THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS R MEDICINE SECOND EDITION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE For sale by the 1921 Superintendent of Document* Pric 25c Government Printing Office LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION CLASS R MEDICINE SECOND EDITION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 L. C. card, 20-26016. 1 9 PREFATORY NOTE. The schedules for medicine were prepared originally by Mr. J. Christian Bay in 1904 under the supervision of Mr. Martel, then Chief Classifier. The scheme has, however, undergone extensive revision in connection with the recataloging of the medical works in this library. Since 1905 the classification of medicine has been in charge of the undersigned, who prepared the schedules for the press in 1910. The first edition having been exhausted and the demand for copies steadily continuing, a second edition has now been prepared, incorporating manuscript additions and revisions from 1910 to date. CLARENCE W. PERLEY, Chief of Classification Division. HERBERT PUTNAM, Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C., December, 1920. 3J29543 SYNOPSIS. R GENERAL MEDICINE. RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE AND TOXICOLOGY. RB PATHOLOGY. RC PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. w RD SURGERY. RE OPHTHALMOLOGY. RF OTOLOGY. RHINOLOGY. LARYNGOLOGY. RG GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. RJ PEDIATRICS. RK DENTISTRY. RL DERMATOLOGY. RM THERAPEUTICS. RS PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA. MEDICAL AND PHARMA- CEUTICAL CHEMISTRY. RT NURSING. RV ECLECTIC MEDICINE. RX HOMEOPATHY. RZ OTHER SCHOOLS. GENERAL MEDICINE GENERAL MEDICINE R Periodicals and societies. 7 Rules for medical journals. 10 Medical societies: Aims, scope, utility, etc. 10.5 International societies. .A3 General. Internationalism. .A5 Z Special societies. American : United States. Canada. 11 Periodicals. 15 Societies. British West Indies. Honduras. Guiana. 18 Periodicals. 20 Societies. Latin America. 21 Periodicals. 25 Societies. English. 31 Periodicals. 35 Societies. Dutch. 37 Periodicals. 39 Societies. French and Belgian. 41 Periodicals. 45 Societies. German. 51 Periodicals. 55 Societies. Italian. 61 Periodicals. 65 Societies. Spanish and Portuguese. Cf. 21-25 Latin- America. 71 Periodicals. 75 Societies. Scandinavian. 81 Periodicals. 85 Societies. R GENERAL MEDICINE R 91 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 104 106 i 114 117 119 121 123 125 126 io \\9jeX e A w - fct ov s . r. 3.|.ft.4 ^ , r *\\y Ae. Periodicals and societies Continued. Slavic and Hungarian. Periodicals. Societies. Other European. Asiatic. African. Australasian and Pacific. Indexes (when not confined to one publication) . Cf. Z 6660: Bibliography of Medicine. Yearbooks.*-rW Ao^trA^ts, etl. Calendars. Almanacs. Congresses. Laboratories Reports and Other Publications. Collections : Monographs, papers, etc., by different authors. Collected works of individual authors. Collected papers. Minor collections of individual authors. Authorship Instructions, etc. Dictionaries. Terminology Miscellaneous. Encyclopedias. Early works. Ancient Greek authors. e. g. .Al Collections. .D5-7 Dioscorides. ,D6-6 Works. .D7 Biography and criticism. .G2-8 Galen. .G2-7 Works. .G8 Biography and criticism. Hippocrates. Collected works (by date). .H4 Greek. .H5 Greek and Latin. .H51 Latin. .H54 English. .H55 French. .H56 German. .H59 Selections (by editor or compiler). .H6 Individual works (alphabetically). e. g. .H6A3-5 De acre, aquis et locis. .H6A6-9 Aphorisms. .H6C3 De capitis vulneribus. .H6E6 Epidemiorum libri (I and III). .H6F7 De fracturis. .H6H2 De haemorrhoidibus. .H6L6 Lex. v^e^ >e~ e 10 R GENERAL MEDICINE Early works. 126 Ancient Greek authors. e. g. .H4-8 Hippocrates. .H6 Individual works (alphabetically) Continued, e. g. .H6M6 Mochlicus. .H6M8 De morbo Bacro. .H6P6 De prisca medicina. .H6P8 Prognostica. .H6U8 De ulceribus. .H6V6 De victus ratione in morbis acutis ,H7 Supposititious works (alphabetically), e. g. .H7A4 De alimento. .H7C5 Coacae praenotiones. .H7C7 De corde. .H7D3 De decenti habitu. .H7E2 Epidemiorum libri. II. .H7E4 Epidemiorum libri. IV. .H7E5 Epidemiorum libri. V. .H7E6 Epidemiorum libri. VI. .H7E7 Epidemiorum libri. VII .H7F6 De flatibus. .H7G3 De genitura. .H7H8 De humoribus. .H7I5 De insomniis. .H7I7 De internis affectionibus. .H7L8 De locis in homine. .H7M3 De medicamentis purgatoriis. .H7M5 De medicorum astrologia. .H7M7 De morbo. .H7M9 De mulierum morbis. .H7N3 De natura humana. .H8 Works about Hippocrates. 127 Roman authors. e. g. .02-6 Celsus. .C2-5 Works. .06 Biography and criticism. 127.5 Other ancient works, e. g. Egyptian. 128 Medieval authors. .3 Arabic. Early modern authors. .6 15th-16th centuries. .7 17th-18th centuries. 129 Comprehensive systematic works. e. g. Paine's Institute of medicine. 130 Theories. Principles. Essentials of medicine. .5" Ju.M/ey\ilc. History. 131 General. A \ 1,vb 133 General special (Superstitions, etc.). King's touch, see RC 296. 11 R GENERAL MEDICINE R History Continued. Biography. 134 Collective. '. National and individual biography, see R 153-684. By period. 135 Ancient. For biography, see R 126-127. e. g. R 126. D7 Dioscorides. R 126. G8 Galen. R 126. H8 Hippocrates. R 127. C6 Celsus. Prehistoric medicine, see GN 477; also, in part, R 651-684. 143 Arabic. 144 Biography, A-Z. e. g. .A7 Arnaldus de Villanova. 145 Modern. 146 15-16th centuries. 147 Biography, A-Z. e. g. .P2 Paracelsus. Cf. BF 1598.P2. 148 17th-18th centuries. 149 19th-20th centuries. Biography, see R 134 and under special countries. By country. \3d J -A-rf^.r\':A' United States. 151 General. 152 General special. Biography. 153 Collective. 154 Individual, A-Z. Special States. Under each: (1) General. (2) Local. (3) Collective biography. 155-157 Alabama. 159-161 Alaska. 163-165 Arizona. 167-169 Arkansas. ^ 171-173 California. 175-177 Colorado. 184-186 Connecticut. 188-190 Delaware. 193-195 District of Columbia. 12 B GENERAL MEDICINE History. By country. United States. k Special States Continued. 197-199 Florida. 201-203 Georgia. 205-207 Idaho. 209-211 Illinois. 213-215 Indian Territory. 217-219 Indiana. 221-223 Iowa. 225-227 Kansas. 229-231 Kentucky. 233-235 Louisiana. 237-239 Maine. 241-243 Maryland. 245-247 Massachusetts 249-251 Michigan. 254-256 Minnesota. 258-260 Mississippi. 263-265 Missouri. 267-269 Montana. 271-273 Nebraska. 275-277 Nevada. 279-281 New Hampshire. 283-285 New Jersey. 287-289 New Mexico. 291-293 New York. 294-296 North Carolina. 297-299 North Dakota. 301-303 Ohio. 305-307 Oklahoma. 309-311 Oregon. 313-315 Pennsylvania. 317-319 Rhode Island. 321-323 South Carolina. 325-327 South Dakota. 329-331 Tennessee. 333-335 Texas. 337-339 Utah. 341-343 Vermont. 345-347 Virginia. 349-351 Washington. 353-355 West Virginia. 357-359 Wisconsin. 361-363 Wyoming. 13 R GENERAL MEDICINE B 461-464 465-468 469-472 473-476 480-483 484 486-489 491-494 495-498 499-502 504-507 509-512 513-516 517-520 521-524 526-529 531-534 535-538 539-542 543-546 547-550 551-554 555-558 559-562 563-566 571-574 575 581 591-594 601-604 605-608 (.Al, Collective.) History. By country Continued. Foreign countries: Under each: (1) General. (2) General special. (3) Local. (4) Biography. Canada. r ;'.<*.^~ Mexico. Central America. West Indies. South America. Europe. Great Britain. Ireland. Individual biography, see Scotland. Individual biography, see R489. Austria. France. Germany. Greece. Italy. Netherlands. Belgium. Holland Russia. Poland. Scandinavia. Denmark. Iceland. Norway. Sweden. Spain and Portugal. Spain. Portugal. Switzerland. Turkey. Other countries, A-Z. Asia. Arabia. China. India (including Burma and Ceylon). 14 E GENERAL MEDICINE E History. By country. Foreign countries. Asia Continued. 611 Indo-China. Farther India. Malay Peninsula. (Siam, Cambodia, Cochin-China, Straits Settle- ments, Federated Malay States, etc.) . Indonesia. Malay Archipelago. 614-617 Dutch East Indies. (Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas, etc.). 618-621 Philippine Islands. 623-626 Japan. 627-630 Korea. 631-634 Persia. 635-638 Siberia and Asiatic Russia. , 651-654 Africa. * 671-674 Australia and New Zealand. ao-i aoA r> -a T i i 681-684 Pacific Islands. Philippines, see R 61&-621. 703 Biographic clinics. Invalidism and intellect, etc. CBiiiU'dai^ TaVw\uavCj 705 Anecdotes, humor, etc. 706 Curiosities of medicine. King's touch, see RC296. 707 Miscellanies on the profession. Iiternitiii*o, Physicians in general. Cf. R 727 * 708 Addresses. Lectures. 710 Miscellaneous essays and minor works. Directories. Annuals. Cf . R 101, Yearbooks of the progress of medicine. 711 General. 712 United States. . Al General. . A2 States, A-W. , . A3 Cities, A-Z. 713 Other countries: . 01 Canada. . 03 Mexico. . 04 Central America. . 05 West Indies. . 06 South America. . 07 Argentine Republic. . 09 Bolivia. . 11 Brazil. . 13 Chile. . 15 Colombia. 15 R GENERAL MEDICINE Directories. Annuals. Other countries. South America Continued. 713. 17 Ecuador. . 19 Guiana. . 21 Paraguay. . 23 Peru. . 25 Uruguay. . 27 Venezuela. . 28 Europe. . 29 Great Britain. . 31 England. . 33 Scotland. . 35 Ireland. . 37 Austria. . 39 Belgium. . 41 Denmark. . 43 I France. . 45 Germany. . 47 Greece. . 49 Holland. . 51 Italy. . 53 Norway. . 55 Portugal. . 57 Russia. . 59 Spain. . 61 Sweden. . 63 Switzerland. . 65 Turkey. . 67 Other countries, A-Z. . 68 Asia. . 69 China. . 71 India and Ceylon. . 73 Japan. . 75 Persia. . 77 Asia Minor. . 79 Siberia. . 81 Other divisions of Asia. . 83 Africa. . 85 Egypt. . 87 Other African divisions. . 89 Australia. . 93 New Zealand. . 97 Pacific Islands. 16 R GENERAL MEDICINE E Commercial publications. See RD 71-6, Surgical apparatus; RS 356, Pharmaceutical supplies. (715) Serials (Manufacturers' bulletins, periodical lists, etc.) (717) Catalogs, price lists. (718) Special, A-Z. (720) Social service, see RA 413, Medical sociology. 722 Medical missions. * --4 7.23, 5" MeA\it\ ac.oytawvi'e.s ( 723 Medical philosophy. Medical logic, 724 Medical ethics. 724.5 725 Codes of ethics. , 727 Physician and public. Advice to physfcians.- 728 t- Fees. jCaLlectrngr*>Q^:/ce pr^c^ce- 729 Empiricism/'"' 730 Charlatanism. Quackery. 731 Malpractice. 733 Schools of medicine. Principles, e. g. .B9, Brouasaisism. Cf. RX, Homeopathy; RV, Eclectic medicine. Education. Study and teaching. 735 General. 737 General special. (History, Specialization, eter)-Exp<2r(\vvY\'\A\ vnedto 738 Medical education for women. For special colleges, see R 747-832. 739 Outlines, syllabi, etc. Examinations, questions, etc., see RC 79. Special countries (including laws) . Subdivided under each (except as otherwise specified) : .Al-5 General. Official. .A6A-Z General. Non-official. By author. .A7-Z Special cities (institutions, etc.). Material under institutions may be subdivided according to table following R 832 on page 19. 741 America. 743 North America. United States. 745 General. 746 Special States. 747 Special institutions (alphabetically by name). 749 Canada. 751 Mexico. 753 Central America. 755 West Indies. 28640 21 2 17 R GENERAL MEDICINE B Education. Stndy and teaching. Special countries (including laws) Continued. 757 South America. 758 Argentine Republic. 759 Bolivia. 761 Brazil. 762 Chile. 763 Colombia. 764 Ecuador. 765 Guiana. 766 Paraguay. 767 Peru. 768 Uruguay. 769 Venezuela. 771 Europe. 772 Great Britain. 773 England. 775 Scotland. 777 Ireland. 779 Austria. 781 Belgium. 783 Denmark. 784 France. 785 Germany. .A 1-3 General. .A 5-Z States. 786 Cities. 787 Greece. 789 Holland. 791 Italy. 793 Norway. 795 Portugal. 796 Russia. 797 Scandinavia (General). 798 Spain. 799 Sweden. 801 Switzerland. 802 Turkey. 804 Other countries, A-Z. 810 Asia. 812 China. 814 India and Ceylon. 18 R GENERAL MEDICINE E Education. Study and teaching. Special countries (including laws.) Asia Continued. 816 Japan. 817 Persia. 818 Asia Minor. 819 Siberia. 821 Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. 822 Africa. 823 Egypt. 824 Other African divisions, A-Z. 831 Australia and New Zealand. 832 Special divisions, N-W. Material under special institutions in R 747-832 may be subdivided as follows: .03 Charter, Laws, etc. .2 History. Description. .23 Descriptive material. General. .25 Laboratories. .3 Libraries. .34 Museums. .36 Miscellaneous. (Dedication addresses, etc.) Administration. Reports. .4 Board of Regents. .45 Overseers. .5 President. .55 Other. .6 Faculty. Catalogs, announcements, circulars, etc. .7 Annual. .75 Special (by date) . .78 Miscellaneous printed matter (not catalogued). .8 Registers. General catalogs of graduates, etc. .83 Student publications. .85 Graduate students, Alumni associations. .9 Special classes (by date) . Museums. Exhibits. 871 General works. 881 Individual exhibitions (by date). 891 Individual museums (alphabetically by name) . 19 STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE AND TOXICOLOGY. 21 STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE AND TOXICOLOGY. RA Directories of sanitary authorities, Boards of health, etc. 9 United States?''^'""* ^^^*^ti^.Jl( 10 Other countries, A-Z. General documents, Reports of Boards of health, etc. Cf. HA Statistics; HB 881-3711, Demography. 11 United States. National Government. .All-29 Serials compilations, etc. .A3 Separate documents (by date). .A5 Codes. Compilations of laws (by date). National board of health. .Bl-13 Serial reports. .B14 Miscellaneous. Marine Hospital Service. Public Health Service. 1 .B15 Reports. .B155 Regulations. .B16 Lists of officers. .B17 Weekly abstract. Miscellaneous. .EH5 "Bu,\i<2T\vu .B18 Official (by date). .B19 Nonofncial (by author). 13 .B2 .\. Reports of annual public health conferences. Stafes^ollectively (Laws, etc.). 1 Originally ' ' The Marine Hospital Service . ' ' Name changed July 1 , 1902, to ' ' The Public Health and Marine Hospital Service." Again changed Aug. 14, 1912, to "The Public Health Service." 23 RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA General documents, Reports of Boards of health, etc. 15-182 Special States. Under each: (1) State (2) Local. State documents arranged by following scheme: \ICLTtOHS C-f .A5 Compilations of laws (by .A7 Separate laws (by date) . Board of health. date). 15-16 .Bl Regular reports. .B2-8 Other serial reports, bulletins, etc. .B9 By-laws and regulations. .Cl Special reports (by date) . .Dl Histories of department. .Hi Publications of other health departments. .Kl Nonofficial works on health departments. Alabama. 18-19 Alaska. 21-22 Arizona. 24-25 Arkansas. 27-28 California. 31-32 Colorado. 34-35 Connecticut. 37-38 Delaware. 41 District of Columbia. 44-45 Florida 47-48 51-52 Georgia. Idaho. 54-55 Illinois. 57-58 61-62 Indian Territory. Indiana. 64-65 Iowa. 67-68 Kansas. 71-72 74-75 Kentucky. Louisiana. 77-78 Maine. 81-82 84-85 Maryland. Massachusetts. 87-88 91-92 Michigan. Minnesota. 94-95 97-98 Mississippi. Missouri. 101-102 Montana. 104-105 Nebraska. 107-108 Nevada. 111-112 114-115 New Hampshire New Jersey. 24 ; RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA General documents, Reports of Boards of health, etc. Special States Continued. 117-118 New Mexico . 121-122 New York. 124-125 North Carolina. 127-128 North Dakota. 131-132 Ohio. 134-135 Oklahoma. 137-138 Oregon. 141-142 Pennsylvania. 144-145 Rhode Island. 147-148 South Carolina. 151-152 South Dakota. 154-155 Tennessee. 157-158 Texas. 161-162 Utah. 164-165 Vermont. 167-168 Virginia. 171-172 Washington. 174-175 West Virginia. 177-178 Wisconsin. 181-182 Wyoming. Foreign countries. Under each: (1) General (2) Local. To be arranged like U. S. State documents; see note at the beginning of RA 15-182. Special States. Canada. *+~ea-he Q* -oa iA n i t-^^+nc.* u&e 184 General. t , 185 .Provinces. 'A&Sj-z ^epard-fa. 4rea+t9t 186 Cities. &> anm-tru. us&icl^ /s pat^4u. 187-188 Mexico. f/?y ,3 U-n\let 409 Theory, method, etc. Cf. HB 881. 411 Comprehensive works on state medicine. 413 Medical sociology. Sociological medicine. e. g. Allen, Civics and health; Warbasse, Medical sociology, etc. 27 i. y Be& KA15/ RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA HYGIENE. -4i Doportmonto of public health Organization, ot racial works. c_) / -special boards, see RA 11-388. 418 General works. Philosophy, physiology, etc. 419 Miscellaneous. Minor. 420 Study and teaching. TaV>\ic KsaUta as A Of. QP 39-41. Sanitation. Public hygiene, Social hygiene. Prevention of disease. Cf. RA 773-789, Personal hygiene. 421 Periodicals and societies. Almanacs, etc. 422 Congresses. 422.5 Collections. 423 Dictionaries. 424 History. 424.5. Biography. e. g. .P5, Pettenkofer. , &k ftmtfaA- 425 Comprehensive treatises.'^ 427 General special. 4^ Tabli'c Witk lafcoral/srftfi, e. g. Rural hygiene. Cf. RA 771. 429 Sanitary inspection. 430 Sanitary chemistry. (Including laboratory manuals.) Cf. TX 149, Household science. TP 187-197, Government laboratories. 431 Popular works and rudiments, i AC. I , PI ays kr 3 -w, Cf. Hygiene for nurses, RT 67. 436 Essays, lectures, etc. 437 Museums. 438 Exhibitions (by place) . Study and teaching, see RA 420. Cf. RA 416 +. Special countries. Under each: (1) General (2) Local. See also Medical geography, RA 79 1-. N. B. Board of Health reports (Serial), in RA 11-388. 441 America. 443 North America. 445 United States. 447 States (alphabetically). 448 Cities (alphabetically). ,-<, r fl , /. 7 A*C\ AKn n j -44*'i> Sapeevp] raC 3i'evi<*, Medical registration- of -industrial diseases, etc. Cf. HD 3623-3624, 7277 7370; RO 9ft*. TD <&5] ^(fibl - Military hygiene, see UH. Naval hygiene, see VG. Prison hygiene, see HV. 614 Hygiene of public conveyances. 615 Railroads. Cf. TF445. 31 BA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA 616 Public buildings. Government buildings, see HD 7513. 617 Barber shops. 618 Hotels. Prefer TX 913-917. Cf. HD 7286-7390; TD 905; TH 6085. Morgues. 619 General. 620 Special countries, A-Z. Under each : (1) General. (2) Capital city. (3) Other local. e.g. .07 Cuba. .08 Havana. .C9A-Z Other cities. 621 Disposal of the dead. Cf. GT. 622 Undertaking and embalming. .Al-4 Periodicals. .A5 Societies. .A7 Directories. Catalogs, see TS 2301 .U5. 623 Embalming. .Al-5 Documents. .Al General collections. .A2 United States. .A3 Special States. JL5 Foreign. 625 Sepulture.'-" Cemeteries (management, laying-out, etc.). 626 Periodicals. Societies. 627 General works Special countries. Under each: I II .A2 (1) Laws. Ordinances (collected). By date. .A3 (2) General works. .A4 (3) Special States. A5-Z (4) Special cities, etc. (1) Laws. Ordinances. See \OCM YuiJDry, t?7wif. In&aae. ,-Q , (A tiflu-bl* pra-far DTKwi F, EiiW Wne /r , x . worta efixnffVerto* iw ^ ir md- 2 Cemetery reports. I'tal M,pad.H avi 4^reH>{ji ( 3 > , Other works. 629 United States (T)^e^rts, v&du\nT\n>xs. ^ 630 Other countries (II). 32 RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA Disposal of the dead. Cremation. 631 Periodicals, societies, etc. 633 History. 634 Special countries (including documents). 635 General works. 637 General special. 638 Crematories (General). > Cf. NA 6117 Architecture. Crematories (by place) . 639 United States. 640 Other countries. 641 Body snatching. Resurrectionists. L42. 643 Infectious diseases and public health. 44 Special diseases, A-Z. e. g. .A6 Anthrax. .C3 Cholera. .D6 Diphtheria. .16 Influenza. .L3 Leprosy. ,M2 Malaria. Cf. RC 116. .M5 Measles. .P2 Paralysis, Infantile. .P7 Plague. .82 Scarlet fever. 645 Epidemics. 649 History. 650.2 Ancient. .3 Medieval. .4 Modern. .5 United States. .55 Other American. .6 Europe. .7 Asia. .8 Africa. .9 Australia and the Pacific. 651 General works. .Al-5 Periodicals and societies. 653 Popular works. Quarantine, maritime hygiene. 655 General. 661 General special. 663 International. vui YTaY ^>\ .T4 .T7 ,T8 .T9 .V4 .W6 .Y4 Smallpox. Syphilis. Cf. RC 201.1-9. Tetanus. Tuberculosis. Typhoid fever. Typhus fever. Venereal diseases. Prefer RC 201.1-9. Whooping cough. Yellow fever. 28640 21- 33 RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA Quarantine. Maritime hygiene Continued. By country. 664 North America. United States. 665 General. 667 States, A-W. 669 Miscellaneous. 671 Canada. 673 Mexico. 675 Central America. 677 West Indies. 678 South America. 679 Argentine Republic. 681 Bolivia. 683 Brazil. 685 Chile. 687 Colombia. 689 Ecuador. 691 Guiana. 693 Paraguay. 695 Peru. 697 Uruguay. 699 Venezuela. 700 Europe. 701 Great Britain. England. Wales. 703 Scotland. 705 . Ireland. 707 Austria. 709 Belgium. 711 Denmark. 713 France. 715 Germany. naw 2>me&. h"L. 717 Greece. 719 Holland. 721 Italy. 723 Norway. 725 Portugal. 727 Russia. 729 Spain. 731 Sweden. 733 Switzerland. 735 Turkey. 737 Other countries, A-Z. 34 RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA Quarantine. Maritime hygiene. By country Continued. 738 Asia. 739 China. 741 India and Ceylon. 743 Japan. 745 Persia. 747 Asia Minor. Turkey in Asia. 749 Siberia. Asiatic Russia. 751 Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. e. g. .A5, Arabia; .P6, Philippines. 753 Africa. 754 Egypt. 755 Other African divisions, A-Z. 756 Australia and New Zealand. 758 Pacific Islands, A-Z. e. g. .H3, Hawaii. 761 Disinfection. General. 766 Special disinfectants, A-Z. e. g. .C4 Chlorides (General). .F6 Formaldehyde. .H4 Heat. .H8 Hydrocyanic acid. .M5 Mercuric chloride. .P5 Pine oil. T>0 T _: x- ~ ".Arfk t\ OLClX^^CX-^V .R3 Refrigeration. .88 Steam. .89 Sulphur dioxide. .Z5 Zinc chloride. 769 Miscellaneous preventive measures. 770 Housing and public health. 771 Domestic hygiene. Rural hygiene. 772 Other special subjects of public hygiene, A-Z. e. g. N7 Noises. Personal hygiene. Cf. RA 418. 773 Periodicals and societies. For-AvavAy wa uieA fiS /rvi\y. General works. YiAw/iqiftA w us** bdtU its an* Including practical works on Longevity. r ln(. S&^.va\ n K s . \vi 1 e. g. Cornaro, Huf eland, etc. Cf. QP 85 Duration of life (Physiology). 775 To 1800. ^ r?*^u^ct^ 776 After 1800. m^ Hy^ifn^ 4r fr^dlerfe. 777 uiwavme.- \\\c.r-^^ ^ 778 Beauty. Hygiene for women. Cosmetics. Ci. 1?A 42C.5 (Cosmetics Trade publications, in TP 984.) fiP 37 "Ttyftj'oW 779 Clothing. /81 Exercise. WalKiW. "Po skins. . 35 EA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA Personal hygiene Continued. 782 Breathing. Cf . RM 733, Respiration as cure. 783 Outdoor life. Vacations. r Cf. SK 601, Camping. y S4 FYcs)o air. .^pe*. wivJows efe. (78*) Foods, see RM 216. Cf. TX 392. 786 Sleep. 787 Occupations. 788 Intellectual workers. Business life. Sedentary life. 789 Tropical hygiene. Cf. RC 961. 790 Mental hygiene. Psychological medicine. .Al Periodicals, societies, congresses. Cf . RC 351 Nervous diseases. RZ 400-401 Mental healing. BF 639 New thought. RM 917-926 Suggestive therapeutics. Medical geography and climatology. Medical meteorology. 791 Periodicals, societies, etc. 792 Medical geography General. Medical climatology. 793 General. 794 Seashore resorts. 795 Miscellaneous, special. 801 American (including diseases of American Indians). North America. 802 Diseases. 803 Health resorts. United States. 804 Diseases. 805 Health resorts. 807 States, A-W. 809-810 Canada. 809.5 H^lt* re softs, Subarranged : 809 General works. 809. 5 Health resorts, A-Z. 810 Local. 1 81 1-812 Mexico. 1 813-814 Central America. 1 815-816 West Indies. 817 South America. 1 819-820 Argentine Republic. 1 82 1-822 Bolivia. Divided like RA 809-810. 36 RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA Medical geography and climatology. Medical meteorology. South America Continued. 1 823-824 Brazil. 1 825-826 Chile. 1 827-828 Colombia. 1 829-830 Ecuador. 1 83 1-832 Guiana. 1 837-838 Paraguay. 1 839-840 Peru. 1 84 1-842 Uruguay. 1 843-844 Venezuela. Europe. 845 General. 846 Health resorts. Great Britain. 847 General. 848 Health resorts. 1 849-850 England. 1 85 1-852 Scotland. 1 855-856 Ireland. 1 857-858 Austria. 1 859-860 Belgium. '861-862 Denmark. 1 863-864 France. 864. R6 Riviera. 1 865-866 Germany. 1 867-868 Greece. 1 869-870 HoUand. 1 871-872 Italy. 872. 5 Malta. 1 873-874 Norway. 1 875-876 Portugal. 876. M2 Madeira. 1 877-878 Russia. 1 879-880 Spain. 1 88 1-882 Sweden. 1 883-884 Switzerland. 1 885-886 Turkey. 887 Other countries, A-Z. e. g. R8, Rumania. 891 Asia. 1 901-902 China. 1 91 1-912 India and Ceylon. 1 9 16-91 7 Indo-China. 1 Divided like RA 809-810. 37 RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA Medical geography and climatology. Medical meteorology. Asia Continued. Japan. Persia. Asia Minor. Siberia. Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. e. g. D9, Dutch East Indies; .P5, Philippine Islands. Africa. Egypt. Other African divisions, A-Z. e. g. .A4, Algeria; .A9, Azores; .K2, Kamerun. Australia and New Zealand. Pacific Islands. Ethnic diseases, A-Z. Cf. RA 801, American Indians. 1 Divided like 809-310. 1 921-922 1 924-925 1 927-928 1 931-932 934 943 1 947-948 949 1 95 1-952 1 953-954 955 38 RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA HOSPITALS. DISPENSARIES. (Construction, administration, etc.) Reports of cases, see RC 31. 960 Periodicals and societies. (Publications devoted to hospital management, etc.) 961 Congresses. 962 Collective material. 963 General works. History, description, and management. 964 History. 965 Miscellaneous general works. Minor works. W \ja\c t>c.ey\cj. 966 Location. 967 Construction. Added entries to be made for special hospitals classed 975, 982, etc. . 5 Specifications (by place, A-Z). 968 Hospital equipment. Fixtures and supplies. 969 Hygiene. A ^^\ r ^, 971 Management./^ Superintendence. Inspection. 972 Hospital service. Stewards' manuals, etc. 973 Rules and Regulations General. 974 Hospitals and the law. 975 Special kinds of hospitals not elsewhere provided for. wet-pat te-w-\- e. g. Marine hospitals. Cf. UH, VG. Directories. 976 Universal. 977 America. 978 Europe. 979 Asia. Africa. Australia. Oceania. Special countries. 980 America. 981 United States. .A2 General. .A3 Government hospitals General. .A4 Marine hospitals. Public health Service. Documents, by date; other works, by author, A-Z. .A5-Z States (alphabetically). 982 .A-Z Cities (Including special hospitals). 983 Canada. Military Vuwpitflls, S, U*k.r^ 1055 Identification of persons. 1056 Medical evidence (expert testimony). 1057 Forensic chemistry. 1058 Autopsies. Necroscopy. Of. QM 34, Anatomy; RB 57, Pathology. 1061 Forensic examination of blood. Of. RB 145, Pathology. 1063 Death and causes of death. Of. QH 729, General biology; QP 87, Physiology. 1065 Tests of live birth. Docimasia pulmonum, etc. 1067 Abortion. Infanticide. Cf. RG 631, Obstetrics. 1071 Asphyxia. 1076 Drowning and suffocation. 1081 Hanging and strangulation. New-born infants, see RJ 256. 1091 Electricity. 1101 Heat and cold. 41 RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE BA Medical Jurisprudence Continued. 1116 Starvation. 1121 Wounds and injuries. Accidents. Cf. RD 131, Surgery. 1136 Suicide. Cf. HV 6545+. 1141 Sex. Sexual relations, diseases, etc. 1146 Malingering. Feigned diseases. 1151 Insanity. Forensic psychiatry. 1 1 56 Degeneration. 1171 Other special. 42 RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA TOXICOLOGY. See also Poisons in Labor Hygiene, HD 7263-7265. History. 1195 General. 1197 Special countries, and regions, A-Z. e. g. .M3 Malay Peninsula. General works. Of. RA402. 1201 Early (to 1750-1810). 1211 Comprehensive systematic works. 1213 Popular works. Minor works. 1215 Tables. 1216 Generaf special. 1221 Examination for poisons. Tests. Analysis. (Popular works, see RA 1213.) 1228 Medico-legal cases. Special poisons and groups of poisons. NOTE. For the classification of special poisons compare Peterson and Haines: Textbook of legal medicine and toxicology, from which the following scheme has been adapted with some modifications. Inorganic poisons. 1230 General. 1231 Special, A-Z. e. g. .A6 Ammonia. .A7 Arsenic. .05 Chromic acid. .07 Copper. .F4 Ferrosilicon. .L4 Lead. .M5 Mercury. .P5 Phosphorus. .T4 Tellurium. ,u? Organic poisons. 1235 General. Alkaloidal. 1237 General. 1238 Special, A-Z. e. g. .A8 Atropine. .07 Cocaine. .M8 Morphine. .M9 Mushroom poisons. .N5 Nicotine. .07 Opium. .P6 Physostigma. .88 Strychnine. RA STATE MEDICINE. HYGIENE RA Toxicology. Special poisons and groups of poisons. Organic poisons Continued. Nonalkaloidal. 1240 General. 1242 Special, A-Z. e. g. Alcohol, see QP 915. A3, Physiology; HV 5000-5065, Temperance. .A6 Aniline. .02 Carbolic acid. __.C7 Coal-tar colors. C^/A^ tee Uu^vacua*^ *ei, .H9 Hydrocyanic acid. .N5 Nitrobenzene. .R4 Rlvus. Poison ivy and sumac. .T7 Trinitrotoluene. ^ ,W8 Wood alcohol. Gaseous poisons. 1245 General. 1247 Special, A-Z. e. g. .017 Carbon monoxide. .02 Carbon dioxide. Carbonic acid. .G2 Gas, Illuminating. , Q z, .M8 Mustard gas. 1250 Vegetable poisons. General. Special, see RA 1238 and 1242. Animal poisons. 1255 General. 1256 Special, A-Z. e. g. .86 Snake venom. See also QP 941. 1260 Food poisoning. Ptomaines. Botulism. 44 PATHOLOGY 45 PATHOLOGY. RB 1 Periodicals and societies. 6 Collections (collected writings). Museums, see R B71-M1. Pathological anatomy and histology. 24 Early works to 1800. 25 General treatises. 27 General special. 31 Compends, questions, etc. 33 Atlases. Iconographies. 3jr /A^.va *vvA ta^^.C^NB I\O-IMO. 37 Laboratory methods. Chemical and microscopical diagnosis, including clinical diagnosis by laboratory methods. Cf. RS 403-407, Medical chemistry. 40 Chemical examination. Cf. QP 501, Physiological chemistry. 43 Microscopical examination. Cf.QH 201 Biology. QM 551 Normal histology. QR Bacteriology. Examination of the blood, see RB 145. 47 Examination of the gastric contents. 49 Examination of the feces'. 51 Examination of the sputum. 53 Examination of the urine. Cf. SF 773. 55 Examination of other special substances. Spiral (\\xJ^> 57 Post-mortem examination. Autopsies. Cf. RA 1038, Legal medicine. General pathology. 110 Early works (to 1850-70). 111 General treatises. 113 General special. 119 Compends, questions, etc. 121 Addresses, lectures, etc. 123 Study and teaching. Outlines. Syllabi. 127 Sequels of disease. ' 125 Experi'fi.>iTa\ pafno/pcjy, EB PATHOLOGY RB Pathology Continued . Special pathology. (For special organs, see RC.) 5 131 Inflammation. Suppuration. 133 Fatty degeneration. 137 Other degeneration. 140 Necrosis. Cf. RD 628 Gangrene. 145 Pathology of the blood. Hematology. 146 Serum diagnosis. 147 Disorders of metabolism. Pathological conversion of nifcro- gen, etc. Ac.i'ao5iS, 149 Other special pathology. w Theories of disease. 150 Early works (to 1800). 151 General works (1800-). 152 Auto-intoxication. 153 Crises. J5 -f 155 Hereditary diseases. 156 Influence of age. 157 Influence of sex. 160 Miscellaneous. Curiosa. 48 PRACTICE OF MEDICINE 28640 21 4 49 PRACTICE OF MEDICINE RC 31 Hospital reports (alphabetically by location and name) . . f T) (For administration, etc., see RA 961-992.) , Al General ***"* 39 Collections. Of. B 111-117, Collections (General medicine). &$ 41 Comprehensive works. (Systems, encyclopedias.) 46 General treatises. 48 General special. A\ \erd\a, e. g. Richardson, The field of disease. ^^ /5 ^ 50 General minor works. Study and teaching, see R 735-832. 55 Pocket-books, tables, etc. e. g. Dunglison's Reference book; Physician's vade mecum. Cf. RC 66. Clinical medicine : 60 Collections (General). Cf . RC 31, R 11-101. 61 General works. 65 Military clinics. 66 Case books and registers. A/ecf/ca I 69 Semiology. Symptomatology. iagnosis. (For diagnosis by laboratory methods, see RB 37-55.) 71 General treatises. .Al-199, Periodicals. 73* "General special. e. g. Pain. .\\Y\\L\ pXyaiwdgy- 73.3 Tongue. I^WtUx 73.5 Facial eye, skin, etc, p, , are ., 74 Pulse./ Sphygmograph. Sphygmonianometer. 75 Temperature. Thcrmometry. 75.5 Hygrometry. 76 Physical diagnosis. 76.3 Auscultation and percussion. Stethoscope. Phonendo- scope. 76.5 Palpation. 77 Electro-diagnosis. 78 Radiography. General works on medical uses of X rays. Cf. RD 36, Surgery; RM 84S-85&, Radiotherapy. ^1-5 TVvuaij'fi 78.5 X-ray apparatus. Catalogs, etc. Microscopic diagnosis, see RB 43. 51 emoogy. ympomaoogy.^ . ^Dianosis. -iW^r.ap , RC PRACTICE OF MEDICINE RC Diagnosis Continued. Chemical examination, see RB 40. Urine analysis, see RB 53. Examination of the blood, see RB 145-146. Autopsies, see RB 57 and RA 1058. 79 Compends, examinations, questions, etc. (Domestic) gbpularx., medicine. 80 Periodicals. 81 General works. 82 Peculiar cures. 85 Preventive medicine. Accidents. Emergencies. First aid in illness and injury. Cf. ED 131, Surgery; TN 297, Mining; UH 396, Soldiers' first- aid manuals. 86 Periodicals, societies, etc. 87 General works. ' 87.3 Rescue work in noxious gases. 87.5 Riontorat' f>n fi-^m^ionfr-ip. shock. 88 Restoration from Crowning. 89 Pastoral medicine. Clerical medicine. 91 Essays, lectures, etc. 96 Nomenclature and classification (nosology) of diseases. Cau/be-% ' Cf:RA409; HB 1321. Theory of cure, see RM 91. 100 Prognosis. 101 General diseases. 104 Inflammatory disturbances. 106 Fevers. General. G-erHsmi. Spec /Oft -^- -i . A r>rtu

J-oww*sia : 124 Cerebrospmal meningitis. 126 Cholera. History. See also RA 649, General history of epidemics. 127 General. 128 Ancient. 129 Medieval. 130 Modern. Special countries. 1 131 United States. 132 Other American. 133 Europe. 134 Asia. 135 Africa, A-Z. 136 Australia and Pacific, A-Z. Arrangement under special countries. For the United States. General. . Al Official, by date. . A2 Unofficial, by author, A-Z. . A3-W Special (by State). e. g. .N7 New York New York City. .N71 New York Albany. .P5 Pennsylvania Philadelphia. .E5 Rhode Island. For other countries use two Cutter numbers. (1) General. . Al-49 Official. . A5-Z Unofficial, by author. (2) Special subdivisions, A-Z. e. g. R 133. 18A2 Italy General. R 133. 19M+ Italy Milan. M5-55 Official. M56-69 Unofficial, accord- ing to alphabeti- cal position of authors. 136. 5 Deer-fly fever. 137 Dengue. 53 RC PRACTICE OF MEDICINE RC Diseases due to specific infection. Special infectious diseases Continued. 138 Diphtheria. History. . 1 General. . 2 Ancient. . 3 Medieval. . 4 Modern. Special countries. 1 . 5 United States. . 55 Other American. . 6 Europe. . 7 Asia. . 8 Africa. . 9 Australia and Pacific. 140 Dysentery. 141. E6 Encephalitis, Lethargic. I4I-E8 Er^atisw 142 Erysipelas. 144 Framboesia. Yaws. 146 Glanders.' I47.&& ^ tabular 148 Hydrophobia. Infantile paralysis. See RJ 496.P2. 150 Influenza. Grippe. I51_ History. 150.1-.9 (divided lifre ^38). 154 Leprosy. History, 154.1-.9 (divided like 138). 156 Malarial diseases. Of. RC 236. Kala-azar. History. 157 General. 158 Ancient. 159 Medieval. 160 Modern. Special countries. 1 161 United States. 162 Other American 163 Europe. 164 Asia. 165 Africa. 166 Australia and Pacific. 168. M4 Measles. . M6 Miliary fever. . M7 Milk sickness. 1 For subdivisions under country, see note following EC 136. 54 RC PRACTICE OF MEDICINE RC Diseases due to specific infection. Special infectious diseases Continued. 168. 04 Oidiomycosis. . P2 Paratyphoid fever. 170 Parotitis (Mumps). 171 Plague. Bubonic plague. History. (See also RA 649, General history of epidemics.) 172 General. 173 Ancient. 174 Medieval. 175 Modern. Special countries. 1 176 United States. 177 Other American. 178 Europe. 179 Asia. 180 Africa. 181 Australia and Pacific. Pneumonia, see RC 771. (182. P7) Poliomyelitis, see RJ 496. P2. 131 ."pa -fej tt acos>\&. 182. R3 Relapsing fever. . R4 Rheumatic fever. . R8 Rubella. .82 Scarlet fever. ^>ear \aV\Y\ a. . S3 Septic sore throat. . S4 Septicemia and pyemia. (S6) Sporotrichosis. See 7?C IJ?4.t>. S7) Spotted fever (Tick fever of Rocky Mountains)^ Sec 1?C I Cf. RC 225.T5. , a A Cc <- . 183 Smallpox. History. 183.1-.9 (divided like RC 138] Tetanus. 186. T7 Torula infection. . T8 Trench fever. . OL 710* m. u f Cll ^^ lYp.nrs 15 w.iiuaavvtu'oVn dise.3Se.. 187 Typhoid fever. TlTTuUrtm^. History. (See* also RA 649, General history of epidemics.) 188 General. 189 Ancient. 190 Medieval. 191 Modern. 1 For subdivisions under country, see note following RC 136. 55 RC Early worKs k 1300. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE RC Diseases due to specific infection. Special infectious diseases. Typhoid fever. History Continued. Special countries. 1 192 United States. 193 Other American. 194 Europe. 195 Asia. 196 Africa. 197 Australia and Pacific. 199 Typhus. History, 199.1-.9 (divided like RC 138). 200.U5 Undulant fever (Malta fever, Mediterranean fever). 201 Venereal diseases. Syphilis. Cf. RC 871, RL. History, 201.1-9 (divided like RC 138). _(' vjonormeO;. f ~)j\i /O^hnv S^CCA^I ^/e*ro 314 Canada. 315 Other America. ^> 316 Europe. 317 Asia. 318 Africa. 319 Australia and New Zealand. 32 ) Pacific Islands. 58 RC PRACTICE OF MEDICINE RC DISEASES OF THE NEBVOUS SYSTEM, INGLUDHf~iS*ltiT. 1INCLUMNG MtdCAL ~TCVHOLO 321 Periodicals. 326 Societies. 327 Congresses. 328 Hospitals. 329 Yearbooks. Collections. 331 Serial: University studies, etc. 332 Nonserial: Collective authorship. 333 Individual authors. 335 340 Early works (before 1800). cf. 341 General works. 343 General special (Neuroses, Psychoanalysis, etc.). Cf. RM 917-926. See also BF 173, Psychology. 346 Clinical works. 348 Diagnosis. Symptoms. 351 Popular works. 356 Compends, questions, etc. 358 Essays. Miscellaneous. 359 Electrotherapy of nervous diseases. 361 Diseases resulting from accident and injury. Stall aVock. Intoxications. Narcotics. 364 General. 367 Alcoholism. .A 1-4 Periodicals and societies. Hospitals, see HV 5275-5283. 368 Delirium tremens. 369 Narcotic habits. Cf. RM 381, Therapeutics; HV 5801-5840. Social pathology. 371 Special, A-Z. e. g. .06, Opium, morphine; .T6, Tobacco. Diseases of brain and men ing es. 381 General works. 382 General special. 383 Special (alphabetically). e. g. .A5 AmnefiaT" ~ >f(J ~ ^ *^ .A6 Aphasia. ,1/1 LthTie.uVay as Psychiatry and psychopathology. T: .- > .-tWa^T Periodicals and societies in RC 321-326. 435 Collections. (Other than serial, which are RC 331.) 437 Laws and legislation. (i. e. on care and commitment of the insane.) Special countries, see 443-597. Cf. RA 1151, Medical jurisprudence. 439 Hospitals and treatment. Asylums. General. Cf . HV 8741-8742, Criminal insane. 440 Nursing of the insane. Cf. RT, Nursing (General). 441 After-treatment of the insane. Institutions of special countries (History and documents). United States. 443 General. 445 Local (alphabetically by names of States). 60 RC PRACTICE OF MEDICINE RC 447-448 449-450 450-451 460-461 470 471-472 473-474 475-476 477-478 479-480 481-482 483-484 485-486 487-488 489-490 491-492 494 495-496 502-503 505-506 508-509 511-512 514-515 517-518 521-522 524-525 527-528 531-532 533-534 537-538 541-542 544-545 547-548 551-552 554-555 557 560 561-562 564-565 567-568 571-572 Psychiatry and psychopathology. Institutions of special countries Continued. Foreign countries. Under each: (1) General, (2) Local. Canada. Mexico. Central America. West Indies. South America. Argentine Republic. Bolivia. Brazil. Chile. Colombia. Ecuador. Guiana. Paraguay. Peru. Uruguay. Venezuela. Europe. Great Britain. England. Scotland. Ireland. Austria. Belgium. Denmark. France. Germany. Greece. Holland. Italy. Norway. Portugal. Russia. Spain. Sweden. Switzerland. Turkey. Other countries, A-Z. Asia. China. India. Japan. Persia. 61 RC PKACTICE OF MEDICINE RC Psychiatry and psychopathology. Institutions of special countries. Foreign countries. Asia Continued. 573-574 Russia in Asia. Siberia. 575 Turkey in Asia. Asia Minor. 576-577 Armenia. 578-579 Palestine. 580-581 Syria. 582-583 Arabia. 584 Other divisions of Asia, A-Z. 585 Africa. 586-587 Egypt. 588 Other divisions of Africa, A-Z. 590-591 Australia and New Zealand. 596-597 Pacific Islands. 598 Yearbooks. 599 History. 600 Early works (before 1800). 601 General works. 602 General special. 605 Popular works on insanity and its prevention. Of. RA 790, Mental hygiene. 606 Popular works on asylum Hfe._^ 5^1 w t t ^W. 608 Cases. Biography of insane or alleged insane. 609 Works by insane persons. Special forms of insanity. 610 Hallucinations. 612 Hypochondria. General. 614 Kleptomania. 616 Mania. General. 618 Melancholia. 620 Moral insanity (Psychopathia sexualis, etc.) . Of. HQ 71-79. 622 Paranoia. DJixSifynal j-MSftniTy- 624 Periodical and transitory insanity. 626 Other special forms of insanity. 628 Imbecility. Weak-mindedness. Dementia. ^c.Wz.Op 630 Idiocy. Cf. Cretinism, RC 657. Diseases of the blood, lymphatics and dnctless glands. 633 Diseases of the glands in general. Cf. RC 295, Scrofula. 636 Diseases of the blood. Cf. RB 145, Pathology. 62 RC PRACTICE OF MEDICINE RC Diseases of the blood, lymphatics and ductless glands Contd. 639 Diagnosis. , . Of. RB145. .~t>4o dgfrwu Jc*y -fa*,' f 641 Anemia. _ bAlfT \\sw6cVrow auoai*. - Mi HsTrr.n pVHH 3. O A<; o-vwC .A -2. . . 646 Diseases of the lymphatics. 648 Diseases of the ductless glands. 649 Diseases of the spleen. 652 Diseases of the thymus gland. Prefer RJ 416.T5. 655 Diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. 656 Goiter. Grabs' Ai'sease.. 657 Myxedema. Cretinism. 658 Diseases of the pituitary body. Of. RD 529. 659 Diseases of the suprarenal bodies. Addison's disease. 661 Purpura. . 663 Scurvy. 664 Barlow's disease. Diseases of the circulatory system. 667 General treatises. Cf. RC 681. 669 General special. ** ^ ^looJ pressure. 671 Diseases of the pericardium. Diseases of the heart (including the great vessels). 681 General treatises. WLAl *?tfrieA'tU a*A 30c,\/, 964 Occnpation diseases. RA 787-8 Personal hygiene. RC 429 Nervous diseases. HD 7260-7780 Labor hygiene. 965 Special, A-Z. e. g. .C7 Compressed air illness, Caisson disease. 966 Diseases of old age. % 7 Diseases e( wUi\d life . Wt Military medicine. Gl. UH, Military science. Naval medicine. L\>,c,\vjuiividj vrwtYwthm ">MtHv\Cj. Cf. VG, Naval science. 981 Periodicals and societies. 986 General treatises. Medical examinations for pensions. Cf. Pension Office documents, UB 370-5. 990 Periodicals and societies. 991 Treatises, etc. 999 Advertising physicians. 67 SURGERY SURGERY. RD 1 Periodicals. Societies. Congresses. (5) Hospitals, see RA 960-996. 9 Yearbooks. 11 Collections Monographs by several authors. 14 Collected writings of individual authors. . , 17 Dictionaries. History. Of. R 131-690, General medicine History. 19 General. 21 General special. 22 Primitive. Cf. GN 477, Ethnology. 23 Ancient. 25 Medieval. 27 Modern. (28) Biography, see R 134, 153-154, etc. 30 Early works (to 1800). 31 General treatises. 32 Operative surgery. Cf. RD 66-69. 33 General special. 3*.< 34 Cases. Surgical clinics. 35 Diagnosis. 36 X ray diagnosis. 37 Compends, questions, etc. 41 Atlases. Iconographies. 47 Essays. Addresses. 49 Personal justifications, etc. ,,. _ . , , . _ 5 . 51 Surgical therapeutics. Post-operative treatment. 57 Surgical pathology. Injury and repair. 58 Reparative processes after operations. (Physiological). 59 Shock. 61 Experimentation. (Only works relating to surgery. Others in QP.) Technique of surgical operations. / TD \ 4 ^ , , r M rreh>mM7>r\/ trc trtw&vl Ir&p or sc\ 66 General works. Prefer RD 32. 67 Ligature of arteries, etc. 68 Other special. e. g. Surgical treatment of hemorrhage. 69 Applications of electricity in surgery. 71 ED SUKGERY RD 71 Instruments and apparatus. 73 Special (alphabetically). e. g. .F7, Forceps. 76 Catalogs. 78 Advertising specialists. Anesthetics. History. 79 General. 80 Special _Q) B e. g. J2-3 Claims of Jackson. . k L8-9 Claims of Long. M8-9 Claims of Morton. __ W4-6 Claims of Wells. (SL\ "By 81 General works. 84 Local anesthetics. 35 Sp?d&\ v*H*U, frcL. 86 Special anesthetics (alphabetically): cvj ,S^ f3ehie<'c.k For claims of priority in anesthesia, see HI/SO. . S 7 Spiral 91 Asepsis^and antisepsis." 96 Special antiseptics (alphabetically). 99 Nursing. Cf. RT, Nursing in general; RG 951, Obstetrical nursing. 101 Fractures and dislocations. 111 Minor surgery. 113 Bandaging. Dressings. Splints. 118 Plastic surgery. Reparative surgery. Bone-grafting, etc. 121 Skin-grafting. 125 Other special. e. g. Use of paraffin. 131 Wounds. Injuries. Accidents. Emergencies, First aid, etc., see RC 87, Popular medicine; UH 390, Military hygiene. 134 Injuries from electric currents. Electropathology. 137 Foreign bodies. >\\urvc See also RD 533. r*Ru.v*. a*A 141 Railroad injuries. pY.vU/-> "RD523 593 Nervous system. Brain and sphial cord. Cf. RD 529, 690. 595 Nerves. 598 Yascular system. Du^Hes* W a U oc .<-iv\|. gUvd*- 601 Surgical diseases. Su.rdital p-aHwWiy 605 Aspiration and aspirators. 608 Exostoses. 621 Hernia. 625 Mechanical appliances (Trusses, etc.) 626 Catalogs. 628 Gangrene. Cf. RD 153. 629 Bed sores. t-- 631 Ulcers. 641 Suppuration. Abscesses. Phlegmon. 642 Special. e. g. A6, Angina Ludovici. 643 Fistula. 645 Contractions. General. See also diseases of special organs. Tumors. General malignant tumors, see RC 261. 651 General works. 661 Head and neck (including Parotid gland). 662 Mouth. Tongue. Palate. 663 Brain. Nervous system. 664 Trunk in general. 75 RD SURGERY RD Surgical diseases. Tumors Continued . 667 Chest. Abdomen. 670 Genito-urinary organs. 672 Rectum (including coccygeal region). ,. 67T Extremities" 4 '' 73 V- * H** 3 *- 67T Extremites .,-,, n _ , -.-> , ., o/J ut>r\e. "tuwvor.3 676 Cystic tumors. Retention cysts. 677 Dermoid cysts. Tumors of female organs, see RG 223-498. Diseases of the locomotive system. 680 General. 682 Pelvis. Hip. 684 Bones. 686 Joints. 688 Muscles. Tendons. Bursae. 690 Spine. See also RD 771, RD 593. Orthopedic surgery. 701 Periodicals and societies. (Including provisionally associations for the aid, care, nursing, etc., of crippled children.) 705 Hospitals (by place). 711 Yearbooks. 721 Collections. 725 History. 726 Special countries, A-Z. 731 General works. 735 Clinical treatises. 737 General special, 741 Museums. 751 Essays. 755 Orthopedic apparatus. Cf. RD 71-6. 756 Artificial limbs, braces, etc. Deformities (Surgical treatment) . Cf. RD 118, Plastic surgery; RG 646, Congenital anomalies; QM 691, Teratology. 761 General. 763 Head and neck. 766 Trunk. 771 Spine. Cf. RD 690. 772 Hip. Congenital dislocation, etc. 773 Extremities. 776 Upper extremities. 781 Lower. 783 Clubfoot. 76 OPHTHALMOLOGY 77 OPHTHALMOLOGY ; DISEASES OF THE EYE RE 1 Periodicals and societies. 3 Hospitals (by place) . Including hospitals for eye and ear; eye, ear, and throat. Asylums, in HV 1783-2216. 6 Yearbooks. 11 Congresses. Collections. 14 Several authors. 16 Individual authors ^ _ XO Lavxa^qfe, 21 Dictionaries and encyclopedias. 22 Directories of eye, ear, nose,, and throat specialists. Government regulation of ophtholmefogy and optomctry. a* TT ' f ,.j Ofof QO DAttt.vws.vi1: 6 1 CJov-Uxidmrf U6VTMWie zforfeal 96 Ophthalmia. Inflammation of the eye. Diseases of eyelids. 121 General. Granulation, see RE 321. 141 Blepharitis. 142 Blepharospasm. 151 Ectropion and Entropion. Diseases of the lachrymal apparatus. 201 General. 204 Diseases of the lachrymal gland. 208 Diseases of the lachrymal sac and duct. 212 Dacryocystitis. 216 Stricture. Diseases of the conjunctiva and sclera. 311 General. 321 Conjunctivitis. IVac-Hov^a. 326 Other diseases of the conjunctiva. 336 Diseases of the cornea. 351 Diseases of the iris and ciliary body. 401 Diseases of the lens. 451 Cataract. 461 Other diseases of the lens. 501 Diseases of the vitreous body. 551 Diseases of the retina and choroid. 571 Choroiditis. 601 Retinitis. 651 Thrombosis. 661 Other diseases. 701 Diseases of the optic nerve. Diseases of the orbit. 711 General works. 715 Special, A-Z. e. g. .E9, Exophthalmus. 80 928 930 932 935 938 939 RE OPHTHALMOLOGY RE External muscular apparatus. Anomalies. 731 General. 771 Strabismus. 3^u,iva. 776 Other special. e. g. Exophoria. AlyaladVRuS OT Mmevfc . 781 Paralysis of the eye. 801 Excision. 831 Wounds and injuries (including medical jurisprudence and acci- dent prevention) . 835 Foreign bodies. 840 Protective apparatus. Glasses, etc. 871 Glaucoma. 891 Tumors of the eye. 901 Other diseases. e.g. Leprosy. T^Ww u 1 *s . e. . 906 Abnormalities. e. g. Congenital monophthalmus. Color perception. Cf. QP481. 921 Color blindness. Cf. TF 620. Refraction and optical defects. 925 General works. ~Amblyopia. Amaurosis. Ametropia. Astigmatism. Hypermetropia. Myopia. Miscellaneous. e.g. "Second eight." Spectacles and eye-glasses. 940 Directories. 941 History. 951 General works. 961 General special (Optical theory ^calculations, tables, etc.). 962 Mechanical work of opticians. Lens making. 963 Tests for refraction (use of trial cases, etc.). Cf . RE 81-86, Examination of the eyes. 965 Skiascopy. 967 Charto, otc. 969 Blank forms, etc. 971 Popular works. 981 Trade publications. ne ,~ r 986 Artificial eyes. Sp^l iype^ | 991 Therapeutics. 28640 21 6 81 RE OPHTHALMOLOGY RE Materia medica. Mydriatics. Anesthetics. General. Special, A-Z. e. g. .H7 Holocain. .H8 Homotropine. 998 Ophthalmic jurisprudence. Cf. RE 831, Wounds and injuries. 999 Miscellaneous advertising. (Eyesight restorers, etc.) 82 OTOLOGY. RHINOLOGY. LARYNGOLOGY. 83 OTOLOGY. RHINOLOGY. LARYNGOLOGY. ;;' \ DISEASES OF THE EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. RF 1 Periodicals and societies. 6 Hospitals (by place). 11 Yearbooks. 16 Congresses. Collections. 20 Several authors. 21 Individual authors. 23 Dictionaries. Of. R 121, Dictionaries of general medicine. 25 History. 37 Biography. (Mainly in R 134-674, General medicine.) 40 Early works. 46 General treatises. Ear, nose and throat. Nose and throat. Cf. RE 45 Eye, ear, nose and throat. RC 731 Diseases of respiratory system. 48 Diagnosis^ ,.,:,; 6i 61 Surgery. _ Operative technique. ^Electrotherapeutics. 56 Compends, questions, etc. Popular works, see RC 736. 71 Essays and addresses. 81 Atlases. Iconographies. 87 Instruments. (Including catalogs.) General special. 91 Tuberculosis. Diseases of the ear. 101 Periodicals and societies. Hospitals, see RE 3, RF 6. 116 Yearbooks. General works : 120 Early works to 1800. 121 General treatises. 85 BF OTOLOGY. RHINOLOGY. LARYNGOLOGY RF Diseases of the ear. General works Continued. 123 General special (including diagnosis). 126 Surgery. Operative technique. 130 Compends, questions, etc. 135 Popular treatises. See also RF 46^56. 140 Essays and addresses. 145 Atlases. Iconographies. 151 Method of examination. Otoscopy. 155 Reflex disturbances. e. g. Facial paralysis. 160 Diseases of the external ear. 167 Tumors. 170 Hematoma. - ; 175 Diseases of the external auditory canal. e,<3f."rUWveu.)osis 180 External otitis. 185 Impacted cerumen. 190 Foreign bodies. 195 Exostosis. 200 Other special. 210 Diseases of the membrana tympani. 220 Diseases of the middle ear. 225 Otitis media. 228 Complications and sequelae. 230 Diseases of the Eustachian tubes. 235 Diseases of the mastoid process, including sinus compli- cations. 240 Tumors. ,,2*5 ^yP 1 of % e ear v _ __ otker^ 1 260 Diseases of the internal ear. ..$}, 270 Diseases of the labyrinth. 280 Functional nervous disorders. 2 9 3 Other ,>\' 290 Deafness. 295 Surgical treatment. 297 Treatment with apparatus (e. g. Phonograph). 300 Artificial aids to hearing. 310 Trade publications. 320 Deaf-mutism. Institutions and education, in HV. Diseases of the nose. (Including the naso-pharynx.) Cf. RE 45 (Eye, ear, nose and throat) and RF 46 (Ear, nose and throat; nose and throat). 331 Methods of examination. Rhinoscopy. 341 General treatises. 86 RF OTOLOGY. RHINOLOGY. LARYNGOLOGY RF Diseases of the nose Continued. 345 General special. 361 Rhinitis. Catarrh, see RC 741. Hay fever, see RC 743. 365 Rhinoscleroma. Tumors. 371 General treatises. 373 General special. 375 Malignant growths. Cavaer. 377 Carcinoma. 379 Sarcoma. 381 Nonmalignant growths. 391 Nasal polypi. 399 Others. e. g., Adenoids, Angioma, Chondroma, Cystoma, Osteoma Papilloma. 410 Hypertrophies. 421 Diseases of the accessory sinuses. (Including the antrum and the frontal, sphenoidal and ethmoidal sinuses). 431 Other diseases. 435 Larvae and insects in the nose. 441 Irregularities. 451 Restoration of the nose. "TAa^TNC. SiLYc/ery ck ttie. hose. Diseases of the throat. RF 471-561 not used at present. See RC 781-796, also RF 1-91.) [471] General works. [481] Diseases of the pharynx. [485] Pharyngitis. [491] Tonsillitis. [496] Hypertrophy of the tonsils. [501] Mycosis. [511] Neuroses. [521] Tumors. [526] Carcinoma. [529] Sarcoma. [531] Other diseases of the Pharynx [541] Laryngology. [551] Laryngoscopy. [555] Exploration of throat, bronchi, and stomach. Cf . RC 786 Laryngoscopy. RC 819 Gastroscopy. [561] Diseases of the larynx and trachea Cf. RD 533, Surgery. 87 GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 89 GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. RG 1 Periodicals and societies. Hospitals, clinics, etc. 12 General. 14 Special, by country, A-Z. 16 Special, by place, A-Z. 21 Museums (by place). 26 Yearbooks. 31 Congresses. Collections. 39 By several authors. 41 By individual authors. 45 Dictionaries. History. General. Primitive. Oriental (China, India, etc.). Ancient. Classic Orient. Greek and Roman. Medieval. Modern. Special countries, A-Z. Biography. 71 Collective. 76 Individual. Early works. 81 Greek authors. 83 Latin authors. 85 Medieval. 87 Arabic. Early modern. 91 15th-16th centuries. 93 17th-18th centuries. 97 Atlases. Iconographies. 99 Pathology and pathological anatomy. General works. 100 Systems. Encyclopedic works. 101 General treatises. ^ tf ^,, 103 General special. 104 Operative gynecology. 91 BG GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS EG General works Continued. 105 Gynecological nursing. Nurses' manuals. Cf. RG 951. 106 Clinical cases. Cf. RG 16, Hospitals and clinics. 107 Physical examination. Diagnosis. Instruments. 108 General. 109 Speculum. 110 Others (alphabetically). 111 Compends, questions, etc. 121 Popular works. 125 Therapeutics. 126 Medicines and nostrums. 127 Electrotherapeutics. " a ?^' 131 Essays and addresses. 136 Miscellaneous. Minor. e. g. Promotion and prevention of conception. Cf. HB 875, Neo- Malthusianism . Study and teaching. Cf. RG 16, Hospitals and clinics. 141 General. 142 General special. 143 United States. .Al, General; .A3-Z, Special States. 144 Other American. 145 Europe. 146 Asia. 147 Africa. 148 Australia and New Zealand. 149 Pacific Islands. Functional and systemic disorders. Pathology of menstruation. Cf. QP 265, Physiology. 161 General. 163 General special. Special : 171 Amenorrhea. 176 Menorrhagia. 181 Dysmenorrhea. 186 Menopause. 190 Leucorrhea. 201 Sterility. 211 Abnormalities and malformations. Cf. RG 321-351. 215 Hennaphroditism. 92 RG GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS RG 221 Tuberculosis. See also special organs. 223 Tumors General. See also special organs. p TT ^ 228 Hematoma. Hnvuito4Ale, Diseases of the vagina and surrounding area. 251 General. 253 General special. 255 Tuberculosis. 257 Tumors. 260 Other special diseases. Special organs: 261 Vulva. 263 Clitoris. 265 Hymen. 268 Vagina. 270 Glands. 301 Diseases of the uterus, 310 Diseases of the cervix uteri. 321 Defective development. Cf. RG211. 331 Atrophy. 341 Hypertrophy. 351 Abnormal position and form. Cf. EG 211. 361 Displacements (including prolapse). 363 Catalogs of apparatus, pessaries, etc. 365 Abscesses. 371 Tumors. 381 Cancer (Carcinoma). 386 Tuberculosis. 391 Excision of the uterus (Hysterectomy) Cf. RG 104. 411 Diseases of the uterine appendages, 421 Diseases of the Fallopian tubes. 431 Salpingitis. 433 Tumors. 441 Diseases of the ovaries. (Including the parovarium.) 446 Inflammation (Oophoritis) . 451 Tuberculosis. Tumors. 461 General. 471 Cystic. 472 Parovarian tumors. 473 Dermoid cysts. Cf. RD 677, Surgery. 475 Solid (Fibroma, myoma, teratoma, sarcoma, etc.). RG GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS EG Diseases of the ovaries Continued. 477 Cancer. 481 Ovariotomy. Gf. BQ jjjK_^^5 Ottfiv t>ec.ia viaivy, Cf. RG 563, 'l07. 529 Clinical cases. 530 Statistics. 531 Compends, questions, etc. 541 Essays and addresses. 542 Miscellaneous. e. g. Deceptions of Mrs. Toft, etc. Instruments. 545 General. 547 Special (alphabetically). Cf. RG 739, Use of forceps. Pregnancy. 551 General treatises. 556 General special. 561 Normal course. 563 Diagnosis. Signs. Pathology of pregnancy. 571 General works. 573 Accidental complications due to diseases. 95 RG GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS RG Pregnancy. Pathology of pregnancy Continued. Complications due to pregnancy itself. 575 Albuminuria. 576 Convulsions. 578 Varices. 579 Vomiting. 580 . '' Other. 581 Complications due to diseases and abnormalities of the generative tract. 586 Extra-uterine pregnancy. 588 Insanity of pregnancy. 591 Diseases and abnormalities of ovum, chorion, amnion, pla- centa, and umbilical cord. Molar pregnancy. 600 The Fetus: Physiology, respiration, etc. Cf. RG 526 QM 601-611. Diseases of the fetus.. Cf. QM 691, Teratology. 626 General. 629 General special. 631 ,, ADeath and retention of fetus. Lithopaedion. Cf . RG 650, Missed labor. 635 Maternal impressions. Effect of imagination on fetus. Cf. RG 588 Insanity of pregnancy. RJ 91 Prenatal culture. 648 Abortion. Miscarriage. (Natural). Cf. RG 734 Induction of abortion. HQ 767 Social sciences. 650 Missed labor. Cf. RG 631. 651 labor. 661 Physiology and clinical course (normal course). 664 Third stage of labor. MtertirtL 666 Clinical cases. 669 Miscellaneous special. 671 Presentations. Positions. 676 Vertex. 681 Face and brow. 686 Breech and lower extremities. 693 Other. 696 Multiple pregnancy (twins, etc.). Complicated labor. Dystocia. Cf. RG 671-693, Presentations. 701 General. 703 General special. 705 Abnormal labor due to anomalies of expellent forces, e.g. Spasms, hour-glass contraction. 96 RG GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS RG Complicated labor. Dystocia Continued. 707 Abnormal labor due to mechanical obstacles, e. g. Narrowness of pelvis, rigidity of the cervix. 709 Abnormal labor due to disproportion of the fetus. 710 Convulsions. 711 Hemorrhages. 713 Rupture and laceration of the genital tract and perineum. 715 Complications from the placenta. e. g. Retention, placenta previa. 719 Complications from the umbilical cord (Prolapse, etc.). 721 Other complications. Obstetric operations. 725 General. 727 General special. 730 Asepsis and antisepsis. 732 Anesthesia. 734 Induction of abortion and premature labor. Cf . RG 648 Pathology of pregnancy. HQ 767 Social sciences. 739 Use of forceps. Cf. RG 545. 741 Extraction and version. 761 Caesarian section. 781 Embryotomy. Craniotomy. 791 Other operations. e. g. Symphyseotomy. Puerperal state. 801 General. 811 Puerperal infection. (Septicemia. Puerperal fever.) 821 Hemorrhages. 825 Thrombosis. 831 Puerperal convulsions (Eclampsia). 851 Puerperal insanity. Cf . RG 588. 861 Diseases of lactation. Mastitis. Cf. RG 491-199. 866 Breast pumps, etc. 871 Other diseases, A-Z. 28640 21 7 97 EG GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS RG Obstetrical nursing. Midwives. Cf . RT Nursing in general RG 105 Gynecological nursing. 951 General works. Law and legislation. Regulation. Pensioning. 955 General. 960 United States. 961 States. 962 Cities. %2.S Spec-iai 963 Other American. By io^-r^ij A-Z. 964 Europe, p wixviiry, A-Z. 965 Asia. By c.<9anrr\j A-Z.. 966 Africa. B-v OU,HTYV A-Z f i s 967 Australia and New Zealand. By 968 Pacific Islands. Bw acw^ry ; X-2, 969 Arctic regions. Greenland. Study and teaching. 970 General. 971 General special. e. g. Employment of "women as midwives. 975 United States. 980 States. 981 Cities. 983 Other American. By CouvA-ry, ^-Z, 985 Europe. "By 0u. yitv y, ^ -2, 986 Asia. "By ioavdr^ A-Z. 987 Africa. By cou/^yy,A-2. 988 Australia and New Zealand. TfW .c.ou.vAryj j\~Z. 989 Pacific Islands. By couyiKyj A-Z. 991 Arctic regions. Greenland. 98 PEDIATRICS :.:": PEDIATRICS. ;*"'* DISEASES AND HYGIENE OF CHILDREN. RJ 1 Periodicals and societies. 16 Yearbooks. 21 Congresses. Collections. 23 Several authors. 25 Individual authors. Hospitals and dispensaries. 27 General works. 28 Special hospitals (by place) . 31 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries. History. 36 General. 87 General special. 88 Ancient, Medieval, Modem. Special countries (alphabetically) . Early works (to 1800). General treatises (since 1800). General special. (Including symptoms, diagnosis, clinical notes, ete^- pVwsiotacjy .oi ivrfan 48 Compends, questions, etc. 61 Popular works (including popular hygiene) . 71 Essays. Addresses. 91 Prenatal culture. Stirpiculture. Heredity. Cf. HQ 753, QH 431, QP 251, RG 635. 101 Hygiene of children General. Cf. RJ 61 Popular treatises (including hygiene). HQ 769 Management of children. l>5 Stu^y artA Vea^Vnv\d. Ill Mental hygiene. 131 Growth and development of children. Cf. GN 63. \33 VJaidi\\T *v\A, < 135 Arrested development in infancy. Infantilism. Cf. GN 69.3-69.9. Feeding of children. 206 General treatises. 216 Nutrition of infants (including artificial feeding). 231 Trade publications. 101 Rj PEDIATRICS RJ i 250 Treatment of premature inf ants. ^'^ cf X 253 Treatment of new-born infants. g.ff Diseases of new-born infants. 254 General treatises. 255 General special. e. g. Apparent death. 256 Asphyxia. 266 Atelectasis. 268 Edema. 271 Hemorrhages. 276 Jaundice. 286 Mastitis. 296 Ophthalmia. Conjunctivitis. 301 Paralysis. 311 Tumors. 316 Diseases of the umbilicus. Hemorrhages, in RJ 271. 320 Other diseases, A-Z. 325 Injuries of new-born infants. Special diseases. Diathetic diseases. 390 General. 396 Ridaet^^^ se ^ % 3| , ()> 399 Other. Infectious diseases. 401 General. 406 Special (alphabetically). Diseases of the blood, lymphatics and ductless glands. 411 General. 416 Special (alphabetically). Diseases of the circulatory system. 421 General. 426 Special (alphabetically). Diseases of the respiratory system. 431 General. 436 Special (alphabetically). Diseases of the digestive system. 446 General. 456 Special (alphabetically). 460 Diseases of the mouth. 463 Thrush. Muguet. Stomatitis. Aphthae. Diseases of the genito-urinary system. 466 General. 476 Special (alphabetically). 102 RJ PEDIATRICS RJ Diseases of the nervous system. 486 General. 496 Special (alphabetically). 499 Mental disorders of children/^ Diseases of the skin. 511 General. 516 Special (alphabetically). 526 Surgical diseases. Surrie.r>f ck chiUkeoA. Orthopedic surgery, see RD 701-783. Circumcision, see RD 590. Diseases caused by parasites, see RC 220-246. 546 Other diseases (alphabetically), e. g. .E5 Empyema. .K3 Keratomalacia. 550 Diseases of adolescence. 560 Materia medica and therapeutics. 570 Children's medicines Trade publications. 103 DENTISTRY 105 DENTISTRY. RK 1 Periodicals. Societies. 3 . Infirmaries, etc. (by place). Documents. (Boards of dental examination and registration. State regulation, laws, etc.) 4 Collections. General works. 5 United States. pvi-3 6 Canada. British North Americ^' " 7 Mexico. 8 Central America. 9 West Indies. 10 South America. 11 Europe. 12 Asia. 13 Africa. 14 Australia and New Zealand. 15 Pacific Islands. 16 Yearbooks. 21 Congresses. 24 Collections. 27 Dictionaries. History. 29 General. 30 General special. 31 Ancient. 32 Medieval. 33 Modern. 34 Special countries, A-Z. 37 Directories. Official registers of States, see RK 5. Biography. 41 General. 43 Individual. 50 Works before 1850 (General). 51 General treatises since 1850. 53 General special. Tto\xt *c\iofl TT *,iv,- * t j ^* te^thj see. 1/B54S.5. e. g., Useful hints for dentists. (?<.., 57 Compends, questions, etc. 58 Dentists and public. Success in practice. 107 RK DENTISTRY EK kO Denial \MJdteYie. a^a pro-fe^s,'^ Dint is try &.* A, pi-a-A.?5i o^. 61 Preservation and care of teeth. 66 Essays. Miscellaneous. 68 Museums (by place) . 69 Expositions (by date). Study and teaching. 71 General. 76 General special. By country. 86 North America. United States. 91 General. 96 States, A-W. 97 Schools, A-Z. 98 Canada. 100 Mexico. 102 Central America. 103 Special countries, A-Z. 105 West Indies. 106 Special islands, A-Z. Ill South America. 113 Special countries, A-Z. 114 Europe. 116 Great Britain. 119 England. 123 Scotland. 127 Ireland. 131 Special cities, A-Z. 134 Austria. 137 Belgium. 141 Denmark. 144 France. 147 Germany. 151 Greece. 154 Holland. 157 Italy. 161 Norway. 164 Portugal. 167 Russia. 171 Spain. 174 Sweden. 177 Switzerland. 181 Turkey. 184 Other countries, A-Z. 108 RK DENTISTRY RK Study and teaching. By country Continued. 186 Asia. 187 China. 191 India. 194 Japan. 197 Persia. 201 Siberia. 207 Other countries, A-Z. 214 Africa. 217 Egypt. 221 Other countries, A-Z. 227 Australia and New Zealand. 231 Pacific Islands, A-Z. ^5 Elactr/ A.; . . , . SSTTtiaeasas of The -t-Aiftitfis av*u,>vd 361 Diseases of the pencementum (pen dental membrane). 371 Alveolar abscesses. 381 Pyorrhoea. 391 Other. 401 Diseases of the gums. 410 Inflammations. 420 Hypertrophy. 430 Other. See also RK 381. 440 Diseases of the alveolar process. 450 Necrosis. 460 Absorption. 470 Hypertrophies of walls. 480 Other. Malformations and deformities, see RK 521. Cf. RD 523-527, Oral surgery. 109 RK DENTISTRY RK Operative dentistry 501 General, 503 General special. *-, n A j i 510 Anesthetics. 521 Irregularities of teeth. Orthodontia. 531 Extraction of teeth. Emado-rtTta.. Filling. Inlays. 541 General. 543 Plastic filling. 544 Amalgam. 547 Cement. 549 Gold. 551 Porcelain. 553 Tin. ' Mechanical dentistry. Prosthetic 'dentistry. 651 General treatises. 652 Laboratory manuals. 45.2,5" J}* M ral Vvi 653 Dental metallurgy. 655 Dental ceramics. Dental porcelain. 656 Artificial teeth. 658 Dental impressions. 660 Preparation of vulcanite and celluloid bases 663 Preparation of other special bases. e. g. Gold, silver, etc. 666 Crown and bridge work. Instruments and appliances. Documents, see RK 5. 681 General. 685 Special. 686 Catalogs. 701 Mater ia medica and therapeutics. 751 Dental jurisprudence. 761 Advertising dentists. 110 DERMATOLOGY 111 DERMATOLOGY RL 1 Periodicals and societies. g~ Co-n 21 Hospitals (by place). 26 Yearbooks. 31 CoBgFessea. De>c.u.-yvi*vxTs>. ItajttUAia*! * 36 Collections. 3i'lU 41 Dictionaries. 3-T CtTlfiS * 46 History. 35 Oft^r Gauvitruss, A-Z Biography, see R 134, 153-684. 61 Works before 1800. 71 General works. 72 General special, Diagnosis, etc. 73 Diseases of the hair and scalp. Baldness. Cf. RL 91, RL 131. 74 Compends questions etc. ^ ^^ ^ ^ tas t tp 81 Atlases. Iconographies. 7 7 Siu^, atvA WVxYvd, 84 Museums (by place). Popular treatises. 87 General. 91 Hair. Beard. 94 Nails. Manicuring. 97 Drug eruptions. 99 Commercial preparations, treatment, etc. 101 Essays. Addresses. Miscellaneous. Ill Instruments. 113 Radio therapl^y in dermatology. e. g. X-rays, radium, ultra-violet rays. 115 Applications of electricity (Electrolysis, etc.). Syphilis, see RC 201. 131 Diseases of the sebaceous glands. Acne. 141 Diseases of the sweat glands. 201 Inflammations. 221 Carbuncle. 231 Dermatitis. 251 Eczema. 271 Erythema. 281 Herpes. 283 Impetigo. 291 Pellagra. 301 Pemphigus. 311 Pityriasia. 28640 21 8 113 EL DERMATOLOGY BL Inflammations Continued. 321 Psoriasis. 331 Other. e. g. Delhi sore., Oriental sore. 391 Atrophies. 401 Hypertrophies. 411 Callositas. 427 Horns, Cutaneous. 431 Hypertrichosis. 435 Keratosis. Ichthyosis. 451 Scleroderma. 471 Verruca. Warts. 601 Dermatogenic growths. 621 Cicatrix. 631 Neuroma. 650 Tuberculosis cutis. Lupus. 660 Tumors of the skin. (Epithelioma, etc.). 701 Sensory dermato-neuroses. 711 Anesthesia. 721 Dermatalgia. 731 Hyperesthesia. 751 Pruritus. Parasitic affections of the skin. 760 General works. 765 Diseases due to vegetable parasites. Actinomycosis, see RC 120. 770 Favus. 775 Pinta disease. 780 Tinea. Ringworm. Diseases due to animal parasites, see RC 220-225. 790 Pigmentary changes. Albinism. 801 Materia medica and therapeutics. 114 THERAPEUTICS 115 THERAPEUTICS. KM 1 Periodicals and societies. 16 Yearbooks. Collections. 30 Several authors. 31 Individual authors. 36 Dictionaries. Therapeutic terms. History. 41 General. 42 General special. 43 Ancient. 44 Medieval. 45 Modern. 47 Special countries (alphabetically).- Early works. Works before 1500, see R 126-128. 81 15th-16th centuries. 84 17th-18th centuries. 91 Philosophic principles. Cf. R 723-733, General medicine; RX, Homeopathy. 101 General treatises. 103 General special. Local. External, etc. (Therapeutics of special groups of diseases in RC, Practice of medicine.) 106 Compends, questions, etc. m ^^ ^ Wliiv.*, 111 Experimental therapeutics. Cf. QP 905, Experimental pharmacology. Therapeutics and materia medica. Early works, see RM 81-84. 121 General treatises. 122 Noncomprehensive (Syllabi, synopses, etc.). 123 Laboratory manuals. 125 Nurses' manuals. 126 Compends, questions, etc. 127 Commercial manuals. Special systems. 129 Baunscheidtism (Exan thematic method). 130 Biochemic system. 131 Chronothermal system. 132 Dosimetric system (Alkaloidal system). 133 Other miscellaneous systems. ^A\\o\Ab\^ Stfc, 117 RM THERAPEUTICS RM 135 Essays, addresses, etc. 139 Prescription writing (including dosage). 143 Incompatibles. 145 Dose-books. .^ EVt Administration of medicines,/ 151 By external integument. Cf. RM 884, Cataphoresis. 157 Intra-spinal injeetiea. By internal integument. 161 Inhalation. 163 Injections. Enemas. 7tW4ai Y 169 By hypodermic injection. By transfusion. 170 General. uv\tluidivtd Ivus 171 Transfusion of blood. 173 Transfusion of other substances. 176 Peritoneal transfusion. Alimentation. Diet. . 214 Periodicals^ 3Vi iocJeiicS. 215 Early works (to 1800). 216 General works. 217 General special. Foods for the corpulent, see RC 813. 218 Study and teaching. Outlines, syllabi, etc. 219 Dietetic cook-books, including hygienic cook-books, cookery and dietaries for the sick, ^"oo^eru -$>r'cs t s f e ZC 221 Special classes (alphabetically). e. g. .J6, Jews. Army cookery in UC 720-; Recipes for military hospitals, etc., asting 226 General. General special. e. g. The no-breakfast plan. Cases. 227 Collective. 228 Special (alphabetically). 230 Animal diet (Therapeutics only). Cf. TX 371-, Animal foods. 233 Milk diet. 234 Soured milk. Buttermilk. 236 Vegetable diet (Therapeutics only). . Cf. TX 391-2, Vegetable foods, Vegetarianism. 237 Fruit diet. Uncooked foods, see TX 391. 118 RM THERAPEUTICS RM Alimentation. Diet Continued. Beverages (Therapeutics and hygiene). 238 Early works (to 1800). 239 General works. 240 Tea. Coffee. Chocolate. Cocoa. 241 Chocolate. Cocoa. 246 Coffee. 251 Tea. 252 Water. 253 Hot water. 256 Wines. Gf. RM 426. A3, Alcoholic stimulants. 257 Other beverages (alphabetically). e. g. .K4 Kephir; .K8 ; Kumiss. Miscellaneous food preparations. 258 General. 259 Special (alphabetically). 261 Commercial preparations. 300 Action of remedies General. (Including Antagonisms of medicine.) Medicines of general action. (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 310 Alteratives. * 321 Antipyretics. 341 Tonics. 34f Medicines acting on the nervons system. (Alcohol, see RM 426.A3 ; other special drugs, RM 666.) Anesthetics, see RD 81.86. 351 Anodynes. Analgesics. 356 Antispasmodics. 361 Delirifacients. 366 Depresso-motors. 371 Excito-motors. 376 Hypnotics. 381 Narcotics. 406 Respiratory stimulants and depressants. Medicines acting on the circulatory system. 411 Depressants. (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 421 Stimulants. 426.A3 Alcohol. Other special, see RM 666. Medicines acting on the digestive system. (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 451 Stomachics. 119 RM THERAPEUTICS RM Medicines acting on the digestive system Continued. 461 Cathartics. Purgatives. 471 Emetics. See also Antacids and Digestants, RM 631-639. Medicines acting on the genito- urinary organs, (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 491 Aphrodisiacs. 501 Anaphrodisiacs. 511 Diuretics. 521 Emmenagogues. 531 Oxytocics. Medicines affecting secretions. (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 541 Astringents. 551 Diaphoretics. 571 Expectorants. External remedies. Antiseptic remedies, see RM 647. 581 Irritants. Counter-irritation. (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 591 Epispastics. Vesicants. Moxa. 601 Escharotics. 611 Rubefacients. 619 Emollients. Demulcents. (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 623 Protectives. 624 Special (alphabetically). e. g. .07, Collodion; .08, Court-plaster. Extraneous remedies. (Remedies acting upon extraneous material in or upon the body.) 631 Antacids. (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 635 Anthelmintics. Vermifuges. (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 639 Digestants. Digestive ferments. 640 Special (alphabetically). e. g. .P2 Pancreatin. Pancreatic extracts. .P3 Papain. Papayotin. Papoid. .P5 Pepsin. 643 Absorbents. (Special drugs, see RM 666.) 647 Antiseptic remedies. Of. Surgical antiseptics, RD 91-96. 648 Special (alphabetically). e. g. .H9, Hydrogen dioxide; .L5, Listerine. 120 BM THERAPEUTICS RM Extraneous remedies Continued. ^Chemotherapy. 663 General. (664) ^Special preparations, see RM 666. 666 Special drugs, A-Z. e. g. .A4 Alkaloids. .A7 Arsenic. .A75 Arsenobenzol (Salvarsan, etc.). .C2 Caffeine. .053 Cinchona. .16 Iodine. .M5 Mercury. .06 Opium. .08 Oxygen. 671 Commercial preparations. Patent medicines. Cf. RA401 State regulation. .Al General. .A2-Z Special. (Arranged under name of preparations if well known, otherwise under name of manufacturer.) 674 Mineral waters General. For special springs, see RA 793-953. 676 Artificial mineral waters. Remedies other than drugs. Physiological therapeutics. 695 Periodicals and societies. 700 Comprehensive works. 702 Minor. Popular. (Hygienic medication.) 705 General special. e. g. Reconstruction therapy. Blood-letting. Cupping. Hyperemia, Artificial. Massage and other movement cures. (Including Vibration.) 730 Chiropractic. 733 Respiration as. a romody. aviA voice. .x2.v, C.TC., Cf. QR 181-185, Bacteriology. ito'D 1 Institutions. 741 General works. 751 General special. Miscellaneous. e. g. Opsonins, Serums, Vaccines. m ' ' RM THERAPEUTICS EM Serumtherapy Continued. 755 Anthrax. Cf. RC121.A6. 7$- A-. - 758 Cerebrospinal meningitis. 761 Cholera. Cf. RC 126. 766 Diptheria. . Cf. RC138. .TAT.Itf t 771 Hydrophobia. Rabies. 76? Hay-&vev. rfolievi eHoreS\s Electric baths. Electrolysis. Cf. RL 115, Dermatology. Apparatus (including catalogs). Advertising specialists. Electrohomeopathy. Magnetotherapy. General works. Popular (including advertising specialists) . Animal magnetism. Vital magnetism. General works. Popular. Magnetic healers' manuals. Metallic tractors, Hypnotism. Mesmerism. Suggestive therapeutics. Cf. BF 1111-56, Psychology. c -' : . ' ti-63o, Ro^LW-j Periodicals and societies. Congresses. Early works (to 1880). General works (since 1880). dov^&fe'm* General special. Popular (including advertising specialists). Miscellaneous treatments (including quack treatments not else- where provided for). Mental healing, Psychotherapeutics, etc., see RZ 400-405, Osteopathy, etc., see RZ 301-399. 124 PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA 125 PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA RS 1 Periodicals and societies. 3 Congresses. Documents (alphabetically, by country). North America. United States. 4.A1-5 Collections. .A6 Laws. Compilations, by date. .A7 Special documents, by date. .A8-Z Treatises and commentaries on the law. 5 Special States, A-W. 6 Canada. British America. 7 Mexico. Central America. West Indies. 8 South America. Europe. 11 Great Britain. 12 Other countries of Europe, A-Z. 14 Asia. 15 Africa. 16 Australia and New Zealand. 17 Pacific Islands. 21 Yearbooks. Collections. 41 Several authors. 43 Individual authors. 51 Dictionaries. 55 Nomenclature. 57 Tables, calculations, etc. Cf. QC 81-114, Weights and measures. 59 Labels in pharmacy. .Al General. -, .A5-Z Special countries. e. g. .U5W4, Wells' guide to legal labels (U. S.). History. 61 General. 62 General special. 63 Ancient. 64 Medieval. 65 Modern. 67 Special countries, A-Z. 127 RS PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA RS History Continued. 68 Special companies. e. g. .M5 Michigan drug company. Biography. 71 Collective. 73 Individual. Directories. 74 General. 75 United States. 76 Other countries (alphabetically). Supplies, see RS 355-356. Early works (to 1800). 78 Pharmacy. Apothecaries. Drugs. Cf. RS 169 Early works on American materia medica. RS 178 Early works on Oriental materia medica. 79 General. 80 Minor. 81 Vegetable. 82 Special, A-Z. 83 Animal. 84 Special, A-Z. 85 Inorganic. 86 Special, A-Z. 87 Miscellaneous preparations Collective. ("Secrets," "panaceas," "arcana," and similar collec- tions). 88 Miscellaneous preparations Special, A-Z. e. g. B2, "Balsamo virgen." 91 General works on pharmacy. (Including pharmacy and materia medica.) 92 General special. 93 Laboratory manuals of pharmacy. Cf. RS 189, 407. (95) Tests and analyses of drugs, see RS 421, RS 189. 98 Compends, questions, etc. 99 Essays and addresses. 99.5 Anecdotes, facetiae, etc. 100 Pharmacists in business relations. Study and teaching. 101 General. By country. Under each. (1) General. (2) Local (including schools of pharmacy), e. g. RS 118.G5, Great Britain. RS 118.G6L8, London. 128 RS PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA RS Study and teaching. By country Continued. United States. 110 General. 111 Special States, A-W. 113 Canada. 114 Local. 115 Other American countries, A-Z. Europe. 117 General. 118 Special countries, A-Z. 119 Asia. .Al, General; .A5-Z, Local. 120 Africa. .Al, General; .A5-Z, Local. 121 Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands. .Al, General; .A5-Z, Local. Museums. 122 General. 123 Special (alphabetically) , by place. 124 Expositions. 125 Formularies. Collected prescriptions. 127 Popular works. Of. RC 81, Popular medicine. Pharmacopoeias. 139 Universal. North America. 141. 2 United States. General. . 23 Canada. 24 Mexico. . 25 Central America (alphabetically by name of country) . . 27 South America (alphabetically by name of country). Europe. . 3 Great Britain. . 32 Austria. . 34 Belgium. . 36 Denmark. . 38 France. . 4 Germany. . 42 Greece. . 44 Holland. . 46 Italy. . 48 Norway. . 5 Portugal. . 52 Russia. 28640 21 9 129 BS PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA RS Pharmacopoeias. Europe Continued. 141. 54 Spain. . 56 Sweden. . 58 Switzerland. . 6 Turkey. . 62 Other countries, A-Z. Asia. . 64 China. . 68 India and Ceylon. . 7 Japan. . 8 Australia and New Zealand. Dispensatories. North America. 151. 2 United States. . 23 Canada. . 24 Mexico. . 25 Central America (alphabetically by name of country) . . 27 South America (alphabetically by name of country) . Europe. . 3 Great Britain. . 32 Austria. . 34 Belgium. . 36 Denmark. . 38 France. . 4 Germany. . 42 Greece. . 44 Holland. . 46 Italy. . 48 Norway. . 5 Portugal. . 52 Russia. . 54 Spain. . 56 Sweden. . 58 Switzerland. . 6 Turkey. " . . 62 Other countries, A-Z. Asia. . 64 China. . 68 India and Ceylon. . 7 Japan. . 8 Australia and New Zealand. 130 RS PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA RS MATERIA MEDICA. Cf . Early works on drugs, RS 79-88. Pharmacy and materia medica, RS 91. Therapeutics and materia medica, RM 121-. VYcT'v 7\5 I 151 whan a.pplic.^.k)ii . 153 General works. 154 Organic materia medica (General). Cf. RS 160-165. 155 Additions to the materia medica. "New remedies." 157 Compends, questions, etc. Aiarse.* >v A A uuaU A- (Including materia medica and prescription writing). 158 Popular works. 159 Collection and preservation of drugs. 160 Pharmacognosy. Natural history of drags. Pharmaceutical substances Natural groups. (Natural history, chemistry, etc.) Cf . Special drugs in RM 666, Therapeutics. Animal drugs. / 162 General. 163 Special, A-Z. Vegetable drugs. Alkal&vd>. 164 General. 165 Special, A-Z. e. g. .A6 Angostura. ;p 3 $ TW,ruc.i\\\v\ .C3 Cinchona. .C5 Coca. .D5 Digitalis. .84 Senna. Inorganic drugs. 166 General. 167 Special, A-Z. Geographical distribution. Natural sources. 168 General. America. 169 Early works (to 1800). 170 General works (since 1800). United States. 171 General (since 1800). 172 States, A-W. 173 Other North American countries, A-Z. South America. 174 General. 175 Special countries, A-Z. Europe. 176 General. 177 Special countries, A-Z. 131 . RS PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA RS Geographical distribution. Natural sources Continued. Asia. 178 Early works (to 1800). 179 General (since 1800). 180 Special countries, A-Z. Africa. 181 General. 182 Special countries, A-Z. Australia and New Zealand. 183 General. 184 Special colonies, A-Z 185 Pacific Islands, A-Z. 187 Pharmacology. Action of drugs. Cf. QP 905 Experimental pharmacology. RM 666 Special drugs in Therapeutics. , 189 Teehaiquap Assay methods. ' 3 Treatment of drugs in pharmacy^ ssa y f 190 Grinding, sifting, etc. 191 Apparatus. 192 Solution. 193 Apparatus. 194 Evaporation. 195 Apparatus. 196 Crystallization. 197 Apparatus. 201 Pharmaceutical preparations. \(<\ Me.r s<*y-aj ^ ~ .D3 Decoctions; Infusions. .E4 Elixirs. .E5 Emulsions. .E7 Essences and essential oils. .E9 Extracts. .G5 Glycerites; Honeys; Mucilages, Infusions, see .D3. .M6 Mixtures. Mucilages, see .G5. Oils, Essential, see .E7. .03 Ointments. .05 Oleates. .06 Oleoresins. .P5 Pills. .P6 Plasters. .P8 Powders. .R4 Resins. .S6 Solutions. 132 RS PHARMACY AND MATERIA MEDICA RS Pharmaceutical preparations Continued . .88 Syrups. .T2 Tablets. .T7 Tinctures. .W3 Waters, Official. 355 Pharmaceutical supplies. 356 Commercial publications. Medical and pharmaceutical chemistry. Cf. QD 31-33 in Chemistry. 403 General works. 405 Compends, questions, etc. 407 Laboratory manuals. 410 Miscellaneous. Essays, etc. Pharmaceutical chemistry. Cf . RS 93 Laboratory manuals. 421 General works. 431 Special substances, A-Z. 441 Microscopical examination of drugs. 455 Pharmaceutical jurisprudence. 133 NURSING 135 NURSING. RT 1 Periodicals and societies. 3 Congresses. Special countries (including documents, legislation, laws, etc.). North America. 4 United States. 5 Special States, A-W. 6 Canada. British America. 7 Mexico. Central America. West Indies. 8 South America. Europe. 11 Great Britain. - 12 Other countries of Europe, A-Z. 5 14 -fBKAfrtfi* 15 Australia and New Zealand. 17 Pacific Islands. - and 25 Directories. 31 History. Biography. Of. TJH 341-347 Military science. 34 General. 37 Individual. Florence Nightingale, see UH 347.N6. 4$ EavAy worJk \.o 1800. 41 General works. Treatises. Textbooks. --. /-i i i * 11 4t> 5ftee;vs>.* 151 Other countries, A-Z. 170 Europe. 171 Great Britain. 181 Other countries. 141 RV ECLECTIC MEDICINE RV Special diseases. 211 Fevers. Diseases due to specific infection. 221 General. 225 Special, A-Z. Diseases due to diathesis. 231 General. 235 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the nervous system. 241 General. 246 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the circulatory system. 251 General. 256 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the respiratory system. 261 General. 266 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the digestive system. 271 General. 276 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the genito-urinary system. 281 General. 286 Special, A-Z. 291 Diseases of the head and neck. 293 Diseases of the chest and abdomen. 297 Diseases of the pelvis. 301 Surgery. General. 305 Surgical diseases. 311 Tumors. Diseases of the eye. 321 General. 331 Special (alphabetically). Diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. 341 General (Ear, nose and throat. Nose and throat). 343 Diseases of the ear. 345 Diseases of the nose. 347 Diseases of the throat. Gynecology and obstetrics. 361 General. 363 Special diseases, A-Z. 365 Obstetrics. 142 RV ECLECTIC MEDICINE EV Special diseases Continued. Diseases of children. 375 General. 377 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the skin. 381 General. 391 Special, A-Z. Materia medica and therapeutics. 401 General works. 403 Minor works. 411 Special remedies, A-Z. Pharmacy. 415 General works. 421 Pharmacopoeias. 431 Dispensatories. 143 HOMEOPATHY 28640 21 10 145 HOMEOPATHY. RX 1 Periodicals and societies. 6 Hospitals (by place). 1 1 Yearbooks. 21 Congresses. Collections. 31 Several authors. 33 Individual authors. 41 Dictionaries. 46 Directories. 51 History. Biography. 61 Collective. 66 Individual. 68 Hahnemann's works. 71 General works. 72 General special. e. g., Clinics. 73 Compends, questions, etc. 74 Diagnosis. 75 Case-books. Registers. Aids. 76 Popular treatises. 78 Essays. Addresses. 81 Theory. Principles. Cf. R 733, Medical theories in general ^ 85 Antihomeopathic literature. 91 Study and teaching. 101 Schools (by place). Special diseases, treatment, etc. 211 Fevers. Diseases due to specific infection. 221 General. 226 Special, A-Z. Diseases due to diathesis. 241 General. 261 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the nervous system. 281 General. 301 Special, A-Z. 147 RX HOMEOPATHY RX Special diseases, treatment, etc. Continued. Diseases of the blood, lymphatics and ductless glands. 305 General. 309 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the circulatory system. 311 General. 316 Special, A-Z. Diseases' of the respiratory system. 321 General. 326 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the digestive system. 331 General. 332 Stomach Diseases. 333 Liver Diseases. 336 Other special, A-Z. Diseases of the rectum. 341 General. 343 Hemorrhoids. 346 Other special, A-Z. Diseases of the genito-urinary system. Cf . RX 461-476, Diseases of women. 351 General. 356 Special, A-Z. 360 Diseases of the chest. Surgery. 366 General. 367 General special. e. g. Surgical clinics. Surgical diseases. 368 General. 376 Tumors. Diseases of the eye. 401 General. 431 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat. 441 General works (Ear, nose and throat. Nose and throat). 446 Diseases of the ear. 451 Diseases of the nose. 456 Diseases of the throat. ,,, Gynecology and obstetrics,^ ri(V ^ a \, 461 General treatises. 463 General special. 465 Popular works. 467 Menstruation. 469 Menopause. Change of life. 148 RX HOMEOPATHY RX Special diseases, treatment, etc. Gynecoiogy and obstetrics Continued. 471 Leucorrhea. 473 Other special, A-Z. 476 Obstetrics. Diseases of children. 501 General. 503 Popular works, including hygiene. 510 Delicate and backward children. 531 Other special, A-Z. 540 Diseases of the teeth. Diseases of the skin. 561 General. 581 Special, A-Z. Materia medica and therapeutics. 601 General. 603 Noncomprehensive. Additions, new remedies, etc. 606 Compends, questions, etc. 615 Special remedies (alphabetically). 621 Therapeutics. Arranged by diseases. (For general principles, see RX 71.) 631 Repertories of symptoms. 635 Tongue symptoms. 637 Head symptoms. 671 Materia medica and pharmacy. 675 Pharmacopoeias. 681 Trade publications. 691 Advertising physicians. -vwAidiv\fi. ; see SF loOOr*. 149 MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS OF MEDICINE 151 MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS OF MEDICINE. ; ; OSTEOPATHY. RZ 301 Periodicals and societies. 305 Documents United States. 311 Yearbooks. 313 Congresses. Collections. 315 Several authors. 316 Individual authors. 321 History. Biography. 331 Collective. 332 Individual. 333 Directories. 335 Essays. Addresses. 336 Miscellaneous (Pamphlets, etc.). 337 Study and teaching. 338 Schools (alphabetically). 341 General works. 342 General special. 343 Compends, questions, etc. 344 Popular works. Special diseases. 347 Fevers. Diseases due to specific infection. 350 General. 351 Special, A-Z. Diseases due to diathesis. 353 General. 354 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the nervous system. 356 General. 357 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the circulatory system. 359 General. 360 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the respiratory system. 362 General. 363 Special (alphabetically). 153 RZ MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS OF MEDICINE RZ Osteopathy Special diseases Continued. Diseases of the digestive system. 365 General. 366 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the rectum. 368 General. 369 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the geni to-urinary system. 371 General. 372 Special, A-Z. 374 Surgery. 376 Surgical diseases. 378 Tumors. Diseases of the eye. 380 General. 381 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat. 382 General works (Ear, nose and throat. Nose and throat). 383 Diseases of the ear. 384 Diseases of the nose. , 385 Diseases of the throat. 386 Gynecology and obstetrics, Diseases of children, 390 General works, 391 Special, A-Z. Diseases of the skin, 393 General works. 394 Special, A-Z. 397 Advertising physicians. 399 Osteo-magnetics, Neuropathy, Spondylotherapy, etc., A-Z. Of. RM 721-730, Massage and chiropractic. Mental healing. Psychotherapentios. Cf. Cf. RM 917-956, Hypnotism. RC89, Pastoral medicine. 400 General works. .Al-7 Periodicals and societies. 401 Miscellaneous systems of mental healing. Christian science, see BX 6901-6997, Religious sects. Dowieism, see BX 7401-7430, Religious sects. 405 Cures Collective. 406 Cures Individual, A-Z. 501 Phrenology (medical aspects only) 999 Special not otherwise provided for. 154 INDEX 155 INDEX. A. Abdomen Diseases: RC 941. Intestinal: RC 860-67. Tumors: RD 667. Surgery: RD 540-47. Abortion: RG 648. Operations: RG 734. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1067. Abscess: RD 641-642; Rd.Bfl3.A2.. Absorbents (Therapeutics): RM 643. Accidents First aid: RC 87. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1121. Surgery: RD 13L Acne: RL 131. fcdUtfwWH* Acromegaly: RC 431.A2. Actinomycosis: RC 120. Addison's disease: RC 659. Adenoids General: RD 651-674. Nasal: RF 399. Adolescence, Diseases of: RJ 550. Adrenalin (Therapeutics) : RM 800.S9. Advertising physicians General: RC 999. Special systems with subject e. g. Electrotherapy, Osteopathy. Advertising surgeons: RD 78. Aerotherapy: RM 824-29. ^fc^vft,, Age, Influence of: RB 156. " -,<*. 4M. Agglutination: QR 185. Air, Rarefied (Therapeutic use): RM 827. Air pollution: RA 576-585. Albinism: RL 790. Alastn'v Albuminuria General: RC 905. Diseases of children: RJ 476. A3. Pregnancy: RG 575. Albumosuria: RC 905. Alcohol Physiology: QP915.A3. Therapeutics: RM 426.A3. Alcoholism: RC 367-8. Alimentation: RM 214-261. Alkaloidal poisons: RA 1237-38. Alkaloidal therapeutics Alkaloids: RM 666.A4. Dosimetric medicine: RM 132.. ,, Alloxuric substances: RC 903. ? Alteratives: RM 310. Alveolar abscess: RK 371. Alveolar process, Diseases of: RK 440 480. Alveolar pyorrhea: RK 381. Amaurosis: RE 928. Amblyopia: RE 928. Ambulance service: RA 995. Amebae in dysentery: RC 140. Amenorrhea: RG 171. Ametropia: RE 930. Ammonium Therapeutics: RM 666.A45. Toxicology: RA 1231.A6. Amnesia: RC 383.A5. Amoebae in dysentery: RC 140. Amputation: RD 553. Amusia: RC 383.A6. Analgesics: RM 351. Anaphrodisiacs: RM 501. Anaphylaxis: QR 185. Anatomy, Pathological: RB 25-57. Anemia: RC 641. Anesthetics: RD 79-86. Dentistry: RK 510. Local anesthetics: RD 84. Obstetrics: RG 732. Ophthalmology: RE 994-997. Aneurism: RC 693. " Angina Ludovici: RD 642. Angina maligna: RC 791. Angina pectoris: RC 685.A6. Angioma General: RD 651-674. Nasal: RF 399. Angostura bark: RS 165.A6. Aniline (Toxicology): RA 1242. A6. Animal drugs: RS 162-63. Early works: RS 83-84. Animal extracts: RM 798-800. Animal foods (Alimentation) RM 230. Animal magnetism (Therapeutics): RM 901-906. Animal poisons: RA 1255-56. ; % 73 U^.-Pc <> 157 INDEX Ankylosis: RD 686. Ankylostomiasis: RC 248. Anodynes: RM 351. Antacids: RM 631. Anthelmintics: RM 635. Anthrax: RC 121 .A6. Public health: RA 644.A6. Serumtherapy: RM 755. Antifebrine: RM 666.A6. Antimony (Therapeutics): RM 666.A55 Antipyretics: RM 321. Antipyrine: RM 666.A55. Antiseptics: RD 91-96. Obstetrics: RG 730. Therapeutics: RM 647-48. Antispasmodics: RM 356. Antitoxins: RM 741-97. Bacteriology: QR 181-5. Antrum, Diseases of: RF 421. Anus Diseases: RC-66& $b4-$bb. Surgery: RD 544 Aorta, Diseases of: RC 691. Aphasia: RC 383. A6. Aphrodisiacs: RM 491. Aphtha? (Thrush): RC 815. Children's: RJ 463. Apoplexy: RC 383. A7. Appendicitis: RD 542. Army diseases: RC 971. (See also Military hygiene) . Arsenic Therapeutics: RM 666. A7. Toxicology: RA 1231.A7. Araenobenzol ("606"): RM 666.A75. Arteries Diseases: RC 691. Ligature: RD 67. Arthritis doformane: RC 289 . Artificial eyes: RE 986. Artificial limbs: RD 756. Artificial teeth: RK 656-63. Asafetida: RM 666.A79. Ascaris (Parasitic diseases): RC 227.A8. Asepsis: RD 91. Asphyxia of infants: RJ 256. Asphyxiation (Medical jurisprudence): RA 1071. Aspiration and aspirators: RD 605. Astaaia, astasia-abasia: RC 431. A8 Asthma: RC 739. Astigmatism: RE 932. Astringents: RM541. Asylums, Insane: RC 439-597. Atelectasis: EJ266. Atmosphere, Hygiene of the: RA 575. Atrophies (Dermatology): RL 391. Atropine Ophthalmology: RE 997. A8. Therapeutics: RM 666. A85. Toxicology: RA 1238. A8. Auricle, Diseases of: RF 160-70. Auscultation: RC 76.3. Auto-intoxication: RB 152. Autopsy: RB 57. flveAVr . -RD fefe, ftf. B. Bacteriological laboratories: R 108. Balantidium coli: RC 227. B3. Baldness: RL 73. Popular literature: RL 91. Balneotherapy: RM 801-822. Bandages and bandaging: RD 113. Barber shops (Hygiene): RA 617. Barlow's disease: RC 664. Basedow's disease: RC 656. Baths: RM 801-822. Cold: RM 822.C6. Electric: RM 885. Hot air: RM 865-67; RM 821. Medicated: RM :822.V2. RHssian:HM~8 Sea: RM819. Turkish: RM 821. Vapor: RM 822.V2. Baunscheidtism: RM 129. Beard (Dermatology): RL 73,91. Beauty, Personal: RA 778. Bed-sores: RD 629. 13e7>ut > Belladonna (Therapeutics): RM 666.B4. Benzoate of soda Physiological effect of: QP 917.S7. Beri-beri: RC 122. Beverages (Therapeutics): RM 238-257. Bile-ducts "Biblical Wad \V.\MC I isll Diseases: RC 849. t&66*\U t? B /~( A** I* } Kr 373% Ovanes: RG477. Skin: RL 660. Uterus: RG 381. Cannabis indica Intoxications: RC 371.C2. Cantharides (Therapeutics): RM 666.C27. Carbolic acid Disinfectants: RA 766.C2. Therapeutics: RM 666.C3. Toxicology: RA 1242.C2. 159 INDEX Carbon dioxide Toxicology: RA 1247. C2. Carbon in the body (Pathology): RB 147. Carbon monoxide Toxicology: RA 1247.C17. Carbonic acid Therapeutics: RM 666.C35. Toxicology: RA 1247.C2. Carbonic oxide Toxicology: RA 1247.C17. Carbuncle: RL221. Carcinoma General: RC 261. Nasal: RF 377. Pharyngeal: RC 593. Caries Bones: RD 684. Spine: RD 690. Teeth: RK 331. Carminatives: RM451. Cascara (Therapeutics): RM 666.C37. Case books, Clinical: RC 66. Case teaching in medicine: R 737. Cataphoresis: RM 884. Cataract: RE 451. Catarrh: RC 741. Homeopathic treatment: RX 326.C2. Catarrh of the stomach: RC 831. Cathartics: RM 461. Catheters: RC 923. Caustic potash (Therapeutics): RM 666.P82. Celsus: R 127.C2-6. Cemeteries: RA 626-630. Centaurea (Therapeutics) : RM 666.C39. Early works: RS 82. C3. Cephalsematoma: RJ 311. Cerebral meningitis: RC 383.C4. Cerebrospinal meningitis: RC 124. Serumtherapy : RM 758. Cerumen, Impacted: RF 185. Chappa: RD 631. Chemistry, Forensic: RA 1057. Chemistry, Medical and pharmaceutical: RS 403-431. Chemotherapy: RM 663. Chest Abnormities and deformities: RD 766. Diseases: RC941; RC 705-78. Eclectic treatment: RV 293. Homeopathic treatment: RX 360. Surgery: RD 536. Tumors: RD 667. Chicken-pox: RJ 406.C4. Children = Care and hygiene: RJ 61, 101. Diseases: RJ. Blood, lymphatics, etc.: RJ 411-16. Circulatory system: RJ 421-26. Digestive system : RJ 446-56. Eclectic treatment: RV 375-77. Geni to-urinary system: RJ 466-76. Homeopathic treatment: RX 50 1-31. Infectious: RJ 401-06. Nervous system: RJ 486-96. Parasites: RC 220-46. t*Jti&* Respiratory system: RJ 431-36; Surgical: RJ 526. Growth and development: RJ 131. Mortality: RA 609-11. Nursing: RT 91. Nutrition: RJ 206-31. Public health: RA 609-11. Surgery: RJ 526. Children, Abnormal: RJ 499. Chills and fever: RC 156. Chiropody: RD 563. Chiropractic: RM 730. Chloral (Therapeutics): RM 666.C4. Chlorides Disinfectants: RA 766.C4. Therapeutics: RM 666. C5. Chlorine. Disinfectants: RA 766.C4. Therapeutics: RM 666.C51. Toxicology: RA 1231.C4. Chloroform: RD 86.C5. Chlorosis: RC 641. Chocolate (Alimentation) : RM 241. Cholera, Asiatic: RC 126-36. Homeopathic treatment: RX 226. C5. Serumtherapy: RM 761. Cholera infantum: RJ 456.C-. Cholera morbus: RC 809. Chondroma General: RD 651-674. Nasal: RF 399. Chorea: RC 389. Choroid, Diseases of: RE 551-661. Choroiditis: RE 571. Christian science: BX 6901-6997. Chromic acid Therapeutics: RM 666.C52. Toxicology: RA 1231.C5. Chronothermal system of medicine: RM 131. 160 INDEX Cicatrix: RL 621. Ciliary body, Diseases of: RE 351. Cinchona Pharmacy: RS 165.C3. Therapeutics: RM 666.C53. Circulatory system, Diseases of: RC 667-95. Children's diseases: RJ 421-26. Eclectic treatment: RV 251-56. Homeopathy: RX 311-16. Osteopathy: RZ 359-60. Circumcision: RD 590. Clavicle Abnormities and deformities: RD 684. Fracture: RD 101. Clerical medicine: RC 89. Climacteric years and diseases: RB 150-1. Climatology, Medical: RA 793. Clinical medicine: RG 60-69. Clinics Collections. Medical: RC 60. Surgical: RD 34. Medical education: R 737. Clothing (Hygiene): RA 779. Clubfoot: RD 783. Coal miners (Diseases and hygiene) Diseases: RC 964-5. Hygiene: RA 787. Coal-tar colors Toxicology: RA 1242.C7. Coca Pharmacy: RS 165. C5. Therapeutics: RM 666.C59. Cocaine Anesthetics: RD 86.C6. Toxicology: RA 1238.C7. Coccygeal gland, Tumors of: RD 672. Cocoa (Alimentation) : RM 241. Cod-liver oil: RM 666.C6. Codeine Pharmacy: RS 165.C6. Therapeutics: RM 666. C65. Coffee (Alimentation): RM 246. Cola Pharmacy: RS 165.C64. Therapeutics: RM 666.C7. Cold as cause of death: RA 1101. Colds: RC 734-6. Homeopathic treatment: RX 326. C7. Colic General: RC 809. Children's: RJ456.C7. Collected works, essays, etc. General: R 111-17. Special: See name of subject Colleges, Medical: R 735-832. , Collodion Pharmacy: RS 201.C6. Therapeutics: RM 624.C7. Color-blindness: RE 921. Compends, Medical. General: RC 41. Special: See name of subject Compressed air (Therapeutics): RM 827. Compressed-air disease: RC 965.C7. Conception Pathology: RG 201. Prevention: RG 136. (See also Abortion) Condurango Pharmacy: RS 165.C67 Therapeutics: RM 666.C7. Congresses, Medical General: R 106. Special: See name of subject Conium and conine (Therapeutics) : RM 666.C75. Conjunctiva, Diseases of: RE 311-26. Conjunctivitis: RE 321. Infantile: RJ 296. Constipation: RC 861. Homeopathic treatment: RX 336. C7. Consumption: RC 306-20. (See also Tuberculosis) Contagious diseases Medicine: RC 111-216. Public hygiene: RA 643-4. Contractions: RD 645. Convulsions: RC 392. Homeopathic treatment: RX 301.C7. In infancy: RJ496.C7. In pregnancy: RG 576. In labor: RG 710. In puerperal state: RG 831. Cookery for the sick: RM 219. Copaiba Pharmacy: RS 165. C8. Therapeutics: RM 666.C77. Copper, Toxicology of: RA 1231.C7. Corals, Therapeutic use of: RS 85-86. Cornea, Diseases of: RE 336. Corpulence: RC 813. Corset (Hygiene): RA 779. Coryza: RC 734-6. Homeopathic treatment: RX 326.C7. 28640 21- -11 161 >M '5 1 a n . INDEX Cosmetics: RA 778. Coughs: RC 705-794. Whooping-cough: RC 204. Counter irritants: RM 581. Court-plaster: RM 624.C8. Cowper's glands, Diseases of: RG 270. Craniotomy: RG 781. Cremation: RA 631-40. Crematories: R A 638. Creolin: RA 766.C9. Creosote: RM 666.C8. Cretinism: RC 657. Crises and critical days (Pathology): RB 153. Croton oil (Therapeutics): RM 666.C9. Croup: RC 746. Crown and bridge work (Dentistry): RK 666. Cryptorchidism: RC 898. Crystalline lens, Diseases of: RE 401-61. Cundurango (see Condurango). Cupping: RM 715. Curari Therapeutics: RM 666.C94. Toxicology: RA 1238.C9. Cures, Theory of: RM 91. Cystoma General: RD 676-77. Nasal: RF 399. Cystoscopy: RC 920. D. Dacryocystitis: RE 212. Dandruff: RL 73,91. Datura Pharmacy: RS 165.D2. Therapeutics: RM 666.D2. Dead animals (Public hygiene): RA 584. Dead, Care and disposal of: RA 619-640. Deafness: RF 290-320. Death Causes: RC 96. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1063-1136. Death, Apparent First aid: RC 87. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1063. New-born infants: RJ 255. Death certification: RA 405. Decoctions: RS 201. D3. Decubitus: RD 629. Deep breathing Hygiene: RA 782. Therapeutics: RM 733. Diseases. * Deformities: RD 761-83. Degenerates (Legal medicine): RA 1156 Degeneration, Fatty: RB 133. Delhi sore: RL 331. Delirifacients: RM 361. Delirium tremens: RC 368. Delusions: BO 602. D Dementia: RC 628. Demonomania: RC 616. Demulcents: RM 619. Dengue: RC 137. Dental ceramics: RK 655. Dental chemistry: RK 290. Dental ethics: RK 751. Dentistry: RK Biography: RK 41-43. Ceramics: RK 655. Chemistry: RK 290. OUvv.1?k SOI. Collections: RK 24. Congresses: RK 21. Dictionaries: RK 27. Directories: RK 37. Documents: RK 5-15. Ethics: RK 751. Essays: RK 66. Expositions: RK 69. History: RK 29-34. Instruments: RK 681-6. Laboratory manuals: RK 652. flC U^ Materia medica: RK 701. Museums: RK 68. Operative: RK 501-53. Pathology: RK 301-480. Periodicals: RK 1. Prosthetic: RK 651-66. :p a k | (c. , Questions: RK 57. Societies: RK 1. Study and teaching: RK 71-231. Treatises: RK 50-51. Popular: RK 61. Yearbooks: RK 16. Dentition, Disorders of : RK 285. Depresso-motors: RM 366. Dermatalgia: RL 721. Dermatitis: RL 231. Dermatogenic growths: RL 601-60. Dermato-neuroses: RL 701-5, . Denmatology: RL Apparatus: RL 111. Atlases: RL 81. Collections: RL 36. Comprehensive works: RL 71. 162 INDEX Dermatology Continued. Congresses: RL 31. Dictionaries: RL 41. Eclectic treatment: RV 381-91. Growths: RL 601-60. History: RL 46. Homeopathic treatment: RX 561-81. Hospitals: RL 21. Hypertrophies: RL 401-71. Inflammations: RL 201-331. Instruments: RL 111. Materia medica: RL 801. Museums: RL 84. Parasitic affections: RL 760-80. Periodicals: RL 1. Popular treatises: RL 87-94. Questions: RL 74. Societies: RL 1. Treatises: RL 61-74. Yearbooks: RL 26. Dermoid cysts General: RD 677. Ovarian: RG 473. Diabetes: RC 909. Diagnosis^ ,. ^ r ^ w ^ - RC 7/.f Laboratory^niethods: RB 37-55. Medical: RC 71-78. Surgical: RD 35-36. Radioscopic: RC 78. Diaphoretics: RM 551. Diarrhea: RC 811. Children's: RJ 456.D5.^^Ta Diathetic diseases: RC 251-320. Children's diseases: RJ 390-99. Eclectic medicine: RV 231-35. Homeopathy: RX 241-61. Dictionaries, Medical General: R 121. Special: See name of subject Dietetics: RM 214-61. Food values: TX 551-90. Fruit: RM 237. Meat: RM 230. Milk : RM 233. Vegetable: RM 236. Digestion, Disorders of : RC 800-69. Digestive ferments: RM 639-40. Eclectic medicine: RV 271-76. Homeopathy: RX 331-36. Digestive ferments: RM 639-40. Digitalis Pharmacy: RS 165.D5. Therapeutics: RM 666.D5. Diphtheria: RC 138. Diptheria antitoxin: RM 766. Homeopathic treatment: RX 226.D6. Public health measures: RA 644. D6. Directories, Medical General: R 711-13. Special: See name of subject Diseases Children's diseases: RJ. Classification: RC 96. General diseases: RC 101-6. Mental: RC 435-630. Occupational: RC Old age: RC 966. Pathology: RB. Practice of medicine: RC. Theory: RB 150-7. Therapeutics: RM. Tropical: RC 960-1. (See also names of specific diseases and of parts affected) Disinfection, disinfectants: RA 761-766. Dislocations: RD 101. Dispensaries: RA 960-993. Dispensatories: RS 151. Disposal of the dead: RA 619-640. Distomiasis: RC 230. Diuretics: RM 511. Docimasia pulmonum: RJ 25Q 1 . "R^r \0lo5. Doctors (see Physicians) Domestic hygiene: RA 771. Domestic medicine: RC 80-87. Dose-books: RM 145. Dosimetric system of medicine: RM 132. Dosiology: RM 145. Dress (Hygiene): RA 779. Dressings, Surgical Bandages and bandaging: RD 113. Wounds, Treatment of: RD 131. Drinking cups: RC 118. Dropsy: RC 271. Drowning First aid: RC 88. Legal medicine: RA 1076. fDrug-exanthems: RL 97. , , Drugless therapeutics General: RM 700-926. Special: See name of system. Drugs (see Medicines, drugs) Ductless glands Diseases: RC 648. Animal extracts: RM 799-800. Dumb (Deaf-mutism): RF 320. 163 INDEX Duodenum, Diseases of: RC 862. Dysentery: RC 140. c T/ "3 57^^ er ^ wV e ~ ra -PT- Dysmenorrhea: RG 181. RM7vlt> Dyspepsia: RC 826. Homeopathic treatment: RX 336.D9. Dystocia: RG 701-721. E. Ear, Diseases of: RF 1-320. (See Otology) Ear-trumpets: RF 300-10. Earths, Surgical uses of : RD 96.E2. Echinococcus disease: RC 242. Eclampsia (see Convulsions) Eclectic medicine: RV Biography: RV 71-76. Collections: RV 31-33. Compends: RV 51. Comprehensive works: RV 41. Congresses: RV 21. Essays and addresses: RV 81. History: RV 61. Materia medica: RV 401-31. Periodicals: RV 11. Pharmacy: RV 415-31. Questions: RV 51. Societies: RV 11. Special diseases: RV 211-391. Study and teaching: RV 100-181. Systems: RV 41. Therapeutics: RV 401-11. Ectopia vesicse: RD 581. Ectropion: RE 151. Eczema: RL 251. Edema Infantile: RJ 291. Neurotic: RC 431.E3. Pathology: RB 149. (See also names of special organs.) Eggs (Public health): RA 602.E5. Electric shock First aid: RC 87.5. Electricity and medicine Dermatology: RL 115. Electrodiagnosis: RC 77. Electrohomeopathy: RM 891. Electrolysis: RM 886. Electrotherapeutics: RM 869-90. Surgery: RD 69. Electricity as cause of death: RA 1091 Electricity in dentistry: RK -60Sr -2-75! Eleetropathology: RD 134. Elephantiasis: RC 274. Elephantiasis graecorum: RC 154. Elixirs: RS 201. E4. Emaciation: RC 814. Embalming: RA 623. Embolism: RC 691. Embryotomy: RG 781. Emergencies, accidents First aid: RC 87. Emetics: RM 471. Emetine: RM 666.E5. Emmanuel movement: RZ 400. Emmenagogues: RM 521. Emollients: RM 619. Emphysema, Pulmonary: RC 776. Empiricism: R 729. Empyerna: RC 104. Children's deseases: R..J 546.E5. Diseases of the pleura: RC 751. (See also names of organs affected.) Emulsions: RS 201.E5. Encephalitis, Lethargic: RC 141 .E6. Encyclopedias, Medical General: R 125. Special : See name of subject. Endocarditis: RC 685.E5. Endoscope and endoscopy Diseases of rectum: RC 864. Diseases of urethra: RC 872 Enemata: RM 163. Enteroptosis: RC 862. Entropion: RE 151. Enucleation (Ophthalmology) : RE 803 . Eosinophiles Hematology: RB 145. Physiology of the blood: QP 91. Epidemics (General): RA-64fr-3-. 645"- /*53. (See also names of special diseases.) Epilepsy, epileptics: RC 395. Epispastics: RM 591. Epithelioma: RL 660. Epsom salts (Therapeutics): RM 666.E6. Ergot (Therapeutics): RM 666.E8. Erysipelas: RC ]42. Erythema: RL 271. Escharotics: RM 601. Esophagus Diseases: RC 815. Foreign bodies: RD 137. gity-x^y.^..' Essays and addresses General: R 708. Collections: R 111-7. Special: See name of subject. Essences: RS201.E7. 164 ev \vv\e v\ INDEX Essential oils: RS 201.E7. Ether Anesthetics: RD 79-86. Therapeutics: RM 666.E86. Ethics, Dental: RK 751. Ethics, Medical: R 724-25. Ethics, Nursing: RT 85. Ethmoidal sinus, Diseases of: RF 421. Ethyl chloride (Anesthetics): RD 86.E9. Eustachian tubes, Diseases of: RF 230. Examiners, State medica General: RA 399. Reports, etc. : RA 15-388. Exanthemata: RC 106. Excision Ophthalmology: RE 801. Surgery: RD 553. Excito-motors: RM 371. Exercise Hygiene: RA 781. Therapeutics: RM Ta Exophthalmus: RE 715. Exostosis: RD 608. Ear: RF 195. {^Expectorants: RM 571. Experimental pharmacology: QP 905-981. Experimental therapeutics: RM 111. Expositions, Medical: R 871-81. Extraction and version (Obstetrics): RG 741. Extracts: RS 201.E9. Extra-uterine pregnancy: RG 586. Extremities Diseases: RC 951. Surgery: RD 551-63. Orthopedic: RD 773-83. Eye Diseases: RE. (See Ophthalmology) S>\A.\x^Tv- Surgery: RE 47. Wycfievie Wounds and injuries: RE 83i-5. Eye-glasses: RE 941-81. Eye-strain: RE 48, 51, 61. Eyelids, Diseases of: RE 121-51. Eyes, Artificial: RE 986. F. Face Abnormities and deformities: RD 763. Surgery: RD 523-27. Faeces, Analysis of: RB 49. Faith cure: RZ 400-1. Fallopian tubes, Diseases of: RG 421-33. Fasting: RM 226-28. Fatigue, Mental Mental hygiene: RA 788. Nervous diseases (Popular works): RC 351. Fatty degeneration: RB 133. Favus: RL 770. Fear: RC 343. Feces, Analysis of: RB 49. Fedo Feeding (Pediatrics): RJ 206-31. . . Fees, Medical: R 728. } Feet (see Foot) Feigned illnesses: RA 1146. Felo.-RaM;2. .PJ Femur, Fracture of: RD 101. Ferments, Digestive: RM 639-40. Ferrosilicon Toxicology: RA 1231. F4. Fetus: RG 600-631. Death: RG 631. Diseases: RG 626-29. Fevers: RC 106. Eclectic treatment: RV 211. Homeopathic treatment: RX211. Intermittent: RC 156. Nursing: RT 95. Traumatic: RC 106. (See also special diseases) Filariasis: RC 234. Fillings (Dentistry): RK 451-53. Fingers Abnormities and deformities: RD 776. Finsen's phototherapy: RM 839. First aid in illness and injury: RC 87. Fistula: RD 643. Vesico- vaginal: RG 488. Fixed ideas: RC 602. Fleas as carriers of contagion: RC 117.F5. Fletcherism: RM 216. Flies as carriers of contagion: RC 117.F6. Foetus (see Fetus) "** %w4e. ( Fog (Hygiene of atmosphere): RA 575. Food Dietectics: RM 214-61. Public hygiene: RA 601-2. Foot Abnormities, deformities: RD 781-3. -K Surgery: RD 551-3. Forceps: RD 73. F7. Obstetric: RG 547. Use: RG 739. Foreign bodies: RD 137. (See also names of organs affected) Forensic chemistry: RA 1057. 165 INDEX Forensic examination of blood: RA 1061. Formaldehyde: RA 766.F6. Formularies: RS 125. Fourth disease: RC 182.R8. Fractures: RD 101. ; nf i. T?D |3 V Framboesia: RC 144. 's\\ aiV RAT 64*. Fried^ch's disease: RC 409. Frontal sinus, Diseases of: RF 421. Fruit diet: RM 237. Funeral directors: RA 622. G. Galen: R 126. G 2-8. Gall-bladder Calculi: RC 849. Diseases: RC 849. Surgery: RD 546. Gallic acid (Therapeutics): RM 666.G16. Galvanosurgery: RD 69. Gangrene: RD 628. Military surgery: RD 153. Gas, Illuminating Toxicology: RA 1247.G2. Gaseus poisons Public health: RA 577. Toxicology: RA 1245-7. Gases (Therapeutic use): RM 666.G2. Gastric sedatives: RM 451. Gastritis: RC 831. Gelsemium (Therapeutics) RM 666.G3 Genito-urinary diseases: RC 870-921. Children's diseases: RJ 466-76. Eclectic treatment: RV 281-6. Homeopathic treatment: RX 351-6. Osteopathic treatment: RZ 371-2. Surgery: RD 571-90. Venereal diseases: RC 201-202. Women's diseases: RG. German measles: RC 182. R8. Gingivitis: RK410; RK 381. Glanders: RC 149. Glands, Diseases of: RC 633. uUr Uys, INDEX t 1 Harelip: RD 524. Hashish: RC 371.C2. Hay-fever: RC 743.3c.Yvu>v)tliLV > &py;i5/Yl Homeopathic treatment : RX 326 . H3, Head and neck Abnormities and deformities: RD 763. Diseases: RC 936. Homeopathic symptoms: RX 637. Surgery: RD 521-33. Orthopedic: RD 763. Headache: RC 398. Homeopathic treatment: RX301.H5. Health boards .- General: RA4I*. Reports: RA 11-388. Health foods: RM 258-61. Foods for children: RJ 231. Health resorts, watering places, etc.: RA 791-953. Heart, Diseases of: RC 667-85. Heat as a disinfectant: RA 766. H4. Heat as a remedy: RM 865-67. Heat as cause of death: RA 1101. Heatstroke: RC 400. Hematemesis: RC 840^. Hematocele {sec n Hematology: RB 145. Hematoma Diseases of women: RG 228. ^ ee a ^ names f organs a/ected) ' Hemorrhage H a Y>M a* a p si a. '. R 9 : Surgery: RD 68. Uterine. Labor: RG 711. Pregnancy: RG 573. Puerperal state: RG 821. Hemorrhoids: RC 865. Homeopathic treatment: RX 343. Hemospasia: RM 133. Hemp drugs Intoxications: RC 371. Hereditary diseases: RB 155. Heredity and child culture: RJ 91. Hernia: RD 621-26. Herpes zoster: RL 281. High-frequency currents Electrotherapy: RM 869-881. Hip Deformities: RD 772. Diseases: RD 682. Dislocations: RD 101. ^ Hippocrates: R 126.H4-8. Histology, Pathological: RB 25-33. History, Medical General: R 131-684. Special: See name of subject. Holocain: RE 997. H7. Homatropin: RE 997. H8. Home nursing: RT 61. Homeopathy: RX. Addresses, essays, etc.: RX 78. Biography: RX 61-66. Collections: RX 31-33. .Congresses: RX 21. Dictionaries: RX 41. Directories: RX 46. History: RX 51. Materia medica: RX 601-75. Periodicals: RX 1. Popular works: RX 76. Practice: RX 71-75. Societies: RX 1. Study and teaching: RX 91-101. Schools: RX 101. Surgery: RX 366-67. Systems and compends: RX 71-3. Therapeutics: RX 601-37. Yearbooks: RX 11. (See also names of diseases) Honeys: R6 201.G5. Hookworm disease: RC 248. Horehound (Therapeutics): RM 666. H5. Horns, Cutaneous: RL 427. Hospitals: RA 960-96. Children's: RJ 27-8. Clinical reports: RC 31. Construction: RA 967. Ear: RES; RF6. Eye (and ear): RE 3. Furniture, etc.: RA 968. Gynecological: RG 12-16. Homeopathic: RX 6. Hygiene: RA 969. Insane: RC 439-597. Inspection: RA 971. Management: RA 971. Maternity: RG 16. Military: UH 460-85. Naval: VG 410-50. Orthopedic: RD 705. , . n Periodicals: RA 960. Rules: RA 973. Skin diseases: RL 21. Societies: RA 960. Throat: RES; RF6. Treatises: RA 963-71. 167 INDEX Hospitals Conti nued . Tuberculosis: RC 309. Women's: RG 16. Hot water, Therapeutic use of: RM 253. Hydrotherapy: RM 801-22. Hotels Public health: RA 618. Housing and public health: RA 770. Hydatids: RC 242. Hydriodic acid: RM 666.H7. Hydrocele: RC 898. Hydrocephalus: RC 383.H9. Hydrocyanic acid Disinfectants: RA 766.H8. Therapeutics: RM 666.H8. Toxicology: RA 1242.H9. Hydrogen peroxide Disinfectants: RA 766.H9. Therapeutics: RM 648.H9. Hydrophobia: RC 148. Serumtherapy: RM 771. Hydrotherapy: RM 801-22. Hygiene Departmente of hygiene in colleges: GV 367. Domestic: RA 771. General: RA 418-9. Military: UH 600-655. Naval: VG 470-75. Nursery: RJ 101. Nursing: RT 67. Personal: RA 773-89. Physical training: GV 201-547. Prison: HV 8833-41. Study and teaching: RA 420. Hygiene, Public: RA. Air pollution: RA 576-85. Biography: RA 424.5. Collections: RA 422.5. Comprehensive treatises: RA 425. Congresses: RA 422. Dictionaries: RA 423. Directories: RA 9-10. Disposal of the dead: RA 621-41. Documents: RA 11-388. Epidemics (General): RA 645-53. Essays: RA 436. Expositions: RA 438. History: RA 424. Infectious diseases: RA 643-4. Periodicals: RA 421. Popular works: RA 431. Quarantine: RA 655-758. Hygiene, Public Continued. Sanitary conditions : RA 441-558. Societies: RA 421. Treatises: R A 425-27. Water supply: RA 591-98. Hygiene, Sexual Men: RC 881. Women: RG 121. Hymen (Gynecology) : RG 519. Hyperemia, Artificial: RM 718. Hyperesthesia: RL 731. Hypermetropia: RE 935. Hypertrichosis: RL 431. Hypnotics: RM 376. Hypnotism Anesthetics: RD 86.H9. Therapeutics: RM 917-26. Hypochondria: RC 612. Hypodermic injection: RM 169. Hypophosphites: RM 666.H9. Hypophysis cerebri, see Pituitary body. Hysterectomy: RG 391. Hysteria: RC 403. Ice and public health: RA 599. Ichthyosis: RL 435. Icterus: RC 851. Of the newly-born: RJ 276. Identification of persons Medical jurisprudence: RA 1055. Idiocy: RC 630. Cretinism: RC 657. Imbecility: RC 628. Impetigo: RL 283. Impotence: RC 889. Impregnation, Artificial: RG 136. Incompatibles: RM 143._-.y^ u ^)y^ Industrial medicine: RC 963. Nursing: RT 99. -.\ v. , | Inebriates Hospitals: HV 5275-83. Medical treatment: RC 367-8. Infantile paralysis: RJ 496.P2. Public health: RA 644.P2. Serumtherapy: RM 779. Infantilism: RJ 135. Infants Care and hygiene: RJ 61, 101. Diseases: RJ 254-546. Nutrition: RJ 216. Public hygiene: RA 610. Infection (Theory): RC 114-8. *J. 41 168 INDEX RAWS. Infectious diseases: RC 111-216. Eclectic treatment: RV 221-25. Homeopathic treatment: RX 221-26. Public health: RA 643-4. Inflammation Pathology: RB 13L Treatment: RC 104. Inflammations (Dermatology): RL 201-331. Influence of age in disease: RB 156. Influence of sex in disease: RB 157. Influenza: RC 150. Homeopathic treatment: RX 326.16. Pjiblichealth: RAJ544.I6.. Infusions: RS 20I7D37 Ingluvin: RM 640.16. Inhalation (Therapeutics) : RM 161. Injections Bronchial: RC 734. Enemas: RM 163. Hypodermic: RM 169. Intravenous: RM 170-3. Saline: RM 173. Injuries Eyes: RE 831. First aid: RC 87. Nervous diseases: RC 361. Reparative processes: RD 58. Surgery: RD 131-41. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1121. Insanity: RC 321-58; 435-630. t^wta): Collections: RC 435. History^: RC 599. Hospitals: RC 439-597. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1151. Periodicals, societies: RC 321. Treatises: RC 600-06. Yearbooks: RC 598. Insomnia: RC 406.y l j u ^ v ^,-pgjq5| Intellectual life (Hygiene of): RA 788. Invalidism and intellect: R 703. Intermittent fever: RC 156-66. Intestines Diseases: RC 860-62. Homeopathy: RX 331-36. Surgery: RD 540. Intoxications: RC 364-7L Intraspinal injections: RM 157. Intubation of the larynx: RD 533. Invalidism and intellect: R 703. Hygiene of intellectual life: RA 788. Iodine (Therapeutics): RM 666.16. Ipecacuanha (Therapeutics): RM 666.17. Iris, Diseases of: RE 351. Iron (Therapeutics): RM 666.18. Irritants: RM 581-611. Itch: RC 223. Jaborandi Pharmacy: RS 165.J2. Therapeutics: RM 666. J15. Jaundice: RC 851. Of the newly-born: RJ 276. Jaws Abnormities and deformities: RD 763 Ankylosis: RD 526. Necrosis: RA 1231. P5. |; Surgery: RD 526. Tumors: RD 661. Jequirity: RM 666.J2. Jews Public health: RA 561. Joints, Diseases of: RD 686. Juniperus (Therapeutics): RM 666. J8. Early works: RS 82.J9. Jurisprudence Dental: RK 751. Medical: RA 1001-1171. Ophthalmological: RE 831. K. Kala-azar: RC 236. Kauri: RS 165.K2. Kephir: RM 257.K4. Keratomalacia: RJ 546.K3. Keratosis: RL 435. Kidneys Diseases: RC 902-18. Homeopathic treatment: RX 351-56. Surgery: RD 575. King's touch: RC 296. Kino Pharmacy: RS 165. K5. Therapeutics: RM 666.K5. Kleptomania: RC 614. Knee, Wounds and injuries of: RD 131- 156. Kola (see Cola) Koumiss (see Kumiss) Kumiss Manufacture: TP 565. Medical use: RM 257.K8. Labels, Pharmaceutic: RS 59. Labor hygiene: RA 613. Labor (Obstetrics): RG 651-791. 169 INDEX C-uAar (ta^-Ae * "RC 3n. L4 Lachrymal organs, Diseases of: RE 201-16. Lactation: RJ 216. Artificial: RJ 216. Diseases: RG 861. Lactic acid (Therapeutics): RM 666.L15. Laparotomy: RD 540. Laryngismus stridulus: RC 794. Laryngology: RC 781-96; (RF 541-61). Laryngoscope and laryngoscopy: RC 786. Larynx Diseases: RC 794. Homeopathic treatment: RX 456. Exploration: RC 786. Surgery: RD 533. Tumors: RD 661. U ft ^ ^ IW . Law State medicine General documents: RA 15-388. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1001- 1171. Quarantine: RA 655-758. State control of medicine: RA 393- 405. (See also special subjects, Dentistry, Pharmacy, etc.) Lead Therapeutics: RM 666.L3. Toxicology: RA 1231.L4. Leanness: RC 814. Lecithin: RM 666.L4. Leeches: RM 711. Leg Fractures: RD 101. Surgery: RD 551-53. Legal medicine: RA 1001-1171. Dentistry: RK 751. Ophthalmology: RE 831. Leishman's bodies: RC 238. Lens, Diseases of: RE 401-61. Leprosy: RC 154. Public health: RA 644.L3. Serumtherapy: RM 776. Lethargic encephalitis: RC 141. E6. JLeucemia: RC 643. Leucorrhea: RG 190. Homeopathic treatment: RX 471. Lice as carriers of contagion: RC 117. L6. Licorice: RM 666.L5. Light (Therapeutics): RM 835-844. Limbs, Artificial: RD 756. Lime as a disinfectant: RA 766.L7. Lime preparations (Therapeutics): RM 666.L6. Lips Surgery: RD 524. Tumors: RD 662. Listerine: RM 648.L5. Lithopedion: RG 631. Lithotomy: RD 581. Lithotrity: RD 581. Live birth Medical jurisprudence: RA 1065. Liver Diseases: RC 845-853. Homoepathic treatment: RX 333. Surgery: RD 546. Lizards, Therapeutic use of: RS 163.L7. Lobelia (Therapeutics): RM 666.L7. Locomotive system, Diseases of: RD 680-90. Locomotor ataxia: RC 409. Longevity Hygiene: RA 775-6. Theory, Physiology: QP 85. Lunatic asylums. (See Insane hospitals) Lungs, Diseases of: RC 756-76. (See also name's of diseases') Lupulin (Therapeutics): RM 666. L8. Lupus: RL 650. Lying-in hospitals: RG 12-16. Lymph extracts: RM 800.L9. Lymphatic system, Diseases of: RC 646. M. Magnetic healing: RM 893-906. Mai del pinto: RL 775. Malaria: RC 156-66. Homeopathic treatment: RX 226. M2. Malingering: RA 1146. Malpractice, Medical: R 731. Malt extracts: RM 671.M2. Malta fever: RC 200.TJ5. Mammary glands Diseases: RG 491-99. Disorders of lactation: RG 861. Mania: RC 616. Manicuring: RL 94. Marine hospitals: RA 975; VG 410-50. United States: RA 981. A4 Massage: RM721. Mastitis: RG 499 .M2. Infantile: RJ 286. Puerperal: RG 861. Mastoid process, Diseases of: RF 235. Materia medica: RS 153-85. Dental: RK 701. Eclectic: RV 401-11. 170 INDEX Materia medica Continued Homeopathic: RX 671-5. (Ophthalmological: RE 994-7. u,rse?, wia-nwato:RSI57pediatric: RJ 560. Materia medica and therapeutics: RM 121-127. Maternal impressions (Obstetrics): RG 635. Maternity hospitals: RG 12-16. Measles: RC 168.M4. 5eruw\"b>e.rayy.' Public health: RA 644.M5. MNTH Mechanotherapy: RM 721. Mediastinum, Diseases of: RC 754. Medical botany: QK 99. (See also Vegetable drugs) Medical climatology: RA 791-953. Medical delusions: R Medical ethics: R 724-5. Medical evidence: RA 1056. Medical geography: RA 791-953. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1001-1171. Medical missions: R 722. Medical philosophy: R 723. Medical terminology: R 123. Medicine: R. Addresses: R 708. Collections: R 111-7. Anecdotes, etc.: R 705.2,; Biochemic: RM 130. Bibliography: Z 6658-6676. Biography Collected: R 134. Special: R 153-684. Botanic: RV 1-9. Calendars, etc.: R 104. Chronothermal: RM 131. ' Clerical: RC 89. Clinical: RC 60-69. Collected works: R 111-17. Congresses: R 106. Curiosa: R 706. Dentistry: RK. Dermatology: RL. Dictionaries: R 121. Directories: R 711-13. Documents: RA 11-388. Domestic: RC 80-87. Eclectic: RV. Encyclopedias: R 125. Essays, etc.: R 708-710. Collections: R 111-7. Expositions: R 881. Gynecology: RG. Medicine Continued History: R 131-684. Homeopathy: RX. Indexes (General 1 ) : R 100_ 3e. >u \ *V\ : "R b\ Laboratory reports: R 108. Laryngology: RC 781-96; RF. Law: RA 393-405. (See also the heading Law.) Materia medica: RS 153-85. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1001-1171. Military: RC 65; UH. Museums: R 871-91. Naval: RC 981-86; VG 100-475. Nursing: RT. Opthalmology: RE. Otology: RF. Pastoral: RC 89. Pathology: RB. Pediatrics: RJ. Periodicals: R 11-99. Pharmacy :JRS. 3V\\05O^V^ : H Physico-medical: RM 133. Popular: RC 81. Practice of medicine: RC. Public hygiene: RA. Rhinology: RF. Societies: R 10-99. State medicine: RA. Statistics Reports: RA 11-388. Theory, method, etc.: RA 407-9. Study and teaching: R 735-832. Therapeutics: RM. Treatises: R 129. Early: R 126-28. Tropical: RA 789; RC 960-61. Yearbooks: R101. ~ Medicine as a profession: R 707. Charlatanism: R 730. Ethics: R 724-25. Fees: R 728. Malpractice: R 731. Specialization: R 737. Study: R 735-832. Medicine in art: N 8223. Medicine in literature: PN. Poetry: PN 6110.M3. Medicines, drugs Action of remedies: RM 300-666. Medicines of general action: RM 310-41. C.-T ( * AY vJ : S F bOO 171 INDEX Medicines, drugs Action of remedies Continued Medicines affecting Circulation: RM 411-26. Digestion: EM 451-71, 639-40. Geni to-urinary system: BM 491-531. Nervous system: RM 351-81. Secretions: RM 541-71. Administration: KM 151-76. Antagonisms: RM 300. Analysis: RS 421-31. Dosiology: RM 145. Formularies: RS 125-7. Governmental regulations: RA 401. Incompatibles: RM 143. Patent, Proprietary: RM 671. Pharmacology: RS 187. Experimental: QP 909-81. Prescription writing: RM 139. (See also Pharmacy.) RS. JL ,:. , -nn onn TTK Mediterranean fever: RC 200.U5. Melaena: RC 862. Melancholia: RC 618. Membrana tympani, Diseases of: RF 210. Meninges, Diseases of: RC 381-85. Meningitis: RC 383.C4. Cerebrospinal: RC 124. Menopause: RG 186. Menorrhagia: RG 176. Menstruation, Disorders of: RG 161-186. Homeopathy: RX 467. Physiology: QP 265. Mental diseases: RC 321-58, 435-630. (See Insanity.) tUtou'lRKM* Mental healing: RZ 400-406. Mental hygiene: RA 790. Children: RJ 111. Nervous diseases: RC 351. Mercuric chlorides Disinfectants: RA 766.M5. Mercury Therapeutics: RM 666.M5. Toxicology: RA 1231.M5. Merycism: RC 840. Mesentery, Tumors of: RD 667. Mesmerism (Therapeutics): RM 917-26. Metabolism, Disorders of Pathology: RB 147. - ,M, < Metallotherapy (Metallic tractors): RM 910. Metaphysical healing: RZ 401. Micrognathia: QM 691. Surgery: RD 526. Microscopical examination of drugs: RS441. Midwifery: RG 507-991. Miliary fever: RC 168.M6. Military clinics: RC 65. Military medicine: RC 97JO -W Military hygiene: ,,.,.. ' J B ^ Military surgery: RD Milk and public health: RA 603 Milk depots: RA 610 Milk diet: RM 233 Milk-sickness: RC 168.M7. Mind and body (Medical aspects) : RZ 400. Mental hygiene: RA 788. Mineral waters: RM 674. Artificial: RM 676. Waters of special health resorts: RA 791-953. M '..-.,., ,A \T~ =Dn~?c 1Vl - { " WSlacf>ias: Miscarriage: RG 648. Missed labor (Obstetrics): RG 650. Missions, Medical: R 722. Mixtures: RS 201.M6. Molar pregnancy: RG 591. Mollin: RS 20L03. Monomania: RC 602. Monorchidism: RC 898. Moon (influence on man): RC 602. Moral insanity: RC 620. Morbus Basedowii: RC 656. Morphine Habit: HV 5813- Intoxications: RC 371.06. Therapeutics: RM 666.M8. Toxicology: RA 1238.M8. (See also Opium) Mosquitoes as carriers of disease: RC 116. Mouth WtowkuH sickness: i Diseases: RC 815. Children's: RJ 460-63. Surgery: RD 523-6. Mouth breathing: RC 736. Movement cures: RM 721. Moxa: RM 591. Mucilages: RS 201.G5. Multiple pregnancy: RG 696. Mumps: RC 170. Muscles, Diseases of: RD 688. Museums, Medical General: R 871-91. Special: See name of subject. Mushroom poisons: RA 1238. M9. Musk (Therapeutics): RM 6fiG.M85. Mustard (Therapeutics): RM 666.M9. - 172 INDEX Mustard gas Toxicology: RA 1242.M8. Mycosis (Pharynx): RC 793 (RF 501). Mydriatics: RE 994-97. Myopia: RE 938. Myrrh (Therapeutics): RM 666.M95. Myxedema: RC 657. N. N-ray therapeutics: RM 851. Nails (Manicuring, etc.): RL 94. Nails, Ingrowing: RD 563. Narcotic drugs Habit: RC 369. Government regulation: RA 402. Therapeutics: RM 381. Nasal polypus: RF 391. Nasopharynx, Diseases of: RF 331-410. Adenoid vegetations: RF 399. Tumors: RF 371-99.yNaWropUv/: ou ftyr vA. Naval hygiene: VG 470^75. KA\737tfTi Naval diseases: RC 98 1-86. yf/gy?\ wieai- Naval surgery: RDT51-^00>^ ft! Rt9 3fo Neck Abscesses: RD 642. Diseases: RC 936. Surgery: RD 531. Necrosis: RB 140. Necroscopy: RA 1058. Nephritis: RC 907. Nervous System, Diseases of: RC 321-429. Collections: RC 331-333. Congresses: RCJJ27. ,. ru ^Diagnosis: R Eclectic treatment: RV 2^ Electric treatment: RC 359. Essays: RC 358. Homeopathic treatment: RX 281-301. Hospitals: RC 328. Periodicals: RC 321. Questions: RC 356. Socieites: RC 326. Surgery: RD 593-5. Treatises: RC 340-46. Yearbooks: RC 329. Neuralgia: RC 412. Eclectic treatment: RV 246.N5. Homeopathic treatment: RX 301. N5 Surgery: RD 595. Neurasthenia: RC 415. Neuritis: RC 416. Neuroma: RM 618. Skin diseases: RL 631. Neuropathy: RZ 399.N5. Neuroses: RC 343. Traumatic: RC 361. Newly-born, Diseases of: RJ 254-325. Nicotine Therapeutics: RM 666.T6. Toxicology: RA 1238.N5. Nitric acid (Therapeutics): RM 6G6.N7 Nitrobenzene Toxicology: RA 1242.N5. Noises: RA 772.N7. Nose, Diseases of: RF 331-451. Homeopathic treatment: RX 451. Nosology: RC 96. No^Suvtjfiry ok; RF35ttj V F5VRF45 Nostrums: RM 671. Noxious gases First aid: RC 87.3. Nuisances, Public: RA 576-587. Nursery hygiene: RJ 101. Nursing: RT. Addresses: RT 63. Biography: RT 34-37. Children: RT 91. Congresses: RT 3. Directories: RT 25. Documents: RT 4-17. Essays: RT 63. Ethics: RT 85. Eye, ear, nose, throat: RT 93. Fevers: RT 95. Gynecological: RG 105. History: RT 31. Industrial: RT 99. Infants: RJ 61-253. Insane: RC 440. Laws: RT 4-17. Manuals: RT 41-67. Obstetrical: RG 951. Ophthalmic: RT 93. Periodicals: RT 1. Public health: RT 97. Societies: RT 1. Study and teaching: RT 71-81. Surgical: RD 99. Treatises: RT 41-67. _.* * > M >e.*l\r.*:'RT7/. Nux vomica (Therapeutics): Nmhomania: RC 620. 6. O. Obesity: RC 813. Obstetrics: RG. Addresses: RG 541. Anatomical works: RG 519-20. 173 INDEX Obstetrics Continued Apparatus: RG 545-7. Atlases: RG 520. Biography: RG 509-10. Cases: RG 529. Clinics: RG 16. Collections: RG 507-8. Delusions, deceptions: RG 542. Diagnosis, signs: RG 527, 563. Early works (to 1800): RG 81-93.' Eclectic treatment: RV 365. Essays: RG 541. History: RG 511-8. Homeopathic treatment: RX 476. Hospitals: RG 16. Instruments: RG 545-7. Law and legislation: RG 955-69. Medicines, nostrums: RG 126. Midwives: RG 951-91. Biography: RG 509-10. Law and legislation : RG 955-69. Study and teaching: RG 970-91. Nursing: RG 951. Operative technique: RG 725-91. Periodicals: RG 1. Popular works: RG 525. Gynecology: RG 121. Questions: RG 531. Societies: RG 1. Statistics: RG 530. Study and teaching: RG 141-9; RG 970-91. Surgery: RG 725-91. Tables: RG 526. Treatises: RG 521-5. Early works: RG 81-93. Occupational diseases: RC 964-5. Occupational hygiene: RA 787-88. Occupational neuroses: RC 429. Occupational therapy: RM 735. Occupations for invalids: RT 87. Ocean travel (Hygiene): RA 793-5. Oedema, see Edema. Oesophagus, see Esophagus. Offal and public health: RA 584. P r Officinal substances Animal: RS 162-63. Inorganic: RS 166-67. Vegetable: RS 164-65. Oidiomycoeis: RC 168.O4. Oidium (mouth diseases) : RC 815. Children's diseases: RJ 463. Oils, Essential: RS 201.E7. Ointments: RS 201. 03. Old age, Diseases of: RC 966. . Oleates: RS 201.05. Oleoresins: RS 201. 06. Omen turn, Tumors of: RD 667. Oophoritis: RG 446. fl Open-air treatment: RA 793. Operations, Surgical: RD 32, 66-9. (See Surgery) Ophthalmology: RE. Addresses: RE 61. " Apparatus: RE 75. Biography: RE 31-36. Blindness: RE 91. Collections: RE 14-16. Congresses: RE 11. Dictionaries: RE 21. Directories: RE 22. Early works: RE 41. Eclectic treatment: RV 321-41. Essays: RE 61. Eye Abnormalities: RE 906. Accommodation: RE 925-81. Diseases: RE 96-901. Examination: RE 81-86, 963-69. Inflammation: RE 96. Muscles Anomalies: RE 731-76. Refraction: RE 925-81 Surgery: RE 47. Tumors: RE 891. Eyeglasses: RE 941-81. Eyelids, Diseases of: RE 121-51. History: RE 26-30. Homeopathic treatment: RX 401-31. Hospitals: RE 3. Instruments: RE 75. Iconographies: RE 71. Jurisprudence: RE 998. Lens-making: RE 962. Materia medica: RE 994-7. Nursing: RT 93. Ophthalmia: RE 96. Ophthalmoscopy: RE 86. Periodicals: RE 1. Popular treatises: RE 51. Questions: RE 49. Societies: RE 1. Spectacles: RE 941-81. j?tudy and teaching: RE 56r Therapeutic?rRE~99l" Treatises: RE 45-46. Yearbooks: RE 6. 174 INDEX Opium Habit: HV 5816. Intoxications: RC 371.06. Therapeutics: RM 666.06. Toxicology: RA 1238.07. Opotherapy: RM wfeoo. Opsonins and opsonic index: RM 751. Optic nerve Diseases: RE 701. Tumors: RE 891. Optical instruments Examination of eye: RE 81-6. Tests for refraction: RE 963-5. Trade publications: RE 981. Opticians: RE 925-986. Oral mycology: QR 47. Oral sepsis: RK 305. Oral surgery: RD 523. Organotherapy: RM 799-800. Oriental sore: RL 331. Orificial surgery: RD 567. Orthodontia: RK 521. Orthopedia: RD 701-83. Collections: RD 721. Essays: RD 751. Hospitals: RD 705. Museums: RD 741. Periodicals and societies: RD 701. Treatises: RD 731. Yearbooks: RD 711. Osteoclasis: RD 684. Osteoma . General: RD 651-74. Nasal: RF 399. Osteomalacia: RD 684. Osteomyelitis: RD 684. Osteopathy: RZ. Addresses: RZ 355. Biography: RZ 331-32. Collections: RZ 315-16. Compends: RZ 343. Comprehensive works: RZ 341. Congresses: RZ 313. Essays: RZ 335. History: RZ 321. Periodicals: RZ 301. Questions: RZ 343. Societies: RZ 301. Study and teaching: RZ 337-338. Systems: RZ 341. Treatises: RZ 341. Yearbooks: RZ 311. Osteotomy: RD 684. Otitis External: RF 180. ,-, U Penis, Diseases of: RC 896. Pensions, Medical examinations for: RC 990-1. Pepsin: RM 640.P5. Peptonuria: RC 905. Percussion: RC 76.3. Pericardium Diseases: RC 671. Surgery: RD 536. Pericementum, Diseases of: RK 361-391. Peridental membrane, Diseases of: RK 361-391. Perineum, Rupture of: RG 713. Periodical insanity: RC 624. Periodicals, Medical General: R 11-99. Special: See now /&>c*feri Periosteum, Diseases of: RD 684. Peritoneum, Diseases of: RC 867. Peritonitis: RC 867. Peri typhlitis: RD 542. Personal hygiene: RA 773-789. Pertussis: RC 204. Pessaries: RG 361. Pharmacists: RS. (See Pharmacy) Pharmacognosy: RS 160-7. Pharmacology: RS 187-189. Experimental: QP 909-81. Pharmacy: RS Anecdotes, facetiae: RS 99.5. Biography: RS 71-73. Collections: RS 41-43. Compends: RS 98. Congresses: RS 3. Dictionaries: RS 51. Directories: RS 74-6. Dispensatories: RS 151. Documents: RS 4-17. Eclectic: RV 415-31. 176 INDEX Pharmacy Continued Essays: RS 99. Examination questions: RS 98. Formularies: RS 125-27. History: RS 61-67. Homeopathic: RX 671-5. Jurisprudence: RS 435. Labels: RS 59. Laboratory manuals: RS 93. Materia medica: RS 153-85. Museums: RS 122-123. Outlines, syllabi: RS 98. Periodicals: RS 1. Pharmaceutical chemistry: RS 421-31. Pharmacognosy: RS 160-7. Pharmacology: RS 187. Experimental: QP 909-81. Pharmacopoeias: RS 139-41. Eclectic: RV421. Homeopathic: RX 675. Questions: RS 98. Schools: RS 110-21. Societies: RS 1. Supplies: RS 355-6. Tables, calculations, etc.: RS 57. Treatises: RS 78-98. Weights and measures: RS 57. Yearbooks: RS 21. Pharynx, Diseases of: RC 793. Tumors: RD 661. Phenol Therapeutics: RM 666.P5. Toxicology: RA 1242.C2. Phesin (Therapeutics) RM 666.P6. Phimosis: RC 894. Surgery: RD 590. pj.)^^. Phlegmon: RD 641-42 Phonendoscope: RC 76.3. Phorometer: RE 89.P5. Phosphorus Therapeutics: RM 666.P7. Toxicology: RA 1231.P5. Phototherapy: RM 831-59. Phrenology and medicine: RZ 501. Phthiriasis: RC 225.P5. Phthisis: RC 306-20. Physical culture: GV. Hygiene: RA 781. Therapeutics: RM 721. Physicians Biography General: R 134. Local: R 153-684. Directories: R 711-13. Physicians Continued Medical profession: R 723-31. Ethics: R 724-25. Fees: R 728. Malpractice: R731.pL. Specialization: R737. hV Pigmentary changes: RL 790. Pigments, Blood (Pathology): RB 145. Pills: RS 201.P5. Pinta disease: RL 775. Pituitary body Diseases: RC 658. Placenta (Obstetrics): RG 664. Complications: RG 715. Plague: RC 171-81. Preventive inoculation: RM 781. Public health: RA 644. P7. Plants as sanitary agents: RA 771. Plasters: RS 201.P6. r: RD 118. Pleura, Diseases of: RC 751. Pleurisy: RC 751. Plica polonica: RL 73. Pneumonia: RC 771. Pneumothorax: RC 751. Poisons: RA 1201-60. Government regulation: RA 402. Poliomyelitis: RJ 496.P2. Public health: RA 644.P2. Serumtherapy: RM 779. -p \ | -H c? .11 * J "a 1 1 e vi Pons Varolii Pathology: RC 382. p oft v ?otash, Caustic: RM 666.P82. Potassium bichromate (Therapeutics): RM 666.P83. Potassium bromide (Therapeutics): RM 666.B8. Potassium carbonate (Therapeutics;: RM 666. P85. Pott's disease: RD 690. Powders: RS 201.P8. Practice of medicine: RC Pregnancy: RG 551-591. Premature infants, Treatment of: RJ250. , Prenatal influences: RG 635. Stirpiculture: RJ 91. Prepuce, Diseases of: RC 894. Prescription writing: RM 139. Prescriptions: RS 125-7. Veterinary medicine: SF 915. Presentations (Obstetrics): RG 671-93. <. ; K* 1 8U 28640 21 12 177 INDEX Public \A\D \D- d stasa Preventive inoculation: RM 741-97. Prisms (Ophthalmology) Examination of eye: RE 81-6. iscular anomalies: RE 731-76. ; ognosis: RC 100. Prolapsus uteri: RG 361. Prostate gland Diseases: RC 899. Surgery: RD 587. Prosthetic dentistry: RK 651-666. Psoriasis: RL 321. Psorospermosis: RC 118. Psychoanalysis Nervous diseases: RC 343. Psychology: BF 173. Psychiatry: RC 321-58; 435-630. **?%&'. Psychoses: RC 435-630. Pregnacy: RG 588. Puerperal state: RG 851. Psychotherapy ' K \ Hypnotism: RM 917-26. Mental healing: RZ 400-1. Ptomaine poisoning: RA 1260. Public buildings Public health: RA 616. Public comfort stations: RA 607. _ Public conveyences: RA 614-615. Public health nursing: RT 97. Public health service (U. S.): RA 11. Hospitals: RA 981. A4. Public hygiene: RA. (See Hygiene, Public) Puerperal state: RG 801-871. Convulsions: RG 831. Insanity: RG 851. Septicemia: RG 811. Pulse: RC 74. Purgatives: RM 461. " Purpura (Pathology): RC 661. Homeopathic treatment: RX 309.P9. Pustulanta: RM591. Pyemia: RC 182.S4. Pyloric spasm: RJ 456.P9. Pyrophosphate of iron: RM 666.18. Pyuria: RC 912. Q. Quacks and quackery: R 730. Quarantine: RA 655-758. Quinine Pharmacy: RS 165.C3. Therapeutics: RM 666.C53. R. Rabies: RC 148. Serumtherapy: RM 771. Rademacherism: RM 133. R-. Radiography Medicine: RC 78. Surgery: RD 36. Radiotherapy :-RM 831-59. Dermatology: RL 113. Radium (Therapeutics): Radius, Fracture of: RD 101. Railroad surgery: RD 141. Railroads Public health: RA 615. Ralston health club: RA 776. R-. Rats as carriers of contagion: RC 117.R2. Rectal medication: RM 163. Hi4o Rectum Diseases: RC 864-66. Malformations: RC 866. ^SIS-^Wl^-SAia^^ (die Refraction, Errors of: RE 925-81. - Refrigeration as disinfectant: RA 766. R3. Regional surgery: RD 521-95. Registers, Clinical: RC 66. Relapsing fever: RC 182. R3. Remedies, Action of: KM 300-666. Remedies, Popular Collected prescriptions: RS 127. Domestic medicine: RC 80-7. Rendering works: RA 578. R4. Reporting cases of sickness: RA 404. Resins: RS 201.R4. T< Respiration as a remedy: RM 733. Respiratory system Kes p i rariVw ? AYTI r i'& / ai : 1?d 9 Diseases: RC 705-96. Eclectic treatment: RV 261-66. Homeopathic treatment: RX 321-26. Surgery: KD 533-6. Rest cure: RM 736. Resurrectionists: RA 641. Retina, Diseases of: RE 551-661. Retinoscopy: RE 965. ^U*pWi A -.R*iAsig c hool8, Medical: R 735-832. j . .Sciatica: RC 420. ScKk,VJ, aW- Sclera, Diseases of: RE 811. "RD 35". S^. Scleroderma: RL 451. Scorbutus: RC 663. 5celfo?,ts;KDTTI. Scrofula: RC 295. Scrotum, Diseases of: RC 897. Scurvy: RC S63. Sea air: RA 794. Sea- water (Therapeutic use): RM 819. Seasickness: RC 421. Homeopathic treatment: RX 301.84. Sebaceous glands, Diseases of: RL 131. \DlOCn >n\t VtvyvC-O {ft S '. 179 Secret medicines: RM 671. Sedatives: RM 411. Sedentary workers, Hygiene for: RA 788 Self-purification of streamp: RA 591. Semeiology: RC 69. Senna Pharmacy: RS 165.S4. Therapeutics: RM 666.S4. Septic sore throat: RC 182.S3. Septicemia Infectious diseases: RC 182.S4. Puerperal state: RG 811. Sepulture: RA 625. Serum diagnosis: RB 146. Serums: RM 751. Serumtherapy: RM 739-798. Sewage disposal (Public health) : RA 585 Sewing machines (Hygiene): RA 787. Sex (Legal medicine): RA 1141. Sex and disease: RB 157. Sexual hygiene Men: RC 881. Women: RG 121. Sexual organs, Diseases of: RC 870-921. Venereal diseases: RC 201-202. Shellfish Public health: RA 602.S6. Shingles (Herpes zoster): RL 281. Shock, Surgical: RD 59. Shoulder Diseases: RD 686-8. Dislocation: RD 101. Tumors: RD 664. Signatures, Doctrine of: R 133. Silver nitrate (Therapeutics): RM 666.S5 Six hundred and six ("606"): RM 666.A75. Skiascopy: RE 965. Skin diseases: RL. (See Dermatology) Skin-grafting: RD 121. Skull, Surgery of: RD 529. Slaughter-houses and public health: RA 578.A6. Sleep (Hygiene): RA 786. Sleeping sickness: RC 246. (See also Encephalitis, Lethargic.) Smallpox: RC 183. Hospitals: RC 183. Public health measures: RA 644.S6. Vaccination: RM 783-87. Smelters Public health: RA577.S5. INDEX Snake venom: RA 1242.S6. Physiology: QP 941. Societies, Medical General: R 10-99. Special (see name of subject) Sodium benzoate, Physiological effect of: QP 917.S7, 981.P8. Softening of the brain: RC 383.S7. Soil moisture and disease: RA 570. Soil pollution: RA 587. Solutions: RS 201. S6. Soured milk: RM 234. Spasms: RC 392. (See Convulsions) Spearmint (Therapeutics): RM 666.S55. Spectacles: RE 940-981. Speculum (Gynecology): RG 109. Speech, Disorders of: RC 423. Spermatic cord, Diseases of: RC 898. Spermatoirhea: RC 890. Homeopathic treatment: RX 356. S7 Popular works: RC 881. Sphenoidal sinus, Diseases of: RF 421. Sphygmograph, Sphygmomanometer: RC74. 61 *' Spma bifida: RC 385. K V 8 5 S j _ . , , &ftv*\ *iiuWbl Spinal cord Diseases: RC 385. Surgery: RD 593. Spinal irritation: RD 690. Spine Abnormities and deformities: RD 771. Diseases: RD 690. TYtatfe^A; TUJW. Spirillosis: RC 112. Spleen, Diseases of: RC 649. Splints (Surgery): RD 113. Spondylotherapy: RZ 399.S7. Sporotrichosis: RC 132.S6.- ISMJit. Sputum: RB 51. Stables and public health: RA 582. Stammering: RC 424. Starvation (Legal medicine): RA 1116. State medicine: RA Directories: RA 9-10. Documents: RA 11-388. Hospitals: RA 960-996. Medical jurisprudence: RA 1001-1171. Medical statistics Reports: RA 11-388. Theory, method, etc.: RA 407-409. Public hygiene: RA 421-770. Quarantine: RA 655-758. State control of medicine: RA 393-405. Statistics, Medical Reports: RA 11-388. Theory, method, etc.: R A 407-9. Steam as a disinfectant: RA 766. S8. Steel (Therapeutics): RS 85-6. Sterility Male: RC 889. Female: RG 201. Stethoscope: RC 76.3.' --- ^ Still-birth: RG 631. Stimulants: RM421. Stirpi culture: RJ 91. Stomach Diseases: RC 816-40. Homeopathic treatment: RX 332. Surgery: RD 540. Stomachics: RM 451. Stomach-pump: RC 819. Stomatitis: RC 815. Children's: RJ 463. Strabismus: RE 771. Straw itch: RC 225.S8. Strangulation (Legal medicine): RA 1081. Stricture: RC 892. Strychnine ^V Therapeutics: RM 666.S8. Toxicology: RA 1238. S8. Suffocation (Legal medicine): RA 1076. Suggestive therapeutics: RM 917-26. Suicide: RA 1136. Sulphur Disinfectants: RA 766.S9. Therapeutics: RM 666.S9. Summer diseases: RA 793; RC 811. Sun-baths: RM 843. Sunstroke: RC 400. Suppuration: Pathology: RB 131. Surgery: RD 641-642. Suprarenal bodies, Diseases of: RC 659. Surgery: RD Addresses: RD 47. Anesthetics: RD 79-86. Asepsis, antisepsis: RD 91-96. Atlases: RD 41. 9 Cases, clinics: RD 34. Collections: RD 11-14. Diagnosis: RD 35-36. Dictionaries: RD 17. Eclectic surgery: RV 301-11. Essays: RD 47. Experimental surgery: RD 61. History: RD 19-27. \oy t INDEX c.a. Surgery Continued Homeopathic surgery : RX 366-376. Hospitals: RA 960-96. Clinical reports: RC 31. : RD 705. Instruments: RD 71-76. Military surgery: RD 151-500. Naval surgery: RD 151-500. Nursing: RD 99. Operative: RD 32. Technique: RD 66-69. Orthopedic: RD 701-83. Pathology: RD 57. Periodicals: RD 1. Questions: RD 37. Regional surgery: RD 521-95. Societies: RD 1. Technique: RD 66-69. Therapeutics: RD 51. Treatises: RD 30-33. Yearbooks: RD 9. (See also special organs. ) Surgical diseases: RD 601-690. Sutures: RD 73. S8. Sweat glands, Diseases of: RL 141. Sweating sickness: RC 168.M6. Swedish gymnastics: RM 721. Symphyseotomy: RG 791. Symptomatology: RC 69. Syphilis: RC 201. Serumtherapy: RM 788. Syphilization: RM 788. Syrups: RS 201.S8. T. ablets, Medical: RS 201. T2. (Therapeutics): RM 666.T15. Tapeworms: RC 241. Tarantism: RC 426. Tartar emetic: RM 666.T2. Tea (Alimentation): RM 240. Teeth, Diseases of: RK 301^80. (See also Dentistry) Tellurium Toxicology: RA 1231 .T4. Temperament and disease: RB 150-1. Temperature: RC 75. Tendons, Diseases of: RD 688. Tenotomy: RD 66. Terebinthina (Therapeutics): RM 666.T9. Testicle Abnormities and deformities: RC 898. Diseases: RC 898. Tetanus: RC 185. Public Health: RA 644.T4. Serumtherapy: RM 791. Tetany: RC 427. Theine (Therapeutics): RM 666.T35. Therapeutics: RM Addresses: RM 135. Collections: RM 30-31. Dictionaries: RM 36. Eclectic: RV 401-11. Essays: RM 135. History: RM 41-17. Homeopathic: RX 601-37. Materia medica and therapeutics: RM 121-7. Periodicals: RM 1. Philosophic principles: RM 91. Questions: RM 126. Societies: RM 1. Treatises: RM 77-127. Yearbooks: RM 16. (See also names of special methods and Medical: RC Thermotherapy: RM 865-67. Thomsonianism: RV 1-9. Thoracic duct, Diseases of: RC 646. Throat, Diseases of: RC 781-96. Homeopathic treatment: RX 456. Laryngology: (RF 1-91; RF 471-561). Thrombosis: RC 691. Brain: RC 383.T5. Ear: RF 228 Eye: RE 651. Puerperal state: RG 825. Thrush (Mouth disease): RC 815. Children's: RJ 463. Thymol (Therapeutics): RM 666.T5. Thymus gland Diseases: RC 652. Diseases of children: RJ 416.T5. Surgery: RD 534. Thyroid gland Diseases: RC 655. Surgery: RD 534. Tic: RC431. Tick-fever: RC 225.T5. Ifc. J 24.5 7, Tinctures: RS 201 .T6. Tinea (Vegetable parasites): RL 780. Tobacco (Therapeutics): RM 666.TG. Tobacco habit: RC371.T6. Toes, Abnormities and deformities of: RD 781. Toilet: RA 778. '" 181 INDEX suts n 4 av*u%Vi RtWb Ml Tongue, Diseases of: RC 815. Tonics: RM 341. Tonsils, Diseases of: RC 796. Homeopathic treatment: RX 326.T6. Torula infection: RC 186 .T7. Toxicology: RA 1195-1260. Trachea Diseases: RC 794; (RF 561). Homeopathic treatment RX 456. Exploration: RC 786. Surgery: RD 533. Trachoma: RE 321. Infantile: RJ 296. Tractors, Metallic: RM 910. Trained nurses: RT. See Nursing. Transfusion (Therapeutics): RM 170-76. Transitory insanity: RC 624. Traumatic fever: RC 106. Traumatism: RD 131. Treatises, Medical General: R 126-29. Practice of medicine: RC 41-6. Special: See name of subject. Trench fever: RC 186. T8. Trephining: RD 529. Trichinosis: RC 244. Trinitrotolune Toxicology: RA 1242.T7. Triplets: RG 696. Tropical hygiene Military: UH 611. Personal: RA 789. Tropical medicine: RC 960-1. Trunk, Deformities of: RD 766. Trusses (Surgery) General: RD 73. T8. Hernia: RD 625-26. Trypanosomiasis: RC 246. Tsetse-flies and disease : RC 246. Tuberculin: RM 796. Tuberculosis: RC 306-20. Congresses: RC 307. Eclectic treatment: RV 235.T8. Exhibitions: RC 307. History: RC 310. Homeopathic treatment: RX 226.T8. Periodicals: RC 306. Public health: RA 644. T7. Sanatoria: RC 309. Serumtherapy: RM 796, Societies: RC 306. (For tuberculosis of special organs, see names of organs affected.) Tumors: General: RD 651-77. Eclectic treatment: RV 311. Homeopathic treatment: RX 376. Special Abdomen: RD 667. Brain: RD 663r Breast, Female: RG 497. Chest: RD 667. Ear (external): RF 167. Ear (middle): RF 240-45. Extremities: RD 674. Eye: RE,891. Fallopian tubes: RG 433. Head and neck: RD 661. Kidneys: RC 918.T8. Mammary glands: RG 497. Nose: RF 371-99. Ovaries: RG 461-77. Pharynx: RC 793. r Ston^bTRiym^ Md Trunk: RD 664. Uterus: RG 371-81. Vagina: RG 257. Turpentine (Therapeutics): RM 666.T9. Twins: RG 696. Typhlitis: RC 862. Typhoid fever: RC 187-97. Homeopathic treatment: RX 226.T8. Public health measures: RA 644.T8. Serumtherapy: RM 797. Typhus fever: RC 199. Public health: RA 644. T9. u - Ulcers: RD 631. TT vv j ,, a x Umbilical cord (Obstetrics): Umbilicus, Diseases of: RJ 316. Uncinariasis: RC 248. Undertakers and undertaking: RA 622. Underwear (hygiene) : RA 779. Undulant fever RC 200.U5. Uva-n/'u^ Uremia: RC 915. j; x ]