "A pickle, a young pickle, a boy who cannot be kept in order without repeated punishment. So called from the birch-rod, which used to lie in brine till wanted" {S. F. Ci^eswell). A state or condition of difiiculty or disorder ; a ivord used in ridicule or contempt. You are in a fine pickle. Pickle is also a local name in England for a parcel of land enclosed with a hedge ; but is derived from a different root. PIGMEAN, Anything little ; dwai'fish ; pertaining to a pigmy or dwarf; so called from the Pigmcei, among the ancients, a race of beings not exceeding a cubit in height, who inhabited Thrace, and who waged war with the cranes and were destroyed. PINCHBECK. An alloy of copper and zinc, resembling gold in its appearance, said to have been first brought into notice by a person of the same name. Pinchbeck is also the appellation of a parish, co. Lincoln. " It was very fashionable in the last century, and derived its name from a Mr. Pinchbeck, a well-known London tradesman, who manufactured watches, buckles, and other articles out of it. Pinchbeck first obtained his notoriety by the invention of an ingenious candle-snufiers, which the author of The Heroic Epistle to Sir William Cham- bers made the vehicle of a facetious ode that went through VERBA NOMINALIA. 2M eight editions. The title of this jeu (Tesprit ran thus, Ode to Mr. Pinchbeck, upon his newly-invented Candle-Snuffers, by Malcolm M'Gregor, Esq., 1776:— ' Illustrious Pinchbeck! condescend, Thou well-beloved, and best king's friend. These lyric lines to view ; Oh, may tliey jiromjjt tliee, ere too late. To snuff the candle of the State, That burns a little blue !' Pinchbeck published a poetical reply, and the two pamphlets were for a long time the talk of town " (/. C. Hotten). Inferior, deteriorated. " Where, in these Pinchbeck days, can we hope to find the old agricul- tural virtue in all its purity?" — Framley Parsonage. PINDARIC. An ode in imitation of Pindar, prince of the lyric poets, a contemporary with ^schylus ; an irregular ode {Addison). " There is nothing more frequent among us than a sort of poems entitled Pindaric odes, pretending to be written in imitation of the manner and style of Pindar, and yet I do not know that there is to this day extant, in our language, one ode contrived after this model" (Congreve). PINDAPvIC HEIGHTS. Studying the odes of Pindar. —Oxford (J. C. Hotten). PINITE. A mineral found in prismatic crystals, of a greenish-white colour, brown, or deep red, and occurring also massive ; from Pini, a mine in Saxony. PIRAKOFF OPERATION. The operation of partially removing the foot ; named after Dr. Pirakoff, one of the most celebrated operating surgeons in Russia, who first made this sort of amputation. PISONIA. A plant of five species, natives of Jamaica, Domingo, Antigua, Hispaniola, &c. ; named by Plumier in honour of William Piso, physician at Amsterdam, author of the Natural History of Brazil, 1648. PISTOL (Fr. pistole, pistolet; It. and Sp. pistola), A small firearm, held and fired by one hand. The word is said to be derived from Pistoia (anc. Pistori), in Italy, where this weapon was first made. Stephens says, ^^ Pistole and pistolet 238 VERBA NOMINALIA. are from Pistoia, a little town near Florence, where they made little poinards, which being newly imported into France were called first j«"sio?/e?'S, then jnstolie7's, and finally pistolets ; that shortly after harquebuses were invented, to which were given the name of these little poinards, and that this poor little word, having for such a length of time travelled from place to place, was at last imported into Spain and Italy for the purpose of signifying crown pieces, &c.' PISTOLE (Fr.) A gold coin of Spain, but current in the neighbouring countries ; equal to about 8s. 6d. sterling {Ogilvie). A coin of different values in Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. See Pistol. PISTOLET. A little pistol. " Those unlickt bear-whelps, unfill'd pistolets, That, more than cannon-shot, avails or lets." — Donne. A diminutive of pistol, q.v. The French use the word pistolet not only to denote a pistol, but also a small kind of bread made somewhat in the form of a crescent. PISUM (Gr. 7r;crov). The pea, a plant now classed as a genus of plants, nat. or. Leguminosce ; so called, it is said, from Pisa, in Italy, where it abounded. — Crahh. PITAYA BARK. " One of the false barks obtained from the mountain of Pitaya " (qu. where ?). PLASTER OF PARIS. A composition of several species of gypsum, dug at Montmartre, Paris ; used in building and in casting busts and statues. In popular language, this name is applied improperly to plaster-stone, or to any species of gypsum. PLATONIC. Pertaining to Plato, or to his philosophy, his school, or his opinions. The Platonic bodies are the five regular geometrical solids — viz., the tetrahedron, hexahedron or cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. The Platonic year is a period of time determined by the revolution of the equinoxes. Platonic love is a pure spiritual affection subsist- ing between the sexes, unmixed with carnal desires, and re- garding the mind only and its excellencies ; a species of love for which Plato was a warm advocate. VERBA NOMINALIA. 239 PLATONISM. The doctrines of Plato and his followers. " The cupid of the Hotel de Rambouillet affected strict Platonism."— For. Quar. ii. 313. PLATONIST, PLATONIZER. One who professes to be a follower of Plato, and to philosophize as he did. PLUTONIC. Designating the system of the Plutonists or Plutonians, who adopt the theory of the formation of the world from igneous fusion ; from Pluto, god of the infernal regions. The Plutonian theory of the formation of rocks and mountains is opposed to the Neptunian. Plutonic rocks are granite, por- phyry, and other igneous rocks, supposed to have consolidated from a melted state at a great depth from the surface ; Plutonic action is the influence of volcanic heat and other subterranean causes under pressure. POGRAM. A dissenter, a fanatic, formalist, or humbug ; so called from a well-known dissenting minister of this name. — /. C. Hotten (slang). POINT D'ESPAGNE. Gold or silver Spanish lace so called. POITEVIN (formerly Poictevine). An ancient French coin struck at Poitiers. The annotator of Rabelais thinks the appellation " Red Poitevins," by which the people of Poitou were for a long time known, was given them from this coin, which, consisting of a small quantity of silver, mixed with a great deal of red copper, its colour was apparent upon being ever so little handled. POIVREA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Combretacece ; named after Poivre, the celebrated French naturalist, Intendant of the Mauritius in 1766. POLACCA (Fr. polaque). Another name for the dance air called polonaise ; probably the same word as polka, q.v. POLECAT. Poi^ular name of a small European quadruped nearly allied to the weasel. Some derive the word from Fr. poule, a hen, chat, a cat, a hen cat, because it feeds on poultry, eggs, &c. Bailey says, q.d., ^^ Polonian cat, because Poland abounds with them." POLED AVY. A sort of coarse cloth (Ainsivorth) . Pole- davies, a coarse canvas (Bailey). Pouldavis, a sort of sail- 240 VERBA NOMINAL! A. cloth ; obs. (Webste?-). It was probably first made at Poldavid (formerly Pouldavy), a town of Bretagne, on the Douarnenez water. This seems to be confirmed by Anderson (Hist. Com- merce, vol. 2, p. 174) : " We have the best authority for fixing the date of the first manufacturing of sail-cloth in England to this year (1590), being the preamble to an Act of Parliament, 1 James I. c. 23, reciting that whereas the cloths called mil- dernix and powl-davies, whereof sails and other furniture for the shipping and navy are made, were heretofore altogether brought out of France and other parts beyond sea, and the skill and art of making and weaving of the said cloths was never known or used in England until about the thirty-second year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth — that is, in the year 1590 — about which time, and not before, the perfect art or skill of making and weaving the said cloths was attained to, and since practised and continued in this realm, to the great benefit and commodity thereof, &c." POLKA, A fashionable dance said to have been brought from Hungary. The word is probably derived from the Polish word Polka, a female Pole. " A species of dance of Polish origin ; also the air played to the dance " (^Ogilvie). POLONAISE or POLONESE. A long robe or dress edged with fur, adopted from the fashion of the Poles ; some- times worn by ladies. POLONOISE. In music, a name given to an air in which the movement is slow or moderate ; used in Poland both for songs and dances ; in instrumental music, the name of certain pieces with an animated movement. POLONY. A sausage ; corruption of Bologna sausage. POMARD. A fine wine made from grapes grown near Pomard, a village of France, dep. Cote-d'Or. POMPADOUR, Now called cuire, a brownish-yellow colour ; so named as forming the colours of Madame de Pom- padour, mistress of Louis XV. The Buffs are called Pompa- dours, from the colour of their facings {S. F. Creswell). Pom- padour and the saucy Pompeys (short for Pompadours), a name for the fifty-sixth regiment of foot, from their purple facings^ the favourite colour of Madame Pompadour. A name given VERBA NOMINALTA. 241 by the French to the peculiar style of arcliitecture, &c., which prevailed throughout nearly the whole of Europe about the middle of the eighteenth century ; so called from Madame de Pompadour. It is also called by the French, Rococo and Chicoree, and by the English, Sti/le of Louis Quatorze and Loins Qainze. Hope, in his Historical Essays on Architecture, pp. 555, 559, very ably exposes this style, and says its proper name should be " The Inane or Frippery Style." It was not confined to architecture, being found in sculpture, painting, poetry, bronze, porcelaiu, &c. "Boromini in Archittetura, Bernini in Scultura, Petro da Cortona in Pittura, II Cavalier Marini in Poesia, sono peste del Gusto, peste ch'ha appestato un gran munero di Artisti " (Miliz. Diz. delle Belle Arti, voc. Boromini, p. 122). The late king George lY., who had the most frivolous, meretricious, gawdy taste, adopted this rococo, iwmpadour, chicoree style in the ornaments of the great ball room at Windsor, and as late as 1837 it was quite the fashion in France, especially in bronze work, ormolu, and porcelain, POMUM ADAMI (Adam's apple). A protuberance in the anterior part of the neck, formed by the forepart of the thyroid cartilage ; so called from a whimsical supposition that a part of the forbidden apple which Adam ate stuck in his throat, and thus occasioned the protuberance. PONS VAROLII. An eminence of the medulla oblou^ata, first described by Varolius. PONTAC. A sort of clai-et, used in England in the manu- fixcture of what is called by wine merchants, and believed by the public to be, port ivine ; named from Pontac, dep. Basses- Pyrenees, where it is made. POONAHLITE. A mineral, according to C. Gmelin, con- sisting of silica, alumina, lime, soda with a trace of potash, and water ; found with apopyllite at Poonah, in Hindustan. POPE JULIUS. An old game, possibly similar to the modern game of pope-joan (HaUiweU). A game of cards greatly in vogue at the court of Henry VIII., and which was probably the origin of the vulgar round game called in modern times pope-joan. The various points in that game, such as matrimony, intrigue, pope, and the stops, appear to have borne B 242 VERBA NOMINALIA. significant allusion to the relative situations in the royal drama of the divorce and the interference of the Pope and his agents in preventing the king's marriage with his beautiful favourite, Anne Boleyn. It is supposed to have been named in mockery of Julius II. (elected Pope 1 Nov., 1503, died 21 Feb., 1513), the copy of whose breve of dispensation had been lately pro- duced by Catharine of Arragon as an important document in favour of the legality of her marriage with Henry VIII. See Life of Anne Boleyn, by Agnes Strickland, pp. 227, 228. It might have even been named after Clement VII. (elected Pope 10 Nov., 1523, died 26 Sep., 1534), Avhose name was Julius de Medicis, who refused to grant the divorce between Henry and Catharine. He was natural son of Julian de Medicis, cousin of Leo X. POPERY. The religion of the Roman Catholic Church, comprehending doctrines and practices ; so called from the Pope, in L. Papa. POPE'S NOSE. The extremity of the rump of a roast fowl, devilled as a dainty for epicures. POPLIN. A stuff made of the finest wool and silk, first introduced into Ireland by a French emigrant family named Latouche (who founded there a manufactory of Papelines or Popelines) upon publication of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV. (22 Oct., 1685). It was first made at Avignon, in France, which was formerly part of the Papal territories, and was on that account called Papeline, from Pape; Med. L. Papa, the Pope. For further information see Diet, des Sciences, new Ed. 1847, 4o, pp. 328, 419. PORT. A dark purple astringent wine made in Portugal, and drank there ; so called from Porto or Oporto, whence it was formerly shipped. A wine made in Portugal for British consumption, and shipped from Oporto. A wine made in England from cider, logwood, and common British brandy, drunk by the middle classes. Ford says benicarlo (a Spanish wine), familiarly called " black strap," is much used to concoct what the trade call curwiis old port. PORTEGUE. A gold coin equal to 31. lOs. {Bailey); doubtless coined in Portugal. VERBA NOMINALIA. 243 PORTITE. A mineral, a hydrous silicate, from the gabbro rosso in Tuscany ; named after M. Porte, of Tuscany. PORTLAND STONE. A yellowish-white calcareous freestone, much used in building ; from the Isle of Portland in England. PORTO RICO. A tobacco much smoked in Germany ; brought from Porto Rico, one of the Spanish West India islands. PORTUGAL. A light and elegant carriage ; so named from having been sent to the King of Portugal. POUPART'S LIGAMENT {Fallopian ligament). In anatomy, the tendinous attachment of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen to the su]3erior and anterior spinous process of the os ilium and os pubis ; named after Fi-ancis Poupart, a celebrated French physician and anatomist, who Avas born at Mans in 1660, and died in 1709; author of Chirurgie Complete, and of several papers in the memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. POURRETIA. A genus of plants, trees, natives of South America ; named by Wildenow in honour of the Abbe Pourret, a French botanist, who wrote on Spanish plants in the memoirs of the Academy of Toulouse. POYNINGS' LAW. An act passed in the reign of Henry VII., by which all legislation in Ireland was confined to what had previously been approved by king and council in England; so called from Sir Edward Poynings, then Lieutenant of Ire- land. POZZUOLANA, POZZOLANA, or PUZZOLANA. Volcanic ashes, used in the manufacture of mortal", which hardens under water ; from Pozzuoli, in Italy. PRADO (VERDE DI). A green marble occurring near the little town of Prado, in Tuscany. PRE-AD AMITE. An inhabitant of the earth before the time of Adam. PREDAZZITE. A mineral consisting of carbonic acid, lime, magnesia, water, alumina, red oxide of iron, and silica ; found at Predazzo, in the Tyrol. PREHNITE. A pale green mineral, consisting of silica, R 2 244 VERBA NOMINALIA. alumina, and lime, Avith some water ; named by Werner after Colonel Prehn, who first found it at the Cape, and brought it to Europe. PRE-RAPHAELITISM. A system of painting said to be founded on truthfulness to nature only, as opposed to the teaching and practice of schools founded on laws derived from the works of great painters ; truthfulness to nature irrespective of any conventional rules of painting. It was founded by Rossetti about 1849-50, and was first introduced into England by Millais, Holman Hunt,' &c. Pre-Raphael simply means "before Raphael;" because, before his time, painters had no other guide but that afforded by the study of nature. PREvSTONIA. A genus of plants, the only known species of which is P. tomentosa, a twining downy shrub, found near the banks of the Rio de Janeiro, in the Brazils ; named by Mr. R. Brown in memory of Dr. Charles Preston, a correspondent of Ray. PRESTON SALTS. Salts prepared by adding a few drops of liquor ammoniae fortior and some volatile oils to coarsely-powdered sesqui-carbonate of ammonia ; originally from Preston Pans, in Scotland. The monks of Newbottle, Avho obtained a grant of Preston before 1189, from Robert de Quincey, and who discovered coal within their lands, esta- blished a salt work here, which gave rise to the name of Preston Pans, and at the beginning of the last century it Avas commonly called Salt Preston. PRINCE'S METAL. A mixture of copper and zinc, in imitation of gold ; also called Prince Rupert's metal, because it is said to have been invented by him. PROCRUSTEAN. Resembling Procrustes, or his mode of torture. " Procrustes, called by Pausanias Polyphaemon, was, in Grecian mythology, a robber, who placed on an iron bed travellers who fell into his hands, which their stature Avas made to fit by cutting off the projecting limbs, or by stretching them to suit its dimensions: hence the metaphorical expression, ' the bed of Procrustes.' " " He is obliged, Procntstes-Yike, to cut off' some letter from the beginning, middle, or end ; or, by the touch of his magical wand, to make the letters of the VERBA NOMINALIA. 245 radical change place, or start above their fellows, before they will suit his purpose " (Ed. Rev. iii. 317). PROMETHEAN. Having the life-giving quality of the fire which Prometheus stole from heaven. " Whence doth spring the true Promethean fire." — Love's Lab. Lost. " I know not where is that Promethean heat that can thy light relume." —Othello. A glass tube containing sulphuric acid, and surrounded by an inflammable mixture, which it ignites on being pressed. PROSERPINACA. A genus of North American aquatic plants. LinniBus derives the name a p7-oserpendo, from its creeping habit. According to others, it is an ancient name in Apuleius, and is the Proserpina of Pliny, and is so called after Proserpine, queen of the infernal regions, because it grows in low places infested with frogs and newts. Cf. Gronovius and Miller's Diet. ' PROTEA. A genus of plants, shrubs, chiefly natives of the Cape ; named by Linnaeus after Proteus, in allusion to the great diversity of habit in the different species. See Proteus. PROTEAN. Readily assuming different shaj)es ; lit. per- taining to or resembling Proteus, q.v. " Change shapes with Proteus for advantages." — 3 Hen. VI. " I am not, however, very sanguine as to the result of the experiment in Turin, knoAving how strangely Protean are the forms of prejudice, and how curiously and unexpectedly they manifest themselves in different countries." PROTEAN STONE. A material invented by Mr. Che- verton ; manufactured from gypsum, which, by various modes of treating it, is made to resemble ivory, granite, or different kinds of marble. See Proteus. PROTEUS. One who easily changes his form or principles; so called from Proteus, son of Oceanus and Tethys, whose distinguishing characteristic was the faculty of assuming diffe- rent shapes. A genus of batrachian reptiles, allied to the sirens, salamanders, and frogs. A genus of homogeneous in- fusoria. 246 VERBA NOMINALIA. PRUSSIAN BLUE. A bisalt of a beautiful deep blue, much used as a pigment ; from Prussia. PRUSSIATE. A name first applied to Prussian blue, but subsequently to numerous salts in which the protocjanide of iron is the acid. See Prussian Blue. PRUSSIC ACID. An acid, a deadly poison, obtained from Prussian blue {q.v.), in which it forms the colouring matter. PTOLEMAIC. A system maintained by Ptolemy, who supposed the earth to be fixed in the centre of the universe, and the sun and stars to revolve around it. This theory was received for ages, but has been rejected for the Copernican system. PUNCH AND JUDY. Supposed to be a corruption of Pontius Pilatus aim Judceis, represented in some miracle-play {S. F. Cresivell). Theobald, in a note to Shakespeare, says, " There was hardly an old play till the period of the Refor- mation which had not in it a devil, and a droll character, who was to play upon and work the devil." " Perhaps," says a correspondent of N. & Q., " Judas was often introduced as a fit representative, and so in our street exhibitions we generally see both characters (Judas corrupted in Judy), and Punch victorious over botli. Galiani, in his vocabulary of the Nea- politan dialect, has bestowed a great deal of learning upon the subject. lie fixes on Pucchio d' A niello, at Acerra, near Naples, as the original Punch, and says that after his death a Polecenella, or young Puccio, succeeded him." Another corre- spondent of N. & Q. says, " The name of Punch in Italy is Poncinello, a very easy corruption of Pontiello or Pontianello; Judy is certainly very like Giudei (the Jews) or Giuda (Judas). There are certainly two places in Europe where traditions respecting Pontius Pilate still survive — Avignon, where some say that he died, and Mount Pilatus, near Lucerne. The story at the latter place is, that he threw himself into a lake on the top of the mountain. It would appear from this that traditions respecting him were afloat during the Middle Ages, and nothing is more likely than their embodiment in a mystery play." Again, another writer derives the name from itoXu Kiviuj, to move much, " which seems to me at least plausible. VERBA NOMINALIA. 247 considering that the founders of Neapolis were a Greek colony, and that their descendants still retain very many features of their original country." The most probable deri- vation is that from Punchinello, from Pulicinella, a character in the Neapolitan drama ; so called from pullicinus, a little chicken, because his nose resembles the disproportioned beak of a young pullet. The name Jiuhj is exclusively English. But see Notes and Queries, 1st S., v. 610; vi. 43, 184; 2nd S., ii. 430, 495-6 ; Rev. des Deux Mondes, vol. 20, p. 823, 1 June, 1840 ; and voc. Pantaloon in this Dictionary. PUNIC. Faithless, treacherous, deceitful; lit. pertaining to the Pceni, Phoeni {i.e. the Carthaginians), Carthage having been settled by Phoenicians. The Latins used tlie term Punica fides (Punic or Carthaginian faith) to denote unfaithfulness, treachery, perfidiousness. The ancient language of the Carthaginians, of which Plautus has left a specimen. PURBECK STONE. A limestone from the isle of Pur- beck, a peninsular district, co. Dorset ; possessing excellent quarries of stone, slate, and marble. PUSEYISM. The principles of Dr. Pusey and others at Oxford, as exhibited in " The Tracts for the Times." They propose to carry back the discipline and doctrine of the Church of England to an imagined period, when there would have been no ground of separation from the then Church of Rome. — Smart. PUSEYITE. One who holds the principles of Pusey ism. PUSSEY-CATS. A corruption of Puseyites, a name con- stantly, but improperly, given to the " Tractarian " party in the Church ; from the Oxford Regius Professor of Hebrew, who by no means approved of the Romanizing tendencies of some of its leaders. — J. C. Hotten. PYRRHIC. An ancient military dance, said to have been invented by Pyrrhus. In poetry, the foot so called. PYRRHONISM. Scepticism, univei'sal doubt ; from Pyrrho, founder of the Sceptics. " Launched into a dark shoreless sea of Pyrrlionism, what would remain for us but to sail aimless, hopeless; or make merry, Avhile the devouring Death had not yet engulfed us?" {Carlyle). 248 VERBA NOMINALIA. PYRRHONIST. A sceptic; one who doubts of every- thing. See Pyrrhonism. PYTHAGOREAN. A follower of or belonging to the philosojihy of Pythagoras, founder of the Italic sect of philo- sophers. PYTHAGORISM. The doctrines of Pythagoras. PY^'THIAN. Delphic ; pertaining to Pythia, priestess of Apollo, who delivered oracles. PYTHIAN GAMES. One of the four great national festivals of ancient Greece, celebrated near Delphi (an old name of which was Pytho), in Phocis, in honour of Apollo, conqueror of the dragon Python : hence Apollo himself was called UvQiOQ, UvSouv. PY'THONESS. A sort of witch ; any female supposed to have a spirit of divination ; so called from the priestess who gave oracular answers at Delphi. See Ptthian. PYTHONIST. A conjurer.— TFeJs^er. See Pythoness. Q. QUARRINGTON. A Devonshire apple so named, but whether from the cultivator or from locality is doubtful. There are places called Quarrington in cos. Durham and Lincoln. QUASSIA. A genus of plants, at present comprising but one species, viz., Quassia amara (Liunteus). It was once much employed as a bitter tonic medicine, but, the supply not equalling the demand, the Picra^na excelsa (Lindley) was gra- dually substituted, under the same name, and is the article now incorrectly called Quassia in the shops. The former is a native of Surinam, Guiana, Colombia, and Panama ; and the latter of Jamaica. The wood and bark, both of the root and top, of both of these articles are the parts employed in medi- cine. The Quassia amara had its name from a negro named Quassi or Quash, who used it with remarkable success in curing a malignant fever which prevailed at Surinam. VERBA NOMINALIA. 249 QUASSINE or QUASSITE. The name given by Wiggers to the bitter principle of Picr^ena excelsa ; from quassia, q.v. QUEEN BESS. The- queen of clubs ; perhaps so called because that queen, history says, was of a swarthy complexion. — North Hants. See Gentleman's Magazine for 1791, p. 141. QUIDDANY. Marmalade ; a confection of quinces pre- pared with sugar ; from L. cydonhtm, quiddany ; cijdonites, marmalade; c i/ donia (sc. mala), quinces. Gr. kvScvviov (fj.riXov'), a quince ; from kuSojvsoc or KuScuvia, the quince-tree ; from Ku^ouvia,, Cydonia, a town of Crete; thus xvSujvta, kvSujviov, cydonium, cydonio, cydoni, cydani, quidani, quidany, Quiddany, QUINCE (Fr. coin or coing ; Armor, avalcouign ; G. qtiitte, quidden, quittenapfel ; D. kwee, quee, queeper, queepeerboom, the quince-tree). A fruit much used in making pies, tarts, mar- malade, &c. Webster renders the Armoric word, " the cor- nered apple or wedge-apple," and he says one species of the quince is of an oblong shape, from which, jirobably, it has its French name. Again, Bescherelle derives coiiig from Celt. coin, fruit. But all forms of the word are more probably corrupted from L. cydonia (mala), • quinces (Gr. KvSujyia, the quince-ti'ee), from Ku'Scajvioc, Cydonia, a town of Crete, famous for abounding with this fruit. QUINCEITE. A hydrated silicate of magnesia tinged red by oxide of iron ; found near Quincey, in France. QUININA, QUINIA, QUININE. An alkaloid obtained from various species of cinchona, and one of the active prin- ciples of these trees ; a very important article of medicine, much used in the treatment of fevers, agues, certain sorts of mortifications, &c.; properly cinchonina, cinchonia, cinchonine, or cinchona. According to some, it had its name from the Countess de Chinchon, wife of the viceroy of Peru, who was cured of a fever in 1638 by this medicine. The Cond^sa del Cincon or Chincon (perhaps from Chinca, in Peru), wife of the viceroy of Peru, brought some of this powder with her to Europe in 1639. Soon afterwards Cardinal de Lugo, a Jesuit, brought it to Rome, where it was called Jesuits' bark, otherwise Jesuits' powder, Pulvis Cardinalis de Lugo, Pnlvi.s 250 VERBA NOMINALIA. Patrum, and Pulvis Comitissa3 (countess's powder). It was subsequently employed in France by Sir Robert Talbor, whence it was called Talbor's powder, or the English remedy. QUIXOTISM. Romantic and absurd notions ; schemes or actions like those of Don Quixote, the hero of Cervantes. R. RABEL WATER (^Eau cle Rabel, Aqua Rabelliana). A water consisting of one part of sulphuric acid and three of rectified spirit of wine, constituting a sort of sulphuric ether ; named from its inventor, the empiric Rabel. RABBI WATER (Eabbi loasser'). A chalybeate water from the baths of Rabbi, Val di Rabbi, Tyrol ; much frequented by the Trentines and Tyrolese. RABBINIC, RABBINICAL. Pertaining to the Rabbins, or to their opinions, learning, and language. RABBINISM. A rabbinic expression or phraseology ; a peculiarity of the language of the Rabbis. RAFE or RALPH. A pawnbrokei*'s duplicate {Norwich ; J. C. Hotteu); doubtless from the name of a pawnbroker. RAGUSINA. A silver coin of Tuscany, Ragusa, and Venice; so named from Ragusa, where it was the highest silver coin, worth 3s. Ifd. sterling. It was also called talaro (dollar) and vislino. RAJANIA. A genus of climbing plants, nat. or. Diosco- riacecB ; called after Ray, the celebrated naturalist. — Crabb. RAMILIE. A cocked hat, worn temp. George I. ; named in commemoration of the famous battle of Ramilies. A wig worn as late as the reign of George III, A long gradually- diminishing plait to the wig, with a great bow at the top, and a smaller one at the bottom. See Planche. RAMIST or RAMEAN. A follower of Pierre Ramee (Peter Ramus), professor of rhetoric and philosophy in Paris temp. Henry II., who perished in the massacre of St. Bartho- lomew. His system of logic was opposed to that of the, Aris- VERBA NOMINALIA. 251 totoliiiu party, between whom tiud his followers there r.iged a vehement contest during the hitter half'of the sixteenth century. The dispute rendered essential service to science, by exposing the absurdities of the schoolmen. . RANDAL'S-MAN. A neckerchief, colour green, with white spots ; named after Jack Randal, the pugilist. — J. C Hotten. RAYNES or RENNES. A table cloth supposed by Mr. Douce to have been manufactured at Rennes, in Bretagne ; " A cloth of reines." " Thenne the Kerver shall go into the Cupibord and redresse and ordeyne Wafers into Toweyles of Raynes or fine Napkins," &c. (Notes to a Relation, or rather Ane account of England, an. 1500, &c., translated from the Italian by Miss Charlotte Augusta Sney, published by the Camden Society in 1847). REAUMUR. A method of graduation on the thermometer, which is still the only one used in France and many parts of the continent ; invented by Reaumur. vSee Reaumuria. REAUMURIA. A plant, so called in honour of the great French naturalist, the Sieur de Rene Antoine Ferchault Reaumur (born at Rochelle, 1683), principally known as a botanist by his examination of the fructification of Fuci, but chiefly celebrated as a philosophical inquirer into the history of insects, and their transformations, &c. Linnaeus mentions Hasselquist as the author of the name Reaumuria, of which no traces are found in his book. REDOWA. A fashionable dance, doubtless brought from Poland, The ofiicial gazette of Poland is called the Gazeta Bedorva. Both names are probably derived from Radow, in Poland ; or perhaps from a surname. REINSCH'S TEST. A test for the detection of arsenic in mixed solutions, consisting in boiling slips of metallic copper in a portion of the filtered liquor ; invented by Reinsch. REMOLINITE. A mineral consisting of hydrochloric acid, chlorine, copper, water, and silica ; found at Los Remolinos, in Chili ; also in Peru ; in Saxony; and on the lavas of Vesuvius and ^tna. 252 VERBA NOMINALIA. REUSSINE (also 7-eussin and renssite), A salt of sulphate of soda and magnesia, found in the form of a mealy efflorescence ; discovered in the neighbourhood of Sedlitz, in Bohemia. Ac- cording to some, it was named in honour of M. Reuss, the German mineralogist, who first analysed it and made it known. Others derive the name from the principality of Reuss, in Germany, where they say it was found. REYNOLDS'S SPECIFIC. A nostrum for gout and rheumatism, consisting of the fresh bulb of colchicum and sherry wine ; invented by Reynolds, who is said to have killed himself by taking an over-dose of it. RHABARBARUM. Rhubarb. Forsyth derives this word " from Hha and hai^harus, wild; so called because brought from the banks of the Rha, now the Volga, in Russia." See also Isidorus, and Littleton's Lat. Diet. RHAPONTICUM. Systematic name of the rhapontic rhubarb. Forsyth renders it the " Rha Pontus, i.e. Rha, in Russia, on whose banks it grew." Pliny calls it Rhacoma ; Celsus, Radix Pontica. RHEUM. A genus of plants, mostly perennials, including the different species which yield the stalks and root called rhubarb ; supposed by some to derive its generic name from Rha (the Volga), a river of Russia, on whose banks some species of the genus abound. It is the Pijov of Dioscorides, which some, however, derive from psuj, to flow. RHINE-GRAVE (G. Rhein-graf). The Count Palatine of the Rhine. RHUBARB. See Rhabarbarum. RIBSTON or RIB STONE PIPPIN. An apple brought from Italy by the late Sir Harry Goodricke. It received its present appellation from having been first grown in this coun- try at Sir Harry's residence, Ribstone Hall, in Yorkshire, where the original tree was still growing a few years since. RICCIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. HejyaticcB ; named in honour of P. F. Ricci, a noble Florentine, and a great patron of botany. RICE (Fr. riz or ris, It. riso, Sp. and Port, arvoz, G. reiz or reiss, D. v>jst, Dan. ris, L. oryza, Gr. opu^a, Eth. rez). A plant VERBA NOMINALIA, 253 of the genus Oryza, aud its seed, of which there is only one species. " Sume hoc ptisanarium oryzce." — Hor. Sat. iii., 155. The common rice, Oryza sativa, is a native of Hindustan, where it grows in a wild state in and about the borders of lakes. The rice plant is also a native of Ethiopia. Webster gives the Arab, arazon, from araza, to be contracted, or to be firmly fixed ; and he says the word is common to most of the Asiatics, Persians, Turks, Armenians, and Tatars. Others derive the word from Orissa, in Hindustan. RICHARD SONIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Cinchon- acece ; called after Mr. Richardson, an English botanist. RICHEBOURG. A fine wine from Richebourg, in Bur- gundy, It is usually called Viu de St. George. RIOLITE. A mineral, colour lead-grey, composed of silver and selenium ; found at Tasco, in Mexico ; named after the mineralogist Del Rio. RITTERA. A plant, native of the Caribbees ; named by Schreber in honour either of Albertus, or Joannes Jacobus Ritter, physician in Silesia, born at Bern 1714. RIVINA. A plant, native of the West Indies; named by Plumier after Augustus Quirinus Rivinus, prof, of physiology and medicine at Leipzig. RIVINIAN. A name given to the excretory ducts of the glands situated under the tongue ; so called after their disco- verer, Rivinus. ROAM. To wander ; to ramble ; to rove ; to walk or move about from place to place without any certain purpose or di- rection ; lit. to wander to Rome for the sake of religion. ROAN (Port. rudo). A sort of linen for handkerchiefs, made at Rouen, found Rouan. ROBERD'S-MAN or ROBERT' S-MAN. In the old statutes of England, a bold, stout robber, or night-thief; said to be so called from Robin Hood, a famous robber. — John- son. ROBERT or HERB-ROBERT. An annual plant, of the genus Geranium ; probably named after the horticulturist. # 254 VERBA NOMINALIA. ROBERT SAUCE, A sauce made of onions, mustard, butter, pepper, salt, and vinegar {Bailey) ; probably named after the maker. ROBINIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Leguminosce ; named after J. Robin, herbalist to Henry IV. of France. ROCHE ALUM {Roch alum). A variety of alum, origi- nally brought from Roccha, formerly called Edesea, in Syria. That now sold under this name is common English alum, arti- ficially coloured. ROCHELLE SALT. Tartrate of potassa and soda, used in medicine as a mild aperient ; from Rochelle, in France. It is also called Sel de Seignette. Its classical name is Rupellensis sal ; from Rupella, the L. appellation of Rochelle. " So called from M. Seignette, of Rochelle, by whom it was first prepared " {Crahb-). RODOMONTADE (Fr. id.. It. rodomontdta). Vain boast- ing; empty bluster or vaunting ; rant. " It is thus that Lord Palmerston brought to a close the too numerous bravadoes of his career, by a declaration which combines rodomontade with reculade in a fashion odiously burlesque." — 31. Forgade. The word is derived from Rodomont, a blustering and boasting hero of Boiardo, adopted by Ariosto. ROELLA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Campanulacece, na- tives of the Cape and Barbary ; named by Linnseus in honour of William Roelle, prof, of anatomy at Amsterdam, who sent many seeds of plants to Linna3us from both Indies, Africa, and Japan ; amongst others the seeds of this plant from Africa. ROHRIA. A genus of plants, of only one species, native of Guiana; named by Schreber after Julius von Rohr, who sent many plants to Europe from South America and the West Indies. ROMAIC. A term applied to the modern Greek language; from Rouina, a name by which the Arabs called the Greeks. The Arabic Rum is used to designate alike Rome, Greece, the Turkish empire, Roumelia, and Asia Minor. ROMAIKA. A national Greek dance which owes its origin to the classical period of Greek history. See Romaic. VERBA NOMINALIA. 255 ROMAN. An epithet for the type now commonly used, in distinction from the Italic. ROMANCE, A term denoting the dialect formerly pre- valent in some of the southern districts of France, which springs directly from the Roman or Latin language. A fabulous relation or story of adventures and incidents designed for the entertainment of readers ; a fiction ; as a verb, to forge and tell fictitious stories; to deal in extravagant stories. "The Latin ceased to be spoken in France about the ninth century, and was succeeded by what was called the Romance tongue, a mixtui'e of the language of the Franks and bad Latin. As the songs of chivalry became the most popular compositions in that language, they were emphatically called romans or romants, though this name was at first given to any piece of poetry." ROMANEE. A celebrated red wine grown at Romanee, dep. Cote-d'Or, famed for its vineyards. A common Bur- gundy with a Romanee label, occasionally sold in England. ROMANESQUE. A term applied in painting to that which appertains to romance, or rather to fable, as connected with objects of fancy ; in architecture, to the debased styles subse- quent to, and imitative of, the Roman ; in literature, to the common dialect in some of the southern districts of France, the remains of the old Roman language. ROMANISM. The tenets of the Church of Rome. ROMANIZE. To Latinize; to fill with Latin words or modes of speech ; to convert to the Roman Catholic religion or opinions ; to conform to Roman Catholic opinions, customs, or modes of speech. ROMANS!! or ROMANSCH. The dialect of the Grisons in Switzerland ; a corruption of the Latin or Roman lan- guage. ROMANTIC. Pertaining to romance, or resembling it; wild, fanciful, extravagant ; as a romantic taste, romantic no- tions, romantic expectations, romantic zeal. Improbable or chimerical ; fictitious ; as a romantic tale. Fanciful, wild ; full of wild or fantastic scenery ; as a romantic prospect, a romantic situation ; from romance, q.v. ROMANTICISM. The state of being romantic or fantastic; 256 VERBA NOMINALIA. applied chiefly to the unnatural productions of the modern French school of novelists. See Romance. ROMANZOVITE. A variety of garnet, colour brown or brownish -yellow ; named after Count RomanzofF. — Cleaveland. ROMEINE. A mineral consisting of antimonious acid and lime, colour hyacinth or honey -yellow ; named after the mineralogist Rome de L'Isle, ROMEPENNY or ROMESCOT. A tax of a penny on a house, formerly paid by the people of England to the Church of Rome. ROQUELAURE (Fr.) A man's cloak used in the begin- ning of the last century; named after the Due de Roquelaure, renowned for his courage, his military talents, and his genius. ROS CALABRINUS. A designation of the officinal manna. " Dew of Calabria," a district of Italy. ROSELITE. A very rare mineral occurring in small deep rose-coloured crystals, associated with cobalt bloom, at Schnee- berg, in Saxony ; named in honour of Dr. Gustavus Rose, of Berlin, a learned naturalist. ROTA. A red wine from Rota, a seaport. Bay of Cadiz ; sacked by the English in 1 702. ROTHIA. A genus of plants, or. CichoracecB, natives of the south of Europe; named by Schreber in honour of Dr. Albert William Roth, a physician of Bremen, author of Flora Germanica, &c. ROTTBOELLA or ROTTBOLLIA. An extensive genus of grasses, distributed throughout Asia, and also found in Egypt ; named by Linnajus the younger in honour of Dr. Christian Friis Rottboll, professor of botany and anatomy at the University of Copenhagen, author of several botanical treatises, &c. — Wright. ROUENNERIE. Printed cotton manufactured at Rouen, in Normandy, and celebrated all over France. ROUNCENVAL. A variety of pea, so called from Ron- cesvalles (Fr. Eoncevaux), a frontier village of Spain, in a gorge of the Pyrenees. ROUSSEA. A climbing shi'ub, of only one species, found by Commerson in St. Mauritius ; named by J. E. Smith, M.D., VERBA NOMINALIA. 257 in memory of Jean Jacques Rousseau, who wrote very elegant letters on botany. Linnasus, who frequently corresponded with him, had in his MSS. consecrated a plant to his name ; but the younger Linna3us having, by mistake, published that under the name of Russelia, Dr. Smith gave this new, beautiful, and very singular genus the name of Roussea. — Miller. ROUSSEAU'S DREAM. A celebrated air composed by Jean Jacques Rousseau, and a pantomime tune in his opera Le Devin du Village. See N. & Q,, 2nd S. iii., 13, 135; and 3rd S. iii. 260. ROUSSILLON. A fine red wine from Roussillon, an old province of France, sepai-ated from Spain by the Pyrenees. ROXBURGHIA. Aplant, anative of Coromandel; named in honour of William Roxburgh, M.D., a native of Scotland, who settled in the East Indies, author of a splendid work on the plants of the Coromandel coast. ROYAN. A species of sardine caught in autumn, a table delicacy furnished by the Bordeaux markets ; perhaps named from Royan, a seaport at the mouth of the Gironde. ROYENA. A genus of plants, natives of the Cape ; named by Linnoeus in honour of Adrian van Royen, prof, of botany at Ley den. RUABON. A coal from Rhuabon, North Wales. RUBICON. The name of a small river which separated Italy from Cisalpine Gaul, the province allotted to Caesar. When Caesar crossed this river he invaded Italy, with the in- tention of reducing it to his power: hence to pass or cross the. Rubicon signifies to take a desperate step in an enterprise, oi' to adopt a measure from which one cannot recede, or from which one is determined not to recede. Some authors make the RuUcon the modern Fiumecino ; others the Pisatello, which flows into it. RiJDESHEIMER. A celebrated red wine made from grapes grown at Riidesheim, opposite Bingen, on the Rhine. The best quality grows upon the terraces overhanging the Rhine, close to Ehrenfels. An inferior Rhine wine Avith a Rudesheimer label, sold in England. RUDOLPHINE. An epithet applied to a set of astro- 258 VERBA NOMINALIA. nomical tables computed by Kepler, and founded on the obser- vations of Tycho Brahe ; so named from Rudolph II., King of Bohemia, Emperor of Germany. RUFFIAN (formerly mffin and rouffin, Fr. ruffien, a bawd). A boisterous brutal fellow ; a fellow ready for any desperate, crime ; a robber ; a cutthroat ; a murderer. " In the meantime a commune and notable rufyan or thefe, whiclie hadde robbed and slayne a manne, was entred into the barne where Gysyp- jius laye," — Sir J. Elyot. The Governovr, b. ii., c. 12. " His blood a traitor's sacrifice was made, And smok'd indignant on a ruffian's blade." Young. Last Day, b. ii. Webster says, " If this word signifies primarily a robber, it is from the root of roh, Sw. rofva, Dan. rover ; in Scottish, ntffie is a worthless fellow; in It., ruffiano is a pimp, Sp. rujian, Port. rujiam, D. i^offiaan, id." Todd says, " Some have thought that our word is from ruff, the bullies and swaggerers of old time wearing enormous ruffs." Ferrari derives ruffiano from L. rufa, scurf of the head ; and he says mfare is to rub tlie head and remove the scurf, &c. Du Cange derives ruffiano from rufus, red, because the hair of courtesans was ordinarily red, whereas that of virtuous women was ordinarily black ; and Menage adds, that the Italian ladies who pretended to gallantry, when they washed their heads, made use of a wash which dyed the hair red, and that on account of its colour they called it la hioncla. He says also, " Euffen signifie aussi parmy nous un homme debauche aux femmes ; et ce mot en cette signification est plus usite qu'en I'autre." Nicot says the Fr. word signifies a maquereau {i.e. a pander or pimp) ; but that at all events both the Fr. and Eng. words are from the It. mffiano, which some derive from Rufus, a celebrated pimp, from rufus, red ; because pimps wore red garments. RUIZIA. A genus of shrubs, natives of the Isle of Bour- bon ; named by Cavanilles in honour of Don Hippolito Ruiz, a Spanish botanist, who, in conjunction with Pavon, wrote the splendid Flora Peruviana. — WrigJd, RUMBLE. See Rumbolu. VERBA NOMINALIA. 259 RUMBOLD. A carriage of the stanhope kind ; either named after the maker, or from one of the Rumbold family : hence, perhaps, rumble, the hind seat of a travelling carriage, for servants. A machine used to clean small works of cast iron, Avhich soon scrub each other bright by friction. RUMFORD. Name of one of the earliest improvements of the common stove, for the purpose of saving fuel ; invented by the celebrated Count Rumford, whose title was conferred on him by the Elector of Bavaria. His real name was Benjamin Thompson, and he was born at Woburn, New England, in 1 752. RUSSELIA. A genus of plants, found by Jacquin about Havana, in close woods and coppices ; named by him in honour of Alexander Russel, M.D., F.R.S., a native of Scotland, author of the Natural History of Aleppo, Lend. 1756. RUTHERFORDITE. A mineral occurring along with rutile, brookite, zircon, and monazite, at the gold mines of Rutherford & Co., North Carolina. S. SABAISM or TSABAISM. The name given by Arabic writers to a species of idolatry, which consisted in worshipping the sun, moon, and stars, and which prevailed to a great extent in Arabia and Mesopotomania. Some derive the word from the Sabaei (Sa/3a/o<), a people of Arabia Felix, who inhabited the northern part of the modern Yemen, the Sheba or Seba of Scripture. According to others, Tsabaism was derived from Tsabi, son or brother of Enoch ; but (says the writer in the P. Cyc.) it is more probably derived from their worshipping the Host of Heaven, D^Dtyn-«ny. It is also called Sabianism, and the Sabian, Sabgean, or Sabaian worship or religion; and its followers Sabians, or Sabeans. vSABBATIA. A genus of North American plants, nat, or. Gentianacece, of several species, all characterized by a pure bitter principle, on which account they are extensively used in North America in intermittent and remittent fevers ; named after L. Sabbatia, an Italian botanist. s-2 260 VERBA NOMINALTA. SABBY. A soft biscuit, probably from Savoy, q.v. SABELLIANISM. The doctrines or tenets of Sabellius, an Egyptian philosopher of the third century, who advanced the doctrine of unity in the Deity, declaring the Son and the Holy Ghost to be mere qualities. These tenets obtained many proselytes, and met with great success, till the opposition of St. Dionysius caused them to be formally condemned. SABINA {Juniperus Sabina). A tree whose leaves form the active ingredient in the ointment used for keeping up a discharge from blistered surfaces ; so called from the Sabines, whose priests used it in their religious ceremonies. — Forsyth. SABINEA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Legiiminosce, whose species are Indian shrubs ; named by De Candolle after Joseph Sabine, F.R.S., long time secretary to the Horticultural Society of London. SACK. Formerly a dry Spanish wine, supposed by some to be sherry ; still applied to a kind of sweet rubbish. " Go fetch me a quart oi sack, put a toast in it." — Merry W. of W. " Wherein is he good, but to taste sack and drink it?" — 1 Hen. IV. " Let me rejoice in sprightly sack, that can Create a braine even in an empty pan. Canary !" T. Beaumont. The Vertue of Sack. Bailey renders "sack (Sax. sec), a wine called canary, broughl from the Canary Islands ; also a wine brought to us from Malaga, in Spain." Richardson says, " Lat. saccare is to strain through a sack or bag ; and in Low Lat. saccare, per saccum colare et exprimere ; and saccadmn, liquor aquaj fceci vini ad- mixtus, sacco expressus (Du Canrje). For the kind of wine so called, see the commentators on Shakesj)eare, Hen. IV. pt. i. {Drake); Shakespeare and his Times, vol. ii., p. 130." Ac- cording to some, it was called from Xeque, a prov. of Spain, whence it was brought ; but the name of this wine is found written shems-sack or sec, i.e. dry sherry : hence, by abbre- viation, sack. See Sherry. SADDUCISM. The doctrine or opinion of the Sadducees. SAGERETIA. A genus of plants, nat. fam. Rhamnece^ VERBA NOMINALIA. 261 Avhose species arc found in both North Jind South America, Java, China, and in India along the foot of the Himalayas ; named after M. Sageret, a French vegetable physiologist. SAHLITE, A massive cleavable variety of augite, first obtained at the Sahla mountain, in Westermania. ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE. Popular name of the erysipelas; so called because supposed to have been cured by intercession of St. Anthony. ST. CRISPIN'S LANCE. An awl, so named from Cris- pin, the famous patron of the shoemakers. — Bailei/. ST. EMILION. A celebrated wine made at St. Emilion, France, dep. Gironde. ST. IGNATIUS'S BEAN. Seed of the Ignatia amara, having similar properties to those of nux vomica ; named after ' St. Ignatius. ST. JOHN'S BREAD. A plant of the genus Cemtonia ; also called the Carob Tree. — P. Cyc. ST. JOHN'S WORT. A name common to plants of the genus Hypericum, most of which have yellow flowers. ST. JULIEN. A red wine, named from a village near Bordeaux. In England, a wine made of acetic acid, cream of tartar, and coloured with cochineal or some other substance. In France, a variety of prune. ST. MICHAEL. An orange brought from St. Michael (San Miguel), largest of the Azores or Western Islands. ST. P£RAY. A fine high-flavoured white Rhone wine ft'om Saint Peray, dep. Ardeche, renowned for its white wines. ST. PETER'S WORT. A plant of the genus Asct/nm, and another of the genus Hijpericum. See Samphire. ST. STEPHEN'S. Parliament House, Westminster; so called because St. Stephen's Chapel was, till lately, used by the Lower House for its sittings. — S. F. Cresivell. ST. VITUS'S DANCE {Dansc de St. Guy). A disease affecting with irregular movements the muscles of voluntary motion, and attended with a great failure of the general phy- sical strength, called by physicians Chorea Sancti Viti. The name is said to have been borrowed from some devotees of St. Vitus, who exercised themselves so long in dancing that their 262 VERBA NOMINALIA. intellects became disordered (P. Cyc.) This disease first broke out in the Archbishopric of Treves and Cologne, and other parts of Germany, in 1374. The name was derived from a chapel in Ulm, dedicated to St. Vitus, which was greatly in vogue with those afilicted with the disease, who flocked thither in crowds to entreat the saint's intercession in their behalf. N. & Q. 2nd S. ii. 188 ; Lit. Gazette, July 12, 1856. Horstius says the name was given to it in consequence of the cure of certain women of disordered mind, upon their visiting the chapel of St. Vitus, and there dancing from morning till night. SAL MARTIS {Salt of Mars). Green sulphate of iron. SALAM-STONE. A kind of blue sapphire brought from Ceylon {Dana) ; probably derived from Selan (Port. Selan), the Malay name for Ceylon. SALIAN. " The original dance among the Romans," says M. Blasis, " was the Salian, taught first by Salius, an Arcadian; whence the word stJtatio." Our author is of opinion that the saltatio was very similar to the Italian grotesque, which was nearly the same as our modern tumbling, or the buffoonery of our English clowns (Fosbroke, Encyc. Antiq. Lond. 1840, 697). SALIC (Fr. salique). Appellation of a law of France by which males alone can inherit the throne. " A law in France made by King Pharamond, or, as some say, by Philip the Long, by which females were excluded from the throne" (CraJ6). Echard deduces this word from sala, a house, and the law from the circumstance that a male only could inherit his father's mansion and the court or laud enclosed (Cf. Montesq. b. 18); others derive the word from sale {sailed), because ordained only for the sales {salles ?) and royal palaces ; or from sel, salt, as though a laAV full of salt, i.e. of wisdom, by a metaphor drawn from salt. Indeed, D'avisson derives it from G. saltz and Zj'/j (salt-like). " Hanc legem Salicam barbaro vocabulo nuncupant origine et nomine, a sale deducta. Vox enim Salica, soils Gallis usurpata, sunt duse voces, a vetere Germanico idiomate corruptee. Saltz quippe Latinis sal vocatur. Et vox ipsa lik, similitudinem aut simile aliquid denotans. Undo vo- cabulum illud barbarum Salik. Lex ilia conservatrix, seu sali VERBA NOMINALIA. 263 similis, vulgo Salica dicta." Postel says it had its origin from the Gauls, and that it was called Salique for Gallique, " pour la proximite et voisinage que la lettrc g en viel moule, avait avec la lettre s." According to others, " Salique is a contrac- tion of Salomonique, because Solomon was the first who prac- tised this law in Judea, in the person of his son Rehoboam." The word has also been derived from Salogast, one of the chief counsellors of Pharamond. Indeed, some assert that Pharamond himself was called Saliqtie. " The most reasonable derivation," says Menage, " is from the Saliens (Salii), the name given to the Franks who dwelt on the borders of the Saale (Sala), in Germany." SALISBURY. A tree from China ; but why so named is doubtful. " Salisburia, maiden-hair tree, a genus of plants, nat. or. Taxacece''^ {Crabb). SALLY LUNN. " The bun so fashionable, called the sally lunn, originated with a young woman of that name at Bath about thirty years ago. She cried them on a basket, with a white cloth over it, morning and evening. Dalmer, a respect- able baker and musician, noticed her, bought her business, and made a song and set it to music in behalf of Sally Lunn. This composition became the street favourite ; barrows wei'e made to distribute the nice cakes ; Dalmer profited thereby and re- tired, and to this day the sally lunn cake claims pre-eminence in all the cities of England " (Hone's Every Day Book, 1826). SAM. To " stand Sam." To pay for refreshment or drink; to stand paymaster for anything. An Americanism, originating in the letters U. S. on the knapsacks of the United States soldiers, which letters were jocularly said to be the initials of Uncle Sam (the Government), who pays for all. In use in this country (England) as early as 1827. — J. C. Hotten. SAMARITAN. A term denoting the ancient characters and alphabet used by the Hebi'ews before the Babylonish cap- tivity, and retained by the Samaritans ; so called from Samaria, principal city of the ten tribes of Israel, belonging to the tribe of Ephraim, and, after the captivity of those tribes, repeopled by Cushites from Assyria or Chaldea. The language of Samaria, a dialect of the Chaldean. 264 VERBA NOMINALIA. SAMIAN EARTH. A marl of two species, formerly used in medicine as an astringent ; named from the isle of Samos. SAMIAN STONE. A sort of polishing stone used by goldsmiths. See Samian Earth. SAMIAN WARE. Vessels, bowls, and dishes of a bright red colour, and of various sizes, fragments of Avhich have been discovered in almost every European country. Cf. Gent. Mag. Ap. 1844, p. 369 ; and Jan. 1845, p. 23. See Samian Earth. SAMPHIRE or SAMPIRE. A herb of the genus Crith- 7num, which grows upon rocky cliffs near the sea-shore, where it is washed by the salt Avater. It is used for pickling. In the United States the term is applied to what in England is called glass-Avort. The name is said to be a corruption of St. Pierre (St. Peter). SAMPSON. An Australian drink. See Samson. SAMSON. A cant name given to gin by some vendors^ from its strength ; from the Scripture Samson. SAMSON'S POST. In ships, a strong post resting on the keelson, and supporting a beam of the deck over the hold ; probably named, from its strength, from the Scripture Samson. A temporary or moveable pillar carrying a leading block or pulley for various purposes. SAND, GEORGES SAND. A variety of chrysanthemum, red, gold centre ; named after the celebrated French writer. SANDWICH. Two pieces of bread and butter, with a thin slice of ham or other meat between them ; said to have been a favourite dish of the Earl of Sandwich. " Lord Sandifich brought into fashion the luncheon of seasoned meat between slices of bread and butter, which goes by his name " (N. h Q. 2nd S. vii. 418, 447). " When Tom Macaulay's Indian sits Where London's ruins stretch afar, Little he'll tliink of England's fame, Of Waterloo and Trafalgar. " Yet England's earls e'on then shall live, Remember'd by our tawny censor, \^'hi!st yet he boasts his ' Sandwich ' box. And wraps h'ua in his ' Spencer.' '* VERBA NOMTNALIA. 265 " A human advertising medium placed between tAVo hoards strapped over his shouKIcr. A load in the hole is the term ajiplied to the same individual when his person is conjQned by a four-sided box " (/. C. Ilotten). See also Spencer. SANTORIN. A dry red wine, with a port wine flavour ; from Santorin, lai'gest of a small group of islands in the Grecian Archipelago. This island was also called Thera and Calliste : hence Thera, a white wine, full of body, and Sercial Madeira character ; and Calliste, a very superior stout wine, equivalent to and resembling Bucellas. Coriuthe is also the name of a stout full-bodied wine, of a champagne flavour, from the same island ; but probably named from Corinth. SAPPHIC VERSE. The versification used by Sappho, the Grecian poetess. " The Sapphic verse consists of eleven syllables in five feet, of which the first, fourth, and fifth are trochees, the second a spondee, and the third a dactyl. The Sapphic strophe consists of three Sapphic verses followed by an Adonic " {Brande). SARACENIC. Denoting the architecture of the Saracens, the modern Gothic. SARASIN or SARRASINE (Fr. sarrasin). A plant, a kind of birth-wort {Poh/gomim fagopynmi); so called, says Bouillet, because, originally from Persia, it was bi'ought into Spain by the Arabs or Saracens. In fortification, a sort of portcullis or herse ; perhaps first invented or copied from the Saracens. The French give the appellation of sarrasin to a sort of wheat (buckwheat), originally from Africa, and said to have been named from the Saracens. SARCENET (Fr. id.. Low. L. saracenicmn) . A fine thin woven silk. The name is found written saracennet, and is supposed to be a corruption of Saracenic, i.e. of Saracen or Oriental origin. Bailey gives It. saracinetto, q.d. Saracen's silk. Webster says, " Qu. saracenicum or Saracen silk." Skin- ner gives sericum saracenicum. " Sarcenet or saracennet, from its Saracenic or Oriental origin, was known about this period (Edw. T.) The robe of Largesse or Liberality in the ' Roman de la Rose ' is said to have been — 266 VERBA NOMINALIA. ' Bonne et belle, D'une coute toute nouvelle, D'un pourpre Snrrascinesche.' " Line 1172. Planche. " Thou tender heir apparent to a church-ale, Thou sleight prince of single sarcenet." Beaum. §• F. Philaster, act v. sc. i. Dufresne gives " Saracenicum, pannus Saracenici operis, Sar- cenet, in Inventario Eccl. Eboracensis ann. 1530 in Monastico Anglic, torn. 3, pag. 177 : Item una capa del Sarcenet, operata cum imaginihus, etc. Saracenicum opus, ibidem non semel pag. 321, 326, etc. [Vide Sarantasmum.']" Also ^^ Saracenu7n,\e\axnQ\\ sanctimonialium comput. ann. 1239, ex. Bibl. Reg.: Abhatissa S. Antonii 2yro vi. supertunicalibus emptis apud Pontisaimm, pro Saracenis, camisiis ; hraccis, sotularibus, et caligis, etc. Saracenum dici videtur quod Saracenis mulieribus maxime solitura erat caput velamento operire, ut testatur le Roman de la Rose MS. : * Mes ne quevre pas le visage, Qu'il ne veut pas tenir I'usage Des Sarrasins, qui d'estamines Cuevrent le vis as Sarrasines Quant il trespassent par la voie Que nus trespassans ne les voie, Tant sont plains de jalouse rage.' Nisi mails vocis originem deducere a Saracenicum^ quod ex panno Saracenici o^^QVlS erant ejusmodi velamina (Vide Gloss. Med. Grrecit. v. 2>capav<)tov)." SARD, SARDOIN. A variety of chalcedony, colour rich brownish-red; from the same root as sardel, q.v. SARDEL, SARDINE (L. sardius, Gr. ara^hov). A pre- cious stone ; from Sardis, now Sart, in Asia Minor. One of the kind was set in Aaron's breastplate (Exod. xxviii). SARDINE or SARDEL. A Mediterranean fish, often prepared, like the anchovy, as a delicacy ; so called from being caught near the island of Sardinia. Menage (quoting Isidore, xii. 6) seems to think that the Sardine (It. sardina, sardella) was so named from resembling a fish called the sar, which abounded in the neighbourhood of Tyre, formerly called Sarra from that circumstance. VERBA NOMINALIA. 267 SARDINIAN. A graceful vehicle, named after its patron, the King of Sardinia. SARDONIA. A kind of smallage; from Sardonia (where ?), its native soil. — Forsyth. SARDONIC. An ejiithet applied to that forced, heartless, or bitter laugh or grin which but ill conceals a person's real feelings ; so called from the Sardonic laugh {Sardonicus risns), a spasmodic affection of the muscles of the face, in which the lips are drawn involuntarily apart, giving it a horrible appear- ance of laughter ; frequently met with as one of the symptoms of tetanus or locked jaw, or as an attendant on other convulsive affections. It is said to have been originally caused by eating the Herba Sardonica or Sardoa, a species of ranunculus (ranun- cidus sceleratus of Linnaeus) growing in Sardinia. SARDONYX (Gr. a-apSovu^, L. sardonyx, sardonyches). A stone or gem, nearly allied to onyx ; colour reddish-yellow, or nearly orange ; so called from Sardis (hod. Sart), in Asia Minor, and ovu^, a nail, claw, &c. ; "from the resemblance of its colour to the flesh under the nail " (Plin. lib. 37, 6). Bailey says, " Partly of the colour of a man's nail, partly of a cornelian colour." According to others, the sardonyx had its name fi'om Sardo, the Greek name of Sardinia, whence the Carthaginians are said to have exported it. SARRACENIA. A genus of handsome plants, nat. or. SarraceniacecB or Sarracenice, of four species, natives of North America ; named by Tournefort in honour of Dr. Sarrazin of Quebec, regius prof, of anatomy and botany, who sent this plant to him from Canada. SARSAPARILLA (O. Fr. sarzepareiUe, Sp. sarsaparilla) . A plant, a species of smilax, whose root is valued in medicine for its mucilaginous and farinaceous or demulcent qualities {Encyc.) Much used in medicine to counteract the effects of mercury. Some derive the word from Sp. zarza, a bramble, parilla, diminutive of parra, a vine. Forsyth says it is of Spanish origin, and signifies " red tree." Joseph Scaliger says saza parilla is the true smilax aspei'a, well known at Mont- pellier, and was so named from Sp. qarza (zdrza, a common thorn), and Parillo, a Spanish physician who first made use of 268 VERBA NOMINALIA. it as a medicine, aud who introduced it into France ; and that the doctors of Montpellier always make sarsaparilhi from the roots of the smilax. SASSOLIN, SASSOLINE. Native boracid acid, found in saline incrustations on the borders of hot springs near Sasso, in Italy. SATIRE. A composition strongly seasoned with raillery. By some derived from Satyr; but most probably from Satura Itmx, an olio, a medley. — S. F. Cresivell. SATURDAY. The last day of the week; the Jewish Sabbath ; from A. S. Sceternes-dceg, Saturn's day. See Saturn. SATUREIA. A genus of plants in the Linnsean system ; so called from the lustful Satijrs, because it makes those who eat it lascivious {Blanch). The pharmacopoeial name of the summer savory. SATURN. One of the planets of the solar system, next in magnitude to Jupiter, but more remote from the sun ; so called from Saturn, one of the oldest and principal deities, son of Coelus and Terra, and father of Jupiier. The Gr. aame was Kpovof, which at a later period was made equivalent to Xpovoe, time. Saturnus. In the ancient chemistry, a name given to lead. Another name for the sable colour in coats of arms. SATURNALIA. Among the Romans, the festival of Saturn, celebrated in December as a period of unrestrained licence and merriment for all classes, extending even to the slaves. See Saturn. SATURNALIAN. Loose, dissolute, sportive ; lit. pertain- ing to the Saturnalia, q.v. SATURNIAN. Golden, happy, distinguished for purity, integrity, and simplicity. " Th' Augustus, born to bring Saturnian times." — Pope. Lit. pertaining to Saturn, whose age or reign, from the mildness and wisdom of his government, is called the golden age. A verse, a kind of iambic used by the Romans, consisting of six feet and a syllable over. SATURNINE. Child-devouring; so called from Saturn, VERBA NOMINALTA. 269 Avho devoured his sons ns soon :is born, beeuuse he dreaded from them a retaliation of his unkindness to his father. " The Revolution, struck to save the Republic, has displayed its old Satuniitu; voracity, for the majority of the newspapers devoured by it were Republican." Supposed to be under the influence of Saturn : hence dull, heavy, grave, not readily susceptible of excitement, phlegmatic; as a saturnine person or temper. In ancient chemistry, per- taining to lead ; as saturnine compounds. SATURNITE. A metallic substance, separated from lead in torrefaction, resembling lead in its colour, weight, &c., l)ut more fusible and brittle {ohs.')', so called from Saturn, an old appellation of lead. SATYRIASIS {^atupiagig'). Immoderate venereal appe- tite {Coxe^. " From aaTupo;, a satyr, because they are said to be greatly addicted to venery " (^Forsytli). SATYRIUM, SATYRION. A plant, supposed to excite salacity (Pope) ; so called from the satyrs. See Satureia ; also Forsyth's Med. Diet, under " Satyrion." SAUSSURITE. A mineral, colour white, greenish, or greyish, consisting of silica, alumina, lime, and oxide of iron ; named after M. Saussure, who discovered it. SAUTERNE. One of the best white wines of the Borde- lais, made from grapes growing at Sauternes, dep. Gironde, situate in the midst of vineyards. It may occasionally be had in England. SAVITE. A mineral ; a hydrous silicate, occurring in the gabbro rosso of Tuscany ; named after M. Savi. SAVOY. Common name of a hardy cabbage, much culti- vated for winter use ; so called from the duchy of Savoy whence it was first brought. SAVOYARD. In Paris, a sweep ; lit. a native of Savoy, whence the Paris sweeps chiefly come. SAWNEY. Nickname for a Scotchman, from Sawney, a common Christian name in Scotland ; corrupted from Alex- ander. A simpleton ; a gaping awkward lout. SAXON BLUE. A deep blue liquid used in dyeing, and 270 VERBA NOMINALTA. obtained by dissolving indigo in concentrated sulphuric acid ; so called from Saxony, whence it was first brought. SAXONISM. An idiom of the Saxon language. SCALLION. A young onion ; so called in the North of England ; from Ascalon (S. F. Creswell). See Gerarde's Herbal, and cf. Shallot. SCAMANDER. To wander about without a settled pur- pose ; possibly in allusion to the winding course of the Homeric river of that name. — J. C. Hotten. SCARBOROUGH WARNING. A warning too shortly given to be taken advantage of. When a person is driven over, and then told to keep out of the way, he receives Scar- borough ivarning. Fuller says the proverb alludes to an event which happened at that place in 1557, Avhen Thomas Stafford seized upon Scarborough Castle before the townsmen had the least notice of his approach. — J. C. Hotten. SCARBROITE. Hydrated silicate of alumina, occurring in beds of sandstone covering the calcareous rock near Scar- borough. SCH^FFERA. A small tree or shrub, native of the West Indies, discovered by Jacquin about Carthagena in New Spain ; named by him in honour of Jacob Christian Schjeffer, super- intendent of the church at Ratisbon, author of Studii Botanici Methodus, 1758, &c. SCHEELE'S GREEN. A pigment obtained by mixing arseniate of potassa with sulphate of copper ; perhaps first mixed by Scheele. See next. SCHEELINE or SCHEELIUM (Fr. scheelite). A name sometimes given to the metal tungsten, in honour of Charles William Scheele, an eminent chemist, who was born in 1742 at Stralsund, and who discovered the oxalic, fluoric, malic, and lactic acids. SCHEFFLERA. A genus of plants, of only one species, native of New Zealand ; named by Forster in honour of Schefiler, physician and botanist at Dantzic. SCHEUCHZERIA. A genus of plants, natives of Lapland, Siberia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Prussia, and Dauphine; named by Linnceus in memory of the brothers Scheuchzer, the VERBA NOMINALIA. 271 one professor of mathematics at Ziiricli, author of Itinera Alpina, the other professor of physics at Ziirich, author of a celebrated treatise on grasses. SCHIEDAM. A name for holhmds gin ; so called from Schiedam, in Holland, which contains upwards of one hundred distilleries, and is the chief seat of the manufacture of Dutch gin. The town has also a large trade in pigs, 30,000 of which are said to be annually fattened on the refuse of the distilleries. SCHMIDELIA. A tree resembling Rhus trifoliata, native of the East Indies ; named by Linnaeus in honour of Casimir Christopher Schmidel, author of Icones et Analyses Planta- rum, Gesneri Botanica. SCHNEIDERIAN MEMBRANE. The pituitary mem- brane, which secretes the mucus of the nose ; named after Schneider, who first described it. SCHNEIDERITE. A mineral found with sloanite in the gabbro rosso of Tuscany; named after Schneider, director of the mine of Mount Catini. SCHOEPFIA. A genus of plants of only one species, a small tree, native of Santa Cruz and Montserrat ; named by Schreber in honour of Johann David Schoepf, president of the medical college at Anspach, author of Materia Medica Ameri- cana, &c. SCHOTIA. A genus of plants of only one species, native of Senegal and the Cape ; named by Jacquin after Richard Van der Schot, companion in his travels. SCHOTTISCHE ("Scottish"). A celebrated dance of German origin. SCHRADERA. A genus of plants of two species, the one discovered by Ryan in the island of Montserrat, the other native of Jamaica ; named by Vahl after Hen. A. Schrader, author of Spicilegium Flor^ GermanicaB, Hann. 179'4. SCHREBERA. A genus of plants of only one species, a large timber tree, native of the Rajahmundry Circar ; named in honour of Joseph Christian Dan. Schreb, professor of physic, &c., at Erlaug, editor of Linna^us's Genera Plantarum, and author of many works on botany. 272 VERBA NOMINALTA. SCHROTTERITE. A mineral found in nodules between granular limestone and clay slate on the Dollinger Mountain, near Freienstein, in Styria ; analysed by Schrotter. SCHWALBEA. A genus of plants of only one species, native of North America; named by Linnseus after Schwalbe, a physician, SCHWEINFURTH GREEN. A compound of arsenious acid and oxide of copper, resembling Scheele's green ; probably named from Schweinfurt, in Bavaria. SCHWENKIA. A biennial plant, native of Guinea ; named by Van Royen after Martin Wilhelm Schwencke, phy- sician and professor of botany at the Hague, died 1785. SCOTTICISM. An idiom or peculiar expression of the natives of Scotland. SCYTHICUS. A name for the liquorice-root, or any- thing brought from Scythia ; from Scythia, its native soil. — Forsyth. SEDAN. A portable chair or covered vehicle for carrying one person, and borne on poles by two men (^Dryden ; Encyc.) Some derive the word from L. sedeo, to sit ; others from the town of Sedan, in France, where this article was first made. " It was in 1634 that Sir Saunders Duncombe first introduced Sedan chairs. Sir Saunders was a great traveller, and had seen these chairs at Sedan, where they were first invented " {Pulleyn). A sort of cloth from Sedan. SEIDLITZ WATER. A saline mineral water from Seid- litz, in Bohemia, often taken as an agreeable aperient. Seidlitz powders are intended to produce the same effect with Seidlitz water. SEIGNETTE'S SALT. A neutral salt consisting of soda, potash, and tartaric acid ; prepared and made known by a Frenchman named Peter Seignette, an apothecary of Rochelle, about the end of the seventeeth century, when it was employed in preference to many other medicines long known, which had been equally serviceable. — Forsyth. SELLA TURCICA (^j>/H)?/)mm). A cavity in the sphenoid bone, containing the pituitary gland, suiTounded by the four clinoid processes ; from sella, quasi sedda, from sedere, to sit, VERBA NOMINALIA. 273 and Turcica, from its supposed resemblance to a Turkish saddle. — Forsyth. SELTZER WATER (Properly Selter's Water ; G. Seltzer wasser, Fr. Ecm de Seltz). A mineral water containing much free carbonic acid ; named from a spring near the village of Nieder-Selters, in the duchy of Nassau. SEMOLINA (It. ; Fr. semoule). This substance, as well as soojee and manna croup, are granular preparations of wheat, deprived of bran. The word is said to be derived from Sejno, a tutelar deity of sown corn. Others derive it from semi- moulu, half-ground. SENEBIERA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Crucifera ; named in honour of John de Senebier, of Geneva, a vegetable physiologist. SENEGA or SENEKA. The plant called snakeroot, rattlesnake-root, and Polygala Senega, growing in the moun- tainous parts of the United States. It was so named from having been employed by the Seneca or Senegaw Indians as a remedy for the bite of the rattlesnake. SENEGIN. A name given to polygalic acid, the native principle of the senega root. See Senega. SEQUIN (found chequin, zechin, and zequin ; Fr. seqiiin. It. zecchind). A gold coin of Italy and Turkey. The average value at Venice and in other parts of Italy is 9s. 5d. sterling; in Turkey the sequin fonducli is valued at 7s. ^d. sterling. Webster, under " Zechin," says, " If named from Zecha, the place where minted, this is the correct orthography." Bailey, under " Zechin, Zacliin," says, " So called from La Zeeclia, a place in the city of Venice, where the mint is settled ;" probably from Stjxtj, a repository ; thus Qvjx-ij, theca, zeca, Zecca. The Spanish has, however, zequi, a zechin, an Arabic gold coin formerly used in Spain, and the Arab, has zuwak, argentum vivum. SERAPIAS. Helleborine. A genus of plants, nat. or. Orchidacem ; " from Serapis, a lascivious idol; so called because it was thought to promote venery, or from the testiculated shape of its roots " (Hooper, Lex. Med.) SERGE (Fr. id. ; O. Fr. saj^ge ; Sp. serja, sarja ; It. sargia a coverlet; Sp. xerga,jerga, coarse frieze, and jarjon; D. sergie'). T 274 VERBA NOMINALIA. A woollen twilled stuff. Silk serge is a twilled silk fabric, used mostly by tailors for lining men's coats. Skinner derives the word from G. serge, teges, tegmen ; in D. sargie, a coverlet ; others from sarica, a tunic {Scirica misticia cum manicas cartas valenfe siliquas aureas duas. Sarica prasina ornata, valente soliclo uno); "and," says Menage, "as tunics are made ordinarily of serge, the name may have been taken for the stuff itself; that the Italians derive it from sargia, milled counterpane (^loclier); others from serica." In the supplement he adds, " Although this stuff (sarge) is made of wool, it may still derive its name from sericum, silk, from being a twine, a la fa^on des ^toffes de sole. Eckchardus le jeune, Moine de S. Gal, De Casibns Monasterii S. Galli, ch. 3. Missus est Magontiam utique pro panis laneis emendis, quos sericales aitt punicas vacant.^'' Woollen serges are called in France " cadis de Montauban," from Montauban, where they are made. See also Silk. SERIANA (more commonly Serjania). An entirely tropical South American and West Indian genus of the natural family Sapindacece ; named by Schumacher after Serjeant, a French monk and botanist. SERICEOUS. Pertaining to silk; consisting of silk; silky; from L. sericeus, from sericum, silk, muslin ; from sericus, of or belonging to the Seres, or their country. See Silk. In botany, covered with very soft hairs pressed close to the sur- face ; as a sericeous leaf. SERIPHIUM. Flax-Aveed; from Seriphus, name of the island upon which it grew. — Forsyth. SESLERIA. A grass which in its manner of flowering resembles the genus Aii'a, but having the appearance of AntJwscanthum ; a native of Europe in mountainous and boggy pastures ; named by Scopoli in honour of Dr. Leonard Seslei", a botanist, who formed the genus in the island of St. Helen. SEVERITE. A silicious hydrate of alumina, colour white; found near St. Sever, in France. SfiVRES. A porcelain made of a clay consisting of felspar in its different states of decomposition, with small quantities of VEllBA NOMINALIA. 275 silica and chalk ; so called from Sevres, a town of France, cap. cant. Seine-et-Oise, where it is manufactured. SEYD or ZEID. The name of a slave of Mohammed, who was one of the first to acknowledge the divine mission of his master, was adopted by him, and received Zeinab, a cousin of Mohammed, as his wife. The prophet, however, having fallen in love with her himself, Seyd was ready to resign her. Vol- taire, in his Maliomet, makes Seyd an innocent but blindly sub- missive youth, who at the prophet's order, kills a person, who turns out to be his own father. Seyd is, therefore, sometimes used to denote a man blindly devoted to the will of another. Thus St. Just is called by Mr. Nodier the Seyd of Robespierre; and the Duke of Rovigo says in his Memoirs that he has often been taken for the Seyd of Napoleon. SHADDOCK. A large species of orange, Citrus decumana ; named after Capt. Shaddock, who first carried this fruit from the East to the West Indies. SIIADRACH. A mass of iron, in which the smelting has failed of its intended effect; probably called from Shadrach, one of the three men who were preserved in the fiery furnace. SHAKO, CHAKO, or SCHAKO. A military cap. Some derive the word from O. Sp. zdco (now jdco'), a short jacket, formerly used by soldiers ; corrui^ted from Jacobus, i.e. James. Cf. Jacket. SHALLOON (ras de Chalons, Sp. chalon, chalun). A slight woollen stuff, the great staple of Halifax, where about 10,000 pieces are annually made for shipment to Turkey and the Levant. The name is said to be derived from Chalons, in France, where it was first made. Bailey writes the word shallons and shaloon; and Chaucer uses shalons for blankets. SHALLOT (found shalot, shalote, eschalot ; Fr. echalote for eschalote. It. scaglogno, Sp. escahiiia). A plant, the Allium Ascalonium, a species of small onion, the mildest cultivated ; named from Ascalon or Askelon, a city in the land of the Philistines, between Azoth and Gaza, on the Mediterranean coast, where it grows wild, as it does also in many parts of Syria. It was from Ascalon that the Romans T 2 276 VERBA NOMINALIA. imported the Allium Ascalonium. Calmet says, " The ancients praise the shalot, which takes its name from Askelon." See also Athen, lib. ii. cop. 28 ; Plin. lib. xix. cap, 6 ; Strabo, lib. xvi. ; Stephens, and Menage. Ascalonium, ascalonio, ascalone, ascalote, aschalote, eschalot, Shallot. SHANGHAI. A tea from Shanghai, in China. A sort of domestic fowl. SHAWL. A cloth of wool, cotton, silk, or hair, used by- females as a loose covering for the neck and shoulders. This article of dress is said to have been originally manufactured in the heart of India, from the soft woolly inner hair of a variety of the common goat reared in Thibet, The best shawls now come from Cashmere, but they are also manufac- tured in Europe. According to some, it had its name from Shawl, a town and valley in Beloochistan, the centre of the traffic between Shikarpoor, Kandahar, and Kelat, The town is not now celebrated for its shawls, but carpets and blankets are made there ia considei'able quantities. More- over, the Persian sJidl means not only a shawl of goat's hair, but also a coarse mantle of wool and goat's hair worn by dervishes, a tunic without sleeves, a small carpet, &c. SHELTIE. A Shetland or Zetland pony, a small but strong horse in Scotland ; so called from Shetland, where it is produced. Dr. Edmonston (Zetland, ii. 207) says the shelties are very sagacious, so much so, that, in crossing the mossy hills they of themselves select the best "road," though there be not " the vestige of a footprint." See also Ed. Rev. xvi. 152. SHEMITIC or SEMITIC. An absurd appellation given to the languages called Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew, Samaritan, Ethiopic, and Old Phoenician ; from Shem, son of Noah, SHEPARDITE. A mineral, colour brownish-black, found in small grains in the Bishopville meteorite ; named after Professor Shepard. It was formerly called schreibserite ; doubtless derived from Schreibser. SHERARDIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Ruliacece ; whose only species is the *S'. at^vensis, found on sandy soils in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the Crimea ; named VERBA NOMINALIA. 277 by Dillenius after his patron, William Sherard, LL.D., consul at Smyrna. SHERRY (formerly Sherris). A strong wine of a deep amber colour, and having an aromatic odour ; so called from Xerez, now Jerez, near Cadiz, where it is made. A similar wine made at Jerez for the English market. A wine made in England of Je ne sats quoi. SHILLALY, SHILLALAH, SHILLELY, or SHILLE- LAH. An oaken sapling or cudgel ; so named from a wood, famous for its oaks, near the " Meeting of the Walers," in the county of Wicklow, Ireland, " Four miles from Tiuehely is Coolatin Park, residence of Earl Fitzwilliam, well-cultivated fields and comfortable homesteads abounding around the mansion. On this estate is the famed wood, or rather what remains of it, of Shillelah, which gives its name to the solid oak sapling so renowned in Milesian song and s(ory. This wood, which covered the southern portion of the county, was cut down in 1634 by Lord Lieutenant Strafford, who wrested it from the original proprietors, the O'Byrnes, because they were unable to produce any Avritten titles to their lauds. Some of the oak was used to roof St. Patrick's Cathedral, and Westminster Hall, it is supposed, was roofed from the same source. Tourist's Handb. for Ireland. SHIRAZ. A celebrated tobacco, brought through Bushire, from Shiraz, a city of Persia, capital prov. Ears, and formerly capital of Persia itself. A wine whose flavour is by no means attractive to the European palate, notwitli- standing the praises of the poet Hafiz. SHRAPNEL SHELL. In (/tmner?/, a name given to shells filled with musket-balls, which when the shells explode are projected in all directions ; so called from the name of the in- ventor. " Shortly after the siege of Gibraltar Lieut. -Gen. Henry Shrapnel invented the spherical case-shot, which con- sists of a hollow globe of iron, filled with musket-balls and gunpowder. When the shell explodes these balls are projected about 150 yards, and do as much injury as the same number of muskets, in addition to the effects produced by the splinters of the exploded shell. On the adoption of these shells by the 278 VERBA NOMINALIA. artillery, Greneral Shrapnel was granted a pension of £1200 per annum, in addition to his regular pay. He died in 1842 " {T. Wright, 3[.A.) SIBBALDIA. A genus of plants, class Pe?i^fl?if?r2a; named after Robert Sibbald, IM.D., author of Scotia Illustrata. SIBERITE. A mineral, a sort of red tourmaline, found in Siberia. SIBYLLINE. Pertaining to the Sibyls ; uttered, written, or composed by Sibyls; like the productions of the Sibyls, who, in pagan antiquity, were certain Avomen said to be endowed with a prophetic spirit, and who resided in various parts of Persia, Greece, and Italy. They are pretended to have Avritten certain prophecies on leaves in verse, which are called Sibylline verses, or Sibijlline oracles. Hence the term is applied to a gipsy or fortune-teller. Hence also Sibylline books, or documents of prophecies in verse, supposed to contain the fate of the Roman empire, and said to have been purchased by Tarquin the Proud from a Sibyl. Sibylline oracles are univer- sally allowed to be spurious, but it is evident that the Romans in particular revered these productions as sacred, and on all important occasions consulted them. Ten, or, as Gellius and some others affirm, fifteen eminent Romans were appointed to superintend and examine them. The Sibylline books were preserved till the times of the civil wars between Sylla and Marius. Cf. Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights. SICILIANO. In music, a composition in measures of 6-4 or 6-8, to be performed in a slow and graceful manner ; so called from Sicily, where it originated. " Sicilienne, sort d'air a danser dans la mesure a six-quatre ou six-huit, d'un move- ment beaucoup plus lent, mais encore plus marque que celui de la gique." — Rousseau, Diet. Mus. SICILIAN VESPERS. The era of the general massacre of the French in Sicily, in 1282, on the evening of Easter Tuesday, at the toll of the bell for vespers. SIEBERA. A genus of plants of one species, S. jmngens, native of the Levant ; so called after Henry Sieber, a cele- brated botanical collector. SIENNA. Clay coloured by the peroxide of iron and VERBA NOMINALIA. 279 iniinganese, known as raw and burnt sienna, according to the treatment it has received (a good artists' colour); from Siena, in Italy. SILESIA. A sort of linen cloth ; so called from Silesia, in Russia, where first made. SILHOUETTE (Fn) A profile; a representation of the outlines of an object filled in with a black colour. Etienne de Silhouette (who was born at Limoges in 1709, was successively counsellor to the parliament of Metz and master of requests, and who held other important appointments, and was author of several works) greatly occupied the public attention during his short administration by recommending rigid economy. Immediately after his fall everything that was brought out at the time was called a la Silhouette : hence the term Silhouette, which was in vogue at this time, and was aj)plied in derision to the cheap picture above described. SILK (A. S. seolc, Sw. and Dan. silke, Russ. schilJc). The fine soft thread produced by various species of caterpillars, particularly by the larve of the insect called silktvorm or Bom- hyx mori. Webster gives the Arab, and Pers. t <^l... silk, pro- perly any thread, from Arab, salaka, to send or thrust in ; to insert, to pass or go. Others derive the word from Gr. cnj^, a silkworm. Rees says, " The ancients were but little acquainted with the use and manufacture of silk ; they took it for the work of a sort of spider or beetle, who spun it out of its entrails, and wound it with its feet about the little branches of trees. This insect they called ser, from Seres (Sij^se), a people of Scythia, whom we now call the Chinese, who, as they thought, bred it; whence the silk itself was called sericum {(rrjpiKOv); but this ser of theirs has very little afiinity with our silkworm {Bomhyx), the former living five years, the latter dying annually." Virgil evidently alludes to silk in Georg. ii. 121, " Vellei'aque ut foliis depectant tenuia seres?" Braunius is of opinion that there is no mention of silk in the Old Testa- ment, and that it was unknown to the Hebrews in ancient times (De Vestitu Heb. Sacerdotum, lib. 1, cap. viii. sec. 8). The only text supposed to denote that material, and therefore rendered silk (''ti^D meshi, sericum) in our common version, is to 280 VERBA NOMINALIA. be found in Ezek. xvi. 10; but which, it is thought, refers more probably to some valuable article of female attire. Aris- totle (Hist. Anim. v. c. 19) is the first ancient author who affords any evidence respecting the use of silk. The art of weaving silk was first practised in China 2600 years before our era {vide Du Halde's Hist. China, vol. ii. 355-6, 8vo ed, Lond. 1736), to which country the labours of the silkworm were wholly confined until the time of the Emperor Justinian. Long before the latter period, however, the Chinese had largely exported the raw material to Persia, Tyre, Berytus, &c., where it was wrought into various forms. The name seems to be derived from the country where it was doubtless first produced, viz. Serica. Serica, in ancient geography, was an eastern country, whose frontier is very vaguely indicated by ancient writers, but which has been more precisely ascer- tained by Ptolemy. According to the latter, it is bounded on the west by Scythia, on the other side of the Imaus ; on the south by unknown territories, and by a part of India beyond the Ganges and the Sines. M. d'Anville refutes the opinion of those who assert that the Serica described by Ptolemy corresponded to the northern part of China, and he adopts that of M. de Guignes (Hist, of the Huns), that it belonged to the conquests of the Chinese towards the west; and he says that, with the exception of a small angular territory at the ex- tremity of the province of Chen-si, towards the north-west, China formed no part of Serica. According to some, the metropolis of Serica (the Sera of Ptolemy) is now known under the name of Can-cheou, the first considerable town that occurs at the entrance of the Chinese province of Chen-si, which belongs to a country known to orien-tals under the name of Tangut, which, says Rees, may therefore be the country anciently inhabited by the Seres, of which Sera was the capital. The word would come thus : sericum, seric, by muta- tion of r into I, selic, selik. Silk. " Such, indeed, was the im- portance of silk" says Tomlinson, " that the very people and their country are named Seres and Serica in ancient writings, from the Chinese word se, which signifies silk. Sze keen is the proper orthography, but if the name of the country is of VERBA NOMINAhlA. 281 Chinese origiu it might silso be from Sze-e, an appellation applied to foreigners on all sides of China." Cf. Yates Textrinum Antiquorum, 8° ed. Lond. 1843 ; "Wilkinson, Ancient Egyptians, iii. 125, 8^ Lond. 1847, quoting Thomp- son ; Smith, Diet, of Gr. and Rom. Ant. v. " Sericum," 860 ; and N. & Q. 2nd S. vii. 456, and 500-1. SILKSTONE. A coal from Silkstone, near Barnsley? Yorkshire. SILLERY. One of the best sorts of champagne, a non- sparkling wine. Sillery, near Rheims, is not the locality which produces this celebrated champagne. It derives its name from Sillery by a secondary process. Under its name is compre- hended the produce of all the vineyards of Verzenay, Mailly, Raument, &c., situated at the north-east termination of the chain of hills which separate the Maine from the Verle, and formerly belonging to the Marquis de Sillery, husband of Madame de Genlis. Having been originally brought into vogue by the greater care bestowed upon its manufacture by the Marechale d'Estrees, it was long known by the name of Vin (III Marechale. SILLIMANITE. A mineral, colour dark grey and hair- brown, composed of silica and alumina, with some oxide of iron, found at Say brook, in Connecticut ; named in honour of Prof. Silliman, of Yale College. SILURIA. A term applied to the fossiliferous strata below the old red sandstone; so named from the portion of England and Wales in which the successive formations are clearly dis- played, and wherein an ancient British people (the Silures), under their king Caradoc (Cai'actacus) opposed a long and valorous resistance to the Romans. SIM. One of a methodistical turn in religion ; a low churchman ; originally a follower of the late Rev. Chas. Simeon. — Cambridge ; J. C. Hotten. SIMON or SIMPLE SIMON. A credulous gullible per- son ; so called from a character in a song. — J. C. Hotten. SIMON PURE, " the real Simon Pure," the genuine article. Those who have witnessed Mr. C. Matthews's performance in Mrs. Centlivre's admirable comedy of J. Bold Stroke for a Wife, 282 VERBA NOMINALTA. and the laughable coolness with which he, the false Simon Pure, assuming the Quaker dress and character of the real one, elbowed that worthy out of his expected entertainment, will at once perceive the origin of this phrase. See act v. sc. 1, and Hotten's Slang Diet., especially the preface, p. 36. SIMONIAC. One who buys or sells preferment in the church. — Ayliffe. See Simony. SIMONIOUS. Partaking of simony ; given to simony, q.v. — Milton. SIMONY. The buying or selling ecclesiastical prefer- ment, or the corrupt presentation of any one to an ecclesiastical benefice for money on rcAvard. By stat. 31 Eliz. c. vi. severe penalties were enacted against this crime. So named from Simon Magus, who wished to purchase the power of conferring the Holy Spirit. Acts viii. SIMPLE SIMON, See Simon. SINGLO (Songlo-tcha). A species of green tea from China; so called from the Mountain Soug-lo, prov. Kiangnan, where it is cultivated. SIREN (L. siren, a mermaid, music, melody ; Fr. sirene ; It. sirena). In modern use, an enticing woman, a female rendered dangerous by her enticements. " Sing, siren, to thyself, and I will dote." — Shak. The Sirenes were the three daughters of the River Achelous and one of the Muses, half human, half bird, who by their sweet singing tempted sailors on shore to their destruction. They derived their name from Heb. nw shur, to sing. Per- taining to a siren, or to the dangerous enticements of music ; bewitching ; fascinating ; as, a siren song. A batrachian reptile of Carolina, constituting a peculiar genus, destitute of posterior extremities and pelvis. SISAL HEMP. The prepared fibre of the American aloe, used for cordage ; named from Sisal, a port in Yucatan, whence it is doubtless brought. SIVATHERIUM. An extinct animal, whose skull and other bones were recently discovered in India. It had four horns and a proboscis, was larger than the rhiuosceros, and VERBA NOMINALIA. 283 must have resembled an immense antelope {Mantell) ; so called from Siva, an Indian deity; Gr. ^rj^iov, a wild animal. SLAVE (Dim. slave, sclave ; viw.slaf; D.slaaf; Gr. sclave ; Fr. esdave ; Arm. sclaff ; It. schiavo; Sp. esclavo; Port, escravo; Ir. schlahhadh ; Gael, sglahli). One wholly subject to the will of another ; one who has no freedom of action, but whose per- son and services are wholly under the control of another ; one who surrenders himself to any power whatever ; as, a slave to passion, lust, or ambition; a mean person; one in the lowest state of life; a drudge; one who labours like a slave: hence to slave, to drudge, to toil, to labour as a slave ; so called from the Slavi, or Slavonians, a people who were made slaves by the Venetians. The name of this people, however, is said to be derived from the Slavonic word slava, praise, glory. " The Avord acquii'ed its present signification in consequence of the great number of prisoners made by the Germans among the Slavonic nations, and whom they reduced into servitude." Gibbon says, " The national appellation of the Slaves has been degraded by chance or malice from the signification of glory to that of servitude. This conversion of a national into an appel- lative name appears to have arisen in the eighth century in oriental France, where the princes and bishops were rich in Sclavonian captives. From thence the word was extended to general use, to the modern languages, and even to the style of the last Byzantines. Jordan subscribes to the well-known and probable derivation from slava, a word of familiar use in the diiferent dialects and parts of speech, and which forms the termination of the most illustrious names." See Gibbon, Decline and Fall, vol x, 197-8, ed, 1797, text and note; De Orig, Sclav, part i. 40, part iv. 101-2; Journal des Debats, 19 April, 1839, in a note by De Xivry. SLOANITE. A mineral, a hydrous silicate, from the gabbro rosso of Tuscany ; doubtless named after Sloane. SLONEA. A genus of liliaceous plants, trees, natives of South America ; named in honour of Sir Hans Sloane, founder of Chelsea botanical garden. SMITHIA. A genus of leguminous plants ; named after the late Sir James Smith, the celebrated botanical Avriter. 284 VERBA NOMINALIA. SMYRNIUM (^[Mv^viov of Diosc.) A genus of plants, now of tlie nat. or. Umhelliferce, of seven species, natives of Africa and North America ; so named, according to some, from the city of Smyrna. Others say from (r[/.upva, tlie same with ay^^a, because the root yields a juice very similar to myrrh. SNOOKS. An imaginary personage often brought forward as an answer to an idle question, or as the perpetrator of a senseless joke {J. C. Hotten); corrupted from Sevenoaks, in Kent, but why is doubtful. Snooks is an existing surname. SNOWDON PUDDING. A pudding made of fine raisins, butter, minced beef, kidney suet, bread crumbs, salt, rice flour, lemon marmalade, pale brown sugar, whisked eggs, and grated rinds of lemons ; so named from being constantly served to travellers at the hotel at the foot of Snowdon, in North Wales. SOBIESKI'S SHIELD {Scutum Sohieski). A modern northern constellation, consisting of eight stars ; doubtless named after Sobieski, the patriot King of Poland, surnamed the Great. SOCINIANISM. The tenets or doctrines of Socinus, a native of Sienna, in Tuscany, founder of the sect of Socmians, in the sixteenth century. He held Clirist to have been a mere man inspired, denied His divinity and atonement, the doctrine of original depravity, and kindred doctrines. SOCRATIC, SOCRATICAL. Pertaining to Socrates, or to his language or manner of treating or jihilosophizing. The Socratic method of reasoning and instruction was by a series of questions leading to the desired result. SOCRATISM. The doctrines or philosophy of Socrates. SODOMY. A crime against nature ; so called because committed by the inhabitants of Sodom, one of the five cities in the land of Canaan which were utterly destroyed by fire. SOLANDRA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Solanacece, native of Jamaica; named by LinnjEUS the younger in honour of Daniel Charles Solander, M.D,, D.C.L., a Swedish naturalist, disciple of Linnceus, under-librarian of the British Museum, companion of Sir Joseph Banks in his voyage round the world with Captain Cook. SOLECISM. Impropriety in language, or a gross deviation VERBA NOMINALIA. 285 from the rules of syntax ; incongruity of words ; want of correspondence or consistency. " Any unfitness, absurdity, or impropriety " {B. Jonson). " A barbarism may be in one word ; a solecism must be of moi'c." — Johnson. From Cicero. " Caesar, by dismissing his guards, and retaining his power, committed a dangerous solecism in politics."— Middleton. From Gr. ca5s^, the islands on which it grew. — Forsyth. STOIC (Sroococ). A disciple of the philosopher Zeno, who founded a sect. He taught that men should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submit without com- plaint to the unavoidable necessity by which all things are governed ; from Sroa, a porch in Athens where Zeno taught. STOIC, STOICAL. Pertaining to the Stoics or to their doctrines ; not affected by passion, unfeeling, manifesting in- diiFerence to pleasure or pain. See Stoic. STOICISM. A real or pretended indifierence to pleasure or pain ; insensibility ; the opinions and maxims of the Stoics. See Stoic. STOKIN or STOKEN. An apple; probably named from Stoke, in Herefordshire. STOLPENITE. The bole of Stolpen, a town of Saxony. STRADUARIUS. A violin ; named from its maker, Antonio Stradivarius, most skilful pupil of Amati, born at Cremona about 1670, died about 1728, whose altos, contre- bassos, but, above all, whose violins are in the highest estima- tion. STRAKONITZITE. A yellowish green steatite-like mineral, forming pseudomorphs at Mutenitz, near Strakonitz, in Bohemia. VERBA NOMINALIA. 293 STRATHSPEY. A lively Scotch dance, a sort of reel, danced in most parts of Scotland ; named from Strathspey. STRELITZIA. A genus of plants of two species, natives of the Cape ; named by Sir Joseph Banks in honour of Queen Charlotte of Great Britain, of the family of Mecklenburg- Strelitz, a patroness of the science of botany. STROGANOWITE. A mineral, a silicate, from near the River Sludiinka, in Dauria ; named after M. Stroganow. STROMEYERITE. A steel-grey ore of silver, consisting of sulphui*, silver, and copper (Dana) ; named after M. Stro- meyer. STROMNITE. Another name for bary-strontianite, a compound of carbonate of strontian and sulphate of baryta ; called from Stromness, in Orkney. STRONTIA. A genus of ponderous earths, consisting of strontian earth combined with acids. See Strontian. STRONTIAN. An earth which when pure and dry is perfectly white, and resembles baryta in many of its proper- ties ; named from Strontian, in Argyleshire, noted for its rich lead mines, where it was discovered in 1790. STRONTIUM. A base of strontian, q.v. STRUMPFIA. A genus of plants of only one species, native of Curasao; named by Jacquin after Christop. Car. StrumpfF, professor of chemistry and botany at Halle, in Ger- many, editor of Liunjeus's Genera in 1752. STRUVITE. A name given to the crystallised ammonio- magnesian phosphate, found in peat earth in digging the foundation of a church at Hamburg ; named in honour of Struve. STYGIA. A water made from corrosive sublimate ; so called, on account of its supposed poisonous qualities, from Styx, a name given by the poets to one of the rivers of hell. STYGIAN. Hellish; infernal. " At that 80 sudden blaze, the Stygian throng Bent their aspect," — Milton, So called from Styx, one of the rivers of hell, over which the shades of the dead passed, or the region of the dead. 294 VERBA NOMINALIA. SUFFOLK PUNCH. A variety of team horse ; probably bred in Suffolk. SULTAN OSMAE. A turban ranunculus so named. SULTAN PLANT or SWEET SULTAN. An annual flowering plant, Centaurea moschata ; named after one of the sultans of Turkey. SULTANA. A raisin ; named in honour of the Sultana, i.e. the queen of the Sultan of Turkey. SULTANIN. A former Turkish money of 120 aspers ; also a gold coin worth 10s.; also a name for the Venetian gold sequin ; doubtless named after one of the sultans of Turkey. SURAT. Coarse short cotton grown in the neighbourhood of Surat, in the Bombay presidency {S. F. CresioeU). " An adulterated article of inferior quality. This word affords a remarkable instance of the manner in which slang phrases are coined. In the report of an action for libel in the Times, May 8, 1863, it is stated that since the American civil war it has been not unusual for manufacturers to mix American cotton with Surat, and the latter being an inferior article, the people in Lancashire have begun to apply the term Surat to any article of inferior or adulterated quality. The plaintiffs were brewers, and the action was brought to recover special damages resulting from the publication of an advertisement in these words : — ' All in want of beerhouses must beware of Beau- mont and White, the Surat brewers ' " {J. C. Hotten). SURIANIA. A plant of only one species, native of the sea-coast of South America and the West India Islands; named by Plumier in honour of Donat vSurian, physician at Marseilles, who accompanied him in his travels. SURINAMINE. A crystallisable principle obtained from the bark of the Geoffroya Surinamensis or Surinam bark, i.e. from Surinam, in Lower Guiana. SUSSEX MARBLE. A variety of limestone constituting one of the freshwater deposits of the Wealden group. SWEDE. A turnip originally from Sweden. SWEDENBORGIANISM. The doctrines of the followers of Emanuel Swedenborg, who claimed to have habitual inter- course with the world of spirits, and to have received Divine VERBA NOMINALIA. 295 instructions from on high. He denied the doctrine of the Trinity, and maintained that Jesus Christ alone is God. He taught the doctrine of corresj^ondences, i.e. that tliere is a spiritual meaning of the Scriptures lying back of the literal one, which constitutes the only true meaning. — Encyc. Am. SWEETIA. A genus of leguminous plants ; called after Robert Sweet, F.L.S., author of several botanical works. SWERTIA. A plant of six species, natives of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, and Siberia, in Alpine bogs, Virginia, Arabia Felix, Canada, and Kamschatka ; named by LinnjEUS in honour of Eman. Sweert, a cultivator of bulbs and flowers in Holland, author of Florilegium in 1612. SWIETENIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Cedrelacece, of three species, one of which is the mahogany tree, a native of the warmest parts of America, and growing plentifully in Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and in the Bahamas ; named by Jacquin in honour of the illustrious Van Swieteu, chief physician to Maria Teresa, Empress of Germany, who, at his persuasion, founded the botanic garden at Vienna. SWISS. A mercenary. This term arose from the hired bands of Swiss soldiers who, in the Middle Ages, and down to our own times, found employment in the armies of foreign states. Le Suisse, in a French church, is the verger (from this post being formerly held by Swiss), and is usually a tall man dressed rather more extravagantly than an English dowager's footman, with livery, cocked hat, and stafi^, — S. F. Creswell. SYBARITIC, SYBARITIC AL. Luxurious, wanton ; like a Sybarite. " On the 4th I shall get to town, when I hope you will dine with me on a single dish, to atone to phylosophy for the sybaritic dinners of Prior Park " (Holland, Plinie b. xviii. c. 30). So called from Sybaris, a town of Magna Graicia, whose inhabitants were noted for their luxury and sensuality. •' Sybaris, a Greek city in Lucania, in Southern Italy, situated between the River Crathis (hod. Crati) and the Sybaris (hod. Coscile, Coscilello, or Siburi). It was a colony founded about B.C. 720 by Achaians and Troezenians (Aristotle, Polit, v. ii, 156, ed. Gottling ; Strabo, vi. 244). Strabo, without men- 296 VERBA NOMINALIA. tioning the Troezenians, calls it an Achaian colony founded by Iseliceus. In consequence of the fertility of the district this colony soon increased in wealth and power; for at the time of its greatest prosperity, about 200 years after its foundatioUy it hnd, according to Strabo, acquired the dominion over four neighbouring tribes, and had twenty-five subject towns. The city itself occupied a space of fifty stadia in circumference, and the Sybarites were enabled to send an army of 300,000 into the field, a number which does not appear so unreasonable as some modern writers have thought (Strabo, Diodorus Sic. xii. 9). Sybaris itself also became the mother of other colonies, such as Posidonia, and carried on a considerable commerce, especially with Miletus, in Asia Minor. But the prosperity of Sybaris had a pernicious influence on the people, and within the short period of 210 years that it existed the effeminacy and the luxury of the inhabitants were carried to such a pitch that the name Sybarite became proverbial and synonymous with a voluptuous pei'son. Many curious particulars in illus- tration of their effeminate character are mentioned in Athe- njBus which it would be difficult to believe if they were not reported on the authority of Aristotle, Timseus, and Phylar- chus. Thus it is stated, among other things, that it was for- bidden by law to carry on within the city any trade or craft which made a noise, or might possibly disturb the citizens in their sleep ; and for the same reason no person was alloAved to keep cocks (Athengeus, xii. 518, &c.) The arts which con- tributed to the enjoyment of life were prized most highly, and those who distinguished themselves as inventors in this lin e were considered benefactors to the nation. A Sybarite of the name of Smindyrides is called by Herodotus the most luxu- rious man that ever lived ; and it is said that when he went to Sicyon to sue for the daughter of Cleisthenes he was accom- panied by one thousand cooks and fowlers (Herodotus, vi. 27 ; Athenseus, xii. 511 and 541. Cf. Perizonius on Aelian, Var. Hist. ix. 24). . . . It is pi'obable that all we read about the efteminacy of the Sybarites applies only to the ruling aristocracy. . . . The city was taken, sacked, and razed to the ground, and most of the inhabitants put to the sword, by VERBA NOMINALIA. 297 Croton, B.C. 510. . . . The site of the ancient Sybavis is at present unknown, but it is generally supposed to have been situated near the modern Torre Brodognato or Terra Nuova" (P. Cyc.) SYDNEAN or SYDNEIAN. A name given to a kind of white earth brought from Sidney Cove, in South Wales. SYENITE or SIENITE. A compound granular rock composed of quartz, hornblende, and felspar, colour greyish ; so called because many ancient monuments consisting of this rock have been brought from Syene, in Upper Egypt. — Dana. SYEPOORITE. A mineral, a sulphuret, employed by the Indian jewellers to give a rose colour to gold ; so called from Syepoor, near Rajpootanah, in North- West India, w^here it occurs in ancient schists w^ith magnetic pyrites. SYLVANITE. Native tellurium, a metallic substance discovered in Transylvania. SYPHILIS. Dr. Mason Good says that this term vras probably invented by Frascatorio, from Gr. a-vv and (piXsou, im- porting " mutual love ;" for such is the title by which he has desiguated his celebrated and very elegant poem on this very inelegant subject. Others derive it from (mpXoQ, disgusting ; others from the name of a shepherd who fed the flocks of King Alcithous, and who insulted the sun, in vengeance of which the venereal disease was sent upon earth. — Hooper, Lex. Med. SYRIAC. The language of Syria, especially the ancient language of that country. SYRIANISM or SYRIASM. A Syrian idiom, or a pe- culiarity in the Syrian language. SYRTIS (Gr. (rv^riQ). A quicksand or shelve in the water, made by the drift of sand or gravel; so called from the Greater and Lesser Syrtes, on the north coast of Africa. 298 VERBA NOMINALIA. T. TiENIA TARINI. A yellowish horny band lying over the vena corporis striati, first noticed by Tarinus. It is a thickening of the lining membrane of the ventricle. TAFFY, A Welchman ; corruption of David, a common name in Wales. TAFILET. An excellent fig imported into Europe in con- siderable quantities ; from Tafilelt, a principality of Marocco, east of the Atlas range. TAGILITE. A mineral, colour emerald green to mountain green, occurring at Nischnii Tagilsk in reuiform masses on brown iron ore. TAGLIACOTIAN or TALIACOTIAN. Rhinoplastic, applied to the surgical operation for restoring the nose. The Taliacotian operation is a mode of forming a new nose from the integuments of the forehead, or from the arm, &c., of another person ; named from the first operator. Gasper Talia- cotius (Tagliacozzi), a Venetian surgeon, whose statue stands in the anatomical theatre at Bononia, holding a nose in his hand. TAGLIONI. An overcoat; so named after Madame Taglioni, the late celebrated dancer. TALBOR'S POWDER (English remedy). The name formerly given in France to cinchona, from the successful use of it in intermittent fever by Sir Robert Talbor, who employed it as a secret remedy. For a similar reason it has, at different times, received the names of the Countess's Powder, Jesuits' Powder, &c. TALBOTYPE. A process of photography invented by Mr. Fox Talbot. TAMARIND (Sp. tamarindo, It. tamarino, taviarindi, Fr. tamarin). A tree which yields the fruit called tamainnds. Two species are recognised, one a native of the East Indies, Arabia, and Egypt ; the other of the West Indies and South America. It is cultivated in both the Indies for the sake of its shade, and for its grateful cooling acid fruit, the pulp of VERBA NOMINALIA. 299 which, dried either alone or with Bait, or mixed with boiled sugar, is imported into northern countries. The word is de- rived from the Aral), jjy^:^ [ ^['j tamni'l Hind, the date of Hind or India. In like manner the Malacca bean is called tamriClfahn. The word tamr signifies not only a ripe date (of which there are seventy species), but also a dry or preserved date. TANTALIZE. To tease or torment by presenting some good to the view, and exciting desire, but continually frustrat- ing the expectations by keeping such good out of reach; to tease ; to torment ; so called from Tantalus (son of Jupiter, father of Pelops and Niobe), a king of Lydia. " Thy vain desires, at strife Within themselves, have tantalized thy life." — Dryden. Tantalus is represented by the poets as punished in hell with an insatiable thirst, and placed up to the chin in the midst of a pool of water, which, however, flows away as soon as he attempts to taste it. There hangs also above his head a bough richly loaded with delicious fruits, which, as soon as he attempts to seize it, is carried away from his reach by a sudden blast of wind. According to some, his punishment is to sit under a huge stone hung at some distance over his head, and, as it seems every moment ready to fall, he is kept under con- tinual alarms and never-ceasing fears. The causes of this eternal punishment are variously explained. Some declare that it was inflicted upon him because he stole a favourite dog, which Jupiter had intrusted to his care to keep his temple in Crete. According to others, he stole away the nectar and am- brosia from the tables of the gods when he was admitted into the assemblies of heaven, and that he gave it to mortals on earth. Others say, from his cruelty and impiety in killing his son Pelops, and in serving his limbs as food before the gods, whose divinity and power he wished to try, when they stopped at his house as they passed over Phrygia. There are also others who impute it to his lasciviousness in carrying away Ganymedes to gratify the most unnatural of passions. Pind, O. 1 ; Hom. Od. 581 ; Cic. Tusc. i. 5, 4, 16; Eurip. Iphig. ; 300 VERBA NOMINALIA. Proper t. 2, 1,66; Hor. Sat. i. 1, 68 ; and Lempriere. A genus of birds allied to the Ibis. Tantalus's cup is the name of a philosophical toy which amusingly exhibits the principle of the siphon. TANTALUM ( Columhimi). A metal found in the Swedish minerals tantalite and yttro-tantalite ; so named from the in- solubility of its oxide in acids, in allusion to the fable of Tan- talus. Hence tanialimi ore (columbite of Hatchett), a prismatic ore of tantalum, occurring as a coarse red granite in Finland. TARANTELLA. See Tarentism and Tarentula. TARENTISM or TARANTISM (L. tarentismus). A fabulous disease supposed to be produced by the bite of the insect called the tarentula, and considered to be incapable of cure, except by protracted dancing to appropriate music : hence the Sp. tai^antela, a powerful impressive tune played to cure the bite of the tarantula ; whence the celebrated dance called the tarantella. TARENTULA or TARANTULA (It. tarantella, formerly tarantola, Sp. tarantula, Fr. tarenttde, O. Fr. tarentole). A species of spider Avhose bite on some persons produces no effect, and on others is about equal to the sting of a wasp ; so called from Tarentum (hod. Taranto), a city of Naples, in the vicinity of which this insect is said to be found. TARIFF (Fr. tarif, Sp. tarifa, It. tariffa). A list or table of duties or customs to be paid on goods imported or exported. Some derive the word from the Arab. u_aytj" tarif (Hind, id., Hindi tdinph, Tel. tariplm) ; lit. determination, ascertainment ; from i^_s.jS. arafa, to know; others from Tarifa, a town of Spain, at the entrance of the Straits of Gibraltar, where duties were formerly collected. TARQUINISH. Proud, haughty; like Tarquin, a king of Rome. — Quart. Rev. TARRAGON. The herb dragon-wort ; a plant of the genus Artemisia, celebrated for perfuming vinegar in France ; so called from Tarragona, in Spain, where it abounds. TARSHISH. In Scriptural times, a precious stone ; so called as brought from Tarshish, an ancient, celebrated, and opulent city, which carried on trade in the Mediterranean and VERBA NOMINALIA. 301 with the seaports of Syria, especinlly Tyre and Joppa. It was doubtless the same with Tartessus, in Spain, which was not far from the Straits of Gibraltar, and near the mouth of the Guadalquivir. The Lxx, followed by Josephus, makes this stone the " chiysolite," i.e. the topaz of the moderns, which is still found in Spain. Others suppose it, without reason, to be amber. In the authorised version the word is translated "beryl." Cf. Exod. xxviii. 20; xxxix. 13; Ezek. i. 16; X. 9 ; xxviii. 13; Cant. v. 14; Dan. x. 6. TARTAN (O. Fr. tyretaine, Mod. Fr. tiretahie). A sort of woollen cloth, checkered or cross-barred with threads of various colours (Janiiesoii' s Diet.) A checkered worsted stuff, called tartan or plaid, is made in various parts of England {Encyc. of Dom. Econ.) Logan derives the word from Gael. tarstin or tarsiUn, " across;" but Planche says the French had the word tiretaine for a woollen cloth as early as the thirteenth century, and that the true Gael, term for the Highland plaid or mantle is treacan-feile, lit. the " chequered, striped, or spotted covering." Tartan, in French tyretaine, in Latin tiretanus, was a fine woollen cloth, much used for ladies' robes, and generally of a scarlet colour. John de Menu speaks of " Robbes faites par grands devises, De beaux draps de soies et de laine, De scarlate de tiretaine." — Roman de la Rose. From whence, probably, its name, the teint or colour of Tyre; scarlet being indifferently used for purple by the early writers, and including " all the gradations of colours formed by the mix- ture of blue and red, from indigo to crimson" ( Vide Illustrations of Northern Antiquaries, 4to, Edinb. 1814, p. 36. Planche). (Sp., It., and Russ. tartana, Fr. tartam, Barb. Gr. taprava.) A small coasting vessel in the Mediterranean, having only one mast and a bowsprit; now a boat for transport and fishing, says Jal. Menage, however, seems to think that the name of the vessel was formed from Tartarina, i.e. from Tartary. lie says further that tarida, ttxpihs, is a sort of sea vessel, and that tartane may have come from tarida; thus tarida, taridana, tardana, Tartane. Jal says tartane may be from Bas. L. tarta, 302 VERBA NOMINALIA. a ship of the Middle Ages, which the continuers of Du Cange regard as the taride ; and that the form tarta is very near the forms tareda and tareta ; but that tartane may also come from the old Sp. tardante. TARTAR. A person of a keen irritable temper : hence, to catch a Tartar, i.e. to lay hold of or encounter a person who proves too strong for the assailant ; so called from the Tatars. Latin authors of the thirteenth century changed the name into Tartar, from having, perhaps, the same sound as their word Tartarus. See David's Turk. Gram. ; Remusat, tom. i. 1 ; Klaproth, tom. ii. 1. "A savage fellow, an ugly customer" {J. C. Rotten). TARTAREAN or TARTAREOUS. Hellish; pertaining to Tartarus, the name of the infernal regions, over which Pluto or Hades ruled. " And for lightning see Black fire and horror, shot with equal rage Among his angels ; and his thi-one itself Mixt with Tartarean sulphur, and strange fire, His own invented torments." — Milton, P. L. b. ii. TARTERINE (O. Eng. tarteryne). Formerly, a kind of silk stuff; said to have been so named because obtained from the Tartars, properly Tatars. TARTUFFISH. A term used by Sterne for precise, hypocritical ; so called from Tartuffe, the hero in Molicre's celebrated comedy of the same name ; hence the Fr. tartafe, a hypocrite. TAURUS PONIATOWSKI. A modern constellation, consisting of seven stars, situated between Aquila and Ophi- uchus, formed by the Abbe Poczobut, a Polish astronomer, in 1778; probably named after Poniatowski, King of Poland, father of the celebrated Polish general. TAWDRY. Very fine and showy in colours, without taste or elegance ; having an excess of showy ornaments without grace ; as, a taiodry dress ; tawdry feathers ; tawdry colours. " Tawdry implies the gay or gaudy finery purchased at the fair held in Ely and elsewhere on St. Etheldreda's Feast, on the 17th Oct." (Nares, Gloss.) Thus St. Etlieldreda, St. VERBA NOMINALIA. 303 Aiidry, Staudry, Tawdry. "Just as St. Olave's Street be- comes Tooley Street" {S. F. Creswell). TELAMONES. In architecture, figures of men supporting entablatures, as distinguished from caryatides, wliicb are figures of women. Dr. Wm. Smith says the Greeks called them Atlautes, and he thinks they may refer to the strength of Ajax, son of Telamon. Atlas is also called Telamon in Latin, and Telamon was the name of a town and harbour of Etruria, now called Talamone. TELEPHIUM. A great ulcer, and of difficult cure ; so named from Telephus, who received a wound from Achilles, which pi'oved incurable. {Sedem Telepliiuni) . Systematic name of the orpine, " because it heals old ulcers, such as that of Telephus, made by Ulysses " (Forsyth). TEMPLAR. A student of the law in the inns of court called the Inner or Middle Temple. " So called from a house near the Thames, which originally belonged to the Knights Templars. The latter took their denomination from an apart- ment of the palace of Baldwin II., in Jerusalem, near the Temple" (Webstei^). TENERIFFE. A wine often sold as Madeira; brought from Teneriflfe, one of the Canary Islands, abounding in wine, fruit, cattle, and game. It is also called Vidonia. TENNANTITE. A blackish lead-grey ore of copper, from Cornwall, consisting of copper, iron, arsenic, and sulphur; named after Smithson Tennant. TERENTIAN. Pertaining or peculiar to Terence (Pub- lius Terentius Afer), the celebrated Latin comic poet; as Terentian measures. TERMAGANT. A boisterous, brawling, turbulent woman; in Shakespeare used of men. " She threw his periwig into the fire. ' Well,' said he, ' thou art a brave temuicjant.' " — Tutler. " The sprites of fiery termagants in flame." — Pope. " The eldest was a termagant, imperious, prodigal, profligate wench." — Arbuthnot. So called from Termagant, a vociferous tumultuous character 304 VERBA NOMINALIA. iu ancient farces and puppet shows. Cf. the Tale of Sir Thopas, iu Chaucer, i. 15,221. TERMINALIA. Roman festivals, annually celebrated in February, iu honour of the god Terminus ; first established by Numa. Peasants assembled at the principal termini, or land- mai'ks, that divided the fields, and offered libations of milk and wine. These termini were a kind of statues without hands or feet. TERPSICHORE AN. Relating to Terpsichore, the muse who presided over dancing. TERRA SIENNA (It.) A brown bole or ochre, used as a pigment ; from Sienna, in Italy. TEUCRIUM. A plant, the herb speedwell; now applied to a genus, nat. or. Labiatce ; so called, according to Diosco- rides, from Teucer, a Trojan commander, by whom it was discovered. TEUTONIC. The language of the Teutons, the parent of the German, Dutch, and Anglo-Saxon or native English. A military religious order of knights, founded in 1191, in imi- tation of the Templars and Hospitalers. It was composed chiefly of Teutons or Germans, Avho marched to the Holy Land in the Crusades, and was established in that country for charitable purposes. It increased in numbers and strength till it became master of all Prussia, Livonia, and Pomerania. TEXASITE. Another name for emerald nickel, found on chromite at Texas, iu Lancaster, co. Pennsylvania. THAPSIA. The deadly carrot, Thapsia asclejnas of Lin- naeus ; from Thapsus, the island where it is found. — Forsyth. THAPSUS. The great white mullein, or cow's lung-wort ; from the Island Thapsus. — Forsyth. THEBAICA. The Egyptian poppy ; from the country about the ancient city of Thebes, where it flourished. — Forsyth. THEBAID. A celebrated heroic poem, written in twelve books, by Statins, the Roman poet, contemporary with Domi- tian. The subject of this poem is the civil war of Thebes between the two brothers Eteocles and Polynices, or Thebes taken by Theseus. The author was twelve years in composing VK1M5A NOMINALIA. '6()5 it. Several Greek poets had composed Thebaids before the time of Statins, tlio principal of whicli were Antagoras, Anti- phaiies of Coloplion, Meiielaus the ^gean, and an anonymous autlior mentioned by Pausanius, lib. ix. — Nuttall. THEBAN YEAR. In ancient chronology^ the Egyptian year of 365 days and 6 hours ; so called from Thebes, where it was doubtless first in vogue. THENARDIA. A genus of plants of two species, one a native of Cayeniie, the other of Mexico ; dedicated by Kunth in honour of his friend L. J. Thenard, who wi'ote on the chemical physiology of plants. THEODOLITE. A surveyor's compass furnislied with a small telescope for the more accurate measurement of angles. Webster derives it from 9sw, to run, 5oX{;^^o^, long; and several other etymologies will be found in Notes and Queries. It was, perhaps, invented by and called after one Theodulus, a name that occurs more than once in Zedler (Lex.) A writer in Notes and Queries (3rd S. vii. 337) says, " I have before me a copy of Exegeses Physico-Mathematicce, de momentis gra- vium, de vecte, &c., dedicated to D. Carolum Theodolum, Marchionem S. Viti, Romje, 1685. He is described as belong- ing to a family renowned for their interest in mathematical studies. It is not very improbable that the instrument was named after him, or one of his ancestors. I have less doubt in offering this suggestion, as all others hitherto given seem so manifestly impossible." THEODOSIAN CODE. An important code of laws pro- mulgated in the Eastern Roman empire, a.d. 438, under the auspices of Theodosius 11. THEOPHRASTA. A genus of plants, nat. or. Myrsinaceai, from the pounded seeds of which bread is said to be made in St. Domingo, where it is called le ipetit coco. It was originally called Eresia by Plumier, from Sresus, in the isle of Lesbos, the birth-place of Theophrastus, the celebrated Greek natural- ist and philosopher, but was afterwards altered by Linnaeus to its present name in honour of Theophrastus. THERA. A wine. See Santorin. THESPIAN. Pertaining to Thespis, an Athenian poet, X 306 VERBA NOMINALIA. who lived in the time of Solou, about 535 B.C., and Avho is said to have introduced the first rudiments of a tragic stage : hence the art of representing tragedy has been called the Thesjncm art. THOLOSAN GOLD. When Coepio, the consul, plundered the town of Tholosa (Toulouse), in Gaul, and found vast quantities of gold in the temples of the place, whoever in this plundering had touched the gold is said to have pei'ished by a miserable and agonizing death. Hence the expression Tho- losan gold became a proverb by Cicero and Strabo. An account may be found in Herodotus of a calamity which perse- cuted certain Scythians who were engaged in a similar oiFence against Venus, by plundering one of her temples. Cf. Aulus Gellius. THOMAISM or THOMISM. The doctrine of the Tho- mists or followers of Thomas Aquinas, in opposition to the Scotists, with respect to predestination and grace. THOMSONITE. A mineral of a glassy or vitreous lustre, consisting of silica, alumina, and lime, with some soda, and fourteen per cent, of water. The mineral comptonite is iden- tical with this species {Dana) ; named in honour of Dr. Thomas Thomson, of Glasgow, the celebrated chemist and mineralogist. THORIA or THORINA. A white earthy substance, ob- tained by Berzelius in 1829 from thorite, q.v. THORITE. A massive and compact mineral, found in Norway, and resembling gadolinite ; so called from the Scan- dinavian deity Thor. See Thursday. THORIUM or THORINUM. The metallic base of thoria, q.v. THRASONICAL. Boastful, bragging ; so called from Thraso, the braggart in the Latin comedies. But see Terence's Eunuch. THUGGISM. The practices of the Thugs, in India, robbers and assassins of a peculiar class, who, sallying forth in a gang of smaller or larger numbers, and in the character of wayfarers, either on business or pilgrimage, fall in with other travellers on the road, and, having gained their confidence, VEllBA NOMINALIA. 307 tako a favourable opportunity of strangling them by throwing their turbans or handkerchiefs round their necks, and then plundering them and burying their bodies. The word thug, thag, signifies primarily a knave, an impostor, and has also been applied to child-stealing and robbery not amounting to Dakaiti ; from Hind, thag, thug a cheat. Cf. Wilson, Ind. Gloss. THULITE. A variety of epidote, colour peach-blossom, found in Norway; doubtless named from Thule, i.e. the Ultima Thule of the Romans, denoting the northernmost and further- most part of the habitable world ; probably Iceland. THUMITE. A mineral, another name for axinite, occur- ring at Thum, near Ehrenfriedersdorf, in Saxony. THURSDAY (G-. Donnerstag, D. Donderdag, thunder-day, L. Dies Jovis, It. Giovedi, Sp. Jueves, Fr. Jeudi). The fifth day of the week ; from Dan. Torsdag, i.e. Thor's day, the day con- secrated to Thor, in Scandinavian mythology, the son of Odin and Freya, the deity that pi-esided over all mischievous spirits in the elements, the god of thunder, answering to the Jove of the Greeks and Romans. TIGER (L. tigris, Gr. nypi;, Fr. tigre. It. tigro). A fierce and rapacious animal of the genus Felis, one of the largest and most terrible of the genus, inhabiting Asia. Some derive the word from Heb. I^J gir, a dart, whence 'T'Jn tiger. According to others, this animal was so named from frequenting the banks of the Tigris, a river of Asiatic Turkey. A boy in livery who rides behind his master; probably named from his activity, A parasite. A ferocious woman. TILBURY. A kind of gig or two-wheeled carriage with- out a top or cover ; named from the person who first manufac- tured or let it out to hire. TILBURY WATER. An acidulous or saline water issu- ing from a spring near a farmhouse at West Tilbury, in Essex. It is esteemed for removing glandular obstructions, and is recommended in scurveys and cutaneous diseases. TIMOTHY GRASS (Fhleum pratense, meadow cat's-tail grass). A grass highly extolled by many agriculturists for the profusion of hay which it makes, and also for its rapid growth when depastured ; so called from a person of the name, who X 2 308 VERBA NOMINALIA. successfully cultivated it in North America, where it grows more luxuriantly than any other kind of grass. TING-IS. A genus of insects which for the most part live by pricking the leaves of plants ; named from Tingis (Tan- giers), in Africa, where this insect abounds. TINTAMAR. A hideous or confused noise \^not in use']. " Bruit eclatant accompagne de tumulte, de desordre. Faire un grand tintamarre. Quel tintamarre ! H y a trop de tinta- marre la dedans, trop de brouillamini " (Mol.) Pasquier de- rives the word from tinter (to ring, tingle), and marre (mattock) ; " parce que les vignerous, pour s'avertir mutuellement que le moment de quitter le travail etait venu, frappaient, tmtaient, sur leur marre avec une pierre." Ash says Fr. tintamarre, L. tinnitus, ringing, tinkling ; and Mars. TIRONIAN NOTES. The shorthand among the ancient Romans, the usage of which in France only ceased about the tenth century ; said to have been named after Tullius Tii'o, freedman and secretary of Cicero, by whom it was either in- vented or perfected. In French diplomacy the Tironian alphabet is an alphabetical and explanatory table of the Tiro- nian notes. TITAN. A calcareous earth ; said to have been so named by Klaproth after the Titans. See Titanian. TITANIAN, TITANIC, TITANITIC. Earth-born; so called fi'om the Titanes, sons of Coelus and Terra, who were treated with great cruelty by Coelus, and confined in the bowels of the earth, till their mother pitied their misfortunes, and armed them against their father. TITHONIC. Pertaining to or denoting those rays of light which produce chemical effects ; doubtless from Tithonus, son of Laomedon, who was so beautiful that Aurora became enamoured of him and carried him away. TOBACCO. A plant, a native of America, of the genus Nicotiana, much used for smoking and chewing, and in snuff. Some derive the word from Tabasco, in Mexico. Accord- ing to others, the Spaniards called it tobacco from Tabaco, Tobago, or Tobago, an island in the Bay of Panama (discovered by Columbus in 1496); or, as others style it, a province of VERBA NOMINALIA. 309 Yucatan, where they first found it and first learnt its use. Rees (Encyc.) gives Tobago, one of the Caribbee Islands, in the West Indies ; Tobago (Little), a small island near the east coast of Tobago ; Tobacco Key, a small island in the Bay of Honduras, near the coast of Yucatan. TOCCAVIENSIS BOLUS. Bole of Tokay, in the Ma- teria Medica ; a fine medicinal earth, dug about Tokay, in Hungary, and esteemed a powerful astringent. Kentmau calls it the Bolus Pannonica Vera; and Crato, Bolus Hunga- rica. TOKAY. A wine made at Tokay, in Hungary, of white grapes ; distinguished from other wines by its aromatic taste. This wine, which is said to be produced in so small a quantity as never to be genuine unless when given in presents by the Court of Vienna, is, however, a common dessert wine in all the great families at Vienna and in Hungary. TOLEDO. A sword of the finest temper ; so called from Toledo, in Spain, once famous for its swords {B. Jonson). There is still a sword manufactory there. But see Ford's Spain. TOLU BALSAM (called in medicine, balsam of Tolu). A I'esin, or oleo-resin, pi-oduced by a tree of South America, the Myrospermum toluiferum ; said to have been first brought from Tolu, in Venezuela. TOLUOLE. An oily hydrocarbon obtained by distillation from balsam of Tolu, q.v. .TOM (OLD). A slang appellation for gin; said to be called from the nickname of a publican. TOM-AND-JERRY. A low drinking shop; probably some allusion to Pierce Egan's famous characters in his Life in London. — J. C. Hotten, TOM THUMB. A dwarf geranium so called. TONTINE. An annuity or survivorship ; or a loan raised on life annuities, with the benefit of survivorship. Thus, an annuity is shared among a number, on the principle that the share of each at his death is enjoyed by the survivors, until at last the whole goes to the last survivor, or to the last two or three, according to the terms on which the money is advanced. 310 VERBA NOMINALIA. The term is derived from Lorenzo Tonti, a Nefipolitan, who originated the idea in 1635, and who introduced it into France, wliere tlie first tontine was opened in 1653. " Tontines have seldom been resorted to in England as a measure of finance. The last for Avhich the government opened subscriptions was in 1789. The terms may be seen in Hamilton's History of the Public Revenue, 210. There have been numerous private tontines in this country, for the purpose of carrying into effect some desirable public improvement, the whole of which derive a considerable profit from their investments ?iow, whilst the last survivor becomes the sole possessor of the capital. It has fre- quently been applied beneficially towards the erection of great hotels, such as the Tontine establishment in Glasgow, of which Mrs. Douglas, of Orbiston, who died on the 28th July, 1862, was the last of the original shareholders. Hamilton (p. 61) remarks that ' tontines seem adajited to the passions of human nature, from the hope every man entertains of longevity, and the desire of ease and afiluence in old age ; and they are bene- ficial to the public, as affording a discharge of the debt, although a distant one, without any payment.' " Cf. N. & Q. 3rd S. ii. 213. " The tex'm originated from the circumstance that Lo- renzo Tonti, an Italian, invented this kind of security in the seventeenth century, when the governments of Europe had some difficulty in raising money in consequence of the wars of Louis XIV., who first adopted the plan in France. A loan was obtained from several individuals on the grant of an annuity to each of them, on the understanding that as deaths occurred the annuities should continue payable to the survivors, and that the last survivor should take the whole. This scheme was adopted by other nations as well as France, but was not introduced into England until recently, and then only for the purpose of raising money to carry j)rivate speculations into effect, which could not be satisfactorily accomplished without a combination of capital." As to the formation of such a scheme, see Stone's Benefit Build. Soc. 78. TOORKOMAN. A horse said to be preferable for service even to the pure Persian. It is large, standing from fifteen to sixteen hands high ; swift and inexhaustible under fatigue, VERBA NOMINALIA. '6ll and was so called from Turkistan, which has been celebrated from very early times for producing a pure and valuable breed of horses. TOORKY. A horse, of beautiful form, graceful action, and docile temper ; originally from a Toorkoman and a Persian. TOPHET. Hell ; so called from a place east of Jerusalem, where children were burnt to Moloch, and where drums were used to drown their cries; from Heb. nsn tophet, from Qii iojyh, a drum. TORG-AU. A very fine wine from Torgau, on the Elbe. TORRELITE. A red mineral from New Jersey, consist- ing principally of silica, iron, and lime ; named from Dr. Torrey. TORRICELLIAN. Pertaining to Torricelli, an Italian philosopher and mathematican, who discovered the true prin- ciple on which the barometer is constructed. The Torricellian tube is a glass tube, thirty or more inches in length, open at one end, and hermetically sealed at the other, such as is used in the barometer. A Torricellian vacuum is a vacuum pro- duced by filling with mercury a tube hermetically closed at one end, and, after immersing the other end in a vessel of mercury, allowing the enclosed mercury to descend till it is counterbalanced by the weight of an equal column of the atmosphere, as in the barometer. TOURNOIS. A livre Tournois was a French money of account, equal to twenty sous, or a franc ; called in distinction from the Paris livre, which contained twenty-five sous ; so named from having been minted at Tours. Tournois was also the appellation of a sous equal to twelve deniers, the Paris sous being valued at fifteen deniers. TOURNOSER or TOURNOVER. A coin minted at Tours, temp. Philip le Bel and his immediate successors. TRAPPISTINE. A liqueur, for the manufacture of which the Abbey of Grace-Dieu, near Besangon, in France, has ac- quired considerable reputation ; so named from the Trappists, a religious order founded in 1140 in the valley of La Trappe, and still existing in Normandy. See Globe, 20 Jan. 1865. 312 VERBA NOMINALIA. TRATTINICKIA. A genus of plants, cl. Monoecia, of only one species, T. rhoifolia, native of Brazil ; dedicated by Willdenow to Dr. Trattinick, a German botanist. TRAUTVETTERIA. A genus of plants, cl. Pohjandria, instituted by Fischer and Meyer in honour of E. R. Traut- vetter, a distinguished botanist, author of Monographs of Echinops, &c. TRAVERTIN. A white concretionary limestone, usually hard and semi-crystalline, deposited from the water of springs holding lime in solution. It was called by the ancients Lapis Tiburtinus, the stone being found in great quantity by the River Anio, at Tibur, near Rome. Some suppose travertin to be an abbreviation of ti^asteverino, from transtiburtinus. — Lyell. TREBELLIANICK. By the trehelUanich portion is meant the fourth part which the laws appropriate to executors who are charged with a universal fiduciary bequest of the whole inheritance, or of a part of it ; which distinguishes the tre- hellianick portion from the falcidian portion ; for the falcidian portion relates to legacies, and to particular fiduciary bequests of certain things. It was so called from a decree of the Senate, named after one of the Consuls of the year in which it was made, ordaining that the executor who should be charged to restore the inheritance to the fiduciary substitute should be discharged of all the debts and burdens, and that the same should pass with the goods to the substitute. Domat, Civil Law, part 2, lib. v. tit. iv. TREMOLITE. A mineral, a white variety of hornblende; called from the valley of Tremolla, in the Alps, where it was discovered. TREPAN or TRAPAN. To ensnare; to catch by strata- gem ; a snare. Webster derives it from Sax. treppan, from trap (to ensnare) ; others from rpvitavov, which Bailey renders a crafty beguiler, but which signifies lit. a borer, drill. The usual derivation is from Trapani (anc. Drcpanum), a seaport of Sicily, where some English ships being friendly invited in, in stress of weather, were afterwards detained, contrary to the assurance given them. VERBA NOMINALIA. 313 TRIDENTINE. Pertaining to Trent (Tridentum), in Southern Tyrol, or the celebrated council held in that city. TRIPOLI. A powder used for polishing metals and stones, first imported from Tripoli, which, as well as a certain kind of siliceous stone of the same name, has been lately found to be composed of the flinty cases of infusoria. — Lyell. TRITON. According to Linnasus, a genus of Mollusca, of only one species, having the body oblong, and tentacula or arms twelve, Avhich inhabits the cavities of submarine rocks in Italy; so called from the demi-god Triton, who is represented by poets and painters as half man and half fish. A genus of batrachian reptiles, or aquatic salamanders, comprehending numerous species. TROPHONIAN. Pertaining to the Grecian architect Trophonius, or his cave, or his architecture. — Dwight. TROY or TROY-WEIGHT. A weight of twelve ounces in the pound, by which gold and silver, jewels, medicines, &c., are weighed; said to have been named from Troyes, in France, where it was first adopted. According to others, the original name was tron. TUBA EUSTACHIANA. The Eustachian or auditory tube of the ear,- first described by Bartholomew Eustachius, an eminent Italian physician of the sixteenth century. His Opuscula Anatomica was published by Boerhaave in 1707. TUESDAY (Sw. Tisdag, Dan. Tirsdag, D. Dingsdag, A. S. Tiwmdag or Tuesdwg). The third day of the week ; so called from Tig, Tiig, or Tuisco, the Mars of the Northern nations, who presided over combats, strife, and litigation: "hence," says Webster, " Tuesday is coiirt day, assize day, the day for combat, or commencing litigation." TULBAGIA. A genus of plants, nat. or. SjJcttJiacece ; named by Linnieus from De Tulbagh, Governor of the Cape, patron of botany, who sent the Cape plants to the brothers Burman, in Holland. TULLE, A kind of silk open-work or lace ; said to have been originally brought from Tulle, in France, dep. Correze. According to French authors, however, there is not and never was either at Tulle or in the environs any fabric of this sort. 314 VERBA NOMINALIA. There is, however, a place iu France named Toul, on the Moselle, having lace manufactories. TUNISIAN FALCON. A hawk from Tunis, in Africa. TURANIAN. A name by which the inhabitants of Iran designate the barbarians of the North ; a term frequently but inappropriately used in ethnology and philology. Max Miiller, speaking of the Aryans, says that the etymological signification of Arya seems to be, " one who ploughs or tills," and is con- nected with the root of arare ; and that the Aryans would seem to have chosen this name for themselves as opposed to the nomadic races, the Turanians, whose original name, Tura, implies tlie swiftness of the horseman. TURCISM, TURKISHNESS. Religion, manners, &c., of the Turks. " He [Dr. Cox] grounds his following discourse upon the probability of the fall of Turcism, and the hopes of the further propagation of the Christian religion ; and the necessity of unity and concord of Christendom " (Strype, Eccles. Mem. Hen. VIII. an. 1536). " Contemnynge of know- ledge and learninge, settinge at nought, and having for a fable, God and His highe providence, will bi'inge us, I say, to a more ungracious Turkishnes, if more Turkishnes can be than this? than if the Turkes had sworne to brynge all Turkye against us " (Ascham, Toxophiles, b. i.) TURKEY. A domestic bird, the Meleagris of Linnaeus ; said to have been so called from being brought from India through Persia and Turkey. It is, however, a native of America. Its French name is dinde, dindon, from D'Inde, i.e. from India. TURKEY BUZZARD. In America, a common species of vulture, having a distant resemblance to a turkey. TURKEY RED. A fine durable red, dyed with madder upon calico or woollen cloth. TURKEY STONE. Another name of the oil-stone; brought from Turkey. TURKOPHONE. A new musical instrument invented by Ali Ben Squalle ; from Turk, and iaSy]iMia, the Academy, a garden so called after an ancient hero, Academus, near Athens, where Plato taught (Aristoph. Nub. 992) : hence the school of Plato. Etym. properly, a fem. of axa^iMog, a, ov, of, or pertaining to Academus. ALABASTER. " A white stone used for ornamental pur- poses. The name is derived from Alabastron, a town of Egypt, where there appears to have been a manufactory of small vessels or pots made of stone, found in the mountains near the town. These vessels were employed for containing certain kinds of perfumes, used by the ancients in their toilets, and with which it was the custom to anoint the heads of their guests, as a mark of distinction, at their feasts. There are in Horace many allusions to this custom. In like manner, Mary, the sister of Lazarus, poured upon the head of our Saviour, as He sat at supper, ' very precious ointment ' from an alabaster- box. The tei-ms aXajBoca-rpov among the G-reeks and alabastnim among the Romans were applied to those vessels even when they were not made of the white stone ; for, although they may have imitated the original form of the vessels made at Ala- bastron, they appear from Theocritus (Idyl, xv.) to have been sometimes made of gold. They were of a tapering shape, and without handles ; and from this circumstance, Adam (Lat. Diet.) gives as the etymology of alahastrum, a without, \a(iy] handle, a derivation which certainly cannot be assigned to it consistently with the formation of the Greek language. It appears from a passage in Demosthenes (Oration on the Em- bassy, ch. 68), that one of the brothers of ^schines, the orator, was employed in painting these alabaster-boxes. Pliny says (lib. xxxvi. 12, and xxxvii. .54) that the stone, which he calls 346 VERBA NOMINALIA. alahastrites, was got from Thebes ; but Manuert (Geographie der Griecheu und Romer) places the town of Alabastron in Heptanomis, or Middle Egypt, in the hills between the Nile and the Red Sea, about thirty English miles east of Acoris ; and states that the stone of which the alabasti'a were made was brought from Mons Alabastrinus, about thirty miles south-east of the town. Mr. James Burton, who has been long resident in Egypt, has determined the site of Alabastron to be latitude 27° 43', longitude 31°, not far from the east bank of the Nile, a few miles south of the ruins of Antinoii." — P. Cyc. ANACREONTIC. At p. 6, 1. 10, for anapest read wiapcest. ASSASSIN. At p. 10, 1. 10, for plant read preparation of hemp. ATH AN ASIAN. At p. 10, 1. 11 from bottom, for of faith read of the orthodox faith. ATLANTES. At p. 11, 1. 2, for Zelamones read Telamones. ATLAS. At p. 11, 1. 13, for vertebrcs read vertebra. BANTING or BANTING SYSTEM. A treatment for the cure of corpulence first resorted to by Mr. Wm. Harvey, a London surgeon ; so called from Mr. Wm. Banting, of Ken- sington, who was the first person cured by it. " What combination of anti-Banting, engineering, and sartorial jargon have we here ? What does this worthy gentleman actually mean by ' widen without weakening.' " — D. Tel. BASSORINE. At p. 16, 1. 16, for constitutuent read con- stituent. BAYONET. At p. 17, 1. 3, for 1814 read 1714; and at p. 18, 1. 4 from bottom, after Madrid, add, " The word is still vulgarly pronounced bagganet. — S. F. Creswell." BENEDICT. See also Notes and Queries, 3rd. S. viii. 210, 276, &c. BERENICE. At p. 20, 1. 11, for Evergetes read Euergetes. BERTHOLETIA. At p. 21, 1. 5, for Brazil nut tree read Bi^azil-nut tree. BESSEMER. At p. 21, for a steel invented by M. Bessemer read a pi^ncess of making steel invented by M. Bessemer, VERBA NOMINALIA. 347 BILBO. At p. 22, for Bilboa read Bilbao. BISANTIUM. At p. 22, 1. 9 from bottom, for ducane read ducat of. BISHOP. Among horse-dealers, to use arts to make an old horse look like a young oue, or to give a good appearance to a bad horse {^Ash ; Encyc). " Dishonest dealers in horses have been said to resort to a method of prolonging the mark in the lower nippers. It is called bishoping, from the name of the scoundrel who invented it " (Lib. Usef. Knowl. ; The Horse). A cant word for a mixture of wine, oranges, and sugar {Swift). A part of a lady's dress ( Webster). BISTOURY. At p. 22, 1. 6 from bottom, for Pistoria read Pistoja. BOCK or BOCK BEER. A strong beer now much drunk at the Paris cafes. Ure says, '■'•Bock, a favourite double-strong beverage of the best lager description, which is so named from causing its consumers to prance and tumble about like a buck or a goat (because it makes one capricious);" but the word is more probably derived from the place where it was first brewed. Meyer (Das Grosse Convers. Lex.) says simply that it is a beer from the Bockkeller, in Miinchen (Munich); but in the supplement he gives a long notice of it. He says it is a strong malt-rich Bavarian beer, that was first brewed in the little Hanoverian town of Einbeck, and that it is in great repute. He states that Friedrich, Elector of Saxony, called the Wise, was in the habit of sending Martin Luther a mass (over an imperial quart) of it daily, in order to strengthen him. He speaks of a Bavarian princess who was cured by it after a serious illness of several months, and mentions the following words in connection with it: — Bier und Bockfreund, Bock- hallen, Bockkur, Bocksaison, Bockschaffler, Bockwalzer (a melody), Bockwappen, Bockzeit, Bockzeitung. Since writing the above I have found the following notice of this celebrated beer in the Bayerisches Worterbuch von J. Andreas Schmeller (Stuttg. 1827, vol. 1, p. 151-2), " Der Bock, Aimbock, eine Art besonders starkeu Bieres, das nur in den Staatsbrauereyen zu hoherem Preise, als dem des gewohnlichen Marzenbieres verschleisst werden darf, in soferne also der Gcgenstand eines 348 VERBA NOMINALIA. Monopols ist. Die kurze aber rauscheude Epoclie, die dieses Getrank, besonders bey den mittlern Volksklassen Miincbens, jahrlich macht, tritt gewohnlich um die Zeit des Fronleich- namsfestes ein. Bock mit Bockwiirsten (einer eignen Species) ist an diesen Tagen ein beliebtes altmiinchnerisches Friihstiick. Der Bockkeller, eine fiir den Beobacbter des Miinchner nie- dern Volkslebens uicht ununterricbtende Spelunke. Im Reiebsarcbiv zu Miinchen findet sieb noch eine, auf den Erfur- ter Biirger Cornelius Gotwalt, unterm 2ten Miii'z, 1553, zum Transport von 2 Wagenscbwer Ainpechhisch Bier, von Ainheck aus, nacb Miincben oder Landstrut ausgestellte berzogliche Vollmacbt. ' Einbeckiscb Bier, so die Niirnberger dem gnadi- gen Herrn gelifert ' kommt auch in einer Miincbner Hofrecb- nuug, V. 1574 (Wstr. bist. Calender, v. 1788, p, 195), vor. Wie aus Einbecker oder Embeckerbier gemeinen Mann, der in jeden, ibm fremden Ausdrucb gern einen handgreiflicben Sinn legt, Ainbock und endlicb gar Bock werden konnte, ist begrei- flicb. Diese volksmiissige Umformung ist iudessen schon ein paar Jabrbunderte alt, denn in der Land und Policey Ord.v.l616, f. 532, ist aucb von einem Bock-Meet die Rede, welcher nicbt anders als zur Notbdurft ' der kranken gesotten werden solle.' Als gegenstiick zu diesem (starker stossenden) Bock gieng, besonders aus den Briiubiiusern der Jesuiten, die etwas sanft- miitbigere Gaiss bervor." Einbeck, or ratber Eimbeck, is a town of Hanover, gov. Hildesheim, on tbe Ilm, forty miles S. Hannover. It was a place of considerable importance in tbe fifteenth century, and early embraced the Reformation. It still contains, among other factories, several brandy distilleries and breweries. BORDEAUX. At p. 2, for made read exported from. BOSWELLIA. At p. 27, 1. 13 from bottom, for Catholic Church read and Greeh Orthodox Churches. BOUGIE. At jD. 28, 1. 14, for Corruvias read Covarruvias ; and transfer to p. 27 after "Boswellisra." BRAGATIONITE. At p. 29 read Bagrationite ; at 1. 7, for Bragation read Bagration. BRAG. To boast ; from Bragg, a Scandinavian deity Avho sang the praise of the heroes in the Hall of Odin (./. Power"). VERBA NOMINALIA. 349 Bragi or Brag was the god of poetry : hence it was sometimes bestowed as a proper name on a poet. There was a celebrated Icelandic bard called Bragi Skalld. BRUM {nearhj obsolete). A counterfeit coin; from Brum- magem, q.v. (Slang. J. C Hotten). BRUMMAGEM. Trashy, common. " Diluted history and brummarjem lore." — Sat. Rev. So called from Brummagem, i.e. Brumwycheham, ancient name of Birmingham, the great emporium for plated goods and imi- tation jewellery. BURPORT DAGGER. A periphrase for being hanged, in allusion to the ropes for which the manufacturers of Bridport were once famous, and with which Newgate and other places were supplied. See the Old Morality of Hyclce Scorner, in Dr. Percy's Collection, dated 1520 (cii'c.) " Once a yere the in- mates of Newgat have taw halts of Burtporte." CABAL. At p. 34, 1. 15 from bottom, after councils add, " This accidental circumstance may have introduced or extended the foreign meaning of the word. — ;S'. F. Creswell." CvESIA. At p. 35, 1. 15, for Frederico read Federico. CALATRAVA. At p. 35, 1. 4 from bottom, s£tev from add St. John of. CAMBO. A fragrant Chinese tea with a violet smell ; its infusion pale ; so called from the place whei'e it is made. CANNIBAL. At p. 37, 1. 9 from bottom, after Islands add S. F. Creswell. CANTABRICA. At p. 38, 1. 14 from bottom, for north- easteim read northern. CARLINO. At p. 39, 1. 12 from bottom, for £51 read £5. CAROLINEA. At p. 40, 1. 13, for StercidiaccB read Ster- culiacea'. CARP-MEALS. At p. 40, 1. 9 from bottom, after English coast, add, " probably from Cartmel, in North Lancashire. — S. F. CresivelL" CARTHUSIAN POWDER {Poudre de Chartreux, Pulvis Carthnsianonmi). A designation of Kermes mineral, or amor- 3oO VERBA NOMINALIA. phous tersulphuret of antimony ; so called from its successful use by a Carthusian friar named Simon. CHARTREUSE. A liqueur probably named La Grande Chartreuse, a celebrated monastery in France, dep. Isere. The French word is also used for a little isolated country house ; also, in conchology, horticulture ; and frequently in the culinary art. CHESSY COPPER. Another name for the mineral called azurite, which occurs in splendid crystallizations at Chessy, near Lyons. CHILTERN HUNDREDS. Appellation of a nominal stewardship under the Crown. Chiltern is the appellation of a chain of chalky hills, separating the counties of Bedford and Herts, and running through the middle of Bucks, from Tring, Herts, to Henley-upon-Thames, Oxon. They are covered, in various parts, with woods, and some of the eminences are of considerable height, and afford rich prospects. To these hills, which belong to the crown, is annexed the nominal office of steward of the Chiltern Hundreds, by the acceptance of which a member of the British Pai'liament is enabled to vacate his seat. CHRISTMAS. At p. 49, for the festival read the principal festival. CIRCENSIAN. Pertaining to the Circus, in Rome, where were practised games of various kinds, as running, wrestling, combats, &c. The Circeusian games accompanied most of the feasts of the Romans, but the grand games were held five days, commencing on the 15th of September. From L. Circenses, games of the Circus. CLAUDETYPE. A process of photography invented by M. Claudet. CLAYTONIA. At p. 50, for Pontulacacecs read Portulacete. CLIONIDtE. At p. 50, 1. 5 from bottom, for peteropods read pteropods. CLYDESDALE. Name of a good draught-horse, especially for farming business and in a hilly country; so called from the district on the Clyde, in Scotland, where it is principally bred. COACH (p. 51). Adelung (Mithridates), under the Hun- VERBA NOMINALIA. 351 gariau word kotsi, says, " Kutsche doch vie leicht ist das deutscbe wort aus dcra Ungarischeu entstanden, weil die Kutscheu in Ungarn erfunden seyn und von dem Marktflecken Kots ilireu Nnlimen erhalten haben sollen." COLBERTEEN (p. 51). "Lace so called after tlie cele- brated French minister, M. Colbert. Swift mentions the ' pinners edged with colberteen ' (temp. Jas. II. and Wm. & Mary), as the lace streamers were called." — Planche, Hist. Brit. Cost. 395. CONGREVE. At p. 56, last line, for engine of loar read rochet. CORUNDOPHILITE (p. 59). Delete this paragraph. CORYDON. An old classical term for a shepherd ; so called from the name of a shepherd in Virgil. " Nerine Galatea, thymo mihi dulcior HybljB, Candidior cycnis, edera formosior alba : Cum primum pasti repetent pi'jesepia tauri, Si qua tui Corydonis habet te cura, venito." Bucol. Eel. vii. 37. COZAKEE. A horse, patient. and docile, deep in the girth, powerful in the fore-arm, but with large head, and sadly cat- hammed : hardy, and calculated for long journeys and severe services. The name would seem to be a corruption of Cossack. CRETISM. At p. 60, 1. 1 3 from bottom, after deceivers, add, " St. Paul thus characterizes them in his epistle to Titus i. 12 : ' One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.' — S. F. Creswell." DA VILLA. At p. 66, 1. 14 and 15, for Davilla read Davilct. DIGBY CHICKENS. "The neighbourhood of Digby appeared to me particularly eligible, for the town was a thriving little sea-port ; boats of a large size were built in her docks, and the sea abounded with several good sorts of fish. A small species of herring afforded the inhabitants almost a staple commodity. They are extremely delicate, and are salted in great quantities every year. They have gained the nickname 352 VERBA NOMINALIA. of Dighy ChicJcens, and are exported to different parts of the province in barrels." — Forest Scenes in the Wilds of North America, by Geo. Head, Esq., Lond. 8°- 1829. See Quar. Rev. No. 83, p. 82. DRACONIC. " The most draconic repressive statutes." So called from certain laws made by Draco, a celebrated Athenian lawgiver, who succeeded Triptolemus as legislator, B.C. 623. On account of their severity they were said to be written in letters of blood. Idleness was punished with as much severity as murder, and death was denounced against the one as well as the other. Solon abolished all except that which made murder a capital offence. ELEUSINIAN. Relating to Eleusis (now Lepsina), in Attica, or to sacred rites in honour of Demeter (the Roman Ceres), there celebrated ; as, Eleusinian mysteries. The FAeusinia was celebrated on the 15th of the month of Boiidro- mion, lasted nine days, and was held by the Athenians in great reverence. Everybody was obliged to pass through the cere- monies once in the course of his life. Strangers, slaves, bas- tards, prostitutes, &c., were excluded from these rites ; and so superstitiously were they observed that, if any one revealed any of the mysteries or applied to private purposes any of the hallowed solemnities, it was considered a capital crime. See Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries, by Thos. Taylor, Amst. 1792, 8°-; Essai sur les Mysteres d'Eleusis, by Ouvaroff, Par. 1816, 8°- EOLIC. At p. 79 read ^olic ; and at last line, for Eolia read uEolia. FAIRNTOSH. The name of a whisky in very great repute up to 1761 ; so called from the lands of Fairntosh, in Scotland, where it was distilled. For an interesting account of this beverage see Ed. Rev. No. 94, pp. 505-7 (May, 1828), in an article on Jamieson's Scot. Diet. FALLOPIAN. At p. 83, 1. 3, for Versalms read Vesalius. FENIANISM. The political principles of the Fenians, an association of natives of Ireland or their descendants in the VERBA NOMINALIA. 353 United States, having for its avowed object the separation of Ireland from the government of Great Britain, and the esta- blishment of the former as a republic. The name Fenian is said to be derived from Fion, a hero in Ossian, famous for his victories over the Scandinavian and German invaders. In the Edin. Rev. (July, 1805, p. 429) I find the following :— " It is allowed, on all hands, that numberless traditions Avere current in Ireland concerning the Fenij or Fions, a species of militia inhabiting Leinster, and commanded by Fin Mac Coul, named by Fer- guson, Fingal, the son of Conhal." F. K. Meyer, in a late work entitled " The still existing Celtic People, Languages, and Literatures," gives the following on thenameof the Fenians: — " Many traditions of the primitive history, contests, and migra- tions of the Celts had been preserved, as on the British Islands, so principally in Ireland. These were finally revived and re- modelled in the second and third century of our era by the latest Irish-British immigrants ; the Scoti, that came from the north-east, calling themselves by the Irish name Fiona, Fena, i.e. the blond or white, from the singular Fion (Kymri given, guend, ancient Celtic vind, as in Vindobona, &c.) This tribe was distinguished both by beauty, wisdom, poetry, and valour, and thus widely differed from the contemporaneous, likewise East-Celtic, tribe of the Picts, or, according to their indigenous name, Cruithne, the Dubh Taratha Cruithue (black people of the Cruithne) of the Irish Annalists, and the Liu Dhu (black host) of the Welsh bards and triads. Eminently celebrated, however, among the blond Fena for beauty and wisdom was the so-called light or noble family of the Ua-sin, or Uafiin (from ' Ua,' the O' of the Irish family name — family ' Sippe,' and ' sin ' or ' fB.n,' clear, white). After many sanguinary fights the Fena were conquered and destroyed towards the end of the third century, by the Belgian king Cairpre Cinncait, in the great (half-mythical) Battle of Cath. This destruction, it would appear, became the origin of the new Fion or Fin Gall (of Ossian's poem of that name). The ancient hero of the tribe who bore that name arose anew in the course of centuries, enlarged as it were into an historical primary type, and a religious and historical expression, not merely for the one East- A A 354 VERBA NOMINALIA. Celtic branch of the Irish- Scottish population, but for the whole complex of its West and East-Celtic portions. He be- came the Divine king who had immigrated either from north or south (hence, perhaps, his name Gall = stranger), son of Cumhal, i.e. the Picts in the north, grandson of Base, i.e. the Iberians in Spain ; the type and beginning of all ancient Irish history and culture, civilization and legislation, and, more especially, from his epithet of Miledh (warrior), the ancestor of all ancient Irish families that date their descent from the East, the so-called Phoenico-Milesians." FEVILLEA. At p. 84 read Feuilha. FORTUNATUS'S CAP. " Fortunatus had a wishing hat, which, Avhen he put on and wished himself anywhere, be- hold he was there. By this means had Fortunatus triumphed over space, he had annihilated space ; for him there Avas no Where, but all was Here. Were a hatter to establish himself in the Wahngasse of Weissnichtwo, and make felts of this sort for all mankind, what a world we should have of it ! Still stranger, should, on the opposite side of the street, another hatter establish himself, and, as his fellow-craftsman made space annihilating, make time annihilating. Of both would I purchase, Avere it with my last groschen ; but chiefly of this latter. To clap on your felt, and simply by wishing that you were any ivhere, straightway lo be there. Next to clap on your other felt, and simply by wishing that you were any when, straightway to be then." — Carlyle, Sartor Resartus. For Fortunatus's Purse, see N. & Q. 2nd S. vii. 21 ; xi, 72. FRAUNHOFER LINES. Fraunhofer was an eminent optician residing at Munich, who, having prepared some glass of great purity, repeated the experiments of Newton on the analysis of white light. His researches showed that not only are the rays of light of very different refraugibility, but that some of the rays are wanting in the spectrum. It has been reserved for the recent discovery of spectrum analysis to show that their spaces — these Fraunhofer lines — are due to the ab- sorption of those rays in their passage through the sun's atmosphere by the vapours of those metals, which, in a state of incandescence, would emit rays of the same refraugibility. VERBA NOMINALIA. 355 GA6G. "A foolish fellow. 'And Agag came uuto him delicately.' Hence gaggish." — /. Power. GOLGOTHA. At p. 100, 1. 12 from bottom, for tU place of skulls read facetiously identified with the place of a skull. GRASSINI. At Turin, a kind of bread in long crispy sticks, for easy digestion ; named after the inventor. HECTOR. At p. 115, 1. 4, for ayg read aya.vois. HOCUS-POCUS. At p. 120, 1, 11, after Transubstanlia- tion, add, The priest, however, says, Hoc est enim corpus. IRVINISM. At p. 126, for rving read Irving. ISTHMIAN GAMES. One of the four great festivals of Greece; so called because celebrated on the Isthmus of Corinth, " The prize was an ivy -wreath " {S. F. C.) ISTHMIAN SCHEME. The French scheme of cutting through the Isthmus of Suez for the ]3urpose, it is said, of gaining a preponderance in the East. ISTHMUS OF VIEUSENS {Isthmis Vieusenii). The ridge surrounding the oval fossa, or remains, of the foramen ovale in the right auricle of the heart; so called from Vieusens, the anatomist, who discovered it. He was born in 1641, and was author of several works on anatomy. LETHEAN. At p. 151, 1. 14 from bottom, for letheed read lethe'd. LIEBERKUHNIAN GLANDS. At p. 153, 1. 14, for Lieberkiihnn read Lieherkuhn. LINNiEA. Add, " It is remarkable as having received its name in honour of the great Swedish naturalist, who, as appears by the journal of his ' Tour to Lapland,' chose this plant to transmit his own name to posterity," — T. Wright, M.A. LINN^AN SYSTEM. At p. 154, 1. 19 from bottom, for Linne read Linne. LOCHABER AXE. At p. 155, 1. 7, for and farewell my Jean read farewell to my Jean. MAQON. At p. 163, 11. 2 and 3 from bottom, for Maqon read Macon. A A 2 356 VERBA NOMINALIA. MAYONNAISE. A superb sauce, compounded of yolks of unboiled eggs, oil of the purest quality, French or Tarragon vinegar, cayenne, and salt ; properly Bayonnaise, so called from Bayonne, where it was first made. The term is usually applied to a pyramidical dish composed of boiled or roast chicken deli- cately carved, served up with hearts of small lettuces, hard eggs, jelly, &c., and covered w^ith this sauce. MOGrUER. A wine mixed with sherry, and forming that inferior kind of which a large quantity is exported ; so called from Moguer, on the Guadalquivir, where it is produced. MORAVIANISM. At p. 190,.l. 19 from bottom, for to the read in the. MOSS-LAIRD. A name given to the tenants in the great improved Moss of Blaii'-Drummond. — Carlisle. MOSS-TROOPERS. A term applied to certain bandits that formerly infested the border country between England and Scotland. The name is derived from the character of the country over which they " trooped," it being extensively inoss or morass. — Webster. NABOTH'S GLANDS. At p. 201, 1. 10 from bottom, for oviila read ova. Add also, " Some small glands situated be- tween the folds of the membrane lining the cervix uteri. An anatomist named Naboth, finding them morbidly enlarged, mistook them for ova, whence they were called ovula Nabothi, or glandulee Nabothi." — Hooper, Med. Diet. PARADISE. A garden, library, or study. See Britton's Arch. Diet. — Halliwell. PARAMATTA. At p. 220, 1. 15, for where it is jnanufac- turecl read which produced the wool from which it was manufac- tured. PH^BE. At p. 230, 1. 5 from bottom, for Phoebe read Phcebe. ROQUEFORT. A superior French cheese resembling Stilton in flavour ; named from Roquefort, dep. Aveyron, where nearly 1000 tons of it are annually made. VERBA NOMINALIA. 357 ST. JULIEN. At p. 261, 1. 16 from bottom, after prime, add, " lu Englaud, a kind of pear." TiENIA TARINI. At p. 298, 1. 2, for vena corporis striati read corpus striatum. TINTAMAR. At p. 308, 1. 8, after grand tintaman^e, add, " " ; and at 1. 1 1 for vignerous read vigncrons. TOKAY. At p. 309, 1. 16, add Tempora mutantur. TYRANT. At p. 317, 1. 13, for Tijrreheni read Tyrrheni. KINIS. Charles Jones, Printer, West Harding Street (late Sumfield & Jones). WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. BRADSHAW'S ILLUSTRATED HAND-BOOK TO SPAIN AND PORTUGAL: A complete Guide for Travellers in the Peninsula, with Maps, Town Plans, &c. London : W. J. Adams, 59, Fleet Street, GUIDE TO THE TYROL; COMPRISING PEDESTRIAN TOURS OF 1600 MILES IN TYROL, STYRIA, CARIN- TUIA, AND SALZKAMMERGUT, WITH A SKELETON MAP OF THE COUNTRY. London : W. J. Adams, 59, Fleet Street. " We can only say, put this nice little guide in your pocket, and go and see tlie country." — Athenceitm. "As a brief record of personal experience, this little volume, which would occupy small space in the corner of a knapsack, will, we have no doubt, prove a most useful companion to any one who proposes to follow the author's footsteps through the beautiful scenery to be found among the mountains and valleys of the Tyrol." — Notes and Queries. " For full information on the Tyrol we beg to refer our readers to a concise, useful, and interesting little work just published, entitled ' Guide to the Tyrol,' by R. S. Charnock."— Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guide. " This book is not only interesting, but useful. The information it contains will enable the tourist to make his way through a large portion of the finest scenery in Europe with no more help than a light purse, a cotton umbrella, and a leather knapsack." — Morning Chronicle. " Genuine, and a model of brevity."— ZJor^e^ County Chronicle. " With this work, the pedestrian may learn how to spend a month or si.x weeks among the most magnificent scenery in the world, and at a cost considerably under £20. "—i/jTitory Spectator. " We can recommend the work as a thoroughly practical guide." — Bristol Mercury. " We strongly advise every one who contemplates going over this ground to purchase this excellent little book, which enters sufficiently into detail to satisfy any traveller, and is never dull or -^rosy ."—Cambridge Independent. " Pleasantly written, and contams many useful hints. It is a very useful vade mecum for travellers." — Brighton Gazette. " If any of our readers are thinking of a continental tour, and wish to deviate somewhat from the beaten track, we recommend them to be o£f to the Tyrol, and to take this book for a pocket companion."— /?r«d/ord Observer. " We think Jlr. Charnock's Guide is likely to induce many a visit to the Tyrol. Above all, he is most practical on the subject of the currency ."—Southern Times. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY: London : Houlston & Wright, 65, Paternoster Row. " Contains a lai-ge selection of names most likely to be sought for, and is carefully com- piled." — Examiner. " An immense amount of industry has been brought to bear upon the compilation of this dictionary. Those interested in such a study will, in this dictionary, find a help such as they have hitherto found the want of." — Morning Post. 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A GLOSSARY OF PROVINCIAL WORDS used in the County of Essex. THE ETYMOLOGY OF CORNISH SURNAMES. THE BASQUE, and its connexion with other Languages. ^h This book is DUE on the last date stamped below JAN 6 1950 NOV 2 19&9 gov 161969 lSurl ^ 2? '90 2 7 Form L-9-15to-7,'31 #. 4l L 005 850 865 6 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 351 502 o jlliinljlji "^lillilillliilllli! !lil!iliiiltllltl!lll>lintiili!: i i i I i iiii^ i piiiiiiiii Itiiililltitliililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiituiitu iliiilHilinillliiilHIIiliiiillliliilllillilliitiilHHinii! ii 1 '■ 1 fTTTTI i ; i n i |||illJ!iiiiit;siiiii!!iiiHiiiiniiiiJMiliiitlliilit)i< Mlllllllllllllillt.